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Mr Enternational
07-25-18, 06:32
Motor bike Jenny a Gabriel Union double has been retired by a well meaning Western union popi. When you pay thre bills you are thier husband. Spoke to here on Whatapp and was given the bad news. She was a real talent and the guy who has her has a winner.Come on OK, what you worrying about? She will be available again by Christmas. Shit Halloween probably. A winner? Try a money pit.

07-25-18, 12:05
In Dominican Republic a lot can change in one year, and nothing in hundred. I learned long time ago, that the more hyped the rumour is, the less likely it materializes. I think we still have a year left to the rumour of relocating all bars to High Caribbean area. Let's wait and see. In my view it will never happen. Does anyone remember the cries about demolishing all beach casitas and building a mall at the entrance to the beach to accommodate them? Now the only thing that has moved recently at the beach, due to Providence, is sand.A few years ago they demolished the lower half of Charamicos to make way for a Grand Marina in the bay. Now the local kids play among the shell of abandoned hotel and condos.

The hoards of cruise ship passengers visiting Sosua never materialized.

Grand Dreams, Dominican results.

What has improved is schooling, curtesy of the influx of International money for education, they gave all teachers a raise, but they are still having trouble finding and traing teachers. In return the politicians are under a great deal of external pressure to show they are at least "doing something" to change a primary driver of the economy, sex tourism.

But until they take the simple step to make soliciting illegal, it aint happening!

07-26-18, 02:08
The spell they cast on Western Union popis never last very long. However this babes hs serious skills.

Come on OK, what you worrying about? She will be available again by Christmas. Shit Halloween probably. A winner? Try a money pit.

07-26-18, 15:33
For the Haitiana aficionados, Sosua Lights is back in business after being shut down for a couple days.

Aside from the problems at Pica Flor and Blue Ice, its mostly business as usual for this time of year. Lots of chicas still around but not the A Team, unless they come out later, after my bedtime!

On another note, If you want the normal NA amenities we are used to like a clean and functional apartment, security, decent location, I find living in Sosua is more expensive than home.

It is a beachside vacation resort town, and with resort prices, unless you want to rough it and go native! There's a huge gap between a $200 dollar iron barred walk up, with cucuracha roommates, in an iffy location, and the average one bedroom apartment with all the amenities. Especially in the high season.

Then of course there is the female companionship, which is always expensive, one way or the other! My chica is happy to have me live with her, and even her family in the hills, but after a few day I get cabin fever!

I'm thinking I may limit my time here to the winter, but of course that is the high season, and I would need to keep my aprtment back home.

I still find myself in vacation mode here, spending more than I thought, and have not yet figured out a sustainable budget routine for the long run.

But it's fun trying to figure it all out, and a night with my chica and friends, (my own A Team) a few beers, and I realise how lucky I am to be here!

We went out for dinner in Cabarete with chica and bambina last night and paid the piper very well. Taxis, the whole 9 yards!

But just now my chica called and is coming in from PP with home made soup for me as if that balances the books, Lol!

Gotta love her!

07-26-18, 18:19
A good option for some!

One of the good things about decentralizing the action in Sosua is that the street hustlers have a bigger area to cover to find their marks. Just last night Viagra Man came by my off the beaten track bar. He was complaining that covering his longer circuitous route was killing him, Lol!

But the locals can always find you. A couple of my old Charamicos family showed up on a motorbike with bambina hoping for a few peso handout. How do they know?

Hard to keep a secret in Sosua!

Only problem for me here is the heat. Spent a couple of day at my chicas place in PP. No running water for kitchen, banyo and shower, no refrigerator, but a comfortable cama and a big fan. Surprising what you can get used to when pushed. A couple of cold beers from the corner colmado helped, Lol!One can (sort of) understand the idea that by eradicating the sex workers that they will encourage "family" tourism in places like Sosua, but hard to imagine that. There are all inclusive hotels / complexes where the "family" trade goes.

On the other hand, places like Amsterdam have world famous red light districts that, in a sense, become tourist attractions, with tours leading wannabe mongers (and their wives) to gawk at the hookers in the windows, etc.

If sex workers were centrally located, versus eradicated, you could have both "family" and monger tourist areas. Still, apart from the Dominicans who use Sosua beach on the weekends, its hard to imagine most Western families patronizing the area. Too "gritty" too realistic for most Mommies' tastes.

07-26-18, 22:36
I am planning a trip to Sousa and Puerto Plata in August and was wondering if anyone had any ATF that they can recommend me contacting. Also any tips and tricks on meeting new girls down there. I. E. Good spots to check out and whatnot. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

07-27-18, 07:51
I am planning a trip to Sousa and Puerto Plata in August and was wondering if anyone had any ATF that they can recommend me contacting. Also any tips and tricks on meeting new girls down there. I. E. Good spots to check out and whatnot. Any help would be greatly appreciated!The information you are seeking has been discussed over and over again in both the Sosua and Puerto Plata forums here on ISG. Read both of those forums, and then if you have more specific questions, please let us know.

And for the help that I've given you, I only ask that you contribute a trip report in the Sosua and Puerto Plata forums detailing your mongering experience once you've returned to your home country.

07-27-18, 19:52
I've spent a lot of time reading here and thank you guys for all the info. I just booked my first trip to Sosua for August and will be staying at the Europa hotel. I'm originally from new england and mongered up there, but I have lived on another Caribbean island for the past 7 years that doesn't offer much so I am really excited to visit Sosua. I'm not new to the game but I am new to the international part. I already have a heap of possible girls there that I have met through various social networking sites and so far it seems very promising. I can't wait to report back with hopefully great stories!

07-27-18, 21:11
I am planning a trip to Sousa and Puerto Plata in August and was wondering if anyone had any ATF that they can recommend me contacting. ATF? Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Fire arms?

07-29-18, 13:06
I've spent a lot of time reading here and thank you guys for all the info. I just booked my first trip to Sosua for August and will be staying at the Europa hotel. I'm originally from new england and mongered up there, but I have lived on another Caribbean island for the past 7 years that doesn't offer much so I am really excited to visit Sosua. I'm not new to the game but I am new to the international part. I already have a heap of possible girls there that I have met through various social networking sites and so far it seems very promising. I can't wait to report back with hopefully great stories!August will be hotter than hell, but that shouldn't bother you if you have spent time in the Caribbean.

Don't waste too much time on the hit and miss and often disappointing social media sites, because everything you want, you can see up close and personal, in Sosua.

The hard core chicas stick to the main drag, but if you take Mr Gogo's advice, and hit some of the outlying bars, they have their own set of local chicas who wouldn't be caught dead on the main strip.

They are locals and semi pros, who go out to just party, dance and karioki after work. They buy their own beer! They look down on the hard core putas and sell their favors to the community of regular Sosua visitors, and ex pats, who know these bars well.

It's there you can find some real gems, with no drama, and no desperate hurry to score, and because they all know each other, it's easy to set up a threesome, if that's your bag!

07-29-18, 13:41
One can (sort of) understand the idea that by eradicating the sex workers that they will encourage "family" tourism in places like Sosua, but hard to imagine that. There are all inclusive hotels / complexes where the "family" trade goes.

On the other hand, places like Amsterdam have world famous red light districts that, in a sense, become tourist attractions, with tours leading wannabe mongers (and their wives) to gawk at the hookers in the windows, etc.

If sex workers were centrally located, versus eradicated, you could have both "family" and monger tourist areas. Still, apart from the Dominicans who use Sosua beach on the weekends, its hard to imagine most Western families patronizing the area. Too "gritty" too realistic for most Mommies' tastes.Right on!

Amsterdam has a lot to offer for the family trade and it's civilized. It could have been designed as a Disney theme park! Their midway features hooker exhibits safely behind glass.

But it's the art, history, and architecture that dominates the scene, not the red light sideshows, so it's definitely family friendly.

Sosua is nature in the raw, just hordes of freelancers selling their services and little else you can't find in the confines of your all-inclusive with it's safe beaches, restaurants and lots of family activities.

Sosua is a long way from becoming a sophisticated cultural venue. It's not a place to take the wife and kids!

07-30-18, 01:15
It's not a place to take the wife and kids!I beg to disagree. Perhaps it is so for the puritan US families but a lot less so, for the Canadian, let alone the European families.

A few years back, when I was new in Sosua, I was at Bologna, having a cappuccino in the morning with a croissant. The place then used to be run the original owner, a guy from Bologna. Sitting at the bar, I started chatting with a woman who had a little 5-6 year old with her. She told me that she and her husband and the kids have moved down to that town and she was planning to start a business. I did not see even a slight trace of worry about the Sosua reputation.

If one thinks that Sosua women are aggressive, they have not been to Patpong, I suppose!

07-30-18, 15:05
I beg to disagree. Perhaps it is so for the puritan US families but a lot less so, for the Canadian, let alone the European families.

A few years back, when I was new in Sosua, I was at Bologna, having a cappuccino in the morning with a croissant. The place then used to be run the original owner, a guy from Bologna. Sitting at the bar, I started chatting with a woman who had a little 5-6 year old with her. She told me that she and her husband and the kids have moved down to that town and she was planning to start a business. I did not see even a slight trace of worry about the Sosua reputation.

If one thinks that Sosua women are aggressive, they have not been to Patpong, I suppose!You're probably right on that. As an American, I also recognize that Americans can be very puritanical. Europeans can be much more comfortable with the subject of sex. While I would consider Sosua "safe" for families (ie, no serious threat of violence, etc) many US wives would be very critical of the openness of working girls plying their trade, and possibly dealing with awkward questions from the kids.

That said, the main attraction for families would be the beach, and there is really nothing unique there. The beaches at most all inclusives are fine, and within easy reach of free food and beverages. Hard for Sosua to compete with that. Sosua is a popular weekend attraction for many Dominican families, however.

Simply eradicating the sex workers would not boost Sosua's appeal greatly for families. The authorities would need to be creative in finding other attractions, preferably for young singles, not easily offended; they might even find the local activities titillating.

Maybe copy the sporting activities of Cabarete (wind surfing, paddle boarding, scuba lessons, para gliding, etc) combined with a casino, gringo-oriented night life, etc.

(Just brainstorming).

07-30-18, 17:43
I beg to disagree. Perhaps it is so for the puritan US families but a lot less so, for the Canadian, let alone the European families.

A few years back, when I was new in Sosua, I was at Bologna, having a cappuccino in the morning with a croissant. The place then used to be run the original owner, a guy from Bologna. Sitting at the bar, I started chatting with a woman who had a little 5-6 year old with her. She told me that she and her husband and the kids have moved down to that town and she was planning to start a business. I did not see even a slight trace of worry about the Sosua reputation.

If one thinks that Sosua women are aggressive, they have not been to Patpong, I suppose!As a European I can assure you that it's not a place for European families either, your example is an extreme outlier.

European and American families being so different is a myth.

Mr Enternational
07-30-18, 18:02
Simply eradicating the sex workers would not boost Sosua's appeal greatly for families.Beside that, there are not many foreign families that would choose Sosua if they know Punta Cana.

07-31-18, 10:12
European and American families being so different is a myth.Here is one thought, without knowing your background in terms of location. Prostitution is legal in Germany, Holland, Spain, Australia and New Zealand. I cannot recall but I believe the Brits have a fairly laid back approach to it too (at least as far as escorts are concerned). Can't speak for families but clearly the societal values in those societies are rather different from the stiflingly outdated US approach, especially for those who want to ply their trade out of their own volition.

Charles Pooter
07-31-18, 23:26
Prostitution is legal in Germany, Holland, Spain, Australia and New Zealand.And a lot more European countries too. Probably 80% at least.

I cannot recall but I believe the Brits have a fairly laid back approach to it too (at least as far as escorts are concerned). Prostitution is legal in the UK, both incall and outcall. Pimping and brothels are illegal, though enforcement is lax or erratic in many counties. A very similar situation to the DR, in fact.

The difference with the USA is the religious background. Apart from small groups of "born agains" with no political pull, the only enthusiastic churchgoers are Roman Catholics who are traditionally relaxed about straight sex (though hot on birth control and abortion). And the Roman church rarely interferes in political matters apart from those topics. There is no "religious vote" in the UK as there is in the Mid-West and Deep South. Any politician who starts quoting the Bible gets laughed off stage.

08-01-18, 00:56
Here is one thought, without knowing your background in terms of location. Prostitution is legal in Germany, Holland, Spain, Australia and New Zealand. I cannot recall but I believe the Brits have a fairly laid back approach to it too (at least as far as escorts are concerned). Can't speak for families but clearly the societal values in those societies are rather different from the stiflingly outdated US approach, especially for those who want to ply their trade out of their own volition.You make a valid point, I can confess that the fact that I'm from one of the countries in which prostitution is forbidden affects my view on the matter.

If you read the link below you will find out that a overwhelming part of the EU-parliament wants to criminalize the buyer of sexual favors. 343 to 139 with 105 abstentions.

In Europe we have a new religion; feminism. And according to it Prostitution have to go. I still believe that European women are very much against staying in a place like Sosua.


08-01-18, 16:01
And a lot more European countries too. Probably 80% at least.

Prostitution is legal in the UK, both incall and outcall. Pimping and brothels are illegal, though enforcement is lax or erratic in many counties. A very similar situation to the DR, in fact.

The difference with the USA is the religious background. Apart from small groups of "born agains" with no political pull, the only enthusiastic churchgoers are Roman Catholics who are traditionally relaxed about straight sex (though hot on birth control and abortion). And the Roman church rarely interferes in political matters apart from those topics. There is no "religious vote" in the UK as there is in the Mid-West and Deep South. Any politician who starts quoting the Bible gets laughed off stage.Charles, while Roman Catholics are a large denomination in the US, the Baptists, and other evangelicals have a disproportionate political influence. The combined influence of all of them makes issues like homosexuality, trans gender, (and all sex-related issues) very controversial, where they are widely accepted in Europe, I believe. It is much more obvious in the "Bible Belt" areas of the South and Mid West, but even among the Catholics in urban areas, the subject of legalized prostitution is a non-starter.

This is reflected in the current administration, which has made several initiatives pressuring sex venues (to include this website) attacked gays and trans genders, and promoted "Religious Freedom" (Read, Freedom to Impose My Beliefs on You).

Even when this political temporary insanity is over, American society has a few generations to go, to evolve past its parochial views.

D Cups
08-01-18, 16:19
I am thinking of taking a special chica to this resort. Has anyone stayed there? Thanks for any replies.

08-02-18, 00:46
In Europe we have a new religion; feminism. I think the males had a long run and hence the feminism is to be an expected Newtonian reaction. Indeed Norway is one country where I have found the impact of policies you refer to, even though Scandinavia has always been very relaxed about human sexual proclivities.

What I strongly object to is the "fake" male benevolence in all matters feminine including of course "abortion" which makes waves in my country (especially the evangelical communities as correctly mentioned by another member here) and is a non issue in traditional and historically catholic nations like Italy and France, which also interestingly made brothels illegal I believe in the 70's (unlike the enlightened Germans and Dutch. Even though I personally find Australia and New Zealand to be way ahead in such conversation).

In any case, having known many (Western) European females at close quarters, my personal opinion is that they are a lot less stressed about the question at hand than the helicoptering parents of the US. So we agree to disagree, shall we say?

08-02-18, 12:01
Charles, while Roman Catholics are a large denomination in the US, the Baptists, and other evangelicals have a disproportionate political influence. The combined influence of all of them makes issues like homosexuality, trans gender, (and all sex-related issues) very controversial, where they are widely accepted in Europe, I believe. It is much more obvious in the "Bible Belt" areas of the South and Mid West, but even among the Catholics in urban areas, the subject of legalized prostitution is a non-starter.

This is reflected in the current administration, which has made several initiatives pressuring sex venues (to include this website) attacked gays and trans genders, and promoted "Religious Freedom" (Read, Freedom to Impose My Beliefs on You).

Even when this political temporary insanity is over, American society has a few generations to go, to evolve past its parochial views.The elite in Europe and America control the laws in their respective countries. I believe that the main difference between the two is that the elite men in the US are mostly impotent and the greatest opponents of prostitution are impotent men.

08-02-18, 12:05
I think the males had a long run and hence the feminism is to be an expected Newtonian reaction. Indeed Norway is one country where I have found the impact of policies you refer to, even though Scandinavia has always been very relaxed about human sexual proclivities.

What I strongly object to is the "fake" male benevolence in all matters feminine including of course "abortion" which makes waves in my country (especially the evangelical communities as correctly mentioned by another member here) and is a non issue in traditional and historically catholic nations like Italy and France, which also interestingly made brothels illegal I believe in the 70's (unlike the enlightened Germans and Dutch. Even though I personally find Australia and New Zealand to be way ahead in such conversation).The constant struggle of all societies with prostitution is an old inside joke! The fact is, they can never eradicate man's genetic desire for variety in his sexual partners.

Even the religious leaders, politicians, lawmakers and judges, share these needs.

Various "solutions" are in place around the world to attempt to discourage the open trade, by regulation, licensing, taxing, soliciting and pimping laws, and they can be quite convoluted, as in my former country, Canada.

While streetwalkers have been successfully removed from the streets, MP's and escort services are permitted, licensed and taxed, but no public soliciting is allowed, and johns are subject to prosecution. On the other hand, we probably have more MPs and Escort Agencies per capita, than any other country.

So there is always, and will always be in every society, an outlet for a person to satisfy his sexual needs, even if in the more restricted societies, they just call her "a mistress".

They don't call it "the World's Oldest Profession", for nothing!

Sosua is a microcosm of this contradictory dilemma.

08-02-18, 13:25
Putas are easy targets as well as Haitians for politicians. They can beat them up and blame them for all the ills of Sosua and the DR However money is being made but Dominicans will often cut their own throats if they think there is an extra dollars coming. Pie in the sky hopes of large groups of gringo families over flowig hotels and beaches is the civic dream. However half naked putas strolling the streets is more the reality. Currently the Politur is on the street in large numbers scaring the chit out of the girls. What is happening is the girls are concentratring couple of places. The competition for business is frustrating the girls. This may force some girs to retreat back to their barrios. I ran into some guys who were in Sosua while in the airport. For mongers it is busines as usual.

The elite in Europe and America control the laws in their respective countries. I believe that the main difference between the two is that the elite men in the US are mostly impotent and the greatest opponents of prostitution are impotent men.

08-02-18, 15:59
The elite in Europe and America control the laws in their respective countries. I believe that the main difference between the two is that the elite men in the US are mostly impotent and the greatest opponents of prostitution are impotent men.Agreed on the wealthy controlling the laws. The one who can buy the lawmakers can make the laws. On the other issue, I think the number of politicians and preachers caught in sex scandals suggests hypocrisy, not impotence, is the problem. Society and cultural values form the opinions of the voters, and ultimately, their votes determine the politician's public positions.

In the US, currently marijuana is beginning a transition to legality. Predictably, the areas I consider the most backward will be the last to change. As American society evolves, one day perhaps, the views towards sex will change.

We still have some people who think the world is 14,000 years old, men co-existed with dinosaurs, and politicians from those areas that consult the Old Testament to make science policy decisions.

08-02-18, 18:42
The constant struggle of all societies with prostitution is an old inside joke! The fact is, they can never eradicate man's genetic desire for variety in his sexual partners.Indeed. It is a survival necessity as designed by Nature to keep the gene pool safe against bacteria, virus and others.

08-03-18, 17:37
The constant struggle of all societies with prostitution is an old inside joke! The fact is, they can never eradicate man's genetic desire for variety in his sexual partners.The Reason why Prostitution is illegal in the USA is because of the rise of feminism. Feminist are all about control, and if men can buy sex like buying milk at a local walmart. The Vagina will lose its value and power it has over men. Think about how much money guys spend to impress girls, From Dates, Clothes and Cars. We spend alot of money trying to court the average attractive american female. If I can legally buy vagina at a brothel. Men would not put up with the bullshit. I can go deep but its all about power at the end of the day.

08-04-18, 00:48
Feminism and protitution have little to do with other. Selling pussy gives women control of who gets their pussy. In USA it has been illegal based our puitanical roots.

The Reason why Prostitution is illegal in the USA is because of the rise of feminism. Feminist are all about control, and if men can buy sex like buying milk at a local walmart. The Vagina will lose its value and power it has over men. Think about how much money guys spend to impress girls, From Dates, Clothes and Cars. We spend alot of money trying to court the average attractive american female. If I can legally buy vagina at a brothel. Men would not put up with the bullshit. I can go deep but its all about power at the end of the day.

Mr Enternational
08-04-18, 01:29
Feminism and protitution have little to do with other. Selling pussy gives women control of who gets their pussy. In USA it has been illegal based our puitanical roots.ForceSteeler is correct. It has nothing to do with puritanical roots because it was legal before. It started to become illegal during the 1920's around the time of women's suffrage. Prostitutes were among the richest people in some cities. Read Thaddeus Russell - A Renegade History of The United States. In Chapters 8 and 9: Hoars and the Origins of Women's Liberation 1&2, he discusses this.

It was the same shit with drinking. All the women's groups were responsible for the prohibition of alcohol. They didn't want their men out there getting drunk and fucking hoes!

08-04-18, 10:56
The Reason why Prostitution is illegal in the USA is because of the rise of feminism. Feminist are all about control, and if men can buy sex like buying milk at a local walmart. The Vagina will lose its value and power it has over men. Think about how much money guys spend to impress girls, From Dates, Clothes and Cars. We spend alot of money trying to court the average attractive american female. If I can legally buy vagina at a brothel. Men would not put up with the bullshit. I can go deep but its all about power at the end of the day.Men wield the power in the US. Do you think the feminists would get anywhere if the men did not allow them? Elite men in America are impotent and are into perversions such as pedophilia and blood lust to get their rocks off. Hypocrisy is indeed part of the deal as they try to portray themselves as holier than thou when in fact they are the most iniquitous humans on the planet. In reality they are perverts who are against normal sex.

08-04-18, 12:17
Men wield the power in the US. Do you think the feminists would get anywhere if the men did not allow them? Men may rule the world, but women rule the men. Nature has given woman that great equalizer between her legs.

It is so powerful, that men will give up kingdoms, corporate industries like Hollywood, go to war, and get Impeached over it.

Or, like us mongers, spend a fortune and fly half way around the world for it.

A dirt poor chica would be stupid ideed, if she didn't use the power of that magic pussy to feed her kids, or improve her lifestyle!

08-04-18, 15:14
The Reason why Prostitution is illegal in the USA is because of the rise of feminism. Feminist are all about control, and if men can buy sex like buying milk at a local walmart. The Vagina will lose its value and power it has over men. Think about how much money guys spend to impress girls, From Dates, Clothes and Cars. We spend alot of money trying to court the average attractive american female. If I can legally buy vagina at a brothel. Men would not put up with the bullshit. I can go deep but its all about power at the end of the day.Respectfully disagree. The US is backward and puritanical on a number of subjects, like homosexuality, abortion, etc. There are feminists in most developed countries of the world, in particular, Europe, but many have legalized prostitution. Traffickers, pimps, etc, exploit women. An independent prostitute is in charge of HER body. A difference. Feminists oppose a woman being turned into chattel for men. Sounds reasonable. Sounds like a modern form of slavery. Yes, Prohibition in the US was championed by women's groups. But that was also coupled with religious organizations, Bible thumpers, etc.

Feminists are pro choice, and want a woman to have control over her own body. No coincidence that one finds most opposition to issues like abortion, homosexual rights, etc, in the Bible Belt, and among religious groups (Catholics, Evangelicals). Most urban areas (and educated populations) are more open minded to those issues, to include discussing the legalization of sex workers.

08-12-18, 06:20
Hello all,

Just an FYI. I received an email today regarding the 'divine nine' international greekfest occurring that weekend in Sosua at the Ahnvee. Google Atlanta greek picnic and you will know what to expect. It should be the older crowd but don't be too frightened when you hear random shouts or noises in public or at a bar.

08-12-18, 11:49
Respectfully disagree. The US is backward and puritanical on a number of subjects, like homosexuality, abortion, etc. There are feminists in most developed countries of the world, in particular, Europe, but many have legalized prostitution. Traffickers, pimps, etc, exploit women. An independent prostitute is in charge of HER body. A difference. Feminists oppose a woman being turned into chattel for men. Sounds reasonable. Sounds like a modern form of slavery. Yes, Prohibition in the US was championed by women's groups. But that was also coupled with religious organizations, Bible thumpers, etc.

Feminists are pro choice, and want a woman to have control over her own body. No coincidence that one finds most opposition to issues like abortion, homosexual rights, etc, in the Bible Belt, and among religious groups (Catholics, Evangelicals). Most urban areas (and educated populations) are more open minded to those issues, to include discussing the legalization of sex workers.Prostitution is legal in some countries in Europe despite the feminists.

Feminists are all pro-choice as long as they make the "right" choice, otherwise the woman is "crazy", "victim of the patriarchy" or a "bad" woman.

Feminists will never be in favour of prostitution, they don't give a rat's ass about the females that will not conform.

