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07-10-20, 18:12
Met a dude earlier this week at a restaurant on PC. Told me he had been talking to a Haitian chica online. Met up with her in PP. Not sure how this got arranged, but the girls mother and brother accompanied the chica to the meet. It was conveyed by the guy to them, that it was only for them to have drinks. The guy agreed to this meet and the chicas family coming because she was young. And he thought it would make her feel more comfortable. He was not doing it because he was trying to start a relationship. But he did think she was a cool chica. So it appeared from his online contact.

To make a long story short. When the waiter came to take orders, a drink date turned into all of them ordering food. See fellas? This is why you have to watch what's going on when you set yourself up like this. More importantly, there is no need to even agree to a date like this involving bringing a mother and a brother. Because you already know that they will bring their appetites and thirsts with them when they come. And they expect you to pay for everything. Not some, everything. And they know that a foreigner is usually not going to say shit when they start taking advantage in front of the chica he is trying to hook up with.

The chica aint going to speak up for him. She isn't going to say to her family. Oh no, we are here just for drinks. The guy is not going to say anything either. Because he doesn't want to look like a jerk. So here's what happens next. Dude realizes the predicament he is in. He decides he's done with the date. Plus the police came by because they saw him dining out in the open. So he decided to take the food to go. The waiter proceeds to prepare the food to go.

The owner tries to get the guy to move to the back of the restaurant to continue dining. But the dude says he is leaving. The owner misinterpreted the guys reason for leaving. So the owner told him nastily to leave, he doesn't need his business. Said he had a bad attitude. The waiter had to explain to the owner that the food was being prepared for take out, he was leaving anyway. But when the owner basically got mad and kicked him out, the guy basically left the food behind. Additionally drinks were drunk, but he ended up not paying for anything.

And guess what? The chica, the mother and the brother lost out on their meal. Worse, is that one of them had ordered a meal to go even before this fiasco. Now that's some balls. Kudos to the dude for getting out of paying for them barracuda advantage takers. However he should have never put him self in that predicament in the 1st place. Having a meeting with the chica and two family members, is a no go. His story is reinforcement for any of us who may let our little heads arrange a fucked up date like that.

07-11-20, 00:20
I passed by just a few minutes ago. 1845 hrs Friday night July 10. Saw some nice looking chicas up in there. Some tables were chicas sitting by themselves. The chicas got the memo, some decent looking chicas have arrived. Unfortunately, the Politur Police are back in chase mode. At least from the chicas on the street reaction. Chicas running when they saw the pick up truck coming through Pedro Clisante. The chicas sitting up in Kings looked quite relaxed. I'm convinced, chicas here in the DR really value the tourist dollar. I took a couple of photos of Kings from the Dr Rosen street side, but for some reason could not get them to upload here. Oh well.

07-11-20, 00:33
I passed by just a few minutes ago. 1845 hrs Friday night July 10. Saw some nice looking chicas up in there. Some tables were chicas sitting by themselves. The chicas got the memo, some decent looking chicas have arrived. Unfortunately, the Politur Police are back in chase mode. At least from the chicas on the street reaction. Chicas running when they saw the pick up truck coming through Pedro Clisante. The chicas sitting up in Kings looked quite relaxed. I'm convinced, chicas here in the DR really value the tourist dollar. I took a couple of photos of Kings from the Dr Rosen street side, but for some reason could not get them to upload here. Oh well.Thanks for the continuous updates here WRX. Looking forward to a trip sometime soon in Aug. Hoping Blackbeard's opens back up as well so I can hit them both while I'm there.

07-11-20, 00:40
I passed by just a few minutes ago. 1845 hrs Friday night July 10. Saw some nice looking chicas up in there. Some tables were chicas sitting by themselves. The chicas got the memo, some decent looking chicas have arrived. Unfortunately, the Politur Police are back in chase mode. At least from the chicas on the street reaction. Chicas running when they saw the pick up truck coming through Pedro Clisante. The chicas sitting up in Kings looked quite relaxed. I'm convinced, chicas here in the DR really value the tourist dollar. I took a couple of photos of Kings from the Dr Rosen street side, but for some reason could not get them to upload here. Oh well.Is Classicos and most other bars open until 10 pm? I saw Platinum Gym is back open. Booze, Gym, and Chicas is all a man really needs in life. Based on your report I am very close to booking for early August. I am just scared with numbers rising, the DR Goes back into hibernation / Quarantine / Lockdown.

07-11-20, 02:42
Is Classicos and most other bars open until 10 pm? I saw Platinum Gym is back open. Booze, Gym, and Chicas is all a man really needs in life. Based on your report I am very close to booking for early August. I am just scared with numbers rising, the DR Goes back into hibernation / Quarantine / Lockdown.No clubs in Sosua are open, YET. So forget about Clasico. Merengue is a bar, but it is not open either. Monger spots like Kings, Flip Flip and Tree House 2 (by Las Palmeras hotel) is open. Small bars like Plan be and Cheers is open. Bourbon Street in Ahnvee is open. Some restaurants on PC are open. Like Jolly Roger, Elfante Rojo, Matteos Sea Side. The restaurant across from Merengue is open. Margot restaurant is open. El Conde restaurant is open. I think the Germany restaurant on the highway is open. These are the main ones that tourists may visit. Aside from the bunch of spots open on the beach.

In case I am not clear. There is no night life as far as the club scene being open in Sosua, YET. Consider any bar that is open the closest you are going to get as far as anything resembling a club atmosphere. Casinos CLOSED. If businesses are supposed to close by 10, what does that represent to you? A good thing, or a bad thing? It's up to the individual.

Mr Enternational
07-11-20, 02:45
Try to convince you that they don't know where their next meal is coming from. Meanwhile none of them stepped foot in Sosua the whole time there were no tourists, and we had a curfew.

Now all of a sudden they appear in Sosua and now need your exclusive help? Please don't fall for any of their sob strories and sad faces.Dude guys were already convinced that people were starving and about to be living on the street before there was any pandemic. I can only assume that they convinced themselves of this since no chick has ever tried to pull that on me. As I said before, until I see skeletons in the gutters I will not believe folks are going around starving in DR. Hell, after this pandemic the chicks may come back bigger than before since they did not have their exercise of walking around the streets of Sosua. I got plenty of messages from chicks in DR during the pandemic, and not one was about them starving or needing money from me.

07-11-20, 03:05
I am just scared with numbers rising, the DR Goes back into hibernation / Quarantine / Lockdown.How do we know the "numbers" are rising? You mean the information we are fed on a daily basis? Here and the rest of the world? We have become trained to assume what is put out there for us to read is facts. Requires no verification. It's in writing therefore it's true. I go to a web page and read that a certain amount of cases suddenly got recorded, and were supposed to believe it actually happened.

Hundreds and thousands of people just suddenly got sick, walked into a hospital, so they could be added to the stats. And then those numbers show up on a website or news program. It's read or heard and taken as verified facts. Hey ya'll the numbers are rising. Yeah, how did you find that out? I read it online, or saw it on CNN. Oh shit, then it must be true then. Thanks for telling me man. Now I'm getting scared. It's not safe. It's getting worse out here.

I feel the same way about the media as I did with dudes on their computers back in the states reporting to who ever would listen, how bad the DR is, and how much danger expats and stuck tourists are in because Dominicans are going to be robbing and killing tourists left and right just to survive. Just because it's said, reported or assumed doesn't make it true. Just because it comes from an authoritative like source doesn't make it fact either. Is it easy to manipulate people, when you can control what they believe? If cases are on the rise, are recoveries on the rise also? How come you don't hear much about that? Most people survive Covid 19. So much emphasis on cases supposedly rising. One thing just might over ride the other to a certain extent. Rant finished.

Mr Enternational
07-11-20, 03:06
However he should have never put him self in that predicament in the 1st place. Having a meeting with the chica and two family members, is a no go. His story is reinforcement for any of us who may let our little heads arrange a fucked up date like that.In the Philippines it is common for dudes to fall for that scam because they are afraid to miss out on the pussy. But chicks will usually bring along more than a mother and brother. We are talking 8-10 people they will bring along and expect the foreigner to pay.

Something like that happened to me at the beginning of the year in Brazil. There was a hairdresser chick that I had been talking to over a year, but whenever I was there our schedules never matched up. So this time she is down at one of the beach kiosks with a friend and wanted me to come meet up. They were already drinking when I got there. I did not want anything. They finished the drinks and paid and we left.

We were walking down the beach and they said how hungry they were. I told them if they went a couple streets away from the beach, food is much cheaper. They insisted on going to another kiosk and ordering a bunch of food and drinks. I ordered water. When the food came they kept trying to get me to eat with them. No that is okay. I am not hungry. When the bill came I paid for my water and the hairdresser chick tried to pay for the other stuff but her card was declined. So the friend (who was actually living in Italy and also a hairdresser) ended up paying with her card.

During the outing, I hit it off with the friend more than the hairdresser, so we had exchanged numbers and decided to hook up. The next day when I hit her up she told me that I was too cheap because I didn't pay for their stuff. Bih didn't nobody tell y'all to go to that expensive ass place and order all that shit you could not afford. I'm the one that tried to tell you to go to a cheap place remember. But it appears they will go anywhere and bring anybody if they think someone else is footing the bill. I can just imagine how many mfs they have pulled that one on. Them hoes had the wrong one that day!

07-11-20, 03:14
Dude guys were already convinced that people were starving and about to be living on the street before there was any pandemic. I can only assume that they convinced themselves of this since no chick has ever tried to pull that on me. As I said before, until I see skeletons in the gutters I will not believe folks are going around starving in DR. Hell, after this pandemic the chicks may come back bigger than before since they did not have their exercise of walking around the streets of Sosua. I got plenty of messages from chicks in DR during the pandemic, and not one was about them starving or needing money from me.What I witnessed for the last 3 to 4 months was Dominicans / Haitians adjusting / surviving. And like you, have not seen or heard of any dead skeleton remains laying around due to starvation. Crime of course didn't go on vacation during the pandemic, but things for the most part was under control.

07-11-20, 03:50
How do we know the "numbers" are rising? You mean the information we are fed on a daily basis? Here and the rest of the world? We have become trained to assume what is put out there for us to read is facts. Requires no verification. It's in writing therefore it's true. I go to a web page and read that a certain amount of cases suddenly got recorded, and were supposed to believe it actually happened.

Hundreds and thousands of people just suddenly got sick, walked into a hospital, so they could be added to the stats. And then those numbers show up on a website or news program. It's read or heard and taken as verified facts. Hey ya'll the numbers are rising. Yeah, how did you find that out? I read it online, or saw it on CNN. Oh shit, then it must be true then. Thanks for telling me man. Now I'm getting scared. It's not safe. It's getting worse out here.

I feel the same way about the media as I did with dudes on their computers back in the states reporting to who ever would listen, how bad the DR is, and how much danger expats and stuck tourists are in because Dominicans are going to be robbing and killing tourists left and right just to survive. Just because it's said, reported or assumed doesn't make it true. Just because it comes from an authoritative like source doesn't make it fact either. Is it easy to manipulate people, when you can control what they believe? If cases are on the rise, are recoveries on the rise also? How come you don't hear much about that? Most people survive Covid-19. So much emphasis on cases supposedly rising. One thing just might over ride the other to a certain extent. Rant finished.Official statistics have reported numbers of confirmed cases are rising through the roof in the United States and rising significantly in the DR. That is not up for debate, its fact. A person booking a flight and hotel has to take those numbers into consideration because those are the numbers government officials are probably going to have to form their travel and quarantine policies around.

Personally, I think governments and the media have over-reacted to this pandemic. I don't know a single person who has died or become seriously ill from it. The vast majority of people who have died from it were probably going to die within a few years anyway. Its a horrible thing to say, but its probably true. I think numbers are rising drastically also due to more testing as well as the opening of the economy.

Even though I think we have over-reacted to the Pandemic, I still feel Trump didn't due a sufficient job at keeping infections to a minimum. I also think if Barrack Obama or Hilary Clinton were President, the media would portray the Virus and Pandemic in a very different light. Its also quite possible Obama would have handled the situation better as he did with Hurricane Sandy and the Recession of 2008. I think Trump is probably a little paranoid from the constant harassment from the media and quasi-fake scandals such as Russia-Gate and being impeached without much evidence. I think any normal Politician would be after surviving such scandals. Regardless, he should take the Pandemic more serious and be more Presidential in his approach of how he handles these matters. I think the childlike fighting between him, the media, republicans, democrats, has really hurt the nation and lead to a more severe Pandemic. This in turn has lead to more countries to impose quarantines and travel restrictions. Those restrictions have fucked up my summer which was supposed to be spent annihilating Colombian pussy in Medellin. Sorry went on my own rant there. I m done.

Sidenote: I m cool with doing the Dominican Cupid / Party with chicas at my airbnb thing. Seems better than bending over backwards to fuck a half decent looking American white girl. God I miss Latin America.

07-11-20, 14:17
Met a dude earlier this week at a restaurant on PC. Told me he had been talking to a Haitian chica online. Met up with her in PP. Not sure how this got arranged, but the girls mother and brother accompanied the chica to the meet. It was conveyed by the guy to them, that it was only for them to have drinks. The guy agreed to this meet and the chicas family coming because she was young. And he thought it would make her feel more comfortable. He was not doing it because he was trying to start a relationship. But he did think she was a cool chica. So it appeared from his online contact.

To make a long story short. When the waiter came to take orders, a drink date turned into all of them ordering food. See fellas? This is why you have to watch what's going on when you set yourself up like this. More importantly, there is no need to even agree to a date like this involving bringing a mother and a brother. Because you already know that they will bring their appetites and thirsts with them when they come. And they expect you to pay for everything. Not some, everything. And they know that a foreigner is usually not going to say shit when they start taking advantage in front of the chica he is trying to hook up with.

The chica aint going to speak up for him. She isn't going to say to her family. Oh no, we are here just for drinks. The guy is not going to say anything either. Because he doesn't want to look like a jerk. So here's what happens next. Dude realizes the predicament he is in. He decides he's done with the date. Plus the police came by because they saw him dining out in the open. So he decided to take the food to go. The waiter proceeds to prepare the food to go.

The owner tries to get the guy to move to the back of the restaurant to continue dining. But the dude says he is leaving. The owner misinterpreted the guys reason for leaving. So the owner told him nastily to leave, he doesn't need his business. Said he had a bad attitude. The waiter had to explain to the owner that the food was being prepared for take out, he was leaving anyway. But when the owner basically got mad and kicked him out, the guy basically left the food behind. Additionally drinks were drunk, but he ended up not paying for anything.

And guess what? The chica, the mother and the brother lost out on their meal. Worse, is that one of them had ordered a meal to go even before this fiasco. Now that's some balls. Kudos to the dude for getting out of paying for them barracuda advantage takers. However he should have never put him self in that predicament in the 1st place. Having a meeting with the chica and two family members, is a no go. His story is reinforcement for any of us who may let our little heads arrange a fucked up date like that.For me the saddest part is that he got no pussy.

07-11-20, 14:46
Official statistics have reported numbers of confirmed cases are rising through the roof in the United States and rising significantly in the DR. That is not up for debate, its fact. I agree "officials" reported that there were confirmed cases, even came up with numbers. They said the cases were rising through the roof. We heard they were rising significantly in the DR. The thing is, I do not believe just because officials report something that they are 100% facts. I believe certain individuals were given the power to be the "official" source for reporting purposes. An entity that a whole segment of the population is supposed to rely on without question, thereby circumventing the need to verify and validate. Easier that way to control the masses if you will.

It works. Who is going to question an "official" report? Nobody. It's official, then it's facts, undeniable. Is there any validity or concern that many so called confirmed cases of Covid 19 were not Covid 19 cases at all? Does it cross the mind that unofficially, many people recovered from Covid 19 on their own, un-tethered to any health care monitoring system? What are the unofficial statistics for that? Remember all of the "official" reports many of us grew up with that eventually became false? But we never questioned it's validity or why it was used. A small one comes to mind. Health officials told the masses years ago, that margarine was healthier for you than butter. That fat from butter lead to heart disease. Years later we find out the truth that margarine is worse than butter.

And in fact may have ingredients in it close to resembling plastic compounds. The FDA has a history of being the official bamboozling agent for the masses. Do you know how many dangerous drugs and processed foods have been approved for human consumption by the FDA? And look at how the FDA and other agencies put the fear of GOD into people who try to enlighten people to the benefits and alternatives to conventional medicine. It's to the point you are not allowed to say anything natural cures, without being subject to censorship. Officials are not GODS. They are reporters. They report what they want you to believe.

Anybody can say numbers are rising significantly, and it would seem believable. But does anybody ever question how are these rising cases come to the surface? Is it thousands of people nationwide in the states are going into hospitals and clinics complaining they are sick and need help? Is that how it's going down? Whenever an open event happens, people go to the beach, a rally, protesting, businesses reopening etc, officials eventually report cases are rising. And the inference made, that they are rising because of these recent events. We dont know if they are recording numbers or just telling us, and we are believing it because it makes sense, and the report came from an official.

They have actually got people believing that they were able to score thousands of new cases a day from these recent events. People just going to hospitals and clinics. And some of us sit back thinking. See I knew those people trying to get on with their lives were going to end up getting sick. And yet as individuals we don't know 100 people that supposedly got sick because they went to a rally, the beach , got a haircut, or went to the gym. We are trained to assume just from inferences. So when "officials" lock everything back up again, nobody will complain. Because the officials said so. BTW, for the record, officially and unofficially, how many recoveries have occurred concurrently with all of these rising through the roof cases?

How many people self quarantined and got over it? How many asymptomatic cases are out there where people go through the course of being exposed, but it never becomes a problem? How many people tested positive for Covid 19, because sometime in their lives they were vaccinated for the flu? They don't count those instances as a case? But there are stories out there, that many instances of covid 19 are not covid 19. And finally, there is the financial aspect/incentive. Covid 19 cases generates huge profits and revenue. The longer this drags out the more money can be made.

About the DR. Can't be so quick to believe what they report either. The DR is heavily funded by the US and China, and who knows? The DR is going play by the script that is expected of them. Think about it. As bad as the US is supposed to be in regards to rising cases and deaths, the DR opened it's borders to the US to stimulate tourism? That doesn't make sense officially or unofficially. The DR is a clone of the US. Significant rising of cases, but little to nothing said about recoveries? No ongoing up to date official or unofficial reports. It doesn't pass the smell test for me. But focusing heavily on rising numbers so they can use that as an excuse to perform or threaten to perform some action? That makes sense.

07-11-20, 16:31
I agree "officials" reported that there were confirmed cases, even came up with numbers. They said the cases were rising through the roof. We heard they were rising significantly in the DR. The thing is, I do not believe just because officials report something that they are 100% facts. I believe certain individuals were given the power to be the "official" source for reporting purposes. An entity that a whole segment of the population is supposed to rely on without question, thereby circumventing the need to verify and validate. Easier that way to control the masses if you will. (snip) I am taking the bait to chime in on your rants. I apologize to the saner readers / members of the site.

People need to understand a few things about data collection. Any and all "official" reports on any data about a population is subject to errors in the way the data was collected; errors in the way the data was processed; errors in the way the data was summarized, categorized, and presented; and errors in the actual persons from whom the data was collected. The better, if not proper, interpretation of "official" reports is "to the best of our current knowledge, technology, and practices". It is crazy to argue whether or not an "official" report is factual. The non-crazy argument is whether or not the data in the "official" report was collected in a manner that does not bias that data, whether or not the data was processed according to best practices, and whether or not the data is presented in a manner that does not mislead the users of the data.

It is up to the citizenry to keep themselves informed about things, develop an attitude of reasonable skepticism, and above all develop strong critical thinking skills. The masses can only be controlled if they keep themselves ignorant.

An example. Herd immunity. There is a train of thought making the rounds of American society that if enough Americans get infected with the virus, then the country can re-open the economy because most of the population will immune. There is now enough data on the effects of the virus on the body, even for those who have mild symptoms, to realize that the idea of arriving at herd immunity through deliberate infection is completely insane. The virus attacks the circulatory system everywhere in the body. The lungs are the most frequent target, but the digestive system, the heart, the brain, the kidneys, the liver, etc. Are also affected. (Read about COVID toes!) The virus damages all the body's organs and makes a person who recovers more susceptible to other illnesses in the future. The impact of seasonal flu on coronovirus won't be a pretty sight.

Don't play games with this disease by resorting to childish irrational rants. Keep safe and healthy. No one has reported on this yet, but I will make a speculative statement to this site due to our hobby. If the virus damages the circulatory system the way MDs are saying, then we men are at risk of erectile dysfunction should we get infected. And ED medications (viagra etc.) likely won't work as intended after recovering from an infection.

07-11-20, 17:21
I am taking the bait to chime in on your rants. I apologize to the saner readers / members of the site.

People need to understand a few things about data collection. Any and all "official" reports on any data about a population is subject to errors in the way the data was collected; errors in the way the data was processed; errors in the way the data was summarized, categorized, and presented; and errors in the actual persons from whom the data was collected. The better, if not proper, interpretation of "official" reports is "to the best of our current knowledge, technology, and practices". It is crazy to argue whether or not an "official" report is factual. The non-crazy argument is whether or not the data in the "official" report was collected in a manner that does not bias that data, whether or not the data was processed according to best practices, and whether or not the data is presented in a manner that does not mislead the users of the data.

It is up to the citizenry to keep themselves informed about things, develop an attitude of reasonable skepticism, and above all develop strong critical thinking skills. The masses can only be controlled if they keep themselves ignorant.

An example. Herd immunity. There is a train of thought making the rounds of American society that if enough Americans get infected with the virus, then the country can re-open the economy because most of the population will immune. There is now enough data on the effects of the virus on the body, even for those who have mild symptoms, to realize that the idea of arriving at herd immunity through deliberate infection is completely insane. The virus attacks the circulatory system everywhere in the body. The lungs are the most frequent target, but the digestive system, the heart, the brain, the kidneys, the liver, etc. Are also affected. (Read about COVID toes!) The virus damages all the body's organs and makes a person who recovers more susceptible to other illnesses in the future. The impact of seasonal flu on coronovirus won't be a pretty sight.

Don't play games with this disease by resorting to childish irrational rants. Keep safe and healthy. No one has reported on this yet, but I will make a speculative statement to this site due to our hobby. If the virus damages the circulatory system the way MDs are saying, then we men are at risk of erectile dysfunction should we get infected. And ED medications (viagra etc.) likely won't work as intended after recovering from an infection.I too would also like to apologize to the sane readers of this forum for hijacking this thread haha. In regards to the official data and how its collected I agree with both of you.

I think governments were ultimately left with two options regarding the virus. Either a complete and total lockdown for several months to stop the spread, or a quasi-lockdown to slow the spread and not overwhelm hospitals. Personally, I think in a capitalist nation such as the USA, a quasi-lockdown was the right strategy. I think the economic and social damage done from a total lockdown would have been catastrophic and worse than the virus itself. Suicide, crime, poverty, and deterioration of mental health would have been extreme in such a scenario. I have not seen anywhere nor do I believe that the virus has significant long term effects on those who have mild symptoms. I was sick with the virus for a week. I feel absolutely fine now. In older and weaker patients, I am sure the virus does some permanent damage to their organs, but for 95% of the population this isn't true. I could be wrong obviously as I am not an expert, but I have not seen anywhere or heard from anyone that the virus permanently damages the organs of people with mild symptoms. I don't think any nation, except for the UK/ Sweden maybe, planned on purposely reaching heard immunity. I think they just realized what a monumental task it would be to prevent heard immunity from naturally occurring and if it did it occur it would simultaneously do more damage to society than the actual virus. This Virus is just nature running its course. Hurricanes, volcanoes, floods, earthquakes, and pandemics are always going to occur, and there will be times when we simply can't stop them. I am still in awe of how a nation of 1. 4 billion people like China was able to stop the virus while every other nation on Earth has failed to do so. I suppose it is easier to accomplish this in a one party state-controlled society, but credit should be given none-the less. I think in a capitalistic-democratic-free market society such as ours it just would not have been feasible.

With all that being said, I still think our government handled it poorly due to poor Federal leadership and lack of cooperation at the state and local level. Ok I am done I will not waste anymore space on this forum with this nonsense.

07-11-20, 23:15
What's the new going rate for chicas that are 7+? A popular Youtuber said start at dop 1 k. He said 2 k is generous. Most chicks wanted 1. 5 k from me 2 years ago. I declined 2. 5 k from a 8 at a bar.

