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08-23-13, 04:47
Oh really?

From Wikipedia: "The economy of Japan is the third largest in the world by nominal GDP, the fourth largest by Purchasing Power Parity and is the world's second largest developed economy."

"The Japanese sex industry prospers and earns an estimated 2. 3 trillion yen (US$24 billion) a year."

Could do the same for South Korea, Hong Kong, Germany, Singapore, etc, which are also top income countries.

Places where prostitution is almost impossible to come by?

From Wikipedia:

"With a GDP per capita of less than $2,000 in the late 1990s and early 21st century, North Korea remains as one of the world's poorest and least developed countries."

Guess your thesis is blown to bits brother man.You forgot to mention the US buddy! The US has got to be on top for both categories!

08-23-13, 05:16

What about my off the radar spots? I know at least 50 that aren't mentioned anywhere on this board in South Korea, Japan, Dominican Republic, Myanmar and Laos. Less than 10 of those are lower quality. At least a dozen are what I'd call top quality mongering destinations. A few helpful posters who have PM'd me can tell you. Unfortunately I can't share the information publicly, which is why I rarely mention it.Yes it's best to keep the gems private and not to post them in public. Secret spots should only be discussed in private messages with trusted members. There's now reason to invite idiots and japs to good spots so they can ruin them. Rick Rock understands this and that's why he is a good mongerer!

08-23-13, 06:07
Yes it's best to keep the gems private and not to post them in public. Secret spots should only be discussed in private messages with trusted members. There's now reason to invite idiots and japs to good spots so they can ruin them. Rick Rock understands this and that's why he is a good mongerer!Seems to me he is just a complainer.

What I can't understand. RR knows so many secret cheap unspoiled locations. He knows 40 plus cheap unspoiled locations to choose from. He says he doesn't tip as much nor making it rain. And the girls respect him for it. Since he says the girls ridicule those that tip big and make it rain. From what I have witness, if they call that ridicule (the treatment big spenders get). Then I am all for being ridiculed.

So RR says he knows many cheap places besides AC, . When In AC he doesn't spend crazy and the girls respect him more becos of it and he's getting the same service as the big spenders. So he says.

So my question. Why is he complaining. No one should care what or how another person spends money unless you made it for them.

Rule #1. Mongering is not a team sport.

Jack Burton
08-23-13, 08:25
Maybe a new, unknown brothel between Kampung Cham and Kampung Thom. RR, again, feel free to enjoy it.Cool. I live less than two miles from 71.

08-23-13, 09:46
Oh and by the way plenty of complaining 10 years ago about high bar fines and tipping too much. I guess some things never change.And it was just as boring to read then as it is now. Bottom line, know what the market rate is and then pay whatever you want. And if the barfines seem too expensive, then go elsewhere or take up a new hobby. Nobody ever promised that Asian mongering was going to be cheap forever.

08-23-13, 15:00
And it was just as boring to read then as it is now. Bottom line, know what the market rate is and then pay whatever you want. And if the barfines seem too expensive, then go elsewhere or take up a new hobby. Nobody ever promised that Asian mongering was going to be cheap forever.We don't want the prices to jump. Look at the prices on some of the other boards (I find it interesting that men fly to the FSR to pay as much or more for girls than they would pay in their own country). Of course nobody promised that it would be cheap forever, but we are not looking for a promise. We are looking for our own to police itself somewhat. I'm with RR here, at least somewhat:

* Tipping in a place where tipping is not the norm (I do it too) brings an outside cultural influence to a place when we shouldn't bring it.

* Tipping for service that is not exceptional is tipping for tipping's sake. If she went above and beyond, yes of course give her something. If not, then you are pushing your culture on hers (hard to argue otherwise). Many of us have a habit of tipping no matter what.

* Weekend millionaires will always be around.

* Only (the combined group of) punters control the inflation.

* The argument can be good for the board.

08-23-13, 18:10
Oh really?

From Wikipedia: "The economy of Japan is the third largest in the world by nominal GDP, the fourth largest by Purchasing Power Parity and is the world's second largest developed economy."

"The Japanese sex industry prospers and earns an estimated 2. 3 trillion yen (US$24 billion) a year."

Could do the same for South Korea, Hong Kong, Germany, Singapore, etc, which are also top income countries.

Places where prostitution is almost impossible to come by?

From Wikipedia:

"With a GDP per capita of less than $2, 000 in the late 1990s and early 21st century, North Korea remains as one of the world's poorest and least developed countries."

Guess your thesis is blown to bits brother man.Very interesting point. I had never thought of that fact, and had always non-chalantly generalized that prostitution was simply correlated to poverty, but its more than that. I think that the women themselves come from poorer areas, but flourishing of the institution of P4P is completely dependent on the culture and how liberal it is. You named some very wealthy industrialized countries: Germany, Hong Kong, Singapore, and not to forget the Netherlands, where it is tolerated (with certain limits) as part of a "live and let live" libertarian philosophy.

08-23-13, 18:20
Japanese yes, Koreans not so much. This is a common mistake on these boards. I know plenty of Koreans and know that they are tighter than me when it comes to spending on girls, and much else. As to prices: Korea is a high income country but most things, from food to housing to transportation to mongering is much more inexpensive there than it is in the West. Very easy to score short time in South Korea for 50, 000 won, which is now less than $45. And indeed that's what most Korean guys do when they want to get laid. In and out. They go to girlie bars to hang out with girls more than to buy sex.

All groups have their show offs and idiots. The difference with guys in Asia, Latin America and Africa is that they are more likely to show their wealth to everyone else by buying lots of drinks, making it rain cash, etc (of course Western guys do this too, I've seen countless white men "ring the bell" in several countries).

Korean and Japanese guys are most likely to travel in groups and spend a lot for group drinking or partying. They're not good at talking to women, especially alone, since they've rarely had the chance to do it in their cultures. There are no pubs in Korea where a guy would go to drink alone. Just doesn't exist (except for a select few aimed at foreigners). It's all group seating. That's why they're more likely to drop 100 or 200 buying drinks for ladies only to go home drunk alone.

Western guys are more likely to wander into bars looking like creepy loners, stare at women for a while before buying one a drink-just like they do at home. The difference is in a place like AC they can take out with them instead of going back alone to jack off to porn. They spend their 100 or 200 back in the room where their white Western guilt makes them feel like they need to give a 500% tip.

What about my off the radar spots? I know at least 50 that aren't mentioned anywhere on this board in South Korea, Japan, Dominican Republic, Myanmar and Laos. Less than 10 of those are lower quality. At least a dozen are what I'd call top quality mongering destinations. A few helpful posters who have PM'd me can tell you. Unfortunately I can't share the information publicly, which is why I rarely mention it.

I have introduced plenty of spots to this board like the BJ bar in Otsuka where you get BBBJCIM from two girls in a row for $20. Didn't take long for that to be ruined. A few months after I posted it (and several members visited, at least 6 made field reports) they were running a notice on their website that said "no foreigners." Don't know what happened, but someone messed it up. I can still get in with my frequent customer card, but many others can't. Easy to see how things get ruined.

Or look at the Vietnam threads where guys insisted on tipping $15-30 at places where BBJCIM had been $10 total price for 10 years. Prices were inflated and girls got used to asking for the "new rate" which was purely invented by Western guys with more money than brains or balls.

Barfines at many places in AC are now 2250 for "standard girls." Not even a decade back barfines were going for 1000. 125% increase in a handful of years is reason for alarm in my book.

Yea guys were complaining 10 years ago that the big spenders were going to jack up the prices. That's indeed exactly what happened, so looks like they were right. Others will continue to ignore the advice of seasoned hobbyists until the prices in places like AC come to match Bangkok and then the US and Europe.

Congratulations.Very insightful post, that summarizes things well. I particularly appreciate how you understand the Asian cultures. I lived in SF for a long time and have many Korean friends. That group dynamic is just how they party. And it extends beyond that. I once visited Korea and found that it was hard to get a table in a restaurant if you were travelling solo. They found a lone diner to be strange. Their society is more community oriented, whereas our American society is more individualistic.

As for the rising prices, that it just a consequence of a shrinking world. The internet is making the world smaller and smaller. Everybody watches CNN now, and travel is up, despite rising costs of airline tickets. Its a world market. The best we can do is foster online communities like ISG to keep up price solidarity, but eventually, if demand goes up, so do the prices. To get better prices, experienced P4Pers will have to travel to more out of the way places. Romania anyone?

08-23-13, 19:13
Tipping is one of the least factors which influence the rise in prices. Angeles is just getting more expensive period.

Rents for Bars have risen. Electricity has increased, every bar has backup generators for Brown outs as opposed to the 90s / early 2000s. Taxes on beer recently were increased. The ever increasing rising "Fees / Payoffs" to the powers that be to avoid raids. Wage increases for the girls."Stay Inn" quarters rents have increased.

These factors weigh more on Bar Fine increase way more than big tippers. Which have existed since P4P has.

08-23-13, 21:59
Wrong. The value is set by the market.RR, I am the 'Market' and the value is set by me not you. You are not part of my transactions at all and I decide how much I will pay, period. The same goes for any other individual in this hobby. No one person or group will ever be able to set prices and expect others to follow it. This age old argument will never end and I suspect most of the people complaining are the ones who don't have money to throw around. Don't expect me or anyone else to come down to your level. You can pay what you want but rest assured I'll be paying what I want and I don't care if that pisses you or anyone else off. I fly halfway around the planet to have a great time, not to count pocket change.

RR, I would virtually guarantee you are paying 2 to 5 times as much as I do if you look at it from the perspective as a percentage of yearly salary. Does that make you a fool for spending a higher percentage of your income on tail than I do?

I'm not sure how you could possibly validate the argument you get better service than someone who pays more. These girls are there for one reason; to make money, not to pay 'respect' to you. Yes, you are the one who needs to get a grip. Neither you nor anyone else will ever change what I pay these girls and you're wasting your time trying.

I absolutely guarantee not one of those guys gets better service than me.I absolutely guarantee I am getting better service than you.

08-24-13, 02:38
I am the 'Market' and the value is set by me not you.Well said, OF.

08-24-13, 02:50
I am coming to Angeles in October. First timer. Any bars that have women with fake boobs. I have a thing for fake boobs. But not trannies.

I tried to rtff. Didn't see anything.

I appreciate the help.

08-24-13, 03:28
Once in a while I have to remind everyone on the forum that those members who insists on paying above market price are obviously commissioned by the girls to say so. For one reason and one reason only. Let them say however much they want to pay. Let them say however more service that they will get. Nuff said.


Rick Rock
08-24-13, 03:47
Actually, it's pretty terribly said. You either have no understanding of basic economic terms or are purposely misusing them to make yourself feel important.

Here, let Wikipedia help you:

"The market rate (or 'going rate') for goods or services is the usual price charged for them in a free market."

In AC (unlike say, Pattaya) the bar fine is all inclusive, which means the market rate is whatever the bar fine is. At the moment, the going rate is 1000-3000 pesos.

You can pay more than that if you have some sort of mental condition, but it doesn't mean it's not the market rate. That's like insisting on giving a car dealership 50000 for a car that normally goes for 40000 and then saying "I'm the market. The market rate is now 50000." No it's not. You overpaid.

Same goes for guys who pay 3 or 4 times more than the going rate for taxis in places like the Philippines. They're not setting new market rates. They're getting ripped off. They get to the same destination me and millions of others do, they just pay more for it because they have more money than brains. Of course taxi drivers will be more likely to try to rip off people who look like those morons in the future, and that's the problem.

Yes yes, some guys will always be assholes who think flaunting money gets them some kind of respect. I've seen enough Mercedes key chains to know that. I write for the consideration of the many others who fall in the middle of the road. Especially the newbies who might read the board and then think giving 100% or 500% tips is the norm. It's not.

I'm not sure how you could possibly validate the argument you get better service than someone who pays more. These girls are there for one reason; to make money, not to pay 'respect' to you.Not surprised that you have this mentality. It usually comes along with big spenders who have never earned real respect or compassion at any time in their life and thus connect everything to money.

I've never had any trouble at all getting laid. If I'm good at anything outside of economics and statistics (my professional fields) , it's bedding women. For the last several years I've been married to a very adventurous bisexual woman who makes getting pussy even easier. When I resort to P4P, which is usually around 100 times a year, it's for the sake of pure convenience. I like going to a place like AC because I can see the bodies before I move. When dealing with civilians you may put in 12 hours. 2 days to get laid only to find out their bodies are no good or they can't fuck. Then you have to go through the process all over again. In AC, I can find someone nice and tight to fuck for a day or two. If she's no good I can replace her in the hour. At the same time I talk to them and treat them like human beings and it goes a long, long way.

How do I know it's not all about money? Because I've fucked a number of working girls without spending a penny. I've had them take me out to dinner and insist on paying for it. I even had a kyabajo take me shopping at an upscale menswear outlet in Tokyo because she liked "dressing me up." She ended up spending close to 1000 US. I only spent about 300 for her services when we met the first time. I've lost count of the number of times I've been in bed with a Filipina, Thai, Cambodian or Chinese girl while they talked on their cellphones with their foreign benefactors about sending them money. Last time I was in AC I had one bar girl sneaking out of work to come sleep with me when her shift ended, while at work she told the guys that tried to take her out that she was on her mens. Paid her 0 pesos (on her insistence). She didn't want me to pay as she didn't want our thing to be based on money. Yep, it happens like that. There was a girl in Sosua back in 1999 who was famous for her sexual skills. If I showed her picture people who monger there would instantly recognize her. Her going rate was 1500 Dominican pesos a pop. She stayed with me for free for a month, making me promise not to tell the Westerner she worked for.

If you don't believe me, no problem. There's plenty of other evidence, like the millions of working girls in Japan, Korea, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Thailand, Cambodia, Philippines, etc, who charge guys with money to bang them for an hour only to turn around and hand the money over to their flat-broke boyfriends and husbands. I'd say 25 percent of working girls around the world have significant others with little to know money who they not only bang for free, but also cook and clean for. A lot of the Thai and Filipina girls working in places like Hong Kong and Japan are sending money back to their boyfriends in their home countries even.

When you throw money around you have lots of girls all over you, just like you have lots of friends. Why not? If I saw a balloon dropping money from the sky I'd probably gravitate toward it too. I've also been around enough working girls (I mean really around them; eating at local spots together during their off time; going to their houses, even when those were wooden shacks on stilts in the Cambodian and Laotian provinces; etc) to know that big spenders are seen as nothing more than cash cows. When my wife used to bring strippers from Scores in NYC back to our apartment to party they would often make fun on the pretentious guys who would drop $2000 on private dances and spend the whole time telling the girls how much money they had, how good their jobs were, how much their shoes cost, how nice their boat was, etc. After we laughed we'd throw an Eva Angelina porn on the big screen and have threesomes and foursomes.

What do you when you're out of money? Maybe that won't happen. A lot of people found out in 2008 that it can happen even to the most well off. I know I'll still be okay as far as pussy goes at least.

Money is a great lubricant but it only takes you so far. And for guys like me who monger on an almost daily basis it starts to add up. I'm doing well enough, but I'd rather not drop the equivalent of a few brand new cars each year on getting my nuts off. I especially don't want to see prices double and triple every 5 years for services that are no better than they were before. Maybe you like paying more than you need to. I imagine for most people that sounds ridiculous. Do you insist on paying more than the going rate for food, clothes, tailors, airplane travel, etc? Do you walk around with a BMW hat and pull your sleeve up to show your Rolex to girls from families that subsist on $200 a month? Why?

It's odd.

I can hit other areas. I can hit up my contacts for 1000 p long times. But I still like the convenience of places like AC and even Pattaya where I can sample the wares beforehand. It's definitely convenient. If it gets to the point where I'm paying as much as I would in a top-10 income country though, I'll wipe it off my radar. Many others will too. AC was built by underpaid GIs with little in the way of expendable income. Never forget that.

08-24-13, 04:30
Money is a great lubricant but it only takes you so far. And for guys like me who monger on an almost daily basis it starts to add up. I'm doing well enough, but I'd rather not drop the equivalent of a few brand new cars each year on getting my nuts off. I especially don't want to see prices double and triple every 5 years for services that are no better than they were before.

I have been reading this discussion and I think this is the major difference between people who don't monger as frequently compared to those who do. People who happily pay more and tip big don't see the effects because they are not around long enough. It is their money and they are free to do what they want, but to deny it has an affect on the market is far reaching in my opinion. It is definitely a contributing factor, along with others.

As for me, quality of service has always been in correlation with how I treat the girl opposed to how much money I throw at them.

I think it is easy for a person who only on occasion mongers to not see an issue with tipping. Let's be honest, the service being offered to us is not one we would ever offer ourselves. So for some I think it becomes a moral thing to tip for feeling bad after.

I do believe however, that if some are willing to tip big and pay more without argument, or not care because they like to throw money around, then it will instill the belief in the girls that more are willing to do that and they will ask for more. Whether or not they will back down if you negotiate, the starting market price will be higher.

Those are just some of my thoughts.


08-24-13, 04:42
When my wife used to bring strippers from Scores in NYC back to our apartment to party they would often make fun on the pretentious guys who would drop $2000 on private dances and spend the whole time telling the girls how much money they had, how good their jobs were, how much their shoes cost, how nice their boat was, etc. After we laughed we'd throw an Eva Angelina porn on the big screen and have threesomes and foursomes.Ok I read some of your past posts and some other black posters and I have to admit you black guys are the biggest pimps and I try to learn from. But why every time I see a black dude with a chick in Asia she is ugly as fuck. Maybe she will have a decent big ass but it's not impressive when it's attached to a Santa Clause belly and a grand mom face. It makes me wonder if you guys are having impressive results with unimpressive looking women that would lick the first ass that came their way and we all know that stuff is much harder to do with the good looking ones.

08-24-13, 05:11
* The argument can be good for the board.Well, some people here seem to be really into the subject so maybe you're right. Personally I find it tedious and boring but then I might be in a minority. After a few decades here I just can't get very worked up about what some other particular person might pay or not pay.

Anyhow it's such a perennial topic that maybe someone should start a dedicated 'Don't overpay and spoil it for the rest of us' forum where people could talk about it to their heart's content and free up the rest of these forums for more interesting subjects.

08-24-13, 08:06
Whats the market rate of a non live in housekeeper now a days in AC? Where do you go about finding one and service offices for that? I need a lady to come to my house cook, clean, and do laundry 4-5 days a week or so Day shift only when I move over there next yr. I don; t want a young girl either needs to be 45+ so she will work. Thanks for any info guys

08-24-13, 09:10
Let's be honest, the service being offered to us is not one we would ever offer ourselves.To be honest... I'd gladly offer the service if I had women from near and far paying me. And a handsome tip afterwards too?!? Woohoo! Sign me up!

Rick Rock
08-24-13, 09:49
Whats the market rate of a non live in housekeeper now a days in AC? Where do you go about finding one and service offices for that? I need a lady to come to my house cook, clean, and do laundry 4-5 days a week or so Day shift only when I move over there next yr. I don; t want a young girl either needs to be 45+ so she will work. Thanks for any info guysWhen I was in Makati for 90 days in late 2011 I paid $85 a month for those services. I had a girl I met find me someone trust worthy. If bar fines and one week millionaire tips in AC are anything to go by the price should now be something like $1000 a month.

08-24-13, 09:52
. the price should now be something like $1000 a month.Plus tip. And money for the trike.

08-24-13, 12:06
Well, some people here seem to be really into the subject so maybe you're right. Personally I find it tedious and boring but then I might be in a minority. After a few decades here I just can't get very worked up about what some other particular person might pay or not pay.

Anyhow it's such a perennial topic that maybe someone should start a dedicated 'Don't overpay and spoil it for the rest of us' forum where people could talk about it to their heart's content and free up the rest of these forums for more interesting subjects.You're right, and even it you could change every westerner (which is impossible because 99. 99% aren't going to read these forums in the first place) you're not going to impact the Koreans or Japanese. I have to laugh on the Bangkok forums when this issue comes up, with a market that probably literally has perhaps 100, 000 plus P4P transactions every single day, if not more, and they think these lectures will matter? The fact is the customers are going to do what they want to do.

08-24-13, 12:21
I have been reading this discussion and I think this is the major difference between people who don't monger as frequently compared to those who do. People who happily pay more and tip big don't see the effects because they are not around long enough. It is their money and they are free to do what they want, but to deny it has an affect on the market is far reaching in my opinion. It is definitely a contributing factor, along with others.They are free to do what they want? Really? Then why constantly lecture them on how to spend their funds?

08-24-13, 12:38
They are free to do what they want? Really? Then why constantly lecture them on how to spend their funds?Considering that was the first thing I said on the matter, I wouldn't say I was lecturing anyone. I was just stating my opinion, which in that quote, was that to say it has no affect is incorrect. I don't think I said anything about how anyone should spend their own money.


Rick Rock
08-24-13, 13:13
They are free to do what they want? Really? Then why constantly lecture them on how to spend their funds?Already addressed on this forum, on this very page in fact: "Yes yes, some guys will always be assholes who think flaunting money gets them some kind of respect. I've seen enough Mercedes key chains to know that. I write for the consideration of the many others who fall in the middle of the road. Especially the newbies who might read the board and then think giving 100% or 500% tips is the norm. It's not."

Not everyone is interested in spending more money than they have to. Most are not, which is why they travel half way around the world for pussy when it's available at a higher price at home.

Yes, people are free to do what they want. My nephew is free to drive his car off a bridge and into the depths of a river if he wants. Doesn't mean I won't advise him against it.

The logic (or lack of it) on this board is sometimes frightening.

08-24-13, 17:28
Coming to Angeles. Any places good for ladies (not lady boys) with fake boobs? I luv those things.

08-24-13, 18:35
Not surprised that you have this mentality.RR, you don't know any more about me than you do about this 'Market'. You can probably search through ISG and USASG and find 10,000 posts with people complaining about others who 'overpay'. After so many posts you would think people like you would be able to figure out you will never change anything. The reason you won't change anything is because I do what I want, period (as do others). You dictate nothing in my life; I dictate everything; that's my 'mentality'. If you don't like the way I live my life, that's just too bad. I'm not living it for you; get over it or get out of the way.

If you really want to change my spending habits, I have some suggestions for you;

1. Got to DTW and remove all the Business Class seating from Flight 629. Since I won't fly First Class, I'll be forced to sit in Economy.

2. Go to the ABC Hotel and board up the Deluxe Penthouse Suite. I won't rent the Presidential Suite without photos and since I've been waiting for Icee to send me pics for over a year and doubt I'll ever get them, I'll be forced to rent a Standard Suite. Better yet, seeing as how the ABC is one of the higher priced hotels in AC, just board the entire thing up. That will force me to stay at a cheaper hotel. I like the ABC but you are welcome to board up any hotel you feel is too expensive for the rest of us.

