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09-15-17, 19:04
You have not noticed any change? How are you handling the new no smoking laws in AC there GE? Much like Davao, you can't light up anymore in a restaurant or bar with impunity has you have before. It's literally a breath of fresh air now by not having to put up with rude uneducated smokers who are slowing killing themselves and have no problem with damaging the health of people around them. I would say that's a very major change in AC.My comments were restricted to the single area of debate about the availability and willingness of girls. As to the new smoking restrictions, I guess it's too early to know the full ramifications.

Evidently—according the the ABC management team—the interpretations of the executive order is being left to individual barangay captains, with the predictable result that implementation of the law varies. I'm told, for example, that the barangay in which Walking Street is located as chosen to interpret the order strictly, so anyone caught smoking outside of a bar is subject to an immediate fine. (Php5,000 for foreigners and Php1,000 for locals, or so I'm told.) Barangay officials in the area in which ABC is located have opted for a more lax approach; at ABC for example, there's no smoking in the lower pool bar area, though at the Aqua Lounge, nothing has changed. ABC also continues to offer smoking rooms.

My whole uninformed opinion is that business on Walking Street will decline—particularly among the Korean population, as a huge percentage of Korean visitors appear to me to be smokers. Overall, I'm guessing that the new rules will negatively impact business but it's far too early in the game to know if I'm correct. To me, the idea of censuring those who smoke outdoors is faintly absurd, and I'm guessing that sooner or later, this aspect of the order will be largely ignored, much as it is in Davao.


Screaming Beaver
09-16-17, 00:29
My comments were restricted to the single area of debate about the availability and willingness of girls. As to the new smoking restrictions, I guess it's too early to know the full ramifications.

Evidentlyaccording the the ABC management teamthe interpretations of the executive order is being left to individual barangay captains, with the predictable result that implementation of the law varies. I'm told, for example, that the barangay in which Walking Street is located as chosen to interpret the order strictly, so anyone caught smoking outside of a bar is subject to an immediate fine. (Php5,000 for foreigners and Php1,000 for locals, or so I'm told.) Barangay officials in the area in which ABC is located have opted for a more lax approach; at ABC for example, there's no smoking in the lower pool bar area, though at the Aqua Lounge, nothing has changed. ABC also continues to offer smoking rooms..The information the ABC gave you is completely false. I'm not sure if you have ventured out to any bars beyond the Aqua at ABC but if you had you would see all the bars on Walking Street and Perimeter are nonsmoking now. It's wonderful except for the hard core nicotine addicts. I've heard of some of these addicts retreating to the men's crapper to have a quick fix of nicotine. The problem with that is you have to put up with some very unpleasant smells. One guy posted on another forum that he had to endure watching a Korean sitting on his haunches with his feet on the toilet seat taking a dump. You have to be a certain kind of addict to endure that scene.

I believe you may also be mistaken about this new law hurting business. If anything, I've seen an increase in business now because the majority of the people who happen to be nonsmokers can now come in and enjoy the ladies without having to endure some guy huffing away on a Marlboro. The younger Koreans have quickly adapted. They come here for the pussy, not the tobacco. They have laws in Korea that restrict their cigarette usage so they know the drill. They are happy to barfine their favorite spotlight dancer and smoke it up in their rooms where they can only damage their own lungs and the poor barfine who is with him.

I've noticed the guys it affected most is the geriatric smoking monger who is too old to fornicate but still enjoyed going into the bars, lighting up and watching the ladies do their thing. These poor bastards legs are too weak to retreat to the crapper to smoke a ciggy every fifteen minutes. I've noticed those guys have permanently disappeared but have been replaced by younger healthier mongers. Times they have a changed.

09-17-17, 02:10
I've noticed the guys it affected most is the geriatric smoking monger who is too old to fornicate but still enjoyed going into the bars, lighting up and watching the ladies do their thing. These poor bastards legs are too weak to retreat to the crapper to smoke a ciggy every fifteen minutes. I've noticed those guys have permanently disappeared but have been replaced by younger healthier mongers. Times they have a changed.This paragraph made me laugh. Good humor in there. As a non-smoker it's a positive change. I get to enjoy myself instead of going home smelling of cigarette smoke.

Anyway, back to the AC girls. Saturday night in AC and I was alone. GF had gone back to her province for a few days. I am sad to report that I was in bed my 11 pm and slept until 8. As well as being the first ever AC Saturday night where I have been in bed alone, it is now the first Sunday where I wake up with a clear head.

What to do on a Sunday in AC? Will stroll to Walking street for morning coffee. Will avail of a massage place on the way. After lunch at Phillies will catch a jeep to Perimeter bars. Happy Day (s).


09-17-17, 08:30
The information the ABC gave you is completely false. I'm not sure if you have ventured out to any bars beyond the Aqua at ABC but if you had you would see all the bars on Walking Street and Perimeter are nonsmoking now. I'm not going to get into a protracted debate about what is, for me, a fairly unimportant topic. However, I'm guessing that the owner of the ABC knows more than you and I do, since the reputation and success of his hotel depends in part on his understanding of the rules. I'm also going to speculate that the American Manager of Aqua, having had protracted discussions with barangay officials, knows what he's talking about.

I note that Blue Sapphire has a smoking room, which the owner believes is legal, and for which he evidently gets not hassles from the powers that be. The owner of Eruptions said he's going to construct a smoking area inside the bar, so I'm guessing he thinks that it's legal to do so as well. I was never a great devotee of WS, and didn't go there at all this trip, so can't comment except to repeat what I was told by others.


09-18-17, 04:18
I'm not going to get into a protracted debate about what is, for me, a fairly unimportant topic.

Spoke to a bar owner who owned a bar down McArthur across from Saver's about this very topic. Being a nonsmoker myself, I am thrilled of this law (you want to kill yourself, do it in your own hotel, and don't take me with you). Apparently, the fines for smoking in a bar are HUGE. To allow patrons to smoke, you must build an separate smoking room. The laws how this room is created are very specific (for example, the windows /exhaust must face the street, and no other direction). The smoking room is also extremely expensive, open to ridiculous regulation. He was telling me that he has no choice but to build this separate smoking room, since all smokers will only attend bars with them, so w / out it his bar would lose a lot of business.

Bars on Fields Ave cannot have a separate smoking room since there's no space. They're too small.


09-18-17, 08:54
I was never a great devotee of WS, and didn't go there at all this trip

I'm there now and have not noticed any change at all since I was first here 8 or 9 years ago, and every 3-4 months during that period. No problems with LT; no problems with attitudes; not difficult to find GFE, and I'm almost positive I'm quite a bit older and less of a "hansum man" than most of the posters here.
BE.You are not a great devotee of WS and don't go there (very much) anymore? Couldn't that be the reason you have not noticed any changes?

What exactly is your hunting ground GE?

Soapy Smith
09-18-17, 09:27
One guy posted on another forum that he had to endure watching a Korean sitting on his haunches with his feet on the toilet seat taking a dump. You have to be a certain kind of addict to endure that scene.By "certain kind of addict" are you referring to scatological voyeurism? Considering that most people can rotate their heads approximately 180 degrees--and thus choose somewhere else to fix their gaze, it seems a little odd that this guy felt he "had to endure it." Perhaps he doth protest too much.

09-18-17, 22:32
You are not a great devotee of WS and don't go there (very much) anymore? Couldn't that be the reason you have not noticed any changes?

What exactly is your hunting ground GE?Could be. Now I use primarily the "friends of friends" strategy and is appears to work well enough for me. I've never much liked the bars, and have used them in the past to meet 2-3 ladies whose company I enjoyed. Some of those became friends, and that was the start of endless recruitment possibilities.

09-20-17, 02:28
I saw an earlier question on hunting grounds. The question wasn't directed to me but it prompted my thoughts. There are just so many options in and around AC.

Success is dependent upon my (our) attitude. I tend to be relaxed and not so serious in my dealings with the locals. So any encounter at the market, the phone company, starbucks, the jeepney the filipina will be enquiring are you living here, are you single etc etc. Even replying that I have a GF doesn't change the conversation as in a way they now think that I am a reliable guy that will support a girl.

It's import to have phone number read for easy exchange.

There are many girls that will flirt with the idea of meeting. They will take longer and may not suit a holidaying visitor.

Last night Tuesday I found myself invited to a dinner in a small little room where my infrequent wechat contact had invited me. Down a side street, down an alley, water drain to the side, into a small little room I have met this girl a few times over the past year and only ever got as far as Jollibee. I had given up on her. We had some drinks in her house, then her friends made an excuse that they needed to go out and left us alone. It was very neatly done and I assume that's how pinoy / pinay sex must get arranged.

If you are in AC for just a few days then the bars and wechat are the best ground.

So, AC is full of potential opportunity.


09-22-17, 07:01
Hi guys,

I need some boots on the ground intel to tell me if the busty waitress in Phillies is still there. I will be there next month and like to have a round with her if she is still there and amenable. Please PM me with her name and any other pertinent details and I will be boobfully grateful. Maybe you can take her for a test run hahha.

Thanks.She was there three months ago when I was there. She is built like a brick sh! T house. Lovely. I asked if she had a BF and she said yes. So I think she is off limits. If she was hooking then I don't think she would be there schlepping drinks. She would be hanging around town at diners and HiSo waiting for mongers to pick her up. I certainly would of! Those DDs are lovely. And she is thick and strong. Very rare for the PI.

Mr Enternational
09-22-17, 07:19
She was there three months ago when I was there. She is built like a brick sh! T house. Lovely. I asked if she had a BF and she said yes. So I think she is off limits. If she was hooking then I don't think she would be there schlepping drinks. She would be hanging around town at diners and HiSo waiting for mongers to pick her up. I certainly would of! Those DDs are lovely. And she is thick and strong. Very rare for the PI.I shall test the waters when I get there in a couple of hours (hopefully - depending on trappic). I will order the ribs as usual, and the big titty broad for dessert.

PS. I thought about trying Swagman Fly the Bus out this time, but when I looked it up this morning there was a bad review (the person was expecting it to be an actual bus). And the pictures that Swagman had up looked like the vans with no leg room that run everywhere else around the country. The couple of times that I have taken one (such as to Subic and back from AC, I sat in the front shotgun and in the back next to the slidding door so I could stick my legs into the door well. These big buses are much more comfortable.

No Name Yet
09-22-17, 11:44
Just finished a day time session at on of the Perimeter clubs. Found a nice girl, not too hardened, nice personality, worked there for just a month.

After we were done we talked a bit and she told me her life story. Yes, I had read postings here about single motherhood and making ends meet. And yet this girls story specifics still put me in a bit of a haze as I walked back to my hotel. It's been said here before. Be nice to the girls.

D Cups
09-22-17, 13:57
Thanks for the updates V V and Mr. E.

She was there three months ago when I was there. Those DDs are lovely. Very rare for the PI.

Member #4566
09-22-17, 13:58
I thought about trying Swagman Fly the Bus out this time.I have given up on Fly the Bus. The last time I used it I was trapped in a small van between two talkative know-it-alls. The public buses are cheap and run often. They are non stop to Dau bus terminal then the dreaded trike for 100 p to my hotel.

Mr Enternational
09-22-17, 15:51
The public buses are cheap and run often. They are non stop to Dau bus terminal then the dreaded trike for 100 p to my hotel.As usual I do not ask any prices for the trike. When he pulled up to my hotel I just got out and handed him 80 pesos and he drove away. The vans in the picture are lined up at Dau terminal. The one that says Olongapo is the one you want to take if you are going to Subic. I forgot the price of that route. 200 pesos maybe.

Wicked Roger
09-22-17, 16:37
And she is thick and strong. Very rare for the PI.VV.

Is this a euphemism for "chibby" ? As if so is a nice way to say it.

09-23-17, 01:40
As usual I do not ask any prices for the trike. When he pulled up to my hotel I just got out and handed him 80 pesos and he drove away. The vans in the picture are lined up at Dau terminal. The one that says Olongapo is the one you want to take if you are going to Subic. I forgot the price of that route. 200 pesos maybe.Welcome back to AC Mr Enternational. I have a feeling you had a warm welcome already. Hope you enjoyed the heavy rains this morning.

The price for Dau to Olongopo is P120-P130. The vans plan to leave each hour or will leave earlier if they are full or later if the wind is blowing or lots of other variables. If you get to the van early it's OK to tell them you will wait in the aircon in jollibee.

Have a great day.


Chocha Monger
09-23-17, 02:10

Is this a euphemism for "chibby" ? As if so is a nice way to say it.Correct! You may also say that a girl has a "thick ass" as a nice way of saying she has a "fat ass!" Tone of voice and facial expression when you say it matters too. It is a good idea to try saying it in front of a mirror starting with sweet and gentle tones and working up to more aggressive horny tones used to train submissions in BDSM sessions. Then try it out on one of your regular ladies with a sense of humor while paddling her ample backside.

Shining Wit
09-23-17, 08:17
Good to know about vans to Olongapo.

I have had trike drivers threaten me after I refused to renegotiate the deal because they felt the trip was longer than expected. What a way to earn living. There are just too many trikes out there competing for fares. It's small wonder they are assholes. I avoid avoid avoid.

At the Dau terminal I have often seen Manila taxis lurking on the fringes looking for passengers after they have made a drop off in Angeles. You can share a taxi and get a good price for door-to-door service.Victory Liner run an Olongapo. Dau service via SCTEX on a 30 minute frequency, if I remember correctly. More room, probably quicker as I imagine the vans serve intermediate points. Possibly more expensive, but as Olongapo. Sampaloc is php 207, is it worth getting stressed?

Not sure a Manila cab would want a fare to Subic, as that would leave him farther from Manila with less chance of a fare back. Not sure he would be licenced either, as if that mattered.

Mr Enternational
09-24-17, 15:03
I need some boots on the ground intel to tell me if the busty waitress in Phillies is still there.I passed there many times and ate there once, but never saw anyone that fit that description.

The other night I was walking down Blow Row and wandered into a place. The boss had already left. I asked for a menu and started complaining about the high ass prices. High for PI anyway. I was talking plenty of shit then asked how much a rum and coke was. The 65 pesos I was quoted was less than the 125 or 165 I saw in the menu. I went ahead and ordered one. Then I asked how much the barfine was. All the ladies started laughing at me. They said this is a restaurant, not a bar. I said well what is this big ass bar that I'm sitting at for?

I traded numbers with one of the chicks and she said she would come see me when she got off at 11. I was doing some things so didn't get to catch up with her until about 2 am. She stayed with me and left the next morning at 10 am because she had to work at 11. I went to get her work ID (it said food service on it - I thought only bar girls had to get those IDs) from the front desk and put 1000 pesos between the two cards. When I handed it back to her, she saw the money and looked at me like what is this for? When we got outside she said she was going to take a trike. The joker that I am, I said why don't you walk and get some exercise. She started walking.

09-25-17, 05:02
I passed there many times and ate there once, but never saw anyone that fit that description.

The other night I was walking down Blow Row and wandered into a place. The boss had already left. I asked for a menu and started complaining about the high ass prices. High for PI anyway. I was talking plenty of shit then asked how much a rum and coke was. The 65 pesos I was quoted was less than the 125 or 165 I saw in the menu. I went ahead and ordered one. Then I asked how much the barfine was. All the ladies started laughing at me. They said this is a restaurant, not a bar. I said well what is this big ass bar that I'm sitting at for?

I traded numbers with one of the chicks and she said she would come see me when she got off at 11. I was doing some things so didn't get to catch up with her until about 2 am. She stayed with me and left the next morning at 10 am because she had to work at 11. I went to get her work ID (it said food service on it - I thought only bar girls had to get those IDs) from the front desk and put 1000 pesos between the two cards. When I handed it back to her, she saw the money and looked at me like what is this for? When we got outside she said she was going to take a trike. The joker that I am, I said why don't you walk and get some exercise. She started walking.HUmmm interesting pull from Phillies. It was my understanding that they risk their jobs there if they go out with the customers. Guess anything is possible with the right persuasion.

09-25-17, 07:03
HUmmm interesting pull from Phillies. It was my understanding that they risk their jobs there if they go out with the customers. Guess anything is possible with the right persuasion.Possibly Rob's Bar. Mr. E is younger, musclular and debonair and has game. Not like us bald, fat pensioners that have to pay more. He can pull for free or 1 k.

09-25-17, 07:12
Possibly Rob's Bar. Mr. E is younger, muscular and debonair and has game. Not like us bald, fat pensioners that have to pay more. He can pull for free or 1 k.No doubt about that. He is the official ISG Standard Bearer, when he is in town. Best to avoid clashing with his itinerary.

Oh, for "the good old days" , when I was young, slim and had hair.

09-25-17, 09:04
I have spent a nice short week in Angeles.

Stayed at Wild Orchid Resort (not to be confused with the other Wild Orchid hotel in town). I compared Wild Orchid Resort to Pacific Breeze. They seemed similar online, but in real life Wild Orchid seems better. The pool area is really nice and sunny, the pool is a bit longer and just about long enough to do laps, it is lively, the location is incredibly central but not so noisy, cleaning is excellent, there was no problem with me taking in three girls a night. No need to register them upon entry. One of the armed security guards is a voluptuous kind of attractive lady who wanders the place at night. Every time I came in with a new girl she would give me a smile and polite "good morning Sir". I felt a bit like inviting her for a threesome. Biggest weak point is that the restaurant at Wild Orchid fries everything in some awful type of fat. Smells like something made from old candlesticks mixed with spilt diesel and recycled 1000 times. Tastes like that too. Even smells bad in the garden when the kitchen is preparing something for somebody else. Guarantee: I have no links whatsoever with either hotel, this is just my personal opinion.

It seemed a bit quiet in town, but the ratio of mongers to girls was nice. The first day or two I felt a bit out of place, thought there were a lot of fat girls. But after acclimatising and after the girls had boosted my self confidence I had one nice experience after the other. Wonderful, incredible petite girls. Often they would be very coquette in the gogo bars, but once in bed deliver nice GFE. I like.

A performance curve that goes up. Promise less, deliver more.

Strange how hardly any of them would do a blowjob on their own initiative, and many refused to do one when asked. This is definitely not the place to come if you like blowjobs. On the other hand DATY and rimming was very popular. Many are happy to lie on the bed and kiss, cuddle, spoon etc. For a long time. So for my tastes it's an excellent match.

Some are willing or even keen to have unprotected sex and lack knowledge due to low education levels, so I had to teach them some lessons trying to give something back.

Streetwalkers were on offer for 1000 - 1500. Many of them had issues, either physical or mental. But the sport can be good fun and a few are gems. It is also nice to cruise the main streets around 3-4 am when waves of girls are coming off work. Some are happen to go to my hotel and earn extra instead of going home.

I didn't spent all that much money, but I think total direct opex usually come out around 5000 per girl. That includes a drink for me, a drink for her and perhaps one or two girls / mamasans, 3000 peso bar fine, tip of 1000 to 2000. I mention the tip in advance and that it depends on our chemistry / their performance and that it is at my discretion. Perhaps that is why I am getting the excellent GFE. I made the mistake of giving out my local number to some of my first conquests and they wouldn't leave me alone after that.

The girls have a lot of personality, and they are all different and often unpredictable. Although many people in the Philippines speak fantastic English, many of the girls I saw in Angeles did not, again due to education.

Angeles mongers seem to come in two varieties, many are overweight, 60-70's, tattooed, Oz / US pensioner types drinking beer. I like that, because it is good for market conditions in several ways. Another group is more like 20-40's, reasonably fit, either their for something like stag trip or dedicated mongerers trying to achieve maximize the hobby.

Treat the ladies nice.

09-25-17, 22:49
I plan to just sit down at the bar at wild orchid and have a drink. Any chance they will approach me?

09-26-17, 11:44
I plan to just sit down at the bar at wild orchid and have a drink. Any chance they will approach me?Drop two or three, hundred pesos notes on the floor, don't bother to pick them up= they will approach you.

09-27-17, 13:36

How would experienced mongers here ensure a low possibiliy of a runner from the bar ladies?

Also, how much are the ST / LT rates for pick up FLs in discos?

Thank you!

09-27-17, 17:56
Another observation from Angeles: I consistently had more fun in the smaller bars. In those bars, the girls are closer, easier to study in detail, communicate non-verbally and verbally with. Often the girls would circulate more around the stage and among the audience, chorus popular songs, do funny dance moves, joke around with each other and the guests. As a result, the girls were happier and the guests were happier, and they reinforce each other, making it a good party. Contrast that with the large, sometimes impressive, sometimes musty, halls, over-airconditioned causing the scampily clad girls to freeze all the time, not light enough to see much, mamas who get increasingly desperate because customers are not turned on. In one of those big places I saw two groups of girls get into a big fight. Not surprisingly, cold, bored to death, not making money, and not having fun with guys. I reckon if someone owns one of those big refrigerators, their best business plan is to split it into two small, funky bars and let them compete against each other for the best atmosphere. That will get the money rolling. Or perhaps I am underestimating the Korean factor.

09-27-17, 18:05
Another observation from Angeles: I consistently had more fun in the smaller bars. In those bars, the girls are closer, easier to study in detail, communicate non-verbally and verbally with. Often the girls would circulate more around the stage and among the audience, chorus popular songs, do funny dance moves, joke around with each other and the guests. As a result, the girls were happier and the guests were happier, and they reinforce each other, making it a good party. Contrast that with the large, sometimes impressive, sometimes musty, halls, over-airconditioned causing the scampily clad girls to freeze all the time, not light enough to see much, mamas who get increasingly desperate because customers are not turned on. In one of those big places I saw two groups of girls get into a big fight. Not surprisingly, cold, bored to death, not making money, and not having fun with guys. I reckon if someone owns one of those big refrigerators, their best business plan is to split it into two small, funky bars and let them compete against each other for the best atmosphere. That will get the money rolling. Or perhaps I am underestimating the Korean factor.I have to agree with cucumber here. My last few visits I haven't even bothered going in the bigger bars. I like the small feel and the girls are with in arms reach. Easier to find the one that has a little chemistry or really wants to be with you!

Gentleman Travel
09-28-17, 04:20
I plan to just sit down at the bar at wild orchid and have a drink. Any chance they will approach me?Well, do what you are comfortable with, but relying on them to approach you guarantees that you will only interact with the most bold or the most desperate.

Any little gems who are trying to make ends meet, but are too shy to solicit, will not get onto your radar.

To find the best girls, and the ones who best match your tastes, you have to be a bit more proactive. Take some risks and reap the rewards.

09-28-17, 08:15
Is this the gal?

She was there three months ago when I was there. She is built like a brick sh! T house. Lovely. I asked if she had a BF and she said yes. So I think she is off limits. If she was hooking then I don't think she would be there schlepping drinks. She would be hanging around town at diners and HiSo waiting for mongers to pick her up. I certainly would of! Those DDs are lovely. And she is thick and strong. Very rare for the PI.

No Name Yet
09-28-17, 12:22
Another observation from Angeles: I consistently had more fun in the smaller bars. In those bars, the girls are closer, easier to study in detail, communicate non-verbally and verbally with. Often the girls would circulate more around the stage and among the audience, chorus popular songs, do funny dance moves, joke around with each other and the guests. As a result, the girls were happier and the guests were happier, and they reinforce each other, making it a good party. Contrast that with the large, sometimes impressive, sometimes musty, halls, over-airconditioned causing the scampily clad girls to freeze all the time, not light enough to see much, mamas who get increasingly desperate because customers are not turned on. In one of those big places I saw two groups of girls get into a big fight. Not surprisingly, cold, bored to death, not making money, and not having fun with guys. I reckon if someone owns one of those big refrigerators, their best business plan is to split it into two small, funky bars and let them compete against each other for the best atmosphere. That will get the money rolling. Or perhaps I am underestimating the Korean factor.I have to agree too (smaller bars being better IMHO).

