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11-01-09, 17:19
Go up the road diagonally across the highway from Texaco, you can't miss the gate about 1/4 mile up the hill on the left.Thanks, it is in the El Batey section of Sosua.

11-01-09, 23:30
Thanks, it is in the El Batey section of Sosua.

Technically it is not considered El Batey once you cross the carretera, it is literally a 5 minute walk from Texaco.

11-02-09, 00:23
Technically it is not considered El Batey once you cross the carretera, it is literally a 5 minute walk from Texaco.There is another gated community off the main road, closer to Charamicos (the entrance is on the right hand side of the road when coming from the airport heading towards Sosua and I believe it is nearer to Charamicos). That gated community is not far from another gas station on the main road that may have been a Texaco gas station, but now appears to be closed. I haven't been to Sosua in a while.

11-02-09, 02:15
CP is entirely correct that this is a delicate issue. Dominicans and Haitians have a very good eye for details that differentiate the two, though it's not always entirely obvious.

When I was returning from the DR quite a few years ago waiting for the plane to taxi in I was listening to a clueless 20 something white American girl talking to a Dominican Steward who was by Dominican standards 'indio oscuro' (quite dark). She was obviously into the guy and was babbling to him for several minutes straight about how Americans are so racist but how there is no racism in the Dominican republic. He was just smiling and nodding to her.

I was near a service bay that had a rack of dirty dishes from first class and looking at the guy (who seemed like he had some education) and the dopey chick hitting on him, who was gushing about how non-racist Dominican's were, I had an inspiration. I walked past them to the dirty dishes and found a sprig of parsley. I walked back past them and in front of the girl held it up to him and said "Que es esto?"

I was rewarded when he instantly understood my point and rolled his eyes laughing. The clueless girl said "What???"


Now that is funny. As far as having a good eye to who is Dominican and who is Haitian,in large part it is subjective IMO . Skin color and is not an accurate precursor for the artificial construct known as "race". They get it wrong more often then you think. See the 3rd paragraph:

11-02-09, 15:36
Your rates are a bit dated or you are seriously overpaying theses chicas, most chicas are fine with RD1500 TLN and RD1000 for ST. It is a buyer's market right now. Please stop overpaying these chicas and posting these inflated rates as "the norm". They are happy getting any Pesos in this economy.

I wish someone would update La Passions with this info because last I checked the menu was still RD2500 for full service!

Now I wouldn't mind paying that if the girls there were a cut above anything you'd find trolling the Pedro Clisante or in Classico's, but so far as I can tell La Passions girls are no different (read "no hotter") than anything you'd find hanging around New Garden.

11-02-09, 15:46
Look up Casa Linda.

Its a complex of homes, villas, etc.

Also Casa Residencial, in Sosua.

If possible, will PM the contact data for a
condo/rental manager I know.Can you please send me that info as well?

I will be there on November 27th.


11-02-09, 15:55
Ok guys. I'm pretty new to the forum so please forgive me for the naive questions. I have been reading and looking around the forum but wanted to get some insider tips.

1) Lets say a chica stays the overnight, what steps should be taken to make sure that a lady does not get the sticky fingers and go into wallet while sleep? I'm not saying it will or has been done but I have to ask the experts.

2) Normally, how/when does the transaction take place? Is the hand out before or after?

11-02-09, 17:14
I wish someone would update La Passions with this info because last I checked the menu was still RD2500 for full service!

Now I wouldn't mind paying that if the girls there were a cut above anything you'd find trolling the Pedro Clisante or in Classico's, but so far as I can tell La Passions girls are no different (read "no hotter") than anything you'd find hanging around New Garden.You're always going to pay more when you go through a "middle-man." The middle-man has to pay for the overhead (building, bed, bribes...) and he has to have some extra cash to put in his pocket.

If the middle-man can't offer any value-added services (STD Screenings, Performance Guarantees...) then you might as well skip the middle-man and go right to the source.

-Helpmann :)

11-02-09, 19:17
You're always going to pay more when you go through a "middle-man." The middle-man has to pay for the overhead (building, bed, bribes...) and he has to have some extra cash to put in his pocket.

If the middle-man can't offer any value-added services (STD Screenings, Performance Guarantees...) then you might as well skip the middle-man and go right to the source.

-Helpmann :)

That's understandable, but I would use Blackbeard's as a very sucessful model. They underprice La Passions (1500 ST; 2500 TLN (i think it's 3000 TLN now)) and the chicas at BB's are much more hotter.

Plus they run a resort, which La Passion's does not.

Charles Pooter
11-02-09, 23:05
Lets say a chica stays the overnight, what steps should be taken to make sure that a lady does not get the sticky fingers and go into wallet while sleep? I'm not saying it will or has been done but I have to ask the experts.
I don't claim to be an expert but I only sleep in rooms with a safe. There is a very high chance that a one-off pick-up will rob you. If you cannot sleep in a room with a safe there are various types of secure bag on the market which you can chain to some immovable object. If you drink a lot that makes you an easier target.

Allow some minutes to prepare your room before you go out hunting. Keep the max amount you are going to pay separate from your other money and valuables so the chica doesn't know where your whole stash is. Look round before exiting and make sure anything tempting is locked away or well hidden. It is hard to do once you have brought the chica back.

Don't bring on your trip anything which isn't essential. Leave bling, good watches or cameras, etc, at home. The chicas won't be impressed and will think they are fakes anyway.

Normally, how/when does the transaction take place? Is the hand out before or after?
Always after unless you take from a club which demands prepayment. I strongly suggest paying the chica outside your locked room in case there is a dispute over the amount. (This last very common in Sosúa if the chica senses you are a newbie).

11-03-09, 00:22
Always after unless you take from a club which demands prepayment. I strongly suggest paying the chica outside your locked room in case there is a dispute over the amount. (This last very common in Sosúa if the chica senses you are a newbie).

Good advice, I also suggest making it clear how many times you are going to do the deed. One time, two time, etc. and hours, 1 hour, 2hrs, TLN, and price, how much you pay for one time and two times etc. They always get you on that, even though I dicuss all this beforehand and after years of visiting DR after the first session they want their money and leave. If you have discussed the number of sessions you just pay for one time and there won't be much argument.

Also TLN doesn't necessary means sex in the morning, make that clear.

11-03-09, 00:30
Look up Casa Linda.

Its a complex of homes, villas, etc.

Also Casa Residencial, in Sosua.
If possible, will PM the contact data for a
condo/rental manager I know.


Just saw the website for the ones you advise , and your sure these complex's are girl friendly?
Stayed at the El Neptuno last time I ws there , great location , but these look just as promising, so girl friendly is from your personal knowledge ?

11-03-09, 02:16

Just saw the website for the ones you advise , and your sure these complex's are girl friendly?
Stayed at the El Neptuno last time I ws there , great location , but these look just as promising, so girl friendly is from your personal knowledge ?

I have seen a number of posts of guys that have used them.

Anyone else care to confirm this?

(Do a Search This Thread for Casa Linda, you'll find other posts on them).

11-03-09, 02:43
Good advice, I also suggest making it clear how many times you are going to do the deed. One time, two time, etc. and hours, 1 hour, 2hrs, TLN, and price, how much you pay for one time and two times etc. They always get you on that, even though I dicuss all this beforehand and after years of visiting DR after the first session they want their money and leave. If you have discussed the number of sessions you just pay for one time and there won't be much argument.

Also TLN doesn't necessary means sex in the morning, make that clear.Well, I'm still trying to figure out the acronyms. ST? TLN? ABC? 123? but I'm willing to listen and learn from you guys, no problem

11-03-09, 03:01
I have seen a number of posts of guys that have used them.

Anyone else care to confirm this?Although, I haven't booked a Casa Linda villa with Hispaniola Real Estate since 2007, I have never had any issues on who could come over. Nevertheless, you do need a car. Casa Linda is a few minutes east of Sosua.

-Helpmann :)

Hispaniola Real Estate (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/showpost.php?p=606417&postcount=971)
Latin American Rentals (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/showpost.php?p=923607&postcount=1634)

11-03-09, 06:45
Your rates are a bit dated or you are seriously overpaying theses chicas, most chicas are fine with RD1500 TLN and RD1000 for ST. It is a buyer's market right now. Please stop overpaying these chicas and posting these inflated rates as "the norm". They are happy getting any Pesos in this economy.

Originally Posted by Bigup
The norm is 1500 peso for 2 to 3 hours and 2500 peso for TLN.

Don't over pay!

The only time I paid over 2500 peso is when I have taken something out of La Passion at 1 pm.

You can get the girls from La Passion after they finish work at 1am and head to Classico Disco for a cheaper price, but remember that's after she's suck on an average of 5 to 10 ice creams a day.


The rates I posted above Buscemi previously are the norm if your sleeping with anything on an 8 to 10 rating. You pay for what you get, the prettier the girl the more you pay. If your not sure what I mean when I say 8 to 10. Take a look at Sarah who works at La passions.

I don't travel to Brazil, Costa Rica or Dominican Republic to sleep with anything under that scale. I might as well stay in my city and get it for free or sleep with the crackhead on the strip. Check out this club in Sti overlounge.com that's what I like.

My friend if that's what you pay that's what you pay.
I'm going to give some free advice so you don't have to pay me your RD 1000 for ST. When someone sells their nice car for a cheap price, like most people your thinking hey I got a good deal. WRONG! Something is wrong with that car. It may not break down on you within a week or a month, but it will break down sooner then you anticipated.

As we all know mongering is a dangerous risky sport that can kill you. Some of the girls that are charging low rates are HIV positive, so I have been told. I have been warned by a few locals there who I party with on a regular.

Chico "no not her amigo she very sick chica"

Bigup That's when I say why the hell she out here?

Chico "she have to eat to my friend" ........"she no asked for much money."

Bigup What she ask for RD100?

Chico "me not know depends....maybe RD500 or RD1000"

Bigup Chico that's not cool.......why she put other people at risk?

Chico don't worry amigo you good guy me lookie out 4 u

Although you have not stated this I await your picture on anything rated 8 to 10 that you have paid RD 1000 ST for.


11-03-09, 15:14
You pay what you are comfortable with, my friend, I have nothing to prove to you with a picture. I spend a lot of time in RD and have a few chicas in my line up.

I do not post pictures of my conquests on the internet, been there done that. I will be more than happy to share a beer with you in Cabarete/Sosua and show you a few pics on my Cell. I'll even share their cell numbers.

My point was quality/inexpensive pussy is out and about on Pedro Clisante, for under RD$2,000, This is not a contest who pays the least. Your idea of a 10 might be a 7 in my eyes, not important. We all have different tastes, Yes Sara is a 10 and worth paying up for, great DSL's!

Good mongering!

Originally Posted by Bigup
The norm is 1500 peso for 2 to 3 hours and 2500 peso for TLN.

Don't over pay!

The only time I paid over 2500 peso is when I have taken something out of La Passion at 1 pm.

Member #3435
11-03-09, 16:21
CP is entirely correct that this is a delicate issue. Dominicans and Haitians have a very good eye for details that differentiate the two, though it's not always entirely obvious.

When I was returning from the DR quite a few years ago waiting for the plane to taxi in I was listening to a clueless 20 something white American girl talking to a Dominican Steward who was by Dominican standards 'indio oscuro' (quite dark). She was obviously into the guy and was babbling to him for several minutes straight about how Americans are so racist but how there is no racism in the Dominican republic. He was just smiling and nodding to her.

I was near a service bay that had a rack of dirty dishes from first class and looking at the guy (who seemed like he had some education) and the dopey chick hitting on him, who was gushing about how non-racist Dominican's were, I had an inspiration. I walked past them to the dirty dishes and found a sprig of parsley. I walked back past them and in front of the girl held it up to him and said "Que es esto?"

I was rewarded when he instantly understood my point and rolled his eyes laughing. The clueless girl said "What???"


Nice, short history lesson. Thanks!

11-03-09, 18:06
As we all know mongering is a dangerous risky sport that can kill you. Some of the girls that are charging low rates are HIV positive, so I have been told. I have been warned by a few locals there who I party with on a regular.

Chico "no not her amigo she very sick chica"

Bigup That's when I say why the hell she out here?

Chico "she have to eat to my friend" ........"she no asked for much money."

Bigup What she ask for RD100?

Chico "me not know depends....maybe RD500 or RD1000"

You really can't depend on this kind of information. Obviously a sick-looking chica is not a very attractive proposition, but a hot-looking chica will be able to command premium prices even if her T-cell count is in the basement. However, I have heard girls saying that other girls were HIV positive based only on personal emnity or scuttlebutt of the most absurd kind. For example one girl who had a little bit of vitiligo around her pussy that she was somewhat embarrassed about, was described to me as HIV+ for sure by another girl who said that she was taking a stack of medications for her pussy.

Also if you meet male Dominicans who speak English like Tonto out of the Lone Ranger, they are probably delinquents who have been deported from the US, and may be taking commissions for pimping the higher priced girls.

However, if in doubt, practice safe sex, which is not a bad idea at all times.

11-03-09, 18:33
You pay what you are comfortable with, my friend, I have nothing to prove to you with a picture. I spend a lot of time in RD and have a few chicas in my line up.

I do not post pictures of my conquests on the internet, been there done that. I will be more than happy to share a beer with you in Cabarete/Sosua and show you a few pics on my Cell. I'll even share their cell numbers.

My point was quality/inexpensive pussy is out and about on Pedro Clisante, for under RD$2,000, This is not a contest who pays the least. Your idea of a 10 might be a 7 in my eyes, not important. We all have different tastes, Yes Sara is a 10 and worth paying up for, great DSL's!

Good mongering!

Thanks Buscemi for the offer, but in the end we are all sleeping with the same girls anyway.

On another topic, you know how we meet chicas in Classico and then they run some game saying "me no punta Papi"

So my pretty why you in this candy shop for. "Me first time.... me from Sti me visit my cousin"


Marc Anthony
11-04-09, 03:25
Well, I'm still trying to figure out the acronyms. ST? TLN? ABC? 123? but I'm willing to listen and learn from you guys, no problem

There's an Abbreviations item on the menu at the top of the page:

ST : Short Time (1-2 hours, 1 pop) as oppose to LT or TLN: Toda la Noche (all night, leave in the morning, assumes at least 2 pops including morning sex or BJ).

11-04-09, 05:39
[QUOTE=Bigup Check out this club in Sti overlounge.com that's what I like.
Bigup[/QUOTE]One of the first bars I hung out in Santiago at night was overlounge. It is not a big place. Some big titty Santiago chica invited me there. The way they say Overlounge is something like "Obi" bar. I bought a small bottle of Baileys and got a table near the stage (Brugal makes a creamy liquor, it is similar in appearance to Baileys, I haven't tried it yet). The girl I was with had another big titty friend with her whose tits were popping were out of her shirt, a few times the nipples popped out.

Some Dominican guys had a table next my table and they were talking with the friend of the chica who I knew. Next thing, I see the guys up on the stage, they were Hermanos Rosario, a merengue group. Three brothers, the lead singer Rafa has bit if a rough voice, The chica I knew loved dancing when that dude sang. I was grinding all up on her (you can grind and practically hump the chicas to merengue music).

There was one chica in Overlounge that night who reminded me of a young Rosalyn Sanchez except with a better body.

The big titty Santiago chica works in a store and gets paid 2000 pesos for 15 days of work, which is about 120 hours of work.

Now when some chica asks for 2000 pesos for two hours, I say to myself, many chicas have to work something like 120 hours to earn 2000 pesos and some chica wants 2000 pesos for 2 hours.

Bad economy now, maybe some chicas will hold out until some guy pays their asking price. Other chicas may not have that luxury and therefore will accept mil pesos or less for short time.

Marc Anthony
11-04-09, 16:58
One of the first bars I hung out in Santiago at night was overlounge. It is not a big place. Some big titty Santiago chica invited me there. The way they say Overlounge is something like "Obi" bar. I bought a small bottle of Baileys and got a table near the stage (Brugal makes a creamy liquor, it is similar in appearance to Baileys, I haven't tried it yet). The girl I was with had another big titty friend with her whose tits were popping were out of her shirt, a few times the nipples popped out.

Some Dominican guys had a table next my table and they were talking with the friend of the chica who I knew. Next thing, I see the guys up on the stage, they were Hermanos Rosario, a merengue group. Three brothers, the lead singer Rafa has bit if a rough voice, The chica I knew loved dancing when that dude sang. I was grinding all up on her (you can grind and practically hump the chicas to merengue music).

There was one chica in Overlounge that night who reminded me of a young Rosalyn Sanchez except with a better body.

The big titty Santiago chica works in a store and gets paid 2000 pesos for 15 days of work, which is about 120 hours of work.

Now when some chica asks for 2000 pesos for two hours, I say to myself, many chicas have to work something like 120 hours to earn 2000 pesos and some chica wants 2000 pesos for 2 hours.

Bad economy now, maybe some chicas will hold out until some guy pays their asking price. Other chicas may not have that luxury and therefore will accept mil pesos or less for short time.

2000 pesos would be a very good weekly wage for most chicas for 5 days and a half day Saturday. Besides that, it's very common that to keep a good job that pays that much the chica has to have sex with her boss anyway. A very cute chica who works in an Orange shop (AC/easy work) told me the boss takes her out to lunch once or twice a week and to a cabana and also demands BJs in the office. Girls who don't perform don't keep their jobs long. So less than 2000 pesos is for 44 hours of work PLUS sex on demand - and that was a hot 22 y.o.

The big difference is security and consistency. 2000 is what you ask for if you really want to get 1000 and it's a one time deal and something you have to be discreet about. 2000 a week guaranteed long term and 'legitimate' will get you a lot more.

11-04-09, 19:23
Hey guys

Heading for Sosua next week and need a little help. I have a problem with ear infection from time to time. I know amoxicillin is readily available over the counter in DR. Is there anything better or stronger that works a little quicker? Amoxicillin takes 10 days to really do the job, almost my entire vacation. The ascending/decending on the plane really does a number on me. Any info greatly appreciated. Thanks

11-04-09, 19:35
One of the first bars I hung out in Santiago at night was overlounge. It is not a big place. Some big titty Santiago chica invited me there. The way they say Overlounge is something like "Obi" bar. I bought a small bottle of Baileys and got a table near the stage (Brugal makes a creamy liquor, it is similar in appearance to Baileys, I haven't tried it yet). The girl I was with had another big titty friend with her whose tits were popping were out of her shirt, a few times the nipples popped out.

Some Dominican guys had a table next my table and they were talking with the friend of the chica who I knew. Next thing, I see the guys up on the stage, they were Hermanos Rosario, a merengue group. Three brothers, the lead singer Rafa has bit if a rough voice, The chica I knew loved dancing when that dude sang. I was grinding all up on her (you can grind and practically hump the chicas to merengue music).

There was one chica in Overlounge that night who reminded me of a young Rosalyn Sanchez except with a better body.

The big titty Santiago chica works in a store and gets paid 2000 pesos for 15 days of work, which is about 120 hours of work.

Now when some chica asks for 2000 pesos for two hours, I say to myself, many chicas have to work something like 120 hours to earn 2000 pesos and some chica wants 2000 pesos for 2 hours.

Bad economy now, maybe some chicas will hold out until some guy pays their asking price. Other chicas may not have that luxury and therefore will accept mil pesos or less for short time.

Oh and by the way thanks Jaosousa your the one who put me on to this club back in June if you recall. All I can say is WOW just looking at the website party pictures makes me want to go back. Me and my wing man took some girls their we met in the MALL while shopping. We only went to the mall to grab a bite to eat at the food court. While in line these 4 cuties started to order their food.........we told the cashier to put their food on our tab, they came and sat next to us and a conversation began.

11-04-09, 21:18
Hey guys

Heading for Sosua next week and need a little help. I have a problem with ear infection from time to time. I know amoxicillin is readily available over the counter in DR. Is there anything better or stronger that works a little quicker? Amoxicillin takes 10 days to really do the job, almost my entire vacation. The ascending/decending on the plane really does a number on me. Any info greatly appreciated. ThanksZithromax pfizer named brand, 500 grams each pill, about 30 dollars for three pills in dom rep. Or you can get the generic zithromycin much cheaper. Those antibiotics should do the trick. You can take 1000 grams at once, or take one 500 pill then another 500 gram pill twelve hours later and then if you want the third 500 gram pill twelve hours later. I'll send you the name of some ear drops that have antibiotics in the them, you may be able to buy them in dom rep, as well. Take some decongestants on the plane with you, Mucinex, or tylenol cold, or benadryl pills, they should help to open up the passages if you have any congestion in your nasal passages and thus in your ears. When your ears can't decompress on the plane, that can be some terrible pain. One one trip I couldn't hear in one ear for at least three days after the plane ride, after I had travelled with a cold.

Mr Gogo
11-05-09, 00:17
don't feel like doing trip reports check my past reports if you need one. Just a few observations: There are alot of new Santo Domingo girls on the sceen. Alot of the sosua regulars are fading out because everyone wants the new stuff. It is truly a buyers market. Sosua is very dark its as if the electric bills werent paid. Got a new Santo Domingo chick who works at a certain sosua bar that has fucked me silly for three days. She want to get married and have a baby next year, so she wants to bareback now for practice (what). She really don't know GoGo. Three things I never do is (1)get married (2)bareback (3)babies.

11-05-09, 03:47
Hey guys

Heading for Sosua next week and need a little help. I have a problem with ear infection from time to time. I know amoxicillin is readily available over the counter in DR. Is there anything better or stronger that works a little quicker? Amoxicillin takes 10 days to really do the job, almost my entire vacation. The ascending/decending on the plane really does a number on me. Any info greatly appreciated. ThanksWhy don't you go to a doctor before you go to the DR and get something to take with you?

