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11-22-10, 22:28
None of you see what is really happening. There is no special reason why they are having this crackdown. They don't have some special agenda. The crackdown is designed to move the Haitians out. All of them. They can't just arrest all the Haitians because that would be racist but, if you harass all the hoes with putting special interest to making the Haitian hoes extremely more uncomfortable then you can achieve your ultimate goal. Yes, Sosua will suffer for a while but in the long run the Haitians will be gone and less likely to return.

11-22-10, 22:57
None of you see what is really happening. There is no special reason why they are having this crackdown. They don't have some special agenda. The crackdown is designed to move the Haitians out. All of them. They can't just arrest all the Haitians because that would be racist but, if you harass all the hoes with putting special interest to making the Haitian hoes extremely more uncomfortable then you can achieve your ultimate goal. Yes, Sosua will suffer for a while but in the long run the Haitians will be gone and less likely to return.
Your not suggesting that discrimination is going on in Sosua are you? :)

El Corte

11-22-10, 22:59
With the crackdown, do you believe it will have any impact on Passions or the new place nearby? Technically these girls work at these places as is evidenced by the menu for services and "take out". My understanding is that the only women allowed to travel at night alone need to provide proof of employment to get around there, unless accompanied by a male. I am sure Peter can provide the chicas with something allowing them to get around Sosua to his place after dark.

How about the chicas at NG? Could the owners there provide these chicas with a "job" to allow for coming and going during the crackdown? Would he want to?

Is this crackdown, if truly enforced, going to push punters to places like Passions, BBs, O2, you know the list?

Although it is good for banter to figure out why this is happening, I am more concerned about effects of this crackdown. It seems to me more than a coincidence that SD gets cleaned up, then it moves to Sosua. My fear is what this will do to change to my little playground, the DR. If venues mentioned in this post benefit from the crackdown and business increases for them because of this, punting prices will inevitably go up (supply and demand). I don't like less competition, I like more.

What do you guys think?

11-22-10, 23:03
Your not suggesting that discrimination is going on in Sosua are you? :)

El Corte

Just say you heard it from me first. I know my detractors will disagree but, history does seem to repeat itself if only in different forms.

11-22-10, 23:40
I'm guessing Negro562 has got it right. With all the crap going on with Haiti now (Cholera, earthquake aftermath), Dominicans are even more scared of Haitians bringing their problems into the DR.

Chief Justice
11-23-10, 01:09
With the crackdown, do you believe it will have any impact on Passions or the new place nearby? Technically these girls work at these places as is evidenced by the menu for services and "take out". My understanding is that the only women allowed to travel at night alone need to provide proof of employment to get around there, unless accompanied by a male. I am sure Peter can provide the chicas with something allowing them to get around Sosua to his place after dark.

How about the chicas at NG? Could the owners there provide these chicas with a "job" to allow for coming and going during the crackdown? Would he want to?

Is this crackdown, if truly enforced, going to push punters to places like Passions, BBs, O2, you know the list?

Although it is good for banter to figure out why this is happening, I am more concerned about effects of this crackdown. It seems to me more than a coincidence that SD gets cleaned up, then it moves to Sosua. My fear is what this will do to change to my little playground, the DR. If venues mentioned in this post benefit from the crackdown and business increases for them because of this, punting prices will inevitably go up (supply and demand). I don't like less competition, I like more.

What do you guys think?It sounds like they want to funnel the chicas to casas. So I imagine whoever is behind this crackdown they probably have plans to build quite a few "passions" type spots and control the pussy, money and alcohol.

11-23-10, 03:22
None of you see what is really happening. There is no special reason why they are having this crackdown. They don't have some special agenda. The crackdown is designed to move the Haitians out. All of them. They can't just arrest all the Haitians because that would be racist but, if you harass all the hoes with putting special interest to making the Haitian hoes extremely more uncomfortable then you can achieve your ultimate goal. Yes, Sosua will suffer for a while but in the long run the Haitians will be gone and less likely to return.

Negro, that's a pretty good guess, but form experience I can tell you it's not going to be easy to get the Haitians out of Sosua or the DR for that matter. Back in 2005 or so they did the same thing in Sosua, to some extent. What are the results? They now have more Haitians than before. Just wait and see. Two years form now, you will see more Haitians in Sosua.

11-23-10, 04:01
Negro, that's a pretty good guess, but form experience I can tell you it's not going to be easy to get the Haitians out of Sosua or the DR for that matter. Back in 2005 or so they did the same thing in Sosua, to some extent. What are the results? They now have more Haitians than before. Just wait and see. Two years form now, you will see more Haitians in Sosua.

How do you know this for sure? I am just wondering because a little more than three years ago Dominican chicas out numbered Haitian chicas in Sosua 3 to 1. Now the tide has turned and the Dominicans are in an uproar. So, if you can tell me how you came to your conclusion I would love to know. Dominican Haitian relations in Sosua have never been worst.

