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11-04-12, 08:04
Which one do you recommend. Jollibee or Swiss Chalet?X Man,

Sorry I missed your question. Both are good. Swiss Chalet is "formal" dining and is more expensive but the food is good and authentic German-Swiss. As for Jollybee, I only like the spicy chicken but it is quite salty and so eat with the rice.

I also forget to tell you guys about the scrumptious Filipino buffet at Cabalen in SM Clark (Super Mall). For 298p "Eat all you can, eat all you want". Get there early, around 10:30 and everything is cooked fresh and there is no crowd.

Enjoy AC.

Soapy Smith
11-04-12, 08:59
I don't want to leave the impression that Palawan and the Honda Islands are vulnerable to hostage taking. In the 2001 incident Abu Sayyaf militants arrived in outriggeer boats at a Honda Bay resort and took about 20 hostages, including three Americans, and took them by boat about 500 km to Basilan, an island in the Sulu archipelago to the south of Zamboanga. Many people died before it was over, but this was an unusual incident in that the Abu Sayyaf traveled such distance to take hostages. More recently foreigners have probably been at greater risk in Manila than in Palawan.

Bowel Movement
11-04-12, 14:58
I don't know why anyone would want to go to an 'all you can eat' Fil food buffet unless they were getting paid to do it, or as part of some research trial being done by a western drug company regarding ways to battle indigestion at least, and Montezuma's at worst. Fil food seems to use the most obscure parts of the animal, any animal, and then try to dress it up with the most goddawful combination of deep fry, sickly sweet etc. Even the look of it alone seems to scream, 'stay away'. Only thing I eat in the Fils is the pussy.

11-04-12, 15:38
I arrived in AC three days ago. In the first 24 hours here in the Fields Ave area, I saw three separate incidents of foreigners being pickpocketed or a bag snatched by these boys who work in teams of 3 to 6 kids. The first two involved Korean-looking Asians, one had his wallet picked when he was suddenly bumped by these kids. After one boy grabbed his wallet, they all ran in separate directions and you can't tell which kid had the wallet. The second Korean had his camera bag snatched as he was getting into a trike. Again, the kids ran in separate directions. The third involved a drunken white guy who was bumped by kids who then ran. I don't think he knew his wallet was picked.Thanks for the heads-up. Location of the incidents?

11-04-12, 15:58
I'd like to re-emphasize the admonition about Zamboanga. The security situation there has deteriorated dramatically over the past few years, and it's not entirely safe for foreigners. The so-called peace agreement is not a comprehensive plan, but a framework that will anchor the development of a comprehensive plan over the next three years. However, some splinter groups within the MILF have not agreed to the peace framework, and it's anyone's guess how this will play out. Meanwhile, Zamboanga, just a 40 minute boatride away from Basilan, remains restive. Finally, aside from the less-than-superb Garden Orchid Hotel, there's no secure place for a foreigner to stay. My best advice is to stay away, and meet in Davao.

GEThanks, We decided to meet in Manila on my next trip. This girl was a virgin when we first met. For some reason Zamboanga has tall pretty girls.

11-04-12, 17:59
I don't know why anyone would want to go to an 'all you can eat' Fil food buffet unless they were getting paid to do it, or as part of some research trial being done by a western drug company regarding ways to battle indigestion at least, and Montezuma's at worst. Fil food seems to use the most obscure parts of the animal, any animal, and then try to dress it up with the most goddawful combination of deep fry, sickly sweet etc. Even the look of it alone seems to scream, 'stay away'. Only thing I eat in the Fils is the pussy.Nice first post! Another lazy monger who won't take an hour of effort to learn about one of the truly great culinary traditions in the world. And no, this does not mean Lumpia and Pancit.

First post= epic fail.

11-04-12, 18:04
Gents I have a problem.

I arrive Manila in mid-December and have about 48 hours solo before I have to head south to meet up with family. What to do? Stay in Manila, which I am familiar with, and tear it up? Was last there in 2010. Or head to Angeles? Or even Subic? Haven't been to either since my Navy days but have good memories!

Suggestions? Recommendations? Help me out here. Wish I had this dilemma all the time!


*will also post this on the AC and Subic threads.For 48 hours, I would say in Manila. Yes, the prices will be higher, but for two days, no big deal really. Also, you loose up to 5 hours getting to AC and back IF traffic is bad. On the other hand, if you want to be I the belly of the fuck scene. 24/7, and plan ond partying hard- a trip to AC could be worth it. Subic / Barrio Barreto is great, but for two days only from Manila, not worth it. Far more chill and relaxed, but not good day time options (not many at least).

11-04-12, 18:19
Nice first post! Another lazy monger who won't take an hour of effort to learn about one of the truly great culinary traditions in the world. And no, this does not mean Lumpia and Pancit.

First post= epic fail.Milkfish belly, bagoong with green mango, balut penoy. Eat them like it's my job.

Bowel Movement
11-04-12, 20:01
Milkfish belly? Sounds about as appetizing as 'fried rats ass', chicken claw or 'monkey intestines, all of which I'm sure are part of the Fil diet. As to Fil food being 'one of the great cuisines of the world', I'd say stop buying your drugs from trike drivers, Psych. Go to Mercury.

Tomux 22
11-04-12, 21:27
I arrived in AC three days ago. In the first 24 hours here in the Fields Ave area, I saw three separate incidents of foreigners being pickpocketed or a bag snatched by these boys who work in teams of 3 to 6 kids. The first two involved Korean-looking Asians, one had his wallet picked when he was suddenly bumped by these kids. After one boy grabbed his wallet, they all ran in separate directions and you can't tell which kid had the wallet. The second Korean had his camera bag snatched as he was getting into a trike. Again, the kids ran in separate directions. The third involved a drunken white guy who was bumped by kids who then ran. I don't think he knew his wallet was picked.

I have been to AC for many years but I have never actually witnessed these incidents. I think this problem is now rampant because the staff of the two hotels I stayed in constantly warned me against these kids. This has never happened before. So everyone heed this warning. Secure your pockets and don't take your passport, I'd card, driver's license, credit cards, etc. With you as you don't need them while in AC.I would not mind those poor kids taking few thousand pesos from a drunken Brit or a stupid Korean. Sad part is those kids probably dose not get too keep those money as "pimps" demand most of the profit.

11-04-12, 21:39
God, how I love the Philippines and Pinays. But, they have the god awful worst food in the world. I am beginning to understand why some men find a great Pinay GF and then take her to Thailand to live.

How the PI can have so many of the same foods as the Thais and make such an abomination of their cuisine amazes me.

11-04-12, 21:39
I would not mind those poor kids taking few thousand pesos from a drunken Brit or a stupid Korean. Sad part is those kids probably dose not get too keep those money as "pimps" demand most of the profit.Why so much hate towards Brits and Koreans? Did they ever do anything to you?

11-04-12, 21:54
Why do Americans think we own the Philippines? The Philippines is sort of like the Mexico to the US except for most of Asia and Australia. With Southeast Asia being like Central and South America. I'm an American and find it pretty irritating when Americans and other Westerners think the world revolves around them!

Do you really think Filipinos dislike and don't want Asians in there country? Why would they make such a big effort to learn the language? I hear a lot of girls being able to speak Korean, Japanese, English and Tagalog. It's also retarded to believe a girl when she says she loves whatever race you are, etc. These girls will tell you, what you want to hear so as long as it doesn't affect themselves in a way!

From this past trip of mine, I partied with mongers from South Africa, India, Australia, South Korea, Belgium and America. I have to admit, partying with the American was the shittiest experience of my life! He was nickel and diming every chance he got! Considered himself an expert and would always lecture me about everything! Talk about irritating with his PDF file on bar fines, cost of drinks and bars, etc. The rest of the group were considerate of whatever choices or opinions I made, were there for a good time and very mature! They were all willing to buy me and my girls drinks and I did the same back!

Keep in mind, I don't find all Americans irritating! Shoot, I'm one of you guys! But I guarantee you, you'll find a lot of immature Americans that are simple minded and uneducated, hella irritating! The ones that look at these Filipina's as a piece of meat or sex toy, just put on this Earth by god to please to them. Or think the world would be better without the other races. Or think Romney is a god! GG.


Rick Rock
11-04-12, 22:21
I don't know why anyone would want to go to an 'all you can eat' Fil food buffet unless they were getting paid to do it, or as part of some research trial being done by a western drug company regarding ways to battle indigestion at least, and Montezuma's at worst. Fil food seems to use the most obscure parts of the animal, any animal, and then try to dress it up with the most goddawful combination of deep fry, sickly sweet etc. Even the look of it alone seems to scream, 'stay away'. Only thing I eat in the Fils is the pussy.What do you expect? Their land was invaded by one imperial power who plundered it then gifted it to another who did even worse things with it. With their old way of life destroyed and no options for any kind of meaningful participation in the new "modern" economy, they were left to figure out a way to survive on the scraps (often literally, for example in Angeles City where left over pig heads discarded from the massive military bases were turned into "food"). Garbage in, garbage out. Thank Madrid, the Vatican and Washington the next time you're dining on deep fried pig face skin prepared by a guy with 27 brothers and sisters.

Tally Wacker
11-04-12, 22:23
I would not mind those poor kids taking few thousand pesos from a drunken Brit or a stupid Korean. Sad part is those kids probably dose not get too keep those money as "pimps" demand most of the profit.On my last visit to AC I was walking my gf down to the end of the main drag. We stopped just outside of the baricades were I was saying goodbye to her. A group of boys between 8 and 12 years old aproached us and were asking for a handout. I had no spare change to toss in to the street to get rid of them so I just said NO. They were very agressive and were putting their hands on us. I pushed them away and told them to fuck off. Most of them moved away but one kid about 9 years old became more agressive and was pushing himself on us with his hands looking for pockets. I grabbed his shirt and gave him I strong push. He came back again and his buddies were close by. There was a big trash can next to us and I thought about picking the kid up and putting him in there head first but I was not sure how the adult filipinos who were close by watching the event would react. I decided to just say goodbye to my girl and head back threw the baricades where the kids did not follow.

11-04-12, 23:29
First trip to AC was a blast! I had been going to Costa Rica for months but I noticed when I'm in Costa Rica I would fuck Costa Rican chicks in the daytime and at night I would fuck with the Dominicans (I don't why). So I booked a trip to Sousa. Long story short I never been back to Costa Rica since. Went to Sousa about three times, met a mongrel who said Sousa wasn't shit compared to The Phil's. So now I'm thinking HOW? All this pussy in Sousa! So I did my research on this site (thank God for ISG) , booked the trip.

Day 1.

I arrive at the ABC around 3:30am, check in, then hit the streets for a cell phone (which I highly recommend). I read on this site about DIA and started an account in which I thought was a joke upon first glance until I started getting all these messages. I talk with hundreds of them but filtered everybody out who didn't live in AC and the ones that say I don't like players or no games, basically I gravitated towards the ones who listed for occupation (tell you later, waitress or none) and the ones who didn't write all that mushy shit on their profile. I didn't tell them I was coming to AC until two weeks before my trip. Now they transfer me from their DIA account to yahoo messenger, now they want to talk on cam, calling me through yahoo EVERYDAY etc etc. Ok back to the report. I get a phone for 900 pesos walk down to Walking street and my eyes bust wide open! I couldn't believe the amount of pussy just walking the streets! Ladyboys too! But their easy to point out! For me anyways! I walk down and decided to go in a club called High Society (mainly because I always hear one of the DIA girls talk about it). BOOM! My eyes bust open again! I drank a few drinks, the jet lag starts kickin in, so I tell myself to go back to the room and start fresh tommorrow. Get to my room and go through my contacts and call the girl who showed the most interest. She was at the ABC in ten minutes flat! She tells me she's my tour guide while I'm there, so I ask how much for being a tour guide? She says I'm not charging you! (huh!) anyways we end up fucking until about 8a. M.

Day 2.

Me and my TG wake up about 1 pm She asks what are my plans, I didn't necessarily have a plan but to fuck more bitches. I had been warned about drugs in the Phil's but I knew I was going to need my medicine so I asked her about it. She said the lady that owns the house where she lives smoke weed and she can get me some. Ok. We get to her house and I'm shocked at the conditions but I'm stiill being opened-minded about the whole thing. We go upstairs, I'm smoking and talking with another girl who's a tenant then they mentioned it's the lady birthday and lots of family is on the way from Manilla. Now I'm trying to make an excuse to leave but they INSISTED I stay for the party. 5 hours 4 big bottles of Emperodor brandy and a quarter of an ounce of weed later I finally get in a trike and go back to the ABC. Call another DIA contact. We meet up at Margaritvlle, I tell her exactly what I did that day and asked can we just chill at the hotel for a few hrs. She wanted that more than I did. We get in my room. 30min later boom boom! Then she mentions that she didn't have to work that day, I suggest we go barhopping. She says ok! I tried to give her money but she wouldn't take it. In my mind I thought she had to go home and change! I was wrong about that, she had a change of clothes in her purse LOL. We started off in Atlantis and finished in Asia. The whole time I'm collecting more numbers from girls in which the DIA had no problem with. Got a text from a bargirl in Atlantis sayn where was I? Was that my girl? And can we meet in High Society after she gets off work? I'm like SURE! Me and the DIA girl go to HS party like rock stars then BAM there's my Atlantis girl looking better than she did onstage. DIA girl said she understands and ask for trike money. I give her two hundred pesos and she's gone. I ask atlantis girl how much was her bf there? And how much was she expecting from me? She said nothing unless I want to give her something. We leave HS hit Skytraxx the back at the ABC fucking like teenagers. I gave her 1200peso and she gave back the biggest smile! (I thought she was going to curse me out but nope!) tell you about day3 when my iPad charge up more.

11-04-12, 23:36
What do you expect? Their land was invaded by one imperial power who plundered it then gifted it to another who did even worse things with it. With their old way of life destroyed and no options for any kind of meaningful participation in the new "modern" economy, they were left to figure out a way to survive on the scraps (often literally, for example in Angeles City where left over pig heads discarded from the massive military bases were turned into "food"). Garbage in, garbage out. Thank Madrid, the Vatican and Washington the next time you're dining on deep fried pig face skin prepared by a guy with 27 brothers and sisters.It was a troll. No need to feed it. Most countries use cheap parts of the animals for food, and some of it is preferred. If the guy is genuine and hasn't made the effort to try and find some nice Filipino food, then not sure why he thinks a monger forum is going to help him. Meh.

11-05-12, 01:38
I would not mind those poor kids taking few thousand pesos from a drunken Brit or a stupid Korean. Sad part is those kids probably dose not get too keep those money as "pimps" demand most of the profit.So Tomux doesn't mind poor kids taking a "few thousand pesos from a drunken Brit or a stupid Korean"! And is it also OK to steal from a drunken Australian and a stupid American? What a load of twaddle. Theft is theft. It is just that the Philippines is not up to enforcing its own laws, whether it is criminal laws, road laws or corruption laws.


Sky Ryder
11-05-12, 02:02
I don't know why anyone would want to go to an 'all you can eat' Fil food buffet unless they were getting paid to do it, or as part of some research trial being done by a western drug company regarding ways to battle indigestion at least, and Montezuma's at worst. Fil food seems to use the most obscure parts of the animal, any animal, and then try to dress it up with the most goddawful combination of deep fry, sickly sweet etc. Even the look of it alone seems to scream, 'stay away'. Only thing I eat in the Fils is the pussy.I have to laugh. Given the subject of your comment and your screen name. Coincidence?

11-05-12, 02:21
I don't know why anyone would want to go to an 'all you can eat' Fil food buffet unless they were getting paid to do it, or as part of some research trial being done by a western drug company regarding ways to battle indigestion at least, and Montezuma's at worst. Fil food seems to use the most obscure parts of the animal, any animal, and then try to dress it up with the most goddawful combination of deep fry, sickly sweet etc. Even the look of it alone seems to scream, 'stay away'. Only thing I eat in the Fils is the pussy.You sound like the typical western traveler who needs bacon & eggs every morning and freaks out if there are no pizza parlors or burger joints in sight. Well, it's really your loss. Part of the joys of traveling the world is enjoying local foods, especially what we call "street food". The rule is to observe if lots of locals are patronizing them. If you don't speak the language just point to what someone else ordered. Don't worry how much. It has to be cheap or they would not be operating out on the street. I just take out some money from my pocket and they will take the proper amount. I have never been cheated.

In Mexico I look for the taco & burrito stands on the streets or the small seafood restaurants. In almost every country in Central & South America, the roast chicken is great.

In Asia, there are stores and restaurants selling noodles and rice dishes, fried, roasted and grilled meats and seafood. They are delicious, nourishing (made with fresh ingredients) and easy on the wallet. However, I have not mustered the courage to try balut in the Philippines, stinky tofu in Hong Kong or Taiwan, dog in Vietnam (I actually stood in front of a nice a / see restaurant dedicated to dog cuisine but couldn't make myself go in) or goat-parts stew in Northwestern China.

One warning when eating in these countries: ALWAYS eat food that's just cooked, I. E. Still very hot. Don't eat anything that's cooked hours ago. Also NEVER eat raw vegetables or fruit that has been cut. Bon Appétit.

11-05-12, 02:23
Sorry for the misspell. I mean Filipino Food, not Foof.

11-05-12, 02:41
Two days ago while walking on Fields Ave I was approached by a cigarette street vendor offering Viagra for 700p for a box of 4. I laughed at him and kept walking. He followed me and said 500p. I kept walking and he said 2 boxes for 500p. I still kept walking and he came down to 2 boxes for 300p. I stopped and took a box to look carefully if it's from Pfeiffer. It is. I asked him if I can break open the box to look inside. He said okay. Inside were four blue Viagra pills in a sealed plastic pack and an instruction / warning pamphlet from Pfeiffer. It looked like the real thing so I decided to buy two for 300p. By this time there were 3 or 4 other cigarette vendors asking to also buy from them at the same price.

I tried them in the last two nights but I am not sure if it worked, only because I seldom use Viagra (I get Cialis or Maxifort (generic V) from Mexico) , so I couldn't tell if it was natural erection or V-induced. I will get a box for my buddy Chris Long to test it as he uses V regularly.

I will also try to find out if the vendors will sell to me a box for 100p or 125p if I buy 4 or 5 boxes. Wish me luck.

Mr Enternational
11-05-12, 02:58
You sound like the typical western traveler who needs bacon & eggs every morning and freaks out if there are no pizza parlors or burger joints in sight. Well, it's really your loss. Part of the joys of traveling the world is enjoying local foods, especially what we call "street food". The rule is to observe if lots of locals are patronizing them.Lots of locals patronize Jolibee. That doesn't mean it's fit for human consumption.
Also NEVER eat raw vegetables or fruit that has been cut.I eat fresh cut fruit off the street everyday here in Thailand. That's the best meal of the day.

11-05-12, 03:23
Lots of locals patronize Jolibee. That doesn't mean it's fit for human consumption.I eat fresh cut fruit off the street everyday here in Thailand. That's the best meal of the day.Fortunately I can eat lots of fruit and veggie salads in Cebu and not have ill side effects. Maybe it was that first trip when I was sick as a dog that immunized me.

11-05-12, 04:58
You sound like the typical western traveler who needs bacon & eggs every morning and freaks out if there are no pizza parlors or burger joints in sight. Well, it's really your loss. Part of the joys of traveling the world is enjoying local foods, especially what we call "street food". The rule is to observe if lots of locals are patronizing them. If you don't speak the language just point to what someone else ordered. Don't worry how much. It has to be cheap or they would not be operating out on the street. I just take out some money from my pocket and they will take the proper amount. I have never been cheated.Agreed. Wherever I'm at I make it a point to localize as much as possible; it's one of the pleasures of traveling and adds a bit of excitement. Whilst Filipino foof (congrats on coining the new word) isn't as delicious IMO as Thai or Vietnamese, it has many tasty dishes. I frequently eat at the local cantinas. If you're hesitant start with something safe, such as mungo (similar to lentil soup) and rice. Shouldn't cost more than 30p. Hungry? Add a pork chop for another 50 or 60p. Like spicy? Try the dishes from Bicol. Like things a bit tangy and sour? Eat sinigang. Want some veg? Try binagoonggang talong (aubergine stuffed with tiny salted shrimp). Concerned about the hygiene? Dine at a Filipino franchise. I quite like Chic Boy. It has outstanding roasted chicken and pork belly and all you can eat rice for 100 to 125p. Plenty of other franchises, too.

Uncertain? Just ask. There are plenty of folks around you who can describe what you're looking at. In this regard it certainly beats China.