I spent a bit of time on Perimeter, and yeah quality there isn't as high, but you often can banter with the girls and figure out if you like each other. Harder to do if you are in one of the larger bars on Walking, it seems like more of a point and shoot experience, yeah you get to buy lady drinks but meh I like sitting up next to the girls where I can almost touch them LOL.

Being patient helps. Yeah it's kind of hard if you're blocked up. But it's a bit like hunting and it can be a lot of fun, you throw the fish back into the water if it's not quite right and move on, but then when you know you sort of know haha. I spent 2 1/2 hours hunting on Perimeter, and it turned out good haha.

09-29-17, 11:25
...................................Being patient helps.Yeh you guys who think your in a Western World brothel, when in Phils, think again.

Patience pays.

When in the Phils, do as the Phils do. Smile, be decent, and enjoy.

10-01-17, 04:29
Will in AC soon. Can't wait. Have 6 all time favorites waiting. On the agenda will be 6 newbies.

Dion Cassius
10-01-17, 05:59
I will be in AC next month for the first time (I am pretty thrilled) and I would have liked your opinion regarding mamasans. I have read several times people advising to ask the mamasan what girl might suit their needs. I have personally never done this myself in Thailand: I always try to pick up a cutie I have chemistry with. What are your thoughts (and experiences) about this?

Mr Enternational
10-01-17, 06:27
I will be in AC next month for the first time (I am pretty thrilled) and I would have liked your opinion regarding mamasans. I have read several times people advising to ask the mamasan what girl might suit their needs. I have personally never done this myself in Thailand: I always try to pick up a cutie I have chemistry with. What are your thoughts (and experiences) about this?I don't get it either. I pick the chick that I like and have chemistry with. I don't need a matchmaker inside of a horehouse.

Member #4566
10-01-17, 17:09
What are your thoughts (and experiences) about this?Most bordellos in AC have cherry girls who are alleged virgins and don't put out. For me buying them a drink is a complete waste of time and money. However they are often the most attractive girls in the house.

Then, too, another group of girls invariably are having their period and unavailable and equally is a waste of time and money.

The mamasan can inform you who will likely accept an invitation to go with you. Some guys buy them a drink as a bribe to enlist their help. In all cases, before I pay the barfine, I will recite the details of the agreement I worked out with the girl in the presence of the mamasan so as to discourage misunderstandings or breaches. For me that is that the girl will leave in the AM and not run after a short time. Some are into greek and may want to have that condition of employment expressly agreed upon in front of the mamasan. Finally, some mamasans have been great help in coaxing a reluctant prospect into accepting a barfine only to find later that I have a fuck monster in my bed.

All that being said, it is not my usual practice to seek out the mamasan.

10-01-17, 17:33
The mamasan can inform you who will likely accept an invitation to go with you. Some guys buy them a drink as a bribe to enlist their help. In all cases, before I pay the barfine, I will recite the details of the agreement I worked out with the girl in the presence of the mamasan so as to discourage misunderstandings or breaches. For me that is that the girl will leave in the AM and not run after a short time. Some are into greek and may want to have that condition of employment expressly agreed upon in front of the mamasan. Finally, some mamasans have been great help in coaxing a reluctant prospect into accepting a barfine only to find later that I have a fuck monster in my bed.

All that being said, it is not my usual practice to seek out the mamasan.My approach is the same as Pomp's. In any barfine situation where paying before taking the girl, once the girl is changed into street clothes and ready to go, I discuss with the mama (in the presence of the girl) what the girl has agreed to, to discover any discrepancies. "The girl agreed to 10 am, taking pics, no condom, all I like". It takes about 10 seconds total. If there is a disagreement at that point that can't be resolved, the bar is happy to refund your money. An rare occasion a mama will stop the deal in its tracks, saying the girl cannot make any commitments before leaving the bar (note to self: never go in that bar again).

10-01-17, 20:30
In AC first time since 2009. Airport much nicer. Transport from airport better organised and controlled. Same lousy restaurants. Stayed at wild orchids resort. GIRLS seem to be older than in 2009. Crowd seems older. Same lousy restaurants. Prizes doubled in bars. Lots more FLs. The 2 I pulled were OK. 1500. Koreans will develop this part of town. Old men will decrease. Same package.

Dion Cassius
10-01-17, 20:41
Thanks Pompetus and WestCoast1.

This is a useful tip. Something I had never thought about. I had the feeling in Thai gogo bars that the mamasans were just as ready to scam you than the worst working girl.

10-02-17, 02:54
I don't get it either. I pick the chick that I like and have chemistry with. I don't need a matchmaker inside of a horehouse.Matchmakers, alias Mama Sans in bars, are of course motivated by profit. Whatever compliments her income, will be recommended.

Intel on mens' , virginity etc, can be garnered from the girl herself.

10-02-17, 08:55
My usual Saturday prospects had an outlook developed over the previous few days of developing various potentials:

BY 11 am, expecting a girl from Malbalacat.

By 1 pm a possible girl from AC.

By 7 pm a certainty returning from Manila.

By 2 pm a visit from regular massage repeat performer.

Option for a massage at local joint.

Option for a nursing student to be available.

As the day progressed, one bailed, one MIA, one suddenly remembered she was flying to "other country" and finished with a hotel visit from my favourite massage girl. Then the 7 pm certainty arrived on schedule. About 9 pm got a message another unexpected certainty was on her way over. That got messy. By midday next day that conflict was resolved and made way for the nursing student.

As always it is worth having a few potentials. Most likely the ones that bailed had other offers and are always going to grab the certainty themselves.

Happy days.


10-02-17, 12:55
I will be in AC next month for the first time (I am pretty thrilled) and I would have liked your opinion regarding mamasans. I have read several times people advising to ask the mamasan what girl might suit their needs. I have personally never done this myself in Thailand: I always try to pick up a cutie I have chemistry with. What are your thoughts (and experiences) about this?I rely on the mamasans that I have known for many years for a few of bits of info. First, I ask if there are any new girls I should get to know. They know what I like. Secondly, (sadly a trend over the last several years) if they only go with Koreans or short time. I also have a few waitresses that provide the same info. Another benefit is that if I am interested in a girl, they will be sure to explain to her that I want all night until 10'ish AM, BBBJ and a couple of boom booms. So far it has always worked and it never costs me more than 1 LD. Visit number 51 coming up in 2 weeks!

10-03-17, 07:32
Then, too, another group of girls invariably are having their period and unavailable and equally is a waste of time and money.
There are also girls that are having their periods or about to, know it, don't tell you go with you anyway. Then bleed everywhere.

One trip I EWR'd 2 x girls surfin the crimson wave.

10-05-17, 22:33
Hey guys,

Hows the scene in AC nowadays?

Gogobars aNd FLs?

Visiting next month!!

10-06-17, 02:22
There are also girls that are having their periods or about to, know it, don't tell you go with you anyway. Then bleed everywhere.

One trip I EWR'd 2 x girls surfin the crimson wave.Hmmm, so what does EWR mean? It's not in the abbreviations list (is there a proper way to submit or simply add to the abbreviations?) and I suspect this is not a reference to Newark airport, so.

Spent too much time trying to guess this one!

10-06-17, 02:58
Hmmm, so what does EWR mean? It's not in the abbreviations list (is there a proper way to submit or simply add to the abbreviations?) and I suspect this is not a reference to Newark airport, so.

Spent too much time trying to guess this one!EARLY WORK RELEASE. The term took the place of Barfine when the raids started happening.

Snow Koala
10-06-17, 06:11
If you want a Head Injury, come to Angeles City and ride a trike, otherwise avoid Angeles City trikes.

In the last month, I am seen at least one trike accident per week in Angeles City where people have been injured. A few days ago a high school girl died when the trike she was travelling in hit a truck. Two weeks ago a friend was hit by a trike while riding her motorbike and spent a week in hospital. Trike drivers in Angeles City and driving like idiots and not maintaining the vehicles. Most of the accidents I have seen recently has been trikes pulling out in front of cars or driving into the back of cars which can be attributed to poor attention and poorly maintained brakes. Indicators are almost never used, tails lights often don't work, Headlights sometimes are not one and driving on the wrong side of the road is common. I have been living in Angeles City for 3 years and I don't allow my family to take trikes here, its too dangerous.

There are alternatives:

1. Grab is now in Angeles City so download the app on your phone and enjoy the safety and comfort of a car or SUV for around 20% more cost than a trike. Uber is not here yet.

2. Hotels often have hotel vans which can be used although avoid ABC Hotel van, Grosvenor hotel and especially SK Hotel vans as I have seen these hotels van drivers driving dangerously around Angeles.

3. Walk if your hotel is near Fields Ave Walking street. Out as far as ABC hotel is easily walkable. Even the walk from Fields Ave Walking Street to SM is only 800 m and an easy walk, partially covered.

4. Jeepneys are uncomfortable and slow but they are cheap at around 10 php per trip.

Be safe in Angeles City, avoid the Trikes.

10-06-17, 07:48
I returned to Angeles for the second time in my career at the end of September. My objective was to meet up with a repeat from my last trip and spend the week with her. Some might find this to be crazy to dedicate this large amount of time to a single girl, but she has been amazing for me. Right attitude, amazing in the bed, and super cute. Before getting locked up for the week, I did decide to have one day of exploration and it was a blast.

Day 1 - Afternoon: This was spent hanging out on Perimeter. I triked from Wild Orchid Hotel to the area and bar hopped a bit. For the most part, there wasn't much to get excited about. Certainly could not find anyone who was as hot as my week-long honey. But after several beers and after having sampled the high quantity of bar girls, I finally managed to find a girl that matched my interests. Small, petite, and cute. I bar fined her for 2000 and took her back to the hotel for some afternoon pleasure and the sex did not disappoint. I intended to keep the girl LT, but I was quite relieved when she said she needed to leave shortly after our second round in the sack. My condom broke during the second round and it's possible this could have spooked her. But I am willing to bet she was simply interested in making more money with other customers. For the record, I never demanded LT during the negotiation process. After all, I had better plans for the evening.

Day 1- Evening: Time to pursue the ultimate threesome. I had a threesome during my last visit and walked away unimpressed. I did all the right things. Ask mamasan who likes to play with the ladies and then let the lucky gal choose their partner of choice. But. The experience was rather mechanical. This time around, I opted for the same approach. This is the approach that is preached quite often by my ISG peers who I have learned to trust. I started with Atlantis, followed by the next 3 bars east of Atlantis, but no matches. Either there were no girls that played around or the ones that played simply didn't meet my standards. But the 4th bar was the charm. Mamasan pointed me to a hot girl which in turn chose a girl hotter than herself. I can't recall if I paid 2500 or 3000 per girl, but they were worth every peso. This threesome was the closest to matching my expectations of what a threesome should be like. These girls loved kissing and liked playing around. Got them to take turns giving me a BBBJ, sometimes giving junior a tongue or lip sandwich. Ahhh! Then it was time to mount one of the girls in missionary. I tend to be assertive with what I want so I asked the other girl to sit on her face where I saw the most beautiful pussy licking session right before my eyes. After a few more position changes I finally blew my load. Unfortunately, I was too excited when I bar fined these girls and never established ST vs. LT. Damn! Bad move as they started getting dressed after I got myself cleaned up. Oh well. Live and learn.

Day 2 - Early Afternoon (still within 24 hour cycle): Took a stroll down Fields just to flirt and drink a bit. I was meeting my girl within a moment's notice and did not want to jeopardize the meetup. So managed to find one of a few bars on Fields that had girls dancing, parked myself, and had some free beers which was part of their grand opening promotion. Free beer and lovely ladies! Since I was there to flirt, I chose a cutie dancing on stage from Mindanao. I am sure if I didn't meet up with my regular, I would have fallen in love with this gal. Cute, sexy, playful and already on the verge of getting drunk with me. But. I had to leave and say bye to the lovely thing. I slipped her a little tip to reward her behavior before I left.

The rest of the week had me spending some blissful time with my regular which I'll write about at a later time.

Key takeaways from this trip:

* If you expect LT, make sure you get this aligned during bar fine negotiations.

* Patience definitely pays off. If you don't like what you see, move on to the next bar.

* I have a hard time convincing myself to stay away from Angeles. I have had no better experience than what I have had in Angeles.


10-06-17, 08:43
Hey guys,

Hows the scene in AC nowadays?

Gogobars aNd FLs?

Visiting next month!!Yes, gogobars and FLs are still there.

10-06-17, 09:05
With my 185 cm and 100+ kg frame I find trikes a bit uncomfortable. Rides are short but it takes a fair amount of twisting and turning to get myself seated. Also for a party of 2 or 3 one trike suffices but if you have three ladies in tow it gets a bit crowded even with one lady riding behind the driver.

I found the shuttle at Boomerang Hotel very convenient and the drivers calm and reliable. During my visit in February I used it for all my day-time errands as well as going to the mall. It ran only until 21.00, though. Looks like Grab beats the trikes for night time transportation.

Two weeks ago a friend was hit by a trike while riding her motorbike and spent a week in hospital.Do any of you AC regulars ride your own or rental motorbike? I know the traffic is a chaos but at least you are a bit more in control of your ride than inside a trike.

10-06-17, 11:25
If you want a Head Injury, come to Angeles City and ride a trike, otherwise avoid Angeles City trikes.

2. Hotels often have hotel vans which can be used although avoid ABC Hotel van, Grosvenor hotel and especially SK Hotel vans as I have seen these hotels van drivers driving dangerously around Angeles.

Be safe in Angeles City, avoid the Trikes.Just to clarify, most of the transport options offered by ABC are SUVs, which I take every time I'm there. I've never had a driver of one of these cars behave recklessly. The one time that I did take the van, I was the only passenger and the driver was fine.


Snow Koala
10-06-17, 12:13
Just to clarify, most of the transport options offered by ABC are SUVs, which I take every time I'm there. I've never had a driver of one of these cars behave recklessly. The one time that I did take the van, I was the only passenger and the driver was fine.

GE.Just the other day, the ABC Hotel Van drove the wrong way up a one-way street and then did a 7-point turn infront of me while 10-15 cars waited.

Snow Koala
10-06-17, 12:17
With my 185 cm and 100+ kg frame I find trikes a bit uncomfortable. Rides are short but it takes a fair amount of twisting and turning to get myself seated. Also for a party of 2 or 3 one trike suffices but if you have three ladies in tow it gets a bit crowded even with one lady riding behind the driver.

I found the shuttle at Boomerang Hotel very convenient and the drivers calm and reliable. During my visit in February I used it for all my day-time errands as well as going to the mall. It ran only until 21.00, though. Looks like Grab beats the trikes for night time transportation.

Do any of you AC regulars ride your own or rental motorbike? I know the traffic is a chaos but at least you are a bit more in control of your ride than inside a trike.I ride my own 125 CC scooter around town with my family sometimes and its a great way to get around and much easier avoiding traffic jams and definitely easier for parking. When I go out drinking I have a drink, then softie, then drink, then softie, etc so I don't get drunk and still good to ride the 1 km home.

Snow Koala
10-06-17, 12:18
Yes, gogobars and FLs are still there.A few bars have been renovate lately including Red and what is now Soya making the bar experience better.

10-06-17, 12:30
When I go out drinking I have a drink, then softie, then drink, then softie, etc so I don't get drunk and still good to ride the 1 km home.This is what I do in Pattaya and it works out great. I think I'll pop in a rental agency next time I'm in AC.

10-06-17, 16:40
EARLY WORK RELEASE. The term took the place of Barfine when the raids started happening.Thanks! So how do we get something added to the abbreviations list? .

Never mind, got it, and submitted. Cheers!

10-06-17, 17:47
With my 185 cm and 100+ kg frame I find trikes a bit uncomfortable. Rides are short but it takes a fair amount of twisting and turning to get myself seated. Also for a party of 2 or 3 one trike suffices but if you have three ladies in tow it gets a bit crowded even with one lady riding behind the driver.

I found the shuttle at Boomerang Hotel very convenient and the drivers calm and reliable. During my visit in February I used it for all my day-time errands as well as going to the mall. It ran only until 21.00, though. Looks like Grab beats the trikes for night time transportation.

Do any of you AC regulars ride your own or rental motorbike? I know the traffic is a chaos but at least you are a bit more in control of your ride than inside a trike.Grab beats trikes in day time too. You can go from perimeter to Marquee Mall for the minimum P120. Also it is an air con car with seating for a minimum of 4 passengers. Some drivers have a large SUV. I love it because I have a prepaid account and never have to dig into my pocket for the right amount to pay.

Also I use Grab to drive the girls back home in the morning after a LT session. Trikes usually charge P150 to go from perimeter to Dau or Mountain View area. Grab is still P120.

I have used Grab to pick up girls at their house and bring them to my hotel. Pretty timely.

Also I use Grab to come back from the malls. The trick is to use the mall’s free WiFi for the connection.

Btw, I use Grab extensively in Manila. One time I had an AC girl come visit me in Manila the day before my flight home. We went to lunch, to Global City, to Mall of Asia and back to my hotel using Grab. Each time I would use the app on my cell phone. She did not know about Grab and actually thought I was texting my own extensive private car service! I could not convince her it was a taxi service because each driver would greet me by my name.

10-06-17, 22:43
Btw, I use Grab extensively in Manila. One time I had an AC girl come visit me in Manila the day before my flight home. We went to lunch, to Global City, to Mall of Asia and back to my hotel using Grab. Each time I would use the app on my cell phone. She did not know about Grab and actually thought I was texting my own extensive private car service! I could not convince her it was a taxi service because each driver would greet me by my name.Do you use our real name? In AC the drivers do gossip to my passengers and make stupid unsolicited comments like "Is this the same girl you brought home last week at 3 am Sir?

I've since changed my name to a less obvious name as well as rotating to a new account regularly so they lose the travel history.


10-06-17, 22:58
Do any of you AC regulars ride your own or rental motorbike? I know the traffic is a chaos but at least you are a bit more in control of your ride than inside a trike.If you are staying at Boomerang then on the main road next to Mischief & Platinum, the Perimeter bars is Nice Bikes. Basic scooter is P300 per day, discount for longer rentals. From a financial point of view, breakeven is basically 3 grab rides.

The benefit of the scooter is that you can explore different areas of AC. With Grab and trikes you need to tell them your destination. On the scooter you can just drive and look, stop where you like.

Scooters can also get you onto Clark Base to explore whereas trikes are not allowed.

SO they are the benefits. Now after riding scooters around AC for the past year I am only using Grab during the week. The drama, poor driving of the road users and risk of serious accident is just too great. It's worth me paying twice as much to have the benefit of a relaxing time sitting in the back, checking messages, chatting to my partner and arriving fresh.

Enjoy your trip.


10-06-17, 23:27
Do you use our real name? In AC the drivers do gossip to my passengers and make stupid unsolicited comments like "Is this the same girl you brought home last week at 3 am Sir?

I've since changed my name to a less obvious name as well as rotating to a new account regularly so they lose the travel history.

BD.I use my real name. They all know I butterfly around. Some days I have the same driver drive different girls for me. I have never heard them say anything to me or the girls. If they did it wouldn't bother me or the girls. The girls all know I butterfly around and in some cases even bring a new one to me.

Snow Koala
10-06-17, 23:40
If you are staying at Boomerang then on the main road next to Mischief & Platinum, the Perimeter bars is Nice Bikes. Basic scooter is P300 per day, discount for longer rentals. From a financial point of view, breakeven is basically 3 grab rides.

The benefit of the scooter is that you can explore different areas of AC. With Grab and trikes you need to tell them your destination. On the scooter you can just drive and look, stop where you like.

Scooters can also get you onto Clark Base to explore whereas trikes are not allowed.

SO they are the benefits. Now after riding scooters around AC for the past year I am only using Grab during the week. The drama, poor driving of the road users and risk of serious accident is just too great. It's worth me paying twice as much to have the benefit of a relaxing time sitting in the back, checking messages, chatting to my partner and arriving fresh.

Enjoy your trip.

BD.If you take your scooter into Clark, then you need to wear shoes and of course helmet. Wearing Flip-flops around Angeles city is fine, but not in Clark. They won't let in if you don't wear both.

10-07-17, 07:56
If you are staying at Boomerang then on the main road next to Mischief & Platinum, the Perimeter bars is Nice Bikes. Basic scooter is P300 per day, discount for longer rentals. From a financial point of view, breakeven is basically 3 grab rides.

The benefit of the scooter is that you can explore different areas of AC. With Grab and trikes you need to tell them your destination. On the scooter you can just drive and look, stop where you like.
BD.Thanks for the tip! I remember walking past their shop on my way to get a massage. I checked out the website and I see they arrange dirt bike (if you can call a CRF250 L that) tours in the area. Now, that would be a perfect daytime distraction. Certainly would steer thoughts away from the chase for a while.

It's worth me paying twice as much to have the benefit of a relaxing time sitting in the back, checking messages, chatting to my partner and arriving fresh.As I am still chasing that elusive threesome / moresome of a lifetime, Grab sounds like the perfect way to return to hotel with company. I am a one-week millionaire when in AC, the cost is not so much a factor as is safety and comfort.

10-07-17, 12:17
As I am still chasing that elusive threesome / moresome of a lifetime, Grab sounds like the perfect way to return to hotel with company. I am a one-week millionaire when in AC, the cost is not so much a factor as is safety and comfort.I'll look for some threesome prospects. I'm still not sure if I will be there at the same dates as you. I'm sure we can find some friends for you.

10-07-17, 13:16
I'm sure we can find some friends for you.Always happy to get acquainted with friends of my friends. Let's stay in touch about those dates.

10-07-17, 14:03
As I am still chasing that elusive threesome / moresome of a lifetime, Grab sounds like the perfect way to return to hotel with company. I am a one-week millionaire when in AC, the cost is not so much a factor as is safety and comfort.If cost is not a problem, you can hire a taxi driver to be yours for a specified amount of time. An entire evening perhaps, from the time you want to depart your hotel (say, 9 pm) until the latest time you would possibly return (say, 6 am). That way he's waiting wherever you happen to be, sitting just up the street whenever you txt for him to come move you from point A to point be. As he's renting the vehicle for an 8- or-12-hour shift, obviously you are paying for that + his profit. Probably 1500-2000 p will do it (other gents, is that in the right ballpark? And there is no meter running.

Renting a bike is always an option, but the heat / rain will make each ride an over-moistened experience (save that for the hotel room).

10-08-17, 03:39
Walked into Ponytails, I noticed the skimpy bikinis only show off the extra fat most of the girls are sporting. One new thing I had not experienced before was the massage girls who provide free shoulder massages for a tip. I am not sure if these gals are just too new to be a dancing girl but they are available for take out. A mid 20's gal who was new to the place (3 days and had not been taken out) had a very fun personality and a girl next door look. Maybe she was not a dancer because she was so short. I interviewed her, was intrigued by has naivet, bought her a drink and we were soon out the door; Php 2000 EWR.

This one turned out to be a very good kisser, had a compact body and huge nipples. She gave me a full massage (very mediocre), we showered up and into bed for a round of DIY, BBBJ and positions I liked. After a little rest she followed up with a BBBJCIM. Hilariously, she wanted to ask my permission to run to the bathroom to spit out by just pointing at her mouth without being able to speak. I hope she learned to get the tissues onto the nightstand next time. It appeared she never had used a condom before. I opened the pack, she stared with wide eyes and had no idea what to do with it.

