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09-18-07, 07:23
One more pic of last weeks dollhouse show.
Expensive or not, rip-off, anyway, who cares.
The show must go on, and it's always fun.


09-18-07, 08:45
One more pic of last weeks dollhouse show.
Expensive or not, rip-off, anyway, who cares.
The show must go on, and it's always fun.

hi, yes its rip off, but please can anybody pleae barfine spotdancer Mona Lisa (no smile and sooplada) and Jovie, both cherry gurls in DH, cause Im back in december and I m to shy to pay 5o k for them :D....(but I realy like to screw them :D

Last time I scrwed the tall busty gurl, spotlightdancer, easy to spot and 2 gurls from the model show, name allready escapes, I really have to put more info into my fonebook hehehehe . Both lost their cherys to some foreigner recently and what can I say, thats how I like it fresh and young :D

This message also goes out to my fellow korean, japanese and taiwanese mongers....I know you guys paying that :)

Please anybody :D

Sory , couldnt resist.....

Happy punting!!


Buko Max
09-18-07, 11:14
Also - does anyone know a good barber in Angeles?
There is a good shop in SM mall although the prices could be better.

London Sex Party
09-18-07, 11:15
LSP and Coremine,

Slight change in plans. I'll be staying at the Central Park Hotel, which is sandwiched between Orchid and the Swiss Chalet. I'll be arriving Friday evening - estimate maybe between 8:00-9:00pm. Will you guys be out mongering already at that time or will it still be good to meet up at one of our hotels?

I will instruct the staff to contact me if anyone asks for Mr. Canada. :)
(Why not? It's no worse than the coconut man...)

Let me know what you guys want to do!

Also - does anyone know a good barber in Angeles?


NNI'll look you up Friday Mr. Canada! 9 is just the right time!


Pute Nut
09-18-07, 12:22
There is a good shop in SM mall although the prices could be better.

There are several shops in SM. GQ, Lapid´s, David´s... P 80 & up for a haircut in these. Yes pretty steep for PI where P 30-40 is attainable for a cheap charlie :D

Pute Nut
09-18-07, 12:29
To Hesekiels,

I was told by girl in Manila and other part of asia they don't like korean because they are rude and they act crazy when they are drunk , they prefer japanese and farang better tipper and are gentleman.

Fast eddie 48

This is quite true. Many girls have had bad experiences with some Koreans and thus, unfortunately, giving them all a bit of bad name here. "Sadistas" is a frequent comment I keep hearing, coupled with stories about cigarette butt burns etc.

Girls in Agasya & Las Vegas (Korean owned) etc are more housetrained to serve Korean customers IMHO...

Please note that this is not intended to offense anyone, just what I hear from my sources.

X Man
09-18-07, 14:22
I have to admit, warning flags go up when I see a post like this -- expecially when it's only the third post.

What is the lady's name?

What did you say to the bar and how did they respond? They just handed you back your money 'cause you didn't like the way she was texting? Or was it only for exchange of service....hmmm, that could creat tension even in a large bar like DH.

And, did you pick another one? How was that?

Sorry if this sounds like an interrogation, but you seem to be making a complaint without giving a proper explanation of the events. Should we avoid Dollhouse? Or, did they provide exceptional service?


Ok, my body clock is still all messed up. Can't seem to stay awake during peak hours so have been going out either early morning (like 4am) or late afternoon (say 4pm).

Went to Dollhouse yesterday, having fun, bought about 7 girls 2 LD each. We are all joking, having fun, they are all flirting with me, trying to get me to BF them. I thought I clicked with one. She called herself my "lawyer and kept the rest of them in line. She was not the prettiest or the best body but I liked her attitude so I BF her. She seems really excited in the club, playing the part. Great! We leave, go next store to Kokomo's for a bite. As soon as we order food, she starts texting friends. No problem. However, when she keeps texting rather than talking with me, I tell her joking, "I think I am getting jealous of whoever that is on the other end of that text! " That's when she tells me it's another boyfriend she had earlier this week! WTF! I ignore this.

When we get back to the room, again, she is totally into the text and not what's going on in the room. I tell her politely that this isn't going to work and give her 7 pesos for the Jeepne. I went back to DH and got my barfine back. There were 6 other girls for me to pick from. If she wasn't into me, I wish she would have steered towards one of the others who were!

09-18-07, 18:41
This is quite true. Many girls have had bad experiences with some Koreans and thus, unfortunately, giving them all a bit of bad name here. "Sadistas" is a frequent comment I keep hearing, coupled with stories about cigarette butt burns etc ... Please note that this is not intended to offense anyone, just what I hear from my sources.

Interesting! That's indeed news to me! I sincerely hope that nobody from our Korean mates feels insulted now (of course you did not indend to do so!)!

Cheers - Hesekiels

Hunny Buns
09-18-07, 19:47

American of Korean heritage here. I have mongered with Americans and Koreans (as well as other nations). But since this discussion is about Koreans, let me offer my perspective on this.

1. I highly doubt Koreans are telling any girls that they should not go with non-Koreans. However, it's true that most Koreans think that there are a lot more disease in America and Europe. So, they don't like girls who are frequented by Americans and Europeans. (It has nothing to do with Penis size). However, in the US, I see many of the same type of stereotype: a white surbanban clean cut guy is not going to go with 'whigger' girls. White girls who are frequented by African Americans, because white Americans think Blacks in urban area have more 'diseases' as well.

2. Koreans are rude. No, Koreans don't speak English, and they can't communicate, so they use hand motions that may be perceived as rude. You see, the type of Koreans that come to Clark are not exactly elite Koreans. They are middle to low class guys who are a few dollars to spare (I'm generalizing here, but it's true.).

3. The bars are for-profit, and the girls work because of money. They don't work because they like Korean, or Japanese, or Americans or French or Austrailians, etc, etc. They work for money. So, if they prefer one nationality, it's because of 2 reasons; firstly, the can make more money with a certain nationality because of their physical looks/personality, and second, they made more money from a certain nationality (tips) so they will continue to maximize their revenue.

Perfect example, my buddy who is also Korean-American and a couple of Koreans (4 all together) go to a bar. The 2 girls we pick are so different from the 2 girls the Korean guys pick. We like round ass, darker skin, more sexy-types, and the Korean guys like doll-faced, prettied up, skinny types.

It's all about $$$$. So, pelase stop propagating these stories of unnecessary hate. We should really listen to these girls with a grain of salt, they are being honest with us, yes.. maybe, but all they want is money, and really, they're not the most educated ones who can make proper assessment about a social-economic changes that are taking place on Fields Ave.

Pute Nut
09-18-07, 21:23
Interesting! That's indeed news to me! I sincerely hope that nobody from our Korean mates feels insulted now (of course you did not indend to do so!)!

Cheers - Hesekiels

Ditto that. And besides of course my sample may be fucked, although I'd like to state that they had no economic incentive to bolabola about this, it's just tsismis tapped from the bamboo telegraph. No pillow talk "I don't like ___ men, I only go with ___ men" (barfiner fills in the blanks to his liking).

OTOH I didn't hear such things about other Asian "costumers" such as the Japanese. And I sincerely hope noone thinks I am biased against Koreans in general. In fact I've had a couple of Korean (and Japanese) girlfriends over the years. Now that's a sample that definately was fucked :D

09-18-07, 21:49
..Okay, next time will try to bf a girl from Blue Nile. Will report then.Cheers!Hi, after I rised it, has been so much talk about girls in Blue Nile not going white people. But Ekspat, you might try this sweetie. She told me she never datet white people, was afraid of size and so. So I became her first white, a few weeks ago.

Nice-looking girl, 19yo, the picture is lying cause the angle, and nice work too. But she promised long time but then left after 1 hour for some chit-chat about hungry friends blabla. (I never listen to those stories anymore). So I gave her only 100 peso for trike and she definetely was not used to that!

By the way, also had the same experience in LA Cafe. Was the first white for a girl who only went with Japanese. Luckily, other stay long time. http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/showpost.php?p=585313&postcount=2346

Sorry, no nude pic. You might use your imagination.

Pute Nut
09-18-07, 21:57
Late Tuesday night national TV network GMA's program Reporter's Notebook ran a piece about the "trafficking in women" going on in Angeles including interviews with licensed BGs, unlicensed karaoke hostesses doing SW, lots of footage from Fields and also some parts (obviously) shot undercover inside bars, showing punters, GROs and dancers, including topless dancing. What seemed to upset the team most about the dancing was the lack of skills and emotions, and I think they may have a point there :D

The piece also featured some interviews with representatives from NBI and the Mayor's office.

Not a very long or "shocking" piece, but indeed it put the AC on the national TV screens...

09-18-07, 23:24
... she promised long time but then left after 1 hour for some chit-chat about hungry friends blabla...

That's indeed very annoying, but it seems to me that it's getting more and more popular nowadays! During my recent visit it happened to me twice! Anybody with similar experiences?

Cheers - Hesekiels

North Neighbour
09-19-07, 01:53
Thanks for barber tips, guys.

See you in two days, LSP!

Key Master
09-19-07, 02:15
Hi, after I rised it, has been so much talk about girls in Blue Nile not going white people. But Ekspat, you might try this sweetie. She told me she never datet white people, was afraid of size and so. So I became her first white, a few weeks ago.

Nice-looking girl, 19yo, the picture is lying cause the angle, and nice work too. But she promised long time but then left after 1 hour for some chit-chat about hungry friends blabla. (I never listen to those stories anymore). So I gave her only 100 peso for trike and she definetely was not used to that!

I have heard stories about this stuff happening at Blue Nile Group and some at Dollhouse over the years. It's actually made me scared to bother and look seriously in those clubs for bar fines. I was with a friend before who bar fined a woman from Blue Nile and he took her videoke, dancing, and to eat. When he got to in front of the hotel she stopped and basically refused to go in. It was already agreed upon at the club that they would be doing the deed and she was staying all night. My friend was too nice and just let her go and didn't complain. Most of the complaints I've heard about Blue Nile Group, more specifically Blue Nile and Nero's, is that they tend to bs you and try to turn your long time to short time. I've heard similar stories about Dollhouse, hence I've never bar fined from any of those groups although awfully tempted. I do want to say this, I've had really one problem bar fine who I had to kick out in all my times in AC. I think there are other factors on why certain clubs have more problems than others.

09-19-07, 04:06
But Ekspat, you might try this sweetie. She told me she never datet white people, was afraid of size and so. So I became her first white, a few weeks ago.
Will do my very best, as always!

09-19-07, 13:18
I've had very pricey Makati girls give me a line abut being too tired to stay up & act surprised that i want sex at all.. basically turn the whole evening into an long argument.

I have found better luck with horny young women from dating sites.

Sure they are angling for a meal ticket, ahem, husband/bf but its easy to move on to the next one as son as things start moving that direction.


I have heard stories about this stuff happening at Blue Nile Group and some at Dollhouse over the years. It's actually made me scared to bother and look seriously in those clubs for bar fines. I was with a friend before who bar fined a woman from Blue Nile and he took her videoke, dancing, and to eat. When he got to in front of the hotel she stopped and basically refused to go in. It was already agreed upon at the club that they would be doing the deed and she was staying all night. My friend was too nice and just let her go and didn't complain. Most of the complaints I've heard about Blue Nile Group, more specifically Blue Nile and Nero's, is that they tend to bs you and try to turn your long time to short time. I've heard similar stories about Dollhouse, hence I've never bar fined from any of those groups although awfully tempted. I do want to say this, I've had really one problem bar fine who I had to kick out in all my times in AC. I think there are other factors on why certain clubs have more problems than others.

09-19-07, 14:18
I'm just curious but has the Blue Nile turned into a Korean hangout? If so, the mama-san may have been sugarcoating the real reason why the girls won't go with whites/blacks/etc and that is Koreans absolutely hate for the girls they play with to be with any other foreigners.I go to Seoul frequently and have never been turned away by the shop or the girl at Korean room salons nor at high-end KMPs. The only place I ever saw it happen is "on safari" at the big drive-thorough Amsterdam-like area. I think the bias is more that Koreans feel comfortable and like to drink in bars where the clientele is predominantly, just like westerners like to stick to places with lots of other westerners. If there is push-back against Caucasians I'm sure it's generated by the bar owners who want to keep their predominantly Korean customers coming back, not by the girls.

09-19-07, 14:21
Have you tried Swiss Chalet Thanks. If I end up there, I'll post my impression.

London Sex Party
09-19-07, 15:04
Thanks for barber tips, guys.

See you in two days, LSP!North Neighbour!

Let's make it 10 P.M., OK?

I'm here now! I found a lil' jewel of a hidden club that has girls as hot as blue nile without the problems! ;)

09-19-07, 20:47
In all the comments posted on this subject I read nothing remotely related to "unnecessary hate." Rather, an open and honest analysis, and an exchange of ideas, on this generalization.

Are you Korean?


American of Korean heritage here. I have mongered with Americans and Koreans (as well as other nations). But since this discussion is about Koreans, let me offer my perspective on this.

1. I highly doubt Koreans are telling any girls that they should not go with non-Koreans. However, it's true that most Koreans think that there are a lot more disease in America and Europe. So, they don't like girls who are frequented by Americans and Europeans. (It has nothing to do with Penis size). However, in the US, I see many of the same type of stereotype: a white surbanban clean cut guy is not going to go with 'whigger' girls. White girls who are frequented by African Americans, because white Americans think Blacks in urban area have more 'diseases' as well.

2. Koreans are rude. No, Koreans don't speak English, and they can't communicate, so they use hand motions that may be perceived as rude. You see, the type of Koreans that come to Clark are not exactly elite Koreans. They are middle to low class guys who are a few dollars to spare (I'm generalizing here, but it's true.).

3. The bars are for-profit, and the girls work because of money. They don't work because they like Korean, or Japanese, or Americans or French or Austrailians, etc, etc. They work for money. So, if they prefer one nationality, it's because of 2 reasons; firstly, the can make more money with a certain nationality because of their physical looks/personality, and second, they made more money from a certain nationality (tips) so they will continue to maximize their revenue.

Perfect example, my buddy who is also Korean-American and a couple of Koreans (4 all together) go to a bar. The 2 girls we pick are so different from the 2 girls the Korean guys pick. We like round ass, darker skin, more sexy-types, and the Korean guys like doll-faced, prettied up, skinny types.

It's all about $$$$. So, pelase stop propagating these stories of unnecessary hate. We should really listen to these girls with a grain of salt, they are being honest with us, yes.. maybe, but all they want is money, and really, they're not the most educated ones who can make proper assessment about a social-economic changes that are taking place on Fields Ave.

Buko Max
09-19-07, 21:02
Most of the complaints I've heard about Blue Nile Group, more specifically Blue Nile and Nero's, is that they tend to bs you and try to turn your long time to short time. I've heard similar stories about Dollhouse, hence I've never bar fined from any of those groups although awfully tempted. I do want to say this, I've had really one problem bar fine who I had to kick out in all my times in AC. I think there are other factors on why certain clubs have more problems than others. Hello Gents,

Tried to PM Member #3119 but apparently the dude is not a paying member. In the interest of this thread and ISG, I will not make my comments public.

If you barfine from the Blue Nile Group of bars and things go sour, make sure you tell the management. They are fair and reasonable and will take complaints seriously. Having a huge amount of dancers makes quality control difficult. Everytime I'm in town, I always bf at BN or Neros because of the vast selection. Like KM, I have had good luck with bf's 99% of my time in AC. Lets see how Ekspat fairs at BN next time he is in AC. :cool:

PS. Hey Girlfinder, can you remember the name of that girl? I'm going to straighten her act out next time I'm in town!

PPS. To Mr. Canada and LSP; make sure you file a report on your return. It's always nice to hear about how a first time visitor thinks about AC.

Hunny Buns
09-20-07, 00:56

Well, no one is coming out and saying they hate Koreans, but it seems that some are propagating that Koreans are at fault for the decreasing selection by non-Koreans.

Generalization about the state of mongering and the resulting effect by Korean invasion will lead to prejudicial judgment and eventually to unfounded dislike (perhaps hate was a strong word). hehe.

Do this gentlemen, take any girl in any bar and ask her, who she likes... Some will say, Asians only, some Whites, some Arabs, some blacks, etc etc. And if you really get to the bottom of it, it's not that the girls are really attracted to the ones they say they like, but rather, the subgroups are the ones that are their main clientèles.

So, if I look Asian and go after a girl who's paying clienteles are mainly whites, she'll brush me off, and same vice versa.

Then add a little twist by the negative experiences and rumors they've heard about these subgroups and viola you have the reason for their preference.

FINALLY, let me also shine some light to the non-Koreans about the type of Koreans that are coming to Phil to monger. Most Korean men are salary men, meaning, they have limited time to spend on vacation. Since they are mostly married middle aged men, they are sneaking out from wives usually to play golf in Phil (incidently, Korea is the most expensive country to play golf). So time is money to them, so they are here to spend the money to get laid.

Secondly they are coming in droves because it's so cheap and close to Korea.

Now, add the fact that they can't communicate, ah.. speaka no Engrish, which means, they can't get no freebies.

These fundamentals are the reasons why you see businesses catering to Koreans. They have numbers and are willing to spend the money, and are easy prey.

Yes, I'm of Korean by blood, but from the States.

And, no, I'm not a paying member. Just a casual browser, and have probably seen many of the members here in Manila and Clark bars :)

Lastly, as everyone says, there's plenty of fish that bites, so just enjoy your catches and wish everyone a good lay :)


In all the comments posted on this subject I read nothing remotely related to "unnecessary hate." Rather, an open and honest analysis, and an exchange of ideas, on this generalization.

Are you Korean?

North Neighbour
09-20-07, 11:20
Hey LSP,

On the off-chance that I'm not there when you swing by, it's probably because I'm stuck in Manila traffic. Hopefully that won't be the case.

If that's the case, just leave a note for me where I can find you and what I should be looking for. ;)

ETA first time AC: 26 hours.


X Man
09-20-07, 14:01
Thanks for your contribution, it was needed. Some of the generalizations were on the negative side, but i think it's human nature to generalize.

I'll add one thing. The Korean won was up 20/30% last year. Even Japan saw a boom in Korean tourists.

And as for the criticisms coming from bar girls, we need to take that with a grain of salt. On a few occasions I've had some minor disagreements with online gals or bar girls. They can get real nasty real quick..."dirty old man", just being one of their endearments. Some of them will talk shit about anyone -- that may be because of their own inner conflicts.

When I hear a lady saying she dislikes Koreans or blacks or whatever race, warning flags go up. It may be instinctual to fear or distrust people/ things that are different, but it's just plain stupid to not use your brain to realize it doesn't make sense to judge millions of people based on limited interaction with a few individuals. (Or worse, making judgements about millions of people based on what a few poorly educated protitutes say.)

I suspect there are a lot of people out there in the world who would have some very negative things to say about a bunch of guys who chat online about sex and compensated sex.

X Man


Well, no one is coming out and saying they hate Koreans, but it seems that some are propagating that Koreans are at fault for the decreasing selection by non-Koreans.

Generalization about the state of mongering and the resulting effect by Korean invasion will lead to prejudicial judgment and eventually to unfounded dislike (perhaps hate was a strong word). hehe.

Do this gentlemen, take any girl in any bar and ask her, who she likes... Some will say, Asians only, some Whites, some Arabs, some blacks, etc etc. And if you really get to the bottom of it, it's not that the girls are really attracted to the ones they say they like, but rather, the subgroups are the ones that are their main clientèles.

So, if I look Asian and go after a girl who's paying clienteles are mainly whites, she'll brush me off, and same vice versa.

Then add a little twist by the negative experiences and rumors they've heard about these subgroups and viola you have the reason for their preference.

FINALLY, let me also shine some light to the non-Koreans about the type of Koreans that are coming to Phil to monger. Most Korean men are salary men, meaning, they have limited time to spend on vacation. Since they are mostly married middle aged men, they are sneaking out from wives usually to play golf in Phil (incidently, Korea is the most expensive country to play golf). So time is money to them, so they are here to spend the money to get laid.

Secondly they are coming in droves because it's so cheap and close to Korea.

Now, add the fact that they can't communicate, ah.. speaka no Engrish, which means, they can't get no freebies.

These fundamentals are the reasons why you see businesses catering to Koreans. They have numbers and are willing to spend the money, and are easy prey.

Yes, I'm of Korean by blood, but from the States.

And, no, I'm not a paying member. Just a casual browser, and have probably seen many of the members here in Manila and Clark bars :)

Lastly, as everyone says, there's plenty of fish that bites, so just enjoy your catches and wish everyone a good lay :)


Hunny Buns
09-20-07, 15:34
X Man, you are dead on about 3 things:

1. Korean tourist boom: there are over 1 million Koreans in Philippines today, and are the #1 country in terms of sheer number of tourists now (surpassing Japan about 7 years ago).

2. Hate to say it and hate to agree, but bargirls are really very unstable and uneducated group that are really not suited to pass generalization about anyone. They beg us not to judge them, so they shouldn't judge. I always talk to them about this (after the deed of course over some food) if they are worth spending time with. But if I may add, I have a lot of freebies (not bragging, but just lucky I guess) but in general (I'm generalizing as well) Pinoy's are a very confused lot. They want 1st world things (too much MTV and Hollywood influence) with 3rd world resources. You should wonder why so many just want a ticket out of the poor old country.

3. This is so classic X Man - (Or worse, making judgements about millions of people based on what a few poorly educated protitutes say.) Yes, so true, and I just hope that through this dialogue most folks here will take what the girls says with a lot of grain salt.


Thanks for your contribution, it was needed. Some of the generalizations were on the negative side, but i think it's human nature to generalize.

I'll add one thing. The Korean won was up 20/30% last year. Even Japan saw a boom in Korean tourists.

And as for the criticisms coming from bar girls, we need to take that with a grain of salt. On a few occasions I've had some minor disagreements with online gals or bar girls. They can get real nasty real quick..."dirty old man", just being one of their endearments. Some of them will talk shit about anyone -- that may be because of their own inner conflicts.

When I hear a lady saying she dislikes Koreans or blacks or whatever race, warning flags go up. It may be instinctual to fear or distrust people/ things that are different, but it's just plain stupid to not use your brain to realize it doesn't make sense to judge millions of people based on limited interaction with a few individuals. (Or worse, making judgements about millions of people based on what a few poorly educated protitutes say.)

I suspect there are a lot of people out there in the world who would have some very negative things to say about a bunch of guys who chat online about sex and compensated sex.

X Man

09-20-07, 15:47
At the risk of blaspheming:

"Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall see the kingdom of mongering."

Thanks for your contribution, it was needed. Some of the generalizations were on the negative side, but i think it's human nature to generalize.

I'll add one thing. The Korean won was up 20/30% last year. Even Japan saw a boom in Korean tourists.

And as for the criticisms coming from bar girls, we need to take that with a grain of salt. On a few occasions I've had some minor disagreements with online gals or bar girls. They can get real nasty real quick..."dirty old man", just being one of their endearments. Some of them will talk shit about anyone -- that may be because of their own inner conflicts.

When I hear a lady saying she dislikes Koreans or blacks or whatever race, warning flags go up. It may be instinctual to fear or distrust people/ things that are different, but it's just plain stupid to not use your brain to realize it doesn't make sense to judge millions of people based on limited interaction with a few individuals. (Or worse, making judgements about millions of people based on what a few poorly educated protitutes say.)

I suspect there are a lot of people out there in the world who would have some very negative things to say about a bunch of guys who chat online about sex and compensated sex.

X Man

09-21-07, 22:33
Thanks for your contribution, it was needed. Some of the generalizations were on the negative side, but i think it's human nature to generalize.

I'll add one thing. The Korean won was up 20/30% last year. Even Japan saw a boom in Korean tourists.

And as for the criticisms coming from bar girls, we need to take that with a grain of salt. On a few occasions I've had some minor disagreements with online gals or bar girls. They can get real nasty real quick..."dirty old man", just being one of their endearments. Some of them will talk shit about anyone -- that may be because of their own inner conflicts.

When I hear a lady saying she dislikes Koreans or blacks or whatever race, warning flags go up. It may be instinctual to fear or distrust people/ things that are different, but it's just plain stupid to not use your brain to realize it doesn't make sense to judge millions of people based on limited interaction with a few individuals. (Or worse, making judgements about millions of people based on what a few poorly educated protitutes say.)

I suspect there are a lot of people out there in the world who would have some very negative things to say about a bunch of guys who chat online about sex and compensated sex.

X Man

X your dead right on your observations but you know something that describes most people in general. The emotionally unstable person who always likes to argue at work I know everyone has seen it.

Sleepy Floyd
09-21-07, 22:43
Has anybody in AC recently seen a crazy black chick hanging out in the streets around Swiss Chalet/Heartbreakers? She seems to enjoy harrassing all sorts of passerbys or just yelling at nobody in particular. She went off on me the other day, called me a Cracker and telling me should would fuck me up. A girl that I barfined told me she has seen this crazy chick around quite a bit. Now, I'm not exactly worried about my personal safety or anything. I am just curious as to what an African American(could tell by her accent) woman would be doing wandering the streets of Angeles City. It just seems a bit odd.

Pute Nut
09-22-07, 02:43
When I hear a lady saying she dislikes Koreans or blacks or whatever race, warning flags go up. It may be instinctual to fear or distrust people/ things that are different, but it's just plain stupid to not use your brain to realize it doesn't make sense to judge millions of people based on limited interaction with a few individuals. (Or worse, making judgements about millions of people based on what a few poorly educated protitutes say.)

