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Dashing Don
02-25-07, 18:22
Interesting report but WTF does TJ have to do with AC?The report is not about TJ. Its about crooked cops and my take on how to deal with them. I believe its applicable in AC, TJ, BKK, etc.

02-26-07, 00:20
We all have to realize that many guys do not use condoms with these ladies. These guys are usually the ones who travel about to all of the countries. Whatever these guys caught in one country, they will spread it to someone else in another country.

I see more photos without condoms then with. I oftentimes see guys bragging on how they went "bareback". I dont believe its easy to catch an STD like HIV, but if a guy has sex with over 100+ different women in a year all over asia then the remote odds seem to increase exponentially.

Its nice to do it without a condom. Doing it with someone you just started dating back in your home country is one thing. Usually that date is someone who doesnt have sex everynight with "mongers". However, doing it with a prostitute who has had sex with countless guys (Guys who have had sex with countless prostitutes I might add) is simply asking for a disease.

So to sum it up for everyone here. Yes, there are diseases in these countries and if you dont wear condoms then you will get something at some point in time. For myself, I got lucky and all I went through was flaming urination. There are lots of other diseases with different consequences. If you dont want to deal with the conseuqences, then use condoms.

While reading the recent posts it seems to me that a number of bargirls spread STD's although all of them have a weekly check-up, or am I wrong?! Bad enough and also a little strange as even an ordinary nurse can detect at least gonorrhea and chlamydia easily. Maybe their weekly health control is worthless?

Folks, I think we need to find asap a store that sells "really reliable condoms". The stuff sold at Seven Eleven ("Trust") breaks namely in 3 out of 5 cases! Has anybody got the same experience?

Cheers - Hesekiels

02-26-07, 03:50
While reading the recent posts it seems to me that a number of bargirls spread STD's although all of them have a weekly check-up, or am I wrong?! Bad enough and also a little strange as even an ordinary nurse can detect at least gonorrhea and chlamydia easily. Maybe their weekly health control is worthless?

Folks, I think we need to find asap a store that sells "really reliable condoms". The stuff sold at Seven Eleven ("Trust") breaks namely in 3 out of 5 cases! Has anybody got the same experience?

Cheers - HesekielsYeah, be careful with local condoms, especially with that flavored shot called ``Trust``. Yes, once it broke right in the moment of climax and it broked totally in pieces.

Another time I had this surprise with those green oily local condoms.

Best bring your own reputable supply !

02-26-07, 04:39
Krum Lov,

I got it on my penis, I assumed that since she was working at the internet cafe that she was not a bar-girl, meaning that I assumed she wasn't going with mongerers, however, that was a mistake on my side.

I don't know if she got the chlamydia from a genuine bf or if she was servicing mongerers on the side of her internet job, but, at any rate, it taught me my lesson to put on the rain coat regardless of where she is working.

She's a good looking lady, so I'm sure many other guys were trying to get her in bed, and since the internet cafe was on fields, then chances are she took a few offers.

Play it safe gentlemen.

Pete The Beat
02-26-07, 05:22
My first trip I used a condom all the time, but on this last trip when I started using viagra and was horny all the time I slipped up and only used one every now and then. When I got back to Oz I was feeling a bit crook with a touch of flu or cold and started thinking the worst thoughts. I've had the clap once before many years ago and can still remember the pain in my dick - just not worth the risk!

But this time I got lucky and now after almost 2 months back I know I'm okay. But the worry about the stupidity of the risk I was taking has made me swear to myself that next trip I will be covered up each time - well maybe the BJs I'll take a chance!

The odds are stacked against us my friends in places like AC and Manila - bareback is playing russian roulette with your dick!

Try to think with the big head not the little one!

My 2 cents worth anyway!



Pute Nut
02-26-07, 11:39
Actually, chlamydia has no symptoms in 80% of the people affected. The test they would have to run weekly on all the girls would cost quite a bit of money, so I'm assuming the clinics do a visual and maybe a smar that doesn't go anywhere but the trash (cost effective). Remember, it's a requirement to be tested in order for the girls to hold their entertainment license. So they go weekly and get the once over. Who says the clinics are actually doing their jobs? In the States it takes 3 to 7 days for results to come back. Imagine how many mongers a girl can infect in that amount of time? It's really simple, cover that rascal up or pay the consequences.

Always on the Quest

Yella ManIf a girl has a problem she will be put on appropriate medication and flagged for extra screening upon subsequent visit(s) or taken out of action if deemed necessary. Hygiene is doing a good job given their limited resources IMO.

Pute Nut
02-26-07, 11:48
Folks, I think we need to find asap a store that sells "really reliable condoms". The stuff sold at Seven Eleven ("Trust") breaks namely in 3 out of 5 cases! Has anybody got the same experience?

Cheers - HesekielsGet OKAMOTO condoms. You can find them in pharmacies such as Watsons in SM and even in Nice & Nawty on Fields if memory serves. Okamoto is a Japanese brand designed primarily for Japanese/Asian users, so sizes vary and you might want check package for size of the particular type before buying, especially if your member requires XL. Durex brand is also available (along with several others) but the sensation is really inferior to that of Okamotos IMO.

Avoid Trust, a cheap "local" brand (actually mfd in Malaysia). It has quality problems and a dick-limping rubber smell.

Another tip for condom buyers in Phil: Try to purchase them from a reputable, airconditioned shop if possible. Or better yet, stock up on condoms before you come here. Watsons in HK, for instance, carries many more Okamoto styles and last time Watsons HK even gave me a free gift. (Not one of the kind that keeps on giving..it was actually a condom carrying case. )

02-26-07, 13:13
Krum Lov,

I got it on my penis, I assumed that since she was working at the internet cafe that she was not a bar-girl, meaning that I assumed she wasn't going with mongerers, however, that was a mistake on my side.

I don't know if she got the chlamydia from a genuine bf or if she was servicing mongerers on the side of her internet job, but, at any rate, it taught me my lesson to put on the rain coat regardless of where she is working.

She's a good looking lady, so I'm sure many other guys were trying to get her in bed, and since the internet cafe was on fields, then chances are she took a few offers.

Play it safe gentlemen.So working in the internet cafe, you could say she had a virus. I wonder if she picked it up there.

X Man
02-26-07, 15:31
Krum Lov,

Please give us a name or at least the cafe name. I find it hard to believe you'd want to protect the identity of someone who gave you? (Oh, is here a name for that?)


Krum Lov,

I got it on my penis, I assumed that since she was working at the internet cafe that she was not a bar-girl, meaning that I assumed she wasn't going with mongerers, however, that was a mistake on my side.

I don't know if she got the chlamydia from a genuine bf or if she was servicing mongerers on the side of her internet job, but, at any rate, it taught me my lesson to put on the rain coat regardless of where she is working.

She's a good looking lady, so I'm sure many other guys were trying to get her in bed, and since the internet cafe was on fields, then chances are she took a few offers.

Play it safe gentlemen.

02-26-07, 22:39
Get OKAMOTO condoms. You can find them in pharmacies such as Watsons in SM and even in Nice & Nawty on Fields if memory serves. An excellent hint, brother! I'll try to get OKAMOTO's when I'm there in 5 weeks time!



Krum Lov
02-27-07, 11:28

You need to ask Vrrrroom that. He's the one who told the story, not me.


02-27-07, 23:18
But this time I got lucky and now after almost 2 months back I know I'm okay. But the worry about the stupidity of the risk I was taking has made me swear to myself that next trip I will be covered up each time - well maybe the BJs I'll take a chance!

The odds are stacked against us my friends in places like AC and Manila - bareback is playing russian roulette with your dick!

Try to think with the big head not the little one!Hi PTB,

Just a bit of friendly information. HIV seroconversion can happen around 6 months after exposure (meaning tesing for the first 6 months might be negative). Not trying to scare you, just passing on info. Bacterial infections would have already shown up by now.


02-28-07, 02:55
when I'm there in 5 weeks time!See you then, Heze!

My flight is confirmed.

By the way, my last trip on CNY was tremendous, mostly in Perimeter bars.
Arrived for 5 nights with 400USD, at the end I was almost running outta cash.

Heavy flow of beers for me and ladydrinks and BJ's.

And BF of course. :D


Pute Nut
02-28-07, 07:32

Just a bit of friendly information. HIV seroconversion can happen around 6 months after exposure (meaning tesing for the first 6 months might be negative). Not trying to scare you, just passing on info. -MActually that's a bit outdated. Modern HIV tests will detect HIV antibodies w/in 30 days for most people and max 3 months for (almost) all. If you're worried and have the money regular test + PCR-DNA HIV will detect it from day one, basically.



02-28-07, 07:47
PCR-DNA HIV will detect it from day one, basically.Day one is a bit optimistic IMHO, better say day-3 onwards. But it's true, PCR detects the virus itself and doesn't need any antibodies.

These 3-6 months often being told are those with old Elisa and Western Blot tests from the 80ies and 90ies.

Stay safe!


Pute Nut
02-28-07, 08:08
Day one is a bit optimistic IMHO, better say day-3 onwards. But it's true, PCR detects the virus itself and doesn't need any antibodies.
These 3-6 months often being told are those with old Elisa and Western Blot tests from the 80ies and 90ies.

Stay safe!

Cheers!You're right, better err on the safe side...additionally there may be some days in between where it may go undetected. A negative re-test @ 3 months can be regarded as conclusive though.

Krum Lov
02-28-07, 12:45

Just a few questions:

1) When getting BJs in a places like black pearl, etc, will girls always allow CIM, or should it be insisted on before hand?

2) Cost is 500P, correct? any chance of slight discounts?

3) Is 500P session just one pop, or for 1-2 hrs and numerous pops?

4) Anyone had 2 girls who also play with each other? is that a possibility?

5) Last, is it safe walking around santos ave and fields during daylight hours and early evening? completely safe, right?



Bill Buxton
03-01-07, 11:34
I would say yesfor themost part if you have a lit area you are ok.The lower end of santos st is not agood idea after dark.The street just after wild orchid resort is a no no after dark.The street runs the same side as the resort and ends at the mcarther hw, next to johnnys supermarket.The gals dont even go that way after sundown.

Honkeytonk bar is a good place to stay away from anytime.The gals are not looking for love just getting your cash by hook or crook.The mummasang went to jail two nights ago because she hit a foreigner in the head.The police tookher away in the van and the foreigner went up the street with no complications.

The place is known for ripoffs and overcharging when you have had more than enough to drink.I know a guy that lost his phone there and a large sum of cash to boot.Do what you want but the place is not good.Check out the A-C2 website for more info.

The best deal waslast night a friend of the guy that got slapped got his revenge.He lobed a plasticbag of human waste inside the bar covering the mummasung.WOW,I bet she will thinkbefore she beats down a foreigner again.


03-01-07, 16:40
1. CIM is par for the course, better ask anyway. My last visit (Heaven Bar) the babe saw a bag of candy in my room, I take little performance enhancing gifts with me, and I told her I would give her a gift if she performed well. She actually tried to suck the excess cum from my dick.

2. Ordinarily 500p for short time + tip.

3. Negotiable.

4. Negotiable, had two work on me, then do some playg with each other. Again, get it all straight befoe you pay. To me, that convesation is half the fun.

5. I have been there at 2pm and 4am - no problem. However, I would not go beyond the Wild Orchid.


Just a few questions:

1) When getting BJs in a places like black pearl, etc, will girls always allow CIM, or should it be insisted on before hand?

2) Cost is 500P, correct? any chance of slight discounts?

3) Is 500P session just one pop, or for 1-2 hrs and numerous pops?

4) Anyone had 2 girls who also play with each other? is that a possibility?

5) Last, is it safe walking around santos ave and fields during daylight hours and early evening? completely safe, right?

You may want to give "Shandra" at the Black Pearl a try - nice looking, fun, and knows her trade.

Krum Lov
03-01-07, 17:14
Thanks Bill and Billpsu. Apprecaited. Wow, sounds like the area around and beyond wild orchid is pretty dodgy. Tho I notice black pearl is in that section. Also, was thinking about staying at the central park hotel, which is sort of in that area. Do you think that hotel is ok?

Billspu, when you said you had candy in your room, she went back to your hotel room? Or you got BJ in back room of heaven bar? If in hotel room, it was 500P for one shot? Also, with your experience with 2 girls, were they genuinely enjoying each other, or was their lesbian act more an "act"?



Bill Buxton
03-02-07, 01:50

You get what you pay for in the santos area.The good thing is they all want the cash and its a great place to startthe day with a bj for stres preasure reduction.The quality is not as high as fields in most cases but verry passable.Be careful of the street action and keep your cash close tothe vest in the shorttime bars also.The small hands are allways moving is search of your stash.

The shorttime prices are good in the area and you can get some numbers out of the gals for hotel service later on.


03-02-07, 05:12

Just a few questions:

1) When getting BJs in a places like black pearl, etc, will girls always allow CIM, or should it be insisted on before hand?

2) Cost is 500P, correct? any chance of slight discounts?

3) Is 500P session just one pop, or for 1-2 hrs and numerous pops?

4) Anyone had 2 girls who also play with each other? is that a possibility?

5) Last, is it safe walking around santos ave and fields during daylight hours and early evening? completely safe, right?1. CIM is part of the course, . Nobody is announcing them. Some are anticipating but most don't. Taking them by surprise is part of the fun.

2. Are you joking? Are you going to negotiate 2-3 buks?

3. Yes, if you can have 2-3 pops within 30 min. Practically you cannot have. So 1 its enough. For the Perimeter area, instead of 700 ST you can upgrade to 1000 LT as have as many pops as you want within 24h.

4. Not really, you can take them but they are acting if anything

5. Generally safe. Yes

Last note: personally I would not BBJ on Santos. ! . Not even on Perimeter. Although I did it here and there! The girls on Santos are at the bottom of the lad.

Pute Nut
03-02-07, 11:22
Thanks Bill and Billpsu. Apprecaited. Wow, sounds like the area around and beyond wild orchid is pretty dodgy. Tho I notice black pearl is in that section. Also, was thinking about staying at the Central Park hotel, which is sort of in that area. Do you think that hotel is ok?Central Park (at almost P 1700) is certainly aimed at the price-wise Santos BJ connaisseur. If memory serves they even give out discount coupons redeemable on Santos "100 P off on any BJ + guaranteed CIM" :)

03-02-07, 11:27
I agree with this report, although I do believe the S/T fare is $600 on Santos with usually no discount !True. It's 600ps nowadays.


Krum Lov
03-02-07, 12:36
600P? Damn. And that's strictly just one shot, or is that for a couple over an hour or so?

Looks like I'm finally coming to angeles for 1st time soon, so sorry for all the questions. Does anyone recommend an actual BJ shop in fields/santos that has better-than-average service? And a shop that has girls who'll touch each other if I take 2 girls?

And on a different note, is there a good restaurant in that area that has good steaks/western food? (no asian, since I live in asia).

Pute, are you saying that 1700P is cheap for hotel in that area? That's actually expensive for me! Any comment on actual hotel? Is it ok?

Finally, how much is taxi from clark airport to santos? Are they metered? How long is the drive? And should I arrange a hotel car to pick me up instead of taxi?

Cheers, and thnx!


Krum Lov
03-02-07, 12:39
Sorry, another thing: Can anyone recommend a really good legit, non-sexual massage place? Maybe even one of those blind people ones? And if so, how much/location?

Thanks again.

03-02-07, 22:53
See you then, Heze! My flight is confirmed.Yeah, Ekspat, indeed great to know that you will be around as well! I look, however, forward to meeting you again!

So, my friend, simply let's continue with our daily standard program then (1 pm: breakfast / 3 pm: bbbj in Perimeter Road / 8 pm: dinner / until 1 am: barhopping at Fields, then: bedroom olympics / breakfast, etc. and inbetween plenty of SM beer!), ok? Life can be so easy!

See you soon,


03-03-07, 04:26
Krum Lov,

Please give us a name or at least the cafe name. I find it hard to believe you'd want to protect the identity of someone who gave you? (Oh, is here a name for that?)

XHer name was Rita Guzman.

I don't remember the name of the cafe.

Silly Fool
03-03-07, 12:01
600P? Damn. And that's strictly just one shot, or is that for a couple over an hour or so?

Looks like I'm finally coming to angeles for 1st time soon, so sorry for all the questions. Does anyone recommend an actual BJ shop in fields/santos that has better-than-average service? And a shop that has girls who'll touch each other if I take 2 girls?

And on a different note, is there a good restaurant in that area that has good steaks/western food? (no asian, since I live in asia).

Pute, are you saying that 1700P is cheap for hotel in that area? That's actually expensive for me! Any comment on actual hotel? Is it ok?

Finally, how much is taxi from clark airport to santos? Are they metered? How long is the drive? And should I arrange a hotel car to pick me up instead of taxi?

Cheers, and thnx!

KrumTry Kokomo's aka Mo's place-lots of yummy chicken dishes, meatballs, Aussie rissoles, American style brgers, real French fries- actually some of the best food i have had in Asia.They can also do western style breakfast too.

Krum Lov
03-03-07, 13:26
Looks like I'm only going to make it for 2 nights, damn. So was thinking, since I don't like noisy/smoky bars/dancing, and favor the BJ bars/hole in walls, would I be better just staying in perimeter section, where there are BJ places like illusions/club Rio/nifty's? Is that are cheaper for BJs than santos in main town? If so how much?

Also, has anyone stayed at hana, appartelle royal, marlim mansion or premiere hotel? If so, your comments? And are they near illusions/club Rio/nifty's BJ bars?

Last, is field/santos are closer to airport, or is perimeter rd closer?

Thnx once again,


Qiao Han
03-03-07, 14:04
Does anyone recommend an actual BJ shop in fields/santos that has better-than-average service? And a shop that has girls who'll touch each other if I take 2 girls?

And on a different note, is there a good restaurant in that area that has good steaks/western food? (no asian, since I live in asia)...Finally, how much is taxi from clark airport to santos? Are they metered? How long is the drive? And should I arrange a hotel car to pick me up instead of taxi?

KrumMy favorite BJ shops are Black Pearl or Honky Tonk. Also say hi to my buddy Mary Ann at Club Rio off Perimeter. Girls vary but most pretty good. Best western food at good prices is definitely Margarita Station on Fields. Private taxi from the airport to Fields is 200p, less for minivan with several people.

03-03-07, 19:11
Sorry, another thing: Can anyone recommend a really good legit, non-sexual massage place? Maybe even one of those blind people ones? And if so, how much/location?

Thanks again.One massage is by the Philippina Casino and the best is in the SM mall. Both are 500 peso. The One by the Casino is called Golden Massage I believe and they are just a little bit rough for my taste. The other is in the mall and is really good. Hope this helps . 500 peso for each.

Sailor Man

03-04-07, 23:50
Looks like I'm only going to make it for 2 nights, damn. So was thinking, since I don't like noisy/smoky bars/dancing, and favor the BJ bars/hole in walls, would I be better just staying in perimeter section, where there are BJ places like illusions/club Rio/nifty's? Is that are cheaper for BJs than santos in main town? If so how much?

Also, has anyone stayed at hana, appartelle royal, marlim mansion or premiere hotel? If so, your comments? And are they near illusions/club Rio/nifty's BJ bars?

Last, is field/santos are closer to airport, or is perimeter rd closer?

Thnx once again,

KrumEverything is relatively close together. Is it that you are on a budget?

As to airport, are you flying out of Clark or Manila? If so, it is not really going to matter where you stay, but Perimeter Area is a little closer.

If you stay at Apartelle Royal, ask for rooms 1-5. Inexpenxive places like Patio, Cold Drop Inn, Sunset Gardens, Clarkton are near Perimeter Bars. DM Residente(chreap), Royal Apartelle is near Field/Santos.

My favorite Perimeter bars are: Gentleman's Club, Nasty Duck, Thigh Hi's (you can short time in back room).

03-04-07, 23:59
I agree with this report, although I do believe the S/T fare is $600 on Santos with usually no discount !I've stopped in when things were slow and gotten 500 pesos. Just have a take it or leave it attitude. I disagree that the girls here at the bottom. Things change and you can find some nice looking girls here sometimes. Make going to these bars part of your routine. Just stop for a beer and don't plan on taking someone, just socialize. There are no lady drinks here, so there is no pressure. Now and then there is a new girl that is very appealing.

Bill Buxton
03-05-07, 00:28
One cop shot dead and another on his way out in a foiled hold up in AC.The area is mountianview and this is the way you go to city hall.The story is a hold up of a van was stopped by police with one cop shot dead at the scene and another in bad shape on the way to the hospital.Not many details available but this is what we do know at this time.Updates later.

Keep your whits about you and play safe.


X Man
03-05-07, 03:02
Are you kidding? The Santos girls are hideous. Take a look at this one for example. I found her hanging out with the Firestone gays. I met her as Carla and later saw her at a pen pal site as Irish.

That would be a hell of a thing. Meet a girl online, marry her, and then find her picture here explaining that she used to give $10 blowjobs in AC.


I disagree that the girls here at the bottom.

Jimbo 69
03-05-07, 04:54
I have seen lots lof reports about hotels in AC. I am looking for one in or near the action that is girl friendly with a Jacuzzi in room. I dont want to pay 100-150 a night but am not looking for a cheap $20 place either. Also was is the bet way for transfortation from Manila? Taxi Rates? I have also seen mentioned Fly the Bus. What is this about.

Any help is appreciated I will be traveling the end of April and will be looking for some drinking buddies.


X Man
03-05-07, 05:17
Jimbo, I just posted in the Manila section. You will find some answers to your questions.

X Man

03-05-07, 05:20
club Rio/nifty's? Is that are cheaper for BJs than santos in main town? If so how much?
Santos Rd is cheaper than Perimeter bars.

Last, is field/santos are closer to airport, or is perimeter rd closer?
Perimeter is closer to DMIA, but it doesn't matter. There isn't any metered taxi, they'll charge 200ps from both places and for walking it's way to far.

Man, if you're on such a tight budget, is it fun to travel at all?
You might consider rainy season, at that time there are some discounts here and there.

03-05-07, 05:57

Here is the scoop.

Dont bother with the in-room Jacuzzis in Angeles City. It fills up VERY slow and sometimes the heater doesnt work so well. You will sometimes find yourself jumping into a lukewarm jacuzzi. My jacuzzi was NEVER hot. Dont forget the tap water may not be suitable for drinking so you dont really want to take a bath in it. They are also not so large and you will find it tough manuevering around in them with a lady. They will also make the room more humid. Remember that its a tropical country with lots of humidity.

Here are my recomendations for you:

You can get a decent room for about 30 bucks a night. There is a restaurant downstairs that serves excellent Westernized food. The bars are a SHORT walking distance away. Literally they are right there. The guy who owns this place is an engineer and so the windows are double pained. The rooms are very quiet. Great if you need to sleep without sound.


Another place is the Hotel Royal Amsterdam. It seems fancy on the inside and there is a restaurant downstairs. The bars are located right across the street. I suggest getting the Superior Room and make sure it has couches. If your on a tight budget, you can get away with the lesser rooms. Its fun to screw on the couches, but lets face it, all you need is a bed to have fun.


Central Park Hotel

Short walk to the action and basically a no-frills hotel. Swiss Chalet is right down the street. $33 a night.


Here is another one. Blue Nile. Action right across the street. Actually, the action is right downstairs. The VIP room is 63 bucks a night


Orange Lion $40 a night...Action right across the street.


HERE IS THE ONE YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. Action is a short walk down the street. Mirrors on the ceiling and jacuzzi, $55 a night.


Here are two links to a bunch of other hotels:


You have to remember a few things about this place:

1. Once you get there, all you will want to do is screw. All there is to do is screw. So things like a pool really dont matter. I stayed at the Orchid Inn once which had a pool and all I did was look at it the entire time. I was either screwing or sleeping the entire time I was there.

2. Once you leave, all you will want to do is go back. These trips can get expensive and I made three trips back in the course of a year. The more you spend on one trip means the less you can spend on future trips. The more you spend on the hotel room means the less you can spend bringing back ladies.

3. All you need is a bed and a private space to screw. Thats it.

I stayed at the Orchid Inn and the Hotel Royal Amsterdam. I would recommend the Amsterdam, Apartelle Royal, Orange Lion, Blue Nile and Swiss Chalet. I would go with the more basic rooms and try to keep it under 40 dollars a night. The $30 a night rooms at the Swiss Chalet are not bad and the location ideal. The bars are just a 30 second walk away.

I would be partial to the Hotel Royal Amsterdam, Orange Lion, and the Blue Nile. The bars are right across the street.

As for transportation, just ask the hotel to send a driver to the airport.

I have seen lots lof reports about hotels in AC. I am looking for one in or near the action that is girl friendly with a Jacuzzi in room. I dont want to pay 100-150 a night but am not looking for a cheap $20 place either. Also was is the bet way for transfortation from Manila? Taxi Rates? I have also seen mentioned Fly the Bus. What is this about.

Any help is appreciated I will be traveling the end of April and will be looking for some drinking buddies.


X Man
03-05-07, 10:52
Thanks Good times for the hotel reviews and contact info.

Your point one is a bit incomplete and somewhat contradictory.

There is more to do than screw. For example, you can drink, screw and sleep. I usually do it in that order. I suppose the drinking and sleeping go without saying, but then you could say the same thing about "screwing". In fact, sleeping is one thing you might find yourself doing a lot less of. Or at least sleeping at times you usually wouldn't.

BUt why forego the pool? It's bloody hot, so take a swim. You need to burn of those beer calories, so take a swim. The go-go girls work all night in "bikini's", so go for a swim. If the girls don't have swimsuite and no one else is around*, they'll swim in their panties or less, SO GO FOR A SWIM!

I've heard there is a new SM mall in AC, so I suppose you could go shopping. Has anyone been there. How far is it from Fields and how do you get there?

***I've heard there are pickpocket gangs at the mall, so be careful. One scenario is using a pregnant woman to bump block or bump you, while others accidently bump you from the back, while lifting your wallet.

X Man

* Generally, the pools don't have a closing time.


1. Once you get there, all you will want to do is screw. All there is to do is screw. So things like a pool really dont matter. I stayed at the Orchid Inn once which had a pool and all I did was look at it the entire time. I was either screwing or sleeping the entire time I was there.

03-05-07, 11:03
I've heard there is a new SM mall in AC, so I suppose you could go shopping. Has anyone been there. How far is it from Fields and how do you get there?
The mall is next to the main gate.
So 5-10 minutes, walking distance from Fields.