You Can
11-23-10, 10:32
What are you talking about (most guys send money to places they frequent?) Only a handfull of idiots send money to these women. I really dont think its most guys, its a small percentage of losers.

Comprendo, but guys who are less inclined to visit will stop Western Union payments. Most guys send money to places they frequent. What kills me is their timing with the crackdown. Why not wait till the year is over and start a "new initiative" rather than kill Christmas?

11-23-10, 12:59
I just say it's time to move then! If the city doesn't appreciate us stimulating "their" economy we move next door. Solution : 1. Have a team topple the Beard government in Havana. 2. Have Lorenzo and Wilfred moved all expenses paid. Plus the girls from Rose bar and and the DJ from classicos. 3. Interview new talent and establish a standard service fee.

After a few months the ghost town of Sosua will be having the mayor working part time in one of the beach kiosks!

Charles Pooter
11-23-10, 13:39
They can't just arrest all the Haitians because that would be racist.
Firstly they don't need to arrest all Haitians, just those who are here illegally (and that is the great majority in Sosúa). They already have every right in Dominican and international law to deport these and they often do.

The remaining Haitians, who are here legally, are no more likely to cause trouble or offence than Dominicans, in fact much less likely because they have more to lose by being arrested. They are here legally because it is in the interests of some Dominican individual or company to have them here to fill a need and they have been given permission to live here as a result of that. My Haitian friends who are legally here are the most deferential and law-abiding lot you could imagine.

So if they just wanted to get rid of illegal Haitians they would be better off concentrating all their efforts on that sad, but legal, process.

Secondly, when have the Dominican ruling class ever worried about being racist? The whole culture is overtly racist from top to bottom, not just in respect of Haitians, but in the pecking order of skin shades of Dominicans from white to black, through an array of various browns each given their own name. For more about this read "Coloring the Nation" by David Howard. It's a bit dry and academic but accurate and unbiased.

Charles Pooter
11-23-10, 13:46
What are you talking about (most guys send money to places they frequent?) Only a handfull of idiots send money to these women. I really dont think its most guys, its a small percentage of losers.
You have misunderstood Mr Gogo as his sentence was ambiguous. He meant that of the guys who do send money (perhaps more than you realise) most send it to places where they have previously visited. So if you discourage guys from visiting a particular place on holiday (in this case Sosúa) the income from WU will start to drop off sooner or later. Seems pretty obvious to me.

Mr Gogo
11-23-10, 14:32
What are you talking about (most guys send money to places they frequent?) Only a handfull of idiots send money to these women. I really dont think its most guys, its a small percentage of losers.Some would say that the idiot is someone who thinks only a "handful" of mongerers sends money.

11-23-10, 15:33
What are you talking about (most guys send money to places they frequent?) Only a handfull of idiots send money to these women. I really dont think its most guys, its a small percentage of losers.I will agree with you that "most" guys don't send money to girls in the DR but it is more common than you think it is. I can tell you for certain that a large percentage of the girls I know personally in the DR have at least one "Western Union boyfriend". The more I imbibe myself into the local scene in the DR the more I am shocked at how many of these girls' apartments are furnished by some sucker from outside the country,it is more common than I ever thought it was.

11-23-10, 16:44
Firstly they don't need to arrest all Haitians, just those who are here illegally (and that is the great majority in Sosúa). They already have every right in Dominican and international law to deport these and they often do.

The remaining Haitians, who are here legally, are no more likely to cause trouble or offence than Dominicans, in fact much less likely because they have more to lose by being arrested. They are here legally because it is in the interests of some Dominican individual or company to have them here to fill a need and they have been given permission to live here as a result of that. My Haitian friends who are legally here are the most deferential and law-abiding lot you could imagine.

So if they just wanted to get rid of illegal Haitians they would be better off concentrating all their efforts on that sad, but legal, process.

Secondly, when have the Dominican ruling class ever worried about being racist? The whole culture is overtly racist from top to bottom, not just in respect of Haitians, but in the pecking order of skin shades of Dominicans from white to black, through an array of various browns each given their own name. For more about this read "Coloring the Nation" by David Howard. It's a bit dry and academic but accurate and unbiased.
In one island with two nations with porous border it is only a matter time when all deported girls re appear. I do not think Haiti girls are causing the problem. Sosua has become to known as sex capital of DR more than any other place including Santo Domingo. Besides all foreigners are concentrated in Sosua either mongering crowd or vacationing crowd.
It is good that they are making bars put up barriers so that tourists on the street do not see inside. But it is against carrebean culture. Everywhere where you go there are open bars and open restaurents. Arresting single girls is really a crime. Who says girls do not have the right to go to bars to have a good time. Whether they are there for hooking or not is immaterial.
I believe many girls who come from surrounding areas to pedro clisante bars will not come there anymore. It is more likely some other areas will become more visible. Prostituition never dies down , it just moves location to location. Too much money , supply and demand, livelihood depends on this business.