07-12-20, 04:54
Flew Jetblue nonstop to STI, flight was uneventful even though pretty crowded but middle seats were all left vacant. Immigration at STI was excellent but luggage was late. A gentleman was waiting to drive me to Sosua. He had a mask on as did I, for his safety. Got in around 7 PM. Playero was open and checked my temperature at entry. I was impressed with that as so far only my dentist has done that back home. Everyone at playero had masks on! Yea FL, learn!

Went out at 10 PM for a stroll all the way to Pedro Clisante. Desolate!. Well I attached a picture for that too! No woman, no cry!

07-12-20, 08:47
What's the new going rate for chicas that are 7+? A popular Youtuber said start at dop 1 k. He said 2 k is generous. Most chicks wanted 1. 5 k from me 2 years ago. I declined 2. 5 k from a 8 at a bar.Which one? Can you post / PM a source here?

07-12-20, 15:37
Flew Jetblue nonstop to STI, flight was uneventful even though pretty crowded but middle seats were all left vacant. Immigration at STI was excellent but luggage was late. A gentleman was waiting to drive me to Sosua. He had a mask on as did I, for his safety. Got in around 7 PM. Playero was open and checked my temperature at entry. I was impressed with that as so far only my dentist has done that back home. Everyone at playero had masks on! Yea FL, learn!

Went out at 10 PM for a stroll all the way to Pedro Clisante. Desolate!. Well I attached a picture for that too! No woman, no cry!I have a buddy flying into POP from JFK today. NON STOP. Where did your flight to STI originate? And which route did you take to get to Sosua? The mountain route from Moca or the usual route through Puerto Plata?

07-12-20, 15:47
Flew Jetblue nonstop to STI, flight was uneventful even though pretty crowded but middle seats were all left vacant. Immigration at STI was excellent but luggage was late. A gentleman was waiting to drive me to Sosua. He had a mask on as did I, for his safety. Got in around 7 PM. Playero was open and checked my temperature at entry. I was impressed with that as so far only my dentist has done that back home. Everyone at playero had masks on! Yea FL, learn!

Went out at 10 PM for a stroll all the way to Pedro Clisante. Desolate!. Well I attached a picture for that too! No woman, no cry!Ouch; hopefully it perks up for you; Where are you thinking about this week? Would love to get some more reports here given you are there right now; I'm considering the week of 8/3 and want to see if it perks up by then.

07-12-20, 15:57
Right now over the next few weeks, I'm debating either north coast or south coast; If I go north the plan is Sosua / Costambar (if Blackbeard's opens), but if not, going into Santo Domingo at Jaragua. Either way, curious if you guys have recommendations on where the current or projected hot spots might be. I'm staying at New Garden hotel (or at least would be) and here is a snippet of the map around the area. Any suggestions for food, women, bars, etc?

07-12-20, 16:03
Flew Jetblue nonstop to STI, flight was uneventful even though pretty crowded but middle seats were all left vacant. Immigration at STI was excellent but luggage was late. A gentleman was waiting to drive me to Sosua. He had a mask on as did I, for his safety. Got in around 7 PM. Playero was open and checked my temperature at entry. I was impressed with that as so far only my dentist has done that back home. Everyone at playero had masks on! Yea FL, learn!

Went out at 10 PM for a stroll all the way to Pedro Clisante. Desolate!. Well I attached a picture for that too! No woman, no cry!Thanks for the update and photos.

07-12-20, 18:16
I have a buddy flying into POP from JFK today. NON STOP. Where did your flight to STI originate? And which route did you take to get to Sosua? The mountain route from Moca or the usual route through Puerto Plata?From BOS. The mountain road but it was terrible as most of it is dug up, once again. Took about two hours. Fortunately the guy had a SUV but he also drove slow with 500 bumps and holes on the surface, which until fairly recently was all paved.

07-12-20, 19:58
Ouch; hopefully it perks up for you; Where are you thinking about this week? Would love to get some more reports here given you are there right now; As far as I am concerned, the main street can remain closed for ever, for it is not where I go to fish. Obviously for first timers or infrequent travelers, it is an issue.

I would write a few more observations as I traverse through the week, not a problem but for the reason cited above, it probably is not going to help others much in terms of finding women.

Last night as I was going for a leisurely stroll (I had a woman visit me earlier at 8), two women gave me a holler and of course, I declined but in essence at that hour I did not see more than 4/5 women all told (not a single worthwhile according to me) and that too, not on the main drag. The main street was practically devoid of human beings as I walked all the way to the casino and back. On the way, I stopped at the German eatery (where the Haitians congregate) and chatted with the owner who was livid that at 9. 30 he had to close and mentioned that others may have greased someone's palm to stay open.

This morning, I went to Caribe Express and Superpola (super market): both places had someone posted at the entry taking temp and Jetblue, did not even attempt that. Our home country thanks to the divisive politics is slowly turning into a third world country, repudiating science that brought the first man on the moon. Tant pis!

07-13-20, 01:52
It was a gorgeous day but hot. I have added some photos.

I had a person visit me at around 11 and stayed with me through 2 PM. We had lunch together and surprisingly the fish I bought (mero the guy said) was excellent and I paid 450 pesos for two meals.

I went out at 7 PM when the heat was down but it was still light and have added some photos. I went out again for a stroll as I was not hungry yet. The place is desolate on main street and around the key areas at that hour. There were a few women around at the intersection of where the Canadian hamburger place (shuttered) was but the seedier side. I would discourage all newbies or those without a rolodesk, not to show up.

I heard some bachata piped out in front of a bar with a gathering of 10 people and all had masks but as chin covers.

07-13-20, 01:59
The website has problems attaching pictures. Let me try again.

07-13-20, 14:09
As far as I am concerned, the main street can remain closed for ever, for it is not where I go to fish. Obviously for first timers or infrequent travelers, it is an issue.

I would write a few more observations as I traverse through the week, not a problem but for the reason cited above, it probably is not going to help others much in terms of finding women.

Last night as I was going for a leisurely stroll (I had a woman visit me earlier at 8), two women gave me a holler and of course, I declined but in essence at that hour I did not see more than 4/5 women all told (not a single worthwhile according to me) and that too, not on the main drag. The main street was practically devoid of human beings as I walked all the way to the casino and back. On the way, I stopped at the German eatery (where the Haitians congregate) and chatted with the owner who was livid that at 9. 30 he had to close and mentioned that others may have greased someone's palm to stay open.

This morning, I went to Caribe Express and Superpola (super market): both places had someone posted at the entry taking temp and Jetblue, did not even attempt that. Our home country thanks to the divisive politics is slowly turning into a third world country, repudiating science that brought the first man on the moon. Tant pis!Why would you want the main street to close? As you said, it's going to hurt inexperienced folks and first times, but will also drive down the competition to online only which will drive up the price. Ease + Accessibility + Competition will drive down the price and drive up quality.

Mr Enternational
07-13-20, 18:00
Why would you want the main street to close? As you said, it's going to hurt inexperienced folks and first times, but will also drive down the competition to online only which will drive up the price. Ease + Accessibility + Competition will drive down the price and drive up quality.I always thought that online drives down the price. If a chick has to get up and put on hoe clothes and pay to get to the strip and walk those hot ass streets or go inside of a club, then it seems she will want more money. If she is at home doing nothing and her message rings you can probably get her for bargain basement. Or at least that has been my experience.

07-13-20, 20:15
Why would you want the main street to close? As you said, it's going to hurt inexperienced folks and first times, but will also drive down the competition to online only which will drive up the price. Ease + Accessibility + Competition will drive down the price and drive up quality.In my home country sex prison wasteland, all there is online connecting.

The DR is different. It's more like a date. With online, if the picture doesn't match, or if she smells funny, you wasted your time.

Here you can meet and greet and audition a potential partner up close and personal over a coffee or a beer, and take a pass if you don't like the vibes, and call over the next one. That's the fun part of the beach and the bars.

A pleasant way to spend time, just deciding who turns you on enough to part with some of your hard earned pesos.


07-13-20, 20:24
Why would you want the main street to close? As you said, it's going to hurt inexperienced folks and first times, but will also drive down the competition to online only which will drive up the price. Ease + Accessibility + Competition will drive down the price and drive up quality.I don't see where I said that I wanted the Main St. To close. Now you might be a disciple of Milton Friedman but I am going to let it the rest of your comments slide by.

07-13-20, 21:19
Which one? Can you post / PM a source here?Flip Flop (Irish / Black) gave his blessing to circulate his channel. The other Youtuber was a guest on Flip and he shared his wisdom on reset prices. I wouldn't posted but Flip said it was cool this morning.

07-13-20, 21:35
In my home country sex prison wasteland, all there is online connecting.

Here you can meet and greet and audition a potential partner up close and personal over a coffee or a beer, and take a pass if you don't like the vibes, and call over the next one. That's the fun part of the beach and the bars.

IMHO.Exactly this; Can't count the number of times I have spoken to a girl online, and then someone totally different shows up. The vibe of the girl is hard to pick up online unless you really invest a lot of time with chat, etc.

Online can be with girls wasting my time thinking she can post pics of a 10 and show up as a 3.

07-13-20, 22:56
A participant and a thoughtful contributor to this forum just asked me a question. I felt his question was very germane to the situation at hand.

If you do meet and greet here (in club / street etc) as has always been the case, you are also looking at the potential of picking up the COVID virus. I really had not thought of this probability but it is something we all as visitors need to grapple with. Given what happened in FL, TX etc and my understanding is that flights from FL are coming in (without any temp check at the airport), and as I saw quite a few last night using masks as chin covers, you would wonder about the cumulative impact of all that. I must also say, that the temp checks are standard here at any sensible business establishment I have been to.

07-14-20, 00:48
A participant and a thoughtful contributor to this forum just asked me a question. I felt his question was very germane to the situation at hand.

If you do meet and greet here (in club / street etc) as has always been the case, you are also looking at the potential of picking up the COVID virus. I really had not thought of this probability but it is something we all as visitors need to grapple with. Given what happened in FL, TX etc and my understanding is that flights from FL are coming in (without any temp check at the airport), and as I saw quite a few last night using masks as chin covers, you would wonder about the cumulative impact of all that. I must also say, that the temp checks are standard here at any sensible business establishment I have been to.Some people are not forfeiting their summer. What if someone forfeit their summer and have an accident this Fall? I don't want Covid but if there is no vaccine in 18 mos half of the world could catch it. It could be a lower scale Spanish Flu again. Too much Covid talk on this board.

07-14-20, 03:15
The photo is willfully fuzzy as I presume others may not like to see themselves on line either.

Interestingly, I saw a bunch of people all moving in groups, who appeared to be from Chicago, NYC or Atlanta or similar place and these people had congregated at the open air place on the main drag just behind the metro bus place, seen in the photo. I also saw some women on the street corners.

Mr Enternational
07-14-20, 05:45
If you do meet and greet here (in club / street etc) as has always been the case, you are also looking at the potential of picking up the COVID virus. I really had not thought of this probability but it is something we all as visitors need to grapple with. If you meet a chick online and she comes over to fuck you are looking at the potential of picking up the virus. Does not matter how many people you are around; it just matters that you are around ONE that has it.

07-14-20, 13:29
If you meet a chick online and she comes over to fuck you are looking at the potential of picking up the virus. Does not matter how many people you are around; it just matters that you are around ONE that has it.True. I was contrasting it to bringing in someone you know or keep in touch with as against random pick up. Of course we all are vulnerable, the person you "know" and an asymptomatic I, spreading it, which is why one speaks of probability.

07-14-20, 14:52
Flip Flop (Irish / Black) gave his blessing to circulate his channel.I like this man marketing skills. But his establishment sucks. Breakfast and lunch. Not worth eating there at all.

07-14-20, 15:49
The photo is willfully fuzzy as I presume others may not like to see themselves on line either.

Interestingly, I saw a bunch of people all moving in groups, who appeared to be from Chicago, NYC or Atlanta or similar place and these people had congregated at the open air place on the main drag just behind the metro bus place, seen in the photo. I also saw some women on the street corners.I know one of your pleasures in Sosua, is good food!

How are you doing in that regard?

My lady has had me on home cooking for almost 5 months now!

07-14-20, 19:29
I know one of your pleasures in Sosua, is good food. How are you doing in that regard?Excellent so far! The guy who drove me to Sosua, had bought some fresh goat meat (in sosua I find only the frozen kind) there at my behest, a art of which I cooked yesterday. Otherwise I bought food. The other day, the fish was excellent I thought. A la creole. Today I had a pork steak and a pork rib, barbecued. Done right in front of me.

I still have not visited my favorite restaurants, especially the Italian one in Cabarete but they wrote back saying they are open since the 1st.

07-14-20, 21:58
Too much Covid talk on this board.There's too much COVID talk on this entire website. Mongers are having meltdowns and are getting into politically-charged back-and-forth flame wars with each other in multiple threads for days. And now you've got someone who started a thread just to talk about stocks and markets. The moderators have either lost control or don't give a shit. It's probably a combination of both.

07-15-20, 00:56
A friend from France reminded me at the beginning of the day that it was their independence day back in 1789, I. E, 13 years after 1776.

Had a very good lunch with barbecued meat and white rice. I made a salad with an avocado and tomato, salt, pepper and olive well which was way better than what passes for a salad here. I had a pedicure done. The woman who I know, came to visit me at around 6 pm and we sat outside in the patio, and with a beautiful breeze and with the sun down, and birds chirping all around. After a while the gentleman who does the laundry came to deliver it. I could not get up with my feet in warm water. He just left it inside the apartment, without even asking for money.

I am grateful to be here.

07-15-20, 03:31
In course of my stroll tonight I decided to take a look at Ahnvee place, the new Sosua location. I timed myself from Hotel Europa and it was a leisurely 10 minute's walk on Pedro Clisante with the infernal motorbike noise around. I have attached a picture.

The walk back was nicer. I took a "scenic" route. People at 10 PM were outside relaxing with children et al. It is still sultry.

07-15-20, 05:56
The former chef from the New Garden has his own Italian restaurant in Cabarete. Its on the beach unfortunately I forgot the name. The food is excellent.

07-15-20, 12:40
Excellent so far! The guy who drove me to Sosua, had bought some fresh goat meat (in sosua I find only the frozen kind) there at my behest, a art of which I cooked yesterday. Otherwise I bought food. The other day, the fish was excellent I thought. A la creole. Today I had a pork steak and a pork rib, barbecued. Done right in front of me.

I still have not visited my favorite restaurants, especially the Italian one in Cabarete but they wrote back saying they are open since the 1st.The street bar Barbeque up near Europe has an excellent rep. Cheap too!

And you still can get a decent fresh lunch at one of the beach shacks!

07-15-20, 18:15
The former chef from the New Garden has his own Italian restaurant in Cabarete. Its on the beach unfortunately I forgot the name. The food is excellent.You appear to be a food aficionado too! The name is "Beachside". Beautiful locale and the best Italian that there is, on the North Coast, cooked by a genuine Italian chef as against in New Garden, where the locals learned from Gian Luca, the chef.

07-15-20, 18:25
The street bar Barbeque up near Europe has an excellent rep. Cheap too!

And you still can get a decent fresh lunch at one of the beach shacks!Interesting you mention that. I had bought from them in the past and now they seem to have focused lot more on barbecue. I also saw, two other apparent barbecue places, going towards Ahnvee last night, looking at the pictures posted streetside.

It is too bloody hot for me to get to the beach mid day although I would like to try WRX's suggestion of shack #67 if I recall. I went to Playa Chiquita this morning at around 7 AM. By 10 AM, the sun is battering down my resistance and so I go out after sundown.

07-16-20, 01:41
I have eaten there a few times and it is the best restaurant I have tried so far in the area! Very friendly also.

You appear to be a food aficionado too! The name is "Beachside". Beautiful locale and the best Italian that there is, on the North Coast, cooked by a genuine Italian chef as against in New Garden, where the locals learned from Gian Luca, the chef.

07-16-20, 05:52
For beer connoisseurs try the Germany Restaurant. They carry 2 or 3 top German hefeweizen beers.

07-16-20, 06:19
If you meet a chick online and she comes over to fuck you are looking at the potential of picking up the virus. Does not matter how many people you are around; it just matters that you are around ONE that has it.You are absolutely correct! These Dominicans have no concept of awareness. All restaurants and fast food joints are now open and some are very crowded but they have not fully integrated the social distancing policy as of yet.

I see a lot of people with their masks half down to their chin as if they think the mouth is the is only part worth protecting. A good majority of working people at the airport and streets in SD are clustered together in round sitting chairs and not even covering themselves at all. The Dominican guests with large families at the all-inclusive in PP act as if the face mask is just for show. The country is now fully open but its a potential hazard for the folks from mainland especially those with weak immunity. Just my two cents on my recent observation down here.

07-16-20, 10:58
It is too bloody hot for me to get to the beach mid day although I would like to try WRX's suggestion of shack #67 if I recall. I went to Playa Chiquita this morning at around 7 AM. By 10 AM, the sun is battering down my resistance and so I go out after sundown.There's plenty of shade, and a cool breeze on the main beach.

Sosua has a lot going for it, besides chicas.

To me happiness is a tropical beach, a good companion or two, and kicking back in the shade with a cold beer served by smiling chicas, who are glad you are there, and give you their undivided attention.

No tourists yet to speak of, but when the airport and all the hotels and restorantes open up again in the fall, I expect there will be an big influx of tourists escaping the shut downs and cabin fever at home.

Thanks for the daily reports.

07-16-20, 15:01
There's too much COVID talk on this entire website. Mongers are having meltdowns and are getting into politically-charged back-and-forth flame wars with each other in multiple threads for days. And now you've got someone who started a thread just to talk about stocks and markets. The moderators have either lost control or don't give a shit. It's probably a combination of both.Guys are emptying their sacks into lady parts only in Medellin, Bangkok, Zurich, Vienna and Tijuana, not much mongering taking place internationally to report on the internationalsexguide.

07-16-20, 15:48
Guys are emptying their sacks into lady parts only in Medellin, Bangkok, Zurich, Vienna and Tijuana...And thank God those guys are actually writing trip reports and posting pictures. Mongers like MonkeyPaw and a few others are singlehandedly keeping ISG going.

07-16-20, 18:19
For beer connoisseurs try the Germany Restaurant. They carry 2 or 3 top German hefeweizen beers.LOL! Germany Bar and Grill, I suppose is what you allude to. That is another of my favorite haunts. I love the variety of German sausages there. I do have to say though that the Austrian place on main street is way better with its Schnitzel.

07-16-20, 18:43
Sosua has a lot going for it, besides chicas....
Thanks for the daily reports.I too love this place, also for its contained footprint. Chicas are only one component as we agree.

Well, there is nothing that you and the other local residents already do not know.

I went out to the main drag at 8 PM last night and everything was shuttered down by then. I saw some women hanging around on the corner but I would not touch any.

Speaking of COVID and awareness, I was surprised by two things: all come in with the mask on and, more interestingly, a few wondered about me. So I told them that I went to Playero etc and had to do the temp check, which helped them relax. The mothers in particular are more wary I thought, despite the fact that they know me. It is a good thing.

07-16-20, 18:51
I have eaten there a few times and it is the best restaurant I have tried so far in the area! Very friendly also.Indeed, if you like authentic Italian (not the crappy Olive Garden nonsense where I come from), there is no two way about it. Gian Luca's place is the best and as you said, he is also a very affable kind. We need more people frequenting his place.

07-16-20, 19:18
For beer connoisseurs try the Germany Restaurant. They carry 2 or 3 top German hefeweizen beers.They have got a full range of good German beers here. Zabringer in all colors from pale to negro.

Us old Brits miss our Guinness though, not sold anywhere, even in the "Irish" pubs!

07-16-20, 22:42
Indeed, if you like authentic Italian (not the crappy Olive Garden nonsense where I come from), there is no two way about it. Gian Luca's place is the best and as you said, he is also a very affable kind. We need more people frequenting his place.Mofongo King on the beach is one of my favorites.

07-17-20, 04:27
One other thing I love in the tropics are the fruits. I have not tried cutting up a pineapple in a long time, because I don't care for the ones I find at my place. The other day I bought one though, and it smelled nice but I had not mustered the courage to clean the fruit up. Mangoes are so much easier!

Today, a woman visited me and I asked her if she knew how to do it. She nodded and when she was free, got to working on it. I told her to take some of the fruit home. She was pleased and left my part in the refrigerator. Later, when I went to check, she had also cleaned the dishes in the sink I had left earlier and I did not even ask her to do that.

On another note, I went to Germany restaurant. It was 8 PM and they like others, were closing down. Darn, I like the idea of a late and leisurely dinner while on vacation, every now and then.

07-17-20, 04:50

The beer is on me.

I'm hoping to go to Sosua in September.

07-18-20, 01:07
Tempo. The beer is on me. I'm hoping to go to Sosua in September.Thank you.

Right now the talk is about a potential re-imposing of curfew, whatever that means. The case load is apparently increasing and I can see why. Many have masks as decorative chin covers and some are walking the streets, screeching, the way the locals speak.

Coming back, I went out lunch time today, braving the sun and here are some pictures of the main street around 2 PM from the vantage point of the restaurant with alfresco dining (had the schnitzel but it was disappointing today plus a price of 500 pesos PLUS an additional 18% my total bill was 950 pesos with a corona beer and expresso; the Germany Bar and Grill, if I recall has it at 300 pesos with taxes included).

The street looked more animated with some women looking for business.

Dick Hertz
07-18-20, 17:57
Is the Ahnvee Resort in Sosua the new Blackbeard's. What the pros and cons also compare the two.

07-18-20, 20:53
Went for lunch there. Called an Uber, the rate shown was 225 pesos. When I went to pay, cash, the guys says: 10 dollars. What? The fellow says, he was trying to keep it simple, dollars for Americans. I told him, many are suckers without elementary math skill or because they are drunk but that I am going to file a complaint for asking 3 times.

Attaching some photos at the restaurant!

07-19-20, 05:00
Is the Ahnvee Resort in Sosua the new Blackbeard's. What the pros and cons also compare the two.Where did you hear this.

Mr Enternational
07-19-20, 05:09
Went for lunch there. Called an Uber, the rate shown was 225 pesos. When I went to pay, cash, the guys says: 10 dollars. What? The fellow says, he was trying to keep it simple, dollars for Americans.Well that is the same thing the girls do and it seems to work for them.

07-19-20, 14:24
Went for lunch there. Called an Uber, the rate shown was 225 pesos. When I went to pay, cash, the guys says: 10 dollars. What? The fellow says, he was trying to keep it simple, dollars for Americans. I told him, many are suckers without elementary math skill or because they are drunk but that I am going to file a complaint for asking 3 times.

Attaching some photos at the restaurant!That's only 3. 95, hate scammers.

07-19-20, 14:25
I like Cabarete. I like taking a worthwhile date there occasionally. But I absolutely hate paying 28% taxes on top of my bill. Of course living day to day, if I get my Dominican take out, I pay 125 to 175 pesos for lunch. My meat (is tender) , brown rice with beans, and 1 or 2 sides. (usually green salad and / or potato / macaroni salad). During the lock down, I bought more groceries than ever, and prepared most of my meals at home.

So I kinda got used to a frugal eating pattern. With no tourists around and no beach, I was going to my local Dominican spot every now and then. Now that some of my vacationing friends are in town, I have stepped up to 800 pesos to 1,000 pesos per outing hanging with them. LOL. Yesterday paid a huge tab for 4 of us. When they leave, I'll be back to a more simplistic eating and paying pattern. Except for the beach. As long as it's open, got to have my fish. 2 nights ago, I finally made to the Italian restaurant across from Flip Flop. Forgot the name. Starts with a T.

My buddy and I both had the linguine with shrimp. He had the red sauce and I had the white. Shared it so we both knew what red or white sauces tasted like. Very good. The bread dipped in olive oil was good too. Each dish alone was 650 pesos. We only drank water. My buddy paid the bill, so not sure if 28% taxes was in the bill or the standard 10% service. But I'm sure he tipped our server on top of what was on the bill. Flip Flop makes a great Tequila Sunrise. A little sweet, but good.

BTW I showed one of my buddies the small Dominican spot where I get my meals on the cheap, he loved it the 1st day, plowed through it like he was starving. He said he went back on his own another day.

07-19-20, 14:57
Chicas need money, so enough have come to Sosua looking for it. Mongers need / want pussy, so enough mongers have come to Sosua looking for it. How are both camps doing? Not sure. Things are definitely not the same. Especially when you have plenty of shit to worry about, moreso than ever. From the guys perspective, they are looking at the talent that has made it to Sosua. What is here may be considered doable, but it doesn't reach the level of old Rumba, Dee Latin, Merengue or Clasico days when these places were full of chicas. Nice looking ones.

