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09-02-10, 22:52
why you do not have your extensive hotels discussion in more appropriate forum "Angeles City Hotels & Accomodations"?
Yes I understand what you are saying, but I posted here to ensure all readers going to AC seen what happened to me.


09-02-10, 22:59
In Spite of what the bar people tell you it is all wrong. If you ask mamasan and some girls they will tell you if a girl changes bars, there is a black mark on them and nobody will hire them. This is all baloney.
Long time ago the girls and mamasans told me the same story. Now that I am friends with many they told me there is no such thing. Girls do leave one bar to go to another and you think they will tell the truth why?
Bars do not even other to check previous employment reference. Nobody cares.
I think a lot of girls in AC works for their mommasan. She controls the girls and if she moves, they move. I know a few girls who have tried to leave the bar and their mommasan would not give them their license.

If the momma goes and recruits them in the province and pays their travel costs and room and board, they have to work it off. A lot of girls will borrow money and stay in debt to their momma:(


09-02-10, 23:03
You know what the Korean do? They request for their money back.

It's time to request for REFUNDS!
Refund for what? A Early Work Release is paid for her to leave work early and when her shift is over she is free to get off work.

So you take her back to the hotel and get one pop in and she wants to leave, you want a refund????


09-02-10, 23:32
I think you have to get things established with the lady before you leave the bar. If she says short time out the box, she would have to move on. I want to the option of kicking her out early or she stays til the morning time. Hell, I paid the money.You just have to read back a few pages and see what I (and others) had reported. Getting things established before leaving the bar was exactly what I did, and all the agreements were in front of the mamas. Like I said, didn't help, some ran anyway.


09-02-10, 23:40
I think it depends on where you barfine the girl and type of girl. Almost all my runners were from the larger bars and many were spotlight girls. I tend to pick the hottest girls who are also in high demand from other asian mongers. There may be a correlation.

I've heard from others that most the girls on the perimeter don't run.Never took a spotlight chick because I personnally don't think they are anything more special than some of the 1200-1500 BF ones, so just not worth the extra cost--strictly in my views only.

And don't even believe for a minute Perimeter chicks don't run, in fact, one of the runners my traveling pal took out was from Perimeter, can't remember if it was Eruption or Emotions or something like that. There may be a lesser chance of this (? maybe) but they run from there also.


X Man
09-03-10, 05:59
Good point! I forgot to mention this in my earlier post.

Sometimes I meet gals in AC who are from Pampanga and even live with their families. I always triple confirm, but in most cases there is no problem. In one case the gal tells me her brother works as a dj in a bar down the street and we can go visit him .. Ummm, maybe some other time.

Typical exchange:

X "I like you, but when is your curfew?"
"I don't have a curfew"
X "Can you stay all night?"
"Up to you"
X "Okay, let's have breakfast together"
X "Go change clothes. Check please!"

a few little tricks I use to prevent runners( not fool proof) is to find out if the girl I am interested in has kids to care for hers or her sistersor mothers brothers( boyfriends) or any other family members ect that are staying locally with her at her place. If this is so you have a pretty good chance shes going to want to leave has early as she can to get back to her obligations for the day. I have never had a runner who ran if she didn't have something more important to do. another trick I have used is letting the girl know I am interested in having a companion for a trip to Boracey or some other place she might want to go to. let her think she has a sucker but don't lead her on to much cause that's not right she will not want to go if she thinks she can gain from staying with you. another is telling them your vacation is almost over and you will be leaving soon they think you might unload a lump sum of pesos or baht on them cause you have extra

Fast Eddie 48
09-03-10, 06:26
Refund for what? A Early Work Release is paid for her to leave work early and when her shift is over she is free to get off work.

So you take her back to the hotel and get one pop in and she wants to leave, you want a refund?


I don't think even the Korean get refund after one pop, maybe lucky the mamsan will get you another girl that is if you are a good customer or you raise hell at the bar, many time if the girl want to go back to the bar after one pop for some reason I will offer to go with her, never believe them if they tell you they will come back in one hr because they never do.

Fast Eddie 48

09-03-10, 07:41
One thing I disagree with Sammon's post is that the girls can just quit and go to another bar for work. Most girls there are afraid of getting fired or quitting. Its hard to explain to your new employer why you up and quit or got fired. "I was working until yesterday at Honey Pot. I quit cuz the manager expect me to be barfining and even to spending the night the men. What the f*ck." Or, "They fire me. I refuse barfine 4 times last month." Or, "They fire me. I like to leave early. Customer don't like that. What the f*ck." I've dated waitresses and a mama and they tell me that the girls stick to the bar's policies, and get into trouble when they don't. There's too much fresh talent inbound from the provinces to put up with a trouble-maker.

Yes, I agree here.

As, I said on an earlier post. Runners = Refund! Us mongers most enforce this code. This is our tool against the Runners![/QUOTE]

In the first instance, most girls are highly mobile if they have a desire to change bars, the better looking she is the more in demand she is. They may not leave a bar for various reasons (friends, regular repeat customers, making good money, etc), but it has nothing to do with a bad mark on their employment record. In fact, if one knows the bars, its a laughable assumption.

In the second instance, all but an idiot bar owner or your being a very high spending customer, would never give you your money back after you got your nut off, runner or no runner. May and probably should address the issue with the girl in not fullfilling her agreement with you, but fire her; NO, Give you your money back; NO.

In the final instance, this is much to do about nothing. Most girls will tell you the truth if they will do ST or LT, if you ask. There is a very large portion of the customer market that prefers the girl leave afterwards, and some girls are conditioned to that. If one can't find a girl in Angeles to spend the night, then one should look at his approach with the girls. Those of us with experience have no problems with this issue.

Two nights ago, picked up two girls from Love and Music. One 18 year old and one 21 year old. Yes, paid the 3,000 p BF each. Full on threesome, then one left and did the remaining again. She left around 5 AM so I could get some sleep. Both would have stayed till mid-morning, but I was tired. Correct me if I am wrong, but when was the last time you picked up a couple of college age girls, paid $130 U.S. they performed almost every sex act one can consider, then complained because it only lasted five hours. This is the AC experience, not whether the girls stays to listen to you snore and fart throughout the night.

X Man
09-03-10, 08:20
Yes, look at "YOUR approach"! Thanks Matius, that was a point I made earlier, but that post has already been buried under many other posts. I'm kind of surprised at how this topic has taken off.

But what is your point about snoring and farting? I kind of like their pssy farts. And their gentle rythym of breathing while asleep could hardly be called snoring. In fact it helps me sleep.

Except in the morning when I got a hard on and don't want to wake her. Yea, baby, wake up, wake up. I'm too polite to physically wake them up, so I send brain waves. Never fails. They wake up and we fk.

Did I misunderstand the original post?

Yes, I agree here.

As, I said on an earlier post. Runners = Refund! Us mongers most enforce this code. This is our tool against the Runners!In the first instance, most girls are highly mobile if they have a desire to change bars, the better looking she is the more in demand she is. They may not leave a bar for various reasons (friends, regular repeat customers, making good money, etc), but it has nothing to do with a bad mark on their employment record. In fact, if one knows the bars, its a laughable assumption.

In the second instance, all but an idiot bar owner or your being a very high spending customer, would never give you your money back after you got your nut off, runner or no runner. May and probably should address the issue with the girl in not fullfilling her agreement with you, but fire her; NO, Give you your money back; NO.

In the final instance, this is much to do about nothing. Most girls will tell you the truth if they will do ST or LT, if you ask. There is a very large portion of the customer market that prefers the girl leave afterwards, and some girls are conditioned to that. If one can't find a girl in Angeles to spend the night, then one should look at his approach with the girls. Those of us with experience have no problems with this issue.

Two nights ago, picked up two girls from Love and Music. One 18 year old and one 21 year old. Yes, paid the 3, 000 p BF each. Full on threesome, then one left and did the remaining again. She left around 5 AM so I could get some sleep. Both would have stayed till mid-morning, but I was tired. Correct me if I am wrong, but when was the last time you picked up a couple of college age girls, paid $130 USA they performed almost every sex act one can consider, then complained because it only lasted five hours. This is the AC experience, not whether the girls stays to listen to you snore and fart throughout the night.[/QUOTE]

09-03-10, 14:03
[QUOTE=Doppel One]Matius,

Many thanks for the information, I'll certainly check out the Geomania Hotel with a view to triking may way to downtown Fields.

Stayed there a few months ago...wrote a report in the Angeles Hotels Section. One of the worst experiences ever in all of my world travels. Avoid.

09-03-10, 15:19
just come back from ac.

the business is slow in ac and almost raining everyday.

the taxi from clark airport to field avenue increase from p300 to p500. i check the price list at the taxi counter, written angeles city = p500. correct me if i'm wrong.

on the day go back, the officer who check my itinerary paper outside of the airport robbed my cigarrete. it is not confirep001ed, no valid reason given. everytime there is always a very nice young pretty lady waiting outside to check the paper before let the passenger go inside, but not this time.

when i finally go to the last stop of the baggage checking place that need to remove my shoes, the officer found that i have a huge fat wallet and want to check it. i open my wallet, and he ask me how much peso i have ? i answer just a few hundred and quickly put it back to my pocket and leave. fortunately, most of the money is not in peso. last time when i arrive at clark airport, the officer also ask the same question "how much peso u have ?" i wonder why and what the best answer to reply. should i report a low amount or high amount ?

09-03-10, 21:33
Everybody here has valid points. I am just saying if a fellow monger comes across a track star "runner" and you expected more. The Gent can request for a refund. The key word here is "satisfaction". She states she would do Long Time, Head, Anal, Daty and or Bare Back.

Get your CASH!


Oh, Korean Mongers are the only folks entitled to the refund?

09-03-10, 22:19
I have a cutie from Pony Tails that I see when I am in AC. Now that Pony Tails is closed:( she has moved to Club Asia and her EWR was 1500P at Pony Tails, but now they want 3000P because she is on Fields. I asked the momma if she twice as good now???

I paid the first night (got suckered in by not asking before she changed) but I told her sorry I don't support the 3000P EWR. She worked the next night and then stayed with me for two days and I paid her, not the bar. I don't support sneakouts, but I also do not support bars who think they can screw customers.


09-03-10, 23:34
I have a cutie from Pony Tails that I see when I am in AC. Now that Pony Tails is closed:( she has moved to Club Asia and her EWR was 1500P at Pony Tails, but now they want 3000P because she is on Fields. I asked the momma if she twice as good now?

I paid the first night (got suckered in by not asking before she changed) but I told her sorry I don't support the 3000P EWR. She worked the next night and then stayed with me for two days and I paid her, not the bar. I don't support sneakouts, but I also do not support bars who think they can screw customers.

RobbFor sneakouts I suggest inviting them to Manila. Once I am in touch with a perticular girl i let her know when I am landing in Manila and ask her to come to my Hotel. The girls know how to get around and will take the cheapest way from AC to Manila. Believe me she will be more relaxed in Manila rather than AC.

All girls working there are snitchs. If they see you with the girl they report to the bar and the mamasan and potentially get her into trouble. It happened to me one time. Over her objections I took her to to eat at the mall and buy her some gifts. Later I did go to the ar and talked to the mamasan and barfined her. At that time BF was only 1200 pesos.

09-04-10, 02:10
I support Sneak Outs! The girls make more money from sneak outs anyways. Most of the time they suggest it! Ha!

09-04-10, 08:18
I support Sneak Outs! The girls make more money from sneak outs anyways. Most of the time they suggest it! Ha!The girls often refuse a sneakout to a stranger. My experience is that they don't suggest it. However, I have an electronic black book of them in my phone in AC now, former one-time barfines, who are happy to come over at midnight-1am just after her shift ends. It seems once they are comfortable with me, the sneakout is on the menu (they can care less about getting p700 from an unknown guy's barfine when she can get 1000 from a known entity). Drinks at Blue Nile or Crystal Palace (to watch the floor show). Bite to eat at Kok's. Then back to the room for LT. I give them p1000 for LT (perform 2x), I don't bother with them for ST at this time of night.

There are two girls, both older waitresses, late 20's, both of them I've barfined (once). Each sneaks-out with me as often as she can. After the initial barfine, I've not given either of them any money (p100 for tryke). Bite to eat in the evening after the shift, LT, breakfast, gone around 10-11am. I'm not sure why I don't give anything to these two, it just works out that way. Eight months ago one of them snuck-out 4 nights in a row with me. I was ST-ing in the afternoon from Santos, resting and reading in the evenings, and she would come over about 12:15 each night. Whatta life huh?

Rubio Tonto
09-04-10, 13:37
I have a cutie from Pony Tails that I see when I am in AC. Now that Pony Tails is closed:( she has moved to Club Asia and her EWR was 1500P at Pony Tails, but now they want 3000P because she is on Fields. I asked the momma if she twice as good now???

I paid the first night (got suckered in by not asking before she changed) but I told her sorry I don't support the 3000P EWR. She worked the next night and then stayed with me for two days and I paid her, not the bar. I don't support sneakouts, but I also do not support bars who think they can screw customers.


I thought Pony Tails reopened. I'm going back to AC in a couple weeks and was looking forward to stopping in to see Miss E (nickname Giggles), who was one of their spotlight dancers.

Ruff Rider
09-04-10, 14:44
just come back from ac.

the taxi from clark airport to field avenue increase from p300 to p500. i check the price list at the taxi counter, written angeles city = p500. correct me if i'm wrong.

when i finally go to the last stop of the baggage checking place that need to remove my shoes, the officer found that i have a huge fat wallet and want to check it. i open my wallet, and he ask me how much peso i have? i answer just a few hundred and quickly put it back to my pocket and leave. fortunately, most of the money is not in peso. last time when i arrive at clark airport, the officer also ask the same question "how much peso you have? " i wonder why and what the best answer to reply. should i report a low amount or high amount?on the taxi, yes i was there last week as well and it is now p500 (about usd$10), i squawked a bit but its been p300 (about usd$6) for the past few years.

on the "how many pesos question. " if you look on your imigration form it states that you need special permission from the central bank of the philippines to bring more than p10, 000 into the phils. from the treatment you got at the airport, if you answered that you had more than p10k, you might have gotten some of all of your pesos confirep001ed (taken away). so for the high number/low number question, i suggest an answer below p10k.


09-04-10, 18:22
Everybody here has valid points. I am just saying if a fellow monger comes across a track star "runner" and you expected more. The Gent can request for a refund. The key word here is "satisfaction". She states she would do Long Time, Head, Anal, DATY and or Bare Back.

Get your CASH!


Oh, Korean Mongers are the only folks entitled to the refund?You will never get most guys to do this. (some will. You did. So there are those who are anal about these things). But most wouldn't.

Most koreans do not request refunds. They probably are the ones who barfine girls for just bar hopping the most. Not even requesting sex. Just company while they bar hop.

I bar hop with 2 koreans several times and we have sat with others.

They may put girls thru a lineup to judge them, to see if they will take them. But once they have chosen. They are usually generous with LDs and less demanding about sex.

If a babe wants to leave. So be it. Especially if you have hit it already once. If you do the necessary upfront work of talking to and not at them. Youd probably get better results. Beside not too many bars are going to return any money after you have hit it once.

I think a lot of guys would consider it petty and a waste of time.complaining about such a trival issue.

You are not buying an item from a store. This is a human being you're talking about. And you want to treat it as if you bought a something with a money back guarantee.

09-05-10, 02:17
I thought Pony Tails reopened. I'm going back to AC in a couple weeks and was looking forward to stopping in to see Miss E (nickname Giggles), who was one of their spotlight dancers.The PonyTails was still close last week.

09-05-10, 02:22
For sneakouts I suggest inviting them to Manila. Once I am in touch with a perticular girl i let her know when I am landing in Manila and ask her to come to my Hotel. The girls know how to get around and will take the cheapest way from AC to Manila. Believe me she will be more relaxed in Manila rather than AC.

All girls working there are snitchs. If they see you with the girl they report to the bar and the mamasan and potentially get her into trouble. It happened to me one time. Over her objections I took her to to eat at the mall and buy her some gifts. Later I did go to the ar and talked to the mamasan and barfined her. At that time BF was only 1200 pesos.Yes, they feel more relax in a far away place from AC. I used ask a girl sneak out to my place the Savannah Hotel. She don't want to go outside and we just boom boom in the rooms and eat in the rooms from day to night. A little boring since i'm not so into sex.

09-05-10, 02:36
I heard from a bar girl say that more than 20% of the bar girl in AC is LESBIAN

Anyone heard some lesbian story.

I also notice that there are many FAKE boobs now in some big club like Forbidden City. There are more girl smoking and fighting, no body painting no t-back, the place is getting worst. I tot I'm in Thailand.

09-05-10, 02:44
However, I have an electronic black book of them in my phone in AC now, former one-time barfines, who are happy to come over...........
Same experience here. But I prefer them to come over in the afternoon before shift or on off-day.
Evening I want to barfine a new one.

Yeah, whatta life, :D


Fast Eddie 48
09-05-10, 05:37
I have a cutie from Pony Tails that I see when I am in AC. Now that Pony Tails is closed:( she has moved to Club Asia and her EWR was 1500P at Pony Tails, but now they want 3000P because she is on Fields. I asked the momma if she twice as good now???

I paid the first night (got suckered in by not asking before she changed) but I told her sorry I don't support the 3000P EWR. She worked the next night and then stayed with me for two days and I paid her, not the bar. I don't support sneakouts, but I also do not support bars who think they can screw customers.


That is a good way to work the systems ,I do this all the time just get the girl cell number and call them the next day , I done this at Miss universive and burgos bar in Manila ,we should all do this screw the bar before they screw you no barfine and deal with the girl get them to stay with you for a few hr before they go to work ,I done a few girl for ST like this for 1000 peso in AC make sure you paid them after not upfront.

09-05-10, 11:30
The PonyTails was still close last week.
I was told by a bargirl yesterday, PT will be back in business within 2 weeks.

09-05-10, 12:23
I heard from a bar girl say that more than 20% of the bar girl in AC is LESBIAN

Anyone heard some lesbian story.

I also notice that there are many FAKE boobs now in some big club like Forbidden City. There are more girl smoking and fighting, no body painting no t-back, the place is getting worst. I tot I'm in Thailand.
Who cares if 20% is a Lesbian? I am a lesbian:D

That leaves 6,402 more available:) 4,603 are on their day off or sneak out:)


09-05-10, 13:12
I also notice that there are many FAKE boobs now in some big club like Forbidden City. There are more girl smoking and fighting, no body painting no t-back, the place is getting worst. I tot I'm in Thailand.
I did not notice many fake boobs in AC. Definately more in Thailand. I did, however, see a lot more girls smoking than before. Seems like philippino whroes love to smoke.

In some ways the place is getting worse, but it depends what you like and what you're looking for. I think we all agree that it is starting to get more expensive.

09-05-10, 14:09
I heard from a bar girl say that more than 20% of the bar girl in AC is LESBIAN

Anyone heard some lesbian story.

I also notice that there are many FAKE boobs now in some big club like Forbidden City. There are more girl smoking and fighting, no body painting no t-back, the place is getting worst. I tot I'm in Thailand.

I have not seen any fake boobs in AC except on Ladyboys walking on fields avenue.
I doubt the girls atleast the young fresh ones do have the money to get a new set.
Philippine Lesbians is not the same as other lesbians in other countries. They may play around little bit with each other but not go full throttle sex. Many a time I have barfined two girls who said they like each other but in the room refuse to do anything except kiss and touch boobs.
You can sometimes see the dancing girls touching each other but it is not the same as Lesbianism.

09-05-10, 18:15
I have not seen any fake boobs in AC except on Ladyboys walking on fields avenue.

I doubt the girls atleast the young fresh ones do have the money to get a new setI suspect the big club borrow some money to "help" them to get a new set. The hot girl have some priority and the club can keep them longer because the hot girl are in debts. I prefer the original set.

09-06-10, 00:00
On the taxi, yes I was there last week as well and it is now P500 (about USD$10), I squawked a bit but its been P300 (about USD$6) for the past few years.Guys, correct me if I'm wrong. But why are you guys paying 500p for the taxi from clark to fields? There is a 30p a/c shuttle that now operates from clark airport.


Abc Hotel
09-06-10, 04:26
Here is an important article comparing the Angeles City murder rate with other comparable cities and countries in the World:


Murder rate is lower than the World, US and Thai average.

It is also lower than Amsterdam, and significantly lower than Tijuana!

Fast Eddie 48
09-06-10, 05:58
Guys, correct me if I'm wrong. But why are you guys paying 500p for the taxi from clark to fields? There is a 30p a/c shuttle that now operates from clark airport.


Not everyone want to sit in a crowded shuttle with 20 other smelly guy, same reason that some of us are willing to pay 2000 peso for taxi from manila to AC.

Fast Eddie 48

09-07-10, 06:31
Who cares what the girls think! They will go with you to the 800 pesos a night hotels as long as you pay.
I dont think so.
Barfined yesterday a 3,000ps stunner.
After the usual blahblah I asked "we go together?"
Immediately the reply "Where u stay?"
"Okay, I change clothes now?"

I bet, when I would be staying in a 800ps rathole,
she'd have had menstruation. For sure.

Performance wasn't better or worse than other girls, but eye-candy from time to time, why not?
After lotsa beer in the evening she was a clear 10,
in the morning still 8.5 or 9.

Had 3 barfines so far, no runner yet.

Someone mentioned problems with ST rooms?
Used ST-rooms for afternoon-fun now 2 times, no problem.
Furthermore, still anything goes in AC. Could get a handjob openly in the bar and with the help of several LD and some baby-oil the girls finished it up till cum.
:D Loving it....

Came along Pony Tail yesterday, some girls there told me it may even open again by tomorrow.

Otherwise business as usual.
Whatta life, hehe.... :D

09-07-10, 10:31
I dont think so.
Barfined yesterday a 3,000ps stunner.
After the usual blahblah I asked "we go together?"
Immediately the reply "Where u stay?"
"Okay, I change clothes now?"

I bet, when I would be staying in a 800ps rathole,
she'd have had menstruation. For sure.

:D Loving it....

Otherwise business as usual.
Whatta life, hehe.... :D

I'm jealous.

I sort of agree with what you say about the hotels and the girls. I think it would definitely give you the edge if you were competing for someone.

However, there is another way to look at it. If you were competing against someone for a stunner, and you offered her the difference in cost between LGH and the 800P rathole as a tip. I reckon I know which way she'd flip.

So it really boils down to what you like in a hotel, you first, and then if that works for the ladies, so much the better.

09-07-10, 10:56
I heard from a bar girl say that more than 20% of the bar girl in AC is LESBIAN

Anyone heard some lesbian story.I'd say 20% is a conservative figure.

If you think it is kind of sexy in the bar, where the girls are pretty, wait till you see them fight over a fat dyke at the karaoke bars behind. it will quickly change your mind, you'll be wishing she did have a filipino boyfriend.

09-07-10, 12:38
However, there is another way to look at it. If you were competing against someone for a stunner, and you offered her the difference in cost between LGH and the 800P rathole as a tip. I reckon I know which way she'd flip.

So it really boils down to what you like in a hotel, you first, and then if that works for the ladies, so much the better.Fully agree. For somewhat 3,000ps tip in cash she'll go in the rathole over LGH.