I am afraid you are generalizing a bit here. The bargirls of AC are not a homogeneous group when it comes to their educational status; some hardly ever went to school, others have university degrees.

Yes, generalizing is part of human behaviour. For instance, the sales girl in SM, and most other Pampangans for that matter, will presume that you are a dirty monger regardless if you screw zero or one hundred prostitutes during your stay. Not much to do about that (except screwing, as you're already "branded" ).

The ability to make generalizations is in itself a nice survival tool. But as was previously said in this thread, no generalizations were ever made and and for clarity appropriate disclaimers were posted for those not understanding that it related to a subset of mongers barfining in AC. Beyond that you can't do very much. If some people want to read other things into a post its basically their prerogative to do so.

Luckily there is a simple solution that usually - I´m generalizing now - works in Asia. Just :) and move on...

Cheers, PN

09-22-07, 20:44
Well the ABC Hotel I have seen but never stayed there. I have stayed at Wild Orchid and Pacific Breeze as my choice. I was looking at ABC web site and noticed that there expensive suite "Presidential Suite" is an unbelievable $385 a night. Well in there website it says "Surprise what would you think you would get for $385 a night in angeles city" with BIG? As to guess. Well the curious guy wants to know does anyone know and also has anyone stayed there. To me that is waste when I can get my fill for way less and still have the same affect!


Wander Luster
09-23-07, 02:39

American of Korean heritage here. I have mongered with Americans and Koreans (as well as other nations). But since this discussion is about Koreans, let me offer my perspective on this.

1. I highly doubt Koreans are telling any girls that they should not go with non-Koreans. However, it's true that most Koreans think that there are a lot more disease in America and Europe. So, they don't like girls who are frequented by Americans and Europeans. (It has nothing to do with Penis size). However, in the US, I see many of the same type of stereotype: a white surbanban clean cut guy is not going to go with 'whigger' girls. White girls who are frequented by African Americans, because white Americans think Blacks in urban area have more 'diseases' as well.

2. Koreans are rude. No, Koreans don't speak English, and they can't communicate, so they use hand motions that may be perceived as rude. You see, the type of Koreans that come to Clark are not exactly elite Koreans. They are middle to low class guys who are a few dollars to spare (I'm generalizing here, but it's true.).

3. The bars are for-profit, and the girls work because of money. They don't work because they like Korean, or Japanese, or Americans or French or Austrailians, etc, etc. They work for money. So, if they prefer one nationality, it's because of 2 reasons; firstly, the can make more money with a certain nationality because of their physical looks/personality, and second, they made more money from a certain nationality (tips) so they will continue to maximize their revenue.

Perfect example, my buddy who is also Korean-American and a couple of Koreans (4 all together) go to a bar. The 2 girls we pick are so different from the 2 girls the Korean guys pick. We like round ass, darker skin, more sexy-types, and the Korean guys like doll-faced, prettied up, skinny types.

It's all about $$$$. So, pelase stop propagating these stories of unnecessary hate. We should really listen to these girls with a grain of salt, they are being honest with us, yes.. maybe, but all they want is money, and really, they're not the most educated ones who can make proper assessment about a social-economic changes that are taking place on Fields Ave.
..............been said before but I'll say again. It's NOT all about money. If you are a business and you can chose who your clients are...some are assholes that would be a pain to work with.... you have choices that go beyond that flat fee. Also, a biz might look for a LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP. A lot of the girls know that many of their fellow workers get married and go to "rich countries"

09-23-07, 08:26
Does anyone have any information on the Tiger Hotel?

Is it a good or bad place to stay?


09-24-07, 07:20
About Koreans.

1. Few ugly koreans ruin Korean image and the tourism industry especially for nightlife. - > This kind of assholes is also hot topics and garship things on Korean forum and many other koreans blame them on pushing up the prices and hampering the image.

Don't judge acountry from the worst samples. I also have seen so many people with so many nationalities around the world because I've been travelling more than 20 countries and used to live in other countries. This means I have seens so many bastards/yuppies so far but I never judge the country by seeing them.

In Korea, there are so many English teachers and now it is hot social issue because many Americans andadians counterfeit their academic degrees. Should I think Americans and Canadians are crooks?

2. English - The mother tongue of Koreans is korean. So, poor English or no English could not be a fault/harm. How many of you can speak other languages without living outside of your country?

3. Nowadays, generally intelligent people tend to speak english well but there are still very intelligent people who can not speak English. Intelligency does not mean speaking English. Think about why translators are out there?

Buko Max
09-24-07, 11:14
Does anyone have any information on the Tiger Hotel?
Is it a good or bad place to stay?
Not on Fields but close enough for rock & roll.
Clean, cheap, Japanese owned hotel.
They even offer short time stay, can you believe it !!

09-24-07, 15:35
This drunken bone klusher was resisting arrest by the 7-11 in the early AM and the two little pinoy security guards had him under control in a matter of seconds. I wonder if he got a hickory shampoo.

09-24-07, 15:37
Has anybody in AC recently seen a crazy black chick hanging out in the streets around Swiss Chalet/Heartbreakers? She seems to enjoy harrassing all sorts of passerbys or just yelling at nobody in particular. She went off on me the other day, called me a Cracker and telling me should would fuck me up. A girl that I barfined told me she has seen this crazy chick around quite a bit. Now, I'm not exactly worried about my personal safety or anything. I am just curious as to what an African American(could tell by her accent) woman would be doing wandering the streets of Angeles City. It just seems a bit odd.
I've seen her too but she smiled at me while harassing others. Thin and wearing a funky hat? I want get me hode some dat!

Pute Nut
09-24-07, 16:05
Does anyone have any information on the Tiger Hotel?

Is it a good or bad place to stay?


Hi and welcome to the board! You are invited to RTFF which - surprisingly enough even in this very thread - has several posts about Tiger Hotel such as




Enjoy your stay in AC.

Pute Nut
09-24-07, 16:21
Don't judge acountry from the worst samples

Of course, and since noone suggested that (AFAIK) I find the suggestion a bit redundant.

In Korea, there are so many English teachers and now it is hot social issue because many Americans andadians counterfeit their academic degrees. Should I think Americans and Canadians are crooks??

Well, the ones you mention obviously are. Why don't you throw them out and let Korean teachers with appropriate exams fill the void, for the benefit of both unemployed Korean teachers and the students. Actually I don't care what you do with your foreign criminals and further I find the connection to AC and/or pussy pretty weak.

09-24-07, 17:04
Has anybody in AC recently seen a crazy black chick hanging out in the streets around Swiss Chalet/Heartbreakers? She seems to enjoy harrassing all sorts of passerbys or just yelling at nobody in particular. She went off on me the other day, called me a Cracker and telling me should would fuck me up. A girl that I barfined told me she has seen this crazy chick around quite a bit. Now, I'm not exactly worried about my personal safety or anything. I am just curious as to what an African American(could tell by her accent) woman would be doing wandering the streets of Angeles City. It just seems a bit odd.

Seen her too....
must be on drugs the whole day....like the rest of the 50% pinoys hanging around balibago and AC. She also smiled at me....guess my apperance aint a thread for her or nobody else in PI ahahahahah :D

Any news welcome on her..Im also intersted..

Happy hunting!!


09-24-07, 18:44
Should I think Americans and Canadians are crooks?

... oh, no! At least not the Canadians! :)

Cheers - Hesekiels

Pute Nut
09-24-07, 19:30
... oh, no! At least not the Canadians! :)

Cheers - Hesekiels


Blame+Canada produces over 7 MILLION hits on Google. Also their so called currency CAD seems to have been manipulated lately to be worth more than the greenback.

"No smoke without fire", I'd say. Maybe it's high time GWB shifts his attention to the home front.

Now if we can close this case and get back into AC pussies.....please?

Cheers :) /PN

09-25-07, 08:23
Hi all,
on my last trip I missed going to the MP at mc arthur hi way..you just cross mc arthur hi way when coming from fields (blue nile is on ur right side).

Entree is just besides sunlight internet cafe, which is near the WU office (big sign, cant miss it)

Open 24 hours but try after 7pm. Place is a bit hardcore, but sometimes nice ladies over there. Massage not so gud, but FS is 1000 p, thats what I paid last time, so for those adventures, please try and give us an update.

I was so busy last time with other things :D...so here some report from a nother massage .

Its beside the Casino Filipino , left side, side street, yellow building.

No hanky panky, but a real gud and proffesional massage. I tried the combination for 600p and its a very gud massage, last allmost 2 hours and the gurls makes stretching shiazo and many other things and I really enjoyed it.

So for the ones who need a proffessional massage I can recomand.

Next time I try the massage near friendship, korean place, special massage is
1000 pesos , have to know what this is (maybe just the price :D)

Happy hunting!!


09-25-07, 08:35
read your posts about koreans and have to add my 2 euros on that..

Germans are also ass...es. They dont have a gud reputation according to the gurls in AC. I ask many times, wettress, bargurls, also in magaritha station.

I am german so I can say that with no offense to my fellow brothers..:D

When I told them Im also german they suprised, cause Im a nice guy..so they say...but who knows what they thinkin when I left (grrr this ass..he not gave enough tip :D)

Au contraire..I met last time in my hotel japanese newbie to AC, we hooked up and I toured him around in fields, brought him to some places over there who frequently visited by koreans thaiwanese and japanese guys. We then met a nice US expat and had a real gud time together. US, german and japanese united, cause we have the same hobbys PUSSYS. ...and I guess thast what the forum is all about.

Happy hunting!!


09-25-07, 15:45
The Thai girls say much the same things about the Germans.

I'm not German, but all (or certainly the overwhelming bulk) of Germans I have met in SE Asia have struck me as being good guys - certainly not worse than any other nationality.

I wonder if the idea that Germans are bad has spread so much that it is repeated ad nauseum, or, if there is some real substance behind it - I am inclined to think the latter as it seems to be an international attitude amongst girls. The girls I've spoken to say that it is because they've been treated violently by German men. There must be some truth to it I guess, but I find it odd as the domestic violence numbers for Germany aren't particularly bad.

Looking at http://mondediplo.com/2004/07/01ramonet and assuming 82 million Germans, there are about 3 deaths per million per year due to domestic violence.

This compares with:
Finland 8ish
Norway 6.58
Luxembourg 5.56
Denmark 5.42
Sweden 4.59

The only conclusion I can draw from all this is either the impression the girls seem to have is wrong, or, the Germans are particularly badly behaved when not in their own country.


Germans are also ass...es. They dont have a gud reputation according to the gurls in AC. I ask many times, wettress, bargurls, also in magaritha station.

Happy hunting!!


09-25-07, 19:45
I will be arriving in angeles on the 2oct07-070ct07 staying at the Tiger Hotel. Is it safe to travel the 2hrs from MNL airport during the noon hours.I will be alone so are there any hints as to what to do and what not to do? What is the average price for P4P if you meet a girl other than in the clubs and can I get Viagra Cialis etc.

That Asshole
09-26-07, 05:42
Janet Lyn-Jackson
Blackbeauty Robilyn

I don't usually take much care of remembering the names of hookers, as there are as many as stars in the sky. However these three were exceptional in a way. They proved that even old silly wankers like me can get top quality young root at bargain prices. If you were afraid that you are too old, ugly, smelly or rude to get top quality meat in this world then think again. Surely you are a nicer man than the deranged wanker writing this. For $1 you get around 50 pesos or so. One fuck never more than $25-30.

Janet Lyn-Jackson

The main fields avenue bars are usually too expensive for me. Also the girls go for the richer guys and if you are ordinary, old or ugly they won't even talk with you. So, after some afternoon beers at the perimeter joints I just went for another drink at Blue Nile and then the bar next door, not expecting anything special. And so it was, disinterested dancers, not even seeking eyecontact with an "ugly wanker-looking freak". Only the cherry girls kept pushing for free drinks but I sent them to Feed Orphans (FO).

In the half lying position on the couch I nearly even fell asleep with beer on my belly, shirt unbuttoned. But for some reason the mamasan came over and asked if I liked any of the dancers. I was about to refuse as it is always hopeless here for me. But one girl on stage kept smiling very much in our direction. Looked around, no other customers on either side. So could it be me? Fucking strange. She was that curly haired one indeed that I was dribbling about for some time and I was planning to have a good wank session in the bathroom as I returned back to Clarkton Hotel. I don't have much money for these anyway and that is the nearest to a free fuck that I ever get.

So, pretending to be slightly interested I questioned mama about the beauty. How long was she there? Was she "cherry", etc. The answer was that only three days, and she was no "cherry". The idea bleaked to me: Could I actually wank into that one tonight? I apologized to mama, left for the toilet and summed up my financial situation. In the past week I had managed to save up a couple of thousand pesos by changing to a cheaper room, eating only canned sardines and washing my socks myself. I could even spend it on meat....it occured to me. Wow! One more fuck-point! Let's try?

Upon returning to the bar I asked mama to summon the girl to our table. Fuck, she was just amazingly wholesome, smiley, brown and tasty looking. Fresh as it gets. I was imaginally already licking her all over with my drooling saliva, from head to toe. Lick-lick-lick.....yummm! Mama said her name was Lyn but I was quick to rename her to "Janet Jackson" because that's what she looked like.

I pretended not to be too interested though. Casually ordered one drink fer her and let her sit in my lap for a while. I could feel up her fresh young ass and extra firm tits under the thin weil and bikini. What a treat. Even if we not fuck this "touchy-touchy" game would be worth the few hundred pesos spent on drinks. Great start for a self-stimulation session at home. I had enough really. Was about to pay and catch the jeepney back home while the memory was still fresh in my mind. I try to get up. But she still keeps clinging to me. I wondered: Must be my underarm smell that turns her on. That's about the most attractive about me.

Mama says "She likes you".
I reply "Can't believe it. I think she is just new and needs the money".
Mama quietly says "Yes..."

So, fuck what. I bought her for about 1200 pesos plus the drinks a few hundred more. Nearly all my savings for the week. Wow, I had to flaunt this one around town so hand in hand we walked down the street, making a big show of it. "Look everyone! This is my woooman! Only mine! I am gonna fuck it, all by myself!" - was written all over me, I was very sure. I even unbuttoned a couple more buttons on my shirt that all can see my macho belly and hairy chest. "All mine! My wooooman!" I smiled at eveyone we passed. I felt as if now I had a girl-friend. Never had one before but this beauty was special. I bought it!

I really know not about what to talk with wooomen so first thing we stepped in the room I pulled her red panties off and started eating out the flesh. Fuck, my woooman! Only mine! And I ate and ate...... Then unceremoniously popped the old weatherbeaten, diseased meatloaf out and shoved it in all the 3 and half inches of it! I just kept licking the boobies, the face , the arms and armpits. Even licked out her ears and behind the ears. After all she was my girl-friend. I bought her, all by myself.

10 minutes of rest. watching some stupid TV show. She started asking the usual questions : "What do you work? Do you have wife? etc" I had to stop all this rubbish : "Look girl, let's concentrate on the fucking here!" And started a new session making sure I salivated even between her toes. Lick-lick-lick....

Time was getting late. I need sleep. She pulls to the left side of the bed. "No girl, you go home! Me no sleep with woooman!" I had to order her. She was out in ten minutes. Good fuck though. My first girl-friend. Love is beautiful. But what do you do after the fuck? I decided on another beer and some sleep.

Blackbeauty Robilyn

Another day in town. For a few previous nights I popped into this bar next to Champagne or near on the same side. The very tall skinny girl kept smiling. I have not much to talk with them so just kept grinning back while slurping my beer. I pulled a handful of hair from my chest, mixed it in the beer and slurped it all up. I know it always impresses woooomen. Same this time, they all giggled.

This night returning, my girl was already sitting with a young, handsome man. I figured he would fuck her that night. However he soon paid and left. Poor Robilyn all alone, seemeing a bit disappointed. I asked mama and had her sit with me. They asked if I buy her a drink. I checked my finances and it didn't look good, so declined the drink. She kept sitting anyway. She grinned. I grinned back. And again. I really know not what to say to them. Then I thought I will stretch the finances and take my chances. Asked mama: "Pay girl?"

Mama turned to Robilyn: "Okay?"

She not quite sure but finally agreed as I was about to leave. Not as perfect as the one before but still she very pretty and attractive in her own way. Very tall, while the other was middle height the best. I asked the guard at the door for a trike and he hailed one. He even wrote the number in his notebook. By this time I changed to a cheaper fan room, nearer to town. Pretty grotty and noisy but cheap.

First I admired her perfect figure. Wow! What a great fuck-stock! Then heavy breathing, heavy licking-licking-licking I ate her and smeared with my smelly saliva. She says: "You have smelly breath".
I answer: "What do you expect. I just licked your asssss! He-he-he..."

She was rather mild compared to the other one but still nice tight root. After all positions run out we lay for a while. I ask her: "What time you go?" She says "11 o'clock. " I say : go at 10.30. I have already fucked you anyway. So she left. What a fuck again! I know she will love me forever after this. But the best feeling is that I am sharing these beautiful young fuckers with other ugly old men like me. This is true love. No fighting for women. Ever.



This was a real beauty. Possibly even beating "Janet Lyn-Jackson". From a Perimeter road bar. Here the barfines just a bit lower and the drinks cheaper. The meat still quite good though.

She was a waitress. No dancing. Says she too shy to dance in bikini before ugly men. I ordered one drink. She smiles. Me very polite, ask name. I say I am "Dick". She say "I am Emily".

"You have cherry Emily?"
She says "No."
"You go with men then?" - I further inquire.
"If I like the guy...." she whispers.

Then I knew I didn't have a chance. Of course they don't like me. Why would they? But usually they fuck me anyway for one reason or the other. Usually I don't ask them directly but ask a boss if she would go with me. So I was about to leave and paid the bill. Just for a joke remarked: "And you come too.." And she replies: "Please wait me, I get changed."

Fuck what? I was quite a bit surprised. Anyway, the fish was in the net (or I was in the net?) and I wasn't to let it go. She seemed an exceptional dessert. She seemed to quite like my new shitty room. At least didn't express distaste.

She was just perfect. We kissed for a long time. Filipinas are very ready to kiss. Then I licked her all over as usual. We fucked with this fair-white maiden in 100 different positions. Then I asked: "Does Emily suck too?" They are usually far from keen. But Not Emily, she was the one whor could suck an orange through a garden-hose. Poor technique but great enthusiasm.

She was my favorite. Rewarded her with 100 peso tip, which rarely happens. She was an afternoon delight. After she left I still had time for the usual evening stroll. Another day gone....

The point is:
If I the ugly rude dog that I am, can fuck these fair, beautiful maidens then anyone can. Buy your ticket today, don't hesitate! Cambodia is good too though. In many ways even better. See more reports there. And so is rural Thailand.

So, stop fighting for meat and say "No to violence against men!"

Qiao Han
09-27-07, 12:16
"You go with men then?" - I further inquire.
"If I like the guy...." she whispers.
Then I knew I didn't have a chance.
I respect guys who aren't pretentious.

I know you travel alone but I'd still like to buy you a SMB if you're still in town.

09-28-07, 04:44
An update of prices in Angeles City right now for those interested.

Beers from 50p to 85p. 50p in Perimeter bars and on Fields during Happy Hours.

Food. 200p to 350p. 200p for Phil meals in Clark Mall. 350p for western style meals in Mo's, Swiss Chalet or British Pub type of restaurant (incl a drink and tip).

Bar fines. 1000p Perimeter bars, 1200p in Fields. Was quoted 1400 in Irish pub in Blow Row (did not buy). Dancers at DH charge up to 3000p (Never tried as some of the Perimeter girls are just as good looking and not as up themselves).

I am paying 1900p per day for a room in Royal Amsterdam Hotel. Cable tv, clean and modern, central to action in Fields.

Dentist 350p for cleaning and exam.

By pure chance in the last week I met up with a girl I barfined on my last trip. She had given up the bars and was working a straight job. I chatted for a while and walked with her (she was going to work). I expressed regret that I could not barfine her any more. She said that if I wanted, she would visit me after finishing work at midnight. I said yes of course, because she is a Kristy Lou Stout (cnn) lookalike with slightly curly hair and was great gfe.

Point of the story is that for the last week, ten past midnight to eleven am next day amounts to 600p including her breakfast and trinkets. So maybe being nice and respectful to some of the shopgirls in Fields might net you a real saving in prices since there are no lady drinks no extra tip, no cut of the barfine for the bar.

I can't even get a movie and popcorn for that back home. And there aren't that many good movies imho. ; )

I am now way under budget.

When I get back home I am not going to need to look at pussy for months. *drained*

09-28-07, 18:39
Thanks Rubberyman. Where can I find so cheap dentist, do you have any adress?

Just curious, the girl sounds like Ros___. Nice girl, curly hair, stopped bar just a couple of months ago, now work in shop in Fields. She actually nicer now at 21yo than 20 yo.
Could this be right?

09-28-07, 21:52
Can anyone give info about true walking distance from ABC (Angeles Club Hotel) to main area with bars. I do know where it is on map. Any info appreciated.

Pute Nut
09-28-07, 23:52
Can anyone give info about true walking distance from ABC (Angeles Club Hotel) to main area with bars. I do know where it is on map. Any info appreciated.

It's just a cpl mins walk if you're not a fatso, in which case you probably can afford the trike anyway. No major security issues going up to ABC, I'd walk it anytime day or night. Enjoy your stay.

Cheers, PN

09-29-07, 02:18
It's just a cpl mins walk if you're not a fatso, in which case you probably can afford the trike anyway. No major security issues going up to ABC, I'd walk it anytime day or night. Enjoy your stay.

Cheers, PN

I have the same question if anyone has stayed at the Patio V by the VFW...is it way out there?

Buko Max
09-29-07, 03:12
I have the same question if anyone has stayed at the Patio V by the VFW...is it way out there?
Never stayed at that Patio but I've been to the VFW, located in Clarkview sub.
About 2 kms to the bars on fields. Maybe a 30 minute walk if your not too fat.:rolleyes:

Darth Sushi
09-29-07, 06:49
Can anyone give info about true walking distance from ABC (Angeles Club Hotel) to main area with bars. I do know where it is on map. Any info appreciated.It's about a minute and a half walk to the Margarita Station which is about 30 seconds from where the bars in checkpoint start to cluster.

09-29-07, 06:53

Can anyone tell me where the freelancers (girls) can be found in Angel City.

Discos, Bars or street. There use to be a disco called PUD where the girls went, but this place has now been converted to a gogo bar (Heartbreaker).



Darth Sushi
09-29-07, 07:03
I have the same question if anyone has stayed at the Patio V by the VFW...is it way out there?It's about half way to Friendship gate. Most trike drivers know where the VFW is. It's about a twenty to thirty minute walk from checkpoint. I stayed there for 5 months. No security issues when I was there but only one security guard is on duty. One good thing is there are security guards next door at the VFW and across the street at the church. The main office does have a safe to keep your valuables.

09-29-07, 07:59
Hi Girlfinder,

Sorry for the delay in reply, I was travelling and drained. ;)

The dentista I went to was on the Macarthur Hwy just past the casino on the same side and up one floor - it was over a bank iirc.

I think the girls must be different - the name she gave was not the same and also the age (nineteen in my case twenty one in yours).

Still, something to keep in mind for my next trip.

09-29-07, 10:07
Since everyone is asking I will be arriving to AC 02oct (1145p) and by the time I get to the Tiger Hotel can I walk to the action on Fields or Perimiter? I am no Fatso so I am OK. Also, is there a place to Jog during the early morining hours since I get some exercise in. Also, I will be arriving into Clark not Manila.

Pute Nut
09-29-07, 11:03
Never stayed at that Patio but I've been to the VFW, located in Clarkview sub.
About 2 kms to the bars on fields. Maybe a 30 minute walk if your not too fat.:rolleyes:

..in which case you probably can afford the 7 peso jeepney ride ;)

Rob Woodrow
09-30-07, 04:22
Since everyone is asking I will be arriving to AC 02oct (1145p) and by the time I get to the Tiger Hotel can I walk to the action on Fields or Perimiter? I am no Fatso so I am OK. Also, is there a place to Jog during the early morining hours since I get some exercise in. Also, I will be arriving into Clark not Manila.If you can get checked in and your bags to your room by 11:55, you can walk to a bar by 12:00 or 12:05. This is my first trip, and I gotta say that the map makes it look larger than it actually is. Wayne's map should be labeled "Actual Size".

Num Nutz
09-30-07, 04:27
Yes you can walk to the action on Fields no problem. Stay away from Perimeter that late.Bars start closing about 2am but some stay open till 3:30. You should have no problems finding . Try to bring a compact umbrella with you, will come in handy.

"Tiger Hotel
Since everyone is asking I will be arriving to AC 02oct (1145p) and by the time I get to the Tiger Hotel can I walk to the action on Fields or Perimiter? I am no Fatso so I am OK. Also, is there a place to Jog during the early morining hours since I get some exercise in. Also, I will be arriving into Clark not Manila".

09-30-07, 06:26
i met two in front of an internet shop near santos st and fields. a friend of mine met some in the sm mall. you have to be carefull, as ac is a bar town. there are some so **** set ups, especally if you go with the girl to a st motel, there may be a knock on the door from "police" claiming you have an **** girl.

Pute Nut
09-30-07, 08:54
Since everyone is asking I will be arriving to AC 02oct (1145p) and by the time I get to the Tiger Hotel can I walk to the action on Fields or Perimiter? I am no Fatso so I am OK. Also, is there a place to Jog during the early morining hours since I get some exercise in. Also, I will be arriving into Clark not Manila.
You're lucky! It so happens that AC especially welcomes fit pedestrian mongers like you.