I was tired from the earlier in the day arrival after my trans Pacific flight and sent her home rather than have her stay overnight.


Mr Enternational
10-08-17, 06:58
Walked into Ponytails, I noticed the skimpy bikinis only show off the extra fat most of the girls are sporting. One new thing I had not experienced before was the massage girls who provide free shoulder massages for a tip. I am not sure if these gals are just too new to be a dancing girl but they are available for take out.They have special chicks to do this? In every other bar the waitresses come around doing it. Shit feels damn good too.

10-08-17, 14:27
In Thailand I had 2 body massages and 1 foot massage. In the Philippines I had 1 body massage. None of them felt that great or relaxed me.

But the PH bar waitress massages relax the hell out of me and I nearly fall asleep and no where near drunk. At my hotel a bargirl ran her nails through my hair for just 10 minutes and fell asleep for 10 minutes with no alcohol. So sadly I can not get those wonderful massages because soon after I just want to go home and sleep.

10-08-17, 14:56
They have special chicks to do this? In every other bar the waitresses come around doing it. Shit feels damn good too.I was there at about 3:00 pm on a Saturday and there were 5 gals with the words FREE MASSAGE on the back of their tops.

10-08-17, 17:55
free shoulder massages for a tipA bit paradoxical. But seems you had a good time. AC remains an enigma.

10-09-17, 10:51
If cost is not a problem, you can hire a taxi driver to be yours for a specified amount of time.How would one go about hiring a driver? Would you take any taxi off the street and negotiate a deal or contact some reputable company?

A dedicated driver to go out with a group of friends (or "friends") might be an option, splashing out for a night or two. For a normal night out, Grab sounds like a good solution. When I said "one-week-millionaire", I meant a daily budget between 12 000 - 20 000 pesos, excluding accommodation and food. On the other hand, with that budget, a nice party with 5 or 6 FLs could be had at the hotel pool and the jacuzzi room and probably with a more enjoyable outcome. But one gets ones pleasure from different things on different days.

10-09-17, 15:04
How would one go about hiring a driver? Would you take any taxi off the street and negotiate a deal or contact some reputable company?

A dedicated driver to go out with a group of friends (or "friends") might be an option, splashing out for a night or two. For a normal night out, Grab sounds like a good solution. When I said "one-week-millionaire", I meant a daily budget between 12 000 - 20 000 pesos, excluding accommodation and food. On the other hand, with that budget, a nice party with 5 or 6 FLs could be had at the hotel pool and the jacuzzi room and probably with a more enjoyable outcome. But one gets ones pleasure from different things on different days.You should negotiate with a grab driver.

So you sit in an A/C car instead if a cramped jeepney, I believe everybody prefers that.


Mr Enternational
10-09-17, 16:08
How would one go about hiring a driver? Would you take any taxi off the street and negotiate a deal or contact some reputable company? A dedicated driver to go out with a group of friends (or "friends") might be an option, splashing out for a night or two.LOL. Where is everyone going that they need to hire a driver or rent a scooter?

10-09-17, 17:58
How would one go about hiring a driver? Would you take any taxi off the street and negotiate a deal or contact some reputable company?

A dedicated driver to go out with a group of friends (or "friends") might be an option, splashing out for a night or two. For a normal night out, Grab sounds like a good solution. When I said "one-week-millionaire", I meant a daily budget between 12 000 - 20 000 pesos, excluding accommodation and food. On the other hand, with that budget, a nice party with 5 or 6 FLs could be had at the hotel pool and the jacuzzi room and probably with a more enjoyable outcome. But one gets ones pleasure from different things on different days.I usually get the cell numbers from Grab or other drivers that have driven me around. There are some that I keep for driving me to and from airports, Clark and Manila.

You can also get referrals from the people at the hotels like front desk or doormen. I think the rates are 350-400 pesos per hour, possibly with a 3 hour minimum.

Keep in mind some Grab drivers only work during the day. However there are more Grab drivers now at night.

PM me if you need a couple of numbers.

10-09-17, 23:07
Returned after a few years.

Immediate impression was airport terminal better. Run way still bad. Immigration rapid and customs cursory. Pick up now is a mafia rather than chaos. Wild orchid is the place. Room fine and air con works. No FL at bar and those across road ugly as hell. Walked to Fields and almost immediately had eye contact with a FL just past Kokomos. Invited her for a drink at WOR. Terms of engagement negotiated. All night for 2000. Bonus of 1000 if she can make me cum a third time. She smiled and said what are we waiting for? In room, she had long shower with me, scrubbing and cleaning. She also scraped the make up off herself, at my request. She was really very good and first pop CIM. Dinner at Padre Piccolo. Back at hotel, 10 min session bareback. Pop 2. Sleep. She wakes me up at 6 am with BBBJ. Henry would not rise. SHE gave me Vitamin V. Breakfast and coffee. Quick swim which doubled as a clean up. In the room, after 10 minutes, no cum although I could see her anus dilate when I was doing her doggie. She rolled out her secret weapon; anal. 5 minutes covered anal, still no cum. She put some oil on my bare cock and I did her anal bareback. Cum in 5 minutes with her moaning and screaming. She got her bonus.

As she was about to leave, she said I bring my friend, lady boy, very beautiful. 5000 for 2 of us. You can fuck as long as you can last. I said you show me your health check. She said I get both today. If you OK, 1000 extra. Apps me the ladyboy. Beautiful. After I had my teeth cleaned and my nails done, we had lunch at SM Mall. She pointed out FL to me. Some you never would guess. We went to clinic together, including me and ladyboy. I asked them for the HIV salivary rapid test. Have but 2000 pp each. I performed test myself (I know how to). Negative. That night, all variations tried. First time with ladyboy. Cum twice. 3000 each. Sent them off midnight. 4 am. Phone rings. Apps another beautiful girl. Fren of ladyboy. No luck at club and Hiso. 1000. I said I have to go to airport at 6 am. 2 minutes later, knock knock. Quick session after I took some vitamin V. 1500. Left for Manila airport 630 am but made it in time because it was Sunday. Car from Kokomos. 2700. Tip 300. Driver was a gun bearing security chap moonlighting. Call me next time. I get you great girls.

Got to love Angeles. 6 pops. GFE, even from ladyboy. I suggest if you plan LT of a few days, take girl to clinic yourself and get HIV test. Load her up with Ciprox or whatever they are using. Not fool proof but more reliable than a piece of paper.

10-12-17, 02:31
Short 3 day visit after being away for a year. The Aqua Bar atop ABC is very nice, very loud and more geared to the younger set unlike me.

Driver told me there is a bar with Russian girls on outer Perimeter, in or past Koreatown. I did not have time to check it out. Angel Bar.

Little bakery next to Ponytails is no longer little, it expanded with a large seating area. Love their pastries.

I found one girl new to being a bargirl. I am pretty sure, she had never done a BBBJ. I presume someone told her about the mechanics but you talk about a gagger. Best of all, these newbies aim to please. She would gag then go right back to task; what a trooper.

Departure tax at Clark for international traveler is Php600.


Member #4530
10-12-17, 06:50
I usually get the cell numbers from Grab or other drivers that have driven me around. Has Uber made it to AC yet? Last time I was there about 5 months ago, they were trying to start up service there.

10-12-17, 15:36
Has Uber made it to AC yet? Last time I was there about 5 months ago, they were trying to start up service there.I am not sure if Uber started up or not. If they did they would have a hard time catching up to Grab.

Mr Enternational
10-12-17, 18:30
That night, all variations tried. First time with ladyboy. Cum twice. 3000 each.Come on man. You have over 600 posts. You know you can not post shit like that. Admin delete in 5, 4, 3...

10-12-17, 21:08
Walked into Ponytails, I noticed the skimpy bikinis only show off the extra fat most of the girls are sporting. I'm back in AC in about 10 days time.

Last time I thought Ponytails girls were among the skinniest in town. People must have been overpaying them!

Fast Eddie 48
10-12-17, 23:23
I'm back in AC in about 10 days time.

Last time I thought Ponytails girls were among the skinniest in town. People must have been overpaying them!To Liantarnam.

I think California is right girl at the ponytail is getting fatter and older then before you can say that for all the other bar in AC also, you don't get young hot spinner with GFE like the good old days is very hard to find how days.

Fast Eddie 48.

Snow Koala
10-13-17, 00:17
I am not sure if Uber started up or not. If they did they would have a hard time catching up to Grab.Uber is not available in AC yet. Grab works just as well.

10-13-17, 00:55
Come on man. You have over 600 posts. You know you can not post shit like that. Admin delete in 5, 4, 3...Show a bit of tolerance.

Member #4530
10-13-17, 01:15
Uber is not available in AC yet. Grab works just as well.Help me here. With Grab you have to pay driver and there's not a set fee. Is that correct?

10-13-17, 02:27
Help me here. With Grab you have to pay driver and there's not a set fee. Is that correct?1. Download Grab app to cell phone.

2. Sign up in Grab. You can either fund travel account with credit card like 1000 pesos or enter CC for future payment. Grab will deduct from your account or charge your CC per trip.

3. When you need a ride you go in the app and enter your location and destination. Grab will instantly show you a price for the ride. You can then hit the botton to order the ride.

4. At end of ride Grab will deduct payment from your account or charge your CC.

5. I guess somehow you can pay cash.

CC = credit card.

10-13-17, 03:16
Have been visiting Angeles for 12 years now and I think my recent visit was the last one.

Had planned to stay for a week, but cut is short after 2 days only. Few people around (mostly Koreans) but very few girls around. One of my favorite bars was Crystal Palace. I walked in one night at 9. 00 pm, counted 2 other customers and 17 (yes, seventeen) girls. Years ago there would have been more than 100 girls in there. None of which worth to be barfined! A bit later, a dancer went on stage for a pole dance show (which was very good I must admit). The 2 other customers left, so I got the show for myself (and my honey picked up from DIA); nobody else showed up until 10.30 pm when 3 Koreans came in, had a look and walked away.

Checked out some other places, but same situation, the only bar worth mentioning for some fun being Lollipop.

After 2 evenings I decided to leave for Manila where I am having a great time with lovely girls, great restaurants and nice bars.

That's it for me in Angeles!

Member #4530
10-13-17, 03:24
Thanks DG. I'll give it a shot.

1. Download Grab app to cell phone.

Member #4566
10-13-17, 05:13
Show a bit of tollerance.About 10 years ago the administrator of the forum, that urbane and bon vivant Mr. Action Jackson, proscribed discussion of trannies, shemales, and other denizens inhabiting the queer continuum. And thus those who are so inclined will have to bury their shit in someone else's backyard.

10-13-17, 06:44
Have been visiting Angeles for 12 years now and I think my recent visit was the last one.

Had planned to stay for a week, but cut is short after 2 days only. Few people around (mostly Koreans) but very few girls around. One of my favorite bars was Crystal Palace. I walked in one night at 9. 00 pm, counted 2 other customers and 17 (yes, seventeen) girls. Years ago there would have been more than 100 girls in there. None of which worth to be barfined! A bit later, a dancer went on stage for a pole dance show (which was very good I must admit). The 2 other customers left, so I got the show for myself (and my honey picked up from DIA); nobody else showed up until 10.30 pm when 3 Koreans came in, had a look and walked away.

Checked out some other places, but same situation, the only bar worth mentioning for some fun being Lollipop.

After 2 evenings I decided to leave for Manila where I am having a great time with lovely girls, great restaurants and nice bars.

That's it for me in Angeles!The bars have been empty on most nights, I have been barhopping around almost nightly for the last 3 months. Mostly bored dancers sitting or standing up on stage bored out of there minds and more then likely worried where the money is going to come from since there are very few customers. The Korean bars are packed mostly everyday however going into one has a non Korean will get you a bad vibe with lots of stares like what are you doing in here? You don; t belong here, go away. One waitress at Afterschool that I know for a long time pretty much spilled the beans and told me the truth. You can buy drinks for the girls and yourself but the girls are told by the Korean owners and managers that they are to cater too Koreans only. NOW walking down Fields feels a lot like being in Korea itself with all the Korean signage on display. Fields is not very big But I say their are at least 10-12 Korean restaurants on it half the bars and a few of the hotels are also Korean catered and that, s by design for total town take over. Still fun here BUt it will cost you a bit more patience and money to have it.

10-13-17, 06:51
About 10 years ago the administrator of the forum, that urbane and bon vivant Mr. Action Jackson, proscribed discussion of trannies, shemales, and other denizens inhabiting the queer continuum. And thus those who are so inclined will have to bury their shit in someone else's backyard.Zero tolerance on that disgusting subject. Take it to another forum.

10-13-17, 09:03
Zero tolerance on that disgusting subject. Take it to another forum.Those people can't help that they were born with another sexual orientation than you. There's nothing disgusting about it.

I know Jackson has proscribed discussion of ladyboys on his forum and he has the right to do so.

However he has also proscribed the following:

No Flaming: Please do not post any messages that harrass, insult, belittle, threaten or flame another member.

No Offensive Posts, Links or Images: Please do not post any messages, images or links that are vulgar, hateful, threatening, racist, or discriminatory.

I think your post is insulting and hateful.

However I'm aware insulting and hateful posts are not unusual here and they are hardly ever deleted. But neither are posts about (experiences with) ladyboys.

10-13-17, 09:05
5. I guess somehow you can pay cash.
Yes you can. Otherwise a lot of Filipino's wouldn't be able to use Grab.

Dion Cassius
10-13-17, 13:58
The bars have been empty on most nights, I have been barhopping around almost nightly for the last 3 months. Mostly bored dancers sitting or standing up on stage bored out of there minds and more then likely worried where the money is going to come from since there are very few customers. The Korean bars are packed mostly everyday however going into one has a non Korean will get you a bad vibe with lots of stares like what are you doing in here? You don; t belong here, go away. One waitress at Afterschool that I know for a long time pretty much spilled the beans and told me the truth. You can buy drinks for the girls and yourself but the girls are told by the Korean owners and managers that they are to cater too Koreans only. NOW walking down Fields feels a lot like being in Korea itself with all the Korean signage on display. Fields is not very big But I say their are at least 10-12 Korean restaurants on it half the bars and a few of the hotels are also Korean catered and that, s by design for total town take over. Still fun here BUt it will cost you a bit more patience and money to have it.Now I start to worry.

I booked my hotel for the beginning of the coming month. Maybe I should shorten the stay and go to Subic.

10-13-17, 14:14
Now I start to worry.

I booked my hotel for the beginning of the coming month. Maybe I should shorten the stay and go to Subic.You can choose to go to Subic if you like, but I can't say that Angeles completely matches Streetlooker's observation. I was in Angeles 3-4 weeks ago and I only had 24 hrs to make some magic happen. I managed to bring back one girl from perimeter, 2 girls from fields, and if given more time, another from fields. I am confident more were available from perimeter, but I'm very picky and none of the girls matched my criteria. And for the record, I cannot be mistaken as being Korean.

My experience was so good during this last visit, I am already planning my next trip in January. My choice is already made, good luck with your's.


Dion Cassius
10-13-17, 14:21
You can choose to go to Subic if you like, but I can't say that Angeles completely matches Streetlooker's observation. I was in Angeles 3-4 weeks ago and I only had 24 hrs to make some magic happen. I managed to bring back one girl from perimeter, 2 girls from fields, and if given more time, another from fields. I am confident more were available from perimeter, but I'm very picky and none of the girls matched my criteria. And for the record, I cannot be mistaken as being Korean.

My experience was so good during this last visit, I am already planning my next trip in January. My choice is already made, good luck with your's.

Hootas.I intend to hit the big bars (Atlantis, Dollhouse, etc.) and High Society (which appears to be quite fun).

I will certainly take the bus to see Subic during the day; I booked hotels in AC and Makati already.

I guess I'll have to make my own opinion about AC.

10-13-17, 15:24
I intend to hit the big bars (Atlantis, Dollhouse, etc.) and High Society (which appears to be quite fun).

I will certainly take the bus to see Subic during the day; I booked hotels in AC and Makati already.

I guess I'll have to make my own opinion about AC.Sounds like a good plan Dion. To be completely transparent, I have had an internal debate with myself about trying different places simply for the exposure. I have been to Angeles twice and Boracay once, but nowhere else within the Philippines. From what I read, there are greater numbers and maybe better looks in Manila, but at a greater price with the added perk of daily traffic. On the other hand, my buddy who grew up in the Philippines tells me that Cebu has it's share of better looking women. So, I have had an itch to try both of these places.

But. I'm 2 for 2 in terms of enjoying my experience in Angeles that it is hard for me to turn my back on a good thing. My time is very limited due to other circumstances, so it's not practical for doing a multi-destination trip. So. Until I am convinced otherwise, I will stick to 'one bird in the hand is worth 2 in the Bush' and head course for Angeles. I should mention that GFE is my #1 criteria and I personally consider the Philippines to be second to none in this regard.


Mr Enternational
10-13-17, 15:40
Now I start to worry.

I booked my hotel for the beginning of the coming month. Maybe I should shorten the stay and go to Subic.You mean the place where retired AC hookers go? I am not a big fan of AC, but it sure beats the hell out of Subic.

Soapy Smith
10-13-17, 17:15
Show a bit of tollerance.Psych, I really don't get your point. My own view is for tolerance toward other people's sexual orientations--so long as the underlying activity doesn't hurt other people. But in this case, it's a rule. We don't have to take it down into name-calling, but trying to maintain a conversation around one set of interests--heterosexual activities-seems like a reasonable goal. I did not find MrE's post intolerant. For the record, I reported the post, but nothing happened. Maybe the rules have changed, but until then, it seems reasonable to me to stick to Robert's Rules of Order and to allow MrE or me to "rise to a point of order," that is, challenge any break of the rules.

Chocha Monger
10-13-17, 23:22
The bars have been empty on most nights, I have been barhopping around almost nightly for the last 3 months. Mostly bored dancers sitting or standing up on stage bored out of there minds and more then likely worried where the money is going to come from since there are very few customers. The Korean bars are packed mostly everyday however going into one has a non Korean will get you a bad vibe with lots of stares like what are you doing in here? You don; t belong here, go away. One waitress at Afterschool that I know for a long time pretty much spilled the beans and told me the truth. You can buy drinks for the girls and yourself but the girls are told by the Korean owners and managers that they are to cater too Koreans only. NOW walking down Fields feels a lot like being in Korea itself with all the Korean signage on display. Fields is not very big But I say their are at least 10-12 Korean restaurants on it half the bars and a few of the hotels are also Korean catered and that, s by design for total town take over. Still fun here BUt it will cost you a bit more patience and money to have it.The Koreans are not exactly having an easy time taking over and occupying Angeles City. They are having conflicts with the friendly natives, especially the fellas at Station 5. The number of Korean visitors and investors to the area plummeted by 50 percent after businessman Jee Ick Joo was abducted from his home in AC, then tortured and executed at national police headquarters. The Korean community also has its own criminal elements targeting their compatriots from the inside. Ironically, their practice of walling themselves off, excluding others and failing to develop communication skills with the Filipinos makes them attractive targets for criminals.

'All of us Koreans feel nervous and uncomfortable. Most tourists and investors feel nervous and uncomfortable also. There is a 50% decrease in tourists and investors here,' said Kim Ki Young, President of the Korean Community Association-Central Luzon.

According to Rappler:

Korean tourist Lee Ki Hun returned to the country earlier this week to file charges against 7 Angeles cops for illegally arresting him and two others and later robbing them of P300,000.

There are an estimated 20,000 Koreans in Central Luzon. Much of the investments of Koreans in the country are concentrated in the region. Large Korean companies include Hanjin Heavy Industries and Construction Philippines Incorporated in Subic Freeport, where Jee used to be an executive; and semiconductor company Phoenix that had earlier announced its plan to expand its manufacturing operations in Clark, Pampanga.

There were 96 Korean companies in Clark Freeport alone, as of 2015. Add to that the more than 150 Korean establishments in Angeles City, mostly restaurants that employ thousands of locals.

The Koreans are unlikely to see things improve anytime soon. If they keep throwing bundles of pesos from the balconies in the bars, the bar girls will talk about it outside the bar with the trike drivers and the word will get around that Koreans walk around with man purses stuffed with 1,000-pesos bills. Then some local fellas will decide that they want some of that free money they throw away.

Apparently, the Koreans are not paying the girls enough to forfeit bar fines from other visitors because both the quality and number of girls in the bars continue on a steady decline. Korean bar owners will have to pay a much bigger salary to recruit attractive bar girls and compensate them when they are required to turn down bar fine from non-Korean customers without being able to secure a bar fine from a Korean for the night. Otherwise, the girls will be forced to moonlight or find work at Manila bars where they can choose their customers regardless of nationality. In either case, it defeats Korean bar managers' attempts to maintain exclusivity. Besides, Koreans bar fine girls by the dozen from bars that are not exclusive to them. Therefore, excluding others is most likely an owner or management decision rather than a customer preference.

10-14-17, 00:30
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

Mr Enternational
10-14-17, 03:53
You are correct. What I should have said to the origional poster, was "stop being an asshole every other post. " Mr. E gets in pissing contests so often he must smell of uric acid.Asshole? This is not my fucking forum. I do not give a damn what you post here. I was just trying to help the original poster not get an infraction by reminding him of the rules. Hell you should have been the one to do it. Didn't you get an infraction for posting about fucking ladyboys in the Pattaya thread? Seems like you would have let him know before anybody else because you have first hand experience with it. But I guess you would rather it stay up so you can beat off to it. It sure seems like you have a habit of following me around in different threads and trying to bad mouth and insult me. I don't feel alone though, because you are known to do the same to other members as well. Looks like you have a hard time taking your own advice.

Just choosing to stay out of the foolishness that I let myself get dragged into. Not sure why you feel the need to insult me, but that is your choice. Learning the value of blocking members- a great feature that I have never taken advantage of.

Fair enough about the name calling; I just through it was an especially silly post that smacked of "big man on campus" syndrome. Plus, there was need for him to do research; I provided plenty of context in my email to him. There was nothing random or creepy about it. A simple- I don't do that would have sufficed, not an email full of insults, and then, being called out in public. Regardless, I said my peace; thanks for saying yours.

I'm not on the Medellin board because you and your subhuman crony seem to monopolize it, and no good info is provided. Most who really know MDE don't post there.

10-14-17, 05:28
You can choose to go to Subic if you like, but I can't say that Angeles completely matches Streetlooker's observation. I was in Angeles 3-4 weeks ago and I only had 24 hrs to make some magic happen. I managed to bring back one girl from perimeter, 2 girls from fields, and if given more time, another from fields. I am confident more were available from perimeter, but I'm very picky and none of the girls matched my criteria. And for the record, I cannot be mistaken as being Korean.

My experience was so good during this last visit, I am already planning my next trip in January. My choice is already made, good luck with your's.

Hootas.Its a buyers market when there are no customers in a bar full of working girls. You can still pull most girls from certain bars. BUT there is no denying the take over is in progress and its by design. The 7 bars by the clarkton Hotel are almost completely Korean only now. Fields ave is slowly turning into Korean town with many of the businesses having Korean owners. So many signs in Korean. One sign that really got my attention is one that is outside REDS Bar. Wanted Mamasan with with KOREAN TYPE dancers. I can only gues that they want the tall slim and whiter skinned type girls like the Koreans seem to prefer Hootas said himself that the girls he pulled did not match his criteria so he had to settle for less. The Koreans are pulling all the best girls for themselves and westerners are left with the scraps. Last night I visited almost every bar on fields and MOST were empty and this was between 9 pm and midnight on a Friday night. Its still a blast to come here But just be warned you will not be pulling the top end girls from the bar more then likely YES you might get lucky But you will have to settle for 1 a tier and 2nd tier if your not a Korean.

