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11-18-17, 05:36
This is not a forum for environmental rants and left leaning propaganda. Please stay on topic. Thank you.This hardly qualifies as a rant, and being environment friendly does not necessarily reflect this gentleman's political inclinations. Chill and peace out fellow mongerer.
"Save a mouse, eat a pussy"

11-19-17, 02:06
This is not a forum for environmental rants and left leaning propaganda. Please stay on topic. Thank you.Thank goodness condoms are usually not considered plastic. Then again, there should be no tax if used to package meat.

Engine Driver
11-19-17, 04:58
This hardly qualifies as a rant, and being environment friendly does not necessarily reflect this gentleman's political inclinations. Chill and peace out fellow mongerer.
"Save a mouse, eat a pussy"My country is being overrun by self-righteous, homo loving, virtue signalling, social justice warriors. This forum is the only un-PC place I can find these days and I sure would be glad if it stayed that way.

11-19-17, 05:51
My country is being overrun by self-righteous, homo loving, virtue signalling, social justice warriors. This forum is the only un-PC place I can find these days and I sure would be glad if it stayed that way.Hmm, this post is right leaning propaganda. But that is OK?
Just wondering if you had reacted the same way when the original poster had made a right leaning post.

Engine Driver
11-19-17, 06:30
Hmm, this post is right leaning propaganda. But that is OK?
Just wondering if you had reacted the same way when the original poster had made a right leaning post.Touché, sir.

11-19-17, 07:17
My country is being overrun by self-righteous, homo loving, virtue signalling, social justice warriors. This forum is the only un-PC place I can find these days and I sure would be glad if it stayed that way.OMG even here, there are guys like him. Guys who don't live for the future but for the past and who believe in "make America great again". Thats gloomy.

11-19-17, 14:15
Anyone had any experience with the girls that work the area on Johnny & Henyfel Streets?

Most of the look pretty rough, sometimes there is a good looker there. Just wondering if the risk is offset by price / value.


D Cups
11-19-17, 14:26
Spot on, ED. Meanwhile I hope some lucky stud is banging one or more of the three busty waitresses at Phillies. I tried to get their numbers but struck out.

My country is being overrun by self-righteous, homo loving, virtue signalling, social justice warriors. This forum is the only un-PC place I can find these days and I sure would be glad if it stayed that way.

11-19-17, 14:33
OMG even here, there are guys like him. Guys who don't live for the future but for the past and who believe in "make America great again". Thats gloomy.Cannot argue with you on that so true. Young chicks know what time it is. Trust me.

11-19-17, 18:42
Anyone had any experience with the girls that work the area on Johnny & Henyfel Streets?

Most of the look pretty rough, sometimes there is a good looker there. Just wondering if the risk is offset by price / value.

BD.I have driven by there many times on the back seat of a trike which allowed me a good view and at times a bg or 2 inside the trike. The bg have told me the pricing was 300. Most of all the girls looked pretty rough, possibly from drugs.

Now your question of risk being offset by price? Depends on how you value your health, life and money? Do you eat cheap food to save a few pesos? Do you drink from city water to save money on bottled water?

Personally I do not need to run the risk / price analysis thru a computer to come to my valuation.

11-19-17, 18:50
Yes, well it continues. Guys spending Western World levels of money for Phil pussy.

The stories of great earnings vibrates back to the girls Provinces, motivating more girls to arrive in Angeles, to find their pot of gold.

I see one girl on this page cost the Punter Pesos 5,800 (approximately 300 - 400 hours of work for that same girl, elsewhere) , plus dinner for two at a Restaurant, plus 3 hours of drinking at a club. Fair to say he spent around P8 to 9,000 for that piece of pussy. You $180 approx. .

"It's my money" applies, yes. For newbies ref however, my piece of pussy would cost me, on average P1500 to P2000 all up. You $40 approx.

Thanks "big spenders" for getting my nice piece of pussy all the way, from the Provinces, to me, in Angeles. Appreciated.

Nobody (girl) has called me Cheap Charlie, yet. I prefer to be charming, and return to my country with some moolah in my pocket, LOL.As I stated before the big spenders sudsidizes the bargain spenders.

11-20-17, 00:14
OMG even here, there are guys like him. Guys who don't live for the future but for the past and who believe in "make America great again". Thats gloomy.A bit off point I know, but one of the nice things about living here, is that you don't often run into folks with that point of view; in fact where I am, you don't run into many Americans at all.

To get back on topic, the last time is was in AC, which was about 3 months ago, I had a couple of really good nights at Eruptions; a bar to which I'the neve paid much attention prior to that visit.


11-20-17, 03:32
Mama will select one who is known to tip her generously. Alternatively, a close relation of mama san, who will also tip her generously.

Not thinking of you buddy. Money, money.Mamasan Wants customer to buy her drinks. At XS the mamasan just plodded herself next to me and kept recommending various girls and I was annoyed. When I ordered my second drink, the waitress brazenly asked if I wanted to buy Mamasan a drink. She was thrilled when I bought both of them a drink and she made it up by sitting on my lap and be affectionate. She drank very slowly, so plenty of time. Upstairs near the pool table we danced to several songs and my bill was 1500 pesos. Outrageous. I like the shows at XS and will go back again, but this time I will specify single drink only.

11-20-17, 08:27
Back in ATown after 8 months, thinking, "better brush up on my Korean!" Bloody hell, are we whitefellas just about to get pushed below the horizon in our search for lovely and cheap mut?

On top of that, after a couple of very ordinary starfish, I am sitting staring deep into my black coffee – double laced with Bushmills – thinking, "is this really for me anymore?" The wham-bam-let-me-out of-here-with-my-money-old-man extraordinarily ordinary fucks, the hand diving down my why-fronts in search of pesos only, the complete lack of emotion, association, companionableness. Can't you even try, love? Dearie me. Long, long think about whether or if the fun really has gone, gone for good? Not to mention heat, filth and daytime boredom.

Ah, too soon. I guess there will always be a saving grace, a lovely coffee-coloured gal with perky little pointy tits, flat belly, fleshy arse and a few cubic inches of juicy hot twat. A genuine LBFM who loves cock, loves to fuck, says yes to whatever and loves to please her man. Who will smile and laugh and make you feel alright. Exactly the kind of gal you can pound so fucken hard you think you might fuck her head through the wall at the spa when you doggie her on the massage table, a lovely lass who can make you feel you can blow your balls with the force of a runaway ore train in the Pilbara as you yell out at top volume on the vinegar stroke, "You fucken bewdy!" A gal who leaves you tingling and empty and falls asleep in your arms. That'the be Lusia, lovely massage gal from a little joint out on MacArthur Highway. A long Thursday night with her then a Sunday brunch and blow, before a night flight out. Normal service restored. Angeles, I will be back soon.

11-20-17, 10:02
I started frequent this forum in my early 30's. Now approaching 50, and a bit tired of the AC scene for the last few years hence a few posts, it's good to see an old member like GoodEnough still swinging. I thought you must have had a billion post by now. My hat is off to you, to the good old days when the bar fine was 1000 p.

11-20-17, 10:47
I started frequent this forum in my early 30's. Now approaching 50, and a bit tired of the AC scene for the last few years hence a few posts, it's good to see an old member like GoodEnough still swinging. I thought you must have had a billion post by now. My hat is off to you, to the good old days when the bar fine was 1000 p.Thanks. It's good to still be breathing. I don't post as often now as I used to simply cause I have less to say that's insightful or new. Most of the topics are well covered by others. Also I travel less in the Philippines than I used to, which gives me less to write about. I have discovered some interesting stuff about Davao that I'd be willing to share with senior members via the messaging system, but nothing I want to post about.


11-20-17, 11:16
......................my bill was 1500 pesos. Outrageous. I like the shows at XS and will go back again, but this time I will specify single drink only.I say to waitress "She (girl sitting with me) is single, I am single, so single drink". Bit of smile follows and a touchy subject overcome. Of course, if girl said she is married I would have to buy "doubles" LOL.

Order doubles, and your money soon disappears.

11-20-17, 12:57
Spot on, ED. Meanwhile I hope some lucky stud is banging one or more of the three busty waitresses at Phillies. I tried to get their numbers but struck out.I was banging a Phillies waitress for a time. Freebie met via dating site. She used to stay and get dressed in her Phillies uniform or come home in uniform. I still go to Phillies and just have such good memories.

Sadly, the pay is rubbish there, the hours are long. The attraction of an OFW posting is too strong and she left to go on a two year contract in an overseas port.


11-20-17, 16:18
I stopped in for a three night stay. As I explained to a board member who PM'd me after my last visit, asking why the heck I, a BJ guy at heart, keep coming here I can only say that I am drawn like a moth to a flame. This time, though, I took precautions: I got a couple $400 BJ's in Tokyo. I figured for a price like that they should last until I get back to Thailand. I was, of course, wrong, but it sounded good at the time.

I started with the afternoon shift at Pony Tails. This used to be pretty good. Often better than the night crew. But perhaps the gems had already been taken by 5 PM. That evening I hit Atlantis, Dollhouse, and made a very brief stop at Tropix. Atlantis didn't seem up to its usual quality but was still the better of the first two, with the Dollhouse having only two or three BF-worthy candidates. My BF from last visit there had, of course, left, either because she knew she'd never again meet a man like me or to make sure that she would never again meet a man like me. The night's prime BF candidate somehow vanished from the stage as a waitress was making sure that I did, in fact, see that there were women on the stage, using the majestic, "All this can be yours" wave. I turned to let her know that I was vaguely aware of this and when I looked back the Prime Choice was gone. That took care of that decision so I paid for my two unopened waters and left through the back entrance to check out Tropix. Alas, there was some sort of beauty contest going on and while the contestants were certainly hot, I didn't know if they were available or at what price so I headed back through the Dollhouse and to the street.

The next day I had to give the maid time to rummage through my stuff, plus needed to make a NAIA car booking at Margarita Station, so I headed out in the afternoon, never a good idea for someone from a sub-arctic climate. I tried Pony Tails again (no better), made the booking and headed to try the daytime action on (not) Walking Street. I survived as far as Angel Witch where the typically awesome tunes and more importantly the possibility of air conditioning lured me in and soon I had a new best friend, Cecilia, I think, sitting beside me. She told the waitress that I was her friend, which ensured the best service and only the freshest bottled water, which she offered to open. I declined the offer. The unopened bottle thing is always tough to explain, but she quickly moved on to the majestic wave at the uniformly overweight lineup. No, I was just looking, thank you. Oh, you just want to relax, yes? Hey, she wasn't as dumb as she looked. You want massage? No thank you. You sure? Will be very good. Yes, I'm sure. I'm trying to relax, remember? Oh, yes. Hey, this is my friend. Maybe she join us?

I paid and left having heard maybe one song over her screeching. That paled, though, in comparison to Monsoon, where two of the three dancers hopped off the stage, bringing their lunch with them which, to their credit, they did offer to share. Each, side by side, asked the same battery of questions. Name, country, hotel, etc. - as if to error check my answers, like typing in a new password twice, except the website is usually not overweight and you can turn off the speaker if it has a screechy voice. Then it transpired that their lunch had made them really, really, thirsty, and this was mentioned at great length. Within five minutes of entering I had paid and left.

The night was a repeat but with an added stop at Club Asia which has had, by my taste, the best lookers of the admittedly small samplings on my recent trips. The problem is that I was 0-2 at BF's there, my impression being Club Asia: It's not just a name, it's a customer preference. I went there for the eye candy and to verify that once again the object of my lust from three visits ago was again in Manila, back home, in a convent or whatever. The last two visits each had conflicting stories on successive nights. It was sort of a stupid quest, anyway, given that she was one of the 0-2 record of accepting bar fines there. The eye candy was there; she was not. Then the shocker: Both the waitresses who for whatever reason remember me and my quest reported that she had been working the night before! The $400 BJ's had worn off long before so my lower brain had control: I would return the next night.

And the next night there she was! Birds chirped, angels sang, private parts got hard! The angst that she had turned porky in the last year and a half were unfounded. Ever see that hot chick from your high school twenty years later? Times must be tough: She brought up the BF herself! Many warnings had to be ignored: She had previously declined; she is a very demure, shy type; I'm not Asian. But it had now been three days since the $400 BJ's. Enough said: We were on our way! And on our way. And on our way. It took the trike thirty minutes to get to the ABC. There were some fireworks, and not inside the trike, where much time was spent doing important things on her phone, probably changing FB status to "It's overweight and not Asian but I need the rent money. ".

In the room, though, she warmed up. Not a tiger but not a starfish, either. Responded well to DATY, mish and doggy. Not in a hurry to leave, which for me is scary. Asked If I had whatever those contact things are. WeChat? Line? I'm old. I don't do that. Sort of bittersweet: On the one hand I don't want girls contacting me. On the other it could lead to cheaper meetings. On the third hand (that cloud from Chernobyl really got around) I really don't mind the 3000 BF, so to hell with Hand Two.

Probably shouldn't mention disasters, e. G. , Chernobyl. Got in trouble for that a while back for a lesser one. Apologies in advance to the thin-skinned.

Chocha Monger
11-20-17, 21:16
Thank goodness condoms are usually not considered plastic. Then again, there should be no tax if used to package meat.Actually, while pure latex is biodegradable the vast majority of latex condoms contain chemical additives to increase their resistance to breakage during vigorous thrusting in tight poorly lubricated orifices. Unfortunately, these chemical additives to latex condoms do their job so well that they make the breakdown of discarded condoms extremely difficult in the natural environment. Many of the ultra-thin sensitive condoms designed for those with latex allergies are polyurethane, which is definitely non-biodegradable. So, some poor endangered sea turtle could end up choking to death on a cum-filled condom washed out to the ocean and mistaken for a jellyfish. Skip the condom, save a sea turtle.

Chocha Monger
11-20-17, 22:10
This hardly qualifies as a rant, and being environment friendly does not necessarily reflect this gentleman's political inclinations. Chill and peace out fellow mongerer.
"Save a mouse, eat a pussy"There is nothing wrong with environmentally responsible mongering. One can be a sporting man and still purchase carbon credits to offset the emissions from their air travel. I do my part by only fucking sustainably sourced Pinays, preferably farm to bed whenever possible. Bareback is the most environmentally friendly sex. However, if the girl requests a condom, I make sure to use only biodegradable condoms made of fair-trade rubber free of cancer causing chemical additives.

For extremely tight Pinay snatches, I use a cruelty-free organic lubricant. I do not use any vibrators or dildos containing phthalates on the ladies, as such chemicals are carcinogenic and can cause infertility. Finally, I stick it to Big Pharma by warning the girls about the queer effects of hormonal birth control residues in the environment such as three-legged frogs and transsexual fish.

11-20-17, 23:57
I stopped in for a three night stay. As I explained to a board member who PM'd me after my last visit, asking why the heck I, a BJ guy at heart, keep coming here I can only say that I am drawn like a moth to a flame. This time, though, I took precautions: I got a couple $400 BJ's in Tokyo. I figured for a price like that they should last until I get back to Thailand. I was, of course, wrong, but it sounded good at the time.Thanks for the detailed report. Sounds like mostly fun.

Tropix always seems to have a beauty contest. My understanding is that the girls go for the standard BF rate. If you weren't there to see the win then it really has no value. Has some value if you think you are screwing a beauty queen.

I like a waitress there, older, more mature and sensible. Took her away for a weekender and had a nice mature couples weekend. Not like a needy 24 yo bargirl experience.


11-21-17, 01:48
My understanding is that the girls go for the standard BF rate.Wow! Now I wish I'd looked into it a bit more! There were some real lookers. Maybe next time. Thanks!

11-21-17, 02:56
Thanks to WazWallaby and Oosik for some great reading today. All to painfully and joyously true.

11-21-17, 03:06
I was banging a Phillies waitress for a time. Freebie met via dating site. She used to stay and get dressed in her Phillies uniform or come home in uniform. I still go to Phillies and just have such good memories.

Sadly, the pay is rubbish there, the hours are long. The attraction of an OFW posting is too strong and she left to go on a two year contract in an overseas port.

BD.I understand that most of Phillies waitresses have foreign boyfriends remitting money, so with additional customer tipping, need for money not so critical. But I am sure they will perform for the right money and guy.

11-21-17, 03:39
I have noticed so many guys are amazingly naive and are taken in easily by girl story lines. Really, do look at You tube where there are some terrific videos by bar girls or former bar girls. They talk openly and frankly about how a girl usually assess you on entry into a bar, scamming men on dating sites, their thoughts about being with older men, the concept of the so called male cousin, which translates to husband, the hard luck stories, hygiene, experiences and so on. Understanding the mind set of girls enables one to cut to the chase to get better results.

11-21-17, 05:13
I have noticed so many guys are amazingly naive and are taken in easily by girl story lines. Really, do look at You tube where there are some terrific videos by bar girls or former bar girls. They talk openly and frankly about how a girl usually assess you on entry into a bar, scamming men on dating sites, their thoughts about being with older men, the concept of the so called male cousin, which translates to husband, the hard luck stories, hygiene, experiences and so on. Understanding the mind set of girls enables one to cut to the chase to get better results.Gee, I don't see that as a problem. I see it as part of the fun.

I think the girls 'performance' in this regard, depends on their assessment of the Mongers experience. The more experienced monger consequently, misses out on a lot of the fun / stories / tactics.

Bar girls are devious, mongers are devious. "Let the games begin"!

11-21-17, 07:08
I am not sure with what they coat yours, but my preferred coating kills the swimmers but weakens the condom.

Actually, while pure latex is biodegradable the vast majority of latex condoms contain chemical additives to increase their resistance to breakage during vigorous thrusting in tight poorly lubricated orifices. Unfortunately, these chemical additives to latex condoms do their job so well that they make the breakdown of discarded condoms extremely difficult in the natural environment. Many of the ultra-thin sensitive condoms designed for those with latex allergies are polyurethane, which is definitely non-biodegradable. So, some poor endangered sea turtle could end up choking to death on a cum-filled condom washed out to the ocean and mistaken for a jellyfish. Skip the condom, save a sea turtle.

11-21-17, 08:03
I have noticed so many guys are amazingly naive and are taken in easily by girl story lines. Really, do look at You tube where there are some terrific videos by bar girls or former bar girls. They talk openly and frankly about how a girl usually assess you on entry into a bar, scamming men on dating sites, their thoughts about being with older men, the concept of the so called male cousin, which translates to husband, the hard luck stories, hygiene, experiences and so on. Understanding the mind set of girls enables one to cut to the chase to get better results.Do you have some links for us to those videos?

11-21-17, 09:55

I paid and left having heard maybe one song over her screeching. That paled, though, in comparison to Monsoon, where two of the three dancers hopped off the stage, bringing their lunch with them which, to their credit, they did offer to share. Each, side by side, asked the same battery of questions. Name, country, hotel, etc. - as if to error check my answers, like typing in a new password twice, except the website is usually not overweight and you can turn off the speaker if it has a screechy voice. Then it transpired that their lunch had made them really, really, thirsty, and this was mentioned at great length. Within five minutes of entering I had paid and left.

.... SNIPWonderful writing mate, a good laugh. +1.


11-21-17, 13:59
Gee, I don't see that as a problem. I see it as part of the fun.

I think the girls 'performance' in this regard, depends on their assessment of the Mongers experience. The more experienced monger consequently, misses out on a lot of the fun / stories / tactics.

Bar girls are devious, mongers are devious. "Let the games begin"!Yes, I mostly agree with you. After a while expect anything, treat it as a game or theater, play your role, everybody is an actor in one way or another. Enjoy.

11-22-17, 13:43
Having been on Pinalove for a year there are some regular scrags who should be avoided. Different names and profiles, sames pictures and modus operandi.

Then again Pinalove is still a good place for talent. Can just dial up your are preference and there are a handful for Pampanga. Do check the recent activity as any profile that hasn't been accessed for 14 days is most likely inactive. There are many less that it appears.

On Monday dialled up my preferred age range and found a nice call center girl that was on a day off. While I don't go into specifics of what I'm expecting just being polite has always done well for me. Over she came, ten minutes late, a bit of chit chat and a beer. Off to bed and as she said "She wants everything". What a great night and followup morning.

While she was good in bed, nice body, the cups and 'everything' is available she was a little clingy. Have avoided her since and her message frequency has dropped to a low hopeful ambient level.

Happy hunting gents.


11-24-17, 03:04
I know this topic has been beat to death, but I thought I would add my perspective.

In this past year I have made trips to Angeles (Repeat customer), as well as Pattaya (First time since 1983). At that time Pattaya was great. Young willing girls at the beer bars as opposed to the good looking ones working at high priced GoGo bars with the beer bars populated by women that made me question my travel plans.

I had high expectations for Pattaya but was disappointed at what it has become insofar as high prices, looks and attitude. On purely economic terms I get much more for my money from PI (AC and Subic) as opposed to Pattaya. In addition, in the Philippines I can hold a conversation and not feel like I am listening to dialogue from the movie "Mars Attacks".


11-24-17, 17:17
Two things that I absolutely Love about walking around Fields AVE Is when I get the long eye to eye contact stare, head turn and flirty smile from a girl I have never ever met before (a total stranger) walking by me hanging onto some other guys arm or holding his hand. Its gives me such a Adrenalin rush. This happens quite frequently to me least 3-5 times a week. I always get a good laugh at the other guys expense cause they never have a clue she's doing it. Just goes to show that a bargirl never stops looking for that next potential customer even if she's already got one. And the second one is walking past a girl hanging on a guys arm or holding his hand I have previously bar find before and having her look away or bury her head into the guy she's walking with in the hopes I don't see her. Has anyone else noticed this happening to them also. I think its funny has hell.

Mr Enternational
11-24-17, 17:42
Two things that I absolutely Love about walking around Fields AVE Is when I get the long eye to eye contact stare, head turn and flirty smile from a girl I have never ever met before (a total stranger) walking by me hanging onto some other guys arm or holding his hand. Its gives me such a Adrenalin rush. This happens quite frequently to me least 3-5 times a week. I always get a good laugh at the other guys expense cause they never have a clue she's doing it. Just goes to show that a bargirl never stops looking for that next potential customer even if she's already got one. LOL. I thought you were going to say 2 or 3 times a day. 2 or 3 times a week is not frequent at all. That happens with damn near every chick I pass that is walking with a guy (I usually try to initiate it). And the thing is that she is doing the same with other guys when she is walking with you. When I am home in Pattaya I will tell a girl when he goes back home you come see me.

We are just renting pussy. We are not supposed to be vying for her undivided love and attention. Likewise, after I have made a deal with her I am also looking for the next potential pussy to rent. It works both ways (not that it matters at all).

11-24-17, 21:18

Can anybody tell me what I can expect from Angeles during the holidays? I guess all the girls are in the province on Christmas and new year, right?

Thanks. I justed wanted to compare my newbie point of view with what experts can tell.

11-24-17, 22:48
I will tell a girl when he goes back home you come see me.
Isn't that against the code? I mean even if she is a working girl we don't talk to her if she is with someone.

11-24-17, 23:33

Can anybody tell me what I can expect from Angeles during the holidays? I guess all the girls are in the province on Christmas and new year, right?

Thanks. I justed wanted to compare my newbie point of view with what experts can tell.There are still literally thousands of bargirls even during the holidays. You will run out of vacation before you run out of new pussy.

11-24-17, 23:46
Isn't that against the code? ........The only code is: "Find them, feel them, fuck them, forget them".

11-24-17, 23:50
Isn't that against the code? I mean even if she is a working girl we don't talk to her if she is with someone.The only code is don't end up in a third world jail cell.

