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Hobby Knob
01-15-08, 17:39
It's never bothered me. I actually think its funny. I have never heard it in a threating way.

Yes, sometimes it sounds like they are joking or making fun of me, but I don't care.

I'm not there to pick a fight and I don't let it bother me. People get too uptight about words. I have on occasion said "hey joe" to another white guy passing me. Usually I don't get a reaction. Once I got a dirty look.

It's a JOKE.

It takes alot more than a word to offend me. especially when your in the phils. Relax and enjoy your company!

01-15-08, 19:39
Is someone in AC that can explain how bad things are? Heard all bars are not doing bar fines.


Nobody should serviously believe that anybody in Pampanga would risk such a great source of hard currency like AC! Don't worry!

Cheers - Hesekiels

Pute Nut
01-15-08, 19:53
Is someone in AC that can explain how bad things are? Heard all bars are not doing bar fines.


Are you doubting the words of Mr Fabian, the famous AC reporter?

Of course it's bad! All AC pussies are now individually padlocked and the keys are being kept at Iglesia ni Christo :D

Pute Nut
01-15-08, 19:56
Nobody should serviously believe that anybody in Pampanga would risk such a great source of hard currency like AC! Don't worry!

Cheers - Hesekiels

Right on the money, as usual ;) The anxiety displayed here by some posters just goes to show some punters' total lack of understanding how things operate here.

01-15-08, 20:35
Of course it's bad! All AC pussies are now individually padlocked and the keys are being kept at Iglesia ni Christo :D
Not pad locked, but have heard from two people in AC you can't EWR tonight and there were raids last night. Hopefully things will continue to operate there and it's just my total lack of understanding.

Was just hoping someone had some info.

The letter that seems to have started all this:

Republic of the Philippines
National Police Commission
Philippine National Police
Angeles City Police Office
Police Station No. 4
M.A. R.. St. corner C.... St., Balibago, Angeles City


January 13 2008

Dear Sir/Madame,

This is in connection with the information received by our Office coming from the
International Concerned Community regarding the issue that :"ANGELES CITY is
the source of AIDS in the Country."

In this regards, we are very alarmed to such issue, thus we are strictly
implementing all laws with respect to "PROSTITUTION" in the City, particularly
Balibago and nearby Barangays.

Hence, we are advising you to strictly observe "NO BARFINE" policy, and/or any forms
of Prostitution activities in your establishment to totally eradicate such immoral acts in
this City in order to prove to the International Concerned Community that the information
is baseless and untrue.

We have already started campaigning on anti prostitution by way of rescuing minors in
the streets of Balibago and will soon be launching operations on sexually oriented
establishments in the city.

We are hoping for your kind cooperation with this matter and rest assured that your local
police force is ready and willing to serve you.

Police Superintendent, DSC
Deputy City Director for Admin/
Station Commander, Police Station 4, ACPO


01-15-08, 22:19
... Hence, we are advising you to strictly observe "NO BARFINE" policy, and/or any forms of Prostitution activities in your establishment to totally eradicate such immoral acts in this City in order to prove to the International concerned Community that the information is baseless and untrue.

We have already started campaigning on anti prostitution by way of rescuing minors in the streets of Balibago and will soon be launching operations on sexually oriented establishments in the city ...

Unfortunately I am not in town right now! However, may I ask the gentlemen who are in Balibago at the moment to inform us about the current implementation status of this 'policy'? :)

RMW, you bet your life that nothing had happened and nothing will happen!

Cheers - Hesekiels

01-15-08, 22:44
Unfortunately I am not in town right now! However, may I ask the gentlemen who are in Balibago at the moment to inform us about the current implementation status of this 'policy'? :)

RMW, you bet your life that nothing had happened and nothing will happen!

Cheers - Hesekiels
It already has happened for two days. A couple of other boards are way ahead on this story. It's the only reason I asked here. To see if I might find some more or different info. If you are on other PI boards take a look. I don't want to rip off their info.

Who knows it might all be over tomorrow, at least hopefully soon. But for my friends that arrived yesterday it is real bad timing.


Buko Max
01-15-08, 23:53
According to one of my contacts, the authorities are arresting any bar managers and/or mamasans who do not comply with the new rule of no bar fining. It seems that the government does not want the bars to force the girls to barfine with the threat of termination of employment. Some of the workers there feel like they are sex slaves. From the sound of things, it looks to be a permanent policy.

X Man
01-16-08, 02:23
Are you joking?

They closed the US bases, didn't they? If you think the bars are fun now, you should have been in Olongapo or AC back in the day.

They closed the Ermita strip, didn't they?

They even closed Manila Baywalk for god's sake!

Let's not underestimate the influence of "international" pressure. Even Japan sharply reduced their "entertainer" visas after they were accused of "human trafficing".

Nobody should serviously believe that anybody in Pampanga would risk such a great source of hard currency like AC! Don't worry!

Cheers - Hesekiels

01-16-08, 06:08
AC without barfining is some sort of a strange imagination.
Thanks, that I have dozens of h/p-# of nice and pretty ones there.

But then other solutions need to be found eg. that you pay without witnesses "inofficially" in the morning the complete sum to the girl. Means without official payment in the bar and record in their books. Maybe possible?

17 days to the next trip and counting....
Hopefully still some girls there :D


X Man
01-16-08, 07:13
Ekspat was thinking along the same lines as I was.

In summary: I don't need AC, don't need a bar to provide a woman, and as sorry as I feel for those inconvenienced...wow, some interesting opportunities have emerged.

Lot of women in AC are seeing a pay cut I suspect. Find some scrap paper and put your phone number on it...pass it out to anyone you fancy. And, if you don't have a phone...(duh)...give them your hotel phone and room number. You might have to change hotels though....a problem we can't complain about.. Yea, sorry bar owners. Bite the bullet. Internet is eroding your business...tell that to the a-holes who may, or may not, expect some extra cash for lifting the barfine ban.

My first trip to PI, Marcos maritial law still applied in Olongapo. Everything closed at midnight. You couldn't be on the streets at after midnight. I like to drink and party and thought this sucked. And then suddenly, the rule was abolished. Ooops, be careful what you wish for.

Think about it. Girls begging for a barfine at 11:30. Good sx, good night sleep (relatively), back to the ship in the morning.

Things changed .... and then drinking until 3am, drunken fk, waking up with who knows who (they were very good about waking you up before you had to go to work, btw). Hangover the next day -- and then some hair of the dog just to start all over again. I was young....I did it... I'm sure the bars had more profit too...but I realized a midnight curfew wasn't such a bad thing...

Back to reality...

AC is a place where the ladies go for money and the guys follow. I just came back from 15 days in PI and I did p4p only once. Very unusual for me.

If AC isn't giving you what you want, head to Subic or back to Manila. Or just try your luck with regular women.

I miss the bar girls....something nice about a girl dropping her drawers and grabbing your cock justtwo minutes after she's in your room.

Shit, just realized I'm over 1000 posts. Do I win a prize?


AC without barfining is some sort of a strange imagination.
Thanks, that I have dozens of h/p-# of nice and pretty ones there.

But then other solutions need to be found eg. that you pay without witnesses "inofficially" in the morning the complete sum to the girl. Means without official payment in the bar and record in their books. Maybe possible?

17 days to the next trip and counting....
Hopefully still some girls there :D


01-16-08, 09:29
A little more info. I know at least five bars were doing EWR last night. Guess some have better protection than others. At another bar two guys I know bought girls 10 lady drinks and then their shift ended and were free to meet the guys else where. But my friends also commented it is a lot of hassle compared to the usual. If you are a known local you are probably OK for EWR (this from a known local). Things are adapting to meet the situation but that could be stopped if they really want it to stop. But it is still unclear how long this will last.

I have two friends visiting here in Pattaya that are suppose to leave for AC Saturday. That is the main interest at the moment. Whether they really want to go or not. I was almost there on the 12th has I had to do a border run. But decided to just make a quick trip to the Cambo border and save a few $$$.

On the economic stuff mentioned a large US electronics company is building a one billion peso plant near Clark. Business is booming apparently. At some point, hopefully not already, Fields will likely become insignificant and an embarrassment. Hopefully after I die. :-)


Qiao Han
01-16-08, 13:08
According to one of my contacts, the authorities are arresting any bar managers and/or mamasans who do not complyWhat's this world coming to??? Like every official decision made in PI I'm sure its about politics, which means money. Who got a bug up their ass THIS time? The cops from the looks of things. Maybe they don't feel their getting their fair share of extortion money from the the bars. Well I'm gonna take a wait and see attitude before I cancel my February flight. I'm sure there are many ways to get around the barfine but I don't wanna put the girls at risk. If lotsa girls get nervous and head back home to the Visayas then I give up. Let's wait and see what happens...maybe this will pass.


Darth Sushi
01-16-08, 13:57
What's this world coming to??? Like every official decision made in PI I'm sure its about politics, which means money. Who got a bug up their ass THIS time? The cops from the looks of things. Maybe they don't feel their getting their fair share of extortion money from the the bars. Well I'm gonna take a wait and see attitude before I cancel my February flight. I'm sure there are many ways to get around the barfine but I don't wanna put the girls at risk. If lotsa girls get nervous and head back home to the Visayas then I give up. Let's wait and see what happens...maybe this will pass.

QHDon't worry about it. It's basically a cat and dog show. The police get to say that they made some arrests to please the big wigs. Rarely are the customers hassled. I've been in a bar when a raid occurred (due to nudity, which is illegal). Bar employees are rounded up and customers are told to leave. These things tend to happen a couple of times a year especially during election time and holy week.

01-16-08, 15:40
Well I talk to one of my friends that work at Champayne. She states that HoneyPot as well as Blue Nile were raided. Funny thing is they were raided last August if some of you remember. So that ownership group has pissed someone off. Obviously this is not the only reason to what is going on. My friend says bf are going on but for "joes" or peaple they know already. But as we all know this is the Philippines and every now and then someone has to flex some muscle and then the bribes set in and business is back to normal. The real losers in all this is the hotel owners and employees. Imagine Wild Orchid, Pacific Breeze and ABC hotel with no girlie bars that do not have ewr!

Us mongers its only an inconvenience for its easy to find P4P in Philippines.

Dong Hi
01-16-08, 16:31

Talked to a bar manager friend of mine. It is indeed a troubled time. Apparently the no Barfine rule is being enforced in most of the bars, (If they know you, they are apparently doing the old, buy ten lady drink trick, fine if you are known, fucked (and not literaly) if your not) No one seems to know why the latest bug up the ass, but by all apperance, looks more serious then previous clean-up efforts. Two more bars (perimeter road) where shut down last night, bringing the total now to five bar closures, of which two are now open. I am going to take a wait and see on this, I have a trip booked in late mid Feb. I am not a doomsayer, but I may seriosuly consider Thailand instead.

01-16-08, 19:24
Are you joking?

X-Man, please do not concuss my slight hope that things in Balibago will calm down! :) I am namely pretty much worried that a lot of girls there are getting jobless soon! Holy smoke, what a poor employment policy this country has! :)

Ekspat, keep us informed about the recent development, ok!?

Cheers - Hesekiels

01-16-08, 22:38
I know this is counter productive to the purpose of this site (sharing information) but I recommend not posting which bars are allowing barfines and/or EWRs. You don't know who else is lurking or investigating for such information.

Think of it like this, if you are not there it does you no good to know what bars are allowing or not allowing. If you are there or going to be there you will find out when you are on the ground.

My trip starts very soon and am eager to find out what is what when I get there.


01-17-08, 00:23

I like your idea of telling specific bars. Many guys pm me regarding my pics asking exact locations. I never give the girl's location, I will post pics of my adventures but finding the girls afterwards is up to you. You never know whos lurking.



I know this is counter productive to the purpose of this site (sharing information) but I recommend not posting which bars are allowing barfines and/or EWRs. You don't know who else is lurking or investigating for such information.

Think of it like this, if you are not there it does you no good to know what bars are allowing or not allowing. If you are there or going to be there you will find out when you are on the ground.

My trip starts very soon and am eager to find out what is what when I get there.


01-17-08, 00:28
Check this article out about the raids.




01-17-08, 03:58
I have a trip booked in late mid Feb. I am not a doomsayer, but I may seriousuly consider Thailand instead.
I also have a trip in February, I'll update you all then.
Since Thailand isn't an option for me, I simply don't like the Thais, and if AC really deteriorates,
then forget about it, and my focus is more towards Indonesia then.
Jakarta, Surabaya, Bintan etc are excellent fun-places as well!


01-17-08, 04:00
Btw, how about the bars with ST-room attached?
Any disruptions?


01-17-08, 08:44
Thanks kidgib9,
just one sentence out of the article.....

"Pineda believed that, probably, the series of raids on alleged prostitution fronts is mainly aimed to force the establishments to pay P50 daily per entertainer as "protection money" by some persons closely connected with City Hall."

Not too bad, with estimated 3,000 girls in AC it's 150,000 per day.

Seems there will be another price hike in BF and our drinks pretty soon, when it's true.


01-17-08, 09:54
I know this is counter productive to the purpose of this site (sharing information) but I recommend not posting which bars are allowing barfines and/or EWRs. You don't know who else is lurking or investigating for such information.

Think of it like this, if you are not there it does you no good to know what bars are allowing or not allowing. If you are there or going to be there you will find out when you are on the ground.

My trip starts very soon and am eager to find out what is what when I get there.

MugrosoI have been in AC for the past 5 weeks. I did not hear of any bars not allowing bar fines. In fact, the bars want the customers to B/F the girls as this increases the revenue for the bar.

Where did you get this information from?

Buko Max
01-17-08, 12:34
I know this is counter productive to the purpose of this site (sharing information) but I recommend not posting which bars are allowing barfines and/or EWRs. You don't know who else is lurking or investigating for such information.
Thats a nice thought but I don't think it matters at this point because every bar will eventually be visited by the authorities and forced to comply. Hopefully by the time you get there, the apropriate payola will have been established and business returned to normal.

X Man
01-17-08, 13:42
Naming bars and the activities that go on in them could be dangerous for the operators of the bar.

I know I can get some great info here, but so can govt officials, police, and religious zealots. If I'm not mistaken, the operator of this site has had to deal with numerous hack attempts by people who want to shut down this web site because of it's controversial content.

Be careful about providing information that is too specific. Also, bar owners/managers read this site. So if you write Ms. Lyn from xyz bar gave me her phone number and we met after work - no bar fine...you maybe causing her a problem.


Can somebody explain what the hell this guy is talking about?

Key Master
01-17-08, 22:38
Thanks kidgib9,
just one sentence out of the article.....

"Pineda believed that, probably, the series of raids on alleged prostitution fronts is mainly aimed to force the establishments to pay P50 daily per entertainer as "protection money" by some persons closely connected with City Hall."

Not too bad, with estimated 3,000 girls in AC it's 150,000 per day.

Seems there will be another price hike in BF and our drinks pretty soon, when it's true.


If that's the case, the bars would probably lower the number of women working in the bars, because many are just filler to make their bars seem lively and stocked. It probably wouldn't be worth paying the extra 50 pesos to keep a lot of the women on. I don't think a lot of the bars would be able to survive something like that as the costs are high and the place would not be able to entertain as well reducing the punters coming at the same time. There are just not enough good looking women in AC for them to sustain imho if there is any validity to the demand printed above.

01-18-08, 01:09
Hmmm. I do not think the extra 50 peso would have any affect on a decision of me not going to AC.

Key Master
01-18-08, 04:26
I've read that the station commander for the police station covering the bars was replaced last night. Don't know if it's true, but the source is pretty reliable.

01-18-08, 06:25
Would a pre-nup before marraige be effective or would there be loop holes a judge would use to break an agreement. Seems to me you could offer any profits made after your date of marraige to be split if you divorce.

If you were to marry would you be better off marrying here or in the Phils?
Not from a how quick can she get here but from a where would a foreigner get a fair deal if divorcing point of view.

The abogado (lawyer) tells the court the girl didn't understand it and if there is a big age difference they will make an example of you stating she was forced to sign it to escape her horrible economic situation complete with pics of the hovel the family lives in out in de probeense. If you are the same age and she ain't too poor you might have a chance.

01-18-08, 07:44
decided to see what's up with all the comotion on the boards and my cell phone. i headed out hungry and decided to leave my scooter parked at my fav perimeter bar and take a jeep down. my first impression was the area was very quiet, but nothing unusual for the time of day. i wandered down past kokomoz looking for someplace to eat. i wanted something different and stumbled into shano's.

i had eaten a burger at shano's one time before, about average was my opinion. i got the fish and chips this time, p225, still about average, but i was very satisfied overall. but as i was leaving i noticed a new item menu on the bar. damn, some of that stuff looked tasty!

i then walked around a bit more, but not much of a selection open before 2pm. i decided to check out my fav bar on santos st. most the girls were down at hygiene, so only a few out front for my entertainment. since i was on a kinda fact finding mission i enquired how recent events here changed the way they did business. the girls said just no in-house service, but would go out. so i drank an sml, got the girls a big bottle of cola and some bananaqs. had fun there for about an hour or so, total cost was p100!

i had planned before today to get to byrd cage, but it didn't open until 4pm. i did stop in since the doors where wide open and had a quick chat with dragonstar.

i wandered down to honeypot just after 3pm. a girl just to my liking was on stage so i brought her down for a drink. had about as much fun as one can have on a barstool and got a shock when i went to pay the bill. yep, lady drink price again, but this time was a pleasant shock, only p99!

it was still a bit before 4pm when i went into angel witch. wow! what a greeting, had two girls on my left arm, two on the left, on dry humping the back of my head, and the acting door girl on my lap! but it was short lived when i told the waitress that i couldn't afford to buy them all drinks after she asked, she called me kuripot and walked away.

next bar i sat down in was bodyshop. i just planned on peeking in and maybe saying a quick hello, but a very sexy girl caught my attention and bought her a drink. very good decision on my part! wish i spent more time with her, but i had byrd cage on my mind.

finally got to byrd cage. walked in a phat(not fat) ass blondie girl caught my eye. no belly, tiny tits, but a bubble butt to die for. so i sat down and chatted with a mommy for a bit. the group on stage finished and my girl just walked by my booth but shaking that ass for my eyes for sure. a minute later she sat beside me and five seconds later the waitress said "sir would you like" she was abrubtly cut off in mid sentence by mommy and some words exhanged then the waitress sat down.

well about two minutes after that i asked the waitress to get my girl a rum and coke. omg, did i make the perfect selection! she basically raped me! after about 20 minutes i had to ask her to take a break. it was still early and i wanted to hit some more bars. well it didn't turn out quite so, happily for me. anyway, i left there totally spent for lack of a better word.

it was just after 6pm when i texted a couple friends that i would be eating at shano's again at 7pm. they replied they would be considerably later than that. i made another round, at least peeking inside almost every bar that opened before 7pm.

i'm usually back to my recliner by 6pm these days, so i was dead tired and hungry as hell. so i went back to shano's and ordered the crushed meatball sandwich, p180. damn good! i'm not a big fan of the larger cut fries and will tell them "well done" next time, but overall a very good dining experience. i even "knew" two of the waitresses there from thier last places of employment.

i just couldn't go on any longer, especially with a full belly, and even splurged p50 for a trike back to my scooter.

my observations, bars that are usually crowded were, bars that usually had few customers still had a few. i did notice a very lack in guys walking with girls. i was told several times that it was business as usual, but need to be secret. overall, a very good day out.


Dong Hi
01-18-08, 13:11
I've read that the station commander for the police station covering the bars was replaced last night. Don't know if it's true, but the source is pretty reliable.Its true, Ramos is gone, Sta4 now led by Tan.

Should be over. (collective sigh of relief)

01-18-08, 13:52
Thanks Bud!

"My observations, bars that are usually crowded were, bars that usually had few customers still had a few. I did notice a very lack in guys walking with girls. I was told several times that it was business as usual, but need to be secret. Overall, a very good day out.


There are quite a few of us that are checking these boards for current updates on the bar fine situation. I have bought my plane ticket, made my hotel reservations, and can't wait for my first trip to Angeles City. So for you those that have something to add to the current status of Fields, these reports are golden. Keep them coming!

Thanks for the updates!!!!


Samar 2009
01-18-08, 20:14
Nice report Mongering1.

So in your opinion Shano's food is just average. I would like to try the food next time I am in AC. but you reckon the best selection of food is after 7.00 P.M?

What about the waitresses at Shano's. Are they lookers or pretty much average. With the problems right now with bar fines any problem there?


01-18-08, 20:25
OK gentlemen,

I am in AC now, and it's totally business as usual, with more than enough girls to be barfined. So there is no need to freak out or change your travel plans, everyone will be served. Enjoy.

01-18-08, 23:16
Food at Shanos is the same no matter the time, and I'd say a bit above average overall. The waitresses aren't anything special for sure, but a few lookers. Shano's has pool tables, darts, and live entertainment most evenings, though I rarely go down that far at night.


Nice report Mongering1.

So in your opinion Shano's food is just average. I would like to try the food next time I am in AC. but you reckon the best selection of food is after 7.00 P.M?

What about the waitresses at Shano's. Are they lookers or pretty much average. With the problems right now with bar fines any problem there?


Rob Woodrow
01-19-08, 02:37
Shano's had at least one cute waitress last time I was there. I didn't get to "investigate", unfortunately, as it was my last day in AC and my itinerary was full. Maybe next time, which is luckily only two weeks from now.

Gntlman Mongr
01-19-08, 02:42
As I was about to leave for AC a few days ago I was told by a friend "have you read the Forums recently?" I had a heart attack. As I traveled through LA and Teipei I kept reading the Forum and wondered if should continue on to Bangkok.

After my first night here I can tell you guys it looks like busness as usual. I went into quite a number of bars. There are plenty of girls available to be barfined and I had no problem barfineing one myself.


Gntlman Mongr

01-19-08, 04:32

Shano's food is great and reasonalbly priced! They only lack in service IMHO. I dined there just about every night for a whole month. I actually puchased their frequent customer key chain (Php200) which gives you 10% off your toal bill incl drinks. They are still working out some kinks.



Nice report Mongering1.

So in your opinion Shano's food is just average. I would like to try the food next time I am in AC. but you reckon the best selection of food is after 7.00 P.M?

What about the waitresses at Shano's. Are they lookers or pretty much average. With the problems right now with bar fines any problem there?


01-19-08, 04:37
that it seems to be fine. 14 days left till next trip!

Samar 2009
01-19-08, 05:13
Good news GM. I was under the impression AC was a no go zone for a while.

I'm glad things are back to normal. I'll be in AC propably towards the end of Feb on my cherry trip.

Have a great time.


As I was about to leave for AC a few days ago I was told by a friend "have you read the Forums recently?" I had a heart attack. As I traveled through LA and Teipei I kept reading the Forum and wondered if should continue on to Bangkok.

After my first night here I can tell you guys it looks like busness as usual. I went into quite a number of bars. There are plenty of girls available to be barfined and I had no problem barfineing one myself.


Gntlman Mongr

Gntlman Mongr
01-19-08, 06:29
Hay Guys,

I am posting a picture I took last night in a bar I think was called Atlantas. As you can see there were at least 100 girls. This is where I barfined one of them. AC what a wonderful place.

Though I think I am spending entirly to much time in my hotel on my computer.

Tomo lo suave - Take it easy,

Gntlman Mongr

01-19-08, 09:22
After an intense RTFF, I think I'm just about ready to brave my first experiience of Philippines and AC. Nothing confirmed yet, but planning on arriving mid-next week.

However as I will like to combine day-tourist and night-monger activities, I'm wondering if anyone else might like to join me on a pinatubo day-trek. I'm assuming it'll be cheaper per person if there's more than one going.

Can anyone also advise whether treks can be arranged at short notice? (I. E. Arrriving AC approx 3-4pm for next day trek)


01-19-08, 14:01
Thanks for the pic!

But, out of the 100, I didn't spot one that I would pay for. Agan, thanks for the pic, but all the girls have a gut and or way too old. One that caught my eye, well the only girl without a rice belly, she is 30+ with 3 kids.

Sure, any given bar can have upwards of 100+ girls, but if there is not even one that is what you want, then is a waste of time.


Hay Guys,

I am posting a picture I took last night in a bar I think was called Atlantas. As you can see there were at least 100 girls. This is where I barfined one of them. AC what a wonderful place.

Though I think I am spending entirly to much time in my hotel on my computer.

Tomo lo suave - Take it easy,

Gntlman Mongr

01-19-08, 15:19
After my first night here I can tell you guys it looks like busness as usual. I went into quite a number of bars. There are plenty of girls available to be barfined and I had no problem barfineing one myself.

Good to know! Actually I did not expect anything else!

Cheers - Hesekiels

01-20-08, 02:23
Hey GM,

Is this a new spot? Where exactly in AC did you find this gem? Looks pretty nice.



Hay Guys,

I am posting a picture I took last night in a bar I think was called Atlantas. As you can see there were at least 100 girls. This is where I barfined one of them. AC what a wonderful place.

Though I think I am spending entirly to much time in my hotel on my computer.