03-05-07, 11:37
Has anyone stayed at this hotel its close to fields hotel and 10 minutes waik to the new sm mall ! thanks!!

Pute Nut
03-05-07, 14:44
Dont forget the tap water may not be suitable for drinking so you dont really want to take a bath in it.

Actually BWSI water is more or less potable (for deep wells all bets are off of course). It's not the Balibago water that's making some AC pools unsuitable, rather the various (bodily) fluids and other stuff that are added lol.

Pute Nut
03-05-07, 14:48
Best deal in town right now has to be Tiger Hotel. Newly opened in Dec 06, all basic amenities: aircon, ref, inroom wifi, LAN, safe. Clean. Walking distance to Fields (actually a few yards shorter than ABC Hotel) and only 1000 Pesos a night, 10% weekly discount. Can't beat that IMO.

Soju Lizard
03-06-07, 01:39
I've got reservations set to arrive in the Phils on April 2. I've been told by a couple of Filipinas I met on Yahoo that starting the first week of April is "Holy Week" and many of the bars close and the girls go home to their provinces for a few days.

Is this true? How big of an impact will this have in EDSA, Burgos St, and Angeles City? Do the fun places turn into a ghost town during the first week of April? Is it bad enough to consider moving my trip back a week or two?

03-06-07, 10:08
Hello Gentlemen

I'm returning to AC next month and would like to visit a beach for a few days. Can anyone recommend a beach resort town? I don't mind flying. Also, how many days should I go for? I'll be in AC for one week. Thank you.


X Man
03-06-07, 13:36
With only one week your best bet might be Subic bay. There might be some reports in the "other distinations" section. You can find a bus schedule "fly the bus" at swaggy.com

Hello Gentlemen

I'm returning to AC next month and would like to visit a beach for a few days. Can anyone recommend a beach resort town? I don't mind flying. Also, how many days should I go for? I'll be in AC for one week. Thank you.


Azn Playa
03-06-07, 13:42
there are many options if you have a few days.

the closest is subic bay which is next to olongapo. the beach is not the best, some say its 'scummy' and there are a number of hotels and 'resorts' (i use the term resort loosely here!) which are on or near the beach. there are a few go-go bars and other drinking holes to take care of your nightlife needs.

from clark airport you can fly to boracay island which is famous for its beaches. hotel options are varied there from cheap to 5-star so there is something for everyone's budget. you have to be expecting many white foreigners on holiday there, which may or may not be to your liking. there are no go-go or girlie bars there and there are not many girls in the way of 'freelancers' either. a single guy can still score if you've 'got game' and/or are decent/young looking. otherwise, byo girl!

mindoro island is just south of luzon (the island where ac and manila is located). mindoro has famous beaches such as sabang and white beach, and the main port is puerto gallera. this area is famous for dive sites rep001tered along the coastline. to get there, you need to travel to manila, then get a bus to batangas port (about p160). from batangas there are decent sized catamaran ferries which will take you to sabang, pg or white beach. sabang has a good nightlife scene with many gogo bars and girls ready to go with you. this is the prime location to be situated for diving. the beach is pitiful and the bay is full of boats, so it is not great for swimming. puerto gallera is central but you would not want to stay there. a trike will take you to any hotel for p50-100 (some are 10kms away). white beach is very beautiful, has great swimming, restaurants and bars and the people serve you well.

there are thousands of other beaches that you could visit, but these three areas are the most popular and easiest to get to for the ac tourist. good luck and enjoy your time there!

editor's note: i certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

03-06-07, 16:45
Cannot speak for Manila, but I have been in Cebu and A/C during holy week. Its a real drag. Almost everything is closed starting Thursday in the pm.

It was amazing to see Cebu, on Good Friday around 1pm, with almost no traffic.

I always plann my trips in such a way as to avoid any mongeringing during this time.

QUOTE=Soju Lizard]I've got reservations set to arrive in the Phils on April 2. I've been told by a couple of Filipinas I met on Yahoo that starting the first week of April is "Holy Week" and many of the bars close and the girls go home to their provinces for a few days.

Is this true? How big of an impact will this have in EDSA, Burgos St, and Angeles City? Do the fun places turn into a ghost town during the first week of April? Is it bad enough to consider moving my trip back a week or two?[/QUOTE]

03-06-07, 20:18
The best thing about AC is that they have lots of travel agents on-site. You can go there and simply go to one of the travel agents that will have everything you can think of hooked up...

I would also ask the hotel driver. He drives all over the place and would know of everything that is around. I never went to the beach, but I heard the driver can take you there for a fee. Cant remember the fee, but I imagine it would be similiar to that of going to the airport.

03-06-07, 23:48
I've got reservations set to arrive in the Phils on April 2. I've been told by a couple of Filipinas I met on Yahoo that starting the first week of April is "Holy Week" and many of the bars close and the girls go home to their provinces for a few days. Is this true?It is true that "Holy Week" is always a big event in the Philippines! And yes, a number of girls will go home to their provinces then. However, I am pretty sure that there are still enough cuties around and virtually no bar in AC will close during Easter - the show must go on! BTW, folks, has anybody experienced "Holy Week" in AC?

Cheers - Hesekiels

Jimbo 69
03-07-07, 03:35
Any reviews on this place? I know it is a bit off of the beaten path but would like some info if possible.



03-07-07, 06:27
My personal preference is to just deal with hotels that are on Fields Avenue (or a short walk away). The reason is that you can get drunk at the bars and just stagger back to the hotel across the street. Its easier for the women to meet you real quick for a on the side rendezvous. No dealing with trike drivers or walking through places you dont know. Then the best of it all is the walk across the street and pickup the chick thing.

Swagman or those other hotels might be good. In fact, I know places like the Holiday Inn offer a better room then some of the ones on Fields, but you just cant beat simply walking across the street to pick up the ladies and bringing them right back to the room.

Any reviews on this place? I know it is a bit off of the beaten path but would like some info if possible.



Pute Nut
03-07-07, 11:01
Swagman or those other hotels might be good. In fact, I know places like the Holiday Inn offer a better room then some of the ones on Fields, but you just cant beat simply walking across the street to pick up the ladies and bringing them right back to the room.Holiday Inn (inside the base) is the best hotel in Angeles. It is run by professionals. They will offfer transportation to and from Fields in their tax-excempt vehicles. A snapshot of a Holiday Inn branded van dropping off guests in Fields may not be the photo of choice for a Holiday Inn marketing campaign though ;)

Jimbo 69
03-07-07, 12:14
Is it best to wait until I am there to get a hotel? I dont mind booking on line with a big hotel chain but not sure about these places. Also I would like one with a pool. I do like to spend my days in the sun somewhat. what are the best ones on Fields Avenue with a pool.

Azn Playa
03-07-07, 13:04
The best thing about AC is that they have lots of travel agents on-site. You can go there and simply go to one of the travel agents that will have everything you can think of hooked up...

I would also ask the hotel driver. He drives all over the place and would know of everything that is around. I never went to the beach, but I heard the driver can take you there for a fee. Cant remember the fee, but I imagine it would be similiar to that of going to the airport.Yes you are correct it is a similar price to be driven by car to Subic. Most private cars to Manila charge P2500, which is terrible considering that at the current exange rate it equates to 52USD. Marguerita Station has vans which can seat up to 6 adults to Manila for P2500 and sedan cars for P2100. The cars are more comfortable and can travel faster down the new expressway. All tolls are included in the price (which amount to about P300).

To get to Subic, the common charge is around P2000 which is fleecing the tourist badly (typical for AC which is renowned for exhorbitant transport fees eg. trikes for P50-100 for very short journeys). Some hotels have a free van pickup service if you are staying with them and I believe that Mo's Place can get you there for P400. Go to Mo's to ask for details (if you are reading this post much later than March 2007, the name might have changed as he has supposedly sold all of his AC businesses).

If you book a driver through your hotel you will be ripped off even more. An example is Orchid Inn charges P400 to drive you to Clark Airport!! Central Park is cheaper for a single person at P300, but they have the audacity to charge another P250 for each additional person. Simply outrageous.

A cheaper and more flexible option is to go to Avis Car Rental on Perimeter road and enquire about renting a car. They often have special deals running which can save you a bundle. If you have a current drivers licence from your home country that should be ok (as long as you dont break any traffic laws). Some tourists also have an international drivers licence which might help a little, but if the police have decided that it is your turn to 'make a donation' then there is very little that you can do about it. I have never had a problem driving a car or riding bikes in all parts of Asia, but perhaps I have been lucky with that. Avis also has a fleet of taxis and drivers which are available for any trip you need and their prices could be slightly less than what you can find through an agent. There service is also more professional as they are carrying the corporate image with them.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Azn Playa
03-07-07, 13:09
It is true that "Holy Week" is always a big event in the Philippines! And yes, a number of girls will go home to their provinces then. However, I am pretty sure that there are still enough cuties around and virtually no bar in AC will close during Easter - the show must go on! BTW, folks, has anybody experienced "Holy Week" in AC?

Cheers - HesekielsI would certainly avoid AC during Holy Week. The number of girls that leave AC or do not work makes it resemble a shadow of its current self.

The bars will not close, but their opening hours might be modified. The atmosphere during this week is very docile and you might be disappointed if you have been waiting a long time to return and travelled a long distance to get there. If you can change your plans, it would be more of a guaranteed great time if you arrive a week after Holy Week has finished.

Buko Max
03-07-07, 14:20
Any reviews on this place? I know it is a bit off of the beaten path but would like some info if possible.Stayed at this hotel last December, so I can give you some incite on this property.

It is located in the Diamond subdivision about a 15 minute walk to Fields Ave. The Koala and Patio hotels are also located next to Swagman and have cheaper prices. My room was around P1600.

The advantage of staying here is that it is quiet and for the comeraderie, especialy if you are Australian. It seemed that the majority of the clientele was over 60 and retired. The rooms are clean and in good shape dispite their age. The staff was very friendly and helpfull. Their business center with internet access came in handy. They also have a travel agency on sight.
The best part of the property is their spacious bar and restaurant across the street. The food is good and the drinks are cheap. Never saw anybody swim in the tiny pool.

They do have free shuttle service to Fields running until 2 am. Get the drivers cell number so you can call him to pick you and your lady up. This service was popular and I had to wait sometimes for a few minutes even though they had 2 trikes going back and forth. If you feel lazy you can skip Fields altogether because there are 3 bars down the street with plenty of girls.

03-07-07, 19:07
It is true that "Holy Week" is always a big event in the Philippines! And yes, a number of girls will go home to their provinces then. However, I am pretty sure that there are still enough cuties around and virtually no bar in AC will close during Easter - the show must go on! BTW, folks, has anybody experienced "Holy Week" in AC?

Cheers - HesekielsI would certainly avoid AC during Holy Week. The number of girls that leave AC or do not work makes it resemble a shadow of its current self.

The bars will not close, but their opening hours might be modified. The atmosphere during this week is very docile and you might be disappointed if you have been waiting a long time to return and travelled a long distance to get there. If you can change your plans, it would be more of a guaranteed great time if you arrive a week after Holy Week has finished.

03-07-07, 23:14
Is it best to wait until I am there to get a hotel? I dont mind booking on line with a big hotel chain but not sure about these places. Also I would like one with a pool. I do like to spend my days in the sun somewhat. what are the best ones on Fields Avenue with a pool.Maybe you try Orchid Inn Resort in Raymond Street!? Excellent location, great pool, friendly staff, rooms from 30 USD. For a long time I am a regular guest there. However, it is advisable to make a reservation in good time.

Have a great time!

Cheers - Hesekiels

03-08-07, 05:01
The Orchid Inn has a pool and is probably the best choice at $55 per night.


Then there is the Wild Orchid Inn and last time I checked it has rooms going for $85 per night.

There are lots of off-Fields hotels with pools. Just Google "Angeles City Hotels".

Personally speaking, I have been to Angeles three times and planning on a fourth. There are bars teaming with women. I wouldnt focus on hotel amenities.

The worst part of the trip is at the end when you have to pay the hotel bill. For some people, a ten day trip will be a matter of $310 if staying at the Swiss Chalet. However, others might pay over $1000 staying at other hotels.

If you just plan on one trip, the difference in price wont matter. It might be worth it to spend more to stay at the Holiday Inn which has a Golf Course and pool or the Wild Orchid Inn.

For myself, I know that I will be going back in the future and so I choose to spend as little as possible so that additional trips in the future wont be a problem.

Is it best to wait until I am there to get a hotel? I dont mind booking on line with a big hotel chain but not sure about these places. Also I would like one with a pool. I do like to spend my days in the sun somewhat. what are the best ones on Fields Avenue with a pool.

Pute Nut
03-08-07, 09:22
To get to Subic, the common charge is around P2000 which is fleecing the tourist badly

Cheap and nice to Subic:

1. Take a Jeepney to SM Pampanga
2. Take a FX Van to Olongapo from there
3. Take a Jeepney to Subic

Should run less than 150 Pesos total

Buko Max
03-08-07, 09:26
Information on New Pacific hotel
Hello Porty,

I believe you mean the Pacific Breeze hotel that opened in December which is owned by the Central Park people. Located on Vian St. just off Santos St. south of Mo's (2 minute walk to Fields). Stayed there last Sunday for just one night ( after Cebu Pacific Airlines cancelled my flight from Cebu to Clark, more on that later) and was very impressed by the rooms and the level of service. Tried to duplicate Towelboy's stunt of having 5 women in 24 hours but fell short! www.pacificbreezehotel.com

X Man
03-08-07, 15:34
what is an FX van? Althought the price you mention sounds great, what about if you have a suitcase? I guess you should pay the Jeepney drivers a double fare. What is the fare?

swaggie.com does AC to Subic for 400 pesos.

X Man

Cheap and nice to Subic:

1. Take a Jeepney to SM Pampanga
2. Take a FX Van to Olongapo from there
3. Take a Jeepney to Subic

Should run less than 150 Pesos total

Pute Nut
03-08-07, 19:00
what is an FX van? Althought the price you mention sounds great, what about if you have a suitcase? I guess you should pay the Jeepney drivers a double fare. What is the fare?

swaggie.com does AC to Subic for 400 pesos.

X Man

The FX is usually a Toyota Van or similar, usually not bad at all, often even with working aircon. Big suitcases are not recommended, I usually bring a backpack that I can put in my lap if needed, but many times I've managed to secure the front passenger seat, being slightly bigger than the other pax lol. Fx has been as low as 70 Pesos but I think it was 90 last time after the fuel increases. Jeepney fare Dau to SM Pampanga is 20+ (23?) and the fare Olangapo to Subic is peanuts (9-9,50 P ?)

So what do we have?.. 90+23+9...yes total will maybe come in as low as 132 ..but don't be a CC..budget 150 to be on the safe side :D

In theory the Jeepney driver can ask you for double fare for a suitcase (specially if it occupies a seat), but in my exp. they are pretty cool about it. I can't recall ever having to pay extra, and I've even brought quite big ones to and from Clark.

400 P is not so bad if you'd rather avoid the "filipino travel experience". I might just try that some time for a change. The big advantage with FX is that you go anytime ( last FX leaves SM Pampanga around 8-9 PM ) no need to check schedules, book etc.

03-08-07, 22:28
Is it best to wait until I am there to get a hotel? I dont mind booking on line with a big hotel chain but not sure about these places. Also I would like one with a pool. I do like to spend my days in the sun somewhat. what are the best ones on Fields Avenue with a pool.
As mattrick says www.pacificbreezehotel.com is ok, but 100 meters way from Fields.

You might have to book long time in advance. Big swimming pool. Nice Jacuzzi-rooms about 60 usd, hopefully does not come with this gf :)


03-09-07, 00:18
My buddies and I are planning to head down to AC during the week of Good Fiday (aka Holy Week in AC). Will the scenes be subued?

Plus what is the best way to get to down to Manila to AC? Any mongers out there have recomenedations on where we can stay in Manila and hangouts there?

Many thanks

Krum Lov
03-09-07, 07:44
Got in at 7pm at clark airport, picked up by Hotel Hana car (the one-way pick-up was over-priced at 500P), had booked standard room, but looked nothing like photo I saw on internet. It was awful. Decided to leave, which they were ok about. Took a look at Premier hotel next door, which was almost as bad. Then entered Sunset Lodge, which was ok. All the budget rooms I’d seen in the perimeter area were around the 1300P mark, and this one was by far the best.

Went straight up to look at some BJ bars. I’d read here that if you buy 2 drinks in Illusions, you can get a free BJ. I asked the mamasan at the bar about this deal and she nearly died of shocked. She looked at me like I was a freak. I slinked out, tail between my legs, embarrassed. Then checked out Rio and Niftys. Both ok and fairly friendly. Enquired about a 500P BJ, but they were pretty much sticking to 600P. Moved on to Matrix Brawn, asked about BJ, and one OK girl (23 yrs old, 6.5/10) said 500P was ok. Proceeded to back room where she gave me decent BBBJCIM. On way out, saw a young (18-20 yr old) stunner (8.5/10). Damn, isn’t it always the way?

About an hour later, popped into Palace Massage on main road. 500P for 1 hour massage. Was ok quality, not brilliant. Wasn’t even after another shot when at end of massage, the woman said she wanted some “monkey business”. Being a little monkey myself, I agreed to a HJ, which cost me 200P. total: 700P.

Next day, moved into Fields. Booked into Central Park – excellent hotel all round, and for same price as aforementioned digs. Visited Santos St, checked out some BJ bars, Again, a few wanted 600P, but in Black Pearl, a few OK looking girls agreed to 500P. decided to take 2 at once (both 25 years old, one was 6/10, the other 7/10) … went out back. All good, they were friendly and attentive. Blew first time into 1st girl’s mouth as the 2nd girl was sucking my nipples. The 2nd time (about 40 mins later), wanked myself and blew over 2nd girl’s tits as 1st girl was sucking my balls. All up, 1000P.

Next day, walked around corner and found quiet street that had a load of girls in 2 adjoining bars. Again, price was quoted at 600P, but again, negotiated (in friendly manner, of course) down to 500P. got a manila girl (21 yrs old, 7.5/10) who did a pretty good job. And that’s about it – was only there for 2 nights.

Thanks for everyone’s tips before I arrived, it helped a lot.

Krum Lov
03-09-07, 07:46
In the short time i was in Angeles, almost every Filipino guy asked me to buy Viagra. Obviously, there is huge market for this. Talk about weird. How could anyone with half a brain buy medication anywhere other than a reputable health clinic/doctor? You may as well play Russian roulette for real. Incredibly risky and downright stupid.

Angeles is one ugly place. Why would expat men (wanting to live near cheap pussy) choose such a soulless place -- devoid of anything remotely interesting -- to buy a house or rent long-term there? Sure, the girls are great, but that’s it. And the food’s awful, too. That is, why angeles over phuket, samui, hua hin, pattaya, bali, or even nha trang in vietnam? When I wasn’t getting BJs, I was incredibly bored. No beach, no nice eateries, no parks, nothing.

Azn Playa
03-09-07, 12:59
Got in at 7pm at clark airport, picked up by Hotel Hana car (the one-way pick-up was over-priced at 500P), had booked standard room, but looked nothing like photo I saw on internet. It was awful. Decided to leave, which they were ok about. Took a look at Premier hotel next door, which was almost as bad. Then entered Sunset Lodge, which was ok. All the budget rooms I’d seen in the perimeter area were around the 1300P mark, and this one was by far the best.

Went straight up to look at some BJ bars. I’d read here that if you buy 2 drinks in Illusions, you can get a free BJ. I asked the mamasan at the bar about this deal and she nearly died of shocked. She looked at me like I was a freak. I slinked out, tail between my legs, embarrassed. Then checked out Rio and Niftys. Both ok and fairly friendly. Enquired about a 500P BJ, but they were pretty much sticking to 600P. Moved on to Matrix Brawn, asked about BJ, and one OK girl (23 yrs old, 6.5/10) said 500P was ok. Proceeded to back room where she gave me decent BBBJCIM. On way out, saw a young (18-20 yr old) stunner (8.5/10). Damn, isn’t it always the way?

About an hour later, popped into Palace Massage on main road. 500P for 1 hour massage. Was ok quality, not brilliant. Wasn’t even after another shot when at end of massage, the woman said she wanted some “monkey business”. Being a little monkey myself, I agreed to a HJ, which cost me 200P. total: 700P.

Next day, moved into Fields. Booked into Central Park – excellent hotel all round, and for same price as aforementioned digs. Visited Santos St, checked out some BJ bars, Again, a few wanted 600P, but in Black Pearl, a few OK looking girls agreed to 500P. decided to take 2 at once (both 25 years old, one was 6/10, the other 7/10) … went out back. All good, they were friendly and attentive. Blew first time into 1st girl’s mouth as the 2nd girl was sucking my nipples. The 2nd time (about 40 mins later), wanked myself and blew over 2nd girl’s tits as 1st girl was sucking my balls. All up, 1000P.

Next day, walked around corner and found quiet street that had a load of girls in 2 adjoining bars. Again, price was quoted at 600P, but again, negotiated (in friendly manner, of course) down to 500P. got a manila girl (21 yrs old, 7.5/10) who did a pretty good job. And that’s about it – was only there for 2 nights.

Thanks for everyone’s tips before I arrived, it helped a lot.

In the short time i was in Angeles, almost every Filipino guy asked me to buy Viagra. Obviously, there is huge market for this. Talk about weird. How could anyone with half a brain buy medication anywhere other than a reputable health clinic/doctor? You may as well play Russian roulette for real. Incredibly risky and downright stupid.

Angeles is one ugly place. Why would expat men (wanting to live near cheap pussy) choose such a soulless place -- devoid of anything remotely interesting -- to buy a house or rent long-term there? Sure, the girls are great, but that’s it. And the food’s awful, too. That is, why angeles over phuket, samui, hua hin, pattaya, bali, or even nha trang in vietnam? When I wasn’t getting BJs, I was incredibly bored. No beach, no nice eateries, no parks, nothing.I won't say that I am the definitive expert on Angeles City, but I have visited countless times over many many years. I am always interested to read a first time visitor's account of their visit and any observations they have of this locale in general.

Nothing I am writing here is a flame, as I am in fact impressed by what you accomplished over two days - sounds like you had a wide range of experiences in such a short time.

A P500 taxi from Clark airport is more than I have ever heard of. Taxis outside the arrivals building will take you for P300. Even P200 to some hotels on Perimeter (eg America Hotel). One of the cleanest hotels that I have seen is the 'Perimeter Hotel' next to Emotions. The rooms there are P1200 and are cheaper if you book for a week or more. Its walking distance to Field Ave and there are a number of bars on the way there.

You are right, Illusions doesnt offer 'on-site relief' and Nifty's is renowned for doing this. Its one of the favourite afternoon bars before starting a barhop. If you buy 3 LDs, they will give you a sample BJ, or if you really hit it off with a girl in there, she might try it on you in your seat for less. P600 is steep, as you can take a girl to your hotel ST for P700. LT is P1000.

If you saw an 8.5 stunner in Matrix Brawn then consider yourself lucky! That is an extremely rare sighting for that bar, which I am yet to barfine a girl from (actually I never last more than 1 beer in there, although some guys like the tiny bar and the girls there).

P500 for a 1 hour massage is too expensive for my AC taste - there are cheaper options for P350 (eg Bodybliss near Norma's money changer). The P200 HJ is ok (although it should be included in the P500 price IMO).

Luck seems to have been on your side again, as Central Park Hotel is always fully booked. Most guests have to book weeks or even months in advance. I have never found a room there after walking in off the street!

The 'quiet street' you mentioned is just past Wild Orchid Hotel, a safe option during the day, but somewhere I never venture at night. There are always some very undesirable people hanging around there which makes me feel like they are waiting to jump you. People have been robbed there from time to time.

With regards to the Viagra/Cialis they sell there, yes it is all fake. I dont think it is dangerous to take as there are probably very few active chemicals in each tablet, but it will have little to no effect, wasting your time, expectations and money.

What I liked the best from your report is the last paragraph that I quoted from you. Yes Angeles is a dirty-dustbowl with filth everywhere. Most mongers just accept this like some other places in Asia (but not many places are as bad as AC!). This question you pose is very insightful: "Why would expat men (wanting to live near cheap pussy) choose such a soulless place -- devoid of anything remotely interesting -- to buy a house or rent long-term there?". If you posted this on a major AC discussion board it would probably invoke a record number of responses as so many members actually do live in AC! That question posed here is much safer due to the fact that most ISG members do not live in AC. It is a question that is asked many times but rarely gets truthfully answered by expat residents of AC. I have my own opinion of the truth but can't post it here as it could be considered inflammatory. Let's just say that some people are happy living there because that is what they are used to. Ok I know this is not the real reason, but it answers your question in part.

Take care and I hope you return to AC again one day.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Bill Buxton
03-09-07, 22:06
The tune is getting softer here and the gals are feeling the downward swing.The amount of cash is going south and the amount of customers in the bars at night is lover now than a month ago.I am sure this will help in the attatude dept for the guys that are still here.Five or six guys in a bar with fifety plus girls is not a mix for a good night at work.The staff is sitting half sleeping and the girls are getting slower and slower.The managers want to give the guys deals on ringing the bell so the numbers on sales stay up.

I on the other hand often get 20-p notes a thousand at a time and throw up to the dancers.The gals love this and the bar hates it I am quite sure.The big reason the bar gets no cut of the cash as when you buy ladies drinks.I feel the bars get enough and why not give the hard working little honeys some hard earned jack at face value.After all if a thousand pesos is big loot for a guy I am sure he has been here to long.On the downside be ready to be an unknown to the gals once the cash stops flying through the air.This is just the way it is they get and forget just that fast.Please dont get upset thats the way it is.

Please remember that the season is on the downside so better deals are on the way.The beauty you could never have is getting short on rice at home so just wait.


03-09-07, 22:34
Went straight up to look at some BJ bars. I’d read here that if you buy 2 drinks in Illusions... checked out Rio and Niftys. Both ok and fairly friendly. Enquired about a 500P BJ ... moved on to Matrix Brawn, asked about BJ, and one OK girl (23 yrs old, 6.5/10) said 500P was ok.


Excellent, with this program you hit the spot! BTW, the favorite places of brother Ekspat and me! :)

Cheers- Hesekiels

03-10-07, 05:00
Any of the hotels in AC will have a driver and you can hire them. You can of course take the bus and there are a few other ways down there. Personally, I feel safest with the hotel driver. I would not want to get on a bus full of strangers in a third world country with all my belongings.