Tiger is exactly 10 yards closer to the action than ABC Hotel, so you will be fine. Perimeter bars close early though, not many stay open after midnight. There are notable exceptions though, such as Dr Holmes (2 am closing)

09-30-07, 10:59
... such as Dr Holmes (2 am closing)

Yes, but after 10pm I found it always a little boring there. By the way, I have learned the correct name is Dr Holm's, isn't it Dr Watson? :)

Cheers - Hesekiels

Pute Nut
09-30-07, 11:57
Yes, but after 10pm I found it always a little boring there. By the way, I have learned the correct name is Dr Holm's, isn't it Dr Watson? :)

Cheers - Hesekiels

LOL! Yeah I should have remembered to spell that correctly since we were previously taught our Dr HOLM's spelling lesson by some somewhat anally retentive member here, name escapes me at this moment.

I quite agree with your point that it's getting dead early on Perimeter. Case in point: Dr Holm´s neighbor, the Gentlemans Club, closes already @ midnight. Shame, since it´s a really nice bar.

Clearly, on Perimeter the early worm catches the bird.

Cheers, PN

09-30-07, 13:20
i arrived at the pacific breeze at about 9 in the morning and was taken to my room. i settled in and after such a long trip i felt a nap was in order. i set my watch for a half hour cat nap before heading out. i laid my head on the pillow and tried to doze off but the excitement would not let me so i headed out.

i dressed appropriately and headed out. i ran into a couple of guys who i met on another board. one was a first timer like me and the other was experienced. he took us to a little bj bar on blow row. i forget the name but the ladies were so nice and eager to please it was a bit overwhelming. i did not get service there, just not my style. pulling my pecker out for a blow in that sort of environment is like taking a [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) in a bathroom in my opinion.

we then headed to the dollhouse. yeah, this is more my style. to a vet of ac you wouldn’t consider we were swarmed with chicas but compared to what i am accustomed to in cd. juarez, well, we were swarmed. this place is on my list.

the day wore on and we went here and there and talked about this and that and eventually we went our own ways. i tried a few clubs on my own and wound up at the alaska. i spot a cutie and i finger cutie over and she told me her name was elaine. i buy her a ladies drink and we switch seats. turns out she was a cherry girl. great kisser and felt really nice and we got along great but it was time to go, i ain’t wasting any more time on a cherry girl. a waitress comes up and ask if i want to barfine her. i say, “no, she doesn’t want to because she is cherry”. i got a nasty look from elaine and i say “what”? she told me i could barfine her but no boom boom, only pussy eating and blowjob. oh that turned me on. unlike the bj bars on blow row this seemed more my speed. a little drink, conversation and get to know and then get naked.

yup, i barfined a cherry girl, so what? we head back to the pacific breeze and get cozy in my room. great blowjob followed by a naked dry hump. dangerous territory. what if i had slipped and popped that cherry? what if she got so horny that she would have said to hell with that cherry? fortunately that did not happen and her “virtues” are intact. that naked dry hump was great. the kissing and feeling and her stubble gave the right amount of friction i busted a nut i didn’t think would happen. what a great way to cap off a long flight from el paso to angeles, i was beat and it was sleepy time for me, elaine and mug jr.

the next day we played some more and got a third nut off, breakfast by the pool. later we swam and had some silly fun. she left about 3pm. i think she wanted to stay with me. you may think i spent too much time with a cherry girl but i don’t. i had a great time and that’s what it’s all about. i got my feet wet for my first trip.


after a somewhat limited good time with a cherry girl i was ready for something down right dirty for my second day and second barfine. ann was just the girl for that. she is/was a door girl at voo doo i had met her the previous day while having a soda at kokomoz. i call her over and chatted a bit. she was eating these weird grape things that had to be cracked and damn it, they tasted like grapes. she really turned me on. her glasses put me in mind of a mexican tv personality who dresses like a demented schoolteacher, you know, the kind that makes you pull your pants down and whacks you off while spanking you.

so i wander into voo doo and sit for a bit, again swarmed by chicas. i ask for ann and she comes over to my table and i order her a drink. we chatted for a bit and i hit her up with the barfine deal, “sure”, she says and off we go. we get to the room and kiss and play a bit but she excuses herself to shower. she comes out in a towel and gets under the covers and then tosses the towel out. strange, she didn’t seem like a shy girl but when i strip down and hop in with her i could see why in the dim light. wrecked nipples and a tummy to match. she stays under the covers the whole time and wouldn’t let me toss them off. good head, nice warm wet mouth and a great responder when we took turns riding each other.

she stays the night and we have a round 2 in the morning and she was gone by 9am. i would say ann is a real pro. she performs great but i could sense a bit of disconnection there. this i would say kept us from clicking a little deeper in a personal sort of way. i am new to the philippines but not new to mongering and i know a pro when i can spend some time with one. poor girl just seemed so hardened by the lifestyle.

my 3rd day was a day of inspiration. using advise given to me about getting a threesome, i used this method of testing this one out.

i ask, “say baby, you like girls”?
“yes”, she says.
“well who do you like”? i ask.
she points a chica out, “her”.

i tell her to call her over and if they kiss i will buy her friend a ladies drink but the friend said she will but only in private. nah, no thanks, i’m in no mood for empty promises. we send her on her way. elvira calls another chica over and bingo, they kiss and i am ready to go.

i barfine them both and a weird feeling starts to set in. with all the giggling and talk in tagalog interrupted by serious tones wasn’t much of a help. we get naked and kiss a bit and time for jencel to eat some pussy. she goes down and all of a sudden elvira gets shy. not in the mood for any bullshit i toss in my mug jr. and start fucking elvira. jencel did try to participate with kisses on me and on elvira but elvira would have nothing to do with it, even me kissing jencel. what the fuck?

i blow a load and back to the giggling and tagalog and serious tones. i asked them to please speak english and they would but then go back to tagalog. i was ready to take them both back and write the evening off as a failure but i tried this. i sat them down on the bed and i started talking and explaining myself.

“quiero que me escuchen y me escuchen bien. no intiendo nada de taglaog. quiero communicarse con ustedes pero no puedo por que no me incluyen en el chiste cuando hablan tagalog y yada yada yada i just went on in español for about 2 minutes which is about equal to 5 minutes of talk in english. their faces got so sad and worried and maybe scared because of my talking spanish and my tone of voice. they then tell my they don’t understand and i say in english, “exactly, that’s how i feel”.

well that was it for me, i decided to keep elvira and take jencel back to the bar. now remember, this strange feeling i had was still with me and just as strong so when we exited the pacific breeze a cop goes driving by. i got cross eyed, shit bricks and weak kneed and smelled a set up fuck job in the making. oh those little stories i’ve read about. the cop just goes on.

we fuck for another round and during the pillow talk she admitted to doing whatever it took to be with me that night. reflecting back at how she kept her eye on my while i was swarmed with chicas and the way she pounced on me the first chance she got i believed her. she lied and kissed another girl and let her get in a couple of licks on her panocha and tits just to be with me. all night and all the next day she would not let go of my dick, she could not keep it out of her mouth and we fucked like bunnies which leads up to an affliction i experienced the next night with rosalynn.


finally elvira left at 5pm the next day after an afternoon of swimming, fucking, sucking, watching a movie followed by sucking and fucking. at first she said she had to be back at work at 3pm then it turns into 6pm, then she hints that i could barfine her again. good luck kid. we get dressed and i walk her out and tell her i will be by later. i head back to the room for a shower and head out for another night of the unknown hoping to catch up with the guys. no such luck but i did have a great night of bar hopping. i was ready for another barfine but i just couldn’t find that inspiration or maybe i was tired or something but i considered going back to the hotel for some much needed sleep. my balls hurt and were dry from so much fucking. one weird place i went into was magic moments. the chicas there reminded me of the blowjob bar from my first day. i’m sorry, i just didn’t like it and did not feel comfortable in there so i split as quick as i could. i thought 2 more bars and call it a night. i head into treasure island as my last stop and was welcomed and later hovered over by a pregnant waitress. enter rosalynn. “hi, what is your name, where are you from, want to barfine me”? well i can’t say no to that. so i pay the barfine and tip the waitress and we head off to the hotel. nothing to write home about but it was nice. i doze off to sleep. not a very restful sleep. i could smell rosalynn smoking and moving around watching tv. then the phone rings. it’s the from desk informing me i have a visitor. elvira. hmmm, what do i do, alright sex with a smoking tv addict or no sleep with a fuck/suck bunny. bunny!!! i politely booted rosalynn out and she was a great sport about it and said she would come back the next day. sure, what ever you say baby. she leaves, i dress and go to the front desk and elvira is not there. ahhhh, no tv addict, no fuck bunny. nothing to look forward to but peaceful sleep. and a good sleep it was.
the days are beginning to blur for me, i can’t tell one day from the next but at least i got some much needed rest. up to this point it has been go, go, go, hustle, hustle, hustle. i think it was this night i hit perimeter. this night i was gonna find me a runner. that’s right, i was looking to get ripped off and see what everyone was talking about about runners. how far would she go until she runs? i start off at honey kos and walk my way down stopping here and there. i eventually wind up in the brass knob. me and the guys hit this place in a daytime barhop and this evening was not in line with what i saw that day. i spot a cutie and i call her over. she looked doable so i ask if she is a cherry girl (something i picked up on quick) and she says no and in the cutest most adorable way she tells me, “i’m a 3 holer”. she quickly told me she was kidding but she does barfine and blows and fucks just no frijole salad (my words, not hers). i pay the barfine and we head off and i suggest a trike but she says its not that far. well she hasn’t been up to what i’ve been up to, but we continue walking. we walk passed the weird bar, magic moments, and the same 3 chicas that were giving me the hard sell from the night before were outside just eyeballing us. it was hard to keep my eyes straight but as we passed, my head turned maintaining eye contact. i wondered if i had taken at least one of them on their improper propositions would they be yelling at me, “butterfly, asshole, etc. myla was a great lay but honestly, she was even better to cuddle with. i slept great that night and woke up with a boner, blowjob, fuck and a “see you later”. she left early by comparison but not disappointingly early. would have been nice if she had stayed for a swim and another fuck but what the hell. i was wrong about her, she was not runner.

i hook up with they guys and we decide to take a couple of chicas swimming for the afternoon. we head out searching for some pool partners and hit the dollhouse. i don’t know why but i was being too picky and i was ready to head off to another bar until i spot miss 120. i call her over but for some reason my pickiness came back and i just didn’t click with here. on the way to lollipops i turn around and go back to the doll house to barfine cheryl who earlier was getting crazy with the guys. friend gets his girl and i barfine cheryl and off we go. cheryl was taller than the rest which i liked. we blow and bang then head off to the pool. afterwards we head off to the room for another round and then she wants to go. a bit early but i wouldn’t consider this one a runner as we passed some good time together and had positive vibes the whole time. besides, i don’t think i would have wanted to have spent the whole night in the room again fucking and all and if i was gonna barhop, i was gonna barhop a free man to choose another barfine.


this is where jeniffer at the carousel. oh she was so hot and exotic looking in my eye. i thought that maybe this one was a runner so i give her the usual rundown so as to make sure that if she runs i will have had at least somewhat of a goodtime. yeah, i barfine her and she is drunk and we head off to the hotel. she acted like your typical drunk. cozy and affectionate then grouchy and a bit short fused. we fuck and off to sleep she goes, even before i do. i the morning about 9am i wake up with a boner and wake up jenny and we bang and i tell her its time to go because i have plans for the day. she is like, “what the fuck”? she tells me she never wakes up that early and usually wakes up at 5pm. ha, not on my vacation you don’t. pool time, fuck time great, but you aren’t gonna waste my day sleeping in my room. so my second attempt at finding a runner failed.


my last full day in angeles city. i wasn’t looking for a runner, i wasn’t looking for a 3some or the best looking chica or a great blowjob or fantastic lay. i wanted a cool pool partner, preferably 2 just for looking good, having fun and enjoy the company of new friends. i found it with julie and angel. i spot julie in the doorway in a thin see through teddy and i ask her if she brought a bikini to work and would she like to go swimming. she says yes and i ask if she has a friend she would like to bring along and she gets up and snags angel and brings her over. oh what and adorable selection. we go to the pool sit, swim and sit some more. we head back to my room and make out with angel a bit then julie. while making out with julie, angel strips and julie takes a break to say something in tagalog. after my first experience with 2 chicas in my room i was much more at ease. angel moves over to the bed and hides under the covers. nice she took the initiative but crap, a shy girl? i move julie onto the bed and start to feel her up and strip her and then reach over and pull the covers off angel. julie sees angel uncovered and more tagalog and she tosses the covers back over angel. ah, i see what is happening. julie is feeling crowded and possibly jealous. well i’m going to be assertive and reach over and pull the covers off of angel again and this time they stay off but i noticed panties. not good but angel quickly tosses them off. ah, that’s more like it babe, she is no shy girl. while making out with julie i reach over and feel up angel and no protests from julie. either she is loosening up or accepting the situation. either way, i am enjoying it. so i move on top and start banging julie while getting some good stinky finger on angel. we flip over and now julie is on top and i make out with angel and then i tell angel to get up and sit on my face. angel has no problem doing this and is willing to face julie but julie doesn’t like that so angel turns around looking away from julie but julie can see angel’s ass riding my face. angel cums on my merciless tounge and hops off and goes to the bathroom. i flip julie over and try to kiss her but she refuses because i just ate angel but she gives in and just licks and sucks the hell out of my mouth. she admits she likes the taste and this just turns me on so much i blow my load into julie. cuddle time. angel comes back to the bed and lays on my right while julie is on my left. i need to establish i have no time for rivalries and make out with both and then angel goes down. ahhhh, but wait, julie’s juice is still on my dick. so close yet so far away. angel climbs on mug jr and rides the hell out of me while i make out with julie. oh it was so great. afterwards angel told me the cutest thing. she said, “mugroso, i like the way you fuck me”. i felt like a king. we went barhopping and let angel go her way and i pass the night with julie.


my last day in ac. bummer. unlike most of my vacations this one went by slow but come monday it felt so quick. i check out of the pacific breeze and arrange for a ride to pick me up at 5:30pm as my flight did not leave until 10:30pm. the pacific breeze allow me to check my bags into their storage while i pass the afternoon milling about here and there. i spent some time in their bar then kokomos then a bar or 2. while walking around i took it real slow as i no longer has access to a shower to freshen up. i go back to lollipop to say goodbye to 2 special ladies, then back to the pacific breeze. what a sad day it was to leave ac and the philippines.


09-30-07, 19:09
... Clearly, on Perimeter the early worm catches the bird ...

... and vice versa, I suppose!? :)

However, you are right, the Gentlemen's Club closes indeed much too early! So, there an early barfine would be highly advisable!

Cheers - Hesekiels

10-01-07, 03:23
So my second attempt at finding a runner failed.

For runners you should have had a barfine in BlueNile or Neros.
So I was told by some guys.


10-01-07, 03:44
For runners you should have had a barfine in BlueNile or Neros. So I was told by some guys.Cheers!

So I hear. I walked in and the place reeked of ROK.


10-01-07, 04:23
It's about half way to Friendship gate. Most trike drivers know where the VFW is. It's about a twenty to thirty minute walk from checkpoint. I stayed there for 5 months. No security issues when I was there but only one security guard is on duty. One good thing is there are security guards next door at the VFW and across the street at the church. The main office does have a safe to keep your valuables.

So you didn't find it too far out? You would stay there again? They are quoting p27k for a month now...

Darth Sushi
10-01-07, 12:11
So you didn't find it too far out? You would stay there again? They are quoting p27k for a month now...27K is cheaper than a hotel but the amenities is just adequate. There is no food available but the VFW is a restaurant. You'll have to stock the frig yourself if you want midnight muchies. Basically, it's a queen size bed, AC, a small frig, a 20" TV, a sink, microwave, pool. Some guys will buy hotplates to cook and save. BTW, they only clean the rooms everyone other day. If you want to spend more money on barfines than it's a good deal. If you want better looking then you'll have pay more. Try to get a room next to VFW because the other side is next to a road and those trikes can drive you crazy. If you're hesitant, try paying for a week (it cost more) to test drive it. I would stay again cuz of the price and I'm a cheap Charlie.

Good luck!

10-01-07, 19:56
I guess many of you guys feel the same as me. In Angeles I get many years younger, and get hell of crazy with so much pussy to eat. Last nite, and long time till I come back. I felt very hungry, and I just got the idea to find out how hungry.

M. from Carousel at 9pm (20yo) , Van at 23pm (22yo) , and K. from Nile 3am (19yo). The first fwo I asked to go, the last one was a runner. I have a freebie GF, so I called her in the nite, and she arrived 6am. Two times with here. She refused to leave until she saw me in the taxi early afternoon, next time maybe I must have a fake-taxi picking me up and returning me. So I actually had to refuse another girl (19yo) on her way to visit me - had her 3 days before. 2 month earlier I had talked to her, but then she was cherry.
Then in Manila my local friend had lined up for me a nice girl, Nico 18yo. Timestamp picture says 6pm. Did her two times the next hour. Yes guys, a local friend is very convenient! Result, i ate 7 times in 22 hours with 5 different girls, could have been 6.

So what can I say, go here and feel young! Hope some of you get some ideas when looking at the pictures.

10-02-07, 04:32
27K is cheaper than a hotel but the amenities is just adequate. There is no food available but the VFW is a restaurant. You'll have to stock the frig yourself if you want midnight muchies. Basically, it's a queen size bed, AC, a small frig, a 20" TV, a sink, microwave, pool. Some guys will buy hotplates to cook and save. BTW, they only clean the rooms everyone other day. If you want to spend more money on barfines than it's a good deal. If you want better looking then you'll have pay more. Try to get a room next to VFW because the other side is next to a road and those trikes can drive you crazy. If you're hesitant, try paying for a week (it cost more) to test drive it. I would stay again cuz of the price and I'm a cheap Charlie.

Good luck!

Thanks for the info Darth...especially the VFW side thing! I was disappointed cause their website says $15 per nite for month long stays...27k is closer to $20, they say the site hasn't been updated with the new prices???

I think I'll book a couple weeks so I can meet some other vets and that should be enough time to find an apartment...

10-02-07, 10:41
I arrived at the Pacific Breeze at about 9 in the morning and was taken to my room. I settled in and after such a long trip I felt a nap was in order. I set my watch for a half hour cat nap before heading out. I laid my head on the pillow and tried to doze off but the excitement would not let me so I headed out.
MugrosoOutstanding trip report. You had much better luck with your 3some than I did.

I had to send one of the girls home, did not play well with others. The second girl made up for her friend so I was not that disappointed. She drained me 3 times before she left the next day.


Speed Touch
10-02-07, 13:08
Ok, so I spent 2 nights in Manila - nothing much to write about here - wish I'd gone straight to Angeles.

I checked out the hotel and got the Swagman "fly by the bus" to Angeles. These buses are really old and uncomfortable - the only upside is that is costs 500 pesos - taxi fare from Manila to Angeles is around 2500 pesos - so your saving 2000 pesos.

The bus dropped me outside the Swiss chalet hotel where I checked in. Nice room for 1480 pesos per night. This was half the price of the Manila hotel, but the room was so much better. Small room, but has a huge mirror next to the bed, AirCon, TV, fridge, in the heart of the action, free wifi use if you have a laptop, big safe to hold a laptop/money, good shower, bed, and good staff. 50 metres walk to the go go bars! Downside is that there are some ladyboys / Baklas hanging around in the area.

First impressions - has a dirt/dusty feel to it and there's not much else to do apart from monger, monger, eat and sleep.

I venture out on the fields strip and ended up meeting a looker from Champagne. I tend to go out late - around 11pm. As I found out most of the lookers get barfined much earlier. Oh well. The champagne girl was hot, but said she had a check up the next morning so suggested I come back tomorrow - how nice - she was thinking of me - I took her mobile number. So the first night I went home alone as I couldn't find another looker after 3am.
Other nights - as it turned out the champagne girl wasn't there - the waitresses said it was here day off - but over the next few days she wasn't there, so I guess she failed her test and hence couldn’t work. I ended up barfining a girls from Stingers, the tequila girl from heartbreakers and the last night a champagne girl. They all like to get their lady drinks - so only try to buy the girl your going to bar fine lady drinks.

Cost - Bar fine is around 1200/1300 pesos for bars in fields - tip the girl the next morning around 200 if she's good. These girls love to sleep so try to get up in the morning so as not to waste your day.

Discos - I think there's only two - Skytrax and Klub Class. Both are on fields and it's best to take a girl from a bar there - there's no real freelanncers within these discos.

Viagra/Cialis sir? Everywhere you get offered this but the street touts - it's all fake so you shouldn't buy it - do not engage in conversation with these guys as they'll pester you all the time.

Trike - the only way to get around - I just said 50 pesos OK as soon as I got into one. PS if you’re a big guy you'll struggle to get into these.

Laundry - I just gave it to the hotel - easy and cheap.

Small world - Angeles is very small and the girls have friends - It's best to bar hop alone and not take a girl along, especially if you’re not going to stay with the same girl for the duration of the trip - they all get jealous as expected.

Mobile phone - I bought a Globe - Sim card and then got a 300 pesos top up. It can be worth getting one. All the girls text message. Be careful what girls you give your number to as they won't stop texting or calling you.

Money changers - a few of these of Fields - but stick to the more official ones and only change a maximum of 100 GBP / 200 USD at a time. I got a rate of 90 pesos per 1 GBP.

Weather - usually rained for an hour to two in the afternoon and evening. But since the hotel was in the center it didn't affect me.

Shopping - The SM (mall) is pretty good - very clean and everything you need under one roof - and it feels good to get away from the hustle and bustle of the fields area.

Perimeter bars - I tried these but went around 10pm - not realising that they tend to close around midnight. The girls appear to be rougher and desperate - just my impression, so I stuck to the fields.

Massage - I tried Roman baths - ok, but these scene is very small in this area. The go go bars open up early so most mongers tend to go to these if they want some action. Dollhouse is open 24hrs a day!

Back to Manila Airport - cost 2400 pesos arranged through the hotel - takes 2 hours. Remember you'll need 750 pesos for departure tax.

10-02-07, 19:21
... it's best to bar hop alone and not take a girl along, especially if you’re not going to stay with the same girl for the duration of the trip ...


basically i second that, but actually for some other reasons! several girls i was barhopping with got drunk while having hit the fifth bar. result: always a lousy performance at night! anybody with a similar experience?

cheers - hesekiels

10-02-07, 22:50
...great report speed touch. much info, well written, not too much words and very informative.

10-03-07, 00:10
hi speedtouch - great report. just came back from there myself a few days ago. *sigh*

agree with all you said.

if i might add something. the airport tax at the local airport (diosdado macapagal international crk) is 600p and the standard fare from the airport about 300p.

cheap fares from sin via tiger, and kul via air asia and you can avoid the mnl hassle.

i agree that the perimeter bars are rougher, but if you go earlier, you will find some very barfineable ladies. in addition, they tend to be much raunchier in their interactions. (grabbing onto you in a most satisfying way for example). also, i had one of the best entertaining afternoons of my trip in garfields bar. no dancers, just a friendly bar with some attractive waitresses, low key on the selling of lady drinks. however, it was really good because i (aussie) met up with three us cits and we had a ball for the afternoon entertaining each other and the ladies. (drinks 50p). so next time you go, give perimeter another try in the afternoon.

10-03-07, 04:31
Just came back from there myself a few days ago. *sigh*
Going back there in 9 days and counting! :D

Rob Woodrow
10-03-07, 16:51
I agree that the Perimeter bars are rougher, but if you go earlier, you will find some very barfineable ladies. In addition, they tend to be much raunchier in their interactions. (Grabbing onto you in a most satisfying way for example).I've had "good luck" getting groped a few times this week at Fields bars, by more than one at a time typically. At Voodoo and Gecko's, to be exact, and to a lesser extent at Dollhouse. In fact, the Gecko's waitress unzipped my fly and reached in for a good feel. I had to leave after that--with her, of course.

10-03-07, 17:04
I'll be back in AC Saturday night on a prison break (from sex prison). Can't be a day too soon!

Padawan Mongerer
10-04-07, 14:30
What's up fellas? I'm hoping on going to be going to Angeles City in the near future. I'm an American serviceman in Iraq, so as you can pretty much guess I don't know jack about when I'm going. The powers that be told me it can be anywhere from tommorrow until April. I've got a couple of questions that I could really use some help with.

1) Since I have no date and won't find out when I'm going 'til the last minute, hotel reservations are out of the question. I was kind of hoping on ABC, Wild Orchid, or Dollhouse. Do I have anychance of getting in any of these 3 without a reservation? Will I be able to find any hotel without advance notice?

2) How should I get to Angeles City? I'm hoping on flying to AC, but most likely will wind up coming to Manilla. I suppose pickup from a hotel and Margaritta Station will not be possible with such short notice. Is it safe to take a cab?

3) Where can I get cash when I land in Manilla. Does the Airport have an ATM?

Thanks guys!

Speed Touch
10-04-07, 17:11
Just something that I left out in my report below.

This was the first time every that I heard of a "bodyshot". A tequila girl asked if I wanted one...so I asked what it was. Sounds good and I agreed. She raised my shirt put lime and salt on my nipples and then down my body. She took a shot of tequila and sucked the life out of each nipple and the licked every so good down the rest of my body down to my belly button for about 2 minutes. I think the cost of this was about 180p. Amazing - Barfine time!

