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Mua Tur
12-23-14, 02:53
You are a braver man than me Gunga Din.

I never eat street food in China. The food is not what you think it is.

Lamb or mutton kebabs? It is either chemically treated beef or rat.
Fried food? It will have been cooked in poisonous gutter oil.
Pork? Its "glow in the dark" characteristics will enable you to see your way home on a moonless night.
Take-away foam food containers? They release toxins (when hot food is placed in them).
Soft shell crabs? Haha! 90% of soft shell crabs sold are other types of crabs plus chemicals.
Rice? The locals buy rice from Thailand if they can afford it as more than 30% of the local stuff is contaminated with cadmium.

Even the bottled water you buy from vendors is polluted (and from the largest suppliers)!

Most foods have various harmful chemicals added to enhance the flavour, hide the fact that the food is rotten or to change its characteristics. And the street vendors buy the cheapest ingredients, which of course, contain by far the most pollutants, and then add their own flavours.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg!

Ikksman.Gunga Din? It sounds familiar of a handle name here.

Sure it's your own way not to eat any from street vendors. Food sensitivity could be different man to man. We will not push in someone what they cannot do.

So far you had seen in the cities in China, after dark what happening in open air eatery places. The food vendors appearing one by one; the foot covers with portable chairs and tables. The night darker and darker and the places get more crowded by the peoples for drinking and eating.

Since they are living alive and doing all the things what we do, then why not me?

If once I can get my own time, sure I love to join with them, sitting in a corner of the crowd with couple of drinks and some bites. I love to watch of the locals, the way of their talking, the moving and what they prefer to eat. I had taken a risk but in return I got a lot what I love.

12-23-14, 02:58
It's always funner to sit down for a meal with the locals and experience culture first hand. One of the things that bummed me out about the food poisoning is that it really killed my appetite for the rest of the trip and I couldn't really enjoy the Filipino food on offer.

Uncle-V.You really aren't missing much as far as filipino food goes. Most everything is stir fried. A dry baking oven does not exist in a traditional kitchen. There is no known recipe they haven't learned to kill with a half kilo of sugar. The best cuisine is served in the simplest of households of fresh fish and vegetables and of course rice. The eateries, street vendors and restaurants always specialize in the meat based dishes which are of the lowest grade flesh meat and organs possible. The traditional cuts of loin etc seem to have have disappeared from the markets and restaurants and they serve the more gristly food to the masses and even typical eateries.

The one places I will vouch for taste wise is the Andok Litson roasted chicken places. The whole chicken is greasy as hell but at least its tender. Its very un Filipino like in its overall meatiness. I am sure its loaded with US Perdue style hormones to make it so. If I lived there I probably wouldn't touch it but its a good alternative to the mystery meats stewing in the steam plates. Also of the fast food places Mang Inasal specializing in Barbecued chicken is the only one I let the girls take me where I actually eat.

I end up at Jollibee a couple of times each trip because I learned that's the place they most want to go and its cheap so I get off lightly feeding the kids especially --its a treat for them. I don't order anything but they enjoy it. Usually they eat only 2/3 of the food they order.

X Man
12-23-14, 05:47
Just a few notes to get us back onto a more relevant topic.

Pony Tails continues to be an excellent afternoon choice. It has a nice setup, early hours, good looking and friendly women. I had a nice chat with the Scorpion girl the other day.

As usual, some guys throwing money from the upper levels at Crystal Palace. Oh wait, yesterday it was not only bills, but packages of hair care and other such things. One ended up in my drink.

On the same street is Tropix which I keep going back to because of some wonderful memories. LOL. It's seems pretty dead these days. Some old guy went up to the stage and placed a pile of coins in a row on the stage for all seven gals on the stage. Most walked up and took a pile. A few hung back with a "wtf" look on their faces, but eventually stepped forward and took their pile. The gals all made eye contact with the old gent and said thank you. I'm wondering if he thought this was more respectful and organized than the wild free for all when bills start falling from the rafters. Both might be somehow demeaning, but the free for all seems a bit less awkward than what I saw at Tropix.

The old Genesis, which became the oddly named Nemesis when Koreans took over, remains one of my favorites. A virtual army of young ladies who rotate on the stage quite regularly allowing you to get a good look at the entire lineup.

On thing I noticed is that Crystal Palace tends to employ the full bodied gals, while Nemesis has quite a few who are extremely petite.

Brass Knob. The stage is a bit high in this place. If you sit in the stools at the stage you'll be facing the dancer's knees. I'm afraid you'd end up with a stiff neck if you actually tried to make eye contact.

I don't know when it happened, but the street salesmen now start their sales pitch with "Cialis" rather than "viagra".

Pip Jaeger
12-24-14, 01:26
And if you ever see what ameobic dysentery can do to you. . and stay alive in the gut more than 5 years after having first got it, from street food. Well you know to stay far away. Ok. Uncle Volds bad pizza has taken on a life of its own. As many of these threads do.I'm just now recovering from a case of Amoebic Dysentery, it's something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Due to the up to 72 hour incubation period I can't pin down the exact source, but strongly suspect I picked it up at a well known Dim Sum resto on Mango Ave, Cebu City (fixed location, not street food vendor). Initially thought it was just a simple case of "bad food" or "Montezuma's Revenge", but when Imodium AD (loperamide) didn't work I switched to E-Mycin. It knocked it back, but didn't clear it up. Based on the advice of WR (who's also had it before) and that of a nurse I'm banging (who I won't let near WR) I then switched to Flagyl (metronidazole) and within 2 days I was feeling better, but as WR can testify I still looked like "death warmed over", LOL. About the only good thing was that I lost a fair amount of weight, but not eating more then a banana or a cup of broth in day for 2 plus weeks will do that to ya.

Food safety is not a priority here at any resto or retailer, I'm not even certain any food health laws exist. Even if they do, I doubt they're enforced or, as is typical here, they're corrupt and are paid off for any violations. Business as usual. Cross contamination I think is quite common and if they didn't typically over cook / deep fry the majority their food, I think you'd see more people getting sick. Take a trip to a grocery store, like an SM or Metro, go to the fresh meat / poultry / fish section and you'll see that it's all displayed in open cases / bins; people use metal tongs to select their own cuts of meat, place them into thin plastic baggies and then hand them to the counter help for weighing / pricing. Customers often use the same tongs to select chicken, pork and / or beef and the same scales / butcher blocks are also commonly used for weighing / chopping the meats.

I've taken to using one of the plastic baggies to handle the tongs (I do occasionally see other people doing the same) and to carrying one of those small bottles of alcohol based hand disinfectant, which I use both before and after shopping / eating. Naturally I thoroughly wash all of the meat / fish I purchase (as well as any fresh produce) and cook my own food to recommend temps.

Despite the apparent lack of food safety regulation (s) / enforcement, this is the first time that I've gotten seriously ill from food here and I routinely eat at both street vendors. The last 10 years when I was working in the USA I used travel across the country extensively and I got "traveler's diarrhea" more often there then I did here; even got a few severe cases of E-Coli / Salmonella. My point is, it doesn't really matter where you eat, you always take a chance on picking up something and you can only really rely on the integrity of the resto and their desire to stay in business to maintain even a semblance of safe food handling practices. I wouldn't classify street vendors as being the sole culprit and I for one will continue to eat from them regardless of the country I'm in.

12-24-14, 18:01
I'm just now recovering from a case of Amoebic Dysentery, it's something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Due to the up to 72 hour incubation period I can't pin down the exact source, but strongly suspect I picked it up at a well known Dim Sum resto on Mango Ave, Cebu City (fixed location, not street food vendor). Initially thought it was just a simple case of "bad food" or "Montezuma's Revenge", but when Imodium AD (loperamide) didn't work I switched to E-Mycin. It knocked it back, but didn't clear it up. Based on the advice of WR (who's also had it before) and that of a nurse I'm banging (who I won't let near WR) I then switched to Flagyl (metronidazole) and within 2 days I was feeling better, but as WR can testify I still looked like "death warmed over", LOL. About the only good thing was that I lost a fair amount of weight, but not eating more then a banana or a cup of broth in day for 2 plus weeks will do that to ya.

Food safety is not a priority here at any resto or retailer, I'm not even certain any food health laws exist. Even if they do, I doubt they're enforced or, as is typical here, they're corrupt and are paid off for any violations.I remember a time, two decades or so ago, when I was speaking to a cousin who was a Gastroenterilogist. I was just about to embark on what would become a decade or so traveling around Africa. He advised me never to be without several treatments of Ciiproflaxicen, and it's advice I never forgot. I've now been in the Pjilippines for about 11 years and have suspected amoebic dysentery only 3-4 times, but at the very first sign I start popping 500 MG tablets of Cipro, and the symptoms disappear withing a few hours. However, I suspect I'm more careful here than many. I never eat in Filipino restaurants, and always take my trade to those owned by expats, I never eat off the street; not so much as a soda. This is not a great sacrifice for me as I don't like the local food and would rather be hungry than eat it.


12-24-14, 21:40
I don't know what I had for 11 days earlier in the month, but it was definitely from restaurant food in Angeles. [CodeWord116] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord116) was nearly black or green and nearly all liquid. A very nasty infection.

Kabul Guy
12-25-14, 00:25
There is a vaccine called Dukoral that will prevent cholera for 5 years but will prevent e. Coli infections for 3 months.

I have been taking it every 3 months for the last several years and seldom get sick even while eating in some pretty dodgy places.

That plus Cipro at first sign of any issues has helped me avoid any of the less pleasant issues discussed below.

12-25-14, 01:42
I tended to eat street food in just about every country I have visited without ay problems. But when I was in AC 3 years ago, towards the end of my trip there, I started having stomach problems. I only had Imodium AD (loperamide) and that tended to control it a bit but not cure it. I had to travel to Manila to flight to Cambodia for the second part of my trip and for two further weeks, my stomach was tender. I even went to a Pharmacy and took whatever they gave me but it would not go away. When I got back, my doctor gave me 1000 MG of Cipro and bang, I felt a weight off my shoulders and stomach felt good. Now, I always carry a bottle of Cipro with me together with Imodium AD (loperamide). I tend to stay away from street food but I had issues with restaurant food in Peru after that. It got to the point that I started cooking food myself in Peru as water may not be clean and they clean dishes with cold water. Now, I have to see the food cooked and must be hot to kill the bacteria.

12-25-14, 06:21
Gunga Din? It sounds familiar of a handle name here.

Sure it's your own way not to eat any from street vendors. Food sensitivity could be different man to man. We will not push in someone what they cannot do.

So far you had seen in the cities in China, after dark what happening in open air eatery places. The food vendors appearing one by one; the foot covers with portable chairs and tables. The night darker and darker and the places get more crowded by the peoples for drinking and eating.

Since they are living alive and doing all the things what we do, then why not me?

If once I can get my own time, sure I love to join with them, sitting in a corner of the crowd with couple of drinks and some bites. I love to watch of the locals, the way of their talking, the moving and what they prefer to eat. I had taken a risk but in return I got a lot what I love.I've lived five years in the Phils and currently in my third year in China. Never bought street food in either country. I must confess that while I was never tempted in the Phils, the morning stalls on the corner of most major roads in Beijing smell great. But I'm not a taker, heard too many stories of friends getting sick from ice cubes in Makati to rats being used for meat in Beijing. I would caution those who pop pills on a frequent basis, just make sure they don't render your system useless. While I don't miss Filipino food (even what is considered good), in China there are many great places to eat so no need to take a chance with street food.

12-25-14, 08:22
I've lived five years in the Phils and currently in my third year in China. Never bought street food in either country. I must confess that while I was never tempted in the Phils, the morning stalls on the corner of most major roads in Beijing smell great. But I'm not a taker, heard too many stories of friends getting sick from ice cubes in Makati to rats being used for meat in Beijing. I would caution those who pop pills on a frequent basis, just make sure they don't render your system useless. While I don't miss Filipino food (even what is considered good), in China there are many great places to eat so no need to take a chance with street food.The food vendors on my soi, in Bkk wash dishes with water from big water bottles they've been using for years. The water is green from algae growing in the water bottles for years and years. Overnight they park their carts on the street. I can't imagine how many rats run around inside them.

I only eat in restaurants, food courts or home but if I get sick I never self medicate. Straight to the doctor.

12-25-14, 08:50
The food vendors on my soi, in Bkk wash dishes with water from big water bottles they've been using for years. The water is green from algae growing in the water bottles for years and years. Overnight they park their carts on the street. I can't imagine how many rats run around inside them.

I only eat in restaurants, food courts or home but if I get sick I never self medicate. Straight to the doctor.Bangkok. And yes I have noticed that when they run out of the algae infested water from bottles they just keep washing plates etc in the same water until it becomes filthy. There is no replacement once the water they originally brought with them has been used. Locals have developed immunity from this lack of hygiene, foreigners not. Beware.

Good advice, do not self medicate, seek professional help, Doctor. Spend thousands to get there, hotels, girls etc just to eat street vendor food? Not me.

12-25-14, 08:51
Thank You

Just a few notes to get us back onto a more relevant topic.

Pony Tails continues to be an excellent afternoon choice. It has a nice setup, early hours, good looking and friendly women. I had a nice chat with the Scorpion girl the other day.

As usual, some guys throwing money from the upper levels at Crystal Palace. Oh wait, yesterday it was not only bills, but packages of hair care and other such things. One ended up in my drink.

On the same street is Tropix which I keep going back to because of some wonderful memories. LOL. It's seems pretty dead these days. Some old guy went up to the stage and placed a pile of coins in a row on the stage for all seven gals on the stage. Most walked up and took a pile. A few hung back with a "wtf" look on their faces, but eventually stepped forward and took their pile. The gals all made eye contact with the old gent and said thank you. I'm wondering if he thought this was more respectful and organized than the wild free for all when bills start falling from the rafters. Both might be somehow demeaning, but the free for all seems a bit less awkward than what I saw at Tropix.

The old Genesis, which became the oddly named Nemesis when Koreans took over, remains one of my favorites. A virtual army of young ladies who rotate on the stage quite regularly allowing you to get a good look at the entire lineup.

On thing I noticed is that Crystal Palace tends to employ the full bodied gals, while Nemesis has quite a few who are extremely petite.

Brass Knob. The stage is a bit high in this place. If you sit in the stools at the stage you'll be facing the dancer's knees. I'm afraid you'd end up with a stiff neck if you actually tried to make eye contact.

I don't know when it happened, but the street salesmen now start their sales pitch with "Cialis" rather than "viagra"..

I'm a board member and I WANT current and pertinent information on pussy hunting in AC. That's why I'm here on this ISG!

Thanks X for the only worthy post here and NOW, LOL, what a joke this place can be, LOL.

For others.....here's some advice...... just don't eat!

OR....the dirtier questionable food you eat in life, the stronger your constitution will be against other harmful entries. And why do I even have to say this. sheeez..

Back to the AC forum :)

On my last trip Tropix had some nice pussy but it was waiting for Mr. K. This time I will try Ponytails and the bars in that area, (usually don't). Your info is good thx Bro!!

AC pussy........5/2014 Tropix, no, La Vegas Pussy (I mean), is what we have here...my second option that nite. AC pussy.........AC Forum......

12-25-14, 12:44
Gunga Din? It sounds familiar of a handle name here.

Sure it's your own way not to eat any from street vendors. Food sensitivity could be different man to man. We will not push in someone what they cannot do. {S N I P}
If once I can get my own time, sure I love to join with them, sitting in a corner of the crowd with couple of drinks and some bites. I love to watch of the locals, the way of their talking, the moving and what they prefer to eat. I had taken a risk but in return I got a lot what I love.I eat well-cooked street food in most places, but not China. I am also very careful in China about which restaurants I eat in and which supermarkets I patronise. The noxious chemicals accumulate in the body and eventually cause serious health problems, regardless of individual levels of tolerance. I guess not much of a problem for tourists, but certainly is for residents (like myself).

Gunga Din was supposedly a very brave Indian water bearer who tended wounded British soldiers. The original saying was "You're a better man than me Gunga Din" and I think from a Rudyard Kipling poem. There was a famous movie of the same name (Douglas Fairbanks Jr and Cary Grant)? In my youth, a very common saying was the "braver" variation.


12-25-14, 17:00
Good advice, do not self medicate, seek professional help, Doctor. Spend thousands to get there, hotels, girls etc just to eat street vendor food? Not me.Haha that is exactly me. Love it. Two sticks of chicken satay bbq and a bag of rice, no utensils. Lick fingers and go. Sounds a lot like sex, doesn't it?

12-25-14, 17:02
I don't know when it happened, but the street salesmen now start their sales pitch with "Cialis" rather than "viagra".Maybe because you can get viagra or any generic version from any pharmacy there. "Cialis" is only available trough street salesmen but even that is not the genuine stuff.

12-26-14, 01:49
I'm just now recovering from a case of Amoebic Dysentery, it's something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Due to the up to 72 hour incubation period I can't pin down the exact source, but strongly suspect I picked it up at a well known Dim Sum resto on Mango Ave, Cebu City (fixed location, not street food vendor). Initially thought it was just a simple case of "bad food" or "Montezuma's Revenge", but when Imodium AD (loperamide) didn't work I switched to E-Mycin. It knocked it back, but didn't clear it up. Based on the advice of WR (who's also had it before) and that of a nurse I'm banging (who I won't let near WR) I then switched to Flagyl (metronidazole) and within 2 days I was feeling better, but as WR can testify I still looked like "death warmed over", LOL. About the only good thing was that I lost a fair amount of weight, but not eating more then a banana or a cup of broth in day for 2 plus weeks will do that to ya.

Food safety is not a priority here at any resto or retailer, I'm not even certain any food health laws exist. Even if they do, I doubt they're enforced or, as is typical here, they're corrupt and are paid off for any violations. Business as usual. Cross contamination I think is quite common and if they didn't typically over cook / deep fry the majority their food, I think you'd see more people getting sick. Take a trip to a grocery store, like an SM or Metro, go to the fresh meat / poultry / fish section and you'll see that it's all displayed in open cases / bins; people use metal tongs to select their own cuts of meat, place them into thin plastic baggies and then hand them to the counter help for weighing / pricing. Customers often use the same tongs to select chicken, pork and / or beef and the same scales / butcher blocks are also commonly used for weighing / chopping the meats.

I've taken to using one of the plastic baggies to handle the tongs (I do occasionally see other people doing the same) and to carrying one of those small bottles of alcohol based hand disinfectant, which I use both before and after shopping / eating. Naturally I thoroughly wash all of the meat / fish I purchase (as well as any fresh produce) and cook my own food to recommend temps.

Despite the apparent lack of food safety regulation (s) / enforcement, this is the first time that I've gotten seriously ill from food here and I routinely eat at both street vendors. The last 10 years when I was working in the USA I used travel across the country extensively and I got "traveler's diarrhea" more often there then I did here; even got a few severe cases of E-Coli / Salmonella. My point is, it doesn't really matter where you eat, you always take a chance on picking up something and you can only really rely on the integrity of the resto and their desire to stay in business to maintain even a semblance of safe food handling practices. I wouldn't classify street vendors as being the sole culprit and I for one will continue to eat from them regardless of the country I'm in.Just a couple of friendly comments:

You cannot self diagnose Amoebic Dysentery. If you have spent the money to get it _correctly_ diagnosed then for gods sake get to a real doctor to prescribe the correct medication!

The exception to this rule is if you are out in the back blocks of PI far from good doc's. There is almost always corner store pharmacies even in the most far flung places willing to sell you anything you can ask for, If you know what to ask for. Often the very best treatment is not available but a second or third choice CDC recommendation is available over the counter.

If you come down with a severe gut infection then Metronidazole _PLUS_ Ciprofloxacin is the easiest to obtain, most effective self administered medication you can lay your hands on at short notice.

Taking Metronidazole on its own is wrong.

Be aware that Ciprofloxacim has some pretty nasty side affects, it tastes very bitter in your mouth, it makes you skin burn very easily (stay out of the sun). Its quite likely you will be only able to tolerate oral Cipro for a few days before you start throwing up at the bitter taste of it but it is highly effective at eradicating a very wide range of gut pathogens (Shot Gun approach).

You guys need to be very careful self diagnosing & self prescribing, you can give your selves big long term problems with severe antibiotic resistance and other things.

Happy Christmas.


12-26-14, 02:03
Maybe because you can get viagra or any generic version from any pharmacy there. "Cialis" is only available trough street salesmen but even that is not the genuine stuff.People who claim vast experience of the PI would know quite well that there has been a supply problem of Cialis into the PI for quite a while. You have not been able to get Branded or Generic Cialis. The street hawkers have been offering facsimile boxes of Cialis which contain an inactive worthless pill (pure fake).

The Viagra & Levitra offered by street hawkers is for the most part generic drug in facsimile boxes (I. E. Real drug in fake box).

The Viagra & Levitra offered by pharmacies is, of course, the real branded drug but at much higher price.

If you are coming for a sex vacation to the PI and want to, ahem, maximise your investment, then my advise is try a box of V or L from a local street vendor & if (as it usually it is) you find it satisfactory, then come back to the same guy for more. Never buy in bulk until you 'try' a single box first just in case. If you are unlucky can't get the generic off the street then go to Watsons or Generica to buy the much more expensive version. Mercury can be a bit legalistic about supplying without a script but no harm in trying them.

As for Cialis, it's strictly BYO for now.

Again, alleged veterans would already know this so its a bit disingenuous to ask such a question.


12-26-14, 04:19
How about a Christmas present to the community? Can both of you give it a rest? This nitpicking and criticism, veiled and direct, of each other is petty, drawn out, and really isn't much of a benefit. Does it even soothe your bruised egos? You don't like each other. Got it; we all understand. You're both not bad commentators, often have pertinent info, and at times amusing anecdotes. Stick to that, I say. Thank you and have a happy, safe and prosperous New Year.

12-26-14, 04:37
How about a Christmas present to the community? Can both of you give it a rest? This nitpicking and criticism, veiled and direct, of each other is petty, drawn out, and really isn't much of a benefit. Does it even soothe your bruised egos? You don't like each other. Got it; we all understand. You're both not bad commentators, often have pertinent info, and at times amusing anecdotes. Stick to that, I say. Thank you and have a happy, safe and prosperous New Year.Agreed, have a great Christmas Huts.


12-26-14, 04:57
Agreed, have a great Christmas Huts.

AV.Enjoying my Boxing Day. You too.

12-26-14, 08:29
Just a couple of friendly comments:

You cannot self diagnose Amoebic Dysentery. If you have spent the money to get it _correctly_ diagnosed then for gods sake get to a real doctor to prescribe the correct medication!

The exception to this rule is if you are out in the back blocks of PI far from good doc's. There is almost always corner store pharmacies even in the most far flung places willing to sell you anything you can ask for, If you know what to ask for. Often the very best treatment is not available but a second or third choice CDC recommendation is available over the counter.

If you come down with a severe gut infection then Metronidazole _PLUS_ Ciprofloxacin is the easiest to obtain, most effective self administered medication you can lay your hands on at short notice.

Taking Metronidazole on its own is wrong.

Be aware that Ciprofloxacim has some pretty nasty side affects, it tastes very bitter in your mouth, it makes you skin burn very easily (stay out of the sun). Its quite likely you will be only able to tolerate oral Cipro for a few days before you start throwing up at the bitter taste of it but it is highly effective at eradicating a very wide range of gut pathogens (Shot Gun approach).

You guys need to be very careful self diagnosing & self prescribing, you can give your selves big long term problems with severe antibiotic resistance and other things.

Happy Christmas.

AV.I have had numerous cases of stomach infections while visiting the Phils which were mostly due to eating either leafy green vegetables or blended drinks like a mango shake. For me, cipro has no side effects, and it is the antibiotic I always use first and generally is the most effective. If the cipro doesn't quite get it, I switch to flagyl which is the one that will cure amoebic infections. Actually, doxycycline is a very good first choice for stomach problems, but that antibiotic is the one which will cause the skin sensitivity to sunlight. I know this first hand. Don't go out in the sun after taking doxycycline or you will know it in about 20 minutes; I have never had that reaction with cipro.

Red Kilt
12-26-14, 10:59
I hope most guys here are not following the self-diagnoses proposed by various posters.

The SE Asian diseases that Western visitors pick up and then treat using some suggestion by another person are not simple to treat.

For example, Flagyl is like using a nuclear weapon instead of a hand-gun to treat most gut infections and must be accompanied by all sorts of ancillary treatments to replace gut flora so if you have a problem please get yourself to a medico and get proper advice instead of listening to the witch doctors on this site.

Medical treatment in the Philippines is cheap even if you just walk in to any major hospital.

12-26-14, 16:05
I hope most guys here are not following the self-diagnoses proposed by various posters.

The SE Asian diseases that Western visitors pick up and then treat using some suggestion by another person are not simple to treat.

For example, Flagyl is like using a nuclear weapon instead of a hand-gun to treat most gut infections and must be accompanied by all sorts of ancillary treatments to replace gut flora so if you have a problem please get yourself to a medico and get proper advice instead of listening to the witch doctors on this site.

Medical treatment in the Philippines is cheap even if you just walk in to any major hospital.All I can say is best treatment for upset stomach is starvation. Only drink plenty of nutritious drinks.

12-26-14, 16:11
I will be in AC on New Years Eve. I am wondering what it has been like on other NYE? Do bfines increase? Is it very crowded? And do I need to bfine in advance? Are there great party places?

Thanks in advance and everyone Happy New Year!

12-27-14, 03:52
All I can say is best treatment for upset stomach is starvation. Only drink plenty of nutritious drinks.There is a world of difference between Amoebic Dysentery and an upset stomach LOL! Yes, the first action is to STOP eating and just drink Gatorade or some other oral rehydration thing with a little sugar and salt in it for a day or two. Soft drinks or 'Soda" as the Americans call them are very high in sugar and will irritate your stomach I. E. Make you feel much worse. If you have worse problems then go see a doc for a diagnosis & prescription. Only Hit the Metronidazole + Ciprofloxacin if you are far from the cities and even then, get to a big center as soon as you are fit to travel again for followup.


12-27-14, 04:13
Should not all these health issue type reports be posted in the General Reports section for the Philippines?

When it comes to RTFF, it gets more difficult and time consuming when one has to page through dozens of unrelated non-mongering discussions. I am planning my maiden trip to Angeles and all I see are arguments and opinions about health and stomach issues. All with merit, but not here.

12-27-14, 21:15
I agree with the gentleman who is planning his first trip to Angeles. I thought we were all adults here. If you can't figure out if you need to go to a Dr. Or if you don't know how to go to a pharmacy and ask the pharmacist what to take for your symptoms, maybe you shouldn't travel.

12-28-14, 08:30
I am in AC now. Looks like NYE will be a huge party. Some of the bars are promising over 100 girls available. It's a fun city, lots of action. Santos street is not active during the day.

Member #4566
12-28-14, 09:58
I am in AC now. Looks like NYE will be a huge party. Some of the bars are promising over 100 girls available. It's a fun city, lots of action. Santos street is not active during the day.I was in AC on NYE's Eve one year not too long ago. I would advise getting an early start and having your ducks in a row pretty quickly. I was shut out by midnight.

12-28-14, 12:13
I was in AC on NYE's Eve one year not too long ago. I would advise getting an early start and having your ducks in a row pretty quickly. I was shut out by midnight.Thanks for the advice. I will have mine picked out and auditioned the night before.

12-28-14, 17:00
I agree with the gentleman who is planning his first trip to Angeles. I thought we were all adults here. If you can't figure out if you need to go to a Dr. Or if you don't know how to go to a pharmacy and ask the pharmacist what to take for your symptoms, maybe you shouldn't travel.Or maybe he's just a new traveler and needs a little kind advice. What ever happened to the brotherly attitude that used to prevail in this forum? We are here to share FR's advice and just generally help each other. These days I see way to much criticism and very little help.

It seems that this is now a motherhood of brother fuckers where it used to be a brotherhood of cute little mother fuckers. What happened and can we ever get that back? I try and help as much as I can, and I would love to see others do the same.

Happy fucking new year, and I mean that in the kindest of ways. LAT.

Roll Aides
12-28-14, 17:16
Or maybe he's just a new traveler and needs a little kind advice. What ever happened to the brotherly attitude that used to prevail in this forum? We are here to share FR's advice and just generally help each other. These days I see way to much criticism and very little help.

It seems that this is now a motherhood of brother fuckers where it used to be a brotherhood of cute little mother fuckers. What happened and can we ever get that back? I try and help as much as I can, and I would love to see others do the same.

Happy fucking new year, and I mean that in the kindest of ways. LAT.Would love to see some more team spirit here. Perhaps a new year's resolution? Best to all, peace and pussy to you my friends.

12-29-14, 00:23
Would love to see some more team spirit here. Perhaps a new year's resolution? Best to all, peace and pussy to you my friends.Yes indeed, peace and pussy and a piece of pussy as well.


Big Kahuna
01-01-15, 04:18
It was very slow in all the bars last night. Most of the girls went back to the province, of the remaining, most were BF early.

Stopped in Atlantis, Doll house, Red, Shipwrecked, Lollipop, Geckos, Valhalla, Champagne, Bunny Ranch.

About the only busy place was High Society. Was there at midnight and it was packed. They had a guy in a robot suit doing a light show.

Lucky for me a brought my own from bunny ranch.

01-02-15, 04:33
I was reading alot of Koreans are setting up shop in AC?

Are there any Korean escorts or bar girls? If so where are they found?

X Man
01-03-15, 08:30
I think your best bet would be to go to Korea. In the Philippines, there are some very attractive K gals going to some of the English schools here and there. As for AC, I found a place with some gorgeous Chinita sisters. X.

I was reading alot of Koreans are setting up shop in AC?

Are there any Korean escorts or bar girls? If so where are they found?

01-03-15, 09:17
I think your best bet would be to go to Korea. In the Philippines, there are some very attractive K gals going to some of the English schools here and there. As for AC, I found a place with some gorgeous Chinita sisters. X.Thanks X.

I'm staying at the ABC for a week on the 3rd of March. I'm quite excited. Where can I find these Chinitas?

01-04-15, 18:20
I am currently on a mini-vacation away from Bangkok (will return to Bangkok soon) and wanted to post my thoughts on Angeles City. It really had a weird but lasting impression on me since I was there several months ago. It really is different than reading the forums or some interent site / blog or what have you.

Here are my overall impressions of AC.

When I first arrived there, I thought to myself (hey, this city is not soo bad, how it reminded me a bit of Cali, Colombia). It wasnt until I checked into my hotel where the main action was at that I truly saw how much of a dump this city was. I've been to some bad and poor areas in different parts of the world, but nothing to the effect of AC. Trash everywhere, people grabbing you (kids, etc) for money wherever you walk. THere was this bad odor around. The streets are dirty covered in dust, dirt, rocks and fumes. I remember reading about the poker scam and one of the drivers from the airport tried to pull that trick on me BEFORE taking to my hotel! LOL!

WHen you see these places on Youtube you know that you are not in Disneyland or in Kansas, or in some scenic place in Japan, etc. But it hits you hard when you arrive there where the action is at. Finding food is a ***** (I had to resort to McDonalds as this was the best place for me. Way better than that crap Jobolees. Yeah, Ill take GMO, synthetic burgers over what they serve at Jobolees).

I found my first girl at Atlantis and let me tell you, even to this day, she had the most amazing and most athletic body I've ever been with. That including my exes, one night stands, and all the tons of pros I've done in the past. I had one ex who was a 200 m sprinter and she had a body on her, but this Filipina beat her out. WOW. She doenst work out except for the dances she does on stage. She did say she did lots of heavy lifting of carrying baskets of fruits and veggies as a kid. But WOW.