Anyway, make it a point to try one Filipino dish a day and soon enough you'll find several that satisfy your palate.

Kainan na!

Sky Ryder
11-05-12, 05:27
sorry for the misspell. i mean filipino food, not foof.personally, i like to eat at the outdoor places at the jeepney station on perimeter across from the devera hotel. i enjoy the bbq chicken and pork and have never had a problem with the "quality". i can either sit down or take to my room in the hotel. i have tried many of the other dishes and while don't know the name, can pick the ones i like from sight. i also enjoy the german bakery next door to pony tails for breakfast in the morning.

grab a couple of beers from the fast stop, a couple of dishes from the vendors, watch a movie in the room and i am good to go. not for every meal, but a welcome break.

i do try to steer away from uncooked veggies and fruit that does not need to be peeled, but i haven't had a problem with anything.

Bowel Movement
11-05-12, 05:48
Actually Jollibees is one Fil place I would patronize as I assume that it is modeled on US chains and has a modicum of sanitary guidelines. I certainly won't be eating off the street whether in Fils or Mexico. The smell alone is enough to kill one's appetite. Having read the varying viewpoints, I still can't find a reason to stray from my original theme: the only thing worth eating in the Fils is the pussy.


11-05-12, 09:01
First, let me clarify. I eat a lot of fruit and drink orange juice constantly when I am traveling. I am one of those that get sick easily when I travel long distance (cough, sore throat, fever if I get caught in the rain). I just avoid fruit already cut by the vendor.

I walked to Angeles Fried Chicken on Marlim Road for lunch today. You can Google it. I ordered the 3-pc lunch for 145p. Not bad, taste similar to KFC. I hope to try the crispy version on my next trip.

I also saw that the Hypermart in SM sells a whole rotisserie chicken for 188p. I wonder if it's as good as those from the streets. But I have run out of time to sample new foods. Tomorrow I leave for Beijing via Manila. Someone else have to report.

11-05-12, 09:37
Last time I was in Olongopo we (shipmate and I) were fed "chicken" by a couple of girls who got us playing pool in a bar. It would have been street vender food I think, no fancy colours like KFC etc.

But it was the biggest chicken legs I've ever seen, and the meat was dark. Was too drunk and hungry to care at the time, but the next day had decided it was probably dog. Tasted good. Could have been a large turkey by the size but it was darker and didn't taste like turkey.

Didn't get sick or howl at the moon. And yes the girls were working girls who we paired off with later.

This was about 1986.

I'm a vegetarian now but still smile about that.

11-05-12, 10:16
I arrived in AC three days ago. In the first 24 hours here in the Fields Ave area, I saw three separate incidents of foreigners being pickpocketed or a bag snatched by these boys who work in teams of 3 to 6 kids. The first two involved Korean-looking Asians, one had his wallet picked when he was suddenly bumped by these kids. After one boy grabbed his wallet, they all ran in separate directions and you can't tell which kid had the wallet. The second Korean had his camera bag snatched as he was getting into a trike. Again, the kids ran in separate directions. The third involved a drunken white guy who was bumped by kids who then ran. I don't think he knew his wallet was picked.

I have been to AC for many years but I have never actually witnessed these incidents. I think this problem is now rampant because the staff of the two hotels I stayed in constantly warned me against these kids. This has never happened before. So everyone heed this warning. Secure your pockets and don't take your passport, I'd card, driver's license, credit cards, etc. With you as you don't need them while in AC.I'm with my ISG wingman in AC right now, yesterday a ladyboy stole a wallet from visitor near manson drug store, started screaming at the ladyboy that took off running, funny thing tho he asked another ladyboy to help find him. Few days before that we were at phillies sports bar having drinks and this chunky young brit starts off a conversation with us, later tells us someone stole his wallet except for 1 credit card, when my wingman goes to the CR he tells me his tooth hurt cause of a lost filling, I was ready to leave cause I couldn't stand the beggar scammer, then asked if he could bar hop with us, lmao

Doppel One
11-05-12, 10:35
Having read the varying viewpoints, I still can't find a reason to stray from my original theme: the only thing worth eating in the Fils is the pussy.Thanks for the practical advice Bowel Movement. LOL.

I have to confer with Sky Ryder. The Filipino food from the open cantinas is excellent, cheap and (so far) non-hazardous. I always find it weird and a bit scary when Westerner's insist our cuisine is superior to the local fare. I would imagine a lot of the easy-on-the-eye Western food prepared and served at the more 'reputable' places along the strip will kill you quicker than a serving of the Filipino classic grilled dog and gruel. The salt content alone in the tuna sandwich at Margarita Station is enough to put the most hardened 250 Ib pussy-warrior in the local ER.

11-05-12, 11:02
Gents I have a problem.

I arrive Manila in mid-December and have about 48 hours solo before I have to head south to meet up with family. What to do? Stay in Manila, which I am familiar with, and tear it up? Was last there in 2010. Or head to Angeles? Or even Subic? Haven't been to either since my Navy days but have good memories!

Suggestions? Recommendations? Help me out here. Wish I had this dilemma all the time!


*will also post this on the AC and Subic threads.I prefer AC, everthing is centrally located and very reasonalable prices, you do waste 3 to 4 hours round trip from MNL, totally worth it on the travel time when in AC cause most bars is next to each other or few mins trike ride. Go to R & B music club with 2 cover bands playing 7 days a week, ask for Joseph the manager if you don't like where your seated, tell him you know blah blah sent ya LOL He might kick people out of the VIP sections next to the stage, also the hottie band singers engage your celebrity status if thats where you want to sit, don't be cheap and payup if you sit in the VIP areas cause if you were, you could be asked to move. LOL Going to the CR the attendant will put his 2 hands on your shoulders when using the urnal. Lmao

Doppel One
11-05-12, 11:35
Going to the CR the attendant will put his 2 hands on your shoulders when using the urnal. LmaoAn aside so I apologize in advance to the AC purists. I was at the Emperor club in Yangon a few years ago when I witnessed the attendant in the restroom actually hold a Chinese guys dick for him while he lit a cigarette and pissed. Now that's what I call service!

X Man
11-05-12, 12:42
Yea, I was there in 80. I remember we called the local bbq "monkey meat", but it was chicken. What was that drink they used to concoct. Mojo comes to mind, but my memory has been softened by age and large quantities of unhealthy substances. LOL.

Last time I was in Olongopo we (shipmate and I) were fed "chicken" by a couple of girls who got us playing pool in a bar. It would have been street vender food I think, no fancy colours like KFC etc.

But it was the biggest chicken legs I've ever seen, and the meat was dark. Was too drunk and hungry to care at the time, but the next day had decided it was probably dog. Tasted good. Could have been a large turkey by the size but it was darker and didn't taste like turkey.

Didn't get sick or howl at the moon. And yes the girls were working girls who we paired off with later.

This was about 1986.

I'm a vegetarian now but still smile about that.

11-05-12, 12:53
I know I've said this before, but given the new discussion about the local food, I couldn't resist reiterating my opinion that Filipino food is about the worst, least edible and thoroughly disagreeable that I've ever experienced. Unless you enjoy heaping doses of salt and sugar mixed with otherwise tasteless, overcooked crap, I see no reason to eat it. Ever.


11-05-12, 13:01
What was that drink they used to concoct.Would that be tuba?

11-05-12, 13:13
Yea, I was there in 80. I remember we called the local bbq "monkey meat", but it was chicken. What was that drink they used to concoct. Mojo comes to mind, but my memory has been softened by age and large quantities of unhealthy substances. LOL.I have no hope remembering that trip ftom 27 years ago, I forget where my mobile phone is too often these days! LOL.

But most likely I was drinking beer or local dark rum if I was to guess. Can't remember hearing about a local brew like that. Olongopo in particular was heavily influenced by the Americans at Subic, but I did partake in bottles of local rum in Manilla. Not the best, but SO cheap.

11-05-12, 14:38
I know I've said this before, but given the new discussion about the local food, I couldn't resist reiterating my opinion that Filipino food is about the worst, least edible and thoroughly disagreeable that I've ever experienced. Unless you enjoy heaping doses of salt and sugar mixed with otherwise tasteless, overcooked crap, I see no reason to eat it. Ever.

GEMe too. I hate Phi food. It is greasy, smelly oil and mushy. Love Thai food. Love Phi girls better than Thai girls. What to do? Migrate all nice Phi girls to Thailand?

Most of my DIA girls love to eat Phi food or jollibee. Do not like MC D. So I get them food and go out by myself to a nice restaurent. It is boring but no choice. I have taken girls to nice restaurents before only to see them not eat anything and requesting Jollibee on the way back. Philippinas are very picky about food. They do not like to experiment and try other kinds of foods.

Bowel Movement
11-05-12, 14:39
The results are in and it seems evenly split re food in the Phils. Older and wiser members like GE wouldn't touch the stuff with a barnpole. Other guys, no doubt anxious to prove their street cred, mention complicated Filipino names for culinary delights that the world just hasn't discovered yet. The message seems to be that we are missing out. A nirvana of delicious food is just waiting for those with the fortitude to try it. I haven't tried to get a translation of these names but I'm quite sure they have no place in polite society.

If it were possible, I'd like to conduct a colonoscopy of Doppel, Sky and Psych after their trip to the PI and report the findings to the board. I'm sure that report would be replete with phrases like 'hazardous material', 'foreign bodies', polyps, scar tissue etc.

Probably, eating Fil food is just another example of high-risk behavior.


Wicked Roger
11-05-12, 14:39
I know I've said this before, but given the new discussion about the local food, I couldn't resist reiterating my opinion that Filipino food is about the worst, least edible and thoroughly disagreeable that I've ever experienced. Unless you enjoy heaping doses of salt and sugar mixed with otherwise tasteless, overcooked crap, I see no reason to eat it. Ever.

GEI would agree with GE and was about to post somethintg similar. Just can't eat Filipino food especially sisig and sinuglaw as well as thpussit and danggit fish. Terrible. Now good old British food. Bangers / mash. Toad in the hole and spotted dick (both are foods gent) are infinitely better (this is a retorical fcomment or you GE! LOL)

Doppel One
11-05-12, 16:37
If it were possible, I'd like to conduct a colonoscopy of Doppel, Sky and Psych after their trip to the PI and report the findings to the board. BMSo, Bowel Movement, what's with the anal thing?

11-05-12, 17:24
Keep in mind, I don't find all Americans irritating! Shoot, I'm one of you guys! But I guarantee you, you'll find a lot of immature Americans that are simple minded and uneducated, hella irritating! The ones that look at these Filipina's as a piece of meat or sex toy, just put on this Earth by god to please to them. Or think the world would be better without the other races. Or think Romney is a god! GG.

YGGLP and I partied for 7 days straight with the AC honeys. He is american and I, although a transplant, identify mostly with american culture. I can tell you that neither of us was cheap and we most certainly paid for each other as we went. Just picking the tab whomever got to it first. I have no idea who paid more or less. But all was good and a good time was had by all including the honeykos.

Truth there is cheapos and assholes in every country and culture.

True the chicks will say whatever they think you want to hear. Including telling me little concarne is tooo Big! Did never hear that one on my first trip. Maybe the exposure to mongers from othe cultures is changing their perspective LOL.

Subic used as a break 1 day. Not all that but a welcome break from the AC zoo.

When the bathroom guy at R and B started grabbing my shoulder I almost decked him...I am like WTF! Nice little massage though. LOL. I fell in love with one of the cover band chicks...Rachel....man she does have some killer legs and better voice.

And yes. With the exception of fresh seafood and one phils soup with shrimp in it. Phils food SUCKED. I tried but by the end I was just drinking mango smoothies.

Next trip in a few months!

11-05-12, 18:21
You sound like the typical western traveler who needs bacon & eggs every morning and freaks out if there are no pizza parlors or burger joints in sight. Well, it's really your loss. Part of the joys of traveling the world is enjoying local foods, especially what we call "street food". The rule is to observe if lots of locals are patronizing them.I think this is a bit unfair. Speaking for myself it's precisely because I love Asian food so much (in particular Indian, Thai and Vietnamese) that I dislike PI food so much. If only there were more good alternatives to eating fried bacon & eggs etc. When in AC & avoiding the local food. I yearn for an authentic curry. My impression is that Filipinos have absolutely no knowledge of herbs and spices and how to use them in cooking. It's no surprise that there are practically no Philippine restaurants anywhere in the world outside the Philippines except for those catering for a purely Filipino clientelle. I also made the mistake of taking a Filipina to that excellent Italian "C" restaurant in AC. I soon realised that she only likes PI food + pizza hut & Jollibee.

I also agree that Pinay pussy is the best food on offer in the Philippines.

11-05-12, 19:39
Now that's what I call service!Thats what I call creepy.

Am I the only one who would have trouble taking a p*ss if another bloke was holding it!

11-05-12, 21:50
Hey! Thanks a lot for all the info on this forum and the photos, truly great inspiration.

I'm a 29 year old guy coming to Philippines for the first time. Mostly an none-mongering trip but I will spoil myself one week in Angeles. I wish to have at least two girls, or more, with me back to the hotel every night and even thou money its not a big issue it would be great to not have to spend up to 10k every night just for the EWR. What do you guys suggest, should I go for freelancers, or perimeter bars? Are most of the bargirls up for this or are there certain bars that are better to find willing ladies?

11-05-12, 23:45
I would agree with GE and was about to post something similar. Just can't eat Filipino food especially sisig and sinuglaw as well as thpussit and danggit fish. Terrible. Now good old British food. Bangers / mash. Toad in the hole and spotted dick (both are foods gent) are infinitely better (this is a retorical fcomment or you GE! LOL)I like your humour! .

And you are forgetting tripe (cow stomach lining) , liver with onions, fried kidneys. Mmmmm. Or whatever it is they do to perfectly good herring to put in cans.

French food is ordinary, but got a good reputation amongst the Brits because its liver was ground up and given the name pate. LOL.

As an Aussie, I can hardly wait to get back to Oz to have those mystery bags we call pies. Or Vegemite. *drool*.

As for Thai food, that is just ordinary stuff with lots of spice in it. Ho hum.

I could go on, but you get the idea. Not sure I would trust the food choices of someone with the handle of 'Bowel movement' either. LOL.

So, now we have established that everyone else's taste in food is trash, and our taste is superior, can we get back to mongering in the Philippines? Or did I wander into Jamie Olliver's cooking blog by mistake? .

Failing that, if people really do want to talk about food ad nauseam, perhaps they could petition Jackson to have a 'Food' forum for people to contribute to?

X Man
11-06-12, 01:03
GE, I rather enjoy the Tangigue dishes. Is there a best season for that fish in Philippines?

In Cebu, try the Pochero soup dish.

As for the punch us swabbies used to drink in the good ol days of Subic, it was in fact Mojo. Recipe at the link:



Would that be tuba?

11-06-12, 03:09
I would agree with GE and was about to post somethintg similar. Just can't eat Filipino food especially sisig and sinuglaw as well as thpussit and danggit fish. Terrible. Now good old British food. Bangers / mash. Toad in the hole and spotted dick (both are foods gent) are infinitely better (this is a retorical fcomment or you GE! LOL)Love sisig (or most anything with chorizo). Also bangers-n-mash.

Back to the punani?

11-06-12, 05:26
Failing that, if people really do want to talk about food ad nauseam, perhaps they could petition Jackson to have a 'Food' forum for people to contribute to?Food can be very, very sexy. Not a bad idea really.

X Man
11-06-12, 12:34
Restaurant and food info specific to AC should be in the "AC accomodation" thread. Sleep and eat are kind of basic, wouldn't you agree. Back to the punani as WC suggests.

Love sisig (or most anything with chorizo). Also bangers-and-mash.

Back to the punani?

Screaming Beaver
11-06-12, 22:42
A Japanese chap recently did exactly what Tally Wacker brags about by smacking the little bastard upside the head when he felt a small hand pulling out his wallet. The result was the jap was surrounded by a few adult flips who waited until the Police showed up to arrest him. He didn't get out of his cell until he coughed up over half a million pesos, most of which went to the Police who arrested him.

These kids have indeed become a bigger problem than ever. In fact, some of the bar owners are pressing for more security since it's starting to affect their business. I've seen these kids in action and they are very much like a pack of hyenas. It would be best to leave your wallet in your room if you plan to walk down Fields Ave.

11-06-12, 23:18
It may make a fat ass bully feel good to push around a kid who weighs 200 lbs less than him but it can also be a good way to get your ass kicked along with paying a hefty fine for the privilege of getting out of jail. A Japanese chap recently did exactly what Tally Wacker brags about by smacking the little bastard upside the head when he felt a small hand pulling out his wallet. The result was the jap was surrounded by a few adult flips who waited until the Police showed up to arrest him. He didn't get out of his cell until he coughed up over half a million pesos, most of which went to the Police who arrested him.

These kids have indeed become a bigger problem than ever. In fact, some of the bar owners are pressing for more security since it's starting to affect their business. I've seen these kids in action and they are very much like a pack of hyenas. They tend to target fat slobs who are usually drunk and also do not have the ability to chase their perpetrators. It would be best to leave your wallet in your room if you plan to walk down Fields Ave in an inebriated state with no sense of your surroundings.The minimum age of criminal responsibility in the Phils is 15. 15! They can get away with robbery, assault and murder below that age. Worse, if you lay a hand on them, you are liable for arrest yourself. Advice I got from a Phils cop: keep your money, cards and cell phone in your front pockets, keep your hands in your front pockets and walk fast.

A lot of these kids work for older thugs, so just get the f*k away from them.

Smoky Jack
11-06-12, 23:23
Why do Americans think we own the Philippines? The Philippines is sort of like the Mexico to the US except for most of Asia and Australia. With Southeast Asia being like Central and South America. I'm an American and find it pretty irritating when Americans and other Westerners think the world revolves around them!

Do you really think Filipinos dislike and don't want Asians in there country? Why would they make such a big effort to learn the language? I hear a lot of girls being able to speak Korean, Japanese, English and Tagalog. It's also retarded to believe a girl when she says she loves whatever race you are, etc. These girls will tell you, what you want to hear so as long as it doesn't affect themselves in a way!

From this past trip of mine, I partied with mongers from South Africa, India, Australia, South Korea, Belgium and America. I have to admit, partying with the American was the shittiest experience of my life! He was nickel and diming every chance he got! Considered himself an expert and would always lecture me about everything! Talk about irritating with his PDF file on bar fines, cost of drinks and bars, etc. The rest of the group were considerate of whatever choices or opinions I made, were there for a good time and very mature! They were all willing to buy me and my girls drinks and I did the same back!

Keep in mind, I don't find all Americans irritating! Shoot, I'm one of you guys! But I guarantee you, you'll find a lot of immature Americans that are simple minded and uneducated, hella irritating! The ones that look at these Filipina's as a piece of meat or sex toy, just put on this Earth by god to please to them. Or think the world would be better without the other races. Or think Romney is a god! GG.

YGI don't really get all the bashing I see on here. My guess is that it's just some need to express how macho a guy is by bashing some group of people. As a Korean-American, I have seen it from the Koreans too. Koreans are racist mofos too. Bottom line is, most of us will get along just fine over a cold beer and sweet pussy. Keep the racist shit out.

Smoky Jack
11-06-12, 23:28
I sometime buy "generic" Cialis from an online site. It comes from India and it works. Less than $2. 50 per pill at 20mg. The street stuff in Philippines, I usually pay 250p for the 4pak and it works fine too. I'm guessing it also comes from India. And it's cheaper than the online site. I think there is a thread here on ISG that is devoted to performance enhancement chems.

Before someone else writes it, there may be DANGER in using chems from a 3rd world country. I'm a fairly comfortable with risk, but others may want to pay Pfizer for peace of mind. X.What site? I bought some generic Cialis in Tijuana and it worked like a charm. I had no idea how well it works, and how good it is for extended mongering. I had to pay 7. 50 a tablet in Tijuana at a pharmacy. I would love to have a trustable online source.

11-07-12, 01:15
Great report, looking forward to Day 3. Heading there in Feb, am going to try the DIA approach as well, Thanks for the advice on screening out girls, another common theme I have ran across on DIA is looking for someone who won't judge me, accept me for who I am, I am reading this she probably works in a bar or is up for P4P. Curious about how you described yourself and what you were looking for in your DIA ad. Any pointers there would be appreciated.