3. Go to every go-go bar in AC, tell them you are with the vagina control board and you are there to set pricing and outlaw tips. There are a few churches in Balibago that you can stop in and leave a fart if you care to; it will go over just as well.

Let me know when you achieve all of the above (fart in church excluded). If you want to take this a bit further, try dictating what kind of car I drive, what size house I am allowed to live in, and how much I can spend on suits. Or, you can save time by just voting for Obama's third term in a few years; he's already on a path to control everything in my life as well. With your liberal belief you can dictate how other people live their lives, my guess is you've voted for him 4 or 5 times already.

I write for the consideration of the many others who fall in the middle of the road.Middle of the road, huh? That's like saying you are not a Cheap Charlie. So if a genuine Cheap Charlie walks up to you and says, 'stop it you fool, you're overpaying and ruining it for the rest of us', what are you going to do? That was a rhetorical question so please don't answer. I would expect you to continue to live your life as you have been for some time and ignore the opinion of anyone who spends less than you do, just as I will continue to ignore your suggestions as well. Forever.

The logic (or lack of it) on this board is sometimes frightening.Yes, let's all use your 'logic' and believe we can change the spending habits of others despite having failed to do so since the dawn of time.

To anyone else reading this post; I don't care if you're a Cheap Charlie or a billionaire who enjoys papering the walls with $100 bills. Go to AC or any other sporting venue and live life as you want to live, everyone else be damned, including myself.

08-24-13, 20:06
Considering that was the first thing I said on the matter, I wouldn't say I was lecturing anyone. I was just stating my opinion, which in that quote, was that to say it has no affect is incorrect. I don't think I said anything about how anyone should spend their own money.

FLT.If one takes a bucket full of water out of the ocean, you may actually hold back the tides by a slight amount somewhere on earth, but the larger effort is always going to be futile

08-25-13, 02:20
Coming to Angeles. Any places good for ladies (not lady boys) with fake boobs? I luv those things.I didn't see a lot of this when I was there and I don't remember any place specializing in it. I would say just look around and if you see one that fits your fancy go from there.

08-25-13, 02:25
If one takes a bucket full of water out of the ocean, you may actually hold back the tides by a slight amount somewhere on earth, but the larger effort is always going to be futileIf everyone does their part I think it would be much more effective than your ocean analogy. Granted you can not reach everyone by posting here in the forum but how do you know somebody isn't saying the same thing on an Asian forum.

On a smaller scale I think a girl being told no tip by one guy will affect her expectations for the next just like a guy over tipping would affect it in the opposite way.

Rick Rock
08-25-13, 03:19
Coming to Angeles. Any places good for ladies (not lady boys) with fake boobs? I luv those things.Not too many of those in AC. Better bet is Bangkok.

I've seen one in Tropix and one in Atlantis. I remember them because it's so rare.

You don't have to worry about ladyboys. They're on the streets and completely obvious.

08-25-13, 06:15
Arrived in AC yesterday and made it through several bars in Fields so far. Countless guys leaving the bars with girls, countless guys walking with girls up and down fields and I saw several guys coming out of the hotel with one or more girls when I had my breakfast today in the morning. But since we all know there isn't any barfining anymore, so they must be fathers and daughters on a holiday trip. Or so. Something like that. Probably. No mothers to be seen with those lovely couples, hmmm, I guess they are in SM then for shopping. Probably.

One girl said to me "we go hotel and I'll make you happy". Huh? What does that mean? Maybe she wants to prepare me some nice food and tell me some jokes. Or so. Must be something like that.

The bad word is still in use, you know what I mean, this bf thing, and I don't talk about a boyfriend here.

Whenever I've asked "how much is (bad-word) nowadays?", I've got a exact number, lets call it a clear quotation with no room for misunderstandings.

Summary: I can't see any difference to my last visit here in June '13.

08-25-13, 15:18
Even saw a girl dancing topless on stage, whats quite seldom these days. Okay, around 4 or 5 minutes only and the boobs were too small to go after it. Just cup A or so. Not worth it.

Finally got a girl from Fields. 2000ps, seems to be the normal EWR nowadays except the so called super stars at 3000ps. Or spotlight dancers, whatever.

A mamasan told me, the police just wants to have more money, thats all. The bars have to pay it, so the prices will go up, for everything, drinks and girls. Seems to be inevitable.

Good night!

08-25-13, 17:24
I don't care if you're a Cheap Charlie or a billionaire who enjoys papering the walls with $100 bills. Go to AC or any other sporting venue and live life as you want to live, everyone else be damned, including myself.I think all these lectures about "not overpaying" can often have just the opposite effect, with a lot of the "one week millionaire" types, many of whom have had to put up with ballbusters in the west for years, thinking "If I find some women I like, to hell these scolds, I'm dumping some extra cash on these chicks."

As E. A. Bucchianeri once said 'You cannot hinder someone's free will, that's the first law of the Universe, no matter what the decision. '

08-25-13, 17:53
RR, you don't know any more about me than you do about this 'Market'. You can probably search through ISG and USASG and find 10, 000 posts with people complaining about others who 'overpay'. After so many posts you would think people like you would be able to figure out you will never change anything. The reason you won't change anything is because I do what I want, period (as do others). You dictate nothing in my life; I dictate everything; that's my 'mentality'. If you don't like the way I live my life, that's just too bad. I'm not living it for you; get over it or get out of the way.

To anyone else reading this post; I don't care if you're a Cheap Charlie or a billionaire who enjoys papering the walls with $100 bills. Go to AC or any other sporting venue and live life as you want to live, everyone else be damned, including myself.Ok, I understand your general point and agree with it. But your response was mean spirited. He wasn't speaking to the whole world, telling people what to do, and I didn't take his tone as judgemental. It was a call to action to people on this forum. That's a reasonable request. I like to to think of this forum as a community. Try taking it down a notch or two.

But yes, the world is getting smaller. More people from different parts of the world are checking out AC. Prices are going to go up. And in a free market, some guys want to blow money on girls. Being mad at that is like going to Moscow and being mad that the rich oil guys are scooping up all the hotties. Not much we can do except look for newer fresher venues.

08-25-13, 17:53
If one takes a bucket full of water out of the ocean, you may actually hold back the tides by a slight amount somewhere on earth, but the larger effort is always going to be futileAnd where do you put the bucket full of water? Anywhere you put it, it will. Sooner or later. Go back to the ocean.

08-26-13, 01:08
Not too many of those in AC. Better bet is Bangkok.

I've seen one in Tropix and one in Atlantis. I remember them because it's so rare.

You don't have to worry about ladyboys. They're on the streets and completely obvious.Thanks to you guys for the tips. I kinda figured as much. I am going to be in TPE and was thinking of BKK. But flight is way cheaper to CRK airport and much shorter, only 2 hours. I have really only hit up Hong Kong and China in the past. I am excited. I figured since the ladies appear to on the lower pay scale for this type of thing, it doesn't leave much for the enhancements (other than braces for teeth!).

Hopefully, I will run across some silicone boobs during my stay.

Keep the reports coming as I am getting my education here.

08-26-13, 01:22
Arrived in AC yesterday and made it through several bars in Fields so far. Countless guys leaving the bars with girls, countless guys walking with girls up and down fields and I saw several guys coming out of the hotel with one or more girls when I had my breakfast today in the morning. But since we all know there isn't any barfining anymore, so they must be fathers and daughters on a holiday trip. Or so. Something like that. Probably. No mothers to be seen with those lovely couples, hmmm, I guess they are in SM then for shopping. Probably.

One girl said to me "we go hotel and I'll make you happy". Huh? What does that mean? Maybe she wants to prepare me some nice food and tell me some jokes. Or so. Must be something like that.

The bad word is still in use, you know what I mean, this bf thing, and I don't talk about a boyfriend here.

Whenever I've asked "how much is (bad-word) nowadays?", I've got a exact number, lets call it a clear quotation with no room for misunderstandings.

Summary: I can't see any difference to my last visit here in June '13.Happy to hear things sounds back to normal.

You do know school is starting, so lots of shopping ongoing.

Thanks for sharing current information.


08-26-13, 10:20
Today was an all play and no work day so I started early. As I couldn't decide which one of Cob's two bars to go to at 3:00 pm I hit Paradise, Vodoo, Geckos and Dollhouse, in that order. Of couse Paradise is different but there were several others open within a block two of Fields. It was all business as usual. Got to get back to Manila in the morning. I'm certain that things will drastically change between then and Cob's September 1 visit. Can't wait to hear his next pieces of misinforation.

08-26-13, 11:04
Ok, I understand your general point and agree with it. But your response was mean spirited. He wasn't speaking to the whole world, telling people what to do, and I didn't take his tone as judgemental. It was a call to action to people on this forum. That's a reasonable request. I like to to think of this forum as a community. Try taking it down a notch or two.Manny, I believe RR was being highly judgmental of anyone who does anything different from what he does. He has the opinion that he is right and everyone else is wrong. My belief is that what I do in my life is right for me and what someone else does with their life is right for them even if it differs greatly from the way I live my life. Live and let live.

RR's comparison of bunda to automobile purchases is laughable. Market pricing is applicable to the purchase of an inanimate object but not to a girl in AC or any other venue but RR would have everyone believe he gets 'respect' by treating girls as nothing more than a commodity.

08-26-13, 15:24
Sure you know Fields Avenue fairly well. LOL. Just to update you for your coming visit. Open in Walking Street at 3pm Voodoo, Gecko, Lollipop, Valhalla, Dollhouse. Outside of Walking Street but only 1 minute away Bodyshop, Tropix, Angelwitch, Spearmint.Typhoon and Color Bar.

Man, EmCee, it's quite a tough job to check out all the bars, see which is open and in the bars, all those ugly 50y / o girls pestering me. Lost protein and lost DNA and damage of liver etc. Anyway, someone's got to do it. Just to keep you updated, so that you're not too surprised on your first visit on 1st Sep. If there is any.

For you as newbie, this posting is electronically generated and valid without signature. And, since it's you, no need to buy me a SMB for all my hard work, it's free of charge! Hehe, I begin to like you, you are really amusing and funny! Keep up the good fantasy stories and create laughing! Laughing is healthy and keeps us young.

Have a good day!

08-27-13, 02:56
Well I can say for sure Prostitution is legal in the US. I personally have been to a working girl house in Nevada run by the IRS. With seizure sign posted on the front door. That is a fact been there and done it. The US government would even let you pay with a credit card. You got to love it.

Then on TV I saw where a government backed organization which has been defunded. Acorn was the name for helping to set up *****houses in San Dieago and Baltimore. How to call them artist. How to get student loans for the girls and Section 8 housing. Not one of the people were arrested in these two states. Where it is illegal. But they did want to arrest the reporter who filmed it.

Now understand Prostitution is legal in the US. DC is called the Federal city for a reason. Which means Prostitution is legal. Now DC has a statute called solicitation. That is not legal. So just never talk about it and pay the going rate and it is legal. Just go in. Pay and have a good time and leave. Do not ask for anything, And do not saying you want anything. So it is legal in the US capital. Look it up.

I love how my country runs around telling others how to live when they do the same thing here. The age of consent to marry in Tennessee with parents consent is 14 for women and 16 for men. And use Americains can marry anyone by their laws in their countrys. Listen. Marriage. So they are many with issues. I will probally have to pay for the soldier who wants to be a woman. My tax dollars. You see it is so much easier to solve the worlds problems than to help boys finish high school. Only about 50% of boys finish high school here. Now that would be work. And I would feel better about my tax dollars at work. Just my two cents about the world crudsaers who want to do the easy and fun work cleaning the working girl houses. I wonder what they do in their off hours in A / C. Hahahaha. I think I khow? How you guys?

08-27-13, 08:10
Thanks for the links to the jinks in Jamaica. Must remember to steer clear of there.

I've been home from Pi for about a month now. Really missing any number of girlfriends.

Standard pinay101 since returning. Various versions of "my phone got stolen","robbery on jeepney" and sadly a one affected in the Manila flooding.

Been thinking about this. I have a single friend whom is happy to send money and contribute to his gf family costs. As a married guy myself with financial commitments I don't take the path of sending money when I'm not in the country. I'm generous when I'm there.

Now I can see that a pinay if she is smart really needs to think about the guy she will spend time with. I'm always upfront with my 'just for fun' tourist situation but now I can start to see that a pinay needs to understand that a single guy can be a better proposition than a married one.

Sadly I don't have any committed plans to return to Pi until 2014. I have a pending work contract which will need a couple of weeks in Manila. Just have to hope that the boss lands that contract sooner rather than later.

All the best to my AC friends.


08-27-13, 12:35
Gecko, Valhalla, BS, and around the corner from AngelWitch I've pulled from multiple times.Three of my favorite bars. Well, maybe not so much Valhalla any more (I think the ownership changed a couple years ago?) but year in and year out Gecko always seems to be one of the best in AC. I prefer all three of them to any of the big show bars.

Pip Jaeger
08-28-13, 00:14
the blow-row barsAnd those bars, both on A. Santos St and Raymond St, are open 24/7. Granted the pickings are slim at 6am, but they're still there and serving San Migs too.

08-28-13, 17:10
Add one to the "5 or 6" members reporting business as usual in AC. I just got into town tired as hell, but sampled a couple of Fields bars, one near one end, the other near the other. No problem BF'ing. In one case the waitress quoted me prices after I specifically used the term "Bar Fine", so that was certainly not taboo there. Not sure about the other as the waitress was trying to get me to take a girl, but I wasn't biting. In that case I can't say for sure if they have a work-around or good old fashioned BF, but take-away was certainly available to the extent that the waitress, not I, was initiating the discussion.

In short, everything looked as I remembered it. I didn't see boarded up bars. Not to say that one couldn't have been closed and I didn't spot it, or a police dragnet closing in on me. Glad I opted to defy the doomsayer and continue with my trip. I'll post more as I see it. Not really good at FR's as, well, they would be a little monotonous: "Veni, Vidi, Veni," but I'll definitely update if I note anything awry. Thanks for the boots (sandals?) on the ground info that kept my plans alive!

08-29-13, 01:46
add one to the "5 or 6" members reporting business as usual in ac. i just got into town tired as hell, but sampled a couple of fields bars, one near one end, the other near the other. no problem bf'ing.you are a lucky bastard. enjoy your time in town.

question for other members. from my last trip, i had a few friends of friends join on my facebook profile. one of the girls says she is 17 at the moment and is still at school. i don't post anything vaguely interesting or sex related on the profile. by the time i get back to ac these girls will be 18 and i assume open to invitations. i don't take part in any conversations other than just a few likes on various posts.

what do you guys think? ok to keep them on my profile? am i better off just clearing her off and keeping a nice clean profile?

i'm not interested in doing anything with **** girls.


08-29-13, 04:05
What do you guys think? OK to keep them on my profile? AM I better off just clearing her off and keeping a nice clean profile? BDI always keep my facebook seperate from my 'vacation' even though a few have tried to add me since we exchanged emails. It all comes down to if you are comfortable with letting all of your fb friends see all of your 'adventures'. I keep my private life just that so the fb is pretty reserved. If your only fear is about her being 17 now then add away. It won't cause you any problems that having an 18+ AC friend on your profile wouldn't cause.

Since you ask I assume there is some reason or worry you have in your mind? I would love to know what is making you think twice.

08-29-13, 09:28
This time they let me enter the plane at CIA with my hand carry including umbrella and lighter. Seems every day different rules and regulations.

X Man
08-29-13, 11:19
I'm guessing you were not enroute to the USA. CIA seems to indicate an airport in Rome. Ekspat, this is one of your more inscrutable posts. Maybe I'm missing something. I usually am.

This time they let me enter the plane at CIA with my hand carry including umbrella and lighter. Seems every day different rules and regulations.

X Man
08-29-13, 11:40
the thing about ac is that sx is in the air. if you are in your 20s, maybe this is something to persue.

nevertheless, i think you are wasting time with these types if you are looking to get laid. if you just want a friend, why not. years ago i met an ac gal17 online and now she is teaching school kids. we are still friends. she has a bf and has gotten fat. but so what.

the exciting thing about ac is that the bar gal you meet at 9pm, you fk at 11pm. and 2am, and 6am. x.

you are a lucky bastard. enjoy your time in town.

question for other members. from my last trip, i had a few friends of friends join on my facebook profile. one of the girls says she is 17 at the moment and is still at school. i don't post anything vaguely interesting or sex related on the profile. by the time i get back to ac these girls will be 18 and i assume open to invitations. i don't take part in any conversations other than just a few likes on various posts.

what do you guys think? ok to keep them on my profile? am i better off just clearing her off and keeping a nice clean profile?

i'm not interested in doing anything with **** girls.


08-29-13, 13:39
I'm betting CIA is Clark International Airport.

I haven't flown out to there, but it seems par for the course for most airports. Got to keep those passengers, uh, terrorists guessing!

I'm off to my nightly blow job!

I'm guessing you were not enroute to the USA. CIA seems to indicate an airport in Rome. Ekspat, this is one of your more inscrutable posts. Maybe I'm missing something. I usually am.

08-29-13, 18:24
i guess "ho hum" could be the sound made by a musically inclined hooker, so i shouldn't use it here.

despite spurning the warnings of doom and ruin in ac, i did take mc's suggestion of bars, club asia (down almost at the mcdonald's end) and atlantis. not quite sure what sets them apart for him, but we all have our peculiar tastes. maybe it is their remarkably similar round portal entrances. certainly not bad, but not the head-above-all-others his recommendation boasts. bf still going strong at the one where i asked, again using the taboo term. i might even go back and pull a couple out of there tomorrow. one cutie and her adequate friend.

i liked the way club asia rotates their stock quickly: if you want to talk to a girl you don't have to wait as long, and the fugly ones are gone in a jiffy, though due to the bar special theory or relativity that jiffy seems like an hour.

what is the deal with finger f*cking balloons? i had hoped that would have died by this return. at least they should draw lips or a starfish on the end of those things. maybe add a toupee. i'm obviously sort of a dour guy: i go to these places to see and possibly bar fine ladies, and a lot of these fun things are lost on me. i really want a drive-thru.

impressive pole work at atlantis. since there was nothing else to look at (another gripe: too many shows) i pondered just how scary that crap was for a potential client. any daty guys would do well to keep a safe distance from those thighs: you may get your tongue stuck, but your head won't be crushed when the climax comes. the hand strength, on the other hand, could be hand-job heaven. true, your probe may come out pencil-thin, but it would be twice as long, and i could personally use that second inch.

finished the night with a visit to blow row. chose the same two women lasses as last night and went upstairs. that they didn't flee when they saw me coming is a tribute either to my charm and rugged handsomeness or, sadly more likely, to my generous tipping: last night they spent well over half an hour working the oil rig before the gusher came. furthermore, when it did come, it was epic, sort of a combination of a skeet-choked shotgun and the old faithful geyser, as in "some arced gracefully into view over the girl working on my nipple and landed on her back." when their jaws had recovered enough to speak they joked that i should see scary movie 4 (i think it was) , which apparently has a ceiling strike in it. that would give me a new goal in my otherwise adrift life, and a damned good reason to buy a tall bunk bed.

tonight was a repeat in the time department, but the climax must have been more of a low angle shrubbery sprinkler, for though i was not treated to the impending peril of my semen drifting overhead, a lot of paper towels got used up cleaning my entire torso. apparently i finally found my calling, but way too late in life for a porn star career unless "debbie does dirty old men" is produced.

then, leaving behind a large pool of sweat and perhaps other matter on their plastic-wrapped bed, the floor, the stairs, the bar, a. santos, and whatever the street is that tropix, the body shop, etc, are on, i staggered back to my room to collapse and await a happy death.

but i figured i should update things here before that.

sadly only one more night, but i still have bkk and pattaya in my plans for this trip.

08-30-13, 03:11
Since you ask I assume there is some reason or worry you have in your mind? I would love to know what is making you think twice.I'm up to three active FB profile.

A) My actual real life persona.

B) My general extra-curricular persona.

C) My new persona as one of my friends on b) has a very cute friend whom I like but my friend won't introduce me, so I've started this one.

All three have different pics and styles of course.

Anyway, none of my Pi friends are on my a) profile.

Before I encounter anything with a pinay I am paranoid to ensure they are over 18.

Taking into consideration Xman's input, why bother. There are no shortage. I was just enjoying the thought of finding Miss Innocent before all of you guys introduced her.

So, I think you guys have helped me with my thoughts. I think I should keep a clean profile away from anyone under 18 as there is no shortage of cute girls and AC anyway.

Thanks for your experiences.


X Man
08-30-13, 03:23
Yes, seems obvious in the light of morning with a cup of coffee. LOL. In my defense, the airport code for "CIA" is CRK.

I'm betting CIA is Clark International Airport.

I haven't flown out to there, but it seems par for the course for most airports. Got to keep those passengers, uh, terrorists guessing!

I'm off to my nightly blow job!

08-30-13, 09:09
In my defense, the airport code for "CIA" is CRK.Correct, but the name is now Clark International Airport, not more longer DMIA. And I was on the way to Kuala Lumpur.


08-31-13, 14:54
Newbies. Pay no attention, there is no cleanup in ACYep, whatever it is, it certainly isn't a 'cleanup'. More like the annual low-season shakedown. Just look back over this forum. Two years ago, when there was an especially nasty crackdown I remember assuring someone here that no, the sky was not falling. And sure enough, by high season everything was back to normal in every way. Just get used to it, it's the way AC works. The bars make their money in season and the cops make theirs off season.

X Man
08-31-13, 15:19
The rains and flood have come, and like in bibical times, Fields has been washed clean.

Any person who enters this area with unclean thoughts should. (keep trying).

Member #4698
08-31-13, 15:29
Yep, whatever it is, it certainly isn't a 'cleanup'. More like the annual low-season shakedown. Just look back over this forum. Two years ago, when there was an especially nasty crackdown I remember assuring someone here that no, the sky was not falling. And sure enough, by high season everything was back to normal in every way. Just get used to it, it's the way AC works. The bars make their money in season and the cops make theirs off season.It is same same in AC as in years past. These raids happen every low season. That nasty crackdown that happened two years ago, that you refer to, resulted in the end of nude body painting in the big show bars like Dollhouse, Atlantis and Crystal Palace. That was too bad, but not the end of the world. I kinda of liked seeing the girls au naturel more or less. Still the show went on and the party continued. The salient point is that the good times are still happening right now in AC and Subic. I wish I was there.

The only difference with this rainy season is here on the forum, we have the presence of a serial troll. What a dick or what a carnival clown, depending on your point of view.