Not only that, but this girl likes to BANG like I'm the last guy on earth! I've been to Costa Rica, Colombia, Bangkok, and that overrated crappy place (Pattaya), Seoul, US, Mexico, Nicaragua (which comes the closest to girls that are horny to Filipinas), and nothing compares to Filipinas overall! Not only that, but she had a super strong attraction over me to the point where she wanted to sleep at my place every night and do everything with me.

I enjoyed the attention for this strong affection but it got tiring. This girl would fold my clothes, bring me food and drinks, bathe me, and yet. Being the cold hearted dumb fool that I am, I didn't come to AC to get married, I wanted to see more.

Over the course of the trip I tried more girls, and out of the 8 or 9 that I did there, even my worst girl there would beat at the average BK girl there. My worst girl? One that you know that wants your money, quick sex and good-bye, but even that girl gave a half way decent performance. What was more amazing than that? I met one girl who I'd swear could be on the Olympic gymnastic team or fitness circuit and her body even BEAT by Atlantis girl. I was hoping to see her too on a free-basis but she knows her worth (4000 pesos I paid, I know. I know. But it was a one time thing). Still great sex and more.

I did happen to venture over to Subic Bay. The town is pretty boring, but there is a nearby bigger town (I forgot the town) that has two small malls. There were a few decent rotisserie chicken places I ate for cheap that came with beans. I wouldn't say its 'boring' like in other small Thai towns, but it doesn't have that "Vegas" esque nightlife of Angeles City.

So back I went to AC.

On the way back things got more hectic. I still had TWO girls following me (like the Atlantis girl) so I went to another place. Forgot the name but its the popular one closer to McDonalds. I went with a hardbody girl who was a pole dancer. Great body and attitude. So what was the negative thing? She too was overly affectionate. After we did she invited to hang her with friens in a small bar. She showed me off to them, and even took a pen and starting writing my name and hers on her hand. Almost too hard to the point where it was like a Tatooo. This scared me a bit but ignored it. The strange thing? Her friend that even looks BETTER than her, with a super pointy round dancers ass and a sweet soft face was putting her hand on my lap carrasing it! WOW. It was that next day I had to leave and I left with no goodbyes.

I miss you AC.

Living in AC.

Before I thought it was impossible to live in AC, and in some ways, I still do. Look, I've been to Chiang Mai where its clean (yes, it does have its smog but nowhere near the death pollution of AC). I'm at BK which has the best food in the world and at a great price. BK is super safe and somewhat reasonably cheap to live.

So why the thoughts of living in AC?

I'm not sure if I want to spend my whole life living in that high intensity nightlife that AC provides. Imagine banging a girl almost every night to the point of exhaustion, and some of these girls you are doing for free on some nights?

But believe it or not, I had more FUN and was happier there than I am Bangkok. In a way I think AC is not a place where one could live, but on the other hand, if you know the 'system'. Know what to expect and try to prevent hassle and what not, I think it 'may' be possible. If I were to live in AC, I would stay in a budget but decent hotel. When I was in AC, the biggest savior was the front desk where the girls check in. First, if a girl follows you, she has to go through that screening proccess. Where as if you had your own place, she can knock on the door. Second, girls have to get IDed there which is nice. Lets get legit good girls there. Third, the location is close where you can avoid Trolleys (I forgot the name of it already, but its the one where they charage you 100 pesos to go somewhere close and has 3 wheels). So you save money there. Third. You avoid Jeepneys. I don't think Jeepneys are dangereous, but its better to avoid IMO especially in a place like AC.

The corruption of the police and beaurucats scare me there, but again, if you follow the law, play by the rules, this 'should' be avoidable. I could see issues with a jealous overly attached bar girl though.

The one thing with this is that it won't be cheap. I'm thinking this kind of lifestyle for food, girls, and a place. Is going to cost around $1500/ month at least.

Another option? Is to head towards Subic Bay area, maybe TRY to find a place to rent on a 3 month contract or what not, and visit AC on the weekends either frequently or a few times per month. This could be money saving on one hand but also could decrease the risk of something crazy to happen. I don't know, but my senses tell me staying in AC for more than two to three months in a row. Something not good is bound to happen.

I like Bangkok. Its nice to have Nana close by but man its expensive or can get expensive. If you want to go bar hopping you are looking at 150-200 thb per bar. Some bars a ***** where if they see you with one drink and you have sat there for 10 min, they will pressure you to buy another drink or get the boot. So lets say 6 bars in one night x 150= 900 THB to 1500 THB. This is ONLY for bar hopping. In AC, the drinks are much cheaper and the pressure is not as extreme like BK.

Bangkok is what it is. Its pretty good on girls, but not the best or euphoria you get with AC. Would like others to share thoughts on living in AC. I really would like to be there on a longer term basis, but I have this sour stomach feeling that it may not be the best. Hmmmmm.

01-04-15, 20:50
Thanks for the report and perspective Goy.

01-04-15, 21:11
When I first arrived there, I thought to myself (hey, this city is not soo bad, how it reminded me a bit of Cali, Colombia). It wasnt until I checked into my hotel where the main action was at that I truly saw how much of a dump this city was. I've been to some bad and poor areas in different parts of the world, but nothing to the effect of AC. Trash everywhere, people grabbing you (kids, etc) for money wherever you walk. THere was this bad odor around. The streets are dirty covered in dust, dirt, rocks and fumes. I remember reading about the poker scam and one of the drivers from the airport tried to pull that trick on me BEFORE taking to my hotel! LOL!Pretty much covered in the past if one RTTF, but yes, its all the above (and a bag of chips).

I had one ex who was a 200 m sprinter and she had a body on her, but this Filipina beat her out. WOW. She doenst work out except for the dances she does on stage. She did say she did lots of heavy lifting of carrying baskets of fruits and veggies as a kid. But WOW.Shame you had to go through that!

Not only that, but this girl likes to BANG like I'm the last guy on earth! I've been to Costa Rica, Colombia, Bangkok, and that overrated crappy place (Pattaya), Seoul, US, Mexico, Nicaragua (which comes the closest to girls that are horny to Filipinas), and nothing compares to Filipinas overall! Not only that, but she had a super strong attraction over me to the point where she wanted to sleep at my place every night and do everything with me.Hahaha. Rats! And you survived?

I enjoyed the attention for this strong affection but it got tiring. This girl would fold my clothes, bring me food and drinks, bathe me, and yet. The perfect girlfriend?

What was more amazing than that? Go on!

I met one girl who I'd swear could be on the Olympic gymnastic team or fitness circuit and her body even BEAT by Atlantis girl. I was hoping to see her too on a free-basis but she knows her worth (4000 pesos I paid, I know. I know. But it was a one time thing). Still great sex and more.Stop! Everybody's gonna want to come to this party!

On the way back things got more hectic. I still had TWO girls following me (like the Atlantis girl) No!

I went with a hardbody girl who was a pole dancer. Great body and attitude. So what was the negative thing? She too was overly affectionate. SNIP The strange thing? Her friend that even looks BETTER than her, with a super pointy round dancers ass and a sweet soft face was putting her hand on my lap carrasing it! WOW. Yes, wow! Welcome to pinas!

I miss you AC.Killin' me here!

01-04-15, 23:34
I am currently on a mini-vacation away from Bangkok (will return to Bangkok soon) and wanted to post my thoughts on Angeles City. It really had a weird but lasting impression on me since I was there several months ago. It really is different than reading the forums or some interent site / blog or what have you.

Here are my overall impressions of AC.

When I first arrived there, I thought to myself (hey, this city is not soo bad, how it reminded me a bit of Cali, Colombia). It wasnt until I checked into my hotel where the main action was at that I truly saw how much of a dump this city was. I've been to some bad and poor areas in different parts of the world, but nothing to the effect of AC. Trash everywhere, people grabbing you (kids, etc) for money wherever you walk. THere was this bad odor around. The streets are dirty covered in dust, dirt, rocks and fumes. I remember reading about the poker scam and one of the drivers from the airport tried to pull that trick on me BEFORE taking to my hotel! LOL!Wow Goyer, love the report, I'd be saying exactly the same stuff and I'm also considering a long stay in AC.

The girls in AC do give the best GFE generally, and are cheaper. I also want to point out the girls from the bars in AC must complete a smear every week to continue working so are generally safer.

My 50 cents worth on the subject whether travelling or living there, it would be great to have a male companion for our safety.

01-05-15, 03:38
and the course of the trip I tried more girls, and out of the 8 or 9 that I did there, even my worst girl there would beat at the average BK girl there... girl gave a half way decent performance. What was more amazing than that? I met one girl who I'd swear could be on the Olympic gymnastic team or fitness circuit and her body even BEAT by Atlantis girl. . Still great sex

I'm not sure if I want to spend my whole life living in that high intensity nightlife that AC provides. Imagine banging a girl almost every night to the point of exhaustion, and some of these girls you are doing for free on some nights?

The one thing with this is that it won't be cheap. I'm thinking this kind of lifestyle for food, girls, and a place. Is going to cost around $1500/ month at least...High intensity lifestyle, banging Olympic gymnast bodies to exhaustion, and some for free. But just so expensive. $ 1500 dollars a month. It won't be cheap. Roll eyes.

01-05-15, 05:40
$ 1500 dollars a month. It won't be cheap. Roll eyes.Why "roll eyes"?

Capt Munch
01-05-15, 07:11
But just so expensive. $ 1500 dollars a month. It won't be cheap. Roll eyes.I just love the guys that want to come here and think that they will live the same lifestyle at $ 1500 / month as they do when they are on vacation.

It could be possible. I believe Tommy's hotel down by Mr. Johnny's supermarket is around 8000 php / month. But, most of the decent hotels with long term stays are going to be 20,000 to 30,000 php / month and typically do not include electricity.

Electricity costs here in the Phils is expensive and easily can run $ 100 to $ 200 per month depending on how much AirCon you use and how big a place you have. If you can negotiate to have the electric included with the room / apartment it is a good idea.

I have a mate that is here and renting a short term 1 bedroom apartment that includes a small swimming pool on the premises at 25,000 php with the electricity included. It is NOT near anything and he uses his small motorcycle to get around.

The closer to Walking Street, the higher the price.

The trikes are EXPENSIVE if you rely on those to go a few places a day. They hawk their services and then overcharge routinely. It would be pretty easy to spend over 500 php daily just on trikes.


01-05-15, 07:14
Why "roll eyes"?That $1500/ month is spit to have this: "Imagine banging a girl almost every night to the point of exhaustion, and some of these girls you are doing for free on some nights?" And to get: "What was more amazing than that? I met one girl who I'd swear could be on the Olympic gymnastic team or fitness circuit and her body even BEAT by Atlantis girl. . Still great sex".


01-05-15, 08:17
That $1500/ month is spit to have this: "Imagine banging a girl almost every night to the point of exhaustion, and some of these girls you are doing for free on some nights?" And to get: "What was more amazing than that? I met one girl who I'd swear could be on the Olympic gymnastic team or fitness circuit and her body even BEAT by Atlantis girl. . Still great sex".

Golfinho?With that lifestyle, double it and you'll still come up way short. Somebody is delusional.

01-05-15, 09:19
It was very slow in all the bars last night. Most of the girls went back to the province, of the remaining, most were BF early.

Stopped in Atlantis, Doll house, Red, Shipwrecked, Lollipop, Geckos, Valhalla, Champagne, Bunny Ranch.

About the only busy place was High Society. Was there at midnight and it was packed. They had a guy in a robot suit doing a light show.

Lucky for me a brought my own from bunny ranch.Any more info on the Bunny.

01-05-15, 09:47
That $1500/ month is spit to have this: "Imagine banging a girl almost every night to the point of exhaustion, and some of these girls you are doing for free on some nights?" And to get: "What was more amazing than that? I met one girl who I'd swear could be on the Olympic gymnastic team or fitness circuit and her body even BEAT by Atlantis girl. . Still great sex".

Golfinho?Nice reports.

Guys who live in AC usually end up living with a girl or having regulars. Some even get married.

In most of these cases the 'girl cost' escalates, especially if they have kids (usually from a Filipino who has impregnated, fertilized and run).

The observation that Filipinas perform well in bed and can be affectionate is correct. But remember most have a financial agenda and largely view foreigners as a family.

Support ticket & dream of getting that foreigners ring on that finger, preferably with a foreign Passport to Nirvana! Ask Filipinas what they dream of, and they will tell you!

I visit AC, but would never live there.

01-05-15, 10:35
That $1500/ month is spit to have this: "Imagine banging a girl almost every night to the point of exhaustion, and some of these girls you are doing for free on some nights?" And to get: "What was more amazing than that? I met one girl who I'd swear could be on the Olympic gymnastic team or fitness circuit and her body even BEAT by Atlantis girl. . Still great sex".

Golfinho?Considering what this character just said he got, how can someone possibly be saying that $1500 a month is not cheap?

But then if the frame of reference is Nicaragua, he could be forgiven.

Fact is: there is no cheaper value on the planet than this country. Anyone care to disagree?

Roll Aides
01-05-15, 21:50
Considering what this character just said he got, how can someone possibly be saying that $1500 a month is not cheap?

But then if the frame of reference is Nicaragua, he could be forgiven.

Fact is: there is no cheaper value on the planet than this country. Anyone care to disagree?I think the point was it's not possible, not that it's not cheap. It would indeed be a bargain price for such activities and lifestyle, if it were remotely in the realm of reality. I live in Bacolod City and I scrape by on $1500, and my rent is 6000 p and I don't go out that much.

I'd be curious if anyone does actually know of a better value-for-money country than the Philippines, I've been actively considering relocating.

Member #4698
01-05-15, 22:22
I'd be curious if anyone does actually know of a better value-for-money country than the Philippines, I've been actively considering relocating.Well let's agree that Thailand is more expensive than the PI and Jakarta is a place worth visiting, but not living in full time. Then the only other viable value-for-the-money place that comes to my mind is Phnom Penh, Cambodia. It is relatively inexpensive to live there. The girls are abundant, charming, and cheap. The food is very tasty. And the risks are manageable. I think Phnom Penh is a contender.

Mr Enternational
01-05-15, 22:22
With that lifestyle, double it and you'll still come up way short. Somebody is delusional.As someone said living somewhere isn't the same as vacationing there. People who live in Orlando don't go to Disney everyday. And if you are living there I doubt bar girls will be coming to your house unannounced. They only pull that kind of stuff with vacationers.

Fast Eddie 48
01-05-15, 22:33
I think your best bet would be to go to Korea. In the Philippines, there are some very attractive K gals going to some of the English schools here and there. As for AC, I found a place with some gorgeous Chinita sisters. X.To X Man.

They are not Working girl only going to school because of the family, the newbie LOL is looking for Korean WG why would Korean WG go to AC and work for cheap they can stay in Seoul or go to Macau and Hong Kong and made 4 time more money than in AC, I have meet some hot half Korean girl in Manila tall white skin hot body working in Hyatt hotel.

Fast eddie 48.

01-05-15, 22:45
I think the point was it's not possible, not that it's not cheap. It would indeed be a bargain price for such activities and lifestyle, if it were remotely in the realm of reality. I live in Bacolod City and I scrape by on $1500, and my rent is 6000 p and I don't go out that much.

I'd be curious if anyone does actually know of a better value-for-money country than the Philippines, I've been actively considering relocating.I think it depends on the size of the city. Places in Thailand can be cheaper with better food, infrastructure and medical facilities. Parts of Malaysia too.

Goyer was comparing BKK to AC. Which is not a fair comparison as BKK is the largest city. A better comparison would be BKK to Manila and AC to Pattaya. And in each comparison. Outside of P4 P cost. You come out better in Thailand. Only P4 P is cheaper in PI. Other cost are the same if not higher than Thailand with lower quality.

Roll Aides
01-06-15, 08:08
Well let's agree that Thailand is more expensive than the PI and Jakarta is a place worth visiting, but not living in full time. Then the only other viable value-for-the-money place that comes to my mind is Phnom Penh, Cambodia. It is relatively inexpensive to live there. The girls are abundant, charming, and cheap. The food is very tasty. And the risks are manageable. I think Phnom Penh is a contender.Thank you Natty, I will definitely look into it. I must say the ladies in the Cambodian photo gallery are adorable.

I think it depends on the size of the city. Places in Thailand can be cheaper with better food, infrastructure and medical facilities. Parts of Malaysia too.

Goyer was comparing BKK to AC. Which is not a fair comparison as BKK is the largest city. A better comparison would be BKK to Manila and AC to Pattaya. And in each comparison. Outside of P4 P cost. You come out better in Thailand. Only P4 P is cheaper in PI. Other cost are the same if not higher than Thailand with lower quality.Excellent points TG. I suppose this question would have different answers from a where to live vs. Where to visit perspective. Thanks.

01-07-15, 03:15
Phnom Penh, Cambodia....The girls are abundant, charming, and cheap. How cheap and how's the quality? Surely it can't be like the old days.

01-07-15, 14:04
Man this town is full of grouchy pensioners. Apparently many of them take offense to "tourists" ruining the place for them. Went in to a place and they started to ***** like school girls at the bar about lousy tourists.

01-08-15, 20:21
Nice reports.

Guys who live in AC usually end up living with a girl or having regulars. Some even get married.

In most of these cases the 'girl cost' escalates, especially if they have kids (usually from a Filipino who has impregnated, fertilized and run).

The observation that Filipinas perform well in bed and can be affectionate is correct. But remember most have a financial agenda and largely view foreigners as a family.

Support ticket & dream of getting that foreigners ring on that finger, preferably with a foreign Passport to Nirvana! Ask Filipinas what they dream of, and they will tell you!

I visit AC, but would never live there.IMO you have to live in AC like you would anyplace else Got to find a hobby other then sex and drinking. Got to find things to do other then sex and drinking all day. AC has other things to do in it despite what others always say about it. It. It,s A Eat fuck and drink town. Yes you will get that in abundance there and what else does a MAN need in life but food beer and pussy? However if you only have $1500 or less a month you will not be doing that everyday without running out of money so you have to find a cheap or free way to pass your time without getting bored. I going to live there with 1100 a month and a hugh savings back up But I have already burned in my mind that I am not going to be getting laid everyday can, t afford it and frankly once every 3-4 days for me is enough to keep me happy.

01-09-15, 17:45
First off thanks for the feedback and comments. Glad some of you guys enjoyed what I posted. I wanted to clarify and give a bit more details on what I posted and a few other things I didn't mention.

I wanted to clarify on the biggest issue which is the $1500/ month figure which it does sound hard to believe to attain a certain kind of lifestyle that many aspire too. I obviously don't expect to live in AC the same way I vacationed there. I currently live in Bangkok and have for quite awhile and have already known that living in BK is not the same as vacationing here. Same with AC if I were to live there. I still like BK and after living here for awhile, I'm able to live in a good place, eat very good food on a daily basis, and have some extra $$$ to spend on P4P.

With a budget of $1300-$1600, I'm able to eat to live a good life while seeing 4-6 different girls a month on average (majority from either Soapies, MPs, and GOGO while the rest are regulars). No, I don't keep an exact tally and maybe Ill go a month seeing two girls and other months many more. Whichever place you choose to reside, say Costa Rica, Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Phils, Thailand, etc. After awhile you learn how find better deals, cheaper places to eat (yet good quality), you know which part of town to be and could find better deals on apartment / condo / house, etc. When I first moved out to Thailand, yes, everything was twice as the figure I posted in the beginning, but after you get through the learning process, know more of the language, the expenses come down.

So even though Bangkok life is decent why am I even bothering thinking of moving to AC (which I doubt I will, though the thought does linger in my head). Despite all very good things BK provides that AC doesn't. Much better food, and alot more variety, way much safer, more activities (is there anywhere you can walk in AC aside from going in circles at SM Mall or walking back and forth at Walking St? I can walk for miles and miles in BK (and have lost weight doing so). Much better value per dollar in BK than AC (yes, I do understand I'm comparing BK to AC is apples to oranges).

I can head to Nana and for around $100 or so to get nice tail or ring up a regular if needed be. I have the option to go down to the beaches via bus for cheap or fly down to a great small city like Chiang Mai for $100 are / T.

YET. Despite all the crap that there is in AC, I felt happier at the end of the day there. For comparison's sake. I enjoyed my 3-4 weeks in Angeles City much more than I did in BK when I went there for the first time. I was more blown away by BK and 'impressed. '.

IN BK. Seeing miles of high end malls (Siam Paragon, etc), finding Pad Thai for a little over a buck, and GoGo bars just a walk away really impressed me. $25-$35 a night rooms of very good quality, friendly people (though I would say a good amount with attached 'fake smiles' very safe (just keep an extra eye out at the touristy places and generally watch your pockets for common sense anywhere), and being eye pleasing. Despite all this, I felt more happy at AC.

The negative with AC was the semi stress of trying not to get robbed when going out (despite the time of the day), harassed by homeless people, trying to find JUST a decent meal, dealing with crooked cops and watching doing their random checkpoints, etc.

Despite all this, I was happier in AC than BK. On paper BK blows out AC. But dealing with the girls between BK and AC was the difference maker. And I won't even bother mentioning Pattaya because I simply did not like Pattaya (although I will go there again since I was there last time only for 3 days and its unfair if I don't give it a second chance).

I'd rather have one girls from AC on average than three girls on average in BK. The one girl in AC will give me an experience that three girls in BK in general could not provide.

As I stated earlier, I don't expect to go to AC and walk in and tally 10-12 girls per month with high intensity passion.

Whats unique about AC more than BK is that you can build on (as another person mentioned) networking of getting freebies or making open relationships. In BK the girl gives you OK sex and leaves right after. In AC, the girl blows your brains out and stays with you until the next day. When I was in AC, I did NOT pursue any of the girls. The few (which I got as freebies later) pursued me.

Back to the budget of $1500. Yes, it does seem 'delusional' to get the experience I mentioned especially if you.

-have little to no experience in living in other countries (3rd world for example).

-currently living in the western world and only vacation to these places.

-make an effort to reduce costs when possible, etc.

But if you have years and years of living overseas, habitually know how to manage your money, then it 'might' be just possible.

Also getting a great life style in AC doesn't come overnight, but it can really snowball quickly in a good way where a single guy can target around that budget.

Yes, I could spent a bit more but I'd rather leave my savings alone (I'm not on SS, Disability, Retirement, a pension, etc). I've seen to many people blow their savings literally in a flash.

One guy that is talked about in BK was a person that came with 200 K to semi-retire / live on and blew it in less than a year.

The negatives of AC are big and currently are glaring right at me in the face. Pollution, not safe, corruption, food in general sucks, infrastructure and more. Though for some odd reason I felt happier there.

And what would I do if I were to live there? No, I wouldn't go crazy and be a hungry roided Werewolf drinking Viagra by the gallons per day looking for girls daily. I would be a little bit more laid back but the beauty of AC is that when you want to turn it on, you can turn it on. That's the difference between AC and BK. You can go from 0-60 at the snap of a finger in AC. In BK you have to keep restarting your Dodge Pinto as the car won't even start.

That's why I recommended paying extra $$ for a hotel (instead of opting for some cheap apartment in AC) to stay in on a monthly basis since it is generally safer, the logistics is way better for girls, you have the front desk for screening, not worry about brown-outs and have water / power all paid included.

Its funny because even after all this I may not leave BK, but as I said, the thought keeps lingering on moving to AC.

For other cities to live? I really need to check out Cambodia (PP) because that might be another gem that I'm not aware of. This would be a good time to discuss PP vs AC (or even BK).

01-10-15, 00:57
IMO you have to live in AC like you would anyplace else Got to find a hobby other then sex and drinking. Got to find things to do other then sex and drinking all day. AC has other things to do in it despite what others always say about it. It. It,s A Eat fuck and drink town. Yes you will get that in abundance there and what else does a MAN need in life but food beer and pussy? However if you only have $1500 or less a month you will not be doing that everyday without running out of money so you have to find a cheap or free way to pass your time without getting bored. I going to live there with 1100 a month and a hugh savings back up But I have already burned in my mind that I am not going to be getting laid everyday can, t afford it and frankly once every 3-4 days for me is enough to keep me happy.Good post Streetlooker. This is a pretty big issue but the time that I was there, I used my free time to pretty much stay in the hotel and watch the idiot box (well, there was an NBA channel that I liked on TV), go to the arcade at SM Mall (that does get old quick but maybe once a week or so) and there is always the internet.

I love to walk and that was the selling point for me to most likely NOT go to AC. I like to keep in half way decent shape and eating crappy Jobilees while sitting on my ass watching wannabe professional singers on TV doing Karaoke is not going to help me get in shape.

One thing for sure I will do is join a gym, though I heard its pricey. Another thing too is that I may have to use a trike to get there. Could I afford it? Yeah, but I like to stay on a budget when I can.

The more I think about it, I think being in AC is good for maybe in chunks at a time, maybe 2 months and head back to X,why, or Z place (BK, Phnom Penh, Chiang Mai, or whatever place one may be in). So maybe two months AC, 4 months back at hometown, then back to AC.

01-10-15, 10:12
First off thanks for the feedback and comments. Glad some of you guys enjoyed what I posted. I wanted to clarify and give a bit more details on what I posted and a few other things I didn't mention.

I wanted to clarify on the biggest issue which is the $1500/ month figure which it does sound hard to believe to attain a certain kind of lifestyle that many aspire too. I obviously don't expect to live in AC the same way I vacationed there. I currently live in Bangkok and have for quite awhile and have already known that living in BK is not the same as vacationing here. Same with AC if I were to live there. I still like BK and after living here for awhile, I'm able to live in a good place, eat very good food on a daily basis, and have some extra $$$ to spend on P4P.

With a budget of $1300-$1600, I'm able to eat to live a good life while seeing 4-6 different girls a month on average (majority from either Soapies, MPs, and GOGO while the rest are regulars). No, I don't keep an exact tally and maybe Ill go a month seeing two girls and other months many more. Whichever place you choose to reside, say Costa Rica, Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Phils, Thailand, etc. After awhile you learn how find better deals, cheaper places to eat (yet good quality), you know which part of town to be and could find better deals on apartment / condo / house, etc. When I first moved out to Thailand, yes, everything was twice as the figure I posted in the beginning, but after you get through the learning process, know more of the language, the expenses come down.

So even though Bangkok life is decent why am I even bothering thinking of moving to AC (which I doubt I will, though the thought does linger in my head). Despite all very good things BK provides that AC doesn't. Much better food, and alot more variety, way much safer, more activities (is there anywhere you can walk in AC aside from going in circles at SM Mall or walking back and forth at Walking St? I can walk for miles and miles in BK (and have lost weight doing so). Much better value per dollar in BK than AC (yes, I do understand I'm comparing BK to AC is apples to oranges).

I can head to Nana and for around $100 or so to get nice tail or ring up a regular if needed be. I have the option to go down to the beaches via bus for cheap or fly down to a great small city like Chiang Mai for $100 are / T.

YET. Despite all the crap that there is in AC, I felt happier at the end of the day there. For comparison's sake. I enjoyed my 3-4 weeks in Angeles City much more than I did in BK when I went there for the first time. I was more blown away by BK and 'impressed. '.

IN BK. Seeing miles of high end malls (Siam Paragon, etc), finding Pad Thai for a little over a buck, and GoGo bars just a walk away really impressed me. $25-$35 a night rooms of very good quality, friendly people (though I would say a good amount with attached 'fake smiles' very safe (just keep an extra eye out at the touristy places and generally watch your pockets for common sense anywhere), and being eye pleasing. Despite all this, I felt more happy at AC.

The negative with AC was the semi stress of trying not to get robbed when going out (despite the time of the day), harassed by homeless people, trying to find JUST a decent meal, dealing with crooked cops and watching doing their random checkpoints, etc.

Despite all this, I was happier in AC than BK. On paper BK blows out AC. But dealing with the girls between BK and AC was the difference maker. And I won't even bother mentioning Pattaya because I simply did not like Pattaya (although I will go there again since I was there last time only for 3 days and its unfair if I don't give it a second chance).

I'd rather have one girls from AC on average than three girls on average in BK. The one girl in AC will give me an experience that three girls in BK in general could not provide.

As I stated earlier, I don't expect to go to AC and walk in and tally 10-12 girls per month with high intensity passion.

Whats unique about AC more than BK is that you can build on (as another person mentioned) networking of getting freebies or making open relationships. In BK the girl gives you OK sex and leaves right after. In AC, the girl blows your brains out and stays with you until the next day. When I was in AC, I did NOT pursue any of the girls. The few (which I got as freebies later) pursued me.

Back to the budget of $1500. Yes, it does seem 'delusional' to get the experience I mentioned especially if you.

-have little to no experience in living in other countries (3rd world for example).

-currently living in the western world and only vacation to these places.

-make an effort to reduce costs when possible, etc.

But if you have years and years of living overseas, habitually know how to manage your money, then it 'might' be just possible.

Also getting a great life style in AC doesn't come overnight, but it can really snowball quickly in a good way where a single guy can target around that budget.

Yes, I could spent a bit more but I'd rather leave my savings alone (I'm not on SS, Disability, Retirement, a pension, etc). I've seen to many people blow their savings literally in a flash.

One guy that is talked about in BK was a person that came with 200 K to semi-retire / live on and blew it in less than a year.

The negatives of AC are big and currently are glaring right at me in the face. Pollution, not safe, corruption, food in general sucks, infrastructure and more. Though for some odd reason I felt happier there.

And what would I do if I were to live there? No, I wouldn't go crazy and be a hungry roided Werewolf drinking Viagra by the gallons per day looking for girls daily. I would be a little bit more laid back but the beauty of AC is that when you want to turn it on, you can turn it on. That's the difference between AC and BK. You can go from 0-60 at the snap of a finger in AC. In BK you have to keep restarting your Dodge Pinto as the car won't even start.

That's why I recommended paying extra $$ for a hotel (instead of opting for some cheap apartment in AC) to stay in on a monthly basis since it is generally safer, the logistics is way better for girls, you have the front desk for screening, not worry about brown-outs and have water / power all paid included.

Its funny because even after all this I may not leave BK, but as I said, the thought keeps lingering on moving to AC.

For other cities to live? I really need to check out Cambodia (PP) because that might be another gem that I'm not aware of. This would be a good time to discuss PP vs AC (or even BK).A wonderful report. Balanced and informative.

I would agree with all. Girls more affectionate & passionate in AC but downside is criminal class police, low quality food, and boredom between sessions. Best to live a two center AC / BKK, if funds are available. Shame no direct flights CLK / BKK, but hopefully they will be re-established. Only caution is with all that passion, make sure to keep away from signing marriage contracts, committing yourself financially or sending remittances. So many guys have got washed up by the romance & passion and ended up someplace they do not really want to be (but usually go into denial afterwards about making the mistake). Girls with Filipino kids have a definite agenda and will work very very hard to get a food line and escape passport.

01-10-15, 10:42
The hardest part of a visit to AC is the final hotel checkout. It's the realisation that things are coming to an end for another visit.

Arrived into ABC hotel via a private car transfer from Manila. Texted a lady from previous visit to meet me at the hotel on checkinl, obviously scheduled texts and kept her details form a previous visit. She was all good with this and true to her word she was only one hour late. Good catch up then boom boom. After my previous week of 'dating' and non-working girls I certainly noticed the difference, BJ technique was intense, body movements were intense (which is why she is a regular invitee) but it was disappointing to feel how easy penetration is with a girl that works regularly. Anyway, it was good to have the first shots away within 90 minutes of checkin. P1,000 direct to her. Walking out the door, I requested the room be serviced.

Had a date night with a really weird combination of invents. Had a drink lined up with a european lady whom I met while on business in Europe a few years ago. She is actually a Filipina although now an Eu citizen. She was at home for a month in Dau visiting her family. Anyone we got along well and before long gave her the tour of the hotel and my suite. The ABC staff had faithfully fully restored the room to pristine condition. Stayed overnight, multiple pop and amazing body. Obviously a freebie and well deserved.

