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11-12-07, 22:47
Koreans are the most xenophobic, racist people on earth. You should see how they treat local Filipinos in Boracay.

I could not judge whether this statement is true or not! However, since there are certainly a number of Korean members reading these posts, we should be fair and refrain from such generalizations. IMHO, of course!

Cheers - Hesekiels

11-12-07, 23:52
since there are certainly a number of Korean members reading these posts,
Cheers - Hesekiels

Really? I would love to hear from them and maybe they can explain their rude disregarding behavior towards westerners, especially Americans, after all, we did make them who they are today.


11-13-07, 01:04
Racism is something better left out of this board. Mongering should be an all male thing. And not a color or class base issue.

I think enough has been already said. Let's move on now.

Hunny Buns
11-13-07, 03:19
Ok, firstly, what do you exactly mean, 'we did make them who they are today?' I'm guessing, you are saying, without USA, Korea (Republic of Korea) would not exisit? TRUE, but if you are saying America had a lot to do with Korea's economic well being, then.. come on now, what the heck are you smoking? American intervened in the name of freedom (capitalism) many, many, many countries and only a few are rich now. Korea is rich today because Korean people worked their ass off (and still do).

Secondly, yes, Koreans are very xenophobic, but it's got reasons. They don't necessarily think they are better than others, but they do want to protect their heritage and culture. This happens when you are a tiny country next to a huge one for 4900 years (China) then another superpower (military first, then ecnomic) for a 100 years (Japan). Korea is sandwiched right between them and has been invaded/occupied by both many times. Thus xenophobia comes in (way of not trusting outsiders).

Thirdly, Koreans do not despise non-Koreans in general. The type of Koreans that come to monger in AC/Manila are 'salary men' with no time to waste. Hence, they spend and don't care of building rapport with other mongers and girls. THey just want to do business (and they really spend a lot) and get back home to their families.

Fourthly, their perceived rudeness stems from their poor English skills, and lack of understanding of other cultures. What they do and how they do it is not considered rude to other Koreans. If you ever meet a Korean, you will realize that they are fiercely loyal and very emotional. If they become your friend, they will protect you til no end.

How do I know all this? Because I am Korean-American, and have families in both sides of the fence.

In conclusion, don't generalize please. That is no different than Korean bar girls in Itaewon (town next to American military base) saying all American are militaristic soldiers because all they have ever met were soldiers stationed in Korea. How dumb is that?

Or better yet, the AC bar girls stereotyping American men as fat balding dirty old men because that's all they've met.

AC is a great place to monger. Love the fact that every culture is there just to have fun. No need to stereotype any group as this simply breeds ingnorance.

Peace out!

Really? I would love to hear from them and maybe they can explain their rude disregarding behavior towards westerners, especially Americans, after all, we did make them who they are today.


Fast Eddie 48
11-13-07, 07:31
I could not judge whether this statement is true or not! However, since there are certainly a number of Korean members reading these posts, we should be fair and refrain from such generalizations. IMHO, of course!

Cheers - HesekielsHesekiel,

I am from US have many korean friend at home and I travel to asia alot for business , I have heard from many girl in PI and Thailand they don't like korean because they drink too much and they abused them and treat them like dirt ,personally I have had no problem with korean tourist and have not have trouble in Seoul but one thing korean people are not very friendly .

just my IMHO

fast eddie 48

11-13-07, 08:20
How is the p4p in AC I know alot of girl leave back home and return after new years but are there still any action in xmas? How is the p4p between xmas and new years? Should I head out and do some site seeing instead and not bother?

Thanks You will find a lot of action in AC between Xmas and New Years. Many girls cannot afford to go home to their provinces. How do you "know a lot of girls leave back home and return after new years." If you know why would you make this post?

11-13-07, 08:54
How do you "know a lot of girls leave back home and return after new years."
I've been there twice for Xmas and New Year, and IMHO it's simply true.
Especially many of the lookers, who make good money, travel home for that time.
I know several of them.

On the other hand, due to the huge number of girls there,
it's still lots of fun. No problem.


11-15-07, 18:06
I've been there twice for Xmas and New Year, and IMHO it's simply true.
Especially many of the lookers, who make good money, travel home for that time.
I know several of them.

On the other hand, due to the huge number of girls there,
it's still lots of fun. No problem.

Cheers!I second that. I went last year, I planned to stay for 10 days and I lasted only 3! Air Asia to Phnom Penh via Kuala Lumpur. Angeles is good fun but Christmas is not a good time of year if you like top quality!

11-16-07, 02:04
Finally spent 4 nights in Angeles City. For sure, there are lots of girls available and they are inexpensive. But the quality is lacking. But they are usually pretty passionate. Pacific Bleeze is adequate, close to the action. The SM Mall is good. I spent half a day every day walking in there. When I saw some girls there I like I tried to show interest and most of them smiles at me in return. I wonder if it means they are interested for me to approach them by talking to them?

If you can afford it, I recommend spending time in Manila. I picked up a girl at the Casino in the ESDA complex. Very good, barfine is $1,000 peso and $2,500peso for a short time. LA Cafe is jam packed with girls. Unfortunately, I picked one who had two kids, terrible body and no interests in fucking. My bad!!!!!

11-16-07, 04:42
Hey I went to EDSA too, paid the gal 2500 pesos longtime. If the first one doesn't agree, ask for another till you get what the American GI set up for us: A fuck in the night and a fuck in the morning. 2500 is a lot for these girls. If they had a regular job it would take them half a month to make that money. Don't be a fool that what they take us for.

11-17-07, 00:14
Hey I went to EDSA too, paid the gal 2500 pesos longtime. If the first one doesn't agree, ask for another till you get what the American GI set up for us: A fuck in the night and a fuck in the morning. 2500 is a lot for these girls. If they had a regular job it would take them half a month to make that money. Don't be a fool that what they take us for.

Well, after all the very best deals are offered in AC! 1300 pesos barfine - all inclusive - is simply unbeatable, isn't it?

Cheers - Hesekiels

11-19-07, 15:24
Quick couple of questions for the AC experts. I am thinking about a trip to PI/AC but the only time I can go is around the third week of December. If I don't go to AC my back up option is San Jose Costa Rica. Does anyone know if everyone packs up and leaves to go home for Christmas during that time? AC is a long way and I'd hate to make that long journey to find the place looking like a ghost town. I've also read the ATM's are unrealiable. I'm not really comfortable carrying my spending money in cash. I'm not a newbie and have hit Bangkok, Pattaya, Rio De Janerio, San Jose etc but I use a AAA travel money card that works at almost all ATM's I've ever encountered. Anything else anyone can offer as advice would be greatly appreciated as I am running out of time to make a decision and head east or southwest.

11-19-07, 19:09
Koreans are the most xenophobic, racist people on earth. You should see how they treat local Filipinos in Boracay. I'm suprised they don't end up dead in a ditch sometimes. Don't be offended about how rude they are in AC or in Korea, thats just their personality. Always frowning and drunk off their ass when going out.

But one thing is for sure, its not their fault about the changing climate of AC. Its the Americans that are putting these girls on their payroll so fast and all the hot girls working on cam sites now instead of working in the bars. You would be shocked how many cyberbeggars are out there duping the dumb Americans into sending them money before ever meeting them.I just spent two months in Korea and found the people there to be generally OK. Not bad, not great, very business like, a little cold. Of course I think that this can be said for most developed areas of the world outside of the tropics.

I DO KNOW FOR A FACT that they treat the Bar girls there like crap, basically enslaving them, they are shuttled from apartment where 12 or so are crammed into a 2 bedroom to the bar and back. Reminded me of India, not as bad but same type of lock them up and don't let them out type of setup. Goes back to bieng cold and all business and I guess these same people that see the enslaved bargirls in S Korea, mostly Phillipinas, have it engrained in them that they are of a lower class. Some might say most of us, myself included, are the same but I generally just feel that they are less fortunate than my self but in no ways inferior as a person.

11-19-07, 19:27

The bars in Puerto Galera have it right. Which a group of 5 or 6 girls take turns for about 3 songs then get off, only girls with decent body can dance. The rest walk around the bar and try to get drinks. In AC, even the most enthusiastic dancers can't stay consistence for the whole half hour, added to that, being on stage with 20 or 30 others, they don't feel being in the spot light, thus, become lazy.
Speaking of laziness, I've been comming to AC regularly for the last seven years and been hearing the same songs over and over in all the bars. I don't know why they even bother hiring DJs if they don't care to refresh their music selection.Duhhhhh this is a No-Brainer. As anyone who has been to a Dallas, home of the best topless joints, Topless club can attest to. Multiple stages, number depending on size of bar each girl comes on and does 2-3 songs max of her choice (from a pre-approved list) and then moves onto the next stage. Of course the GUYS should do thier part and do a little small bill tipping in the g-string to the dancers. Better dancers. Be it body, movement, sexiness whatever, make better tips.

It takes to things though to make it work. The right format and guys who understand how it works and are not such Fukn tightwads that they can't give a few bucks out to a girl for a job well done.

If the girls can make money at this then they practice this trade as well.

The bar has 3 stages each girl does two songs per stage 6 songs X 3. 5 minutes = 12-14 minutes of aerobics.

In between this round they have to go out and hustle the guys for drinks, lap dances or P4P.

A dozen girls in the bar and their would be 3 more full rotations so they would have about 40-45 minutes on the floor.

If a girl can't pull XX dollars dancing then she is undertalented, old/fat/ugly/crappy attitude. And should be sent off to a straight P4P bar.

11-19-07, 20:33
What I hate is when I was in Korea, so many places would not take me or my friends just because we were not Korean. This also happened to me many times in Japan. WTF? Talk about me being an unhappy camper.. I mean mongerer.EXACTLY.

I suppose in a perfect world it would all be tit for tat.

The Koreans come to phillipines and they have to go to a Korean only bar where the prices are 4-5 times what they are for anyone else. When they try to come in they get the crossed forearms sign (-:

No FHE in Japan but Korea, been there done that.

Key Master
11-20-07, 01:33
I've also read the ATM's are unrealiable. I'm not really comfortable carrying my spending money in cash.

I have a card that uses Cirrus and haven't had problems. One time it took the card asked me questions then booted my card out, no money no receipt. I was worried and checked online if money was withdrawn for that visit and it was not. I have had no issues otherwise except some ATM's are limited with how much cash they will dispense for each transaction. I have heard some people have a hard time finding ATM's that use a network that starts with a "P", but I don't have that network but have Cirrus. There are no ATM's that I know of on Fields or Perimiter Streets, but that's ok. This place is small and you can walk to SM Clark Mall very easy and get a ton of ATM's there. There are also a bunch on McArthur St. with all the banks there. Do bring some backup cash as all veterans of travel will. But I wouldn't worry if you have a Cirrus network for your ATM.

11-20-07, 23:28
Quick couple of questions for the AC experts. I am thinking about a trip to PI/AC but the only time I can go is around the third week of December. If I don't go to AC my back up option is San Jose Costa Rica. Does anyone know if everyone packs up and leaves to go home for Christmas during that time? .

to Figures:

I am certainly no expert, but be assured that there is still enough action in AC! During the past December I had an outstanding time there!

Cheers - Hesekiels

11-21-07, 03:59
My fourth time back to AC and I like it better every time.

The beginning or the end?

I’ve always been unsure as to whether I should begin or end a trip to the PI in AC. When you work for the man and only have a fixed number of weeks/days of vacation to spend in a year, you sometimes have to sacrifice any time off for months on end to be able to have time, a couple of times a year, for a few weeks in paradise. And sometimes the continuous stress of work means that, by the day I’m finally on my way, I can barely walk properly, much less screw properly! So time in AC is not necessarily well spent until I've had some rest.

On the other hand, what better place is there on earth to get over a case of jet lag? It’s not like you’re going to go to sleep early! You sleep half the day and party the whole night.

So what’s the solution? How about a few days at the beginning of the trip and a few days at the end, with some touring around the Visayas in between?

The bars

Taking my advice on experienced AC hands on the board, I’ve been spending more and more time on Perimeter on each trip. Fire and Ice had a nice line up, though there were never more than two or three on the floor at any given time. But it was early afternoon, and not much in the way of customers (just a few guys playing pool). Honey’kos was great, with a good lineup and friendly management.

On Fields, my favorite was Treasure Island, this trip. Friendly management, crazy waitresses, and a surprisingly high number of fine looking dancers, for such a small bar. Champagne, as always, wins hands down for fun. I don’t find Dollhouse as bad as some of the members of the board make it out to be. Not that much more expensive than the other Fields bars (as long as you’re specific on what you allow them for an LD). Camelot had a fine lineup, as always, including one particularly fetching beauty who we shall give more details on, below. Alaska and Lollipop have had some good press here, but I wasn’t impressed. Went into Lollipop early one evening and nothing but woofs. Alaska had a few cuties, but a bad attitude. As soon as I sat down, two of the waitresses tried to push one dancer on me as a “bargain barfine”. Apparently because her IQ was essentially the same as her age. Who needs that crap?

The girls

Had a cherry girl at Nero’s offer me her cherry and to spend my entire time with her. No thanks. Picked another cherry girl out of the lineup at Champagne. Always seems to be my luck.

Ended up with a fine young Dollhouse beauty my first night. Name of Maricar, if I remember correctly. But the jet lag got the better of me. In retrospect, all of the signs were there, in the bar, that she would turn out to be a dud. And she was, though not entirely her fault. We just didn’t connect. In bed, every time I turned right, she turned left, if you know what I mean.

Second night was with a beauty from Treasure Island named Missy. Nice girl and no lack of effort, but the girl just had no idea of what to do with a dick.

Back on night number one, I had spotted a smoking hot beauty at Camelot (her face is an 11 on a scale of 10), but couldn’t get her to come and sit with me. Even had a waitress ask her, but she said, “No”. Saw her again on the third night, and got some nice smiles from her, but she went and sat with some Asian guy. I figure, at this point, that she’s one of those girls who only goes with Asians. Later that night, after some further barhopping, I end up back in Camelot. Who walks in with a friend and comes straight over to me but my beauty (Jennifer). She’s all apologetic about having a bad headache the one night and the mamasan asking her to go and sit with that other guy, earlier tonight, before she could come and see me. Her friend is trying hard to corroborate her story (we know that bargirls around the world have never been known to collude on inventing a good story, right?) Well, I was to bed for the night on my own. We’ll see on my return if this girl is up to her word.

Sometimes I’m very bad at mongering

I've always been of the impression that each bar is a one-girl only proposition (except maybe some a massive place like Dollhouse). I think that for best service, you don't want a girl to know she's your second choice (there will always be exceptions). So going back for seconds at Treasure Island wasn't really an option, as Missy would come and sit with me the moment I walked in. Send her back to the stage and pick another? Not gonna happen. Similarly, even though Jennifer turned me down the first night, I wasn't going to take another girl out of Camelot, because there's always tomorrow.

Part 2: The return: Geng, the AC cherry boy

I was so spoiled from my experience with Pia in Tacloban that my expectation of beauties was way too high.

When back to see Jennifer at Camelot, but she explained her gynaecological problems to me and that she was unavailable as a result.

Had one real cutie lined up at Honeyko’s but I messed that one up with some bad timing.

Allowed myself to get obsessed by a girl at Las Vegas who was pre-booked and therefore unavailable, all three nights.

Fine ‘n Ice had some beauties but one was pre-booked for four days and four others were pre-barfined by another bar for some special event they were having.

Went into Lancelot one night. One guy had bought drinks for fifteen of the girls and was monopolizing their time, limiting the selection for the rest of us. Two Japanese walked in and were immediately intercepted by the mamasan (who hadn’t said a word to me in 15 minutes). She immediately ordered the two most beautiful girls in the bar over, who these gentlemen accepted and paid for without having spoken a single word to the girls. Then a few guys come in with about twenty girls in tow. If you know how crowded Lancelot is at the best of times, you can imagine what state this brought it to. Then one of them rang the bell and the rush to the bar (where I was sitting) by the girls made it into a thoroughly claustrophobic place. I was so squeezed that I couldn’t even drink my beer! Paid up and got out of there.

Etc., etc. You just learn more on each trip about how “to be and not to be”. I’ll always be back!

11-21-07, 04:17
WHO claims HIV prevalence among Angeles/Mabalacat CSWs has been between 0-1% depending on the year sampled:


It should be noted though that HIV tests are technically NOT mandatory in Phils and are not carried out too often.

Guys, i've mongered for over 20 years.
I hate condoms as much as the next man.
I have never knowingly fucked a pro without a condom.
I have never had an std.
I dont want to have an std coz i love sex & i dont want to get anything that will stop me enjoying sex.

Barebacking multiple p4p workers in places like angeles is just plain dumb.
It totally amazes me that guys post here that they have had unprotected sex with multiple p4p workers & they are ok. These guys are just kidding themselves.

If you cant stand condoms & you love sex then find a clean gf/gf's and bonk them bareback.
Just know where to buy the cytotec tabs for the inevitable pregnancies... :)

Happy mongering

11-22-07, 02:52
Guys, i've mongered for over 20 years.
I hate condoms as much as the next man.
I have never knowingly fucked a pro without a condom.
I have never had an std.
I dont want to have an std coz i love sex & i dont want to get anything that will stop me enjoying sex.

Barebacking multiple p4p workers in places like angeles is just plain dumb.
It totally amazes me that guys post here that they have had unprotected sex with multiple p4p workers & they are ok. These guys are just kidding themselves.

If you cant stand condoms & you love sex then find a clean gf/gf's and bonk them bareback.
Just know where to buy the cytotec tabs for the inevitable pregnancies... :)

Happy mongering

What is cytotec? Abortion pill? Is it sold in the PI? Asking for GF purposes, I too think its nuts to go bb with a hooker!

Buko Max
11-22-07, 05:38
Well, after all the very best deals are offered in AC! 1300 pesos barfine - all inclusive - is simply unbeatable, isn't it?
Was in AC a few days ago and the BF's are creeping up to 1350 now.

11-22-07, 09:12
Was looking thru Margaritaville's website and notice a list of holtel rates, maap and links.


Not sure how up to date but its a starting point.


11-22-07, 19:31
Was in AC a few days ago and the BF's are creeping up to 1350 now.

Thanks for the information, Mattrick! Wow, 50 pesos up, damn that's more than one buck - for LT! :)

Cheers - Hesekiels

11-23-07, 04:39
I agree to not being racist. I am half Asian myself. Most people think I'm half Filipino; which works to my advantage sometimes. I think the ladies do care mostly about the money, but they are human and most would rather go with who they would normally prefer. I'm sure if they had a choice of old, fat ugly guy, or young pricne charming hunk, they would choose the prince looking guy if the money was the same. Also your attitude and personality makes a big difference. I have come across a few girls in my time that played very hard to get and later found out they rarely ever go out with a customer. I believed them because they never asked for me to take them out, and it took quite some time to get them to agree, plus their friends had to give them some convincing too. I later asked them why they decided to go out with me and they said because they liked me.

What I hate is when I was in Korea, so many places would not take me or my friends just because we were not Korean. This also happened to me many times in Japan. WTF? Talk about me being an unhappy camper.. I mean mongerer.It is true that in korea they do not allow foreigners into many clubs and areas (even restaurants). I have had this experience as well as my buddies. I have lived her 5 years. I have a nice job here and it is close to Thailand and The Philippines. Some things do get on your nerves, like any where I guess. The banking system here is VERY foreign unfriendly. A Korean can get a bank card and access money outside of Korea, but a foreigner is given a different type of card where they can not access money outside of Korea. Some older cards let you do it, but the new ones they offer foreigners will not allow it.

11-23-07, 05:07
What is cytotec? Abortion pill? Is it sold in the PI? Asking for GF purposes, I too think its nuts to go bb with a hooker!

When (not if) your Phlippina gf gets knocked up you will need to know what to do about it because she will not. (if she does start worrying & go get STD tested).

Simplest & safest solution is for her to take a pill to abort the pregnancy.
If you are in Manila send her to Quaipo church. She buy's cytotec pills (around 1000php more or less) from the shange shange inside the church. It was formerly available from street vendors stalls outside the church but raids by the corrupt politicians have stopped that.

Abortion is illegal in the hypocritical Philippines.
This or any other pill is not legal there.

The medical use of Cytotec is to suppress inflammation in the stomach.
It has the unintended side effect of causing uterine bleeding & therefore abortion in pregnant women.

RU486 is better but unavailable in the phils.

Happy mongering

11-23-07, 06:01
When (not if) your Phlippina gf gets knocked up you will need to know what to do about it because she will not. (if she does start worrying & go get STD tested).

Simplest & safest solution is for her to take a pill to abort the pregnancy.
If you are in Manila send her to Quaipo church. She buy's cytotec pills (around 1000php more or less) from the shange shange inside the church. It was formerly available from street vendors stalls outside the church but raids by the corrupt politicians have stopped that.

Abortion is illegal in the hypocritical Philippines.
This or any other pill is not legal there.

The medical use of Cytotec is to suppress inflammation in the stomach.
It has the unintended side effect of causing uterine bleeding & therefore abortion in pregnant women.

RU486 is better but unavailable in the phils.

Happy mongering,

AmavidaThanks, Amavida. Is this item available in AC?

11-23-07, 06:40
When (not if) your Phlippina gf gets knocked up you will need to know what to do about it because she will not. (if she does start worrying & go get STD tested).

Simplest & safest solution is for her to take a pill to abort the pregnancy.
If you are in Manila send her to Quaipo church. She buy's cytotec pills (around 1000php more or less) from the shange shange inside the church. It was formerly available from street vendors stalls outside the church but raids by the corrupt politicians have stopped that.

Abortion is illegal in the hypocritical Philippines.
This or any other pill is not legal there.

The medical use of Cytotec is to suppress inflammation in the stomach.
It has the unintended side effect of causing uterine bleeding & therefore abortion in pregnant women.

RU486 is better but unavailable in the phils.

Happy mongering,

AmavidaGotta love the irony here - You can get an abortion pill in the same church that prohibits birth control which is the main reason the Philippines' populatiojn is so ridiculously high.

11-23-07, 16:10
Thanks, Amavida. Is this item available in AC?

I don't know wazza, I have never been there.
I assume its available in AC somewhere...
Since AC is only 2 hours from Manila it may be worth a trip. ;)

Happy mongering

11-23-07, 16:16
Gotta love the irony here - You can get an abortion pill in the same church that prohibits birth control which is the main reason the Philippines' populatiojn is so ridiculously high.

Yeah its bloody ironic all right.
The local Catholic church seems pragmatic and a little bit caring at least whereas the politicians there are self serving & totally uncaring of the damage their puritanical policies are causing.
To be fair they are representing a small rich middle class constituency which has a strongly uncaring puritanical stance.
Talk to well off pinoys there & marvel at the disgusting attitudes they have to 'the lower classes'

Happy mongering

11-23-07, 20:02
Guys, i've mongered for over 20 years.
I hate condoms as much as the next man.
I have never knowingly fucked a pro without a condom.
I have never had an std.
I dont want to have an std coz i love sex & i dont want to get anything that will stop me enjoying sex.

Barebacking multiple p4p workers in places like angeles is just plain dumb.
It totally amazes me that guys post here that they have had unprotected sex with multiple p4p workers & they are ok. These guys are just kidding themselves.

If you cant stand condoms & you love sex then find a clean gf/gf's and bonk them bareback.
Just know where to buy the cytotec tabs for the inevitable pregnancies... :)

Happy mongering

20 years and have never contracted anything? That’s an amazing feat. All I can say is wow. It reminds me of the guys who say "I never masturbated."

11-23-07, 22:12
OK, I am planning a trip to Asia for 10 days, yes I wish it was longer, but that's roughly what I am stuck with. From reading the reports and looking at some pics I've surmised the following:

Beautiful women
You will get laid
Low crime

Higher cost than AC

Angeles City
Inexpensive compared to Thailand

Crime/Scam ?
Girls on avg heavier
Not guaranteed to be laid
Pushy on marriage

The question(s) -- Is crime really a problem in AC? I don't get drunk, I am aware of my surroundings and I am fairly well traveled Europe, Middle East.

Are my cons on AC unfounded? I can deal with the looks of the girls, eventually you will find someone that is of interest.

My mongering has all been in the US or Europe.

11-24-07, 05:13
My fourth time back to AC and I like it better every time.

The girls

Back on night number one, I had spotted a smoking hot beauty at Camelot (her face is an 11 on a scale of 10), but couldn’t get her to come and sit with me. Even had a waitress ask her, but she said, “No”. Saw her again on the third night, and got some nice smiles from her, but she went and sat with some Asian guy. I figure, at this point, that she’s one of those girls who only goes with Asians. Later that night, after some further barhopping, I end up back in Camelot. Who walks in with a friend and comes straight over to me but my beauty (Jennifer). She’s all apologetic about having a bad headache the one night and the mamasan asking her to go and sit with that other guy, earlier tonight, before she could come and see me. Her friend is trying hard to corroborate her story (we know that bargirls around the world have never been known to collude on inventing a good story, right?) Well, I was to bed for the night on my own. We’ll see on my return if this girl is up to her word.

Sometimes I’m very bad at mongering

I know Jennifer, petite body, bud model like and very very cute face! I had her for 6 nights in July. She is nice and funny to be with. Small pussy. Not very good shagg. Her aspeciality are blowjobs with CIM. Yes. 1 h sessions. Some girls told me that she is also taking up the ass but I did not tried that. By this time she might be booked by someone. Or she might really have some pussy problems. But still she will affer BJs. Now also depends on your looks.

Rob Woodrow
11-24-07, 06:30
The question(s) -- Is crime really a problem in AC? I don't get drunk, I am aware of my surroundings and I am fairly well traveled Europe, Middle East.

Are my cons on AC unfounded? I can deal with the looks of the girls, eventually you will find someone that is of interest.

My mongering has all been in the US or Europe.If you're well-traveled, crime isn't a problem, or no worse than the alternatives anyway. Same standard warnings apply as anywhere else.

As far as not getting laid. That's technically true. What it really means is that there's no guarantee that if you just take a girl from a bar that you'll get laid. You really need to clarify that beforehand, before you leave the bar. There are lots of ways to do this, from flat-out telling the girl what you want, or playing with her in the bar and seeing her reaction, or buying mama a drink and asking for a recommendation, or a few other methods. Find a way that suits your style. No single correct answer here. But yeah. You gotta make sure first, about that and about menstruation if you're looking for a longer-term (I. E. Several days) fling. In my 1-week trip, I only had one problem on my first night. She "apparently" started menstruation between the time we left the bar and the time that we got to the hotel. Maybe B. S. , maybe true, but the only problem I had the whole week.

Pushy on marriage? In 10 days, I don't know. My guess is that it's possible, but not probable. In my week, I did have a couple that were clingy, but certainly not marriage-clingy. If you want to avoid all entanglements, I'd recommend that you either don't give email and/or cell phone numbers, or get disposable versions of both prior to the trip. Girls will ask for them.

Week must not have been too bad, since I'm going back NEXT week.

11-24-07, 06:37
ok, i am planning a trip to asia for 10 days, yes i wish it was longer, but that's roughly what i am stuck with. from reading the reports and looking at some pics i've surmised the following:

beautiful women
you will get laid
low crime

higher cost than ac

angeles city
inexpensive compared to thailand

crime/scam ?
girls on avg heavier
not guaranteed to be laid
pushy on marriage

the question(s) -- is crime really a problem in ac? i don't get drunk, i am aware of my surroundings and i am fairly well traveled europe, middle east.

are my cons on ac unfounded? i can deal with the looks of the girls, eventually you will find someone that is of interest.

my mongering has all been in the us or europe. have you considered visiting both destinations and you can draw your own conclusions on which one you like best.

for your information:

1) there are many beautiful girls in ac.

2) there is crime/scams in many countries and just not unique to ac. do not associate with any of the local men who try to befriend you in the street. if you are approached by young attractive girls offering you sex. ignore them, they are freelancers working with some local corrupt police. they are trying to set you up. go to the bars.

3) "girls on avg. heavier" not too sure what you mean? you have a choice, there are thousands of girls in the bars, you can choose what you want.

4) "not guaranteed to get laid". no money, no honey. in other words, the money talks and the bullshit walks.

5) "pushy on marriage" you can always say no. sorry just joking. contrary to popular belief, you will not be raped by an eighteen year virgin.

6) having been to both, i found thailand more cultural and the food was great. in ac, english is widely spoken and communication with the girls is a lot easier than in thailand. i found the girls in the philippines to be more friendly than their thai sisters. if you go to ac a few times, you will experience gfe. imho this is a phenomenon found only in pi. a girl will respect and treat you like you are her boy friend. i may have over simplified this but it not easily explained in just a few lines.

i am curious about your time in the middle east. take care, i wish you well. i sincerely hope i have been a help tp you.

