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01-03-18, 09:57
Whether you choose to acknowledge it or not the women are by definition skanks, hores, hookers, sluts, skeezers.

Skank is a derogatory word and used as such.I'm with Dg here, as far as I understand the meaning and impact of the word 'skank' anyway. Google Translate translates skank to my language (Dutch) as 'slet', which means 'sl*t' (banned word).
I think 'slet' and 'sl*t' are definitely derogatory words.

I think 'hooker' is much less derogatory because it's commonly used as a substitute for prostitute. Therefore it has lost much of its impact.
'sl*t' is closer to 'skank' I think, but less derogatory. But again, I could be wrong because English is not my native language.

As for Mr E's post: I think there's a big difference between a promiscuous woman who sleeps around for free and for fun only and a 'promiscuous' woman who sleeps around for money because she and her family are depending on it. Only the first woman I might call a skank or a 'sl*t' sometimes, but not the second woman in most cases.

PS: 'sl*t' is a banned word on this forum, but 'skank' isn't. Strange.

01-03-18, 11:14
I'm with Dg here, as far as I understand the meaning and impact of the word 'skank' anyway. Google Translate translates skank to my language (Dutch) as 'slet', which means 'sl*t' (banned word).
I think 'slet' and 'sl*t' are definitely derogatory words.

I think 'hooker' is much less derogatory because it's commonly used as a substitute for prostitute. Therefore it has lost much of its impact.
'sl*t' is closer to 'skank' I think, but less derogatory. But again, I could be wrong because English is not my native language..Many of these women send sweet f all or very little back to their "families". They are not 19th century Dutch waifs up in the Big Smoke cobbling shoes and sucking dick for a living. They are uneducated dead enders who find themselves in a situation where over indulgence in drink drugs and dick is the norm. This is another reason why girls under 25 are bad news. They are the proverbial good time girls (on steroids and often much more).

Regarding the use of banned words, words depend on how they are used. Sometimes, it is best to call out people for what they are.

LOL, reminded me of a WG in the real world. She told me she got "a little bit" pregnant after bare backing her boyfriend (ie. A customer she really liked who bought her stuff). Great report, loved the bullet point format! We need more of this.Thank you very much. You have made an old skank lover very happy.

Here are some more.

1. Taxi from airport: arranged. It means I will skip Manila which is good. The biggest / worst skanks I met BTW was in LA Cafe. Dressed in sewer gear, got me to take her and another older one (old and ugly is better as more experienced), told me outside she was on the rag, left early, the other was a nice woman, for a skank (as many are).

2. Will sleep in, get up, treat myself to breakfast, shower, treat myself to as hair cut and shave, strol up Fiuelds and treat myself to coffee (the best part of the day, except for the beggars and sundry hawkers).

3. Clapcubators: Might stroll over to mall and see if there is any cheap pussy about but will most likely save my energy.

Dos and Don't.

4. No bar fines or bars. They are just not worth it. The problem is we get lazy and lazier.

5. Long term GF. I am not sure if this is worth it. It would be if I could get a few to perform circus tricks for me but it is not their thing. I might go for bringing a working girl back home to her province for a few days to see her rug rat. The logic here is quite simple. It would be a fun thing to do and she would love it and, depending how hardened she is, there could be a good sexual reward for me. Some of these princesses have lost all humanity towards us so one must beware and choose carefully.

6. Clapmachine. There is a major issue her. I like bareback and so do they, especially if you are a frequent flyer. The problem is women are asymptotic and one could again end up pissing blades.

7. A little bit of clap: There are some nasty doses about. I know. I got one many years ago.

8. Drink. This is an issue as we can end up drinking (far too much) both in the shorter and longer terms. If we go there to bonk, we should focus on the mission. Again, freelancers win there.

9. Payment: We need someone we can negotiate with. 1000 PHP long term, and a bit of food and a few treats thrown in (new panties if they sleep over etc) should be more than enough.

10. Pay to leave: This is important with our princesses. Without being vulgar, outside of pumping them, we have very little use for them. It is not like they are our wives or pet dog. We need to be able to send them away for spells but not to have them go bonking others (clap risk).

11. Meter watching. We have to watch the meter with them as it can get very expensive or beyond budget having a hired help on tap. We also have to be careful they or their pals do not get designed on our stuff. Perhaps they should pay us a joiner fee?

01-03-18, 12:41
Reminiscent of something CM would write. In addition, this is within my experiences also. In the same way, the girl I posted today in PG #8926, a repeater for many years, doesn't just seem to want the cum deep inside, she has told me verbally and she also has a trick: everytime I cum in mish, she arches her back and clamps her ankles into my butt cheeks and squeezes her legs like a vice grip, forcing me as deep as possible inside without the possibility of pulling out. She DFK's non-stop and keeps the grip on her legs for a good 2 minutes after I cum (sometimes even after all the joy is gone and Johnson has gone limp and fallen completely out of her). She didn't used to do that until 3 years ago, when one time I pulled out and loaded up her face. She said nothing at the time. Then later after the shower and laying in bed she said something like: "Its ok you cum to my face if you want. But I want in my pussy. OK?" Um, sure. Should I tell you before when I want to cum on your face? She thought for a moment and said: "Yes. Any you like. Just saying I like to my pussy when you cum". And with that, she turned into a human-extremities vice grip: No drop to small to keep.Think medical advice is 30 minutes of raised pelvis.

Yeah. Go figure. Very hard to disengage when they do that. Their little short muscles are quite strong at gripping. Worse when they do a midnight ride while you are asleep.

Had one repeat who did the same as I wanted to come in the mouth or condom. She kept insisting pussy is okay.

01-03-18, 16:16
Any man who loves women will never call them skanks, sl..ts, etc. And for that matter will not try to underpay them as well. Only boys lacking in cojones do that.

01-03-18, 16:44
Any man who loves women will never call them skanks, sl..ts, etc. And for that matter will not try to underpay them as well. Only boys lacking in cojones do that.Real men pay whatever the princesses (in their eyes) ask for. What is your sample size to make such an observation? Every monger is a Romeo and every working girl is a Pretty Woman Juliet.

The big divide in life is between those who think the angles selling their mutton are "fallen Pretty Women" who love the film Pretty Woman and who need to be saved by some Hollywood want to be hot shot and those who take a more realistic view of life.

Here's one to masticate over. I know quite a few dominatrixes (or should that be dominatrices), almost all of whom do it for the money. Guess what. Such an insecure bunch of women I have never met and it is hilarious what they agonise over in their personal and professional lives.

Words like skanks have uses as they keep things real. Time for a few more bullet points.

1. Short term v long time: I used to be into long time but now I think it is just best to bonk and set them free (and to pay somewhere between the hsort and long time rates). This was one gets a good night's sleep and does not have to worry about getting robbed etc in the night. One also gets to check the sheets for blood and dirt stains.

2. Ideal age is 25/26. Younger lack experience and can have attitude. Older are fine if they are hardened to the game (but have hearts of gold).

3. Short time hotels: best used for serious bonking (threesomes and more).

4. Tradesman's entrance. Less Pinays are into that than Thais. Not a deal breaker as I have gone off it.

5. Special skills: tits massages and the like. Although Thailand again wins, a significant % of Pinays bring much to the table here. This again favours the freelancing street walker over the bar "girl".

6. Peso bills. It is important to break 500 PHP bills at every opportunity to have a ready supply of chump change at hand.

7. Room safe: Important though Trip advisor gives a report of a punter saying $600 went missing on him from one.

8. In Angeles, it is important to get the right life / bonk balance. This is because there is mainly only one reason to be there and that is to shoot one's semen into lovely princesses and to thank them profusely afterwards.

9. woman haters come in many forms. Those we may be concerned with here were smitten by a princess who broke their hearts. Mongers need insurances against such things. As in any business transaction, clear lines in the sand or bed sheets are needed.

01-03-18, 18:52
Even new ones do it. Seems they want to be pregnant. Beats me. You want bareback pussy, angeles is the place.

Wicked Roger
01-03-18, 23:31
Any man who loves women will never call them skanks, sl..ts, etc. And for that matter will not try to underpay them as well. Only boys lacking in cojones do that.And cheap charlies Turgid. Plenty of those around who boast about saving 50 pesos on a trike or give the lady 500 pesos but spend a fortune getting to AC.

01-04-18, 01:22
Real men pay whatever the princesses (in their eyes) ask for. What is your sample size to make such an observation? Every monger is a Romeo and every working girl is a Pretty Woman Juliet.

The big divide in life is between those who think the angles selling their mutton are "fallen Pretty Women" who love the film Pretty Woman and who need to be saved by some Hollywood want to be hot shot and those who take a more realistic view of life.

Here's one to masticate over. I know quite a few dominatrixes (or should that be dominatrices), almost all of whom do it for the money. Guess what. Such an insecure bunch of women I have never met and it is hilarious what they agonise over in their personal and professional lives.

Words like skanks have uses as they keep things real. Time for a few more bullet points.

1. Short term v long time: I used to be into long time but now I think it is just best to bonk and set them free (and to pay somewhere between the hsort and long time rates). This was one gets a good night's sleep and does not have to worry about getting robbed etc in the night. One also gets to check the sheets for blood and dirt stains.

2. Ideal age is 25/26. Younger lack experience and can have attitude. Older are fine if they are hardened to the game (but have hearts of gold).

3. Short time hotels: best used for serious bonking (threesomes and more).

4. Tradesman's entrance. Less Pinays are into that than Thais. Not a deal breaker as I have gone off it.

5. Special skills: tits massages and the like. Although Thailand again wins, a significant % of Pinays bring much to the table here. This again favours the freelancing street walker over the bar "girl".

6. Peso bills. It is important to break 500 PHP bills at every opportunity to have a ready supply of chump change at hand.

7. Room safe: Important though Trip advisor gives a report of a punter saying $600 went missing on him from one.

8. In Angeles, it is important to get the right life / bonk balance. This is because there is mainly only one reason to be there and that is to shoot one's semen into lovely princesses and to thank them profusely afterwards.

9. woman haters come in many forms. Those we may be concerned with here were smitten by a princess who broke their hearts. Mongers need insurances against such things. As in any business transaction, clear lines in the sand or bed sheets are needed.Having been badly hurt by a woman / women can cause one to think poorly about the fairer sex or even prevent one from thinking clearly. It is theorized, for example, that Jack the Ripper was one such. I must admit that I have never allowed myself to be hurt by a no-pro but I have encountered working girls who attempt to overcharge me and / or who have given me bad service. In my mind I probably would have thought of them in terms of the derogatory words we are referring to. But those are about 10% of my encounters and I would refrain from regarding all providers as such. Similarly I meet people who are scammers and low life and certainly would refer to them in deprecatory terms but I don't think of all people like that.

BTW I was a frequent hobbyist in the Philippines up to 2007 and I found the Filipina working girls to be the most endearing in the world.

01-04-18, 04:03
Any man who loves women will never call them skanks, sl..ts, etc. And for that matter will not try to underpay them as well. Only boys lacking in cojones do that.And there is a significant percentage of the world's population that will tell you that "Any man who loves women will never even think of trying to pay them for sex. Only boys lacking in cojones do that. " Right now, you are only about 7 degrees of separation from that element. So, I would be careful about getting judgemental towards other mongers. You should have heard all the negative stereotypes about guys like us. We are part of the small minority of the world's population that is scorned and ridiculed by the rest, because they actually have the "cojones" to stand up against oppressive social ideals and do what is best for themselves.

01-04-18, 05:22
Pedro, you have a lot of valid and good points. I just think of skank as a word outside of the p4 p context. I think its more suitable in high school, university or a regular pick up bar. AC is unique in a sense that a lot of mongers think that the girls are more than what they are. They may enjoy sex, love the pesos, and the royal treatment, but also are too lazy to do regular low paid job, and will drop you at the drop of a hat if something better or pinoy comes along.

01-04-18, 09:08
Reminiscent of something CM would write.Maybe. But my story really happened LOL.

01-04-18, 09:42
Many of these women send sweet f all or very little back to their "families". They are not 19th century Dutch waifs up in the Big Smoke cobbling shoes and sucking dick for a living. They are uneducated dead enders who find themselves in a situation where over indulgence in drink drugs and dick is the norm. This is another reason why girls under 25 are bad news. They are the proverbial good time girls (on steroids and often much more).

Regarding the use of banned words, words depend on how they are used. Sometimes, it is best to call out people for what they are. If you call them skanks then skanks is what you get I guess. Birds of a feather flock together.

01-04-18, 09:53
Pedro, you have a lot of valid and good points. I just think of skank as a word outside of the p4 p context. I think its more suitable in high school, university or a regular pick up bar. AC is unique in a sense that a lot of mongers think that the girls are more than what they are. They may enjoy sex, love the pesos, and the royal treatment, but also are too lazy to do regular low paid job, and will drop you at the drop of a hat if something better or pinoy comes along.Words are only words and there are plenty of "respectable" people bleeding these woman and their families dry and benefiting in all kinds of ways from their plight. I am not one of them and I discount what those types say.

My chief told me about her work in a sewing factory prior to her career. Long hours, very hard work. A small creature battling against the impossible, like so many others. I, at least, brought light and joy into her life.

The women in Fields Ave have their own scenes going. Three holing for trike drivers and construction workers, hitting the night clubs with their female co-workers and picking up and over charging some random Western or Korean dude that ticks appropriate boxes for them. Because they are under fed and don't have multiple layers of fat cascading down in front of them as their American sisters do, they impress the impressionable, who live in their bubbles just as these princesses live in theirs. (oceans of cum, easy cum / go money, trike dick, chilling with friends, putting up with foreigners who pay for what others get for free). No keeping these rice princesses down on the farm when they have seen gay Paree.

Having been badly hurt by a woman / women can cause one to think poorly about the fairer sex or even prevent one from thinking clearly. It is theorized, for example, that Jack the Ripper was one such. I must admit that I have never allowed myself to be hurt by a no-pro but I have encountered working girls who attempt to overcharge me and / or who have given me bad service. In my mind I probably would have thought of them in terms of the derogatory words we are referring to. But those are about 10% of my encounters and I would refrain from regarding all providers as such. Similarly I meet people who are scammers and low life and certainly would refer to them in deprecatory terms but I don't think of all people like that..Words are only words. There was a very nice guy in Ipswich some years back who had many hookers / princesses / cum bucket junkies as friends. He was subsequently arrested and convicted of killing many of them.

And cheap charlies Turgid. Plenty of those around who boast about saving 50 pesos on a trike or give the lady 500 pesos but spend a fortune getting to AC.Though I will spend at least six times what it costs me to get there from Europe, I know you are not referring to me. How does one save 50 pesos on a trike? By not paying what is immediately asked? Should one just pay what is asked in every instance. Just pay the premium, no matter how outrageous it is?

1. Trike v jeepney Go for jeepney as there is no haggling. You pay what everyone else pays.

2. Paying your skank. Pay what she asks. Give her a big tip so that you have less money to tip hotel and other staff who have to keep regular hours and who are key to making your visit a success.

3. Food. Eat Western as it is more expensive and locals do not eat it as they cannot afford it.

4. Ladies' drinks. / Besides being a con, ladies are in short supply.

The above advice does not apply to me as I like to eat healthily and I prefer to walk if at all possible. (I have a healthy meal on my crock pot now and am going out for a long walk to eye up some local girls) When I buy or rent something, I usually like to keep it basic. I get guys like to go to Las Vegas or Las Vegas for Cheap Charlies (Angeles) and have babes swarming over them but I am not one of those guys. I pay them to go away. On my last trip to Angeles I tipped some bar staff well. Tip for what? That they are girls who hang around bars and are lousy waitresses and not too good in the sack either. I tipped a girl who I imagine will be dead in a few years as she gambles and yearns for the good and easy life. (Two children, pregnant with no 3 and no game plan). I also gave another girl the biggest tip she ever got. She told me her business plan: pick up customer, go boom boom,. Go blah blah for a few minutes, leave, repeat.

Unless I can get into their heads as well as their panties, I am not interested. And then I am only interested until the novelty of my new (2nd or more hand) toy wears off. My MO seems as fair, as moral and as upright, if not more so, than anyone else posting here. They cum on the faces of their princesses, take photos of them, live puerile fantasies with them and I am the baddie for not building altars to harlots.

Also, when we discuss places like Angeles, we are coming to it from different angles. I have boned hundreds of women (if not more but not as many as the Angeles girls). I am not getting over a rocky divorce or whatever so I do not see things the way rebounders do. The providers are not that different form the 50 PHGP triker drivers who bonk them. After their service is over, it is best they are paid and go, with or without a friendly pat on the bum to send them on their way.

Here is James Bond giving slappers slaps. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXkJEZxDGSo.

The word slapper comes from giving a girl a slap on the bum to send them on their way after sperming them.

01-04-18, 09:55
Maybe. But my story really happened LOL.I wasn't calling you out for it. Just the opposite. While CM's posts often shine a negative light on the culture, they nonetheless ring true for many of us.

Chocha Monger
01-04-18, 10:26
Pedro, you have a lot of valid and good points. I just think of skank as a word outside of the p4 p context. I think its more suitable in high school, university or a regular pick up bar. AC is unique in a sense that a lot of mongers think that the girls are more than what they are. They may enjoy sex, love the pesos, and the royal treatment, but also are too lazy to do regular low paid job, and will drop you at the drop of a hat if something better or pinoy comes along.All quite true! Many mongers hold their tarts in high esteem imagining that they are sweet innocent angels who lived a wholesome life in their hooch at the edge of a rice paddy in the countryside. Then some sly mama-san came along and hoodwinked them into harlotry. The tartlets knew nothing about sucking and fucking.

In fact, they never saw a cock or knew its purpose before arriving in Angeles City. It was up to the heroic mongers to tutor them in the ways of sexing fat old balding men and young trike drivers. However, the darling strumpets took to sucking cock and balls, tonguing assholes, and three-hole cream pies like ducklings take to water.

Of course, all this harlotry is altruistic and the tarts send every piso back to their greedy hard-hearted families in the provinces. Miraculously, the tarts themselves manage to avoid the afflictions of greed and laziness that infects their relatives.

Many mongers have a hard time sorting out Filipina prostitutes from non-prostitutes because they act like girlfriends. They take monger cock bareback complete with cream pie deep in their puss and bunghole with a smile, and ask for more. Mongers squirt and dribble cum onto the tonsils of these sperm burglars who swallow it!

Natural nasty sexing with a Flip hooker is overwhelmingly intoxicating for mongers accustomed to hookers who charge by the hole, set time limits, require condoms, do not allow kissing or touching tits, and have a long list of rules. These mongers become sentimental and fall in love with their Angeles City hookers. Some suffer severe cunniphilemia becoming quite defensive of their tarts, and start placing them on a pedestal as they once did with their now fierce Western ballbusters who drove them into sexual exile.

X Man
01-04-18, 11:22
Even new ones do it. Seems they want to be pregnant. Beats me. You want bareback pussy, angeles is the place.The new ones are the most vulnerable and one should think twice about bareback. At least pull out at the appropriate moment.

01-04-18, 16:29
And there is a significant percentage of the world's population that will tell you that "Any man who loves women will never even think of trying to pay them for sex. Only boys lacking in cojones do that. " Right now, you are only about 7 degrees of separation from that element. So, I would be careful about getting judgemental towards other mongers. You should have heard all the negative stereotypes about guys like us. We are part of the small minority of the world's population that is scorned and ridiculed by the rest, because they actually have the "cojones" to stand up against oppressive social ideals and do what is best for themselves.All men who have sex with women pay for sex. The man who criticizes a monger for paying for sex pays his wife / gf ten times what I pay a hooker. Why do you think he dislikes mongers? A woman who criticizes mongers is annoyed that he is paying so little for sex and is afraid that her husband / bf wises up. If you think that a man who pays for sex is a boy lacking in cojones then you think that all men except Catholic priests and Budhist monks are boys lacking in cojones and that would no doubt include yourself. I know better about myself.

Mr Enternational
01-04-18, 16:35
All men who have sex with women pay for sex.This is a ridiculous statement. So who pays when two women have sex together? Who pays when two men have sex together? When there is an orgy or group sex does each man pay each woman or does every man pay only one woman?

D Cups
01-04-18, 18:39
Come on, E, now you are the one being ridiculous. Turgid was clearly referring to heteroesexual encounters. I suppose there are rare instances of orgy "free for all" somewhere in the world of sex but most of the time we wind up paying for it one way or the other, especially in relationships and in all cases regarding marriage. Sheesh.

This is a ridiculous statement. So who pays when two women have sex together? Who pays when two men have sex together? When there is an orgy or group sex does each man pay each woman or does every man pay only one woman?

Mr Enternational
01-04-18, 20:30
Come on, E, now you are the one being ridiculous. Turgid was clearly referring to heteroesexual encounters. I suppose there are rare instances of orgy "free for all" somewhere in the world of sex but most of the time we wind up paying for it one way or the other, especially in relationships and in all cases regarding marriage. Sheesh.Still makes no sense man. When I got married my wife made more than me and I moved into a house that she already had. She paid the mortgage of $600 and I paid about $200 for utilities. When we got divorced, the judge awarded me most of the things that we acquired while together.

The girl that I have now in Thailand I have taken her out to eat maybe 2 times. I am usually going to stay over her place and I can not count the times that she has cooked dinner for me. And she is the one that buys the food to cook. And get this. Sometimes she cooks enough for my friends to come join us.

So maybe sex with her all these times cost me 2 meals, but she has spent way more on me than I have spent on her in the 1 year that I have known her. I have never given her any gifts or any money. So unless the gas that I am putting in my bike to go to her place counts as me paying for sex then I will maintain that it was a ridiculous statement to say that "All men who have sex with women pay for sex."

01-04-18, 22:09
Still makes no sense man. When I got married my wife made more than me and I moved into a house that she already had. She paid the mortgage of $600 and I paid about $200 for utilities. When we got divorced, the judge awarded me most of the things that we acquired while together.

The girl that I have now in Thailand I have taken her out to eat maybe 2 times. I am usually going to stay over her place and I can not count the times that she has cooked dinner for me. And she is the one that buys the food to cook. And get this. Sometimes she cooks enough for my friends to come join us.

So maybe sex with her all these times cost me 2 meals, but she has spent way more on me than I have spent on her in the 1 year that I have known her. I have never given her any gifts or any money. So unless the gas that I am putting in my bike to go to her place counts as me paying for sex then I will maintain that it was a ridiculous statement to say that "All men who have sex with women pay for sex."I knew this was where this was going. Mr. E we all know that women either pay you for sex or give it to you for free. I am jealous of you.