The next night headed out out 9:30 pm for a look around Fields. Tried my favourite oldie music bar. The Midnight Cowboy. A few song requests and of course some nice ladies. It's unusual here, the girls don't wear uniforms but all have killer heels. Drinks were cheak. BF on offer was P1,500. I liked the girl that sat with me but she said she was just simple girl in bed. That description put me off a little and I left without her.

Wondering through a few places. Looked into HiSo, paid the P200 cover charge for men now. Inside was dead, about 11 by now. Had one beer and left.

Ended up in Viking bar, it was nice, girls on stage were looking pretier as the drinks wore on. Waitress was lovely company. BF here is P2500 for dancer and P2300 for waitress. The place had a good vibe this particular night. Chatted to a few fellow visitors and partied on. Girls and waitresses were good value and in a real party mode. I had a look in HiSo by this time and it was going off. I guess it was about 1 am by now. Plenty of eye contact but I really didn't want the hassle of the freelancer, pickup pretence. We packed up our things and went for a look at a few other places. Voodoo, Insomnia, Skytrax. Settled in a Insomnia and chose a lovely girl.

Back to ABC via their van service. That is such a nice touch.

Girl stayed for breakfast, then it was time for her to go and me to pack. I was packed by 10:30 with a car service booked for midday transfer to MNL. WHat to do with 90 minutes. Tried a few of my numbers but the girls were either still on BF or were asleep. So I went for a walk towards town, already at this hour, a few girls making the right eye contact. Walking past Margherita Station there was a nice girl, 28 years, a little chubby, I asked for a massage and was quoted P500. I said let's go. So, within 10 minutes of leaving, back in the room. Had the spa already filled to save time. Time BJ and straight sex. I think she actually really got into it. For the P1000 she was happy to be on her way have fulfilled her part of the bargain but I admit I never actually got the 'massage'.

After this visit I've cleaned out my address book of numbers acquired over the past three years. I think it's time for new talent, plus it reduces the level of ongoing overhead and money requests while I'm not here.

I look forward to being back soon.


Radical Guy
01-12-15, 21:45
Has anyone tried using Uber to get from the Manila airport to AC?


01-13-15, 00:24
I'll be leaving some more detailed reports as they come. I think this post could be beneficial for people who like me RTFF as much as possible but still make dumb ass mistakes when unexpected things happen, or because I don't stand my ground quickly enough.

My connecting flight was late so I had to miss my shuttle to the new CP tower. I was told that there would be a possibility that my luggage would go missing for a day or so because of how tight the flights were. I landed in Manila and actually did get my luggage OK. But I had already emailed ahead of time to cancel the shuttle.

So, I just got a taxi from the airport. This was at about 1:30 am (and I'd been up for about 30 hours already, not counting the little bit of sleep on the plane). The taxi was quoted to be 4000 which I knew was a lot, but I was just happy I made it and had my luggage, so I paid the premium.

While entering the taxi, another Filipino told me something about a delay on the way out there that was unavoidable, and I missed the rest of what he said, being half delirious and also because I don't hear speech very well. Well, turns out he said that the express-way was closed until 6 am and we'd stop off at a place with girls.

We stopped at said place. "Liberty" I think it was called. The door opened and I was beckoned out, and to leave my stuff in the car. My internal alarms of course were going off like crazy, but I still followed him up. I don't know why, but I did.

Then the guy asked me if I wanted a drink. I thought I'd stay and look at the ladies. My driver was there. I got the cheapest beer on the menu (110) and he also asked me if I wanted to get my driver something.

I'm goddamn embarrassed I didn't get up and leave at any of these points. I bought a beer, and my driver a coke (which was LOL 250).

So, the first lady drink I bought was a coke for my taxi driver!

Then I started finally quizzing my driver about the expressway. Yeah, it's not closed.

Check, please.

With the check came a 1500 peso entrance fee. Fuck that. I finally put my foot down, said I wasn't paying it, and I told my driver that if I had to pay it, I'd be deducting it from his payment, or else just going back to the airport.

With that, I left. Yet another noob lesson learned.

I didn't get to AC until about 3:30 am I think. I just walked around and refused to buy anything from anyone, also given that I decided not to check in until the morning, so I couldn't BF anyone except for a ST room, which I've kind of decided not to do.

More in a few minutes, as I have other tales / questions.

01-13-15, 00:51
Given that it was 3:30 am (or so) when I finally started walking around town and that I hadn't a hotel to check-in to, I wasn't sure exactly what I was going to do. But I wasn't going to bite on the first thing.

Leaving all of my things behind at the front desk except for 2000 cash and a copy of my passport, I set to walking. I didn't even know which direction the action was, and I kind of like it that way. I like exploring like this.

Still, it may not have been the best decision to go down an alley-way on my way towards the action. That's what I did. (Feel free to tell me how stupid that was. Though it didn't end badly at all).

First girl approaches me and I walk away easily. Next there are three girls sitting on the sidewalk and two pimp-type guys. 2 of the girls were actually pretty hot, and not all painted up (which I don't like. That's why I'm leaning against bar girls in general). He said that the ST rate was 500. And there was a ST room for 200.

That sounded too good to be true. I asked for IDs. The girls that I had my eye didn't have IDs, but one other one did (and he said she'd be more expensive because of the ID). Not totally my type, but I also didn't want to bite on the first thing I saw, so I kept walking unimpeded.

I've read about scams where they get you with a * girl, and I wasn't about to get into that mess. I have to admit though, I thought about going back. I mean, she looked 18. Yeah, tell that to the judge.

Later, I found Walking Street and went down up and down. Some girls were more forceful than others. One did catch my attention. Cute face, dirty talk. I was considering it. Then I said "I have to ask because I can't always tell. Are you a ladyboy?

Yup, LB. I think I could tell actually. On some level, I knew. I think all of the "girls" at that spot were LBs. But still, now I'm worried I'm going to make that mistake.

At any rate, I thanked her / him but no thanks and moved on.

I decided I wanted to burn the time with a legit massage. I just found a 24-hour place. The girl wasn't very attractive, so I had hoped it may be legit. The quality certainly was, and there was no teasing. However, at the end, she pushed the buttons and I caved (which I regret because I'm not a multi-pop guy necessarily). 400 for the massage and I tipped 200. She was pleased and wanted me back. Actually, it was great service, to be honest.

I'm going to check-in soon and then give my DIA and tagged contacts a shot. Or I may head to the mall to see what I can do there.

BTW, if there is anyone here in AC right now, I really wouldn't mind meeting if you don't mind showing me the ropes or just hanging a little with an American.

Jp Slicky
01-13-15, 10:07

In that town you do not want to take from the streets, better the bar in case something happens and you can put the bar on the hot seat.

01-13-15, 10:29
...In that town you do not want to take from the streets...From a Pinoy guy to any traveler: No, no and NO to street food! Don't even think to dunk your food into the sauce jar.

There are actually food safety regulations on the books but as with anything else, enforcement is uneven or nonexistent. My tip is to avoid anything that has a soup (or "sabaw" Stick to grilled, fried or BBQ food. You can at least get fried chicken anytime of the day.

Even I can't put up with fried chicken and spaghetti in the morning for breakfast (damn Jollibee).

01-13-15, 11:45

In that town you do not want to take from the streets, better the bar in case something happens and you can put the bar on the hot seat.If you use common sense and you have some experience as a monger then there's nothing wrong with street meat.

But I agree the bars are safer in general.

01-14-15, 00:44
More in a few minutes, as I have other tales / questions.Welcome to Philippines. I notice that no one else has replied to you. I'm going to take a shot and hope you take it the right way.

You need to get serious about your safety. It's only a mater of time with your current trusting habits that you are going to get setup in a bigger way.

Hopefully you have worked this out. Hopefully someone can set you straight before you get seriously ripped off or hurt.


Wicked Roger
01-14-15, 01:05
Welcome to Philippines. I notice that no one else has replied to you. I'm going to take a shot and hope you take it the right way.

You need to get serious about your safety. It's only a mater of time with your current trusting habits that you are going to get setup in a bigger way.

Hopefully you have worked this out. Hopefully someone can set you straight before you get seriously ripped off or hurt.

BD.Or in jail with key lost for a long time of forever. Ken Graham (bar owner) died in hospital the other day. He was there as he was still waiting trial and was very ill. Despite this illness the prosecutor wanted him back in jail!


So best be careful Randy as BD said you will come a cropper very soon and be another statistic which what nobody on this board wants.

01-14-15, 05:37
Speaking of safety and statistics, there was an article in PHP Star this morning about a 67 year old American and his Filipina GF who were found murdered in his apartment in Angeles. Their bodies were found yesterday and they had both been knifed numerous times and the girls hands were tied to the bed. The parents of the girl alerted the Angeles PD because they had not heard from her for several days. The police also found an emptied vault next to the American and her cell phone and other items were missing. Obviously, a a robbery appears to be the reason for the crimes.

Or in jail with key lost for a long time of forever. Ken Graham (bar owner) died in hospital the other day. He was there as he was still waiting trial and was very ill. Despite this illness the prosecutor wanted him back in jail!


So best be careful Randy as BD said you will come a cropper very soon and be another statistic which what nobody on this board wants.

01-14-15, 18:12
Speaking of safety and statistics, there was an article in PHP Star this morning about a 67 year old American and his Filipina GF who were found murdered in his apartment in Angeles. Their bodies were found yesterday and they had both been knifed numerous times and the girls hands were tied to the bed. The parents of the girl alerted the Angeles PD because they had not heard from her for several days. The police also found an emptied vault next to the American and her cell phone and other items were missing. Obviously, a a robbery appears to be the reason for the crimes.A person has to consider. Both Angeles and Manila have large numbers of all the elements to draw the worst of society.

Large "Sex" trade, Casino's. So gambling, and a drugs which are now an issue.

These elements attract those with money. And those who job it is to "separate" people from their money.

Always be on guard in both cities.

Pip Jaeger
01-15-15, 00:51
From a Pinoy guy to any traveler: No, no and NO to street food! JP was referring to street girls, not street food (although one could argue the point that girls are food, LOL).

Pip Jaeger
01-15-15, 01:01
I'll be leaving some more detailed reports as they come. I think this post could be beneficial for people who like me RTFF as much as possible but still make dumb ass mistakes when unexpected things happen, or because I don't stand my ground quickly enough.SNIP
I didn't get to AC until about 3:30 am I think. I just walked around and refused to buy anything from anyone, also given that I decided not to check in until the morning, so I couldn't BF anyone except for a ST room, which I've kind of decided not to do.I'll presume you were too cheap to rent a room at your regular hotel for the night you arrived? After traveling 30+ hours to get there, and being in the confused state of mind you already mentioned, just meandering around at 3:30 am was probably not the wisest thing anyone to do. For future reference, you could have gotten an inexpensive room at the Tune hotel ( I think you can get them there for 12 hours), showered and crashed until you were able to check in at your regular hotel; or, for that matter, gotten a room at any number of cheap hotels. You would have also then had a place to a girl to and not had to have relied on finding a ST room based on a girl's recommendation, which is never a good idea!

Thanks BTW for your reports, makes interesting reading and reminds me of my first visit.

Fast Eddie 48
01-15-15, 01:09
I'll presume you were too cheap to rent a room at your regular hotel for the night you arrived? After traveling 30+ hours to get there, and being in the confused state of mind you already mentioned, just meandering around at 3:30 am was probably not the wisest thing anyone to do. For future reference, you could have gotten an inexpensive room at the Tune hotel for 12 hours, showered and crashed until you were able to check in at your regular hotel; or, for that matter, gotten a room at any number of cheap hotels. You would have also then had a place to a girl to and not had to have relied on finding a ST room based on a girl's recommendation, which is never a good idea!

Thanks BTW for your reports, makes interesting reading and reminds me of my first visit.To Pip Jaeger.

I am also arriving next month from HK flight arrive at 1. 30 am royal aprartelle charge full rate even after midnight so can I get a decend st hotel for around 1000 p.

Fast eddie 48.

Pip Jaeger
01-15-15, 01:31
To Pip Jaeger.

I am also arriving next month from HK flight arrive at 1. 30 am royal aprartelle charge full rate even after midnight so can I get a decend st hotel for around 1000 p.

Fast eddie 48.Sorry FE, other then Tune I can't personally recommend one on or near Field's, maybe someone else can help. You could try the SoGo, but it's up near the Dau bus terminal.

01-15-15, 03:33
To Pip Jaeger.

I am also arriving next month from HK flight arrive at 1. 30 am royal aprartelle charge full rate even after midnight so can I get a decend st hotel for around 1000 p.

Fast eddie 48I believe Scorebirds Hotel near the Pacific Breeze offers short-time rates. I forget what the charge was for 3 hours but I think it was reasonable. I had stayed there last June 2014 and they had short-time rooms available. The rooms were nice but the music from High Society was audible in the hotel rooms.

Capt Munch
01-15-15, 05:26
I believe Scorebirds Hotel near the Pacific Breeze offers short-time rates. I forget what the charge was for 3 hours but I think it was reasonable. I had stayed there last June 2014 and they had short-time rooms available. The rooms were nice but the music from High Society was audible in the hotel rooms.Unless they have changed. . . Scorebirds was offering ST room at 500 php for 3 hours. I think the ST rooms are interior rooms (I. E. No windows) a little on the small side but nice enough and the CR is good enough. Everything was new and the rooms had a flat screen TV.

To Pip Jaeger.

I am also arriving next month from HK flight arrive at 1. 30 am royal aprartelle charge full rate even after midnight so can I get a decend st hotel for around 1000 p.

Fast eddie 48.I think I recall that even the hotel over the Centauro bar was advertising rooms starting at 950 php. Whether they have any actual rooms at that rate, I don't know. That would be a little closer than the Tune hotel which is a bit further down the Perimeter road. Depending on your arrival method (car / trike etc.) that may not be a problem as you can have your driver drop you at the Tune and make your way to your regular hotel the next day.


Member #4530
01-15-15, 07:41
Has anyone tried using Uber to get from the Manila airport to AC?

RG.Darn good question. Someone needs to try it. According to Uber's website, form the Manila airport to Angeles city it is:

UberX ₱659-865.

UberBLACK ₱1,264-1,656.

Thems good prices.

Jp Slicky
01-15-15, 08:55
You are correct. I crave the bearded clams LOL.

Radical Guy
01-15-15, 11:46
Darn good question. Someone needs to try it. According to Uber's website, form the Manila airport to Angeles city it is:

UberX ₱659-865.

UberBLACK ₱1,264-1,656.

Thems good prices.I saw exactly the same thing. But that's just a computer- generated figure based merely on rate-per KM or whatever. The driver would still need to accept the assignment. Well, I'm arriving in Manila late morning of Feb. 6. I'll give it a shot and post the results.


01-15-15, 12:38
To Pip Jaeger.

I am also arriving next month from HK flight arrive at 1. 30 am royal aprartelle charge full rate even after midnight so can I get a decend st hotel for around 1000 p.

Fast eddie 48.Devera Hotel has its smallest rooms listed at 1200. I would not want to stay in them long term (very small), but with good beds more than sufficient for a night or two of sleep.

01-15-15, 13:21
I stayed at Scorebirds last week and the price you mentioned they had posted on a card at the front desk.

Unless they have changed. . . Scorebirds was offering ST room at 500 php for 3 hours. I think the ST rooms are interior rooms (I. E. No windows) a little on the small side but nice enough and the CR is good enough. Everything was new and the rooms had a flat screen TV.

I think I recall that even the hotel over the Centauro bar was advertising rooms starting at 950 php. Whether they have any actual rooms at that rate, I don't know. That would be a little closer than the Tune hotel which is a bit further down the Perimeter road. Depending on your arrival method (car / trike etc.) that may not be a problem as you can have your driver drop you at the Tune and make your way to your regular hotel the next day.


01-15-15, 13:37
A person has to consider. Both Angeles and Manila have large numbers of all the elements to draw the worst of society.

Large "Sex" trade, Casino's. So gambling, and a drugs which are now an issue.

These elements attract those with money. And those who job it is to "separate" people from their money.

Always be on guard in both cities.I have found the simplest way of avoiding 90%+ of all problems in either places is wear a coat of armor constructed of complete indifference to any person who attempts to communicate with me on the street. I just treat them all if they are just buzzing bees and tune our whatever they are offering me. I don't say no, I don't shake my head I don't meet their eyes, I always walk at a brisk pace and find they always will get out of the way. On the rare occasions its a pretty girl on the street I may engage with them don't get me wrong, I am a monger after all. But I have found there is nothing positive to be gained by engaging any male in the street in any sort of conversation and much to be lost including my time which is precious when I am there. If I actually do need a taxi or trike I will specifically pick one who is quiet as he will be the one least likely to try to milk me.

I have found the same principle applies to the bar girls. The one who is the first to plop into your lap upon arrival, or grabs your dick is the one least likely to give you an all night GFE and stay for a romantic breakfast. I have had the best luck with the ones who are quietly sitting with their legs crossed looking like they don't even belong there. Those are the ones recently arrived from the province who haven't learned how to play the games and still view the job as a dating method.

If you stick to being the initiator in all forms of interaction with all individuals in manila metro and AC you may come off like a complete prick as I know I do but you will avoid most all problems and come to appreciate the time not wasted.

By the way there is an entire thread devoted to AC hotels so take your thoughts on that subject over there please so RTFF can become a less jumbled time waster as well.

Fast Eddie 48
01-16-15, 00:02
Devera Hotel has its smallest rooms listed at 1200. I would not want to stay in them long term (very small), but with good beds more than sufficient for a night or two of sleep.To Psychman.

I stay at the Devera before the JR Standard is ok no window yes room is very small still larger than the room at the Tune, they are book full all the time, I have check all the short time hotel in AC they are all run down dump.

Fast eddie 48.

01-16-15, 01:36
How often are pool parties held in Angeles City? Is it only certain hotels?

01-17-15, 04:08
How often are pool parties held in Angeles City? Is it only certain hotels?Every week or two there seems to be one. More common during the summer dry season, Feb through June. And obviously only the hotels with a pool throw a pool party.

There's one today.

01-17-15, 04:40
Every week or two there seems to be one. More common during the summer dry season, Feb through June. And obviously only the hotels with a pool throw a pool party.

There's one today.As in: where?

01-17-15, 08:47
I was at Scorebirds a few weeks ago. There was a poster announcing a bikini party with $$ prizes. This was scheduled for an upcoming Saturday. I think they have them bi-weekly but give them a call to check. It's a nice looking pool and good environment to hang out. They also have rooms to rent for 3 hours for 500 p and you can't wait. LOL.

As in: where?

01-18-15, 04:08
As in: where?Personally, I think a pool party is over rated. Perhaps a must do for a newbie.

Just a different venue to drink beer in the afternoon.

Pip Jaeger
01-18-15, 04:43
Personally, I think a pool party is over rated.I agree to a point and in addition pool parties are just another way to get you to part with your cash, whether it's via drinks for yourself and girls or via the cheap plastic "Mardi Gras" style necklaces they want you to buy as method of voting for the hottest looking girl (s).

On the other hand, it's a good way to check out the talent from multiple bars as usually many of best looking ones go to the pool parties. Also, it's a good way to gleam some phone numbers for private meet ups.

01-18-15, 08:04
Discovered it's very easy to score outside the bars and fill your day time hunger. Meet them from a few dating websites. Just chat a bit and Most will come over for ST without much trouble.

01-18-15, 15:17
I'll be visiting AC in the middle of May, was wondering how busy the place might be with other hobbiests? I know in Thailand tourism drops off after the first week of April (and is experiencing a low peak season right now from the reports I'm reading), is it the same case in AC?

01-19-15, 11:27
What is the best way to get to Angeles City from Manila airport? I was quoted about $2800 for a car, $3000 for a van.

X Man
01-19-15, 14:24
You've already answered your own question. How will you find the driver at the airport?

What is the best way to get to Angeles City from Manila airport? I was quoted about $2800 for a car, $3000 for a van..

Radical Guy
01-19-15, 15:11
What is the best way to get to Angeles City from Manila airport? I was quoted about $2800 for a car, $3000 for a van.I will be visiting AC in early February for the first time. I've RTFF and done other research. Since I will be arriving in Manila around 11:30 AM, I decided that I will take a taxi to the Victory Liner bus station in Pasay (about 100-150 taxi ride from NAIA), then the aircon buses depart about every 30 minutes to Dau station near AC, then a tricycle to the hotel.

I was tempted to use a taxi all the way, but just cannot justify 2800-3000 pesos one-way. Besides, I don't trust the taxi drivers in Manila enough for such a journey.

There is also Swagman's Fly the Bus, which is 600 pesos from Ermita to AC, but I've been reading that they are having some quality control problems, like broken aircon, etc. , not to mention having to take a taxi to Ermita. So, I think the Victory Liner bus option makes the best sense to me. YMMV.


01-19-15, 16:54
What is the best way to get to Angeles City from Manila airport? I was quoted about $2800 for a car, $3000 for a van.There is no 'best way' to make this journey. There are various methods (already discussed on the boards). The costs vary. Mostly your time-of-day arrival will effect your time spent in transport. Arrive 9 pm-6 am at NAIA (especially Mon-Friday), and you could conceivably be in your AC hotel 2-3 hours later (Immigration / customs, take ride directly to your hotel from NAIA). Arrive at the busier time of day, and it might be 5-6 hours until you reach your destination. Arriving on Sunday is smart, as traffic is *much* lighter.


1. Have your AC hotel send a car / van just for you. Prices quoted by you are about right. I prefer this method, even though more costly, as the driver / car is waiting for me, and is at my beck-and-call: literally, he stops if I need to weewee or eat (be nice, buy him a burger when you get some fast food for yourself), I control the radio (not him), and I can stretch out and sleep in the back seat (its all mine).

2. Try the Radical Guy method: Taxi to Pasay bus terminal (p100-200), then take one of the aircon busses (departing every 30 minutes, p200?) to Dau, then take a tryke (p100) to your hotel. This is a cheaper method, but will take longer (could be much longer as trying to get a taxi at NAIA has become difficult), and you are traveling with locals. This seems the 'po man's method.

3. Taxi to Swagman hotel (p150-200), then take the Fly-the-Bus (departs twice / day I think, p6-700).

4. Arrive, grab luggage, take elevator upstairs to the airport Departure area. There are many taxi's dropping off departing passengers. Hail one and ask if he wants to take you to AC. He will quote a very large amount, 4-5000 maybe. Counter with 2500. Bargain. You should be able to hit at about p3000. Remember, for him, its got to be enough for him to go there and all the way back to Manila (could be a 5-hour round-trip for him; he is renting the taxi for a 12-hour shift and must return it in Manila), even though you are only going one way. You might have to attempt this with many taxi drivers. If you are willing to do this, you should re-consider option #1 above (same cost).

Gents, did I miss an option?

BTW, made my Manila hotel reservation a few days ago and requested their van pickup (as usual). Cost is p1000 (previously it was 600, they raised it in August). I'm guessing that they are aware of the rotten traffic lately around NAIA, and it takes an hour longer for the van to make the round-trip to NAIA.

Radical Guy
01-19-15, 17:21
What is the best way to get to Angeles City from Manila airport? I was quoted about $2800 for a car, $3000 for a van.After reading WestCoast's post, I rethinked my idea. I will be staying at the Queens Hotel in AC. I just checked their website, and they quote 2600 pesos for a car pickup from NAIA airport to the hotel. Considering that this is door-to-door service, I am thinking that I may use this option.



01-19-15, 19:04
2. Try the Radical Guy method: Taxi to Pasay bus terminal (p100-200), then take one of the aircon busses (departing every 30 minutes, p200?) to Dau, then take a tryke (p100) to your hotel. This is a cheaper method, but will take longer (could be much longer as trying to get a taxi at NAIA has become difficult), and you are traveling with locals. This seems the 'po man's method.

3. Taxi to Swagman hotel (p150-200), then take the Fly-the-Bus (departs twice / day I think, p6-700).

4. Arrive, grab luggage, take elevator upstairs to the airport Departure area. There are many taxi's dropping off departing passengers. Hail one and ask if he wants to take you to AC. He will quote a very large amount, 4-5000 maybe. Counter with 2500. Bargain. You should be able to hit at about p3000. Remember, for him, its got to be enough for him to go there and all the way back to Manila (could be a 5-hour round-trip for him; he is renting the taxi for a 12-hour shift and must return it in Manila), even though you are only going one way. You might have to attempt this with many taxi drivers. If you are willing to do this, you should re-consider option #1 above (same cost)..My international MNL connection always arrives late 11:30 pm to up to 1 am to get through customs. Traffic is better after midnight but going native through the Pasay terminal would be too much of a hassle and challenge after 30+ hours flying so I always take the taxi. I was always able to get it to 3000 P or under. Make sure you insist that the toll is inclusive of the driver paying the EDSA tolls before you get in the taxi.

I tried a risky method twice and it worked. Problem with even the midnight taxi was arriving so late in AC by the time I got a shower its pretty late and only the late night bars may be open. So I had a 19 yo manila girl who I never met but chatted with check in for me at the casa Bocobo in Ermita and wait in bed, eat cup o noodles and watch tv etc until I get there. I gave her I think 1500 p for transport. To my surprise she was there! I was proud of myself that it worked. So we had a great night and then I was able to take the first Swagman bus a few blocks over to AC the next day. It was risky since I had to prepay the hotel and the girl and let them know she was checking in for me. Tried it with a second girl I knew through cam chat only and it worked again the next visit.

If I am arriving from the province I always time my flight to the Swagman bus schedule 11:30 AM 3:30 pm and 8:30 pm departures from Ermita. I have taken it dozens of times over the years last being August 2014. Its 700 P and they take you directly to your hotel door. It always left on time, never experienced any discomforts but hey its the Phils anything bad can happen on any given day. The Swagman hotel has deteriorated badly but the Fly the Bus is still good.

01-19-15, 19:58
BTW, made my Manila hotel reservation a few days ago and requested their van pickup (as usual). Cost is p1000 (previously it was 600, they raised it in August). I'm guessing that they are aware of the rotten traffic lately around NAIA, and it takes an hour longer for the van to make the round-trip to NAIA.Damn good idea. I am going to do that too! (going next month).

01-20-15, 05:15
As I've posted once before, I've got the name and contact number of a very reliable driver who charges Php2,700, including the tolls, to Angeles. If anyone wants the contact information, I'd be glad to provide it via PM.


Radical Guy
01-20-15, 11:55
After reading WestCoast's post, I rethinked my idea. I will be staying at the Queens Hotel in AC. I just checked their website, and they quote 2600 pesos for a car pickup from NAIA airport to the hotel. Considering that this is door-to-door service, I am thinking that I may use this option.


RG.Well, I made my reservation at the Queens Hotel through Agoda, and indicated on Agoda's "special requests" box that I need airport transfer from NAIA Terminal 3, and gave my flight and arrival time info there. I promptly received an email from the Queens confirming that a driver will be waiting for me in the arrival area with a sign with my name, and that the charge will be 2,600 pesos cash, to be paid by check-out. So far, so good.


01-20-15, 21:19
Margarita Station has drivers for 2800 p. The drivers arrive 30 minutes before your flight is scheduled to land. They have signs with your name so you can find them.

Also you can request to have SML aboard or Mineral Water for you to enjoy on your ride to AC. Also the driver will stop if you like for food or to exchange cash before you reach your hotel. I have them stop at Norma's cash exchange then proceed to my hotel. Makes that 1st exchange safer and quick.

If you have the means. I highly recommend it.


01-21-15, 01:40
I was worried that I was getting spoiled: so far, no cool professionals who were just trying to get me off and get out. Three girls in three nights who got turned on while they were doing their job.



I went to a bar across the street from my hotel, away from fields by a mile.

Mostly the girls are not as cute as the Fields girls.

But it was raining, I thought I'd see what was up within walking distance.

Talked with an interesting girl who looked a lot like the girl I fell in love with.

My first trip to fields. Difference was, this girl had a great sense of humor.

Unlike my unfortunately chosen first love.

She was hesitant to go with me; finally said yes.

We talked for about two hours in my room: I was thinking, this girl is awesome.

I can really talk with her.

I had already been to a massage place on fields earlier, and unfortunately came at the hands of the masseuse, which takes away some of my sexual energy for the day.

By this time, I'm thinking that I hope she doesn't disappoint me when she gets undressed. Nope. Her body was beautiful.

Finally, we do the deed.

I'm getting tired.

She's not really into it.


I meet a girl who I think is actually awesome: and she's the first one that doesn't get seriously turned on.

Oh well.

In the morning when we woke up, I wanted to avoid the pain of having her around, reminding me that she wasn't turned on.

But: because she's actually someone I feel comfortable talking with.

I think: talk about it.

So I tell her, it was a disappointment, you're really cool but then it wasn't that great in bed, you weren't into it.

And she says: she was really tired too. And actually, she feels like it takes awhile to really want to make love with someone.

I'm starting to think: for you, you could be my cherry girl for a week, I'll wait for you to open up.

But it was morning, we were both fresh and energetic.

And soon: voila: now its four girls in a row who actually go turned on with me.

Except, she's different.

First girl I ever decided to keep barfining over and over.

Which apparently happens to her regularly: after her very first barfine, the guy paid to get her out of her contract and moved in with her for three years.

And onward, with other stories of guys who find that she's different from all the other girls.

And say: stay with me.

She hasn't had a chance to get barfined again since I met her.

And we're going to Baguio this weekend.

What's happening to me?

I never do this.

01-21-15, 02:23
You've already answered your own question. How will you find the driver at the airport?

.They would have a card with my name on it.

01-21-15, 02:33
A couple of Pinay's that I dated in the States had a Latex Allergy, my question is, whether or not this is something you guys hear or see common and if so are non-latex condoms available in Angeles or should I just bring my own from the states?

01-21-15, 04:50
And onward, with other stories of guys who find that she's different from all the other girls.

And say: stay with me.

She hasn't had a chance to get barfined again since I met her.

And we're going to Baguio this weekend.

What's happening to me?

I never do this.We.







You should check it out. Google it maybe.

01-21-15, 08:09







You should check it out. Google it maybe.What's the problem? There are paragraphs. They're only one line long, LOL!

01-21-15, 08:11
What's happening to me?

I never do this.What's happening to you is that you're falling in love with a WG. It's a serious illness, you should contact a doctor immediately. But don't worry, we've all gone through that and we were all cured!

Thanks for the nice story mate!

01-21-15, 09:20
A couple of Pinay's that I dated in the States had a Latex Allergy, my question is, whether or not this is something you guys hear or see common and if so are non-latex condoms available in Angeles or should I just.

Bring my own from the states?I've never seen lambskin or other non-latex condoms in the Philippines. Do you need them? In 2+ years of meeting Pinays daily only one girl claimed a latex allergy so we did without. Many other girls are "allergic" to condoms of any type because it hurts their self esteem, i.e. only "sluts", aka prostitutes, use those.

Had an odd encounter Monday night; as I was about to cum the girl clenched me tightly with her arms and legs to fight my withdrawal. I was able to break free and unloaded on her poosy and belly. She scooped up my jizz with her fingers and wiped it inside her vag. Repeated this on our second go a while later.

01-21-15, 09:48
I've never seen lambskin or other non-latex condoms in the Philippines. Do you need them? In 2+ years of meeting Pinays daily only one girl claimed a latex allergy so we did without. Many other girls are "allergic" to condoms of any type because it hurts their self esteem, i.e. only "sluts", aka prostitutes, use those.
Had an odd encounter Monday night; as I was about to cum the girl clenched me tightly with her arms and legs to fight my withdrawal. I was able to break free and unloaded on her poosy and belly. She scooped up my jizz with her fingers and wiped it inside her vag. Repeated this on our second go a while later.I bought Okamoto condoms in Manila some years ago. Okamoto have made polyurethane condoms (0. 02 thickness) for more than 3 years. I remember buying them in HK in 2011 as I disliked the smell of burning rubber. Probably available in PI. Email Okamoto and ask them.