As for hotels in Manila, it depends upon how much you want to spend.

Lotus Garden Hotel
Right across from LA Cafe which has all the freelancers. LA Cafe is a disco like place and you pick up the ladies inside. For safety, walk out of the disco alone once you select one and tell the ladies to come over to the hotel. The reason is that the police might stop you and you might have to pay a bribe. This is a cheap no-frills hotel, but all you need is a room, bed and the chick.

Oxford Suites Makati
Right across the street is the bars and the ladies.

Century Citadel Inn
Right in the middle of the action on Burgos.

Copacabana Apartments
Right across the street is EDSA and lots of bars.

Heritage Hotel
Another one close to EDSA.

Hyatt Casino
Very nice but expensive.

Iseya Hotel
Cheap no frills place, one block away from LA Cafe. Australian owned. About 25 bucks a night.

Las Palmas
Right across from the Hyatt.

Rivera Mansion
Dont know anything about this place.

When in doubt, just describe your situation to the taxi driver and tell him where you want to go.

My buddies and I are planning to head down to AC during the week of Good Fiday (aka Holy Week in AC). Will the scenes be subued?

Plus what is the best way to get to down to Manila to AC? Any mongers out there have recomenedations on where we can stay in Manila and hangouts there?

Many thanks

03-10-07, 06:58
Thanks mate..its more than what I could ask for. Incidentally, what are rates for FLs in LA Cafe?

Any of the hotels in AC will have a driver and you can hire them. You can of course take the bus and there are a few other ways down there. Personally, I feel safest with the hotel driver. I would not want to get on a bus full of strangers in a third world country with all my belongings.

As for hotels in Manila, it depends upon how much you want to spend.

Lotus Garden Hotel
Right across from LA Cafe which has all the freelancers. LA Cafe is a disco like place and you pick up the ladies inside. For safety, walk out of the disco alone once you select one and tell the ladies to come over to the hotel. The reason is that the police might stop you and you might have to pay a bribe. This is a cheap no-frills hotel, but all you need is a room, bed and the chick.

Oxford Suites Makati
Right across the street is the bars and the ladies.

Century Citadel Inn
Right in the middle of the action on Burgos.

Copacabana Apartments
Right across the street is EDSA and lots of bars.

Heritage Hotel
Another one close to EDSA.

Hyatt Casino
Very nice but expensive.

Iseya Hotel
Cheap no frills place, one block away from LA Cafe. Australian owned. About 25 bucks a night.

Las Palmas
Right across from the Hyatt.

Rivera Mansion
Dont know anything about this place.

When in doubt, just describe your situation to the taxi driver and tell him where you want to go.

03-10-07, 10:50
Hello All

I will be flying from AC to Bangkok next month. I've been in contact with a travel agent in AC. She tells me I can take Tiger Air from Clark to Bkk but I have to stay over night in Singapore. I looked on Air Asia's site and they seem to have same day flights from AC to KL and KL to Bkk with no need of overnight stay. But my travel agent did not mention this option. Has anyone here flown from AC to Bkk on Asia Air through KL? Can this be done without an overnight stay?


Silly Fool
03-10-07, 13:24
In the short time i was in Angeles, almost every Filipino guy asked me to buy Viagra. Obviously, there is huge market for this. Talk about weird. How could anyone with half a brain buy medication anywhere other than a reputable health clinic/doctor? You may as well play Russian roulette for real. Incredibly risky and downright stupid.

Angeles is one ugly place. Why would expat men (wanting to live near cheap pussy) choose such a soulless place -- devoid of anything remotely interesting -- to buy a house or rent long-term there? Sure, the girls are great, but that’s it. And the food’s awful, too. That is, why angeles over phuket, samui, hua hin, pattaya, bali, or even nha trang in vietnam? When I wasn’t getting BJs, I was incredibly bored. No beach, no nice eateries, no parks, nothing.
Definitely has my vote for most soulless pussy pool .

Pute Nut
03-10-07, 13:26
In the short time i was in Angeles, almost every Filipino guy asked me to buy Viagra. Obviously, there is huge market for this. Talk about weird. How could anyone with half a brain buy medication anywhere other than a reputable health clinic/doctor? You may as well play Russian roulette for real. Incredibly risky and downright stupid.

Virtually all "V" sold in Fields is fake, but most of them do contain the right stuff, more or less. Caveat emptor.

Many "botikas" (quasi-pharmacies) and similar stores will also stock fake V. I'd prefer real Kamagra over fake V but since it's not BFAD listed they may intervene if a shop sells real Kamagra, but let the fake V's slip since it's "listed". TIP LOL.

It Traveller
03-10-07, 13:47
Hey everyone,

I am a long time reader as well as user of the information shared on this board, and have just signed up to the board, hopefully getting fully activated here to receive PM's within 24 hour's or so.

Back to my point, I am going to be in AC on the 14th of March till the 27th and was wondering if anyone wated to get together. Ill be travelling solo and staying at the Wild Orchid.

I look forward to meeting some of you.

Travel Spirit
03-10-07, 20:02
Is there any good italian restaurant?

Something like Saks inside Grande Majestic Hotel in Bangkok.

Is there any good indian restaurant?

Something like Rang Mahal inside Rembrandt Hotel in Bangkok.

I wonder if I am asking too much.

Key Master
03-11-07, 00:44
Hello All

I will be flying from AC to Bangkok next month. I've been in contact with a travel agent in AC. She tells me I can take Tiger Air from Clark to Bkk but I have to stay over night in Singapore. I looked on Air Asia's site and they seem to have same day flights from AC to KL and KL to Bkk with no need of overnight stay. But my travel agent did not mention this option. Has anyone here flown from AC to Bkk on Asia Air through KL? Can this be done without an overnight stay?

EggI don't know if it's worth all the savings to fly out of Clark instead of Manila if you have to stay overnight in a place you don't want to stay. The cost of the hotel alone will probably be about the price for a cab to Manila airport from AC. Plus you loose a night or two both ways if you cannot get a good connecting flight. I don't like spending 1. 5-2 hours in a car myself to get to that crappily run airport in Manila either, but I rather do it than stay overnight in Singapore for the costs and stuff. I have done the Tiger Airways deal and to me it doesn't work out right when you cannot connect out of Singapore on the departure and/or return. It gives you another night or two in the PI flying into Manila. Once more direct flights out of Clark to other Asian countries like Thailand happen it would probably be well worth the time and costs. The cost to and from the Manila airport for private taxis is pretty ridiculous.

Bill Buxton
03-11-07, 01:50
I don't know if it's worth all the savings to fly out of Clark instead of Manila if you have to stay overnight in a place you don't want to stay. The cost of the hotel alone will probably be about the price for a cab to Manila airport from AC. Plus you loose a night or two both ways if you cannot get a good connecting flight. I don't like spending 1.5-2 hours in a car myself to get to that crappily run airport in Manila either, but I rather do it than stay overnight in Singapore for the costs and stuff. I have done the Tiger Airways deal and to me it doesn't work out right when you cannot connect out of Singapore on the departure and/or return. It gives you another night or two in the PI flying into Manila. Once more direct flights out of Clark to other Asian countries like Thailand happen it would probably be well worth the time and costs. The cost to and from the Manila airport for private taxis is pretty ridiculous.The cost of private transport is not high at 2500-p thats back and forth for a private car.Where can you get a better deal than that for 50 bucks.Yes you are right you can fly 1 hr in a new aircraft for about the same here for that money but lets face the facts its still cheep.

I have some numbers for reasonable land transporters if anyone wants to use them.


03-11-07, 04:35
Hey everyone,

I am a long time reader as well as user of the information shared on this board, and have just signed up to the board, hopefully getting fully activated here to receive PM's within 24 hour's or so.

Back to my point, I am going to be in AC on the 14th of March till the 27th and was wondering if anyone wated to get together. Ill be travelling solo and staying at the Wild Orchid.

I look forward to meeting some of you.Give me a pm and I will meet you at MO's place just up the street from where you are staying. I'll buy you the first beer . If you pm me I will give you my cell number or set a time and day to meet.

We could meet also at the pool/bar area to the wild orchid. It really is a very nice place and the food and beer are not a bad price. The pool is great there.

Look forward to meeting you, and have a good mongering trip. [Email address deleted by Admin]

Sailor Man

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove email addresses in the text. Please do not post email addresses in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system. Thanks!

03-11-07, 05:15
In the short time I was in Angeles, almost every Filipino guy asked me to buy Viagra. Obviously, there is huge market for this. Talk about weird. How could anyone with half a brain buy medication anywhere other than a reputable health clinic/doctor? You may as well play Russian roulette for real. Incredibly risky and downright stupid.

Angeles is one ugly place. Why would expat men (wanting to live near cheap pussy) choose such a soulless place.- devoid of anything remotely interesting.- to buy a house or rent long-term there? Sure, the girls are great, but that’s it. And the food’s awful, too. That is, why angeles over phuket, samui, hua hin, pattaya, Bali, or even nha trang in vietnam? When I wasn’t getting BJs, I was incredibly bored. No beach, no nice eateries, no parks, nothing. Krum Love,

Enjoyed reading your report, I truly did. Not a flame either, just tongue in cheek. Considering where you choose to go and stay, you would fit right in here as an full time expat. Cheap dirty living.

Now all joking aside. I really did enjoy your report. And I will not go into the details of the cost of things here as some have. Seems like everyone can always get everthing cheaper than anyone else can. Just face it as a monger, you will sometimes get lucky and get a good deal. If you are a good monger and smart, you just do not get taken as bad as a novice tourist. If always getting the lowest price is your goal in life, make up your mind to be sad a lot.

Yes I would rather live full time in Thailand, as I agree with most of your remarks. I like the beach, I like clean, clean, clean things, good places to eat, and do not mind spending a little extra for what I get.

So why stay in a little dirt hole like Angeles?

A. The women speak English. A two week trip to Thailand is about as long as I can handle all the extra work it is to even try to communicate with the girls. After that the joy to work ratio goes in favor of the Philippines.

B. The government. As much as I hate the Philippine Government, they at least do one thing right. They do not make it impossible to stay here as long as I want. That fact alone makes the Philippines more attractive to me.

If I am on a two week vacation from the states twice a year, I would go to Thailand everytime over the Philippines. Maybe take a two or three day stopover here and then go to Thailand, but Thailand would always be my choice over the Philippines.

The Thailand government makes it impossible almost for me to stay there full time with all there stupid regulations. I retired to make life easy and fun. Thailand wake up. You don't want me, ok you don't get me.

3. There is another reason why so many choose Angeles. I can only speak for myself but I know it represents others. We are retired military. We have history here. Also there is a community set up to help us. We get militay benifits here that we would have to work hard to recieve anywhere else.

4. I work hard to overcome many of the things you saw as a big turn off to Angeles. I pay way too much for my place. But at the end of the day, I go through a gate, and I am back in America. I am in a small comunity with a clubhouse, a pool, clean streets, nice homes, and good friends. Also the new SM mall has helped a lot. There you can feel just like you are back in any real world town.

In summary, Yes for a two or three week vacation, Thailand wins for me hands down. For a retired single American, Thailand just will not work. Too much red tape to stay, and too much work to communicte long term with the girls.

Just ones man's reason to choose angeles.

Ps I almost forgot. When Angeles gets to me, we have Tiger Airlines. I can be in Thailand for aboout $100 usd anytime I want. I can be in Singapore for about $50. 00 usd. You see, for the cost of a good night out on the town, I CAN escape Angeles just like you escape your own home for a night out on the town. I really do hope you can see now why some of us choose to stay here. If there are 5, 000 expats here, there will be 5, 000 different answers to your question. Glad you came.come again and I will buy you a beer.

Sailor Man Congerww

[Email address deleted by Admin]

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove email addresses in the text. Please do not post email addresses in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system. Thanks!

Azn Playa
03-11-07, 05:20
Hello All

I will be flying from AC to Bangkok next month. I've been in contact with a travel agent in AC. She tells me I can take Tiger Air from Clark to Bkk but I have to stay over night in Singapore. I looked on Air Asia's site and they seem to have same day flights from AC to KL and KL to Bkk with no need of overnight stay. But my travel agent did not mention this option. Has anyone here flown from AC to Bkk on Asia Air through KL? Can this be done without an overnight stay?

EggAnother option is to fly from Clark to Macau with Tiger Airways, then Macau to Bangkok with Airasia (depart 2135 arrive 2315).

Here is a flight 1 month from today (not incl. taxes):

O FARE Guest 199.00 MOP
Tue, 10/Apr/2007
Flight FD3607 21:35 Depart Macau (MFM)
23:15 Arrive Bangkok (BKK)

Including taxes = 400MOP (c.51USD)

Because of the late departure time, it is a reduced fare code.
At earlier times this costs around 600-660MOP (incl. taxes)

This could be the cheapest option, as it is the shortest flying distance in total (and uses budget carriers).
The Singapore and KL routes are further to travel.

Btw, here is cheapest fare I could find from Clark to Singa:
(Tuesdays and Wednesdays are usually the cheapest days to fly)

Lowest Fare Internet Discounted Fare 58.28 USD
Wed, 11 Apr 07
Flight TR 507 17:30 Depart Manila (Clark) (CRK)
21:00 Arrive Singapore (SIN)

Departure (Lowest Fare)
1 Adult at 58.28 USD 58.28 USD
Taxes and Fees 26.82 USD

Total Cost of Flight 85.10 USD

X Man
03-11-07, 07:28
Great post by Conger,

Not only do we share some opinions (see quote below), you have a good way of putting your words together. I couldn't help but chuckle at some of your points. (of course it may have been the wine).

If I may dig a little deeper, why did you pick AC over other places IN THE PHILIPPINES? There are nice beaches here and there. There is probably better medical care in MLA / Cebu / Davao.

I'll be in AC next week. Let's try to get together for a beer or two.

X Man (ex-Navy, QM, but only 4 years)

Krum Lov
03-11-07, 07:59
Thanks for your replies and insights, much appreciated.

Spam Hog
03-11-07, 08:39
having lived in thailand and now living in the 'peens" i whole hearted agree with conger, he covered some good points, los is great to visit, i love the women...they are the worlds best sex toys, but after "tham lhak' (sigh) even though i can speak thai fairly well, i've found them generally to be...well... rather dull or addle headed, even those educated in university like chula u, you always get the impression that they are hiding something in just the simplest conversation, or they read into a casual query from you about the weather or condition of traffic and turn it into an arguement. thai's do not like the fact a "falang" can speak their language and like less your knowledge of their society, they are secretive by nature and use this to 'get over' on you. whereas the filipinos really have a positive reaction to a foreigner speaking a few words of their language and are open about their cultural beliefs etc.

i never had too much problem with the thai govt or immigration but the lack of understandable english and everything written in thai (they hand you poorly translated forms to fill out) over .6 type, well it gets tedious after a while.

xman as far as medical care goes, i understand that the facilities in angeles for the retired military is high on the list, the premier being st luke's in manila.
another reason i moved from davao to cebu is cebu has better medical facilities than either davao or cdo.



Steve Dunstone
03-11-07, 09:12
I have to agree with much of what has been said re. the 'enhancement of the pleasure' provided by English speaking ladies.

I spent two weeks in AC last month before returning to my work in China. The pussy here in China is just as cheap and cute after you do the usual mongering research, but it is largely all short time and you simply cannot communicate with the girls - short of the usual age old gestures.

I will definitely be back in AC later this year for an extended stay - just to see if the fantasy can be long term. The place is really a dive, but there is something about the ambiance of the place which in part, includes meeting interesting other mongers, but mainly the surreal atmosphere. it really gets the hook into you. It could be my downfall.

Aint life great!

03-11-07, 11:03
Another option is to fly from Clark to Macau with Tiger Airways, then Macau to Bangkok with Airasia (depart 2135 arrive 2315).

AZN Playa

Thanks for the info. I'll look into that. I'm trying to not stay overnight somewhere. I'll be willing to pay more to avoid that. And, I would like to fly out of Clark. When Tiger air uses "Manila (Clark)", they mean Clark and not Manila, right? Also, should I book these tickets online from the states or wait untill I get to AC and use a travel agent?


03-11-07, 11:13
So I looked into Azn Playa's suggestion. You can fly from AC to Macau on Tiger and arrive at 15:10. Then, Air Asia leaves for Bkk at 16:40. This give me 90 minutes between flights. But I have to claim my luggage and check them again. Is this enough time? Has anyone does this before? I could play it safe and book that late flight out of Macau at 21:35. This would give me about 6 hours. Is this enough time to do anything in Macau?


Bob Down
03-11-07, 15:01

I have flown from Clark to BKK via KL before and I will do it again on my next trip. Air Asia has it's own terminal in KL same as Tiger does in Singapore. Yes you will still have to claim your luggage and check in again. Last time i did this trip they had more than one plane in at the same time, a small wait to clear customs. As for travel times.

Arrive at KL 15.40
Depart at 18.45
Arrive at BKK 19.50

One more thing, I buy all my tickets online. Just remember to print out your itinerary otherwise they won't let you inside Clark airport.


03-11-07, 23:22

I have this very trip booked for next month.

I'm flying out of Clark on Tiger Airways (depart 13:15) and arive in Macau at 15:10. Then leaving Macau on Air Asia at 16:40 and arriving in BKK at 18:20.

I hope the connection works!

I booked both of these tickets on line, and as two round tickets (BKK-MFM, where I'm staying a few days, and then MFM-CRK). The BKK-MFM RT on Air Asia was about $155. and the MFM-CRK RT on Tiger was $120.

So, one way, purchased in advance, I imagine you could do it for about $138.

I'm really happy about flying directly into Clark AFB (as opposed to Manila, where I have no desire to be). I'll get picked up by the hotel driver, and be on Fields in no time. Very easy!

Good luck with your plans.


03-12-07, 00:55
I wouldnt expect much from AC but a good old time getting laid. There isnt much in the way of fine dining. This is a party place and you cant expect much more then that.

Is there any good italian restaurant?

Something like Saks inside Grande Majestic Hotel in Bangkok.

Is there any good indian restaurant?

Something like Rang Mahal inside Rembrandt Hotel in Bangkok.

I wonder if I am asking too much.

03-12-07, 01:59
The tune is getting softer here and the gals are feeling the downward swing.The amount of cash is going south and the amount of customers in the bars at night is lover now than a month ago.I am sure this will help in the attatude dept for the guys that are still here.Five or six guys in a bar with fifety plus girls is not a mix for a good night at work.The staff is sitting half sleeping and the girls are getting slower and slower.The managers want to give the guys deals on ringing the bell so the numbers on sales stay up.

I on the other hand often get 20-p notes a thousand at a time and throw up to the dancers.The gals love this and the bar hates it I am quite sure.The big reason the bar gets no cut of the cash as when you buy ladies drinks.I feel the bars get enough and why not give the hard working little honeys some hard earned jack at face value.After all if a thousand pesos is big loot for a guy I am sure he has been here to long.On the downside be ready to be an unknown to the gals once the cash stops flying through the air.This is just the way it is they get and forget just that fast.Please dont get upset thats the way it is.

Please remember that the season is on the downside so better deals are on the way.The beauty you could never have is getting short on rice at home so just wait.


I've noticed that as well. I was here last year and the place was packed with mongers, I couldn't believe it when I got here last week, hardly anyone here.

Any particular reason for the slow down?

Great time to be here IMHO.

Just wondering where you hang out? I read your posts with great interest, you seem to "hit the nail on the head" with your observations/thinking. I'd like to get together for a beer.

Let me know if you're interested.


03-12-07, 03:40
I agree. Angeles City is probably not the place to be if your expecting a 5 course vacation full of culture, beaches and other such things.

When I go to Angeles City, I just expect one thing and thats plain old sex. The outside environment is rather dirty much like Mexico. The food can be ok depending upon where you go. The hotels have decent food.

The biggest factor for me is the ease of use. All I have to do is make a plane and hotel reservation. Then get to the hotel, put my things away, go across the street, pull a lady out and get laid. Everytime I have barfined a lady there have been minimal problems. The ladies usually stay all night long and I have to kick them out in the morning. On occasion you have a "runner" and the woman who is on menstruation, just a rare occasion for me.

The ladies are usually very friendly, speak English and accomodating. They will go to breakfast, lunch or dinner with you, the mall. Whatever you want to do. It seems more like their your friend.

However, I do have to admit the pictures of the Thai ladies I see in the photo gallery (Certain pictures) do look better then what I can find in Angeles City. It seems the Thai women do have better bodies and faces in general.

I have not been to Pattaya, but my next trip will be to there. Im not expecting the same easy experience as in the Phils where I am simply dropped off at a hotel and walk across the street to get my ladies.

My time and cash is limited to where I can go and what I can spend. I will indeed miss Angeles when I do make that trip to Pattaya.

In the short time i was in Angeles, almost every Filipino guy asked me to buy Viagra. Obviously, there is huge market for this. Talk about weird. How could anyone with half a brain buy medication anywhere other than a reputable health clinic/doctor? You may as well play Russian roulette for real. Incredibly risky and downright stupid.

Angeles is one ugly place. Why would expat men (wanting to live near cheap pussy) choose such a soulless place -- devoid of anything remotely interesting -- to buy a house or rent long-term there? Sure, the girls are great, but that’s it. And the food’s awful, too. That is, why angeles over phuket, samui, hua hin, pattaya, bali, or even nha trang in vietnam? When I wasn’t getting BJs, I was incredibly bored. No beach, no nice eateries, no parks, nothing.

03-13-07, 01:01
..However, I do have to admit the pictures of the Thai ladies I see in the photo gallery (Certain pictures) do look better then what I can find in Angeles City. It seems the Thai women do have better bodies and faces in general.. Well, I dont agree. My experience you have to be LUCKY to find a nice one in Pattaya, in AC there are many more of the nice ones.

..I have not been to Pattaya, but my next trip will be to there. Im not expecting the same easy experience as in the Phils where I am simply dropped off at a hotel and walk across the street to get my ladies.. Shure you can if you stay at a hotel in the Walking street. Go outside the bars along the street from 6pm and the girls will invite you by. Barfine from 300 and up if I remember right, pluss the girls.

Ok, hope you are LUCKY!

03-13-07, 01:11
Looks are subjective. I dont find the majority of AC women to be fat exactly, but i do believe their bodies are probably thicker then most other asians. My true preference is for a woman who is rail-thin. The AC women are generally slender, but not truely rail-thin most of the time. There are definately a few who I would say are chubby. Im not sure if I will find the rail-thinness in Thailand, but the pictures do suggest that its a high possibility.

I will say the treatment I received in Angeles City was the most accomodating out of any other women I have been with in my life. I have never really encountered such kindness from women that I just met. For example, I walk into a bar and walk out with a woman. Then I spend the night with her and she acts as if we have been boyfriend/girlfriend for years. Sometimes it gets to a point where I have to ask the woman to leave because my intentions were more of a short-term nature. I like this conduct because I would rather have me being the one determining the time when the lady should leave and not the other way around.

Well, I dont agree. My experience you have to be LUCKY to find a nice one in Pattaya, in AC there are many more of the nice ones.

Shure you can if you stay at a hotel in the Walking street. Go outside the bars along the street from 6pm and the girls will invite you by. Barfine from 300 and up if I remember right, pluss the girls.

Ok, hope you are LUCKY!

03-13-07, 05:18
Looks are subjective. I dont find the majority of AC women to be fat exactly, but i do believe their bodies are probably thicker then most other asians. My true preference is for a woman who is rail-thin. The AC women are generally slender, but not truely rail-thin most of the time. There are definately a few who I would say are chubby. Im not sure if I will find the rail-thinness in Thailand, but the pictures do suggest that its a high possibility.

I will say the treatment I received in Angeles City was the most accomodating out of any other women I have been with in my life. I have never really encountered such kindness from women that I just met. For example, I walk into a bar and walk out with a woman. Then I spend the night with her and she acts as if we have been boyfriend/girlfriend for years. Sometimes it gets to a point where I have to ask the woman to leave because my intentions were more of a short-term nature. I like this conduct because I would rather have me being the one determining the time when the lady should leave and not the other way around.
They get these pumpkin head. They get pat to look frosperous.

03-13-07, 05:55
Then I go to Angeles City, I just expect one thing and thats plain old sex. The outside environment is rather dirty much like Mexico. The food can be ok depending upon where you go. The hotels have decent food.

The biggest factor for me is the ease of use. All I have to do is make a plane and hotel reservation. Then get to the hotel, put my things away, go across the street, pull a lady out and get laid.

I have not been to Pattaya, but my next trip will be to there. Im not expecting the same easy experience as in the Phils where I am simply dropped off at a hotel and walk across the street to get my ladies.

My time and cash is limited to where I can go and what I can spend. I will indeed miss Angeles when I do make that trip to Pattaya.Good Times... I live of course in Angeles. I like to visit Pattaya, it has everything that I like and Angeles is missing. It has the beach, a beautiful Beach Road to walk down, better transportation, and overall much cleaner. It is of course a little more expensive for pussy and beer. You will find, it as convient to get both as it is in Angeles. Right out the door of most hotels and into a beer garden or some of the famous Soi 6 bars. Walking street at night has to be an experience not to be compared to anywhere in the world.

There are really only three reasons why I choose to live in this shit hole paradise called Angeles when comparing it to Pattaya.

A. The number one reason, is the Thai Goverment just makes it too hard for me to live there year round. With Tiger Airways located at Clark, I am only $100 dollars away from a vacation in Thailand. It is so so so much ealier to live here full time.

B. The number two reason is the language problem. Most Thai ladies I encountered spoke so little English that after a couple of week, the effort just wasn't worth it knowing how much easier communication was here in Angeles.

C. Number three is just a small reason. In Thailand, the religion is so much different. In the Philippines the Religion is much like some parts of the states. There is not that much culture difference. The values are similiar to the states. As I said number three is of far lesser problem. Number 1 and 2 are just too hard for me to overcome for a retirement home.

When you go to Thailand ( Pattaya), be sure to check out the several boards that deal with just Pattaya. You will be so so glad you did. But of course ever good monger knows this and you would not be on this great board.

Enjoy your next trip to Thailand and if you head back to Angeles, pm me and lets have a beer.