11-07-12, 06:46
Just came back from ac. My last day, end with been robbed in front of my eyes. It happen when I went out from my hotel. FYI, I'm staying at eureka. There two people with a motor greeting us. Then he start talking to me about some college girl to introduce to. Bla. Bla. Bla. Suddenly he get his wallet out and saying about how he loves leather wallet and want to see my wallet that I didn't gave him. The thing is, he then just open my bag and take my wallet while still talking to me and I'm wondering why in the hell at that time I didn't stop him. It happen within the five minutes since we meet. He open my wallet and then he gave back to me and quickly getting away with his motor. When I check my wallet back, all the big notes and some dollar was lost around 7000 peso. And there it goes my barfine money.

Anyway will be coming back this dicember and my fav still dollhouse. Any girls you recommend?

D Cups
11-07-12, 09:26
Tipsheda, Smokey Jack. We don't need racist comments here or elsewhere. What good does it do? No one can change where the'yre from or what color they are. I lived in Korea (and Philippines). There are nice people there and everywhere; and also ugly ones who can't seem to get past skin color or nationality. What a shame and demonstrated lack of intelligence. Go out and get laid and forget about this nonsense. I'm tired of it.

I don't really get all the bashing I see on here. My guess is that it's just some need to express how macho a guy is by bashing some group of people. As a Korean-American, I have seen it from the Koreans too. Koreans are racist mofos too. Bottom line is, most of us will get along just fine over a cold beer and sweet pussy. Keep the racist shit out.

11-07-12, 15:30
In my opinion, Burmese food is the most boring on the planet.

It has absolutely nothing going for it.


I know I've said this before, but given the new discussion about the local food, I couldn't resist reiterating my opinion that Filipino food is about the worst, least edible and thoroughly disagreeable that I've ever experienced. Unless you enjoy heaping doses of salt and sugar mixed with otherwise tasteless, overcooked crap, I see no reason to eat it. Ever.


Screaming Beaver
11-07-12, 18:48
I don't know why anyone would want to go to an 'all you can eat' Fil food buffet unless they were getting paid to do it, or as part of some research trial being done by a western drug company regarding ways to battle indigestion at least, and Montezuma's at worst. Fil food seems to use the most obscure parts of the animal, any animal, and then try to dress it up with the most goddawful combination of deep fry, sickly sweet etc. Even the look of it alone seems to scream, 'stay away'. Only thing I eat in the Fils is the pussy.After recently returning from AC I can attest to the fact I had no problems eating at fil restaurants. In fact, the best meal I had the entire time was at a place called Ikabud. The shrimp, barbequed beef, chicken and assorted vegetables were superb. San Miguel's sell for less than 50 p. The entire bill was less than half of what I paid at Phillies, Margarita Station and Cuba Cuba.

It should be noted the last time I had liquefied crap squirting out of my ass was from a burrito I ate at Chipotle Mexican Grill earlier this year while back home in the USA. After I recovered I immediately sold my CMG stock and have since watched the stock price drop 30 percent. No need to read investment books. Just go with your gut.

Pip Jaeger
11-08-12, 00:14
. At a place called Ikabud.

It should be noted the last time I had liquefied crap squirting out of my ass was from a burrito I ate at Chipotle Mexican Grill earlier this year while back home in the USA. After I recovered I immediately sold my CMG stock and have since watched the stock price drop 30 percent. No need to read investment books. Just go with your gut.Very funny comment about CMG. I think it was in one of them that I read the on the bathroom wall: "Please flush twice, it's a long way to the kitchen". Maybe it was the one you ate at?

BTW, where's Ikabud located? Sounds like it might be worth checking out.

Smoky Jack
11-08-12, 01:41
As long as the girls don't mind that I am Korean (korean-american) , it doesn't really matter but racism needs to be called out even on a monger board.

Smoky Jack
11-08-12, 01:43
Just came back from ac. My last day, end with been robbed in front of my eyes. It happen when I went out from my hotel. FYI, I'm staying at eureka. There two people with a motor greeting us. Then he start talking to me about some college girl to introduce to. Bla. Bla. Bla. Suddenly he get his wallet out and saying about how he loves leather wallet and want to see my wallet that I didn't gave him. The thing is, he then just open my bag and take my wallet while still talking to me and I'm wondering why in the hell at that time I didn't stop him. It happen within the five minutes since we meet. He open my wallet and then he gave back to me and quickly getting away with his motor. When I check my wallet back, all the big notes and some dollar was lost around 7000 peso. And there it goes my barfine money.

Anyway will be coming back this dicember and my fav still dollhouse. Any girls you recommend?Why do people carry wallets while traveling? I have a leg strap wallet as well as one that has a loop for your belt and tucks inside your pants, depending on the situation. No one is going to pickpocket you with those. Of course if you are forcibly robbed, it will not help but that is a much rarer crime. Don't carry your fucking wallets!

Jelly Donut
11-08-12, 02:05
Don't carry your fucking wallets!I basically agree, but many people sizing me up assume I have a wallet and carry some cash. So I carry one as a decoy. I leave a little cash in it and some outdated cards. That way the guy might be happy and walk off instead of killing me and removing the money belt from my lifeless body.

Fast Eddie 48
11-08-12, 03:26
I basically agree, but many people sizing me up assume I have a wallet and carry some cash. So I carry one as a decoy. I leave a little cash in it and some outdated cards. That way the guy might be happy and walk off instead of killing me and removing the money belt from my lifeless body.To Jelly donut

Why even have a fake wallet like smoky say just don't carry one, you just [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) them off have they found a empty wallet and come back and squeeze all the jelly out of your donuts.

Fast Eddie 48

11-08-12, 03:46
It's settled then. I'm going to AC for about 36 hours of heaven on earth!

Arrive Manila 9pm on the 13th. Should be in AC by midnight. No checked bags! Staying at Wild Orchid. Another question for the committee. Top 3 bars to hit? I know I'll be tired, but want to make a run at it and find some companionship to help with my jet lag.

Anyone in town on the 14th and wants to meet up for a beer, I'll buy. PM me.



Gents I have a problem.

I arrive Manila in mid-December and have about 48 hours solo before I have to head south to meet up with family. What to do? Stay in Manila, which I am familiar with, and tear it up? Was last there in 2010. Or head to Angeles? Or even Subic? Haven't been to either since my Navy days but have good memories!

Suggestions? Recommendations? Help me out here. Wish I had this dilemma all the time!


*will also post this on the AC and Subic threads.

11-08-12, 06:27
Just go with your gut.Let me fix that for you: "Just go with your butt."

Doppel One
11-08-12, 06:56
I basically agree, but many people sizing me up assume I have a wallet and carry some cash. So I carry one as a decoy. I leave a little cash in it and some outdated cards.Good plan JD. I'm going to start carrying a decoy dick in my pants. That way, if a girl makes an unexpected grab for my pecker when I'm walking down Fields there's a 50/50 chance I'll out-fox the shameless oar.

Safe travels but please don't allow insane levels of paranoia to ruin your trip.

Jp Slicky
11-08-12, 09:37
Anyone that approaches me and starts asking questions or being friendly are ignored then and there Just walk away.

May seem a bit brash but lowers the possibilities of being slickered or what ever.

Soapy Smith
11-08-12, 09:49
Anyone that approaches me and starts asking questions or being friendly are ignored then and there Just walk away.

May seem a bit brash but lowers the possibilities of being slickered or what ever.Any stranger in the Phils who wants to be your friend probably wants your money rather than your friendship. Okay, we're allowed to make exceptions where p4ps are concerned.

11-08-12, 23:18
The minimum age of criminal responsibility in the Phils is 15. 15! They can get away with robbery, assault and murder below that age. Worse, if you lay a hand on them, you are liable for arrest yourself. Advice I got from a Phils cop: keep your money, cards and cell phone in your front pockets, keep your hands in your front pockets and walk fast.

A lot of these kids work for older thugs, so just get the f*k away from them.All this little gang is obviously under 18, the pics were taken in a public place and the kids were well aware that I was taking them, actually posing in half the pics. So, hopefully them meet forum guidelines.

These kids ran up to me, mobbed me and picked my pocket of a few thousand pesos. Fortunately they missed the cell phone and credit cards. A couple of days later they tried again outside my hotel, but I recognized them, yelled at them, swung my umbrella before they were close. They ran away. Still another couple of days later they were on the stairs outside my hotel and I took a dozen pics of them. Geez, they must have so many 'customers' that they didn't recognize me, even on the third encounter. They actually posed, the shameless little devils!

11-09-12, 06:00
The last time I was in Angeles, a few mongers I met showed me some sort of file that listed every bar with the costs of drinks, best time to go and bar fines. I searched for it on this site and on Google with no luck. I was wondering if any of you Senior Members know what I'm talking about and where I could get it from?



Garry Smith
11-09-12, 06:52
Dollhouse- try Roan Lozano. Spot light dancer.

Why do people carry wallets while traveling? I have a leg strap wallet as well as one that has a loop for your belt and tucks inside your pants, depending on the situation. No one is going to pickpocket you with those. Of course if you are forcibly robbed, it will not help but that is a much rarer crime. Don't carry your fucking wallets!

11-09-12, 08:16
Hi everybody!

Have been reading this forum for a long time and the time has come for me to go out into the wild.

My question is regarding Eastern weekend, are bars still open then in AC? I guess there might be less girls around.

Thanks in advance for an answer,

Screaming Beaver
11-09-12, 09:09
These kids ran up to me, mobbed me and picked my pocket of a few thousand pesos.A simple solution to this problem would be to wear shorts or pants with Velcro or zipper pockets. The additional time it takes for the little bastard to get into these pockets should alert even the most shit faced drunken baboy that he is about to be fleeced by his barfine's little brother.

You may also want to insert one of those decoy red dye packets that explode hidden in your back pockets. That should teach them a lesson.

Jp Slicky
11-09-12, 09:56
Leave all valuables in Yor room safe including the phone.

Take only what you can afford to loose.

Plenty of time to walk back to hotel if need more

11-09-12, 14:41
The last time I was in Angeles, a few mongers I met showed me some sort of file that listed every bar with the costs of drinks, best time to go and bar fines. I searched for it on this site and on Google with no luck. I was wondering if any of you Senior Members know what I'm talking about and where I could get it from?


YGI believe it is still in the forum post somewhere. Strictly speaking you cannot go by that. Bars change prices, policies all the time.

Rule of thumb is between opening time and around 7-8 PM they have discounted drinks. It is not actually much $0. 50 cents or so. If you are a big drinker it might help.

As for barfines a month ago ranged from 1500-3000. Sometimes in the same bar there are three tier priced girls.

Once I went to a fields bar at around 2 AM and the mamasan told me I can barfine for 1200 pesos. Must be a slow night or only ugly ones left. Did not take up the offer although there were couple I could have barfined.

I was taking a break that night.

It is always better to ask the waitress cost of the drink, barfine, ladydrink price before you even order a drink. Some guys pay right away without running a tab. I have not been scammed in the tab or I was too drunk or happy to care. But definitely if they would have inflated the check I would have known. I order only bottled beer and it costs approx 85-100 pesos although in dollhouse it is 120. Ladydrinks are 150 or 300. Insist on 150 all the time. If you want to get your barfined girl drunk take her bar hopping.

Garry Smith
11-09-12, 15:50
Arrive at Angeles yesterday afternoon. I'm tired to walk to centre of field ave round so I bar fined nearby Ponytail. I attach my girl photo. Spanish blood.

11-09-12, 16:06
Bags in the Philippines,

Reading the guys getting pick pocket and robbed I post this photo again, for 5 years I lived here I never lost the bag or my stuff in the bag, you see other guys here use bags and there is a reason why some people will not try some thing when you have bags like this and wearing them like this.

X Man
11-09-12, 16:08
She has a pretty face, but should you be giving chocolate to someone who needs to lose a few kilos?

Just joking, thanks for posting a pic. X.

Arrive at Angeles yesterday afternoon. I'm tired to walk to centre of field ave round so I bar fined nearby Ponytail. I attach my girl photo. Spanish blood.

X Man
11-09-12, 16:16
F3, you crack me up.

You're a big fkr of Aryan stock, you got a slew of edgy body guards. No one is going to mess with you. Oh, and you are in Cebu. Not Angeles.

I do like the man bag though. Very fashionable. X.

Bags in the Philippines,

Reading the guys getting pick pocket and robbed I post this photo again, for 5 years I lived here I never lost the bag or my stuff in the bag, you see other guys here use bags and there is a reason why some people will not try some thing when you have bags like this and wearing them like this.

11-09-12, 19:12
Ran across these prices guides on another board.

11-10-12, 05:19
You've never eaten Cameroonian food.

In my opinion, Burmese food is the most boring on the planet.

It has absolutely nothing going for it.


Red Kilt
11-10-12, 05:24
F3, you crack me up.

You're a big fkr of Aryan stock, you got a slew of edgy body guards. No one is going to mess with you. Oh, and you are in Cebu. Not Angeles.

I do like the man bag though. Very fashionable. X.That's a novel (and secure) way to wear a so-called "bum bag" around the neck.

I have heard that erstwhile thieves have taken to cutting the straps of shoulder bags (both single strap and back packs worn on one shoulder) now and then ripping them away and running off. Seems the MO is for the perp to surreptitiously put hand under bag so the change is weight is not noticed, slice through the strap and then pull hard so the strap slips through the owner's fingers that are holding the strap. Just a tip to be careful in crowded areas in malls, stations and on stairways.

I use a "Pac-safe" style bag which has a reinforced steel lining in the strap. So far nobody has tried to cut through it.

11-10-12, 05:57
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely antagonistic. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

Bowel Movement
11-10-12, 08:36
My heart goes out to the low-rent Angeles mongers. Beset by gangs of juvenile thieves, many of the recent posts could just as easily have been posted in the London Times in the age of Charles Dickens. Try as they might to catch the last few rays of sun at the end of their days, instead they find themselves preoccupied with safety bags, wallet placement, pugilistic endeavors on the filthy unpaved, flood-prone streets of third-world Angeles, taking fire from all sides. And don't forget the crooked cops. They also have to eat from the rice bowl.

Reading this stuff, I wonder why bother? Why not just stay in Minneapolis or wherever and read the field reports. Take that annual trip to Cancun. Talk about it for months afterwards. Has the American dream come to this? BTW, I'm still waiting for the mother of all discussions: How to survive on a Social Security check in Angeles.


11-10-12, 10:37
Wrong Thread buddy. Go Check Angeles Hotels thread and you'll find tons of option. Only requirement is being able to read. If you can't do it, you should either ask your wife or your mom. Whoever you're living with. LOL.

YGThe original post has already been answered. Why do you find it necessary to chip in with a load of sarcasm?

11-10-12, 11:56
The last time I was in Angeles, a few mongers I met showed me some sort of file that listed every bar with the costs of drinks, best time to go and bar fines. I searched for it on this site and on Google with no luck. I was wondering if any of you Senior Members know what I'm talking about and where I could get it from?


YGNot every bar, but details of drink prices and EWR rates are available for a selection of bars at http://angelescitybarreviews.com/

Hope it's ok to post the link.

11-10-12, 17:38
My heart goes out to the low-rent Angeles mongers. Beset by gangs of juvenile thieves, many of the recent posts could just as easily have been posted in the London Times in the age of Charles Dickens. Try as they might to catch the last few rays of sun at the end of their days, instead they find themselves preoccupied with safety bags, wallet placement, pugilistic endeavors on the filthy unpaved, flood-prone streets of third-world Angeles, taking fire from all sides. And don't forget the crooked cops. They also have to eat from the rice bowl.

Reading this stuff, I wonder why bother? Why not just stay in Minneapolis or wherever and read the field reports. Take that annual trip to Cancun. Talk about it for months afterwards. Has the American dream come to this? BTW, I'm still waiting for the mother of all discussions: How to survive on a Social Security check in Angeles.

BMThis is no reflection of the USA. Guys from 1st world countries all over the world flock to AC. Its not just a USA thing. What the PI show is the power and man's desire of PUSSY

Men will travel great lengths, deal w / 3rd world BS to get YOUNG PUSSY. Especially English speaking. Period. That's it in a Nut shell. Nothing more. Nothing less.

11-11-12, 06:39
This is no reflection of the USA. Guys from 1st world countries all over the world flock to AC. Its not just a USA thing. What the PI show is the power and man's desire of PUSSY

Men will travel great lengths, deal w / 3rd world BS to get YOUNG PUSSY. Especially English speaking. Period. That's it in a Nut shell. Nothing more. Nothing less.Great. Welll. Said. Many want to make it more than what is ther. Party and have fuc. Fun.

11-11-12, 06:42
This is no reflection of the USA. Guys from 1st world countries all over the world flock to AC. Its not just a USA thing. What the PI show is the power and man's desire of PUSSY

Men will travel great lengths, deal w / 3rd world BS to get YOUNG PUSSY. Especially English speaking. Period. That's it in a Nut shell. Nothing more. Nothing less.Dude. Agree but lets keep it more on how to work with it rather than work against it.

I'm partying in Manila and ac but waiting to tell people where to go. Show me your all knowledgeable.

11-11-12, 07:35
This is no reflection of the USA. Guys from 1st world countries all over the world flock to AC. Its not just a USA thing. What the PI show is the power and man's desire of PUSSY

Men will travel great lengths, deal w / 3rd world BS to get YOUNG PUSSY. Especially English speaking. Period. That's it in a Nut shell. Nothing more. Nothing less.AGREED TOTALLY. The guys are like any male animal with the natural desire to hunt girls for sex and to impregnate girls except we use our brain not to. Where else can you see young girls hanging onto their old and wrinkle boy friends happily if not in the Philippines. We have money to spare, and the girls have hungry family to feed, and the only jobs which bring enough food is in the bar or free lancing. So guys are not going to be turned away by incidents of pick pockets. Well guys just stay close to your money to prevent it being picked out by nimble small fingers.

Doppel One
11-11-12, 07:57
As we all know sometimes it just isn't convenient to take a girl back to your regular hotel. Can anyone recommend a clean, cheap (200/300 pesos 1-2 hours) , safe and discreet short time hotel within a 5 minute walk or so of Fields Ave / Checkpoint? Thanks guys.

Garry Smith
11-12-12, 03:48
My last Friday afternoon ponytail girl spanish mix blood.

Garry Smith
11-12-12, 03:49
Hehehe like 3-4 girl a day ya.

As we all know sometimes it just isn't convenient to take a girl back to your regular hotel. Can anyone recommend a clean, cheap (200/300 pesos 1-2 hours) , safe and discreet short time hotel within a 5 minute walk or so of Fields Ave / Checkpoint? Thanks guys.

Garry Smith
11-12-12, 03:58
Cute ponytail girl.

Garry Smith
11-12-12, 04:11
One of beautiful girl "model look" that I love.

Garry Smith
11-12-12, 08:26
Model look. From xxx bar.

Pattaya Trip
11-13-12, 11:56
this is not the usual comparison between these two destinations.

my ideal of a good time isn't finding a lady and taking her back to the hotel for a fuck.

i'm an exhibitionist pervert.

i prefer to stay in public at bar, go-go or club and buy drinks for lady (ies) and engage in kissing and deep pussy / ass finger penetration with the possibility of her bending down for a suck or bending over for a fuck.

this is how i would like to spend the majority of my time.

going from woman to woman making out, groping, probing, drinking.

in fact, the only time i want to be in hotel room with lady is for a cuddle buddy when i sleep or an orgy (where and how can these be setup)

i was leaning towards pattaya because of places like soi 6 where i hear you can get the girls to do anything (can i [CodeWord134] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord134) on them) , and xzone and wind mill a go-go where the customer can lick pussy and ass while ladies are on stage and possibly have lady sit on dick. and even star of light (i know. bangkok) where bbbjs and condom free fucking are in public.

these places are my kind of raunch.

however, after viewing the photo gallery, i must admit i am more attracted to the ladies in the philippines.

and the prospect of conversing in native language is desired.

but the raunch of the environment is of most high importance!

can things get raunchy in angeles city?

* bjs in disco, bar, go-go.

* condom free fucking.

* openly grope lady friend in public.

so which destination can better accommodate my desires?

any opinion and advice from experts is greatly appreciated.

11-13-12, 17:48
can things get raunchy in angeles city?

* bjs in disco, bar, go-go.

* condom free fucking.

* openly grope lady friend in public.

so which destination can better accommodate my desires?

any opinion and advice from experts is greatly appreciated.ac is not what it was few years ago, raids, **** stings, arrest of mamasans and girls and managers etc has put a big dent on raunchy side of things.

even naked dancing, body paint shows, public indecence in bars are banned. in most bars girls dance fully clothed with fully padded bras. most they will do is sit with you and rub your dick from outside. kissing is ok. you can discretely touch pussy of a willing girl. even blow row girls will not do anything in public.

gone are the days when you can undress the girl in public and maybe even stick your dick inside her pussy if you are seated in a secluded corner.

so ac is not for you!