Member #4591
10-14-17, 06:47
Returned after a few years.

Immediate impression was airport terminal better. Run way still bad. Immigration rapid and customs cursory. Pick up now is a mafia rather than chaos. Wild orchid is the place. Room fine and air con works. No FL at bar and those across road ugly as hell. Walked to Fields and almost immediately had eye contact with a FL just past Kokomos. Invited her for a drink at WOR. Terms of engagement negotiated. All night for 2000. Bonus of 1000 if she can make me cum a third time. She smiled and said what are we waiting for? In room, she had long shower with me, scrubbing and cleaning. She also scraped the make up off herself, at my request. She was really very good and first pop CIM. Dinner at Padre Piccolo. Back at hotel, 10 min session bareback. Pop 2. Sleep. She wakes me up at 6 am with BBBJ. Henry would not rise. SHE gave me Vitamin V. Breakfast and coffee. Quick swim which doubled as a clean up. In the room, after 10 minutes, no cum although I could see her anus dilate when I was doing her doggie. She rolled out her secret weapon; anal. 5 minutes covered anal, still no cum. She put some oil on my bare cock and I did her anal bareback. Cum in 5 minutes with her moaning and screaming. She got her bonus.

As she was about to leave, she said I bring my friend, lady boy, very beautiful. 5000 for 2 of us. You can fuck as long as you can last. I said you show me your health check. She said I get both today. If you OK, 1000 extra. Apps me the ladyboy. Beautiful. After I had my teeth cleaned and my nails done, we had lunch at SM Mall. She pointed out FL to me. Some you never would guess. We went to clinic together, including me and ladyboy. I asked them for the HIV salivary rapid test. Have but 2000 pp each. I performed test myself (I know how to). Negative. That night, all variations tried. First time with ladyboy. Cum twice. 3000 each. Sent them off midnight. 4 am. Phone rings. Apps another beautiful girl. Fren of ladyboy. No luck at club and Hiso. 1000. I said I have to go to airport at 6 am. 2 minutes later, knock knock. Quick session after I took some vitamin V. 1500. Left for Manila airport 630 am but made it in time because it was Sunday. Car from Kokomos. 2700. Tip 300. Driver was a gun bearing security chap moonlighting. Call me next time. I get you great girls.

Got to love Angeles. 6 pops. GFE, even from ladyboy. I suggest if you plan LT of a few days, take girl to clinic yourself and get HIV test. Load her up with Ciprox or whatever they are using. Not fool proof but more reliable than a piece of paper.Honestly I don't get the logic of this post. You insisted on an HIV test for both the lady and the ladyboy after you did the lady bareback in the pussy and the ass. At the end of your post, you go on about some drug being better than the HIV paper showing a negative result. However, I like your post and I don't think it will be deleted by admin because it's about an experience with a lady and a ladyboy, so the full focus of that post is not on the ladyboy. Like I said, a great post but a little confusing. Hope you had a great time in Manila. I too love the restaurants there.

10-14-17, 07:10
Yeh arrived angeles a few days ago.

Having a good time, but there are some negatives. Yep K business presence has grown further.

The no smoking in bars and the shoot and kill drug users incl. Marijuana smokers policies, seems to have kept significant number of mongers away = my regular bars of recent years are definitely not hiring same number of girls cause of the smaller clientele. Most have only half the girls on offer as before, one had at best one third of normal number of girls, another, not a regular, only had two, yes two girls working the stage. Even so, good time is being had by yours truly. The lemon I described above is turned into a lemonade, cause less guys competing = they will go with an old fossil like me, LOL.

Note: The downturn in mongers numbers includes K's. On a Friday night key time, only two K's and myself in one popular place, only one K, and myself in another. The girls do not have so many K's chasing after them right now. Time to pounce, LOL. K's are great smokers as you know, the no smoking rule must be affecting them big time.

Still good fun to be had in Angeles right now. Girls "hungry". Rains every day. No monsoon rains June to August, they say, now getting the monsoon rains. No flooding, no real impediment to mongering. Come on down.

10-14-17, 19:45
Hootas said himself that the girls he pulled did not match his criteria so he had to settle for less. I probably wasn't clear before. I need to put the beer down before I write. The four girls I played with in my 24 hour window were all Tier 1's in my book. It just took a while for me to find them. In retrospect, made the hunt and eventual conquest that much more rewarding. .


Member #4566
10-15-17, 00:05
One waitress at Afterschool that I know for a long time pretty much spilled the beans and told me the truth. You can buy drinks for the girls and yourself but the girls are told by the Korean owners and managers that they are to cater too Koreans only. They don't want you fucking the women that they fuck. I have been making this very point on ISG for years.

Others have sought to explain why some Filipinas prefer Koreans. For example that urbane homme de monde GoodEnough has proffered this:

I once had a bar girl explain to me that the reason she, and many of her co-workers prefer Koreans is that they finish so quickly, and then request the girls to leave. This means that some girls can garnish two or even three bar fines a night, and each fine requires very little work on their part. That's the most cogent, reasonable explanation I've heard. Who of us would not attempt to maximize his earnings in the easiest possible way?
GE.But this does not explain why these Filipinas completely eschew business with Westerners. It is more than a preference; it is a 100% per se rule. I may prefer Khmer girls to Viets. But I do not completely rule out liaisons with Viets. But that is exactly what these Filipinas do with Western men. Why? Because these Filipinas are groomed that way by the Koreans.

Korea is probably the world's leader in prostitution. It is everywhere but good luck to all of you because it is virtually closed to Westerners. Why is this? It is because our civilization has had to come to terms with pluralism and theirs has not. What we call racism, they call normal. Further, it also arises from their innate inferiority complex. They fear that they will be unfavorably compared to you, "She has fucked a Westerner. Now she'll never be satisfied ".

Some have argued that Koreans are that way because they feel that Westerners are dirty and diseased and they do not want us defiling the women that they fuck. If that is so, then why do they long to fuck Western women who for the most part aren't attracted to them because western women perceive them as nerds and wimps?

10-15-17, 00:46
I once had a bar girl explain to me that the reason she, and many of her co-workers prefer Koreans is that they finish so quickly, and then request the girls to leave. This means that some girls can garnish two or even three bar fines a night, and each fine requires very little work on their part. That's the most cogent, reasonable explanation I've heard. Who of us would not attempt to maximize his earnings in the easiest possible way?

GE.It is a business after all and the girls need to make money. The reason why some Filipinas or Thais prefer Koreans and / or Japanese (apparent in places like the Viking bar on Walking Street or Thermae in Bangkok) was explained to me as three, three, three meaning three inches, three minutes and three thousand baht.

10-15-17, 01:02
Not much to do for next few hours might as well tap out some bits and pieces. Might help someone assess the AC situation as of now, October 2017. Subjective, naturally.

CPA flight Cebu Clark, some empty seats. Vans at Clark empty. Myself only passenger ex airport, in my particular van. Asked P400 pointed to board on wall, cause I wanted to pay 350. Four hundred it is.

My fav room available, surprised, never happen before. Always needed reservation. Maybe visitor numbers down = vacant rooms?

CPA Cebu charged 3,400 to Clark. Travel Agent AC charged 1,600 for return trip. Cebu CPA asked 24,000 pesos for manila Bangkok return. AC travel agent offered same return trip, admittedly different time frame, for 11,000 Pesos. Maybe CPA staff are on commission to charge foreigners crazy prices?

Renovation of Margarita Station mentioned before on ISG. I presumed it meant reno lower level restaurant area. Not so. Only kitchen reno'd, everything else the same (dowdy look / feel).

Trike drivers better behaved and not trying to rip off with prices. What happened? Luck so far, or is it Grab?

Sitting at a table at accom with one person, soon converged into 4 people and an 'advance' Christmas party. Only in the Phils. Friendly people, beat Thais in that respect (subjective / personal).

Walking St is buggered at Phillies end. 'Corruption' says one. That is, hot price quote from Contractor, corrupt official accepts. Contractor uses shoddy materials and cheap inexperienced labour. Official gets a kick back, road falls to pieces. Not many people walking in Walking St.

Ra nightclub getting more fucked with time. Was a leader before, now a loser. Kokomos perv spot at front row, still the same, elderly deviates (takes one to know one) in the main. I asked youngish guy sitting next to me "Whats the time" , he said "Apple". I said "No, I want to know the time". Funny, he told me time, and said "I wasnt boasting" , LOL. A fashion statement, if ever there was one. Apple (indeed). I had a watch, but my eyesight so bad, couldn't read the time. Lot more 8's and 9's in my life, now that my eyesight is deteriorating, LOL.

Continues to rain, but pooning does not stop for rain. Sad K's conspicuous by their absence. Or is it wishful thinking on my part?

I am worried bars will go out of biz, and angeles will fall out of favour with the p4 p girls. Must admit, over last 40 odd years, Angeles has always gone up and down, like a yo yo. One thing for sure, girls "more hungry" right now. When they jump to get me, they must be hungry!

This is one of my better trips for years, even though technically there are some negatives buzzing around. Still good. Purchase your ticket right now, before they change the No Smoking Rule. Reckon authorities might back track and charge bars a fee which allows patrons to smoke on their premises = more visitors and more revenue for local authorities (and more lung cancer).

Cheers, and beers. Angeles rocks!

10-15-17, 03:58
Korea is probably the world's leader in prostitution. It is everywhere but good luck to all of you because it is virtually closed to Westerners. Why is this? It is because our civilization has had to come to terms with pluralism and theirs has not. Perfectly stated, and very, very true.

10-15-17, 04:44
They don't want you fucking the women that they fuck. I have been making this very point on ISG for years.

Others have sought to explain why some Filipinas prefer Koreans. For example that urbane homme de monde GoodEnough has proffered this:

But this does not explain why these Filipinas completely eschew business with Westerners. It is more than a preference; it is a 100% per se rule. I may prefer Khmer girls to Viets. But I do not completely rule out liaisons with Viets. But that is exactly what these Filipinas do with Western men. Why? Because these Filipinas are groomed that way by the Koreans.

Korea is probably the world's leader in prostitution. It is everywhere but good luck to all of you because it is virtually closed to Westerners. Why is this? It is because our civilization has had to come to terms with pluralism and theirs has not. What we call racism, they call normal. Further, it also arises from their innate inferiority complex. They fear that they will be unfavorably compared to you, "She has fucked a Westerner. Now she'll never be satisfied ".

Some have argued that Koreans are that way because they feel that Westerners are dirty and diseased and they do not want us defiling the women that they fuck. If that is so, then why do they long to fuck Western women who for the most part aren't attracted to them because western women perceive them as nerds and wimps?Its 100% true that the most popular red light areas in the country of Korea are totally isolated from any western consumers. I believe this to be the case In the 7 bar area right next to the clarkton hotel. These bars 5 yrs ago and back were some of the best bars to monger in. Now I can't even go into one of those places without feeling like a outcast. I get nothing but looks of indifference from the girls and stares from the many Koreans in the place that say what the fuck are you doing in here get out. A very unwelcoming environment. I sat in one just the other day and when I walked in I was not greeted by the Korean manager BUt I did notice that he greeted everyone else when they walked in (all Koreans). Another thing I noticed is about another all Korean bars color bar, cosplay, and leopard bars is that the door girls yell out to the Korean guys on the street but when I walk by nothing not even a smile. In 5 yrs the whole place will be Korea town its about 50 % there already. Funny thou I believe this to be a bad business decision on these Korean owners refusing the rest of the worlds MONEY and I believe that's why the bars are mostly empty now a days of westerners because they chose to take there money to Thailand or elsewhere. So thier take over might backfire on them eventually which I hope it does screw them. Another thing I notice is how people from other western countries do associate and socialize with each other and that the Koreans will not socialize with anyone outside their own kind. I even try to say Hello, to Korean Mangers of bars like Equis and Arcadia and they look at me like why the fuck you talking to me fuck off scumbag LOL.

10-15-17, 04:46
1. They're younger, relate better, K Pop is THE hollywood of our western monger younger years.

2. Their English sucks worse than mine, so I feel smarter than them.

3. There's less drama, less boring. They don't make me laugh at their jokes.

4. If they fall in love, they don't test me with wanting freebies, they shower me with gifts, particularly cellphones.

5. They don't make me eat food with bread in it.

10-15-17, 05:20
1. They're younger, relate better, K Pop is THE hollywood of our western monger younger years.

2. Their English sucks worse than mine, so I feel smarter than them.

3. There's less drama, less boring. They don't make me laugh at their jokes.

4. If they fall in love, they don't test me with wanting freebies, they shower me with gifts, particularly cellphones.

5. They don't make me eat food with bread in it.I am guessing this is from the girls perspective not yours. Points are valid however. I actually don't believe their way of mongering is a bad thing and I am getting to the point where I am taking Short time more over long and being content with it. I am however getting drama from some of my regulars thinking I look down at them for being a bargirl. I just adapting to the changing times sweetheart sorry. Koreans don; t consider them anything but fuckmeat. Westerners will give them some dignity and respect they desire but they seem to not see how valuable that is now a days. So I adapt to the koreans way of thinking Find fuck forget.

Soapy Smith
10-15-17, 07:41
Korea is probably the world's leader in prostitution. It is everywhere but good luck to all of you because it is virtually closed to Westerners. Why is this?

Many thoughtful points in your analysis, and in others' observations, but I dont necessarily agree that prostitution is everywhere in Korea. My sense is that as Korea achieves economic "progress," the society wants to clean up appearances, such as the barber pole businesses that were fronts for brothels. So perhaps prostitution is being restricted to a different, less visible, business model.

I have been taken a few times by Korean associates into the places where Westerners are usually excluded. You have to know where the specific bars and districts are. I got in only because my Korean associates convinced the managers to let me in. I will scrimp on details and just say that because of the way these businesses work, average Koreans can't afford them.

Koreans who visit them enter in groups. They go to a private karaoke room, where they are entertained by young women who also serve them food and drink, sometimes literally from the woman's hand to the man's mouth. If one of them likes the woman waiting on him, he negotiates to take her to a private room. Most of the women are young and attractive, some admit to being college students. These businesses typically have a hotel next door with rooms set aside for short-time use. The women I was with cleaned up quickly after the deed, gave me instructions about how to leave, and then left before I did. I presume they expected to return to one of the karaoke rooms to entertain other men. On several occasions one of my associates sent away the woman serving him and asked for another woman. Once he did this twice in the same karaoke room. I sensed that for Korean men, the dynamic was more about the beauty of the arm candy with whom they leave than about the potential quality of the sexual experience. It's almost as much about show as about sex.

It is because our civilization has had to come to terms with pluralism and theirs has not. What we call racism, they call normal. Further, it also arises from their innate inferiority complex. They fear that they will be unfavorably compared to you, "She has fucked a Westerner. Now she'll never be satisfied ".

Koreans are definitely culturally exclusionary, but they do not feel inferior to everybody. They want the cachet of things American, and for that reason (within some constraints) will hire Koreans with American and European university degrees ahead of their own degrees. But they do regard themselves as being ahead of some others in the pecking order, and, because they are so oriented to hierarchy, pecking order is very important. It's tied to Confucian thinking and historical subservience to the Emperor. They think that wisdom and authority originate in the same place--from above, and that means from King, father, or teacher. This creates a lot of social stability, because everybody buys into the same rules and people are generally reluctant to rock the boat. But it also makes them risk averse and resistant to change and innovation.

I recently had conversations with Koreans about specific innovations from Chile and Indonesia, respectively. Their response: "we consider these societies to be inferior." (So, you think you can't learn from a country that is inferior to yours?) It never occurs to them that maybe developing countries sometimes find solutions to critical problems out of necessity, and that these ideas might be worth considering in more developed countries in which the same problems exist--but are clouded by the complexity of other dynamics. Koreans learn from mimicry-- especially from the Japanese--rarely from their own critical thinking and experimentation.

Some have argued that Koreans are that way because they feel that Westerners are dirty and diseased and they do not want us defiling the women that they fuck.

Dirty and diseased may be one way to characterize it. Another explanation is that because of their highly structured and hierarchical social expectations, they are uncomfortable with societies like the U.S. with weaker social contexts, i.e., fewer hard rules and lots of deviation from norms. The idea of Koreans buying up bars in Angeles and imposing Korean structures in them makes perfect sense. Also, because of the economic class component of their models of prostitution, and because the process of procuring is a collective endeavor, maybe Koreans are less concerned about bargain hunting as are individual mongers from Western countries. That is, "cheap Charlie" doesn't cut it among Koreans when other countrymen are watching. It makes sense that Filipinas would respond favorably to that, but "100% rule"--that may depend on messages from bar owners and managers.

Some have argued that Koreans are that way because they feel that Westerners are dirty and diseased and they do not want us defiling the women that they fuck. If that is so, then why do they long to fuck Western women who for the most part aren't attracted to them because western women perceive them as nerds and wimps?

A few years ago somebody on the board described hearing this among men in Thailand or some such place. The locals described it as wanting to "ride the great white horse." It may be quite pervasive. It's a sort of bucket list thing, like aspiring to climb Mt. Everest, even among those of us with no realistic opportunity or skills to do so.

10-15-17, 20:04
Korea is probably the world's leader in prostitution. It is everywhere but good luck to all of you because it is virtually closed to Westerners. Why is this?

It is because our civilization has had to come to terms with pluralism and theirs has not. What we call racism, they call normal. Further, it also arises from their innate inferiority complex. They fear that they will be unfavorably compared to you, "She has fucked a Westerner. Now she'll never be satisfied
Many thoughtful points in your analysis, and in others' observationsBut they do regard themselves as being ahead of some others in the pecking orderDirty and diseased may be one way to characterize it"cheap Charlie" doesn't cut it among Koreans when other countrymen are watching...Excellent comments from both of you, Soapy Smith and Pompetus.

I just wish to add that IMO, Korean providers do not feel the same way about foreign mongers. I live in the US and my mongering diet locally has been strictly Korean for the past 10 years, as I think they are superior to most other ethnicities providing in the US. I also had a chance to know many of them fairly well, and discussed this issue with them. They tend to attribute this dislike of foreigners to their men. They mentioned cultural barriers, jealousy, and just plain racism.

In fact, some Korean providers in the US do not wish to service Korean men. They feel that the Korean men do not treat them as nicely as the white folks. I picked up Hanguk a few years ago and remember one time asking a Korean girl how to say in Korean that you have beautiful eyes. She responded, jokingly, "I don't know, men do not tell us these type of things in Korea".

I also visited a Korean provider, whom I had met in the US, and spent 4 days with her in Seoul. She took me everywhere in Seoul, rode the subway together, ate together in nice restaurants, and just had a great time with her. One night, one of her friend joined us at a popular bar. I did not notice any dirty looks from Korean men there. Folks were rather nice.

10-16-17, 01:56
Rain has stopped (24/36 hrs) place heating up and getting back to normal.

Regarding K's, better to forget about them. Old adage "Do not concentrate on the hole in the doughnut, concentrate on the doughnut itself".

Having best time for years. Reason? Luck, most probably.

If anyone wants someone to have a beer at a bar, count me out. Fly solo lads, fly solo!

10-16-17, 02:53
Its 100% true that the most popular red light areas in the country of Korea are totally isolated from any western consumers. I believe this to be the case In the 7 bar area right next to the clarkton hotel. These bars 5 yrs ago and back were some of the best bars to monger in. Now I can't even go into one of those places without feeling like a outcast. I get nothing but looks of indifference from the girls and stares from the many Koreans in the place that say what the fuck are you doing in here get out. A very unwelcoming environment. I sat in one just the other day and when I walked in I was not greeted by the Korean manager BUt I did notice that he greeted everyone else when they walked in (all Koreans). Another thing I noticed is about another all Korean bars color bar, cosplay, and leopard bars is that the door girls yell out to the Korean guys on the street but when I walk by nothing not even a smile. In 5 yrs the whole place will be Korea town its about 50 % there already. Funny thou I believe this to be a bad business decision on these Korean owners refusing the rest of the worlds MONEY and I believe that's why the bars are mostly empty now a days of westerners because they chose to take there money to Thailand or elsewhere. So thier take over might backfire on them eventually which I hope it does screw them. Another thing I notice is how people from other western countries do associate and socialize with each other and that the Koreans will not socialize with anyone outside their own kind. I even try to say Hello, to Korean Mangers of bars like Equis and Arcadia and they look at me like why the fuck you talking to me fuck off scumbag LOL.This is a great post Streetlooker, and well said. The bars are mostly empty now and one of the reasons is the stupid business philosophy of the owners and their managers. I have gone to several bars and am treated the same way (getting funny looks and also bewildered that many of the girls are paying more attention to the Korean customers). What is so funny is that I am spending as much or more than these guys (money is not an object for me) , certainly better looking than all of them, treat them nicely (buy lady drinks, offer tips and spend money), and have a lot more wealth than the majority of these guys. I get very frustrated at times, and find myself spending more time in Thailand, Cambodia, and trying other cities in S. E. Asia. Thats not to say I still do well with many of the girls in the discos, on the streets, in Angeles. But the bars do not entice me anymore to spend my hard earned dollars after the ridiculous business practices that they feel they should cater first to the Korean monger. Last trip a girl by the stage name of Jasmine who works in XS, sat with me and I bought her a couple of lady drinks, chatted her, told her I wanted to bar fine her. When it came time to leave with her, she made some BS remark that she could not bar fine tonight, apologized, and then went backstage. Needless to say , the next day I went back to the bar early in the day and asked the manager if she was working there around 5 pm and he said "she already has been bar fined and is very popular with the Korean men. She likes Koreans." I don't get it ..Again, the preference is most likely due to the 3-3-3 rule, (3 inches, 3 minutes for 3 Thousand Pesos) and thats hard to compete with when a girl favors this...

Soapy Smith
10-16-17, 06:05

I too have frequented Korean AMPS in the states, and I also preferred them over domestic providers. I don't bother anymore, since the Philippine experience is more GFE. And yes, Korean culture is very paternalistic; in my experience more so than either Japan or China. The Chinese sometimes say that Korean women make good wives for Chinese men, but that Chinese women should never consider a Korean husband. Interestingly, there are beginning to be larger numbers of Korean women entering into affairs. The women say that their marriages, which are sometimes arranged, and almost always need parental permission, end up being cold affairs in which the men stay out late drinking with friends and women are left to care for children--even though many of them also hold down jobs. So these women meet other men who make them feel appreciated, and they set up daytime hotel rendezvous, often in the same short-time hotels that are attached to the karaoke / p4 p clubs.

Member #4530
10-16-17, 08:55
From a historical, working in S Korea 1990-2010 I had the pleasure of schtuping hundreds (maybe 1000+) drop-dead gorgeous Korean gals who vastly preferred white guys over Koreans. The Korean men 3 inches, 3 minutes worked in our favor.