Sailor Man

03-13-07, 10:30

I'm visiting AC the first week of June. Last time there was April 2000. I've read many of the reports given in the last 6 months and it seems that good AC is still the same. I'm sure there are some changes but the basics are the one constant. I was planning on staying the Orchid Inn and was curious if the new(to me) Flamigo club draws a crowd. Also curious about the weather during that period. I did go back a year to last June and nothing out of the ordinary posted just not many posts. Is this a slow time of year? I looked at the average weather and it appears that the rainy season starts in June. Any pointers? 49 days and 7 hours until touchdown in MNL

Jimbo 69
03-13-07, 23:20
I am making my first visit in May. I arrive late at night in Manila(10:30) and leave the following week early morning(7)

I think I will spend my first and last night in Manila for ease of travel. I will be tired but would still like to have some fun there. Where is a good place to stay that is close to the action not far from the airport and safe enough to walk to.

The rest of my trip I will be in AC. and have decided on the Pacific Breeze. What is the best way to get to AC from Manila and back. I can set it up with the hotel for about $50 each way. Is this the best way to go or is there a better cheaper yet safe alternative.

What is a standard Bar Fine I have seen several numbers tossed about I am sure it varies and is it all night. What should I expect to pay for Short time and Long time

Is Dirty Duck still the best BJ bar and what is your favorite bars for taking home girls.

Last is it worth setting up FH dates or should I concentrate on P2P and be sure what I am getting.

I know most of this has been discussed before and I have read back for two years on the AC site but i would like any updated info.

Also I wouldnt mind having a drinking buddy or two if any one will be in town starting the 14th. I will be a paid member shortly and can take PMs

One last thing I did chat with a girl at a club called AngelWitch. I have seen clubs with similar names on the maps but not that. does anyone know where that club is ?
thanks for any help


03-14-07, 07:40
Is Dirty Duck still the best BJ bar and what is your favorite bars for taking home girls.
Dirty Duck is a BJ-Bar?!? Didn't know that since I'm rarely in Fields.
Seems I have to check it out soon.

One last thing I did chat with a girl at a club called AngelWitch. I have seen clubs with similar names on the maps but not that. does anyone know where that club is ?
It's at the upper end of Fields near Main Gate and Jeepney terminal. Next to Roadhouse and SubDelicious.


It Traveller
03-15-07, 10:58
Well, after 24 hours of traveling from Afghanistan to Manila because of delays, I finally arrived in AC. I’m just glad my driver was still at the airport to meet me. So as I arrive at the Wild Orchid, I go up to my room, and take care of the three S’s in about 15 minutes.

I figures that since I was pretty much wasted from the travel I would just do some recanaissance and then call it a night. My first stop was at Blue Nile where the place was pretty much empty with the exception of the abundance of girls. Some good lookers and definitely worth paying a visit back to later. Next it was off to one of my old favorites of Champagne. It’s not as rocking as it used to be, and the girls were lacking the fun they used to have. On the other hand, the waitresses are pretty smoking. Think I liked most is the no pressure atmosphere it has always been for me, yet everyone is still friendly. I had a few there and then moved on to Camelot. As reported before, the girls who used to be at Champagne moved over to Camelot. Place has a few good lookers here and the girls are still real friendly. After about 45 minutes here I figured I should move on.

Headed over to Dollhouse in which I walked into a mock contest of who is the best looking I think. Some real good looking dancers here, but the club is just too loud and too much for my taste, but I will give it a go again as I was tired and that could have been factoring into my bad time there. But they did have some real lookers; the dance crew was good, and it probably is better then my initial visit.

Next stop was the old Pick-UP dico whatever it is called now. Club seemed nice, but not the best looking dancers IMHO. Very friendly waitresses but a little too pushy, as I was constantly surrounded by six or seven of them, which honestly isn’t a bad thing, it’s a great thing, but can get a little old after a bit, and again my levels of frustration could have been up after my travels.

I was thinking about calling it a day, but figured I would go back to Champagne and have one last SanMig. When I was there earlier I noticed a waitress eying me quite a bit, so I called her over as I was sitting at the bar. She was a tad bit older then what I usually go for, but I was thinking I needed a little mellower night if I bar fined anyone. Little did I know that the girl wore me out. The little girl got on top and wouldn’t get off until she finished twice, then it was my turn as she calmly stated. Afterwards, it was a well deserved rest.

On a side note, I went to the optometrist before I came over and found out I needed glasses. I figured that since I was coming here, I would check prices out here before I bought anywhere else. Well, I can say that for 800p for the lenses and 7500p for Armani lenses, it cost me about 170 US for Armani prescription glasses, roughly half the cost in the states. I know a lot of people mention dentistry work over here, but thought I would throw this out as well.

More to follow…

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

03-16-07, 21:37
I think I will spend my first and last night in Manila for ease of travel. I will be tired but would still like to have some fun there. Where is a good place to stay that is close to the action not far from the airport and safe enough to walk to.A good place to stay is in Ermita at the Executive Plaza Hotel. Book through Action Travel in Angeles City for a rate of P1,500/nt. You pay the hotel at checkout. See: http://www.actiontravelac.com/hotels.html

Why you want to stay in Ermita is because of the LA Cafe. It is a two block walk from the Executive Plaza and is full of freelancers and is open 24hrs/day. See: http://ermita.com/LA%20cafe/index.htm

The Executive Plaza is a 20 minute taxi ride from the airport but don't worry as the times you will be going to/form the airport the traffic will be light.

03-16-07, 21:53
The rest of my trip I will be in AC. and have decided on the Pacific Breeze. What is the best way to get to AC from Manila and back. I can set it up with the hotel for about $50 each way. Is this the best way to go or is there a better cheaper yet safe alternative.If you stay at the Executive Plaza and feel adventureous, a safe and very cheap way to get to AC is by the Philippine Rabbit bus.

Take a taxi to the Avenida Philippine Rabbit bus terminal which takes 15 minutes and costs about P70, then board the bus to Angeles City/Dau. You buy your ticket onboard. The trip takes 1.5 hours and costs about P130. Tell the ticket guy you want to get off at the Fields Avenue stop. The bus stops at McArthur and Fields. You can then walk or take a trike to the Pacific Breeze depending on how much luggage you have.

I have done the trip via Rabbit bus twice and wouldn't go any other way. I wouldn't waste US$50 each way when you can do it just as fast for about US$4.

03-17-07, 01:42
Sailor man, I'll be following in your footsteps this fall...moving to AC and making occasional trips to Tland to meet visa stuff. I'd like to buy you a beer and pick your brain when I get over there. My top concern of course is budget, give me an idea what yours is like when you can...Thanks! T

There are really only three reasons why I choose to live in this shit hole paradise called Angeles when comparing it to Pattaya.

A. The number one reason, is the Thai Goverment just makes it too hard for me to live there year round. With Tiger Airways located at Clark, I am only $100 dollars away from a vacation in Thailand. It is so so so much ealier to live here full time.

B. The number two reason is the language problem. Most Thai ladies I encountered spoke so little English that after a couple of week, the effort just wasn't worth it knowing how much easier communication was here in Angeles.

C. Number three is just a small reason. In Thailand, the religion is so much different. In the Philippines the Religion is much like some parts of the states. There is not that much culture difference. The values are similiar to the states. As I said number three is of far lesser problem. Number 1 and 2 are just too hard for me to overcome for a retirement home.

When you go to Thailand ( Pattaya), be sure to check out the several boards that deal with just Pattaya. You will be so so glad you did. But of course ever good monger knows this and you would not be on this great board.

Enjoy your next trip to Thailand and if you head back to Angeles, pm me and lets have a beer.

Sailor Man

Bold Focker
03-17-07, 01:46
I am making my first visit in May. I arrive late at night in Manila(10:30) and leave the following week early morning(7)

I think I will spend my first and last night in Manila for ease of travel. I will be tired but would still like to have some fun there. Where is a good place to stay that is close to the action not far from the airport and safe enough to walk to.

The rest of my trip I will be in AC. and have decided on the Pacific Breeze. What is the best way to get to AC from Manila and back. I can set it up with the hotel for about $50 each way. Is this the best way to go or is there a better cheaper yet safe alternative.

What is a standard Bar Fine I have seen several numbers tossed about I am sure it varies and is it all night. What should I expect to pay for Short time and Long time

Is Dirty Duck still the best BJ bar and what is your favorite bars for taking home girls.

Last is it worth setting up FH dates or should I concentrate on P2P and be sure what I am getting.

I know most of this has been discussed before and I have read back for two years on the AC site but i would like any updated info.

Also I wouldnt mind having a drinking buddy or two if any one will be in town starting the 14th. I will be a paid member shortly and can take PMs

One last thing I did chat with a girl at a club called AngelWitch. I have seen clubs with similar names on the maps but not that. does anyone know where that club is ?
thanks for any help


From the international or domestic airport take a meter taxi 85peso to the LRT train station, 1st station is Maclaren or 2nd is edsa (not sure about spelling) 1st station is very busy and a long walk from where taxi drops you off. 2nd station would probable be best bet, but not been there tho.

Get a ticket to D Jose station about 10 stops 15peso.

Exit station and when at bottom of steps turn left when you reach the footpath. Continue about 100 meters and you will see Rabbit bus terminal on the left. Buses run every 30 mins to Angeles city. 115 Pesos.
Bus takes about 90 mins and arrives at dau bus terminal.
trike or jeepney to Ac takes about 10 mins. trike should be 100peso.

Taxi from Airport will be about 2500 peso and you will be stuck in traffic for ever. the LRT train will bypass most of this traffic and drop you off on the outskirts so the bus is on the open roads within about 15 mins.

I found the best bars to be, Lancelot, stingers, blue nile/Neros and Las Vegas.
Bar fines are 1200 peso and some models go for 1500 peso.

Good hunting!

03-17-07, 05:36
Well I just got back from AC in February. I can tell you that the best and most secure way is to set it up with the Hotel to pick you up. Some use the taxi stand to the right where you meet your company. They tend to want more and tend to be hustlers. Best bet is though Hotel transportation. I stayed at the Wild Orchid off Santos street. This in my opinion is the best place because its a good quality place girls love the pool and it is 1 block from everything! Kokomos is near and a great place to eat. The bars are endless. Everyone will have there own opinion of what there favorite bars are. Me I liked Champayne, Classroom, and Dollhouse. But Dollhouse can be tricky in the early mornings because there are rumors they pad the tabs to us drunken mongers. The main area will cost P 1300 for bar fine. And you need to tip girl next morning if she was good (P700 to P1000). Also Dollhouse is open 24 hours a day. If you go further down you will have smaller and cheaper bars that have short time places if you desire. These are usually P1000 bar fines. Never got a chance to go to the Dirty Duck. I will make another trip there on Mat 7th so I may try that. As far as Hotels when you come back to Manila. There is a hotel I can not think of the name of it. But it is across the street from the US embassy. It is reasonable cheap for Manila. Good luck on your trip you will be there around the same time when I return.

03-17-07, 11:23
Well I just got back from AC in February. I can tell you that the best and most secure way is to set it up with the Hotel to pick you up. Some use the taxi stand to the right where you meet your company ... Everyone will have there own opinion of what there favorite bars are. Me I liked Champayne, Classroom, and Dollhouse. But Dollhouse can be tricky in the early mornings because there are rumors they pad the tabs to us drunken mongers. The main area will cost P 1300 for bar fine. And you need to tip girl next morning if she was good (P700 to P1000). Also Dollhouse is open 24 hours a day. If you go further down you will have smaller and cheaper bars that have short time places if you desire. These are usually P1000 bar fines.


A very good summary indeed! But one tiny little remark: I would not tip with 700 to 1000 pesos, even if the girl was good!

As some mates find valid arguments not to tip at all, this topic usually leads to endless discussions which I hate to inflame again. However, I tend to insinuate that we have reached here something like a consensus that 700 to 1000 pesos is far too much!? IMHO, of course!

Cheers - Hesekiels

Pute Nut
03-17-07, 12:12

A very good summary indeed! But one tiny little remark: I would not tip with 700 to 1000 pesos, even if the girl was good!

As some mates find valid arguments not to tip at all, this topic usually leads to endless discussions which I hate to inflame again. However, I tend to insinuate that we have reached here something like a consensus that 700 to 1000 pesos is far too much!? IMHO, of course!

Cheers - Hesekiels
Ditto that. But to each their own. The big tippers who pay us a visit now and then and throw money around are in their full right to do so. In fact, thanks to them AC keeps attracting new talent in search of rich porreigners. In the end it means so many more hungry mouths to feed on a rainy day...

But just to re-iterate the facts:

P700-1000 = 3-4 full 8hr workdays pay for a regular girl @ SM Mall
(smaller shops usually pay LESS than that)

It's all up to you (Air Supply)

03-17-07, 14:31
Well good point on the tipping, I guess I leave a good tip then but will admit that I had one girl that got nothing at all and for good reason. I BF her and she was just simply lousy attitude and rather than waste my time with her I sent her on her way. Went back to same bar (Champayne) and got another girl who spent next 4 days with me helping BF for threesomes and what a 4 days it was!

There is a place called Illusions down further that has ST upstairs the girl I BF was P700. This was a great place for short time.

Well I go back in May...Anyone know of Casa's there in AC? Like to try them for a change. Never had experience BJ bar which do you recommend when I go back and is it true they do it right there in the bar? Can u bar fine the girls there for short time as well and what is the cost in BJ bar.

Dirty Daddy
03-17-07, 19:12
I will back in AC (for my third trip) in April. Looking forward to the low season > fewer pooners, lower prices (in some cases). Hungrier girls make for better attitudes IMHO. he he.

Last trip I enjoyed lunch a few times at Edelweiss Restaurant and a few weisse bier there. They had only 2 of the lower quality beers on hand - Oetinger and Kapunzer - which were affordable and a welcome relief from the crappy SM.

2 questions for the vets:

1) Can anyone here point me in the direction of a place to buy (retail ) some of the better imported beers? Schneider Weisse, Paulaner etc?

2) Ever have any success in negotiatinga 10% discount for low season; staying for a week etc?


Dirty Daddy

03-17-07, 19:48
Can u bar fine the girls there for short time as well and what is the cost in BJ bar.


Sure, pay 1000 pesos and you can barfine any girl for ST in a bj bar! I do that quite regularly for some afternoon entertainment! :) Check any bar in Perimeter Road!

Cheers - Hesekiels

03-17-07, 21:49
Assuming no public bus and transport from Clark to heart of AC. Whats the usual cost to the AC strip area and hotels near all action and time to get there.

03-17-07, 23:00
I arranged for hotel pick up (Sunset Gardens) at perimeter...they quoted 300 pesos.

Key Master
03-17-07, 23:08
Assuming no public bus and transport from Clark to heart of AC. Whats the usual cost to the AC strip area and hotels near all action and time to get there.

It's like a 10 minute drive. It's really quick. I have usually used hotel pickup at around 300 pesos, but I'm sure you could hire someone out there.

03-18-07, 08:19
It's like a 10 minute drive. It's really quick. I have usually used hotel pickup at around 300 pesos, but I'm sure you could hire someone out there.
Nice taxis are immediately available from the taxi pool in front of airport. They are called for you at arrivals and drive up to arrivals in 2 minutes and charge a fixed 200 Peso. Ver well organized. Much easier than having to arrange a hotel pickup and paying 50% more.

Pute Nut
03-18-07, 09:45
Nice taxis are immediately available from the taxi pool in front of airport. They are called for you at arrivals and drive up to arrivals in 2 minutes and charge a fixed 200 Peso. Ver well organized. Much easier than having to arrange a hotel pickup and paying 50% more.

For the hardcore cheap charlies there are plenty of jeeps available @ L&T just outside the airport. Less than P10 to checkpoint.

03-18-07, 20:00
Keep in mind Jimbo 69 said he's arriving at 10:30 at night, fresh off the plane, jet lagged and possibly with bags. I wouldn't want to deal with the LRT in broad daylight, let alone at nearly midnight. And I think the trains stop running by about 10 or 11.

Just stay in Manila for the night. You can be ready to hit the bars by about midnight. If you try to go to AC in one go it could be 3 in the A.M.

If you want to save money, try the free Swagman pickup and stay at their hotel. I don't particularly like the place but for one short night who cares? You can flick the baby roaches off the bed before you lay your girl down. Then in the morning you can board Swagman's bus to AC.

From the international or domestic airport take a meter taxi 85peso to the LRT train station, 1st station is Maclaren or 2nd is edsa (not sure about spelling) 1st station is very busy and a long walk from where taxi drops you off. 2nd station would probable be best bet, but not been there tho.

Get a ticket to D Jose station about 10 stops 15peso.

Exit station and when at bottom of steps turn left when you reach the footpath. Continue about 100 meters and you will see Rabbit bus terminal on the left. Buses run every 30 mins to Angeles city. 115 Pesos.
Bus takes about 90 mins and arrives at dau bus terminal.
trike or jeepney to Ac takes about 10 mins. trike should be 100peso.

Taxi from Airport will be about 2500 peso and you will be stuck in traffic for ever. the LRT train will bypass most of this traffic and drop you off on the outskirts so the bus is on the open roads within about 15 mins.

I found the best bars to be, Lancelot, stingers, blue nile/Neros and Las Vegas.
Bar fines are 1200 peso and some models go for 1500 peso.

Good hunting!

Pute Nut
03-18-07, 21:58
Keep in mind Jimbo 69 said he's arriving at 10:30 at night, fresh off the plane, jet lagged and possibly with bags. I wouldn't want to deal with the LRT in broad daylight, let alone at nearly midnight. And I think the trains stop running by about 10 or 11.

Just stay in Manila for the night. You can be ready to hit the bars by about midnight. If you try to go to AC in one go it could be 3 in the A.M.

If you want to save money, try the free Swagman pickup and stay at their hotel. I don't particularly like the place but for one short night who cares? You can flick the baby roaches off the bed before you lay your girl down. Then in the morning you can board Swagman's bus to AC.

...or just take a metered cab to Pasay (70+ Pesos) then bus to Dau (24 hrs service regular P90 aircon P119). From Dau trike to any Fields hotel (P 60-70).

MIA-AC sweet n easy for P 250, give or take a few pesos :)

03-18-07, 23:14

Great write up from a guy Living n AC. Your information made a lot of sense and i chatted up many ex pats at Mo's recently on my trip to AC. For me I'm looking at relocating to Cebu or Damagete City as I do so love being by the sea/beach.

I have visited BKK and Pattaya and agree that the Thai women are slighly hotter thna Filipina's although many of the Phillina are also quite hot. While Ac can be dirty and have not much there it does have very cheap and good attitude pussy for the most part.

For me I will come to play there a few more times before I permanently relocate to live in the Phillipines for all the reasons U stated. Since I'm not ex military then AC has no speical place for me other than mongering.

And in short time living there permanently I will cease that for the most part with a great Philipina girlfirend/life partner.

You and Spam Hog have written many great posts and hope to look u guys up in your repsective areas on my next trip.

03-19-07, 02:18
I had never been to Angeles but I did some extensive reading on this forum and also other similar type websites. It seems that there are two schools of thought concerning Angeles, those that love the place and those that don’t think very much of it and stay far away from it. After my first trip there I can say that all that I’ve read about Angeles is true, that is, there is both good and bad. One can find themselves loving and hating it all within the same day.

I arrived in Angeles by way of taxi at about 3:00pm. After checking in to my hotel I stepped outside and took a nice leisurely stroll down Fields Ave. My first impressions were not good. I have heard so much about the legendary Fields Avenue: bars, girls, neon lights, excitement! Clearly I wasn’t expecting the Las Vegas strip but I have to say my first impressions were;

“This is it???”

It is a narrow street with lots of traffic, run down shops and an endless parade of hustlers selling Viagra, Cialis, T-shirts and just about any piece of crap you can imagine. I remember one day a guy was walking down the street with a rolled up area rug.

“Rug sir?”

“No thank you.”

As I continued my walk down the crowded street I suddenly noticed an incredibly foul odor, as I looked around I realized that I had walked into an outdoor market area complete with raw fish, chicken and beef sitting out on tables in the hot tropical sun. No ice, no refrigeration, nothing to cover the meat from the swarm of buzzing flies; I nearly lost my lunch right then and there. It is a wonder that whoever eats from this market and others like it don’t get a daily dose of food poisoning!

Clearly, these are some of the bad things, trust me, it does get better, much better.

I stayed at the Royal Amsterdam which I highly recommend; it is a new and modern hotel that opened about two years ago. The décor and amenities are top notch and there is a decent restaurant on the first floor that is open 24 hours, the staff is very friendly and professional as well. The hotel is located in the heart of “the action” on Fields Ave., the only negative things about the place are that it does not have a pool and if you have a room on the back side of the hotel you will hear the constant sounds of karaoke all night long as there is a long line of KTV shacks that seem to cater to the local clientele. They have installed double windows and shutters on these rooms but you will still hear the endless array of tone deaf voices screeching through the night until 6:00am!

As night came and all of the neon appeared, the reason why so many come here became abundantly clear. There is a certain electricity in the air, a spirit that is fun, adventurous and alive. There are so many bars so close together, it is so easy to bar hop from one place to another. If you go into a bar that you don’t like or it just doesn’t feel right, no problem! Just walk out the door and whatever you’re looking for it will probably be right next door.

There are big obnoxious bars, bars that are small and quaint, bars with lots of girls, bars with only a few, there is something for everyone. Generally speaking, the girls have a fun attitude, very laid back, simple. There can be a fair share of homely chubby girls, but to counter that there is more than enough attractive ladies to suit anyone’s taste.

If a monger doesn’t’ have fun in a place like this, then they are either so uptight they would never have fun anywhere, or they are seriously burnt out and have had way too much of a good thing!

On my first night in Angeles I did some barhopping and ended up at a place called “The Welcome Inn” where I met a 21 year old doorgirl named Herwill. She was friendly and sweet and a lot of fun to be with. I asked her if she wanted to barfine with me she literally jumped up and down and went dancing all over the bar. One thing about this place is that it’s good for the ego!

We went straight to my hotel and after a good romp in the sack she said she was hungry and wanted to go out and get some chicken feet and go bar hopping. It was about 2am at this point so I thought what the heck.

Now, being rather naïve and from the USA I didn’t know what chicken feet were. Here in my country, for example, we have a popular snack called chicken fingers, now these are not literally fingers from a chicken but rather strips of chicken meat that have been battered and fried and usually served with some kind of dipping sauce. When my girl said she wanted some chicken feet I just assumed it was some funny name of a Filipino snack. When we went to a roadside BBQ I found out to my horror that chicken feet were exactly as she said; little chicken feet, claws and all, that are skewered and barbequed. I’m not sure what was worse, the mere thought of eating the feet of a chicken or the sight of my cute date devouring these things then spitting out the bones on the sidewalk! She offered some to me but I respectfully declined. A nice thing she did though was to give her leftover skewers to some little street kid.

We went to Stinger bar, a place she used to work and played a few games of pool and had a few drinks. We then we headed to the Blue Nile Executive Club that is upstairs of the Blue Nile bar. It had a great party atmosphere, it was crowded and the music was loud, not very good for a conversation but a good place to have a drink or two and watch the dancers, of which there were some nice lookers there. After a while there I was getting tired and horny so we left and went back to the hotel for another session.

The next day I needed money from an ATM, Herwill was still with me and said she knew of one nearby, so we were walking along Fields Ave. and she hails a trike, not knowing how far anything is I just followed her into the trike. This was my first ever ride in a trike, I was not impressed. Now keep in mind that I am not a big guy and even I was cramped in this damn thing, there can’t be much of a suspension on these things as the ride was rougher than Fred Flintstone’s car. To top it off, the driver drove like a maniac, which isn’t so unusual as all Filipinos drive like this.

Anyways, the trike takes us to an ATM about a two minute, if that, trike ride away on Macarthur Blvd. To walk this it would take about 10 minutes, no problem for me as I love to walk. So I get in line for the ATM, the trike patiently waiting for me to conduct by business then takes us back to the Royal Amsterdam, price for about 10 minutes of the trike drivers time was 500 peso! I did not know it at the time just how badly I was being ripped off, but if I was a local I believe the tab would have been more like 50 peso. Now, I am not a cheap Charlie and I have no problem being generous and tipping well, but I don’t like being taken advantage of. From this point on I started to dislike trike drivers and swore that I would rather walk then get into another one again! I can count on my hand the times I have ridden in those damn things.

We went up to my room and she told me that she loved me and wanted to stay with me. Here we go again! I don’t know what I’m doing wrong (or what I’m doing right depending on how you look at it) but this talk of love the next day is just too much for me. Maybe I would have spent another day or two with her if she didn’t start in with all the crazy talk, but as it was I had to say goodbye to her. She was crying when I told her I was going barhopping that night without her. I felt lousy about it as I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, but I believe it’s better to nip it in the bud in a situation like this, after all, if she was proclaiming her love for me after just one night and crying when I said goodbye, imagine what would she be like after two or three days!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

03-19-07, 06:21
Hello Gentlemen

I will be in AC in about a month. I want to take my girl to Boracay for a few days. I've been in contact with a couple of travel agencies and they are quoting about $100 US per night. This seems high for me. Can any of you help? Should I book my own via internet? Any hotel/resort recommendations? How much should I pay?


Dan D Dick
03-19-07, 06:26
Hello Gentlemen

I will be in AC in about a month. I want to take my girl to Boracay for a few days. I've been in contact with a couple of travel agencies and they are quoting about $100 US per night. This seems high for me. Can any of you help? Should I book my own via internet? Any hotel/resort recommendations? How much should I pay?


I expect to be there in the May 16 - 24 time frame. I'll likely stay at the Pacific Breeze; PM me for a few other options & contact info. $48 - 90 or so per night depending if you want a jacuzzi, a suite, etc. There are some available in the $30/night range as well and are reportedly fairly good.

/Dan D.

03-19-07, 09:28
On a side note, I went to the optometrist before I came over and found out I needed glasses. I figured that since I was coming here, I would check prices out here before I bought anywhere else. Well, I can say that for 800p for the lenses and 7500p for Armani lenses, it cost me about 170 US for Armani prescription glasses, roughly half the cost in the states. I know a lot of people mention dentistry work over here, but thought I would throw this out as well.[[/blue][/size]IT Traveller--where did you get the glasses made and how long did it take?

Also, is the first week of June a good time to go? Please I know it always a good time but seriously, is it slow, rainy, etc?

Buko Max
03-19-07, 11:12
IT Traveller--where did you get the glasses made and how long did it take?