D Cups
01-04-18, 23:55
Amazing. I'm still waiting for the punchline. But perhaps you are the only guy in the world that certain women want nothing from but your presence. Egads. Astounding. Phenomenal. I'm jealous, too.

Still makes no sense man.

01-05-18, 01:32
If you think that a man who pays for sex is a boy lacking in cojones then you think that all men except Catholic priests and Budhist monks are boys lacking in cojones and that would no doubt include yourself. I know better about myself.You clearly didn't understand what I said. If you bothered to read my field reports you would see where I have ponied up and paid women for sex in various locations in the past few years. I don't know if you have a serious comprehension problem, or you are just confused. Probably both. I suggest you reread my post a bit closer, and you will notice that I merely suggested you stop pretending to hold some moral high ground about calling women skanks. When you monger, you kind of forfeit the right to preach morality at other mongers.

D Cups
01-05-18, 01:47
LOL You are quite the writer, CM! I'm submitting you for a Poolitzer Poontang Prize.

All quite true! Many mongers hold their tarts in high esteem.

01-05-18, 09:41
LOL You are quite the writer, CM! I'm submitting you for a Poolitzer Poontang Prize.With all due respect but I don't agree. Before we know it the Phils threads are flooded (even more) with exaggerating made-up stories from CM, that sometimes have a kernel of truth but most of the time hardly contain any good information.

And it could encourage trolls like PedroMorales who makes similar posts. They both have a way with words which make them SEEM to be right but that doesn't (always) mean they ARE right.

On a side note: it wouldn't even surprise me if CM and PedroMorales are one and the same.

01-05-18, 09:42
You clearly didn't understand what I said. If you bothered to read my field reports you would see where I have ponied up and paid women for sex in various locations in the past few years...Actually I've not read your field reports. Can't remember seeing you on this board before my response to your post. Sorry about that.

01-05-18, 09:43
When you monger, you kind of forfeit the right to preach morality at other mongers.Why? Because mongering is wrong by definition?

01-05-18, 09:52
When I got married my wife made more than me and I moved into a house that she already had. She paid the mortgage of $600 and I paid about $200 for utilities. When we got divorced, the judge awarded me most of the things that we acquired while together.Is she still single and available?

01-05-18, 11:41
With all due respect but I don't agree. Before we know it the Phils threads are flooded (even more) with exaggerating made-up stories from CM, that sometimes have a kernel of truth but most of the time hardly contain any good information.

And it could encourage trolls like PedroMorales who makes similar posts. They both have a way with words which make them SEEM to be right but that doesn't (always) mean they ARE right.

On a side note: it wouldn't even surprise me if CM and PedroMorales are one and the same.You admit English is not your first language. As you are Dutch, it could be your fourth or fifth. Yet you are on here lecturing people on how they should and should not use words in the English language, even though the same words have different connotations in different parts of the Anglophonic world.

You accuse others of being trolls. For taking the time to respond to you?

I have said all I want to say for now. Some have found my reports helpful but as I am not into writing erotica or even taking photos (I am only going to take an iphone, no camera, with me), I have said enough for now. For myself and, I imagine, many others, it is reports like Chocha Monger that do it for us. Look on it as tour guide reports and reports from Chocha Monger as informed commentary of a higher class. More broadsheet than Dutch tabloid.

D Cups
01-05-18, 15:23

I said nothing about whether he (Choca Monger) is right or wrong. By your own admission Choca Monger "has a way with words" as I aptly stated. Indeed, as a published author beyond the oft-embellished cyberspace, I would call him a gifted writer. Agreement with his writing is yet another matter. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. Yet, I enjoy reading his posts. They are quite entertaining!

With all due respect but I don't agree. (he has) a way with words

Charm City Dave
01-05-18, 22:24
A monger forfeits his right to preach morality. I'd would suggest that this is not the forum to do so however.

Why? Because mongering is wrong by definition?

01-06-18, 01:53
Is she still single and available?Perhaps she has wisened up and some bloke is now paying her for sex.

01-06-18, 04:09
Why? Because mongering is wrong by definition?No. Because we are the ones who are being falsely judged in the first place. Otherwise, we would tell our family and our colleagues about all our mongering adventures. But, we don't do that because we will be negatively judged by most everybody else.

So why do we need people among us to get judgemental on us, as well. Particularly by those who are clearly confused and possibly a bit maladjusted in the first place? So, lets get back to talking about working girls, trollops or whatever you like to call them.

01-06-18, 05:46
With all due respect but I don't agree. Before we know it the Phils threads are flooded (even more) with exaggerating made-up stories from CM, that sometimes have a kernel of truth but most of the time hardly contain any good information.

And it could encourage trolls like PedroMorales who makes similar posts. They both have a way with words which make them SEEM to be right but that doesn't (always) mean they ARE right.

On a side note: it wouldn't even surprise me if CM and PedroMorales are one and the same.I'm w / you, these editorialist are constantly making these clever postings about how low the P4P scene is w / phony claims as, "mongers hold their tarts in high esteem".

Who does that? Is giving the ladies a modicum of respect holding them in high regard? No, not at all but some here buy it. It's an exaggeration w / clever wording. To me it's garbage regardless of how well they spell it out.

CM is a bore to guys who want practical information on what's happening on the ground in their P4P scenes. CM contributes nothing in this regard. He could be an incredible attribute to this forum if he actually mongered but he doesn't. He just spouts off his opinions about the people involved in the game. No matter how clever it is it becomes boring as fuck. And some credible guys here give him kudos are equally to blame for his staying power.

Now PM is another story. He mongers but has a need to directly put down what others here are doing w / their money and time. I'm in AC right now and have been to a handful of bars. Some are full of average lookers and some have better quality mixed in w / the average BGs. I don't have anything ugly to say about them except that I wouldn't do most of them. Are their better lookers in Thailand? Yes Thailand has 50 times more hotter women than AC but some here like what AC has to offer and only a self righteous ass would directly insult their choices. That's what PM is all about and yet he gets kudos from the guys he insults.

Engine Driver
01-06-18, 08:36
A monger forfeits his right to preach morality. I'd would suggest that this is not the forum to do so however.This forum is completely un-PC and should forever stay that way. Mongering, by definition is an un-PC activity. Are we agreed?

So whether a contributor describes his prostitute as a sl*t, hooker, skank, moll or scrubber, why should anyone be offended? The confected outrage from the morality police is puke worthy. The virtue signallers should get back to submitting reports on their latest sexcapades with their Pinay skanks.

01-06-18, 09:57
Perhaps she has wisened up and some bloke is now paying her for sex.So she got married again? LOL.

01-06-18, 10:15
This forum is completely un-PC and should forever stay that way. Mongering, by definition is an un-PC activity. Are we agreed?

So whether a contributor describes his prostitute as a sl*t, hooker, skank, moll or scrubber, why should anyone be offended? The confected outrage from the morality police is puke worthy. The virtue signallers should get back to submitting reports on their latest sexcapades with their Pinay skanks.PC or not PC, that's not the question. I think it's just common decency to not talk about women like that. Or people in general for that matter.

But hey it's not such a big deal. Most contributors here don't use these words so I will just ignore the occasional guy / troll who does.

Soapy Smith
01-06-18, 11:39
This forum is completely un-PC and should forever stay that way. Mongering, by definition is an un-PC activity. Are we agreed?

So whether a contributor describes his prostitute as a sl*t, hooker, skank, moll or scrubber, why should anyone be offended? The confected outrage from the morality police is puke worthy. The virtue signallers should get back to submitting reports on their latest sexcapades with their Pinay skanks.For some of us who find it distasteful to refer to women in these terms, it's not about political correctness. In fact, given that we mongers have little moral foundation to stand on, it seems ironic to refer to these women in terms that dismiss them as dirt beneath our feet. To attempt to deflect the criticism as pc strikes me as a cop out.

The bigger issue is that degrading language toward any other identity group cheapens humanity more generally. If we are entitled to refer to Pinay prostitutes in these terms, are we willing to accept the consequences of their referring to us as lechers, debauchers, satyrs, rakes, or dirty old men?

It may be possible to compartmentalize our thinking and actions by using these terms in side conversations with other men, such as in this forum, but sweep them from our minds in our interactions with Pinays. But I'm doubtful. Almost a century ago some crusty old guys in Chicago came up with the idea that if we define a situation as real in our minds, then that definition or attitude becomes real in its consequences. So if we put these terms about Pinay prostitutes into common use, our interactions with these women will reflect these attitudes toward them.

Pinay prostitutes pick up on these attitudes from us, and this creates a risk that they begin to regard all foreign mongers as arrogant, inconsiderate assholes. I don't monger in AC, but if I do someday, I would prefer that these women not have a preconception of me as an arrogant asshole.

We and these women have a mutual interest in exploiting each other. They badly need our money, and we really want to have cheap, no strings attached sex with attractive young women whom most of us would never have access to in our home countries. A striking feature that I observe in Pinay prostitutes is the GFE attitude that many of them exhibit. I find this to be quite unique to the Philippines. Why do they do this? Well, it's in their culture. You find this out when you spend time getting to know how they actually live. Why would we want to fuck that up?

01-06-18, 11:51
The bigger issue is that degrading language toward any other identity group cheapens humanity more generally. Exactly. Very good post Soapy.
Unfortunately the above is happening all over the world at the moment which is very disturbing.

Soapy Smith
01-06-18, 12:00
Exactly. Very good post Soapy.
Unfortunately the above is happening all over the world at the moment which is very disturbing.Yes, tribalism at its worst.

01-06-18, 16:54
The more you call women sluts, skanks, bitches, etc. The more you start to believe it and also the other person at the receiving end and the they will start to look at you in the same light. I do not want the girls to look at me as an ugly old ATM with the manners of a mule. It is far easier to believe negative things said about oneself than positive. These girls are poor and uneducated so it is that much easier for them to believe such BS. I refuse to drink or even sit next to such guys because I do not want any of the girls to associate me with such a person.

Most of these girls work to simply survive and to support their families. That is very noble. We choose to be with them because we lack either the money or looks to be with such beautiful girls in our own countries.

I think they are princesses for what they do for me and how they make me feel which is they make me feel younger and very happy. No, I do not over pay or buy them stuff. But the time they are with me they make me feel like a boyfriend so even if we are together for 30 minutes. That makes them my 30 minute girlfriend.

If any of you guys think you are all that a box of chocolates then please use your real first and last name on this site and post the pictures of your "skanky" new friends on your Facebook account and see how fast your friends back home disappear, your family shuns you, and watch how fast you lose your job. So many guys are so brave online and towards poor, young, uneducated women.

One particular girl I have been with 10 times but we are not especially close. She is always smiling and happy. I am not that way. I wish I could be her just 1 day out of the week. Whenever I am depressed or bored I look at her Facbook pix. It is an immediate pick-me-up. I have never seen her mad or sad. One of my worst fears is to see her ever be mad or sad and be the cause of it.

If these girls are sluts, skanks, and bitches. What does that make you going half way around the world to be with them?

Filipinas walk on water!

Mr Enternational
01-06-18, 19:45
The more you call women sluts, skanks, bitches, etc. The more you start to believe it and also the other person at the receiving end and the they will start to look at you in the same light. I do not want the girls to look at me as an ugly old ATM with the manners of a mule. It is far easier to believe negative things said about oneself than positive. These girls are poor and uneducated so it is that much easier for them to believe such BS. I refuse to drink or even sit next to such guys because I do not want any of the girls to associate me with such a person.

Most of these girls work to simply survive and to support their families. That is very noble. We choose to be with them because we lack either the money or looks to be with such beautiful girls in our own countries.In another thread we are talking about the website Seeking Arrangement where the chicks generally cost more. On many of their photos you do not see them taking the money to go grocery shopping to feed their poor families or taking the money giving it to their family's landlord because they are behind on rent. You see them with new Louis Vuitton bags and the iPhone X. So you would also assert that these darlings are doing noble deeds? What part do those designer handbags play in the survival of their families?

And let's say you were walking down the street in Angeles and a guy came up to you and stole your wallet. From what you say he should not be called a thief. After all, he is doing it to survive and support his family and that is very noble.

If these girls are sluts, skanks, and bitches. What does that make you going half way around the world to be with them?We have already been over this. It makes us tricks and johns. Why should we be afraid to call something what it is, even when it pertains to ourselves? Are we supposed to not admit what we are?

It does not matter if a guy chooses to be a medical professional because he wants to make lots of money to buy fancy things and pick up chicks, or because he wants to help people. He is still called a doctor. Likewise, it does not matter if a woman chooses to sleep with men for money to help her family or buy herself the latest fashion. If she fucks for money she is still called what?; regardless of the reason she is doing it. 20 days until I reach Angeles to look for chicks that are not hores, hookers, sluts, and skanks to pay them for sex!

01-07-18, 00:43
The people who criticize our hobby call our bedmates sluts, skanks etc. These same people think mongers are lower than the prostitutes they pay for sex. I guess that those mongers who refer to wgs in those terms agree.

01-07-18, 01:24
Some of the previous posts read like an NGO mission. If every poor, uneducated girl would be selling her body, then nobody would have to travel abroad for pussy. Of course unless you are in a fucked up country like Sweden where even that would be impossible. The self declared feminist government wants to prosecute Swedish nationals purchasing p4 p abroad. The problem?. Prostitution is legal in some countries. And to call selling your body as nobel is totally absurd. But then everyone seems to be a hero nowadays as well. So what do I know. I guess a person's individual circumstances and experiences with the AC girls molds that person's make of the AC scene. Yes they are all nice girls and we are a mixed bag of mongers. The transactions may varie, but all we do is purchase their services with all the bells and whistles (youth, GFE, bareback..), and they take our money and all is well.

01-07-18, 05:37
I'm in AC and after 3 days finally went at out at night. Saturday night. I'll go in reverse order starting w / last night.

Club RA, got there at 7:45. Happy hour drink prices, 70/150 LD, after 8 pm regular price 135/300 LD BF, 3000 p.

(go between 6 and 8 to interview the pussy).

2 sets of 20 dancers in different costumes each set. Mostly average some slightly better than that.

There were maybe 6 I would go back for meaning pretty to very pretty.

Crystal Palace not much except good popcorn.

CLUB XS, maybe 35 dancers w a few standing outs. A good place to take your BF as the dancing shows.

Are decent. 2 shots of tequila 370 p BF 3000 p.

Club Equus, drinks 135/300 (most bars are charging 300 LDs).

2 sets of 20 some nice ones mixed in. There are super spinner twins in there, one in Equus the other in Arcadia.

I saw a world class set of legs last night. They were attached to a decent looker w. Blonde hair. (maybe K only).

Arcadia, drinks 125/250 LD, BF 3000 p. As the other bars w / a few really nice items mixed in w / okay or better (doables).

In Equus and Arcadia I tabled one from each bar and both didn't go w / whitey. The ones I chose were the best of the bunch.

Pristine and low miles. Too bad.

Earlier in my short stay I went to perimeter bars and there wasn't much there. A few in Master Poseidon, their drinks 100/300 LD, BF 2200/2400 p.

Ice Bar nada mucho same w / Platinum Bar. These bars used to be decent and really inexpensive, not anymore. Didn't ask prices. Last June the BF was 1800 p.

I will visit more bars so will have more info later.

My general overview of AC is it's dingier than before. In 2010 the scene was more colorful (more neon, better fields ave, better BG selection, prices etc) now I notice a lot more.

Filipinos wandering around, less westerners. It doesn't seem that busy but the fields clubs mentioned above were semi full. Guys tabling less dancers due to the 300 p LD IMO.

I pulled only 2 women so far, one from Master Poseidon's and one last night from Club RA. The Club RA choice was a very good one and delivered a quality time in the sack and during the BH. The other perimeter dancer was a repeat for me (I saw her 3 times last June) and she just spent too much time in the bar to be fun on the outside. No biggie. She reminded me not to take dancers who've been working in the bar too long. (note; the RA dancer did mention she hates to have to lay down to make a decent living, a bit sad at the time).

As for the AC women not being worth the trip I would say that's false. There were plenty of nice innocent lookers. By plenty I mean a few in each club, that's enough for me to return.

My taste run high and I have some game left, now in my mid sixties. The downside here is the top lookers are either drink s**ts or K only. Still there are ways around this but AC's prettiest are mostly off the market unless you're Asian. It's the same in Thailand but every now and then I get lucky w / my first choice in both places.

As for the morality of this hobby it's no more immoral than being a politician, a lawyer, a banker etc. Where can one find out what is truly moral? Nowhere. Everyone is corrupted to a certain degree. If one gives working people respect, this is moral, this is right. These AC hookers are workers and deserve respect and if you do that you have nothing to be ashamed of. If you think western society is a good example of morality and that's how you gage your own, well you're as lost as they are.

Respect is the key to morality. It's not rocket science. Granted, not all here are capable of that for a myriad of reasons. So be it. It's nature's plan.

My way is a win win as it should be. More later.

Kabul Guy
01-07-18, 07:21
A monger forfeits his right to preach morality......I take great exception to that statement.

/ rant on.

I am a monger and I consider myself a very moral person.

There is nothing wrong or immoral about any transaction between consenting adults even if the transaction is sexual in nature. Anyone who makes any aspirations that anything concerning sex is somehow immoral they are victims of the Christian dogma that sex is inherently immoral and that any woman who has sex outside of marriage is somehow less a woman.

That is the biggest pile of utter bull dung ever put forward. Sex is a natural function, some argue that sex is the prime motivation of all human activities.

Sex with less than 18-year-old women, sex that is involuntary or forced is immoral. Sex between two or more consenting adults of any gender is not immoral but a purely private matter between them. It is irrelevant what the person being paid for the sexual activities needs the money for, if they need it to feed and house their families or to buy luxury goods then it is their decision to do what they want with the money that they have earned by providing a service.

It is the height of hypocrisy to disparage only one party to the transaction. The puritan practice of blaming the woman and shaming her for her part in the transaction is especially abhorrent to me, especially when this comes from a person who admits to being the male part of the transaction.

/ rant off.

01-07-18, 07:29
...the Christian dogma that sex is inherently immoral...Sex with less than 18-year-old women...Curious to know where you got the number 18 from, when in the same breath you are criticizing Christian morals. According to history, there was a time when girls were getting married at a younger age.

01-07-18, 07:34
For some of us who find it distasteful to refer to women in these terms, it's not about political correctness. In fact, given that we mongers have little moral foundation to stand on, it seems ironic to refer to these women in terms that dismiss them as dirt beneath our feet. To attempt to deflect the criticism as pc strikes me as a cop out...Very well said! Thanks.

Mr Enternational
01-07-18, 08:37
Age of Consent vs Age of Majority


Greetings Gentlemen,

The Age of Consent is the age in which girls can participate in consensual, non-commercial sex with their teen-age boyfriend without said teen-age boyfriend being charged with statutory [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123).

However, the Age of Consent is irrelevant to the members of this forum.

What you need to focus on is the Age of Majority, which among other things is the age in which they can vote, get married, enlist in the military, and participate in commercial sex activities.

Please exercise caution and govern yourself accordingly.



01-07-18, 09:16
In another thread we are talking about the website Seeking Arrangement where the chicks generally cost more. On many of their photos you do not see them taking the money to go grocery shopping to feed their poor families or taking the money giving it to their family's landlord because they are behind on rent. You see them with new Louis Vuitton bags and the iPhone X. So you would also assert that these darlings are doing noble deeds? What part do those designer handbags play in the survival of their families?You are talking about the high end here, which is only a small part of the total P4 P scene.

If she fucks for money she is still called what?; regardless of the reason she is doing it.She is called a prostitute, or a hooker if you like. But not a sl*t or skank or any other deragotory term.

01-07-18, 09:37
It does not matter if a guy chooses to be a medical professional because he wants to make lots of money to buy fancy things and pick up chicks, or because he wants to help people. He is still called a doctor. Would you want to call all doctors quacks? Or witch-doctors? Probably not.
So why do you call all prostitutes sl*ts or skansk?

01-07-18, 09:44
I must be from a very immoral place because the AOC in my state is 16!Quite a lot of countries in the world, including the US I believe, have a law that forbids their nationals to have sex with persons below the age of 18 when abroad, regardless of the AOC in the country where they are.

01-07-18, 09:54
I must be from a very immoral place... Since you have that new president the answer is yes.

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Soapy Smith
01-07-18, 13:34
Some of the previous posts read like an NGO mission. Interestingly, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and other NGOs have changed their tune about the whole trafficking narrative. Much of the focus now is on "Sex Workers" as a profession. The NGOs have concluded that in many instances entering into prostitution is a conscious choice, and that making the decision to do so can be seen as a form of individual empowerment, an effort to overcome poverty. So instead of regarding the women as victims, the NGOs now focus on changing laws in order to protect them from those who exploit and abuse them: pimps, police, governments, and unsavory clients.

I take great exception to that statement.
/ rant on.
I am a monger and I consider myself a very moral person.
/ rant off.Nothing wrong with a rant that sheds light on the situation.

She is called a prostitute, or a hooker if you like. But not a sl*t or skank or any other deragotory term.And they know what they are. They will often tell you honestly that they are pokpoks, and they know people around them refer to them that way. I'm not sure what the term is in Cebuano or other Filipino languages.

01-07-18, 17:53
The word skank in the US is used to describe someone lowly, unsavory, ugly, untrustworthy, dirty and of other low crawled out of the gutter character. It can be used to describe a drugged out person.

In any context skank is a derogatory word.

It can be used on a person of any gender. Example: What a skank that Pedro is barebacking them alley cat drug addicted street hoes!

It can be used outside of any sexual references: Example: That skank Pedro ripped me off on my business deal with him!
What a fucking skank he is.

Hope we can settle this word usage soon.

01-07-18, 19:01
What you need to focus on is the Age of Majority, which among other things is the age in which they can vote, get married, enlist in the military, and participate in commercial sex activities.

Please exercise caution and govern yourself accordingly. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_majority

Wise words. Best to aim for 25+ if there is a discernible age difference between you and "the other".

01-08-18, 14:55
The word skank in the US is used to describe someone lowly, unsavory, ugly, untrustworthy, dirty and of other low crawled out of the gutter character. It can be used to describe a drugged out person.

In any context skank is a derogatory word.

It can be used on a person of any gender. Example: What a skank that Pedro is barebacking them alley cat drug addicted street hoes!

It can be used outside of any sexual references: Example: That skank Pedro ripped me off on my business deal with him!
What a fucking skank he is.