11-23-10, 17:35
Can anybody report about this information?

Please read attachment.jpg

Marc Anthony
11-23-10, 17:46
None of you see what is really happening. There is no special reason why they are having this crackdown. They don't have some special agenda. The crackdown is designed to move the Haitians out. All of them. They can't just arrest all the Haitians because that would be racist but, if you harass all the hoes with putting special interest to making the Haitian hoes extremely more uncomfortable then you can achieve your ultimate goal. Yes, Sosua will suffer for a while but in the long run the Haitians will be gone and less likely to return.

Even before the earthquake the Dominican government had no qualms about raids that just scooped up anybody who looked haitian and dumped them over the border at Dajabon. They aren't subtle enough to try to manipulate the comfort levels of haitian girls in Sosua.

11-23-10, 18:14
What are you talking about (most guys send money to places they frequent?) Only a handfull of idiots send money to these women. I really dont think its most guys, its a small percentage of losers.

I send my female friend in SD a couple hundred bucks on her birthday. I hope that does not make me an idiot. For the price of a piece of ass off Backpage, I receive a lot of good will and fun when I visit the DR. The $200 I send her is much more appreciated than the money you might spend on a female in the States.

I will agree though a person who sends monthly checks to a chica might not be spending their money wisely but it is their money and does not necessarily make them an idiot or loser. There are many who would consider the people men and women who come to the DR for a sex vacation to be idiots, losers or worse. I guess it is a matter of who's eyes you are looking through.

My dos pesos worth.

11-23-10, 18:16
Can anybody report about this information?

Please read attachment.jpg
Dude, you have almost two and a half days of commentary on this very subject. Please go back two or three pages and Read The F*cking Forum (RTFF)!

11-23-10, 18:45
Some would say that the idiot is someone who thinks only a "handful" of mongerers sends money.

Or even better yet, that your the ONLY one sending money to that particular girl. You can guarantee that if they are a working girl or you met them while they were tricking and look good? They have many western union novios from all countries.

11-23-10, 18:51
Anybody have Lou's number from the Shark Bar? Being a bar owner right on Clisante along with him yelling "How are youuuu babyyy" at just about every lady of legal age walking by. I bet you he will have a real time "boots on the ground" assessment of just how serious the situation is. It could be that besides the club owners putting up the glass partitions, its just business as usual!

11-23-10, 18:57
This is from Mr. Gogo's forum, but I am quoting it here since it is relevant to the conversation:

I'm actually thinking of saving the 900usd I would spend this trip and cancelling. I'm looking at ticket prices for a quick hit to Medellin next month instead. Sosua is just to much on edge right now. Maybe its best to let the changes go into effect then plan a trip after everything calms down.

There will be no need to call for a boycott of Sosua because guys will just use their common sense logic and avoid the place altogether and wait until if and when this all blows over. Nothing like flying all the way over there looking for fun when there is no fun to be found.

After a few months the ghost town of Sosua will be having the mayor working part time in one of the beach kiosks!

And she can then walk over to have a drink with the Vice Mayor/Owner of Latinos at his bar and stare in awe at how much space his bar now has, lol!

11-23-10, 18:58
Even before the earthquake the Dominican government had no qualms about raids that just scooped up anybody who looked haitian and dumped them over the border at Dajabon. They aren't subtle enough to try to manipulate the comfort levels of haitian girls in Sosua.Agreed! I don't think the recent crackdown on prostitution in Sosua has anything to do with the increased presence of Haitians in Sosua. The Dominican police and military have never needed an excuse to extradite or imprison Haitians who are in the Dominican Republic illegally.

The Boca Chica prostitution crackdown of 2005, the Santo Domingo casa/massage parlor crackdown of 2005, and the nationwide "Blue Laws" that followed had nothing to do with Haitians in the Dominican Republic.

The crackdown on prostitution in Sosua has everything to do with the Department of Tourism. The tourist season officially begins in three-weeks (December 15). Preserving the "normal" tourism industry in Sosua, through the reduction in prostitution and criminality during the tourist season (December 15 - April 15) is what the crackdown is about.

-Helpmann :)

11-23-10, 19:41
I was approved off for 5 vacation days. I've been reading all the reports on the crackdown in Sosua. Im literally ready to purchase my ticket today! I'm looking to go next week. Is there anybody who can give me a straight up honest opinion to if I should go. Better yet, someone who is actually down there now would be better information. Boca chic popped into my head but I was alittle disappointed my last time I was there.

Charles Pooter
11-23-10, 21:33
The Dominican police and military have never needed an excuse to extradite or imprison Haitians who are in the Dominican Republic illegally.
... and often those who are here legally, sometimes even including Dominican citizens of Haitian descent.

11-23-10, 21:47
Who besides someone trying to get their dick sucked or their balls licked or are a fat lonely woman from anywhere is coming to Sosua for vacation? When has Sosua ever been known as a vacation spot to anyone else besides someone looking to fuck?