Also, is the first week of June a good time to go? Please I know it always a good time but seriously, is it slow, rainy, etc?
On my last trip, I needed to replace my lenses so I took a walk over to the mall. There are several optometrists there so I picked one and they quoted me $925 pesos. It took them about 45 minutes to finish the job so I chatted up the receptionist and even got her phone number!
The weather at the begining of June will be hot and is the start of the rainy season. This should be a great time to go because you will have more choices and less competition.

To Sagramore:

Great write-up! Good to see you made it to AC and now you are surely hooked!

03-19-07, 14:05
Believe it or not I’ve never really been that interested in a threesome, I’ve always been more than satisfied with just one woman at a time. However, I always told myself that if I ever did do one that:

A.) The girls would have to be truly bisexual, getting off with each other as much as with me, and.

B.) They would have to be into me as much as they were into each other.

That being said, I was out and about one night in Angeles, not looking for any kind of threesome, and I end up at a bar called, I think, Private Dancer. It was located directly next door to "The Roadhouse". I say "was" because since I’ve been there it has changed owners and it is now called "Angel Witch". At the time I went there it had a sign outside that said; "Hot Women, Cold Beer and a pool table". What more could anyone want?

So I went on inside and started chatting and flirting with two ladies named Alex and Sophia. Things were getting a little flirtatious with both of them with one on each side of me, kissing and caressing each of them, with a lot of encouragement from both of them. They were kissing each other as well! So I started to think that maybe this was the night to break my threesome cherry. What the hell? You only live once right? They seem to be into each other and they seem to be into me as well: so I barfined both of them and headed out to a night that had promise of untold pleasure!

However, the evening took a nosedive as soon as we stepped out of the bar; it went from light, flirtatious fun to awkward moments and forced conversation. I tried to recapture that lovin’ feeling by going into another bar and having a drink or two but it just wasn’t the same. Sophia, the more aggressive and talkative one, suggested we head back to my hotel room and move the party there, I thought this seemed like a great idea!

Back at my hotel we raided the mini-bar and had a few more drinks and things were going much better now, so I figure this is the time to make my move and really get things started here! I invited them both to come over and sit on the bed with me, Sophia came over but Alex didn’t even want to sit next to me. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out she just wasn’t into the whole threesome thing, she was too shy to do anything so I just sent her home.

Now, I really wasn’t upset at this point; I still had Sophia who promised to "take care of me". Things were going pretty good with her, we had some good foreplay, clothes came off, took a shower, headed back to the bed then all of a sudden things went sour and she said she wanted to go home! I asked her what was wrong but she wouldn’t give any reason. To this day I have no idea what the hell happened with the change in attitude. In any event, it was far too much drama for me, I told her to get dressed and just go home. I never want a girl to do something she doesn’t want to do and I try to be very careful to pick girls that genuinely seem to be into me. It’s ok if they’re not; all I ask for is some honesty in the first place!

So here I am, alone in my hotel room, stewing about what just happened, the bottom line was that I paid two bar-fines and both girls left early and I never went boom-boom! (You can tell I’ve been in this city too long when I start talking like that! ) I thought I was being more than reasonable when I went back to the bar asking for just one bar-fine back, especially considering that I never even touched one of the girls. To make a long story short, the manager refused to give me one centavo back; to me this was simply poor customer service skills. Needless to say I never did go back.

After the failed threesome it was about 3 am, late but still bars are open, my choices were simple;

(a.) go home alone (be.) find an eligible honey before the bars close.

Guess what option I choose? ; )

I went to a bar called Nero’s Forum and quickly met a girl named Veronica. She was an aggressive girl who was very adept at making the blow job gesture by pumping her fist in front of her mouth while her tongue poked at her inside cheek in unison. She promised me the best blow job ever and all night of boom-boom. At this point I thought maybe this is just the ticket, a professional girl who does her job well and won’t make a scene when it’s time to leave. So I bar-fined this aggressive minx and took her back to my hotel where I learned that not only am I only her 3rd bar-fine but she has never done a BJ before and was not about to learn that night! These facts were made believable by her overall inexperience in the bedroom. However, much to her credit, what she lacked in experience she more than made up for with enthusiasm.

I should also add that I am not necessarily complaining about her performance or attitude, I’m a go with the flow kind of guy and will always try and make the most of any situation and will still treat the ladies with respect, after all, I never want a woman to do something she doesn’t want to do. I avoid thinking of the girls offering a service and think more of just picking up a girl at a bar where we are both mutually attracted and both having a good time. Although a valuable lesson here is that things are often not what they seem; you have to take everything these girls say with a grain of salt.

After a full night of fun, I unfortunately woke up the next morning feeling terrible with a raging fever. I think the combination of the long plane ride, jet lag, strange foods and nonstop drinking and screwing took its toll! I ended up feeling worse and worse to the point of calling a doctor. The Royal Amsterdam hotel has a doctor on call that stopped by my hotel room for a checkup, all for 1500 peso. I know back in the USA you could never, I mean never find a doctor to do a house call for 30 bucks! You couldn’t even find a plumber for that price! Anyways, I was diagnosed with tonsillitis, nothing some antibiotics couldn’t cure.

As for Veronica, she stayed and took care of me; she was like my own personal caregiver. I think that there is a certain caring nature with these girls that I believe is part of their culture. With her by my side for those few days, I got to know her on a more personal level and developed a genuine affection for her. However, as much as I liked her, there was still not enough there to make more than a few days of fun. I ended up spending three days with her and maybe would have gone longer but she was simply getting too attached to me too quickly when she started saying things like ‘mahal kital" (I love you) and calling me her honeyko.

The hardest part for me is saying goodbye to these women, I am not here to hurt anyone, and on the contrary I’m here for fun. It seems all too often that when it’s time to say good bye a scene complete with tears and pouting breaks out. I simply have not found the best way to handle these situations, or better yet, how to avoid getting myself into them.

There is more on this girl later; I will have a separate story in the "Filipina’s Advice" forum.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Dan D Dick
03-19-07, 16:30
I'm trying to weasel a trip to AC in May, tagging it on as a "stopover" on my trip to Toronto. (yes, this technique often gets me to where I want to go for free or very little cost, with my client paying for the original trip)

I see that the costs of bar fines / EWR in most of the bars are in the 1200 + P range. Does a portion of that go to the girl? Bottom line - will I need to negotiate with the gal for pricing also or does the bar fine cover everything except the tip for good service?

I've read conflicting reports (for instance, in Cebu on a 2500P barfine the bar often gets 700P & the girl 1800P)


/Dan D.

Buko Max
03-19-07, 17:16
Hello Dan,

Yes the barfine covers everything except the tip for good service. The only thing you should negotiate is what will happen in the bedroom. In most cases, the girl gets $500 and the bar gets $700, so a tip for good service is always appreciated.


PS.........Just curious but will you be flying Cathay to TO?

03-19-07, 19:42
Hello Gentlemen

I will be in AC in about a month. I want to take my girl to Boracay for a few days. I've been in contact with a couple of travel agencies and they are quoting about $100 US per night. This seems high for me. Can any of you help? Should I book my own via internet? Any hotel/resort recommendations? How much should I pay?

EggEgg -

have been to Baracay many times and $100 US is high... My wife and I stay at Willy's Resort for about $50 - it is away from the action a bit however, we like it because it is a bit quiet.. Rooms are nice and clean (with A/C and hot water), service is great. Also, restuarant on site. PM if you need more...


PS - wear shorts and flip flops on the boat - unless you want your clothes to get wet...

Dan D Dick
03-19-07, 21:05
PS.........Just curious but will you be flying Cathay to TO?

No - of all airlines, Continental. Houston-Toronto outbound. Two days later Toronto-Houston-Honolulu-Guam-Manila.

Thanks for the info.

/Dan D

03-20-07, 02:05
One night on a good barhop I ended up at a bar called Gecko’s and met two girls named Michelle and Ecel. They were best friends and we ended up drinking and partying for quite a while together. I asked Michelle if she wanted to barfine with me and she said yes but also asked;

“Barfine my friend too?”

Hmmm, now I’m thinking that means a threesome, but too often I believe it means that they just want a friend to go barhopping with. I did ask if they were up for a threesome, they said they were but I really wasn’t convinced of that. I wasn’t too keen on having another threesome attempt after the last fiasco I had, but maybe this time would be different. You never know until you try. ;)

So I barfined both of them, they said they were hungry so I suggested we all go to Kokomo’s for a bite, they said they would rather go to another place located nearby on top of the Lancelot bar, I forget the name but it was a nice place with some decent food. It actually was probably one of the most expensive places in Angeles and they both ordered some of the most expensive dishes on the menu, the bill came out to be over 4,000 pesos! Now don’t get me wrong, I am not a Cheap Charlie and I am there for new experiences and to have a good time, but you have to watch that the girls don’t spend too much of your money.

After our late dinner we then went to go Karaoke at one of the numerous shacks on the road North of Fields. These shacks are more for the locals as I was the only foreigner there; it was interesting in a way to see how the locals get their entertainment. One thing for sure is the drinks were a lot cheaper! All of the Filipinos were very polite and friendly to me, but I still felt a little out of place there.

We then went to Agasya for a few drinks, there were some nice lookers in there but as I already had two girls my plate was already full! Speaking of which, through the course of the evening, it was becoming apparent that Michelle was not really into doing a threesome. Since I preferred her anyways I simply asked Ecel if it was alright if just Michelle and I left to go to the hotel, both the girls were happy at the new arrangement. Since it was getting late I paid our bill and took my girl back to the hotel.

Now Michelle had the face of an angel and was very shy and coquettish. From what I have gathered from my experiences, a shy girl can either be a real gem or a real dud, unfortunately she turned out to be a bit of a dud. After an overall just average romp in the sack the first thing afterwards she did was grab the TV remote and proceeded to watch some of those truly awful Tagalog movies. I couldn’t get even a word of conversation out of her as she was completely hypnotized by the boob tube! She made it easy on me when she said she had to leave early the next morning because of her weekly hygiene checkup. That was fine by me, no tears or proclamations of love! Yay!

The last day I found a cutie from Samar (There seem to be a lot of women from Samar that work in these bars) named Trixie from the Bunny Ranch. She was a lot of fun and very good at doing a blow job shot as well as a having a special gift of shaking her ass in a way that rivaled Shakira! I ended up barfining her and had a terrific all night GFE with her. It is simply so easy to find fun attractive girls who will rock your world all night long in this city, I love this place!

The next day it was unfortunately time for me to go, I had been in Angeles almost a week now and it was time to experience new and different things. Although there was a part of me that was having such a good time and didn’t want to leave!

Next stop: Manila

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Soju Lizard
03-20-07, 07:07
Keep the good reports coming Sagramore. I've enjoyed reading your posts so far. Those are the kinds of reports this forum was made for.

I do want to share one piece of advice that a very honest waitress from the old Lolipop Club once shared with me.....don't fall for their act. During one of my first trips to the PI, I always felt bad the next day when I'd ask the girl to leave and suddenly the pouting or sometimes tears would start. Once I even had to have the hotel security guard where I was staying remove a girl who simply didn't want to leave because "she was in love with me" after one night. Fortunately I met a very honest waitress who told me it was all an act. These girls are taught that western men have a conscience unlike their Filipiono men and that we can be manipulated in many ways. They are taught these tricks of the trade to get longer barfines and bigger tips. It's called the "Sucker Complex". The true suckers will feel so bad for their poor honeyko when they return to their country that they'll even send these girls money via Western Union for support. This is the true goal of the working girl. I know it sounds cynical, but after 40 trips to the PI and seeing nearly everything, please believe me that I know the routine there.

Case in point...if your little honey from Welcome Inn really "loved" you after one night, she would not have let you get ripped off P500 for a P50 trike ride. Even your girl who took care of you while you were sick probably was doing it in the hopes that you'd give her a large compensation or even develop some attachment for her so she'd have some Western Union money coming in when you leave the PI. They learn these tricks the day they start working in a bar. I think it's called "GRO Class 101". Or maybe "How to Spot a Sucker".

Don't feel bad about it or let it spoil your fun. It's the same for all of us. What I normally do now is avoid this potential disaster by telling them upfront that I'm just looking for a one night barfine because I may be leaving the next day or I have a business meeting at 3 PM so they can't stay later than that. Since I started using this routine years ago, I've never had one girl refuse a barfine and I've avoided the waterworks and drama when it's time for them to go. These girls are for the most part uneducated but that doesn't mean they aren't smart. We just have to stay one step ahead of them and their manipulations.

Having said all that, enjoy your time there but have no regrets. Don't let their games play on your conscience or western sense of chivalry. And definately keep up the great posts!

Cheers & Good Luck.

Steve Dunstone
03-20-07, 08:56
Soju Lizard,

Your advice is timely.

I was half contemplating sending a little gift to one young darling I met in AC and have kept in contact with.

She hasn't asked for anything (yet) but so little goes a long way there, and I thought that it would be no big deal.

But you are so right. They know how to ident and manipulate the sucker and despite best intentions ie feeling sorry for the poor girls, life is what it is and you can't save all of em.

But rational thought tends to go out the window when you hear their voices (must stop ringing her).

Again, thanks for the reality check. I am going back up there for a week in June, and possibly again longer term in July. I really need to get my shit together as to how I deal with the emotional blackmail etc , otherwise it could turn out to be a disaster.

03-20-07, 10:35
Not only Filipino girls, but every girl everywhere in this whole world. Let's not just the girls in AC! If you don't have the extra money, don't give. If you have money to share, then it's no big deal to share a little.

03-20-07, 14:45
Greetings Sojo Lizard,

Thanks for the kind words and advice, it is well taken. As I mentioned in my first "chapter" even though I’ve been around the block a few times I still consider myself a rookie, sometimes making dumb mistakes. Hopefully some readers can benefit from my stories, or at least be entertained. I have more chapters to come and trust me I’ve made some good mistakes!

As far as my Welcome Inn honey, you’re right about the fact that she let me get ripped off by the trike driver, something I realized after the fact as well. When she, or any girl, starts talking about love after only one night it can be nothing but trouble as far as I’m concerned. Either she is trying to manipulate a guy, as you mention, or worse perhaps she thinks she means it!

In some ways these girls can be very mature and down to earth because of their culture and background in poverty compared to Western women of similar ages, but in other ways they can have the emotional attitudes and maturity of a 12 year old when it comes to relationships. Another one of the many paradoxes one finds in the Philippines.


Asia Smiles
03-20-07, 19:57
Reading Bold Focker and Paul3456 reports on getting to AC via Philippine Rabbit bus. Most appealing is avoiding Manila traffic and the lower price. Also is avoiding the 2 hour small talk with a private driver who is only trying to figure out what else he might be of service for while you are in town. That makes for a long trip.

Some questions though:

1. Is it safe and possible to carry 2 pieces of luggage including a laptop using Philipine Rabbit.

2. Confused where the bus station might be. Is D Jose station the same as Avenida Philipine rabbit?

The alternative Swagman Fly the bus schedule is not convenient for my morning arrival, but if anyone knows of a similar service, this would be appreciated.

Thanks for the great reporting!

03-20-07, 20:53
These girls are taught that western men have a conscience unlike their Filipiono men and that we can be manipulated in many way ... They learn these tricks the day they start working in a bar. I think it's called "GRO Class 101". Or maybe "How to Spot a Sucker"... Don't feel bad about it or let it spoil your fun ... These girls are for the most part uneducated but that doesn't mean they aren't smart ... We just have to stay one step ahead of them and their manipulations ... Having said all that, enjoy your time there but have no regrets. Don't let their games play on your conscience or western sense of chivalry.

Soju Lizard:

Very wisely said, indeed! I can't agree more! All of us are well-advised to keep your words in mind - always!

BTW, one girl from Nero's who "loves me soooo very much" sent me recently much to my biggest surprise her first (!) e-mail. Tenor: "I want to finish school and have to pay my rent next week. Please send me some money, my love!" To cut a long story short, their "games" might even continue after months. Anybody with a similar experience?

Cheers - Hesekiels

Great Expecta
03-20-07, 22:12
Hey folks.... I'll be in AC 25-29 Mar staying at the Orange Lion on Fields... Any one want to get together and be each other's wingman?? Always more fun with another monger...

Be safe out there,

03-21-07, 02:55
her first (!) e-mail. Tenor: "I want to finish school and have to pay my rent next week. Please send me some money, my love!"
Anybody with a similar experience?
Hehe, very common question. Having heard that a dozen times but never sent anything.
My latest passion is bringing handphones as a little give-away.
Our Tesco-Supermarket has thrown out Motorola phones recently for 111 Malaysian Ringgit (25 Euro).
Bought some and give it sometimes to the gals as souvenir.
If theirs are lost, stolen or they dont have one or given to pawnshop or what ever.

Ready to be grilled for that.......... :D

03-21-07, 02:58
I'll be in AC 25-29 Mar staying at the Orange Lion on Fields... Any one want to get together and be each other's wingman?
Too bad, me arriving on 30th.
Have fun and stay safe!

03-21-07, 04:04

The welcome inn girl didn't allow the trike driver to rip you off. She's a part of the deal. They split the 500. That's how things work in many country, mostly poor ones. It is viewed as normal business even though the girl and the driver are perfect strangers. It takes a couple of winks and the deal is set. The girl is a middle-man bringing the deal together. A good girl would fight for you. Keep your report comming

03-21-07, 04:09
My tentative plans before I arrived in the Phils were to monger in Manila and Angeles for a couple of weeks then travel to Davao and Cebu to spend the majority of my stay searching for non-p4p beauties. As great of a plan this was it simply did not happen that way. After a couple of weeks in Manila and Angeles I found that I simply was not ready to abandon the bar scene just yet. I thought I would try an experiment, to go back to Angeles and achieve what I would call "Bar Girl Saturation Point". That is; the point every monger reaches where they simply have had enough of the whole bar-girl scene and is ready to move on to bigger and better things. Unfortunately, in the six weeks I was there in the Phils I didn’t reach that point until I was ready to leave!

I tried to make a reservation at the Royal Amsterdam but unfortunately they were booked, I wanted to stay on Fields Ave and the only hotel I could find a room at was the Blue Nile Executive Hotel. It is basically next door to the Royal Amsterdam which meant that the location was great if you wanted to be close to the action, however, the hotel itself was only okay in my view. The room I was in was very small and the entire hotel is done with this Egyptian theme that I found to be rather gaudy and somewhat silly. There is a bar with a swimming pool downstairs which I actually never used, it seems I was usually in my room either sleeping or. Um, doing other things!

So on my first night back in Angeles I went to the Las Vegas bar, the place did have some nice lookers however there weren’t very many customers. I met an 18 year old cutie named Elma. I usually don’t go for girls this young, but as I was sitting in the bar drinking my San Mig she was grinding on my lap in a way that made me seriously horny. Not to mention that she had a perfect body, curvy with absolutely perfect firm breasts and a nice flat stomach. I barfined her but as it turns out she was kind of a dud in the sack, just kind of laid there kind of girl. She said she had to leave early the next morning because of some story that I really didn’t understand concerning her mother, under the circumstances it was fine by me.

Now, as my adventure continues I should mention a word or two about door girls. Every bar in Angeles takes attractive and personable girls and puts them outside the front door to entice passerby’s to check out their particular bar. One night I met a door-girl named Mary Ann at a bar called Barhoppin that was off the Fields Ave. Strip, right by the Sky Trax disco. After some flirtatious banter on the street, she grabbed my by the hand and literally dragged me inside. The bar itself was only so-so with average girls inside; however, I was having a good time with Mary Ann so a stayed for a few drinks. She met my criteria in that she was sweet, sexy and seemed to genuinely enjoy my company. She told me that she liked me because I "wasn’t an asshole! "

There are clearly a number of men who treat women in these bars like *****s and objects, by grabbing them and talking trashy. Now, I’m not here to tell anyone how to act or talk, far from it, I can only say about what I have experienced and what works for me. Personally, I prefer to be more of a gentleman and not think of these women as prostitutes, I want them to "pick me" as much as I pick them. I like to have fun at these places and sometimes I find myself being the life of the party. This is actually interesting as I’m usually the quiet type when I’m back home. Something about this place brings it out in me I guess! I’ve found that when you use the fun gentleman approach you are more likely to find a true GFE. In the case of Mary Anne, my demeanor definitely worked!

A quick note about door girls, keep in mind that if she is a door girl, she will be outside the bar when she is working and will see you every time you walk by. If you are alone she may accost you drag you into the bar, if she sees you with another girl you may be in for a little jealousy or drama. So I asked Mary Anne if she wanted to barfine with me, she said yes. We went back to my hotel where I discovered that even though she was basically a shy girl, she turned out to be an absolute tiger in the bedroom! She was easily one of the horniest women I have ever been with, after a generous amount of foreplay this petite 5 foot young quiet girl turned into an absolute uninhibited animal! That night I found nirvana gentlemen, pure, absolute, unadulterated nirvana.

She stayed with me for three consecutive days and I would have liked to spent more time with her but chose to let her go because she simply did not like to talk very much. As I’ve stated before, she was an absolute tigress and one of the best lays I’ve ever had but I must say that after a few days of nonstop bedroom gymnastics it actually starts to get a little boring. Call me crazy but I actually like to have an occasional conversation with a woman and that’s where the trouble begins. As sweet and I’ll even say as sincere as she was, she simply did not have much to say about much of anything. I tried my best to get her to open up and talk about any subject but the effort was in vain. Keep in mind I’m not asking for much, even just a superficial banal conversation, but alas, even finding that can be sometimes difficult.

From my experiences I’ve learned that these women that end up in the bars are not the brightest or best educated, let’s face it, if they were they wouldn’t be working in a bar. They can be very sweet, sexy and fun but because of their backgrounds they will often not be very smart or interesting.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

03-21-07, 08:19

The welcome inn girl didn't allow the trike driver to rip you off. She's a part of the deal. They split the 500. That's how things work in many country, mostly poor ones. It is viewed as normal business even though the girl and the driver are perfect strangers. It takes a couple of winks and the deal is set. The girl is a middle-man bringing the deal together. A good girl would fight for you. Keep your report comming

Watching the trikes that hang around outside hotels in AC and nightspots, I cannot stop feeling that there is a cartel mafia at work. The girl may have also been too darn scared to help as she has to live there. I always walk or take a jeepney for longer distances as I just to not want to waste energy arguing with the crooks.

03-21-07, 09:03
Allow me: Bus services from Metro Manila to AC are not limited to Philippine Rabbit and Swagman's Fly the Bus. Here's an alternative which I took when I was in Manila in Feb.:

Take a metered cab to the Victory Liner bus terminal in Pasay. The bus terminal is located on the slip road serving the EDSA, which is a main artery through the city. I believe the Philippine Rabbit terminal is also in the vicinity. From the Victory Liner bus terminal, catch a bus bound for Northern Luzon. It terminates in Baguio and there should be only one ticket counter. Tell them you want to get off at Dau, which is just north of AC and is served by a busy bus terminal. Cost was something like PHP120 or so and there are buses every hour or half hour depending on the time of day. The ride takes about 2 hours. From the Dau bus terminal, I found trike drivers aplenty willing to take me to Fields Ave. The trike driver asked for PHP50 and I wasnt about to bargain over a buck. The ride took all of 10 mins through the smell of exhaust fumes (mostly) and BBQ meat.

Regarding the 2 pieces of luggage and the laptop, just exercise common sense. Bring the laptop on the bus with you but the luggage may go in the bus' luggage compartment. On second thoughts you might not be able to fit all that on a trike so you may have to hail a cab from Dau.

Enjoy your trip.

Reading Bold Focker and Paul3456 reports on getting to AC via Philippine Rabbit bus. Most appealing is avoiding Manila traffic and the lower price. Also is avoiding the 2 hour small talk with a private driver who is only trying to figure out what else he might be of service for while you are in town. That makes for a long trip.

Some questions though:

1. Is it safe and possible to carry 2 pieces of luggage including a laptop using Philipine Rabbit.

2. Confused where the bus station might be. Is D Jose station the same as Avenida Philipine rabbit?

The alternative Swagman Fly the bus schedule is not convenient for my morning arrival, but if anyone knows of a similar service, this would be appreciated.

Thanks for the great reporting!

Pute Nut
03-21-07, 11:25
Allow me: Bus services from Metro Manila to AC are not limited to Philippine Rabbit and Swagman's Fly the Bus. Here's an alternative which I took when I was in Manila in Feb.:

Take a metered cab to the Victory Liner bus terminal in Pasay.

Yeah Raverboi, the MIA-Pasay-Dau route was the one I described in my previous post and is probably the smoothest public bus ride to AC.

Current prices is something like P90 regular P119 aircon. As previously stated meter taxi to Pasay is 70+

I would prefer to keep the baggage inside the bus though. Always did and never had a problem. Same with the cab.

03-21-07, 21:28
Allow me: Bus services from Metro Manila to AC are not limited to Philippine Rabbit and Swagman's Fly the Bus ... Here's an alternative which I took when I was in Manila in Feb ... Take a metered cab to the Victory Liner bus terminal in Pasay. .

Raverboy is right! Further options are: Dagupan Bus, Five Star, Partas, Dangwa Trans, Farinas, Maria de Leon etc. However, most companies have their terminals in the Cubao district (ask any taxi driver).

As all buses run via EDSA one can also wait there (plenty of bus stops in QC!). Normally one won't wait longer than 15 minutes to catch any north-bound bus via Dau. Simply hop off at Mabalacat bus terminal (Dau) and take a tricyle or Jeepney to Balibago!

Cheers - Hesekiels

Fast Eddie 48
03-21-07, 22:34
Reading Bold Focker and Paul3456 reports on getting to AC via Philippine Rabbit bus. Most appealing is avoiding Manila traffic and the lower price. Also is avoiding the 2 hour small talk with a private driver who is only trying to figure out what else he might be of service for while you are in town. That makes for a long trip.

Some questions though:

1. Is it safe and possible to carry 2 pieces of luggage including a laptop using Philipine Rabbit.

2. Confused where the bus station might be. Is D Jose station the same as Avenida Philipine rabbit?

The alternative Swagman Fly the bus schedule is not convenient for my morning arrival, but if anyone knows of a similar service, this would be appreciated.