Hope we can settle this word usage soon.I have been on this planet long enough to suspect that persons who use derogatory words to describe others are making a subconscious attempt to thwart derogatory words being directed at them for whatever reason.

01-09-18, 08:30
Not entering the discussion but wish I had taken a picture so I can post here of a street walker out on a cold rainy day in evening rush hour traffic, thin and scrawny and looking drugged out. A perfect incubator for all sorts of nasty stuff. I was stuck at that intersection next to a seedy motel for like 20 minutes.

that Pedro is barebacking them alley cat drug addicted street hoes!.

01-13-18, 08:19
Seems AC is busy this time of year. My two usual accommodation options have been unable to accommodate me.

Girls are in season with lots of post-Christmas bills keeping them motivated.

Some Perimeter bars (Drillshack, DET5) have been full when I tried to go there.

Finished Friday night inside a PL dental nurse. Nice start to the weekend.


01-13-18, 11:45
Seems AC is busy this time of year. Girls are in season with lots of post-Christmas bills keeping them motivated.
BD.It always interests me that there are specific seasons for these three holing activities that do not fall totally in line with other seasons. January, for example, should not be a particularly high season but it is for three holing these wonderful angels and helping them clear their shabu bills. I am happy to say I am ready to play my part and give my own boost to the finances of these selfless cum drinkers, as one of them described herself and her colleagues to me.

1. Hotel from Manila airport and hotel are booked.

2. Freelancers will be my staple. I just don't like hanging around bars and talking to flotsam, male or female. Not my thing though it does float other, more elderly boats.

3. If I go for the GFE, I think the SFE would be better and would certainly be much cheaper as their expectations are easier to control and getting them to do bedroom circus tricks would be easier too.

4. The bar scene is a bummer. Not only is it bad for our liver and well being but it interferes in giving these lovely women a serious drilling.

5. Skin on skin as these ladies call it in their own inimitable way is problematic. I have got the clap three times, twice from working girls and once from a GF. I also got crabs. To cover up or not cover up? Though no one wants to have a baby with one of these creatures, that is not the full picture. By barebacking them and not giving them lessons in condom use etc, we are part of the lottery system, accomplices to their Numbers game.

6. As I am getting a taxi, I might bring a good camera but I am not interested in taking snaps of my paid conquests. I seldom ask their names anymore.

7. Cameras, phone, electronics are security issues. I have often sent my paid dates home so I could go to sleep and wake up with my possessions. This means I miss a bonk in the morning and that is not good.

8. Threesomes are only worthwhile if they can offer a special package, like if they promise to scissors, [CodeWord103] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord103) or eat each other or whatever. Few of them are genuinely into that and tomboys are elusive, to me at least.

9. I prefer upmarket street food: like whole crab fish for less than 200 PHP. Why one would go to SE Asia and eat low grade European / Russian food is a mystery. It also puts us in the wrong mid set. Wed are there to shoot our load into rice farmers' daughters, not to write a piece for The Good Food Guide.

10. Though I use PL and some other sites, they are not my thing and I seldom meet receptacles from them. Their advantage is we get to examine and interact with the merchandise before banging it.

11. On the subject of online, I don't get these weirdos who send cock pics etc. I reckon they are nascent [CodeWord127] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord127) with low IQs.

12. I found the posts on those upmarket sites interesting. Just shows how a Coca Cola bottle or a three holer can do price discrimination and have an attitude too. Street walkers beat that lot hands down.

13. The hotel was giving me shit about the hot air balloon show and that they are filling up. The balloons most Pampanga visitors are interested in tend to be attached to merchandise with three holes we like to jack off into.

14. I am not sure if a SIM card is worth getting at all. I just want someone to jack off into to, slip a few pesos to the, give them a friendly pat on the posterior and send them on their way.

15. Security has to be a key feature and so the less phones or electronic extras, the better.

16. I don't think I'll travel much as one hole is as good as the next and pussy does not justify the time and hassle of jumping on and off more ferries or planes. Even dive or other sights don't justify it.

17. That means I am drifting to dotage, of hanging around Fields with a beer, staring vacantly out at the road and the hawkers. Either that or hanging around a bar, sponsoring a skank and destroying my liver.

18. These are the issues that concern me and are not covered in Lonely Planet. We all live a little vicariously here, noting waht we need to note and admiring pioneers in Africa and other fresh lands. Ours is a hard and unappreciated calling and we pave the way for turning Patong, Pattaya and so on into family tourist traps and all without thanks or even a monument. Not good. So unfair.

X Man
01-13-18, 13:42
I just came across a Filipino guys FB vid post. He was at Clark and had lost a lot of his stuff from his luggage. It wasn't clear which airport he had started at so I guess there is a 50% chance it happened at Clark. Has anyone heard about anything similar happening?

If you PM me I'll send a link to the video. X Man.

Chocha Monger
01-13-18, 23:44
5. Skin on skin as these ladies call it in their own inimitable way is problematic. I have got the clap three times, twice from working girls and once from a GF. I also got crabs. To cover up or not cover up? Though no one wants to have a baby with one of these creatures, that is not the full picture. By barebacking them and not giving them lessons in condom use etc, we are part of the lottery system, accomplices to their Numbers game. Beat two bushes together and eventually the bugs on one are sure to end up on the other. Covering up is not going to stop the transfer of crotch critters unless you use a pair of those Chinese rubber drawers with a hole in it that matches up and seals over the base of your condom-clad cock. I believe these latex contraptions are called scrotum condoms or latex nappies. They are effective at repelling crotch crustaceans but make for an extremely hot sweaty fuck in warm tropical environments. However, they have great comedic value as when you fart it inflates and amplifies the resonance, which is sure to make the LBFMs laugh when you let one rip during hard strenuous humping.

Condoms reduce the chances of catching the clap but rules out cream pies. Rubber also kills a lot of the sensation that comes from raw-dogging a hot wet nasty snatch. Hence, covering up makes the expense of mongering somewhat pointless. On the other hand, without a vasectomy going raw-dogging means that a monger will become very prolific in the Philippines. While most mongers do not want to breed them, some fellas are very much into that particular kink. In fact, breeding porn is now a popular genre. Some notable monger personalities achieved notoriety in living out their breeding stud fantasies in the Philippines.

8. Threesomes are only worthwhile if they can offer a special package, like if they promise to scissors, squirt on or eat each other or whatever. Few of them are genuinely into that and tomboys are elusive, to me at least.According to many bar girls, threesomes are just a way to do less work fucking a monger. They figure the monger will drill each girl once while the other one hides in the bathroom texting and surfing on her phone. Even the ones who are not shy will just lay in bed observing the monger drilling her friend instead of actively participating. Fellas wanting true nasty threesome action will have to take charge and direct girl on girl cunnilingus, annilingus, tit-sucking, fingering, and double-dong dildo penetration.

Wicked Roger
01-14-18, 00:35
I just came across a Filipino guys FB vid post. He was at Clark and had lost a lot of his stuff from his luggage. It wasn't clear which airport he had started at so I guess there is a 50% chance it happened at Clark. Has anyone heard about anything similar happening?

If you PM me I'll send a link to the video. X Man.Was at Clark according to these links XMan.



01-14-18, 13:35
Condoms ... breeding stud fantasies in the Philippines.

... Fellas wanting true nasty threesome action will have to take charge and direct girl on girl cunnilingus, annilingus, tit-sucking, fingering, and double-dong dildo penetration.It is amazing the amount of knights and three hole providers who do not know the hepatitis type risks of rimming. I am well stocked up on dams etc but most think a simple wipe of the anus is enough. Time to tweak the curriculum in whatever fine educational institutions these angels graduated from, cum laudis no doubt.

Although I have had braces of these angles do such party tricks in establishments designed for such circus acts, they are lame as they are not into it but only the increase financial dividend it yields. Look atr my pal and me, we can scissors or dildo each other when Sir pays us.

Not good enough. Must try harder. Where could I pick up a bisexual tomboy who would be into picking up some meat with me and playing almost no holds poke her? It gets so much harder to get the right quality and mindset in women when one gets older.

Mr Enternational
01-14-18, 15:45
According to many bar girls, threesomes are just a way to do less work fucking a monger. They figure the monger will drill each girl once while the other one hides in the bathroom texting and surfing on her phone. Even the ones who are not shy will just lay in bed observing the monger drilling her friend instead of actively participating. Fellas wanting true nasty threesome action will have to take charge and direct girl on girl cunnilingus, annilingus, tit-sucking, fingering, and double-dong dildo penetration.I do not understand why people like to talk shit about you when all you do is speak the truth. Anyone that has tried a threesome in PI will know that this is exactly how it happens. If you do not give them explicit directions then it will not get done...if you are able to get them out of the bathroom.

01-14-18, 16:34
One reason I like and support shaving.

There is now an even thinner condom for the Asian market. The US sourced ones can be really thick.

One good 3 some I came across are with bi girlfriends. No need for theatrical or cinematic directions.

Beat two bushes together and eventually the bugs on one are sure to end up on the other.

Condoms reduce the chances of catching the clap but rules out cream pies. Rubber also kills a lot of the sensation that comes from raw-dogging a hot wet nasty snatch. Hence, covering up makes the expense of mongering somewhat pointless. On the other hand, without a vasectomy going raw-dogging means that a monger will become very prolific in the Philippines. While most mongers do not want to breed them, some fellas are very much into that particular kink. In fact, breeding porn is now a popular genre. Some notable monger personalities achieved notoriety in living out their breeding stud fantasies in the Philippines.

According to many bar girls, threesomes are just a way to do less work fucking a monger.In Asia, the issue is more what they might put into your luggage. I think most seasoned travellers carry their valuables. I always lose petty and small stuff every year when traveling in or through the US. TSA often does not properly close luggage or seal your box.

I just came across a Filipino guys FB vid post. He was at Clark and had lost a lot of his stuff from his luggage. It wasn't clear which airport he had started at so I guess there is a 50% chance it happened at Clark. Has anyone heard about anything similar happening?

If you PM me I'll send a link to the video. X Man.

Member #4698
01-14-18, 17:33
According to many bar girls, threesomes are just a way to do less work fucking a monger. They figure the monger will drill each girl once while the other one hides in the bathroom texting and surfing on her phone. Even the ones who are not shy will just lay in bed observing the monger drilling her friend instead of actively participating. Fellas wanting true nasty threesome action will have to take charge and direct girl on girl cunnilingus, annilingus, tit-sucking, fingering, and double-dong dildo penetration.

I do not understand why people like to talk shit about you when all you do is speak the truth. Anyone that has tried a threesome in PI will know that this is exactly how it happens. If you do not give them explicit directions then it will not get done...if you are able to get them out of the bathroom.This may be true for the majority of cases in AC, I don't know since I am unaware of any statistical studies on the matter. LOL. But I have previously reported on the successive threesome experiences I have had in AC, where the girls took turns servicing me. I consider this the 3rd form of menage a trois and the least satisfying although with that said, I still fondly recall 3 or 4 nights I spent with 2 cousins that I found in the former One Eyed Wench. They took turns getting laid by yours truly and one always waited out on the balcony until I was done with the cousin and then they traded places, but both slept in in the same King bed with me in the middle and I engaged in early morning sex with my favorite of the two while the other one slept or pretended to sleep through it. Ha Ha.

In any case, for me Manila has been another story. In Manila, especially with my two regular repeat girls, I have enjoyed on going simultaneous threesome activity where both girls are actively taking part in the action. I consider this the 2nd form of menage a trois and highly satisfying.

My Manila girls are not bisexual, so ALL the action is concentrated on pleasuring me, but I enjoy it a lot ie having one girl blow me while the other girl sits on my face, ect ect, and rotating the action. That is why I keep inviting these 2 particular girls back for more of the same. My point is that quality threesomes are available with Pinays, you just have to bide your time until the right situation presents itself. I believe Manila is a more likely place to find the 2nd form of menage than AC.

The 1st form of menage a trois involves 2 bisexual or inquisitive girls where everybody is pleasuring everybody simultaneously. This, in my humble experience, is rare in all of SE Asia. The closest I have come, no pun intended, to experiencing this play is with my 2 repeat regular BKK girls. These 2 girls are good friends and one of them is bi-curious, so she will massage her friend's breasts and even lick her nipples until the straight girlfriend stops her and I take over. On only a couple of occasions, after drinking & partying, have the bi-curious girl and I rendezvoused down by the straight girlfriend's pussy. On those rare occasions the curious girlfriend engaged in some light fingering and a few short kisses of her friend's pussy until it was ended by the straight girlfriend, LOL. Right now I can only speculate how much further this activity will go on my next trip. I am looking forward to finding out.

So, I don't know for sure where to advise interested punters to go for the 1st form of menage a trois, Germany maybe or more likely Brazil. But in my experience, it is best to take your time, concentrate on having quality one on one's, and wait for the right girls to come along and to make the suggestion. Rushing into the situation, especially in the PI, will most likely end up with the 3rd form, which is not all bad, as with my 2 Shipwrecked AC cousins, but definitely not as good as the 2nd form which I think most of us want & expect from a threesome.

Mr Enternational
01-14-18, 21:13
In any case, for me Manila has been another story. In Manila, especially with my two regular repeat girls, I have enjoyed on going simultaneous threesome activity where both girls are actively taking part in the action. I consider this the 2nd form of menage a trois and highly satisfying.You could be right. Was just talking to a chick that I met in Manila last month when she asked me what my fantasy was. I wouldn't have even been thinking along those lines if I had not just read your post.

Wicked Roger
01-15-18, 00:07
You could be right. Was just talking to a chick that I met in Manila last month when she asked me what my fantasy was. I wouldn't have even been thinking along those lines if I had not just read your post.All this talk of threesomes is a bit odd as if you set out what you want and say no hiding in bathroom, no sit on the balcony, you will eat each other etc then there is no surprises etc.

I never have trouble and most girls I know are fully bi and in the past have had a few sets of bisexual sisters. And those I meet and like I say what Mr E says and find a v suitable play mate for them to be devirginized (I have a few of those when needed and they are always very willing to eat fresh pussy LOL). Just need to be direct at times to make sure all parties understand the menu LOL.

The trick some girls play is pretend to eat each other out with one moaning but their hair covers the pussy and the monger is either too horny, too drunk etc to realise they are faking it. Also I bring toys such as strap on for them to use as well so we all can have our fun and is a genuine threesome.

Mr Enternational
01-15-18, 06:27
I think this mamasan that I mess with in AC is trying to tell me something. Can't be sure though.

Kabul Guy
01-15-18, 07:02
All this talk of threesomes is a bit odd as if you set out what you want and say no hiding in bathroom, no sit on the balcony, you will eat each other etc then there is no surprises etc.
....I have never had one sit on the balcony or hide in the bathroom. Sometimes they will just watch but usually, when I call them over they will come. I like BBBJ with tits in face but my favourite 3 some action is to have one suck my balls while banging the other or a 4 lip BBBJ.

Member #4698
01-15-18, 14:39
I think this mamasan that I mess with in AC is trying to tell me something. Can't be sure though.She wants a donation for sure, but she may be too discreet to come right out and ask for it or perhaps she knows your response already. There are a million different ways girls ask for a foreign contribution. I think I know your repsonse too. Ha Ha.

It is looking good with your Manila girl. Her text was very positive.

Member #4698
01-15-18, 14:53
All this talk of threesomes is a bit odd as if you set out what you want and say no hiding in bathroom, no sit on the balcony, you will eat each other etc then there is no surprises etc.

I never have trouble and most girls I know are fully bi and in the past have had a few sets of bisexual sisters. Well I can't argue with success. Bisexual sisters is high on my bucket list. LOL. But, my approach is very different from yours. I hardly ever take two new girls right off the bat. Usually for me threesomes come about after I have had very good repeat sessions with a particualr girl and over time she has introduced me to a few of her friends from whom I am invited to select a 2nd girl if I want it. I will only accept the offer if there is already good rapport established between myself and the 2nd girl and I find the 2nd girl attractive, duh! The 1st girl always stays in the power position vis a vis her relationship with her other girlfriends in the mix.

Another alternative method: On several nights I have gone barhopping with my numero uno repeat Manila girl looking to pick up a third girl. This approach has not born fruit yet, but I think we will keep hunting. I asked numero uno if she was interested herself in another girl and she said it would depend on the girl. Interesting. I think we both might have similar tastes in girls or at least numero uno knows my taste.

01-15-18, 19:08
Next month I have arranged with 3 different girls at different times to bring their GF lovers for a 3 some. I have known each girl from previous meet ups. Each have talked to their GF and promised real play in front of me. Depending upon how we get along I may be able to bang the GF. All 3 GF are feminine and desirable. Possibly one out of 3 might flake but I doubt it as I have been with them before and have maintain contact.

Other times I have had 2 girls in the room but they rotate back and forth. One time I arranged a girl to come by my hotel before she went to work. She arrived with her 2 roommates as she couldn't shake them loose and they were going to eat afterwards. The 2 were going to stay in the cr. As I was doing the one in miss I asked her if the other 2 were up for some action and she shouts out to them to shower and get ready. I held off on busting my nut until I entered #3, she was a thick girl with a very tight one. Good thing she came in 3 minutes as I busted 5 seconds later!

Can wait until next month.

01-15-18, 19:42
The emphasis on apps and escort sites is disconcerting and it seems like mongering is becoming more like a trip to as sanitised zoo than the romp through the African savanna it should be. The idea of lying in a flea pit and scrolling through reams of over priced receptacles on my phone is not for me. A balanced diet with 5 a day has much to recommend it. No sugar, no salt, not too tender should all be prerequisites.

1. Ideal age 25-32, at least one child, some esteem issues, freelancer, no bar fine, non smoker, rounded breasts one can get one's teeth into a plus, not too hairy between the legs, nice playful rear end, teeth all present and account for, no tatts or certainly no walking art galleries, not too many piercings and none in mouth or vagina, a full understanding and acceptance of their role.

2. Head fucking: if they are nice and poor, they make good GFE as they are so unused to it. Lift them up and let them down, gently. This is good for repeat dating but it they get clingy, the meter goes up for no gain. They must be amenable to all reasonable bedroom games and requests.

3. High Octane: Needs more tips but must be willing to willingly supply porno experience as well as more advanced bedroom games and requests.

4. No hotties and no bar girls. They have undeserved and inflated opinions of themselves. Would only be worth paying if we could get the trike drivers to backdoor them but that is probably happening anyway.

5. Provider, mamasans: Not worth it. Fed up of them.

6. Quirks: Picks ups in cheap eateries, cheap food places etc.

7. Wg for courses. The key thing is to pick a receptacle who fits our game. Young fillies want to be with young studs who will bring them clubbing and be like a date. Grand papa should not play that game. This, I think, is key. Grandpapa has to pace his game and get hired help to move at his pace and how he wants.

8. Room for One. We don't want the hired help moving in and cramping our day. That is the job of wives.

Wicked Roger
01-16-18, 00:07
Another alternative method: On several nights I have gone barhopping with my numero uno repeat Manila girl looking to pick up a third girl. This approach has not born fruit yet, but I think we will keep hunting. I asked numero uno if she was interested herself in another girl and she said it would depend on the girl. Interesting. I think we both might have similar tastes in girls or at least numero uno knows my taste.Also done that and depends on the girl but if she is really into girls then no issues as always find. Took two pinays to Thailand, went to a bar they chose the girl we all had great funs. Same in Malaysia, sat at the Beach Club, and the girls went hunting. Found a nice one and a great threesome. Just depends on the girl, how well you know her and your persuasion skills LOL.

01-16-18, 00:49
You could be right. Was just talking to a chick that I met in Manila last month when she asked me what my fantasy was. I wouldn't have even been thinking along those lines if I had not just read your post.Did you meet this Stephanie in real life? Sounds like a different to me. Language is too good for a filipina.

01-16-18, 09:21
I do not understand why people like to talk shit about you when all you do is speak the truth. Anyone that has tried a threesome in PI will know that this is exactly how it happens. If you do not give them explicit directions then it will not get done...if you are able to get them out of the bathroom.According to some BGs CM poetically waxes about, and usually to spread slights towards many here and the monger scene's local population. There is no there there w / CM but who cares? [Deleted by Admin]

From the horses mouth regarding tricky 3 somes.

A few nights ago in AC (it's the AC Forum right?) I'm barhopping for general intel, prices, lookers etc. After 5 bars I'm in the mood. I see a Viking BG w / tits and table her.

I tell her I'm a bit tired but could use some big tits so I tell her, she's barfined, soon after she's all about licking pussy as in, "I love licking pussy". I say forget about a 3 some but that's where she was directing me. I said no way. She continues w / I love licking pussy. (music to a monger's ears).

We move on to Club XS and sit for tequila shots and the show. I see a sexy waitress and tell my BF and then tell her forget it, I'm only doing you. Soon the sexy waitress sits by us w / her friends. My BF says, lets buy her a drink!! I say okay. So now it's 3 tequila shots and I'm starting to think 3 some. I ask waitress can she take sexy mini skirt out, she say she can. I then pull the trigger on the 3 some just as my original BG was directing me to do from the very beginning.

Later we end up in the room. The Viking BF says something about a shower, I say go on then. She goes in and comes out. The other one goes in and I ask Viking to come to the bed. She tells me something about taking a shower. I say you already took a shower. She says the other girl wants her to take a shower. I'm like wtf is this one talking about?

The XS girl comes out and I ask for both to come to the bed. The viking girl starts in on the shower thing. I say go take one then. I then proceed to fuck the sexy XS waitress and it's good and she is fun. I finish and the viking comes out of the shower and I ask her to come to the bed. More gibberish about the shower. I am now w / out patience. I say get your ass over here you took your shower. She continues w / this shower mumbo jumbo.

I now think I have a nut on my hands. I say fine then, I'll go back to your bar tomorrow. The viking girl starts trying to blame me as if I did something wrong. The XS waitress is totally confused as I was. The viking girl continues about how it's my fault and that we go to her bar now. I say, That's a great idea! It's 1:40 am and I take both back to the Viking Bar. I tell 2 mamsans your BG got me to barfine a 3 some only to lose her brains and not perform anything. Well I got the 3 k back and left thinking the viking BG was a nut.

The next day it hit me. The viking bar girl intended to play me for a bar fine w / out fucking. As soon as I decided to take her out of the bar her wheels started turning on a way out of fucking. First, get another girl. Second, get in shower while other bargirl fucks me. Third, make up some gibberish in case customer still wants to fuck. So this is one of many schemes bargirls can use to get barfine money w / out doing all the work included in a barfine. It's as simple as that. This is not the first actress I've dealt w / and it won't be the last. In most of these ploys the customer never knows he's been duped.