Sosua is a little small country beach town. Nothing else. Running off the hoes is running off the life blood of Sosua. Look for crime to skyrocket in Sosua. Anyone who thought they could come here for a peaceful vacation is going to be in for a shock the minute they get that gun pointed in their face by the desperate chulo that had all his hoes run off by the politur.

I saw it today. Sosua is dead. At 3:00 I was on PC and the only chicas that I saw were on the back of a politur motorcycle sandwiched in between two cops headed to jail.

11-23-10, 23:57
Who besides someone trying to get their dick sucked or their balls licked or are a fat lonely woman from anywhere is coming to Sosua for vacation? When has Sosua ever been known as a vacation spot to anyone else besides someone looking to fuck?

Sosua is a little small country beach town. Nothing else. Running off the hoes is running off the life blood of Sosua. Look for crime to skyrocket in Sosua. Anyone who thought they could come here for a peaceful vacation is going to be in for a shock the minute they get that gun pointed in their face by the desperate chulo that had all his hoes run off by the politur.

I saw it today. Sosua is dead. At 3:00 I was on PC and the only chicas that I saw were on the back of a politur motorcycle sandwiched in between two cops headed to jail.
Desperate people, do desperate things!

11-24-10, 01:06
I don't think the recent crackdown on prostitution in Sosua has anything to do with the increased presence of Haitians in Sosua. The Dominican police and military have never needed an excuse to extradite or imprison Haitians who are in the Dominican Republic illegally.
All too true. Parsley, anyone?

Marc Anthony
11-24-10, 01:36
Who besides someone trying to get their dick sucked or their balls licked or are a fat lonely woman from anywhere is coming to Sosua for vacation? When has Sosua ever been known as a vacation spot to anyone else besides someone looking to fuck?

Sosua is a little small country beach town. Nothing else. Running off the hoes is running off the life blood of Sosua. Look for crime to skyrocket in Sosua. Anyone who thought they could come here for a peaceful vacation is going to be in for a shock the minute they get that gun pointed in their face by the desperate chulo that had all his hoes run off by the politur.

I saw it today. Sosua is dead. At 3:00 I was on PC and the only chicas that I saw were on the back of a politur motorcycle sandwiched in between two cops headed to jail.

I don't doubt it's having a real impact or that some aspect of it was triggered by the new influx of haitians since January. I'm just suggesting that the causes are more related to improving the image of the place for real estate and general tourism. The North coast is well behind the east coast (Punta Cana) in tourism but if you picture the total number of hotel rooms (mostly AI) that are completely non-mongering it's in the 10's of thousands (Playa Dorada alone has more than 10K).vs. a few hundred that are "guest friendly". Even in Sosua itself there are 10X as many non-chica friendly hotel rooms as rooms in the few mongering places. Beyond that there are 1000's of condos and villas in the Sosua area. Collectively there's vastly more money involved in the ordinary tourist trade even in Sosua.

Would you buy a condo in Sosua? There are some fabulous locations like Blue Bayou at reasonable prices. A priceless view west over the water (in a country with no west coast), cliffs, a private stairway cut in the rock to a new white sand beach, ....but if everybody thinks of Sosua as just a red light district would you invest the money? The entire chica biz is just a tiny fraction of the money in RE and regular tourism.

As far as that papi chulo is concerned the Dominican authorities really don't play when it comes to serious investment issues. Guys like that might get one warning then they just get unlucky and are found shot in the back of the head. They don't get arrested, brought to trial, get a lawyer ...etc etc. the police just deal with it informally.

11-24-10, 03:18
I don't doubt it's having a real impact or that some aspect of it was triggered by the new influx of haitians since January. I'm just suggesting that the causes are more related to improving the image of the place for real estate and general tourism. The North coast is well behind the east coast (Punta Cana) in tourism but if you picture the total number of hotel rooms (mostly AI) that are completely non-mongering it's in the 10's of thousands (Playa Dorada alone has more than 10K).vs. a few hundred that are "guest friendly". Even in Sosua itself there are 10X as many non-chica friendly hotel rooms as rooms in the few mongering places. Beyond that there are 1000's of condos and villas in the Sosua area. Collectively there's vastly more money involved in the ordinary tourist trade even in Sosua.

Would you buy a condo in Sosua? There are some fabulous locations like Blue Bayou at reasonable prices. A priceless view west over the water (in a country with no west coast), cliffs, a private stairway cut in the rock to a new white sand beach, ....but if everybody thinks of Sosua as just a red light district would you invest the money? The entire chica biz is just a tiny fraction of the money in RE and regular tourism.

This is exactly in line with what I was thinking. And with that said:


In any case, with all of the molestations going on at the airport I think I'm just going to stay at home for a while and get more acquainted with my girl EHLE (and yes, I am well aware of the correct pronunciation :)).