08-31-13, 17:20
I returned from AC a week ago. Here were my experiences. One bar (on Fields) used the term "bar fine." They added the cost directly to my bill. One bar (on Fields) had me hand the money directly to the girl (in the bar). She then went upstairs, divided the cash between her and the house, changed and exited with me. One bar (on Perimeter) had me order 10 shots of some swill in exchange for exiting with a lovely lady. The two bars that didn't use the term "bar fine" corrected me when I said it aloud."No bar fine sir." Without taking another breath, however, they then explained to me what I need to do if I wanted company for the evening. I met two bar managers. Both Australian. Who were quite nice. Each one bought me a drink after I had purchased one for myself and a few drinks for the girls (some of the bars have 100p drinks for their cherry girls. It's quite reasonable really. You get a little company at a reduced price and the house is grateful). As always, the beauty of the girls ranged from "not even for free" to "too pretty to be working in a bar." In truth, most girls fell somewhere in the middle. Even with it raining for 4 straight days, AC was alive and well. The only way you are not getting laid in this city is if you try not to. The people who don't read this board would find the conversations around the end of times in Angeles to be hysterical. I am sure they hope you all stay away. More for them.

Fast Eddie 48
09-01-13, 00:25
I just arrive from Bangkok this morning trying to check in early at Devera but they are full at 6am, there are still many girl in the st mostly lady boy, most hotel I check at Field is full so business must still good here just hang out at the internet cafe will report again tomorrow.

Fast Eddie 48

Pip Jaeger
09-01-13, 02:43
Corn Cobb is coming to town today as per his recent announcement.He won't be hard to spot; just look for the guy wearing black pants and a black shirt with a white clerical collar, LOL

09-01-13, 08:50
I'll grab the Swaggy bus up there so he has somebody to confirm his newest findings and information.Yeah, I'm looking forward as well to read his latest adventures. Hehe.


09-02-13, 17:22
Just got back,

Not seeing too much difference in the operations of the bars. Admittedly, I only visited a handful, but the barfine is still there. I think the majority of the bars have raised the price of the barfine as previously reported. The hustle factor this time was quite a bit higher than I have witnessed my last visit (maybe the slow season? Definitely more girls than customers in almost all the bars). There was only one bar that I visited that did not seem to be interested in neither the barfine nor lady's drink.

Overall, had a great time. Yes the prices went up 10-20% but for me the company of a pretty girl for the night for $50-$75 is a fantastic deal. And you can pursue someone "better" without any drama.

If you can find a girl that clicks with you, it can be an awesome experience. (I think I found one).

09-02-13, 19:28
Or I know where I am going to be in March-April 2014 and having a ball unless the world wide contagion hits. See you guys in AC and Subic. And Party Hardy until I get there.Clark is earmarked for major expansion and the se industry will gradually make way for a more mixed business. Look forward to a lot more arabs.

09-03-13, 02:13
Had to see what is the deal myself.

Arrived yesterday after beeing here the first time last December.

AC is not what it has been. Dollhouse has poledancing now.

Besides that not so much. I visited about 15 bars yesterday and asked a lot of girls, waitreses and mamasans about the issue.

They didn't even now what I was talking about.

Anyway, everything, as usual, some bars closed, some new ones opened, a little less customers compared to December.

BFing left and right.

Thats it

09-03-13, 05:20
Clark is earmarked for major expansion and the se industry will gradually make way for a more mixed business. Look forward to a lot more arabs.Interesting you should say that. See article below.

Could you give us more details?


Fast Eddie 48
09-03-13, 06:07
Had to see what is the deal myself.

Arrived yesterday after beeing here the first time last December.

AC is not what it has been. Dollhouse has poledancing now.

Besides that not so much. I visited about 15 bars yesterday and asked a lot of girls, waitreses and mamasans about the issue.

They didn't even now what I was talking about.

Anyway, everything, as usual, some bars closed, some new ones opened, a little less customers compared to December.

BFing left and right.

Thats itTo Osuul.

I also went to Dollhouse last night girl quality is way down from 6 month ago same for all the bar only crystal place have nice girl with 3k BF, many bar say no barfine but you can take a girl out if you buy a 2k bottle or a 2k stuff toy for the girl playing the no barfined game.

Fast Eddie 48

09-03-13, 08:30
Well that's a shame. When I told this p1800 Fields Ave barfine about it, this was her reaction.Yep, my thoughts exactly.

09-03-13, 08:58
To Osuul.

I also went to Dollhouse last night girl quality is way down from 6 month ago same for all the bar only crystal place have nice girl with 3k BF, many bar say no barfine but you can take a girl out if you buy a 2k bottle or a 2k stuff toy for the girl playing the no barfined game.

Fast Eddie 48Yes, quantity and quality is a bit down, I just continued to drink with some girls yesterday. This morning I was hung over but horny, so I took a girl out of the early opening bars.

I remember reading the sign of crystal palace, but can't figure out where it was.

09-03-13, 09:53
I remember reading the sign of crystal palace, but can't figure out where it was.Go in Santos Street at Kokomos, next street turn right, then CP is on the right side, opposite of Mexican resto.

09-03-13, 10:00
Go in Santos Street at Kokomos, next street turn right, then CP is on the right side, opposite of Mexican resto.Nice place to take a girl. Its a level above most of the other places and the girls always like the shows there. Its only a block off the beaten path.

Wicked Roger
09-03-13, 11:28
Clark is earmarked for major expansion and the se industry will gradually make way for a more mixed business. Look forward to a lot more arabs.A very good observation MBoy. And the Arabs are full of cash so will pay whatever but treat the girls badly and my doctor friends in the region say have some very nasty diseases which have "claws".

Sometimes be careful what you wish for.

09-03-13, 19:01
and very much so! The streets are literally thriving with life, and I rarely saw so many skinny, young, and beautiful girls in the streets of Angeles! And this wasn't even on a week-end, but in the middle of the week.

I went to Angeles last week to check what the fuss was all about.

I started from the street where the Karaoke clubs are and went up the road. Things seemed as normal there.

Turning the corner at the start of the walking street, I expected to see a half a deserted street, with many of the clubs closed, based on some of the things I read, plus the fact that this was low rainy season.

I was surprised to see, quite on the contrary, many people, and especially plenty of girls, more than I ever saw on that street. All the clubs seemed open. People were walking up and down, foreigners freely holding hands with sweet young things, kids selling chewing gums, men offering Viagra, Kokomo's seats fully occupied, and quite a few more Koreans that I had hitherto seen.

I walked to the end of the walking street, near the McArthur highway, and things were absolutely business as usual. The only difference I saw was that there was usually just one girl trying to attract clients inside, instead of the gang of 5-10 they usually were.

Towards the end of the walking street, I let myself drag into a club, to check out whether BF was indeed dead or not. I asked the girl bringing me in, how much it costs to take a girl out, and she right away told me 2, 000 pesos. I didn't ask the form it would take. It really doesn't matter, as long as you can get the girl out.

As I entered, I was the only customer in there, and everybody applauded. There were about 20-30 girls dancing inside, in school-girls dress. The girl who brought me in told me they also have four cherry girls. I asked if the price for them was different. She said, no, same price, just you can't fuck them. You'll just go bar hopping with them, sleep, etc.

I finished my drink and left with a generous tip for the girl for being straightforward and providing me with the good news that girls were still available from bars. At least that one.

I thought maybe this was just an isolated case, and I should try another bar. I tried to find a real big bar on the main street. As I entered there, there was likewise something like 20-30 girls dancing, and maybe 5-10 customers, a mix of Caucasians and Koreans.

After ordering a drink and making chit-chat with the waitress, I ventured the question as to how much it would cost me to take a girl out. She told me straight away that it would cost 2000 for the white cards, and 3000 for the green cards. I asked why – as the green cards didn't strike me as more beautiful than the white cards, sometimes even on the contrary, but she had no answer to that.

I left with a good tip for her as well, then thought that maybe the really big name bars would go along with the famed no BF theme, so I chose a really big big name, often mentioned in this forum as one of the best, still on walking street.

As I entered, I was surprised to see a massive amount of girls, on two floors. I estimated that there were about a 100 on the lower floor, and another 100 on the top one. Later, I learned that there is a total of 300 girls in this establishment. There weren't relatively that many customers, maybe 10-15, mostly foreigners though, with a couple of Koreans.

At some point, the girls on the lower floor left the stage, to be replaced by a more skilled set of dancers, and two of the girls came to speak to me. I started to engage mostly one of them and just made casual chit-chat. She was from Samar, was just three months in the club, and came because she wants to finance her computer college study (so no trafficking at all in the real sense of the word). She said that she was 19 and a cherry girl. She got taken twice out of the club in her three months stay, only bar hopping. Actually, she wasn't really pretty. Quite fat and with a nail on her mouth. But OK she was kind and answered my questions.

Naturally I asked her how much were the girls and she right away told me that it was 2000 for the white cards, and 3000 for the green cards, just like the preceding club. I also learned through her that the difference between the white cards and the green cards wasn't a question of beauty. Simply, the green cards got taken too much, and they want to 'promote' the white cards. That kind of makes sense, as really I couldn't spot any difference between the white cards and the green ones. I left after leaving a good tip as well; these were all really good news.

After these three clubs experience, plus the very lively atmosphere of the streets, I was satisfied that Reverend McCob was FOS, just like he was when claiming the ten years difference was not relative to a minor.

Maybe I would have eventually ran into a club telling me they don't allow the girls out and no bar fine, but what did it matter? In just three clubs I already had a choice of nearly 400 girls, plus those in the street, plus, I am quite sure, thousands more from other clubs, so that was all that really mattered. It was business as usual, and the Philippines was still one of the coolest country on earth!

I must say that it was more than a year or two ago when, to my surprise, I did run into a club that did not have bar fine. This was the Crystal Palace. Apparently, this was already a fad from the Mayor, and they were applying it. I remember wondering what's the point to have hundreds of young girls in bikini dancing around if you can't even consume. Of course, I never again set foot in there, but just to say that this rule didn't just come now.

Same for the back room in the blow row. They used to have back room where you could do the deal on spot, but apparently the Mayor didn't like that either and mostly it was not possible to find such rooms anymore, and you had to take the girl out to your hotel.

I don't know the present situation, because I didn't try, but as I was walking down the blow row and passing by one of these bars, I was propositioned by a mamasan for one of the girls standing there. I asked how much short time and long time, and she told me 750 short time and 1, 500 respectively. So more and more girls available all around the place.

Anyway, back to my itinerary. After the walking street, I went to check the situation at Phillies. Just exact same as before, except that this time there were much more girls in front proposing their services. I rarely saw that many at the same time over there. I estimate they were 10 to 20, and they were quite insistent and eager that I should take them to my room. This again surprised me, because not only was it business as usual, but it was even much more business than I ever remembered seeing.

I then turned the street on to the market place and then down the blow row as described above. I noticed there is a brand new immense hotel on that street, called 'Penthouse', then arrived near the Raja motel. There, it was business as usual as well, with girls waiting on the sidewalks and trying to attract customers into on of the two motels there. One of the girls told me 'you want young'? Another one was offering me a BJ for 500 pesos. Speak about 'no more prostitution' bullshit.

I then checked out the perimeter and some of my favorite spots apart from the bars. Everything was exactly as I left them 8 months ago, and again I was surprised by the amount of girls, and girls available, and how pretty they were, right from the streets.

So, frankly, this was a great experience and a very comforting discovery. After that, my duty accomplished and my curiosity satisfied, I went back to the walking street; this time just to enjoy myself!

As usual, I had a great time in Angeles, and am so happy to see that everything was still going on strong! Let's hope it will keep on going that strong for ever and ever, and that all Reverends McCob of this the world will just be left babbling alone in their dark little corner!

09-03-13, 20:00
I see Denom beat me to this report. Anyway, here it goes:

Left Angeles City Sunday, spending 5 nights. Report of demise of AC regarding our pleasure activities is totally false. The scene is exactly as before. You can take out any girl you want from any bar. They just don't use the word BF anymore. Every Mamasan will say that they have no barfine anymore. It is just camouflaged as buying drinks, although you really don't buy drink. In one bar they brought fifteen very tiny glasses full of orange juice, which both my girl and I finish in 30 sec and headed for the hotel. The nomenclature has changed. Some bar call it a "quota", some say 'party animal", etc. But you can call rose by any name, it is still a rose. Mamasan will arrange everything. You just tell her who you want. The procedure is exactly as before, all payments inside the bar, not to the girl in the hotel room (at least all the bars I went). All major bars on Walking Street and Field Avenue are open and full of beautiful girls. Due to off season there are less punters, that means more choices for us. So come on down and enjoy the show. Prices are pretty much remaining the same as last year. Because I spent three nights with my regular college girls, I was able to take girls from bars only for two nights. In between, I visited many other bars, both big and small in including the famous show bars, for this report and found that basically things remain unchanged.

Some tidbits about my AC trip:

One afternoon I picked up a girl from the supermarket. Coming out, she proudly declared that she is a lesbian and introduced me to her skank 'Husband'. That was it for me and quickly headed for the hotel alone.

My Facebook friend, a final year industrial engineering student, wanted to meet me in a neutral ground. I offered to meet her in the McDonald at the end of the Walking Street. She arrived with a ladyboy as an escort (WTF?). Because she was so pretty looking, my antenna went up suspecting she was a ladyboy also. It turned out she was so nervous to meet me alone that only friend she could found in a short notice was this ladyboy. The girl never stepped foot in a bar before, so I took her to Atlantis to show her what it is all about and see the stage shows. She spent two nights with me, one of the best GFE experiences in my life. This girl had sex only twice before in her life and never experienced orgasm. When she finally experienced it with me, her knee started shaking and she could barely walk after that. She texted me after going home that this was the best experience of her life.

My dating site friend, a supervisor in one of the major stores in SM City Mall, was talking to me through Yahoo Messenger for more than eight months. After she came back from Malaysia from a business trip, things cooled down a bit between us and we did not talk for more than 2 months. But since I promised, I went to see her in the store after I went to AC. She pretended (later she denied that) not to know me at all. I left the store immediately. Later on, I saw 15 offline messages at my Yahoo mail, in which she apologized and stated that she now remembered me and wanted to meet me badly. She is good looking and has a nice tall figure. I finally obliged and spent the night with her. Sex wise, she has lot to learn.

Finally, I spent an afternoon with a dating site girl, a true gem in the sex department. A former bar girl, now being maintained by her Australian boyfriend. A 22 year old pretty petite girl, who has a very nice set of big firm natural boob, a rare commodity among Filipinas. She delivered everything she promised and some more. A true squirter, who made me use at least three towels to save myself from the eruptions. Things went so hot and heavy, that she wanted to try anal for the first time and I happily obliged. A three hour fuckfest that totally drained me. She offered her friend for a threesome the next day. Due to time constrain I could not do it.


09-04-13, 02:24
Greetings Everyone,

I recently cleaned up this thread by moving a number of disingenuous posts by MathewCob, as well as a number responses made by other forum members to these posts, to a new thread titled...

Anti-Sex Pervert MathewCob's Disinformation Campaign


In addition, MathewCob has been banned from the forum for Posting Disinformation and for Anti-Sex Prosthelytizing, and all IP addresses used by him have been recorded in the forum database for identification of future aliases.



09-04-13, 02:40
Of course, I never again set foot in there, but just to say that this rule didn't just come now.This kind of nonsense is just one more reason some of us avoid all the Dollhouse Group bars (Dollhouse, Crystal Palace, Tropix, Atlantis, etc.). I don't care how many pretty girls they might have. Their prices are high (especially with scams like 'triple lady drinks') , their business practices are sleazy, and their attitude is totally mercenary.

One of the girls told me 'you want young'?Just for anybody who doesn't know, this is code for something you definitely do NOT want. Taking any girl off the streets in AC is risky but if they say anything like this, get out of there quick. That's my advice anyhow.

09-04-13, 05:42
Greetings Everyone,

I recently cleaned up this thread by moving a number of disingenuous posts by MathewCob, as well as a number responses made by other forum members to these posts, to a new thread titled.


In addition, MathewCob has been banned from the forum for Posting Misinformation and for Anti-Sex Prosthelytizing, and all IP addresses used by him have been recorded in the forum database for identification of future aliases.


JacksonFunny; a few days ago I was tempted to post that it must just be a matter of time before Jackson takes action. This is the perfect response Jackson; hats off to you.

09-04-13, 07:33
Same for the back room in the blow row. They used to have back room where you could do the deal on spot, but apparently the Mayor didn't like that either and mostly it was not possible to find such rooms anymore, and you had to take the girl out to your hotel.Thanks for the detailed reportage.

I was able to partake in some backroom action on blow row just back in July. Maybe not all bars have the backroom or maybe the rooms were all occupied so they switch the business model so as not to lose the client.

I'm not sure of the name of the place I visited. Kind of a painted cement look. Bar is to the right hand side as I walked in. Access to rear area via the doorway where girls are checking Facebook. Then turn left along a corridor. I've always had the last room on the right. Noticed a few girls sleeping in the other room. Once in the end room, they close a curtain and pull across a large piece of ply board which keeps the curtain in place.

A cupboard in the room and a spit bucked beside the door. I make a point of not looking in the spit bucket.

Both times I've been here the (different) girls clean my brother with anti-bacterial gel before and after.

I miss AC!

Traveling John 2
09-04-13, 13:03
So I went to Los Angeles for the first time and after doing a lot of reading had no idea what to expect. Well I had a great time. Blow job alley, especially black pearl went well. Took one girl back to hotel and took two others upstairs. The first one was on her period and I made her work for the happy ending. The second girl deep throated and I almost blew my load. I let her suck for a while before wrapping up and fucking her. So yes you can go upstairs.

FL. Picked up two different ones as I like this scene more than the fake I love you bar girls. It was crazy to be one of three customers with 20-30 girls in a bar. First FL was crazy cute 25ish girl who let me bang her three times. She then text later to use my bathroom and her friend came up and waited. She comes out bathroom and let's me bang her again in front of her friend. She said she had to return to the province and would keep in touch. Well she blow my phone up, talking about love and shit. Wow. Time to cut her loose.

Next FL went well except she quote 3000p first time, I said no fucking way and she countered with 1500. I wanted her so back to the room we go. She takes her time getting ready but she covers and we fuck for a long time. Go to sleep wake up and do it again. Off she goes.

There are a lot of choices and all at a good price.

09-04-13, 14:13
Thanks for the detailed reportage.

I was able to partake in some backroom action on blow row just back in July. Maybe not all bars have the backroom or maybe the rooms were all occupied so they switch the business model so as not to lose the client.

I'm not sure of the name of the place I visited. Kind of a painted cement look. Bar is to the right hand side as I walked in. Access to rear area via the doorway where girls are checking Facebook. Then turn left along a corridor. I've always had the last room on the right. Noticed a few girls sleeping in the other room. Once in the end room, they close a curtain and pull across a large piece of ply board which keeps the curtain in place.

A cupboard in the room and a spit bucked beside the door. I make a point of not looking in the spit bucket.

Both times I've been here the (different) girls clean my brother with anti-bacterial gel before and after.

I miss AC!I think the bar you are describing is called Shadows. By your description of which room you used, and the use of a piece of ply board, it sounds like the same bar I barfined two girls from last year. I remember being surprised how many girls were sleeping in the back rooms.

09-05-13, 17:32
Yes, quantity and quality is a bit down, I just continued to drink with some girls yesterday. This morning I was hung over but horny, so I took a girl out of the early opening bars.

I remember reading the sign of crystal palace, but can't figure out where it was.Another way is to enter the Dollhouse and go to the back and on the left side.

(Yes, they are connected).

09-06-13, 21:25
Good to hear most of AC is business has usual I am a lot more confident in my JAN FEB 2014 trip there now. I however am a bit sad to hear that the door girls have gotten cut back to just one per bar on the streets of fields. One of my favorite past times is to spend a evening or 3 strolling up and down Fields flirting and scouting for door girls. This allows you to scout 100s of girls without actually going into a bar and feeling the buy me a drink pressure. Door girls are some of the best looking girls the bars have on offer IMO due to the fact they want people to come inside the bars and spend a little money so you can't put out the ugly girls right? Also the Door girls seem to have the less mileage on them cause most guys don; t seem to like taking them out on BF for some reason. I frankly love the door girls but with just one per bar it will not be the same on those streets. Might have to change my name if I can't go Streetlooking. Good thing there is still lower suk nana area in Thailand for that and walking street Pattaya.

09-08-13, 10:09
Good to hear most of AC is business has usual I am a lot more confident in my JAN FEB 2014 trip there now. I however am a bit sad to hear that the door girls have gotten cut back to just one per bar on the streets of fields. One of my favorite past times is to spend a evening or 3 strolling up and down Fields flirting and scouting for door girls. This allows you to scout 100s of girls without actually going into a bar and feeling the buy me a drink pressure. Door girls are some of the best looking girls the bars have on offer IMO due to the fact they want people to come inside the bars and spend a little money so you can't put out the ugly girls right? Also the Door girls seem to have the less mileage on them cause most guys don; t seem to like taking them out on BF for some reason. I frankly love the door girls but with just one per bar it will not be the same on those streets. Might have to change my name if I can't go Streetlooking. Good thing there is still lower suk nana area in Thailand for that and walking street Pattaya.Some had 2 or 3 but I guess to the low season that is more then enough. I was painfully empty in some of the bars last week. I got instantly sournded by 10 Girls in a bar since I was simply the only customer.

I got a big cheer in anothe bar from the whole staff and all the Girls since I was the first customer at about 7 pm (they open at 6).

09-11-13, 12:55
Strange to see the Angeles thread without a new post in a few days. I arrive there next week on the 19th from Thailand. So hope to see what the real story is.

X Man
09-11-13, 15:22
I guess everyone is exhausted from trying to argue with cob brain.

I was in AC for a few days in August and had an especially delightful time. I used the Swagman bus, stayed at Orchid Inn and had some pretty incredible experiences. Even by AC standards. I became acquainted with one gal with a vaggie stud who liked it rough. For hours. And didn't complain when I woke her up the next morning at 6am for more. Then the last day a shy gal who was busty and slender who turned out to be lactating.

The Penthouse place had finally opened and was having an Open House. I meant to pop in for a look, but never did. Sadly, the Cubano restaurant seems to have changed it's biz model. I really did like the food. Wait, what was the name of the place? LOL. I'm confused because there is a Cubano bar / restuarant that opened up in Cebu. X.

Strange to see the Angeles thread without a new post in a few days. I arrive there next week on the 19th from Thailand. So hope to see what the real story is.