11-05-09, 12:25
Zithromax pfizer named brand, 500 grams each pill, about 30 dollars for three pills in dom rep. Or you can get the generic zithromycin much cheaper. Those antibiotics should do the trick. You can take 1000 grams at once, or take one 500 pill then another 500 gram pill twelve hours later and then if you want the third 500 gram pill twelve hours later. I'll send you the name of some ear drops that have antibiotics in the them, you may be able to buy them in dom rep, as well. Take some decongestants on the plane with you, Mucinex, or tylenol cold, or benadryl pills, they should help to open up the passages if you have any congestion in your nasal passages and thus in your ears. When your ears can't decompress on the plane, that can be some terrible pain. One one trip I couldn't hear in one ear for at least three days after the plane ride, after I had travelled with a cold.Damn, Jaosousa you have answers for everything not just mongering, I'm impressed. I had an ear infection on my very first plane ride of my life, east coast USA to freeking Hawaii, the flight from hell I was in shear agony.

11-06-09, 05:31
Thanks, I have traveled to the Dominican Republic with my elderly father several times and stayed at all inclusive hotels. One time he got sick in the Dom Rep, upper respiratory infection, so I had to go to the pharmacy in Dom Rep and that is where I learned about the Zithromax antibiotics (they come in a Pfizer box, three pills in a box, price 800 to 1200 pesos, I don't recall the exact price). "Generic Name: azithromycin, Zithromax is used to treat many different types of infections caused by bacteria, such as respiratory infections, skin infections and ear infections."

Supposedly will not treat the common cold, but I used it when I was congested with a bad cough and I felt better the next day.

Flying with a bad cold, the first time, my ears would not decompress, it was like someone was sticking a needle in my ear. When I get on the airplane now, I always have a few tylenol cold pills, a few benadryl pills and a few mucinex pills, and to guard against diarrhea or an upset stomach, immodium pills or pepto bismol pills (especially for the return flight home).

When I travel with my father now, I pack a can of lysol spray in the luggage. When I get to the hotel and the room my father will be using, I spray the door handles, the bathroom and the air conditioning intake and outlet openings with the lysol spray and my father hasn't got sick.

Damn, Jaosousa you have answers for everything not just mongering, I'm impressed. I had an ear infection on my very first plane ride of my life, east coast USA to freeking Hawaii, the flight from hell I was in shear agony.

11-06-09, 06:15
Oh and by the way thanks Jaosousa your the one who put me on to this club back in June if you recall. All I can say is WOW just looking at the website party pictures makes me want to go back. Me and my wing man took some girls their we met in the MALL while shopping. We only went to the mall to grab a bite to eat at the food court. While in line these 4 cuties started to order their food.........we told the cashier to put their food on our tab, they came and sat next to us and a conversation began.De nada. Moma bar in Plaza Internacional (which has a large mall) in Santiago is a comfortable bar. It has sofas and chairs outside with small tables, good place to sit if you are a smoker (no smoking inside the bar). Francifol bar in Santiago was small and crowded. Tribeca bar in Santiago is good. Las Colinas Rancho Typico, big place, was fun (with pool tables near the entrance). I haven't been to the strip club in Santiago, people have told me it is on the main road with the Cabanas, but I never saw it, its name maybe is Passions. A few Santiago chicas have invited me there.

A few bars with swimming pools and live music, Andy Ranch in Santiago and Nene Ranch in Moca.

11-06-09, 06:24
Thanks for the input on the antibiotics issue. I just want to be equipped with sufficient info before I leave should a problem arise. I've been through the pain/discomfort of a sensitive ear, it can really ruin a good part of your vacation.

Terry U
11-06-09, 18:09
De nada. Moma bar in Plaza Internacional (which has a large mall) in Santiago is a comfortable bar. It has sofas and chairs outside with small tables, good place to sit if you are a smoker (no smoking inside the bar). Francifol bar in Santiago was small and crowded. Tribeca bar in Santiago is good. Las Colinas Rancho Typico, big place, was fun (with pool tables near the entrance). I haven't been to the strip club in Santiago, people have told me it is on the main road with the Cabanas, but I never saw it, its name maybe is Passions. A few Santiago chicas have invited me there.

A few bars with swimming pools and live music, Andy Ranch in Santiago and Nene Ranch in Moca.
1. Monte Bar - directly behind Rancho Tipico on 27 de Febrero in Las Colinas.
2. Kelvin Car Wash - further up the block from Monte Bar on the same side.
3. Casa Blancas - make a left off of Juan Pablo Duarte heading towards Licey, can't miss it because of the big ass sign that says Casa Blancas this way.
4. Ilusions - Same as above
5. Gomez Diaz Car Wash - on Hispanoamericana(heading to Santo Domingo) right hand side past Centro Espanol.
6. Pasions - off of the autopista duarte heading to SD, follow the signs to the Zeus Cabana and you'll find Pasions.

If you guys need more? Just ask.

11-06-09, 18:17
1. Monte Bar - directly behind Rancho Tipico on 27 de Febrero in Las Colinas.

2. Kelvin Car Wash - further up the block from Monte Bar on the same side.

3. Casa Blancas - make a left off of Juan Pablo Duarte heading towards Licey, can't miss it because of the big ass sign that says Casa Blancas this way.
4. Ilusions - Same as above

5. Gomez Diaz Car Wash - on Hispanoamericana(heading to Santo Domingo) right hand side past Centro Espanol.

6. Pasions - off of the autopista duarte heading to SD, follow the signs to the Zeus Cabana and you'll find Pasions.

If you guys need more? Just ask.Thanks, Calle Duarte is the next street from where the Texaco gas station and McDonalds off of Avenida Estrella Sadhalla, Plaza Internacional is on Duarte. Casa Blanca, Ilusiones and Pasions are strip club type places?

Zeus cabana is near some electric station with power lines. I should be able to find Pasions now.

11-07-09, 03:07
Thanks, Calle Duarte is the next street from where the Texaco gas station and McDonalds off of Avenida Estrella Sadhalla, Plaza Internacional is on Duarte. Casa Blanca, Ilusiones and Pasions are strip club type places?

Zeus cabana is near some electric station with power lines. I should be able to find Pasions now.

Passion is a dance club with a large number of working girls available for takeout. Really dark so I suggest you choose carefully. (try to check thenm out in rest. area) Many locals go to drink and dance and they often have concerts. Jovani Polanco is big there.

11-07-09, 05:30
[QUOTE=Terry you]1. 3. Casa Blancas. Make a left off of Juan Pablo Duarte heading towards Licey, can't miss it because of the big ass sign that says Casa Blancas this way.

4. Ilusions. Same as above QUOTE]I remember Illusions I passed it in traveling a few years back. It look like a lite sign in front with post on each side and the walkway extends from both sides to the building behind. I thught it was expesive so we passed. I was all petered out when we got to Casa Blancas. I didn't like the electric long gate closing behind me. You go thru the parking lot to a railed walkway around back. There were groups of chicas sitting lazily talkin and smoking. My wingman gets into a fluent conversation with this ugly chica. She wanted 6000pesos to go TLN! I was not impressed with what I saw and ready to go soon after. I would hope sombody had a better experience there.

11-08-09, 04:34
Asked a few weeks ago, but no response: anybody had experience with the fine-ass skinny chick who works the day-shift front desk at Europa? Lightened hair and braces on her teeth. Outstanding body, but kinda shitty disposition. (Maybe just to me LOL) I stayed there over the summer and lusted after her big time, but I probably blew it by buying LaPela pills from her and coming/going all hours. (hey, I was there for business AND pleasure! ). Anyway, I'm going back in January, and would love to go a round or two with this angry chica. Who's got info?


Member #2041
11-08-09, 06:40
Asked a few weeks ago, but no response: anybody had experience with the fine-ass skinny chick who works the day-shift front desk at Europa? Lightened hair and braces on her teeth. Outstanding body, but kinda shitty disposition. (Maybe just to me LOL) I stayed there over the summer and lusted after her big time, but I probably blew it by buying LaPela pills from her and coming/going all hours. (hey, I was there for business AND pleasure! ). Anyway, I'm going back in January, and would love to go a round or two with this angry chica. Who's got info?


Don't shit where you sleep - If you really wanted to score with this chica, you probably blew your shot when she saw you going to your room with any number of other chicas.

Mr Gogo
11-08-09, 17:16
Asked a few weeks ago, but no response: anybody had experience with the fine-ass skinny chick who works the day-shift front desk at Europa? Lightened hair and braces on her teeth. Outstanding body, but kinda shitty disposition. (Maybe just to me LOL) I stayed there over the summer and lusted after her big time, but I probably blew it by buying LaPela pills from her and coming/going all hours. (hey, I was there for business AND pleasure! ). Anyway, I'm going back in January, and would love to go a round or two with this angry chica. Who's got info?

ThanksI've tried to strike up a conversation many times with her without success. She has to be that way to keep her job. Diego won't allow his employees to be puntas. About a year ago she was going to marry a New Jersey cop but didn't. I like the brown skinned one that works nights but she knows my history so I fucked up. I just get the impression that she is a lousy fuck so we not missing anything.

11-08-09, 20:45
Asked a few weeks ago, but no response: anybody had experience with the fine-ass skinny chick who works the day-shift front desk at Europa? Lightened hair and braces on her teeth. Outstanding body, but kinda shitty disposition. (Maybe just to me LOL) I stayed there over the summer and lusted after her big time, but I probably blew it by buying LaPela pills from her and coming/going all hours. (hey, I was there for business AND pleasure! ). Anyway, I'm going back in January, and would love to go a round or two with this angry chica. Who's got info?

ThanksI never seen her but ,if I was goin after her one thng I do in conversation would be to look at her body as I speak to let her feel the vibe. And then treat her like a usless object in front of the homeliest of chicas eg diss her femininity whil speak respectfully always.don't take here and won't take it there!

11-09-09, 01:46
don't feel like doing trip reports check my past reports if you need one. Just a few observations: There are alot of new Santo Domingo girls on the sceen. Alot of the sosua regulars are fading out because everyone wants the new stuff. It is truly a buyers market. Sosua is very dark its as if the electric bills werent paid. Got a new Santo Domingo chick who works at a certain sosua bar that has fucked me silly for three days. She want to get married and have a baby next year, so she wants to bareback now for practice (what). She really don't know GoGo. Three things I never do is (1)get married (2)bareback (3)babies.

Thanks for the update, as I am hoping not to run into the same ole poon as well!

Here's hoping those SD chicas are still on the scene once I arrive!

11-09-09, 15:23
I never seen her but ,if I was goin after her one thng I do in conversation would be to look at her body as I speak to let her feel the vibe. And then treat her like a usless object in front of the homeliest of chicas eg diss her femininity whil speak respectfully always.don't take here and won't take it there!Now *THAT*, my friends, is some great advice.

Report of distinction, please.

Mr Gogo
11-09-09, 16:11
Thanks for the update, as I am hoping not to run into the same ole poon as well!

Here's hoping those SD chicas are still on the scene once I arrive! Just left the Dr on Sunday and as soon as I touched down in Miami I checked in with my girl here and the interigation starts. I don't need that bullshit so I might be there when you go. Pm me before you go I got a few spots for you.

11-09-09, 16:46
Any massage place that offer solid service ?

Thanks in advance.


1. Monte Bar - directly behind Rancho Tipico on 27 de Febrero in Las Colinas.

2. Kelvin Car Wash - further up the block from Monte Bar on the same side.

3. Casa Blancas - make a left off of Juan Pablo Duarte heading towards Licey, can't miss it because of the big ass sign that says Casa Blancas this way.

4. Ilusions - Same as above

5. Gomez Diaz Car Wash - on Hispanoamericana(heading to Santo Domingo) right hand side past Centro Espanol.

6. Pasions - off of the autopista duarte heading to SD, follow the signs to the Zeus Cabana and you'll find Pasions.

If you guys need more? Just ask.

11-09-09, 20:20
Any massage place that offer solid service ?

Thanks in advance.


This thread should be on Santiago section but to answer you , there is a massage house, Las Princesitas, with 10 college girls, they work 24/7, incall, outcall. Never been there, do not know prices etc. PM for phone #.

The picture is from their ad.

Terry U
11-09-09, 20:30
Any massage place that offer solid service ?

Thanks in advance.

I see Borricua answered below, but don't know of any others.

11-11-09, 01:37
Hi Fellas,

I will be going to DR the end of this month and staying at Rockys Bar (financial reasons. Low nightly costs). Considering that will be my "base camp", do you think that my chances are good at striking in that area? If not, will it be difficult going out a mile or two and coming up with something near there?

Thelmas Gone
11-11-09, 02:20
Stand at the front door and within 3 minutes you will be approached. If this doesnt do it for you then you are approximately 30 second walk to the closest chica bar.

Hi Fellas,

I will be going to DR the end of this month and staying at Rockys Bar (financial reasons. Low nightly costs). Considering that will be my "base camp", do you think that my chances are good at striking in that area? If not, will it be difficult going out a mile or two and coming up with something near there?

Mr Gogo
11-11-09, 15:08
Hi Fellas,

I will be going to DR the end of this month and staying at Rockys Bar (financial reasons. Low nightly costs). Considering that will be my "base camp", do you think that my chances are good at striking in that area? If not, will it be difficult going out a mile or two and coming up with something near there?There is a bar directly across the street from rockies. Thats one of my hide out spots,its off the main strip and my other girls never think to look there for me. The little short girl with glasses is my favorite, she is penciled in to get on my next trip. Their is also a pretty brownskin chica with the most perfect ass. Don't know how they will feel about you being at rockies (they might think your cheap) but maybe your personality can win them over.

Let me know how it goes.

Charles Pooter
11-11-09, 16:44
Hi Fellas,

I will be going to DR the end of this month and staying at Rockys Bar (financial reasons. Low nightly costs). Considering that will be my "base camp", do you think that my chances are good at striking in that area? If not, will it be difficult going out a mile or two and coming up with something near there?
Don't worry, you are a minute's walk from Disco Clasico which is the epicentre of the action at night plus hundreds more chicas within ten minutes walk in any direction. Fewer about in the day, but try the beach then.

Bq Ribs
11-11-09, 20:22
...... Don't know how they will feel about you being at rockies (they might think your cheap)................
Mr. Gogo, you are comical. Rockies is the cheap, cheap, no frills hotel in Sosua, and with the cheap prices you get a bed on cinder blocks. A nice?, but cheap dump.

I have not been in sosua in almost two years. I switched over to SD and BC, which is what i enjoy.

just curious? is there another chica friendly hotel is sosua with low rates?

11-11-09, 21:29
The Sea Breeze is $40 and as nice as any Motel Six.

is there another chica friendly hotel is sosua with low rates?

11-11-09, 22:51
Ill be in Sosua 12-2 to 12-4 Weds & Thursday, How is Classicos on those days lately? I have always heard the weekends are better. I was at the New Garden in July which I will be back at. Same girls or any new ones? Hows the food at the revamped restaurant there?

Much respect

11-12-09, 01:20
There is a bar directly across the street from rockies. Thats one of my hide out spots,its off the main strip and my other girls never think to look there for me. The little short girl with glasses is my favorite, she is penciled in to get on my next trip. Their is also a pretty brownskin chica with the most perfect ass. Don't know how they will feel about you being at rockies (they might think your cheap) but maybe your personality can win them over.

Let me know how it goes.Wow. Is Rocky's really that bad? The pictures sure did not look that way on their website but I guess you can't bank on internet pictures huh? Literally I was thinking it would be something good enough to do "the deeds" because the rest of the time, I will not be there (other than sleeping). I guess the $25 per night kinda outweighed any other discussions or thoughts. If this is not a good spot to be, where else should I go? I am not trying to "Super" impress the chicas but I do not want to drive them away. Any other hotel suggestions in or around that price range?

11-12-09, 01:24
Mr. Gogo, you are comical. Rockies is the cheap, cheap, no frills hotel in Sosua, and with the cheap prices you get a bed on cinder blocks. A nice?, but cheap dump.

I have not been in sosua in almost two years. I switched over to SD and BC, which is what i enjoy.

just curious? is there another chica friendly hotel is sosua with low rates?I will more than happy to report back on if the beds are on center blocks or not.

Terry U
11-12-09, 02:27
Ill be in Sosua 12-2 to 12-4 Weds & Thursday, How is Classicos on those days lately? I have always heard the weekends are better. I was at the New Garden in July which I will be back at. Same girls or any new ones? Hows the food at the revamped restaurant there?

Much respect
It's pretty OK on Wed. & Thu. But of course the weekends are usually jam packed full of tourists and chicas. You also get many of the out of town chicas arriving on the buses every thursday so thursday would be your best bet, little tourist competition and fresh arriving chicas. Classicos will get seriously packed on the weekends.

11-12-09, 02:39
The Sea Breeze is $40 and as nice as any Motel Six.Do you know where this hotel (Sea Breeze), Rockys and BB's are positioned? Considering the ULTIMATE "happenings or to be" area (chicas, beach and bars) of Sosua, which one of these hotels sit right in the thick of things?

This is my first time going and I would hate to be in a crappy or "not so happening" area. Based on the previous and very informative threads, its hard to determine which one you guys would suggest.

Please advise.


11-12-09, 04:05
The Sea Breeze is $40 and as nice as any Motel Six.

Seabreeze is a hit or miss. some rooms are just plain dirty. Checkout the rooms before you take it. The new wing in New garden is a safe bet though its $70 and up a nite.

Chief Justice
11-12-09, 09:02
Seabreeze is a hit or miss. some rooms are just plain dirty. Checkout the rooms before you take it. The new wing in New garden is a safe bet though its $70 and up a nite.I have been to Seabreeze several time and its always been clean...if you have any problems just tell Jihad(owner) and he will make sure it gets fixed -ASAP..

New Garden is good too.

Also, if you tell them you are on this board its $62.00 a night and that includes bfast.

Mr Gogo
11-12-09, 13:52
Wow. Is Rocky's really that bad? The pictures sure did not look that way on their website but I guess you can't bank on internet pictures huh? Literally I was thinking it would be something good enough to do "the deeds" because the rest of the time, I will not be there (other than sleeping). I guess the $25 per night kinda outweighed any other discussions or thoughts. If this is not a good spot to be, where else should I go? I am not trying to "Super" impress the chicas but I do not want to drive them away. Any other hotel suggestions in or around that price range?Rockys has the internet and great food plus its a great location.But the room area looked very primative at best.Seabreeze is 40usd per night but its just a room.Plus Jihad is very nosy.I took a chick there went to the office and gave jihad her cedula.As we walk to the room jihad had come out the office and was holding a conference with the security guard while pointing at me and the girl.New garden is great but 70usd per night.Europa is 50 a night and very secure.Casa valeria is nice.Try rockys and tell us what you think .

Member #2666
11-12-09, 14:24
Does anyone have any info on CLAUDE NAIKA from Tagged...seems like a player

11-12-09, 14:33
Do you know where this hotel (Sea Breeze), Rockys and BB's are positioned?

BB's is positioned way the hell in Puerto Plata, lol.

Rocky's is as close to the action as you can get (right next to the Pedro Clisante). I love the ribs there, but I don't think I could bring myself to actually stay in their rooms though.

I don't know where Sea Breeze is, but other members do.

You might want to consider New Garden. Everything you want to do is within walking distance from this hotel and all it takes is browsing through previous posts to see that it it the preferred choice for most mongerers (including myself).

11-13-09, 16:08
Anyone been to Clasico's on Sunday or Monday night. What should I expect?

11-13-09, 19:10
Anyone been to Clasico's on Sunday or Monday night. What should I expect?

Sunday-Wednesday is typically slower, so expect "The C Team".

11-13-09, 19:55
Sunday-Wednesday is typically slower, so expect "The C Team".

Appreciate the info. Anything else you recommend for those days of the week. I was just there in Sept and had a great time but that was Wed-Fri trip. I kind of like the freestyle disco/bar scene more than the Passions. You think it's worth going to Cabarate.

11-13-09, 20:06
I kind of like the freestyle disco/bar scene more than the Passions. You think it's worth going to Cabarate.

Cabarete is a nice change of pace for the vibe, music & food. I would not go there for the purpose of pussy hunting. You'll find a few chicas plying their wares, but it's no Sosua.

Grab a $RD30 publico and see for yourself!

11-13-09, 22:17
Appreciate the info. Anything else you recommend for those days of the week. I was just there in Sept and had a great time but that was Wed-Fri trip. I kind of like the freestyle disco/bar scene more than the Passions. You think it's worth going to Cabarate.I like Cabarete,I make a day trip there every time I go to PP or Sosua but I take a girl with me and hang at one of the restaurant/bars and watch the kite surfers,I don't think thee is much P4P action there. It's a nice way to spend a laid back day instead of the hustle and bustle of Sosua,I'm beginning to dislike Sosua very much.

I'm off to Santo Domingo and Bavaro in two days,woo-hoo!!!

Mr Gogo
11-14-09, 03:43
appreciate the info. anything else you recommend for those days of the week. i was just there in sept and had a great time but that was wed-fri trip. i kind of like the freestyle disco/bar scene more than the passions. you think it's worth going to cabarate.sosua early in the week is the calm before the storm. alot of girls who can't compete on the weekend venture out then,but be careful alot of **** girls like to blend in also. check cedulas. i have a money pit in cabarette. so i know it well. cabarette is laid back with a beautiful beach for people watching and ambience. also it has pretty good restaurants also. it is mostly european. there are some beach discos at night but thats where the european girls hook up with the dominicans. there are actually a few girls available who would never venture to sosua. its 50 pesos from sosua taxi depot to cabarette. when you get in hand the driver 50 pesos and don't say anything. because if you talk they might say thats only the locals price. cabarette will be the next little town you come to. rio san juan has a lagoon, park, and a couple bars its about an hour past cabartte.

11-14-09, 18:02
Does anyone have any info on CLAUDE NAIKA from Tagged...seems like a player

She may be, I had contacted her last year on tagged, then we talked on the phone several times, she does speak english but she could never remember who I was.

Then when I was actually in the D.R. and I didn't phone her for the first week she of course remembered that. Next time I messaged her on tagged she was pissed off and said she didn't need to talk to no players, then deleted me.

I think she is probably on hi5 too.

If you get around to actually meeting her be sure to write up a review!!

11-14-09, 18:04
Cabarete is a nice change of pace for the vibe, music & food. I would not go there for the purpose of pussy hunting. You'll find a few chicas plying their wares, but it's no Sosua.