But I never stayed in such holes and I'm not willing to start it now.

Waiting for the Raffles Singapore to open a similar hotel in AC.

Afraid it won't happen.


09-07-10, 15:01
I'm jealous.

I sort of agree with what you say about the hotels and the girls. I think it would definitely give you the edge if you were competing for someone.There is a situation where you would be competing, in the land of a thousand snatches, for a girl? Jeez, if a girl was put off by my hotel, I'd send her back to the dance line, and call another over? For me, she's either dying to get her share of the barfine (and do my goodies), or I'm not interested. I realize girls can be a bit picky, and each girl is choosy in a different way. Hotel might be important to this girl, or nice guy is important to that girl. But as its a business, they are ho's (they are there to make money; most everytime she barfines with someone new, its not with someone she likes), their boss expects them not to turn down a barfine very often, and there's a bunch of other girls to choose from, the advantage is in the gent's court, anytime. Dump/replace her with a more acquiescent model.

Punter 127
09-07-10, 16:18
Guys, correct me if I'm wrong. But why are you guys paying 500p for the taxi from clark to fields? There is a 30p a/c shuttle that now operates from clark airport.

FZReally? I've been at Clark 4 times in the last month and I didn't see it, but then I wasn't looking for it either. Is it near the taxi stand and is it 24/7?

09-08-10, 04:04
It's open again.

09-08-10, 04:06
Its a foolish man who thinks that these babes will barfine with you becos of your hotel.

First off you would never be competing with another guy so as to have a girl make a judgement call like that. Have you ever asked a girl about barfining her and she said where you staying. Found out then said wait. Ran to another table talked to another guy then came back and gave you her answer. Hell no. You get the response right away. Yes or no.

Do they think that one hotel is nicer than another. Sure. Will they turn down a bar fine strictly based upon the quality of the hotel. I've never seen or heard of it happening. The ony reason I've ever heard of the hotel even coming into the equation was with the American hotel and thats because some of the babes believe it has a ghost. And some are very superstitous. But it had nothing to do with the quality of the hotel.

Do you honestly think these babes who are sleeping in slum conditions. No air. A soiled matress if that. Cold water to shower. Is turning down the first guy who ask. If nothing else is turning them off. That she would say no. I'm holding out for someone whos staying at a nicer hotel. Hell no. She is out the door.

All that impressing the girls is all in your head. But if it makes you feel good. Do what ever it takes. Why not rent the LGH limo too. I bet that would really impress the girls.

Econo Tech
09-08-10, 04:16
Here is an important article comparing the Angeles City murder rate with other comparable cities and countries in the World:


Murder rate is lower than the World, US and Thai average.

It is also lower than Amsterdam, and significantly lower than Tijuana!The only difference is that in AC, it is the foreigners who are the targets, whereas in US or anywhere, it would be 'anybody' - and that sort of increases your chances of getting reamed. I know a guy who has been waylaid 5 times in AC, and everytime he got off with a few thousand peso in his possession and his cheap mobile and watch .. and every time he went to the cops, the first thing they asked was "did you declare the money, how much more do you have .. "

I am betting that 90% or more of the victims dare not even lodge a complaint to firstly not to loose face, and secondly they dread Angeles Finest more than the thieves.

Over and out

Econo Tech
09-08-10, 04:18
I'd say 20% is a conservative figure.

If you think it is kind of sexy in the bar, where the girls are pretty, wait till you see them fight over a fat dyke at the karaoke bars behind. It will quickly change your mind, you'll be wishing she did have a Filipino boyfriend.What everybody is missing is being lesbian is not the same as acting it in front of another guy.

I met a few pinas lesbians, who openly declare they are so, and don't get excited when a few 'buttons' are pressed, but the notion of acting it out in front of me did draw a gasp. Anyway, also some confided that they do the lesbian charade to keep some guys away.

09-08-10, 05:12
Hehe, how about this two ratholes? Found this two for a threesome and
lucky me... guess what... both nicely hairy!!!

Can't stand these badly "tried-to-be-shaven" pussy's anymore.


09-08-10, 05:46
Hi Ekspat,

I fully agree with you. What is better than a hole covered with some nice soft hair with good smell? I hate my face getting scratched by those stubble.

Enjoy AC - I will be there soon!


09-08-10, 09:19
I dont think so.
Barfined yesterday a 3,000ps stunner.
After the usual blahblah I asked "we go together?"
Immediately the reply "Where u stay?"
"Okay, I change clothes now?"

I bet, when I would be staying in a 800ps rathole,
she'd have had menstruation. For sure.
IMHO, the more important thing is your personality.

The obvious advantage you can get from a good hotel is she will more likely to stay longer and maybe ask her friend come to join for swimming or 3P.

She wouldn't go with you if she don't like you, even if you are stay in heaven.

I assume that you are paying at least P1000 tips. It is weird for me if I stay in a 3000P+ hotel and just pay 500P tips to the girls.

Usually I stay at the 800P rathole that you mention, but I just need a bed. I stay at the LGH & Savannah before. The LGH have better environment, the swimming bar and classic white. Savannah is better in rooms, their bed is softer and comfortable than LGH, their jaguzzi is awesome for a 3some or 4P.

09-08-10, 11:08
Hehe, how about this two ratholes? Found this two for a threesome and
lucky me... guess what... both nicely hairy!!!

Can't stand these badly "tried-to-be-shaven" pussy's anymore.


I call those lightly furred compared to others I have seen. I did one Pinay who had a bush like a brillo pad and it scratched just as bad. Was clean and tasted sweet though.

I don't mind a bit a fur as long as its nicely trimmed and the lips are clean. Hate getting the curly pubes stuck between my teeth.

Your ladies look pretty nice.


Wicked Roger
09-08-10, 11:59
I call those lightly furred compared to others I have seen. I did one Pinay who had a bush like a brillo pad and it scratched just as bad. Was clean and tasted sweet though.

I don't mind a bit a fur as long as its nicely trimmed and the lips are clean. Hate getting the curly pubes stuck between my teeth.

Your ladies look pretty nice.

No way is there any hair on any girl I shag...a real mood killer if there is even stubble..but as long as they shave or let me shave them when they meet me all is fine and horny :D However I encourage them to do beforehand if they dont do it regularly

A few to help you decide if shaved is better ... or not...;)

And when you are licking, those hairs get in the way and can be disgusting IMHO

X Man
09-08-10, 13:58
Some good points, but i think the logic is incorrect. Spend five minutes in the lobby of ABC and you will see some of the finest women in the Philippines sashaying in and out. Why is that?

Think about the message the hotel sends:

800 pesos dump: working class guy on a budget, small tip, no cable, no pool, etc.

$100+ room at ABC: guy has cash, can expect a good tip, good restaurants, large screen tv with cable, pool, chocolate stash in the frig, potential for a long term bar fine, maybe even a trip to the beach, bragging rights with the other gals.

The gal doesn't have to walk across the bar to compare -- if she was in ABC last night and has a nice tip, she may be a bit choosy.

Its a foolish man who thinks that these babes will barfine with you becos of your hotel.

First off you would never be competing with another guy so as to have a girl make a judgement call like that. Have you ever asked a girl about barfining her and she said where you staying. Found out then said wait. Ran to another table talked to another guy then came back and gave you her answer. Hell no. You get the response right away. Yes or no.

Do they think that one hotel is nicer than another. Sure. Will they turn down a bar fine strictly based upon the quality of the hotel. I've never seen or heard of it happening. SNIP

09-08-10, 14:38
It's good that tastes are different.

For mine, I still prefer a small fur (somtimes it needs to be trimmed). And of course, the lips and hair must be washed well and have good smell. Otherwise, it's a turn-off with our without hair...


09-08-10, 16:35
No way is there any hair on any girl I shag...a real mood killer if there is even stubble..
I guess your one of the reasons so many girls on my last trip to AC were shaved. Bummer. I think the preference to have girls shaved is mainly a western guy thing.

Doppel One
09-08-10, 16:35
Its a foolish man who thinks that these babes will barfine with you becos of your hotel.

All that impressing the girls is all in your head. But if it makes you feel good. Do what ever it takes.

I agree. Last year an associate of mine was staying at the ABC. Very swanky. He barfined a 3000 baht cutie and I'm sure she was duly impressed with his lodgings but when she realised he was completely drunk and mildly abusive she cut loose in the middle of night with the contents of his mini bar stuffed inside a plastic bag.

How do I know this? She came straight to me in my relative rathole (for free) at 4 in the morning. Me being a relatively nice guy and all...

The girls IMHO make judgments about people not where they stay. Unless of course the the attraction of the place outweights the attraction of the guy.

09-08-10, 17:05
I agree. Last year an associate of mine was staying at the ABC. Very swanky. He barfined a 3000 baht cutie and I'm sure she was duly impressed with his lodgings but when she realised he was completely drunk and mildly abusive she cut loose in the middle of night with the contents of his mini bar stuffed inside a plastic bag.

How do I know this? She came straight to me in my relative rathole (for free) at 4 in the morning. Me being a relatively nice guy and all...

The girls IMHO make judgments about people not where they stay. Unless of course the the attraction of the place outweights the attraction of the guy.
I do not understand why people are trying to impress *****s working in the bar. Maybe they have a inferiority complex. It is ok if they like to pay more and get a posh hotel for the stay for yourself rather than to impress girls. Where do they think they are, a normal dating town?
All of us go to AC to enjoy with hookers aka bargirls. Yes, you should treat them nicely and take them to nice restaurents etc if you want a GFE feeling. It does not make anydifference to them where you are staying. Only thing will be they are hoping for a big tip. These girls have stayed in almost all hotels from a low class hotel to high class. All they need is a bed. Only reason they will stay with you long time is because they like you not because of the hotel.
On the other hand if you are meeting a georgeous normal girl I am sure she will be impressed by your top class hotel.

Wicked Roger
09-08-10, 18:00
I guess your one of the reasons so many girls on my last trip to AC were shaved. Bummer. I think the preference to have girls shaved is mainly a western guy thing.
LOL Amjeck

I rarely go AC but I know many are shaved..and maybe you are right, it is a western thing who knows, all I know I cant stand all those hairs in my mouth etc after a good licking and seeing a freshly shaved/waxed pussy (especially is she is a cherry) is a wonderful horny site

But I have a very good western friend who swears by a forest down there so each to his own.

A few more examples LOL

09-08-10, 20:32
As I learned from the forum there is a huge difference in the barfine between the bars on Fields Avenue in Angeles City, some charge 1.300, some charge 3.000.

Is there a list about the barfines or a list of the bars with the cheaper barfine aroung 1.300 p?

Why shall I pay 3.000 if I can get the same for less than the half?

White Whale
09-08-10, 20:39
Reading recent posts... What has happened? Two years ago Perimeter EWR was 1000PHP and Fields 1350PHP. Now you are celebrating 3000PHP as a bargain???

My reference is Brass Knob and Champagne.

09-08-10, 22:31
Hehe, how about this two ratholes? Found this two for a threesome and
lucky me... guess what... both nicely hairy!!!

Can't stand these badly "tried-to-be-shaven" pussy's anymore.

Way to go:) I hate shaved, unless it freshly shaved, but I prefer some hair on my pie:D


09-08-10, 22:45
Its a foolish man who thinks that these babes will barfine with you becos of your hotel.

First off you would never be competing with another guy so as to have a girl make a judgement call like that. Have you ever asked a girl about barfining her and she said where you staying. Found out then said wait. Ran to another table talked to another guy then came back and gave you her answer. Hell no. You get the response right away. Yes or no.

Do they think that one hotel is nicer than another. Sure. Will they turn down a bar fine strictly based upon the quality of the hotel. I've never seen or heard of it happening. The ony reason I've ever heard of the hotel even coming into the equation was with the American hotel and thats because some of the babes believe it has a ghost. And some are very superstitous. But it had nothing to do with the quality of the hotel.

Do you honestly think these babes who are sleeping in slum conditions. No air. A soiled matress if that. Cold water to shower. Is turning down the first guy who ask. If nothing else is turning them off. That she would say no. I'm holding out for someone whos staying at a nicer hotel. Hell no. She is out the door.

All that impressing the girls is all in your head. But if it makes you feel good. Do what ever it takes. Why not rent the LGH limo too. I bet that would really impress the girls.
It may be foolish to think, but I am willing to bet it is true. I don't think it is about tip, I think it is more about the girls feeling comfortable.

If you are a repeat customer I don't think matters where you stay, as the girl already feels safe with you.

I asked a "Pony Tails" girl why she does sneak outs and she told me that she only does it with guys that she knows and who she has been with that treated her well.

But as Ekspat posted, a new girl will ask what hotel you stay.

ABC is the bomb! Try going in the ABC and let her shower first and then turn on the in-house porn channels and go shower and see what happens when you return:D My buddy told me to try it and I was SHOCKED at the result, especially when you have three or four girls:D

BTW, I stay in hotel that I like and not for the girls! My top three hotel are the ABC, Clarkton and it was LG, but now not going back:(

Trip #17 (I think) this year scheduled for 23 Sep:D


09-08-10, 22:50
FYI, I completed a restoration last month at the Smile Make Over in Angeles. Very good dental clinic and it is very clean, organized and very reasonable. I got 22 crowns for 110,000P and in the US it would of cost me close to $30,000.

Please PM if you have any questions.



09-08-10, 23:50
Really? I've been at Clark 4 times in the last month and I didn't see it, but then I wasn't looking for it either. Is it near the taxi stand and is it 24/7?The last visit I made to AC , this van service was not in place yet as it is fairly new. From another member who was there 2 months ago, he said the van schedule depends on the flight schedules, so could be 24/7 if flights are arriving round the clock. He saw the van outside the terminal waiting for the passengers as they left the airport. Price was 30p to checkpoint.


09-09-10, 00:00
Here is an important article comparing the Angeles City murder rate with other comparable cities and countries in the World:


Murder rate is lower than the World, US and Thai average.

It is also lower than Amsterdam, and significantly lower than Tijuana!1st impression about this whole article is somewhat tainted. Notice the statistics were released by the AC police dept--ha, thats a laugh in itself as they often underreport or not bother reporting crimes to make themselves look like they are doing a good job. I'd love to see the AC police release a crime report on police corruption in AC if you know what I mean.

Just my thoughts.


09-09-10, 03:27
It may be foolish to think, but I am willing to bet it is true. I don't think it is about tip, I think it is more about the girls feeling comfortable.

If you are a repeat customer I don't think matters where you stay, as the girl already feels safe with you.

I asked a "Pony Tails" girl why she does sneak outs and she told me that she only does it with guys that she knows and who she has been with that treated her well.

But as Ekspat posted, a new girl will ask what hotel you stay.

ABC is the bomb! Try going in the ABC and let her shower first and then turn on the in-house porn channels and go shower and see what happens when you return:D My buddy told me to try it and I was SHOCKED at the result, especially when you have three or four girls:D

BTW, I stay in hotel that I like and not for the girls! My top three hotel are the ABC, Clarkton and it was LG, but now not going back:(

Trip #17 (I think) this year scheduled for 23 Sep:D

RobbMan I have had 3 somes 4 somes as many as 5 at a time. And have never stayed in a hotel over $30. Never a runner. No runners and always get new babes. As I stated. We are talking about girls who for the most part slept on floors in a shanty. And you think they will not be happy staying in any room which has a bed and air. That better than any of them would sleep if they don't bar fine. Will they like the top hotels better. Sure. But do I think it will be a deal maker or breaker. No. If the girl doesn't want to go with you. Then the hotel isn't going to change her mind. And if she was going to go with you. I've never heard of anyone who said. She said yes but when I told her my hotel she changed her mind. And I don't care where you stay. You should never tip more than 500p.

09-09-10, 05:31
Spend five minutes in the lobby of ABC and you will see some of the finest women in the Philippines sashaying in and out. Why is that?

Same here. Almost all the girls I see with customer either in the lobby or at the restaurant at the pool side are above average.
I guess these poor things were late and all cheaper hotels were fully taken and so they were forced to go in ABC, Savannah or LG.
Just joking, no offence intended. :D

Anyway, I've stayed eg. in Brass Knob before, sorry, I can't stand this tiny rooms.
Now me here on 50 sqm Executive, Balkony, very quiet, Jacuzzi etc pp.
Loving huge rooms and the bed is 8'x8' accomodating easily 2-3 girls.

I like the nice pool, having wireless when relaxing at the pool,
having fast and stable Internet in room, eg. when downloading a big attachement or a movie, it's going with 500-600 kByte per second.
Having a driver standing by in case of rain.
Having AC and power cause of generator in case of one of the notorious black-outs.

All these amenities I'm willing to pay a premium. Primarily for my own comfort..
That the girls like it is just a well appreciated bonus.

I guess it comes with getting older, that someone is less and less willing to compromise or so. Just wanna have it nice and neatly.

But thats JMHO..... Sorry for off-topic.
Gosh, I love those firm young bodies.... :D :p


09-09-10, 09:12
As I learned from the forum there is a huge difference in the barfine between the bars on Fields Avenue in Angeles City, some charge 1.300, some charge 3.000.

Is there a list about the barfines or a list of the bars with the cheaper barfine aroung 1.300 p?

Why shall I pay 3.000 if I can get the same for less than the half?Just avoid the big bars like doll house group, club asia, tropix, crystal palace, atlantis, LG Group Forbidden City. Small bars always charge about 1300. Big bars got 2 type of girls, 1500 and 2500/3000.

Doppel One
09-09-10, 09:21
Spend five minutes in the lobby of ABC and you will see some of the finest women in the Philippines sashaying in and out. Why is that?

And when they're not sashaying in and out of the ABC the same girls are probably sashaying in and out a moderately priced rathole.

Why is that? Because they're hookers, right? They're in AC to make money.

09-09-10, 09:58
Some good points, but i think the logic is incorrect. Spend five minutes in the lobby of ABC and you will see some of the finest women in the Philippines sashaying in and out. Why is that?

Think about the message the hotel sends:

800 pesos dump: working class guy on a budget, small tip, no cable, no pool, etc.

$100+ room at ABC: guy has cash, can expect a good tip, good restaurants, large screen tv with cable, pool, chocolate stash in the frig, potential for a long term bar fine, maybe even a trip to the beach, bragging rights with the other gals.

The gal doesn't have to walk across the bar to compare -- if she was in ABC last night and has a nice tip, she may be a bit choosy.Some rich guy do stay in the cheap hotel/house, you can ask W.Buffet or some of my friends. Wild Orchid, Pacific Breeze & Walkabout have pool and near to field. I don't need a big pool, but i do need a jaguzzi and balcony.

Tips 500P
Stay in $100+ hotel = Cheap Charlie
Stay in <$40 hotel = Very Generous Men

09-09-10, 11:07
and seeing a freshly shaved/waxed pussy (especially is she is a cherry) is a wonderful horny site
Like this???? Ooooops, contradicting myself. :(
Fresh 19y/o, 2 month in business.
Just have been my afternoon delight. :D
The tight pussy made me again to a fastcomer. :(


09-09-10, 14:04
It does not make anydifference to them where you are staying. Only thing will be they are hoping for a big tip.
I agree. I don't think any of the girls really care where you stay. My last trip to AC, I can't remember any girl asking me where I stayed, and I took several of the top notch 3000p girls.

09-09-10, 15:40
I agree. I don't think any of the girls really care where you stay. My last trip to AC, I can't remember any girl asking me where I stayed, and I took several of the top notch 3000p girls.Hi,

I'm hoping to travel later this year. Already checked out Pattaya. But how much do you guys normally pay for a barfine?

And then how much do you pay the girl?

09-09-10, 17:50
...and I took several of the top notch 3000p girls.
Bro, don't do it! It's a no-no.
You're spoiling the market.... :D :D


Kiwi 69
09-09-10, 23:04
Hehe, how about this two ratholes? Found this two for a threesome and

Lucky me. Guess what. both nicely hairy!

Can't stand these badly "tried-to-be-shaven" pussy's anymore.

Cheers! So sweet!

Lucky Bestard!

09-10-10, 00:29
Some rich guy do stay in the cheap hotel/house, you can ask W.Buffet or some of my friends. Wild Orchid, Pacific Breeze & Walkabout have pool and near to field. I don't need a big pool, but i do need a jaguzzi and balcony.

Tips 500P
Stay in $100+ hotel = Cheap Charlie
Stay in <$40 hotel = Very Generous Men
Please tell me that you think W. Buffet will choose a $40 a night hotel over the ABC???????:)


Tally Wacker
09-10-10, 01:47
If your shopping for filipinas that dont work in bars then they do ask where you are staying and get excited if you are in a cool and or an expensive place but it wont spoil things if your not. Its just one way they either evaluate your status or or just excited to come visit you in a nice hotel.

I agree. I don't think any of the girls really care where you stay. My last trip to AC, I can't remember any girl asking me where I stayed, and I took several of the top notch 3000p girls.

09-10-10, 02:47
I agree. I don't think any of the girls really care where you stay. My last trip to AC, I can't remember any girl asking me where I stayed, and I took several of the top notch 3000p girls.Why should she care at wich hotel you are when the only thing that matter is she get someone who is ready to pay 3000 pesos.

09-10-10, 02:55
Small bars always charge about 1300. Big bars got 2 type of girls, 1500 and 2500/3000.
A few days ago I came along a bar with barfine 1,050ps.
Was surprised that this low bf still available.

Mc Don
09-10-10, 04:12
Same here. Almost all the girls I see with customer either in the lobby or at the restaurant at the pool side are above average.

I guess these poor things were late and all cheaper hotels were fully taken and so they were forced to go in ABC, Savannah or LG.

Just joking, no offence intended.

Anyway, I've stayed eg. In Brass Knob before, sorry, I can't stand this tiny rooms.

Now me here on 50 sqm Executive, Balkony, very quiet, Jacuzzi etc pp.

Loving huge rooms and the bed is 8'x8' accomodating easily 2-3 girls.

I like the nice pool, having wireless when relaxing at the pool,

Having fast and stable Internet in room, eg. When downloading a big attachement or a movie, it's going with 500-600 kByte per second.

Having a driver standing by in case of rain.

Having AC and power cause of generator in case of one of the notorious black-outs.

All these amenities I'm willing to pay a premium. Primarily for my own comfort. .

That the girls like it is just a well appreciated bonus.

I guess it comes with getting older, that someone is less and less willing to compromise or so. Just want to have it nice and neatly.

But thats JMHO. Sorry for off-topic.

Gosh, I love those firm young bodies.

Enjoy!Well put. The comfort for me is part of the whole experience for me. The ABC is simply on another level. The girls that come there no doubt have and will stay in all sort of dumps with other customers but the difference is when she is taken to ABC she performs 110% hoping for the big tip, potential trip and extension of the barfine. I constantly read about AC turning into a pataya with all the excuses but I don't remember when was the last time I heard any excuses from a girl wanting to leave early at the ABC. In fact I pay them to go so that I can move on to the next girl without the drama.

09-10-10, 04:48

I'm hoping to travel later this year. Already checked out Pattaya. But how much do you guys normally pay for a barfine?

And then how much do you pay the girl?Along Fields, barfines are mostly p1400-1500. Several of the bars there charge 2500-3000. A mile up the road on the Perimeter, barfines are p1300.