Feminism is a extremist sect which can not handle differing opinions nor individual freedom. I take the "Bible thumpers " over the feminists every second of the week.

Considering what you wrote it's funny that some very religious countries have legalized prostitution. Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and the list goes on.

08-13-18, 12:46
.....some very religious countries have legalized prostitution. Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and the list goes on.Religions need "sinners" in society. Without "sinners" there would be no "souls to save"! :)

08-15-18, 18:13
August will be hotter than hell, but that shouldn't bother you if you have spent time in the Caribbean.

Don't waste too much time on the hit and miss and often disappointing social media sites, because everything you want, you can see up close and personal, in Sosua.

The hard core chicas stick to the main drag, but if you take Mr Gogo's advice, and hit some of the outlying bars, they have their own set of local chicas who wouldn't be caught dead on the main strip.

They are locals and semi pros, who go out to just party, dance and karioki after work. They buy their own beer! They look down on the hard core putas and sell their favors to the community of regular Sosua visitors, and ex pats, who know these bars well.

It's there you can find some real gems, with no drama, and no desperate hurry to score, and because they all know each other, it's easy to set up a threesome, if that's your bag!Trying to plan my trip to Sosua. What are the names of some of the good outlaying bars? Is it better to stay nearer them or near the main drag?

08-15-18, 18:38
Trying to plan my trip to Sosua. What are the names of some of the good outlaying bars? Is it better to stay nearer them or near the main drag?Stay near the center of town. All within walking distance.

You can take a moto taxi to the outlaying bars if needed.

08-16-18, 13:37
Trying to plan my trip to Sosua. What are the names of some of the good outlaying bars? Is it better to stay nearer them or near the main drag?"Good" is a relative term.

In this case, I'm wary of posting my own preferences for a couple reasons, one, YMMV depending on time of day, day of week and so on.

Two, I don't want to be flamed here, by posters who don't agree with my own preferences, and have trouble with the chicas, (nothing is guranteed) it takes time to assimilate into the local community.

Here's a true story:

A workplace acquaintance came down to visit me last March. He was staying at the AI CM. I took him out with me to my local bars and introduced him to some fine chicas.

He didn't want to pay the 2000-3000 freight, but a fat older local skank off the street came to feel him up at the bar, I told him she was trouble, but he was having a good time. She finally convinced him to go across the street to her room for 500 peso. He came back complaining the smelled so bad down there, he couldn't handle it and decided not to try anything else. Spent most of his remaining time back at the all inclusive.

When he got home, that's the story he told all our friends! Go figure!

I should have known better, because I posted here a few years back, about another guy who heard I was spending time in Sosua, so he came down for a look see. I made the mistake of telling him it was "safe". Problem was he couldn't handle his liquor, so during the week he had his wallet lifted, had trouble with street hoes, and cme back complaining to everybody that it was hell, with a "typhoid epidemic" and would never waste his money again.

A completely different Sosua from mine! :)

So, there are lots of girls and bars out there and my choice is not for everybody. If you are going down regularly, it's no big secret! Sosua is not a big place.

It's easy to find your own comfort level. You don't need directions.

Recommendations for hotels, MP's, Casas and clubs are a different matter and there is a lot of info to be gleaned and shared about those on these forums!

08-16-18, 17:18
Any one seen Luz Maria lately? She used to work at M & M, but is not there any more. I always liked her massage, no extras BTW.

08-18-18, 05:16
"Good" is a relative term.Good stories and good summary. BTW, is "outlaying" Canadian for outlying?

08-18-18, 16:10
Good stories and good summary. BTW, is "outlaying" Canadian for outlying?LOL. Posted as found. I don't spell check direct quotes from posters, eh?

Are you in the area? How about an update on some of the better restaurants around town? Scandinavia still the best one on the beach? I'm leery of checking them all out, but I'm getting tired of home made Dominican soup! Baileys and Terra Linda are not what they used to be, and Bologna is current my go to for consistent value and quality.

08-18-18, 20:12
Are you in the area? How about an update on some of the better restaurants around town? Scandinavia still the best one on the beach? I'm leery of checking them all out, but I'm getting tired of home made Dominican soup! Baileys and Terra Linda are not what they used to be, and Bologna is current my go to for consistent value and quality.I am not too familiar with those on the beach but I have heard good things about the "Scandinavian" place, even after the Management change. I have not been back to Bologna, since the Italian owner sold off his stake. My go to place was the restaurant at the hotel New Garden, which is where Gogo found me when I was there last, early July. Too bad you were not there then. The Italian chef (and stake holder in the restaurant) told me he was going back to Italy, end of July and I am not going to recommend it for now even though I suspect it would not be too shabby. The "Germany (bar and grill? Restaurant on the road heading out to Cabarete is another good place for me. If you like fresh sausages and schnitzel and sauerkraut. They had a buffet, on Thursday evenings, if I recall right for a fixed price. I was hoping the French restaurant would survive but it did not, tant pis! If you know where Playa Punta Rucia is (closer to Santiago). I had eaten unbelievably well at a French hotel / restaurant there so I miss French cuisine. I am told the restaurant at Don Andres is good and that the Dutch owner was the ex owner of Orchidee, right before (or after, depending on which way you are heading) Terra Linda. I ate at Orchidee and thought food was good there. There should be a Czech restaurant on Ayuntamiento, close to Bologna. I know nothing of their cuisine but I was told it had buttery / white sauces, in case you are feeling like experimenting. As you would notice, I have not recommended a hamburger / steak place. Not my first choice, when there is real food around.

08-18-18, 22:40
Anyone has recommendation for 'honest' real estate agent in Sosua area and an honest real estate lawyer although 'honest' and 'lawyer' in the same sentence would be an oxymoron.

Interested in investment / retirement property such as the ones across from Alicia Beach or farther down on the beach little far from the 'main drag' but still close to the action when need be.

Also any residents, expats have any input on the current state of real estate prices for oceanview condos / apartments. I am looking at point2 homes dot com. Feel free to PM and thanks for any pointers.



08-19-18, 00:55
There is a german place next door to Bourbon Street. It has a big menu from german, Asain and Dominican. The food was very good and the price was right.

LOL. Posted as found. I don't spell check direct quotes from posters, eh?

Are you in the area? How about an update on some of the better restaurants around town? Scandinavia still the best one on the beach? I'm leery of checking them all out, but I'm getting tired of home made Dominican soup! Baileys and Terra Linda are not what they used to be, and Bologna is current my go to for consistent value and quality.

08-19-18, 03:46
LOL. Posted as found. I don't spell check direct quotes from posters, eh?

Are you in the area? How about an update on some of the better restaurants around town? Scandinavia still the best one on the beach? I'm leery of checking them all out, but I'm getting tired of home made Dominican soup! Baileys and Terra Linda are not what they used to be, and Bologna is current my go to for consistent value and quality.Scandinavia has changed ownership, my friends John and Ken own it now and it is called Rehab. I have not eaten there as they just started serving food a week or two ago and they are still figuring things out.

08-19-18, 03:54
Anyone has recommendation for 'honest' real estate agent in Sosua area and an honest real estate lawyer although 'honest' and 'lawyer' in the same sentence would be an oxymoron.

Interested in investment / retirement property such as the ones across from Alicia Beach or farther down on the beach little far from the 'main drag' but still close to the action when need be.

Also any residents, expats have any input on the current state of real estate prices for oceanview condos / apartments. I am looking at point2 homes dot com. Feel free to PM and thanks for any pointers.


Frankfurt.The ONLY law firm that you should use is Guzman Ariza, they are the largest law firm in the country and they don't screw around, they will quote you a fee structure prior to retaining their services and will stick to it. They are also the most expensive but in this case you get what you pay for. I retained probably the second most recommended lawyer in Sosua and he has jerked me around three ways to Sunday, Guzman would never do that. For realtors I would recommend Amanda Petty, very honest gal and very knowledgable. Be as cautious with hiring a realtor as you are with hiring a lawyer, realtors are not regulated, anyone can call themselves a realtor in the DR.

08-19-18, 04:15
Scandinavia has changed ownership, my friends John and Ken own it now and it is called Rehab. I have not eaten there as they just started serving food a week or two ago and they are still figuring things out.Damn! The filet with peppercorn sauce and the ribs were excellent!

08-19-18, 06:08
There is a german place next door to Bourbon Street. It has a big menu from german, Asain and Dominican. The food was very good and the price was right.You are right. Scnitzel Palace, owned by Austrians. Food is very good plus excellent Viennese desserts. The breakfast there is very good too, plus people watching without even twitching a muscle. They charge the ridiculous DR sales taxes etc though that I have not seen in places outside of Pedro Clissante.

08-19-18, 16:28
Anyone has recommendation for 'honest' real estate agent in Sosua area and an honest real estate lawyer although 'honest' and 'lawyer' in the same sentence would be an oxymoron.

Interested in investment / retirement property such as the ones across from Alicia Beach or farther down on the beach little far from the 'main drag' but still close to the action when need be.

Also any residents, expats have any input on the current state of real estate prices for oceanview condos / apartments. I am looking at point2 homes dot com. Feel free to PM and thanks for any pointers.


Frankfurt.A number of years ago, I had a good experience with Juan Perdomo Century21 in Sosua. Another realtor, DRProperties, has been featured on the American cable television show, House Hunters International. I wll also PM you the email address of a Canadian lady I know that manages rental condos, etc. And can offer real estate commentary.

The Tall Man
08-19-18, 16:54
Scandinavia has changed ownership, my friends John and Ken own it now and it is called Rehab. I have not eaten there as they just started serving food a week or two ago and they are still figuring things out.What a great name REHAB, now when asked we can say that we are going to rehab, LMAO!

The Tall Man.

08-19-18, 19:17

Thank you very much for the contacts for realtors and law firm -very much appreciated. I have enough to get the homework started.


A number of years ago, I had a good experience with Juan Perdomo Century21 in Sosua. Another realtor, DRProperties, has been featured on the American cable television show, House Hunters International. I wll also PM you the email address of a Canadian lady I know that manages rental condos, etc. And can offer real estate commentary.

08-19-18, 21:22
I recently was in Frankfurt and visited one of the FKKs, I have visited before. The place is the same, location wise as well as the facility. Still has a kino, two saunas. One at 60, the other at 90 degree Celsius plus a steam bath, a whole bunch of private rooms and sofas all over, in addition to an eating place and two bars. The place would not accept any currency other than Euros and the exchange rate was VERY poor. I had very little of the local currency but the women, fortunately did take dollars.

Women go around mostly in the nude. Unlike last time, I found fewer women but it was early and I had to leave early. The ones that came to chat or to hook up, were Romanians, Serbian. East Europeans in general. I asked a Nadia, if there were any Latinas. She said no. I did see a black woman but did not chat her up. I went and sat in the kino, after I had been to the sauna, and had some food. The movie theater, instead of chairs, have large bedlike contraptions and so it is easy to do what you wish to do, out there in the open, if you have a bit of an exhibitionist in you. In fact, there was this German guy who came in with two women and was sucked well as he came, screaming. Then there was a young guy who came in with two women too, but was too shy to do anything out there. I like this place and recall well working on a Russian, last time I was there. This time, I had a Serbian girl approach me and chatted for a while, then came another Romanian girl. My time was running short and so I decided to go with her and she preferred a private space. Knowing the Romanians speak Italian fairly well, as soon as I opened my mouth, she returned the volley with a whole bunch of Italian words like "pompino" and "scopare" - that most likely did not mean anything to her but got me flushed. Hearing such words free flowing out of the mouth of a very pretty 21 year old.

The sex was indifferent and the money outlay was large. Apparently coming in mouth, fingering my prostrate and such other paraphernalia all have their own addendum. I left 200 dollars poor but I must say, I was not in the mood to negotiate nor did I have the time plus the choices were not too many, even though there were not too many men at about 1 in the afternoon.

I could not help but think that while the place was nice and comfortable, with German efficiency (even with the front men and women being all East Europeans), I really miss the naturalness of the DR women. They would often not know what a prostrate massage is and would shudder at the thought of Anal (a woman at the FKK told me, it was very normal for German men), I still enjoy the plain vanilla sex compared to the mechanical fancy acts at the FKK. I cannot blame them, another woman told me, when I asked her and she was very candid, that sex is not something she enjoys but it is just a deed one does. In contrast, I would think, some of the women I consort with in the DR, actually get off.

08-19-18, 23:37
I have not had the pleasure of the FKK. It sounds like a great place to visit. The action in the DR is very unscripted. You have no idea what you are going to get when you take one of these ladies home. I have some things on the kinky side I do with the ladies. I have a few ladies who also have som kinks. This makes thinks very interesting.

I recently was in Frankfurt and visited one of the FKKs, I have visited before. The place is the same, location wise as well as the facility. Still has a kino, two saunas. One at 60, the other at 90 degree Celsius plus a steam bath, a whole bunch of private rooms and sofas all over, in addition to an eating place and two bars. The place would not accept any currency other than Euros and the exchange rate was VERY poor. I had very little of the local currency but the women, fortunately did take dollars.

Women go around mostly in the nude. Unlike last time, I found fewer women but it was early and I had to leave early. The ones that came to chat or to hook up, were Romanians, Serbian. East Europeans in general. I asked a Nadia, if there were any Latinas. She said no. I did see a black woman but did not chat her up. I went and sat in the kino, after I had been to the sauna, and had some food. The movie theater, instead of chairs, have large bedlike contraptions and so it is easy to do what you wish to do, out there in the open, if you have a bit of an exhibitionist in you. In fact, there was this German guy who came in with two women and was sucked well as he came, screaming. Then there was a young guy who came in with two women too, but was too shy to do anything out there. I like this place and recall well working on a Russian, last time I was there. This time, I had a Serbian girl approach me and chatted for a while, then came another Romanian girl. My time was running short and so I decided to go with her and she preferred a private space. Knowing the Romanians speak Italian fairly well, as soon as I opened my mouth, she returned the volley with a whole bunch of Italian words like "pompino" and "scopare" - that most likely did not mean anything to her but got me flushed. Hearing such words free flowing out of the mouth of a very pretty 21 year old.

The sex was indifferent and the money outlay was large. Apparently coming in mouth, fingering my prostrate and such other paraphernalia all have their own addendum. I left 200 dollars poor but I must say, I was not in the mood to negotiate nor did I have the time plus the choices were not too many, even though there were not too many men at about 1 in the afternoon.

I could not help but think that while the place was nice and comfortable, with German efficiency (even with the front men and women being all East Europeans), I really miss the naturalness of the DR women. They would often not know what a prostrate massage is and would shudder at the thought of Anal (a woman at the FKK told me, it was very normal for German men), I still enjoy the plain vanilla sex compared to the mechanical fancy acts at the FKK. I cannot blame them, another woman told me, when I asked her and she was very candid, that sex is not something she enjoys but it is just a deed one does. In contrast, I would think, some of the women I consort with in the DR, actually get off.

08-20-18, 20:04
Hey guys,

I'm back from 8 nights in Sosua. It was my first time mongering outside of the USA It is very beautiful and the dollar really goes a long way there! I stayed at Europa and had no issues. Its far from a 5 star hotel but I have zero complaints for the price. 8 nights there and I had a total of 7 chicas over that time, some I had more than once. I did not go to any of the bars / discos to meet women. I don't drink alcohol and my Spanish is limited, so all of my fun was based on getting right to the point with my hookups. With that being said, my experience is that you can get pretty much anything you want for 1000 to 3000 pesos. I paid the higher end for better looking lower mileage stuff I found on social networking. There was a lot of police presence and I did see them taking girls away, from what I heard they were targeting more Haitians girls. Some of the girls expressed to me that they did not want to be out on the street for this reason. All in all it was a great trip and I will definitely repeat. Great food, local fruits, chicas, sun, beach, some really wonderful people, and a great value.

08-20-18, 22:28
Hey guys,

I'm back from 8 nights in Sosua. It was my first time mongering outside of the USA It is very beautiful and the dollar really goes a long way there! I stayed at Europa and had no issues. Its far from a 5 star hotel but I have zero complaints for the price. 8 nights there and I had a total of 7 chicas over that time, some I had more than once. I did not go to any of the bars / discos to meet women. I don't drink alcohol and my Spanish is limited, so all of my fun was based on getting right to the point with my hookups. With that being said, my experience is that you can get pretty much anything you want for 1000 to 3000 pesos. I paid the higher end for better looking lower mileage stuff I found on social networking. There was a lot of police presence and I did see them taking girls away, from what I heard they were targeting more Haitians girls. Some of the girls expressed to me that they did not want to be out on the street for this reason. All in all it was a great trip and I will definitely repeat. Great food, local fruits, chicas, sun, beach, some really wonderful people, and a great value.Thanks for the report, and welcome to the Sosua Fan Club! :)

Glad you had a good time, and at the height of the slow season, too!

I'm temporarily back in the great wasteland of my home town on personal business, but I'm missing it terribly!

08-21-18, 00:27
I have been going to Sosua for over 6 years and everytime I go I have the same enjoyment expressed by the new guy. I enjoy going the clubs viewing the menu and dancing. At 63 I do not get to do this at home but in Sosua it is normal. The freedom I feel is awesome. I will on the grown in 3 weeks wildin out.

Thanks for the report, and welcome to the Sosua Fan Club! :)

Glad you had a good time, and at the height of the slow season, too!

I'm temporarily back in the great wasteland of my home town on personal business, but I'm missing it terribly!

08-23-18, 14:37
Scandinavia has changed ownership, my friends John and Ken own it now and it is called Rehab. I have not eaten there as they just started serving food a week or two ago and they are still figuring things out.Saddened to hear that news. After Tom passed away in June 2016, I think his son tried to keep Scandinavian Beach Bar going. Apparently that didn't work out, because a guy named Knut then took over:


And now you're saying two new guys have taken over and changed the name to Rehab. I wish them the best of luck, but I don't think they'll be in business long. Although Scandinavian Beach Bar was the far end of Sosua Beach, Tom's personality and cooking (his legendary ribs) kept the customers coming. Changing ownership, the name, and the menu is a sure-fire way to kill off the old clientele.

08-23-18, 16:34
This puts a bad look on our lifestyle.

Be careful and check ID don't get caught out there.

I know some 16 year old look 18 and 21 with makeup.

That's no excuse and you guys that's like little kids;.

You get what you deserves when your sick ass get caught.

08-23-18, 21:19
My last trip I noticed large number of young girls with Europeans. This could give folk justification to shut everything down.

This puts a bad look on our lifestyle.

Be careful and check ID don't get caught out there.

I know some 16 year old look 18 and 21 with makeup.

That's no excuse and you guys that's like little kids;.

You get what you deserves when your sick ass get caught.

08-23-18, 22:43
My last trip I noticed large number of young girls with Europeans. This could give folk justification to shut everything down.On the other hand I don't it's Europeans that are getting the local girls pregnant at 13,14, and 15! LOL!

I live there, and I don't see any tourists of any ethnic origin with obviously underaxed girls, unless its a wifed up family thing. I always make sure momma is present when I have the kids over to the pool for a swim!

08-24-18, 01:20
The recent police crackdown was sparked when a female dominican comedian wrote a scathing article about [CodeWord902] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord902) girls selling sex in broad day light to tourist. I thought she was full of until I witnessed the same thing.

On the other hand I don't it's Europeans that are getting the local girls pregnant at 13,14, and 15! LOL!

I live there, and I don't see any tourists of any ethnic origin with obviously underaxed girls, unless its a wifed up family thing. I always make sure momma is present when I have the kids over to the pool for a swim!

08-24-18, 03:37
This puts a bad look on our lifestyle.

Be careful and check ID don't get caught out there.

I know some 16 year old look 18 and 21 with makeup.

That's no excuse and you guys that's like little kids;.

You get what you deserves when your sick ass get caught.For anyone interested in some light reading, here are a couple of links to the story:



Mr. Symonds is a poster child for what not to do when it comes to mongering in a foreign country. I mean, banging less-than-legal-age girls? Getting the girls' names tattooed on his skin and having his name tattooed on theirs? Sharing details of his encounters with a "friend," who may have then blabbed to everyone in town? Just not smart behavior, no matter which way you slice it.

Maybe Mr. Symonds and Frankie Fixit can share workout routines if they both end up in the same prison in Puerto Plata.

08-24-18, 12:44
The recent police crackdown was sparked when a female dominican comedian wrote a scathing article aboutgirls selling sex in broad day light to tourist. I thought she was full of until I witnessed the same thing.It's true that crime exists and even a tourist so inclined can easily be set up for blackmail. But then he gets what he deserves.

But I just don't see it as an "in your face thing".

By the way the guy who they arrested for this latest crime was not "European"!

08-24-18, 18:09
Saddened to hear that news. After Tom passed away in June 2016, I think his son tried to keep Scandinavian Beach Bar going. Apparently that didn't work out, because a guy named Knut then took over:


And now you're saying two new guys have taken over and changed the name to Rehab. I wish them the best of luck, but I don't think they'll be in business long. Although Scandinavian Beach Bar was the far end of Sosua Beach, Tom's personality and cooking (his legendary ribs) kept the customers coming. Changing ownership, the name, and the menu is a sure-fire way to kill off the old clientele.If you knew the new owners you would not be saying that they won't be in business long. One of the owners has been living in Sosua for ten years and is a musician with a huge following and tons of friends, when he plays the local bars in Sosua he packs the places, now he will be playing at his own bar. He is also a successful home builder here. The other owner owns a condominium complex and has lived here a number of years. My point is that both of these guys have already been successful in business on this island, if anyone can make a run at it it's these two guys. Starting next week they will have live music three times a week.

D Cups
08-24-18, 19:15
musician with a huge following. Starting next week they will have live music three times a week.What kind of music, do you know? Thanks, M.

08-25-18, 05:44
If you knew the new owners you would not be saying that they won't be in business long. One of the owners has been living in Sosua for ten years and is a musician with a huge following and tons of friends, when he plays the local bars in Sosua he packs the places, now he will be playing at his own bar. He is also a successful home builder here. The other owner owns a condominium complex and has lived here a number of years. My point is that both of these guys have already been successful in business on this island, if anyone can make a run at it it's these two guys. Starting next week they will have live music three times a week.Please keep us updated as to how they eventually make out. Again I wish them the best of luck, especially since cooking food and running a once massively popular beach restaurant with a huge clientele is quite different from playing music, building homes, and owning a condominium complex. Let's hope those tons of friends the musician has will be willing to open up their wallets and actually spend money on food and Presidente beer.

09-02-18, 15:39
While walking the strip in Sosua, at various spots there were girls in front of shops asking me if I wanted a massage. I didn't partake as I was always sweaty from walking and didn't know exactly what these massages consist of. Some of the girls looked pretty good. Can anyone report on what these massages are all about? If they are nothing sexual, can you at least get the girls number for a hotel room visit?

09-03-18, 03:03
While walking the strip in Sosua, at various spots there were girls in front of shops asking me if I wanted a massage. I didn't partake as I was always sweaty from walking and didn't know exactly what these massages consist of. Some of the girls looked pretty good. Can anyone report on what these massages are all about? If they are nothing sexual, can you at least get the girls number for a hotel room visit?There are some massage parlors and the girls stand outside soliciting clients. They are not good massage places. No sex. I am not sure where you went. Another thing is offering massages is a decent way of offering sex. If they are standing in front of the massage parlor they are not offering sex. However sex is on offer by any girl walking on Sosua streets. Just need to ask.

Mr Enternational
09-03-18, 03:39
There are some massage parlors and the girls stand outside soliciting clients. They are not good massage places. No sex. I am not sure where you went. Another thing is offering massages is a decent way of offering sex. If they are standing in front of the massage parlor they are not offering sex. However sex is on offer by any girl walking on Sosua streets. Just need to ask.The hookers under the guise of massage thing is going on in several countries now, especially on chat apps. I will cut to the chase and say that I do not want a massage, only sex. Don't be shy. That always separates the wheat from the chaff. Like you said, just need to ask. If it is a legit massage they will say no sex, only massage. Pic from one of my legit massage parlors in Thailand.

09-03-18, 03:58
The hookers under the guise of massage thing is going on in several countries now, especially on chat apps. I will cut to the chase and say that I do not want a massage, only sex. Don't be shy. That always separates the wheat from the chaff. Like you said, just need to ask. If it is a legit massage they will say no sex, only massage. Pic from one of my legit massage parlors in Thailand.Agree! Just ask! I've had sex at Belkys on a few occasions.

09-03-18, 04:57
I just returned from a 5 day stay in Sosua.

A lot of these girls are beat up from heavy drinking, late nights and child bearing. Its hard to find quality here as most girls are in 4 -7 range.

I was paying between 2000 - 2200 Dominican pesos for higher end. The Dominican Peso / Dollar was 49.50 but don't be mislead as prices are rising.

Sosua is now mostly Afro American tourists with the Germans and Canadians slowly dissappearing from the scene.

Pedro Clisante looks like the Suge Knight wax museum at night.