Grab a $RD30 publico and see for yourself!

dont let those guys charge you 30 pesos. The rate is 20 from Sosua to Cabarete, daytime price for a shared publico. I don't know about the guagua, it may be less but I always give 20 pesos to them too. Pretty sure I have seen a Domincan or two only pay 15 pesos to the guagua.

11-14-09, 18:48
dont let those guys charge you 30 pesos. The rate is 20 from Sosua to Cabarete, daytime price for a shared publico. I don't know about the guagua, it may be less but I always give 20 pesos to them too. Pretty sure I have seen a Domincan or two only pay 15 pesos to the guagua.


I am 100% sure it costs $RD30 to ride the Publico from Cabarete-Sosua, at night. I did it over 100 times, yes it is less in the daytime. I have even had a novia pay to test the "Dominican Price"!

I usually pay $RD50 for both front seats and he smiles knowing he could charge me $RD60.

What do you pay for the entire car from Sosua-Puerto Plata?

11-14-09, 19:54
dont let those guys charge you 30 pesos. The rate is 20 from Sosua to Cabarete, daytime price for a shared publico. I don't know about the guagua, it may be less but I always give 20 pesos to them too. Pretty sure I have seen a Domincan or two only pay 15 pesos to the guagua.Dude no offense but most of the guys on this board are traveling thousands of miles and dropping hundreds and thousands of dollars on their "vacation" and you are writing to tell them not to let a driver rip them off 30 freeking cents?

Mr Gogo
11-15-09, 00:51
I usually pay 50 pesos(1. 50usd)for the ride to Cabarette from Sosua. I'm not Dominican so I think its a good deal. It is a difference between the tourist price and the dominican price. If a dominican says that I can't pay the dominican price, what am I going to do? I'm not going to call the police, we know thats not worth 20pesos. I look at the 30peso(1usd)as a tip for the driver. Besides I've seen guys leave Europa and pay 15usd for a taxi to Cabarette. If you want to pay20pesos(80cents)for the 10 mile ride more power to you. But its worth 50pesos to me not to have any bullshit over a dollar.

11-15-09, 03:21
I move everyday in sosua and at night at clasicos.And please to our monger comunity please don't spoil de market some girls are asking for outrageous prices and probably the performance is after first pop pulling her bra on.

It's our reponsability to mantain pussy inflation low.if some pays a girls 3000 for TLN this girls is not going to go for 2000 tomorrow and this is a never end story.

I'm paying 1000 for TLN and of course you have to bargain.Haitianas (who are my prefered) has a nice character and accepts better prices.

But in RD you think you have a good price for something but at the end ther are charging twice the normal price WE are not in USA or europe we have spended a lot of money coming here to have some advantage in price rather the ones we pay in our countries.

Warm regards to all.

Mr Gogo
11-15-09, 15:58
I move everyday in sosua and at night at clasicos.And please to our monger comunity please don't spoil de market some girls are asking for outrageous prices and probably the performance is after first pop pulling her bra on.

It's our reponsability to mantain pussy inflation low.if some pays a girls 3000 for TLN this girls is not going to go for 2000 tomorrow and this is a never end story.

I'm paying 1000 for TLN and of course you have to bargain.Haitianas (who are my prefered) has a nice character and accepts better prices.

But in RD you think you have a good price for something but at the end ther are charging twice the normal price WE are not in USA or europe we have spended a lot of money coming here to have some advantage in price rather the ones we pay in our countries.

Warm regards to all.This reminds me of a funny but true story. A guy I see often at latinos club sits a the bar nursing an 80pesos bottle of water. As I sit to talk with him he pulls out an 1000peso bill and says hes going to wait till his price is met. After 10 girls walk up curse him out and leave I get up because I want no part of this game. I go to classicos for a couple hours and return to latinos, he's still nursing the same water laughing saying"I'm getting close they are getting desperate". 2am I see him leaving latinos with a ugly ass girl and she looks pissed. The next morning I see him sitting at four roses looking pissed. He's telling me how lousy the sex was, but he's talking different with his mouth. He said the girl wanted 2000 not the agreed upon 1000 and an argument ensued. He said the girl stole his false teeth but the police were looking for her. I call my exnovia thats a bartender at latinos for assistance. She's laughing saying she would never help that "one bottle water no propina bastard". The police find the girl but she wants 1000p to return the teeth. I see him that night at classicos, he's smiling saying"one of these girls going home with him for 1000p again". I smile and walk away laughing.

11-15-09, 16:13
I know you guys are right..30 pesos or 20 pesos doesn't make any difference. 20 pesos is as far as I know the day price. I just get pissed off at the dominican cobradores who in the past have charged me higher prices when i have asked what the price was.
It's as if the whole area is in on it, because half the time if you ask a Dominican how much it is they don't want to tell you.
Anyway, thats my 10 pesos...heheheh what's that, a few chicles?

Charles Pooter
11-15-09, 18:41
i move everyday in sosua and at night at clasicos.and please to our monger comunity please don't spoil de market some girls are asking for outrageous prices and probably the performance is after first pop pulling her bra on.

it's our reponsability to mantain pussy inflation low.if some pays a girls 3000 for tln this girls is not going to go for 2000 tomorrow and this is a never end story.

i'm paying 1000 for tln and of course you have to bargain.haitianas (who are my prefered) has a nice character and accepts better prices.

but in rd you think you have a good price for something but at the end ther are charging twice the normal price we are not in usa or europe we have spended a lot of money coming here to have some advantage in price rather the ones we pay in our countries.

warm regards to all.
i agree in principle with this, and especially with your comments on haitianas. however i would make two points:

1) if you were really concerned about maintaining a "fair" (uninflated) price-level for everyone's benefit you would not "bargain and bargain" as you advise us to do. this only confirms to the chicas that prices are a fuzzy area. you would do what i do, which is walk away to the next chica as soon as a silly price is quoted. when i used to bargain them down i usually found the service was not as good anyway.

2) point (1) nothwithstanding, members of this board, and indeed of all the various w h o r e boards combined, constitute such a small percentage of the chicas' total clientele that we could do little, even if we formed a cast-iron cartel, to affect puta prices. there are hundreds of "weekend warriors" and escapees from the all-inclusive hotels who have no knowledge of the dr sex market and can only compare with prices in their home (first world) countries. for them dr$3000 a night and upward is a bargain and they fall over themselves to pay it. we cannot hold the line against them.

11-16-09, 00:55
This reminds me of a funny but true story. A guy I see often at latinos club sits a the bar nursing an 80pesos bottle of water. As I sit to talk with him he pulls out an 1000peso bill and says hes going to wait till his price is met. After 10 girls walk up curse him out and leave I get up because I want no part of this game. I go to classicos for a couple hours and return to latinos, he's still nursing the same water laughing saying"I'm getting close they are getting desperate". 2am I see him leaving latinos with a ugly ass girl and she looks pissed. The next morning I see him sitting at four roses looking pissed. He's telling me how lousy the sex was, but he's talking different with his mouth. He said the girl wanted 2000 not the agreed upon 1000 and an argument ensued. He said the girl stole his false teeth but the police were looking for her. I call my exnovia thats a bartender at latinos for assistance. She's laughing saying she would never help that "one bottle water no propina bastard". The police find the girl but she wants 1000p to return the teeth. I see him that night at classicos, he's smiling saying"one of these girls going home with him for 1000p again". I smile and walk away laughing.

Careful Mr. Gogo, an all out "price war" will break out and all kinds of rude names start to get slung at one another, lol. Some members get very "vocal" about prices, and we will be all week on the same topic. No one ever wins, btw.

But that story is true to form. I myself am not traveling thousands of miles to bang chicks I could get at home for free. If $50 here in the states gets you an old, beat-up-looking-snaggled tooth pro, then you can only imagine what 1000 pesos would fetch you in DR.

It's like another member said in a previous post: If a chica wants 2000+ then you should be asking for more in return, such as multiple pops, anal, or TLN. She gets what she wants as well as you and everyone is happy.

If she tries to deliver less than what was negotiated before hand, then you in turn should hand her less than what was agreed upon as payment.

At the same time, if all you want is one pop from any particular chica, then you should probably be paying no more than 1500-1700 for ST.

Mr Gogo
11-16-09, 03:18
Careful Mr. Gogo, an all out "price war" will break out and all kinds of rude names start to get slung at one another, lol. Some members get very "vocal" about prices, and we will be all week on the same topic. No one ever wins, btw.

But that story is true to form. I myself am not traveling thousands of miles to bang chicks I could get at home for free. If $50 here in the states gets you an old, beat-up-looking-snaggled tooth pro, then you can only imagine what 1000 pesos would fetch you in DR.

It's like another member said in a previous post: If a chica wants 2000+ then you should be asking for more in return, such as multiple pops, anal, or TLN. She gets what she wants as well as you and everyone is happy.

If she tries to deliver less than what was negotiated before hand, then you in turn should hand her less than what was agreed upon as payment.

At the same time, if all you want is one pop from any particular chica, then you should probably be paying no more than 1500-1700 for ST.I feel you playa, but thats what makes this board interesting. Everyone has different mongering modes, I'm even open for critizism if its done respectfully. I just prefer to take the upper road vs the lower road. My wingman says I got love for the hoes, I think its just a basic respect thing. By the way I'm checking tickets for thanksgiving and everything is double or sold out. So I'm going into STI, see you on the track.

Chief Justice
11-16-09, 03:45
Careful Mr. Gogo, an all out "price war" will break out and all kinds of rude names start to get slung at one another, lol. Some members get very "vocal" about prices, and we will be all week on the same topic. No one ever wins, btw.

But that story is true to form. I myself am not traveling thousands of miles to bang chicks I could get at home for free. If $50 here in the states gets you an old, beat-up-looking-snaggled tooth pro, then you can only imagine what 1000 pesos would fetch you in DR.

It's like another member said in a previous post: If a chica wants 2000+ then you should be asking for more in return, such as multiple pops, anal, or TLN. She gets what she wants as well as you and everyone is happy.

If she tries to deliver less than what was negotiated before hand, then you in turn should hand her less than what was agreed upon as payment.

At the same time, if all you want is one pop from any particular chica, then you should probably be paying no more than 1500-1700 for ST.My 2 cents on the pricing in DR is that you have to know your position. If you are not an attractive guy, then you may have to pay a little more. It is what it is. Those girls sell pum pum 24/7, but they still have their preferences and feelings. I'm not a bad looking dude so I never have to pay over 1500. Its to the point now where I can get it for free with a lot of pretty chicks bc I have made 'friends' with a lot of them and I keep in contact via I'm or text. But don't get me wrong. If a girl is all that I may pay a little more than 1500, IF she is thicker than a snicker and we vibe well. But I rarely pay over 1500.

Horny B
11-16-09, 04:22

I am 100% sure it costs $RD30 to ride the Publico from Cabarete-Sosua, at night. I did it over 100 times, yes it is less in the daytime. I have even had a novia pay to test the "Dominican Price"!

I usually pay $RD50 for both front seats and he smiles knowing he could charge me $RD60.

What do you pay for the entire car from Sosua-Puerto Plata?

Last June I payd 400 pesos (which included tips) between Sosua & Puerto Plata, either to go shopping downtown or to go to the Teleferico, no other peoples in the Publico, except me and my lady guest.

11-16-09, 14:59
But don't get me wrong. If a girl is all that I may pay a little more than 1500, IF she is thicker than a snicker and we vibe well. But I rarely pay over 1500.

This sums up why this will probably be my last trip to DR (or at least Sosua). Every trip I increasingly hope to run into chicas built like porn stars/strippers (Ayana Angel, Kelly Starr, Kelly Divine ( the dark version, lol), Alicia Tyler, Tia Sweets, etc.) but no such luck.

Most of the girls in Sosua are no different than the chicks I hook up with just around campus or at a club or something. I've been asking myself lately why I am traveling so far to get the same thing I usually get for free (It's never free really. Still have to put up with the drama and listen to their bullshit). So I guess it's time to upgrade!

Don't get me wrong, I really fell in love with the "open air market" of Sosua. Who can beat lounging by the pool at NG while dozens of chicas parade themselves past you and try to pursuade you to buy.

So yeah, I totally agree with you C. Justice. A chica is really going to have to be something special (or "thicka than a snicka") to warrant me paying anything above 1500. Plus I don't even do TLN any more. I like having that big ass bed all to myself! A cute face does nothing for me: her body MUST be banging from the jump. Now give me a chica with a banging body & a cute face and then we've got a party!

Mr Gogo
11-16-09, 16:20
This sums up why this will probably be my last trip to DR (or at least Sosua). Every trip I increasingly hope to run into chicas built like porn stars/strippers (Ayana Angel, Kelly Starr, Kelly Divine (the dark version, LOL), Alicia Tyler, Tia Sweets, etc.) but no such luck.

Most of the girls in Sosua are no different than the chicks I hook up with just around campus or at a club or something. I've been asking myself lately why I am traveling so far to get the same thing I usually get for free (It's never free really. Still have to put up with the drama and listen to their bullshit). So I guess it's time to upgrade!

Don't get me wrong, I really fell in love with the "open air market" of Sosua. Who can beat lounging by the pool at NG while dozens of chicas parade themselves past you and try to pursuade you to buy.

So yeah, I totally agree with you C. Justice. A chica is really going to have to be something special (or "thicka than a snicka") to warrant me paying anything above 1500. Plus I don't even do TLN any more. I like having that big ass bed all to myself! A cute face does nothing for me: her body MUST be banging from the jump. Now give me a chica with a banging body & a cute face and then we've got a party! Savepro I see your inquiring about Costa Rica, once you go there you will be running back to sosua. I'll be there in December just to hang with my wingman. Its a totally different vibe, but you need to find out about it yourself. But back to the topic. I'm hearing about banging body and cute faces. What about wet pussy? What about the non commital sex? What about the lack of drama to aquire sex? I to see beautiful women everyday here in Miami but when I think about the bullshit I have to go through to get ass its not worth it to me. I love TLN because I can take my time, have multiple pops, cuddle, then hit it in the morning. Try that in the states and shes trying to move in and paint your house pink. Chief Justice I feel what your saying but I think knowing spanish is more important than good looks. I know many fat ugly gingos that speak spanish and girls go crazy to get to them. But your getting what you want how you want it, so good luck. If ya'll are fed up with Sosua, good luck in your searches elsewhere.

But you can always find GoGo in Sosua smiling.

Chief Justice
11-16-09, 18:17
This sums up why this will probably be my last trip to DR (or at least Sosua). Every trip I increasingly hope to run into chicas built like porn stars/strippers (Ayana Angel, Kelly Starr, Kelly Divine (the dark version, LOL), Alicia Tyler, Tia Sweets, etc.) but no such luck.

Most of the girls in Sosua are no different than the chicks I hook up with just around campus or at a club or something. I've been asking myself lately why I am traveling so far to get the same thing I usually get for free (It's never free really. Still have to put up with the drama and listen to their bullshit). So I guess it's time to upgrade!

Don't get me wrong, I really fell in love with the "open air market" of Sosua. Who can beat lounging by the pool at NG while dozens of chicas parade themselves past you and try to pursuade you to buy.

So yeah, I totally agree with you C. Justice. A chica is really going to have to be something special (or "thicka than a snicka") to warrant me paying anything above 1500. Plus I don't even do TLN any more. I like having that big ass bed all to myself! A cute face does nothing for me: her body MUST be banging from the jump. Now give me a chica with a banging body & a cute face and then we've got a party! Also, what works for me is going on tagged.comand conversing with these chicks via tagged and msn instant messanger. Get the b. S. Out of the way before you get to D. R. Some chicks are pros and some are just regular chicks(but how can one tell if a girl is JUST a regular chick or not). But anyway, if you can get a regular chick before you get there, I usually take them to cabarette or sumn like that for a different vibe and deal the the putas when she lives.

11-16-09, 20:10
Savepro I see your inquiring about Costa Rica, once you go there you will be running back to sosua. I'll be there in December just to hang with my wingman. Its a totally different vibe, but you need to find out about it yourself.I hear what you are saying. My wingman who has now moved on to Mde. after spending lots of time in San Jose tells me that it's "all business" with the chicas at the HDR and SL.

With that said, let's just say that after becoming a VIP mem. at a "certain website" and after seeing the photos in the VIP section, I will find everything I am looking for in CR and then some!

I understand that chicas in Sosua (and probably DR in general) are probably more sensual and GFE than any of the ones I will run into in CR, but I really am not looking for the "girlfriend" types right now. I am still a fairly young guy and there will be time for that. But for right now, all I want is the ones built like a stallion :)

Fake tits, colagen injected lipps, yeah, I like all that shit. If I have to go CR to find something along the lines of Ricki White, Lucious Lopez, and Sinnamon Love, then CR it is my friend! http://www.xvideos.com/video91707/luscious_lopez_ricki_white_and_sinnamon_love

Chief Justice
11-16-09, 21:11
Savepro I see your inquiring about Costa Rica, once you go there you will be running back to sosua. I'll be there in December just to hang with my wingman. Its a totally different vibe, but you need to find out about it yourself. But back to the topic. I'm hearing about banging body and cute faces. What about wet pussy? What about the non commital sex? What about the lack of drama to aquire sex? I to see beautiful women everyday here in Miami but when I think about the bullshit I have to go through to get ass its not worth it to me. I love TLN because I can take my time, have multiple pops, cuddle, then hit it in the morning. Try that in the states and shes trying to move in and paint your house pink. Chief Justice I feel what your saying but I think knowing spanish is more important than good looks. I know many fat ugly gingos that speak spanish and girls go crazy to get to them. But your getting what you want how you want it, so good luck. If ya'll are fed up with Sosua, good luck in your searches elsewhere.

But you can always find GoGo in Sosua smiling.No doubt knowing spanish is a big part of the equation too, but you can't leave out how you actually look and your swagger. If your some big ole fat dude, then you may pay a bit more than a dude that is handsome and in good shape. Women are women. Just like we like looks. They like looks too. Even tho they are trying to make money. Also, a lot of the chicks don't want to do that shyt for the rest of their lives, so if they can possibly meet a nice looking dude and develop a relationship and maybe marriage. They rather be with somebody they are attracted to, but then again a lot are just there for the dinero.

I would have to be totally insane to leave Sosua alone. LOL

11-16-09, 22:44
This sums up why this will probably be my last trip to DR (or at least Sosua). Every trip I increasingly hope to run into chicas built like porn stars/strippers (Ayana Angel, Kelly Starr, Kelly Divine ( the dark version, lol), Alicia Tyler, Tia Sweets, etc.) but no such luck.I visited Curacao on a cruiseship stop and went to Campo Alegre. I was like a kid on his first visit to Disney, I do not want to go, I had sex with 4 chicas in the 5 hour period I stayed there. Every girl was prettier than the girl I had sex before and when I was leaving I saw the cutest colombian girl on Earth but I had to return to the cruise. There are girls for every taste in Campo. Just another option you could consider.

John Gault
11-20-09, 00:55
Spent 8 days in Boca Chica and a lot of fat ugly pigs who are very agressive. Now in Sosua and they have a disco called Classic which is packed with stunners. Reminds me a lot like LDV. In Colombia. Peso is 35 to 36 to one buck. They start at 2500 but most will go down to 1500. Went to a joint called Passions. They have a menu they give you after a tour of the bar and rooms. BJ 1500, etc. A neat place with some lookers and they all have the same sexy outfits.

Staying at Hotel Voramar. $35 a night with Wi Fi. GFE. A short drive on a motor bike. Near Playa Chicata. The bike was $15 A day from the Hotel.

I was a little shocked at the price of food here as in Boca Chica I stayed at a all inclusve.

I met some good guys who helped this DR Newbe a lot.

Almost forgot. Me and my Wingman took a taxi from BC to Sosua. $150 for the 5 hour ride with a stop for lunch.

11-20-09, 14:13
Having read the forum, I am aware that the New Garden has a large following and is highly thought of. If NG is full, what would be considered the other best chica-friendly options with all the amenities -- location, air conditioning, security?

Chief Justice
11-21-09, 03:17
Having read the forum, I am aware that the New Garden has a large following and is highly thought of. If NG is full, what would be considered the other best chica-friendly options with all the amenities -- location, air conditioning, security?Sea breeze.

11-21-09, 19:25
Having read the forum, I am aware that the New Garden has a large following and is highly thought of. If NG is full, what would be considered the other best chica-friendly options with all the amenities. Location, air conditioning, security?Hi Birnam. Right next door to the NG is a small boutique place called Casa Valeria. Its chica friendly but you are asked to walk her out to the front gate after you're done with her. That's there only rule. I stayed there last May and will be there again for one night later this year before heading over to BlackBeards. Just walk into the NG and hit up the girls hanging around at the bar. You can do take out day/night not a problem. At night you'll probably want to hit the street scene for a while to check out other options. I haven't tried Sea Breeze but if the Judge likes it then its have to be ok. Hope this helps.

Good luck

11-23-09, 00:09
What's Up Players. I'll be in Sosua from the 1-14 Feb 2010. Staying at the NG. Could you help a brother out and list and post pics of the chicas with the best head game. I'm talking about no hands and deep throat. And of couse BBBJ. CIM. And swallow. The chica that love and take pride in your oral skills. Hollar back and see you in Feb 2010.

11-23-09, 06:08
What's Up Players. I'll be in Sosua from the 1-14 Feb 2010. Staying at the NG. Could you help a brother out and list and post pics of the chicas with the best head game. I'm talking about no hands and deep throat. And of couse BBBJ. CIM. And swallow. The chica that love and take pride in your oral skills. Hollar back and see you in Feb 2010.

I dont think you will find anybody that will do that here. The girls know whos pics are whos and that means the guy with the camera cant return back to town without looking over his own shoulder every 5 seconds.

It is not just paranoia... the scenario has gone down in the past.

Rebel Monger
11-24-09, 21:11
...Plus Jihad is very nosy....
There must be two Jihad at Sea Breeze because the one I know it's nothing like that. On the contrary, he always makes me feel welcome and in one instance, the police picked up the gal I was with and by the time I came down, he had left and a few minutes later, he came back with her. I didn't ask him to do it and he didn't charge me a penny.