Wicked Roger
11-25-17, 04:48

Can anybody tell me what I can expect from Angeles during the holidays? I guess all the girls are in the province on Christmas and new year, right?

Thanks. I justed wanted to compare my newbie point of view with what experts can tell.A quick RTFF and you would find a reply from my ISG mate Brain Drain to the same question this year so try as the reply was useful and informative.

Or perhaps get a subscription and PM facility as this this subject and the answer is easily known already and my RTFF was around 4 seconds.

Looking forward to hearing about your time in AC over Christmas as that is an interesting time.

11-25-17, 07:16
LOL. I thought you were going to say 2 or 3 times a day. 2 or 3 times a week is not frequent at all. That happens with damn near every chick I pass that is walking with a guy (I usually try to initiate it). And the thing is that she is doing the same with other guys when she is walking with you. When I am home in Pattaya I will tell a girl when he goes back home you come see me.

We are just renting pussy. We are not supposed to be vying for her undivided love and attention. Likewise, after I have made a deal with her I am also looking for the next potential pussy to rent. It works both ways (not that it matters at all).Actually I did say week BUT its quite a bit more frequent then that BUT I didn't want to appear that I am some handsome drop dead gorgeous specimen of the male human that filipinas can't keep their eyes off of. Thou It does give me a huge Adrenalin rush and ego boost when it happens. I always wondered why they did this. I am talking only about the girls I have never ever seen before ever before that moment in time Why the long stare down and flirty smile when they are with a guy already. Sure girls that know me will notice me and acknowledge me

11-25-17, 07:25
Isn't that against the code? I mean even if she is a working girl we don't talk to her if she is with someone.Its like a BRO code thing, don't cut in on another guys action. Even when I know the girl a very long time with multiple times spent with her the most I do is give a little wave to them or smile if they are entertaining another guy. But they do try to hide fro, m me if they see me which I find quite funny and cute. Truth is thou IF I know the girl and been with her I get a little Jealous seeing her with another guy too. Guess its a human thing.

11-25-17, 21:40
Its like a BRO code thing, don't cut in on another guys action. Even when I know the girl a very long time with multiple times spent with her the most I do is give a little wave to them or smile if they are entertaining another guy. But they do try to hide fro, m me if they see me which I find quite funny and cute. Truth is thou IF I know the girl and been with her I get a little Jealous seeing her with another guy too. Guess its a human thing.I had a friend that would stare at the girls and try to get them to smile when they were with other guys. I told him that was not cool because most of the time the guy would get mad at the girl and never say anything to my friend!

11-25-17, 22:48
A couple weeks ago I was outside of the hotel waiting for a bg to arrive on her sneak out day off. Meanwhile I get a text from another bg that she wants to see me and she is at the hotel now! Before I could reply no that I am busy, she is escorted out the door by her date. We look at each other as she walks by and neither of us says a word as he puts her in a trike.

One minute later my bg arrives. Funny thing is my bg and the departing bg works at the same bar and are decent friends and do not know that I am seeing both of them. I wonder if they would have acknowledged each other if they had passed or if there is a code of conduct?

11-25-17, 22:55
Why would mongers want to take sides of the girls over their fellow mongerers is beyond me. My code is bros before hoes. Acknowledging their flirting or whatever you want to call it, just empowers them at the expense of the guys. It just shows that they don't give a fuck about the guy, and can't bother even with a half assed GFE act. If I see a guy with a chick I would like to bang, if I can I give an appreciative smile to the guy not the fucking girl.

"Mongers of the world unite. ".

11-25-17, 23:05
Why would mongers want to take sides of the girls over their fellow mongerers is beyond me. My code is bros before hoes. Acknowledging their flirting or whatever you want to call it, just empowers them at the expense of the guys. It just shows that they don't give a fuck about the guy, and can't bother even with a half assed GFE act. If I see a guy with a chick I would like to bang, if I can I give an appreciative smile to the guy not the fucking girl.

"Mongers of the world unite. ".Now ya talking'.

Bro's before Ho's. Simple, and correct.

We hear you Conqueror, and we are with you!

11-25-17, 23:45
Why would mongers want to take sides of the girls over their fellow mongerers is beyond me. My code is bros before hoes. Acknowledging their flirting or whatever you want to call it, just empowers them at the expense of the guys. It just shows that they don't give a fuck about the guy, and can't bother even with a half assed GFE act. If I see a guy with a chick I would like to bang, if I can I give an appreciative smile to the guy not the fucking girl.

"Mongers of the world unite. ".I am not taking sides with any group. I have found the hoes in general are more honest than the so called "bros". Anyway I don't poach on anybody's girl. Plenty of girls out there along with their sisters and friends.

11-26-17, 00:04
In my humble, arrogant, aggressive, opinion.

"Be fair, but firm" with the ladies, is the best policy.

Ass licking the ladies will only beget negative results for all of us.

Resist feminism, or we are doomed!

Chocha Monger
11-26-17, 01:13
Trying to get a girl's attention when she is with another man in a town full of other available girls is juvenile behavior. If one does not know the girl or the fella she is with, there is the risk starting a dispute with a married couple or a non-monger tourist / expat with a non-hooker girlfriend. It is nice way to ruin one's vacation if things escalate.

If one fucked the girl before, it is still a bad idea to start flirting with her while she is on the clock with another fella. Only a rude inconsiderate girl would entertain antics from her previous tricks. Frankly, that sort of girl is dangerous and enjoys creating drama. I was caught up in one such immature hooker's drama. My wingman had fucked her on the two previous nights. Apparently, he wanted some fresh meat on the third night when we visited her bar. We sat having drinks and watching the show on stage, when the girl came over to our table hugging and kissing him. She wanted him to bar fine her again that night but he was not showing much interest.

He asked her why she did not sit down and have a drink. That is when she revealed that she had unfinished drinks with an Arab fella and his entourage at a table in a far dark corner of the bar. My wingman told her to go back to her customer, which she did reluctantly. Anyway, a bit later the Arab fella came over and said something to my friend, then returned to his table. About 10 minutes later, the Arab fella is back again saying something to my friend again who is ignoring him. He went back to his table and I asked my friend if he knew the fella. He said that he did not but the fella was upset about his interaction with the girl. I thought that was the end of it.

However, later on, the Arab fella was back and this time his spoke to me. He told me that he would attack my friend if he had contact with the girl again, then he proceeded to threaten me. Well, I just stood up and bent his beak. His friends ran over dragged him over to their table. At that point, security showed up asked for their IDs and made copies. After that, security took them to the register to pay their bills and escorted them out the bar.

All of that drama was because the girl did not respect the fact that she was on the Arab fella's time while he was buying her drinks and decided to drum up business from her last john on the other man's time.

If you fuck a girl and she is that good that you want to have an ongoing relationship with her, just get her number before she leaves your room. Then you can call, text, and poke each other on Facebook. However, I have a feeling that the fellas who flirt with the girl when they see her with another man would not want her writing on the wall of their real Facebook.

On the other hand, for some mongers it is not about the girl at all. It is about tossing a turd in the other fella's punch bowl for a giggle. In that case, carry on as usual until it goes bad.

I remember some Pinoys doing something similar and it did not end well for the foreigners.


Gentleman Travel
11-26-17, 01:48
Now ya talking'.

Bro's before Ho's. Simple, and correct.

We hear you Conqueror, and we are with you!Here I have to disagree with you. Maybe it is in what we mean by this, but I recall several instances when I was in a mongering destination and had made an arrangement to meet some guy from this Board. But we both understood, and it occasionally happened, that if either of us got lucky around the appointed time, that chasing hoes was going to trump having a beer with bros, every time. To me, that is part of the Code of the Mongers.

Actually, I perceive two different camps among Mongers. Those who are "love 'them and leave 'them" types, and prefer to dump the girl after fucking her, and have a beer with the guys instead, perhaps discussing the battle victories, and those of us who genuinely like the company of women more and try to savour every drop of solace we get from our temporary loves. I would rather linger, have tea with and befriend a girl's girlfriends, than to hurry off to a sports bar eith the boysl.

11-26-17, 04:30
Here I have to disagree with you. Maybe it is in what we mean by this, but I recall several instances when I was in a mongering destination and had made an arrangement to meet some guy from this Board. But we both understood, and it occasionally happened, that if either of us got lucky around the appointed time, that chasing hoes was going to trump having a beer with bros, every time. To me, that is part of the Code of the Mongers.

Actually, I perceive two different camps among Mongers. Those who are "love 'them and leave 'them" types, and prefer to dump the girl after fucking her, and have a beer with the guys instead, perhaps discussing the battle victories, and those of us who genuinely like the company of women more and try to savour every drop of solace we get from our temporary loves. I would rather linger, have tea with and befriend a girl's girlfriends, than to hurry off to a sports bar eith the boysl.Over 43 yrs of whoring touring, I have developed the following M. O.

I never meet Internet mongers for a drink or whatever. Never.

I do not make conversation with fellow mongers, other than ask for the time (I am half blind nowadays and find it difficult reading time on watches, even my own, LOL). Bought a new watch at Singapore airport, last trip. Now, no problem reading the time.

I fly solo, find other mongers get in the way, if they are sitting next to me or near me, at bars wherever. Mainly cause I attract the 'lookers' , LOL.

I travel thousands of kilometers to be in the company of the girls / ladies, not the guys, and certainly have never needed a Wingman or drinking pal, LOL.

I do not drink alcohol EG beer in my home country. Only drink when overseas, when its "party time". And I do not drink tea when in the Phils, LOL (do every day when home).

But I support guys in the fight against feminism. All I want is fair and firm. The feminist activists want more than that, LOL.

And a side note. One of the reasons for Koreans success, but only one, they are less aggressive on meeting the girls, and less aggressive when fucking them.

Gentlemen Fornicators (K's), like me (non K).

Oh well, talk is cheap.

I am returning to Angeles first week of December, with about 10 kgs of unique Chrissy gifts. Met someone last trip, about 4 weeks ago, at a non tourist / monger night spot, that was refreshingly different, and worth spending part of the Christmas season with. Subject to her Trike Drivers approval, of course.

Will spread the 10 kg's amongst about 30/40 chicks suppose. "To give is to live, to take is to deny and die, within". We can see the 'takers' , from their reports. They are usually whinging, cause they have the wrong modus operandi.

I fear that I have waffled, and for too long. Must park the pen, for a few days.

Merry Christmas!

11-26-17, 07:23
Getting here by bus from Manila is a little adventure in itself. First impression: poor, crazy traffic and dirty.

My first stop was Lillipop, only a few nice girls, all just chatting and more or less standing around. Further on to Viking, more girls, but quality only slightly better. Strange procedure here: after 2 songs the chain of girls moves a few meters in counterclockwise direction. In the meanwhile it was after 10 pm, High Society opened but still empty. I peeked into After Dark, Pony Tails and Route 69 : only a few leftovers. At last to Dollhouse; was surrounded by a group of leftover 5's immediately. They were fun to talk to, but fortunately a 7 appeared, who I took home for a nice experience.

Next day into XS: so far the best in my view; some real cuties and a nice danceshow. I ended up with a girl from Santos Street offering "massage"; nothing worth mentioning.

11-26-17, 08:08
Can anybody tell me what I can expect from Angeles during the holidays? I guess all the girls are in the province on Christmas and new year, right?Bring earplugs to withstand the endless Christmas music that you'll hear everywhere you go.

11-26-17, 23:35
One minute later my bg arrives. Funny thing is my bg and the departing bg works at the same bar and are decent friends and do not know that I am seeing both of them. I wonder if they would have acknowledged each other if they had passed or if there is a code of conduct?Do you really think that? AC is not a big place, the girls talk much more than we will ever imagine. They are being polite to you.

Mr Enternational
11-27-17, 00:25
Do you really think that? AC is not a big place, the girls talk much more than we will ever imagine. They are being polite to you.What would it matter anyway? They are hookers. If you had taken them at the same time then what? Either way you are paying both of them to fuck. Why should it be a big secret?

11-27-17, 00:59
Do you really think that? AC is not a big place, the girls talk much more than we will ever imagine. They are being polite to you.Of course they are polite and well mannered. Some talk and some don't talk. Some are afraid to talk because the other girl is jealous and might lay claim to you. I really don't care if they talk or not. They all know up front I am a "butterfly ". The ones that talk will eventually bring a friend or two along.

As a matter of fact I was browsing thru one girls Facebook and saw a picture of one of her hot friends. I screen shot the picture to another BF and ask if she knew her. She replied yes and then I ask her to find her and tell her I wanted to meet up with her. I should be seeing the hottie soon.

11-27-17, 22:56
What would it matter anyway? They are hookers. If you had taken them at the same time then what? Either way you are paying both of them to fuck. Why should it be a big secret?The point is that the girls act as professionally as we do.

Everyone knows the game. The doorman at the hotel pretends not to know his cousin is entering with a different foreigner for the third time this week. The off-duty maid passes her best friend's friend on the way to another condo.

I can go to SM Clark by myself and I'll see and be smiled at by former dates. If I'm in the company of a girl then I do not get approached. They are still there I am sure, the other girls just pay respect to the game in play.

For all the systems and processes and tactics that we discuss here the outcome is still the same. We are the visitors, this place is their life.


11-27-17, 22:57
Getting here by bus from Manila is a little adventure in itself. First impression: poor, crazy traffic and dirty.Which bus method did you use? My last trip from NAIA T3 to AC was just 2 hours, 1 taxi, 1 bus, 1 trike. P140 (inc Skyway), p130 + P100.


11-28-17, 08:09
Why would mongers want to take sides of the girls over their fellow mongerers is beyond me. My code is bros before hoes. Acknowledging their flirting or whatever you want to call it, just empowers them at the expense of the guys. It just shows that they don't give a fuck about the guy, and can't bother even with a half assed GFE act. If I see a guy with a chick I would like to bang, if I can I give an appreciative smile to the guy not the fucking girl.

"Mongers of the world unite. ".I laugh at most of the guys walking around this place, Most look like shit a lot of them, and are very unkempt. Slothful. Disgusting, dirty and sunbathed in there appearance. I think it takes great strength on the girls part to even attempt to pretend give a GFE to some of these guys. With very few exceptions like he really is a BRO to me meaning a good friend I have talked to and trust they have my back if I need them and NOT a total stranger I don't know and have never meet before. I will always feel sorry for and take the side of the girls over those type guys. And Before any of you beat me down for my comments know this 1st. IF You don; t believe my description of how I see other mongers applies to you THEN 'I am not talking about you ok' so don; t take offense to it. . BUT look around and observe some of these clowns and how they dress and act in public then you will know who I am talking about cause they everywhere. Its not hard to find them.

11-28-17, 08:19
Why would mongers want to take sides of the girls over their fellow mongerers is beyond me. My code is bros before hoes. Acknowledging their flirting or whatever you want to call it, just empowers them at the expense of the guys. It just shows that they don't give a fuck about the guy, and can't bother even with a half assed GFE act. If I see a guy with a chick I would like to bang, if I can I give an appreciative smile to the guy not the fucking girl.

"Mongers of the world unite. ". unite for what?

11-28-17, 08:25
Today I saw a guy about 50 yrs old or so IMO. Pushing a baby stroller with a baby that was maybe 1 yrs old down fields ave with I assume the the mother of the child 2 steps behind him. WHY would you need to take a baby to fields? Just make you wonder where this guys head is. I think this is funny and sad at the same time.

Econo Tech
11-28-17, 11:04
Today I saw a guy about 50 yrs old or so IMO. Pushing a baby stroller with a baby that was maybe 1 yrs old down fields ave with I assume the the mother of the child 2 steps behind him. WHY would you need to take a baby to fields? Just make you wonder where this guys head is. I think this is funny and sad at the same time.Maybe he's a resident in AC?

Not many associate Walking street with red light.

Chocha Monger
11-28-17, 16:24
Today I saw a guy about 50 yrs old or so IMO. Pushing a baby stroller with a baby that was maybe 1 yrs old down fields ave with I assume the the mother of the child 2 steps behind him. WHY would you need to take a baby to fields? Just make you wonder where this guys head is. I think this is funny and sad at the same time.Perhaps, he was seeing the mother off to work on Fields Ave. He may have found her on Fields Ave where the baby was conceived. Many mongers and their bar wives take the family to where they met to celebrate anniversaries, monthsaries, and birthdays. You will see a lot of things on Fields Ave and the Philippines in general that would be shocking in the West. Take for example, the street urchins begging and pick-pocketing drunk mongers on the street or hawking everything from chewing gum to live crabs. I once saw a lunatic on Fields Ave wearing nothing but a t-shirt with his dick dangling for all to see and none of the locals seemed to care. In America, women would have ran away screaming in terror and half a dozen policemen would show up to shoot that guy. In another place, I saw a Pinay as naked as the day she was born washing her only pair of panties in a pothole filled with water in the street. The girls passing by giggled and the guys gave her compliments.

11-28-17, 16:55
I laugh at most of the guys walking around this place, Most look like shit a lot of them, and are very unkempt. Slothful. Disgusting, dirty and sunbathed in there appearance.I rather not look at or even think of those guys. How many of us have had sloppy seconds to them? It happens.

Wicked Roger
11-28-17, 17:23
Today I saw a guy about 50 yrs old or so IMO. Pushing a baby stroller with a baby that was maybe 1 yrs old down fields ave with I assume the the mother of the child 2 steps behind him. WHY would you need to take a baby to fields? Just make you wonder where this guys head is. I think this is funny and sad at the same time.One of the many reasons why I love to visit AC and not Cebu LOL (I wish we had a tongue in cheek smiley for this).

11-29-17, 03:04
I laugh at most of the guys walking around this place, Most look like shit a lot of them, and are very unkempt. Slothful. Disgusting, dirty and sunbathed in there appearance. I think it takes great strength on the girls part to even attempt to pretend give a GFE to some of these guys. With very few exceptions like he really is a BRO to me meaning a good friend I have talked to and trust they have my back if I need them and NOT a total stranger I don't know and have never meet before. I will always feel sorry for and take the side of the girls over those type guys. And Before any of you beat me down for my comments know this 1st. IF You don; t believe my description of how I see other mongers applies to you THEN 'I am not talking about you ok' so don; t take offense to it. . BUT look around and observe some of these clowns and how they dress and act in public then you will know who I am talking about cause they everywhere. Its not hard to find them.No amount of magical thinking on your part will change the fact that these girls are hookers, working girls, prostitutes or whatever you want to call them. You don't know anything about these men, and you are not in a position to judge them. What ever they are to you, they are a meal ticket for some of these girls. Perhaps it is the guys that are younger, well dressed who think they need a game and pay to get a wh*re to come to their room that are more laughable. Regardless, the girls are all about money and what they can do for their family. Its not about the mongers.

Mr Enternational
11-29-17, 04:11
Maybe he's a resident in AC?

Not many associate Walking street with red light.LOL. So what do they associate it with? In at least 20 trips to AC I have never seen a normal Filipino family taking a stroll down Walking Street. But you will assert that their average Sunday would consist of taking the kids to SM Mall to see a movie and ride the carousel, then topping it off by leisurely walking down Fields to pick a nice Korean restaurant to eat at?

11-29-17, 08:47
LOL. So what do they associate it with? In at least 20 trips to AC I have never seen a normal Filipino family taking a stroll down Walking Street. But you will assert that their average Sunday would consist of taking the kids to SM Mall to see a movie and ride the carousel, then topping it off by leisurely walking down Fields to pick a nice Korean restaurant to eat at?When I'm sitting at Kokomos in the daytime, to replenish my caffeine levels, I see quite a lot of 'normal' Filipino's passing by. Maybe not the typical (richer) Filipino's that visit SM Mall but normal Filipino's nevertheless, who just take the shortest route I guess to wherever they are going.

In the nighttime however their numbers are much lower.

Mr Enternational
11-29-17, 10:30
When I'm sitting at Kokomos in the daytime, to replenish my caffeine levels, I see quite a lot of 'normal' Filipino's passing by. Maybe not the typical (richer) Filipino's that visit SM Mall but normal Filipino's nevertheless, who just take the shortest route I guess to wherever they are going.

In the nighttime however their numbers are much lower.Maybe you missed the part about the OP saying there was a foreigner and a local with a baby. When you are sitting at Kokomo's are you seeing Filipino FAMILIES, or Filipinos that work in the area going back and forth to their jobs? Because the OP was about parents (not those of the begging variety) bringing their kids to the bar zone (most would say red light district) that is geared towards foreigners.

11-29-17, 10:42
Maybe you missed the part about the OP saying there was a foreigner and a local with a baby. When you are sitting at Kokomo's are you seeing Filipino FAMILIES, or Filipinos that work in the area going back and forth to their jobs? Because the OP was about parents (not those of the begging variety) bringing their kids to the bar zone that is geared towards foreigners.The majority will be Filipinos that work in the area or are just passing through but yes, I see families too.

11-29-17, 20:11
.......................... Regardless, the girls are all about money and what they can do for their family ............Once again Conqueror is correct. Get that into your nut fella's, family, family, family.

Not you, you, you.

Even so, be nice to them, got to respect what they are willing to do for 'family'.

P.S: Exceptions always prevail. Note the ones who do not go back to the Province during Christmas time. They are most probably unsuccessful in their work (bad blow jobs, etc) or not interested in 'family' (sharing).

11-30-17, 18:04
Which bus method did you use? My last trip from NAIA T3 to AC was just 2 hours, 1 taxi, 1 bus, 1 trike. P140 (inc Skyway), p130 + P100.

BD.I took a taxi to the Victoryliner Station, bus to Dau and trike to the hotel.

11-30-17, 18:09
I laugh at most of the guys walking around this place, Most look like shit a lot of them, and are very unkempt. Slothful. Disgusting, dirty and sunbathed in there appearance. I think it takes great strength on the girls part to even attempt to pretend give a GFE to some of these guys. With very few exceptions like he really is a BRO to me meaning a good friend I have talked to and trust they have my back if I need them and NOT a total stranger I don't know and have never meet before. I will always feel sorry for and take the side of the girls over those type guys. And Before any of you beat me down for my comments know this 1st. IF You don; t believe my description of how I see other mongers applies to you THEN 'I am not talking about you ok' so don; t take offense to it. . BUT look around and observe some of these clowns and how they dress and act in public then you will know who I am talking about cause they everywhere. Its not hard to find them.I fully support your opinion! Even those on a tight budget could take more care of their appearance. The girls are there for the money, but they have feelings too; a little respect for them would not hurt.

11-30-17, 18:23
I had a nice GFE with one of the girls from Shipwrecked, including the full story of her life, boyfriend departed when she became pregnant and so on. She was a good kisser and enjoyed the ride until she couldn't control the trembling of her legs.

On my last day in Angeles I had a cutie from Vikings; I wish I was 20 years younger, then I could have really fallen for her.

Anyhow, I moved on to Pattaya now and find it much more appealing to me. I think my first trip to AC will also be my last.

12-01-17, 10:46
I fully support your opinion! Even those on a tight budget could take more care of their appearance. The girls are there for the money, but they have feelings too; a little respect for them would not hurt.What make me laugh the most is how disgustingly filthy dirty and greasy these guys look. But they think there some kinda chick magnet because they buy working girls. For God's sake have a little respect for your self. How can a guy go out in public looking like some of these guys. Even the homeless Filipino guys have better hygiene practices then these guys do. I feel very sorry for the girl that, Has no choice but to go with one of these disgusting unwashed pigs. Just goes to show the level of sacrifice these girls are willing to go thru for their families. God bless them. IF I owned a bar here, I would have a damn dress code so these guys couldn't enter and contaminate my employees.