However, they do not provide protection against those determined young pinays who will rip them to bits with their teeth to ensure pregnancy.


01-21-15, 22:42
Thanks for the advice Ikksman and Hutsori as far need its just an old habit, it will be my first time in Angeles I'll be there late March so if any of you experienced mongers want to give a 30 year old from the states the grand tour I would be much appreciative.

Pip Jaeger
01-21-15, 23:09
A couple of Pinay's that I dated in the States had a Latex Allergy, my question is, whether or not this is something you guys hear or see common and if so are non-latex condoms available in Angeles or should I just bring my own from the states?Better and cheaper as well to bring your own. But you'll probably be carrying them back home with you.

Fast Eddie 48
01-22-15, 01:10
I bought Okamoto condoms in Manila some years ago. Okamoto have made polyurethane condoms (0. 02 thickness) for more than 3 years. I remember buying them in HK in 2011 as I disliked the smell of burning rubber. Probably available in PI. Email Okamoto and ask them.

However, they do not provide protection against those determined young pinays who will rip them to bits with their teeth to ensure pregnancy.

Ikksman.To Ikksman.

Just get the banana and the chocolate favor one the pinay love it, I like the Okamoto nude they are so expensive unless you buy them online in big quality.

Fast eddie 48.

Member #4530
01-23-15, 01:35
Can anyone explain the uniformed massage girls that hang out at the entrance of Walking St near Phillies in the evening? Are they strictly massage or massage++? Can they be trusted?



Mr Enternational
01-23-15, 02:21
Can anyone explain the uniformed massage girls that hang out at the entrance of Walking St near Phillies in the evening? Are they strictly massage or massage++? Can they be trusted?Thanks, Waffles.With all the hookers in the bars, why must you attempt to make a hooker out of someone who is not one? Classic Garden of Eden syndrome.

01-23-15, 02:21
Can anyone explain the uniformed massage girls that hang out at the entrance of Walking St near Phillies in the evening? Are they strictly massage or massage++? Can they be trusted?


Waffles.They are massage ++. Pick the cutest one and take her back. Behave during the massage, and then on the flip, she will give it a grip, and you can ask for more. It is hit or miss with the BBBJ or covered BJ or just the HJ. But few will go full service. But if they are cute, getting their shirt off, and getting a HJ can be alot of fun. It is hard to find such cute girls that are working the clubs and bar fining.

Member #4530
01-23-15, 02:28
With all the hookers in the bars, why must you attempt to make a hooker out of someone who is not one? Classic Garden of Eden syndrome.I'm not trying to make a hooker out of anyone??? I'm just curious and enjoy legit massages, with or without ++.

01-23-15, 02:39
Can anyone explain the uniformed massage girls that hang out at the entrance of Walking St near Phillies in the evening? Are they strictly massage or massage++? Can they be trusted?


Waffles.They are awesome 200 per hour massage.

I've used them many times.

Grab their card on the way in or at least a number and save it, as it comes in handy.

If you call them they come on time, and you can call them anytime.

As far as any extras I have never tried, but I am sure something can be arranged. And I don't think I ever will try.

Many decades ago, I learned that if you want something done right, get a professional.

If you want a good massage, then get a pro.

If you want a good shag then get a pro.

If you want a GF, then get one of them.

01-23-15, 04:32
The massage girls are often very hot, in my opinion. I don't push for anything, but rather just see what develops. My hunch is that few of the hot ones offer full service, but many will offer a hand job.

Here's my sampling. One didn't offer anything extra, but shorted me by 15 minutes and complained about a 200 Peso tip. Another offered a nice handjob, so I saw her twice. She seemed reluctant to go further than that. A third one didn't even offer a hand job, but enjoyed getting naked a making out. I've seen her multiple times.

It's a different experience, probably not everyone's cup of tea. Not knowing what's going to happen adds to the excitement. Just don't expect sex or be an a-hole with them.

Member #4530
01-23-15, 04:49
Gentlemen, thanks for the excellent replies. Good to know. Some of them massage girls are quite cute and I would be plenty happy getting a legit massage from them.

Can anyone explain the uniformed massage girls that hang out at the entrance of Walking St near Phillies in the evening? Are they strictly massage or massage++? Can they be trusted?



Member #4530
01-23-15, 05:07
Is it my imagination or do the some of the Fields Ave bars jam cell phone signals? I can't understand why I have 4 bars in one and nothing in the next bar. I can see the logic in doing so.

Over the years I've learned that the classic symptom of having your phone near a jammer is that the phone shuts down all cellular communications until its rebooted. I've been in some of these bars, had no signal, and when I walked out into the street I still had no signal until I rebooted the phone. I know the PI has quirky cellular signals however I'm quite sure that's not the issue.

01-23-15, 06:08
Is it my imagination or do the some of the Fields Ave bars jam cell phone signals? I can't understand why I have 4 bars in one and nothing in the next bar. I can see the logic in doing so.

Over the years I've learned that the classic symptom of having your phone near a jammer is that the phone shuts down all cellular communications until its rebooted. I've been in some of these bars, had no signal, and when I walked out into the street I still had no signal until I rebooted the phone. I know the PI has quirky cellular signals however I'm quite sure that's not the issue.Can't imagine bar owners want the non-dancing girls sitting about on their cell phones? Nor do they want them txting customers who are looking to get the girl to 'cheat the bar'? One punter on this board carries one with him when he travels to monger (makes for a quiet night in the room after the lights go out).

01-23-15, 07:20
I've just assumed it was poor signal strength and tower design that was stopping them from working in the bars. But now I think it is just too consistent. Probably the jammers can be bought on the streets without too much issue.

On a different topic, tlaking about low BF I spoke to one of my regular AC gfs and talked to her about the option of working as a freelancer at HiSo. Just asking if she ever considered that. She was totally shocked by that kind of work, she liked the structure of the bar scene. I think that there is also a bit of risk assessment by the mamasan which the BF includes and the girls enjoy, so working the bars is less risky for the girls although they get less of a cut. The HiSo working girls (not all girls there are 'working' migt get more money on a nightly basis but maybe don't get picked up every week or get a cut of lady drinks.

01-23-15, 08:57
With all the hookers in the bars, why must you attempt to make a hooker out of someone who is not one? Classic Garden of Eden syndrome.I guess when they are standing at the entrance of Walking Street to get customers it's pretty obvious what they are looking for.

Member #4530
01-23-15, 09:58
I've just assumed it was poor signal strength and tower design that was stopping them from working in the bars. But now I think it is just too consistent. Probably the jammers can be bought on the streets without too much issue.
They sell handheld jammers on the streets of Hong Kong or at Bangkok's Panthip Plaza but they have limited effectiveness. To jam the cell phone signal in a bar the size of Crystal Palace / Dollhouse takes a behemoth jammer the size of a suitcase. Last night I couldn't get any signal in Dollhouse and the adjoining Crystal Palace however I had 4 bars in the Golden Nile (or whatever its called now) down the street. Both are similar sized mega-bars.

I would call it a wise move on behalf of the bar owners because most of us would like to check our txt and messages before committing to a BF. As there's more bars than I have time for, I'm going to start shying away from those where you can't pick up a signal.

Not that it would matter, but according to http://www.cellular-news.com/story/Regulatory/41825.php, jammers are illegal to posses in the PI as in most countries.

01-23-15, 12:40

I can 100% say they are NOT jamming cell phones in the bars. Its your phone. Its just not getting signals.

Everyone, The managers, Mamasans, and the girls would NOT have communications with NO ONE. Mangers couldn't / wouldn't have any means of being warned about possible raids. No one would be able to communicate with family for emergencies and MOST have kids. Expats would complain too. They couldn't communicate with anyone either. No one benefits. And it would [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) off too many people.

There is no benefit. Like you others wouldn't go to a bar jamming signals either. No bar would ever attempt it. Too many would complain. Jamming cell phones is big time illegal. The bar would either stop, go out of business, or be raided due to complaints to PNP eventually.

Mr Enternational
01-23-15, 13:17
I guess when they are standing at the entrance of Walking Street to get customers it's pretty obvious what they are looking for.But of course there are two types. There are the FL SW girls asking if you want a "massage" then there are those wearing uniforms handing out flyers for the establishment that they work in. I assumed he meant the latter legit ones.

01-23-15, 19:01
I just spent three days in Cebu while my Angeles crush went to the province.

After four girls in Cebu ranging from amazing to forgettable to a beautiful, fun duo who unfortunately weren't as good in bed as they were in personality or looks.

Plus another girl here in Angeles because Darling is still with her family.

I've gotten over the one-it is somewhat.

Friendship highway.

I went to Candy Bar, where my old girlfriend used to work.

Luckily, one of her friends recognized me. She's outgoing and fun and I'm not attracted much to her. A perfect wing girl.

So I didn't have to try to get each girl to trust me during a lady drink. I just told my old friend to let them know I was a good guy, and it was on.

It reminded me of being there with my ex-girlfriend, which made me freer with the ladies drinks: soon I had four girls around me. One of them started to play with my dick: hmm, friendship highway is looser than fields. Then two of them played with it. Then a third tested it: hard even without viagra, LOL.

Barfine: 1700. And they call it a barfine, unlike the fields bars that are now calling it something like: the money you pay so that the girl can go home early. Which used to be: the 10 ladies drinks you buy so that the girl can go home early. Which used to be: the barfine.

The girls were about 25 and 27, plus one girl who spoke Cebuano who was 20. After she played with my dick, I put my hand in her bikini top: mmm, 20 year old breasts on a girl being playful with my dick. That made my decision.

Cebuano, but not so much Tagalog, and little English. No wonder she wasn't in on the conversation at the bar.

She made me kind of forget about my crush.

She totally got into the sex. Swollen clit, wet, moaning, thrashing. Then we fell asleep. Hours later I tried putting her hand on my dick. She wouldn't do it. I waited fifteen minutes, then started more softly, with massage, then pussy massage, then lube massage on that sweet flower.

Damn, she got totally into it again.

This place is amazing.

Smell pussies.

Damn, there are a lot of them. Only my crush smells fresh. And she liked the the no-condom approach, after the first time with a condom. Every other girl gets a condom, after failing the sniff test. My first crush in Angeles told me a lot of girls get a bacterial infection which might not be an STD, but just from the hygiene of people who don't have as much access to toilet paper, and good showers. My second girlfriend here had a new strong smell once when I came back from a few months away. She was still working in the bar, I'm not that dumb to send girls money because they say they want to quit the bar. She had gonorrhea. It made me laugh when she tried to lie her way out of it. I had always told her I didn't care who she slept with. She said: "I caught it from a toilet seat." This was her story even as the female STD doctor and I were explaining that was impossible. A couple hours later she said: "I only did it one time! Because I lost my wallet and didn't have money to get home! And he gave me 15000 pesos! And he told me that my boyfriend wasn't a good boyfriend because he let me work in a bar! " haha. She's so cute.

That lie and another I discovered the next week gave me a good excuse to become a guilt free butterfly and break up with her. She's really sweet and cool, if things were different I'd want to marry her.

Reading the forum.

If you're a newbie. It seems like reading the forum could be fun. But really, all you have to do is show up, don't bring home a greedy street girl who is going to cry about how you took advantage of her to her crooked police accomplices, and dive into a wonderful ocean of pussy on fields and beyond. Its not very complicated here.

To each his own.

I went to Medellin in Colombia in November for the first time. After hearing about how the Colombian women were so hot, the sexiest girls in Latin america, I was very disappointed. For me, if I was walking down a crowded street and saw a seven in looks, I was perked up. Because most of the girls just didn't seem very hot at all.

But lots of guys swear by the paisanos.

And now that I'm in the Philippines, I notice something: I'm thinking girls are incredibly hot, who actually aren't super pretty. If I look carefully at their faces to judge, their faces might be a six, and I'm still trying to get my tongue off the ground and loosen my pants to give my hard on more room after I look at them. And sometimes their faces seem kind of odd, in a way that my Filipino American women friends don't seem to be.

So I guess its just: personal preference. I intensely want to fuck about 64 percent of the girls I see here, they make me hard, I love their little bodies and their personalities with shyness and humor and warmth and ability to fall in love. And their little bodies.

So: find the place where your dick gets hard, and dive in.

01-23-15, 19:15
On a different topic, tlaking about low BF I spoke to one of my regular AC gfs and talked to her about the option of working as a freelancer at HiSo. Just asking if she ever considered that. She was totally shocked by that kind of work, she liked the structure of the bar scene. I think that there is also a bit of risk assessment by the mamasan which the BF includes and the girls enjoy, so working the bars is less risky for the girls although they get less of a cut. The HiSo working girls (not all girls there are 'working' migt get more money on a nightly basis but maybe don't get picked up every week or get a cut of lady drinks.There are not really A lot of "True" FL's in Angeles. Those in HiSo are mainly girls with support / sponsors trying to make a little extra. And "Off duty" Bar girls. Very few truly FL's solely.

You have to consider. These girls come to AC dead broke, from the poorest provinces, most never finished High school. The bars provide "Stay Inn", so they immediately have a place to stay, the other girls to assist with other needs, mamasans provide loans. Everything is taken care for them. They have a place to stay, get a salary and LD commissions. The need to BF is not essential. In today's environment especially. They BF only if / when the girl wants to.

This is the reason there are very few actual FL'ers. Most cannot afford the deposit and 1st month rent needed, nor knowledge / capable of budgeting money. They don't have bank accounts.

The FL scene in AC amounts to basically three types.

1) Sponsored girls who are setup (Apt paid w / allowance) by a foreigner. And while he's back in his country. They BF for extra money.

2) Off duty Bar girls who go to like HiSo or SkyTrax and FL when "Off duty" . Plan be when they don't get a BF in the bar.

3) Your "True" FL's. Most (of course not all) of these are girls for whatever reason cannot work in bar. Be it drugs, fighting, can't get a license, failed Hygiene. A lot have pimps. These are usually the ones that run scams, they are most vulnerable, with no salary like Bar girls.

It ain't easy being a "True" Fler in AC.

Member #4530
01-24-15, 05:17
They are massage ++. Pick the cutest one and take her back. Behave during the massage, and then on the flip, she will give it a grip, and you can ask for more. It is hit or miss with the BBBJ or covered BJ or just the HJ. But few will go full service. But if they are cute, getting their shirt off, and getting a HJ can be alot of fun. It is hard to find such cute girls that are working the clubs and bar fining.I had my first experience hiring a uniformed massage girl from the end of Walking St last night. It was great.

It was about 8 PM on a Friday night and there was not a great selection. I approached the cutest one and she was quite eager. She carried her little tool kit and we walked to the hotel.

She required I showered well and then she began with an excellent back massage. She was quite the conversationalist and about 10 minutes into the massage she was referencing a Korean word like "gyopsum" or something. I kept asking her what that was and she finally stated "balls massage". I explained to her that my regular GF was coming by in 2 hours and I was not interested in a happy ending (although she was prettier than the GF). Dilemma dilemma. We finally agreed on a yea for gyopsum but w / o happy ending. She clearly explained she was a cherry girl, she doesn't take off her panties however a BBBJ was in the realm of possibilities. Dilemma dilemma.

Long story short, she then did 90 minutes of a slow delicate gyopsum / prostate oil massage with one break to eat some food I ordered for her from the hotel. She took her blouse off but kept her bra on. Just in the nick of time the GF shows up. The GF had no problem with the uniformed massage girl in the room and I was intensely eager to jump the GF. It was a total win-win.

BTW this massage girl asked 300 peso / hour. With two hours of her time and a "plus" (not "plus plus") she was grateful for the 1100 pesos I gave her. Thumbs up on the massage girls and thank you guys for the intel.

01-24-15, 06:37
Is it my imagination or do the some of the Fields Ave bars jam cell phone signals? I can't understand why I have 4 bars in one and nothing in the next bar. I can see the logic in doing so.

Over the years I've learned that the classic symptom of having your phone near a jammer is that the phone shuts down all cellular communications until its rebooted. I've been in some of these bars, had no signal, and when I walked out into the street I still had no signal until I rebooted the phone. I know the PI has quirky cellular signals however I'm quite sure that's not the issue.I had the same problem until I switched to Smart, no issues.

01-24-15, 07:01
I just spent three days in Cebu while my Angeles crush went to the province.

After four girls in Cebu ranging from amazing to forgettable to a beautiful, fun duo who unfortunately weren't as good in bed as they were in personality or looks.

Plus another girl here in Angeles because Darling is still with her family.

I've gotten over the one-it is somewhat.

Friendship highway.

I went to Candy Bar, where my old girlfriend used to work.

Luckily, one of her friends recognized me. She's outgoing and fun and I'm not attracted much to her. A perfect wing girl.

So I didn't have to try to get each girl to trust me during a lady drink. I just told my old friend to let them know I was a good guy, and it was on.

It reminded me of being there with my ex-girlfriend, which made me freer with the ladies drinks: soon I had four girls around me. One of them started to play with my dick: hmm, friendship highway is looser than fields. Then two of them played with it. Then a third tested it: hard even without viagra, LOL.

Barfine: 1700. And they call it a barfine, unlike the fields bars that are now calling it something like: the money you pay so that the girl can go home early. Which used to be: the 10 ladies drinks you buy so that the girl can go home early. Which used to be: the barfine.

The girls were about 25 and 27, plus one girl who spoke Cebuano who was 20. After she played with my dick, I put my hand in her bikini top: mmm, 20 year old breasts on a girl being playful with my dick. That made my decision.

Cebuano, but not so much Tagalog, and little English. No wonder she wasn't in on the conversation at the bar.

She made me kind of forget about my crush.

She totally got into the sex. Swollen clit, wet, moaning, thrashing. Then we fell asleep. Hours later I tried putting her hand on my dick. She wouldn't do it. I waited fifteen minutes, then started more softly, with massage, then pussy massage, then lube massage on that sweet flower.

Damn, she got totally into it again.

This place is amazing.

Smell pussies.

Damn, there are a lot of them. Only my crush smells fresh. And she liked the the no-condom approach, after the first time with a condom. Every other girl gets a condom, after failing the sniff test. My first crush in Angeles told me a lot of girls get a bacterial infection which might not be an STD, but just from the hygiene of people who don't have as much access to toilet paper, and good showers. My second girlfriend here had a new strong smell once when I came back from a few months away. She was still working in the bar, I'm not that dumb to send girls money because they say they want to quit the bar. She had gonorrhea. It made me laugh when she tried to lie her way out of it. I had always told her I didn't care who she slept with. She said: "I caught it from a toilet seat." This was her story even as the female STD doctor and I were explaining that was impossible. A couple hours later she said: "I only did it one time! Because I lost my wallet and didn't have money to get home! And he gave me 15000 pesos! And he told me that my boyfriend wasn't a good boyfriend because he let me work in a bar! " haha. She's so cute.

That lie and another I discovered the next week gave me a good excuse to become a guilt free butterfly and break up with her. She's really sweet and cool, if things were different I'd want to marry her.

Reading the forum.

If you're a newbie. It seems like reading the forum could be fun. But really, all you have to do is show up, don't bring home a greedy street girl who is going to cry about how you took advantage of her to her crooked police accomplices, and dive into a wonderful ocean of pussy on fields and beyond. Its not very complicated here.

To each his own.

I went to Medellin in Colombia in November for the first time. After hearing about how the Colombian women were so hot, the sexiest girls in Latin america, I was very disappointed. For me, if I was walking down a crowded street and saw a seven in looks, I was perked up. Because most of the girls just didn't seem very hot at all.

But lots of guys swear by the paisanos.

And now that I'm in the Philippines, I notice something: I'm thinking girls are incredibly hot, who actually aren't super pretty. If I look carefully at their faces to judge, their faces might be a six, and I'm still trying to get my tongue off the ground and loosen my pants to give my hard on more room after I look at them. And sometimes their faces seem kind of odd, in a way that my Filipino American women friends don't seem to be.

So I guess its just: personal preference. I intensely want to fuck about 64 percent of the girls I see here, they make me hard, I love their little bodies and their personalities with shyness and humor and warmth and ability to fall in love. And their little bodies.

So: find the place where your dick gets hard, and dive in.Nice report but you are totally wrong about not getting the clap from a toilet seat. She most certainly can, if she sits down before her boy friend of the night gets up hahaha.

Sorry I just had to chime in, happy pooning, LAT.

X Man
01-24-15, 12:53
Let me describe one who is a diamond in the rough, but somewhat fits into the ThatGuy three generalizations. She was in a bar for a short time, not now, and lives with family in AC area. She's tall, intelligent, well dressed, sociable, and pretty wild in the sack. She seems to have a few repeaters who may or may not be sponsoring her. I'm guessing yes. She drops in at Hi S once in a while. You wouldn't want to approach here with, "how much". You'd need a little more game than that. But it would be worth it in the end. Full disclosure: I met her in a bar, and we've repeated! LOL.

TG, what is your definition of a "true" FL? I think it was Asian Rain (see photo thread) who brought home the idea that the best sex friends are the ones who don't have to work (bar or wherever) because of a sponsor. Sex friends are more fun in the. . .

SleepDog: Great post, love the black humor. It's more fun to get a STD in the . . .

There are not really A lot of "True" FL's in Angeles. Those in HiSo are mainly girls with support / sponsors trying to make a little extra. And "Off duty" Bar girls. Very few truly FL's solely.

You have to consider. These girls come to AC dead broke, from the poorest provinces, most never finished High school. The bars provide "Stay Inn", so they immediately have a place to stay, the other girls to assist with other needs, mamasans provide loans. Everything is taken care for them. They have a place to stay, get a salary and LD commissions. The need to BF is not essential. In today's environment especially. They BF only if / When the girl wants to.

This is the reason there are very few actual FL'ers. Most cannot afford the deposit and 1st month rent needed, nor knowledge / capable of budgeting money. They don't have bank accounts.

The FL scene in AC amounts to basically three types.

1) Sponsored girls who are setup (Apt paid w / allowance) by a foreigner. And while he's back in his country. They BF for extra money.

2) Off duty Bar girls who go to like HiSo or SkyTrax and FL when "Off duty" . Plan be when they don't get a BF in the bar.

3) Your "True" FL's. Most (of course not all) of these are girls for whatever reason cannot work in bar. Be it drugs, fighting, can't get a license, failed Hygiene. A lot have pimps. These are usually the ones that run scams, they are most vulnerable, with no salary like Bar girls.

It ain't easy being a "True" Fler in AC.

01-24-15, 13:53
TG, what is your definition of a "true" FL? A "true" FLer. Doesn't work in a bar. And isn't sponsored / supported by a foreigner, because they don't FL's when their supporters are in town, therefore they are more like opportunist gold digger "Hoes" .

A "true" Fler usually (of course not always) fall into 3 categories in AC.

1) They have pinoy BF's and / or their family who they live with / support with kids. 2 BFs a week at 1500 p. 3000 p a week is good money in PI. So they only BF as needed.

2) Girls who share a place and FLs. Since they fend for themselves, have to budget for rent, food and most likely drugs, they are seen street walking daily. (These are the most vulnerable and likely to be drug users / PNP scammers / rejected from bars for whatever reason). Again not all.

3) Then those who have a Pimp who supplies their needs (security, shelter), also certain Pimped girls are known to do UA scams.

But in either case these FL's are strictly about the money, no relationship for sponsorship, and they are not affiliated with bars.

"True" Flers.

Member #4530
01-25-15, 01:54
Last night I selected another massage girl from the end of Walking St. Virtually no indication of any ++. YMMV.

I had my first experience hiring a uniformed massage girl from the end of Walking St last night. It was great.

It was about 8 PM on a Friday night and there was not a great selection. I approached the cutest one and she was quite eager. She carried her little tool kit and we walked to the hotel.

She required I showered well and then she began with an excellent back massage. She was quite the conversationalist and about 10 minutes into the massage she was referencing a Korean word like "gyopsum" or something. I kept asking her what that was and she finally stated "balls massage". I explained to her that my regular GF was coming by in 2 hours and I was not interested in a happy ending (although she was prettier than the GF). Dilemma dilemma. We finally agreed on a yea for gyopsum but w / o happy ending. She clearly explained she was a cherry girl, she doesn't take off her panties however a BBBJ was in the realm of possibilities. Dilemma dilemma.

Long story short, she then did 90 minutes of a slow delicate gyopsum / prostate oil massage with one break to eat some food I ordered for her from the hotel. She took her blouse off but kept her bra on. Just in the nick of time the GF shows up. The GF had no problem with the uniformed massage girl in the room and I was intensely eager to jump the GF. It was a total win-win.

BTW this massage girl asked 300 peso / hour. With two hours of her time and a "plus" (not "plus plus") she was grateful for the 1100 pesos I gave her. Thumbs up on the massage girls and thank you guys for the intel.

01-25-15, 06:17
Last night I selected another massage girl from the end of Walking St. Virtually no indication of any ++. YMMV.One of the companies (I think Hong Kong Massage is the name, and the owner is Korean) has a menu on the flyer that specifically mentions genlipson and some other services. I usually see them near Jollibee on Fields. They might not have been wearing uniforms. From the name genlipson, it sounds like her lips would be on something else but, no, it's a HJ. In my case it was a slow, well-down HJ, as Waffles reported. They also have a more expensive option (about 1700 PHP if memory serves) that I think is called Hong Kong Massage, which is body slide with some weird gel (Nuru?) with the girl most likely wearing a swimsuit bottom, followed by genlipson. Warning: The gel has some sand-like grains, which makes it sort of a body scrub (not sure I really want ALL my parts to be scrubbed that way). Maybe you could ask them to hold the grains but keep the slide. This act is performed on your bed with a special sheet to prevent the bed from getting wet. Funny. I don't remember any such service like this in Hong Kong; it seems more like a Japanese or Thai thing.

It later occurred to me that one could simply ask the girl in advance whether boom boom is on the menu (if you're in the mood), although massage girls usually travel in packs which makes the question a bit insensitive. My guess is that most will say no (especially the younger, prettier ones), but I'm curious to hear other's reports. I like to employ these girls on days when I'm had too much action and need to be refreshed, so I'm not desperate for more boom boom.

01-25-15, 10:46
What is the best way to get money in AC?

01-25-15, 12:03
What is the best way to get money in AC?Sex or maybe BJ.

Sir Lancelot
01-25-15, 14:48
I have been to Angeles several times, most recently 2012. I will be returning shortly but have some questions to ask about Perimeter Road. On my previous visits I have always concentrated my efforts on Fields Avenue. The only Perimeter Road bar I visited was Pony Tails which hugely impressed me (in fact I met my 'girl of the trip' there).

So, a few questions regarding Perimeter Road:

1. Quite a few Perimeter Road bar names have been mentioned over the past 100 pages but which are the must-visits? I'm happy to visit lots of bars and report back my findings on these pages. I know that the bars are further spread apart than Fields Avenue so is there a logical bar-crawl? I. e are there are clusters of bars or is it a case of getting on a trike?

2. What time do Perimeter bars open? I have read they are good options to visit during the afternoon. If yes, what is the best time to visit these bars?

3. What are the bar-fine prices? This might sound a beginners question but any reports I have read about Perimeter Road don't specify costs.

I will post another lengthy diary of my visit.

01-25-15, 16:03
What is the best way to get money in AC?A topic covered many times in the threads. RTTF.

01-25-15, 17:49
A topic covered many times in the threads. RTTF.Maybe so, but if it were easy to find I would not have asked.

I'm guessing I should be able to find a ATM fairly easy, I will find one or go to a bank I guess. I have my CSwab Account card, so I should be fine.Thanks for your assistance.

01-25-15, 17:53
Sex or maybe BJ.So they will pay me to let them give me a BJ? That is a cool concept. I can't wait to arrive.

01-25-15, 18:07
So they will pay me to let them give me a BJ? That is a cool concept. I can't wait to arrive.Find a filthy, creepy, demented-looking lady boy hanging out near the end of fields ave. They are so desperate for some hot man-on-man love, they will be sure to cough up 20 p to suck you off. Enjoy.

01-25-15, 18:33
Sex or maybe BJ.Just to let anyone with out strong English skills, my post was a bit of a joke (although maybe true). The best way to get money isn't through sex, it's through an ATM machine.

01-25-15, 19:58
Find a filthy, creepy, demented-looking lady boy hanging out near the end of fields ave. They are so desperate for some hot man-on-man love, they will be sure to cough up 20 p to suck you off. Enjoy.Very cool, That is why I will travel halfway around the world. Thanks for the info.

01-25-15, 20:07
Maybe so, but if it were easy to find I would not have asked.

I'm guessing I should be able to find a ATM fairly easy, I will find one or go to a bank I guess. I have my CSwab Account card, so I should be fine.Thanks for your assistance.I was born and raised in NYC and traveled many places. Nothing too hard to figure out in this Internet Age. I just wanted some mongers experience and advice.


01-25-15, 20:59
are there are clusters of bars or is it a case of getting on a trike?

2. What time do Perimeter bars open? I have read they are good options to visit during the afternoon. If yes, what is the best time to visit these bars?

3. What are the bar-fine prices? This might sound a beginners question but any reports I have read about Perimeter Road don't specify costs.

I will post another lengthy diary of my visit.Perimeter bars are in clusters of 2 to 3 small bars. You will need a trike to go from each cluster. The bars usually open about Noon to 1 pm and most close about 11 pm to Midnight.

Best time is early Afternoon to evening, after that pickings are slims. The earlier you get there the better. The perimeter bars have a big expat following due to the cheaper prices, so they tend to grab the best girls early, since they know the girls. If you wait til evening most of the decent ones are gone.

The perimeter BF is about 1800 . A lot of perimeter girls only do ST. Since they have a steady stream of expat customers (most of which are married and don't do LT). Some perimeter girls make very good money being able to do up to 3 or 4ST in a day, depending on her popularity.

01-25-15, 21:01
I have been to Angeles several times, most recently 2012. I will be returning shortly but have some questions to ask about Perimeter Road. On my previous visits I have always concentrated my efforts on Fields Avenue. The only Perimeter Road bar I visited was Pony Tails which hugely impressed me (in fact I met my 'girl of the trip' there).

So, a few questions regarding Perimeter Road:

1. Quite a few Perimeter Road bar names have been mentioned over the past 100 pages but which are the must-visits? I'm happy to visit lots of bars and report back my findings on these pages. I know that the bars are further spread apart than Fields Avenue so is there a logical bar-crawl? I. e are there are clusters of bars or is it a case of getting on a trike?

2. What time do Perimeter bars open? I have read they are good options to visit during the afternoon. If yes, what is the best time to visit these bars?

3. What are the bar-fine prices? This might sound a beginners question but any reports I have read about Perimeter Road don't specify costs.

I will post another lengthy diary of my visit.Sir Lancelot,

Perimeter bars are indeed spread apart, I would suggest to take a trike from bar cluster to bar cluster. My suggestion: Take a trike to Carlton Hotel and work your way back to Fields from there. At the Clarkton you have Mirrors, Lost In Asia and After School (I only mention the bars that seem more popular with the regulars, I never make it to Perimeter more than one or two times each trip, so my experience is limited). After Tune Hotel there are Honey Ko and Thi-Hi (maybe changed name, not sure). Before the corner of Malabanias Road there are Candy Bar. Det 5 - Bare Assets. XXX and Night Moves. After passing the Lewis Grand and the Eurasia Hotel you'll find another great cluster of bars: Emotion. Touch of Class. Dr. Holmes. Gentlemen's (upstairs) and around the corner Eruptions. I also liked the cluster of bars around Camelot and Brown Sugar, located between Margarita Station and Skytrax, but I think technically that's not Perimeter Road anymore.