11-24-07, 14:57
20 years and have never contracted anything? That’s an amazing feat. All I can say is wow. It reminds me of the guys who say "I never masturbated."

Condom or not, one thing you cant do much about is genital herpes.
Thats the one thing I cant protect myself from & I'd hate to get it.

So far I have never had to face the embarrassment of seeking treatment for an STD. I work in healthcare so it would _doubly_ embarrassing for me.
A bit like a cop being caught drink driving...

I've never been to places like AC because I think the temptation to dip your wick bareback is so strong and the likelihood of disease is quite high.

Don't kid yourselves guy's, you may not have any symptoms when you go home but you will end up bringing home a little memento you will wish you had'nt. A lot of guys make light of STD's. Diseases of the genito-urinary system can linger & reoccur for years. Don't get them. Just don't. Some of the things you can get are'nt even in the bloody text books.
Some of the things you can get will end your life.

I've always been able to look my sexual partners in the eye & say 'yes I'm clean, I've never had any STD' and thats the way its gonna stay!

Happy mongering

11-25-07, 17:49
As far as not getting laid. That's technically true. What it really means is that there's no guarantee that if you just take a girl from a bar that you'll get laid. You really need to clarify that beforehand, before you leave the bar.


Ok, of course it cannot be a mistake to clarify matters beforehand! However, as long as you don't barfine a cherry girl it is actually self-evident that you can f**k her (and all the girls know that since it is part of their business)! At least I never had a problem with that. However, I would rather recommend to discuss if the cuty is willing to stay until 8am.

Cheers - Hesekiels

11-25-07, 19:50
Wazza88 oversimplifies this a bit but this issue has been bantered about for nearly a decade. I say try both and see which place suits you. More of a fair comparison of Pattaya vs. AC.


1. Hotels better in Pattaya and more variety at cheaper rates.

2. Food better and more variety in Pattaya. Filipino food is aweful but plenty of western food in AC if thats your thing.

3. Safety a non-issue in both places really. Just don't pick up streetwalkers in AC as police setups are common.

4. Pattaya cleaner, more modern and at least near water where you can take a short boat ride to some small islands like Kho Larn.

5. English widely spoken in AC and Filpinas are dumb as rocks so its much easier to persuading them into doing just about anything.

6. GFE more available in AC. Girls are looking for a husband that won't mind that she is a hooker. Filipinas are desperate, Thai girls not so much as Thailand is more of a developing nation. Looks of the monger are of zero importance to Filipinas, as long as he treats her decent and has plenty of pisos for her and her pamily. Condoms almost unheard of in AC but VD is rampant. Condom use about 50/50 in Thailand but VD pretty rare.

7. Hygiene of AC girls the worst of any mongering destination. Many of that have only been there a couple times have not experienced this but stinkbox is common in AC, especially with the FOB girls with little education of hygiene and many just let the creampie just stew in their pussy without douche. Thai girls place a huge importance on cleanliness (Buddhist philosophy) and it is common for Thai girls to take showers before and after the deed. You will actually see a Thai girl squat down in the shower and use the shower head to clean themselves thorougly. You will never see the AC Samar girls do this. I have to bring feminine wash with me and have the girls use it. They are clueless when I give it to them and think its some kind of voodoo potion or something.

8. Thai girls are 10 times more beautiful than FIlipinas in AC. THere are stunning girls in the Phils but the ones in AC are normally from Leyte and Samar and are limited in looks. Lots of rice bellies in AC, very few in Pattaya. Filpinas like to eat more than they like to fuck. Thats not to say there are no slim girls in AC but they are becoming more and more rare. I would say there are beautiful girls in AC but they are not plentiful and get barfined early. Your average AC bargirl has a flat wide nose, short stocky body, etc. One thing I do love about AC girls is that many of them have long hair and full lips. Long hair becoming rare amongst Thai bargirls. Thai bargirls also like piercings and tatoos which is a big turnoff for me. Tatoos and piercings rare in AC. Many guys believe that a girls service makes her beautiful or that beautiful girls don't give good service so they are scared to barfine them, especially old and fat guys. In Thailand you get looks and service but you can also get primadonna attitudes from the gogo girls. Primadonna attitudes exist in some of the Blue Nile bars but its actually pretty rare in AC.

9. Pattaya has ladyboys that are much hotter than real girls so you have to be careful.

10. Cherry girls are usually the hottest girls in many of the smaller bars. Kind of frustrating. Many girls are fake cherry girls and you will find that out once they get in the room. Menstruation thing is just a bargirls way of telling you she doesnt want to barfine. Girls make more money from lady drinks than from barfining so many are not motivated to barfine unless they think they can get you as a sponsor for her and her family.

11. AC girls pleasant to talk to with a LD and are fun in the bar. Filpinas really look up to Euros, Ozzies and Americans. Thai girls hate foreigners deep down inside and just doing it for $. I speak Thai fluently so I pick up on all the comments. Filipinas not racist and actually like black guys as Filipinos have a similar look and military has been there for a long time with plenty of black GI's. Thai girls will go with black guys sometimes but many of the hot girls will refuse as it kills their business if their regulars find out, especially if the girl caters to Japanese or Korean clients. Thai girls are also racist towards Arabs and Indians, even if they are Americans or Euros. Filipinas will basically go with anyone as long as he doesnt stink and has pisos.

12. AC used to be a lot cheaper than Pattaya but its pretty much the same these days with a weak piso and rising barfine prices. ST is more of a norm in Pattaya but LT is no longer automatic in AC and many girls learning the way of multiple ST's. In general, AC is cheaper but Pattaya might be a better value.

13. AC is a third world shithole and there is little to do during your trip except fuck. Pattaya has amazing massage places, beaches, world class restaurants, etc. There is a great place called Hala Hotel and Spa in AC but its one of the few oasis you will see in AC other than going to the mall.

14. The locals in AC are way too involved in the scene. Tons of the dirbag local boyfriends roaming the streets at night and hanging out in front of Sky Traxx. Lots of tbirds (lesbians) prey on the new AC girls and hang out in front of the bars and try to chat up your barfine. Pisses me off to see the girls "brothers and cousins" in front of the bar or hanging out in the streets when the bars close to try to pick up on the girls. THai locals are only scene as workers in the service industry. Many of the THai girls have local bf's but you will never see them and never around the bar scene.


EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Rob Woodrow
11-26-07, 09:25

Ok, of course it cannot be a mistake to clarify matters beforehand! However, as long as you don't barfine a cherry girl it is actually self-evident that you can f**k her (and all the girls know that since it is part of their business)! At least I never had a problem with that. However, I would rather recommend to discuss if the cuty is willing to stay until 8am.

Cheers - HesekielsYeah. Like I said, I was only there once, for a week, so I certainly don't claim to be an expert. In reality, more than half the time the girl was talking about going to boom-boom before we ever left the bar.

11-26-07, 11:51

Ok, of course it cannot be a mistake to clarify matters beforehand! However, as long as you don't barfine a cherry girl it is actually self-evident that you can f**k her (and all the girls know that since it is part of their business)! At least I never had a problem with that. However, I would rather recommend to discuss if the cuty is willing to stay until 8am.

Cheers - Hesekiels

I agree with Rob, there is no certainly no guarantee just because you paid a fat fee to the bar that you are going to automatically get sex.

I've had the unpleasant experience of a 3500php bar fine sit mesmerised by tv, reluctantly give me 5 minutes of starfish & develop sudden need for sleep, no bonk in the morning & demand 2000php 'for me' in the morning as well.

A point I'd like to make is after a long hard day of haggling in business the last thing I want to do is spend my leisure hours in the evening negotiating & haggling for a friggin fuck. Ok sure its Asia, but I tire quickly of bullshit & lies when i'm out for a good time.

Happy mongering

11-26-07, 12:00
Wazza88 oversimplifies this a bit but this issue has been bantered about for nearly a decade. I say try both and see which place suits you. More of a fair comparison of Pattaya vs. AC.


11. ... Filipinas not racist and actually like black guys as Filipinos have a similar look and military has been there for a long time with plenty of black GI's. ... Thai girls are also racist towards Arabs and Indians, even if they are Americans or Euros. Filipinas will basically go with anyone as long as he doesnt stink and has pisos.

I agree with everything you said Optimus but I diagree with you about Filippinas not being racist. Unless its a peculiarity of AC to be non racist....?

I have found Pinoy family, friends & business associates very racist against people of color, Arabs & Muslims judging by their comments.

Happy mongering

11-26-07, 12:14
Girls in AC or other parts of Philippines are not racist as opposed to Thai. Some do not like Muslims only because of the insurgency in southern regions. I have gone out with some Muslim girls in Manila and they hide the fact that they are Muslims ( sorry, Pussy looks and smells the same).
Thai people are really racist because Thailand is a big tourist destination and they definitely like the white race. Being with a white guy is considered as a credit to the girl. Even if she is a normal girl she is more likely to date a white guy. Her family will also approve a white guy rather than other races. Thailand has seen lots of torists of different nationalities and they have already formed an opinion about them. It is impossible to change. But I am sure once they get to know somebody well they will treat them nicely.
Philippine girls have not seen all nationalities. They atleast for the moment are interested in money rather than distinguishing races. Having said that thay do prefer big spending koreans and japanese.

11-26-07, 12:26
Once you pay the barfine the girl is yours for the night or atleast part of it.
I never have been refused sex outright. Sometimes they will allow only one time. It is usually the better looking girls who are really tired of sex because they get barfined a lot. Usually it is the luck of the draw.
There are certain things you can do before barfining. By her actions you can make out whether she is interested in you or not most of the time. If they are interested in you and depending on your sexual technique she is more likely to give you lots of sex.
Next try to find a submissive type of girl and she is least likely to say no to anything. I am sure many of fellow mongers have seen this type.
Lastly you can prenegotiate with the girl and barfine only if she agrees.

11-26-07, 19:15
I agree with Rob, there is no certainly no guarantee just because you paid a fat fee to the bar that you are going to automatically get sex...


wow, that's indeed news to me, at least as far as AC is concerned!

Anybody here who had such kind of problems with his cuty? Actually I would rather doubt it!

Cheers - Hesekiels

11-27-07, 01:16
Well been here for almost a week and had some drama by an ex that is now working back at treasure Island. This is my 6th trip here and learned that you don't get to personally involved with girls unless you want some serrious drama. Learned that way back when on my first trip. Word of advice to newbies that go to ac. Many many and then there is many more girls to choose. But know this, it is a small area and the girls have friends who have friends and you will be seen. I think when I first came to ac I enjoyed the allure of Dollhouse, Lollipop, Treasure Island, and Champayne. Of course you have to throw Cambodia club in there too. But I have found that the clubs at other end tend to be a little more less pressure and the girls are alot more pleasing. I have a friend that I bf from Touch of Class. I will say that experience with here is by far the best I have had in ac. There are some chunky girls in some of these bars but there are some stunners as well. I am currently staying at Clarkton which I like. I am in the new building which really has some nice rooms that are as comparable to Pacific Breeze or wild orchid and the price is P2900 a night. They give you a small discount if stay a week or month. Well I be back in states on the 3rd for full trip details and yes pictures are on there way. I will quickly note that there are some changes on Santos street since my visit here in August. Anyway. Got to tend to my sleeping beauty in bed. A web cam girl I met the last time here!

12-01-07, 14:18
I am making a trip to AC arriving 14th Jan. I am looking for a wingman and the first couple of beers are on me. Anyone there at that time interested?

L A Guy
12-02-07, 22:31
Usually it is the luck of the draw.

There are certain things you can do before barfining. By her actions you can make out whether she is interested in you or not most of the time. If they are interested in you and depending on your sexual technique she is more likely to give you lots of sex.

Next try to find a submissive type of girl and she is least likely to say no to anything. I am sure many of fellow mongers have seen this type.

Lastly you can prenegotiate with the girl and barfine only if she agrees.Dont know so much about "luck of the draw", to a certain extent you can stack the deck in your favour with a little common sense, but everything else he says is true. I have found through experience, and most mongers will agree to this, that if you want a night to remember, as a rule you dont take the hottest most popular girl in the bar. This is Barfine 101 people, but it is a point that needs to be made again and again. Another good indicator of a good night ahead is to pick a girl who for lack of a better expression "picks you first", more often or not she will appreciate the fact that you picked her and thank you in kind later.

As for the comparisons between girls in AC and PYA (or Thailand in general), here are some of my views;

Hands down, overall Thailand has a much higher percentage of beautiful women. When you land at the airport, even the girls mopping the floor are attractive. By this I mean that if you see 10 women, then at least 7 will be nice enough to bang if you are not looking for a supermodel. PI also has some gorgeous women, but the percentage is less, so in 10 women, maybe 2 or 3 will be of the standard mentioned above. But a hot Filipina is as hot as a hot Thai (or hotter sometimes).

Now whilst I readily admit that Thai women are way more attractive, I do find Filipinas can be more SEXY. They have tits and butts like latina women, unlike Thai women who are generally quite flat. (This is down to personal taste as to whether that is a plus point or not obviously).

Filipinas also know how to do the whole dirty dancing thing a whole lot better than their Thai counterparts, who lets face it are not really good at that type of thing. I am not into the whole hiphop gangster bullshit that accompanies that, ie getting dragged to Sky Trax when the bars close etc, but it sure is fun to watch those girls shaking their booty :)

As another member mentioned, there is also the long hair and full lips (oh my... those luscious full lips...). And that accent just kills me, I cant get enough of it. Sirrrr would you like to barrrfine herrr :)

And lastly, (YMMV of course), but without a doubt the best sex I have EVER had has been with AC girls. Thai girls can be fun on a good day, but I find that Filipinas really get into it and literally "fuck you back". If they like you and are sufficiently aroused you will get hardcore dirty sex until your body literally cant function anymore.

I know some people out there have had different experiences and say the opposite to me on the sex thing, but those are my views for what they're worth.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

X Man
12-03-07, 14:19
Great post LA. You've obviosuly been around the block a few times. Everything you say tends to jibe with what I've experienced. As for the "girl chooses you", I've had such great results with this one that I'll often walk out of a bar if the girls I like won't give me a smile, or some other indicator. LA says, "for lack of a better expression", and I can't read his mind, but I'll give my own account.

If a girl is too aggressive, it's sometimes a turn off for me. What suits me is one who makes eye contact or smiles. Once you give them a smile back, they'll have their eyes on you for quite a while...and often seem genuinely happy when you call them over for a drink.

Then there are those women who are so hot that I spend two beers worth of time trying to catch their eye. If I finally make the first move, I inevitably find that they are cherry or otherwise not ready for a night with the X Man.

Nevertheless. I've been in some bars (mostly Cebu / EDSA), oogling one or two svelte young bodies when a group of East Asians come in and one minute later walk out with all the prime ladies. Sometimes I envy that strategy, but I still prefer the "girl picks me" and then we sit down and get to know eachother.

My last AC trip I had two rather unexpected incidents. Neither is very common, I'm afraid, but I'll share them nevertheless.

One was a door girl I chatted with, who told me she wasn't working, but was bored so came to the bar. It was cool and rainy and she was alone at the door. I invited her to go have something to eat, and an hour later I had my way with her....well into the next afternoon (she was on long term barfine).

The other was Ms. J, a tiny go go girl that was bleached blonde and acting exceptionally lesbianish with one of the other dancers. I barfined someone and was waiting at the door when Ms. J appears by my side. We chatted a bit and I slipped her my card. Turns out we were both enroute to Manila, but I almost gave her a pass because of her outrageous text messages, "I want to come to your room", "I'm horny", "I love sex and sex loves me". etc. There was never anything like a proper greeting or question. WHen I finally relented and met her, I was happy to find that she talked the talk, and walked the walk. My balls ached for the next two days from all the activity.

X Man

Dont know so much about "luck of the draw", to a certain extent you can stack the deck in your favour with a little common sense, but everything else he says is true. I have found through experience, and most mongers will agree to this, that if you want a night to remember, as a rule you dont take the hottest most popular girl in the bar. This is Barfine 101 people, but it is a point that needs to be made again and again. Another good indicator of a good night ahead is to pick a girl who for lack of a better expression "picks you first", more often or not she will appreciate the fact that you picked her and thank you in kind later.

As for the comparisons between girls in AC and PYA (or Thailand in general), here are some of my views;

Hands down, overall Thailand has a much higher percentage of beautiful women. When you land at the airport, even the girls mopping the floor are attractive. By this I mean that if you see 10 women, then at least 7 will be nice enough to bang if you are not looking for a supermodel. PI also has some gorgeous women, but the percentage is less, so in 10 women, maybe 2 or 3 will be of the standard mentioned above. But a hot Filipina is as hot as a hot Thai (or hotter sometimes).

Now whilst I readily admit that Thai women are way more attractive, I do find Filipinas can be more SEXY. They have tits and butts like latina women, unlike Thai women who are generally quite flat. (This is down to personal taste as to whether that is a plus point or not obviously).

Filipinas also know how to do the whole dirty dancing thing a whole lot better than their Thai counterparts, who lets face it are not really good at that type of thing. I am not into the whole hiphop gangster bullshit that accompanies that, ie getting dragged to Sky Trax when the bars close etc, but it sure is fun to watch those girls shaking their booty :)

As another member mentioned, there is also the long hair and full lips (oh my... those luscious full lips...). And that accent just kills me, I cant get enough of it. Sirrrr would you like to barrrfine herrr :)

And lastly, (YMMV of course), but without a doubt the best sex I have EVER had has been with AC girls. Thai girls can be fun on a good day, but I find that Filipinas really get into it and literally "fuck you back". If they like you and are sufficiently aroused you will get hardcore dirty sex until your body literally cant function anymore.

I know some people out there have had different experiences and say the opposite to me on the sex thing, but those are my views for what they're worth.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

12-04-07, 01:30
Optimus Prime gave what he belies is "more of a fair comparison of Pattaya vs. AC. " than wazza's version. I know both very well and have been to both more than 10 times each and offer these comments on OP's list.

1. Hotels better in Pattaya and more variety at cheaper rates.


2. Food better and more variety in Pattaya. Filipino food is aweful but plenty of western food in AC if thats your thing.

SLIGHT advantage to Pattaya but not nearly as big a difference as many suggest. Especially since SM opened, you can eat very well in AC. CERTAINLY food should NOT be the deciding factor which place to visit.

3. Safety a non-issue in both places really. Just don't pick up streetwalkers in AC as police setups are common.

By safety he means crime, but carnage on Pattaya roads is much worse due to drunken falang on motorbikes. In AC, you can walk most everywhere you would want to go (Perimeter road is a hike but frequent jeepneys make it easy to get around). Pattaya is MUCH larger and more spread out.

4. Pattaya cleaner, more modern and at least near water where you can take a short boat ride to some small islands like Kho Larn.


5. English widely spoken in AC and Filpinas are dumb as rocks so its much easier to persuading them into doing just about anything.

IMHO Filipinas are actually smarter and more educated than most Thais I have met. They are more AGREEABLE, not dumber.

6. GFE more available in AC. Girls are looking for a husband that won't mind that she is a hooker. Filipinas are desperate, Thai girls not so much as Thailand is more of a developing nation.

Agreed, and this above all other reasons is why guys seeking GFE should skip Thailand entirely. Those seeking as much sex with as many partners as possible should opt for Thailand.

Looks of the monger are of zero importance to Filipinas, as long as he treats her decent and has plenty of pisos for her and her pamily.

Disagree with this. Yes ugly guys get laid too but hardly different than Pattaya.

Condoms almost unheard of in AC but VD is rampant. Condom use about 50/50 in Thailand but VD pretty rare.

COMPLETELY UNTRUE. Don't take my word for it, Research this yourself. The poster knows not of which he speaks. AT ALL. In fact, STD incidence is MUCH higher in Thailand. Of EVERY type, not just HIV incidence which is higher by a factor of 100 or so.

The STD problem is Thailand is a major reason why guys who do BB should avoid Thailand (or Burma, Cambodia, China or Vietnam, all of which have WAY higher rates of STD infection than Indonesia or the Philippines).

7. Hygiene of AC girls the worst of any mongering destination. Many of that have only been there a couple times have not experienced this but stinkbox is common in AC, especially with the FOB girls with little education of hygiene and many just let the creampie just stew in their pussy without douche. Thai girls place a huge importance on cleanliness (Buddhist philosophy) and it is common for Thai girls to take showers before and after the deed. You will actually see a Thai girl squat down in the shower and use the shower head to clean themselves thorougly. You will never see the AC Samar girls do this. I have to bring feminine wash with me and have the girls use it. They are clueless when I give it to them and think its some kind of voodoo potion or something.

Disagree. The Thai OBSESSION with showering every few minutes is almost a psychological dysfunction IMHO. Some may like it, I find it extremely annoying. If 30 minutes has passed since the last shower, any spontaneity is destroyed by a "we shower again now". I have often debated never leaving the shower and just doing the deed there to save unnecessary time and walking back and forth.

Because of the easy of getting regular girls, I do VERY few hookers in Angeles but over many years going there have not had any problem with pekpek mamabajo (stinky pussy) or poor hygenie. Never had the problem in Thailand either

8. Thai girls are 10 times more beautiful than FIlipinas in AC.

Taste is subjective. Also, the guys who compare girls seen at Siam Paragon who will NEVER touch ANY falang, with bottom end hookers in AC brothels makes an unfair comparison. Most Pattaya hookers are Isaan girls, NOT the elite of Bangkok. And the good looking Filipinas give Angeles wide berth. The girls in the South are by and large more attractive IMHO.

There are stunning girls in the Phils but the ones in AC are normally from Leyte and Samar and are limited in looks. Lots of rice bellies in AC, very few in Pattaya. Filpinas like to eat more than they like to fuck.

Also thery love to SLEEP more. But certainly Filipinas enjoy sex more than Thais. There cannot even be a debate about that. Thais have sex because they are supposed to. They lack any real passion. While Filipinas are not quite up to Brazilian standards of passion, they are LIGHT YEARS ahead of the Thais. Ditto the Indonesians. Even the mercenary Vietnamese are much more passionate than Thais. EVERYTHING a Thai does is fake, from the smiles to the feigned orgasms. It is ALL SUPERFICIAL; pretty exterior but hollow and soulless inside.

Thats not to say there are no slim girls in AC but they are becoming more and more rare. I would say there are beautiful girls in AC but they are not plentiful and get barfined early. Your average AC bargirl has a flat wide nose, short stocky body, etc.

Over generalization but not entirely without foundation.

One thing I do love about AC girls is that many of them have long hair and full lips. Long hair becoming rare amongst Thai bargirls. Thai bargirls also like piercings and tatoos which is a big turnoff for me.

100% agree here; the tattos and piercings are a MAJOR turnoff; aso, more Pattaya girls smoke.

Tatoos and piercings rare in AC. Many guys believe that a girls service makes her beautiful or that beautiful girls don't give good service so they are scared to barfine them, especially old and fat guys. In Thailand you get looks and service but you can also get primadonna attitudes from the gogo girls. Primadonna attitudes exist in some of the Blue Nile bars but its actually pretty rare in AC.

AMEN. Agree 100%. I HATE Blue Nile as it reminds me of Thailand LOL

9. Pattaya has ladyboys that are much hotter than real girls so you have to be careful.


10. Cherry girls are usually the hottest girls in many of the smaller bars. Kind of frustrating. Many girls are fake cherry girls and you will find that out once they get in the room. Menstruation thing is just a bargirls way of telling you she doesnt want to barfine. Girls make more money from lady drinks than from barfining so many are not motivated to barfine unless they think they can get you as a sponsor for her and her family.

Agree, although 1 LD nets a modest commission but MANY (as opposed to 1 BF) generates more pisos)

11. AC girls pleasant to talk to with a LD and are fun in the bar. Filpinas really look up to Euros, Ozzies and Americans. Thai girls hate foreigners deep down inside and just doing it for $. I speak Thai fluently so I pick up on all the comments.

THIS IS THE #1 REASON the Filipinas are more fun than Thais.

Filipinas not racist and actually like black guys as Filipinos have a similar look and military has been there for a long time with plenty of black GI's. Thai girls will go with black guys sometimes but many of the hot girls will refuse as it kills their business if their regulars find out, especially if the girl caters to Japanese or Korean clients. Thai girls are also racist towards Arabs and Indians, even if they are Americans or Euros. Filipinas will basically go with anyone as long as he doesnt stink and has pisos.

Overgeneralization. UPPER class Filipinos are VERY racist. And while perhaps less picky than the Pattaya Prima Donnas, an overstatement.

12. AC used to be a lot cheaper than Pattaya but its pretty much the same these days with a weak piso and rising barfine prices. ST is more of a norm in Pattaya but LT is no longer automatic in AC and many girls learning the way of multiple ST's. In general, AC is cheaper but Pattaya might be a better value.

Prices not that different due to STRONG Piso (you said weak and it is the DOLLAR that is weak).

13. AC is a third world shithole and there is little to do during your trip except fuck. Pattaya has amazing massage places, beaches, world class restaurants, etc. There is a great place called Hala Hotel and Spa in AC but its one of the few oasis you will see in AC other than going to the mall.

This is typical of the BS spewed by TOT and the ignorant. There is a fair bit of interesting things to do within an hour or two of AC, but most never find it (and it is not my place to help the lazy). The Pattaya/Jomtien beaches are so spoiled by coliform bacteria levels that swimming is a major health hazard. Then there is all the litter. The restaurants are MARGINALLY better. The soapy message places are better, no doubt. There is the elephant ride. Oh so exciting, then there are the katoey shows. It gets old after 3 or 4 days IMHO.

14. The locals in AC are way too involved in the scene. Tons of the dirbag local boyfriends roaming the streets at night and hanging out in front of Sky Traxx. Lots of tbirds (lesbians) prey on the new AC girls and hang out in front of the bars and try to chat up your barfine. Pisses me off to see the girls "brothers and cousins" in front of the bar or hanging out in the streets when the bars close to try to pick up on the girls. THai locals are only scene as workers in the service industry. Many of the THai girls have local bf's but you will never see them and never around the bar scene.

Agree with this. The AC trike drivers are scum of the earth, as are the Viagra vendors and other assorted human flotsam wandering the streets. But then there is Pattaya and the Indian suit vendors and other assorted salespeople pestering you along Beach Road. Then there is the sewage treatment plant at the beginning of walking street and the lovely smells you are subjected to as you pass.

One thing omitted which IMHO is a MAJOR advantage of AC:

15: NO HORDES OF BALD, TATTOED, DRUNKEN EUROTRASH GANGS looking to pick fights. That is a uniquely Thai "attraction". Or the Russian Pimps with their stables. Or the Arab quarter chockablocka with folks that hate farang even more than the Thias do.

I do agree with Optimus that everybody should try both and make up his own mind which he prefers.

12-04-07, 06:49
Getting to Angeles City from Manila? I will fly into Manila, too much of a pain to fly into CRK. How do I get to Angeles City from Manila? Thanks for any info

Boy Louis
12-04-07, 08:25
Getting to Angeles City from Manila? I will fly into Manila, too much of a pain to fly into CRK. How do I get to Angeles City from Manila? Thanks for any infoPrivate car/taxi from Manila airport is $65 and bus is $12. I'd take a taxi from the airport to the bus station and save about $40 bucks!

Wicked Roger
12-04-07, 09:15
Getting to Angeles City from Manila? I will fly into Manila, too much of a pain to fly into CRK. How do I get to Angeles City from Manila? Thanks for any info
Could say RTFF but no! There is plenty of information on this in this thread and maybe Manila thread also

However..if you arrive at the International Airport, come out and go to your left where you will see the taxi booth, go inside and they will give you a ticket to give to the next taxi driver. Safest way about 2 hours depending on the time and day.

Don't take a taxi from unsolicited source at airport, use the apporved ones

Cost I think (but stand to be corrected by better knowning mongers) is 2500 pesos ot there abouts.

12-05-07, 02:58
We will just have to agree to disagree on many issues. I love both places but for different reasons.

On hygiene. You haven't been with that many AC bargirls so your opinion here not really as informed as others that have fucked 100plus bargirls in AC.

On disease. VD is rampant in AC now, everyone of my friends who recently visited AC has come back with some sort of VD due to chronic barebacking. Never caught VD in either place so I'm not really an expert here. AIDS is not 100 times greater in Thailand. AIDS decreasing exponentially in Thailand while increasing exponentially in Phils and Phils is a strict Catholic country that underreports AIDS for the benefit of Catholic propaganda of not wanting condom use.

On AC being a shithole. You are the first that has disagreed with this. You commented on places 1-2 hours away and that was not what the discussion was about. Baguio is way overrated and polluted but the beaches in Cebu, Bohol, Busuanga, Siargao, Palawan and other parts of Mindinao are the most beautiful on the planet. Too bad very little mongering there.