11-13-12, 20:28
this is not the usual comparison between these two destinations.

my ideal of a good time isn't finding a lady and taking her back to the hotel for a fuck.

i'm an exhibitionist pervert.

i prefer to stay in public at bar, go-go or club and buy drinks for lady (ies) and engage in kissing and deep pussy / ass finger penetration with the possibility of her bending down for a suck or bending over for a fuck.

this is how i would like to spend the majority of my time.

going from woman to woman making out, groping, probing, drinking.

in fact, the only time i want to be in hotel room with lady is for a cuddle buddy when i sleep or an orgy (where and how can these be setup)

i was leaning towards pattaya because of places like soi 6 where i hear you can get the girls to do anything (can i [CodeWord134] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord134) on them) , and xzone and wind mill a go-go where the customer can lick pussy and ass while ladies are on stage and possibly have lady sit on dick. and even star of light (i know. bangkok) where bbbjs and condom free fucking are in public.

these places are my kind of raunch.

however, after viewing the photo gallery, i must admit i am more attracted to the ladies in the philippines.

and the prospect of conversing in native language is desired.

but the raunch of the environment is of most high importance!

can things get raunchy in angeles city?

* bjs in disco, bar, go-go.

* condom free fucking.

* openly grope lady friend in public.

so which destination can better accommodate my desires?

any opinion and advice from experts is greatly appreciated.if you have no problem with budget then this can be found at baclaran area in manila, namely asian entertainment and miss universal. there are hundred of models and dancers there. the places has stage for shows and strip tease for the beauties. girls are mostly model type and specially selected. yes these girls tease you and come down from the stage and you offer drinks and tips. the girl can be booked for about p8000, and only for one shot (well in the hotel you can renegotiate which they normally accede with extra payment and stay on till morning). another reminder, you will pay for entrance. without booking the girl out and still touching, kissing, look at pussies, after paying for the lady drinks, hour charge, etc for 3 hours fun you can end up paying up to p10, 000. well you will definitely have fun, as they try to make you spend and the mamasan and papasan who are called entertainment managers as there can be 20 to 30 of them and you choose one for your table will be at your table giving advise, calling drinks, etc.ah off course you will see many korean and japanese customers here.i have seen young korean licking girls' pussy there,presumably from the result of having good time and having too much drinks.

Pagal Chacha
11-13-12, 21:38
Planning to meet another ISG member for drinks and hunting if anyone intrested PM me

11-13-12, 23:29
I will be in AC 19 to 21 November in Pacific Breeze Hotel. Be fun to meet up and share beer and ideas, if anyone's around please PM me.


11-14-12, 03:03
Apart from the mongering, I'm keen to do a couple of more touristy things while there in Feb '13.

One is flying over the Mt Pinatubo crater for photos, the other is to go to a range and fire some heavy weapons.

I hear there is a hot air ballon festival on in February, anyone done this in the Philippines and have experiences to share? Costs, feeling of safety etc? The idea of trekking in the tropical heat to be in the crater doesn't interest me to be honest. A light aircraft or ballon or chopper would be a better option, and I've never been in a balloon. Used to work offshore (about 8 years) so done a LOT of hours in different choppers!

I used to be in the Navy, I've fired shotguns. 9mm pistols. 7.62mm SLRs, machine guns, semi and full auto heavy rifles etc. I even got to fire a 4. 5" gun on the front of the ship. But I'd love to experience things like a AK47, Mac9, Uzi 9mm (Yeah, that was in an Arnie voice) , plus BIG calibre pistols like a 45. Bigger is better. Maybe the 45 magnum like Clint Eastwood's charactor used in Dirty Harry. Any recommendations for others?

Now being Australian, we don't have a gun culture here, and access to guns is very very limited, You have to be in a club, can only have small bore non auto weapons etc. Or you need a weapon for a reason, such as shooting wild pigs or dogs on a farm.

That is arguably making the streets safer, but that's not an argument I am interested in having. The chances of someone pulling a gun on you here is remote, but so is the chance to experience these weapons.

SO. Given the American influence (with the American gun culture) that must be still around after Subic and Clark bases went away, I'm guessing there must be a good selection of weapons there. Am I correct, or did the Phil government stamp on the gun ownership thing? I have found a range near Clark, anyone been there? Or any other places that I'd be better off looking at?

While google is a wonderful thing, nothing beats local knowledge!


11-14-12, 03:40
Going to be making my virgin trip at the end of this week. Does anyone have a reliable strategy for procuring a pregnant girl that they wouldn't mind sharing? If I have to ask here and there all week, it is fine, locating one attractive one is all I hope for.

11-14-12, 03:55
Apart from the mongering, I'm keen to do a couple of more touristy things while there in Feb '13.

I hear there is a hot air ballon festival on in February, anyone done this in the Philippines and have experiences to share? Costs, feeling of safety etc? The idea of trekking in the tropical heat to be in the crater doesn't interest me to be honest. A light aircraft or ballon or chopper would be a better option, and I've never been in a balloon. Used to work offshore (about 8 years) so done a LOT of hours in different choppers!

VBI was in Albuquerque in October for their balloon festival. Got my first ride, and loved it. In the US, balloon pilots have to be licensed by the FAA. You just want to ask them their training and experience. If they have flown a lot and know the local air currents it would be very safe. Cost at Clark, according to their website, is $200 for a ride.


11-14-12, 04:30
Cute ponytail girl.I think this is the same girl; I saw her in Ponytails last June. She was one of the t-back girls. Very cute, but her face is kinda funny looking I think:


11-14-12, 06:40
Apart from the mongering, I'm keen to do a couple of more touristy things while there in Feb '13.

One is flying over the Mt Pinatubo crater for photos, the other is to go to a range and fire some heavy weapons.

I hear there is a hot air ballon festival on in February, anyone done this in the Philippines and have experiences to share? Costs, feeling of safety etc? The idea of trekking in the tropical heat to be in the crater doesn't interest me to be honest. A light aircraft or ballon or chopper would be a better option, and I've never been in a balloon. Used to work offshore (about 8 years) so done a LOT of hours in different choppers!

VBI did an ultralight flight there years ago with the Angeles City Flying Club. Also, the ABC hotel in Angeles has a helicopter that you may be able to charter.

11-14-12, 07:23
But I'd love to experience things like a AK47, Mac9, Uzi 9mm (Yeah, that was in an Arnie voice) , plus BIG calibre pistols like a 45. Bigger is better. Maybe the 45 magnum like Clint Eastwood's charactor used in Dirty Harry. Any recommendations for others?Go to Cambodia. You can fire off all manner of leftovers from the Khmer Rouge era. For enough $$$ of course.


11-14-12, 21:31
Pregnant access?

Going to be making my virgin trip at the end of this week. Does anyone have a reliable strategy for procuring a pregnant girl that they wouldn't mind sharing? If I have to ask here and there all week, it is fine, locating one attractive one is all I hope for.

Just open a DIA account and put Pregnant? In the headline and explain what you are looking for, what you are offering etc. There are plenty of preggie girld using DIA and besides noany non pregnant ones will have pregnant friends they will be keen to introduce if yiou are willing to give the a helping hand.

11-15-12, 00:58
A total stunner. Hope all was good. On my way next month and will check out xxx foe sure.

One of beautiful girl "model look" that I love.

11-15-12, 06:36
I think this is the same girl; I saw her in Ponytails last June. She was one of the t-back girls. Very cute, but her face is kinda funny looking I think:

http://www.dateinasia.com/uendi_02She was at ponytails last week. Interesting face, cute. A little chunky especially for a filipina. Did not road test but seemed worth it.

11-15-12, 06:43
Just open a DIA account and put Pregnant? In the headline and explain what you are looking for, what you are offering etc. There are plenty of preggie girld using DIA and besides noany non pregnant ones will have pregnant friends they will be keen to introduce if yiou are willing to give the a helping hand.Thanks for the idea! Will be looking into this!

11-15-12, 10:30
A few maps for reference.

7. If U-turn left at that 'T', walk a block or so, you will see several bars on your right (4 of them I think, together, next door to each other). They almost appear to be one bar, not 4. Aby Lyn, Jumpin' Jack Flash (see pic). I sat inside Aby Lyn, hadn't even ordered a drink. My phone buzzed. I checked the txt message, and was about to put the phone away, when several girls started posing. 'You take our pic. ' Well, if you insist, ladies. Snap. See pic. I asked the barfine price: 700 2 hours. 1200 LT. The very last bar, on the right, no kidding is filled with older fat gals, all of them appear late 30's or 40's. Hard to believe anyone would take them. The other three bars were filled with girls, sometimes 30 or so gals sitting around between the other three. Quite a range in the looks department, although all girls appeared < 25.Hello Everyone,

"The very last bar, on the right, no kidding is filled with older fat gals, all of them appear late 30's or 40's"

Some one can teel me where I can find this Bar? I would like to barfines somes matures girl.

11-15-12, 21:48
Hello Everyone,

"The very last bar, on the right, no kidding is filled with older fat gals, all of them appear late 30's or 40's"

Some one can teel me where I can find this Bar? I would like to barfines somes matures girl.Hahahaha great first post. I guy that likes fat chicks!

11-15-12, 22:31
Hahahaha great first post. I guy that likes fat chicks!Why not? They're usually more at easy with their bodies.

Fast Eddie 48
11-16-12, 00:58
Hahahaha great first post. I guy that likes fat chicks!To Slippery.

If we want fat chick we can all just stay home in the US don't have to fly 7000 mile to PI to bang slim spinner, I guess everyone have different taste in life.

Fast Eddie 48

Garry Smith
11-16-12, 10:04
Nice look no belly at tummy.

I think this is the same girl; I saw her in Ponytails last June. She was one of the t-back girls. Very cute, but her face is kinda funny looking I think:


Mr Enternational
11-16-12, 11:38
To Slippery.

If we want fat chick we can all just stay home in the US don't have to fly 7000 mile to PI to bang slim spinner, I guess everyone have different taste in life.

Fast Eddie 48There are slim chicks in the US as well. So your point makes no sense at all. Unless you mean that YOUR pulling ability in the US is limited to fat chicks and your only chance at a slim one is to fly 7000 miles to PI.

11-16-12, 13:33
Hello Everyone,

"The very last bar, on the right, no kidding is filled with older fat gals, all of them appear late 30's or 40's"

Some one can teel me where I can find this Bar? I would like to barfines somes matures girl.From the corner of Fields / Raymond streets, take Raymond (turn right from Fields) , then walk about 2 blocks and you will see a group of 4 bars on your right, all next door to each other. They are at the end of the street (the street turns left 90 degrees just after the bars). The fourth bar is filled with women who are late 30's+ ("youthfully challenged").

Garry Smith
11-17-12, 00:56
She also active in dateasia.

I think this is the same girl; I saw her in Ponytails last June. She was one of the t-back girls. Very cute, but her face is kinda funny looking I think:


Garry Smith
11-17-12, 03:29
Photo sharing from last visit. nice looking 18yrs old.

11-17-12, 04:15
i know this will come as no surprise to old hands here but i think it's worth reminding newbies here that many filipinas, especially the ones you will meet on the dating sites are very keen to get pregnant by a foreigner. if you are not "shooting blanks" or wearing condoms you need to be very aware of this.

i was reminded of this firstly because of a british friend who is trapped in a loveless marriage with a not very attractive thai girl who cheated hi into getting her pregnant secondly.

by a guy on the plane over who was coming to meet his 2 year old daughter by a filipina who he is now very bored with, but supporting (having previously got pregnant and married / divorced a thai girl) ,

and thirdly because a couple of the girls i have met in the first couple of days have practically raped me to get an uncovered cock inside them in the hope of getting pregnant.

for many girls getting a foreigner to get her pregnant is their no 1 strategy to either get married or have 18 years of financial support and security. even if you don't actually get her pregnant, if you take chances that mean you can't rule it out, you may well get pressure to pay up if she gets pregnant with her pinoy bf. be careful it happens alot

11-17-12, 07:31
From the corner of Fields / Raymond streets, take Raymond (turn right from Fields) , then walk about 2 blocks and you will see a group of 4 bars on your right, all next door to each other. They are at the end of the street (the street turns left 90 degrees just after the bars). The fourth bar is filled with women who are late 30's+ ("youthfully challenged").Thanks Westcoast1, I leave AC the next Saturday, I will try to find this bar.

Fast Eddie 48 I am not a US citizen I live in luxembourg and I love mature woman, not Fat chicks but both it's not a problem for me.

11-17-12, 23:13
and thirdly because a couple of the girls i have met in the first couple of days have practically raped me to get an uncovered cock inside them in the hope of getting pregnant.

for many girls getting a foreigner to get her pregnant is their no 1 strategy to either get married or have 18 years of financial support and security. even if you don't actually get her pregnant, if you take chances that mean you can't rule it out, you may well get pressure to pay up if she gets pregnant with her pinoy bf. be careful it happens alot[/quote]thats a good reminder, thanks and for that reason i always put my i'd's and passport even credit / debit cards in the safe or somewhere i know there not going to look and give not my first name but my middle name.

*good hunting*

11-18-12, 06:38
There are slim chicks in the US as well. So your point makes no sense at all. Unless you mean that YOUR pulling ability in the US is limited to fat chicks and your only chance at a slim one is to fly 7000 miles to PI.Odds are a female in the US who starts out slim and attractive will be crowing that "real women have curves!" 10-15 after dragging you down the aisle. By which she means, I've layered 50-100 lbs on since university and am too lazy to do anything about it.

We yank men are that way too, but we can still get a SYT in our beds!

Asian Rain
11-18-12, 08:28
I think this is the same girl; I saw her in Ponytails last June. She was one of the t-back girls. Very cute, but her face is kinda funny looking I think:

http://www.dateinasia.com/uendi_02She was my first DIA girl. She was boarding with a friend in Manila. A little cutie. Agree she is a bit funny looking. She has a very slight cross-eyed look.

A bit slow to heat up in the bed, but once she gets going she is a little firecracker, with lots of "oh sheets". A cup tits and a super tight velvet smooth fuck box. Tight little caboose to boot. I suspect she looks great on the stage dancing in a Tback. I did her a year back, so don't know if she has gained weight. A couple of extra kilos would be quick to show on her small frame.

I noted that she has been traumatized. Just check out her wrists for the scars, which I suspect are the result of a soured relationship with the guy whose name is tattooed on her back.

Enjoy the Philippines, AsianRain

Red Kilt
11-18-12, 08:54
I know this will come as no surprise to old hands here but I think it's worth reminding newbies here that many Filipinas, especially the ones you will meet on the Dating Sites are very keen to get pregnant by a foreigner. If you are not "shooting blanks" or wearing condoms you need to be very aware of this.


For many girls getting a foreigner to get her pregnant is their No 1 strategy to either get married or have 18 years of financial support and security. Even if you don't actually get her pregnant, if you take chances that mean you can't rule it out, you may well get pressure to pay up if she gets pregnant with her Pinoy BF. BE CAREFUL It happens ALOTI don't often agree with GL's theories but in this case he is RIGHT ON THE MONEY.

Having your baby can turn out to be a very well-planned strategy for a filipina to scam you but, more often than not, having a mestizo child is just something they feel they should do to give their kid a walk-up start to a better life, given the obsession of filipinos with tallness, whiteness and big western nosed-ness (a new word, but appropriate).

Some women even state it clearly on their profile that they hope "you" (sic) will give them a white baby. I read 2 such posts on "Find Love Asia" just yesterday.

If you are not vasectomised or not careful about using condoms if you shoot inside, don't rely on their word reassuring you they are "safe" or they "take the pill" etc. Many filipinas (most?) have no understanding of any form of birth control.

Member #4698
11-18-12, 18:23
I don't often agree with GL's theories but in this case he is RIGHT ON THE MONEY.

Having your baby can turn out to be a very well-planned strategy for a filipina to scam you but, more often than not, having a mestizo child is just something they feel they should do to give their kid a walk-up start to a better life, given the obsession of filipinos with tallness, whiteness and big western nosed-ness (a new word, but appropriate).

Some women even state it clearly on their profile that they hope "you" (sic) will give them a white baby. I read 2 such posts on "Find Love Asia" just yesterday.After a while you can just feel their mindset intuitively. Getting pregnant with a half white baby is an opportunity not a problem. I observed this phenomenon and posted my thoughts on it a year ago after barebacking in the PI for three weeks. I call it the Bob Marley effect.

It is a different mind set indeed. Many of the Filipinas I have shagged have one kid already and the idea of having another baby spawned with Western sperm looks like a pretty good idea to them. I am sure some of the girls see some kind of economic benefit from having Western father on the hook for child support and what not, but most of these girls instinctively know they will never hear from their Western sperm donor again and it will be the 'family' as a whole that will raise the child in spite of economic difficulties, so the only advantage they can possibly hope for, is the introduction of new genes into the family gene pool. I call it the Bob Marley effect. The hope is one of the mixed babies have something extra and will rise above his / her economic station and be a savior for the family. Social Darwinism? I suppose we should all be flattered that these girls want our sperm, but I don't relish the idea that one of my kids could be growing up poverty stricken in the PI or worse that some punter could wind up shagging one of my daughters in an AC bar 20 years from now.

I thought about this phenomenon in order to understand the mindset of the Filipinas I met and shagged the last time I was in the PI. On my last trip, I shagged 15 different Filipinas in total and repeated several times with two girls in particular. I rode 14 out of the 15 bareback and I enjoyed it tremendously. A condom was never mentioned. The usual sequence of events: soapy shower together, then after a BBBJ, the girls would just climb up and impale themselves on my prick. Only one girl – Celene a very pretty bar girl from BG's bar in Cebu City asked that I wear a condom and I obliged her.

The choice is up to us: an unwanted (unkown to the father) pregnancy sooner or later, condom all the time, or vasectomy.Post script: I am trying to be good. I was in Manila in October for 6 nights and stayed on the wagon (used a condom) most of the time.

On a another closely related subject, I have been shagging this Bangkok Go Go girl for 3.5 years now. She looks great and always gives me good time. Our ST sessions have morphed into 4 to 5 hour dates. She is a good girl and like all Thai girls that I have ever been with, she always expects me to wear a condom. Towards the end of my last trip in October, however, she floated the idea that I don’t have to wear a condom if I don’t want to anymore. Hum? I am not sure what this means. She does not have kids, but told me a long time ago she wanted to have a baby. The caution flag is up.

11-19-12, 11:06
I don't often agree with GL's theories but in this case he is RIGHT ON THE MONEY.

Having your baby can turn out to be a very well-planned strategy for a filipina to scam you but, more often than not, having a mestizo child is just something they feel they should do to give their kid a walk-up start to a better life, given the obsession of filipinos with tallness, whiteness and big western nosed-ness (a new word, but appropriate).

Some women even state it clearly on their profile that they hope "you" (sic) will give them a white baby. I read 2 such posts on "Find Love Asia" just yesterday.

If you are not vasectomised or not careful about using condoms if you shoot inside, don't rely on their word reassuring you they are "safe" or they "take the pill" etc. Many filipinas (most?) have no understanding of any form of birth control.Yes RK is definitely right that it is something of a two way bet for Filipinas. The girls who get to know you well enough to get your real name and contact details maybe consciously using a half white baby as a strategy for marriage or support.

There are many others who are very willing to risk unprotected sex with white guys on the assumption that even if they do get pregnant and unsupported its not a terrible outcome and they will at least be ahead of the game compared with their single mum friends with 100% pinoy babies. Actually I met such a girl last night so if you happen to be a British guy who was getting girls in Angeles drunk to fuck them without a condom about a year and a half years ago I have news for you you may have a cute 9 month old daughter!

As others have commented guys have different views about spreading their seed willy nilly. Some take the cynical though perhaps rational view that these girls will get pregnant with someone in any case so they may as well have their fun if there are no consequences. As someone else commented, I personally would not like the idea of having a child of mine brought up in poverty by a single Pinay mum relying on hooking to buy the essentials for the kid.

I remember meeting a tall blonde girl in a Sihanoukville Vietnamese brothel some years ago. Though she spoke almost no English she was a really nice and passionate girl. One day she brought her little box containing more or less her only valuables with her. She showed me the faded passport size photo of a Canadian guy in a red lumberjack shirt which is all she knew about her father though she seemed to be convinced he was a good guy who she loved, despite the slender evidence that he had many admirable qualities.