BF will be around 1500, with some bars asking for 1600,1800 or even 2000.

Most of the bars will open around 1 or 2 pm. I would advice to go early, as lookers are rare and many customers will BF early to spend time with their girl at the hotel pool etc. Etc. I usually don't follow my own advice, so I hardly ever took a girl from Perimeter, because by the time I get there, all decent looking girls are gone already, LOL.

01-25-15, 22:35
I was born and raised in NYC and traveled many places. Nothing too hard to figure out in this Internet Age. I just wanted some mongers experience and advice.

http://www.swisschaletph.com/philippines/luzon/angeles_city/balibago/shopping_malls_banks_atm.htmFor what ever it is worth. I don't use ATM's.

1. I bring crisp new US $100.00 bills.

2. I have set up acccounts in advance with Western Union and Remitly to wire money to myself or others if I need more. Easily pick up peso cash at WU or Cebuana within minutes.

3. I bring one credit card and one debit card for purchases.

4. I have an account set up in advance with Aryty.com to reload my cell phone if I am too lazy to go out and buy the load.

Other than that I really don't have any other cash needs.

01-25-15, 22:56
For what ever it is worth. I don't use ATM's.

1. I bring crisp new US $100.00 bills.

2. I have set up acccounts in advance with Western Union and Remitly to wire money to myself or others if I need more. Easily pick up peso cash at WU or Cebuana within minutes.

3. I bring one credit card and one debit card for purchases.

4. I have an account set up in advance with Aryty.com to reload my cell phone if I am too lazy to go out and buy the load.

Other than that I really don't have any other cash needs.Thanks for your reply. I will tell you what happened to me last year. I would sometimes send money to pinyas. $20, $25 through Western union. One night last year, I was watching the NBA finals and I got an email that I changed my western Union password. I checked and about 10 charges were made against my credit card in the Phils. Only 3 or 4 went through, they were to the ladies I sent to previously. I made no transactions for a while and none since then... however, WU, wouldn't do anything. They claimed I just had my identity compromised. Western union did nothing even though there is a 2nd level password to verify the transfer. About $200 was picked up in the Phils. Thankfully, my credit card gave me the money back. Since then, I don't use WU. Just sayn.... I do plan to bring US bills just the same. I will also use the ATM to get cash as I have done in China before. Like you, I will also have credit card and a debit card. Look out little pussies/

Dark Vader
01-25-15, 23:16
I will find one or go to a bank I guess.Note that to withdraw cash on a credit card from most banks you will need 2 pieces of ID which if you're just a tourist will be quite difficult! I attempted this on my last trip to try and avoid the 200 PHP ATM withdrawal fee but with just my passport it was no dice.

I could probably have found a bank willing to do it if I dicked around long enough but wasn't worth the hassle in the end.

01-25-15, 23:55
Note that to withdraw cash on a credit card from most banks you will need 2 pieces of ID which if you're just a tourist will be quite difficult! I attempted this on my last trip to try and avoid the 200 PHP ATM withdrawal fee but with just my passport it was no dice.

I could probably have found a bank willing to do it if I dicked around long enough but wasn't worth the hassle in the end.Thanks the info. I will only use a credit card for a purchase and a debt card for a withdrawal. I should have some US $$. Also, I will take 2 id's just in case even though I may not need it

01-26-15, 00:05
I will spend about 10 days with a good girl somewhere else in Phils,. But I will spend 4 days with the wild and crazy girls in AC. Some guilt, but if this goes forward it will be the last of wild and crazy, which I never did. I wanted to go to Bangkok but AC will do.

01-26-15, 00:30
Part 2 of my report after the layover in Singapore (See the Singapore Forum for report).


Stayed at Angeles Beach Club Hotel. The first two nights in the Jacuzzi room, and then I upgraded to the New Millenium Junior Suite for two nights as the Jacuzzi room was not available for the entire duration of my stay. The Hotel is very pricey, especially by PH standards, but the service is excellent, rooms are nice and the convenience of the free car service makes it worth it for me. The girls also seem to like it which is a nice bonus.

Day 1:

Arrived at Clark Airport with Cebu Pacific after a short stop in Cebu and was picked up by the driver from ABC. When I arrived the room wasn't ready so I got my drink voucher and headed to their restaurant for a beer. Shortly after finishing my beer they came over to inform me that the room was ready and I moved in.

Started with catching up on Social Media (Tagged, Skout, DIA, etc) but not really anything urgent of interest, so took a nap and headed down to Walking Street. Driver dropped me off in the top end, and I started walking down just looking at the life and had some laughs joking with the girls trying to pull you in on the way.

When I reached the end I sat down and had a beer at Paradise Beer Garden, the only place I could see that didn't have any aggressive girls trying to pull you in an harass you for ladies drinks. It was like an Oasis of Calm amongst the Chaos of Fields Avenue. This quickly came to be one of my favorite spots in the City, especially during the early afternoon before the lady bars open.

I then started off with the closest bar, the plan being to take a beer in each and check out the talents, however with the amount of bars and girls this didn't seem like a good approach as it was very late when I was though with all of them, and by that time I had forgotten which girls was at which bar so I was almost back to square one. Started heading back down the street to look for a girl I found interesting, but got pulled into The Grand Pharao on the way by a cute and fairly pretty dark-skinned girl. Ended up buying her a LD and talking for a while, but at this time it was close to 2 AM and she insisted she had to be back at bar at 4 AM, so no deal. She offered to find me another girl, but once my mind is fixed on something there is no changing it, so I just went home alone and agreed to BF her the next day instead.

Grand Pharao had a huge collection of girls, and many of them were quite good looking, however I found them very pushy for LDs, and often bringing 4-5 girls over and trying to get you to buy drinks for all of them, which I didn't quite like as I always feel so bad when saying no.

Day 2:

Started the day at Paradise Beer Garden, then decided to try massage as I had never done it. Ended up a bit away from walking street as I figured the chance of a legit massage being higher. Don't remember the name of the place, but the massage was OK, but not great.

Headed back to the hotel for a shower before meeting the girl from the day before at Grand Pharao. Like most Filipinas she was late, and didn't really seem to expect me to show up. I guess I can't really blame her as its easy for a guy to get distracted with all the pretty ladies around. Stayed for a while just drinking and talking. This was right after the Typhoon Ruby so she was concerned about her family back in Leyte as she had not heard from them yet. Due to being fresh in the country and not knowing the system and currency rates I ended up paying the barfine twice as I didn't realize it was already added to the drinks tab, so it ended up being an expensive 10 000 PHP girl (2 x 3000 php barfines, drinks both days, food, 500 php tip). Didn't really care that much as the performance later on almost made it worth it, and compared to Singapore it was still cheap.

After barfining we headed over to High Society, but as it was still early there wasn't much action going on. I didn't feel like being the only couple on the dance floor considering how horrible my dancing is and the fact that I am quite shy, so we just headed over to my hotel. Started with a jacuzzi bath that I actually had to talk her into quite a bit. Lots of kissing and touching in the tub, and gave her a pretty decent neck and head massage which she seemed to appreciate, although complaining about getting tired. After the massage we headed over to bed for a decent BBJ, followed by excellent CFS in different positions. Definitively not a starfish like many of the girls, and it really makes a difference so I was very happy with the performance. When I started getting tired I put her back in missionary and blew my load in her with condom on. Quick shower, and then some more kissing and cuddling before getting something to eat and her leaving a little before 4 AM.

Day 3:

Had set up a "date" with a semi-pro single mom from one of the dating sites as I wanted to try it out before I left, so I spent most of the day just sleeping and hanging around in the hotel. As usual with PH girls she ended up being 45 minutes late and when she arrived she was very shy. Claimed this was the 3rd time she was doing this sort of thing. No idea if its true or not, but she was fairly average looking so it very well may be as there probably aren't that much of a market for her in Angeles.

Headed over to SM to watch a movie in the Cinema as I felt like having a "normal" date for a change and she soon started to warm up a bit, holding hands, letting me stroke her hair and whatever else was decent in public. In the Cinema she insisted on feeding me popcorn, so I wouldn't get cheese powder on my hands. Was a bit weird, but also somewhat sweet. Back at the Hotel we ate pizza before heading to the room.

Body was OK, but showing lots of signs of having a kid, including stretch marks and scars which I find a bit of a turnoff. Started out with a bath in the large hot tub, with some kissing and touching, before heading over the shower where she gave me a very thorough wash. Then onto bed, starting with kissing, then me fingering her for a while. Considered DATY, but couldn't quite get myself to it this being Sin City, even if she seemed innocent and shy. For a non-pro she gave a very decent BBBJ with lots of tongue action and not neglecting the shaft and balls. Then over to CFS in different positions before blowing my load in her with condom on, quick shower and then some more snuggling and kissing before going to sleep. Sent her home around 9 am as she had to get back home to her kid before her babysitter left. All in all I'd say A for effort, and great GFE, although maybe lacking in other aspects.

Had agreed on 2000 PHP which was probably already overpaying, but ended up giving her 3000 because she probably needed it more than me.

Day 4:

Spent most of the afternoon sleeping before heading down to Walking Street. Started with a Beer and lasagna at Paradise Beer Garden then checking out the girlie bars. Ended up at Club Asia with a really sweet and cute girl from Leyte. I'm a sucker for cute and sweet so she was perfect for me in most aspects, had some drinks and talking before paying the 3000 PHP barfine and taking her back to the hotel. On the way up walking street we ran into the girl from Grand Pharao, which I found a bit awkward, but we just smiled, said Hi, and continued our way.

Back in the hotel we talked for a bit more, and the girl was very open about her life and family, to the point it was almost a bit too much. Of course it could have been all lies and stories as you never know with these girls, but she was telling how it was her first day on the job after having an abortion, about how she lied to her family and telling them she worked to jobs in Manila to explain the amount of cash she sent home, about how she got pregnant at 16 back in her province and how the guy ran off (usual story), and about how she was waiting for a husband to come and save her from her life. The only thing she refused to tell was how she had ended up in AC. Then she started showing pictures on her cellphone from the bar, from back home, and of her kids. I don't know if it was all part of her plan, but the more I got to know her, the more I started almost falling in love. It was weird, but I doubt I'm the first guy it has happened to, good thing it was my last day in Angeles so I didn't have time to do anything stupid, although I was tempted to delay the exit because of this girl alone.

Anyway, after getting done with the talking and picture showing, we headed to the bath tub for some kissing and touching, before giving her the usual head and neck massage that I like doing to the girls. Then a decent BBBJ and CFS in different positions before blowing my load in her with condom on, quick shower before cuddling up and she fell asleep with her head on my chest within a few minutes. The next morning we had breakfast together where I slipped her an extra 500 PHP tip and then I had to check out and head to the airport. Another excellent GFE with a really sweet girl. I regret not getting her contact details so we could stay in touch, but it probably saved me a lot of trouble and heartache as she didn't exactly seem like the poster child for good decisions.

Check out the Cebu forum in a couple of days for my last report. Originally I wasn't planning on doing any mongering there, but once you start its hard to stop.

01-26-15, 03:36
What is the best way to get money in AC?You left yourself open to the zingers as the question was so lazy.

Best way depends on what level of risk you have of carrying around cash, versus tolerance of paying ATM fees and losing % in ATM fees or bad exchange rates.

1) If you arrive with a load of $100 bills in a moneybelt and are able to change it as you go in money changers with good rates that is the best way maximize the value of the dollars euros etc. There is a definite risk walking around with your vacation budget on your person, in hotel safes or with hotel safe deposits so that depends on your comfort level. I often fund the bulk of my trip this way in terms of cash purchases. Maybe I have been lulled into a false sense of security. But it worked for me.

2) Unless you have a special bank account with your home country bank that covers foreign ATM fees like the Makati high roller posters, sucking money out of your account through a Phils bank can get very expensive. First you have to find an ATM which accepts your bank network. They often have a low per transaction max like 5000 php per withdraw then charge a fee of 250 to 300 php then your bank will hit you with a fee so you can lose up to 10%. In AC as with much of the Phils, only 50% of all ATM's are even functional at any given time so factor in your trike fees as well and time wasted. There are no bank ATM's in fields. The fields third party ATMS (if any work) would hammer you. You need to go to Macarthur to get a proper bank.

3) Credit card bank advances? I can't comment on that but I shudder to think, that must be like something out of Deliverance in the Ned Beatty role.

4) If your gal somewhere else in the Phils isn't in AC or Manila. Make sure you exchange all your currency into pesos before visiting her. Exchange rates in the provinces are worse, ATMs are more scarce and more often offline.

Years ago I opened an Equitable PCI account peso and dollar accounts which then turned into BDO accounts later when they got bought out. Somehow that got grandfathered in where they don't charge me any fees even for low balance. I will always keep that account alive. A couple of years ago I had an overseas sale export of some merchandise and I was actually in a decent cash flow so I had him send it to my Phils account. Big enough but not too big to make a splash. Damn that year of mongering was simple and painless. Just withdrawing pesos with no fees. Wish that was the norm for me rather than the exception!

01-26-15, 03:38
I was born and raised in NYC and traveled many places. Nothing too hard to figure out in this Internet Age. I just wanted some mongers experience and advice.

http://www.swisschaletph.com/philippines/luzon/angeles_city/balibago/shopping_malls_banks_atm.htmRB check on your link and question about "Making Money" LOL.

On Google map it list a BPI ATM right around the corner from Swiss Chalet in the Orchid Inn Complex. I can't physically confirm this as I'm planning to visit and never been.

Its nice to know that only BPI ATMs give out more than $100 per withdraw.

01-26-15, 10:44
Part 2 of my report after the layover in Singapore (See the Singapore Forum for report).


Stayed at Angeles Beach Club Hotel. The first two nights in the Jacuzzi room, and then I upgraded to the New Millenium Junior Suite for two nights as the Jacuzzi room was not available for the entire duration of my stay. The Hotel is very pricey, especially by PH standards, but the service is excellent, rooms are nice and the convenience of the free car service makes it worth it for me. The girls also seem to like it which is a nice bonus.

Day 1:

Arrived at Clark Airport with Cebu Pacific after a short stop in Cebu and was picked up by the driver from ABC. When I arrived the room wasn't ready so I got my drink voucher and headed to their restaurant for a beer. Shortly after finishing my beer they came over to inform me that the room was ready and I moved in.

Started with catching up on Social Media (Tagged, Skout, DIA, etc) but not really anything urgent of interest, so took a nap and headed down to Walking Street. Driver dropped me off in the top end, and I started walking down just looking at the life and had some laughs joking with the girls trying to pull you in on the way.

When I reached the end I sat down and had a beer at Paradise Beer Garden, the only place I could see that didn't have any aggressive girls trying to pull you in an harass you for ladies drinks. It was like an Oasis of Calm amongst the Chaos of Fields Avenue. This quickly came to be one of my favorite spots in the City, especially during the early afternoon before the lady bars open.

I then started off with the closest bar, the plan being to take a beer in each and check out the talents, however with the amount of bars and girls this didn't seem like a good approach as it was very late when I was though with all of them, and by that time I had forgotten which girls was at which bar so I was almost back to square one. Started heading back down the street to look for a girl I found interesting, but got pulled into The Grand Pharao on the way by a cute and fairly pretty dark-skinned girl. Ended up buying her a LD and talking for a while, but at this time it was close to 2 AM and she insisted she had to be back at bar at 4 AM, so no deal. She offered to find me another girl, but once my mind is fixed on something there is no changing it, so I just went home alone and agreed to BF her the next day instead.

Grand Pharao had a huge collection of girls, and many of them were quite good looking, however I found them very pushy for LDs, and often bringing 4-5 girls over and trying to get you to buy drinks for all of them, which I didn't quite like as I always feel so bad when saying no.

Day 2:

Started the day at Paradise Beer Garden, then decided to try massage as I had never done it. Ended up a bit away from walking street as I figured the chance of a legit massage being higher. Don't remember the name of the place, but the massage was OK, but not great.

Headed back to the hotel for a shower before meeting the girl from the day before at Grand Pharao. Like most Filipinas she was late, and didn't really seem to expect me to show up. I guess I can't really blame her as its easy for a guy to get distracted with all the pretty ladies around. Stayed for a while just drinking and talking. This was right after the Typhoon Ruby so she was concerned about her family back in Leyte as she had not heard from them yet. Due to being fresh in the country and not knowing the system and currency rates I ended up paying the barfine twice as I didn't realize it was already added to the drinks tab, so it ended up being an expensive 10 000 PHP girl (2 x 3000 php barfines, drinks both days, food, 500 php tip). Didn't really care that much as the performance later on almost made it worth it, and compared to Singapore it was still cheap.

After barfining we headed over to High Society, but as it was still early there wasn't much action going on. I didn't feel like being the only couple on the dance floor considering how horrible my dancing is and the fact that I am quite shy, so we just headed over to my hotel. Started with a jacuzzi bath that I actually had to talk her into quite a bit. Lots of kissing and touching in the tub, and gave her a pretty decent neck and head massage which she seemed to appreciate, although complaining about getting tired. After the massage we headed over to bed for a decent BBJ, followed by excellent CFS in different positions. Definitively not a starfish like many of the girls, and it really makes a difference so I was very happy with the performance. When I started getting tired I put her back in missionary and blew my load in her with condom on. Quick shower, and then some more kissing and cuddling before getting something to eat and her leaving a little before 4 AM.

Day 3:

Had set up a "date" with a semi-pro single mom from one of the dating sites as I wanted to try it out before I left, so I spent most of the day just sleeping and hanging around in the hotel. As usual with PH girls she ended up being 45 minutes late and when she arrived she was very shy. Claimed this was the 3rd time she was doing this sort of thing. No idea if its true or not, but she was fairly average looking so it very well may be as there probably aren't that much of a market for her in Angeles.

Headed over to SM to watch a movie in the Cinema as I felt like having a "normal" date for a change and she soon started to warm up a bit, holding hands, letting me stroke her hair and whatever else was decent in public. In the Cinema she insisted on feeding me popcorn, so I wouldn't get cheese powder on my hands. Was a bit weird, but also somewhat sweet. Back at the Hotel we ate pizza before heading to the room.

Body was OK, but showing lots of signs of having a kid, including stretch marks and scars which I find a bit of a turnoff. Started out with a bath in the large hot tub, with some kissing and touching, before heading over the shower where she gave me a very thorough wash. Then onto bed, starting with kissing, then me fingering her for a while. Considered DATY, but couldn't quite get myself to it this being Sin City, even if she seemed innocent and shy. For a non-pro she gave a very decent BBBJ with lots of tongue action and not neglecting the shaft and balls. Then over to CFS in different positions before blowing my load in her with condom on, quick shower and then some more snuggling and kissing before going to sleep. Sent her home around 9 am as she had to get back home to her kid before her babysitter left. All in all I'd say A for effort, and great GFE, although maybe lacking in other aspects.

Had agreed on 2000 PHP which was probably already overpaying, but ended up giving her 3000 because she probably needed it more than me.

Day 4:

Spent most of the afternoon sleeping before heading down to Walking Street. Started with a Beer and lasagna at Paradise Beer Garden then checking out the girlie bars. Ended up at Club Asia with a really sweet and cute girl from Leyte. I'm a sucker for cute and sweet so she was perfect for me in most aspects, had some drinks and talking before paying the 3000 PHP barfine and taking her back to the hotel. On the way up walking street we ran into the girl from Grand Pharao, which I found a bit awkward, but we just smiled, said Hi, and continued our way.

Back in the hotel we talked for a bit more, and the girl was very open about her life and family, to the point it was almost a bit too much. Of course it could have been all lies and stories as you never know with these girls, but she was telling how it was her first day on the job after having an abortion, about how she lied to her family and telling them she worked to jobs in Manila to explain the amount of cash she sent home, about how she got pregnant at 16 back in her province and how the guy ran off (usual story), and about how she was waiting for a husband to come and save her from her life. The only thing she refused to tell was how she had ended up in AC. Then she started showing pictures on her cellphone from the bar, from back home, and of her kids. I don't know if it was all part of her plan, but the more I got to know her, the more I started almost falling in love. It was weird, but I doubt I'm the first guy it has happened to, good thing it was my last day in Angeles so I didn't have time to do anything stupid, although I was tempted to delay the exit because of this girl alone.

Anyway, after getting done with the talking and picture showing, we headed to the bath tub for some kissing and touching, before giving her the usual head and neck massage that I like doing to the girls. Then a decent BBBJ and CFS in different positions before blowing my load in her with condom on, quick shower before cuddling up and she fell asleep with her head on my chest within a few minutes. The next morning we had breakfast together where I slipped her an extra 500 PHP tip and then I had to check out and head to the airport. Another excellent GFE with a really sweet girl. I regret not getting her contact details so we could stay in touch, but it probably saved me a lot of trouble and heartache as she didn't exactly seem like the poster child for good decisions.

Check out the Cebu forum in a couple of days for my last report. Originally I wasn't planning on doing any mongering there, but once you start its hard to stop.Nice report!

Member #4530
01-26-15, 18:57
On Google map it list a BPI ATM right around the corner from Swiss Chalet in the Orchid Inn Complex. I can't physically confirm this as I'm planning to visit and never been.

I can confirm this is a reliable and well-stocked ATM. If you withdraw 10,000 Peso, you'll get nine 1000's and two 500's.

Master Monger
01-26-15, 22:08
Nice report!Not really a nice report.

First, if you barfine a girl you should at least cum twice! If I barfine a girl for 3000 I am cumming thrice at least. You should try to average 500-1000 pesos per time. Anything else is overpaying. Why is overpaying bad? Well, barfines have risen about 50% in Angeles in the last 5 years. People will charge what people will pay. So, guys thinking it doesn't matter she needs it more than me, will in fact raise the price overall. You want to be nice take her shopping or buy her a gift, cash equals a hike in price but 1000 pesos for overnight plus some groceries for her family won't allow her to ask the next guy for 1000 pesos and some groceries. But 3000 pesos, in her mind will equal I can get 3000 pesos from the next guy. Tipping has already become the norm in Manila and if that happens in Angeles I am sure many guys will stop coming, like myself! If there was a set 15% tip I could budget it but every girl has a different idea of what the tip should be. It puts a real negative connotation on the whole experience. To be honest, I rarely discuss price with the girls and then after give them 500 pesos and some little gifts if I make them cum or 1000 pesos and no gifts if I can't make them cum. If I cum 3 times and she cums twice then I give 2000 and some gifts. Most girls want to see me again and are very happy with this. I rarely have found starfish in the Philippines (other countries yes) so the fact you didn't have one is nothing to report here. ABC has a good buffet every night from 5:15 - 10 pm, other than that they are overpriced and do not have a great location. My hotel is equal to ABC and is only 2500 pesos a night or 10,000 pesos a week. Penthouse is only 3000+ a night with the best location and the most romantic 24 hour poolside roof dining in all of Angeles. The food is good and cheap and the staff is amazing. Also ATM's are a ripoff and 1 500 Euro note in your sock is equal to about 25,000 pesos. One in each sock is 50,000 pesos. Including hotel and food I usually only average spending about 5000 pesos a day. So, I hope this advice helps!


Pip Jaeger
01-26-15, 23:58
I can confirm this is a reliable and well-stocked ATM.Well stocked or not, it's always a good idea to take out cash during biz hours on Friday and not wait until a Sunday afternoon for any ATM in the Phils. Most are not stocked, as you put it, very well and they often run out of cash by Sunday morning. The same hold true for holidays too, so always plan ahead and don't depend on ATM's having cash when you need it the most.

01-27-15, 00:57
Not really a nice report.

First, if you barfine a girl you should at least cum twice! If I barfine a girl for 3000 I am cumming thrice at least. You should try to average 500-1000 pesos per time. Anything else is overpaying. Why is overpaying bad? Well, barfines have risen about 50% in Angeles in the last 5 years. People will charge what people will pay. So, guys thinking it doesn't matter she needs it more than me, will in fact raise the price overall. You want to be nice take her shopping or buy her a gift, cash equals a hike in price but 1000 pesos for overnight plus some groceries for her family won't allow her to ask the next guy for 1000 pesos and some groceries. But 3000 pesos, in her mind will equal I can get 3000 pesos from the next guy. Tipping has already become the norm in Manila and if that happens in Angeles I am sure many guys will stop coming, like myself! If there was a set 15% tip I could budget it but every girl has a different idea of what the tip should be. It puts a real negative connotation on the whole experience. To be honest, I rarely discuss price with the girls and then after give them 500 pesos and some little gifts if I make them cum or 1000 pesos and no gifts if I can't make them cum. If I cum 3 times and she cums twice then I give 2000 and some gifts. Most girls want to see me again and are very happy with this. I rarely have found starfish in the Philippines (other countries yes) so the fact you didn't have one is nothing to report here. ABC has a good buffet every night from 5:15 - 10 pm, other than that they are overpriced and do not have a great location. My hotel is equal to ABC and is only 2500 pesos a night or 10,000 pesos a week. Penthouse is only 3000+ a night with the best location and the most romantic 24 hour poolside roof dining in all of Angeles. The food is good and cheap and the staff is amazing. Also ATM's are a ripoff and 1 500 Euro note in your sock is equal to about 25,000 pesos. One in each sock is 50,000 pesos. Including hotel and food I usually only average spending about 5000 pesos a day. So, I hope this advice helps!

MMEven Better report. Thanks for the Info.

01-27-15, 01:19
Not really a nice report.

First, if you barfine a girl you should at least cum twice! If I barfine a girl for 3000 I am cumming thrice at least. You should try to average 500-1000 pesos per time. Anything else is overpaying. Why is overpaying bad? Well, barfines have risen about 50% in Angeles in the last 5 years. People will charge what people will pay. So, guys thinking it doesn't matter she needs it more than me, will in fact raise the price overall. You want to be nice take her shopping or buy her a gift, cash equals a hike in price but 1000 pesos for overnight plus some groceries for her family won't allow her to ask the next guy for 1000 pesos and some groceries. But 3000 pesos, in her mind will equal I can get 3000 pesos from the next guy. Tipping has already become the norm in Manila and if that happens in Angeles I am sure many guys will stop coming, like myself! If there was a set 15% tip I could budget it but every girl has a different idea of what the tip should be. It puts a real negative connotation on the whole experience. To be honest, I rarely discuss price with the girls and then after give them 500 pesos and some little gifts if I make them cum or 1000 pesos and no gifts if I can't make them cum. If I cum 3 times and she cums twice then I give 2000 and some gifts. Most girls want to see me again and are very happy with this. I rarely have found starfish in the Philippines (other countries yes) so the fact you didn't have one is nothing to report here. ABC has a good buffet every night from 5:15 - 10 pm, other than that they are overpriced and do not have a great location. My hotel is equal to ABC and is only 2500 pesos a night or 10,000 pesos a week...There is no quota. Cum to BF ratio. Each person does as he pleases.

Nothing you say will change the tide of people willing to pay. Most consider people like yourself "Cheap charlies" . Not that there is anything wrong with it. I personally don't care what or how a person spends their money.

But you have to realize too. A lot of guys come to AC to have fantasies. They want to be "Donald Trump" for a day. They want to feel what its like to have young girls gawking over them. Money (making it rain), drink and sex flowing freely. And AC provides a venue where a guy can do that easily without breaking the bank. That's the reason many come to AC is they can afford to live that "Fantasy" whether for a days or a week.

You can see all around AC. The new hotels being built are not for "Budget" minded types. More and more upscale type guys are coming to AC. Budget guys like yourself eventually will be priced out, especially for the good looking girls.

Either you keep up. Or move on. But AC prices will continue to rise. That you can count on.

Enjoy it now. While you can.

01-27-15, 01:21
Stop overpayingWhy is he overpaying? Its his first time in AC, he barfined 2 girls and tipped them both 500 pesos. The bar charging him twice was the bar screwing him apparently but he wasn't clear. The FL girl he agreed to 2000 and Fero gave her 3000 instead I don't that is so bad.

Your orgasm calculus is interesting. If she fakes the O is it a deduction? You and I may want multiple pops but not everyone treats the BG like its the sex olympics. His report could have been originally written in Korean and he used Google translate heheh. A good report highlighting mistakes is always helpful.

Its nice to know that only BPI ATMs give out more than $100 per withdraw.I wasn't aware BPI had an ATM in Orchid Inn (or it Wild Orchid? So I stand corrected. BPI isn't aligned with my US Bank unfortunately. BDO also allows a 10,000 peso withdrawal BTW.

01-27-15, 02:42
Why is he overpaying? Its his first time in AC, he barfined 2 girls and tipped them both 500 pesos. The bar charging him twice was the bar screwing him apparently but he wasn't clear. The FL girl he agreed to 2000 and Fero gave her 3000 instead I don't that is so bad.

Your orgasm calculus is interesting. If she fakes the O is it a deduction? You and I may want multiple pops but not everyone treats the BG like its the sex olympics. His report could have been originally written in Korean and he used Google translate heheh. A good report highlighting mistakes is always helpful.

I wasn't aware BPI had an ATM in Orchid Inn (or it Wild Orchid? So I stand corrected. BPI isn't aligned with my US Bank unfortunately. BDO also allows a 10,000 peso withdrawal BTW.I appreciate the dialogue since I'm traveling in a few weeks.

Master Monger
01-27-15, 04:39
You can see all around AC. The new hotels being built are not for "Budget" minded types. More and more upscale type guys are coming to AC. Budget guys like yourself eventually will be priced out, especially for the good looking girls.

Either you keep up. Or move on. But AC prices will continue to rise. That you can count on.

Enjoy it now. While you can.Rich guys go to Manila, much better girls and city.

By budget I mean: US Average income $3500 a month, girls about $100-$500ST, Philippines Average income is about $200 a month girls are about $20-$80ST (880-3500 p) but according to the rate of income it should only be about (250-1350 p). When I pay too much for something I feel foolish. So I give gifts or take them shopping if I like them.

Maybe you are right, time for a New AC, one where the bars don't take 60% of the barfine and a new city that has a nice beach and a safer environment.


01-27-15, 04:44
I visit the Philippines at least once a year. Sometimes twice. I spend close to $1,000 (US) on my flight. Sometimes more / sometimes less. And then another $100+ for direct transportation to and from the Manila Airport (because flying in and out of Clark internationally is a giant pain). I stay at either the Wild Orchid or Angeles Beach Club. Minimum stay is one week at around $100 a night (again. Give or take). So. Realistically speaking, I am dropping $2,000 before I so much as step foot in a bar and order my firs SML. I'm not a big fan of overpaying or getting ripped off, but I am definitely guilty of being a "temporary millionaire. " I budget around $200 a night for "fun" - which is way more than I need. But every so often I'll buy drinks for a handful of girls, the waitress and the mamasan. I don't need to. And I know this, but it's fun and the girls appreciate it. And yeah. I get to be the big man. (I've had numerous conversations with girls about how much they earn, how much they make from lady drinks, etc.). Believe me. They appreciate the lady drinks! I don't always tip. It really depends on if I'm fond of the girl, had a great time, and whether or not they ask (best way to not get a tip is to ask me for one). I hope to retire in AC in about a decade, so I'm not looking to drive the prices up. It's just that for those of us who only get to visit once or twice a year (and spend a ton to get there), this is our trip to Disney. I don't so much care about an extra $5 or $10. I should, but I just got ass raped by Delta for a grand (with gasoline prices lower than they've been since 1983) - what difference does $10 make? I do apologize to those lucky enough to be there full time. I do hope to join you. I do believe AC is big enough to accommodate all budgets and all types of mongers. Let's be honest. If you only want to spend 1,000 p you're not getting that spinner 10 - whether you live there or are visiting. So the bottom line is this. Know your budget, know what you're comfortable with, and create the experience that works for you. There are hotels that are perfectly good that cost half of what I pay. And you can go to Blow Row or Perimeter if you don't want to drop a small fortune at Dollhouse. AC is still amazing and I can't recommend it enough. Enjoy! (P.S. - Will be there early April. If anyone wants to meet up, I'll be upgrading my membership in the next few weeks. And will post again. Drop me a line then)!