12-05-07, 07:57
VD is rampant in AC now, everyone of my friends who recently visited AC has come back with some sort of VD due to chronic barebacking.
OP, excuse, but what stands VD for??
Me totally clueless. :(

While Filipinas are not quite up to Brazilian standards of passion, they are LIGHT YEARS ahead of the Thais.
Ditto the Indonesians.
Thanks for mentioning the Indon-Sweeties. Fully agree with you.
Since I discovered Jakarta/Cebu/Bintan/AC/Manila/Surabaya/Tretes/Semarang etc,
I've never been back to Bangkok or Pattaya.
And I don't miss the Thai's at all.


Huis Wijn
12-05-07, 08:11
Are you kidding Ekspat.

Veneric disease.

But you know that for sure. Take care.

Huis Wijn
12-05-07, 10:08
Are you kidding, Ekspat.. (must have ... IMHO)

Veneric Disease(s)

Well, take care and be cautious / protected

12-05-07, 10:47
OP, excuse, but what stands VD for??
Me totally clueless. :(

Thanks for mentioning the Indon-Sweeties. Fully agree with you.
Since I discovered Jakarta/Cebu/Bintan/AC/Manila/Surabaya/Tretes/Semarang etc,
I've never been back to Bangkok or Pattaya.
And I don't miss the Thai's at all.

Cheers!Venereal Disease, such as Herpes, Chlamydia and the like.


Buko Max
12-05-07, 11:33
excuse, but what VD stands for??
Hello Ekspat, your excused! :D

VD = Venereal Disease

VD is rampant in AC now, everyone of my friends who recently visited AC has come back with some sort of VD due to chronic barebacking.
They asked for it and got it...........knuckleheads :eek:

12-06-07, 01:00
On hygiene. You haven't been with that many AC bargirls so your opinion here not really as informed as others that have fucked 100plus bargirls in AC.

"That many" is a relative term. CERTAINLY been with well over 100 over the years I have been going there. YMMV. Maybe I just pick cleaner ones LOL (kidding).

On disease. VD is rampant in AC now, everyone of my friends who recently visited AC has come back with some sort of VD due to chronic barebacking. Never caught VD in either place so I'm not really an expert here. AIDS is not 100 times greater in Thailand. AIDS decreasing exponentially in Thailand while increasing exponentially in Phils and Phils is a strict Catholic country that underreports AIDS for the benefit of Catholic propaganda of not wanting condom use.

With all due respect, your opinions are contradicted by the facts. All interested members should research this issue themselves as the statistics are readily available on the internet. I could quote reams of medical literature but there is no point as each member should research this himself. Your anecdotal reports from your friends are just that, anecdotes.

On AC being a shithole. You are the first that has disagreed with this.

I did not disagree at all. I disagree that Pattaya is Shangri La, comparatively speaking (as your post tends to suggest). Pattaya is a shithole located along a polluted stretch of beach. It is somewhat more scenic than Angeles (which is not saying much).

You commented on places 1-2 hours away and that was not what the discussion was about.

The ultra light flight depot is only 10 minutes or so from Balibago. Other attractions are further afield. What does Pattaya have within 10 minutes? Soapy massage is about the only added attraction IMHO.

Baguio is way overrated and polluted

Agreed. For an escape from the heat Banaue/Bontoc is much better. Ditto Chiang Rai. But they are all FAR from Angeles/Pattaya, respectively.

But the beaches in Cebu, Bohol, Busuanga, Siargao, Palawan and other parts of Mindinao are the most beautiful on the planet.

Its spelled Mindanao but you are correct here that they are AMONG the best (PLENTY of other places can make the same claim). I am impressed you know about Bohol and Siargao. I've been to all of those you mention (except Busuanga) and even better places and they are SO MUCH BETTER than Phuket, Samui, etc. I hear Ko Chang is lovely and still unspoiled but I have never been there.

Surprised you omitted mention of Broacay which is the be all and end all to those who THINK they know the PI much better than they REALLY do. I have zero interest in ever returning to Boracay as there are other islands not yet ruined by overdevelopment which are just as beautiful Too bad very little mongering there.

Not true at all with respect to Cebu.compared to Thailand's second city (Chiang Mai), the mongering is WAY BETTER in Cebu IMHO. Much nicer city than Chiang Mai also, and WAY less polluted.

The options in the others are much more limited as you note. But because it is so easy to find non pro companions, it is rarely an issue except for the incurable monger who must have different girls each night. They would be well advised to stick to cities.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

12-06-07, 02:15
Are you kidding Ekspat.

No, seriously, I didn't know that. I'm used to the abbreviations STD and STI, but VD I haven't heard before.
Me covered in 80% of cases, maybe 20% BB as attached, hehe....... :D
My one and only STD so far was 2003 in Phnom Penh.


12-06-07, 02:20
No, seriously, I didn't know that. I'm used to the abbreviations STD and STI, but VD I haven't heard before.
Me covered in 80% of cases, maybe 20% BB as attached, hehe....... :D
My one and only STD so far was 2003 in Phnom Penh.


Wow, what a gorgeous dark rear end. I would do it the same way.

12-06-07, 23:53
No, seriously, I didn't know that. I'm used to the abbreviations STD and STI, but VD I haven't heard before.
Me covered in 80% of cases, maybe 20% BB as attached, hehe....... :D
My one and only STD so far was 2003 in Phnom Penh.


Wow, Expat, a great picture indeed! Was that a Filipina?

See ya soon in the promised city! :)


12-07-07, 08:54
To answer your question, it is not likely to BF a hotel or restaurant staff. Probably slap your face if you offer them money.

Having said that it is possible to get them as freebies. I lived in Manila for 7 years but it has been 8 years since I moved away so others might have more up to date info. I do see a lot of comments from Manila mongers about picking up freebies at restaurants, store clerks in malls etc. I certainly did when I was there.


Samar 2009
12-07-07, 19:22
To answer your question, it is not likely to BF a hotel or restaurant staff. Probably slap your face if you offer them money.

Having said that it is possible to get them as freebies. I lived in Manila for 7 years but it has been 8 years since I moved away so others might have more up to date info. I do see a lot of comments from Manila mongers about picking up freebies at restaurants, store clerks in malls etc. I certainly did when I was there.

ESThanks ES for the warning.

I just asked this questions only because I was with some friends the other day which visited Phils about two years ago and I couldn't make any sence from the conversation we've had. A couple of guys were saying exactly what you are saying. Another guy was saying that he did pick up a staff member from the hotel he was staying and he did pay her manager P1000 in order for him to get someone else to fulfill the girl's duties that he went with.

I believe he just made the story up.

I just needed some clarification since I'm a first timer.

Thanks again and have a good day,


Buko Max
12-07-07, 19:29
To answer your question, it is not likely to BF a hotel or restaurant staff. Having said that it is possible to get them as freebies.
Yes it is possible in AC since many hotels have lounges where everybody is available for a price. The newly opened Shano's Irish Bar, (highly recomemded for the food and drink selection) has every waitress available for your pleasure. As far as hotel staff freebies go, that might be a different story since they all know why you are there.

Samar 2009
12-07-07, 20:19
Yes it is possible in AC since many hotels have lounges where everybody is available for a price. The newly opened Shano's Irish Bar, (highly recomemded for the food and drink selection) has every waitress available for your pleasure. As far as hotel staff freebies go, that might be a different story since they all know why you are there.Thanks Mattrick. Thanks for the info.

I just wanted to clarify a few things a friend of mine was quoting.

By the way, where is Shano's Irish Bar located (out of curiosity).

Happy hunting,


Buko Max
12-08-07, 14:26
By the way, where is Shano's Irish Bar located (out of curiosity).
It is located on the corner of Santos and Vian streets near Pacific Breeze and Wild Orchid : www.shanosirishpub.com

Samar 2009
12-08-07, 19:43
It is located on the corner of Santos and Vian streets near Pacific Breeze and Wild Orchid : www.shanosirishpub.comThanks again Mattrick.

Happy hunting,


Travel Spirit
12-08-07, 22:19
I met with many cherry girls in my recent trip. A mamasan in Dollhouse told me that from all the dancers there were fifty virgins! And the would-be first stud had to pay-depending on the girl-about 200000 pesos (over 3000€).

Αre there guys willing to be the first to taste some beauties paying this money?

12-09-07, 04:22
saturday, december 08, 2007

aussie jailed for [CodeWord125] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord125) 7-year old girl (1:56 p.m.)

angeles city -- an australian national is detained at the angeles city district jail after his live-in partner accused him of [CodeWord125] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord125) the latter's 7-year old daughter last wednesday.

senior superintendent george gaddi, angeles city police director, identified the suspect as terrence william hainsworth, 50, australian citizen, a transient of barangay anunas, angeles city.

hainesworth was charged for statutory [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) in relation to republic act 7610 before the office of the city prosecutor, according to senior inspector rene a. aspe, city police special operations group (sog) chief and foreign investigation and liaison office (filo) chief.

when investigated by po1 marianne t. trinidad, police station 4 women and children desk investigator, christie (not her real name) revealed that hainsworth raped her.

the girl's mom also disclosed to trinidad that she caught the suspect molesting her daughter.

medical records issued by the ospital ning angeles stated that the girl has lacerations on her genitals. (dmf/sun.star pampanga/sunnex)

12-09-07, 06:21
Not sure if that is really the going price.

A lady I spoke with a year ago said that she had been paid 40000P so allowing for inflation that would mean 50000P today.

On that basis, the bar is ripping off the lady and the punter.

Also, you might find that the 'first time' is not all that great - I should imagine the lady will suffer from nerves.

You might be better to bf a friendly cherry girl for a few times short time to get acquainted (and see how she goes with bj & hj). If you are then both relaxed with each other, you might bring up the subject of how much do the ladies get for a cherry popping.

You could go two ways here, say you are interested in doing it, and if she is not interested, could she act as a go between for someone who might?

If you got a positive response, you would also get a better overall experience imo than just getting someone cold out of a bar.

OTOH, I am not sure that I would trust them not to do a double cross and accuse you of assault after pocketing the money.

Country Club
12-09-07, 08:12
This might sound ridiculous. I am in AC now but I would like to know the going price for BF and standard tip. I BF a girl last night from Dollhouse for 1300p. That seemed right I guess and for the life of me when it came time for her to leave and tip time, I totally forgot from my last trip what was standard tip (I define standard as yes she was great in all aspects). I ended up giving her 1000p. Is that right? Please inform me and also any daytime activities going on now would be helpful, I've been out of the loop as of late due to a Filipina gf who has been hard to leave my side. Please do without the RTFF comments, a nice answer is appreciated. Cheers and anyone wanting to meet up in AC now give a shout!

12-09-07, 08:58
Hi Rubberyman,

I would suspect that the mamasan would be trying it on. Say a stupid number and see the reaction of the monger. Only the exceptionally naive or stupid newbie would take a mamasan at face value. 50 virgins. O. K. Is this verifiable? Who in their right would believe a mamasan who makes commission on bar fines, ladies drinks and more than likely selling the " cherry" of the cherry girl. Would you trust a real estate agent, used car salesman or a lawyer where you are living? Remember where you are. Would you put you wallet in your back pocket and go to sleep on a jeepney.

To Travel Spirit, don't be fooled by greedy mamasans in DollHouse. I am a member of some other boards which cover AC in depth. DollHouse generally has a bad name for scams and the like. Please do not be deceived by all the glitz and glamour. All that glitters is not gold. All the best, enjoy your time in P. I.

12-09-07, 09:15
Well guys, I had my cherry girl experience.

During a student friends party, 2 girls drunk, a small one. Not particularly attractive but very sweet. Got a crush on me.

After many hours cajoling, she asked for a condom and there we went.

That was very emotional, and I wish I had stopped.

Because after she could not stop bleeding, so we call the doctor, who said that she had trauma, internal bleeding, and need to go to hospital.

Arrived the (very old) father, who almost had an heart attack, because the girl was promised to a known family in the province.

Aahhh, now guess the best part: girl was not yet 18. Why didn't I ask before?

Arrangement with the doctor: father does not want scandal, so best is go to hospital for the full surgery, including repairing hymen so she looks virgin again.

The issue was settled, but I paid PHP 120, 000 for the operation, and I am clear. Father is happy, no scandal, and I have a liability waiver signed by them. Still cheaper than legal fees or supporting a baby for the rest of my life.

Scam? If yes, this would be by far the best ever seen. Girl was sincere, and I paid the medical checks, not in cash. Everyone agreed that I acted the right way, and I was not black-mailed.

I could have escaped, but they could have traced me down. Also, frankly speaking I made an error so better to repair it than risking problems and live like an ashole. Morality: STAY AWAY FROM CHERRY GIRLS.

But it was surely a one-time experience that I will put in my memories. Not the cherry-for-sale, but the real experience. Never to repeat of course.

Now I am in AC, trying to forget about that crap. But compared to Thailand, all the girls I have met here are little-experienced. Give me back the professionalism of Thai masseuses.

12-09-07, 09:43
Hi Country Club,

In Angeles (as opposed to Manila), NO tip is required. The BF/EWR covers all activities.

I think that a trike fare is a nice gesture, and IF (and only if) service is good, then a few hundred is regarded as a good tip.

I am no oil painting, but have never had any problem with the above except with one runner from Agasaya who also wanted a tip as well (and I paid her 200p just to get rid of her).

Your BF would be over the moon with that sort of payment. At least she will probably want to see you again. LOL! Perhaps you could tell her you thought it was a hundred since you are new to the area.

12-09-07, 09:51
This might sound ridiculous. I am in AC now but I would like to know the going price for BF and standard tip. I BF a girl last night from Dollhouse for 1300p. That seemed right I guess and for the life of me when it came time for her to leave and tip time, I totally forgot from my last trip what was standard tip (I define standard as yes she was great in all aspects). I ended up giving her 1000p. Is that right? Please inform me and also any daytime activities going on now would be helpful, I've been out of the loop as of late due to a Filipina gf who has been hard to leave my side. Please do without the RTFF comments, a nice answer is appreciated. Cheers and anyone wanting to meet up in AC now give a shout!Hi Country Club,

Check the price of the BF with management. Field Ave. prices may vary and could be different to Perimeter price. You tip according to the service, no hard or fast rules here. AC is basicilly a monger's paradise and daytime activities are few and far between. Unlike Thailand which has a lot going for it as far as the tourist things. Take it easy and take care...always.

12-09-07, 12:48

SWS is absolutely right! There is nothing more to add!

Cheers - Hesekiels

Travel Spirit
12-09-07, 17:29
In several bars, as Dollhouse, Brown Sugar, Viper, the ladies I more liked were cherry girls. I barfined only one and it was a memorable experience. In the bar she was very friendly. When I asked for her to join me for a drink, she came and pressed her body against me. She was all smiles and receptive to my caresses. As Amelita (her name) was also very beautiful, paid the barfine and walked off with her.

In the room I tried to create a relaxed atmosphere. We watched an educational erotic movie (there is always one DVD at least in my luggage) in each other's arm. She liked cuddling her and had a lustful look. We were given over to sensitive kisses as sitting back in the three seat leather sofa. After having a shower together we went to the bed. As she lied in bed I thought she was a lollipop so sucked almost every centimetre of that tempting flesh. Of course I did not leave eating her sweet pussy out. In return she performed, following my instructions, a soft slow CBJ. She was doing decently and after some minutes I finished with a moan of satisfaction. I had naughty plans in my mind and the girl was willing to please. I started giving her an oil massage exploring with my fingers every part of that sensual body. In a short time I was turned on and wild with passion started moving my cock between her thighs back and forth. Trying different positions I finally ejaculated on her perky tits.

Now I was into the embarrassing position to send her away after two hours of exciting action. I had to find another lady to fullfil my ‘dirty’ desires. Only if I intended to keep her as a mistress I would pay the exorbitant amount they ask. So giving Amelita a small tip I saw her to the door.

In Angeles my master plan is to find the suitable company and then to run away from this place. I give to myself a reasonable margin of time: three nights. Batad, Boracay, Talipanan etc etc (endless list) are awaiting me. Fortunately the bars run many hours so I have the opportunity to test many beauties until final choice. Focusing my attention mainly on sexual expertise the case of a cherry girl is rejected.

Rob Woodrow
12-10-07, 07:28
Dollhouse and Voodoo are open 24 hours, along with perhaps some of the Santos St. Places. I only went to Santos once on my trip (just HAD to have that experience), so I'm not sure.

I think Treasure Island and Dirty Duck open at noon. Gecko and Lollipop at 2. Probably some others I'm forgetting.

Yeah, I didn't have any trouble finding daytime activities. Sleep late, shower, eat breakfast, check email, monger.

12-10-07, 09:39
It is located on the corner of Santos and Vian streets near Pacific Breeze and Wild Orchid : www.shanosirishpub.comMenu looks pretty good. Some of the waitresses also.


12-10-07, 09:53
Yeah, I didn't have any trouble finding daytime activities. Sleep late, shower, eat breakfast, check email, monger.Repeat until totally satisfied or exhausted.


12-10-07, 12:29
Just wanted to post my review of this hotel.

I booked a superior room at US$ 90. Except if you go for a splurge, this is already wholefully adequate: perfect bed, large shower and bathtub, sitting area, and small semi-private terrace to sit, connect to internet and eat your breakfast if you are too lazy to go to the restaurant.

I ate 2 dinners there, and food was perfect, although a bit heavy. The restaurant has taken over by the Azurro chef the day I left, I had a chat with him and he promised a new menu and some pasta. I hope the service will not change. Only bitter taste was the price of the breakfast fresh orange juice (PHP 150).

The pool looks great, but it is not the vast open space of the Oasis hotel - pool and jacuzzi are squeezed between the 2 hotel wings, with little sun exposure.

This hotel is serious in its finish: really soundproof walls and windows, all furniture of high quality and design, everything working, really good service, some boutique touches like the chill-out music, many TV channels including some XXX (good to educate those ignorant girls). Some may not like the flamboyant taste of the paintings and chairs, but my opinion is that this hotel is very well run and worth its money. I can only hope that they will maintain it properly, and not let everything crumble after 1 year. As for me, I already make my next bookings.

Country Club
12-10-07, 13:26
Thanks guys for the great answers, they are much appreciated especially the tipping, I will save some php on my next BF. Well I was reading previous posts and there was a mention on STDs. Its not a popular subject to talk about but shit happens. I am sure at least one member has been burned on an AC trip. I'm not a fan of barebacking BFs, to each his own. However, to more than just give an opinion on the matter, does anyone know a clinic or doctor in Fields area that god forbid you get burned (ie. VD), you can visit and get checked out. I think being prepared for the worst is just smart and part of your how to prepare for a trip out here. Its been posted before, and I know now by experience: filipinas don't like condoms. So if they get a inebriated guy in the bed and he does not reach for that Trojan, my friend you are going bareback that night. Thanks again and answers are appreciated.

12-10-07, 17:54
Well guys, I had my cherry girl experience.

Because after she could not stop bleeding, so we call the doctor, who said that she had trauma, internal bleeding, and need to go to hospital.


The issue was settled, but I paid PHP 120, 000 for the operation, and I am clear.

I believe you when you say she was bleeding.
Without being nasty or judgmental I'd like to make two points :

1) IF you actually inflicted that level of injury on her to put her in hospital for major surgery then EITHER she had an unusual anatomy or you were way, WAY too rough with her.

2) 120,000 for surgery?? I suspect you got conned or the girl was in a VERY bad way.
Compare : One of my GF's had a recent Dilatation & Curetteage including pre & post op care of specialist Gynaecologist + anaethesia etc in Manila, 22,000php total.

*BTW 'repairing' the Hymen is virtually impossible & is another indication to me that you may have been scammed to some extent. Its medically impossible! Its just possible that the Gynaecologist threw a couple of stitches into the entrance of her vagina to make it a smaller fit in an attempt to simulate virginity but i would be horrified if that were the case because the poor girl will most probably have very painful sex for the rest of her life.

I have had several GF's who started out as virgins with me & I have never encountered anything like what you described.

Im kinda sickened by this report, sorry.


12-11-07, 04:30
Amavida, I appreciate your input.

I have been gentle, no worry. I am not a sick or brutish guy. True is that I am relatively big-sized.

I also believe that I have been conned - not by the girl or the father, but by the doctors.

It is highely likely that they spotted the perfect victim, being a foreigner.
So it was very easy to over-charge me for an "immediate surgery". Many big hospitals do that.

The girl was very nice, and I don't expect her to do such acting as I witnessed. But for the doctor coming, obviously dollars were flashing in her eyes. And for the father, he did not look actor, but also I guess he did not mind some compensation for the damage to his little girl. As for the hymen, you seem more expert than I am.
In my situation, like many other foreigners, you prefer to pay and run. I could contact my local business partners who have lawyers, but the situation could become nasty and it could damage my reputation.

I hope this clarification does not sicken you more. A bad experience, to be shared with the members of this Forum so that they don't do this mistake.

12-11-07, 05:03
Maybe I am too prolific on this subject, but want to add the following:

Of course, I was informed and prepared against the "girl in the street who asks to take a shower" scam; of course, I would not take a girl presented to me as an under-age virgin (or even regular virgin).

The whole set-up could have been a scam, although not complying with the classical rules: for instance, they could have added the usual police threat. Also, there was no real pressure for me to stay with the girl, it was very spontaneous.

Therefore I remain of the opinion that what happened was a gross over-charge by medics. This also happens when you have (or caused) a car accident, and must act in emergency at whatever first hospital you find. There is no time to ask for quotes. Strange enough, the (not beautiful but pleasant) lady-doctor wants to stay friend with me. Maybe she hopes to extract more from a sucker, but for scammer she could just disappear with her deeds.

So if my medical-conning can be of any lesson to the fellow members: if you want to take cherries, inform yourself before about a good gynecologist ready to act if necessary. If not, always ask, and pull out if you have any suspicion when you start the act (difficult when you are under influence of testosterone).

But damage could have been worse (baby anyone? ) so I take it as a lesson learned and to be shared.


12-11-07, 07:22
*BTW 'repairing' the Hymen is virtually impossible & is another indication to me that you may have been scammed to some extent. Its medically impossible!
Amavida, maybe doctors can't repair the original hymen, but there is some cosmetic surgery available to make is almost original.
It's often practiced in the Middle East countries where the girls play around, but then they have to be virgin for the arranged marriage.
It's a big business over there and only a small surgery.


X Man
12-11-07, 10:58
SWS, thanks for sharing your experience. I've always managed to outrun those Filipina virgins, although I've bagged a few Japanese women with much better results than you've had. They both came back for more and learned to enjoy it. One was very appreciative since here girlfriend had a bad expierience...guy lauged at her for being a virgin...

Since the doc wanted to keep in touch with you, why don't you ask why it cost so much? Do it in a very tactful way of course.

Are you still in touch with the girl? Imagine...you can pop her cherry twice!

As for AV, he's the "expert" at defloweration. But don't ask for too many details as he's very sensitve about the topic. It seems he's much better at attacking people about hymen removal.

X Man

Amavida, I appreciate your input.

As for the hymen, you seem more expert than I am.

12-11-07, 17:55
Like a lot of posts on this board, I figured that TravelSpirit's cherry girl report was nothing more than Penthouse Forum FICTION but then I really could tell it was fiction when he said the girl gave him a covered BJ. In all my 17 trips to the PHils and at least 10-15 friends that live or travel there regularly, I have never heard of a bargirl giving a covered BJ, NEVER.

Tough to tell truth from fiction here.

12-11-07, 22:39
... It's a big business over there and only a small surgery ...

Yeah, a big business and even a bigger cheat, isn't it? Mundus vult decipi! :)

Cheers - Hesekiels

12-12-07, 00:00
Actually sexwithsmile, if she got a full proper skin graft type hymen replacement, AND there was some internal problem needing fixing, AND it was an emergency, then you probably weren't scammed that much if at all.

(Of course if there was no real problem and they only put in a stitch or two, you were scammed. However, nobody here could judge that.)

Also, given that someone was talking about a quote of 200,000P for a cherry girl from Dollhouse, you got it a bit cheaper than that.

Whatever, you dealt with it well and it reflects credit on you.

12-12-07, 03:27

I appreciate your input from all of you. That's why this Forum is about. And if I have a next virgin experience, I'll be much better prepared.

As for the ongoing debate Philippina. Thai girl, so far my heart balances for the Thai professionalism and I shall spend Christmas in Bangkok, where I "date" 2 masseuse girls who give all what a man can desire.

But Philippines have of course their "crush" and can be much more spontaneous partners. However, their sex practice is (IMHO and limited experience in AC) not as good. One small Caroussel girl had a "crush" on me (so sweet) and is no virgin, so I'll take her on vacation in Palawan.

After Philippines, it will be Japan where a married Japanese waits for me. So life is not bad after all.

Enjoy all of you.


Travel Spirit
12-12-07, 19:54

If I cannot get the desired service, I’ll reconcile myself to a satisfying substitute. I am very familiar with covered blowjob so the thin condom is not a barrier to pleasuse.

I know at first hand that the working girls in Balibago don’t like the covered action. To my question about this they say that they leave it to chance! Sometimes I am barebacker but I wonder whether I should trust to luck.

The story is not at all fiction besides everybody can repeat it easily. During my next trip I intend to punish (covered) the back door of a cherry girl. Is that asking a lot? Will it be a hard job? Wait and see.

Anyway I don’t like to waste my time with virgin dancers. Short time now and then is an other thing.

12-12-07, 22:03
Like a lot of posts on this board, I figured that TravelSpirit's cherry girl report was nothing more than Penthouse Forum FICTION but then I really could tell it was fiction when he said the girl gave him a covered BJ. In all my 17 trips to the PHils and at least 10-15 friends that live or travel there regularly, I have never heard of a bargirl giving a covered BJ, NEVER.

Tough to tell truth from fiction here.Maybe she saw something on him we never want to see on us. Laughing:)

12-12-07, 22:38
Shano's FINALLY opened? Been there for awhile and wondered when it might actually open. I wonder whether they sold all the condos on the upper floors?

Irish are not known for their food.

The restaurant at ABC was a joke. Glad to hear they got a new Chef (I love Azzuro Restaurant and would like to have that menu available for poolside dining at ABC. The decor is gaudy, like an old western bordello run by a younf Euro (e.g. the Mustang Ranch goes European).

12-13-07, 11:24
A quick question for all you Americans out there. I was debating on whether to go to the Phillipines next year and I was wondering if the weakening of the dollar has affected your activities and how. The drop of the dollar seems less significant in China and Indonesia and just wondering where I would get the most bang for my buck.


12-14-07, 05:22
Wow, Expat, a great picture indeed! Was that a Filipina?

actually she is an Indonesian girl.Just saw her last weekend.
And we had a pretty good time, hehe....... :D

12-14-07, 05:26
I am certainly no expert, but be assured that there is still enough action in AC! During the past December I had an outstanding time there!

Of course you had, Hesekiels,
because I have showed you some hidden secrets. :D
See you soon! No offence.


12-15-07, 17:08
Chili Dogs: Stargate has the best so far, pretty much the best tasting chili that can be made with ingredients available(and make sure you read the AVAILABLE). Coney Island Joes comes in at a distant second. I haven't tried them at the resto next to Nasty Duck yet, but I've heard from more than a few that they are the best.

Coney Island Joe's:Well I think I was a bit hard in my recent post of the steak sandwich. But I went there a few days ago and had a dog with sourcrout, EXCELLENT!!! Had 3 of them yesterday and would have had more today but aswanko talked me into going to SM, so I got my belly full at Sbarro, which is the best pizza and or pasta in town.

Honeykos:Still the best line-up on Perimeter by far and even beats out most Fields bars. Music is never loud, prices are just right, seperate room for the pool table, on site ano, well I think you get my point.

Best burger:Well I love McDonald's! Whish we had a closer Burger King and Wendy's though. But the burger at that resto next to Nasty Duck, damn if can ever remember the name, Seabreeze?? Well that burger is not quite as good as a greasy spoon diner in USA, but it's as close as you going to get here. Kokomoz's burgers are worth a mention, but I can't remember the last time I ate one there. The macaroni 3 cheese always wins out when I eat there.

All the Nifty's bars:Damn, why the fuck did they raise the LD prices??? Among the dumbest things I've seen a bar do. I'll still go there since I'm one of those lady drink buying kinda guys, and it's very hard to find the fun factor in other bars.

Message boards:My overall fav is PI@N, but I'm very fond of the recent changes on AC2, easiest board for me to navigate anyway. I'm not judging content, just the layout only.

Gyms:Hands down AC1, miles ahead of the competition.

Resto value:Got to say Pizza hut with the 2-4-1 discount card, Zapatas, Coney Island Joe's, Philly's in SM, Rumpa, ect. I'm going to give up with this critic, I'm trying my best to put them in order but keep changing my mind. I did say resto, not bars, but if I included bars, well roadslut's bars are hard to beat.