Stayed at The New Garden. Lorenzo now posts signs in the lobby stating drug use and loud music will NOT be tolerated.

The place also has a lot of roaches and many disrespectful clients who have loud arguments with the girls over money.

I probably would not return.

09-03-18, 18:22
Sosua changes from day to day. During the week you will find the full time puntas. These girls are more hard core and can be a bit bit dangerous for newbies, The weekends get the more attractive girls who charge more. These girls tend to be in Classicos looking for the weekend ballers. I try to find girls who have not been on the strip very long. I do not need 9's or 10's for my sexual conquest. I want girls who satisfy my needs. If you are intimadated by black guys partying then the Sosua strip will be a turn off. I enjoy the party attitude but not the hip hop mentality but I do not let that hinder my good time. The key to having a good time for me is finding good places to eat and socialize. I know a half dozen expats who I enjoy chatting with. The key for the ladies is communication. I know a good number of ladies who can give me a good time if I need them. The new girl search is the wild card. Finding new talent is always a crap shoot. I have been doing this a while and I still pull a lemon every now and then. Sosua has it plus and minuses but is still one of my favorite places on earth. I plan to be there next week balls to the wall.


I just returned from a 5 day stay in Sosua.

A lot of these girls are beat up from heavy drinking, late nights and child bearing. Its hard to find quality here as most girls are in 4 -7 range.

I was paying between 2000 - 2200 Dominican pesos for higher end. The Dominican Peso / Dollar was 49.50 but don't be mislead as prices are rising.

Sosua is now mostly Afro American tourists with the Germans and Canadians slowly dissappearing from the scene.

Pedro Clisante looks like the Suge Knight wax museum at night.

Stayed at The New Garden. Lorenzo now posts signs in the lobby stating drug use and loud music will NOT be tolerated.

The place also has a lot of roaches and many disrespectful clients who have loud arguments with the girls over money.

I probably would not return.

09-03-18, 23:38
I was simply trying to post some of my observations while they were fresh in my mind.

My evenings were spent on the strip partying in the clubs. I'm not intimidated in any way.

09-04-18, 00:07
I was simply trying to post some of my observations while they were fresh in my mind.

My evenings were spent on the strip partying in the clubs. I'm not intimidated in any way.All good points. Maybe give it a thought of staying in a different property next time. Getting a seven for two thousand is not a bad deal at all. So, if an upgrade to an eight costs in excess of five thousand, will you be interested? Triple your costs and you can get nice five days in Rio.

09-04-18, 01:41
Here are some of your observations from previous trips. Inquiring minds would like to know why you spend your money and time visiting a place over and over again you appear to dislike so much??

I was simply trying to post some of my observations while they were fresh in my mind.

My evenings were spent on the strip partying in the clubs. I'm not intimidated in any way.

IMHO Sosua is changing. I returned 3 weeks ago.

Its no longer point and click P4P and if some people feel it is then its hardcore P4P.

The strip has been reduced to a 200 foot area which has about 6 bars where the girls hang out plus the cops are getting more aggressive.

Its almost exactly what Castro did 14 years ago when police began arresting the working girls on the street which then forced them into the high end discos where prices increased dramatically.

The demographics are also changing as many of the old school Canadians and Germans are leaving. Its now mostly African Americans.

Just returned from Sosua 2 weeks ago and I must say that the place is a bit hard core.

Some observations:

* Most girls were in the 5 -7 range as far as looks are concerned.

* Many of the girls are Haitian and aggressive.

* Streets are overcrowded with cars and motor conchos at night. Its too loud to enjoy a walk down Pedro Casante after 10 pm.

* Police cars begin patrolling the streets at 9 pm.

* Beach is mellow and not over crowded.

* Currency rate was $1 = 44 pesos.

* Good food is available at reasonable prices.

* Most of the tourists were Italians, Canadians, Afro Americans and Germans.

* Not much to see in Sosua after 3 days -.

I just returned home after 5 days in Sosua.

A few observations.

1] It appears that the Gov is cleaning up the streets and directing prostitution into the clubs like Castro did with Havana.

2] There is a much more visible police presence on the streets than last year.

3] Many of the chicas are using cocaine which often leads to unpredictable behavior and mood swings. I had to report 2 girls to security at New Garden Hotel.

4] Don't go near the tap water- had a serious case of diarrhea all 5 days.5) Always negotiate price and conduct a interview before going back to Hotel. GFE in Sosua is hard to come by and most of the girls are pros.

6] More of the Rapper want to bees from the US now coming to Sosua. These guys just hang at the pool all day long drinking the Hennessy, smoking blunts, blasting the hip hop and showing no respect to the locals.

Hope this helps.

I just returned from a 5 day vacation to Sosua and wasn't impressed at all.

For mongers the Sosua sex scene basically consists of 3 blocks with 5 large outdoor bars. The strip has about 200 girls which are looking to session with as many tourists per day as possible.

Most of the girls have kids and are alittle overweight. It gets boring real fast seeing the same girls every night on the strip. There is no reason to spend more than 1 week in Sosua. It gets old real fast.

I felt like a sex tourist in Sosua. There are no families vacationing there only guys.

Mr Enternational
09-04-18, 03:27
Here are some of your observations from previous trips. Inquiring minds would like to know why you spend your money and time visiting a place over and over again you appear to dislike so much??Old Kool said that Sosua changes from day to day. Maybe Adinga thought that it would change for the better each time he went back, but instead he noticed it changing for the worse until it was finally unacceptable to him.

09-04-18, 11:35
I just returned from a 5 day stay in Sosua...............
I probably would not return.Thank for the report.

Sosua has high and low tourist seasons. August is in the middle of the low season, when it is hot, prices go down, and even some restaurants close up.

If you have sampled Sosua from November to April, there's a different vibe in the air, and you might have a different experience.

Nonetheless, there are hard core aficionados, who love it year round, and those are the ones that come to party. Some actually prefer Haitianas. There's enough 7's and above to keep them happy!

The regular vistors and Europeans and Canadians like me who stick through summer, tend to be wifed or GF'd up, and don't bother with the strip.

If you've tried it in both seasons, and found it wanting, it probably is not the place for you, and time to move on.

09-05-18, 05:12

I use the DR when traveling back and forth from Cuba.

There's no need to copy and paste my old posts. I changed my mind and returned to see the Sosua scene.

I'll be more than happy to answer your questions regarding my trip and observations.

09-05-18, 14:14
Here are some of your observations from previous trips. Inquiring minds would like to know why you spend your money and time visiting a place over and over again you appear to dislike so much??Maybe he is the personification of insanity. Or he is one of those hip hop DJs remixing cutting and stratching his vacation to the same situation. Suga Knight museum comparison is an interesting simile and observation. SK is an over 300 pounds Cigar smoking intimidating thugged out African American.

His posts goes back to 2013. Wow RonnyRon you did some homework. I would like to hear his honest response.

09-06-18, 08:44
Hey fellas,

Does anyone know the status of Charles Pooter? He posted in various Dominican Republic forums here on ISG almost everyday in the past, but his posts now are becoming increasingly infrequent, with his last post on ISG on August 8. No, I'm not trying to be all up in his business, I'm just genuinely concerned about someone who had a near-daily presence on ISG in the past.

Charles Pooter
09-06-18, 18:37
Does anyone know the status of Charles Pooter? He posted in various Dominican Republic forums here on ISG almost everyday in the past, but his posts now are becoming increasingly infrequent, with his last post on ISG on August 8. No, I'm not trying to be all up in his business, I'm just genuinely concerned about someone who had a near-daily presence on ISG in the past.Hi, Quagmire. If you are hoping he has snuffed it, I am sorry to disappoint you. The miserable old git is still hanging on, with increasing health problems.

Latest is an umbilical hernia. He had some fun last week allowing a waitress on the Malecon to feel it through his shirt. He told her he was growing a second penis because he was too virile to have only one. She believed him.

None of his health problems are remotely dangerous (as yet) but they do cramp his style romantically. As does the falling value of the pound sterling resulting from the Brexit fiasco. So he confines himself to a couple of old flames who service his needs out of pity (for a pittance). Both haitianas, of course.

He does not post on here much because he has nothing to say, not that that has stopped him in the past. Spending a lot of time catching up on movies he missed out on during that large part of his life wasted working. Also working on a novel based on his time on this island, though whether he will be spared to complete it is another matter. Writing fiction hurts his brain so it is slow progress.

Not sure why Quagmire in particular is enquiring. Does Pooter owe him money?

09-07-18, 17:43
Hi, Quagmire. If you are hoping he has snuffed it, I am sorry to disappoint you. The miserable old git is still hanging on, with increasing health problems.

Latest is an umbilical hernia. He had some fun last week allowing a waitress on the Malecon to feel it through his shirt. He told her he was growing a second penis because he was too virile to have only one. She believed him.

None of his health problems are remotely dangerous (as yet) but they do cramp his style romantically. As does the falling value of the pound sterling resulting from the Brexit fiasco. So he confines himself to a couple of old flames who service his needs out of pity (for a pittance). Both haitianas, of course.

He does not post on here much because he has nothing to say, not that that has stopped him in the past. Spending a lot of time catching up on movies he missed out on during that large part of his life wasted working. Also working on a novel based on his time on this island, though whether he will be spared to complete it is another matter. Writing fiction hurts his brain so it is slow progress.

Not sure why Quagmire in particular is enquiring. Does Pooter owe him money?Nice to hear from you, Charles. Despite our past disagreements and colorful banter, I wouldn't wish death on you, or anyone else for that matter. I was just genuinely concerned about your status, as you had an almost daily presence in the Sosua forum in the past, but lately contributions that are few and far between. Hope you get your health issues remedied soon and that we see you more often in this forum.

Charles Pooter
09-07-18, 21:10
Nice to hear from you, Charles. Despite our past disagreements and colorful banter, I wouldn't wish death on you, or anyone else for that matter. I was just genuinely concerned about your status, as you had an almost daily presence in the Sosua forum in the past, but lately contributions that are few and far between. Hope you get your health issues remedied soon and that we see you more often in this forum.Thanks for your kind remarks. My health issues are not resolvable and derive from old age. One of them is failing memory. I have absolutely no recollection of any disagreements with you, though I take your word for it. I hope I did not cause too much offence.

09-08-18, 15:45
Is The Topical Gel for ED available in the DR? If anyone knows pass the info on.

09-08-18, 17:26
Thanks for your kind remarks. My health issues are not resolvable and derive from old age. One of them is failing memory. I have absolutely no recollection of any disagreements with you, though I take your word for it. I hope I did not cause too much offence.No offense caused at all, Charles. The only thing that was bruised was my pride, but humility (and patience) are two things that I'm trying to learn more of in my life.

Please take care of yourself and check in with us whenever you can.

D Cups
09-08-18, 17:49
Is The Topical Gel for ED available in the DR? If anyone knows pass the info on.What is the brand name of this and does it work?

09-09-18, 17:19
What is the brand name of this and does it work?Hey, I was internet surfing anyway. I saw two products with credible press coverage for topical use.

One, is Vitaros cream containing the active ingredient alprostadil. (This is the drug used for guys with severe ED, that normally involves injection into the penis).

The other is Eroxon*gel, also known as MED2002,0. 2% w / w glyceryl trinitrate gel. This compound is the same as the drug nitroglycerin, used for those with heart conditions. Nitroglycerin for heart conditions is sold by prescription with a 2% concentration. Note that the ED gel has a tenth of that ingredient.

So, product names are VITAROS and EROXON / MED2002. If available in the DR, no telling what the local version is named.

The active ingredients are ALPROSTADIL or GLYCERYL TRINITRATE. Personally, I would be very wary of purchasing the latter in the DR, as 2% concentration is used for heart conditions, and the possibility of incorrect dosage, resulting in a heart related incident is not worth the effort, considering the availability of LA PELA pills, etc.

If there is any word on the ALPROSTADIL cream / gel, that would be of interest.

Good luck to all.


09-10-18, 05:04
If I want to take a waitress in a bar or a shop assistant in a store to my hotel, can I ask them prices directly? Or do I need to ask them out and buy them food or drinks first? I sure don't want to offend them and get beaten up, LOL.

09-11-18, 02:25
If I want to take a waitress in a bar or a shop assistant in a store to my hotel, can I ask them prices directly? Or do I need to ask them out and buy them food or drinks first? I sure don't want to offend them and get beaten up, LOL.From your question, it appears that the whole country has nothing but women on sale, in your eyes? So here is an answer: if you can swing it in whatever country you are from with that opening line, you can try it in the the. Are. If not, you will have to use more finesse than "how much?

In your defense, many store women or barmaids in Sosua, may actually have a side business and hence might be more amenable to your proposition but do not take it as gospel truth, otherwise, the outcome you worry about, may actually come to fruition.

09-11-18, 14:21
If I want to take a waitress in a bar or a shop assistant in a store to my hotel, can I ask them prices directly? Or do I need to ask them out and buy them food or drinks first? I sure don't want to offend them and get beaten up, LOL.A topical, if naive question.

If you are talking about Sosua, it's an even bet that a waitress in the downtown bars is available after hours for a little moonlighting.

On the other hand, they may be the owner's wife, so a little discretion is advised, as Tempoecorto warns.

It's all in looks, smiles, body language and casual conversation. It can be fun finding out!

"How much?" is not a good opening line there!

09-11-18, 15:34
A topical, if naive question.

If you are talking about Sosua, it's an even bet that a waitress in the downtown bars is available after hours for a little moonlighting.

On the other hand, they may be the owner's wife, so a little discretion is advised, as Tempoecorto warns.

It's all in looks, smiles, body language and casual conversation. It can be fun finding out!

"How much?" is not a good opening line there!Thanks for the advice. I'll try to start with "Hi, would you like to have a drink sometime?" LOL.

09-11-18, 16:18
Thanks for the advice. I'll try to start with "Hi, would you like to have a drink sometime?" LOL.Now that's a great line! Should get you there at least 50% of the time.

You sound like a fun guy. Don't forget to post a report on your experiences and results, good or bad!

09-12-18, 00:34
Now that's a great line! Should get you there at least 50% of the time.

You sound like a fun guy. Don't forget to post a report on your experiences and results, good or bad!I sure will, although it'll take some time because I'm still saving up for my trip.

09-12-18, 01:08
If I want to take a waitress in a bar or a shop assistant in a store to my hotel, can I ask them prices directly? Or do I need to ask them out and buy them food or drinks first? I sure don't want to offend them and get beaten up, LOL.I would first talk to her in a friendly manner to see if she continues the conversation. Need to know if she is interested in me. Then I would find out what time she finish work and things like what she does after work. If she is married she will say she needs to go home to take care of family. If she says she does not know it means she is open to suggestions. At this point I would ask for her number and say will call her after work. This line worked with a pretty, slightly overweight waitress with big boobs who worked in Europa bar. I was staying at Europa at that time and she had no qualms coming to my room. Only problem was I had to wait till the bar closed at 11.30 pm. After that we went to Classico and danced and had a good time back at the hotel. I also had a good time with a cute Haitian barmaid following the same routine. In Sosua you do not get beat up for talking to a girl even if she is with her husband or boyfriend. She will just say no.

You can find most of the single workers at the bars after work. Since they have a regular job they may be picky who they have fun with.

09-12-18, 02:48
I hate rain so I've done my research and found that May, June and July are among the driest months of year. But that seems to be the low season, so what's the chica selection like during this time of year?

Thank you!

09-12-18, 16:45
I would first talk to her in a friendly manner to see if she continues the conversation. Need to know if she is interested in me. Then I would find out what time she finish work and things like what she does after work. If she is married she will say she needs to go home to take care of family. If she says she does not know it means she is open to suggestions. At this point I would ask for her number and say will call her after work. This line worked with a pretty, slightly overweight waitress with big boobs who worked in Europa bar. I was staying at Europa at that time and she had no qualms coming to my room. Only problem was I had to wait till the bar closed at 11.30 pm. After that we went to Classico and danced and had a good time back at the hotel. I also had a good time with a cute Haitian barmaid following the same routine. In Sosua you do not get beat up for talking to a girl even if she is with her husband or boyfriend. She will just say no.

You can find most of the single workers at the bars after work. Since they have a regular job they may be picky who they have fun with.I agree with this approach. You must understand some- well most females that work a normal job like to separate themselves from the chicas of the street. They pride themselves and not walking the streets looking for a job. Understanding that you should be cautious when talking to them like common Chica of the streets. Small chitchat like do you have a boyfriend is usually the best move. If she has someone or is not interested you should be able to read from her response.

Recently I asked the young lady did she have a boyfriend. She never answered my question. She only reversed it. I allowed her to change direction of our conversation. The fact that she continue questioning me let me know that she was interested. The fact that she change directions let me know not to ask those questions and she won't tell no lies. I won't bring that question up again however I'll continue to converse until I achieve my own selfish goals.

Mr Enternational
09-12-18, 18:23
Small chitchat like do you have a boyfriend is usually the best move. If she has someone or is not interested you should be able to read from her response.It is a big difference between having someone and not being interested. I have met a lot of chicks that have someone but are still interested. I would never seriously ask about another man, because I don't care. And if she brought it up then I would say well he is not my homeboy, so what's up? Or, he must not love you since you don't have a ring.

It is all funny to me trying to teach a grown man what I see as the innate skill of how to meet someone of the opposite sex. Seems like the kinks of this would have been worked out back in high school. And as always YMMV. What works for one person may not work for another. On the extreme end, I have been known to walk up to a chick and do the Rick James (lick the side of her face). If someone else did it then they might get their ass handed to them. There is no cut and dry. Like you said, you have to read the situation.

09-12-18, 21:32
I hate rain so I've done my research and found that May, June and July are among the driest months of year. But that seems to be the low season, so what's the chica selection like during this time of year?

Thank you!As always, compared to what?

Compared to my police state home city the place is swarming with chicas. LOL.

Compared to high season, say, December to March, it is slower.

Compared to the "good old days" it is not quite what it used to be.

But it is what it is, and there are always lots of chicas working the strip evenings, and especially on the weekends when the fresh stuff shows up. You'll have no trouble getting laid, and you can always use your line, "Hi, would you like to have a drink sometime?" on the servers.

Enjoy, have fun and let us know!

D Cups
09-12-18, 21:55
Ya, I usually do a catcall or wink or send a smooch and smile nice. All the things that would get you in trouble in the USA work just fine in the DeeArr. Of course in Sosua you don't even need to do that. The chicas are quite aggressive there. Easy peasy even for a chubby old fart like me. If a guy is not getting laid in Republica Dominicana there must be something terribly wrong with them.

It is all funny to me trying to teach a grown man what I see as the innate skill of how to meet someone of the opposite sex. There is no cut and dry. Like you said, you have to read the situation.

09-12-18, 23:47
Hey, I was internet surfing anyway. I saw two products with credible press coverage for topical use.

One, is Vitaros cream containing the active ingredient alprostadil. (This is the drug used for guys with severe ED, that normally involves injection into the penis).

The other is Eroxon*gel, also known as MED2002,0. 2% w / w glyceryl trinitrate gel. This compound is the same as the drug nitroglycerin, used for those with heart conditions. Nitroglycerin for heart conditions is sold by prescription with a 2% concentration. Note that the ED gel has a tenth of that ingredient.

So, product names are VITAROS and EROXON / MED2002. If available in the DR, no telling what the local version is named.

The active ingredients are ALPROSTADIL or GLYCERYL TRINITRATE. Personally, I would be very wary of purchasing the latter in the DR, as 2% concentration is used for heart conditions, and the possibility of incorrect dosage, resulting in a heart related incident is not worth the effort, considering the availability of LA PELA pills, etc.

If there is any word on the ALPROSTADIL cream / gel, that would be of interest.

Good luck to all.



09-13-18, 15:11
Hey, I was internet surfing anyway. I saw two products with credible press coverage for topical use.

One, is Vitaros cream containing the active ingredient alprostadil. (This is the drug used for guys with severe ED, that normally involves injection into the penis).

The other is Eroxon*gel, also known as MED2002,0. 2% w / w glyceryl trinitrate gel. This compound is the same as the drug nitroglycerin, used for those with heart conditions. Nitroglycerin for heart conditions is sold by prescription with a 2% concentration. Note that the ED gel has a tenth of that ingredient.

So, product names are VITAROS and EROXON / MED2002. If available in the DR, no telling what the local version is named.

The active ingredients are ALPROSTADIL or GLYCERYL TRINITRATE. Personally, I would be very wary of purchasing the latter in the DR, as 2% concentration is used for heart conditions, and the possibility of incorrect dosage, resulting in a heart related incident is not worth the effort, considering the availability of LA PELA pills, etc.

If there is any word on the ALPROSTADIL cream / gel, that would be of interest.

Good luck to all.


https://erectiledysfunctioncreams.wordpress.com/Thanks. Through my quick research, I was aware that VITAROS and MED2002 were available in Europe, but they are only available there by prescription, and are very expensive.

The subject "came up" (pun intended) when a poster asked if such products were available in the DR, where locally made preparations, like Cialis clone 'La Pela' are available without prescription at much lower prices.

(While we are on this subject, any travelers to other parts of Latin America may want to enquire there, as most pharmacies in Latin America sell medications without prescriptions).

If anyone has more information, feel free to contribute.

09-15-18, 06:26
I spent 2 days in Sosua in the early part of the week. I use to say that Monday in Sosua beats Saturday night any where in the US. The crack dpwn in Sosua is seriously affecting the quality of the street ladies. Many ladies are tired of being hassled. There were more 5 and 6 then I have ever seen Wiinners are still around but you have to look hard. There are more Haitian girls on the streets then ever. This was week day action that I saw. The weekends have always had better numbers. Late night crackheads were in large numbers. I am a huge fan of Sosua but if I did not have list of go to girls my trip would have been much less satifying. It is sad to see the place I love so much slowly stranggled. The SU is not dead but it is being threatened.

09-16-18, 15:21
I spent 2 days in Sosua in the early part of the week. I use to say that Monday in Sosua beats Saturday night any where in the US. The crack dpwn in Sosua is seriously affecting the quality of the street ladies. ... Late night crackheads were in large numbers... if I did not have list of go to girls my trip would have been much less satisfying. It is sad to see the place I love so much slowly strangled. It is not over until it is over, but when even one of Sosua's most enthusiastic proponents reports that a crack epidemic is visibly destroying the prostitution scene, then it seems that the fat lady has already sung her song.

09-16-18, 15:56
It is not over until it is over, but when even one of Sosua's most enthusiastic proponents reports that a crack epidemic is visibly destroying the prostitution scene, then it seems that the fat lady has already sung her song.Just a small point. When the original post described a "crack down" in Sosua, was it referring to the drug, or a "crackdown" by the police?

Mr Enternational
09-16-18, 16:36
It is not over until it is over, but when even one of Sosua's most enthusiastic proponents reports that a crack epidemic is visibly destroying the prostitution scene, then it seems that the fat lady has already sung her song.That is because there are levels to this shit. I have been saying forever that Sosua sucks and I was always ridiculed for it. Did I always think Sosua sucked? No. But over time it changed from how I first knew it, which put it into a shit category when compared with other monger places. (I think many Sosua players that do not know other places are put at a disadvantage because they have nothing to compare it to except home. Then on the flip side, you could say that ignorance is bliss because you can't miss what you never knew.).

Now Old Kool has received a dose of what he thought was sugar eventually turning into shit. But guess what. Next week a new monger will arrive on the scene saying how Sosua is the best thing since sliced bread. He is going to call Old Kool crazy for not thinking that Sosua is the greatest show on earth. Then Old Kool is going to go into a rant about his "Old Sosua". So indeed the cycle continues, until like you said, the lights are completely turned off.

P. S. By crackheads I think he just meant women that were undesirable, and not actual drug addicts.

Mr Gogo
09-16-18, 17:12
Here is the lowdown on what's happening in Sosua: In about 18 months Mayor Neuman will be up for reelection. Willie, who lost a close election to her is preparing to make another run. Mayor Neuman will be able to claim the closing of Rumbas and clarins as proof that she has been effective in stopping prostitution in Sosua. She will also be able to claim the reduction in chicas on the streets but she needs a cherry to put on top to seal her reelection.

Well enter the owners of Burbon street and Amvhee hotel. They have opened Amvhee hotel on the Passions end in preparation of a red light district there and Willie becoming the next mayor. Willie is pro chica.

Recently there was a gathering of people and music on the beach that evolved into an ass shaking, video taking, bikini strip down show. Well the YouTube video reached the mayor and she called the owners of Amhvee into a meeting and accused them of promoting prostitution based on the video even though other Sosua businesses were involved.

Mayor Neuman reached out to Santo Domingo and currently there is an article on Dominican today about prostitution running rampant in Sosua. Expect Mayor Neuman to make more impact moves in the next 18 months to contribute to her reelection campaign.

Will Willie be able to mobilize his grass roots campaign in 18 months or will the tourism industry be able to mobilize the business community in Sosua to deal the mayor reelection?