11-24-09, 21:18
Jihad is probably the nicest hotel owner you will ever meet in DR, he will do absolutely anything to help a guest out, transportation, money issues, chica problems....etc... He treats you like a guest in his home, as you are made to feel like SeaBreeze is your home.

SeaBreeze is a small hotel, Jihad and all of the other guests tend to know your business. If maintaining privacy is a real issue, stay in a condo, and visit your pals at SeaBreeze.

Member #2041
11-25-09, 03:07
Hi Birnam. Right next door to the NG is a small boutique place called Casa Valeria. Its chica friendly but you are asked to walk her out to the front gate after you're done with her. That's there only rule.
Casa Valeria also has probably the best restaurant in Sosua - although it's also one of the most expensive. If you want cheap, Rocky's is just a block away.

11-25-09, 04:19
Casa Valeria also has probably the best restaurant in Sosua. Although it's also one of the most expensive. If you want cheap, Rocky's is just a block away.I started going to Casa Valeria after it changed hands in 2007. I remember the chef a guy from Europe. He is the one who painted the picture to the right of the bar (I was there as he finished it) and probably the others as well. I have never found the menu to be overly expensive maybe moderate at best. It has a "lived in " feel and you can see every chica passing. I sit there sometimes with my laptop. 2 things I'd travel the ocean for; the fish casserole and the onion soup with the bread and queso on top! I've tried most of the food, but these two work for me. Try them if you get a chance.

Chief Justice
11-25-09, 04:46
Jihad is probably the nicest hotel owner you will ever meet in DR, he will do absolutely anything to help a guest out, transportation, money issues, chica problems. Etc. He treats you like a guest in his home, as you are made to feel like SeaBreeze is your home.

SeaBreeze is a small hotel, Jihad and all of the other guests tend to know your business. If maintaining privacy is a real issue, stay in a condo, and visit your pals at SeaBreeze.yea I hve to second that. Jihad is the coolest dude in the world. Thats why I always recommend Sea Breeze. Especially if you are on a budget. NG is nicer tho.

Mr Gogo
11-25-09, 05:03
There must be two Jihad at Sea Breeze because the one I know it's nothing like that. On the contrary, he always makes me feel welcome and in one instance, the police picked up the gal I was with and by the time I came down, he had left and a few minutes later, he came back with her. I didn't ask him to do it and he didn't charge me a penny.Jihad is one of the nicest hotel owners in Sosua but IMHO he is very nosy also. He is as you say"very helpful"And thats cool but when it comes to pussy I don't need a "very helpful"dude assisting me in Sosua. Your situation is a prime example. He never asked if you needed assistance before helping in this criminal matter. What if you didn't want to see this girl again? What if you wanted no part in this females legal situation? Any woman in the DR who has a situation involving the police will have as much distance possible between me and her. There's been rumors that some hotel owners make photo copies of the girls cedula. Then turn the copies into the police at the end of the week. The police then know which high end earners to shake down. The girl is then locked up til she pays the FINE. I have never heard Jihad's name mentioned with this I must say. Sosua is a hustle town, you only have friends as long as you spend deniro. And Jihad is working all fronts, more power to him. If I lived in Sosua I'd probaly be just like him, but I don't.

Charles Pooter
11-25-09, 14:08
There's been rumors that some hotel owners make photo copies of the girls cedula. Then turn the copies into the police at the end of the week. The police then know which high end earners to shake down. The girl is then locked up til she pays the FINE.
With respect that sounds like an urban myth. Not that the police or even the hotel owners wouldn't stoop to it but it all sounds too organized for the DR. Personnel at the police stations is constantly changing. And have you ever looked at chicas' pictures on their cedulas? Most cases with the chica in front of me I have to strain my imagination to decide whether it is the same chica or she has borrowed someone else's cedula. I still cannot recognise my regular with whom I have been for three months from her cedula picture so with the many hundreds of w h o r e s in Sosúa contantly changing their hairstyles and colours and even their eye-colour with contacts I don't know how those dumbass cops could hope to single out those from a stack of crumpled and faded cedula copies. Not worth the hassle. There are far quicker and easier ways for them to shake down the defenceless.

Member #2041
11-25-09, 17:22
I started going to Casa Valeria after it changed hands in 2007. I remember the chef a guy from Europe. He is the one who painted the picture to the right of the bar (I was there as he finished it) and probably the others as well. I have never found the menu to be overly expensive maybe moderate at best. It has a "lived in " feel and you can see every chica passing. I sit there sometimes with my laptop. 2 things I'd travel the ocean for; the fish casserole and the onion soup with the bread and queso on top! I've tried most of the food, but these two work for me. Try them if you get a chance.
Well, expensive by DR standards is still pretty cheap by U.S. standards. And while I like their French onion soup quite a bit, it's not any better than the soup at the fine French bistro 10 miles from my house, so I don't think I'd travel the ocean for it. Unless it was accompanied by some of the local pussy, that is.

11-25-09, 17:35
I highly recommend La Costera for really nice reasonably priced fare!
It's adjacent to the clinic just past Scotia Bank heading towards La Passion.
Most plates are RD250-RD300 for a lot of food.

Across the street, a little further down, News Cafe has a new owner/chef, Johnny from the Waterfront, he has a few very nice plates, for RD270. Chicken cordon-bleu with homemade mashed potatoes, and the grilled chicken breast are both good. The breakfast there is probably the best in town, omlette or pancakes, juice, coffee, a mountain of fresh fruit, various breads, RD200 tax included.

Both great places to fuel up after a session!

A favorite late night snack is Ollie's Pork Sandwich, across from Domino bar, never gotten sick from his Sandwich de pierna, order it picante, blows away the one in front of Classicos. Ollie speaks perfect English!

Mr Gogo
11-26-09, 05:20
I highly recommend La Costera for really nice reasonably priced fare!

It's adjacent to the clinic just past Scotia Bank heading towards La Passion.

Most plates are RD250-RD300 for a lot of food.

Across the street, a little further down, News Cafe has a new owner/chef, Johnny from the Waterfront, he has a few very nice plates, for RD270. Chicken cordon-bleu with homemade mashed potatoes, and the grilled chicken breast are both good. The breakfast there is probably the best in town, omlette or pancakes, juice, coffee, a mountain of fresh fruit, various breads, RD200 tax included.

Both great places to fuel up after a session!

A favorite late night snack is Ollie's Pork Sandwich, across from Domino bar, never gotten sick from his Sandwich de pierna, order it picante, blows away the one in front of Classicos. Ollie speaks perfect English!Ollies pulled chicken sandwich is so good that you will be going thru different emotions with yourself. Lettuce, tomatoes, onions, a dab of hot sauce, melted cheese and boneless chicken hanging out every side. All for 140pesos, and he delivers.

11-26-09, 05:59
Well, expensive by DR standards is still pretty cheap by USA standards. And while I like their French onion soup quite a bit, it's not any better than the soup at the fine French bistro 10 miles from my house, so I don't think I'd travel the ocean for it. Unless it was accompanied by some of the local pussy, that is.Well stated as the "sage of cockery"! I've hand pussy with me for a beer or soda there. Now go out to the right up to the corner. At the Ice cream place turn left and cross the street (where the moto guys and the dude from the casino hangout, it's before claro) Now that fuckin place is EXPENSIVE!

We had the same 2 chicas with us 2 nights ina row the first night mine was 2600p the second night was 2400p. His chica got a glass of something that was 350-450p! I just don't remember the name of it.

11-26-09, 23:53
After all this talk about great-budget-food it is just a matter of time before the topic of the rear-end-squirts gets brought up. :-))

11-27-09, 04:11
After all this talk about great-budget-food it is just a matter of time before the topic of the rear-end-squirts gets brought up. :-))I love to eat off the food carts on the streets both in the DR and Colombia and I have never once gotten sick,a true miracle.

11-27-09, 23:16
I highly recommend La Costera for really nice reasonably priced fare!
It's adjacent to the clinic just past Scotia Bank heading towards La Passion.
Most plates are RD250-RD300 for a lot of food.

Across the street, a little further down, News Cafe has a new owner/chef, Johnny from the Waterfront, he has a few very nice plates, for RD270. Chicken cordon-bleu with homemade mashed potatoes, and the grilled chicken breast are both good. The breakfast there is probably the best in town, omlette or pancakes, juice, coffee, a mountain of fresh fruit, various breads, RD200 tax included.

Both great places to fuel up after a session!

A favorite late night snack is Ollie's Pork Sandwich, across from Domino bar, never gotten sick from his Sandwich de pierna, order it picante, blows away the one in front of Classicos. Ollie speaks perfect English!

I agree about News Cafe. Excelent food there. You should try the shrimps there, both the shrimp coctail and the garlic shrimps, best in town.
Maybe the best on the menu is the filete de res con pimiento it's just fantastic. One thing not on the menu is the espagetti especial con camarones, it's just to ask for it.
I have nothing to do with the place other than being a regular customer, just hope they will survive, because in my opinion they have the best food in town for a reasonable price.

11-27-09, 23:36
I agree about News Cafe.

He just re-did the place a few weeks ago, so I hope that is a sign of prosperity, Johnny works hard and puts out probably one of the best plates of food in town.

Mr Gogo
11-30-09, 17:23
A few obsevations from recent trip. Spent a few days with this new Santo Domingo chic that looked exactly like Angela Jolie. As fine as she is I was curious how it could get so bad she turns to Sosua. I know the answers the others give but she was to fine to have an excuse. She gave the normal excuses, no child fathers support, dominican boses wanting pussy, no jobs, etc. But I concluded lack of ambition, loss of self dignity, laziness, no education. I chalked it up to the "Dominican Way". Not as many Americanos this holiday weekend. Seen a good fight between two italians. Police had a motoconcho blockade that was quite a spectacle. The police pulled two flat bed trucks up outside of seacrets and started loading every motoconcho that passed by. The guys had to go to the police station the next day with proof of ownership papers. I wouldve been pissed but these guys just gave up the bikes and walked away without a word (damn).

12-01-09, 13:16
Hey Guys,

First of all, thank you very much to everyone who makes this a great forum. I have been reading for quite some time and have learned a lot!

I have visited BB's numerous times, and in late December will be trying out Sosua for the first time, three nights at NG. Previously I have had a drink at Passions, and visited the beach, but never stayed the night in Sosua and partaken of the activities.

My question: I am not a night-life disco person, and I want to meet a chica during the day and set up a date for dinner and TLN, as opposed to prowling the discos in the late evening hours. Can one of the vets please advise me as to how to find the right chica for me during the daylight hours?

Muchas gracias!

Chief Justice
12-01-09, 21:12
Hey Guys,

First of all, thank you very much to everyone who makes this a great forum. I have been reading for quite some time and have learned a lot!

I have visited BB's numerous times, and in late December will be trying out Sosua for the first time, three nights at NG. Previously I have had a drink at Passions, and visited the beach, but never stayed the night in Sosua and partaken of the activities.

My question: I am not a night-life disco person, and I want to meet a chica during the day and set up a date for dinner and TLN, as opposed to prowling the discos in the late evening hours. Can one of the vets please advise me as to how to find the right chica for me during the daylight hours?

Muchas gracias!You can go to the beach or walk down the street that classicos and passions is on. Several chicas walk around shopping or getting their hair done. Some are walking around looking for you. You can fall down and land in some pussy in Sosua.

Zip Head
12-01-09, 22:46
Hey Guys,

First of all, thank you very much to everyone who makes this a great forum. I have been reading for quite some time and have learned a lot!

I have visited BB's numerous times, and in late December will be trying out Sosua for the first time, three nights at NG. Previously I have had a drink at Passions, and visited the beach, but never stayed the night in Sosua and partaken of the activities.

My question: I am not a night-life disco person, and I want to meet a chica during the day and set up a date for dinner and TLN, as opposed to prowling the discos in the late evening hours. Can one of the vets please advise me as to how to find the right chica for me during the daylight hours?

Muchas gracias!

I would advise against looking for TLN until you have been with a chica a time or two.....trust me, TLN is not always a great deal in Sosua. Chicas can be found during the daytime walking around town, although not nearly in the numbers they are in the evening. Pickings can be slim. The beach is a good place to start. By noon there will be some ladies prowling around.....if they are in swim suits, they are NOT available; if they are in street clothes, they are available and looking. ALL the chicas have cell phones; if you don't want to try them right then, get their number and call them later.....you might need a few phrases in Spanish; get a simple dictionary.

I'm not much of a late night disco guy either, but in the evening I prowl, chat the ladies up and collect numbers.....tell them you will call the next day; they hear this a lot and probably blow it off, but I have called chicas the next morning and had them meet me at my hotel or Calypso for some very satisfying morning or early afternoon sessions. You can usually get better rates, then, too, since they are not used to making money that time of day. You will probably not be able to get a hold of any of them prior to about 9 am....they are sleeping off their previous late night festivities. Occasionally, I have pre-arranged an early morning get together but I was VERY adament when discusiing this with the lady.....i.e. " be here at 0830 in front of my hotel.....if you are late I will do something else!!" That usually works, unless she finds a good TLN the night before......there is always some risk of this not working in Sosua.

Also, if you want to take a chica to dinner, that is fine, and I have done it a time or two with ladies I "clicked" with....but realize this will NOT enititle you to any discount for their services....that price will remain the same, regardless of what else you spend on them. I would say that most sosua ladies are not worth the hassle, but I have linked up with a few diamonds in the rough on past trips that were fun to squire around for the evening and who even dressed up a bit and seemed to be proud to be seen with me.

Hope this helps......

12-01-09, 22:54
Also, if you want to take a chica to dinner, that is fine, and I have done it a time or two with ladies I "clicked" with....but realize this will NOT enititle you to any discount for their services....that price will remain the same, regardless of what else you spend on them. I would say that most sosua ladies are not worth the hassle, but I have linked up with a few diamonds in the rough on past trips that were fun to squire around for the evening and who even dressed up a bit and seemed to be proud to be seen with me.

Hope this helps......

I prefer to buy some extra pollo carbon to feed them in the room, if I am feeling generous, some tostones! As far as the morning session, that is a long shot unless you get one just leaving her TLN, all these girls sleep until 2PM.

12-01-09, 23:33
Little advice

I was looking to vacation 7-14 Jan and was woundering if given the choice Sosua or St Martin. I have been never been to Sosua. I had a good time my last visit to St Martin.


12-02-09, 13:40
I would advise against looking for TLN until you have been with a chica a time or two.....trust me, TLN is not always a great deal in Sosua. Chicas can be found during the daytime walking around town, although not nearly in the numbers they are in the evening. Pickings can be slim. The beach is a good place to start. By noon there will be some ladies prowling around.....if they are in swim suits, they are NOT available; if they are in street clothes, they are available and looking. ALL the chicas have cell phones; if you don't want to try them right then, get their number and call them later.....you might need a few phrases in Spanish; get a simple dictionary.

I'm not much of a late night disco guy either, but in the evening I prowl, chat the ladies up and collect numbers.....tell them you will call the next day; they hear this a lot and probably blow it off, but I have called chicas the next morning and had them meet me at my hotel or Calypso for some very satisfying morning or early afternoon sessions. You can usually get better rates, then, too, since they are not used to making money that time of day. You will probably not be able to get a hold of any of them prior to about 9 am....they are sleeping off their previous late night festivities. Occasionally, I have pre-arranged an early morning get together but I was VERY adament when discusiing this with the lady.....i.e. " be here at 0830 in front of my hotel.....if you are late I will do something else!!" That usually works, unless she finds a good TLN the night before......there is always some risk of this not working in Sosua.

Also, if you want to take a chica to dinner, that is fine, and I have done it a time or two with ladies I "clicked" with....but realize this will NOT enititle you to any discount for their services....that price will remain the same, regardless of what else you spend on them. I would say that most sosua ladies are not worth the hassle, but I have linked up with a few diamonds in the rough on past trips that were fun to squire around for the evening and who even dressed up a bit and seemed to be proud to be seen with me.

Hope this helps......Thanks ZH! Your reply appreciated!

A few follow up questions and comments.

I am only good for a couple of pops per day, and prefer one at night and one in the morning, thus I like TLN's. If I negotiate all the details in advance, please elaborate on why you think TLN is not a great deal.

Please elaborate also on why chicas at the beach in swim suits are not available.

My Spanish is not a problem. I have enough Espanol to make myself understood (with bad grammer), and I can understand a little of what is being said to me if I get them to speak slowly (which sometimes is difficult!).

I like taking the chica to dinner because it is something I enjoy. I like the company and the conversation, preceding the evenings activities. This is always how I did it in my several visits to BB's. Dinner and then TLN. Or am I way off base for Sosua with that plan?

Thanks, again.

Zip Head
12-02-09, 23:45
Thanks ZH! Your reply appreciated!

A few follow up questions and comments.

I am only good for a couple of pops per day, and prefer one at night and one in the morning, thus I like TLN's. If I negotiate all the details in advance, please elaborate on why you think TLN is not a great deal.

Please elaborate also on why chicas at the beach in swim suits are not available.

My Spanish is not a problem. I have enough Espanol to make myself understood (with bad grammer), and I can understand a little of what is being said to me if I get them to speak slowly (which sometimes is difficult!).

I like taking the chica to dinner because it is something I enjoy. I like the company and the conversation, preceding the evenings activities. This is always how I did it in my several visits to BB's. Dinner and then TLN. Or am I way off base for Sosua with that plan?

Thanks, again.

Sosua is definitely NOT BB's.....you can read in this forum of guys who have had bad or poor experiences with chicas on TLN's.....the girls will promise one thing then not want to give you what you "thought" you had negotiated...etc etc etc. It's a much more uncontrolled environment than BB's. The girls at BB's will not rip you off in the middle of the night, they won't suddenly get a phone call from their "mother" who is suddenly sick and needs help....etc etc etc. I'm just warning you.....but if you do a session or two with a chica you like, maybe that is OK.....perhaps some other guys on this site can pipe in with their opinions.

the beach code is what it is....girls in swim suits, not players. Girls in street clothes= players.

Have fun.

Lucky Strike
12-03-09, 01:24
Little advice

I was looking to vacation 7-14 Jan and was woundering if given the choice Sosua or St Martin. I have been never been to Sosua. I had a good time my last visit to St Martin.

I've had the same "problem": SXM or DR. Eventually booked SDQ and Curacao.
It depends what you like, and how much $ you're willing to spend. Sosua will be cheaper, especially TLNs ($60-80 vs $250-400.) But the quality in general is lower and you have to be careful who you pick (STDs, thieves, junkies.) As far as daytime mongering - SXM wins, but with 4-6 cruise ships in January don't expect anything but a quickie in Carolina or Seamans during the daytime.
I can't say anything regarding the non-pro possibilities of Sosua, I'll leave it to those who can understand dominican version of español.

12-03-09, 05:38
I've had the same "problem": SXM or DR. Eventually booked SDQ and Curacao.

It depends what you like, and how much $ you're willing to spend. Sosua will be cheaper, especially TLNs ($60-80 vs $250-400.) But the quality in general is lower and you have to be careful who you pick (STDs, thieves, junkies.) As far as daytime mongering - SXM wins, but with 4-6 cruise ships in January don't expect anything but a quickie in Carolina or Seamans during the daytime.

I can't say anything regarding the non-pro possibilities of Sosua, I'll leave it to those who can understand dominican version of español.Lucky Sticke

Thanks for the info. I have been checking around and I think SXM is going to be the choice. I hear that a new bar El Capitan is going to open soon. Plus I like the Columbian women. Never had a bad experience when I was there, plus there were plenty of things to do when not chasing women.

SL Willie
12-03-09, 08:01
SDQ CUR is a nice setup. Expedia will allow a multi destination booking.

Curacao is a good bet. Much less traffic than St.Maarten, a much more relaxed atmostshpere, and lower prices.

Puerto La Cruz
12-03-09, 10:32
Anybody seen or heard of Jimmy DR in the last few years? He seemed to have dropped off the face of the earth.

PLC f/k/a Slippery

12-03-09, 14:02
He goes to Medellin now to my knowledge.Sat next to guy on plane in August going to Medellin.Also saw his name on wesite in Medellin.

Charles Pooter
12-03-09, 14:32
Anybody seen or heard of Jimmy DR in the last few years? He seemed to have dropped off the face of the earth.
He has run his own w h o r eboard for many years and posts several times a day on that. For the past three years he has been spending all his time and money in Colombia. He loves the place. So don't call him Jimmy "DR" anymore!

12-03-09, 17:10
So don't call him Jimmy "DR" anymore!

Wasn't he banned from entering the Dominican Republic a few years ago?

12-03-09, 17:40
Wasn't he banned from entering the Dominican Republic a few years ago?IMHO jimmy and tom 33 were the only source of real info on the colombia thread for a long time.

12-03-09, 23:43
Can make a good tattoo in Sosua?

Or are they not good?

Be on my first trip to Sosua!

Has been in Asia and Africa in the past.

I think Sosua suits me fine.

Sosua has a great tatto?

Puerto La Cruz
12-04-09, 03:09
I was merely asking a simple question about somebody that I met there six or seven years ago.

Is that OK with you??

WTF is your problem?

12-04-09, 03:10
Sosua is definitely NOT BB's.....you can read in this forum of guys who have had bad or poor experiences with chicas on TLN's.....the girls will promise one thing then not want to give you what you "thought" you had negotiated...etc etc etc. It's a much more uncontrolled environment than BB's. The girls at BB's will not rip you off in the middle of the night, they won't suddenly get a phone call from their "mother" who is suddenly sick and needs help....etc etc etc. I'm just warning you.....but if you do a session or two with a chica you like, maybe that is OK.....perhaps some other guys on this site can pipe in with their opinions.

the beach code is what it is....girls in swim suits, not players. Girls in street clothes= players.

Have fun.

Where do you get this from ? There is a lot of availible girls in bikinis and swim suits that like bathing, and is very availible.
You should just be a bit carefull on sundays, then there is a lot of non availible girls on the beach, but that has noting to do with the clothing.

12-04-09, 03:30
Where do you get this from ? There is a lot of availible girls in bikinis and swim suits that like bathing, and is very availible.
You should just be a bit carefull on sundays, then there is a lot of non availible girls on the beach, but that has noting to do with the clothing.I was trying to ignore this gross generalization, there are always PFP chicas in swim attire on any day of the week, & yes Sundays it is best to feel out the situation!