Water delivery:This is getting to be more and more more importandt. (wow, I used one word three times in a sentence! Probably not correct grammar) I use Replenish, p40 for the 5 gallen bottle. I shit solid and others in my area want p50. We go through about one bottle a day. I'm going to set up a cam to monitor this since there are only 3 of us in the house plus the security gaurd's coffe and noodles.

Best bar:I'm the one to ***** first on this subject, bars change hourly at times. my fav is Honeykos, so other than saying that I don't want to further comment.

Worst bars:Same as above. I'm down to 2 bars that I won't go to, but I may give one of them, well fuck it, I'll try with both of them since it's the holidays and all. One Fields bar and one Perimeter bar, I won't mention the names.

Transportation:First thought, FUCKNG TRIKES! I recently bought a scooter, besides my new recliner, best non-pussy money I spent here.

Weather:Is it just me or is this time right now the best weather in the last 5 years? BTW, I don't believe one word of the crap about humans changing a planets climate. Dinasor shit, well even just the other billions of creatures' shit put out way more "hot house gasses" than us humans will ever do, well besides the nukes.

Furniture:I just got my dream recliner at... I should make you scroll to the bottom for the answer, but I'm not always an ass, I got it at Saver's. P23k and is better than the many Lazy Boys I've parked my ass in.

I had more, but I'm getting tired. This entire post is of course just my simple opinion. I hope I don't get a lot of drama from this post, it really is my reality. Don't even bother with replies to correct my grammer or spelling or else I will make you sit in the lamest bar, again IMNSHO Garfields and forced fed food from Jollibee!


12-16-07, 09:02
Well here is some drama.

Met a girl that worked as waitress at the Margaritaville Station. Now these girls are restauraunt waitresses. Meaning that no bar fine and if your a lucky bastard you may convince a date. And thats a maybe. Anyway, I won't give names and I asked this girl back in May on a date. She agreed and we hung out no sex no sleep over for I left that for me at night with bar girls. Anyway we become friends and communicated and she is head over heals with me when I went back in August we slept one night before I go back to states. Great tight and delicious I may say and yeah I kinda like her but secretly I refuse to give up mongering. Anyway I been getting text and sending text back and forth. Guess what her boyfriend of 2 years calls me this morning on her phone and she been lieing to him and me. I guess the ok doke was pulled on me but for all you newbies. Never be surprise no matter how honest sincere and "respectful the girl is. Its all good. I just scratch her off my list. To bad cuz she was I good one when the lights go out.

12-16-07, 10:13
this report was originally composed on a cpt word processor in 1984 and later converted to ms word using a null modem cable to an ibm pc.

i hope it is ok to post it here. there are 5 days and this is day 1. will post other days if you want. helpful critiques are welcome. i have sanitized the text using *s.

angeles city report. september 1984

i was stationed on okinawa from 1984-1986 in the us military. i was a late bloomer in my mid-30s. the "freedom bird", usually a boeing 747, left sf international airport arriving at kadena air base, okinawa on monday mornings and continuing on to clark air base. rp. the airplane would leave clark ab on tuesday morning for the return trip to kadena ab and sf. the bird made a second trip on thursday with return on friday. i mention this because when seats were available between kadena and clark, we could fly space available, first come, first served, for u$10 each way. there were always empty seats. i took leave and got a seat for my first trip to the land of the lbfm on a thursday so i could spend the weekend in angeles city.

day 1, thursday:

there were several military on leave and a few more on temporary assignment to clark on the flight. not being familiar with ac, i just followed the crowd and ended up at the king's row hotel (no longer in business). on a five-star rating, the place would rate about a 1/4 of one star. it was a bit grimy. they only changed the sheets after the guest has checked out, not every day. on later trips i stayed at a much better hotel, the clarkton, for about the same cost. king's row was a mix of military barracks and frat house. young gis and filipinas were running up and down the halls partying most of the day and night. it was about noon and i decided to settle in and change out of my uniform into something more civilian. a bellman/pimp asked if i was looking for a girl, and of course, i said "yes". he assured me his girls were clean and quite friendly to american gis. thirty minutes later, a knock on the door. there stood the bellman/pimp and a nice looking filipina. jo-jo was about 25, 5'0" tall and maybe 95 lbs. wet. using the scale of looks/bedability action/attitude, jo-jo was a 6/7/8. i thought she looked pretty good since i had no reference. most of my later bedmates were 7-8/8/8 bargirls.

i found out later i overpaid the pimp. now remember, on okinawa, you couldn't even get a good bj for u$20 much less willing fs. i was being offered a willing, nice looking lon for p400 long time (u$20 as the peso traded at 20 to the dollar). i paid the man and jo-jo came into the room carrying a small bag of personal items. i was told she was mine until the next morning. jo-jo spoke pretty good english, was clean, and courteous. she stripped and took a shower while i disrobed and hung my uniform in the small closet. when jo-jo came out of bathroom she had a towel wrapped tightly wrapped around her lithe body. i motioned for her to come over to me. being p***y deprived on okinawa, i "unwrapped" her like a christmas present. nice body. small firm tits (32b), a smooth flat stomach sans stretch marks, legs a bit skinny, small tight butt, and a thin-lipped p***y nearly devoid of hair. i put my arms around her and leaned down to kiss her. she was some what receptive to the kiss so i continued. i ran my hands down her back reveling in her smooth soft skin. i was able to cover her firm butt cheeks with my hands and kneaded the pliable flesh. she began to loosen up and put her arms around my neck. i slowly worked her towards the bed. she crawled up the bed and lay on her back.

i motioned for her to spread her legs but she played shy and shook her head no. i crawled up on the bed and put a hand on each knee and opened her legs so i could get a good look at her thin bare lips. she mumbled something about being embarrassed and not to look. i told her she had a pretty little slit and i liked to look at it. she just smiled. i lay down between her legs and ran my finger tips over her smooth bare lips. i slowly spread her lips with my first finger and found her moist and pink on the inside. her inner lips were quite small, just a dark ring around her vaginal opening. i slid my finger down to her little hole and probed it. i moved back up to her clit and massaged it with my finger tip. she was just lying there quietly; eyes closed not objecting to my foreplay. i leaned my head down closer to her p***y. she smelled clean. i ran my tongue over her smooth lips and her eyes popped open, and she rose up on her elbows. she tried to close her legs. she said that her p***y was dirty but i said otherwise. i ran my tongue up and down between her lips tasting the fresh flesh. i made a "mmmm" sound and told her she tasted good. she just shook her head and lay back down on the pillow. i spread her lips open with my fingers to expose her little clit. i tongued her clit rolling it around with long slow licks. her body began to react to my ministrations. i sucked her clit between my lips and teased it with my tongue. i don’t think she was able to cum but her body was reacting, p***y getting wet and little nipples erect. i slowly licked my way across her smooth belly to her little tits. i sucked and licked her nipples until they were hard. i kissed her neck and lips. i don’t think she liked the taste of her own p***y. i was hard and ready for action. i, like some others in this forum, did not like condoms. back then stds could be cured with shots or pills. there is just something about the natural feel of the inside of a warm, wet p****y. the sensation of pumping your stuff inside a willing female and watching it dribble out is quite a turn-on. also, i had my tubes clamped so i was shooting blanks. i hunched my hips forward probing for her opening. after a couple of misses, jo-jo reached down between us and guided me home. even though she was wet, i had some trouble entering her and had to slowly work my c**k in. i am not built large but when i hit the bottom, i still had an inch left over. i could not believe how tight she was for a 25 year old. i found out later she only arrived in angeles a few months earlier and could not find work. out of desperation a friend introduced her to the pimp. i worked my rod in and out slowly letting her get used to it. she shifted her butt a couple of time to make my penetration easier. i slowly picked up speed. she began to push her hips up as i pushed down. again, i am not sure she came but i sure did. there was a big wet spot in the middle of the bed. when i pulled out, she jumped up and ran to the bathroom. i wiped up the mess and my c**k with her wet towel and laid back to smoke a cigarette.

when she came out of the bathroom, she only had her panties on. i got a sport jersey for her to wear. i lay back down on the bed and motioned her to join me. she lay down beside me and put her head on my chest. we took a short nap followed by me showering and putting on "civvies. " i told her i was hungry and wanted filipino food. she took me to a nice filipino restaurant where i ate lumpia and fried rice. i let her order what ever she wanted. we went back to room to escape the heat and i told her i was ready for more sex. jo-jo did not look happy but did not protest. after another go of missionary sex, we slept for couple of hours. when we got up the second time it was dark outside. it was time to eat, again. she took me to a steak house that i had heard of from friends. later we went to a disco (3rd eye). i don’t dance, so we sat and listen to music and drank beer. jo-jo met some friends and talked with them in tagalog. she asked if it was ok because it was easier than translating back and forth in english. on the way home, we stopped at a couple of bars so i see the dancers. most were in bikinis, a few topless for short periods of time. i drank lots of san miguel, my favorite pilsner beer.

when we got back to room, jo-jo wanted to shower again. i gave her a head start and joined her. i soaped my hands and ran them all over her body. she seemed to enjoy the closeness. i spent much time on her little tits and nipples. i washed her p***y thoroughly. i slowly f**ked her with a soapy finger. i found her "g-spot" and massaged it until she shuttered. i think she came that time. i let her wash my erect c**k. she seemed amazed at how it went from soft to hard. i showed her how to do a hand job but stopped her before i shot my load. i wanted it in her not on her. we dried each other and head to the bed naked. i lay on my back and she sat next to me playing with my hard c**k, i could not get her to put it in her mouth. i told her to get on top (cg) and she looked puzzled. i explained what i wanted her do. she straddles my hips and slowly lowered her p***y to my erect c**k. she reached down, held my c**k upright and slowly lowered her p***y. i watched as my c**k disappeared up into her tight bare-lipped p***y. i allowed her to set the pace and angle. jo-jo moved around until she was comfortable and gave me a good ride. from her quickening pace, i thought she would come again. i grabbed her butt and helped her slide up and down my c**k. she came and her sighs of pleasure pushed me over the edge. she lay on top of me breathing hard with her head on my shoulder. after i went soft and my c**k popped out, we went into bathroom to clean up. she put on my jersey and no panties at my request. i put on shorts and t-shirt and we settle down for well deserved nights sleep. she lay on her stomach and i rubbed her back and bare ass until she dozed off. **moderator: feel free to adjust text to meet forum rules. **

Any Hole
12-16-07, 22:35
I will be in ac for the xmass hollidays, starting this Thursday for 2 weeks. The last thing I will eat these days is a burger I tend to eat at the Clarkton Hotel, where I stay each time I visit.

I am though fond of the barbacue chicken cooked on the road sides, and also the canteens where all the girls go, now those places are cheap.

I will send a report and batch of photos.

12-17-07, 03:48
Good post, penthouse like...almost got a chubby...

Keep it up, and you can stop with the ** already, we are all grown up...

This report was originally composed on a CPT word processor in 1984 and later converted to MS Word using a null modem cable to an IBM PC.

I hope it is OK to post it here. There are 5 days and this is day 1. Will post other days if you want. Helpful critiques are welcome. I have sanitized the text using *s. **

12-17-07, 09:51
I tend to eat at the Clarkton Hotel, where I stay each time I visit.
Does the VAT bother you? In the 80s, the Clarkton was my home away from home. I still have my membership chit.

Enjoy yourself and stay safe.


12-17-07, 10:01
angeles city report - september 1984

day 2, friday:

i awoke the next morning with a mild hang over and raging hard on. jo-jo was still asleep with her back to me. i pulled my shorts down exposing my cock and slid up behind her. i put some spit on the tip and slowly pushed it between her legs. i found her pussy and had the head inside her before she woke up. i put my arms around her and hunched forward burying my cock deep in her pussy. i kissed the back of her neck and told her how good her pussy felt. she was not real happy but allowed me finish what i started. after i dumped my morning load, she went to clean up and i got me a bottled water and cigarette. she came out of the bathroom wearing panties this time and crawled back into bed. i leaned over her and gave her a big kiss and told her she made me happy. she grinned.

her pimp showed up later in the morning and said it was time for jo-jo to go. if i wanted her to stay, i had to pay more money. i asked him to wait and closed the door. i told jo-jo what was going on. i asked her if she wanted to stay with me for couple more days. she jumped off the bed and ran across the room and threw her arms around my neck and gave me a big kiss, even some tongue. she said yes, she wanted to stay with me. i unwrapped her arms and told her if i was going to pay more money, i expected more services. she wanted to know what. i said blow jobs and other stuff. she said, “you not put dick in my ass.” i agreed and she said ok.

i went out into the hall to talk to the pimp. he wanted p400 a day for 4 days = p1600. i told him that it was too much and i would pay p1000 for four days total since i had to feed jo-jo. he thought about it for a minute and said ok. i peeled off 10 p100-notes using up most of my pocket money and paid him (kept most of my money in the hotel safe). he put out his hand unexpectedly and we shook on the deal. i had jo-jo for four more days for u$50. still a bit over-priced, but i had a pretty, willing penay, 24-hours-a-day for sex, companionship, and guide. jo-jo said she needed to go home and get clean clothes and would return at 12 noon.

she almost made it back in time. i was learning about filipino time. we went to lunch and some shopping. at that time, there was a row of shacks near the clark ab main gate, across from the bars on fields ave. people sold cheap jewelry, knock off clothes and hand bags. beauty shops and nail salons for the bar girls. i looked at jo-jo hands and her nails were a mess. we stopped at one of the stalls and had her nails done. talking about good will, i was racking it up. the new nails were cheap by us standards. it was getting hot and sticky so we headed back to the room. jo-jo was quite appreciative for the nails. i thought it was time to find out how much. i walked over to her and unsnapped her jeans. i pushed the zipper down. i knelt down and removed her shoes and worked her tight jeans down and off. her panties were next. i leaned forward and kissed her mons and ran my fingers over her smooth lips. i stood up. i told her to put her hands up and lifted her t-shirt up and over her head. i had her turn around so i could unsnap and remove her bra. i knelt down behind her and kissed and licked her smooth ass cheeks. i told her to get on the bed while i got naked. i was already semi-erect. i lay down on my back and pulled her down for a kiss. i got a nice french kiss and felt her hand on cock. she was running her hand up and down the shaft and i was getting hard. i broke the kiss and told her i wanted a bj. she asked if i was going to cim, i said no, that was for her pussy. she leaned over and i watched her open mouth slide over the head of my cock. her inexperience was evident and i had to tell how to properly blow a cock. she tried hard to please me. i rolled her over on her back and went down her pussy. i reamed her little hole with my tongue to lube her up. i put a pillow under butt and knelt between her legs. i rubbed my cock head up and down her slit and teased her clit. i pushed the head down to her hole and slowly inside her. i love watching my cock slowly disappear inside a little brown pussy. after my previous four fucks, it took me while to cum this time. she seemed to enjoy the long slow action and pushed up against me. she didn’t cum but said she enjoyed the feel of a cock inside her and how my cock pulsed and shot into her.

we rested and talked while the air con blew cool air across us. she was the oldest of six children (five girls and one boy). she completed one year of college in merchandizing before family medical expenses used up all the savings. she did not have to support her family, just herself. she did menial jobs in the province but thought she could do better in angeles. her first job was housekeeping for a us military officer’s family. pay was ok but the guy’s two teenage sons would not leave her alone. they liked doing her at the same time. her second job was serving drinks in a bar, but the bartender demanded bjs or no job. a friend told her how much money she was making working for her pimp and convinced her to try it. i was only her third “foreigner” and the first to want her more than one night. i like other ‘mongers really felt for the plight of the lons. as she talked i played with her nipples and watched them become erect. when i mentioned how big her little nipple got when i played with them, she got embarrassed. one thing i really like is lying on my back naked with a lbfm lying nude on my stomach, head on my shoulder. i enjoy running my hands up and down her back and firm little butt. their skin is so soft and smooth. we fell asleep like this.

when we awoke, the sun was going down and air outside was cooler. we tried a mexican restaurant a guy at the hotel told us about. jo-jo had never had mexican so i started her off with a couple of tacos and some nachos and cheese. i had beef burritos and beer. we went barhopping as we worked our way back to the hotel. some one told me about a couple of nude bars. a lookout kept an eye out for the cops and rang a bell when they saw something suspicious. the dancers would scurry off stage to hide and get dressed. it was comical, like a chinese fire drill. saw some really cute girls, age was questionable on a couple but all had government issued id cards. several looked better than jo-jo. jo-jo did not like the interest i was showing the dancers. competition, i guess. i told her not to worry; i was not going to dump her for another girl. this calmed her down a little. i spooked a couple of the dancers when i put p10 notes in their bikini bottoms. i guess tipping dancers was new in angeles. after the second bar, jo-jo whispered she would suck my dick if we went back to the hotel. i made a mental note to check out those bars on my next trip. cold beer and naked girls. it was still early, so we left the nudie bars and stopped at a bar that played pirated mtv videos. yes, mtv used to play music videos. i ordered her a fruity mixed drink and i had more beer.

when we got back to the hotel, jo-jo headed to the shower with me not far behind. i love good clean fun in a warm shower. while i soaping her back, i wash her butt cheeks good. i slid a finger between her cheeks and played with her butt hole. she stiffened but did not stop me until i tried pushing a finger inside. she turned around and in no uncertain terms told me that was a no. she soaped up my crotch and did a nice hand job on my stiff cock.

i thought it was time to add to our sex acts. when we were in bed, i put her on top in a “69” and explained what she was to do. this was new to her and took some getting used to. i worried her little clit with my tongue while she licked the head of my cock. when she was ready and i was stiff, i had her ride me rcg, a new position for her. she seemed to enjoy being on top and rode me until she came. i was still stiff and told her i wanted more bj. she was getting better at oral stimulation. i had her use her hand and mouth at the same time. watching her pretty cinnamon face go up and down on my cock was real turn on. i told her i was ready to cum and want her to swallow it. she shook her head no but i reminded her how nice i had been to her and she relented. she gagged as i expected she would and most of my cum ran out of her mouth onto my crotch. she jumped up and ran to the bathroom. i could hear her spitting and washing her mouth out. i cleaned up and she rejoined me on the bed frowning and saying how bad it tasted. i grabbed her behind the head and pulled her down to me and gave her a big open mouth kiss. she was still pissed off and i couldn’t help from laughing. she slapped me on my shoulder and said it wasn’t funny. we curled up in a spoon with her small warm butt pressed against my crotch and slept.

more to follow.


editor's note: i certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Any Hole
12-18-07, 03:02
Does the VAT bother you? In the 80s, the Clarkton was my home away from home. I still have my membership chit.

Enjoy yourself and stay safe.

Slimvat? Sorry for sounding a bit thick, but what do you mean?

Great report by the way,a great read,i might add now i have a regular gf in phills now, and she lets me fuck her ass, as long as I promise her she is my only gf, well I will promise anything.

Hah Baht
12-18-07, 03:22
Just finished a trip to AC a few days ago. It was my third trip in a little over a year, and the best so far. Had a great stay at Pacific Breeze. An excellent hotel in every way. Rooms, fabulous staff, food, cleanlines. And all at a very affordable price. I'm not one to get into particulars about my exploits. Suffice to say that I had a super time and love the Philippinas. I do have a question that I wanted to ask: is any of the Cialis and Viagra that is pushed in your face all day, real? Well, I'm sure it is not the real stuff, but is it a generic and does it work? I've been a little curious about this as the only time I tried something from the street, it was crap. I would really appreciate any feedback on this.


Darth Sushi
12-18-07, 09:23
Just finished a trip to AC a few days ago. It was my third trip in a little over a year, and the best so far. Had a great stay at Pacific Breeze. An excellent hotel in every way. Rooms, fabulous staff, food, cleanlines. And all at a very affordable price. I'm not one to get into particulars about my exploits. Suffice to say that I had a super time and love the Philippinas. I do have a question that I wanted to ask: is any of the Cialis and Viagra that is pushed in your face all day, real? Well, I'm sure it is not the real stuff, but is it a generic and does it work? I've been a little curious about this as the only time I tried something from the street, it was crap. I would really appreciate any feedback on this.

CheersI've tried the Cialis (4 pills per box) in the blister pack. Works perfectly. If your negotiation skills are good, a box with 4 pills can be had for 100 pesos but 150 is the amount most vendors won't go below. I've also bought a generic called "Tadalafil" which is even stronger but so are the side effects. Either one seems to work for about 36 hrs for me. Keep in mind you won't get a constant woody but you'll get a quick woody when you see pretty gal. Also, I can go for a 2nd round much faster than without the pill. I also wake up with a woody in the morning like a teenager again! Good Luck

12-18-07, 09:43
vat? Sorry for sounding a bit thick, but what do you mean?
Value added tax. Their website says to add 15%.

I think its a German thing but will stand corected.


Maple Red
12-18-07, 09:47
Just finished a trip to AC a few days ago. It was my third trip in a little over a year, and the best so far. Had a great stay at Pacific Breeze. An excellent hotel in every way. Rooms, fabulous staff, food, cleanlines. And all at a very affordable price. I'm not one to get into particulars about my exploits. Suffice to say that I had a super time and love the Philippinas. I do have a question that I wanted to ask: is any of the Cialis and Viagra that is pushed in your face all day, real? Well, I'm sure it is not the real stuff, but is it a generic and does it work? I've been a little curious about this as the only time I tried something from the street, it was crap. I would really appreciate any feedback on this.

CheersIn my opinion, you should not trust the Cialis and Viagra sold by the street vendors. You can get the real stuff a few steps away from several local pharmacies. Prices might be a bit higher, but at least you know what you are getting.

12-18-07, 10:02
Angeles City Report. September 1984

Day 3, Saturday:

Saturday was a slow day. We had slipped into a routine. Get up, shower, and eat brunch and more window shopping. We caught a jeepney down to Friendship Highway and looked thru the shops. I was amazed at the handy crafts produced by the Filipinos. Wood carvings, paintings, lacquer wear and other stuff. We stopped at a nice restaurant for a late lunch. Jo-Jo was wearing a denim skirt and white blouse. We sat in a booth and while we were waiting for the food, I slid my hand over to her thigh and up under her skirt. She looked shocked but I told her it was ok. I put my hand between her thighs and pushed them open. I leaned over and kissed her and told her how much fun I was having being with her. My fingers roamed over her crotch feeling her hairless pussy lips thru the material. I pulled a leg opening to one side and ran my fingers over her smooth bare skin. I whispered how horny she made me. I would have continued my exploration but the waiter brought her soda and my beer. Not wanting to embarrass her further, I pulled her panties back into place and removed my hand. I did take the opportunity to sniff her scent on my fingers. She thought this was gross but I told her it was like smelling a flower.

After lunch, we went to a wet t-shirt contest at one of the larger hotels. The girls exposed their tits and lapped-danced the judges to garner more points. A couple of the girls even dropped their panties. Each girl wore identification number and the name of the bar where they worked. I made several mental notes for my next trip. The girls were pretty, the sun was hot and the beer was cold. Jo-Jo seemed to enjoy the frivolity and the mixed drinks and I got sunburned (sun screen was not widely available).

After the contest, we returned to the hotel to cool off and lotion me up. Jo-Jo headed for the shower and I followed. After soaping each other and a little foreplay, I turned her so her back was to me. I bent her over and slid my cock into her soapy pussy from behind. No problem with entering her this time. She was turned on from the drinks and sun and started pushing back against me. I never enjoyed a shower more. We finished the shower and lay down to enjoy the air con. I had Jo-Jo rub lotion on my redden skin.

Dinner that night was pizza. Jo-Jo said that it was her favorite American food. We hit some new bars on Fields Avenue that are no longer there. Jo-Jo tolerated the dancers well. She drank sweet mixed drinks and I guzzled beer. More mental notes for later trips. I was tired from all the sun, walking, and beer so we headed back to the hotel. Jo-Jo hit the shower and I collapsed on the bed nude. She came out of the bathroom naked and crawled on top of me straddling my hips and gave me a big kiss. It was nice to see she was getting comfortable with our nudity. My little dick was beginning to wake up. She felt it growing between us and rubbed it with her hand. I figured I would let her do all the work this time. She slid off me and started a hand job. When I was hard, she got on top and rode me to an orgasm. I did not cum and needed a little more stimulation. I told her to get my body lotion from the bathroom. She put some on her hands and gave me a rather enjoyable hand job. I showed her how to massage the head for my enjoyment. She caught my stuff in her hand and played with it. She asked if that was what made babies. She washed her hands and returned with a wash cloth to clean me up. We slept well that night, curled up and naked.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

12-18-07, 17:59
Hey Buddy,

I will be staying in the Clarkston starting the night of the 27th of December. Will be great to meet a fellow monger from this website for some tips.