I tried to again another day but I got a tequila girl from Misty's to do this to a dancer. She said she would so long as the dance did her.... even better. Wow, what a site..... just something else to live up the atmosphere in the bars


10-04-07, 19:37
Because you are running on short notice you should not have a major problem. I am assuming that you are arriving late at night so I will assume that this is the case. When you arrive at the airport go to the registered taxi stand. When you exit terminal building cross the street and bang a right down tunnel and you will come up on waiting area. You will see on right hand side a taxi stand. Tell the gentleman that you need a taxi to AC. It will cost you about P2500. This would problably be the safeest way for you to get to ac if you are new guy. Word of advice. If its your first time pretend you been here before and know how to get around. Ac is about a 2 hour drive depending on traffic of course. Tell the driver hotel of choice. I personally like Pacific Breeze and Wild Orchid. Its right in the middle of the action. Pacific Breeze is actually behind Wild orchid and I like it better because you are less likely to have another bar fine from night before see you and be jealous. Both are very nice hotels and will take care of you. If you do not have any peso at the airport then wait till you get to hotel and exchange what you need to pay driver and first night of play. Change money at Norma's which is the most reliable I think and gives you best rate. Most of us foreign guys use Norma's. If you have not made reservation you should not have problem getting a room between wild orchid and Pacific Breeze. Lastly I suggest you read old reports here on barfines and do and donts. Good luck. If you are going to be there in November let me know cuz I am heading there in Nov 7.

Steve East
10-05-07, 06:11
speed touch,

great report but i have to disagree with you about the pills. i have been there the last 2 febuary's and have bought cealis both times and i can assure you it is real.

Key Master
10-05-07, 06:51
What's up fellas? I'm hoping on going to be going to Angeles City in the near future. I'm an American serviceman in Iraq, so as you can pretty much guess I don't know jack about when I'm going. The powers that be told me it can be anywhere from tommorrow until April. I've got a couple of questions that I could really use some help with.

1) Since I have no date and won't find out when I'm going 'til the last minute, hotel reservations are out of the question. I was kind of hoping on ABC, Wild Orchid, or Dollhouse. Do I have anychance of getting in any of these 3 without a reservation? Will I be able to find any hotel without advance notice?

2) How should I get to Angeles City? I'm hoping on flying to AC, but most likely will wind up coming to Manilla. I suppose pickup from a hotel and Margaritta Station will not be possible with such short notice. Is it safe to take a cab?

3) Where can I get cash when I land in Manilla. Does the Airport have an ATM?

Thanks guys!

You should almost always be able to find a hotel last moment. It might not be your cup of tea at first, but just get a room and then ask around the other hotels for openings that you would prefer. People cancel reservations last moment here all the time. I sit in the lobby restaurants and see a lot of people asking for availability right then so they must be getting a room somewhere. The front desks might even help you look. Are you only looking at high end hotels? I am a bit of a value freak and don't think you necessarily get your money's worth by going to those kind of places, but that's me.

If it's last minute, you should probably get one of the taxis as mentioned below to take you. It will be something like 2500 pesos and is pretty close to price of an arranged taxi pick up anyway. I don't know if they will negotiate the fare.

I am not sure about the ATM in the airport. I hear there is in a certain terminal but never have seen it. If you have some dollars, I recommend you just cash like a $100 right at the airport after clearing customs. I don't recommend cashing at the hotel because of the exchange rate they change at. It's brutal. Another ideal is if you get one of the taxis from the booth to take you, they can probably stop off somewhere to get you an ATM along the way.

10-05-07, 17:21
Hi guys, just a quick question. 3 of us will be going to Angeles from Manila airport and would like to use a car service. I looked at some pickup service from Angeles like Pacific Breeze (we are staying there), Swagman and
MARGARITA STATION however they all post that their cars can only carry 2 people. Anyone know why 3 people can not fit in a car, I would think that 2 in front and 2 in back which would be 3 plus driver.

We don't have too many bags so that should not be a big problem.

Anyone would recommend one over the other?

10-05-07, 18:21
I know that wild Orchid has a van and maybe schedule pick up by them

Speed Touch
10-05-07, 20:24
speed touch,

great report but i have to disagree with you about the pills. i have been there the last 2 febuary's and have bought cealis both times and i can assure you it is real.
well - the pills probably do work but i'd argue that for instance viagra is not really from pfizer - i'm mean how does a locay filipino guy get hold of the real stuff? i got chatting to these guys a lot and eventually one did admit to it. some of these fake pills can be extremelly dangerous - so only buy from someone you can trust.

have a look at this : http://www.allheadlinenews.com/articles/7008422199 & http://www.allheadlinenews.com/articles/7008422199

anyway i tried viagra a few years ago - and yeah it was good. cialis was a different story for me - the effect lasted about 2/3 days and gave me a real back headache/hangover. i haven't take either for about 4 years now. i don't really need it (not yet anyway) - it was just experimental.

ps - let's not continue this disussion as it belongs in a different section - and i couln't send the above to you as a pm.

Buko Max
10-05-07, 22:37
Anyone would recommend one over the other?
Hello Csun,

Last time I was in town I used a driver who had a brand new Ford Escape.
Give me a few days to dig up his number.

10-05-07, 23:42
MARGARITA STATION however they all post that their cars can only carry 2 people. Anyone know why 3 people can not fit in a car, I would think that 2 in front and 2 in back which would be 3 plus driver.Csun213,

Why don't you book a car for two? When you finally arrive with an additional person simply tell the driver: "we met this guy on the plane. He wants to go to AC as well"! You bet your life, a nice tip for him and that's no problem at all!

Cheers - Hesekiels

Key Master
10-06-07, 02:14
Hi guys, just a quick question. 3 of us will be going to Angeles from Manila airport and would like to use a car service. I looked at some pickup service from Angeles like Pacific Breeze (we are staying there), Swagman and
MARGARITA STATION however they all post that their cars can only carry 2 people. Anyone know why 3 people can not fit in a car, I would think that 2 in front and 2 in back which would be 3 plus driver.

We don't have too many bags so that should not be a big problem.

Anyone would recommend one over the other?

I believe Pacific Breeze will pick you up in a van at a slightly higher price than a car.

10-06-07, 13:49
I just got back from Angeles. Had a great time!! The Mall is huge - that was the first impression and people were friendly there. It was great to be there with all the English. After Thailand this was wonderful../

To be able to communicate with these women makes for a completely different experience.

You can easily walk to the Mall from Fields Av - it is close

There is a barber as you go in the main entrance on the right side about 4- 8 shops down. I had a great cut and excellent head/face/shoulder massage. It was quite strong and felt great. Only $5 for both -

There is a facial place opposite on the left .. great in a feminine sense - cleaned the skin and I got a good rest -

There is a department store there with lots of stuff - not many sales - but it was fun to shop and flirt with the sales girls - got a couple of email address ...

Took out a cherry girl from one of the big bars - I was her second victim and she was very open to 'learning' - ie lips and tongue - she was not shy and took to the task as a dolphin learning to surf for first time - We were locked into each other for ages - She was actually shocked when I finally came all over her… New to her.

Two days later I saw herin the club and she brought up the subject of de-cherrying - no cost ... just wanted to go for it - 'Your such a nice guy..' Life is tough sometimes.... These moments give life meaning... :)

I suggested she hold on for a guy who would be around longer. I was only there for 5 days... Blood and pain and then some other guy reaps the benefits bonking a willing young fresh lovely girl. We are chatting with cams and for the time being anyway, she is waiting. Not sure if she can wait that long... But it is/was nice to be in that/this situation.

The Filipino women I found to be more open emotionally - there were more dramas there -

The best club that I went to was Las Vegas - Korean owned and well managed - the mamasan who took care of me did a great job. Bought her a couple of drinks. Never managed to get back there again, though definitely will again on the return journey in Dec -

I stayed at the Pacific Breeze... They were wonderful - The Front Desk would welcome me by my first name every time I came back - the pool is great; deep at one end. Cleaning lady as sweet as a cherry.

I want to go back for 2 weeks in Dec - Does anyone know of another cheaper hotel with a pool that is not too old? - looking for tiled floors ... 2 weeks at $48 is a little steep …

It is a scene and I had a great time - the drive to airport was on 50 minutes at 12:30am midnight departure -


EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

10-06-07, 17:19
Thanks guys for all the information.

10-07-07, 10:32
I want to go back for 2 weeks in Dec - Does anyone know of another cheaper hotel with a pool that is not too old? - looking for tiled floors ... 2 weeks at $48 is a little steep …
EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

You can save by staying out on Perimeter. Places like the Clarkton, Hana, Sunset Gardens are 20-35 a night. Yes, they can be older, but not really that bad and rooms are generally large. You will also save money going to the Perimeter Bars. People seem to think there are prettier girls on Fields, but I disagree. There are MORE girls in the Fields Bars, but it is mostly the lights and more makeup. I go 4 times a year for 2-3 weeks each time by using this method. Even take side trips to Cebu and Boracay with a girl and still don't spend more than $3500 a trip.

Fast Eddie 48
10-08-07, 02:21
I want to go back for 2 weeks in Dec. Does anyone know of another cheaper hotel with a pool that is not too old?. Looking for tiled floors. 2 weeks at $48 is a little steep.

It is a scene and I had a great time. The drive to airport was on 50 minutes at 12:30am midnight departure.

EnjoyTo Coremine

Central Park sister hotel of Pacific Breeze last time I stay there 32 usd a night just around the corner they will give you a pool pass to go use the pool at pacific but the room is smaller and not as nice there same management same good service.

Fast eddie 48

10-08-07, 20:08
Is there any place that does the "soapy" massage like in Thailand? I will be headed out to angeles and manila late dec to early January. Which would be better for new years? Also I am looking for a number of a reasonable and reliable driver. Thanks for the help.

10-08-07, 20:29
I am looking for a massage parlor that does the "soapy" massage like in thailand. Any place that you guys know of that fits the bill?

10-09-07, 10:06
Back home from my recent first trip to AC, which was fun and interesting in different ways than I had imagined it would be. From what’s posted on this thread, I don’t have much to add so here are some quick thoughts, experiences, and memories from my trip (from the viewpoint of an early 30s, ABC):


I took a taxi from Clark Airport to Pacific Breeze’s front door and the young taxi driver didn’t turn on the meter. At first I was kind of nervous, but after chatting with him in a friendly manner the whole 15 minute ride, he quoted me 200 pesos at the end, which sounded like the right price.

Riding around on Fields Ave on the trikes cost 50 pesos to go a very short distance, like from a bar on Perimeter back to my hotel and cost 100 pesos to go a bit farther, like my hotel to AC 1 gym. Trikes never wanted to bargain and would just ride off if I tried. Guess business is pretty good…


I stayed at the Pacific Breeze’s Jacuzzi room and they are big, spacious, and provides a good view of the pool, but overall, were not an efficient use of money ($75/night). The huge queen (king?) bed was useful for when I brought more than one gal home, but the jacuzzi takes forever to fill up and the water never gets hot enough. The staff are nice and efficient, especially the sweet cleaning staff.

I would go back there if I had a longer-term GF or someone special to spend time with, otherwise for the usual bargirl, I’ll get something at about 50% of the cost in any of the nearby hotels like Central Park, Orchid Hotel, or Swiss Chalet.

Plenty of laundry places to wash, dry, and fold your stuff at about 30-45 pesos per pound (kilogram?) of clothing. A bit more if you do it through your hotel but I enjoyed walking around the town and to/from the laundry place.

One more thing is that as soon as you check into any hotel, I would recommend you clear out the fridge and put all the drinks, chips, snacks etc. in an isolated area in your room, probably the closet. Then go to the local grocery store and stock up on your own drinks and snacks. After the first night drinking and eating the hotel stuff with a bar girl, I realized what a rip-off it was, at an average of 50-100% markup over retail price. Same goes for bathroom toiletries. Amazingly, things like toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, and razors are NOT included in the price of the room but are “helpfully” available in the bathroom at 50-100% markup over retail. Stock up on toiletries the same time you buy drinks and snacks.


The majority of the food in the Fields area is “greasy-spoon diner fare” in my opinion, with pizza, burgers, subs, wings, ice cream and beer the staples. Fresh fruits and vegetables were a rare sight in any of the local places I saw. No wonder countless obese Filipinas and foreigners were out and about everyday…it was like being back in the States in many ways. I’m based in China now where it’s rare to see more than 1-2 truly obese people per day, so it was an interesting change of pace.

Without being overly careful with what I spent on food, I averaged about 250 pesos +/- 50 pesos per meal. I thought it wasn’t too bad but overall, eating at the nearby SM Mall turned out to be the best value. Incredibly, eating at the food court at the mall cost from 150-200 for the equivalent (or usually better) of what was available on Fields. The mall is only about 10 minutes walk from my hotel/heart of Fields, but I guess that’s too much of a deterrent for a lot of folks…


I brought my quad-band mobile phone and it was easy to buy a Globe SIM card and start calling and sending txt messages. Recharge stations are everywhere and you could recharge amounts as small as 20 pesos which a convienent use of pocket change, although the shop owner will be wondering if you are a local, a cheap-ass, or a poor-ass if you are charging 20 pesos to your mobile, ha....

Coming from China, decent massage at great prices are everywhere so I assumed that it would be too much of a drop-off in AC, but I was wrong. I tried two food massages, across from the Jollibee (98 pesos) and directly across from Margarita Station (350 pesos). The oily body massages I tried were Joy’s across from the Mister Frostee (400 pesos) and the massage place next to Wet Spot bar (500 pesos).

At every place, the massage gal tried her best, but I was left with the feeling that an inexperienced girlfriend was trying to make me happy; it was earnest effort, but lacking professional skill. They were all nice and friendly and good to chat with but the massages were largely forgettable and not very hygienic or professional in execution.

Experiencing the bar atmosphere for the first time was interesting because I expected a bit more wildness and energy. Instead, the vast majority of the bars were small, unevenly lit places where 10-20 girls in bikinis shuffled/stood/leaned on an elevated stage. The girls definitely reflected whatever energy you gave, but if you didn’t want to be “the life of the party”, there was going to be no party in most of these bars, ha ha…

I estimate that 70-80% of the bar girls on stage from any random bar were fat/ugly/unattractive/unfuckable. I was amazed that they would be on stage and in a bikini. I have no idea how these gals made money beyond a daily salary…who would want to buy them a ladydrink much less barfine?? But that being said, there were more plenty of attractive bar gals but you needed to use time and energy to find them. I was told the best looking gals are all in Manila and I would agree that the majority of AC bar gals have either a too young/too innocent/too fat/too countryside/too ugly/too hardened look about them but that probably is one of their main attractions, too.

Overall, I found the most attractive Filipinas were several mall workers in the SM Mall, particularly at the Watsons, a certain woman’s clothing shop, and the Kenny Rogers Roasters (!). All were friendly and open to chat and exchanging phone numbers within 10 minutes of conversation. The main problem I had was what to do with the gals after arranging dates…neither they nor I wanted to go bar hopping and so I ended up doing things I usually don’t do, as in watching a movie at the mall (great bargain at 100 pesos), shopping at the mall, and having a facial at the mall. These mall girls are pretty practical and know what’s going on in the Fields bars so pushing for sex was expected and rewarded. And actually, more than a few of the mall workers have second jobs as waitresses or bar girls.

“The Filipina GFE” was touted as “guaranteed” by many of my friends who love AC and I do agree the average Filipina experience in AC was more warm and passionate than in other places but there was also a lot more emotional drama from normal gals and bargirls alike if you treated them too well and nicely because they would then assume you are their honeyko or semi-boyfriend, even after one night. And damn if you don’t reply to their mobile phone txt messages in 5 seconds or less! You’ll get another 3 asking what is wrong with you, ha…

My favorite bars in no particular order: Las Vegas, Lancelot, Dollhouse, Neros, Blue Nile, and Lolipops. I only checked out about 20 bars during my weeklong stay, so I know there are many more to explore next time. I was kind of confused about the barfines, too, because they ran from 1200 to 1300 to 1350 pesos. I know that certain bars have been increasing the barfines recently and it seems to be an unstoppable trend that has many of the longtime AC mongers steamed.


Overall, an interesting experience and I didn’t even mind the random shouts of “Korean!” or “Japanese!”, ha ha…I would usually walk over to whoever said it and chat with them to let them realize I was born in the USA, which seems to be a big positive in their eyes, especially with regular gals and bar gals. I will be back soon and hope to expand my Filipina experience.

Below are some pics I took.

1. innocent gal (beautiful face and body but was too inexperienced and service was non-existent)
2. innocent gal again
3. innocent leg
4. innocent breast
5. double trouble (excellent tag-team service)
6. double trouble 2
7. double trouble tall and fit gal
8. double trouble medium height and big breasts gal
9. Fields in the glorious daylight
10. SM Mall

Thanks again for all the useful information posted in this thread but most of all to my non-posting buddy who showed me around AC, you know who you are...


Bold Focker
10-10-07, 00:17
I have been to AC many time but never really found a non-smoking restaurant.
since July the Uk has been totally N/S. Prior to AC i will be in Davao which is also N/S, so it will very hard to going into smokey restaurants again. r there any good N/S restaurants in the S & M mall?

Rob Woodrow
10-10-07, 01:09
I was in Treasure Island last week during the afternoon, and most of the dancers were cherry girls. I was told 4 or maybe 5 out of 6, if my memory is right. At least some of them will do BJ according to the waitresses.

I just did a waitress instead.

10-10-07, 03:45

I took a taxi from Clark Airport to Pacific Breeze’s front door and the young taxi driver didn’t turn on the meter. At first I was kind of nervous, but after chatting with him in a friendly manner the whole 15 minute ride, he quoted me 200 pesos at the end, which sounded like the right price.


What airlines did you use to arrive at Clark and from where did the flight originate? I am looking at flying in to Clark next time I visit.


10-10-07, 04:34
What airlines did you use to arrive at Clark and from where did the flight originate? I am looking at flying in to Clark next time I visit.


Tiger Airways, Macau to Clark. Very cheap, fast, and convienent. Check their website.


10-10-07, 07:54
Tiger Airways, Macau to Clark. Very cheap, fast, and convienent. Check their website.
Tiger also from Singapore into Clarke and Air Asia from KL and KK.
Usually I have less than an hour between touchdown and first shot. :D

10-10-07, 13:50
r there any good N/S restaurants in the S & M mall?Even San Francisco doesn't have a S & M mall. (hehe) SM (formerly ShoeMart) is clean and smoke free (although I have occasionally seen a smoker at the coffee kiosks). There are plenty of non-fast food restaurants to enjoy. Check the restaurants in the south central semicircle and outside the mall past the west central "food fair". Outside are Ikabud for authenic Filipino food, Yellow Table Pizza, and couple of other places with interesting menus.

10-10-07, 14:17
Also: Asiana (Inchon), Cebu Pacific (Cebu City), SEAIR-South East Asian Airlines (Manila, Boracay)

10-10-07, 21:57
Ekspat,. You wrote a comment in pic gallery:

"Me as a boobs lover, which bar is the girl in pic#8 from?

My catch last weekend from Jakarta. "

I am also a boobs lover,. And mongered all over latin american and russia, urkaine. Now I'm considering asia, and checking all the pic galleries. I'm New at this forum. My basic question to you, and all others here,. Is how do breast sizes and form compare between the chicks of phillipines, indnonesia, thai, cambodia, etc? (I'm pretty picky about finding very hourglass shaped gals,. Kinda slim, but with a full set of 'peach' or 'oranges'-sized bosom. What are my chances in these countries? ) I like asians, but their frontal fruit often lacks compared to, say, the mulattas and negritas of Columbia, DR, Cuba, etc.

(PS. Ukrainians looked good on dating sites but many had stuffed bras when I undressed 'them. And columbians have a lot of plastic silicone ones!)

Member #2718
10-11-07, 01:38
I am looking for a massage parlor that does the "soapy" massage like in thailand. Any place that you guys know of that fits the bill?

try Star Trek in Paranaque Manila near Air Force 1, a little pricey but a treat every now and then.

10-11-07, 03:58

I stayed at the Pacific Breeze’s Jacuzzi room and they are big, spacious, and provides a good view of the pool, but overall, were not an efficient use of money ($75/night). The huge queen (king?) bed was useful for when I brought more than one gal home, but the jacuzzi takes forever to fill up and the water never gets hot enough. The staff are nice and efficient, especially the sweet cleaning staff.

I would go back there if I had a longer-term GF or someone special to spend time with, otherwise for the usual bargirl, I’ll get something at about 50% of the cost in any of the nearby hotels like Central Park, Orchid Hotel, or Swiss Chalet.

Coming from China, decent massage at great prices are everywhere so I assumed that it would be too much of a drop-off in AC, but I was wrong. I tried two food massages, across from the Jollibee (98 pesos) and directly across from Margarita Station (350 pesos). The oily body massages I tried were Joy’s across from the Mister Frostee (400 pesos) and the massage place next to Wet Spot bar (500 pesos).

At every place, the massage gal tried her best, but I was left with the feeling that an inexperienced girlfriend was trying to make me happy; it was earnest effort, but lacking professional skill. They were all nice and friendly and good to chat with but the massages were largely forgettable and not very hygienic or professional in execution.

The part you talk about the hotel is a point I keep trying to make on this forum. Spending $75 on a room is unnecessary in the Phils. I have stayed in very expensive hotels in the US (and paid for them personally), but you will almost always be disappointed in the Phils. Even if you have a special girl, don't do it. You don't need to impress them that way. That is part of the test you give them. If they are disapponted staying in a $25 a nite room, then dump them. Let them be impressed by you, not what you spend.

For a good massage, go to Royal K near the Casino. It is off MacArthur near the ATM machines.

By the bars you listed, you didn't go to the Perimeter Bars. You will have a great time out there, if you have the right attitude. Don't be a bump on a log and expect the world to bow to you. Where else can you ring a bell and have every girl in the joint take their clothes off? Fields controls the fun, the Perimeter you can make your own party.

10-12-07, 15:34
I seem to remember a direct HKG >> Clark flight but I can not find it now. Anyone know if one still runs.?

Buko Max
10-12-07, 19:07
I seem to remember a direct HKG >> Clark flight but I can not find it now. Anyone know if one still runs.?
Yes there was a flight but it was suspended probably because they were not greasing the right palms. Rumor has it that service will commence again this month.

10-13-07, 14:19
I am going to be in HKG in 2 weeks and would love to fly direct... but if that flight is not back up, what is the best way to get to AC? I remember back in the day that Beeline had a shuttle service but the comfort and reliability was questionable at best.


10-13-07, 15:13
I am going to be in HKG in 2 weeks and would love to fly direct... but if that flight is not back up, what is the best way to get to AC? I remember back in the day that Beeline had a shuttle service but the comfort and reliability was questionable at best.

EnderConsider flying Tiger (Macau-Clark) http://www.tigerairways.com/.

Maragrita Station is the most recommended Manila - AC shuttle. http://www.margarita-station.com/airport.html

Buko Max
10-13-07, 16:35
I am going to be in HKG in 2 weeks and would love to fly direct... but if that flight is not back up, what is the best way to get to AC?
If I were you, I would sail over to Macau on the Turbo Jet (1 hour trip) and fly direct into Clark via Tiger Airways.

10-14-07, 06:51
If I were you, I would sail over to Macau on the Turbo Jet (1 hour trip) and fly direct into Clark via Tiger Airways.
Fully supported, thats the most convenient way to get to AC and avoid the Manila hassle.
With regards from AC! :D


10-15-07, 18:40
since I'm in AC now, I can confirm that several Perimeter bars charge BF now 1,100ps. Someone here didn't want to believe it, if I remember correctly.
Also LD in Perimeter has gone up to 120ps sometimes.
Not all, but several I have visited.

Just right now I've paid BF 1,350ps in Fields.
Official price, no BS. :D

Now after one round she's sleeping behind me in the bed and snoring like hell.
HUH????? :D :D
Anyway, must accompany her now.......
20y/o, nice boobs, that counts!
Life is nice, di ba?
Gud nite!


10-15-07, 23:15
Expat hmmm. I guess we all have to use our imagination and pretend we see them 20year old nice tits. Sure wish we had pics. Wait I will be there in 3 weeks the count down is on!

10-15-07, 23:15
Guys help me out, my girlfriend and I enjoy taking Asian girls home often and we are going to Manila and Boracay soon, we are wondering how philipino girls feel about other girls, specially white girls and where is the happening place to go and pick some up? Is it safe there, I have heard about tourist getting captured for ransoms, is this true? Should I hire a bodyguard? Is Manila like Bangkok with different locations and Go-Go's, help a brother out!

Lost in Manila!

10-16-07, 06:25
AC prices going up and the dollar going down, I might have to move back to the province! The prices here are going up almost daily. Most restaraunts have new menus and new higher prices, food still sucks though.


10-16-07, 08:46
Sure wish we had pics.
Don't have my camera for stills with me this time.
This time have video cam here and make my own BBBJ movies.
So far quite promising, hehe. :D

4pm, must go now, girls are waiting.......


10-16-07, 12:35

See how you are!

I am sure you are doing this to make us all jealous.

It is three weeks now since I came back and I have withdrawal symptoms.

Sorry to hear about the raised prices. I guess I just missed out as perimeter was still 1000 and I even got a lady from Agasaya for 1200. (Still I should not complain as my former bar lady now turned civilian accepted five hundred pesos a night for my last week, and I did buy her a new outfit for one thousand all up on the last night and a night out at the movies for a few hundred).