01-20-08, 03:51
You just have to laugh at those board members running around like chooks without heads, tearing their hair out, yelling doomsday chants about the demise of AC. No more bar fines,girls gone back to the provinces, police arresting bar managers, mongers considering alternative destinations, bars being raided.

Well, surprise surprise! Nothing did eventuate, business as usual, more and more bar fines available as girls return from the provinces. Those original silly mongers who had overacted now breathing a collective sigh of relief and cleaning the shit out of their pants.

For a board supposedly engaged in the disemination of accurate information. Well you just have to wonder.

01-20-08, 03:55
Thanks for the pic!

But, out of the 100, I didn't spot one that I would pay for. Agan, thanks for the pic, but all the girls have a gut and or way too old. One that caught my eye, well the only girl without a rice belly, she is 30+ with 3 kids.

Sure, any given bar can have upwards of 100+ girls, but if there is not even one that is what you want, then is a waste of time.

BudI live in China. It's the rice bellies for me any day. I think you mean the Jolibee bellies. BTW, BFs still at 1350 and 1200, depending on which end of Fields (Don Juico Ave), or have recent events changed things? Back next week for a month (henhao)


01-20-08, 07:42
I live in China. It's the rice bellies for me any day. I think you mean the Jolibee bellies. BTW, BFs still at 1350 and 1200, depending on which end of Fields (Don Juico Ave), or have recent events changed things? Back next week for a month (henhao)

They love that Jollybee food!! I laughed so hard when I saw that!!!! I've never seen girls that can blimp up as fast as a Pinay. They get these little punkin haidz from scarfing too much pork belly in many forms, fried chicken and eating sweets and cakes. Sadly, often their molars are falling out and they can only east soft stuff like that.

01-20-08, 09:32
IF the bars can survive a major volcano eruption and the closing of the airforce base I once thought fueled the whole reason the bars were there to been with. I seriously thought AC has we all knew it was dead when that happened. Then they can survive a few do gooders trying to clean up the place.

Toby I
01-20-08, 10:50
After an intense RTFF, I think I'm just about ready to brave my first experiience of Philippines and AC. Nothing confirmed yet, but planning on arriving mid-next week.

However as I will like to combine day-tourist and night-monger activities, I'm wondering if anyone else might like to join me on a pinatubo day-trek. I'm assuming it'll be cheaper per person if there's more than one going.

Can anyone also advise whether treks can be arranged at short notice? (I. E. Arrriving AC approx 3-4pm for next day trek)

Cheers!I had it arranged the day before by the hotel (central park). 6000 php for up to 6 people.

Door to door, guide included.

Soapy Smith
01-20-08, 17:25
But, out of the 100, I didn't spot one that I would pay for. Agan, thanks for the pic, but all the girls have a gut and or way too old. One that caught my eye, well the only girl without a rice belly, she is 30+ with 3 kids. BudI was puzzled how you could determine that all 100 of them were undesirable, so I exported the picture and blew it up to the full size of my monitor screen. What I couldn't see in the usual forum size became too grainy when I blew it up this way. Tell us how you can see all 100 women so clearly that you know you wouldn't BF any of them.

01-20-08, 22:53
Hay Guys,

I am posting a picture I took last night in a bar I think was called Atlantas. As you can see there were at least 100 girls. This is where I barfined one of them. AC what a wonderful place.

Gntlman Mongrdamn, that place looks bigger then Blue Nile.

I'm counting the days until May.

01-21-08, 05:54
damn, that place looks bigger then Blue Nile.

I'm counting the days until May.

Atantis belongs to the Dollhouse group- So what they do is just send half of their dancers to Atlantis. 90% of dollhouse gurls are crap, same like all the other bars, except Agassya, but those gurls just wana f..ck koreans or asians or just barhop with them and select potential sugardaddy or make enough money on drinks.

Good that I live in PI, otherwise for the p4p thing I would consider to go to Thaiand,more pretty gurls , no cherry bullshit, better food etc etc.
Advantage in PI is, they speak english and u can easily date normal working gurls. I mean, I also dont date hookers in my counrty and if I do, what could I expect from them? LOL

Happy hunting!!


01-21-08, 17:46
Atantis belongs to the Dollhouse group- So what they do is just send half of their dancers to Atlantis. 90% of dollhouse gurls are crap, same like all the other bars, except Agassya, but those gurls just wana f..ck koreans or asians or just barhop with them and select potential sugardaddy or make enough money on drinks.

Good that I live in PI, otherwise for the p4p thing I would consider to go to Thaiand,more pretty gurls , no cherry bullshit, better food etc etc.
Advantage in PI is, they speak english and u can easily date normal working gurls. I mean, I also dont date hookers in my counrty and if I do, what could I expect from them? LOL

Happy hunting!!

BlinkThings are ALWAYS better where you don't live. Eh Blink? So out of the thousands of girls in the bars in Angeles. Only 10% are pretty? Sounds GOOD to me! Not only that, if you have some game, a person can actually date non-pro's. Just get out of Angeles for that.

Quit complaining about the looks of the girls in Angeles. Just like anywhere else in the world. Search for the one that pushes your button. It is not that hard. If you don't find her. Move on.

Blink. WE don't "date" hookers either. Guess what WE do with them?

Last point. Take a newbie to Dollhouse and have HIM rate the looks of the girls. I bet his percent will be MUCH higher than 10%. It is all in what you HAVE and how you perceive it. So next time take a GOOD look at the ladies and then think about what other males around the world DON"T have.

Jet. Out

Any Hole
01-21-08, 22:24
Hay Guys,

I am posting a picture I took last night in a bar I think was called Atlantas. As you can see there were at least 100 girls. This is where I barfined one of them. AC what a wonderful place.

Though I think I am spending entirly to much time in my hotel on my computer.

Tomo lo suave - Take it easy,

Gntlman MongrGreat pic, I could fuck all those girls in the pic, especially the front row girls there, and I will have a good try this April.

One thing I have learn't in ac is the girls with the best figures are usually the most crap in bed, give me a (little) rice belly anyday.

01-22-08, 03:38
Good that I live in PI, otherwise for the p4p thing I would consider to go to Thaiand,more pretty gurls , no cherry bullshit, better food etc etc.
Advantage in PI is, they speak english and u can easily date normal working gurls.
BlinkI've been to both P.I. and Thailand.

I definitely agree with you on Thailand having better looking girls. !

Bigger selection, more to do during the day, and the girls are crazier. Haha

But I also like P. I. Girls have more curves, and they speak english.

I'm hittin both Pattaya and angeles in May, so it's all good.

01-22-08, 04:01
IF the bars can survive a major volcano eruption and the closing of the airforce base I once thought fueled the whole reason the bars were there to been with. I seriously thought AC has we all knew it was dead when that happened. Then they can survive a few do gooders trying to clean up the place.

I remember back in the late 80's the base commander locked down the base for a week or two (no active duty were allowed off base unless you lived off base) and all the bar girls were protesting at the gate with signs like "No Honey, No Money" It was hilarius. Made the news in the US.

Gntlman Mongr
01-22-08, 08:39
I was told that Fri. night when I took the picture at Atlantis it was their “Grand Opening”. It is a brand new Club. I believe it is owned by the same people as the Doll House. Some of the girls on the stage had Doll House boots on them and I believe they were borrowed from the DH for the event. I was in there again last night and there was still plenty of girls. I wondered around the floor and counted at least 100 available girls. An interesting thing is that they have different groups of girls dancing on stage at different times. One I think was called new girls and there were something like 30 of them and another was called “Hot Babes” or “Hot Chicks” and every one was to die for. Definitely 10's and I am a very picky guy. I think there were about 11 of them on stage. The first night I barfined a girl there for about 1300P. They are located two doors down from the Doll House there is the Doll House the Carousel and then the Atlantis.


Gntlman Mongr

“ I prefer a woman that makes a lot of men happy then one man miserable”...John Wayne

01-22-08, 10:10
I was told that Fri. night when I took the picture at Atlantis it was their “Grand Opening”. It is a brand new Club. I believe it is owned by the same people as the Doll House. Some of the girls on the stage had Doll House boots on them and I believe they were borrowed from the DH for the event. I was in there again last night and there was still plenty of girls. I wondered around the floor and counted at least 100 available girls. An interesting thing is that they have different groups of girls dancing on stage at different times. One I think was called new girls and there were something like 30 of them and another was called “Hot Babes” or “Hot Chicks” and every one was to die for. Definitely 10's and I am a very picky guy. I think there were about 11 of them on stage. The first night I barfined a girl there for about 13000P. They are located two doors down from the Doll House there is the Doll House the Carousel and then the Atlantis.


Gntlman Mongr

“ I prefer a woman that makes a lot of men happy then one man miserable”...John WayneI hope you mean 1300 pesos, otherwise I think even the Koreans will baulk at that price. Maybe you bought her (a 10) for the week?

X Man
01-22-08, 12:24
Blink lives on site, posts some good info, and he gets attacked by Joe Namath. Oh brother.

Blink obviously finds non p4p ladies, mentions it in his post, and then *******69 recommends finding non p40 ladies. Duh.

Dollhouse has some babes. Go there and see for yourself. Some guys find some very good reasons to walk down the street...


Things are ALWAYS better where you don't live. Eh Blink? So out of the thousands of girls in the bars in Angeles. Only 10% are pretty? Sounds GOOD to me! Not only that, if you have some game, a person can actually date non-pro's. Just get out of Angeles for that.

Quit complaining about the looks of the girls in Angeles. Just like anywhere else in the world. Search for the one that pushes your button. It is not that hard. If you don't find her. Move on.

Blink. WE don't "date" hookers either. Guess what WE do with them?

Last point. Take a newbie to Dollhouse and have HIM rate the looks of the girls. I bet his percent will be MUCH higher than 10%. It is all in what you HAVE and how you perceive it. So next time take a GOOD look at the ladies and then think about what other males around the world DON"T have.

Jet. Out

01-22-08, 13:02
Blink lives on site, posts some good info, and he gets attacked by Joe Namath. Oh brother.

Blink obviously finds non p4p ladies, mentions it in his post, and then *******69 recommends finding non p40 ladies. Duh.

Dollhouse has some babes. Go there and see for yourself. Some guys find some very good reasons to walk down the street...




01-22-08, 20:01
I read in expat news that starting on april we have direct flights from Clark to BKK which I welcome, so if you bored with AC you go for some fun to BKK or Pattaya (1400bhat with cab from the new BKK airport).

Jet69, yes I took a gud look at the gurls in DH, after ten beers its 80% dogs and 20% gurls to my liking.
one of the gurls display on the poster/billboard on Atlantis entrance is my exgf or lets say one of my steady business contacts when my real gf is busy at university... and that is my point.. I just find it more interesting to get aquainted
with semi pros or normal working gurls for some reasons.

They more educated , so you can dine and take them out and they more CLean, which is also kind important..at least to me :D

Problem is time, so if I would go for the quality time I would consider to divide my trip and try other places.

Anyway, happy hunting and keep the forum running with more good info.


01-22-08, 23:32

I read in expat news that starting on april we have direct flights from Clark to BKK which I welcome, so if you bored with AC you go for some fun to BKK or Pattaya (1400bhat with cab from the new BKK airport).

Jet69, yes I took a gud look at the gurls in DH, after ten beers its 80% dogs and 20% gurls to my liking.

one of the gurls display on the poster/billboard on Atlantis entrance is my exgf or lets say one of my steady business contacts when my real gf is busy at university... and that is my point.. I just find it more interesting to get aquainted with semi pros or normal working gurls for some reasons.

They more educated , so you can dine and take them out and they more CLean, which is also kind important..at least to me :D

Problem is time, so if I would go for the quality time I would consider to divide my trip and try other places.

Anyway, happy hunting and keep the forum running with more good info.


You are a class act. I was a little stong in my last post, but was trying to make the point that 10% of the ladies being attractive is not a bad thing. Those 10% are available to any bloke with a wallet of $$$. It is FAR better than a stip-joint full of 9's and 10's that are OFF-LIMITS.

Blink, because you are a class act. Would love to buy ya a beer or three when I am in town.


X---I won't get into a flaming contest with you. I don't name call because I disagree with someone. Dude, just RELAX.

P.S. X. I am not a Jets fan. But Joe Namath was, in his day, "da man".


01-23-08, 06:20
We checked out many of the bars on both Fields and the Perimeter yesterday. Most still have the "No Barfine, not allowed" rule in effect. They will, of course, still let you buy lady drinks. The big ones on Fields are still active but the small ones are mostly still not supplying our needs. I guess they haven't coughed up whatever the payoff is to be immune for the rule. It will be interesting to see how long this lasts and if many bars will need to shutdown.

As for Atlantis, the BF for the regular girls is 1300. For the ones in the smaller groups (10 or 15)that do the "shows", the BF is 3000. And the lady drinks START at 150P.

01-23-08, 11:25
We checked out many of the bars on both Fields and the Perimeter yesterday. Most still have the "No Barfine, not allowed" rule in effect. They will, of course, still let you buy lady drinks. The big ones on Fields are still active but the small ones are mostly still not supplying our needs. I guess they haven't coughed up whatever the payoff is to be immune for the rule. It will be interesting to see how long this lasts and if many bars will need to shutdown.

As for Atlantis, the BF for the regular girls is 1300. For the ones in the smaller groups (10 or 15)that do the "shows", the BF is 3000. And the lady drinks START at 150P.

I heard after Friday this week its back to normal and evrybody can barfine, so business as usual, lets wait and see if its true.

Jet, wala problema, buy me two, maybe ratio will change to 75% dogs and 25% lookers :D...

I hope on april the hiway to Subic will finish, great options for a quick getaway from AC with ur barfine or your Mallfine ( I like the departmentstore gurls from Smclark Levis section :D)

Happy hunting!!


01-23-08, 23:25
Most still have the "No Barfine, not allowed" rule in effect...

... and this means that you can't take a girl out like before? Kindly advice!

Cheers - Hesekiels

01-24-08, 00:39
"yap ... here in ac now not allowed barfine here..."

This msg just received from a gf in Bedrock. Bedrock I've heard has the same owner as the new Atlantis and Niles etc (he maybe from Netherland). So really one of the big ones not allowing bf..

Hope to hear from you guys there when can we go there again...

Gntlman Mongr
01-24-08, 08:53
i have been here a week now and barfined many young ladies from many establishments. the only problem i had was with stargate. i had talked with a guy that said he was the manager the night before and he had said about the current situation it was just a matter of semantics and there were many ways around the problem. the next night we went back to stargate and asked to barfine a young lady and the mamasan said that it wasn't allowed and the guy that said he was the manager was nowhere in sight. when we talked to the young lady she had indicated that it wasn't possible. but then what is the mamasan for? and is roadies the same way as they are the same owner?

as far as when we have bafined young ladies from other establishments a lot of the time they have had to meet us down the street. i would normally feel uncomfortable about this but the philippine women have been so warm and friendly and seem to really enjoy spending time with you. in fact it is the opposite problem in that the next day they are still hanging around and you need to make up an excuse to move on.

also we have not encountered the problem of waiting around for closing time for the girl to get off. they have always gotten off work right away.

on our first night barfining just seemed just like normal. i barfined a young lady from atlantis. but the second night at shanos when my friend and i barfined a couple of girls they brought us 10 drinks for each girl to the table. it was kind of interesting as we sat there with 20 drinks on the table and we were not sure of what to do with all of them. we asked if we could drink some of them and were told “sure”. one of the girls had ordered shots of tequila and we drank some of them. it was kind of interesting. they then walked with us back to our hotel. i do not remember which night it was when they told us that the ladies would meet us at some other location but it happened at the alaska club and pasha and at pasha they did the 10 drink thing also. but it was just grape juice.

we have not barfined any at perimeter just the ones close on fields. we did walk around perimeter the other night. the night we tried to barfine the one at stargate and we got the impression that it was just business as usual. so that is why we were so surprised at stargate and at that time it was 12pm and there was not enough time to go back to one of the other perimeter bars. maybe we will try to go back tonight. there was one the other night that was celebrating her 19 birthday i would like to go back and see her. but sorry guys i do not remember the name of the bar. just it's location.

i hope this helps. but i think the situation is as clear as mud. they are still figuring it out themselves. but when it comes down to it there is still plenty of p***y to be had.

i barfined a young lady at the doll house last night and it was just like business as usual. you have to think that the amount of money being spent on the new hotels and new bars going up, and there are a lot of them, that they could not just shut this thing down without pissing off a lot of wealthy investors, and that isn't always wise for a politician.


gntlman mongr

01-24-08, 12:14
why barfine?

go to santos, have a beer, get a bj, get laid, have a beer , etc etc etc ...ehehehe.....only 600 pesos na lng..

Then see a movie and chat up gurls in the mall, if that doesnt help, get a bus to Manila (115pesos from DAU) to Cubao or take fly the bus (500 pesos) go EDSA or either stay in Ermita and take a look at La cafe (no barfine) look for a steady gf, either take her to AC or to Boracay or to Mindoro, gurls will be happy to have some other views then cheap Manila hotels :D

Happy hunting!!


PS: I rember the same thing 10 years ago, bars serving actual LD and then you could leave with the gurls. You should know that the definition of the bars is, there aint a barfine and there aint any prostitution going on, the customer (we) have to pay a certain amount so the bar could send the gurls home (off work) to compensate the loss of the bars, after paying this amount(barfine) the gurl can do what ever she wants :D...yeah I know its bullsh..t but thats how life is in the Philippines :D

01-24-08, 12:59
i have been here a week now and barfined many young ladies from many establishments. the only problem i had was with stargate. i had talked with a guy that said he was the manager the night before and he had said about the current situation it was just a matter of semantics and there were many ways around the problem. the next night we went back to stargate and asked to barfine a young lady and the mamasan said that it wasn't allowed and the guy that said he was the manager was nowhere in sight. when we talked to the young lady she had indicated that it wasn't possible. but then what is the mamasan for? and is roadies the same way as they are the same owner?

as far as when we have bafined young ladies from other establishments a lot of the time they have had to meet us down the street. i would normally feel uncomfortable about this but the philippine women have been so warm and friendly and seem to really enjoy spending time with you. in fact it is the opposite problem in that the next day they are still hanging around and you need to make up an excuse to move on.

also we have not encountered the problem of waiting around for closing time for the girl to get off. they have always gotten off work right away.

on our first night barfining just seemed just like normal. i barfined a young lady from atlantis. but the second night at shanos when my friend and i barfined a couple of girls they brought us 10 drinks for each girl to the table. it was kind of interesting as we sat there with 20 drinks on the table and we were not sure of what to do with all of them. we asked if we could drink some of them and were told “sure”. one of the girls had ordered shots of tequila and we drank some of them. it was kind of interesting. they then walked with us back to our hotel. i do not remember which night it was when they told us that the ladies would meet us at some other location but it happened at the alaska club and pasha and at pasha they did the 10 drink thing also. but it was just grape juice.

we have not barfined any at perimeter just the ones close on fields. we did walk around perimeter the other night. the night we tried to barfine the one at stargate and we got the impression that it was just business as usual. so that is why we were so surprised at stargate and at that time it was 12pm and there was not enough time to go back to one of the other perimeter bars. maybe we will try to go back tonight. there was one the other night that was celebrating her 19 birthday i would like to go back and see her. but sorry guys i do not remember the name of the bar. just it's location.

i hope this helps. but i think the situation is as clear as mud. they are still figuring it out themselves. but when it comes down to it there is still plenty of p***y to be had.

i barfined a young lady at the doll house last night and it was just like business as usual. you have to think that the amount of money being spent on the new hotels and new bars going up, and there are a lot of them, that they could not just shut this thing down without pissing off a lot of wealthy investors, and that isn't always wise for a politician.


gntlman mongrsounds like a lot more work then it needs to be. just like the filipinos, to bite the hand that feeds them. let them get a little hungery again. ac is off my vacation list until this (bar fine) is back to normal. they get hungery may be it will get fixed.

Dong Hi
01-24-08, 16:08
i have been here a week now and barfined many young ladies from many establishments. the only problem i had was with stargate. i had talked with a guy that said he was the manager the night before and he had said about the current situation it was just a matter of semantics and there were many ways around the problem. the next night we went back to stargate and asked to barfine a young lady and the mamasan said that it wasn't allowed and the guy that said he was the manager was nowhere in sight. when we talked to the young lady she had indicated that it wasn't possible. but then what is the mamasan for? and is roadies the same way as they are the same owner?

as far as when we have bafined young ladies from other establishments a lot of the time they have had to meet us down the street. i would normally feel uncomfortable about this but the philippine women have been so warm and friendly and seem to really enjoy spending time with you. in fact it is the opposite problem in that the next day they are still hanging around and you need to make up an excuse to move on.

also we have not encountered the problem of waiting around for closing time for the girl to get off. they have always gotten off work right away.

on our first night barfining just seemed just like normal. i barfined a young lady from atlantis. but the second night at shanos when my friend and i barfined a couple of girls they brought us 10 drinks for each girl to the table. it was kind of interesting as we sat there with 20 drinks on the table and we were not sure of what to do with all of them. we asked if we could drink some of them and were told “sure”. one of the girls had ordered shots of tequila and we drank some of them. it was kind of interesting. they then walked with us back to our hotel. i do not remember which night it was when they told us that the ladies would meet us at some other location but it happened at the alaska club and pasha and at pasha they did the 10 drink thing also. but it was just grape juice.

we have not barfined any at perimeter just the ones close on fields. we did walk around perimeter the other night. the night we tried to barfine the one at stargate and we got the impression that it was just business as usual. so that is why we were so surprised at stargate and at that time it was 12pm and there was not enough time to go back to one of the other perimeter bars. maybe we will try to go back tonight. there was one the other night that was celebrating her 19 birthday i would like to go back and see her. but sorry guys i do not remember the name of the bar. just it's location.

i hope this helps. but i think the situation is as clear as mud. they are still figuring it out themselves. but when it comes down to it there is still plenty of p***y to be had.

i barfined a young lady at the doll house last night and it was just like business as usual. you have to think that the amount of money being spent on the new hotels and new bars going up, and there are a lot of them, that they could not just shut this thing down without pissing off a lot of wealthy investors, and that isn't always wise for a politician.


gntlman mongrgreat, great great information. can't thank you enough for the detailed, honest, straight forward report. this is exactly the type of information that a lot of people who have upcoming trips to ac are looking for.

thanks again.

01-25-08, 12:40
I barfined a young lady at the Doll House last night and it was just like business as usual. You have to think that the amount of money being spent on the new hotels and new bars going up, and there are a lot of them, that they could not just shut this thing down without pissing off a lot of wealthy investors, and that isn't always wise for a politician.


Gntlman Mongr[/QUOTE]

politicians, well I rember Lim who actually is mayor again in Manila (80 years plus his age..) He was responsible for the barclosere in the late 80 s in Manila. So if you think things are ok in the Philippines you will be suprised how things can change and if you say politicians aint wise, they all korrupt and they dont give a sh..t about their own people, if they do, things would have been changed allready. In PI evry day is a new day and if you expect things went smooth, they aint...love that country hehehehe....but I hope things will be ok, or else we will relocate to some other place :D..how about subic? hehehehe

Happy hunting


Buko Max
01-25-08, 22:27
Dear Mattrick,

I was browsing through the earlier reports and a report that you've posted back in 03/07/07 had some interesting points regarding Swagmans.

Can you please elaborate some more if you don't mind? like regarding the three bars across the road you've mentioned on your report or any other usefull information for the resort and around this area. Also Swagmans have a bar called Shaggers Bar. How is it like?
Stayed at the Narra a few times since it is away from Fields and is fairly quiet. Don't let them stick you in one of the four units in the basement, as they tried one time with me. Otherwise it is a decent place to stay with a friendly staff.

There is a business center with internet onsite. Also a branch of their travel agency. Safety deposit boxes located behind the desk and are secure. Shaggers bar is a large open air thatched roof structure accross the street and is open 24/7. It is the focal point where you can rub elbows with Aussies and others and get primed while watching a sporting event before you head out to Fields. The food is good with large servings of stick-to-your-ribs type dinners perfect before a night of drinking. Was tempted to ask one of the cute waitresses out!

They have two spiffy trikes to wisk you to Fields or wherever else you want to go within reason, free of charge. Just tip the driver early on and he will look out for you. He will give you his cell number so you can call him once you are ready to be picked up on Fields, as late as 2:00 am. Half the time I ended up walking during all hours of the day and night and no problems whatsoever.

One time I was waiting for a trike to return and this old timer Aussie tells me, "No need to go to Fields because there are a few bars down the street". Needless to say, I never checked out these places even though there were usually a couple of women hanging out in front.

Since you can get a discount, I would try the Narra for at least one night. If you don't like it, you can always transfer next door to the Koala or the Patio down the street.

Have a good trip!

01-26-08, 04:34
A Doctor very close friend of mine for over 15 years now and works in the Department of Health in Manila, had confirm to me that the increasing cases of HIV are getting the authorities' attention. Last week alone PNRC- ANGELES CITY BLOOD BANK reported 12 cases of positive HIV positive from 5 diferent clubs in AC and this is not counting the information that he did not had acces at the time from the V. L. MAKABALI MEM. HOSP. , INC. Be advised not all club check the girls and nobody hold bar owners feet to the ground because Poertitution is not regulated by law.