Thanks for the great reporting!

to asia smiles

Yes Philippine rabbit bus stations is near D jose LTR stations at avendia it run every half an hr cost is 130 peso ,I take this 2 month ago trip only take
one hr 30 min it stop it dau first and then AC bus stations , you can ask driver to drop you off at field and Macarthur , on return trip go to the check point and take the jeepney to dau stations 10 pesos.

fast eddie 48

03-22-07, 04:44
One night on a good bar hop session, I staggered over to the Winchester Club, which unfortunately is now closed. It is a shame as I thought it was a great bar. When I walked in there was a table with four attractive girls at it, when they saw me they got up and offered to give the table to me. Now, what fun is that sitting at a table all by yourself? I sat down on the condition that they all had to stay with me, they all giggled and agreed, and so started a night of absolute drunken silliness. I was in a generous mood so I bought all four ladies a drink, they all clapped and cheered and I was a hero! We all talked, joked and laughed; everyone was having a good time, so another round for the table! Yay! I’m a hero once more! A few more rounds, more laugher the bar owner, a nice friendly chap whose name I unfortunately forgot, bought me a drink on the house, then another, and another. I love a friendly bar that appreciates a good customer and treats them well.

We were becoming the loud table with our laughter and silliness, at one point I was actually on the main stage dancing and teaching the girls some new moves! I ended up barfining one of the girls named Myra, it was a hard choice as I found all of them sweet, fun and attractive. What really did it for me was the fact that she was quite a pool shark, she beat me at quite a few games and was quite sassy about it (sassy in a good way). There are few things sexier than a hot girl in a bikini and high heels leaning over a pool table and making a shot with attitude.

My point in talking about a closed bar is that I think that a real key to success in a town like this is to be a fun guy, being generous helps too. Not to come off the wrong way here, but at the end of the drunken night all of those girls wanted to go home with me, not because of money but because I was nice to them and was fun to boot. Of course they would have probably gone with me if I was a jerk too, as long as I paid them, but that’s not my point. I tend to think of it as "bar karma", that is, where one gets out what they put into it. If you are a fun person who is respectful than you will find a great GFE in abundance, if you act like a jerk than you will more than likely find an endless parade of cold fish lays and runners.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

03-22-07, 07:25
I've done the bus thing going from Manila to Dau ang back to Manila many times. Suggestions I would make are:

-Pay for a Nissan taxi to the Bus terminal may cost to much but I've done the go up to departure thing and get a Taxi, then get hassled by the guys that watch for this. I've also walked down to the main road and caught a Taxi and that is a pain in the ass if you have much luggage. So pay for a Nissan Taxi from the terminal to the bus station. You're saving a lot by taken the bus so don't try and over do it and jam yourself up with somebody trying to f*uk you over for grabbing a drop off taxi or get robbed of your things walking down that ramp to the main road.

-If you’re thinking about asking a Taxi driver in the departures to take you to AC, don't. I've know two guys who got robbed doing this. One got a trip to the hospital too. Only take the Nissan Taxi or the one the hotel sends for you. You can f*uck up your whole trip trying to save a few dollars. When you are in a taxi and you have your cell phone call someone and tell them your with so in so driver on the way and the name of the Taxi company. Do this even if you're just acting like your talking to someone on the phone, the driver then thinks someone knows his name and Taxi Company. I have taken Taxis many times from the departures area but at night this is not recommended at all, very dangerous. Day time it can be too, but remember is saving maybe $7-8 worth f*uking up your vacation???

-If you are alone going to the bus station and I've been to most of them, even the one in Tonto, they are not the safest places to hang out. Make sure you always have your luggage in your hands. Don't sleep in a waiting area outside the bus. When you put luggage in the compartment make sure the bus driver and attendant for the bus know it's your's and maybe a p5 or p10 tip to watch it for you. They stop all up and down the highway and in Manila and someone could grab your's and take off. Sit on the side of the bus where the bag compartment opens and when they stop make sure you are watching just for safe measure. Some people could target your bags and only get on the bus to steal them at the next stop, they know you just came in from abroad with lots of nice presents in the bags to steal.

-Sit in the bus next to the window on the side the bag compartment is on if you have bags in there. Hopefully a female sits next to you or no one, but the buses are normally full by the time they are leaving Manila and on the Highway. If a guy sits next to you be careful he may be a pick pocket, don’t eat or drink anything someone offers you on the bus, maybe they want you to go to sleep. These buses have been robbed before; I suggest you not carry much cash. Have a wallet, if you don't they know you are hiding it. I always have a PI wallet, one that has an ID, some peso, a few dollars and an expire credit card (so save one that you were going to cut up). If you get robbed when they open the wallet they think they hit the jackpot and move on. Don't never attempt to tell them you don't a have anything or fuck off you can't have it, they will f*uck you up or worst. Keep your "real" wallet in a safe spot somewhere, just remember if you have a small bag or computer they will take that more than likely so it best to hide your wallet in your sock, shoe or down in your briefs. I may sound paranoid but I've been on the bus, mostly good experiences.

-Overall the Bus is great way to save money, meet girls and if the bus isn't full and your sitting in the back with your girl, maybe a BJ on the way; I've had that experience before nice to past the time on the bus while your girl works your TT.

-When you get to Dau, most Trikes have a large bag rack on the top or rear. If you have a couple of big bags no problem. Expect to pay p50-100. If the guy is nice and watches your stuff carefully and isn't an ass throw him a p100 and let him keep the change. I've never needed a Taxi from Dau and I've had some big bags with me before.

-In review, the bus is good, watch your bags, don't have much cash, have a decoy wallet (this is good all the time) and don't [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) a driver, passenger or trike driver off. Just remember you came to the PI to relax and have a good time, most of the people in the PI are always in a relaxed state of mind with nothing being to urgent to them so don't let this attitude they have get to you, take it easy and enjoy.

Have a great trip,


Allow me: Bus services from Metro Manila to AC are not limited to Philippine Rabbit and Swagman's Fly the Bus. Here's an alternative which I took when I was in Manila in Feb.:

Take a metered cab to the Victory Liner bus terminal in Pasay. The bus terminal is located on the slip road serving the EDSA, which is a main artery through the city. I believe the Philippine Rabbit terminal is also in the vicinity. From the Victory Liner bus terminal, catch a bus bound for Northern Luzon. It terminates in Baguio and there should be only one ticket counter. Tell them you want to get off at Dau, which is just north of AC and is served by a busy bus terminal. Cost was something like PHP120 or so and there are buses every hour or half hour depending on the time of day. The ride takes about 2 hours. From the Dau bus terminal, I found trike drivers aplenty willing to take me to Fields Ave. The trike driver asked for PHP50 and I wasnt about to bargain over a buck. The ride took all of 10 mins through the smell of exhaust fumes (mostly) and BBQ meat.

Regarding the 2 pieces of luggage and the laptop, just exercise common sense. Bring the laptop on the bus with you but the luggage may go in the bus' luggage compartment. On second thoughts you might not be able to fit all that on a trike so you may have to hail a cab from Dau.

Enjoy your trip.

Bill Buxton
03-22-07, 21:39
Why not hire a private car if you want to travel around or a van service? Why not spend the 40 plus dollars on the trip? How do you guys travel at home? Walk!

Fly the bus is ok and the only people you have to deal with is out front of the swaggy in Manila. This at time is enough. I will never understand why if not sure or worried about whats at one end or another why they want the cheepest form of travel. After all It's much cheeper than at home.

B. B.

03-22-07, 22:09
I've done the bus thing going from Manila to Dau ang back to Manila many times. Suggestions I would make are: ...

Nicely elaborated, Razzor! I travel quite regulary by bus to AC and never faced any problems, but I admit, mostly during daytime and without heavy luggage. However, when I arrive late at night at NAIA I always arrange for a pick-up service beforehand. Although it costs ten times as much it's worth it. Safer and also more comfortable, particularly after a long flight.

Cheers - Hesekiels

Asia Smiles
03-23-07, 00:21
Great responses. Much thanks.

Since I'll be arriving around noon, and AC doesn't start rocking till late night, the bus seems like a good alternative. This will be my second visit to AC, and I did not care for the 2 hour mindless conversation with the hired taxi driver. Some of these cab drivers only want to figure out how much more money they can get out of you.

Besides, Manila traffic just about kills the first 45 minutes of the trip, so I don't see the point in paying for pick up at the airport to AC. I do see the point is paying a little more to make sure you make it to the bus station safe and sound. The same applies at arrival at DAU.

All good tips, as most of this is true anywhere you go, but I'm sure especially good advice in the Phils.

Found the victoryliner.com website, and the busses seem comfortable enough. I've done the bus ride from Pattaya to Bangkok, and these busses seem better.

Is there any difference between the PASAY bus station vs. CUBAO? Both indicate located in EDSA.

And a BJ on the way to AC, wow, what a way to travel Razzor!

03-23-07, 05:38
After a week at the Blue Nile Executive Hotel I was ready to leave and find something different. I walked around and checked out different hotels in the area, inquiring about availability while checking out the rooms and accommodations. I found that that Natalia Apartelle would fit my needs perfectly and they had a great room rate. The building itself is pretty new, it has a nice convenience store, money changer and cyber café on the ground level and the rooms are spacious and nicely appointed with a kitchenette and refrigerator. The only thing I didn’t like was there was no room safe.

One afternoon I decided to check out some of the bars on Santos Street, the infamous “blow row”. I went to the Black Pearl and the other place that was next door to it, I think it was called Honky Tonk. So here I am sitting at the bar in Honky Tonk with my San Mig light and I started talking to a young girl. Now, usually I am the type of guy that girls like to talk to, confess their problems to and trust me with all kinds of personal things. Today was no different, this girl starts telling me her depressing life story complete with a baby in Manila that she is working at this place to support. She tells me how much she hates working there and quite frankly who could blame her. I tried the Black Pearl next door but the girls were so aggressive for a short time session that it became annoying. I know there are many that have had better experiences at these places and to each his own of course, but I actually found them to be rather depressing. Not quite the quality I was looking for when I go to monger!

I eventually developed a daytime routine, to stop in at Rick’s café (which is now gone, replaced by a new bar called Carousel) for lunch and to watch a movie they always had playing, then would usually head to the Doll House next door and play pool on the tables they have upstairs. I became friends with several of the waitresses, I would have an agreement with all of the girls; if they could beat me at pool then I would buy them a drink. Since I’m such a lousy shot I usually lost and they would get their drink. Needless to say the girls would line up to beat me everyday and collect their commissions. Although after doing this almost every day I started to improve my game quite a bit, I wasn’t such an easy target after a while! I would spend several hours in there and have a great time all for about 1000-1500 pesos. Sometimes I would meet up with some of the waitresses after work and hang out with them at Kokomos or the Midnight Rodeo bar, which is a bar that features live music and dancing, there are no girls there.

I also had a daytime routine of having a drink or two at the Dirty Duck. I became friends with the waitresses and two in particular named Rachelle and Michelle. I never did barfine any of them although they were both very attractive, mostly because one of them was a cherry girl and the other was more of a friend.

Admittedly, one does lack for non-bar things to do during the daytime, there is usually only so much of hanging out in bars that one can take. There is the new SM mall that offers some shopping or maybe a movie. Although the best thing I’ve found is when you have a fun girl the night before to keep you company the next day!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

03-23-07, 22:51
BTW, one girl from Nero's who "loves me soooo very much" sent me recently much to my biggest surprise her first (!) e-mail. Tenor: "I want to finish school and have to pay my rent next week. Please send me some money, my love!" To cut a long story short, their "games" might even continue after months. Anybody with a similar experience?

Cheers - Hesekiels

Had similar in Thailand mate,
same same story need extra. If them lady gets 1 sucker a nite then have 30 suckers already in month and if just 1 sends money she win. So happen not only in AC.


03-23-07, 23:12
For the hardcore cheap charlies there are plenty of jeeps available @ L&T just outside the airport. Less than P10 to checkpoint.

No wayz to hide me a cheap charlie mate.
Outside Clark airport at L&T---is these store/shop?
Where is checkpoint in AC?--is a bar?
Also will zee jeepie drop off me in hotel for P10 or price extra?

Thankz matie.


03-25-07, 01:30
Watched the program "the lens", here in Canada. a special called, "selling sex in heaven". about all the girls who come from the provinces to work in the bars in Angeles. man thoses casas are terrible places. fuk them bastards who keep the girls there. the maintainers/proprieters should be shot on site if they're caught. the girls are locked up all day and night in a small room. disgusting. and to all you pricks who treat the working girls like shit, you can shove your head up your ass and disappear. they do this to help their families, it's unfortunate, but thats the only way, I guess. peace out.So you would rather see their families starve. Very good logic.

03-25-07, 09:29
So you would rather see their families starve. Very good logic.As a Canadian he's most likely brainwashed by the extreme feminism there.

As far as I know, eg. Scandinavia is very similar.

Poor guys.

03-25-07, 12:16
As a Canadian he's most likely brainwashed by the extreme feminism there.

As far as I know, eg. Scandinavia is very similar.

Poor guys.......Hi Ekspat:

Maybe you are right, but just for the sake of good order, not all the Canadians are necessarily "brainwashed" - thank G*d, I must say! It will be my greatest pleasure to prove that to you next week in AC! :) BTW, for your recent post you owe me at least three SM, ok!?

See you in the promised city,


Tungsten Chef
03-25-07, 18:31
You can't read or what? The impression I get from the program is that the girls in a casa are held there against their will. If it's wrong, tell me about it, don't go spewing your shit about brainwashing and feminism. I also said, " they do this to help their families, it's unfortunate, but thats the only way, I guess". So where do you come up with the notion that I'd rather see their families starve?. All I'm saying is treat the girls right, which I'm sure the majority of mongers do.

Buko Max
03-26-07, 04:22
I tend to think of it as "bar karma", that is, where one gets out what they put into it. If you are a fun person who is respectful than you will find a great GFE in abundance, if you act like a jerk than you will more than likely find an endless parade of cold fish lays and runners.
Yes so very true! This is paramount to having a good time in AC !

03-26-07, 04:45
BTW, for your recent post you owe me at least three SM, ok!?
Okay, man, but happy hour only!!
See you!

Pute Nut
03-27-07, 09:42
No wayz to hide me a cheap charlie mate.
Outside Clark airport at L&T---is these store/shop?
Where is checkpoint in AC?--is a bar?
Also will zee jeepie drop off me in hotel for P10 or price extra?

Thankz matie.


Ahoy Pirate1!

1) L&T LuenThai = a garment factory near CRK airport, just turn right when you exit the airport gates pass L&T and you will soon find yourself on CM Recto Hwy. From there take a jeepney going left (your butt facing L&T). Check w/ the driver that he's going to checkpoint.

2) To make checkpoint a bar, bring your own rum. To get the rum, just walk a few meters to your right (Fields)

3) No but not really needed if your hotel is centrally located on/near Fields. Else just grab a trike.

BTW...a small correction/update. The fare L&T -> checkpoint is only P 8.50 while the fare Checkpoint -> Airport is a whopping P 9.50!

PS Remember to tip the girls zero to nuthin (if at all..I mean..an EWR fee is really "all-in") and kick the beggars' butts good (especially the deformed ones, who are probably already well aware of the occupational hazards) In other words, enjoy your stay in AC ! :D



03-27-07, 10:05
From there take a jeepney going left (your butt facing L&T). Check w/ the driver that he's going to checkpoint.
Just check the jeepney. The route is being written right and left side of the jeepney.
DMIA Maingate or somewhat like this.

BTW...a small correction/update. The fare L&T -> checkpoint is only P 8.50 while the fare Checkpoint -> Airport is a whopping P 9.50!

Damn!! Often I give 10ps and don't get any change.
Daytime robbery, will report to tourist police next time!


Pute Nut
03-27-07, 10:36
Just check the jeepney. The route is being written right and left side of the jeepney.
DMIA Maingate or somewhat like this.

Good point.

I'd also like to add a word of warning with regards to jeepney rides.

The "real bad coughing" pick-pocketeers act is alive and kicking in AC. A fat, ugly filipino gentleman decided to sit down beside me while riding a jeepney on McArthur a few days ago Unfortunately he was very sick and kept coughing a lot, while applying maximum rolly-polly pressure to my right side. As I suddenly decided to get off a little bit before the end of the line, he probably got a little sloppy and pulled my wallet rather clumsily. To cut to the chase, I got my wallet back, with all its contents untouched. Another rider who rode to the final stop later told me that the fat, ugly & sick filipino's coughing completely stopped once I took off. Instant healing ;)

X Man
03-27-07, 18:27
I hadn't been to AC in three years. Not sure why. I guess i got tired of the monotonous offers of "trike" "t-shirt", etc. I love drinking and sex, but somehow a white sand beach was always calling when I walked down the dirty path of Santos Ave.

Maybe the kicker was a Sunday afternoon, after going downtown for church and market strolling, only to fine my wallet was gone at the end of the jeepney ride. That was my last time in AC - three years ago.

Three years later, I find things have changed a bit. There are a lot of new hotels, and some more that will open soon. I noticed that my old favorite from three years ago (America) has lowered it's rates. Santos ave is paved....and cleaner....

Having rented a car and a bike at Pattay and Koh Somui I was disappointed at how difficult it was to rent a bike in AC three years ago. Apparently that problem has been solved as there are places to rent a bike. Now, if someone would kindly rent me a bicycle.

The third thing I noticed different..... three years ago some of the dancers in some of the bars were trying to do some choreography. Most of it was pretty lame, but I appreciated their efforts. Now, wow. Doll house has some good stuff. I also saw a couple of girls at Fire and Ice who had been dancing together since high school and had a good routine. It was kind of sad buying the cute one a drink because the other one seemed to be lost. Ha, ha.

Then there is the Illusions bar. The girls stand there. I asked, "why don't they dance. ". The answer was, "they don't like the music". Well, it was old rock, but the girls at Brown Sugar and many other bars have no trouble with the old music. I guess the only illusion at Illusions is that they acutally have dancers there. The only redeeming point about Illusion is Hana, but she is also an illusion. She's very selective about bar fine. Give the place a miss.

X man

X Man
03-28-07, 06:23
While in an AC bar CR, I saw a sign for Cialis at 175 a pop. I bought some for the first time. The next bar had a similar sign, but for 400 a pop. I thought, oops, I must have bought some fake stuff.

I've never used the stuff before so didn't know what to expect. Also, I wasn't sure how to test it since the girls tend to do a pretty good job of getting me hard. How would I know if the vitamins work?

The next day, I found myself pretty exhausted after a long night of drinking and fking. I figured this is the time to test the stuff. I ate one and then went out. At Stampede a girl I had barfined earlier quickly rubbed me hard. She was pretty hot so I still wasn't sure if my woody was a result of the vitamin or the woman's skillful stroking. I was tempted to short time, but eventually went on my way. I stopped at one of the outside bars and met a cherry girl who was really sweet. She said she finished work at 9 and I made a date for dinner. Well, I guess I wasn't going to test the Cialis after all.

I do some more bar hopping and when 9pm rolls around I go back to the bar with the cherry girl. She says she has to ask her sister for permission. Huh? Why couldn't she have done that in the two hours since agreed to the date. She seems reluctant to leave. I have a bag of laundry so I tell her to text me. I take my laundry back to my room and relax a bit. No text. I text her and find out she's at home? THanks for wasting my time. I call her and give her a piece of my mind. (She texts me numerous times a day for the rest of my trip and even offers herself to me....but I never take her out).

Okay, since cherry girl spaced out, I'm free again. I do some more bar hopping. It starts raining. I walk by a bar and there is a very attractive woman, doe eyes, hair down to her ass crack standing alone at the door. She doesn't shout at me to come in ....I walk past and then turn around to talk to her. She's alone because the rain has made it a bit chilly and the others went inside. We talk a bit and at some point she says she's not working.
Why are you here?
I was bored.
I'm hungry, do you want to go get something to eat?
Okay, but you walk ahead. I don't want the mamasan to know because you didn't pay the barfine.

We eat, hit one bar, and then back to my room. So, I'm tired and drunk -- a time when it's most difficult to get / stay hard. So, did the Cialis work?

Oh yea. This girl was insatiable. We started at about 1am and didn't get out of bed until 2pm the next afternoon. I can't count how many times I rode her. Twice during the night I had to push her off me because I wanted to get some sleep. I doubt I could have kept up with her without help from the Cialis. My balls ached for the rest of the day.

Later I learned that she's on steady bar fine, but the guy was out of town. Gee, thanks dude. I took some pictures and gave her 1000 as a modeling fee.

X man

Pute Nut
03-28-07, 08:09
While in an AC bar CR, I saw a sign for Cialis at 175 a pop. I bought some for the first time. The next bar had a similar sign, but for 400 a pop. I thought, oops, I must have bought some fake stuff.

Virtually ALL "v" & "c" sold in Fields are fakes, but most do the job. More or less. Kamagra etc is less common in the PI because it's not "BFAD listed". It's OK to sell fakes in PI as long as the original is listed LOL...

X Man
03-28-07, 11:58
Interesting. In Dec 06 and March 07 I also got sick. Started out with cold like symptoms and in the earlier case a nasty case of tonsillitis which req. visiting a doctor. This time the symptoms have been less severe, but some tonsil swelling. Maybe from the water? Licking snatch? Any ideas?

None of the ladies I played with got sick after our trysts.

X man

After a full night of fun, I unfortunately woke up the next morning feeling terrible with a raging fever. I think the combination of the long plane ride, jet lag, strange foods and nonstop drinking and screwing took its toll! I ended up feeling worse and worse to the point of calling a doctor. The Royal Amsterdam hotel has a doctor on call that stopped by my hotel room for a checkup, all for 1500 peso. I know back in the USA you could never, I mean never find a doctor to do a house call for 30 bucks! You couldn’t even find a plumber for that price! Anyways, I was diagnosed with tonsillitis, nothing some antibiotics couldn’t cure.
EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

X Man
03-28-07, 12:10
Not been online much since I was in the Philippines. Reading back I see some posts about busses.

I used the swaggie.com "fly the bus" to AC for 500 pesos, which runs three times a day. They also arrange transport to your hotel on the AC end. The only problem I had was having a conversation with Mr. Chubby behind me. Guy never stopped talking. Some of his stuff was useful, but give me a break. He was on the way to see his honeyko, the mother of three kids (none of them his). He regularly sends money to this woman. Well, good for the five of them. Wow.

On the way back to MLA, I was too late to take F the B, so took a trike to the Dau bus terminal. As I entered there was a Dominion bus on the way out enroute to MLA. I hopped on. 108 pesos to the Cubao terminal in Quezon city. Unfortunately, I wanted to go to the Pasay terminal on EDSA since I had a reservation at Copacapana Hotel. I got caught up on the eve. traffic so abandoned my plan to stay at Copacobana and ended up at a truly horrible hotel called Frendy in Ermita. **** I think I'll add a bit, but the rest belongs in the Manila section.

X Man

03-28-07, 18:57
Well I posted on my trip to AC in February which I gave my trip detail. Now I have some questions. I am going back to Phil on May 7. I want to stay in Manila for one night before heading to AC. My flight gets in late ay 10:55 PM so I would like to find a good Hotel that wont be to expensive and yet neat the girlie bars and bf for the evening to get myself warmed up fot AC. Any syggestions on where to go and how to best get there from airport. Usually when I go fly in I go right to ac from manila by way of hotel transport. so my question where to stay in Manila near good girlie bars and not have to unload my wallet?

Member #2718
03-28-07, 20:17
Interesting. In Dec 06 and March 07 I also got sick. Started out with cold like symptoms and in the earlier case a nasty case of tonsillitis which req. visiting a doctor. This time the symptoms have been less severe, but some tonsil swelling. Maybe from the water? Licking snatch? Any ideas?

None of the ladies I played with got sick after our trysts.

X man

More than likely you just got the Manila "Crud"

Its an allergic reaction to all the pollution in the air from all the jeepneys powered by over-sized lawn mower engines. Try a Claritin a day while you are there. That usually does the trick.

Soju Lizard
03-29-07, 02:13
Well I posted on my trip to AC in February which I gave my trip detail. Now I have some questions. I am going back to Phil on May 7. I want to stay in Manila for one night before heading to AC. My flight gets in late ay 10:55 PM so I would like to find a good Hotel that wont be to expensive and yet neat the girlie bars and bf for the evening to get myself warmed up fot AC. Any syggestions on where to go and how to best get there from airport. Usually when I go fly in I go right to ac from manila by way of hotel transport. so my question where to stay in Manila near good girlie bars and not have to unload my wallet?

I often do the same and usually stay at the Oxford Suites on P. Burgos St. It's right in the middle of all the action in Makati and the rooms will run you about $55-$65 a night. If you want to spend a little less, the Century Citadel is also on Burgos and it's about $30 a night last I checked. The quickest thing to do is just take the fixed fee taxis right outside of the terminal. Cost is about P400. You can go downstairs through the mob and look for a regular meter taxi but that takes time and you're not always guaranteed to find a taxi willing to give you the meter rate there anyway. Since you come in late and time is short, I'd pay the P400 (about $8) and get over to Burgos as fast as you can. It's about a 30 minute ride from the airport depending on traffic. If you stay at either of those hotels, you won't need any more taxis the rest of the night. You can just stumble from one bar to the next.

X Man
03-29-07, 03:52
Another option is to stay in the Ermita / Malate area. There are numerous hotels in this area. Ermita is especially convenient if you plan to take "fly the bus" to AC.

Soju says 400 for the taxi from the airport to Makati. I think it's 500 for the trip to Ermita.

I also had a late arrival, so I stayed at the Copacabana Hotel ($50) which is very near the airport and right across from EDSA Entertainment plaza. My flight was delayed an hour so this turned out to be a good choice. Right next door is a better hotel - the Heritage ($90?).

Well I posted on my trip to AC in February which I gave my trip detail. Now I have some questions. I am going back to Phil on May 7. I want to stay in Manila for one night before heading to AC. My flight gets in late ay 10:55 PM so I would like to find a good Hotel that wont be to expensive and yet neat the girlie bars and bf for the evening to get myself warmed up fot AC. Any syggestions on where to go and how to best get there from airport. Usually when I go fly in I go right to ac from manila by way of hotel transport. so my question where to stay in Manila near good girlie bars and not have to unload my wallet?

Buko Max
03-29-07, 03:54
Interesting. In Dec 06 and March 07 I also got sick. Started out with cold like symptoms and in the earlier case a nasty case of tonsillitis which req. visiting a doctor. This time the symptoms have been less severe, but some tonsil swelling. Maybe from the water? Licking snatch? Any ideas?
There is a good chance your cold started out on the flight over. Before I fly, I always take an "Airborne" tablet to boost my immune system. Designed for crowded environments and strange places. www.AirborneHealth.com
It's a relatively new product that works for me!