Sigh, only 139 days to go and counting till my next trip.

10-16-07, 23:13
let me understand this. the prices have gone up on bar fines and the american dollar to peso is at a low p43. hey. if this keeps up the girls will be bf us mongers soon. what ever happen to the days when the peso was exchanging at p56? hmmm no wonder we some how scrape our pennies and still bare to the fact that prices go up a little in ac but definately explains the american view on the empty bars in burgos street in makakti!

10-17-07, 08:10
It is more than true, its a real reality now that most fields ave bars are charging P1,350 for the BF/EWR. There are some exceptions to this new pricing scheme. Most notably is Alaska club they are still charging P1,200 for an BF/EWR. There are a couple of other bars that have not fully jumped onto the price hike bandwagon as well, Gecko's is currently running P1,300 and TI (Treasure Island) at P1,300 as well.

Perimeter (Non Fields bars)

Some bars have raised the BF/EWR to P1,100 and Most notably Nifty's has raised their BF/EWR to P1,200 and for those out there that know nifty's the quality available for P1,200 is just not even close to being there to justify that price (IMO)

As for the pricing of LD'S (ladies drinks), Alaska again leads the way for fields bars with an offer of ladies drinks tickets that are available in books of 10 @ P1,000, 25 @ P2,500, 50 @ P5,000 and 100 @ P10,000, so each LD cost only P100, which is 50% less than the average cost of a LD's elsewhere on fields. The average LD cost on Fields is currently P150 but exceptions do apply, such as the FAMOUS Doll House DOUBLE LADIES DRINKS at P300 and a limited number of other bars where they occasionally will try to get away with the DOUBLE LADIES DRINK.

LD'S out on perimeter and off fields have also risen at some places. Nifty's was recently charging P120 for a ladies drink and some other bars have been charging P110. Even Honky Tonk bar on Santos St (AKA Blow Row) has upped their ladies drink price to P120, but the other bars on Santos remain at P100.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Little Gun
10-17-07, 13:17
I just returned from a 3 days 2 nights trip (my 1st trip) to the Philipines and I ended up spending all that time in and around Fields Avenue. And I didn't regret it a bit. OK, OK. So I am a cherry boy (so to speak) but it sure beats what's going on in Malaysia.

The barfine is now P1350 and the best rate I got was 1USD=P43. 85 (at SM Hypermarket. Services Counter). The Fields Avenue rate is around P43. 5. I think the beer and lady's drink price is not fixed (it varied with time and outlet). Stayed at Apartelle (decent place. A bit noisy) for USD28 per night.

Don't even remember how many bars I went to (we always started drinking at Dollhouse) but all in all, I had a terrific time in Fields Avenue. I got 4 girls in 3 days. All of them according to my taste, because I took my time bar hopping to look for the one I liked. Always have to tell myself "there are more girls in other bars". Hahaha. The best girl is the last girl I took. Super sexy, with slim body, nice facial features (in other words, gorgeous), sweet tight pussy, and most important. Great attitude. Unfortunately I have to leave the following day. If not, I would had barfined her for 3 to 4 days. I did wish AirAsia will cancel my flight!

Definitely worth a revisit, which I'm planning in December this year. Great to be able to share this information in a forum like this.

Oh, I am being such a rude person here. Hi everyone in ISG! I'm a newbie to this forum. Hope I can share my experiences with members here (and not offend anyone).

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

10-17-07, 18:57
but it sure beats what's going on in Malaysia.
Sorry, LG, thats IMO nonsense. Please add up what you've paid for 3D/2N.
And please be honest with ALL expenses.

Air Asia roughly 400RM
Hotel 28*2*3.4=190RM.
Any other things like tax and taxi to and from airport, at least 100RM or more.

Sorry, man, for 700+RM you can get an excellent girl for the whole weekend in KL without all the waste of time, driving, flying and so on.

5 days onwards AC is reasonable over KL,
if you consider just the RM.

Anyhow, I wouldn't go for 2 nights to AC just because the BF is cheaper.
Others maybe.

Just my 2 sen.


Kiev Petr
10-17-07, 20:55

Any info on the tall Filipina in the white, red and blue bikini is appreciated.



10-17-07, 22:40
Most notably Nifty's has raised their BF/EWR to P1,200 and for those out there that know nifty's the quality available for P1,200 is just not even close to being there to justify that price (IMO)

1,200 pesos nowadays? If I am not mistaken three months ago I paid 1,100 pesos and 6 months ago 1,000 pesos only! Furthermore the dollar is getting weaker day by day. Bad luck, guys! However, I fear that AC might become even more expensive in the near future. Maybe it would be an idea to save on LD's in order to compensate that? Just a thought!

Cheers - Hesekiels

10-18-07, 03:24
Furthermore the dollar is getting weaker day by day.
As long as you don't get paid in USD, who cares?

Maybe it would be an idea to save on LD's in order to compensate that?

No ladydrinks - No fun.
But thats just my opinion, or do you wanna sit alone in the bar after 5 minutes?
For myself, I would compensate by cutting down my own SMB's.
Only 18 SMB per day instead of 20. :D
Thank god I don't have to.


10-18-07, 05:13
As long as you don't get paid in USD, who cares?

No ladydrinks - No fun.
But thats just my opinion, or do you wanna sit alone in the bar after 5 minutes?
For myself, I would compensate by cutting down my own SMB's.
Only 18 SMB per day instead of 20. :D
Thank god I don't have to.


Well the aussie dollar has strengthened aganst the peso lately yay!

I dont see things the same way. The bars girlie bars in phils are thinly diguised brothels & the girls therein are thinly disguised hookers.

In a girlie bar you're surrounded by girls feigning interest (poorly ususally) & clawing at you. The interest is usually fake, the drinks they drink are fake & the guys in them are just looking for p4p. Consequently I dont spend much time in gorlie bars, just walk in have one smb while i check out the merchandise & then either BF or walk. Im always nice to the staff but dont waste time & money sitting in the bar.

If I want to go out drinking I find a nice DRINKING bar & spend my time with people i like & have a good time.

I guess for some its not like that but hey, horses for courses.

Happy mongering

X Man
10-18-07, 12:05
OMG, thinly diguised brothels & thinly disguised hookers???

If only I had known I was in such a den of inequity, I surely would have put down my sixth San Miguel and ran out of the place. Imagine those women pawing my body simply because they ....oh, I can't write the words....

I thought they loved me. And the lady drinks...I thought they were thirsty.


The bars girlie bars in phils are thinly diguised brothels & the girls therein are thinly disguised hookers.

In a girlie bar you're surrounded by girls feigning interest (poorly ususally) & clawing at you. The interest is usually fake, the drinks they drink are fake & the guys in them are just looking for p4p. Consequently I dont spend much time in gorlie bars, just walk in have one smb while i check out the merchandise & then either BF or walk. Im always nice to the staff but dont waste time & money sitting in the bar.

If I want to go out drinking I find a nice DRINKING bar & spend my time with people i like & have a good time.

I guess for some its not like that but hey, horses for courses.

Happy mongering

10-18-07, 12:24
1,200 pesos nowadays? If I am not mistaken three months ago I paid 1,100 pesos and 6 months ago 1,000 pesos only! Furthermore the dollar is getting weaker day by day. Bad luck, guys! However, I fear that AC might become even more expensive in the near future. Maybe it would be an idea to save on LD's in order to compensate that? Just a thought!

Cheers - HesekielsYes Nifty's has been (For a while now), under the complete control of a Filipina, and is a classic case of lets put the screws to the foreigners that most Filipina's with any type of power (perceived or actual) always end up doing. She keeps raising the prices to line her pockets with a few extra peso's. Given time and the continued downward spiraling trend i have seen with regards to nifty's and the constant complaints about girl quality and prices it will not take long until she runs Nifty's into the ground or is forced to drop prices significantly.

I also have to agree that the pricing trend in AC will continue to rise as it seems that the flood gates of Korean, Japanese and other Asian visitors who continue to think (regardless of truth or not) that paying P1,350 for a BF/EWR is cheap continue to arrive in ever increasing numbers. It is not a flame to the Asian visitors (and anyone else who does similar), but rather that they just do not spend any time to be informed about the going rates and when they fail to do that, the open the AC market up for price increases as the bars and girls see it as if they will pay that amount, then that amount should be set as the standard and then a few months later, they will again try to push the pricing envelope even further. A small amount of research with regards to current pricing trends and expectations about the area that one will visit will not only save that person money, but will help every monger or visitor, but that is Just My humble opinion and suggestion on how to help keep the mongering or entertainment prices under control.

In regards to the saving some peso's on the ladies drinks issue. Its a catch 22. Some will say that any significant reduction in the purchase of ladies drinks will usually result in an increase in the negative outcomes (such as girls who think you are cheap and thus will not tip then, will decide not to go out with you).

If you are on a budget and the cost of Ladies drinks in AC/Phil are of a concern for you (or you just stand on principal that they are over priced for what you receive) then I put forth a suggestion to stay with or in the bars/clubs that have the lower prices ladies drinks (this does not always mean that the bars with lower prices ladies drinks have a substantial or any level of lower quality girls).

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Little Gun
10-18-07, 16:05
Sorry, LG, thats IMO nonsense. Please add up what you've paid for 3D/2N.
And please be honest with ALL expenses.

Air Asia roughly 400RM
Hotel 28*2*3.4=190RM.
Any other things like tax and taxi to and from airport, at least 100RM or more.

Sorry, man, for 700+RM you can get an excellent girl for the whole weekend in KL without all the waste of time, driving, flying and so on.

5 days onwards AC is reasonable over KL,
if you consider just the RM.

Anyhow, I wouldn't go for 2 nights to AC just because the BF is cheaper.
Others maybe.

Just my 2 sen.

Cheers! Ekspat: Sorry, I wasn't talking about money here. I was talking about the experience being much more enjoyable that what I got in Malaysia. And I have to fly to KL if I want to enjoy KL. I don't reside in KL.

Oh, I must also add that I went with a group of friends (5 of us) so we enjoyed each others' company (as true friends), as well as the company of the lovely gals there.

I'm going to make myself look like an idiot by saying this but I'm not going to count every penny I spent in AC. I brought with me USD500 + PHP2600 and when I come back, I still have USD200+ in my wallet. Food, BF, Drinks, hotel all included (except for flight ticket, which I think is less than RM400 for return ticket). Look, the important thing to me is that I enjoyed my time in AC. Sure I can screw a girl in KL for probably less. But for me, the experience is more than just BF a girl and screw her senseless. I wanna enjoy their companionship. Me and the girls spend time bar hopping (even after I barfined her), dancing to the music in Blue Nile, etc. That's the kind of experience I'm talking about. Hope you understand what I was going on about here.

10-18-07, 16:38
Dear Amavida,

You mean when the bargirls say I am as guapo/handsome as a pinoy movie star they do not mean it? . When they say I make love "very strong" and have "good body", they are just pulling my third leg? . When they say they love me long time, they really lying? I am going to pretend I did not read your post and suspend my bullshit meter and have good time when I cum to PI in November. Just have fun Gentlemen, Tally Ho. Luvulooongtime

PS, Just joking Amivida

10-18-07, 17:21
Thinly "diguised" brothels and thinly "diguised" dressed hookers pawing all over me is offensive! I would feel so violated. Oh well time to get violated again in 2 weeks!

10-18-07, 19:41
But thats just my opinion, or do you wanna sit alone in the bar after 5 minutes?

Come on, big spender, since you and I had visited so many bars during the past year I bet my life that you would never cut down your own SMB consumption! :) And if I remember correctly, even with two LD's (instead of four) we were never sitting alone! But I don't want to appear schoolmasterly: of course everyone should feel free to spend or save as much as he likes, whether millionaire or "working poor!" :)

See you - Hesekiels

10-18-07, 21:09
Well the aussie dollar has strengthened aganst the peso lately yay!

I dont see things the same way. The bars girlie bars in phils are thinly diguised brothels & the girls therein are thinly disguised hookers.

In a girlie bar you're surrounded by girls feigning interest (poorly ususally) & clawing at you. The interest is usually fake, the drinks they drink are fake & the guys in them are just looking for p4p. Consequently I dont spend much time in gorlie bars, just walk in have one smb while i check out the merchandise & then either BF or walk. Im always nice to the staff but dont waste time & money sitting in the bar.

If I want to go out drinking I find a nice DRINKING bar & spend my time with people i like & have a good time.

I guess for some its not like that but hey, horses for courses.

Happy mongering

All women are hookers, bro'. Almost everywhere in the world they are the same in my experience. There is nothing "thinly disguised" abouit it.

10-18-07, 22:19
OMG, thinly diguised brothels & thinly disguised hookers???

If only I had known I was in such a den of inequity, I surely would have put down my sixth San Miguel and ran out of the place. Imagine those women pawing my body simply because they ....oh, I can't write the words....

I thought they loved me. And the lady drinks...I thought they were thirsty.


An excellent phrasing, no doubt! I like your sense of humour! Very well done, X Man!

Cheers - Hesekiels

10-19-07, 01:39
Hi guys,

Where is it better for mongering. Manila or angel city and why.

Is it possible to play online poker in the Phillipien?

Thanks for answers.


10-19-07, 06:57
That's the kind of experience I'm talking about. Hope you understand what I was going on about here.
Got it, man. And I'm pretty sure you've had a great time.
Thought you're talking about money, since you were reporting about money immediately after the statement KL vs. AC.

Just for your all info, 1US is 44 now, 1EURO 62.5.

Greetings from AC, where I enjoy again a memorable Hari Raya :D


10-19-07, 07:14
Where is it better for mongering. Manila or angel city and why.


Thanks for answers.

You're most welcome.


10-19-07, 08:27
Hi guys,

Where is it better for mongering. Manila or angel city and why.

Is it possible to play online poker in the Phillipien?

Thanks for answers.

ByeThe answer is totally dependant on you, what you like and what you wish to gain from your time spent.

Lets start with Manila:

More expensive - BF/EWR and the girls expect more of a tip (most of which are not shy to negotiate up front)

More crowded - Manila is heavily congested with people and traffic

Longer wait times - Try to get a taxi/cab off the street, at one of the shopping malls or near the bar/entertainment area's while being a foreigner and having him use the meter (i once waited over 45 minutes (and literally 60+ taxi's) trying to find one who would use a meter, they like to quote you a flat rate (which is usually 3-6 times higher than the meter cost would be)

Girl quality is usually higher overall, there is less need to bar hop to find a "stunner" or a "10"

There are other non-mongering things to do around the Manila aream such as numerous shopping malls, adventure parks, ect.


Less expensive than Manila for BF/EWR'S

Wider range of cheaper hotel choices than Manila (from P800/night up with most ranging in the P2,000 to P3,400 range)

No real wait times, but the trade off is that you will have a trike drivers asking you every 30 feet if you would like a ride. No Taxi's for local trips here, you have to use the dreaded trikes (by dreaded i mean that they are small Filipino size side cars, so many foreigners have trouble or difficulty getting in and out of them). Similar to their taxi counterparts in Manila the trikes in AC are famous for over charging, the current rate for a ride is between P50 and P70 depending on desired destination., but they will try to tell you that the price is P70 or P100, so just always have a P50 bill ready and hand it to them when you have arrived and just walk away (this works for most trips). When in doubt, you can ask the girl you are with what the foreigner rate for the destination you want to go to is before you leave/get in the trike (in my experiences the girls will be honest and tell you as they have nothing to gain by telling you an inflated price and they also think that if you spend less on the trike they may possible get more in a tip (yes an added P50 to a girls tip is the cost of her meals for the day).

Finding the "Stunner" or "10" does require more effort, but there are always needles in haystacks, you just need to look around.

Still a polluted city, but much less congested than the Metro Manila area

Those are the (current) differences IMO

10-19-07, 10:27
Dear Amavida,

You mean when the bargirls say I am as guapo/handsome as a pinoy movie star they do not mean it? . When they say I make love "very strong" and have "good body", they are just pulling my third leg? . When they say they love me long time, they really lying? I am going to pretend I did not read your post and suspend my bullshit meter and have good time when I cum to PI in November. Just have fun Gentlemen, Tally Ho. Luvulooongtime

PS, Just joking Amivida

hehehe :-) no offensive taken!

I'll be back there November 13 after a 1 night stopover in Singapore to shag a pinoy maid GF that i have there.

Tally ho indeed! :-)

Happy mongering

10-19-07, 12:54
Hi guys,

Where is it better for mongering. Manila or angel city and why.

Is it possible to play online poker in the Phillipien?

Thanks for answers.

ByeAC that is all that it is there for.

10-19-07, 16:00
Hi friends

Where can I find AC hotel reviews? There is no seperate section for this.

Sorry if I have posted in wrong forum.



10-19-07, 19:20
Hi friends

Where can I find AC hotel reviews? There is no seperate section for this.

Sorry if I have posted in wrong forum.



Dude there are are so many websites you can go to find this info. Beeline travel, jimmy regina, 2ac just to name a few. why ask here?

10-20-07, 02:42

Thanks for the answers.

Still not sure. Were to sattle down. Manila or angels city. Most important to know for me, if I can play online poker on the phillipien and if they got DSL, because thats the way I earn my money.


10-20-07, 02:44
I think manila has one advantage. It is close to the sea.

Fast Eddie 48
10-20-07, 09:45

Thanks for the answers.

Still not sure. Were to sattle down. Manila or angels city. Most important to know for me, if I can play online poker on the phillipien and if they got DSL, because thats the way I earn my money.

ByeTo bye,

Casino filippinos in Angeles City have a poker room play Texas Holdem Friday and Saturday night and have tournament every 2 months. I think the Sheraton Casino also has poker now at Manila .

Fast eddie 48

10-20-07, 13:29
I think manila has one advantage. It is close to the sea.

Hey there i hope this might help ! I was bored one day in cebu and was at cafe so i asked if they would let me download Party Poker ! answer yes and i played for 2 hrs! but it was only fun money. did not have problem of slow or discconect !

Soju Lizard
10-21-07, 14:03
I just returned from a fantastic week in AC. I'm not going to write another trip report because I've done that several times in the past. Rather I thought I'd just jot down some things I saw or experienced that I haven't seen posted here often or lately.

I stayed at the Pacific Breeze again and for my money its the best deal in AC. Sure there are better hotels that cost twice as much but I'm talking most bang for your buck. Plus the restaurant and pool is excellent. You won't find a better $40 a night hotel in AC.

Some bars that are often overlooked but I had a great time in: The Honeypot located on Fields near Camelot. I'd never heard much about this place but liked it so much I ended up hanging out here almost every night. The papasan Santa Dave is a really cool guy and the lineup was better than average. I liked it because it was a little more laid back and not so "in your face" like Neros and the other large bars. BF's here are P1,200 and I counted 10 that I'd take in a second. It's best to go around 7 PM when the early staff and late staff overlap.

The Happy Rock down on Perimeter had one of the best lineups down in that area. Girls were fun and prices were cheap too. Much like Fire & Ice, it seems to have more stunners than the normal Perimeter bars.

Speaking of Perimeter, the Sweety bar is kind of a dump but they had one gorgeous 19 y/o there that I'm kicking myself for not trying out. A fun girl that loves to drink and boom boom. She's the only one there worth taking so you can't miss her. This place is on the same street as Niftys.

An important tidbit for the night owls to know is that the Voodoo Club next to Kokomos is open 24 hours now. I had a blast in here more than once...at least I think I did. After 3 am my memory gets a little foggy. It's a nice late night alternative to Dollhouse.

For cheap eats definitely try out the Schwarma Central down past Kokomos on the left side. A combo chicken/beef schwarma with cheese will cost you P55 only and its fantastic. For those that don't know, its a pita bread thing similar to what we call Gyros in the states.

If you're like me and spend a day or 2 in Manila before leaving the PI, I recommend taking the Southern Cross shuttle service to Ermita. The bus is a 24 seater with good aircon and they show a movie on the way up. Cost is P550 and its worth it compared to Fly the Bus charging P500 to ride in a broken down old van with no aircon. Cheap Charlies can take the Rabbit bus out of Dau for P140 if you want to sit in a hot bus with crying babies. The SC bus leaves the Brass Knob hotel at 1 PM and gets to the Southern Cross hotel in Ermita around 3 PM. From there they dropped me off about one block from where I was staying in Ermita (the Executive Plaza Hotel) at no extra charge. The shuttle bus also has a wonderful hostess named Tess that serves drinks and can provide info on just about anything you'd like to know about the PI. I think they can also run you to the airport from Ermita for an extra P200.

My stay was way too short but I'll probably be back in November for a follow-up. Thanks also to the good folks at Alaska (great lineup), Coyote Ugly (sexy Roxanne), Angelwitch, Camelot, Niftys, the Wet Spot, Blue Nile Executive Club, La Pasha, Brown Sugar, Treasure Island & Shanno's (try the meat pie) for making this one of my best trips ever. Cheers everyone and happy mongering.

Naha Boy
10-22-07, 08:53
Well guys my vacation finished early and I'm left with about 40, 000 pesos over that I need to change back into dollars or yen. Sounds easy right?

Went to Norma's and a bunch of other money changers and asked if they will sell me dollars or yen. Get a load of this.- their spread is 100 pesos, sometimes even 150 pesos higher than their buy rate. That means on 40, 000 pesos I would be losing between 2%-3% on the deal. For example, they buy $100 and give you 4400 pesos. You want to buy $100 they sell it at 4500 pesos or more.

Can anyone reommend a reasonable place to buy some dollars or yen? I tried the banks but they don't sell foreign currency. How about a hotel or someplace?


10-22-07, 11:31
Are there any condos or nice apartments for a long stay in AC? I checked out Patio V but that's not my taste for a long stay. Hotels usually give discount for a week and for a month but it's still a bit steep price for me. Moreover, for a long stay I would like to have privacy in my accomodation so I prefer condos/apartments. If I can spend that much money as in hotels, I think I can find a nice condo in AC. It does'nt have to be very close to the action since I know there is no conndos/apartments in that entertainment district. Any infos are appreciated.



Buko Max
10-22-07, 17:52
Can anyone reommend a reasonable place to buy some dollars or yen? I tried the banks but they don't sell foreign currency. How about a hotel or someplace?
If you are flying out of MNL, there should be several money changers that can help you at the airport. They can handle buying PHP from visitors leaving the country.

Buko Max
10-22-07, 20:21
Liquor in the front
Poker in the rear!

10-23-07, 01:04
Hi Naha,

You need to be careful...or clever.

If you want to change at the airport, I suggest you ring them up first.

You might find that you get a worse deal than at Norma's. Then you are in a pickle since you can't take it all out of the country and you have to change it at the airport. From what I can see, 2-3% is not that bad a spread.

If you ring up you will find their rates and be able to make a decision about what to do.

Another alternative might be if you are going to come back some time in the future might be to open a local bank account - a pain in the butt but if you are coming back, it is somewhere to park your money. Also if your own bank has some association with a local bank that might make it easier.

Have you paid your hotel bills already? That might soak some of it up.

Western Union might work, but they are also expensive.

All in all, you are either in for a loss or for a lot of telephone calls.

10-23-07, 23:02
Not my first time mongering, but my first time in AC.

I figure that this is my vacation so I should do what I want. In between mongerfests, I like to pick up a guitar or mandolin and pluck a few notes while introspectively pondering future mongerfests. I do this at pubs back home and dammit if my home country has to endure me the Philippines shouldn't get a pass.

Any place a bloke can just prop himself in a corner and do this without being completely buried by pulsating, blaring pre-recorded muisc? - and don't say "in your hotel room you bloody wannabe loser".

10-24-07, 00:52
Well guys my vacation finished early and I'm left with about 40, 000 pesos over that I need to change back into dollars or yen. Sounds easy right?

Went to Norma's and a bunch of other money changers and asked if they will sell me dollars or yen. Get a load of this.- their spread is 100 pesos, sometimes even 150 pesos higher than their buy rate. That means on 40, 000 pesos I would be losing between 2%-3% on the deal. For example, they buy $100 and give you 4400 pesos. You want to buy $100 they sell it at 4500 pesos or more.

Can anyone reommend a reasonable place to buy some dollars or yen? I tried the banks but they don't sell foreign currency. How about a hotel or someplace?


Consider the 2-3% a lesson learned. You shouldn't convert so much at a time.

10-24-07, 00:57
Dear Amavida,

You mean when the bargirls say I am as guapo/handsome as a pinoy movie star they do not mean it? . When they say I make love "very strong" and have "good body", they are just pulling my third leg? . When they say they love me long time, they really lying? I am going to pretend I did not read your post and suspend my bullshit meter and have good time when I cum to PI in November. Just have fun Gentlemen, Tally Ho. Luvulooongtime

PS, Just joking Amivida

No I don't think they were lying to you at all. Just the other day 3 girls said I was not as guapo as "Luvuloooongtime".

10-24-07, 03:40
Hey mates,

met an Angeles girl in KL 2 weeks ago.
Ex-spotlight dancer in Dollhouse, on her tour around Thailand,
Singapore and Malaysia. (I assume on tourist visa, hehe)

Too bad, a real stunner, at least 8.5/10.
In Singapore then LT for her is roughly 250 S$,
in Malaysia LT sort of 400-500 RM.
So even 3,000ps look still okay.

Anyway, I didn't book her and being back now after another amazing week in AC.