X Man
09-10-10, 09:56
It has been a while since I was in AC, but my recollection is that 3000 EWR is for certain girls -- typically those part of a dance routine. The same bar often has EWR prices much cheaper for other gals. Someone on this thread once told me that the color of their number (for a certain group of bars) identified which fee was applicable. (I don't remember the details, and when I go back I'll just ask).

You don't need a list. Just go bar hopping and ask questions. The places with the choreographed dance routines have higher prices, and different prices. for EWR. Often it's difficult to make eye contact with the dancers. Smaller places and Perimeter places tend to be cheaper and more intimate.

As for your "why" question, there is no good answer.

As I learned from the forum there is a huge difference in the barfine between the bars on Fields Avenue in Angeles City, some charge 1.300, some charge 3.000.

Is there a list about the barfines or a list of the bars with the cheaper barfine aroung 1.300 p?

Why shall I pay 3.000 if I can get the same for less than the half?

09-10-10, 10:38
Why should she care at wich hotel you are when the only thing that matter is she get someone who is ready to pay 3000 pesos.
Exactly. Same can be said for a 1500p girls too. They only care about the barfine. The hotel is just icing on the cake.

X Man
09-10-10, 10:49
Your attempt at humor is appreciated.

Despite what I wrote in my earlier post, I've never stayed at ABC. Maybe Ekspat can send us some pictures of the room. He's already provided us with a very nice picture of ....ummm, latest lingerie fashion. WR, also posting some nice pics. Next time we meet I want a copy of your photo collection.

I'm not rich at all, but earn enough to satisfy all my needs. Nevertheless, I often rough it when traveling. I also try to spend a few days in the lap of luxury. I like the contrast!

Robbaf, I think it was Rob, who said its the guy's charisma rather than the hotel. Yep, I agree with that. All things being equal, the guy who is nice and non-threatening will win the day.

I remember an afternoon on the porch of a Santos bar, I don't remember the one but its the one with a prime view of everyone who comes and goes from the place across the street -- Wild Orchid, which is where I was staying.

The gal had a very fetching pair of black hot pants. THere was another guy and the two of us were sitting an each side of the door into the bar. He was smacking the ass of every girl who walked thru the door. It was all in fun, but they didn't like it. Anyway, I talked a bit to Ms. Black hot pants, but she mostly was standing at the rail looking into the street with her back, and her lovely brown ass, towards me and the guy I will name dk (as in dick or dkhead).

Santos girls are usually not known for their conversation skills so I killed time by rubbing my leg up and down hers. She seemed quite content with that. Suddenly, the friends of the dk next to me arrived and the balcony became quite crowded. I was contemplating whether I should bail out or visit one of the infamous Santos st rooms with Ms. HotPants, or maybe even outfit her with a bikini for the Wild Orchid pool. I contemplated a bit too long since dk suddenly grabs the wrist of blk hot pants and says, "you have a great ass, let's go inside sheila" (or some similar strange English). Much to my surprise and disappointment, she immediately turned around and took a step to follow him. Suddenly, she froze. Deer in headlights froze and looked at me. Oops. She had thought it was me asking her to go inside.

I wasn't interested in confrontation with four Ozzies who were all ten years younger than I, so I just said to her, "have fun".


Some rich guy do stay in the cheap hotel/house, you can ask W.Buffet or some of my friends. Wild Orchid, Pacific Breeze & Walkabout have pool and near to field. I don't need a big pool, but i do need a jaguzzi and balcony.

Tips 500P
Stay in $100+ hotel = Cheap Charlie
Stay in <$40 hotel = Very Generous Men

09-10-10, 11:07
Oh my god..... Alzheimer???

Went into Miss Magic Bar and saw some awesome boobs on stage.
Not much of consideration, these assets are a "must-have".

Called her down, LD, small-talk, we go hotel for ST?
Yes, so off we went.......

More small-talk in room, OMG, it was told, that I've barfined her at least two times before.
In Somewhat 10/2009 and 12/2009.
Likely 3 times with another girl for a threesome.

Hehe, but for my defense, she has shortened her hair by around 20cm, so I didn't recognise her.
(Lame excuse, I know, hehe) :D

Life is soooo cruel... :D

Going this night for a threeholer! Must have!


09-10-10, 11:17
They only care about the barfine.
Hmmmmm, sure?
I think many stunners make the majority of their money with LD's.
Not so much with barfine.
So they have got pretty choosy with customers who want to barfine.



X Man
09-10-10, 11:21
Another good reason to take lots of pictures.

In Cebu I was in the old Silver Dollar, and met the newish owner. He said he knew the past owner quite well, and the past owner even dropped in sometimes. I didn't know the old owner well, but he did me a favor several years ago by accepting a yen note when I ran out of pesos.

We chatted a bit and I mentioned that the old owner, on his birthday, had a bj contest. He was blindfolded and every gal in the bar had a shot and the winner (best bj) would win a nice monetary prize.

Much to my embarresment he called over two fairly unattractive ladies, who he says had worked there for years and years, and they seemed to have no memory of the bj contest. Nor did I remember them at all. Later one of them asked me about a girl I barfined, the name of which also meant nothing to me.

I'm pretty sure the bj contest was real, but Alzheimer, whoever he is, has us in his grasp. X

Oh my god..... Alzheimer?

Went into Miss Magic Bar and saw some awesome boobs on stage.

Not much of consideration, these assets are a "must-have".

Called her down, LD, small-talk, we go hotel for ST?

Yes, so off we went.

More small-talk in room, OMG, it was told, that I've barfined her at least two times before.
In Somewhat 10/2009 and 12/2009
Likely 3 times with another girl for a threesome.

Hehe, but for my defense, she has shortened her hair by around 20cm, so I didn't recognise her.
(Lame excuse, I know, hehe) :D

Life is soooo cruel... :D

Going this night for a threeholer! Must have!


X Man
09-10-10, 11:41
Good point. They make enough that they don't bother barfining. Staying all night in the bar, fishing for drinks, would probably earn about the same amount of money as letting some fat sweaty foreigner do the up and down.

Why is it so often that the gal in AC that I want the most. I desire. I crave. Mamasan says she's a virgin.

? Guys walk in the bar and they turn around and leave or they stay. With a stunner on the stage, they stay.

Do the math.

Cunning Stunt, where are you? I miss your inappropriate and uninteresting humor/ insults.

Hmmmmm, sure?

I think many stunners make the majority of their money with LD's.

Not so much with barfine.

So they have got pretty choosy with customers who want to barfine.



09-10-10, 13:59
Hmmmmm, sure?
I think many stunners make the majority of their money with LD's.
Not so much with barfine.
So they have got pretty choosy with customers who want to barfine.


Wow, if you're right, that is majorly fcuked up! Girls looking to cash in on the drink system instead of spreading their legs is not good for mongers.

09-10-10, 14:08
Well put. The comfort for me is part of the whole experience for me. The ABC is simply on another level. The girls that come there no doubt have and will stay in all sort of dumps with other customers but the difference is when she is taken to ABC she performs 110% hoping for the big tip, potential trip and extension of the barfine. I constantly read about AC turning into a pataya with all the excuses but I don't remember when was the last time I heard any excuses from a girl wanting to leave early at the ABC. In fact I pay them to go so that I can move on to the next girl without the drama.
In AC many girls are totally GFE. These girls have a very drab life having to work 7 nights a week for I believe 120 pesos per day. They get so tired of dancing or swaying to the music. They love the chance to be barfined. After that it depends how one of us treats the girl. If she gets a liking towards you it is hard to get rid of her and many a time they stay all day with me with afternoon delight and nap. They purposefully have slept beyond the 6 PM reporting time for work hoping that I will pay the money for barfine again. Many a times I have done that not so much if I wanted to but forced into the situation. It is hard to be tough with a totally GFE girl.
These girls have gone and experienced almost all hotels. It really makes no difference to them if you stay in whichever hotel. Besides there is no reason to impress these girls who hop into bed with everybody.
If you want to stay in expensive Hotels in AC , do it because you like the hotel amenities and not because of the girls. Some like only the hotels with pool so that they can play in the pool with the girls. It is a individual choice.
I do not like the pool nor I do not go into those dirty pools in there.

09-10-10, 14:16
Wow, if you're right, that is majorly fcuked up! Girls looking to cash in on the drink system instead of spreading their legs is not good for mongers.Nothing new, there have been girls like this to some extent since before my first AC trip almost 15 years ago.

Doppel One
09-10-10, 16:38
These girls have gone and experienced almost all hotels. It really makes no difference to them if you stay in whichever hotel.

Great marketing from the hotel's standpoint though, delude your customers into believing its the high-end bed with the en-suite jacuzzi that seals the deal with the girl rather than the BF or the guy. Ka-chung! Another sucker had.

09-10-10, 19:23
... It really makes no difference to them if you stay in whichever hotel. Besides there is no reason to impress these girls who hop into bed with everybody...

I am pretty certain that Sammon is right with his assessment! Sure, it is nice to stay in a four star hotel, but no girl declined me just because my hotel has one star only! :)



Mc Don
09-10-10, 20:51
For number of years every visit in AC I use to stay in budget hotels. I changed to ABC only after I got really really sick in I think the Blue Nile I think now it has changed its name, but its the one with the Egyptian theme on fields. I had a shit room with the air con blasting above my bad which letterally killed me, coming from an eastern european winter of -15/-20 to +35 was a shock that my body couldn't handle... I ended up going to Baguio for few days to recover and my trip was kind of ruined. Since then it has always been ABC or I simply don't go. Facilities + comfort + hygiene on its own is worth the extra bucks in my case considering I can afford it. I chose to stay there for myself.

As for the girls, I agree with you all that to them it doesn't meter where the client stays. After all money is what they are really interested in and since we are paying customers I see no point in trying to impress them. What I am saying is that they perform better in most cases (not all but most) if they can sense that there is potential for a large tip or something extra. Nice hotel is a fair indication that well they will get that and in most cases they do. Just like different nationalities tip differently I am sure customers staying at ABC or LG have different tipping habits then most others.

As for staying latter then 6pm thats common if you treat them right, regardless of where you stay, I hear you. All I am saying is if I travel half way around the world to get to AC and time rather then cash is the most valuable commodity as far as I am concerned then staying in a nice hotel that indicates that they will be looked after is a small but definite plus. Is it worth the extra cash, well that is up to each individual to decide, as far as I am concerned, it is. I know the difference is enough in most cases for at least another bar fine a day if not two but in my case that is not an issue.

09-11-10, 00:27
Along Fields, barfines are mostly p1400-1500. Several of the bars there charge 2500-3000. A mile up the road on the Perimeter, barfines are p1300.Hi guys,

Just a quick question about BF prices. Have the prices gone up lately as I seem to remember Fields were mainly 1300-with some 1500 (excluding the spotlighters) and Perimeter was usually 1100.


09-11-10, 00:31
A few days ago I came along a bar with barfine 1,050ps.

Was surprised that this low bf still available.I think I know which one you are referring to and if I remember, the ladies there were not desirable at all.

09-11-10, 03:59
Oh my god..... Alzheimer???

Went into Miss Magic Bar and saw some awesome boobs on stage.
Not much of consideration, these assets are a "must-have".

Called her down, LD, small-talk, we go hotel for ST?
Yes, so off we went.......

More small-talk in room, OMG, it was told, that I've barfined her at least two times before.
In Somewhat 10/2009 and 12/2009.
Likely 3 times with another girl for a threesome.

Hehe, but for my defense, she has shortened her hair by around 20cm, so I didn't recognise her.
(Lame excuse, I know, hehe) :D

Life is soooo cruel... :D

Going this night for a threeholer! Must have!

No you don't have Alzheimer's! It happens to me all the time:( When you visit as often as we do, you lose track. I think you started me on the picture files. I now date every day in AC so I can remember who I was with:(

Two trips ago I called a girl down and got her a drink and I finally asked what is your name and she looked at me like I was crazy (maybe I am) and said that I barfined her three times last year :eek: (May 2008) and my two trips prior she had been on the stage and she was sad that I didn't call her down.

Long story short: After our three days together last year she was taken out of the bar for eight months and just came back...I honestly did not know her, she had changed that much.

And that is one story out of 10 that I could post here about girls telling me that I had taken them out before


09-11-10, 04:20
I agree. I don't think any of the girls really care where you stay. My last trip to AC, I can't remember any girl asking me where I stayed, and I took several of the top-notch 3000p girls.

I prefer the top-notch 1200 pesos girls from Perimeter Bars, or even a 700 top notch girl from Black Pearl. Or especially, the ones, I just listed that later become 3000 peso girls after going to get a new hair style and moving to Fields.

Sleepy Floyd
09-11-10, 07:30
Oh my god..... Alzheimer???

Went into Miss Magic Bar and saw some awesome boobs on stage.
Not much of consideration, these assets are a "must-have".

Called her down, LD, small-talk, we go hotel for ST?
Yes, so off we went.......

More small-talk in room, OMG, it was told, that I've barfined her at least two times before.
In Somewhat 10/2009 and 12/2009.
Likely 3 times with another girl for a threesome.

Hehe, but for my defense, she has shortened her hair by around 20cm, so I didn't recognise her.
(Lame excuse, I know, hehe) :D

Life is soooo cruel... :D

Going this night for a threeholer! Must have!



09-11-10, 10:35
Not exactly but something like that.
I remember sort of Rasella, Risella, Rosella or so.


09-11-10, 12:20
I prefer the top-notch 1200 pesos girls from Perimeter Bars, or even a 700 top notch girl from Black Pearl. Or especially, the ones, I just listed that later become 3000 peso girls after going to get a new hair style and moving to Fields.
So were all the 18yo 3000p girls that I barfined, working on perimeter road when they were 17yo for 1200?

09-11-10, 15:07
So were all the 18yo 3000p girls that I barfined, working on perimeter road when they were 17yo for 1200?How is a p3000-barfine-looker different than a p1200-barfine-looker?

09-11-10, 19:36
Good point. They make enough that they don't bother barfining. Staying all night in the bar, fishing for drinks, would probably earn about the same amount of money as letting some fat sweaty foreigner do the up and down.Yes, it is true. They make more easy money by Lady Drinks, especially the big bar like doll house group.

09-11-10, 19:55
How is a p3000-barfine-looker different than a p1200-barfine-looker?Taller, Fair Skin Kawaii(Korean Favorite), Big Boobs, Flawless Body, maybe Dance Good etc.

But you definitely can find the 3000P quality girl with the price of 1300P, but need some time to explore.

09-11-10, 20:05
Wow, if you're right, that is majorly fcuked up! Girls looking to cash in on the drink system instead of spreading their legs is not good for mongers.Mr. Horny Story,

I buy her 3 ladies drinks that cost 750P that night. Finally ask her to change cloth and she said she is on menstruation. It is 3am that time and i go back to sleep alone in AC. FML


09-11-10, 20:14
Someone on this thread once told me that the color of their number (for a certain group of bars) identified which fee was applicable. (I don't remember the details, and when I go back I'll just ask).Doll House Group (DHG)
The white color is 1500P
The green color is 3000P

Hope that will help.

Usually when i found someone attractive in DHG, it is usually GREEN. FML

09-11-10, 20:29
Yes, it is true. They make more easy money by Lady Drinks, especially the big bar like doll house group.What are the various bars charging now for LD's?

Doppel One
09-12-10, 03:05
So were all the 18yo 3000p girls that I barfined, working on perimeter road when they were 17yo for 1200?

Probably and before that they were 16yo streetwallkers.

09-12-10, 04:52
Man I have had 3 somes 4 somes as many as 5 at a time. And have never stayed in a hotel over $30. Never a runner. No runners and always get new babes. As I stated. We are talking about girls who for the most part slept on floors in a shanty. And you think they will not be happy staying in any room which has a bed and air. That better than any of them would sleep if they don't bar fine. Will they like the top hotels better. Sure. But do I think it will be a deal maker or breaker. No. If the girl doesn't want to go with you. Then the hotel isn't going to change her mind. And if she was going to go with you. I've never heard of anyone who said. She said yes but when I told her my hotel she changed her mind. And I don't care where you stay. You should never tip more than 500p.
My experience also..


09-12-10, 09:43
What are the various bars charging now for LD's?150 small bar

250-300 big bar with show

Happy Hour cheaper a bit

09-12-10, 12:22
How is a p3000-barfine-looker different than a p1200-barfine-looker?
I mainly only barfine 18yo girls. Couldn't find many lookers with good bodies at that age in Perimeter bars. If someone knows where, I'm all ears. I really don't like paying a lot for pussy, but when I can only find something that I'm attracted to at a higher price I tend to pay unfortunately.

09-12-10, 14:41
i mainly only barfine 18yo girls. couldn't find many lookers with good bodies at that age in perimeter bars. if someone knows where, i'm all ears. i really don't like paying a lot for pussy, but when i can only find something that i'm attracted to at a higher price i tend to pay unfortunately.i would be very careful sticking only to that age. since **** girls are the most main focus of most scams and police raids. and id checks are not that thorough in the pi. if they said they are 18. there is a good chance they can be younger. and this is the pi. they will not care that you got her from a bar. you will be the one up shits creek. either paying some serious payoff monies about 10k usd. or/and some jail time.

it doesn't have to be a scam either. just think you take what you think to be 18yrs and for whatever reason. she gets mad and wants to get some payback. if she is really under. you then are fucked..

not that i'm saying don't mess with them. but be very careful and definitely don't upset them at that age. you just open yourself to more possible issues. thats all. jmho.

09-12-10, 17:01
Taller, Fair Skin Kawaii(Korean Favorite), Big Boobs, Flawless Body, maybe Dance Good etc.

But you definitely can find the 3000P quality girl with the price of 1300P, but need some time to explore.
Not all bars have two tiered pricing. It is better to go to one tired pricing bars so that whoever you choose is 1300-1500. If you are looking for a eye candy and young ofcourse the bar people know this also. That is why all the good looking with right proportions will be 3000 peso variety.
Ultimately it comes to who gives you the best sex. My goal of going to AC is just that, not to boast I had sex with a beautifull girl.

09-12-10, 19:18
How is a p3000-barfine-looker different than a p1200-barfine-looker?

I am wondering if there is really a difference? Anyway, beauty is always in the eye of the beholder, isn't it!? :)



09-13-10, 11:52
Doll House Group (DHG)
The white color is 1500P
The green color is 3000P

Hope that will help.

Usually when i found someone attractive in DHG, it is usually GREEN. FML

Yup, they separate the 3000 pesos showgirls and the 1500 pesos reg girls by the color of the number. What the mamas at the bars tell me is that the ones priced at 3000 have the prettier face, nicer body and can dance better. To me, most of the girls that's 1500 I wouldn't bother. I already have a hard time trying to find one that I like at the 3000 pesos. Even the showgirls at 3000 I wasn't all too impressed with them for that price. I mean some of the girls in Cebu working at Vikings bar look better for 1700 pesos.

Doppel One
09-13-10, 12:33
To me, most of the girls that's 1500 I wouldn't bother. I already have a hard time trying to find one that I like at the 3000 pesos.

I kind of agree and for me the two tier pricing policy is beginning to dull the attraction of AC. I very rarely see a 1500 peso dancer I'd punch the air over and when I do she's more than likely a cherry girl - which is ok but limiting.

Inflation has well and truly got its claws into AC. One day soon a bar owner will come up with the bright idea of having 5000 peso girls (in gold bikinis!) and guys will pay the money because they have it and they want the best and they think they're getting something extra special for their top dollar. A few years down the line there won't be any 1350 peso girls left and the 1500 peso girls will be blobs with tons of cellulite and wrinkly tits down to their knees. At which point 3000 peso will become the norm for a standard girl.

BTW 3000 pesos is nearly $70. Factor in a nice meal, a few drinks, a tip and you're talking about a minimum $100 outlay for a night's entertainment. Maybe that's okay if you're on a two week vacation but for guys who live in Asia and fk maybe four nights a week that's a $20K a year hobby.

And please don't tell me that if I can't afford it I shouldn't be doing it. Yes, I refuse to contribute to the inflationary spiral by paying 3000 for a girl, but that's by choice.

09-13-10, 13:49
Hi folks,

I havent been to AC for a while since I am outside the country but flying back end of next month - November at latest for good.

ABout the spotlight dancer I can tell that they should be better looking than the average looking bargirl for 1500 PHP. Sometimes this is true, sometimes they ugly as hell LOL. I had a GF or say a regular spotlight dancer as a GF for 2 years and finally I gave up on her, because she demand to much money and I rathr f..ck my way around have some non working bargirls as GF´s then getting a bargirl out of the bar and pay her like crazy.
I can tell when the money is gone, she is gone also. I wouldnt say its only about the money, but most of those girls are the breadwinner of their family and their family members get all creedy when they know she has a foreigner bf or meet foreigners at her work. So sometimes the girl is ok, but the her family sucks.

As somebody who lives in the Phils I found it much better to have some non working bargirls lined up and during barhops on weekends you can always talk into those "stunners"spotlightdancers" or just search other bars for other option.
I am also the chosy type of guy, but you can always get lucky with so many bars in AC. The good thing is, that things can change every day. One day a bar is bad, next day its full of stunners.
Of course the more pretty girls make their salary on LD. Sometimes they have some suckers who keep sending them money, in order to keep them for themself when they come back..LOL..that doesnt work..believe me.
Sometimes guys like me are around who made them to their regular. ALways think, those girls are like normal girls and their goal is to marry a foreigner for a better lifestyle and a guy who works and lives there comes very handy. They also needed one guy they can call their BF.I was such a guy LOL.

So a chosy bit..ch like me, likes to "befriend" pretty girls. I like the hunt , but I also dont go down on my knees in order to get such a girl. Therefore to many around. If sex is good I stay and get her again, if not then I keep on moving. Sometimes if you think you barfine a pretty one then at the end it wasnt worth the 3000PHP spent for her. Once the makeup is gone and she puts on her normal dress, she looks just like an ordinary 1200/1500 PHP barfine.
I prefer tall girls,slim and nice boobies, but I also can go for a pretty face or some sexy girl around the 5" feet height. It depends on how much I had on drinks during my barhop and how horny I am :D

All in all I think that AC has changed. This is because of technology. Everybody has a cellphone, the internet is always there and girls just like to make the most money out of their (working) time.
DOnt forget their clock is also ticking and after one year working in a bar they get competition of younger girls, more fresh, more interesting. They have only some years where they can make good money, before they get pregnant by a pinoy or some other guys...


09-13-10, 14:40
Yup, they separate the 3000 pesos showgirls and the 1500 pesos reg girls by the color of the number. What the mamas at the bars tell me is that the ones priced at 3000 have the prettier face, nicer body and can dance better. To me, most of the girls that's 1500 I wouldn't bother. I already have a hard time trying to find one that I like at the 3000 pesos. Even the showgirls at 3000 I wasn't all too impressed with them for that price.All the more reason to not go in the high-price places? Another gent posted he did not see to many of the p1300 girls he was interested in. I find plenty of those; I can find a hottie to go in any bar.

I mean some of the girls in Cebu working at Vikings bar look better for 1700 pesos.Concur. Not only in Cebu's Mango/Viking's bars, but in just about any AC bar I can find several cuties. One will be willing/stupid enough to go with me, let me take naughty pics, and agree to stay with me till 10am, and be willing to do it for half the p1400 barfine.