01-27-15, 09:03
You need to go to Macarthur to get a proper bank.Right next to the entrance of SM Mall there are several ATM's (4 or 5 if I recall correctly). I never had any problems getting cash there with my debit card.
And inside the mall there are some more ATM's.

Can be closer than Macarthur depending on where you stay.

01-27-15, 09:08
I was born and raised in NYC and traveled many places. Nothing too hard to figure out in this Internet Age. I just wanted some mongers experience and advice.

This site is a bit dated I think. It doesn't mention the ATM's at SM Mall for example.
The ATM next to Jollibee only accepts credit cards as far as I know. So expensive to withdraw cash there.

01-27-15, 10:20
There is no quota. Cum to BF ratio. Each person does as he pleases.

Nothing you say will change the tide of people willing to pay. Most consider people like yourself "Cheap charlies" . Not that there is anything wrong with it. I personally don't care what or how a person spends their money.

But you have to realize too. A lot of guys come to AC to have fantasies. They want to be "Donald Trump" for a day. They want to feel what its like to have young girls gawking over them. Money (making it rain), drink and sex flowing freely. And AC provides a venue where a guy can do that easily without breaking the bank. That's the reason many come to AC is they can afford to live that "Fantasy" whether for a days or a week.

You can see all around AC. The new hotels being built are not for "Budget" minded types. More and more upscale type guys are coming to AC. Budget guys like yourself eventually will be priced out, especially for the good looking girls.

Either you keep up. Or move on. But AC prices will continue to rise. That you can count on.

Enjoy it now. While you can.Funny thing happened around the world. Millions of drivers were paying over $4. 00 a gallon for gasoline. Acccording to some driving the price up towards $5. 00/ gallon. But the law of supply and demand rule again.

Pussy in AC actually cost less for the night than the price of a hotel room. MM should really be on the hotel room over payer to save more money.

I personally don't listen to anyone telling me how to spend my money unless they were the one helping me make it.

Barfines have been going up not because of someone overpaying but simply because the cost of business has been increasing for the bar owners.

01-27-15, 13:41
Barfines have been going up not because of someone overpaying but simply because the cost of business has been increasing for the bar owners.Hell. The risk factor alone. Dictates an increase. In the past raids were fewer and only for UA violations. A bar simply paid and business as usual.

Now simply doing a BF can get a person jailed w / no bail, huge payoffs required or unlimited time in jail. One bar owner recently died while being held and another now has been in jail since last summer. Jail is no joke in the PI. Life as you know it has ended.

That alone is reason enough for bars to need cash reserves larger than before. Partly also for higher BF's.

01-27-15, 13:45
Barfines have been going up not because of someone overpaying but simply because the cost of business has been increasing for the bar owners.You realise this is going to outrage the 'don't-ruin-it-for-all-of-us-by-overpaying' gang?

One thing I like about AC is that despite all the efforts over the past decade or so to move the town upmarket, it still has a really lively lower end. I can afford pretty much whatever I like these days but I still enjoy the simpler, cheaper bars. Partly nostalgia (because that's the way they all used to be in AC), partly just that I prefer the lack of pretension, both in the bar and in the girls who tend to work there. Sure the big show bars on Fields have lots of babes, but their attitudes are seldom as nice as you'll find on Perimeter. And often the sex isn't as good either.

So yes, prices will always go up, and anybody who wants to stay in this hobby for the next ten or 20 years needs to work out a cashflow plan to make it possible. But I don't see AC becoming like, say, Makati any time soon, if ever. And thank god for that.

Member #4387
01-27-15, 15:08
So yes, prices will always go up, and anybody who wants to stay in this hobby for the next ten or 20 years needs to work out a cashflow plan to make it possible. But I don't see AC becoming like, say, Makati any time soon, if ever. And thank god for that.Since you mention Makati compared to AC (never been AC and never will, I think). Where do you think the best looking stunners go? I am not even a bar man I only feast from FB these days (but initially datingsites or nightclubs) but I have amakati as my "home" away from home these days. I see pics every now and then from AC both here and on other forums and I believe quality runs after the money (always have always will). Me on the other hand donate still 3 k for LT play no matter what kind of girl lodging with me.

But it is fair you enjoy the not so "expensive" places (me thinks phils in general are very very very cheap but that is a hole different matter). I try not to ruin the market even if I don't play the bargirls game. 3 k they get and I never seen an unhappy face leaving my place (regular or working girl). I pride my act into chemistry building upfront be it through datingsite or meeting a stunner at a nightclub, never ever discuss prices. Maby they are acting, maybe they were bargirls off duty I don't know, but the world is developing and prices, as you say, will rice all over. Even if phils is slacking behind its fellow asian sistering/brothering countries in almost all aspects, I guess when it comes to money and prices, it will not surprise me if at least this aspect will develop faster than rest of the country in general. I finish with a LOL bcs in many ways I find phils laughable as the poor uneducated masses from whom the rich and famous(elected ones)feast from will get reelected and reelected until a real Samaritan comes to power.

On a side note; i lost count in how many video snaps i got from when pope Francis was visiting, some girls were obviously close to each other as well. Must have been a big happening viewing the papa driving around in his VW Sharan(was it armored)?? After his visit he was in a statement saying even if he objects to the use of condoms and other means to lower the birthrates "no need to fuck like rabbits"(he did not use the word fuck i know)..

Go Bayern Munich.

01-27-15, 17:35
But I don't see AC becoming like, say, Makati any time soon, if ever. And thank god for that.I wouldn't be so sure. The Stardust is a Makati bar which has just opened in AC. Previously TAO. Its going to be exactly the same as the Makati bar. Show girls and BF prices START at 3000 p for the girls.

When one High roller bar take notice. It not long for others to follow. Look at the hotels being built. Everyone can see, times are changing and they are looking to take AC upscale. Santo's is essential dead as far as ST bars. The term "Blow road" does not apply any longer. Expats are trying to keep cheap perimeter bars alive. But they are dying a slow death. Rents are rising. How long they can keep BFs and drinks cheap enough to satisfy that crowd is going to be the problem.

Makati prices will soon soar thru the roof. The PI is being touted as the next Gambling Meca. Stealing some market share from Macau. This in turn will also affect prices in AC. Also building Casino's on Clark.

Philippines Makes Play as a Gambling Mecca


caesars to build billion dollar casino in philippines


Japanese Okada eyes 2015 opening of 2 billion dollar casino


01-27-15, 17:36
You realise this is going to outrage the 'don't-ruin-it-for-all-of-us-by-overpaying' gang?

One thing I like about AC is that despite all the efforts over the past decade or so to move the town upmarket, it still has a really lively lower end. I can afford pretty much whatever I like these days but I still enjoy the simpler, cheaper bars. Partly nostalgia (because that's the way they all used to be in AC), partly just that I prefer the lack of pretension, both in the bar and in the girls who tend to work there. Sure the big show bars on Fields have lots of babes, but their attitudes are seldom as nice as you'll find on Perimeter. And often the sex isn't as good either.

So yes, prices will always go up, and anybody who wants to stay in this hobby for the next ten or 20 years needs to work out a cashflow plan to make it possible. But I don't see AC becoming like, say, Makati any time soon, if ever. And thank god for that.But the math does not bear their case out. The good tippers are actually subsidizing the cheap charlies. Case in point. Grocery stores sell 100 P14 cans of sardines at low profit. To make up for it and to stay in business they must sell 10 P55 cans of sardines at a higher profit. Without the over payer / big tipper prices would actually increase. As usual in any group the CC scream the loudest, use up the most resources and have the biggest entitlement issues. Pretty close to welfare mentality in the US.

Yes, perimeter road is good but please don't tell anyone. You will ruin it for us!

01-27-15, 20:30
But the math does not bear their case out. The good tippers are actually subsidizing the cheap charlies. Case in point. Grocery stores sell 100 P14 cans of sardines at low profit. To make up for it and to stay in business they must sell 10 P55 cans of sardines at a higher profit. Without the over payer / big tipper prices would actually increase. As usual in any group the CC scream the loudest, use up the most resources and have the biggest entitlement issues. Pretty close to welfare mentality in the US.

Yes, perimeter road is good but please don't tell anyone. You will ruin it for us!I agree.

Yes in AC the 'big tipper ruining it' is a myth. In AC its not possible unless you are a fool.

I was surprised to learn that in Makati these days, the John must negotiate a large tip in advance in order to get the girl. I have to say my info on Makati is woefully out of date. My first few trips to the phils I never even darkened the door of a bar. My calender was full of regular girls I met in yahoo chats and then asianbabecams and asiancammmodels. My first exposure to bars was P Burgos before I even heard of AC. The prices started at 3500 and the girls were alot of mommas and the mamasans waitresses and BG would swarm you and hound you constantly. I had maybe 2 barfines and they were lame and at that point I pretty much gave up on the Phils bars in my mind.

Then I met a girl online from AC and made a reservation at the Orchid Inn knowing nothing about Fields. This was when W Orchid was under construction so maybe like 2006? After I was done with her I decided to check out the bars. My God it was like night and day. The selection was 100 X better than Burgos and prices were a fraction and the girls were not aggressive at all.

Todays AC prices are still way lower than Maktati was 9 years ago. And the tip is up to you. Maybe Burgos is the wrong part of Makati, maybe the selection and atmosphere has improved. I don't know and I don't care, AC is still great.

Back to the 'big tipper ruining it' myth.

In AC its virtually impossible. I have never discussed a tip in advance ever. I pull the money out when she is ready to walk out the door. She has no idea if its going to be a P20 note or P5,000 (its not don't worry).

I don't understand how a hurts me or the market.

The real statement the complainer is making is. Hey don't make me look bad when all I give the girl is trike fare and airline peanuts or nothing at all.

For Americans its alot more acceptable the tipping because its part of our culture, I can understand how people from other western countries don't warm up to it as easily.

The higher tips keep the pressure down on the rising barfines as a percentage of the girls overall wage.

Pip Jaeger
01-28-15, 00:10
Barfines have been going up not because of someone overpaying but simply because the cost of business has been increasing for the bar owners.You forgot "PInoY LoGiK": Fewer customers = raise the prices.

Sir Lancelot
01-28-15, 00:18
Best time is early Afternoon to evening, after that pickings are slims. The earlier you get there the better.
Perimeter bars are indeed spread apart, I would suggest to take a trike from bar cluster to bar cluster. Guys,

Thanks for replying (plus Socker via Private Message) - loads of useful info. Very keen for some afternoon action so will definitely pay some of the bars you mention a visit.

01-28-15, 01:43
I wouldn't be so sure. The Stardust is a Makati bar which has just opened in AC. Previously TAO. Its going to be exactly the same as the Makati bar. Show girls and BF prices START at 3000 p for the girls.

Yes and if you know Stardust in Makati (before, it was named Foxys, and the first Stardust was originally in the vacant corner lot that mysteriously burnt down) you will know that its a big space with a few punters and some ocassionally good looking ladies but generally not.

I'm not what Stardust brings to the AC table but it isn't exactly Spankys or Babydolls standards.

Stardust in AC might be decorating with a fine look, but theres hundreds of other bars with which it competes, and as said the Makati business model doesn't exactly set the world on fire.

I miss the old Foxys / Stardust that had two private rooms upstairs. One fine night, was with a mate celebrating his birthday in one of the private rooms.

We had four girls and all of us were basically naked.

Ordered some pizzas from outside and the delivery boy comes up to the private room to deliver. Look on his face. Priceless!

01-28-15, 07:25
Getting money is important to mongering LOL.

No money. No Honey!.

Unlike "MM" my country doesn't have large denomination as 500 eros. So got to use them evil ATMs.

I checked out BDO & BPI.

BDO ATMs also accept Cards with the following logos:




Pantot I guess I'll have to use BDO also LOL.

01-28-15, 09:34
Getting money is important to mongering LOL.

No money. No Honey!.

Unlike "MM" my country doesn't have large denomination as 500 eros. So got to use them evil ATMs.

I checked out BDO & BPI.

BDO ATMs also accept Cards with the following logos:




Pantot I guess I'll have to use BDO also LOL.You may want to make a trip to CiTibank as the max is 30000 as opposed to 10 or 15 like the others. Since the fee is per transaction, you could save a lot.

01-28-15, 09:46
I agree.

Yes in AC the 'big tipper ruining it' is a myth. It's not a myth. It may have no bearing on the actual price of business, but it certainly effect the girls' attitudes.

01-28-15, 14:00
It's not a myth. It may have no bearing on the actual price of business, but it certainly effect the girls' attitudes.I'd agree. When tipping becomes the norm, attitudes get snotty. OTOH, barfine price increases and nice new establishments probably have more to do with an influx of well-moneyed (korean) guests, as opposed to tipping.

Mr Enternational
01-28-15, 16:26
Hell. The risk factor alone. Dictates an increase. In the past raids were fewer and only for UA violations. A bar simply paid and business as usual.

Now simply doing a BF can get a person jailed w / no bail, huge payoffs required or unlimited time in jail. One bar owner recently died while being held and another now has been in jail since last summer. Jail is no joke in the PI. Life as you know it has ended.

That alone is reason enough for bars to need cash reserves larger than before. Partly also for higher BF's.Yet they stay in the business. The rewards must continue to outweigh those risks.

Member #4566
01-29-15, 00:17
A topic covered many times in the threads. RTTF.Several money changers are located a few steps down the road from Margarita Station. Your hotel employee may be able to to direct you however the hotel won't give you a good exchange rate. Some people use ATM machines but they have a separate charge of perhaps 200 P. I was once strapped for cash and had to get a cash advance from my credit card. The credit card company dishonored my card because it suspected fraud on account of my PI location. Better to warn your credit card company in advance of your travel plans. . Oh and by the way, generally ignore the RTFF Patrol whose members troll the forum looking for opportunities to scold posters with a "RTTF" jibe.

01-29-15, 02:35
It's not a myth. It may have no bearing on the actual price of business, but it certainly effect the girls' attitudes.No one has has answered the simple question I posed.

In AC I assume one fact. The girl has no idea what your tip will be until she is fully dressed and ready to leave. So how can performance be affected?

If pouty lips as she heads off ruins your experience, well sorry. Stop promising tips in advance and your problems will evaporate.

If you are negotiating a tip beforehand in AC, you are obviously with a girl who doesn't want to go with you so you are sort of in a pleading mode. That's not necessary really, When I get the vibe the girl isn't attracted to me I move on- that sea is full of wiling fish. Promising more $$ up front won't increase the GFE with a typical first time AC BF.

If you are an expat comparing 2015 AC to 1990's AC (from what I have read) then yes the girls have more power over the BF experience.

But compared to the rest of the Phils, where the AC barfine + a 'big tip' is still the minimum up front for an attractive nubile female, its still a bargain.

01-29-15, 03:37
Not really a nice report.

First, if you barfine a girl you should at least cum twice! If I barfine a girl for 3000 I am cumming thrice at least. You should try to average 500-1000 pesos per time. Anything else is overpaying. You are probably right, but I just don't have the stamina for a three-timer. I tried it in Singapore, and had trouble cumming at all the next evening, the 3rd time just felt like a chore. But yeah, next time I'll probably try going for twice at least as I'm sure I can squeeze in a morning quickie before they leave. Overall I felt that once was enough when having a new girl every day.

Why is overpaying bad? Well, barfines have risen about 50% in Angeles in the last 5 years. People will charge what people will pay. So, guys thinking it doesn't matter she needs it more than me, will in fact raise the price overall. You want to be nice take her shopping or buy her a gift, cash equals a hike in price but 1000 pesos for overnight plus some groceries for her family won't allow her to ask the next guy for 1000 pesos and some groceries. But 3000 pesos, in her mind will equal I can get 3000 pesos from the next guy. Tipping has already become the norm in Manila and if that happens in Angeles I am sure many guys will stop coming, like myself! If there was a set 15% tip I could budget it but every girl has a different idea of what the tip should be. It puts a real negative connotation on the whole experience. To be honest, I rarely discuss price with the girls and then after give them 500 pesos and some little gifts if I make them cum or 1000 pesos and no gifts if I can't make them cum. If I cum 3 times and she cums twice then I give 2000 and some gifts. Most girls want to see me again and are very happy with this. I rarely have found starfish in the Philippines (other countries yes) so the fact you didn't have one is nothing to report here.
With regards to bargirl tip I had read that 500 was the norm for bargirls for LT, is that not the case?

With regard to the semi-pro, you are probably correct that I overpaid. But I don't really regret it although I do apologize if I ruin it for everyone else. I tried reducing it slightly in Cebu, but still overpaid quit a bit. Next trip I may try to reduce it even more, although with just three weeks of vacation a year I value my time more than my money and don't mind overpaying a bit if it means less wasted time or less hazzle for me.

Not quite sure I agree completely with your calculation, as for me its more about the entire experience and not just how many times I cum or she cum. Even if I somehow ended up with no pops I would still tip if I had a good time.

ABC has a good buffet every night from 5:15 - 10 pm, other than that they are overpriced and do not have a great location. My hotel is equal to ABC and is only 2500 pesos a night or 10,000 pesos a week. Penthouse is only 3000+ a night with the best location and the most romantic 24 hour poolside roof dining in all of Angeles. The food is good and cheap and the staff is amazing. Also ATM's are a ripoff and 1 500 Euro note in your sock is equal to about 25,000 pesos. One in each sock is 50,000 pesos. Including hotel and food I usually only average spending about 5000 pesos a day. So, I hope this advice helps!Thanks for the advice, what hotel is that? Do they have rooms with Jacuzzi?

One of the main reasons for choosing ABC was the free car service and the fact that it was the only one I remembered the name of. Made some last minute change to my plans due to Typhoon Ruby hitting Cebu and actually booked the plane tickets an hour before leaving and the hotel after arriving at Clark.

Any of the other hotels have a similar car service? Or any good reliable taxi services available? I guess it's not that much need for it if the hotel is within safe walking distance of Fields Avenue, but I still like to do other things during the day and early evening, like head over to one of the malls.

01-29-15, 03:59
Why is he overpaying? Its his first time in AC, he barfined 2 girls and tipped them both 500 pesos. The bar charging him twice was the bar screwing him apparently but he wasn't clear. The FL girl he agreed to 2000 and Fero gave her 3000 instead I don't that is so bad.Well, to be fair, it was the girl screwing me, not the bar. The bar gave me the tab, including the barfine and the girl later decided to exploit the fact that I was new in town to claim it was for drinks only. I chalk edit down as my own fault for not checking the tab before paying, and for not checking the currency rates to see how much I was actually paying.

That said, I did find Grand Pharao rather pushy with regards to LD trying to push me into buying drinks for 4-5 girls at a time. In comparison Club Asia brought over just one girl, and before buying the first drink the mamasan clearly explained how much the LD cost and if I was sure I wanted to buy one. I appreciated this approach and are more likely to return, although the sheer number of talents in Grand Pharao probably will still have me return if in town.

I don't really consider the 500 p tip to be overpaying, from what I had read in advance that seemed to be the norm for LT in Angeles?

With regard to the freelancer, I clearly overpaid even though I can't say that I regret it much. I hadn't really done the research so I just took the 3000 barfine from the day before and deducted 1000 p for the bar cut. When I asked how much such she had gotten the previous times she said 3000, could be true, could be lies, but I didn't want to feel like a cheap charlie over 1000 p that didn't really mean much to me, so I figured whatever, here's 3000. I even gave her some chocolate on top of that increasing the total to around 3500.

Maybe I ruin it for everyone else, and I'm sorry if that happens. Reality is that in a week or two the girl will be broke again, and yes, she may expect and negotiate for 2-3000, but she will still be more than happy with 1000 p if it means being able to provide milk for her kid for another couple of weeks.

A good report highlighting mistakes is always helpful.I use this forum as a way to prepare and know what to expect. Learning from others mistakes is one of the best ways to learn what not to do, and this is why I feel it's important to highlight any mistakes so they may help others avoid the same situation.

01-29-15, 04:13
I visit the Philippines at least once a year. Sometimes twice. I spend close to $1,000 (US) on my flight. Sometimes more / sometimes less. And then another $100+ for direct transportation to and from the Manila Airport (because flying in and out of Clark internationally is a giant pain). I stay at either the Wild Orchid or Angeles Beach Club. Minimum stay is one week at around $100 a night (again. Give or take). So. Realistically speaking, I am dropping $2,000 before I so much as step foot in a bar and order my firs SML. I'm not a big fan of overpaying or getting ripped off, but I am definitely guilty of being a "temporary millionaire. " I budget around $200 a night for "fun" - which is way more than I need. But every so often I'll buy drinks for a handful of girls, the waitress and the mamasan. I don't need to. And I know this, but it's fun and the girls appreciate it. And yeah. I get to be the big man. (I've had numerous conversations with girls about how much they earn, how much they make from lady drinks, etc.). Believe me. They appreciate the lady drinks! I don't always tip. It really depends on if I'm fond of the girl, had a great time, and whether or not they ask (best way to not get a tip is to ask me for one). I hope to retire in AC in about a decade, so I'm not looking to drive the prices up. It's just that for those of us who only get to visit once or twice a year (and spend a ton to get there), this is our trip to Disney. I don't so much care about an extra $5 or $10. I should, but I just got ass raped by Delta for a grand (with gasoline prices lower than they've been since 1983) - what difference does $10 make? I do apologize to those lucky enough to be there full time. I do hope to join you. I do believe AC is big enough to accommodate all budgets and all types of mongers. Let's be honest. If you only want to spend 1,000 p you're not getting that spinner 10 - whether you live there or are visiting. So the bottom line is this. Know your budget, know what you're comfortable with, and create the experience that works for you. There are hotels that are perfectly good that cost half of what I pay. And you can go to Blow Row or Perimeter if you don't want to drop a small fortune at Dollhouse. AC is still amazing and I can't recommend it enough. Enjoy! (P.S. - Will be there early April. If anyone wants to meet up, I'll be upgrading my membership in the next few weeks. And will post again. Drop me a line then)!Pretty much the same way I feel. I only have 2-3 weeks of vacation time a year, so my time is worth more than my money to me. If overpaying means having a better time, or just not feeling like a cheap charlie, then it's worth it to me. That said I don't consider myself a two-week millionaire. I don't invite entire tables of girls over for LDs, but I don't mind being overly generous towards my date for the night either.

I'm not sure how the ratio is in Angeles, but my (ex-) bargirl friend in Cebu told me they get 50 p commission off a 250 p LD, and 1500/2000 p commission off the 3000 p barfine, so I generally prefer to give the money as tip directly to the girl, rather than having most of it go to the bar.

01-29-15, 04:22
Getting money is important to mongering LOL.

No money. No Honey!.

Unlike "MM" my country doesn't have large denomination as 500 eros. So got to use them evil ATMs.

I checked out BDO & BPI.

BDO ATMs also accept Cards with the following logos:

https://www.bdo.com.ph/personal/ebanking/atm-banking .



Pantot I guess I'll have to use BDO also LOL.You can also send yourself money from your bank account via Western Union and Money gram online. They only charge $2. 99 per transaction. The max you can send per transaction is $2999.99. They payout in USD also. This is a lot cheaper then using the ATM.

01-29-15, 04:32
You can also send yourself money from your bank account via Western Union and Money gram online. They only charge $2. 99 per transaction. The max you can send per transaction is $2999.99. They payout in USD also. This is a lot cheaper then using the ATM.I believe it is cheaper than the ATM. But depending on the amount, maybe not. At the current exchange rate of about p44 / $1, sending $100 via WU should net you p4400 (you pay $2. 99 for the transaction). But you will get considerably less than p4400 at the WU pickup window in phils. WU has a statement when transferring money in any format that says something like: "In addition to the fee we charge, we also make money utilizing the exchange rate".

Is there a way to tell what the WU exchange rate is today? P40 / $1 ?

01-29-15, 05:03
I believe it is cheaper than the ATM. But depending on the amount, maybe not. At the current exchange rate of about p44 / $1, sending $100 via WU should net you p4400 (you pay $2. 99 for the transaction). But you will get considerably less than p4400 at the WU pickup window in phils. WU has a statement when transferring money in any format that says something like: "In addition to the fee we charge, we also make money utilizing the exchange rate".

Is there a way to tell what the WU exchange rate is today? P40 / $1 ?You can get paid out in USD or Pesos. If you choose USD then just find an money exchange with the highest exchange rate.

Mr Enternational
01-29-15, 05:06
And that is why you should send the money in USD if you are sending from USA.

01-29-15, 05:22
Santo's is essential dead as far as ST bars. A sad loss for sure. But that street was in the wrong place at the wrong time. It basically ended when they built the Wild Orchid. Property around there is just worth too much now.

I don't worry too much about high-end bars opening on Fields. Fine, let the high-rolling tourists come. And the dream of turning AC into the Las Vegas of Asia with casinos, nightclubs etc. -- well, it might do better than the dream of turning Clark into an aviation hub of SE Asia but probably not a whole lot better. People in this country are better at dreaming and talking than in making plans come true. Greed, corruption, and general inefficiency always seem to take care of that. For example, one thing that could really screw up AC as we know it would be a really massive influx of Chinese. But does anyone really think that the Chinese are going to put up with the place as it is now?

Anyhow I'm pretty confident that AC will maintain enough of a lower end to see me out. Like I say, not because I'm cheap, just because that's the AC I've known and loved for 30 years now. Will there still be cheap, simple bars there 30 or 40 years from now? I don't care. I'll have hung up my mongering boots by then.

01-29-15, 05:34
I believe it is cheaper than the ATM. But depending on the amount, maybe not. At the current exchange rate of about p44 / $1, sending $100 via WU should net you p4400 (you pay $2. 99 for the transaction). But you will get considerably less than p4400 at the WU pickup window in phils. WU has a statement when transferring money in any format that says something like: "In addition to the fee we charge, we also make money utilizing the exchange rate".

Is there a way to tell what the WU exchange rate is today? P40 / $1 ?Today's rate is 42.86 for Pesos payout last month is was 43.48 when I used the service. Also I think this rate is higher then then the exchange rate you get out of ATM's.

01-29-15, 05:48
No one has has answered the simple question I posed.

In AC I assume one fact. The girl has no idea what your tip will be until she is fully dressed and ready to leave. So how can performance be affected?

Usually they can tell whether you're giving or not in an hour of meeting you. Their job is a service job, a job that they can do either enthusiastically or not. With the thought of a gratuity from you their motivation to perform well is enhanced.

That's all......it's that simple. A lot of what they read in you and you in them is in the eyes.

I will be there in daze.

01-29-15, 05:56
You positively have to check the papers as they go in to the cup. Even if you don't read them it makes you look like less of a mark as a newbie. Sometimes they try to disappear with the cup and show a "final bill". Then you ask for the cup back to check the papers, sometimes there is fast shuffling of papers and a new bill shows up. Just taking 10 seconds to check the paper as they put it in the cup will show you are not to drunk and you are aware of their tricks.

01-29-15, 23:07
I was in AC a couple of weeks ago, and as I have been visiting about every 12 months for a few years now, I start to see some changes. Some bars changed hands, but a few have closed for good / changed their trade, one to a restaurant, another to a beauty parlour for example. I went into one bar around 9 pm (one next to Icarus) and I was the only guy in there, among about 15 girls. But no stunners. And I see less "freelancers" than before. And whilst I was there, the street stalls around Real Street / Santos just disappeared overnight. I was propositioned by two separate pairs of what I felt were "dodgy" girls, as they could not produce any I'd and I got away quickly! I haven't seen recently on here anything about roaming massage girls, the ones who ply their trade at the end of Fields, but I found a sweet one there and after a few minutes thought decided to see what she had to offer. So she had given me a contact card, to call her "office" and book her to visit me in my hotel. I went back to ask her if she could come with me, and maybe stay overnight. This was about 8 pm. She agreed, and the price was 1500 s / t and 3000 overnight, till 6 am. I went for the overnight, and took her straight back to the hotel (Pacific Breeze as ever) She really was a sweetie, with a cute slim body, and sexy as hell. We did round one right away, a short massage led me to massage her and it was all the way from there, with different positions and finishing with 69, both her holes fingered and CIM (good finish but no swallow. But I don't care by that point!) A break for some food, then back for round two, a bit more adventurous this time with toys too, and she was loving everything I did to her. This one lasted quite a while, and we were both exhausted. Slept for a while, then another pop during the night, not too sure what time! Woke finally at 8 am, and had another pop before she reluctantly left, having deserved the decent tip I gave her. A really nice girl, great experience and one I was sorry not to be able to repeat, due to my DIA girlfriend arriving later that day. She has the potential to be a good sex slave I felt, and would have really enjoyed it too, she loved the toys (pussy and ass) and took a bit of spanking too. (I would not want to do these things unless she enjoyed of course). I think these massage girls offer a midway point between the bar girls and freelancers, you can see exactly what you are getting and there is some organisation behind them if anything goes wrong, although I'm not sure they would be there if needed! There is no big bar bill, no pressure to buy lady drinks for whoever decides to sit with you. I very much enjoyed that experience and will do again.

Mr Enternational
01-30-15, 05:06
CITYOF SAN FERNANDO, PhilippinesTwo policemen, who allegedly framed a Korean businessman in Angeles City and demanded from him P1 million, were arrested by personnel of the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) and Central Luzon regional policemen in an entrapment operation on Tuesday night, an official said.

The erring policemen charged their victim with hum traf after the latter paid a "bar fine" to be able to take out a sex worker from a night club on Fields Avenue, said Chief Supt. Ronald Santos, officer in charge of the regional police office, in a telephone interview.

The CIDG has yet to release the names of the policemen and the Korean businessman.

"Instead of taking the Korean to jail, the policemen took him to a safe house. They demanded P1 million but the Korean managed to give only P200,000," Santos said.

He said improved coordination with the Korean community in Angeles City helped free the victim and arrest the suspects as they tried to collect the balance of P800,000.

The policemen are in the custody of the CIDG, as of this posting.

"We are weeding out police scalawags victimizing foreigners (in Angeles City)," Santos said, referring to a campaign that began in December 2014.

SOURCE: Inquirer.

Posted by JC on 2015-01-28.

Bull Dozer
01-30-15, 08:12
Will be in AC, First week of April for 4 weeks would love to hook up with other Mongerers. I am not the high roller like some other dudes.

Stay at Walk About for the past 3 years, visit 3-4 times a year, it is very convenient & safe. Please PM me.


Pretty much the same way I feel. I only have 2-3 weeks of vacation time a year, so my time is worth more than my money to me. If overpaying means having a better time, or just not feeling like a cheap charlie, then it's worth it to me. That said I don't consider myself a two-week millionaire. I don't invite entire tables of girls over for LDs, but I don't mind being overly generous towards my date for the night either.

I'm not sure how the ratio is in Angeles, but my (ex-) bargirl friend in Cebu told me they get 50 p commission off a 250 p LD, and 1500/2000 p commission off the 3000 p barfine, so I generally prefer to give the money as tip directly to the girl, rather than having most of it go to the bar.

01-30-15, 13:51
No one has has answered the simple question I posed.

In AC I assume one fact. The girl has no idea what your tip will be until she is fully dressed and ready to leave. So how can performance be affected?

If pouty lips as she heads off ruins your experience, well sorry. Stop promising tips in advance and your problems will evaporate.

If you are negotiating a tip beforehand in AC, you are obviously with a girl who doesn't want to go with you so you are sort of in a pleading mode. That's not necessary really, When I get the vibe the girl isn't attracted to me I move on- that sea is full of wiling fish. Promising more $$ up front won't increase the GFE with a typical first time AC BF.