My outlook is Sosua will not improve over the next 18 months as politicians jockey for position. IMO the future of Sosua will be determined over the next 18 months by either establishing a red light district or slowly the mayor will close venues and hassle girls as she rescues Sosua from prostitution.

Stay tuned.

09-16-18, 19:05
It's interesting how someone's original post can be interpreted in multiple ways. Now, OldKool said:

I spent 2 days in Sosua in the early part of the week. I use to say that Monday in Sosua beats Saturday night any where in the US. The crack dpwn in Sosua is seriously affecting the quality of the street ladies. Many ladies are tired of being hassled. There were more 5 and 6 then I have ever seen Wiinners are still around but you have to look hard. There are more Haitian girls on the streets then ever. This was week day action that I saw. The weekends have always had better numbers. Late night crackheads were in large numbers. I am a huge fan of Sosua but if I did not have list of go to girls my trip would have been much less satifying. It is sad to see the place I love so much slowly stranggled. The SU is not dead but it is being threatened.If you read that post one way, you would think that smokable cocaine has become a huge trend with the WGs in Sosua when he said "late night crackheads were in large numbers. " But by using the term "crackheads," I think OldKool was referring to LE that is known to chase the WGs up and down Pedro Clisante during the low season when their are few tourists in town. Hopefully, OldKool will return to this forum and clarify what he meant by "crackheads. ".

On a side note, I'm actually thinking of returning to Sosua this coming November or December (I was last there in April 2015). Even though I've hit so many new countries this year (United Arab Emirates, Japan, Canada, Ecuador next month), I'll still have time to make a return trip to the Dominican Republic. In this forum, one side says Sosua sucks and the other side says it rocks, so I think it might be time to go back and find out for myself.

09-17-18, 00:53
What I meant by crack working girls are low class street girls. In the US Crack working girls describes women who are the lowliest of street urgents. I still love Sosua and think it is an awesome place but it is suffering at this time. You still have over 200 young women available to have sex at you request at a very low price. My issue is a year ago there were 400 women there.

It's interesting how someone's original post can be interpreted in multiple ways. Now, OldKool said:

If you read that post one way, you would think that smokable cocaine has become a huge trend with the WGs in Sosua when he said "late night crackheads were in large numbers. " But by using the term "crackheads," I think OldKool was referring to LE that is known to chase the WGs up and down Pedro Clisante during the low season when their are few tourists in town. Hopefully, OldKool will return to this forum and clarify what he meant by "crackheads. ".

On a side note, I'm actually thinking of returning to Sosua this coming November or December (I was last there in April 2015). Even though I've hit so many new countries this year (United Arab Emirates, Japan, Canada, Ecuador next month), I'll still have time to make a return trip to the Dominican Republic. In this forum, one side says Sosua sucks and the other side says it rocks, so I think it might be time to go back and find out for myself.

09-17-18, 01:41
Here is the lowdown on what's happening in Sosua: In about 18 months Mayor Neuman will be up for reelection. Willie, who lost a close election to her is preparing to make another run. Mayor Neuman will be able to claim the closing of Rumbas and clarins as proof that she has been effective in stopping prostitution in Sosua. She will also be able to claim the reduction in chicas on the streets but she needs a cherry to put on top to seal her reelection.

Mayor Neuman reached out to Santo Domingo and currently there is an article on Dominican today about prostitution running rampant in Sosua. Expect Mayor Neuman to make more impact moves in the next 18 months to contribute to her reelection campaign.Just one problem with your post: according to Sosua News, Neumann isn't eligible to run for reelection:


So, is she eligible to run for reelection or not?

And here is the Dominican Today article that you referenced:


If Neumann isn't eligible to run for reelection, she won't have to face the voters at the polls in 2020, so I wouldn't be surprised if she conducts a "scorched Earth" campaign against prostitution on her way out the door. Bottom line, though, is that her ass needs to go. She only got 41 percent of the vote during the last Mayoral election, and Willy probably would have won if there weren't a handful of candidates also vying for Mayor:


09-17-18, 02:13
Why would tourists come to Sosua when Cabarete is right up the road?

Sosua doesn't really have much to offer except its quaint beach- it was a little gem but the Internet destroyed it.

I was very disappointed to see Sports Bars and Flat screen TVs all over Pedro Clisante. The town is losing its charm.

Its not a high end destination and most of the visitors don't spend money except on the girls.


The corrupt police need the girls to make the system work but the girls will eventually just say fuck it and conduct business online except for the hardcore girls.

The girls will remain but quality is will get worse if that's possible.

Mr Gogo
09-17-18, 02:46
Just one problem with your post: according to Sosua News, Neumann isn't eligible to run for reelection:


So, is she eligible to run for reelection or not?

And here is the Dominican Today article that you referenced:


If Neumann isn't eligible to run for reelection, she won't have to face the voters at the polls in 2020, so I wouldn't be surprised if she conducts a "scorched Earth" campaign against prostitution on her way out the door. Bottom line, though, is that her ass needs to go. She only got 41 percent of the vote during the last Mayoral election, and Willy probably would have won if there weren't a handful of candidates also vying for Mayor:

https://www.sosuanews.com/index.php?id=4450&article=1You are correct. This is her second term I thought it was her first (Damn time flies) so she is not eligible to run again. Now even more than ever that makes me wonder what her motivation is. Maybe a step up in government, maybe to protect her business interests in Sosua or just to sabotage Willie's plan? It's all speculation now but we will find out in 18 months what direction Sosua will follow for the future. I also would love to see Willie as Mayor, I remember when he worked at Latinos in 2009, good guy always gave me a nod.

09-17-18, 03:57
What I meant by crack working girls are low class street girls. In the US Crack working girls describes women who are the lowliest of street urgents.Part of the problem here is that there is a word that we are not allowed to use on this boards, so you have to say "crack working girls" to replace the word that rhymes with "back door". To avoid this in your first post, you used the word "crackhead" which has a known meaning. The meaning of the word that rhymes with back door is also well known. It means someone who sells sex to feed a crack cocaine habit or to give money to a pimp who supplies that substance, not low-class street girls. (Are there any high-class street girls?)

You still have over 200 young women available to have sex at you request at a very low price. My issue is a year ago there were 400 women there.
I am not sure where these numbers come from, but your original issue was that

Late night crackheads were in large numbers .

Not that large numbers have now left the scene.

09-17-18, 04:14
Why would tourists come to Sosua when Cabarete is right up the road?

Sosua doesn't really have much to offer except its quaint beach- it was a little gem but the Internet destroyed it.

I was very disappointed to see Sports Bars and Flat screen TVs all over Pedro Clisante. The town is losing its charm.

Its not a high end destination and most of the visitors don't spend money except on the girls.


The corrupt police need the girls to make the system work but the girls will eventually just say fuck it and conduct business online except for the hardcore girls.

The girls will remain but quality is will get worse if that's possible.Why visit Sosua or Cabarete when there is a brand new highway that connects Santo Domingo with Punta Cana? Sosua Mayor Neumann and her ilk believe that if they just get rid of the WGs in Sosua and Cabarete, then Dominican families will magically return to the north coast of the Dominican Republic. But the reality probably is, Dominican families living in Santo Domingo are taking the brand new highway to Punta Cana instead of the winding, pothole-infested roads that connect Santo Domingo with the north coast:


And why would anyone think that Mayor Neumann and her ilk know what they're doing? Hell, they can't even make sure their precious little museum is ready to receive tourists:


So why would anyone think they could properly run a small town?!

But anytime Mayor Neumann and her ilk do any little thing to improve Sosua, they can't stop breaking their arms while patting themselves on the back:


Yeah, I'm sure that blue sidewalk construction sign just HAD to have Neumann's idiot face on it.

09-17-18, 12:41
You still have over 200 young women available to have sex at you request at a very low price. My issue is a year ago there were 400 women there.I won't argue the numbers because nobody really knows what they are but what I do know is that a lot of girls don't bother prowling the streets because they don't have to, they stay at home and work their computers and phones to death on social media, no need to leave the house. 90% of my friends that live here haven't pulled a chica from the streets in a couple of years, myself included. Facebook and Whatsapp rule, I have several hundred girls just from Puerto Plata at the ready, every size, shape and color one would ever need or want. I know guys with a couple thousand. All available within a 60 peso carrito ride.

09-17-18, 15:58
Right now most of the residents in Santo Domingo go to Boca Chica for a day trip to the beach.

I don't know where they vacation but they better have the disposable income to spend if there going to Punta Cana.

I just took the Metro bus from Santo Domingo to Cabarete and I must say its a very efficient means of transportation.

The trip took 4 1/2 hours and the bus was clean, air conditioned and it had a bathroom. Cost 450 pesos-appx 9 dollars.

09-17-18, 19:17
It encompasses all the attributes people have reported and experienced. It can suck, it can be the best thing since sliced bread, and everything in between. No one man's (or woman or other entity) opinion / vacation / circumstance / evolution regarding Sosua speaks for everyone. If anyone has been criticized for their opinion about Sosua, it may likely been justified if it never included the obvious fact that any one persons opinion does not speak for everybody, at all times. It surely doesn't accurately depict Sosua and it's participants every given moment. IMO it's rather ridiculous for any of us (or them) to act like it does.

Now if one has been coming to Sosua regularly or live in or nearby, then it's very likely that they have evolved and adapted to the flow of Sosua and it's participants. If someone used to go there, and decided to return years later, finds things have changed unfavorably for them, well it's not unusual that they might be disenchanted because they did not adapt and evolve like those who live there or visit more frequently.

I can say, I am one of those individuals that have traveled to other monger destinations. I enjoy those places, and appreciate the different vibe and scene that they offer, different than what Sosua offers. But at the end of the day, I am looking forward to returning home to Sosua. Something that Manizales said rings a bell. A lot of my friends and I, do a lot of chica watching in Sosua, but we don't rely on the strip, streets or the beach to get girls. We do more looking, than we do hiring. He is correct, in that social media makes it super easy to connect with chicas rather than mainly focusing on girls on the strip.

Don't get me wrong. Every now and then we all try a chica off of the strip / beach / street. But it's not frequent. Most of us already have regulars.

Further, many guys I know consistently go to other monger destinations. Colombia, Thailand, Philippines, Costa Rica. However, they all love coming to Sosua. Why? It's not just about the chicas. People forget that some folks have other enjoyments that they appreciate when they come here. It's unfortunate that when enough people try to assess Sosuas value they seem to only focus on what's happening with prostitution and those supposedly trying to stop it or channel it.

There is no need to worry about street prostitution as long as the laws don't change, making it illegal. The women in the DR are going to sell pussy regardless of where they get to do it. That aint going to stop just because Politur police are harassing / arresting them in Sosua or elsewhere. The basic focus of a female in life is to use what she has to secure benefits. They can do it by way of marriage (legal prostitution) , a relationship ( real or fake ) or they can do it on the street or through social media. The result is still the same. Pay For Play.

It's just easier in places like the DR, and other mongering destinations because women generally are not getting the jobs, resources and benefits from their governments etc that would make dealing with a man unnecessary. Like it is in the US for example. If women in the US (for example) were reduced to the same level economically of women in poorer nations and also make prostitution legal and of course change the usual imbalanced laws in favor of women (with no legal consequences especially for men), enough men would have less need to go abroad to monger. You could monger right in your own back yard (country).

09-18-18, 01:28
There are several types of Mongers. Sosua to the casual monger is a big deal. If you do one or 2 visits a year then you do not have time for relationships and planning. You want lot of grls in a short period of time, The other extreme is the expats. They have relationhips and have very little need for Sosua. I find my self in the middle of these positions. I make about 5 trips a year and have a number of ladies available when ever I show up. I enjoy a hot fresh 19 year old every now and then. Sosua was great at making this available. BSing a 19 year old hottie on line is hard to at my age. Not pretending I want a relationship. I do think the expats have forgotten what us part timers are motivated by. I have chosen the DR to do my mongering. I am satified with the culture and quality of the women as well as the cost of satifying my urges. It has taken me several years to develope my comfort with the DR. I plan to enjoy the fruits of my efforts for the near futur.

Mr Enternational
09-18-18, 02:00
I enjoy a hot fresh 19 year old every now and then. Sosua was great at making this available. BSing a 19 year old hottie on line is hard to at my age. Not pretending I want a relationship.First of all you have to define what a relationship is. From my perspective my DR tables have turned. It used to be that 9 out of 10 women in the DR that I met did not want money. These days that has flipped to 9 out of 10 chicks that I meet want money. (Not from the outset, but after you fuck them all kinds of things that they need help with will come up.)

They will say that they want a relationship, but like I said, get them to define what a relationship is to them. It all boils down to giving them money when they need it. Ask them what their part in the relationship is and they do not have an answer to that. Or they will say some abstract shit that can't be measured, like giving you love. What I am saying is these days you don't have to BS because they are going to be wanting the money whether you call yourself in a relationship with them or not. Hell, claiming you want the relationship is probably going to cost you more as many wise men have said.

09-18-18, 04:40
First of all you have to define what a relationship is. From my perspective my DR tables have turned. It used to be that 9 out of 10 women in the DR that I met did not want money. These days that has flipped to 9 out of 10 chicks that I meet want money. (Not from the outset, but after you fuck them all kinds of things that they need help with will come up.)

It was always thus, just that you did not know it, and they were playing along with you because you worked for an airline, or whatever you do, and they saw you as a possible ticket to ride up, up, and away from the DR. It just took you about 10 years to figure this out. Also you got older, and they got your number.

Mr Enternational
09-18-18, 10:34
It was always thus, just that you did not know it, and they were playing along with you because you worked for an airline, or whatever you do, and they saw you as a possible ticket to ride up, up, and away from the DR. It just took you about 10 years to figure this out. Also you got older, and they got your number.I would not say that, because I still deal with some of the same chicks now that I have back then and over the years they have still not asked me for 1 peso. In addition to that, some have visas and visit the USA, so they are not hoping for that from me. I did have 1 ex that got angry with me the other day. Her brother was supposed to go to the USA to live with his wife and kid. Well him and the wife broke up, so she asked if he could come stay with me and I said no. It is all the new chicks that I am getting the money shit from. Maybe because I am getting older.

D Cups
09-18-18, 14:26
First of all you have to define what a relationship is. From my perspective my DR tables have turned. It used to be that 9 out of 10 women in the DR that I met did not want money. These days that has flipped to 9 out of 10 chicks that I meet want money. (Not from the outset, but after you fuck them all kinds of things that they need help with will come up.)

They will say that they want a relationship, but like I said, get them to define what a relationship is to them. It all boils down to giving them money when they need it. Ask them what their part in the relationship is and they do not have an answer to that. Or they will say some abstract shit that can't be measured, like giving you love. What I am saying is these days you don't have to BS because they are going to be wanting the money whether you call yourself in a relationship with them or not. Hell, claiming you want the relationship is probably going to cost you more as many wise men have said.Wise words, Mr. E. Buyer beware.

09-18-18, 18:20
I do think the expats have forgotten what us part timers are motivated by. I have chosen the DR to do my mongering. I am satified with the culture and quality of the women as well as the cost of satifying my urges. It has taken me several years to develope my comfort with the DR. I plan to enjoy the fruits of my efforts for the near futur.How can expats forget what infrequent visitors or part timers are motivated by? Everywhere you look, enough part timers that come to Sosua show you what they are motivated by. What are the expats you know saying or doing that makes you feel otherwise?

09-18-18, 19:24
First of all you have to define what a relationship is.
They will say that they want a relationship, but like I said, get them to define what a relationship is to them. It all boils down to giving them money when they need it. Ask them what their part in the relationship is and they do not have an answer to that. Or they will say some abstract shit that can't be measured, like giving you love. What I am saying is these days you don't have to BS because they are going to be wanting the money whether you call yourself in a relationship with them or not. Hell, claiming you want the relationship is probably going to cost you more as many wise men have said.To add to this, the term relationship used by the locals towards a foreigner typically is supposed to measure the individuals level of interest and / or commitment to being manipulated financially / emotionally. If the local claims to want a relationship, he / she may be testing the foreigner to see what they are willing to offer and for how long.

The local may eventually let it be known their problems and their needs, and it's up to the foreigner to demonstrate and execute. And it's true, locals don't really expect to be held accountable for offering anything in return. The mere fact that the foreigner is prepared to or has the potential to do more for the local without expecting much in return is enough. The foreigner doesn't require much from the local so the local is comfortable not offering much. Many if not most foreigners are comfortable setting up that arrangement, until they realize that they have been played or they decide to move on to someone else. What enough foreigners come to realize, all that they have done or demonstrated to do for the local, does not necessarily result in appreciation, loyalty, exclusivity or commensurate reciprocation.

I would venture to say, one reason the game is more direct than before, is because enough foreigners have recognized it's a dead end road dealing with a local. And that it's much better keeping things simple. Like paying only for the services that were provided, and not overdoing it for things not earned or appreciated. Also, once upon a time just having a foreigner around was a status symbol. Foreigners put in more time interacting with the locals. Going to their homes and meeting families. It was more common for a foreigner to volunteer help towards the local, but also to their family. Fast forward to today. That practice exists but it's over shadowed by a large majority wanting shit quick and easy. And also trying to get it from as many sources as possible. Neither side trusting the other.

That goes for foreigners trying to have a variety of partners (or in some cases the attention of a particular local that is in high demand or unavailable). On the local tip, them trying to get benefits / dinero and resources from as many foreigners as possible. Mainly because depending on only one is too risky. Once found out or exposed, they could lose everything Still enough locals and foreigners use the term relationship loosely in order to get the advantage they're seeking from the other. I see male and female locals operating similarly towards foreigners.

A good policy IMO is to pay no more than for the service / time that was provided. Also, to be careful of "THE FREE LUNCH" commonly offered by potential opportunists. A common practice with locals is for the foreigner not to pay or not to contribute, so that he or she may be obligated to a lot more down the road. A foreigner can't allow themselves to be fooled by the local who never asks or expects anything. That local may easily be getting benefits from other sources. They can afford to appear disinterested in what a particular foreigner has to offer.

Of course a foreigner can use the locals game against them. Sometimes it works, sometimes it back fires.

09-18-18, 19:36
How is new year's eve in Sosua? Any big party, concerts or something?

Thanks in advance.

09-18-18, 19:55
It was always thus, just that you did not know it, and they were playing along with you because you worked for an airline, or whatever you do, and they saw you as a possible ticket to ride up, up, and away from the DR. It just took you about 10 years to figure this out. Also you got older, and they got your number.Contrary to what enough folks believe. Many locals are NOT interested in moving from the DR. It's true enough locals do play the long game with foreigners. But accounting for those that are trying to use a foreigner to get away from the DR, from those that have no interest in leaving the DR, I'd like to see those stats? Personally I haven't had one female in all the years coming to the DR pursue or even talk about leaving the DR.

From my limited observation, the locals seem to have particular groups / individuals in mind and places to live when they seek to leave the DR. And also who they seek out for relationships and having children with.

09-18-18, 20:07
Another reason to consider. Locals are already connected and have relationships with other locals. So for the most part, they only need / want and pursue the foreigner for his / her resources. And therefore don't have much need for a foreigner beyond playing a role, and no interest in leaving the DR.

09-18-18, 23:46
Contrary to what enough folks believe. Many locals are NOT interested in moving from the DR. It's true enough locals do play the long game with foreigners. But accounting for those that are trying to use a foreigner to get away from the DR, from those that have no interest in leaving the DR, I'd like to see those stats? Personally I haven't had one female in all the years coming to the DR pursue or even talk about leaving the DR.
About 99% of all the Haitianas I have ever met want away from the DR and Haiti, either to Europe (preferably France), Canada (preferably Quebec), Brazil (not so much these days since the economy has tanked since the World Cup and Olympics, but thousands of Haitian earthquake refugees from the DR are still there) and, of course, the good old USA where special bennies are STILL on offer to Haitians (in spite of Trump) if only they can get a foot on land. Of course Haitians are not Dominicans, but they form a significant percentage of the single girls visitors meet around Sosua. Many of them succeed. Most of the Haitianas I knew 10 years ago are somewhere else now. Even the middle aged one who was maid (not girlfriend) is now in Brazil and has a baby and a husband. Another who was a very close friend of the family married and left to live in Holland, then tragically died in childbirth with her second child over there.

Of course Haitians are not Dominicans, but they form a significant percentage of the single girls visitors meet around Sosua. Some media sources say a majority, but that is probably not accurate. Dominicans, however, form the 5th largest LEGAL immigrant group of all nations to the USA, but on a per head basis the DR would come higher than Mexico, China, and India.

If you want statistics:

Country 2015 2016.

1. Mexico 158,619 174,534.

2. China 74,558 81,772.

3. Cuba 54,396 66,516.

4. India 64,116 64,687.

5. Dominican Rep. 50,610 61,161.

6. Philippines 56,478 53,287.

7. Vietnam 30,832 41,451.

8. Haiti 16,967 23,584.

9. El Salvador 19,487 23,449.

10. Jamaica 17,642 23,350.

Total 1,051,031 1,183,505.

09-19-18, 04:32
If you want statistics:

Country 2015 2016.

1. Mexico 158,619 174,534.

2. China 74,558 81,772.

3. Cuba 54,396 66,516.

4. India 64,116 64,687.

5. Dominican Rep. 50,610 61,161.

6. Philippines 56,478 53,287.

7. Vietnam 30,832 41,451.

8. Haiti 16,967 23,584.

9. El Salvador 19,487 23,449.

10. Jamaica 17,642 23,350.

Total 1,051,031 1,183,505.The population of the DR is a little less than the population of Cuba, so the emigration rate is about the same. Of course the emigration rate from Puerto Rico to the US is even higher, but is not counted because the Puerto Ricans are already US citizens. So the three Spanish-speaking islands of the Greater Antilles are the world's leading nations in terms of the percentage of their populations that want to emigrate to the US or elsewhere. The per capita rate is even higher for Hispaniola, I think, if you take Haiti into account.

So this suggests that a helluva lot of Dominican residents want to emigrate, at least compared to other countries.

09-19-18, 11:33
Every year around August and September, in the heat and hurricane season, sex tourist traffic drops off markedly. (Last year around this time I returned home with only one other passenger on my WestJet flight. Posted a picture here).

The locals complain about the lack of business, marginal restaurants close for the season. Ex pat residents work off their local regulars, and prices for the hard core ladies go down, while prices for the increasingly rare 8 -10's stay the same or even go up. Newbie reports are correspondingly rare, but we have always regular posters with complaints about the demise of Sosua.

Come fall and winter, things pick up. Single mongers, and party groups start making reservations for hotel rooms and villas, and some start seeking information here in these forums. It's suddenly high season as the European and North American winter sets in. There's vibe in the air, new reports flow, and complaints change from lack of action to chica overpricing, petty rip offs, lack of adjoining rooms, double booking, and hotel reservations not being honored. The ladies, ever opportunistic, increase in numbers and the cycle continues.

If the monger hotels start to close, instead renovating and expanding, more restaurants close instead of opening (local politics aside) that would be an obvious sign of monger numbers declining, but until that happens, Sosua (in season) will continue to be a tropical laid back beach town that provides a lot of options for a cheap, and enjoyable monger vacation for those who like the Dominicana and Hatiana type of ladies.

Some of our more charismatic mongers even report consistently getting their chicas for free!

But some folks never quite understand how Sosua rolls.

(As usual IMHO, and YMMV)

09-19-18, 14:58
The population of the DR is a little less than the population of Cuba, so the emigration rate is about the same. Of course the emigration rate from Puerto Rico to the US is even higher, but is not counted because the Puerto Ricans are already US citizens. So the three Spanish-speaking islands of the Greater Antilles are the world's leading nations in terms of the percentage of their populations that want to emigrate to the US or elsewhere. The per capita rate is even higher for Hispaniola, I think, if you take Haiti into account.

So this suggests that a helluva lot of Dominican residents want to emigrate, at least compared to other countries.I tend to agree. Yes, there people who would / could not leave their families, but from my experience, most Dominicans would jump at the chance to go to the US. Our opinions and perspectives are formed by our own experience, and I know of several former P4 P girls that got their ticket out via marriage and took it. I have known one girl for at least 10 years, and she wants to go to Canada to work for 6 months on a temporary visa and return. Simply put, there are very, very few opportunities in the DR for a decent paying job. Some apartments in her complex are vacant, because the occupants moved to the US. Some go on a tourist visa and stay illegally. Anyone who can find a legal way takes it. Poor economic prospects faulty utility infrastructure, gross and rampant corruption and incompetence. Dominican singer and composer Juan Luis Guerra (band 440) wrote a song about it, called "Visa Para Un Sueo " (Visa For a Dream). Getting a resident visa is like winning the lottery. (P.S. I spelled the Spanish word correctly, with the proper punctuation, but the system rejected my 'enye').