In the end, this is an AC related story from a monger who actually mongers.

D Cups
01-16-18, 16:56
A couple of years ago I had four girls in my bed at Treasure Island in Subic / Balong Bay. Two were from the raft and the other two were their friends. I have to admit it was their idea. They all took turns on different parts of me but no lesbo action. If it hadn't happened to me I wouldn't believe it myself. I love the Philippines!


A. Found a nice one and a great threesome. Just depends on the girl, how well you know her and your persuasion skills LOL.

Member #4698
01-16-18, 17:11
In the end, this is an AC related story from a monger who actually mongers.I would have been pretty mad with the Viking girl and that is saying it mildly LOL. Yeah, she tried to play you, but I am glad you didn't take her BS lying down (literally), stayed cool, went back to her bar and got the EWR reimbursed. Minus 10 for the girl, plus 1 for the bar, and plus 1 for you. It would be interesting to know if the bar takes any further action against the girl to curtail this sort of activity.

And at least the XS girl performed well, so the night was not a total loss or waste of time, but who needs this sort of circus circus BS. I like everything to run smoothly as I am sure you do as well. That is why, as I posted below, "I hardly ever take two new girls right off the bat. Usually for me threesomes come about after I have had very good repeat sessions with a particular girl and over time she has introduced me to a few of her friends from whom I am invited to select a 2nd girl if I want it."

Anyway, rock on Socker (I know you will) and keep the reports coming. I will be on the road in 36 days and I am starting to get revved.


01-16-18, 17:25
From the horses mouth regarding tricky 3 somes....

In the end, this is an AC related story from a monger who actually mongers.Big Boobs certainly played you a bit, but perhaps not as you thought. If she was really into a 3 some, she would have got a work mate, not a babe from another bar. I reckon she was just a bit nuts as the same has happened to me when spinners have seduced me. Yours is a story that must be masticated upon. I think it's takeaway for me is slowly slowly catchee lady. She and the other one also went back too timidly. They should have made up some shtt about you and stuck to it. Your big boobed buddy has some tricks to learn or I'll be asking her for 3 somes on the footpath and not in the bar before long.

Mr Enternational
01-16-18, 22:45
Did you meet this Stephanie in real life? Sounds like a different to me. Language is too good for a filipina.Yep. Picked her up from LAC!

01-17-18, 04:31
I would have been pretty mad with the Viking girl and that is saying it mildly LOL. Yeah, she tried to play you, but I am glad you didn't take her BS lying down (literally), stayed cool, went back to her bar and got the EWR reimbursed. Minus 10 for the girl, plus 1 for the bar, and plus 1 for you. It would be interesting to know if the bar takes any further action against the girl to curtail this sort of activity.

And at least the XS girl performed well, so the night was not a total loss or waste of time, but who needs this sort of circus circus BS.At first I thought she lost her marbles when she went on and on about the shower. So I quickly went from mad to concerned about her. Then she starts pointing a finger at me so I got in the defiant mode again. Had she not said, "let's go back to the bar" there's little chance I would have received a full refund well after the fact. So that backfired on her. She pulled a classic "bait and switch" hoping I would be too tired for her after the first one. But all night long I planned on all 3 involved as my BF was so hungry for the pussy. Haha, nice try!

I've also had more than few bargirls that thought they could do the job when they accepted the BF only to timidly refuse service and plead that I don't return them. There are many schemes and I used to allow some off the hook but not any longer as I see these as 100% scam jobs.

We both know (and many others) about these ploys and there are many. What's the right response? Well getting mad is natural. Getting my money back is more important so I look at it as an inconvenient chess game played out at the worst time. The moral of the story is there are many ways a monger can be played. Get mad after you get even.

I'm in BKK now and WOW what a change in visual quality from AC. I've been running on low power but went to Soi Cowboy the other night and stunner after stunner were available in certain bars.

I mean as good as it gets beauty. The service might be another story but I'll be finding out about that tonight.

Happy Hunting or Happily Hunted.

Charm City Dave
01-17-18, 06:52
The Philippines has long been on my list of places to visit. I'm in angeles-- now for the first time staying at the ABC Hotel. Please forgive the typos I'm typing this on my phone. In any case just a few impressions. ABC Hotel is very nice but Angeles is best described, well buy a term recently used by the president of the United States for certain places. Right out of the bat I hit a homerun on WeChat I met a great 23 year old Semi-Pro, who works in Sbarro's in Manila. She had me going all night long like I was 20 years younger. I never wife up, but with this girl I didn't give it a second thought. As what has to happen, the next day she text me but her period has started. She still wanted to come over, but after having that magical pussy I told her I wouldn't be satisfied with just a BJ. Hit High Society last night and a few of the bars and have been on WeChat, but just haven't found anything that doesn't seem like it will be a disappointment after her. If anyone is in town and wants to hang out, or has any tips for me not in the Forum please reach out. For those who want my find, please don't ask till I'm out of town next week.

01-17-18, 07:43
1. Ideal age 25-32, at least one child, some esteem issues, freelancer, no bar fine, non smoker, rounded breasts one can get one's teeth into a plus, not too hairy between the legs, nice playful rear end, teeth all present and account for, no tatts or certainly no walking art galleries, not too many piercings and none in mouth or vagina, a full understanding and acceptance of their role.
.The ones with tongue piercing / stud can add pleasure to BBBJ.

01-17-18, 10:33
The ones with tongue piercing / stud can add pleasure to BBBJ.Two poblems for me.

1. aesthetic. I don't like the look.

2. Health: I don't want the stud scratching Pedrito and perhaps infecting me.

01-17-18, 17:39
I've also had more than few bargirls that thought they could do the job when they accepted the BF only to timidly refuse service and plead that I don't return them. There are many schemes and I used to allow some off the hook but not any longer as I see these as 100% scam jobs.I am surprised if big boobs will be long in that bar Viking, especially in Angeles City. To help that along, you should mention her name.

Never had that happen. Think more probable with a freelance. If anything, there is a chance she was red and those wheels were churning to get out of declaring it after the bar fine and after finding a proxy. And that would make it worse because the mamasan could be well aware of the scam.

Well, at least you got to dump one load and got a refund for the undumped one. Except for the time lost and inconvenience, you could have lost more and have a worse time.

Member #4698
01-17-18, 22:16
What's the right response? Well getting mad is natural. Getting my money back is more important so I look at it as an inconvenient chess game played out at the worst time. The moral of the story is there are many ways a monger can be played. Get mad after you get even.

I'm in BKK now and WOW what a change in visual quality from AC. I've been running on low power but went to Soi Cowboy the other night and stunner after stunner were available in certain bars.
I mean as good as it gets beauty. The service might be another story but I'll be finding out about that tonight.

Right. Thankfully I am usually with very nice girls, but I will get mad, ticked off is probably a better term, if a girl should try to play me. When that happens I remain calm, yet firm with the girl. I never show her what I am really feeling inside and I never lose my temper. Things can then get resolved pretty quickly and all I have lost is a little time and inconvenience. This brings up the one problem I have with the AC system: the EWR. It can lead to a moral temptation for some girls not to perform adequately. For this reason alone, I think it is always better to pay the girl afterwards.

Good to hear Cowboy has good pickings. I will be there shortly. I am saving the PI for the last segment of my trip and I am really looking forward to it.

Rock On!

01-17-18, 22:46
If anything, there is a chance she was red.European WG often just use a red condom to hide the evidence. Most punters are none the wiser.

01-18-18, 09:26
If anything, there is a chance she was red and those wheels were churning to get out of declaring it after the bar fine and after finding a proxy. And that would make it worse because the mamasan could be well aware of the scam.It wouldn't surprise me if the mamasan was involved in the scam. Easy money for her and the girl because a lot of men won't go back to the bar to demand a refund. Or they do go back but don't get it because the girl is not obligated to have sex with them.

01-18-18, 15:36
Interesting. I always make it clear my expectations and what will be on the menu.

Or they do go back but don't get it because the girl is not obligated to have sex with them.PedroMorales,

Girls with access to better health care in Europe can actually hide it from most punters who are not paying close attention. Have not seen it in Asia.

01-18-18, 19:13
It wouldn't surprise me if the mamasan was involved in the scam. Easy money for her and the girl because a lot of men won't go back to the bar to demand a refund. Or they do go back but don't get it because the girl is not obligated to have sex with them.This is why the spin about bar girls being more secure is a con. Refunds are rare unless you are a super regular. The tests that are supposed to show there are free of disease are also fake for the most part. They may not have any infections but the tests are fake. FL much better value.

01-18-18, 19:27
It always interests me that there are specific seasons for these three holing activities that do not fall totally in line with other seasons. January, for example, should not be a particularly high season but it is for three holing these wonderful angels and helping them clear their shabu bills. I am happy to say I am ready to play my part and give my own boost to the finances of these selfless cum drinkers, as one of them described herself and her colleagues to me.

.You are my kind of monger. I go to AC for no more than 2-3 days because the place during the day is such a shithole. Picking a good FL is the name of the game.

01-18-18, 19:52
This is why the spin about bar girls being more secure is a con. Refunds are rare unless you are a super regular. The tests that are supposed to show there are free of disease are also fake for the most part. They may not have any infections but the tests are fake. FL much better value.I have spoken to quite a few a mamasans about this. They are as ignorant about sexually transmitted diseases as are any of the fine women under their care. We are generally talking about pudgy over the hill women here, who want to maximise the bar's take. Although I have contracted diseases a number of times, in no small part form following BS advice, I was wise enough to ignore the mamasans.

The women need the money and will, if necessary, fake the certs / tests, which are pretty worthless anyway.

These women, to be successful, do industrial style bonking. Think of a really revolting public toilet and you get close. This is not to compare these wonderful women aka nuns gone wrong with the world's dirtiest toilets but to say you are playing Russian roulette with 5 or so slugs in the chamber.

One Shot. And out go your brains or off to the clap shop with you.

I did not get the full all clear until 6 months after my Purple Heart and they can get the all clear week by week.

Mr Enternational
01-18-18, 23:42
Girls with access to better health care in Europe can actually hide it from most punters who are not paying close attention. Have not seen it in Asia.Or maybe you haven't known what to look for in Asia. In Thailand they insert sponges that can be bought from the pharmacy or salon.

01-20-18, 22:36
Hi all,

Maybe I need to RTFF but any opinions on which Pool Party is better. Score Birds or ABC? Going this Saturday.

01-21-18, 13:28
Hi all,

Maybe I need to RTFF but any opinions on which Pool Party is better. Score Birds or ABC? Going this Saturday.Scorebirds is a true poolparty. You can pay for the girls to come off the stage and sit with you. It will cost you a ladies drink same as in a bar. You can't barfine the girls, but if you chat up a girl, find out where she works, and go to her bar after the pool party and barfine her. The girls at the party are ok looking, but not out standing. If you are looking for class A girls, then hit the bars early and find them. I went years ago and there was a class A girl that didn't even work at the bars I think. She might of in the past, but not now, she just freelanced. She was so hot, they auctioned her off for five ladies drink to come off the stage.

ABC poolparty is really just Club Aqua. Go after Eight pm or so on Friday to Sunday. There might be some freelancers there, but it is hard to meet girls there. It is much better to go to HighSociety the night before or just barfine a girl from a club and then bring that girl to ABC. As long as you are paying for everything, they can get in, no problem. ABC is business smart and knows the money you are to spend and don't care if it is a working girl in their pools etc. You can have alot of fun with them in the pools and dancing etc. Just get ready to pay. It is 500 p consumable for you and no minimum limit for the girl. You would think with no minimum limit many freelancers would go, but they don't. HighSociety is without a doubt the place to meet freelancers. Else in the coffee shops etc during the day or evening as they come out looking to have a rich visitor pay for their lunch dinner and drinks. Lotsa fun.

So hit both parties. Both are worth it.

01-21-18, 14:03
Scorebirds is a true poolparty. You can pay for the girls to come off the stage and sit with you. It will cost you a ladies drink same as in a bar. You can't barfine the girls, but if you chat up a girl, find out where she works, and go to her bar after the pool party and barfine her. The girls at the party are ok looking, but not out standing. If you are looking for class A girls, then hit the bars early and find them. I went years ago and there was a class A girl that didn't even work at the bars I think. She might of in the past, but not now, she just freelanced. She was so hot, they auctioned her off for five ladies drink to come off the stage.

ABC poolparty is really just Club Aqua. Go after Eight pm or so on Friday to Sunday. There might be some freelancers there, but it is hard to meet girls there. It is much better to go to HighSociety the night before or just barfine a girl from a club and then bring that girl to ABC. As long as you are paying for everything, they can get in, no problem. ABC is business smart and knows the money you are to spend and don't care if it is a working girl in their pools etc. You can have alot of fun with them in the pools and dancing etc. Just get ready to pay. It is 500 p consumable for you and no minimum limit for the girl. You would think with no minimum limit many freelancers would go, but they don't. HighSociety is without a doubt the place to meet freelancers. Else in the coffee shops etc during the day or evening as they come out looking to have a rich visitor pay for their lunch dinner and drinks. Lotsa fun.

So hit both parties. Both are worth it.Score birds pools parties are the worst. It's not like a party at all it's more like a modeling show. You can buy a girl a drink but it will cost you hundreds if not thousands of peso just to sit with you for 10 minutes then she has to go back up on the stage. And most of you time you will be asked to buy beads every couple of minutes it's extremly annoying. Also the girls on the show don't have to work that night and even if they did they will be too tired. I said this many times before it's a waste of time and money.

Also don't even mention aqua here that place is the worst.

D Cups
01-21-18, 15:03
I disagree with BroComplex. Had a great time at Scorebirds and even scored with one of the finalists. You don't have to buy the beads if you don't want to but if you do the girls pose for photos and you can fool around with them a little. Cheers.

Score birds pools parties are the worst. It's not like a party at all it's more like a modeling show. You can buy a girl a drink but it will cost you hundreds if not thousands of peso just to sit with you for 10 minutes then she has to go back up on the stage. And most of you time you will be asked to buy beads every couple of minutes it's extremly annoying. Also the girls on the show don't have to work that night and even if they did they will be too tired. I said this many times before it's a waste of time and money.

Also don't even mention aqua here that place is the worst.

Mr Enternational
01-21-18, 15:07
Thanks guys. The last few trips I have been kicking myself in the ass about not going to Aqua, but I guess I haven't been missing anything. Before though I thought someone was saying that better girls were there. I doubted that freelance models would just show up out of thin air because a new club opened. 3 more days til AC!

01-21-18, 15:08
Score birds pools parties are the worst. It's not like a party at all it's more like a modeling show. You can buy a girl a drink but it will cost you hundreds if not thousands of peso just to sit with you for 10 minutes then she has to go back up on the stage. And most of you time you will be asked to buy beads every couple of minutes it's extremly annoying. Also the girls on the show don't have to work that night and even if they did they will be too tired. I said this many times before it's a waste of time and money.

Also don't even mention aqua here that place is the worst.Opinions obviously vary about the pool parties. Both are mostly populated by tourists, not by expat residents of AC. I think the expats spend their money more-wisely.

I have gone to the bars after SB party and barfined girls. They usually are working that night. And happy for you to get them out of there early. Take them to dinner and drinks, then a shag. It is more fun than them doing the zombie dance at the bar for 3 hours.

As a side note, if you barfine a girl, stay with her at all times. I once shagged a BF girl, then asked if she wanted to go to ABC for a drink, and she said she needed to go get her bathing suit. She never showed up at ABC. They sell suits at the kiosks near ABC for 200 p or so. If you give a girl a chance to run, especailly once her formal obligation has been met (ie one shag), then they will run usually.

So if you want to have some fun for a weekend, both SB and ABC poolparties are fun. But, yes, after a while it gets old and expensive.

01-21-18, 23:07
Thanks all for the responses. Will plan to hit SB for a while due to its novelty this Saturday with another forum member and then hit the bars, clubs, etc. Anyone else interested in joining send a PM.

I disagree with BroComplex. Had a great time at Scorebirds and even scored with one of the finalists. You don't have to buy the beads if you don't want to but if you do the girls pose for photos and you can fool around with them a little. Cheers.

01-22-18, 01:21
Some fillings are becoming loose. Is having new fillings in Angeles a risk worth taking? Last time I got my teeth cleaned and that was OK but is a filling replacement a good idea on health grounds? Would it be as good a filling as elsewhere or would it be fast track to a nasty disease or whatever?

01-22-18, 10:18
Thanks guys. The last few trips I have been kicking myself in the ass about not going to Aqua, but I guess I haven't been missing anything. Before though I thought someone was saying that better girls were there. I doubted that freelance models would just show up out of thin air because a new club opened. 3 more days til AC!Aqua is, in my opinion anyway, a lot of fun. There are available ladies that show up there, and some of them are quite doable. I have a friend who takes girls from there frequently. I almost took one a few months ago, but it was still early evening and though she was willing, I wanted to see what was on offer elsewhere. Obviously there's no BF at Aqua, but it's definitely not a cheap place.


01-22-18, 12:07
You should do what you feel comfortable with. With that in mind, I don't believe that cavite filling is rocket science. Just make sure you can communicate with the dentist and be explicit in what you want. I would recommend that you try and find someone that caters to foreigners. I don't personally have a recommendation as I've never had a filling done there. But I'm sure others on the board can chime in.

Some fillings are becoming loose. Is having new fillings in Angeles a risk worth taking? Last time I got my teeth cleaned and that was OK but is a filling replacement a good idea on health grounds? Would it be as good a filling as elsewhere or would it be fast track to a nasty disease or whatever?

01-23-18, 01:05
I will be visiting AC again after 6 months. Can anyone clue me into:

-when is the new complex next to Phillies to open? I heard it is to be a new bar / club complex owned by the ABC people. It has been under construction for years now.

-the BF is up to 3500 p now? This town is getting expensive. Where are people to go to for cheap mongering if AC keeps getting more expensive?

-is the town becoming more and more korean oriented? Makati is slowly being middle-eastern with the Huka joints. And AC has korean restaurants every 10 feet. And the girls love the 333's. Are they going to be called 334's soon?

-are the free lance massage girls still around? They are the best deal around. Fun girls with only a 300 p obligation for an ok massage.

-is ABC club aqua still loaded with the big money tourists? It is usually middle easterner high rollers or european families. They look at me like I am weird for having a bar girl in the pool. I look at them like they are weird for bringing their wife and kids to AC. But sometimes their daughters are cute.

01-23-18, 02:36
-is ABC club aqua still loaded with the big money tourists? It is usually middle easterner high rollers or european families. They look at me like I am weird for having a bar girl in the pool. I look at them like they are weird for bringing their wife and kids to AC. But sometimes their daughters are cute.I've been going to ABC for years, and to Aqua almost since its opening, and it sounds like you and I have vastly different impressions. Virtually every time I've gone, the pool has been full of girls brought by Koreans who have rented one or two of the cabanas for the day, and I've seen very few wives and kids in that pool. Come to think of it, I've never seen any. Usually, they're in the pool on the ground floor. I'm guessing that 90% of the hotel visitors I've ever seen are mongers there to play, though every now and then some guy has, it's true brought along his family, which never appears to affect the fun of any other guests.


01-23-18, 16:02
I will be visiting AC again after 6 months. Can anyone clue me into:

-when is the new complex next to Phillies to open? I heard it is to be a new bar / club complex owned by the ABC people. It has been under construction for years now.Must be very soon. Last Friday I see drinks were getting packed into the refs. But Saturday night not yet open. Haven't ventured to that part of town since then.

-are the free lance massage girls still around? They are the best deal around. Fun girls with only a 300 p obligation for an ok massage.Absolutely. Lots around.

-is ABC club aqua still loaded with the big money tourists? It is usually middle easterner high rollers or european families. They look at me like I am weird for having a bar girl in the pool. I look at them like they are weird for bringing their wife and kids to AC. But sometimes their daughters are cute.At Aqua on Saturday night I felt it was really just a sausage fest. The ratio was more guys than girls. I didn't observe any freelancers that were waiting. Last times I was there in Oct and Nov there were 4-5 freelancers available. I think they might control the numbers to keep a few on hand. My recommendation for Aqua is it's still a BYO location.

Happy hunting everyone.


01-24-18, 00:43
Must be very soon. Last Friday I see drinks were getting packed into the refs. But Saturday night not yet open. Haven't ventured to that part of town since then.

Absolutely. Lots around.

At Aqua on Saturday night I felt it was really just a sausage fest. The ratio was more guys than girls. I didn't observe any freelancers that were waiting. Last times I was there in Oct and Nov there were 4-5 freelancers available. I think they might control the numbers to keep a few on hand. My recommendation for Aqua is it's still a BYO location.

Happy hunting everyone.

BD.Yes, I agree. Bring your own. I would be terrified approaching a girl at Aqua. There are some rich philipinos that stay there. If you treat one of them like a freelancer, they could cause a scene. And Aqua is too expensive to stay and drink and eat long term. If you stay and try to find a freelancer, and then pick her up, you might be spending big $ in the meantime. And any freelancer there is to think you have big $ and charge you big $. Plus she has been buying expensive drinks and will try to recoup her expense from you.

It is much better to find a nice free lancer from High Society or coffee shops etc. Last time I was in AC, I met club girls that werent really freelancers. They were well dressed girls that would go out 3 or 4 times a week with many friends, including Ex Pat men. They would soak you for drinks and food but you got a chance to chat them up. And after 3 or so nights of this, I asked her to come back to my room, and after much drama, she did. But the shag was not too good. She acted like she didn't shag much, it hurt her, etc. It is better to find a bar girl or freelancer that is horny and wants a good shag. They are best.

I find massage girls are best. After touching your naked body for an hour, unless you are a fat slob, she is probably pretty turned on. So when you ask her for extras, she is more-likely to give in. And she is most likely to be young, low-maintenance so they money you give her will go a long way in her life. Give her 300 p for the massage and 1000 p for the BBBJ or shag and she is walking away rich and happy. The same 1000 p to the girls I mentioned that go to High Society 4 times a week are to go through that 1000 p every day buying food, drinks, shoes, dresses, etc. Etc.

Just my 2 cents.

Kabul Guy
01-24-18, 02:16
You should do what you feel comfortable with. With that in mind, I don't believe that cavite filling is rocket science. Just make sure you can communicate with the dentist and be explicit in what you want. I would recommend that you try and find someone that caters to foreigners. I don't personally have a recommendation as I've never had a filling done there. But I'm sure others on the board can chime in.I have never seen a dentist here but in Afghanistan, I needed emergency repairs to a crown and I saw a Filipina dentist working at one of the expat clinics.