Take care

12-19-07, 09:05
angeles city report. september 1984

day 4, sunday:

jo-jo woke me up about 9:00 am sunday morning. she wanted to visit some friends and said she would be back by late afternoon. i told her i need a little "loving" before she left. she reached down and massaged my cock. i gently nudged her head down and she wrapped her lips around the head. i put my hand on the back of her head and told her to take it as deep as she could. she started gagging at about 4 inches so i let her stop. she bobbed her head up and down with just the head in her mouth. she used her mouth and hands as i had taught her. i let her continue until i was ready to cum. i put my hand firmly behind her head. i told her i was going to cim and i wanted her to swallow it all this time. she frowned but continued. when i came, she gagged but swallowed most of it. after the last gush, she ran into the bath room and washed her mouth out. i praised her effort as she got dressed. she gathered up her dirty clothes and i gave her p100 in small bills for taxi fare. she gave me a big kiss and told me no girls while she was gone.

i showered and dressed. went down to the hotel diner/bar and watch pirated armed forces tv while i ate breakfast. i cleaned up the room and stuffed my dirty laundry into a trash bag. the maid came in and made up the room. i tipped her p50 for clean sheets. i lounged around the room and the hotel bar talking to other guests and doing intel on places to go. sunday was quiet in angeles. some aussies had set up a cricket match and there were a couple of darts and pool tournaments.

i caught a jeepney to one of the nude bars. several of the dancers were really sharp. i spotted one little babe that looked **** but her id badge said she was 18. ami was only about 4’10" and couldn’t have weighed more than about 80 lbs. her tits were no more than small bumps with tiny nipples. her pussy was completely hairless. i went up to the stage and put a p10 tip in her bikini bottom before she removed it. i had no intention of bar fining her but i did buy her a couple of drinks. i ran my hand up her thigh to feel the smoothness of her skin. she did not object. i worked my hand between her legs and rubbed her crotch. she spread her legs a little so i slipped a finger thru her leg band and felt her smooth lips. ami got up and sat in my lap wiggling her little bottom on my crotch. she asked me about bar fining and said there was a room in back we could use for only p100 ($5). damn, if only i liked fish-head soup and small dank jail cells. i told her i already had a girl but would look her up next trip. i slid a p20 into her bra to show my interest. i was getting a painful erection and decided to leave before i got into real trouble. when i got outside, i adjusted my crotch to relieve the discomfort.

jo-jo was sitting on the steps of the hotel when i got back. she could smell ami on me and started asking questions. i sat down next to her and told her about the bar and how i left to see her. case closed. we went upstairs to the room and jo-jo put her clean clothes in an empty drawer. i cranked up the ac and lay down on the bed. jo-jo jumped on top of me and gave me a big kiss. she said she was the only girls i needed and i had better not cheat on her. i slid my hands up under her shirt and massaged her tits through her bra. i told her the little girl in the bar made me horny and i needed some sex. she got off the bed to undress but i stopped her. i unsnapped her jeans and push them and her panties down to her knees. i had her bend over and put her hands on the bed. i pulled my cock out and rubbed it between her pussy lips. i found her little hole and push my cock in. she was not only tight but dry. i wanted to show her who was boss. i grabbed her hips and drove my cock into her, hard. she yelped a little as my cock hit bottom. i slowly withdrew my cock until just the tip was inside her and pushed hard again. i did this a couple of more before settling into a slow rhythm of deep stroking. i imaged i was fucking ami so it did not take me long to come. when i came and pulled my cock out, my cum spilled out and ran down jo-jo’s thigh. she waddled to the bathroom, with her jeans still around her knees, to clean up. when she came out, i told her sit on the bed. i went in and cleaned up and put my cock back in my pants. i told her she had no right telling me who i could see. i explained that i liked her and enjoyed being with her but she was not my girlfriend. there was a tear in her eye as i talked. i was not mean or angry, just firm. i asked if she understood and she nodded yes. i motioned for her to stand and gave her a kiss and a hug.

we sat on the bed and talked about what to do that night. we decided on filipino food and disco. it was a fun night and jo-jo had a good time. i drank beer and watch the girls on the dance floor. it was a small crowd. there was a notable absence of pinoys, just pinays and a few foreigners. many fine looking women, dressed nice and made up. jo-jo danced with a friend and some other girls working up quite a sweat.

we showered together. i had her stand with her back to me and washed her back. i wrapped my arms around her and massaged her little tits and played with her nipples. my hard-on was poking her in the butt and she pushed back against my crotch. my cock slipped between her soapy legs. i slid one hand down across her stomach to her crotch and played with her clit. my cock was sliding back and forth between her thighs. i whispered in her ear that i wanted to fuck her in the ass. she said no. i thought about a bribe to see if she would relent but decided against it. she clamped my soapy cock between her thighs and moved her body back and forth trying to make me cum. i could feel her pussy lips on my shaft as i thigh fucked her. she reached down and rubbed the head of my cock as it poked out the front. the added touch of her hand on the head was enough to get me off. we rinsed off and went to bed.

editor's note: i certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

12-20-07, 08:12
angeles city report. september 1984

day 5, monday

i woke up early with an urgent need to [CodeWord134] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord134) and a hang over. a bottle of water and aspirin and i felt better. jo-jo was still sound asleep. i crawled back into bed and cuddled up next to her. when jo-jo awoke, i slid her panties off and licked her little slit until she came. she had finally loosened up and became a little fucking machine. after we had breakfast, i went to clark ab to check on my flight the next morning. jo-jo visited friends while i was gone and returned in time for lunch.

after we ate, i felt a need for sex and we returned to the room. we got naked and crawled into bed. i had jo-jo lay on her back. i kissed her lips, neck, and breasts working my way down to her pussy. i pushed her legs back to her tits giving me full access to her little hole and clit. i tongue fucked her and sucked her clit. i straddled her chest and rubbed my cock over her lips until she opened her mouth. i slipped the head into her warm mouth and she grasped the shaft with a hand so i couldn’t put it in too deep. i slowly face fucked her until my cock was fully erect. i rolled her over on her stomach and pulled her hips up. i knelt down behind her and rubbed my cock up and down her slick slit. i pushed my cock into her and fucked her doggy-style. this was another new position for jo-jo. she pushed back against me as i pushed forward. i held on to her hips and picked up speed. each time i drove my cock into her, she would grunt and push back. she collapsed on her stomach and i continued pumping my cock into her until we both came. i pushed into her hard and shot a load deep inside her tight pussy. i rolled off her and flopped on the bed breathing hard. after she recovered, jo-jo cleaned herself up and brought a wash cloth to wipe me clean. we lay in bed nude and let the air con cool us down.

we went to nice restaurant for our last meal together. it was a short night since i had to get up at 0400 to catch my flight. we stopped at one bar on the way back to the room for a night cap. we showered together as usual and i got to soap and massage her lithe body one last time. when we got on the bed, she went down on me without me asking. i reached around her ass and fingered her hairless pussy lips and played with her clit. she was squirming as i rolled her clit around with my finger tip. she straddled my hip and slowly slid down on my cock. she squatted just above my crotch with only our genitals touching. she slowly raised and lowered herself as i watched my hard white cock slide in and out of her bare brown pussy. she was really turned on. i could feel her juices running down my cock to my crotch. he pace increased and she came with a loud sigh. she fell forward on my chest and i just held her. i did not cum that time; i guess i was running a bit low. jo-jo brought a wash cloth back from the bathroom and cleaned me up. we slept naked and spooning. the wake-up call came at 0400. i was not ready to get up and leave the land of lon. i woke jo-jo and told her i want one last bj before i left. she did a much better job this time. when i came she swallowed most of it. she took a shower and i packed my gear. we went down stairs to the waiting hotel taxi. i gave her a big kiss and the few pesos i had left. i told her i would try to find her on my next trip. she was not crying when i left but was sad. her sugar daddy was gone.

after thoughts:

the flight back to okinawa was uneventful. i did not have to work again until tuesday so just lounged around my apartment. when i woke up tuesday morning i was in pain. my cock hurt all the way to my crotch. i went to sick call. no std, just raw from over use and my pubic area was bruised from banging into jo-jo’s skinny pelvis. i bumped into jo-jo in the disco about a year later. we were both with some one so nothing came of it.

i was completely taken with angeles city. i made trips down about every 4-5 months for the remainder of my tour. after seeing what the other hotels were like, i never stayed at the king’s row again. i moved down perimeter road to the kangaroo club (clarkton). i went back to the nudie bars on my next trip but never saw ami again. i bar fined another sweet young lady. she was really cute but knew very little about sex or life. i confined my girl searches to the bars along perimeter road with an occasion foray into the fields ave area. i had about 50 different bar girls and a couple of freebies in eight trips for a total of about 70 sex partners counting repeats. i only had about three bad experiences mostly uncooperative after we got to the room. a couple of girls wanted to leave early but provided enough fun that i did not mind. being a butterfly has its advantages, no complications and a lot of variety.

editor's note: i certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

12-20-07, 21:58

I have a last-minute opportunity to go to Angeles starting Dec.29th. However, Pacific Breeze and Wild Orchid are fully booked. Any other suggestion ? What about Holliday Inn Clarkfield ? Is it girl friendly ? I have read in the forum it's quite far from the action ... Can I still expect good mongering if I stay there ?
Any advice very much appreciated ! You can PM me.

Merry Christmas,


Darth Sushi
12-21-07, 02:45

I have a last-minute opportunity to go to Angeles starting Dec.29th. However, Pacific Breeze and Wild Orchid are fully booked. Any other suggestion ? What about Holliday Inn Clarkfield ? Is it girl friendly ? I have read in the forum it's quite far from the action ... Can I still expect good mongering if I stay there ?
Any advice very much appreciated ! You can PM me.

Merry Christmas,

KostaIt's too far and jeeps stop running to Clark at night. Trikes are not allowed on Clark. You either have to find a taxi, which are few or negotiate a price with a jeep.

12-21-07, 18:42

I am from US have many korean friend at home and I travel to asia alot for business , I have heard from many girl in PI and Thailand they don't like korean because they drink too much and they abused them and treat them like dirt ,personally I have had no problem with korean tourist and have not have trouble in Seoul but one thing korean people are not very friendly .

just my IMHO

fast eddie 48I am in the USA military, I been stationed in Korea since November 2004 and I was sent on Temporary assigment to Afghanistan. Before I left I sent my girlfriend back to the Philipines with family until my return to Korea. During my mid tour leave or vacation I went to Boracay with my girlfriend and I was shocked in the ammount of Koreant tourists and establishment all over Boracay and even in Tagaitay. I can attest to the fact that the new generation of Koreans are extreme rude assholes and that I had to learn to say in "Hangul" Korean excuse me sir or Ma'am I was here on this line before you move out do not be disrespectful because is their trademark to get in front of you in the subway ticket line or the restaurant. Despite of that I kill them softly because at moments and only when need I used my asshole Puerto Rican "SPIC / MACHO" with a Military dominating attitude in their own language and they get shocked that a foreiner defends himself and dont stay quiet.

L A Guy
12-21-07, 20:05
Great post LA. You've obviosuly been around the block a few times. Everything you say tends to jibe with what I've experienced. As for the "girl chooses you", I've had such great results with this one that I'll often walk out of a bar if the girls I like won't give me a smile, or some other indicator. LA says, "for lack of a better expression", and I can't read his mind, but I'll give my own account.Hehe, been round the block a couple of times sure, but not as many times as I would have liked, and hope to still do :) But yeah, the whole chemistry element is a much underrated factor that many overlook. Too many guys are always looking for supermodels and end up with girls who are full of shit or want to do a runner. When you pick an average girl who is flattered by your attention, the chances are you will have an awesome time with her. I hate to use the term lucky when looking back on past experiences, but I am getting better at picking them over time. I dont get to AC that much unfortunately, but the same rules ring true in Thailand also. I am reminded of a famous golfer who once said when somebody asked him about being lucky in the game, he replied something like "yes and the more I practice the luckier I get". Cant put it better than that ;)

Nevertheless. I've been in some bars (mostly Cebu / EDSA), oogling one or two svelte young bodies when a group of East Asians come in and one minute later walk out with all the prime ladies. Sometimes I envy that strategy, but I still prefer the "girl picks me" and then we sit down and get to know eachother. I know what you mean, but if you know and talk to these girls, you will find that they dont really enjoy their time with those types of customer. Yes they like the easy money, but I have seen girls get barfined and leave the bar and they are literally back in there 30 min or less later. This is insane for me, I couldnt imagine only having one of those sweet young things in my room for that amount of time. A surprising amount of those girls, despite what they do for a living, rarely get taken care of "properly" in the bed. Taking time to warm them up, or get to know them for a couple of hours before doing the deed can also reap substantial rewards as I am sure you know :)

My last AC trip I had two rather unexpected incidents. Neither is very common, I'm afraid, but I'll share them nevertheless. Thanks for sharing, it is good to know that these types of experiences are still achievable. I know I and many others on this board have had similar experiences, and that is what keeps us all coming back here I am sure :D

12-22-07, 21:04
What about Holliday Inn Clarkfield ? Is it girl friendly ? I have read in the forum it's quite far from the action ... Can I still expect good mongering if I stay there ? KostaI went to Clarkfield a couple of months ago for business and I stayed at the Holiday Inn. It is girl friendly, but you almost have to use the hotel taxi (600p) to get to the action, as there was no metered cabs in that area. When I was done for the night, I walked to the taxi stand in A/C (very close to Lancelot) and got a metered cab back to the hotel. I think it was around 300p.


12-23-07, 00:16
Hi Guys,

Well been reading this report for many years and I thank everyone whos field reports I've read in the past.

Well finally made it to PI in sept for 21 days. I was meeting with someone Id established a repoire with on FK (Philipina Kisses).

Although I did end up spending my whole trip with this lady, I was quite happy with the results.

I flew in On Cathay Pacific via HK from the west coast, uneventful but decent trip from the west coast.

I was met at airport as she had driver and van. Gotta love the aircond in that weather. Hot Hot and more hot. 54 degrees with humid in Manila during trip. We spent first 3 nights at Bayview Hotel and for price it was ok, but as others have stated a little on the tired side. Also I noted the lack of security considering its location is something to ponder. Next time I would stay Diamond Hotel or Galeria. As I enjoy a pool and they are good choices for location to LA Cafe and such.

Went to Swagman for alot of meals besides breaky which was included at Bayview. Really enjoyed Swagman meals and such.

Visited La cafe several times and although there was good number of ladies. Not alot of stunners. One exceptional blonde lady at bar when you walk in. Funny after so many years of reading reports it was like Id visited many times. They not shy, but watch the eye contact or they all over you. Even though I was siting with someone. They don't hesitate to adjust boobs in front of you and give you that. "whats for dinner look". Sit by wash room good vantage point.

Did mall of Asia, Robinsons etc. Lots of ladies in malls who were making eye contact, if your half way average and clean, pretty easy to meet.

I gotta mention that I was feeling like (flu) prior to departure and it really kicked in while there. Just rough most of trip. Flu like, vomiting generally bad. Still managed to make most of it. But it tempered the boozing and bars.

Spent time outside manila at her home, which was modern and well furnished. Felt pretty comfortable meeting the locals and such.

Then made way to Boracay on Seair outa Clarke. Modern German aircraft felt pretty safe.

Stayed at Beachcomber Resort next to jony's across from beach and near cocomongos.

Great place clean included breakfast for 65. 00 a night. 50 pesos trike ride from D' mall. All decent food and really enjoyed. Lots of korean and Japanese as well as European tourists

Low season, so tolerable as far as crowds go. Even with gf. I had girls whistling and heavy eye contact in restaurants. Some of the chicks really overt. They don't care who your with.

Most people say take a girl with you, suppose good advice but I think not so difficult to meet in my opinion. Cocomongos is great bar, dancing and party.

Beach was great for swimming but lots of garbage along it in places.

One word of advice guys. Had worse flight in my life coming back on some (STOL) iron curtain left over that Seair runs. I'm not exaggerating, but eveyone on plane was shitting themselves. Very rough trip with hail and turbulents. Ladies crying and vomiting, really wild. Never fly again. Always check schedule for their newer aircraft. Angeles, stayed 2 nights on way back and have to say Pacific breeze for $50. 00 was best deal I saw in PI. Staff is great hotel is clean and food is good as well as the pool. Had checked out Orchid Hotel. But come on whats with this $70. 00 dollar shit? Tried Lolipop. Ok looking ladies, no real beauties, but we sat with 3 of them and shot the shit and had drinks. They agressive even with lady friend there.

Maybe thought we looking for 3 sum? Off to Gilleys Roadhouse bar and watched Thunderstruck, not too bad. DMZ, The Ville, Brown Sugar and a few others that escape my mind. I really liked Brown Sugar and saw some nice lookers in there. I was surprised by Angeles, good infrastructure and realtively clean. SM mall is pretty decent as well.

Subic Bay. Now granted I was really I'll by time I got here, and in a pissy mood, but was I personally diapponted in this place. I wanted to vist for many years and thought great this will be cool. Hotels like Blue Rock and Arizona. No offense but rooms I saw. Not so pleasant and at Blue Rock smelled like ashtray. Sorry but you not getting my money. Even checked out supposed higher end one down in Subic that was not good. Just asking for clean and some value. I will try again next trip and chalk it up to just bad timing.

Spent rest of time with my lady friend and then back to Manila for a couple more nights at Bayview.

The Philippines in gerneral, far exceeded my expectations. I never felt unsafe or in danger and I found the people very friendly.

I thought I may get some time to try a liitle more variety but, I found a really decent lady, very attractive, eduacted and independant. So I can't complain. (WHATEVER FLOATS YOUR BOAT).

I guess depending on your time and situation you can do the bars or hit the malls and local places. Up to the individual.

I'm heading back for 8 weeks in mid January and I'll hit LA Cafe again and some of the other places. So for any of you guys sitting on the sidelines, get out there and enjoy its easy, fun and exciting.


EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

12-23-07, 06:59
Well it sounds like you did alright for yourself on your first trip. But I wonder if you were in the same Angeles that so many of us other mongers go to? yo Just a thought anywayu said it was clean?! The Ageles I go to is a sewer hole with many LBFM around to enjoy (little brown f#cking machine). Anyway, if you are going to meet the same girl in January may I suggest you arrive before she knows so you can atleast have a little fun rather than settle on 1 piece of candy.

12-23-07, 16:56
Will be in AC Jan 1-4. And fellow mongers want to meet up for a drink, the first is on me. First time to AC so I'm looking for some pointers as to where the action is good.

12-23-07, 19:14
I will be travelling to AC for the first time on January 1st. If any fellow mongers would like to meet up and have a drink, the first round is on me. I could use some advice on the better establishments to visit.


12-23-07, 21:59
Well I suppose I was expecting alot worse in Angeles! I ve seen shittier places in my time. Some of the reports give you impression its unbearable.

Thanks for advice on getting a little extra, but judging from the number of guys with therir lady friends checking mine out...I think I did ok.

I will be checking out some of the local KTV's with some filipino aquaintances
and we will see whats there.


12-23-07, 23:21
I flew in On Cathay Pacific via HK from the west coast, uneventful but decent trip from the west coast.

Maybe you or someone else with experience flying Cathay Pacific can help. I plan on just traveling with my carry on and laptop. I think I am going to make Cathay Pacific's 15 pound limit on the carry on but the dimensions exceed (just an inch or 2) the limit. The laptop is limited to 9 pounds which I will make with no problems accessories included.

How strict are they with checking weight and dimensions of carry on? Will it raise a red flag if I am not checking in baggage and cause them to check the specs on my carry on? I'd appreciate the info.


12-24-07, 00:12
I was in Angeles back in July coming back in Feburary .I went to a bar near Maytricks Bar it was on the street level the bar was long and large and had a side room you cound take girls for a bj .Cant remember name I had few JDs coke can any one Help with name of bar ? It had a lot of girls working in bar.

12-24-07, 04:19
Maybe you or someone else with experience flying Cathay Pacific can help. I plan on just traveling with my carry on and laptop. I think I am going to make Cathay Pacific's 15 pound limit on the carry on but the dimensions exceed (just an inch or 2) the limit. The laptop is limited to 9 pounds which I will make with no problems accessories included.

How strict are they with checking weight and dimensions of carry on? Will it raise a red flag if I am not checking in baggage and cause them to check the specs on my carry on? I'd appreciate the info.

MugrosoMy experience is that that you will be fine... The only time I ever had a problem was flying out of Seoul where I was 2#'s over and was sent back to the ticket counter... It took a person from the ticket counter walking over to help me plead my case...

Other than that experience, I have never had a problem (and I have traveled a lot in Asia..)


12-24-07, 06:19
I will be travelling to AC for the first time on January 1st. If any fellow mongers would like to meet up and have a drink, the first round is on me. I could use some advice on the better establishments to visit.

CheersI am in AC at the moment and plenty of women. On the Friday and Saturday, there are many customers but there are more women. You will have a great time drinking and mongering. The weather is very pleasant and not too hot. In most of the bars there are many girls, for example. Lancelot, Camelot, Typhoon, La Pasha, Cambodia, Carousel, Body Shop, Las Vegas etc.ete. There are also the Perimeter bars.

Some girls have gone back to the province but still a lot of girls working.If this is your first time in AC you will never be the same after your first visit. The girls need you and they need your pesos more. Peso very strong at the moment . Bring some chocolate and the girls will love long time.

Take care, if you need more info PM me.


12-24-07, 14:20

i will be in Angeles for a while in Feb. I will hav the gf with me, but I like to be able to slip out in the afternoon while she is sleeping or doing something else, and head off for a quick bj.

I am looking foe specific names of places, and prices, where I can walk in and get a bj, pay and walk out.

There are lots of casual references in the thread, but not the specifics that I am looking for.

I would like to make a table of places and prices that I can post back into this thread.

Can anybody help?


Zuzon X
12-24-07, 15:01
Maybe you or someone else with experience flying Cathay Pacific can help. I plan on just traveling with my carry on and laptop. I think I am going to make Cathay Pacific's 15 pound limit on the carry on but the dimensions exceed (just an inch or 2) the limit. The laptop is limited to 9 pounds which I will make with no problems accessories included.

How strict are they with checking weight and dimensions of carry on? Will it raise a red flag if I am not checking in baggage and cause them to check the specs on my carry on? I'd appreciate the info.

MugrosoCX is usually ok, the higher your class of travel the easier they are. At HKG airport the trouble is not CX but the ladies checking the carry-on luggage before entering the immigration area and they can be really nasty and bitchy. You can't charm them.

If you are not sure whether being over the limits or not ask the check-in staff at CX and they will give you the "orange tag" which will be attached to your carry on and will spare you any trouble with the ladies checking the carry on.

Good luck

White Stang Boy
12-24-07, 19:09
I was in Angeles back in July coming back in Feburary .I went to a bar near Maytricks Bar it was on the street level the bar was long and large and had a side room you cound take girls for a bj .Cant remember name I had few JDs coke can any one Help with name of bar ? It had a lot of girls working in bar.Matrix Brawn.

White Stang Boy
12-24-07, 19:11

i will be in Angeles for a while in Feb. I will hav the gf with me, but I like to be able to slip out in the afternoon while she is sleeping or doing something else, and head off for a quick bj.

I am looking foe specific names of places, and prices, where I can walk in and get a bj, pay and walk out.

There are lots of casual references in the thread, but not the specifics that I am looking for.

I would like to make a table of places and prices that I can post back into this thread.

Can anybody help?

Gangles.Santos Street, and all the bars, 500 pesos.

Bold Focker
12-24-07, 19:22
Just a quick report on my last trip to AC in November!

I flu into Hong Kong on the 7th Nov. Overnight in HKG and then onto Davao for 5 nights, then fly straight into Clark.

I was booked into the Swiss Chalet (In Region of 1480p per night) I find this to be ideal location and good value for money. (see pics of room)

I don’t see the need to go into any great details of the bars, as a bar could be fantastic one night and crap the next depending on time you visit, and the thickness of your beer goggles. Suffice to say Bar fines have gone up now! They are fairly standard in town at 1350p I still give 500p tip after my last slating, for giving the girls 1000p tip! Took one girl from perimeter (illusions I think) bar BF was 1000p.
Bars I did like were Stringers, Lancelot, Pasha and Las Vegas.

Blue Nile and Nero’s were very noisy.

The girls I did take are as follows with pics if available

Day one 14th Nov
Waitress from Lancelot.

Day two 15 th Nov
Dancer called Cell from stingers

Day three 16th Nov
Girl from Lancelot name forgotten

Day four 17th Nov
Morning Justine Illusions
Evening Irene Stingers

Day five 18th Nov
Girl from La Pasha

Day six 19th Nov
Maricel from Bedrock

Some photos of some of the girls but not all, I’m sorry they are dressed just the way it worked out. But I don’t do close up pussy shot anyway! I think it nice to see what the whole girls looks like!

I met up with some guys from the forum Mediboy and Mattrick. Had a good few days with these guys. It always nice to have someone to discuss the talent and rate them. We did not know, until we had been out drink for a couple of days that both mediboy and I were meeting the same guy (Retired For ever)in Pattaya on the 29th Nov. Small world!

With 2 days left in AC I went into Bedrock to see a girl that I had seen last time and taken to Subic Bay.(I wanted to have some fun in AC before just in case I ended up staying with her the whole time) She was not there, but back home at province.
I text her, some time later I get reply, I’m coming back to AC tomorrow.
We meet up on last day; this was the girl I though I would not see again after a very enjoyable 4 days in Subic Bay!

She made me feel really bad that I did not give her prior warning of my visit, as she wanted to spend more time with me. In the morning before my flight I tried to book some flights to Cebu from Manila for the both of us, but payment would not go through on my hand held computer. So I had to scrub that idea and get taxi to airport.

We did eventually get to Cebu, I cancelled my trip to Chang Ping in China and we both flu to Cebu.

After 5 nights in Cebu, I thinking to myself “What went wrong in AC”

In Cebu there is thousands of Taxi who use the meter!

In AC it’s spot the taxi!

The people in Cebu on the average are 3 foot high, but they have trikes that are 6 foot high.

In Ac the average visitor is 6 foot high, and the trikes are 3 foot high!

I would think that the demand for ATM is not great in Cebu, but they have ATM every 100 mtr.

AC is full of westerners who are Hungary for money, and there is one ATM on Mc Carthey Road and a couple in SM mall!

12-25-07, 00:47
Bars on Santos are known as blow row. There are 4 bars directly cross the street from wild orchid that will take care of your BJ. Buy one drink and then head out back room for a good blow. One bar is the Black Pearl.

Cowboy Mike
12-25-07, 01:27
I would like to make a table of places and prices that I can post back into this thread.A table? Are you gonna put this into scientific terms Mr. Wizard?

Just get a trike to A. Santos. Straight across from Wild Orchid you will find (what appears to be) open bars with several gals out on the porch.

They all will "tout" you to come inside. "Come inside sir, Come inside! "

Tell them your name is John (Unless your real name Is John). That way if you ever walk down that street with honi ko in toe, they will sing out "John! John! I can give you better BJ than that girl! "

Tell honi ko "John must be a lucky guy" and walk on.

Don't go inside Unless you find a snaggle tooth girl that you want suckin your dong. Looking down at a fat and ugly gal dragging her tooth across your dong won't be good.

You will find some that are (claim) to be Cherry girls. Some are, some never were. Ask for a "Blow Ice" and make sure she breaks the ice into small marble size pieces. Totally Awsome.

Here's an Under Cover Ops I did last year. Girl was a Cherry but does a Blow Ice better than the rest.

"Never look a "Deep inside a BBBJ Bar" (http://www.freddyhotdog.com/vids/cowboymike/Philippines/See_How_You_Are.wmv)

Shout out to Freddy Hotdog!

Twice Divorced
12-25-07, 01:51
Maybe you or someone else with experience flying Cathay Pacific can help. I plan on just traveling with my carry on and laptop. I think I am going to make Cathay Pacific's 15 pound limit on the carry on but the dimensions exceed (just an inch or 2) the limit. The laptop is limited to 9 pounds which I will make with no problems accessories included.

How strict are they with checking weight and dimensions of carry on? Will it raise a red flag if I am not checking in baggage and cause them to check the specs on my carry on? I'd appreciate the info.

MugrosoI traveled Cathay Pacific last July from JFK to Manila, via Hong Kong. Never had a problem and, if I recall correctly, my carry-on was 25 lbs.

12-25-07, 06:29

i will be in Angeles for a while in Feb. I will hav the gf with me, but I like to be able to slip out in the afternoon while she is sleeping or doing something else, and head off for a quick bj.

I am looking foe specific names of places, and prices, where I can walk in and get a bj, pay and walk out.

There are lots of casual references in the thread, but not the specifics that I am looking for.

I would like to make a table of places and prices that I can post back into this thread.

Can anybody help?

Gangles.Santos Street or blow row. You can get a blow job there for 600p. or rent a short tine room and bring the girl back with. Go to the Perimeter bars , Nifty's and make enquiries. There are other places on Perimeter. As you are going in Feb., you have plenty of time to find things out. You will find what you are looking for in AC.



12-25-07, 08:07
merry xmas to all,

checked in DM resdidente and checked out the other day. I have to say that I really liked this place, but now they have a nice karaoke next to my room so I declined and went on to checkin another place.Finding a dead huge coakroach in the cr wasnt also my liking :D

God thanks they had a room for me.(central park)

Went to roman massage last night , its closed...went barhop, many gurls there, some gud some not, its allways like that. Im collecting cp numbers , as usual, and maybe santa will bring me some nice filipina tonyt...

More laters..

Merry xmas Im off......(to molly malones for roast pork hmmmm)


Darth Sushi
12-25-07, 08:41

i will be in Angeles for a while in Feb. I will hav the gf with me, but I like to be able to slip out in the afternoon while she is sleeping or doing something else, and head off for a quick bj.

I am looking foe specific names of places, and prices, where I can walk in and get a bj, pay and walk out.

There are lots of casual references in the thread, but not the specifics that I am looking for.

I would like to make a table of places and prices that I can post back into this thread.

Can anybody help?

Gangles."A. Santos Street" is better known as "blow row." Just look for Kokomo's (or Mo's) which is on the corner of Fields Ave and A. Santos St. Prices are usually 600 pesos for a BJ or FS. Some bars will even let you take the gal with you for 2 to 3 hours for the same price. The name of some of the bars are: Gobble's, Wow, Black Pearl, Shadows, The Truck Stop, Niagara, etc.... These bars are open 24/7 with gals working 12 hrs shifts. Beware of street walkers in this area at night. Many of them are chicks with dicks! Some of them look pretty good until you notice Adam's apples, 5 o'clock shadows and Berry White voices!

About 1/3 of the way to Friendship gate on perimeter road (Don Juico Ave) is Garfield's Last Stand Bar. Behind it are 3 more BJ bars: Sweety, Nifty's, and Club Rio. Both Nifty's and Club Rio will also want 600 pesos. These 2 bars have one owner and shares the same bedrooms upstairs. Sweety was asking for a 1000 for short or longtime. I never been back since... Think they all close at midnight.

On Friendship highway are 3 more bars next to each other but the only name I remember is the Jolly Frog. All are own by the same owner who also owns Nifty's and Club Rio. I've been quoted 600 but I've heard recent reports of 800 pesos but I haven't been there in a couple of months. I think they all close at midnight also.

Some of the bigger bars in Fields may have a small room for quickies but they'll usually ask for the same price of a bar fine.

Be careful in any of the BJ shacks. Some gals may not have licenses so if she looks to young, don't sample. Some are virgins who strictly do BJs so no FS. Some are very pretty but may have given birth at a young age and cannot wear bikinis like in the bigger bars like the Doll house or Las Vegas. I was once disappointed because this 22 yr old gal had horrible looking stretch marks as a result of giving birth when she was only 15. So do your interview before you pay for service. Ask her to flash you a tit or two to see her belly.

Good luck!

12-25-07, 10:25
Me also in AC and no shortage of girls. But some lookers are gone to their province, thats for sure. One of my favorites left on 22nd to Leythe, imagine this, BY PLANE from Manila! No more bus or ferry!

Hmmm, barfined a girl yesterday from a bar which is closed today on 25th. She is still here (5pm) in my room, doesn't want to go home and for me there is no reason to kick her out, but what does it mean? I gotta get two nights with her for one BF?
Anyway, if so, will tip her then accordingly tomorrow.

As said, most shops and some bars closed today, but still lots of action.

Merry Christmas! Cheers!

12-25-07, 12:21
i heard from a friend of mine at champayne that 2 girls (one a cherry girl) were attacked after work by 5 filopino guys on there way home. they were raped and stabbed several times. the men were caught next day and girls still remain in hospital what i have heard. my friend whom i have known for 2 years is shaken up for she usually goes home with these girls but did not due to she was barfined. has anyone else heard this? i guess it was saturday night.