12-01-17, 19:08
What make me laugh the most is how disgustingly filthy dirty and greasy these guys look. But they think there some kinda chick magnet because they buy working girls. For God's sake have a little respect for your self. How can a guy go out in public looking like some of these guys. Even the homeless Filipino guys have better hygiene practices then these guys do. I feel very sorry for the girl that, Has no choice but to go with one of these disgusting unwashed pigs. Just goes to show the level of sacrifice these girls are willing to go thru for their families. God bless them. IF I owned a bar here, I would have a damn dress code so these guys couldn't enter and contaminate my employees.For me that's no laughing matter. I really do hope those girls make the blokes wash thoroughly before the romp in the sack.

The Cane
12-01-17, 19:42
The only code is: "Find them, feel them, fuck them, forget them".You forgot "finger them" hahaha! Complete code please! LOL!

Chocha Monger
12-01-17, 20:39
What make me laugh the most is how disgustingly filthy dirty and greasy these guys look. But they think there some kinda chick magnet because they buy working girls. For God's sake have a little respect for your self. How can a guy go out in public looking like some of these guys. Even the homeless Filipino guys have better hygiene practices then these guys do. I feel very sorry for the girl that, Has no choice but to go with one of these disgusting unwashed pigs. Just goes to show the level of sacrifice these girls are willing to go thru for their families. God bless them. IF I owned a bar here, I would have a damn dress code so these guys couldn't enter and contaminate my employees.Actually, the girls do not mind a bit of aromatic nut butter. Greasy dicks are much easier on small tight pussies and taunt buttholes during insertion than clean dry ones. That white greasy substance commonly referred to as cock cheese is actually smegma secreted from glands on the penis. It functions as a lubricant during sexual intercourse. Think of it as Mother Nature's version of Vaseline or KY jelly. It is quite harmless.

A well-scrubbed dick that looks clean and smells like a rose could be carrying an asymptomatic load of STDs. Elderly American veterans stationed at Clark many decades ago said that before the monger could take a girl, the mamasan would squeeze his dick and milk it to check for a discharge. Then she would cut a fresh calamansi (green lime) and squeeze the juice into the p-hole and along the shaft to check for lesions. If the monger grimaced or let out a howl, the mamasan would turn down his offer to bar fine a girl. This was more effective at protecting the girls from contamination than any dress code for mongers. It would be interesting if the bars brought back the practice. LOL!

12-01-17, 23:40
You forgot "finger them" hahaha! Complete code please! LOL!The Code Committee has considered your suggestion. Decision: "Feel them" , also covers finger up vagina. Sorry for not explaining that before.

The bar girls Code. Aah, how about something like this: "Find them (Mongers) , fuck them financially, forget them" ? A monger without money is not much use to a needy bar girl, after all.

Money for honey. The ultimate transaction since Adam and Eve.

12-02-17, 00:22
This is the season. Before you ask if all the girls go back to the province for Christmas and New Years and will there be any girls left for me?

Possibly up to 20-25% of the girls will take off for Christmas and New Years.

Possibly 50-70% of the mongers will not come to AC during this time period.

Please do the math.

Red Kilt
12-02-17, 04:23
This is the season. Before you ask if all the girls go back to the province for Christmas and New Years and will there be any girls left for me?

Possibly up to 20-25% of the girls will take off for Christmas and New Years.

Possibly 50-70% of the mongers will not come to AC during this time period.

Please do the math.Since we're plucking numbers out of the air here, I'd suggest that it's more likely around 50+% of girls go home for Christmas and for various lengths of time

The downside is that it's the popular girls who draw the most income who can afford to go home for Christmas / New Year and it's the second tier girls who stay behind.

Nevertheless, there's sure to be something left over for everybody.

12-02-17, 18:21
Since we're plucking numbers out of the air here, I'd suggest that it's more likely around 50+% of girls go home for Christmas and for various lengths of time

The downside is that it's the popular girls who draw the most income who can afford to go home for Christmas / New Year and it's the second tier girls who stay behind.

Nevertheless, there's sure to be something left over for everybody.I have been here the past 2 seasons and those numbers are from my experience. Still a few good lookers stay around and not go home. Also not all lookers are from the province. Some are from within a few hours like Manila or Zambales.

12-02-17, 19:17
Originally Posted by RedKilt:

"Since we're plucking numbers out of the air here, I'd suggest that it's more likely around 50+% of girls go home for Christmas and for various lengths of time.

The downside is that it's the popular girls who draw the most income who can afford to go home for Christmas / New Year and it's the second tier girls who stay behind.

Nevertheless, there's sure to be something left over for everybody".

Yes, I took the tack to talk about the unsuccessful girls staying back at Christmas time. Same thing in reverse.

If a chick has got money from a successful pooning season, why hang around us smelly, foreigners?. If got money, go home and spend time with the people who really matter, their family. We are just a means to an end. And they are just a means to an end for us too. Cream pies.

I am landing in AC within hours, in time to secure the successful ones, aka Lookers, who are putting together last minute cash, before visiting family at this most important Phil time, Christmas. Guessing, up to one week before Christmas day is 'harvesting' time (Lookers). If you see a handsome Sugar Daddy with a '9' , you know its me, LOL.

Exceptions prevail of course. There could be a Looker or two on stage right up to Christmas day. She's the one who will own a bar in the future, LOL.

"All I want for Christmas is a cream pie, a cream pie".

12-03-17, 17:35

Can anybody tell me what I can expect from Angeles during the holidays? I guess all the girls are in the province on Christmas and new year, right?

Thanks. I justed wanted to compare my newbie point of view with what experts can tell.I would forget about Christmas being much fun. It is on a Monday. I bet girls are going home Friday and returning Tuesday. You might want to find one that lives in AC and text her to squeeze in some lovin in between family events. The girls are Catholic and their family doesn't care if they need to hook to make some $, they want them home for the religious holidays.

I was there for NY eve last year and it sucked. Walking street was mostly shut down. There were few girls in the clubs, Atlantis had 5 girls on stage. Definately not fun. Many locals were lighting fireworks off on walking street so it got dangerous. If I were you, I would go to High Society and few days early and find a group of club girls to party with. As long as you are buying they will invite you. They will definately be partying on NY eve. You can broker a deal with one of them that you like. But relying on bar girls around NY eve is to be a let down likely.

12-04-17, 05:45
The bar girls Code. Aah, how about something like this: "Find them (Mongers) , fuck them financially, forget them" ? A monger without money is not much use to a needy bar girl, after all..Wouldn't that then be: "Find them, fuck them, fleece them, forget them"?

12-04-17, 06:10
Wouldn't that then be: "Find them, fuck them, fleece them, forget them"?Touche, touche, well done indeed. Code Committee wholeheartedly approves.

Mine was 'clumsy' , yours is crisp and 'poetic'.

12-04-17, 06:43
Wouldn't that then be: "Find them, fuck them, fleece them, forget them"?This is a good saying. However if you visit AC often these they can rarely ever forget you totally.

I've written before about the life that relationships have with the girls of AC. Of course there is the initial randy stage where we pay lots to do them direct from the bar. Then they will make contact and see you direct or drift away. Months and / or years later there will be a random message form them on Viber with an offer to catch up. I've been to weddings of former bgs, been through two pregnancies (not mine) and none of this seems to stop them being available for sex. Life goes on, girls come to AC, many do meet and get 'taken' by foreigners. Some go to far away countries, some stay here on their sponsors money etc etc.

Had the most amazing experience last weekend when a former fling, now married (not me) and pregnant (also not me) wanted to see my new condo. She was happy to come, paid her own fare, didn't want to be seen outside my complex, so directly inside. Just wanted water to drink, still amazing tight body, nice baby bump. Probably showing more breast that I expected. Asked to use the CR so directed her to my ensuite. I sat on the bed chatting while she was on the CR. She came back, no more words and just jumped into it.

Later I asked her if that had been her intention. She simply said yes. Seems pregnant chicks get horny too. (and she has braces).


Mr Enternational
12-04-17, 10:02
I've been to weddings of former bgs, been through two pregnancies (not mine) and none of this seems to stop them being available for sex.
Later I asked her if that had been her intention. She simply said yes. Seems pregnant chicks get horny too.That has nothing to do with being a bar girl; that is just people in general. My Manila girl went to have her baby this morning. Not yet sure how it turned out. So goodbye pregnant fetish and hello milky tit fetish! Why wouldn't you think pregnant chicks get horny?

12-04-17, 13:16
That has nothing to do with being a bar girl; that is just people in general. My Manila girl went to have her baby this morning. Not yet sure how it turned out. So goodbye pregnant fetish and hello milky tit fetish! Why wouldn't you think pregnant chicks get horny?Sorry Mr Enternatonal some of my humor is too obscure. Sometimes I feel that the forum is against preggy chicks and braces.

I'm a bit worried about your girl's anatomy having sex open up her cervix. Hopefully it's just for the semen to act as Prostaglandin.

Enjoy your breast milk.


12-04-17, 14:28
Sometimes I feel that the forum is against preggy chicks and braces.Hmmmmmm. . .

Enjoy your breast milk.I've probably had 5 gallons of this twiglets milk over the course of several pregnancies. She's quite moody sometimes, and tells of how she cuts her BF off from the sex when she's unhappy with him. Have encouraged her to be more giving of herself to him (haha can't wait for the next baby-bump and gallon).

12-04-17, 22:29
Hmmmmmm. . .

I've probably had 5 gallons of this twiglets milk over the course of several pregnancies. She's quite moody sometimes, and tells of how she cuts her BF off from the sex when she's unhappy with him. Have encouraged her to be more giving of herself to him (haha can't wait for the next baby-bump and gallon).Great pic and a good reminder of the options in AC.

12-05-17, 05:33
Today I saw a guy about 50 yrs old or so IMO. Pushing a baby stroller with a baby that was maybe 1 yrs old down fields ave with I assume the the mother of the child 2 steps behind him. WHY would you need to take a baby to fields? Just make you wonder where this guys head is. I think this is funny and sad at the same time.FWIW, I have seen such groups several times. I gather the girl does not want him out alone and the two tag along just to make sure. Or they are Irish and are used to bringing the family to a pub.

12-07-17, 02:22
I can confirm, Angeles is still here, although I expected more Mongers.

High percentage of mongers who are here, are very young, say 19/20 or 22 yrs look. Very popular. Although waitress said "Young guy fuck too much, pay too little".

Still hope for the oldies, which have a reputation of not fucking so much and paying more.

Big surprise at my accommodation, new Receptionist, is 22. Wonderful smile, innocence. An innocent Filipina. Is such possible?

"Only at the hospital, being born today" said the taxi driver to me, once.

Less Mongers = more work for me. Someone has to do it.

12-09-17, 08:19
Initially youngsters, now the oldies have taken over.

Place seems to have livened up, usually does Friday suppose.

98% of time I am pooning away from Walking St and Perimeter Rd.

Having a good time, you can too, only have to hop on a plane and get here.

Korean numbers seem to be down. Might be North Korea thingo keeping them at home, might be no smoking in bars rule nowadays, or K's being imprisoned in respect of Mary Jane etc. Don't know, but numbers down. Sad, not.

12-10-17, 01:15
Everything seems to be normal now. AC firing on all cylinders. Lookers coming out of the woodwork, looking for Christmas cash.

I am going home tomorrow, got Christmas responsibilities back home (business type, not family type).

Say, one more week and it will be all over, Lookers will have taken off with bundle of cash and only Jollibees left behind to service the late arrivals.

Told waitress, think I will start a new bar. She said "what's the name". I said: "Renta-Pussy".

We know each other well, she knows I am only joking.

Fun, fun, come on over, it will not (and you will not) last forever.

12-10-17, 22:39
Everything seems to be normal now. AC firing on all cylinders. Lookers coming out of the woodwork, looking for Christmas cash.
It always happy days leading to the festive season. Enjoy AC.

Chocha Monger
12-12-17, 01:41
Over 43 yrs of whoring touring, ...

I am returning to Angeles first week of December, with about 10 kgs of unique Chrissy gifts. Met someone last trip, about 4 weeks ago, at a non tourist / monger night spot, that was refreshingly different, and worth spending part of the Christmas season with. Subject to her Trike Drivers approval, of course.

Will spread the 10 kg's amongst about 30/40 chicks suppose. "To give is to live, to take is to deny and die, within". We can see the 'takers' , from their reports. They are usually whinging, cause they have the wrong modus operandi.

I fear that I have waffled, and for too long. Must park the pen, for a few days.

Merry Christmas!That is a smart arrangement you have with her trike driver. You know that her needs are met when you are back in the outback; and upon your return, the trike driver adjusts his schedule to make her available. Some fellas swear they can out fuck the trike driver, unless they are 18-year-old Marines on rotation at Clark and running 6 miles most days of the week, they cannot get within a fraction of the trike driver's stamina and agility when it comes to laying pipe on the Pinays. The girls spare mongers the truth as part of GFE, but their trike driver boyfriends fuck them much longer, harder and in more positions than mongers do. The time spent with mongers is almost a vacation from sex for them. http://www.xvideos.com/video30000077/tirik_mata_ni_jasper_sa_puke.

Mongers are not teaching the girls anything new, as the trike drivers have already put them through the rotations back in the provinces. They should not expect paid GFE to be on par with the genuine free GFE that the girls give to the Filipino boyfriends; otherwise, the session may go badly. For example if the girl looks dull-eyed while the monger thrusts away vigorously at her snatch, trying to stick it in her dirt box to get a more lively response may not be a good idea.


Krum Lov
12-12-17, 07:31

Quite a few years ago (around 2007), I visited a blow job bar along perimeter Road. It was probably in the area of Clarkview hotel. Does anyone know if these type of blow job bars still exist? I can see on a map there are loads of bars in that area, such as "Josie Hi bar", baby doll's club" and "luscious bar" (formerly jolly frog) . Are any of these places BJ bars similar to the ones in a Santos st? Cheers.

12-12-17, 15:25
That is a smart arrangement you have with her trike driver. You know that her needs are met when you are back in the outback; and upon your return, the trike driver adjusts his schedule to make her available. Some fellas swear they can out fuck the trike driver, unless they are 18-year-old Marines on rotation at Clark and running 6 miles most days of the week, they cannot get within a fraction of the trike driver's stamina and agility when it comes to laying pipe on the Pinays. The girls spare mongers the truth as part of GFE, but their trike driver boyfriends fuck them much longer, harder and in more positions than mongers do. The time spent with mongers is almost a vacation from sex for them. http://www.xvideos.com/video30000077/tirik_mata_ni_jasper_sa_puke.

Mongers are not teaching the girls anything new, as the trike drivers have already put them through the rotations back in the provinces. They should not expect paid GFE to be on par with the genuine free GFE that the girls give to the Filipino boyfriends; otherwise, the session may go badly. For example if the girl looks dull-eyed while the monger thrusts away vigorously at her snatch, trying to stick it in her dirt box to get a more lively response may not be a good idea.

https://www.xvideos.com/video29940947/hooker_leaves_unpaid_after_brutal_fuckKind Sir,

You are correct.

Trike Driver did make her available as and when required, I suspect cause any money or gifts I gave her ended up, at least partially, in his pocket.

With the pinoy, its an act of passion, as you say. We get the ATM kind of GFE. Once the ATM starts to malfunction, so too the sexual relationship.

In recently completed brief tour (Angeles) I had good relationships with the Trike Drivers, especially now that I realise they perform an important function, fucking our girls any which way, longer and harder, than we could ever hope to. Getting them 'match fit' or should I say 'fuck fit'. The Pinoys are slim and hard bodied for a reason. I often wondered, how a bar girl on P150 a day salary could always afford a P100 trike ride home after work. Now I know.

They 'break' the girls (hymen) and prepare them for our three holes, and cream pies, long before we ever get to touch them. Important work, which should not go unappreciated, LOL.

I also re-confirmed on recent trip, the best looking girls are not being shagged by us or K's, they are being shagged by educated pinoys with good or steady jobs or sons of wealthy filipino families. Top babes have no need to deal with us 'foreigners'. This I learnt when away from Walking St and Perimeter Road hot spots, recent trip. Nothing like those girls associating with us or K's. And they don't go home, or get shagged, in a trike either, LOL.

12-13-17, 07:07
About October this year I posted that gays were now employed as mama-sans, and gay on stage with regular girls etc. Korean supervisors seemed to have been terminated. None sighted October.

December I returned and could not see any sign of gay mama-sans supervising proceedings, or imposter girls (trannies) on stage with regular girls. But I did see the return of Koreans as floor managers / supervisors. Completely opposite to October.

Perhaps friendly K owner of Vikings is reading my posts? LOL. Or presence of non hetero employees affected biz? Don't know, don't really care, I get my poon away from Walking St and Perimeter Rd, right now. That won't last either, LOL.

12-13-17, 23:11

Quite a few years ago (around 2007), I visited a blow job bar along perimeter Road. It was probably in the area of Clarkview hotel. Does anyone know if these type of blow job bars still exist? I can see on a map there are loads of bars in that area, such as "Josie Hi bar", baby doll's club" and "luscious bar" (formerly jolly frog) . Are any of these places BJ bars similar to the ones in a Santos st? Cheers.You could go to Nifty's on the street beside Garfileds.

The two associated bars at Nifty's provide onsite services.

https://www.google.com.au/maps/place/Clark+Pampanga / at 15.1652268,120.5734603,19.75 z / data=!4 m5!3 m4!1 s0 x3396 ed423041231 b:0 x1784 ef2 f108 c6700!8 m2!3 d15.18825!4 d120.54863.


12-13-17, 23:13
Perhaps friendly K owner of Vikings is reading my posts? LOL. Or presence of non hetero employees affected biz? Don't know, don't really care, I get my poon away from Walking St and Perimeter Rd, right now. That won't last either, LOL.Vikings business does seem to have picked up over the past two years, under new K ownership. The place is always busy and the stage is always full. BD.

12-13-17, 23:29
Vikings business does seem to have picked up over the past two years, under new K ownership. The place is always busy and the stage is always full. BD.Sorry, but I disagree. Have been a regular at Vikings for about 5 years.

Didn't know ownership had changed, saw 'owner' in October this year, and still at his smiley best.

For sure, two years ago Vikings was busier. Less girls working there now, cause of perceived overall drop in Mongers visiting Angeles nowadays.

Drop in Monger numbers, the result of varying factors, affecting just about all bars, restaurants, trikes, etc.

Vikings not what it used to be, same story most other bars too. Duturte is still very popular with the people, but not popular with foreigners, including those who participate in 'the hobby' (pooning). Various reasons for that.

Anyway, a wiley old Sugar Daddy like me, enjoys the challenging times, and has loads of fun each and every visit.

Disclaimer: Pays to be handsome, and free with ones money, LOL.

12-13-17, 23:52
Just putting my stuff on the Forum, after very recently visiting Angeles. Hope it helps some.

Det 5's ownership is new, yet again. Apparently new German owner of 4/5 weeks in residence right now. But not for long, methinks.

Obesity reigns supreme at Det 5 right now. OK, some reasonable bodies, maybe one or two skeletons (excessively skinny), but its the Hippo's, obese that stand out.

Entered Det5 , hippo / obese one, fronts me and wants to know what my order is. I said quite rudely "I want a slim waitress", and got one. There are two large extremely obese waitresses and one or two others at Det5 right now. If the owner reads my post, obesity could be history by the time you arrive at Det5 , LOL.

On stage there are at least another two hippo / obese ladies. One is so fat, her stomach rolls down and over top of the bikini she is wearing. My sympathy goes to that bikinil to the bikini.

A guy on the other side of stage is throwing lots and lots of P20 notes. The girls scream. Someone threw coins (more my style, LOL). Girls hustle to pick up same. Money thrower must be newbie. No money throwing in obese bars, please (LOL).

I queried the presence of the Hippo's to slim waitress serving me. I said "does new German owner like fat women" ? She said, when he bought the bar about 3 weeks ago, he took on all the staff, including the excessively overweight ones. I told her "we do not travel thousands of kilometres for overweight women, we have plenty of them in our home countries".

Reckon we have to resist Blubber Bars. The fattest girl, and on stage, was proudly shaking' her booty, whilst continually staring at the mirror behind me and other customers. She must have seen the fat shaking? Reckons she is still hot. Maybe some guys bar fine her? Anyway, do not be silent, let locals know 'obese is not what we come for'.

Candy Bar next door had no Hippo's / obese ones. I only briefly visited Candy, Det 5 , and Vikings. Rest of time I was elsewhere, at Fav place, perving on 6's, 7's and 8's. By the way, October, there were two rugby players / hippo's / obese ones in Fav place as dancers (go figure). December waitress said they had been terminated. Thank goodness, someone understands what customers travel to Phils for.

Resist Feminism, resist obesity (in women, not in us, LOL) , resist re-introduction of smoking in bars.

I will also resist continuing to ramble, in this post.

Krum Lov
12-14-17, 05:33
Thanks brain, much appreciated. Do they offer just BJ (I'm not after F / S), and if so, is it around the 800 php mark?

You could go to Nifty's on the street beside Garfileds.

The two associated bars at Nifty's provide onsite services.

https://www.google.com.au/maps/place/Clark+Pampanga / at 15.1652268,120.5734603,19.75 z / data=!4 m5!3 m4!1 s0 x3396 ed423041231 b:0 x1784 ef2 f108 c6700!8 m2!3 d15.18825!4 d120.54863.


12-14-17, 05:50
Obesity reigns supreme at Det 5 right now. OK, some reasonable bodies, maybe one or two skeletons (excessively skinny), but its the Hippo's, obese that stand out.

Presumably the guy throwing the P20 liked what he saw.

There are guys that like the larger girls and those guys need a 'go to " bar as well.

If there are enough mongers that like the larger girls that this place will survive.

Re Vikings: In my experience, in the past three months each time I have gone there I have been unable to get a seat. Just goes to show how the tide flows around this place.


12-14-17, 05:57
You could go to Nifty's on the street beside Garfileds.

The two associated bars at Nifty's provide onsite services.

https://www.google.com.au/maps/place/Clark+Pampanga / at 15.1652268,120.5734603,19.75 z / data=!4 m5!3 m4!1 s0 x3396 ed423041231 b:0 x1784 ef2 f108 c6700!8 m2!3 d15.18825!4 d120.54863.

Enjoy.Nifty's is not a blow job bar per se. Got caught up in the police raids about 3 yrs ago, or so, and toned down, that point on.

Friend had sex in Nifty's upstairs room fairly recently. No air con, hot fan room.

Owner had 3 bars in same alleyway, at one point. Down to one bar now, first bar on left side. In the Phils, sex on premises is illegal. Personally I would not trust such a bottom feeder bar to protect my interests. If police caught ya having a BJ on Nifty's premises, reckon it would end up costing you many thousands to get out of it (Pesos). Not a BJ bar, not a decent bar, not necessarily offering BJ's to anyone, maybe only those they know.

There is not one dedicated BJ bar in Angeles since The Raids, say 3 or so years ago. Prove me wrong. If I am wrong, then Angeles is sneaking back to its wicked old ways. Good. Maybe authorities struck a deal "no smoking in bars, but BJ's allowed, once again"?

Doubt it. Best BJ is in your hotel room with ya bar fine.

12-14-17, 06:05
Presumably the guy throwing the P20 liked what he saw.

There are guys that like the larger girls and those guys need a 'go to " bar as well.

If there are enough mongers that like the larger girls that this place will survive.

Re Vikings: In my experience, in the past three months each time I have gone there I have been unable to get a seat. Just goes to show how the tide flows around this place.