Firstly, we Westerners can relax, it's no problem at all to bf a girl in Blue Nile, DH or Neros or whatever bar of this group despite all the Koreans/Japs/S'poreans hanging out there. After our discussions here I've called down several stunners with white skin, pretty faces and hard, slim body for a LD. After some small talk I've asked whether they would go with me, all agreed. Just to try it, finally I didn't do it because those girls aren't my taste.

Somehow it's true, a Westerner and eg. a Korean guy won't ever have trouble about a girl, because it's a difference in preference.
I prefer the LBFM with nice boobs, not the slim, white skinned ones.
So it's win-win situation?

I've met a girl formerly working in Nifty/Rio, don't remember exactly.
What a nice one, I've barfined her 2 or 3 times in 2006, we were laughing, bumbum and joking all the time, very convenient to be with her until 10am.
She's now in one of the Fields bars.
Such a disappointment, she's got already what I would describe as "Fields-attitude".

Finally I've found 2 girls perfectly working together for 3some.
When we met, I've called them "Dream-Team".
One 25y/o, 2 kids, very experienced, great boobs and great BBBJ.
The other 19/y/o, no kids, very tight pussy, perfectly for the final coming within a few seconds.
Booked them 4 times for ST in the afternoon.
Simply amazing, but it came with a price tag of around 2,000+ps for this ST.

Once I've barfined a girl behaving just strange. She didn't want to have me a look at her pussy at all.
But the BBBJ (9/10) and FJ (8/10) wasn't any problem at all, very nice!
Extremely pretty face for my taste, 9/10, and boobs somewhat A cup.
Maybe I have bonked a complete operated ladyboy? Are there any in AC? So far I am not aware of it.
Anyway, even if, I have no problem with it.
Or she just simply shy.

Be back in AC in 18 days and counting.......
Missing the place already after 3 days.


Ace of Spades
10-24-07, 10:26
i was in ac last month after several years of procrasination.

overall, i found ac to be a good place, lots of cheap beer and sweet girls very eager to please.

some helpful hints:

there is a money changer in the sm clark mall -- i believe the rates might be slightly better than the money changers on fields. great place to go hang out with your "girlfriend" for the afternoon. sbarro has tastey pizza!

avoid hotels that do not have safes for your valuables. i learned this lesson the hard way. during my trip, i stayed in two hotels. the first one was the apartmentelle royale--- it had a safe -- but the second hotel the brass knob did not have one. apartmetelle royale is highly recommended, it is upstairs from the camelot bar. at the brassknob, i misplaced an airline ticket and about 2000 pesos, i have no clue where both went. not sure if a girl stole my money or not.

safety not really an issue. i was never approached by anyone asking me to play a game of a cards or offered **** girls. if you are taking a jeepney, carry money in your shoe or someother safe place. too many pick pockets.

if you are planning a trip, give yourself a few days extra on top of your original plans. for example, if you plan to stay a week, book ahead with your hotel, and give yourself 3 or 4 more extra days. i promised myself i would stay only a few days because i had to catch a flight back to canada in hk, i never made it back to canada!

if possible try to get a flight that goes into clark directly, it would save you the 2 hour or more trip from manila and the 2500 peso nissan ride.

if you want to save a few dollars, try hoping a cab to the pasay city bus terminal, then catch the bus to angeles city, it is very straight forward. go to the arrivals area, and flag down a taxi dropping someone off. i did this in reverse on the way to manila, it was not as bad i thought it would be. i took a cab from the pasay station to the airport. i discovered taxis at the arrivals area when i went to the wrong terminal to catch my flight.

street kids were much of a problem asking for money, but not in a dangerous way. be sure to buy some candy at 711 or jj grocery store and bring some small coins to give to them.

one of the best things i liked about ac was the sweetness of the girls. even for the price of a ladies drink, you can kiss, hug and fondle them. the customer service is amazing!

Ace of Spades
10-24-07, 10:28
Has anybody ever barfined the deaf girl in the bar directly next to Kokomos?

Dong Hi
10-24-07, 23:54
all right, i am finally getting around to my post on my cherry trip to ac. i have been back for a month and have already booked my return trip for feb. i have been suffering ppds (post philippine depression syndrome) in the worst way. i’ll try to make this as informative as possible.

hotel: i stayed at the angeles city beach club, in the junior suite. yes, this was an expensive option ($155/night) but i was only staying four nights so i decided to splash out a bit. this rate includes breakfast, high speed internet, and the hotel shuttle will drive you around, if you don’t want to ride in a trike. the hotel is gorgeous, everything was perfect, i have no complaints, and as a matter of fact, have booked them again for my return visit. my only complaint is that for that kind of money, free transportation to/from manila should be included, they arranged it for me, and i paid 2500 pesos each way.

flight: i was working in tokyo so, rather than connect i flew into manila, it went off without a hitch, and my driver was right were he was supposed to be. i arrived in manila at 10: 45pm, and was in ac by 1:00am. i can’t really complain about the arrival at all, but i have got to believe that flying into clark would be better.

bars: i spent most of my time in lollipop, i have to say, it was my favorite, and quickly became my hangout. the papasan is a great guy, went out of his way to make sure i was having a good time.

voodoo, my second favorite, great line-up. the shower show rules

gecko, nice small intimate bar, great line-up with some true stunners angelwitch. great palce, pretty good line-up la pasha. damn this place was always busy, great line-up, good music, enthusiastic girls and good wait staff, plan on hanging here a bit more when i go back carousel: good line-up, crowded, service so-so, and some of the girls have an attitude.

i did hit up lost in asia, and roadies out on perimeter. nothing to write home about, music sucked (country) and the girls were so-so. it is cheaper, then fields, but i will have to explore more when i go back, to gain a more favorable impression.

food: didn’t eat too much when in town. , kind of lived on smb and poontang. the hotel breakfast was top-notch and would have sold for 25 bucks at any hotel in japan or us, i had two meals at margarita station, the food was excellent, and the prices good. i really like sitting in front and watching the street activity while i eat some salpicao and drink a cold smb. i did find the wait-staff, while efficient, not too friendly. i had a pizza from mo’s, and thought it was good. the owner of mo’s was having a drink with me, and he tried a piece and said it was the worst pizza he ever had. go figure.

i was only in town four nights/three days, so it was a whirlwind. it was a great cherry buster for me, and i expect after my next trip (16 days) i’ll either be dead, bankrupt or both.

editor's note: i certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Dong Hi
10-25-07, 04:20
Nothing too special here, just some shots from my cherry trip to AC.

Can't wait to get back.

10-26-07, 02:41
Anyone know where there are nude or topless show at Fields? Being to quite a field bars and they all seems the same with girls just standing on the stage and just rock back and forth.

Also does anyone know where there are Friday night shows/competition?
Any help will be appreciated.

10-26-07, 21:44
Anyone know where there are nude or topless show at Fields? Being to quite a field bars and they all seems the same with girls just standing on the stage and just rock back and forth.

Also does anyone know where there are Friday night shows/competition?
Any help will be appreciated.

I don't thnink you will find any topless bars along fields, unless a special event is occuring, however tral down to perimeter to Nifty's and Rio's and you should find a few topless dancers. Best place to find out where the special events are happening is the mens loo in the bars! Theyu normally have posters up of the next event.

I have heard that a bar hust recently got raided during a lock-in party so you might be out of luck

Fast Eddie 48
10-27-07, 04:00
Anyone know where there are nude or topless show at Fields? Being to quite a field bars and they all seems the same with girls just standing on the stage and just rock back and forth.

Also does anyone know where there are Friday night shows/competition?
Any help will be appreciated.To Csun213,

The bar at angeles is not like it was 10 yr ago when everything goes because of raid and law change most bar girl only dance in bikini , just barfined a few girl and have your own strip show in your hotel room every is so much higher now in angeles but is still a good deal , I hope you enjoy angeles but I think you wish that you are still in Shenzhen .

Fast eddie 48

One Wing Low
10-28-07, 00:16
Hi Johnny,

A very comprehensive report on AC.

Besides the BF 1200 - 1350P , how much is the going rate for ST and LT?

How much do you give to the Mall girls?

Back home from my recent first trip to AC, which was fun and interesting in different ways than I had imagined it would be. From what’s posted on this thread, I don’t have much to add so here are some quick thoughts, experiences, and memories from my trip (from the viewpoint of an early 30s, ABC):

I estimate that 70-80% of the bar girls on stage from any random bar were fat/ugly/unattractive/unfuckable. I was amazed that they would be on stage and in a bikini. I have no idea how these gals made money beyond a daily salary…who would want to buy them a ladydrink much less barfine?? But that

Overall, I found the most attractive Filipinas were several mall workers in the SM Mall, particularly at the Watsons, a certain woman’s clothing shop, and the Kenny Rogers Roasters (!). All were friendly and open to chat and exchanging phone numbers within 10 minutes of conversation. The main problem I had was what to do with the gals after arranging dates…neither

My favorite bars in no particular order: Las Vegas, Lancelot, Dollhouse, Neros, Blue Nile, and Lolipops. I only checked out about 20 bars during my weeklong stay, so I know there are many more to explore next time. I was kind of confused about the barfines, too, because they ran from 1200 to 1300 to 1350 pesos. I know that certain bars have been increasing the barfines recently and it seems to be an unstoppable trend that has many of the longtime AC mongers steamed.


Overall, an interesting experience and I didn’t even mind the random shouts of “Korean!” or “Japanese!”, ha ha…I would usually walk over to whoever said it and chat with them to let them realize I was born in the USA, which seems to be a big positive in their eyes, especially with regular gals and bar gals. I will be back soon and hope to expand my Filipina experience.


Fast Eddie 48
10-28-07, 00:33
Hi Johnny,

A very comprehensive report on AC.

Besides the BF 1200 - 1350P , how much is the going rate for ST and LT?

How much do you give to the Mall girls?To OWL

Angeles bar BF is all inclusive with all night service if you like to tip the girl in the morning is up to you ,I would take them out to eat or give them some chocolate, please OWL don't think about coming here and over paid like you did in China my ISG bro here give you hell price here is already been going up the last few yrs but I don't think you will like it here is a dirty little town with nothing to do in the day time .

Fast Eddie 48

10-28-07, 09:19
Hi Johnny,

A very comprehensive report on AC.

Besides the BF 1200 - 1350P , how much is the going rate for ST and LT?

How much do you give to the Mall girls?The BF of between P1200 and P1350 is all inclusive The girl usually gets half of the BF. There is no need to negociate how much extra she will get in AC. Generally most guys tip between trike fair of P50 (but you will be labeled as a cheap charlie and girls will spread the word, to P1000 (but you will be highly sought after by the girls and spoiling the market), Most tip within the range of P100 to P500.

There are some places/bars (Nifty's, Santos st bars, some Perimeter Road bars) that have ST rates and they range between P600 and P800.

Travel Spirit
10-28-07, 12:48
I have stayed in Blue Nile (very small room and mediocre restaurant), in Royal Amsterdam (lack of pool) and in Pacific Breeze (no disavantage). I vote as the best, the last one. Very good facilities, friendly staff and great location. It is important to find the right accommodation. You will stay many hours in it. The only reason to go out is for finding partner. So the hotel must have all comforts.

For my next visit I have booked a room in ABC. I have not read a report about this except general comments. Do you get good value for your money or nothing out of the way?

10-28-07, 14:13
Hi guys. Long time lurker but not a newbie normally repeater to Thailand, Brazil and Cost Rica. Planning a trip to AC so I've been following the PI boards for some time now. Here's a few questions I haven't seen to many threads discuss. I have a thing for the girls wearing certain clothing and shoes like costumes. Maids, chear leader etc and high heels. Is there a place that sells sexy clothing reasonable to get for the girls to wear? Anybody have any website links to their inventory? I see pictures and a few posts talking about greek being available. Can anyone who has been to both Rio and AC compare the two. I found it pretty easy to arrange greek in Rio boht by indepenedents and at the Termas. Same same or different for AC? Final question has to do with photography. I would love to photograph the dress up, sexy clothing sessions. Has anyone gotten hassled coming back to the US having their laptop and camera drives checked? I have last trip to Pattaya. Suggestions on uploading pictures to the web?


10-28-07, 18:00
Hi guys,

I always thought that AC is cheaper than Pattaya/Thailand. Now I read the going rate now is 1350 Peso + 200P Tip (=25 Euros). That is more than in Pattaya, where I always give 1000 Baht (22 Euros) for longtime. The hotel prices are higher, the flight is more expensive from europe, the ladies are not dancing topless, and the Philippines are more dangerous. Is there any reason to go to AC instead of Pattaya?

10-29-07, 00:17
Travel Spirit,

I went to the bar in ABC and it was quite good and the pool area was nice.
There was a billboard up at that little junction in Fields which showed one of the rooms. It looked opulent. I personally thought it looked over the top, but depends on your taste.

It is further away from the Fields action than the other hotels you mentioned, but I guess you know that.

I am not sure that it is worth the extra money - that is something only you can decide and nobody else can really advise you on that. But if it was me, I would spend that on extra girls...LOTS of extra girls.

Just think if you stayed in one of the other hotels and then budgeted the extra amount saved for say persuading a cherry girl to sell it off (a couple of weeks of the extra $$ may do it), or offering the amount you saved for one of the ladies you have barfined to do something extra extra nasty for you (fill in your own heart's dirtiest desire here hehe). :)

You then have to think whether the extra velvet and thicker carpet and marble bench tops balances out the possibility of you being able to do things that will really make us all jealous - with photos of course.

In that sense perhaps the question might be: what extra services can a bloke get for the difference in cost between the ABC and the Royal Amsterdam etc.? Then you will know what you might be missing out on by going to the ABC.

One Wing Low
10-29-07, 00:53
I will help bring deflation to town... Did you not witness all mamasans in Seibu, SZ drop their prices, begging the johns, after I worked them over?

Perhaps I shoudl spend a few days in Manila, then 1 day or so in AC, then go to Ceibu or Palawan for a beach/sex vacation.

What islands or beach resorts have good availability of pretty girls, good food and lively night life? I kept hearing about Ceibu.

I am broke now, so I am counting every peso. Hope to have a very economical tour.


Angeles bar BF is all inclusive with all night service if you like to tip the girl in the morning is up to you ,I would take them out to eat or give them some chocolate, please OWL don't think about coming here and over paid like you did in China my ISG bro here give you hell price here is already been going up the last few yrs but I don't think you will like it here is a dirty little town with nothing to do in the day time .

Fast Eddie 48

One Wing Low
10-29-07, 01:05
I kept hearing Pinay are very affectionate, just my type.

I wanna try Manilla, AC but woulf spend most time in an island resort type, preferably somewhere I can have many girls during the stay.

What island, what resorts should I go to ?

Thanks for your help. Will do all I can to combat inflation...

The BF of between P1200 and P1350 is all inclusive The girl usually gets half of the BF. There is no need to negociate how much extra she will get in AC. Generally most guys tip between trike fair of P50 (but you will be labeled as a cheap charlie and girls will spread the word, to P1000 (but you will be highly sought after by the girls and spoiling the market), Most tip within the range of P100 to P500.

There are some places/bars (Nifty's, Santos st bars, some Perimeter Road bars) that have ST rates and they range between P600 and P800.

Key Master
10-29-07, 07:00
I have a thing for the girls wearing certain clothing and shoes like costumes. Maids, chear leader etc and high heels.

Just an opinion on your ideal of dressing the women up. I also like the women to dress up, or wear outfits, but in the end I find most of the women will not do this until they have been with you a few times if they will do it at all. They may say whatever in the bar, but it doesn't mean they're going to do it. Basically, I'm saying don't get your hopes up. I think you might have a better shot at the women in Manila doing this versus in Angeles. The women in Manila I've met seem to be less shy comparatively.

10-29-07, 11:55
I kept hearing Pinay are very affectionate, just my type.

I wanna try Manilla, AC but woulf spend most time in an island resort type, preferably somewhere I can have many girls during the stay.

What island, what resorts should I go to ?

Thanks for your help. Will do all I can to combat inflation...Man your post sounds very naive! There is no such a plase in Phils where you can find in the same place ''Resort/Exotic Island/and plenity of girls''. You have deserted islands but you should bring the stuff with you. And yes there are no really ''resorts'' out there (they claim it to be but they are not, comparatively with similar places in other areas of the world)

10-29-07, 16:15
Hi guys,

I always thought that AC is cheaper than Pattaya/Thailand. Now I read the going rate now is 1350 Peso + 200P Tip (=25 Euros). That is more than in Pattaya, where I always give 1000 Baht (22 Euros) for longtime. The hotel prices are higher, the flight is more expensive from europe, the ladies are not dancing topless, and the Philippines are more dangerous. Is there any reason to go to AC instead of Pattaya?

That may be true of a freelancer you would find along Beach Road, but if you were taking a girl from a bar in Pattaya you would have to add in the bar fine of 400-600 baht.

Additionally, the girls from the better go-gos are not going for 1,000 baht long time. You be talking apples and oranges here Walker. More like 2200 baht in Pattaya for a girl from a go go, counting bar fine - you convert to Euros however you wish.

10-29-07, 18:02
[QUOTE=One Wing Low]I wanna try Manilla, AC but woulf spend most time in an island resort type, preferably somewhere I can have many girls during the stay. What island, what resorts should I go to ?/QUOTE]Sabang Beach, Puerto Galera, Mindoro is would be a good choice. Small resort area with bar girls and free lancers.


Second choice, Mactan Island, Cebu. You will need a local guide to enjoy the bar scene.

10-29-07, 19:07
Thanx for your answer.

I don't care whether is the girl a freelancer or a go go girl. Important is, that the girl is beautiful and good in bed. In PTT there is no reason to barfine a go go girl. There a hundreds of freelancers on the *****road, you find always a cutie, even in low season. Mostly the freelancers have a better attitude than the bar girls. Unfortunately, I've never been to AC. Is there a big freelancer scene, too? Or do you have to barfine the girls? If there is no comparable freelancer scene, I am not talking apples and oranges.

Tbm Fan
10-30-07, 00:41
Anyone know where there are nude or topless show at Fields? Being to quite a field bars and they all seems the same with girls just standing on the stage and just rock back and forth.

Also does anyone know where there are Friday night shows/competition?
Any help will be appreciated.After Pinatubo there have been no bars in Angeles where you could find a "nude" show. There may be instances of a lock in party over the last few years or so but that is it and has always been it since 1992. In the years just after Pinatubo the girls danced in street clothes and the like for some years before bikinis were allowed once again. If you want "nude" shows then you will have to go back in time to the 80's.

10-30-07, 02:24
Is there any reason to go to AC instead of Pattaya?
Obviously there is no reason.
Just go to Pattaya and enjoy.


Pute Nut
10-30-07, 04:23
Is there any reason to go to AC instead of Pattaya?

Pizza Promo Sundays @ Kokomoz! Get 20% off on any of the "delicous" pizza's ( I guess the money saved while consuming this "mouthwatering treat" will turn out to be about a euro and half for a decently sized pizza for two)

Enjoy !

Cheers, PN

10-30-07, 09:57
I kept hearing Pinay are very affectionate, just my type.

I wanna try Manilla, AC but woulf spend most time in an island resort type, preferably somewhere I can have many girls during the stay.

What island, what resorts should I go to ?

Thanks for your help. Will do all I can to combat inflation...There are many Islands and even more hotels and resorts on each one. Here are some local (Philippine travel agent websites) that can give you a more detailed explanation of what each island and specific resort will have to offer.



I have used both of these agents before and both were good, but Beeline travel i can say that many friends of mine have positively raved about them.

One Wing Low
10-31-07, 01:34
Many thanks to the bros who gave me some pointers here.

Looking forward to exploring the fine Philipines islands soon.

Seoul Man
11-01-07, 11:09

I've been reading reports on Angeles and am now fully excited for my upcoming trip (December). I'll have aprox 2 weeks in Philippines, and plan to see Angeles first for 4-5 days having fun. Then, I hope to find a girl and take her to Palawan or some other island beach.

Question: Is it easy or hard to find a girl who will go to an island with you? If so, what rates should I expect?

As I was unable to find any info on this, any help would be greatly appreciated!

11-01-07, 15:22
Question: Is it easy or hard to find a girl who will go to an island with you? !


Yes, it is indeed very hard - to choose one cuty out of more than 100 interested girls! :)

Enjoy your trip!

Cheers - Hesekiels

11-01-07, 15:27
Obviously there is no reason.
Just go to Pattaya and enjoy.


... and even Pattaya's beach is better than AC's one! :)

Cheers - Hesekiels

Seoul Man
11-01-07, 16:42

Yes, it is indeed very hard - to choose one cuty out of more than 100 interested girls! :)

Enjoy your trip!

Cheers. HesekielsLOL. So I guess I'm in business. What sort of costs? Obviously I can't barfine a girl for a whole week. I mean, I could, but pricey. Do you know how it works? Find a freelancer?

Tbm Fan
11-01-07, 23:11

I've been reading reports on Angeles and am now fully excited for my upcoming trip (December). I'll have aprox 2 weeks in Philippines, and plan to see Angeles first for 4-5 days having fun. Then, I hope to find a girl and take her to Palawan or some other island beach.

Question: Is it easy or hard to find a girl who will go to an island with you? If so, what rates should I expect?

As I was unable to find any info on this, any help would be greatly appreciated!The hard issue is not finding a girl that will go with you, the hard issue is finding one you are compatible with for a few days or more. I learned long ago, when going down to Puerto Galera in 1995, never to bring a girl with me and just to find one on site. By two days I was getting tired of the girl or she was driving me crazy. Of course, if you go to Palawan you would have no choice but to bring a girl along. Cost out of Angeles would be the barfine unless you can sneak her out for a week without notice by anyone.

11-02-07, 04:10
Hey mates,

Met an Angeles girl in KL 2 weeks ago.

Ex-spotlight dancer in Dollhouse, on her tour around Thailand,

Singapore and Malaysia. (I assume on tourist visa, hehe)

Too bad, a real stunner, at least 8. 5/10.

In Singapore then LT for her is roughly 250 S$,

In Malaysia LT sort of 400-500 RM.

So even 3, 000ps look still okay.

Anyway, I didn't book her and being back now after another amazing week in AC.

Firstly, we Westerners can relax, it's no problem at all to bf a girl in Blue Nile, DH or Neros or whatever bar of this group despite all the Koreans/Japs/S'poreans hanging out there. After our discussions here I've called down several stunners with white skin, pretty faces and hard, slim body for a LD. After some small talk I've asked whether they would go with me, all agreed. Just to try it, finally I didn't do it because those girls aren't my taste.

Somehow it's true, a Westerner and eg. A Korean guy won't ever have trouble about a girl, because it's a difference in preference.

I prefer the LBFM with nice boobs, not the slim, white skinned ones.

So it's win-win situation?

I've met a girl formerly working in Nifty/Rio, don't remember exactly.

What a nice one, I've barfined her 2 or 3 times in 2006, we were laughing, bumbum and joking all the time, very convenient to be with her until 10am.

She's now in one of the Fields bars.

Such a disappointment, she's got already what I would describe as "Fields-attitude".

Finally I've found 2 girls perfectly working together for 3some.

When we met, I've called them "Dream-Team".

One 25y/o, 2 kids, very experienced, great boobs and great BBBJ.

The other 19/y/o, no kids, very tight pussy, perfectly for the final coming within a few seconds.

Booked them 4 times for ST in the afternoon.

Simply amazing, but it came with a price tag of around 2, 000+ps for this ST.

Once I've barfined a girl behaving just strange. She didn't want to have me a look at her pussy at all.

But the BBBJ (9/10) and FJ (8/10) wasn't any problem at all, very nice!

Extremely pretty face for my taste, 9/10, and boobs somewhat A cup.

Maybe I have bonked a complete operated ladyboy? Are there any in AC? So far I am not aware of it.

Anyway, even if, I have no problem with it.

Or she just simply shy.

Be back in AC in 18 days and counting.

Missing the place already after 3 days. : D

Cheers! Guys,

Don't intend to offend anyone but I couldn't help but notice that Singaporeans like me are compared with the Japs/Koreans. Ghee, maybe you have had a bad experience with us. To me, I would pay $250 LT for any pinoy in Singapore. Darn I could use that money to get me 5 better looking ones in AC! Better still, I could down more drinks with me buddies.

I have always found in my many trips to AC that some Singaporean idiots that behave like the Japs/Koreans. I just feel sympathetic for them. Neither do I feel jealous about the Caucasians. To each his own and everyone has their own preference. But I have enjoyed the company of the many great people I have met from various parts of the world. Thats why AC rocks!

X Man
11-02-07, 05:09
Should be easy to find a girl to go with you, but expect complications. If she's a bar girl, there maybe be bar fees to be paid. Fees which I would never pay, but that's up to you. There are ways around it -- especially if she likes you.

If you are flying her, make sure she has some kind of ID.

And I would recommend a resort near Cebu since Palawan resorts are rather exclusive. That may be what you want, but if the girl develops an attitude, it might be easier to cut her loose and find something better if you are near Cebu City. From Cebu city there are resorts 3/4 hours away by hired van, or 2.5 hours away via Ocean Jet to Tagbilaran (Panglao beach).

In fact, I would recommend find the girl in Cebu and then traveling. I took a MNL girlfriend to Bohol, but she sometimes had trouble communicating with the less-educated locals because they couldn't speak Tagalog.

X Man


I've been reading reports on Angeles and am now fully excited for my upcoming trip (December). I'll have aprox 2 weeks in Philippines, and plan to see Angeles first for 4-5 days having fun. Then, I hope to find a girl and take her to Palawan or some other island beach.