11-19-12, 18:01
Ac bargirls get pregnant all the time whether by choice or accident. I know quite a few who do not know who is the father of the child. Even if they know there are no contact details.

First thing they do is continue working in the bar till pregnancy becomes noticeable. Bars for some reason do not like to parade pregnant girls. If they did I am sure there will be a market for them.

Next thing these pregnant girls do is contact their parents. Phi parents love children and will never chastize for getting pregnant without a husband. Girl will go home, deliver the baby and be back in AC bar.

More the wiser I believe they use some kind of native contraception so that they do not get pregnant quickly. Very few have more than one child. However they continue to allow bareback. Very rarely you will meet a girl who insists on condom.

Even the DIA girls I meet want to bareback. Some even said condom sex is not good.

11-20-12, 04:31
My previous experiences in PH have been as a one-on-one monger with one girl and one me.

On my last visit I upped the ante a little and got some male friends together, invited a few ladies to the ABC for a party. We stocked the place with some cheap beers and even cheaper rums. A few cans of coke. Just add girls and let the fun begin.

I can highly recommend the service, fun loving economy of AC. Those girls know how to party and exactly why we are in town.

Without going into the details I think I would up the ratio of girls to guys. 3:1 would be about right.

The girls sort of feed off each other, get drunk and everyone has a great time.

To arrange a party like this I just started with one of the phone numbers from a girl last time and invited her to organise it. The girls she invited seemed to like escaping from the pressure of their bar work and hoping they would get barfines.

11-22-12, 20:29
Originally posted this in Angeles Hotels section on 11/13 with no useful answer, so am reposting in this section in hope that somebody shares their knowledge. If no info received prior to 4 Dec arrival, may try to arrange an in-my-room massage + minimum of a HJ prior to hotel check-in. Considering a Plan B of using Manila to AC cabby and stop (s) at local jack shacks, IF I'm not too shattered by the 24 HR travel marathon. BTW, have RTFF and searched here and other sites with no luck.


"DM Residente Massage

Just booked a room for 4 December / 6 nights in DM Residente (Think I stayed there a couple years ago). Saw on their website that massage is available and figure a rub and tug after the 24 hour travel session would be a good way to start my visit and preferable to a sleeping pill for my afternoon nap. Anybody know if their hotel-provided massage includes a long, slow HJ? Realize this is the city of provider angels but don't want to assume anything and be frustrated / disappointed.

BTW, rate is 950P / Night for JR Standard room per their website


But they wanted me to send the $$ via Western Union. RIGHT. Booked via Agoda (couple bucks more at USD $25. 50 / Nt) and booking shows that's for 2 people. Wonder if they'll gaff me extra for multiples on those occasions when one is not enough? First person to correctly answer to these two questions wins a free beer either in the above time frame or later in the month after my short excursion to Sagada, rice terraces and hot springs. Figure I'll need the break to replenish my supply of swimmers. Will probably buy a beer even for incorrect answers."

11-23-12, 09:11
originally posted this in angeles hotels section on 11/13 with no useful answer, so am reposting in this section in hope that somebody shares their knowledge. if no info received prior to 4 dec arrival, may try to arrange an in-my-room massage + minimum of a hj prior to hotel check-in. considering a plan b of using manila to ac cabby and stop (s) at local jack shacks, if i'm not too shattered by the 24 hr travel marathon. btw, have rtff and searched here and other sites with no luck.

original post in ac hotel section:

"dm residente massage

just booked a room for 4 december / 6 nights in dm residente (think i stayed there a couple years ago). saw on their website that massage is available and figure a rub and tug after the 24 hour travel session would be a good way to start my visit and preferable to a sleeping pill for my afternoon nap. anybody know if their hotel-provided massage includes a long, slow hj? realize this is the city of provider angels but don't want to assume anything and be frustrated / disappointed.

btw, rate is 950p / night for jr standard room per their website.


but they wanted me to send the $$ via western union. right. booked via agoda (couple bucks more at usd $25. 50 / nt) and booking shows that's for 2 people. wonder if they'll gaff me extra for multiples on those occasions when one is not enough? first person to correctly answer to these two questions wins a free beer either in the above time frame or later in the month after my short excursion to sagada, rice terraces and hot springs. figure i'll need the break to replenish my supply of swimmers. will probably buy a beer even for incorrect answers."i am staying at the dm residente right now. if you on a tight budget its not a bad option as its one of the few budget places with a serviceable pool. the rooms vary quite alot and i am much happier in the suites 1395p than the smaller rooms which were a bit more run down but i guess ok. apart from the pool the main selling point is the excellent location just 5 mins walk from fields but far enough to be quiet at night. there seem to be quite a few hotel massage girls floating around not sure whether of not extras are provided but there are a series of of other massage places down teodoro street 2 minutes away on the way to fields most of which are open 24 hours a day and offer in your room service for 300-400p plus tip for extras i too one of these girls for an excellent swedish massage but didn't want extras as i had plenty of dedicated providers. by and large girls cute / young enough to get plenty of sexual custom won't put the effort in to give a good massage whereas the older married women with kids generally make sure they can actually do a decent massage. it may be easier to select the girl of your choice and discuss what is and is not on the menu in the outside massage shops and bring her to the room rather than just have the hotel send the next one on the roster.

of course you can wander down to the bars and barfine the girl of your choice. the freelance scene on fields is a bit hot and miss, with plenty of lbs, ****d (v dangerous) , or rough looking chicks. most of the better looking girls will be working in bars and prohibited from sneaking out without getting the bar fine. i've been solely relying on dia / tagged / blossoms girls and generally taking 2 a day for about 600p each (for a couple of rounds ). it's quite an effort sorting out the sensible ones but i now have roster of about 6 reasonable girls who now know where the hotel is none real stand outs but all pretty good (as its a small place its not so easy to give directions to). i'm leaving a in a couple of days, if you want to benefit from the fruits of my labour send me a pm and i can provide numbers and dia links. as ever a girl's performance can vary from customer to customer so no guarantees but you afre welcome to get these leads if you think it will be useful. you will probably need a local sim most of them are on smart / tnt about 25% on globe / tm,

11-23-12, 13:51
They all have girls sent to the room for more. I think 300 peso in shop. 500 peso close room. I can not imaging for an extra 500 peso a jerk can not be had. Now do not forget about women. You will the old one on mens. Just is just how it works. But if in A / see you can walk out and have sT in your room in 5 min. And can ask some questions like. No mens, can you do massage also. You stand a lot better chance of getting a jerk that way with out all the othere chances. Just my opinion. Or go to shop witch are on every corner and pick the one you want. Have a fun trip

Pip Jaeger
11-23-12, 16:57
It's a relevant topic and I think appropriate for this forum and AC especially.Have to agree, but I am using "copy and paste" to Google quite a bit to look up all them thar big words that got a lotta vowels inim.

One thing to add. At least you can buy antibiotics over the counter in the Phils; and at a very reasonable price. I think I paid around 350php for a name brand Z-Pack back in June and the generic was around 120. I chose the name brand as I felt the quality would be better. A generic 10 pack of 500mg Amoxicillin was 65php.

11-24-12, 16:13
Spotted in AC.

Huge knockers, pretty good looking body.

Spearmint bar.

Name of J. No numbers in the bar.

My friend the mamasan says she is a pretty good operator.

Get your ass there fast.


11-24-12, 17:24
(Clipped) I am staying at the DM Residente right now. If you on a tight budget its not a bad option. I am much happier in the suites. Excellent location just 5 mins walk from Fields but far enough to be quiet at night. The older married women with kids generally make sure they can actually do a decent massage.

Of course you can wander down to the bars and barfine the girl of your choice. If you want to benefit from the fruits of my labour send me a PM and I can provide numbers and DIA links. As ever a girl's performance can vary from customer to customer so no guarantees but you afre welcome to get these leads if you think it will be useful.Looking at their website, about 90% sure I stayed there a couple years ago and I concur with your evaluation. Worked for me then and as I'm probably going to be traveling for about 6 months, I tend to give budget priority to poon rather than prestigious addresses. For me, hotels are a place to shit, shower, sleep and shave and as long as they are relatively clean, quiet, with a comfortable workbench (bed) for the horizontal bop, most will do for me. Their website has a chat function, so will ask there about a legit massage with extras. If you get this prior to your departure, when you pass the front desk, maybe you can ask about in-house extras? Generally, face-to-face is better than chat or e-mail.

I'm just trying to make my arrival as seamless as possible and ideally will arrive, shower, massage-splooge and sleep prior to hitting the streets. Appreciate the offer re your list of candidates and will send the PM. Am on DIA but most responses have been from locations all over the map, other than Palawan, where I plan to spend the majority of my time with maybe a couple or 3 multi-day stays in A / C for a bit of excess and a change from my normal balance of touristy activities interspersed with mongering.

11-24-12, 17:43
They all have girls sent to the room for more. I think 300 peso in shop. 500 peso close room. I can not imaging for an extra 500 peso a jerk can not be had. Now do not forget about women. You will the old one on mens. Just is just how it works. But if in A / see you can walk out and have sT in your room in 5 min. And can ask some questions like. No mens, can you do massage also. You stand a lot better chance of getting a jerk that way with out all the othere chances. Just my opinion. Or go to shop witch are on every corner and pick the one you want. Have a fun tripTrying to avoid searching around when I arrive as it's guaranteed I'm going to be tired when I arrive. Have been to A / C before but never hit the massage places, however have read reviews that some of the shops do NOTprovide extras. Plan to ask hotel via their chat function or e-mail if rub and tug can be waiting for me on arrival as that is what seems best for me. Of course a rub and BBBJTC would also be acceptable but primarily want a REAL massage and a pre-sleep splooge. Thanks for the good trip wish, sure it will be.

Cunning Linguist
11-24-12, 19:54
Hello people,

I have decided to make a getaway to Angeles City for about 3 days this summer. I have fulfilled the RTFF duty.

1. Essentially, don't pick up freelancers in Angeles City. It might be dangerous.

2. The bar fine is the whole price (minus any tips that might be given later). That is way different from, say, Bangkok.

3. Stay at a hotel like the Carlton near the action.

I would like to know a couple of things:

1. I, being the Cunning Linguist, would like to know if there is any advantage in knowing some Tagalog to use with the girls. I know they all speak English to some extent but maybe it just might make them a bit friendlier (I know, my wallet is what really makes them love me long time). In my experience, nowing Thai is hit and miss in Thailand (some girls appreciate, others DO NOT) but knowing Spanish in the Dominican Republic, knowing Creole in Haiti, and Mandarin in China is an absolute must if you are going to have a really good time. That is my experience at least.

2. I wonder where there are good discussions about DIA and whether it is really worth it. I assume I would be able to find some normal, non-pro girls that way.

3. Finally, I suppose that finding an unshaved beauty in Angeles City is about as likely as finding cigar-smoking fish in a swimming pool (I know most prefer shaved, but I don't. Different strokes for different folks). However, some of the pictures in the forum have encouraged me. I suppose it is a question of asking mamasans about that? That is why I am considering the DIA route.

Any comments would be appreciated.

Mr Enternational
11-25-12, 03:34
I have decided to make a getaway to Angeles City for about 3 days this summer. I have fulfilled the RTFF duty.

1. Essentially, don't pick up freelancers in Angeles City. It might be dangerous.Bullshit. You have been to Sosua so you know the ropes. You won't even get the drama from AC freelancers that you will get from those in Sosua.

2. The bar fine is the whole price (minus any tips that might be given later). That is way different from, say, Bangkok.Exactly.

3. Stay at a hotel like the Carlton near the action.Any hotel off Fields will due. I always stay in Central Park (just read on the website that it is closed for renovation). That is only because my first time going Pacific Breeze was full and that is the sister hotel so I have been staying there ever since. As a matter of fact I will send an email right now to see if PB has vacancies for my February trip.

1. I, being the Cunning Linguist, would like to know if there is any advantage in knowing some Tagalog to use with the girls.I wouldn't worry about knowing a lick of Tagolog.

2. I wonder where there are good discussions about DIA and whether it is really worth it. I assume I would be able to find some normal, non-pro girls that way.You will find those discussions in the Chat Rooms & Pen Pals thread http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?2479-Chat-Rooms-amp-Pen-Pals I have found normal, non-pro girls on dating sites, yet there are members who swear you are supposed to give them/they expect money and/or gifts. The ones who wanted money made it very clear and an agreement was reached in advance.

3. Finally, I suppose that finding an unshaved beauty in Angeles City is about as likely as finding cigar-smoking fish in a swimming pool (I know most prefer shaved, but I don't. Different strokes for different folks). However, some of the pictures in the forum have encouraged me. I suppose it is a question of asking mamasans about that? That is why I am considering the DIA route.Good luck with that one. Even from DIA. IMHO if they know there is a remote chance of them fucking a foreigner then they will shave. In some instances girls have asked me if I like hairy or shaved so they could be that way when I arrived. In the chat thread I think some guys have told their regular girls not to shave for a certain amount of time before they arrived.

11-25-12, 04:05
Mr E,

No numbers? Oh the drama. Now I have to remember names. Chatting with two chicas from there on DIA. We'll see what happens when I get there in three weeks!


Bullshit. You have been to Sosua so you know the ropes. You won't even get the drama from AC freelancers that you will get from those in Sosua.


Any hotel off Fields will due. I always stay in Central Park (just read on the website that it is closed for renovation). That is only because my first time going Pacific Breeze was full and that is the sister hotel so I have been staying there ever since. As a matter of fact I will send an email right now to see if PB has vacancies for my February trip.

I wouldn't worry about knowing a lick of Tagolog.

You will find those discussions in the Chat Rooms & Pen Pals thread.


I have found normal, non-pro girls on dating sites, yet there are members who swear you are supposed to give them / they expect money and / or gifts. The ones who wanted money made it very clear and an agreement was reached in advance.

Good luck with that one. Even from DIA. IMHO if they know there is a remote chance of them fucking a foreigner then they will shave. In some instances girls have asked me if I like hairy or shaved so they could be that way when I arrived. In the chat thread I think some guys have told their regular girls not to shave for a certain amount of time before they arrived.
Spotted in AC.

Huge knockers, pretty good looking body.

Spearmint bar.

Name of J. No numbers in the bar.

My friend the mamasan says she is a pretty good operator.

Get your ass there fast.


11-25-12, 11:34
Anyone has alredy meet this girl?

Tally Wacker
11-25-12, 11:57
Dude where's your madras shorts, casual blazer, polo shirt, dress sandals and a Panama hat you spoke about?

Marites and I at the ABC Hotel in April of 2012.

Garry Smith
11-25-12, 15:37
She was very good girl and good service. I was with her last October at Devera. Camelot girl.

Marites and I at the ABC Hotel in April of 2012.

Garry Smith
11-25-12, 17:12
DM stand for what bro?

Looking at their website, about 90% sure I stayed there a couple years ago and I concur with your evaluation. Worked for me then and as I'm probably going to be traveling for about 6 months, I tend to give budget priority to poon rather than prestigious addresses. For me, hotels are a place to shit, shower, sleep and shave and as long as they are relatively clean, quiet, with a comfortable workbench (bed) for the horizontal bop, most will do for me. Their website has a chat function, so will ask there about a legit massage with extras. If you get this prior to your departure, when you pass the front desk, maybe you can ask about in-house extras? Generally, face-to-face is better than chat or e-mail.

I'm just trying to make my arrival as seamless as possible and ideally will arrive, shower, massage-splooge and sleep prior to hitting the streets. Appreciate the offer re your list of candidates and will send the PM. Am on DIA but most responses have been from locations all over the map, other than Palawan, where I plan to spend the majority of my time with maybe a couple or 3 multi-day stays in A / C for a bit of excess and a change from my normal balance of touristy activities interspersed with mongering.

11-25-12, 20:20
DM stand for what bro?Guess it's whatever you want. Done Mastrabating, Delighted Monger, Dairy Maids, Deviant Massage, Deep Mouth (I hope!)?

BTW GS, thanks for pics. Model look=HOT

11-25-12, 21:19
I was thinking about making a trip to AC. I normally travel the Latin countries, etc. Brazil, D. R, Columbia.

A friend told me that most of the Philippian women a small in stature, which I have imagined; but are there any women larger than what I described; say 5'3"+ and more than 90 lbs? I mean, I don't discriminate, but I do like a little booty from time to time. I normally just go to the source and find out for myself concerning anything, but can someone help me with and avg. Description of the girls in AC, so that I can decide if I want to take that long trip. Because it is a long trip from the east coast and get there and don't like the choices.


Tiger 888
11-25-12, 22:11
DM stand for what bro?The answer is here:

DM Residente (http://lmgtfy.com/?q=DM+residente)

11-26-12, 02:47
Greetings all,

Reading on another board about a new bar Cuba Cuba. From what I have read so far it seems to be a free lancer type of bar. Anyone been there yet, your thoughts on the place? It is opposite Swiss Chalet / new Penthouse Hotel, kinda of opposite Tequilla Reef. A MBC type of place would be a welcome addition to AC, IMHO.


Garry Smith
11-26-12, 02:50
Hehehe it helps.

The answer is here:

DM Residente (http://lmgtfy.com/?q=DM+residente)

Garry Smith
11-26-12, 11:31
Yup beautiful girl and nice boobs.

Anyone has alredy meet this girl?

11-26-12, 16:15
Just finished a 3 week trip and I have to say it was great. The quality of girls was outstanding and the variety of choices made every day unique!

11-26-12, 16:40
I am deciding on whether or not I should make the trip to the Philippines. I normally travel to the Latin countries, Brazil, DR, Columbia, etc. I have found women of all sizes, small to large in those areas. I have a friend who feels that the women in the Philippines are too small. He describes them to be mostly 5'0".90 lbs, with no tits or ass. I have viewed many of the photos and I know that most Philippinean women are small, but I can't tell how small. I don't discriminate when it come to different body types, but is there a varity when it come to sizes with the women?

I'm hoping that someone can offer some detailed advice, so I can make a informative decision on making this 29hr trek. Again I understand that Philippineans are naturally small in stature, but are the majority of the women 5'0" and 90lbs?


11-26-12, 17:29
Greetings Everyone,

I moved the last several pages of discussion regarding "Safe Sex" to the thread titled "Safe Sex".


This "Thread Splitting" process is not perfect, and it's possible that I may have inadvertently moved / did not move a few reports. If you find that your own report was also moved / not moved, please don't take it personally.



Screaming Beaver
11-26-12, 18:11
I understand that Philippineans are naturally small in stature, but are the majority of the women 5'0" and 90lbs?

ThanksYes they are however you can find your share of porkers if that is what you prefer.

11-26-12, 21:21
(...) Many filipinas (most?) have no understanding of any form of birth control.Of course that could also be an effect of their catholic upbringing: contraceptives are against the church's rules.

Funny enough, it seems that the church's rules against extra-marital sex are far less popular with these girls.

11-26-12, 23:01
I am deciding on whether or not I should make the trip to the Philippines. I normally travel to the Latin countries, Brazil, DR, Columbia, etc. I have found women of all sizes, small to large in those areas. I have a friend who feels that the women in the Philippines are too small. He describes them to be mostly 5'0".90 lbs, with no tits or ass. I have viewed many of the photos and I know that most Philippinean women are small, but I can't tell how small. I don't discriminate when it come to different body types, but is there a varity when it come to sizes with the women?

I'm hoping that someone can offer some detailed advice, so I can make a informative decision on making this 29hr trek. Again I understand that Philippineans are naturally small in stature, but are the majority of the women 5'0" and 90lbs?

ThanksThe avg filippina height is 4'11. You will have a HARD time finding more than a handful over 5'2. You can find plenty porkers at 5'0. A gut with baby stretch marks.

If you are a boob and ass man. Then Asia PERIOD really is not for you. Sure you can find / see one with a little ass. Or some boobs every 2 or 3 days. Yeah ONE. But you will have to HUNT. And I do mean HUNT. Probably none will compare to Latin women.

11-27-12, 09:23
I was chatting a girl of 18 on dia, agreed to come to my room at ac, but she doesn't have any papers / I'd to proof her age. Is it normal there? Or she is not yet 18, she look young with excellent boobs on cam!

Am I at risk? Will the hotel people allow the girl without papers during night / day time? Hope to hear from you.


11-27-12, 14:57
Probably none will compare to Latin women.But if one like latin ladies, the Phils might be the best place in asia, many look latin, dress in nice dresses with high heels and act more open / genuinly flirty compared to let's say Thailand. I love Latin ladies and mongering there, love boobs and ass but I also found Philippines great. Search around for pictures here and on the net + the online dating sites (date in asia and tagged. Com) and and see for yourself before you go.