12-04-09, 05:32
Where do you get this from? There is a lot of availible girls in bikinis and swim suits that like bathing, and is very availible.

You should just be a bit carefull on sundays, then there is a lot of non availible girls on the beach, but that has noting to do with the clothing.One thing is for sure, Dominican Republic will never win a contest for having chicas with the sexiest bathing suits. I have bought 4 different bathing suits for chicas in Dominican Republic that came with the little skirt thing that they wear over the bottom part of the bikini. On my last trip two chicas wore the skirt thing into the water (which completely covered their ass). For whatever reason Dominican chicas very seldom, if ever wear a tiny bikini with their ass cheeks showing. I have seen chicas go into the Sea with shorts, t-shirts and polo shirts (with the heavy bra underneath).

12-04-09, 15:46
One thing is for sure, Dominican Republic will never win a contest for having chicas with the sexiest bathing suits. I have bought 4 different bathing suits for chicas in Dominican Republic that came with the little skirt thing that they wear over the bottom part of the bikini. On my last trip two chicas wore the skirt thing into the water (which completely covered their ass). For whatever reason Dominican chicas very seldom, if ever wear a tiny bikini with their ass cheeks showing. I have seen chicas go into the Sea with shorts, t-shirts and polo shirts (with the heavy bra underneath).

Some of them do the shirt ting, many dosen't. There are tons of chicas in regular bikinis at Sosua Beach every sunday.

12-04-09, 18:09
Some of them do the shirt ting, many dosen't. There are tons of chicas in regular bikinis at Sosua Beach every sunday.How many Dominican chicas do you see with a thong or tanga? Many wear those boxer type bottoms with their bikinis.

12-04-09, 19:37
Can make a good tattoo in Sosua?

Or are they not good?

Be on my first trip to Sosua!

Has been in Asia and Africa in the past.

I think Sosua suits me fine.

Sosua has a great tatto?I had one done right on the strip at a place that included a beauty salon, next door to the German Snitzel place- I don't recall the name. The guy was nice enough, but the experience was pretty unsanitary and nonchalant about the whole thing. It did not heal (but no infection) that well and the colors are ok. But would not repeat it. By far, the USA has the best places IMHO. Go to Ft. Lauderdale, Private message me if you want a referral there from a real pro I know or somewhere in LA where I have alot of work done in Hollywood (all the celebrities get work done there. IE: Tommy Lee, Ozzy, Pamela Andersons name change on her ring finger was done by Paul. Where they mix their own inks (that the colors last) and have better technique. Greg is world famous and does full body suits. Worth the flight.

Zip Head
12-05-09, 04:15
I was trying to ignore this gross generalization, there are always PFP chicas in swim attire on any day of the week, & yes Sundays it is best to feel out the situation.Perhaps you've never been to Sosua!

Mr Gogo
12-05-09, 16:54
To my greater dissappointment it seems everyone has gotten away from trip reporting. Other than jaososua informative reporting, everyone else is in stealt mode. I'm even guilty of this, I always used to post a detailed report but the last three trips I didn't. It seems everyone wants limited info and I respect that. Trip reports expose your mongering style, and alot of people don't want to be critisized, but most of the people doing the critisizing never post trip reports so they don't count to me. And before you say where is gogo's reporting, from3-3-09 report number 3445, 3451, and I also did a three city report (Santo Domingo, Sosua, Boca chica) a couple months ago. I'm just trying to keep this board exciting because it has become very sour lately.

12-05-09, 21:41
To my greater dissappointment it seems everyone has gotten away from trip reporting. Other than jaososua informative reporting, everyone else is in stealt mode. I'm even guilty of this, I always used to post a detailed report but the last three trips I didn't. It seems everyone wants limited info and I respect that. Trip reports expose your mongering style, and alot of people don't want to be critisized, but most of the people doing the critisizing never post trip reports so they don't count to me. And before you say where is gogo's reporting, from3-3-09 report number 3445, 3451, and I also did a three city report (Santo Domingo, Sosua, Boca chica) a couple months ago. I'm just trying to keep this board exciting because it has become very sour lately.Thanks Mr. Gogo, I know you would enjoy the chica I saw in Juan Dolio doing a strip show, she was hanging upside down on the pole, grabbing the chains that hang from the ceiling, doing all kinds of moves all while completely naked.

Jodi In Heat
12-06-09, 03:09
Perhaps you've never been to Sosua!I have never seen anything going on at the beach in Sosua. It all happens at night at the clubs. Even during the day, rarely do you find any action. I don't know what everyone else is talking about. Maybe I went to the beach on the wrong days??

Mr Gogo
12-06-09, 15:14
I have never seen anything going on at the beach in Sosua. It all happens at night at the clubs. Even during the day, rarely do you find any action. I don't know what everyone else is talking about. Maybe I went to the beach on the wrong days?Jodi my man, are you sure you were in sosua. Atleast 70percent of the girls on the beach and that walk sosua during the day are available. Girls don't walk around sosua to be left alone. Sundays are dominican family beach days then there are normal girls. When I walk sosua beach I'm like a running back dodging defenders, girls all wanting you to sit down and buy a drink.

12-06-09, 16:33
I have never seen anything going on at the beach in Sosua. It all happens at night at the clubs. Even during the day, rarely do you find any action. I don't know what everyone else is talking about. Maybe I went to the beach on the wrong days?There is definitely action to be had on the beach, you can get day action at the beach and even in town there is action, albeit the pickings are slimmer but I always look around in the daytime and if I find something interesting I'll get a number to call later in the day, early evening.

12-06-09, 16:52
Dec 9 to ???? Toymann, Riomann, and Sidney. We are staying at Rocky's.

12-07-09, 00:50
Been there 4 xs this year beach sucks for any kind of quality except for

Sunday then is good.

Sunday is great but don't be convinced its family day its also single girl day.

Also dont sit at Hermans and think your going to cut off the girls only the Putas walk by there the regular ones go around Hermans like the Plague.

Need to move your ass to a beach chair right on the beach to get the most action and walk the entire beach once an hour or so.

12-08-09, 16:05
How many Dominican chicas do you see with a thong or tanga? Many wear those boxer type bottoms with their bikinis.

Tangas isn't that common. I'm talking about normal regular bikinis. I see a lot of them on the sundays and also other days. I'm living in Sosua, and are on the beach most days, if it not rains.

12-09-09, 14:53
Is it open yet?What is name of it?Its right next to strip was there in Sept but they had ways to go.

12-09-09, 17:05
I would like to go to Dominican Republic and I am used to go to Brasil and Thailand and I would like to know:is it the same as to(regarding)the girls?Is it easy pick girls up?Is the same quantity?Are there a lot or not? At the night how many bars,discos etc.. are there? Which is the better place(seaside resort) to meet girls?


Marc Anthony
12-09-09, 19:51
I would like to go to Dominican Republic and I am used to go to Brasil and Thailand and I would like to know:is it the same as to(regarding)the girls?Is it easy pick girls up?Is the same quantity?Are there a lot or not? At the night how many bars,discos etc.. are there? Which is the better place(seaside resort) to meet girls?


The DR is smaller, less developed than Brazil or Thailand. It's certainly not sex Disneyland like Pataya. As to the details that's what this whole forum is about.

Charles Pooter
12-09-09, 19:53
I would like to go to Dominican Republic and I am used to go to Brasil and Thailand and I would like to know:is it the same as to(regarding)the girls?Is it easy pick girls up?Is the same quantity?Are there a lot or not? At the night how many bars,discos etc.. are there? Which is the better place (seaside resort) to meet girls?
no/yes/no/yes/no-one has ever counted them/Sosúa.


12-09-09, 20:49
I would like to go to Dominican Republic and I am used to go to Brasil and Thailand and I would like to know:is it the same as to(regarding)the girls?Is it easy pick girls up?Is the same quantity?Are there a lot or not? At the night how many bars,discos etc.. are there? Which is the better place(seaside resort) to meet girls?

ThanksDominican Republic is a fairly big country. Do you want to go Sosua? Sosua is a small town, with bars where you can pick up chicas. The main bar (disco) is Classicos and within two to three streets of Classicos there are 4-5 other smaller bars. In Sosua there is also Passions Massage (they have a site in Yahoo groups with photos of their chicas). Quality varies in Sosua. There are dark haitian chicas and other lighter skin chicas. Some chicas are very aggresive in sosua and will grab your balls as you walk down the street or in some bars. Price varies.

Depends what your budget is and depends what type of chicas you like. Some guys like Bavaro or Punta Cana (not cheap for pay for play) but there are larger discos in Bavaro and Punta Cana where you can meet tourist chicas and some dominicanas.

Maybe you are Italian. Many Italians in La Romana and Bayahibe. In La romana there is Climax, some very attractive chicas but price is high.

Santo Domingo has many houses with chicas (and street chicas) with varying prices, from cheap to expensive. Depends on how you want to spend your vacation.

Puerto Plata has Blackbeards and FOD, good prices with numerous chicas.

Chief Justice
12-09-09, 21:19
I would like to go to Dominican Republic and I am used to go to Brasil and Thailand and I would like to know:is it the same as to(regarding)the girls?Is it easy pick girls up?Is the same quantity?Are there a lot or not? At the night how many bars,discos etc.. are there? Which is the better place(seaside resort) to meet girls?

ThanksI have never been to Brazil or Thailand but I hear DR is a distant third compared to the 2. Brazil being 1st. BUT you will have a good time in DR especially Sosua.

12-10-09, 03:34
Is it open yet?What is name of it?Its right next to strip was there in Sept but they had ways to go.

No, but I think every day now.

12-10-09, 17:50
Decisions, Decisions! Teeny and I ate breakfast at 11am, at the Cubano Cafe. Young hotties all over the streets! Cum on up or down! Sosua is certain to please!

12-10-09, 18:02
Dominican Republic is a fairly big country. Do you want to go Sosua? Sosua is a small town, with bars where you can pick up chicas. The main bar (disco) is Classicos and within two to three streets of Classicos there are 4-5 other smaller bars. In Sosua there is also Passions Massage (they have a site in Yahoo groups with photos of their chicas). Quality varies in Sosua. There are dark haitian chicas and other lighter skin chicas. Some chicas are very aggresive in sosua and will grab your balls as you walk down the street or in some bars. Price varies.

Depends what your budget is and depends what type of chicas you like. Some guys like Bavaro or Punta Cana (not cheap for pay for play) but there are larger discos in Bavaro and Punta Cana where you can meet tourist chicas and some dominicanas.

Maybe you are Italian. Many Italians in La Romana and Bayahibe. In La romana there is Climax, some very attractive chicas but price is high.

Santo Domingo has many houses with chicas (and street chicas) with varying prices, from cheap to expensive. Depends on how you want to spend your vacation.

Puerto Plata has Blackbeards and FOD, good prices with numerous chicas.
Concentrate there!

12-10-09, 18:24
I have never been to Brazil or Thailand but I hear DR is a distant third compared to the 2. Brazil being 1st. BUT you will have a good time in DR especially Sosua.Ranking cities/countries is very subjective. One guys favorite place to monger is another guys shithole. For the record though,I rank Colombia #1 in my book.

12-10-09, 23:25
to my greater dissappointment it seems everyone has gotten away from trip reporting.

i certainly am guilty of that so here you go - my report from october.

my priority in going to the north coast of the d.r. is more for relaxation, beach, and a bit of nightlife. the chicas are an added bonus. i like the d.r. but am not really a fan of the big hotels and ai's as i go by myself and after a few days get bored at the ai's, even if the food is good and the liquor is already paid for.

i stayed at the neptuno, which is a nice condo building that has long term residents as well as vacationers. it is chica friendly but on a subdued level i.e. the rule is do not disturb your neighbors. i like the option to make my own breakfast and lunch and go out for supper, have tv, internet, full fridge, comfortable balcony, etc.

arrived on a friday night, went to lou's to say hello. i think i had a few beers, checked out the strip and crashed.
next day stocked up on food and beer, went down to sosua beach, hung out on one of the chairs. i have been going down to the same spot, maybe two thirds along(?), i think it is called the happy bar, run by a guy named cefarino. he is always talkative, and rents the beach chair for free considering that i will end up spending a good amount of money during the day there. he always has a good looking waitress or two and he will come down to your beach chair to make sure they are treating you right. and to offer any other services you may want (and ask you to buy him and his waitresses a grande or two).

of course i visited passions, it is always a fun place to go for drinks, partying with the girls, and a massage when some chica catches your eye. i ended up going for an hour with one flirtaceous chica, but her services disappointed. at the bar she had been fun to flirt with and have drinks with but in the back room not so much, as she was complaining i was too big and so was not into it. now i know i am not too big and that her cries of alarm were fake - she just wanted to get me off and get out. which is what happened. so after i was done, i didn't go back on this trip. i really should have gone back out right at the beginning of the session, complained, and chosen someone else, but i guess i was past the point of no return.

later that same day i had a few drinks at the place across from classicos - some kind of sport bar but was showing music videos, i can't remember the name of the place but they have some smoking bartenders. then went back across the street to the german(?) bar between classicos and latinos as they were playing music more to my choice like led zepellin, stevie ray vaughn, and such. started talking to this chica who spoke excellent english, her name was coral. had quite a few drinks and of course when it was time to go she wanted to come too but as i had been to passions that day i wasnt in the mood. she did her best to convince me, saying she gave the best deep throat around, but it wasn't for me that night. i gave her my number though, and made the mistake of telling her i was going to cabarete the next day. well she really wanted to come with me then, and me in my drunken state said sure, just meet me in the morning...ouch she called me at 6 in the morning to confirm, at which point i had sobered up enough to realize it was a bad idea so i cancelled. i was pissed that she phoned at 6am, but also happy because then i told her i was going alone. i wonder if any of the board members have run into this girl, i imagine so. pale mulatto skin, light-coloured hair, and excellent english.

so, off to cabarete, and that is where i ended up spending almost all of my days, at the vela windsurf centre, learning windsurfing. i think i will keep doing that, trying to progress to using the big sails and harness. those guys sure look like they are having a lot of fun ripping along!

went to classico's one weeknight, there weren't too many people but the chicas were trying with the bump and grind. i like that! gave my number to one chica so she would call and left. slim girl, also a rubia (light brown or honey coloured hair), her name was yanet. the next day i was lounging around when she phoned up and asked to come over, i said sure. she must have been right around the corner as the next thing i knew she was phoning from outside. i went down to meet her and she was with her girlfriend from the night before. i figured what the hell i will invite them for a drink but i wasn't really looking for 2 chicas, and the girlfriend wasn't really to my taste. now i am not really a rookie, but that was a rookie mistake. they weren't looking for a drink and conversation and i should have known that. it wasn't long before the cute one asked to use the bathroom, and when she came out she had stripped down to only her thong, walked over and sat on my lap. well what could i do....i had the hots for her anyway.

a few days later i called yanet up and she came over alone, that was more to my liking. these girls do get possesive though - one night i was out having drinks at classicos and chatting up other girls and got text messages from her giving me shit. lol i guess they don't like to share their business!

that's about it, was 10 days of [CodeWord118] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord118) and light mongering, spent most of my drinking socializing at lou's. i don't like the bar below classico's or latino's too much. i am usually by myself and i find it hard to shake the chicas off (the one's i don't want i mean) at those bars.

Chief Justice
12-10-09, 23:54
Ranking cities/countries is very subjective. One guys favorite place to monger is another guys shithole. For the record though, I rank Colombia #1 in my book.no doubt. I can argue with you there, but I have heard from several different people Brazil is the best (so much BUNDA. BUNDA everywhere)then Thailand and DR being a distant third. They never been to Columbia. I would imagine Brazil being the best because I am your typical black guy. I loves me some bunda.

12-11-09, 02:33
To my greater dissappointment it seems everyone has gotten away from trip reporting.

My first trip to DR was almost 3 weeks ago, but I originally had been in Santo Domingo for 5 days before I drove to Sosua. I wasn't planning on posting anything as I have nothing different to say compared to what can be found in older reports.

I expected something like Angeles City when I got here, a strip full of sleazy bars and hotels created for no purpose other than P4P. Was kinda odd that in one side of the street you have bars full of working girls roaming freely and another side regular tourists with their wives or girlfriends enjoying a nice dinner. I guess there was more to this place than a meat market.

I was lucky enough to find a room in the New Garden, very nice hotel and location for $55. Their lobby at daytime has about 6 working ladies sitting around, not the best of quality, but always fun attitudes. When I felt like driving to Puerto Plata, I pulled one of these girls to show me around the touristic places, the casas and clubs, and to eat some fresh fish in Maimon. I gave her a small tip for her time, but she would insist on coming to my room to use the bathroom and then when I least expected she already had her mouth all over my guevo.

My first night out I sat next to El Flow, and got approached immediatelly by one agressive ugly girl with a banging body. I didn't know what to do, but my wingman liked her friend and he was able to settle with her at 1000 DP, which according to some reports is impossible to do in Sosua, much less from a first timer. So toguether we went and this girl was a terrible experience, louzy BBBJ, rushed into positions, got frustated when I took too long to finish, and finally got me off with a BJ. As soon as I busted she was already getting dressed, and then demanded a tip on top of 1500 DP, which I quickly refused and told her to leave. I guess it was a good thing to be ripped off like this as I became more patient and selective about who I picked and it paid off greatly.

Next day I was approached by one of these deported dominicans some of you warned about. This guy always wears the same NY yankees shirt, will show you where to get cheap food, cheap cell phone, and cheap cialis, but couple days later will ask you and your friend for 100 pesos whenever we are apart from each other. Then ask for some pollo asado left overs. Then ask for a beer or rum and coke. If you don't tell him enough he will keep asking for shit everyday. I was approached by several of these hustlers because they think I can't speak spanish and don't know who they are.

Hit Sosua beach and it was a little lame. Was expecting a beach full of local girls in bikinis but the place was dead only a bunch of sells people pissing me off. I wished I would've invested my daytime on doing something fun like windsurfing or diving, like mentioned by several people. While in Sosua, I met some non pros online and actually scored in Santiago and Imbert, but for the most part non pros were not quick to jump on me in a short visit. Whenever I got bored and horny from chasing regular girls I returned to Sosua. Kept the numbers of a few winners, potential repeats in another visit.

Went to Classicos almost every night. It's a fun place, all sizes and shapes available, girls will grind on you every chance they get to have your attention. Last two nights I was becoming too picky, the best looking ones get picked soon, so not a good a idea to wait too long. Tried my best to avoid the hardcore ones. One girl I took wanted to do CBJ, I immediatelly told her to leave, and she quickly changed her mind to BBBJ. Don't take any shit from these hoes, when you give them a hand they take the whole arm. They will never tell you the price before hand so they can charge you 2500 or 3000 at the end of the night. Avoid having TLN with first timers, that was by far the best advice I got from this board.

When looking to buy music cds and a cheap cell phone, ask a local to do it for you. A music cd will cost a local 60 pesos and a claro cell phone 300, but I was offered a cd for 150 and a phone for 800. I laughed and kept walking. Everyone here will try to make money on you, no matter how nice they are. Bargain really hard, the worst that can happen is they get pissed off and you waste 20 minutes negociating.

Charles Pooter
12-11-09, 13:18
My first trip to DR was almost 3 weeks ago... Bargain really hard, the worst that can happen is they get pissed off and you waste 20 minutes negociating.
You got a firm grip on things for a first visit. I have rarely read such a sensible and fair-minded report from a first-timer.

As you made progress with non-pros on this your first and short visit I would guess you are reasonably young and good-looking. Other first-time visitors should be aware that unless you have these advantages, or others such as fluent Spanish, (Latin) dancing skills, or money to burn, you are very unlikely to get far with them on a short visit. Many who claim to have done so have in fact run into working girls playing the long game.

Mr Gogo
12-11-09, 16:04
Left MIA on Friday 27th, followed my usual routine of not telling any chicas I'm coming, this gives me a day to check out the new inventory before I fall back to the regulars. Arrived POP, tipped the musicians, and played the taxi game. I offered 20usd, they say 25, I walk away and they get pissed and come get me. The taxi guy makes me load my own luggage, jumps into drive and turns off the a/c. (Damn he takes 5 dollars seriously). As we pull up to Europa I see my beach bunny working a new job at Domino bar, I casually slide down in the seat and tuck my hat as we drive by. Check in freshen up and the taxi guy for Europa sitting out front says it's carnival in Puerto plata on the Malecon. We go there. Women were everywhere, Rageaton music, Scantily dressed chicas, All grinding to the music. It seems the chicas were all ready to fuck in the street. Alot were young girls, but this was just a spectators sport for me. At midnight I tell driver vamos, and he drops me at Classicos. The open bar club on the corner, across from meringue is my scout spot. From there you can see the girls coming on moto concho and taxi's. You can also see sosua life, latino's, and merengue bar. This one stunner draws my attention. I finish my Cuba libre quickly, as she seems overwelmed by the activities. I drop a cien peso bill on the bar and move within kill range. She walks over by the bottom of the stairs to Classicos, but turns and walks away. I'm 15 feet behind stalking her fine ass. She doesn't seem to know anyone, then she ask's a chica something. The chica points to the right for el banos. Information processed, I got to have her. I pop a trident gum, put my sunglasses on, and tug my hat for good luck. When she exits the bathroom I say hola, introduce myself and make eye contact. Her palms were rough, hands strong and had a naive way about herself (Campo girl). I tell her I'm going to Classicos and she can join me for a cervasa. Classico's is packed standing room only. One of the waiters who I tip well taps me on the shoulder and says follow him. Next to the dance floor is a table with two high back barstools. But 2 haitian girls are there with no driks but thier purses on the table. The waiter tells the Haitians to go, and they leave their chairs and grab their purses. The girl and I sit down but I tell the haitians their purses can stay (I want to see them shake their asses in front of me). I check my watch because domino bar closes at 2am Then the coast will be clear. At 2:30am We hop a moto conch in front of classicos to go staight to Europa. Latinos (on left)passing Lous and Seacrets (on right) then O SHIT! Domino bar is still open. I tuck my head to the right to hide, and didn't know my that hat knocked the girls ear ring off. She yells ear ring in spanish, the moto concho guy brakes, and I say nooooo. He does a you-turn and stops right in front of Domino bar. I hear my sosua name yelled from behind the bar. I look up stupidly and say "hola mi amor"I say mas tarde and go to europa. At Europa the campo girl doesn't know how to check her cedula. She keeps standing there waiting for it to be retuned. She doesn't want to go until her cedula is returned. We finally get to the room and I start stripping. She goes in the bathroom. I put on channel 32(porn channel)sit back and stroke my dick in antisapation. She comes out in bra and panties and her phone in 3 pieces. She said it got wet in the bathroom, I said"forget that" and"take off the bra and panties and get over here'. She comes to the bed and starts bouncing her phone on the bed trying to get the water out. I'm thinking is that sink water of toilet water? I finally get her naked and she starts kissing my chest. I grab her hand and push it south. She starts yanking my dick trying to pull it off. I say no and push her head there. Then she starts sucking me real fast. I point to the tv wher the guy was getting some slow head, now she's cooking. She went down to lick my balls, but then starts sucking them real hard. My balls rolling in her mouth was not very comfortable. So I strap up and mount her missionary. Then we reverse cowgirl while I was grabbing her tits and her riding me. Then we did doggie, I grabbed her hair pulled back then forward, now the ass was up where I wanted. She tried to run by going down to her stomach, but I was still with her. Then the girl rolls on her side and says "no mas"WHAT THE FUCK. Part two later.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.I reposted this because I felt bad asking guys to post but I can't. This was my first trip report from earliier this year. Note the amatuerish style. No paragraphs, I didn't even proof read it. I just put me out there to share the fun I had. I have to protect GOGo more, so now I think before I write, which takes away from the content. But the last two trip reports I just read from other mongers really excited me.