Friends my information is based in facts, and seriousl reliable sources. I gain nothing from posting garbage and dishonoring myself of my integrity here. , the final chioce is yours please play safe

Very respectfully

Samar 2009
01-26-08, 05:59
Thanks a lot Mattrick.

You have given me good feedback regarding Nara. They are actually going to give me a room upstairs overlooking the pool.

Regarding the waitresses you said you were tempted to ask one out. Did you manage to do it, or were you left with the temtation. Ha. Ha.

I had a look at their web site and they have some real cuties working there. I have also read some reports regarding barfining is a bit of a no no in AC.

I wonder how strict it is. But I believe there is more than one way to skin a cat IMHO. I am still thinking about the cuties at Nara.

Most propably I will be visiting AC, the last week in February.

Thanks once again and have a wonderfull day.


Stayed at the Narra a few times since it is away from Fields and is fairly quiet. Don't let them stick you in one of the four units in the basement, as they tried one time with me. Otherwise it is a decent place to stay with a friendly staff.

There is a business center with internet onsite. Also a branch of their travel agency. Safety deposit boxes located behind the desk and are secure. Shaggers bar is a large open air thatched roof structure accross the street and is open 24/7. It is the focal point where you can rub elbows with Aussies and others and get primed while watching a sporting event before you head out to Fields. The food is good with large servings of stick-to-your-ribs type dinners perfect before a night of drinking. Was tempted to ask one of the cute waitresses out!

They have two spiffy trikes to wisk you to Fields or wherever else you want to go within reason, free of charge. Just tip the driver early on and he will look out for you. He will give you his cell number so you can call him once you are ready to be picked up on Fields, as late as 2:00 am.

One time I was waiting for a trike to return and this old timer Aussie tells me, "No need to go to Fields because there are a few bars down the street". Needless to say, I never checked out these places even though there were usually a couple of women hanging out in front.

Since you can get a discount, I would try the Narra for at least one night. If you don't like it, you can always transfer next door to the Koala or the Patio down the street.

Have a good trip!

01-26-08, 06:56
Just got back from AC.
First time for me, I usually fly in to Manila & shag girlfriends from dating sites there because the Manila bar prices are ridiculous.
Actually due to high season still in effect i could not get a Singapore airlines flight at short notice into manila & so ended up flying Air Asia into Clark.
This was not what I wanted but I decided to turn it into a good thing by staying several days in Angeles & getting a first hand sit rep.

I had 2 chicks lined up that had contacted me via a dating site who indicated that they 'live' in Angeles (yeah right...) in case Angeles bars proved to be a disappointment.

After doing some research of this board I reserved a room at Pacific Breeze Hotel. Good choice. Nice big clean classy rooms. Internet in the rooms. Friendly & relatively efficient staff. Decent open air restaurant with pool. Pool spoiled by being surrounded by a high concrete wall so it has the ambience of a prison yard. Otherwise nice place.

While there I observed Wild Orchid Hotel just around the corner to be an even better choice if you want a classy resort style hotel.

Day One

Girl #1 Grace
Contacted me on DIA, met me at my hotel. Barely 40kgs lovely little slender body. i always act like a gentleman & try not to make them feel like *****s so we had lunch & then woent up to my room to relax & chat while we watched tv because i was tired from my flight (wink wink).

Made it clear she wanted to be a GF. Txt's somebody. I asked who was that, she replies 'txt mom to let her know I'm staying here tonight' HELLO!!
I'd already decided that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush & so was happy to oblige this cutey. hehehe :)
She spent two days & nights fucking my brains out. Really sweet girl out of bed, able to hold a reasonable conversation. Likes to get on top and really pleasure you...
She did not ask for any money. Tells me she feeds her family by running a web cam at home, mentioned her web cam had stopped working because the software disc for it had been lost. Since she had given me great sex for 2 days & nights I figured 850php for a new web cam WITH disc was very fair. She mentioned that it would cost 300ph for someone to install it so i toddled over to her house & installed the driver software for her for nothing.

Everything she had told me was true. Told me she makes good money from weird European guys who want her to [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) with them on cam... its a strange strange world... There seemed to be a drama about her borrowing her brother's cell phone so i bought her one. At this point I was not counting the dollars spent because I much prefer a GFE where I give gifts or a little cash rather than a P4P cold, 'money down before panty down', transaction. Overall very good value for money.

Blew Grace of with 'Im leaving to go to Manila in a car at lunch time' excuse & proceeded to contact girl #2.

At this stage I decided since i was on a tight schedule & wanted to get through a more representative selection of women here in AC, I would move to a more efficient Hotel for pure mongering.

Checked in to Dolls House Hotel right around the corner on Fields and slap bang in the middle of the big bars. This place has the ambience of a classy brothel. Entrance to your room is straight from the front door up a staircase. No wandering through big foyers here. The rooms are classy like an up market brothel or honeymoon hotel. King size bed. recessed mood lighting etc. Not a place to go for a conventional vacation.

Day Two
Girl #2 Morlyn
Contacted me on DIA also. Barely 40kgs lovely little slender body, chinky eyed, which I like anyway.
Txt'd her asking to meet me at my hotel. She txt's me back saying she is working but wants to meet me. After a few more txt's she turns up at the hotel but is in a hurry to get to work & worried that 'mamsan get mad'. I let out a little sigh & ask where? Answer : Blue Nile.
Now bearing in mind I had not set foot in any bar in AC I was keen to go for a look anyway. Went there, first impression, more effort made to look like an entertainment venue than the bars in Manila.
Orderd a drink & asked for Morlyn to be brought to me, graciously ordered a drink for her also. Drinks 150 - 250 range. No mobbing by girls here, you can sit and look around first. No crazy lady drink pressure here compared to Manila bars. Overall, more relaxed & entertaining. Girls ranged in looks 5 - 8.
After checking Morlyn out in her 'work' clothes it was tme to make a decision.

Now you newbies listen up!

This is Asia, you don't barge in & blurt out you want to bar fine girl.
I was aware there was some political bullshit going on in town this week from conversations with the girls. The mamas were clearly nervous. So I sat with Morlyn like a BF & asked the mama over for a drink, chatted a little & mentioned that 'we want to go out to night'. Smiles all round & 1300php later she's walking out with me.

*P.S. Blue Nile was raided the very next day.

Morlyn was shy, poor company & not a terribly great fuck in the end. I did learn from her that the larger bars operate 24/7 in three shifts, so I sent her home at midnight. And went sight seeing in other bars just for fun.

Walked into a bar next door to DHH which a I forget, empty of customers & selection of 'girls' 1 - 4 looks. One plain-ish girl next door type sat next to me & started up a very good conversation with me. She was obviously not dumb but I had no interest in her sexually. I played the dumb newbie & mentioned that i had a disappointing time with Morlyn (it was'nt that bad). She generously offered to take me bar hopping for free after work which was now as tis bar was closing for the night.

Went to Atlantis. Wow, this is the biggest & flashiest bar in town at present. Great place to go with a gf for something better than the usual zombie shuffle of most bar 'dancers'. The air-con is WAAAY to cold in there. Most of the show girls were dancing with there arms wrapped around themselves & big goosebumps. Even I was cold!
Atlantis is huge in comparison to other bars & is constructed like a sporting stadium with a BIG stage in the centre of a large atrium.
Girls ranged 5 - 10. drinks prices same as everywhere else. Bar fines (ahem) 1350php. I was told the 10's were more costly but I'm not interested in 10's, usually too much like prostitute sex for my liking.

Went with my 'helper' next door to Dolls House bar.
Girls here ranged 1 - 6, LD & BF' as above.
central stage which you an sit at & make eye contact with the girls.
I was told many of the girls had been sent next door to Atlantis.

Girl #3 Monica
Barely 40kgs lovely little slender body. looks more asian than the average pinoy chick which was okay by me.
Spotted this one shyly dancing behind the uglies & called her down for a drink. Took her out of the bar for the night for 1300php.
This girl gave excellent gfe. The sex was really nice. if she was faking it then she should go to hollywood & get a job in the movies...
She left at lunch time the next day without asking for money & i forgot to offer, oops...

Okay, at this stage I needed to get chores done. Late that afternoon I walked into Gecko's while waiting to pick up laundry. I felt thirsty & was happy to just sit in the cool & chat. Im sitting there when this tiny cutey comes flying past me on the stool in street clothes, stops dead in her tracks, grabs my hand & say's 'hey! we are going out to eat wanna come?' My little brain immediately kicked in & over rode my big brain. Through a fog of sex craziness I'm thinking 'we', who is 'we'? 'We' turned out to be an even cuter best friend.

Day Three
Girl # 4 Maribel & Girl # 5 Mylene
Both tiny tight little 40kg packages.

We ate at Jollibees. The girls hinted they would rather spend the evening with me so back to mama we go & after some reassuring conversation with mama off I go with two of them at 6pm.

We went out and dancing all evening in lots of disco's & bars was great fun.
They kept competing with me the whole evening for my affection which was really nice.
Its was so funny that evening for the three of us to get lots of admiring comments from guys. In Club Class we danced up a storm on the floor. When we returned to our table the bar manager had sent free Tequila shots for the three of us. Turns out he's an Aussie like me & welcomed us back anytime.

I recall one enormous scotsman who stopped us in the street as we were walking arm in arm between disco's. My first thought was 'oh god a drunk gonna pick a fight!' But no, he smiled broadly & exclaimed in his thick brogue 'grrritty mon! grrritty! two!! two girls!!!' It makes me smile to think of it.
Yes i was out with two pretty girls & got lots of slaps on the back & compliments. Maribel & Mylene were both sweet girls & lovely looking all dressed up in their partying gear.

I half expected they would [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) off.

They were shy about coming with me together to the hotel but they did.
I waited while they both showered & chattered in the bathroom.
My tagalog isn't that good but from what i could tell there was a lot of bantering about what they were going to do & who should go first.
I showered & climbed into the huge king size bed together with them & after watching tv together, some small talk & cuddling & kissing they took turns shyly fucking me.
My god that was memorable...
Both the girls left at lunch time without asking for money & I honestly forgot again to offer... oops again

Next morning I think, Oh my god I should have been in Manila at my business two days ago!
Okay so I txt the various girls that I'm shooting down to Manila on business for a couple of day's but will be back in AC for my return flight back to Oz. I get a chorus of 'I wanna c u b4 u go' txt's back.

I go do business for a couple of day's, I'm busy and forget to organise any accommodation in AC for prior leaving for to my return flight from Clark. The girls are all txt'ing me & reminding me they wann see me. On the way back to AC in the hotel car i phone Dolls House Hotel & tell reservations that a need a room for a couple of hours before I fly out. Answer : no problem sir!

I get back to AC check in to DHH & Monica turns up to 'say good bye'. She fucks me again in that fantastic way that she does, I give her a 100php lotion & soaps gift set & see her off. Quick shower. Tidy the bed.

Myelene turns up, dims the lights, gives me a lovely good bye fuck. Quick shower. Tidy the bed.

Maribel txt's me frantically she REALLY wants to see me before I go... oh dear god what have i unleashed... Her friend Mylene seems to know all about this & discretely retreats on an errand for 'load for my cp' when Maribel arrives. I can't believe it but I'm on the bed balls deep with the third girl in 4 hours. Thank god for Cialis! Don't let any one tell you that the generic indian manufactured C sold on streets is not real, I'm here to tell you it is!

After the deed Mylene turns up again & so I give them both a 100p gift set & give them a ride to the airport in the hotel car. The hotel charged me 500php but it was worth it to see the way the girls behaved like wide eyed kids going to the airport 'for the first time' in a really nice car (by western standards).

Overall I had a great time. At times I spent money freely but overall I spent very little considering the fun & the amount of quality pussy I had.

Will I return to AC? Hell yes!

Happy Mongering!

p.s. some pics follow

01-26-08, 07:32
Sorry no nudes..

Happy Mongering

01-26-08, 08:37
Hey Amavida, great report. I like your taste, ahem, in ladies too.

You didn't forget the money for the ladies either. In Angeles, there is no more to pay once you have sorted it with the Mamasan/bar. That's it, finito. A small tip sometimes for outstanding service is appreciated, but not expected. If you see a girl for a while, buying her some clothes in one of the many dress shops can pay 'dividends'. These ladies can look a million dollars dressed up.

Wheels up for my next trip in 37 days, but who's counting?

01-26-08, 13:01
Just got back from AC.Man it sure sounds like a great trip. Appreciate you sharing a POSITIVE experience with us.


01-26-08, 13:08
Sorry no nudes..

Happy Mongering,

AmavidaMylene is differently a little cutie.


01-26-08, 18:26
Man it sure sounds like a great trip. Appreciate you sharing a POSITIVE experience with us.


It is a great report thank you for your efforts. I have some questions if you all don't mind.

I'm currently shopping around for a mongering destination. As it stands now its back to the DR. However I've never done asia (thailand is a no no for personal reasons). The philipines intrests me because I could fly from san fran 16 hrs to manila w/ stop then 12hrs back non stop on philipine airlines. I live in new york city but I would need a pit stop in san fran. I will not do 20 hr episodes on airplanes. I can only take so much.

I have RTFF and noticed that manila is a bummer. I only see a few bars mentioned. Then there is the pressure of girl drinks and that would kill it for me. I could take the "fly the bus route" to angeles city and visit AC. Besides the avenue with the bars what else is there to do ? Are there places to photograph ?

As far as costs go. I should pay at least $100 a night for a hotel in manila and then how much in AC w/ fridge and ac ? I don't see a hotel thread for AC. Do I need to pre book or just show up from manila ? Again I need a fridge and AC.

A budget of $120 US a day should get me laid drunk and fed daily ? Manila to AC by cab how much ?

I guess the no barfine thing is an attempt to rid the city of prostitution or trying to extort protection money. Either way it sounds like trouble. Are we still trying to figure out if its a good time to visit or does this happen quite frequently ? It happens quite often in south america close to elections.

Sorry to ask so many questions. I did RTFF but asia is a HUGE step for me to take for many reasons. Im usually down in south america.

Many thanks,


01-26-08, 19:16
1. A budget of $120 US a day should get me laid drunk and fed daily?
2. Manila to AC by cab how much ?

Hi Artisttyp!

Just two short answers:

1: sure, no problem at all!

2: if I am not mistaken the official rate (airport taxis / travel agencies) is about 2.700 pesos. However, by using public transportation (cab in Manila, bus from Pasay City to Dau/AC, tricycle in AC) you can travel for approx. 250 pesos. But please consider your arrival time plus the luggage you carry!

Cheers - Hesekiels

01-26-08, 23:01
hi artisttyp!

just two short answers:

1: sure, no problem at all!

2: if i am not mistaken the official rate (airport taxis / travel agencies) is about 2.700 pesos. however, by using public transportation (cab in manila, bus from pasay city to dau/ac, tricycle in ac) you can travel for approx. 250 pesos. but please consider your arrival time plus the luggage you carry!

cheers - hesekiels

thanks. do you know if they conduct on the spot [CodeWord109] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord109) tests in clubs like in thailand ?

i'm a (38 yr. old) stoner but although i never use when i travel it would show up in my [CodeWord109] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord109).
how do the police act with foreigners there in general ? i have a few tattoos but dress normal etc. etc. should i expect to be stopped ?

also i have to mention that without bbbj,daty and eating ass the trip would be worthless to me. will these services be available ?

i have a choice between a month in the dr staying in a nice condo with all the trimmings or two weeks in the phillipines giving up a few days to hit san fran and manila on the way to ac.

which would you choose ?

01-26-08, 23:42
It is a great report thank you for your efforts. I have some questions if you all don't mind ....

I have RTFF and noticed that manila is a bummer. I only see a few bars mentioned. Then there is the pressure of girl drinks and that would kill it for me. I could take the "fly the bus route" to angeles city and visit AC. Besides the avenue with the bars what else is there to do ? Are there places to photograph ?

Angeles is just a generic small philippine town. In terms of architecture its a mixture of old, new, riotous , free for all anarchy. Much of it dilapidated.
There is nothing much to see or do except visit bars.

As far as costs go. I should pay at least $100 a night for a hotel in manila and then how much in AC w/ fridge and ac ? I don't see a hotel thread for AC. Do I need to pre book or just show up from manila ? Again I need a fridge and AC.

A budget of $120 US a day should get me laid drunk and fed daily ? Manila to AC by cab how much ?

Hotel choice is a personal thing. You don't need to spend up big in Manila to get a reasonable hotel. Makati Prime Towers offers low cost condo style units. Oxford suites offers a little more plush acomodation in hotel style rooms just down the street. City State Hotel in Ermita offers nice hotel rooms at a reasonable price.

I recommend Asiarooms.com for a good online travel agency.

AC is cheap your budget is plenty.
Hotel car AC -> Manila cost me 2500php, the reverse cost 2700php.
I mentioned 3 good hotel choices already in my report.
You can google their web sites for reservations.

I guess the no barfine thing is an attempt to rid the city of prostitution or trying to extort protection money. Either way it sounds like trouble. Are we still trying to figure out if its a good time to visit or does this happen quite frequently ? It happens quite often in south america close to elections.

No, any time is fine to visit, petty corruption is rife in developing countries. If you read my report again you will see there is a subtle asian way to get girls out of bars. Big bars are no problem. Small bars may be a problem.

Sorry to ask so many questions. I did RTFF but asia is a HUGE step for me to take for many reasons. Im usually down in south america.

Many thanks,

I've heard great things about South America & considering the distance you need to travel to get to Philippines... by all means come, just be sure you want to.

Happy Mongering!

01-27-08, 01:04
Hi RicanStud,

I was in AC a few weeks ago and was actually shocked that most of the girls I had would go bareback. I usually play a bit, without a condom, before penetrating. Virtually none of them had any objection. It would have been easy to have bareback FS. Under these circumstances I am not surprised by the HIV statistics. And the conclusion is clear for me: only safe playing is allowed.

I feel sorry for the girls who most likely don't know enough about the risks. I also heard comments "why do you use a condom, I am clean!".


A Doctor very close friend of mine for over 15 years now and works in the Department of Health in Manila, had confirm to me that the increasing cases of HIV are getting the authorities' attention. Last week alone PNRC- ANGELES CITY BLOOD BANK reported 12 cases of positive HIV positive from 5 diferent clubs in AC and this is not counting the information that he did not had acces at the time from the V. L. MAKABALI MEM. HOSP. , INC. Be advised not all club check the girls and nobody hold bar owners feet to the ground because Poertitution is not regulated by law.

Friends my information is based in facts, and seriousl reliable sources. I gain nothing from posting garbage and dishonoring myself of my integrity here. , the final chioce is yours please play safe

Very respectfully

01-27-08, 07:40
i have been mongering in ac pattaya/bankok, and in dominican republic for many years. in terms of mongering they are all good. personally i like the latin forms best. however, the dr girls are aggressive and it is difficult to have a gfe experience with them. in terms of gfe experience, the philippinas win hands down. thailand is also a good place. i would rank them as follows.

looks/curves: (1) dr, (2) philippines, (3) thailand

gfe: (1) philippines, (2) thailand, (3) dr

winner: ac - the philippines

thanks. do you know if they conduct on the spot [CodeWord109] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord109) tests in clubs like in thailand?

i'm a (38 yr. old) stoner but although i never use when i travel it would show up in my [CodeWord109] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord109).

how do the police act with foreigners there in general? i have a few tattoos but dress normal etc. etc. should i expect to be stopped?

also i have to mention that without bbbj, daty and eating ass the trip would be worthless to me. will these services be available?

i have a choice between a month in the dr staying in a nice condo with all the trimmings or two weeks in the phillipines giving up a few days to hit san fran and manila on the way to ac.

which would you choose?

01-27-08, 09:40
Hi RicanStud,
I was in AC a few weeks ago and was actually shocked that most of the girls I had would go bareback. I usually play a bit, without a condom, before penetrating. Virtually none of them had any objection. It would have been easy to have bareback FS. Under these circumstances I am not surprised by the HIV statistics. And the conclusion is clear for me: only safe playing is allowed.
I feel sorry for the girls who most likely don't know enough about the risks. I also heard comments "why do you use a condom, I am clean!".


Its a cultural & demographics thing.
The girls in AC seem to be newer on the scene.
Girl next door types with no other option. (They all have similar life stories, had to leave school at an early age because of death of family bread winner, they are denied the chance to get an education to give them even a slim shot at a decent job. They then drift through a series of low paid jobs or are quite simply sent to AC by their families to try to earn money)

Condoms are associated with prostitutes.
They don't yet think of themselves as prostitutes.
Quid pro quo..

The government departments in Phils are corrupt & highly inefficient, I doubt you could rely on anything they say.

In an area like AC with a large number of girls having unprotected sex with sex tourists... well... you do the math...

None of he girls I was with offered to use protection from STD's.
Only one was taking contraceptive pill.
All of them stated that they go for regular testing organised by their mamasans. If they are menstruating then obviously they miss out on the test so the girl waits until the next test scheduled for her. Think about it...

I doubt the testing is comprehensive or reliable.

Happy Mongering

Gntlman Mongr
01-27-08, 10:33
I saw this the other day in front of Atlantis. The van was there for most of the day with a line as you can see. The embluem on it reads "Bio Assay Diagnostic Center" I am not sure what type of testing they were doing but it looked like an official vechicle and it looks like they put all the employees through it not just the dancers.

I am so sad I am leaving in the early morning to go home. I do not think I will get any sleep tonight but I will have a smile on my face all the way home.

Gntlman Mongr

Gntlman Mongr
01-27-08, 10:43
how about santos street aka blow row???

why barfine?

go to santos, have a beer, get a bj, get laid, have a beer , etc etc etc ...ehehehe.....only 600 pesos na lng..

A few nights ago as I was walking down a-santos going back to my hotel with a young lady I noticed quite a number of police cars with their lights going and a bit of a cumotion going on. I did not think much about it but the next day I heard that they were cracking down on the undocumented ladies or want to be ladies. I was told that they did not mess with any of the bars just the streetwalkers.

Be Safe,

Gntlman Mongr

Pute Nut
01-27-08, 13:13
A few nights ago as I was walking down a-santos going back to my hotel with a young lady I noticed quite a number of police cars with their lights going and a bit of a cumotion going on.

They ALWAYS use the lights, that's what they're there for, diba...LOL. The tourist police's vehicle looks more dilapidated each day. They solved the problem with the sliding door, though, by simply removing it once and for all.

Unfortunately there is still a lot of streetwalkers, including HIV+ ones. Another problem is the hordes of baklas cruising the streets. They are obvioulsy attracting more and more gay/bisexual mongers to AC. I'm will not be surprised if this will show up in the HIV stats sooner or later. As several posters mentioned condom usage is often optional...

Indy Hundred
01-28-08, 01:55
Another question.

Can anyone share with me if race/ethnicity has played a role in your ability to get quality girls? I am a Brazilian living in Canada but everyone thinks I look Indian (I. E. Someone from Delhi or Bangalore). I know that there are a few Indians in PI and I didn't think they were well liked. Is this a factor for me to consider?



Buko Max
01-28-08, 02:42
There is nothing much to see or do except visit bars.
Contrariwise, there is plenty to do in the Angeles area during the day:

Five shopping malls within a 20 minute drive including Apo street market (2 kms from Fields, fridays only).
Several casinos open 24/7.
Five golf courses.
Day treks to Mount Arayat and Pinatubo.
Scenic flights over the area.
Numerous places to get a massage.
Go see the dentist and/or optometist.
Rent a scooter.
Go to the gym.
Many historical sites and musems.

01-28-08, 04:43
I appreciate your cultural lecture. I been officially living in the Philipines for 15 years now. Any questions ask me, I might be able to answer or point you in the right direction.


Its a cultural & demographics thing.

The girls in AC seem to be newer on the scene.

Girl next door types with no other option. (They all have similar life stories, had to leave school at an early age because of death of family bread winner, they are denied the chance to get an education to give them even a slim shot at a decent job. They then drift through a series of low paid jobs or are quite simply sent to AC by their families to try to earn money)

Condoms are associated with prostitutes.
They don't yet think of themselves as prostitutes.
Quid pro quo..

The government departments in Phils are corrupt & highly inefficient, I doubt you could rely on anything they say.

In an area like AC with a large number of girls having unprotected sex with sex tourists... well... you do the math...

None of he girls I was with offered to use protection from STD's.
Only one was taking contraceptive pill.
All of them stated that they go for regular testing organised by their mamasans. If they are menstruating then obviously they miss out on the test so the girl waits until the next test scheduled for her. Think about it...

I doubt the testing is comprehensive or reliable.

Happy Mongering

01-28-08, 07:34
Another question.

Can anyone share with me if race/ethnicity has played a role in your ability to get quality girls? I am a Brazilian living in Canada but everyone thinks I look Indian (I. E. Someone from Delhi or Bangalore). I know that there are a few Indians in PI and I didn't think they were well liked. Is this a factor for me to consider?