11-27-12, 15:29
I am deciding on whether or not I should make the trip to the Philippines. I normally travel to the Latin countries, Brazil, DR, Columbia, etc. I have found women of all sizes, small to large in those areas. I have a friend who feels that the women in the Philippines are too small. He describes them to be mostly 5'0".90 lbs, with no tits or ass. I have viewed many of the photos and I know that most Philippinean women are small, but I can't tell how small. I don't discriminate when it come to different body types, but is there a varity when it come to sizes with the women?

I'm hoping that someone can offer some detailed advice, so I can make a informative decision on making this 29hr trek. Again I understand that Philippineans are naturally small in stature, but are the majority of the women 5'0" and 90lbs?

ThanksYes, There are many varieties of Phi women. Dark to moderately light, thin to fat. But not a whole lot of tall women. Although one of my GF is 5' 6". Very rare.

You will not find big titted women like in Latin women. Those that do have will be real fat, old women.

You can go to Angeles city bars and look at all different kind of women. Do not be foooled by heavily padded bras. Even those who have good size boobs wear padded bras. Not sure why. I told one of my GF and she said it is normal.

11-27-12, 17:17
Yes, There are many varieties of Phi women. Dark to moderately light, thin to fat. But not a whole lot of tall women. Although one of my GF is 5' 6". Very rare.

You will not find big titted women like in Latin women. Those that do have will be real fat, old women.

You can go to Angeles city bars and look at all different kind of women. Do not be foooled by heavily padded bras. Even those who have good size boobs wear padded bras. Not sure why. I told one of my GF and she said it is normal.In the Phils it is socially unacceptable for a woman's nipples to be in any way visible through her clothing. That's what I've been told, the reason for those thick Kevlar and foam bra cups.

11-27-12, 17:41
I was chatting a girl of 18 on dia, agreed to come to my room at ac, but she doesn't have any papers / I'd to proof her age. Is it normal there? Or she is not yet 18, she look young with excellent boobs on cam!

Am I at risk? Will the hotel people allow the girl without papers during night / day time? Hope to hear from you.

TMTI would be vary cautious if I were you.

11-27-12, 17:42
Funny enough, it seems that the church's rules against extra-marital sex are far less popular with these girls.Praise The Lord for this!

Fat Prop
11-27-12, 17:54
While passing through Angeles last week, ended up at Eruptions bar after an afternoon playing pool. I can highly recommend the back section of the complex, ended up with a couple of girls dancing on the table, and another couple under the table taking turns to play with my dick. Quality way to spend an hour or so having a few beers and catching up with friends.

Nothing on the old Tennessee bar (there's one for the regulars on the board!) , but not bad for 2012. I understand Candy bar is the place at the moment for a BJ under the table.

Member #4387
11-27-12, 17:57
I was chatting a girl of 18 on dia, agreed to come to my room at ac, but she doesn't have any papers / I'd to proof her age. Is it normal there? Or she is not yet 18, she look young with excellent boobs on cam!

Am I at risk? Will the hotel people allow the girl without papers during night / day time? Hope to hear from you.

TMTAs a "rule" philly girls always state one year above her real age. I don't if that apply to realy old lady. Don't ask me why. I have been trough some rather rough sessions down in Manila as we speak and I have learned they quote 1 year to much and it is normal more than it is lying. I had a few of those quoting 18 as well (send to where they came from) as I without looking at any I'd would assume she is only 17. Issues with police is amongst the last I want to happen while I am here, hehe. It means they say they are as old as they will be next time they celebrate their birthday.

Fast Eddie 48
11-28-12, 00:02
i was chatting a girl of 18 on dia, agreed to come to my room at ac, but she doesn't have any papers / i'd to proof her age. is it normal there? or she is not yet 18, she look young with excellent boobs on cam!

am i at risk? will the hotel people allow the girl without papers during night / day time? hope to hear from you.


i will not bring this girl back to your girl she might be **** or even worst a ladyboy, i only pick up girl at the bar never pick up any girl on the st many set up scam in ac.

fast eddie 48

11-28-12, 01:12
I'm on my way to AC. Since it'll be my first time there, I was looking for a "guide". That one offered to be a full time guide.


Anyone has experience? Thanks in advance.


T. 72

11-28-12, 02:34
No need for a "guide" in AC. Book at Pacific Breeze or Orchard and just walk over to Fields Avenue in 45 seconds. Walk up and down Fields and stop in a few bars. Take your pick of girls. Then, next day during sunlight, take another walk and venture out farther like a mouse. Then take a trike over to the Perimiter bars. She is guiding herself directly into your wallet. He frineds will be joining her too. You will be charged lady drink prices for her and her friends' drinks. She's that age in AC? You got yourself a pro bro. I'd turn around and run.

Rick Rock
11-28-12, 02:58
In the Phils it is socially unacceptable for a woman's nipples to be in any way visible through her clothing. That's what I've been told, the reason for those thick Kevlar and foam bra cups.LOL.

But it's socially acceptable to be a prostitute and take creampies in hope of having an anonymous "half-white" baby?

Everything depends on the girl. I've been in Manila with college girls who were out and about with their nipples. Lots of looks from guys with mommy complexes, same as happens anywhere. But no problems.

I think it's not because of social mores but because they want to look like they have big tits. These padded lift bras are all the rage EVERYWHERE now, from the US to Phnom Penh to Sweden. It's getting hard for a guy to get a grasp on what's going on under the shirt. How many Thai bar girls take off their shirts and reveal a saggy pair of fried eggs? It's driving me to the go go's so I can see what I'm going to get in advance!

Rick Rock
11-28-12, 03:03
While passing through Angeles last week, ended up at Eruptions bar after an afternoon playing pool. I can highly recommend the back section of the complex, ended up with a couple of girls dancing on the table, and another couple under the table taking turns to play with my dick. Quality way to spend an hour or so having a few beers and catching up with friends.

Nothing on the old Tennessee bar (there's one for the regulars on the board!) , but not bad for 2012. I understand Candy bar is the place at the moment for a BJ under the table.Didn't Eruptions just get shut down for failing to pay taxes?

11-28-12, 03:36
i was chatting a girl of 18 on dia, agreed to come to my room at ac, but she doesn't have any papers / i'd to proof her age. is it normal there? or she is not yet 18, she look young with excellent boobs on cam!

am i at risk? will the hotel people allow the girl without papers during night / day time? hope to hear from you.

tmtcouple of months ago when i was in cebu had chatted with a girl who said she is 18. at that time we discussed sex and she was willing to come to my room and she negotited three times sex for overnight for.

a compensation of 2000 pesos. ok, agreed upon and i told her she needs to bring a i. d showing she is 18. she said she did not have a i. d but do have a birth certificate. pror to half hour of appointed time she called and said her mother has misplaced the birth certificate and she assured me that hotel security is no problem. i cancelled the meeting immediately. this giorl was pretty with a nice body.

moral is irrespective of what they say prudent thing is to avoid possible **** girls knowingly. unknowingly things can happen if they have a fake i. d.

hotel security in many places in cebu never even bothered to check i. the of the girls who accompanied me.

in manila security guys are more cautious. ac hotels do not even bother to check.

as to your girl it is hard to say what is her real age. looking at ac bar girls quite a few look like they are 15-16. phi slender girls naturally look young.

11-28-12, 04:32

But it's socially acceptable to be a prostitute and take creampies in hope of having an anonymous "half-white" baby?

Everything depends on the girl. I've been in Manila with college girls who were out and about with their nipples. Lots of looks from guys with mommy complexes, same as happens anywhere. But no problems.

I think it's not because of social mores but because they want to look like they have big tits. These padded lift bras are all the rage EVERYWHERE now, from the US to Phnom Penh to Sweden. It's getting hard for a guy to get a grasp on what's going on under the shirt. How many Thai bar girls take off their shirts and reveal a saggy pair of fried eggs? It's driving me to the go go's so I can see what I'm going to get in advance!Yes, of course they want to appear to have bigger tits. But I have shopped for bras with a girl and there are absolutely none that can be purchased that can be penetrated by a hard nipple. Straight women in the Phils, the non P4P women, the regular people? They would be very embarrassed and ashamed if their nipple showed.

Received by Email
11-28-12, 04:42
a couple of years ago a well known isg member posted about a couple of young girls in manila that were so called virgins who just wanted to suck some cock and said he would pass along their contact info to other good members that would be good to the girls. i replied and got the contact info. i exchanged a few messages with the girls and they confirmed they were 18 and wanted to have fun. i met the 2 girls the last day of my trip. we had a crazy fun time in the room together. we were all naked and they both traded off sucking my dick. i was able to get the cute girls panties off and licked her little pussy some. when i was ready to climax i had them both lay on their backs on the bed as i squirted all over them. i showered then packed my last few things and headed to the airport leaving them in the room to watch tv and eat room service. the cute girl stuck her panties in my bag and said to keep them to remember her as i went out the door. nice time.

i traded messages with the cute young girl after i got home and she admitted she was only 17 years old! wtf? i was glad it was not some kind of set up and i was able to go home with no legal issues.

i messaged the well known isg member telling him that the girl admitted to me she was only 17 years old! his reply was that he knew that she was not 18 yet and it was nothing to worry about. hmmm! i found that she was only a chatmate with him and he never even met her in person yet as he admitted.

i told him it would have been nice for him to tell me that she was only 17 and not 18 in the beginning so i could make my own decession if i wanted to see her. he seemed to not be concerned that i could have been jailed for the minor few months before she turned 18.

if you think they look too young and don't have proper i'd then its not worth the risk.

couple of months ago when i was in cebu had chatted with a girl who said she is 18. at that time we discussed sex and she was willing to come to my room and she negotited three times sex for overnight for.

a compensation of 2000 pesos. ok, agreed upon and i told her she needs to bring a i. d showing she is 18. she said she did not have a i. d but do have a birth certificate. pror to half hour of appointed time she called and said her mother has misplaced the birth certificate and she assured me that hotel security is no problem. i cancelled the meeting immediately. this giorl was pretty with a nice body.

moral is irrespective of what they say prudent thing is to avoid possible **** girls knowingly. unknowingly things can happen if they have a fake i. d.

hotel security in many places in cebu never even bothered to check i. the of the girls who accompanied me.

in manila security guys are more cautious. ac hotels do not even bother to check.

as to your girl it is hard to say what is her real age. looking at ac bar girls quite a few look like they are 15-16. phi slender girls naturally look young.

Pete Benetar
11-28-12, 06:28
I'm hoping that someone can offer some detailed advice, so I can make a informative decision on making this 29hr trek. Again I understand that Philippineans are naturally small in stature, but are the majority of the women 5'0" and 90lbs?

ThanksYes, you WILL be able to find varying shapes and sizes in the PI though I agree with many posters on the very limited availability of round and brown, T&A. I've had great times throughout central America and the caribbeans but have always been partial to the Filipinas for their beauty, temperament and highly sensual nature. If you like Asian girls, you owe it to yourself to make at least ONE sojourn to the PI and AC is a great place to begin. You may wander up and down fields, perimeter and see hundreds of young females courting you. If you tire of browsing, take a break and visit blow row for a short time. The last time I was there I had a girl with C / D cups from blow row (though she was a bit of a plumper as well which did not impair her oral skill set).

Pics below: Apologies for the quality and attire ahead, but if I find the naked ones on old computers I will post them. I picked up the set of Ds at the Candy Bar my last visit, scrimping on dollars (the cheapskate that I am) going with an early afternoon matinee. Not the best selection at that hour, but I was shopping and did not want to pass her D's up). I dismissed her after 8 hours (damages were 1150 peso for long term, through to next morning agreed on BEFORE payment) plus tip. I had a Lovely waiting (laying on me in the bed) , who I already began to miss and she was/is half black and Filipina and had a nice set of B / Cs. Asian/African mix is the cat's meow, IMHO.

Incidentally, if you favor big BIG bumps behind and on top, Africa is tops in my humble opinion. If you have not gone to Ghana or Kenya or wherever over there (see related ISG MBs) you might think about a trip over there as well. I could not resist and brought one back with me from Ghana.

11-28-12, 07:30
No need for a "guide" in AC. Book at Pacific Breeze or Orchard and just walk over to Fields Avenue in 45 seconds. Walk up and down Fields and stop in a few bars. Take your pick of girls. Then, next day during sunlight, take another walk and venture out farther like a mouse. Then take a trike over to the Perimiter bars. She is guiding herself directly into your wallet. He frineds will be joining her too. You will be charged lady drink prices for her and her friends' drinks. She's that age in AC? You got yourself a pro bro. I'd turn around and run.Haha I know that. But this girl looks exactly like my ex-gf (and as you can guess I have amazing memories) , so I can't stop myself.

11-28-12, 08:28
In the Phils it is socially unacceptable for a woman's nipples to be in any way visible through her clothing. That's what I've been told, the reason for those thick Kevlar and foam bra cups.That is a VERY true statement, I had a Filipina GF who grew up outside of Manila and she would only wear a heavy padded bra, not to make her tits look bigger, but to conceal her nipples, and they were very suckable nipples LOL

Rick Rock
11-28-12, 08:36
Yes, of course they want to appear to have bigger tits. But I have shopped for bras with a girl and there are absolutely none that can be purchased that can be penetrated by a hard nipple. Straight women in the Phils, the non P4P women, the regular people? They would be very embarrassed and ashamed if their nipple showed.Depends on the person bro. Like I said, I hung out for a while with a college girl in Manila, non-p4p, straight, nothing out of the ordinary other than she was a functional atheist (actually more common than people imagine with younger people in urban areas). She never wore a bra in 3 weeks. Not once. And she had prominent nobs.

Province girls that believe in ghosts and shit are a different story. They are conservative as rural people usually are.

11-28-12, 09:03
that dia girl is not a lady boy, she was nude on cam, excellent boobs, but no i'd proof!

is i'd check is commen in ac? is **** scams are happening in ac too?

i prefer to ply safe.



i will not bring this girl back to your girl she might be **** or even worst a ladyboy, i only pick up girl at the bar never pick up any girl on the st many set up scam in ac.

fast eddie 48

X Man
11-28-12, 14:32
And yet it's not uncommon for gals to go swimming with just a bra . And not just in AC. I find that very nice. I once took a Manila girl to Alona beach in Bohol. She refused to wear a bikini, but wore white shorts over red panties. Ummmm. You can imagine.

I traded a few smirks with the local boat hands who were enjoying the show as she snorkled by. Last I heard from her she's off in some Western country breeding with some old guy. She was on the strong side, so I don't envy him at all.

Mr. H, you don't say where you went shopping. This is the AC thread and I do believe there are some sexy clothing shops. Maybe your gal didn't want to find what YOU were looking for. LOL. X.

Yes, of course they want to appear to have bigger tits. But I have shopped for bras with a girl and there are absolutely none that can be purchased that can be penetrated by a hard nipple. Straight women in the Phils, the non P4P women, the regular people? They would be very embarrassed and ashamed if their nipple showed.

11-28-12, 14:49
I showered then packed my last few things and headed to the airport leaving them in the room to watch tv and eat room service.IMHO never let any girl or girls to stay in the room if you are leaving on an early flight. Check out with them and you are clear. There are instances where girls have charged exorbitant things to the room and guess where this bill shows up? On your credit card.

I guess only exception is if you are staying at a low end hotel on cash only basis.

D Cups
11-28-12, 14:55
I enjoy the big boob hunt. Many pinays know another pinay with bigger than average boobs. Of course a nominal finders fee is expected. I have found 36D or E girls in PI, Cambo, Thai, Indonesia and Vietnam; and not all were chubby. Some were slim, stacked and gorgeous. They usually want more money but it is worth it to me. I am a boob addict.

The avg filippina height is 4'11. You will have a HARD time finding more than a handful over 5'2. You can find plenty porkers at 5'0. A gut with baby stretch marks.

If you are a boob and ass man. Then Asia PERIOD really is not for you. Sure you can find / see one with a little ass. Or some boobs every 2 or 3 days. Yeah ONE. But you will have to HUNT. And I do mean HUNT. Probably none will compare to Latin women.

11-28-12, 16:33
greglondon is spot on correct.

phil babes are no dummies. treaty with us and international child custody / support laws will be enforceable in the us. will not take much to track anyone down is she knows for sure you got her pregnant. little bribe to hotel to get your detail, file a complaint, track to where you live, file with the county court through philippines under the treaty, find out how much you make, then get paid for 18 years.

white or not. you live in the west and your money can be had in due time.

another reason to watch out gents.

i know this will come as no surprise to old hands here but i think it's worth reminding newbies here that many filipinas, especially the ones you will meet on the dating sites are very keen to get pregnant by a foreigner. if you are not "shooting blanks" or wearing condoms you need to be very aware of this.

i was reminded of this firstly because of a british friend who is trapped in a loveless marriage with a not very attractive thai girl who cheated hi into getting her pregnant secondly.

by a guy on the plane over who was coming to meet his 2 year old daughter by a filipina who he is now very bored with, but supporting (having previously got pregnant and married / divorced a thai girl) ,

and thirdly because a couple of the girls i have met in the first couple of days have practically raped me to get an uncovered cock inside them in the hope of getting pregnant.

for many girls getting a foreigner to get her pregnant is their no 1 strategy to either get married or have 18 years of financial support and security. even if you don't actually get her pregnant, if you take chances that mean you can't rule it out, you may well get pressure to pay up if she gets pregnant with her pinoy bf. be careful it happens alot

11-28-12, 17:00
My gf has small B cup boobs that stand straight out. She goes without a bra at least half of the time, no worries.


Yes, of course they want to appear to have bigger tits. But I have shopped for bras with a girl and there are absolutely none that can be purchased that can be penetrated by a hard nipple. Straight women in the Phils, the non P4P women, the regular people? They would be very embarrassed and ashamed if their nipple showed.

Pip Jaeger
11-28-12, 23:42
I enjoy the bib boob hunt . I am a boob addict.Really? I never would've guessed! LOL.

I'll be back in AC and Cebu in Jan, Feb & March. I'll see what I can scout out for ya and try to post some pics too. Pm me if you'll be in town then.

Tally Wacker
11-29-12, 00:20
I already checked out of the room and paid my bill so I figured it would be safe but prob would not do that again.

IMHO never let any girl or girls to stay in the room if you are leaving on an early flight. Check out with them and you are clear. There are instances where girls have charged exorbitant things to the room and guess where this bill shows up? On your credit card.

I guess only exception is if you are staying at a low end hotel on cash only basis.

D Cups
11-29-12, 01:07
Thanks, Pip but I won't be there (Cebu) until July and AC in December. Thanks, tho.

Really? I never would've guessed! LOL.

I'll be back in AC and Cebu in Jan, Feb & March. I'll see what I can scout out for ya and try to post some pics too. Pm me if you'll be in town then.

11-29-12, 02:34
Actually this isn't quite true. US citizens can't be compelled to provide evidence of paternity here, and the choice of whether or not to acknowlege parternity on the birth certificate here is entirely voluntary. I'm guessing the girls rely on a sense of moral obligation, because legally there's absolutely nothing they can do. The same holds true for guys from EU countries who impregnate Filipinas. Filipinas can petition the appropriate embassy, but there's nothing that the embassies will do to help them. I suppose they could sue in US or European courts, but this takes money and a knowledge of the systems that these girls don't have.


GregLondon is spot on correct.

Phil babes are no dummies. Treaty with US and international child custody / support laws will be enforceable in the US. Will not take much to track anyone down is she knows for sure you got her pregnant. Little bribe to hotel to get your detail, file a complaint, track to where you live, file with the county court through Philippines under the treaty, find out how much you make, then get paid for 18 years.

White or not. You live in the west and your money can be had in due time.

Another reason to watch out gents.

11-29-12, 03:28
There is a proposed international treaty out there yet but it was sent back for another look and I believe it will be a couple of more years until its signed off on by the members.

11-29-12, 05:09
I am upon Angeles City once again. As a true veteran of the game, I find it very hard paying the bar triple for a lady drink. Hell, if you give her some money, just give her the money. The same goes for barfining. I have barfined plenty in my day; however, so many ladies are giving it way for free. Or, they're giving it away at reduced prices. I find it hard pressed to barfine unless it's under 1, 250 pesos. Who wants to pay up to 3000 pesos when their sexabilities sucks.

I have found a gem in High Society. This place is awesome. I love the female traffic that comes through there. I feel like we are in better control of our all mighty pesos. I met 2 "freelancer" and 1 non-pro. Basically, you have to push them off of you in this place. I took a female home. She was a 6 out of 10. In the morning, I dropped her off 500 pesos and sent her on her way. I pay according to there sexability scale. She was difinitly on the lower scale when it came to her moves.