As my friend from Cleveland likes to say:

Love, peace, and chicken grease!

11-24-10, 03:58
As always you are right on with the info. When I first starting going to Sosua I would see couples (north american and european married couples) walking around Sosua at night or sitting outside bars or restaurants, eating or drinking. German and Dutch people would smoke cigars and drink beer outside.

Infiniti Blu appears to be an expensive new condo complex in Sosua (I have only seen photos of the place). Sea Horse Ranch is 5 minutes from Sosua with multi-million dollar homes. Outside of Baileys I used to see very expensive cars.

Very rich folks don't want to be harassed when they go out eat. Restaurants and other legit businesses collect taxes for the government.

I don't doubt it's having a real impact or that some aspect of it was triggered by the new influx of haitians since January. I'm just suggesting that the causes are more related to improving the image of the place for real estate and general tourism. The North coast is well behind the east coast (Punta Cana) in tourism but if you picture the total number of hotel rooms (mostly AI) that are completely non-mongering it's in the 10's of thousands (Playa Dorada alone has more than 10K).vs. a few hundred that are "guest friendly". Even in Sosua itself there are 10X as many non-chica friendly hotel rooms as rooms in the few mongering places. Beyond that there are 1000's of condos and villas in the Sosua area. Collectively there's vastly more money involved in the ordinary tourist trade even in Sosua.

Would you buy a condo in Sosua? There are some fabulous locations like Blue Bayou at reasonable prices. A priceless view west over the water (in a country with no west coast), cliffs, a private stairway cut in the rock to a new white sand beach, ....but if everybody thinks of Sosua as just a red light district would you invest the money? The entire chica biz is just a tiny fraction of the money in RE and regular tourism.

As far as that papi chulo is concerned the Dominican authorities really don't play when it comes to serious investment issues. Guys like that might get one warning then they just get unlucky and are found shot in the back of the head. They don't get arrested, brought to trial, get a lawyer ...etc etc. the police just deal with it informally.

Mr Gogo
11-24-10, 05:05
This is exactly in line with what I was thinking. And with that said:


In any case, with all of the molestations going on at the airport I think I'm just going to stay at home for a while and get more acquainted with my girl EHLE (and yes, I am well aware of the correct pronunciation :)).

As my friend from Cleveland likes to say:

Love, peace, and chicken grease!Nothing good lasts forever, we just ride the wave till the next lull. And boy was it a good ride. I've got memories for the old folks home. Or better yet till I retire in my seventies with a young Haitiana sipping tea (the prelude to heaven).

We didn't have any mongerers die in Sosuas five year run. Made some life long friend to explore with. And did some freaky shit with some fine ass women.

BTW talked to my ace cabbie to cancel my STI pickup for Thursday, and he said look for more changes. One drink minimum at Latinos andMerengue, along with possible cover charges in the future. No more free parades of girls strolling through.

Mr Gogo
11-24-10, 05:44
This is exactly in line with what I was thinking. And with that said:


In any case, with all of the molestations going on at the airport I think I'm just going to stay at home for a while and get more acquainted with my girl EHLE (and yes, I am well aware of the correct pronunciation :)).

As my friend from Cleveland likes to say:

Love, peace, and chicken grease!Nothing good lasts forever, we just ride the wave till the next lull. And boy was it a good ride. I've got memories for the old folks home. Or better yet till I retire in my seventies with a young Haitiana sipping tea (the prelude to heaven).

We didn't have any mongerers die in Sosuas five year run. Made some life long friend to explore with. And did some freaky shit with some fine ass women.

BTW talked to my ace cabbie to cancel my STI pickup for Thursday, and he said look for more changes. One drink minimum at Latinos andMerengue, along with possible cover charges in the future. No more free parades of girls strolling through.

11-24-10, 13:17
We didn't have any mongerers die in Sosuas five year run. Made some life long friend to explore with. And did some freaky shit with some fine ass women.

We sure did brother, was looking forword to my next one. I think I'll hop on your next trip to Colombia dude! "Dead Man Walking"!!!

11-24-10, 14:17
I'm not real clear on the purpose of building a wall in front of Latino's, Classico's, etc. Does that mean hookers will be allowed inside but they don't want people to see that from the outside?

And moreover, will places like Passions and CMP be allowed to stay open?

How about the girls that hang out at New Garden?

It seems like they'll stamp out one form and another will just pop up elsewhere.

Charles Pooter
11-24-10, 14:47
... till I retire in my seventies with a young Haitiana sipping tea (the prelude to heaven).
Was that aimed at me? Pretty accurate description if it was!

Mr Gogo
11-24-10, 14:56
Was that aimed at me? Pretty accurate description if it was!99% of the guys on this board hope to get where you are now, yes I was hoping you would GET IT.

11-24-10, 15:59
IMHO this crackdown has more to do with cleaning up the image of Sosua and really this entire island nation for tourist/investment purposes. This has been floated around by many of you in the forum already. This part is nothing new to this conversation. A couple things surrounding this entire situation, however, lead me to present the following "conspiracy theory" on the whole situation.