09-13-10, 16:19
I can buy a fine wine in San Francisco for $100 a bottle.


I can search a little harder and find a fine wine for $20.

I apply the same philosophy to the girls in AC,Manila, Bangkok,Mexico,Ukraine, or wherever I happen to be.

"A fine wine is a fine wine" ---be it a $20 bottle or a $100 bottle.

09-13-10, 17:03
It doesn't have to be a scam either. Just think you take what you think to be 18yrs and for whatever reason. She gets mad and wants to get some payback. If she is really under. You then are fucked..

Is the age info on the ID tag false in some cases?

09-13-10, 21:50
Willl be arriving later this week and was wondering about the weather. Is it raining most of the early evenings for an hour or so and stopping or is it continuing on most of night.
Sorry for the change of subject. You can continue with prices discourse.

Rob Woodrow
09-14-10, 01:12
Is the age info on the ID tag false in some cases?
Definitely. For example, a girl might get an ID from a sister or a cousin to magically become 18. Not sure how common it is, but it does happen.

09-14-10, 01:12
is the age info on the id tag false in some cases?a number of **** girls have false id's. they present them when they hire on at the bar. the bar makes id tags for each girl. if the 16-yr old girl presents the bar with a (fake) voter id that shows her age as 19, then the bar will issue her an id showing her pic and age is 19. on occasion you find a bar gets busted by law enforcement for having **** girls working there. in september of 2009 i went into the bar next to kokomo's (the diamond? the duck?), past the atm. i had just eaten at kok's with 3 aussies i had met the night before, who were staying at my hotel. they were teasing the youngest of them, barely 28, because he had been in ac for two nights, taken two girls from bars, and had not been able to perform with either. as the 4 of us walked in and sat down and ordered a drink (we were the only customers), we noticed that 3 of the girls appeared to be (no kidding) 12-13 years. i remember one of the aussies saying, "shit they're babies! i'm leaving." we got up and were walking to the door cuz we wanted no part of it. the girl with the drinks said, "you are leaving? you order drinks." we never looked back.

09-14-10, 01:21
I can buy a fine wine in San Francisco for $100 a bottle.


I can search a little harder and find a fine wine for $20.

I apply the same philosophy to the girls in AC,Manila, Bangkok,Mexico,Ukraine, or wherever I happen to be.

"A fine wine is a fine wine" ---be it a $20 bottle or a $100 bottle.A spinner from this bar is no more/less likely to perfrom better/worse (or run) than a spinner from any other bar. For the p3000 some gents are willing to pay, I can find two (just-as-perdy) p1400 girls from a different bar and get a three-some. You know, when I buy a hammer, I look for a good grip/feel in my hand, balance, and one that will last. I'm willing to pay more for a good hammer, as opposed to the cheapies they sell at WalMart. A girl, on the other hand, will simply have to be pretty and agree to do my stuff for the next 10 hours. This means there is little difference between this one, and the one down the street. YMMV.

Econo Tech
09-14-10, 03:25
Definitely. For example, a girl might get an ID from a sister or a cousin to magically become 18. Not sure how common it is, but it does happen.To go one step further, I know a couple of girls working in Singapore with their sister's passport. Apparently their birth cert had issues, and instead of fixing it, they flew here to work as maids using their sister's passport. (there is no biometrics in their passport. And that simplified matters I guess.)

09-14-10, 04:24
Willl be arriving later this week and was wondering about the weather. Is it raining most of the early evenings for an hour or so and stopping or is it continuing on most of night.
Sorry for the change of subject. You can continue with prices discourse.

Most days last week (and the week before) it rained late afternoon and/or early evening, with one of 2 days of heavy continuous rain into the early hours.

09-14-10, 04:47
All the more reason to not go in the high-price places? Another gent posted he did not see to many of the p1300 girls he was interested in. I find plenty of those; I can find a hottie to go in any bar.

I think these bigger name bars like Atlantis, Crystal Palace and Dollhouse can accommodate more girls in the bar. But, it does not mean the majority of the girls will look all that great. But, by having alot of girls in a large gogo bar gives it more of an Awe and Grand atmosphere to the bar. Thus, drawing in the crowd.

Concur. Not only in Cebu's Mango/Viking's bars, but in just about any AC bar I can find several cuties. One will be willing/stupid enough to go with me, let me take naughty pics, and agree to stay with me till 10am, and be willing to do it for half the p1400 barfine.

Yup, just because these bigger name gogo bars charge 3000 pesos doesn't mean that the quality of the girls will be all that great. It's maybe due to the fact that the bar is a big name show bar that they feel they can make 3000 pesos BF. But, to ease us foreigners from being discouraged by the 3000 BF price, they have the 1500 pesos BF to balance it out. You can find a hottie in other smaller gogo bars. My friend BF a cutie at Treasure Island gogo which opens at 12:00am. It's those smaller bars and the BF was only 1200 pesos.

It's like renting a blockbuster dvd title at Blockbuster video. The video rental will cost more but, since Blockbuster is a big name movie rental store, most people will go to Blockbuster video vs a smaller video rental store. However, if you go to a smaller video rental store, you can find the same movie and rent it at a cheaper price than at Blockbuster video.

09-14-10, 09:59
I kind of agree and for me the two tier pricing policy is beginning to dull the attraction of AC. I very rarely see a 1500 peso dancer I'd punch the air over and when I do she's more than likely a cherry girl - which is ok but limiting.

I agree. My last trip I hardly saw anything good in the 1500 range. About 80% in the 3000 range should have been in the 1200 range. The pricing is a bit messed up. It's ok if you visit AC once in a while and aren't too picky, but if you're a hard core monger with specific tastes than AC can be challenging for some. All in all still fun and not too expensive YET!

09-14-10, 10:12
with regards to rain in AC.SOmetimes its heavy rain and sometimes it just for a period of 30 to 45 minutes on the afternoon or at the morning, where you will sleep anyway :D
Get some flip flops and shorts and small umbrella and you be fine for barhop since you there in AC for the one and only..GIRLS!!
I love rain, you can sleep good, no noise.
With regards to the bigger bars. I often go there to see the show and to greet the girls I know from there. They have some pretty girls lined up. On the other side you can also find pretty girls in smaller bars. I mean you dont go there to get married, you go there for sex, right? If you want a pretty girl who accompany you for dining, shopping, etc.You should date non bargirls. Just create a profile at DIA and make some contacts before you fly to the Philippines(look up the chatroom sections in here).
I think one of the interesting things in AC and in the whole Philippines is that you really can get all the girls, some for less money, some for more. Its just the idea that you are in a country where its not difficult for a middle age man to get a hot 18 to 24 year old GF. YOu wont get that in your own country, unless you Brad Pitt with the looks and the money :D.
I mean that is the thrill, right? The hunting, the barhop scene. You have all those girls there in AC who waiting for you(or maybe not..)All you need to do now is to stick/obey some rules and your adventure starts. I mean you can drink and party and see what the evening will bring you or you can plan ahead what bars you will go and what bars you will give a miss. You can plan your day or you just see what the day will bring. Avoid freelancers, street hookers, get a trike home if your drunk or if you leave the bar late. All scams, hold ups occur early morning time. They not planned, they just happened because some lowlives are on drugs, shabu, etc. Buyer beware, take a trike home when its getting late/early, dont save money on those things.
Leave your goldnecklace and diamond rings at home. Keep a low profile, dont [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) at the locals, avoid trouble, if you see trouble, walk away from it. Be nice and smile. Dont talk to pinoys who wanted to sell you something on the street, who greet you, invite you to see a bar, new place or anything else. Say nothing, just walk. When I walk along fields I always plug in my headphone, so I pretend I hear nothing and dont need to speak to any MF´s who will approach me on fields.
Dont carry a wallet with you. Take the cash out of it what you like to spent on this evening, not more, not less, if its gone its only your daily budget and not your budget for the entire trip.
Dont fuck with the peanuts vendors. I know they can be a pain in the ass, but they just work to make a living. Dont treat them bad infront of the bargirls, be nice then they nice to you also. You will never know what will happened if you drunk and you go outside, alone..etc. I befriend an old peanut vendor, I only buy from him. he is a hard working guy, he sells only peanuts, easy to spot. He sometimes help me out or take me home when I am to drunk LOL..that could easily happened when your in AC and then you will hear the whole story next morning :D
Ok that is all for today.Maybe one last word for the guys who stay in Manila and thinking to come over for a day or two to see ANgeles city for the first time. Is it worth the effort? My answer is definetly YES. The fun factor in AC is thousand times higher then doing a barhop in Manila/Makati or Pasay.


09-14-10, 13:43
You will find plenty of girls in the 1250 -1500 range. I suggest that you keep looking. I have noticed that most folks on here blog about the same stuff. I suggest folks on here look at old postings before posting chances we have discussed it before.

09-14-10, 14:06
A spinner from this bar is no more/less likely to perfrom better/worse (or run) than a spinner from any other bar. For the p3000 some gents are willing to pay, I can find two (just-as-perdy) p1400 girls from a different bar and get a three-some. You know, when I buy a hammer, I look for a good grip/feel in my hand, balance, and one that will last. I'm willing to pay more for a good hammer, as opposed to the cheapies they sell at WalMart. A girl, on the other hand, will simply have to be pretty and agree to do my stuff for the next 10 hours. This means there is little difference between this one, and the one down the street. YMMV.

Agree completely (and that never happens). My thought is: So that 3000 peso pussy so much better than the 1500 peso pussy? Um, I doubt it. Maybe if the girl is fresh of the farm, but then you have to factor in the tangibles like experience, willingness, etc...In my mind pussy is pussy, and when you get it, you should know what to do... One of my bar owner buddies echoed the same sentiments long ago, but alas, I was too young. Now I know better.

WR had a nice signature line...Bottoms Up! I think I like it and will borrow it.


09-14-10, 22:14
I can buy a fine wine in San Francisco for $100 a bottle.


I can search a little harder and find a fine wine for $20.

I apply the same philosophy to the girls in AC,Manila, Bangkok,Mexico,Ukraine, or wherever I happen to be.

"A fine wine is a fine wine" ---be it a $20 bottle or a $100 bottle.
Yes you are correct, you can take the time to find the $20 wine, but if you are here for a limited time, why waste your time searching for a $20 wine, when you can buy a six pack of beer for $5?

I don't know about you, but my time is worth a lot more then $20.


09-15-10, 01:11
I agree. My last trip I hardly saw anything good in the 1500 range. About 80% in the 3000 range should have been in the 1200 range. The pricing is a bit messed up. Yes, Amjeck, the large bars with two-tiered pricing do this on purpose. They purposely make the pretty ones cost more. If you just step out of that place (its fun to drink in there and watch the show, but not so smart to barfine there), and down the street to a smaller bar (with, say, 30 girls) with one-price-barfine (ie, 1400 pesos), you will be able to find at least a few that are pleasing to the eye (probably more than that). Should be easy pickings in a good price-range. Its easy to get caught up in the aura of a large bar, the booze, the lovelies, the music. Try Geckos, Honeypot, Body Shop.

I was in Atlantis one night a few years ago, it was my first time in that bar. Gotta say its an impressive place, not just in quanity of girls, but in the floor show. A lady in long green dress approached and chatted. So-so figure, but approaching 40, and not attractive. Just some chat about where we were from, kids, etc. I asked how much the barfine was. She mentioned several tiers, 1500 dancer, 2500 waitress, 3000 hostess, like that. She was a hostess. I nearly fell over, thinking why would I want this older pooch for 3000 pesos, when I could have a hottie half her age for 1500. Later in the evening in Crystal Palace my barfine (from Honeypot) and I are enjoying the show on stage. In walks the (Atlantis) hostess, in street clothes, with an older gent, who had barfined her. They sat right in front of us at a table. I could not help feeling like the gent had been ripped off somehow, as I'm sitting with a 21-year-old hottie (who had no kids and would later stay into the afternoon) who cost 1300, and he was with her for 3000. AC bargirls are like airline seats: two could be identical, and two different customers could pay vastly differing amounts for the same thing.

09-15-10, 04:46
Yes you are correct, you can take the time to find the $20 wine, but if you are here for a limited time, why waste your time searching for a $20 wine, when you can buy a six pack of beer for $5?

I don't know about you, but my time is worth a lot more then $20.


Personally, I have to disagree with Robb. He does have a point in not wasting time trying to find that $20 wine but, to some, it's not the quantity of how much you can get but, the quality.

To some people out there, they don't get easily as excited by picking a certain girl or girls. Some guys don't mind as they want to rack up as much as they can before their trip ends. I could do this also but, I'll just be doing it for the sake of doing it. But, it's not like I'll be really into it though.

Key Master
09-15-10, 07:24
Agree completely (and that never happens). My thought is: So that 3000 peso pussy so much better than the 1500 peso pussy? Um, I doubt it. Maybe if the girl is fresh of the farm, but then you have to factor in the tangibles like experience, willingness, etc...In my mind pussy is pussy, and when you get it, you should know what to do... One of my bar owner buddies echoed the same sentiments long ago, but alas, I was too young. Now I know better.

WR had a nice signature line...Bottoms Up! I think I like it and will borrow it.


You know maybe you guys aren't making it completely clear on some things. I agree there is a lower risk factor on going for the lower priced barfine in terms of performance, but for some if they come out that far for their once in a blue moon trip, I think they are going to want to go for who they want if it's feasible. This thing "pussy is pussy", I don't know. If that's the case you can take all the old fuglies because it's all the same to you. I know it's taking it to an extreme, but there's obviously a market for these higher barfines for now.

I think for some of us who may get to travel more in Asia and such, we may get jaded as we become more value oriented as we get older and more experienced, but what if you guys who say it's all the same only got to travel once a year or once every two years to a place like this? You going to value shop or go for the one you really like? There are a lot of different scenarios for a lot of the mongers, so it's kind of hard to say well everyone should do it this way and see it this way. It's just not going to happen. There are too many factors involved.

A lot of people complain about price increases but they don't complain when they get a raise or something similar when it benefits them. Stuff goes both ways.

09-15-10, 07:54
I have a friend who works in Insomnia. 35 years old, 7 kids, totally busted body.

But she makes 20k to 30k per month

She has been barfined for 4 weeks to travel round the country, and 2 weeks doing the same.

The key is that she is great company, and the overall experience that she gives is very good.

I sometimes bf her in the evening for dinner, and to give her the night off, then I go elsewhere to bf my root for the night.

I keep telling the bargirls and the mamasans that their business is to give the customer a good experience. For some guys, a good experience is ferocious fucking for hours on end. For others, it is good company, and someone to keep them warm at night. And everything in between. Some just want to be seen walking with a stunner hanging off their arm, and drop dead gorgeous in the swimming pool. Eye candy.

If the customer has a good experience, and considers the experience to be good value for money, then it is of no matter what he pays.

This is why some of the high rollers in the west will pay a hooker $10,000 a day. Because he sees that he gets good value for his money.

So stop this unseemly haggling about who is paying the right money and who is not.

To each his own.

Red Kilt
09-15-10, 11:29
........................... If the customer has a good experience, and considers the experience to be good value for money, then it is of no matter what he pays.
............................... so stop this unseemly haggling about who is paying the right money and who is not.

To each his own.

Absolutely correct Gangles. You put very eloquently exactly what I have always thought about this whole business. I never worry about what is the "going rate". I pay whatever I want to.

And like you, I have also barfined a girl just to give her a night off. Last week I did just that. Gave EWR to 2 girls who were close friends; dropped off one to her home and kept the other. Everybody was happy.

09-15-10, 11:59
Is the age info on the ID tag false in some cases?
Amjek, its not just girls & its not just age.
Paperwork here in this country is very, very dodgy. Men & women of all ages employ fixers & fake papers of all kinds (Birth/Death/Marriage/Education/Health Checks) to achieve a desired outcome.
It pays to use your people skills & not get into confrontations with hookers (or any one else) & wear a condom.
Could be very costly..


09-15-10, 15:05
Go in, have something to drink, look at the girls for a while, then leave.

09-15-10, 23:14
So stop this unseemly haggling about who is paying the right money and who is not.

To each his own.

Talking about money on a sex site is unseemly?

Hm, I would have thought it one of the more important aspects of our discussions.

However, to each his own, as you say.

For those who have unlimited funds, I agree with most of what you say - Too Right Gangles. However, many people do not have unlimited funds, many people are relative newbies to AC and therefore may not be parting with that 3000P because it is their choice, but because they are information poor and are effectively conned into paying that amount.

I have no problem with someone paying $10000 for a night if they have the $$ (I may well question their sanity, but that is another matter. As an aside, just imagine how much Donald Trump effectively paid Ivana per night. And he is supposed to know about $$ hah.) but for most people that is not reality, and so therefore if they wish to go into negotiations in AC fully armed with knowledge of prices and the fact that price often has nothing to do with the final performance given, why should they not do so?

For the average newb punter, the advice from five 10 (and others) of going into the two tier price bars, buying a drink, watching the show, then going elsewhere to barfine is about the wisest I have seen. It is also what a lot of experienced punters do too.

09-16-10, 02:00
About a year ago, I paid 3,000 Peso's for a girl for the first time. She was working in Atlantis at the time, it was getting late, and I couldn't find what I was looking for in the 1,500 Peso range. She was 4-10, weighed about 70 LBS, and had hair that hung down to her calves. She was stunningly beautiful, and had a great attitude in the bar. I paid her barfine, and took her back to my hotel. She fucked me 5 times over the next 12 or so hours, gave great head, took it in the ass, let me take pictures...anything I wanted. She stayed until she had to go to work the next night. I tipped her well when she left, and I was completely satisfied with the price and services she had provided.

Two nights latter, I tried another 3,000 Peso girl, this time from Dollhouse, she was great fun in the bar, she was worthless in bed, wanted to go to sleep after one round, woke up early in the morning and then woke me up saying she "had" to leave...for something who knows. She was trying to wrangle a tip from me, which didn't work..I don't reward her kind of behavior.

Since then I have barfined girls of all different prices ranges. I believe that the price of the girls does not matter in general, but that the 3,000 Peso girls are prone to being average or less in bed. They also usually only want to drink, double lady drinks, which I don't buy. They are the biggest scam in AC, but thats a different subject entirely.

With the exception of the girl from Atlantis, most of the girls that I remember for being great in bed, were in the 1200-1500 Peso range, and most of them from Perimeter Road.

3,000 Peso barfines and double lady drinks aren't going anywhere, and in fact will probably be the norm in AC in a few years, so lets just enjoy it while we can.

Key Master
09-16-10, 02:13
Hearing on another board that Forbidden City, Dirty Duck and Camelot were raided. Any punters here involved in any of them or witness to them?

09-16-10, 02:31
About a year ago, I paid 3,000 Peso's for a girl for the first time. She was working in Atlantis at the time, it was getting late, and I couldn't find what I was looking for in the 1,500 Peso range. She was 4-10, weighed about 70 LBS, and had hair that hung down to her calves. She was stunningly beautiful, and had a great attitude in the bar. I paid her barfine, and took her back to my hotel. She fucked me 5 times over the next 12 or so hours, gave great head, took it in the ass, let me take pictures...anything I wanted. She stayed until she had to go to work the next night. I tipped her well when she left, and I was completely satisfied with the price and services she had provided.

Two nights latter, I tried another 3,000 Peso girl, this time from Dollhouse, she was great fun in the bar, she was worthless in bed, wanted to go to sleep after one round, woke up early in the morning and then woke me up saying she "had" to leave...for something who knows. She was trying to wrangle a tip from me, which didn't work..I don't reward her kind of behavior.

Since then I have barfined girls of all different prices ranges. I believe that the price of the girls does not matter in general, but that the 3,000 Peso girls are prone to being average or less in bed. They also usually only want to drink, double lady drinks, which I don't buy. They are the biggest scam in AC, but thats a different subject entirely.

With the exception of the girl from Atlantis, most of the girls that I remember for being great in bed, were in the 1200-1500 Peso range, and most of them from Perimeter Road.

3,000 Peso barfines and double lady drinks aren't going anywhere, and in fact will probably be the norm in AC in a few years, so lets just enjoy it while we can.
I never feel compelled to pay PHP3000 in Angeles. I know the local prices & I don't any waste time at all even looking at the high priced ones. Im glad you had a good experience with one of them.
Frankly I let the girl choose me & this almost always has lead to a good result. YMMV


09-16-10, 04:43
just wanted to add some info to a few postings.

* waitress from golden nile told me the club was raided last night. had **** girl. club will stay open. mamasan went to jail. *

lots of postings about barfines vs. quality. it is true that you can find equal quality and performance for 1/2 the money. over the years, i have barfined many girls that are now 3000p for 1500p before they 'moved up'.

usually once a girl gets over being shy to dance a sexy solo routine...she can become a 3000p girl.

when i am here on vacation i just review the local talent. if a girl looks good to me that night, i barfine her. don't really see the logic in passing her up and go looking for someone equal for less money.

weather is good. lots of girls and the clubs are not crowded.

09-16-10, 08:12
I've taken a showgirl for 3,000ps once during my latest trip.
For the eye candy, very nice, why not?
But the performance wasn't better than any other girl.

I guess it's a tactics to bring up the prices significantly,
not just the 100ps steps every year or so.

Put all girls above 6/10 somehow as showgirls and just leave
the ugliest in the lower tier.
What follows is some complaining in the forums, okay, who cares,
and 6-12 months later the punters are used to pay 3k.

Hopefully I'm wrong......

Key Master
09-16-10, 08:59
You can have bad experiences at any price level. It just hurts more at the higher price when it happens. At the same time, you'll never know sometimes. I think some guys have to be realistic too when they barfine about whether you're going to get treated nicely and if the woman really can be into you. I know people are going to say they don't care about looks and age and behavior, but come on. I'm still lucky to be somewhat in shape and stuff, but I realize when the aging really takes hold of me, my experiences will probably not be improving but get worse over time. I will have to be more realistic about trying to take a hottie later on and whether she's just acting and stuff like she likes me or is into me. We all go through our phases. Even if it's possible like for me now, you definitely will get some duds and women lying to get you to take them and such. It's just part of the game. The great part is, there's a replacement pretty much close by here 24/7.

Member #4698
09-16-10, 17:16
What's this I hear about raids on AC bars? How many bars have been raided? How serious is this crackdown?

I have read news reports that say the Philippines is in danger of losing some $250 million in aid from the US State Department if it does not improve the prosecution of trafficking syndicates.

Damn, is this Cambodia all over again?

09-16-10, 19:00
Hi everyone, long time reader, i have a quick question.

I was down in AC in june and well I miss it and want to go back :)

I will be off my deployment in Janurary and was wondering what the atmosphere is like in that type of the year. Early januraryish are there alot of bargirls down there? Do the pretty ones go back home to spend time with the fam? hows the action down there?

09-16-10, 19:22
Talking about money on a sex site is unseemly?

Hm, I would have thought it one of the more important aspects of our discussions.

Price discussion is one of the most important subjects to discuss on this forum. We are all spending money on sex so it is vital that we continue to chat about pricing.

Buko Max
09-16-10, 20:31
What's this I hear about raids on AC bars? How many bars have been raided? How serious is this crackdown?




09-17-10, 00:40
I've taken a showgirl for 3, 000ps once during my latest trip.

For the eye candy, very nice, why not?

But the performance wasn't better than any other girl.