Plus the numbers. Chicas are not significantly out numbering the guys that made it here. There is not a huge supply to meet the demand, IMHO. A lot of "sausage" is in town to match the "providers" on duty. :).

Be mindful, some of the vet chicas we still see in and around Sosua were at one time the cream of the crop. But they got older. Many don't look hot like they did back in 2010 - 2014. But they are still working. We have had a plethora of fresh 18 yr olds hit the scene in the last 6 years, and for the most part they brought in a lower class mentality with them. So you have the youth, but you don't have the feminine character traits that previous generation of chicas had. So no matter if it's prepandemic or postpandemic, chica quality is on a decline.

Of course we also have had a major influx of mongers over the years as well. Many guys young, old and in between. Guys that still had / have to learn by trial and error the ropes in dealing with the past, present and potential future element. The chicas, the hustlers, normal folks and ones own ignorance / stupidity getting in the way.

Can and are guys finding chicas to enjoy? Yes they are. Are spontaneous hookups still going on? Yes they are. Can a good time be had by guys that made it here as well as profitable for chicas / hustlers? Yes and yes.

Do the chicas seem much hungrier than in recent months / years? To me they do. And IMO guys should use that to their advantage. Now's not the time for chicas to be playing hard ball with their pricing expectations. There is not any real night life right now. So it would be in a chicas best interest to get clients while the irons are hot.

Case in point. Kings closed at 8 pm yesterday. After that chicas almost had no where to go. The police are not going to allow them to roam the streets freely. So where did they go? Well some went over to Las Palmeras like they did the previous night, looking for clients. The TreeHouse two was open. Just finished a birthday party for a guest. So here it is about 820 pm and these chicas haven't had a client. Then next I go around the corner on PC and I see a bunch of thirsty chicas standing by the liquor store. There is an alley there where some chicas stay.

You go further down and chicas are in the area of the bancos, and Hotel Europa. Ducking and hiding, trying to get picked up. On one hand it's convenient for guys to have women damn near begging to be scooped up. But on the other hand it looks like the desperation of chicks with no class. At least when chicks posted up in the usual venues, it gave them the appearance of having some class. Guys could feel like they were hunting. Now it seems that guys are more the hunted.

Oh well, some random thoughts. 45 day state of emergency is commencing soon. Standby for official reports on what it entails for locals, foreigners/tourists.

07-19-20, 15:01
Went for lunch there. Called an Uber, the rate shown was 225 pesos. When I went to pay, cash, the guys says: 10 dollars. What? The fellow says, he was trying to keep it simple, dollars for Americans. I told him, many are suckers without elementary math skill or because they are drunk but that I am going to file a complaint for asking 3 times.Same all over the world, unfortunately! Try Paris, Rome or London.

In the DR, there are always 2 prices. One for Dominicans and residents and one for tourists.

The trick is to get on the Dominican economy, and stay there!

Not easily done unless you spend a little time there, and they get to know you.

Mr Gogo
07-19-20, 15:12
I'm hearing from guys now visiting Sosua that the girls are saying the American dollar has increased by 58 %. They mean the pesos are 58 dop to 1 usd. The girls are saying this works out great for both parties and the guys can now pay 3 k to 5 k because the American dollar is so strong and it's the same deal as before. The newbies usually don't understand the exchange rate fluctuations and just want pussy, so he pays. Heads up fellas.

07-19-20, 15:19
Is the Ahnvee Resort in Sosua the new Blackbeard's. What the pros and cons also compare the two.Having stayed at Ahnvee I can offer insights. Never stayed but visited Blackbeards.

Ahnvee was a all inclusive upscale resort without resident girls for a while. For some reason fell out of favor and upkeep and maintenance declined. All the same found some life when the mayor closed down Main Street clubs. Layout is large with many apartment style units. If you do go there check out the room they give you to make sure air con, shower, toilet works. Also they have a small safe deposit box with a key not digital. Unit comes with a entry hall with kitchen area with no stove but there is a fridge. A living room with sofa and table. Then you enter a shower toilet area and beyond that is the bedroom with nice king bed. Once again check everything to make sure it is to your satisfaction otherwise ask them to show another unit. Make sure you get hot water in the shower. Do not accept any excuses. You are paying and likewise you should be comfortable.

Do not know the situation now. My travel last was before COVID. At that time room included free breakfast. In the evening there is a pool area and bar where lots girls hang out. You can take any girl to the after after negotiation and security check cedula. Later after 9 pm their disco opens in another building. Lots more girls are up for fun. If you rent a car like I do there is plenty of room for parking. Last time I met the owner / manager who was nice. He told me he is going to make the resort modern whatever that means.

Blackbeard's is essentially a brothel with in house girls on fixed rate. No game playing necessary. I heard rooms are nice. I went for the pool party there and they had good food. Some nice looking girls. Blackbeard is tucked in a kind of remote area and to anywhere you need transportation. There is a beach there close by. Blackbeard do arrange for tours and such.

Tier for girl services are one time or all night services. You need to negotiate special services directly with the girl. If you do not fancy any of the girls they will have a special call out girls. If you do not Like any of the uncertainties in chase and catch fun you will like Blackbeard's.

Mr Enternational
07-19-20, 15:37
If they are saying they don't want to encourage large groups of people from gathering, Bye Bye Kings, etc.

07-19-20, 17:58
If they are saying they don't want to encourage large groups of people from gathering, Bye Bye Kings, etc.Thing is, it's implementation may be modified and tweaked in the hours and days to come. For instance. Maybe restaurants and other businesses may still be allowed to operate on the beach, but swimming is not allowed? Many locals won't go to the beach if they can't get in the water, and / or not allowed to set up their area with their own food and drink. At an approved beach venue, those establishments will be good as long as they can follow the guidelines that were set up, in order for them to operate.

That may reduce the local crowds from gathering, significantly. And appease the authorities. Locals are not likely to spend their money at beach venues. And lastly, Im sure at the meeting they were speaking Spanish. The article/piece is in English. Which means somebody had to have translated it from Spanish. It's best to make sure what was said and meant at the meeting isnt being misconstrued in context.

07-19-20, 22:47
I like Cabarete. I like taking a worthwhile date there occasionally. But I absolutely hate paying 28% taxes on top of my bill. Can't blame you. The 28% plus the tip I left (I could have not but I know the service staff there), easily makes up for one, even two, decent Dominican meals.

If I recall, and so far this time, I have not been to, The Germany Bar and Grill keeps the price all inclusive.

07-19-20, 22:57
Same all over the world, unfortunately! I was taken aback by the audacity of it all, given that Uber sends you an invoice at the end of the ride (and one can pay by card, while I chose the cash option) so much so that a less than 4 dollar ride became a 10 dollar trick.

The fellow apologized profusely after he realized that I can beat him at his Spanish as well.

07-20-20, 01:44
Well that is the same thing the girls do and it seems to work for them.Sure! Taking advantage of others' ignorance is not a boy or girl thing though, it is an equal opportunity thing!

For a majority of people on earth, it is still inconceivable that when they hit sundown, there are other parts of the world where it is daytime. Unlike some who fly because it is their job, many travel, paying their hard earned money. For some it might be their first ever time outside of the cities they have seen their whole life and so I understand their consternation at things like exchange rates. I would not go to extrapolate it on to anything else.

07-21-20, 00:40
Apparently there is a new Presidental decree (read on DR1) closing beaches once again starting today and for 45 days, but no one knew where and when including the cops on the beach. I was expecting this as I saw locals behaving rather irresponsibly, drinking, screaming with the mask covering the chin.

I went to check the main beach and the restaurants today and found everything to be open and the groups from US all huddled together at the eating stations. In addition, some creep started to play music loud a la Domenicaine and so I gave up on Aris 67. Further up, found a restaurant, which looked quieter and so I ate there. The Owner is a Rosario, originally from Sicily, he told me, (and very friendly) but lived mostly in Koln, the reason why he offered German food as well. I enjoyed the lunch, with an ice cold beer, followed by an espresso and a small glass of grappa. The total came to about 650. Interestingly, there were quite a few women trudging up and down and all Haitienne. Today being my first day on this beach, could not tell, if the women are more numerous than last week but they were a good number and for me, quite acceptable.

I miss the night time outing, sitting in a bar, with a drink and a cigar as the world goes by but by 9 PM, the downtown is a ghost town.

Dick Hertz
07-21-20, 02:07
Having stayed at Ahnvee I can offer insights. Never stayed but visited Blackbeards.

Ahnvee was a all inclusive upscale resort without resident girls for a while. For some reason fell out of favor and upkeep and maintenance declined. All the same found some life when the mayor closed down Main Street clubs. Layout is large with many apartment style units. If you do go there check out the room they give you to make sure air con, shower, toilet works. Also they have a small safe deposit box with a key not digital. Unit comes with a entry hall with kitchen area with no stove but there is a fridge. A living room with sofa and table. Then you enter a shower toilet area and beyond that is the bedroom with nice king bed. Once again check everything to make sure it is to your satisfaction otherwise ask them to show another unit. Make sure you get hot water in the shower. Do not accept any excuses. You are paying and likewise you should be comfortable.

Do not know the situation now. My travel last was before COVID. At that time room included free breakfast. In the evening there is a pool area and bar where lots girls hang out. You can take any girl to the after after negotiation and security check cedula. Later after 9 pm their disco opens in another building. Lots more girls are up for fun. If you rent a car like I do there is plenty of room for parking. Last time I met the owner / manager who was nice. He told me he is going to make the resort modern whatever that means.

Blackbeard's is essentially a brothel with in house girls on fixed rate. No game playing necessary. I heard rooms are nice. I went for the pool party there and they had good food. Some nice looking girls. Blackbeard is tucked in a kind of remote area and to anywhere you need transportation. There is a beach there close by. Blackbeard do arrange for tours and such.

Tier for girl services are one time or all night services. You need to negotiate special services directly with the girl. If you do not fancy any of the girls they will have a special call out girls. If you do not Like any of the uncertainties in chase and catch fun you will like Blackbeard's.Thanks Sammon for that valuable info. Its a shame that the place is in such disrepair because of the great potential. Too much of a risk.

07-23-20, 03:57
The second day of the second curfew.

07-23-20, 10:25
The second day of the second curfew.More struggling Sosua businesses will be going broke if they keep this new SOE curfew for the full 45 days, but Dominicans are resilient and used to hardship.

I have to go back to TO to take care of passport, licence, health card status and tax stuff, and I'll be in quarantine for the first 14 days there. Can't leave the apartment, go for a beer, or shopping. No daily walk, or dip in a pool. Just me and a TV. Not exactly healthy.

But even with the restrictions, my life here is far better and I'll be happy to come back as soon as I can.

07-23-20, 13:20
The second day of the second curfew.Thanks for the update!

07-23-20, 22:50
But even with the restrictions, my life here is far better and I'll be happy to come back as soon as I can.I have to say that in New England, life is not bad. I am free to go wherever I wish to and at whatever time. We all do our part in ensuring safety of others by not politicizing masks like the asses in the South and at this moment, our situation COVID wise is the best in the country. If we had all done our parts right, the country would be back to normal. Both school opening and business wise.

I like to go out for a stroll here too after dark, often there is a pleasant breeze but after the new clampdown, I cannot leave after 7 PM which sucks big time.

Safe travels to Canada!

07-24-20, 03:01
The beer is on me. I'm hoping to go to Sosua in September.Speaking of Weissbier, a picture from today. To my dismay, the food was not good including the sauteed potato. The good news was it was only 340 tax included. The beer was way better but 260 pesos. Ah well!

07-24-20, 12:26
Speaking of Weissbier, a picture from today. To my dismay, the food was not good including the sauteed potato. The good news was it was only 340 tax included. The beer was way better but 260 pesos. Ah well!High protein food LOL.

Weissbier beer my favorite!

07-25-20, 11:43
Yesterday I found out that Metro Bus runs only ONE (out of its usual 6-7) daily service, that too, on weekdays only, from Sosua to St. Domingo, passing through Santiago. This one is at 8.20 in the morning. I did not then go on, to check with Caribe Tours about their schedule but I would imagine, they may have slashed their schedule as well. This is another contributing factor, I would think, in exacerbating the arrival of chicks at Sosua, from further south and may explain the paucity of acceptable talent I saw around.

Uber too is pretty spotty. Most times, the app said, that there were no drivers or it was a long wait. The motoconchos are around of course. I also heard anecdotally that it is the driver plus 4 passengers in the carritos plying around these days.

07-25-20, 23:07
The weekend lock down starts at 5 PM and sucks even more. I just saw some cops on their motorcycles, presumably enforcing.

A Puerto Plata blanquita brought her prima to get to know me this morning. It is curious. The other girl is quite a morena with skinny body, nice tits on a small frame and a beautiful smile. They had beer, chips and ice cream and then the blanquita was doing the dishes and wiping the floor while the other one kept me busy. They left, after about two hours which was lunch time.

Had another one rush in around 3. 30 knowing that the clock stops at 5. 00 PM.

DR1 site has some scary news story about rising infection and death; I am sure the incoming flights are not helping as essentially US is the only country still sending people over and the infection here tracks, you know which one. Remains to be seen how long this window remains open.

Blak Casper
07-25-20, 23:36
Went for lunch there. Called an Uber, the rate shown was 225 pesos. When I went to pay, cash, the guys says: 10 dollars. What? The fellow says, he was trying to keep it simple, dollars for Americans. I told him, many are suckers without elementary math skill or because they are drunk but that I am going to file a complaint for asking 3 times.

Attaching some photos at the restaurant!Why were you wanting to pay cash instead of a linked to the app CC with no foreign fee? That is the beauty of theses apps, no funny business.

Is Cabify in the DR? I used it in Bogota.

07-26-20, 02:00
Why were you wanting to pay cash instead of a linked to the app CC with no foreign fee?

Is Cabify in the DR? I used it in Bogota.I like cash whenever I can. The spooks of google and other automatons would not be able to add more to my profile than they need to. Call me a paranoid but then I know tech.

Cabify? Never heard of it, anywhere I have been to, let alone in the DR.

Mr Enternational
07-27-20, 12:45
Just a reminder that the water in Cabarete is not for swimming:


07-27-20, 15:16
Given that the bus services are sketchy, as is Uber in Sosua, I asked the gentleman from Santiago to come and pick me up. In two hours time, we were at STI, doing the mountain road which is really slow.

Fairly low volume of flying people on the way back. The building entry is monitored by a temperature sensor as I could see it this time, placed at the entry and rather discreet. There was a lady in nurse's scrubs at the back as well.

Uneventful flight. I tried to sneak in a few mangoes but darn, those CBP people and the USDA. Broke my heart to see them throw such scrumptious stuff in a garbage bin.

Stay safe, you all in Sosua and those that are raring to go. Unfortunately, the curfew at 5/7 PM did not go down well with me.

07-27-20, 16:28
Just a reminder that the water in Cabarete is not for swimming:

https://dominicantoday.com/dr/north-coast/2020/07/26/visitor-drowns-while-swimming-at-cabarete-beach-dominican-republic/Wauu! Good for surf! Are there surfing spots?

Triple Darknes
07-27-20, 17:59
Yesterday I found out that Metro Bus runs only ONE (out of its usual 6-7) daily service, that too, on weekdays only, from Sosua to St. Domingo, passing through Santiago. This one is at 8.20 in the morning. I did not then go on, to check with Caribe Tours about their schedule but I would imagine, they may have slashed their schedule as well. This is another contributing factor, I would think, in exacerbating the arrival of chicks at Sosua, from further south and may explain the paucity of acceptable talent I saw around.

Uber too is pretty spotty. Most times, the app said, that there were no drivers or it was a long wait. The motoconchos are around of course. I also heard anecdotally that it is the driver plus 4 passengers in the carritos plying around these days.Uber shuts down about an hour before lockdown. I got stuck while getting into one. They shut it down and I had to grab a Motorcycle willing to take a chance. We were stopped at a roadblock but they let us pass. It looked like they were going to tow cars they had a Tow truck at the roadblock.

08-01-20, 22:37
I don't see the price reset. Avg looking or fat mongers with no contacts will get peso depreciated adjusted quotes. I laugh at some chicks looking for weekend millionaires. Less than 20% of these chicks are 8/10 in looks. I laugh when its almost curfew time and the chick negotiates high and goes home broke. Cops, curfew, and rain has put a dent in chicas' earning potential. I'm not the biggest PI fan but broke chicks negotiate way to hard for SW level options in DR. Half of the restaurants are tourist traps. Kings got packed but they will let in friends / hot females but told me to wait 5 minutes. Ha those Dominicans they let in don't play for the Red Sox. That overpriced pickup spot hasn't seen a peso from me since. AVOID avg looking girls. You flew too far for that. It works for white senior citizens that want 18 to19 year old flesh. Avg. Looking chicks is not worth the 5 HR. Flight. They will expect close to what 7+/10's are getting for compensation. If a 8 is getting 3 to 4 k that 5 will want 2500.

08-01-20, 22:43
I don't see the price reset. Avg looking or fat mongers with no contacts will get peso depreciated adjusted quotes. I laugh at some chicks looking for weekend millionaires. Less than 20% of these chicks are 8/10 in looks. I laugh when its almost curfew time and the chick negotiates high and goes home broke. Cops, curfew, and rain has put a dent in chicas' earning potential. I'm not the biggest PI fan but broke chicks negotiate way to hard for SW level options in DR. Half of the restaurants are tourist traps. Kings got packed but they will let in friends / hot females but told me to wait 5 minutes. Ha those Dominicans they let in don't play for the Red Sox. That overpriced pickup spot hasn't seen a peso from me since. AVOID avg looking girls. You flew too far for that. It works for white senior citizens that want 18 to 19 year old flesh. Avg. Looking chicks is not worth the 5 HR. Flight. They will expect close to what 7+/10's are getting for compensation. If a 8 is getting 3 to 4 k that 5 will want 2500.

08-01-20, 23:19
If your new or have no contacts try to get 1 or 2 girls a day for $60 all day flat rate. This may be amateur providers.

Mr Enternational
08-02-20, 03:18
Uneventful flight. I tried to sneak in a few mangoes but darn, those CBP people and the USDA. Broke my heart to see them throw such scrumptious stuff in a garbage bin.What would have broken your heart is if they made you pay the $500 fine for each piece. Those would have been the most expensive mangos that you had never eaten. Consider yourself lucky.

Triple Darknes
08-02-20, 03:28
If your new or have no contacts try to get 1 or 2 girls a day for $60 all day flat rate. This may be amateur providers.I was offered accommodations with a girl from Santo Domingo and and her girlfriend who lives in sousa. I just was too lazy to ride up there but they offered threesomes the room and breakfast and dinner, I wanted to do it to meet the other girl and get a low cost trip to the Sue out of the way. Oh well Still considering taking an Uber up as I don't want to wait for the Bus and get there late.


Triple Darknes
08-02-20, 03:30
What would have broken your heart is if they made you pay the $500 fine for each piece. Those would have been the most expensive mangos that you had never eaten. Consider yourself lucky.It depends where you fly into. My cousin brought in a suitcase full of breadfruit from Jamaica at Reagan National no problem. My other cousin bought seeds to plant ackee to Fort Lauderdale. A friend brought in some Jerk Pork for herself and had to dump it at BWI.


08-02-20, 12:08
If your new or have no contacts try to get 1 or 2 girls a day for $60 all day flat rate. This may be amateur providers.I recommend this strategy because after a mid morning breakfast you have less than 10 hrs. To procure talent considering curfew. Furthermore, club game has been suspended. I no longer have the luxury of waltzing in Clasicos after 2 am and getting a last call 8/10 for $50. As aforementioned 1500 peso girls want 2 k today since the peso nosedived.

08-02-20, 18:40
Those would have been the most expensive mangoes that you had never eaten. You are right. But every now and then one does get lucky and barring Australia, it is never a pain. I remember bringing in a suitcase full of mango from the Philippines, when I used to live in the EU.

Apparently the CBP was super alert with dog etc but the officer was nice. In fact he allowed me through a separate line while others were all x-raying their bags. He also told me that if I were to bring in mangoes, without the seed, I would go through as it would be considered "processed". Well, keeping the mangoes chilled would be the biggest challenge. As it so happens, as I found out, and we laughed aloud about this. I was not the only one trying to sneak in mangoes.

08-02-20, 22:11
I am not in Sosua to verify at the moment. I am hearing that Ahnvee is packing them in on weekends because being a "hoetel" they can be open. Girls arrive before curfew and there is a line of taxis to take guys and hoes home after curfew. Anyone care to do a recon trip to verify my info? There is always a way around the rules in the DR jajajaja.

08-03-20, 17:20
It's about a month old but there is still mongering to be done it appears.



08-03-20, 17:35
I am not in Sosua to verify at the moment. I am hearing that Ahnvee is packing them in on weekends because being a "hoetel" they can be open. Girls arrive before curfew and there is a line of taxis to take guys and hoes home after curfew. Anyone care to do a recon trip to verify my info? There is always a way around the rules in the DR jajajaja.I visited Ahnvee before curfew on Fri. And they only had 5 ladies. A couple were 7's. Some of the staff is cute too. Unless I stay at Ahnvee I'm not risking imprisonment. Good to know I should've stayed at Ahnvee for after hours talent. They had 2 girls where I stay in the pool. They were 5.5/10. Not worth 1 k or the nut. Obviously they would want more dinero.

08-03-20, 19:38
I am not in Sosua to verify at the moment. I am hearing that Ahnvee is packing them in on weekends because being a "hoetel" they can be open. Girls arrive before curfew and there is a line of taxis to take guys and hoes home after curfew. Anyone care to do a recon trip to verify my info? There is always a way around the rules in the DR jajajaja.I have about four or five videos from inside the resort. Guys making it rain and the girls are loving it on the dance floor. Social distance was not a factor as the resort can operate With discretion behind closed doors. If you know the layout of the resort you know it has a lot of outside space as well as the disco. I did see a few people wearing mask and showing precautions. But the whole scene looks like business as usual. It is definitely worth the trip for some guys who enjoy the Ahnvee scene. Something is better than nothing (even with the lockdown) is the attitude of some of them. Not being Able to get to the DR in three or four months Of sex prison, I understand their rationale. If Boca Chica didn't save me I might have been there with them.

08-06-20, 17:01
Wanted to make a last minute run and tried to get a covid test in the states to take with me, the DR says they don't test if you have a negative test within 5 days, didn't realize it takes days to get the results.

Does anybody that live there have any info on these "isolation facilities" they will put you in if you happen to be asymptomatic and show up?

08-06-20, 17:36
They will test you on arrival if you do not provide them test results.

Wanted to make a last minute run and tried to get a covid test in the states to take with me, the DR says they don't test if you have a negative test within 5 days, didn't realize it takes days to get the results.

Does anybody that live there have any info on these "isolation facilities" they will put you in if you happen to be asymptomatic and show up?

Mr Enternational
08-06-20, 17:50
Wanted to make a last minute run and tried to get a covid test in the states to take with me, the DR says they don't test if you have a negative test within 5 days, didn't realize it takes days to get the results.

Does anybody that live there have any info on these "isolation facilities" they will put you in if you happen to be asymptomatic and show up?You don't need a test. You simply fill out a form when you get there saying that you are okay.

08-06-20, 20:13
You don't need a test. You simply fill out a form when you get there saying that you are okay.I believe, Mr. Enternational that you entered the DR, like I did, before 7/30/20, when the DR supposedly instituted the rapid Covid test policy at the various ports of entry. Before 7/30, last month, I also filled out the form that you mentioned on the plane, although nobody asked to see the form after our plane landed at SDQ. I just scheduled my Covid test tomorrow before my next trip to the DR that's coming up soon and, still don't know if I will have the results before I leave. Can someone who entered the Dominican Republic after 7/30/20, update us as to whether Covid 19 tests are being administered on people when they arrive at the various airports in the DR?

Husker Dude
08-06-20, 20:26
I believe, Mr. Enternational that you entered the DR, like I did, before 7/30/20, when the DR supposedly instituted the rapid Covid test policy at the various ports of entry. Before 7/30, last month, I also filled out the form that you mentioned on the plane, although nobody asked to see the form after our plane landed at SDQ. I just scheduled my Covid test tomorrow before my next trip to the DR that's coming up soon and, still don't know if I will have the results before I leave. Can someone who entered the Dominican Republic after 7/30/20, update us as to whether Covid 19 tests are being administered on people when they arrive at the various airports in the DR?A friend of mine heard from some just arriving the last few days. You can bring a test result with you and go through. If you don't have a test result you go to a separate line & they are testing randomly on site there with results 5-10 minutes. Guys going through tests still get there before bags come out. Everyone must fill out form as mentioned.