I live in Phils & have family there, I have observed some racism in phils against various races/ethnicities. It seems to be an individual thing. if a girl does'nt like you, move on, there's millions more to choose from.

A lot of women ask me if Im asian (caucasian with one chinese cousin) but it sure has'nt stopped them.

Maybe Ricanstud or Mattrick could share their wisdom with us?

Happy Mongering

Darth Sushi
01-28-08, 12:26
Another question.

Can anyone share with me if race/ethnicity has played a role in your ability to get quality girls? I am a Brazilian living in Canada but everyone thinks I look Indian (I. E. Someone from Delhi or Bangalore). I know that there are a few Indians in PI and I didn't think they were well liked. Is this a factor for me to consider?


When I see gals dancing on stage, the girl(s) who keeps looking at you are more than likely willing to go home with you. The ones who keeps looking over your head is not worth the time. Sometimes it's a race thing, sometimes it's a hygiene thing. I've notice some girls will take in a big breath of air while near my chest. I realized they're just checking for body order. I know some guys complain about racism but in some cases it's just plain old BO instead of race. In my experience, attitude and appearance will play a larger role than race. I've seen mongers walking around barefoot and shirtless smelling like a wet dog. You can win most gals over by treating them with a little respect despite their job title.

X Man
01-28-08, 13:08
DS has some good posts, but in this case, I don't have the same findings as he does.

I also feel annoyed at those ladies who look over your head (usually into a mirror), and much prefer the ladies who make eye contact. Nevertheless, some are shy and some are sly/coy. If you make that extra effor to engage a lady that is is seemingly uninterested/ aloof / stuck up....you might be surprised at the results. Yes, soom will be "taken", too good for you, or on her period, or cherry, or had a long night the night/morning before....but you'll also find some who want to be treated like ladies and expect the man to make the first move.

I've had some great expriences with some of the ones who didn't seem initially interested. I'm not sure what's happening there, but one theory is that they want to be picked up in a "normal" way. Guy chases girl, rather that bikini clad wench offerring herself to a bar full of lechers. :-)

"taken" can mean several things, btw. Although they are dancing, they might already have a guy / drink / seat somewhere in the bar.

And often the ones trying to make eye contact with me, are the fugly ones. I guess it works both ways.

Also, I like walking. And I sweat a lot. I often wear a bandanna and/ or have a hankerchief to wipe the sweat off. I've had bar girls take a sopping wet hankerchief or bandanna out of my hand to help me wipe the sweat off. I usually don't smell (depends on how long I've been sweating), but seems pretty gross anyway. Telling a lady you want to take a shower can be a pretty good line if you follow up with, "Would you like to join me?"


Oh, last few posts focused on race, so I'm a whitey, 40ish, bald, 6mo preggie and "gwapo".

When I see gals dancing on stage, the girl(s) who keeps looking at you are more than likely willing to go home with you. The ones who keeps looking over your head is not worth the time. Sometimes it's a race thing, sometimes it's a hygiene thing. I've notice some girls will take in a big breath of air while near my chest. I realized they're just checking for body order. I know some guys complain about racism but in some cases it's just plain old BO instead of race. In my experience, attitude and appearance will play a larger role than race. I've seen mongers walking around barefoot and shirtless smelling like a wet dog. You can win most gals over by treating them with a little respect despite their job title.

01-28-08, 13:50
DS has some good posts, but in this case, I don't have the same findings as he does.

I also feel annoyed at those ladies who look over your head (usually into a mirror), and much prefer the ladies who make eye contact. Nevertheless, some are shy and some are sly/coy. If you make that extra effor to engage a lady that is is seemingly uninterested/ aloof / stuck up....you might be surprised at the results. Yes, soom will be "taken", too good for you, or on her period, or cherry, or had a long night the night/morning before....but you'll also find some who want to be treated like ladies and expect the man to make the first move.

I've had some great expriences with some of the ones who didn't seem initially interested. I'm not sure what's happening there, but one theory is that they want to be picked up in a "normal" way. Guy chases girl, rather that bikini clad wench offerring herself to a bar full of lechers. :-)

"taken" can mean several things, btw. Although they are dancing, they might already have a guy / drink / seat somewhere in the bar.

And often the ones trying to make eye contact with me, are the fugly ones. I guess it works both ways.

Also, I like walking. And I sweat a lot. I often wear a bandanna and/ or have a hankerchief to wipe the sweat off. I've had bar girls take a sopping wet hankerchief or bandanna out of my hand to help me wipe the sweat off. I usually don't smell (depends on how long I've been sweating), but seems pretty gross anyway. Telling a lady you want to take a shower can be a pretty good line if you follow up with, "Would you like to join me?"


Oh, last few posts focused on race, so I'm a whitey, 40ish, bald, 6mo preggie and "gwapo".

Yeah X I agree, Its my experience also that most girls want to be treated like you're courting a girl friend not buying a piece of meat in the deli.
None of the girls i pulled out of bars in AC last week made eye contact, they all seemed to be just shuffling to the music & far away mentally.

One of the girls (Monica) was on her period but she came with me anyway when i said it was ok with me... so that is not always the real reason.
Some of the girls have emotional entanglements & cant bear the thought of being done by some stranger.

In general I had no problems getting what i wanted.

I did have a brief experience in Atlantis where the mama brought an extremely red hot looking 19yr old eurasian over to me without my request. I bought her a drink & tried hard to make conversation but it was just so obvious that she felt she was being pushed into it that i lost interest & tossed her back.

Can you imagine trying to talk to someone who makes no eye contact & replies to every attempt at conversation with 'what?' and a forced smile..
I did'nt waste time worrying what her story was, many more to choose from.

Happy Mongering

01-28-08, 15:40
Here is my take on this,
1. Most of these girls in AC are recruited from the provinces by mamasans.
They are given a rosy picture of prostituition including big money, good quality of life, lots of friends , life is a party, very good chance of getting a foreign boyfriend with money who will support you for life , no need to go with a guy who you do not like etc.

2. The young girls I have barfined always tell me they do not like this life and they want a boyfriend to take care of them and they like to go back home. I am sure all of you have heard this.

3. More time they spend in AC they start finding out the reality of life and get jaded. Mamasans frown upon a girl who does not get barfined because everybody is loosing money. They will exert subtle pressure on the girl.

4. The girls soon find out the men who promised them everything including marriage and guaranteed support for life is out of the window.

5. If you wonder why they are so mechanical is day in and day out they see lots of men from different nationalities. They learned from experience being nice is not always productive.

6. Having said this there are some girls who really enjoy what they are doing and they have learned the art of making men happy. These are the ones who make most of the money.

7. As to discrimination it is just a matter of attraction between sexes. Some like asian , some like caucasian, some like black etc. If a girl does not show any interest in you there are many other girls in other clubs. It should be not be taken as a personal insult.

01-28-08, 22:26
It happened recently in AC. This day was really no good day. For whatever reason, I was still without a girl at my side when we approached past 2 AM. So I went into a bar and saw a nice girl. Well, her body was nice, the face was rather cute. I called her and offered a drink. The waitress, however, was even more attractive than the dancer. So, I chatted with both. We had some more drinks, and the later it went, I thought I should barfine the pretty waitress. Ok, after about an hour (too long anyhow...), I told the waitress that I want to BF her. She replied that she cannot come with me, since she had the period. Then, well, I asked the dancer. But she claimed to have the period as well. I was definitely pissed off. I don't stink, I have even a good perfume after the shower, I am pretty ok, I care a lot about my body, I wear clean clothes, we had a good conversation. But why the hell, they claim to have the period and don't want to join??

So, I told them that I don't believe any word they say! They were both pretty puzzled. But then, they told me: "We show you, if you want to see!" And I wanted! So, we went to their change room. There, they both lowered their panties and showed me the pad inside - full of blood!! My god, I must have looked pretty stupid. They really had their period! I apologized and told them that I am coming back after a few days, when it's all over.

Then, it was too late to go to any of the bars. I walked towards Blue Nile, but it was just closing, and many girls coming out. I get into a chat with four of them. Two pretty ones and two ugly ones. They convince me to have a "dinner" at Jollybee first, and then, they come to my hotel. So far, so fine. Then we had an early - or late - dinner at the fast food restaurant. I think, I paid 300 Peso, no big deal. When we left, I told them that I can take only two. My hotel wouldn't allow for more. In fact, I just wanted to avoid the ugly ones. I pointed at the two pretty ones, but then the prettier of the pretty ones said that the other one - had the period!! Ok, this time I did not want to check on the street! In any case, on average one out of four girls is indeed in the period... Then, I said, ok so I take only one! But now, the problem started. The prettiest did not want to come with me alone. It was either because I stayed at the Clarkton (the girls tell some stories about a ghost of a murdered girl that is going around in that hotel) or because they wanted to show solidarity among them. They even told me that the ugly one can stay in the toilet, if I don't want her... But I found it all by far too troublesome.

So, this night, I went home alone and had a very good, deep and long sleep!

Wonderer - wondering about the funny girls in AC

01-28-08, 22:32
... I've had bar girls take a sopping wet hankerchief or bandanna out of my hand to help me wipe the sweat off ...

yes, and some of them are really great! Once I was sitting with a cuty from Nero's over a cup of coffee in Margarita Station. Since I was sweating like hell she all of sudden went out, purchased one of these small towels and pampered my like a toddler then! :) I was, however, most touched! That's the real service, isn't it? :)

Cheers - Hesekiels

01-29-08, 09:33
Hope it's OK to post the link. Always good info.



Unix Rules
01-29-08, 10:21
Another question.

Can anyone share with me if race/ethnicity has played a role in your ability to get quality girls? I am a Brazilian living in Canada but everyone thinks I look Indian (I. E. Someone from Delhi or Bangalore). I know that there are a few Indians in PI and I didn't think they were well liked. Is this a factor for me to consider?


IndyNope, there are no problems in that front. I can vouch for that. In fact there have been instances where they seem to like the fact that Indian origin folks were there. As someone says, if you get a problem, move on as they are plenty of girls there.

I have had plenty of reports of certain girls not liking certain nationals because of perceived problems or previous encounters.

Be nice, treat them fair and courteously and you will reap the rewards.

01-30-08, 02:46
Hope it's OK to post the link. Always good info.


SlimUhhhh Ok, maybe I misunderstood some stuff. Barfining is "illegal" in Angeles? That whole article somewhat confused me, sounds like America raiding clubs etc... So, I assume discretion is best when conducting that activity? I don't want to get busted on my cherry trip.

X Man
01-30-08, 09:55
It's been a long time since I looked at the FAQ page, but my memory was that Jackson doesn't want URLs that directly compete with his advertising base. Also been a long time since I looked at the front page, but it was, and probably still is, sex related advertising.

In that case you are in a grey area since the newsletter will take you to some sexy pics and what not. But they are basically AC bars and that's what AC is. Harry the Horse also has an online newsletter for AC. Although he unnecessarily plugs in very conservative politics, it's a good site for getting the vibe of AC from an expat living on site.

I personally can't find any URL that comes close to providing the info that this site does. The focus is on women, but you can learn a lot about travel, culture, hotels, restaurants etc. I gave up on "virtual tourist" because I could usually get far better info here.

I guess someone could go ask J for clarification, but why fix something that isn't broken?


As for the "guy" who seemed to misunderstand the newsletter:
1) Get a new handle so that people can remember your name. (joking)
2) The topic you seem to misunderstand has been here at ISG for a week or more. It has been dissected considerably. WHat is it that you don't understand? The people at risk are the bars / bar owners, as far as I know.

Hope it's OK to post the link. Always good info.



01-30-08, 11:30
... "We show you, if you want to see!" And I wanted! So, we went to their change room. There, they both lowered their panties and showed me the pad inside - full of blood!! My god, I must have looked pretty stupid. They really had their period!

... Wonderer - wondering about the funny girls in AC

On my trip last week one of the girls (Monica) said she was on her period.
I told her it was ok with me so she came with me anyway.

[Honestly it does'nt worry me & some of my girlfriends seem to have been more horny than ever when they are]

To cut a long story short Monica & I spent the night doing each other in my hotel & boy did house keeping have to change those sheets next day :)

As a foot note, it is has been observed that when females live in close quaters their periods synchronise. Could be why they were all on their period that night..

Happy Mongering!

01-30-08, 16:02
Friday, January 18, 2008
Councilor: Angeles 'not source of Aids'
By Reynaldo G. Navales

ANGELES City Councilor Maricel Morales has denied reports that the city is the source of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (Aids) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in the country.

Morales was reacting to a news report she described as "misleading and derogatory to the image of the highly urbanized city.

Sun.Star Network Online's coverage of the Sinulog 2008 Festival

A banner story in this paper's January 15, 2008 issue titled "Angeles police launch 'no bar fine' campaign" stated that the Angeles City Police Office has launched a campaign to stop alleged prostitution in the entertainment establishments here, which is blamed for making the city "the source" of Aids and HIV in the country.

Morales said over the past five years, the City Aids Council has recorded only 11 Aids and HIV cases in the city.

"Misleading reports may tarnish the good image of our beloved city," she said.

According to her, the city health officers are in a close watch on the 11 patients.

Workers in the entertainment districts undergo regular medical check up to ensure their health, she added.

The councilor stressed that the Angeles police should correct their previous statements, which she described as "damaging to the image of Angelenos."

She also clarified that contrary to reports made by the city police, there are no "bar fines" in nightclubs here.

She even lauded the local police for its recent campaign to rid the entertainment area of minors.

"We fully support the move of the city police to save the minors from prostitution and other illegal activities," Morales added.

02-01-08, 01:24
Friday, January 18, 2008
Councilor: Angeles 'not source of Aids'
By Reynaldo G. Navales

ANGELES City Councilor Maricel Morales has denied reports that the city is the source of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (Aids) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in the country.

Yeah right... large numbers of girls having completely unprotected sex with large numbers of sex touritsts is not a problem huh?

A banner story in this paper's January 15, 2008 issue titled "Angeles police launch 'no bar fine' campaign" stated that the Angeles City Police Office has launched a campaign to stop alleged prostitution in the entertainment establishments here

Hilarious... :)

Morales said over the past five years, the City Aids Council has recorded only 11 Aids and HIV cases in the city.

No body believes for a minute the propaganda of corupt inefficient government departments in a developing country.

Workers in the entertainment districts undergo regular medical check up to ensure their health, she added.

Correction, most of the workers undergo hit & miss testing which is of a dodgy nature.

She also clarified that contrary to reports made by the city police, there are no "bar fines" in nightclubs here.

Ahahahahahaha :D There are no barfines! ahahahaha :D oh man i laughed out loud at this one!

She even lauded the local police for its recent campaign to rid the entertainment area of minors.

I agree with getting rid of the streetwalkers, ladyboys & minors.

No body believes these government clowns. Its all for show. Politics.

Happy Mongering!

02-01-08, 12:08
Here is my take on this,
1. Most of these girls in AC are recruited from the provinces by mamasans.
They are given a rosy picture of prostituition including big money, good quality of life, lots of friends , life is a party, very good chance of getting a foreign boyfriend with money who will support you for life , no need to go with a guy who you do not like etc.

2. The young girls I have barfined always tell me they do not like this life and they want a boyfriend to take care of them and they like to go back home. I am sure all of you have heard this.

3. More time they spend in AC they start finding out the reality of life and get jaded. Mamasans frown upon a girl who does not get barfined because everybody is loosing money. They will exert subtle pressure on the girl.

4. The girls soon find out the men who promised them everything including marriage and guaranteed support for life is out of the window.

5. If you wonder why they are so mechanical is day in and day out they see lots of men from different nationalities. They learned from experience being nice is not always productive.

6. Having said this there are some girls who really enjoy what they are doing and they have learned the art of making men happy. These are the ones who make most of the money.

7. As to discrimination it is just a matter of attraction between sexes. Some like asian , some like caucasian, some like black etc. If a girl does not show any interest in you there are many other girls in other clubs. It should be not be taken as a personal insult.

I know quite a few girls that have ongoing barfines, for months, even years. But yes, girls do get jaded, just like we do.

In the Fields bars, they might pressure them to barfine. But out in the Perimeter Bars, that is not so much. The Perimeter Bars depend on the girls selling lady drinks. If they barfine too early in the evening, the bar loses money. I know girls there that can rack up 20-25 drinks without barfining.

02-01-08, 14:00
..The Perimeter Bars depend on the girls selling lady drinks. If they barfine too early in the evening, the bar loses money...

Yeah I noticed during my brief stay there that the small bars are pretty touchy about girls being pulled out. One small place i walked into had about 8 girls, two of which were very cute, I gave them a drink & half jokingingly asked if i could take them out & was greeted with a very firm NO! by the mama.

After that I stuck with the big bars...

Happy Mongering!

02-01-08, 14:29
Not exactly the whole truth. Perimeter bars are set up for short time. Of course in any bar in town the lady drink is the winner for all. But I know for a fact that many girls will go short time up to 7 times a day reguarly.

I know quite a few girls that have ongoing barfines, for months, even years. But yes, girls do get jaded, just like we do.

In the Fields bars, they might pressure them to barfine. But out in the Perimeter Bars, that is not so much. The Perimeter Bars depend on the girls selling lady drinks. If they barfine too early in the evening, the bar loses money. I know girls there that can rack up 20-25 drinks without barfining.

02-01-08, 14:44
... But I know for a fact that many girls will go short time up to 7 times a day reguarly.

A girl getting barebacked 7 times a day...

This is not a picture I want to put in my mind... Yuck! :(
Im sooooo glad I did not visit perimeter bars...

Happy Mongering!

02-01-08, 22:10
On my trip last week one of the girls (Monica) said she was on her period.
..As a foot note, it is has been observed that when females live in close quaters their periods synchronise. Could be why they were all on their period that night..
Heheh, that is one of the wonders. U seem to be experienced to observe this. Even the science find this is true that girls living close together tend to menstruate same periode. Maybe we all must have a backup house to visit?

02-01-08, 22:16
I just hope this msg from a week ago is not correct anymore:
hello its me xxxx,
how r u now?hope u o.k,f u ask me now im not good coz im so nervous tonght coz they said the police catch us so now we go home about 10 o`clock its to early the cambodia and mestys close also except the neros and bluenile...so very big problem now...takecare always...muah!!!

This is a true-life report, showing a nice workring girls is afraid. She also says that the Blue-Niles and Neros is open, even if Cambodia and Mistyswas closed.

I guess they have the same owner (the dutch guy).

Just hope this is history now. Can someone confirm please ????

02-01-08, 22:29
A girl getting barebacked 7 times a day...

This is not a picture I want to put in my mind... Yuck! :(
Im sooooo glad I did not visit perimeter bars...

Happy Mongering!
And I thought the girl, who told me she made 3-4 times a day, shocked me. Whatsoever, Angeles is the place for us to go.. Short time 500-800 peso, long time 1300 peso (barfine + tips if she is good). This is 12-20 USD, and 35 USD for LT - can anyplace in the world beat this??? Please tell me..


Dong Hi
02-01-08, 23:47
I just hope this msg from a week ago is not correct anymore: " Hello, its me xxxx,

How are you now? Hope you o. K, f you ask me now I'm not good because I'm so nervous tonght because they said the police catch us so now we go home about 10 o'clock its to early the Cambodia and mestys close also except the neros and bluenile. So very big problem now. Takecare always. Muah! "

This is a true-life report, showing a nice workring girls is afraid. She also says that the Blue-Niles and Neros is open, even if Cambodia and Mistyswas closed.

I guess they have the same owner (the dutch guy).

Just hope this is history now. Can someone confirm please? Old news, Jan was the month of shakedowns in AC. Read harry the horse to catch up on the saga. Yes the bars you name were closed for a day, but I hear from many on the ground things are 98% back to normal. I'll be in town in two weeks, and I'll post up on things from AC.

Buko Max
02-02-08, 00:06
This is a true-life report, showing a nice workring girls is afraid. She also says that the Blue-Niles and Neros is open, even if Cambodia and Mistyswas closed.
For some reason the authorities are picking on the Blue Nile Group.
Yes I can confirm that the dancers I know there have been scared shitless the past few months and are ready to leave town.

02-02-08, 02:47
For some reason the authorities are picking on the Blue Nile Group.
Yes I can confirm that the dancers I know there have been scared shitless the past few months and are ready to leave town.Matt, my sources on the ground confirm that Cambodia and Misty's were closed not raided., something to do with licences. BNG seem to have more problems with the authorities than Champagne Group and/or La pasha Group or DollHouse.

Girlfinder....BNG is controlled by an English gentleman not a Dutchman.

Good luck to all those in AC , make the most of what you can get and remember LBFM ( little brown fucking machines), ABC ( activated by cash), PBR (powered by rice).

02-02-08, 05:01
And I thought the girl, who told me she made 3-4 times a day, shocked me. Whatsoever, Angeles is the place for us to go.. Short time 500-800 peso, long time 1300 peso (barfine + tips if she is good). This is 12-20 USD, and 35 USD for LT - can anyplace in the world beat this??? Please tell me..


Yep its incredible value for money.

Now that i have seen it first hand I don't have quite the same seedy grotty picture in my mind that i had gained from reading others reports.

There certainly is quality pussy at bargain prices there & anything else to suit your taste & budget. (I shudder to think)

Happy Mongering!

02-02-08, 18:23
For some reason the authorities are picking on the Blue Nile Group.
Yes I can confirm that the dancers I know there have been scared shitless the past few months and are ready to leave town.Two other forums are reporting continued problems and not business as usual in Angeles. One site is advising visitors to find other asian destinations for now.

I guess we will have to rely on the experts who have made the visit many many times, or better yet those who are lucky to live in the area.

Good luck to those that have tickets purchased/in-hand. Not sure if I would be a purchaser right now for Feb, March or April.

Me, I am going for a short stop in Angeles, then on to Cebu. Just gotta pick the right hotel yet in Cebu.

I will be interesting indeed.

Side note; I read on another board Cebu Pacific is no longer flying out of Clark to Cebu? Anyone on ground can confirm this rumor?



Dong Hi
02-02-08, 22:11
Two other forums are reporting continued problems and not business as usual in Angeles. One site is advising visitors to find other asian destinations for now.

I guess we will have to rely on the experts who have made the visit many many times, or better yet those who are lucky to live in the area.

Good luck to those that have tickets purchased/in-hand. Not sure if I would be a purchaser right now for Feb, March or April.

Me, I am going for a short stop in Angeles, then on to Cebu. Just gotta pick the right hotel yet in Cebu.

I will be interesting indeed.

Side note; I read on another board Cebu Pacific is no longer flying out of Clark to Cebu? Anyone on ground can confirm this rumor?


JetWhat other forums do you speak of? I am a member of two very active boards, and all are reporting almost back to normal, also I am in contact with 10 or so expats (guys who don't own or manage bars) and evrything appears to be settling down. YMMV, but the sky is not falling, and I have no intention of not going to AC, I'll post the reality when on the ground.

Cebu Pacific still flys out of clark to Cebu.

El Greco
02-02-08, 22:21
Side note; I read on another board Cebu Pacific is no longer flying out of Clark to Cebu? Anyone on ground can confirm this rumor?



I am planing same route for late AprIl. My first visit there.
According to their site


they are flying every MON, WED, FRI at 12:05 to Cebu and they are accepting reservations, for that period, at PHP 288 ++.

Please let me know your hotac arrangements if you don't mind.


El Greco

02-02-08, 23:40
Two other forums are reporting continued problems and not business as usual in Angeles. One site is advising visitors to find other asian destinations for now.

I guess we will have to rely on the experts who have made the visit many many times, or better yet those who are lucky to live in the area.

Good luck to those that have tickets purchased/in-hand. Not sure if I would be a purchaser right now for Feb, March or April.

Me, I am going for a short stop in Angeles, then on to Cebu. Just gotta pick the right hotel yet in Cebu.

I will be interesting indeed.

Side note; I read on another board Cebu Pacific is no longer flying out of Clark to Cebu? Anyone on ground can confirm this rumor?



Please do not panic about the situation in AC. I am a member of other forums on AC and the major ones certainly do not recommend you go to other destinations. Things have changed and SOME of the smaller bars are not having "barfines". You will find the larger bars still operating DollHouse, La Pasha, Carousel, Typhoon, Camelot, Lancelot, Atlantis, Champagne, Blue Nile, Neros, Misty's, Treasure Island, Body Shop, Voodoo and so on.

Let us assume the worse happens and AC closes down, well you jump on a bus and go to Manila or fly to Cebu. May I respectfully suggest you go back and RTFF, have a coffee and a quiet cigarette. I flew to Cebu on Cebu Pacific from Clark in January 08. Flying time 1hour 20 mins. P150 departure tax. Be there 1 hour before flight. I think you are reading the wrong boards and getting confused and subsequently you are getting stressed.

If you are going to PI book your hotel asap, most hotels are booked out.

Enjoy your time in AC. You will never be the same because you have found paradise.

02-03-08, 01:22

I'm looking for a nice appartment with good swimming pool in AC.