09-11-13, 16:52
Good to hear most of AC is business has usual I am a lot more confident in my JAN FEB 2014 trip there now. I however am a bit sad to hear that the door girls have gotten cut back to just one per bar on the streets of fields. One of my favorite past times is to spend a evening or 3 strolling up and down Fields flirting and scouting for door girls. This allows you to scout 100s of girls without actually going into a bar and feeling the buy me a drink pressure. Door girls are some of the best looking girls the bars have on offer IMO due to the fact they want people to come inside the bars and spend a little money so you can't put out the ugly girls right? Also the Door girls seem to have the less mileage on them cause most guys don; t seem to like taking them out on BF for some reason. I frankly love the door girls but with just one per bar it will not be the same on those streets. Might have to change my name if I can't go Streetlooking. Good thing there is still lower suk nana area in Thailand for that and walking street Pattaya.This guy I knew would go out to eat w / a few friends but never ordered for himself, then after the other guys were finished he would clean off any leftovers from their plates. Man did he save a lot of money.

09-11-13, 17:20
the penthouse place had finally opened and was having an open house. i meant to pop in for a look, but never did. x.below is a message from the penthouse fb website.


the penthouse hotel & residences.

august 6.

soft opening. accepting reservations now.

we are delighted with your inquiry and look forward to making your stay most comfortable.

for your information, we are still in a 'soft opening' stage with the official opening scheduled for later this year. our promotional rate during this period is 2, 500php per night. amenities include:

- high speed wi-fi internet.

- satellite tv.

- hot running water

- air conditioning.

-outside room service available in all rooms.

you may thus experience some inconvenience during your stay, not really the standards we are known for, but please be assured that this is a very temporary situation and every effort will be made to make your stay as pleasant as possible.

inconveniences include:

- elevator may not be fully functioning 24/7.

- guest rooms are located on 3-7 floors.

- pool area is still under construction.

- minor construction still on going from 9am-6pm.

- 24 hour room service available, but no restaurant on premises.

hence while requesting you to bear with us, we would also greatly appreciate hearing from you about the same. your comments are vital for us in our endeavour to continuously exceed guest's expectations in all aspects of our services.

last but not least, on behalf of our entire team, we thank you for choosing to stay at the penthouse hotel & residences.

if you wish to continue with your booking, please feel free to reply to melanie our reservations agent at reservations@penthousehotel.com.ph.

thank you,

the penthouse hotel & residences management

09-12-13, 04:25
So I went to Los Angeles for the first time and after doing a lot of reading had no idea what to expect. Well I had a great time. Blow job alley, especially black pearl went well. Took one girl back to hotel and took two others upstairs. The first one was on her period and I made her work for the happy ending. The second girl deep throated and I almost blew my load. I let her suck for a while before wrapping up and fucking her. So yes you can go upstairs.How much did you tip the Blow Row girls for ST, if any?

Traveling John 2
09-12-13, 12:13
How much did you tip the Blow Row girls for ST, if any?I only tipped 100 for the girls I got to bang. The girl on her period I did not give anything.

Pip Jaeger
09-12-13, 15:50
How much did you tip the Blow Row girls for ST, if any?How much would you tip a girl from Fields Ave? From Perimeter Road? A FL? A girl from a dating site? Is a girl from blow row providing service that's any different from any of the other places or venues? So why would you treat them differently? If you're happy with the service then tip them as you see fit

The subject of tipping has already been discussed here recently. So RTFF.

09-12-13, 23:38
I only tipped 100 for the girls I got to bang. The girl on her period I did not give anything.P100? Were many of the girls keen to see you again?

Mr Enternational
09-13-13, 08:37
My cousin just left AC and told me that Sky Trax is full of Korean girls now. He said they were going for 2000. He told one that he could get two chicks long time for that price at High Society. She told him to have a good time.

09-13-13, 09:51
My cousin just left AC and told me that Sky Trax is full of Korean girls now. He said they were going for 2000. He told one that he could get two chicks long time for that price at High Society. She told him to have a good time.Nice! Maybe I'll go check it out! I'll be in Angeles in a few weeks.


09-13-13, 21:25
How are the mosquitoes in AC? Do you need to bring insect repellent?

09-14-13, 01:40
How are the mosquitoes in AC? Do you need to bring insect repellent?I'm in Angeles every week or two and have not had any problems with mosquitoes this year. Much like Imodium, its always packed with me but rarely used. As rain season should be over soon, there should be even fewer mosquitoes.

Member #4310
09-14-13, 09:01
Came in on a very late flight and headed out into Fields after 3AM and still got some stuff.

For those keeping score, Bar fining was out at Voodoo's, didn't seem available in Champagne and was available at Vikings. Vikings is p2500 for a drink for the dancers and p2300 for a drink with the waitresses. I bought bucket of ping pong bars and told the waitresses that was helping me to share it. I figured it was a nice gesture to tip them for running back and forth to the stage asking about availability. I think the Koreans visitors here might have a bad rap. Some of the girls thought I was korean and refused service. My girl told me she took a chance even though she thought I was korean. That was interesting. Perhaps less Chinese visitors here? Thought it was interesting that there is a local bias against koreans.

I paid 2500 for a dancer. 22, cute, not great service but good enough for a couple of rounds. Might try Sky Trax later as I like Korean ladies as well.

I think if you see the bar as dead, its a no BF place and if its hopping, there is action going on.

First time in AC and it has been a good experience so far. The Hotel staff made sure I released the girl before letting her out, so at least one hotel is good for keeping tabs on runners. They called my room and asked for confirmation, which I thought was nice.

Anyone partaking in the koreans know how the service / time is for the 2k bar fine? Same as the local talent?


Traveling John 2
09-14-13, 09:07
They were all pretty excited to see me the second time I went, especially since they knew I would pick one and the girl I took the first time made it a point to say hi and was all happy until I choose a different girl. Not sue if it is the tip or that I am not a demanding customer. Has long as there is no tricks I usually do not try to last too long with the st girls. The girl who waited to mention her cycle, well I let her work her mouth for a long time.

P100? Were many of the girls keen to see you again?

X Man
09-14-13, 15:21
That's unforunate. It would be such a nicer post if you told us the bugs are sucking the life out of you. X.

I'm in Angeles every week or two and have not had any problems with mosquitoes this year. Much like Imodium, its always packed with me but rarely used. As rain season should be over soon, there should be even fewer mosquitoes.

09-14-13, 16:43
That's unforunate. It would be such a nicer post if you told us the bugs are sucking the life out of you. X.Nope X, not the bugs.

Member #4310
09-15-13, 00:40
So on Day 2, I decided to go to a larger club. I went to Club Asia, who seems to have much of the prettier talent at the go go bars.

Prices are now p:3k for green cards and P:2k for the white cards. Started to talk to the waitresses while looking on stage with the girls.

Start to eye one of the head waitresses and ended up buying her a drink. We seem to hit it off so I BF her.

Went to dinner and back to the hotel. Nice girl, huge rack, but once we got in bed, very distant. As I was reading on another website, Angeles City is not so straight forward for the sex. Even though these girls are working girls, they are not hardened pros and I did experience both nights the level of uncertainty that others have mentioned. Now that I am more experienced in AC, I know what to expect, next trip I will try to get 2 girl experience and know how to ask better questions during the ladies drink to before deciding to BF. You can read all the information, but for sure I felt you have to experience it in order to really know how to get what you want to and lower your expectations because of the uncertainty you experience due to the girls do have freedom to choose how they treat you.

Nice time in AC, I will be back.

09-15-13, 01:02
I have been in Angeles for last two days and I am leaving today. Friday night, I went to High Society and hooked up with two ladies from Samar. One came from Samar (29 yrs old with one kid) and other one came from USA (26yrs old and no kid) after getting the boot from the husband. Good dancing and conversation. We ended up in my hotel and great company and fun with no money exchange or mentioned. But I have money to both before sending them home.

High Society is a nice place to pick up girls. Actually they pick you up if you are a kool enough guy. The other disco Trax got really infested by Koreans and not too many girls and Korean guys were dancing with each others.

Mr Enternational
09-15-13, 01:15
Might try Sky Trax later as I like Korean ladies as well. Anyone partaking in the koreans know how the service / time is for the 2k bar fine? Same as the local talent?Sky Trax is actually a disco and not a bar. So the 2K is not a bar fine because the girls are freelancers.

Mr Enternational
09-15-13, 01:39
Friday night, I went to High Society and hooked up with two ladies from Samar. We ended up in my hotel and great company and fun with no money exchange or mentioned. But I have money to both before sending them home. High Society is a nice place to pick up girls. Actually they pick you up if you are a kool enough guy.As I reported before, a frat brother who lives there said that HS is where you go when you DON'T want to pay. You have to be careful though. My cousin and I ended up fucking the same girl 7 months apart. Same situation. She didn't want money at the time. But two days later while he is still in country she is hitting him up for money.

Me: Met her in high society.

Cuz: got to be the same damn one. I gave her money and she said whats this for? Man. She pulled me.

Me: Me too.

Cuz: small world

Me: Fool its ac. Not the world. 1 damn block.

Cuz: man. She just wrote this to me: I need the money today that you owe me. My mom she's not feeling well. I will get her check up. If you don't want to pay it back I understand.

Cuz: say she put money down to reserve me a room by High Society.

Me: huh?

Cuz: this chick thinks I am crazy. Nessa. Say she gave money 2500 php to hold me a room.


Cuz: I said you pay at check out anyway. Already begging. Boy I tell you.

Me: I told you about hitting my chicks any damn way.

Cuz: she dnt wear a sign saying I fucked your cuz before. I didn't know till I showed your pic. By that time she loose already.

I sent him a picture to confirm it was the same girl:

Cuz: lmao. Thts the same shit she wear when I met her. Funny shit.

Me: she is like fred flintstone then.

Cuz: Now she said: you are a forieghner so they think you are seriouse and you got the money. But for us the don't trust thats why it need down payment. I don't play games. Its ok never mind keep that money thanks for calling me lieyer. If I did not trust you or wanted to see you. I won't waste my money. My stupid for doing that. Yup who I am for you to trust. Have a great day.

Cuz: females crazy. Keep your hoes.

Me: I told you about keeping contact with those broads

09-15-13, 04:05
I normally take fly the bus from the swagman hotel, but I might not make the departure time. So curious on other people's experience taking a taxi to the pasay city bus terminal and riding the victory liner to dau bus terminal? Or any other options without getting ripped off?

Nice Guy 99
09-15-13, 07:01
Cuz: this chick thinks I am crazy. Nessa. Say she gave money 2500 php to hold me a room.Would this be your Nessa?

09-15-13, 07:45
So on Day 2, I decided to go to a larger club. I went to Club Asia, who seems to have much of the prettier talent at the go go bars.

Prices are now p:3k for green cards and P:2k for the white cards. Started to talk to the waitresses while looking on stage with the girls.

Start to eye one of the head waitresses and ended up buying her a drink. We seem to hit it off so I BF her.

Went to dinner and back to the hotel. Nice girl, huge rack, but once we got in bed, very distant. As I was reading on another website, Angeles City is not so straight forward for the sex. Even though these girls are working girls, they are not hardened pros and I did experience both nights the level of uncertainty that others have mentioned. Now that I am more experienced in AC, I know what to expect, next trip I will try to get 2 girl experience and know how to ask better questions during the ladies drink to before deciding to BF. You can read all the information, but for sure I felt you have to experience it in order to really know how to get what you want to and lower your expectations because of the uncertainty you experience due to the girls do have freedom to choose how they treat you.

Nice time in AC, I will be back.For some reason I have still not found a Girl that could have complete night of GFE with multiple Pops. Even with all the questioning during BF. My hit rate was much better in Subic, were some Girls pushed me to do one more time.

I had a Girl from Genesis last week. A realy sweet Girl, lots of dancing and DFK during the bar hopping but in the Hotel room the chemistry was missing somehow.

Next time in AC I will simply go for trophy fuxs.

In those cases it doesn't really matter to me what the Girl is doing. No idea why in AC it does not work out for me.

X Man
09-15-13, 13:16
Osuul, if you don't mind me asking, how many nights did you spent in AC?

There are thousands of ladies and, IMHO, hundreds that are just yummy looking. I have a certain look / body type that I go after, but in the end it is the personality and motivation of the gal that will dictate the experience. I should add intelligence and education, but maybe that's more important if you want to extend the GFE past breakfast.

I know some guys absolutely disagree, but most cases I don't usually negotiate details. I want GFE, so I give them the bfe. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. And vice versa, a few times I thought that departure flight saved me from doing something stupid.

DFK, means french kiss? I just met this girl in a bar and she has her ck'skg tongue down my throat? Yuck.

I'm sure some guys have completely different experiences than you, but I'll have to go with you on this one. A gal who is over the top in the venue, is often not the GFE you might be looking for. It's more like the DFK is part of the job interview, but once she gets the job. Well, we all know how that is. LOL.

ON the other hand a real stunner at Carsoul was doing naugty dance with another girl and never made eye contact. Lez? I don't know, but somehow I was delayed at the door during my departure, and there she is in front of me. Nothing to lose, I slip her my card and leave. I'd already given up on this.

Next day she texts and says she is visiting family in Bulacan (between ac and mnl) and the next day we meet fin malate or a pretty wild all nighter. Totally unexpected.

I gave up on AC at one point, enjoyed Davao, CDO, Dumaguete, Leyte, Bohol, Laguna, and a few other places. No matter where you go, if you have a bit of game and a bit of luck, you'll do well. Eventually. But I've come full circle during my last visit to AC. I had some pretty intense sessions. X.

For some reason I have still not found a Girl that could have complete night of GFE with multiple Pops. Even with all the questioning during BF. My hit rate was much better in Subic, were some Girls pushed me to do one more time.

I had a Girl from Genesis last week. A realy sweet Girl, lots of dancing and DFK during the bar hopping but in the Hotel room the chemistry was missing somehow.

Next time in AC I will simply go for trophy fuxs.

In those cases it doesn't really matter to me what the Girl is doing. No idea why in AC it does not work out for me.

Naked Gunz
09-15-13, 17:23
I normally take fly the bus from the swagman hotel, but I might not make the departure time. So curious on other people's experience taking a taxi to the pasay city bus terminal and riding the victory liner to dau bus terminal? Or any other options without getting ripped off?I'm not sure of the distance your talking about. Might be pleasant if not too far.

I did just this and regretted every minute of it. Even after the hotel guy gave me a look after he brought up a cab. I was Cheap Charlie and took VL from Pasay terminal to Subic.

I waited an hour or more in line just to get the ticket. I think it was a Friday, and it was New Years weekend. I really don't think that was much of a difference. It was going to be crowded regardless because people are going home.

Long story short. 6 or 7 hours later, after 3 of 4 stops along the way, I finally got there. Crowded bus, bumps in the road, traffic, road construction delays, shitty food at the stops. Needless to say, I won't be doing that again.

My ride back was in a car and waaay better.

My ride on a bus (can't remember if it was Victory Liner) from Angeles to MNL was not too bad though.

Fast Eddie 48
09-15-13, 21:46
I normally take fly the bus from the swagman hotel, but I might not make the departure time. So curious on other people's experience taking a taxi to the pasay city bus terminal and riding the victory liner to dau bus terminal? Or any other options without getting ripped off?To MIster O.

I take the P Rabbit a few week ago form Dau back to Manila 135 p take less than 2 hr to Avendia bus station near chinatown, most taxi going rate is 1400-1500 p some taxi driver will take a little less.

Fast Eddie 48

09-15-13, 22:16
Osuul, if you don't mind me asking, how many nights did you spent in AC?

There are thousands of ladies and, IMHO, hundreds that are just yummy looking. I have a certain look / body type that I go after, but in the end it is the personality and motivation of the gal that will dictate the experience. I should add intelligence and education, but maybe that's more important if you want to extend the GFE past breakfast.

I know some guys absolutely disagree, but most cases I don't usually negotiate details. I want GFE, so I give them the bfe. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. And vice versa, a few times I thought that departure flight saved me from doing something stupid.

DFK, means french kiss? I just met this girl in a bar and she has her ck'skg tongue down my throat? Yuck.

I'm sure some guys have completely different experiences than you, but I'll have to go with you on this one. A gal who is over the top in the venue, is often not the GFE you might be looking for. It's more like the DFK is part of the job interview, but once she gets the job. Well, we all know how that is. LOL.

ON the other hand a real stunner at Carsoul was doing naugty dance with another girl and never made eye contact. Lez? I don't know, but somehow I was delayed at the door during my departure, and there she is in front of me. Nothing to lose, I slip her my card and leave. I'd already given up on this.

Next day she texts and says she is visiting family in Bulacan (between ac and mnl) and the next day we meet fin malate or a pretty wild all nighter. Totally unexpected.

I gave up on AC at one point, enjoyed Davao, CDO, Dumaguete, Leyte, Bohol, Laguna, and a few other places. No matter where you go, if you have a bit of game and a bit of luck, you'll do well. Eventually. But I've come full circle during my last visit to AC. I had some pretty intense sessions. X.I had a total of 7 nights there on 2 trips. Maybe I just wasnt lucky or I was spoiled by my experiances in Subic, Sabang, Macao and Shanghai. Can't say I was always lucky with the PI Girls there but I had some pretty amazing nights with a high percentage of the Girls. Maybe its just statistics or I am doing something wrong when in AC.

First night I arrived, I went to Dollhouse and met a Girl I partied with on my last trip (no BF though) , a waitress joined that I was cute so we drank for a while until I told then I wanted to Bar hop for a while since I just arrived.

So I checked out the other bars (one SML each). Everything was pretty quite due to low season. A lot of Koeans though. In Atlantis the Koreans totally stopped the dancing Show since they were throwing Money from the second and third floor for like 30 minutes. That plus 125 Pesos for a SML amde me leave, jezzzzz. Can't blame the Girls if they liek the Koreans so much.

Anyway after around 12 bars I went back to Dollhouse and started drinking and after a while dancing with the Girls again. The waitress got a Little drunk and lost her shyness and started dancing with me. We soon started making out.

But pretty soon she told me her period just started and she can't go with me. Well that would have been GFE for sure but that night I was already too drunk anyhow, so we just continued drinking and dancing. They wanted to go with me to HS.

After their shift ended, but I declined.

Second day went to Ponytails early (after my hangover was at least half way gone). I was the only kaucasian customer, as in most of the smaler bars. The Girls were doing their "dying of boredom" dance. I exchanged some smiles and signalled a one Girl I liked to come down. She didn't want to and signaled me to take her "fwrend". Well she was not my type.

Whatever. Went to one bar near kokomos. I interviewed one Girl, actually I got bad vibes already. She only wanted to do ST. I was simply to horny to care at this Point. So I took her out. In that case clearly my fault not to get GFE.

Later that day went to a bar just outside Walking street. At 7:30 I got a big cheer since I was the first customer. I picked a stunner this time. Young, nice smile, just what I like. Conversation was promising. We drank and talked a bid and then to the Hotel. We had one session that was actually pretty good. With DFK, DATY and many Position. After that she told me she actually doesn't like to have sex that much and prefers older guys that take her out just to be with her and maybe one Pop the hole night. WTF, she got pretty wet for not liking sex. Well, my mood was down after that and I sent her home.

Next day I took a Little older Girl from Dollhouse (27 if I remember corretly).2 sessions that were ok but I felt she was just doing her duty, although she offered to join me again in the eveing I declined as I rather wanted another Girl on my last night.

Well the last one, as I explained already was good Company but the Passion was missing between the Sheets. Again.

I know a total of 7 Girls in AC in not that much, but I was hoping for at least one really good one.

Maybe next time I will just take stunners. Even if they are starfish I still have a hot Girl and if they turn out to be a passionate GFE Girl its Jackpot.

09-16-13, 11:19
I am at a bit of a loss here and I throw myself open to the wise, and other wise, no doubt, members here. Recently I meet a girl online who lives in angeles and began a rather torid time with her. She is a professional who is there for her work or so she said. It turns out she is in a relationship with a longtime, part time resident who intends to marry her and take her stateside. She told me all this after a few meetings. She claims no sex with her bf as he is old and unwell? Hahaha she also readily admits to being an opportunist surprise surprise. I am aware of the guys name. Does he need to know?

I would need to know but should he be told. I have stopped seeing girl and sort of admire her for spilling her guts to me but a cheater is a cheater. He trusted her and she wilfully betrayed that trust. Now tear me to pieces.

Deeper Rider
09-16-13, 16:29
I am at a bit of a loss here and I throw myself open to the wise, and other wise, no doubt, members here. Recently I meet a girl online who lives in angeles and began a rather torid time with her. She is a professional who is there for her work or so she said. It turns out she is in a relationship with a longtime, part time resident who intends to marry her and take her stateside. She told me all this after a few meetings. She claims no sex with her bf as he is old and unwell? Hahaha she also readily admits to being an opportunist surprise surprise. I am aware of the guys name. Does he need to know?

I would need to know but should he be told. I have stopped seeing girl and sort of admire her for spilling her guts to me but a cheater is a cheater. He trusted her and she wilfully betrayed that trust. Now tear me to pieces.For sure you should let him know. Am guessing you would like to be informed as well if you were him. Right?

09-16-13, 16:52
Mind your own business.

I am at a bit of a loss here and I throw myself open to the wise, and other wise, no doubt, members here. Recently I meet a girl online who lives in angeles and began a rather torid time with her. She is a professional who is there for her work or so she said. It turns out she is in a relationship with a longtime, part time resident who intends to marry her and take her stateside. She told me all this after a few meetings. She claims no sex with her bf as he is old and unwell? Hahaha she also readily admits to being an opportunist surprise surprise. I am aware of the guys name. Does he need to know?

I would need to know but should he be told. I have stopped seeing girl and sort of admire her for spilling her guts to me but a cheater is a cheater. He trusted her and she wilfully betrayed that trust. Now tear me to pieces.

09-16-13, 19:04
I was in similar situation as you, I was aiming at Swagman but due to traffic the taxidriver thought I would miss the swagman departure, Pasay terminals are closer to airport, got taxi to Pasay for around 200 incl a rather big tip as the driver was really friendly helping me getting tickets and all. Busticket was 140 or so and the bus drive was OK. Although slightly slow due to traffic, but would have been same issue in a car. At the terminal in Angeles City I took a quick motorbike-car to my hotel close to fields at 100P. If you are in the mood for it this type of travelling can be fun. Interacting with locals and see stuff you don't see when taking the car all the way.

I normally take fly the bus from the swagman hotel, but I might not make the departure time. So curious on other people's experience taking a taxi to the pasay city bus terminal and riding the victory liner to dau bus terminal? Or any other options without getting ripped off?

09-17-13, 04:58
Thanks Naked Gunz, Fast Eddie, and Wiild for the info on the buses.

One more question, any issues with luggage? Is it stored under the bus or do I need to have it near me?

Thanks again!

09-17-13, 08:50
One more question, any issues with luggage? Is it stored under the bus or do I need to have it near me?Large suitcases are stored down in the bus, a backpack or so you can take with you to the seat.