Thanks guys.

12-11-09, 16:37
You got a firm grip on things for a first visit. I have rarely read such a sensible and fair-minded report from a first-timer.

As you made progress with non-pros on this your first and short visit I would guess you are reasonably young and good-looking. Other first-time visitors should be aware that unless you have these advantages, or others such as fluent Spanish, (Latin) dancing skills, or money to burn, you are very unlikely to get far with them on a short visit. Many who claim to have done so have in fact run into working girls playing the long game.

I've said this before, sometimes I wish I could dance latin music instead of speaking spanish, it means alot more to show them how fun you are instead of telling them what they want to hear. However, not knowing how to dance sometimes brings the excuse I am willing to learn and I want them to teach me. My spanish is good but it isn't my first language, I'm still learning new words everyday. I am 29 and I spent 17 days during my first visit, probably a little more than necessary. And yes, money is essential, but I think next few visits I can budget alot better now that I know much more about this place.

12-11-09, 23:08
Hey guys, experienced USA hobbyist here going on a trip to the DR and certainly glad to have found this thread. I am planning on staying in DR for 2-3 months and would really like to find a nice place and understand I'll end up paying more for it. What brought me to this thread was that I found a condo I liked online and the location just happened to be in Sosua so I then told some friends and they came across this thread online. The condo I was looking to stay in is here: http://www.Infiniti-blu.com/condo-rentals.html Are there better deals elsewhere in DR someone can direct me to?

Can you guys tell me anything about the surrounding area? Will I be able to get taxis in order to get around? Is it walking distnace to any type of club/bar/restaurants/grocery store to go to? Will I need to rent a car?

Is it walking distance to the pro's of Sosua? Even if it is, would I even be able to bring any back to my location here? Would I even want to or would I probably just be better off

Any advice or recommendations for me would be appreciated, I'm mainly looking for a way to get around in DR (walking? Taxi?) without a car, looking for nice place to stay, looking to do some mongering, as well as experience some of the culture, ideally a beach too, etc.

12-11-09, 23:09
Hey guys,

Experienced USA hobbyist here going on a trip to the DR and certainly glad to have found this thread. I am planning on staying in DR for 2-3 months and would really like to find a nice place and understand I'll end up paying more for it. What brought me to this thread was that I found a condo I liked online and the location just happened to be in Sosua so I then told some friends and they came across this thread online. The condo I was looking to stay in is here: http://www.Infiniti-blu.com/condo-rentals.html Are there better deals elsewhere in DR someone can direct me to?

Can you guys tell me anything about the surrounding area? Will I be able to get taxis in order to get around? Is it walking distnace to any type of club/bar/restaurants/grocery store to go to? Will I need to rent a car?

Is it walking distance to the pro's of Sosua? Even if it is, would I even be able to bring any back to my location here? Would I even want to or would I probably just be better off

Any advice or recommendations for me would be appreciated, I'm mainly looking for a way to get around in DR (walking? Taxi?) without a car, looking for nice place to stay, looking to do some mongering, as well as experience some of the culture, ideally a beach too, etc.

12-12-09, 00:45
I have returned from 1 month in Road 20 days in sosua.

Really my impresion is that tourism is really low now many girls and litlle tourist and most of them are expats receiving the pension from their countries.

99 % of the dominicans will contact you will be some interest behind. Many times will try to rip you. If you want to buy something send your girl alone because if they see the girl wih a gringo price is double automatically with even if they have gived the price to the girl alone with stupid reasons.

So at the end who killed the Hen of the golden eggs of the tourism in Road

1-The dominicans thinking that us are stupid and can ask for outrageous prices for shit products and services and this includes the girls that most of them whaqnt ot earn in 2 hours what a normal worker earns in 10 days. And in most cases for a half assed job.

2- Americans paying 100 USD for a 1 hour with a girl (girls told me that some are paying this) I saw some of them throwing dollar bill in the disco and everybody picking them.

I can accept that you want to have a holidays like the Pimps in a videoclip of snoop dogg sorrunded by w_h_o_r_e_s. But man don't spoil the market for others with little budget or hungrier than you.

Please you are pissing inside the tend.

I saw many girls in clasicos that when I propose her 1000 pesos they say they prefer to remain in her house sleeping (most dominican girls with high pretentions) at the end I always has had my 1000 pesos girl (most of them they wish to repeat when I met them some days after) and the dominican going sleep alone(as many of the girls in clasicos) now is purchaser's marked. Many girls has a lot of debts in rents unpayed and many other things and beleive me colleages the preasure is in her side actually. But really paying 1000 pesos you are paying double as a dominican. And are we worst or stupid?

12-12-09, 03:16
Does anyone have the names and map of all the strip clubs in Puerto Plata and Sosua. Or could some one map one.

Thanks Players

12-12-09, 07:17
Sorry for multiple posting, didn't see it showing up in the thread and it finally went through after what looks like many hours.

12-12-09, 07:42
I am a citizen of the United States, recently retired, with a decent pension. I am also very hungry for sex, because I have spent almost my entire life in the "sex gulag" of the USA. The rare exceptions having been travel to a couple of countries where "el gringo rico" was sought-after for short-term affairs (at a profit for the chica who was so lucky as to have paired up with 'him'!)

My hopes. Not referring to "plans, " because I have a sick, elderly relative whose physical condition might not permit me to meet these as "plans". Were to slip down to Blackbeard's for a few days in March or April, and have a holiday of "sexual healing".

Trilero, your post persuades me that it's unfair to Dominicanos that I come to slake my thirst at your well; that it violates the economics of the DomRep that a "rich American tourist" might pay "tourist prices" for the satisfaction that he cannot buy at home, and thus inflate the prices of p**ntang for the locals in the DomRep's depressed economy. Never mind that the USA's economy is depressed as well; never mind that the men of the USA are depressed out-of-proportion to the economy, because the women of the USA don't give a s**t either.

It's so obviously wrong of me, and my "rich compadres of the USA, " to have any lustful urges that can't be satisfied by a good strong left hand, that I have decided that I should stay home and let the Dominicans have it all. Whether they can afford to pay for it or not; whether my "tourist dollars" might have reached beyond the girls' purses, or not. It's obviously unfair that I might have enough money to pay my way for my play. I should obviously be ashamed of myself for being ready to fly down there, take a room at Blackbeard's, and spend too much money getting "sexually healed. " Please accept my apologies and my regrets.

I hope my sacrifice will help you maintain the "p***y parity" that you so evidently need, and that my fellow "turistos ricos" have denied the economy. I apologize that any extra "tourist dollars" that I might have spent in your country won't arrive there to help you and your countrymen. I regret further that I haven't developed such a taste for Brugal Rum that my drinking habits. Exacerbated by the fact that "I can't get no satisfaction" in the USA or, now, the DomRep. Might benefit your country.

It sucks to be me, too. Misery loves company. Try to find some fun in this.

I have returned from 1 month in Road 20 days in sosua.

Really my impresion is that tourism is really low now many girls and litlle tourist and most of them are expats receiving the pension from their countries.

99 % of the dominicans will contact you will be some interest behind. Many times will try to rip you. If you want to buy something send your girl alone because if they see the girl wih a gringo price is double automatically with even if they have gived the price to the girl alone with stupid reasons.

So at the end who killed the Hen of the golden eggs of the tourism in Road

1-The dominicans thinking that us are stupid and can ask for outrageous prices for shit products and services and this includes the girls that most of them whaqnt ot earn in 2 hours what a normal worker earns in 10 days. And in most cases for a half assed job.

2- Americans paying 100 USD for a 1 hour with a girl (girls told me that some are paying this) I saw some of them throwing dollar bill in the disco and everybody picking them.

I can accept that you want to have a holidays like the Pimps in a videoclip of snoop dogg sorrunded by w_h_o_r_e_s. But man don't spoil the market for others with little budget or hungrier than you.

Please you are pissing inside the tend.

I saw many girls in clasicos that when I propose her 1000 pesos they say they prefer to remain in her house sleeping (most dominican girls with high pretentions) at the end I always has had my 1000 pesos girl (most of them they wish to repeat when I met them some days after) and the dominican going sleep alone(as many of the girls in clasicos) now is purchaser's marked. Many girls has a lot of debts in rents unpayed and many other things and beleive me colleages the preasure is in her side actually. But really paying 1000 pesos you are paying double as a dominican. And are we worst or stupid?

Puerto La Cruz
12-12-09, 13:22
Hey guys,

Experienced USA hobbyist here going on a trip to the DR and certainly glad to have found this thread. I am planning on staying in DR for 2-3 months and would really like to find a nice place and understand I'll end up paying more for it. What brought me to this thread was that I found a condo I liked online and the location just happened to be in Sosua so I then told some friends and they came across this thread online. The condo I was looking to stay in is here: http://www.Infiniti-blu.com/condo-rentals.html Are there better deals elsewhere in DR someone can direct me to?

Can you guys tell me anything about the surrounding area? Will I be able to get taxis in order to get around? Is it walking distnace to any type of club/bar/restaurants/grocery store to go to? Will I need to rent a car?

Is it walking distance to the pro's of Sosua? Even if it is, would I even be able to bring any back to my location here? Would I even want to or would I probably just be better off

Any advice or recommendations for me would be appreciated, I'm mainly looking for a way to get around in DR (walking? Taxi?) without a car, looking for nice place to stay, looking to do some mongering, as well as experience some of the culture, ideally a beach too, etc.
We need the specific location of where you will be staying to answer your questions. There are a couple of taxi stands on each end of the main drag. For strictly local transportation, you can just jump on the back on any motoconcho you see. Most things in El Batey are within walking distance. At least half of the girls, I would not bring back to my place but there are pleny of others that I would. I never had any problems from neighbors when I brought women back to a condo.

You will want to rent a car if you want to head out to Samana or out by Moca in the other direction. There are no rules of the road there, particularly at night when it isn't unusual to see vehicles without headlights or taillights. Drive carefully as any accident you might get into will be your fault, even if rear ended.

Should you want to head to Santiago or Santo Domingo, there are the Caribe Tours busses that are air conditioned, comfortable and reasonably priced.

12-13-09, 06:01
I'm not sure this is familiar to anybody here, but there is a guy missing in Sosua now! His name is Apostropheman and he was last seen wendsday late afternoon. I saw the guy's pic and I recognize him in passing before. I'm not sure if he lives there but the expat community is in an unsttled state. I believe he is a member here also. "a little help please! "

Rebel Monger
12-13-09, 10:19
Hey guys,

Experienced USA hobbyist here going on a trip to the DR and certainly glad to have found this thread. I am planning on staying in DR for 2-3 months and would really like to find a nice place and understand I'll end up paying more for it. What brought me to this thread was that I found a condo I liked online and the location just happened to be in Sosua so I then told some friends and they came across this thread online. The condo I was looking to stay in is here: http://www.Infiniti-blu.com/condo-rentals.html Are there better deals elsewhere in DR someone can direct me to?

Can you guys tell me anything about the surrounding area? Will I be able to get taxis in order to get around? Is it walking distnace to any type of club/bar/restaurants/grocery store to go to? Will I need to rent a car?

Is it walking distance to the pro's of Sosua? Even if it is, would I even be able to bring any back to my location here? Would I even want to or would I probably just be better off

Any advice or recommendations for me would be appreciated, I'm mainly looking for a way to get around in DR (walking? Taxi?) without a car, looking for nice place to stay, looking to do some mongering, as well as experience some of the culture, ideally a beach too, etc.
You're going to be in Sosua for a long time, so you don't need to rush things. Just get a room for a week in a hotel (Sea Breeze, Don Antonio, New Garden), and then go to Rocky's and ask Marco if he has any condo available (I'm sure he will). You will get a good place at a cheaper price. That place you mentioned is way overpriced, and for the pictures, they could be deceiving!

As for the taxi to get around Sosua, once there you will be surprise of how small that place is. Just walk everywhere, it'll be good for you.

You don't need to worry about anything in Sosua, all you need would be close by and in a few day you'll be an expert. Do watch for the ladies there, no matter what they say or do, they are not in love with you, they just want your money, lots of it. Another thing, don't leave your contact information and don't get theirs, if you do, you'll receive unwanted requests. No matter what others might say, don't do it!

Have fun!

12-13-09, 16:08
Hey Puerto,

This appears to be the location of the condo: http://www.infiniti-blu.com/sosua-map.html - I've never been to Sosua but hope that helps.

Rebel, yeah that'sa good idea, I probably will just get to Sosua and stay in a hotel for a few days while I take the time to look for a condo to rent. I knew the price of that price was definitely going to be higher, but I figured if I'm going to be there for 2-3 months I'm looking to stay in as nice of a place as I can, are there better condos in Sosua you know of? Or Marco you think?

Do you guys think Sosua is the best location to go for the 3 month trip. My friend and I are mainly looking for a location that will be preferably near a beach in a tropical type location, easy transportation, and close proximity to nightlife / restaurants / towns where we can meet the DR women (pro and nonpros).

If Sosua fits that's perfect; if other places should be looked into let me know.

12-13-09, 17:03
El Neptuno condos are nice in Sosua, two bedroom, two bath condos, close to all. Infiniti Blue, I can remember seeing their billboard years ago. Maybe Infiniti Blue is located closer to where Playa Chiquita Casino is, not sure. 2-3 months in Sosua, I would have to do some side trips. If you don't plan on having a car, Sosua is easy, just about everything within walking distance. For side trips you can take the bus.

Hey Puerto,

This appears to be the location of the condo: http://www.infiniti-blu.com/sosua-map.html - I've never been to Sosua but hope that helps.

Rebel, yeah that'sa good idea, I probably will just get to Sosua and stay in a hotel for a few days while I take the time to look for a condo to rent. I knew the price of that price was definitely going to be higher, but I figured if I'm going to be there for 2-3 months I'm looking to stay in as nice of a place as I can, are there better condos in Sosua you know of? Or Marco you think?

Do you guys think Sosua is the best location to go for the 3 month trip. My friend and I are mainly looking for a location that will be preferably near a beach in a tropical type location, easy transportation, and close proximity to nightlife / restaurants / towns where we can meet the DR women (pro and nonpros).

If Sosua fits that's perfect; if other places should be looked into let me know.

Puerto La Cruz
12-13-09, 17:23
Having looked at the map you are within very reasonable walking distance to Calle Pedro Clisante. If its too hot out, just jump on the back of a moto concho. The advice about seeing Marco at Rocky's is very good. He has at least one unit at Tradewinds that I know about. I had a unit there at one time and it is safe and well maintained with a nice pool. Its a little farther removed from the action but I walked into town many times from there. Also, motoconchos will congregate at the bottom of the hill by Tradewinds, so transportation into town is easily available.

Marco also does short term condo rentals.

Marc Anthony
12-13-09, 17:28
Hey guys,

Experienced USA hobbyist here going on a trip to the DR and certainly glad to have found this thread. I am planning on staying in DR for 2-3 months and would really like to find a nice place and understand I'll end up paying more for it. What brought me to this thread was that I found a condo I liked online and the location just happened to be in Sosua so I then told some friends and they came across this thread online. The condo I was looking to stay in is here: http://www.Infiniti-blu.com/condo-rentals.html Are there better deals elsewhere in DR someone can direct me to?

Can you guys tell me anything about the surrounding area? Will I be able to get taxis in order to get around? Is it walking distnace to any type of club/bar/restaurants/grocery store to go to? Will I need to rent a car?

Is it walking distance to the pro's of Sosua? Even if it is, would I even be able to bring any back to my location here? Would I even want to or would I probably just be better off

Any advice or recommendations for me would be appreciated, I'm mainly looking for a way to get around in DR (walking? Taxi?) without a car, looking for nice place to stay, looking to do some mongering, as well as experience some of the culture, ideally a beach too, etc.

This is the newest, fanciest, beachfront development in town. The location is good on it's own little beach but in town so you can easily walk to things. The project is not finished so there may be construction in progress or things torn up.

The advice to just come and stay at one of the regular hotels and check it out in person is very good advice. It's a mistake to book these things long term without being on the ground and trying them short term yourself.

You can't really tell whether the place suits your needs without actually living there - and you can do that 1 day at a time to try it out before booking at $2000 a month. You can bring chicas back to any condo but what the neighbors or security or the physical layout is like effect your experience quite a bit.

There are other nice condos in town, including beachfront. My favorite beachfront is Blue Bayou - those are older and not as nicely furnished and appointed but the location is fabulous (all 9 units look out over the ocean to the west on a cliff with private stairs to a small beach - right in the center of town). At infinity blue many units face inland.

If money is not an issue it may not be the choice but Condos Dominicanos is an excellent choice for location, security, chica friendliness, and price. You can rent a decent 1 BR condo for much less. Not all have AC and they have a nice pool but are several blocks from the beach - though right in the middle of town across from city hall.

You can walk (or if you staying 3 months get a bicycle) anywhere in Sosua. For shopping or other needs just get the cell number of a cab driver and you can call him anytime to pick you up. Motoconchos are everywhere and cheap but dangerous (nasty injuries are common). I think having a convenient location to walk to things is extremely important and some of the condos/villas are too far outlying for that. Unless you have a car you've got a very long walk to get to anything.

Just plan on spending your first week checking places out, and getting to know the town for a couple hours each day before you decide on settling down for 3 months.

12-13-09, 17:37
Day 1

Went to Sousa 12/4 with the wife for some fun. Landed in Miami for DR connection rushed to the connecting flight. Miami airport sucks they got you walking for miles to gates. We finally catch our flight to Puerto Plata. We get to Puerto Plata and see the fine ass chicas that want to take a picture with them. I counter act that with you can take a picture with me for $2.00. We laugh all the way down to pick up our bags. We get to the baggage area a little nervous last time we came our luggage was left in Miami for a whole day. We had nothing but the clothes on our backs. That sucked. We did put a few things in the carry on this time. As we wait for our bags I get a bad feeling. Yep those cocksuckers in Miami once again didn't get our bags on the plane. I walk to American Airlines office and see the same guy we saw last time and give him some shit. Then it became apparent to me he didn’t give a shit and there was nothing I could do but wait until the next day.

I complained to American last time and they gave me and the wife 12,000 air miles a piece. Wow we need 70,000 for a trip from home to Puerto Plata. I am currently in negotiations with the assholes from American I complained again telling them this was the second time and the asshole sends me email saying they would credit me 5,000 miles. 5,000 for the second incident he must be on drugs.

We were staying at the New Garden and were told that we would have pick up. After filling out the lost paperwork for AA American Assholes we walked outside. No driver from New Garden was there so we had to take a different cab. He tried to jack us $35 from the airport to New garden. No no no. we gave him $25.

We got to the New garden got a room in the old section. I had previously requested and was told I had a room in the new section. They said that when we didn’t arrive with the others from the airport they thought we weren’t coming so they gave my room to someone else. This sucks, they tried to have the guy who had my room give it back to me, he wasn't having it. So we didn't want no drama so we took the old room on the third floor. Actually the room wasn't to bad. It was served its purpose it was clean and had a balcony, I just didn't like being on the third floor. I thought they would give me break on the price because of their mistake, I thought wrong no break.

We went over to Bailey's for some grub I love that place the food is pretty good. Since the Orange store was closed I had no cell phone. While we were eating a Haitian guy comes at me with a cell phone for sale. I tell him no I just need a Orange Sim card for $500dop. Lo and behold he takes out of his wallet an orange Sim card. I get back to the New garden put the Sim card in my unlocked phone mother fucker got me the Sim card was no good. He got me shame on me I owe that motherfucker an ass whipping next time I see him. Actually I need an ass whipping for being stupid.

Day 2

Eat the free breakfast at the New garden not bad. Its late morning and I am checking out the talent not many that I like. We walk over to the Orange store and get a real Sim card for $100dop, man that steams me even more about that motherfucker beating me. We go to the market and get a few supplies and walk back to the room. I see a group of girls by the pool, I bring some J-Lo perfume samples that I had and get a four presidentes and walk over and give them the presidentes and the perfume. I then noticed one of the girls was a chica that we were with the last time we came. She was a scam artist she performed on the wife and when it came time for me to drive her into the ground she says to finish with the wife, and asked for tip to get home. WTF I was told by other girls she was grimy like that. She is a pretty girl I think she goes by Bruni. I just looked at her and laughed she pretended she didn't know me.