Chocha Monger
10-16-17, 23:40
I am guessing this is from the girls perspective not yours. Points are valid however. I actually don't believe their way of mongering is a bad thing and I am getting to the point where I am taking Short time more over long and being content with it. I am however getting drama from some of my regulars thinking I look down at them for being a bargirl. I just adapting to the changing times sweetheart sorry. Koreans don; t consider them anything but fuckmeat. Westerners will give them some dignity and respect they desire but they seem to not see how valuable that is now a days. So I adapt to the koreans way of thinking Find fuck forget.Well, the girls like the money from doing multiple short times per night and they like the extra income from BFE mongers that they used to cultivate during long time sessions. Long time GFE meant one bar fine but it gave them the opportunity to build some familiarity with the monger, tell him some hard luck stories, and get his contact details so they could generate residual cash flows from remittances after the monger returned home.

Short time sessions just gives the monger enough time to drill them once and they are out the door. No time for telling life stories and getting contact info for online chats and requests for cash. It is strictly pay per poke, so they only earn when they actually work. That is something they will have to get used to living with as it draws a more defined line between working girls and non-working girls. The girls cannot pretend that they are not prosties when three different mongers are drilling their holes each night. They will have to forget about finding their future poriner husband in the bars. Perhaps, less sweet provincial girls will enter the bars and more hardcore pros will be the norm.

Anyway, short time sessions are better for those of us hung like rogue bull elephants as the girls with very tight snatches can rarely endure more than one round of vigorous pounding before becoming raw and tender in the puss.

Chocha Monger
10-16-17, 23:57
It is a business after all and the girls need to make money. The reason why some Filipinas or Thais prefer Koreans and / or Japanese (apparent in places like the Viking bar on Walking Street or Thermae in Bangkok) was explained to me as three, three, three meaning three inches, three minutes and three thousand baht.I thought it meant three inches, three minutes, and three pops. The girls claim that their trike driver boyfriends are smaller and faster than foreigners are but they routinely belt out six or more rounds every night.

X Man
10-17-17, 13:34
Thank you for that bit of refreshing irony. It must have been twenty years ago that I first hear the 333 joke. I thought it was funny the first time.

I thought it meant three inches, three minutes, and three pops. The girls claim that their trike driver boyfriends are smaller and faster than foreigners are but they routinely belt out six or more rounds every night.

10-18-17, 00:48
AC still rocks for us, minus one.

I was 5 meters from a guy who fell off his stool, front row Kokomo's, split his head open on tiled floor, and thus killed himself apparently.

Fainted or heart attack, then fall.

They were carrying him out like a bag of potatoes to place in trike, to hospital for certification. Nice gesture by trike driver, so I gave driver P100 for the fare.

15 minutes later I thought: "Hey that driver can stop the trike before hospital rob the guy of any cash, cellphone etc". Hope I am wrong.

"Do it now, not when your dead". Only the Muslims get to do it after they are dead, LOL.

10-19-17, 00:40
Regarding recent death in Pussy Land.

Heard they saved him at hospital. He hath arisen on the 2nd day.

I am now trying to track him down, so I can get my P100 back.

In my opinion, a serious shortage of mongers right now. Girls are hungry. Got to be, one let me barfine her!

10-19-17, 06:43
AC still rocks for us, minus one.

I was 5 meters from a guy who fell off his stool, front row Kokomo's, split his head open on tiled floor, and thus killed himself apparently.

Fainted or heart attack, then fall.

They were carrying him out like a bag of potatoes to place in trike, to hospital for certification. Nice gesture by trike driver, so I gave driver P100 for the fare.

15 minutes later I thought: "Hey that driver can stop the trike before hospital rob the guy of any cash, cellphone etc". Hope I am wrong.

"Do it now, not when your dead". Only the Muslims get to do it after they are dead, LOL.Minus 2 guys. Just the other day I was walking very close to my apartment and they was hauling out a dead foreigner from his apartment. Stopped for a minute to observe the situation and notice a very distraught filipina standing there being console by another filipina. I can only think what was going thru her mind at that time was it 1. She truly was upset that her love was dead or was it,2. Damn now what the hell am I going to do for support. The truth may never be known.

10-19-17, 07:25
Alcohol, exhaustion and sildenafil is a deadly combination.

Each part of world is now reporting such deaths.

Read a couple of reports from BKK message parlours this year.

All of them were due to overdosage of sildenafil.

People already on anti-hypersensitive medications are indulging in alcohol and sildenafil resulting in death.

One should not use alcohol if he wants to use sildenafil.

Alcohol consumption reduces the action of sildenafil and some people are doing overdosage of sildenafil.

AC still rocks for us, minus one.

I was 5 meters from a guy who fell off his stool, front row Kokomo's, split his head open on tiled floor, and thus killed himself apparently.

Fainted or heart attack, then fall.

They were carrying him out like a bag of potatoes to place in trike, to hospital for certification. Nice gesture by trike driver, so I gave driver P100 for the fare.

15 minutes later I thought: "Hey that driver can stop the trike before hospital rob the guy of any cash, cellphone etc". Hope I am wrong.

"Do it now, not when your dead". Only the Muslims get to do it after they are dead, LOL.

10-19-17, 11:32
Thank you for that bit of refreshing irony. It must have been twenty years ago that I first hear the 333 joke. I thought it was funny the first time.I first heard that joke during the 90's in Bangkok. It was for the Japanese. But it was the "222" joke - 2 inches, 2 minutes, 2 K Baht. This was when 2,000 Baht was a lot of money for a girl.

Now it's the "333" joke in Angeles. Pretty soon, the joke will not apply. Even now, 3 K pesos is not a lot of money. You can't really increase it to 444 or 555. The penis size will be too big. LOL!

Over the years, I've spoken to a lot of girls. One reason I like Angeles. The general consensus is that the nicest / best customers are the Japanese. The other consensus is that the race with the smallest penises are the Koreans. Of course, this is a generalization; they say that some Koreans have huge ones.

10-19-17, 11:39
I thought it meant three inches, three minutes, and three pops. The girls claim that their trike driver boyfriends are smaller and faster than foreigners are but they routinely belt out six or more rounds every night.The info I got from the girls is most are dead drunk to do anything at night. Just a pop in the morning. However if the girl is good looking they take them around for shopping etc as a trophy.

On the other side young Philippine guys are very virile and even though it is small it is hard as rock they say. Yes it is true many can go at it all night. No wonder they get them pregnant fast.

As for westerners once they get used to the size they enjoy it but continuous sex makes them sore faster. Additionally they hate smokers if they are not.

Chocha Monger
10-19-17, 18:27
AC still rocks for us, minus one.

I was 5 meters from a guy who fell off his stool, front row Kokomo's, split his head open on tiled floor, and thus killed himself apparently.

Fainted or heart attack, then fall.

They were carrying him out like a bag of potatoes to place in trike, to hospital for certification. Nice gesture by trike driver, so I gave driver P100 for the fare.

15 minutes later I thought: "Hey that driver can stop the trike before hospital rob the guy of any cash, cellphone etc". Hope I am wrong.

"Do it now, not when your dead". Only the Muslims get to do it after they are dead, LOL.Time was in Angeles City that when a fella fell off his perch and split his head open on the ceramic tile, he cracked it right there on the floor of the bar else they would finish him off at the hospital. Now, we discover that the hospital is resurrecting mongers like Lazarus. Emergency medical care must have improved considerably. The poor fella probably had a large bill to settle with the bar & grill. Imagine his surprise upon resurrecting to discover his bar tab awaiting payment in addition to a bill from the hospital for helping him back onto his perch.

Well, the girls need every customer they can get now with local tourism experiencing a slump. Everyone made a heroic effort to make sure the Lazarus monger got back into the game and he was probably bar fining girls the next day. However, as BL said, a combination of Viagra, alcohol and anti-hypertensive medication will knock a fella off his perch before he knows what hit him.

10-20-17, 00:28
I was surprised to be informed by waitress at Vikings that they now employ gays (transgender), who are on stage in amongst the girls. Make sure you do not buy a ladies drink for one of these.

Saw this 'girl' next door to me, but when she spoke, it was the voice of a man 100%. Confirmed by my waitress. Bayut / gay. Nothing beats the Thais in deception, this area. Flips don't try too hard. Waitress said owner has started employing them cause some customers like them. Yeh, and some customers do not like them. I think they will lose more than they gain with this new (new to me) policy.

Also, believe it or not there is an outright gay in a dress, high heels, flowers in the hair, working at Vikings as a Mama-san / Supervisor. Whats next? Does the owner front up in a dress?

Sad, hope it does not become a trend all over.

Last three nights for me now. Been spending most of my time away from tourist strip, where flips with some money hang out.

Cebu Sunday night, then the real world, and reality, Monday.

Had a great time, regardless of small number of negative experiences. Great time.

10-20-17, 03:54
I was surprised to be informed by waitress at Vikings.Ya. I hate when they do that. It's fraud. They're trying to trick the customers.

Last year, the Sea Star next door also employed a ladyboy. That's why I won't go to Sea Star.

Also, believe it or not there is an outright gay in a dress, high heels, flowers in the hair, working at Vikings as a Mama-san / Supervisor. Whats next? Does the owner front up in a dress?IMO, there's nothing wrong with that if it's obvious. They are not committing fraud.

10-20-17, 08:00
You can't really increase it to 444 or 555. The penis size will be too big. LOL!
Not if we change the penis size to centimeters.

10-20-17, 08:19
333 bashers will be here for quite a while simply because 3 k is still a lot of money to some big penis jokers here.


10-20-17, 08:23
I also heard the guys who died from ODing on V weren’t able to get a timely burial because they couldn't get the casket shut?

Mr Enternational
10-20-17, 10:58
Also, believe it or not there is an outright gay in a dress, high heels, flowers in the hair, working at Vikings as a Mama-san / Supervisor. Just remember that you need to buy the mamasan drinks and give tips so you can get the relevant info on which girls are the best and not on their period.

10-20-17, 20:16
3 k is still a lot of moneyIt's been a long while since most Field bars raised their barfine to 3 K pesos.

I bet you that they will raise the barfine soon. Atlantis and the other Dollhouse group bars will raise it first, and then the other bars on Fields will follow.

10-21-17, 00:07
Yes, 3 K bar fines is showing that there are too many willing to pay the price and then act like Mr. Big and hand out 1 K tips. Tips + Bar fine + ladies drinks + crap food + ripoff trikes + nothing to do in down time. Means that AC has lost its attraction to me. In Thailand tourists created the same pricing problem and spoiled the market. I have great success but outside AC where Mr. Big is not looking.

10-21-17, 01:43
Just remember that you need to buy the mamasan drinks and give tips so you can get the relevant info on which girls are the best and not on their period.Brought a smile to my dial. Must remember that.

Yeh, when it comes to other people choosing the girl I am going to shag, its time to give up, LOL.

Last night was incredibly good. There is life in AC yet.

10-21-17, 02:23
Yes, 3 K bar fines is showing that there are too many willing to pay the price and then act like Mr. Big and hand out 1 K tips. Tips ..............Yeh, I was at an upmarket (sort of, still P100 a beer, can't be too upmarket, LOL), upmarket flip joint.

Thought the girl dancing on the floor was super and unappreciated. Could have been my fading eyesight again, not sure, LOL.

My waitress gave dancer P100 on my behalf. Within a minute, someone else, sitting somewhere behind me, sent money to dancer, too. Waitress said "1000" (one thousand pesos). K Sponsor actually.

Dancer did not go to K's table, he left say 5 minutes later! After he left, she came to my table and thanked me (for the P100). Or did she get Sponsors mixed up? LOL. Anyway a P100 tip to a dancer is peanuts to some. Throws a thou at her, then out the door. What's going on there? LOL.

10-21-17, 09:15
Brought a smile to my dial. Must remember that.

Yeh, when it comes to other people choosing the girl I am going to shag, its time to give up, LOL.

Last night was incredibly good. There is life in AC yet.Yeah I get to pick the girl type I like when I am putting up the money. Thats why I personally make sure the girl will do what it is I LIKE and looks the why I like before the BF is paid. This is why I personally despise waitresses pressuring me to make a girl choice before I seen both sets of groups.

10-21-17, 09:35
I go too AC very soon for the first time and need some info:

* on Google map I find the famous 'Field' street, is this the same as the called 'Walking' street?

* I reed also about the area 'Perimeter' ! I can't find it. Can someone give me an indication (nearby hotel, .).


10-21-17, 13:16
Well sir, the term "Flips" is not an abbreviation for Filipino, it is a slur and very demeaning. I believe you need be the person to be educated. As a Filipino / American holding both Philippine Passport and a USA passport, I take offense to that Epithet.I agree with you as I am from the USA. A while back I had brought this up too. It seemed like possibly a certain generation from America understood this word as a slur. I am not defending the use of it.

It was certainly a fighting word once used.

Member #4566
10-21-17, 15:35
I go too AC very soon for the first time and need some info:
* on Google map I find the famous 'Field' street, is this the same as the called 'Walking' street?

* I reed also about the area 'Perimeter' ! I can't find it. Can someone give me an indication (nearby hotel, .).

Thanks.Walking Street (closed to motorized traffic in the evening) extends from approximately MacArthur Avenue to almost Raymond Street. Perimeter Road or the perimeter neighborhood has no fixed definition but by consensus probably begins on Field Avenue after the jeepney terminal and goes out to Friendship Road. Perimeter gets its name because it was the area just beyond fence of the US Air Force base, Clark Field. The name is common parlance and I don't think was ever formally adopted for anything. Next anticipated question: What's a jeepney? I wouldn't rob you of the fun discovering this for yourself. Interested to read your report of your trip however you can leave out details of your exploration of the Jeepney terminal.

10-21-17, 17:47
Walking Street (closed to motorized traffic in the evening) extends from approximately MacArthur Avenue to almost Raymond Street. Perimeter Road or the perimeter neighborhood has no fixed definition but by consensus probably begins on Field Avenue after the jeepney terminal and goes out to Friendship Road. Perimeter gets its name because it was the area just beyond fence of the US Air Force base, Clark Field. The name is common parlance and I don't think was ever formally adopted for anything. Next anticipated question: What's a jeepney? I wouldn't rob you of the fun discovering this for yourself. Interested to read your report of your trip however you can leave out details of your exploration of the Jeepney terminal.Thanks Pompetus. If I understand it is the long road named ' Don Juico Ave ' on Google map from Fields till Friendship Hwy!!

And can you tell me in witch part of Perimeter the action is to find, close to witch hotel (s) ?

10-22-17, 00:06
Thanks Pompetus. If I understand it is the long road named ' Don Juico Ave ' on Google map from Fields till Friendship Hwy!!

And can you tell me in witch part of Perimeter the action is to find, close to witch hotel (s) ?Also please map it out so their isn't any confusion. GPS co-ordinates would be most helpful. Pompetus, while you are at it how about places to eat in relationship to the action and associated hotel?

Member #4566
10-22-17, 01:34
Thanks Pompetus. If I understand it is the long road named ' Don Juico Ave ' on Google map from Fields till Friendship Hwy!!

And can you tell me in witch part of Perimeter the action is to find, close to witch hotel (s) ?Every couple of years I take an afternoon walk along Perimeter Road from the jeepney terminal to Friendship Road which is the main retail thoroughfare in Korea Town. Kinda get the lay of the land. The walk is maybe two miles and in the absence of much to do in AC during the daytime, it is a good way to kill some time. But for security reasons it may not be safe to do this late at night.

You will encounter maybe 20 bars or more and maybe a few less massage parlors and many will be open for business. Even though Perimeter prices are lower and some may argue so is the quality, you should nonetheless find a few pretty girls in each bar.

Some perimeter bars, like Garfield's will cater to the retirees in AC who wile away their afternoons and the remainder of their lives buying bargirls lady drinks in exchange for their company (while some others become ISG fiends and patrol this forum searching for any opportunity to flame and be sarcastic to those with bona fide inquiries.) These girls have found a living doing this but perhaps some will accept a discrete offer for a frolic playing the bedspring squeak if asked by the right salesman.

On one such walk that I took along Perimeter Road, I stopped into a massage parlor only to find the place deserted except for a lone masseuse, a SYT. I told her I was pressed for time but that I would give her 200 pesos if I could have fun with her tits for a while. (Imagine asking the same thing of a cute 18 year old retail clerk in your town!) She took me to a secluded nook where she removed her top and bra and introduced me to her two playful friends. I was short of time so after a while I left but the fantasy had been planted and I gave it some time to incubate.

After a while I returned when I had more opportunity and took her back to my hotel room. We had a long foreplay. I took my time with her. Then I gave her a proper fucking. The fantasy that I had nurtured over several days became real time. It was a powerful experience.

Once on one of my forays I stayed at the Maharaja Hotel. A couple of bars are nearby. I haven't been able to teach my dick how to plug more than one orifice at a time so more than one is surfeit. Thus these two bars reasonably should keep you occupied for a little while. Yet that area is a little remote and you cannot claim bragging rights to be in the thick of things by staying there long term.

At the end of your walk along the Perimeter when you reach Friendship Road you will be in Korea Town. Perhaps by that time you will have acquired a female companion or two. Do feast at one of the Korean samgyupsal all-you-can-eat restaurants. It is one the best deals in town. Lots of luck and tell us something new that you have discovered.

Jazzy Daddy
10-22-17, 04:30
Sir Sxxxx.

Yes sir, if your still in town this coming weekend let's meet up for a cold one!

10-22-17, 07:21
I go too AC very soon for the first time and need some info:

* on Google map I find the famous 'Field' street, is this the same as the called 'Walking' street?

* I reed also about the area 'Perimeter' ! I can't find it. Can someone give me an indication (nearby hotel, .).

Thanks.Google Wayne AC map gives you all details about everything you will need to get around here.

10-22-17, 08:42
Let's all play nice now. Christmas season is upon us in Philippines.

Member #4530
10-22-17, 10:52
Great post Pompetus. Upon your recommendation I did the walk from the Wild Orchid to Koreatown this afternoon. Finally know what the infamous Koreatown is. Enjoyed all the landmarks along the way and got some exercise. For years my walking here consisted of going to SM Mall which is hardly any exercise. Appreciate any other recommendations on other monger walking tours of AC.

V / are.


Every couple of years I take an afternoon walk along Perimeter Road from the jeepney terminal to Friendship Road which is the main retail thoroughfare in Korea Town. Kinda get the lay of the land. The walk is maybe two miles and in the absence of much to do in AC during the daytime, it is a good way to kill some time. But for security reasons it may not be safe to do this late at night.

You will encounter maybe 20 bars or more and maybe a

10-23-17, 06:19
Can anyone shed some light on the situation currently? Is it being strictly enforced or are they starting to let it slide? From a post I read a while back it sounded like you couldn't even light up at Kokomos and watch the action on the street. Is this an Angeles city ban or nationwide IE. Does it affect Subic too? Thanks for any answers.


10-23-17, 09:30
It is a matter of class. I expect Sxxxx to be a classy Aussie about it. I believe it is an American slur and generational. My younger nephews have many Filipino friends and have never heard of the slur.IMHO, I differ on the first two points; a retraction at least would have been offered.

As for the second and third, I have heard that term used by people from down under and among working girls from various regions on this side of the planet. I play bball in US public inner city parks at various times. I would never use some of the "terms of endearment", out of respect and if I wanted to walk out alive. But that is just me. Now back to prepping for my next Makiti trip.

Member #4530
10-24-17, 00:24
Minor observation from a short visit. I ate dinner on the 50-yard line at Kokomos last night and no one was smoking. I do see guys smoking in High Society and most of the larger bars tolerate smoking on the upper decks.

Can anyone shed some light on the situation currently? Is it being strictly enforced or are they starting to let it slide? From a post I read a while back it sounded like you couldn't even light up at Kokomos and watch the action on the street. Is this an Angeles city ban or nationwide IE. Does it affect Subic too? Thanks for any answers.


Soapy Smith
10-24-17, 15:58
Let's all play nice now. Christmas season is upon us in Philippines.I think we're playing nice now. The entire conversation has been taken down, including my post explaining why the particular term is considered a slur.

Mr Enternational
10-24-17, 17:01
Can anyone shed some light on the situation currently? Is it being strictly enforced or are they starting to let it slide? Still did not get a chance to write my reports from last month, but this is part of it. I think it is strictly enforced. Unlike Waffles, I did not see anyone smoking in High Society. When I was hanging out in Club Ra (or whatever the name of that Egyptian place is), I kept seeing people go into the stairwell. I finally asked the waitress that was sitting with me why everyone keeps going in there. She said they are going in there to smoke.

10-24-17, 21:56
Can anyone shed some light on the situation currently? Is it being strictly enforced or are they starting to let it slide? From a post I read a while back it sounded like you couldn't even light up at Kokomos and watch the action on the street. Is this an Angeles city ban or nationwide IE. Does it affect Subic too? Thanks for any answers.

Southeaster.People that flaunt the rules tend to go with e-cigarettes. Most rules have not caught up with that type especially the smokeless variety. Seen usage in bars and on planes. Most just palm it so it is hidden.

I think we're playing nice now. The entire conversation has been taken down, including my post explaining why the particular term is considered a slur.If one was following, one can see the line now.

10-25-17, 04:36
Can anyone shed some light on the situation currently? Is it being strictly enforced or are they starting to let it slide? From a post I read a while back it sounded like you couldn't even light up at Kokomos and watch the action on the street. Is this an Angeles city ban or nationwide IE. Does it affect Subic too? Thanks for any answers.

Southeaster.Last two weeks spent my time in Angeles. Left A/C and Phils, last Sunday morning.

I wrote about this subject somewhere on ISG before. Can't find that post. Here we go again.

In my opinion, they are strictly enforcing the smoking ban. Although some bars are tolerating customers smoking in the bar toilets, and yes bigger bars send their smoking customers upstairs, where on both occasions I was present when that happened, the customer could not see the girls from the non smoking area. One lot quickly returned from upstairs. Not prepared to stare at a wall whilst smoking, I suppose. Perhaps they could have large tv screens in the non smoking rooms / areas, channeled to the bar stage. Guys perv on screen whilst guzzling down some toxins?

I think an enlarged print of a sign I once saw in Cebu, would be appropriate: "Smoking. You can breathe in, but not out".

In my previous post I mentioned an idea might take hold, whereby bars can buy an exemption from the no smoking law. More revenue for the government, more customers for the bars? And more lung cancer, LOL.

Kokomo's, British owned, sticks strictly to the new no smoking law. Little signs all along the front row bar re "no smoking". No one smokes at Kokomo's.

Non smokers like me, are happy about "no smoking", but there are a lot of people who are upset with the move. I think 'no smoking' and shooting of Marijuana smokers has prevented significant numbers from visiting the Philippines, right now.

P.S: Yes, its definitely national. Not specific to Angeles, applies everywhere in Phils, including the toilets.

PPS: Now that I have left the Phils, bet the girls are missing me!

10-25-17, 15:16
Personally I am really glad about the smoking ban being enforced and that it has enough teeth in it to keep it enforced.

Now I can go to bars and stay longer and listen to music or play a game of pool. I doubt if the ban will keep smokers from coming, if so it is easily made up with non-smokers.

Non-smokers come on down. Restaurants are all non-smoking too. The non-smoking bars girls don't smell like smoke and aren't short of breath when having the big O!

Shining Wit
10-25-17, 19:46
Can anyone shed some light on the situation currently? Is it being strictly enforced or are they starting to let it slide? From a post I read a while back it sounded like you couldn't even light up at Kokomos and watch the action on the street. Is this an Angeles city ban or nationwide IE. Does it affect Subic too? Thanks for any answers.