Mr Enternational
08-06-20, 20:56
I believe, Mr. Enternational that you entered the DR, like I did, before 7/30/20, when the DR supposedly instituted the rapid Covid test policy at the various ports of entry. Before 7/30, last month, I also filled out the form that you mentioned on the plane, although nobody asked to see the form after our plane landed at SDQ.That was my brother's paperwork. He went on the 29th. I have a friend that went yesterday and it was the same thing. No test. Just the paper.

08-06-20, 21:25
Is it worth it to go to Sosua at this time? We all know COVID exist so lets ignore that for the sake of this post. Are there women around for the enjoyment of us should we go to Sosua in the coming weeks? I am dying to get out of sex prison USA but there seems to be no countries open for decent mongering other than the DR.


08-06-20, 22:29
A friend of mine heard from some just arriving the last few days. You can bring a test result with you and go through. If you don't have a test result you go to a separate line & they are testing randomly on site there with results 5-10 minutes. Guys going through tests still get there before bags come out. Everyone must fill out form as mentioned.Thank you, Husker Dude, your info contains the current practice. I just read it on Dominican Today: https://dominicantoday.com/dr/covid-19/2020/08/06/34-died-from-covid-19-were-hypertensive-and-23-27-diabetic-in-dr/.

08-06-20, 22:38
That was my brother's paperwork. He went on the 29th. I have a friend that went yesterday and it was the same thing. No test. Just the paper.Hey Mr. Enternational, rapid Covid tests are being done at the airports but perhaps inconsistently. What really puzzles me is, how is it that the Dominican Republic can administer rapid Covid test with results in a few minutes but it takes more than a week to get the results in the US?

Triple Darknes
08-07-20, 01:26
Is it worth it to go to Sosua at this time? We all know COVID exist so lets ignore that for the sake of this post. Are there women around for the enjoyment of us should we go to Sosua in the coming weeks? I am dying to get out of sex prison USA but there seems to be no countries open for decent mongering other than the DR.

Showdown.Yes. I know a girl from SD who's up there now. She won't give me many details but the fact that she texts me every couple of days to see if I willing to make the trip indicates that it's slow.

Additionally I can't see it working but there's supposed to be a two week Monger strike in Sosua, Puerto Plata and Caberete now.

I think dirty scabs will fuck it up by fucking though.


08-07-20, 03:17
how is it that the Dominican Republic can administer rapid Covid test with results in a few minutes but it takes more than a week to get the results in the US?I take it you don't understand the Dominican republic. They are being more politically correct than scientifically accurate. Those test cost money! For them to give every single person that comes through a test is a big financial burden. However, politically they must look like they're doing something in order to continue their reopening of tourism. IMHO, It's soon going look fishy that everybody is testing negative That come through the airport. Then we may hear something about Cheap knock off testing kits being used at the airport.

I received my Covid test results yesterday. I used an app Download it to my phone to keep in contact with my results. The results came back negative but it does not have my name or information on the results. I have to figure out how am I going to get this information on paper saying my name and I'm negative. I used CVS drive-through testing. The results took a week to come back.

08-07-20, 03:47
Is it worth it to go to Sosua at this time?
Showdown.Curfew starts at 7 PM until 5 AM during the week day. 5 PM until 5 AM during the weekends. There will be no active public nightlife. From my understanding they are allowing you to ride around in cars during the lockdown. During the daytime it looks as if it's business as usual from the videos I've seen.

Some guys, after being in sex prison for several months, went to the Sue as soon as the borders opened up. They adapt to the lockdown and make the most out of it. For them it's better than being locked down in the states. A lot of the Chica are adapting too. They can up charge and operate during the day and up charge during the night.

Ahnvee benefits the most from the lockdown just like they've benefited when the police Were harassing and arresting the chicas on the streets. Being a resort they can run business as usual behind closed doors. Many people are taking cabs to and from the resort. Its the biggest and most well-known meeting spot. They are capable of running their nightlife on the resort. Some people just go ahead and get a room there.

Like Trip said earlier, I'm not too fond of resort chica. However, Being in sex prison can make you tolerate some shit. So it's all about what you are willing to tolerate under the current circumstances.

Mr Enternational
08-07-20, 04:24
Hey Mr. Enternational, rapid Covid tests are being done at the airports but perhaps inconsistently. What really puzzles me is, how is it that the Dominican Republic can administer rapid Covid test with results in a few minutes but it takes more than a week to get the results in the US?My brother said if they were doing them then it was randomly, because he was talking to me on the plane and I told him to hurry off and run in front of everyone, because friends were posting the day before about them testing people. I think they did it for 1 day and they realized they were overloaded so they stopped.

"they didn't check in sti, if they do it to random people. Give them tbe paperwork and go right through".

Here is a picture and post from the day before he went.

P. S. I don't know what is with the US. In Thailand I take my computer to the shop to be fixed and they tell me 1 hour and $7. In the US I take my computer to the shop to be fixed and they tell me 2 weeks and $200.

I take it you don't understand the Dominican republic. They are being more politically correct than scientifically accurate. Those test cost money! For them to give every single person that comes through a test is a big financial burden. However, politically they must look like they're doing something in order to continue their reopening of tourism. IMHO, It's soon going look fishy that everybody is testing negative That come through the airport. Then we may hear something about Cheap knock off testing kits being used at the airport.LOL. They probably swabbing everybody then looking at the qtip under a black light.

Mr Enternational
08-07-20, 04:33
Is it worth it to go to Sosua at this time? We all know COVID exist so lets ignore that for the sake of this post. Are there women around for the enjoyment of us should we go to Sosua in the coming weeks?A while back Wrx reported the same as all my friends that have been going: Plenty of 4's and 5's walking the streets.

08-07-20, 13:32
Curfew starts at 7 PM until 5 AM during the week day. 5 PM until 5 AM during the weekends. There will be no active public nightlife. ..........I take it many girls should be willing to do toda la noche for a cost that's less than pre-covid prices.

08-07-20, 14:42
What would have broken your heart is if they made you pay the $500 fine for each piece. Those would have been the most expensive mangos that you had never eaten. Consider yourself lucky.DR mangos! They are the best I have eaten in my life!

08-07-20, 16:19
I take it many girls should be willing to do toda la noche for a cost that's less than pre-covid prices.That makes so much sense to us, however for many Chicas, that means up your prices because times are harder. They also have an up your prices when times are getting easier moto. Example, recently, Gogo tried to hook up someone with one of his amigas with benefit That hustles in the Sue but lives in the capital.

Gogo used to bang her for about 2000 every time she came through. Times are hard business is slow so he tries to do her a favor by sending business her way. What does she do. Attempt to charge him $100. Then she complain to Gogo when he wouldn’t except it. Only in the DR.

Mr Gogo
08-07-20, 18:33
That makes so much sense to us, however for many Chicas, that means up your prices because times are harder. They also have an up your prices when times are getting easier moto. Example, recently, Gogo tried to hook up someone with one of his amigas with benefit That hustles in the Sue but lives in the capital.

Gogo used to bang her for about 2000 every time she came through. Times are hard business is slow so he tries to do her a favor by sending business her way. What does she do. Attempt to charge him $100. Then she complain to Gogo when he wouldnt except it. Only in the DR.Man every time I catch the bus from Sosua to Santo Domingo I meet girls on the bus who were tricking. Especially if its a Monday. Going from Santo Domingo to Sosua, Thursday and Friday are the best days.

One girl I banged in Sosua and I hooked a brother from Jersey up with her number in Santo domingo. I paid 2 k in Sosua but she told him it was 5 k in Santo Domingo. She hit me up bitching because he refused to pay 5 k, So I asked her why the price difference? And she said " I'm not a puta in Santo Domingo" LOL. She was serious about this shit.

Triple Darknes
08-07-20, 23:59
Man every time I catch the bus from Sosua to Santo Domingo I meet girls on the bus who were tricking. Especially if its a Monday. Going from Santo Domingo to Sosua, Thursday and Friday are the best days.

One girl I banged in Sosua and I hooked a brother from Jersey up with her number in Santo domingo. I paid 2 k in Sosua but she told him it was 5 k in Santo Domingo. She hit me up bitching because he refused to pay 5 k, So I asked her why the price difference? And she said " I'm not a puta in Santo Domingo" LOL. She was serious about this shit.Hoe Logic at it's finest!

I should catch the bus up just to catch the bus down. Did you say Monday is the day most return?

08-08-20, 14:08
...........One girl I banged in Sosua and I hooked a brother from Jersey up with her number in Santo domingo. I paid 2 k in Sosua but she told him it was 5 k in Santo Domingo. She hit me up bitching because he refused to pay 5 k, So I asked her why the price difference? And she said " I'm not a puta in Santo Domingo" LOL. She was serious about this shit.Some years ago I sessioned a girl in Casa Teresa and on another occasion met her in Sosua and did her toda la noche for less than I paid her for one hour in Casa Teresa.

08-08-20, 14:44
Even though there is a curfew I understand Ahnvee is still open afrer hours. Can some one explain how this works I willl be in town soon.

08-08-20, 15:00
Even though there is a curfew I understand Ahnvee is still open afrer hours. Can some one explain how this works I willl be in town soon.You could stay at Ahnvee. Hopefully curfew ends this weekend.

08-08-20, 15:05
A while back Wrx reported the same as all my friends that have been going: Plenty of 4's and 5's walking the streets.Last Friday LE ran off the bad chicks. Plus 75% less mongers here. A picky guy with no contacts will have a couple nights a week with no action. Yesterday the best prospect I ran into was worth 1500 max. Tall light skin slight gut and not the youngest or cutest face. Guys with contacts will do fine. Newbies should wait till Nov.

08-08-20, 20:50
Has anybody been to this DR Nights resort in Punta Cana? If so when and how was it? I just heard about it and their website looks incredible. Too good to be true. And that is what I'm wondering. Is it a scam or legit. I would like to do a few nights there if its everything the website claims. The girls look fabulous. The price is high and they want $1,500 deposits so what's the deal does anybody know for sure?

08-09-20, 00:58
You could stay at Ahnvee. Hopefully curfew ends this weekend.Curfew has been extended for 25 days from August 9, 2020 and this extension is going to be reviewed by the new President after August 16.

08-15-20, 11:34
I give their service 4/10. Constant rushing and renegotiating for more money and causing unnecessary hassles. DR is not a top 10 destination service wise. Not ear why dudes put these chicks on a pedestal. Appearance wise Sosua does not have chicks in top 5 looks. These chicas are unrealistic with their value. Tourism is down 85% and the way these sisters get down won't help. After the first 2 weeks of July the DR reboot has been hit or miss. If you don't overpay these chicks most will cut corners. Try to hire chicks 90 minutes. Before curfew. They will lie all day no problem to make money but will rush. Most of these chicas are wack.

08-15-20, 12:37
The #1 question I got from the fellas when I revealed my trip was 1 month was. What is a long trip like in the Su? Most of the fellas didn't have that luxury and took trips less than a week. The answer is if DR isn't in your top 3 destinations don't do it. If you're picky don't do it. After the first week you may have a difficult time finding talent at a fair price. DR is better suited for men that worship AfroLatinas. Alot of chicks cut corners even at $130 US a hour. No Dominican will pay non celebs that much. These chicks better off servicing local men for 500 p. These chicks foul. There is a niche and fetish for every type of female. My objective was achieved. Practice my Spanish. The price point is low and I knew there would be duds and unprofessional. Not my first rodeo here. Bar closures and curfew doesn't help cause. Don't let local expat businessmen and chicas fool you. Curfew means more rushing. I've never met a Dominicana that earned repeat business or more than taxi fare as a gift not tip.

08-15-20, 13:22
I arrived on the 9th. Plane to pop was about 30 percent full. The curfew is a pain but can be worked with. I'm staying at Europa and if the girl comes after curfew they don't mind. Its business as usual. I just tell the girl ill pay for the taxi to the hotel. Its an added cost but the dollar is strong. Europa is paying 57 per dollar at the desk. Prices are pretty much the same as always. They ask for 3500 short term, but will take 2500 and still be happy. Going under 2500 you run a greater risk of poor service. Toda la noches can be a good value right now. Some girls seem to find value in being in a hotel for curfew time. Weather is great, food is great, chicas are great, wear a mask and obey curfew and have a great time.

08-15-20, 14:34
I give their service 4/10. Constant rushing and renegotiating for more money and causing unnecessary hassles. DR is not a top 10 destination service wise. Not ear why dudes put these chicks on a pedestal. Appearance wise Sosua does not have chicks in top 5 looks. These chicas are unrealistic with their value. Tourism is down 85% and the way these sisters get down won't help. After the first 2 weeks of July the DR reboot has been hit or miss. If you don't overpay these chicks most will cut corners. Try to hire chicks 90 minutes. Before curfew. They will lie all day no problem to make money but will rush. Most of these chicas are wack.For a while I thought that I may have been alone in thinking this. I have always complained about the poor service I received from the providers in the DR. Its the worst in Latin America and close to being the worst in the world in my view being beat in that regard only by the likes of India. Even the hottest girls in the mongering world, the FKK babes in Germany, provide better service. Is it because its so close to the US?

08-15-20, 15:38
When you go to places like Su your not finding love. 80% of the scantily clad women are in the 'game'. These chicks are fiercely loyal to the local men. Once she is in your room she knew she has secured payment even if you kick her out. Chicks only think for the day. Not future biz. If they see me next week and their in the doldrums and rent is due they may try to play me twice. These chicks see half of affluent monger soft and will rick violence for an extra 500 p. Bottom line these cholas think they are street smarter. Law enforcement / condo staff put the opus on you to choose wisely. The prettier the chick the more believable you promised 3000 vs the truth of 2500. As long as their bad faith tricks pay half the time they will jeopardize their health and repeat biz to sucker an extra 500 to 1 k. Beware: The girls know the dop tanked.

For a while I thought that I may have been alone in thinking this. I have always complained about the poor service I received from the providers in the DR. Its the worst in Latin America and close to being the worst in the world in my view being beat in that regard only by the likes of India. Even the hottest girls in the mongering world, the FKK babes in Germany, provide better service. Is it because its so close to the US?

08-15-20, 18:37
I arrived on the 9th. Plane to pop was about 30 percent full. The curfew is a pain but can be worked with. I'm staying at Europa and if the girl comes after curfew they don't mind. Its business as usual. I just tell the girl ill pay for the taxi to the hotel. Its an added cost but the dollar is strong. Europa is paying 57 per dollar at the desk. Prices are pretty much the same as always. They ask for 3500 short term, but will take 2500 and still be happy. Going under 2500 you run a greater risk of poor service. Toda la noches can be a good value right now. Some girls seem to find value in being in a hotel for curfew time. Weather is great, food is great, chicas are great, wear a mask and obey curfew and have a great time.3.

Thanks for your Report. I will arrive at Europa the 29th and stay for two weeks.

Can I ask where you get your Girls from during Curfew?

I'm checking out Badoo and found some Chicks there already.

08-15-20, 21:17
It is not that difficult. Learn a bit of Spanish, try to work outside of the usual street walkers of Sosua by using a bit of technology and invite people from areas around. That way, you wouldn't have to deal with the usual culprits and then having to whine, as to how bad these people are. It is what it is but if you figure out how, you can make lemonade out of your lemon. You can also do yourself the favor of not coming to Sosua and save yourself the bother altogether.

08-16-20, 01:37
It is not that difficult. Learn a bit of Spanish, try to work outside of the usual street walkers of Sosua by using a bit of technology and invite people from areas around. That way, you wouldn't have to deal with the usual culprits and then having to whine, as to how bad these people are. It is what it is but if you figure out how, you can make lemonade out of your lemon. You can also do yourself the favor of not coming to Sosua and save yourself the bother altogether.Thank you for reiterating the points I've previously brought up. Your very original. Your response was funny because my post states fact. Please don't act like street chicks don't moonlight on social media and don't meet dudes in other arenas. They are well diversified.

08-16-20, 01:39
It is not that difficult. Learn a bit of Spanish, try to work outside of the usual street walkers of Sosua by using a bit of technology and invite people from areas around. That way, you wouldn't have to deal with the usual culprits and then having to whine, as to how bad these people are. It is what it is but if you figure out how, you can make lemonade out of your lemon. You can also do yourself the favor of not coming to Sosua and save yourself the bother altogether.I have a degree in Spanish. A lot of locals want to talk in English to get me to let my guard down.

08-16-20, 10:47
It is not that difficult. Learn a bit of Spanish, try to work outside of the usual street walkers of Sosua by using a bit of technology and invite people from areas around. That way, you wouldn't have to deal with the usual culprits and then having to whine, as to how bad these people are. It is what it is but if you figure out how, you can make lemonade out of your lemon. You can also do yourself the favor of not coming to Sosua and save yourself the bother altogether.Please RTFF before you try to show up other Senior Members. I stated facts and am boots on the ground. SAVE your 1 cent since I went over your points of contention already. I have no problem with you caping for these basic girls. I give two caps about them. They are paid providers. I am a customer who pays fair not their dirtbag novios.

08-16-20, 14:01
It is not that difficult. Learn a bit of Spanish, try to work outside of the usual street walkers of Sosua by using a bit of technology and invite people from areas around. That way, you wouldn't have to deal with the usual culprits and then having to whine, as to how bad these people are. It is what it is but if you figure out how, you can make lemonade out of your lemon. You can also do yourself the favor of not coming to Sosua and save yourself the bother altogether.IMHO, the posts on this board are not representative of the experience of most mongers who come to Sosua from all over the world, even Europe, in great numbers.

The whiners are mainly guys either never come here, or guys that come here often, but are always complaining anyway, or the newbie that fucks up and loses his shit, and ends up in a drama.

Go figure.

I live here and interact with visitors all the time, and most think they've died and gone to heaven with all the beautiful freelancers available, at such low prices, in a real laid back setting. Getting ripped off is a relatively rare experience, if you observe a little common sense, and a little respect, and avoid the hard core wakkos.

11 years, hundreds of sessions, and not one "rip off", and that goes for guys I know who have been coming down here to visit me. In fact the only ripping off I've found are ego guys that need to be trained in common P4P interactions.

Specifically there's one guy that came down every year from my home town and figures he can fuck the locals for free, on sheer personality. LOL. Of course he needs an intro to my circle of chica friends.

Last year we are in a bar and an old fat hard core hooker I've known since she was young and pretty came in and say Hello, I told him she was trouble, but she zeroed in on the guy. Groping, teasing, the whole deal. He didn't want to listen to me (ego?) he said she only wanted 500 pesos, (I had told him to budget 1500 -2000 a session) and took off with her across the street to her place. Came back complaining she literally stank!

Last March, he's in town again, and my regular brings her babysitter, a newbie from PP, to meet him, thinking he's my friend. We go to the bar, and they are all over each other, again. Problem, he's staying at Casa Marina, and no guests allowed. I won't let him use my place to fuck! So I tell him to take her to DC Cabana 10 minutes away.

They come back an hour later and I ask him how it was. He's smiling. I asked the girl did he pay you OK? No, she said. And he's pouring himself another drink. I said did you fuck her? Yes. Did you pay her? No. Why not? She didn't ask, he said. I said you expect to go off and fuck a complete stranger in Sosua, and no tip for the poor girl? I finally got a 1000 pesos from him, and I gave her another 500.

He never did want to ante up 2,000 -3,000 for one of my high end semi pro amigas.

He's not invited back, but the girls still ask about "El Cheapo", my "friend".


08-16-20, 15:49
I have mongered in many Latin American countries: Colombia, Panama, El Salvador, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Mexico and my experience is that, without doubt, Dominican women are the laziest. Most try to give as little service as possible. Indeed I have had some good experiences from a few but overall they appear to have no intention to please but just to get paid as quickly as possible and vamos. I suspect some mongers are not aware of the level of service because they monger only in the DR and are happy its so much cheaper than the US. Even in English speaking countries like Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Jamaica and St. Lucia the girls, though not as good looking, provide much better service than DR girls. When I first started hobbying in Venezuela and Colombia decades ago I knew absolutely no Spanish and had a great time. My advise to guys who do only DR is to try to save a little more money and after covid 19 subsides travel further to discover what a really good time is all about.

08-16-20, 18:41
I have mongered in many Latin American countries: Colombia, Panama, El Salvador, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Mexico and my experience is that, without doubt, Dominican women are the laziest. Most try to give as little service as possible. Indeed I have had some good experiences from a few but overall they appear to have no intention to please but just to get paid as quickly as possible and vamos. .No offense to DR lovers but you are 1000% right my friend.

08-16-20, 19:40
I am not sure what and who you guys are dealing with but I am enjoying the hell out of the DR women. I manage to get excellent service from a broad range of ladies. I have non pros to hard core girls. However over time I have gotten better at vetting the chicas I deal with. Looking for GFE in Sosua is a bit nieve. Most guys who go to Sosua are doing numbers. They want as many as they can get as fast as possible. It takes repore to get GFE when the norm is one and done. I have been going to the DR 10 years Sosua 8. I can afford to go anywhere in the world but I am totally satisfied with what the DR provides and the cost is so reasonable. The weekend warriors are a different breed of mongers. They are younger and more extraverted. The girls expectations have adjusted to the new mongers. Old days guys would hook up and spend several days with same chica. This practiice is dead now. The girls are doing numbers too unless you flip the scrrip GFE is dead. I need a certain amount of GFE at my age to enjoy sex. With just a few adjustments I am getting what I need. The sex has been awesome some of the best in my 60 plus years. The women I am dealing with are beautiful and give themselves to you when theey trust you.

No offense to DR lovers but you are 1000% right my friend.

08-16-20, 23:34
I have mongered in many Latin American countries: Colombia, Panama, El Salvador, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Mexico and my experience is that, without doubt, Dominican women are the laziest. Most try to give as little service as possible. Not very germane on the DR board, but I can tell you that I have had great experience in NZ / Aus or Germany or Indonesia for that matter but they were all P4P. In contrast, in the DR, I can literally try out my luck with almost anyone I come across, not necessarily restricted to a sq mile in Sosua.

In any case, given your extensive experience in Latin America, I would have to wonder if you found even the chongos better than DR? Let's say you did but if I found other places to be way superior, I would keep it to myself so that the rest do not go ruin my Shangri la.

The Tall Man
08-17-20, 00:27
I have mongered in many Latin American countries: Colombia, Panama, El Salvador, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Mexico and my experience is that, without doubt, Dominican women are the laziest. Most try to give as little service as possible. Indeed I have had some good experiences from a few but overall they appear to have no intention to please but just to get paid as quickly as possible and vamos. I suspect some mongers are not aware of the level of service because they monger only in the DR and are happy its so much cheaper than the US. Even in English speaking countries like Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Jamaica and St. Lucia the girls, though not as good looking, provide much better service than DR girls. When I first started hobbying in Venezuela and Colombia decades ago I knew absolutely no Spanish and had a great time. My advise to guys who do only DR is to try to save a little more money and after covid 19 subsides travel further to discover what a really good time is all about.Well said. I have only visited the DR once for about 12 days but this was like 4 years ago. Glad I went and experienced it but the Sue was / is so full of hard core putas but I did find one that was sweet and loving and fun but if it was not for her perhaps my feelings about my visit would have been much different. Just saying.

I did notice too the amount of black brothers who drop in and party like a rock star for a week then another swarm of brothers come in, never ending, I was certainly (as a white guy) a minority but nonetheless they brothers treated me with respect and were really cool guys to hang around with. Damn these brothers would find the biggest ass woman they could find, I mean gigantic ass women which left the slender black sisters for this blond haired white boy, hehehehe.

Much love and respect to all!

The Tall Man.

08-17-20, 00:43
Old days guys would hook up and spend several days with same chica. This practiice is dead now. The girls are doing numbers too unless you flip the scrrip GFE is dead. I need a certain amount of GFE at my age to enjoy sex. With just a few adjustments I am getting what I need. The sex has been awesome some of the best in my 60 plus years. The women I am dealing with are beautiful and give themselves to you when theey trust you.I love the Dominican culture. I love Dominican women, but not the fat ass droopy tits women I see on the streets and in the clubs. Saggy assed Asians in go go bars don't do it for me either. If it's hard core pros you want, might as well stay home.

I've travelled a lot and in most countries there as a cultural red line between prostitutes and regular women. But here in the DR, the line seamlessly blends together. DR has a continuous flow of beautiful fresh newbie amateurs around, and you can pick them good p in stores, buses, just about anywhere, no big deal.

The GFE experience is alive and well for those who care to spend a little time. You'll see guys like me with a with a beautiful companion out for dinner, on the beaches, and around the pool, everywhere on the island. You can even get a WE (wife experience) for a week.