I can rent longtime. 1-3 month

02-03-08, 05:12
I read in expat news that starting on april we have direct flights from Clark to BKK which I welcome, so if you bored with AC you go for some fun to BKK or Pattaya (1400bhat with cab from the new BKK airport).

BlinkI've looked at all the potential airlines (Cebu-Pacific, Air Asia, Tiger, Philipppine Air, Thai Air) and have not found anyone booking flights for april. Any idea which airline this is supposed to be? Also, there is a bus 4 or 5 times a day directly from the BKK airport to Pattaya for 150 Bt.

02-03-08, 05:31
I am planing same route for late AprIl. My first visit there.
According to their site


they are flying every MON, WED, FRI at 12:05 to Cebu and they are accepting reservations, for that period, at PHP 288 ++.

Please let me know your hotac arrangements if you don't mind.


El GrecoEl Greco,

X man is your guide of choice for hotel info. I don't plan on spending too much time at a hotel other than for shagging my nights find. Being clean and safe are the two priorities...I don't need a pool or bar in my hotel.

That being said there are several that I have looked at. Apple Tree suites seems very reasonable and is only a few years old. They are guest friendly from what I have read.

I don't recall the other hotels off hand...but I will let you know after my trip. I will provide a detailed report upon my return in late March.

I also have a few ladies lined up from the dating sites to meet. Some of them seem very anxious to meet up. I strongly suggest you make some contacts, as back up, before you leave. Really hot ones in Davao, but I am to cherry for that trip.

Good luck and I hope you get your hotel question answered.


02-03-08, 08:57
...in 11 days!

Gents, come one come all don't be scared off by the events of Jan. There are thousands of girls waiting to keep you company. Stop listening to all of the drama. No bar fines, EWR, or whatever, you can still buy the good stuff in AC all day all night!



X Man
02-03-08, 11:54
Ch. Blossom... C00636640

Oh, good girl. Yea right. This one had 0 children when I met her, and she wasn't such a good girl then. She wanted a rather large sum, but was insulted at my final offer because, "I'm not a bar girl."

I didn't get her clothes off so I don't know if the 1 kid is new or was already around when I met her. Give this one a miss.


Guy Wif Attitude
02-03-08, 16:25
Spent 9 days in AC, it was my cherry trip to PI and what an experience! Stayed at Pacific breeze. Clean and very comfortable hotel, helpful and friendly staff.

Day 1. First bar I walked into was Lollipops. Good lineup. Was immediately accosted by 2 girls. 1 proceeded to give me a lapdance while guiding my hands to her tits and pussy, while the 1 next to me kept stroking my leg. Decided to BF the cutie on my lap as she was very keen. Very nice smile and face, cute small body too. Gave me a nice BBBJ and good sex for round 1. Round 2 followed but she was slightly less responsive and said she was getting tired. Wanted to leave in the morning at round 4am and I didn't complain. Was glad to get some sleep.

Day 2. Had fun talking to the great girls at Dirty Duck, Happy Inn, and ended up at Bunny Ranch. Ended up dirty dancing with a waitress and called over the most energetic dancer on stage. 19 y/o long legged extremely hard bodied girl from Mindanao. Extremely cheeky and cute. Oh dear, I had met my match, so had to BF her. Took her to Skytrax where we tore up the floor. Wasnt so interested in sex though when we got back to the hotel, I had to tell her that I barfined her for sex, and told her to go have a shower first! I think she was surprised by my firmness, and lost the attitude. Sex was extremely good, and she orgasmed at least 3 times, and kept yelling that she wanted to cum more. When I wanted round 2 she complained again, I told her again firmly if you don't want to have sex you can leave now. She didn't, and again the sex was good, damn this girl! In the end she left around 6am but I had had enough by then anyway.

Day 3. Barfined a young cutie doorgirl from King of Diamonds.complete GFE, and kept spooning me all night and asked for bareback sex. I said only with condom please. Went 3 rounds with her, she was a newbie, such innocent sex, I really felt for this girl and still keep in touch with her.

Day 4. Barfined a tall cute newbie from Honeypot, this one really fell for me as well, and wanted sex constantly, complete GFE again, and I barfined her on another night too because she was so enthusiastic.

Rest of the inbetween days. Picked up a girl from a shop in SM Mall, took her out another evening and back to my hotel for a round of kissing and groping, no sex though, damn. Kept in touch and met up the rest of the duration of my stay. Became really good friends. Pinays are so sweet. Picked up another girl from another shop and she became my GF on the side. After work, we went out with her friends to local discos which I would never have seen unless she was there. She stayed overnite twice and the sex was good, I think she eventually realised that nothing would become of our relationship and she became more distant, we still keep in touch though.

Day 9. The best sex was saved for last. BFd an absolute wildcat from Blue Nile. By this time, I had made so many "friends" with the doorgirls down Fields (I would often just go to Mo's during the early evening and just talk to the girls from Voodoo, King of Diamonds) and Shanos, that I couldn't walk by without getting mobbed by girls. So I asked Blue Nile girl to follow me to the hotel so the other girls would see me. Sounds crazy doesnt it? Anyway, I think I spoilt my cards, as she knew I was a butterfly, and said ST only, but the blowjob and sex was the most amazing, she had a bubble butt (unusual for Pinays) but still slim, with the most amazing features, absolute knockout, and we laughed and joked a lot but I couldn't get her to stay LT (damn). Anyway I had to go the following morning so I guess I was happy to get the sleep.

Lessons Learnt:

1. I am not white, but I found that Pinays were not the least bit rascist (colour does not matter as long as you are charming, good looking, clean and have the gift of the gab).

2. Picking up "civilian" girls from the malls works, it made a nice change to the bargirl scene.

3. Always negotiate price before getting into a trike.

4. Do not get into arguments/fights. Smile and walk away. Don't forget we are only here to fuck beautiful filipinas.

5. I only barfined girls who made eye contact and flirted with me from the stage. As far as I'm concerned, that is the way I pick up girls anyway, with eye contact and a smile. Rules of attraction are the same whether your in a niteclub in the west or a bar in AC.

I also went to Manila and Bali for the rest of my trip. More stories to tell, but I guess thats for another post. The reports on this forum were invaluable for a newbie like me.

Thank you all.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Fat Guy
02-03-08, 17:20
It is a great report thank you for your efforts. I have some questions if you all don't mind.

I'm currently shopping around for a mongering destination. As it stands now its back to the DR. However I've never done asia (Thailand is a no no for personal reasons). The philipines intrests me because I could fly from san fran 16 hrs to manila w/ stop then 12hrs back non stop on philipine airlines. I live in new york city but I would need a pit stop in san fran. I will not do 20 hr episodes on airplanes. I can only take so much.

I have RTFF and noticed that manila is a bummer. I only see a few bars mentioned. Then there is the pressure of girl drinks and that would kill it for me. I could take the "fly the bus route" to angeles city and visit AC. Besides the avenue with the bars what else is there to do? Are there places to photograph?

As far as costs go. I should pay at least $100 a night for a hotel in manila and then how much in AC w/ fridge and ac? I don't see a hotel thread for AC. Do I need to pre book or just show up from manila? Again I need a fridge and AC.

A budget of $120 US a day should get me laid drunk and fed daily? Manila to AC by cab how much?

I guess the no barfine thing is an attempt to rid the city of prostitution or trying to extort protection money. Either way it sounds like trouble. Are we still trying to figure out if its a good time to visit or does this happen quite frequently? It happens quite often in south america close to elections.

Sorry to ask so many questions. I did RTFF but asia is a HUGE step for me to take for many reasons. I'm usually down in south america.

Many thanks,

It is a great report thank you for your efforts. I have some questions if you all don't mind.

I'm currently shopping around for a mongering destination. As it stands now its back to the DR. However I've never done asia (Thailand is a no no for personal reasons). The philipines intrests me because I could fly from san fran 16 hrs to manila w/ stop then 12hrs back non stop on philipine airlines. I live in new york city but I would need a pit stop in san fran. I will not do 20 hr episodes on airplanes. I can only take so much.

I have RTFF and noticed that manila is a bummer. I only see a few bars mentioned. Then there is the pressure of girl drinks and that would kill it for me. I could take the "fly the bus route" to angeles city and visit AC. Besides the avenue with the bars what else is there to do? Are there places to photograph?

As far as costs go. I should pay at least $100 a night for a hotel in manila and then how much in AC w/ fridge and ac? I don't see a hotel thread for AC. Do I need to pre book or just show up from manila? Again I need a fridge and AC.

A budget of $120 US a day should get me laid drunk and fed daily? Manila to AC by cab how much?

I guess the no barfine thing is an attempt to rid the city of prostitution or trying to extort protection money. Either way it sounds like trouble. Are we still trying to figure out if its a good time to visit or does this happen quite frequently? It happens quite often in south america close to elections.

Sorry to ask so many questions. I did RTFF but asia is a HUGE step for me to take for many reasons. I'm usually down in south america.

Many thanks,

ArtisttypDon't worry about the questions, I'm sure if I ever go to SA then I'll be asking you. But you know I have to ask, why not Thailand? Not to worry, I've switched over from Thailand to Philippines because I've found PI to be a more friendly mongering experience after getting burned out in Thailand. Can't say there's as much selection in AC vs. Pattaya, but it fits my style a little better. The women in PI seem to be more personable, so unless you just don't like asian women then I see you having no difficulties.

If you're looking for a nice flight, you can check out Eva Air, I've found they fly from the west coast to taipei, then to Manila. They offer an Evergreen Deluxe class which is a bigger seat which is nice for the ride over. Prices are the same (sometimes less) than AA, Delta, United flights for a coach seat. Had someone tell me about them when I would fly to Thailand and now they are the only one's I'll fly to SE Asia. Definitely worth a look at least, sure is nice not to have a 12 hour flight in a coach seat. A little hint, take a cheap airline from NY to LA, SFO, or SEA, then get your EVA flight to Manila, found this is a cheapest way to go.

Things to do, plenty. You're close enough to Bataan to take a day trip and see all about the death March. Also have golf courses, Mt. Pinatabo, hiking, etc. I wouldn't think this could be a place to spend an entire month without ending up drunk by noon after waking at 11, but there are things to do. Just head a couple blocks down the road and get a travel agent, they will have some stuff that interests about everyone. If you're planning on tourism along with mongering for 2 weeks, you can also check out Cebu. There's enough mix of mongering and tours between the 2 to keep you full of photos so you won't have to listen to the uptight pricks at work that talk shit because you go to monger along with being a tourist. (I live in the TX, so I hear that shit all the time from the rednecks here that have never left)

My ideas are to not spend too much on the rooms and $120 should get you all you want as long as you don't go crazy and start ringing bells. I stay at the Orchid Inn (google orchid inn angeles) over in Angeles, it's about $65 a night and gets you AC, fridge, good size room with wired Internet in all the rooms. I tend to spend a little more than your $120, but it's definitely a reasonable budget. Like I said, don't ring the bell, it's evil.

I have heard you can get a cab from Manila to Angeles for P1500 but more likely to pay about P2000-P2500.

The "No Barfine" seems to have gone away. Read on another site from someone there Angeles is back to normal. I guess it's like Thailand where one trip you will not see any shows because of the police, then a week later it's back just as it was.

As you can tell, I pretty much have nothing to do so I hope I didn't ramble too much for you.


02-03-08, 19:14
These women rarely post the real pic and when they do it was their HS grad pic from 10+ years back. They want to meet you at the airport to wisk you away to the pamily in de probeense to close you on the marriage deal before you venture into the LA Cafe or AC. Usually if they know you are already there they figure your intentions are based on pookie and not turning one of them into a balikbayun to shake you down for a minimum of $500 a month and eventually take you to the cleaners or maybe just having you living in the basement while they run their money raising venture. Go to an internet cafe in the more remote provinces, or even in Siberia for that matter and it is full of girls on the computer working the chumps,with the help of experts. They won't even talk to you, or look up for that matter. I do know guys that work the system, but if you run off after knocking one up (or even taking a "cherry") you'd better not go to that province again because if they catch you, you are in a heap of trouble. Running off after getting one pregnant is a right reserved only for the Pinoy dudes.

Fast Eddie 48
02-03-08, 23:14
These women rarely post the real pic and when they do it was their HS grad pic from 10+ years back. They want to meet you at the airport to wisk you away to the pamily in de probeense to close you on the marriage deal before you venture into the LA Cafe or AC. Usually if they know you are already there they figure your intentions are based on pookie and not turning one of them into a balikbayun to shake you down for a minimum of $500 a month and eventually take you to the cleaners or maybe just having you living in the basement while they run their money raising venture. Go to an internet cafe in the more remote provinces, or even in Siberia for that matter and it is full of girls on the computer working the chumps,with the help of experts. They won't even talk to you, or look up for that matter. I do know guys that work the system, but if you run off after knocking one up (or even taking a "cherry") you'd better not go to that province again because if they catch you, you are in a heap of trouble. Running off after getting one pregnant is a right reserved only for the Pinoy dudes.Bule daddy,

You are right about cherry blossom and f heart they are a big waste of time ,If you go to PI for a week don't waste you time most of this girl picture is fake and they just want to meet foriegn for marriage just go to LA cafe or edsa for P4P nothing is free your time and effort is money.

Fast eddie 48

X Man
02-04-08, 02:55
Great post Mr.Attitude, sounds like you had a good time. Any pics?

I like your day two "firmness" strategy: "hit the shower girl". I'll have to try that sometime. I've been more likely to go straight to, "...sex or leave". That has usually worked for me, but I like your way better.

As for regular ladies in AC, I have the theory that all those pherenonomes in the air just makes everyone horny. I guess they also know if they don't put out, someone else will.

Of course some of those "regular" ladies might be in the business too. It's great to get one who happens to be on extended holiday (somebody is likely sending her money to stay out of the bars). You get one of those and you have the perfect combination of GFE from a "pro" who hasn't been laid in a while. You got to love it when they do their dance moves in your room. (see pic)

And lastly, your lesson #3. I presume you meant negotiate with the trike driver. The other way is let the girl pay, or better yet find out what the going rate is and then just hand over the exact change upon arrival.


Spent 9 days in AC, it was my cherry trip to PI and what an experience! Stayed at Pacific breeze. Clean and very comfortable hotel, helpful and friendly staff.


Day 2. I had to tell her that I barfined her for sex, and told her to go have a shower first! I think she was surprised by my firmness, and lost the attitude. Sex was extremely good, and she orgasmed at least 3 times, and kept yelling that she wanted to cum more. When I wanted round 2 she complained again, I told her again firmly if you don't want to have sex you can leave now. She didn't, and again the sex was good, damn this girl! In the end she left around 6am but I had had enough by then anyway.


Rest of the inbetween days. Picked up a girl from a shop in SM Mall, took her out another evening and back to my hotel for a round of kissing and groping, no sex though, damn. Kept in touch and met up the rest of the duration of my stay. Became really good friends. Pinays are so sweet. Picked up another girl from another shop and she became my GF on the side. After work, we went out with her friends to local discos which I would never have seen unless she was there. She stayed overnite twice and the sex was good, I think she eventually realised that nothing would become of our relationship and she became more distant, we still keep in touch though.

Lessons Learnt:

1. I am not white, but I found that Pinays were not the least bit rascist (colour does not matter as long as you are charming, good looking, clean and have the gift of the gab).

2. Picking up "civilian" girls from the malls works, it made a nice change to the bargirl scene.

3. Always negotiate price before getting into a trike.

4. Do not get into arguments/fights. Smile and walk away. Don't forget we are only here to fuck beautiful filipinas.

5. I only barfined girls who made eye contact and flirted with me from the stage. As far as I'm concerned, that is the way I pick up girls anyway, with eye contact and a smile. Rules of attraction are the same whether your in a niteclub in the west or a bar in AC.

I also went to Manila and Bali for the rest of my trip. More stories to tell, but I guess thats for another post. The reports on this forum were invaluable for a newbie like me.

Thank you all.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

L A Guy
02-04-08, 20:25
To cut a long story short Monica & I spent the night doing each other in my hotel & boy did house keeping have to change those sheets next day :)

That brings back memories of a time when I spent a couple of nights with my favourite Officer Naughty tequila girl. At some point in the weekend her period arrived and I assured her that it wouldnt be a problem for me. Personally speaking, if I am sufficiently attracted to a girl these things dont really phase me. Anyways it turned out to be a pretty vigarous session and afterwards the bed looked a murder scene lol. She told me later that it had been the first time anyone had ever screwed her during her period, so I guess she will always remember me for that at least ;)

02-05-08, 01:35
Buledaddy wrote:

I do know guys that work the system, but if you run off after knocking one up (or even taking a "cherry") you'd better not go to that province again because if they catch you, you are in a heap of trouble. Running off after getting one pregnant is a right reserved only for the Pinoy dudes.

PLENTY of foreigners DO knock them up never to be seen again, leaving the girl to raise his baby in destitute poverty. While these kind of irresponsible scumbags SHOULD "be in heaps of trouble", they get away with it without fianancial consequences almost always (foreigners and Pinays alike). Lack of an effective child support system (plenty of the poppas have money) is yet another reason so many young girls there are mired in a cycle of poverty.

SE Asia Joe
02-05-08, 05:00
Hey guys:
You seen a wanker with teeth chattering going round your neck of the woods going "Ho, HO, HO" I want "Ho" yet?
If you spot him, welcome him but lock away all your own favorites! Sneaky little bastard will claim they're his, all his!
SE Asia Joe

El Greco
02-05-08, 07:04
I've looked at all the potential airlines (Cebu-Pacific, Air Asia, Tiger, Philipppine Air, Thai Air) and have not found anyone booking flights for april. Any idea which airline this is supposed to be? Also, there is a bus 4 or 5 times a day directly from the BKK airport to Pattaya for 150 Bt.


Click on "see our route map button" and then on Clark on the next window.
They have some "upcoming flights" one being to BKK. If they are going to start flying on April they must commence accepting reservations soon.

El Greco

El Greco
02-05-08, 07:25
El Greco,

X man is your guide of choice for hotel info. I don't plan on spending too much time at a hotel other than for shagging my nights find. Being clean and safe are the two priorities...I don't need a pool or bar in my hotel.

That being said there are several that I have looked at. Apple Tree suites seems very reasonable and is only a few years old. They are guest friendly from what I have read.

I don't recall the other hotels off hand...but I will let you know after my trip. I will provide a detailed report upon my return in late March.

I also have a few ladies lined up from the dating sites to meet. Some of them seem very anxious to meet up. I strongly suggest you make some contacts, as back up, before you leave. Really hot ones in Davao, but I am to cherry for that trip.

Good luck and I hope you get your hotel question answered.


Thank you very much. I monger about six months per year and me too don't like spending a fortune in hotel bills. Good choice. But I guess they don't provide internet access. They menntion nothing in their amenities. A must for me.

Have done dating sites in latin America in the past. IMHO a waste of time. They are all looking for a sponsor husband. Had a hard time getting rid of my ex wife. Don't want another one.

Thanks anyway.

El Greco

02-06-08, 06:40
El Greco,

What kind of accommodations are you looking for? Price range, ammenities, proximity to Fields Ave, etc.? That way we can better assist you with suggestions.



El Greco
02-08-08, 02:23
El Greco,

What kind of accommodations are you looking for? Price range, ammenities, proximity to Fields Ave, etc.? That way we can better assist you with suggestions.



Never been to AC before so I don't know where it is best to stay. Close to the action I supose.

For a short time I am looking for a GF hotel with rather large room with internet access. Swimming pool is a plus but not a must. Breakfast I hardly take. In the range of 30 euros.

For longer periods I always stay somewhere with beaches and ocean view because I am a beach fun. Preferably one bedroom apartment. If I have to I will rent a car too. I am not into motos. Cable internet is a plus for my "Vonage" type of phone and my banking and stock market activities.

I am in Fortaleza/Brasil now and for such an apartment, in an apart hotel, I pay about 600 euros monthly and another 500 for a small car.

Thanks Kid

El Greco

Maple Red
02-08-08, 06:31
Never been to AC before so I don't know where it is best to stay. Close to the action I supose.

For a short time I am looking for a GF hotel with rather large room with internet access. Swimming pool is a plus but not a must. Breakfast I hardly take. In the range of 30 euros.

For longer periods I always stay somewhere with beaches and ocean view because I am a beach fun. Preferably one bedroom apartment. If I have to I will rent a car too. I am not into motos. Cable internet is a plus for my "Vonage" type of phone and my banking and stock market activities.

I am in Fortaleza/Brasil now and for such an apartment, in an apart hotel, I pay about 600 euros monthly and another 500 for a small car.

Thanks Kid

El GrecoEl Greco,

No beaches in Angeles City, perhaps try Subic or Borocay if you want beaches in the Philippines. Otherwise, Pacific Breeze is a good mid-priced hotel for Angeles City.

02-08-08, 07:50
For a short time I am looking for a GF hotel with rather large room with internet access.
There aren't any non-GF hotels in AC. Even if, I think such a hotel would be bankrupt within days. :D

Nearby Nero's has just opened Bangkok Hotel with opening promotions.
Starting standard room 1,200ps up to 2,350ps for executive suite.
Wireless internet available.


02-08-08, 08:06
Dearest fellow tourists,
would you please do me and all others a big favour and stay off the stage.

Really, nobody goes into a bar to see mid-aged, half-naked Westerners among the girls trying to perform something they consider dancing.
It's just simply disgusting.

Thank you.

Darth Sushi
02-08-08, 08:26
Dearest fellow tourists,
would you please do me and all others a big favour and stay off the stage.

Really, nobody goes into a bar to see mid-aged, half-naked Westerners among the girls trying to perform something they consider dancing.
It's just simply disgusting.

Thank you.
LOL...BTW, if you're as hairy as Bigfoot, please keep your shirt on and stay off the stage. Talk about a buzz kill!

02-08-08, 09:00
if you're as hairy as Bigfoot, please keep your shirt on and stay off the stage.
Hehe, :D it's lots of fun anyway!
Greetings from AC and happy Chinese New Year!
Going to start todays girl&SMB-session now.
:p :p :p

02-09-08, 01:37
Never been to AC before so I don't know where it is best to stay. Close to the action I supose.

For a short time I am looking for a GF hotel with rather large room with internet access. Swimming pool is a plus but not a must. Breakfast I hardly take. In the range of 30 euros.


I am in Fortaleza/Brasil now and for such an apartment, in an apart hotel, I pay about 600 euros monthly and another 500 for a small car.

Thanks Kid

El Greco

Dolls house Hotel is right smack in the middle of Fields Ave bars.
You dont need to ask about girl friendly for pete's sake. If you pay for a double occupancy, who you sleep with is not any hotels concern. I slept with two ladies at once there (3 in bed) and no one batted an eyelid.

Pacific breeze has big internet enabled rooms as does wild orchid.

Check the prices & do the conversions to euros yourself.
If you want cheap, well then you have to be less choosy and research more.

Happy Mongering

02-09-08, 04:02
Now on my 5th visit and things are changing. There are more new hotels and less old buildigs which have been nocked down. There are more new big bars and some of the older ones have dissapeared. The recent crackdown on bar fines has had no effect and in that respect everything is normal. One bar wanted 10 lady drinks. The other bars were all on bar fines.

Prices are creeping up with bf now commonoly 1350peso. Except the superstars at the new Atlantis and Doll house where they charge 3000 peso and ladydrinks can be 250peso. I think some big players have spotted the true potential of AC and gradually driving up the prices until 3000 is the norm.

The only good side is you get a better looking girl for your 3000. I know you can get a bad fuck with a looker but you can also get a bad fuck with a 5 or 6. So unless you have a recommendation it's probably always better to go with the looker cause you still might get a good fuck.

Atlantis has about 500/600 girls working there and about 10% are real 9/10's. Thats about 50 absolute crackers. Not everyone wants to spend 3000 so I don't think they get so many bf's s but they are there all evening giving a good show. Just wish they would turn the air conditioning off as its cold in there and you can see some of the girls shivering.

AC still a great place but it's changing.

El Greco
02-09-08, 07:00
Dolls house Hotel is right smack in the middle of Fields Ave bars.
You dont need to ask about girl friendly for pete's sake. If you pay for a double occupancy, who you sleep with is not any hotels concern. I slept with two ladies at once there (3 in bed) and no one batted an eyelid.

Pacific breeze has big internet enabled rooms as does wild orchid.

Check the prices & do the conversions to euros yourself.
If you want cheap, well then you have to be less choosy and research more.

Happy Mongering

My mistake that I was a litlle misunderstood.

I am going to visit MNL,AC and CEBU after visiting Phuket and Koh Samui in Thailand in order to get the fealing of the Philippines mainly and get as much info as possible for the islands there,

I would like to switch again to the far east after spending the last 5 years in latin America. Have been to BKK many times too.

I am also aware that most upscale hotels are not GF not to mention the walk of shame.

My final aim is to find a place or two to spend 3-5 months later on this year.

I am well aware that AC has not beaches but I want to check the place. It seems to me like the Pattaya of Philippines where with 1500-2000 baht can have a descent place to stay.