BD.They are not 'larger girls', they are the biggest girls working in a bar, in my 43 yrs of Phil whoring. Novice Sumo's! They make the other girls look good. Maybe that is the strategy. Right, I will start a fattie bar, call it "Blubber Bar". Your first drink on me.

For me, subject now closed. Thinking of fat girls puts me off my food, LOL.

Mr Enternational
12-14-17, 08:05
Reckon we have to resist Blubber Bars. The fattest girl, and on stage, was proudly shaking' her booty, whilst continually staring at the mirror behind me and other customers. She must have seen the fat shaking? Reckons she is still hot. Maybe some guys bar fine her? Anyway, do not be silent, let locals know 'obese is not what we come for'.I don't get it. Who is the "we" that you speak of. Sounds just like people in my country. If that is not your thing then find another place that has your thing. You do not have to talk down or try to get others to join your cause. It is ridiculous to call for heads to roll because you enter a place and they do not have what YOU desire. Next you will be walking into a gay bar and protesting because there are no women there, instead of using that energy to walk to a bar that has women. Different strokes for different folks; don't expect a place to serve you Pepsi when everyone that goes there is fine with them selling just Coke.

12-14-17, 12:37
Four months ago I finally took my virgin trip to paradise before starting my new job. I started using Tinder+ two days in advance and had two ladies eager to meet. Off the plane I asked the taxi driver for the best girl location and he took to the Raf Mansion Hotel, which was pretty dingy. Immediately I had the security guard get me in touch with a ride to the nearest brothel where I picked from a thin spinner from a 20+ line-up. (4000 p) Very tight, but her body had a sulky feel and it smelled like it felt? The next day my tinder gal showed up looking a little chunky, but after 6 hrs with her she was in the sack in a better hotel in Makati. The next day she had to go check on her one kid and I played like Houdini and hopped on the next bus to Angeles! I checked into the Pacific breeze and walked around until night when I settled for a cute-older warhorse from the Panam Bar. The next day I used their concierge service to Subic Bay, which was a big ripoff. I enjoyed some beers with a great group of expat guys at the Generals Command Post before one guy took me across the the street to the T-Rose bar for a nice piece of ass. (2500) That night my new buddy and I went to Cheap Charlies where we enjoyed the scene. I was able to pull one of the hostesses back to my room at the By the Sea, but I made the drunk mistake of not heeding her warning about her period and made a mess of things. She asked for "tip" money for getting me to the room so I gave her 500 pesos and she left.

The next day I took the Southern Cross van back to the Pacific Breez and started Tinder right back up and found myself a sweet local resident girl. We visited the mall, coffee shop and my room, where I proceeded to dine on her crotch before I pummelled her. She is in contact with me everyday and I plan on seeing her again in the near future, although I have reservations regarding her actual agenda being the USA and not me. Finally, on my last day we both took the s. See. Van back to Manila and stayed at the Hyatt my last night frolicking as much as we could.

Krum Lov
12-14-17, 17:16
Thanks for the clarification. Might give that place a miss. I was, however, in Angeles less than 2 years ago (March 2016), and was able to get a BJ in a Santos st and the street just next to it (either Karen alley or Federico st) for 800 php. But it was take-out -- they came to my room for one hour. Do you know if that's still possible now?

Nifty's is not a blow job bar per se. Got caught up in the police raids about 3 yrs ago, or so, and toned down, that point on.

Friend had sex in Nifty's upstairs room fairly recently. No air con, hot fan room.

Owner had 3 bars in same alleyway, at one point. Down to one bar now, first bar on left side. In the Phils, sex on premises is illegal. Personally I would not trust such a bottom feeder bar to protect my interests. If police caught ya having a BJ on Nifty's premises, reckon it would end up costing you many thousands to get out of it (Pesos). Not a BJ bar, not a decent bar, not necessarily offering BJ's to anyone, maybe only those they know.

There is not one dedicated BJ bar in Angeles since The Raids, say 3 or so years ago. Prove me wrong. If I am wrong, then Angeles is sneaking back to its wicked old ways. Good. Maybe authorities struck a deal "no smoking in bars, but BJ's allowed, once again"?

Doubt it. Best BJ is in your hotel room with ya bar fine.

Wicked Roger
12-14-17, 20:38
She is in contact with me everyday and I plan on seeing her again in the near future, although I have reservations regarding her actual agenda being the USA and not me. Finally, on my last day we both took the s. See. Van back to Manila and stayed at the Hyatt my last night frolicking as much as we could.Have responded on other thread where you about this girl.

Why did you post her face? If she lives in AC is from a middle class family who own some of the city (as your other post suggested) then someone will know by seeing this forum, tell her, tell her parents and then your next visit will very interesting and lengthy if the parents have the police in their pocket which based on them owning a lot of AC they do.

Maybe you should reconsider your photos and post of the bar girls etc you said you were shagging as many know about the forum.

But please don't be so naive.

12-14-17, 22:49
Nifty's is not a blow job bar per se. Got caught up in the police raids about 3 yrs ago, or so, and toned down, that point on.e.So as per my original post, Nifty's is a place to go and get a cold beer and a BJ.

AC has something for everyone. A bar visit with the requested services is just a part of the fantasy mix that is offered in this male Disneyland.


12-15-17, 03:46
Thanks for the clarification. Might give that place a miss. I was, however, in Angeles less than 2 years ago (March 2016), and was able to get a BJ in a Santos st and the street just next to it (either Karen alley or Federico st) for 800 php. But it was take-out -- they came to my room for one hour. Do you know if that's still possible now?That kind of bar is definitely feasible, and I am sure former dedicated BJ bars, operate that way now, that is, you pay to take her back to your hotel room, wherever, anywhere but their place LOL, and do the deed (BJ).

Receiving blow jobs on the premises of any bar = sex on the premises, and such has been rubbed out / eliminated, by the authorities. Imagine your getting a blow job and the police enter the bar. How quick can you get your pants up? LOL. How quick can she get up off her knees? LOL.

Great place for dedicated blow job bars is Bangkok and Pattaya, Thailand.

Yeh, it was a great thrill to step into a bar Phils, and get a blow job on the premises. Not possible anymore. Any bar providing that service is gambling with their licence and customers freedom.

Get a BJ in your hotel room, then give the hungry girl a Christmas 'cream pie'. Way to go, nowadays.

Mr Enternational
12-15-17, 03:59
About October this year I posted that gays were now employed as mama-sans, and gay on stage with regular girls etc. Korean supervisors seemed to have been terminated. None sighted October.

December I returned and could not see any sign of gay mama-sans supervising proceedings, or imposter girls (trannies) on stage with regular girls. But I did see the return of Koreans as floor managers / supervisors. Completely opposite to October.

Perhaps friendly K owner of Vikings is reading my posts? LOL. Or presence of non hetero employees affected biz? Don't know, don't really care, I get my poon away from Walking St and Perimeter Rd, right now. That won't last either, LOL.I was walking down Fields last night and the door girls at Shooterz tried to pull me in. I said hey what happened? Why can't I sit outside anymore? They said there is a new owner and he made some changes to the place. I told them that I was not coming in because I was on my way to Vikings. One exclaimed Vikings is a Korean bar. I responded well what do you think I am?

Walked in to Vikings and a waitress grabbed me and showed me to a seat on the side. I told her to bring me a soda water. The girl that brought the drink was different so I asked where the fuck is my waitress; she was supposed to bring my drink. The girl told me that it was her table; the other girl only took the order.

This waitress stayed cuddled up under me the entire time and I had fun. She asked me what my type is and I told her a hole and a heartbeat; heartbeat optional. She would point out girls on the stage telling me which she thought were cute. She was right on the money for my style. I asked her how much the barfine was and she said 3000. I asked her which girls did not barfine. She said half of them. Then she pointed to a nice chick which she referred to as Blondie. She said that she barfines sometimes.

Then I saw a bakla on the floor in front of the stage. I asked why they have baklas in here. She counted in her head and said there are 3 of them. They are mamasans.

A big group of Koreans came in and since I was in the middle of two large empty spaces, I took it upon myself to move down for them. They thanked me. While I was anxious to witnesss some of the big spending Korean action that is sometimes posted about, I was disappointed when all they ordered was a Coke. One of the Korean guys that worked there was trying to force chicks off on them. I asked the waitress if that was the boss. She said no. She told me some kind of fancy title and added but they are really just translators. Soon the Korean guys got up and left leaving most of their beverages untouched. I slid back down to my original spot.

Many waitresses kept coming by shooting the shit with me and the other girl. Nobody ever asked for a drink. I asked how many girls worked there and she said 200. I asked since half of them don't barfine why don't they just send them on the stage as two groups; the ones that barfine and the ones that do not.

Finally I paid my bill of 115 pesos, giving my waitress 140 total. I had to take a leak before I left so I headed for the toilet which is behind the stage on the other side. When I got behind the stage I saw one mamasan sitting down at the stage with 3 clipboards writing shit. I stood there and told her to explain to me what she was doing.

Wow. Most of the chicks looked way better being up on them at the stage. The Blondie chick was sitting down taking a break so I asked her how much the barfine was in order to gauge if this was one of her barfine days. She said 3000. I asked and how much do you get out of that? She said 1500. Unlike the other chicks, she was not as arttractive up close. Much of it probably had to do with her chipped nail polish, which is a turnoff for me. I figure if you are asking 3000 pesos you should at least have the i's dotted and the t's crossed. I haven't forgotten where I am though. I shot the shit with a couple of other girls that were on the stage before heading to the toilet.

When I came out of the toilet I headed for the front door and spoke to another mamasan on my way out. I told her that she must be the boss since she was carrying a light. I asked her what the light was for. Giving me a demonstration, she said if I wanted a particular girl it is easier for her to signal them with the laser. She handed it to me and asked if I wanted to try it but I declined. I headed out and the security guys dapped me up and bid me goodbye. I had a great time at Vikings.

12-15-17, 04:08
Thanks for the clarification. Might give that place a miss. I was, however, in Angeles less than 2 years ago (March 2016), and was able to get a BJ in a Santos st and the street just next to it (either Karen alley or Federico st) for 800 php. But it was take-out -- they came to my room for one hour. Do you know if that's still possible now?Everything is possible in AC. There are still a few small bars along santos.

The prices may have move upwards from the P800 price point that you previously enjoyed.

You may also now find that this type of service is now catered for by the many massage girls standing on the Walking Street end of Burgos.


Krum Lov
12-15-17, 05:46
Cool, thanks for letting me know. I hope it's still 800.

Everything is possible in AC. There are still a few small bars along santos.

The prices may have move upwards from the P800 price point that you previously enjoyed.

You may also now find that this type of service is now catered for by the many massage girls standing on the Walking Street end of Burgos.


Krum Lov
12-15-17, 05:50
Sorry, when you say "many massage girls standing on the Walking Street end of Burgos" . I know where walking st is, but when I look on google maps, Burgos st is very far away from walking st. So can you please clarify the area you mean? Thanks!

Everything is possible in AC. There are still a few small bars along santos.

The prices may have move upwards from the P800 price point that you previously enjoyed.

You may also now find that this type of service is now catered for by the many massage girls standing on the Walking Street end of Burgos.


12-15-17, 06:10
It seems prices are starting to go up. Previously, the highest barfine (except for those showgirls at Club Ra) was 3000 pesos.

At Club XS, they have at least 2 tiers. The models / showgirls are now 3600 pesos. The other dancers should still be 3000.

At Midnight Cruiser (the old Insomnia), the cultural dancers are now 3500 pesos. The normal dancers are still 3000.

Hopefully, it will take a long time for the price increase to expand to all the bars on Fields.

12-15-17, 06:15
Asking for information in the Philippines is 'skitty' in the Philippines. Reliable accurate information is one thing you will find hard to get in the Phils.

Any numbers, whatever I have quoted, are sourced personally by my very own eyes.

Nowadays you will not find 200 girls at Vikings. And last time I was in Vikings December 2017, there was not one Korean and not one gay mama san. Plus they were scratching to get 20 to 30 girls inside the boat at any one time. 18 months, two years ago, they used to pack up to 60 girls inside the boat, any one time.

It's what I personally see and experience that I report, not what someone else tells me. Especially if it's a Filipina informant, who most probably can not even spell "cat", LOL.

Up to say 18 months ago, always had a crush on Vikings. Love the boat theme, an actual boat (Viking replica)! Like the idea Korean owner is happy to have any nationality in his bar. I'm always speaking from 43 years experience with the Phils and from personal observations, not secondary sources, LOL.

Note: The presence or otherwise of fags as mama-sans, and numbers of girls in employ at any one time, will always vary. But I must have entered Vikings at least 30/40 times over last 5/7 yrs. Consequently I can see the 'softening' of the place. No what it used to be. Neither am I, LOL.

12-15-17, 06:17
There are still a few small bars along santos.

The prices may have move upwards from the P800 price point that you previously enjoyed.Last year on A. Santos (street with sleazy short time bars), they asked for 1000 pesos for 3 hours. Although they will start to whine after an hour. Not sure if you can negotiate with the price. The bars on A. Santos doesn't allow you to use their rooms. They stopped that several years ago after the police raids.

- A good go-go bar for daytime action is Acadia. It opens at 12 PM. Some of the girls are decent. Price is 2500 pesos plus a mandatory 300 pesos lady's drink.

- Lollipops is still fun. Spotlight girls are 3000. Normal dancers are 2400 pesos.

- Club XS is better than previous years. A few decent girls were there when I was there at midnight last night.

- For the poker players out there, thank goodness they are enforcing the no-smoking rules at Wild Aces poker room. That poker room was a breathe of fresh air last night.

12-15-17, 07:08
For the poker players out there, thank goodness they are enforcing the no-smoking rules at Wild Aces poker room. That poker room was a breathe of fresh air last night.How is the poker action there. I had bunch of allergy issues with smoke in hotels there. Good to here.

12-15-17, 07:44
So as per my original post, Nifty's is a place to go and get a cold beer and a BJ.

AC has something for everyone. A bar visit with the requested services is just a part of the fantasy mix that is offered in this male Disneyland.

BD.Has of about a week ago you can go to Club rio and nifty's both behind Garfield last stand and a bar right beside Garfield called luscious bar and get a BJ. The price may vary 1200 to 1800 depending on your negotiation skills. Some decent girls there also but also a few old ladies and fuglys. Good luck.

12-16-17, 03:04
How is the poker action there.Wild Aces Poker Room is on A. Santos Rd, near the REAL ACTION on Fields Ave. They have a few games no limit hold-them. 25-50 and 50-100. I believe sometimes they have a higher limit game. Sometimes they have Omaha. Game is decent. Many loose players (usually local Pinoys). But they also have some good hyper aggressive players (usually Koreans). Problem is that the games start around late afternoon / evening time. I like to drink on Fields Ave during the nighttime.

I was at Century Poker Room (inside that large Pagcor casino on MacArthur Ave) yesterday. It seems the games start around 12 PM. They give the players 500 pesos if you start to play between 12-2 PM. The game was 25-50 no limit hold-them. 1 table. It was a soft game. More players came in around 7 PM to start another game. 1. 22 Mil peso jackpot. Not bad. Aces full of tens beat. Ace kicker qualifies. Also, no smoking inside the casino.

Previously, there were 2 more poker rooms, which I haven't checked out on this trip yet.

12-17-17, 00:39
Wild Aces Poker Room is on A. Santos Rd, near the REAL ACTION on Fields Ave. They have a few games no limit hold-them. 25-50 and 50-100. I believe sometimes they have a higher limit game. Sometimes they have Omaha. Game is decent. Many loose players (usually local Pinoys). But they also have some good hyper aggressive players (usually Koreans). Problem is that the games start around late afternoon / evening time. I like to drink on Fields Ave during the nighttime.

I was at Century Poker Room (inside that large Pagcor casino on MacArthur Ave) yesterday. It seems the games start around 12 PM. They give the players 500 pesos if you start to play between 12-2 PM. The game was 25-50 no limit hold-them. 1 table. It was a soft game. More players came in around 7 PM to start another game. 1. 22 Mil peso jackpot. Not bad. Aces full of tens beat. Ace kicker qualifies. Also, no smoking inside the casino.

Previously, there were 2 more poker rooms, which I haven't checked out on this trip yet.Thanks for the info on this.

Has Double Aces on walking street, across from Hi-si reopened? I remember earlier this year they were closed as the whole building was being rennovated.

Sounds like the action in pagkor is running thinner, used to be more daytime action.

Also, beware of Wild Aces, not sure how it is now, but around 2 years ago there was a whole mess when a few dealers and local players marked a few decks and were cheating foreigners together. I'm assuming if the game is still running, they must have handled that? Just be cautios with your Pesos there.

12-17-17, 19:21
Has Double Aces on walking street, across from Hi-si reopened? I remember earlier this year they were closed as the whole building was being rennovated.It seems they've finished a major portion of the renovations. A large, upscale Korean BBQ restaurant is going to take up most of the first floor. It doesn't look like Double Aces is going to be there, unless the small area on the right side (that's currently fenced off, not sure what that will be) will lead to a poker room in the back. I guess that's possible.

12-17-17, 22:40
Not into lactating or pregnant girls but couple of months ago when I was in AC my local female friends send me over this pregnant 19 year old. She insisted that she only rides me. Who am I to complain. In February I had the pleasure of banging two different pregnant teens. One girl wanted to come over even when she was past the due delivery date.

12-18-17, 10:51
Not into lactating or pregnant girls but couple of months ago when I was in AC my local female friends send me over this pregnant 19 year old. She insisted that she only rides me. Who am I to complain. In February I had the pleasure of banging two different pregnant teens. One girl wanted to come over even when she was past the due delivery date.Hmmmm. That is what all addicts say! LOL! I am not into that too, even though the first time I was accosted by a pregnant WG was when I was still a teen on a hot summer Mediterranean night. FWIW, sex helps get the process going.

12-19-17, 04:21
Don't forget, its not about your handsome face, big dick, or charm. Its always about money.

When the money runs out, she runs out.

Exceptions prevail, viz, when they meet someone like me, LOL.

Chocha Monger
12-19-17, 16:34
It seems prices are starting to go up. Previously, the highest barfine (except for those showgirls at Club Ra) was 3000 pesos.

At Club XS, they have at least 2 tiers. The models / showgirls are now 3600 pesos. The other dancers should still be 3000.

At Midnight Cruiser (the old Insomnia), the cultural dancers are now 3500 pesos. The normal dancers are still 3000.

Hopefully, it will take a long time for the price increase to expand to all the bars on Fields.Price increases with less customers? It will not take long to see the higher priced bars go under trying to charge higher prices for mediocre quality. Obviously, they have not priced in the risk premium for sex tourists and increased competition from freelancers using apps.

12-19-17, 22:28
This has been happening with regularity. Especially over the past few years.

Their theory seems to be. Business is down,. Raise the price. Never made any sense to me.

12-20-17, 03:58
It will not take long to see the higher priced bars go under trying to charge higher pricesNot happening. People will still pay. There is a lot of new construction going on.

It has been many years (at least 5 years?) since Atlantis raised their prices to 3000 pesos, and then most bars on Field Ave followed. The barfine at Atlantis is still 3000. I predict that when Atlantis (in conjunction with the other Dollhouse group bars) raised their prices for the girls, most other bars on Fields will follow.

Workers have been complaining that prices are going up for them. Inflation is occurring. The US dollar got stronger against the peso. Barfine increases are inevitable. I just hope it is later than sooner.

12-20-17, 04:08
Not happening. People will still pay. There is a lot of new construction going on.

It has been many years (at least 5 years?) since Atlantis raised their prices to 3000 pesos, and then most bars on Field Ave followed. The barfine at Atlantis is still 3000. I predict that when Atlantis (in conjunction with the other Dollhouse group bars) raised their prices for the girls, most other bars on Fields will follow.

Workers have been complaining that prices are going up for them. Inflation is occurring. The US dollar got stronger against the peso. Barfine increases are inevitable. I just hope it is later than sooner.I don't mind paying higher prices if it insures the bars staying in business instead of closing up. Plain and simple they have an affordable supply system. No one forces anyone to use it.

Chocha Monger
12-20-17, 11:40
Not happening. People will still pay. There is a lot of new construction going on.

It has been many years (at least 5 years?) since Atlantis raised their prices to 3000 pesos, and then most bars on Field Ave followed. The barfine at Atlantis is still 3000. I predict that when Atlantis (in conjunction with the other Dollhouse group bars) raised their prices for the girls, most other bars on Fields will follow.

Workers have been complaining that prices are going up for them. Inflation is occurring. The US dollar got stronger against the peso. Barfine increases are inevitable. I just hope it is later than sooner.Perhaps, there is a lot of new construction and inflation. However, the overall trend is a decreasing number of bars and mongers. In general, bars are a dying industry in AC. Bars cannot stay in business without a steady supply of mongers who spend enough to make them profitable. Some people will pay higher prices but many will not as there are other alternatives. A man can arrive in the Philippines and have his fill of sex without setting foot in AC or a bar. Unless there is some grand marketing plan promoting some unique feature of AC bars, there is no reason to believe that business will improve with an increase in prices.

Many smokers and potheads have fled due to the Du30 special policies. For the past year, the international media has covered the Philippines due to the huge body count from the ongoing drug war; ISIS affiliated insurgents in Marawi City, and the renewed war against the NPA. This did not exactly promote the Philippines as a premier sex-tourism destination. It will continue to have a negative effect on the number of mongers arriving in AC in search of sexual thrills. Recent reports generally indicate that the bars are not filled with large numbers of horny mongers even during high season.

12-20-17, 19:41
the overall trend is a decreasing number of barsI don't believe that is statistically correct on Fields Ave. Although I haven't checked Perimeter Road bars.

Bars cannot stay in business without a steady supply of mongers who spend enough to make them profitable.You forgot the huge number of Koreans that are coming. They are still coming regardless of the bad PR of Koreans getting mugged / kidnapped / killed. Koreanization of Fields Ave is continuing. More Korean oriented bars, more Korean restaurants. There are now Korean style arcades / Korean beauty product stores. Without the Koreans, Angeles would be in a pretty bad shape, similar to what you wrote.

A man can arrive in the Philippines and have his fill of sex without setting foot in AC or a bar.Correct, but Koreans and normal tourist are not going to use Tinder / DIA / FB / etc and streetwalkers to get pussy. Many sex tourist will still come to Angeles.

Recent reports generally indicate that the bars are not filled with large numbers of horny mongers even during high season.Tons of Koreans around. Some bars have less staff. I was told that many girls left for their provinces. Very difficult to quantify. Seems similar to previous years.

12-20-17, 19:57
Plain and simple they have an affordable supply system.You can thank the Pinoys for that. They impregnate the Pinays, don't help them financially, forcing them to work at the bars in Angeles.

- I have noticed a lot more moms working in Angeles than before. Some of them are pretty decent, 6's or 7's in my scale. Of course, you have many mediocre and marginal looking girls. Most of the waitresses are moms. But now with the growth of the Korean oriented bars, where the girls wear dresses that cover up their bodies, many more moms are dancing on stage.

- Dragon Bar is a Korean oriented bar. Tons of girls for such a small bar. Some of the quality is pretty good. Many moms though. The girls wear dresses, trying to be classy. They go on stage, walk around, and then parade around the bar. The Koreans come early in groups, and take the girls in bunches.

- Dragon Bar is next to Club Asia, which has been closed for the last several days. Club Asia has never been a popular crowded bar. My guess is that the remaining girls were sent to the other Dollhouse House Group bars. I think some bars are having trouble keeping their bars stocked with girls.

12-20-17, 20:17
You can thank the Pinoys for that. They impregnate the Pinays, don't help them financially, forcing them to work at the bars in Angeles.