I guess it's a tactics to bring up the prices significantly,

Not just the 100ps steps every year or so.

Put all girls above 6/10 somehow as showgirls and just leave

The ugliest in the lower tier.

What follows is some complaining in the forums, okay, who cares,

And 6-12 months later the punters are used to pay 3k.

Hopefully I'm wrong.

Enjoy!Well they have had the two tier pricing for almost 2years. So I doubt thats the case besides the little bars can't afford to raise the prices or they would price themselves out of business. Local expats wouldn't pay it and that is the bulk of most of the perimeter bars. The big bars keep the lower tier mainly because they know they wouldn't make as much if they didn't. If all BF were 3k a lot of mongers would flock to other locations. And they are already hurting from the already down turn of tourist. They know it would mean the death of AC. After all the main draw is the low price of the girls. Nothing else.

09-17-10, 01:20


The status of the 20 dancers as minors and therefore illegitimately employed was confirmed through a dental check, whilst at least 5 of the girls freely admitted to being under 18.I wonder what magical thing happens to the girl's mouth/teeth on their 18th b-day LOL

09-17-10, 01:43
I wonder what magical thing happens to the girl's mouth/teeth on their 18th b-day LOLI've made some magical thing happen in pinay mouths.

09-17-10, 01:48
Hi everyone, long time reader, i have a quick question.

I was down in AC in june and well I miss it and want to go back :)

I will be off my deployment in Janurary and was wondering what the atmosphere is like in that type of the year. Early januraryish are there alot of bargirls down there? Do the pretty ones go back home to spend time with the fam? hows the action down there?
Yes many go home for Christmas.
Lead up to Christmas is peak tourist season & therefore peak earning season for bars.
But there are always many more to take their place.
AC is never short of pussy.
Enjoy your break!


09-17-10, 01:49
I wonder what magical thing happens to the girl's mouth/teeth on their 18th b-day LOLHa! Ha! :D I laughed out loud & frightened a lola sitting next to me in the mall when I read this!!
I think we are all thinking the same thing uh? ;)


09-17-10, 01:51
What's this I hear about raids on AC bars? How many bars have been raided? How serious is this crackdown?

I have read news reports that say the Philippines is in danger of losing some $250 million in aid from the US State Department if it does not improve the prosecution of trafficking syndicates.

Damn, is this Cambodia all over again?Natty it's standard operating procedure here. Do not be alarmed. Happens regularly. Its part of the cost of running a hooker bar here.


Member #4698
09-17-10, 02:41
Natty it's standard operating procedure here. Do not be alarmed. Happens regularly. Its part of the cost of running a hooker bar here. AV
You are probably right, AV.

Aside from a possible minor inconvenience in my travel plans, the people who get hurt by this are mainly the girls, the bar owners, and the local economy. I plan to be in AC in February, so there is plenty of time to see how this all plays out. Worst case scenario (for me) is I skip AC and head down to Cebu before continuing with my itinerary to Manila, Sabang and LOS.

Again, I agree with you that this is probably just a temporary inconvenience for us and a shakedown for the bar owners. I am not ready to write off AC just yet.

But, I think you will agree that the issue is more problematic for guys heading there in the next couple of weeks. I would advise them to stay tuned to this forum to get the latest news and to keep their travel plans flexible. http://www.angelescity.com/index.php is also an excellent source of up to date news. Mattrick, thanks for the tip.

Econo Tech
09-17-10, 05:34
Now for something interesting.

Guess who is the guy with the Biggest Smile at the back is ??? 10 brownie points for the first one who gets it right.. :D


09-17-10, 08:43

january is one of the best time in the year to head down to sea or speaking about philippines, flying into angeles city.

the weather is absolutely fine, no rain, a bit colder, really nice. girls are all back from their xmas vacation. it should be a busy time, many tourists are expected to come over by january or february.
what i found out, is that with more tourists coming in, also more pretty girls can be found at the bars. maybe the so called "stunners" just work in peak season and off for holiday when its low season. does anybody feel the same?
with regards to teeths and dentist. there are certain methods to tell if somebody is 18 years or not. maybe it can be detected by certain wisdom teeth.
on the other side, if they employ a greedy corrupt dentist, they will even proof that i am a minor lol. so most of the things are set up. most of the girls from the province even dont know for themself when they were born, because this is the philippines and government work sucks.
now, to work with pinays and trust their work is a big mistake. i befriend some barowners there and hell they tell me that bargirls apply to them with a birthcertificate of their older sister or some other fake documents. so if they above the 18 years its ok, but what if not....that is the point and then guys have to pay the price. i have absolutely no tolerance that minors work in a bar. even they 17 1/2 years, doesnt matter, they not 18.
once more i also advise not to pick up street hookers. i always hear bad things happen. either they set you up for an **** scam or they steal your belongings, gadgets, etc.
most of the street girls are ****, that is why they dont employed at a bar..or they did something wrong and that is why they cant work in a bar any more.
so if you take a girl, make sure she is from a bar. dont save here on costs. philippines prison are no recreation center like here in the west :d


09-18-10, 00:23
Price discussion is one of the most important subjects to discuss on this forum. We are all spending money on sex so it is vital that we continue to chat about pricing.

Totally agree. Can't separate the two as they are directly connected. One must know the correct price before purchase or otherwise as we say at home, don't want to get "sticker shock" at checkout.----IMO


09-18-10, 06:12
Just a few items of the latest gossip on Owners of Bars. In case you have not heard? RA is into the girls big time. As such, he has been going with a girl called Maowi, for some time now, who is 'possibly' one of the biggest bikes of Fields Ave. However, the bad news for him is that she is pregnant, but the worse news is she is not sure it is his or not. As she has been shagging a black guy on the side. So the book is now open, as to whether it will pop out with an Irish barnet. Or an Afro? This is supposed to be a well kept secret. So please feel free to tell everyone.

RA was in court on Wednesday for a double dip. The owners of the Pacific Breeze got an injunction against him that if he did not turn up he would be arrested. It seems, once again, he had decided not to cough up the P2m invested and take his chances? So being, they and one of the Oz boys who put in US$100k, teamed up and took him to court. Rumour has it. He was very unhappy with the way things went. On returning to the GN?

After coming out of that session, he immediately went back in. As the Malaysian had him in court over the hotel double dealings too. Opposite Blue Nile.

The Wednesday night raids have posed a few interesting scenarios. Last Monday it was agreed that all participating ACTA 2 bars would pay their dues, in cash, to the mayor. Via a corrupt lawyer bagman. It seems that the only bars that 'opted' out. Were the Champagne Group and the Lewis Grand Group. The large and well organized raid, where busses, lorries and a vast amount of reportedly PNP personnel were employed. Closed down Camelot, Forbidden City and Dirty Duck. All bars from the two groups previously mentioned.

So the questions raised are. Was it the PNP saying 'f-k you' to the mayor. We are having our slice regardless of what you do?. Shades of Deadwood, the tv series.

09-18-10, 09:58
tricky business :D
dont trust pinoys, dont trust guys who live there long time, dont make business to guys who from AC. only those you known for a very very long time...

Hope the bs will soon stop and everything will be back to normal.

Apparently the bars of big "G" havent been raided. Obviously he has something to say in AC.


09-18-10, 11:12
Good to know what is going on in AC - even though we will never know the full story.

I am heading to AC in the coming days and will stay then for a week or so. Therefore, I highly appreciate any up to date information. Once I am there, I will keep you brothers posted as well, of course.

Since it appears that one of the targets was the Lewis Grande Group: does anyone know whether or not the hotel was also affected in any way?

Thanks, and perhaps see some of you in AC.


09-18-10, 15:24
...One must know the correct price before purchase ...


Indeed! Price AND service I would add!



09-19-10, 06:38
You are probably right, AV.

Worst case scenario (for me) is I skip AC and head down to Cebu before continuing with my itinerary to Manila, Sabang and LOS.

Again, I agree with you that this is probably just a temporary inconvenience for us and a shakedown for the bar owners. I am not ready to write off AC just yet.

http://www.angelescity.com/index.php is also an excellent source of up to date news. Mattrick, thanks for the tip.

Sabang is nice and worth a side trip IMHO.

And can you really ever write off AC? I think not. Sometimes it is not worth it, but most times it is.

Thanks for the link!

09-20-10, 05:45
Phil Star dead-tree edition this morning had a story this morning about another AC expat murder yesterday.

Hope it was no one we know here.

09-20-10, 09:24
Phil Star dead-tree edition this morning had a story this morning about another AC expat murder yesterday.

Hope it was no one we know here.

here the link:


Looks like a hit to me. Same as the German expat killed infront of Shangri la/Penin? some month ago.
Obviously they did something wrong, because usually you dont get just shot when you live in the Philippines.

At the end of the year you can always read some statistics in the Sun/bulletin about how many foreigners died and what was the cause.

They either commit suicide, get killed from their wife or wifes ex bf/hubby. etc.
So be careful to who you get married and what you do and be sure you dont do networking with the wrong people.

Philippines is wild wild west.


09-20-10, 09:41
I'm in Angeles City right now and thought I'd post a quick report.

To start, I must say that this is not the best time to come to Angeles, what with the raids going on and all. I would say if you are planning to come here in the next couple of weeks, to maybe change your travel plans. A few bars have been raided by the police, and as of last night, Camelot bar was still closed, as I walked right by it. I'm not sure about the other two bars, I didn't walk by them, but I'm assuming they're still closed as well.

Also, some bars are not allowing the girls to wear bikinis; so they are dancing on stage in street clothes! Incredibly lame, if you ask me. And my fucklets (more on them later) have told me that their bars are not allowing new customers to barfine, only "regular" customers. I cannot confirm this, as I haven't paid a barfine since last week, but I did go to Dr. Holms bar last Friday to see Fucklet #2 and all the girls were wearing street clothes.

As the poster below mentioned, an American was murdered yesterday, but I don't know the details. A lot of shady fucks on the streets here, so be careful.

Let's see, what else...the exchange rate for the US dollar sucks right now. Just today at SM mall, the rate was 43.90 PHP-$1 USD. I'm also getting hit with a 150 peso fee everytime I withdraw money from an ATM here; as Fucklet #2 would say "that's fucking boolsheet!". And is it just me, or has the price of hotels here skyrocketed?!? I'm paying almost double of what I paid last year, and that's for the monthly rate. The hotel choices in this town really suck.

Peanuts bar out on Perimeter went out of business. Don't know the details of what happened, but a lot of the girls that used to work there have migrated to a new bar called T&A, close to Honey Ko's. That's where I found Fucklet #1, a nice, childless 22 year old. Barfines here are only 1100 pesos, not bad. No stunners, but some cuties well worth the barfine, that is if they'll let you barfine.

Went to Dollhouse and Atlantis last night with Fucklet #1, looking for Fucklet #3. I'll include some pics below. Tons of Koreans, and they seem to be more interested in popping balloons, throwing ping pong balls and smoking rather than banging chicks; I swear, I think I was the only guy in there last night that was actually into pussy. That's the "new AC" I guess.

I like A173, she's my kinda girl. But Fucklet #1 prefers the lighter skinned chicks. What do you guys think?

09-20-10, 14:20
this is eye witness report from a waitress i know in dirty duck.
a philippino man came in to the bar approx 9 pm. he was drinking big and buying all girls ld. my friend's friend was the waitress for this man. he was sent there by the police as undercover man. since he was buying drinks to all and ringing the bell few times the bar manager thought he was some loaded guy enjoying himself. this guy knew very well that he does not have to pay the bar bill. it seems many other patrons at the time of the raid got lucky also and did not have to pay the tab. all the customers were let out.
the raid took place around midnight. three bars were targeted. dirty duck, camelot and forbidden city.
as soon as the police van came news spread and many of the girls and mamasans escaped via the back door. my friend also escaped. less fortunate is her friend who served this undercover man. she is still in jail in clark for 6 days now. all the remaining employees and the manager were arrested and still in jail.
there were three **** girls in dirty duck. almost 90% of the girls had fake i.d. my friend has a fake i.d also which she showed me last time. my friend says very few girls work in ac with their real names. so beware!
my friend says this is why they arrest and take everybody to ascertain their real info and make sure they are not **** or find out who brought in which **** girl etc. bottom line is all this is a farce for extortion.
if 6 million is coughed up the ar will open in a couple of days. she said negotiations are continuing.
now she is afraid and said many girls will think twice about coming to ac because of all the publicity. many of these girls families do not know they work as bargirls.
so i think atleast for the moment you will not see many new young girls coming in till everything settles down.

09-20-10, 14:36
this is eye witness report from a waitress i know in dirty duck.

a philippino man came in to the bar approx 9 pm. he was drinking big and buying all girls ld. my friend's friend was the waitress for this man. he was sent there by the police as undercover man. since he was buying drinks to all and ringing the bell few times the bar manager thought he was some loaded guy enjoying himself. this guy knew very well that he does not have to pay the bar bill. it seems many other patrons at the time of the raid got lucky also and did not have to pay the tab. all the customers were let out.

the raid took place around midnight. three bars were targeted. dirty duck, camelot and forbidden city.

as soon as the police van came news spread and many of the girls and mamasans escaped via the back door. my friend also escaped. less fortunate is her friend who served this undercover man. she is still in jail in clark for 6 days now. all the remaining employees and the manager were arrested and still in jail.

there were three **** girls in dirty duck. almost 90% of the girls had fake i. d. my friend has a fake i. the also which she showed me last time. my friend says very few girls work in ac with their real names. so beware!

my friend says this is why they arrest and take everybody to ascertain their real info and make sure they are not **** or find out who brought in which **** girl etc. bottom line is all this is a farce for extortion.

if 6 million is coughed up the ar will open in a couple of days. she said negotiations are continuing.

now she is afraid and said many girls will think twice about coming to ac because of all the publicity. many of these girls families do not know they work as bargirls.

so i think atleast for the moment you will not see many new young girls coming in till everything settles down.well i would say the owners and mammasan deserve to be there if they indeed had **** girls and a bunch of other girls with fake ids. in any other country the bar would be permenantly shut down and the bar owner convicted and sent to prison. so to me mngmnt are getting off lightly. now the girls. well if they had fake ids. they have to deal with the consequences of their actions.

Mr Enternational
09-21-10, 00:52
While the subject of raids is going on. My wingmen and I had the hardest time getting girls to come with us from the bars last night. Every time we would ask about the barfine they would bullshit us around by jacking up the price exorbitantly or completely ignoring us. The first bar this happened in was The Golden Garter. We finally left there and went to The Owl's Nest. The same thing was happening. In that bar, however, I didn't see anything to my liking. So I went outside to see what else I could get into. I went over to Voodoo because I had overheard a guy mentioning it earlier while I was in the street. Still I did not see anything that I liked.

As soon as I exited Voodoo I saw a group of girls walking down the street. Immediately one stuck out as my type and I called her over. She was absolutely perfect for me. Her friends continued down the street. I talked with her a few minutes then we went inside The Owl's Nest. When one wingman saw the girl that I had he decided to leave out and find one of his own. Another wingman then was able to talk to one of the bargirls and pay a 1500 peso barfine to take her out. The other wingman left alone.

We went down to 7-11 to buy drinks so we could celebrate in the room. When we got back to the room discussions ensued. The girl from the bar said that the reason nobody would go with us was because they thought we were some kind of joint task force of cops. I still don't get it. But this is apparently because 3 of us are Black American and 1 is Filipino American. So every time we approached people my Filipino wingman conversed with them in Tagalog. They thought it was very strange that such a combination of wingmen would exist so it was very fishy to them and they would not cooperate with us.

During our party I happened to look out of the door and saw my wingman who had struck out on his own. He said that he had just finished with one whom he paid 500 pesos for 1 hour and was on his way to look for another. So far so good in Angeles. I will report on my FL later. It is 7 in the morning and she keeps massaging me and putting her arms around me while I am trying to type this report so I have to keep flipping to the news page online so she won't see this site.

09-21-10, 00:56
What happened to the patrons? anything?

Im guessing they just check there passports and let them go?

Let me know,


09-21-10, 07:44
while the subject of raids is going on. my wingmen and i had the hardest time getting girls to come with us from the bars last night. every time we would ask about the barfine they would bullshit us around by jacking up the price exorbitantly or completely ignoring us. the first bar this happened in was the golden garter. we finally left there and went to the owl's nest. the same thing was happening. in that bar, however, i didn't see anything to my liking. so i went outside to see what else i could get into. i went over to voodoo because i had overheard a guy mentioning it earlier while i was in the street. still i did not see anything that i liked.

as soon as i exited voodoo i saw a group of girls walking down the street. immediately one stuck out as my type and i called her over. she was absolutely perfect for me. her friends continued down the street. i talked with her a few minutes then we went inside the owl's nest. when one wingman saw the girl that i had he decided to leave out and find one of his own. another wingman then was able to talk to one of the bargirls and pay a 1500 peso barfine to take her out. the other wingman left alone.

we went down to 7-11 to buy drinks so we could celebrate in the room. when we got back to the room discussions ensued. the girl from the bar said that the reason nobody would go with us was because they thought we were some kind of joint task force of cops. i still don't get it. but this is apparently because 3 of us are black american and 1 is filipino american. so every time we approached people my filipino wingman conversed with them in tagalog. they thought it was very strange that such a combination of wingmen would exist so it was very fishy to them and they would not cooperate with us.

during our party i happened to look out of the door and saw my wingman who had struck out on his own. he said that he had just finished with one whom he paid 500 pesos for 1 hour and was on his way to look for another. so far so good in angeles. i will report on my fl later. it is 7 in the morning and she keeps massaging me and putting her arms around me while i am trying to type this report so i have to keep flipping to the news page online so she won't see this site.

the bars are being set up by foreigners, posing as customers. these police assets generally have gotten into some type of trouble with the locals and turned to help in the set up of bars.

you go into a bar, they don't know you, one in your party is speaking tagalog and looks filipino, and ask about barfines. i can't imagine you getting anywhere with any girl or bar on the strip at the moment. no bar will accomodate you, and be surprised if any girl would go with you. as you pointed out, you might be able to pick up on the street, but also understand that any bar that had even a question about a girl's age, has turned her out. even if the bar had the girl fully licensed, but the girl knew she used fake identification, the girl has left the bar. so the streets are full of **** girls looking to make money. free lance on the street may appear safe given the numbers of girls, but there are undercover police and informants all over the streets at the moment.

the bars under the lewis grand group have basically announced all their girls are available for free lance. they will not even discuss barfines, early work release or special ladies drinks. but again, very few girls would go with your group, particularly with your having a filipino with you.

assuming you guys are legitimate, as you sound to be. your best bet is to go out with a known person (say a known papasan, someone from your hotel, mamasan, etc), that can tell the bar you are ok. once the bar knows that, your life will be easier. just have to appreciate a 1500 peso bar fine is not worth the 600,000 to 1 million plus peso being extorted from bars that are raided. the girls are not going to risk days and weeks in jail for the same.

some bars are allowing girls to stop duty if they fill a drink quota, which is generally the same cost as a bf. any arrangements you make with the girl are between you and her. i've seen some guys stand on principle, vocalize their displeasure to the bar staff about their not getting what they want, as they want it. your spitting into the wind on that. they would sooner see you leave the bar, than agree to your demands. they have no choice, there are undercover police and police assets going into every bar along perimeter and fields. insist on paying a barfine, ewr, make it obvious you are paying for sex, no matter how the transaction is to be constructed, and you will meet with a stone wall.

angeles is not operating as many of you are use to it operating. if this continues, it won't be operating at all. most bars can't get their girls to come in, many girls have taken a "vacation" to the provinces. first word of a raid on the street, many of the bars just shut their doors. after the events of last week, i would expect one more raid to eventuate in all the bars shutting their doors for the night and maybe the next day or more.

right now, i would not book a trip to angeles. unless of course you cherish the prospect of having an m16 shoved in your face and the possibility of buying your way out of jail. general opinion here is that these raids are not over yet, more to come. even if you are not caught up in a raid, you may find a night that ends early, or several evenings with a very limited selection of girls in the bars. the bars are already way down on girls, because they refuse to work.

09-21-10, 09:01
Thanks for the information, Matius. Sad to hear about such a change.

Thank god I've enjoyed AC so many times before this downturn..... :p
RIP, good old AC. :(

09-21-10, 11:21
thank you, brothers for all the valuable reports and information.

i am right now in ac. i had booked my trip just before the raids happened, and there was no time to cancel. now, in very brief and in addition to what has been reported already.

the fact is that as of september 20, camelot, forbidden city, and dirty duck are closed and sealed by the police. most of the other bars are open and serve the customers. however, there are very few customers only. it happened more than once to me that i was the only guy in a bar.

the selection of girls is not to the standard i am used to in ac. i am afraid the prettier ones fled the city, while the average and ugly ones stayed. there are some exceptions, though, and you just need to search longer for the right catch.

i have taken out only 2 so far, but there was no problem at all. the ewr is as before. perhaps this is because i am european and look so harmless...

in some bars, the girls wear street clothes, in others they are still (or again...) in bikinis. some are reluctant, though, to flash their tits or pussy - things which were "normal" in the old days. but i also found others in various bars who have no hesitation and show you all their assets.

i am not sure how this will continue and whether or not this is the beginning of a permanent change in ac. knowing some other places and countries, i doubt that this is the end of ac. too much money is involved. and where there is demand there is supply. perhaps the system will change once from the ewr to a more direct negotiation and transaction with the girl. if that would be the case, the bars were at clearly lower exposure.

and when it comes to ****, of course, this is not ok at all. when i pick one from a bar, i also want to be certain that she is no ****. otherwise, i might be in deep problems. therefore, i am also quite reluctant to pick a fl from the street, even though there are many and some of them are gorgeous. as long as i am not absolutely sure she is above 20, it is a no go.

i am also not sure whether or not there will be other raids. i guess the chances are 50:50. one one hand, the recent ones look as a very targetted action against some identified bars. on the other hand, in order to enforce "respect and law", some repeated "instruction" might be used. but this could take some time in between as well. since all the other bars are now very careful, it is not so likely that a second raid would be "successful" again.

i plan to stay for a few more days and will decide then whether or not i take my own "ewr" from ac, depending on the development of the situation. meanwhile, i keep you posted if there are any news.


and for senior members who would like to know in which bars i had no problem with the ewr, please pm me. i don't want to post it in the forum - otherwise it might be too easy for the le.

09-21-10, 11:26
While the business is no good in AC, at least the situation with the ATMs seems to improve. I just found a new machine in a convenient location near the "Mini Stop 24 hours" shop, next to the MediaSpa, i.e. after the Margarita Station when you walk from Fields towards Perimeter. It is on the left hand side, in an entrance. It worked fine for me, while the one in the ABC hotel does not recognize my Maestro Card.

The bad news in the good news: the transaction charge is 150 PHP.


Mr Enternational
09-21-10, 11:32
Is there some sort of cartel amongst the bars in AC? I was just in front of La Pasha for about 40 minutes or so. There were about 13 girls standing outside shooting the shit and horse playing. At 6:15pm a lot of old ladies (about 30 or so) started coming out of the bar and going in different directions. It was like they were leaving a meeting or something. Then the girls who were in front were allowed to go in.