I then noticed a pretty girl by the bar and approached her she gave me her number and told me her name was Jennifer, Jennifer "Pobre" I said Bendito. I also got a number from Noami light skinned kind of thick. After comparing the two we settled on Jennifer. We then agreed to meet later at Classico's. we went and played pool at Latino's. Had a few drinks, the bartender at Latinos although a little thick was very cute to me. Our date then came into Latino’s but did not join us and gave us space. We told her we were going to Classico's. We then went to Classico’s it was about 10:30pm man it was dead, we waited awhile next thing you know it was 12am and packed. We saw all types of hoes from 3's to 9's in my opinion. It is tough to have the hoes try to pick you up when your wife is there. They give me the goo goo eyes and then notice her and back up. Plus I have to be respectful to her. So having your wife as your wingman has its good and bad sides. Next thing we see an old friend Elizabeth huge knockers she comes in and sits with us. She offers to go back to the room with us. but we already have a date. She befriended us last time but told us then she wasn't into women, now she said she would, no that’s okay. Next thing we know the scammer Bruni walks by us with a group of girls Elizabeth busting her balls yells to her to say look who's here pointing to me and the wife, She waves and quickly walks away, we all laughed. The dance floor was heating up all the chicas were dancing nasty just the way I like it.

The next thing I know a wave of people come running towards us I’m thinking did someone pull out a gun. I then noticed it was two chicas in a cat fight. Which then escalated into two gringos going at it. I give the security guys credit they got rid of the fighters quickly. Everything is cool and a drunk ***** plows right into my wife nearly knocking her over. Man she was pissed and I did everything I could to keep her from busting that bitches ass. Its now about 2:30am, I am ready to go we grab our date and I walk hand in hand with the wife and our date. Its funny as we walk out of Classico’s even with two women the chicas were still trying to grab the JOHNSON. I tell you in Sosua all you have to be is a man and have a couple dollars, your ego blows right up. We get back to New garden and our date gives her Cedula (Dominican ID) to the security guard. We then proceed up to our room. We talked and then got down to business. It was a great session, she did the wife gave me BBBJ, multiple positions, The Jimmy J JOHNSON was very happy, the only downside was she didn’t want any photos. It was now 5am, I offered her to spend the night but she didn’t want to feel like a third wheel after my wife was telling her how much we were in love and what a good man I was to her. She said we should just cuddle alone as man and wife. Shit I would of liked to cuddle up to her nice titties first thing in the morning. She said she had a friend very close by she could crash with. We told her to come back in the morning and we would have breakfast with her.

Day 3
She called us and told us she was ready for breakfast we met her and had breakfast. She told us she was going home to Santiago for a couple of days. We wished her well and told her we would call her the next time we were in town. I would give her a B+ overall. The sex was good but not the kind when you say damn and remember it for days after. We would repeat with her again. We have been with chicas and the second times have been even better then the first time. We were with a chica at BB’s that we had been with twice before but this time it was off the charts and we are still talking about the experience, but that’s another story.

We then checked out and went Blackbeard’s (Barba Negra) now that’s another chapter.

12-13-09, 20:30
We got to the New garden got a room in the old section. I had previously requested and was told I had a room in the new section. They said that when we didn’t arrive with the others from the airport they thought we weren’t coming so they gave my room to someone else. This sucks...,
I have to side with the hotel on this one. They know and verify when your flight arrives and when you don't materialize in a reasonable amount of time you can't expect them to hold your room if you don't tell them what is going on. I think they went the extra mile just in asking the other guy to vacate.

I get back to the New garden put the Sim card in my unlocked phone mother fucker got me the Sim card was no good. He got me shame on me I owe that motherfucker an ass whipping next time I see him.
Those guys cruse by Bailys 20x per day. Hang by there for awhile at your next meal and you'll see the guy again. Most those guys will listen when they find you more sincere than angry that his product screwed you and then will make honest efforts to try and make it up.

I then noticed one of the girls was a chica that we were with the last time we came. She was a scam artist she performed on the wife and when it came time for me to drive her into the ground she says to finish with the wife, and asked for tip to get home.
I wonder how this stuff works. Normally you hire a ho for $1500 and you bang her for 1:1 action. The ho believes she is hired to sex up one person. In your situation there are now 2 persons. Should she get paid double? No, not if you explicity explained how this would go down. You can't just assume it though, or guys would go out, get a girl, and then have 5 guys waiting in the room for her and expect the same price.

She is a pretty girl I think she goes by Bruni. I just looked at her and laughed she pretended she didn't know me.
The B*h !!! I bet if you looked her photo is around her somewhere. I remember I and others posted some up about 10 months ago.

I did everything I could to keep her from busting that bitches ass...
Woah....and possibly getting you both of you thrown in jail. Your not in Kansas anymore I am sure you know...

12-13-09, 21:24
Wow thanks for all of your positivity. I have never had a report dissected by anyone like you did. Did you miss anything. All of your comments seemed to be in the negative. Could you have commented on anything positive. Overall it was another great trip. I would go to New garden all day long. I wasn't trying to say they (New Garden) did anything wrong. Just stating how my day was going with the lost luggage, bad sim card and different room at the hotel. The trip then turned around and was great. It was my first day and it just didnt go the way we wished it would have. The girl who scammed us knows she scammed, hey live and learn I even have no ill will towrds her and bought her a beer and gave her perfume samples along with the other New garden girls. It seems like every thing I said you were contrite with. Both the wife and myself are natural spanish speakers so I dont want to hear about cultural differences. A scammer is a scammer sometimes we end up on the short end of the stick. Anyway good luck to you and I wish you you well. I would have PM'd you but you replied in the forum for everyone else to see. If I appear to be oversensitive slap me silly. It just feels like you flamed me.

Best wishes Carlos

12-13-09, 23:43
Thanks for the report. I was at Classicos the night that fight broke out, I remember one of the girls got laid on the ground and then the two gringos couldn't even connect a clean punch on each other. People were indeed running like someone pulled a gun out and I was just trying to protect my beer from been knocked down. Must be quite unique to have your wife as your wingman.

12-14-09, 00:33
I guess I am guilty of not saying what I good report I thought it was so I am sorry you took it another way.

All the other stuff was for the benefit of the less experienced. That is, to think about where you are, what your doing, and in general how to best navigate the society your invading so there is no mal consequence to your precious vacation time.

12-14-09, 01:43
Wow thanks for all of your positivity. I have never had a report dissected by anyone like you did. Did you miss anything. All of your comments seemed to be in the negative. Could you have commented on anything positive. Overall it was another great trip. I would go to New garden all day long. I wasn't trying to say they (New Garden) did anything wrong. Just stating how my day was going with the lost luggage, bad sim card and different room at the hotel. The trip then turned around and was great. It was my first day and it just didnt go the way we wished it would have. The girl who scammed us knows she scammed, hey live and learn I even have no ill will towrds her and bought her a beer and gave her perfume samples along with the other New garden girls. It seems like every thing I said you were contrite with. Both the wife and myself are natural spanish speakers so I dont want to hear about cultural differences. A scammer is a scammer sometimes we end up on the short end of the stick. Anyway good luck to you and I wish you you well. I would have PM'd you but you replied in the forum for everyone else to see. If I appear to be oversensitive slap me silly. It just feels like you flamed me.

Best wishes CarlosTeamHorny,

I think Ehunter is just jealous of the wonderful relationship and "arrangement" you and your wife have.

Great report.

Mr Gogo
12-14-09, 09:07

I think Ehunter is just jealous of the wonderful relationship and "arrangement" you and your wife have.

Great report.Hell, I'm jealous also. Does your wife have a sister? Believe me team horny many guys on this board wonder how you got so lucky. If I ever meet you I'm going to get you drunk so you will reveal your secrets. Keep doing what your doing. When I was in latinos there was a distinguished gentelman with black glasses with a beautiful blonde lady having a good time. Maybe that was you. LOL

12-14-09, 18:35
Hell, I'm jealous also. Does your wife have a sister? Believe me team horny many guys on this board wonder how you got so lucky. If I ever meet you I'm going to get you drunk so you will reveal your secrets. Keep doing what your doing. When I was in latinos there was a distinguished gentelman with black glasses with a beautiful blonde lady having a good time. Maybe that was you. LOL

Thanks for the props , I am black american and look hispanic the wife is boricua, with brown hair we are in our forties. We stayed at the New Garden 12/2 to 12/4 we only went to Classico's on 12/3. We hung out in Latinos both nights though.

DR Monger II
12-14-09, 20:30
Has anyone stayed at Sosua Bay Grand Casino? What are the rates there? Is it chica friendly? Also, has tourism slowed down since the recession hit? I've been looking at hotel prices and tour prices and they seem the same. Are there still a lot of Haitian girls at Latinos and Classicos? When I went it seemed that 99% of the women were black.

12-14-09, 21:26
Has anyone stayed at Sosua Bay Grand Casino? What are the rates there? Is it chica friendly? Also, has tourism slowed down since the recession hit? I've been looking at hotel prices and tour prices and they seem the same. Are there still a lot of Haitian girls at Latinos and Classicos? When I went it seemed that 99% of the women were black.Sosua Bay Hotel is across from the new casino, also shares the same pool and dining area with the victorian house. I stayed at both places many years ago when a 5 night vacation package with air was about 500 dollars from New York. The Italian guy who owns Sosua Bay Hotel and the new casino raised his rates. Same package nowadays is about 1000 dollars. Last time I stayed at Sosua Bay Hotel, the rooms were dated and needed freshening. Many years ago the Sosua bay Hotel used to have a chef in the dining area all night till the morning, he would prepare chicken or hamburgers for guests after partying all night in Sosua. I don't think they do that anymore. The new building with the casino, I wonder if it has hotel rooms. The Victorian House rooms are nicer.

Tourism is down throughout the island, but most hotels will not lower their rate during the winter, they know many people from cold climates want to escape to the sunshine. Rates at hotels remain high now through April. During the off season you can find better rates for all inclusive type hotels.

Charles Pooter
12-14-09, 22:48
Has anyone stayed at Sosua Bay Grand Casino? What are the rates there? Is it chica friendly? Also, has tourism slowed down since the recession hit? I've been looking at hotel prices and tour prices and they seem the same. Are there still a lot of Haitian girls at Latinos and Classicos? When I went it seemed that 99% of the women were black.
Yes tourism has slowed down a lot. Existing hotels may advertise the same prices but are more open to negotiation. Also many have closed, which of course helps the survivors to stay in business.

I am pleased to report that the proportion of haitianas at Latinos and Classicos steadily increases each month. If times are hard in the DR, they are desperate in Haïti. Tragic for them but good for my slim mongering budget.

Depends what you call "black". I would guess not more than 30% of putas are "black" (made up from 25% haitianas and 5% dominicanas). But if you call guys like Obama and Woods "black" then you could up that percentage considerably. (I am going by what the Dominicans call "negra". "Morena" has a less precise meaning).

I don't think anyone would ever say that 99% were black unless they belong to some extreme Aryan racial-purity faction. Perhaps you do?

Rebel Monger
12-15-09, 00:23
Thanks for the props , I am black american and look hispanic the wife is boricua, with brown hair we are in our forties. We stayed at the New Garden 12/2 to 12/4 we only went to Classico's on 12/3. We hung out in Latinos both nights though.
I know we have plenty of blacks in Latinamerica and they're (by birth and culture) Latinos, but how can a black American look Latino? Do you mean a Latino who happens to be black or are you of mixed race?

Like Charles Pooter explained, in Latinamerica President Obama is not considered black. As a matter of fact, long time ago in Cuba he wouldn't be allowed in black social clubs as he would be considered "white". By the way, he wouldn't be allowed in the white ones either for being considered "black". What a dilema, eh? It's like the bat, looks like a mouse but flies like a bird, but it's neither.

12-15-09, 00:34
Yes tourism has slowed down a lot. Existing hotels may advertise the same prices but are more open to negotiation. Also many have closed, which of course helps the survivors to stay in business.

I am pleased to report that the proportion of haitianas at Latinos and Classicos steadily increases each month. If times are hard in the DR, they are desperate in Haïti. Tragic for them but good for my slim mongering budget.

Depends what you call "black". I would guess not more than 30% of putas are "black" (made up from 25% haitianas and 5% dominicanas). But if you call guys like Obama and Woods "black" then you could up that percentage considerably. (I am going by what the Dominicans call "negra". "Morena" has a less precise meaning).

I don't think anyone would ever say that 99% were black unless they belong to some extreme Aryan racial-purity faction. Perhaps you do?White, black, negra, morena, Haitian, Dominican, makes no difference to me they're all pink inside.

DR Monger II
12-15-09, 11:38
Besides Newgarden, which hotels would you guys recommend? What's wrong with Europa, it used to be a hot place in ISG? Casa Valeria? Hotel Don Andres?

12-15-09, 13:15
Don't book the Europa. I stayed there first trip. A/c did not work. I got sick. Finally demanded a refund and they "Magically "came up with a new room which they said they did not have. Not to mention the little queer who gives you shit for every guest you bring in.

Sea Breeze is cheap 40 bucks but no thrills small safes are not good.

Lots of others but New Garden is better this is why. Free Wi fi in resteraunt and in hotel with plug ins if ness. Even if your are not from there just having coffee. Its 15 dollars more than Sea Breeze with good safes in old rooms, and better ones in New Rooms. Free Breakfast which is worth what? 10 bucks in Sosua? Rooms are spacious in comparison to Sea Breaze with 2 beds in most. View of Pool. The other is alot of people who stay there who travel alot also who if there friendly and your friendly will strike up conversation or share info about anything from Viagra purchases, to your Skype phone. If your a private person the same people respect that and keep to themselves. Also the better looking girls in my opinion hang out there by day.

12-16-09, 06:00
Is there any update on the missing guy in Sosua? Been reading posts on DR1 but nothing yet on his whereabouts. I love Sosua but things like this make me a little nervous. He sounded like a decent guy and likely not involved in anything shady. My bud saw him at Herman's the day he went missing and said he had received death threats. Hope everything turns out OK for him.

Chief Justice
12-16-09, 09:07
Is there any update on the missing guy in Sosua? Been reading posts on DR1 but nothing yet on his whereabouts. I love Sosua but things like this make me a little nervous. He sounded like a decent guy and likely not involved in anything shady. My bud saw him at Herman's the day he went missing and said he had received death threats. Hope everything turns out OK for him.Where is the guy from?

DR Monger II
12-16-09, 11:33
Why did he receive death threats? Did he do something wrong?

Mr Gogo
12-16-09, 14:42
Why did he receive death threats? Did he do something wrong?They just posted his picture on DR1, its under living category. Everyone says he was a helpful guy. His family is headed there to assist the police. He was staying at Rocky's.

12-16-09, 21:48
Why did he receive death threats? Did he do something wrong?Canadian article about the missing guy: http://www.thespec.com/News/Local/article/691764

According to this article the guy had been robbed at gunpoint before. The guy was living in Sosua, at this point in time, no one knows what happened to him.

Charles Pooter
12-16-09, 23:39
My bud saw him at Herman's the day he went missing and said he had received death threats.
Things are not looking hopeful at the moment. If your bud really has any such information I hope he has passed it on to those co-ordinating the search. Contact details can be found on DR1 or by calling into Rocky's bar.

Charles Pooter
12-16-09, 23:44
Why did he receive death threats? Did he do something wrong?
D'Arcy is a sobre, honest and serious guy, the last sort one would expect to get into trouble or doing anything wrong. There have been some suggestions that he might have stumbled on something other people were doing wrong and the authorities are looking into this.

His friends and family are sick with worry and I don't think it helps by kicking hearsay and rumors around on this or other boards.

12-17-09, 04:23
I remember him from the "Palace" days. Thru my trips(13) I recall seeing him in Rocky's at the table near Marco's "lair" in front of a computer. I speculate as to what happened. I wonder where he lived. I thought about the area next to the jewelry store; the one where they haven't built anything yet. It was said he was seen on last on the main drag. Which is this? By the sosua gym or Classicos? Since the phone was used after the fact then that's what it's all about? An Iphone? I think of the times I go alone there, I have a protocol I follow and I sense there is more "underneath" the persona of life in sosua. This is nothing to rationalize about. I'm greatly distressed by his disappearance and pray for him and family as well.

DR Monger II
12-17-09, 11:41
Should one worry about going to Sosua alone? Theres no one out on some streets at night.

12-17-09, 14:49
Should one worry about going to Sosua alone? Theres no one out on some streets at night.I think one should always be aware. I always know I'm being watched from the moment I reach sosua. I know people live in those hotels not open for business without la luz, I know there was a guy riding a concho who would steal gold chains off tourist, I know not to go to some of the chicas homes at night in the shadows, I know theres more safey in numbers. I keep shit in the back of my head to minimize surprises. I don't like walkin down towards the Europa at night because of large shadows at some points, but this won't stop me from enjoying myself. When you reach a potential situation, never give anyone a chance to think move on. Remember above all, the tourist season is down so as we come to off season next yearthere will be even less

Resources available to the locals; not the time to bust out the "bling bling"!

Chief Justice
12-18-09, 00:39
Should one worry about going to Sosua alone? Theres no one out on some streets at night.I really don't think you have to worry about being in Sosua alone, but just don't be stupid about it late at night like anywhere else that is not your home. Travel with just enough money to get drinks and food at night and you shld be ok. I wouldn't wear flashy jewelry in a place that wasnt my home here in america or sosua and wouldn't go to a chicas place late night.

Marc Anthony
12-18-09, 14:13
Should one worry about going to Sosua alone? Theres no one out on some streets at night.

Put yourself in the place of a street criminal. Minimize your attractiveness as a target.

Unfortunately you can't really disguise your basic circumstances. You are an extranjero who probably has money and theftable stuff so you automatically get considered. So don't make it any worse. Dress down. Don't even bring jewelry of any kind - no chains, rings or watches . Have a cheap unfashionable local cell phone. Don't carry your passport. Don't carry a wallet. Never have more than a few thousand pesos on you. Keep the big bills (500,1000) in one pocket and the smaller bills in another so you are not flashing the big bills when you pay for small stuff. Keep passport, cash, wallet, etc. in the room safe. Never get drunk or seem distracted or otherwise vulnerable. Act like you are aware of your surroundings. As long as you seem like you probably don't have much worth stealing and might cause problems there are probably better prospects around.

12-18-09, 17:23
Put yourself in the place of a street criminal. Minimize your attractiveness as a target.

Unfortunately you can't really disguise your basic circumstances. You are an extranjero who probably has money and theftable stuff so you automatically get considered. So don't make it any worse. Dress down. Don't even bring jewelry of any kind - no chains, rings or watches . Have a cheap unfashionable local cell phone. Don't carry your passport. Don't carry a wallet. Never have more than a few thousand pesos on you. Keep the big bills (500,1000) in one pocket and the smaller bills in another so you are not flashing the big bills when you pay for small stuff. Keep passport, cash, wallet, etc. in the room safe. Never get drunk or seem distracted or otherwise vulnerable. Act like you are aware of your surroundings. As long as you seem like you probably don't have much worth stealing and might cause problems there are probably better prospects around.I would also say don't avoid eye contact, something that you might do at home .You know they are watching let them know that you know it, In other words "Man up"! You know that in a macho society certrain mannerisms are expected as a man. You don't have to be "Clint" .

DR Monger II
12-19-09, 04:18
I feel sorry for Apostropheman whose been missing in sosua. There's a whole thread about him in DR1 under the living section. I really wonder what happened to him.

Does anyone know if Casa Marina is guest friendly?

12-19-09, 17:27
I feel sorry for Apostropheman whose been missing in sosua. There's a whole thread about him in DR1 under the living section. I really wonder what happened to him.

Does anyone know if Casa Marina is guest friendly?Nope, they try to charge you extra for your guests.

Marc Anthony
12-19-09, 18:27
I feel sorry for Apostropheman whose been missing in sosua. There's a whole thread about him in DR1 under the living section. I really wonder what happened to him.

Does anyone know if Casa Marina is guest friendly?

No it's not, in the sense of bringing in chicas for free. No AI ever would because food and drinks are no charge.They are very strict about keeping out non-guests (no wristband). If you check the chica in and pay for her as a guest there is no problem and if she's into eating and drinking she may get a kick out of it. They also have day rates that are worth finding out about - I have heard locals can get in pretty cheaply on a day rate and when I was there I remember lots of dominicans coming in on weekends.

12-19-09, 19:09
No it's not, in the sense of bringing in chicas for free. No AI ever would because food and drinks are no charge.They are very strict about keeping out non-guests (no wristband). If you check the chica in and pay for her as a guest there is no problem and if she's into eating and drinking she may get a kick out of it. They also have day rates that are worth finding out about - I have heard locals can get in pretty cheaply on a day rate and when I was there I remember lots of dominicans coming in on weekends.Day pass is good from 10am to about 5pm, chicas have to have a cedula, cost is about 40 dollars. The people at the front desk can deny any chica entrance into their hotel, if for some reason they don't like the chica. Most all inclusives throughout the island usually have many local Dominicans who visit on the weekends. Overnight rate for a chica at the casa marina is probably over 60 dollars.

I met some chica online years ago who lived in Higuey. I was in Sosua one time down stairs from Classicos and the chica who had I met online came up to me and said hello. She had come into Sosua to make some money with her friend and they were staying at the Casa Marina. My wingman asked her much and she wouldn't budge off of 100 dollars. The next day we saw her and her friend with some extranjeros in the casa marina.

One time I stayed at the Coral Hamaca Hotel in boca chica, and there was a pro staying there. She would service guests from the hotel in the room she had rented there.

Kc Sports2
12-19-09, 23:04
This will be about my 5th trip of 2009. I will file a trip report upon return of this trip on Jan 14 to 23rd of 2010, with photo's. Does anyone know for fact if Residencial Hispanila Villas is guest friendly. NG appears to be filling up and Just want to try a more private upscale rental.

12-20-09, 22:26
This will be about my 5th trip of 2009. I will file a trip report upon return of this trip on Jan 14 to 23rd of 2010, with photo's. Does anyone know for fact if Residencial Hispanila Villas is guest friendly. NG appears to be filling up and Just want to try a more private upscale rental.Yes it is chica friendly. They are private villas.