- I have noticed a lot more moms working in Angeles than before. Some of them are pretty decent, 6's or 7's in my scale. Of course, you have many mediocre and marginal looking girls. Most of the waitresses are moms. But now with the growth of the Korean oriented bars, where the girls wear dresses that cover up their bodies, many more moms are dancing on stage.

- Dragon Bar is a Korean oriented bar. Tons of girls for such a small bar. Some of the quality is pretty good. Many moms though. The girls wear dresses, trying to be classy. They go on stage, walk around, and then parade around the bar. The Koreans come early in groups, and take the girls in bunches.

- Dragon Bar is next to Club Asia, which has been closed for the last several days. Club Asia has never been a popular crowded bar. My guess is that the remaining girls were sent to the other Dollhouse House Group bars. I think some bars are having trouble keeping their bars stocked with girls.The affordable delivery system is via the bars. The bars are stocked and we go in and shop with some assurances, expectations and reliability.

Sadly from the corruption and lack of birth control the supply will be there in the near future. Government and Churches are to be held to be blamed for this.

I have had many great sexcapes with 6 and 7's. I still have flashbacks about one of the kindest thick girl with the meatiest tightest V I have ever had.

Soapy Smith
12-20-17, 20:26
For the past year, the international media has covered the Philippines due to the huge body count from the ongoing drug war; ISIS affiliated insurgents in Marawi City, and the renewed war against the NPA. This did not exactly promote the Philippines as a premier sex-tourism destination. It will continue to have a negative effect on the number of mongers arriving in AC in search of sexual thrills. I was not aware of Jihadist or NPA activities in the Angeles vicinity. I suppose some newbs might incorrectly generalize these news reports to typical Luzon mongering areas, but I don't recall any dumb newb questions in this thread about terror threats in Angeles. There have been some questions about safety in Mindanao, but Mindanao is not typically a prime mongering area. I would think that most men with the financial wherewithal to travel to the Philippines when they have the scent of cheap pussy in their nostrils would know enough to research any possible connection between terror threats and popular sex tourism destinations. Obviously we can't be sure about numbers of new potential mongers who have been frightened away, but if there were such a quesiton, wouldn't some dumb newby have posted the question to this thread? And if he did, wouldn't the threat be dismissed by some of the regulars?

I liked the video on rat barbecue. You'd think they'd have figured out how to use dogs in the pursuit. Dogs are much quicker and more lethal on rats than are sticks.

12-21-17, 03:49
Arrived at Clark from Singapore. Metered yellow taxi from airport to Devera hotel 200 pesos. Its my 4 third visit at Angeles always stay same hotel small but nice room 1200 pesos. Visited high society disco almost every night entrance fee most of the nights was 250 pesos for man and 50 for girls just on Wednesday was 100 pesos seems they increasing entrance fee every year. Take few freelancers for 1500 pesos short time from Hiso seems now is not so easy find cute girl at Hiso for 1000 pesos short time like my previous visits maybe because its high season now. Anyway I.

Found many girls on date of asia, pinalove, some on wechat, just need to be careful here a lot of ladyboys.

Most of the times I pay girls from dating sites between 500-1000 pesos for short times depends how cute she was. Have also some bar girls from fields bars for 1000-1500 pesos short time after their work or on their day off. I enjoy my stay here its still plenty cheap fun options here for budget monger like me.

12-21-17, 07:20
I was not aware of Jihadist or NPA activities in the Angeles vicinity. I suppose some newbs might incorrectly generalize these news reports to typical Luzon mongering areas, but I don't recall any dumb newb questions in this thread about terror threats in Angeles. There have been some questions about safety in Mindanao, but Mindanao is not typically a prime mongering area. I would think that most men with the financial wherewithal to travel to the Philippines when they have the scent of cheap pussy in their nostrils would know enough to research any possible connection between terror threats and popular sex tourism destinations. Obviously we can't be sure about numbers of new potential mongers who have been frightened away, but if there were such a quesiton, wouldn't some dumb newby have posted the question to this thread? And if he did, wouldn't the threat be dismissed by some of the regulars?

I liked the video on rat barbecue. You'd think they'd have figured out how to use dogs in the pursuit. Dogs are much quicker and more lethal on rats than are sticks.I think CM's point is that the frequent travel warnings and reports of terrorist attacks might deter more cautious travelers from visiting the PI, and he's correct according to some articles I've read recently indicating that tourism has been adversely affected. While it's true that most embassy-issued travel warnings focus on the Sulu archipelago and other areas of Mindanao, many also cite the possibility of violence in and around Manila and for those unfamiliar with the country's geography, much less the geography of Manila, this might be a sufficient deterrent. Why run the risk, however small, in coming here when for about the same amount of money the aspiring monger can visit Thailand or Cambodia?


Kabul Guy
12-21-17, 10:56
I think CM's point is that the frequent travel warnings and reports of terrorist attacks might deter more cautious travelers from visiting the PI......The various embassies issue these travel warnings as a major league CYA effort on their part. I have virtually ignored them ever since I read about the time that the UK embassy once put out a travel advisory due to the possibility of polar bears in the city of Edmonton.

Edmonton is a large major city surrounded by many miles of developed farmlands, there are no wild animals of significant size anywhere near there.

Edmonton is also very far away from polar bear territory, at least 1500 kms to the nearest wild one I'd guess if not significantly more depending on the season. In the winter they are out on the ice of the Arctic Ocean.

Mr Enternational
12-21-17, 16:23
Visited high society disco almost every night entrance fee most of the nights was 250 pesos for man and 50 for girls just on Wednesday was 100 pesos seems they increasing entrance fee every year. Take few freelancers for 1500 pesos short time from Hiso seems now is not so easy find cute girl at Hiso for 1000 pesos short time like my previous visits maybe because its high season now.There is not an entrance fee to High Society on weekdays. On weekends it is 200 pesos for foreigners. There is even a sign out with the fee on the nights they charge. Did you give this money to a cashier or just the guy behind the counter before you enter the door?

LT is generally 1500. Last week there were not many cute girls as you said. I gave her 1500 (not discussed) to the girl I got from there Thursday. The next night I did not feel like going out so I had her come over again for 1500, again not previously discussed. The second day she came at midnight and stayed until noon when I had to check out of the hotel.

I met another chick on tinder that tried to rip me off. She wanted 4K. My friends say her and her crew are always in HiSo. She made jokes saying I could not afford her. A couple of days later when I touched down in the States, I received a message from her trying to see me for 2K. I told her that I would feel like I was cheating her and I could not take her for only 2K and keep a good conscience when I know she only goes for 4K. When I go back next month I will get her for 1500; might even give that bich just 1000 for trying to fuck me over like that!

12-21-17, 22:57
Can someone who recently visited HiSo tell me if it is completely non-smoking now? And sticking to it?

Thanks. I would like to go there next month if it is.

Mr Enternational
12-22-17, 00:12
Can someone who recently visited HiSo tell me if it is completely non-smoking now? And sticking to it?

Thanks. I would like to go there next month if it is.People were smoking inside last week.

12-22-17, 03:49
People were smoking inside last week.I imagine if someone had an official looking badge and citation book, one could get some on the spot fines paid to them! Instead of the P5000 fine, you could let them off the hook for P1000.

Where's my badge?

Soapy Smith
12-22-17, 07:44
The various embassies issue these travel warnings as a major league CYA effort on their part. And some folks heed them assiduously. As a result of the State Department's travel warning my employer has restrictions against funded travel to the Phils. They don't distinguish between Manila and higher risk areas of Mindanao and the Sulu Archipelago. It strikes me that the CYA policies are based more on symbolic fears than actual threat levels. So any combination of Muslim population, under-development, and distance from the states is symbolically lethal. In a similar vein was the postulate from several decades ago that the fear of communism was inversely proportional to the distance from the Soviet Union. Americans were especially fearful of communism, the Finnish population not so much. Recent history would suggest that there are greater risks for terrorists to kill Americans in Las Vegas and Orlando than in the Philippines, but I don't know of many employers that have put Las Vegas and Orlando off limits. Anything seen as "out there" is necessarily more threatening symbolically.

12-22-17, 09:55
And some folks heed them assiduously. As a result of the State Department's travel warning my employer has restrictions against funded travel to the Phils. They don't distinguish between Manila and higher risk areas of Mindanao and the Sulu Archipelago. It strikes me that the CYA policies are based more on symbolic fears than actual threat levels. So any combination of Muslim population, under-development, and distance from the states is symbolically lethal. In a similar vein was the postulate from several decades ago that the fear of communism was inversely proportional to the distance from the Soviet Union. Americans were especially fearful of communism, the Finnish population not so much. Recent history would suggest that there are greater risks for terrorists to kill Americans in Las Vegas and Orlando than in the Philippines, but I don't know of many employers that have put Las Vegas and Orlando off limits. Anything seen as "out there" is necessarily more threatening symbolically.I once had this discussion with a US Ambassador to the Philippines whom I greatly respected. I asked her specifically, why the US and other countries didn't differentiate between warnings about places like Sulu—where the danger of kidnapping is high—and others like Davao and General Santos, where the risks are extremely low. She responded in "it's better to be safe than to be sorry" mode, contending that the Embassy had to be able to issue warnings that covered several contingencies so that, just in case something untoward did happen, the US Government could not be accused of failing to warn its citizens. US Embassy and USAID staff in the Philippines may not travel anywhere in Mindanao without permission since they are considered high value targets.

I don't blame the US and other governments from these sorts of admonitions. It's their job to warn their citizens of any potential dangers. And if they're overly cautious, so what? The warnings will not deter knowledgeable and / or determined travelers, though they might cumulatively adversely affect tourism in the targeted countries.

Two other unrelated points: another ferry capsized here yesterday killing at least four people. The flooding in and around CDO is severe and we know folks here whose family houses have been badly damaged.


Red Kilt
12-22-17, 11:37
<SNIP> "it's better to be safe than to be sorry" mode, contending that the Embassy had to be able to issue warnings that covered several contingencies so that, just in case something untoward did happen, the US Government could not be accused of failing to warn its citizens. Hence Soapy's use of the CYA epithet.

The Australian Government gives out the same CYA messages for most SE Asian countries now, especially since an Oz National guy (backpacker) went missing between Phnom Penh and Snookyville in Cambodia around 20 years ago and the Gov was lambasted for not warning him about the dangers.

D Cups
12-22-17, 16:15
Was she a petite girl with big boobs, E? I had one like that in AC who pulled the same stunt with me.

I met another chick on tinder that tried to rip me off. She wanted 4K. !

12-22-17, 21:27
Can someone who recently visited HiSo tell me if it is completely non-smoking now? And sticking to it?

Thanks. I would like to go there next month if it is.I noticed in their photos that people were smoking. I sent a message asking if smoking was allowed now. No answer.

Soapy Smith
12-22-17, 23:04
She responded in "it's better to be safe than to be sorry" mode, contending that the Embassy had to be able to issue warnings that covered several contingencies so that, just in case something untoward did happen, the US Government could not be accused of failing to warn its citizens.

I don't blame the US and other governments from these sorts of admonitions. It's their job to warn their citizens of any potential dangers. And if they're overly cautious, so what? The warnings will not deter knowledgeable and / or determined travelers, though they might cumulatively adversely affect tourism in the targeted countries. GE.I moved a reply to the General Info thread since this discussion is increasingly irrelevant to the Angeles thread.

12-24-17, 09:19
I don't believe that is statistically correct on Fields Ave. Although I haven't checked Perimeter Road bars.

You forgot the huge number of Koreans that are coming. They are still coming regardless of the bad PR of Koreans getting mugged / kidnapped / killed. Koreanization of Fields Ave is continuing. More Korean oriented bars, more Korean restaurants. There are now Korean style arcades / Korean beauty product stores. Without the Koreans, Angeles would be in a pretty bad shape, similar to what you wrote.

Correct, but Koreans and normal tourist are not going to use Tinder / DIA / FB / etc and streetwalkers to get pussy. Many sex tourist will still come to Angeles.

Tons of Koreans around. Some bars have less staff. I was told that many girls left for their provinces. Very difficult to quantify. Seems similar to previous years.Hi GreenBud, Koreans are getting mugged / killed /? What happened? I am an Asian guy myself. I am not Korean, but, Asian. I would be afraid to go to AC if, the local crinimals are trying to kill Asians. Any information you can provide who be great. How do I stay away from the crinimals?

12-24-17, 09:28
Perhaps, there is a lot of new construction and inflation. However, the overall trend is a decreasing number of bars and mongers. In general, bars are a dying industry in AC. Bars cannot stay in business without a steady supply of mongers who spend enough to make them profitable. Some people will pay higher prices but many will not as there are other alternatives. A man can arrive in the Philippines and have his fill of sex without setting foot in AC or a bar. Unless there is some grand marketing plan promoting some unique feature of AC bars, there is no reason to believe that business will improve with an increase in prices.

Many smokers and potheads have fled due to the Du30 special policies. For the past year, the international media has covered the Philippines due to the huge body count from the ongoing drug war; ISIS affiliated insurgents in Marawi City, and the renewed war against the NPA. This did not exactly promote the Philippines as a premier sex-tourism destination. It will continue to have a negative effect on the number of mongers arriving in AC in search of sexual thrills. Recent reports generally indicate that the bars are not filled with large numbers of horny mongers even during high season.Hi Chocha Monger, I have not been to AC in over 9 years. I was wondering, it is safe to go to AC these days? Have you come across any muslim terrorists? Local PHillippines police killing people not related to drugs? I heard they are killing Korean men?? I am Asian myself. Is it safe to go to AC these days?

12-24-17, 10:23
Hi GreenBud, Koreans are getting mugged / killed /? What happened? I am an Asian guy myself. I am not Korean, but, Asian. I would be afraid to go to AC if, the local crinimals are trying to kill Asians. Any information you can provide who be great. How do I stay away from the crinimals?No need to be afraid of the local criminals, but you might get killed by a jealous westerner when you walk around with the hottest girls in town (who prefer Asian guys as you might know).

12-24-17, 10:45
Hi Chocha Monger, I have not been to AC in over 9 years. I was wondering, it is safe to go to AC these days? Have you come across any muslim terrorists? Local PHillippines police killing people not related to drugs? I heard they are killing Korean men?? I am Asian myself. Is it safe to go to AC these days?Go and have a good time. Other than petty street crime, there's little danger other than sexual exhaustion. Asian men are not being targeted by anyone except the Filipinas, and there's still enough life left in the bars to make life fun.


Chocha Monger
12-24-17, 11:33
Hi Chocha Monger, I have not been to AC in over 9 years. I was wondering, it is safe to go to AC these days? Have you come across any muslim terrorists? Local PHillippines police killing people not related to drugs? I heard they are killing Korean men?? I am Asian myself. Is it safe to go to AC these days?Assuming that you are just tourist and not involved in any business or drug use, it is probably less dangerous than the last time you were there 9 years ago. Thanks to the Du30 special brand of justice, there are less shabu addicts on the prowl robbing and murdering tourists in AC. Any terrorists you run into are likely on are&are and not interested in you. The police did not kill random Korean men. They targeted a highly paid Korean executive for extortion, and after they murdered him, they extorted his wife for more money as she did not know her husband was already dead.

Being Asian does not put you at a higher risk unless you are a high-rolling whale who makes it rain P1,000 bills from the balconies of Walking St bars. Follow the same precautions you took the last time you visited AC and you should be fine. Do not let any trike drivers take you on a mystery ride to any secret places that supposedly has "better girls. " LOL!

Disclaimer: Actual individual risk may vary based on drinking habits, wearing of jewelry, public use of the latest version of the iPhone, and choice of freelancers from the street.

12-24-17, 19:20
Hi Chocha Monger, I have not been to AC in over 9 years. I was wondering, it is safe to go to AC these days? Have you come across any muslim terrorists? Local PHillippines police killing people not related to drugs? I heard they are killing Korean men?? I am Asian myself. Is it safe to go to AC these days?You have fallen under the spell of chocha downer. To get out from under it just rtff more and get real first hand reports.

12-24-17, 20:23
How safe is travel in the early hours? I arrive late at Manila and would prefer to push on, taxi to Pasay, bus to Dau and trike to hotel. How safe would the trike be with luggage etc at 3 am? I figure Manila is not worth the hassle but I do not want to be found dead at sun up.

I feel, for my needs, a cheap hotel and a steady stream of skanks is the way to go.

Last time, I fucked like a rabbit and had to go to the hospital to be cleansed. The hospital was funny with all the newbies getting their antibiotics for the clap. I took double the recommended dosage, a dangerous thing to do, what with side effects. Given the risks I have taken, I was over due a dose. I was thankful I did not have herpes of HIV, both possibilities with the bonking and desperation.

[Deleted by Admin]

All in all, I reckon Angeles is the worse place in the Philippines. Except for riding the range.

12-25-17, 01:43
Chocha Monger: Thank you for your wisdom and knowledge. You are a true Jedi Monger Master!! Thanks again.

12-25-17, 01:46
Go and have a good time. Other than petty street crime, there's little danger other than sexual exhaustion. Asian men are not being targeted by anyone except the Filipinas, and there's still enough life left in the bars to make life fun.

GE.Thank you Goodenough and Mogwai: You both are awesome. Thanks for the info. Please have an awesome afternoon.

12-25-17, 06:10
Hi GreenBud, Koreans are getting mugged / killed /? What happened? I am an Asian guy myself. I am not Korean, but, Asian. I would be afraid to go to AC if, the local crinimals are trying to kill Asians. Any information you can provide who be great. How do I stay away from the crinimals?As other people have said, it is safe, if you are not stupid. If you are a normal non-flashy tourist, and avoid dark alleys, it is safe. That being said, IMO, the government doesn't protect / care about the tourists as much as Thailand, and especially not as much as Vietnam and Cambodia.

There were at least 2 high profile killings / kidnappings. One by Pinoy law enforcement, and the other carried out by Korean twins and their Pinoy cronies. You can google it for more detailed info. Both victims were wealthy and had business interests in the Philippines. But these 2 occurred in the past few years. Statistically, it isn't that many.

I was told that the Korean media is reporting on crimes committed on the Koreans in the Philippines. But you know how the media is. They sensationalize it. Out of the millions of Koreans that come to the Philippines every year, it probably isn't that many. Many cities in the US is probably more dangerous.

Several years ago, there seemed to have been Mafia type killings of Koreans (probably Mob related). Even the mayor said there was a Korean mob war going on. They were killed without the murderer taking their expensive watches, cells phones and wallets. I don't believe I have read any of that type of killings recently. Although, I don't religiously read Philippines news. Mainly when it makes world news.

Engine Driver
12-25-17, 11:10
As other people have said, it is safe, if you are not stupid. If you are a normal non-flashy tourist, and avoid dark alleys, it is safe. That being said, IMO, the government doesn't protect / care about the tourists as much as Thailand, and especially not as much as Vietnam and Cambodia.

There were at least 2 high profile killings / kidnappings. One by Pinoy law enforcement, and the other carried out by Korean twins and their Pinoy cronies. You can google it for more detailed info. Both victims were wealthy and had business interests in the Philippines. But these 2 occurred in the past few years. Statistically, it isn't that many.

I was told that the Korean media is reporting on crimes committed on the Koreans in the Philippines. But you know how the media is. They sensationalize it. Out of the millions of Koreans that come to the Philippines every year, it probably isn't that many. Many cities in the US is probably more dangerous.

Several years ago, there seemed to have been Mafia type killings of Koreans (probably Mob related). Even the mayor said there was a Korean mob war going on. They were killed without the murderer taking their expensive watches, cells phones and wallets. I don't believe I have read any of that type of killings recently. Although, I don't religiously read Philippines news. Mainly when it makes world news.Keep very little money on you and don't wear an expensive watch. If you do walk on the street, don't respond to any calls from trike drivers or other vendors. They are no good. Be super careful when you go to change money at the little kiosk.

12-25-17, 11:24
They like rich guys more than anything. Doesn't matter what color you are. I think you might mean to say Korean instead of Asian. They think Koreans guys are easy money. I also get that impression. I'm Asian and they always ask me if I'm Filipino. And I'm pretty sure they're doing it to weed Filipinos out. Although you may be right in some sense, given equally paying white and Asian guy they'll probably choose the reputationally smaller dicked Korean.

No need to be afraid of the local criminals, but you might get killed by a jealous westerner when you walk around with the hottest girls in town (who prefer Asian guys as you might know).

12-25-17, 11:29
As far as I can tell this wasn't answered. Last time I was there a couple months ago, smoking was allowed. I remembered being annoyed by it. It's been great having no smoking in the bars, wish they would follow rule of law as well but I suppose I can't have everything. If everyone was following rule of law exactly angeles wouldn't be worth going to in the first place. LOL. Enjoy smoking in high so.

I noticed in their photos that people were smoking. I sent a message asking if smoking was allowed now. No answer.

12-26-17, 13:05
All is calculated risk. Of course there is no wholesale targeting of foreigners, of geese who lay golden eggs. This is not downtown Kabul and nor are we General Custer, strolling into Sitting Bull's turf looking for a casual bonk. Last time I was in Angeles, I met retired members of the US Special Forces who told me of muggings outside our hotel at reasonable hours and of trike jacking etc. It would be silly to say this stuff does not go on in Angeles or in Pattaya where it is better documented.

Logic tells us there are poor local guys waiting to roll richer foreign guys when the opportunity presents itself and that they will use guns, knives or iron bars to tilt the odds. Although Angeles may be safer than Latin American favellas, it is not safe.

In answer to my own query, I figure the airport to Pasay is safe, as is Pasay to Angeles but Dau station and a trike with money and stuff in the early hours is not worth the risk. Strolling around at 3-4 am, with eyes on me is just not worth the risk.

How safe is travel in the early hours? I arrive late at Manila and would prefer to push on, taxi to Pasay, bus to Dau and trike to hotel. How safe would the trike be with luggage etc at 3 am? I figure Manila is not worth the hassle but I do not want to be found dead at sun up.
You have fallen under the spell of chocha downer. To get out from under it just rtff more and get real first hand reports.
Disclaimer: Actual individual risk may vary based on drinking habits, wearing of jewelry, public use of the latest version of the iPhone, and choice of freelancers from the street.

12-26-17, 22:57

I write to you from Oz, an annual return, where one has a range of familial Christmas / New Year obligations.

Just wanted to say that I hope the coming year is good to all!

I have enjoyed the information, tips, advice and stories here. Thank you, one and all.

Here's hoping you see the new year in with a fun and energetic fuck.

Draining your balls ploughing some smiling and happy big tits pinay poontang!

Have a good one!

12-27-17, 05:59
In answer to my own query, I figure the airport to Pasay is safe, as is Pasay to Angeles but Dau station and a trike with money and stuff in the early hours is not worth the risk. Strolling around at 3-4 am, with eyes on me is just not worth the risk.I think it is pretty safe and have done it many times in the last ten years. Once you land take a taxi to the bus station and head to AC. Once at the DAU bus stop Take a trike to your AC hotel. Even at 3-4 am you will find some action since some bars stay open 24 hours.

12-27-17, 06:22
I think it is pretty safe and have done it many times in the last ten years. Once you land take a taxi to the bus station and head to AC. Once at the DAU bus stop Take a trike to your AC hotel. Even at 3-4 am you will find some action since some bars stay open 24 hours.For those who are adverse to risk can stay a night in Manila and travel during the day. They can also arrange a car service to Angeles.