09-21-10, 11:44
My first post with a problem. Made a very big mistake and sent twice some money via Western Union to a pregnant bargirl just to help her. I felt so pity for the girl. Now she is demanding more, otherwise she will inform my family about the previous transfers! Although I did not tell her my surname or my home address I am wondering if she could trace back these details with the Western Union people in Angeles. I am getting nervous and wonder if that would be really possible, or is there any privacy policy at Western Union I can rely on? Has anybody some information about that?

Mr Enternational
09-21-10, 13:16
The bars are being set up by foreigners, posing as customers. These police assets generally have gotten into some type of trouble with the locals and turned to help in the set up of bars.

Insist on paying a barfine, EWR, make it obvious you are paying for sex, no matter how the transaction is to be constructed, and you will meet with a stone wall.Exactly. What many of the girls were telling us is that they can only go barhopping with us if we paid the bar fine, but they could not go back to our hotel. We were like what the hell. If I only wanted to drink I would not need to pay you 1500 pesos to come with me. I could do that without you.

My friend said that the mamasan in The Owl's Nest really started to stonewall about the bar fine when I came in with the FL. He said that she asked who the girl was. She thought she may have been a police officer. She finally gave in and accepted the bar fine of 1500 pesos.

By the way. This was the deal from last night. Before bar fining, my wingman asked the girl how much she actually got from the 1500. She told him that she gets 1000 and the bar keeps 500. He asks her why doesn't she just come over when she finishes work and then she could keep the whole amount. She told him that she made a promise to herself (maybe the bar as well) that she would not do that.

He finally kicked her out about 10:30a.m. after we called him to come to lunch. No tip given and no tip asked for. No complaints from either party about anything. Only mutual praises judging from seeing her and talking to him this morning. He said that they would have still been in the room if we would not have called him.

Buko Max
09-21-10, 13:21
I am not sure how this will continue and whether or not this is the beginning of a permanent change in AC.
From what I understand, the mayor has been away visiting the U.S.

Mr Enternational
09-21-10, 13:29
The selection of girls is not to the standard I am used to in AC. I am afraid the prettier ones fled the city, while the average and ugly ones stayed. There are some exceptions, though, and you just need to search longer for the right catch.So it is that the good ones left? This is my first time here and nobody really sticks out to me like I thought they would. I mean there are definitely a few that I can settle for but I do not see anyone that I just have to have (except the SW from last night).

In some bars, the girls wear street clothes, in others they are still (or again...) in bikinis. Some are reluctant, though, to flash their tits or pussy - things which were "normal" in the old days.
It is really funny seeing them dancing on stage wearing dresses or skirts and tops. It looks so lame. Quite alright though. I would much rather see them onstage dancing with a turtleneck, 3-piece suit, trench coat, Eskimo boots, and a football helmet than I would an AW butt naked on stage back home. I will be leaving for greener pastures tomorrow. Pattaya. That place definitely will not let me down.

09-21-10, 13:39
RIP, good old AC. :(I don't think the sky is falling quite yet. You notice that this is happening at the lowest of low season. Give it a month or two . . . .

09-21-10, 17:45
I don't think the sky is falling quite yet. You notice that this is happening at the lowest of low season. Give it a month or two . . . .

My friend told me today all the bargirls and waitresses who lost their jobs because their bars closed are out on the street at night trying to make money. She told me she and her friends are doing the same thing and getting lucky. Weekdays they go into Skytrax because it is free. They do not have money to pay entry fee on weekends. She said you can see many girls aimlessly walking on the street and if you are so inclined smile and negotiate. I know it is dangerous to pick freelancer girls but with so many unemployed bargirls have no choice but to troll the streets.
My friend also said none of the other bars are hiring at the moment. Previously it was easy for her to jump from job to job. It seems all bars are reducing the number of employed girls. It maybe because there will be less number of punters because of the bad publicity or they are being carefull not to attract undue attention.
She told be AC will not be the same again because it has become prime target for various organizations in the law enforcement to try to make money. Previously the protection money was paid only to local police to look the other way. At that time bars did whatever they want including simulated sex, body painting , being naked etc. None of these things will come back in the near future. She said all customers as well as girls working there are considered informants until proven otherwise. By law they cannot refuse admittance like in Thailand if somebody looks like Philippino.
As of now everybody is still in jail.

09-21-10, 18:59
thank you, brothers for all the valuable reports and information.

i am right now in ac. i had booked my trip just before the raids happened, and there was no time to cancel. now, in very brief and in addition to what has been reported already.

the fact is that as of september 20, camelot, forbidden city, and dirty duck are closed and sealed by the police. most of the other bars are open and serve the customers. however, there are very few customers only. it happened more than once to me that i was the only guy in a bar.

the selection of girls is not to the standard i am used to in ac. i am afraid the prettier ones fled the city, while the average and ugly ones stayed. there are some exceptions, though, and you just need to search longer for the right catch.

i have taken out only 2 so far, but there was no problem at all. the ewr is as before. perhaps this is because i am european and look so harmless...

in some bars, the girls wear street clothes, in others they are still (or again...) in bikinis. some are reluctant, though, to flash their tits or pussy - things which were "normal" in the old days. but i also found others in various bars who have no hesitation and show you all their assets.

i am not sure how this will continue and whether or not this is the beginning of a permanent change in ac. knowing some other places and countries, i doubt that this is the end of ac. too much money is involved. and where there is demand there is supply. perhaps the system will change once from the ewr to a more direct negotiation and transaction with the girl. if that would be the case, the bars were at clearly lower exposure.

and when it comes to ****, of course, this is not ok at all. when i pick one from a bar, i also want to be certain that she is no ****. otherwise, i might be in deep problems. therefore, i am also quite reluctant to pick a fl from the street, even though there are many and some of them are gorgeous. as long as i am not absolutely sure she is above 20, it is a no go.

i am also not sure whether or not there will be other raids. i guess the chances are 50:50. one one hand, the recent ones look as a very targetted action against some identified bars. on the other hand, in order to enforce "respect and law", some repeated "instruction" might be used. but this could take some time in between as well. since all the other bars are now very careful, it is not so likely that a second raid would be "successful" again.

i plan to stay for a few more days and will decide then whether or not i take my own "ewr" from ac, depending on the development of the situation. meanwhile, i keep you posted if there are any news.


and for senior members who would like to know in which bars i had no problem with the ewr, please pm me. i don't want to post it in the forum - otherwise it might be too easy for the le.

i just talked to one of my regulars from forbidden, dirty duck, and camalot. she stated the main reason for the closures are **** girls, no proper documentation, and money. although, she states the owners have paid quite a penny so far. she states the situation is not good. she is hustling her old customers through online contact. she thinks the situation will get better after the new politicians figure out how to get paid.

this is unfortunate because the prices will rise in places like thailand and other mongering hotbeds in the asian corridor. yes, you can get a sw. but, our bareback friends, you raise the risk for stds and other unknown infectious diseases. the girls are desperate. so, they're ready to jump on anything right about now. ha!

alternatives? our american friends should look to mexico, caribbean, central and south america. our european and pacific friends should continue heading to thailand, south asia, and other great places. i think angeles city needs to sort things out. well, hell, if you have to go to the philippines. you still have cebu, manila, and other small spots. ha.

09-21-10, 21:56
... Give it a month or two . . . .

Well, let's hope for the best!



09-21-10, 22:35
My first post with a problem. Made a very big mistake and sent twice some money via Western Union to a pregnant bargirl just to help her. I felt so pity for the girl. Now she is demanding more, otherwise she will inform my family about the previous transfers! Although I did not tell her my surname or my home address I am wondering if she could trace back these details with the Western Union people in Angeles. I am getting nervous and wonder if that would be really possible, or is there any privacy policy at Western Union I can rely on? Has anybody some information about that?
Where did you meet her? I would delete her emails and if she emails you ignore her. She will move on fast. If she is asking for money do you really think she can afford to find you? Western Union will not give personal information out to a girl picking up money. Did you use your real name? If you Google your name what do you get?

She is playing on your pity card. Drop her and tell her good luck, find a new sucker, as she just lost any chance she had for you to help her.


09-21-10, 23:25
Damn! I'm booked for AC in early October. Any advice on whether I should try to bail out. DAMN. Just paid the hotel reservation. Damn.


Fast Eddie 48
09-21-10, 23:32
Damn! I'm booked for AC in early October. Any advice on whether I should try to bail out. DAMN. Just paid the hotel reservation. Damn.

'MouseTo Titmouse

Which hotel did you book, I never paid upfront so many option in AC try to contact the hotel maybe they allow you to change date or cancel.

Fast Eddie 48

09-22-10, 00:30
Damn! I'm booked for AC in early October. Any advice on whether I should try to bail out. DAMN. Just paid the hotel reservation. Damn.

'MouseI am in the same boat, I am going the second weekend in October.

09-22-10, 00:42
Its bigger than just a payoff to anyone. The USA has put pressure on the PI to crack down on what they consider the [CodeWord908] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord908) sex trade. And AC is the main target.

http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/breakingnews/regions/view/20100916-292614/268-rescued-in-anti-[CodeWord909] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord909)-driveDe-Lima

MANILA, Philippines – Over 200 victims of [CodeWord908] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord908), including at least 15 minors, were rescued Wednesday night during an inter-agency operation in Angeles City in Pampanga, Justice Secretary Leila de Lima said on Thursday.

De Lima said that the 268 women and minors were discovered to be working at the establishments identified as Camelot, Dirty Duck and Forbidden City.

De Lima said the owners and managers of these establishments would face charges.

“This is a breakthrough in our anti-[human] trafficking initiatives,” De Lima said.

The US State Department's 2010 report on [CodeWord908] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord908) has retained the Philippines in its “Tier 2 watchlist rank.”

The Philippines may lose some $250 million in aid from the US if it fails to improve its conviction rate against human traffickers.

The Angeles City raid was described by De Lima as a “very big operation” that was planned for several weeks.

Those involved in the operations were the National Bureau of Investigation, the Philippine National Police, the Department of Interior and Local Government, and the Inter-Agency Council Against Trafficking, which is headed by the Justice Department

So the pressure will be on for awhile ... they have to make example out of AC to prove they are doing something .. i think it will be more raids in the coming months ... The country needs that aid money and beside all the payoffs that will satisfy .... and one raid is not going to convince the USA that they have cleaned up their act

09-22-10, 02:14
Damn! I'm booked for AC in early October. Any advice on whether I should try to bail out. DAMN. Just paid the hotel reservation. Damn.


Why the sudden bail out?

09-22-10, 04:22
My first post with a problem. Made a very big mistake and sent twice some money via Western Union to a pregnant bargirl just to help her. I felt so pity for the girl. Now she is demanding more, otherwise she will inform my family about the previous transfers! Although I did not tell her my surname or my home address I am wondering if she could trace back these details with the Western Union people in Angeles. I am getting nervous and wonder if that would be really possible, or is there any privacy policy at Western Union I can rely on? Has anybody some information about that?

She already knows your name and address. Once you send money through western union, you get a confirmed reciept with a MTCN number. You need to send this reciept to her and she takes the copy to the western union office to claim the money. Without this reciept western union office will not give her money. You can block out your name and address in the reciept and send her. I do not know if you did that. These days once you have the name and address it is not diffuicult to find phone numer even if it is listed as private.
Having said all these Phi girls only threaten but rarely take action to harm you unless you live in Phi. She does not want Police to knock on her door in case you are connected and complain. If you are not the father of the child, you have nothing to worry about. If you are the father take care of your responsibility and do the right thing. Send money.
How can she contact your family? your e mail is checked only by you right?
Google your name and see what info comes up.
It is also possile for the girl to get your info from Western union office guy. People in Phi can be manipulated.
Honestly do not get scared and do not reply to her mail. If she does something threaten to call the police in her hometown.

Red Kilt
09-22-10, 05:52
Use LBC Instant Padala instead, especially if you are in the Philippines.

The money can be picked up at any LBC office.

You just need her valid name and that's all - no address needed.

I use a fake name. I have actually used D.Duck as my name in sending money to a relative who needed some urgent assistance, although of course I could have used my real name but I wanted to test the system. The LBC guy didn't bat an eyelid - just typed D. Duck on the receipt.

Pay about 60 php for the first 1000php and it gets cheaper if you send more.

Text the code number on the receipt to the recipient, and the recipient picks up the cash a few minutes later

09-22-10, 07:12
Damn! I'm booked for AC in early October. Any advice on whether I should try to bail out. DAMN. Just paid the hotel reservation. Damn.


To your comment on hotel bookings, assuming you cannot change your plans, an alternative is to come to Angeles, use up your deposit (assuming it is a minimal deposit, otherwise you have been ripped off, most hotels can't charge a deposit), book a flight on Cebu Pacific (Clark to Bangkok), very cheap flights right now, and go to Pattaya or stay in Bangkok.

09-22-10, 07:30
Well, let's hope for the best!Since none of us know where this is going, that's all we can do.

Maybe because I've seen a lot of crackdowns come and go over the years, I'm not wringing my hands yet (nor canceling my next trip). This is clearly bigger than the usual Policemen's Annual Fund-Raising Drive. But nobody has said that they want to close down the town, the way Lim did in Ermita 20 years ago. It appears to be a cleanup, which is not necessarily a terrible thing. My guess is that there will still be plenty of pussy in AC for a good long while to come. But we just have to wait and see.

09-22-10, 08:08
i don't think the sky is falling quite yet. you notice that this is happening at the lowest of low season. give it a month or two . . . .

i've always been very pro angeles, even when changes and negative comments have been made by others. but what is happening now, is economically devastating to the bars in their ability to continue operations.

the tourist season last year was the worst in recent memory, 27 year veterans say the low season was the worst they've seen. the bars are not economically healthy. some like lewis grand who have attracted fresh investor money from off-shore make a big splash in their early days, but now with two bars closed, a third under threat with reduced customers, the realities of making a profit and paying the extortion money will sink into investors before they make continued contributions to maintain a loss making operation. for bars with continuing operations, without fresh seed money from offshore, the situation is equally bad.

most bars go to lengths to ensure their girls are 18 years or older, but it is very difficult to ensure girls with fake identification don't end up working. in most cases, the city ends up licensing these girls, so if a filipino government organization can't tell the girl is ****, how can the foreign bar owner. and generally these **** girls are 17, its not like there are a bunch of 12 year olds dancing on the stages. the 16 year olds are dancing nude on the stages of the filipino owned bars, owned by government officials. but those are not being raided.

tuesday of last week was the deadline for all the bars on fields and perimeter to begin making monthly payments to a lawyer (a shell conduit to the mayors office) based on the number of girls they had working. it was clearly stated if the bars wanted peace and freedom to operate they must make these payments. peace was defined as an end to armed raids and terrorizing the bar district. on wednesday, the day following the deadline, the raids occurred. lewis grand's group insists they made the payments, but were raided anyway. its not a coincidence the mayor is out of town, and his office's press release is in support of the raids. as part of this payment process, each bar was required to sign a code of conduct, which was approved by the mayor also. the raids at these bars began with police assets (foreigners) going in and taking a barfine. then **** girls were discovered. the mayor's letter to the bars on their closure sites the barfines as one of the reasons.

most of the girls have been released, some are still being held. those **** were transported to manila, reportedly with at least one mamasan. confirmation of what raided bars are being required to pay is not certain, but numbers in the millions of peso are being rumoured. the raids have two purposes, equally important, press for the american financial aid and extortion money from the bars.

raids have always been a part of the angeles scene, but the methods being used, the national press being given (describing the angeles strip as a central point of human trafficing), and most important the devastating impact on customer traffic, could very well kill the district.

suggest one will see the following in coming months: price increases at the bars to cover the additional costs of operation. continued raids, with high exposure, tv coverage and large numbers of people being detained. larger numbers of girls refusing to work in the bars, for a short time free lancing, eventually returning back to their provinces. bars closing in mass for periods of time, some going out of business. very difficult for customers to wade through the methods or rules imposed by the bars to protect themselves.

if one is on vacation, why put up with it. go to thailand.

09-22-10, 08:23
I've always been very pro Angeles, even when changes and negative comments have been made by others. But what is happening now, is economically devastating to the bars in their ability to continue operations.
If one is on vacation, why put up with it. Go to Thailand.

Hi, Matius:

First of all I want to thank you for your insights. You appear to have thought things through and you have also spent more time in AC than have I. Your views may well have some traction.

I would like to ask your opinion, if I may. I realize that the answer will require some speculation, but that is ok. I will be coming to the Phils on Oct 1 to conduct some other business in Manila. I was then planning on spending a 5-day vacation in Angeles during the first and second week of October. After seeing the news of the raids I have already booked a hotel in Pattaya as a backup, and it did not require deposit. A backup flight to BKK has not yet been booked as that requires money down, so I want to make a wise choice. I would prefer to spend 5 days in Angeles instead if it were worth the while, but it appears that it may not be.

So given the fact that I will be in Manila anyway, would you suggest that I take the risk and come to Angeles for that holiday, or just go straight from my meetings to the Manila airport and fly to Bangkok?

I am interested in what you will have to say, given the circumstances.


09-22-10, 09:04

All these reports about raids, crackdowns and girls being out of the bars. Makes me wanna stay home. However, I bought my tickets a few weeks ago, going to be there from Sept 29 till Oct 6.

The ironic thing is, I don't really need to go to AC. I am based in southern China, one hour's drive away from the infamous ChangPing, and other nearby places where the girls have better attitudes.

As I get enough action here in China, my reasons for going to AC are:
- the shows. Half-naked girls dancing on stage. In China, everything is behind closed doors. But it looks like the shows/dancing in AC may feature girls in their streetclothes now...aaaaaarrrrrrggghhh!!!
- change of pace from the usual Chinese girls
- drinking. You can drink in a KTV, or in one of those open air BBQ places in China. But it's just not the same as drinking in a bar.
- to be out of China during the national holiday here

I am meeting up with a couple of AC vetarans who have assured me that pussy can still be had in AC.

So, things will magically get better in a week's time, right?

Red Kilt
09-22-10, 09:37
Hi, Matius:

So given the fact that I will be in Manila anyway, would you suggest that I take the risk and come to Angeles for that holiday, or just go straight from my meetings to the Manila airport and fly to Bangkok?

I am interested in what you will have to say, given the circumstances.


I thought your question was a bit redundant Raz, given what he has said in his post?????
Burgos in Manila is still going well. Rogues is still jumping. Havana still has the regulars. EDSA has more girls than punters. Do your business in Manila for a few days, have fun and then go to Bkk

09-22-10, 12:02
BF, I tried to send you a PM, but it appears that you are not paid member.

I have a solution to your problem, and if you can PM me, I will tell you how to solve it..


09-22-10, 13:38
Damn! I'm booked for AC in early October. Any advice on whether I should try to bail out. DAMN. Just paid the hotel reservation. Damn.

There is no need to panic at this time. The bars will be open for business for some time. But if the raids is a common occurance I am sure many will close up shop and move. The bars make most of the money from drinks and barfine. Bars have very high upkeep charges. I cannot imagine the electricity bill with all the lights and air con.
They have to pay money per day to individual workers. If because of all the publicity the punters stay away half the bars will close down. Half the girls will go somewhere or back to their provinces. The bars in manila are filled capacity anyway and I do not think they can get jobs there. Besides Manila is expensive to live. In AC many stay in the dorm style house provided by the bars and it is cheap.
Expensive hotels like ABC will close down also if the tourist mongers are not there. It will have a big impact on many businesses along fields.
I am sure the mayor does not want anything happen to AC. Without a cash cow what good is it for him? I think there are higher authorities than him calling the shots. They want a piece of the pie.
The attraction of AC is simple. The whole balibago area is like a brothel with fixed prices. There is no need for awkward negotiations like Pattaya. One barfine includes all. I have barfined literally more than hundred girls and was given sex 100% of the time. Some good, some going through the motion, some runners, some asking for a big tip, some want money for mother in hospital, buffallo sick etc but they all opened their legs and let me have it my way. I have travelled all over the world and there is no other place where you can get young GFE types who speak english for one low price which includes all.
Really sorry to see it all go down if it happens.

09-22-10, 16:37
I am sure the mayor does not want anything happen to AC. Without a cash cow what good is it for him?

AC is much much bigger than Fields and I suspect money from malls, property development, roads, etc. far outweigh the bars, and of course the bars also prejudice other development.

09-22-10, 17:56
She already knows your name and address. Once you send money through western union, you get a confirmed reciept with a MTCN number. You need to send this reciept to her and she takes the copy to the western union office to claim the money. Without this reciept western union office will not give her money.Thank God I did not send any paper to her! The number was good enough for her to collect the cash! And fortunately I used Yahoo Mail with my nickname only. So the only things she knows is my first name and my nationality! I really hope that Western Union will not disclose any personal details. Today I got another mail from her: "I will tell a cousin that the baby is from you and he will contact a lawyer so that the lawyer can contact your embassy"! Shit, I am getting really nervous now!"

Gangles: I tried to pm you, but it does not work. I would be most interested to read any proposal to solve this problem!

09-22-10, 19:15
AC is much much bigger than Fields and I suspect money from malls, property development, roads, etc. far outweigh the bars, and of course the bars also prejudice other development.I'm sure the legit business CLARK air base has brought in will bring in much more money than those bars ever did. They have major bizness opportunities on the base. It wouldn't surprise me that they want to reduce the footprint of the sex trade. So they don't become a Pattaya.

09-22-10, 20:33
I suspect money from malls, property development, roads, etc. far outweigh the barsI doubt if it's quite that black and white. The two are interrelated, and different barangay and different people have different interests. Remember, the bars were supposed to curl up and die when the U.S. left Clark. They carried on, and to some extent helped prime development of the whole area.

Yes, that dynamic is changing now, but I doubt if the mayor is going to wake up one morning anytime soon and decide that the bars have to go, like Gordon did in Olangapo. He's supported them in the past, and seems well aware of the role that overseas tourists and the expat population are still playing in AC.

What this latest crackdown means for the long-term future of the place, I don't think anyone knows yet. But these things tend to feel bigger and more threatening when you're in the middle of them than when you come out the other end. So let's hope we do come out the other end, and before too long.

09-22-10, 22:59
Hello to all,
I called my colleague today in Manila. Usually he is going every weekend to AC. Since 2 month he stops. He was there when ponytails got raid ast time. Its not funny when guys with mashine guns storm a bar jump to the stage and yelling around. You never know what those crazy MF´s doing.
Of course its kind of a farce when they play the big guys in the bar and when it comes to real action(talking about the hijack event in Manila) they act like dumb pussies...anyway I dont have much respect of those corrupted cops and army retards.
The problem AC have now, that it is not in the mayor hand to interfere. The trouble is that also some moral f..ckers from Manila dig their hands and we dont know where that will end.
There were scams and raids in the past and AC had survived. On the other hand, we never know. I remember in the 90´s they also had that shit with the EWR or barfine. They literally brought up 10 drinks and then the girl was alowed to live with you. Not sure if any of you guys remembered that one. Happend in Mistys....god that was a fun bar...had good memories about that one..and now? they put a f..ckn poker room there..I mean who the f..ck wants to fly over the Philippines to play cards? With Pinoys? ahahahahahha..you dont have any chance to win in a casino, but you have Zero chance to win in a Philippine place LOL..how retarded can one be to hope to win anything there..and if you do...you end up dead in a van(check the news of the killed koreans and pinoys who won on a cardagme before and found dead in their van).
I am stuck in business right now but I fly home (my home Philippines) end of next month, beginning November and then look at AC with my own eyes if it has changed or not. I dont want to see girls doing the AC shuffle with street clothes. I go to the big bars to see their shows, bodypainting, dancing, etc. I go to the small bars to flirt with the girls, have a good time, etc.
If that is not possible any more. I just have my fun in Manila or take my GF to Subic on the weekend. At least I have some beach there...mallwalking in AC..got the malls in Manila next to me.Golf? no thanks, to young for that one.
Guys, if the bars are gone, the money will be gone. The only thing I could imagine that it will be a freelance scene in Angeles citym but with all the setups by freelancers and then the cops around...no thanks. Aside from that, if a FL has to work on the streets and not at the bar, there has to be one reason, right?
On a good note. My friend told me that the small bars are pretty safe and ok. I am talking about perimeter. So if I would be in town right now, I would hit perimeter.
Hope things are going to be better soon for AC.