And DR women are not lazy, treat them right, and they'll travel a whole day to see you, and cook, clean and wash your stuff, give you a manicure and pedicure, fuck you silly, and tidy up your place before they leave. Domesticated they are, from an early age. I still get a bang out of seeing a possible Miss Universe, with bucket and a mop, and food on the stove!

What I don't get are guys who come to places they don't like, to fuck women they don't like, and ***** about it here. Instead of wasting time and hard earned money why not just move on and be happy in all those other places that are mentioned. You won't be missed!

Maybe they just can't stand the thought that there are others who don't share their miserable experiences.


08-17-20, 14:39
............ Let's say you did but if I found other places to be way superior, I would keep it to myself so that the rest do not go ruin my Shangri la.This was posted yesterday by the Tall Man in the Medellin thread, enjoy:

"Random thoughts. Medellin has just too much pussy!

In over 20 plus years of mongering in many parts of the world not to be overshadowed by my 10 plus years here in Colombia I never thought I would come to say this but well there is so much good and great pussy available here in Medellin with so many avenues to find new pussy, yes dare I say it is so easy and inexpensive that I am feeling like a bit overwhelmed by it all, and this is in strict quarantine, that leaves me with a sense of just wanting to pull away and take a break, well I take a break for a day or two then just need to get out and get something new and fresh.

Just in this past week, 7 days, and not even trying rather trying to just lay low and relax on the pussy stuff, well in 7 days have had 3 different chicas and this was an off-week, 2 were Vennies (an 18 and 19 yo) and one a paisa at 23 yo, all 3 were off the charts sex in terms of passion and fun that leaves me breathless, and this is not even trying rather just going with the flow.

I have friends who stay under the radar and post little on these boards and these guys are getting 2 chicas a day, every day, every week, every month, just incredible this "silent majority" is having a life like a rock star and again they don't have any need to get on a soap box and brag about, just really cool.

Some of you post great photos of your cuties and yes they are cute and sexy and must say that just in the past month I regularly see a handful of this same kind of quality and I just plow away. Gawd I am a lucky man.

Happy Sunday to all!

The Tall Man. ".

08-17-20, 16:43
This was posted yesterday by the Tall Man in the Medellin thread, enjoy:
"Random thoughts. Medellin has just too much pussy!Apparently, the man has found his Shangri la. Good for him!

While I say that I envy your forays into a whole bunch of places where I would never have the fortune to set foot, I must say, like another poster here (Oakie) stated, the line between who is approachable and who is not, is blurry in the DR. Perhaps there are other places too but it has been a long time in the DR that I do the "Hello, how much" routine.

08-17-20, 17:43
I still get a bang out of seeing a possible Miss Universe, with bucket and a mop, and food on the stove!You lucky bastard! LOL. I cannot say I have ever had a close encounter with a miss universe, let alone Miss my hometown. Kudos!

08-18-20, 01:49
You lucky bastard! LOL. I cannot say I have ever had a close encounter with a miss universe, let alone Miss my hometown. Kudos!LOL I'm serious.

My regular of 4 years has two very close friends, model types they are, and we are like family, we share everything. Plus related young chicas she works with from time to time. Out of respect, I don't post pictures of them here, but when we started hanging together, I couldn't put the damn camera down. At my age, as Tall Man says below, I was "overwhelmed".

Thing is I'm on a budget here, amd am not paying near the kind of money some of the mongers pay to the skanks and thieves they complain about, no meter running, no "negotiating" for a "menu item", it's just a propina which doesn't insult them, when I have it.

(I got into a debate with Mr GoGo some time ago, and I did send him a couple of photos by PM, so he knows I'm not dreaming).

I don't care for folks who tar all countries or people with the same brush, whites, blacks or Dominicans. Or insist if you're happy in a situation, it must be because you just don't know any better, LOL.

Life is like a mirror, you you usually get back what you put out!

Your mileage does Vary!

08-18-20, 11:28
Whats up guys I am new here just signed up. Planning planning on going to Sosua and Santo Domingo Sept 3rd to 10th. Wondering if any fellow mongers are in town.

How is it, what are the chances this curfew gets lifted?

P.S. I'm here to learn. Thanks in advance.

08-18-20, 16:28
am not paying near the kind of money some of the mongers pay to the skanks and thieves they complain about, no meter running, no "negotiating" for a "menu item", it's just a propina which doesn't insult them, when I have it.

Life is like a mirror, you you usually get back what you put out!I know exactly what you mean in terms of hours, how many times, how much of tips and all that people "negotiate" yet get into periodic fights. Then there are are some who get it free, even when the women there (and men) struggle to make ends meet, more so now.

Could not agree more with your last line.

Triple Darknes
08-19-20, 04:45
Apparently, the man has found his Shangri la. Good for him!

While I say that I envy your forays into a whole bunch of places where I would never have the fortune to set foot, I must say, like another poster here (Oakie) stated, the line between who is approachable and who is not, is blurry in the DR. Perhaps there are other places too but it has been a long time in the DR that I do the "Hello, how much" routine.The line is blurry indeed. I met a chica through another chica who lives in the states now. The chica in the states is a nice girl but she's the hardest of the hardcores, You fuck her for ten minutes and she's demanding that you come. Anyway she told me to call her once I got to SD. I did she called back later and introduced me to a girl who was coming to SD to see her family. She didn't ask for a dime. I had to insist that she take bus fare back to her town. The stateside chica told me "Why did her treat that girl so bad?" I said "how did I treat her bad?" "You gave her nothing" I said "She didn't ask for anything" Long story short I ended up sending her 3 k Pesos. I have no idea if it was a set up but I learned that Non Pros don't like to talk about sex and basically if you take them anywhere other than Bon they're DTF.

I met a girl from Tinder and she had a big ass purse without a strap in the cab she said "I'll spend the night for 3 k" (this was 9 am in the morning) wonderful African level GFE (same level from the country "freebie" that wasn't) So I asked her "did you know that you were going to fuck me today?" She said "yes because you said we'd have dinner at your place (It was supposed to be a coffee date).

I said "what if I met you at your job and you gave me your what's app" She said Yes basically she said if a girl gives an american her number she knows what he wants and he knows what she wants.

Another Tinder girl said she did hair for her old Math Professor, she said the Math Professor was trying to find an american to help out her dumb ass sister (this is how the Tinder girl put it).

I say all that to say these non pros on Tinder Badoo and Dominican Cupid aren't full blown working girls they're just girls who put out for a nice dinner and "taxi money" in the morning. They don't even mention money but 2 k for someone not going far and maybe 3 k for extras and someone from say San Chistobal is generally accepted.


Triple Darknes
08-19-20, 04:50
LOL I'm serious.

My regular of 4 years has two very close friends, model types they are, and we are like family, we share everything. Plus related young chicas she works with from time to time. Out of respect, I don't post pictures of them here, but when we started hanging together, I couldn't put the damn camera down. At my age, as Tall Man says below, I was "overwhelmed".

Thing is I'm on a budget here, amd am not paying near the kind of money some of the mongers pay to the skanks and thieves they complain about, no meter running, no "negotiating" for a "menu item", it's just a propina which doesn't insult them, when I have it.

(I got into a debate with Mr GoGo some time ago, and I did send him a couple of photos by PM, so he knows I'm not dreaming).

I don't care for folks who tar all countries or people with the same brush, whites, blacks or Dominicans. Or insist if you're happy in a situation, it must be because you just don't know any better, LOL.

Life is like a mirror, you you usually get back what you put out!

Your mileage does Vary!I thought I was hardcore but even I don't try to fuck friend groups. I'm a newbie but could you suggest that you run through her friends? Or do they propose it to you? I'm an extra heavy monger so They might not want their friends to know what they do with me. In Fact one girl actually told me NOT to tell her friend in sosua about certain "extras" she did with me.

I wanted to go just to see if I could fuck her friend and convince to do the same extras or more.


08-19-20, 11:55
I thought I was hardcore but even I don't try to fuck friend groups. I'm a newbie but could you suggest that you run through her friends? Or do they propose it to you? I'm an extra heavy monger so They might not want their friends to know what they do with me. In Fact one girl actually told me NOT to tell her friend in sosua about certain "extras" she did with me.

I wanted to go just to see if I could fuck her friend and convince to do the same extras or more.

Trip.To answer your questions properly a little backgound context is needed.

A lot of visitors to the DR find the culture weird, after living all their lives in countries where sex is seen as some kind of vice, and separated from normal human behaviour by taboos, and legal restrictions. I was a decent looking guy, with a huge appetite for (straight) sex, but I had to dedicate an unreasonable amount of time, money and hard work to get good looking women to satisfy me. GFs, strippers, MPs, escorts, incalls, SWs before they banned them, and left only the sad crack addicts. Prostitution was illegal and enforced so there was no protection from scams, or that red cherry flashing on the cop car behind you. LOL.

I had travelled and gotten laid all through the USA And Mexico, most of the Caribbean Islands, and most countries in Europe after the wall came down, so I wasn't completely naive. But you still had to get off the reservation, and navigate the seedy red light zones.

Then I found the DR (thanks to Mr GoGo) Like coming out of jail! Sex was as common as eating, drinking or smoking. Nobody waving their fingers at you for being with a hooker. A welcoming chica hotel on every corner. The tourist cops giving you a smile and a thumbs up. Chicas wanting you to meet their families, LOL. As TM said, earlier, I was overwhelmed.

I used to call it the "fucked up DR morality", which sees hookers in church with their families, (my regular wouldn't miss a Sunday Service with her kid) and families encouraging their offspring and minding the babies while they go out to "work". No "attitude" from the male population, unlike some parts of the Caribbean.

I've had only two regulars here, one for 7 and one for 4 years. The first one was always jealous of my time (or my money) spent away, so I had to monger on the side. This one is completely open and bi. She doesn't mind sharing, she knows, and our friends know it's only recreational sex, not "love". She has her life, and her own place in PP with her kid, so I get her down for 2 or 3 days every week, She goes home Sunday morning, and I get a lazy TV sports day, and time during the week to meet up with friends over a beer. (took a little training to get that straight!) but I generally don't fuck around on her with strangers. No need to.

So I've just stopped being judgmental and go with the flow and we are all happy! We share drink and food with our chica friends, why not a little sex too, if it happens?

The past 11 years have been the healthiest, happiest, least stressful time in my entire life. How do you put a price on that?

But I'm often asked why live in Sosua? The answer is I got everything here, beaches, restaurants, no driving necessary, pussy, and 11 years of connections to locals and most businesses, where I don't have to carry money. I can "pay you later" in most of the places I frequent, a far cry from my home town, where they get a mite angsty about that!

I'm presently back in my PC fucked up dysfunctional country, on family business, but already my stomach is tense and is acting up, and I got Big Brother Wolf Blitzer on a giant TV staring at me and telling me the whole world is coming to an end!

I need to get back, quick.

08-19-20, 12:14
I have mongered in many Latin American countries: Colombia, Panama, El Salvador, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Mexico and my experience is that, without doubt, Dominican women are the laziest. Most try to give as little service as possible. Indeed I have had some good experiences from a few but overall they appear to have no intention to please but just to get paid as quickly as possible and vamos. I suspect some mongers are not aware of the level of service because they monger only in the DR and are happy its so much cheaper than the US. Even in English speaking countries like Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Jamaica and St. Lucia the girls, though not as good looking, provide much better service than DR girls. When I first started hobbying in Venezuela and Colombia decades ago I knew absolutely no Spanish and had a great time. My advise to guys who do only DR is to try to save a little more money and after covid 19 subsides travel further to discover what a really good time is all about.Did it ever occur to you that there's a large contingent of German, Scandinavian, and Dutch mongers visiting Sosua every year? Living here too.

Now, with access to all that Euro, FKK, Scandinavian and Eastern European pussy on their doorstep, they choose Sosua? Lazy hookers?

It's not because it's cheap, from Europe it is expensive, and often involves a 2 day travel time with layovers.

What do YOU think is going on here?

Too bad they don't speak English and post everyday on this board, so we could find out!


08-19-20, 12:40
She didn't ask for a dime. I had to insist that she take bus fare back to her town. The stateside chica told me "Why did her treat that girl so bad?" I said "how did I treat her bad?" "You gave her nothing" I said "She didn't ask for anything" Long story short I ended up sending her 3 k Pesos. I have no idea if it was a set up but I learned that Non Pros don't like to talk about sex and basically if you take them anywhere other than Bon they're DTF.

I met a girl from Tinder and she had a big ass purse without a strap in the cab she said "I'll spend the night for 3 k" (this was 9 am in the morning) wonderful African level GFE (same level from the country "freebie" that wasn't) So I asked her "did you know that you were going to fuck me today?" She said "yes because you said we'd have dinner at your place

I said "what if I met you at your job and you gave me your what's app" She said Yes basically she said if a girl gives an american her number she knows what he wants and he knows what she wants.

Another Tinder girl said she did hair for her old Math Professor, she said the Math Professor was trying to find an american to help out her dumb ass sister

I say all that to say these non pros on Tinder Badoo and Dominican Cupid aren't full blown working girls they're just girls who put out for a nice dinner and "taxi money" in the morning. They don't even mention money but 2 k for someone not going far and maybe 3 k for extras and someone from say San Chistobal is generally accepted.

Trip.Come on Trip I thought you knew that! My brother Africa has spoiled you. A DR prostitute introduced you to her friend for only 1 reason. No one is fucking foreigners for free. Even if they don't ask for money they all need money. (A close mouth don't get fed is there philosophy) From the girl working in the street to the professor working at a university. I'm not telling you nothing you should already know.

Listen newbies out there reading this. When you are in the DR; almost every chica you come across wants some extra cash. If they come to your room they already know the deal. They just don’t know the price. There is a rare occasion you may find a Chica too Timid to say it up front or too shy to talk numbers but she is expecting.

Most Dominican Woman are nationalist. They stick with their on kind. They are loyal to their country men and they plan on marrying a Dominican man As a life partner. They keep Dominican boyfriends even if they are broke. They stay loyal to their men overall but they will give some pussy to a foreign in exchange for money.
Tinder is a hook up place for chica to meet Gringos. The only thing a foreigner can do is give up some of their American Dineros for the time that he's dealing with her on the side. You can get the average chica for about 1500 to 2500 pesos. I had three jump on the bus and come to my place. We agreed on 1500 pesos for anyone that ends up in the bed room before they got on the bus.

The illusion of getting pussy for free always bites you in the ass in the end. In my experience, most Chicas love weak men That don't know how to negotiate and or don't know the current market value. They will take advantage of this if they can. They respect domineering men who lay down the rules before they get in his bed. Their culture demands that men be dominant.

I'm glad the situation didn't get out of hand. I know you would have controlled it but not establishing the price before you except any service is a recipe for disaster in the DR. That goes for any form of service from P4 P, taxi service, massage, Haircuts, ordering food etc.

I don't think no Chica is willing to get her back blown out from a gringo (they may never meet again) For dinner and taxis money. Not unless the taxi money was 2000 pesos or more.

08-19-20, 13:05
I thought I was hardcore but even I don't try to fuck friend groups. I'm a newbie but could you suggest that you run through her friends? Or do they propose it to you? I'm an extra heavy monger so They might not want their friends to know what they do with me. In Fact one girl actually told me NOT to tell her friend in sosua about certain "extras" she did with me.

I wanted to go just to see if I could fuck her friend and convince to do the same extras or more.

Trip.Dude in the Sue. There is no loyalty that surpasses business. I had a friend who went with me to the Sue. He had his favorite and I had her sister. They both became our favorites. One trip after he got in an argument with his girl he brought back her sister to the room. Only thing that made it strange we were roommates and I had just talk to her telling her I will see her later. I pretend like I was hurt. She kept explaining to me that it was just business and she doesn't like him. In the bedroom she did him dirty and wouldn't give him good service. She charged him 3500 compared to my 2000 all night.

She told her sister. Her sister was cool with it. I told her sister now we must have a session to make things even. Her sister was like hell yes, but I was only playing. It's all about business and if you can give your friends the business that you had it's all good. It's all expected. I know family members that will try to keep the gringo in the family for as long as they can. They will rotate him A round with sisters and cousins depending on who's available. Welcome to the DR!

08-19-20, 17:23
There is no loyalty that surpasses business. I will make a slight alteration. "there is no loyalty that surpasses HUNGER". People we deal with are at the fringes of an economy that has no safety net and the only resource a woman has (that too, a young woman as they get old really fast) is her body. It is really important that we respect the contract. Get something, give something!

As Oakie mentioned and he being an European knows that you can get pussy in Europe too, but they are all P4 P in "cordoned off" places. You can find East Europeans and South Americans and Dominicans. I remember one of my rendezvous in London in a groupie, where the women were all from South America. Yet, there are hordes of Europeans, I met plenty of Italians, French and Spaniards as well, and these days, for good measures, Russians, living in Sosua. My guess is that they too, like me, enjoy the fact that a random encounter can be a sexually fulfilling fantasy, in the DR, unlike elsewhere that I have been to.

08-19-20, 17:31
I say all that to say these non pros on Tinder Badoo and Dominican Cupid aren't full blown working girls they're just girls who put out for a nice dinner and "taxi money" in the morning. Trip.There are no "non-pros". It is all a continuum depending on who you find and her social / economic status. Those that we meet typically are easy. Some money and that's that and then there are some, who are looking for perhaps a marriage and other stuff that fables are made of.

08-19-20, 23:14
Did it ever occur to you that there's a large contingent of German, Scandinavian, and Dutch mongers visiting Sosua every year? Living here too.

Now, with access to all that Euro, FKK, Scandinavian and Eastern European pussy on their doorstep, they choose Sosua? Lazy hookers?

It's not because it's cheap, from Europe it is expensive, and often involves a 2 day travel time with layovers.

What do YOU think is going on here?

Too bad they don't speak English and post everyday on this board, so we could find out!

LOL.Those European men like me love the melanated women. Also Sosua has a decent beach. The best sex I've had in Sosua was with Haitian women. I will certainly return to Sosua again if I am convinced that there are many Haitian babes around. Luv the Haitians and the beach.

Triple Darknes
08-20-20, 05:33
To answer your questions properly a little backgound context is needed.

A lot of visitors to the DR find the culture weird, after living all their lives in countries where sex is seen as some kind of vice, and separated from normal human behaviour by taboos, and legal restrictions. I was a decent looking guy, with a huge appetite for (straight) sex, but I had to dedicate an unreasonable amount of time, money and hard work to get good looking women to satisfy me. GFs, strippers, MPs, escorts, incalls, SWs before they banned them, and left only the sad crack addicts. Prostitution was illegal and enforced so there was no protection from scams, or that red cherry flashing on the cop car behind you. LOL.

I had travelled and gotten laid all through the USA And Mexico, most of the Caribbean Islands, and most countries in Europe after the wall came down, so I wasn't completely naive. But you still had to get off the reservation, and navigate the seedy red light zones.

Then I found the DR (thanks to Mr GoGo) Like coming out of jail! Sex was as common as eating, drinking or smoking. Nobody waving their fingers at you for being with a hooker. A welcoming chica hotel on every corner. The tourist cops giving you a smile and a thumbs up. Chicas wanting you to meet their families, LOL. As TM said, earlier, I was overwhelmed.

I used to call it the "fucked up DR morality", which sees hookers in church with their families, (my regular wouldn't miss a Sunday Service with her kid) and families encouraging their offspring and minding the babies while they go out to "work". No "attitude" from the male population, unlike some parts of the Caribbean.

I've had only two regulars here, one for 7 and one for 4 years. The first one was always jealous of my time (or my money) spent away, so I had to monger on the side. This one is completely open and bi. She doesn't mind sharing, she knows, and our friends know it's only recreational sex, not "love". She has her life, and her own place in PP with her kid, so I get her down for 2 or 3 days every week, She goes home Sunday morning, and I get a lazy TV sports day, and time during the week to meet up with friends over a beer. (took a little training to get that straight!) but I generally don't fuck around on her with strangers. No need to.

So I've just stopped being judgmental and go with the flow and we are all happy! We share drink and food with our chica friends, why not a little sex too, if it happens?

The past 11 years have been the healthiest, happiest, least stressful time in my entire life. How do you put a price on that?

But I'm often asked why live in Sosua? The answer is I got everything here, beaches, restaurants, no driving necessary, pussy, and 11 years of connections to locals and most businesses, where I don't have to carry money. I can "pay you later" in most of the places I frequent, a far cry from my home town, where they get a mite angsty about that!

I'm presently back in my PC fucked up dysfunctional country, on family business, but already my stomach is tense and is acting up, and I got Big Brother Wolf Blitzer on a giant TV staring at me and telling me the whole world is coming to an end!

I need to get back, quick.I'm sorta like you, I try to get extras out of every Chicas I fuck but I also deal with keepers for years. The DR is just opening me up to what is possible.

Triple Darknes
08-20-20, 05:46
Come on Trip I thought you knew that! My brother Africa has spoiled you. A DR prostitute introduced you to her friend for only 1 reason. No one is fucking foreigners for free. Even if they don't ask for money they all need money. (A close mouth don't get fed is there philosophy) From the girl working in the street to the professor working at a university. I'm not telling you nothing you should already know.

Listen newbies out there reading this. When you are in the DR; almost every chica you come across wants some extra cash. If they come to your room they already know the deal. They just dont know the price. There is a rare occasion you may find a Chica too Timid to say it up front or too shy to talk numbers but she is expecting.

Most Dominican Woman are nationalist. They stick with their on kind. They are loyal to their country men and they plan on marrying a Dominican man As a life partner. They keep Dominican boyfriends even if they are broke. They stay loyal to their men overall but they will give some pussy to a foreign in exchange for money.
Tinder is a hook up place for chica to meet Gringos. The only thing a foreigner can do is give up some of their American Dineros for the time that he's dealing with her on the side. You can get the average chica for about 1500 to 2500 pesos. I had three jump on the bus and come to my place. We agreed on 1500 pesos for anyone that ends up in the bed room before they got on the bus.

The illusion of getting pussy for free always bites you in the ass in the end. In my experience, most Chicas love weak men That don't know how to negotiate and or don't know the current market value. They will take advantage of this if they can. They respect domineering men who lay down the rules before they get in his bed. Their culture demands that men be dominant.

I'm glad the situation didn't get out of hand. I know you would have controlled it but not establishing the price before you except any service is a recipe for disaster in the DR. That goes for any form of service from P4 P, taxi service, massage, Haircuts, ordering food etc.

I don't think no Chica is willing to get her back blown out from a gringo (they may never meet again) For dinner and taxis money. Not unless the taxi money was 2000 pesos or more.Yeah it was a newbie mistake. I don't know why but I assume the nice girl meant maybe not even gucking.

The thing about Tinder was it taught me to not be too forward. One one hand saying how much? Or come over right now is too forward but a decent meal colors by dinner and extras and breakfast in the morning along with light house keeping is worth 2 K for a local and maybe 4 k for an import. I'm learning.

Triple Darknes
08-20-20, 06:07
There are no "non-pros". It is all a continuum depending on who you find and her social / economic status. Those that we meet typically are easy. Some money and that's that and then there are some, who are looking for perhaps a marriage and other stuff that fables are made of.Point taken. I guess it's better to say hardcores vs user friendly models. There's the ST only and the girls that are TLN friendly and you don't have have negotiated for every extra. Either she does it or she doesn't. None of the I'll do it for 2/100 ysd.

08-20-20, 13:58
Those European men like me love the melanated women. Also Sosua has a decent beach. The best sex I've had in Sosua was with Haitian women. I will certainly return to Sosua again if I am convinced that there are many Haitian babes around. Luv the Haitians and the beach.Curious you say that. Haitian women. I found many Quebecois in Sosua are very fond of the Haitians (some could actually speak some French), the Germans and Britishers are fond of Haitians too. Personally, I am value neutral if the chemistry is right, though I have found the Haitians to have very toned body, essentially because of the sheer amount of physical labor they do including walking. Dominicans are more chunky.

Sosua has a very small footprint, a nice beach and great restaurants abound. If you also keep a stable like some do, then you have as we call it, a "home run".

08-21-20, 00:01
Point taken. I guess it's better to say hardcores vs user friendly models. There's the ST only and the girls that are TLN friendly and you don't have have negotiated for every extra. Either she does it or she doesn't. None of the I'll do it for 2/100 ysd.There's all kinds of chicas here, as there are all kinds of us mongers. Finding the right fit isn't always easy, but it should be fun.

We have mongers complaining about chicas who hang on, keep knocking on their door, so they have to make excuses and sneak out, even have to lie, to get away for some other pussy. (now that's a REAL girl friend experience, LOL. Maybe those chicas have heard the complaints about "no GFE" in Sosua?