She not only did excellent work, the temporary fix that she said was good for a couple of months lasted about 5 years and I only had it replaced for insurance reasons, it was still good. But she had the smallest hands of any dentist I have ever seen. That was a nice bonus.

Member #4566
01-24-18, 06:59
According to many bar girls, threesomes are just a way to do less work fucking a monger. They figure the monger will drill each girl once while the other one hides in the bathroom texting and surfing on her phone. Even the ones who are not shy will just lay in bed observing the monger drilling her friend instead of actively participating. Fellas wanting true nasty threesome action will have to take charge and direct girl on girl cunnilingus, annilingus, tit-sucking, fingering, and double-dong dildo penetration.Lately, my pattern has been to latch on to one primary girl and have her bring her friends around to keep her company. Otherwise she gets bored and wants to leave. Tonight we are being visited by one of her friends for a late night dinner and a romantic interlude. Now these girls are not bar girls but they do expect some remuneration and will be rewarded but at levels significantly lower than the price of a barfine.

Member #4566
01-24-18, 07:37
Some fillings are becoming loose. Is having new fillings in Angeles a risk worth taking? Last time I got my teeth cleaned and that was OK but is a filling replacement a good idea on health grounds? Would it be as good a filling as elsewhere or would it be fast track to a nasty disease or whatever?I wouldn't go for a long time with a cracked filling. They are food traps and yuk can build up behind them and cause problems fast. I have been getting my teeth worked on here for more than 20 years. As a another commented, "It ain't rocket science. " However I would have some reticence about more complicated matters. I did have a problem recently with a prosthetic procedure in the PI. In any event, it behooves you to do your research. I go to Northern Dental clinic which is across the street from the 7-11 on MacArthur south of the walking street maybe 300 meters on the right.

01-24-18, 07:46
Must be very soon. Last Friday I see drinks were getting packed into the refs. But Saturday night not yet open. Haven't ventured to that part of town since then.

Absolutely. Lots around.

At Aqua on Saturday night I felt it was really just a sausage fest. The ratio was more guys than girls. I didn't observe any freelancers that were waiting. Last times I was there in Oct and Nov there were 4-5 freelancers available. I think they might control the numbers to keep a few on hand. My recommendation for Aqua is it's still a BYO location.

Happy hunting everyone.

BD.I'm here on the ground so to speak, and last night (Tuesday) the new bar across from Phillies was OPEN! I didn't go in, but maybe tonight. I didn't notice it the night before.

Mr Enternational
01-24-18, 10:24
I'm here on the ground so to speak, and last night (Tuesday) the new bar across from Phillies was OPEN! I didn't go in, but maybe tonight. I didn't notice it the night before.When I was there last month it had workers inside, liquor on the wall, TVs playing and looked open. My friends went up to ask and they said they were not open.

01-24-18, 11:17
Like other suggested, find a dentist that caters to foreigners. Have the work checked by your favorite dentist back home.

Some fillings are becoming loose. Is having new fillings in Angeles a risk worth taking? Last time I got my teeth cleaned and that was OK but is a filling replacement a good idea on health grounds? Would it be as good a filling as elsewhere or would it be fast track to a nasty disease or whatever?

01-24-18, 11:18
Lately, my pattern has been to latch on to one primary girl and have her bring her friends around to keep her company. Otherwise she gets bored and wants to leave. Tonight we are being visited by one of her friends for a late night dinner and a romantic interlude. Now these girls are not bar girls but they do expect some remuneration and will be rewarded but at levels significantly lower than the price of a barfine.Indeed. That's the way to go. Fields is Jolibee food.

cavite filling is not rocket science. .
Northern Dental clinic Thanks. I'll ask expats on the ground and mention Northenr Dental. Problem solved.

01-24-18, 15:17
I must be different than every other guy. I couldn't care less about girl-on-girl action during a threesome. I want girls-on-me action. Someone on my face, someone on my dick. Double blow job. Side by side on all fours for a little "in parallel" action. I guess I'm just selfish.

01-25-18, 14:21
I arrived in AC late last night, after a brutal taxi ride from Manila airport. I managed to check Atlantis and Doll House, around 10 pm. The first one did not have much to offer, while DH still had some lookers. I then called it a night.

Today, I was ready to monger. I started with breakfast and lunch at the Grand Central hotel cafeteria. As I was seating there eating my lunch, I could see some activities across the street. The girls arriving at Viking for the day shift looked very decent. Other clubs on the same street side were also active, and I made a note to check them out. So, after finishing my lunch, I walked across the street and entered the Viking club. There were easily 30 dancers on stage, and after about one hour, I spotted a chick. The mamasan told me she was new but I did not care, as I liked her.

After the mamasan called her to my table, I started having second thoughts. She was not very talkative, and neither am I. The damn mamasan did not help much, by constantly pointing out that we should be talking more. The situation was getting awkward by the minute. Luckily the mamasan had to attend to some business somewhere else, having consumed her free drink. The girl agreed to the barfine and went to change.

The nervousness continued in the hotel room, but I managed to make her feel comfortable. My intention was to do a quick session, then check out other clubs, but my girl had other plans. She became so comfortable that she did not want to leave. I ended up keeping her for close to 4 hours and managed multiple sessions. Despite being young and inexperienced, she had something to offer and I was fairly pleased.

I also managed to check out Ponny Tails late afternoon. It had close to 20 girls, and some of them looked ptetty decent.

This was my first trip to AC in 5 years. I heard so much about the Koreans taking over AC, that I did not know what to expect. Indeed, I was surprised to see so much Korean presence. The managers at Viking, and other clubs, were Koreans, but they were not in my way and in no way hindered my stay, at least so far. In fact, I noticed many of the girls were not even paying attention to the Korean manager who was trying to micro manage them. It was funny watching the scene, and it happened at 2 different clubs, Viking and Doll House.

01-25-18, 14:26
I must be different than every other guy. I couldn't care less about girl-on-girl action during a threesome. I want girls-on-me action. Someone on my face, someone on my dick. Double blow job. Side by side on all fours for a little "in parallel" action. I guess I'm just selfish.I guess you are not that different, because I feel excatly the way you do about 3-somes. Luckily, the girls can usually tell and adjust their menu accordingly.

Mr Enternational
01-25-18, 18:44
Just came in to NAIA Terminal 3. Took 1 hour to get through immigration. Went outside and hopped into a yellow taxi to Victory Liner. 180 pesos. Got to the ticket window at 1:18 am. The clerk said the next bus didn't leave until 2:30 and to come back at 1:30 to buy a ticket.

Fuck that. I got to get to AC before shit shuts down. Went outside to find a taxi. He asked me what price I paid last time. I said nevermind that. What is your price? He said 3000. I said fuck that. 2000. He said 2500 so he can pay toll coming back too. I said no way. I only give you 2000 and pay toll going. He said okay. There is no traffic out so it is smooth sailing. I should be inside High Society by 3:30 and back to the room with a chick by 4. It is 1:44 now.

01-25-18, 23:23
I should be inside High Society by 3:30 and back to the room with a chick by 4.Love your energy and commitment to pussy. No rest for the wicked! I will be doing the same in a little over two weeks.

Mr Enternational
01-26-18, 08:17
Today is the grand opening. The former owner of Phillies owns the place. It is actually a rather nice restaurant with soft music playing. San Mig Light 77 pesos and my mojito 127 pesos.

The hotel upstairs has a different owner (ABC) and the club will be a Korean disco.

01-26-18, 08:50
I landed here Monday night with a flight into Clark, glad I did when I see the time it takes others to get through NIA and then to AC! I got comfortable in Central Park Tower, then invited over a GF from previous visits, we had already planned it. She stayed all night and that was great. I'd planned a meet with a PL girl for 6 pm Tuesday so went to meet her but didn't show, and I had broken my first rule of AC, always have a back up plan. Anyway I managed to find some nice ones on we chat so invited one round, She came soon and was really good. I'm always looking for BBBJ (well aren't we all!) and I love 69 too, and she was great at all that, and even told me she was fertile and wanted a white baby, so I did my bit for England! I will probably see her again, just to make sure I got it right. So Wednesday another from PL wanted to come over, I thought it would be rude to refuse, so that was a bit of midday action. She was another goer, liked a finger in her arse too so I will try to do her there next time. She needs a new phone, so will work for that! I don't seem to find many 3 - holers here. Wednesday night had a date from wechat but she cancelled last minute, so decided to give High Society a go. 100 ps to get in, what a revelation as I had never been before, lots of freelancers trying to get into your pants, for cock as well as money luckily. Managed to find one in about 15 minutes without really trying, just did a lap round to the bar, picked up a beer (100 ps again) and soon she found me, so bought her one, finished the beer and back to good old CPT to giver her another one. Gave her 2 k all night, don't know if that's a fair price in there? She was small but pretty full on, kissing sucking 69 and sex everything I wanted, and same again in the morning. Had to move out of CPT Thursday as its fully booked for the weekend, so if you're planning to stay there anytime, book as early as you can. I don't pay anything there until I leave, so can always cancel or amend the booking. So on to LGH for a few days, and more to follow on here.

Chocha Monger
01-26-18, 16:37
I landed here Monday night with a flight into Clark, glad I did when I see the time it takes others to get through NIA and then to AC! I got comfortable in Central Park Tower, then invited over a GF from previous visits, we had already planned it. She stayed all night and that was great. I'd planned a meet with a PL girl for 6 pm Tuesday so went to meet her but didn't show, and I had broken my first rule of AC, always have a back up plan. Anyway I managed to find some nice ones on we chat so invited one round, She came soon and was really good. I'm always looking for BBBJ (well aren't we all!) and I love 69 too, and she was great at all that, and even told me she was fertile and wanted a white baby, so I did my bit for England! I will probably see her again, just to make sure I got it right. So Wednesday another from PL wanted to come over, I thought it would be rude to refuse, so that was a bit of midday action. She was another goer, liked a finger in her arse too so I will try to do her there next time. She needs a new phone, so will work for that! I don't seem to find many 3 - holers here. Wednesday night had a date from wechat but she cancelled last minute, so decided to give High Society a go. 100 ps to get in, what a revelation as I had never been before, lots of freelancers trying to get into your pants, for cock as well as money luckily. Managed to find one in about 15 minutes without really trying, just did a lap round to the bar, picked up a beer (100 ps again) and soon she found me, so bought her one, finished the beer and back to good old CPT to giver her another one..CIP with breeding. That's hot. Very nice!

01-27-18, 09:04
..and even told me she was fertile and wanted a white baby, so I did my bit for England! I will probably see her again, just to make sure I got it right. Yeah, and you will probably see her again when she wants you to do your bit for the baby LOL.

Gave her 2 k all night, don't know if that's a fair price in there? That's a fair price for the services offered.

01-28-18, 17:31
Can anyone give info on the new complex next to phillies? I have been watching (during trips to AC) the construction that has lasted about 2 years now.

I read it is a disco. Is it to compete with High Society? Are there freelancers in there? What time does it get going? High Society is a very late night place that doesn't get busy until after 1 am or so.

Is there also a girly bar in there? I mean with barfine-able girls. If so, how many girls work there, what is the quality etc?

Is there a rooftop to any of the bars in the place?

Who goes there? I heard it is geared to the koreans.

I wonder how long it is to be before non-koreans are non-welcomed into certain establishments in AC. I have been to Korea, and non-koreans can't get in to certain restaurants or whoring locations. And in Guam there are Japanese-oriented places where non-japanese can go in, but they never come to wait on you. Subtle way to tell you to get out.

Mr Enternational
01-28-18, 23:25
Can anyone give info on the new complex next to phillies? I have been watching (during trips to AC) the construction that has lasted about 2 years now.I just reported on it like 4 posts down.

I wonder how long it is to be before non-koreans are non-welcomed into certain establishments in AC.Where does this thinking come from? I was walking by Monsoon last night when a Korean guy came out and tried to drag me in to the place. I figured maybe he was the owner or something.

Member #4566
01-29-18, 01:36
Where does this thinking come from? I was walking by Monsoon last night when a Korean guy came out and tried to drag me in to the place. I figured maybe he was the owner or something.This is not true of many Korean businesses. Once inside you may find certain girls will not patronize you. Koreans often have two levels of service: higher service for Koreans, a lower level for you.

01-29-18, 03:50
This is not true of many Korean businesses. Once inside you may find certain girls will not patronize you. Koreans often have two levels of service: higher service for Koreans, a lower level for you.This is true if you walk in alone, glare at the Korean customers and cry in your beer.

Buy a couple of beers, start chatting and be one of the boys and they will show you a good time. God forbid you actually build up some Korean friends and enter the bar with them. The Koreans I have met can party and party hard.

01-29-18, 04:41
This is true if you walk in alone, glare at the Korean customers and cry in your beer.

Buy a couple of beers, start chatting and be one of the boys and they will show you a good time. God forbid you actually build up some Korean friends and enter the bar with them. The Koreans I have met can party and party hard.It does seem there is a bit of ridiculous phobia about Koreans. After all, Asia is their continent, not ours. They are the ones who have invested the money in PH after the US government shut down the military facilities. The Korean operated Hanjin shipyard in Subic Bay is now one of the biggest employers in the nation. What are people expecting? An exclusive playground for American males, who don't have a stake in the place thousands of miles away? Seems that most everyone (Asians and Westerners) should be more concerned about the influx of money and players from the PRC into Southeast Asia. I've yet to hear anybody comment that the mainland Chinese are fun guys to hang out with. But, plenty of people growsing about the hordes of low-budget tourists from the PRC.

Mr Enternational
01-29-18, 04:42
Koreans often have two levels of service: higher service for Koreans, a lower level for you.Again, how do we know this if we are not Korean and have not gotten the supposedly higher level Korean service?

I was at a fuck club in Colombia with a good friend of mine. Afterwards I bragged to him what a GFE my girl was and how she squirted like a madwoman. When he was there the next month he took the same girl. He told me what a shitty experience it was. We are both Black Americans.

When I was in Viking last month I think I enjoyed myself more than any of the Korean brothers. I had chicks crowded around me joking and was having a good time and the only drink that I bought was my club soda.

01-29-18, 06:08
So on my way soon to my first AC trip. Skipping Bangkok because I want to check out the Phillippines (make more well rounded trip reports LOL).

BUT someone just told me AC os dead now and I should just stay in Manila. Duarte is shutting it all down.

Any truth to this? Or all BS?

01-29-18, 06:38
My humble opinion.

A. It ain't dead, it's actually super live. But if you love thai women you may want to pass on the philippines. The looks are not comparable.

B. Dutuerte has his hands full with real issues plus he loves women just as much as us.

C. If you got the time and funds why not come and see for yourself.

D. Maybe stick to makati so you have more day time options. I say this will the utmost respect, AC is rough. Hard to escape the grittiness.

So on my way soon to my first AC trip. Skipping Bangkok because I want to check out the Phillippines (make more well rounded trip reports LOL).

BUT someone just told me AC os dead now and I should just stay in Manila. Duarte is shutting it all down.

Any truth to this? Or all BS?

01-29-18, 06:57
So on my way soon to my first AC trip. Skipping Bangkok because I want to check out the Phillippines (make more well rounded trip reports LOL).

BUT someone just told me AC os dead now and I should just stay in Manila. Duarte is shutting it all down.

Any truth to this? Or all BS?All depends on who you want to believe. In my lifetime many good hearted people told me not go into business or to invest money in certain things. Then there were many who told me what to invest in. If I had listened to either one I would be poorer than a Church Mouse.

Don't be a fool, go and find out and then report back in.

Mr Enternational
01-29-18, 07:38
Once again left AC to Manila on the Genesis bus from SM Clark. The times posted are when it leaves Clark. Remember that it leaves SM 30 minutes later than that. I got to the mall at 11:25 and the bus that leaves at 11:30 was already there. I jumped on and took my usual seat all the way in the back. There were 8 more passengers. 350 pesos and 1 hour 45 minutes later, we pulled up at NAIA Terminal 3 at 1:15 pm. I hopped into a yellow taxi and headed to Ermita. 210 pesos and arrived at my hotel on A Mabini at 1:50 pm. Record times for me.

Mr Enternational
01-29-18, 07:46
Ran over across from Pacific Breeze to get my laundry this morning. Passed my old hotel Central Park. What the fuck happened to the view and the beautiful facade? GD shame this place.

Mr Enternational
01-29-18, 08:05
I met up with Threadbare the other day and he told me about a bar called Firepit (where you can bang chicks onsite) up Perimeter across from Boomerang Hotel. I went up there yesterday but did not see the place. I did see two hole in the walls though in the same building. There was a guy outside trying to get me to go into one but I was like fuck that and decided to peek into the other one. I was like nahh. When I came back out quickly the guy said see I told you. Then I went next door to the other one. It was called Nifty's and a chick inside was trying to coax me into going upstairs for FS 1800 pesos. I think one of these places must have been named Firepit before.

I left there and headed to Det 5. I drank a club soda and let a chick play with my dick for a while. As usual, the chick that does the playing never asks for anything, but some random chick comes out of the blue 30 minutes later asking me to buy her a drink. I said I am not buying her shit. But I did give her a tip of 100 pesos when I paid for my drink.

I left there and headed over to Candy Bar. This time I ordered a rum and coke for 70 pesos. I called a chick off the stage to come sit with me so I could rub on her. I asked if she wanted a drink and she said rum and coke. I still had half of mine left so I slid it over to her and said shit you can just have the rest of this one. The waitress eventually brought her a fresh one for 150 pesos. This chick was making me so damn hot rubbing on my dick. She said the bar fine was 1800. She kept trying to talk me into a 3 some with another girl on the stage that she said was her best friend. I asked her if there would be any licking involved and she she said that she likes to lick pussy. She said only 3600. It took all I had to hold back. I told her that I was going to head to the comfort room to jack off so I could break the spell she was putting on me. When I got up to the stage on the way to the CR, I took a closer look at her friend. I would have definitely taken that deal, but I had to meet up with some friends on Fields shortly.

Mr Enternational
01-29-18, 08:17
When I arrived in AC late the other night I had a mind to go out, but I hit a WeChat chick up that I had on my list from last time, but had never met. She came over to stay no price discussed. Before she arrived I put my stuff in the safe, pressed my code and then lock. The safe kept opening back up and flashing "batt". So I called the front desk and told them that I needed batteries for my safe.

The chick arrived and we were about to get down to business. Just then there was a knock at the door. It was the lady coming to put batteries in the safe. She put the new batteries in then connected some device to the front. She pressed a button on the device and the safe locked. Then she pressed another button to open it but the safe would not open. Well if this chick did not plan to stay the entire night, then she will definitely have to now because all of my money is inside the locked safe. The lady told me that someone on the dayshift would have to come fix it.

Me and the girl get to business and go to sleep. The next morning we get to business again then took showers and I called someone to come up and fix the safe. This lady started banging it on the side then hooked the device up and pressed the button and it opened right up. She left and I set my code and the safe still kept opening back up and flashing "batt". I gave the chick 1500 pesos and she left. She hit me up later that night but I wasn't trying to have her come back. She gave some immaculate head too!

P.S. They brought me another safe the next day.

01-29-18, 08:34
Ran over across from Pacific Breeze to get my laundry this morning. Passed my old hotel Central Park. What the fuck happened to the view and the beautiful facade? GD shame this place.That's the second tower of the Central Park hotel that they are building.

Mr Enternational
01-29-18, 08:59
When I was on the bus leaving AC last month I met a chick on Tinder. Too little, too late. She works at a call center and before worked in Korea doing signage. She came to see me the other day and it was all good from there on out. We went to Aqua in the late afternoon and after that went back to my room. Wow is all I could say. She woke up before midnight and went home because she works at night and likes to sleep with her daughter on her days off.

She came back late the next morning and we went to get massages and to eat. For some reason it took all day. She had to be at work at 8:30 pm. When we finished eating it was 5:30pm. I gave her 500 pesos and told her it was for her to go home and get to work. She insisted on coming to the room with me. We stopped by 7/11 and she bought something for 50 pesos and gave me the 450 left from the 500 that I had given her. I said no. This is so you can get home quickly and get your things and get to work quickly. We went back to the room and owwwwww! She left about 7pm. I woke up at 3 and went to see what was on offer at the gogos and High Society. There was nothing compared to this chick. I finally just went back in alone about 5am.

She came over again this morning when she got off work. This chick is definitely a keeper.

Didn't really get to do any mongering because she drained me so well. She is also supposed to come see me in Thailand when she has vacation next month (her and her friend already had plans to come). Besides her, I hit the chick that came the first night and another chick that came for ST last night. The one from last night I had met on WeChat yesterday morning. She originally told me 2K. I said for what, 1 week? I told her when she wanted 1000 to let me know. She said 1500 last price. I stuck to 1000. She said go find your 1000 girl then. An hour and a half later she hit me up again wanting to come for 1000. I told her she could and asked what time she would arrive. She said 2pm. My happy ass waited around until 2:40 and told her that I was leaving since she hadn't arrived. That is when I went up to Perimeter as stated in a previous report.

How about while I am at Perimeter this chick sends me a message asking where I am saying that she is at reception. I said well too bad. I told you that I was leaving. She said okay maybe next time. She ended up coming last night and she was not what I imagined. Not that she didn't look like her pictures, because she did to an extent, but the personality was not how I pictured. Spitting on my dick and licking the tip is what she called a blow job. She refused to put my dick into her mouth talking about she came to be good company and to make love. Then this raggedy broad is going to tell me to lick her pussy because she likes that. I said I am not about to touch your nasty ass pussy with my mouth.

So we fucked and finished and she took a shower and got dressed. She was combing her hair and putting on lotion and powder then sat on the bed and pulled some other spray out about to use it. I knew it was some kind of perfume shit. I sntached it from her and put it back in her bag and said not in here. I was not about to have that smell around when my non-pro came the next morning. I gave her 1000 and thankfully I had a small thing of Lysol which I used to spray the sheets and pillows to get rid of the perfume smell that she left behind.

P.S. I actually had another WeChat chick come over before her. When I met her on the app last month she had a shitty attitude saying guys only want sex and she was looking for a serious relationship. Then she stopped talking. This time when I told her Hello, she immediately said that she needed money to get her baby some milk and asked if I would pay her for sex. She came over but they did not let her up because she didn't have ID. I gave her 100 pesos to go home and come back but when she got home she said she was not coming back because the baby woke up. I think this is it for me. I have gotten caught like this too many times. Biches carrying a big ass purse and having everything in it except ID. So I will have to start staying somewhere else.