03-29-07, 06:05
There is a good chance your cold started out on the flight over. Before I fly, I always take an "Airborne" tablet to boost my immune system. Designed for crowded environments and strange places. www.AirborneHealth.com
It's a relatively new product that works for me!

Agreed, I take this stuff when I feel a cold coming on. It drastically reduces the symptoms and shortens the length.

03-29-07, 07:25
It drastically reduces the symptoms and shortens the length.
Yeah, and in less than 24 hrs I'll be sitting in Club Rio and little Willy is being pampered.
The girls there reduce the symptoms and shorten the length.
Heyhooo :D :D

03-29-07, 08:43
Just wanted to share this experience with you guys. I have plans to be in AC in about 3 weeks. I'll be in Phi for 1 week. I wanted to take 3 days and check out Boracay. I tried a popular travel agent in town and she gave me a package with hotel and air. This is where the problems started. There are no good ways to pay her! She says to use Western Union but when I visit their site, it won't accept the address or account info she gave me. I asked the travel agent for the information again and she gives me the same info and insists others have used it to pay her. Well, good for them but it didn't work for me. Then she asked me to send her a copy of my ID and credit card. I've been a victim of Identity theft before and I will not use this option. So there you go, I want to pay her but I can't. Why is it that every 2-bit porn site has a payment page but none of the travel agents do? Using a 3rd party like Western Union or Paypal can be a hassel if the recipient doesn't know the process. Anyway, just my rant for the day. See you guys soon.


Ps. I know I'm paying more by booking from the US. But I'm only there for a week and don't want to run into any scheduling problems once I get there. Also, I want to fly out of Clark and have heard that it is difficult to procure tickets with such short notice.

Great Expecta
03-29-07, 12:56
i took another monger’s advice and joined filipinaheart.com a couple of weeks before my 2 wk trip to pi to meet a few women prior to arrival. that can be hit or miss, as i found the bar girls will jump at the chance to meet you, while the more professional women are very leery about why you are contacting them and considering the length of your visit, why you are there.

lodging - i arrived in manila on 25 mar and hitched a ride to angeles city. i decided what the hell and stayed at kokomos (or mo’s) for 1,650 pesos in a poolside room. the room itself was not bad and it had a desktop computer to use, mini bar, etc. at night however, the music vibrated the entire room and naturally went on all night long. the ac also kept turning off, as it was on a timer. i would not do it again.

fun - i met jennifer on fh.com and called her as soon as i got to ac. she works at fiesta garden hotel as a waitress/dancer and told me in advance she wanted to stay with me, but she still had to pay a 1,000 peso bar fine up front. i decided to take a jeepny down to check her out before hand. she was very cute standing about 5’, a cup (the bad part), and had a great personality. she kept saying i better be ready for all night, and i just smiled thinking that was the standard line. she was serious…. went back and had a terrific evening, with about 5 shots in all. you should have seen her face when i pulled out a vibrator i brought to play with my dates. she really got into that!!! only part i didn’t like was kept texting between sessions and then suddenly at about 1230am said her kid was sick and she needed to go home. she wanted to see me the next day, but i never took/returned her messages. i did write her an email saying that she used one of the three most popular excuses to leave a lt date. it helped that i was really spent and needed to just sleep anyway.

i woke up at 445am and remembered yet another monger on this site saying this was prime time to pick up bar girls going home. i jumped up, got dressed and was out and about in about 3 min (lol!). i was actually a little late and should have been out about 4am. low and behold a decent looking girl peeled away from one pack walking down the street and matched my pace. i asked if she need a place to stay and she said yes without hesitation. she said she had an appointment at 730am and didn’t want to go all the way home, just to come back. i told here we’d trade favors and she just smiled. her name was berlin and she works at the vipor room on fields. she was about 5’4”, 120 lbs, large breasts (saggy), and long black hair. we sat in the room and made idle chat before i suggested hitting the shower, which was followed by a great session. we went to sleep and i woke up with her hand on my cock trying to get me hard again. we went one more time and took another 30 min snooze. when it came time to leave, she didn’t say anything, but i gave her 300 pesos, which really made her light up.

more lodging -next day i checked in at the blue nile executive inn, as they had a banner hanging out front saying rooms were 30% off from sun-thurs, and the rate came to 1,610 pesos per night. the rooms were very nice, but a little small. they had a nice room safe (not big enough for a laptop), spacious 2-3 person shower, well stocked mini bar, and on the third floor…it was considerably more quiet than mo’s.

more fun - i totally agree with a previous post, which said a lot of the girls weren’t dancing at all…they were just either standing…or slowly moving left/right with totally stoic faces. i was looking for a decent girl with looks, breasts, and a little personality and finally found what i wanted in a second story door girl at the blue nile bar across the street from the hotel. her bar fine, a lady drink, and a beer for me set me back 1,435 pesos and off we went. we shared a beer and off to the showers we went…. she also really got into the vibrator and her legs were trembling when we finished.

note: jenn (from fiesta garden), as well as a mamasan on fields told me there are cherry-girls who will bar fine and will just sit and talk to you. they will not do sex, bjs, or allow daty and just want to get paid. not saying that is wrong if that’s what you’re after, but seal the deal before you leave the club so you don’t get a big surprise.

oh well…it’s off to subic bay and then manila to complete more chapters of this monger's stay.

03-29-07, 20:54
Just wanted to share this experience with you guys. I have plans to be in AC in about 3 weeks. I'll be in Phi for 1 week. I wanted to take 3 days and check out Boracay. I tried a popular travel agent in town and she gave me a package with hotel and air. This is where the problems started. There are no good ways to pay her! She says to use Western Union but when I visit their site, it won't accept the address or account info she gave me. I asked the travel agent for the information again and she gives me the same info and insists others have used it to pay her. Well, good for them but it didn't work for me. Then she asked me to send her a copy of my ID and credit card. I've been a victim of Identity theft before and I will not use this option. So there you go, I want to pay her but I can't. Why is it that every 2-bit porn site has a payment page but none of the travel agents do? Using a 3rd party like Western Union or Paypal can be a hassel if the recipient doesn't know the process. Anyway, just my rant for the day. See you guys soon.


Ps. I know I'm paying more by booking from the US. But I'm only there for a week and don't want to run into any scheduling problems once I get there. Also, I want to fly out of Clark and have heard that it is difficult to procure tickets with such short notice.
You can book air tickets online with cebu pacific air. You are probably paying more by booking your hotel ahead of time. Just book first night and then go somewhere else. What kind of place do you want to stay at and what is your budget? I can recommend a few places.

Buko Max
03-29-07, 21:19
I know I'm paying more by booking from the US. But I'm only there for a week and don't want to run into any scheduling problems once I get there. Also, I want to fly out of Clark and have heard that it is difficult to procure tickets with such short notice.
Hello, here are my suggestions for you Eggsalad:

1. Forget the WU website. Go to one of their numerous outlets and conduct your business there.
2. Check with another agent such as Beeline or Swagman.
3. Just show up and take your chances because it is very easy to get a flight out of Clark, especially during the week. Thats the beauty of traveling in the P.I. You can just show up, pay cash and be on your way in a matter of hours.

To Ekspat:

Should have seen that one cumming but wouldn't you want the girls to reduce the symptoms and extend the length!? :cool:

Have a good trip!

03-30-07, 06:42
You can book air tickets online with cebu pacific air. You are probably paying more by booking your hotel ahead of time. Just book first night and then go somewhere else. What kind of place do you want to stay at and what is your budget? I can recommend a few places.


I'm only going to be there for 2 nights. As for budget, I'm trying to keep it under $100 USD per night. Most of the hotels recommended by the travel agents are around 100. The plane tickets are 8400 peso round trip. Am I getting ripped off? Or should I take my chances when I get there? I actually don't mind paying a few dollars more to know my plans ahead of time. That way, I can tell my girl to get ready to travel on that day.


03-30-07, 13:08
Note: Jenn (from Fiesta Garden), as well as a Mamasan on Fields told me there are cherry-girls who will bar fine and will just sit and talk to you. They will not do sex, BJs, or allow DATY and just want to get paid. Not saying that is wrong if that’s what you’re after, but seal the deal BEFORE you leave the club so you don’t get a big surprise.Unfortunately, many of the girls with the best bodies in Angeles (slim and hard) often turn out to be cherry girls. Still, if the girl is into you, she could be more than willing to give BBBJs and let you do DATY on her (but you gotta be careful not to break the magic seal, as that will become the most expensive barfine of your life!). If you are really lucky, you might find a girl that will do anal.

Most cherry girls require a bit of work to win them over, but once you have she could give you a great time. If you act like you are in a rush with her its likely you will receive nothing. I know a guy who barfined a girl 4 times and after some tender care the girl gave him her cherry for free.

Cherry girls are not my thing, but I have had some great times with some in the past. Some girls who entered the infamous SOB parties, having their pussies eaten out etc were cherry girls (eg. two from Lollipop that I knew of).

03-31-07, 12:13
It appears from my research that Voodoo Bar seems to have attractive women who are pleasantly dressed. Is this still the case? A second question, if I may. Is the Swiss Chalet Hotel as good as its Internet site suggests, and is the water supply to the two 'suite' rooms (with jacuzzis) reliable, as I expect it will be? Would this hotel have any reciprocal arrangements with others to use their pools, given that it doesn't appear to have one? If not, what hotels or other places in AC have well maintained, reasonable size pools that can be used on a casual basis and what is the entrance fee, and does this cover all day use and into the early evening as well? Are there freelancers at these hotel pools? Many thanks for any info.

X Man
04-01-07, 05:23
Voodoo bar? Is that still there? "pleasantly dressed" - what in hell are you talking about? I'm rather fond of the costumes at Emotions and Touch of Class on Permimeter. They were very short halter tops with no bra. Lot of flashing going on. I hate those ugly old platform boots they wear at DollHouse. At the nicer clubs, the costumes change every day.

Somone on this board suggested the jacuzzi water wasn't hot enought to make it enjoyable. I like the mirrors at Swiss Chalet. As far as I know, they are only in the cheaper rooms.

Pools: Wild Orchid, Orchid, Pacific Breeze in Fields area. ABC, America, Clarkton, Oasis up where the road turns into "perimeter" all have pools. Other places have smallish pools.

It appears from my research that Voodoo Bar seems to have attractive women who are pleasantly dressed. Is this still the case? A second question, if I may. Is the Swiss Chalet Hotel as good as its Internet site suggests, and is the water supply to the two 'suite' rooms (with jacuzzis) reliable, as I expect it will be? Would this hotel have any reciprocal arrangements with others to use their pools, given that it doesn't appear to have one? If not, what hotels or other places in AC have well maintained, reasonable size pools that can be used on a casual basis and what is the entrance fee, and does this cover all day use and into the early evening as well? Are there freelancers at these hotel pools? Many thanks for any info.

X Man
04-01-07, 05:48
Deluxe room (see first two pics) didn't have mirror. Cheaper room did. It's a new hotel and very clean. Decorations look nice, but a bit gaudy. Bed has box springs. There's a really hotty working in the restaurant. What I didn't like is that you have to struggle through two sliding doors to get from outside to the staircase.

X Man

04-01-07, 06:19
X Man,

Many thanks for your tips and terrific, high quality photos. The only question you didn't answer was: is there a cover charge for the pools if you're staying elsewhere? The girl you photographed looked classy, with a lovely smile. I hope she did LT! As for my comment about 'pleasantly dressed': beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but to me a bikini and mile-high boots just looks 'silly' and not something to get one interested!

04-01-07, 11:54
Hi All,

I have read many reports to prepare my visit to AC end April but one question remains. I plan to select one of the better hotels in AC and currently think about Wild Orchid and Angeles Beach Club Hotel. The ABC hotel is not at Fields but not far away. Both have a pool and good rooms.

Are there any specific advantages which are pro one of them. I assume bot are girl friendly.

Please let me know, Best Regards Martin

NB : I will write a report during my AC visit.

04-01-07, 20:03
Deluxe room (see first two pics) didn't have mirror. Cheaper room did. It's a new hotel and very clean. Decorations look nice, but a bit gaudy. Bed has box springs. There's a really hotty working in the restaurant. What I didn't like is that you have to struggle through two sliding doors to get from outside to the staircase.

X Man

Nice pics. Cute girl.

I have always stayed at Sunset Garden out on Perimeter Rd. Each room comes with three virgins. OK. They are all not really virgins. But, it is a nice touch. I am offering a great price on the Brooklyn Bridge to anyone who believes this sh*t! :-)


X Man
04-02-07, 04:17
Why don't you stay at both places and then you can write your own review? I've stayed at neither.

I'm not directing this at you Martinn....

I'm getting really tired of passing on info to newbies and then usually NOTHING comes back. If you get info from the members here, return the favor by taking a few minutes and writing something up. Althoough the focus of ISG is on getting laid, any supporting information is also valid. Restaurant reviews, personal stories, etc.

Failing to reciprocate here is almost as bad as not giving a lady her deserved tip. Is anyone feeling guilty yet? :-)

And while I'm in pissy mood....why send me a question by PM when you can just as easily post it on the main thread? Ummm, Swiss Chalet 1600 for cheaper rooms, 1700 for the deluxe to the best of my recollection. Good value.

Now, maybe I should have my morning cup of coffee before I post again....

X Man

Hi All,

I have read many reports to prepare my visit to AC end April but one question remains. I plan to select one of the better hotels in AC and currently think about Wild Orchid and Angeles Beach Club Hotel. The ABC hotel is not at Fields but not far away. Both have a pool and good rooms.

Are there any specific advantages which are pro one of them. I assume bot are girl friendly.

Please let me know, Best Regards Martin

NB : I will write a report during my AC visit.

X Man
04-02-07, 04:36
PB hotel is just off of Santos. (is it Vian St.?). It's new, nice pool, nice place. Restaurant by the pool, but I didn't think the food was so good. I paid about $50 for the cheapest room. They tried to charge me an extra day, but I'm pretty sure it was an honest mistake.

The rooms are quiet despite new construction across the street (see pic 86). Across the street is a structure which I suspect is a copy of the current Pac Breeze. Same owners as Central Park Hotel.

THe model in the photos is from Stinger's and was a complete dud.

X Man

X Man
04-02-07, 04:50
I don't know if there is a cover charge, but my advice is be discreet (don't walk into the lobby with a swimsuit in one hand and tanning lotion in the other) and don't ask. Just order something from the restaurant (usually poolside), be nice to the staff, then jump in. But if a pool is important, America has rooms for about 2000. The good (or bad) thing about the America pool is that it is in a central courtyard so gets shade from the building at certain times. Good if you or your honey don't want to get too much sun.

If you're at Pacific Breeze, I suspect you could say you are from Central Park (same mgmt and I presume CP people can use the pool). Same thing for the two Orchid hotels.

The girl with the lovely smile was a lot of fun. When I met her she was busy licking a chocolate flavored condom. The other dancers all had a lick too. Then they blew it up and batted it around the bar. BTW, she had a pussy ring. Nice to look at, but I didn't really care for licking it. I don't like finding cold, hard metal while licking soft pussy. Kind of like finding alum foil in your chewing gum.

The best outfit I ever saw on a girl....she was a cherry girl her first night at Silver Dollar (in Cebu). She was barefoot, wearing white cotton panties and a simple white bra -- in other words, she just stripped to her underwear for the dance. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Of course the next night they had her in the standard t-back just like everyone else. Boring.

X Man

X Man,

Many thanks for your tips and terrific, high quality photos. The only question you didn't answer was: is there a cover charge for the pools if you're staying elsewhere? The girl you photographed looked classy, with a lovely smile. I hope she did LT! As for my comment about 'pleasantly dressed': beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but to me a bikini and mile-high boots just looks 'silly' and not something to get one interested!

04-02-07, 06:21
Well Martini I highly reccomend the Wild Orchid on santos. I have stayed there in February and will be staying there again next month May 6 thru the 23. Why do I like Wild Orchid? Its definately one of the better Hotels. Rooms are clean, safe in room, the pool the girls love and the restuarant is pretty good as well. But the best part is that you are only 50 yards away from all the action. Kokomos is also near as well. This may be hard to beleave but they really take care of there guest. 2 times I left $ in my pocket and sent it out for laundry and both times got a call from front desk informing me of they found $ in my pants, Yes this is the Philippines imagine that! The staff is very courtesy and hmmm, if only the staff at front desk was available! If you are going to be there when I am there maybe we could meet for a drink and talk shop.

Good luck

Fast Eddie 48
04-02-07, 06:28
I don't know if there is a cover charge, but my advice is be discreet (don't walk into the lobby with a swimsuit in one hand and tanning lotion in the other) and don't ask. Just order something from the restaurant (usually poolside), be nice to the staff, then jump in. But if a pool is important, America has rooms for about 2000. The good (or bad) thing about the America pool is that it is in a central courtyard so gets shade from the building at certain times. Good if you or your honey don't want to get too much sun.

If you're at Pacific Breeze, I suspect you could say you are from Central Park (same mgmt and I presume CP people can use the pool). Same thing for the two Orchid hotels.

The girl with the lovely smile was a lot of fun. When I met her she was busy licking a chocolate flavored condom. The other dancers all had a lick too. Then they blew it up and batted it around the bar. BTW, she had a pussy ring. Nice to look at, but I didn't really care for licking it. I don't like finding cold, hard metal while licking soft pussy. Kind of like finding alum foil in your chewing gum.

The best outfit I ever saw on a girl....she was a cherry girl her first night at Silver Dollar (in Cebu). She was barefoot, wearing white cotton panties and a simple white bra -- in other words, she just stripped to her underwear for the dance. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Of course the next night they had her in the standard t-back just like everyone else. Boring.

X ManTo X man,

I stay at central hotel 2 month ago and I was giving a card for pacific breeze to use their pool area, rate is about 35 usd a bit cheaper than the new hotel is own by same company and they are buliding a new central hotel down the st.

Angeles city is changing new mall and new development is being bulid and price on real estate is going up fast, friend of mine purchase a condo there 10 yr ago is up 300 %.

Fast Eddie 48

X Man
04-02-07, 09:47
Great info "de candy for" something....or whatever your handle is.

So what did you pay for your Wild experinece????

Laundry: to be honest I do it the cheap way and hike my bag of clothes to a shop, which usually charges 35 pesos for a bag of 1 kilo. Hotel will charge you that much for one piece of clothes.

The shop I use is run by a very interesting lady. She remembers my name and knows what I do in AC. She asks, "playin with the girls"? I answer, "of course, what else?". She repiies, "I know all about that, I've done it". I guess she's worked in the bars somehow, but is long past her prime. I love the way she bullshits me. "yes sir, only 32 dollars". "Dollars sir, not pesos".

They usually take a day, but if you offer a 10 peso tip, they'll do it quicker.

X Man

Well Martini I highly reccomend the Wild Orchid on santos. I have stayed there in February and will be staying there again next month May 6 thru the 23. Why do I like Wild Orchid? Its definately one of the better Hotels. Rooms are clean, safe in room, the pool the girls love and the restuarant is pretty good as well. But the best part is that you are only 50 yards away from all the action. Kokomos is also near as well. This may be hard to beleave but they really take care of there guest. 2 times I left $ in my pocket and sent it out for laundry and both times got a call from front desk informing me of they found $ in my pants, Yes this is the Philippines imagine that! The staff is very courtesy and hmmm, if only the staff at front desk was available! If you are going to be there when I am there maybe we could meet for a drink and talk shop.

Good luck

Joe Perez
04-02-07, 10:10
Anybody have been to L Tinio's hotel, and in particular to the suite with big jakuzzi? is it value for money?


04-02-07, 13:32
I will have to say to X man I always enjoyed your pics. My Camera is a must this next trip. I went to Champayne which I hooked up with 2 girls for several days. Still write back in forth with them. They were well worth the several days I spent with them. But like the rest of you they get stale after a while and a new breed must be sought. Met one at Classroom which If let myself could fall inlove with. Any of us could do that if we don't use the head on our shoulders. Also hit st at Illusions as well. Price at Champayne P 1200 bf at Classroom P 1200. Illusions st was P 800. I tip well if service was great at P 1000. Most say this is to much but itt was my first trip. Live and learn as they say. My May trip will be a little more educated. I know Illusions has an upstairs short time place. Can anyone tell me what places have onsite st rooms? Thanks

04-03-07, 12:21
Anybody have been to L Tinio's hotel, and in particular to the suite with big jakuzzi? is it value for money?

I doubt you'll have enough hot water to make that jacuzzi much fun.

04-03-07, 12:51

I'm only going to be there for 2 nights. As for budget, I'm trying to keep it under $100 USD per night. Most of the hotels recommended by the travel agents are around 100. The plane tickets are 8400 peso round trip. Am I getting ripped off? Or should I take my chances when I get there? I actually don't mind paying a few dollars more to know my plans ahead of time. That way, I can tell my girl to get ready to travel on that day.


Plane tickets sound a little high, but I don't know your dates/time of travel. Make sure you are flying into Cacticlan, go to Asian Spirit or Sea Air websites directly and check flight/pricing.

If you are staying only 2 nights, I can see you don't want to mess around.

Here is my take on the boracay resort pricing: I have stayed at some really expensive resorts before here in the US (Boca Raton Hotel & Club, Breakers, etc.) and what really disappoints me is to stay at a place that doesn't live up to what I am paying for.

Do not try to impress the girl. It actually works against you. Keep it simple. YOU are the star, not the hotel room.

Stay at a $30-40 a night place and you'll probably have a better time (Dave's Strawhat Inn or Cocomangas are my choices). It fits the vibe of the beach life more and you won't be disappointed that you paid $100 a night for crap.
Don't stay directly on Beach (unless you stay at Friday's, but again too expensive and too segregated from Boracay), you are always a pretty short walk away.

04-03-07, 13:00
Hi All,

I have read many reports to prepare my visit to AC end April but one question remains. I plan to select one of the better hotels in AC and currently think about Wild Orchid and Angeles Beach Club Hotel. The ABC hotel is not at Fields but not far away. Both have a pool and good rooms.

Are there any specific advantages which are pro one of them. I assume bot are girl friendly.

Please let me know, Best Regards Martin

NB : I will write a report during my AC visit.


Stay at Wild Orchid. There will be more people there to watch out for you.

I can see that you are well equipped to single handedly spoil the market when you come. Have you made up a budget for how much you will be overtipping on the trip?

04-03-07, 13:04
Unfortunately, many of the girls with the best bodies in Angeles (slim and hard) often turn out to be cherry girls. Still, if the girl is into you, she could be more than willing to give BBBJs and let you do DATY on her (but you gotta be careful not to break the magic seal, as that will become the most expensive barfine of your life!). If you are really lucky, you might find a girl that will do anal.

Most cherry girls require a bit of work to win them over, but once you have she could give you a great time. If you act like you are in a rush with her its likely you will receive nothing. I know a guy who barfined a girl 4 times and after some tender care the girl gave him her cherry for free.

Cherry girls are not my thing, but I have had some great times with some in the past. Some girls who entered the infamous SOB parties, having their pussies eaten out etc were cherry girls (eg. two from Lollipop that I knew of).

I disagree that the cherry girls have the best bodies. Most of them have a bit of baby fat. I think the best bodies are on the girls with some "work ethic". They dance more, take care of themselves more by not eating junk all the time. Most of the cherry girls I know there are a bit lazy.

04-03-07, 14:06
Thanks Firewalker,

Royal Orchid it will be if room available. I only stay a few days and be assured I will not overtip and spoil the market. By reading the forum I am well informed about going rates and tips will be limited based on performance.

More after the visit ( promise ).

Regards, Martin


Stay at Wild Orchid. There will be more people there to watch out for you.

I can see that you are well equipped to single handedly spoil the market when you come. Have you made up a budget for how much you will be overtipping on the trip?

Soju Lizard
04-04-07, 01:42

Stay at Wild Orchid. There will be more people there to watch out for you.

I can see that you are well equipped to single handedly spoil the market when you come. Have you made up a budget for how much you will be overtipping on the trip?LOL. Good post. Actually though I think its the Koreans who do the most overtipping damage and are ruining the market. Its a status thing with them. A girl I know at the Executive Club told me she often gets P5, 000 tips or more from Koreans. Whats funny is there is no tipping in Korea. Go figure.

04-04-07, 06:32
LOL. Good post. Actually though I think its the Koreans who do the most overtipping damage and are ruining the market. Its a status thing with them. A girl I know at the Executive Club told me she often gets P5,000 tips or more from Koreans. Whats funny is there is no tipping in Korea. Go figure.You are right about that, but I don't think the Koreans are targeted much by criminal element.

I like to appear one or two notches above a Cheap Charlie, so as not to draw attention to myself.

04-05-07, 09:33
I know this sounds rediculous but do they have massage places in angeles with fish bowl to choose. Also how about Kasa? Anyone know of any in Angeles?

Fast Eddie 48
04-06-07, 16:58
None that I know of. Best experience with Massage Girl in AC is to have them do out call. On the other hand AC is one giant fishbowl. HuskyTo Husky,

There are no fish bowl in AC and the massage place there suck girl are old and service is bad , the bar is the way to go if you want fish bowl go to Makati or Manila , someone told me there is a fishbowl in subic bay can anyone confirm.

Fast eddie 48

04-07-07, 02:07
angeles city does have "fishbowls" (massage & etc.). but they are god awful places! you can not even compare them to what you see in thailand. they are dirty dark rooms where you look through a peep hole to see something equally aged & unglamorous. but they are there in ac. just ask a trike driver to take you.

04-07-07, 09:05
It appears from my research that Voodoo Bar seems to have attractive women who are pleasantly dressed. Is this still the case? A second question, if I may. Is the Swiss Chalet Hotel as good as its Internet site suggests, and is the water supply to the two 'suite' rooms (with jacuzzis) reliable, as I expect it will be? Would this hotel have any reciprocal arrangements with others to use their pools, given that it doesn't appear to have one? If not, what hotels or other places in AC have well maintained, reasonable size pools that can be used on a casual basis and what is the entrance fee, and does this cover all day use and into the early evening as well? Are there freelancers at these hotel pools? Many thanks for any info.Voodoo is long gone and has been replaced by a sports bar. Yes it was a great little bar but it's only a memory now. There is a floating bar in Subic called Voodoo, although it is a poor imitation of the Blue Rock floating bar.