Question: Is it easy or hard to find a girl who will go to an island with you? If so, what rates should I expect?

As I was unable to find any info on this, any help would be greatly appreciated!

11-02-07, 15:46
Gentlemen: I plan to go to Palawan and bring a lady when I am in country in 25 days yehoo! I have chatted up some Filipinaheart girls. I am trying to decide whether to bring one of the FH honeys along or should I hook up with a bargirl from EDSA? Gentlemen please give me your experiences or opinions. Do not want a hassle, just want to snorkel on the beach and in bed and escape from my relatives; ). I plan to go to Club paradise or equivalent resort. X man stated there might a be problem to bring bar girl to an exclusive resort. Seems to me if I am paying the going rate, what business is of theres who I am with. Opinions much appreaciated.


11-02-07, 23:51
... Has anyone gotten hassled coming back to the US having their laptop and camera drives checked? I have last trip to Pattaya. Suggestions on uploading pictures to the web?ThanksInternet may take to much time and is not too safe. For safety put all your pics in .zip-folders (free versions available) with password-protection and rename this file to something harmless, or put the files inside hidden disk (like cryptainer) noone except you can ever open.

11-03-07, 00:06
Gentlemen: I plan to go to Palawan and bring a lady when I am in country in 25 days yehoo! I have chatted up some Filipinaheart girls. I am trying to decide whether to bring one of the FH honeys along or should I hook up with a bargirl from EDSA? .. Opinions much appreaciated.I think the FH girls can be a good 1st choice, but you probably will spend some time getting them where you want them . This will be the cheapest option, probably 500-1000 peso a day on long stay.

2nd cheapest will be barfine from Angeles 1200-1350 peso a day + small tip 200-500 peso a day. Bringing you to 1500-1800 peso a day

3rd option, only if you go there early evening to pick a stunner, a girl from EDSA. Barfine 1000 peso, but girls also shall have directly paid from you normally ST 2500 peso and LT from 3500 peso up. This is negotiable. But if she stay very long time, you maybe get a daily rate of 1000-1500 peso I dont know, which brings you to 2000-2500 peso a day with BF.

Whatever you do, one testnight first is very advisable.

11-03-07, 01:36
LOL. So I guess I'm in business. What sort of costs? Obviously I can't barfine a girl for a whole week. I mean, I could, but pricey. Do you know how it works? Find a freelancer?


Well, even finding a freelancer shouldn't be a big problem! Recently a pretty 20 years old girl who worked in a Sari Sari Store at Dau's Mabalacat bus terminal offered herself to travel with me for one or two weeks. Since I had other plans we did not talk about money, however I would rather doubt that she had for this service an amount of 18,000 pesos in mind (= approx. 1,300 pesos barfine/day * 14 days).

Cheers - Hesekiels

11-03-07, 04:26
Gentlemen: I plan to go to Palawan and bring a lady when I am in country in 25 days yehoo! I have chatted up some Filipinaheart girls. I am trying to decide whether to bring one of the FH honeys along or should I hook up with a bargirl from EDSA? Gentlemen please give me your experiences or opinions. Do not want a hassle, just want to snorkel on the beach and in bed and escape from my relatives; ). I plan to go to Club paradise or equivalent resort. X man stated there might a be problem to bring bar girl to an exclusive resort. Seems to me if I am paying the going rate, what business is of theres who I am with. Opinions much appreaciated.


G'day LL,
Hotels have never been a hassle for me.
If you pay for her accommodation she is a legit guest & thats the end of it.
The guys that have reported hassles I suspect are the cheap charlies who book a single room & then have women overnight in their room. Or who create embarrassment in the hotel through their antics.

In my experience you are far better off taking someone you have cultivated a friendship/romance with. It will be like a honeymoon. Eat/fuck/walk on beach/fuck/swim/fuck etc etc. You both come home suntanned sore & big smiles on your faces.

Taking a stranger from a bar can be very hit & miss. They often turn into something else when with you for a few days. Some guys have had great time with a pickup from a bar but its like lotto IMHO. Im not into paying huge bar fines to take a woman on holiday. Either she takes leave from work or she does not come.

One important tip, whoever you take find out about her menstrual cycle. Nothing worse than planing & executing a shagcation only to find out she's on her period the whole time... Bummer!

Good luck & have a great time on your shagcation!

Happy mongering

11-04-07, 13:03
Internet may take to much time and is not too safe. For safety put all your pics in .zip-folders (free versions available) with password-protection and rename this file to something harmless, or put the files inside hidden disk (like cryptainer) noone except you can ever open.

The chances that kiddies are in the cam or computer is unfortunately high.There has been several recent articles of them catching guys coming from the region for the type of thing. If your taking pics of kids you deserve to be locked up.18 should be be plenty young enuff for anyone on this board.nuff said.

11-04-07, 15:24

I was in Angeles recently and I just could not for the life of me see the appeal. I live in Bangkok and thought Pattaya is far superior in all respects.

My freinds love Angeles and go there regularly but personally I just don't get it. The girls are mostly chubby and the few pretty ones are all Cherry Girls or Menstrating, it was so frustrating. The only girls that will go with customers sem to be the older girls with kids. As if that wasnt bad enough, I felt the attitude there was terrible. Most girls seemed decidedly unfreindly.

Given the fact that the hotels there are overpriced and the food is terrible and it is a 2 or 3 hour traffic nightmare to get to from the inefficient airport I just don't see the appeal. Please let me know if I have missed something.

I did pick up these 2 girls one night which was ok but I could have done a lot better in Pattaya without the hassles.

The Lucky Guy
11-04-07, 21:14
...3rd option, only if you go there early evening to pick a stunner, a girl from EDSA. Barfine 1000 peso, but girls also shall have directly paid from you normally ST 2500 peso and LT from 3500 peso up. This is negotiable...I have only been in AC but was thinking to go back to Phil over christmas to check out Manila.

But as I can see from above it is actually quit expensive to monger in Manila. Is the quality equally better vs AC or is it just more expensive? Is it only "stunners" that are costing 3500 peso LT and up (in tip) or is it all ladies from EDSA?

11-04-07, 22:07
..If your taking pics of kids you deserve to be locked up.18 should be be plenty young enuff for anyone on this board.nuff said.Agree, but how can you prove her age when you are back home and they look 2-3 year younger than they really are? Better dont take that risk, be safe!

X Man
11-05-07, 12:15
Bowerboy is absolutely right. Menstruation is four times as common in AC as it is in Pattaya. And, yes, the cherry girls are often the best looking girls in the bar. They usually aren't cherry for very long though, so there is some hope.

Nevetheless, the beach in Pattaya is horribly polluted, but there is no polluted beach in AC. You have to admire AC for not having a polluted beach. Bravo.


the few pretty ones are all Cherry Girls or Menstrating, it was so frustrating. .

Num Nutz
11-05-07, 14:03
AC doesn't even have a beach. Chubby girls yes, but no beach.

11-05-07, 14:10
Have an imagination ...ac beach is all over town and each road has one. the raw drainage sewer flowing freely down each steet is just wonderful. Plenty of life guards to save you if you fall in but always at a cost. omg i have like a little kid getting ready for disneyland. be there in 3 days!

11-05-07, 20:05
I was in Angeles recently and I just could not for the life of me see the appeal. I live in Bangkok and thought Pattaya is far superior in all respects.

Fine, Bowerboy, then the moral of the story can only be: you better avoid AC and go to Pattaya!

Cheers - Hesekiels

11-05-07, 21:15

I was in Angeles recently and I just could not for the life of me see the appeal. I live in Bangkok and thought Pattaya is far superior in all respects.

My freinds love Angeles and go there regularly but personally I just don't get it. The girls are mostly chubby and the few pretty ones are all Cherry Girls or Menstrating, it was so frustrating. The only girls that will go with customers sem to be the older girls with kids. As if that wasnt bad enough, I felt the attitude there was terrible. Most girls seemed decidedly unfreindly.

Given the fact that the hotels there are overpriced and the food is terrible and it is a 2 or 3 hour traffic nightmare to get to from the inefficient airport I just don't see the appeal. Please let me know if I have missed something.

I did pick up these 2 girls one night which was ok but I could have done a lot better in Pattaya without the hassles.

Don't make me regret my ticket purchase. Wheels up Jan 4

Any Hole
11-05-07, 22:59

I think the main thing you have missed about ac and phills in general is they speak and understand a good amount of english, now Pattaya the only words them girls know is " Hello, you sexy man"!

Also I would add the girls in Pattaya are much more mercenery they want the money and thats it, ac girls well they are so much sweeter, and give you a girl freind experience.

11-06-07, 01:49
omg i have like a little kid getting ready for disneyland. be there in 3 days!
Since the typhoon has left Luzon now...... :D
Touchdown in Clark tomorrow..... :D


Member #3437
11-06-07, 15:14

I think the main thing you have missed about ac and phills in general is they speak and understand a good amount of english, now Pattaya the only words them girls know is " Hello, you sexy man"!

Also I would add the girls in Pattaya are much more mercenery they want the money and thats it, ac girls well they are so much sweeter, and give you a girl freind experience.

Agreed in total.

Member #3437
11-06-07, 15:18
Bowerboy is absolutely right. Menstruation is four times as common in AC as it is in Pattaya. And, yes, the cherry girls are often the best looking girls in the bar. They usually aren't cherry for very long though, so there is some hope.

Nevetheless, the beach in Pattaya is horribly polluted, but there is no polluted beach in AC. You have to admire AC for not having a polluted beach. Bravo.


Last I heard they are all bleeding on every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night.

And FAT! These chubby girls are all pushing the average to way over 90 Pds! What a bunch of lard asses!

Don't forget that bad attitude! They barely let you screw them for the 4th time in the morning and thank you for any tip! Then they Text you all day asking you for more time


Member #3437
11-06-07, 15:27
agree, but how can you prove her age when you are back home and they look 2-3 year younger than they really are? better dont take that risk, be safe!

there is a problem here. i myself was hassled once in customs in miami for pics of a colombian that was 19. they were trying to get me to admit she was ****, asked for her name, entered a bunch of crap into the computer, and delayed my next flight while they 'inspected' me.

since then i have been very cautious because if the photos look like you are going with **** girls you will have to explain yourself and that can get real ugly.

11-07-07, 00:25
But as I can see from above it is actually quit expensive to monger in Manila. Is the quality equally better vs AC or is it just more expensive? Is it only "stunners" that are costing 3500 peso LT and up (in tip) or is it all ladies from EDSA?My experience last time in EDSA there were no nice girls at 11.30pm. Next day I were there later 2.30am very hungry, but even then I left alone done to LA Cafe. Met a previous gf there, full of trust she told I could decide next day what to pay. She got 2000peso.

Actually, after 3 times I have never bf in EDSA. I have not seen them nice enough, even though they demand 2500+ in tips, pluss the 1000 for barfine which brings them to 3500+. I think that is 80+ USD. I now read her someone are able tips only 1500, thats better.

AC is much more interesting, freebies and barbies everywhere. :)

So many times lucky to meet nice freebies on the street - they tell they just arrived in the city. Just waiting for licence to bar or whatever. Last time I stayed 3 days inside room with a nice one. A year ago I met a very shy girl outside on the Fields, but she really changed mind when I invited her to swim pool Orchid Inn.

My last trip, I also met that barbie (=nice bargirl), took her to Subic for some days. Just like honeymoon. So funny, we were actually counting....guess what..hehe.....she won. I felt like heaven for some short days, and she too somehow since she keep mailing me now.

Just a warning. I cant believe her really. I saw her mails to other guys when she left the computer open. The same crap "baby i miss u so much". The board is filled with these warnings - now I have seen it - dont believe in their words. It is....just words.

So, to repeat what other seniors say, and I slowly have learned, dont fall in love with these. They have so unbelievable many partners. On top, my barbie told me, she had 3 every day - two barfines (ST evening, LT nite) and one free (ST afternoon) before work. I had a hard time to understand she maybe was f.... more than 1000 partners a year. Noway any of us on the board can beat or meet that......

In AC you can find girls 24/7, that my choice.

X Man
11-07-07, 05:38
Since when is EDSA open at 2:30 pm?


My experience last time in EDSA there were no nice girls at 11.30pm. Next day I were there 2.30pm very hungry, but even then I left alone done to LA Cafe.

Steve Dunstone
11-07-07, 08:55
Girfinder's experience gels with my own.

My girlfriend (ex angeles bar girl) told me that every week the girls take their hygiene exam and the first 100 are offered a free AIDs test (I guess a way for authorities to sample how it's going). Anyway the last time she availed herself of this service, the results were 5 girls were HIV positive. She also told me anecdotaly that 95& girls have 'something be it HPP/genital warts or one of the numerous other maladies.

So I guess that anyone who barebacks has to assume that they will be exposed to HPV/warts or genital herpes etc. Herpes is quite prevalent and many girls have to spend a small fortune on anti viral creams etc.

So, by all means bareback but just be aware of the high probability of getting something 'permanent' - which you may pass on to a present or future partner.

Have fun!

11-07-07, 09:05
X man, thanks for this. I now corrected my report, I came there 230 am.

By the way, many bars closes 3am and some 4am. I also read other have negotiated tips down from 2500 to 1500 peso at EDSA, bringing total to 2500peso+.

11-07-07, 22:54
... the results were 5 girls were HIV positive. She also told me anecdotaly that 95& girls have 'something be it HPP/genital warts or one of the numerous other maladies ...

Holy smoke, and at least two of my condoms broke! Mongering in AC seems to be a damn dangerous business! :)

Cheers - Hesekiels

The Lucky Guy
11-07-07, 23:15
My experience last time in EDSA there were no nice girls at 11.30pm. Next day I were there later 2.30am very hungry, but even then I left alone done to LA Cafe. Met a previous gf there, full of trust she told I could decide next day what to pay. She got 2000peso.

Actually, after 3 times I have never bf in EDSA. I have not seen them nice enough, even though they demand 2500+ in tips, pluss the 1000 for barfine which brings them to 3500+. I think that is 80+ USD. I now read her someone are able tips only 1500, thats better.

AC is much more interesting, freebies and barbies everywhere. :)
... In AC you can find girls 24/7, that my choice.Thanks! I will try both AC and Manila this time. First Manila and then a trip to AC when money starts to run low. It's true that AC has something no other place really has: full service 24/7. That is really impressing.

11-08-07, 00:19
Sorry Steve but I would take whatever your gf says with a grain of salt as she is an exbargirl and a Filipina. A double jackpot for perpetual dishonesty. 5 out of a hundred tests positive for HIV? If that were the case, that information would be spread like wildfire in AC. A lot of gf's like to tell these lies to their Kano bf so he will keep his dick in his pants while visiting his gf in the Phils or at least wear a condom.

Basicaly a Filipina thinks, "Its OK mahal if you short time with da girl but please wear a condom as I don't want to be sick nalang" So she told a white lie to back it up.

11-08-07, 02:03
Taken From Harry The Horse News Letter.

The Director of Tourism for Region III forwarded an Email to me that was sent to him from the States. It was sent by a tourist that definitely does not plan to return to Angeles City any time too soon. The Director was upset that this type of activity is going on and I had to inform him that it is not an isolated incident. In fact I have written about similar incidents taking place in this column before. I have also warned readers of this column to stay away from our so called "free lancers" that roam the streets looking for foreigners who they can set up in cooperation with some law enforcement officials. Regretfully, this tourist did not notify the Tourist Police office before he left town and did not provide any descriptions or names of the police who grabbed him. There is a TV show named the "Fear Factor" where contestants have to get past many very fearful experiences to get through to the money prize. It appears that the "Fear Factor" has been refined by some elements of the local police here in such a way that they get to the monetary reward quite easily, without any repercussions, since the victims are too scared to report their experience until they are out of the country. On the morning of 11 Oct a new City Director (police chief) was sworn in and I am wondering if, once informed, he will be able to curtail the illegal activities of some of those scalawags in uniform who are under his command. This is a question that has been asked by the Angeles City Tourism Association (ACTA) for many years and now is being asked by the Dept of Tourism as well. Clarkton Hotel

"Dear Sirs,
I would be obliged if you could pass the following to the head of police in Angeles City, although the robbers in police-uniform told me their chief
is included in this scam and they called him several times to discuss how much money to take from me. The scam (sending unsolicited minor girls into guest-rooms who go straight to the shower and 2 minutes later, when the girl is undressed the police enters and demands Peso 100.000) is described by several people and institutions in the internet. This does obviously not stop these criminals from the police.

The Philipine people are one of the friendliest and most helpful one can meet anywhere in the world. Why the police in Angeles city draws such gangsters into the force and gives them uniforms and a free pass at tourists ? The harm this does to the future of tourism in the philipines you can imagine better than me. Check the internet - full of reports like this - all from Angeles City. An answer would be appreciated. Note: forwarded message attached.

Dear Sir,
Dear Sir,

I would like to report the following incident to you:

Walking Field Rd. on 15th Sept. 07 at about 3 am I was approached by a ladyboy (Monica - there in the street every night-knew her from the days before asking whether her girl-friend (room-mate) could take a shower at my room at the near-by hotel. The girl-friend appeared to be between 17-19 (I asked for her age she said 19). Both came to my hotel. While the "room-mate" girl was taking her shower (in fact she did not as I found out later, she just undressed - called her police-friends and came back with a towel around her waist). In the meantime Monica had disappeared.
The same moment the girl came out of the shower the police-friends who had obviously been waiting outside for her call from the bathroom, rushed into my room with 5 of them, saying that I had seduced a minor. I told them that I never even as much as touched the girl and this is a clear set-up. They then took a pocket knife and my medicine from the table and put it in their pocket as evidence (never got it back).

They told me to take my passport and my credit-card and go with them to the police-station. The parked outside the police-station near Field Rd.,then the police-bus-driver (the obvious head of the gang) called to what he said was his chief in the office. He told me I can avoid being put in prision against US$ 500. If not, I would be put into prision until I can prove that the girl is not a minor, which means I would need a lawyer etc. The girl then said she lied, she would be 17 only not 19 (which could be true). They then drove off to an Visa ATM they clearly knew, went inside the box with me, made me insert the card and the pin and then pushed me aside to enter Peso 30.000 (we know that is what you get). The ATM did not give it to them, they tried with 25.000 and suceeded. They took the money, told me to leave Angeles City immediately, not to talk to anyone and drove off, leaving me in the street. They called their chief several times during the process. They also told me that Peso 25.000 divided by 5 of them and the chief is nothing to talk about and I should be happy to get away that slightly.

I left the Philipines immediately and will of course never return. I know Philipine people as extremely friendly and helpful - a pleasure to be with them - So why do you choose criminals, blackmailers and rogues for the police-force ? I dont expect the money back of course, but perhaps there is one honest person who will realize the damage such criminals in uniform do to tourism to this city. The only prove it the ATM slip from Angeles for 25.000, that I was left with - and the exit-stamp from the Philipines the next day. Yours faithfully, L. V."

That incident took place in September but on 19 Oct I had a visit at my stable from a foreigner who wanted to tell me that he had been victimized on Wednesday night, 17 Oct 07 by the police and was made to part with P70,000 for his get out of jail card. The circumstances are nearly identical to others I have reported. Again, he took a free lancer from the Real Street area who told him she was 19. After 10 minutes in his room the police arrived and told him they had a complaint from the mother. He told me that he was kept overnight in the cell at station four which had shit on the floor and he had to relieve himself by [CodeWord112] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord112) in the cell as well since they kind of left him during the night. After some negotiating process he was able to pay the next morning and was scared to death to say anything. Again, this guy was looking to save money and was bitten. All he had to do was visit a Club on A. Santos Street and spend 100 pesos more in order to be safe and satisfied. The good news is that the City Director, Col Gaddi, has assigned a Capt Aspe to Station 4 to deal with any any incidents involving Foreigners and to investigate any wrong doing. He has initiated a procedure where unannounced round-ups of free lancers operating within the tourist belt and charge them with vagrancy. Possibly by ridding the area of the free lancers they will not be able to entice foreigners into their scams in which some police elements are a part of. There is one major problem. The complainant did not provide any names of the police officers or the name of the girl that set him up. In discussions with the Commander of Station four, Col Imperial, and Deputy Commander Louie Tan they related that they would like to get to the bottom of these allegations but without names they are hampered in finding the guilty parties. Recently there have been actions taken by Capt Tan, by order of the new City Director to round up the street kids, free lancers and billy boys and get them out of the area. There is a very concerted effort underway to remove unsavory characters from the entertainment area. Col George Gaddi is a no nonsense man who is determined to bring peace and order to the entertainment area and to Angeles City as a whole. I do believe you will see some very dramatic changes taking place in the very near future. Puerto Galera resort bar and restaurant

11-08-07, 06:28
Yet another bar (ANGELS) was RAIDED by the Authorities last night at about 7pm local time. Trusted sources tell me (as well as other local boards) that the closure was due to a "permit" issue. The bar was not "inspected" by the regular set of "permit" inspectors, but rather RAIDED by ARMED PNP officers.

This is the 2nd raid in less than 2 weeks and the 4th in about 6 months.

Love This Stuff
11-08-07, 08:40
Fellow friends, I'm stuck here at the Holiday Inn Mirmosa compound. I'm not allowed to go outside the compound. Just about 45 minutes drive away from heaven and I'm not allowed to leave the compound because I'm U.S. Military. Is there any action inside the compound that I can partake in?

Would greatly appreciate your help. Thanks, LTS

11-08-07, 10:09
Love This Stuff.

That must be the most frustrating thing I've ever heard. 45 mins from pussy heaven and you cant get there! One report on here a while ago said there was a Pizza to go service where the girls gave you a blow job when they delivered to your hotel room. Now I'm guessing Holiday Inn isn't going to let a couple of delivery girls march into their hotel with a pizza and the pizza will be stone cold by the time you get it. But it's the basis of an idea which just needs refining.

Good luck

Steve Dunstone
11-08-07, 10:18
Optimus Prime

For sure you have to take with a grain of salt what they say. But again this was info passed when very early in relationship and she has been brutualy truthful about her past. I know she is well informed and again, the figure I cited of 5 out of 100 is only a small sample on a given day. I am not saying that it is indicative.

Incidentally, the girls in question were given alternative employment within the 'health system (office work) and there was also some family support given - so I am told.

Anyway. many say that the Philippines has an unusually low rate of HIV infection given the unsafe sex practiced by many here. But anybody who thinks that they can bareback with little concern, given the huge range of STDs on offer, is deluding themselves. Yes, I live in a glass house to.

X Man
11-08-07, 15:39
I hope someone helped this guy...although I know nothing about Mirmosa. I suspect the walls talk.

What was the deal with the SEAL in Mindanao? Expert swimmer drowns while swimming?

Sure glad I'm not in the military anymore.


Fellow friends, I'm stuck here at the Holiday Inn Mirmosa compound. I'm not allowed to go outside the compound. Just about 45 minutes drive away from heaven and I'm not allowed to leave the compound because I'm U.S. Military. Is there any action inside the compound that I can partake in?

Would greatly appreciate your help. Thanks, LTS

Dong Hi
11-08-07, 18:08

I was in Angeles recently and I just could not for the life of me see the appeal. I live in Bangkok and thought Pattaya is far superior in all respects.

My freinds love Angeles and go there regularly but personally I just don't get it. The girls are mostly chubby and the few pretty ones are all Cherry Girls or Menstrating, it was so frustrating. The only girls that will go with customers sem to be the older girls with kids. As if that wasnt bad enough, I felt the attitude there was terrible. Most girls seemed decidedly unfreindly.

Given the fact that the hotels there are overpriced and the food is terrible and it is a 2 or 3 hour traffic nightmare to get to from the inefficient airport I just don't see the appeal. Please let me know if I have missed something.

I did pick up these 2 girls one night which was ok but I could have done a lot better in Pattaya without the hassles.I would say the English language, the attitude of the girls. Etc are tops in my book. Now, to be fair, I have not been to Pattaya, but have been to BKK, numerous times. I find the filippina's much friendlier, and more of a 'sweet' experience. There are exceptions of course, in both locales. But I think it really does come to a preference thing. I will give the nod to the food thing to Thailand.

Dong Hi
11-08-07, 18:10
Yet another bar (ANGELS) was RAIDED by the Authorities last night at about 7pm local time. Trusted sources tell me (as well as other local boards) that the closure was due to a "permit" issue. The bar was not "inspected" by the regular set of "permit" inspectors, but rather RAIDED by ARMED PNP officers.

This is the 2nd raid in less than 2 weeks and the 4th in about 6 months.What bar? I suspect the new 'permits' were rather costly

Frequent Flier
11-08-07, 22:56
Fellow friends, I'm stuck here at the Holiday Inn Mirmosa compound. I'm not allowed to go outside the compound. Just about 45 minutes drive away from heaven and I'm not allowed to leave the compound because I'm U.S. Military. Is there any action inside the compound that I can partake in?

Would greatly appreciate your help. Thanks, LTS

I had read on another site sometime ago that when there was a large gathering of military personnel there with the same problem you have.

They were able to get someone to bring a van of girls from some of the bars to their locations, whereever on base that was, it was not the Holiday Inn though. It seemed that they ruined a good thing though from what I remember reading. Seems they would get too drunk and get a little to rambunctious and with limited fund started to get cheap or try to get something for nothing or for very little.

In any case I have stayed at the Holiday Inn many times. I'm sure there are some mongers there that could help you or you could ask a male staffer. Explain your situation and he will want a tip, but should be able to arrange a few girls for you take a look at and to choose the one you like and then back to the hotel for you.