12-25-07, 13:22
Finding a dead huge coakroach in the cr wasnt also my liking :D


Yep, I totally agree. I need my cockroach alive and kicking unless dipped in chocolate. Anyway, there is no excaping cockroaches in a damp environment such as a hotel. You can kill every single one of them and the very next day a few will travel from some nasty place next door or nearby. They have nothing to do but eat and fuck, I can relate to that. I don't have them in my house, 3 cats and a dog, anything that moves if food!

Next topic: She doesn't want to go back to a tiny foam mattress on the floor and shared with 3 or 4 other nasty girls with no cable or aircon is the reason your girl does not want to leave. Tip her normally as you would for a good session. Please don't compensate her with a tip beyond a BF. P500 for 2 great days is plenty. I'm assuming you are feeding and entertaining her diba.

Mary XXXmas!

12-25-07, 15:42

I agree with Zuzon.

When on holidays I never have checked luggage.

I carry a smallish backpack and that's it.

If you ask the ladies at the checkin whether it is ok or not, you are inviting them to not have to bother to check your luggage in at all, so they are likely to say 'ok' and hand you a pass for the luggage. I have travelled Qantas, Thai, Austrian, Tiger, and it works for them, so I figure CX should be ok.

The worst that would happen is that they would make you check it in.

Why not buy yourself a bag that does fit in with the standard dimensions?

You can get them for dirt cheap anywhere in asia.

Even better, just take enough on board to get you to your asian destination, then buy clothes and luggage there. When my last backpack gave up its last threads, I ditched it, strolled on board with a plastic shopping bag with toothpaste, shaving gear, vitamin V and that was it. Bought a replacement pack in Singapore and a change of underwear sox and shirt, and then got the rest as I needed it in Angeles.


Obviously if you are travelling on business it is another matter, needing suits and extra shoes etc etc etc.

12-26-07, 03:41
Taking my first trip to AC in a few weeks, and I wanted to know if it is easy to pick-up freelance talent during the daytime at the mall or similar venues. Im mid 40's, reasonably fit, not overweight, not bald, not Brad Pitt, but not Danny DeVito either. Any advice on where to go, how to approach it, etc. would be greatly appreciated.

12-26-07, 03:52
Also, I arrive in Manila at 10:30 p.m. I assume that's too late to get to AC that night and have a decent time. Or should I go straight there anyway?

Rob Woodrow
12-26-07, 06:58
taking my first trip to ac in a few weeks, and i wanted to know if it is easy to pick-up freelance talent during the daytime at the mall or similar venues. im mid 40's, reasonably fit, not overweight, not bald, not brad pitt, but not danny devito either. any advice on where to go, how to approach it, etc. would be greatly appreciated.if you're looking for daytime action, it's easy to find. blow row is mostly open 24 hours. dollhouse and voodoo are open 24 hours. a few others open at either noon or 2pm (treasure island, gecko's, lollipop, dirty duck, maybe others i'm forgetting).

i'm not an ac expert by any means, but it's my understanding that freelancers aren't recommended, as they're typically ladyboys or **** sting operations. not sure about how easy it is to pick up shopgirls or waitresses as freebies. i never bothered to try. bar action was too easy to find at any time.

my next trip is jan 5. can't wait. 10 long days until then.

12-26-07, 10:13
Taking my first trip to AC in a few weeks, and I wanted to know if it is easy to pick-up freelance talent during the daytime at the mall or similar venues. Im mid 40's, reasonably fit, not overweight, not bald, not Brad Pitt, but not Danny DeVito either. Any advice on where to go, how to approach it, etc. would be greatly appreciated.It would be unwise for you to look for freelancers here in AC. You can easily be set up and could cost you a lot of money. Many of the hotels have warnings posted up advising you not to go with freelancers. If you are looking for free sex , you have a better chance of getting it from the retirement homes in your country. Since this is your first trip, you would be safer to go to the bars.

The SM mall has a lot of girls but to approach them cold is not an easy task. Unless you have Tom Cruise looks you may be in with a chance. The majority of the girls are from the bars, this is the heart and soul of mongering. You may have to re-think your ideas and adjust your thinking.

I hope you have a good time in AC.

12-26-07, 10:22
Also, I arrive in Manila at 10:30 p.m. I assume that's too late to get to AC that night and have a decent time. Or should I go straight there anyway?You can go from Manila airport direct to AC by car. the cost is P2100 . book thru margarita station. very reliable as long as you follow instructions. Since this is your first visit, staying in Manila is a hassle. Many hotels booked out due to high season. It is 2 to 2.5 hours to go to AC from Manila depending on traffic.

Make your hotel bookings now, most hotels fully booked.

12-26-07, 13:19

First and foremost, forget about the freelancers. You have a better chance of getting scammed, robbed, and or in jail vs a successful session. Why would you even consider this on your cherry trip? I live here and will pass on a freelancer.

You should be settled in AC around 1am or so according to your arrival time. No problem at all. Tons of bars still open and of course the bj bars are 24 hours. Plus, seems like you have your heart set on trying to get a freelancer, they are a plenty at that time. Just make sure you have enough cash to get out of jail and or prepared to get a shot in the ass.

FREELANCERS: Just not fucking worth it, simple. I've seen seasoned veterans locked up in the nasty jails. Take my head now, else pay the piper. Please feel free to copy and post this to any and all newbies on this site. And shame on the "seasoned veterans" that claim success. It just takes one lil' hottie to put you in jail or deplete your bank account. And it really doesn't matter if you have pull, connections, friends in the police and or politicians, there are bigger fish difuckingba?


12-26-07, 13:41
taking my first trip to ac in a few weeks, and i wanted to know if it is easy to pick-up freelance talent during the daytime at the mall or similar venues. im mid 40's, reasonably fit, not overweight, not bald, not brad pitt, but not danny devito either. any advice on where to go, how to approach it, etc. would be greatly appreciated.there are no freelance venues in ac. street girls are available (santos/real/fields streets). the police are actively recruiting and using freelancers for ****/[CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) scams.

instead, enjoy 24 hour bars (dollhouse, perhaps deja voodoo, and santos street mini bars). most perimeter (don juico) bars are open early afternoon also. spend money; your looks won't matter.

go to the sm mall (try 10am weekdays) and flirt with the sales girls if you want. it won't be easy, but you can always hit santos street afterwards.

12-26-07, 18:24
freelancers are available in ac. not all **** and scams. most of the freelancers are not good looking. you can find them on the streets at night or at the mall during daytime. your looks has nothing to do with it unless you want to meet a long time gf you want to support.
most of the girls in phi are available one way or the other. some need lot of work like any other country in the world. if you want to find a future wife talk to any good looking girl. if you are in phi for mongering stick to the bargirls. it is safer , cheap and service is good.

12-26-07, 21:32
freelancers are available in ac. not all **** and scams. most of the freelancers are not good looking. you can find them on the streets at night or at the mall during daytime. your looks has nothing to do with it unless you want to meet a long time gf you want to support.
most of the girls in phi are available one way or the other. some need lot of work like any other country in the world. if you want to find a future wife talk to any good looking girl. if you are in phi for mongering stick to the bargirls. it is safer , cheap and service is good.

and how would you sift through the scam artists to find an honest freelancer?

Baja Dave
12-27-07, 01:11
I will be travelling to AC for the first time on January 1st. If any fellow mongers would like to meet up and have a drink, the first round is on me. I could use some advice on the better establishments to visit.

CheersI'll be there the 9th let me know where.


12-27-07, 04:36
in ac only way it is a scam is if you pick up an **** girl. first get to know the girl , that means do not be in a rush to take her to your room. take her out to a bar or disco. spend lot of time with her. girls who want to scam you do not want to waste time with all these things.check the id she has and if you are not sure ask the hotel security guards to help you. they will surely check it out.
do not worry about five guys entering your room and beating you. security in ac is very good in decent hotels. police are involved only if she is ****.
having said this do you want to go through all these hassles to get a freelancer when tons of girls are available at bars? yes and no.
i have met four freelancers and they were all good girls having daytime jobs. one worked at a salon, the other worked in a legitimate massage and the third worked at a fast food place and the forth was a 18 year old bargirl who lost her cherry and in the process got pregnant. no scams involved. they were just trying to meet guys for a secure future. ofcourse i gave them money and sometimes took them shopping. these are the girls who do not want to work in the bar. if you are successfull they will become real gf for you. ac may be known for bargirls but there are tons of young women working in other jobs who are available. also there are many college girls in ac.

maybe i got lucky. some other people may have different experience.

12-27-07, 06:01
I am by no means an expert.

I have been to the Phils 3 times in the last 12 months. I have been to AC twice. I rented a car and drove myself both times - though I do not recommend the rental car routine.

Here's how I would plan the timeline if it were me. Arrive 10:30. Immigration and customs then on the street 11:30. At that time of night you should be able to get to AC in 1.5 hours so arrival between 1 & 1:30.

On my first night in AC, I arrived at 3:30 in the afternoon. Had dinner with some Aussies I met at the hotel bar at 6:00. Met a ISG friend at 7:00 to barhop. We went to Nero's and the Blue Nile then to La Pasha.

I was so mezmerized by all the girls that I didn't take my first barfine until after midnight. Took my 2nd at 3:00 am. And my last 2 (waitress & hostess) from the Dollhouse at 5:30 am. The waitress from the Dollhouse gave me the best sexual experience I have had in many years.

I say take advantage of that first night - take the ride to AC - and have a hell of a good time. You'll probably be wide awake from jet lag anyway.

Good luck,


Frequent Flier
12-27-07, 08:42
Also, I arrive in Manila at 10:30 p.m. I assume that's too late to get to AC that night and have a decent time. Or should I go straight there anyway?

I would make a reservation at the Heritage hotel right across from EDSA plaza, which has many gogo bars inside. You are sure to find your match there. Once you leave the airport you should be at the Heritage hotel in approximately 15 minutes.

I checked Asia Travel web site as well as the Heritage web site and the rooms seem to going for higher than what i used to pay, US$90.00 to US$98.00 a night. Seems to me that I used to pay around US$70.00 a night.

In any case EDSA Plaza is right across the street. I walk to the plaza, but always catch a taxi back to the hotel when I leave to escape the beggars. Plus I always have a girl or two with me and I want to get back to the room ASAP. After a night of fun go to AC the next morning.

That is what I do, but to each his own.


12-27-07, 13:00
Ok, the average tourist comes here for about 2 weeks a year. I get that number by the hundreds of newbies that look me up and consider the younger guys with limited vacation time. Older guys usually have more time but spend less time on my topic.

Average active monger expat spends between P500-P2000 a day, depending on if he has a live in and or needs short time hotel. Most of us eat out at least for lunch. The source is just paying attention to you guys, not an obsession but just one of those things I do to pass the time.

Average tourist spends about P5,OOO a day not including hotel. I get that figure from my tourist days and meeting so many other guys just by barhopping as well as the newbies I hang out with. Remember, I'm talking about the 2 2 week a year tourist.

So, since I'm an expat I will allow the P500 a day and the tourist his P5,000 a day. Now excuse me while I bring out my calculator. I'm sure to undercut the expat and at least give the AVERAGE tourist his due. BTW, the tourist that I hang out with rarely have more fun than I do per day.


So in a given year, an expat spends a hell of lot more in a bar than the average tourist. Sure you have the balls to the wall tourist(I refuse to mention Koreans) that will double or triple the amount. And I understand the tourist outnumber the expats, crap I can't imagine that statistic.

Anyway,the purpose of my post is, well this post has taken too much time to make,so I forget. Again and as almost always IMHO all the above. Just want to point out the extreme costs increase over the past 5 years, taking in the exchange rate and the increase of prices. Expats are hurting and I give credit to those bars that help out with the free cards for happy our prices and the generous happy hours that many bars provide.

And since it seems I'm on a rant, service overall has gone way down-hill in the last 5 years.

Before I submit this I had a moment of clarity. The discount cards are the best idea! We can get our cheap drink and the "in the know" tourist too. Yet the bars can still make thier "big" money from the uninformed. Seems like a win win for all to me. But then again, here I sit in my flash recliner...


Samar 2009
12-28-07, 02:06
Dear fellow members,

Just one question. I will be picked up by a private car from the hotel for 2,500 pesos. Do I have to tip the driver as well or not. If I have to tip how much do you think is appropriate.

Thanks in advance,


Samar 2009
12-28-07, 02:21
Going through the posts, nearly everyone advises to keep away from Cherry girls because of no boom boom. Just out of curiosity if I do decide to barfine one of them, will she let you going down on her and she will perform BBBJ?

One post (I can't remember where) a fellow monger got all of the above plus anal. Does this happen as well?

Thanks again,


12-28-07, 03:38
Average active monger expat spends between P500-P2000 a day ...
Average tourist spends about P5,OOO a day not including hotel.


Very interesting post, indeed! Let me just add that 5,000 pesos/day guarantee you an awesome time with plenty of drinks, great food and even two barfines. Where else in the world can dirty old men like us have such a hell of fun with 19 years old girls? AC is truly great!

Cheers - Hesekiels

Darth Sushi
12-28-07, 04:35

Very interesting post, indeed! Let me just add that 5,000 pesos/day guarantee you an awesome time with plenty of drinks, great food and even two barfines. Where else in the world can dirty old men like us have such a hell of fun with 19 years old girls? AC is truly great!

Cheers - HesekielsLOL, I had one chick once called me as a "D.O.M." I almost got pissed until she explained it to me (Dirty old man).

12-28-07, 13:44
Hello Acemanmax, about your question re cherry girls. Firstly, they are prized in bars. If you ask the mamasan for a cherry girl, or you decide to barfine a cherry girl, you pay a special fee. I do not know what it is now, but a few years ago I was quoted 30,000 pesos.

Secondly, the definition of cherry is pretty tight, it means no penile penetration of her vagina. Your dick is the first one in there. So her experience may be absolutely zero, or she may have done plenty of bbj, and/or anal, but not vaginal.

Usually the girl is pretty enthusiastic, because she gets a lot of money, but all sorts of things can go wrong, so there is no guarantee of performance.

Hope this helps,


12-28-07, 13:47
Gentlemen, specially Darth Sushi, thanks for the info re bbj in AC.

It is priceless. It means I can get the max from the time I have available.

I will make a post after the event.


Been There
12-28-07, 15:09

first and foremost, forget about the freelancers. you have a better chance of getting scammed, robbed, and or in jail vs a successful session. why would you even consider this on your cherry trip? i live here and will pass on a freelancer.

it just takes one lil' hottie to put you in jail or deplete your bank account. and it really doesn't matter if you have pull, connections, friends in the police and or politicians, there are bigger fish difuckingba?

budgood advice, weigh the risks folks, dollars and/or influence will not necessarily make this go away. stick to the traveled routes and roots unless you are prepared for any outcome. i have met many guys there, poorer but wiser, who say. 'but i thought she really liked me' lol and thanx bud for the food chain analogy, big fish in small ponds tend to be the worst i've found. hehe. having been involved in a high speed car chase with the barangay tanod there i can assure readers they are total pricks & completely corrupt! if you want to chance your hand at freelance then check the ample posts here regarding other destinations. this board has furnished me with a whole new goldmine of info to use when i lob there in 7 days. yeh. i should be a paid up member but hey. ako mahirap! i am heading for ozamis and some other towns. a few meetings teed up on dia but i think it will be once i am there that things will happen. thanks guys for all the info and advice. when i return in mid feb i will repay in kind and hopefully contribute in that way to this fine board and other members of the forum.

Asian Rain
12-28-07, 15:36
From my sessions, "cherry" equates to inexperienced. Trying to DATY on a virgin girl is usually hopeless... either they squirm around and act all ticklish (keeping your head in a leg vice in the process) or they try to keep their hands over their pussy in case you try to slip in a finger on the sly. This can be especially true if they know that selling their virginity is worth big $$. So I would say the answer to your first question is NO.

For BBBJ, it's pretty easy to ask before taking the girl... again, if the girl doesn't have much experience, her skill is likely to be lacking. Your mileage may vary.

My pimpette friend brought me a virgin the last time I was in Manila. The price was PHP15,000, but she brought the girl in the morning and I was too groggy to make an effort, so I decided to just go for the suck and facial for PHP1,100. The girl was doing a damn good job, so I offered to bump her up to PHP2,500 (which she could keep the extra on the sly) if she gave me her anal virgin. When she said yes I didn't take more than 30sec before I lubed up my stick and slipped it in her sphincter... I didn't want to give her a minute to reconsider her decision. It was better than breaking her hymen as I banged her whimpering ass hard from three different positions before unloading my man goo over her sweet smiling mug (taking her facial virginty in the process). :) For me, that was value for money, especially as I whack off to the video, getting loads and loads of extra pleasure long after the deed has been done.

My quick and dirty suggestion for anybody doing a virgin: do it slow, do as much as possible and get the whole thing on tape. You'll have a real souvenir from your sex trip. Enjoy, AsianRain

Going through the posts, nearly everyone advises to keep away from Cherry girls because of no boom boom. Just out of curiosity if I do decide to barfine one of them, will she let you going down on her and she will perform BBBJ?

One post (I can't remember where) a fellow monger got all of the above plus anal. Does this happen as well?

Thanks again,


Samar 2009
12-28-07, 20:23
From my sessions, "cherry" equates to inexperienced. Trying to DATY on a virgin girl is usually hopeless... either they squirm around and act all ticklish (keeping your head in a leg vice in the process) or they try to keep their hands over their pussy in case you try to slip in a finger on the sly. This can be especially true if they know that selling their virginity is worth big $$. So I would say the answer to your first question is NO.

For BBBJ, it's pretty easy to ask before taking the girl... again, if the girl doesn't have much experience, her skill is likely to be lacking. Your mileage may vary.

My pimpette friend brought me a virgin the last time I was in Manila. The price was PHP15,000, but she brought the girl in the morning and I was too groggy to make an effort, so I decided to just go for the suck and facial for PHP1,100. The girl was doing a damn good job, so I offered to bump her up to PHP2,500 (which she could keep the extra on the sly) if she gave me her anal virgin. When she said yes I didn't take more than 30sec before I lubed up my stick and slipped it in her sphincter... I didn't want to give her a minute to reconsider her decision. It was better than breaking her hymen as I banged her whimpering ass hard from three different positions before unloading my man goo over her sweet smiling mug (taking her facial virginty in the process). :) For me, that was value for money, especially as I whack off to the video, getting loads and loads of extra pleasure long after the deed has been done.

My quick and dirty suggestion for anybody doing a virgin: do it slow, do as much as possible and get the whole thing on tape. You'll have a real souvenir from your sex trip. Enjoy, AsianRainExcellent report AR.

The best souvenir to look at for years to come.

Thanks again,


Samar 2009
12-28-07, 20:30
Hello Acemanmax, about your question re cherry girls. Firstly, they are prized in bars. If you ask the mamasan for a cherry girl, or you decide to barfine a cherry girl, you pay a special fee. I do not know what it is now, but a few years ago I was quoted 30,000 pesos.

Secondly, the definition of cherry is pretty tight, it means no penile penetration of her vagina. Your dick is the first one in there. So her experience may be absolutely zero, or she may have done plenty of bbj, and/or anal, but not vaginal.

Usually the girl is pretty enthusiastic, because she gets a lot of money, but all sorts of things can go wrong, so there is no guarantee of performance.

Hope this helps,

ganglesThanks again Gangles,


12-28-07, 23:32
LOL, I had one chick once called me as a "D.O.M." I almost got pissed until she explained it to me (Dirty old man).

I was about 30-32 at the time and I was banging a Mexicana. She said, "ayyy papi" and I thought, "what the fuck? Papi? Then she followed with a "que rico". I quickly realized it was something good.


12-29-07, 04:43
Two days ago I took a Five Star bus from Cubao towards Dau. Although the bus was almost empty a cuty took her seat just beside me and started a nice conversation. During our ride to Pampanga I was told that she works in a fast food restaurant and that she is a little sad because her American boyfriend went home recently.

To make a long story short: after her working hours we met at Fields, a little barhopping, then at 11:30pm back to my hotel. Holy smoke, to my biggest surprise this cuty was 10 times better than my previous barfines. Three unbelievable rounds with excellent performance each! At 8am she left me for work, declining my tip with a lovely smile and the words: "why you wanna give me money? After all I was so damn horny!"

Well, gentlemen, even such strange things can happen in AC! Mabuhay ang Pilipinas! :)

Cheers - Hesekiels

Samar 2009
12-29-07, 23:42
Did any of the fellow mongers ever stayed at Nara-Swagman's resort?

I just wanted some info regarding the rooms, staff attitude etc.etc.

I friend of mine stayed there about three years ago, but things could have changed by now. I know is a bit far from the action, but I don't mind to walk a bit.

My friend also said there is a park not far from the resort, where you can relax and read a book during daytime. He also said that in close proximity to the resort, on the main Hwy, there are some good eateries and some bars.

He was a bit vague about the location of the bars and eateries. I believe his memory is not as good as it use to be.

Your advice will be much appreciated.


12-30-07, 04:37

Their rooms are not so great. The service is efficient. Too far from ground zero. Restaurant has decent food, attracts many aussies. They are the best mongers to be sitting around having a beer.
I use their travel services a lot going to Manila and Puerto Galera and booking flights to other neighboring countries. They seriously need to upgrade their land transportation means.
For a newbie, I would recommend hotels around the premimeter area, if you cannot affort to stay in the center. PM me if you need more details.

Darth Sushi
12-30-07, 05:08

Their rooms are not so great. The service is efficient. Too far from ground zero. Restaurant has decent food, attracts many aussies. They are the best mongers to be sitting around having a beer.

I use their travel services a lot going to Manila and Puerto Galera and booking flights to other neighboring countries. They seriously need to upgrade their land transportation means.

For a newbie, I would recommend hotels around the premimeter area, if you cannot affort to stay in the center. PM me if you need more details.I agree with Columpuss. Swagman is adequate but not worth it because of the distance from where the action is. Swagman is better known for its shuttle and travel services than its hotel accommodations.

Samar 2009
12-30-07, 05:37

Their rooms are not so great. The service is efficient. Too far from ground zero. Restaurant has decent food, attracts many aussies. They are the best mongers to be sitting around having a beer.

I use their travel services a lot going to Manila and Puerto Galera and booking flights to other neighboring countries. They seriously need to upgrade their land transportation means.

For a newbie, I would recommend hotels around the premimeter area, if you cannot affort to stay in the center. PM me if you need more details. Thanks for the info Columpuss. I haven't decided yet on the place of accomodation or when I will be visiting AC yet. I am getting as much info as I can right now, until I decide on the date of the invasion. D-Day. And I won't be taking any prisoners. Thanks again. Acemanmax

12-30-07, 05:46
Folks, right now I have an awesome time in AC! And the best part is that my old friend and 'city guide' Mr Ekspat never fails to surprise me day-to-day! Although I am really no newbie in AC I have to admit with envy that Ekspats entertainment programs are simply exceptional!

One example: after having had a heavy night with too many bottles SMB we met at 1pm for a late breakfast. Since it was damn hot and we still had a terrible hangover it was crystal clear that only a relaxing afternoon program comes into question. Good luck that one of his countless 'girlfriends' :) - in this case a waitress from La Pasha - started to text him.

Waitress: "Hi, it's hot, my dear! Let's meet in your room now!".

Ekspat: "Not now, maybe in 45 minutes, ok? Hey, I am together with my friend. So, first let's meet somewhere else for a drink, but bring one of your friends for Hese, ok!? BTW, I think he likes the tiny waitress who talked to him yesterday. So, make sure that she comes as well, ok?!"

Waitress: "No problem"!

after 30 minutes:

Waitress: "Both of us are here in the restaurant!"

Ekspat: Great, we will be there in 5 minutes.

Well, folks, after a little snack for the girls the four of us left the restaurant, purchased some cold drinks in the supermarket and headed straight to our hotel. Then 45 minutes party time in Ekspats room. After that a little privacy in my own room. Fantastic bbbj and two excellent f**ks (the first one under the shower :) ). After the deed back to Ekspats room for party time, part 2! Yeah, and after this superb program both girls unpacked their uniforms and went to work!

Wow, gentlemen, that was truly a felicitous afternoon! Life can be so easy and guided by Mr Ekspat even easier! :)

Cheers - Hesekiels

01-01-08, 08:49
Wish me luck...

Mr Durex
01-01-08, 08:54
Wish me luck...Pressing booth thumbs and good luck for you.

Please post your first time experience, would be nice to learn from you for MY first trip to AC in February - March.

Mr Durex

01-01-08, 12:27
Wish me luck...

You bet your life, your time there will be simply great! Enjoy it and - of course - good luck, brother! :)

Cheers - Hesekiels

01-01-08, 13:55
Happy New Year to all in AC. Wish I could join you.


01-03-08, 02:28
Cross posting since Dubai is the home base. Where do I start? I guess at the beginning. I left the VVS watch in a safe in Makati since VVSes can get you killed in the Philippines. Still had the earrings though which drew more attention then I like. The Philippines not a good place to show signs of wealth. The moment of truth had arrived. I was finally going to Angeles after three years of waiting to due to personal conflicts.


Hit the dollhouse about 300pm. This place had the whole black out lights set up big stage lot of girls. My first bar fine in AC came in the form of one of the door girls who politely put her hands on my lap as she came in from outside. She asked could she feel my dick since she said she is aware black guys are packing. After a feel she said ok lets go. We get back to the room and we fuck once then she said I can bar fine her again but she would not be fucking as I “broke her pussy” in her own words. She came off really silly felt like I was dealing with a child most of the time. Had the gall to ask could she keep my 3000 dollars earrings for me until I return. After that sent her packing.

Honey Pot

Picked up a little number who took an instant interest. The Honey Pot is small but most of the girls are fuckable. Chatted it up with her for a while in bar and she convinced me to barfine her. We hit the room and she acted like she didn’t know what do. I thought to myself maybe taking off your dress will give you an idea. Same thing from last time? She wanted me to finish as I was hurting her but said I could fuck her again for free later and took my mobile number. She had a cool vibe and we hit up the SM mall and had some pizza. Told her I was going to come back to see her but I knew and she knew I was bullshiting. First two barfines in the historic AC? Are these girls being fucked? Pussies tight like virgins and very inexperienced. I mean I like tight pussies but damn….


Small place nice girls in the personality department. Lacking about everywhere else.


Nice small line up. Cool girls. Cool staff.

Blue Nile

Set up like the Dollhouse lot of girls ranging from 2-10s loud music. Seen one girl that made my my temperature rise. Requested she be brought to the table. The girl responded she is a cherry girl. In the Philippines this means a virgin or very inexperienced. She told me if I really wanted to fuck her I had to pay about 1700USD. Ha Ha. Nope not interested I rather buy some more diamonds. The manager was an American and seen my baseball cap representing my city in the US and gave me a free drink. Cool.


Funny girls. Lacking in looks. Small line up. Drunk European telling me how much he loves hip hop especially 2pac....

Dollhouse Revisited

Night time. NOW the place is packed lot of punters, Americans, Koreans, and Europeans etc. The big shows going full force many girls on stage and in the crowd. Most are sexy ass hell. Its getting late I have to go back to Manila in the morning. I am looking for something to retire with. First girl told me she never been with black guy and she would not be interested in a bar fine. Ok. Second girl told me she had Korean boyfriend that takes care of her and she doesn’t fuck customers anymore. Ok. Wow in one of the most notorious red light districts in the world I can’t find a date I LIKE. Yes many girls are available but most range in the 2-5 department. She told me had one friend that might be interested. I told her go get her. She brought the girl back and she looked like she had about as many miles on her as a Michael Jordan’s sneakers. She told me “Don’t worry I take good care of you.” I brought her a drink and left.

Bar Name Forgotten

Spotted an 18 year old on stage waist length mane. Slim as a dollar. Requested her presence at my table. Also said she was not interested in bar fine. She is afraid. But her range 2 friend was willing to take her place. Nope paid the tab and bailed. Wow.

Bar Name Forgotten

Nice looking girls. Range 5-8. Spotted another with the long hair I like. Slim as a dollar could have been no more then 80-90 Ibs. Told me she was very inexperienced. Yes she was interested in a bar fine. She was extremely tight I thought I saw tears in her eyes at one point and I was real gentle with her. She took it like champ though with minor complaints and I awarded her accordingly. She was a sweet heart though. Even was game for another round.

The Wrap Up

First trip to Angeles. At this point I really don’t know what to say. At this point I think Thailand is better fuck destination. I will be back in a couple of months. A happy mongering new year to all.

Photos found here http://internationalsexguide.info/forum/fileslist.php

01-04-08, 04:03

Hit the dollhouse about 300pm. This place had the whole black out lights set up big stage lot of girls ...