Then there are mongers who complain she's dressed and out the door as soon as the deed is done! Maybe she's seen the monger creed motto often cited on this board, "We don't pay them to fuck, we pay them to leave"!

Kinda hard for a Sosua chica to get it exactly right. LOL. You can't please everybody.

The thing about a regular, you can train them, given enough time. My regular is a 7 and she's trained, (She probably thinks she's trained me) but it wasn't easy at first. But her 9 and 10's girlfriends, I nickname Mariposa. La Tigre and Gatamonte, free spirits who won't be tamed by any man. And enough have tried, LOL.

There are lots of ways to skin the cat down here, as long as you keep it fun, and drama free. Be consistent, and above all, learn to say NO and mean it! They'll almost all come crawling back.

They might not like it, but they'll respect it. It's your money so you should have your steak cooked the way you like it!

I knew nothing about the chicas when I first came here, but I had the time, and I was willing to learn.

You'll have no trouble getting what you want, because, as you said a couple times, you are are willing to "learn". The magic word!

I look forward to your reports, thanks for posting! We get to share your trip, and we're all pulling for ya!

Willy 1
08-21-20, 08:16
This was posted yesterday by the Tall Man in the Medellin thread, enjoy:

"Random thoughts. Medellin has just too much pussy!

In over 20 plus years of mongering in many parts of the world not to be overshadowed by my 10 plus years here in Colombia I never thought I would come to say this but well there is so much good and great pussy available here in Medellin with so many avenues to find new pussy, yes dare I say it is so easy and inexpensive that I am feeling like a bit overwhelmed by it all, and this is in strict quarantine, that leaves me with a sense of just wanting to pull away and take a break, well I take a break for a day or two then just need to get out and get something new and fresh.

Just in this past week, 7 days, and not even trying rather trying to just lay low and relax on the pussy stuff, well in 7 days have had 3 different chicas and this was an off-week, 2 were Vennies (an 18 and 19 yo) and one a paisa at 23 yo, all 3 were off the charts sex in terms of passion and fun that leaves me breathless, and this is not even trying rather just going with the flow.

I have friends who stay under the radar and post little on these boards and these guys are getting 2 chicas a day, every day, every week, every month, just incredible this "silent majority" is having a life like a rock star and again they don't have any need to get on a soap box and brag about, just really cool.

Some of you post great photos of your cuties and yes they are cute and sexy and must say that just in the past month I regularly see a handful of this same kind of quality and I just plow away. Gawd I am a lucky man.

Happy Sunday to all!

The Tall Man. ".Damn you. LOL. Wish I could get there. Maybe November 🤞🏻

08-21-20, 13:53
Just got through beefing with one of m, best performs. She wants 150 us for all night.

Now she is an awesome fuck. Looks like Gabriel Union fucks like Vanessa Del Rio. I told to pound sand but I really wanted that ass.

08-21-20, 16:14
Just got through beefing with one of m, best performs. She wants 150 us for all night.

Now she is an awesome fuck. Looks like Gabriel Union fucks like Vanessa Del Rio. I told to pound sand but I really wanted that ass.8700 peso for 1 night! Is that all she wants. Remind me to stay away from your regulars.

Mr Enternational
08-21-20, 18:27
Just got through beefing with one of m, best performs. She wants 150 us for all night.LOL. So how much did she want without the almighty rapport that you so much talk about, and you taking her to the movies, and dinner, and bringing her perfume, lingerie, and a vibrator? I am willing to take a stab and say it would have been less. Sounds like she is taking your little kindness and trying to make it go a long way for herself. You my dog OldKool, you my dog.

Most guys American and Dominican do not take time to make the chicas feel appreciated. A little kindness goes a long way.

08-21-20, 19:07
Thanks for being a fan. Yes all of those things could have been posible but at the end of the day I set my terms. If we can not aggree to a price then it is a no go. In all honesty she is bit mental so that come with the rellationship. She thinks she is the greatest of all time. She is a uique talent do not get it twisted that I have thoroughly enjoyed. Never the less it is next girl up. Nothing is a 100 % Mr E but I am doing very well so far.

LOL. So how much did she want without the almighty rapport that you so much talk about, and you taking her to the movies, and dinner, and bringing her perfume, lingerie, and a vibrator? I am willing to take a stab and say it would have been less. Sounds like she is taking your little kindness and trying to make it go a long way for herself. You my dog OldKool, you my dog.

08-21-20, 19:17
She was never on the team. I have been with her twice an enjoyed the time. She has always been all business. She got off the streets for about a year after hooking with an American who she thought was going to marry her. Since returning she is much harder and all business. I think she does not want to let her guard down or catch feelings. It Happens. She won't go to dinner or any thing extra. Her ex really scared her.

I have a tight budget and I control it. I would have done 5 k or 6 k all evening and over night. She is worth it. However I choose what I will pay.

8700 peso for 1 night! Is that all she wants. Remind me to stay away from your regulars.

Brother P
08-21-20, 19:39
Just got through beefing with one of m, best performs. She wants 150 us for all night.

Now she is an awesome fuck. Looks like Gabriel Union fucks like Vanessa Del Rio. I told to pound sand but I really wanted that ass.150 US? Prices seem to be getting out of control. Especially considering its a pandemic. In December I was still paying 2500 pesos! LOL! Oh well.

08-21-20, 22:34
I was negotiating for all night. All night is 3500 to 4500. I would have paid a premium for her.

She is that good. Her attitude needs some work.

She thinks she is the shit Not a big deal I don't have her in compliance. A challenge she wanted 70 for short term. She is in her mid 30s which ancient in DR. So think her days are numbered.

150 US? Prices seem to be getting out of control. Especially considering its a pandemic. In December I was still paying 2500 pesos! LOL! Oh well.

08-22-20, 02:31
I was negotiating for all night. All night is 3500 to 4500. I would have paid a premium for her.

She is that good. Her attitude needs some work.

She thinks she is the shit Not a big deal I don't have her in compliance. A challenge she wanted 70 for short term. She is in her mid 30s which ancient in DR. So think her days are numbered.Damn if 3500 to 4500 is all night, she's over 30, attitude need some work, she thinks she is the shit, all about business and you still are still entertaining the idea of her over 8700 request. For you to have the skills and patience to find fun in that! I salute you Okski!

Triple Darknes
08-22-20, 06:11
There's all kinds of chicas here, as there are all kinds of us mongers. Finding the right fit isn't always easy, but it should be fun.

We have mongers complaining about chicas who hang on, keep knocking on their door, so they have to make excuses and sneak out, even have to lie, to get away for some other pussy. (now that's a REAL girl friend experience, LOL. Maybe those chicas have heard the complaints about "no GFE" in Sosua?

Then there are mongers who complain she's dressed and out the door as soon as the deed is done! Maybe she's seen the monger creed motto often cited on this board, "We don't pay them to fuck, we pay them to leave"!

Kinda hard for a Sosua chica to get it exactly right. LOL. You can't please everybody.

The thing about a regular, you can train them, given enough time. My regular is a 7 and she's trained, (She probably thinks she's trained me) but it wasn't easy at first. But her 9 and 10's girlfriends, I nickname Mariposa. La Tigre and Gatamonte, free spirits who won't be tamed by any man. And enough have tried, LOL.

There are lots of ways to skin the cat down here, as long as you keep it fun, and drama free. Be consistent, and above all, learn to say NO and mean it! They'll almost all come crawling back.

They might not like it, but they'll respect it. It's your money so you should have your steak cooked the way you like it!

I knew nothing about the chicas when I first came here, but I had the time, and I was willing to learn.

You'll have no trouble getting what you want, because, as you said a couple times, you are are willing to "learn". The magic word!

I look forward to your reports, thanks for posting! We get to share your trip, and we're all pulling for ya!That's why I'm staying put at least until this COVID thing is over (I predict in spring 2021) to get my sea legs and learn the culture.

I've learned that imports are a good thing and may travel the country side just so I have some distance. I've gotten more "good morning " texts than I want. I even got scammed out of a free meal with no sex by a tinder chick. Since in want slow down to maybe one ST and and a couple of scheduled overnights a week importation might be best, no need for a million texts if she lives on the other side of the island.


08-22-20, 10:43
That's why I'm staying put at least until this COVID thing is over (I predict in spring 2021) to get my sea legs and learn the culture.

I've learned that imports are a good thing and may travel the country side just so I have some distance. I've gotten more "good morning " texts than I want. I even got scammed out of a free meal with no sex by a tinder chick. Since in want slow down to maybe one ST and and a couple of scheduled overnights a week importation might be best, no need for a million texts if she lives on the other side of the island.

Trip.A couple things to look out for.

DR hookers consider any time spent with you is "working time". There's a lot of misunderstandings about that. Especially with ones you "import" from out of town.

A couple of chica complaints about mongers:

Some lonely losers enjoy the companionship of sharing a meal with a good looking woman, who'll listen to his bla bla bla, with rapt attention and and stroke his ego, even get introduced to his fellow mongers. But unless he pulls the trigger she is wasting valuable working time.

But one of the biggest "scams" a monger pulls is to arrange a meeting. She then may borrow some money from her friends, to get her hair, nails, clothes, and bus or taxi fare, in anticipation of a paid date. She shows up but he doesn't. He might have a hangover, have found another chica, or may even drive by to see if she's there, and change his mind. Now she's got to get home in greater debt, or go trolling for some business.

Then there was a monger complaint posted here recently, about "some guy" who arranged to meet the whole family of his new online date. But he arranged to meet them at a restaurant, where they all sat down, got menus, and he ordered food. He was shocked when they all ordered food, and expected him to pay. So he bolted, without paying, and left them with the tab! And he and his buddy who posted his sorry tale here, the ones who are complaining. LOL.

A simple, "we are just here for drinks" to the server, or better still meet them in a coffee shop, or a million other ways to avoid such a bad outcome. Which left the chica, her family, the restaurant staff, and the monger himself all pissed! Everybody got "scammed".

Wise to look at any business transaction from both sides!

A good hunter knows his prey.

08-22-20, 15:36
.......We have mongers complaining about chicas who hang on, keep knocking on their door, so they have to make excuses and sneak out, even have to lie, to get away for some other pussy..........

Then there are mongers who complain she's dressed and out the door as soon as the deed is done! ..........Dominican chicas are smart. If the guy is staying in an expensive suite and has trouble getting it / keeping it up and, therefore, can't pound too much then of course its mucho GFE and hanging around. Now if the guy is in a modest room and is a male nympho she's out the door before he discards the condom.

08-22-20, 16:23
Dominican chicas are smart. If the guy is staying in an expensive suite and has trouble getting it / keeping it up and, therefore, can't pound too much then of course its mucho GFE and hanging around. Now if the guy is in a modest room and is a male nympho she's out the door before he discards the condom.Now all these times I thought girls appreciated my male nympho behavior pounding all night. Well, some girls do like to be pounded. Or it maybe I insist on it because I am the one giving money.

If they do not like and want to run they get half the agreed amount.

08-23-20, 08:53
A couple things to look out for.

Then there was a monger complaint posted here recently, about "some guy" who arranged to meet the whole family of his new online date. But he arranged to meet them at a restaurant, where they all sat down, got menus, and he ordered food. He was shocked when they all ordered food, and expected him to pay. So he bolted, without paying, and left them with the tab! And he and his buddy who posted his sorry tale here, the ones who are complaining. LOL.Funniest thing I've read in a while, but avoidable like you said.

08-24-20, 05:42
Then there was a monger complaint posted here recently, about "some guy" who arranged to meet the whole family of his new online date. But he arranged to meet them at a restaurant, where they all sat down, got menus, and he ordered food. He was shocked when they all ordered food, and expected him to pay. So he bolted, without paying, and left them with the tab! And he and his buddy who posted his sorry tale here, the ones who are complaining. LOL.

A simple, "we are just here for drinks" to the server, or better still meet them in a coffee shop, or a million other ways to avoid such a bad outcome. Which left the chica, her family, the restaurant staff, and the monger himself all pissed! Everybody got "scammed".

Wise to look at any business transaction from both sides!The individual who wrote the above piece tried to retell a story / incident someone else reported. However he deliberately lied by omission and distortion about what was conveyed in the original story and what went down. Why he felt the need to tell people this story, and mislead them by embellishing and removing certain details is beyond me? If they will lie and mislead you about details in a story that all was able to see, take this into consideration. A person like this can't be trusted for anything they report, especially about themselves and their own jaunts. A person like this will say whatever, just to impress people. And the sad thing is, many people would not even know they have been bamboozled for years reading a series of embellished contributions. Entertaining yes, consistently honest contributions? Very doubtful.

08-24-20, 07:53
But one of the biggest "scams" a monger pulls is to arrange a meeting. She then may borrow some money from her friends, to get her hair, nails, clothes, and bus or taxi fare, in anticipation of a paid date. She shows up but he doesn't. He might have a hangover, have found another chica, or may even drive by to see if she's there, and change his mind. Now she's got to get home in greater debt, or go trolling for some business.
How is this a "scam"? The chica agrees to come out. Sorry about the taxi far, nails, clothes. Guys have to pay for taxi fair, and clothes too, nails less often. And girls don't have to do any of that, they can just come out, guys too.

How is it a scam if everything is known before hand? I mean if you agree to buy a coke for $500 dollars. It may be expensive but its hardly a scam. I guess if the monger makes the arrangement knowing theres a possibility he won't show up, it may be called a scam. But there's always a possibility that you might not be able to show up and the chica as well. Having a hangover and cancelling may be irresponsible, but I wouldn't go as far as to call it a scam.

Then there was a monger complaint posted here recently, about "some guy" who arranged to meet the whole family of his new online date. But he arranged to meet them at a restaurant, where they all sat down, got menus, and he ordered food. He was shocked when they all ordered food, and expected him to pay. So he bolted, without paying, and left them with the tab! And he and his buddy who posted his sorry tale here, the ones who are complaining. LOL.

A simple, "we are just here for drinks" to the server, or better still meet them in a coffee shop, or a million other ways to avoid such a bad outcome. Which left the chica, her family, the restaurant staff, and the monger himself all pissed! Everybody got "scammed".
Why did everyone get "scammed" here? They should pay for what they ordered. Unless of course the guy explicitly said he would pay for all their meals before ordering, then sure, he's a jerk and I guess they were "scammed". I would have asked for my order to go and then paid for my order and politely left.

Mr Enternational
08-24-20, 10:05
How is this a "scam"? It is a scam because some posters always look at something as the guy's fault. Girl gets ready and goes and the guy is not there then the guy scammed her. Guy gets ready and goes and girl does not show then the guy should have known better and it could have been prevented. Women should never be held responsible for anything. Well at least not foreign women.

Why did everyone get "scammed" here? They should pay for what they ordered. Unless of course the guy explicitly said he would pay for all their meals before ordering, then sure, he's a jerk and I guess they were "scammed". I would have asked for my order to go and then paid for my order and politely left.See my explanation above. The one who wants the pussy is the one that bears the responsibility. And a lot of guys will go along with it because they do not want to miss out on the pussy. Happened to me once. Chick wanted me to meet her mom. We went to her mom's house. She called her taxi driver friend to come get us. Somehow the mom and the son comes with us to eat and I am expected to pay. It was a barbecue burger joint and the total ended up being like $30. After that we are all riding around and she mentioned her son needed school supplies. Well they wanted me to buy them. When we got to the store I got out of the car and went about my way. They said what about paying the taxi guy. I said fuck you, y'all figure it out. Did I mention the son was a grown ass man at the university studying architecture and had a son himself!

08-24-20, 18:40
Why did everyone get "scammed" here? They should pay for what they ordered. Unless of course the guy explicitly said he would pay for all their meals before ordering, then sure, he's a jerk and I guess they were "scammed". I would have asked for my order to go and then paid for my order and politely left.If you are in a new country, perhaps do not speak the language and common decency, which we learn, tells us that certain things are understood and need not be stated overtly. Now for the women, typical in these kind of stories, have no such qualms. Some (not all women though, remember) expect the foreigner to be able to afford a meal for her guests as well. If the host is new and untrained, he may not know all this and out of common courtesy may not say anything, until it balloons up.

It is good sense as Oakie stated, invite if you must, to just go to a bar, and order two beers, and you have limited your exposure. Speaking of beer however, if the woman is ordering a foreign beer (say Corona vs. A domestic Presidente), you will also know that you may have a problem.

BTW, discount quite a bit of what another poster stated in response to you. Some belittle women (foreign and domestic). In their mind, it is always the women who are at fault and then also claim that they get sex for free. The truth is somewhere in between, hopefully you would learn how to discriminate between trouble and sensible women.

08-25-20, 11:42
How is this a "scam"? The chica agrees to come out. Sorry about the taxi far, nails, clothes. Guys have to pay for taxi fair, and clothes too, nails less often. And girls don't have to do any of that, they can just come out, guys too.

How is it a scam if everything is known before hand? I mean if you agree to buy a coke for $500 dollars. It may be expensive but its hardly a scam. I guess if the monger makes the arrangement knowing theres a possibility he won't show up, it may be called a scam. But there's always a possibility that you might not be able to show up and the chica as well. Having a hangover and cancelling may be irresponsible, but I wouldn't go as far as to call it a scam.

Why did everyone get "scammed" here? They should pay for what they ordered. Unless of course the guy explicitly said he would pay for all their meals before ordering, then sure, he's a jerk and I guess they were "scammed". I would have asked for my order to go and then paid for my order and politely left.A couple of things:

This ain't high school dating.

I put scam in "quotes", because a scam is in the eye of the beholder.

You, like others, are injecting a false moral and economic equivalency between a monger with the financial wherewithal to travel the world to buy recreational sex from Haitians in a dirt poor third world country, and the women who sell their soul, and the only asset they have, their bodies, maybe even their sisters, daughters and mothers, to survive and feed their families.

If you don't understand the basic power inequality, you may be basing your opinion on western values, where pussy has the upper hand. Or at least has power. Remember, this family were Haitians, not the Huxtables from around the corner, LOL.

Getting a Haitian family to "just come out", to meet a foreigner in a restaurant involves far more logistics (the aforementioned clothing, grooming, travel expenses) than it does for a monger with a dedicated budget for recreational sex. If you understand these cultural differences, you can navigate them successfully.

I may not have included all the details the OP recited in this third hand hearsay tale from some anonymous "guy", but we all know how a monger or a chica story can be dramatized, if we only relate one side of the story, and have no way of knowing from either side, of what really went down.

That's why first hand experiences good, bad or ugly are relevant here, and third hand tales of woe from anonymous mongers, or chicas should be taken with a huge dollop of hot sauce.

Bottom line.

The monger who spends a little more for then the "going rate" for better pussy, is often derided and called out as a fool here, and is accused of being stupid, "spoiling the market" or not knowing any better.

But this anonymous "guy", who left a chica, her family, the owner of the restaurant, the server, and himself pissed off, and even had the police involved. Gets "kudos" from the OP for leaving them stranded, and calls them "barracudas".

IMHO, this is normal behavior down here, for a dirt poor Haitian family selling the only precious asset they have in the world, to a "rich" foreigner. LOL.

08-25-20, 17:47
Spent week end in sosua. Curfew makes everything more intense. The talent is so so at best. 7 or 8's are rare. You can find something to spend the night but just barely. Girls are asking 100 plus a night. Rumbas is doing a great business in early afternoon. Followd by ahnvee. 500 pesos gets you in. Plenty of average girls. If you are a vet it might break your heart. The girls are hardcore by enlarge. High percentage of bad girls. Almost nothing went well on trip.

08-25-20, 18:32
Almost nothing went well on trip.I am glad you tried. I would not think of touching those I saw in mid July with a barge pole. The ones that go around nowadays are locals so they can afford to be around but that means that the quality is down and more hard cores.

08-25-20, 22:31
Girls are asking 100 plus a night.Compared to the Chica that was asking you for over 8700 pesos all night sounds like you're saving money. Olski you never go into great detail about your trips. For you to tell us nothing went well and not elaborate is not fair. Fill in the gaps please!

Nice to hear Rumba is Getting some business. Ahnvee is charging 500 pesos? Its about time! The biggest after seven spot in the Su might as well get while the getting is good.
Ive been to the DR twice within the last two months. I have yet to make that trip to the Sue. I cannot see me giving it a weekend under current circumstances. I could only imagine the selection of hard-core locals currently seeking employment.

08-26-20, 01:08
A couple of things:

This ain't high school dating.
I don't know why you bring that up. Are you still in high school? Are you dating High schoolers?

A couple of things:
I put scam in "quotes", because a scam is in the eye of the beholder.
True. And from my eyes and many others, I don't believe those situations to be scams.

You, like others, are injecting a false moral and economic equivalency between a monger with the financial wherewithal to travel the world to buy recreational sex from Haitians in a dirt poor third world country, and the women who sell their soul, and the only asset they have, their bodies, maybe even their sisters, daughters and mothers, to survive and feed their families.
Am I injecting false morality or are you?

The phrasing of "Haitians in a dirt poor third world country, and the women who sell their soul, and the only asset they have, their bodies" to me means you're implying that using your body for sex is somehow degrading and a form of selling your soul? Maybe you shouldn't be on this board if you feel that way. I've stated here before, I don't judge people for selling their bodies, if my own daughter wanted to do it, I would have no problem with it. Given that its safe and she's not coerced into it. Keep in mind that I don't have children, so maybe I would feel differently if I did. If I did, I probably wouldn't be here posting about how to get women to sell their bodies.

Please don't make assumptions about my morals.

If you don't understand the basic power inequality, you may be basing your opinion on western values, where pussy has the upper hand. Or at least has power. Remember, this family were Haitians, not the Huxtables from around the corner, LOL.
I completely understand the inequality. I assume you mean the obvious economic inequality. Inequality is a fact of life. I'm not sure I can imagine a world where there wasn't inequality. I'm pretty sure in a completely equal world, most of us would not be screwing any decent girls from Haiti nor anywhere else. I completely understand I was born with privilege and opportunity. Not as privileged as others on this board but privilege none the less.

I also completely understand that it is this basic power inequality that allows us to sleep with any of these younger good looking girls that we desire. I am under no false illusion that they are sleeping with me for my good looks and charm.

Getting a Haitian family to "just come out", to meet a foreigner in a restaurant involves far more logistics (the aforementioned clothing, grooming, travel expenses) than it does for a monger with a dedicated budget for recreational sex. If you understand these cultural differences, you can navigate them successfully.
Frankly, and I hate to sound like an ass, but I don't care how difficult it is for a family to come out and see me. Then don't come out. And I won't waste my time going out. What matters to me is that you do what you say you will do. And by the same token, I will happily do what I say I will, or with the utmost sincerity try to. That means paying what I say I'm going to pay. If a girl comes out and we have sex, I will pay the agreed upon amount.

I do understand though. I admit that I have been that guy many times, who ends up paying for everyone and it is precisely because of those experiences that I refuse to do it anymore.

Also to be fair, many times girls want to meet and go for a meal first, and if they don't want to meet me alone, they will ask me if they can "bring a friend", as long as its not a guy, most of the time I don't mind paying. Its the times when I feel like I'm being taken advantage of that get to me. Going to meet a guy and bringing your whole family without prior notice is definitely grounds to be walked out on.

The monger who spends a little more for then the "going rate" for better pussy, is often derided and called out as a fool here, and is accused of being stupid, "spoiling the market" or not knowing any better.
I agree with those people, but I don't think calling people fools is going to stop anyone from overpaying. It is what it is.

IMHO, this is normal behavior down here, for a dirt poor Haitian family selling the only precious asset they have in the world, to a "rich" foreigner. LOL.
Thats one way to look at it. Another way that they should be happy that prostitution is a thing and that "rich" foreigners are even willing to pay for it. Do you think they would be better off if there were no one around to buy their only precious asset? Even better, imagine this, this precious asset is renewable! They can sell it over and over again!

08-26-20, 04:32
Spent week end in sosua. Curfew makes everything more intense. The talent is so so at best. 7 or 8's are rare. You can find something to spend the night but just barely. Girls are asking 100 plus a night. Rumbas is doing a great business in early afternoon. Followd by ahnvee. 500 pesos gets you in. Plenty of average girls. If you are a vet it might break your heart. The girls are hardcore by enlarge. High percentage of bad girls. Almost nothing went well on trip.It was even that bleak with using Tinder. Or that was just you walking around.

08-26-20, 06:59
Interesting comments.

Particularly this one.

Frankly, and I hate to sound like an ass, but I don't care how difficult it is for a family to come out and see me. As I said before, there are as many different types of mongers, as there are chicas.