01-29-18, 18:26
Awesome info Thank you! SO NO DAY ACTION in AC? I love me a good Short Time SW (vs a bar girl) : the. Hmmm, perhaps I should split the cities equally time-wise.

My humble opinion.

A. It ain't dead, it's actually super live. But if you love thai women you may want to pass on the philippines. The looks are not comparable.

B. Dutuerte has his hands full with real issues plus he loves women just as much as us.

C. If you got the time and funds why not come and see for yourself.

D. Maybe stick to makati so you have more day time options. I say this will the utmost respect, AC is rough. Hard to escape the grittiness.

Chocha Monger
01-29-18, 20:50
I wonder how long it is to be before non-koreans are non-welcomed into certain establishments in AC. I have been to Korea, and non-koreans can't get in to certain restaurants or whoring locations. And in Guam there are Japanese-oriented places where non-japanese can go in, but they never come to wait on you. Subtle way to tell you to get out."Korean-only bars" will succeed in AC when bar girls start complaining about "sexual harassment" from mongers. Some of the pioneer Korean bars already tried the Korean-only model, it did not turn out as they expected. The same goes for Japanese-only bars back in the 1980's.

This is true if you walk in alone, glare at the Korean customers and cry in your beer.Some swear that glowering at the Korean mongers with the best looking girls at their tables and pouting indignantly at the wait staff works like a charm. As far as they are concerned, Americans built the sex tourism industry in AC and deserve recognition from the girls above all other comers.

01-29-18, 22:42
told me about a bar called Firepit (where you can bang chicks onsite) up Perimeter across from Boomerang HotelThe old Firepit location is now called Platinum. It's on Perimeter. The rebrand is covered in the field reports somewhere.

Nifty's is the place where you can get service on site. Also covered in the FRs.

Sounds like you are having a good time. Enjoy.


Dion Cassius
01-29-18, 23:34
That's the second tower of the Central Park hotel that they are building.What a shitty idea. Last time I had the Jacuzzi suite and I had the wall of the new building just 2 meters across my balcony. The architect should be executed.

01-29-18, 23:44
I believe there's women action during the day I can't say personally since I've to only drop by during the evenings. I meant more so on the non-mongering side of things there's isn't much to do in AC. Yea I say split up your time. How long do you plan on staying in the Philippines? Feel free to private message me.

Awesome info Thank you! SO NO DAY ACTION in AC? I love me a good Short Time SW (vs a bar girl) : the. Hmmm, perhaps I should split the cities equally time-wise.

Mr Enternational
01-30-18, 02:10
The old Firepit location is now called Platinum. It's on Perimeter. The rebrand is covered in the field reports somewhere.LOL. That is exactly where the trike driver took me but I kept arguing with him telling him that wasn't it.

01-30-18, 19:49
Will do! Hoping to get a month, but might only be a couple of weeks. In March / April.

I believe there's women action during the day I can't say personally since I've to only drop by during the evenings. I meant more so on the non-mongering side of things there's isn't much to do in AC. Yea I say split up your time. How long do you plan on staying in the Philippines? Feel free to private message me.

01-30-18, 20:26
So on my way soon to my first AC trip. Skipping Bangkok because I want to check out the Phillippines (make more well rounded trip reports LOL).

BUT someone just told me AC os dead now and I should just stay in Manila. Duarte is shutting it all down.

Any truth to this? Or all BS?Shutting it all down? Didn't Duterte just advise tourists to come to the Philippines and get 42 cherry girls each?

01-30-18, 21:50
BTW, anyone try Scoot airlines yet to go straight into CRK? If not I'll give it a shot and let you know, but if you have your report on experience would be awesome!

Dark Vader
01-30-18, 22:57
BTW, anyone try Scoot airlines yet to go straight into CRK? If not I'll give it a shot and let you know, but if you have your report on experience would be awesome!http://www.airlinequality.com/airline-reviews/scoot/

01-30-18, 23:09
Shutting it all down? Didn't Duterte just advise tourists to come to the Philippines and get 42 cherry girls each?He said something about 42 virgins during a speech in New Delhi but I don't think it was to boost tourism. Rather it was a jab against religious fundamentalism.

01-31-18, 18:09
It is a low cost Asian carrier so expect the same service as a US airline but at a much lower price point. LOL.

But it is under my favourite airline SIA.

BTW, anyone try Scoot airlines yet to go straight into CRK? If not I'll give it a shot and let you know, but if you have your report on experience would be awesome!.

Chocha Monger
01-31-18, 23:12
He said something about 42 virgins during a speech in New Delhi but I don't think it was to boost tourism. Rather it was a jab against religious fundamentalism.Actually, it was both a jab against religious extremism and a sly pitch for sex tourism. http://www.philstar.com/headlines/2018/01/26/1781637/duterte-jokes-about-42-virgins-promote-tourism.

The Philippines is aggressively courting tourists from the subcontinent with visa-free entry and the allure of cheap fun.


02-01-18, 00:57
Anyone has any experience in Angeles during Chinese new year?

02-01-18, 01:54
Anyone has any experience in Angeles during Chinese new year?Nothing much going on except more people in the mall and some locals playing with fireworks on walking street.

02-01-18, 18:16
I just came across a Filipino guys FB vid post. He was at Clark and had lost a lot of his stuff from his luggage. It wasn't clear which airport he had started at so I guess there is a 50% chance it happened at Clark. Has anyone heard about anything similar happening?

If you PM me I'll send a link to the video. X Man.Funny thing is when I first came into Philippines through Manila, I realized my decoy cellphone got taken from my checked in bag.

I didn't report it because it was a throw away phone meant to get stolen anyways. But thought it was funny.

02-02-18, 00:07
BTW, anyone try Scoot airlines yet to go straight into CRK? If not I'll give it a shot and let you know, but if you have your report on experience would be awesome!Scoot and Cebu Pacific from SIN-CRK are both good options. Scoot is owned by Singapore Airlines.

Both airlines operate as an afternoon service.

If you are transiting from / to another airline then you will need to self-transfer at Changi between other carrier. For me this means I was arriving on Singapore Airlines, I cleared SIN immigration, collected my bag, went upstairs to departures, caught terminal train to other terminal. I checked in 5 J, checkin bag then back through Immigration. I allow an hour for this between flights. When I transit with just a carry-on bag (no checked luggage) then I still need to go out to checkin as that is the 5 J system. The airside transfer desk was not able to assist.

In summary, Scoot & Cebu Pacific are good options for SIN-CRK. If connecting from another airline allow an hour if you are experienced in Chnagi processes. If you are a SIN newbie give yourself two hours and relax.

It is a low cost Asian carrier so expect the same service as a US airline but at a much lower price point. LOL.
The flight attendants on Scoot are much much hotter than the old girls of AA. Lower cost with hotter uniforms. Welcome to the Philippines.


02-02-18, 00:08
Anyone has any experience in Angeles during Chinese new year?Spent CNY here last year. Went to a Chinese restaurant thinking it might have some enthusiasm. Nothing different.

Maybe girls of Chinese heritage will ask for a red packet.


02-02-18, 01:34
http://www.airlinequality.com/airline-reviews/scoot/I wanted to post a review of the shitty Hainan Airlines service I experienced. Skytrax refused to publish it, even though I sent them proof I was on the flight. They said that they will settle it privately with the airlines. From then on, I do not trust Skytrax or their ratings.

02-02-18, 01:59
Was not comparing cabin crew. But since you are, I read one UA flight attendant retired at 84. LOL ISMFITP.

The flight attendants on Scoot are much much hotter than the old girls of AA. Lower cost with hotter uniforms. Welcome to the Philippines.

02-02-18, 11:05
Some fillings are becoming loose. Is having new fillings in Angeles a risk worth taking? Last time I got my teeth cleaned and that was OK but is a filling replacement a good idea on health grounds? Would it be as good a filling as elsewhere or would it be fast track to a nasty disease or whatever?There are 2 spotless dental surgeries in SM mall on the first floor.

02-02-18, 13:03
I read one UA flight attendant retired at 84. LOL ISMFITP.Oh my gawwwwwwwd. Imagine if CP or PAL let the F / A's work that long. I'd rather swim from island to island. One of the few perks of flying those local airlines is to look at the cuties in uni.

02-02-18, 16:22
You hear that F1 Grid Girls are fired this year? LOL. IMFITP.

Oh my gawwwwwwwd. Imagine if CP or PAL let the F / A's work that long. I'd rather swim from island to island. One of the few perks of flying those local airlines is to look at the cuties in uni.

02-02-18, 18:38
There are 2 spotless dental surgeries in SM mall on the first floor..Seems a better choice as I don't want any issues.

Will be there in a few days' time. Looking forward to spanking some naughty hotties.

Wicked Roger
02-03-18, 16:37
You hear that F1 Grid Girls are fired this year? LOL. IMFITP.Thankfully PC has yet to arrive in the Philippines hence we get cute PAL and Cebu Pac girls plus lots of 'models' at car shows etc. Lovely LOL.

02-03-18, 17:40
Check out: http://www.nurumassage.ph/rates/.

They now offer the same nuru massage in AC that I have been using in manila for years. And it is only 2000 p for a 90 minute nuru massage and shower. That is 40 usd. In the usa, that would be a 200 usd massage for sure.

They give good service in manila. But it is interesting they give 33% off for service in AC (it is 3000 p in manila). I guess it is cheaper to monger in AC.

Anyway, I will try it out when I visit AC. Has anyone else tried it? Are the same extras offered as in manila? In manila, it varies girl to girl, but all offer something extra. Some just a HJ, CBJ, some BBBJ, some DATY, and some FS. All fun, but expensive. I wonder if the girls offer cheaper rates for the extras in AC. If you are staying at the ABC and the girls think you have big $ to spend, I bet they ask for just as much as they would in manila.

02-03-18, 22:55
Is there anywhere a gentleman can go for a walk in Angeles without being triked to death?

02-04-18, 00:52
Check out: http://www.nurumassage.ph/rates/.

They now offer the same nuru massage in AC that I have been using in manila for years. And it is only 2000 p for a 90 minute nuru massage and shower. That is 40 usd. In the usa, that would be a 200 usd massage for sure.

They give good service in manila. But it is interesting they give 33% off for service in AC (it is 3000 p in manila). I guess it is cheaper to monger in AC.

Anyway, I will try it out when I visit AC. Has anyone else tried it? Are the same extras offered as in manila? In manila, it varies girl to girl, but all offer something extra. Some just a HJ, CBJ, some BBBJ, some DATY, and some FS. All fun, but expensive. I wonder if the girls offer cheaper rates for the extras in AC. If you are staying at the ABC and the girls think you have big $ to spend, I bet they ask for just as much as they would in manila.For clarity is the 2/3000 P all-in or are the BBBJ etc extras subject to an additional negotiated tip?


02-04-18, 04:06

First time in Angeles city. Are there freelancers at the mall? Is it okay to approach random girls on the street that are away from fields avenue?

Mr Enternational
02-04-18, 04:31
First time in Angeles city. Are there freelancers at the mall? Is it okay to approach random girls on the street that are away from fields avenue?Most people at the mall are with friends and family. You can approach anyone anywhere. How you approach them is the issue.

X Man
02-04-18, 05:02
If you can get eye contact and / or a smile, it's worth a try. I once got contact info from a gal while walking across the pavement at the Petro (gas) station.

Nevertheless, be careful. Anyone who lives in AC knows what is going on. Some will be very defensive. I can imagine why. Some guys in AC will treat every woman as a P4P.

Some of the ruder rejections I've received were from gals who appeared to be off duty bar employees. On the other hand, I also met an off duty dancer who invited me to her bar that night. When I showed up she reacted like I was a long lost friend who had suddenly reappeared. She was great fun in every sense of the word.


First time in Angeles city. Are there freelancers at the mall? Is it okay to approach random girls on the street that are away from fields avenue?

02-04-18, 14:04
Is there anywhere a gentleman can go for a walk in Angeles without being triked to death?Yes, on streets where trikes are not allowed. Look for "No Trikes Allowed" signs.

D Cups
02-04-18, 15:35
Rodger that! I have seen older broads on PAL but never CP. I would love to have a cute stewardess for a GF. That would be ideal. I imagine they find boyfriends / husbands quickly. Have any of you guys flown that regional Thai airlines with the young sexy cuties? I can't recall the name of it but they have their own calendar featuring the girls. Some Western WG complained about the scantily clad yummies and their CEO told her to fuck off in so many words. It was in the news a few years ago.

Thankfully PC has yet to arrive in the Philippines hence we get cute PAL and Cebu Pac girls plus lots of 'models' at car shows etc. Lovely LOL.

02-04-18, 18:08
Yes, on streets where trikes are not allowed. Look for "No Trikes Allowed" signs.Try again. It is one of the major drawbacks of Angeles that it resembles a Klondike working girl house without the gold.


First time in Angeles city. Are there freelancers at the mall? Is it okay to approach random girls on the street that are away from fields avenue?Of course it is fine to approach random girls and offer them money if you want their men folk to send you to the morgue.

To really get things going, say you humped their mothers and so should they. You must be either a wind up or insane.

02-04-18, 22:36
I was flying from Abu Dhabi to Manila on etihad airways and I got the number of two of the stewardess one is black and the other is half Filipino. Too bad I went to angeles and forogt about them, banging a stewardess is a huge bragging right.

02-04-18, 23:52

First time in Angeles city. Are there freelancers at the mall? Is it okay to approach random girls on the street that are away from fields avenue?The issue with SM is that it is so much easier to approach girls in Walking St that the Mall is not really the pickup place. Certainly it is a good place for pre-arranged meetings.

I have had success striking up conversation at the Starbucks in the center. It has recently been refurbished.

Is there anywhere a gentleman can go for a walk in Angeles without being triked to death?If you have the means catch a ride to the "Parade Ground" on base. 2. 4 km walking track. No trikes. Catch a Grab to / from for about P140 each way.

I was flying from Abu Dhabi to Manila on etihad airways and I got the number of two of the stewardess one is black and the other is half Filipino. Too bad I went to angeles and forogt about them, banging a stewardess is a huge bragging right.I have made contact with a couple of flight attendants. It was impossible to meet them again. Their schedules are just so intense that we never lined up again. Even using WeChat while we could be in contact it was really never going to work. There was easier girls to meet.

I did have success with a Cebu checkin girl. Met her when I was leaving the country, she politely gave me a slip of paper with her number before I boarded. Met her when I next returned. Then sadly she went into exile in Saudi for 2 years and never saw her again.


02-05-18, 13:29

First time in Angeles city. Are there freelancers at the mall? Is it okay to approach random girls on the street that are away from fields avenue?If you are in AC and at the SM Mall you would have gotten your answer already.

Chocha Monger
02-05-18, 23:50
Can any monger who arranged for several trike drivers to gangbang a bar girl on video confirm if the trike drivers participated at no charge? Also, is 500 pesos per trike driver in addition to the bar fine fair compensation for the bar girl?

Recently, I allowed my trike driver to accompany me to the bar. Apparently, they only let them in when invited by a foreigner. After, a few drinks he begged me to get him a girl. I said, only on the condition that I get to watch him fuck the girl for my amusement. He agreed without hesitation and earned it putting on a really good live show fucking the girl like a wild weasel back at the short-time hotel. Now, I am thinking about dialling up the action several notches.

02-06-18, 16:02
Never done in PI but did do at another location with a driver / tour guide I had used over many years. It was a debate of which will mean more to him, a girl or the same amount in tips.

Can any monger who arranged for several trike drivers to gangbang a bar girl on video confirm if the trike drivers participated at no charge? Also, is 500 pesos per trike driver in addition to the bar fine fair compensation for the bar girl?

Recently, I allowed my trike driver to accompany me to the bar. Apparently, they only let them in when invited by a foreigner. After, a few drinks he begged me to get him a girl. I said, only on the condition that I get to watch him fuck the girl for my amusement. He agreed without hesitation and earned it putting on a really good live show fucking the girl like a wild weasel back at the short-time hotel. Now, I am thinking about dialling up the action several notches.

02-06-18, 16:49
Can any monger who arranged for several trike drivers to gangbang a bar girl on video confirm if the trike drivers participated at no charge? Also, is 500 pesos per trike driver in addition to the bar fine fair compensation for the bar girl?

Recently, I allowed my trike driver to accompany me to the bar. Apparently, they only let them in when invited by a foreigner. After, a few drinks he begged me to get him a girl. I said, only on the condition that I get to watch him fuck the girl for my amusement. He agreed without hesitation and earned it putting on a really good live show fucking the girl like a wild weasel back at the short-time hotel. Now, I am thinking about dialling up the action several notches.That's very unselfish of you. We get to indulge in masculine fun in their country. Its called giving back. It will go a long way to them having more pleasant views of foreign mongers.

02-07-18, 00:26
Can anyone recommend the best social media for meeting girls in Angeles City. I have had limited success with Tinder.

02-07-18, 02:05
Try WeChat, it has a People Nearby selection. I connected with a few using WeChat on my trip last month. Beware of Ladyboys.

Can anyone recommend the best social media for meeting girls in Angeles City. I have had limited success with Tinder.

02-07-18, 02:34
Yes, on streets where trikes are not allowed. Look for "No Trikes Allowed" signs.You can take a trike up to any entrance to Clark and walk around without being triked to death. Actually the grounds of the USA Military cemetery in Clark is pretty large and walkable.

Most people endanger themselves by the hesitation in their walking. Keep walking, drivers are aiming to drive behind you as you walk on by. You create more danger when you stop and go.

02-07-18, 02:43
Can any monger who arranged for several trike drivers to gangbang a bar girl on video confirm if the trike drivers participated at no charge? Also, is 500 pesos per trike driver in addition to the bar fine fair compensation for the bar girl?

Recently, I allowed my trike driver to accompany me to the bar. Apparently, they only let them in when invited by a foreigner. After, a few drinks he begged me to get him a girl. I said, only on the condition that I get to watch him fuck the girl for my amusement. He agreed without hesitation and earned it putting on a really good live show fucking the girl like a wild weasel back at the short-time hotel. Now, I am thinking about dialling up the action several notches.I have heard of this but could never understand why someone would like to watch and JO. To each their own.

02-07-18, 02:58
I have heard of this but could never understand why someone would like to watch and JO. To each their own.In Pi there is something for everyone. Think of it and there will be someone somewhere that can arrange it.

I for one am suspicious about letting me GF ride a trike with a particular Grab trike driver. Ginger longer hair. Unusual look for a pinoy.


Wicked Roger
02-07-18, 05:33
Can any monger who arranged for several trike drivers to gangbang a bar girl on video confirm if the trike drivers participated at no charge? Also, is 500 pesos per trike driver in addition to the bar fine fair compensation for the bar girl?

Now, I am thinking about dialling up the action several notches.I think this is a good example of variety and flavours (as BD referred to in his FR) and when you arrange this CM maybe I need be there: the Personally I like all sorts whether it be watching or joining in LOL. Whether I would indulge after a trike gangbang is another question but I would enjoy the show as am sure CM will LOL.

I do have a need to find 4-6 able mongers for a potential bukkake party for one of my ladies. Could be in Cebu but AC has been discussed as I would only go AC for such events not for much else as I prefer other places.

Good hunting CM.

Member #4566
02-07-18, 12:54
This is about Gordon and his experience with an Angeles BG. He came from some backwater in the US and for no particular good reason, he had never been successful attracting US females. Then, when he was crowding 50, he accepted a position in Guam, a US territory, teaching instrumental music at one of the high schools.

During his first Christmas break he tagged along with his more experienced male workmates on a junket to the Philippines. Celeste was the first girl he met, in the first bar he visited, on his first night out on Fields Avenue. Gordon would later learn that Celeste was merely her bar name, her nom de guerre. Her real name was Evangelista and she went by the name Vangie. In the bar they made out like freshman and back in the hotel room he had sex that he had only heard about.

Vangie was Gordon's steady barfine for the next couple of days. When the junket continued to other destinations in the PI, Gordon's heart wasn't into it. He ditched his group and returned to Angeles so that he could be with Vangie. The remainder of his stay was with her and when he left he was intent on marrying her and bringing her back to Guam as his bride. And so it passed, that as fast as the process would allow, Vangie joined Gordon in Guam as his wife.

Some years passed. Vangie gave Gordon a couple of kids. Gordon built a house in Vangie's home town in the Visayas for their retirement. Vangie earned an associate's degree in accounting at the community college.

The school district transferred Gordon to a different school on the other end of the island. The distance was too difficult to commute so he decided to be away from his family on workdays and return home on weekends.

Then, as it happened, on one Friday morning a sewer backed up in his school and the school unexpectedly closed for the day. Gordon immediately drove home for the weekend but when he walked into his bedroom he discovered his beloved Vangie in the arms of another man. He was a Filipino water delivery guy or some such person.

How long had this been going on? Gordon didn't know. Was she having other affairs? Gordon had no idea. He told all his friends about his problems and they advised him to confirm the paternity of the children although one of them was his spitting image.

His marriage was over. She relocated with the children to some high crime neighborhood on the US's East Coast. He took an early retirement and went to live in the retirement home he had built in Vangie's home town.

Her relatives came by the house to commiserate with him. Their visits became more frequent and longer. And like the "nose of the camel under the tent" eventually a few of her relatives moved in with Gordon. In the PI a foreigner has no rights to own land so the title to the house was in his wife's name. He was utterly powerless to stop them. A man's home is his castle. This is not what Gordon wanted. Gordon had to protect his interests. A fist fight broke out between Gordon and his would-be roommates.

Forgive me for being unsympathetic to his misfortunes but I chuckle with the vison of Gordon coming to blows with his in-laws on the front lawn of his house. I have no news of what happened after that.

D Cups
02-07-18, 15:13
This is about Gordon and his experience with an Angeles BG. .Yikes! Moral of the Story? Don't marry at all? Don't marry a Filipina? Or don't marry a bargirl?

Wicked Roger
02-07-18, 20:39
This is about Gordon and his experience with an Angeles BG..Something similar to at the story.

Aussie mate found his sweetheart, worked 6/2 (weeks on / off) in the mines. Flew to to PI and had his house built, engaged etc.

One day had an extra week off so flew into to surprise his beloved and found the house was missing a lot of stuff such as the dishwasher, the fridge etc.

What he then found was his beloved was married and she and her husband were slowly moving the white goods and everything else to their house. The family knew she was married, knew what she was up to (bu sympathised).