Good to read that you had a great time in AC! The Dollhouse has indeed a huge selection of pretty girls! I was told that nowadays there are about 500 dancers (?!) working in three shifts. However, the biggest pitfall is the exorbitant high price for one LD (approx. 250 pesos).

Always keep in mind: 5 LD's = 1 barfine! :)

Cheers - Hesekiels

Samar 2009
01-06-08, 06:44
Dear Mattrick,

I was browsing through the earlier reports and a report that you've posted back in 03/07/07 had some interesting points regarding Swagmans.

Can you please elaborate some more if you don't mind? like regarding the three bars across the road you've mentioned on your report or any other usefull information for the resort and around this area. Also Swagmans have a bar called Shaggers Bar. How is it like?

Any other members of the forum are wellcomed to put their two cents worth in. The 15 minute walk is realy not that far from the main Fields area, as I usually walk for an hour and a half each day.

Thanks again.


01-06-08, 09:49
[QUOTE=AcemanMax]Dear Mattrick,

I was browsing through the earlier reports and a report that you've posted back in 03/07/07 had some interesting points regarding Swagmans.

Can you please elaborate some more if you don't mind? like regarding the three bars across the road you've mentioned on your report or any other usefull information for the resort and around this area. Also Swagmans have a bar called Shaggers Bar. How is it like?

Any other members of the forum are wellcomed to put their two cents worth in. The 15 minute walk is realy not that far from the main Fields area, as I usually walk for an hour and a half each day.

Thanks again.

I've stayed at the Patio Inn a couple of times and found it pertty good value for money. There are a couple of bars in S. L. Orosa St and surrounding streets where the customer/girl ratio is very much in your favour. The line up is not usually brilliant, but it's usually cheaper than anything in Field's and an easy walk home with your selection (or two for 2000p) Never mind the quality, feel the width I say! Back in 3 weeks for more punishment.




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The quote tags are simple to use, all you have to do is look for them in the text. Anything that you want to appear in quotes must start with "[quote]" and end with "[/quote ]". Please note the "/" forward slash in the last tag. It's that simple.

In addition, you can preview your report before it's posted, so it's easy to check if you got it right before it's displayed in The Forum.



Samar 2009
01-06-08, 19:42
Thanks Chickenlegs1

Out of curiosity how much Patio Inn was charging you per night and what year did you stay at this place, in order to compare apples with apples.

Thanks again.,


[QUOTE=AcemanMax]Dear Mattrick,

I was browsing through the earlier reports and a report that you've posted back in 03/07/07 had some interesting points regarding Swagmans.

Can you please elaborate some more if you don't mind? like regarding the three bars across the road you've mentioned on your report or any other usefull information for the resort and around this area. Also Swagmans have a bar called Shaggers Bar. How is it like?

Any other members of the forum are wellcomed to put their two cents worth in. The 15 minute walk is realy not that far from the main Fields area, as I usually walk for an hour and a half each day.

Thanks again.

I've stayed at the Patio Inn a couple of times and found it pertty good value for money. There are a couple of bars in S. L. Orosa St and surrounding streets where the customer/girl ratio is very much in your favour. The line up is not usually brilliant, but it's usually cheaper than anything in Field's and an easy walk home with your selection (or two for 2000p) Never mind the quality, feel the width I say! Back in 3 weeks for more punishment.




It appears that you inadvertently forgot to correctly place the quote tags in this report. Usually I can fix this sort of thing before it's displayed, but I don't have a clue as to how you intended this report to appear.

The quote tags are simple to use, all you have to do is look for them in the text. Anything that you want to appear in quotes must start with "[quote]" and end with "[/quote ]". Please note the "/" forward slash in the last tag. It's that simple.

In addition, you can preview your report before it's posted, so it's easy to check if you got it right before it's displayed in The Forum.



01-07-08, 03:17
I will be making a trip to Angeles City from February 21st leaving AC on March 11. I'd like to see if there are any other people on this board who'd like to meet up for a barhop or maybe just lunch at kokomoz or margarita station. I've been a forum member now for several months, but this is my first post. There's lots of good information on here from both expats as well as the casual AC tourists. By the way, this will be my third trip to AC since the beginning of 2005. Hope to meet some of you next month!

01-07-08, 09:50
I've been back to AC 5 times in the last year alone (I live and work in China).

The Patio costed 1000p/night (a/c, fridge) or 900p/night if staying longer than
a week.

Speak to Tess nicely and I'm sure you'll do alright. (She's at the bar)

See you there perhaps,


01-07-08, 11:44
A quick review of 2 disco's in AC, for the ones who are tired sitting on their chair and wish to participate to the rythm.

R&B Disco: this is a local disco located further on the Perimeter. 10 minutes trike from Fields.

I've seen very few Foreigners (2 or 3.), but had no problem with the locals. Of course try to keep a low profile. Dress code is relatively smart casual, no shorts or sandals. There are many girls, some very nice looking, but this does not seem a pick-up place for Foreigners. I was personally with 2 girls one night, 3 girls the other one, from Carroussel.

No standing: everyone sits on confortable couches; good and prompt service; reasonable prices, food offered as well. They have a good system where you sign all the receipts, and are presented the bill at the end.

It is Filipino style entertainment, and I love that concept of 2 live bands, first singing some melodious songs to listen, then inviting everyone to dance on the dancing floor or even stage with them; the atmosphere quickly heats up. I've found 2 bands really excellent singers and dancers, I wish I could import them to Europe and open a disco of the same concept. Music is 80% R&B, and some songs are served "ad nauseum".

Except for the dancing floor overcrowding of Saturday night, I do like this place, the bar girls really like dancing as well and are much more excited and entertaining here than in their den. If you wish to bring some bar-girls there "just for dancing", you can negotiate with the girl to pay to the bar a "barshare" instead of "barfine" = half price of the barfine, so only the bar gets the fee, the girl gots nothing except that you offer a free evening dancing with her friends and some drinks. But girl won't go back to your room after. However as I'll be back to AC next week, I expect my generosity to be rewarded. I have already hints of some good threesomes coming up.

2) First Class: top floor on the Fields; concept is good, like a regular bar but you are encouraged to dance with the dancing hostesses; it is nicely decorated, but a bit low class in term of customers and girls. Music is a bit of everything, and the DJ played some interesting mixture of old hard rock (Deep Purple anyone? ) mixed with Techno, prompting an old bloke dressed in shorts to show his best skills on the dancing floor. Funny at the beginning, pathetic at the end. Drinks are reasonable, but at the end you wonder why pay the same price than at the R&B which offers much more.

01-07-08, 19:16
Normal lady drinks at Doll House are p150. The p250 drinks are a scam, ask before you buy. Sure there are around 500 dancers, but don't expect to see them all at once. 490 of the availabe ones are butt ugly, especialy at the wee hours.



Good to read that you had a great time in AC! The Dollhouse has indeed a huge selection of pretty girls! I was told that nowadays there are about 500 dancers (?!) working in three shifts. However, the biggest pitfall is the exorbitant high price for one LD (approx. 250 pesos).

Always keep in mind: 5 LD's = 1 barfine! :)

Cheers - Hesekiels

01-07-08, 20:28
Normal lady drinks at Doll House are p150. The p250 drinks are a scam, ask before you buy...


Well, not entirely wrong what you wrote, but now follow the usual conversation:

- waitress 2: "do you wanna buy her (waitress 1) one drink?"
- Hes: "yes, why not!?"


- Hes: "may I invite you for one drink?"
- waitress 1: "of course!"

then the question:

- Hes: "what do you like to drink?"
- waitress 1: "one Margarita", or, "one SM light", or, "Baileys on ice" (= 250 pesos each).

However, I never heard: "one juice" (= 150 pesos)! Let's guess why - maybe just because of the better commission? :)

Sure, now one could easily say:

"no my dear, I just buy you one juice because it costs 100 pesos less, ok?!" But would you really do that? Well, honestly spoken, I am not that cool and let the girl choose! A big mistake? Wasted money? Maybe! Ready to get grilled for that, gentlemen! :)

Cheers - Hesekiels

Samar 2009
01-07-08, 20:57
I've been back to AC 5 times in the last year alone (I live and work in China).

The Patio costed 1000p/night (a/c, fridge) or 900p/night if staying longer than
a week.

Speak to Tess nicely and I'm sure you'll do alright. (She's at the bar)

See you there perhaps,

Chickenlegs1Thanks again Chickenlegs1 for the usefull info.

I haven't decided yet when I will be visiting AC, only because I will be in Thailand first sometime in February-March. The reason I've asked you, is because a friend of mine was enquiring.

It will be my first trip to AC, after visiting Thailand for 51 times. I get discounted airfares in most places that I visit (90%) and also on accomodation in some places up to 50% (retired airline employee).

Swagmans offered me 10% discount for cash payment and another 20% discount for being an airline employee. Total 30% discount on any room.

Hopefully we meet there or any other Phil mongers.

Regards and have a nice day.


01-07-08, 22:59
I guess I'm a cool guy, I always ask the price now. Even in bars I may go in daily I'm sure to check the prices to avoid surprises. Besides, I don't want to waste my time with some scamming *****. Further, because I ask the price the girls will know I'm not one to be scammed. It's your cash, do what you please, but it is well documented on many boards that Doll House "double lady drinks" are a total scam.

Finally, girls respect a dude that is careful with his money a hell of a lot more than the guys that just throw it away. I've seen hundreds of times girls laughing behind a big spenders back saying how stupid he is for wasting his money. I ran this by the girl I just finished banging a couple hours ago and she agrees.



"no my dear, I just buy you one juice because it costs 100 pesos less, ok?!" But would you really do that? Well, honestly spoken, I am not that cool and let the girl choose! A big mistake? Wasted money? Maybe! Ready to get grilled for that, gentlemen! :)

Cheers - Hesekiels

01-07-08, 23:43
I guess I'm a cool guy, I always ask the price now.

M1, I am pretty sure that you are indeed a cool guy! Keep it up, brother! :)

Cheers - Hesekiels

01-08-08, 03:34
There have been many complaints about Dollhouse Bar and you have to ask the question. Why would you waste your time going there? Girls scamming you for ladies drinks, mamasans who want the girls to rip-off customers and bar fines over the top to suck in customers who do not speak English (Koreans and Japanese). Do not be taken in by the glamor and glitz of the floor show. It is a bullshit thing. If you have the time to read other forums you will see many, many complaints about Dollhouse bar. There are so many bars in AC why go to a bar which has a bad name. It is common knowledge that the owners do not care about the customers. Why so many door girls?

Enjoy your time in AC, take care when you spend your hard earned money.

01-08-08, 06:26
Yup! Wazza Is right. DH is well known to sucker in the unknowing, not alert mongor, drunk, or newbee. Its stage and what is inside is very nice and alot of money went into creating the stage and atmosphere inside. Yes and there are pretty girls as well and the dance routine in evening is very well done. Had saying that I will never set foot in there again. I had heard that they "pad" the tab of costomers but figured it maybe isolated incident. Well I am an accountant so I guess they did it to the wrong guy being me. I calculated what I spent last year and they over charged me P650. Yes maybe this is only a little over $10. 00 and comes with scam in Philippines but why do that to costumer if you want him to return. So I take may business else where. I my self like Champayne, Lollipop and bars further down like Mirrors. Never had problem and they want your business and return business. Yes Dollhouse is great for the newbee who wants a wow factor walking into the door. But personally so many bars to choose that have same quality of girls that will give you the same results you want for less LD as well as BF.

01-08-08, 13:57
I would not be quite so harsh on DH.

But OTOH, I have never bought a LD there or barfined anyone.

I figure that if you only buy a coke or two, and watch some of the evening shows (say a change or two of the dancers), you get a good value for money entertainment in a pleasant set up.

Also if you only have a coke, then there is no alcohol kick-in that makes you spend $$ like you do when drunk (or I do at least, which is why I try to stay sober till I have decided on my BF for the night in another bar).

However, spend the bulk of your money in other places where the LD and BF are more reasonable.

That way, you get the best of both worlds, and they get the price of a couple of cokes, but no more.

Sounds fair to me.

54 days to 'wheels up'.

01-08-08, 14:01
.... If you wish to bring some bar-girls there "just for dancing", you can negotiate with the girl to pay to the bar a "barshare" instead of "barfine" = half price of the barfine, so only the bar gets the fee, the girl gots nothing except that you offer a free evening dancing with her friends and some drinks. But girl won't go back to your room after....Is this common in Angeles City?

01-08-08, 17:35
I wouldn't be so harsh on DH either. I have made 2 trips to AC in the last 4 months and I spent a bit of time in DH both trips. I don't drink much and many nights only drink Coke so maybe that helps. The lady drinks are expensive but I never bought a girl more than 2. The barfine for most girls is 1300 pesos which is about the same as most other Fields bars. I was told that some of the girls were more but every girl I talked to was 1300 and I talked to several. I barfined girls there 6 times and my highest bar tab including barfine was 2500 pesos. They do seem to have a lot of cherry girls there.

01-08-08, 19:17
I wouldn't be so harsh on DH either...


totally agreed! Plus IMHO their showtime on Wednesday with bodypainting etc is simply unbeatable! However, two weeks ago I barfined a very cute waitress and she was every single peso worth it! Sometimes one can have apparently good luck at DH! Anybody with a similar experience?

Cheers - Hesekiels

01-09-08, 03:59
Come on guys......
I agree for newbies DH is one of the first addresses.
But then whole Fields is just for newbies, Neros, Champagne,
Voodoo, and Blue Nile etc etc etc.

If you select carefully, DH and the others aren't that bad.
On my recent Xmas-pilgrimage I had excellent performance
from a girl of DH and a dancer of Voodoo.
Just take your time and wait for the girl you click with.


01-09-08, 04:49
Hey guys:

There is a group of people (4 or so: nurse, 2-3 medical residents and maybe 1-2 med students) who want to do some medical volunteer work abroad, ideally in an area where some english is spoken and in SEA. They do want to work in a more urban area and some of their research is centered around STDs and such.

I was wondering if anyone in this forum may know of local clinics and or hospitals who accept residents to work in their places. AC or Manila would work.


Samar 2009
01-09-08, 06:22
Can anyone tell me where is the best place to change cash? Manila airport, hotel in A. C or money changer in A. C.

If it's the money changer in A. C, can anyone tell me ROUGHLY the variance?

Is it 1 or more Pesos per dollar?

Thanks in advance.


01-09-08, 06:34
I have been itching to go to the Philippines for a lone time to scratch that itch I have been having to have all these filipinas in my bed like I have seen here. I have a few questions, and hopefully everyone can help me out.

1. For my first trip which city should I start with for good action, and decent tourist stuff (pictures for the folks to cover up my sexcapades).

2. Not knowing any Tagalog, and going by myself are things that worry me the most. I have been to Mexico by myself and what not, but this is a different animal. How do I avoid getting ripped off? Is it a good idea to go on my own?

3. I have heard the terms barfine, and what not on here. I have just started my research what I am hoping for is to have some fun in these bars take a lot of photos. But I would like a happy ending that I can document with photos at the end of the night. Where is the best place to get willing safe ladies?

4. I am allergic to seafood (end up like Hitch), and I don't want to end up in a medical facility there, and I am willing to eat rice and drink bottled sodas everyday if I have too. Are there places that are americanized for food, and I can expect some level of cleanliness?

5. I have a friend who I could take with me, but I am not sure if he is in yet. He is black, do the girls really give a damn what color the guys are or is green the name of the game? He doesn't want to go on a wasted trip if you know what I mean.

Any other tips suggestions or posts you want to point me too would be helpful, I am really excited about going, but if the risks are too high then I may have to re-think.

Thanks in advance.

01-09-08, 07:43
Is this common in Angeles City?I don't think so, but when your girl-friend asks you to bring some other friends for dancing, you should also approach this idea. There is no reason to pay a girl only for dancing. Even worse are the girls who ask for the full barfine to go dancing with you only, the request a tip for their time. In this case, I had good vibes with the girls and they are the ones who suggested it to me.

01-09-08, 07:50
Thanks for the PM Concarne. After looking at the pic again I am sure it is not her. The girl in your pic is too young to be her. Mine was about 23 when I was doing her and that was 7 years ago so she would be 30+ now.

God, how time flies :)


01-09-08, 11:24
This may sound strange, but have any of you older mongers ever run into a bargirl that may be your daughter?

My last mongering was 1987 just before I married a sweetie from Q City so any accidents would now be prime bargirl age.


01-09-08, 12:26
Hey guys:

There is a group of people (4 or so: nurse, 2-3 medical residents and maybe 1-2 med students) who want to do some medical volunteer work abroad, ideally in an area where some english is spoken and in SEA. They do want to work in a more urban area and some of their research is centered around STDs and such.

I was wondering if anyone in this forum may know of local clinics and or hospitals who accept residents to work in their places. AC or Manila would work.


They have never heard of this ???


There are numerous volunteer medical worker organisations available to them by just asking in their workplaces. Some come to Mindanao, I know I have done it.

This ain't the place for your friends to get such info.. hehehehehe :)

Happy mongering

Pute Nut
01-09-08, 13:27
Can anyone tell me where is the best place to change cash? Manila airport, hotel in A. C or money changer in A. C.

AC Money Changer.

If it's the money changer in A. C, can anyone tell me ROUGHLY the variance?

Probably quite a lot compared to a poor hotel rate. Between the moneychangers it varies very little, usually about 10 pesos per 100 bucks, ie one will give you 4040 for a C note and the other 4050.

There is one shop on lower fields (opposite Viper room) you should avoid though, they usually offer a poor rate (only 4020 today for instance, but can be even worse). Shops from the block starting with Subdelicious and going up to Perimeter are OK.

It used to be that Normas (on a side street) offered slightly better rates, but that seems to be a thing of the past. Save your legs.

Enjoy AC :)

01-09-08, 16:44
They have never heard of this ???


There are numerous volunteer medical worker organisations available to them by just asking in their workplaces. Some come to Mindanao, I know I have done it.

This ain't the place for your friends to get such info.. hehehehehe :)

Happy mongering

Definitely not ha ha! But I figured since people are so well informed here and from time to time you read about people collecting toys and clothes for the kids that someoone would know of something.

Thanks for the info!

01-09-08, 19:18
I find the best place to exchange money is at Norma's in AC.

Samar 2009
01-09-08, 19:34
AC Money Changer.

Probably quite a lot compared to a poor hotel rate. Between the moneychangers it varies very little, usually about 10 pesos per 100 bucks, ie one will give you 4040 for a C note and the other 4050.

There is one shop on lower fields (opposite Viper room) you should avoid though, they usually offer a poor rate (only 4020 today for instance, but can be even worse). Shops from the block starting with Subdelicious and going up to Perimeter are OK.

It used to be that Normas (on a side street) offered slightly better rates, but that seems to be a thing of the past. Save your legs.
Enjoy AC :)Thanks PN for your info.

I will be taking your advice and try as you said from Subdelicious to Perimeter.


Samar 2009
01-09-08, 21:05
I find the best place to exchange money is at Norma's in AC.Thanks Dcand4 for the info.

01-09-08, 23:00
This may sound strange, but have any of you older mongers ever run into a bargirl that may be your daughter?

Nvslim, in terms of age of course! Otherwise rather no! However, so what? :)

Cheers - Hesekiels

01-10-08, 03:49
Hey mates,

I was in AC about 2yrs ago, and don't remember seeing any massages places (with happy endings around.

Is there any now?

Rob Woodrow
01-10-08, 07:34
5. I have a friend who I could take with me, but I am not sure if he is in yet. He is black, do the girls really give a damn what color the guys are or is green the name of the game? He doesn't want to go on a wasted trip if you know what I mean.Given the stunner that just walked out of the ABC lobby with an African-American gentleman (yes, he was American), it's apparent that at least SOME girls don't give a damn. It's probably like any other physical attribute. Some won't like it, some won't care, and some will be drawn to it.

I'd give him the same advice I'd give anyone: make sure the girl seems into it before you leave the bar with her. If she just seems like she's tolerating your presence, move on. She doesn't even need to be genuinely into it, just do a good enough acting job.

Dong Hi
01-10-08, 15:40
I have been itching to go to the Philippines for a lone time to scratch that itch I have been having to have all these filipinas in my bed like I have seen here. I have a few questions, and hopefully everyone can help me out.

1. For my first trip which city should I start with for good action, and decent tourist stuff (pictures for the folks to cover up my sexcapades).

2. Not knowing any Tagalog, and going by myself are things that worry me the most. I have been to Mexico by myself and what not, but this is a different animal. How do I avoid getting ripped off? Is it a good idea to go on my own?

3. I have heard the terms barfine, and what not on here. I have just started my research what I am hoping for is to have some fun in these bars take a lot of photos. But I would like a happy ending that I can document with photos at the end of the night. Where is the best place to get willing safe ladies?

4. I am allergic to seafood (end up like Hitch), and I don't want to end up in a medical facility there, and I am willing to eat rice and drink bottled sodas everyday if I have too. Are there places that are americanized for food, and I can expect some level of cleanliness?

5. I have a friend who I could take with me, but I am not sure if he is in yet. He is black, do the girls really give a damn what color the guys are or is green the name of the game? He doesn't want to go on a wasted trip if you know what I mean.

Any other tips suggestions or posts you want to point me too would be helpful, I am really excited about going, but if the risks are too high then I may have to re-think.

Thanks in advance. Well, thats a lot of questions, and I will give you the pat answer of RTFF. But I will also try to help you out a bit.

Ok first question, the best Action is in Angeles City, bar none. That is not say that there are not other locaitons, but if you want lots of bars, with lots of girls, then AC is the place to go. Now, the downside of AC, is that it is, for the most part not really scenic. If you are willing to get out of town for a couple of days, Subic has some nice beaches, Around AC, the Pinatubo trek is about the only thing worth doing, and its not that scenic. So for scenic part of your trip, plan on just about anywhere else. PI has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world

Don't worry about not knowing any Tagalog, English is widely spoken, particularly in the tourist areas. Learn a few words to impress the girls, but beyond that don't worry about it. Safety, well common sense prevails, use your head, and you will be fine.

Yeah most bars will let you take photos, just ask the manager, and be respectful, as far as the girls, well its up to them, but remember a little extra tip goes a long way

Don't worry about the food, there will be plenty of options for you. As far as cleanliness, well, stay to the resturants, avoid the street vendors, and bring some Immodium just in case.

Your friend will do fine, he may get the odd girl, who will say that the Brothas are too big, but that would be the exception, just move on to another, he won't have any problem, and the Philippinos are not racist, so he will have a great time.

More questions? Shoot me a PM. When are you going? I'll be back in town mid Feb, and would be happy to go on a barhop. Show you the ropes.

Dong Hi
01-10-08, 15:47
Hey mates,

I was in AC about 2yrs ago, and don't remember seeing any massages places (with happy endings around.

Is there any now?They seem to come and go pretty quick. AC is not known as a good massage locale. (unlike Thailand) Body Bliss is probably the best place for a straight massage. I have 'heard' that one can get a Thailand Soapy Style Massage, by talking to the Papasan at Honky Tonk Bar, (no, he doesn't give it.) but YMMV.

01-11-08, 03:10

AC is great for hard-core mongering and you will not have any problems if you avoid free lancers. When you get used to AC you can try Cebu. 1 hour 20 min. Flight from Clark. Go Cebu Pacific, flys out of Clark 3 times per week, M, W, F.

Cebu is IMHO a good place to visit. The girls are more beautiful than AC (IMHO). In the bars there are fewer girls but prettier than AC girls. Bar fines from p2500 to p4, 000. Please bear in mind that you must pay for quality. There are those experienced mongers who do not venture out of Cebu because they believe they have found paradise.

Enjoy your time in AC you will never be the same after your first visit.

01-11-08, 07:06
Two pics from Bodypainting show.

01-11-08, 08:13
Your friend will do fine, he may get the odd girl, who will say that the Brothas are too big, but that would be the exception, just move on to another, he won't have any problem, and the Philippinos are not racist, so he will have a great time.

Dong Hi what are you by the way your race?. Guys who are not black always say things like that. Funny. I just bought a house in Manila. The neighbors gossip like hell. That my pretty Filipina girl has a black boyfriend. People point and stare when we stroll the streets. One guy in Makati mouth almost fell off his damn head. Everytime we out or we stay in a 5 star hotel Manila to beat the traffic to from the airport people ask my girl what am I too her its rediculous. They just assume she is one of the huzzies screwing everything since she is hanging out with a black.No age difference we are both in late 20s and I am not 500 pounds either. There is racist people everywhere but being Black and hanging out in Asia has felt like punch from Floyd Mayweather Jr. Not a day goes by that somebody doesn't remind me what I am.

Maple Red
01-11-08, 08:44
Can anyone tell me where is the best place to change cash? Manila airport, hotel in A. C or money changer in A. C.

If it's the money changer in A. C, can anyone tell me ROUGHLY the variance?

Is it 1 or more Pesos per dollar?

Thanks in advance.


From my experience, the best choice, by far, is not to directly convert the currency in A. C. , but to withdraw pesos from an ATM of your home bank, assuming it has an ATM in A. C. I used Citibank, which has an ATM (and branch) on McArthur Street. HSBC and many other international banks also have ATMs and/or branches in A. C. This way, I paid only a very comparably small conversion charge. You would be able to find out what this is from your bank in advance.

Pute Nut
01-11-08, 09:49
People point and stare when we stroll the streets. One guy in Makati mouth almost fell off his damn head. Everytime we out or we stay in a 5 star hotel Manila to beat the traffic to from the airport people ask my girl what am I too her its rediculous. They just assume she is one of the huzzies screwing everything since she is hanging out with a black.

This is not because you're black it's because you're a "porreigner". This happens all the time to white guys too. Most whites, however, do not understand that the "Hey Joe's" in 90% of the cases really is a slur meant to point out to you that you do NOT belong in the PI. In some cases, when said really provocatively it can actually even be meant to stir up a fight [four or five drunk filipinos taking turns shouting Hey Joe does not constitute a friendly greeting in my book LOL] The filipinos claim that Hey Joe is a regular neutral greeting and many tourists buy that crap. Of course this adds to the racist filipinos' pleasure that they can not only throw racial slurs, but actually fool the stupid foreigner into believing this crap.

In the 10% of the cases when the filipino smiles while greeting you as Joe, they actually mean it as a mostly friendly greeting though.

That said, the correct way of greeting me is Sir, or Mr Pute Nut. I never buy any goods or services from a filipino insulting me with the Hey Joe line. This sometimes confuses them, as they think they have a godgiven right to insult you AND to get your money :D

Now to get back to pussy. There are some girls who will prefer to go with white guys, and some girls who will prefer to go with black guys, period. I recently spoke with a very cute BG [off-duty] who admitted she goes almost exclusively with black guys. Her friend did basically only white guys. The girl who went with blacks claimed she liked the ways the black guys treat her as a woman and she seemed to be quite relaxed about any size issues.

01-11-08, 11:11
There is racist people everywhere but being Black and hanging out in Asia has felt like punch from Floyd Mayweather Jr. Not a day goes by that somebody doesn't remind me what I am.Bdp, I have to agree with you as I am a "chocolate man" as well and throughout all of my travels, Asia is where this fact is always brought up. Not always in a good manner either.


Dong Hi
01-11-08, 15:01
Dong Hi what are you by the way your race?. Guys who are not black always say things like that. Funny. I just bought a house in Manila. The neighbors gossip like hell. That my pretty Filipina girl has a black boyfriend. People point and stare when we stroll the streets. One guy in Makati mouth almost fell off his damn head. Everytime we out or we stay in a 5 star hotel Manila to beat the traffic to from the airport people ask my girl what am I too her its rediculous. They just assume she is one of the huzzies screwing everything since she is hanging out with a black.No age difference we are both in late 20s and I am not 500 pounds either. There is racist people everywhere but being Black and hanging out in Asia has felt like punch from Floyd Mayweather Jr. Not a day goes by that somebody doesn't remind me what I am.Do you think I would have used a word like 'Brothas' and been white? Not that it is ANY of your business, but I am not a caucasian, I happen to be of mixed heritage, and yup some of it is black. I appreciate your issues, but I can honestly I have not experienced same.

X Man
01-11-08, 15:26
Thank you for the intellectual comments about racism and such. Since you quote statistics like 90% and 10% I suspect you are a researcher who has been in the Philippines for many years....thank you for doing such research. You have my utmost respect.

But then reading your comments about "hey joe", I can't help thinking you are a complete and utter .......Fukwit.

If you prefer fukPeteNut.

Have a wonderul day.


This is not because you're black it's because you're a "porreigner". This happens all the time to white guys too. Most whites, however, do not understand that the "Hey Joe's" in 90% of the cases really is a slur meant to point out to you that you do NOT belong in the PI. In some cases, when said really provocatively it can actually even be meant to stir up a fight [four or five drunk filipinos taking turns shouting Hey Joe does not constitute a friendly greeting in my book LOL] The filipinos claim that Hey Joe is a regular neutral greeting and many tourists buy that crap. Of course this adds to the racist filipinos' pleasure that they can not only throw racial slurs, but actually fool the stupid foreigner into believing this crap.