On a monthly basis, on an island, I beleive 1200-1500 euros for hotac would be sufficient. I am not looking for a Sangri La resort place of course. Just a descent one bedroom apartment with some view. If I can't get it there then I will have to go somewhere else.

My budget is 4000 euros/month times seven (months) for mongering per year air fare excluded. In south America is more than enough.

I have been to MNL twice in the past, one for mongering and one for business, but that was 20 years ago. Stayed in Makati both times and all I can remember is a red light district with lots of girlie bars and a couple of casas a taxi driver took us. I remember reading in the news of that time that Aquino closed down this place. Don't know if it's still closed or if Burgos is the place. Can't remember the name.

Any way thank you all for your time and your advise.

El Greco

02-09-08, 20:05
Now on my 5th visit and things are changing. There are more new hotels and less old buildigs which have been nocked down. There are more new big bars and some of the older ones have dissapeared. The recent crackdown on bar fines has had no effect and in that respect everything is normal. One bar wanted 10 lady drinks. The other bars were all on bar fines.

Prices are creeping up with bf now commonoly 1350peso. Except the superstars at the new Atlantis and Doll house where they charge 3000 peso and ladydrinks can be 250peso. I think some big players have spotted the true potential of AC and gradually driving up the prices until 3000 is the norm.

The only good side is you get a better looking girl for your 3000. I know you can get a bad fuck with a looker but you can also get a bad fuck with a 5 or 6. So unless you have a recommendation it's probably always better to go with the looker cause you still might get a good fuck.

Atlantis has about 500/600 girls working there and about 10% are real 9/10's. Thats about 50 absolute crackers. Not everyone wants to spend 3000 so I don't think they get so many bf's s but they are there all evening giving a good show. Just wish they would turn the air conditioning off as its cold in there and you can see some of the girls shivering.

AC still a great place but it's changing.

No beach, the food can't compare with Thai or Indon food, and the only thing to do other than boink the girls is to hang at the malls, sleep, read, drink and watch TV. No nightclub scene like Bangkok or Jakarta, and if you get caught messing with recreational substances you get the same punishment as robbing your corner convenience store back home. I mean, LOOK AT THE PLACE! It looks like what I would think a post-nuclear-war American small town would look like. These short sighted folks can change it all they want and the punters will leave just like the Air Force left when they tried to shake Uncle Sam down for more money. Many Pinoys earned fat money when Clark AFB was there and the USN was nearby and now they are sewing pockets on blue jeans for $5 a day at Asian owned business in the free trade zone and Pinoy welders and engineers are making $1-$3 per hour at the Asian owned shipyards in Subic. The Clark to BKK flights will be full of bored bootyhounds heading to Pattaya. OK, the beer is cheap and tasty, and they do speak english.

02-10-08, 13:09
No beach, the food can't compare with Thai or Indon food, and the only thing to do other than boink the girls is to hang at the malls, sleep, read, drink and watch TV. No nightclub scene like Bangkok or Jakarta, and if you get caught messing with recreational substances you get the same punishment as robbing your corner convenience store back home. I mean, LOOK AT THE PLACE! It looks like what I would think a post-nuclear-war American small town would look like. These short sighted folks can change it all they want and the punters will leave just like the Air Force left when they tried to shake Uncle Sam down for more money. Many Pinoys earned fat money when Clark AFB was there and the USN was nearby and now they are sewing pockets on blue jeans for $5 a day at Asian owned business in the free trade zone and Pinoy welders and engineers are making $1-$3 per hour at the Asian owned shipyards in Subic. The Clark to BKK flights will be full of bored bootyhounds heading to Pattaya. OK, the beer is cheap and tasty, and they do speak english.

Yes, beer is cheap, thats all :D and fresh air then Manila and quickest hideaway from Manila. Thats why I go there cause its CHEAP!!!! and sometime after 12 SML gurls look better :) I have some "friends" there. I agree nothing to do there aside drinking, sleepin and party and thats ok for the weekend.

If I would consider a bang-as-much-chicks you like holiday I would chose Thailand. AC has a lack of gurls if it comes to beauty, I said that before..

I live in the Philippines and make holiday in Thailand. If you have more time its much more interesting to date NON bar gurls (mall etc etc etc) and if that sh..t continues in AC I wonder what its gona be in rainy season...I guess no tourists and all the gurls for me :)) hhahahahaha LOL


Happy hunting :D


02-11-08, 03:09
One bar wanted 10 lady drinks.
What's actually already a barfine of 1,500ps.
See the trend? 1,500 will be the next step.
I expect in late 2008. :(


Ac James
02-11-08, 04:01

Here are some pics of AC’s best short time girl, Joanne, but she goes by “Jo Jo.”

Jo Jo used to work as a dancer at Champagne and she still gets her hygiene card through Champagne. Jo Jo’s friends at Champagne nicknamed her ‘Superstar’ because she would do 3-5 short times every day.

These days Jo Jo works as a freelancer. She can be found hanging out at Kokomo’s most afternoons. Most evenings she has a long time barfine with an English guy named James. You are likely to see them at Doll House, Atlantis, Blue Nile, or Pasha. Jo Jo still does lots of short times and she is excellent service, but she is prone to drama. Still, one of the very best performers in the Phils !

02-11-08, 12:44
No beach, the food can't compare with Thai or Indon food, and the only thing to do other than boink the girls is to hang at the malls, sleep, read, drink and watch TV. No nightclub scene like Bangkok or Jakarta, and if you get caught messing with recreational substances you get the same punishment as robbing your corner convenience store back home. I mean, LOOK AT THE PLACE! It looks like what I would think a post-nuclear-war American small town would look like. These short sighted folks can change it all they want and the punters will leave just like the Air Force left when they tried to shake Uncle Sam down for more money. Many Pinoys earned fat money when Clark AFB was there and the USN was nearby and now they are sewing pockets on blue jeans for $5 a day at Asian owned business in the free trade zone and Pinoy welders and engineers are making $1-$3 per hour at the Asian owned shipyards in Subic. The Clark to BKK flights will be full of bored bootyhounds heading to Pattaya. OK, the beer is cheap and tasty, and they do speak english.
If AC was nice with great restaurants and other entertainment, it would fill with tourists and prices will go same direction as Thailand - sky high! Best put up with the disaster AC food quality and total lack of any 'other' entertainment!

02-11-08, 13:52

‘Superstar’ because she would do 3-5 short times every day.

... still does lots of short times and she is excellent service

hmmm 5 times a day you say?
all bareback i assume?

eeww.. my stomach churns at the thought...
Am I the only squeamish one here??

Happy mongering

02-11-08, 20:20
No beach, the food can't compare with Thai or Indon food, and the only thing to do other than boink the girls is to hang at the malls, sleep, read, drink and watch TV. No nightclub scene like Bangkok or Jakarta, and if you get caught messing with recreational substances you get the same punishment as robbing your corner convenience store back home. I mean, LOOK AT THE PLACE! It looks like what I would think a post-nuclear-war American small town would look like. These short sighted folks can change it all they want and the punters will leave just like the Air Force left when they tried to shake Uncle Sam down for more money. Many Pinoys earned fat money when Clark AFB was there and the USN was nearby and now they are sewing pockets on blue jeans for $5 a day at Asian owned business in the free trade zone and Pinoy welders and engineers are making $1-$3 per hour at the Asian owned shipyards in Subic. The Clark to BKK flights will be full of bored bootyhounds heading to Pattaya. OK, the beer is cheap and tasty, and they do speak english.

Damn man thats about what I thought too on my recent cherry trip. Besides the girls who was bad in bed I had fun though. The english was refreshing and they had a upbeat fun demeanor a very transparent change from the cold calculating Thai girls I have screwed over the last two years. It wasnt as much fun as Thailand but I will definitely be back in two months.

02-11-08, 20:46

Here are some pics of AC’s best short time girl, Joanne, but she goes by “Jo Jo.”

Jo Jo used to work as a dancer at Champagne and she still gets her hygiene card through Champagne. Jo Jo’s friends at Champagne nicknamed her ‘Superstar’ because she would do 3-5 short times every day.

These days Jo Jo works as a freelancer. She can be found hanging out at Kokomo’s most afternoons. Most evenings she has a long time barfine with an English guy named James. You are likely to see them at Doll House, Atlantis, Blue Nile, or Pasha. Jo Jo still does lots of short times and she is excellent service, but she is prone to drama. Still, one of the very best performers in the Phils !
no offense, me and my barownerfren from AC allways joke if we show the "customer" the "superstar" bar gurls, which means this gurl has the most barfine. You got that right, she has a lot of milage. if thts your "thing" why not..

Happy and save hunting


PS nice pictures :)

02-11-08, 21:12
Hey Suckcess,

I got your message loud and clear my friend, Jo Jo is a real winner. Altough she did introduce me to Ashley. Thanks for the post and see you soon bro, wheels up in 3 days!




Here are some pics of AC’s best short time girl, Joanne, but she goes by “Jo Jo.”

Jo Jo used to work as a dancer at Champagne and she still gets her hygiene card through Champagne. Jo Jo’s friends at Champagne nicknamed her ‘Superstar’ because she would do 3-5 short times every day.

02-12-08, 02:52

What is all of this talk about how bad AC is? Are you guys flying to Asia with the hopes of it being just like America? Why not just stay at home?

Angeles City is what it is, and that is a destination for fucking. If want culture, theater, SCUBA diving, parasailing, fine dining, and the like, don't come to AC. If you are looking for thousands of girls to have fun with day in and day out then AC is the place for you. Stay for a day or stay for a year as I said earlier, it is what it is.

There are many mongerers living in AC so aparently it isn't all that bad. There are many other options in the Philippines if AC is not your scene. I know, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. So, IMHO AC rocks!!!



Ac James
02-12-08, 04:18
Very well put Kidjib9!

To be sure, AC is far from perfect. But with a little practice the mongering can be great! If the Phils were not so screwed up then there would not be all the mongering opportunities for us to enjoy.

Besides, even on a boring day in AC, my motto is "There ain't no problem that a good blowjob cannot fix."

And on the topic of multiple daily barfines; all the better looking girls can/will do multiple barfines each day. It is a business, you know.

02-12-08, 04:46
I guess it's just human nature Kid9. It's annoying but what can we do.
Back in where most of the mongers are from, we pay 100+ for crank addicts. We are lucky if we get a shot once a month. Here in AC, we forgot our sufferage back home and begin to demand for things that make no sense.
What i do is staying in AC until my little boy is completely exhausted then fly to Boracay or else where to relax.
The biggest advantage of the PIs over thailand is communication. To me that says everything unless you are mute of deaf. Another less obvious one is reputation. Almost all of my family members and co-workers know nothing of the PIs and assume that I go there for the beaches. I would not dare to utter the name Thailand in my "lone" vacation plan.

02-12-08, 04:54

What is all of this talk about how bad AC is? Are you guys flying to Asia with the hopes of it being just like America? Why not just stay at home?

Angeles City is what it is, and that is a destination for fucking. If want culture, theater, SCUBA diving, parasailing, fine dining, and the like, don't come to AC. If you are looking for thousands of girls to have fun with day in and day out then AC is the palce for you. Stay for a day or stay for a year as I said earlier, it is what it is.

There are many mongerers living in AC so aparently it isn't all that bad. There are many other options in the Philippines if AC is not your scene. I know, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. So, IMHO AC rocks!!!



My point is they keep raising prices on everything, having lady drink minimums on top of big barfines and building these expensive hotels. You have to put this large chunk of change down up front while in Thailand the BF is small in comparison and the girl gets paid. Instead of that goofy stage, in Thailand or Block M in Jakarta you cans sit and talk to the girls and size up the situation before buying ladies drinks and paying the bar well before services are rendered. In Pattaya (especially) the whole scenery is nicer and if you BF it is $5-$6 so if the girl ain't in the shower then the sack doing her job you can send her on her way. In the PI you need to buy the girl at least one drink then BF her, then trike back to hotel so before you have even walked in your door you have spent $50. I have been lucky but I can't tell you how many dudes I know get dogged by the pinoy girls. Sorry, the town has no redeeming features other than booty.

02-12-08, 07:54
There are many mongerers living in AC so aparently it isn't all that bad. There are many other options in the Philippines if AC is not your scene.
Yeah, many mongers live there, but what kind of?
My impression mostly guys who can't afford to live somewhere else, thats no reason to praise AC.
Be honest, it is a shithole, all living there are somehow losers, the girls as well as the guys.
I admit, there are exceptions but a few only.

I usually travel to AC on a monthly basis, but just some days, at most one week and needless to say I enjoy AC every time.

Sorry, but living there? Usually after one week I'm glad to get home and yes, I like fine dining, cultural events, gala dinner, sometimes horrendous expensive cocktail bars, sometimes a philharmonic orchestra or even a ballet with probably gay dancers. :D

No flames please, just my personal opinion I'm entitled to have as stated.


Cunning Stunt
02-12-08, 12:08
Yeah, many mongers live there, but what kind of?

My impression mostly guys who can't afford to live somewhere else, thats no reason to praise AC.

Be honest, it is a shithole, all living there are somehow losers, the girls as well as the guys.

I admit, there are exceptions but a few only.

I usually travel to AC on a monthly basis, but just some days, at most one week and needless to say I enjoy AC every time.

Sorry, but living there? Usually after one week I'm glad to get home and yes, I like fine dining, cultural events, gala dinner, sometimes horrendous expensive cocktail bars, sometimes a philharmonic orchestra or even a ballet with probably gay dancers. :D

No flames please, just my personal opinion I'm entitled to have as stated.

Cheers!No Ekspat, you are not the only one to hold this opinion, and I for one think you are dead fuckin right. Its a hot, dusty, flyblown shithole with nothing to do except drink and monger (sounds great at first and is but to my way of thinking to keep the edge you have to be doing other things). Can't for life of think why sensible fellows want to settle there permanently.

I've lived in the P. I, on and off, for 10 years but I haven't been to Angeles (except to get flights from the airport) since 2000. I kinda got sick of the atmosphere of constant 24/7 hassle, claustrophobic controlled desperation and as for them fuckin cherry girls. Don't start me off.

No Manila might also be a dump but at least its a dump with things to do and places to go. And at least with a visit to the likes of LA caff and you know that 100% of the girls are up for it and waved adieu to their cherries long ago!

02-12-08, 13:34
hmmm 5 times a day you say?

All bareback I assume?

Eeww. My stomach churns at the thought.

Am I the only squeamish one here?

Happy mongering

AmavidaYep, gives new meaning to "sloppy seconds. "


02-12-08, 18:08
Yeah, many mongers live there, but what kind of?
My impression mostly guys who can't afford to live somewhere else, thats no reason to praise AC.
Be honest, it is a shithole, all living there are somehow losers, the girls as well as the guys.
I admit, there are exceptions but a few only.

I usually travel to AC on a monthly basis, but just some days, at most one week and needless to say I enjoy AC every time.

Sorry, but living there? Usually after one week I'm glad to get home and yes, I like fine dining, cultural events, gala dinner, sometimes horrendous expensive cocktail bars, sometimes a philharmonic orchestra or even a ballet with probably gay dancers. :D

No flames please, just my personal opinion I'm entitled to have as stated.


I have to admit Im a weekend loser :D , cause I go to AC for the weekends, its the fastest getaway from Manila....but I also have to admit, ten years ago it was really much more nicer, less traffic, less corrupt, no cellphones, no computers..oh well I need to stop thinking bout this...

Livin in AC depends where you live, if ever the hi way to subic is finished youcan be within 45 minutes at some beach. Despite its a dump, AC offers the most for foreigners..Philippines have 7107 islands and some really great places you can reside, but being a foreigner in the Phils you wont live anywhere a place where you only with deal with pinoys and no expat or foreign comunity is around or near you..Also for safetyreasons....

On the other side, if you live in Manila or any other place in the Philippines your own embassy looks different at you. Nobody cares (my experience) if your a guy living in AC, you be treated differently when your residental adress is in Manila...

For me AC is still ok.. Im trying now to get laid with some of the pretty Agassya models, even they hate me :D, but maybe courting the mama san helps..I will post my experiance here...

Thats all 4 today

Happy hunting


02-12-08, 22:42
... many mongers live there, but what kind of? ...

Hi Ekspat:

All these guys have left their shitty countries like Great Britain, Canada or Germany (etc, etc)! Now they live a much better life in a well organized tropical paradise! You bet your life 'they made it'! Don't be jealous and be assured that playing accordion is a very honorable profession! :) :) :)

Cheers - Hesekiels

Cunning Stunt
02-12-08, 23:17
Hi Ekspat:

All these guys have left their shitty countries like Great Britain, Canada or Germany (etc, etc)! Now they live a much better life in a well organized tropical paradise! You bet your life 'they made it'! Don't be jealous and be assured that playing accordion is a very honorable profession! :) :) :)

Cheers - HesekielsI must say that I've heard the Philippines called many things over the years but 'well organised' has to be a first! Are we talking about the same place that I know and love?

X Man
02-13-08, 01:06
Alls I can say is I've never been laid up for half my holiday with some food-borne illness like I have had to endure in Thailand twice. I'd rather spend my time with an AC Godette, rather than the porcelain God.


02-13-08, 07:08
laid up for half my holiday with some food-borne illness like I have had to endure in Thailand twice.
Funny, isn't the overwhelming opinion here that the Thai-Food is way better than PI-Food?

Rob Woodrow
02-13-08, 07:28
All I know is that I'm staying away from raw vegetables from now on. Both last trip and this trip I ended up with the squirts for day--last trip from a salad, and this trip from a club sandwich. And these weren't even the crummy restaurants.

02-13-08, 10:21
I must say that I've heard the Philippines called many things over the years but 'well organised' has to be a first! Are we talking about the same place that I know and love?

I know I got a wry smile & chuckle from that one also!
I think of the place more as 'glorious chaos' hehehe :)


02-13-08, 15:09
Just my opinion but having been to both Pattaya and AC, would have to say both are shit holes. Include Pucket and Boracay, aside from the ocean and sand, much the same. But in the same breath I hear everyone either brag or lament the price for talent or lodgings. Outrageous that we be charged $30 U. S. To bar fine a twenty something girl for full night of love and frolick. How we found the cheapest hotel on the block and grateful we are that it has running water. Its me, but I have had a great time in all these places. Go to Hollywood and $100 gets a thirty minute BJ by a crack *****, go to AC and you got three naked lovelys for the whole night. For the price of taking a European girl to dinner, if she will go with you and won't if you are over 30, can have the same quality with a guaranteed outcome times three. I really don't care that the streets are poorly maintained and being charged $3 for a lady drink in comparison to a coke at McDonalds does not make me lose sleep.

Let's all go to Tokoyo and pay $50 for the train ride from the airport to the city center. Anyone here every ordered a beer in Paris, just about pay for the run-down hotels raved about in both Pattaya or AC. Got to keep it all in perspective. These are monger's paradise, its volume selling and low overhead. When they line the streets with gold, raise the enchanted castle and have Mickey entertaining, then Joe, Flo and the six kids will be there to clean up all those naughty girls and perverted old men. Then where will we be? Cambodia boys, now that's a shit hole, god love it.


Ac James
02-13-08, 19:03
Short timed Jo Jo again earlier today. This afternoon saw Jo Jo at Tribal store where her long term barfine was buying her t-shirts and clothes. Gotta love those tourists!

02-13-08, 22:37
Some CLAIM that is a big reason they go to Thailand, but we all know that if it were not for the commercial sex not many guys on here are gonna fly half way around the World for pad thai.

No matter how careful you are about what you eat, most visitors to either Thailand or Philippines will end up with the runs at some point in their trip so why sweat it? India has some great cuisine but how many mongers make regular trips to India?

And all the complaining about Angeles not being scenic enough is laughable. It is an ugly dump just like Bangkok or Pattaya. If you want scenery go to Tahiti or Alaska or Yosemite even. LOTS of places have great scenery, but few places on Earth are as fun as Angeles or Pattaya.

02-14-08, 00:45
All I know is that I'm staying away from raw vegetables from now on. Both last trip and this trip I ended up with the squirts for day--last trip from a salad, and this trip from a club sandwich. And these weren't even the crummy restaurants.

Ok maybe you did'nt know this is STANDARD traveller advice the world over :

Get appropriate vaccinations for the area you are visiting.
Always carry 'tropical strength' insect repellant.
Bring anti malarial drugs where appropriate.
NEVER eat raw/unwashed fruits or vegetables.

Happy Trails

Ac James
02-14-08, 01:07
Short timed Jo Jo again earlier today. This afternoon saw Jo Jo at Tribal store where her long term barfine was buying her t-shirts and clothes. Gotta love those tourists!Oops - forgot to include pics!

Pocket Sushi
02-14-08, 02:16
Yeah, many mongers live there, but what kind of?

My impression mostly guys who can't afford to live somewhere else, thats no reason to praise AC.

Be honest, it is a shithole, all living there are somehow losers, the girls as well as the guys.

I admit, there are exceptions but a few only.

I usually travel to AC on a monthly basis, but just some days, at most one week and needless to say I enjoy AC every time.

Sorry, but living there? Usually after one week I'm glad to get home and yes, I like fine dining, cultural events, gala dinner, sometimes horrendous expensive cocktail bars, sometimes a philharmonic orchestra or even a ballet with probably gay dancers. :D

No flames please, just my personal opinion I'm entitled to have as stated.

Cheers!I'd agree that AC is a complete shithole but I wouldn't call everyone living there a loser. I know some great guys that live there to run a business and they certainly aren't losers. Personally its not for me but your stereotyping everyone into one Loser category was a bit rough. Having tried a business years ago in Baguio, I can attest to the fact that if you're not there everyday overlooking your investment, you'll be embezzled & bankrupted in a matter of days.

02-14-08, 03:23
Alls I can say is I've never been laid up for half my holiday with some food-borne illness like I have had to endure in Thailand twice. I'd rather spend my time with an AC Godette, rather than the porcelain God.


How the hell did you get sick in Thailand bruh? Did you eat food off the street vendors or what? What the fuck happened?

02-14-08, 10:47
I know some great guys that live there to run a business and they certainly aren't losers.
Exactly for these guys I wrote that there are exceptions.
I know some too.

Rob Woodrow
02-14-08, 10:50
Ok maybe you did'nt know this is STANDARD traveller advice the world over :

Get appropriate vaccinations for the area you are visiting.
Always carry 'tropical strength' insect repellant.
Bring anti malarial drugs where appropriate.
NEVER eat raw/unwashed fruits or vegetables.

Happy Trails

AmavidaI live in China, so I do know better. Or at least should. At least I immediately knew what to blame.

02-14-08, 14:51
Well yes, AC is a shithole, but the Philipinas are generally more sensual, and more fun than the Thai girls. I have lived in Thailand for about 4 years, and make frequent trips to the Philippines.
In fact I'm planning on one soon, but what ever happened to the barfine situation in AC?
The last that I read the bars were asking the customer to buy the same amount in Lady drinks, is that still in effect? or did they return to the standard barfine after replacing the police chief?

Fast Eddie 48
02-14-08, 17:51
Well yes, AC is a shithole, but the Philipinas are generally more sensual, and more fun than the Thai girls. I have lived in Thailand for about 4 years, and make frequent trips to the Philippines.

In fact I'm planning on one soon, but what ever happened to the barfine situation in AC?

The last that I read the bars were asking the customer to buy the same amount in Lady drinks, is that still in effect? or did they return to the standard barfine after replacing the police chief?Bubba,

You think AC is a shit hole now you should been there 10 yr ago, I think it is getting better they have the SM mall now you can go shopping during the day but everyting is going up in price double from 10 yr ago.

Fast Eddie 48

02-14-08, 19:00
Bubba: back to normal except they will start adding a 150Piso fee for the police bribe from each bar fine. SO expect to pay 1500 instead of 1350.

Darth Sushi
02-14-08, 23:47
Well yes, AC is a shithole, but the Philipinas are generally more sensual, and more fun than the Thai girls. I have lived in Thailand for about 4 years, and make frequent trips to the Philippines.
In fact I'm planning on one soon, but what ever happened to the barfine situation in AC?
The last that I read the bars were asking the customer to buy the same amount in Lady drinks, is that still in effect? or did they return to the standard barfine after replacing the police chief?
It's business as usual again.

02-15-08, 01:38
The police now must get 150Piso per barfine (used to fund efforts to protect the morals of the women of the PI of course LOL) so total cost is now 1500 (instead of 1350). Unless, that is, you are foolish enough to get a showgirl from Atlantis/Dollhouse in which case it is 3000 (I ASSUME the bribe is still only 150).

Bubba what you said is so true, BUT you should expect to get ridiculed for suggesting that ANYTHING about the PI is better than in LOS. Thailand is the REAL paradise while the Philippines is for guys who like ugly girls, poor infrastructure, and inedible food.

02-15-08, 01:52
Get appropriate vaccinations for the area you are visiting.
Always carry 'tropical strength' insect repellant.
Bring anti malarial drugs where appropriate.

I think, repellent and malaria drugs, just forget about it.
The mossies get you anyway, with or without repellent.
And malaria, if you get fever, you can't know whether it's malaria, dengue or just simple fever.
In the case you're really diagnosed with malaria, the doc will have the necessary things.