09-22-10, 23:09
Thank God I did not send any paper to her! The number was good enough for her to collect the cash! And fortunately I used Yahoo Mail with my nickname only. So the only things she knows is my first name and my nationality! I really hope that Western Union will not disclose any personal details. Today I got another mail from her: "I will tell a cousin that the baby is from you and he will contact a lawyer so that the lawyer can contact your embassy"! Shit, I am getting really nervous now!"

Tell her to go! Ask her if a rabbit runs through a brier patch how do you know which brier got it.

I did not say yesterday, but you posted today, it is not your baby, so that is good. If anyone get a girl pregnant do the right thing.


09-22-10, 23:15
Thank God I did not send any paper to her! The number was good enough for her to collect the cash! And fortunately I used Yahoo Mail with my nickname only. So the only things she knows is my first name and my nationality! I really hope that Western Union will not disclose any personal details. Today I got another mail from her: "I will tell a cousin that the baby is from you and he will contact a lawyer so that the lawyer can contact your embassy"! Shit, I am getting really nervous now!"

Gangles: I tried to pm you, but it does not work. I would be most interested to read any proposal to solve this problem!

Do not be worried. There is nothing a local lawyer can do. All paternities have to be proven by DNA and a court has to order support payments. Nobody can force you to do a DNA test. U.S embassy or any other embassy routinely ignore any claims of this nature unless you have committed violent crimes .
Imagine if the Embassy gets involved in petty issues they will e busy up to their necks.
I would just ignore her and cease all contact by e mail or otherwise. Soon she will give up. By the way it looks like you could be the father. These things do not get to this stage innocently by you just sending money to a girl to help her. There is more to this story than what you are implying. No girl ever gets this arrogant just because you sent her money.
Never go anywhere near AC. There is nothing she can do legally but she can easily hire goons to cause you harm. You are 100% safe in your country.

09-22-10, 23:25
Sad to see the current state. Hope it clears up very soon.

I have one month till my trip.

My guess is that if the mayor is blackmailing the businesses, that sooner or later he will get his. If a small website like this gets that info, I'm sure it will spread. And either the bars pay, or influence him another way. Hes lucky hes not in Mexico. He would of already been paid a visit.

But then if the mayor is taken out, I'm sure that wouldn't attact positive attention to AC either.

Well. Good Luck to AC

John Aldrich
09-23-10, 02:15
Thank God I did not send any paper to her! The number was good enough for her to collect the cash! And fortunately I used Yahoo Mail with my nickname only. So the only things she knows is my first name and my nationality! I really hope that Western Union will not disclose any personal details. Today I got another mail from her: "I will tell a cousin that the baby is from you and he will contact a lawyer so that the lawyer can contact your embassy"! Shit, I am getting really nervous now!"

Gangles: I tried to pm you, but it does not work. I would be most interested to read any proposal to solve this problem!

Just send her a polite mail stating that you helped her financially with good intention because she was a hungry pregnant woman Also state in the mail that she has taken advantage of the crumbs you threw at her and has resorted to blackmail. Hence, you are now reporting to your cousin brother who works in the FBi and he is taking it up with the Phillipines police authorities. They will be landing anytime at her door and will ask for a DNA test. And in the DNA test, if proven that she has had multiple partners and also if it is proven the kid is not yours, then she will be behind bars for 10 years.

This will surely go over her head and she will just stop. Second option is to just block her mail I'd and it will bounce back when she sends the mail to you. She will get the message strongly. She is just trying her luck, which normally the Fillipino girls do, when they land with a soft hearted guy. They just want to suck the money out. I recall about 4 years back a story in the Angeles city threAd, wherein a guy went crazy about being taken for a ride by a girl and he had made a huge emotional investment into her, only to realize that the girl was already married and so were her 5 sisters and all the 6 of them were into prostitution and extracting money out of vulnerable guys.

Just ignore her and move on. Don't respond to her mails. You will be fine


09-23-10, 06:53
Hello to all,
had good memories about that one..and now? they put a f..ckn poker room there..I mean who the f..ck wants to fly over the Philippines to play cards? With Pinoys? ahahahahahha..you dont have any chance to win in a casino, but you have Zero chance to win in a Philippine place LOL..how retarded can one be to hope to win anything there..and if you do...you end up dead in a van(check the news of the killed koreans and pinoys who won on a cardagme before and found dead in their van).

LOL ...You f**ckin nailed it Bro...I never understood why people even bother playing in PH casino's or for that matter even in Macau...Its a giant rip off...rip off does not even cover it what they do in Casino's in Asia.

Even if you win by any chance and really make some money...you end up dead or beaten up....thanks you brought this up..cos i was reluctant to point this out cos many folks play casinos here.

There was a Discovery channel program on two American guys taking up local martial arts lessons around the world, folks here must have seen some episodes as they re-run quite often as it was a popular show.

When the guys came to PH, they learned local Martial arts for few weeks and took up fight with a filipino martial arts champion to end the show...and these two guys have seen it all in Martial arts and they were tough dudes...they beat the filipino guy even and square with no question as to who would have won...but when the results came ..the Filipino guy miraculously won :) Din't they know it was a discovery channel show and the whole world would see how cunning their decision was....they just saved face.

The american guys knew they have won, but for the sake of show, they were more mature and respectful...it was like even if you knock me out in PH i still win :)

My point is, its not only in Casinos but in many areas of life in PH or India or Asia...its better..if you are a pussy and bail out from a tough decision.. believe me it will save life's

Red Kilt
09-23-10, 08:58
Guys, if the bars are gone, the money will be gone. The only thing I could imagine that it will be a freelance scene in Angeles citym but with all the setups by freelancers and then the cops around...no thanks. Aside from that, if a FL has to work on the streets and not at the bar, there has to be one reason, right...........

As has been said earlier, AC is a haven for low-budget mongers and the money they spend is just a blip on the radar for the authorities in Pampanga.

They are raking it in from jueteng (millions PER DAY) as well as all the freight and customs rates around DMIA not to mention incomes from the malls and other developments and businesses that are not on Fields or Perimeter.

I said on another thread that guys who think income from bars is a major percentage of any province's income (including Burgos or anywhere else) need to have a major rethink.
Even in Cebu, the 5-star ultra expensive luxury hotels on Mactan including the new Korean-owned palace are running high occupancies and none of those guests are propping up the bars in Mango Avenue.

Don't get carried away that too many people in authority will miss the demise of the AC bars. I am not WISHING it on anyone; I am just suggesting that they are NOT a major source of income, and if they bring a bad name to an area both locally and internationally then they will be the first to go.

09-23-10, 09:33
Do not be worried. There is nothing a local lawyer can do. All paternities have to be proven by DNA and a court has to order support payments. Nobody can force you to do a DNA test. U.S embassy or any other embassy routinely ignore any claims of this nature... You are 100% safe in your country.Is that really certain? I am scared like hell and can't even sleep! Have no idea what tricks else they could play!

Many thanks for your comforting words!

09-23-10, 11:44
just my two cents.
Take a look at AC how it was 10 years ago and now..since more bars were built, more hotels came up, apartments, another mall, then another bigger mall. Do you think those places where built if there wouldnt be foreigner and foreign money coming to town?
AC bars and business contribute 1/3 of the money, B.I.R., they city makes. There are some huge investments made. If this stops, AC will stop and soon its going to be back to stoneage.
Then they can do some exiting things as calabao races, cockfights..lets see if that attracts foreign investment..or expat from Manila going there. Guess not.
With all the crime happend there to foreigners recently AC foreign residents will think twice to stay there..if no bars and crime is on the rise (cause what you think will happened to all the hookers who lose their jobs, guards, etc...where could they work? who will give them work?ZERO)so with all those things who might occur in the future..who knows what AC will be like if no more bars exists. Expat will leave. Money will be gone. Malls will be gone too. Investment will be gone. Look at La Union/San Fernando. Once the money was gone, the place was a dessert. Hence, they even dont have a 7/11 over there...and the mall...LOL...what a joke..hotels worn out, no bars...nothing...just some old guys playing cricket on the afternoon..well...not my cup of tea.
I dont want to blackpaint AC. I love AC,but be sure that AC will come to an end if the bars are gone. Ok, there is the casino, so for asians, japanese or koreans who wants to play cards and play some rounds of Golf its nice to do this in AC. But you have the casino also in Manila. Then you have the asian-korean-japanese KTV places just nearby. So after a day on the golf yard and after an evening spending your money in a casino, those guys also like to barhop and have some fun..so what if there isnt any fun any more? You think they will hop on a van drive 2 to 3 hours to Manila? No, they just skip AC and head direct to Manila, cause they have all the fun right there (not my cup of tea of course).
Again, if the bars are gone, AC will be gone. Why going there? To see Mt. Ayat? No beaches in AC. Foreigners get killed, robbed, etc. Police scams.
I would even go a bit farer...about what will happen to their plans to have a new international airport. I mean what for? Why fly there if the entertainment strip is gone with the NPA rebels just around the corner in the mountains nearby, this is also no good to promote motorcycle tours over there.
As long as moral apostels from Manila involve in this, I am a bit worried about the future of Angeles city. We all know that pinoys dont act business alike. They hardheaded with a double morality. If they decide to close AC down, then they will do that.No matter what the consequences it will bring to the region.
With regards to this ass..le Mayor Lim, who also brought down bars in Ermita, you could see that "those hypocrates" dont give a flying f..ck what they do. They wealthy and they dont care..
Dont forget that Philippines is a 4th world country with 4th world decision makers. I work with pinoys every day. Trust me, I know what I am talking.

However, I hope everything will be ok for AC.


Red Kilt
09-23-10, 13:55
Dont forget that Philippines is a 4th world country with 4th world decision makers. I work with pinoys every day. Trust me, I know what I am talking.

However, I hope everything will be ok for AC.


I have been working here with Pinoys for the past 14 years Blink.
I would never use the words you use - "trust me I know what I am talking about" - even if I think I know.

Anyway - I agree with your sentiments - "I hope everything will be ok for AC"

Member #4698
09-23-10, 14:02
I just heard that Las Vegas and Agasay bars got raided last night. If this report is substantiated it is very bad news because it indicates a paradigm shift among the powers that be. I still think it is too early to write off AC, but this raises the alarm status from moderate to serious.

My advice for those planning on travel to AC in October and November is: find an alternative like Manila, Cebu, Sabang, or LOS.

For those planning on travel to AC in December you should have a backup plan just in case, but it is too early to cancel IMO.

For those planning on travel to AC in early 2011 (like myself) let’s wait and see what happens. If the PI elites fuck up the Christmas season for AC, then forget about AC. It’s over. A few days ago I thought this possibility was small, but it is getting more likely with each new raid.

09-23-10, 15:30
i have been working here with pinoys for the past 14 years blink.
i would never use the words you use - "trust me i know what i am talking about" - even if i think i know.

anyway - i agree with your sentiments - "i hope everything will be ok for ac"
no offense rk, i am also working in the phils and what i learned is that you never know what will happened. if you think things will be going this way, then it will go the other way. regarding ac, i have some bad feelings now, since this involves also manila politicians and moral preachers. i am a bit concerned about things going on over there. my expat friends told me last year, lets party, you never know if this is the last time that things are like that. i only know that if the bars are gone, the foreigners and with them their buying power, investments, etc. are gone too. i am a big ac fan, i really like the place and i am looking forward to go back there end of next month, but from what i hear and what i see and i am not talking what is in the news i am talking what people tell me who actually are there right now i am, well....a bit concerned and i hope it will end soon.
about lv and agasya, its korean owned, so i dont mind lol and i have to say also, that mostly asians prefer young girls, cherry girls and all those bs. so i wonder how many **** they will detect.
if the cops looking for **** girls, they should raid their pinoy bars, ktv places, etc. i am pretty sure those places employ **** girls, but because mainly politicians have a stake in those joints, they not get raided that often.


09-23-10, 19:23

I think your assesment is a little off. I don't believe the mall was built to accomodate the numbers of foreigner or due to the bars. Robinson mall which was the only mall besides going downtown was very small and basically non essential. The mall was built due to the fact of the huge call centers and other business which are on clark and are still developing.

The bars and small number of hotels is a drop in the bucket compared to what CLark is contributing to the city.,

With pressure from the SERIOUS busines players (which by any business standard would be bad for business) and the pressure from the US about the sex trade. While they might not get rid of it completely. They will definitely want it to shrink before they let it grow bigger and rauchier. It will probably be reduced to a level that would make it more acceptable to both. And not completely wiped out but greatly reduced and forced to be tamer. I. E. No body paint. Or nudity what so ever. IMHO


CLARK FREEPORT— Despite the on-going global financial crunch and the soaring prices of fuel, authorities in this Freeport are still optimistic that exporters will breach the $1-billion before the end of the year target as exporting firms posted close to quarter of billions of dollar export output in the first semester of 2010.

Export industry in Clark has recently been noted by the Department of Trade and Industry to be one of the prime economic boosters in Central Luzon following a strong export last year that contributes to economic development.

The Central Luzon region usually ranks 3rd among the 16 regions including NCR in terms of export receipts due to the presence of a number of economic zones in Subic, Pampanga and Tarlac provinces.

it is CDC’s performance as a development corporation that will determine the Freeport’s success. It is imperative that the development in Clark continue to elevate the lives of the thousands of people gainfully employed in the zone, along with their families.”

He added: “A resurgent Clark Freeport Zone is merely the start. Clark proposes to be the catalyst for regional, if not national, economic development. Hence, CDC shall continue with its parallel development program which aims to uplift the standards of business in the area.”

09-24-10, 00:57
I just heard that Las Vegas and Agasay bars got raided last night. If this report is substantiated it is very bad news because it indicates a paradigm shift among the powers that be. I still think it is too early to write off AC, but this raises the alarm status from moderate to serious.

For those planning on travel to AC in early 2011 (like myself) let’s wait and see what happens. If the PI elites fuck up the Christmas season for AC, then forget about AC. It’s over. A few days ago I thought this possibility was small, but it is getting more likely with each new raid.You gotta feel a bit sorry for those guys that have an apartment there, and their entire retired lifestyle ( or lack thereof) is built around the AC bars and chasing pussy etc. Bet theres a surge in Google hits on Pattaya right now.

09-24-10, 06:01
Is that really certain? I am scared like hell and can't even sleep! Have no idea what tricks else they could play!

Many thanks for your comforting words!You're going thru a freak out period, happens to everyone, they're no fun to say the least. 9 out of 10 times you're just punishing yourself for nothing. When the bummer obsession starts in your mind, you have to say (verbally), Out! Out! Out Out Out! That usually does it for me, then grab on to another thought quick. It works pretty good. You'll be your old self again before you know it, and a lot smarter too.

09-24-10, 07:37
Hi, Matius:

First of all I want to thank you for your insights. You appear to have thought things through and you have also spent more time in AC than have I. Your views may well have some traction.

I would like to ask your opinion, if I may. I realize that the answer will require some speculation, but that is ok. I will be coming to the Phils on Oct 1 to conduct some other business in Manila. I was then planning on spending a 5-day vacation in Angeles during the first and second week of October. After seeing the news of the raids I have already booked a hotel in Pattaya as a backup, and it did not require deposit. A backup flight to BKK has not yet been booked as that requires money down, so I want to make a wise choice. I would prefer to spend 5 days in Angeles instead if it were worth the while, but it appears that it may not be.

So given the fact that I will be in Manila anyway, would you suggest that I take the risk and come to Angeles for that holiday, or just go straight from my meetings to the Manila airport and fly to Bangkok?

I am interested in what you will have to say, given the circumstances.


Right now, Cebu Pacific is offerring 1500 ($34 U.S) peso one way flights from Clark (airport in Angeles) to Bangkok. That is less than the cost of a hire car from Manila to Angeles--one way. I suppose equivalent deals may be had out of manila.

If you come to Angeles in the time frame you suggest, I have no doubt you will get laid multiple times by multiple women. So many girls working the street now, at the very least. It is highly possible if you come during the time frame you suggest, you will have an excellent time, party at the bars and be glad you decided to visit. BUT it is equally possible that the raids will continue, that on your five day vacation, bars are shutting down to avoid raids, that fear is to such a great degree, even the suggestion of sex for money in the bars creates confusion and suspicion. I think there is only a small chance, you as an individual will get caught up in a raid, you would have to be in a certain bar, at just the right time, and assume even if that happened that you were selected to be detained. So consider that risk minimal. The greater risk is just having your good time impeded by a bunch of bull shit. So the question comes, for approx. $100 U.S. for the flights, everything expense wise being equal, do you want to come to a destination that could pose a less than satisfactory experience, or go to a destination that the girls will be naked on stage, the party will go all night, and you can pretty much do as you please without risk.

09-24-10, 07:54
I just heard that Las Vegas and Agasay bars got raided last night. If this report is substantiated it is very bad news because it indicates a paradigm shift among the powers that be. I still think it is too early to write off AC, but this raises the alarm status from moderate to serious.

My advice for those planning on travel to AC in October and November is: find an alternative like Manila, Cebu, Sabang, or LOS.

For those planning on travel to AC in December you should have a backup plan just in case, but it is too early to cancel IMO.

For those planning on travel to AC in early 2011 (like myself) let’s wait and see what happens. If the PI elites fuck up the Christmas season for AC, then forget about AC. It’s over. A few days ago I thought this possibility was small, but it is getting more likely with each new raid.

There were no raids last night. Some might confuse raids with inspectors coming in, or station 4 police coming in. These guys are into all the bars. The raids we speak of are the ones with M16 machine guns, swat teams, busses to cart off all the staff, the bar being closed, extortion sums being demanded. Last night was quite. The night before, rumours abounded on impending raids. Champaign group decided to close their group of bars for the night based on that rumour (word was they won a significant judgement in their pending case on the raid of Camelot, don't know the truth of that). All rumours aside that night, there were no raids either.

Historically, Friday nights are desirable raid nights, because the courts are closed over the weekend and they can hold and terrorize their detainees all week end before the lawyers can get into court. So we will see what happens tonight.

09-24-10, 08:24
AC is much much bigger than Fields and I suspect money from malls, property development, roads, etc. far outweigh the bars, and of course the bars also prejudice other development.

The income generated from pure bar business, I would agree with your statement 100%. But one has to look at the infrastructure and lure of the bars that brings consumers.

Expats moving here. Let's face it, Angeles City, as a city, is a shit hole. Living here, with the rip offs, inflated prices to foreigners, bad attitude of so many, in itself is not fun. Guys retire and live here for the girls, there is a huge expat community and their living expenses and housing pump great sums of money into the local economy. I can't imagine anyone, wanting to live in the Philippines, would choose Angeles City if it did not have the bars and girls.

The bars, hotels, restaurants, primarily supported by tourists, pump huge sums of money into the local economy. From San Miguel beer sales, to laundry, to ice, trike drivers, dvd sales, grocery sales, the list goes on and on. So while correct the bars in themselves don't create a huge revenue, the associated infrastructure does generate huge amounts of consumerism.

The "grey" businesses in Angeles are the targets for black money to the politicians and police. They can't go to SM mall and demand extortion payments, for what? The Filipino business people either won't pay or can't pay. Eliminating the bars, eliminates a huge source of black money to the government officials, which on a city economy is insignificant, but to the individual government official is significant.

So all this would suggest that Fields will continue. That is an assumption based on an intelligence and business sense, none of which exists here. If you suggest to a Filipino that you will give them 10 peso today or 20 peso tomorrow, they will take the 10 peso today. The mayor tells people he wants Fields to become a Las Vegas or Pattaya, then launches and supports massive raids, puts them on the television with machine guns, swat officers, pushing around tourists, putting guns in their face, press releases on "Rescuing" 200 plus girls from Angeles city bars on [CodeWord908] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord908). One can say its all politics and U.S. government aid issues, but what it does to tourism one would not see in Las Vegas or Pattaya. The mayor has come out in active support of the raids, the police units used were all from the Angeles city area, and the prosecution of the raided bars is being handled out of the Pampanga district (Angeles City is part of that district). Talk to tourists coming here, seeing the situation, they ask why would anyone do this, in this manner. It lacks any business or common sense. Yes, welcome to Angeles City.

09-24-10, 09:52
You gotta feel a bit sorry for those guys that have an apartment there, and their entire retired lifestyle ( or lack thereof) is built around the AC bars and chasing pussy etc. Bet theres a surge in Google hits on Pattaya right now.

You are right freebie.....I don't agree with whatever Thai King Bhumigol does with his country...But with regards to nightlife...he is no pushover or take crap from moral brigades etc....

There is also corruption in Pattaya ... bribes, tea money etc etc to police and politicians....BUT they never seems to mix business with morality and god :)

I think we should all offer a return ticket to Lim and Pnoy to Pattaya to show them hows its really done...and that its ok with gogobars etc :)

09-24-10, 12:05
You're going thru a freak out period, happens to everyone, they're no fun to say the least. 9 out of 10 times you're just punishing yourself for nothing. When the bummer obsession starts in your mind, you have to say (verbally), Out! Out! Out Out Out! That usually does it for me, then grab on to another thought quick. It works pretty good. You'll be your old self again before you know it, and a lot smarter too.Good hint! Hope other guys are smarter than I because I do not wish anybody such an unpleasant situation. I have learned my lesson and will not send any money to somebody anymore. And Mr Sammon is right, who knows who the real father is if a bargirl had a couple of customers within one week. Even if a child is at the end of the day half white it could be from whomever who had barfined her. Maybe even the girl has no clue. Can that be? Sorry that I bother you with my problems!

Red Kilt
09-24-10, 12:19
.....................The bars, hotels, restaurants, primarily supported by tourists, pump huge sums of money into the local economy. From San Miguel beer sales, to laundry, to ice, trike drivers, dvd sales, grocery sales, the list goes on and on. So while correct the bars in themselves don't create a huge revenue, the associated infrastructure does generate huge amounts of consumerism.

I think the hyperbole you are using in your post (words like "huge sums", "huge amounts") is just not true Matius, not when you consider that most guys who go to AC do so for low-cost happy hours and very cheap EWRs, and even then they do sneak-outs etc. In other words, most (not all) but most mongers who go to AC don't spend very much at all.

Even if 200 mongers spent 2000 USD over a 2 week period, that is still only 16 - 20 M pesos over 2 weeks. The amount of money spent DAILY on jueteng alone in and around the area is equivalent to this sum.