Over the years, I have seen the prices rise in Angeles. As a true monger, I feel that we have to keep the prices down. Why are we giving so much money to the bars?

11-29-12, 08:53
Over the years, I have seen the prices rise in Angeles.Over the years I've seen price rises everywhere. Worldwide. Except deflationary Japan maybe. And when the sin tax is implemented we'll see another jump in AC prices.


Rick Rock
11-29-12, 10:02
It's not pure inflation when incomes stay level (or fall) but the price of consumer goods rises.

When prices and wages don't adjust to mitigate, you have a real problem on your hands.

And Japan is another story, with two "lost decades." Still, they had minor inflation for the first 5 months of 2012. The yen is crazy too. A bottle of water in Tokyo is now the equivalent of like $1. 20 USD.

Where is all the clean $6 19 year old pussy?

Doppel One
11-29-12, 10:46
As a true monger, I feel that we have to keep the prices down. Why are we giving so much money to the bars?Well said, sir. I just spent 59 days in AC and during my visit I barfined precisely three girls. The rest (roughly 35 new girls who went into the 'sex pool' with all my existing fucklets from previous trips) I simply handed my cell phone number to (in the bar) and waited for them to get in touch. Of course using this strategy you have to be organised and line up girls 12 hours or a day in advance but it worked for me. The bottom line is that I don't want to pay 2000/3000 pesos on a barfine when less than five years ago the same caliber of girl was 1100 pesos. WTF? Call me a cheap Charlie if you will but my success rate slipping the girls my phone number was pretty good. 8 out 10 girls got in touch within 12 hours. In the end I came to the conclusion that if you took a 1000 sample of girls who work in the AC bars only 300 or so are bar fined nightly. A second tier comprising perhaps another 300 girls are barfined irregularly and a whopping 400 from the same sample are very irregularly or never barfined. Hence their eagerness to accept less money as a 'sneak out'. Added to which it doesn't always follow that the least hot girls are the ones who are never barfined. I met many delicious 3000 peso spotlight dancers who are never barfined because punters only bf the hottest girls at that price level leaving the second tier on the shelf. I realize you will never get any form of solidarity between mongers when it comes to barfining but there is a lot of room for maneuver out there. Possibly more than people think.

Of course if everyone used the same tactics as me barfines would inevitably go down (or, of course, the bars would go under).


Rick Rock
11-29-12, 11:16
IDK. I've tried a lot but I rarely get girls to come outside of work, even if I've taken them several times before, even if they'll get more money that way (like 1000 PHP instead of 50% of a 1800 PHP barfine). They always say they can't because they'll get fired from the bar. That's been my biggest problem in AC. Any advice here?

11-29-12, 11:40
The bottom line is that I don't want to pay 2000/3000 pesos on a barfine when less than five years ago the same caliber of girl was 1100 pesos. WTF?Concur. The barfine rates have accelerated the last few years. Several bars jumped from 1500 to 1800 just about 1 year ago. Its one thing for a p100 jump, from say 1300-1400, every few years. Its another thing for bars to jump from p1100 to p1800 between 2006 and 2011. A few culprits:

* The filipine economy is on the grow.

* Punters like to party and throw money around. We can put part of the blame on ourselves. How many idiots on this board alone write in with something like: "Of course I like to tip big. The girls get almost nothing. Compared to what I pay back home this is a steal." And here's a gem of thinking along the same lines, sent in PM last year: "Partying in the bars is THE reason I go there. Who the fuck cares if I pay 2000 or 3000 for a barfine? I'm already forking over 5000 on drinks for me and the girls." Nobody cares, unless you're driving prices up. That's not inflation, its psychology. There are bunches of AC visitors who are not part of this board, never hear the discussion like this, and gladly drop 5-10k nightly on bars and girls alone. If I can get away with 1500 for the same thing (500 the girl, a few drinks for me, jolliebee for the girl) , loosen my cum, and waltz away with pictures for the PG, then all the better for all of us.

* Bar owners are greedy. Look at the mentality of Puerto Galera and CDO, where barfines are never below 3000 or 3500. The more money in my pocket and less in theirs is a win for all of us.

I met many delicious 3000 peso spotlight dancers who are never barfined because punters only bf the hottest girls at that price level leaving the second tier on the shelf.

Of course if everyone used the same tactics as me barfines would inevitably go down (or, of course, the bars would go under).

D1I'm with you on the phone number thing. A lot of gents don't seem to understand the mentality of the girls. From your business-minded point of view, its not worth her while to come to your hotel room for p500. Why in the world would a girl who gets 700, 900, or 1500 as her share of the barfine do that? Yet she: WILL! Her business thinking is different from yours. In her mind 500 pesos is 500 pesos. Why live without it? If a girl doesn't get a barfine tonight, she'll waltz herself over to your or my place after her shift ends for 500, spend a few hours, and about half of them will fall asleep and get up late in the morning.

If your purpose in AC is to party, then by all means do so and enjoy. I don't like sitting in bars, so my approach is different. Doppel, our "pass-your-number-around" secret is out. Gents, its quite effective if you don't mind PYT's lining up to come to your hotel at 1am for 500 or 600 pesos.

11-29-12, 11:48
IDK. I've tried a lot but I rarely get girls to come outside of work, even if I've taken them several times before, even if they'll get more money that way (like 1000 PHP instead of 50% of a 1800 PHP barfine). They always say they can't because they'll get fired from the bar. That's been my biggest problem in AC. Any advice here?Some bars (most all Raymond / Santos) keep a close eye on the girls, as the girls live in the back, and aren't allowed to leave unless its a day off. Also some of the Fields bars' mamasans now live with her girls. The mama goes to work with her girls and then goes home with them, and its easy for her to keep an eye on the candy at all times. So its getting harder. I'll PM you.

11-29-12, 11:53
there is a far less ominous explanation for pinay wanting to fall pregnant to a western guy.

it is called mother nature.

it is natural for all females, of all species, to try to bear offspring as often, and as soon as possible.

western female humans have been brainwashed, mostly by the feminist movement, to believe that it is unusual to behave this way, and women should wait to have one or two children until after they have had their fun, and career. but this is not natural.

in every species, the female tries to mate with a male with the best genetics that she can find. to a lower class pinay, it is obvious that western men have superior genetics, and the best that she is likely to be able to get. so she goes for it.

that is the way that nature works.

i have known australian men, sailing around papua new guuinea, who have anchored in milne bay. the local girls would jump into the water, swim out to the boat, and sex as many men as they could. no money involved. same when i was working in other areas of png. young school girls would be locked in to the school dormitories at night so that they could not get out to sex the white men. they would shout out to us to come over and sex them through the bars of the locked doors.

that is the way that nature works.

one evening recently, while eating outside in the village of my gf, i remarked on the lack of men. yes they said. 6 women with kids, but no husband. that is natural.


i know this will come as no surprise to old hands here but i think it's worth reminding newbies here that many filipinas, especially the ones you will meet on the dating sites are very keen to get pregnant by a foreigner. if you are not "shooting blanks" or wearing condoms you need to be very aware of this.

i was reminded of this firstly because of a british friend who is trapped in a loveless marriage with a not very attractive thai girl who cheated hi into getting her pregnant secondly.

by a guy on the plane over who was coming to meet his 2 year old daughter by a filipina who he is now very bored with, but supporting (having previously got pregnant and married / divorced a thai girl) ,

and thirdly because a couple of the girls i have met in the first couple of days have practically raped me to get an uncovered cock inside them in the hope of getting pregnant.

for many girls getting a foreigner to get her pregnant is their no 1 strategy to either get married or have 18 years of financial support and security. even if you don't actually get her pregnant, if you take chances that mean you can't rule it out, you may well get pressure to pay up if she gets pregnant with her pinoy bf. be careful it happens alot

11-29-12, 12:18
Gentlemen, there is one big factor which is being ignored in this barrage of whingeing about prices in bars.

And that is, local economics.

I know a number of owners, and managers, of bars in the AC area. None of them do it for the money. An average bar, not the big corporate ones, will make about $20, 000 net profit pa if it is well managed, with honest staff. Many bars make less than that, with a lot requiring owners to input cash from their personal savings. An average bar will sell for maybe $50, 000. I know because I have been investigating the option of buying one or two bars in AC just to give me something to do when I live there.

The pricing structure in the bars is such that the bar is able to make a profit, and stay open. Only just. Contrary to opinions expressed here, these are not greedy owners trying to suck their patrons dry. They are very aware of the price conscious punter, who will move from bar to bar to drink at the lowest prices, and to barfine at the lowest prices.

Because your compatriots in the USA, Europe, Canada etc have chosen to not visit AC for their vacation in the past couple of years, the number of customers is low, profits are very thin, and prices are affected.

If you want the bars to remain open, so that you retain a wide range of choices, then pay the money. You go to AC for cheap sex, and you get cheap sex. For a LT price if 3, 000 peso, $75, for a full night of full on sex, where else in the world could you get better?

Stop complaining, and stop trying to undercut the bars. The girls will come out for customers after hours because they are desperate for the money. For you to undercut the bar with the barfine is equivalent to theft. The girls have a contract with the bar, and you are encouraging them to breach their conditions of contract.


11-29-12, 13:55

I am going to be in Angeles City on January 7-14. It is going to be my first trip and want to see if there will be anybody around to show a newbie the ropes.

Let me know if you will be there during that time and if so let's meet up for a beer.



11-29-12, 14:34
is i'd check is commen in ac? hope all the girls in bars are 18+? is **** scams are happening in ac too?

i prefer to ply safe.

thanks a lot in advance for help.


Rick Rock
11-29-12, 15:20
Right. I was taking girls out of the "Pasha Group" bars some group of Germans own. It's like 2000 PHP barfine across the board. WTF? And the girls live exactly in the back, like 4 to a room, and they have to walk past the mama's room to go in and out. There's not much wiggle room.

11-29-12, 15:33
IDK. I've tried a lot but I rarely get girls to come outside of work, even if I've taken them several times before, even if they'll get more money that way (like 1000 PHP instead of 50% of a 1800 PHP barfine). They always say they can't because they'll get fired from the bar. That's been my biggest problem in AC. Any advice here?The reasons are,

1. If they live in the dorm setting provided by the bar they are expected to be home all the time. It works out lot cheaper for the girls to live like this although many a girl said it is basic at best and toilet and bath facilities are mediocre. Other side of the coin is it is safe compared to if they rent their own place. And they have some friends to do things like shopping with.

2. All girls are jealous of each other and will gladly squeal on other girl's activities.

3. They can get kicked out and need to find a job in a hurry. Generally they will not kicked out of the job for first offense according to the girls but a warning will be given. But they can always find another job.

These girls live hand to mouth with most of the money going to family, boyfriend.

Some bars pay per diem very well and it will be hard to find the same job. Big bars pay 200 pesos per day and that makes 6000 min per month not counting ladydrinks and barfine and tips.

4. These girls are from the villages with scruples. Do not want to sneak around which they know is bad.

Having said all these there are some girls who will come to make extra money. More and more it is for their steady customers.

If only we could hand out our business cards with phone numbers to all the girls we like?

Chris Long
11-29-12, 18:24

I am going to be in Angeles City on January 7-14. It is going to be my first trip and want to see if there will be anybody around to show a newbie the ropes.

Let me know if you will be there during that time and if so let's meet up for a beer.


RunI will be there Jan 6 until the 12 this will be my first time as well. Pay for the membership here and we can PM each other and make arrangments to meet once in AC.

Chris Long

Fat Prop
11-29-12, 18:37
Gentlemen, there is one big factor which is being ignored in this barrage of whingeing about prices in bars.

And that is, local economics.


Stop complaining, and stop trying to undercut the bars. The girls will come out for customers after hours because they are desperate for the money. For you to undercut the bar with the barfine is equivalent to theft. The girls have a contract with the bar, and you are encouraging them to breach their conditions of contract.Well said Gangles. As someone who owned a bar (long ago) I can say that you are absolutely on the money.

Gives me the shits when I see guys bitching and moaning about paying $1. 50 for a beer, while sitting in air-conditioned comfort watching dancers, and then big-noting about how they saved the bar fine by picking up the girl later that night.

Guys, if you are that low on money (or just tight) , go drink in the outdoor bars, pay $1 a beer and put up with the exhaust fumes etc and grab the roughies that work in them. You want the benefits of the big bars, such as aircon, better looking pussy etc, you need to realise it comes at a price. Fair enough if you don't want to pay it, but don't stoop to effectively robbing the people who are providing those facilities.

You guys should realise that if everyone adopted your attitudes, there would be no big bars in AC, no nice cool places to sit while you have an "overpriced" beer, and it would be just like sitting around at a sari-sari store.

Not that this will change any attitudes, but needed to be said.

Soapy Smith
11-29-12, 18:58
It is natural for all females, of all species, to try to bear offspring as often, and as soon as possible.

Western female humans have been brainwashed, mostly by the feminist movement, to believe that it is unusual to behave this way, and women should wait to have one or two children until after they have had their fun, and career. But this is not natural.

In every species, the female tries to mate with a male with the best genetics that she can find. To a lower class pinay, it is obvious that western men have superior genetics, and the best that she is likely to be able to get. So she goes for it.These ideas are at least partially consistent with a book that came out a few years ago, entitled *Sex at Dawn. A fascinating book by a married couple, he a California-trained evolutionary psychologist, she a psychiatrist of Indian descent. Their core argument is that monogamy is a human creation, not an innate response in humans. They point to the many hunting and gathering societies, and even a few persistent cultures still in existence, where women quite naturally mate with various different men. In those settings paternal responsibility falls to the community, not to an individual male. They argue that monogamy arose when hunting and gathering or communal property systems gave way to agricultural systems built on individual land ownership. Because men (and probably women) wanted to be sure to hand down ownership to their own children, they needed proof of paternity / maternity, and so they created institutions to enforce (insofar as possible) fidelity.

They concur that a woman wants to mate with males whose offspring will be as viable as possible, but she might also want to scope out other men who will be more likely to stick around and feather the nest after the mating is done. Following their argument, the Pinay's reason for mating with the foreigner might be either of these two inclinations.

The authors lay out a long and variegated argument, propped up with lots of bits of evidence. Decide for yourself whether the arguments hold up.

11-29-12, 21:25
Some guys in here say bar fines are for newbs. Can I add one more to that? How about guys like me on a cheap holiday? Last trip I got a prepaid sim card. All I need now is a phone to use it with. Cheap way is best especially when you are between jobs as it were. LOL.

On a bit of a side note, the airfares from Clark to BKK. I just got one for New Years Eve. Couldn't believe this but 1700 peso one way all in. How do they make money on that? (Tigerair.) Unbelievable!

11-29-12, 21:56
Less not forget that besides the overall maintenance fees associated with running a bar (I hear electricity is pretty damn expensive per month just in itself) If the bar owner or manager is a foreigner, especially US, Aussie or British they will have to be paying extortion fees to the Philippine government and local police to avoid any problems. Also The bars that have no girls are the bars that the guys will not go to so they have to have the girls behaving to attract the customers. I have talked to a few managers in my time and all have said that the profit margin is very slim if any. A few guys told me that sometimes they lose money in a month and that they have to pony up the difference from there personal accounts. Every ones heard those horror stories of how guys have gone flat broke BUYING into a bar right?

11-29-12, 22:02
If this works for you more power to you and I am happy for you. However I would like to avoid the inevitable scenario of having a girl or girls showing up at my hotel asking reception to ring my room and me having another girl in the room already. This will 1 [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) off the girl I have to blow off in the lobby and 2 make me explain to the girl in my room why I have another girlfriend which will [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) her off also and she will get moody

Mr Enternational
11-29-12, 22:11
Some guys in here say bar fines are for newbs. Can I add one more to that? How about guys like me on a cheap holiday? Last trip I got a prepaid sim card. All I need now is a phone to use it with.LOL. Damn Hat you put the cart before the horse.

On a bit of a side note, the airfares from Clark to BKK. I just got one for New Years Eve. Couldn't believe this but 1700 peso one way all in. How do they make money on that? (Tigerair.) Unbelievable!Slow down Tito. I'm about to tell you how they make money on it. You need to go back on and try to prepay for your luggage or else the bar girls will not be the only ones getting fucked. I travel with my scuba gear so I always try to prepay for oversize. When checking in for that flight in March everyone was pissed when they were finding out one by one the price they would have to pay for their luggage, in most cases more than the ticket cost. I threw my gear bag onto the scale. The guy made some calculations and said you have to pay X pesos. As proud as a peacock I said bullshit, I prepaid for mine. He didn't see any record of it. I brought out my folder and showed him my proof of purchase. He had shit on his face. I took my boarding pass and walked to the immigration line with a big grin on my face.

P.S. The option that I chose for the baggage was "sports equipment". It was an additional 1300 pesos, which brought my total to 4600 pesos from CRK to BKK. I am about to book one for next February and I see that there are other prepaid baggage options. 15kg 530p, 20kg 600p, 25kg 1300p, 30kg 2500p. I always carry a luggage scale with me so I will already know the weight of my check in and can put the rest of my junk in my backpack. They also have this disclaimer in the same section: Please note that all check-in bags are now charged per passenger sector. One hand carry bag per passenger is allowed free* of charge, subject to a maximum weight of 7kg.

11-30-12, 01:16
Old wisdom says a good trick is to wear as much as possible.

Be a bit tricky boarding with flippers on though. LOL.

Guess you could disguise the weightbelt as Batman's Utility Belt, keeping your jeans up. ; )

But yeah, baggage is a trap. My luggage scales were about $A5 on ebay. Bargain.

Rick Rock
11-30-12, 03:12
These ideas are at least partially consistent with a book that came out a few years ago, entitled *Sex at Dawn. A fascinating book by a married couple, he a California-trained evolutionary psychologist, she a psychiatrist of Indian descent. Their core argument is that monogamy is a human creation, not an innate response in humans. They point to the many hunting and gathering societies, and even a few persistent cultures still in existence, where women quite naturally mate with various different men. In those settings paternal responsibility falls to the community, not to an individual male. They argue that monogamy arose when hunting and gathering or communal property systems gave way to agricultural systems built on individual land ownership. Because men (and probably women) wanted to be sure to hand down ownership to their own children, they needed proof of paternity / maternity, and so they created institutions to enforce (insofar as possible) fidelity.Read it. Obviously true. But the book is just a rehash of the argument Frederich Engels made in 1884 (read: "The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State" you can find it free online).

Rick Rock
11-30-12, 03:15
How much shit are you guys bring for a week or two stay? If you have anything more than a carry on for that, you have serious problems.

Rick Rock
11-30-12, 03:18
Big bars pay 200 pesos per day$4. 75 a day? Oh boy. Where do I sign up?

Seriously, it's fucked.

Rick Rock
11-30-12, 03:19
Less not forget that besides the overall maintenance fees associated with running a bar (I hear electricity is pretty damn expensive per month just in itself) If the bar owner or manager is a foreigner, especially US, Aussie or British they will have to be paying extortion fees to the Philippine government and local police to avoid any problems. Also The bars that have no girls are the bars that the guys will not go to so they have to have the girls behaving to attract the customers. I have talked to a few managers in my time and all have said that the profit margin is very slim if any. A few guys told me that sometimes they lose money in a month and that they have to pony up the difference from there personal accounts. Every ones heard those horror stories of how guys have gone flat broke BUYING into a bar right?Sorry, I've got no love for pimps anywhere in the world. I don't give a shit what kind of crybaby stories they have.

Doppel One
11-30-12, 04:50
I have talked to a few managers in my time and all have said that the profit margin is very slim if any. A few guys told me that sometimes they lose money in a month and that they have to pony up the difference from there personal accounts. Every ones heard those horror stories of how guys have gone flat broke BUYING into a bar right?I only ever get 'sneak outs' from bars that make a big fat profit so my conscience is clear. Haha. Are you seriously telling me that many of these bars are on the brink of going under? If that is the case perhaps they should look at their business model and pricing structure. They could start with lowering the barfines. That should help move some sluggish stock.

Rick Rock
11-30-12, 05:43
is i'd check is commen in ac? hope all the girls in bars are 18+? is **** scams are happening in ac too?

i prefer to ply safe.

thanks a lot in advance for help.

tmtnever had a hotel check an i'd. stayed in top notch places like abc and lewis grand and dumps like kokomos. they don't even look at you when you enter. stick with girls in bars and you should be good. street girls are anyone's guess.