12-23-09, 00:28
Hey, friends. Would love to see some trip reports!

I'll be in town in a week (starting on the 27th) and would love to hear what it is on the ground!!

I've got a few wingmen in line, but more are always welcome!

12-24-09, 18:41
Hey, friends. Would love to see some trip reports!

I'll be in town in a week (starting on the 27th) and would love to hear what it is on the ground!!

I've got a few wingmen in line, but more are always welcome!There will be 3 of us spending the night of 12/29 in Sosua. Meet us at Lou's place, the New York Shark Bar before 8PM. We'll be getting something to eat after a few beers there.

12-25-09, 01:45
Was at the Shark Bar last week and the place is kool and awsome having some beer and watching the games. Just the food got problem with.

Just so expensive there and all. When I was there the special was like 6 wings and fries for 350 pesos. 10 bucks or close to it.

He gets down to Rockys prices he be jaming there with the tvs and all.

12-27-09, 20:28
thanks for sharing your 'recent' experience. so with this yanet girl & her gf, you ended up with a 3-some? how much did you end up paying? i have not yet been to pop or sosua so pardon my naive questions. when you make a date with a girl in the clubs like classico it is one price, if you get them to come in the afternoon can you negotiate for a lower price? classicos and latinos are discos are takeout places where as passions is a place where you can session in short time rooms upstairs? all insights are welcome.

went to classico's one weeknight, there weren't too many people but the chicas were trying with the bump and grind. i like that! gave my number to one chica so she would call and left. slim girl, also a rubia (light brown or honey coloured hair), her name was yanet. the next day i was lounging around when she phoned up and asked to come over, i said sure. she must have been right around the corner as the next thing i knew she was phoning from outside. i went down to meet her and she was with her girlfriend from the night before. i figured what the hell i will invite them for a drink but i wasn't really looking for 2 chicas, and the girlfriend wasn't really to my taste. now i am not really a rookie, but that was a rookie mistake. they weren't looking for a drink and conversation and i should have known that. it wasn't long before the cute one asked to use the bathroom, and when she came out she had stripped down to only her thong, walked over and sat on my lap. well what could i do....i had the hots for her anyway.

a few days later i called yanet up and she came over alone, that was more to my liking. these girls do get possesive though - one night i was out having drinks at classicos and chatting up other girls and got text messages from her giving me shit. lol i guess they don't like to share their business!

that's about it, was 10 days of [CodeWord118] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord118) and light mongering, spent most of my drinking socializing at lou's. i don't like the bar below classico's or latino's too much. i am usually by myself and i find it hard to shake the chicas off (the one's i don't want i mean) at those bars.

Marc Anthony
12-28-09, 18:09
Thanks for sharing your 'recent' experience. So with this Yanet girl & her gf, you ended up with a 3-some? How much did you end up paying? I have not yet been to POP or Sosua so pardon my naive questions. When you make a date with a girl in the clubs like Classico it is one price, if you get them to come in the afternoon can you negotiate for a lower price? Classicos and Latinos are discos are takeout places where as Passions is a place where you can session in short time rooms upstairs? All insights are welcome.

Yes. Classico/Latinos are discos and the girls are all just hanging out looking to get picked up, at Passions they are employees who do massages - and there are both massage rooms for basic massage and BJ and bedrooms upstairs (with a small pool in the courtyard). In the DR everything is always negotiable.

Mr Gogo
12-29-09, 16:08
A late Christmas gift.

Darcy the missing Sosua guy was found safe yesterday.

Details are emerging.

Thanks to DR1 for being on the front line.

DR Monger II
12-29-09, 21:24
That guy missing from sosua has been found.

12-29-09, 22:36
Missing Canadian man found alive in Dominican Republic

"Santo Domingo.– D'Arcy Wright, the Canadian man reported missing earlier this month, has been found alive and well in Boca Chica, near the Dominican capital, about four hours from his home in the country..."


Bq Ribs
12-29-09, 22:49
Missing Canadian man found alive in Dominican Republic

"Santo Domingo.– D'Arcy Wright, the Canadian man reported missing earlier this month, has been found alive and well in Boca Chica, near the Dominican capital, about four hours from his home in the country..."


That guy missing from sosua has been found.

There are currently two other message boards posting a vast amount of information concerning this event. For those who desire to read more kindly visit.....

DR1........or......... I S O C

12-29-09, 23:39
With all due respect to your post regarding Apos I wish you would have made reference to seek other sites for more information. **** and DR1 have all the details on this event. So far ISG has not been cluttered with the chit chat.

Hopefully we can keep it this way.

I give up. What is "Apos"?

And for future reference, please do not PM me to lecture on what you feel I should or should not post. This info is relevant to Sosua, hence the reason it is posted in the Sosua forum.


Charles Pooter
12-30-09, 00:07
And for future reference, please do not PM me to lecture on what you feel I should or should not post. This info is relevant to Sosua, hence the reason it is posted in the Sosua forum.

Please don't be offended. I see where BQRibs is coing from. The two other boards he mentions have been swamped with posts on this affair, with everyone wanting to vent their own theories or rake up old grudges and vendettas.

There would be little point in duplicating it all here. Lets's be glad Apos (= Apostropheman = D'Arcy Wright) is alive and well and then get back to focussing on what we are all here for.

12-30-09, 00:36
Please don't be offended. I see where BQRibs is coing from. The two other boards he mentions have been swamped with posts on this affair, with everyone wanting to vent their own theories or rake up old grudges and vendettas.

There would be little point in duplicating it all here. Lets's be glad Apos (= Apostropheman = D'Arcy Wright) is alive and well and then get back to focussing on what we are all here for.

Fair enough. This is the only forum I am a member of so I am not aware of what goes on elsewhere (other than C R T).

If you scroll back a few pages this topic was definitely in play, so I was not aware of any recent unanimous agreements to stop talking about here.

To be honest, I would've not even known someone had went missing had it not been for this thread, nor have I would have known that he had been found had it not been for DR Monger II posting about it.

I posted the link to the article just to close out the topic of discussion from a few pages back for those like me who don't visit DR1 or other forums and rely on getting all of their info here.

Bq Ribs
12-30-09, 00:52
No problem SavePros321,

If you want I can PM you the links for the other sites or you can google DR1 and " in search of chicas".

C R T, ahhhh what a great site. How is the Blue Marlin doing....the massage place that turned hotel a few years back, can't remember the name but they opened a cigar smoking lounge.....memories......

Fair enough. This is the only forum I am a member of so I am not aware of what goes on elsewhere (other than C R T).

If you scroll back a few pages this topic was definitely in play, so I was not aware of any recent unanimous agreements to stop talking about here.

12-30-09, 01:01
No problem SavePros321,

If you want I can PM you the links for the other sites or you can google DR1 and " in search of chicas".

C R T, ahhhh what a great site. How is the Blue Marlin doing....the massage place that turned hotel a few years back, can't remember the name but they opened a cigar smoking lounge.....memories......

January 2010 will be my first time ever setting foot on CR soil, but from the reports I am reading all is alive and well! Everyone is reporting being very sucessful in getting the chicas to back off "Cien"!

Look for my trip reports and photos in the SJO thread once I get back. So far Bunda Man is kicking ass in the photo thread over there, so you might want to have a "look-see" :)

12-30-09, 03:17
Please don't be offended. I see where BQRibs is coing from. The two other boards he mentions have been swamped with posts on this affair, with everyone wanting to vent their own theories or rake up old grudges and vendettas.

There would be little point in duplicating it all here. Lets's be glad Apos (= Apostropheman = D'Arcy Wright) is alive and well and then get back to focussing on what we are all here for.I am glad he posted it here I am like him this is the only forum I get info on, like everyone else I am glad this story has a happy ending.

DR Monger II
12-30-09, 22:38
I posted not to cause controversy. I just wanted to provide info. It's sad that on other forums there are a lot of politics going on.

12-30-09, 23:59
I posted not to cause controversy. I just wanted to provide info. It's sad that on other forums there are a lot of politics going on.I spoke on this subject first ,yet nobody acknowledged me for info .I have been in the presence of Apos in my early recon of sosua.Give credit to him-the one who survived this ordeal.

Good luck D'arcy!

12-31-09, 03:39
Thanks for sharing your 'recent' experience. So with this Yanet girl & her gf, you ended up with a 3-some? How much did you end up paying? I have not yet been to POP or Sosua so pardon my naive questions. When you make a date with a girl in the clubs like Classico it is one price, if you get them to come in the afternoon can you negotiate for a lower price? Classicos and Latinos are discos are takeout places where as Passions is a place where you can session in short time rooms upstairs? All insights are welcome.

ok I may get fried here, but here you go.

We did not negotiate price beforehand and I certainly should have. After the 3-some I offered all the cash I had which was 2800 pesos (1400 each). I got a dirty look from the gf, who said it was 2000 each. Since they were already in my place and I did not want the two of them creating shit in the apartment I agreed and we walked to the AtM and I paid them.

As far as Classicos goes my trip previous I picked up a girl from Santo Domingo (so she said) who was in town for the weekend, she had agreed to 1500 pesos short time (I think - it was a while ago).

I would guess that you can get cheaper prices for an afternoon treat - depends on the girl and how hot they think they are I guess.

Passions is in-house, 1 hr massage and full service for 2500 pesos. You can also take the girl out but that costs extra. You can go to the La Passion website or yahoo page and find all you want about their prices there.

Other guys here have way more experience with Sosua than I, and there is lots of info if your read through the historic posts.


Mr Gogo
12-31-09, 15:33
I spoke on this subject first ,yet nobody acknowledged me for info .I have been in the presence of Apos in my early recon of sosua.Give credit to him-the one who survived this ordeal.

Good luck D'arcy!Let me say I'm thrilled D'arcy is safe. I'm glad no one participated in conspiracy gossip, but I'm very dissapointed in the lack of compassion for our missing comrade on this board. I didn't know the sosua thread was specifically about pussy. There is hotel info, nite club info, restaurant info, and surely when a foreigner goes missing thats important info.

Tom Gueguen
01-01-10, 17:10
ok I may get fried here, but here you go.

We did not negotiate price beforehand and I certainly should have. After the 3-some I offered all the cash I had which was 2800 pesos (1400 each). I got a dirty look from the gf, who said it was 2000 each. Since they were already in my place and I did not want the two of them creating shit in the apartment I agreed and we walked to the AtM and I paid them.


As far as you're in the street walking to the atm you should have told them to F...k off.

Nothing was negociated beforehand so they can't force you to pay a certain amount.

01-02-10, 02:51
Let me say I'm thrilled D'arcy is safe. I'm glad no one participated in conspiracy gossip, but I'm very dissapointed in the lack of compassion for our missing comrade on this board. I didn't know the sosua thread was specifically about pussy. There is hotel info, nite club info, restaurant info, and surely when a foreigner goes missing thats important info.I agree Mr Gogo.

Boston Gringo 1
01-02-10, 13:13
I was just wondering if I'm staying at lifestyles tropical on confresi beach for 2 days before going to blackbeards and sosua., and I wanted to go to sosua on one night is it easy to get a taxi back and forth from these locations, especially leaving Sosua at night back to confresi? Also what kind of money am I looking at for this.


01-02-10, 16:11
As far as you're in the street walking to the atm you should have told them to F...k off.

Nothing was negociated beforehand so they can't force you to pay a certain amount.Just because he could have told them to f**k off doesn't mean he wanted to tell them to f**k off. Maybe he was trying to treat them with a little respect or wanted to keep the window open to another session another time. The difference between paying them what they wanted and telling them to f**k off was $33.U.S. I doubt that would have broken the guy.

It's attitudes like yours that give us gringos a bad image in the various mongering destinations all over the world.

01-02-10, 18:47
I was just wondering if I'm staying at lifestyles tropical on confresi beach for 2 days before going to blackbeards and sosua., and I wanted to go to sosua on one night is it easy to get a taxi back and forth from these locations, especially leaving Sosua at night back to confresi? Also what kind of money am I looking at for this.


I would estimate you're looking at close to $60US one-way.
Unless you're determined to go to Sosua, BB is much closer.

Tom Gueguen
01-02-10, 20:03
Just because he could have told them to f**k off doesn't mean he wanted to tell them to f**k off. Maybe he was trying to treat them with a little respect or wanted to keep the window open to another session another time. The difference between paying them what they wanted and telling them to f**k off was $33.U.S. I doubt that would have broken the guy.

It's attitudes like yours that give us gringos a bad image in the various mongering destinations all over the world.

Please Manizales911 RESPECT my opinion.

I don't respect a girl who is threathening to make a mess in my hotel room.

It's not a question of price but a question of attitude.

I think, on the contrary, that these chicas only try to take advantage of the weakness of many gringos.

And I think going to an atm to pay them is encouraging this kind of bad attitude.

01-02-10, 20:37
The lesson here is......make sure you agree on the price first...problem solved!

01-02-10, 22:55
There is only one main road hard to get lost.Cost you less than taxis.Get full coverage.

Boston Gringo 1
01-02-10, 23:47
I will be in confresi for 2 days before going to bb for 4 days, and then to sosua for 2 days, so I was just looking to go somewhere the 1st 2 nights.

Thanks for any input!

01-03-10, 00:46
Please Manizales911 RESPECT my opinion.

I don't respect a girl who is threathening to make a mess in my hotel room.

It's not a question of price but a question of attitude.

I think, on the contrary, that these chicas only try to take advantage of the weakness of many gringos.

And I think going to an atm to pay them is encouraging this kind of bad attitude.I do respect your right to have your own opinion but do not respect the attitude you are taking towards the chicas. There will always be a few bad apples but some of these girls try to take advantage of gringos because we are taking advantage of THEM to a degree. Though it is true that what these girls get paid for an hour in the sack with us is a weeks pay for most Dominicans,those Dominicans don't have to lick some fat ugly sometimes disrespectful gringo's balls to get paid that money. The first time you go to one of these girls homes and see how they live like I have many times you may look at these girls in a different light.

Sorry if I came across a little harsh but I know first hand what kind of living conditions most of these girls come from and a five dollar bill here and there makes a difference to them and doesn't make a difference to me and it pisses me off to no end when guys begrudge a chica a few bucks.

01-03-10, 04:26
I was just wondering if I'm staying at lifestyles tropical on confresi beach for 2 days before going to blackbeards and sosua., and I wanted to go to sosua on one night is it easy to get a taxi back and forth from these locations, especially leaving Sosua at night back to confresi? Also what kind of money am I looking at for this.


Here Boston Grongo this may help you. Taxi info, just plug in the airport or town.



01-03-10, 17:47
sea breeze
alejo martinez nº 10, el batey, sosua, puerto plata.
$40.00 cash per day.
single room queen size bed, ac, plasma tv, safety deposit box, wifi, refrigerator, hot water
- bad: water on floor in bathroom
- bad: very poor internet speed (often, not always) even when close to the router
- bad: no latch on door so anyone with a key can enter
- good: nice pool area

apart hotel don antonio
calle dr. rosen #3
- good: friendly staff (obie)
- good: very close to the bars, center of the action
- good: some rooms have a kitchenette
- good: nice pool/bar area
- bad: some rooms don't have a/c ($5 less)
- bad: rooms with a kitchenette have a tiny bathroom

01-03-10, 20:26
Please Manizales911 RESPECT my opinion.

I don't respect a girl who is threathening to make a mess in my hotel room.

It's not a question of price but a question of attitude.

I think, on the contrary, that these chicas only try to take advantage of the weakness of many gringos.

And I think going to an atm to pay them is encouraging this kind of bad attitude.

I want to point out that no threats to make a mess or anything were ever made. I was avoiding potential trouble at a place where I stay at often and want to go back to without getting dirty looks from the long time residents and the management.

I did not have enough cash to pay what they thought their rate should have been - so I went to the ATM to get it. They waited on the corner and did not come to the actual machine.

It is not as if they had been asking 3000 pesos each (and my understanding is that many ask for that even if they don't get it) or even 2500 pesos. Then it may have been a different matter.

The chicas are/were friendly girls, I saw each of them at different times at the bars throughout my trip and we always spoke/shared a drink etc (of course that is with me buying the drink).

Boston Gringo 1
01-03-10, 21:13
Just wondering if anyone had tried any of the restaurants in the town of costambar or at the beach, and if anyone had any recomondations. Also how close is cristals to bb?


01-04-10, 14:11
Just wondering if anyone had tried any of the restaurants in the town of costambar or at the beach, and if anyone had any recomondations. Also how close is cristals to bb?

ThanksI have tried pretty much all of them and have no complaints,most of the local places along the beach serve a more traditional local Dominican fare which I like but some of the guys I have traveled with did not care for it because they are used to American food where as I travel constantly and am used to eating that type of food. The restaurant in Costambar Solo Mio is an Italian restaurant with good food for those who like a more American style restaurant.

Mr Gogo
01-04-10, 15:59
Just wondering if anyone had tried any of the restaurants in the town of costambar or at the beach, and if anyone had any recomondations. Also how close is cristals to bb?

ThanksThere is an Dominican restaurant outside the main entrance to constambar.

I personally like tam tam on the malecon.

01-05-10, 01:28
Just wondering if anyone had tried any of the restaurants in the town of costambar or at the beach, and if anyone had any recomondations. Also how close is cristals to bb?


In answer to your other question, Cristal's is on the east side of Puerto Plata, just off the malecon (seafront promenade).
I'm guessing about 6-7 miles away.

01-05-10, 05:27

Getting dangerous down there.

01-05-10, 06:25
As terrible as this incident is, it will not greatly deter guys from coming to Sosua and tearing chocha out the frame. It is a warning and a lesson. Be aware of who is checking you out because when you think nobody is scoping you out--they are scoping you out.

01-05-10, 15:18

Getting dangerous down there.I hate to speculate but the fact that they didn't kill the first guy leads me to believe the guy that got killed may have refused to give up his valuables. I split up my money even in my hotel room so if someone tries to rob me I will give them some money and hopefully they will leave without incident. We may never know what happened because the only person who could tell the truthful story is dead but my only advise to my fellow mongers is it is better to be a living coward than a dead hero,if someone with any kind of weapon tries to rob you give them what they want because life in a third world country has very little value and they WILL kill you.

Mr Gogo
01-05-10, 16:47
As terrible as this incident is, it will not greatly deter guys from coming to Sosua and tearing chocha out the frame. It is a warning and a lesson. Be aware of who is checking you out because when you think nobody is scoping you out-they are scoping you out.Yo bro where you been? Just because you low key don't think I don't know you got some shit going on. We going to always be cool. I'm hitting sosua at the end of the month would love to see you there. Your girl maria still works the same place, I got a new santo domingo girlfriend that works there also. Peace

01-05-10, 19:33
As terrible as this incident is, it will not greatly deter guys from coming to Sosua and tearing chocha out the frame. It is a warning and a lesson. Be aware of who is checking you out because when you think nobody is scoping you out--they are scoping you out.

So all you guy's that are making it rain in Classico. Think about who's got their eye on you when you walk down the steps on your way to the hotel at night. Sometimes when you make it rain, thunder will follow!

01-06-10, 06:43
Based on the story about the Canadians, this would not have helped them but I think it is worth the small investment.

Leave a propina daily for the maid, keeps your tooth brush from the toliet bowl and the same to the security guard at night, at least once a week. Not that you are throughing money around rico hombre but making friends. Oh, and always treat everyone with respect, this is the third world, they may be hustling, selling, pandering but it is a job, no welfare state to go to.

40 years of mongering and no problems walking down dark streets, so far.

John Gault
01-06-10, 15:55
Based on the story about the Canadians, this would not have helped them but I think it is worth the small investment.

Leave a propina daily for the maid, keeps your tooth brush from the toliet bowl and the same to the security guard at night, at least once a week. Not that you are throughing money around rico hombre but making friends. Oh, and always treat everyone with respect, this is the third world, they may be hustling, selling, pandering but it is a job, no welfare state to go to.

40 years of mongering and no problems walking down dark streets, so far.
I like to tip the maids a small amount. They always are so happy when you do this and the smile you get makes me feel good, Also the extra towels and service is improved.

01-06-10, 16:04
Leave a propina daily for the maid, keeps your tooth brush from the toliet bowl and the same to the security guard at night, at least once a week.....

40 years of mongering and no problems walking down dark streets, so far.

Now you are making me wonder how many times my toothbrush received a toilet rinsing. LOL

Good advise. Thanks.

01-06-10, 16:52
I have said it many times. My ex was Dominican. She still says Haiti is safer than the DR. I have never had a problem in Haiti but had many close calls in the DR. I picked up a sexy babe walking one night and when it got in the car I realized she had a kickstand and asked it to get out of the car., It demanded money and I told it to f_ _ k off at which time she grabbed my glasses but I flicked them in the back seat. Then it tried to grab the keys to the car which I damn near broke its hand and opened the door and shoved it out. It was trying to hang on to the car door but could not keep up. The I turned around and tried to run it over. That could have been a mistake and I caught up to my anger before I turned and tried again. Over the years I have had many close calls there. The girls are too fat and they charge too much. The hot babes you see there now are mostly Haitian but they have been hardened by their Dominican boyfriends.
Watch your back. Do not flash alot of money around and try to be as cheap as you can so they will think you do not have enough $$ to bother with you

01-06-10, 18:21
So all you guy's that are making it rain in Classico. Think about who's got their eye on you when you walk down the steps on your way to the hotel at night. Sometimes when you make it rain, thunder will follow! Just some "ear candy". I married a chica in La maranahta /villa Betania. When I went there it felt like I was being 'allowed' to enter with her. I knew this barber and when I saw him we waved. People always watch you. One of the family would always be present with me in El barrio. In one of the colmados I was buying something and out popped this ravenously beautiful chica! It was like some wanted to show there are more chicas for the taking but this was I time when I was alone for a few minutes. The only place I know that could of been where the crime occurred. Up the long street in sosua abajo before the propane station take a right. It takes you thru to a small grouping of houses and the one to the deep left has a high fence, the house sits back away from the road. Further on you go up this steep hill and there are a few houses alone on the left. It's not the place I want to travel at night for sure.