Mr Enternational
09-19-18, 15:35
Simply put, there are very, very few opportunities in the DR for a decent paying job. Some apartments in her complex are vacant, because the occupants moved to the US. Some go on a tourist visa and stay illegally. Anyone who can find a legal way takes it. Poor economic prospects faulty utility infrastructure, gross and rampant corruption and incompetence.I would say every person is different and it also depends on their situation. My Puerto Plata chick's mom goes to stay in the US 6 months out of the year only so she will not lose her resident status. I used to beg my first DR girlfriend to come live with me but she never wanted to live in the USA. She went to Madrid and got her Masters and during that time her mom moved to the States. Since then she decided to move just to be with her mom. For the most part (other than political situations at home) people go to the USA to make money. If they could make the same type of money in their home countries then they would rather stay home with family and friends and where everything is familiar.

09-19-18, 20:08
I would say every person is different and it also depends on their situation. For the most part (other than political situations at home) people go to the USA to make money. If they could make the same type of money in their home countries then they would rather stay home with family and friends and where everything is familiar.What you said is one of the key points. Every person and situation is different. Enough people if given the chance to earn the same money at home rather than move away, enough would choose to stay home.

Additionally, enough Dominicans that want to go to the USA are mainly interested in sightseeing to see what certain parts of the US is really like. To see what snow is like and the different seasons. To visit or see all of the attractions that they saw on TV or were told about. You also have locals that after having been to the USA became disenchanted or home sick for the DR and couldn't wait to return. Not everybody falls in love with the USA. Even my ex Dominican GF from the Bronx, and her sisters planned to retire and go back to live in their home town in the DR. The sisters had a home built in Haina right next door to their aunt.

The point is, all of you are right. Every variable applies. You have some folks anxious to leave the DR for another country, you have those who have no interest, and others with a plan / goal in mind. You have those getting to the USA or other countries with the help / assistance of a foreigner. You have those who get there by their families or some sort of visa. While one guy will say he was never approached or pursued by any locals to get a visa, another guy will say through his experience most Dominicans would jump at the chance to go to the US. I would assume it's meant most of the Dominicans from his experience (not most Dominicans in general).

So there you have it folks. There is no one size fit all here trying to categorize Dominican migrant behavior / interest. All perspectives have their place. Like E said, every person is different, and every situation is different.

09-19-18, 20:16
I would say every person is different and it also depends on their situation. My Puerto Plata chick's mom goes to stay in the US 6 months out of the year only so she will not lose her resident status. I used to beg my first DR girlfriend to come live with me but she never wanted to live in the USA. She went to Madrid and got her Masters and during that time her mom moved to the States. Since then she decided to move just to be with her mom. For the most part (other than political situations at home) people go to the USA to make money. If they could make the same type of money in their home countries then they would rather stay home with family and friends and where everything is familiar.You might want to tell your Puerto Plata chica's mother that she only needs to return one time a year to maintain residency status, but that she is liable to pay taxes on her worldwide income regardless of whether she is overseas. Perhaps she also wants to work and get two quarters each year into Social Security so that one day she will be able to get SS retirement and Medicare. However, it is not always easy to quit jobs for six months at a time, as this may p off employers. Do not ask me how I know this.

This is obviously a well-educated and affluent family, as few Dominicans can afford to go overseas to study for Master's degrees, so would not be typical of the families that most readers of this board will encounter.

Clearly the main reason for moving to the US is for money. For example, even lower paid workers in the US, if living with some kind of spouse who had a reasonable job, will probably have an air-conditioned home, their own car, a fridge with an ice-maker, a washing machine, a huge TV, Netflix, and an indoor toilet. In fact they will probably also have an iPhone and and an Apple watch. That is at the basic level. With a more affluent spouse, they will have much more.

I know a Haitian woman who came to the US as a fiance 5 or 6 years ago with no education. She obtained her GED and CNA and did a 2-year degree as a Physical Therapy Assistant and now is pulling down over $50,000 per year. Better than doing "physical therapy" in Sosua.

09-19-18, 20:18
The population of the DR is a little less than the population of Cuba, so the emigration rate is about the same. Of course the emigration rate from Puerto Rico to the US is even higher, but is not counted because the Puerto Ricans are already US citizens. So the three Spanish-speaking islands of the Greater Antilles are the world's leading nations in terms of the percentage of their populations that want to emigrate to the US or elsewhere. The per capita rate is even higher for Hispaniola, I think, if you take Haiti into account.

So this suggests that a helluva lot of Dominican residents want to emigrate, at least compared to other countries.Frannie when I mentioned stats, this is what I was focused on.

But accounting for those that are trying to use a foreigner to get away from the DR, from those that have no interest in leaving the DR, I'd like to see those stats?Do you see the difference in what I was talking about versus what you provided? I was referring to "apples", and you responded with "oranges". Interesting stats though, good work!

09-20-18, 00:46
I would say every person is different and it also depends on their situation. My Puerto Plata chick's mom goes to stay in the US 6 months out of the year only so she will not lose her resident status. I used to beg my first DR girlfriend to come live with me but she never wanted to live in the USA. She went to Madrid and got her Masters and during that time her mom moved to the States. Since then she decided to move just to be with her mom. For the most part (other than political situations at home) people go to the USA to make money. If they could make the same type of money in their home countries then they would rather stay home with family and friends and where everything is familiar.Went to Spain to get her Masters? Friend, we are evidently talking about people living in very different economic circumstances. But yes, if people could earn a decent living in the DR, they would have no need to emigrate. They are typically very close to their families, and don't leave on a whim. Most leave to find a job, better standard of living. Economic reasons.

09-20-18, 16:07
Went to Spain to get her Masters? Friend, we are evidently talking about people living in very different economic circumstances. But yes, if people could earn a decent living in the DR, they would have no need to emigrate. They are typically very close to their families, and don't leave on a whim. Most leave to find a job, better standard of living. Economic reasons.Just a couple anecdotes.

I flirted with the idea of bringing my long time Sosua regular to Toronto some years back for a couple weeks.

At the time I was looking for a place to live in the DR, and I took her with me. The place was a typical condo unit in Sosua. Compared to where she lived, with the noise, kids, dogs barking, local food cooking, parties and loud music, it was a none starter. She eventually (with a little help from me) got to NJ to live with her young son and the kid's father and his family, where she had houses, money, clothes, all the works, but the minute she learned I was settling in Sosua, my phone never stopped, and I had to block her. Her friends tell me she's not happy there and wants desperately to come back!

My current squeeze said she'd like to come visit, but like the previous one, she would die in the quiet, sterile condo unit where I lived, surrounded by folks who never even say hello,! We don't even have a Dominican Restaurant in town. Then there's the snow!

I'm always fascinated by their enthusiasm for fucking, cooking and cleaning, but they too need a balance in their lives. They need their social life too!

A flower will die if you take it from its native soil, and if they survive and thrive, it will be because they have just become another American, Canadian, or European citizen!

09-21-18, 00:31
Frannie when I mentioned stats, this is what I was focused on.

Do you see the difference in what I was talking about versus what you provided? I was referring to "apples", and you responded with "oranges". Interesting stats though, good work!As you will see, the DR has the second highest number of fiancee visas in the world, and is easily the leader on a per capita basis. It is possible to argue that still only a small number of Dominicans leave to marry overseas, but the number is greater than anywhere else. So marrying and going overseas is definitely a thing in the DR.


09-21-18, 00:52
As you will see, the DR has the second highest number of fiancee visas in the world, and is easily the leader on a per capita basis. It is possible to argue that still only a small number of Dominicans leave to marry overseas, but the number is greater than anywhere else. So marrying and going overseas is definitely a thing in the DR.


I knew I'm not the only one that sing the praises of Dominican women!

And that's just for the USA! Add Germany and Holland to the demand for Dominican wives, and maybe some folks can figure out why they are so much in demand.

And you can sample all that by a cheap trip to DR!

Without the expense of marriage!

09-21-18, 03:37
As you will see, the DR has the second highest number of fiancee visas in the world, and is easily the leader on a per capita basis. It is possible to argue that still only a small number of Dominicans leave to marry overseas, but the number is greater than anywhere else. So marrying and going overseas is definitely a thing in the DR.

https://www.marketwatch.com/story/this-country-sent-the-most-foreign-fiancees-to-the-us-in-2016-2017-04-05Frannie, again I was not focused, nor argued about comparing Dominican fiancee visas with other countries. I clearly made a comparison between two groups of Dominicans. The Dominicans that may try to use a foreigner to get away from the DR versus those Dominicans that have no interest in leaving the DR.

You giving me stats comparing the DR to other places don't have jack to do with comparing the two Dominican groups I was talking about. Now just the two groups I was talking about, do you have any stats comparing just those two? Second highest number of fiancee visas in the world, easily being the leader per capita, the number is greater than anywhere else, marrying and going over seas is definitely a thing in the DR. None of that addresses what I was referring to regarding just the 2 groups of Dominicans.

Its' ok to say you don't know. And I wouldn't expect you to know. I don't think anybody knows. And that's the point. You really can't account for Dominicans who have no interest in leaving the DR from those that try to use a foreigner to get away from the DR. Why did I bring this all up in the 1st place? Well it started from the comment you made to MR E regarding the chicks he supposedly dealt with who you said possibly saw him as a ticket to get away from the DR and that it took him 10 yrs to figure that out.

The thing is Frannie, you don't know if any of the women he dealt with tried to use him to get away from the DR. What you do know, is what he told you. About how some of the chicks eventually want money and help, but don't start out that way until after giving up the juice. I don't recall reading any information regarding these womens interest in him helping them leave the DR.

09-21-18, 14:21
Frannie, again I was not focused, nor argued about comparing Dominican fiancee visas with other countries. I clearly made a comparison between two groups of Dominicans. The Dominicans that may try to use a foreigner to get away from the DR versus those Dominicans that have no interest in leaving the DR.

I don't think anybody knows. And that's the point. You really can't account for Dominicans who have no interest in leaving the DR from those that try to use a foreigner to get away from the DR. Why did I bring this all up in the 1st place? Well it started from the comment you made to MR E regarding the chicks he supposedly dealt with who you said possibly saw him as a ticket to get away from the DR and that it took him 10 yrs to figure that out.

The thing is Frannie, you don't know if any of the women he dealt with tried to use him to get away from the DR. What you do know, is what he told you. About how some of the chicks eventually want money and help, but don't start out that way until after giving up the juice. I don't recall reading any information regarding these womens interest in him helping them leave the DR.You asked for statistical information on the subject, and the items I provided are easily publicly available and shed some light on the question, albeit tangentially. It suggests that, at the very least, many Dominican women are aware of the possibility of getting on a plane and going somewhere like the US, Canada, or Europe to get married and start a new life. Most Dominican women will know, or will have known, someone who has done something like this.

Obviously the information given by Mr. E may or may not be correct, as he seems to have a history of misreading situations and providing dubious information.

However the fact remains that the average reader of this board (do not ask me for statistics on the average reader) would do well to be aware that when a Dominican woman does not ask for money for sex, this probably means that she is looking for more than money for sex. The chances that she just saw you and had an uncontrollable urge to jump your bones might, just might, be part of the story, but is never the whole story.

09-21-18, 14:59
Just a couple anecdotes.

I flirted with the idea of bringing my long time Sosua regular to Toronto some years back for a couple weeks.

At the time I was looking for a place to live in the DR, and I took her with me. The place was a typical condo unit in Sosua. Compared to where she lived, with the noise, kids, dogs barking, local food cooking, parties and loud music, it was a none starter. She eventually (with a little help from me) got to NJ to live with her young son and the kid's father and his family, where she had houses, money, clothes, all the works, but the minute she learned I was settling in Sosua, my phone never stopped, and I had to block her. Her friends tell me she's not happy there and wants desperately to come back!

My current squeeze said she'd like to come visit, but like the previous one, she would die in the quiet, sterile condo unit where I lived, surrounded by folks who never even say hello,! We don't even have a Dominican Restaurant in town. Then there's the snow!

I'm always fascinated by their enthusiasm for fucking, cooking and cleaning, but they too need a balance in their lives. They need their social life too!

A flower will die if you take it from its native soil, and if they survive and thrive, it will be because they have just become another American, Canadian, or European citizen!True. Often, in exchange for a better standard of living, one has to leave the extended family, friends, and everything familiar behind. I mentioned that a long term girlfriend would like to work for 6 months in Canada and return. Her cousin married a Swiss man, though they recently moved to the DR. She has several girlfriends who have managed to emigrate (some with Dominican spouses) to the US.

There are agencies that recruit Dominican women to work overseas in brothels for months or longer, to earn some money and return. Once in Germany, I found a Dominican woman, married with kids, working in a brothel to earn enough money to go home and start some sort of business. Driven by economics and the poor options in the DR.

Those who manage well, emigrate to a place with communities where there is a Dominican diaspora, to provide a sense of home. One former P4 P chica, with 2 teenage daughters, living in NYC, is thrilled that they are doing well in school, getting a good education. Emigrating to a foreign culture, with a foreign language, is tough unless there is a support system of some kind.

Worth noting that its not uncommon for one to work overseas for decades, get financial security, then return "home" to retire.

09-21-18, 22:53
Just a couple anecdotes.

I flirted with the idea of bringing my long time Sosua regular to Toronto some years back for a couple weeks.

At the time I was looking for a place to live in the DR, and I took her with me. The place was a typical condo unit in Sosua. Compared to where she lived, with the noise, kids, dogs barking, local food cooking, parties and loud music, it was a none starter. She eventually (with a little help from me) got to NJ to live with her young son and the kid's father and his family, where she had houses, money, clothes, all the works, but the minute she learned I was settling in Sosua, my phone never stopped, and I had to block her. Her friends tell me she's not happy there and wants desperately to come back!

My current squeeze said she'd like to come visit, but like the previous one, she would die in the quiet, sterile condo unit where I lived, surrounded by folks who never even say hello,! We don't even have a Dominican Restaurant in town. Then there's the snow!

I'm always fascinated by their enthusiasm for fucking, cooking and cleaning, but they too need a balance in their lives. They need their social life too!

A flower will die if you take it from its native soil, and if they survive and thrive, it will be because they have just become another American, Canadian, or European citizen!I never thought about it before but I loved your remarks and I quote them. I'm always fascinated by their enthusiasm for fucking, cooking and cleaning. How true.

09-22-18, 01:27
I had a buddy who married and brought his girl to ATl. She went from the barrios of the DR to ATL. She was home sick with in weeks of arriving She went back home and never returned. He paid big money to get his divorce. I am always surprised by the guys who are out of control in love with these girls. Bringing thousands of dollars in gifts and paying appartments and life styles. Every trip I meet a guy whose nose is wide open. They describe how they have all these things in their luggage for their lady love. I bite my tongue every time.

09-22-18, 04:44
I had a buddy who married and brought his girl to ATl. She went from the barrios of the DR to ATL. She was home sick with in weeks of arriving She went back home and never returned. He paid big money to get his divorce. I am always surprised by the guys who are out of control in love with these girls. Bringing thousands of dollars in gifts and paying appartments and life styles. Every trip I meet a guy whose nose is wide open. They describe how they have all these things in their luggage for their lady love. I bite my tongue every time.We have a couple of names for those types: Pathetic Losers or Pussy Whipped!

Mr Gogo
09-22-18, 14:05
We have a couple of names for those types: Pathetic Losers or Pussy Whipped!Tomjackin,

Saw our girl yesterday in Sosua. She is retired from the night life and working at Mango bar on the beach.

D Cups
09-22-18, 14:33
I had a buddy who married and brought his girl to ATl. She went from the barrios of the DR to ATL. She was home sick with in weeks of arriving She went back home and never returned. He paid big money to get his divorce. I am always surprised by the guys who are out of control in love with these girls. Bringing thousands of dollars in gifts and paying appartments and life styles. Every trip I meet a guy whose nose is wide open. They describe how they have all these things in their luggage for their lady love. I bite my tongue every time.This is precisely why, in my opinion, if you want to settle down with a foreign girl (or surrender as Chris Rock says) you should do it in their country, not yours. One, they will miss their homeland, relatives, food, etc. As OK pointed out in his example. Two, we tend to fall in love with younger women whose age difference is socially unacceptable in the prudishness that represents the USA. And three, foreign women will become quickly tainted by American women if they stay in the USA for very long. They will lose their domesticity and replace the traditional role of the woman as homemaker, child-rearer and husband-pleaser with the American role of women which is money-grubbing, ball-busting, lazy, good-for-nothing. Just my. 02.

I will likely retire in the Philippines. If I get serious with a Filipina and have her move in with me it will not be in close proximity to her moocher relatives.

09-22-18, 14:57
I had a buddy who married and brought his girl to ATl. She went from the barrios of the DR to ATL. She was home sick with in weeks of arriving She went back home and never returned. He paid big money to get his divorce. I am always surprised by the guys who are out of control in love with these girls. Bringing thousands of dollars in gifts and paying appartments and life styles. Every trip I meet a guy whose nose is wide open. They describe how they have all these things in their luggage for their lady love. I bite my tongue every time.I was really surprised when I came to live here, by the ex pats I met from all over, who were smart guys, ran businesses, restaurants and had been here a while.

The surprising part was that ALL of them, without exception, as I got to know and hang with them, had problems with their local GFs, even the wives they had kids with. They were watched, stalked and even slept in different beds. Unrealistic demands to support extended family, and so on. It wasn't working out at all.

Because they saw I had apparently stable and happy relationships, and also was a good listener, they all complained about the same stuff, enough so that it wasn't just an exception.

To be honest, though a lot of this stuff was discussed over a beer, when they "managed to slip away" for a while! So there's that consideration.

Their problems were that 1. They were emotionally or sexually tied to these ladies. 2. They shared living space. 3. They had business relationships with them, and 4. (worst of all) they had kids with them. They were generally generous in nature, but took an unacceptable amount of demands and abuse in return. But couldn't break away, and always went back for more of the same. Either that or they finished up tied to their kids, while the mother is somewhere in SD. The kids are beautiful, of course, and I can see the attachment. Then the matter of financial support rears its ugly head! Are they supporting their kids, or the mother's new boyfriend?

I told them that my situation depended on remaining completely independent of emotion, and setting the ground rules early on. That is the difficult part and you must be prepared to walk, no matter how good the sex, and I have only found two women that understood that, one for 8 years, and one who is still with me. Initially, we had two major differences over her desire to "own" me, and I walked both times. I told her 3 strikes is my philosophy, and she believes me. She has no key to my place, and comes only by invitation, although on weekends I make an exception, and she has the run of the place.

I am generous, and help her with a little money in return, depending on my budget, enough to improve her life a little, although it's a gift, not an obligation.

I look forward to my weekends with her, and so do my friends. Matter of fact the old GF's family and friends have adopted her and approve of her, since the other one went off to NJ. She now actually visits them while I am away. She and her 2 main girl friends insist on cleaning my place from top to bottom before they leave.

But it's all about control, either you are, or she will be. After a while, everybody is comfortable with that understanding. It's much easier when you are older and can suppress the ego to be believe that you are god's gift to women! But some guys, being human, let their emotions, their egos, and their dicks, rule their lives. Needy and insecure means pussy whipped, and the locals can spot one a mile away!

It's not mongering, in the usual sense of the word, but I still get amazing access to other women in the relationship, and I don't kid myself, that it is anything other than pay for play! I remember what my first GF's aunt once said to me, when after asking me why didn't I marry her, after 8 years, and I quipped next year I may be dead, and what will happen to her then? Without hesitation she said, "That's ok, she'll love you till you die, then she'll just find somebody else!" Now THAT's a philosophy I can understand!

I've had 10 good years, so far, and this one has done more for my health and well being (with her attitude, and home cooking) than any woman I've ever had!

No complaints here!

09-22-18, 15:54
I had a buddy who married and brought his girl to ATl. She went from the barrios of the DR to ATL. She was home sick with in weeks of arriving She went back home and never returned. He paid big money to get his divorce. I am always surprised by the guys who are out of control in love with these girls. Bringing thousands of dollars in gifts and paying appartments and life styles. Every trip I meet a guy whose nose is wide open. They describe how they have all these things in their luggage for their lady love. I bite my tongue every time.That is not unique to women from the DR. More than one GI has brought home a bride from a foreign country who found themselves miserable in a new, strange environment. A foreign culture, everyone speaking a foreign language, not knowing how to do simple things that are easily done "back home. " It takes a toll. Depends on many factors. Can the girl communicate in English, drive a car, etc? Is there a Dominican community she can tap into, or is she completely isolated? One can imagine moving with a new wife to Taiwan, Korea, etc, and feeling cut off from family, friends, familiar food, etc. Some people can handle it, some can't. When there are local Dominican communities, ie, NJ, NY, etc, the girl can tap into a support group, make friends, get tips on the gringo life, etc.

I was in the military, and found that some families enjoyed being stationed in a foreign country, and others couldn't wait to return to the US. (And this is with the husband, wife, and kids together, with a complete American support system available to them). They couldn't or wouldn't try learning the language, mingling with locals, shopping, driving, public transport, etc.

09-22-18, 17:14
If I get serious with a Filipina and have her move in with me it will not be in close proximity to her moocher relatives.Smart, very smart decision. Don't ask me how I know, LOL.

09-22-18, 18:15
They will lose their domesticity and replace the traditional role of the woman as homemaker, child-rearer and husband-pleaser with the American role of women which is money-grubbing, ball-busting, lazy, good-for-nothing.I have a little trouble with that definition of "American women", in fact of all women. Whether in the DR or everywhere else I have visited, the mothers, despite their jobs (or lack of jobs) and other related pressure, manage to be the prime support for their children. Lazy? Raising children is a full time job and the "Western or Eastern" women do that every day in addition to their regular jobs. Many moons ago, my own mom, growing up in India, was a school teacher and she juggled two existences. I certainly would be nobody without her. I can also cite another present day example from my own personal life. Blaming women is a non-starter.

I would say this though: it was better (perhaps women would disagree) for women to be the home makers alone as the demands were a lot less compared to what a woman has to do today. Certainly, the mothers in the baby-boomer generation has had a modicum of comfort that their predecessors did not have. But, note this: long before women's emancipation, came WWII, and it is that demand that got the women move from home to factories and other places when the men were at war. Of course, you just could not put the genie back into the bottle once war was over.

09-23-18, 12:56
The infamous Blackbeards is under new management and has changed its name. It is now Oasis and has new owners. It wil be interesting tp see if it can survive in the hostile enviroment of anti puta efforts.

09-23-18, 14:26
The infamous Blackbeards is under new management and has changed its name. It is now Oasis and has new owners. It wil be interesting tp see if it can survive in the hostile enviroment of anti puta efforts.I was in the vicinity a couple months ago and dropped in to look around.

It looked like it was laid back, well run and a cool place to hang out! Definitely didn't look like it was on the way down!

If I wasn't connected down here, I could easily spend a few days there, with the great local beach and local cooking around the corner. Plus a couple of inviting bars on the beach, just around the bend!

Husker Dude
09-23-18, 14:30
The infamous Blackbeards is under new management and has changed its name. It is now Oasis and has new owners. It wil be interesting tp see if it can survive in the hostile enviroment of anti puta efforts.It's Field Of Dreams that changed to Oasis not BB. It changed about 3 months or so ago & Pedro is no longer involved with it.

09-23-18, 15:29
It's Field Of Dreams that changed to Oasis not BB. It changed about 3 months or so ago & Pedro is no longer involved with it.It sure wasn't Blackbeard's. I get their monthly newsletter and they plan on celebrating their 16th year in business. Compare that with the alternatives out there. FOD, going through yet another reincarnation, is in a precarious location. Its ideally located, across from the Playa Dorada resort complex, so guests at the resort can pop out for a quickie. At the same time, its location, back off the road, in a walled compound, struggles to avoid too much attention from local politicians. BB, located in a location that is too isolated for some, has been able to ward off the politicians eager to make a reputation, because it is not close to a tourism venue. Its walled complex shields the easily scandalized from the partying activities inside.

BB's has its occasional flaws, but makes a real effort to fix them. Its facilities are good quality for the most part. It was where I got introduced to the DR mongering scene, and I consider it the business standard for that type of establishment. For comfort and convenience, it is very good quality for the money. The fact that it is celebrating 16 years in business is undeniable testimony to that.

09-23-18, 17:00
The blogger Russell who lives and blogs in Sosua is having a fucntion there and reported that BB was now Oasis. He could be wrong but I doubt it.

It's Field Of Dreams that changed to Oasis not BB. It changed about 3 months or so ago & Pedro is no longer involved with it.

Mr Enternational
09-23-18, 17:48
The blogger Russell who lives and blogs in Sosua is having a fucntion there and reported that BB was now Oasis. He could be wrong but I doubt it.There should not even be a debate about this. Just take a look at the website that was found through google. The pictures here are of Field of Dreams, not Blackbeards.


And of course there is the posted address that says it is on the road between Puerto Plata and Sosua:
Carr. Puerto Plata - Sosua Km 6 1/2,
Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic

09-23-18, 20:19
There should not even be a debate about this. Just take a look at the website that was found through google. The pictures here are of Field of Dreams, not Blackbeards.
A lot of what is posted here must be taken with a pinch of salt as it appears to have been written with a pinch of snuff.