12-27-17, 08:39
In answer to my own query, I figure the airport to Pasay is safe, as is Pasay to Angeles but Dau station and a trike with money and stuff in the early hours is not worth the risk. Strolling around at 3-4 am, with eyes on me is just not worth the risk.I agree with you. Even though I have never felt unsafe in a bus, quite a lot of girls have told me that bus traveling is not really safe for foreigners. Always watch your stuff.
Also Dau station or even Dau as a whole are not safe for foreigners, according to the girls.

I always travel in the day time when I take the bus and as already said I never felt unsafe, but on many occasions I have been the only foreigner on the bus or one of the very few. If that makes you feel uncomfortable you can better avoid bus travelling.

12-27-17, 10:33
I agree with you. Even though I have never felt unsafe in a bus, quite a lot of girls have told me that bus traveling is not really safe for foreigners. Always watch your stuff.
Also Dau station or even Dau as a whole are not safe for foreigners, according to the girls.

I always travel in the day time when I take the bus and as already said I never felt unsafe, but on many occasions I have been the only foreigner on the bus or one of the very few. If that makes you feel uncomfortable you can better avoid bus travelling.I think bus travelling is safe but the early hours are not worth the risk. If the wrong people clap eyes on me at 3 am at Dau, my race is run. 99 times out of 100 it would be safe but I don't want to be Mr 100. I'll stay in Manila where I have an interesting playmate.

12-27-17, 11:11
I always travel in the day time when I take the bus and as already said I never felt unsafe, but on many occasions I have been the only foreigner on the bus or one of the very few. If that makes you feel uncomfortable you can better avoid bus travelling.Actually, I would feel more safe if I am the only foreigner on the bus (which I was when I took 2 buses from Batangas Pier to Jam Liner terminal in Cubao to Dau station). If there was a steady stream of foreigners in Dau bus station, then my guess is that crooks would scope out the place to target and rob a rich looking foreigner. From Dau station to the entrance to Walking Street on MacArthur Ave, the trike takes the main roads. I feel more safe when the transport vehicle is on a busy street.

Many years ago, I read about Pinoy thugs robbing buses on long routes. They would stop the bus at a predetermined location, and then rob all the people, who were mostly / all local people. This didn't occur on the busy Manila to Batangas / Dau routes. I haven't read about these type of robberies recently, but I don't normally read local Pinoy news. Have they occurred recently?

12-27-17, 11:45
How safe is travel in the early hours? I arrive late at Manila and would prefer to push on, taxi to Pasay, bus to Dau and trike to hotel. How safe would the trike be with luggage etc at 3 am? Not something I'm going to do when I can arrange for a car via the hotel that will get me there safe and sound for $50 USD or 2700 pesos. I don't think saving $40 is worth the trouble or risk when I don't know my way around.

Red Kilt
12-27-17, 11:59
Many years ago, I read about Pinoy thugs robbing buses on long routes. They would stop the bus at a predetermined location, and then rob all the people, who were mostly / all local people. This didn't occur on the busy Manila to Batangas / Dau routes. I haven't read about these type of robberies recently, but I don't normally read local Pinoy news. Have they occurred recently?It still happens.

Random and opportunistic. It happens often in jeepneys.

Last one that I recall on a bus occurred along EDSA in the middle of busy traffic near the turn off to the SLEX past Magallanes around June/July this year.

Two guys in a team. They were thwarted by an off-duty rookie cop who became a hero by tackling one of the guys and got himself shot in the foot for his trouble.

Despite ones logical assumptions about quiet and out of the way places, my friend in the NBI tells me that the most likely place where crimes occur are in the really busy places where there are lots of people which allows the crooks to escape easily into the crowds. That happened to me in front of SM Megamall in a crowd of people when I was divested of some possessions. No chance of pursuit. They vanished into the swarm of people.

Mr Enternational
12-27-17, 14:57
I doubt that I would ever leave home if I was as afraid as a lot of mongers seem to be. A few days ago in my city a lady was leaving work at Publix grocery store and they found her dead in the trunk of her car. I guess that means nobody should ever go to the grocery store. Or maybe that nobody should ever work.

Shit happens. Not saying to go walk in the middle of the projects with your best gold on, but we are talking about a fucking bus station. Like Shark, I have done it 100 times and never a hitch. Frankly I wish I was lucky enough to have a flight that got in so late to avoid the hideous traffic.

On the 14th when I arrived, I took the Genesis bus that left the airport at 3 pm. I did not arrive in AC at SM Mall until 6:35 pm. Hell it took 2 hours to even get up to Quezon City. At least 20 minutes to get out of the parking lot which is the airport driveway as you can see in the pic.

P.S. I am happy to finally hear a first hand account (Red Kilt's - although unfortunate) of something happening instead of all the friend of a friend ghost stories.

12-27-17, 15:11
I doubt that I would ever leave home if I was as afraid as a lot of mongers seem to be. .

Not something I'm going to do when I can arrange for a car via the hotel that will get me there safe and sound for $50 USD or 2700 pesos. I don't think saving $40 is worth the trouble or risk when I don't know my way around.A taxi would take most of the risk out OK. I have been around many places, Pampanga / Manila included and should be more risk averse than I am. Of course, stuff happens but one should still gauge risk. It is not a case of gangsters waiting in Dau station to mug unlucky me but of being about at a vulnerable time (3 am or so) with a case and / or backback. Who knows? It could even be safer then as the muggers might be off scalping Fields Ave drunks.

12-28-17, 05:59
A taxi would take most of the risk out OK. I have been around many places, Pampanga / Manila included and should be more risk averse than I am. Of course, stuff happens but one should still gauge risk. It is not a case of gangsters waiting in Dau station to mug unlucky me but of being about at a vulnerable time (3 am or so) with a case and / or backback. Who knows? It could even be safer then as the muggers might be off scalping Fields Ave drunks.Analysis paralysis, the greatest bandit of all!

Taxi or bus?

$55 or $10?

What's your peace of mind worth?

What's your time worth?

What’s $45 worth to you?

What's your life worth?

CM help the man out! Pass him a nugget.

12-28-17, 09:48
Mr E,

Perhaps a foolish question but I check in here fairly often and have never heard mention of a Genesis bus. Is this some new alternative direct from NAIA to AC? Be great news if so. I normally fly into and out of Clark and avoid Manila but in the next few months may have to go through NAIA at least once so any options other than taxi or taxi, bus trike would be welcome.


12-28-17, 11:55
Taxi or bus?

$55 or $10?Actually, IMO, the total price difference should be approximately $57 and $7.

$50 is about a barfine.

I should do the local bus more often. Those buses are decent, more comfortable than those old tourist bus that Ski-kat and Southern Cross uses.

It's fairly safe. If your're scare at that level, then you shouldn't travel to any large city.

But definitely more comfortable in a private taxi. I'm getting older. It's only an extra barfine.

12-28-17, 13:47
If your're scare at that level, then you shouldn't travel to any large city.

But definitely more comfortable in a private taxi. I'm getting older. It's only an extra barfine.That is not the attitude. One must always gauge risk, every risk. I will give you one example. In Davao's hooker strip, I thought I caught a kid rifling my pockets and turned on him. The pockets were easy access and I was aware of that. A few locals stuck their noses in and said pick pocketing never happens in Davao, which is a nonsensical statement to make about anywhere. I was taking the risk of walking through that area with unsuitable pockets.

Another time in Davao, a skank was massaging me when I heard a strange sound: the Velcro of my pockets being opened. She had gone through my pockets emptying them and after getting all my money back and threatening to kick the shit out of her, I had to pay her to f off and the lesbian door woman as well. Lesson: even in Davao robbers rob.

Tour guides always tell you how nice a pace is.

Taxi or bus?

$55 or $10?

What's your peace of mind worth?

What's your time worth?

Whats $45 worth to you?

What's your life worth?

CM help the man out! Pass him a nugget.If I go in the early hours, it will be by taxi. One has to tease out these things and it is not just the $45 + hassle difference. Extras can mount up, not so much with taxis but with bar fines and so on. I like to know about all risks, even if they never directly concern me. It helps get a clearer picture of the entire landscape.

12-28-17, 17:53
Mr E,

Perhaps a foolish question but I check in here fairly often and have never heard mention of a Genesis bus. Is this some new alternative direct from NAIA to AC? Be great news if so. I normally fly into and out of Clark and avoid Manila but in the next few months may have to go through NAIA at least once so any options other than taxi or taxi, bus trike would be welcome.

SE.Yes, there indeed a new service Clark airport-SM Angeles-Terminal 3 NAIA, Bay 14. At the AC end it starts at the side main drive way entrance of AC SM mall (not the two large jeepney terminal exits), where the hotel pickups stop. At the driveway there are a few seats for waiting passengers and a bus time table. Buses look good. Very low key advertising, not sure why. I understand the service runs on time, again a mystery as EDSA will kill any timetable!

12-28-17, 17:57
I doubt that I would ever leave home if I was as afraid as a lot of mongers seem to be. A few days ago in my city a lady was leaving work at Publix grocery store and they found her dead in the trunk of her car. I guess that means nobody should ever go to the grocery store. Or maybe that nobody should ever work.

Shit happens. Not saying to go walk in the middle of the projects with your best gold on, but we are talking about a fucking bus station. Like Shark, I have done it 100 times and never a hitch. Frankly I wish I was lucky enough to have a flight that got in so late to avoid the hideous traffic.

On the 14th when I arrived, I took the Genesis bus that left the airport at 3 pm. I did not arrive in AC at SM Mall until 6:35 pm. Hell it took 2 hours to even get up to Quezon City. At least 20 minutes to get out of the parking lot which is the airport driveway as you can see in the pic.

P.S. I am happy to finally hear a first hand account (Red Kilt's - although unfortunate) of something happening instead of all the friend of a friend ghost stories.I know you had a big delay on EDSA. The Christmas frenzy started first week December and traffic congestion went manic. Do not forget to go to the CR first as things could get uncomfortable!

12-28-17, 18:03
All is calculated risk. Of course there is no wholesale targeting of foreigners, of geese who lay golden eggs. This is not downtown Kabul and nor are we General Custer, strolling into Sitting Bull's turf looking for a casual bonk. Last time I was in Angeles, I met retired members of the US Special Forces who told me of muggings outside our hotel at reasonable hours and of trike jacking etc. It would be silly to say this stuff does not go on in Angeles or in Pattaya where it is better documented.

Logic tells us there are poor local guys waiting to roll richer foreign guys when the opportunity presents itself and that they will use guns, knives or iron bars to tilt the odds. Although Angeles may be safer than Latin American favellas, it is not safe.

In answer to my own query, I figure the airport to Pasay is safe, as is Pasay to Angeles but Dau station and a trike with money and stuff in the early hours is not worth the risk. Strolling around at 3-4 am, with eyes on me is just not worth the risk.Look through the eyes of the thief. A guy arriving in AC is loaded with pussy cash and is a target to any thief with even a low IQ. A guy leaving AC has empty pockets!

12-28-17, 18:05
Mr E,

Perhaps a foolish question but I check in here fairly often and have never heard mention of a Genesis bus. Is this some new alternative direct from NAIA to AC? Be great news if so. I normally fly into and out of Clark and avoid Manila but in the next few months may have to go through NAIA at least once so any options other than taxi or taxi, bus trike would be welcome.

SE.Not foolish at all, I just happened upon this when I was considering going to AC myself (opted out for another game plan for this Spring, maybe next year). This appears to be a new option, which sadly enough, is best advertised on Facebook (of all places).



However, it seems the bus company, Genesis, is too halfass to even keep a website up.

http://www.genesistransport.com.ph/gtsi/terminals.html (This type of "halfassness" is one reason why the PI is not my next destination).

Looks like it stops at a mall in Angeles, as well as CRK. Apparently, you need to go to Facebook to get the actual schedule from Genesis.



Yeah, Facebook. If that isn't halfass, I'll kiss your ass. So, if Mr. E is actually going through NAIA, he should check it out for us, and tell us how it went.

Mr Enternational
12-28-17, 19:47
Yes, there indeed a new service Clark airport-SM Angeles-Terminal 3 NAIA, Bay 14. At the AC end it starts at the side main drive way entrance of AC SM mall (not the two large jeepney terminal exits), where the hotel pickups stop. At the driveway there are a few seats for waiting passengers and a bus time table. Buses look good. Very low key advertising, not sure why. I understand the service runs on time, again a mystery as EDSA will kill any timetable!If you scroll down their facebook page there is a schedule.

12-28-17, 20:09
Yes, there indeed a new service Clark airport-SM Angeles-Terminal 3 NAIA, Bay 14. At the AC end it starts at the side main drive way entrance of AC SM mall (not the two large jeepney terminal exits), where the hotel pickups stop. At the driveway there are a few seats for waiting passengers and a bus time table. Buses look good. Very low key advertising, not sure why. I understand the service runs on time, again a mystery as EDSA will kill any timetable!The SM City Clark stop is outside near the main entrance where French Baker and Pizza Hut are located. The stop is further outside near the flag poles. Look for the flag poles. This is known as the flag pole stop.

Does anyone know if this bus to NAIA T-3 stops at T-1 and does it pick up at T-1 on the trip to Clark?

12-28-17, 20:54
Not something I'm going to do when I can arrange for a car via the hotel that will get me there safe and sound for $50 USD or 2700 pesos. I don't think saving $40 is worth the trouble or risk when I don't know my way around.When I was in Manila a few weeks ago I found lots of taxi's wanting 2,500 php to go to Angeles and some even offering to go for 2,000.

12-28-17, 22:02
It still happens.

Random and opportunistic. It happens often in jeepneys.

Last one that I recall on a bus occurred along EDSA in the middle of busy traffic near the turn off to the SLEX past Magallanes around June/July this year.

Two guys in a team. They were thwarted by an off-duty rookie cop who became a hero by tackling one of the guys and got himself shot in the foot for his trouble.

Despite ones logical assumptions about quiet and out of the way places, my friend in the NBI tells me that the most likely place where crimes occur are in the really busy places where there are lots of people which allows the crooks to escape easily into the crowds. That happened to me in front of SM Megamall in a crowd of people when I was divested of some possessions. No chance of pursuit. They vanished into the swarm of people.IMHO, happens everywhere but more frequently in some places. My experience is that you will receive almost no help, if you are by yourself, whether it is a developed or third world country. Most people that come at you will have at least one accomplice. In New York, Paris, Madrid, Barcelona, Rome, Athens, Jakarta and Manila are just some of the places where attempts have been made on me.

Raising attention does not bring official or non official assistance in time. I have tired raising a commotion while following the people as they tried to disappear into the crowd or go down side streets (I ain't that stupid). Assistance, if any, will arrive too late usually. Weapons were not usually used in busy areas. Never go down deserted streets unless you have to and, on those occasions walk down the center of the street so you can see people approaching and hopefully you can out run the assailants.

The PI is different because some do have guns. Whether or not they will successfully fire is another issue.

Someone on ISG posted security suggestions which is similar to what I have practiced for several decades. Knock on wood, I have not had any bad experiences.

Engine Driver
12-29-17, 11:14
I think bus travelling is safe but the early hours are not worth the risk. If the wrong people clap eyes on me at 3 am at Dau, my race is run. 99 times out of 100 it would be safe but I don't want to be Mr 100. I'll stay in Manila where I have an interesting playmate.Getting the bus from Dau bus station to Manila during the day is a real hassle. First you get a trike to the station from AC. Then trying to actually get your luggage stowed in the hold and yourself onto the crowded bus is a nightmare, particularly with a swarm of street urchins circling. The street urchins are either trying to go through your pockets or trying to get your luggage stowed in return for a tip. There's just too much pushing and shoving trying to get on and you don't know if your luggage has been stolen or is safe until you get to Manila.

I now just get the taxi from margarita station which is around 2,600.

12-29-17, 11:41
Getting the bus from Dau bus station to Manila during the day is a real hassle. First you get a trike to the station from AC. Then trying to actually get your luggage stowed in the hold and yourself onto the crowded bus is a nightmare, particularly with a swarm of street urchins circling. The street urchins are either trying to go through your pockets or trying to get your luggage stowed in return for a tip. There's just too much pushing and shoving trying to get on and you don't know if your luggage has been stolen or is safe until you get to Manila.

I now just get the taxi from margarita station which is around 2,600.Last time, the bus from Dau to Pasay and the airport worked a charm. Finished bonking, gave the skank a tip and a pat of the bum to send her on her way, trike to Dau, bus to Pasay and a shuttle bus (150 PHP?) parked next to my bus to the airport. Perfect logistically even if the Manila traffic was awful. I tend to pack light and defensively, keeping all valuables close to hand. I have met guys in Thailand who lost everything (so they said). Once, getting a night time taxi from Pattaya to the airport, the guy stopped mid way and a guy got into the back seat. I was ready to fight to the death (stupidly) but it was just a mate of his.

The money aside, it is these crowds we try to avoid as we get older. In London a bus driver told me how junkies try to regularly rob his cargo. On a long trip up the Mekong, the bus driver motioned me at every stop to watch my stuff.

I can handle most bus station chaos and I always try to keep an eye on where my stuff is (ditto going through airport security) but the early hours with luggage would mean I run too high a chance of being in someone's cross hairs. And I have got stories form reputable sources in Pampanga.

Mr Enternational
12-29-17, 13:39
In New York, Paris, Madrid, Barcelona, Rome, Athens, Jakarta and Manila are just some of the places where attempts have been made on me.

The PI is different because some do have guns.Wait a motherfucking got damn minute. I, for one, am not about to let this bullshit slide by. You mean to say that someone has tried to rob you MORE than 8 different times in MORE than 8 different places? I have been to all of the places that you name many times over and not once has anyone attempted to rob me, and I have been known to hang in some shady ass places.

This shit right here lets me know that it just may not be the place as much as it is the person. Do yourself a favor. Next time one of these attempts is made, tell the robber to pause. Tell him that you will give him all of your money, no problem. But tell him to first tell you why does everyone keep trying to fucking rob you wherever you go. You need answers dude. And believe it or not, PI is not the only place where robbers carry guns.

Someone on ISG posted security suggestions which is similar to what I have practiced for several decades. Knock on wood, I have not had any bad experiences.Man you are confusing the shit out of us. First you say someone has tried to rob you more than 8 times, then you say you have not had any bad experiences. Do you not count being robbed as a bad experience? I don't know what kind of security you have been practicing, but if it had caused me to get robbed more than 8 times, then I would consider switching it up. I don't practice any stinking security and again have never had anyone try to rob me.

12-29-17, 14:48
Wait a motherfucking got damn minute. I, for one, am not about to let this bullshit slide by. You mean to say that someone has tried to rob you MORE than 8 different times in MORE than 8 different places? I have been to all of the places that you name many times over and not once has anyone attempted to rob me, and I have been known to hang in some shady ass places.

This shit right here lets me know that it just may not be the place as much as it is the person. Do yourself a favor. Next time one of these attempts is made, tell the robber to pause. Tell him that you will give him all of your money, no problem. But tell him to first tell you why does everyone keep trying to fucking rob you wherever you go. You need answers dude. And believe it or not, PI is not the only place where robbers carry guns.

Man you are confusing the shit out of us. First you say someone has tried to rob you more than 8 times, then you say you have not had any bad experiences. Do you not count being robbed as a bad experience? I don't know what kind of security you have been practicing, but if it had caused me to get robbed more than 8 times, then I would consider switching it up. I don't practice any stinking security and again have never had anyone try to rob me.Wow. Sorry for the confusion.

The security article is written in another ISG thread. I think Colombia.

Getting an attempted robbery is not that bad experience in my books, it goes with the territory of traveling. Unfortunately, it is still common in the US and many other places. I cannot control it so I just accept it as a price of living or traveling. No ER visits or police station visits or major loses. Knew and heard of guys who ended up in the ER or with worse injuries and loses.

I actually avoid dangerous places, to a degree but I do take calculated risks. What I am is very aware of my surroundings and that is what allowed me to escape most attempts or see it coming. In most of the cases I was either alone or effectively alone; meaning I would not be able to depend on my companion to fight. In a couple of the cases, it was my companion that was the primary target.

Sometimes I know I am a target because I am in a suit or carrying expensive accessories. I am also long in the tooth so have be trekking around a long time.

You are fortunate if you have not had any attempts. I was Bangkok several weeks back and taking some friends around and could not believe the number of scammers around nowadays. Different type of robbery. Just a silver tongue.

As for the PI, I don't take the buses as many in this thread do. I travel with too much tech. I don't have a safe place to leave it if I need to travel between cities.

12-29-17, 23:04
Getting an attempted robbery is not that bad experience in my books, it goes with the territory of traveling.LOL! Really?

I don't think you should travel, if you REALLY get robbed all the time. LOL!

Since I've started traveling extensively from the late 90's, I've been robbed twice, both non-violent. Once I was picked on the Songthaew bus in Pattaya. Luckily, it was just before I was going to the ATM. Only lost about $40. The other time was in Angeles couple of years ago. I went into a jeepney at the main station at the end of Fields. One guy came and sat next to me, forcing me closer to the other guy. It was way too crowded, even for Pinoy standards. This raised my rip-off alarm. I had my hands on my wallet and cell phone in my pockets. At mid-way, they got off, and I realized they took my coin purse which had about 80 cents. Due to principle, that episode was very irritating. I hate to be robbed.

Knew and heard of guys who ended up in the ER or with worse injuries and loses.Geez! I don't meet those type of people. Of course you read about those stories, if you read a lot. Crime happens in almost every city in the world.

I was Bangkok several weeks back and taking some friends around and could not believe the number of scammers around nowadays. Different type of robbery. Just a silver tongue.LOL! Robberies and scams must follow you around. LOL! How many scams are there? Years ago, they had the jem scam. Are they still around? Once I met a Nigerian that wanted to talk business with me. Supposedly he was rich, but he was taking the cheap non A/C buses. LOL! Then you have the touts that wants to take you to the massage places for their commission. Not really a scam, IMO. Then you have the rip-off ping pong shows at Patpong. That's a scam that's still around.

Are you that same "guy" that's writing that it's suicide to go out after midnight in Phnom Penh? That guy is a moron.

12-30-17, 01:41
My own experiences in the past 30 years of international travel. 2 attempts in Mazatlan on the same day. Once on the street 2 guys were getting ready to do a snatch as one waved money in my face while the other tried to sneak up behind me. Then on the bus back to the hotel a pickpocket had his hand all the way in my front pocket where I keep my money. I turned to tell my girl that our stop was next and felt it. Tight jeans too. He removed his hand and tried to look invisible. We got off the bus without further commotion. In Bangkok a trio of adolescent Cambo girls waved flowers in my face while removing small bills from my shirt pocket. Since we all look alike they tried it on me again 20 minutes later. I caught the oldest and did not let go until the police arrived. Some do-good English speaking Thai woman told me I could not restrain the girl. The police were happy to get her though. They claim they deported her. They were all back on the street 2 days later. I too was picked on the baht bus in Pattaya. They got my passport with $300 US in it from a buttoned cargo pocket. Lesson learned on that location. 2 women tried to pick me in a Thai supermarket as one asked me about cheese I was looking at while the other came up behind me. If it seems weird. Look around.