In the 10% of the cases when the filipino smiles while greeting you as Joe, they actually mean it as a mostly friendly greeting though.

That said, the correct way of greeting me is Sir, or Mr Pute Nut. I never buy any goods or services from a filipino insulting me with the Hey Joe line. This sometimes confuses them, as they think they have a godgiven right to insult you AND to get your money :D

Now to get back to pussy. There are some girls who will prefer to go with white guys, and some girls who will prefer to go with black guys, period. I recently spoke with a very cute BG [off-duty] who admitted she goes almost exclusively with black guys. Her friend did basically only white guys. The girl who went with blacks claimed she liked the ways the black guys treat her as a woman and she seemed to be quite relaxed about any size issues.

Pute Nut
01-11-08, 16:19
Thank you for the intellectual comments about racism and such. Since you quote statistics like 90% and 10% I suspect you are a researcher who has been in the Philippines for many years....thank you for doing such research. You have my utmost respect.

But then reading your comments about "hey joe", I can't help thinking you are a complete and utter .......Fukwit.

If you prefer fukPeteNut.

Have a wonderul day.


Dear X Man,

Thank you for the very creative variations of my handle, I'm sure all ISG readers really enjoyed your witty input. For my part, I can't help thinking that X Man will belong in the 90% group when he dies and is reborn as a filipino trike driver.

But I can handle that too.

See, the trick is to not let it get to you. Then you will not do stupid mistakes, such as losing your temper.

It's wonderful day by the way.

Now you go and have one too.

01-11-08, 20:52
This is not because you're black it's because you're a "porreigner". This happens all the time to white guys too. Most whites, however, do not understand that the "Hey Joe's" in 90% of the cases really is a slur meant to point out to you that you do NOT belong in the PI. In some cases, when said really provocatively it can actually even be meant to stir up a fight [four or five drunk filipinos taking turns shouting Hey Joe does not constitute a friendly greeting in my book LOL] The filipinos claim that Hey Joe is a regular neutral greeting and many tourists buy that crap. Of course this adds to the racist filipinos' pleasure that they can not only throw racial slurs, but actually fool the stupid foreigner into believing this crap.

In the 10% of the cases when the filipino smiles while greeting you as Joe, they actually mean it as a mostly friendly greeting though.

That said, the correct way of greeting me is Sir, or Mr Pute Nut. I never buy any goods or services from a filipino insulting me with the Hey Joe line. This sometimes confuses them, as they think they have a godgiven right to insult you AND to get your money :D

Now to get back to pussy. There are some girls who will prefer to go with white guys, and some girls who will prefer to go with black guys, period. I recently spoke with a very cute BG [off-duty] who admitted she goes almost exclusively with black guys. Her friend did basically only white guys. The girl who went with blacks claimed she liked the ways the black guys treat her as a woman and she seemed to be quite relaxed about any size issues.

I have been to Phil 9 times in the last 3 years and while I am no expert on the culture there I have learned a few things. I have been called " hey Joe" many times and ALWAYS in a friendly smiling manner. The term came from World War two when the Filipino's called all the GI's that name. It's not deragatory at all. I will be heading back in Feb for another 40 days and can't wait.

Pute Nut
01-11-08, 21:14
I have been to Phil 9 times in the last 3 years and while I am no expert on the culture there I have learned a few things. I have been called " hey Joe" many times and ALWAYS in a friendly smiling manner. The term came from World War two when the Filipino's called all the GI's that name. It's not deragatory at all. I will be heading back in Feb for another 40 days and can't wait.

You are quite right, Nightrider1. Of course it can't be "deragatory".

Enjoy your stay.

Dong Hi
01-11-08, 21:21
Bdp, I have to agree with you as I am a "chocolate man" as well and throughout all of my travels, Asia is where this fact is always brought up. Not always in a good manner either.

KidYes, but I didn't say Asia, did I? No, I said the Philippines. I too, have been subjected to some of the most abject, and obvious racism in Asia. Japan, and Vietnam come to mind as to locations, where I have been barred entrance based on the color my skin. I am not here to argue racism in the Philippines, in the immortal fourm abvr. YMMV. Is all I was trying to do, was to answer some questions for a fellow monger and make some observations BASED ON MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, AND, not being white, felt qualified to make. YES racism exists all over the world, yes there are numerous places in ASIA where it will be obvious and overt. YES, I assume that there is racism in the Philippines, I made a generalization based on a specific location and my own experience. This not a forum for sociology study nor debate.

Key Master
01-11-08, 23:06
Cebu is IMHO a good place to visit. The girls are more beautiful than AC (IMHO). In the bars there are fewer girls but prettier than AC girls. Bar fines from p2500 to p4, 000. Please bear in mind that you must pay for quality. There are those experienced mongers who do not venture out of Cebu because they believe they have found paradise.

Just my opinion. I'd be very careful in quoting bar fines in regards to Cebu in the AC forum. Cebu is not as structured as AC in regards to barfines being similar across the board. In AC, it's pretty widely known the women get half or close to half of the barfine and tips aren't mandatory. In Cebu, some barfines are way low, where the woman gets none of it. In the other bars, the percentages vary widely. The barfines quoted above seem steep almost like they are only in those mostly visited by Asians bars like Jaguar and I forget the names. If one goes to Cebu, one needs to really get the information on each barss barfine and breakdown. Where AC women don't usually have to be tipped, Cebu can be entirely different. I do agree that on a percentage basis, you get a higher quality looking woman in Cebu.

01-12-08, 23:06
YES, I assume that there is racism in the Philippines, I made a generalization based on a specific location and my own experience. This not a forum for sociology study nor debate.Dong Hi,

It is not that serious guy so please try to relax guy. You are correct, you didn't say Asia, but I did. I simply agreed with another guys comment and added one of my own as this is a discussion forum. Nothing towards you, everyone here knows what this forum is for but thanks for the reminder.



01-12-08, 23:06
I have traveled extensively throughout the country since 1992, and have been married to a Filipina woman since 1993. Thus, I can say with some authority the term "Hey Joe," especially when used in the provinces by young people, is a gesture of welcome.

As noted in the previous post, ts origins do go back to WWII.

I have been to Phil 9 times in the last 3 years and while I am no expert on the culture there I have learned a few things. I have been called " hey Joe" many times and ALWAYS in a friendly smiling manner. The term came from World War two when the Filipino's called all the GI's that name. It's not deragatory at all. I will be heading back in Feb for another 40 days and can't wait.

01-12-08, 23:14
While walking to the SM mall I saw this scene and decided to take a pic. The phrase "the grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence" has never been more true.


01-13-08, 04:02
Well, thats a lot of questions, and I will give you the pat answer of RTFF. But I will also try to help you out a bit.

Ok first question, the best Action is in Angeles City, bar none. That is not say that there are not other locaitons, but if you want lots of bars, with lots of girls, then AC is the place to go. Now, the downside of AC, is that it is, for the most part not really scenic. If you are willing to get out of town for a couple of days, Subic has some nice beaches, Around AC, the Pinatubo trek is about the only thing worth doing, and its not that scenic. So for scenic part of your trip, plan on just about anywhere else. PI has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world

Don't worry about not knowing any Tagalog, English is widely spoken, particularly in the tourist areas. Learn a few words to impress the girls, but beyond that don't worry about it. Safety, well common sense prevails, use your head, and you will be fine.

Yeah most bars will let you take photos, just ask the manager, and be respectful, as far as the girls, well its up to them, but remember a little extra tip goes a long way

Don't worry about the food, there will be plenty of options for you. As far as cleanliness, well, stay to the resturants, avoid the street vendors, and bring some Immodium just in case.

Your friend will do fine, he may get the odd girl, who will say that the Brothas are too big, but that would be the exception, just move on to another, he won't have any problem, and the Philippinos are not racist, so he will have a great time.

More questions? Shoot me a PM. When are you going? I'll be back in town mid Feb, and would be happy to go on a barhop. Show you the ropes.I haven't set a date yet, I am in the early planning stages of this trip. With the information I have gathered here I can map things out now. I was thinking Feb. Or March. I will take you up on the offer to show me the ropes that would be a big help. I can't wait to go on this trip, it seems like everyone has a great time when they go. Thanks for all the great information posted here in response to my initial post, I know I need to research the hell out of the forums for more info, I am surprised no one wrote a newbie guide yet!

X Man
01-13-08, 07:18
I do find "hey joe" mildly annoying. Sometimes I just smile, sometimes I say, "My name isn't Joe".

Since the original poster on this subject finds it offensive, he probably screws his face up when he hears it, which explains his example of several adult Filipinos shouting out "hey joe" in unison -- obviously meant to taunt.

Filipinos love to tease...and the original poster seems to present a pretty big target. (After all, I took a shot myself!) Neverthless, I want to apologize for my earlier rude remarks. Wrapping up a bad day with a few glasses of whiskey and I turn into a bigger A-hole than usual. Sorry Pete.

My rough observation is that the "hey Joe" occurs a lot more in Davao than it does in MNL or Cebu. Any other observations or theories about why that is?


I have traveled extensively throughout the country since 1992, and have been married to a Filipina woman since 1993. Thus, I can say with some authority the term "Hey Joe," especially when used in the provinces by young people, is a gesture of welcome.

As noted in the previous post, ts origins do go back to WWII.

01-13-08, 09:18
While walking to the SM mall I saw this scene and decided to take a pic. The phrase "the grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence" has never been more true.

KidToo funny. I've takened that exact picture on my way to the SM Mall while crossing the overhead walkway. It was a startling contrast. Nearly as polarized as Fields Avenue and the SM Mall next door.))

Pute Nut
01-13-08, 10:02
Since the original poster on this subject finds it offensive, he probably screws his face up when he hears it,

Well, this is partly true, I guess. I do keep a pretty neutral face and just ignore all those calls meant as trouble bait. Has worked good so far. But I do try smile and say something nice back to those who genuinely are trying to be friendly. After a couple hundred thousand Hey Joe's I'm getting pretty good at picking up those and reciprocate in a nice way.

which explains his example of several adult Filipinos shouting out "hey joe" in unison -- obviously meant to taunt.

Well, the last time this happened the filipino guys were actually walking in front of me and I was about to pass them. It was a late saturday night, they were a bit drunk and had no pussy in tow...they took turns shouting Hey Joe in very aggressive voices. I think my face expression played a minor role there ;)

Filipinos love to tease...and the original poster seems to present a pretty big target. (After all, I took a shot myself!)

You might have a point here, I should probably try to lighten up a bit. But after a couple years' worth of Hey Joe's it's getting pretty old...

Neverthless, I want to apologize for my earlier rude remarks. Wrapping up a bad day with a few glasses of whiskey and I turn into a bigger A-hole than usual. Sorry Pete.

Accepted and let's move on.

My rough observation is that the "hey Joe" occurs a lot more in Davao than it does in MNL or Cebu. Any other observations or theories about why that is?

It struck me after posting that this happens much less when I visit other places in PI. In fact Pampanga is probably a bit extreme.

Rob Woodrow
01-13-08, 13:31
Thought I'd give a brief rundown on some of the bars I visited during my trip last week.

Angels.- I hate the setup of this bar. The stage is very far away from the booths. The only good seats are at the stage itself. Great if you like that, horrible if you don't. A 19 year old cutie sat down to introduce herself almost immediately, so it wouldn't have been a huge issue. Unfortunately I was short on time, so I had to decline what would have been a very tempting offer.

AngelWitch.- I liked this one. Good music, nice girls. Girls aren't afraid to rub your delicate areas.

King of Diamonds.- With 2 shifts of 12 dancers each, plus another 12 waitresses, all crammed into a room the size of a postage stamp. Surely the most pussy per square meter in AC. Unfortunately it seemed like they hired anything with legs. Not a lot of stunners. Also, the girls took up all the seats (and the place only had two customers at the time). Note to management: tell the girls to get off their fat, lazy asses so the customers can sit down.

Treasure Island.- Also small, but with a more manageable number of girls. When I visited, 2 of the 5 dancers were cherry. The waitresses were a blast though, and started dancing when the girls got down to eat dinner. One waitress in particular seemed like she was ready to screw someone's brains out. Again, I already had things brewing, or I would have liked to find out.

Crazy Horse.- Happy hour from 1 to 5 pm, great prices at this time. Good to have another daytime option. Only went in once at night, but it seemed to have a good number of young, thin girls. This bar has a "no intimate contact" rule, so you can't get your dick rubbed. I have the feeling it's more of a guideline than a rule, as the cute waitress I was with certainly seemed to want to try it when no one was looking.

Most other places I tried didn't stand out too much one way or another. I didn't even make it past Kokomo's this trip. May have to fix that when I return next month.

01-13-08, 20:53
I do find "hey joe" mildly annoying. Sometimes I just smile, sometimes I say, "My name isn't Joe".

Since the original poster on this subject finds it offensive, he probably screws his face up when he hears it, which explains his example of several adult Filipinos shouting out "hey joe" in unison -- obviously meant to taunt.

Filipinos love to tease...and the original poster seems to present a pretty big target. (After all, I took a shot myself!) Neverthless, I want to apologize for my earlier rude remarks. Wrapping up a bad day with a few glasses of whiskey and I turn into a bigger A-hole than usual. Sorry Pete.

My rough observation is that the "hey Joe" occurs a lot more in Davao than it does in MNL or Cebu. Any other observations or theories about why that is?


In 20-30 years in the USA we'll be poking fun at the Chinese and other foreigners over our way doing p4p on our womenfolk after the meltdown and the money distribution gets to the PI % in the USA from supply economics, globalization, defense spending, and immigration policies. Fortunately, I will be dead. Enjoy the hoot ride and don't worry about if these guys call us Joes. Someday soon the chip will be on our shoulder.

01-13-08, 21:36
It is not a bad thing at all. They just want your attention.

I used to get red in face fighting mad when some guys would make snide remarks that would upset my girl when we walked togther. She wouldn't let me know what they said for fear I would beat at least a couple of thier asses befere the hourd would kill me. Anyway, ends up they were making fun of our size difference only! I found this out by accidently learning a lot of the local language. I'm about 220 lbs and my gf is around 75lbs, it is funny! She took it bad, but now I just say, "You want try be under me?". Shuts them up real fast while thier piers laugh thier asses off.

Lesson: Relax and don't be paranoid. Some fear the Filipinos, but they are really a jokster type of people. Nothing else to do, so they have fun when they can. Just be carefull, they are very ignorant of most of our joking manners and nothing is worse than losing face as far as any Filipino is concerned.


01-13-08, 23:07
Buledaddy is right on the money with his title line.

If, for the cost of peanuts, I am screwing somebody's cute young sister/daughter/girlfriend/wife, then heck, they can call me anything they like.

Heck, if I can get to screw somebody's cute young sister/daughter/girlfriend/wife for peanuts, then I'll call myself names if that helps.

01-14-08, 03:05
In 20-30 years in the USA we'll be poking fun at the Chinese and other foreigners over our way doing p4p on our womenfolk after the meltdown and the money distribution gets to the PI % in the USA from supply economics, globalization, defense spending, and immigration policies. Fortunately, I will be dead. Enjoy the hoot ride and don't worry about if these guys call us Joes. Someday soon the chip will be on our shoulder.

Haha, you are so right about the meltdown. Service economy my ass!!!! Enron, subprime morgage, I wonder what magic tricks big companies can come up with next to con the American people out of the money they don't have. The whole country is becoming a peramid scheme.
And as for foreigners comming over to hump US women, I don't think anyone is desperate enough to date cows with attitude problems.

Don Roberts
01-14-08, 05:35
I am in serious negotiations to rent stalls in the arrival areas of all the Philippine International Airports & some of the 5 star hotel lobbies. They would be done in a quaint native style (tarpaper, cardboard; tin sheet, black plastic, cinderblock, etc.) The signage would say "Hey Joe!"

We would sell t-shirts that said "Joe" in XXL, XXXL, XXXXL, & XXXXXL Sizes. We would carry another shirt in sizes 'tiny', 'extra tiny', & 'miniscule'. These small shirts would say "I'm with Joe". We kanos & our wives, fiances, girlfriends etc would wear them when we went out, especially in groups.

I used to get the "hey Joe" non-stop in Samar. It gets old.

They call us Joe after the GI Joes who ended Japanese occupation of the Philippines in World War II. A lot of the men would give the kids their chocolate ration, or other food or cigarettes. I try to carry this tradition on by giving chocolate to the girls in Viking.

Just remember, you are a member of a powerful world spanning civilisation, & you are in asia balling their women, & as of yet, they are not able to do the same in the USA. People have been predicting the decline of the USA for my whole lifetime.

Philippinos are pretty good natured considering the crap they put up with.

Some Thais & Japanese are much more rabidly xenophobic, as they consider themselves as having a superior civilization. How anyone could believe that Europeans are inferior who has visited an English football bub in Pattaya during Songkran?

01-14-08, 05:36
After too many nights of fidelity with a very sympathetic and money un-greedy girl from Carrousell, I decided it was time for some more adventure, so I went on for my three-some search which led my steps me to Typhoon, a sympathetic small bar. The waitress looked like a real hardcore one, still pleasant look, and as I approached the threesome idea she showed her immediate enthusiasm, and introduced me to another hardcore-looking waitress. They were in real rush to go and start, and surely they were bit of fun and no shy, but the also rank minus 10 on the romantic scale, often talking in Tagalog among themselves. So at the begin I DATY one girl while the other gave me a blow-job which was too vigorous in my view, then started riding me and. Surprise. Menstruation time. As I could not hide my frustration, that girl smiled "you can come in my ass". And there we go. She was perfect on that one: tight but still achievable after some efforts (not a cherry-ass), and there her moaning became more sincere. The other girl was just watching as I concentrated in achieving one of my best orgasms thanks to the perfect dimension of the sodome entrance.

After that it was over. We joked that I will meet her again next time she has her menstruation, but no time for cuddling, they wanted to leave. So gave a nice tip to the 3-holer girl (that was a good service at the end.) and time to go back to see my girl-friend and face her anger and threat to cut my organ. The usual.

So if you like some wild, but totally un-romantic and hurried threesome, drop by the Typhoon. Some girls may still be on menstruation time.

Happy mongering

01-14-08, 05:51

I am set to roll into Angeles on Sat March 8 & 9. I have been there twice before. Dec 4, 2006. 5 girls in one night (yes when I have fun I have fun). I unexpectedly ended up there last October 19th when a meet and greet with a potential wife went south. Just 3 girls that night.

Here's the rub. I made plans to spend the 2 days with a girl I met online at FH. She is a cultural dancer at the Clarkton Hotel. She does not barfine. I know Filipinas lie, but I believe her. I had someone from this forum meet her in November, when he was in town, and he had the same impression. That she does not barfine.

Part of me would like to go barhopping and take her with me, but will she be offended? How do I know? What is proper ettiquette? How do I decide what to do here? Can I bring some back with us?

I could spend the whole time just with her and maybe I should. But to be in Angeles. And not. Seems almost sacrilegious?

Suggestions? Comments? Age-old Wisdom?



01-14-08, 06:07
haha, you are so right about the meltdown. service economy my ass!!!! enron, subprime morgage, i wonder what magic tricks big companies can come up with next to con the american people out of the money they don't have. the whole country is becoming a peramid scheme.
and as for foreigners comming over to hump us women, i don't think anyone is desperate enough to date cows with attitude problems.

the biggest pyamid scheme is the federal reserve. note there is a pyramid on the dollar, but that is just a freak coincidence. if you look in history books printed before the turn of the century the reason for the american revolution was that the british wanted us to use their currency. they wanted a central bank. after we got the federal reserve the story got changed to taxation without representation, and we got a central bank after it's creators caused multiple runs on banks. the bill got passed when most of the hill was on christmas vacation. they rarely read the bills anyway and can sign them well before they have been completley written.

when the highway from manila to ac was in a state of terrible disrepair they sold it to a german company that repaved it and raised the tolls to where only busses, foreigners, and huge freight trucks could afford the tolls.when the pinoys demonstrated the local politicians said "hey it's not us it the them". the detroit windsor tunnel and highways in texas, chicago, virginia (already sold) and all over paid for by taxpayers are being sold to an australian/spanish conglomerate that will be jacking up the tolls considerably, and our polits will be singing the same song. us companies are staffing federal contracts in se asia using $3 per hour pinoy civil engineeers. meanwhile, our media shows pattaya style places over and over as if they are a hangout for chester the molester, when in reality our money goes right to the families while foreign aid, world bank, and imf $'s goes right to land reclamation for mall/condo construction and other projects to make the ususal rich people richer. everybody was crying about a mexican diswasher that tried taking over $10k home and wanted to give him his money back. if customs caught a monger taking that kind of jack to the pi or los he'd literally be doing several years in a federal pen. they let a whole 747 of asians with millions in gold chains, and undeclared cash hurry through and prey on the monger. when i am being searched and questioned there are usually only guys that resemble mongers there having their counterfeit stuff getting confirep001ed in the customs line.

01-14-08, 07:52

I am set to roll into Angeles on Sat March 8 & 9. I have been there twice before. Dec 4, 2006. 5 girls in one night (yes when I have fun I have fun). I unexpectedly ended up there last October 19th when a meet and greet with a potential wife went south. Just 3 girls that night.

Here's the rub. I made plans to spend the 2 days with a girl I met online at FH. She is a cultural dancer at the Clarkton Hotel. She does not barfine. I know Filipinas lie, but I believe her. I had someone from this forum meet her in November, when he was in town, and he had the same impression. That she does not barfine.

Part of me would like to go barhopping and take her with me, but will she be offended? How do I know? What is proper ettiquette? How do I decide what to do here? Can I bring some back with us?

I could spend the whole time just with her and maybe I should. But to be in Angeles. And not. Seems almost sacrilegious?

Suggestions? Comments? Age-old Wisdom?



Out in Jersey and many other communities are Tagalog newspapers advertising Pinoy lawyers to coach the girls into cleaning you out once you bring them back. If there is a big age gap the courts will be especially hard on you. Many non ho girls in AC know and are coached by ugly ex-bargirls living in nice gated communites in houses bought by foreigners in her name. Your honeys are always looking over your shoulder for the next "Joe" with a better deal. Regardless of how nice she appears there is an untouchable class there and there are the [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) poor girls that want to live like untouchables via your hard earned or inherited money. From the time they close that door on the plane in Japan until the time you get back don't believe anything anybody tells you, ESPECIALLY the girls. Stick with the p4p there, Thailand, Brazil or wherever.

I know many guys that have made the mistake with Thai girls and Pinays. I know guys that wasted a great deal of time and money there (Filapina Heart/Cherry Blossoms) looking for a bride and ones that are more wretched and miserable from bringing one back. The Pinays have the clear advantage of knowing the language, and the US System better. Worry about making your money last a long time, not overpaying, and finding the best play possible. Giving your email (as I mistakenly do over and over) will just lead to emails about family emergencies, plans to sell a kidney to pay for somebodies medical emergency, plans to do Japaoke, or something else to chump the chivalrous guy into sending money. The Pinays are much smoother than any others on earth. In most of the 3rd world the ugly people have the money and the hotties are the equivalent of trailer park/ghetto trash. Hard to believe with those pretty smiles and soft voices, but it is the truth. Everybody gets dogged who thinks they can have one of them as a bride, there or here. Then I hear a "That's not true, I........". He's lying. People don't like letting on how they messed up or how they don't get sex anymore from a wife that has beefed up into a roly poly blob and that extorts $500 (for starters) in monthly payments to the relatives in de probeense.

Darth Sushi
01-14-08, 10:23

I am set to roll into Angeles on Sat March 8 & 9. I have been there twice before. Dec 4, 2006. 5 girls in one night (yes when I have fun I have fun). I unexpectedly ended up there last October 19th when a meet and greet with a potential wife went south. Just 3 girls that night.

Here's the rub. I made plans to spend the 2 days with a girl I met online at FH. She is a cultural dancer at the Clarkton Hotel. She does not barfine. I know Filipinas lie, but I believe her. I had someone from this forum meet her in November, when he was in town, and he had the same impression. That she does not barfine.

Part of me would like to go barhopping and take her with me, but will she be offended? How do I know? What is proper ettiquette? How do I decide what to do here? Can I bring some back with us?

I could spend the whole time just with her and maybe I should. But to be in Angeles. And not. Seems almost sacrilegious?

Suggestions? Comments? Age-old Wisdom?


BobSince you don't know her that well, it's a toss-up. It's like buying a girl a Teddy (lingerie) for the first time. She'll either like it because she knows it will please you or she'll hate you for reducing her to a sexual object. If she doesn't barfine and you want to get serious, you really need to find out more about her. But if you prefer the monger lifestyle and can't give it up, then perhaps a more open-minded gal is a better fit. I know I want a lady in public but a pro in bed. But even if she did barfine or went barhopping with you, a wedding ring in most cases will compel her to stop you from barhopping, eventually.

Pute Nut
01-14-08, 10:28
I used to get the "hey Joe" non-stop in Samar. It gets old.

That's exactly the point. It's not a security issue. Philippines is not a particularly dangerous place.

Some Thais & Japanese are much more rabidly xenophobic, as they consider themselves as having a superior civilization.

Well, it's a good start to have one.

But if you probe a little deeper here, and talk to ordinary filipinos (not the ones that are paid to suck dick and perform related services) you will find that there are more than a few who really dislike foreigners. Here in Pampanga some filipinos actually believe that Americans caused the eruption of the Pinatubo on purpose and that they poisoned the drinking water deliberately, for instance. I am not kidding.

E 7789
01-14-08, 11:49
Out in Jersey and many other communities are Tagalog newspapers advertising Pinoy lawyers to coach the girls into cleaning you out once you bring them back. If there is a big age gap the courts will be especially hard on you. Many non ho girls in AC know and are coached by ugly ex-bargirls living in nice gated communites in houses bought by foreigners in her name. Your honeys are always looking over your shoulder for the next "Joe" with a better deal. Regardless of how nice she appears there is an untouchable class there and there are the [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) poor girls that want to live like untouchables via your hard earned or inherited money. From the time they close that door on the plane in Japan until the time you get back don't believe anything anybody tells you, ESPECIALLY the girls. Stick with the p4p there, Thailand, Brazil or wherever.

I know many guys that have made the mistake with Thai girls and Pinays. I know guys that wasted a great deal of time and money there (Filapina Heart/Cherry Blossoms) looking for a bride and ones that are more wretched and miserable from bringing one back. The Pinays have the clear advantage of knowing the language, and the US System better. Worry about making your money last a long time, not overpaying, and finding the best play possible. Giving your email (as I mistakenly do over and over) will just lead to emails about family emergencies, plans to sell a kidney to pay for somebodies medical emergency, plans to do Japaoke, or something else to chump the chivalrous guy into sending money. The Pinays are much smoother than any others on earth. In most of the 3rd world the ugly people have the money and the hotties are the equivalent of trailer park/ghetto trash. Hard to believe with those pretty smiles and soft voices, but it is the truth. Everybody gets dogged who thinks they can have one of them as a bride, there or here. Then I hear a "That's not true, I........". He's lying. People don't like letting on how they messed up or how they don't get sex anymore from a wife that has beefed up into a roly poly blob and that extorts $500 (for starters) in monthly payments to the relatives in de probeense.Would a pre-nup before marraige be effective or would there be loop holes a judge would use to break an agreement. Seems to me you could offer any profits made after your date of marraige to be split if you divorce.

If you were to marry would you be better off marrying here or in the Phils?
Not from a how quick can she get here but from a where would a foreigner get a fair deal if divorcing point of view.

X Man
01-15-08, 11:45
Someone has been watching too many Hollywood doomsday moves.

As for Columpuss' post, if the sky falls, as the original poster suggests, they won't be Phucking anyone's fat cow wife, it will be the daughters.

And if the oil runs out, they will be riding bicycles and walking, so even the wives will be slimmer (or should I say "less fat"?)

Funny thread...but kind of sick.


Haha, you are so right about the meltdown. Service economy my ass!!!! Enron, subprime morgage, I wonder what magic tricks big companies can come up with next to con the American people out of the money they don't have. The whole country is becoming a peramid scheme.
And as for foreigners comming over to hump US women, I don't think anyone is desperate enough to date cows with attitude problems.

01-15-08, 13:41
Is someone in AC that can explain how bad things are? Heard all bars are not doing bar fines.


01-15-08, 14:14

I read the intersting article linked.

What will it happen?

The end of AC? If it survived to vulcan eruption, it will survive to this, too.

My 2 cents opinion (and I HOPE it is the right one).

Pliz the guys now in AC give us some update reports about this news!