09-24-18, 00:17
BB's has its occasional flaws, but makes a real effort to fix them. Its facilities are good quality for the most part. It was where I got introduced to the DR mongering scene, and I consider it the business standard for that type of establishment. For comfort and convenience, it is very good quality for the money. The fact that it is celebrating 16 years in business is undeniable testimony to that.I saw the newsletter as well. Looks like things are alive and swinging there!

I too got my very first mongering cherry popped at BB's. I ended up hitting Sosua on the same trip, and immediately fell in love with her (Sosua) (circa 2008). Did not ever end up going back to Blackbeard's after that, but I have always steered newbie mongers to the place. Had I not gone to Sosua that first trip, I definitely would have continued going. Nothing bad to say about the place.

09-24-18, 01:23
The blogger Russell who lives and blogs in Sosua is having a fucntion there and reported that BB was now Oasis. He could be wrong but I doubt it.I don't post here anymore for this very reason and why people I know that are expats that live there that have valuable info don't bother either because of the complete and utter bad info of guys that are suppose to be insiders that have hijacked this forum with bad info. Making this mistake is inexcusable! How do you even make this mistake! If you are wrong you should ban yourself! I have literally seen you idiots post something is open because some "chicken man" and I am literally standing on Pedro looking at the closed business. I really wonder how often these so called "Know it all's" are down here!

To anybody researching these forums trying to gather new info take some of these regular posters with a grain of salt, they are probably sitting in NY and come down once a year. So sad this used to be one of the best forums on ISG years ago but a few guys have ruined it.

Rant over!

The Doker44.

D Cups
09-24-18, 14:47
I have a little trouble with that definition of "American women", in fact of all women. Whether in the DR or everywhere else I have visited, the mothers, despite their jobs (or lack of jobs) and other related pressure, manage to be the prime support for their children. Lazy? Raising children is a full time job and the "Western or Eastern" women do that every day in addition to their regular jobs. Many moons ago, my own mom, growing up in India, was a school teacher and she juggled two existences. I certainly would be nobody without her. I can also cite another present day example from my own personal life. Blaming women is a non-starter.

I would say this though: it was better (perhaps women would disagree) for women to be the home makers alone as the demands were a lot less compared to what a woman has to do today. Certainly, the mothers in the baby-boomer generation has had a modicum of comfort that their predecessors did not have. But, note this: long before women's emancipation, came WWII, and it is that demand that got the women move from home to factories and other places when the men were at war. Of course, you just could not put the genie back into the bottle once war was over.Hi T,

Yes, your mom and my mom are part of the generation where women are women and men are men. Yes, my mom worked, too, but it was always family and dad that took priority over her work. In subsequent generations women wanted to be like men so that's what we have now in America and other Western societies. It's the women's loss but it is also our loss because men of means like us now go elsewhere to find sexual satisfaction and perhaps marry a women who has kept the traditional (not the emergent) role of women. No wonder the nuclear family has been nuked. Remind's me of the old song whose title I cannot recall but main lyric is "I want a girl just like the girl who married dear old dad". I love these Dominicans (and Filipinas) who give of their love and bodies so freely for the price of two pizzas. The family and particularly the husband seem to remain a priority to them as opposed to their work and material things. Obviously for many foreign women sex IS their work and love is only an illusion but oh so grand!

09-24-18, 18:31
I don't post here anymore for this very reason and why people I know that are expats that live there that have valuable info don't bother either because of the complete and utter bad info of guys that are suppose to be insiders that have hijacked this forum with bad info. Making this mistake is inexcusable! How do you even make this mistake! If you are wrong you should ban yourself! I have literally seen you idiots post something is open because some "chicken man" and I am literally standing on Pedro looking at the closed business. I really wonder how often these so called "Know it all's" are down here!

To anybody researching these forums trying to gather new info take some of these regular posters with a grain of salt, they are probably sitting in NY and come down once a year. So sad this used to be one of the best forums on ISG years ago but a few guys have ruined it.

Rant over!

The Doker44.Relax, Doker!

Reliable Reports can come only from folks actually there. To be fair to OldKool, he did say he "could be wrong".

The rest are just opinions, and we all have differing opinions. But I agree, opinions on whether Rumba or Passions was open or closed went on for almost a year! Crazy stuff!

Take any third hand "intel" and "sources on the street" with a tall Presidente Grande.

09-25-18, 00:30
No wonder the nuclear family has been nuked. Remind's me of the old song whose title I cannot recall but main lyric is "I want a girl just like the girl who married dear old dad". I understand where you are coming from. As I was telling you, the nuclear family is no longer but that was through no fault of women. It was serendipitous. I married a white woman, and she is a successful professional in her own right and also raised two children, putting in enormous effort in the process called home. That our marriage collapsed is nobody's fault or everyone's fault and I take it as such.

Women of other places do not change my perspective. Yes, despite the fact that my mom worked and brought home money, she always demurred to my father which definitely is gone. Perhaps what hurts is the male ego (and it did, I can say this unabashedly) but no matter, I cannot see a woman daubed in the wrong color.

Fortunately, love is an illusion that does not obfuscate my vision any longer. Physical senses are what remain important and hopefully with a certain dose of tenderness, the reason why I refuse to pick a woman from the streets of Sosua (as do you) but need to know her a little better, as fortunately some places around the Globe afford us that opportunity. Now, would the women of such places entertain us, for two pizzas as you so eloquently stated, had they had similar opportunities?


09-25-18, 03:04
Hello all,

I was in the Sos for a couple of days and I must say it was nice. Fried fish on the beach, the locals and expats are friendly. If you tell someone no the genuinely listen; except this one old lady and the gum / candy sellers, my god were they relentless. But I want to discuss what I saw from a newbie point of view to the north coast. I want to say this with no malice as I am also black, but man, some of these black folks I saw would be the type that any club except the hood clubs; would not let in or near.

Why are you yelling and so loud? They sell belts for the cheap why not invest in one? Simple saying no or no gracias is acceptable. Not I don't want that shit or I'm good I don't want to go in your place. All was witnessed or saw on the main strip, the other issue I noticed was a bus full of brothers came to town at new gardens, that's all fine and dandy, but within 6 hours I see some of them walking in the street with there shirts off being ignorant like they run the town drunk, grabbing on the chicas, just being very load through actions that everyone can see. Discretion is and should be a major key to how you move in a foreign country.

Now this was where I literally was in disgust like. So Friday night at Classicos, I'm chillin enjoying a drink talking some nice ladies upstairs then all of a sudden I thought someone fell down; No, no one fell down it was Haitian guys jumping and crawling on the floor for pesos that some black guy was throwing from the vip section. He was having a blast seeing these Haitian cats knock over chairs and females to get pesos.

Now mind you no females whatsoever was in vip with them or around them just other black guys laughing and joining in on the embarrassing act of the locals. It was just a shame to be associated with these assholes in color. As I read and talked to some local expats they said the people like the foreign money but they are starting to not liking some of the foreigners.

It was a shame I noticed this on my first trip here so I am sure those who stay here or are frequent visitors see this more often than not and probably shake their head also. Being in my mid 30's it is easier to know who to not associate with and I used that within the first 20 minutes of walking the strip, the loud talker who you could hear from around the corner and the random English speaker who could offer you anything or want to show you around, thanks to this site I knew to stay away from these fools like the plaque.

09-25-18, 03:39
Summer closing times were 1 am Sunday to Wednesday, and 3 am Thursday to Saturday as far as I recall; now has the feast moved to closing times at midnight Sunday to Thursday and 2 am Friday and Saturday nights as has been recently reported?

09-25-18, 06:15


These guys are cheap and rude.

D Cups
09-25-18, 14:39
. Now, would the women of such places entertain us, for two pizzas as you so eloquently stated, had they had similar opportunities?

Peace!Probably not, my friend! Talk soon. Salud!

09-25-18, 20:28
I want to say this with no malice as I am also black, but man, some of these black folks I saw would be the type that any club except the hood clubs; would not let in or near.
Whoa! It takes cojones to speak of such stuff, I would think. The reason why these people can afford to do it, is because they move in packs and hence do not have to master the finesse or complexity of living in another land, short as the trip is. Besides, Sosua, at times, feels like NY or Chicago or Detroit. Even the local hangers around shout "yo". To me of course, the loss is of another kind: when I first visited the place in 2011, one could hear Bachata and similar Caribbean music, that told you a story of a different place. Nowadays, and I stopped going to the clubs, for this as well, the cacophony in there is what is known as "music" these days. Hardly any poetry and the beat is just about one, not to speak of "Ho and Hum", every second refrain. How I would love to hear a bit of Jazz!

Venting is over!

09-26-18, 06:41
It's been awhile since my last post, but look me up😂. I have never been to Sousa but it seems to have that Patts vibe. It's a much shorter plane trip here so am I way off by comparing it to Patts as far as pricing and protocol?. Had a trip booked to Cartagena but the latest post made that place seem like a bit of a hassle just to get ladies to your room! Plus all the issues currently with Venezuela.

What say you old wise mongers?


09-26-18, 15:44
It's been awhile since my last post, but look me up😂. I have never been to Sousa but it seems to have that Patts vibe. It's a much shorter plane trip here so am I way off by comparing it to Patts as far as pricing and protocol?. Had a trip booked to Cartagena but the latest post made that place seem like a bit of a hassle just to get ladies to your room! Plus all the issues currently with Venezuela.

What say you old wise mongers?

The.I'm old, but don't claim to be wise!

I'd tell you what I tell everybody before they go. Check out Sosua on YouTube, including "Sosua Nightlife".

If that appeals to you, you may come to love it like I do!

09-27-18, 01:40
It's been awhile since my last post, but look me up😂. I have never been to Sousa but it seems to have that Patts vibe. It's a much shorter plane trip here so am I way off by comparing it to Patts as far as pricing and protocol?. Had a trip booked to Cartagena but the latest post made that place seem like a bit of a hassle just to get ladies to your room! Plus all the issues currently with Venezuela.

What say you old wise mongers?

The.Maybe cheaper than Patts given the exchange rates; I think vibe is quite different; make your own decision if you want to show up during US Thanksgiving weekend or not because it may be busy as many folks plan on a weekend invasion. Cartagena in my opinion is absolutely boring compared to SOS and multiple companions in Carty at the same time may present an issue in some properties, so you have to take them to a love motel.

09-27-18, 06:23
I have been reading some information about Sosua lately and found that the closing time of the bars on Pedro Clisante has changed to midnight during the week and one in the morning on the weekends. Apparently, there has been some controversy about the type of activities in the area and this has been a consequence. It won't matter if you're not a late night kind of person, but it's something to keep in mind if you wait to find a partner until later in the night.

09-27-18, 21:00
I will be visiting Sosua for the first time, I have read many pages of this thread, but as mentioned here, and other forums, Sosua changed a lot, so info I have read, may not apply anymore. Is daytime game available at all at the beaches anymore? Also is Blackbeards still open, I read conflicting reports.

Now this is my most important question, are girls in Sosua bi friendly, as in do they play with other girls, I was in Colombia numerous times, and it seems most if not all did, but when I visited Havana, it was a hard no from most. I will be traveling with my girl who is into joining, so I wanted to know what I am headed into.

09-28-18, 01:46
I have been reading some information about Sosua lately and found that the closing time of the bars on Pedro Clisante has changed to midnight during the week and one in the morning on the weekends. Apparently, there has been some controversy about the type of activities in the area and this has been a consequence. It won't matter if you're not a late night kind of person, but it's something to keep in mind if you wait to find a partner until later in the night.Has it already been implemented? How the f. Will they open a disco with this schedule? Pussy parade in the past started each night at 11 pm and then moved to midnight. It's not going to work well.

09-28-18, 04:21
Has it already been implemented? How the f. Will they open a disco with this schedule? Pussy parade in the past started each night at 11 pm and then moved to midnight. It's not going to work well.From what I understand the earlier closing hours have already been implemented.

09-28-18, 06:53
The infamous Blackbeards is under new management and has changed its name. It is now Oasis and has new owners. It wil be interesting tp see if it can survive in the hostile enviroment of anti puta efforts.I wonder what dream world Old Kool was in on the hiway from the pop airport to puerto plata when on the left side he saw the Oasis ex FOD

09-28-18, 22:01
One of the bartenders, Migual, posted a video from 12:39 am and it showed the strip shut down. No people in the streets and all the clubs / bars shut down.

These were his comments:

"That is a shame and shame a tourist town in this situation a town that is not robbery a quiet town all we went to work in a town where many are already unemployed by this measure people who need to work for the sustenance of his family. ".

Mr Gogo
09-28-18, 22:42
I was there last weekend and Sunday to Thursday the bars close at midnight and Friday and Saturday at 2 am.

09-29-18, 00:03
I will be visiting Sosua for the first time, I have read many pages of this thread, but as mentioned here, and other forums, Sosua changed a lot, so info I have read, may not apply anymore. Is daytime game available at all at the beaches anymore? Also is Blackbeards still open, I read conflicting reports.

Now this is my most important question, are girls in Sosua bi friendly, as in do they play with other girls, I was in Colombia numerous times, and it seems most if not all did, but when I visited Havana, it was a hard no from most. I will be traveling with my girl who is into joining, so I wanted to know what I am headed into.There is some game available on the Main Beach during the afternoons, mostly on the weekends, if you are not in a hurry and have some time to chill there.

Blackbeards is still open.

And yes a lot of the putas that hang together will be happy to provide a "happy hour" experience, but don't expect them to go full blown at each other (they don't stop smiling!) The show is more about getting you off as quick as possible.

(As usual IMHO and YMMV).

09-29-18, 06:32
I was there last weekend and Sunday to Thursday the bars close at midnight and Friday and Saturday at 2 am.Thanks, I'm headed back in November; maybe things will change by then?

09-29-18, 10:04
Sousa babes are great on promises but rarely deliver alll that is promised. Most times there is very little action between the girls. I doubt most are ready for a true bi session. BB is known to provide legit bi service upon demand with certain girl who are open about their willingness. At the end of the day money talks many of these girls are deparate and will do almost anything for the dollars.

There is some game available on the Main Beach during the afternoons, mostly on the weekends, if you are not in a hurry and have some time to chill there.

Blackbeards is still open.

And yes a lot of the putas that hang together will be happy to provide a "happy hour" experience, but don't expect them to go full blown at each other (they don't stop smiling!) The show is more about getting you off as quick as possible.

(As usual IMHO and YMMV).

09-29-18, 16:02
I will be visiting Sosua for the first time, I have read many pages of this thread, but as mentioned here, and other forums, Sosua changed a lot, so info I have read, may not apply anymore. Is daytime game available at all at the beaches anymore? Also is Blackbeards still open, I read conflicting reports.

Now this is my most important question, are girls in Sosua bi friendly, as in do they play with other girls, I was in Colombia numerous times, and it seems most if not all did, but when I visited Havana, it was a hard no from most. I will be traveling with my girl who is into joining, so I wanted to know what I am headed into.This has been addressed from both Sosua. BB perspectives. Let me add my two cents. You can get a 'Happy Hour' with two straight girls attending to you, or two bi girls doing you and each other. With some searching, you can probably find a bi girl in Sosua, once that is done, she can direct you to others. This is the best course, since she will be more enthusiastic with a partner she knows / likes.

Frankly, this is easily done at BB. My very first experience there was with two chicas I met at the bar. It was the first day / first customer for one of them. They were straight, and focused on me, not each other. I can recall at least a half dozen more Happy Hours over time, but with straight chicas.

If you are intent on them doing each other, simply ask the "mama-san" at BB to point out the bi girls, and let your choice suggest a third (for reasons already stated). A friend of mine did so, and had a great time. The girls were very much "into" each other, and it made for a good time for all.

09-29-18, 17:30
There is some game available on the Main Beach during the afternoons, mostly on the weekends, if you are not in a hurry and have some time to chill there.

Blackbeards is still open.

And yes a lot of the putas that hang together will be happy to provide a "happy hour" experience, but don't expect them to go full blown at each other (they don't stop smiling!) The show is more about getting you off as quick as possible.

(As usual IMHO and YMMV).
This has been addressed from both Sosua. BB perspectives. Let me add my two cents. You can get a 'Happy Hour' with two straight girls attending to you, or two bi girls doing you and each other. With some searching, you can probably find a bi girl in Sosua, once that is done, she can direct you to others. This is the best course, since she will be more enthusiastic with a partner she knows / likes.

Frankly, this is easily done at BB. My very first experience there was with two chicas I met at the bar. It was the first day / first customer for one of them. They were straight, and focused on me, not each other. I can recall at least a half dozen more Happy Hours over time, but with straight chicas.

If you are intent on them doing each other, simply ask the "mama-san" at BB to point out the bi girls, and let your choice suggest a third (for reasons already stated). A friend of mine did so, and had a great time. The girls were very much "into" each other, and it made for a good time for all.Thanks it seems for now BB will be my best option. As for the beaches which is the spot for best day time action. I've been to cabarete once before for other reasons and there were a few beaches dotted along the coast. Half the time I wasn't sure if I was in Sosúa or cabarete.

09-29-18, 17:51
I will be visiting Sosua for the first time, I have read many pages of this thread, but as mentioned here, and other forums, Sosua changed a lot, so info I have read, may not apply anymore. Is daytime game available at all at the beaches anymore? Also is Blackbeards still open, I read conflicting reports.

Now this is my most important question, are girls in Sosua bi friendly, as in do they play with other girls, I was in Colombia numerous times, and it seems most if not all did, but when I visited Havana, it was a hard no from most. I will be traveling with my girl who is into joining, so I wanted to know what I am headed into.Here's a polite and friendly suggestion that will serve you well here on ISG: start writing trip reports. The vast majority of your posts here are on ISG are you asking for help, with only one very vague trip report written. You're getting help here in the Sosua forum now, so be sure to write a trip report when you return from Sosua. Be a "maker" and not just a "taker."

09-30-18, 00:10
Hello all,

I was in the Sos for a couple of days and I must say it was nice. Fried fish on the beach, the locals and expats are friendly. If you tell someone no the genuinely listen; except this one old lady and the gum / candy sellers, my god were they relentless. But I want to discuss what I saw from a newbie point of view to the north coast. I want to say this with no malice as I am also black, but man, some of these black folks I saw would be the type that any club except the hood clubs; would not let in or near.

.I agree with everything you said, its funny because I am from the Bronx and I can't stand 90% of the tourists that I see in Sosua. I thinks that's a major reason why I only go once a year, that and the fact that dumb asses are paying 150 bucks in a 43rd world country for sex and they are fucking it up for everyone else.

I still travel to Brazil a few times a yer because I know the idiots will not pay 1800 dollars for a plane ticket to travel 10 hours! I don't have to worry about seeing that ignorant ghetto ass behavior in Rio any longer. I remember asking a couple of brothas in Meia Pataca "Why are you walking around mean mugging people? Your in fucking paradise! What do you have to be mad about? Leave that stupid ghetto shit back in America, don't bring it down here!

09-30-18, 00:39
Here's a polite and friendly suggestion that will serve you well here on ISG: start writing trip reports. The vast majority of your posts here are on ISG are you asking for help, with only one very vague trip report written. You're getting help here in the Sosua forum now, so be sure to write a trip report when you return from Sosua. Be a "maker" and not just a "taker."Fair enough. Hopefully I will have much to report.

Mr Enternational
09-30-18, 01:10
I agree with everything you said, its funny because I am from the Bronx and I can't stand 90% of the tourists that I see in Sosua... Your in fucking paradise! What do you have to be mad about? Leave that stupid ghetto shit back in America, don't bring it down here!The irony of that is that the very women that everyone is running down to fuck are hood and ghetto. (Maybe it is not so quickly recognized when the "ghetto" is in another language.) So how could you possibly expect sophistication from their customers? Nobody is putting on a dinner jacket to go eat a Big Mac.

09-30-18, 15:03
The irony of that is that the very women that everyone is running down to fuck are hood and ghetto. (Maybe it is not so quickly recognized when the "ghetto" is in another language.) So how could you possibly expect sophistication from their customers? Nobody is putting on a dinner jacket to go eat a Big Mac.Undoubtedly the segment of females from the hoods or ghettos does exist in Sosua, but we are discussing what came first the chicken or egg. Did the girls from the hoods or ghettos predate the males from the hoods and ghettos arriving in Sosua or did the fact the men from the hoods and ghettos in the US draw the girls from the hoods and ghettos in the Dominican Republic? I grew up in the deep inner city and never understood the allure of acting ghetto. That type of behavior impacts the ability to succeed.

The flip side of the coin is that some of the females who must work in Sosua are simply from impoverished areas in the Dominican Republic. They have pictures of homes and families on their smart phones that show poverty but not the hood or ghetto. There is a vast difference between poor people and hood rats as you know. More than one Sosua girl has uttered remarks of refusing to service the ghetto types walking the streets of Sosua.

I'm uncertain about the comments regarding sophistication and not wearing a jacket to eat a Big Mac. I have mongered all over the world courtesy of the military and can tell you that some people act like hood rats even in the best places. Those folks seemingly lack the ability to act any other way. The irony is that most of those folks aren't the most successful and won't be because of the behaviors. For the most part, they won't be able to afford more expensive mongering destinations.

Since the Dominican Republic has started finger printing tourists upon arrival at airports, I have seen quite a few of the US tourists, especially from the New York / New Jersey area refused entry for various legal reasons. So perhaps some of the worst in the ghetto behaviors are not not eligible to visit.

09-30-18, 16:29
Undoubtedly the segment of females from the hoods or ghettos does exist in Sosua, but we are discussing what came first the chicken or egg......There are mongers here who forget that mongers and hoes are all part of the same industry, and in my book hooker, hoe, puta = john, mark. monger.

As a monger, I am part of it myself, but I don't need to put down sexual partners, or brag on some fake superiority shit to make myself feel better about it.

As a monger, I just enjoy it, and leave the moralizing to the churches.

To get the most out of a place like Sosua, I would suggest visitors judge only the level of service, and value for money, and let that other shit go.

If you don't like the locals, it's easy enough to stay the hell away from them!

As usual IMHO and YMMV!

09-30-18, 17:43
I grew up in the deep inner city and never understood the allure of acting ghetto. That type of behavior impacts the ability to succeed.Another interesting, reflective and thought-provoking post. Thoroughly enjoyed.

I guess there are some (and you know a good example as you read the paper each morning) that are died in the wool misogynists. They travel the world (thanks to the job) as Johns (forgetting of course that they are the yin of the yang, as Oakie here suggested, rightly) but look down upon the women and then there are others who apply a mind set, that is judicious and shows a respect, irrespective of gender, geography or color, like I see in this post of yours. Thank you.

09-30-18, 18:28
Sousa babes are great on promises but rarely deliver alll that is promised. Most times there is very little action between the girls. I doubt most are ready for a true bi session. BB is known to provide legit bi service upon demand with certain girl who are open about their willingness. At the end of the day money talks many of these girls are deparate and will do almost anything for the dollars.True enough, but I have a bi regular and we operate at the same speed! LOL.

She has a few GF's and of course one in particular, but we are happy warriors and we share everything, and no jealousy, although a couple of her friends prefer not to have her main squeeze around when we all get together. When it does happen, no problem, except they might leave a little early.

So there's a big difference between a puta "happy hour", and and sometimes joining in to a bi experience.

This sort of stuff, obviously, take time to develop, and since this is the first time I've experienced it in 10 years, or so, it may be a one off!

But, Sosua never ceases to surprise!

10-01-18, 15:03
There are mongers here who forget that mongers and hoes are all part of the same industry, and in my book hooker, hoe, puta = john, mark. monger.

As a monger, I am part of it myself, but I don't need to put down sexual partners, or brag on some fake superiority shit to make myself feel better about it.

As a monger, I just enjoy it, and leave the moralizing to the churches.

To get the most out of a place like Sosua, I would suggest visitors judge only the level of service, and value for money, and let that other shit go.

If you don't like the locals, it's easy enough to stay the hell away from them!

As usual IMHO and YMMV!Very true. Pretty rich reading about the derogatory names that mongers give to the women they go to for sex. As if SHE is a lowlife, and he is not.

10-01-18, 17:03
Very true. Pretty rich reading about the derogatory names that mongers give to the women they go to for sex. As if SHE is a lowlife, and he is not.It's funny really.

In a free market, it is the suppliers of goods and services that always have an edge. Whether it be drug dealers, McDonalds or Sosua putas, they prey on needy customers and finish up with the money.

Drug dealers aren't desperate, McDonalds aren't hungry, and the Sosua hookers don't go half way around the world to find their johns. They just sit on a bar stool or walk by the bar! I give them the edge.

That's why we call them "hookers"! :)

Mr Enternational
10-01-18, 17:44
Very true. Pretty rich reading about the derogatory names that mongers give to the women they go to for sex. As if SHE is a lowlife, and he is not.Precisely why my country is in the position it is in today. It is fine to say anything about men and they need to stand there and take it, but don't you dare say anything negative about a woman no matter how true it may be.