However, as he was a charitable man and gave generously to the local police (read lechon and pesos) the chief of police was annoyed (maybe because he could loose my friend's generosity) so he locked up her mother and father until she gave herself up.

He had the house in her name but was able to transfer to someone else, she gave back most of the white goods and only them were mom and dad released. Took a few months to conclude the drama but then he was happy to be generous and come back every 6 weeks and chew the fat and lechon with the police chief.

He has since married another pinay and is blissfully happy so just be careful.

02-07-18, 22:15
.....How long had this been going on? Gordon didn't know. Was she having other affairs? Gordon had no idea. He told all his friends about his problems and they advised him to confirm the paternity of the children.....This can happen even with a non bargirl. I derive no mirth from his plight. We are all made different, some men want many women, some want only one. Think of it, if all men were mongers there would be thousands of men lining the streets adjacent to brothels worldwide trying to get in to bang the available working girls. I am thankful to those men who want only one woman.

Chocha Monger
02-07-18, 22:52
In Pi there is something for everyone. Think of it and there will be someone somewhere that can arrange it.

I for one am suspicious about letting me GF ride a trike with a particular Grab trike driver. Ginger longer hair. Unusual look for a pinoy.

BD.I think that ginger trike driver is something of a celebrity around town. He may have played the leading man in a few trike patrol videos. You may be surprised to see some girls who you know moonlighting as starlets showing off their natural acting skills in locally shot stag videos. If the girlfriend gets into his trike, she may well be on her ride to infamy. LOL!

02-07-18, 23:01
Forgive me for being unsympathetic to his misfortunes but I chuckle with the vison of Gordon coming to blows with his in-laws on the front lawn of his house. I have no news of what happened after that.Let's say this is a piece of fiction loosely based on a variety of urban stories.

The mathematics says if we as mongers want to bang the many women then we have to accept someone is banging our pretty when we are not there.


02-07-18, 23:06
Got 3 days in Angeles over Chinese new year. Want to try the massage place nuru, especially first afternoon I am there. WeChat seems like a better option than the dating sites. FLs on the second day. Notice something? I will be avoiding the bars.

02-07-18, 23:11
Let's say this is a piece of fiction loosely based on a variety of urban stories.

The mathematics says if we as mongers want to bang the many women then we have to accept someone is banging our pretty when we are not there.

BDMan, if you want to shack up with a pinay, go to the secondary cities and stay for a few weeks. They will come if you got more than 50-100 USD a day to spend. But soon, the whole village will surround you and ask for all sorts of things. Rent the place. I know one chat who took a bargirl back to Australia. Within 5 years, he had lost his house. Keep iot simple. Bang them and move on.

Chocha Monger
02-08-18, 00:11
I think this is a good example of variety and flavours (as BD referred to in his FR) and when you arrange this CM maybe I need be there: the Personally I like all sorts whether it be watching or joining in LOL. Whether I would indulge after a trike gangbang is another question but I would enjoy the show as am sure CM will LOL.

I do have a need to find 4-6 able mongers for a potential bukkake party for one of my ladies. Could be in Cebu but AC has been discussed as I would only go AC for such events not for much else as I prefer other places.

Good hunting CM.Thanks WR. Variety is the spice of life. Sometimes we want do a bit of fast bowling, other times we want to umpire, or simply spectate. I think observing how the other team plays can help improve one's delivery and form. The locals are some lean roosters and can definitely execute some positions and techniques that would uncomfortable or impossible for the average monger. Observing is not for everyone as some think they have nothing more to learn, and perhaps they are right about that.

Some people pay big money to sit in a stadium and watch a game of baseball or football. They consider it good value for money although they are not participating actively in the game. Frankly, I think that money is better spent watching a midget fuck a fat woman before my very eyes. It may not make sense to the closed minded, but it does not have to, as long as it is entertaining and puts a smile on my dial. LOL!

During real unscripted sex, people say and do amusing things that they are unaware most of the time. Except for little surprises, such as when the girl taking a hard rooting in some awkward position, and she lets rip a loud thunderous fart with a look of shock and embarrassment on her face.

Member #4566
02-08-18, 01:12
Let's say this is a piece of fiction loosely based on a variety of urban stories. BDThe details are pretty accurate right down to the punch-em-up with the inlaws. Anybody who knew "Gordon" would immediately recognize his story. "Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent," as the saying goes. The moral of the story is that you can take the girl out of the bar but you can't take the bar out of the girl. You can't unscramble an egg. I've known a couple of guys who tried to reform a prostitute and ran into the same problem.

02-08-18, 01:27
The details are pretty accurate right down to the punch-em-up with the inlaws. Anybody who knew "Gordon" would immediately recognize his story. "Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent," as the saying goes. The moral of the story is that you can take the girl out of the bar but you can't take the bar out of the girl. You can't unscramble an egg. I've known a couple of guys who tried to reform a prostitute and ran into the same problem.With all due respect these stories all generally BS to me. For one I believe Guam is only 30 miles long, so how can Gordon be so far from home?

How about for once we have first hand testimony from the "victim"? Honest testimony please. If you are a deadbeat, drunk, unsavory and or broke sob, please say so.

Let's have facts.

Member #4566
02-08-18, 04:21
With all due respect these stories all generally BS to me. For one I believe Guam is only 30 miles long, so how can Gordon be so far from home? How about for once we have first hand testimony from the "victim"? Honest testimony please. If you are a deadbeat, drunk, unsavory and or broke sob, please say so. Let's have facts.You begin your post by "With all due respect" and then go on to charge me with being untruthful and likely "a deadbeat, drunk, unsavory and or broke sob. " Why would you think me less credible than stories on this forum of the sexual exploits of other members?

I lived on Guam for four years. The morning drive on Marine Corps Drive, virtually the only north south road on the island, is a bear. But you got me: it did not happen on Guam but rather on the islands north of Guam. The devil is in the details and I can't get give you more details than this for obvious reasons. This is not a bullshit story. Oh and BTW, not just me, but many of Gordon's other friends also had to laugh thinking about the fight he had with his in-laws.

02-08-18, 04:41
You begin your post by "With all due respect" and then go on to charge me with being untruthful and likely "a deadbeat, drunk, unsavory and or broke sob. " Why would you think me less credible than stories on this forum of the sexual exploits of other members?

I lived on Guam for four years. The morning drive on Marine Corps Drive, virtually the only north south road on the island, is a bear. But you got me: it did not happen on Guam but rather on the islands north of Guam. The devil is in the details and I can't get give you more details than this for obvious reasons. This is not a bullshit story. Oh and BTW, not just me, but many of Gordon's other friends also had to laugh thinking about the fight he had with his in-laws.I did not call you a deadbeat or any other name. I meant if a real victim would tell their story then to so state if they are a deadbeat or anything else so we may get all the details.

These stories are all one sided hearsay at best.

Chocha Monger
02-08-18, 04:52
Man, if you want to shack up with a pinay, go to the secondary cities and stay for a few weeks. They will come if you got more than 50-100 USD a day to spend. But soon, the whole village will surround you and ask for all sorts of things. Rent the place. I know one chat who took a bargirl back to Australia. Within 5 years, he had lost his house. Keep iot simple. Bang them and move on.What you wrote is true. The girls will come in the village. Their husbands, boyfriends, and families will send them to get that $50-100 USD from you. When the whole village surrounds you demanding all sort of things, you are going to have to turn some of them down and they may not take it well. They may decide to use violence or blackmail to get it. In some cases, they will make the girl you shack up with rob you during your post-nut sleep, especially if you are a heavy drinker.

The worst thing is that in the village, you will not know who share familial bonds, and neighbors will not tell you if you are in danger or the victim of an elaborate swindle. As they prefer not to put their long-term relationships with fellow residents at risk for the sake of a foreign transient. Furthermore, they see nothing wrong in their compatriots' efforts to fleece you.

An American fellow who lived in my neighborhood ended up going through two live-in girlfriends who claimed they were single. He would later discover that they were both married and living with their husbands nearby before moving in with him. On days, that he was busy working or doing things on his own, off they would go to fuck their husbands under the guise of visiting their parents. One almost succeeded in a pregnancy scam that involved convincing him to leave all of his belongings with her and return to the USA to work and send money to take care of the expect bundle of joy. A third girl convinced him to let her borrow tuition money and she would return that evening as his live-in girlfriend. That was the last he ever saw of her and he never even tasted her. LOL! After that, he gave up on the country and fucked off to Vietnam.

The bargirls may not be marriage material, but many are province girls who were unscrupulous before arriving in the bar, not because of working in the bar. The bar environment just exacerbates their lust for sperm and pesos. The veteran bargirls provide the knowledge; training and coaching for new arrivals fulfill their ambitions. Things may not turn out much differently if a foreigner meets the girl in her village before she arrives in the bar.

Banging the girls and moving on is often the best for both parties, the monger gets to keep his house and nest egg while the girl escapes pressure from the family to send all of his money back to the lazy relatives and she can continue screw Filipino boyfriends her own age.

Member #4566
02-08-18, 06:38
These stories are all one sided hearsay at best.In common law jurisdictions hearsay is inadmissible as evidence. This is because lay juries are deemed too stupid and cannot be trusted to evaluate its probative value. That being said there are dozens of exceptions and exclusions to the hearsay rule. In civil law jurisdictions where judges are professional triers of fact, hearsay is admissible.
Then, too, biographies, histories, and all sorts of dependable reporting rely on hearsay. Most of the knowledge you have about the world is based on hearsay.

Chocha Monger
02-08-18, 09:14
The details are pretty accurate right down to the punch-em-up with the inlaws. Anybody who knew "Gordon" would immediately recognize his story. "Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent," as the saying goes. The moral of the story is that you can take the girl out of the bar but you can't take the bar out of the girl. You can't unscramble an egg. I've known a couple of guys who tried to reform a prostitute and ran into the same problem.I hope that "Gordon" did not come out of the punch-them-up with his in-laws worse for wear. In the Philippines, a foreign man's house is his wife's castle. Gordon learned that the hard way, which is the way some mongers prefer to learn. Obviously, he thought that his girl was different and the stories were all urban myths. Pinays are good at convincing lonely old fellas that "not all" are like those bad girls they heard about. Of course, whenever a Pinay says that "not all" are untrustworthy she considers herself one of the exceptions who is honest, loyal, faithful, etc. LOL! You can go to every bar in AC and every bargirl will tell you that she is not like the other girls.

Likewise, there are mongers who believe that the girls are just sweet innocent Maria Clara types who would never cheat or take them for everything they are worth at the first opportunity. From their point of view, the girls are just surviving and if they fuck over someone, he must have deserved it because he did something wrong. A woman would never do something bad to a nice guy and they never lie or use men for material gain. At least, that is what the media and the latest incarnation of the American feminist movement wants the public to believe.

There are fellas who believe in the inherent honesty of Filipina bargirls and no one will convince them otherwise. Therefore, they will just have to marry a bargirl and take her home. After five years, they can report on how well it worked out for them. If they truly believe the stories are myths, then they have nothing to worry about and can take home their favorite bargirl. Those who believe that the stories have some truth in them will be the ones missing screwing their very own bargirl wife back home and being the envy of the middle-aged men their community. LOL!

Sometimes truth can be stranger than fiction. Not everything that we would rather not hear is "fake news. " We have all heard the clich jokes about some folks inbreeding. It is just a myth, right? http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/02/04/north-carolina-father-daughter-couple-arrested-for-incest-after-having-love-child.html.

02-08-18, 09:34
Just finished a five day trip. Was pretty much a no limit budget trip. Spent a lot. Get fair overall value but nothing fantastic. My fifth trip in about five years. A few observations:

Bars were well stocked with girls. Really something for everyone. Not a lot of stunners, actually pretty few. But, lots of decent mid-range Filipinos. Sure, there were the fat girls and some old ones, but many many decent young ones.

Lots of really bad bars. Some of the bars had very little talent. Just had to keep moving to another.

Korean bars. Lots of these and many were very unwelcoming. I am far from a cheap Charlie and threw money around like a drunken sailor most nights. Girls in the non-Korean bars loved this and flock to me. Only natural. But it was different at All the Korean bars I visited. In two I did a little experiment to determine "is it only about money?" It's not only about money it is about race also. In two bars, both were pretty thin with customers, with lots of dancers I decided to spend a lot on drinks etc. Both times I was told most of the girls only go with Koreans. In one bar where there were about 20 girls on stage I was told that only one of the girls "liked" white guys. It was clear who she was and I could tell she wanted to sit with me. Barely any eye contact from the other 19. I was shunned in both bars even though in one I spent a lot of cash. I have no doubt it's about race. I would say that at least half of Walking Street clubs are "white unfriendly". You can even tell by the doors girls calling out for Korean guys to come in and letting me pass by. Not bragging, but few guys in Angeles while I was there spent more cash than did I. It is just most of mine wasn't spent in Korea bars. That's unwelcoming it was.

Aqua Club at ABC. Limited freelancers, but overall nicest food and drink venue in town. Tries a bit too hard to be a hot club but overall very nice.

Overall. Except for having more Korean establishments, I found little has changed. Not a lot of really high end anything in Angeles but tons of mid-range girls. Found several very willing and very horny girls 19 to 22 that were a ton of fun. It was worth the trip. Will I go back? Yes, but still looking for more of a high end experience. You tips are appreciated.

02-08-18, 18:28
I am planning a top in late June. This is when I have a nice window from work. I am a White western man, going for P4 P only. Maybe a little drinking. I have been reading deep into this forum trying to get some good advice about AC, but found myself with tons of questions so here we go.

1. AirBNB or Hotel?

2. 2500-3000 barfine, do you really get the girl the whole night?

3. Do you pay anything to the girl after the barfine?

4. CIM, Anal, two girls, how are those sorted out?

5. Condom or no? I am leaning on the bag it side, since better to be safe.

6. Where is a good safe back to withdraw local currency?

7. Is there a top 10 list anywhere, I have only see generic reports.

Thanks for all the help guys, and this forum has helped out a ton.

X Man
02-09-18, 02:28
1 I prefer the convenience of a hotel especially since my visits to AC tend to be short. But there are some pretty nice deals on Airbnb.

2 There are no guarantees about length of time regarding EWR.

3 You should consider a tip if the service was above and beyond your expectations.

4 Ask her.

5 No comment.

6 A "safe back"? Maybe you mean "bank". You don't need to use a bank. There are money changers all over. The exchange rates seem to be slightly better on weekdays and at locations off of walking street. There are two or three just before Narciso Street that I have used regularly. Search for Waynes map if you aren't sure where that is.

7 Top ten of what? As for clubs, things can change from night to night or even from hour to hour.

Hope that helps.

I am planning a top in late June. This is when I have a nice window from work. I am a White western man, going for P4 P only. Maybe a little drinking. I have been reading deep into this forum trying to get some good advice about AC, but found myself with tons of questions so here we go.

1. AirBNB or Hotel?

2. 2500-3000 barfine, do you really get the girl the whole night?

3. Do you pay anything to the girl after the barfine?.

02-09-18, 04:26
It was worth the trip. Will I go back? Yes, but still looking for more of a high end experience. You tips are appreciated.Great trip report. One word answer. Bangkok.

02-09-18, 06:18
Great trip report. One word answer. Bangkok.Yep. I think you are giving good advice. Maybe next time Bangkok!

02-09-18, 08:27
My current girl told me that when her aunties learned that she had her first foreigner boyfriend they took her aside (when she was a 18 year old single mum) and told her what she should be asking for of her foreigner. Just keep asking, money, land, house, education. Each BF has eventually had to move on as they have reached their financial limit.

It's an interesting headspace for me. It takes about a week after I leave that she will wait before hitting DIA again looking for a bigger fish that me. I'm kind of limited as I have strict limits and happy to say "no".

Somehow this all seems to work and she has stayed around.

To the guys in AC banging a beautiful (from out of Pampanga) uni student this weekend I'm sure you will agree why I'm always happy to have her back.

It's a crazy twisted word.


02-09-18, 09:26
90% of bars here have gone to shit. 90% of the women are fucking fat, ugly, old, or a combination of those 3. Koreans are taking over, and they simply don't give a fuck and it is obvious. AC has 5 years left, tops, before it is 'done' similar to Makati. Enjoy it while you can. Once the old white guys all die, this place is so over.

I will only list my worthwhile bars here, IE the places where I went to spend money and returned to regularly because they had a decent concentration of good, attractive girls.

Overall the "wolfpack group" bars have retained the "feel" of AC that westerners are looking for, and focus on party atmosphere, naughty / wild girls, and a semi-no-limits environment provided everybody is drunk enough. Remember: If you want your Filipino cutie to lose her inhibitions, tequila shots are how you do it.

- Lollipop, hands down the best place to have a fucking awesome night in AC. Lots of smoking hot little Filipinos. Some of them are legit crazy. But its okay. Renalyn, Jizael, Mei, Jenny are some of the all stars here. Jenny in particular is super cute, and super naughty. She will have her tongue down your throat in under 10 minutes if you dress well, smell nice, and aren't 70 years old. Get her to bring her friend over and have fun watching some deep lesbian french kissing and titty sucking. Really nice. Three some potential is huge for this bar, lots of these chicks are either extremely good actors, or legitimately love making out with their co-workers and eating pussy. I've got a pretty critical eye for fake-lesbo behavior, and even I was convinced. Like I've had to pull one of these girls off another one because she had her pinned down in the booth seat and was practically [CodeWord125] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord125) her. Good times to be had. Just do not expect them to go wild unless you do your part to encourage them. Downside. Crowded as fuck, because it is one of the few bars still doing it right.

- Salambo, has a nice selection of tiny, cute "spinner" type Filipinos. Not quite a crazy bar, and you can't get away with too much here. Listed because it does have some very attractive young women at the moment. For some reason a lot of girls show up here. If you like them young, dumb, and soon to be full of your cum. Check it out.

- Bamboo, can get really wild. Go upstairs for more 'privacy', and the girls will get freaky. Has some really attractive women. There is one girl in particular with huge tits and a banging, skinny teenage body and really wide hips. You will know her when you see her. Treat her well and she will take you to heaven. Tried to convince her to quit the bar and get a job modeling (seriously), but she's a provincial and doesn't value her good looks how she should (yet). She would rather get paid a few thousand pesos to have sex with old guys a couple times a week. *Shrug*, its her life.

- Shooterz, semi renovated. Has a few cuties, and can also get wild. Some days its dead and full of fat chicks, occasionally a few smoking hot little things show up for some reason. There is no rhyme or reason to their scheduling here. If you walk in and the stage is full of fat old women, just walk out, because its a dead night.

- After Dark, has some cuties, door girl "Anne" is a star. Put some tequila in her and she will go crazy. Nice 'semi-no-limits' environment also. Had a lot of good times here.

- Q-bar, not very many good looking girls, but if you are drunk then it can get wild and they are 'acceptable' enough to get frisky with. The only time I have had a Filipino lady ask me to fuck her in the ass, was with a chick from here. I don't like giving anal personally, but I indulged her. She came very messily from being fucked in the ass, and it was pretty awesome, one of the few times I have ever seen a woman 'squirt', even if it was just some really messy dripping from the pussy. Lady knew what she likes I guess. Room smelled like pussy for two days. Sadly, she doesn't work there anymore. Probably got proposed marriage by a foreigner. LOL.

- Shipwrecked, went through renovation recently. A few decent looking chicks. Occasional 'out of place' new girl shows up that is fresh for the plucking. Worth stopping by every time you head out for the evening just to see what arrived. Some cuties, some girls claiming to be 'cherry girls' (bullshit), while being 25+.

- Perimeter bars, worth doing a sweep to see if any fit young ladies have recently arrived. Cheap drinks. Mostly dead.

- Far perimeter day bars, in vicinity of Clarkton hotel. Korean style establishments, but has an occasional gorgeous young thing that is just as intrigued by white men as she is by Asians. Don't bother sitting down for a drink if you don't see something you like straight away. Staff will give you the stink eye, because they know that you, being a non-Korean of Japanese, will not spend 8000 pesos on buying a mile-high stack of beers for the waitresses. I always laugh my ass off whenever I stop by, because these shitty day bars could get so much more business if they dropped this very dumb attitude. If you spot something good, sit down and buy her a drink, then take her out and go somewhere else. These bars suck for privacy, and a gaggle of waitresses will crowd around you as soon as you pick a lady, because they are, desperate, and rude as hell, fully expecting you to throw piles of money into the air for them.

02-09-18, 12:51
My current girl told me that when her aunties learned that she had her first foreigner boyfriend they took her aside (when she was a 18 year old single mum) and told her what she should be asking for of her foreigner. Just keep asking, money, land, house, education. Each BF has eventually had to move on as they have reached their financial limit.Not just their aunties. Many of her friends will do the same thing. I've had girls tell me: "My friends tell me they know other girl who have foreigner boyfriend. That guy is send 10000 every month to here. Why you don't do that?" The idiot boyfriend is (knowing or unknowingly) setting a real expectation for the rest of us. Recall my post from a year or two prior of 'Mark', the aussie who never had visited phils, but was sending a poor province girl (one of my regulars) that much money every 2 weeks. If a guy who has never been to phils is sending that kind of money, imagine what the girls can get from foreigners they are actually screwing a few times a year (men think with the small head).

Member #4566
02-09-18, 14:25
I am planning a top in late June. This is when I have a nice window from work. I am a White western man, going for P4 P only. Maybe a little drinking. I have been reading deep into this forum trying to get some good advice about AC, but found myself with tons of questions so here we go. Thanks for all the help guys, and this forum has helped out a ton.1) I have no experience with AirBNB but it just seems that since Angeles is a tourist destination hotels are the way to go.

2) 20 years ago girls spent the whole night. But that was probably because I was 20 years younger. I always have the girl say in front of the mamasan that she agrees to stay the night. That is no guarantee but then I am covered when she asks for an exorbitant tip. I think that it is a badge of honor for girls to return as soon as possible to the bar to show the others how well they eluded a prolonged obligation.

3) Not much but see a recent post on the General Info thread on this subject.

4) Some bars specialize in BJ's; the bars on Blow Road, Raymond street, and I am told some perimeter bars as well. Anal? I would no sooner give anal than to get anal. Two girls? I never found that it was cost effective. That being said I have two girls in my room now, sisters in fact. One of them has been my steady punch here for a couple of years. If I need a girl for a couple of days, say If I am traveling, then two girls who are friends will keep each other from getting bored.

5) I was close to a bargirl several years ago. She had a son from one of her customers and the boy was back in the province. She confessed that she had absolutely no idea who her son's father was. The last I heard he died at 4 years old. What could he have died from; neglect, abuse, indifference? A son is dead and his father will be forever completely ignorant of what happened.