Southeaster.This is an Executive Order from DU30, so is nationwide. Olongapo City (covers Barretto and Baloy Beach) have gone further and smoking in the street is now banned, even in the bus station standing next to an exhaust pumping out diesel fumes. I have read in the press that this is illegal, being in excess of the EO, but I have no confidence in much of the press and wouldn't want.

To be the precedent. Several bars in Barretto allow smoking sitting against an open wall, like the front row in Kokomos. Technically, those bars with seating out front are probably illegal as they are within 10 metres of the entrance to a banned area. The pictured poster does not tell the whole story, as neither of my hotels last month banned smoking in the room.

10-26-17, 06:06
Last two weeks spent my time in Angeles. Left A/C and Phils, last Sunday morning.Leaving so soon and in such a hurry? JazzyDaddy was looking to share a stubbie with you, or something like that.

IMHO, on the subject of smoking, like an addict, they will try to get around the rules. When smoking was first banned on some flights, I still remember a French speaking man quickly exiting a toilet with the alarm blaring midflight. Last month on United, a guy in first class was palming and pulling on his e cigarette the whole flight to South America, right in front of a clueless flight attendant. (But then, they were not hired for their brains; nor looks) Guy's english was quite good so could have been an American, an Expat, or a well to do South American.

When I looked online to see if vaporless e cigs exists before my last post here, I found that it does. But as Sxxxx suggests, it entails holding the pull before exhaling. From what I read, the second hand smoke from e cigs are actually worse. So even if you don't see or smell it, you could be breathing it in from the guy sitting next to you that keeps putting his cupped hand to his mouth.

Until the threatened in room smoking and other smoking fines start getting imposed, it will be an uphill battle. Surprise and well announced raids have done a great job in many places around asia.

Just my 2 cents.

10-26-17, 07:50
Personally I am really glad about the smoking ban being enforced and that it has enough teeth in it to keep it enforced.

Now I can go to bars and stay longer and listen to music or play a game of pool. I doubt if the ban will keep smokers from coming, if so it is easily made up with non-smokers.

Non-smokers come on down. Restaurants are all non-smoking too. The non-smoking bars girls don't smell like smoke and aren't short of breath when having the big O!I couldn't agree more, smoking bans are the greatest things and they make me happy. Nothing sucks more then trying to enjoy a nice dinner and some fuckhead is blowing smoke in your face or worse yet blowing smoke onto your food. Nothing sucks more then barfining a girl and having her hit you up to buy her some cigs when you don't smoke or worse yet not asking you if they can smoke in your own damn house but instead just light one the fuck up and think your not supposed to be upset about it. Smokers have no courtesy towards others at all. I learned the absolutely hate smoking when I was a kid sitting in the back seat of the car when my mother and father were just puffing away making me cough. SO I absolutely love the smoking ban

10-26-17, 08:28
Although some bars are tolerating customers smoking in the bar toilets, and yes bigger bars send their smoking customers upstairs, where on both occasions I was present when that happened, the customer could not see the girls from the non smoking area. One lot quickly returned from upstairs. Not prepared to stare at a wall whilst smoking, I suppose. Perhaps they could have large tv screens in the non smoking rooms / areas, channeled to the bar stage. Guys perv on screen whilst guzzling down some toxins?I don't get it: bigger bars send their smoking customers upstairs to the NON smoking area?

10-26-17, 08:48
I don't get it: bigger bars send their smoking customers upstairs to the NON smoking area?If I or someone else said upstairs was the non smoking area, it was a typo, pure and simple.

Bigger bars usually have another floor level= upstairs. At XY or whatever (formerly Forbidden City) guys were escorted up to the next level, above us. Came back pretty quickly. Guessing they could not see the stage from where they were, above. At Bar-nana, upstairs, and view of girls etc totally cut off in elevated smoking area. .

Reckon bars will start bribing police to allow smoking in their bar. Very few Phil innovations last the test of time. No Smoking might go the way of previous endeavours. But right now No Smoking, is being enforced.

Chocha Monger
10-26-17, 09:16
I couldn't agree more, smoking bans are the greatest things and they make me happy. Nothing sucks more then trying to enjoy a nice dinner and some fuckhead is blowing smoke in your face or worse yet blowing smoke onto your food. Nothing sucks more then barfining a girl and having her hit you up to buy her some cigs when you don't smoke or worse yet not asking you if they can smoke in your own damn house but instead just light one the fuck up and think your not supposed to be upset about it. Smokers have no courtesy towards others at all. I learned the absolutely hate smoking when I was a kid sitting in the back seat of the car when my mother and father were just puffing away making me cough. SO I absolutely love the smoking banUnder strict Sharia law, smokers can expect a vigorous public flogging. Exposing non-smokers to secondhand smoke is a form of assault. I would not take a girl if I know she is a smoker. Smokers have extremely bad breath. No one wants to root a girl with smoker's lung who keeps coughing up mucus balls. Smokers are the laziest workers, as they constantly need to take smoke breaks.

10-26-17, 10:27
I couldn't agree more, smoking bans are the greatest things and they make me happy. Nothing sucks more then trying to enjoy a nice dinner and some fuckhead is blowing smoke in your face or worse yet blowing smoke onto your food. Nothing sucks more then barfining a girl and having her hit you up to buy her some cigs when you don't smoke or worse yet not asking you if they can smoke in your own damn house but instead just light one the fuck up and think your not supposed to be upset about it. Smokers have no courtesy towards others at all. I learned the absolutely hate smoking when I was a kid sitting in the back seat of the car when my mother and father were just puffing away making me cough. SO I absolutely love the smoking banI agree with all the above. The worst is even after making sure the bg is a non-smoker is smelling the smoke in her hair doing missionary. Most girls have absolutely long soft and beautiful hair that I like to run my hands thru during sex in miss and cowgirl.

I have even made them shampoo and use conditioner in their hair before we start. The smell is still lingering in their hair. What a turnoff.

10-26-17, 12:39
Hi all just wondering is there a problem in Philippines where girls from the top clubs will only go with Korean or Japanese guys?

I have read that white men are just left with the ugly girls. Is this true? I don't mind paying whatever is the market rate for top girls.

10-26-17, 12:41
You can still hookup.

No problem.

Hi all just wondering is there a problem in Philippines where girls from the top clubs will only go with Korean or Japanese guys?

I have read that white men are just left with the ugly girls. Is this true? I don't mind paying whatever is the market rate for top girls.

10-26-17, 13:47
Hi all just wondering is there a problem in Philippines where girls from the top clubs will only go with Korean or Japanese guys?

I have read that white men are just left with the ugly girls. Is this true? I don't mind paying whatever is the market rate for top girls.Only subjectively. You pay you play.

10-26-17, 14:11
Hi all just wondering is there a problem in Philippines where girls from the top clubs will only go with Korean or Japanese guys?

I have read that white men are just left with the ugly girls. Is this true? I don't mind paying whatever is the market rate for top girls.One things that stands out for me from the question is what is a "top girl"? A stunner, A stunner with brown skin, A stunner with white skin?, A stunner who is a starfish? Is a top girl an enthusiastic girl that will fuck your brains out all night?

So many definitions of what a top girl is. Enjoy every minute defining what is a Top Girl as for me, a Top Girl is going to have more that looks. A mate and I were chatting to two "top girls" at Atlantis, he had done his deal and was prepared to pay whatever it took to get that girl. My girl was playing hard to get. I got tired when I saw the game, walked out and found another Top Girl. Next morning while my "Top Girl" was still happy to play the official snotty top girl had her rules and she was out by 7:30 am.

It is so much fun here.



Member #4698
10-26-17, 17:56
One things that stands out for me from the question is what is a "top girl"? A stunner, A stunner with brown skin, A stunner with white skin?, A stunner who is a starfish? Is a top girl an enthusiastic girl that will fuck your brains out all night?

So many definitions of what a top girl is. Enjoy every minute defining what is a Top Girl as for me, a Top Girl is going to have more that looks. A mate and I were chatting to two "top girls" at Atlantis, he had done his deal and was prepared to pay whatever it took to get that girl. My girl was playing hard to get. I got tired when I saw the game, walked out and found another Top Girl. Next morning while my "Top Girl" was still happy to play the official snotty top girl had her rules and she was out by 7:30 am.

It is so much fun here.
Just a passing thought after reading about some of the nonsense you AC guys have to endure on your searches for a "top girl" or for just a "nice girl" for that matter. I have been to AC 4 or 5 times and I have always had a good time and met really nice girls, but I haven't been back there since 2015. Why? Because I prefer Manila girls. Manila girls don't play these silly games. They do not have any Korean hang-ups. I walk into any bar on Burgos or in EDSA, I check things out, I select a girl to have a drink with or not, it's up to me, and in less than 5 minutes she will be all over me massaging my dick and exposing her breasts for me to sample. I have never met a Manila bar girl yet that did not want me to barfine her unless she was already spoken for that evening and was waiting for her man to arrive. And in the bedroom Manila girls have never disappointed me either.

So, I wonder why this BS goes on in AC. I mean we are talking about Pinays, right? I think the world of Pinays and their special brand of GFE. And I as I said, I am well aware that there are plenty of nice ones in AC too, but what the fuck! Why so much BS? Is it the Korean presence? To hell with those dicks. I have more game and personality than them plus I can outspend them any night of the week if I so want to. It's strange, the Koreans don't bother me one bit in BKK or anywhere else I usually go. I am just wondering what it is with AC and some of the Pinays bar girls that work here. Is there something in the water? LOL. I used to think the problem was in the EWR structure where the girls only received a portion of the money. But the EWR or whatever you want to call it has risen substantially since I was last there, so I can't explain this phenomenon.

As to "top girls" or my take on them. There are 3 stages a girl must pass through in order to become a top girl for me. Stage 1: a girl has to be my spec (sexy, hot, no fat, and pretty) or she is not going to get my attention in the 1st place. Stage 2: After getting my attention, a girl has to be nice and have a friendly (you know what I mean) demure personality in the bar or our relationship ends after 1 or 2 drinks. Stage 3: the final hurdle is how she looks naked and how she performs in the bed. Passing all these measures makes a girl a "top girl" or a girl I want to see again and again. That's my definition of Top Girl.

But I can see that the bar might have a different definition of "Top Girl" and that would be a girl that generates revenue ie gets barfined a lot, earns a lot of money, and or acts as a rainmaker for the bar drawing in customers and selling a lot of booze. But if all that goes to her head then she is not a Top Girl to me, more like the opposite, a girl to avoid. Perhaps a better term to use in describing a a good looking girl is Stunner which conveys more precisely how she looks.

Chocha Monger
10-26-17, 20:28
Here are two examples of "top girls" from first and second tiers. Koreans prefer these types to the more indigenous swarthy exotic beauties from the remote regions of Samar that white men crave.

Manila bar girls are in the bar to work. They have to pay the hairdresser and makeup artist to prep them for the stage. Some Manila bars deduct penalties from their base salaries if girls fail to make their quota for commissions. Therefore, they do not play around because they lose money on payday if their earnings come up short. It would take a very popular girl to make that quota on drinks alone. Then she would have to starve herself avoid turning into a fatty from all those empty calories.

AC bar girls are in the bar to find a husband or a few rich long-term boyfriends while working with potential candidates. They do have to make sales quotas and have lower expenses. Therefore, they can get by on their base salary while knocking back mongers who fail to meet their high standards.

10-26-17, 22:17
Under strict Sharia law, smokers can expect a vigorous public flogging. Exposing non-smokers to secondhand smoke is a form of assault. I would not take a girl if I know she is a smoker. Smokers have extremely bad breath. No one wants to root a girl with smoker's lung who keeps coughing up mucus balls. Smokers are the laziest workers, as they constantly need to take smoke breaks.I often walked out of bar shows before because of the stench of fag smoke. Often I had to change seats because someone lit up a cancer stick right next to me. So glad this is changing for the good of all. I could really see that nicotine is an addictive drug and the smokers were not in control of their body and mind.

10-26-17, 23:26
One things that stands out for me from the question is what is a "top girl"?IMO, the definition of "top girl" should be the most popular girls that are barfined all the time, girls that in the most demand. Since most guys (over half) go for beauty, and since most guys (way over half) has the same definition of beauty (thanks to Madison Avenue), the "top girls" are obvious to most people.

Manila girls don't play these silly games. They do not have any Korean hang-ups. I walk into any bar on Burgos or in EDSA, I check things out, I select a girl to have a drink with or not, it's up to me, and in less than 5 minutes she will be all over me massaging my dick and exposing her breasts for me to sample. I have never met a Manila bar girl yet that did not want me to barfine her unless she was already spoken for that evening and was waiting for her man to arrive. And in the bedroom Manila girls have never disappointed me either.

So, I wonder why this BS goes on in AC.IMO, it's because of the prices affecting supply and demand.

Makati is expensive. I haven't been there for several years. I am on a moderate budget. In Makati, barfine is around 2 or 3 K pesos? The tip is around 3, 4 or 5 K pesos? I don't like to spend more than $100 US on one girl (I will with 2 or 3 girls!)

Angeles is budget. On a 3 K pesos barfine, the girls get around 1400 or 1500 pesos.

When you go into a top notch bar in Makati at 10 PM, there are numerous top notch girls still available. They probably will be willing to be barfined by most / all customers. Probably some of them will not be barfined for that night. In Angeles, all the popular girls are offered barfines every single day! This is the key point. The popular girls can choose their preference in customers and dictate the terms (no CIM, no lesbian show, no longtime, sometimes even no BJ).

Why so much BS? Is it the Korean presence? To hell with those dicks.LOL! You should have written "To hell with those small dicks".

Hi all just wondering is there a problem in Philippines where girls from the top clubs will only go with Korean or Japanese guys?

I have read that white men are just left with the ugly girls. Is this true? I don't mind paying whatever is the market rate for top girls.The problem is only if you are not Korean, Japanese, Chinese, or Singaporean with some of the girls in Angeles or Sabang. If you are White, go to Manila for a guarantee top notch girl.

If you are White, there are still many girls that are decent that will be willing to be barfined. There are even top notch girls that will accept White guys.

It will be worst (i.e. Have a lower percentage of girls that are willing to be barfined) if you are Indian, Malay, or Black.

I've talked to many girls over the years. Many say that have never been and never will be barfined by an Indian. I ask why. They say because they smell. I say to myself, WTF! Then I ask them, don't some Koreans absolutely stink after they eat and drink raw garlic and soju. They just giggle. I ask them what if the Indian doesn't smell. They don't answer. Many girls don't want to be bafined by Blacks. They say their dicks are too big. I ask them what if they show you that they have small dicks. They don't answer. But note that I've heard that some girls that do go out with Black guys, really really like them. Is that old saying true? Once you go Black, you can't go back.

I'm not sure. Are the Pinays racist? Ignorant? Culturally racist? Third world?

10-27-17, 01:31
Hi all just wondering is there a problem in Philippines where girls from the top clubs will only go with Korean or Japanese guys?

I have read that white men are just left with the ugly girls. Is this true? I don't mind paying whatever is the market rate for top girls.Chinese, Korean or Japanese guys are sought out by working girls in clubs around the globe. Anyone who has been to an FKK in Germany, for example, will be familiar with the sight of the hottest girls making a bee line for any Asian guy who enters the club. The reason is simple; they are a hassle free session. No big dicks, no long banging in different positions and no extras except for easily obtainable tips. A win / win situation for the girls.

10-27-17, 02:50
The problem is only if you are not Korean, Japanese, Chinese, or Singaporean with some of the girls in Angeles or Sabang. If you are White, go to Manila for a guarantee top notch girl.
I'm not sure. Are the Pinays racist? Ignorant? Culturally racist? Third world?Thanks for the honest post. No I don't think Pinays are racist. I think they're trying to make a buck. I think they are told by Asian men if they go with white men, they won't have anymore Asian customers.

10-27-17, 02:53
Chinese, Korean or Japanese guys are sought out by working girls in clubs around the globe. Anyone who has been to an FKK in Germany, for example, will be familiar with the sight of the hottest girls making a bee line for any Asian guy who enters the club. The reason is simple; they are a hassle free session. No big dicks, no long banging in different positions and no extras except for easily obtainable tips. A win / win situation for the girls.No shit, but in Germany, a cock is a cock and if you pay her 50 euro, she sucks it.

Mr Enternational
10-27-17, 04:43
I'm not sure. Are the Pinays racist? Ignorant? Culturally racist? Third world?From my experience it is just ignorance. As you said, well the Koreans eat that food and it makes them stink and all she does is giggle, never stopping to think or say well you have a point. Then instead of saving the new idea that was introduced in order to juxtapose it with the next would be experience, it simply goes into one ear and out of the other. They just go on what someone they have trusted told them a long time ago (tradition) and not on the more reliable experience is the best teacher.

10-27-17, 06:15
No shit, but in Germany, a cock is a cock and if you pay her 50 euro, she sucks it.Oh, that was funny to read.

But of course, in Germany you have the hard core prostitutes.

In Phils, in my mind, they are not prostitutes in the main, just regular girls from severely poor families, trying to find some money for food and rent.

Those who treat the Phil girls as typical prostitutes, most probably only get a prostitute. Others, who treat them as regular girls out to survive, get a human being, and maybe GFE too, as a bonus. Hard core mongers, please visit another country, LOL.

Ooops, I have let the cat out of the bag, now!

10-27-17, 06:22
................I'm not sure. Are the Pinays racist? Ignorant? Culturally racist? Third world?Certainly 3rd world. Not racist in my opinion. Look at them, residing everywhere in the world, and fitting in to other peoples cultures wonderfully. Ignorant through lack of exposure to enlightenment.

Best ST girls in the world!

Soapy Smith
10-27-17, 07:37
From my experience it is just ignorance. As you said, well the Koreans eat that food and it makes them stink and all she does is giggle, never stopping to think or say well you have a point. Then instead of saving the new idea that was introduced in order to juxtapose it with the next would be experience, it simply goes into one ear and out of the other. They just go on what someone they have trusted told them a long time ago (tradition) and not on the more reliable experience is the best teacher.Another possible explanation:

The smell they refer to in South Asians, middle Easterners, and some Africans is body odor, resulting from less frequent bathing. Filipinas are almost obsessive about bathing, often bathing several times a day, even though many do not have running water or have only cold water. One nice result is that Filipinas' skin smells and tastes wonderful. Almost all of them. I find it addictive.

Oral hygiene among Filipinos is often a different story. As evidence, check out the "Motherland" video link that CM uploaded in the Manila thread. Obviously some of the major dental problems that these poor women have are from lack of dentistry care or from calcium loss during multiple pregnancies. But it also follows that many poor Filipinos do not take care of their teeth.

The odor from Koreans is usually from kimchee, chili paste, or garlic on the breath, rather than from body odor. So perhaps Filipinas are just less attuned to odor coming from the breath.

10-27-17, 11:24
Hi all just wondering is there a problem in Philippines where girls from the top clubs will only go with Korean or Japanese guys?

I have read that white men are just left with the ugly girls. Is this true? I don't mind paying whatever is the market rate for top girls.Its a very common occurrence sitting in a Bar with Korean customers and having the better looking girls on the stage stare right thru you and ignore your presents while they are smiling and acting flirty toward the Koreans. It very unwelcoming indeed. I even seen this has a observer when 2 westerns are sitting at one table and 4 Koreans sitting at another and the Koreans are getting all the attention for the hotter girl while the westerner are getting ignored. You also see attention given by the waitresses that is more friendly then he service given to westerners. I swear sometimes I walk into a bar order a drink a waitress walks over sets the drink down on my table and walks away meanwhile a Korean table has 5 waitresses standing right there by hem to tend to their needs its totally fucked up.

10-27-17, 16:17
Its a very common occurrence sitting in a Bar with Korean customers and having the better looking girls on the stage stare right thru you and ignore your presents while they are smiling and acting flirty toward the Koreans. It very unwelcoming indeed. I even seen this has a observer when 2 westerns are sitting at one table and 4 Koreans sitting at another and the Koreans are getting all the attention for the hotter girl while the westerner are getting ignored. You also see attention given by the waitresses that is more friendly then he service given to westerners. I swear sometimes I walk into a bar order a drink a waitress walks over sets the drink down on my table and walks away meanwhile a Korean table has 5 waitresses standing right there by hem to tend to their needs its totally fucked up.

Another possible explanation:

The smell they refer to in South Asians, middle Easterners, and some Africans is body odor, resulting from less frequent bathing. Filipinas are almost obsessive about bathing, often bathing several times a day, even though many do not have running water or have only cold water. One nice result is that Filipinas' skin smells and tastes wonderful. Almost all of them. I find it addictive.

Oral hygiene among Filipinos is often a different story. As evidence, check out the "Motherland" video link that CM uploaded in the Manila thread. Obviously some of the major dental problems that these poor women have are from lack of dentistry care or from calcium loss during multiple pregnancies. But it also follows that many poor Filipinos do not take care of their teeth.

The odor from Koreans is usually from kimchee, chili paste, or garlic on the breath, rather than from body odor. So perhaps Filipinas are just less attuned to odor coming from the breath.It must be something else because we all smell like roses in the tropics.

FWIW, one usually gets accustomed to one's own smell and thus cannot smell oneself. I have gone for a cold one after a day out or after a workout and I often apologize to people standing next to me. My mates and I are only there for a quick one before hitting the showers and coming back refreshed.

10-27-17, 16:20
Quote Originally Posted by GreenBud
................I'm not sure. Are the Pinays racist? Ignorant? Culturally racist? Third world?

Certainly 3rd world. Not racist in my opinion. Look at them, residing everywhere in the world, and fitting in to other peoples cultures wonderfully. Ignorant through lack of exposure to enlightenment.

Best ST girls in the world!How does that saying go. Oh "Takes one to know one".

10-27-17, 16:46
From my experience it is just ignorance. As you said, well the Koreans eat that food and it makes them stink and all she does is giggle, never stopping to think or say well you have a point. Then instead of saving the new idea that was introduced in order to juxtapose it with the next would be experience, it simply goes into one ear and out of the other. They just go on what someone they have trusted told them a long time ago (tradition) and not on the more reliable experience is the best teacher.Hmmmm. Is that why so many WG in Makati think a ruler is longer than 12 inches?

10-27-17, 18:37
Hi friends,

I am from India and member of Delhi group. I will be travelling to Manila next week and would stay at Dushit Thani hotel. Would appreciate your kind guidance about the options available for mongering along with budget and any relevant pointers. Thanks for your help.

10-28-17, 03:50
Hmmmm. Is that why so many WG in Makati think a ruler is longer than 12 inches?Will it is! A metric ruler is definitely longer than 12 inches.

Therefore some westerners don't actually measure up. Westerners have this idea that top shelf girls should all drop to their knees for them. When they don't they conjure up all kinds of excuses, like dick too big, fuxk too long and on and on it goes. 333. It's the money! It's the money! Like none of them have ever left a job for better pay and easier work.

Buy some coco lumber, build a bridge and get over it! Plenty of girls out there to satisfy you.

BTW, I am a westerner too but realize at times I can't have it my way, especially in a different country.

10-28-17, 03:56
Hi friends,

I am from India and member of Delhi group. I will be travelling to Manila next week and would stay at Dushit Thani hotel. Would appreciate your kind guidance about the options available for mongering along with budget and any relevant pointers. Thanks for your help.Try the Makati or Manila forum for help. They actually have the answers to your questions if you read read read.

10-28-17, 07:12
Oh, that was funny to read.

But of course, in Germany you have the hard core prostitutes.

In Phils, in my mind, they are not prostitutes in the main, just regular girls from severely poor families, trying to find some money for food and rent.