So it appears to be a convention that Sosua has been overrun by the ignorant, ghetto-acting rapper wanna be men from New York and New Jersey chasing the innocent, respectable Dominicana victims of poverty.

As far as I am concerned nobody is better than anyone else, but it seems others want to imagine that the almonds in their dressing don't have legs.

10-01-18, 20:27
We go vaction and think we are Brad Pitt. I see guys on the strip fat, out of shape, looking old and even smelling bad. These same guys expect hot girl to treat them like they are Brad Pitt. These girls are not that good at acting. If you do not bring your A gamee do not expect GFE. If you are happy with casas then then that is different game.

10-02-18, 00:20
.....The flip side of the coin is that some of the females who must work in Sosua are simply from impoverished areas in the Dominican Republic. They have pictures of homes and families on their smart phones that show poverty but not the hood or ghetto.....That goes for a lot of the young chicas that are occasional or weekend visitors to Sosua, who come in to make a little quick money.

They come in from the hills and the country where they are part of extended families. They are used to pitching in with the chores from a very early age. The family is very important to them. If you ever are invited to spend a weekend at the family house or farm, and I've been to quite a few, you'll find them pitching in with the washing and cooking and generally helping momma, even the very young ones who learn early, while you drink beer and coffee with the boys. They give money to their families, and buy clothes for Momma and younger siblings, who they rely on to take care of their babies when they have them. Their houses are clean, if simple, they cook all their own meals, and many go to church on Sunday. They don't do drugs. No ghetto!

It's this family connection that makes them responsible, resourceful, know how to put a good meal on the table, and not afraid of hard work. It's a world away from the city hookers you meet back home, or even the hard core regulars you'll see on the Sosua streets every day of the year. The ones who have service jobs in the restaurants typically live in the neighborhood towns, Abajo, La Union, Charamicos, with a family taking care of their kids. The first thing they'll show their friends are pictures of their kids. They are very proud of their kids.

When you get to know these people, you find you cannot tar them all with the same brush at the lowest common denominator, there are as many different levels of chicas, newbies, occasionals, part timers, weekenders, semi pro and full blown hard core street girls, as there are many different levels of mongers. We are not all the same, obviously! .

As a resident, you learn to be discerning and pick out the ones that you enjoy being with, and who enjoy being with you. That choice is available in Sosua, and the DR in general. You can quickly sort out the actresses! :)

Mr Gogo
10-02-18, 02:47
That goes for a lot of the young chicas that are occasional or weekend visitors to Sosua, who come in to make a little quick money.

They come in from the hills and the country where they are part of extended families. They are used to pitching in with the chores from a very early age. The family is very important to them. If you ever are invited to spend a weekend at the family house or farm, and I've been to quite a few, you'll find them pitching in with the washing and cooking and generally helping momma, even the very young ones who learn early, while you drink beer and coffee with the boys. They give money to their families, and buy clothes for Momma and younger siblings, who they rely on to take care of their babies when they have them. Their houses are clean, if simple, they cook all their own meals, and many go to church on Sunday. They don't do drugs. No ghetto!

It's this family connection that makes them responsible, resourceful, know how to put a good meal on the table, and not afraid of hard work. It's a world away from the city hookers you meet back home, or even the hard core regulars you'll see on the Sosua streets every day of the year.Great post Oakie, I was thinking about that yesterday. Going from tourist to expat living here I asked myself what's next. I realized I needed more value out of my relationships while living here. This required me to look a little deeper with my women. I quickly noticed that a few, especially the ones a little older (30-35) seemed to have more of an understanding and value in appreciating a good thing. A 20-25 yo girl who is just learning life and doing the young thing (fast money, drugs etc) is not worth my investment in time and money.

I see many expats who stay in tourist mode and can't escape the lure of easy cheap sex with gorgeous young women. They realize over time time that that they never experienced growth from the game and are still on the merry go round. You get what you give.

10-02-18, 02:51
Thanks, I'm headed back in November; maybe things will change by then?Thank for the info. Heading back in 3 weeks and what can you say? The high season is coming back and so it might loosen up. What if we all invaded Caberete? Ahh. Is the casino still there after they close down at midnight? Please advise.


10-02-18, 12:26
I hear a lot of complaining about music on here, but what that shows is you are out of touch and past your prime. Do you know one of the easiest ways to pull a hot chick is to be able to dance. A young hot chick wants to dress up and go to the club does not make her immature. In fact, it makes her normal. To me, what is immature is older dudes complaining about the music and knowing the real reason is you cannot put two steps together. Sorry to break the news last year hip hop surpassed rock and roll in downloads and streams. Hip hop culture us inviting to everyone. Trap dembow is the hottest music in the DR right now for young chicks. You do not know the song "taste with offset" and tyga or bad bunny your "out of touch". Chicks love an older dude that can dance, but most of you all just refuse to change with the times. I hate to tell you this, but young chicks naturally align with the hip hop culture. You might not like it, but that is the reality. So, either you change with the times or sit on the sidelines and complain like a sad out of touch man. Start practicing or sit and watch and complain. Kaviar on Sunday is popping with music in order: trap dembow, reggaeton, hip hop, bachata.

You want a hot chick to fit your style. Good luck. Better get realistic or get left behind keep complaining because young chicks not listening to you.

10-02-18, 14:41
I hear a lot of complaining about music on here, but what that shows is you are out of touch and past your prime. Do you know one of the easiest ways to pull a hot chick is to be able to dance. A young hot chick wants to dress up and go to the club does not make her immature. In fact, it makes her normal. To me, what is immature is older dudes complaining about the music and knowing the real reason is you cannot put two steps together. Sorry to break the news last year hip hop surpassed rock and roll in downloads and streams. Hip hop culture us inviting to everyone. Trap dembow is the hottest music in the DR right now for young chicks. You do not know the song "taste with offset" and tyga or bad bunny your "out of touch". Chicks love an older dude that can dance, but most of you all just refuse to change with the times. I hate to tell you this, but young chicks naturally align with the hip hop culture. You might not like it, but that is the reality. So, either you change with the times or sit on the sidelines and complain like a sad out of touch man. Start practicing or sit and watch and complain. Kaviar on Sunday is popping with music in order: trap dembow, reggaeton, hip hop, bachata.

You want a hot chick to fit your style. Good luck. Better get realistic or get left behind keep complaining because young chicks not listening to you.When I was young and cool, I never thought of going to places like Sosua to dance or get laid, I got all I could handle (and more) where I was!

I still don't see young guys going to Sosua to get laid, as "cool"!

I always wonder what their problem is back home.

Sosua caters to a culture where old guys, past their prime, like me, can still be part of the scene, dancing and partying with young and beautiful chicks. Even taking them home, afterwards!

The only time in years I danced back home was at weddings, and found it boring, just standing there waving my arms.

It is changing, like you say, as NA culture takes over the world, but old folks down here still bachata, salsa and meringue and don't feel out of place doing it. You can do this impromtu at many local bars without anybody batting an eye. The staff may even jump over the bar to dance with you!

And even the young ones haven't forgot how to dance the local steps.

To me there is nothing better than seeing a Dominican couple, young or old, do it the way it was meant to be done.

Dance music in the West was always a generational thing, but the DR had music that all could dance to, from the 2 year olds to the 90 year olds.

Sad to see that go, but hey, everything changes eventually.

10-02-18, 15:16
....I see many expats who stay in tourist mode and can't escape the lure of easy cheap sex with gorgeous young women. They realize over time time that that they never experienced growth from the game and are still on the merry go round. You get what you give.What's your problem with "easy cheap sex with gorgeous young women"??? Lol

As an ex pat, you maybe don't have a vacation budget any more, but basically, as you say, once you've been around the block a few times, you look for quality time.

To me that means having a woman that meets more than your sex needs, someone who knows the scene, is well connected, is respected by her peers, and can make things happen. Cooking and cleaning is a big plus! So is lifestyle, drinking at my pace, disliking overpriced restaurants, and getting to bed early, like I do.

In fact the biggest aphrodesiac to me is seeing her in the kitchen cooking good healthy local food, with a big proud smile on her face!

I'm happy here, and I owe a lot to your early advice, but if things turn sour, I'm going to blame Mr Gogo, Lol.

10-02-18, 18:31
Great post Oakie, I was thinking about that yesterday. Going from tourist to expat living here I asked myself what's next. I realized I needed more value out of my relationships while living here. This required me to look a little deeper with my women. I quickly noticed that a few, especially the ones a little older (30-35) seemed to have more of an understanding and value in appreciating a good thing. A 20-25 yo girl who is just learning life and doing the young thing (fast money, drugs etc) is not worth my investment in time and money.

I see many expats who stay in tourist mode and can't escape the lure of easy cheap sex with gorgeous young women. They realize over time time that that they never experienced growth from the game and are still on the merry go round. You get what you give.After being an expat for awhile, I have got to the point where I have observed how other expats operate and at the same time evolved into accepting and / or appreciateing other mens preferences in how they operate. Even if it doesn't jive with how I operate.

Take one guy I know that's 62 and on Social Security. He gets what you may describe as cheap sex from young women. But that is his preference. He is not interested in investing time and money in a relationship. Now just because he chooses to operate like that, that doesn't make how he operates a negative, nor does it mean he's never experienced growth from the game because he is assumed to be on a merry go round. He may have grown from a perspective that some never considered or knew existed.

Like in the states, when a man chooses to stay single and just screw multiple young women, he's not said to be in tourist mode for doing that? He's said to be exercising his options to remain single. Just because a man does the same thing in a foreign country, that doesn't mean he is in tourist mode. He's just exercising his options the same way. Enjoying variety.

IMO, there are many ways and reasons for how expats operate. For instance, I see expats like myself who used to place a lot of focus and attention towards women, has made getting with women more of a maintenance thing for physical reasons moreso than for emotional reasons. And as a result, men like this have less need or desire to form relationships. These men may be quite content and emotionally fulfilled. Unlike some expats that may need more from their interactions with women. Neither should judge the other simply because each has different needs or pursuits or lack thereof.

There are advantages for an expat not being in a relationship. One is being freer, without having to lie or sneak around, having a variety of women. Cheap sex, or long term regulars with no attachments. And that might work well for a man who is not looking for any long term emotional connection with women. The expat who is looking for something more meaningful with a woman, is doing so because he needs it. And it's done with the expectation that "his woman" is supposed to supply the sex along with everything else. And the general expectation that he aint supposed to be going outside of that relationship to get sex elsewhere. The reality is, sooner or later that man with the meaningful relationship is going to go outside of that relationship to get cheap sex with other women. And when he does, what does that make him? Does that mean he is in tourist mode? No. It just means he is doing the same thing other men are doing who have no need or desire to be in a relationship in the 1st place.

Another thing to take into consideration, is the fact that men may want different things at different times. So if an expat is seen playing the field getting cheap sex with young women, so be it. In his own time he may choose something different. Whatever and when he chooses is entirely up to him. If after some time he chooses to continue to play the field, he may have good reason for why that's the best option for himself. Same for the guy who values having a meaningful relationship. They may come a time when that man wants something different. Thats when he will change modes and operate like the detached guy. The point is. WHERE YOU STAND ON THE ISSUE DEPENDS ON WHERE YOU SIT!

I have met enough men who have been married and now divorced. Enough men that have never been married and highly value being single without taking on other peoples responsibilities. In fact, that is one main reason why enough expats choose not to have a relationship while living abroad. They just don't see the value of taking responsibility for other people and their families. Perhaps that's what they did back in the states, and now living abroad have no need to do that all over again.

Further, getting away from a place like the US, expats no longer have to live by rules placed on them by society. Which is exactly what enough expats bring with them to a foreign country. Enough expats have figured out that they don't have to live up to anybodies idealistic view of how a man is supposed to live his life or be concerned about being vilified for his choices. Men choose to live abroad to get away from all of that judgement and scrutiny. Not for it to be re-introduced in another form.

I think a good policy to have for any expat is to live their life the way they see fit. And others will do the same. Lastly, for enough expats, women are so plentiful and available in the DR, that they don't have to be a mans main pursuit and concern. The part of getting juice cheap or otherwise has been solved. The best thing about being an expat in the DR, is the ability to live a lifestyle that is healthy, affordable, laidback, free of the obligations and stress from ones own home country. Free to live comfortably without having to apologize for it or live up to the expectations of folks from where you come from. In other words, there may be a lot more an expat may be paying attention to that is just as important to him in the long run, than interacting with women for cheap sex or relationships.

D Cups
10-02-18, 19:06
men that have never been married and highly value being single without taking on other peoples responsibilities. In fact, that is one main reason why enough expats choose not to have a relationship while living abroad. They just don't see the value of taking responsibility for other people and their families. Perhaps that's what they did back in the states, and now living abroad have no need to do that. Enough expats have figured out that they don't have to live up to anybodies idealistic view of how a man is supposed to live his life or be concerned about being vilified for his choices. Men choose to live abroad to get away from all of that judgement and scrutiny. Not for it to be re-introduced in another form.

I think a good policy to have for any expat is to live their life the way they see fit. And others will do the same. Lastly, for enough expats, women are so plentiful and available in the DR, that they don't have to be a mans main pursuit and concern. The part of getting juice cheap or otherwise has been solved. The best thing about being an expat in the DR, is the ability to live a lifestyle that is healthy, affordable, laidback, free of the obligations and stress from ones own home country. Free to live comfortably without having to apologize for it or live up to the expectations of folks from where you come from. In other words, there may be a lot more an expat may be paying attention to that is just as important to him in the long run, than interacting with women for cheap sex or relationships.Hello WRX,

The first statement fits me to a tee. I plan on retiring in Philippines in 2002 - 3. Maybe have a live-in there / maybe not. But I still want to come to DR at least once a year to enjoy the busty young beauties there. At least that's my plan for now. I have no desire to retire in California where I live. Too damned expensive. Florida? I dunno. If I'm going to suffer in the heat and hurricanes there I might as well go to the tropics and live out my years in the upper class surrounded by young honeys. Cheers.

Mr Gogo
10-02-18, 19:38
Your summary was on point.

I think a good policy to have for any expat is to live their life the way they see fit. And others will do the same. Lastly, for enough expats, women are so plentiful and available in the DR, that they don't have to be a mans main pursuit and concern. The part of getting juice cheap or otherwise has been solved. The best thing about being an expat in the DR, is the ability to live a lifestyle that is healthy, affordable, laid back, free of the obligations and stress from ones own home country. Free to live comfortably without having to apologize for it or live up to the expectations of folks from where you come from. In other words, there may be a lot more an expat may be paying attention to that is just as important to him in the long run, than interacting with women for cheap sex or relationships."

I love that last sentence.

Basically I was letting Oakie know how I appreciate his development and I'm on the same page. No need to over analyze this. If an expat is happy banging cheap girls only it has no effect on me. Comparing how we operate in the States to how we operate here never plays into my thinking here. If a person changes his mind later never plays into how we feel now etc. To each his own, and you are correct mostly.

D Cups
10-03-18, 14:42
I plan on retiring in Philippines in 2002 - 3.Correction: 2022- 3. Cheers.

10-03-18, 17:33
Yes, yes, I posted on the Cabarete thread as well.

Can anyone provide a review of this place, quality of food / drink, etc?


10-04-18, 09:11
Hello WRX,

The first statement fits me to a tee. I plan on retiring in Philippines in 2002 - 3. Maybe have a live-in there / maybe not. But I still want to come to DR at least once a year to enjoy the busty young beauties there. At least that's my plan for now. I have no desire to retire in California where I live. Too damned expensive. Florida? I dunno. If I'm going to suffer in the heat and hurricanes there I might as well go to the tropics and live out my years in the upper class surrounded by young honeys. Cheers.You have the Burger King plan. You are going to build that Whopper of a retirement / lifestyle, and HAVE IT YOUR WAY.

Correction: 2022- 3. Cheers.Yes, I knew what you meant.

10-04-18, 10:08
Your summary was on point.

I think a good policy to have for any expat is to live their life the way they see fit. And others will do the same. Lastly, for enough expats, women are so plentiful and available in the DR, that they don't have to be a mans main pursuit and concern. The part of getting juice cheap or otherwise has been solved. The best thing about being an expat in the DR, is the ability to live a lifestyle that is healthy, affordable, laid back, free of the obligations and stress from ones own home country. Free to live comfortably without having to apologize for it or live up to the expectations of folks from where you come from. In other words, there may be a lot more an expat may be paying attention to that is just as important to him in the long run, than interacting with women for cheap sex or relationships."

I love that last sentence.

Basically I was letting Oakie know how I appreciate his development and I'm on the same page. No need to over analyze this. If an expat is happy banging cheap girls only it has no effect on me. Comparing how we operate in the States to how we operate here never plays into my thinking here. If a person changes his mind later never plays into how we feel now etc. To each his own, and you are correct mostly.Just got to be careful in assigning other expats actions and behaviors, from our own perspective and not theirs. Because ours might not be accurate or complete. And I'm referring to the part where you said you see many expats that "cant escape the lure of cheap sex with gorgeous young women, and that they realize over time that they never experienced growth from the game and are still on the merry go round. You get what you give.

The point / points I was making was, that we all need to be careful when making assessments of others motivation and state of growth or lack thereof. Why? Because one may have it all wrong. And more importantly, one may change modes himself, to get back on the merry go round, going after cheap sex. Would anyone want to accept that their choice to do that is simply because they never experienced growth or because they couldn't escape the lure of cheap sex? Of course not. They may want their exact reasons to be considered and understood. After all, its not a question of if a man will revert back to the familiar, it's more about when.

You do acknowledge the part about "To each his own". That every man has a choice to live his life the way he sees fit. You got that and respect that. But to go one step further is for all of us to try to understand that making assessments of others that may not be true / applicable or incomplete is not a good practice. Were all entitled to our own opinion about others and what we see, but our opinions dont necessarily mean they are the facts for others.

For instance, I believe its bad practice, for the detached men not looking for a meaningful bond (with women) to go around assessing that guys that do can't escape being a Cap and Saver / H, and are still attached to the Matrix mindset from where they come from. Yeah, I may acknowledge that every man has a choice, etc etc etc. But if my assessment is wrong and / or incomplete, about why they do what they do, then I don't really fully grasp / understand their choice. Because I assigned to them what I think their reasons / choices are, not understood it from their perspective. My opinion may not jive with the facts. Thats it in a nutshell.

10-04-18, 14:41
Just got to be careful in assigning other expats actions and behaviors, from our own perspective and not theirs. Because ours might not be accurate or complete. And I'm referring to the part where you said you see many expats that "cant escape the lure of cheap sex with gorgeous young women, and that they realize over time that they never experienced growth from the game and are still on the merry go round. You get what you give.

The point / points I was making was, that we all need to be careful when making assessments of others motivation and state of growth or lack thereof. Why? Because one may have it all wrong. And more importantly, one may change modes himself, to get back on the merry go round, going after cheap sex. Would anyone want to accept that their choice to do that is simply because they never experienced growth or because they couldn't escape the lure of cheap sex? Of course not. They may want their exact reasons to be considered and understood. After all, its not a question of if a man will revert back to the familiar, it's more about when.

You do acknowledge the part about "To each his own". That every man has a choice to live his life the way he sees fit. You got that and respect that. But to go one step further is for all of us to try to understand that making assessments of others that may not be true / applicable or incomplete is not a good practice. Were all entitled to our own opinion about others and what we see, but our opinions dont necessarily mean they are the facts for others.

For instance, I believe its bad practice, for the detached men not looking for a meaningful bond (with women) to go around assessing that guys that do can't escape being a Cap and Saver / H, and are still attached to the Matrix mindset from where they come from. Yeah, I may acknowledge that every man has a choice, etc etc etc. But if my assessment is wrong and / or incomplete, about why they do what they do, then I don't really fully grasp / understand their choice. Because I assigned to them what I think their reasons / choices are, not understood it from their perspective. My opinion may not jive with the facts. Thats it in a nutshell.Actually, to put it in a nutshell, you could just have said Different strokes for different folks.

10-04-18, 14:58
Actually, to put it in a nutshell, you could just have said Different strokes for different folks.Bang on Frannie!

These regular long drawn out analyses become circulatory, not to mention boring, after a while.

It's all been said before, and can be reduced to a couple of concepts:

To each his own.

One size doesn't fit all.

Live and let live.

Don't be judgmental.

Oh, and just tell us your own first hand experiences!

We will decide whether it works for our own needs and our own budgets!

Mr Enternational
10-04-18, 16:20
The point / points I was making was, that we all need to be careful when making assessments of others motivation and state of growth or lack thereof. Why? Because one may have it all wrong. And more importantly, one may change modes himself, to get back on the merry go round, going after cheap sex. Would anyone want to accept that their choice to do that is simply because they never experienced growth or because they couldn't escape the lure of cheap sex? Of course not. They may want their exact reasons to be considered and understood. After all, its not a question of if a man will revert back to the familiar, it's more about when.This reminds me of a guy I know. He lived in DR for 7 years then moved to the Philippines. He made 3 videos totalling about an hour telling guys to only mess with Dominican chicks with the mindset of P4P. He said they are nothing more than that.

It was really shocking that he could live there 7 years and think of all Dominican chicks as only hookers and that they should be treated as such. Everyone argued with him but he stuck to what he was saying. Two weeks later he left everyone scratching their heads when he MARRIED a known Filipina hooker; I mean the chick is actually employed at a hooker bar. If there ever was a case of do as I say, not as I do (or reverting back), then this was it. Word was that some Dominican hooker broke his heart so he now has a vendetta against Dominican women period.

10-06-18, 17:29
I'm heading to Sosua in a month. Getting excited about my upcoming trip and been reading the forum. Thanks to all the posters. I'm heading down solo for 10 days, staying at Casa Valeria. I plan to bring my golf clubs. Is the course at Playa Dorada OK? I'm hoping to hear that it is, because I'd like to play a few rounds. From what I've read- not a good idea for me to rent a car for the week. I think I'll get a driver to take me there and back. Anyone have any experiences they can share? I'll be there from 11/2 to 11/11. Anyone want to golf? Thanks.

10-08-18, 04:18
I have a friend on the ground in Sosua. He is multi time visitor. He is currently on the ground having a good time. My buddy always rents a car. He picked up a friend at the airport at about 8 pm. On the way back to Sousua he was pulled over my the policia. They demanded to see their car first aid kit and fire extinguer. Apparently the is now a requirement for DR vehicles They requested that my friend follow them to La Vega police station. The girl in the car acted as translator and took pictures of their police bikes. After 30 minutes and a 20 dollar bribe they were allowed to go. If you are driving be aware of the potential scam.

Mr Enternational
10-08-18, 04:28
On the way back to Sousua he was pulled over my the policia. They demanded to see their car first aid kit and fire extinguer. Apparently the is now a requirement for DR vehicles They requested that my friend follow them to La Vega police station. The girl in the car acted as translator Tell your friend that the first rule is not to have anyone translating for him. If the police don't understand him or he does not understand them then it is their problem. They will get frustrated and finally send him on his way.

Second, he needs to learn the Spanish word for embassy. I have been pulled over at least 25 times over the years and have never given them 1 peso. Like I said before, they see the sticker from the rental car agency and pull you over to scare you. Don't fall for that shit.

10-08-18, 13:52
I have a friend on the ground in Sosua. He is multi time visitor. He is currently on the ground having a good time. My buddy always rents a car. He picked up a friend at the airport at about 8 pm. On the way back to Sousua he was pulled over my the policia. They demanded to see their car first aid kit and fire extinguer. Apparently the is now a requirement for DR vehicles They requested that my friend follow them to La Vega police station. The girl in the car acted as translator and took pictures of their police bikes. After 30 minutes and a 20 dollar bribe they were allowed to go. If you are driving be aware of the potential scam.Everybody should be aware of that common scam. The other part of that is some moto guy claiming injury at an intersection bringing cops on the scene, with all that entails.

To me, in a third world country, risk aversion is important. I never rented a car there in 10 years, but once living here, I was tempted by the potential convenience. I found it is not necessary, first I live roughly in the middle of where I want to be most of the time, cheap short hop public transport is usually available, and with the rental / car purchase money I save, I can get a local driver to take me anywhere and, just as importantly, pick me up.

Add a regular GFE (translator LOL) and she always knows somebody who can get a car cheap at short notice for extended trips anywhere on the island. I'm always in cars, but you'll rarely find me in taxi. I get to Constambar, the other side of PP all the time in a "taxi" for DR1000, when the regular taxi fare from Sosua is $50+ U.S.

My 2 cents!

10-08-18, 17:25
I do not fuc with people with guns or badges. I have never been stopped by police in 8 years for anything. Catch one of these guys on a bad day and you can be in a world of hurt. Some of these guys make up their own rules. Combine this with their drinking things can go south. My friend left 20 dollars light and half an hour of his time. While you are a legend in your own mind I would not walk your path pimp daddy. Fighting with police is a losing battle.

Tell your friend that the first rule is not to have anyone translating for him. If the police don't understand him or he does not understand them then it is their problem. They will get frustrated and finally send him on his way.