I have no interest in telling others how to roll, but in my experience, by taking a little time to understand the culture where we ply our trade, and adjust our game accordingly, we can avoid the constant pitfalls, scams and rip offs, that seems to befall some of our monger brethren, and their "buddies".

And that's the reason I am on this board. To give another viewpoint, a positive one, based on my own 11 year personal experience with Sosua.

That, and the constant implying by the same old posters here, that those of us who experience none of this drama, and consistently have satisfactory interactions and successful outcomes with the locals, that we are just happy be exploited by the local "barracudas", because we "don't know any better".

I happen to find that a little derogatory, because it ain't me that's complaining! LOL.


Brother P
08-26-20, 13:03
Spent week end in sosua. Curfew makes everything more intense. The talent is so so at best. 7 or 8's are rare. You can find something to spend the night but just barely. Girls are asking 100 plus a night. Rumbas is doing a great business in early afternoon. Followd by ahnvee. 500 pesos gets you in. Plenty of average girls. If you are a vet it might break your heart. The girls are hardcore by enlarge. High percentage of bad girls. Almost nothing went well on trip.I'm a vet and it breaks my heart just to hear it! I don't think the sue will ever be what it was. I think we're going to have to break a new destination. Where I don't know. But we will figure it out!

08-26-20, 15:57
Government announces medical and trip protection insurance for all visitors.

Starting at the end of September, all tourists visiting the Dominican Republic will be covered with a temporary comprehensive health and travel insurance plan. The medical and trip protection insurance plan for visitors will cover hospitalization for coronavirus in the tourism destinations in the country, extended hotel stays and airline ticket changes.

Only random testing will be carried out at airports. Visitors will not be required to bring test results to travel here. The random rapid breathalyzer testing is set to start at the end of September. Once this measure is in place, the current requirement that travelers come with a negative PCR Covid-19 test or be subject to random antibody blood test at the airports will be eliminated.

During the presentation of the Responsible Tourism Recovery Plan to Covid-19 at the Presidential Palace on 25 August 2020, President Luis Abinader gave highlights of the measures being taken by the new government in the wake of the current pandemic and to ensure that the country is a safe travel destination and moves towards the new normalcy.

"Our goal is to minimize the effects of the pandemic and promote a responsible recovery that prioritizes health, maximizes the potential for job creation and economic growth, and promotes the continued sustainable development of the sector," said the President.

Abinader said that several resorts have prepared in-house medical care facilities for first care to guests. Tourists would be given preferential treatment for timely testing in nearby labs. Embassies will receive timely information on any citizen that falls ill.

Mask wearing and keeping physical distance are mandatory during each visitor's stay.

To see the entire article:


08-26-20, 16:38
Why did everyone get "scammed" here? They should pay for what they ordered. Unless of course the guy explicitly said he would pay for all their meals before ordering, then sure, he's a jerk and I guess they were "scammed". I would have asked for my order to go and then paid for my order and politely left.The person you are talking to lied about the details from the original scenario. The guy advised the chick before the meet that it was supposed to be for "drinks" only. That means, she was to advise those accomanying her that that is what the deal was. That wasnt the best way to get that message across. And the guy learned or was reinforced a valuable lesson. It didn't even have to be about the family members coming along. The chick could have done the same thing if she was by herself.

In the original story, the chick and her family started ordering food. And they must have already had the drinks. One of them supposedly ordered a meal to go. Seeing all of this, he decided to end the date. In other words the vetting process was complete. She / they failed. But he never said he wasnt paying for the food. The problem happened when the police came, saw the guy sitting there dining in the open. Back then dining in the open was sketchy. Then the owner of the restaurant got involved, and wanted the guy to sit somewhere in the back of the restaurant, since the police was there. The guy had already decided he was going to leave, and asked the waiter to prepare the food to go.

The dumb owner did not consult with his waiter tending to the guy, approached the guy directly, and ASSumed he was leaving for some other reason. Maybe he got pissed off with the cops, who knows? Before the waiter explained the situation, the owner had already made the situation worse, and basically told the guy to leave, and that he didn't want his business. The guy basically said, ok if that is how you want it, I'll leave. The guy and his guests ended up not getting the food to go, and not paying for the drinks. So, as you rightly pointed out. Nobody got scammed. The guy just dodged a bullet allowing his guests to order food when he advised his date it was only going to be for drinks.

His wallet got a break, so it can be fleeced another day.

And also, if that chick and her family wanted the food, there was nothing stopping them from telling the waiter that they still wanted the food, and paying for it. I think that's fair, since they werent supposed to be ordering food anyway. And nothing was stopping them from paying for the drinks drunk either. The owners beef and disrespect was to the guy, not the family. The owner didn't tell the family he didn't want their business, he told the guy. So nothing stopping the family from paying for their drinks.

And bear in mind, the dude did not bolt to get out of paying. Like the dimwit fallacy story from the individual you were talking to. Nothing in the scenario suggested his intent wasnt to pay for everything. His intent was to pay, until the stupid owner fucked everything up and told him to leave. The owner fucked up by not realizing why the guy was leaving, which didn't have anything to do with the restaurant. The individual you were talking to said the guy could have told the waiter ahead of time about it's only for drinks. True, he could have done that. But so could the chica he was with adhered to his plan and told her family the same. Is she exempt from responsibility in this matter? HELL NO. Moreover, the owner should have consulted with his waiter before fucking up business and losing a customer, and potential references.

And lastly, the dude you are talking to, has a history of entrusting p4p chicas with holding his wallet with money, debit card and even his passport. Yeah exactly, his passport. I addressed that lunacy a while back. Which is one reason why he has me on ignore to this day. I exposed a lot of holes in his stories, and his biggest problem is fabricating , lying and omitting details of what someone else writes when he cant offer a good debate or argument.

08-26-20, 22:18
The President of the Republic Luis Abinader requested the extension of the state of Emergency for 45 days.

During this Wednesday's session, President Luis Abinader asked the Senate of the Republic to extend the state of emergency for 45 more days to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

Senator Dionis Sánchez urged that the proposal be included on the agenda and sent to the health commission for approval.

08-27-20, 01:55
And that's the reason I am on this board. To give another viewpoint, a positive one, based on my own 11 year personal experience with Sosua.I do not recall the story. The backdrop of this conversation that is, and no comments hence as to its degree of veracity but I second your thought. I do not live there but there are definitely positive experiences to be had with some homework and due caution. If the women are to be accused of wrongdoing, guys too have a contribution. It takes two to tango. Males are not always the saints as a few on this board insist.

08-27-20, 14:46
After a long time I can connect to the forum, I hope you are all well my friends!

08-27-20, 15:16
I'm a vet and it breaks my heart just to hear it! I don't think the sue will ever be what it was. I think we're going to have to break a new destination. Where I don't know. But we will figure it out!August, being low season in Sosua, and the heart of hurricane season, and the rain and heat, was never a good time for our hobby. I don't recall a good report from this time of the yea as most tourists don'are start to arrive until the fall.

On top of all this we have the CIVID crisis, so I wouldn't expect anything different, this year.

Hopefully it will pick up again, when PP airport reopens fully to foreign travel in the fall, and the tourist money starts flowing again. When we should see a lot more hungry chicas!

08-27-20, 19:02
I do not recall the story. The backdrop of this conversation that is, and no comments hence as to its degree of veracity but I second your thought. I do not live there but there are definitely positive experiences to be had with some homework and due caution. If the women are to be accused of wrongdoing, guys too have a contribution. It takes two to tango. Males are not always the saints as a few on this board insist.It's really an old chestnut from years ago.

We all roll in different ways.

As I've often posted here, I have had two regulars, one for 7 years and one for 4 years. I usually make that clear to put my posts in context to the average casual monger.

I don't like to carry a man bag, containing my shit, so I always let her carry my phone, the day's dinero, my passport when traveling, my keys, glasses, cigarettes and lighter, and my bank card. She takes care of the minor purchases, groceries, fruit vendors, moto conchos and stuff.

Like having a personal valet, like A-Rod. LOL.

She carries it in her Brinks Bolsa, commonly referred to as a handbag, which is as safe as the Bank of England. Try and pry that out of her clutches, LOL. Never had any shit lost or stolen. In 11 years.

(It actually came about after I had known her for a couple years, and got tired of fumbling thru my pockets in dark bars (in my old heavy partying days) to pay the tab, figuring out a propina, and trying to count my change.).

But the post prompted much derision, even outrage, from some posters, back in the day, and apparently, it still does. Some still refer to it as "lunacy", LOL.

Of course, it's not quite the same as handing over all my shit to strange P4P Sosua hookers and hoping for the best, as it was portrayed, by some, who still bring it up after all these years. And my bank card has a secret pin. In any event my bank doesn't hold me responsible for it's fraudulent use.

I ALWAYS made sure in those posts (It's on the record) to say I didn't recommend it to others, and still don't, because as the sad stories posted here confirm, some are foolish enough to do just that, and then blame the "barracuda" for ripping them off! LOL.

I can honestly say I've never put anybody on an ignore list. The truth of the matter is that I'm still on moderation for past exchanges with the OP, and I don't even control my own ignore list. And I've shrunk from any from any spirited debate here. It's all part of the fun. LOL.

Of course, everybody here is free to believe who, and what they want, no mi problemo! I'm just posting my happy journey from casual monger to happy Sosua resident, for anybody interested, and hopefully providing a little insight and info to others who may be thinking about doing the same. I get enough encouragement and positive feedback to make my time spent on this board worthwhile, but I'the hate to see the "Cancel Culture" take hold here too.

I wish all OP's nothing but happy mongering!

And, peace!

08-28-20, 02:37
Has anyone stayed at Ahnvee lately. 2 friends of mine have memberships there. They have complained of poor accomodatianss, no hot water and frequent power failures. I am curious if these issues have been addressed. Can anyone give an update. They are printing money now. 500 pesos per person and only game in town. Selling more drinks and food then ever.

08-28-20, 02:54
It's really an old chestnut from years ago.I kind of vaguely remember your account of a woman carrying your stuff and I did not think anything of it (except remembering that the real rich or say, the Queen, do not carry a wallet or ID, there is someone else for that). I also do not remember others' reaction to your post although as you said, there might be enough dumb people to mimic you and so a caveat is a good idea. I can understand if someone speaks of it as a preventive measure but surely without recrimination?

In any case, going to the original story, sometimes I think that perhaps it is okay not to speak of my positive experiences; that way there would be less of the weekend warriors in town. Who knows, that might be the ulterior motive of the naysayers? In the meantime, there is a lot of hunger going around there.

08-28-20, 22:09
Has anyone stayed at Ahnvee lately. 2 friends of mine have memberships there. They have complained of poor accomodatianss, no hot water and frequent power failures. I am curious if these issues have been addressed. Can anyone give an update. They are printing money now. 500 pesos per person and only game in town. Selling more drinks and food then ever.I was there recently and I loved the room I had ($100 one) the hot water was plentiful and the WiFi was good and also a true hd flatscreen with plenty English speaking stations. The bad was the food is pricey, and we ran across a big rat while walking on the first floor, it had me shook because I knew it prolly had friends and I'm not used to seeing the fuckin things.

08-30-20, 19:01
I know it Sounds funny but can Somebody Tell me how to approach hookers here?

Its my first time here and its Sunday and I don't find much SW here.

The ones on the beach I say hola walk away. The ones on the street which say hola to me are Not my Taste.

How can I get acceptable hookers these Times in Sosua?

Or is this because Sunday and the early curfew?

Or because me haha? I never mongered in the Caribbean, I Hope as Asian only.

08-31-20, 01:23
I know it Sounds funny but can Somebody Tell me how to approach hookers here?

Its my first time here and its Sunday and I don't find much SW here.

The ones on the beach I say hola walk away. The ones on the street which say hola to me are Not my Taste.

How can I get acceptable hookers these Times in Sosua?

Or is this because Sunday and the early curfew?

Or because me haha? I never mongered in the Caribbean, I Hope as Asian only.Find a taxi driver to show you around.

08-31-20, 02:36
I know it Sounds funny but can Somebody Tell me how to approach hookers here?

Its my first time here and its Sunday and I don't find much SW here.

The ones on the beach I say hola walk away. The ones on the street which say hola to me are Not my Taste.

How can I get acceptable hookers these Times in Sosua?

Or is this because Sunday and the early curfew?

Or because me haha? I never mongered in the Caribbean, I Hope as Asian only.At the beach hookers usually are dressed and walk with their bags, they don't swim or walk in bikinis, generally. Visit Ahnvee hotel at the end of Pedro Clisante. As for looks, its an issue, and the only advice I can give is to move to Santiago or Santo Domingo.

08-31-20, 09:22
I know it Sounds funny but can Somebody Tell me how to approach hookers here?

Its my first time here and its Sunday and I don't find much SW here.

The ones on the beach I say hola walk away. The ones on the street which say hola to me are Not my Taste.

How can I get acceptable hookers these Times in Sosua?

Or is this because Sunday and the early curfew?

Or because me haha? I never mongered in the Caribbean, I Hope as Asian only.Odd that beach hookers are ignoring you.

Just a suggestion. Try this:

Get a table in the shade, near the path. Shade is important. Order a drink. Smile! Look happy, like you are celebrating your birthday, or lottery winnings, LOL. Strike up a conversation with your server, by asking for local information, directions etc.

You will be noticed, they can smell a tourist a mile away.

When you see a potential chica walking by, with or without a girl friend, smile, nod, wink or wave. And point to your drink. When they come over repeat the conversation you just had with your server. Buy them a beer or a coke.

Don't mention sex, or ask how much. They'll size you up and make you an an offer. Take it from there. Go to any bar in town, repeat.

As the OP suggests, plan an evening at Ahnvee.

If that doesn't work in Sosua, you are unlikely to have better luck in another DR town.

Let us know how you make out!

08-31-20, 10:54
I rolled into town at around 2:00 pm Yesterday afternoon. Got a hotel room and hit the street around 3. By 4 pm, I was with a tasty 24 year old, after several ice cold Presidentes from Kings.

By 5 pm, the streets were shuttered but I scored and was glad to see there is still action even though it's limited.

08-31-20, 13:57
I know it Sounds funny but can Somebody Tell me how to approach hookers here?

Its my first time here and its Sunday and I don't find much SW here.

The ones on the beach I say hola walk away. The ones on the street which say hola to me are Not my Taste.

How can I get acceptable hookers these Times in Sosua?

Or is this because Sunday and the early curfew?

Or because me haha? I never mongered in the Caribbean, I Hope as Asian only.I have not been since March but apparently things have picked up in the afternoon- Ahnvee is a resort so it stays open til 11 if you are staying there. You aren't allowed in or out after 11- it is mostly filled with the Hennesy and Coca cola crowd so it can be loud I'm told- If you see a girl you like just say hola. If she is on the game she will stop and flirt. Make sure you establish prices and services before you go anywhere. In the day time offer 2000 pesos for a short time. Try not to pay more than 3000 - you screw it up for everyone and you could prolly get it for 1500 right now in the day time.

08-31-20, 14:18
I know it Sounds funny but can Somebody Tell me how to approach hookers here?

Its my first time here and its Sunday and I don't find much SW here.

The ones on the beach I say hola walk away. The ones on the street which say hola to me are Not my Taste.

How can I get acceptable hookers these Times in Sosua?

Or is this because Sunday and the early curfew?

Or because me haha? I never mongered in the Caribbean, I Hope as Asian only.How long are you there for. I get there on Thursday.

08-31-20, 20:57
Or because me haha? I never mongered in the Caribbean, I Hope as Asian only.Are you saying, that you are Asian? Sosua is full of Chinese, including store owners and their credit is strong so that definitely will not be an issue.

Do you speak German by any chance? If that this the case, there are a couple of German owned restaurants on Main street. One is right next to Merenque bar, called something-stube. You should get there as there are plenty of German speakers there who could help.

For the rest, others have given you all required information.

08-31-20, 22:05
Yes I'm German. (OK polish, but German Citizen).

Sorry, there was a spelling Mistake. I meant I was an Asian only monger, first time in caribic.

I'm staying two weeks.

Now I'm OK I already picked street Girls and collected a few Numbers!

Thank you for your advises!

Its Not that Bad but the chicas on the street are showing up at afternoon.

08-31-20, 22:11
Yesterday I picked a 23 year old Haitian from the street.

We agreed 2000 p for 2 rounds.

Excellent GFE with nice DFK but a bit smelly Pussy which was a turn off.

I meet a few Germans at the German grill at the main Road and will Walk around and collect more Numbers.

Today is a bit better. Yesterday on Sunday the pickings were low.

08-31-20, 22:30
I know it Sounds funny but can Somebody Tell me how to approach hookers here?

Its my first time here and its Sunday and I don't find much SW here.

The ones on the beach I say hola walk away. The ones on the street which say hola to me are Not my Taste.

How can I get acceptable hookers these Times in Sosua?

Or is this because Sunday and the early curfew?

Or because me haha? I never mongered in the Caribbean, I Hope as Asian only.I surprised no one has said Saturday and Sunday is family day on Sosua beach with families coming as far as Santiago and La Vega. A lot of pretty chicks in that group and can you pull a regular hot chick. A regular hot chick with keep walking if your not appealing to them just like in the real world.

09-01-20, 02:21
Hey fellas,

Thinking of heading down to DR for a few days in September. Never been, and I think Sousa looks good based on my preference for free lance chicas and the beach.

I want to avoid hotels as they can be a hassle with bringing back local talent.

Any recommendations on casas for rent? I saw a few on AirBNB near the beach but I thought you fellas would know better than I.

DM with any recommendations. I can discuss my many years mongering in Colombia with you as well LOL.




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09-01-20, 05:45
Hey fellas,

Thinking of heading down to DR for a few days in September. Never been, and I think Sousa looks good based on my preference for free lance chicas and the beach.

I want to avoid hotels as they can be a hassle with bringing back local talent.

Any recommendations on casas for rent? I saw a few on AirBNB near the beach but I thought you fellas would know better than I.

DM with any recommendations. I can discuss my many years mongering in Colombia with you as well LOL.
Few hotels in Sosua will not allow chicas to come back. Read through the forum. Airbnb, etc. Can be more restrictive. If you go this route, make sure that you email the host prior to your trip to make sure they allow guests.

09-01-20, 13:12
Yes I'm German. (OK polish, but German Citizen).

Sorry, there was a spelling Mistake. I meant I was an Asian only monger, first time in caribic.

I'm staying two weeks.

Now I'm OK I already picked street Girls and collected a few Numbers!

Thank you for your advises!

Its Not that Bad but the chicas on the street are showing up at afternoon.Thanks for clearing that up.

You got by the first hurdle, attracting the attention of hookers. Now the next step is harder for the casual visitor with only two weeks to spare, how to get in contact with with semis, and even non pros.

First, forget the initial newbie advice I gave you below, LOL Here's the next step.

Dress like a local, long pants, shoes, and a shirt with sleeves. No short shorts or Speedo's, LOL. Don't hang around just hooker bars. Now, you have hopefully already made a good impression on your aforementioned servers with my last bit of advice, most of whom are semis. (you are a nice guy, happy, no trouble, no drama and not a cheapskate) So you now you have contacts. From there the world of semis will open up to you.

Expand your conversations with them, ask about their jobs, about where they live, their family, and soon they'll be showing you photos of their kids, and telling you how old they are, and how they like to spend their free time. That opens up a new area, because it just so happens that you love to spend your spare time in the same way! What a fucking co-incidence! LOL.

If the stars align, she'll be fucking you and looking for the "going rate" when you're done. If the sex is good, don't try to negotiate her down from a fair going rate.

If you can multi task and keep a few of these pots simmering on the back burner, you may find among them a gem, a keeper and a reason to keep coming to Sosua.

For now, forget non pros. You don't have time for that with only two weeks.

Good hunting!

09-01-20, 18:42
I fucked a Haitian from the street from which I took the number Yesterday.

We agreed for 1500 p for chupar and sex through what's App.

After the deed Which was Excellent with Balls licking and nice showering together I have her 500 propina.

So 2000. She gave me back and said I'm loco.

Chupar is 1500 and sex is 1500 p and I should give her 1000 p extra because I wanted Balls licking.

WTF? So she wants 4000 p!

She starts shouting give me my fucking money and 100 p for motoconcho (4100 now) tambien.

I showed her how she agreed to my Whatsapp. No its because me No habla espanol I no comprende.

She is right. Give me Money pendejo or I call Police!

I said OK I call Security now and they kick you Out.

Then she throws a plastic glass with water on me.

I said OK I went to the safe and took 100 p more then I push her throw the door and Sai I give you everything at reception.

I closed my room door and went down. She stayed on my Floor shouting.

I waited at the reception.

After two min she came down, took her ID and then came to me.

I opened the Security door (at Plaza Europa) gave her 2100 p and pushed her through.

She shouted hijo the puta and showed me middle Finger.

I need to take a break for today from chicas. My mood is down now.

09-02-20, 03:18
Yes I'm German. (OK polish, but German Citizen).You had written a word in German in that post (Die), which is why I suggested that you speak to fellow Germans. The Germany Bar and Grill is good but it is not where the action is on the main street. The place I mentioned: "Schlemmerstube" is right in the center of action and is full of Haitian women and their German friends. You should speak to some of those fellow Germans to see if they recommend someone because what you described here with the Haitian girl is not normal, they do not scream or threaten to call the polizei.

By the way, very close to the place I recommend, there is the Schnitzel Palace, run by Austrians; there is a (not young) polish lady who works there in case you are missing speaking Polskie!

Be safe!

Mr Enternational
09-02-20, 04:08
I fucked a Haitian from the street from which I took the number Yesterday. We agreed for 1500 p for chupar and sex through what's App. After the deed Which was Excellent with Balls licking and nice showering together I have her 500 propina. So 2000. She gave me back and said I'm Loco. Chupar is 1500 and sex is 1500 p and I should give her 1000 p extra because I wanted Balls licking. WTF? So she wants 4000 p! She starts shouting give me my fucking money LOL. Welcome to Sosua. I bet you never had to deal with anything like that in Asia. Yet some will say this is all your fault. The girl should not have learned Spanish before she went to hoar in the DR for years, but you should have learned Haitian Kreyol before going to monger in a Spanish speaking country for one week.

To some this is all too normal, and once again I say they do not know any better because you don't get this kind of BS in other mongering places, especially after you try to give them a big ass tip! Hookers in other places know how to conduct a business transaction and give good customer service without trying to fuck (not even literally) someone over.

Stick around Sosua and you are sure to witness more of this type of behavior to come. Unfortunately it has become par for the course. 4000 pesos for Short Time. Plus 100 for motorbike? Why would you have to give her money for a taxi when you met her and she lives 100 meters from your hotel? Because it is Sosua that's why! LOL.

P.S. Where did trying to be nice by giving those raggedy hoars a large 500 peso tip get you? As Old Kool would say, you have to develop a rapport and be nice and kind and make them feel appreciated if you want them to stick it into you deep and without vaseline...or something along those lines. Words to live by.

09-02-20, 09:04
I fucked a Haitian from the street from which I took the number Yesterday.

We agreed for 1500 p for chupar and sex through what's App.

After the deed Which was Excellent with Balls licking and nice showering together I have her 500 propina.

So 2000. She gave me back and said I'm loco.

Chupar is 1500 and sex is 1500 p and I should give her 1000 p extra because I wanted Balls licking.

WTF? So she wants 4000 p!

She starts shouting give me my fucking money and 100 p for motoconcho (4100 now) tambien.

I showed her how she agreed to my Whatsapp. No its because me No habla espanol I no comprende.

She is right. Give me Money pendejo or I call Police!

I said OK I call Security now and they kick you Out.

Then she throws a plastic glass with water on me.

I said OK I went to the safe and took 100 p more then I push her throw the door and Sai I give you everything at reception..Too bad your session turned into drama.

But that sort of thing can be avoided, if you follow the advice I and a few other happy mongers recommend, namely, with strange hooker off the street, take a little time over a beer / Coke / coffee to see if there are any communication or attitude or grooming / hygiene problems before taking her into your room. If she balks at that, she won't be any different once she gets into your room, so move on, there's always another. The price of a drink and a few minutes of your time can save you a lot of trouble later, and you'll feel like a Hollywood producer auditiong potential starlets. Make it fun.

At least you handled the "exit strategy" right.

If it happens to you again, then Sosua is not for you, move on amigo.

Good luck!

09-02-20, 14:01
Is the German place (one of these) on PC. Yes I was there Yesterday also and this is for sure Haitian Ground zero.

I collected numbers and have much to do now.

They recommend me to friends and I have more contacts now in WA than I can handle.

Business is slow and they are texting all the time.