If you are an expat comparing 2015 AC to 1990's AC (from what I have read) then yes the girls have more power over the BF experience.

But compared to the rest of the Phils, where the AC barfine + a 'big tip' is still the minimum up front for an attractive nubile female, its still a bargain.In asia negotiations are essential to keeping the price down. If you readily agree to their ever growing greedy asking price, then you reap what you sow. When they ask 2000 I say "ok I will give you 1500 and if you give me great sex then I will give you a nice tip". They rarely ask what the tip is going to be because they assume 500. if they give me stellar performance, then 500 it is, but if not then they get 200. So as to your question, yes performance can be effected by a tip, and so can price standards.

Just my 20 pesos, LAT.

01-30-15, 16:17
I'd never dream about telling them about how much the tip is or not. Like Pantot said, if they fish even before we start no sale.

The amount varies too, I habitually gave a single 500 bill during a streak of fine performances, lots of pouts from ladies (some that should be happy for a sale at all). Then I started to tip 300 and the same class and better of ladies gave me a smile and a kiss when leaving. Looking like a miser and getting a kiss or a generous idiot and getting a pout I know what I will continue doing.

01-31-15, 01:13
Gentleman I have staff there so I send Cash every month.

Sending money is a 2 part equation, I am a Canadian.

1. there is a transfer fee which is easily researched, then.

2. There is the RATE of EXCHANGE. Trust me the rip off is HERE!

You need to check both to determine who is the best, my research has shown PayPal is a huge Rip off.

Also you can literally send money to yourself which is what I do, it forces you to carry some cash but hey life is a risk right, I use an IRemit service and they are good and their rate seems fair.

The ATMS are tiring and expensive and high risk in many cases!


01-31-15, 01:22
After reading a bunch of great reports, FAQs, Wikis etc I've decided to go to AC for one night (I'm in Manila on business, can't go any longer). I've three questions I hope you can answer please.

1. There is a Victory Bus Liner terminal at Roxas / EDSA. Do buses from there go to AC? If not, which bus station do I need?

2. When I get to Dau, is it blindingly obvious that that is where I'm at?

3. As I have only one night, I want to stay in the Fields area. My preference is to find somewhere with entertainment, not just girls wandering around the stage looking bored. I have heard that there may be risque shows. Is that actually true, and if so where do I find them. And do they start late? I guess I'll wander in and out of a few bars anyway but if there are a couple to specifically aim for that would be great.


Mr Enternational
01-31-15, 02:02
1. Yes.

2. I think there is a sign that says Dau, but it will be the only bus station that you pull into after leaving Manila. The other stops are in front of malls and such. If it is daytime you will be riding through a country setting and you will see a big ass mountain in the distance. The next bus station you enter will be Dau.

3. You are on your own with that one.

01-31-15, 02:47
When I last wrote, I said I might be getting one-itis.

I did, but. Predictably, the road is bumpy.

I'm pleasantly confused.

After about 10 days straight together, minus her in the province and me in Cebu for three days.

I noticed that sex had dropped from hot and twice a day.

To once a day without much heat and with some reluctance on her part.

I'm spoiled here, with girls who get wet and their clits get swollen and they really get into the sex.

If I was home, I'd totally put up with this girl who doesn't want to fuck all the time, but has a personality that makes me want to start writing poetry and taking her to Bali, and a body and a way of walking that makes me feel like I'm looking at the Island Goddess herself.

But here in Butterfly Heaven, I'm like: shit, she doesn't want to moan twice a day? I need to go find someone who does!

Is this going to work?

Of course not, but it's fun.

The current situation is ridiculous: after breaking up because I was too horny for her / she wasn't horny enough for me, I saw her in the street, got mesmerized again, and now: for the height of ridiculousness: I rented another room in the same little hotel, one for my new 'wife' and one in case I need a mistress when the wife doesn't want to put out.

My innkeeper Myra looked at me and said: 'good luck' when I told her that this girl was special. 'what ever makes you happy. '

If she had said: 'good luck, dimwit'.

It would have sounded the same.

But, I've only got three more days here, I want to find out what this mesmerizing girl means to me before I leave. Are we going to Bali next trip? Am I falling in love? Is she?

01-31-15, 02:52
2. There is the RATE of EXCHANGE. Trust me the rip off is HERE!

You need to check both to determine who is the best, my research has shown PayPal is a huge Rip off.I have made some Paypal transfers. Honestly I never actually knew what the girl received money wise, nor did I care as she didn't about it she was happy to get table scraps.

Paypal has one niche in the money transfer universe. Most money services have a minimum transfer of $25 USD and a fee of $5 to $15+. So its impossible to make a transfer for very small amounts of money. I have made transfers of $10 to $15 total at least a dozen times in Paypal and no one complained. That's all that was deducted from my Paypal and I always have a surplus of Paypal funds so it costs nothing for me to fund it. I am sure the girl got a bad deal but at least they got something. Back in the day (5 years ago?) $10 to $15 was the best transfer fee you could get period.

Bull Dozer
01-31-15, 04:09
Gentleman I have staff there so I send Cash every month.

Sending money is a 2 part equation, I am a Canadian.

1. there is a transfer fee which is easily researched, then.

2. There is the RATE of EXCHANGE. Trust me the rip off is HERE!

You need to check both to determine who is the best, my research has shown PayPal is a huge Rip off.

Also you can literally send money to yourself which is what I do, it forces you to carry some cash but hey life is a risk right, I use an IRemit service and they are good and their rate seems fair.

The ATMS are tiring and expensive and high risk in many cases!

PP.Filipinas are always looking for money more if an AC girl, not sure if Pinaypounder is supporting a bunch of Filippinas, he sends money every month.

My side of the story is I was there for 3 weeks during Christmas, gave 2 girls Brand new Samsung Android phones as Gift, Chocolate & money. But the sad part is before even my Plane had landed SF airport I got messages from one that she got sick & needed 5000 pesos for treatment, the other one asked for 8,000 for.

Her school exam fees. One works at Clark Fortuna Chinese restaurant the other one works at Clark Holiday INN as receptionist. Now every week I get a.

Request for urgently needed money with some new excuse every time.

Within 4 weeks I have recd. 6 messages for money. The girls in AC learn the tricks real fast. Want to know from other mongers how to handle these girls, they are both awesome looking & great in bed too.


01-31-15, 04:48
OK posting what I could extract for me as a first timer.

So this is my edited RTFF 30 to 50 pages of reading and other websites.

Senior members fee free to correct for us newbies.

Small hospital on MacArthur highway called AUMFC. Tel 322-4632 (www.aufmc.org).


Margarita Station (theville) in Angeles City.



Vegas Hotel, Angeles City.

1st Choice: Central Park Hotel.


2nd Choice: Apartelle Royal.


3rd Choice: Pacific Breeze Hotel.


4th Valentino's Hotel.


5th Devera Hotel.


**Clarkton Hotel at Perimeter Road w / shuttle to fields every HR.



Queens Hotel.

Perimeter Road:

1 Dr Holm's.

2 After School.

3 Girls Generation.

4 Ice Bar.

5 Ponytails.

6 Showtime.

7 Miss Magic Bar.

8 Fire Pit.

9 Candy Bar.

10 Night Moves.

Dance / Music.

1 High Society.

2 are&be Music Lounge.

3 Sky Trax.

4 Secret Garden.

5 Rainbow KTV.

6 Hacienda.


1 Ikabud (Multiple locations).

2 Hong Kong Seafood Restaurant.

3 Piccolo Padre (Queens Hotel).

4 Swiss Chalet.

5 Jumong (Friendship).

6 ABC Hotel.

7 Curry Steve's (Phoenix Hotel).

8 TGI Fridays (Marquee Mall).

9 Iceberg (SM Mall).

10 Fred's Pies (Perimeter Road).

Below is a list of good bars who are customer focused with sexy girls.

Aura Bar. Manager Park Jun (Speaks perfect English).

Color Bar. Manager Park Jun (Speaks perfect English).

Viking Bar.



Dr Holms.

Tight Jeans.



Miss A.

Orange Bar.

Body Shop. Good, Larry Campos has done wonders here. Nice bunch of girls who love to play and provide full service long time.


Tight Jeans. Sexy girls here, a stage of girls in school uniform come on how could you possibly hate this bar. Drink service good and I love those skirts. 7/10.

Angel witch. Good, girls are greatly improved and its worth a look in for guys who want to have a great fun drinking night with a decent bit of action in your hotel 7/10.

Aura. Get in there early, the Korean guys are there at 7 pm when it opens and all girls gone before 9 pm this is an incredible business with sexy sexy girls. 8/10.

Insomnia. Very good, fun bar with sex girls worth dropping by and forgetting the world 8/10.

Texas. Korean managed, loads of girls on stage, very sexy and becoming a favorite 7/10.

Viking. Not the same since Rachel the Cherry and her twin sister left but still full of beautiful girls, I highly recommend this bar as you get a free shoulder rub from the waitress too.


**Aura Bar.

Whats good: Great Dancers, pretty girls, excellent stage, event style atmosphere, serves food.

Whats bad: Korean only feel to it although a few westerners go there, would be good if this was improved so everyone felt at home in Aura.

Bar Nana.

Whats good: design of bar is excellent, the mc booth is good looking and cage at top is good too.

Whats bad: the attitude of the girls is shitty and arrogant makes me feel that they are not interested and as a result they don't get my money.

Dollhouse (Same owner as Club Asia).

Whats good: great atmosphere at night with a truly mixed western and Korean crowd, good dancers not all pretty, lots of temptation and intimate space with surrounding seating plan makes it good to see what's happening from all positions.

Whats bad: open 24 hours and the line up during non-sociable hours is bad, some very ugly girls who need replacing.


KTV bars where you have the pleasurable company of beautiful ladies include.

PINK LADY (Perimeter Road).

JULIANA (1st Street).

LOVE & MUSIC (In Fields Plaza Complex Fields Ave).

CLUB ASIA (both in Fields Avenue walking street).

YACHT CLUB (Surla Street next to Donald Paul Apartelle).


SKYBAR & LOUNGE, located on the ABC Hotel rooftop. (Perimeter Close).


There aren't the same range of activities in AC that you will find in Pattaya but most people come here to drink or monger and not for the more normal tourist activities. Mongering choices are pretty much limited to visiting blow row, Perimeter or the few bars that open early on Field Avenue. For those who manage to rise from their beds before the sun sets, there is a shopping complex called SM mall plus a few other smaller malls like Marquee, Robinsons and Nepo mall. SM mall is very nice and almost seems out of place with the poverty around it. There are a couple of gyms, a casino, a couple of golf courses and a small water park called Fontana. If you fancy a helicopter trip, you could visit Mt. Pinatubo. It costs about 500 US dollars and lasts an hour. This is the price for 3 pax. Another option would be to spend a day or even overnight in Subic bay. This is a seaside resort with about 50 lady bars and various restaurants. It is approx 60 km from Angeles. Mo's Subic will get you there return for 1200 Pesos. Departs from Kokomos restaurant on Field Avenue.

THE INTERNATIONAL is the largest Irish-style resto pub in town, attached to a poker club located near Fields Avenue. They play live music on certain nights.

PARADISE BEER GARDEN is a cozy outdoor beer bar which also serves good food at reasonable prices, located in the Fields Plaza Entertainment complex.

BRUNO & DIEGO GRILL is another cozy hangout with great food and ambiance to go with your beer.

Must-See Pubs: The International, Paradise Beer Garden.


If you bring your mobile phone, don't forget the charger. For people with smart phones that include a data plan like the Apple Iphone and Google Android based phones, turn off data roaming or you will get a massive bill when you return to your home country. You can still use your phone to send text messages and make and receive calls but apps like web browsing and Google maps will not work unless you have access to wi-fi. Many hotels now offer wireless access in your room and in the public hotel areas free of charge. Before you pack your digital camera, make sure you have a good sized SD card. If you will be making videos with a dedicated camcorder, remember the charger and a spare SD card or tape. I suggest bringing a netbook rather than a laptop as the netbook will normally fit in the room safe whereas the laptop won't unless it is very small. If you will be using Skype for some of your calls, remember to top up your credit before you leave.


Bar Fines:

1000-1200 at Perimeter Bars.

1300-3000 at Fields Ave Bars.


Short 300-400.

Long 400-500.

Tipping Guide.

Waitress in a bar: 5-10% or 10 peso each drink if paying individually. Do not tip is she orders a double ladies drink without specifying single or double. Do not tip is she pads your check. Always double check your receipts to make sure she is not overcharging.

Mamasan: Its not customary to tip the mamasan. But if she was helpful in picking out a girl for you, slide her a 50 peso note. However it is entirely up to you.

Bargirl (short time): 300-400 peso. 400-500 for great service.

Bargirl (long time): 400-500 peso. 700-1000 on a rare occasion for spectacular service.

Bargirl (back room blowjob): 200 peso.

Waitress in restaurant: 5-10%.

Massage (no happy ending): 100 peso.

Massage (happy ending): 300 peso.

Massage (full service): 400-500 peso.

Hotel doormen: Nothing if you are only staying at the hotel for a day or two. 20 peso a week if he is courteous and opens the door for you.

Hotel bellboy: 20 peso if he carries your heavy luggage and shows you the room.

Hotel maid: 50 peso a day.

Trike driver: Nothing.

Angeles City Street Sex.

Finding a hooker in Angeles City is as simple as walking down four roads, namely Raymond Street, Fields Avenue, Perimeter Street and Santos Street. The hookers in Angeles City can be called many names, such as "pokpok", "prosti", working girls, and P4 P (Pay 4 Play) girls. You might have some troubles just picking them up off the street, because most prostitutes in Angeles City usually work for a club or a bar, and they are not allowed to pick up customers off the street, because the bar owner will not receive a cut. If you want to pick up a girl for sex, you usually have to go to a bar. The girl's fee will be included in the bar charge.

Among the four roads, the charges on Field Avenue is usually the highest, because these are where the bigger clubs and the more attractive working girls are. You might pay as high as $75 in some of the more upscale bars for their spotlight dancers, which are usually the most attractive, nubile, and flexible girls who have experience and are not shy with their customers. The normal range is around $40-$50 for other bars, although the prices are even lower for Raymond Street and Perimeter Street.

In general, you can get a blowjob for as low as $25 in Perimeter Street, and you can rent a girl for "long time" (12 hours) for around $40. In Raymond Street, $25 will get you "short time" (2 hours) but in Fields Avenue, the same short time will cost around $45. For a long time on Fields Avenue, you would need to pay around $50. For a long time with the most beautiful and desirable women around Field Avenue, you would need to pay out around $80-90.


 Avoid freelancers, they can be under-aged or can have STDs.

 Use a condom to protect yourself from STDs.

 Always agree on the price before having sex.

 Do not carry unnecessary valuables and / or very large amounts of money.

 Check your bills regularly; the bars might add a larger bill if you don't keep a close watch.

 Avoid LD (lady's drinks). They are more expensive, but are not worth the price.

 Be careful when you tip sometimes, they are charge higher for large tippers.

Clark Airport Code: CRK.

Websites to View:











Cebu Pacific and Tigerair Philippines.

Air Asia.






So, mid January, all of Feb and March would ideally be the most exciting time to be there, but depends on so many factors. Use the previous info as a guide only. In reality, you can go any month of the year and have a great time. Myself, I follow Thommo's advice and avoid middle of the year (wet season / off season) . T.

Worst time: Possibly June and July when its wet, low season, and possibly the same successful girls mentioned above, might be absent, having a mid year break. Wet season can extend to September, and beyond if your unlucky. Seasons world wide are changing, as you know. Wikipedia says. Normally, May to October = most rain. Although I have been in Sept and no probs, on that trip.

Feb to April its dry and hot. Showers and air con take care of the heat.

Airport interconnections:




Capt Munch
01-31-15, 06:46
OK posting what I could extract for me as a first timer.

So this is my edited RTFF 30 to 50 pages of reading and other websites.Great research! . . . . Some corrections though. . . . perhaps 50 pages back was a bit dated.

Senior members fee free to correct for us newbies. OK

Perimeter Road:

1 Dr Holm's. Now combined with Eruptions and Eruptions was just recently renovated - Open now as Eruptions

7 Miss Magic Bar. The last report I had was that they no longer have girls available. May be I am wrong

3 Piccolo Padre (Queens Hotel). May be closed now . . . . last info was that Queens was looking for a new tenent to rent the restaurant

Aura Bar. Manager Park Jun (Speaks perfect English). Expect that westerners will not be very welcome in this bar . . . IT IS A KOREAN BAR

Tight Jeans. Seems closed now for approx. a month

Players. Closed about 1 1/2 years now

THE INTERNATIONAL is the largest Irish-style resto pub in town, attached to a poker club located near Fields Avenue. They play live music on certain nights.

PARADISE BEER GARDEN is a cozy outdoor beer bar which also serves good food at reasonable prices, located in the Fields Plaza Entertainment complex.

Must-See Pubs: The International, Paradise Beer Garden.The International has been closed a couple of years. . . . there is still a Texas Hold-them game there for the gamblers and has re-opened a restaurant under a new name recently.

The Paradise Beer Garden. . . . IMHO is not a "must-see" place. The food is marginal and overpriced. Go there and you will see most of the patrons nursing a beer NOT a plate of food.

Bar Fines:

1000-1200 at Perimeter Bars. Try 1500 - 2500 depending on the bar

1300-3000 at Fields Ave Bars. Try 2200 - 3500 depending on the bar

Waitress in restaurant: 5-10%. A 20 peso tip is customary. . . . more and you will be a hero in her eyes.


Mr Enternational
01-31-15, 07:07
Filipinas are always looking for money more if an AC girl, not sure if Pinaypounder is supporting a bunch of Filippinas, he sends money every month.

My side of the story is I was there for 3 weeks during Christmas, gave 2 girls Brand new Samsung Android phones as Gift, Chocolate & money. But the sad part is before even my Plane had landed SF airport I got messages from one that she got sick & needed 5000 pesos for treatment, the other one asked for 8,000 for. Now every week I get a. Request for urgently needed money with some new excuse every time. Within 4 weeks I have recd. 6 messages for money. The girls in AC learn the tricks real fast. Want to know from other mongers how to handle these girls, they are both awesome looking & great in bed too.How to handle them? Well you started off playing Jed Clampet. Why the second thoughts? It's best to never start it in the first place. When I want to pay for pussy, I know where the bars are.

Uncle Volodya
01-31-15, 07:29
Great List Alias Donkey! I wish I had had it on my trip there back in November.

I was surprised you didn't put Pharaoh on the list. I really thought that they had the best girls and the shows were petty fun too. My favorite girl form the entire trip was a door girl I picked up from there. Smoking young 20 year old who was great in the sack.

In any case thanks for the effort and stay horny my friend.


01-31-15, 14:01
After reading a bunch of great reports, FAQs, Wikis etc I've decided to go to AC for one night (I'm in Manila on business, can't go any longer). I've three questions I hope you can answer please.

1. There is a Victory Bus Liner terminal at Roxas / EDSA. Do buses from there go to AC? If not, which bus station do I need?

2. When I get to Dau, is it blindingly obvious that that is where I'm at?

3. As I have only one night, I want to stay in the Fields area. My preference is to find somewhere with entertainment, not just girls wandering around the stage looking bored. I have heard that there may be risque shows. Is that actually true, and if so where do I find them. And do they start late? I guess I'll wander in and out of a few bars anyway but if there are a couple to specifically aim for that would be great.

Thanks.My suggestion would be to book a hotel first on line (Agoda, Booking.com or direct) and then take Swagman bus from Swagman Hotel in Ermita. I think it goes 4 times a day, you can book on their website or by phone. That will drop you at your hotel, so don't need trike or taxi. Cost is 600 p I think. Pretty safe and reliable. I have used Pacific Breeze often and like it; no bar girls there but plenty around. New Central Park is also very nice and special rates at the moment. Also part of Pacific breeze group. Both are well located for a one night visit. Have fun.

01-31-15, 14:28
This is a brilliant report AliasDonkey, thanks for taking the time and trouble! It will be a great guide for new and experienced visitors alike. Personally I still like to check out the freelancers, but as you say its important to be sure about age, and also take extra care with STDs and scams; I think taking 2 freelancers together to your room could be heading for trouble, distraction petty theft for example: if you're doing one of them, the other could be up to no good! As in my report earlier this week, its also interesting to check out the massage girls who wait at the end of walking street towards the Phillies bar. I took one overnight at 3000 p, not cheap but no extras, no bar bill etc and a sweet girl, not 100% professional! Great and slightly different experience. Even got a massage!

OK posting what I could extract for me as a first timer.

So this is my edited RTFF 30 to 50 pages of reading and other websites.

Senior members fee free to correct for us newbies.

Small hospital on MacArthur highway called AUMFC. Tel 322-4632 (www.aufmc.org).


Margarita Station (theville) in Angeles City.



Vegas Hotel, Angeles City.

1st Choice: Central Park Hotel.


2nd Choice: Apartelle Royal.


3rd Choice: Pacific Breeze Hotel.


4th Valentino's Hotel.


5th Devera Hotel.


**Clarkton Hotel at Perimeter Road w / shuttle to fields every HR.



Queens Hotel.

Perimeter Road:

1 Dr Holm's.

2 After School.

3 Girls Generation.

4 Ice Bar.

5 Ponytails.

6 Showtime.

7 Miss Magic Bar.

8 Fire Pit.

9 Candy Bar.

10 Night Moves.

Dance / Music.

1 High Society.

2 are&be Music Lounge.

3 Sky Trax.

4 Secret Garden.

5 Rainbow KTV.

6 Hacienda.


1 Ikabud (Multiple locations).

2 Hong Kong Seafood Restaurant.

3 Piccolo Padre (Queens Hotel).

4 Swiss Chalet.

5 Jumong (Friendship).

6 ABC Hotel.

7 Curry Steve's (Phoenix Hotel).

8 TGI Fridays (Marquee Mall).

9 Iceberg (SM Mall).

10 Fred's Pies (Perimeter Road).

Below is a list of good bars who are customer focused with sexy girls.

Aura Bar. Manager Park Jun (Speaks perfect English).

Color Bar. Manager Park Jun (Speaks perfect English).

Viking Bar.



Dr Holms.

Tight Jeans.



Miss A.

Orange Bar.

Body Shop. Good, Larry Campos has done wonders here. Nice bunch of girls who love to play and provide full service long time.


Tight Jeans. Sexy girls here, a stage of girls in school uniform come on how could you possibly hate this bar. Drink service good and I love those skirts. 7/10.

Angel witch. Good, girls are greatly improved and its worth a look in for guys who want to have a great fun drinking night with a decent bit of action in your hotel 7/10.

Aura. Get in there early, the Korean guys are there at 7 pm when it opens and all girls gone before 9 pm this is an incredible business with sexy sexy girls. 8/10.

Insomnia. Very good, fun bar with sex girls worth dropping by and forgetting the world 8/10.

Texas. Korean managed, loads of girls on stage, very sexy and becoming a favorite 7/10.

Viking. Not the same since Rachel the Cherry and her twin sister left but still full of beautiful girls, I highly recommend this bar as you get a free shoulder rub from the waitress too.


**Aura Bar.

Whats good: Great Dancers, pretty girls, excellent stage, event style atmosphere, serves food.

Whats bad: Korean only feel to it although a few westerners go there, would be good if this was improved so everyone felt at home in Aura.

Bar Nana.

Whats good: design of bar is excellent, the mc booth is good looking and cage at top is good too.

Whats bad: the attitude of the girls is shitty and arrogant makes me feel that they are not interested and as a result they don't get my money.

Dollhouse (Same owner as Club Asia).

Whats good: great atmosphere at night with a truly mixed western and Korean crowd, good dancers not all pretty, lots of temptation and intimate space with surrounding seating plan makes it good to see what's happening from all positions.

Whats bad: open 24 hours and the line up during non-sociable hours is bad, some very ugly girls who need replacing.


KTV bars where you have the pleasurable company of beautiful ladies include.

PINK LADY (Perimeter Road).

JULIANA (1st Street).

LOVE & MUSIC (In Fields Plaza Complex Fields Ave).

CLUB ASIA (both in Fields Avenue walking street).

YACHT CLUB (Surla Street next to Donald Paul Apartelle).


SKYBAR & LOUNGE, located on the ABC Hotel rooftop. (Perimeter Close).


There aren't the same range of activities in AC that you will find in Pattaya but most people come here to drink or monger and not for the more normal tourist activities. Mongering choices are pretty much limited to visiting blow row, Perimeter or the few bars that open early on Field Avenue. For those who manage to rise from their beds before the sun sets, there is a shopping complex called SM mall plus a few other smaller malls like Marquee, Robinsons and Nepo mall. SM mall is very nice and almost seems out of place with the poverty around it. There are a couple of gyms, a casino, a couple of golf courses and a small water park called Fontana. If you fancy a helicopter trip, you could visit Mt. Pinatubo. It costs about 500 US dollars and lasts an hour. This is the price for 3 pax. Another option would be to spend a day or even overnight in Subic bay. This is a seaside resort with about 50 lady bars and various restaurants. It is approx 60 km from Angeles. Mo's Subic will get you there return for 1200 Pesos. Departs from Kokomos restaurant on Field Avenue.

THE INTERNATIONAL is the largest Irish-style resto pub in town, attached to a poker club located near Fields Avenue. They play live music on certain nights.

PARADISE BEER GARDEN is a cozy outdoor beer bar which also serves good food at reasonable prices, located in the Fields Plaza Entertainment complex.

BRUNO & DIEGO GRILL is another cozy hangout with great food and ambiance to go with your beer.

Must-See Pubs: The International, Paradise Beer Garden.


If you bring your mobile phone, don't forget the charger. For people with smart phones that include a data plan like the Apple Iphone and Google Android based phones, turn off data roaming or you will get a massive bill when you return to your home country. You can still use your phone to send text messages and make and receive calls but apps like web browsing and Google maps will not work unless you have access to wi-fi. Many hotels now offer wireless access in your room and in the public hotel areas free of charge. Before you pack your digital camera, make sure you have a good sized SD card. If you will be making videos with a dedicated camcorder, remember the charger and a spare SD card or tape. I suggest bringing a netbook rather than a laptop as the netbook will normally fit in the room safe whereas the laptop won't unless it is very small. If you will be using Skype for some of your calls, remember to top up your credit before you leave.


Bar Fines:

1000-1200 at Perimeter Bars.

1300-3000 at Fields Ave Bars.


Short 300-400.

Long 400-500.

Tipping Guide.

Waitress in a bar: 5-10% or 10 peso each drink if paying individually. Do not tip is she orders a double ladies drink without specifying single or double. Do not tip is she pads your check. Always double check your receipts to make sure she is not overcharging.

Mamasan: Its not customary to tip the mamasan. But if she was helpful in picking out a girl for you, slide her a 50 peso note. However it is entirely up to you.

Bargirl (short time): 300-400 peso. 400-500 for great service.

Bargirl (long time): 400-500 peso. 700-1000 on a rare occasion for spectacular service.

Bargirl (back room blowjob): 200 peso.

Waitress in restaurant: 5-10%.

Massage (no happy ending): 100 peso.

Massage (happy ending): 300 peso.

Massage (full service): 400-500 peso.

Hotel doormen: Nothing if you are only staying at the hotel for a day or two. 20 peso a week if he is courteous and opens the door for you.

Hotel bellboy: 20 peso if he carries your heavy luggage and shows you the room.

Hotel maid: 50 peso a day.

Trike driver: Nothing.

Angeles City Street Sex.

Finding a hooker in Angeles City is as simple as walking down four roads, namely Raymond Street, Fields Avenue, Perimeter Street and Santos Street. The hookers in Angeles City can be called many names, such as "pokpok", "prosti", working girls, and P4 P (Pay 4 Play) girls. You might have some troubles just picking them up off the street, because most prostitutes in Angeles City usually work for a club or a bar, and they are not allowed to pick up customers off the street, because the bar owner will not receive a cut. If you want to pick up a girl for sex, you usually have to go to a bar. The girl's fee will be included in the bar charge.

Among the four roads, the charges on Field Avenue is usually the highest, because these are where the bigger clubs and the more attractive working girls are. You might pay as high as $75 in some of the more upscale bars for their spotlight dancers, which are usually the most attractive, nubile, and flexible girls who have experience and are not shy with their customers. The normal range is around $40-$50 for other bars, although the prices are even lower for Raymond Street and Perimeter Street.

In general, you can get a blowjob for as low as $25 in Perimeter Street, and you can rent a girl for "long time" (12 hours) for around $40. In Raymond Street, $25 will get you "short time" (2 hours) but in Fields Avenue, the same short time will cost around $45. For a long time on Fields Avenue, you would need to pay around $50. For a long time with the most beautiful and desirable women around Field Avenue, you would need to pay out around $80-90.


 Avoid freelancers, they can be under-aged or can have STDs.

 Use a condom to protect yourself from STDs.

 Always agree on the price before having sex.

 Do not carry unnecessary valuables and / or very large amounts of money.

 Check your bills regularly; the bars might add a larger bill if you don't keep a close watch.

 Avoid LD (lady's drinks). They are more expensive, but are not worth the price.

 Be careful when you tip sometimes, they are charge higher for large tippers.

Clark Airport Code: CRK.

Websites to View:











Cebu Pacific and Tigerair Philippines.

Air Asia.






So, mid January, all of Feb and March would ideally be the most exciting time to be there, but depends on so many factors. Use the previous info as a guide only. In reality, you can go any month of the year and have a great time. Myself, I follow Thommo's advice and avoid middle of the year (wet season / off season) . T.

Worst time: Possibly June and July when its wet, low season, and possibly the same successful girls mentioned above, might be absent, having a mid year break. Wet season can extend to September, and beyond if your unlucky. Seasons world wide are changing, as you know. Wikipedia says. Normally, May to October = most rain. Although I have been in Sept and no probs, on that trip.

Feb to April its dry and hot. Showers and air con take care of the heat.

Airport interconnections:




01-31-15, 16:34
OK posting what I could extract for me as a first timer.

So this is my edited RTFF 30 to 50 pages of reading and other websites.

Senior members fee free to correct for us newbies.

.Alias, Just cannot thank you enough for this report. You have compiled a newbies guide to mongering in AC. Seniors will definitely update and correct wherever required and make life simpler for first time visitors like me and others wanting to visit AC in near future.

This post of yours has come at such a critical time when I am in the processing of booking my maiden visit to Manila and AC. I just need to read posts from hereon to stay updated.

Wish someone could be kind enough to do same in Manila thread. Hell I am so confused about Manila, Makati, etc. Guess will have to do a lot of reading myself there in the meantime.

Thanks mate and keep up the good work.

01-31-15, 17:17
Couple of thoughts. Alias' post is full of hard returns and difficult to read. OTOH, its an outstanding newb's guide, and maybe should be in the ROD. The rest of us please stop quoting his entire report (a few lines is fine).

01-31-15, 18:19
The girls in AC learn the tricks real fast. Want to know from other mongers how to handle these girls, they are both awesome looking & great in bed too.

The best way to protect yourself and advance your interests is to send me the money. I then visit them to verify the emergency, say "Hi" to sick granny and administer her meds, pat the carabao on the head. Whatevs! No task is too small or too great. Hide the evidence. Plant the evidence. Dress the kiddies and send them off to school. Even help fix the boyfriend's trike. I've there for you. If there are any shenanigans I'll let you know. Just keep sending me the money. Have I mentioned I'm there for you? Your agent. Your advocate. Your Mr. Helper Man.

You mentioned they're great in the sack; your carnal needs are being met. They're awesome looking so your need for esteem looks set. But, what are your expectations financially and emotionally? Do you have a sum set aside for them that doesn't cause you undo burden? How long do you intend to support them? Do you envision this going on for generations? Have you see the movie The Money Pit? Do you expect their honesty? Devotion? Obedience? Genuine appreciation? Will feigned appreciation suffice? Do you want them to bear your children? So many questions. Let's get down to brass tacks. Answer this one question: What do you want for your pesos?