If you PM me I will give you some web sites of some of the local bars. The owners and/or managers there are very supportive of the military and if you send them an email they may come out and help you personally.
Good Luck


Only Looking
11-09-07, 05:34
After all the deliberation about whether it would be worth the long flight to come here for a short week trip, I have to say it was more than worth it. The flight was two connections SFO-NGO-ICN-CRK but the long haul part was an empty flight and I had the whole row to stretch out in. The connection from NGO to ICN was 30 minutes delayed and I had a one hour connection. Then we got stuck on the ground at ICN waiting for gate assignment. I was sure I was going to miss the flight to CRK but I have to say Asiana rocks. I told the FA that I had a tight connection. She had the pilot radio the ground staff. There was a cute Asiana ground staffer waiting to meet me and escort me all the way to the new gate. We probably ran half a mile and she was doing better than me in her heels and even grabbed my roll on and pulled it! I need to work out more, but that’s another story.

Day 1: Sunday

Arrived at CRK at 11:30PM Sunday night. My buddy was here earlier and met me at the airport. Have to say, I love not having the 2 hr drive from Manila. 15 minutes after landing I am in my hotel and 30 minutes after landing I have a beer in one hand, girl on my lap and ass in my other hand! Got to love this place. Stayed at Pacific Breeze. Highly recommended. $41/night, new hotel, nice pool and very cute receptionists and waitresses.

Okay, okay I am going to get to the juicy parts. First night I thought I’d be tired but the adrenalin kicked in and we hit the bars. Las Vegas was cool and fairly high mileage. Lots of grabbing and fondling for some LD. Didn’t want to pick a girl from the first bar I hit. After a couple of stops I ended up at Treasure Island. The mama-san looked familiar and it turns out she was the one I had met a couple of trips ago and she had turned me on to a brand new girl, first day on the job. I asked for another newbie and she pointed me out one who was a little curvier than the average but nice tits and great attitude. I took the recommendation and had a great night, full GFE. She hadn’t learned how to act yet and it was all natural.

Day 2: Monday

Monday morning we went to Voodoo, which is now open 24 hours. This is hands down the best bar in Angeles for morning fun. VERY friendly and cute girls. My buddy and I bought some drinks and between us had 6 girls all over us, tongues everywhere, hands on tits, pussy you name it. One big constant lap dance with full access over all the girls. We spent at least 2 hours there and the total tab was about 1700 peso. Best 40 bucks ever spent. We left Voodoo to recover for a bit and had lunch. Collected some girls mobile numbers for future calls. Afternoon was spent at Nifty’s on the perimeter which was a replay of the Voodoo experience and my bud had to barfine a ST after the sample BJ sold him on the girl. He went back to his hotel. I was going to get a nap and headed back to my hotel. Of course I got distracted by the ST bars on Santos. Decided a quickie would help me sleep better. Found this cute 18 year old, slim smooth body and only working one week. First she was scared to go with me but her mama-san convinced her to come. I was gentle with her and she relaxed and opened up and turned out to be a pretty good fuck. She was willing for round two but I needed to sleep so I sent her home and crashed for 2 hours. That evening we hit the bars again but the exhaustion was catching up. Decided all I could handle was another short time. This time found a cute little 19 year old who was very accommodating. Sent her back after one round (I am pacing myself) and passed out. BTW, ST is 600 pesos, 2 hours. (about $15 even with the crappy exchange rate or 43.6)

Day 3 Tuesday

Tuesday morning I go back to Voodoo to find Marichell the girl from last night. Again I buy some drinks and have 3 girls all over me. I decide to barfine Marichell. Another 19 year old , Jocelyn, who I had my eye on wants to come with us. She tells me she is officially not working that day so I don’t need to pay her barfine and she would be happy with 500 peso LT. How can I resist that? So back to the room. These girls were up for anything. Pictures, video , all of it. Switching between two tight wet Filipina pussies again and again is something etched in my mind for ever. But just in case I take video as well. We go for lunch to sub delicious and back in the room for more fun. Joceyln falls asleep and I fuck Marichell in the meanwhile. I am going for round three with Marichell when Jocelyn wakes up. She wants to go home but I convince her for one more round before she leaves. She complies and after coming in her tight young pussy, I send her off with a well deserved 600 pesos. Marichell stays and this girl is insatiable. I don’t know how many times we fucked. I lost track after 6. She wont keep her hands off my dick all night. Its like I have to fend her off all night to get even a little sleep.

Day 4: Wed

Decided to give Marichell one more BF and have her hang around for the day. Spent some time hanging by the pool. The Pacific Breeze has a pretty nice pool and some very cute and friendly waitresses. Marichell was dubbed “Engerizer Bunny” by a guy I met there as she kept coming up and touching and me all the time. Well, theres only so much of that a guy can take so after a poolside lunch its up the room for another couple of rounds. I lost track of how many times we fucked but it was at least 8 or maybe even 9 or 10 times over the two days. In spite of that, I was tiring of her and had to cut her loose. Just as I was feeling a little bad for sending her off in spite of stellar performance (with a 400 p tip) she gets a call from her “Boyfriend “ in Australia. She spends a few minutes telling him how she is at home, not working in bar anymore, not having a boyfriend and waiting for him. Right after I fucked her 10 times in every hole in the last two days. Warning boys, DO NOT get involved with these girls. Fuck them, pay them and leave. After hearing that conversation, I was happy to send her on her way. She knew the game and didn’t complain.
Later that afternoon met up with the guys from the pool at Roadies which is a new bar near the Clarkton hotel on Perimeter. Very low key bar but they had some very cute girls. Moved from there to Honey Kos. The owner brought is 2 or 3 year old daughter into the bar (yeah into a bar full of hookers), buys the dancers shots which means they take their tops off. Meanwhile this little kid wants to go up on stage and dance with the dancers and her dad encourages this. I am just looking at this surreal scene and shaking my head.

Moved on to Nifty’s for some high intensity grab and tickle. Barfined Sabrina who has an irresistible sales pitch involving her hot mouth on your dick. She also has the sweetest voice and way of talking. Good BJ but she neglected to mention she was on the rag so no FS with her. Sent her off after one round, no tip.

That was my last night in AC. But I was so tired I had decided to not Barfine anyone else. That was until I got to Treasure Island and had this cute 19 year old drunk dancer called Kimberly crawl into my lap and kiss me. Well, it was my last night so WTF. Take her back and fuck her three times before I have to check out at noon to go to Manila.

Day 5-6 Thu and Fri

Manila: By day 4 (Thursday) I was worn out from the bar scene. I had been chatting with a few girls from Cherry Blossoms and at least one was worth meeting. Her name was Rachelle and she was 18. A little curvy (not fat), great firm tits and a nice round ass. Not a bar girl, but not too sophisticated either. Called her from my hotel and she agreed to come over right away. Often the girls come with a friend for the first meeting but Rachelle came alone. She didn’t seem comfortable to go straight to the room so we went to the Mall near the hotel, got some smoothies and hung out. There was a movie playing an hour later that we thought we should go to. I suggested hanging out in the Mall but Rachelle said lets go back to the room!

So there we are on my bed watching TV and she is getting warmer and more cuddly. She had arrived at my hotel at 3 and at 6:30 I had her panties off and my cock in her wet pussy. How many dates does it take in the US again?! And that too with someone half my age! Once the floodgates were opened, there was no stopping her. She was not too experienced but made up in enthusiasm and youth. We spent two days basically in the room fucking and taking breaks only for meals. In the end I gave her 400 peso ($10) for taxi fare and a meal on her way home. I had also bought her a 300 peso load card for her cell phone. That’s it. No money was ever asked for, all of this I gave without prompting.

She left at 7pm on Friday and I had to leave for the airport at 9pm. What can I do with two hours? Check out LA Café of course! I have to say I was disappointed by the famous LA Café. The girls all looked older (i.e. mid 20’s) and a bit too pro for my liking. I am sure there are gems but may be hard to find. In Angeles you can find younger fresher girls in almost any bar. Maybe its just a preference but I see no reason to stay in Manila for P4P. The civilian scene on the other hand could be quite fun if you line up a few contacts in advance. I had a couple of other girls I was chatting with as well but didn’t have time to meet them.

The only problem now is Rachelle emails and chats constantly telling me how she loves me, misses me, etc. I guess the good part about paying is that they go away later!

All in all, a great week even with the coach flights and multiple connections. Two thumbs and one dick up!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

11-09-07, 07:02
Taken From Harry The Horse News Letter.

The Director of Tourism for Region III forwarded an Email to me that was sent to him from the States. It was sent by a tourist that definitely does not plan to return to Angeles City any time too soon. The Director was upset that this type of activity is going on and I had to inform him that it is not an isolated incident. In fact I have written about similar incidents taking place in this column before. I have also warned readers of this column to stay away from our so called "free lancers" that roam the streets looking for foreigners who they can set up in cooperation with some law enforcement officials. Regretfully, this tourist did not notify the Tourist Police office before he left town and did not provide any descriptions or names of the police who grabbed him. There is a TV show named the "Fear Factor" where contestants have to get past many very fearful experiences to get through to the money prize. It appears that the "Fear Factor" has been refined by some elements of the local police here in such a way that they get to the monetary reward quite easily, without any repercussions, since the victims are too scared to report their experience until they are out of the country. On the morning of 11 Oct a new City Director (police chief) was sworn in and I am wondering if, once informed, he will be able to curtail the illegal activities of some of those scalawags in uniform who are under his command. This is a question that has been asked by the Angeles City Tourism Association (ACTA) for many years and now is being asked by the Dept of Tourism as well. Clarkton Hotel

"Dear Sirs,
I would be obliged if you could pass the following to the head of police in Angeles City, although the robbers in police-uniform told me their chief
is included in this scam and they called him several times to discuss how much money to take from me. The scam (sending unsolicited minor girls into guest-rooms who go straight to the shower and 2 minutes later, when the girl is undressed the police enters and demands Peso 100.000) is described by several people and institutions in the internet. This does obviously not stop these criminals from the police.

The Philipine people are one of the friendliest and most helpful one can meet anywhere in the world. Why the police in Angeles city draws such gangsters into the force and gives them uniforms and a free pass at tourists ? The harm this does to the future of tourism in the philipines you can imagine better than me. Check the internet - full of reports like this - all from Angeles City. An answer would be appreciated. Note: forwarded message attached.

Dear Sir,
Dear Sir,

I would like to report the following incident to you:

Walking Field Rd. on 15th Sept. 07 at about 3 am I was approached by a ladyboy (Monica - there in the street every night-knew her from the days before asking whether her girl-friend (room-mate) could take a shower at my room at the near-by hotel. The girl-friend appeared to be between 17-19 (I asked for her age she said 19). Both came to my hotel. While the "room-mate" girl was taking her shower (in fact she did not as I found out later, she just undressed - called her police-friends and came back with a towel around her waist). In the meantime Monica had disappeared.
The same moment the girl came out of the shower the police-friends who had obviously been waiting outside for her call from the bathroom, rushed into my room with 5 of them, saying that I had seduced a minor. I told them that I never even as much as touched the girl and this is a clear set-up. They then took a pocket knife and my medicine from the table and put it in their pocket as evidence (never got it back).

They told me to take my passport and my credit-card and go with them to the police-station. The parked outside the police-station near Field Rd.,then the police-bus-driver (the obvious head of the gang) called to what he said was his chief in the office. He told me I can avoid being put in prision against US$ 500. If not, I would be put into prision until I can prove that the girl is not a minor, which means I would need a lawyer etc. The girl then said she lied, she would be 17 only not 19 (which could be true). They then drove off to an Visa ATM they clearly knew, went inside the box with me, made me insert the card and the pin and then pushed me aside to enter Peso 30.000 (we know that is what you get). The ATM did not give it to them, they tried with 25.000 and suceeded. They took the money, told me to leave Angeles City immediately, not to talk to anyone and drove off, leaving me in the street. They called their chief several times during the process. They also told me that Peso 25.000 divided by 5 of them and the chief is nothing to talk about and I should be happy to get away that slightly.

I left the Philipines immediately and will of course never return. I know Philipine people as extremely friendly and helpful - a pleasure to be with them - So why do you choose criminals, blackmailers and rogues for the police-force ? I dont expect the money back of course, but perhaps there is one honest person who will realize the damage such criminals in uniform do to tourism to this city. The only prove it the ATM slip from Angeles for 25.000, that I was left with - and the exit-stamp from the Philipines the next day. Yours faithfully, L. V."

That incident took place in September but on 19 Oct I had a visit at my stable from a foreigner who wanted to tell me that he had been victimized on Wednesday night, 17 Oct 07 by the police and was made to part with P70,000 for his get out of jail card. The circumstances are nearly identical to others I have reported. Again, he took a free lancer from the Real Street area who told him she was 19. After 10 minutes in his room the police arrived and told him they had a complaint from the mother. He told me that he was kept overnight in the cell at station four which had shit on the floor and he had to relieve himself by [CodeWord112] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord112) in the cell as well since they kind of left him during the night. After some negotiating process he was able to pay the next morning and was scared to death to say anything. Again, this guy was looking to save money and was bitten. All he had to do was visit a Club on A. Santos Street and spend 100 pesos more in order to be safe and satisfied. The good news is that the City Director, Col Gaddi, has assigned a Capt Aspe to Station 4 to deal with any any incidents involving Foreigners and to investigate any wrong doing. He has initiated a procedure where unannounced round-ups of free lancers operating within the tourist belt and charge them with vagrancy. Possibly by ridding the area of the free lancers they will not be able to entice foreigners into their scams in which some police elements are a part of. There is one major problem. The complainant did not provide any names of the police officers or the name of the girl that set him up. In discussions with the Commander of Station four, Col Imperial, and Deputy Commander Louie Tan they related that they would like to get to the bottom of these allegations but without names they are hampered in finding the guilty parties. Recently there have been actions taken by Capt Tan, by order of the new City Director to round up the street kids, free lancers and billy boys and get them out of the area. There is a very concerted effort underway to remove unsavory characters from the entertainment area. Col George Gaddi is a no nonsense man who is determined to bring peace and order to the entertainment area and to Angeles City as a whole. I do believe you will see some very dramatic changes taking place in the very near future. Puerto Galera resort bar and restaurant

What kind of weird moron would let a ladyboy and a girl into his hotel room at 3 A.M. to take a shower? Give me a break. I'm not buying that crap. And if it was true he got off easy in that they didn't kill him.

So because of that jerkoff, freelancers and those that like them get screwed.

11-09-07, 07:24
After a couple of days in AC, some info.
Dollar gets you 42.70 today, Euro still nearly 63.

Magic Moments is closed for renovation, Stargate is a nice new bar.
All Perimeter bars charge 1,100 or even 1,200ps for BF now. ST 800ps.
SMB 50-60ps. LD 100-120ps.

Price for jeepney ride towards Friendship climbed a whopping 7% from 7ps to 7.5ps now.
My favorite dealer for porn DVD's is gone, don't know why.
Seems to be tough to get some nowadays.

No new info's about Fields, I haven't been there yet. I start usually with SMB in Perimeter, then dinner in Cottage Kitchen followed by a BF then.

Life can be nice, di ba?

11-09-07, 09:48
What bar? I suspect the new 'permits' were rather costlyThe bar was "ANGELS" and the bar is now back open. Are the bookmakers in Vegas taking bets on which bar will be "raided" and "closed" next? Would be better odds than the stock market LOL.

11-09-07, 17:44
whether it would be worth the long flight to come here for a short week trip, I have to say it was more than worth it. The flight was two connections SFO-NGO-ICN-CRK
Wow, such a traveling and great to hear that it worked out fine for you. Whenever I read such things and having experienced now all places in Asia except Myanmar, I think it was the best decision of my life to move from Europe to Asia more than 7 years ago. On a similar salary of course. And my base in Malaysia was a good choice, it's a wonderful country.

KL-CRK 3.5hrs, KL-CGK 2hrs, KL-SUB 3hrs etc. etc. etc.

Life is nice, di ba?

11-09-07, 17:54
Just today went to a new bar called Eruption.
Very nice, located near Gentlemens Club.
The quality regarding girls and the bar itself is same to the Fields bars.
Check it out!

Must go to bed now, girl behind me is snoring already, hehe.. :D


Maple Red
11-10-07, 06:09
After all the deliberation about whether it would be worth the long flight to come here for a short week trip, I have to say it was more than worth it. The flight was two connections SFO-NGO-ICN-CRK ... Only Looking,

Wouldn't it have been easier to just fly SFO to Manila (direct, offered by Philippine Airlines) and have a pre-arranged driver take you to Angeles? I've done this before and it seemed like the simplest and most reliably way.

Pute Nut
11-10-07, 06:15
Sorry Steve but I would take whatever your gf says with a grain of salt as she is an exbargirl and a Filipina. A double jackpot for perpetual dishonesty. 5 out of a hundred tests positive for HIV? If that were the case, that information would be spread like wildfire in AC.

WHO claims HIV prevalence among Angeles/Mabalacat CSWs has been between 0-1% depending on the year sampled:


It should be noted though that HIV tests are technically NOT mandatory in Phils and are not carried out too often.

11-10-07, 07:03
Great trip report. Sounds like you put your vacation time to good use and you seem to like some of the same bars that are my usual favorites - Voodoo, Treasure Island. I haven't been to nifties but will have to check it out next time. Btw, I wonder if the Kimberly you found at Treasure Island is the same girl i met there earlier this year - cute and a lot of fun. I'll have to go back there next trip to see if she's still around since she's worthy of a repeat performance. Thx for posting.

11-10-07, 09:47
Originally Posted by Bpd81
Taken From Harry The Horse News Letter.The Director of Tourism for Region III forwarded an Email to me that was sent to him from the States..

...What kind of weird moron would let a ladyboy and a girl into his hotel room at 3 A.M. to take a shower? Give me a break. I'm not buying that crap. And if it was true he got off easy in that they didn't kill him.

So because of that jerkoff, freelancers and those that like them get screwed.

Yes, must be false.
First of all, since he did not write the hotels name in the report!
And since he decided to leave Philippines, he would not be speaking tagalog well. Who come that he understood the talk with their boss about amount money and splitting it....

But on the other side, it is Xmas quite soon, many people need money...

11-10-07, 10:12
some of us have recently complained about the girls dancing.
Sometimes uninspired, sometimes not at all and so on.
Boring Angeles shuffle etc.

But.... In most cases it's the fault of the manager/DJ.
Sure, "Stairway to Heaven" from Led Zeppelin is a great song.
Also nice to see Mick Jagger live in Madison Square Garden with
"Sympathy for the Devil" (nearly 40 yrs old).

But those songs are twice as old as the girls.
Any wonder that they can't dance properly?

As I have seen it right now, if the music isn't 30+ years old,
if there are songs of 2003 and younger,
the music the girls grown up with,
then the dancing is fine and okay.

Just my opinion.


11-11-07, 04:02

The bars in Puerto Galera have it right. Which a group of 5 or 6 girls take turns for about 3 songs then get off, only girls with decent body can dance. The rest walk around the bar and try to get drinks. In AC, even the most enthusiastic dancers can't stay consistence for the whole half hour, added to that, being on stage with 20 or 30 others, they don't feel being in the spot light, thus, become lazy.
Speaking of laziness, I've been comming to AC regularly for the last seven years and been hearing the same songs over and over in all the bars. I don't know why they even bother hiring DJs if they don't care to refresh their music selection.

11-11-07, 07:00
Great trip report. I haven't been to nifties but will have to check it out next time. Thx for posting.Kalboman,

When you go to Nifty"s you may find on one day there is a lot of talent, the next day the cupboard is bare. Depends on what time you go and whether the girls have a day off or have EWR. One swallow does not make a summer. If you find nothing just keep moving as there are many bars in close proximity. All the best.

11-11-07, 07:24

Some of us have recently complained about the girls dancing.

Sometimes uninspired, sometimes not at all and so on.

Boring Angeles shuffle

Cheers! Hi Exspat,

In sone way, I agree with you. However, I have another point of view. Some of the girls do not like the job, they may come from a religious background and are merely there to attract some guy for sex. Being a bar girl is not such a good means of employment. But what does a girl do with little education.

The attitude and dancing may be reflected in what the girl thinks of the job. JMHO.

11-11-07, 17:21
Hi Guys?

Are there any bars where they play salsa or other latin stuff? I would like to dance with the chicks.

11-11-07, 17:27
Are there any salsa or other latin bars? I would like to dance with the chicks.

11-12-07, 01:44
Wazza88 - Very true but I think that's true with just about all bars. The lineup of girls changes so frequently & girls get long-term bfs (aka boyfriends) or go back to the province, etc. so you never know for sure until you get there. Some bars I like or dislike for the atmosphere though so the ones I've had the best experience with in recent past are usually the first ones I'll visit to see what the lineup is like.


When you go to Nifty"s you may find on one day there is a lot of talent, the next day the cupboard is bare. Depends on what time you go and whether the girls have a day off or have EWR. One swallow does not make a summer. If you find nothing just keep moving as there are many bars in close proximity. All the best.

11-12-07, 02:33
you got it right Wazza
No one on this earth would want to do that for a living unless it's necessary.

11-12-07, 04:45
I agree to not being racist. I am half Asian myself. Most people think I'm half Filipino; which works to my advantage sometimes. I think the ladies do care mostly about the money, but they are human and most would rather go with who they would normally prefer. I'm sure if they had a choice of old, fat ugly guy, or young pricne charming hunk, they would choose the prince looking guy if the money was the same. Also your attitude and personality makes a big difference. I have come across a few girls in my time that played very hard to get and later found out they rarely ever go out with a customer. I believed them because they never asked for me to take them out, and it took quite some time to get them to agree, plus their friends had to give them some convincing too. I later asked them why they decided to go out with me and they said because they liked me.

What I hate is when I was in Korea, so many places would not take me or my friends just because we were not Korean. This also happened to me many times in Japan. WTF? Talk about me being an unhappy camper.. I mean mongerer.


Well, no one is coming out and saying they hate Koreans, but it seems that some are propagating that Koreans are at fault for the decreasing selection by non-Koreans.

Generalization about the state of mongering and the resulting effect by Korean invasion will lead to prejudicial judgment and eventually to unfounded dislike (perhaps hate was a strong word). hehe.

Do this gentlemen, take any girl in any bar and ask her, who she likes... Some will say, Asians only, some Whites, some Arabs, some blacks, etc etc. And if you really get to the bottom of it, it's not that the girls are really attracted to the ones they say they like, but rather, the subgroups are the ones that are their main clientèles.

So, if I look Asian and go after a girl who's paying clienteles are mainly whites, she'll brush me off, and same vice versa.

Then add a little twist by the negative experiences and rumors they've heard about these subgroups and viola you have the reason for their preference.

FINALLY, let me also shine some light to the non-Koreans about the type of Koreans that are coming to Phil to monger. Most Korean men are salary men, meaning, they have limited time to spend on vacation. Since they are mostly married middle aged men, they are sneaking out from wives usually to play golf in Phil (incidently, Korea is the most expensive country to play golf). So time is money to them, so they are here to spend the money to get laid.

Secondly they are coming in droves because it's so cheap and close to Korea.

Now, add the fact that they can't communicate, ah.. speaka no Engrish, which means, they can't get

no freebies.

These fundamentals are the reasons why you see businesses catering to Koreans. They have numbers and are willing to spend the money, and are easy prey.

Yes, I'm of Korean by blood, but from the States.

And, no, I'm not a paying member. Just a casual browser, and have probably seen many of the members here in Manila and Clark bars :)

Lastly, as everyone says, there's plenty of fish that bites, so just enjoy your catches and wish everyone a good lay :)


11-12-07, 08:01
How is the p4p in AC I know alot of girl leave back home and return after new years but are there still any action in xmas? How is the p4p between xmas and new years? Should I head out and do some site seeing instead and not bother?


11-12-07, 08:49
Koreans are the most xenophobic, racist people on earth. You should see how they treat local Filipinos in Boracay. I'm suprised they don't end up dead in a ditch sometimes. Don't be offended about how rude they are in AC or in Korea, thats just their personality. Always frowning and drunk off their ass when going out.

But one thing is for sure, its not their fault about the changing climate of AC. Its the Americans that are putting these girls on their payroll so fast and all the hot girls working on cam sites now instead of working in the bars. You would be shocked how many cyberbeggars are out there duping the dumb Americans into sending them money before ever meeting them.

11-12-07, 20:59
Koreans are the most xenophobic, racist people on earth. You should see how they treat local Filipinos in Boracay. I'm suprised they don't end up dead in a ditch sometimes. Don't be offended about how rude they are in AC or in Korea, thats just their personality. Always frowning and drunk off their ass when going out.

But one thing is for sure, its not their fault about the changing climate of AC. Its the Americans that are putting these girls on their payroll so fast and all the hot girls working on cam sites now instead of working in the bars. You would be shocked how many cyberbeggars are out there duping the dumb Americans into sending them money before ever meeting them.I find your comments about Koreans very harsh. I may not agree with you but I respect your right to voice an opinion on this board.

You make a comment how they treat the local Filipinos in Boracay. I have seen some Japanese, Europeans and other foreigners doing what the Koreans do. So why do you single out the Koreans?

Now you blame the Americans for putting the girls on the payroll.Well, excuse me, if the Americans did not invest their money in the bars, then AC would not be what it is today.....a mongers' paradise.

Furthermore, you say "all the hot girls working on cam sites now instead of working in the bars" How do you know this? Are you inferring that no hot girls are working in the bars?