Just my 2 Sen.

02-15-08, 02:19
I think, repellent and malaria drugs, just forget about it.
The mossies get you anyway, with or without repellent.
And malaria, if you get fever, you can't know whether it's malaria, dengue or just simple fever.
In the case you're really diagnosed with malaria, the doc will have the necessary things.

Just my 2 Sen.

Yeah true, but if you're out in the province near pigs I strongly recommend get your doc to prescribe doxycycline as a preventative for malaria. Also carry 'tropical strength' repellant (pharmacies know what that is) & a cheap mosquito net for sleeping. Prevention is worth a pound of cure!!!
Vaccination for Japanese Encephalitis is also highly recommended.

In the cities its such an ecological disaster that i doubt there are many mosquitoes to worry about.

Happy Mongering

02-15-08, 03:21
I got this from a doctor because I can't take anti malarial drugs.
One doxycycline, one time a day. Will protect you from malaria, will protect you from any bugs or stomach parasites you might encounter. Start 3 or 4 days before you leave home.
No problems.
If you are in Thailand first you can buy it over the counter, cheap. Otherwise you can get it from a doc.

Pocket Sushi
02-15-08, 06:46
Well yes, AC is a shithole, but the Philipinas are generally more sensual, and more fun than the Thai girls. I have lived in Thailand for about 4 years, and make frequent trips to the Philippines.I used to think the same thing about the Thais but my last two trips to BKK & Pattaya have changed my thinking a little bit. I'd even say I had GFE's lately with the Thais. One girl from Club Boesche in Pattaya even took me down to Jomtien beach for the day and bought me lunch. The next day a different girl from one of the beer bars on Beach Road took me to the mall and also paid for lunch. I'm not sure if this is a new trend or if I just got lucky. In hindsight, I probably viewed the Thais as being a little stuck up because they aren't as clingy as the Filipinas. In reality, I think its just they are probably a little more sophisticated and not as financially desperate. Just my opinion of course. I could be wrong.

02-15-08, 13:29
I got this from a doctor because I can't take anti malarial drugs.
One doxycycline, one time a day. Will protect you from malaria, will protect you from any bugs or stomach parasites you might encounter. Start 3 or 4 days before you leave home.
No problems.
If you are in Thailand first you can buy it over the counter, cheap. Otherwise you can get it from a doc.

Doxycycline _is_ an antimalarial drug.

BTW, It makes your skin sensitive to sunlight & is not good for your liver taken long term (but is great for stopping malaria when in heavy mosquito areas).

It is _not_ of any use for gastro intestinal illness. Other drugs are used for treating that.

I strongly discourage dosing yourself with 'over the counter' antibiotics from third world pharmacies unless you have clear information from your doctor. It is more complicated than you realise!

Happy Mongering

02-15-08, 21:49
Will be going to A/C in a few weeks. Does anyone have the name/location of a good doctor/clinic shuold I come down with any STD.

Always good to have that info ahead of time.


02-15-08, 22:43
Will be going to A/C in a few weeks. Does anyone have the name/location of a good doctor/clinic shuold I come down with any STD.

Always good to have that info ahead of time.

Thanks.Hi Billpsu,

IMHO, if you have to go and see a doctor with any sort of STD problem, then it is too late. Exercise care and use protection. This will minimise the chances of infection. The girls do have regular "check ups" however as the doctor is seeing several girls on any given day. There is a lessening in the medical standards.

Do not take any unnecessary risks, you only have one genital organ which is bringing you a great deal of joy. Prevention is better than cure. BTW, just in case. Dr. De Guzman, Villasol (just past Clarkton and Oasis Hotels. Family Clinic.)

Enjoy your time in AC, you only live once.

02-15-08, 23:02
Will be going to A/C in a few weeks. Does anyone have the name/location of a good doctor/clinic shuold I come down with any STD.

Always good to have that info ahead of time.

Thanks.There is one Doctor in A/C. Who is very good and personal. Very likable and not too expensive. Ask any retire personnal. The location. His name is Doctor Esmeraldo De Guzman, Jr. Address: #660 Don Juico Avenue A/C.

Enjoy your vacation.

02-16-08, 00:44
First, there's no drug that 100% effective against malaria. All that these prophyalxes do is lessen the probability that you'll get it and lessen the severity of the illness if you do get. I've had it twice in Africa and both times I was taking the pills.

Second, you can very safely purchase the generic form of Ciproflaxin here. In the even that you do contract a stomach illness, a 500 mg. pill taken twice a day for five days will wipe out whatever you've got. I never travel without carrying a couple of full courses of Ciproflaxin with me. It's the drug of choice for gastrointestinal problems, and as a side benefit, it will also cure the most common STDs.


02-16-08, 01:16
First, there's no drug that 100% effective against malaria. All that these prophyalxes do is lessen the probability that you'll get it and lessen the severity of the illness if you do get. I've had it twice in Africa and both times I was taking the pills.

Second, you can very safely purchase the generic form of Ciproflaxin here. In the even that you do contract a stomach illness, a 500 mg. pill taken twice a day for five days will wipe out whatever you've got. I never travel without carrying a couple of full courses of Ciproflaxin with me. It's the drug of choice for gastrointestinal problems, and as a side benefit, it will also cure the most common STDs.


GE with the greatest respect I would urge extreme caution against carrying around & popping drugs like ciprofloxacin. Antibiotic prescribing is not simple & carries significant risks. It is not simple.

I urge anyone planning a trip to go see a doctor trained or experienced in 'Travel Medicine' to obtain a travellers pack of drugs appropriate for YOU and appropriate for the area you are visiting. Your doc can even give you a list of take 'this' for 'that' condition etc.

Please guys, resist the temptation to drop into third world pharmacies & buy drugs like you're ordering a hamburger. You are making a big mistake.

Happy Mongering

02-16-08, 01:20
Will be going to A/C in a few weeks. Does anyone have the name/location of a good doctor/clinic shuold I come down with any STD.

Always good to have that info ahead of time.


There are some advertised on the web. Google knows.
Failing that just ask at a reputable hotel.
Failing that you could ask the girl who gave it to you...
Where are all the AC ex-pats with their sage advice?

Happy Mongering

02-16-08, 05:38
I heard Palawan and around the swamps but not AC. Does one buy the medicine there and take it every day? No doubt, the HMOs and company disablilty claims back home would probably have fine print disqualifying people that pick up a tropical disease while on vacation. I havent heard of cases of it other than the wwii miseries from our poor souls in the Jap camps. What's the scoop.

Ac James
02-16-08, 06:14
Dengue is getting to be prevalent in some areas, especially in Cebu. Malaria can also be a problem in some areas. I strongly recommend that you sleep in an aircon hotel that is (mostly) airtight so you can avoid mosquitoes. That should be enough. I have been in the Phils for two years and I have not heard of a foreigner getting malaria or getting dengue, but it does happen.

If you do sleep somewhere that is ‘open air’ you are taking real chances and you really should definitely sleep under a mosquito net. IMHO, if you need a mosquito net, then you should not be there in the first place.

Also, two more things to consider about preventative malarial drugs;

1) My understanding is that most of the anti-malarial drugs are only maybe 50% effective at best, and,

2) Some people have very bad reactions to anti-malarial drugs. My ex-fiance’ and I took anti-malarial drugs before a trip to Africa and the anti malarial drugs made her quite sick.

Another good choice for STD treatment is P.I.H., also known as Good Shepherd Hospital, a 70p trike ride from fields. Go to the emergency room entrance. They are discreet, quick, and effective. My last dose cost me 1600p including the antibiotics.

02-16-08, 12:15

Here are some pics of AC’s best short time girl, Joanne, but she goes by “Jo Jo.”

Jo Jo used to work as a dancer at Champagne and she still gets her hygiene card through Champagne. Jo Jo’s friends at Champagne nicknamed her ‘Superstar’ because she would do 3-5 short times every day.

These days Jo Jo works as a freelancer. She can be found hanging out at Kokomo’s most afternoons. Most evenings she has a long time barfine with an English guy named James. You are likely to see them at Doll House, Atlantis, Blue Nile, or Pasha. Jo Jo still does lots of short times and she is excellent service, but she is prone to drama. Still, one of the very best performers in the Phils !I ran into jojo over christmas vacation. I had barfined her a few years ago. She was complaining that her stalker ex boyfriend by the name of kevin was following her and her current boyfriend around. He was giving out CDs with her pictures on it and crap like that.

She hasnt been working, freelancer or otherwise, for quite some time. She just finished school and is currently doing her OJT.

Sounds like you should change your name to obsessed instead of suckcess. She broke up with you dude. Get over it. Move on. Lots of other girls here.

02-16-08, 12:29
Doxycycline _is_ an antimalarial drug.My dentist prescribes 100mg tabs for tooth problems such as abscesses.


John Dough
02-16-08, 17:19
First, there's no drug that 100% effective against malaria.
Some people claim chlorine dioxide is effective against malaria

02-16-08, 22:06
Even in Palawan or the bundok. Please post links to articles about malaria in PI to back up this claim (of which I am very suspect). I certainly would not give it any thought at all for visitors to Manila and Angeles only.

Indonesia is a whole different story but I have never taken malarial prophylaxis for anywhere in the PI. The prophy has serious side effects and is not 100% effective as GE notes. GE we are glad you survived your two bouts which I trust was not the falciparum (AKA Cerebral) strain.

Dengue is much more common and is mainly found in urban areas, but the consequences are much less severe. PI visitors should worry more about traffic accidents and secondhand smoke exposure than malaria.

02-17-08, 02:21
My dentist prescribes 100mg tabs for tooth problems such as abscesses.

Yes slim it is used for sinusitis, acne rosacea and many other infections.
Antibitotic prescribing is complex & potentially dangerous.

Please guys, get medical advice.
Dont play around with antibiotics like candy.

Happy Mongering

02-17-08, 02:31
I ran into jojo over christmas vacation. I had barfined her a few years ago. She was complaining that her stalker ex boyfriend by the name of kevin was following her and her current boyfriend around. He was giving out CDs with her pictures on it and crap like that.

She hasnt been working, freelancer or otherwise, for quite some time. She just finished school and is currently doing her OJT.

Sounds like you should change your name to obsessed instead of suckcess. She broke up with you dude. Get over it. Move on. Lots of other girls here.

Oh man, if this is true then I truly feel pity for this dude. In this country there is an endless supply of sweet young women who will be delighted to rock your world. As foreigners we are in pussy paradise. No matter how great a girl is there are dozens nay hundreds more lining up to take her place.

For god's sakes suckcess, wake up man!

Happy Mongering

02-17-08, 03:29
Well yes, AC is a shithole, but the Philipinas are generally more sensual, and more fun than the Thai girls. I have lived in Thailand for about 4 years, and make frequent trips to the Philippines.
In fact I'm planning on one soon, but what ever happened to the barfine situation in AC?
The last that I read the bars were asking the customer to buy the same amount in Lady drinks, is that still in effect? or did they return to the standard barfine after replacing the police chief?I agree with you 100% Bubba. IMHO! I have been to the Philippines 3 times in the last three years. The last time I lived there for 6 months and I have been to Thailand twice in the same frame. I just returned from 25 days in LOS. The Philippines, without a doubt, is the best place to go to have a great time and to enjoy true GFE.

First, the Philippines is cheaper to live and party. Even with the Peso dropping, it is stronger then the Baht.

Second, while I was in Thailand, I never had to dodge more lady boys in my life. Every girl I was with, I had to ensure that she was born a lady. Of the ladies I met, 1 in 3 was lady boys. I always say that I only want to meet lady boys and then the truth comes out.

Lastly, I had some great sex in Thailand, but the ability to communicate with the girls seemed to me to be more of a burden. In the Philippines, they speak enough English for me to be able to enjoy my time with them.

As I stated in the beginning, this is IMHO. Both places have a lot to offer, but if I am going to spend my money on a good time, I will always choose the Philippines over Thailand.


02-17-08, 04:41
Well yes, AC is a shithole, but the Philipinas are generally more sensual, and more fun than the Thai girls. I have lived in Thailand for about 4 years, and make frequent trips to the Philippines.

In fact I'm planning on one soon, but what ever happened to the barfine situation in AC?

The last that I read the bars were asking the customer to buy the same amount in Lady drinks, is that still in effect? or did they return to the standard barfine after replacing the police chief?Bubba,

You will have no problem in AC. Some bars have the ladies' drinks scheme where you buy9/10 ladies' drinks and other bars you pay the mamasan p1, 350. You go there and suss out what is going on, test the waters and see how the land lies. If you read all the negative comments by some board members then you would stay at home and chase those fat white whales/small white jumbos.

Some board members have their own agendas and will say AC has no redeeming features and AC is a shit hole. I respect their right to express their opinions as this is an open board but you don't have to agree/believe them. If you can let me know where you go with a pretty 20 year old girl, spend the night with her and be treated as a boy friend for less than $50 and in many cases have a reasonable conversation well I'm all ears. Try doing that in your own country and you are in for a rude awakening, it will cost you at least $500.

The concept of the AC Board is the mutual exchange of information where members can benefit from each other's experience and have an enjoyable time in AC. To those AC knockers. Well for every one of you there would be several hundred who like and enjoy what AC has to offer. LIVE AND LET LIVE.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

02-17-08, 05:57
Even in Palawan or the bundok. Please post links to articles about malaria in PI to back up this claim (of which I am very suspect). I certainly would not give it any thought at all for visitors to Manila and Angeles only.

Like I said, in the urbanised areas no need, but out in the province whole different ball game.


02-17-08, 19:34
Thank you for the pricise STD info. Hope I don't need it.

Lastly, about a day after my last trip I came home (USA) and a day later came down with a raging headache, very high fever, chills. After tests, the doctor said he knew for sure it was not malaria. My guess was dengue fever. Believe me you would not want a dose, it was unlike anything I ever had. For someone who hates doctors, I actually begged mine to see me asap.

Dengue is getting to be prevalent in some areas, especially in Cebu. Malaria can also be a problem in some areas. I strongly recommend that you sleep in an aircon hotel that is (mostly) airtight so you can avoid mosquitoes. That should be enough. I have been in the Phils for two years and I have not heard of a foreigner getting malaria or getting dengue, but it does happen.

If you do sleep somewhere that is ‘open air’ you are taking real chances and you really should definitely sleep under a mosquito net. IMHO, if you need a mosquito net, then you should not be there in the first place.

Also, two more things to consider about preventative malarial drugs;

1) My understanding is that most of the anti-malarial drugs are only maybe 50% effective at best, and,

2) Some people have very bad reactions to anti-malarial drugs. My ex-fiance’ and I took anti-malarial drugs before a trip to Africa and the anti malarial drugs made her quite sick.

Another good choice for STD treatment is P.I.H., also known as Good Shepherd Hospital, a 70p trike ride from fields. Go to the emergency room entrance. They are discreet, quick, and effective. My last dose cost me 1600p including the antibiotics.

02-17-08, 20:14
Hi all,

i was reading the last weeks in this forum and signed in now to say hello. Want to thank you for all the informations. In two weeks i will start my cherry trip to AC. I will stay in Pacific Breeze. If someone of you guys is in AC, too, we could have a drink together. Hope i can share some pics later.



X Man
02-18-08, 02:44
Billpsu, this is the AC thread. Are you telling us you acquired Dengue Fever on Fields ave???? I know there's a lot of sucking going on in that area, but it usually wasn't mosquitos.

Please provide other details, so that we can make informed decisions.



02-18-08, 03:53
To those AC knockers. Well for every one of you there would be several hundred who like and enjoy what AC has to offer.
I'm one of them having said AC is a sh**hole. Despite of it I travel to AC monthly for a few days and really enjoy what AC offers. It's not contradictory.
But I'm just glad that I don't have to live there.
Live and let live, very true! :D

02-18-08, 05:21
Oh man, if this is true then I truly feel pity for this dude. In this country there is an endless supply of sweet young women who will be delighted to rock your world. As foreigners we are in pussy paradise. No matter how great a girl is there are dozens nay hundreds more lining up to take her place.

For god's sakes suckcess, wake up man!

Happy Mongering

You can see them standing in line at the US Embassy towering over their pinay sweetheart 1/2 their age and they are going to sign an afadavit of support and bring them back to the US so they hire a Pinoy lawyer/coach to use the courts to bleed him of everything! Have a look sometime when you are in Ermita. The dude is thinking "goldurn, I'm gonna make an honest woman outtah her", and she's thinking "Maybe he own house?"

02-18-08, 06:12
You can see them standing in line at the US Embassy towering over their pinay sweetheart 1/2 their age and they are going to sign an afadavit of support and bring them back to the US so they hire a Pinoy lawyer/coach to use the courts to bleed him of everything! Have a look sometime when you are in Ermita. The dude is thinking "goldurn, I'm gonna make an honest woman outtah her", and she's thinking "Maybe he own house?"

Yes, they look ridiculous, both in the phils & 'back home'.


02-18-08, 10:45
You can see them standing in line at the US Embassy towering over their pinay sweetheart 1/2 their age and they are going to sign an afadavit of support and bring them back to the US so they hire a Pinoy lawyer/coach to use the courts to bleed him of everything! Have a look sometime when you are in Ermita. The dude is thinking "goldurn, I'm gonna make an honest woman outtah her", and she's thinking "Maybe he own house?"

same thing for european counrty, germany etc.. Also very embarassing. Take me one look and I can see where the gurl comes from (straight from bar or from farm),but filipinas can adjust very easy,once they know the game, they look for a younger partner while in a foreign country LOL.....

Its better to monger in the Phils, then bringing back a filipina to your western country...or much better, save ur money and live in the Phils :D..just my opinion and from what I see her, tomany guys got broke over the filipina relation, especially if she have a big family...so wise guys allways ask about family first, met them up and then decide..

Happy hunting


PS AC is backto normal with barfines. They (the bars) have to send the gurls weekly to have "smear" for 100 pesos, which some bars pay 50% of it. So mayor and his corrupt cops/officials get something about 50p from evry gurl weekly for her check up..mabuhay patay :D

Pocket Sushi
02-18-08, 11:54
I'm one of them having said AC is a sh**hole. Despite of it I travel to AC monthly for a few days and really enjoy what AC offers. It's not contradictory.
But I'm just glad that I don't have to live there.

Live and let live, very true! :D

Cheers!I agree Ekspat. I'm one who said AC is a shithole too. Meaning there is nothing to do there except drink and get laid. This is not anything against the ladies there. As others have said, its probably the best place to have a GFE in the region. I love my short trips to AC but after several days of drinking and banging I need a break. If someone is making an extended trip to the Phils, I'd strongly recommend a few days in AC and then checking out Boracay, Puerto Galera or Palawan. AC has nothing to offer except mongering. If this is all you want then its fantastic. But if you want to mix up your mongering with touristy things like cultural sites, golf, diving, shopping, beaches, etc then you'll be very disappointed in AC. It really comes down to what you want on your vacation. The good thing about the Phils is you can get a GFE just about anywhere you go.

02-18-08, 13:04
once they know the game, they look for a younger partner while in a foreign country LOL.....

Yeah Blink, to be fair, often they are naive unsophisticated girl from dirt poor family.

They get to the 'promised land' only to find that their 'prince charming' is a creep who could'nt get a western woman to put up with his shit & now thinks he just bought himself a sex slave/housekeeper who _will_ put up with being spoken to like shit.

I have seen many, many, divorces in my home country where the blame is 80% on the foreigner guy because of his stupidity in thinking a 20yr old girl will be satisfied with being a slave to a 60+yr old slob with no personality.

A lot of these idiots you see towing around pinays are just so unrealistic.

Happy Mongering

Pocket Sushi
02-18-08, 13:32
Yeah Blink, to be fair, often they are naive unsophisticated girl from dirt poor family.

They get to the 'promised land' only to find that their 'prince charming' is a creep who could'nt get a western woman to put up with his shit & now thinks he just bought himself a sex slave/housekeeper who _will_ put up with being spoken to like shit.

I have seen many, many, divorces in my home country where the blame is 80% on the foreigner guy because of his stupidity in thinking a 20yr old girl will be satisfied with being a slave to a 60+yr old slob with no personality.

A lot of these idiots you see towing around pinays are just so unrealistic.

Happy Mongering,

AmavidaThere is some truth to that. But I've also seen the other end of the spectrum. I live/work in the military community where there is a large Filipina community. Most (not all) of the husbands who are supporting these "naive" girls are good guys and treat their wives with love and respect. Then I see them together in the base clubs or out at a local watering hole and the "naive" wives are constantly busy giving much younger guys smiles, waves and their cell phone numbers when hubby is in the bathroom. The old saying goes, you can take the girl out of the bar but you can't always take the bar out of the girl.

X Man
02-18-08, 14:21
Amdvida, what the hell is the problem? Your posts have so much negativity. I feel depressed just reading the crap that I see under your name.

When I read some of your posts, I just see a bunch of stereotype ranting, with no basis on reality. If some old guy got his rocks off for a while, so what? If some province girl found the Golden goose, so what. Who are you to be judge and jury on these issues.

You talk about these girls as they are "dirt" literally, and then you brag about popping virgins.

He doth protest too much!


Yeah Blink, to be fair, often they are naive unsophisticated girl from dirt poor family.

They get to the 'promised land' only to find that their 'prince charming' is a creep who could'nt get a western woman to put up with his shit & now thinks he just bought himself a sex slave/housekeeper who _will_ put up with being spoken to like shit.

I have seen many, many, divorces in my home country where the blame is 80% on the foreigner guy because of his stupidity in thinking a 20yr old girl will be satisfied with being a slave to a 60+yr old slob with no personality.

A lot of these idiots you see towing around pinays are just so unrealistic.

Happy Mongering

02-18-08, 14:52
...You talk about these girls as they are "dirt" literally, and then you brag about popping virgins.


Hi X,
The expression I used was 'dirt poor family'. Its means very poor.

I've had GF's from various levels of this society. I much prefer girls with a decent education & at least some level of sophistication.
Currently I have a banking executive on the go, amongst others.
I treat all of them with respect, even if they are just 'second wives', GF's or fuck buddies.

You seem _very_ touchy if I mention one of my GF's was cherry.. Its not meant to be a brag X, honestly. Yes, Its kinda special that she wanted me to do the honours & I liked her enough to put up with all the shit entailed with doing it in a way that will leave her with nice memories. Currently she is still a GF.

As for the rest of your post... WTF? :)

Happy Mongering

02-18-08, 18:22
Yeah Blink, to be fair, often they are naive unsophisticated girl from dirt poor family.

They get to the 'promised land' only to find that their 'prince charming' is a creep who could'nt get a western woman to put up with his shit & now thinks he just bought himself a sex slave/housekeeper who _will_ put up with being spoken to like shit.

I have seen many, many, divorces in my home country where the blame is 80% on the foreigner guy because of his stupidity in thinking a 20yr old girl will be satisfied with being a slave to a 60+yr old slob with no personality.

A lot of these idiots you see towing around pinays are just so unrealistic.

Happy Mongering,

AmavidaInteresting post by Amavida.

I must agree with Amavida at least when I think of my situation! I must say that I am categorized as a loser in my home country when it comes to pussy hunting, and that's why I monger in a country such as Philippines, Latin America, etc. Dude I love mongering and love those tiny filipina pussies! But it's much much better if I can also get pussies where I reside so I don't have to travel all the way to the another continent. Yeah I occasionally get girls but it takes me so much effort and time and what's worse. There are so many sharks out there who monopolize the land's all pussies! So one day I gave up and I started thinking other options to get pussies. Here comes the beginning of mongering.

This is the conversation that me and my play-boy friend had one day:

Play boy-Why do you often go travel to just fuck hoes?

Me-Why don't you go to Philippines to fuck filipinas?

Playboy-Because I do get to fuck filipinas (and other ethnicities) here in LA! Me-But I don't! And that's why I fly Philippines, Colombia, Brazil. !

Due to the above situation, I will keep mongering! Who cares what they say! I love pussies and I need them!

Happy mongering,


02-18-08, 23:24
Interesting post by Amavida.


Due to the above situation, I will keep mongering! Who cares what they say! I love pussies and I need them!

Happy mongering,


Hi Chute, Im not criticising anybody for mongering, we all come here because there is so much great pussy easily available. Yes, Its very understandable that guys want to take home a little piece of pussy paradise for themselves. My post was critical of the poor choices made by guys when the pussy pheromones overtake common sense. :)

Happy Mongering

02-18-08, 23:44
There is some truth to that. But I've also seen the other end of the spectrum. I live/work in the military community where there is a large Filipina community. Most (not all) of the husbands who are supporting these "naive" girls are good guys and treat their wives with love and respect. Then I see them together in the base clubs or out at a local watering hole and the "naive" wives are constantly busy giving much younger guys smiles, waves and their cell phone numbers when hubby is in the bathroom.