1) The street scene in SDQ gets totally cleaned up and everything is now totally indoors.

2) La Passions invests a ton of money on improvements out of the blue.

3) CMP crops up out of nowhere.

4) I am hearing intel that there are a couple other bars in the same general area/side of town as Passions and CMP having on site chicas with salida for take out.

My "theory" is that this crackdown has been in the works for a while. Although things can move quickly here in the DR, Peters investment timing and the opening of CMP when there were no outside signs of a crackdown are suspicious. I think some type of heads up on this made its way to somebody about the crackdown. Entrepreneurs saw the situation and looked to capitalize on it. Follow the money.

Moving things in doors and outside the site of tourists and investors makes utmost sense to me. Those that think that the loss of money to the local Sosua economy spent by punters would negate any increase of normal tourist dollars and especially investment cash, need to rethink their position. Just take a look at the people sitting in the airplane on their way down to the DR, and count in your mind how many are there as tourists vs. those for our hobby. Tourism is a huge source of income here in the DR. To me the Hatian clean up is a side benefit to the those involved.

I have always had trouble understanding changes that happen in a vacuum. I look for cause and effect, hence one man's conspiracy theory.

My 2 cents,


Bq Ribs
11-24-10, 18:04
I think these two posters see the situation as it really is.

Ponderosa Post #7044
Marc Anthony Post #7035

....Those that think that the loss of money to the local Sosua economy spent by punters would negate any increase of normal tourist dollars and especially investment cash, need to rethink their position.........
.....The entire chica biz is just a tiny fraction of the money in RE and regular tourism.......

11-24-10, 18:17
BTW talked to my ace cabbie and he said look for more changes. One drink minimum at Latinos andMerengue, along with possible cover charges in the future. No more free parades of girls strolling through.
Like I'm gonna pay a cover and buy drinks with no chicas!

Bq Ribs
11-24-10, 18:23
Nothing good lasts forever, we just ride the wave till the next lull.......Has a date been set for the Sosua Memorial Service?

December 3 will be the new beginning of the New Sosua?

I remember when I first starting coming to Sosua, five years ago, and reading about how the government came in one weekend and wiped out Long Beach in Puerto Plata. If I remember correctly the government gave the puta and beach bar owners a few days notice. One weekend they came in with bulldozers and flattened the place out. So I don't doubt that the puta business as we know it will be shut down on Pedro Clisante.

Some have questioned why do it now. Why not wait until after the holiday season. I think Helpmann answered that in one of his posts by stating the official tourist season begins December 15. (Post #7029)

......The crackdown on prostitution in Sosua has everything to do with the Department of Tourism. The tourist season officially begins in three-weeks (December 15). Preserving the "normal" tourism industry in Sosua, through the reduction in prostitution and criminality during the tourist season (December 15 - April 15) is what the crackdown is about.

-Helpmann :)

John from NJ
11-24-10, 18:48
I was approved off for 5 vacation days. I've been reading all the reports on the crackdown in Sosua. Im literally ready to purchase my ticket today! I'm looking to go next week. Is there anybody who can give me a straight up honest opinion to if I should go. Better yet, someone who is actually down there now would be better information. Boca chic popped into my head but I was alittle disappointed my last time I was there.I'm headed down on Saturday. Staying at D'Piero. Does not sound great but there is always La Passions.

Mr Gogo
11-24-10, 19:11
Like I'm gonna pay a cover and buy drinks with no chicas!
This might be more directed at the chicas that hang out five at a table with no drinks, or the chicas that walk through repeatedly but never spend money. My Dominican cab driver told me this, I'll believe when I see it.

Ath Trainer
11-24-10, 20:56
Although I have never been to Sousa, it has been on my radar since this past summer. Since then, I have been doing a lot of research to prepare for my virgin trip next summer. With my luck, all this work will be for nothing, but, I've got a feeling, Sousa will still be up and kicking, but in a different style.

Although I have never been in the DR, I have mongered in other countries. I remember a few years ago, when the Tijuana govt. wanted to get the streetwalkers off the streets, and into the bars/hotels. They had just redone the streets/sidewalks, and had designed a plan to clean up the streets and get the eyesores inside. It never worked, but the streets are much nicer, now.

In the case of Sousa, it appears to me, as a outsider, that they want to move the action inside, so it is not as obvious/in your face. They would like to improve their town as a vacation destination for the general population, and still allow the ladies to do their thing a little more low key.

This may decrease the number of girls who are available for us to visit with. It may cause prices to rise, due to the middlemen that will now be the clubs/hotels. This may dampen the atmosphere as a "mardi gras" free for all. Bottom line, you should still be able to visit and do your thing, just not as wild and crazy as in the past.

Time will tell. The girls, bars, and hotels will have to adjust to the new rules and guidelines and figure out how things will work with the new regulations.