6) Money changers are plentiful. Bring completely undamaged newest series $100 bills USD. I have no experience with any other currency. A number of years ago this forum had a running discussion regarding ATM's the upshot of which was that a Citibank ATM works the best in the PI. I never use them and rely on cash, hotel room safes, and a money belt.

7) See the link for "Reports of Distinction" on the Philippine page of this forum.

I would suggest that you consider staying your first couple of nights in Manila close to the Edsa Entertainment Complex (EEC) and get your sea legs there. The EEC is a pretty straight forward setup and you will minimize your learning curve. The Heritage Hotel is across the street and you may consider staying there. At the EEC you will pay the bar a barfine and then pay the girl in the morning. Since you pay her at the end, you will better control when she leaves. Good luck and let us know how things went.

Mr Enternational
02-09-18, 15:42
1) I have no experience with AirBNB but it just seems that since Angeles is a tourist destination hotels are the way to go.I almost tried an airbnb in Manila last week until I thought about who was going to change the sheets and towels. Good thing I didn't, because I knocked a couple of chicks onto their periods.

02-10-18, 01:10
Our hands, so also did he make our cocks to fit Pinay asses. There is something so sweet and delectable in sodomising them as they bite the pillow.

Manila Airport, went outside to the taxi rank, got booked for Pasay and paid him 2500+toll to bring me to Angeles. Witnessed a big fight this morning, Korean versus a heavily built Pinoy with a good straight right. The pudgy Korean had balls and went after the scum bag who ran away, with, I think, the Korean's ID.

Banging mostly sisters now.

Bar fining one so she can with her sister and they can compare notes on me. Banged two sisters yesterday who have Korean bfs who send them 30 k a month to bang me.

I met some nice mall workers, a better breed than these Dracula's daughters. Men's underwear section is a walk in the park.

Folk are down on the Koreans but they have to be an improvement on the Dirty Diggers with their tatts and their use of the f word, like they are Darwin's afterbirth. Britian sure picked the right place for its nuclear bomb tests.

This is a stop gap post. There are two sisters soiling my bed sheets at the moment. Time to wake them up, give them w paqt on the posterior and send them away to their husbands.

Speaking of which, this fine piece of pussy, who is in my cross hairs, has buried two foreign husbands of late. Hubby no three seems to be ailing. Then there is the Belgian hawking lovely chocolates at 200 PHP a lovely box. Should I buy these creatures chocs just to feel good about myself?

02-10-18, 13:12
Arrived into AC to an Airbnb unit near boomerang hotel around 9:50 pm. As I pull up to the unit two people walk by, one lady boy another a lady. I knew they were working the street. The lady was a spinner and I was in the mood. Said Hi an a few words later the lady boy left and the spinner stayed. Checked into the unit by 10:00 pm And had her earning her money by 10:10 once done took her to some location towards fields and she recommended I visit Honey KO's.

Went back towards my unit and Honey KO's was right around the corner. Once inside they had 6-7 ladies dancing only one was sorta my type. There were def lookers in there but were already seating with other mongers. Note to mongers make sure your lady is having a good time, if she looks sad please send her back to the stage and give one us a go.

I asked the one decent on to come down, she was nice. Unfortunately she doesn't leave the bar, the other girls did tho. The price was a bit over my "budget" I don't over pay anymore. But def affordable.

I left and went to High Society around 11:45, super dead, like really dead compared to the weekends, took two laps around the joint and found a lady worth taking.

Back at the unit by 12:30, great lay. Looking forward to seeing her again.

02-11-18, 00:44
Last night's bayonet practice was on a 21 year old from as tiny island in Samar where she funds a sar sari store for her mother. Baby by ex monger she never knew, lived with Korean and Australian each for about 6 months at 20 k a month, won't get a regular job as bonking is easy money, had 1 peso in her pocket when we met, pointed out the shabu users and the bar girls who bonk ladyboys, she insisted on condoms and multiple showers, 1.5 k long time with tip.

Bonked another from Samar whose house was destroyed in a typhoon. She doesn't know what became of her parents and nor does she want to know. #.

Last night's Ms Jolibee asked me why foreigners come here to bonk Pinays. Damned if I know. Not so many freelancers about last night, well outnumbered by freaks in dresses.

Her father, a farmer, said to marry a farmer as you'll always have food. Look at the cash earning crop her papa grew.

02-11-18, 04:44
The other day I took the Genesis bus to T-3. I had gotten there at 9:45 am for the 10:30 am bus. At 10:20 I was informed the said bus had problems and only the 11:30 am bus was available. This would put me pretty tight for my 3:30 flight.

As it turned out I made the last minute call for check in. I had to ask around for the last minute check in line.

Over all the bus was a deluxe bus 2 x 2 seating. The draw back is the bus makes 2 short stops along the way. One in Ortigas.

Also it stops at T4 and T1 before final stop at T3. The stop is at arrivals so you have find your way up to the departure level.

It looks like a very convenient way from T3 to AC.

P350 is the price. Same cost if you took a P150 Dau bus to Pasay and P200 taxi to T3.

Mr Enternational
02-11-18, 08:18
The other day I took the Genesis bus to T-3. Also it stops at T4 and T1 before final stop at T3. The stop is at arrivals so you have find your way up to the departure level.The 2 times that I have taken it there were no stops at other terminals. We went straight to terminal 3.

02-11-18, 08:27
The other day I took the Genesis bus to T-3. I had gotten there at 9:45 am for the 10:30 am bus. At 10:20 I was informed the said bus had problems and only the 11:30 am bus was available. This would put me pretty tight for my 3:30 flight.

As it turned out I made the last minute call for check in. I had to ask around for the last minute check in line.

Over all the bus was a deluxe bus 2 x 2 seating. The draw back is the bus makes 2 short stops along the way. One in Ortigas.

Also it stops at T4 and T1 before final stop at T3. The stop is at arrivals so you have find your way up to the departure level.

It looks like a very convenient way from T3 to AC.

P350 is the price. Same cost if you took a P150 Dau bus to Pasay and P200 taxi to T3.There is a contact bus from Pasay to the airport but not much cheaper than above. The taxi the hotel were supposed to lay in for me when I arrived was not there and the failure of such a bus to show up is an important factor to take into account.

02-11-18, 09:25
The 2 times that I have taken it there were no stops at other terminals. We went straight to terminal 3.I didn't think it had scheduled stops at other terminals but this one did stop at T-4 and T-1. The stops weren't long just about 1-2 minutes for people to exit and get there baggage. It was 25 minutes out of the way to get to T-3.

BTW, 2 new added services from Clark to T-3, 10:30 am and 12:30 pm which both buses have CR's.

02-11-18, 14:20
Last night's bayonet practice was on a 21 year old from as tiny island in Samar where she funds a sar sari store for her mother. Baby by ex monger she never knew, lived with Korean and Australian each for about 6 months at 20 k a month, won't get a regular job as bonking is easy money, had 1 peso in her pocket when we met, pointed out the shabu users and the bar girls who bonk ladyboys, she insisted on condoms and multiple showers, 1.5 k long time with tip.

Bonked another from Samar whose house was destroyed in a typhoon. She doesn't know what became of her parents and nor does she want to know. #.

Last night's Ms Jolibee asked me why foreigners come here to bonk Pinays. Damned if I know. Not so many freelancers about last night, well outnumbered by freaks in dresses.

Her father, a farmer, said to marry a farmer as you'll always have food. Look at the cash earning crop her papa grew.You ask hundred bar girls and you will get thousand stories, mostly sob stories. It is one way to extract sympathy and money from you. Just look beyond the facade and do what we are there for. You should have said foreigners come to bonk for the same reason she is there. Money changes hands and foreigner leaves happy.

02-11-18, 15:32
You ask hundred bar girls and you will get thousand stories, mostly sob stories. It is one way to extract sympathy and money from you. Just look beyond the facade and do what we are there for. You should have said foreigners come to bonk for the same reason she is there. Money changes hands and foreigner leaves happy.Sari sari lady was not doing a sob sob story. Truth to tell, she had bought food before being reduced to 1 peso so she was like one of the wise virgins in the Bible. She had tears in her eyes telling me about the nice Korean who used to phone her up in Samar and did not accept there was a bad signal there. She told me of their happy times together of her watching the TV and him washing her clothes. You read it right.

The question as to why foreigners go to Angeles is a good one. "Loser" does not translate well and when they see the trike drivers banging all and sundry, it must look odd. The day before, talking to another about the paved with gold streets of the West, I had to explain the 15 peso Coke in front of her might cost 150 PHP.

I love all this. I was also trying to save her by introducing her to LiveJasmin. Explaining that a cheap cell phone would not cut it was hard work. I was also trying tlo tell her the joys of dating sites.

02-11-18, 21:48
The other day I took the Genesis bus to T-3. I had gotten there at 9:45 am for the 10:30 am bus. At 10:20 I was informed the said bus had problems and only the 11:30 am bus was available. This would put me pretty tight for my 3:30 flight.

.Is there a sign where to board? I guess security guards know where to catch this bus. Will take this bus on 18 February.

02-12-18, 03:17
Is there a sign where to board? I guess security guards know where to catch this bus. Will take this bus on 18 February.Boarding at SM City Clark mall is at the main entrance (French Baker-Pizza Hut) outside by the flag poles. There is a sign with a bus timetable. Also 2 rows of 4 chair seating.

Boarding at NAIA T-3 is at arrivals, right turn as you exit T3 and at the very end.

02-12-18, 04:31
Boarding at SM City Clark mall is at the main entrance (French Baker-Pizza Hut) outside by the flag poles. There is a sign with a bus timetable. Also 2 rows of 4 chair seating.

Boarding at NAIA T-3 is at arrivals, right turn as you exit T3 and at the very end.Thanks. Will take bus 18 February.

02-12-18, 09:06
Went out for my 10 am coffee poolside. Hookers everywhere that some dude had invited. I have banged 3 of them already, so 4 more to go at 1000 PHP a pop. Gave them a good rodgering sunny side up. Party man had gone at them with "toys", dildos, butt plugs and whatever. Ripped one of their asses. That is not cool guys. By all means live out your fantasies but observe boundaries.

Charles Bronson in one of his tough guy movies rammed a dildo up some pervert's AR $$e. Don't make me go into Charles Bronson mode.

Went down for my morning fish, met a nice non whorish looking working girl who was buyung crab for heself and her cousin for a party. Guess who's invited. This stuff is so easy, Koreans or no.

02-13-18, 01:52
I hit the happy hour with Australians and paid bar girls. 40 pesos a beer and you guzzle them down like Prohibition is coming in. Talking to Australians is easy. You just keep saying mate, keep using f words and keep saying: F-k Koreans, mate after everything we f-g did for them. The happy hour goes quickly enough and for as few hundred smashed. When the end of happy hour approaches, you hold up all 10 fingers / digits, signifying you want another ten beers, just like the Australians, all of whom are called Bruce or Bluey, which makes it easy too yabber: Hey, Bruce mate, f-k Bluey over there was saying about the f-g Koreans, mate, after all.

I then staggered out the door and tried to do my best with last night's conquests but a belly full of SML is not Viagra.

Consensus seems to be Koreans are a pain, draft dodgers mostly but wiith soome serious muscle running their front joints. Be interesting when they get and the wrong side of Duterte.

Time to sleep off last night. A mistake to give out viber numbers too night hoes who want my sperm and my money. Robots are the future.

02-13-18, 14:30
Another 2.5 hours until romance blooms. The mamasan was asking me if I wanted a Pinay girlfriend, like I am a turkey wishing for Christmas, There is an angel working her as a waitress, ex bar girl who is obviously on the boss' good side. She doesn't do small talk and hangs out with her sister, a bar girl. I forget what boyfriend, OAP she is on now as she eats them up and spits them out. She is fantastic eye candy and has been poured into those designer jeans some boy buys her. But Christ on a bike. Better marry aw crocodile as you'd have some hope of coming out unscathed at the far side.

I accept these relationships might work for some low class losers who hit the right note with these jackals but they are welcome to them. I think they have all lost most humanity. So probably have we but we are the ones doing the buying. Relationships take time to build and taking some rice farmer's daughter out of a bar is not a romance made in heaven.

The best way to treat these women is go poke them when the urge set in and then pat them on the butt and send them on their way with the appropriate fee. Maybe the Australians have the right idea of getting rat faced for 400-800 pesos, sleeping it off and doing the same the next day.

Their mortal enemies, the Koreans, seem to dress their eye candy in nicer attire, so much so that I thought some of the hookers I saw them with today were Korean as their clothes looked classy.

02-14-18, 00:41
Another 2.5 hours until romance blooms. The mamasan was asking me if I wanted a Pinay girlfriend, like I am a turkey wishing for Christmas, There is an angel working her as a waitress, ex bar girl who is obviously on the boss' good side. She doesn't do small talk and hangs out with her sister, a bar girl. I forget what boyfriend, OAP she is on now as she eats them up and spits them out. She is fantastic eye candy and has been poured into those designer jeans some boy buys her. But Christ on a bike. Better marry aw crocodile as you'd have some hope of coming out unscathed at the far side.

I accept these relationships might work for some low class losers who hit the right note with these jackals but they are welcome to them. I think they have all lost most humanity. So probably have we but we are the ones doing the buying. Relationships take time to build and taking some rice farmer's daughter out of a bar is not a romance made in heaven.

The best way to treat these women is go poke them when the urge set in and then pat them on the butt and send them on their way with the appropriate fee. Maybe the Australians have the right idea of getting rat faced for 400-800 pesos, sleeping it off and doing the same the next day.

Their mortal enemies, the Koreans, seem to dress their eye candy in nicer attire, so much so that I thought some of the hookers I saw them with today were Korean as their clothes looked classy.Don't give up hope. There are some good ones out there. And when you find them you'll have to compete with any number of blokes for them.

02-14-18, 01:31
Don't give up hope. There are some good ones out there. And when you find them you'll have to compete with any number of blokes for them.I think not. They regard us the way the lions regard caribou. Caribou are probably smarter as they know what the lions want them for. Romance is not dead. It will blossom forever and I will play my part when I go to the Red Fox pub in Palace Hotel for a 3 sum later on.

As regards having a baby: imagine what that would do to your cash flow if your Valentine and her family had their way.

02-14-18, 01:43
Their mortal enemies, the Koreans, seem to dress their eye candy in nicer attire, so much so that I thought some of the hookers I saw them with today were Korean as their clothes looked classy.Mortal enemies huh? I love that they are there- an abundance of amazing food in AC now, instead of the crap bar food.

02-14-18, 07:22
Mortal enemies huh? I love that they are there- an abundance of amazing food in AC now, instead of the crap bar food.According to Napoleon who loved Josephine, who bonked half of France. There is a LOT of building going on in Angeles. Lots of big cranes as the airport is expanding and more hotels are going up, going to be hard keeping then down on the Samar farm when they have seen Gay Pampanga.

I haven't the faintest idea why I would come to Angeles to eat kim chee. (makes me sound like a Samar hooker targeting Koreans) Koreans eat too much salt in their kim chee (sounds like one of their names). I prefer to dine with the locals: great fish for a pittance. The cook I go to can only talk about one thing, money. She is a walking compendium of business here. She was wired to the moon today as her waitress did not show up yet again. She gave me the backstory on the hag who had the temerity to make passes at moi.

Ex dancer in some Fields Ave flea pit, shacked up with a Yank, who died of a heart attack (don't they all) not so long ago and left her with Jack Squat, except her two lazy teenage daughters, both of whom are lazy and pregnant.

Chef lady has a big gig on tonight and Lazy Lump not appearing is a major headache. Bitcoin Boy joined us for lunch and said the female beggars / hags were the Fields Ave stars of 20 years ago. He recommended some joint rice farmers' daughters wil rub their boobs off me if I give them 1500 PHP.

A mistake guys make here is they hire ex hookers. If hiring, only hire folk with the work ethic. That rules out hookers, ex hookers, mamasans and so on.

The mall was sweet and sour today. Young Pinoys hand in hand and old mongers taking their hired help for walks and buying Chinese knock off chocolate and flowers by the barrow load.

I don't think I'll find sweet love in this ocean of working girls. I might skip tonight and let the BS wear off.

02-14-18, 08:55
Thanks. Will take bus 18 February.10:30 am and 12:30 pm buses have a CR. I believe the custom of the use of the CR is for the purpose of dire need and not for causal use. Especially for taking a crap due to lack of proper ventilation.

02-15-18, 08:00
10:30 am and 12:30 pm buses have a CR. I believe the custom of the use of the CR is for the purpose of dire need and not .Just got on bus. Comfortable. Really to find. Exit T3, turn right, 50 yards, bay 14 and booth and bus waiting. They collect fare in bus.

Mr Enternational
02-15-18, 10:28
I prefer to dine with the locals: great fish for a pittance.Where is this fish place that you always talk about?

02-15-18, 11:00
Where is this fish place that you always talk about?A can of 555 sardines at JJ's for P14.25. Buy a bowl of rice and you got a local family dinner.

02-15-18, 11:06
Just got on bus. Comfortable. Really to find. Exit T3, turn right, 50 yards, bay 14 and booth and bus waiting. They collect fare in bus.Hope you downloaded Grab Car app and you can taxi from SM to your hotel.

Mr Enternational
02-15-18, 11:35
Hope you downloaded Grab Car app and you can taxi from SM to your hotel.Not needed if his hotel is right across the road as mine is.

02-15-18, 15:15
Where is this fish place that you always talk about?Cross McArthur Highway at end of Fields. The road is a continuation of Fields. Good place with blue doors near garage on left hand side. Stuffed squid for 130 PHP.

02-16-18, 16:46
Hope you downloaded Grab Car app and you can taxi from SM to your hotel.I walked to my hotel. Google map. Love Central Park tower.

02-16-18, 17:47
A can of 555 sardines at JJ's for P14.25. Buy a bowl of rice and you got a local family dinner.I saw shops selling bowls of rice. Next to shop selling assortment of cooked stuff. Some street kids around. Anyway, the long and short of it I spent 1000 pesos feeding some kids who really needed feeding. I kept track on my mobile phone calculator. I had to stop because a crowd was assembling.

02-17-18, 02:01
I saw shops selling bowels of rice. Next to shop selling assortment of cooked stuf. Some street kids around. Anyway, the long and short of it I spent 1000 pesos feeding some kids who really needed feeding. I kept track on my mobile phone calculator. I had to stop because a crowd was assembling.Good going. At times I have 3-4 cans of sardines to hand out to the kids. The Mega brand has pull top lids. I think a can opener is a luxcery item and I mean a manuel one!

Red Kilt
02-17-18, 02:50
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because it contributed nothing of value and in fact constituted a complete waste of bandwidth.

The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange if information between men on the subject of finding women for sex. Let's stick to the subject.

02-17-18, 19:14
Good going. At times I have 3-4 cans of sardines to hand out to the kids. The Mega brand has pull top lids. I think a can opener is a luxcery item and I mean a manuel one!Will do that tomorrow. I think this is last trip here. I no longer find the girls attractive. Went and walked around Korea Town. Ate at angry crab and there was a Chinese bar girl looking after a Korean guy. She spoke English and Korean, just like client. So many changes. Walking need to change. Activity will move away from it.

02-18-18, 01:04
Just boarded Genesis bus at Clark airport. Easy. Walk along the right side as you come out of attivals. It is about 50 m and clearly sign posted. Pick up at SM mall also. Got to the best way to NAIA.

02-18-18, 04:45
Just heard from Lollipop dancer that Lollipop was raided February 14. Most dancers are out of detainment with waitresses and mammasans waiting for release fees to be paid.

02-18-18, 08:31
Hello all,

I started my Philippines trip in Dumaguette and although it had lots to do during the day the nightlife was a complete miss. I need to make up for this lost time in my few days in AC. I'm planning for some marathon runs and although I not think I will need it is there anywhere to get a little blue pill. I guess counterfeiters on the street but can you get them elsewhere?

Does anyone know if shorebirds have safes in their rooms?

I have been going through some of the pages and one of stops was going to be lollipops but it seems like it might of been raided does that mean they are closed? Any other places to recommend for a first timer staying for three nights.

Anyplace to go to find some daytime action?

How far is subject bay if I wanted to go too diving?

Thanks and if anyone is around I am running solo and happy to buy drinks if someone cares to show me around.



Mua Tur
02-18-18, 12:06
Hello all,


Anyplace to go to find some daytime action?


YM.After my two dates the third one (all three dates are from dating sites) being cancelled I get little own time in Angeles in last Sept. '17. So used up only two options for day time action:

1. wechat shaking.

2. The bar at ground floor of Perimeter hotel at Perimeter road.

02-18-18, 17:03
Just heard from Lollipop dancer that Lollipop was raided February 14. Most dancers are out of detainment with waitresses and mammasans waiting for release fees to be paid.Out of curiosity, is there an election or political activity going on that triggered this? One thing I noticed about that part of the world is that raids against vices often is a short-term activity around election time. Then things go back to being tolerated.

02-18-18, 21:24
Here is a brief report of my trip.

Overall, I had a great time in Angeles City. The atmosphere was more relaxed, and that is more my style. I pulled 2 girls from High Society. Both were 7's in looks, and service for both were 9's. Neither girl asked for money. Both were long time. When I gave them the cash, they put it in their purse and did not check it. I gave both girls $2500. Both wanted to repeat with me, so the price was fair. My buddy pulled 2 girls from High Society one from Taboo and one from Salambo.

Looks wise the girls in the Gogo clubs are not as good looking as in Thailand. But High Society had a number of young cute girls.

Dollhouse had a model show. Lots of girls, but nothing great.

Lollipops was not great. One or two girls that might be a 7. The rest are 5's.

Bamboo. Not many girls on stage, but the waitresses were fun. We bought drinks for a couple of girls but that brought too many girls over who wanted a drink.

Salambo had one or two girls that was a 7 or above. My friend took one home.

Nightmoves on Perimeter road. Had a few decent looking girls. Not model types, but a few 7's. * Slim, 20's.

Cosplay was a dud. ** One drink and left.

Qbar had a few cute girls, but they were occupied.

Xs club had ok music, and a few decent girls.

02-19-18, 01:33
Out of curiosity, is there an election or political activity going on that triggered this? One thing I noticed about that part of the world is that raids against vices often is a short-term activity around election time. Then things go back to being tolerated.Up to anyone's guess. The other thing is that there are so many different police agencies that can pull a raid. The raiders have to front the money for busing, feeding and housing the "hostages" until the release money is paid.