12-30-17, 01:54
My own experiences in the past 30 years of international travel. 2 attempts in Mazatlan on the same day. Once on the street 2 guys were getting ready to do a snatch as one waved money in my face while the other tried to sneak up behind me. Then on the bus back to the hotel a pickpocket had his hand all the way in my front pocket where I keep my money. I turned to tell my girl that our stop was next and felt it. Tight jeans too. He removed his hand and tried to look invisible. We got off the bus without further commotion. In Bangkok a trio of adolescent Cambo girls waved flowers in my face while removing small bills from my shirt pocket. Since we all look alike they tried it on me again 20 minutes later. I caught the oldest and did not let go until the police arrived. Some do-good English speaking Thai woman told me I could not restrain the girl. The police were happy to get her though. They claim they deported her. They were all back on the street 2 days later. I too was picked on the baht bus in Pattaya. They got my passport with $300 US in it from a buttoned cargo pocket. Lesson learned on that location. 2 women tried to pick me in a Thai supermarket as one asked me about cheese I was looking at while the other came up behind me. If it seems weird. Look around.I've now been traveling for more than 40 years, throughout all of SE Asia, a good part of Africa, much of Eastern Europe as well as Western Europe. I've lived / worked / traveled in 55 or 56 countries, and in all of those times, and through all of those countries was robbed exactly once-in Paris, in broad daylight, on one of the nicest areas of the left bank. I've never had problems anywhere in Thailand or the Philippines, despite having walked solo throughout Angeles City several times. Perhaps I've just been lucky, or perhaps it's the fact that in third world countries I never take public transportation. For me, it's not an "adventure" but an uncomfortable, easily avoidable hassle. I carry nothing but a credit or debit card, a driver's license and enough cash to get me through the night and I take a private car or a taxi to wherever I'm going.


Charm City Dave
12-30-17, 02:27
I've only traveled in 36 countries, and agree your number can be punched anywhere. I'm reminded of Haing S. Ngor--who survived the savage horrors of the Khmer Rouge before starring in "The Killing Fields, he was shot to death outside his apartment near Dodger Stadium in LOS Angeles by robbers looking for drug money. I was held up at gun point in Rio in 2003 1/2 block from my hotel. I had very little money on me and swear I could see the gunman deciding whether I was worth a bullet or not. And have been victim of petty theft a few times including a Therma chick who stole my cell phone in my hotel room right under my nose. I tend not to take public transportation unless I know a city well, as I do when I spend a month or more in Medellin. I do agree with the carrying the bare minimum when out and about. I have a 2nd 'older' cell phone that provides me data while out and about and runs off my project Fi provided spare sim card. The thing I always agonize about is taking the passport with me. Getting stopped without it (even with a copy of the ID page or drivers license) can lead to awful hassles in many parts of the world. Of course having it stolen can be its own nightmare.

I've now been traveling for more than 40 years, throughout all of SE Asia, a good part of Africa, much of Eastern Europe as well as Western Europe. I've lived / worked / traveled in 55 or 56 countries, and in all of those times, and through all of those countries was robbed exactly once-in Paris, in broad daylight, on one of the nicest areas of the left bank. I've never had problems anywhere in Thailand or the Philippines, despite having walked solo throughout Angeles City several times. Perhaps I've just been lucky, or perhaps it's the fact that in third world countries I never take public transportation. For me, it's not an "adventure" but an uncomfortable, easily avoidable hassle. I carry nothing but a credit or debit card, a driver's license and enough cash to get me through the night and I take a private car or a taxi to wherever I'm going.


12-30-17, 15:02
I've now been traveling for more than 40 years, throughout all of SE Asia, a good part of Africa, much of Eastern Europe as well as Western Europe. I've lived / worked / traveled in 55 or 56 countries, and in all of those times, and through all of those countries was robbed exactly once-in Paris, in broad daylight, on one of the nicest areas of the left bank. I've never had problems anywhere in Thailand or the Philippines, despite having walked solo throughout Angeles City several times. Perhaps I've just been lucky, or perhaps it's the fact that in third world countries I never take public transportation. For me, it's not an "adventure" but an uncomfortable, easily avoidable hassle. I carry nothing but a credit or debit card, a driver's license and enough cash to get me through the night and I take a private car or a taxi to wherever I'm going.

GE.When the Nazi officer tells Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca that Germany will also invade the USA, Bogart quips back there are places in the USA no one should invade as they're all mad gang bangers etc. Soi 6 in Pattaya is very much a walk on the wild side from 3-6 am and it and the beach are best avoided. We are trying to get a happy medium here and jeepneys etc help us to monitor our expenditure rather than constantly arguing with taxi / tuktuk / trike drivers we imagine are out to stiff us. I actually like public transport up to a point and I've caught several trying to dip me on them.

Avoiding little scams can also make us prey to bigger scams. The key thing is to be alert, to have a good idea what to expect and to have good situational awareness. Some places like Soi 6 or Dau station in the early hours leave no room for evasive action and that is the nub. Going native is fine as long as one remembers one is not a native and one is vulnerable, all the more so if in the wrong place at the wrong time.

12-30-17, 17:21
Boys can we take this petty crime and less than armed robbery debate to General Info?

PedroMorales you got enough valuable info and insights here to make a wise decision for yourself.

In the event you go to Angeles I hope you will file a report on the girls.

12-30-17, 19:02
Boys can we take this petty crime and less than armed robbery debate to General Info?

PedroMorales you got enough valuable info and insights here to make a wise decision for yourself.

In the event you go to Angeles I hope you will file a report on the girls.Let me tell you what I already know.

1. Getting there and away: we are discusisng that now with respect to petty crime.

2. Hotels:

A. I was charged 500 PHP extra at Juanita's for having two women. I also got stung in another for dirty sheets (one of them had her period), and they tried to stiff me again, saying the sheets were dirty / red even though I had had nobody stay with me. I dropped my pants to them when checking out. This is a feature of many hotels, trying to fleece you with extras. Beware and maybe ask in advance.

Be. Hotel Fenson as it now calls itself is ok, a bit away from Fields which suits me. Rooms were basic as were the skanks for hire in the bar. Western food ok for a change.

3. Transport: Jeepneys are ok. Trikes are a hepatitis danger if you get hit. They are inconsiderate bad drivers. Can't stand them. The trikes by Fenson are a different class as they sit and wait for custom.

4. Food: Good local food available and worth it for the price conscious. Big fish for PHP 100.

5. Haircuts / laundry: Plenty of good service. The shears / iron scissors are a laugh. Very pppular in Philippines but would be good for cooking up fried chickens.

6. Clothes shopping: It seems to be they no longer do the big sizes. I got some bargains – very expensive shoes – in 2nd hand shops. The cheap place in Angeles was a waste of my time as nothing fitted me and I am not particularly big.

7. Exchange rates: vary significantly. Ask around.

8. Street urchins: a nuisance.

9. Jailbait gangs: hang out with very ugly third sexers. I hung out with my two skanks observing them and those they attracted. There is an obvious market there for lamb. The ones I observed look definitely like traps.

10. Bars: Outside of morning coffee, I can't stand the places though I do find their outfits hilarious /.

11. Street scams: I can't stand the Viagra sellers and must confess to getting caught twice: once for getting my shoes shined and buying a fake phone. Agree on price beforehand and don't buy shtt off the street.

12. Bareback was not an issue. Only one,. A bar skank, insisted on cover.

13. Clap: I got a mild case of chlamydia. If it happens to you, go to the hospital and don't waste your time with the clinics.

14. Clap treatment: I took double dosage of the recommended generic drug and I gave the rest away to my preferred skank. I just went into a few pharmacies with the same prescription. Be advised the hospital doctor recommended only two generics and said the others were useless.

15. Clap at home. I got a thorough checkout when I returned home and was cleared for everything. So I'm good to go again.

16. Skank quality: Iprefer street walkers, chatting to them and sizing them up. I fed the main two at, for them, a high end restaurant (Jollybees) and then went karaok'ing with them which was fun even though I go drunk on Red Horse. They enjoyed the night but became too clingy afterwards as I was one of their rare meal tickets.

A. I liked one of my main skanks and paid her well. I liked listening to tales of her hard life and what I paid her was worth that alone. The last time I bonked her (with a condom) I paid her what she siad was the biggest she ever got in her life). I hope to see her again and might treat her to a trip home – if she is not disease ridden.

Be. Her wing woman and the one to get her into the game is a lost cause. Pregnant with her third child, lives at home and gambles the nights away when she has money, her kids are half feral and get fed occasionally.

See. Hotel skanks: They have their own little scene going and I don't like to be in such clubs. Better staying out of them as we tip them money would best be given to a real worker as a tip.


Best: Angeles is just a place to puss it up,. Many frequent flyers have already made a baby there and they return to see their lady and drink an ocean of beer and hang out where they can flaunt their sexism and say naughty words like fggk and cyynt in bars without getting booted out.

Worst: Angeles is a one horse town and it does not even have the grace of Pattaya. It is a small area and the trikes and vendors are a real pain in the ass. Unlike Pattaya it has no way of going upmarket or changing its image. It is simply a place to go and bonk poor farmers' daughters and take a bunch of anti biotics afterwards.

18. My performance: I just wanted to bang a lot of chicks until the urge passed. So it worked for me.

19. Other mongers: As I didn't go there to bang them,. I avoided them mostly. One of the things wrong with bars is Australians with tattoos think they have a right to talk to you and explain in detail to you what morons they are. One asshole who hung around the hotel bar annoyed everyone one by one with h is tale of woe.

A. His girlfriend aka hired working girl was up in Subic banfging some guy and asking him for more $$.

B. He had already given her a very substantial sum of $$ for the right to bang her on her off days from Mr Tuk Tuk.

C. This guy was the wrong side of 60, looked older, had a bum leg and dressed like he was a hand on an outback sheep station.

D. Everyone told him what he already knew: that he was pay for play and he should f – off back to Australia. He's given her access to his bank account etc. Or maybe he'the given access to his ex wife. Either way he was screwed. The guy refused to see he had no game on and all he could bring was his pension money. I don't go to Angeles to listen to fools like him.

20. Happy hours: May Australia pensioners hit the bars for happy hour and then vanish. They are long term residents and have their own beer swilling culture afoot.

21. More information. Not much. I go to Angeles to bang women in a cost effective way. For that, I need to get there, have a hotel that is fit for purpose and a steady supply of women to suit my needs. I feel this is best done by just getting the right one for the occasion and ramming her. Unless women are genuinely into 3 some, we are paying two to get less than 1 can give us.

In the event you go to Angeles I hope you will file a report on the girls.I am not too much bothered about their looks and I see no point in paying much extra for supposed stunners half of Korea have already humped. I find their back stories interesting but diminishing returns etc I find many of them are bonked out and are too jaded with sex to put in the effort.

Wicked Roger
12-31-17, 01:01
Let me tell you what I already know.

A. I was charged 500 PHP extra at Juanita's for having two women. I also got stung in another for dirty sheets (one of them had her period), and they tried to stiff me again, saying the sheets were dirty / red even though I had had nobody stay with me. I dropped my pants to them when checking out. This is a feature of many hotels, trying to fleece you with extras. Beware and maybe ask in advance.

B19. Other mongers: As I didn't go there to bang them,. I avoided them mostly. One of the things wrong with bars is Australians with tattoos think they have a right to talk to you and explain in detail to you what morons they are. One asshole who hung around the hotel bar annoyed everyone one by one with h is tale of woe..You are a charmer PM and am sure the mongers happy you did not engage with them. Angeles is what is it is and I don't like it for some of the reasons you noted (singlet wearing westerners, not just Aussie as most are American). And 500 pesos is $10 - you pay way more to get there so don't ***** about $10 as makes you sound like a cheap charlie LOL.

12-31-17, 03:28
Holy amigo Pedro.

Looks like they are all out to scam you. Some hotels do charge for the 3rd and extra person. Kind of standard hotel policies. Should have touched the blood and licked your finger and said, nope it is old blood!

Newer trikes passenger cages are framed with 1 1/2 to 2 inches stainless steel pipes. That is the code now. Lot safer than the old 1" pipes. I have found most trike drivers to be relatively safe. It may look like chaos but it is controlled chaos. Haven't seen any road rage amongst the trikes.

Keep skanking on!

Red Kilt
12-31-17, 06:44
Worst: Angeles is a one horse town and it does not even have the grace of Pattaya. It is a small area and the trikes and vendors are a real pain in the ass. Unlike Pattaya it has no way of going upmarket or changing its image. It is simply a place to go and bonk poor farmers' daughters and take a bunch of anti biotics afterwards. <SNIP>Paragraph of distinction Pedro.

I share your opinion.

12-31-17, 07:57

Given your mostly negative list of pros and cons I have to wonder why you bother to return. It sounds like the place doesn't hold a candle to Pattaya, at least as far as you are concerned. The hassle and expense to go bang skanks doesn't sound worth it. Why repeat?


12-31-17, 13:12
Holy amigo Pedro.

Looks like they are all out to scam you. Some hotels do charge for the 3rd and extra person. Kind of standard hotel policies. Should have touched the blood and licked your finger and said, nope it is old blood!

Newer trikes passenger cages are framed with 1 1/2 to 2 inches stainless steel pipes. That is the code now. Lot safer than the old 1" pipes. I have found most trike drivers to be relatively safe. It may look like chaos but it is controlled chaos. Haven't seen any road rage amongst the trikes.

Keep skanking on!Thank for the advice. It is a long time since I did that.

The thing with these scams is they wear you down. We want to relax and cannot do that when hotel staff and others are ripping us off. I get that some mongers leave the place in a mess but paying 500 php extra with nothing else given is a scam. Ditto them trying to pay for sheets that had not been especially soiled (I had merely slept in them alone for two nights). Scams like that night after night are a pain.

The trike drivers are a nuisance with their parking and driving. The danger there is hepatitis if hit by one of them.

Logistically, Thailand is much easier. One can even go for a walk in Pattaya and there are more opportunities there. Duterte should do some serious house cleaning but maybe the Philippines does not lend itself to that.

I had a good chat with a female hair dresser. The skanks pay up to 15000 PHP to get their hair done. That woman had a pile of businesses going, all built of taking money from skanks rather than paying them.

12-31-17, 16:17
Did any of you intact men have issues with the Pinoy girls preferring circumcised men?

I am intact and, one time, the girl reacted somewhat intrigued when she saw me. The encounter still went well but it made me wonder if someone had bad experiences because of this.

I know well the customs in Philippines regarding circumcision and the fact that society imposes this custom on boys and I expect that many (most?) women in this country prefer circumcised men. Needless to say I reject the practice but I do not want to debate the "merits" of this operation.

I am just curious to what extent this can be an issue within pay for play environment. Because, if it turns out that many intact men had issues like this, maybe Angeles City is not the best entertainment place for me.

12-31-17, 17:30

Given your mostly negative list of pros and cons I have to wonder why you bother to return. It sounds like the place doesn't hold a candle to Pattaya, at least as far as you are concerned. The hassle and expense to go bang skanks doesn't sound worth it. Why repeat?SE.There are two parts to your answer:

1. Why Philippines? I like banging them. That narrows it down to.

2. Why Angeles? It is reasonably convenient, a handy Jolibee of cheap working girls. Going to Angeles is not that different for going to a cheap cafe anywhere. There are self-evident pluses and minuses and more that are worthy of exploration. Many retired Australians have a system that suits them: drink during the cheap hours when beer is on special, say strooth, bloody ye, fucking shielas mate for a few hours as they swig down beer, maybe bonk a skank, do some karaoke, maybe bonk a skank, play an occasional game of golf, repeat.

Angeles' main advantage is price and convenience but it is a shit hole. The alternative is to take an actual holiday with some skanking as a second course. Lake Sebu, Palawan, diving, the occasional skank which would make for a better holiday but which brings it own logistical issues. My ideal would be a quiet and safe seaside place, with a good selection of skanks, no trikes and everything nearby.

Angeles one would just have to get the right hotel and skank away. The other involves work and effort and is stil a possibility. It would also involve flights from Manila or Clark. Still might pick that option, Horses for courses.

12-31-17, 18:06
12. Bareback was not an issue. Only one,. A bar skank, insisted on cover.

13. Clap: I got a mild case of chlamydia. If it happens to you, go to the hospital and don't waste your time with the clinics.

14. Clap treatment: I took double dosage of the recommended generic drug and I gave the rest away to my preferred skank. I just went into a few pharmacies with the same prescription. Be advised the hospital doctor recommended only two generics and said the others were useless.

15. Clap at home. I got a thorough checkout when I returned home and was cleared for everything. So I'm good to go again.

STDs apart, aren't you guys at all concerned about impregnating a Filipina?

12-31-17, 18:32
STDs apart, aren't you guys at all concerned about impregnating a Filipina?When I was leaving, I gave one of the skanks, who was pregnant with her third child, a rake of condoms. She had no interest or use for them. She is 25 and if she reaches 30 it will be a miracle. We have different world views and it leads to all sorts of issues.

Did any of you intact men have issues with the Pinoy girls preferring circumcised men?

I am intact and, one time, the girl reacted somewhat intrigued when she saw me. The encounter still went well but it madeOne of the reasons a small number of skanks don't like to deal with Indians etc is phimosis, a common problem in hot climes. Unless your foreskin affects your wallet, I cannot see any issue beyond that.

12-31-17, 18:42
I bring morning after pill. So far about 1 out of 3 girls I see are taking bc pill. About a year ago only 1 in 7 or took the pill. For infection control i use microbicide gel and take doxycycline, the i get tested with combur9 test(, a [CodeWord109] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord109) dip test from roche) every 2 days while i am active, you can sensitize the test by using the first 10c.c of [CodeWord134] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord134). And you have to not [CodeWord134] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord134) for at least 2 hours .then do the test.

12-31-17, 19:39
How does combur 9 test for STDs?

12-31-17, 19:49
Thank for the advice. It is a long time since I did that.

The thing with these scams is they wear you down. We want to relax and cannot do that when hotel staff and others are ripping us off. I get that some mongers leave the place in a mess but paying 500 php extra with nothing else given is a scam. Ditto them trying to pay for sheets that had not been especially soiled (I had merely slept in them alone for two nights). Scams like that night after night are a pain.

The trike drivers are a nuisance with their parking and driving. The danger there is hepatitis if hit by one of them.

Logistically, Thailand is much easier. One can even go for a walk in Pattaya and there are more opportunities there. Duterte should do some serious house cleaning but maybe the Philippines does not lend itself to that.

I had a good chat with a female hair dresser. The skanks pay up to 15000 PHP to get their hair done. That woman had a pile of businesses going, all built of taking money from skanks rather than paying them.Maybe we can have new rant and rave forum?

How do you get hepatitis from a trike? I suggest everyone to get vaccinated for Hep A and Hep be prior to going anywhere.

Skanks paying up to 15 k to get their hair done? And they are lining up with 15 k? Very hard to believe that.

BTW, what is your diffinition of "skank"?

12-31-17, 20:52
How do you get hepatitis from a trike? I suggest everyone to get vaccinated for Hep A and Hep be prior to going anywhere.

Skanks paying up to 15 k to get their hair done? And they are lining up with 15 k? Very hard to believe that.

BTW, what is your diffinition of "skank"?Trikes: awful drivers and a menace. A cut from one of them a distinct possibility, would be reason to get jabs for hepatitis and more.

15,000 o php is the word of the hair dresser. These people are easy come, easy go.

Skank "a sleazy or unpleasant person" "swindle or deceive" The skanks are not universally bad but their lifestyle is not one we would want our daughters to emulate.

12-31-17, 21:48
Any comments from past experience? Is the place flooded with chinese mongers or not?

Chocha Monger
12-31-17, 22:00
Did any of you intact men have issues with the Pinoy girls preferring circumcised men?

I am intact and, one time, the girl reacted somewhat intrigued when she saw me. The encounter still went well but it made me wonder if someone had bad experiences because of this.

I know well the customs in Philippines regarding circumcision and the fact that society imposes this custom on boys and I expect that many (most?) women in this country prefer circumcised men. Needless to say I reject the practice but I do not want to debate the "merits" of this operation.

I am just curious to what extent this can be an issue within pay for play environment. Because, if it turns out that many intact men had issues like this, maybe Angeles City is not the best entertainment place for me.Since this is not an issue discussed on the forum, it is most likely not a problem for mongers as most men worldwide do not undergo the Jewish cut. Filipinos are expected to get their foreskins chopped off as part of their ritual entry into manhood. Uncircumcised males are considered immature boys and cowards for not bravely offering up their foreskins to the witchdoctor's blade. Some girls may think that your uncircumcised dick is unhygienic and full of smegma, commonly known as dick cheese. They may want you to use a condom due to the belief that uncut pricks carry diseases and mythological maladies. Girls from fanatical dick-chopping cities such as Marikina City are more likely to harbor these beliefs than others.

The girl was appalled at the sight of your uncut prick because well over 90 percent of Filipinos have their pricks cut as boys. Therefore, she probably never set eyes on a prick that looks like an elephant trunk until you came alone. However, once she got over the initial shock, she gave you service as normal. Circumcision is a rite of passage for Filipinos, so if you are not a Filipino, your uncut prick should not cause an issue. You are not there to adopt their cultural norms and rituals. You are a paying sex tourist and the girls must suck and fuck you if they want to earn your money.

Outside of the paid fucks environment, you may have problems if you try to insert your non-halal dick into a Muslim pussy from Mindanao. Anyway, do not think about your elephant trunk too much. The girls in Angeles City will suck and fuck your cock even if it is covered in warts and looks like corn on the COB, for a nice tip.

12-31-17, 22:26
LMFAO! Step off of Fields and Perimeter and you'll find Angeles is pretty damn good size. Where do we get these guys? Some have no idea that Angeles is far bigger then walking street and Perimeter.

01-01-18, 00:39
Any comments from past experience? Is the place flooded with chinese mongers or not?Chinese New Year's is Feb 16 this coming year.

During this past trip, I've heard more Chinese than previous years. But nothing like Pattaya. Don't see any tour groups where everyone is following a tour guide with a flag. A lot more Koreans and Americans than Chinese tourists in Angeles.

The answer should be no, but I've never been there during Chinese New Year's.

STDs apart, aren't you guys at all concerned about impregnating a Filipina?They should be! Pathetic (IMO) that some guys don't care.

I've talk to many girls. Some of the girls I've talked to this year got impregnated by Koreans and Americans, and some of fathers don't know. They are at the same bar, hoping the fathers come back to visit. Before someone comments, duh, of course you take a test to prove paternity if a girl claims you are the father. You have to anyways if you want to give the kid US citizenship.

Note: There's a girl at Midnite Cruiser (formerly Insomnia) who is 8 months pregnant. She was impregnated by an American. So if any American screwed a girl BB from Midnight Cruiser / Insomnia 8 months ago, go check!

Geneva Guy
01-01-18, 00:58
How does combur 9 test for STDs?Combur9 does not test for STIs. It tests for things like white blood cells, glucose, ketones, blood and other things in your [CodeWord134] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord134).

Not sure why anyone would use this in the setting described.


Wicked Roger
01-01-18, 02:18
I've talk to many girls. Some of the girls I've talked to this year got impregnated by Koreans and Americans, and some of fathers don't know. They are at the same bar, hoping the fathers come back to visit. Before someone comments, duh, of course you take a test to prove paternity if a girl claims you are the father. You have to anyways if you want to give the kid US citizenship.

Note: There's a girl at Midnite Cruiser (formerly Insomnia) who is 8 months pregnant. She was impregnated by an American. So if any American screwed a girl BB from Midnight Cruiser / Insomnia 8 months ago, go check!Some girls want a 'white' baby and I have been asked more than once to help with no financial obligation either. That is also crazy.

Some are very irresponsible and there is a guy I know who has a DNA testing company in the country and some guys and girls have used his services to prove / disprove paternity. If anyone wants his details PM as he is an ISG member and has helped a few members I know when accused of being the father and also a few girls I know when the guys refused to admit they were the daddyko.