09-17-13, 10:06
I am at a bit of a loss here and I throw myself open to the wise, and other wise, no doubt, members here. Recently I meet a girl online who lives in angeles and began a rather torid time with her. She is a professional who is there for her work or so she said. It turns out she is in a relationship with a longtime, part time resident who intends to marry her and take her stateside. She told me all this after a few meetings. She claims no sex with her bf as he is old and unwell? Hahaha she also readily admits to being an opportunist surprise surprise. I am aware of the guys name. Does he need to know?

I would need to know but should he be told. I have stopped seeing girl and sort of admire her for spilling her guts to me but a cheater is a cheater. He trusted her and she wilfully betrayed that trust. Now tear me to pieces.Auzijon, I would definitely find a way to let the guy know what is going on.

It's impossible for anyone here to know how this guy feels about the girl but unless he already knows she is using him, he is about to sink an enormous amount of financial and psychological capital into a 'relationship' that will only cause harm in his life. I think we all have an obligation as human beings to do the right things in life and part of that obligation includes preventing harm from happening to others whether we know them or not.

Yujin says 'mind your own business' but would you do that if you saw someone being mugged? Someone breaking into a home? Even if you wouldn't be willing to intervene physically in the above scenarios, wouldn't you at least dial 911?

X Man
09-17-13, 13:50
None of us know the whole story, but if he is a part time resident he knows the game. Leave them alone.

For sure you should let him know. Am guessing you would like to be informed as well if you were him. Right?

Member #4310
09-17-13, 17:04
For some reason I have still not found a Girl that could have complete night of GFE with multiple Pops. Even with all the questioning during BF. My hit rate was much better in Subic, were some Girls pushed me to do one more time.

I had a Girl from Genesis last week. A realy sweet Girl, lots of dancing and DFK during the bar hopping but in the Hotel room the chemistry was missing somehow.

Next time in AC I will simply go for trophy fuxs.

In those cases it doesn't really matter to me what the Girl is doing. No idea why in AC it does not work out for me.To be honest, my first night was more like a GFE then I give her credit for. I mean, she acted like she was my real GF, giving me a hard time, joking around, making me beg a little, hugging and holding me tight and I did get multiples, so I guess it was fair for what I paid for a barfine.

After being gone a few more days, and reflecting back, I guess I was looking for PSE more than GFE and truth be told, I kinda of miss having the banter that a girlfriend would be giving you. I know I will be back to AC before long. Just keep trying, I am sure you will get what you want.


09-18-13, 00:36
A very good observation MBoy. And the Arabs are full of cash so will pay whatever but treat the girls badly and my doctor friends in the region say have some very nasty diseases which have "claws".

Sometimes be careful what you wish for.Actually they added the airlines because there are over 1 million pinays working in the gulf and Manila international is overwhelmed with flights you can google the whole story.

I really doubt arabs will go to this dump becuase the pinays can be had for next to nothing or free in the gulf because there the maids and workers. I have been to Dubai.

And elsewhere and have seen first hand. Also your doctor friends must know that by law if you get married in any middle east country you must have a full bloodwork test for std's and any blood defect before getting married. Just saying the facts.

09-18-13, 00:41
Yujin says 'mind your own business' but would you do that if you saw someone being mugged? Someone breaking into a home? Even if you wouldn't be willing to intervene physically in the above scenarios, wouldn't you at least dial 911?Exactly what "crime" are you going to be reporting?

09-18-13, 03:26
Yujin says 'mind your own business' but would you do that if you saw someone being mugged? Someone breaking into a home? Even if you wouldn't be willing to intervene physically in the above scenarios, wouldn't you at least dial 911?Comparing this situation to a mugging or a burglary is a wild stretch of the imagination. If she was using a knife or gun to coerce money from him or she was holding him captive, I would call 911 in a heartbeat.

Auzijon, I would definitely find a way to let the guy know what is going on.

It's impossible for anyone here to know how this guy feels about the girl but unless he already knows she is using him, he is about to sink an enormous amount of financial and psychological capital into a 'relationship' that will only cause harm in his life. I think we all have an obligation as human beings to do the right things in life and part of that obligation includes preventing harm from happening to others whether we know them or not.The original poster claimed the guy was a 'longtime, part time resident' who is 'old and unwell. ' If he's a longtime resident, he should know that the girl is using him as an ATM. Furthermore, we don't know if or how much money the guy is sending the girl. He promised 'to marry her and take her stateside. ' Isn't it possible that the guy is using her by making false promises?

The guy is 'old and unwell' so he's probably at the end of his life and he's got more money than he can spend himself. He might enjoy being a 'sugar daddy. ' If he's an elderly extpat retiree, he's probably lonely with no immediate family member in the Philippines to care for him or inherit his money. Since he can't take his money with him to his grave, why not be a 'sugar daddy' to a cute young girl in exchange for friendship and non-sexual companionship. I'd probably do the same thing if I was in the same situation.

If you don't know for certain that the old guy is being harmed, I stand by my recommendation to 'mind your own business. '

Red Kilt
09-18-13, 04:44
None of us know the whole story, but if he is a part time resident he knows the game. Leave them alone.I must say that I am very firmly in the MYOB camp.

09-18-13, 04:44
I am at a bit of a loss here and I throw myself open to the wise, and other wise, no doubt, members here. Recently I meet a girl online who lives in angeles and began a rather torid time with her. She is a professional who is there for her work or so she said. It turns out she is in a relationship with a longtime, part time resident who intends to marry her and take her stateside. She told me all this after a few meetings. She claims no sex with her bf as he is old and unwell? Hahaha she also readily admits to being an opportunist surprise surprise. I am aware of the guys name. Does he need to know?

I would need to know but should he be told. I have stopped seeing girl and sort of admire her for spilling her guts to me but a cheater is a cheater. He trusted her and she wilfully betrayed that trust. Now tear me to pieces.She is just doing good for herself and her country:

Provider of international services : she is selling entertainment, he pays for this service, he knows.

Generating foreign income for her country.

Providing for herself and her family.

Still being open to seeing you and providing more services and entertainment.

I really laughed when I think about the concerns about cheaters are cheaters. How about taking a stance against all those married men visiting AC. What goes on in AC should stay in AC.

Just my thoughts. The guy was probably visiting AC well before any of us were on the scene. It could even be his lost daughter that the mother never let him see.

09-18-13, 13:52
Well gentleman thank you for the input. It is divided along the same lines as here in the real world. I guess the main reason for raising the issue is because I don't want to see the guy ripped off. I have taken on board the various responses and they make sense one way or another. However I guess the most logical thing that was said is he is in Angeles so good luck.

In brief myob wins. Again

Soapy Smith
09-18-13, 15:19
Filipinas have been known to embellish the story. We don't really know that she is telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Given her characterization that the man is old and feeble, do we really think she could then admit to having sex with him? There seems to be a universal human tendency for people to make themselves look more competent in worldly ways-i.e., getting over on others, getting their way, scoring famously well-than is really the case.

BD's point makes sense to me: the old guy probably knows on some level that what she pretends exists between them is a charade, but it fulfills a fantasy for him that this woman is actually attracted to him. And so it helps his ego to continue the charade. This bubble isn't worth pricking.

A well known British poet and playwright once wrote that "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players . . ." He borrowed the idea, as with many of his clever lines, but the line gets repeated because it has a ring of truth: people generally assume that those around them constitute an audience, and the audience needs impressing. This kind of impression management occurs in everyday face-to-face activities as well as in anonymous venues such as this forum.

09-18-13, 21:41

I made a week trip to Manila and to Angeles City. One of my favorite bars was Q Bar and I remember a Silberjane or Celverjane whatever you call her. I went and try to confront her on something and found out that she was steady bar fined by a Korean dude for the last two years.

The reason I wanted to meet this girl, she was so sweet but fuck, ***** gave me STD. How do I know, she was the only girl I barfined for the whole week. I thought she as clean because she just lost her cherry and I thought she didn't do too many guys. I was wrong. A word to the wise, strap up. ***** gave me Gonorrhea and Mycroplasma. Took some antibodies for two weeks and got fully treated, but just feel dirty as hell.

Wish I can post my email address and show you how this girl looks like, I hope this girl is treated now.

09-18-13, 23:43
[QUOTE=Valder; 1473743]The quality you can find in Angeles. Some of my youtube videos from previous trips. Enjoy.

You are the MAN!


09-19-13, 07:59

I made a week trip to Manila and to Angeles City. One of my favorite bars was Q Bar and I remember a Silberjane or Celverjane whatever you call her. I went and try to confront her on something and found out that she was steady bar fined by a Korean dude for the last two years.

The reason I wanted to meet this girl, she was so sweet but fuck, * gave me STD. How do I know, she was the only girl I barfined for the whole week. I thought she as clean because she just lost her cherry and I thought she didn't do too many guys. I was wrong. A word to the wise, strap up. * gave me Gonorrhea and Mycroplasma. Took some antibodies for two weeks and got fully treated, but just feel dirty as hell.

Wish I can post my email address and show you how this girl looks like, I hope this girl is treated now.Maybe it is not wise to assume any girl in Phil is 'clean'. I'm sure the stats are here somewhere. Unlucky that those diseases made it past your condoms. I guess the good thing with your consideration to her health at least we know you would have been just as enthusiastic to find her if you had gotten her pregnant.

09-20-13, 01:07
Hey guys,

I'm headed to Angeles next week. I was wondering if I should be concered about Typhoon Usagi? Any thoughts?



09-20-13, 01:43
Arrived in Angeles last night. Headed out to Fields around 9pm. Walked up and down and saw quite a few new bars since my last visit two years ago. Finally decided on Genesis. Tons of girls on stage, but I'm picky. So as I pick out a few numbers that interest me, I'm late to the punch and they get chosen. Coming from Thailand, I prefer my girls thin, but thats rare to come by here with all the jollie bee bellies. About to call it and then I see a petite girl, with an acceptable stomach. The "gimmie, gimmie, gimmie" song comes on and she vibrates her little ass very nicely, so I say that's the one. Call her over for a drink. Her name is Grace and 19 yo. Young and shy so I'm not expecting a pse. So no barfine at genesis. You buy a ladydrink at 2250 php for the girl. We agree on leaving together. Get back to my place and have a few san mig lights. I shower then her because she shy and no shower together. Not a great kisser initially, but got better once the action started. DATY, then BBBJ. Didn't want to 69. Condom on and she was so wet. Cowgirl, missionary, doggie, and back to missionary. Lots of moaning and more passionate dfk. Finished and washed up. Slept all night in my arms, which I never do. Nice GFE and sweet girl. Not too experienced. So may not be what you're looking for.

Now my goal is to get some threesomes in while I'm here. Just got to figure out how to find a good set of girls.

Soapy Smith
09-20-13, 01:44
Hey guys,

I'm headed to Angeles next week. I was wondering if I should be concered about Typhoon Usagi? Any thoughts?

Thanks, YGLooks like it will pass well to the North and should be on its way toward Taiwan and Asia by mid-week. One possible downside is that typhoons in the northern Luzon area sometimes pull monsoons (known as habagat) out of the South China Sea and dump a bunch of rain on the middle part of Luzon, I. E, Manila, AC, Subic. Bring an umbrella that is compact but strong-to resist wind in addition to rain. And bring some footwear you don't mind getting wet.

Soapy Smith
09-20-13, 01:51
Now my goal is to get some threesomes in while I'm here. Just got to figure out how to find a good set of girls.Find one who is willing and tell her to find the other woman-but tell her you have veto. One critical question is whether you expect the girls to mix it up with each other; this makes a difference in what some are willing to do. Don't be bashful about getting this cleared up before you leave the bar (s).

09-20-13, 02:34
Find one who is willing and tell her to find the other woman-but tell her you have veto. One critical question is whether you expect the girls to mix it up with each other; this makes a difference in what some are willing to do. Don't be bashful about getting this cleared up before you leave the bar (s).Yeah one previous threesome I had in Manila, the girls gave me a BJ together but would take turns hiding in the bathroom during sex.

09-20-13, 02:35
I met a girl from Angels Witch and then she moved over to Shark, which is Qbar. I met this girl, Silberjane as a Cherry girl. I wanted to barfine her and fuck the shit out of her. But I heard it is very expensive to pop cherries which I will never pay for a cherry.

In my life, I had three cherries with my girlfriends so I am not willing to pay a lot of money for a cherry. Still this sweet girls barhops and barfines, she will give blowjobs and handjobs. I got both and a bonus, she let me take a picture of her sweet Cherry. It will nice and very sweet. She knows how to give a blowjob too, she uses her tongues in all directions.

Now, I heard, she lost her cherry a long ago and she was taken out of the bar for the last two years by a Korean guy. Sounds expensive. Lucky bastard. I'm so jealous.

I have added her photo and her nice sweet Cherry. I hope to share with others.

09-20-13, 08:13
You buy a ladydrink at 2250 php for the girl.Wow, so expensive the ladydrinks these days! Thats a shocker!

09-20-13, 09:03
Hey guys,

I'm headed to Angeles next week. I was wondering if I should be concered about Typhoon Usagi? Any thoughts?


YGCheck out the website.


There you will find weather forecasts and also tracking forecasts for typhoons. On the satellite picture you will get a good idea where the heavy rainfall is and whether your area of interest might be affected.

Pip Jaeger
09-20-13, 11:32
Don't be bashful about getting this cleared up before you leave the bar (s).
Yeah one previous threesome I had in Manila, the girls gave me a BJ together but would take turns hiding in the bathroom during sex.Talk to the mamasans too, most of them know what girls are into true 3somes. And BTW, many of the girls don't know what the word "bi-sexual" means so use the word "lesbian"; they use it there interchangeably. Even if a girl you approach is not into it, she'll probably be able to point out the other "lesbians" in the bar. And if she does find you a bi-girl that you like, then don't forget to tip her or at least buy her a lady's drink to say thanks.

Option 2 is to find one bi-girl you like and take her barhopping with you; she can talk to the girls in the other bars and find the "3rd" for you. Also, don't overlook the blow row girls, especially those on Raymond St. ; again, talk to the mama's there, they all know their girls.

09-20-13, 14:27
I have added her photo and her nice sweet Cherry. I hope to share with others.Thanks for the Field Report. Consider blurring the girl's eyes. Rather unkind posting her face. Posting her identity can get both the girl and you into trouble. I was going to PM you, but you don't have PM yet. She's a cutie.


09-21-13, 04:57
I returned after 6 weeks trip with a wonderful AC GFE experience. Took a girl from Players on steady bar fine and spent two weeks in AC and rest in Thailand.

Great experience overall. I will strongly recommend long term GFE experience for those who want to spend more than couple of weeks in AC. It certainly avoid the routine interview process in addition to get to know more about the girl.

Apart of that, the bars are as good as before. Raid issues have come down. This week seen many US military boys / girls on Fields than I have seen before. May be just the time of the year.

Tao Bar line was good for my taste as well as Viking. Dollhouse get boring by day and it is sad as it was my favorite hang out for at least 3 years.

Spent lot of time in LanceLot with Paul and girls there. Great place to hang out for those who don't know yet.

Q Bar is good even though it seemed like little dull compare to my visit in July.

Lollipop is picking up. Good lineup for the first time.

This trip stayed in Pacific Breeze, ABC and Wild Orchid. As for as customer service, nothing to match Pacific Breeze. Food in ABC is good. Pool in Wild Orchid is good.

I am still searching for good restaurant around Fields (likes of Fortune ). Please let me. Some girls said good restaurants are only in Clark. Any recommendation?

I should be back in Nov this year or for sure in Jan 2014.

If you guys need more info, let me know.

09-21-13, 05:45
Thanks for the Field Report. Consider blurring the girl's eyes. Rather unkind posting her face. Posting her identity can get both the girl and you into trouble. I was going to PM you, but you don't have PM yet. She's a cutie.

WCFew years back she was a cherry girl, then to a STD girl and now a Korean girl. I hope whoever this Korean guy is STD less too. He and the girl has been treated and clean to go.

Most of us guys will never take in or accept a STD girl.

09-21-13, 12:48
Comparing this situation to a mugging or a burglary is a wild stretch of the imagination. If she was using a knife or gun to coerce money from him or she was holding him captive, I would call 911 in a heartbeat. 'Yujin, I don't think it is a stretch to compare his situation to that of a crime being committed by someone using a knife or a gun; a vagina is far more dangerous than any physical weapon found on the planet. Vaginas can be lethal. I think it is safe to say vaginas have caused more death and destruction on the planet than all other weapons combined.

09-21-13, 21:55
Yujin, I don't think it is a stretch to compare his situation to that of a crime being committed by someone using a knife or a gun; a vagina is far more dangerous than any physical weapon found on the planet. Vaginas can be lethal. I think it is safe to say vaginas have caused more death and destruction on the planet than all other weapons combined.If a guy who you don't know wants to play with a girl who's armed and dangerous with a vagina, it's still none of yours or anyone else business.

09-22-13, 05:52
Few years back she was a cherry girl, then to a STD girl and now a Korean girl. I hope whoever this Korean guy is STD less too. He and the girl has been treated and clean to go.

Most of us guys will never take in or accept a STD girl.I wish I was better in using a computer and this site is difficult to maneuver. Sorry, maybe next time you can PM me.



It appears from your post that you don't quite understand the Forum's Private Message service.

To use the Forum's Private Message service, both you and the Forum Member you are trying to contact must be either a subscriber or a Senior Member.

For more information, please read: http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-subscriptions.php?

If you cannot afford $20 dollars to buy a subscription, then perhaps you can convince another forum member to purchase a subscription for you.


09-22-13, 19:07
I saw a post below for best resturants in AC.

For dinner I reccomend.

C Italian (Expensive but very good)

Inside Oasis Hotel (Maranaro grill Maybe spelled wrong) Very reasonable pricing for nice Steaks

Those would be my top 2 choices. Good AC in booth.

I like Abc hotel food, but I like Air Con, and its overpriced.

Other than that just food at the Malls then.


09-23-13, 00:12

I made a week trip to Manila and to Angeles City. One of my favorite bars was Q Bar and I remember a Silberjane or Celverjane whatever you call her. I went and try to confront her on something and found out that she was steady bar fined by a Korean dude for the last two years.

The reason I wanted to meet this girl, she was so sweet but fuck, * gave me STD. How do I know, she was the only girl I barfined for the whole week. I thought she as clean because she just lost her cherry and I thought she didn't do too many guys. I was wrong. A word to the wise, strap up. * gave me Gonorrhea and Mycroplasma. Took some antibodies for two weeks and got fully treated, but just feel dirty as hell.

Wish I can post my email address and show you how this girl looks like, I hope this girl is treated now.She made YOU feel dirty? You go around trying to de-flower young girls and (apparently) randomly fucking those who are not virgins, and it makes YOU feel dirty? How do you think it makes the girls feel?

Don't get me wrong. I enjoy the same activities that you do. But I don't then blame the girls for making me feel dirty and then curse them to boot. Seems rather disengenuous to me.

Btw, great photos. Thanks for that.


09-23-13, 04:36
I wish I was better in using a computer and this site is difficult to maneuver. Sorry, maybe next time you can PM me.



It appears from your post that you don't quite understand the Forum's Private Message service.

To use the Forum's Private Message service, both you and the Forum Member you are trying to contact must be either a subscriber or a Senior Member.

For more information, please read:


If you cannot afford $20 dollars to buy a subscription, then perhaps you can convince another forum member to purchase a subscription for you.

JacksonGents: If this guy is not a subscriber or senior member, how did he post pics? I thought only senior members could post pics.

Pip Jaeger
09-23-13, 09:22
Gents: If this guy is not a subscriber or senior member, how did he post pics? I thought only senior members could post pics.Nope WC, regular members can post pics; they just can't view them (other than thumbnails).

Scroll down to the banner titled "Membership Catagories":


Cork Sucker
09-23-13, 22:08
I met a girl from Angels Witch and then she moved over to Shark, which is Qbar. I met this girl, Silberjane as a Cherry girl. I wanted to barfine her and fuck the shit out of her. But I heard it is very expensive to pop cherries which I will never pay for a cherry.

In my life, I had three cherries with my girlfriends so I am not willing to pay a lot of money for a cherry. Still this sweet girls barhops and barfines, she will give blowjobs and handjobs. I got both and a bonus, she let me take a picture of her sweet Cherry. It will nice and very sweet. She knows how to give a blowjob too, she uses her tongues in all directions.

Now, I heard, she lost her cherry a long ago and she was taken out of the bar for the last two years by a Korean guy. Sounds expensive. Lucky bastard. I'm so jealous.

I have added her photo and her nice sweet Cherry. I hope to share with others.Do you really believe it? She does not look like a cherry girl to me. Maybe after 7 abortions. They sell artificial cherries for $15 that look realistic. Don't fall for it.

09-24-13, 04:36

I have just returned home after a week in the promised land and can emphatically report that all is truly back to normal in AC.

The raids that took place a few months ago were only in response to a very hard-fought election which resulted in coffers being emptied. The resulting raids were to re-fill these coffers. And fast. And the bars in Fields make an easy target.

All the theories that have come through in this thread. From AC becoming an industrial area and / or a family holiday destination. Are nothing but hogwash and a load of rubbish, intentional or unintentional, I don't know.

What I do know is that AC still rocks, prices have gone up a bit for everything, but where in the world has this not happened!

The bars are still full of girls and the girl-punter ratio is still about 1 to 20, maybe even 1 to 50, as a conservative estimate.

There is a noticeable increase in the Korean punter population, they seem to throw money around like it's going out of fashion. In Atlantis, they have this habit of showering the girls with 20 peso notes, maybe 25 notes at a time which the girls think is great. However a quick calculation tells me that a mere 100USD would give me over 200 notes and I could easily do the same and more if I choose to.

However, I did not, preferring to spend my money on the real thing instead of just my ego!

But here's a little fact: the girls don't really like them, they are rude. Obnoxious and loud. This is the girls' assessment and not mine!

Personally, this does not bother me. I was able to get my fair share of the action and more; the Korean invasion will only bother you if you allow it to bother you. My policy of "each man to his own and God for all" works like a charm. There is plenty for everyone!

So ignore the doomsayers guys, the raids have abated, they have happened before and will happen again. Bottom line is that AC is still the paradise it always was, maybe a few more dollars required to have a rollicking time, still a lot cheaper and a million times more fun than back home. Wherever home may be.

09-24-13, 06:24
Anyone know what time the party or night life usually ends? I'll be getting into Angeles around 2am later on this week and I'm pretty sure I want to go out and have fun or bring home a girl.

Am I shit out of luck and will have to wait for the next day?


09-24-13, 16:18
Anyone know what time the party or night life usually ends? I'll be getting into Angeles around 2am later on this week and I'm pretty sure I want to go out and have fun or bring home a girl.