Those who treat the Phil girls as typical prostitutes, most probably only get a prostitute. Others, who treat them as regular girls out to survive, get a human being, and maybe GFE too, as a bonus. Hard core mongers, please visit another country, LOL.

Ooops, I have let the cat out of the bag, now!If I am with a girl that I paid for. I always try to treat them like a girlfiend NOT a working girl. I find it to be a better experience for the money. Howevr its been my experience with many examples over the yrs that at sometime during a relationship with a Paid for girl they will slip up and try to hustle you for something and ruin any trust and dignity you gave them. Once the bar gets into the girl its damn near impossible to get it out. A relationship with a bar girl is a illusion its not real and the proof is this. All the love, attention, affection sex and sweetness your girl has given you she will also give to the next guy who pays her. Its part of her work.

10-28-17, 14:30
Oh, that was funny to read.

But of course, in Germany you have the hard core prostitutes.

In Phils, in my mind, they are not prostitutes in the main, just regular girls from severely poor families, trying to find some money for food and rent.

Those who treat the Phil girls as typical prostitutes, most probably only get a prostitute. Others, who treat them as regular girls out to survive, get a human being, and maybe GFE too, as a bonus. Hard core mongers, please visit another country, LOL.

Ooops, I have let the cat out of the bag, now!You have let the felines out the bag. But there are dogs out there that won't heed your advice.

10-28-17, 16:06
If I am with a girl that I paid for. I always try to treat them like a girlfiend NOT a working girl. I find it to be a better experience for the money. Howevr its been my experience with many examples over the yrs that at sometime during a relationship with a Paid for girl they will slip up and try to hustle you for something and ruin any trust and dignity you gave them. Once the bar gets into the girl its damn near impossible to get it out. A relationship with a bar girl is a illusion its not real and the proof is this. All the love, attention, affection sex and sweetness your girl has given you she will also give to the next guy who pays her. Its part of her work.Prostitutes are not that different than any other woman. Filipinas are also a lot less "*****y" than almost any other P2P girl. However, you get what you put into them. If you throw a lot of money their way hoping for a girlfriend and then you fuck half of Angeles City, she is going to give you a GFE but she is not your GF. If you are more than 25 years her senior, it is highly unlikely that she loves you for you. Ask yourself if the relationship would occur outside the world of prostitution. If the answer is no, then you are paying for a fantasy / service, which is totally OK but don't delude yourself about what it is. There are absolutely bargirls that have become great girlfriends and wives but you have to be real with yourself if this is what you are seeking.

10-28-17, 17:17
Hi friends,

I am from India and member of Delhi group. I will be travelling to Manila next week and would stay at Dushit Thani hotel. Would appreciate your kind guidance about the options available for mongering along with budget and any relevant pointers. Thanks for your help.FWIW, Google is your friend and RTFF. You are long on questions and I fear you are lost, my friend. Go to the Manila thread or the area of Manila closest to where you will be. So Google Maps is your friend.

Be careful of this snake pit here as some of the fellow mongers might try to put you in a coffin and bury you alive like some South Africans did to an alleged trespasser. Think some people here wear hoodies with wizard hat shapes. So RTFF. They say they can smell you. And I don't think they mean your wad of cash.

Member #4566
10-28-17, 19:38
If you are more than 25 years her senior, it is highly unlikely that she loves you for you. Does that mean that Melania doesn't love Donald?

Member #4643
10-28-17, 19:57
FWIW, Google is your friend and RTFF. You are long on questions and I fear you are lost, my friend. Go to the Manila thread or the area of Manila closest to where you will be. So Google Maps is your friend.

Be careful of this snake pit here as some of the fellow mongers might try to put you in a coffin and bury you alive like some South Africans did to an alleged trespasser. Think some people here wear hoodies with wizard hat shapes. So RTFF. They say they can smell you. And I don't think they mean your wad of cash.

I posted a response in the Makati Section. This is Angeles City, not Manila or Makati.

10-28-17, 21:30
Does that mean that Melania doesn't love Donald?Ha ha, good one. Made me chuckle. Lets just say "Love knows no barriers".

10-28-17, 21:33
Prostitutes are not that different than any other woman. Filipinas are also a lot less "*****y" than almost any other P2P girl. However, you get what you put into them. If you throw a lot of money their way hoping for a girlfriend and then you fuck half of Angeles City, she is going to give you a GFE but she is not your GF. If you are more than 25 years her senior, it is highly unlikely that she loves you for you. Ask yourself if the relationship would occur outside the world of prostitution. If the answer is no, then you are paying for a fantasy / service, which is totally OK but don't delude yourself about what it is. There are absolutely bargirls that have become great girlfriends and wives but you have to be real with yourself if this is what you are seeking.Good post. Lot of commonsense and wisdom in there.

Poster "LuvBrownGirls" will enjoy AC to the end of time.

10-29-17, 05:18
You have let the felines out the bag. But there are dogs out there that won't heed your advice.Brings to mind: "Who let the dogs out" ? Woof, woof! (song).

Yeh, hard core lads would be better off in Manila.

Leave the Provincial Sweeties to us gentlemen fornicators.

10-29-17, 19:26
Good post. Lot of commonsense and wisdom in there.

Poster "LuvBrownGirls" will enjoy AC to the end of time.That is certainly my plan.

10-29-17, 21:19
Its a very common occurrence sitting in a Bar with Korean customers and having the better looking girls on the stage stare right thru you and ignore your presents while they are smiling and acting flirty toward the Koreans. It very unwelcoming indeed. I even seen this has a observer when 2 westerns are sitting at one table and 4 Koreans sitting at another and the Koreans are getting all the attention for the hotter girl while the westerner are getting ignored. You also see attention given by the waitresses that is more friendly then he service given to westerners. I swear sometimes I walk into a bar order a drink a waitress walks over sets the drink down on my table and walks away meanwhile a Korean table has 5 waitresses standing right there by hem to tend to their needs its totally fucked up.Years ago when I mongered in Ermita, Manila, it was the Japanese who got the attention. This is about money, money, money. If word gets around that you are a big spender, you will get pawed all over all the time. Best to keep a low profile and be selective. Some AC girls have great youtube podcasts. Some very honest and candid. They are very revealing about their view of the"customer" and the focus on MONEY. Get the real deal from the "horses mourh".

10-30-17, 00:27
. There are absolutely bargirls that have become great girlfriends and wives..Hmmm. Really?

10-30-17, 00:55
Hmmm. Really?Yeh, on that point, I agree with ConquerorVal.

Best ST girls in the world. Marriage = LT = not recommended (following 43 yrs of observations, friends etc going that way).

"Hit and run, is more fun, and costs you none" (compared to 'marriage' yoiks! Drama's every day of your life, you want that? Ha ha.

10-31-17, 02:18
Yeh, on that point, I agree with ConquerorVal.

Best ST girls in the world. Marriage = LT = not recommended (following 43 yrs of observations, friends etc going that way).

"Hit and run, is more fun, and costs you none" (compared to 'marriage' yoiks! Drama's every day of your life, you want that? Ha ha.After 35 years watching experience of others, agreed, marriage to a bar girl. YIKES! Sometimes all the IQ ends up not in the brain, but in the little fella down there! Why spend loads of money to go to jail? You can be drawn and quartered by the Catholic "Concubinage" Marriage Philippine laws. They will be applied to a foreigner with enormous relish! Check it on Internet before jumping off the airplane without a parachute!

11-01-17, 03:24
Hmmm. Really?Yes, really. I know four examples of it going well. In the military I had two different bosses that were married to ex bargirls. Both long term, both happy couples. It happens, but obviously not for everyone.

11-01-17, 05:10
Been to a few perimeter bars and they seemed like they have more customers with the smoking ban. Most bars have a dedicated enclosed smoking room for smokers. I didn't see anyone in them. Smokers went outside to smoke.

Even with the holidays there were enough girls available. It doesn't seem like AC will ever get back to its hay days. Meanwhile lots of companies building and locating in Clark.

I don't know about the Fields bars as I don't frequent them anymore.

11-01-17, 07:18
Years ago when I mongered in Ermita, Manila, it was the Japanese who got the attention. This is about money, money, money. If word gets around that you are a big spender, you will get pawed all over all the time. Best to keep a low profile and be selective. Some AC girls have great youtube podcasts. Some very honest and candid. They are very revealing about their view of the"customer" and the focus on MONEY. Get the real deal from the "horses mourh".I have walked into bars with the intention of spending sometimes 10 k pesos on a good time and still not gotten any attention because I am not Korean. How does any girl on that stage know how much money a person has in his pocket and how much he is willing to spend IF he gets the attention he is seeking. The girls are instructed to ignore non Koreans by Korean owners and managers, Thats the true problem NOT MONEY Koreans don; t want the rest of the worlds money. Its obvious on how they run there bars.

11-01-17, 20:54
How does any girl on that stage know how much money a person has in his pocket and how much he is willing to spendIf they don't know the guy, the girls stereotype.

I've seen White and Asian guys walk into Atlantis, be led to the prime seat on the couch, and are surrounded by girls and waitresses. Then he buys all of them ladydrinks. I wish I had the spare change to do that all the time, but as I said, I am on a moderate budget.

11-04-17, 05:09
I say, that is a very good, succinct and info packed report.

Returned after a few years.

Immediate impression was airport terminal better. Run way still bad. Immigration rapid and customs cursory. Pick up now is a mafia rather than chaos. Wild orchid is the place. Room fine and air con works. No FL at bar and those across road ugly as hell. Walked to Fields and almost immediately had eye contact with a FL just past Kokomos. Invited her for a drink at WOR. Terms of engagement negotiated. All night for 2000. Bonus of 1000 if she can make me cum a third time. She smiled and said what are we waiting for? In room, she had long shower with me, scrubbing and cleaning. She also scraped the make up off herself, at my request. She was really very good and first pop CIM. Dinner at Padre Piccolo. Back at hotel, 10 min session bareback. Pop 2. Sleep. She wakes me up at 6 am with BBBJ. Henry would not rise. SHE gave me Vitamin V. Breakfast and coffee. Quick swim which doubled as a clean up. In the room, after 10 minutes, no cum although I could see her anus dilate when I was doing her doggie. She rolled out her secret weapon; anal. 5 minutes covered anal, still no cum. She put some oil on my bare cock and I did her anal bareback. Cum in 5 minutes with her moaning and screaming. She got her bonus.

As she was about to leave, she said I bring my friend, lady boy, very beautiful. 5000 for 2 of us. You can fuck as long as you can last. I said you show me your health check. She said I get both today. If you OK, 1000 extra. Apps me the ladyboy. Beautiful. After I had my teeth cleaned and my nails done, we had lunch at SM Mall. She pointed out FL to me. Some you never would guess. We went to clinic together, including me and ladyboy. I asked them for the HIV salivary rapid test. Have but 2000 pp each. I performed test myself (I know how to). Negative..

11-06-17, 11:17
Recently came back from Angeles and Manila and here is my two cents worth on the best (IMHO) bars in Angeles.

Dollhouse- quite a large venue and the punter somewhat remote from the girls but a good atmosphere and surprisingly the mamasan are not too pushy. Some very pretty girls (hence the name). Bar fine $3,000 pesos.

Champagne- small bar but great vibes. I admit I was there for their 21st anniversary party so not sure what it is like on a regular night but the seating along the wall keeps you close to the stage. Bar fine again $3,000. The girls really work the crowd- expect to buy several lady drinks.

La Bamba- great music and not a Korean in sight. DJ responds to requests for songs. Older crowd so expect to hear Tom Jones hits. Perhaps the most intimate bar. Bar fine $2,500.

Rhapsody- similar in style to La Bamba. Not too busy for a Saturday. You will be made to feel welcome. Bar fine around $2,500.

Monsoon- one of my favourite bars and seems to have loyal clientele. Very centrally located.

Viking- stayed for one beer. The waitresses didn't even hassle me to buy a lady drink. The bar is Korean owned and frequented by Koreans and they don't seem to care much for gringos.

Shooters- one of my old favourites but looking a bit run down now and there are many better options.

Voodoo- open 24 hours and connected to Kokomos- always a good choice at any hour. Expect to listen to AC / DC a lot. It is the place to go to after High Society closes. The waitresses are a lot of fun. I was told the bar fine is $3,000 which surprised me because I thought it would be less.

11-07-17, 08:21
......................Viking- stayed for one beer. The waitresses didn't even hassle me to buy a lady drink. The bar is Korean owned and frequented by Koreans and they don't seem to care much for gringos.Completely misleading.

Korean owner is the exception, and has welcomed non Koreans from day one. Consequently, very few Koreans monger at Vikings. Gringo's very much welcomed and represent the majority customer / bar finer. My previous Viking report 2/3 weeks ago is on this thread.

11-08-17, 08:06
I barfined was of the best performing / looking girls I've seen in a long time. Very young, big boobs (yes), bit thick in a very curvy way. I hoping the waitress that recommended her is correct about her skills. OMG they were off the charts best BJ every from Filipino. Unbelievable sex with great appetite wanted to be satisfied. We finish up. I'm thinking I've won the lottery. And then the psycho starts. A text saying her sister has died WTF. Wondering what the angle is. After she figures out I'm not buying she tries to sell me a pool pic of her for 300. I say no and then says next time can I go. And I'm like yes please LOL. What a bummer.

Red Kilt
11-08-17, 13:41
If anyone is visiting Angeles during 14-16 you need to be aware that the whole Clark area will be in some sort of lock-down over the next few days.

Note this advisory. There will be more in the next few days.


There are numerous road closures or restricted access in Manila between Nov 11 - 15. Already traffic is a clusterfuck due to Roxas lanes being closed.



If you plan to visit LA Cafe or any parts of bayside Manila you will find you are restricted in movement.

More importantly, if you are expecting girls to travel from places like Caloocan or Cavite to meet you in Manila, be prepared for them to either not be able to make it or to be very much delayed (ie late).

11-08-17, 18:46
If anyone is visiting Angeles during 14-16 you need to be aware that the whole Clark area will be in some sort of lock-down over the next few days.Oh no.

Am landing on 15th afternoon in Manila.

Hope that things get settled by then.

11-08-17, 21:57
I have walked into bars with the intention of spending sometimes 10 k pesos on a good time and still not gotten any attention because I am not Korean. How does any girl on that stage know how much money a person has in his pocket and how much he is willing to spend IF he gets the attention he is seeking. The girls are instructed to ignore non Koreans by Korean owners and managers, Thats the true problem NOT MONEY Koreans don; t want the rest of the worlds money. Its obvious on how they run there bars.Koreans and Japanese spreading their racist ways to other nations.

Red Kilt
11-09-17, 01:49
Oh no.

Am landing on 15th afternoon in Manila.

Hope that things get settled by then.You should be OK if you're coming into Manila by then but don't be surprised if your flight is delayed and you take forever to get out of the airport.
You posted in the AC thread so maybe you plan to go to Angeles after arrival.

For those flying into Clark, note the following:

A “no-fly zone” will be implemented up to 10,000 feet above and 40 nautical miles around Clarkfield Special Economic and Freeport Zone in Pampanga, from Nov. 9 to 14 from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., and on Nov. 15 from 4 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Chocha Monger
11-09-17, 01:54
Koreans and Japanese spreading their racist ways to other nations..Incorrect. Europeans colonized most of the world and brought it with them. The Spanish made it official under the encomienda system after Magellan began the invasion that resulted in his death in 1521. The Koreans and Japanese are just trying to keep the girls in their bars from being stretched out by somewhat larger Western penises. They complain about the girls not being tight after being pounded by Western mongers. The girls are ruined forever unless they have the money to go to one of those vaginal tightening and restoration clinics to get tuned up. The cost runs approximately 45 K to 60 K pesos not including the lost income over the 1-3 month recovery period that requires abstinence from sexual activity.

11-09-17, 02:04
I will be traveling to AC on Sunday the 12th from Makati. Last time I went by bus. Is anyone else going that day? And could we share a taxi? Related to that does anyone want to recommend and share driver contact info by PM?

C4 T.

Member #4566
11-09-17, 02:21
I will be traveling to AC on Sunday the 12th from Makati. Last time I went by bus. Is anyone else going that day? And could we share a taxi? Related to that does anyone want to recommend and share driver contact info by PM?

C4 T.Jump into any taxi (that is moving as opposed to one that hangs out at a hotel waiting for a tourist customer) and offer 2000 pesos to your hotel in AC. He pays tolls. Sell him on the idea that he can find customers on the way back at the Dau bus terminal. Always works for me except that I usually only offer 1500.

11-09-17, 10:19
I barfined was of the best performing / looking girls I've seen in a long time. Very young, big boobs (yes), bit thick in a very curvy way. I hoping the waitress that recommended her is correct about her skills. OMG they were off the charts best BJ every from Filipino. Unbelievable sex with great appetite wanted to be satisfied. We finish up. I'm thinking I've won the lottery. And then the psycho starts. A text saying her sister has died WTF. Wondering what the angle is. After she figures out I'm not buying she tries to sell me a pool pic of her for 300. I say no and then says next time can I go. And I'm like yes please LOL. What a bummer.The good ol runner. Its more and more common then you think now a days.

11-09-17, 10:23
If anyone is visiting Angeles during 14-16 you need to be aware that the whole Clark area will be in some sort of lock-down over the next few days.

Note this advisory. There will be more in the next few days.


There are numerous road closures or restricted access in Manila between Nov 11 - 15. Already traffic is a clusterfuck due to Roxas lanes being closed.



If you plan to visit LA Cafe or any parts of bayside Manila you will find you are restricted in movement.

More importantly, if you are expecting girls to travel from places like Caloocan or Cavite to meet you in Manila, be prepared for them to either not be able to make it or to be very much delayed (ie late).TRUMP along with a host of other nations Presidents coming to Angles city. Best thing to do IMO is lock down a girl NOV 14th and shack up with her till the 17th when its over why not.

11-09-17, 13:56
TRUMP along with a host of other nations Presidents coming to Angles city. Best thing to do IMO is lock down a girl NOV 14th and shack up with her till the 17th when its over why not.Is Trump coming to Angeles or Clark? I can find nothing about it just Manila.

Falcon 95
11-09-17, 15:23
I barfined a girl at Yakusoku bar recently. Actually, I didn't choose her. She chose me, which turned out to be a bad idea in this case. She agreed to stay until lunchtime the next day. At the hotel after shower, she says she wants to fuck just one time in the morning. Then what are we going to do until morning? Just sleep? I can do that alone. So I tell her I want one fuck now and another fuck in the morning. Then she says two fucks she wants tip. 200 pesos was the amount she stated. I said OK. Then she goes, "Oh, I not happy. " WTF. 200 pesos was what she wanted. So I tell her to get dressed and take her back to Yakusoku. This is where I forgot about the fact that it is more likely to get hit by a lightning than to receive a refund in the Phils. Of course, the mamasan, who was so friendly and all smiles before, turns into a dragon when I ask for a refund. "The manager not here. " I say I'll come back the next day. "The manager also not here tomorrow. " So they have a manager who never shows up to work. They offer to give me another girl. I probably should have told them to keep the 3,000 pesos and shove it up their asses. But somehow I ended up going back to the hotel with a tattooed deaf Filipino. I kid you not. After one lousy fuck, we both fell asleep. I didn't want to fuck her. I wanted my money back. In the morning, she motioned she was hungry so I ordered room service for her. Then she went back to sleep after smoking in the bathroom using the floor as an ashtray. She woke up around 2 pm. Now, you couldn't make this up. She can't speak but she knows how to demand a 2,000 peso tip using her hands. I give her a dirty look. Then she signals 1,000 pesos this time. I open the door and tell her to leave. She wouldn't leave. Then she pulls out her purse from her handbag and shows me her empty wallet. I don't care for this. Maybe she had to do this because she was deaf. But I still don't care for it. Maybe her purse is empty because she spent all her money on cigarettes and dying her hair. Now I'm thinking the first girl wouldn't have been half as bad. That girl wasn't expecting a tip for one fuck. This deaf girl was demanding a 2,000 peso tip for one fuck. It took me half an hour to get her to leave. I think she wanted to come to my hotel another day bypassing the bar and keep all the 3,000 pesos to herself. That's what she signaled. A three and three zeros and pointed to herself. But shouldn't that benefit both parties and not just her? So there's my Yakusoku story. Any comments or advice would be appreciated.

11-09-17, 16:43
The Koreans and Japanese are just trying to keep the girls in their bars from being stretched out by somewhat larger Western penises. They complain about the girls not being tight after being pounded by Western mongers. The girls are ruined forever unless they have the money to go to one of those vaginal tightening and restoration clinics to get tuned up. The cost runs approximately 45 K to 60 K pesos not including the lost income over the 1-3 month recovery period that requires abstinence from sexual activity.Some posts back I suggested that constant pounding stretches the pussy but some mongers stated that that is a fallacy and vaginas can remain tight even after continuous sex for years. I suspect they are opposed to the attitude of the Koreans and Japanese.

11-09-17, 19:38
Some posts back I suggested that constant pounding stretches the pussy but some mongers stated that that is a fallacy and vaginas can remain tight even after continuous sex for years. I suspect they are opposed to the attitude of the Koreans and Japanese.The girls I know with the tightest pussies have the most sex. Having kids on the other hand not good.

11-09-17, 20:29
I barfined a girl at Yakusoku bar recently. Actually, I didn't choose her. She chose me, which turned out to be a bad idea in this case. She agreed to stay until lunchtime the next day. At the hotel after shower, she says she wants to fuck just one time in the morning. Then what are we going to do until morning? Just sleep? I can do that alone. So I tell her I want one fuck now and another fuck in the morning. Then she says two fucks she wants tip. 200 pesos was the amount she stated. I said OK. Then she goes, "Oh, I not happy. " WTF. 200 pesos was what she wanted. So I tell her to get dressed and take her back to Yakusoku. This is where I forgot about the fact that it is more likely to get hit by a lightning than to receive a refund in the Phils. Of course, the mamasan, who was so friendly and all smiles before, turns into a dragon when I ask for a refund. "The manager not here. " I say I'll come back the next day. "The manager also not here tomorrow. " So they have a manager who never shows up to work. They offer to give me another girl. I probably should have told them to keep the 3,000 pesos and shove it up their asses. But somehow I ended up going back to the hotel with a tattooed deaf Filipino. I kid you not. After one lousy fuck, we both fell asleep. I didn't want to fuck her. I wanted my money back. In the morning, she motioned she was hungry so I ordered room service for her. Then she went back to sleep after smoking in the bathroom using the floor as an ashtray. She woke up around 2 pm. Now, you couldn't make this up. She can't speak but she knows how to demand a 2,000 peso tip using her hands. I give her a dirty look. Then she signals 1,000 pesos this time. I open the door and tell her to leave. She wouldn't leave. Then she pulls out her purse from her handbag and shows me her empty wallet. I don't care for this. Maybe she had to do this because she was deaf. But I still don't care for it. Maybe her purse is empty because she spent all her money on cigarettes and dying her hair. Now I'm thinking the first girl wouldn't have been half as bad. That girl wasn't expecting a tip for one fuck. This deaf girl was demanding a 2,000 peso tip for one fuck. It took me half an hour to get her to leave. I think she wanted to come to my hotel another day bypassing the bar and keep all the 3,000 pesos to herself. That's what she signaled. A three and three zeros and pointed to herself. But shouldn't that benefit both parties and not just her? So there's my Yakusoku story. Any comments or advice would be appreciated.Your post and the fact you have not paid the $20 membership, tells me everything about you. No wonder the girls prefer Koreans, LOL.