I dont have experience of millitary life so I have not seen this side of life personally.
The lesson is don't marry an ex-bar girl (prostitute) that is 20 - 30 years your junior!

p.s. Come to think of it, I have experienced this behavior on my trip to AC a couple of weeks ago! I took a girl to Bourbon Street restaurant for a meal, the whole time I was there, the waitress was flirting with me outrageously ignoring my companion as if she did'nt exist. When my companion got up to go to the restroom the waitress asked what hotel I was staying at & what room. I graciously declined telling her 'sorry im busy honey'.

The old saying goes, you can take the girl out of the bar but you can't always take the bar out of the girl.

I have heard many sad stories of guys trying to make wives out of ex-bar girls (prostitutes). Sometimes guys form long happy marriages with those type of girls (I know one guy who did) but usually it ends badly for the guy.

We should'nt judge filippina women on the behavior of bar girls (prostitutes).
Its not a filippina problem, the other country forums are full of the same stories.

Happy Mongering

02-19-08, 00:56
I've only been to AC once & had a great time. I've often read about these 'perimeter bars' and wondered where they were. Since I've been there on foot I have a better idea of where things are now. I took a look at wayne's map & now I understand, its all just one long strip of bars running along Don Juico & continuing along into Fields Ave.
From my short visit it seems that the bigger the bar the better the quality & quantity of pussy.

Happy Mongering

Pocket Sushi
02-19-08, 01:13
The lesson is don't marry an ex-bar girl (prostitute) that is 20 - 30 years your junior!The best lesson is don't get married at all. I've never been able to understand why guys make relationships in these playgrounds. Then again I live in Asia so getting to the Phils is just a puddle jump for me. I might view it differently if I lived in N. America or Europe and only got there once a year. In that situation I can see where email exchanges can lead to full time correspondence and then obligations. A webcam chat with an LBFM is much preferable to trying to hook up with the white whales.

X Man
02-19-08, 01:22
Yes AV, it was just a tad "critical". I interpreted it as an unnecessary, overgeneralized, rant about both the women and some of the guys who read on this site.

I'm just wondering who might benefit from your original post. If I thought one guy might avoid a bad choice because of your post, I'd say fine. But will anyone read what you've written below and think, "Oh, that me! Oh, that's what my fiance is up to!"

"naive unsophisticated girl from dirt poor family"
"They get to the 'promised land' only to find that their 'prince charming' is a creep"
"put up with his shit"
"now thinks he just bought himself a sex slave/housekeeper"
"put up with being spoken to like shit".
"his stupidity in thinking ..."
"a slave to a 60+yr old slob with no personality".
"A lot of these idiots you see towing around pinays are just so unrealistic"

And thank you Chute for providing some real-life examples of the bad side of getting too involved with bar girls. I've seen the same thing you describe.

BTW, Amavida, what size is your sample? How did you learn so much about all their personality traits? Did you interview them? Or were you making stereotypical assumptions with no grounding in reality?

And once again, I enjoyed reading your post about chasing down that Leyte girl.

X Man

My post was critical of the poor choices made by guys when the pussy pheromones overtake common sense. :)

Happy Mongering

Pocket Sushi
02-19-08, 01:26
I've only been to AC once & had a great time. I've often read about these 'perimeter bars' and wondered where they were. Since I've been there on foot I have a better idea of where things are now. I took a look at wayne's map & now I understand, its all just one long strip of bars running along Don Juico & continuing along into Fields Ave.

From my short visit it seems that the bigger the bar the better the quality & quantity of pussy.

Happy Mongering,

AmavidaYou'd be surprised. The bars are smaller and nothing like the quantity you'll find at Nero's or Doll House but Perimeter has lots of good talent. Fire & Ice had several stunners on my last trip and even a dump like the Sweety Bar had one smokin' hot half black girl with the best bubble ass I've seen in a long time. Its cheaper and quieter too. That loud techno thumping gets old after awhile. Normally I view Perimeter as a tune up for Fields but sometimes (usually after a couple nights of charging full throttle) I'll grab a lady down on Fields during the day and chill out with her at the pool, grab a nice dinner and turn in early after a session or two. Helps recharge the batteries.

02-19-08, 01:32
Yes AV, it was just a tad "critical".

True, I can be a little caustic at times. I'll try to remember that.

BTW, Amavida, what size is your sample? How did you learn so much about all their personality traits?

Im married to one, I have a home & business here in the Phils. Im no expert.
Just my 2 cents. Its your choice to agree or not agree.

And once again, I enjoyed reading your post about chasing down that Leyte girl.

X Man


Happy Mongering

02-19-08, 01:57
From my short visit it seems that the bigger the bar the better the quality & quantity of pussy.

Happy Mongering,

AmavidaHi Amavida,

I appreciate you opinion here and can you consider the following. There are some mongers who feel at home in the smaller bars as they feel the atmosphere is "more intimate" they can casually chat with the waitresses, dancers and other punters. The opinion of a lot of the guys who frequent the Perimeter bars is that there is not so much pressure on them to buy ladies drinks. You will also find that many men in the smaller bars are regulars and well known to the girls. As a rule of thumb, prices for ladies drinks and EWR(EARLY WORK RELEASE) in the Perimeter bars are cheaper and this will consequently draw in a certain clientle. (if I am going to be uncharitable I would call these guys "kuripot" which is Tagalog for cheap charlie/scrooge).

In the bigger bars, there is a lot more pussy but does this mean that there will be a lot more quality of pussy? For example, you go to a Perimeter bar, there are 10 girls and 1 is a stunner, then you go down to a Field Ave. Bar say Lancelot which has a big line up, say 100 girls would you find 10 stunners? The bigger bars just offer you more choice of pussy and not necessarily more choice of quality pussy. In the bigger bars, you will have more mongers competing for the girls and if you go too late then the 8's, 9's and 10's may be gone.

Please do not discount the smaller bars as you will sometimes find the diamond in the rough. The mind is like a parachute it will only function properly when open. Thanks for listening and maybe one day I'll meet you down the road.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

02-19-08, 04:11
Let me make this clear from the start …… I have not RTFF !!!!!! OK … I post a good bit on the Central American forums so cut me some slack here guys.

In another month I will be taking my first trip to the Philippines. As I said, I know Central America and even used to live there as an ex-pat. But I have never been in Asia.

I will be working in Makati for 4-5 days and thought I might spend the weekend playing before flying back to the States. It looks like the best bang for your buck is to head to Angeles City and play for a couple of nights. Two initial questions ……

1- How do I travel from Makati up to Angeles City? Is there a train/metro? Then back again to the Manila airport?

2- What are the names of a couple of cheaper hotels (maybe $50-$75/night range), girl friendly, close to the women pick-up spots, clean and decent?

Would appreciate any help you guys can give me. And, very quickly I will RTFF but I am guessing there isn’t anything regarding the transportation.

02-19-08, 04:25
Let me make this clear from the start …… I have not RTFF !!!!!! OK … I post a good bit on the Central American forums so cut me some slack here guys.

In another month I will be taking my first trip to the Philippines. As I said, I know Central America and even used to live there as an ex-pat. But I have never been in Asia.

I will be working in Makati for 4-5 days and thought I might spend the weekend playing before flying back to the States. It looks like the best bang for your buck is to head to Angeles City and play for a couple of nights. Two initial questions ……

1- How do I travel from Makati up to Angeles City? Is there a train/metro? Then back again to the Manila airport?

2- What are the names of a couple of cheaper hotels (maybe $50-$75/night range), girl friendly, close to the women pick-up spots, clean and decent?

Would appreciate any help you guys can give me. And, very quickly I will RTFF but I am guessing there isn’t anything regarding the transportation.

1) For comfort & convenience just tell your hotel in makati you need 'a car' to Angeles. The 'hotel car' will drive you door to door from/to wherever you tell them for around 2500 - 2700php (each way). You can try hassling a street cabbie to do this or if you want that truly authentic third world feel you can try taking the shabby non air-conditioned "fly the bus".

2) Dolls Hotel Hotel is right smack in the middle of the bars. Pacific breeze & Wild Orchid are right around the corner. (Remember Bar girls go lame after 15m/45ft of walking)

If you're going there to have fun with girls, I know you will thoroughly enjoy yourself.

Happy Mongering

02-19-08, 08:09
Hi Amavida,

I appreciate you opinion here and can you consider the following. There are some mongers who feel at home in the smaller bars as they feel the atmosphere is "more intimate" they can casually chat with the waitresses, dancers and other punters. The opinion of a lot of the guys who frequent the Perimeter bars is that there is not so much pressure on them to buy ladies drinks. You will also find that many men in the smaller bars are regulars and well known to the girls. As a rule of thumb, prices for ladies drinks and EWR(EARLY WORK RELEASE) in the Perimeter bars are cheaper and this will consequently draw in a certain clientle. (if I am going to be uncharitable I would call these guys "kuripot" which is Tagalog for cheap charlie/scrooge).

In the bigger bars, there is a lot more pussy but does this mean that there will be a lot more quality of pussy? For example, you go to a Perimeter bar, there are 10 girls and 1 is a stunner, then you go down to a Field Ave. Bar say Lancelot which has a big line up, say 100 girls would you find 10 stunners? The bigger bars just offer you more choice of pussy and not necessarily more choice of quality pussy. In the bigger bars, you will have more mongers competing for the girls and if you go too late then the 8's, 9's and 10's may be gone.

Please do not discount the smaller bars as you will sometimes find the diamond in the rough. The mind is like a parachute it will only function properly when open. Thanks for listening and maybe one day I'll meet you down the road.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Hey Wazza! Thanks for your view on this. I've only been to AC once so I appreciate the opinion of a more seasoned visitor. On my trip there a couple of weeks ago I did take a walk one afternoon down Don Juico out of curiosity. I went into a small bar the name of which I forget. I picked out two real cuties there for a drink from a line up of about 10 girls. Both were up for a barfine but mamasan adamantly against the idea. Probably because i was severely depleting her talent!

If I have more time next visit I'll swing by some of these bars again.


02-19-08, 11:59
Nogeura and Amavida, while I have used 'Fly the bus' from the Swagman Hotel, Manila to my accommodation in Angeles and did not find it disastrous, there is also the Southern Cross Hotel's once a day return service, viewable on the Internet and which departs from the hotel in Ermita. The place is run by a genial Australian who has purchased a new coach, so it seems. Apparently the service is doing quite well even though it has been going only about six months if that.

02-19-08, 12:17
Hi Amavida,

I appreciate you opinion here and can you consider the following. There are some mongers who feel at home in the smaller bars as they feel the atmosphere is "more intimate" they can casually chat with the waitresses, dancers and other punters. The opinion of a lot of the guys who frequent the Perimeter bars is that there is not so much pressure on them to buy ladies drinks. You will also find that many men in the smaller bars are regulars and well known to the girls. As a rule of thumb, prices for ladies drinks and EWR(EARLY WORK RELEASE) in the Perimeter bars are cheaper and this will consequently draw in a certain clientle. (if I am going to be uncharitable I would call these guys "kuripot" which is Tagalog for cheap charlie/scrooge).

In the bigger bars, there is a lot more pussy but does this mean that there will be a lot more quality of pussy? For example, you go to a Perimeter bar, there are 10 girls and 1 is a stunner, then you go down to a Field Ave. Bar say Lancelot which has a big line up, say 100 girls would you find 10 stunners? The bigger bars just offer you more choice of pussy and not necessarily more choice of quality pussy. In the bigger bars, you will have more mongers competing for the girls and if you go too late then the 8's, 9's and 10's may be gone.

Please do not discount the smaller bars as you will sometimes find the diamond in the rough. The mind is like a parachute it will only function properly when open. Thanks for listening and maybe one day I'll meet you down the road.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

agree with the smaller bars, to the bigger ones I go there because I know the papasans/models or I take one gurl with me for drinking...in the smaller bars you can talk better to the gurls and have more fun, cause more customer orientated..in the bigger bars they have sometimes show...

I have bars I bring my GF (in those bars I don tbarfine ) and then you have smaller bars.....there you can be lucky and sometimes gurls are more naughty there :D....

happy hunting


02-19-08, 13:04
Let me make this clear from the start …… I have not RTFF !!!!!! OK … I post a good bit on the Central American forums so cut me some slack here guys.

In another month I will be taking my first trip to the Philippines. As I said, I know Central America and even used to live there as an ex-pat. But I have never been in Asia.

I will be working in Makati for 4-5 days and thought I might spend the weekend playing before flying back to the States. It looks like the best bang for your buck is to head to Angeles City and play for a couple of nights. Two initial questions ……

1- How do I travel from Makati up to Angeles City? Is there a train/metro? Then back again to the Manila airport?

2- What are the names of a couple of cheaper hotels (maybe $50-$75/night range), girl friendly, close to the women pick-up spots, clean and decent?

Would appreciate any help you guys can give me. And, very quickly I will RTFF but I am guessing there isn’t anything regarding the transportation.
if you just here for 4 - 5 days I recmd you take cab to AC. Just go outside and ask any cab you think you comfortable with, just in case your hotel quote you to much. You can also monger in manila, but more expensive and poluted, you cant walk etc etc etc..in AC you can get a very good hotel (google for pacific breeze) for about 41 to 48 US.food is cheap, drinks are cheap and you can party 24 hours.

For bars, well plenty of them....they divided in 2 categories, they so called "perimter bars", busy around noon, less gurls and more cosy atmosphere....then bigger bars with shows and nice layout in fields avene (same road just the end of it) like Dollhouse, Atkantis, Bue nile Group(neros, blue nile/executive, cambodia etc) La pasha, carousel..mid sized bars open noon ( gecko, la bamba, lolipop, welcome inn)) or later around evening Champange.. camelot, lancelot, brown sugar..

For food and hang outs for free lance or just a beer there is Magaritha station or Kokomoz...Shanos, new pub irish style, with draft beer and naught wetress, gud hangout for early after noon, also international menue. Good value for money (near Pacifc breeze and kokomoz as landmark, loctaed in snatos street)

Santos street, those so called blow job bars where you can have an "early relieve" and a beer during afternoon...truckstop..etc etc..they have short time rooms or u can take the gurl in ur hotel (not recomanded cause I would do that with ur nightly barfine or a gurl u wanted to hang out longer :D ) for 600 pesos only..

hope that helps a bit

Have a gud time


02-19-08, 18:54
Interesting post by Amavida.

I must agree with Amavida at least when I think of my situation! I must say that I am categorized as a loser in my home country when it comes to pussy hunting, and that's why I monger in a country such as Philippines, Latin America, etc. Dude I love mongering and love those tiny filipina pussies! But it's much much better if I can also get pussies where I reside so I don't have to travel all the way to the another continent. Yeah I occasionally get girls but it takes me so much effort and time and what's worse. There are so many sharks out there who monopolize the land's all pussies! So one day I gave up and I started thinking other options to get pussies. Here comes the beginning of mongering.

This is the conversation that me and my play-boy friend had one day:

Play boy-Why do you often go travel to just fuck hoes?

Me-Why don't you go to Philippines to fuck filipinas?

Playboy-Because I do get to fuck filipinas (and other ethnicities) here in LA! Me-But I don't! And that's why I fly Philippines, Colombia, Brazil. !

Due to the above situation, I will keep mongering! Who cares what they say! I love pussies and I need them!

Happy mongering,


Some guys don't want American women or women in their home countries. Saying some guys can't get a girl back home is rediculous. Some guys can't get what they "WANT" back home. Now thats more realistic. I have one retarded friend and one retarded cousin who have women on their arms. Now still think you no matter what you look like or how old you are can't land a first world bird. No you can't land a hot first world bird put it that way. I will say this money and sucess plays a role in you landing chicks anywhere. Walking around down town Tokyo one night I saw a old short ugly bald Japanese guy with his car surrounded by Japanese hotties. Whats the catch he was in a $300,000 fucking Bentley. I get hit on all the time in states but its either by fat white girls or ghetto trash who wants to party and smoke weed and send my money to her baby father who is in jail no thank you. I rather chill in Manila with my beautiful sexy girl and my big house.

Take it sleazy...

02-19-08, 20:56
Imho it is just fine, although they DO follow the Philippine habit of playing lousy, invariably violent, movies at ear splitting volume. Will check out the Southern Cross.

The Philippine Rabbit or Genesis bus lines get you to Dau (a 5 minute trike ride from Balibago) from Manila in about 2 hours for 150 Pisos (compared to 500 for Fly the Bus and minimum of 1500 plus toll for a taxi and that is is you haggle hard in Taglish otherwise expect to pay at least 2, 000). The bus is no smoking and is Air con and is not that bad at all. It is NOT like a Manila city bus that you see in traffic on EDSA. In fact, it can be a good way to meet girls traveling alone.

All that said, the BEST way of getting to AC bar none is the Asiana flight from ICN (Seoul, Korea) that buzzes Perimeter Road each night (unless the wind is from the West) just before its 1130pm arrival at DMIA. I literally was in my hotel and already showered by midnight (we arrived about 15 minutes early that night, but you get the point).

X Man
02-20-08, 01:17
You're married to a stupid old man with no personality? My God man, you don't need to tell us that.

Oh, wait. Your post was about was old men and naive, moneygrubbing, philanering Filipinas. Maybe you meant you are married to the later.


Im married to one, I have a home & business here in the Phils.

Pocket Sushi
02-20-08, 01:26
Let me make this clear from the start …… I have not RTFF !!!!!! OK … I post a good bit on the Central American forums so cut me some slack here guys.

In another month I will be taking my first trip to the Philippines. As I said, I know Central America and even used to live there as an ex-pat. But I have never been in Asia.

I will be working in Makati for 4-5 days and thought I might spend the weekend playing before flying back to the States. It looks like the best bang for your buck is to head to Angeles City and play for a couple of nights. Two initial questions ……

1- How do I travel from Makati up to Angeles City? Is there a train/metro? Then back again to the Manila airport?

2- What are the names of a couple of cheaper hotels (maybe $50-$75/night range), girl friendly, close to the women pick-up spots, clean and decent?

Would appreciate any help you guys can give me. And, very quickly I will RTFF but I am guessing there isn’t anything regarding the transportation.I'll echo what others have said because in all honestly it's the best advice.

1. My first choice would be the Southern Cross bus which leaves from the S. C. Hotel in Ermita and takes you to the Brass Knob Hotel on Fields. Very clean with good A/C and they even serve drinks on the bus and show a DVD movie. I think I paid P600 back on November. My second choice would be a hired driver which will take you anywhere you want to go in AC for about P2, 500. You can also take the Fly the Bus Shuttle (P600 I think) from the Swagman Hotel in Ermita but they will usually take their rundown 10 seater van with no AC if they don't have enough people to fill their bus. If they pull that crap on you then you're better off taking the Rabbit or Victory Liner buses from the Pasay bus terminal for P140. Take either of those buses to the Dau bus station which is about a 5 minute trike ride (P50) from Fields. If money is no object then hire a private driver from Manila. Sorry but there are no trains from Manila to AC.

2. Pacific Breeze is (for my money) the best hotel deal in AC. It's very clean, has a nice pool, is close to the action but also quieter than most other hotels because its not on the main drag. The restaurant is good too. Prices range between $40. $85 a night depending on what you want. Wild Orchid Resort is good too. Cost there is about $75 a night. Smaller hotels that are nice, close to the action and a little cheaper are the Central Park and Swiss Chalet. Every hotel in AC is girl friendly.

02-20-08, 01:51
You're married to a stupid old man with no personality? My God man, you don't need to tell us that.

Oh, wait. Your post was about was old men and naive, moneygrubbing, philanering Filipinas. Maybe you meant you are married to the later.


Hey X,
Can you pm me your personal attacks in future.
I dont think anybody else in this forum is interested in reading your hategrams.

Happy Mongering

02-20-08, 01:54
... I rather chill in Manila with my beautiful sexy girl ...

Take it sleazy...

Amen to that brother! :)

Happy Mongering

X Man
02-20-08, 07:07
Hategram? Not at all. Actually it was humor at your expense. I was just paraphrasing your points.


PS, Just curious, but is anyone "interested" when I pull AV's chain?

Hey X,
Can you pm me your personal attacks in future.
I dont think anybody else in this forum is interested in reading your hategrams.

Happy Mongering

02-20-08, 07:18
Hategram? Not at all. Actually it was humor at your expense. I was just paraphrasing your points.


PS, Just curious, but is anyone "interested" when I pull AV's chain?

Okay, thats cool X.

Have a good one.

Ice Raj
02-20-08, 09:28
Hi Guys,

Could anyone update how are the AC girls in terms of service and friendliness towards Asians (I am a Malaysian Indian)? I have been to Manila and Makati and found the girls ever so friendly and accomodating so wanted to know if it is the same in AC.

Thanks in advance bros.


02-20-08, 10:06
Hi Guys,

Could anyone update how are the AC girls in terms of service and friendliness towards Asians (I am a Malaysian Indian)? I have been to Manila and Makati and found the girls ever so friendly and accomodating so wanted to know if it is the same in AC.

Thanks in advance bros.


From what I could see all nationalities and currencies are welcome ;)
As with anywhere, if you find a girl that you don't hit it off with, just throw her back & grab another.

You'll have ball!


02-20-08, 11:06
Hi Guys,

Could anyone update how are the AC girls in terms of service and friendliness towards Asians (I am a Malaysian Indian)? I have been to Manila and Makati and found the girls ever so friendly and accomodating so wanted to know if it is the same in AC.

Thanks in advance bros.

IcerajThere has been a great deal of serious input from several members of this forum to make this board a fountain of knowledge and an expanse of empirical information. Herein, you will find the good, the bad and the ugly. Most of the hard work has been done.

You will discover a mine of information relating to AC. In order for you to seek the required understanding you must delve back into the numerous posts that the members have kindly contributed.

On your return from AC you have the opportunity to give board members the benefit of your expertise by submitting the appropriate report so that we can all learn from you.

NOTE: There would be some disrespectful forum members who could possibly be giving you the RTFF treatment. Please ignore them.

Bob Down
02-20-08, 13:34
Hi All,

Any advice on getting to Subic from AC, hotel car costs 2300 peso, Subic Express is 400 peso then you have the bus.

Looking towards catching the Subic Express.


02-20-08, 17:17
Hategram? Not at all. Actually it was humor at your expense. I was just paraphrasing your points.


PS, Just curious, but is anyone "interested" when I pull AV's chain?

X man you have been here for so many years, I understand your humour and take it with the way you write it.

Guys just try accept everyones jokes , life is to short to be so serious and remember the girls love fun and joker's !! seriousness with the girls !! you will be disappointed with the sex !! Just my experience make them laugh and have fun and you will be rewarded !!

02-20-08, 21:58

I agree with you BUT it is getting too popular and hard to get a room unless you book well in advance. Wild Orchid has the better pool and ambience and of course ABC is for the guys who really want to go First Class.

PB is more like coach LOL

Soapy Smith
02-21-08, 05:52
Guys just try accept everyones jokes , life is to short to be so serious and remember the girls love fun and joker's !! seriousness with the girls !! you will be disappointed with the sex !! Just my experience make them laugh and have fun and you will be rewarded !!Porty is absolutely right about Filipinos' sense of humor. In my experience they all love jokes, men and women alike, and so long as you're careful not to be hurtful about it, they're pretty good sports about being the object of little jokes. Obviously not all the p4p girls are the sharpest knives in the drawer, but you can sort of feel out the brighter ones in conversation before you propose to ST or LT them. I love to get them going with a little gentle teasing in hopes they'll come back with something at me. My own taste is to pick up those who can give as well as they get, and then the teasing and joking continues all the way back to my hotel and bed. And, just as Porty says, that sort of fun does have its rewards in the bedroom.

I know from my own experiences that things I've posted in some forums here that were done tongue in cheek were not necessarily received that way. I suppose when it's too subtle the intended facetious message can be misunderstood. But I do agree with Porty's advice that we ought to generally take things a little lighter at times. This is supposed to be a place for sharing good information and a little fun, not a place for verbal combat.

Poon Hunter
02-21-08, 06:28
Hello fellow Mongers,

I arrived yesterday and need to let off some steam. It was about 3pm, so I went over to Santos St. There are about 5 blow job clubs in a row. I think I ended up in Shadow's.

I was chatting w/ 3 girls and they wanted it at the same time. I ended up ordering a SML for 40p ($1). After one drink, they were already feeling my crank. One of them, unzipped my shorts and started pulling him out. They were offering their services. A good looking one told me she would lick my arse.

When I was about half way done with the beer, I chose the hot arse licker. Went to the back room for 600p ($15) and she started to lick my arse for a couple of minutes and then gave me an ice bbbj. Then she put toothpaste in her mouth and proceeded to give me a bbbj. I have had a listerine bj, but the toothpaste was a different sensation. She was making all of my favorite slurping noises and you could see the toothpaste foam cumming out of her mouth. It eventually ended by her going to a regular bbbj and I was fingering her tight pus. It lasted for about 15 minutes and we left a big wet spot on the bed for you fellow mongers (sorry).

All in all, damage was 40+600+100p tip = 740p ($18.5). The girl wasn't bad looking, but not as hot as a go-go chick. Very satisfied for the money. >>> As I was exiting the short time room, I saw a way hotter, younger chick going out into the bar <<<< So one of you lucky mongers had the hot one.

Happy Mongering,
Poon Hunter