Hopefully it is all figured out by the time I am ready to book for next summer.

Coole Mr
11-25-10, 00:36
Will Classico's be open in the evening time(after 9pm) after the new laws take effect in December? Can ladies still come and enjoy a night of dancing and drinking.


Chief Justice
11-25-10, 03:20
Although I have never been to Sousa, it has been on my radar since this past summer. Since then, I have been doing a lot of research to prepare for my virgin trip next summer. With my luck, all this work will be for nothing, but, I've got a feeling, Sousa will still be up and kicking, but in a different style.

Although I have never been in the DR, I have mongered in other countries. I remember a few years ago, when the Tijuana govt. wanted to get the streetwalkers off the streets, and into the bars/hotels. They had just redone the streets/sidewalks, and had designed a plan to clean up the streets and get the eyesores inside. It never worked, but the streets are much nicer, now.

In the case of Sousa, it appears to me, as a outsider, that they want to move the action inside, so it is not as obvious/in your face. They would like to improve their town as a vacation destination for the general population, and still allow the ladies to do their thing a little more low key.

This may decrease the number of girls who are available for us to visit with. It may cause prices to rise, due to the middlemen that will now be the clubs/hotels. This may dampen the atmosphere as a "mardi gras" free for all. Bottom line, you should still be able to visit and do your thing, just not as wild and crazy as in the past.

Time will tell. The girls, bars, and hotels will have to adjust to the new rules and guidelines and figure out how things will work with the new regulations.

Hopefully it is all figured out by the time I am ready to book for next summer.I called Jihad (owner of Sea Breeze) and he said they are basically trying to clean up the streets so certain things are not so obvious. They don't want chicas wearing provocative clothes, and trying to steer everything to after dark. Also, he claims the only females they arrest don't have id's. Which I do not believe. He talked like nothing was wrong, but everything seems wrong from what I am reading.

11-25-10, 04:40
... plenty of rental pussy in Sosua, even with the new rules. Last time I was there was in August, and I must say that even I found it a bit gross that you couldn't walk down Pedro Clissante on the sidewalk at night without being groped and harassed. I actually had to punch one chica (very hard) on the arm to get her to lay off when repeated verbal requests were ineffective. She may have been trying to pick my pocket too. My hand was still sore the next day.

How can any legitimate tourist and his wife or family walk around a place like that without finding it offensive?

11-25-10, 04:55
I actually had to punch one chica (very hard) on the arm to get her to lay off when repeated verbal requests were ineffective. She may have been trying to pick my pocket too. My hand was still sore the next day.

Anybody who goes to Sosua whether tourist or especially Dominican goes to Sosua for 2 things, beach and pussy, no ifs ands or butts about it. The other minorities are "locked up" in their own little worlds at the resorts.

p.s. can you pack a tazer in your luggage for next time.. That will teach em...

Marc Anthony
11-25-10, 05:06
... plenty of rental pussy in Sosua, even with the new rules. Last time I was there was in August, and I must say that even I found it a bit gross that you couldn't walk down Pedro Clissante on the sidewalk at night without being groped and harassed. I actually had to punch one chica (very hard) on the arm to get her to lay off when repeated verbal requests were ineffective. She may have been trying to pick my pocket too. My hand was still sore the next day.

How can any legitimate tourist and his wife or family walk around a place like that without finding it offensive?

I've tried a few times over the years to go to the big discos and always ended up fighting off aggressive putas the whole time and hardly being able to just look around much less choose or approach some chica I liked. That was true of High Caribe at the other end of the street too (remember that place ...nobody seems to think Sosua is dead without it).

At High Caribe i remember one small fairly innocent looking chica who just followed me around and kept trying to hold my hand. I'd tell her no, go away- in increasingly harsh ways and she just ignored whatever I said and kept it up, meanwhile looking small and innocent.

I ended up talking to her and buying her drink ('If I buy you a drink will you leave me alone? Vigorous head nodding). Eventually we both got on motos I'd paid for (explaining to the guys in advance I wanted to lose her) and I managed to escape.

The idea of girls chasing you, like a lot of things, seems amusing until you actually have to deal with it.

Marc Anthony
11-25-10, 05:13
To respond to my own story, I'm aware that if you just do the scene a few days in row the hard core chicas will stop treating you like fresh meat - pretty much like the beach vendors and street hustlers - they know the new guys from the regulars. I was never into it enough to bother though because I was always finding chicas during the day in shops and other places I liked better.

11-25-10, 08:23
The only thing I am seeing really different is that the girls have to be on THEIR GAME or they are going to jail. Went to Classicos two nights in a row and its packed with women. Now street chicas, that's another story. But up in the club. Man.

P.S. I know most of you are trying to discount what I am saying about the crackdown and the Haitians but it's simple arithmetic.