Am I shit out of luck and will have to wait for the next day?

YGSome of the ones that open earlier will be closed but most will be open until 0300-0400. There are a couple that are open 24h (Dollhouse and Voodoo come to mind). So going out at 0200 is doable, but make your selection rather quick.

Screaming Beaver
09-25-13, 01:17
I've been enjoying my stay here in Angeles City. I ran into Dashing Don who is making a whirlwind tour of the P. I. Going to Makati, Cebu and finally the promised land of beaver-o-plenty. I was happy to squire him around town by showing him there are lots of things to do here besides banging the ladies. The only unfortunate incident was his misunderstanding of the cost of doing business with the blow row girls on Santos. Sadly, I believe DD is now personally responsible for ruining the market. Since his arrival the cost for short time on Santos has increased an astronomical amount from 700 to 750. Oh, the horror. He is leaving today for Manila so I do expect prices to get back to normal once the word gets around of his departure.

Pete Benetar
09-25-13, 16:57
Anyone know what time the party or night life usually ends?Last time I arrived into AC (about 2. 5 years ago) it was 0230 and bars plus street scene beginning to thin but walking about found a nice cutie about 0330 at a massage joint near side of Fields toward MacArthur; actually a pair of pinays on duty inside a locked door and simply knocked and they opened for business. 500 php for nice full body massage and coaxed her to pop the cork manually; she was beautiful and my first for the visit so gave her 500 tip.

Took a cat nap and about 0530 spotted SW outside the Amsterdam while having coffee and beckoned her. Slender little MILF with smallish B / C juggs, very nice for pinay with pouty lips and lovely attitude. Kept her a few days; upshot being whatever time you get there, bars or no bars, if AC is "back to normal", browse about and you will be taken care of. The pics are ancient and I've probably posted them 50 or 60 times, so not exactly worthy of the PG.

Off topic, the Asian Infiltration will continue to at least modestly accelerate IMO:


"Wealth among Asia-Pacific millionaires may top North America's as soon as next year as Japanese economic growth boosts investor returns in the country, a report by Cap Gemini SA (CAP) and Royal Bank of Canada showed."

09-25-13, 19:41
Anyone know what time the party or night life usually ends? I'll be getting into Angeles around 2am later on this week and I'm pretty sure I want to go out and have fun or bring home a girl.

Am I shit out of luck and will have to wait for the next day?

YGThe bigger one are still open, At Dollhouse they told me their shift Ends at 4 am. So no worries.

Might we worth to take a look it High Society at that time.

09-25-13, 20:35
I have been 4 times already in 2013 and will be back in October and December.

The ratio I agree is still 25 women to every 1 guy in the city. So if you are considering. Just go. You won't regret it.

I haven't found a city close to AC yet, that I like as much.

I wish I did. Its a dam far flight. And it scary when you know a lot of the mamasans in all the bars.

But life is great.

09-27-13, 01:36
Do you really believe it? She does not look like a cherry girl to me. Maybe after 7 abortions. They sell artificial cherries for $15 that look realistic. Don't fall for it.I met several girls who claimed as cherry in AC over years.

Fucking ONLY a few times still qulifies them as cherry girls.

Yet some other claim to be cherry if they have not fucked a long time.

Funny. Definition of cherry is different here in AC.

Don't get ripped off this scam.

09-27-13, 02:38
Day 1.

I ended up getting in really late because of the craziness at MNL Airport. Not to fret, I was not going to let this ruin my first night in Adult Disneyland! With most of the bars shutting down, I hit up a few on Walking Street around 3am. I really was disappointed with the quality but can I blame them? I'm pretty sure most of the better looking ones got picked up early or decided to leave thinking they'd try their luck the next day.

With me ready to go home with my cocked tucked between my legs, I actually managed to get a really good looking spinner a Dollhouse. When all else fails, Dollhouse always comes through! I'm not sure what they're calling it nowadays but I dropped 3K Pesos for a lovely time with a nice, very hot and complete GFE with a little 20 year old. FYI. The workers claim Dollhouse is open 24 hours in case any other mongers decide to partake in the nightlife really really really late.

Hmm. Did I leave anything out? Sex was great with her poping several times until we both passed out. It would of been nice to wake up to a blowjob or her riding me but instead I woke up to her asking for a tip because she wanted to leave. How much do you guys usually tip? I rarely do because I spend so much money on them not including the 3K but that's just me. I will tip if I want to repeat service and all my standards are met.


09-27-13, 07:01
Hey fellas,

I'm flying solo on this mission and so if anyone wants company, PM me. Really ain't got much to do during the day and it's always fun to go hunting with someone rather than by yourself.


09-28-13, 04:16
Hi all,

I have been in Angeles now three times. In my opinion nothing changed over the last years, just the prices went up.

I read a lot about Angeles bars are raided and the scene is about to be closed down. I hereby give witness, that nothing has changed! There are still all bars open and every girl can be barfined.

I stayed 3 days in Wild Orchid Resort and 3 days in Orchis Inn, both are just a stone throw away from the bars. Bar fine was betwen 1800 and 2700 pesos. Beers are around 110 pesos in gogo bars and lady drinks go up to 330 pesos.

Whoever writes here, that the scene is going down does this by special purpose. Don't believe it.

I will come back to Angeles as long as the Russians are not entering the City as it happened in Pattaya.

09-28-13, 05:04
You are correct: give the girl a tip if you intend to invite her again in future. But in AC, one does not generally invite the same girl twice. And in AC, the business plan is that she gets paid in advance. So out of your 3k payment she receives, I suppose. 1.5k, plus a percentage of drinks you bought for her. That by itself is sufficient payment for good service. Depending on what went before, you are justified in withholding a bonus or tip.

That said, you should at the outset make clear what you expect: She can expect a tip "after morning sex", and she should not get out of bed and dressed before you do. It's up to you to explain this. A girl whose experience is mostly with pinoy boyfriends will assume that her job is done after one quick sex act, and the rest is just sleeping.

Day 1.Hmm. Did I leave anything out? Sex was great with her poping several times until we both passed out. It would of been nice to wake up to a blowjob or her riding me but instead I woke up to her asking for a tip because she wanted to leave. How much do you guys usually tip? I rarely do because I spend so much money on them not including the 3K but that's just me. I will tip if I want to repeat service and all my standards are met.YG

09-29-13, 02:01
Hey fellas,

I'm jonesing to watch some live American Football. Any suggestions on where I could go watch it? Most of the sports bars seem to always play rugby and soccer. I'm itching to watch some NCAA Football today and NFL tomorrow.



Key Master
09-29-13, 06:39
Hey fellas,

I'm jonesing to watch some live American Football. Any suggestions on where I could go watch it? Most of the sports bars seem to always play rugby and soccer. I'm itching to watch some NCAA Football today and NFL tomorrow.I can't say for sure, but you may want to try the old Cuba Cuba restaurant on Santos that is newly named AC Bar and Grill I believe. They are supposedly going through a soft opening right now and one of the managers on another board suggested they will be open for NFL football. I believe they used to show games there under the other business names and even allowed some betting. I don't know if that is still the same deal or not. Anyway, it's on Santos just off of Fields near the Pacific Breeze and across from the new Penthouse Hotel. You can walk by and ask ahead of time.

Also, just because other places may be showing certain other sports doesn't mean they won't change one of the televisions to another sport for a paying customer. I'm not saying they will but I've seen that before. The other issue is do they have access to the games? I'm not sure about the college football though.

09-29-13, 07:21
Paradise Beer Garden will accomodate you by changing the channel on a TV. Its on Fields behind McDonalds.

09-29-13, 12:12
Paradise Beer Garden will accomodate you by changing the channel on a TV. Its on Fields behind McDonalds.Yep! I believe I talked to the owner today who showed my the lineup for tomorrow. I believe the first game starts at 1am between the Vikings and Steelers. Can't remember the rest but the first few games are on live with the next 3 taped delays. If I can stay up that late, I'll try and go down.

SML's for about 60 Pesos I think? Seems like a good deal as well in a nice environment!

09-29-13, 12:23
Hi all,

I have been in Angeles now three times. In my opinion nothing changed over the last years, just the prices went up.

I read a lot about Angeles bars are raided and the scene is about to be closed down. I hereby give witness, that nothing has changed! There are still all bars open and every girl can be barfined.

I stayed 3 days in Wild Orchid Resort and 3 days in Orchis Inn, both are just a stone throw away from the bars. Bar fine was betwen 1800 and 2700 pesos. Beers are around 110 pesos in gogo bars and lady drinks go up to 330 pesos.

Whoever writes here, that the scene is going down does this by special purpose. Don't believe it.

I will come back to Angeles as long as the Russians are not entering the City as it happened in Pattaya.Well. It doesn't seem like much has changed but I noticed a few things. They really don't call it barfines no more. Whenever you use that word, they deny it and look at you as if you're an undercover official or something like that.

If you buy a SML beer for a girl, it's betweeon 250-350 pesos. That's why I just got straight tequila shots for like 150-200 pesos I think? More bang for your buck LOL!

D Cups
09-29-13, 15:44
Also, just because other places may be showing certain other sports doesn't mean they won't change one of the televisions to another sport for a paying customer. I'm not saying they will but I've seen that before. The other issue is do they have access to the games? I'm not sure about the college football though.YG, try Orchid Inn Resort 109 Raymond Street. The bar in the back by the pool. The manager there was willing to put NFL games on for me when I was there. Cute waitresses, too (well, some of them).

Fast Eddie 48
09-29-13, 23:08
YG, try Orchid Inn Resort 109 Raymond Street. The bar in the back by the pool. The manager there was willing to put NFL games on for me when I was there. Cute waitresses, too (well, some of them).To D cup

Most of the time there are more Soccer fan than NFL fans, I miss most of the NFL game when I was in Asia for 5 week just return home in the US but most hotel have star sport that show the Sunday night and Monday night game live in the morning.

Fast Eddie 48

09-30-13, 03:46
Most bars are open. Big bars are crowded. Small bars are hurting bad. Do not know how they can survive. Mamaans tell me only Saturday and suundays are crowded. Talking about barfine is taboo. Differnt bars have different proceures to take out girls. Most often only the girl herself can accept money and pay the bar. In some bars they give youa cheap bottle of wine.

I spent one night with non bargirl who sucked on everything. A constant complainer. She works as a maid.

Next night went barhopping and found a cute very friendly door girl. Had a great time with her including dancing at skytrack disco. Lots of freelancers in disco.

Will be off to manila and has a choice of three dia contacts.

Key Master
09-30-13, 04:03
Most bars are open. Big bars are crowded. Small bars are hurting bad. Do not know how they can survive. Mamaans tell me only Saturday and suundays are crowded. Talking about barfine is taboo. Differnt bars have different proceures to take out girls. Most often only the girl herself can accept money and pay the bar. In some bars they give youa cheap bottle of wine.

Next night went barhopping and found a cute very friendly door girl. Had a great time with her including dancing at skytrack disco. Lots of freelancers in disco.Currently here right now. I think it's a great time to be here. The talent level in terms of looks is probably one of the best times in the last few years I think. I have no clue if they are all performers of course. There is hardly anyone here even on this last weekend, there were a lot of pretty women still available way deep into the early morning. I didn't see many Koreans or Japanese at all. Not sure what the reasoning for that is. Normally I worry about the rush from the Koreans on a weekend but when I noticed how quiet it was, I took my time on trying to find someone and just enjoyed myself like a normal slow weekday with that much more available. The bars have to be hurting some.

There's lots of new small bars having been opened by Koreans here lately. Not sure how a few of them will be able to survive given their locations, then again, I'm not sure how some other ones here do also.

09-30-13, 05:54
Anyone know the going rate for trikes too locals? I believe they're charging 100 pesos a ride to foreigners which is a total ripoff! Haven't had the need to ride it at all this trip but I wouldn't mind if it was around 10-20 pesos!


09-30-13, 06:02
Currently here right now. I think it's a great time to be here. The talent level in terms of looks is probably one of the best times in the last few years I think. I have no clue if they are all performers of course. There is hardly anyone here even on this last weekend, there were a lot of pretty women still available way deep into the early morning. I didn't see many Koreans or Japanese at all. Not sure what the reasoning for that is. Normally I worry about the rush from the Koreans on a weekend but when I noticed how quiet it was, I took my time on trying to find someone and just enjoyed myself like a normal slow weekday with that much more available. The bars have to be hurting some.

There's lots of new small bars having been opened by Koreans here lately. Not sure how a few of them will be able to survive given their locations, then again, I'm not sure how some other ones here do also.Are any of those little bars any good? I should check them out I suppose? I haven't noticed too many Japanese and Koreans here in Angeles. A lot of Chinese though!

Anyone try those massage places? Any good? Not looking for extras but just a really good massage.


09-30-13, 06:15
You can view any sporting event in the world from the comfort of your own computer (


) free of charge.Assuming you have a fast internet connection (which you won't in AC). And assuming you like watching sports on a 15" laptop screen (which you won't).

Find a place with a large-screen TV. Hit a few places (previously mentioned) in advance and see if they will play the game for you.

09-30-13, 09:59
So I hit up the Perimeter Bars today, hoping to find that diamond in the rough! Most of the bars were pretty disappointing, talent wise. Maybe I was late? I did walk instead of paying the ripoff price of 100 pesos or ride a jeepny for 8 pesos.

My favorite bar has to of been Ice Bar! Ice Bar had several good looking girls but they weren't to my liking except for 2. I just didn't connect with them, so I passed. I can honestly say, the P is a place for the Aussies! Pretty much everyone I met was from Australia LOL. Not a bad thing of course, I love the energy that they bring!

X Man
09-30-13, 13:31
I've never paid 100 either way. Don't call it a ripoff if it really good business skills.

So I hit up the Perimeter Bars today, hoping to find that diamond in the rough! Most of the bars were pretty disappointing, talent wise. Maybe I was late? I did walk instead of paying the ripoff price of 100 pesos or ride a jeepny for 8 pesos.

My favorite bar has to of been Ice Bar! Ice Bar had several good looking girls but they weren't to my liking except for 2. I just didn't connect with them, so I passed. I can honestly say, the P is a place for the Aussies! Pretty much everyone I met was from Australia LOL. Not a bad thing of course, I love the energy that they bring!

10-01-13, 05:50

I am the first time in Angeles, been here now 4 days, and the girls in the bars seem all to be like 20+.

I would be happy if I could get some infos from some experienced members about finding talent! (of course nothing what is illigal).

Thanks Chris

Key Master
10-01-13, 07:14
Are any of those little bars any good? I should check them out I suppose? I haven't noticed too many Japanese and Koreans here in Angeles. A lot of Chinese though!I don't think they are all there yet. Bar Nana sp? Has been there for longer than the others and seemed to be ok. I think I saw a couple at Bento but I'm wondering if they were cherry, I didn't hang around there. The other ones recently opened didn't look that great. The new one on Fields near Champagne has a cool setup but pretty bad talent I thought. Maybe a couple of waitresses and a couple of dancers otherwise not so great. Hoping that one works out as I really like the design for a small bar. They messed up the bathroom though.

In regards to Perimeter, I don't normally have luck there myself. I think it's a different deal there, although I won't explain here my thoughts on that.

In the end, I say just go in and take a look and see if anything catches your eye enough to sit as many bars as you are willing. You don't have to buy a drink in every bar you go into. Bars can change day to day and hourly it may appear. Everyone has different tastes. Sunday thru Wednesday a lot of the women take days off, so it's hard to say what is what.

10-01-13, 07:24
. Sunday thru Wednesday a lot of the women take days off, so it's hard to say what is what.I heard from a trusted waitress now under the new rules girls can decide what days to wrk and what days they can take off. They will be fined 200 pesos per day. Another thing is since there is no more barfine girls can do whatever they want incuding doing freelancing outside work.

So if you are willing to wait till she gets off you can fuck her cheap. Human rights peope have put all these rrights for the girls so that tey are indentured in workplace.

10-01-13, 14:35

I am the first time in Angeles, been here now 4 days, and the girls in the bars seem all to be like 20+.

I would be happy if I could get some infos from some experienced members about finding talent! (of course nothing what is illigal).

Thanks ChrisA 22 year old isn't talent?

10-01-13, 15:02
A 22 year old isn't talent?At my age that's jailbait.

10-02-13, 05:34
A 22 year old isn't talent?Well, sure she has her benefits. But I had a different impression about this place. 22yo can be found anywhere around the world, maybe not that pretty, LOL thats just my taste.

I was hoping to find them a bit younger, thats all.

Key Master
10-02-13, 08:36
I heard from a trusted waitress now under the new rules girls can decide what days to wrk and what days they can take off. They will be fined 200 pesos per day. Another thing is since there is no more barfine girls can do whatever they want incuding doing freelancing outside work.

So if you are willing to wait till she gets off you can fuck her cheap. Human rights peope have put all these rrights for the girls so that tey are indentured in workplace.I don't know if that's the case for all the bars. I know a lot will sneak out given the right circumstances, but you always take a chance on her possibly getting taken out from the bar from someone else or her flaking for other reasons. I would probably not do so with someone I've never been with before to start. I'm not sure it's worth it to someone who is there for a short time vs someone who is there a lot or frequently where it is no big thing if she doesn't show. Based on talking to some about sneaking out, many are still fearful of getting caught.

10-02-13, 11:39
Last night, I seen a white guy all muscled and steroid up flip out on one of those cigarette vendors on Walking Street. He literally hit the vendors box up and made him spill everything in it. I can see how tensions can rise between the two, especially with all the badgering from the vendor but you need to keep your cool. Like 2 minutes later, word spread like wildfire and 30 of dem vendor boys gathered to do something about it. This Aussie or American dude was lucky to be saved by some working girls who dragged his ass into Tao Bar where security wouldn't let the vendors in. Eventually, I believe the mama was able to calm them boys down and things ended happily ever after.

I personally wouldn't mind kicking some of these local guys asses but I restrain myself. There's been times where I wanted to teach a taxi driver, trike driver, vendor or lady boy a thing or two but I haven't. When in unfamiliar territory, I would side with caution. The last thing you want to happen to you, is being jumped on your vacation or always having to watch your back.


10-02-13, 11:45

I am the first time in Angeles, been here now 4 days, and the girls in the bars seem all to be like 20+.

I would be happy if I could get some infos from some experienced members about finding talent! (of course nothing what is illigal).

Thanks ChrisYou need to get your butt their early! Talented girls go early if you didn't know! Especially right now, with a bunch of US Marines in town and me!


Fast Eddie 48
10-02-13, 22:59
Last night, I seen a white guy all muscled and steroid up flip out on one of those cigarette vendors on Walking Street. He literally hit the vendors box up and made him spill everything in it. I can see how tensions can rise between the two, especially with all the badgering from the vendor but you need to keep your cool. Like 2 minutes later, word spread like wildfire and 30 of dem vendor boys gathered to do something about it. This Aussie or American dude was lucky to be saved by some working girls who dragged his ass into Tao Bar where security wouldn't let the vendors in. Eventually, I believe the mama was able to calm them boys down and things ended happily ever after.

I personally wouldn't mind kicking some of these local guys asses but I restrain myself. There's been times where I wanted to teach a taxi driver, trike driver, vendor or lady boy a thing or two but I haven't. When in unfamiliar territory, I would side with caution. The last thing you want to happen to you, is being jumped on your vacation or always having to watch your back.


This guys is just trying to make a living they all have a tough life I always just smile and say no thanks and walk away, there are no need to get [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) at them you are in their country don't pick a fight and respect the people.

Fast Eddie 48

10-03-13, 01:21
To YG.

This guys is just trying to make a living they all have a tough life I always just smile and say no thanks and walk away, there are no need to get [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) at them you are in their country don't pick a fight and respect the people.

Fast Eddie 48Good advice Eddie. Some people just don't know different.

10-03-13, 02:14
To YG.

This guys is just trying to make a living they all have a tough life I always just smile and say no thanks and walk away, there are no need to get [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) at them you are in their country don't pick a fight and respect the people.

Fast Eddie 48I didn't say I'm the one making trouble. I do get annoyed by some of these vendors when after saying no thank you after 20 times, they continue to badger you! Or a taxi driver who decides to change the agreement you guys had after you guys drive off!


Red Kilt
10-03-13, 03:25
To YG.

This guys is just trying to make a living they all have a tough life I always just smile and say no thanks and walk away, there are no need to get [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) at them you are in their country don't pick a fight and respect the people.

Fast Eddie 48You misread the post Eddie.

You started giving YG a lecture about not getting too fussed by the vendors when all he did was post about what some other "white guy all muscled and steroid up (sic) flip out on one of those cigarette vendors"

The idea is sensible but pick your targets better.

10-03-13, 03:25
I didn't say I'm the one making trouble. I do get annoyed by some of these vendors when after saying no thank you after 20 times, they continue to badger you! Or a taxi driver who decides to change the agreement you guys had after you guys drive off!

YGSome days it wears down on you, other days it's all part of the experience.

But certainly just let it wash over.

10-03-13, 04:01
Some days it wears down on you, other days it's all part of the experience.

But certainly just let it wash over.I've found "No, thank you." usually does not work, even when said several times. But "Wala" works like a charm. Filipinos tell me it's a bit rude, so I go with one "No, thanks," followed by "Wala" 10 seconds later.

Member #4698
10-03-13, 04:10
If you don't like the AC Fields vendors then I recommend that you do not go to Baloy Beach. The Baloy Beach vendors act desperate and are just about the most persistent and annoying vendors I have ever come across. You can try to ignore them, but they have nothing better to do so they hang out waiting for you outside of the restaurants and hotels in second attempt to sell their goods in case the first attempt to make the sale as you entered the restaurant was not good enough. At times I feel sorry for them when I consider the deplorable economic situation that drives them to sell lousy seashells for next to nothing to uninterested tourists on the sea shore. It is one hell of a shitty low paying job. But then when they try to exploit my most vulnerable weak point I. E. When I am walking the beach with a girl and they intrude on our conversation refusing to take my first polite "no thank you" for a final answer and force me to stop, come out my romantic mode, and say in more forceful way;"NO THANK YOU! NOT NOW" that I begin to hate them a little. But, yeah, it is their country and I am shagging all their women for a few pesos, so even though they annoy me, I do try to stay polite. That muscle boy tourist deserved to get his ass kicked.

I was told the reason these guys hang out on Baloy Beach and not so much on Barrio Barreto main strip is because Baloy Beach is out of Olongapo jurisdiction. I assume this is true because it accounts for the tenacity of their sales approach. Anyway after experiencing Baloy Beach vendors, I find AC street vendors mild by comparison. I like Subic a lot despite these guys. It is just something you have to put up with and not let it tick you off.