Some pinays are too shy to being bold and dominant to demand a test etc hoping the guy will do the right thing but sadly many don't have the cojones to stand up and be a man when the time comes, This is another problem in a very mixed up culture IMHO that suggests white babies have more chance of success (look at TV as a good example of how this is pushed down viewers throats at times with whitening soap etc adverts and the presenters at times saying white baby better).

01-01-18, 02:50
Note: There's a girl at Midnite Cruiser (formerly Insomnia) who is 8 months pregnant. She was impregnated by an American. So if any American screwed a girl BB from Midnight Cruiser / Insomnia 8 months ago, go check!This part's a bit hard to swallow GB. Bargirls are by definition high-mileage girls and screw a good chunk of their customers BB. 8 months ago she probably screwed multiple gents BB. She has no idea who the father is (unless the situation is unusual, as in possibly she went on vacation at that time and only had 1 customer for the month -- and even then if she went home for vacation she was screwing her local BF bareback). Her local BF / tryke driver certainly isn't using a condom. It would be hard for any of us reasonable punters to think a bargirl would know who impregnated her without the positive paternity test already completed.

Mr Enternational
01-01-18, 02:57
They should be! Pathetic (IMO) that some guys don't care.

I've talk to many girls. Some of the girls I've talked to this year got impregnated by Koreans and Americans, and some of fathers don't know. They are at the same bar, hoping the fathers come back to visit. Before someone comments, duh, of course you take a test to prove paternity if a girl claims you are the father. You have to anyways if you want to give the kid US citizenship.

Note: There's a girl at Midnite Cruiser (formerly Insomnia) who is 8 months pregnant. She was impregnated by an American. So if any American screwed a girl BB from Midnight Cruiser / Insomnia 8 months ago, go check!The duh should be going towards the women. What did these women say the reason was that they let a virtual stranger ejaculate inside of them knowing damn well there was a possibility to get pregnant and never see the guy again? Or are we to overlook the irresponsibility on the woman's part, because the man should have known better?

Mr Enternational
01-01-18, 02:59
LMFAO! Step off of Fields and Perimeter and you'll find Angeles is pretty damn good size. Where do we get these guys? Some have no idea that Angeles is far bigger then walking street and Perimeter.Better said: The part of Angeles that vacationing mongers are going to utilize is small.

01-01-18, 03:01
This part's a bit hard to swallowShe SHOULD have swallowed, then she most likely wouldn't have gotten pregnant.

If anyone is interested in doing a 8 and half month pregnant girl, she's working at Midnite Cruiser as a waitress. But she will pop any minute though.

Or are we to overlook the irresponsibility on the woman's part

IMO, yes. The female is 3rd world, desperately poor, ignorant and uneducated. The man is in a higher, superior position. That Pinay drew a poor lot being born into a poor family.

01-01-18, 04:05
I've been to Angeles five or six times in the past five years or so, so I know the scene pretty well. I'm wondering however if there are any higher in places in the area. Going for vacation again so not particularly concerned about saving money, just getting a lot of value And having as much fun as possible. Anyone have any ideas for a real high-end experience for a five-day trip? Thanks in advance for your answers and input.

01-01-18, 06:33
The duh should be going towards the women. What did these women say the reason was that they let a virtual stranger ejaculate inside of them knowing damn well there was a possibility to get pregnant and never see the guy again? Or are we to overlook the irresponsibility on the woman's part, because the man should have known better?It's common knowledge the BGs, FLs etc are not educated and very simple minded. It's also common knowledge that they are expected to bare back w / their customers. A very few have the nerve / guts to say otherwise but most do as the customer pleases. The bottom line is it's their responsibility to avoid pregnancies but every monger in AC knows these women have no clue about being responsible so the burden is on us. We need to look out after them and not shoot huge loads into their baby makers. Most guys have a sense of responsibility in this regard and shoot outside. Some selfish ones do not. Leave the camp ground better than you found it. We owe to each other.

01-01-18, 06:35
The duh should be going towards the women. What did these women say the reason was that they let a virtual stranger ejaculate inside of them knowing damn well there was a possibility to get pregnant and never see the guy again? Or are we to overlook the irresponsibility on the woman's part, because the man should have known better?Yeah. The women need to be smarter. LOL. Boris Becker's model that took a sample in a broom closet at a party (and won later) and Monica kept the dress. Go figure.

The interesting thing is that many pinays do say up front that there are no strings attached and that they are looking for a mixed baby. Go figure, again.

01-01-18, 07:27
I am intact and, one time, the girl reacted somewhat intrigued when she saw me. The encounter still went well but it made me wonder if someone had bad experiences because of this.Always had a good laugh when some guy has to get the cut when over 40. And all his mates make sure the news is spread far and wide and never forgotten.

LOL! Really?

I don't think you should travel, if you REALLY get robbed all the time. LOL!

Since I've started traveling extensively from the late 90's, I've been robbed twice, both non-violent. Once I was picked on the Songthaew bus in Pattaya. Luckily, it was just before I was going to the ATM. Only lost about $40. The other time was in Angeles couple of years ago. I went into a jeepney at the main station at the end of Fields. One guy came and sat next to me, forcing me closer to the other guy. It was way too crowded, even for Pinoy standards. This raised my rip-off alarm. I had my hands on my wallet and cell phone in my pockets. At mid-way, they got off, and I realized they took my coin purse which had about 80 cents. Due to principle, that episode was very irritating. I hate to be robbed..I am a bit long in the tooth. I think I am like some of my mates, we are just more aware of our surroundings than most. Or we are just unlucky. Was in NYC recently walking on a busy avenue in the middle of the day. All the sudden, 3 cop cars come to a screeching halt on my side of the pavement. Cops jump out with guns pulled. All the pedestrians freeze and show their empty hands; guess we all watched Kojak. Turns out a store set off a silent alarm. Cops came out with a guy in hand cuffs about 10 minutes later.

Surprised you did not move in the Jeepney. I would have.

Think the tourist scams in Bangkok has gotten worse. Not sure about the pussy scams since they usually stay the same.

As for Phnom Penh and maybe even Manila, there are places one should not be walking around past midnight. If you don't know where, you will be educated soon.

Most of where I have had problems are in main tourist or even usually high traffic areas. When an usually busy area all the sudden becomes deserted, it probably means you should not be there either. The difference between Asia and some other parts of the world is that the assailants could be twice your size (and maybe twice as fast). Sometimes, it is my companion (s) who are the target.

So, like the other poster that tried to catch a pickpocket, I have tried the same if I am not in danger. I have had more success if I am not the target. I am not sure if it helps because it might push the person to harder crimes.

I do take calculated risks and am no where as conservative as current war news reporters, in almost full body armour hiding behind a car or in trench, while reporting on fighting over 5 miles away.

01-01-18, 11:29
There are documentaries galore, many on youtube, on Pinays GIs impregnated when the bases weere active. Ditto those since impregnated by foreigners, Morally, we should treat the skanks like princesses. Reality is not Pretty Woman.

On a side note, I once shacked up with a skank who had a child by a Dane. She had no interest in chasing him up.

01-01-18, 19:46
There are documentaries galore, many on youtube, on Pinays GIs impregnated when the bases weere active.
On a side note, I once shacked up with a skank who had a child by a Dane. She had no interest in chasing him up.These girls do sleep with lots of men. They themselves do not know who the father is. Besides it is extremely uphill battle to chase them costing lots of money and effort. If they are indeed successful there is no guarantee they will benefit.

Chocha Monger
01-01-18, 19:53
The duh should be going towards the women. What did these women say the reason was that they let a virtual stranger ejaculate inside of them knowing damn well there was a possibility to get pregnant and never see the guy again? Or are we to overlook the irresponsibility on the woman's part, because the man should have known better?The girls know that cream pies are on the menu. Those who do not want to get a big gut from all the filling take pills or birth control shots. The ones who want foreigner babies do not. In Samar where many of the girls hail from, the natives prize creamy babies as quasi status symbols due to perceived cuteness. All of the handwringing over these impregnations come from foreign do-gooders rather than from the pregnant girls who are happy to bake an imported cream pie.

Fathers are unimportant to most of the girls. I know of more than a few families that rejected Filipino fathers who wanted to marry the girls they impregnated because the families considered the men as too poor and low in social status. Some took it a step further, forbidding the girl to see the father of the child and excluding him from participation in raising of the child, which is more of an extended family affair rather than a Western two-parent model. A reading of Filipino law concerning illegitimate children will show that the unmarried woman retains sole parental rights over her offspring, even in cases where the father is known and volunteers support.

Charm City Dave
01-01-18, 21:16
ISG is no place for moral debates, but having a neglected 3rd world rug rat growing up in squalor on my account is not something I want (whether the mother comes after me for money or she doesn't). I remember in Bangkok many years ago waking up to see the Nana Plaza bar girl of the evening fishing a used condom out of the garbage. She was going to try to inseminate herself, told me she wanted a 'gorgeous baby' with blue eyes. A few years later it was a Rio girl claiming I had knocked her up (something a paternity test fortunately proved to be untrue). I can be inclined to go bareback once in a blue moon. When I got to my late 40's and was pretty sure I didn't want any more kids, I got a vasectomy. Best money I ever spent.

There are documentaries galore, many on youtube, on Pinays GIs impregnated when the bases weere active. Ditto those since impregnated by foreigners, Morally, we should treat the skanks like princesses. Reality is not Pretty Woman.

On a side note, I once shacked up with a skank who had a child by a Dane. She had no interest in chasing him up.

Chocha Monger
01-01-18, 22:28
ISG is no place for moral debates, but having a neglected 3rd world rug rat growing up in squalor on my account is not something I want (whether the mother comes after me for money or she doesn't). I remember in Bangkok many years ago waking up to see the Nana Plaza bar girl of the evening fishing a used condom out of the garbage. She was going to try to inseminate herself, told me she wanted a 'gorgeous baby' with blue eyes. A few years later it was a Rio girl claiming I had knocked her up (something a paternity test fortunately proved to be untrue). I can be inclined to go bareback once in a blue moon. When I got to my late 40's and was pretty sure I didn't want any more kids, I got a vasectomy. Best money I ever spent.That isn't right! The poor girl was really craving that cream pie to have gone scavenging for it from the trash. What a waste of perfectly good cream pie! She deserved a fresh unpackaged batch served piping hot in her snatch. I hope the girls get a full disclosure that now the cream pies come in a sugar-less diet variety that is no longer fattening for 9 months.

01-02-18, 00:58
There are documentaries galore, many on youtube, on Pinays GIs impregnated when the bases weere active. Ditto those since impregnated by foreigners, Morally, we should treat the skanks like princesses. Reality is not Pretty Woman.

On a side note, I once shacked up with a skank who had a child by a Dane. She had no interest in chasing him up.You seem to be using the word 'skank' with a broad brush. Personally I have been with many providers who I would not regard as skanks. My own view is that not every working girl is a skank and vice versa.

01-02-18, 01:25
You seem to be using the word 'skank' with a broad brush. Personally I have been with many providers who I would not regard as skanks. My own view is that not every working girl is a skank and vice versa.Belgian Georges Simenon, the famous detective writer, is also well known for bedding over 10,000 skanks. He is on record as agreeing with your assessment. For all the difference it makes.

Skanks should carry some sort of warning and not just about diseases, erotic, exotic or otherwise. Esteemed posters have raised the moral issues and there are all sorts of risks to us and to them. It would be interesting to see how many Koreans get taken in by their wiles, which are fully understandable.

I've more or less decided my schedule for Pampanga: 5 days x 2 max of skanking and volcano spotting, with more time in quieter places in the Philippines with skanks on tap. That is unless I come across a skank / provider / LBFM who makes me an offer I can't refuse.

01-02-18, 03:17
You seem to be using the word 'skank' with a broad brush. Personally I have been with many providers who I would not regard as skanks. My own view is that not every working girl is a skank and vice versa.Yes he does use the word skank a lot and you and I seem to be the only ones who find it wrong. It's wrong on many levels but if he believes that these women are skanks then why does he hire them for sex. He must not think much of himself either.

Another question is why only 2 ISGers speak up about this kind of ugliness. We all know better, except one that is.

Mr Enternational
01-02-18, 04:39
Yes he does use the word skank a lot and you and I seem to be the only ones who find it wrong. It's wrong on many levels but if he believes that these women are skanks then why does he hire them for sex. He must not think much of himself either.There is no way he could think much of himself talking about those working girls like that. Definitely wrong.

01-02-18, 06:30
Another question is why only 2 ISGers speak up about this kind of ugliness. We all know better, except one that is.Sometimes it is like beating a dead horse. Tiger does not change its spots. Look at how Sxxx and his / her view on the Filipina.

Look at the Filipina and opinions thread where I got toasted recently.

I don't leave a trace. But that is just me. It is a choice. Some people like the Kennedy try to drown or bury the evidence.

It has been discussed but I know of non WG that do take a mixed child and don't ask for assistance. Even when the Dad is still in the picture and contactable. Pretty stupid of both parties because of the lost opportunities for the child.

In Angeles, there are a fair number of fresh off the farm freelancers or non WG that I hear off. I would not knock them up in a moment of weakness on her or my part People are screwed up enough as it is.

Happy New Year guys.

01-02-18, 08:07
Yes he does use the word skank a lot and you and I seem to be the only ones who find it wrong. It's wrong on many levels but if he believes that these women are skanks then why does he hire them for sex. He must not think much of himself either.

Another question is why only 2 ISGers speak up about this kind of ugliness. We all know better, except one that is.I will go on record that I do not like his using the word skank to describe all the girls. If it was an individual account on an incident then fine but I find it offensive to use in general.

On the other hand it has given me an idea about Pedro. Personally Pedro has nothing to offer me and I value his "skanks" much more than him. By his last post I feel Philippines and us would be much better off if he bypass visiting the Philippines.

01-02-18, 08:32
I will go on record that I do not like his using the word skank to describe all the girls. If it was an individual account on an incident then fine but I find it offensive to use in general.

On the other hand it has given me an idea about Pedro. Personally Pedro has nothing to offer me and I value his "skanks" much more than him. By his last post I feel Philippines and us would be much better off if he bypass visiting the Philippines.I too was offended by the word and the contempt for women it denotes. Likely I just would have ignored his posts in the future without comment, but I think you guys are correct, and that those of us who dislike the use of derogatory terms should speak up.

I was curious about the common definition of the word "skank" so looked it up in the OED, which says: "derogatory; a promiscuous woman. ".


01-02-18, 09:18
Another question is why only 2 ISGers speak up about this kind of ugliness. We all know better, except one that is.I wanted to speak up about it but didn't do it because I think he's a troll who WANTS us to speak up, in order to get the attention he's after.

I even think he's a 'reincarnated' troll that has been harassing us for a long time in the Angeles thread. I can't recall his name however and I can't retrieve his posts, but maybe they have been deleted.

01-02-18, 09:45
It's common knowledge the BGs, FLs etc are not educated and very simple minded. It's also common knowledge that they are expected to bare back w / their customers. A very few have the nerve / guts to say otherwise but most do as the customer pleases. The bottom line is it's their responsibility to avoid pregnancies but every monger in AC knows these women have no clue about being responsible so the burden is on us. We need to look out after them and not shoot huge loads into their baby makers. Most guys have a sense of responsibility in this regard and shoot outside. Some selfish ones do not. Leave the camp ground better than you found it. We owe to each other.About two years ago I had a session with a girl who works in a KTV in 'Koreatown' near Friendship. I went bareback with her and she didn't object. Being the gentleman that I am I pulled out when I was about to cum and shoot my load on her belly.
"No! Come inside!" she said. "Put it back in!

About 10 minutes later, when she had left, I found a condom under her pillow. And it wasn't one of mine.
So apparently she didn't have the nerve to ask me to use it, or she had changed her mind.

01-02-18, 10:06
I too was offended by the word and the contempt for women it denotes. Likely I just would have ignored his posts in the future without comment, but I think you guys are correct, and that those of us who dislike the use of derogatory terms should speak up.

I was curious about the common definition of the word "skank" so looked it up in the OED, which says: "derogatory; a promiscuous woman. ".

GE.By definition, doesn't that make all AC bargirls (and FL and such) a 'skank'?

For those upset by the term, can you pinpoint what is upsetting? If I call a girl an 'escort', or 'provider', or 'wh*re', or 'skank', is one of those terms worse than the others in your mind? Are the terms contemptuous towards women, or just promiscuous women? Are certain derogatory words in place for shaming purposes (shaming can be a legitimate cultural correction)?

Is the very nature of our hobby, bone-jumping non-monogamy, contemptuous? If you answer 'No', would women agree?

I even think he's a 'reincarnated' troll that has been harassing us for a long time in the Angeles thread. I can't recall his name however and I can't retrieve his posts, but maybe they have been deleted.McCobb, or Cobb.

01-02-18, 10:10
McCobb, or Cobb.That's possible. But it wasn't the one I was looking for.

Chocha Monger
01-02-18, 11:05
By definition, doesn't that make all AC bargirls (and FL and such) a 'skank'?

For those upset by the term, can you pinpoint what is upsetting? If I call a girl an 'escort', or 'provider', or 'wh*re', or 'skank', is one of those terms worse than the others in your mind? Are the terms contemptuous towards women, or just promiscuous women? Are certain derogatory words in place for shaming purposes (shaming can be a legitimate cultural correction)?

Is the very nature of our hobby, bone-jumping non-monogamy, contemptuous? If you answer 'No', would women agree?

McCobb, or Cobb.Skank (n.): "unattractive woman," 1965, perhaps from skag in this sense (1920's), which is of unknown origin. Verbal meaning "dance to reggae music" is from 1976, probably not the same word but also of unknown origin. Related: Skanking.

An unpleasant person, especially a woman who has sex with a lot of different people.

Therefore, "skank" accurately describes the women that Pedro fucked in Angeles City per his reports. Those who feel offended should keep in mind that the majority of the population in their Western homelands consider sex tourism offensive. In fact, some cannot even legally purchase sex in their hometowns. Plus, in the West men who fuck women 10 to 20 years younger are called "dirty old men" and "perverts" or something even worse. For example, in the USA, a 60-year-old aged cock penetrating a 20 to 30-year-old pussy is extremely revolting and unacceptable for most women.

Mongers who do not like their prostitutes referred to as "skanks" can discuss it in the "Safe Space" thread created for snowflake johns. "Skank" is not on the forum's list of censored words. The easily offended liberal sex tourists and sexpats can simply ignore posts from Pedro instead of trying to ban words as they allege Trump did.

01-02-18, 15:47
Is the very nature of our hobby, bone-jumping non-monogamy, contemptuous? If you answer 'No', would women agree?

McCobb, or Cobb.The popular definition of skank is a woman who sleeps around. BFD! Everyone on this board sleeps around.

If it applies to them it applies to you. If you shit where you eat you'll smell your own shit while you eat. Is that a good thing?

It's a square word for loose women created by square uptight people. It's absurd to throw it around here.

And it's good to see the real mr E once in a while.

I even think he's a 'reincarnated' troll that has been harassing us for a long time in the Angeles thread. I can't recall his name however and I can't retrieve his posts, but maybe they have been deleted.Totally agree. Cheers.

01-02-18, 16:08
By definition, doesn't that make all AC bargirls (and FL and such) a 'skank'?

For those upset by the term, can you pinpoint what is upsetting? If I call a girl an 'escort', or 'provider', or 'wh*re', or 'skank', is one of those terms worse than the others in your mind? Are the terms contemptuous towards women, or just promiscuous women? Are certain derogatory words in place for shaming purposes (shaming can be a legitimate cultural correction)?

Is the very nature of our hobby, bone-jumping non-monogamy, contemptuous? If you answer 'No', would women agree?In danger of digressing from the main topic of this board I will like to suggest that promiscuity is a moral judgment arising from religion especially the Christian based religions. According to these religions sex outside of marriage is a bad thing and is called fornication. I do not subscribe to this; I believe that sex is a natural bodily function like eating, drinking or even breathing and the berating of individuals for a prodigious sex life is just the criticism of a healthy individual by someone who is perhaps less healthy and / or jealous.

Mr Enternational
01-02-18, 19:41
In danger of digressing from the main topic of this board I will like to suggest that promiscuity is a moral judgment arising from religion especially the Christian based religions. According to these religions sex outside of marriage is a bad thing and is called fornication. I do not subscribe to this; I believe that sex is a natural bodily function like eating, drinking or even breathing and the berating of individuals for a prodigious sex life is just the criticism of a healthy individual by someone who is perhaps less healthy and / or jealous.A judgment of the action is totally independent of the action itself. You guys are acting like the action of sleeping around has no name or should not have a name. The definition is promiscuity. The same as eating too much and drinking too much have the definitions of glutton and alcoholic respectively (no matter how angelic the people performing these actions are to us).

I don't recall any post passing judgment except for the ones saying the op should not be calling promiscuous women skanks. Whether you choose to acknowledge it or not the women are by definition skanks, hores, hookers, sluts, skeezers. Likewise we punters are by definition johns, tricks, and all the other synonyms that are used to describe a man that pays a woman for sex. And I for one can't wait til the end of the month when I can trick off with some more AC skanks (or whatever other word you wish to use for a chick that you pay for sex)!

01-03-18, 01:43
Ok skankers skank on.

Skank is a derogatory word and used as such. The only thing worse than a skank is a skanker fuxking skanks, imho. But then again skanker is just a word.

Skankers carry on.

01-03-18, 03:13
13. Clap: I got a mild case of chlamydia. LOL, reminded me of a WG in the real world. She told me she got "a little bit" pregnant after bare backing her boyfriend (ie. A customer she really liked who bought her stuff).

Great report, loved the bullet point format! We need more of this.

01-03-18, 04:03
We said he should not call all of them skanks. Some of them surely are skanks as some of us are as well. The word skank (for me) has morphed into meaning low life. I do not deal w / low lifes nor do my friends. If some here think the worst of the people they hire for one job or another so be it. I think less of them for these hypocrisies and classless acts that they do. Big deal, do what you want, this is our nature to do so, to act against ourselves.

The long term players here know who's who (on ISG) and once in a while we protect the women we all rely on for our adventures. If you choose to pretend you like them (when in the field) and behind their backs degrade them you're not equal to those of us that respect the game and all it's players.

In the end meaning here when it's time to write a FR why should I share w / cold blooded hypocrites? True, they're in the minority but they're just so low I can't bring myself to share my experiences w / them.

I'll be in AC tomorrow. I'll try and do a bar report as to quality, numbers, and prices etc for the guys I respect here. I want to respect everyone but we're just so different it's not possible. It's nature's way that we are like this and I trust nature.

01-03-18, 06:20
I went bareback with her and she didn't object. Being the gentleman that I am I pulled out when I was about to cum and shoot my load on her belly. "No! Come inside!" she said. "Put it back in!Reminiscent of something CM would write. In addition, this is within my experiences also. In the same way, the girl I posted today in PG #8926, a repeater for many years, doesn't just seem to want the cum deep inside, she has told me verbally and she also has a trick: everytime I cum in mish, she arches her back and clamps her ankles into my butt cheeks and squeezes her legs like a vice grip, forcing me as deep as possible inside without the possibility of pulling out. She DFK's non-stop and keeps the grip on her legs for a good 2 minutes after I cum (sometimes even after all the joy is gone and Johnson has gone limp and fallen completely out of her). She didn't used to do that until 3 years ago, when one time I pulled out and loaded up her face. She said nothing at the time. Then later after the shower and laying in bed she said something like: "Its ok you cum to my face if you want. But I want in my pussy. OK?" Um, sure. Should I tell you before when I want to cum on your face? She thought for a moment and said: "Yes. Any you like. Just saying I like to my pussy when you cum". And with that, she turned into a human-extremities vice grip: No drop to small to keep.