In 43 yrs I have never, repeat never, experienced anything like you experienced. You should head for hard core sex destinations, of which Philippines is not one.

11-09-17, 22:21
Some posts back I suggested that constant pounding stretches the pussy but some mongers stated that that is a fallacy and vaginas can remain tight even after continuous sex for years. I suspect they are opposed to the attitude of the Koreans and Japanese.What I heard is Koreans and Japanese are not so much afraid of vagina stretch but afraid of the girls getting infected with STD when the girl gets pounded raw by westerners. For some reason they think they are clean as a whistle when they pound everybody in sight raw. Knowing philippino girls like raw sex with everyone it is amazing.

I am not an expert if vagina stretch happens by constant pounding by large member. Child birth definitely does. I believe it is genetics. Some stay tight and some others not so. I met one AC bargirl who said she exclusively fucks Korean only had loose vagina. Besides what I heard is Asians liked to drink a lot, smoke a lot before they ever gets to fuck spinners they barfine. 3=3=3 might be redundant then.

11-09-17, 22:35
I barfined a girl at Yakusoku bar recently. Actually, I didn't choose her. She chose me, which turned out to be a bad idea in this case. She agreed to stay until lunchtime the next day. At the hotel after shower, she says she wants to fuck just one time in the morning. Then what are we going to do until morning? Just sleep? I can do that alone. So I tell her I want one fuck now and another fuck in the morning. Then she says two fucks she wants tip. 200 pesos was the amount she stated. I said OK. Then she goes, "Oh, I not happy. " WTF. 200 pesos was what she wanted. So I tell her to get dressed and take her back to Yakusoku. This is where I forgot about the fact that it is more likely to get hit by a lightning than to receive a refund in the Phils. Of course, the mamasan, who was so friendly and all smiles before, turns into a dragon when I ask for a refund. "The manager not here. " I say I'll come back the next day. "The manager also not here tomorrow. " So they have a manager who never shows up to work. They offer to give me another girl. I probably should have told them to keep the 3,000 pesos and shove it up their asses. But somehow I ended up going back to the hotel with a tattooed deaf Filipino. I kid you not. After one lousy fuck, we both fell asleep. I didn't want to fuck her. I wanted my money back. In the morning, she motioned she was hungry so I ordered room service for her. Then she went back to sleep after smoking in the bathroom using the floor as an ashtray. She woke up around 2 pm. Now, you couldn't make this up. She can't speak but she knows how to demand a 2,000 peso tip using her hands. I give her a dirty look. Then she signals 1,000 pesos this time. I open the door and tell her to leave. She wouldn't leave. Then she pulls out her purse from her handbag and shows me her empty wallet. I don't care for this. Maybe she had to do this because she was deaf. But I still don't care for it. Maybe her purse is empty because she spent all her money on cigarettes and dying her hair. Now I'm thinking the first girl wouldn't have been half as bad. That girl wasn't expecting a tip for one fuck. This deaf girl was demanding a 2,000 peso tip for one fuck. It took me half an hour to get her to leave. I think she wanted to come to my hotel another day bypassing the bar and keep all the 3,000 pesos to herself. That's what she signaled. A three and three zeros and pointed to herself. But shouldn't that benefit both parties and not just her? So there's my Yakusoku story. Any comments or advice would be appreciated.Forget about it and move on is my advice.

11-09-17, 22:40
Is Trump coming to Angeles or Clark? I can find nothing about it just Manila.Trump and mostly all others are landing in Clark. Trump will helicopter to Manila and back. All others wil travel by car / motorcade to Manila. NLEX and main roads will be closed down for the motorcades. The rest is top secret.

Chocha Monger
11-11-17, 00:44
I barfined a girl at Yakusoku bar recently. Actually, I didn't choose her. She chose me, which turned out to be a bad idea in this case. She agreed to stay until lunchtime the next day. At the hotel after shower, she says she wants to fuck just one time in the morning. Then what are we going to do until morning? Just sleep? I can do that alone. So I tell her I want one fuck now and another fuck in the morning. Then she says two fucks she wants tip. 200 pesos was the amount she stated. I said OK. Then she goes, "Oh, I not happy. " WTF. 200 pesos was what she wanted. So I tell her to get dressed and take her back to Yakusoku. This is where I forgot about the fact that it is more likely to get hit by a lightning than to receive a refund in the Phils. Of course, the mamasan, who was so friendly and all smiles before, turns into a dragon when I ask for a refund. "The manager not here. " I say I'll come back the next day. "The manager also not here tomorrow. " So they have a manager who never shows up to work. They offer to give me another girl. I probably should have told them to keep the 3,000 pesos and shove it up their asses. But somehow I ended up going back to the hotel with a tattooed deaf Filipino. I kid you not. After one lousy fuck, we both fell asleep. I didn't want to fuck her. I wanted my money back. In the morning, she motioned she was hungry so I ordered room service for her. Then she went back to sleep after smoking in the bathroom using the floor as an ashtray. She woke up around 2 pm. Now, you couldn't make this up. She can't speak but she knows how to demand a 2,000 peso tip using her hands. I give her a dirty look..Well, you did not tell the girl you were expecting two fucks before you left the bar. You told her that you wanted her to stay until lunchtime the following day and she agreed to those terms. From your report, you never discussed fucking before leaving the bar. The girl naturally assumed that you wanted company and fucking was not a priority. Since, you did not seem to be a horny man she was willing to give you one good fuck in the morning after you both had a good night of sleep. When you told her that you were a horny man and wanted to drill her twice, she offered to accommodate you for 200 pesos. She said that she was not happy but she did not refuse to fuck you twice under the new agreement. You set a very long time for the girl to remain with you but then you complained about the length of time she would be there without fucking. Of course, she was not happy as you blew your stack over how many times you were going to blow your load in her pussy instead of reassuring her that you were going to be fair and do your best to make sure you both had an enjoyable experience. You could have told her that you were willing to tip 200 pesos each time she made you blow a nut between that night and lunchtime the following day. Then you would be on here complaining about how much jizz she drained out of your balls trying to earn 1,000 pesos in tips. LOL!

However, you pouted and threw your rattle out of the pram deciding to go back to the bar. You gave the girl the impression that you wanted GFE but in the room, you turned into a hardcore monger only concerned about keeping her busy fucking as long as she was in the room. She was not thrilled at the idea of being pounded all night after realizing that she chose a fella with a volatile temper. If you showed up at the bar trembling with rage, then the mama would have reacted negatively towards that. The bar cannot make the girl fuck you because you paid bar fine. The mama tried to help you out by giving you another girl. She figured a deaf mute would suit your needs as you could fuck her as many times as you wanted without making any complaints. Yet, you only fucked her once, pouted that it was a lousy fuck and rolled over to sleep. So, you went through all the trouble of returning the first girl without fucking her because you wanted multiple fucks and you still fucked once. You did not enjoy fucking the deaf mute because you were still pouting over the bar not refunding your 3,000 pesos. LOL! The mama saw that you were a very difficult customer to please. Perhaps, short time bars are more your style. You can fuck the girls twice or whatever and let them go. Then you can sleep alone and not worry about them sleeping instead of fucking. Long-time GFE implies that you will give the girl BFE in return; otherwise, she will be miserable spending several hours with you.

Instead of giving the deaf mute an overpriced room service meal in the morning, you should have given her whatever that meal cost as a tip and sent her home. The time she spends with you has value besides the number of fucks you get out of her. Fucking a handicapped girl and sending her off with an empty wallet is a bit mean. LOL! She was willing to give you as many fucks as you felt entitled to but you did not want to fuck her. You wanted to sleep and dwell on the 3,000 pesos. In all fairness, what happened with the first girl was not her fault. All that rage over not getting two fucks and a 200-peso tip will only make the girls prefer Koreans more because they tip the girls even when they do not fuck them as they recognize time has value. At least you did not send the handicap girl home both hungry and penniless after you fucked her.

Manila is better for hardcore mongers. The girls there will do ST with the tip decided in advance and you have 2 hours to get in your two fucks before they leave.

11-11-17, 23:00

You gave the girl the impression that you wanted GFE but in the room, you turned into a hardcore monger only concerned about keeping her busy fucking as long as she was in the room.


Long-time GFE implies that you will give the girl BFE in return; otherwise, she will be miserable spending several hours with you.

snip...Chocha Monger, excellent analysis and excellent advice! With all the price policing and continuous bickering about excessive tipping going on at this forum, it is easy to loose sight of an obvious fact: GFE is a two way street.

I'm all for being price conscious and this forum does excellent work in educating mongers about current level of expected contributions. On the other hand, on Thailand thread there was a discussion about culture in certain bars: in stead of learning to give great service ladies are encouraged to try to milk every last baht (or peso) from the unsuspecting mongerer. Maybe it's time pay attention also to what kind of mongering culture we promote on this site or thread. Being fair or even generous within ones means is certainly part of this two way street.

But, to be fair, I have some friends who get a hard-on from getting an exceptional bargain, be it a lawnmower or a WG. I, on the other hand, am a know Captain Save-A-Hoe. Whatever floats ones goat.

11-12-17, 22:56
I will be traveling to AC on Sunday the 12th from Makati. Last time I went by bus. Is anyone else going that day? And could we share a taxi? Related to that does anyone want to recommend and share driver contact info by PM?

C4 T.When considering The Asean Summit and a 3 day holiday for Filipinos, it turns out that I stressed on this for nothing. My original idea that Sunday would make for an easy trip was true. I ended up on The Victory Liner for about 130 pesos. It took 90 minutes from the time we left. I did make inquiries about a taxi ride and was quoted 2,800 on 3 separate occasions. If anyone is familiar with Mr. T's taxi operation between Pattaya and Bangkok, this looks like a good business opportunity here. Not that I am interested in a good business opportunity anywhere.

Member #4566
11-13-17, 00:48
I ended up on The Victory Liner for about 130 pesos. It took 90 minutes from the time we left. You can pay 20 times that for a taxi and you won't get better service. Plus you will have the rich experience of local color. Who knows you might be seated next to a SYT returning to work with whom you can start a relationship.

11-13-17, 02:57
Forget about it and move on is my advice.

she wants tip. 200 pesos was the amount she stated. I said OK. Then she goes, "Oh, I not happy. " WTF. 200 pesos was what she wanted.I second the move on advise. Don't let it spoil your time. You got a replacement, which is more than I would have bothered with. WGs will deliver better service if in a better mind set. If the mood sours and changes, move on.

More places around the world are adopting the US custom of demanding tips, regardless of service.

11-13-17, 10:34
Jump into any taxi (that is moving as opposed to one that hangs out at a hotel waiting for a tourist customer) and offer 2000 pesos to your hotel in AC. He pays tolls. Sell him on the idea that he can find customers on the way back at the Dau bus terminal. Always works for me except that I usually only offer 1500.Been there, done that. However I have usually paid 2000.

11-13-17, 13:24
My original idea that Sunday would make for an easy trip was true.That is always a good idea. Sunday doesn't have rush hour. It is especially smart to leave on a Sunday if you go from Angeles to the airport. I've heard of people leaving 5 hours early on the weekday and still missing their flight.

You can pay 20 times that for a taxi and you won't get better service.But it is easier and less stressful if you take a private taxi. If you take the bus, you have to walk around with your luggage in the humidity. The taxi will be waiting for you and will deliver you to the front door of your hotel.

You still have to account for the additional time and cost. You have to take a taxi to the terminal. You have to wait for the bus to leave. You have to take the trike from Dau terminal to your hotel. So I guess another 180 pesos and another hour.

Also, I'm a little paranoid. I'm the most vulnerable when I'm traveling to my hotel. I'm carrying all 3 sets of my ATM / credit cards, all my cash, all my IDs, and all my electronics.

I'm on a moderate budget, but I normally will pay the extra 2490 pesos (2800 - 130 - 100 - 80).

11-13-17, 15:38
When considering The Asean Summit and a 3 day holiday for Filipinos, it turns out that I stressed on this for nothing. My original idea that Sunday would make for an easy trip was true. I ended up on The Victory Liner for about 130 pesos. It took 90 minutes from the time we left. I did make inquiries about a taxi ride and was quoted 2,800 on 3 separate occasions. If anyone is familiar with Mr. T's taxi operation between Pattaya and Bangkok, this looks like a good business opportunity here. Not that I am interested in a good business opportunity anywhere.Great you had an easy time going there. By the ticket price I will assume you went by bus from Dau to Cubao bus station near Quezon City. The NLEX has been expanded to 3 lanes each way and has helped with the traffic. Most of the traffic delays are after Cubao, like going to Pasay and NAIA. This part of the route was probably pretty smooth on that day too as most people have been warned to stay off the roads.

If you went from Dau to Pasay in 90 minutes then you really did well.

11-13-17, 20:49
..........Sunday doesn't have rush hour. It is especially smart to leave on a Sunday if you go from Angeles to the airport. I'.............Sunday, two weeks ago, Angeles to Terminal 3 Airport, sedan car ex Kokomo's travel office, took 3 hours. Bumper to bumper traffic once in Manila.

Thought it would take 2 hours, on a Sunday. Lucky I allowed 3 hours. Sunday can be a problem too. ABC helicopter lads. If its good enough for Trump, its good enough for you too, LOL.

11-14-17, 01:48
Great you had an easy time going there. By the ticket price I will assume you went by bus from Dau to Cubao bus station near Quezon City. The NLEX has been expanded to 3 lanes each way and has helped with the traffic. Most of the traffic delays are after Cubao, like going to Pasay and NAIA. This part of the route was probably pretty smooth on that day too as most people have been warned to stay off the roads.

If you went from Dau to Pasay in 90 minutes then you really did well.No, I went from Cubao to Dao.

Dion Cassius
11-15-17, 10:20
In fact it was a week and a half ago but never mind.

I chose to stay at Central park based on the recommendations on this site and also because of its location.

The room was good but the balcony's view was blocked by a concrete wall just 2 meters away: a building was being built next to the hotel (although the construction appeared to be stopped because I saw nor heard anyone working on the site). Weird.

You can come in with girls, no question asked by the staff, but every time they leave the room, the reception will call to check if everything is fine. I liked that.

Staff is nice but not always efficient: prior to my stay, answers to my mail were very slow, a wake up call never happened, and when I asked for a transport the last day at 17 h30 to take me to the airport, they called me at 5 h20 (morning) to tell me my taxi had arrived.

Food was average but, apparently it is to be expected in the Philippines. All in all, not up to the Thai standards.

Now, to the good stuff.

First night I was walking on fields taking my bearings wondering where I would go first. A girl from Lollypop hails me. She seems cute so I come to check. She is really cute and petite so I tell her let's go inside together. Her name was Reynalynn (not sure of the spelling). She was really fun, good dancer and seemed quite eager to get acquainted to some parts of my anatomy. I barfined her, took her back to my room. She is no pornstar (BBJ could be painful because I really could feel her teeth) but she proved to be very sweet: a real GFE. She left at noon the following day after three sessions. I gave her 500 pesos.

The next day I went to the big bars: Atlantis and Dollhouse. The first one was really boring. Especially compared to Lollypop where the girls where fun, interacting with the customers.

Dollhouse was a bit better and I had the cutest come sit with me (not many cuties BTW). I ended up barfining her for short time: good but not great.

Day three, I went back to Lollipop. I Barfined another cutie, short time only because all this action was starting to take a toll on me. Good GFE once again.

The following day I went to club XS: one of the MamaSans was friendly and willing to help so I stayed. I ended up barfining 2 girls who, I was told, would be good at providing a threesome with some lesbian performance. It was the worst experience I ever had with bar girls. They would not do anything together and the "model type" girl (who was more expensive) proved to be a real scam: couldn't care less about customer satisfaction. After they left, I was so pissed that I went back to the club and complained to the Mamasan who looked genuinely sorry for me but offered nothing more.

I wandered in fields And finally entered a bar because the door girl was cute. I think it was Owls Nest but I am not sure: it was one with a pool table inside but not Shipwrecked.

I started playing pool with the girl then with another customer: an American who appears to live here. We later went with this guy to Shipwrecked drink some more beers and ended up in High Society with a Brit. Some very cute girls inside.

At 4 in the morning I left (with no girl) because a taxi would fetch me at 5 to go hiking on the Pinatubo.

The following night, after an (very) early dinner I decided to check again at Lollipop. None of the girls I previously barfined were there. I paid lady drinks to two other girls. It was my last night so I decided to take both back to my room. I was particularly interested in playing with both of them in the Jacuzzi in the room. They are not Bisexual but it was very nice although I was finding difficult to come after so much mongering in such a short amount of time (Makati + Angeles).

As a conclusion, I loved my trip in the Philippines, particularly Angeles.

Lollipop ended up being my favorite bar: fun ambiance and several cute girls.

I am thinking of coming back.

Mr Enternational
11-15-17, 15:53
The following day I went to club XS: one of the MamaSans was friendly and willing to help so I stayed. I ended up barfining 2 girls who, I was told, would be good at providing a threesome with some lesbian performance. It was the worst experience I ever had with bar girls.Great report DC. I guess the theory of getting the mamasan to help is busted. Really shitty time when she chose chicks for you, but really great time when you chose your own.

11-16-17, 03:15
I think it actually more or less works out. White guys and Asian guys have different standards of Asian beauty. Their bottom shelf girls might very well be your top shelf. If you've never been to angeles I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself.

Hi all just wondering is there a problem in Philippines where girls from the top clubs will only go with Korean or Japanese guys?

I have read that white men are just left with the ugly girls. Is this true? I don't mind paying whatever is the market rate for top girls.

Dion Cassius
11-16-17, 05:34
I think it actually more or less works out. White guys and Asian guys have different standards of Asian beauty. Their bottom shelf girls might very well be your top shelf. If you've never been to angeles I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself.I didn't notice any problem with the girls while I was in Angeles.

11-16-17, 06:37
Great report DC. I guess the theory of getting the mamasan to help is busted. Really shitty time when she chose chicks for you, but really great time when you chose your own.I always wondered how the mamasan would know which of her girls where good or bad in the bed. Which ones would do the things you like to make you happy. The Only value I see in having the mamasan pick for you is that MAYBE just maybe when the girls see you with mamasan they will think you know her and will report back a bad performance. So they might try harder to make you happy if they think they get in trouble with mamasan if they don't. I rather pick myself and at least go with the look I like.

11-16-17, 06:44
I always wondered how the mamasan would know which of her girls where good or bad in the bed. Which ones would do the things you like to make you happy. The Only value I see in having the mamasan pick for you is that MAYBE just maybe when the girls see you with mamasan they will think you know her and will report back a bad performance. So they might try harder to make you happy if they think they get in trouble with mamasan if they don't. I rather pick myself and at least go with the look I like.Sometimes, the mamasan / papasan know which girl likes / dislikes foreigners, nice to know that.

11-16-17, 08:26
Mama will select one who is known to tip her generously. Alternatively, a close relation of mama san, who will also tip her generously.

Not thinking of you buddy. Money, money.

Charm City Dave
11-16-17, 17:57
Sunday, two weeks ago, Angeles to Terminal 3 Airport, sedan car ex Kokomo's travel office, took 3 hours. Bumper to bumper traffic once in Manila.

Thought it would take 2 hours, on a Sunday. Lucky I allowed 3 hours. Sunday can be a problem too. ABC helicopter lads. If its good enough for Trump, its good enough for you too, LOL.Anyone know what the cost is for the helo? I assume it takes you right to the airport in Manilla.

11-16-17, 18:33
Anyone know what the cost is for the helo? I assume it takes you right to the airport in Manilla.I did a search but no recent info. Last info was 4 years ago of app $250 that someone was guessing at. ABC does not provide the helo service but allows free use of their helo pad between 11 am to 4 pm. I imagine it is an outside service you can contract with.

I personally rather use that money for additional PNP and rest up in the 2-3 hour drive to Manila. I have made that drive from AC to NAIA in <2 hours during off peak Sunday hours.

Charm City Dave
11-17-17, 03:13
I did a search but no recent info. Last info was 4 years ago of app $250 that someone was guessing at. ABC does not provide the helo service but allows free use of their helo pad between 11 am to 4 pm. I imagine it is an outside service you can contract with.

I personally rather use that money for additional PNP and rest up in the 2-3 hour drive to Manila. I have made that drive from AC to NAIA in <2 hours during off peak Sunday hours.I'm a pilot so flying in a small aircraft in an interesting and different environment is always a draw for me. That said my flight to Siem Reap is on a Sunday at 7 PM, so I have plenty of time to travel overland with a big cushion for traffic.

11-17-17, 03:44
Arrived in Angeles City via Manila on last Tuesday night from Hong Kong. The ASEAN Summit was taking place in Manila. So the airports were causing massive plane delays. All over the city there were dedicated lanes for ASEAN & security vehicles. I saw battalions of police in riot gear at strategic junctions of major roads. The excitement was about President Trump and his entourage. The Filipinos were amazed at the size of the security and the complicating procedures which caused the most traffic jams.

I took a taxi (250 p) from NAIA to the Victory Bus Station in Pasay. I think Victory Liner has the most frequent air con buses to Dau (the bus station for AC). I was lucky, the bus took off about 10 minutes later. The fare was 150 p and the journey took 1 hour and 45 minutes, getting off at Dau. From Dau, I took a trike to my hotel Juanita's Guesthouse for 100 p (I know I usually paid 50 p but was too tired to haggle for a mere $1). After a quick trip to the supermarket in SM mall (bring your own bag to avoid paying for environment-destroying damaging beautiful light green SM plastic bags) to get fruits, fruit juices and beer, I returned to the hotel stopping along the way to buy a 6-LTR bottle of drinking water from JJ's Supermarket.

My favorite 20-yo girl arrived when I was in the shower. We chatted a little, then went to SM to have dinner. After that we stopped in Passions (formerly the-Club) to drink and listen to the music. In the 3 hours we were there, most of the time we were the only customers. Then we went back to the hotel for a great night of fun and sleep. She left the next morning around 11 AM. I gave her 3000 p. Her BF was 2,800 p but since she took off and came directly to me, she keep the whole 3000 p. So far so good.

11-17-17, 23:09
Yes, well it continues. Guys spending Western World levels of money for Phil pussy.

The stories of great earnings vibrates back to the girls Provinces, motivating more girls to arrive in Angeles, to find their pot of gold.

I see one girl on this page cost the Punter Pesos 5,800 (approximately 300 - 400 hours of work for that same girl, elsewhere) , plus dinner for two at a Restaurant, plus 3 hours of drinking at a club. Fair to say he spent around P8 to 9,000 for that piece of pussy. You $180 approx. .

"It's my money" applies, yes. For newbies ref however, my piece of pussy would cost me, on average P1500 to P2000 all up. You $40 approx.

Thanks "big spenders" for getting my nice piece of pussy all the way, from the Provinces, to me, in Angeles. Appreciated.

Nobody (girl) has called me Cheap Charlie, yet. I prefer to be charming, and return to my country with some moolah in my pocket, LOL.

Engine Driver
11-18-17, 00:15
After a quick trip to the supermarket in SM mall (bring your own bag to avoid paying for environment-destroying damaging beautiful light green SM plastic bags) to get fruits, fruit juices and beer, This is not a forum for environmental rants and left leaning propaganda. Please stay on topic. Thank you.

11-18-17, 03:49
This is not a forum for environmental rants and left leaning propaganda. Please stay on topic. Thank you.Correct, correct. Focus on the target. Pussy! (Thank You, Pussy).