10-03-13, 04:28
Eventually, I believe the mama was able to calm them boys down and things ended happily ever after.I wonder about the happily ever after. In my experience many Filipino guys, even those who are friends and acquaintances, can nurse a grudge for a long time over an argument or insult. Skin is thin. Toss a punch into the mix and the volatility increases exponentially. A lone Western stranger knocking a poor Filipino's head may find himself cornered by his pals a day or two later, especially if some got a good look at him before he was rescued and hidden in a bar.

10-03-13, 05:24
You misread the post Eddie.

You started giving YG a lecture about not getting too fussed by the vendors when all he did was post about what some other "white guy all muscled and steroid up (sic) flip out on one of those cigarette vendors"

The idea is sensible but pick your targets better.Thanks for the defense! I'm a lover not a fighter!


Red Kilt
10-03-13, 07:02
I wonder about the happily ever after. In my experience many Filipino guys, even those who are friends and acquaintances, can nurse a grudge for a long time over an argument or insult. Skin is thin. Toss a punch into the mix and the volatility increases exponentially. A lone Western stranger knocking a poor Filipino's head may find himself cornered by his pals a day or two later, especially if some got a good look at him before he was rescued and hidden in a bar.I agree. They have memories like steel traps.

I would be out of Dodge on the next stage coach

10-03-13, 11:27
After years of coming to this place, I finally got to tap that secret door! I know and I'm sure it's easy to come by if you throw enough Peso at the girl, she's below average looking or really really really in love with you. I didn't really want to go any of these routes on my pursuit of happiness!

So as always, I was bored as heck during the day here. I decided to find the cutest massage girl and invite her to my place for a massage at 400 pesos for I think an hour? When she arrived, I had no intentions of getting it on with her and she was very shy. So while this massage was getting on, I eventually get butt naked and she literally massages my entire body. Towards the end, she asks me if she can massage my cock and that's when I knew she wanted it. So I got her to undress, give me a above average BBBJ with lots of deep throating because she looks so innocent and then FIV and FIA. Once I felt her wetter than a waterfall and I presume she O'd at least 2 times and I went in for the kill in missionary, no anal yet. I think she popped again cause of her moans, motion and wetness. Then I flipped her over for some doggy with me being very rough in a sensitive way and taking charge. I grabbed her massage oil, lubed that 3rd hole and went in for the kill. I could really tell it was sore so I went slow but this turned me on even more. Eventually, I had to let loose, go buck wild and CIA with about 5 shots? LOL.

After our showers, I heard her on the toilet dropping a deuce and really really really feeling sorry. I tipped her a 1000 just because she was that fkn cute, innocent looking, gave a great legit massage and took it up the rear. I also figured it's still less than barfining a girl and buying her drinks with less pleasure and probably no ass. Hopefully she won't remember how sore it was up the butt and remembers how much peso's that ass brought her! .

I didn't even bother to film or photo this session because of her role as an everyday civilian. I probably should of but maybe next time!


Fast Eddie 48
10-03-13, 20:03
You misread the post Eddie.

You started giving YG a lecture about not getting too fussed by the vendors when all he did was post about what some other "white guy all muscled and steroid up (sic) flip out on one of those cigarette vendors"

The idea is sensible but pick your targets better.To RED.

Target what I am just respond to YG post I am not giving any Lecture just want to give my own IMHO to respect people in this country, sound like you are the one that is giving lecture or you are one of those RED NECK that like to pick flight with the Local.

Fast Eddie 48

Sixty Two Echo
10-03-13, 22:08
Hello everybody, I will be returning to Angeles City October 25th. If anybody would like to meet up and have a drink. Message me.

10-03-13, 23:06
Last night, I seen a white guy all muscled and steroid up flip out on one of those cigarette vendors on Walking Street. He literally hit the vendors box up and made him spill everything in it. I can see how tensions can rise between the two, especially with all the badgering from the vendor but you need to keep your cool. Like 2 minutes later, word spread like wildfire and 30 of dem vendor boys gathered to do something about it. This Aussie or American dude was lucky to be saved by some working girls who dragged his ass into Tao Bar where security wouldn't let the vendors in. Eventually, I believe the mama was able to calm them boys down and things ended happily ever after.

I personally wouldn't mind kicking some of these local guys asses but I restrain myself. There's been times where I wanted to teach a taxi driver, trike driver, vendor or lady boy a thing or two but I haven't. When in unfamiliar territory, I would side with caution. The last thing you want to happen to you, is being jumped on your vacation or always having to watch your back.

YGBe careful. They don't fight one on one.

4 drunk US troops mauled for bullying.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013.

Four American soldiers on R&R (rest and recreation) in Davao City were allegedly mauled by about 20 Dabawenyos after midnight on Sunday inside a bar on Palma Gil St. In Barrio Obrero.

The incident happened around 12:30 a. M. While the US soldiers, who appeared to be drunk, were bullying the people inside the bar.

A Dabawenya was also allegedly harassed by the American soldiers with one of the foreigners poking a dirty finger at the male companion of the Dabawenya who happened to be her boyfriend.

The Dabawenyo boyfriend then punched the face of the drunk soldier while other bystanders joined the melee. The other three US soldiers reportedly ran away leaving one of their companions mobbed by the crowd.

In a check with the Davao City Police Office (DCPO) , the incident was surprisingly not blottered. DCPO director Ronald dela Rosa also denied any knowledge on the incident.

Davao City Vice Mayor Paolo Duterte however confirmed the incident, saying he was informed by a colleague who happened to witness the whole incident.

But Duterte refused to divulge further details of the incident, saying that he was not there when it happened.

The vice mayor, however, appealed to all foreign visitors in Davao City not to act as if they are "God's gift to Dabawenyos." He said Dabawenyos also know how to defend themselves especially from bullies.


10-04-13, 09:41
Be careful. They don't fight one on one.

4 drunk US troops mauled for bullying.Anybody know when the US troops will be finished with their R&R?

Pip Jaeger
10-04-13, 12:32
Anybody know when the US troops will be finished with their R&R?They don't all take their R&R at the same time, LOL, otherwise who'd "mind the store"? You've got various units from several branches deployed throughout the Phils on joint training, support and special operations. But most are concentrated in the Subic and Davao areas, though I've come across a few in Cebu too. They give their people time off as needed, but generally it's only for a few days at a time. So chances are that at any given time a few may be out for a little I&I (Intercourse & Intoxication) in AC, Davao City or Cebu City, especially on the weekends.

10-05-13, 02:04
They don't all take their R&R at the same time, LOL, otherwise who'd "mind the store"? You've got various units from several branches deployed throughout the Phils on joint training, support and special operations. But most are concentrated in the Subic and Davao areas, though I've come across a few in Cebu too. They give their people time off as needed, but generally it's only for a few days at a time. So chances are that at any given time a few may be out for a little I&I (Intercourse & Intoxication) in AC, Davao City or Cebu City, especially on the weekends.Think the bulk of the US troops are still stationed in Zamboanga. I'm not aware of any long-term deployments to Davao, and most of the troops I've met here were staying at the Marco Polo.


10-07-13, 12:39
After years of coming to this place, I finally got to tap that secret door! I know and I'm sure it's easy to come by if you throw enough Peso at the girl, she's below average looking or really really really in love with you. I didn't really want to go any of these routes on my pursuit of happiness!

So as always, I was bored as heck during the day here. I decided to find the cutest massage girl and invite her to my place for a massage at 400 pesos for I think an hour? When she arrived, I had no intentions of getting it on with her and she was very shy. So while this massage was getting on, I eventually get butt naked and she literally massages my entire body. Towards the end, she asks me if she can massage my cock and that's when I knew she wanted it. So I got her to undress, give me a above average BBBJ with lots of deep throating because she looks so innocent and then FIV and FIA. Once I felt her wetter than a waterfall and I presume she O'd at least 2 times and I went in for the kill in missionary, no anal yet. I think she popped again cause of her moans, motion and wetness. Then I flipped her over for some doggy with me being very rough in a sensitive way and taking charge. I grabbed her massage oil, lubed that 3rd hole and went in for the kill. I could really tell it was sore so I went slow but this turned me on even more. Eventually, I had to let loose, go buck wild and CIA with about 5 shots? LOL.

After our showers, I heard her on the toilet dropping a deuce and really really really feeling sorry. I tipped her a 1000 just because she was that fkn cute, innocent looking, gave a great legit massage and took it up the rear. I also figured it's still less than barfining a girl and buying her drinks with less pleasure and probably no ass. Hopefully she won't remember how sore it was up the butt and remembers how much peso's that ass brought her! .

I didn't even bother to film or photo this session because of her role as an everyday civilian. I probably should of but maybe next time!

YGWhat was this place exactly? And where?

10-10-13, 23:04
Hi all,

Next week will be my first visit to the Philippines. I'll arrive at Manila Airport by noon and want to go straight to Angeles City. Can anybody tell me what is the best (fastest, cheapest and most comfortable) option to go from Manila Airport to Angeles City?


Wicked Roger
10-11-13, 02:37
Hi all,

Next week will be my first visit to the Philippines. I'll arrive at Manila Airport by noon and want to go straight to Angeles City. Can anybody tell me what is the best (fastest, cheapest and most comfortable) option to go from Manila Airport to Angeles City?

ThanksYour question has been well documented before in this thread and others so a search should be done using key words and you find all the information you require. Many will say RTFF.

Traveling John 2
10-11-13, 03:46
There are many ways to get around in Philippines and coming out of the airport without a plan can be overwhelming as many will try tell you theirs is the best way.

My favorite is hiring a driver. Nestor with Transport Service spoke great English like most people I met and was full of information. Cell: 0917 342 7438. Cheaper than getting a taxi, but more than the bus. He will meet you at the airport and take you to your hotel in Angeles.

Bus is cheap but requires you to research and be comfortable with public transportation. You will have to take a taxi from airport to bus station and then bus to angeles city bus station and from there a taxi to hotel.

Taxi, most expensive but easy because no research and already waiting for you at airport.

Hotel shuttles / bus. There are private companies that run airport routes and are a little cheaper than a taxi or hiring a driver, but more than the bus. I took one from Angeles City to Subic, but they also go to Manila. They are on a set schedule.

And to those that prefer to mention reading the form. It is not easy because of the side bar conversations, the useless post, and many other great post that have nothing to do with what you are looking for.

And for those that don't read the form. Google it, and if you add internationalsexguide into the search, it will pull up the threads that will help, but also the companies with the information you require.

Your question has been well documented before in this thread and others so a search should be done using key words and you find all the information you require. Many will say RTFF.

10-11-13, 07:03
Hi all,

Next week will be my first visit to the Philippines. I'll arrive at Manila Airport by noon and want to go straight to Angeles City. Can anybody tell me what is the best (fastest, cheapest and most comfortable) option to go from Manila Airport to Angeles City?

Thanks1. Safest and best is take a taxi to Swagman hotel in Ermita. They have the bus going to Angeles at 3. 30 PM. They will drop you off at your hotel in Angeles.

Swagman hotel is around the corner from Bayview Park hotel opp US embassy. UN avenue and Roxas boulevard. Taxi costa 200-400 depending on whether you take regular meter taxi or airport taxi.

Bus to Angeles costs 600 pesos.

2. You can take public buses from Bus depots but as you are a first timer I would not advice it. You need to take taxi to bus depot.

3. Take a taxi directly to Angeles. Negotiate with the taxi driver. Usually costa 2500-3000 pesos.

10-11-13, 08:17
Hi all,

Next week will be my first visit to the Philippines. I'll arrive at Manila Airport by noon and want to go straight to Angeles City. Can anybody tell me what is the best (fastest, cheapest and most comfortable) option to go from Manila Airport to Angeles City?

ThanksNoticing you are a newbie, please be sure that you take the time to share your experiences in the forum.

I have been using http://www.actiontravelac.com/airport-transfer-service.html For my transport. Saves having to deal with MNL taxi drivers. Action Travel driver will be waiting for you at MNL when you arrive.

10-11-13, 09:43
Hi all,

Next week will be my first visit to the Philippines. I'll arrive at Manila Airport by noon and want to go straight to Angeles City. Can anybody tell me what is the best (fastest, cheapest and most comfortable) option to go from Manila Airport to Angeles City?

ThanksSwagman also has vans that pick up at the airport. They take you to Swagman hotel in Manila and from there a motor coach to your hotel in Angeles.

The motor coaches are nice and a lot less then a taxi.

Checkout there website.

10-11-13, 09:55
Swaggy's Manila (Ermita) is on Flores Street just north of the US Embassy off of Roxas Blvd. Roxas is the "Lake Shore Drive" of Manila. I've traveled to Angeles for both business and pleasure and have never had a problem coming from or going to Swagman's, Manila or Angeles. You may be able to save $7. 00 to $10. 00 by endeavoring to take the public bus but as Samm said, Swagman drops you off at or very near to your hotel. Swaggy's is pure convenience with moderate comfort. Comfort level increases when the bus is only half full.

10-11-13, 13:16
I might be traveliing over to the Philppines and going to Angeles city. I need something for the flight back cause it a long flight home and was wondering if you could get prescription drugs lie ambien or xanax or even valium in Manila or Angeles city without needing a prescrpition.

10-11-13, 13:22
I had heard the Filipino men are rather tiny and in fact being Asian myself well I think I would feel very self conscience over there. I was wondering if other people out there had similar problems like we asians do and if everything went alright? I mean hopefully the girls didn't end up laughing or walking away hopefully. Any personal stories would be great. Don't be shy help me out.

Sad Sam
10-11-13, 15:23
There are many ways to get around in Philippines and coming out of the airport without a plan can be overwhelming as many will try tell you theirs is the best way.

My favorite is hiring a driver. Nestor with Transport Service spoke great English like most people I met and was full of information. Cell: 0917 342 7438. Cheaper than getting a taxi, but more than the bus. He will meet you at the airport and take you to your hotel in Angeles.

Bus is cheap but requires you to research and be comfortable with public transportation. You will have to take a taxi from airport to bus station and then bus to angeles city bus station and from there a taxi to hotel.

Taxi, most expensive but easy because no research and already waiting for you at airport.

Hotel shuttles / bus. There are private companies that run airport routes and are a little cheaper than a taxi or hiring a driver, but more than the bus. I took one from Angeles City to Subic, but they also go to Manila. They are on a set schedule.

And to those that prefer to mention reading the form. It is not easy because of the side bar conversations, the useless post, and many other great post that have nothing to do with what you are looking for.

And for those that don't read the form. Google it, and if you add internationalsexguide into the search, it will pull up the threads that will help, but also the companies with the information you require.Are you referring to the Philtranco service? While there is a lot of info about taxis or public buses which require multiple transfers, and Swagman's, there is hardly anything about a direct bus from AC or Clark airport to Manila airport. For me the Swagman's timings don't work. I am planning to try the Philtrano service but not sure how reliable they are. Anyone use them before and have any experiences to share about direct airport to airport routes?

10-11-13, 17:52
I had heard the Filipino men are rather tiny and in fact being Asian myself well I think I would feel very self conscience over there. I was wondering if other people out there had similar problems like we asians do and if everything went alright? I mean hopefully the girls didn't end up laughing or walking away hopefully. Any personal stories would be great. Don't be shy help me out.The only time size matters if you're just too damn big! I consider myself with an average size dick but it doesn't really matter. It's all about chemistry and your attack plan when you get her back to your room. Oh, almost forgot! Endurance on a guy is a girls best friend!


10-11-13, 20:05
I might be traveliing over to the Philppines and going to Angeles city. I need something for the flight back cause it a long flight home and was wondering if you could get prescription drugs lie ambien or xanax or even valium in Manila or Angeles city without needing a prescrpition.I am pretty sure you will need a prescription for Xanax or Valium. I have tried to buy Valium over the counter and have been told I need a prescription. The last time I was in AC I found a good Doctor to test my LT friend for std's. Very reasonable price. I am sure you can get a prescription from him.

Willie S. Lee, MD.

800 Malabanas Road.

Angeles City, Pampanga.

(045) 892-0610

10-11-13, 22:43
I had heard the Filipino men are rather tiny and in fact being Asian myself well I think I would feel very self conscience over there. I was wondering if other people out there had similar problems like we asians do and if everything went alright? I mean hopefully the girls didn't end up laughing or walking away hopefully. Any personal stories would be great. Don't be shy help me out.Yeah. If it's small. They will laugh. They don't know its not polite and they can be brutally honest. Some will even speak on it out loud."wow. You got tiny dick".

But they will still provide you with good service.

Soapy Smith
10-12-13, 01:00
Oh, almost forgot! Endurance on a guy is a girls best friend! YGExcept when they are pure mercenaries, in which case they will be unhappy about your endurance.

10-12-13, 09:50
Noticing you are a newbie, please be sure that you take the time to share your experiences in the forum.

I have been using.


For my transport. Saves having to deal with MNL taxi drivers. Action Travel driver will be waiting for you at MNL when you arrive.Hi,

I checked the website and I think this will be the best and most comfortable option.

Thanks for the advice.

10-12-13, 13:45
Hi All,

I'm warming to the idea of the Phils (and primarily AS) as my next OS trip early next year.

I'm thinking of going around Easter. Is this a good or bad time? In my head its good as I'm hoping there will be a break in college for holy week, but on the flipside, will it be full of festivals and not worth the effort?

Happy for any suggestions as for good and bad times to go.

10-12-13, 15:11
I had heard the Filipino men are rather tiny and in fact being Asian myself well I think I would feel very self conscience over there. I was wondering if other people out there had similar problems like we asians do and if everything went alright? I mean hopefully the girls didn't end up laughing or walking away hopefully. Any personal stories would be great. Don't be shy help me out.Actually some girls like small dicks. Less damage and less sore pussy. Mine is little above average and girls with tiny pussies get very sore after a couple of days of sex. Having said that there are many real horny girls even in AC bars.

Who are not satisfied with less sex. One girl I remember wanted sex non stop even though she is a bargirl. Not all bargirls get barfined and get sex all the time.

One thing good about Phi girls is they may not openly insult you about sexual matters. But you need to think different way. You are there for fun only. Who cares what they think?

You just have fun your way and go home. I am sure you will find receptive girls who value how you do it rather than the size.

Member #4698
10-12-13, 16:40
I'm thinking of going around Easter.I was in AC last Easter. Sure some girls went home to be with their families and SM Mall was closed on Good Friday and Easter (of course). No big deal. As far as Fields and Perimeter were concerned, all the bars were open for business and full of happy friendly girls. It seemed to me that all the girls who stayed in town were in a very good mood and looking to take real good care of me. AC was in a good vibe. All the restaurants and money changers on Fields were open for business too. So I had a great time in AC Easter week 2013. For Easter 2014 I am scheduled to be in Makati. I expect Burgos ladies will make me feel welcome over the holidays as well.

10-12-13, 19:30
The only time size matters if you're just too damn big! I consider myself with an average size dick but it doesn't really matter. It's all about chemistry and your attack plan when you get her back to your room. Oh, almost forgot! Endurance on a guy is a girls best friend!

YGIt's been my experience that the girls would rather you hurry the hell up and get it over with. While I have found some really good girls who like to fuck long time which I tend to keep for a few days due to this fact. I have also had many girls complain that I was taking to long by saying why you no cum yet or You to big my pussy hurt's.

10-13-13, 11:58
I understand the Carousel Bar was raided last night (Saturday ).

Can anyone confirm this?

10-13-13, 19:16
Carousel was raided. Yes first of LPG (LaPasha Group) to be affected. In depth report on other boards. This happened during the typhoon and apparently was not NBI. It was IJM and others. That's all I am sure of with certainty.

10-14-13, 00:23
I understand the Carousel Bar was raided last night (Saturday ).

Can anyone confirm this?Yes, girls taken away while the storm was hitting the area. Heard some white chicks from IMJ were involved with the raid-- No news yet if the "rescued" girls are out yet or when they will be released.
Hoping the raids were over but guess that's just wishful thinking.

10-14-13, 00:36
I had heard the Filipino men are rather tiny and in fact being Asian myself well I think I would feel very self conscience over there. I was wondering if other people out there had similar problems like we asians do and if everything went alright? I mean hopefully the girls didn't end up laughing or walking away hopefully. Any personal stories would be great. Don't be shy help me out.I won't worry too much while in AC.

The girls comes in 3 basic varieties.

1) Most don't care as they are just happy to get the BF and (money).this is the majority.

2) some do care and believe it or not, they ONLY want the big dicks. I've been to AC long enough to know a few girls that only prefer black guys (you can guess why).but this is the minority.

3) some only want Asian men, not for smaller dick size, but presumed bigger wallets.

So bottom line is except for the few (that prefer large dicks) , the majority don't care about small dick size

Wicked Roger
10-14-13, 07:14
Yes, girls taken away while the storm was hitting the area. Heard some white chicks from IMJ were involved with the raid- No news yet if the "rescued" girls are out yet or when they will be released.

Hoping the raids were over but guess that's just wishful thinking.And other FIlipno bars (Videokes) also.

Was with a good friend in his office (a coffee shop in Cebu) the other day and 3 white ladies in the age range we guessed to be mid 20-30s went to get coffee and their huge white asses where in our immediate eyeline. What a horrible sight and remnded both of us why we like pinays.

Perhaps the IJM ladies just jealous also and want to close all bars as to many cute girls. Their mission to make sure the guys only have their huge asses left in AC LOL.

10-14-13, 07:43
I decided to find the cutest massage girl and invite her to my place for a massage at 400 pesos for I think an hour? When she arrived, I had no intentions of getting it on with her and she was very shy.YG, Great story, but I have a couple of questions.

Firstly, how did she come over to your hotel? Did she leave work immediately or did you agree to meet after work? Did her employer have issues with her doing an outcall? Did you do an in-shop purchase first?

Secondly, I would have assumed that any massage girl who went back to your hotel would expect that other services would be on the menu. Have you had mixed success with other girls?

Apologies in advance if these questions are obvious, haven't been there yet and am painting a picture in my mind.

10-14-13, 11:13
YG, Great story, but I have a couple of questions.

Firstly, how did she come over to your hotel? Did she leave work immediately or did you agree to meet after work? Did her employer have issues with her doing an outcall? Did you do an in-shop purchase first?

Secondly, I would have assumed that any massage girl who went back to your hotel would expect that other services would be on the menu. Have you had mixed success with other girls?

Apologies in advance if these questions are obvious, haven't been there yet and am painting a picture in my mind.Yo! So these girls can either give you a massage at the business or follow you back. I told her to come meet me at my hotel in an hour and gave her my room number. It seems like they're almost freelancers? Have you ever seen all those cute massage girls by Burgos Street or near the entrance of Walking Street passing out flyers for massages and offering you massages? For years, I just walked by them and didn't think much of it until this trip!