It is the revenue generated across the Clark import and export zones that is "huge".

Bar revenues and the money spent by monger tourists is a drop in the bucket.

I think what will happen is that the bars will become compressed into a relatively small section of Fields, and they will become well-policed and cordoned off from the mainstream areas (a bit like Burgos Street is in Manila).


09-24-10, 15:42
Hi guys,

I agree to all whats said here about AC bars where the real money comes from and that Clark Freeport zone is also big, etc. etc.
but what they guys do after their work in CLark? Yes they go barhop LOL. Same as the pilots, they also there. Texas instruments and all the other guys working there. They all spend their cash on girls in AC. All the expats living there. 5000? not sure about the right figure? 2000? have to do some research how many army/military retired live in AC, how many of the invest in property, hotels, restaurants bars. How many new business grow up every day to cater for the foreigners?
It all starts with US, foreigners and the bars. Write the bars off, write the money off.
If no more bars in AC I as an expat will just go to see other pussy. My 40 or 50k I spent there in a month for hotel and pussy on weekends will go somewhere else. Same as the money from other guys coming over from Manila, SUbic or elsewhere to have a good time in AC. DOnt forget that the working girls invest their money also right back into the country, buying clothes, sending their siblings to school, buying their pinoy bf a new motor LOL.
Think about this all. We are also talking about investments. I dont see much new investments for Ermita, Manila or Malata. SUre they have still their conferences and hotel have bookings, but most of them arre worn out. I see nothing new, except the new Hyatt built some years ago.
Manila is dead. Its lively around Pasay with all their rip off KTV bars and yes Koreans and Japanese have their fun too, but think back how it was until Lim closed all down..and then look at it how it is today..

Happy weekend to all!


09-25-10, 01:03
Hi guys,

I agree to all whats said here about AC bars where the real money comes from and that Clark Freeport zone is also big, etc. Etc.

But what they guys do after their work in CLark? Yes they go barhop LOL. Same as the pilots, they also there. Texas instruments and all the other guys working there. They all spend their cash on girls in AC. All the expats living there. 5000? Not sure about the right figure? 2000? Have to do some research how many army/military retired live in AC, how many of the invest in property, hotels, restaurants bars. How many new business grow up every day to cater for the foreigners?

It all starts with US, foreigners and the bars. Write the bars off, write the money off.

If no more bars in AC I as an expat will just go to see other pussy. My 40 or 50k I spent there in a month for hotel and pussy on weekends will go somewhere else. Same as the money from other guys coming over from Manila, SUbic or elsewhere to have a good time in AC. Don't forget that the working girls invest their money also right back into the country, buying clothes, sending their siblings to school, buying their pinoy bf a new motor LOL.

Think about this all. We are also talking about investments. I don't see much new investments for Ermita, Manila or Malata. SUre they have still their conferences and hotel have bookings, but most of them arre worn out. I see nothing new, except the new Hyatt built some years ago.

Manila is dead. Its lively around Pasay with all their rip off KTV bars and yes Koreans and Japanese have their fun too, but think back how it was until Lim closed all down. And then look at it how it is today.

Happy weekend to all!

BlinkMost of the workers are philippino. And you don't see them frequenting the fields bars. Billions flow in from Clark. Most of these bars generate nothing compared to one company on Clark. And they have more coming. They have major Korean investments coming in. Not only in Subic but for Clark also. Its wishful thinking on your part that you would think any country or city or politician woulld really want to fight for a sex zone when they stand to lose major investment from big business/USA funding.

Especially in a catholic country where it is definitely frowned upon. Its just gotten too big and too noticeable worlwide. Even Tijuana zona isn't as big and they still have 3 major military bases next door in San Diego. I don't think there is another predominately Catholic country which has a sex zone as big. Thats why the economics doesn't matter as you have seen with Ermita.

I don't think it will go away completely, it will probably remain the size or reduced a bit, with changes to the way they operate. As it operated before. No body painting or partial nudity (see thru tops) whch are a relatively new occurance. They used to dress in sexy attire like a 2 piece bathing suit. Not even thongs.

Its bigger than the mayor. He's a small man in the big scheme of things.

Asia Smiles
09-25-10, 02:18
Left AC three weeks ago before all these raids happened and would give anything to be back in AC right now, or perhaps just in the Philippines. Sure there is calamity on everyone's mind but one thing is for sure no matter what happens there will always be an overabundance of available and willing pussy to help you spend your money and maybe it's better the bar (middle man) is constrained. Not one bar will dare raise their EWR, not now anyway. Filipinos are amazingly creative when it comes to getting to your money. What choice do they have. If they really wanted to eradicate the gray business, it could be done, but why would they kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. In any event if you are a foreigner with your shit together you are guaranteed to find pussy in the Philippines and this is probably the best time to witness first hand the shift in bar tactics the needyness of girls looking for money.

No argument though that as in any well developed mongering zone, Singapore, Amsterdam, Nevada, that the powers will want to control the trade so revenue is maximized. Just don't think these guys can pull it off since the in the Philippines everyone is looking for money.

09-25-10, 02:27
Anyone heard of or been to these bars in AC?

Forbidden Planet and Sharks, not sure where these places are located in AC (fields or perimeter) and if they are the multi-tier BF bars.

09-25-10, 02:53

All these reports about raids, crackdowns and girls being out of the bars. Makes me wanna stay home. However, I bought my tickets a few weeks ago, going to be there from Sept 29 till Oct 6.

The ironic thing is, I don't really need to go to AC. I am based in southern China, one hour's drive away from the infamous ChangPing, and other nearby places where the girls have better attitudes.

As I get enough action here in China, my reasons for going to AC are:
- the shows. Half-naked girls dancing on stage. In China, everything is behind closed doors. But it looks like the shows/dancing in AC may feature girls in their streetclothes now...aaaaaarrrrrrggghhh!!!
- change of pace from the usual Chinese girls
- drinking. You can drink in a KTV, or in one of those open air BBQ places in China. But it's just not the same as drinking in a bar.
- to be out of China during the national holiday here

I am meeting up with a couple of AC vetarans who have assured me that pussy can still be had in AC.

So, things will magically get better in a week's time, right?

Sorry Wadman,
I don't think one week will change anything at the moment. I suspect this will linger on or get worse as times go by. I remember the old days in Manila that had this same similar situation. A ******* mayor (Mayor Lim of Manila) decided to do raids on all the nice little bars in Ermita/Malate. This area of Manila back then was very similar to what AC or Pattaya was like now. Many bars with Cheap booze and women. Mayor Lim kept the raids and pressure on the bars for months until they all folded up and to this day have never recovered. Only time will tell if AC will be greatly affected and to what degree.

On the other hand, AC have so many bars at this time, there will be some bar closings when you arrive but anything remaining open should be more than enough to get by on.


09-25-10, 07:05
Good hint! Hope other guys are smarter than I because I do not wish anybody such an unpleasant situation. I have learned my lesson and will not send any money to somebody anymore. And Mr Sammon is right, who knows who the real father is if a bargirl had a couple of customers within one week. Even if a child is at the end of the day half white it could be from whomever who had barfined her. Maybe even the girl has no clue. Can that be? Sorry that I bother you with my problems!Hey, No problem bro. You had a good reason to flip-out a little, it's natures way of getting us to, "watch the fuck out". Unless you stay home and watch tv every night, shit happens. Have Fun Now, (because that's the only thing that makes sense).

Cheers Bro

09-25-10, 08:44
16-Sep, 5:37PM: Scene outside of Dirty Duck complete with video cam.

Larger group fronting Forbidden City (photo unavailable).

09-25-10, 12:06
I am currently in AC, and there is plenty of pussy around. So far, I had no difficulty at all to get what I wanted. Sometimes, I had to be a little bit flexible and meet the girl only outside the bar (again). But with the closure of 3 bars, there are still plenty of other bars. And there are only few punters around. So, even there might be fewer girls than usual and even it takes a bit longer to find the good choice, the scene is not dried out.

I would be a bit cautious if there is or are filipino man or men in the bar. As we learned, this is the way they started the raid: a filipino inspector sitting there and taking pictures for "evidence". So, if I see a filipino man in a bar, I go to the next one. There are enough others.

And as as side remark: virtually all Fields bars have no a sign "no photos, no videos, no cameras, no mobile phone cameras" or similar. In the past, it was no problem to take pictures in the bars (as opposed e.g. to Pattaya where this was not allowed for long already). But now, with the tricks of the inspectors, the bars are reluctant - with good reason, I believe.

In some places, the girls might be reluctant if we want to inspect their assets in the public. In some other bars, they have no problem.

I do not want to speculate about the future of AC. But a short calculation with the average number of punters, their daily spending (i.e. the money that flows into AC due to the available pussy), proves easily that the total inflow of money is probably less than other industries. So, the question remains: how much are the other industries (e.g. Korean investments) attracted by the fact that cheap pussy is available. Since Asian employees and managers are often deployed without their families, the companies might want to invest in a place, where their staff feels happy. I am not sure about this indirect effect. But one thing is for sure: where there is demand there is also supply. No government in the world has been able to stop this simple rule. Just the form is different - more or less visible.


... now going out to find more pussy...

09-25-10, 12:29
hi to all,

i think we can go back and forth about ac bars. for me its clear, if the bars are gone, the money will be gone also. look at ac 20 years ago. a dump, a sh..hole, right? look at it now. why do they invest there? because its full of avaible pussy. so i would say, if the bars are gone, the pussy will be gone, the foreigners will be gone,the money will be gone and the investment will be gone.
people who live there like me, dont have any problem to find what they like. its just that if you come over to the weekend you dont want to see a f..ckn cop interrupting your piece of mind while having a cold san miguel or having fun at barhop. if you live there, you get chosy if it comes to girls, while you have plenty of gf´s you can just txt to come over. you or at least i, go there for the weekend, to have some nice food, walk around, no need to drive from one point to another, get away from manila traffic and pollution, meet expats, chit chat, in other words go there to relax.
what i dont need on my weekends are some f..ckn moral hypocrates making video and photos as an "evidence". those same mf´s [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) their **** sisters or cousing with 12 or so, or become priest to f..ck the servants in the ass..sorry, but i have to vomit if i read about the fkcn double morality of the pinoys.
philippines has to offer pussy and beaches. if the pussy is gone , i can have the beach somewhere else (including pussy) same as in thailand.
i work in manila, so the last thing i want for the weekend is to see my face somewhere in one of their shows for the retarded ones as in "the buzz" or with that little piggy ugly bakla dwarf from "im imbestigator".
thanks no thanks.
happy weekend to all!


09-25-10, 16:10
sorry wadman,
i don't think one week will change anything at the moment. i suspect this will linger on or get worse as times go by. i remember the old days in manila that had this same similar situation. a ******* mayor (mayor lim of manila) decided to do raids on all the nice little bars in ermita/malate. this area of manila back then was very similar to what ac or pattaya was like now. many bars with cheap booze and women. mayor lim kept the raids and pressure on the bars for months until they all folded up and to this day have never recovered. only time will tell if ac will be greatly affected and to what degree.

on the other hand, ac have so many bars at this time, there will be some bar closings when you arrive but anything remaining open should be more than enough to get by on.

law of supply and demand determines the price. if there are few bars with fewer available women the barfines will be on par with makati + you need to pay separate for sex. right now there are lots of bars on fields and outlying areas where pussy is cheap. practically all bars including local karaoke/videoke places are crawling with women. it is an experience hanging out with local guys in videoke place. very relaxed and friendly. just do not go alone. i had a local gf. i do not think it is a good idea to take girls from there as many seemed to look ****. however they are willing. the barfine quoted was 800 pesos i believe. did not dare take any girls from there but it was a night with fun in a no frills environment and the drink is cheap. there was no pressure to buy drinks to anybody. couple of times we bought drinks to others were immediately reciprocated by them or the owner buying us drinks. besides they had good finger food.
now back to the discussion. if there are any more raids and closing i am sure most of the punters stay away. what good is a glitzy bar without customers? right now all the bars are well kept. if they are not maintained and stinky who would want to go.
next thing to close will be the hotels. there are no real classy restaurents in there so no worry. however the priced for food will be reduced to keep the locals and expats who live there coming back.
i know i spend minimum4000-5000 pesos a night not counting hotel charges. barhopping,barfines, food, disco, tips etc costs money. multiply this with hundreds or more people who come there any given day. how can a entertainment district survive without all this money.
most of the industries will be there for cheap labor. they will not replace the money lost by closing the entertainment district.
if phi government is smart they should rock the boat. ofcourse some restrictions about no **** girls , no nudity etc should be enforced. not by raids which looks more like a terrorist operation than a simple raid on a bar. if they would have handled the same kind of operation on the bus hijacker quite a few lives could have been saved.

09-25-10, 17:18
Between the economy and the raids. The city won't have to worry. The bars are already hurting. Economics will force closures, and I couldn't image any one thinking a mega bar would be a good investment in these with thes conditions. So with no new bar investors those empty lots will be converted into something other than a bar. Just as Santos (blow road) used to have bars on both sides of the street. Now its turning into condos and restaurants and as legit business come. The bars will be reduced.

Just think if you were not a monger would you want your daughter or wife going anywwhere near fields. Knowing every foreigner will approach her thinking she is a Hoe. And I don't think its reasonable to think they are building all those condos for mongers.

But being the PI, like anything there it will be a slow process. But in 10yrs I suspect fields will be different and not the monger haven it is now.

09-25-10, 23:25
From the ground: I have been in AC almost 48 hours. First day seven of my friends and I did a eight hour bar hop and yesterday two of us did a 10 hour bar hop and I happy to say that I (IMHO) see no difference from my other 11 or 12 visits this year. The bars are full of girls and mongers and I had as much fun as I always have in the past.

It is 6 am:( I crashed early (10 pm???) thanks to some shots:(

Book your tickets and enjoy!


09-26-10, 00:48
From the ground: I have been in AC almost 48 hours. First day seven of my friends and I did a eight hour bar hop and yesterday two of us did a 10 hour bar hop and I happy to say that I (IMHO) see no difference from my other 11 or 12 visits this year. The bars are full of girls and mongers and I had as much fun as I always have in the past.

It is 6 am:( I crashed early (10 pm???) thanks to some shots:(

Book your tickets and enjoy!


Nice Photos keep up posting I will be booking my trip very soon for sure;)

Mr Enternational
09-26-10, 01:08
Between the economy and the raids. The city won't have to worry. The bars are already hurting. Economics will force closures, and I couldn't image any one thinking a mega bar would be a good investment in these with thes conditions.At least it appeared the bars were hurting the two days I was there. There seemed to be plenty of people around, e.g. in the streets, PB full when I tried to book and CP being at capacity while I was there. But the insides of all of the bars were empty. Either my wingmen and I were the only ones inside the bars or there were one or two more patrons.

Susu Lover
09-26-10, 02:33
So we have all talked about how much AC stands to lose if they close up shop on our bars. So, let's take a tally. Or a poll.

How much have you spent in Hotel, Food, Drink and errr. FUN in AC this year, in Pesos?

My mark is P300,000 for my 3 trips.

How about you?

09-26-10, 07:24
I don't think a moralistic new mayor or police chief will have a very long life span in a pussy bar town like AC, it is the product that fills the rice bowl and keeps many working. Not long before a group gets organized and puts a few grains of lead in his head.

Kinda dumb ass thing to do.

09-26-10, 08:08
I agree again, maybe AC would be different in 10 years, but I dont think that a pinoy family stays somewhere in the condo among fields ave or blow row.
Until now I havent seen any pinoys staying in condos or newly built condos in AC. They all for the foreigners. Maybe if they built some condos near the new Marquee mall some might consider to stay there with a nice outlook at the NLEX LOL.
Come on guys. There will be only condos for guys who like to stay in AC and they stay only there for the pussy, the fun places, etc.
Its good to know that it seems that everything is fine now and I hope this will continue.
I am on your side if you say that AC will change in the next 10 years, but Philippines wont...and we all know why is that..:D
BTW I still wonder why pinoys cant get anything done the right way. One day I am really happy at work and then the other day I feel I am working with retarded freshly released from the menthal hospital.
Also they cant get things right in the long run, e. g. perform same quality for a longer period. If you turn your back on them, they do what they want, they dont care, etc etc etc.
Well I am stressed again, time to go to AC to have a beer LOL.


09-26-10, 10:37
Hi Blink,

I would like to agree with you, but I suspect that there is a much bigger agenda out there than the condos and local business and/or corruption.

The Government has said it is going to make DMIA much much bigger, and has invested billions in those freeways and the economic zone - not to mention the railway. They are not spending all that money and building all that infrastructure because of a hundred bars and twenty or so small to medium hotels - no way. The Government has plans - multi billion dollar plans of which several billions have already been built. The cost to bulldoze all of AC is an insect bite compared to what was spent on the freeways for example.

I suspect that the plan is (or was) that when land in the economic zone was taken up, the Government would move in on the bars etc - and make a nice juicy vacant lot for a big international consortium with billions to spend. However, that was going to be a few years off.

Along comes the US Government with its $250million and all the Phils government has to do is bring forward its program to close the bars and clear the area to make way for development round the airport, and bingo - they have an extra $250million to do something they were going to do anyway - what a bargain.

Here's the clincher. If the government closes the bars, they will go bankrupt, along with the hotels. Prices of the condos (with all those foreigners who don't vote and have no influence whatever) drop to almost nothing, because without the pussy, everyone will want to get out, and no-one will want to buy. Those that will be hurt are 1) foreigners who own bars and hotels 2) trike drivers, ice deliverers, peanut vendors and, 3) Girls from the provinces. Do you see anyone in that list there that the Phils government gives a stuff about? I don't - they are all expendable in the eyes of the government. As soon as they don't serve a purpose, they are out. Fast,

So the government, or more likely one of the influential families will be able to buy up the empty bars, condos and hotels for next to nothing. Maybe ten cents in the dollar at the most. Whoever then owns all that land will be able to parcel it up to sell next to a valuable airport.

Like I said, I hope you are right, and I am wrong....but.

Ahoj Velky Dane,

Doufám, že uvidíme v Březnu.

09-26-10, 11:48
Hi again,
I guess I feel bored today LOL. Its ok Rubberyman, you dont need to share my opinion. I think we leave the sugar coting to the politicians :D
I know when they push their plan to make DMI an internantional airport, then the days of AC the way we know it of today are gone
Cant be that the arriving foreign passengers are welcomed by hookers LOL.
But you have an interesting theory with the chu-chu tactik of Manila politicians to get the land very cheap.
On the other side, we still safe, cause its pinoy planing. They plan so many things, but at the end its just a plan or it will take a long long time, cause they might be big with their mouth, but if it comes to real action, they like a lame goose (with regards to the Manila hostage killings).
I mean they have plans to built a skyway from PG to La Union. Now I saw that one documentary that Imelda has plans to connect the islands with building an underground track...Imagine the Phils built a kind of subway. I mean, dont get my wrong but dont they live on a kind of "firering" ? :D
So if I think back when Ramos announced the "go" for buildng the Nlex highway and we count the time when it was actually finished, I would say enough time for us mongers to enjoy AC, since pinoys are good with talking and announcing plans, etc. but still today have difficulties to find their own a..hole without a foreign help.

Everybody a nice Sunday.


09-26-10, 14:11
I think we all can agree. Enjoy it now! While you can. Because there will come a day (maybe not in the near future, but the day will come) when we will all say "I remember when" and that shit eatting grin on our faces will appear as you recount those memories that AC produced. So enjoy. Make memories. And live life to the fullest.


Mr Enternational
09-26-10, 17:19
My wingman bought a 4 ct box of 100mg Viagra from a tout. He didn't ask any prices. He just told the guy he would give him 100 pesos for it and the guy accepted. He said that he used half of a pill and it did the job.

We got another tout to give us free samples of the Black Ant stuff (black & red package). I still haven't taken mine. My wingman took his and said it did nothing.

09-26-10, 17:32
My wingman bought a 4 ct box of 100mg Viagra from a tout. He didn't ask any prices. He just told the guy he would give him 100 pesos for it and the guy accepted. He said that he used half of a pill and it did the job.

We got another tout to give us free samples of the Black Ant stuff (black & red package). I still haven't taken mine. My wingman took his and said it did nothing.The guy must have had a bad/conterfeit black ant. I have tried it and prefer it over V. And know quite a few expats there who use it soley because there are no side affect with it, if you use it with alcohol. It also doesn't raise ones heart rate so you don't have to worry about heart issues.

09-26-10, 18:46
My wingman bought a 4 ct box of 100mg Viagra from a tout. He didn't ask any prices. He just told the guy he would give him 100 pesos for it and the guy accepted. He said that he used half of a pill and it did the job.

We got another tout to give us free samples of the Black Ant stuff (black & red package). I still haven't taken mine. My wingman took his and said it did nothing.
with regards to change the topic. I tried Cialis once, some US guy from AC gave it to me..not sure how many grams. I took it with a coke when I was in Agasya and I felt something.....so I guess it worked...I could say that I can bang a chick for hours, but I dont have multiple orgasm, I mean I havent tried to shoot and then tried if that works again, of course with combination of alchohol, cause I cant party in a bar without having a few drinks, aight?
So, I tried this cialis and then I tried something called Kamagra. I bought it in da club :D...and it also worked fine together with alcohol. I bought the same Kamagra in body shop, looks different and it didnt work..I dont know why..can it be?I never took viagra., so cant tell about that one. One thing is for sure, I wont buy anything from the streets and I wont recomand that to any newbie who likes to try that from the street.
I think I paid something like 300 PHP for one Kamagra..and it works. I had a lot of beers when I was in Thailand and I kept the kamagra for a special girl and that night I tested it. Just swallow it before you take a shower and then do the deed..perfect timing.



Edward M
09-26-10, 18:57
if phi government is smart they should rock the boat. ofcourse some restrictions about no **** girls , no nudity etc should be enforced.why don't you want nudity?

09-26-10, 22:54
Why don't you want nudity?
I want nudity. But if the Phi government thinks it disturbs their sensibility, so be it.

09-27-10, 00:01
From the ground: I have been in AC almost 48 hours. First day seven of my friends and I did a eight hour bar hop and yesterday two of us did a 10 hour bar hop and I happy to say that I (IMHO) see no difference from my other 11 or 12 visits this year. The bars are full of girls and mongers and I had as much fun as I always have in the past.

It is 6 am:( I crashed early (10 pm???) thanks to some shots:(

Book your tickets and enjoy!


Nice Pics,
which bars were they taken from?

09-27-10, 00:03
Nice Pics Robb,
which bars were they taken from?

Also, I too like nudity but haven't really seen it openly in AC during my visits.


09-27-10, 00:11
Hi to all,

. For me its clear, if the bars are gone, the money will be gone also. Look at AC 20 years ago. A dump, a sh..hole, right? Look at it now.

Hmm, I was looking at AC just recently and what did I see: A dump and a sh*thole, ha ha


09-27-10, 00:16
Anyone heard of or been to these bars in AC?

Forbidden Planet and Sharks, not sure where these places are located in AC (fields or perimeter) and if they are the multi-tier BF bars.

Forbidden was close in one of the raids (not heard if it will ever reopen) and Sharks?--don't remember this one last time I was there (even though it's named after me--he he)