One thing is for certain: Your generosity drives their insatiable expectation of ever more generosity. If all your needs are being met... continue. If your needs aren't being met it behooves you to address this with them and give them the corrective action. Get punitive if need be to force compliance. Or cease the support.

01-31-15, 21:29
Remarks noted and list updated.

I guess some of my source material was a few years old.


01-31-15, 21:44
New Central Park is also very nice and special rates at the moment. Also part of Pacific breeze group. Both are well located for a one night visit. Have fun.

Rates when up compared to when they first opened by 500+ P LOL almost put "B" for Baht. I guess since more of the hotel is complete, more than two types of rooms, deep discounts are no longer available as before.

01-31-15, 22:00
Couple of thoughts. Alias' post is full of hard returns and difficult to read. West Coast I knew some one was going to complain about the length of the post.

You're the Winner! LOL.

Its all Good.

01-31-15, 22:08
This is a brilliant report AliasDonkey, thanks for taking the time and trouble! It will be a great guide for new and experienced visitors alike. Personally I still like to check out the freelancers, but as you say its important to be sure about age, and also take extra care with STDs and scams; I think taking 2 freelancers together to your room could be heading for trouble, distraction petty theft for example: if you're doing one of them, the other could be up to no good! As in my report earlier this week, its also interesting to check out the massage girls who wait at the end of walking street towards the Phillies bar. I took one overnight at 3000 p, not cheap but no extras, no bar bill etc and a sweet girl, not 100% professional! Great and slightly different experience. Even got a massage!I agree, there was a lot of good information in that post, one could print it out and has most of what a newbie like me might need in AC.

Mr Enternational
01-31-15, 22:35
Rates when up compared to when they first opened by 500+ P LOL almost put "B" for Baht. I guess since more of the hotel is complete, more than two types of rooms, deep discounts are no longer available as before.When I was there in November they said that rates would increase when construction was complete. They allowed me to lock in the old rate for February.

02-01-15, 05:09
Maybe a stupid question? If I wanted to have toys, would I have to bring them to AC? Or are they available to purchase?

02-01-15, 05:59
 Avoid LD (lady's drinks). They are more expensive, but are not worth the price.I don't understand this warning. When you invite a lady to sit with you it's more or less compulsary to buy her a LD. If you don't she won't be sitting with you very long.

Maybe you meant: avoid double LD's?

Mr Enternational
02-01-15, 06:07
Maybe a stupid question? If I wanted to have toys, would I have to bring them to AC? Or are they available to purchase?I think they have them in the lingerie shop on Fields, but why not being your own? Unless you are coming from Hong Kong, they probably cost less where you live. I always buy the clearance stuff at the store in my city.

02-01-15, 07:21
I don't understand this warning. When you invite a lady to sit with you it's more or less compulsary to buy her a LD. If you don't she won't be sitting with you very long.

Maybe you meant: avoid double LD's?Mogwai,

As I said in my original post it a compilation of info from here and other websites. This is not my statement. Unless you can think of a way how to not pay for a lady drink and find out if she's the one to take home.


02-01-15, 07:44
I always buy the clearance stuff at the store in my city.Mr. Entertainment, the places you shop, I do not recall the 99 Cents stores selling adult toys, let have a 50 cents clearance sale!

Pip Jaeger
02-01-15, 10:36
Maybe a stupid question? If I wanted to have toys, would I have to bring them to AC? Or are they available to purchase?They do have a limited and overpriced selection at the shop Mr. E mentioned (it's across from Atlantis), but better and cheaper to bring your own; just make sure you remove the batteries otherwise your suitcase may start vibrating and thereby draw some unwanted (albeit potentially very funny) attention.

02-01-15, 23:43
When we last heard from our bumbling hero, he had rented two rooms, one for the wife, one for the mistress.

So far, no mistress. But having two rooms with a girlfriend is pretty cool. When she's in the bathroom for half an hour doing her girly thing, putting on her lotion, etc, I can go take a dump in the other room. When she's watching her crap on TV, because she has no TV usually in her own place, I can go take a nap in the room that I'm starting to think of as the man cave. Nice rooms, each with a kitchen, for 1 k, for the few days before I go back home to celibacy.

Oh, and I can jack off to the ms. Universe contest in the man cave, while she's out buying scented candles for the Island Girl room.

I'm eating leftovers of the curry stew she made, good stuff.

Fields Avenue.

Should be renamed: Butterfly Heaven.


What does a Filipina mean when she says: Why?

It seems like there must be a Tagalog word with several meanings that they are translating as 'why', because it doesn't make sense in English when they use it sometimes. Like I'll say, the air conditioner in this room is better than the air conditioner in that room, and she'll say 'why?

Or I'll say, when A does this, it's clearly fucked up.

And she'll say: 'Why?

This is from a girl whose English is good, but I've heard it from other Filipinas.

Any explanation, P. I. Experts?

Girlfriend experience.

OK, for once I'm sticking with a girl, regular barfine. Its been two weeks now since I started with her, and was entranced by her.

And now I'm getting a real girlfriend experience:

She's got PMS.

Teary, paranoid, and doesn't want to have sex much.



There was a research study where they make video's girls in a bar. Two weeks away from their period, the most likely time to get pregnant, the girls were wearing low cut and tight revealing sexy clothes, and flirting a lot, enjoying the attention of men. Women who were two weeks off that sexy vibe, closer to their period, were wearing non-revealing clothing, and acting rejecting towards men.

Welcome to the girlfriend experience.

Butterfly bringing a girl back to the States.

One night when I had temporarily broken up with Island Girl, I went to my favorite bar and told a couple girls: I just broke up with my girlfriend. One of them smiled, shook my hand, and said: Congratulations!

Later, after we had hot sex we both enjoyed, I asked her how long she would stay my girlfriend if I brought her to the states, not as a real wife but as a girlfriend of a butterfly like me: three months? Six months?

She smiled and said: maybe, a few days.

I like honest smart girls. She's studying engineering. Used to be a jewelry saleslady at sm dept store in the province.

She told me: you are my savior.

What do you mean?

-Its the end of the month and I need to send rent to my mother, who is taking care of my kids. She thinks I'm working late at night in a call center and get paid every two weeks. But I haven't been barfined for two weeks until tonight, so I didn't have the money.

I was only her second non Korean barfine; the first was an Australian who hurt her with his dick. She was scared of my dick being too big for her. I'm 6 foot 2 and normal size, but the girls know about the study: who has the smallest dicks: Koreans, then Japanese. She showed me with a closed fist: one fist, the size of korean, two fists on top of each other, my size. LOL.

I had to be very reassuring and go slowly so she knew it wouldn't hurt, and could relax.

Then she really enjoyed it.

God, I love the Philippines!


I went to the same bar the next night, bought lots of girls drinks and gave them food til I found the right one. Then I asked the waitress, how much is the barfine. She said, not possible, we don't barfine. OK, well, whatever you call it now, money to let a girl go home early; used to be, 10 ladies drinks, etc.

She said, sorry, we don't do that here.

I said, bullshit! I just took a girl home from here last night!

Well, tonight we aren't doing that.

I guess I look like a police informant, LOL.

Eventually she went off and got permission, I gave my girl the 2.5 k, and I was told to meet her outside the bar.

My question about getting a girl to go home from the bar.

I had been frustrated by so many girls saying they didn't want to go home with me. I'm OK looking. I had tried being direct from the beginning: is that girl a cherry girl, is she on her menses, etc.

My island girl told me: the girls on Fields are looking only with their eyes, not at the personality.

In other words, I'm not as cute as the young guys on Fields. But there were plenty of regular looking guys with girls I saw there.

She also said, don't be so direct. The girl wants to get to know you.

So, in keeping with my policy this trip, where I don't worry about the smaller expenses, I've become liberal with buying ladies drinks for girls, talking with them, getting to know them until I get the right vibe. Becoming friends, joking, asking interesting questions about them, telling them about myself.

That's working better than the other method. Although I still get rejected sometimes, sorry, I'm on my menses. But I don't worry about the rejections anymore, just figure it's part of the life here.


I still have quite a few girls I take home who fuck once then leave. I don't fight it, partly because I actually like short time sometimes, and partly because I actually want the girls to be happy, and I don't want to worry about little money things like how much is one fuck vs. two.

But it would be nice to have the option to kick them out or keep them for a second round, vs their routine of fuck once, take a shower after and get dressed, with some excuse about why they can't stay.

Any advice?

How do you avoid runners?

How to get a girl wet.

We've all got our own methods. I've been loving how much the girls have been really getting into the sex with me on this trip. (except of course my girlfriend, now that she's pms'ing, LOL.).

Recently when I get a group of girls around me in the bar, I've been saying:

Sometimes, when a girl goes home, she gets horny!

What do you think makes a girl horny when she goes home? Handsome man like Brad Pitt? Nice man? Good hands?

Their answers have been:

All of the above.


Really, the most important is, nice man.

My steady Barfine, Island Girl.

I broke up with her because she stopped being as interested in sex: went from twice a day with enthusiasm to once a day with less enthusiasm.

I had been entranced by her, constantly dreaming of taking her back to the States, which is really too difficult, then figuring out how to take her to Bali instead. My only steady barfine ever.

Then I broke up. Then tears on both sides, hey, maybe she actually does like me? Then a flurry of texts of love and frustration. Cute.

My first PI Love texted me that I was being an idiot for breaking up over sex like that: sometimes girls are wet, sometimes girls are dry, that's just life, I must not have loved her.

Then I saw Island Girl again, and became entranced again. (she works across the street, and left her high heels like Cinderella in my room).

I told her I was leaving in a few days, maybe we just needed space from each other, and that I wanted to, I had to, barfine her until I left. We were flowing like waves while we talked.

Then she moved back in, now to the two bedroom arrangement. I decided to go slow on the sex, we sort of had a date, dinner, then home, candlelight, soft music, she took a while in the bathroom with the shower.

Sleepydog has sleep problems, I got painfully sleepy while she was in the shower, then I fell asleep before we had sex, LOL. She was frustrated. I was empathetic: if she had tried to have sex with me then, I would have suffered through tired sex, maybe that's what she was trying to avoid with me when I had been hitting on her unsuccessfully before we broke up.

Then: I felt better the next day. But I've never gotten back to that entranced place of thinking all the time about how to be with her for a long time. More often, thinking about how to leave her without hurting her again. She works in the bar across the street from my regular hotel, her sister owns the bar, I don't want to be tense with her in the long term.

Marriage: I tried it. I guess I don't like it.

I saw a card:

Common side effects: loss of sex drive, depression, irritability, boredom.

Talk to your doctor before you try marriage.

But its fun to be romantic sometimes. And its nice to watch a beautiful woman cooking in a tight dress, or relaxing naked on the couch.

It's been fun. Thinking about going home now, dammit. Going to come back soon.

Sir Lancelot
02-02-15, 00:54
AliasDonkey's excellent posted has prompted me to ask a few questions about Fields Avenue. I last visited in 2012 and compiled the attached map and listed my favourite bars on Fields Avenue. I'll be back in Angeles soon and will be really interested to see how things have changed. I plan to visit as many bars as possible in 10 days and will post my findings on here as well as an updated map.

My question is simple. AliasDonkey did a really good job of recommending his favourite bars, can anyone else recommend any must-visits? Cute girls, easily 'barfineable', good atmosphere and reasonable prices. I remember on my last visit chatting with the manager of Atlantis, a fellow Brit, and he recommended Insomnia. I took him up on his advice and was hugely impressed by the lineup.

I will be in Angeles with two friends, veterans of many trips to Thailand but this will be their first visit to Philippines. The pressure is on me because I'm the one who persuaded them to give Philippines a go! I'm sure they will enjoy it but one of them particularly enjoys beer-bars in Thailand. Are there any bars on Fields Avenue that have a similar setup? Good places to sit, have a beer or two, watch the world go by and perhaps barfine / EWR one of the staff without having to step in to a gogo bar? It might seem a strange request but I suspect that my mate might fancy a change of pace after all of the gogo bars!

Thanks in advance for any replies and I will be sure to post a lengthy report.

02-02-15, 06:10
Hey guys,

This is my first report. Thanks to everyone for all the info over the years.

Arrived to Manila airport early (5:40) am on Sunday morning. I strongly advise any first timers to Angeles to arrive on a Sunday if you can as the Manila traffic I heard so much about is non existent at this time on this day. Did what the forum told me and went up one floor to arrivals. Asked the taxi guy how much to Angeles. He said how much you think? I said 2000 (low balling the 2500 mentioned several times on ISG) he said OK. Though when we stopped for petrol another driver told him 2500. I said no prob as this is the actual price and he had never driven to AC before. Got dropped less than 2 hrs later on fields ave. Please note walking street is the action part of fields ave. I thought they were different streets. Funnily enough I was directing the driver as I knew roughly where everything was from reading the forum so much! Checked into a hotel (genesis) about 5 min from the action. 1300 pesos (27 euro /34 dollars) per night. It was fine. But some of the older ISG members may want something a little fancier.

Walked down blow row (A Santos st). Went into the black pearl. There were a couple of 6's (please note it's 10 am and this is the only street with the slightest bit of action on it at this time). Mamasan very friendly. From RTTF I thought these places on blow row had rooms within for our hobby but this has stopped, something to do with the law. She quoted me 800 (16 euro) and 200 for the short time room down the road (literally 1 minute away). Off we went. I could have brought her to my room but I'm a bit nervous for my stuff / walk of shame etc. Good BBBJ, 100 peso tip, then walked her back.

Later in the day went to the casino, hung out in my room. Not much to do here during the day. Blow row is a good time killer. Also there are poker tournaments starting at 2/3 pm in some of the poker rooms. You can't miss them. This is a great way to kill a few hrs. Some of the higher end bars on the strip also show any sporting event you can think of. Watched the arsenal game over a few beers.

There are lots of guys selling cigarettes on the street offering ciallis and Viagra. These guys can get weed if one is so inclined. You'll have to be patient as there is a lot of bullshit involved. "Later. How much you pay. No no this is minimum 2000 pesos. I know for a fact they pay about 100 pesos for what you eventually get. And for gods sake be discreet. They are even a little nervous themselves. There's a lot of cops around. One guy showed me a bag of coke. Not interested, just saying it's possible. Always try before you buy.

At around 7 pm the strip comes alive with girls and go go / girlie bars. They try to bring you into their bar. They are genuinely friendly and there are thousands of them. I saw one I liked and asked her to come with me. She said you have to come into the bar, buy a ladies drink (300) and then we can go. BF 2500, but she was smoking hot. Went to a ST hotel and took me to heaven and back. She could suck the chrome off a ball hinge great GFE also.

I could have kept her for a few hrs but one pop is enough for me (especially after my blow row visit earlier) walked her back to her bar. I must say the girls attitudes here are prob the best in the world (I've mongered in over 60 countries). For any mongers that are nervous about the hobby, there is nothing to worry about here. Every westerner / foreigner (lots of Japanese and Koreans) that comes here comes for one reason. No one will judge you, whatsoever. They are nice about it, very good at it and many of the girls are 8's or higher.

I hope this post helps. Peace out.

02-02-15, 06:45
Thanks everyone for the help earlier. Picked up a nice hottie from Dollhouse. Will do a report when I get back home.

Master Monger
02-02-15, 21:47
OK, here is what I do about girls who want to go after one time.

Actually, I don't have any experience with this in the Philippines, except from one SW and we ended up becoming good friends. After the first time she said she had to go, so I said, well we negotiated LT so minimum 3 pops. She said, OMG and got a little pissy, so I told her, just one more time and then she could go, but she had to come back the next day at a discount. I originally offered her 1000 p for all night, gave her the 1000 p after 2 pops and met her again for 300 p for 1 pop. After that we just became friends and she has hooked me up with a few girls at 500 p ST and I have hooked her up with a few guys for more than I paid. One guy from Germany tried to give her only 300 p and she had the police take him in and extorted him for 10,000 p.

Just tell them how you feel, first it sucks when a girl wants to bolt after the first time because it means she really doesn't like you. Although, knowing she doesn't really like you, you can say, screw her! So I would say, I can easily find ST for 500 p and she will believe it because it is TRUE. You can even tell her that you can pick up a Hottie from High Society for 1000 p for ST so you feel one time for 2200-4000 depending on the place you Barfined at is not a fair price. She WILL agree unless she is horrible person. Now she is a horrible person who doesn't like you. So maybe it is time to be firm, OK one more time and you can go, OK? If she still says no then you can say. Do you really hate me, was having sex with me that bad? If she still wants to go then say. Fine you can leave but I feel like I need to tell your bar you left after just one time and I am not very happy about it.

Girls get the idea they can leave after one time from guys who only want them one time. So those of you who only want 1 time, make her give you a massage or give you body scrub or lick your asshole. Give you a striptease or introduce you to other girls, who will go with you for 1000 p. A discount for the next time. Make her do something so she doesn't think 1 time is enough. Tip gifts, rather than cash.

Last girl I Barfined in AC, I did like 5 times and she stayed for lunch the next day, I was happy to see her go.

To be honest I did make her squirt all over the bed and she had never squirted before. Also no tip and she never asked for a tip. If she did I would tell her I gave it to her between legs when she squirted.

You don't have to follow my advice, so if you don't like it don't comment.

But if we went to get a massage, and the agreed upon price was 1000 p for excellent service would you pay more than me just because you can. If you have ever done business, you respect the guy who negotiates and think the over payer is just a chump.

Hope this helps, the picture represents girls who only care about money, play at your own risk!


Luke Skywalker
02-03-15, 09:24
AliasDonkey's excellent posted has prompted me to ask a few questions about Fields Avenue. I last visited in 2012 and compiled the attached map and listed my favourite bars on Fields Avenue. I'll be back in Angeles soon and will be really interested to see how things have changed. I plan to visit as many bars as possible in 10 days and will post my findings on here as well as an updated map.

My question is simple. AliasDonkey did a really good job of recommending his favourite bars, can anyone else recommend any must-visits? Cute girls, easily 'barfineable', good atmosphere and reasonable prices. I remember on my last visit chatting with the manager of Atlantis, a fellow Brit, and he recommended Insomnia. I took him up on his advice and was hugely impressed by the lineup.

I will be in Angeles with two friends, veterans of many trips to Thailand but this will be their first visit to Philippines. The pressure is on me because I'm the one who persuaded them to give Philippines a go! I'm sure they will enjoy it but one of them particularly enjoys beer-bars in Thailand. Are there any bars on Fields Avenue that have a similar setup? Good places to sit, have a beer or two, watch the world go by and perhaps barfine / EWR one of the staff without having to step in to a gogo bar? It might seem a strange request but I suspect that my mate might fancy a change of pace after all of the gogo bars!

Thanks in advance for any replies and I will be sure to post a lengthy report.As I'm sure you know the names of the bars constantly change (sometimes by just a letter of 2 like Genesis=Nemisis Typhoon=Monsoon), and of course the girls change too. Just 6 months away from AC can mean a bar has had a complete Korean renovation, a new owner, new mama-sans, a raid or 2 and of course new / different girls. Some long time survivors always remain, like Lollipop, La Bamba, Geckos, Champagne, and others have been there forever but, as I stated earlier, have just changed their name.

I actually find Fields Ave to be a little ho-hum and prefer the perimeter bars, where the girls are a little wilder, cheaper and sluttier. Just after the Phoenix hotel is a filthy (in a good way) strip of bars that put most of the Fields bars to shame in terms of fun girls, but if its an absolute drop dead gorgeous stunner you want, its hit and miss. But these girls are fun. Det-5 is a fun bar and is surrounded by Candys and XXX and a few others. For some complete filth, turn left after Garfields and enter Niftys and Rio. These girls are NOT shy. Further up the road is Ice Bar, drill shack, Nasty Duck and T & A (or whatever its called now) and a short trike up the road further to one of my favs, After School (I think they still have a 900 pp short time offer), and also Lost in Asia, Mirrors and a few others. These bars open earlier than most fields bars and close round midnight. They have cheaper barfines and girls who say yes when you ask for their company for the night. BFs range from 1500+ (last time I was there anyway!

However, if its fields where you want to be, its a smorgasbord of all shapes and sizes of girls, and all manner prices. I'll mention a few below:

Crystal Palace, Dollhouse, Tao, Atlantis have expensive drinks and women. Lost of Koreans, Japanese and Chinese like to shop here and pay a lot. A girl may knock you back while she waits for a more financially willing customer. Nemisis, Equus and Golden Nile sorta have the same vibe. In their defence they have a lot of girls and some absolute stunners. Some barfines can reach 4000 pp if mama-san smells a rookie. BFs range from 2000+ (In their defence, they often have nice looking girls).

If you buy a ladies drink, say SINGLE for 150 pp or you'll get slapped with a DOUBLE for 300 pp. Grrr hate those doubles!

The girls at One Eyed Wench (across from Kokomos) and the Dirty Duck (Next to Kokomos) are usually horny lasses. (The names of the bars have changed but someone on this site will correct me in due course, or you can ask around).

These days a beer is between 95 135 pp depending on the bar. I found 105 pp on fields was common.

If you hate dance music and like a bit of Rock and Roll, try Angel Witch, Brown Sugar (sometimes) or Roadhouse. BFs range from 1800+ (could be wrong).

As far as the bar-beer experience, Kokomos on Fields offer you a view of the street where all the girls and punters wander up and down all night, but not really the same as Pattaya. There are a couple of small bar-beer type places in between the now defunct Alaska bar and the booblicious Insomnia. I often see a few old guys playing Thai chess (connect four) and I'm sure the girls go out, but I've never asked. Also towards McDonald at the end of Fields is Paradise Beer Garden, but in all honesty its just an outdoor sports bar.

Finally A-Santos Street (Blow row) the street that runs off fields next to Kokomos or Raymond Street, the street that runs down the side of Phillies sports bar, have ST places you can sit outside and have a beer and take a girl upstairs or back to your hotel for 800 pp ST 1500 LT.

Everyone has their own opinions, but I don't like the Dollhouse group of bars (Atlantis Crystal Palace, Dollhouse, Club Asia etc) or the LaPasha Group (Muse bar or something like that! Typhoon=Monsson Genesis=Nemisis / Fantasy=Equus).

If I must party on Fields, I like Q bar, Geckos, Dirty Duck, Insomnia, Angel Witch, Texas, Lollipop (cause the girls in these bars can be fun).

If your mate is a Pattaya veteran and hasn't been to AC, I have one piece of advice. Street Walkers. : Just say no.

Anyway I think I'm just raving on now, so I'll stop!

I apologise in advance if the names of bars or prices are different, but I am confident my memory from 6 months ago is close to the mark.

Hope this helped, have fun.

02-03-15, 10:59
There are lots of guys selling cigarettes on the street offering ciallis and Viagra. These guys can get weed if one is so inclined. You'll have to be patient as there is a lot of bullshit involved. "Later. How much you pay. No no this is minimum 2000 pesos. I know for a fact they pay about 100 pesos for what you eventually get. And for gods sake be discreet. They are even a little nervous themselves. There's a lot of cops around. One guy showed me a bag of coke. Not interested, just saying it's possible. Always try before you buy.I like to smoke once in a while myself. But anyone that's reading this and actually thinking of purchasing smoke or any other kind of drug you should read about the laws of the particular country and the general feeling about drug use before they think about doing something like purchasing drugs from a random stranger on walking street. Although I'm sure you can get anything and guys with a lot of experience in AC have a good old time I wouldn't. I've traveled the world and I would never dream of doing this. My rule is that nothing good can come of anyone that approaches you on the street. Mongering might be the exception but I've read enough and seen what's available on the streets and that's not for me either. Pattaya might be the exception on the SW scene. But even then caution is key.

This report seems a little non-chelant about it. Don't do it.

Sir Lancelot
02-03-15, 20:11
Hope this helped, have fun.It certainly did, thanks for all that useful info.

Why do you not like the Pasha bars (Typhoon, Genesis, Pasha, Fantasy and Carousel)? I hope they haven't gone downhill because when I last visited in 2012 they were probably my favorites. They were very well run places with pretty girls, a good atmosphere and no lady drink pressure. My favorite thing was that they had a policy at their bars in which the girls would take a few steps to the left every song which meant that no matter where you sat, you'd get a great view of all of the girls. Also when the girls left the stage, they'd walk single file around the bar to give the customers a good view.

P.S- interesting that you described Insomnia as 'boobalicious', as that was very much what I thought of the place when I last visited three years ago! In fact I think I might have pondered in my diary whether they have a strict top-heavy employment policy.

02-03-15, 21:31
As I'm sure you know the names of the bars constantly change (sometimes by just a letter of 2 like Genesis=Nemisis Typhoon=Monsoon)

I actually find Fields Ave to be a little ho-hum and prefer the perimeter bars, where the girls are a little wilder, cheaper and sluttier. Just after the Phoenix hotel is a filthy (in a good way) strip of bars that put most of the Fields bars to shame in terms of fun girls, but if its an absolute drop dead gorgeous stunner you want, its hit and miss. But these girls are fun. Det-5 is a fun bar and is surrounded by Candys and XXX and a few others. For some complete filth, turn left after Garfields and enter Niftys and Rio.Another dumb question, what are the perimeter bars??, bars,? streets,.... sourrounding fields Ave? Or is there a Perimeter St / Ave?

Pip Jaeger
02-03-15, 22:41
Another dumb question, what are the perimeter bars??, bars,? streets,.... sourrounding fields Ave? Or is there a Perimeter St / Ave?Going in a westerly direction from MacArthur Hwy, Fields Ave turns into Perimeter Rd. , hence the nickname "Perimeter Bars". On Google maps it's called "21st St". Search it and you'll see; it then turns into "Don Juico Ave", but even there it's still referred to the old name of Perimeter Rd.

Member #4698
02-03-15, 23:21
Another dumb question, what are the perimeter bars??, bars,? streets,.... sourrounding fields Ave? Or is there a Perimeter St / Ave?It is more a lazy, I can't do anything on my own point of view rather than a dumb question. At a certain point I think it is up to YOU to show a little initiative and research your own trip. Would you like us to spoon feed you some chicken adobo and hold your dick while you take a leak too? Just Google/Bing "AC Perimeter map". It is really hard. Then after studying the maps a little, you might ask an informed question or two and get more respect.

I remember traveling before the friggin' internet came along when travel was an adventure. I don't think you can imagine what it was like arriving in a strange new town not knowing what if anything you would find and making amazing discoveries as you went along. There was a better class of travelers back then. It is all too damn easy nowadays and something valuable has been lost in the process. Anybody can hop on a jet, travel halfway around the world, eat at McDonalds, watch CNN, and never get out of their comfort zone. This is what is ruining the scene ... in the PI and LOS more than anything else: too many yahoos getting on board and fucking everything up/ruining the girls. Ok. Rant over. Here are some good maps.



Radical Guy
02-04-15, 01:15
I will be in AC from Feb. 6 through 8. I've read a lot about the various types of bars (e. G. Fields, Perimeter, Santos, etc.). My preference is a young, slim girl, less experienced, little or no makeup, no kids, who doesn't shave her pussy. My sense from reading the forum is that the girls on Fields tend to be more stunners, more refined, etc. Perimeter girls tend to be more "girl next door" types. Is this an accurate generalization?

Which bars would I likely have the most luck in finding the type of girls I prefer? Any thoughts?


02-04-15, 01:45
. There was a better class of travelers back then. ]Here, bloody, hear. ! In total agreement. From a traveler that despises Mcdo and its ilk, and will share a big grin when the hotels says " Sir we have no CNN here.

02-04-15, 04:01
It is more a lazy, I can't do anything on my own point of view rather than a dumb question. At a certain point I think it is up to YOU to show a little initiative and research your own trip. Would you like us to spoon feed you some chicken adobo and hold your dick while you take a leak too? Just Google/Bing "AC Perimeter map". It is really hard. Then after studying the maps a little, you might ask an informed question or two and get more respect.

I remember traveling before the friggin' internet came along when travel was an adventure. I don't think you can imagine what it was like arriving in a strange new town not knowing what if anything you would find and making amazing discoveries as you went along. There was a better class of travelers back then. It is all too damn easy nowadays and something valuable has been lost in the process. Anybody can hop on a jet, travel halfway around the world, eat at McDonalds, watch CNN, and never get out of their comfort zone. This is what is ruining the scene ... in the PI and LOS more than anything else: too many yahoos getting on board and fucking everything up/ruining the girls. Ok. Rant over. Here are some good maps.


http://www.acmap.com/perimeter.aspxLOL, I appreciate the offer for the forum to hold my dick, but I'd rather have one of the hotties to hold it for me, I will use your advice, that's for your tough love. I appreciate it my man.

02-04-15, 04:35
I will be in AC from Feb. 6 through 8. I've read a lot about the various types of bars (e. G. Fields, Perimeter, Santos, etc.). My preference is a young, slim girl, less experienced, little or no makeup, no kids, who doesn't shave her pussy. My sense from reading the forum is that the girls on Fields tend to be more stunners, more refined, etc. Perimeter girls tend to be more "girl next door" types. Is this an accurate generalization?

Which bars would I likely have the most luck in finding the type of girls I prefer? Any thoughts?

RG.I don't know that there is any good way to answer that. While what you said about Perimeter bars having more girl-next-door types, all the bars will have each of the above 'types'. Almost all young pinay are into makeup.

02-04-15, 05:11
My preference is a young, slim girl, less experienced, little or no makeup, no kids, who doesn't shave her pussy. Good luck finding that in AC!

02-04-15, 08:28
LOL, I appreciate the offer for the forum to hold my dick, but I'd rather have one of the hotties to hold it for me, We would rather have that too!

02-04-15, 08:33
I will be in AC from Feb. 6 through 8. I've read a lot about the various types of bars (e. G. Fields, Perimeter, Santos, etc.). My preference is a young, slim girl, less experienced, little or no makeup, no kids, who doesn't shave her pussy. My sense from reading the forum is that the girls on Fields tend to be more stunners, more refined, etc. Perimeter girls tend to be more "girl next door" types. Is this an accurate generalization?Yes it is accurate.

Which bars would I likely have the most luck in finding the type of girls I prefer? Any thoughts?
RG.You can find young, slim, less experienced girls with little or no make up in almost any bar on Fields. However the majority of them has a kid (sometimes more than one) and a shaved pussy.

X Man
02-04-15, 09:52
Pip, the old scaliwag, has already given you a good answer. Same street, different name. It's kind of like East 7th street and West 7th street. Just for trivia sake, the name Perimeter comes from the "perimeter" fence which surrounds the old US Airfield. Go down Fields, you'll hit the jeepney station, and after that point the perimeter fence runs parallel to the road. I often use the jeepney station as a shortcut to the mall.

In AC today, I like to consider Ponytails GG Bar as the dividing line. Others may have their own benchmark.

Another dumb question, what are the perimeter bars??, bars,? streets,.... sourrounding fields Ave? Or is there a Perimeter St / Ave?

Member #4566
02-04-15, 09:54
It is more a lazy, I can't do anything on my own point of view rather than a dumb question. At a certain point I think it is up to YOU to show a little initiative and research your own trip. Were you having a bad day when you wrote this. If you are that offended by the question, let it go. Ignore it and move on. Somebody answered it anyway.

02-04-15, 11:41
Good luck finding that in AC!You're probably right but year before last that's all I found but I usually look for the GND that's fairly new to the business. Last year was different. This year so far were all shaved. Luck of the draw maybe.

02-04-15, 13:53
Stay away from this scam place ponytails and candy bar one hour and they run away and that's the bar policy I even asked the mamasan she told me 2 hour max if I tip her good and they want 2 k way better options in angeles.