09-02-20, 15:22
The quality has falling off. The street girls are tougher and harder to manage. The curfew is keeping the better girls away. I never guote Mr E as he has little worth while to say.

I fucked a Haitian from the street from which I took the number Yesterday.

We agreed for 1500 p for chupar and sex through what's App.

After the deed Which was Excellent with Balls licking and nice showering together I have her 500 propina.

So 2000. She gave me back and said I'm loco.

Chupar is 1500 and sex is 1500 p and I should give her 1000 p extra because I wanted Balls licking.

WTF? So she wants 4000 p!

She starts shouting give me my fucking money and 100 p for motoconcho (4100 now) tambien.

I showed her how she agreed to my Whatsapp. No its because me No habla espanol I no comprende.

She is right. Give me Money pendejo or I call Police!

I said OK I call Security now and they kick you Out.

Then she throws a plastic glass with water on me.

I said OK I went to the safe and took 100 p more then I push her throw the door and Sai I give you everything at reception.

I closed my room door and went down. She stayed on my Floor shouting.

I waited at the reception.

After two min she came down, took her ID and then came to me.

I opened the Security door (at Plaza Europa) gave her 2100 p and pushed her through.

She shouted hijo the puta and showed me middle Finger.

I need to take a break for today from chicas. My mood is down now.

09-02-20, 18:25
I knew this before but I got it confirmed again.

Yesterday when I was eating a 25 year old from Santo Domingo (Who knows the truth) approached me.

She had a cute face and nice body from which I could see. She asked for 3000 and I said 2000 (I usually offered 1500).

She said she Has no baby, but lied because in the room there were the Stretchmarks.

BJ was so so. I don't liked her in Missio, so fucked her doggy.

Between the fake moaning she did not forget to Ask if I already finished.

I missed the legendary Leche Papi Leche which I Heard so much about but sadly didn't get it.

So body Not better and service also Not. I could really pass on her.

Today an other Haitian for 2000 (she wanted 2500) she had a nice body with excellent ass.

But BJ very bad. Fucked her in Missio, she watched TV without any noise.

Then in doggy she got some decent pounding from me which she seemed to like, because was moaning. Finished, she took unasked a banana from me, got 2000 and went.

No repeat needed.

I try paying 1500 p again.

I was thinking about going to this ahnvee Resort, but came to the conclusion that I pass on that because it is likely that the Chinese Virus is also partying there from what I Heard is going on there.

I'm taking Risks, but in my risk management this is too much.

09-02-20, 23:52
I'm sorry but no good experience for a newbie in Sosua ever started with a 1500 peso offer. If your expectation was to go to Sosua for the first time and have all kinds of great sessions with beautiful women for 1500 pesos a pop you will never find happiness there. You are correct that more money doesn't always mean a better experience, but less money will almost always mean a less than satisfying experience. I'm speaking to first timers or people with little experience in sosua. Were you really bothered that she took a banana without asking?

09-03-20, 00:22
- People asking for Money are sadly annoying all the time. They don't give Up and Walk after you.

- People trying to sell me drugs are annoying. They pretend to be Afroamerican. Don't know if its true.

- Motoconcho drivers are Assholes. They Ask 100 p but later want 300 because the Ride took so much time.

- Policia Nacional is annoying, because today from 3 - 5 pm PC was full of hookers, then they disappeared when they come.

- Hookers asking 100 p for food when you say you don't want them are annoying.

- Hookers Who say they don't have a Mobile Phone are annoying.

- Money Changers are annoying because they Always try to give shitty rates and you have to hustle with them.

- The curfew is annoying.

- All chicas are doing this annoying nipple sucking. Is someone actually enjoying that?

- And finally overweight hookers Who are grabbing your Balls are annoying as hell!

Chris H
09-03-20, 00:42
I'm sorry but no good experience for a newbie in Sosua ever started with a 1500 peso offer. If your expectation was to go to Sosua for the first time and have all kinds of great sessions with beautiful women for 1500 pesos a pop you will never find happiness there. You are correct that more money doesn't always mean a better experience, but less money will almost always mean a less than satisfying experience. I'm speaking to first timers or people with little experience in sosua. Were you really bothered that she took a banana without asking?Whatever dude. I have had plenty of great sessions and beautiful women for 1000 to 1500 pesos in the Su and SDQ. Only suckers over pay.
Especially these days, those chicas are hungry and I have plenty of grub. We have what they need, not the other way around.

Mr Enternational
09-03-20, 06:30
You are correct that more money doesn't always mean a better experience, but less money will almost always mean a less than satisfying experience. I'm speaking to first timers or people with little experience in sosua.Funny. My first few times in Sosua chicks were going for 1000 pesos all night. Never any problems and always great experiences. The scam shit started when mfs started paying way more money for way less time. It encouraged the chicks to do way less work and give way worse service.

Were you really bothered that she took a banana without asking?Of course there is no reason to be bothered by it if you don't mind being stolen from. At least try to give someone good service before you start helping yourself to his shit. The same people asking a question like this are the same ones that will be down at the front desk if the maid had moved a banana from one corner of the table to another. For some reason women are given a lot more leeway if she lets a guy stick his dick into her. Today it is a banana. Tomorrow it is his loose change. After that it is his cologne, cell phone, and laptop computer. Don't touch someone's shit unless they give you permission is what my parents taught me.

09-03-20, 10:23
I knew this before but I got it confirmed again.

Yesterday when I was eating a 25 year old from Santo Domingo (Who knows the truth) approached me.

She had a cute face and nice body from which I could see. She asked for 3000 and I said 2000 (I usually offered 1500).

She said she Has no baby, but lied because in the room there were the Stretchmarks.

BJ was so so. I don't liked her in Missio, so fucked her doggy.

Between the fake moaning she did not forget to Ask if I already finished.

I missed the legendary Leche Papi Leche which I Heard so much about but sadly didn't get it.

So body Not better and service also Not. I could really pass on her.

Today an other Haitian for 2000 (she wanted 2500) she had a nice body with excellent ass.

But BJ very bad. Fucked her in Missio, she watched TV without any noise..Looks like you're figuring out Sosua fast.

One minor point, but it has been mentioned a couple times. And it's a cultural thing.

Bananas are the next thing to free in the DR. Probably cheaper than the wad of your Kleenex she uses to wipe your cum off her face, the shower soap she uses, or a glass of your drinking water.

It's not like taking a banana from an Eskimo. LOL, and hardly a step or two away from stealing your laptop.

09-03-20, 11:19
Of course there is no reason to be bothered by it if you don't mind being stolen from. At least try to give someone good service before you start helping yourself to his shit. From what I'm reading she didn't steal it. She took it in front of him but didn't ask. He didn't right if he corrected her or not. I'm wondering was first chica DzikaBomba talked about that scammed him was really a Haitian. It sounds a lot more like a Dominican than a Haitian. With everything that's going on its the Haitians that are less likely to want to even involve the police. Especially in the Su. A lot of new guys often mistake dark skin Dominican's for Haitians.

I remember my cousin who I took to the Su for the first time. He had this thing about not wanting to have sex with a Haitian. After he bragged about his conquest from the previous night, I had to explain to him the girl was Haitian. He did not believe me until he asked her. After she confirmed she was indeed Haitian, I told him first time to the Su. You 1000 times- me!
I agree with Chris H but we are very experience in this hobby. We are less likely to have situations with out-of-control chicas changing their price and arguing about calling the police.
I also agree with Sam - if you are inexperience you cannot expect to pay like a vet and get the most out of the situation. Chicas can smell newbie all over you. That smell is going to affect your overall business transaction when dealing with Street chicas. Remember their culture calls for the men to be domineering. They respect that and will shit on the nice guy.
If you are new to the Su scene dont expect the GF experience unless you paid the price for it and establish the respect. If by chance you do get it consider yourself lucky but its not the norm.

09-03-20, 11:59
It appears I was wrong with my rate assessment. I feel so tiny now to know that I have been paying too much all along. I'm such a sucker. Anyway so ChrisH even your goal of 1500 is too high to start at. So get back out there an offer 1000 and everything will go perfect. Current rates are now 1000 to 1500 toda la noche with beautiful 5 star providers. So much has changed apparently since I was there 3 weeks ago I can't wait to return!

Mr Enternational
09-03-20, 12:54
I'm wondering was first chica DzikaBomba talked about that scammed him was really a Haitian. A lot of new guys often mistake dark skin Dominican's for Haitians.Seems like he said that the chick said she didn't she did not speak Spanish so she did not understand when he showed the agreement in whatsapp.

09-03-20, 13:14
Seems like he said that the chick said she didn't she did not speak Spanish so she did not understand when he showed the agreement in whatsapp.Yep that's why it was more confusing. A Haitian that doesn't speak much Spanish giving a gringo a hard time in a hotel. A Haitian demanding he paid for her Moto Concho ride. A Haitian arguing with A white gringo and willing to involve the police. (my assumption). Last but not lease she has her ID at the front Desk.

I'm glad he dealt with the ordeal but I don't understand why he did not use security to his advantage? Was the newbie smell that strong on him? In my experience, the Haitians that speak little Spanish are the least likely to want a problem.
I’m also confused about his headliner posts. It seems to me he agreed on 2000 pesos on both occasions. It’s not like he agreed to pay one more than the other and got less of a performance. Maybe I’m missing something.

09-03-20, 13:28
Please do not get offended if some of us question your report. We only question because we read what you say out of respect. I love reading new reports. Personally I would rather someone ask me a question about something I've written. I preferred that over me taking time to write out a report and no one even commenting about it. Now I'm cool with both ways.

01 DzikaBomba don't let us discourage you. We are getting a hard on from your story. Fill in the blanks for us.

09-03-20, 14:15
This is the first time I've read on this forum of a monger having an issue with a Haitian. I have been with many Haitians in Sosua and every Haitian I was with were very good and better in bed than the Dominican babes generally. I never ever had a problem with a Haitian belle. On the other hand I've had several issues with Dominican chicas.

09-03-20, 15:01
This is the first time I've read on this forum of a monger having an issue with a Haitian. I have been with many Haitians in Sosua and every Haitian I was with were very good and better in bed than the Dominican babes generally. I never ever had a problem with a Haitian belle. On the other hand I've had several issues with Dominican chicas.You see what I'm saying? I am seven years strong with well over 80 trips to the Su. I can count on my 1 finger how many times I had a problem with a Haitian. I maybe can count two more fingers if I concentrate hard.

09-03-20, 15:32
We have what they need, not the other way around.Maybe you don't need pussy but I do and at my age I can't get it without paying for it so with that said, it does work the other way around also, they got the pussy and I need it.

09-03-20, 15:38
I'm wondering was first chica DzikaBomba talked about that scammed him was really a Haitian. It sounds a lot more like a Dominican than a Haitian. With everything that's going on its the Haitians that are less likely to want to even involve the police. Especially in the Su. A lot of new guys often mistake dark skin Dominican's for Haitians.Grownman1 is 100% spot on, no Haitian in Sosua is calling the police, she must have been a Dominicana.

09-03-20, 18:03
I don't care about the Banana. She could take 5. But she was also checking there fridge and things like that. I don't liked that. She is not at her Home. But please this is really not so important.

Yesterday (and today a Repeat) I had two Dominicanas for 2500 and they where nice.

One was OK, but the other one was excellent. Very beautiful with long legs, flat Stomach and small perky tits. Really god shape and well groomed with some cute small tatoos. Meet her yesterday on PC. I repeated her today in the Morning.

She was so clean and good smelling that I could also enjoy DATY on her (first time I wanted to try that here). She was also enjoying this and getting wet.

But she only wants to give CBJ. This is normally a nogo, but I accepted, because I was satisified wit the Rest and you can not always have 100%.

But maybe this is also a good sign. Because that shows she takes care of herself. I would only pay to enjoy DATY on her. I also liked her Spanish speaking. It was so clear that I could understand most of that. She said she is from Santo Domingo.

Will definitely repeat. Next Time I need to take a photo of her. I always forget that.

The other one said she would give me a lesbo show with a friend. I wanted to negotiate that for today with her. But my shitty Telephone Honor 8 which I use for Holidays is not working anymore.

Damn! I hope they can repair that!

09-03-20, 21:01
I don't care about the Banana. She could take 5. But she was also checking there fridge and things like that. I don't liked that. She is not at her Home. But please this is really not so important!I agree with you it's really not that important it's just a lot of us vets know the characteristics and habits of the different chicas. And everything you described are the habits of Dominicanas. A few of us are very analytical so don't let it discourage you. These are posts from my last two months. Notice the characteristics of the Dominicanas. I'm not questioning the authenticity of your report. But the behavior of your Chica is kind of odd.



I called up my OG Chica. I called her OG because I knew her before she would even walk the strip. She was an 18 year old Dominicana with a nice donkey butt and Slender frame. I haven't dealt with her in years. She still has that donkey butt but she's picked up weight with it.

From behind it's a beautiful view. But because I know what she used to be and she has graduated to the streets; she's off my normal roster.

I was in the park and she made me do a double take. Man that ass looks good from the back. When I got close to her and saw it was her I was like damn.

OK I'll give you a session for old time sake's but you better be good like I remember. She walks in my room and the first thing she does is open my refrigerator. Nothing. I told her I was used to Dominicanas Coming over and looking for something in my refrigerator that they didn't put in. That's why is empty. Now tell me what are you looking for that you didn't put in.

Our session was good but I miss her younger energy. She started off with a BBBJ which was skillful and pleasing. 1500 peso and a dress.

After my a day of rest; I had set up something through Tinder. I don't know if I was high, but I missed and paid for an account to be activated. I thought I was just looking at pictures. I said oh well I'll ride out this month. It just so happened I was leaving for the DR in four days anyway.

One of my tinder match's was a Chica from The capital. We traded numbers and I ask her did she have any friends. She started sending me pictures of her friends. Nice young Morenas between 6 1/2 and 7. Barrio chicasbetween 18 and 21. She had an amiga that was requesting someone with a very big dick.

Come to find out the chica that was on tinder actually was three months pregnant. She was down for the P4 P, but no one wanted her. She said she would just bring her three girls through. I got my Road dogs ready.

The girls arrived and were cute but Slim. One of my friends immediately passed up his request. My other friend became busy but I knew the girls were to Slim for him. I called up one of my friends that love tiny Hineys. He came over I said he couldn't do anything until tomorrow financially.

I'm left with three girls but it's cool I have a game plan. Just so happened it was one of their birthday so you know I was eyeing on her. I told them my friends backed out, however I'm going to make them a deal.

I can have one at a time for 1500 pesos per day or two at the same time for 1000 pesos apiece. However who I have sex with first, if she is good, I will tip her 500 pesos and 500 pesos to her friends to share. I will repeat with her friend tomorrow.

You should've seen them in a huddle trying to see who goes first. I remind them; whoever goes in the room first must be good or the deal is off. The birthday girl demanded she goes first. She's the oldest and the smallest of the group. Maybe 100 pounds soaking wet. I love her spirit. Plus she's a LEO. My bedroom Master. Just The different body style change up I needed.

In the bed room she was a lioness! Aggressively seductive. She even gave me the seductive submissive look that my ex (LEO) used to give me. Face down ass up, glancing back at me, biting her lip And rolling her eyes, as if to say why are you fucking me and please don't stop.

When we were done I just walked outside and gave her amigas 500 pesos to share. I also gave her one of my speakers for her birthday. 2500 pesos and 2 jumbo El Presidente's. Was the whole damage.

During my session with a friend the other two raided my refrigerator of all the soda and candy which was for them anyway. It's funny they drunk all the soda and left the Presidente in the refrigerator untouched. I think I will only repeat with the birthday girl.
I never met a Haitian that conducted herself in this manner. The feeling of being comfortable enough to open a strangers refrigerator is an act synonymous with Dominicanas. As well as saying there are from Santo Domingo, Causing a ruckus, and demanding that you pay extra. Im not going to mention the Assault part with the bottle water.

Chris H
09-03-20, 21:48
Maybe you don't need pussy but I do and at my age I can't get it without paying for it so with that said, it does work the other way around also, they got the pussy and I need it.Ok, that's you and that's understandable. Am not at that stage, so I wouldn't know about that. RESPECT.

09-04-20, 12:55
The Girl which I had the Drama with Who pretends to be Haitian today texts me from an other number on Whatsapp if I want her again.

This Shows how Desperate these Times are.

I didn't answer and will Block this Number too.

Here is here WhatsApp Foto in for a Warning to not take her or maybe this helps you Grownman for your Analysis.

She Has Red colored Hair on one Side.

09-04-20, 13:44
Maybe you don't need pussy but I do and at my age I can't get it without paying for it so with that said, it does work the other way around also, they got the pussy and I need it.Haven't you heard that sex is like a game of bridge, if you have a good hand you don't need a partner.

09-04-20, 20:39
Today I meet an other nice 23 year old Dominican for 2500st. She was very GFE. Excellent BJ and was riding me until finish.

Tomorrow we want to do TLN ON. She asked me how much, but I don't know.

What would be an acceptable amount for overnight? 5000? 6000?

Please help.

She also wants to wife me Up and stay a few days with me and go with me Puerto Plata and Cabarete which would also be interesting.

Would is an good rate for SLT?

09-04-20, 23:00
Today I meet the one Who wanted to offer me a Lesbo show again.

But today I didn't liked her service too much. Don't know if I will ever meet her again.

First she Text me that for 500 p more I can have BBFS. I said no thank you.

2500 for CFS is okay.

Then the BJ was short and nothing Special. I started fucking her and she asked if I like without condom.

I said of course without is nicer. Then she took the condom off and threw it away.

So I fucked her RAW but still couldn't cum because she was lousy and bored all the time.

We changed positions a few Times and she was getting nervous why I don't cum.

I could not really fuck her in doggy because she kept her Ass to high with her Arms stretched. And she don't wants to lie on her stomach because it Hurts her?

Before that she also asks me to cum inside but I somehow managed and cum on her Ass.

Then this skank turned around and cleaned Up her Ass on my bed!

I hate her for doing that and think with this lousy Service and Behauvior will not meet her again and No Lesbo Show.

09-05-20, 00:01
Today I meet an other nice 23 year old Dominican for 2500st. She was very GFE. Excellent BJ and was riding me until finish.

Tomorrow we want to do TLN ON. She asked me how much, but I don't know.

What would be an acceptable amount for overnight? 5000? 6000?

Please help.

She also wants to wife me Up and stay a few days with me and go with me Puerto Plata and Cabarete which would also be interesting.

Would is an good rate for SLT?Always hard to assess mutual value without knowing the parties involved but here goes.

You've already establish a mutually satisfactory base rate of 2,500 with her.

Assuming you enjoy the sessions with her and are even contemplating keeping her for a week, I would offer her 2500, plus a 500 propina if she continues to deliver deliver the goods, and go from there.

Based on the idea that she wants repeat business from a steady guaranteed client, it should be at a discount, similar to a frequent flyer, or frequent stay deal offered by airlines and hotels.

Hopefully others will chime in?

09-05-20, 00:41
We can not tell you how much because it is your money. What is it worth to you to be with someone you enjoy and trust. Ask her what she thinks is enough and negotiate. There is a price that works for both of you and you have to find it. Hardcore girls will be very specific but others are more flexible. Get a clear price so you can move on. I love having a girl friend to spend time with for a few days. The sex is always better.

Today I meet an other nice 23 year old Dominican for 2500st. She was very GFE. Excellent BJ and was riding me until finish.

Tomorrow we want to do TLN ON. She asked me how much, but I don't know.

What would be an acceptable amount for overnight? 5000? 6000?

Please help.

She also wants to wife me Up and stay a few days with me and go with me Puerto Plata and Cabarete which would also be interesting.

Would is an good rate for SLT?

09-05-20, 01:09
Today I meet an other nice 23 year old Dominican for 2500st. She was very GFE. Excellent BJ and was riding me until finish.

Tomorrow we want to do TLN ON. She asked me how much, but I don't know.

What would be an acceptable amount for overnight? 5000? 6000?

Please help.

She also wants to wife me Up and stay a few days with me and go with me Puerto Plata and Cabarete which would also be interesting.

Would is an good rate for SLT?Sounds like you're doing good with your short times at 2500 pesos. 3500 to 4500 is a good number to settle with for a newbie and a blessing for the Chica. Remember, she's not just doing you a favor you doing her a favor by staying overnight. She doesn't have to go walking the streets looking for customers. This is why she wants to latch on to you. You are paying her consistent money on the weekdays. To be in your company, traveling with you on your vacation, eating and dining with you for free and getting paid.

The weekends were how many these chicas get the bulk of their business. With the current curfew in place the weekends nightlife is very Limited thus so is business. For any Chica to pick up work during the weekdays is a sign of a hopeful better weekend. Just remember to have something to entertain her besides sex when you're alone. Access to Netflix or YouTube can keep her occupied.

It sounds like you're starting to get your rhythm and enjoy yourself. I don't think I ever been there during Monday through Wednesday. It wasn't worth the trip and the selections were on the hard-core side. If you find something you like Don't let paying a little bit more stop you from having fun.

09-05-20, 02:29
Today I meet an other nice 23 year old Dominican for 2500st. She was very GFE. Excellent BJ and was riding me until finish.

Tomorrow we want to do TLN ON. She asked me how much, but I don't know.

What would be an acceptable amount for overnight? 5000? 6000?

Please help.

She also wants to wife me Up and stay a few days with me and go with me Puerto Plata and Cabarete which would also be interesting.

Would is an good rate for SLT?It's your money and her time and body. I would not mess it up with hard core bargaining especially if you are having a good time with her. I would start by asking what she would like for one LT, then ask what she would like a number of days? Hopefully she will discount for the number of days. Also remind her you will be covering her expenses during the trip.

You might offer to advance a couple LT days so she can pay her rent, electric while you both are gone. Then say you will pay the balance at the end. This will keep her motivated to please.

09-05-20, 10:39
We can not tell you how much because it is your money. What is it worth to you to be with someone you enjoy and trust. Ask her what she thinks is enough and negotiate. There is a price that works for both of you and you have to find it. Hardcore girls will be very specific but others are more flexible. Get a clear price so you can move on. I love having a girl friend to spend time with for a few days. The sex is always better.Right you are OldKool.

I find the GFE or wife up types are reluctant to put a price on their services, because they have no idea how high a happy monger is prepared to go, or what his financial situation is. They don't want to be the ones that put the limit on. LOL.

It usually comes down to, "whatever you think", because mongers are all over the place when it comes to money. They won't commit to an initial figure, which can be frustrating at times.

I'm a "local" on a budget, but one of my married friends who visits is way "overly generous", and happy to pick up the tab for all the partying in our semi pro crowd, because money is no problem. He'll'll even send down money in advance to make sure the week goes well, and the big welcome mat is laid down.

Now, some would call him a sucker, but he's a smart, successful guy who always gets what he wants, and makes sure it all waiting for him. To him, his time is more important than the money he spends getting away from business and sex prison once in a while. Sosua for him is like a Blackbeards, but with fresher meat. He also has a few connections he's made before and keeps up online.

He could be accused of "spoiling the market", but when he's gone home, it actually improves mine.

I've also posted about one of my other viditors, who I've now cut off, "El cheapo" who wouldn't pay to get laid, because his fresh newbie, wouldn't come right out and ask him for money! She was just relying on the guy to understand the Sosua scene. He's the one that actually gives mongers a bad name.

Smart chicas, especially semi pros, know how to work the freelance market, but the hard core ones don't care about all that nonsense, and parade around with their "menu" and will only offer a "special" if they are hungry enough!

So many variables here, that it's hard to lay down hard and fast rules that apply to any given situation, but I'm constantly reminding my friends what the "going rates" are, and to factor in the fact that you are picking up all the expenses for a paid vacation for her, maybe more than a month's pay down there, and leave it up to them.

It's their money!

09-05-20, 12:49
It's your money and her time and body. I would not mess it up with hard core bargaining especially if you are having a good time with her. I would start by asking what she would like for one LT, then ask what she would like a number of days? Hopefully she will discount for the number of days. Also remind her you will be covering her expenses during the trip.

You might offer to advance a couple LT days so she can pay her rent, electric while you both are gone. Then say you will pay the balance at the end. This will keep her motivated to please.Really? And you expect to get ATM advice here?

09-06-20, 03:19
There are a lot of hardcore girls on the street if you are not clear about what you are paying look out. The girls consider what they do their job. You are their client. Striking a fair price is serious business for both of you. The curfew make things harder. You never keep a girl all night unless you test ride her. It sucks having a girl all night who you have no connection with. As long as the the curfew is on guys have to be on point.

Really? And you expect to get ATM advice here?