Second, he needs to learn the Spanish word for embassy. I have been pulled over at least 25 times over the years and have never given them 1 peso. Like I said before, they see the sticker from the rental car agency and pull you over to scare you. Don't fall for that shit.

10-08-18, 17:49
I do not fuc with people with guns or badges. I have never been stopped by police in 8 years for anything. Catch one of these guys on a bad day and you can be in a world of hurt. Some of these guys make up their own rules. Combine this with their drinking things can go south. My friend left 20 dollars light and half an hour of his time. While you are a legend in your own mind I would not walk your path pimp daddy. Fighting with police is a losing battle.To each his own, OldK.

Just about all the ex pats I know down here drive. Especially the ones that have businesses here. They treat the local cops like parking ticket meter maids and they all know each other. A little propina is expected and exchanged and all is well! They might even look after your ass, down the road. It's just a game.

They are always complaining about repair shop and rental agency scams, but they are in their business mode, so they accept all this stuff that we have to back home.

You a vacationer and me a retiree avoid a lot of the normal routine stuff we have left behind, so we just listen to their stories and smile!

I can't complain too much because they do give me a lot of free rides to Cab, PP or the airport! A good friend, a younger guy, seems to enjoy the game, and when he's had a few beers, a night in the local slammer is no big deal!

Different strokes!

10-08-18, 17:54
I do not fuc with people with guns or badges. I have never been stopped by police in 8 years for anything. Catch one of these guys on a bad day and you can be in a world of hurt. Some of these guys make up their own rules. Combine this with their drinking things can go south. My friend left 20 dollars light and half an hour of his time. While you are a legend in your own mind I would not walk your path pimp daddy. Fighting with police is a losing battle.If you own or rent a car here the best 50 bucks you could ever spend is on a dash cam, it will save your ass in an accident and when you get pulled over for a money grab just wait until the cop approaches the window and then point the dash cam in his direction, it is important that he sees you moving the cam in his direction, he will beat feet immediately every time.

10-08-18, 17:59
If you own or rent a car here the best 50 bucks you could ever spend is on a dash cam, it will save your ass in an accident and when you get pulled over for a money grab just wait until the cop approaches the window and then point the dash cam in his direction, it is important that he sees you moving the cam in his direction, he will beat feet immediately every time.Also, NEVER ever speak even a single word of spanish to a cop that has pulled you over for no reason, not even a "hola". Between the dash cam and not speaking spanish you will be on your way in no time.

Mr Enternational
10-08-18, 18:47
I do not fuc with people with guns or badges. I have never been stopped by police in 8 years for anything. Catch one of these guys on a bad day and you can be in a world of hurt. Some of these guys make up their own rules. Combine this with their drinking things can go south. My friend left 20 dollars light and half an hour of his time. While you are a legend in your own mind I would not walk your path pimp daddy. Fighting with police is a losing battle.And how is it fucking with someone by not speaking a language that you don't speak and not paying for a crime that you did not commit? But I understand that some have no problem rolling over and being ripped off by the police, girls, or whoever else comes a knocking.

Speaking of a language that you do not speak, a buddy that used to live in Sosua told me a story of a guy from England that came down. He met this chick and was very happy with her. So happy that he left his wife and kids back home high and dry and moved to DR.

He planned on marrying the chick that he had met. For some reason he could not get a bank account on his own, so he had to get one with her. He deposited all his money into it. This guy had it made. They bought a nice house together. The girl's cousin drove him everywhere he needed to go.

Finally came the day of the big wedding. Mr. England, not knowing Spanish, signed on the witness line while the "cousin" signed on the groom line. It was his turn to be left high and dry.

10-09-18, 20:55
........Just about all the ex pats I know down here drive. Especially the ones that have businesses here. They treat the local cops like parking ticket meter maids and they all know each other. A little propina is expected and exchanged and all is well! They might even look after your ass, down the road. It's just a game........................Does anyone know of any gringo who was arrested for trying to bribe a cop in the DR?

D Cups
10-09-18, 23:22
Finally came the day of the big wedding. Mr. England, not knowing Spanish, signed on the witness line while the "cousin" signed on the groom line. It was his turn to be left high and dry.Catastrophic. Buyer beware. I just don't have the confidence to confront cops from anywhere including USA, tho. I try to ignore Dominican policia and say no hablo espanol.

10-10-18, 00:27
Does anyone know of any gringo who was arrested for trying to bribe a cop in the DR?I would imagine it would depend on the severity of the crime he was alleged to have committed, but no.

For minor traffic stops and "he said, she said" stuff, a propina (they don't call it a bribe) is always welcome, it's part of the culture, and not strictly policed, from their point of view.

Twice, over the years, I was asked by a customs agent, if I had brought him a regalo, as he looked at my passport. Anywhere else in a normal country a complaint like that, would have his ass hauled off the job!

Purple Porkchop
10-11-18, 14:35
Haven't been in the DR for 8 years. Can't believe how things appear to have changed. Used to be bare back or condom; now its drive or not to drive. After reading all this "news" about driving I would only take taxis--intercity taxis were a good deal and I assume still are!

Bottom line: the cops have really fucked up the fun.

One of our last trips a budy had an accident with a Hatian moto taxi, didn't pay a cop, 4,000 pasos later he was out of JAIL.

All these posts paint a black picture.

P Chop.

10-11-18, 16:07
Haven't been in the DR for 8 years. Can't believe how things appear to have changed. Used to be bare back or condom; now its drive or not to drive. After reading all this "news" about driving I would only take taxis--intercity taxis were a good deal and I assume still are!

Bottom line: the cops have really fucked up the fun.

One of our last trips a budy had an accident with a Hatian moto taxi, didn't pay a cop, 4,000 pasos later he was out of JAIL.

All these posts paint a black picture.

P Chop.In a dirt poor country, a tourist (all considered rich) should be aware of his attitude, blend in, and don't rock the boat.

No sense in trying to fight the system.

In 10 years, I personally never had a problem with cops, in fact I get a wave from Cestur, who do a good job protecting well behaved tourists. A town where they appreciate the tourist money!

I'm comfortable enough to drive down here, but (especially for this old guy) I personally find it expensive and inconvenient when there are so many other options. So I avoid the reported confrontations with cops.

Compared to home, it's a laid back existence. No hate, no terrorism, no civil unrest, no drive by shootings, low crime, except for the petty stuff.

Highly recommended!


Brother P
10-11-18, 17:41
Spent the first week of Oct in the sue! Had a good time overall. Ran into a newbie from Santo Domingo and did her three days in a row, plus a regular or two. Lots of bartenders flirting. Might have to put one on the team eventually. Chica selection was down in my opinion, but definitely adequate. Prices are up with 2500 pretty much the norm. Lots of chica trying for condom BJ if they don't know you, I hate that. All in all still a great destination and affordable. We'll see what changes come next! Peace!

10-14-18, 19:35
I was paying 1500 during early evening until 9 pm for short time. 2000 for short time later and Club 59/ Classico.

Hours for Club 59/ Classico are 10 pm to midnight Sunday to Thursday. 10 pm to 3 am on Friday and Saturday. Also the bars follow the same hours as to closing hours. Some girls for Club 59 will hang out in the bar below at 10 pm. Plus you can see if people are going upstairs. Some days you do not see anybody go upstairs until 10:30.

Also almost every girl ask for condom. Did not try arguing. I always cover up.

Charles Pooter
10-15-18, 14:04
"Just the facts, ma'am. " Solid info, no pontificating.

Incidentally, Jack Webb never actually said those words anymore than Bogey said "Play it again, Sam".

10-15-18, 14:34
"Just the facts, ma'am. " Solid info, no pontificating.

Incidentally, Jack Webb never actually said those words anymore than Bogey said "Play it again, Sam".And no digressing into Hollywood Movie lore! :)

10-15-18, 15:33
Also almost every girl ask for condom. Did not try arguing. I always cover up.That's not surprising. If a Chica did not ask me for a condom and wanted penetration is what would alarm me.

Brother P
10-15-18, 16:42
That's not surprising. If a Chica did not ask me for a condom and wanted penetration is what would alarm me.Yes, if a chica offered sexo sin condom you'd be wise to avoid her. But since my first trip in 2011 BBBJ was a given in sosua. Now Chicas are making covered bjs the norm, unless you know her or she really likes you.

10-15-18, 20:21
I had a chick last visit, she started the day off with a rain coat and by the end of the night it was off for the BJ. YMMV I think is pretty common around the world, and a chick that likes you more you will always get more back from.

Also I drove all over DR last trip, not a problem. I would never be scared to drive there again. I had some chick tried to take me to the cops for not paying years ago, I walked all the way to the police station with her and the street cop until within 100 yards she gave up and I went my own way. I still have a full beer in my hand so I was just enjoying the show. I outlasted her. Also I didn't pay because she didn't follow through with our agreement, not just to be a cheap bastard.

Chris H
10-16-18, 07:52
I was paying 1500 during early evening until 9 pm for short time. 2000 for short time later and Club 59/ Classico.

Hours for Club 59/ Classico are 10 pm to midnight Sunday to Thursday. 10 pm to 3 am on Friday and Saturday. Also the bars follow the same hours as to closing hours. Some girls for Club 59 will hang out in the bar below at 10 pm. Plus you can see if people are going upstairs. Some days you do not see anybody go upstairs until 10:30.

Also almost every girl ask for condom. Did not try arguing. I always cover up.I was just in Clasico 2 weeks ago, on a Thursday, and it was open until 1 am that night. Your price range is correct overall, but you can pull the chicas for 1500 pesos, even late into the evening, when the club closes.

10-17-18, 12:40
Girls in Sosua were asking 2000 for short time, but I always bargained the price down to 1000. Service was god but it is crazy how openly these girls use white powder. They even snored it in the room! Yuck!

10-17-18, 18:30
Girls in Sosua were asking 2000 for short time, but I always bargained the price down to 1000. Service was god but it is crazy how openly these girls use white powder. They even snored it in the room! Yuck!Maybe you should screen your chica's and set some rules first before you bring them in. I personally do not like that kind of thing because it can go south at any time. Girls will be girls and they like their tootski rootski from time to time, some of them anyway. Be careful and remember an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Glad to hear that the session was good. I'll be there next week to partake of the frivolities.


10-17-18, 19:22
Girls in Sosua were asking 2000 for short time, but I always bargained the price down to 1000. Service was god but it is crazy how openly these girls use white powder. They even snored it in the room! Yuck!Wow I just realize I'm about 4 to 5 years deep in the Sue and I can't recall having a Chica for 1000 pesos. Only witnessed 2 out of hundreds request or perform white horse (powder) riding.

Mr Enternational
10-17-18, 21:02
Girls in Sosua were asking 2000 for short time, but I always bargained the price down to 1000. Service was god but it is crazy how openly these girls use white powder. They even snored it in the room! Yuck!I take it you have never been to Colombia.

10-19-18, 00:49
I have banged over 100 girls in the DR most in Sosua. I have not seen any coke in my travels. I smoke a little weed every now and then. For the longest time most chicas would not even indulge in weed. This could be that the type of girls I go after are somewhat non hard core.

Wow I just realize I'm about 4 to 5 years deep in the Sue and I can't recall having a Chica for 1000 pesos. Only witnessed 2 out of hundreds request or perform white horse (powder) riding.

10-19-18, 10:03
I have banged over 100 girls in the DR most in Sosua. I have not seen any coke in my travels. I smoke a little weed every now and then. For the longest time most chicas would not even indulge in weed. This could be that the type of girls I go after are somewhat non hard core.Likewise in my ten years or so, I have banged dozens, and never seen coke, or any mention of it.

It is an expensive habit, and a probable hard core user is easy to spot and avoid. They don't fit in with most of the working girls, anyway.

I hang with a lot of local chicas, and even weed is not a public thing. Their drink of choice is a shared Presidential Grande, with an occasional shot of tequila or mamajuana, to get in the party mode. I've occasionally offered to buy them a Hennessy, but almost always they turn it down!

But like in any city, some guys are more drawn to that lifestyle than others, and could account for a lot of the complaints about puta rip offs and drama queens.

A newbie with his normal radar on, can easily avoid them and the trouble associated with them.


10-19-18, 15:37
For over 4 decades I have hobbied all over Latin America including the Dominican Republic, Colombia, El Salvador, Brazil, etc. and never had a girl use the white powder in my room, not even weed. They never even requested or attempted to do it.

10-19-18, 17:58
For over 4 decades I have hobbied all over Latin America including the Dominican Republic, Colombia, El Salvador, Brazil, etc. and never had a girl use the white powder in my room, not even weed. They never even requested or attempted to do it.That would be me too. I have had chicas ask up front if I partake and the answer is no. That seems to be a European thing more than American. A little smoke is okay and that seems to be the norm for most of the Brothers. Girls probably would rather have you on the "girl" because your tool will not function and she gets off with very little action I have been told. It is better to just to say "no" and avoid that chica. No sense in taking that kind of a chance. Two things to definitely avoid, drugs and minors!


10-20-18, 05:59
When I mention that the girls were asking for condom. I mean when fucking. I was given three blow jobs out of the 12 girls. I don't ask. I would rather not have a bad blow job. If the girl gives a good blow jobs she will do it without me asking. But all of the blow job was no condom.

10-20-18, 08:16
Headed to Sosua from Puerto Plata to after getting some cigars, Presidente and exchange. Got to Sosua Beach and relaxed a bit drinking a Cuba Libre. A few chicas on the stroll giving that look. Some sitting nearby. I meet Camila who is sitting with here friend. We chit chat and exchange info for WhatsApp. Prices seem to be on the rise. The usual vendors are out with their sales pitch. Finish up my drink and continued to walk down. Got some more numbers for my database and walked thru the adjacent barrio. Got back to Pedro Clisante and went to Bar Central for a drink. Sat next to Sol and her friend. Damn! Sol has a nice ass! Wearing black specs. Introduced myself and she had a big smile on her face. She made some small talk. Another GPS. LOL. Got her number for more possible negotiations later. Enjoyed my Presidente and the scene. In the corner of my eyes I see a nice fat ass on a dark chocolate chica. Damn! She said her name was Micaela and she was thick. She had a good attitude. Got her number too. After my beer I walked down Pedro Clisante checking out the chicas. Some nice ones out. Seen Kandela on the move and got her attention. Nice body and smile. Had a good conversation and decided to head to Hotel Central. Negotiations went well. Got a room for 400 pesos. Room wasn't bad. Nice size with bathroom and shower. Good for fucking and not using your main room. She was very responsive, vocal and passionate. Spent about an hour with her in the room. Everything was good. Afterwards we cleaned up, exchanged info and parted ways. I headed back down to the beach for some more recon.

10-20-18, 14:03
Girls in Sosua were asking 2000 for short time, but I always bargained the price down to 1000. Service was god but it is crazy how openly these girls use white powder. They even snored it in the room! Yuck!That number is low, but at the same time sosua was packed just came back. However, chicks looked terrible and anyone saying sosua is full of hot chicks might be on powder. No hot chicks I am picky and there has been a huge drop off. Clubs in Puerto Plata packed with hot chicks and to be honest why would a hot chick accept 1000 to 1500 pesos. They do not have too money in the hot clubs in the big cities and baseball players back in town. I know a lot of you are not club people, but that is where the hot chicks are and most dudes not comfortable pulling in that environment, but that is where they are.

10-20-18, 15:20
That number is low, but at the same time sosua was packed just came back. However, chicks looked terrible and anyone saying sosua is full of hot chicks might be on powder. No hot chicks I am picky and there has been a huge drop off. Clubs in Puerto Plata packed with hot chicks and to be honest why would a hot chick accept 1000 to 1500 pesos. They do not have too money in the hot clubs in the big cities and baseball players back in town. I know a lot of you are not club people, but that is where the hot chicks are and most dudes not comfortable pulling in that environment, but that is where they are.And where do you think those so-called hot chicks come from, before they get inked, pierced, dyed and weaved, graduate to Classico VIP bottle service at 2 am, drinking only champagne and Hennessy? LOL.

Stuffing their ample bodies into tight disco wear that often falls apart when you get them back to your room?

You don't need to go to clubs in the DR to find those "hot" chicks, you can find them anywhere in any city, if you're into the club "scene"!

I like the attitude of the local guys with no money, who, when I asked why they don't get hostile to tourists who bang their women, like they do in certain other countries.

The explanation offered to me with a smile, is that they already fucked them when they were young, so you get the leftovers. The average motoconcho driver gets first choice at the natural unspoiled beauties and leave them with a couple kids, long before they graduate to the high life!

I learned a lot from the locals, and now I get a chance to sample local younger, fresher, more natural stuff, you don't see on the strip, and still be in bed by 10.

10-20-18, 16:30
I was in the SU last month and even though it was low season the pickings were slim at best. There were more Haitina girls by percentage then in the past and the Dominican girls were more desparate then in the past. Never the last I enjoyed myself.

That number is low, but at the same time sosua was packed just came back. However, chicks looked terrible and anyone saying sosua is full of hot chicks might be on powder. No hot chicks I am picky and there has been a huge drop off. Clubs in Puerto Plata packed with hot chicks and to be honest why would a hot chick accept 1000 to 1500 pesos. They do not have too money in the hot clubs in the big cities and baseball players back in town. I know a lot of you are not club people, but that is where the hot chicks are and most dudes not comfortable pulling in that environment, but that is where they are.

10-20-18, 17:14
And where do you think those so-called hot chicks come from, before they get inked, pierced, dyed and weaved, graduate to Classico VIP bottle service at 2 am, drinking only champagne and Hennessy? LOL.

Stuffing their ample bodies into tight disco wear that often falls apart when you get them back to your room?

You don't need to go to clubs in the DR to find those "hot" chicks, you can find them anywhere in any city, if you're into the club "scene"!

I like the attitude of the local guys with no money, who, when I asked why they don't get hostile to tourists who bang their women, like they do in certain other countries.

The explanation offered to me with a smile, is that they already fucked them when they were young, so you get the leftovers. The average motoconcho driver gets first choice at the natural unspoiled beauties and leave them with a couple kids, long before they graduate to the high life!

I learned a lot from the locals, and now I get a chance to sample local younger, fresher, more natural stuff, you don't see on the strip, and still be in bed by 10.Oakie I hear you, but quality terrible. I am going to call it how I see it. Hot chicks not in sosua. Go to lovera bar, quorum, eurphoria, 16, Miami, kaviar. No comparison. Hot Chicks not coming for 1000 1500 as they do not have too. Brothers standing with themselves in VIP or with busted chicks. Sorry that is what I saw. Now compare that to the hot clubs in the major cities including La Romana. Oldkool being honest. Sometimes we have to tell the truth and for whatever reason talent has fled sosua. Again, I like sosua, but talent is wack. Have that dude put up a 1000 pesos chick. Bet you she is busted...I keep saying money at the hot clubs in the DR buying bottles and throwing money around. Hot chicks never stupid. They will go to where the money is being thrown around. Again, we can debate all we want, but I saw what I saw and compared it to other clubs and it was no comparison. Nightlife is booming in the major cities as young Dominican artists are on fire with music. Again, hip hop passed rock and roll now on downloads and streams and if you see trend Dominican and Puerto Rican artists are teaming with hip hop artists and pushing a new sound which is trending.



Compare kaviar to classico on Friday and Sunday. Kaviar is crazy now with talent.

10-20-18, 19:08
...........................I like the attitude of the local guys with no money, who, when I asked why they don't get hostile to tourists who bang their women, like they do in certain other countries.......................I have hobbied all over the world and have not come across dudes who are hostile if you bang their wgs. The closest was India but the guys just looked at you but never said or did anything. However, in any country if you bang a non-pro who happens to be some bloke's GF you may get a different response.

10-20-18, 20:16
Oakie I hear you, but quality terrible. I am going to call it how I see it. Hot chicks not in sosua. Go to lovera bar, quorum, eurphoria, 16, Miami, kaviar. No comparison. Hot Chicks not coming for 1000 1500 as they do not have too. Brothers standing with themselves in VIP or with busted chicks. Sorry that is what I saw. Now compare that to the hot clubs in the major cities including La Romana. Oldkool being honest. Sometimes we have to tell the truth and for whatever reason talent has fled sosua. Again, I like sosua, but talent is wack. Have that dude put up a 1000 pesos chick. Bet you she is busted...I keep saying money at the hot clubs in the DR buying bottles and throwing money around. Hot chicks never stupid. They will go to where the money is being thrown around. Again, we can debate all we want, but I saw what I saw and compared it to other clubs and it was no comparison. Nightlife is booming in the major cities as young Dominican artists are on fire with music. Again, hip hop passed rock and roll now on downloads and streams and if you see trend Dominican and Puerto Rican artists are teaming with hip hop artists and pushing a new sound which is trending.



Compare kaviar to classico on Friday and Sunday. Kaviar is crazy now with talent.Since when was "rock and roll" a big influence on Caribbean and or Dominican nightlife scene? For at least 20 years, they've been playing merengue, bachata, evolutions of bachata like Aventura. And then reggaeton. And this stuff is offshoots of reggaeton and Hispano hip hop which has been around for some time.

Since when (as is NEVER) has even a touristy club like Clasico, played "rock and roll".

10-20-18, 20:55
Since when was "rock and roll" a big influence on Caribbean and or Dominican nightlife scene? For at least 20 years, they've been playing merengue, bachata, evolutions of bachata like Aventura. And then reggaeton. And this stuff is offshoots of reggaeton and Hispano hip hop which has been around for some time.

Since when (as is NEVER) has even a touristy club like Clasico, played "rock and roll".Now where did I say they play rock and roll in the clubs. I did not. Some of you getting old. I was just making a point. By the way, some other sound you said. You obviously are out of touch. It is "trap dembow" they are playing in the clubs. Some other form. Some of you just out of touch. If you knew it you would of said it. I actually do go to all the hottest clubs. Do you?. I never said rock and roll played in the clubs. Why would I say that if I go. Name the hottest clubs in the DR right now to the board. Let's see if you know.

Again, I very rarely see gringos at the hot clubs, but that is where the baddies are. Paying a chick a 1000 a peso lol. Big money in the hot clubs range rovers, BMW's outside stop thinking all chicks want to be with a cheap dude. Do not even think a hot chick coming to sosua for a 1000 pesos. They are not coming. Do not have too....just look around tonight and see if you see hot chicks running around sosua and on Sunday pop is booming. Am I lying?

10-20-18, 21:43
Now where did I say they play rock and roll in the clubs. I did not. Some of you getting old. I was just making a point. By the way, some other sound you said. You obviously are out of touch. It is trap dembow they are playing in the clubs. Some other form. Some of you just out of touch. If you knew it you would of said it. I actually do go to all the hottest clubs. Do you?. I never said rock and roll played in the clubs. Why would I say that if I go. Name the hottest clubs in the DR right now to the board. Let's see if you know.

Again, I very rarely see gringos at the hot clubs, but that is where the baddies are. Paying a chick a 1000 a peso lol. Big money in the hot clubs range rovers, BMW's outside stop thinking all chicks want to be with a cheap dude. Do not even think a hot chick coming to sosua for a 1000 pesos. They are not coming. Do not have too....just look around tonight and see if you see hot chicks running around sosua and on Sunday pop is booming. Am I lying?

First of all, a guy I met in the DR a long long time ago was right. He told me when I go to Cuba, I will forget about the D.R. . He was correct,.

Second. I don't question anything you say. Of course the hottest clubs are full of the hottest girls and the dudes with the game and money to get them. Tourists have no access and zero chance in these clubs. BTW, heard an anecdote back in the day about Vin Diesel getting no play at one of the uber chic SD clubs. And frustrated, he said. "don't you know who I am" Hahahahahahahahahah.

Third. I know of the music you speak. I sometimes like Bad Bunny (I mean I ROFLMAO when I listen to "Ya Me Canse")(aka Amorfoda) and I know the old reggatoners like Daddy Yankee are getting into the genre. And new arrivals like J Galvin.

But I've seen you argue this numerous times and I do not get your POINT.

The hottest girls aren't in Sosua? Hahahahahahhhahah no shit Sherlock. Who ever claimed they were??

I've heard it called (locally) - So- Sewer.

btw.. a lot of this trap dembow I hear now..this is nothing especially new. I heard this in Cuba and Venezuela, (something very similar) 20 years ago., especially Venezuela on the ground.. well I heard Spanish rap ..now you have the "big" Miami/Puerto Rico names getting into it and you hear the Southern rap style US influence..(which I had not heard before)

personally..you can have the "trap/rap".. and just leave the Dembow .. This song is great..... that's what I want to dance do with the hot girls


for those who still don't know what Revere is talking about - this is perhaps the best representative song of the trap dembow genre..(and one of its biggest hits) and it's fine. I quite like it


so now you know what trap dembow is

you know what the young people listen to..

you know what is played at the hottest clubs

and you know those are clubs aren't in So-Sower tourist ghetto.. and the hottest girls are also not to be found there.

any other questions?