The Swiss Chalet is a good hotel and priced cheaply for its central location, but it is almost always fully booked weeks in advance. Most people book months ahead to secure a room there.

Wild Orchid has one of the best pools but the hotel is very expensive. ABC Hotel has a small pool but I think it has closed or is on the verge of closing at it has been running at a loss since it opened (and at over 5000P a night with all taxes and surcharges thrown in its no wonder). Orchid Inn has a pool that you can use if not staying there, but they told me 300P per person to swim there. If you were eating at their restaurant and running a large tab then they might let you swim for free (but don't expect it as the owners want to get as much as they can from you). Pacific Breeze has a great pool and the rooms are about $50, but like Central Park, you better book well in advance to guarantee a room. Oasis Hotel has a big pool and is a relatively quiet, secure location but it is a long way from the action down Perimeter road. Trikes will cost P70 each way from there. Other pools exist which rate in levels of cleanliness such as and Sunset (looks clean), America Hotel (filthy) and Villa Modesto (nuclear tailings waste). Central Park technically has a pool but its more like an oversized bathtub that is fun to knock your mates into when youre plastered late at night returning from a barhop (but not if he is carrying a phone in his pocket!).

In terms of freelancers hanging next to any of these pools, this doesn't happen as any bargirls need to be staying there or are friends with someone who is. Some guys occassionally barfine large groups of girls for a pool party and if you were patient enough you might score one of them after he has taken a few back to his room - but don't hold your breath!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Jimbo 69
04-08-07, 05:05
I will be visiting in may (13-18). I hope to share some down time with some fellow westerners. Let me know if you will be in the area, as I am a first timer and could use some assistance with the scene.

A couple questions. Regarding money. Trying to figure how much to bring. Is it safe to use credit card at the hotel for the room? I am staying at the pacific breeze. Should I exchange money or do many of the places take US Dollars?


04-08-07, 08:32
I agree with the Editor that Correspondent's report was excellent: lots of facts. Thank you! Correspondent, do you believe that the jacuzzi rooms at the Swiss Chalet (caleld 'suites') are worth the additional P1000/night? If Voodoo has closed, what bar(s) in your opinion have the best dressed women (hopefully some good lookers too?)

Many thanks.

04-09-07, 02:15
Stayed there twice in a suite. The stairs are a *****, but absolutley the best deal for your money in AC.

Stay away from Chicago Park, there van service treated me like a leper.

Will be in AC this weekend, anyone want to have a beer pm me.

I agree with the Editor that Correspondent's report was excellent: lots of facts. Thank you! Correspondent, do you believe that the jacuzzi rooms at the Swiss Chalet (caleld 'suites') are worth the additional P1000/night? If Voodoo has closed, what bar(s) in your opinion have the best dressed women (hopefully some good lookers too?)

Many thanks.

Key Master
04-09-07, 07:41
A couple questions. Regarding money. Trying to figure how much to bring. Is it safe to use credit card at the hotel for the room? I am staying at the pacific breeze. Should I exchange money or do many of the places take US Dollars?

Jimbo, I think you are fine using a credit card at Pacific Breeze. But realize that they will charge you an added percentage for using a credit card like Mastercard or Visa. It will be like 3-5% of your bill. Plus, your credit card might charge you a conversion fee on top of that. I'm sure if you read through the many posts you'll find the topics in regards to exchanging money, ATM's and credit cards. I normally do ATM's mostly and then on occasion exchanging US Dollars. I rarely rarely use credit cards at hotels and never have used them at stores or restaurants. The added on percentage is pretty typical of most businesses in Asia in regards to credit cards. I highly recommend you read and read to find out more.

04-09-07, 10:28
Someone told me that the rooms in Swiss Chalet are pretty noisy, especially during daytime. Is this true?

(Just wondering why the prices are that low... Wanted to stay at 950 condotel, but the swiss chalet seems to be even cheaper)

04-09-07, 10:47
Someone told me that the rooms in Swiss Chalet are pretty noisy, especially during daytime. Is this true?
Most likely, opposite is a huge construction site.
New appartement building or so.


X Man
04-09-07, 11:40
I stayed in two different "front" rooms (facing the basketball court) at SC and had no noise problems. In between Swiss Chalet (back side) and Pacific Breeze is a large construction site, so that might affect the back rooms of SC. My PB room faced the construction site, but only occasionally did I hear noise. Bigger problem is opening the curtains and having the construction guys looking into the room.

Ekspat says "opposite", but that would be opposite the back side. Damn, that sounds sexual, but I'm only writing about hotels.....

Anyway, it always makes sense to look at a room before you put your money down. Open the curtains and see what's out there. The biggest noise problems I've had in all my hotel experiences has been noisy neighbors. At least you can expect that most AC hotels won't have children bouncing around.

GUYS, if the head board on your bed is banging the wall as you bang your girl, there is an easy solution. Get out of bed, pull the bed away from the wall, and continue. DUH?

On the other hand, if your lady is a screamer/shouter/loud moaner....that's okay -- please keep up the good work. It inspires the ones who tend to be quiet. I love to sarcastically ask my date, "what's that?". They giggle and say, "I don't know".
I say, "She sounds like she's in trouble, should I go help her?"
She, "Go ahead."
I, "No, I'd rather stay here with you."
From there, if you aren't already inside, check for moisture, insert.

X Man

Most likely, opposite is a huge construction site.
New appartement building or so.


04-10-07, 07:14

I will be in Angeles on May 4rd.

Anyone want to chat at Kokomos with me or to catch me up with the going ons?

04-10-07, 12:44
In terms of freelancers hanging next to any of these pools, this doesn't happen as any bargirls need to be staying there or are friends with someone who is. Some guys occassionally barfine large groups of girls for a pool party and if you were patient enough you might score one of them after he has taken a few back to his room - but don't hold your breath!

Good Report, Although I must say on quiet days that Wild Orchid does allow some Santos St Girls some R&R unescorted.The Wild Orchid allows Santos St girls?? Ok I will have to ask the owner about this because it's news to me. Perhaps if a girl is well known to management and is friends with someone working there then it's possible she might be allowed to swim there. This would hardly classify as 'freelancers' which is what the original poster was asking about and I highly doubt that these girls would be permitted to solicit business from hotel guests while they are enjoying their 'R&R' as you put it.

Also, I would be interested to know when the Wild Orchid had its last "quiet day" as it always operates at very high occupancy rates and the months of October through March are the busiest period of tourism for AC.

04-10-07, 14:08
I will be visiting in may (13-18). I hope to share some down time with some fellow westerners. Let me know if you will be in the area, as I am a first timer and could use some assistance with the scene.

A couple questions. Regarding money. Trying to figure how much to bring. Is it safe to use credit card at the hotel for the room? I am staying at the pacific breeze. Should I exchange money or do many of the places take US Dollars?

ThanksPacific Breeze and Central Park list their prices in $US so you could bring at least enough cash to cover the price of your room (and you won't lose out if the Peso appreciates while you are there). I never use credit cards in AC and only use an ATM on rare occasions. By all means, use an ATM if you are nervous about carrying cash, but I always keep my cash very secure whilst I'm travelling and have never had any problems over many years living in Asia. If you get robbed at gunpoint, you will lose everything anyway (which is extremely unlikely if you use safer options for transport).

Regarding how much to bring, if your room is $48 then you should have at least $100US per day for spending money. Of course you might spend more or less than that, but I think you can have a lot of fun for $100 in AC (and if you want to spend much more than that, you might prefer to stay in Manila and get a higher class of bargirl/KTV girl). You will need Peso's for day-to-day spending for most purchases and there are many places you can use to do that. The hotels give the worst rates and Normas money changer is one of the best. Good luck.

04-10-07, 23:36
I always keep my cash very secure whilst I'm travelling

Care to share your "stashing" methods? I am planning a trip and want to cover all the logistical aspects of a trip to AC.


04-11-07, 01:15
I would appreciate the info....


Man In Japan
04-11-07, 02:12
I would appreciate the info.

TIAIt's at the corner of Teodoro and Oak street. Walk down Fields to Mr. Frosty and go down the street away from the base and it's on the left-hand side.

I just use the changer by JJ's because the rates are practically the same. Nowadays I send a bar-boy or a waitress to do it for me, from my home bar of course. I would not do it in a place I don't trust.

Here is a link to Wayne's AC Map, he finally updated the small maps but the full view maps are out of date. All the maps are still good for reference though.


Lazy Lover
04-11-07, 03:02
"if your room is $48 then you should have at least $100US per day for spending money." Whoa! That's spending cash for Miami, Paris & Perth!

May i request submissions on daily expenses in Angeles specifically-moto/trike, barfine, bar beer, girl beer, BJ, ST, LT and tipping? (Better dining costs vary, and i can find that info in a guidebook.) And am i right: it seems some places barfines include ST/FT?

I hear many understandable complaints about newbies spending too much-
well, help keep it down right now!

I only ask this as I've been reading the threads for my own estimates, and I can't find recent specifics.

Thanks guys!

04-11-07, 09:18

I will be in AC from April 16 to the 23. Anyone wanna get together and chat, let me know...


Buko Max
04-11-07, 09:27
care to share your "stashing" methods? i am planning a trip and want to cover all the logistical aspects of a trip to ac.
if you must carry large amounts of currency, jock it or sock it, i always say. try to bring crisp clean large denomination bills. never keep your stash in your wallet or fannypack, those are for pocket money. make good use of the hotel safety deposit box or a room safe. most of the moneychangers have competitive rates.

nowadays i send a bar-boy or a waitress to do it for me, from my home bar of course. i would not do it in a place i don't trust.
does not sound like a smart thing to do. putting your trust in a bar employee is fine but shit does happen. i guess your too busy having fun to worry about such things.:cool:

to mountain peep:
one hundred dollars per day is a good reference point as correspondent mentions. you do not have to spend $48 on accommodations as there are plenty of places for less than $30. it really all depends on what kind of party animal you are. but better to bring too much money than not enough.

04-11-07, 09:45
"if your room is $48 then you should have at least $100us per day for spending money." whoa! that's spending cash for miami, paris & perth!
you won't even get a room for 100$ in paris. at least not a decent one.
with 100$ (75euro) paris is really no fun at all.

if room costs of 48$ in ac are included in 100$, then with remaining 52$ it's sort of tight budget. nearly 2,500ps a day.
st in afternoon and later bf (one only), some beer and 1-2 ladydrinks and it's gone. no lunch and dinner yet.
with 100$ cash a day it will be a nice party. no doubt.

04-11-07, 12:09
Was in AC a couple of weeks back.

I found that ATMs with + network did not work. The ATM for these were out of action at the Clarkton Mall and in the banks close to Fields. Probably temporary. For the two weeks I was there. Or might have been my card, but beware. The Cirrus network was ok. So take a couple of ATM cards one for each network. The money changers gave good rates. So take as much cash stashed on you as you can feel safe with and keep it in the room safe. I only used credit card for the hotel.

My budget ran to:

350p for breakfast and Dinner. (Aussie or American Breakfasts at Mo's and a big evening meal at Swiss Chalet). Including tips and a drink at dinner. The breakfast was so huge that I only needed a San Miguel Sandwich for lunch.

Beers were about 80-95 P at most bars in Fields.
Lady Drinks, budget about 140.
Most barfines were around 1200 P
Therefore to barfine a gel, give her a meal, a tip of up to 300 P and a couple of lady drinks - say 2100 P....not a bad deal for an all-nighter. :)

Most of the bars have fifteen to twenty ladies in bikinis on a raised stage, in most bars, they sort of shuffle around. Avoid the immediate press to get you to buy a drink, pick out one you like, and give her a look. If she is interested, you will know. If not, don't push it, because you will just spend $ on a drink and she will tell you she is on her period. So do wait for the return eye contact before you call her up for a lady drink.

Some of the ladies will even then not go with you. First night. I found twice though, that if I was gracious about it, and came around the next night, her period had stopped. LOL! (I figure it is something of a little test they gave me).

I tried to learn a few tagalog words on the plane over from a Lonely Planet book. I think it was worth while.

First of all, I looked like a newb. Or at least they picked me for one. In those bars that I did not use any of my few tagalog words, they really hounded me for lady drinks. But when I entered the bar, used a couple of words of Tagalog to the waitress when she asked if I wanted a drink, the harassers let me alone.

Some bars like Roadhouse and Agasaya (Sp? ) had choreographed shows where the girls did more than just shuffle. They actually danced. (In Agasaya, though there were shufflers, dancers and models who just pranced). Agasaya also seemed to have a Korean bias. Although I had no problem and did bf one lady there. She was the most expensive (since there is a slight premium for dancers) and the one who left earliest (after three hours).

I stayed in Fields and so did not have to worry about trike fares or jeepneys. It was also walkable to the perimeter bars and to the Mall. (Tho I am not sure how safe the walk to the perimeter bars would be at night).

Perimeter bars were all cheaper than the above. But a little less classy. I think the girls overall were slightly less quality, BUT you would never have a problem in finding your '10', so give them both a try.

I also found it profitable to alternate my beers with a non alco drink. It meant that I did not end up with beer goggles on and was able to check out many more bars before I succumbed to temptation. In all cases I ended up with a 10 for the night because I was sober enough to avoid the 8-9s who would have snagged me had I had a couple more beers. Finally, being more or less sober, I was able to judge the body language and pick out those that looked like they would give gfe.

(Given that I am over fifty, balding and overweight a little, you can imagine how good a twenty year old gfe 10 feels). ) It must have been my 'Peso'nality.

Also from a practical point of view, there are some 7/11 stores and pharmacies. So you do not need to worry about packing much. If you forget anything you will be able to buy it there. Laundry was about 25-30p per piece in the hotel, and about 35p per load if you bundled it up and took it to one of the nearby laundries.

I think next time, what I might do is repeat the process above, but when I have narrowed down the best of the '10' gfe ladies, perhaps take them for a week to somewhere else, and see if I can get a 'hme' (Honey Moon Experience). Without the marriage of course. ; )

One final thing that worked for me. Albeit by chance.

I had barfined a lady from Rhapsody. Looked a little spanish rather than typical pinay. She treated me very well over several nights, I did tip her 300p each time for sterling service. However as I was leaving, I thought to spend some $ on her. So after the barfine, instead of the usual, off to the hotel for a quickie before taking her to dinner, I went with her to one of the little dress shops, bought her a nice dress, some shoes and some fake sunglasses. She was a 10 before, in body and attitude, but with the nice togs she looked $1million. As we were walking back to the hotel, guys were twisting their necks, and you could see she felt like a $1million. I tell you, I got paid back for that dress big time in the hotel. I was so so sore and exhausted on the plane next day. I never thought I physically could do it ever again.

Overall, I had a blast for 3500P per day plus hotel cost.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

04-11-07, 13:37
"if your room is $48 then you should have at least $100us per day for spending money." whoa! that's spending cash for miami, paris & perth!

may i request submissions on daily expenses in angeles specifically-moto/trike, barfine, bar beer, girl beer, bj, st, lt and tipping? (better dining costs vary, and i can find that info in a guidebook.) and am i right: it seems some places barfines include st/ft?

i hear many understandable complaints about newbies spending too much-
well, help keep it down right now!$100us includes the girls, naturally. you would be hard pressed to find a st girl who would go with you for $100 in paris, leaving you with nothing left. $100 used to get a lot more, but the peso is so damn strong, its only p48/$ and has been for quite some time now.

barfines are between p1000 and p1300. all the fields ave bars are 1200-1300. lds are around 150 for f.av, beers are p85. this adds up quickly and a bellring is $100us+ (and ive seen some guys ring a bell several times in one night). girls seem to expect a tip for a good all-night service, but of course that's up to you. dont listen to anyone tell you that there is a norm for tipping. newbies often tip way too much if they liked a girl eg. a p1000 tip. this would be an example of complaints you have heard of.

only a couple of bars on perimeter offer st barfines and they are around p700. hardly worth it as you can take a girl lt for p1000. if you are in a hurry, have two rounds and then send the girl on her way. you get what you want and the girl will be happy to have the rest of the night free (unless she was madly in love with you, haha!).

yes you can spend a lot on dinner, there are several decent restaurants on fields and a few past checkpoint. of course there are many more than in these two locations but they aren't walking distance. trikes fleece the crap out of tourists (and even bargirls). p50 for any small distance and p70 for longer rides. if the trike driver thinks he can get more, then he will ask for more. try not to get angry as it will also end in a bad result for you. the best thing to do is hand him the money (which you know is correct) say thankyou, then walk away.

04-13-07, 05:29
Hey Dude,

Thanks for the great post. The information was very helpful for someone who hopes to visit the city.

Have you heard much of the hotel Swiss Chalet? How are they with guests?

04-13-07, 11:32
Hi Ronin,

Did not stay at the hotel Swiss Chalet, but did eat in their restaurant. So looks ok from the ground floor at least., and the photos of the rooms looked ok.

I have tried to get in there in the past, but it has always been booked out. I would be stunned if there was any problem with girls in the room (although you should ask them if you planned to have more than one or two at a time).

It is quite central to the Fields action, so location wise you would have no problem as long as you can get in.

Hotel Royal Amsterdam might be an alternative if you cannot get Swiss Chalet.

04-15-07, 17:50
I tried to learn a few tagalog words on the plane over from a Lonely Planet book. I think it was worth while.

Why not, it is indeed an interesting experience, but please, don't overdo it, folks! When I practiced my (very poor) Tagalog at Nifty's two weeks ago, my favorite girl all of a sudden did not talk to me in English anymore! Gentlemen, you have been warned! :)

Mabuhay ang Pilipinas!


04-16-07, 01:13
Been here for four days. Staying at the original Orchid Inn. Standard room is 32$ and a real dump. First room the a/con did not work. However, there was very little hassle and they switched me to a dump of equal value. What can you expect for $32.

The bars are pretty much as I left them in August of 2006. The big glitzy places vs. the smaller cozier bars. Its up to you. I found it interesting that all places were crowded. Maybe it was because I arrived on a Friday.

Bad experience at Insomnia. I have a tendency to resist initial solicitations to buy a drink and just tell them I want to look around. If I don't, I will be drunk in about 1 hour. Love to shop. On my way out of Insomnia the door girl became very belligerent because I did not buy a drink. I found this odd because in most, if not all of the bars, there is no problem with the staff. Indeed, they usually joke about it. Made it up to her the next night, brought my bar-fine there and we both slid down the pole.

Went to Santos Street, now a mere shadow of days gone by. It seems to be getting smaller and smaller. Last year my nephew would not venture down, I always enjoy the visit. Reminds me of my navy days. As before, Black Pearl was the best place. They did some considerable remodelling with the floors now mopped the new pictures on the three walls.

Took a girl my friend had on our last visit, her name is Chanda. A slim good looking gal with nothing less than a great personality. If you want the type of bj you see in porn movies you must visit this gal. Her combination of looks, personality, and skill made me a repeat customer. I also found it interesting she has been working there for five years. Quite a long time for that line of work.

Also made a trip to the perimeter road bars to kill one afternoon. Most bars there open around 2pm. Arrived a little early and went to Garfields for a beer. Its not that the staff was unfriendly, it is just the fact this is a stone cold local bar. After a few minutes I notice everyone else was on a first name basis. As for me, no waitresses went out of their way to continue a conversation. Again, they were not rude, just made no effort at return chat.

Time to make my last rounds before heading back to the U S. Good by.

X Man
04-16-07, 14:53

Early April there was a review of SC.

Hope that helps you, DUDE.

X Man

Hey Dude,

Thanks for the great post. The information was very helpful for someone who hopes to visit the city.

Have you heard much of the hotel Swiss Chalet? How are they with guests?

04-16-07, 16:18
In response to Rubberymans post. You state that the barfines are 1200 p, which seems very steep when compared to Thailand. What would you pay the girl in addition upon completion of the deed ?

04-16-07, 19:49
Also made a trip to the perimeter road bars to kill one afternoon. Most bars there open around 2pm.

I did exactly the same during the past weeks and had always an excellent time in Perimeter bars! Much more fun with the girls than in Fields!

Usually I barfined one cuty already at 4pm and went straight to my hotel room for round one. At 8pm a little snack at Mo's place and some barhopping without the girl ("My dear, go alone, I would like to watch TV instead! And I'm not hungry either, but maybe later you can bring me one Siopao from 7/11?"). At 11pm round two, some rest until 8am, followed by round three.

BTW, all girls from Perimeter road performed much better than their sisters in Fields! IMHO, of course! Somebody with a similar experience?

Cheers - Hesekiels

04-16-07, 20:32
Hello Gentlemen

My laptop is acting weird so you might be seeing this twice...

I'm flying from AC to BKK via Macau using Tiger air and Air Asia. I have 90 minutes to transit in Macau. Has anyone done this before? Is that enough time?


Buko Max
04-16-07, 21:30
I'm flying from AC to BKK via Macau using Tiger air and Air Asia. I have 90 minutes to transit in Macau. Has anyone done this before? Is that enough time?
Greetings Egg,

You should have no problems with your connecting flight since the airport is small and compact. My last time through in Dec. '06, I had to wait about 30 minutes to clear immigration but that was because several flights landed at the same time and it was my destination. I'm not sure whether you will have to clear immigration but you should be fine.

To Zdavolos:

On the contrary, barfines in Thailand are almost double than they are in AC. Check it: www.xe.com/ucc/
Tipping should be 20% for good service.

04-17-07, 03:49
Greetings Egg,

You should have no problems with your connecting flight since the airport is small and compact.


Thank you for the info. I will have to check a suitcase. That means I'll need to claim it and re-check it for Air Asia. Do you still think I'll have enough time? Do I need to go thru immigration to do this?


04-17-07, 04:22

To clarify your question, in The Phillipines the barfine is inclusive of the service and just a tip is expected whereas in Thailand, the barfine simply simply releases the girl with further negotiations for services.

Bob Down
04-17-07, 09:55
I have been to AC twice now and will be back soon. I have never tipped a girl in the morning and never had a problem with repeats.

One girl asked me one morning if she can borrow 500p to pay her rent that day. I told her she can have the 500p, she told me if she not see me that night she would return the 500p to the hotel. So that night while I was in bed with another girl she kindly returned and left the 500p at the hotel front desk as promised.

So lets think about this, out of the 1200p. The bar get 600-700p and she gets 500-600p. If we forget about the money the bar gets and ladies drinks, she was pretty much free. As the money she would have got from my barfine, she collected from the bar and returned to me that night.


04-17-07, 12:03
Just arrived in Manila and made a short walk down from my Hotel and saw Jooles already. Wasn't in, guess it's too early and should come back later. Thanks guys for the info.
Though, one questions I still have. I was a few years before already in Manila and we were there in two locations I remember. One was a large gogo bar with very pretty girls inside not for from a bigger street. Don't remember the name, but it was not in the Burgos area. The other location was like a big hall with many small gogo bars inside. Do somebody know about that places? I guess the description is too vague, but who knows.

04-17-07, 12:33

To clarify your question, in The Phillipines the barfine is inclusive of the service and just a tip is expected whereas in Thailand, the barfine simply simply releases the girl with further negotiations for services.
only in angeles. everywhere else is the same as thailand.

04-17-07, 12:34
The other location was like a big hall with many small gogo bars inside. Do somebody know about that places? I guess the description is too vague, but who knows.
think you are referring to Edsa. just jump in a cab and ask for the intl bar complex.

Jaimito Cartero
04-17-07, 15:09
Arrived in AC last night. Took the Rabbit bus from the Santa Cruz station. It's funny, cost me $135p from Cherry Blossoms to Santa Cruz (Driver wanted 20 pesos on top of that, I just laughed at him), and then 110 pesos for the bus.

A nice ride, comfortable with nicely working AC. I got off at Dau, and took a trike to the Central Park Hotel. Nice hotel, friendly folks.

Went out and ate at Mo's, drank a little in Typhoon. Was looking for the BJ bars. I was told it was Black Pearl, so checked those out. Went to One Tuk which had the most girls. Prices were 600, upstairs or back in your room, so I took Janet, who the other girls gave a good BJ. She's a chinese looking 24 yo from Cebu.

Had a decent attitude. DFK, B chest, a bit chubby, but good otherwise. Her BJ skills are okay, but nothing out of the ordinary. She was pretty responsive to DATY. I ended up throwing a fuck into her, which was okay for all involved.

She wanted to stay and watch the tv for a bit, and asked if it was okay to leave after a couple of hours.

Looks 4 - service - 6. But for the price, I couldn't complain.

Buko Max
04-17-07, 20:29
Thank you for the info. I will have to check a suitcase. That means I'll need to claim it and re-check it for Air Asia. Do you still think I'll have enough time? Do I need to go thru immigration to do this?
Yes I believe that all passengers go through immigration as soon as you deplane. You should be fine since there are only about a dozen gates at that airport. Grab your suitcase and head upstairs to check in for your flight. To give yourself more time, sit at either the front or rear of your Tiger flight, (they usually open both front and rear doors when you deplane) to get a good place in line.
Since I've never been to BKK, I might try your stunt sometime. How much was your plane ticket from MFM to BKK?

04-17-07, 21:20
To keep his strength, length & stamina a monger has to eat something: Where do you guys eat? What are your favorite restaurants?

El Vagabundo
04-17-07, 21:26
I have a friend that is living in Angeles City. I am in Colombia. I want to send my friend a book. I can order it from amazon.com to be delivered anywhere in the USA. Is there anyone going to Angeles in the next month or so that would be willing to help out a couple of old time mongers?

Jaimito Cartero
04-18-07, 03:36
I've eaten at a few places in AC so far. Margarita Station, Mo's, Swiss Chalet, and the big sub place on Fields. Nothing really outstanding as of yet. I've picked different items at each place, so it's hard to make a real comparison. The tastiest was the Macaroni dish at Mo's so far.

Nothing really disappointing, but often the food doesn't get served warm enough. The Philly steak sandwich at the sub place was only room temperature in the middle of the sandwich.

I also ate at Max's in the SM Clark mall, but nothing special.

Fred C Dobbs
04-18-07, 06:18
is called C'Italian out on Perimeter Road. The chef is from Switzerland and they have a good wine list. Western quality and prices.

Hah Baht
04-18-07, 06:45
Don't agree on C'Italian. Its not good, I think it's a great restaurant. Ate there a few times last week with three friends and they all agree. It is the best I've had in Asia. A little pricey, but well worth it.