This was the only type I propositioned the girl. Well, actually. We didn't even set a price and I didn't even expect extra services. My intentions were to just receive a good massage for 400 Pesos. When she told me, I'd be more comfortable naked while giving the massage, that got me horny as fuck! When she got done with the full body massage and while I'm on my back, she asked if she could massage my cock. That's when I just told her ok but you need to get undressed first. I would've tried it again but that was my last day in the Philippines.

She also didn't ask for extra money and seemed as if she wasn't expecting any extras. Maybe she was just really horny or lonely and found me attractive? I just know, she was wet as heck, after she got her O, I decided to get mines and slip my cock in the back door. I went slow at first to try and make her feel comfortable, while also using her own oils to lube that ass hole LOL. I eventually went in deep, hard and with aggression seeing as how I only get anal from my real life gf's and they'll only let me if I'm gentle.

I just tipped her whatevers because it was a great experience, far better than my 2 weeks in Angeles even though I had fun with every girl I took home and all the different bar scenes.


10-14-13, 13:16
Perhaps the IJM ladies just jealous also and want to close all bars as to many cute girls.Thats the point. Me now in Makati and Burgos, and sometimes seeing these ugly white whales, pretty hard not to throw up.

And BTW."IJM ladies"? Excuse me? Ladies? What is ladylike with them? They aren't females, they are objects, carbon units, carbon based lifeforms. But no females and definitely no ladies.

10-15-13, 03:43
I won't worry too much while in AC.

The girls comes in 3 basic varieties.

1) Most don't care as they are just happy to get the BF and (money). This is the majority.

2) some do care and believe it or not, they ONLY want the big dicks. I've been to AC long enough to know a few girls that only prefer black guys (you can guess why). But this is the minority.

3) some only want Asian men, not for smaller dick size, but presumed bigger wallets.

So bottom line is except for the few (that prefer large dicks) , the majority don't care about small dick sizeI'm a have to disagree. The reason some of them like black guys is because they have confidence, are good talkers and can dance. Keep in mind, they don't like or want all black guys. Just the young looking ones with swagger. It doesn't matter what race or ethnicity you are, if you meets these qualifications, you're in!

If you talk to a lot of girls, they'll tell you that dick size don't mean squat! If you want to get a girl off, it's all the other little things you do that'll do it! Shoot, I can get a girl off with just my thumb which ain't that big! I can even get a girl off with an itty bitty vibrator! Get one I'm saying? Most of these girls, if fresh and still tight will prefer small to average dicks and be satisfied. I can only imagine girls on the bigger side, had children etc actually enjoying it because there's a chance that their pussy is stretched out enough to actually enjoy it. Or perhaps these little girls will let you stick it in a quarter of the way and say they're enjoying it? LOL.


10-15-13, 07:02
Yo! So these girls can either give you a massage at the business or follow you back. I told her to come meet me at my hotel in an hour and gave her my room number. It seems like they're almost freelancers? Have you ever seen all those cute massage girls by Burgos Street or near the entrance of Walking Street passing out flyers for massages and offering you massages? For years, I just walked by them and didn't think much of it until this trip!

This was the only type I propositioned the girl. Well, actually. We didn't even set a price and I didn't even expect extra services. My intentions were to just receive a good massage for 400 Pesos. When she told me, I'd be more comfortable naked while giving the massage, that got me horny as fuck! When she got done with the full body massage and while I'm on my back, she asked if she could massage my cock. That's when I just told her ok but you need to get undressed first. I would've tried it again but that was my last day in the Philippines.

She also didn't ask for extra money and seemed as if she wasn't expecting any extras. Maybe she was just really horny or lonely and found me attractive? I just know, she was wet as heck, after she got her O, I decided to get mines and slip my cock in the back door. I went slow at first to try and make her feel comfortable, while also using her own oils to lube that ass hole LOL. I eventually went in deep, hard and with aggression seeing as how I only get anal from my real life gf's and they'll only let me if I'm gentle.

I just tipped her whatevers because it was a great experience, far better than my 2 weeks in Angeles even though I had fun with every girl I took home and all the different bar scenes.

YGThanks for the reply and info. I haven't been there yet but have a pretty good success rate with massage girls elsewhere and I generally look for them when abroad.

I am also astonished that she was happy with the 1000 pesos. I haven't traveled as much as I would have liked, but most places I've been to wouldn't buy a straight massage for that.

In any case, this is the best story I've read in the 15 or so pages I've read so far and I'm surprised that you didn't get more props for it from this forum!

Pip Jaeger
10-15-13, 08:18
and their huge white asses where in our immediate eyeline. What a horrible sight and remnded both of us why we like pinays.WR, considering your size, isn't that a bit like the pot calling the kettle black? I can only imagine what goes through a 30kg pinay's mind as she's sitting in a café sipping her latte and she has you in her "immediate eyeline". LOL

Red Kilt
10-15-13, 09:48

Classic post PJ. I will await WRs rejoinder with great anticipation.

10-15-13, 11:45
Thanks for the reply and info. I haven't been there yet but have a pretty good success rate with massage girls elsewhere and I generally look for them when abroad.

I am also astonished that she was happy with the 1000 pesos. I haven't traveled as much as I would have liked, but most places I've been to wouldn't buy a straight massage for that.

In any case, this is the best story I've read in the 15 or so pages I've read so far and I'm surprised that you didn't get more props for it from this forum!Thanks. I wanted to take pictures or record it but my hands were super oily from the massage oil she brought, which I used to lube up her asshole.

I think she just wanted to get some from me LOL. I think she was just expecting the 400 pesos for the massage LOL. FYI. I also listened to her as she told me her semi life story.

I'm actually itching to go back and try this approach more now.


Wicked Roger
10-15-13, 13:47
She is thinking honeyko, moneyko, gwapo, blue eyes and a big todger (as well as bigger that PJ and RKs) not necessarily in that order of course. But whichever way the order is, all of which are true of course LOL.

10-16-13, 13:10

I'm actually itching to go back and try this approach more now.

YGYou are in good company here. It's more fun in the Philippines.

10-20-13, 23:05
Getting To Angeles City.

I used the Swagman Fly The Bus service which departs the Swagman hotel in Manila at various times during the day and in my case, I took the 3:30 pm departure since I came back to Manila from Sabang Beach Puerto Galera that morning arriving at about 1:30 pm. This gave me about two hours to have a relaxing lunch at the Swagman hotel restaurant. It costs 600 P which is very reasonable considering a private car arranged by hotels are about 2700 P. Journey is about two hours as they stop at the Swagman hotel in AC first before dropping you off at which ever other hotel you are staying at in AC. Devera in my case. The Devera was also a ticket agent for the Swagman bus so booking a return ticket 24 hours before my departure with front desk was easy.

Devera Hotel.

The Devera was recently renovated and right in the middle section of the strip. It is next to Eurotel hotel on one side and Ponytails bar on the other with ABC hotel on the other side too. It's a five minute walk to the action at Field and within a five minute walk to the other direction, I was able to cover the Perimeter bars from Ponytails to Eruption. More on that later.

The room I got was by far the best I had on my entire Asia trip. Very nicely renovated and clean. The staff from the front desk to the room cleaners were all very nice addressing me as 'Hi Sir' each time I passed by. Another nice touch was complimentary bottle water which I had to pay for at other places in Manila and Sabang. The hotel also has a nice rooftop restaurant open for breakfast and lunch (plus dinner during high season). I was very pleased with the Devera and would likely stay here again.

Street Safety.

I stayed on the main streets of the strip as well as the side streets around Raymond and Santos at night without any issues. I was extra careful when the beggar kids were around as well as the ladyboys on the streets at Raymond. I just walked quicker at those sections but otherwise no big safety issues. I walked past the many cigarette boys since I don't smoke.

I never had to use local foreign exchange since I brought enough pesos from Canada. In fact, I finished my trip under budget and will sell back pesos back for Canadian dollars upon my return home.

How The Bars Work Now.

I first checked out the Perimeter bars close to me from Ponytails to Eruptions and found poor quality at all of them except for Ponytails. So I decided to stay and have a drink there. The mamasan said the white tag girls which are the majority of them, were 2500 P and the orange tag ones (just a few heavier uglier ones and a few waitresses) were 1500 P. There were several hotties I was interested in for sure at this place. Pretty straight forward but looks like prices went up. I asked to interview a cutie and after buying her a lady drink, she told me that she was a Cherry girl and therefore not comfortable staying overnight. I thanked her for her time and decided to leave since I feel the mamasan should have told me in advance so I won't waste my time.

I checked out Raymond and Santos streets by 7 pm and there was nothing I liked. Then went in all the bars around the Brown Sugar bunch and didn't like anything I saw until I walked into Insomnia which had potential for me. I asked the mamasan to bring me a cutie I spotted on stage. It was apparently the mamasan's first night and this is when things got confusing. Unlike at Ponytails, things were not as straight forward here at Insomnia and they would not answer my questions about take out directly.

They showed me this menu which had options like Party Animal at 1000 P and Party Animal deluxe at 1500 P and so on. The guest next to me happened to be the ex-owner of Extascy bar and he explain that I would pay the $1000 for a bottle of booze. This is what the bar gets. Then I would have to discuss about the payment to the girl directly with her. So I ask my cutie all the standard questions and she's willing to stay the night with me but when it came to a figure for her payment, she said up to me.

This was completely weird so the ex-bar owner beside me told me to respond with 1000 for the girl which she accepted and payment was okay for her at the hotel in the morning. After what seemed like back and forth between everyone to sort out details, I would officially order the party animal option. My cutie actually came back with an actual bottle, which I didn't want anyway. So the ex-bar guy suggested I tell the cutie to either keep the bottle for herself or give it away. With that sorted out, she went back to change.

My girl and I walked five minutes to the Devera as it was now about 1 am. Yes it took me that long to make my selection and sort out all the logistics. Insomnia certainly made things very complicated!

After a nice evening, I decided to treat the cutie to breakfast up at the rooftop restaurant. I had her order two Filipino dishes for us since I wanted to try all local cuisine if possible during my travels. She made good choices and according to her, the cook did an above average job preparing the dishes too. It was my first Filipino breakfast. Paid her the 1000 plus 100 tip, took some pictures and walked her back to Insomnia. But before letting her go, I asked her whether she wanted to go with me again since I was curious once more about the level of GFE whether it increases or not during a second time around. Also I was kind of tired of searching around the bars if things were going to be complicated at each place.

Her usual hours at Insomnia is from 6 pm to 3 am and sleeping at the girls' quarters behind the bar until 1 pm six days per week. She was enough of a sweetheart that I wanted to take her out of the bar quickly so she doesn't have to be stuck there as I noticed the Insomnia girls get bored on stage rather quickly. Not surprisingly, she readily accepted my offer.

I spent the afternoon walking the ten minute route to check out SM Mall (you do not need a trike to get there as it's an easy walk through the jeepney terminal across from the Devera). Lots of beautiful girls in there too. Had a halo halo dessert there. Then slept until it was time to go out and pick up my girl.

When I returned to Insomnia at 7 pm as I said I would, I told the mamasan of my intention to do the party animal logistics right away. I didn't even need a drink. My girl got things going and this time didn't even bother bringing the bottle. The other girls were quick shocked and happy for her that she was able to get out of the bar do fast. My girl was of course all smiles. I actually told her to bring me somewhere where we can have dinner so she brought me to this Korean Filipino restaurant off one of the side streets around the Santos area I think. She ordered the Filipino dish while by default I ordered the Korean one even though I'm not Korean and we had a blast.

We also had enough left over food that I got the restaurant to put the rest in styrofoam take out containers and gave it to my girl. She brought the extra food back to her quarters on the way back towards the Devera. After that, I decided to take her to Club Atlantis since I've never been there and was not able to look inside during my first night at AC. I wanted to check out the shows before I left AC and she agreed to come with me.

We were both not disappointed at the Atlantis as we caught an act of pole dancers doing an athletic act which in my opinion is worthy of a circus performance as they were that good. After Atlantis, we just ended up walking up and down Field a few times. High Society was dead and nothing was happening a Sky Trax so we decided to go back to the Devera.

Philippines GFE Experience.

I enjoyed my second full night with my cutie and obviously broke from my original plan of humping as many as I could. This cutie obviously made an impact on me. Before this trip GFE to me was simply that the girl was a bit more passionate and allowed kissing whereas non-GFE is just straight wham bam sex. So I've had both GFE and non-GFE. Enjoyed both during my travels to Costa Rica, Cuba, Thailand, Germany and Dominican Republic as well as in Montreal Canada.

I read about Filipinos being GFE so I thought, okay, so they kiss. No big extra deal. Man was I wrong and totally unprepared!

This cutie snuggled up to me early in the morning. My two evenings seemed like extended dates with a real girlfriend. Because of this, I hate to admit it but I started to develop some feelings for her. No I did not fall in love with her and will never start a relationship with a bar girl but nevertheless, still some feelings for her as I'm only human.

I was happy with my decisions and dating her like this really didn't cost me much. I did not take her out shopping or whatever. In the morning, I left 1000 plus 300 as a tip by her side of the bed. When she packed her things before we left for breakfast at the rooftop again, I noticed she did not take the money. Good thing I caught that because I asked her why didn't she take the money. After all, these girls need to support their families.

She then remarked in a slightly embarrassing way that I give her the money. I shrugged my shoulders not really understanding what happened and went over to the bed side table and grabbed the cash myself and handed it to her. She seemed happy then but I still don't know what happened here.

Anyway, she took a photo of me with her camera and asked for my Facebook info. She wanted the photos that were taking of her and I together. At this point, it was getting a bit hard for me to say goodbye to her as she ended up being the sweetest one among the four girls I was intimate with during my Phils trip (yes, it was only four and certainly I did not plan it this way).

No matter what happens, I know that I will not pursue anything with this sweetie other than maybe a friendship. Maybe some guys can do it but for me, having a real relationship with a bar girl no matter how sweet she is would be just too darn emotionally complex for all parties involved. I hate to say it but the moment she and others became a bar girl, it marked her in a negative way for potential relationship success.

After my final walk with her to Insomnia after breakfast (and more photos together) , we said our goodbyes and I returned to the Devera to prepare my checkout as the Swagman bus was coming to pick me up at noon (another great service option for Fly the Bus by the way as they drop you off and pick you up at your hotel). It was then that I noticed just how pretty the Devera front desk girls were. They were every bit as beautiful as the hottest bar girls on Field but probably without the emotional complications involved.

If I were to have the desire to pursue a real relationship with a Filipino girl, the Devera front desk girls, the ones working retail at the SM Mall and the flight attendants on Asian airlines remind me that the normal girls available are every bit as pretty and caring as the bar girls plus without all the baggage involved.

On my way back, I had to spend a night in Manila as I got to try out the infamous Manila Bay Cafe which I reported on a separate post. That MBC girl was certainly wilder than my AC sweetie and probably a better fuck too but it too helped me remember that there will always be a difference between those who get paid for sex and those who do not.

So this trip has taught me a few things. One that Asian girls as super hot and if I were to pursue a relationship with one, there are many non-bar girls available as long as I can differentiate them apart from the bar girls where I could lose some judgement while I'm with them having fun. It's a matter of being reminded that the non-bar girls are out there and they are every bit as beautiful as the bar girls even though things would have to develop over time.

Pip Jaeger
10-21-13, 00:19
Excellent FR XS, both here and in the other threads, thanks! Maybe you didn't bang a lot of girls, but sounds like you really enjoyed yourself.

I asked to interview a cutie and after buying her a lady drink, she told me that she was a Cherry girl and therefore not comfortable staying overnight. I thanked her for her time and decided to leave since I feel the mamasan should have told me in advance so I won't waste my time.Cherry girls frequently have a "cherry" on their I'd's and it's up to you to look for it or ask. The primary way they make their money is via lady drinks, but some will also do oral (receive and give). And don't blame the mamasan; she's there for there for her girls; next time ask.

In the morning, I left 1000 plus 300 as a tip by her side of the bed. When she packed her things before we left for breakfast at the rooftop again, I noticed she did not take the money. Good thing I caught that because I asked her why didn't she take the money. After all, these girls need to support their families.

She then remarked in a slightly embarrassing way that I give her the money. I shrugged my shoulders not really understanding what happened and went over to the bed side table and grabbed the cash myself and handed it to her. She seemed happy then but I still don't know what happened here.She was well trained, if she took the money if could have been perceived as stealing. Always best to give it to the girl to avoid any misunderstandings.

I hate to say it but the moment she and others became a bar girl, it marked her in a negative way for potential relationship success.Many bar girls are there for that reason, not just to support their families via the bar, but to find sponsors and / or husbands. And many will make good wives, but I agree; for many guys the fact of marrying a bar girl is a huge stumbling block. Also, if she is registered as GRO it could present some difficulties in getting a visa / green card down the line.

10-21-13, 01:20
I have tried to book a flight several times for Nov. On Tiger Air from BKK to clark without success. My credit card company s (2 from US) stated its a problem with Tiger Air's website. What gives? Any one experience this?

10-21-13, 01:52
I have tried to book a flight several times for Nov. On Tiger Air from BKK to clark without success. My credit card company s (2 from US) stated its a problem with Tiger Air's website. What gives? Any one experience this?I had the same problem is when I purchase my tiger airway ticket. I tired with 3 cards and none of them worked. I had to call my credit card companies. They said the system flagged the transaction as possible fraud. I had to verify some information about my account and then I was good to make the transaction. Also, on the tiger airways site there is an pop up that comes up after you click on complete purchase click yes for this pop up if not the transaction will decline.

10-21-13, 02:21
I have tried to book a flight several times for Nov. On Tiger Air from BKK to clark without success. My credit card company s (2 from US) stated its a problem with Tiger Air's website. What gives? Any one experience this?If you 'google' for "tiger air fraud", you will find answers with reference to "Fraud and the fear of fraud erodes trust in payment systems".

10-21-13, 03:53
Cherry girls frequently have a "cherry" on their I'd's and it's up to you to look for it or ask. The primary way they make their money is via lady drinks, but some will also do oral (receive and give). And don't blame the mamasan; she's there for there for her girls; next time ask.

She was well trained, if she took the money if could have been perceived as stealing. Always best to give it to the girl to avoid any misunderstandings.

Many bar girls are there for that reason, not just to support their families via the bar, but to find sponsors and / or husbands. And many will make good wives, but I agree; for many guys the fact of marrying a bar girl is a huge stumbling block. Also, if she is registered as GRO it could present some difficulties in getting a visa / green card down the line.Maybe I thought that the bar girls choose to be there because it was a way to support a baby at home, which a real cherry girl would not have. So I don't really understand why a girl who is a cherry would work in a bar. The highly specialized dancers say at Atlantis I would understand too if all they do is dance since they performances are so specialized and I assume they make enough just with dancing.

As for the money. I left it purposely on her clothes which were folded on the table. I don't see why else she would think I was oging to put the money on her folded clothes besides giving it to her.

What is a GRO? And yes, I do see that some bar girls including this one, would make a decent wive. It's that block on my side I guess.

10-21-13, 04:41
Cherry girls frequently have a "cherry" on their I'd's and it's up to you to look for it or ask. The primary way they make their money is via lady drinks, but some will also do oral (receive and give). And don't blame the mamasan; she's there for there for her girls; next time ask.It remind me talk with one girl in AC (don't remember which bar) :

"I was a cherry girl, good, I'm not cherry anymore. All the time BJ, BJ, BJ. My head was so tired"

10-21-13, 05:56
I had the same problem is when I purchase my tiger airway ticket. I tired with 3 cards and none of them worked. I had to call my credit card companies. They said the system flagged the transaction as possible fraud. I had to verify some information about my account and then I was good to make the transaction. Also, on the tiger airways site there is an pop up that comes up after you click on complete purchase click yes for this pop up if not the transaction will decline.Thanks I will try again. That shit was a pain in the ass.

Soapy Smith
10-21-13, 06:12
I have tried to book a flight several times for Nov. On Tiger Air from BKK to clark without success. My credit card company s (2 from US) stated its a problem with Tiger Air's website. What gives? Any one experience this?This is just a guess. Some credit card companies routinely block transactions from countries with track records for fraudulent transactions. For example, I have gotten shut down for credit card and debit card transactions in Korea, but not for the Philippines. Now I always give them a headsup whenever I travel out of the states. I tell them what countries I will be in and the dates of travel, and they program something into the account. When I take that precaution I do not experience getting my cards blocked. I think Tiger headquarters is in Singapore, so perhaps some credit card companies regard Singapore as a haven for fraudulent card purchases.

Jp Slicky
10-21-13, 12:05
I thought I would never ever set foot in Angles city but these guys working with me on a project here in japan asked me to go with them to Angles city. So this Friday we go and I may add they paid for my flight ticket. I will help them navigate with my eperience in the Phils. I have been advising them on some things but I just do not know Angeles that well.

As this is my first trip I read that the barfines are anywhere from 1500P to 3000P and not to tip anymore than 200P due to price increases there.

I would like to know what bars I should advise to stay out of:

What bars are definately worth a look:

Is there any place in Angles to find a safe FL? Say disco or something. I read street ladies can be a no no.

Sincere thanks for advise in advance

MS Clive
10-21-13, 12:18
Bareback seems to be very common in Philippines. Based on pics. I know from an STD perspective this is a death-wish but is this safer here than in other countries? What % of guys use condoms here with working girls?

10-21-13, 14:22
Maybe I thought that the bar girls choose to be there because it was a way to support a baby at home, which a real cherry girl would not have. So I don't really understand why a girl who is a cherry would work in a bar. SNIP.

As for the money. I left it purposely on her clothes which were folded on the table. I don't see why else she would think I was oging to put the money on her folded clothes besides giving it to her.Too much thinking, not enough culture. Pinoy culture is somewhat different possibly than yours. A girl works in a bar to make money, even if she doesn't barfine often. Many cherry girls are cute and often appear young, and many gents are dumb enough to sit and drink with her. A girl who gets two drinks in one night can double her salary.

Regarding the money you left on her clothes: most bargirls wouldn't touch money that you left in the open (she could get fired). If she was unsure (vague) on why you left it there, she'd leave it alone. The result of customer accusation of theft for a bargirl is pretty much the same as theft (even if it didn't occur).

10-21-13, 14:53
This is just a guess. Some credit card companies routinely block transactions from countries with track records for fraudulent transactions. For example, I have gotten shut down for credit card and debit card transactions in Korea, but not for the Philippines. Now I always give them a headsup whenever I travel out of the states. I tell them what countries I will be in and the dates of travel, and they program something into the account. When I take that precaution I do not experience getting my cards blocked. I think Tiger headquarters is in Singapore, so perhaps some credit card companies regard Singapore as a haven for fraudulent card purchases.I did face this issue, but I tried to book BKK to Singapore from BKK airport. I tried 4 Banks and only UOB Card worked successful. My Cards are Issued in Singapore.