11-30-12, 10:07
Right. I was taking girls out of the "Pasha Group" bars some group of Germans own. It's like 2000 PHP barfine across the board. WTF? And the girls live exactly in the back, like 4 to a room, and they have to walk past the mama's room to go in and out. There's not much wiggle room.Back in the mid-1980s, I was working my way through the girls in a small bar having BFed about 6 of the dancers. All were young looking, cute and trim. I invited a bunch of them to the Clarkton then known as The Kangaroo for lunch and swimming. They had to get permission from the mommy. She came over and asked my intentions and said no boom-boom.

Was a fun afternoon. Girls were surprised when I told them they could order anything on the menu they wanted. Most took cheeseburgers, fries and cokes. They wore their swim suits so no changing required. They lived behind the bar thus the mommy's permission.


11-30-12, 10:12
How much shit are you guys bring for a week or two stay? If you have anything more than a carry on for that, you have serious problems.I personally take carry on only. You can get away with 10kgs. If someone says something go put the clothes on. Haha.

Anyway, I'm done with bar fines. If I go drinking I'm not any good at screwing and I know it. Last time in Pattaya I found that out the hard way.

She left in the morning and didn't get a session in. Oops. Newbie!

11-30-12, 11:29
I personally take carry on only. You can get away with 10kgs. If someone says something go put the clothes on. Haha.Size matters too. Don't forget IATA rules specify, not only weight 7kgs, but max size too, which is. 56 x 45 x 25cm total of 115cm must not be exceeded. How do you get 10kg of clothes into that size?

On a number of occasions I have seen an airline official stopping people at entrance to plane itself with weight / size scales, taking carry on off passenger, booking them in as check in, and seemingly collecting the excess baggage fee on the spot. Can happen.

Soapy Smith
11-30-12, 13:06
But the book is just a rehash of the argument Frederich Engels made in 1884 (read: "The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State" you can find it free online).Can't say I am a fan of the material determinism in Engels and Marx, so now you're making me rethink the extent of determinism in the Sex at Dawn book. Also, Engels did not have much of the evidence these authors present. If you've read it, you know the evidence and arguments are far-reaching.

Rick Rock
11-30-12, 14:15
Like I said, it's honestly just an update of the same argument with all the new information that is now available. Engels was working with the most advance science at the time. In fact, the full title of the piece was The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State in the light of the researches of Lewis H. Morgan.

Morgan was about as good as it got at the time. Even Darwin referred back to him.

Are you sure this isn't one of those things where you realize something is correct but then find out it was pioneered by someone you have ideological qualms with then reject?

Not accusing you, just a fair question. We can all be guilty of it.

BTW, Marx and Engels weren't actually determinists at all. That's something that came later with people like Stalin, who if you compare notes and actions, was about as far from Marx as George Bush was from Abe Lincoln.

'Hanging together with this too is the fatuous notion of the ideologists that because we deny an independent historical development to the various ideological spheres which play a part in history we also deny the many effect upon history. The basis of this is the common undialectical conception of cause and effect as rigidly opposite poles, the total disregarding of interaction; these gentlemen often almost deliberately forget that once an historic element has been brought into the world by other elements, ultimately by economic facts, it also reacts in its turn and may react on its environment and even on its own causes. '

Probably we're way off track now though here in the AC thread. Sorry for the digression.

11-30-12, 14:26
Are you kidding? It's not off track. One of the great things about this forum is that fact that you can find discussions of arcane subjects like historical dialectics (thought that was as much Hegel as Marx) , interspersed among the discussions of man's endless search for an ocean of snatch. It's what distinguishes this forum from all the others.


Rick Rock
11-30-12, 16:41
Good to hear.

On another note, can someone suggest an inexpensive hotel near the action in AC that can booked online (I don't like to just "wait until I get there")?

I usually stay at Lewis Grande or ABC because I like peace and quiet and a bit of comfort, but for my next visit budget is going to be an issue. I stayed at Kokomos for a few days before at around $30 USD a night but cut it short early. The place sucks. Dirty, filled with bugs, horrible stinky water, and right above a god damned go go bar. You get to hear the girls stomping and screaming all night, along with all the music. It's like you're in the damn bar.

Sorry. RTFF and even asked around but didn't get any good recommendations.

11-30-12, 16:52
Sorry, I've got no love for pimps anywhere in the world. I don't give a shit what kind of crybaby stories they have.With out the pimps you would have less working girls, what I like about Philippines is most of the time the girls are manged by other working girls or ex working girls, but then they get taught how to play the GFE to extract cash by some of the best.

D Cups
11-30-12, 17:15
I stay at Orchid Inn Resort. Very, nice, convenient and affordable if you book through agoda dot com.

Good to hear.

On another note, can someone suggest an inexpensive hotel near the action in AC that can booked online (I don't like to just "wait until I get there")?

I usually stay at Lewis Grande or ABC because I like peace and quiet and a bit of comfort, but for my next visit budget is going to be an issue. I stayed at Kokomos for a few days before at around $30 USD a night but cut it short early. The place sucks. Dirty, filled with bugs, horrible stinky water, and right above a god damned go go bar. You get to hear the girls stomping and screaming all night, along with all the music. It's like you're in the damn bar.

Sorry. RTFF and even asked around but didn't get any good recommendations.

Mr Enternational
11-30-12, 18:19
With out the pimps you would have less working girls, what I like about Philippines is most of the time the girls are manged by other working girls or ex working girls, but then they get taught how to play the GFE to extract cash by some of the best.In other words, what is a football team without a coach?

11-30-12, 18:40
Never agree to pay excess after security, you are are allowed to buy as much taxfree as you regulations stipulate, they can't charge you for that. If they want to take your luggage due to overall weight they can do that but they can't charge you for it, if they claim it's too heavy say you bought 3kgs of candy, local goods or liquor.

11-30-12, 23:31
Never agree to pay excess after security, you are are allowed to buy as much taxfree as you regulations stipulate, they can't charge you for that. If they want to take your luggage due to overall weight they can do that but they can't charge you for it, if they claim it's too heavy say you bought 3kgs of candy, local goods or liquor.Was talking about carry on bag, nothing to do with duty free, which seems to be regarded as a separate and untouchable item / s. They sometimes check the carry on bag, not the plastic duty free bag which seems to be immune from checks. If you claim your carry on is full of duty free, all they need to do is ask you to open your carry on, and see if it is so. I am talking about straight forward carry on luggage, not duty free bag / s.

Most of time, overweight and oversized carry on bags, some as big as my check in bag, are allowed through as passengers are scarce to come by, competition allows, so they allow. But then sometimes an airline decides to control the carry on baggage, not duty free stuff, carry on. Thats when you can get caught with overweight baggage. Enternational has a light portable scale, so do I, which means you can avoid being caught with excess baggage, if you want to, or take the risk. Have you noticed in recent years, lots of folks panic to get on plane first, cause people are now taking on board bags as big as check-ins, especially backpacker passengers and the like. Hard to come by passengers and competition has forced some airlines to ignore the IATA rules. Budget airlines however are strict in respect of baggage. Consequently with non budget airlines, space in those overhead lockers has become premium, a real bun fight.

You can get caught, and when it does happen, you do get charged at excess baggage rates, and have the bag taken off you, and collected at other end as check-in bagge. I've seen it happen more than once.

Rick Rock
12-01-12, 03:09
I stay at Orchid Inn Resort. Very, nice, convenient and affordable if you book through agoda dot com.I forgot all about that place. Thanks! Going to check on it now.

I usually like to book through Hotels. Com simply because every 10 nights scores you one free, but the AC hotels are really limited on that site.

Sky Ryder
12-01-12, 06:20
Good to hear.

On another note, can someone suggest an inexpensive hotel near the action in AC that can booked online (I don't like to just "wait until I get there")?

I usually stay at Lewis Grande or ABC because I like peace and quiet and a bit of comfort, but for my next visit budget is going to be an issue. I stayed at Kokomos for a few days before at around $30 USD a night but cut it short early. The place sucks. Dirty, filled with bugs, horrible stinky water, and right above a god damned go go bar. You get to hear the girls stomping and screaming all night, along with all the music. It's like you're in the damn bar.

Sorry. RTFF and even asked around but didn't get any good recommendations.I stayed at the Devera three different time in September and liked it. Sorry if I posted this on the wrong board.

Rick Rock
12-01-12, 08:17
You can get caught, and when it does happen, you do get charged at excess baggage rates, and have the bag taken off you, and collected at other end as check-in bagge. I've seen it happen more than once.I'm not saying you're wrong, but I've only ever seen that with the "discount" rip off airline like Tiger, RyanAir, AirAsia, etc. The real airlines have never checked my carry on weight or size in literally hundreds of international and domestic flights. Not even once. I'm always overweight too!

12-01-12, 09:28
Probably the wrong forum, but what is the song played in most AC bars by Roxanne or someone with similar name?


X Man
12-01-12, 12:40
RR, the readers don't know what your "domestic" situation is. I'm going to guess Australia. I tend to be carry-on heavy too. Laptop, camera, essential binder of interesting ladies, etc. As for the total weight of our baggage, we should all lighten the load to be eco friendly, and to give our friendly airlines their much deserved profit.

Mr Enternational
12-01-12, 14:07
The only time my carry-on has been weighed was in March on Air Asia coming from Phnom Penh to Bangkok. They said it was too heavy so I would need to check it in. There was a group of journalists in the same vicinity and they were arguing that it was no way they could check their expensive and fragile equipment in so they finally allowed them to carry it on. Since I had my small hard-sided Samsonite to match with their hard-sided equipment cases, I blended in with the group and pretended to be their token black guy. I just happened to be at the right place at the right time.

12-01-12, 14:15
The only time my carry-on has been weighed was in March on Air Asia coming from Phnom Penh to Bangkok. They said it was too heavy so I would need to check it in. There was a group of journalists in the same vicinity and they were arguing that it was no way they could check their expensive and fragile equipment in so they finally allowed them to carry it on. Since I had my small hard-sided Samsonite to match with their hard-sided equipment cases, I blended in with the group and pretended to be their token black guy. I just happened to be at the right place at the right time.Once I had 9 KG and the girl made me take 2 KG off the carry-on. She did not mind me put 2 KG in a plastic bag I usually carry to help me in such situations.

I guess the airlines are trying to make extra money.

Rick Rock
12-01-12, 15:27
RR, the readers don't know what your "domestic" situation is. I'm going to guess Australia. I tend to be carry-on heavy too. Laptop, camera, essential binder of interesting ladies, etc. As for the total weight of our baggage, we should all lighten the load to be eco friendly, and to give our friendly airlines their much deserved profit.Domestic = USA.

Only the cheapo crap airlines like Air Asia that charge for a bottle of water pull that weighing your carry-on shit in my experience.

Your laptop doesn't count toward your carry-on. Get a laptop bag and carry it separately so they don't include the weight. You can also put your camera around your neck while you board the plane if it's a big DSLR. It counts as your "personal item," the same as a woman's purse.

12-01-12, 22:32
Domestic = USA.

Only the cheapo crap airlines like Air Asia that charge for a bottle of water pull that weighing your carry-on shit in my experience.

Your laptop doesn't count toward your carry-on. Get a laptop bag and carry it separately so they don't include the weight. You can also put your camera around your neck while you board the plane if it's a big DSLR. It counts as your "personal item," the same as a woman's purse.I've been lucky in all my travels, never had carry on weighed, only checked in baggage.

I can understand them stopping very heavy stuff though, those overhead lockers have a finite weight capacity. And it must be well under loaded too because if the plane hits heavy turbulance or a big air pocket (a Qantas? plane dropped a couple of hundred feet a couple of years ago off Western Australia for example, broken bones for some of those not belted in) the forces exerted by heavy items multiplies.

With the items you see some people struggling to lift into the lockers I can understand them trying to keep a check on it. Perhaps a better solution would be to require the airlines to include a minimum checked in baggage allowance in the ticket price, even if the allowance was for 10-15kg.

12-01-12, 22:42
[QUOTE=Rick Rock; 1355527]Domestic = USA.

Only the cheapo crap airlines like Air Asia that charge for a bottle of water pull that weighing your carry-on shit in my experience.

/QUOTE]It is part of their business plan. They are called low cost carriers. Fly with some one else if you don't like it.

12-02-12, 00:49
RR, the readers don't know what your "domestic" situation is. I'm going to guess Australia. I tend to be carry-on heavy too. Laptop, camera, essential binder of interesting ladies, etc. As for the total weight of our baggage, we should all lighten the load to be eco friendly, and to give our friendly airlines their much deserved profit.In addition to carry on bag, size and weight restricted IATA, and duty free plastic bag, your entitled to carry on a laptop, and camera, and a book to read. Before you were allowed to take a fold up umbrella in your carry on. No longer allowed, you might be a terrorist LOL. So baggage allowance is quite generous and yes airlines are struggling, so we should not make their job more difficult, otherwise they might be forced to increase the base fares. My gripe is, why are others allowed to take check-in sized / weighted bags as carry on, when IATA and therefore myself, are not allowed to. Yep, those overhead lockers are a danger when there is turbulence or an accident. Forcing check in sized, weighted, bags into those lockers is just wrong. Poor hosties they struggle at times.

Same rule for everyone and I would be happy.

12-02-12, 01:29
I've flown Air Asia several times recently between Davao and Clark, and found the experience totally hassle free. Each time I had a carry-on suitcase plus a smaller briefcase with my computer, and never once got asked to weigh anything. In fact, given that I printed out my boarding passes at home and prior to the flights, I never even spoke to the desk agents, and went directly to the gate. The planes were clean, the flights well managed and inexpensive, and I'll take this airline over PAL or Cebu Pacific any day of the week.


12-02-12, 02:24
I've flown Air Asia several times recently between Davao and Clark, and found the experience totally hassle free. Each time I had a carry-on suitcase plus a smaller briefcase with my computer, and never once got asked to weigh anything. In fact, given that I printed out my boarding passes at home and prior to the flights, I never even spoke to the desk agents, and went directly to the gate. The planes were clean, the flights well managed and inexpensive, and I'll take this airline over PAL or Cebu Pacific any day of the week.

GEI have also flown extensively to and around Asia with Air Asia and they are an excellent low cost option.

The only time I have seen the weighing of carry-on cases is with people who have huge bags. If you are sensible there won't be an issue and yes their fares are low, so don't complain about having to buy food / drinks.

As to their cost, I just did a return Premium (their Business) class flight Sydney / Kuala Lumpur for only AU$970 (US$1, 010). This was a special deal and also included 30Kg baggage to ensure there was no issue.

In comparison the best fare on a full service airline was for Malaysian Airlines special price of US$888 and Economy seat with 23Kg baggage allowance.

For AU$90 it was an absolute bargain.


Rick Rock
12-02-12, 04:41
It is part of their business plan. They are called low cost carriers. Fly with some one else if you don't like it.I know what they call themselves. I call them shit. Thanks for the advice though. I stick to real airlines with properly trained staff and maintained equipment. And water I don't have to pay for. Cheers.

Rick Rock
12-02-12, 04:47
I've been lucky in all my travels, never had carry on weighed, only checked in baggage.

I can understand them stopping very heavy stuff though, those overhead lockers have a finite weight capacity. And it must be well under loaded too because if the plane hits heavy turbulance or a big air pocket (a Qantas? Plane dropped a couple of hundred feet a couple of years ago off Western Australia for example, broken bones for some of those not belted in) the forces exerted by heavy items multiplies.

With the items you see some people struggling to lift into the lockers I can understand them trying to keep a check on it. Perhaps a better solution would be to require the airlines to include a minimum checked in baggage allowance in the ticket price, even if the allowance was for 10-15kg.Well, that's exactly the problem. They charge for checked bags. That combined with a 15% lost luggage rate makes people want to carry everything on. The obvious solution would be to include checked baggage with each ticket and improve handing / tracking. But since profit is what matters for them, this won't happen.

Most of the better East Asian airlines (Korea Air, JAL, ANA, Asiana, Singapore) at least don't charge you for checked bags, have very low loss rates, and offer wonderful service (from attractive young women). They also don't change flight times or overbook very often, and go out of their way to accommodate you if there is any problem. I'd rather pay a little extra for all for all of that.

12-02-12, 11:08
Most of the better East Asian airlines (Korea Air, JAL, ANA, Asiana, Singapore) at least don't charge you for checked bags .I only fly Singapore Airlines nowadays. 20kgs is the economy ticket, check in baggage allowance. I asked and they said, up to 22kgs ok. Saw a Filipino woman get charged around $500 for 20 kilos excess check in baggage. Filipino's find it hard to travel light. All those chocolates for the extended families. Also in Philippines, and Singapore Airlines again, saw a German lady being asked to pay in excess of a thousand dollars for 30 kilogrammes of excess baggage back to Germany. She jettisoned 30kgs there and then on the Airport floor. Airlines are touchy about weights nowadays, especially cause cost of airline fuel costs so much nowadays. Top airlines are watching weights too.

12-02-12, 12:05
a Qantas? plane dropped a couple of hundred feet a couple of years ago off Western AustraliaIn 1982 a British Airways plane dropped 23, 000 ft when all 4 engines stopped while flying trhough an ash cloud.

12-02-12, 12:11
They also don't change flight times or overbook very oftenI have a flight booked from UK to New Zealand with Malaysia airlines. My flight details have been changesd 3 times since I booked 4 months ago.

12-02-12, 12:25
I know what they call themselves. I call them shit. Thanks for the advice though. I stick to real airlines with properly trained staff and maintained equipment. And water I don't have to pay for. Cheers.I have trouble understanding the mindset of people who pay a 2 star price but still expect 5 star service. All of the low cost airlines publish their T & C's online, so you know what to expect. If you don't like the 2 star service, pay the 5 star price (assuming you can find a 5* airline that flies into AC).

Nothing p*sses me off more than being delayed checking in or boarding a low cost flight because there's some argumentative half with at the front of the queue with an oversized cabin bag, who thinks the rules don't apply to him. I tell a lie, there is something more anoying, and that's when I have paid to put my case in the hold of the plane. But I can't find a space for my compliant carry on bag because all of the overhead lockers are full of oversize bags.

X Man
12-02-12, 13:38
Wow, you seem to have a lot of hate in you. Have you tried meditation? Have you tried sedatives? Do you have any restraining orders?

I have trouble understanding the mindset of people who pay a 2 star price but still expect 5 star service. All of the low cost airlines publish their T & C's online, so you know what to expect. If you don't like the 2 star service, pay the 5 star price (assuming you can find a 5* airline that flies into AC).

Nothing p*sses me off more than being delayed checking in or boarding a low cost flight because there's some argumentative half with at the front of the queue with an oversized cabin bag, who thinks the rules don't apply to him. I tell a lie, there is something more anoying, and that's when I have paid to put my case in the hold of the plane. But I can't find a space for my compliant carry on bag because all of the overhead lockers are full of oversize bags.

X Man
12-02-12, 13:46
I'd love to hear the voice recording of that flight.

In 1982 a British Airways plane dropped 23, 000 ft when all 4 engines stopped while flying trhough an ash cloud.

Rick Rock
12-02-12, 14:36
I have a flight booked from UK to New Zealand with Malaysia airlines. My flight details have been changesd 3 times since I booked 4 months ago.Notice I said EAST Asian airlines. Malaysia is another shit piece. Japan and Korea take up a big chunk of the top 10 airline lists every year for a reason.

I've flown hundreds of thousands of miles, for work and for pleasure, never had a problem with ANA, JAL, Korea Air or Asiana. Have on the other hand had problems with "low cost airlines" (Air Asia, RyanAir, JetBlue) & Chinese, US and Malaysian based carriers just about every time I've flown with them, EVER. Some of the European lines like KLM and Lufthansa haven't been bad.


I'd rather pay more for better service. Sometimes I have to budget. But if the budget is going to put me on shit airlines, public transportation and moldy old guest houses, I'd rather just stay home in my nice comfy Manhattan Apartment.

12-02-12, 16:33
I have trouble understanding the mindset of people who pay a 2 star price but still expect 5 star service. All of the low cost airlines publish their T & C's online, so you know what to expect. If you don't like the 2 star service, pay the 5 star price (assuming you can find a 5* airline that flies into AC).

Nothing p*sses me off more than being delayed checking in or boarding a low cost flight because there's some argumentative half with at the front of the queue with an oversized cabin bag, who thinks the rules don't apply to him. I tell a lie, there is something more anoying, and that's when I have paid to put my case in the hold of the plane. But I can't find a space for my compliant carry on bag because all of the overhead lockers are full of oversize bags.I agree with you, Llantarnam.