1.) Too many Haitian hoes.
2.) The pussy prices drop.
3.) All the cheap ass mongers give the Haitian hoes their money.
4.) They send it to Haiti.
5.) Sosua goes broke.
6.) All the bitches get the Politur horns

I know it's sad but sometimes sad is the truth.

11-25-10, 17:12
The only thing I am seeing really different is that the girls have to be on THEIR GAME or they are going to jail. Went to Classicos two nights in a row and its packed with women. Now street chicas, that's another story. But up in the club. Man.

P.S. I know most of you are trying to discount what I am saying about the crackdown and the Haitians but it's simple arithmetic.

1.) Too many Haitian hoes.
2.) The pussy prices drop.
3.) All the cheap ass mongers give the Haitian hoes their money.
4.) They send it to Haiti.
5.) Sosua goes broke.
6.) All the bitches get the Politur horns

I know it's sad but sometimes sad is the truth.
The Haitian chicas serve as a good counterbalance if you ask me. Keeps the Dominicanas from getting too spoiled, lol.

But Negro, you may be on to something:

25 November 2010

Minister wants ban on Haitian construction workers
The Minister of Public Health (Salud Pública), Bautista Rojas Gómez wants a ban on Haitian workers at construction sites.

He says that as long as there is a cholera epidemic in Haiti, no workers are allowed to be recruted from the area. He also made known that extra chloride will be added to the tap water and that people who pass through the Haitian border, will have to wash their hands with disinfecting soap. The shoes and the tires of vehicles will also be treated with chloride. Many Haitian workers think that the Health Minister uses this opportunity to ban the cheaper Haitian workers from the construction sites in favor of the more expensive Dominican workers.


You can't convince me that this is not discrimination because they don't even take into account that there are genuine Dominican (Republic) born Haitians in their country. Male and female.

11-25-10, 17:14
this is from the sosua news website - dateline, 23 november:

mayor calls for cooperation

thursday afternoon november 18 a meeting took place at city hall. present were representatives of various interest groups of sosúa. we saw representatives of women organizations, several neighbourhood committees, the civil defense, the churches and the commanders of the air force, tourist police, traffic police and national police. the meeting was opened about half past four with a prayer by the parish priest of san antonio de padua charamicos.

then followed speeches by various speakers. the core of their speeches was the same, the residents and interest groups in sosúa were encouraged to work together. shoulder to shoulder and hand in hand working for a better future of sosúa, was the motto. the beach town is beautiful and amazing and it's people too, and if everyone stands together sosúa awaits a golden future. the mayor ilana neumann gave a similar speech. we did notice that there was no specific program pointed out. the question on what we should work together was not answered. maybe in a next meeting specific matters will be appointed on which we can work together for a better future? in any case, after each speech, the audience clapped wildly enthusiastic and showed their appreciation for the contents of what was said to stand. the meeting was eventually closed with an appropriate prayer.
d'yall think maybe that question was answered by the context of the meeting? maybe by the invitation list; more thoroughly, by the list of those not invited?

You Can
11-25-10, 18:41
No one in there right mind would take there wife to Sosua, are you kidding? the only way you would take your wife there would be if the two of you were swingers.

... plenty of rental pussy in Sosua, even with the new rules. Last time I was there was in August, and I must say that even I found it a bit gross that you couldn't walk down Pedro Clissante on the sidewalk at night without being groped and harassed. I actually had to punch one chica (very hard) on the arm to get her to lay off when repeated verbal requests were ineffective. She may have been trying to pick my pocket too. My hand was still sore the next day.

How can any legitimate tourist and his wife or family walk around a place like that without finding it offensive?

11-25-10, 18:51
Anybody who goes to Sosua whether tourist or especially Dominican goes to Sosua for 2 things, beach and pussy, no ifs ands or butts about it. The other minorities are "locked up" in their own little worlds at the resorts.

p.s. can you pack a tazer in your luggage for next time.. That will teach em...

Yes, I have stayed at the Hotel Europa, and a few other chica friendlies in Sosua, and I have also stayed at Casa Marina and Sosua Bay Hotel. At the all inclusives there are lots of families, Europeans, etc. who have come to Sosua not knowing that it is monger central. If such visitors take a stroll along Pedro Clissante at night and patronize some local businesses, they are very likely to return home bad mouthing Sosua and not recommending it to their friends.

It seems likely to me that the mayor believes that getting prostitution off the streets of Sosua will be better for the image of the town and for business. She may be right, she may be wrong, but I don't think there is anything inherently mysterious about her wanting to do this.

11-25-10, 19:03
A classic line copied from another Board.

11-25-10, 19:07
The only thing I am seeing really different is that the girls have to be on THEIR GAME or they are going to jail. Went to Classicos two nights in a row and its packed with women. Now street chicas, that's another story. But up in the club. Man.

P.S. I know most of you are trying to discount what I am saying about the crackdown and the Haitians but it's simple arithmetic.

1.) Too many Haitian hoes.
2.) The pussy prices drop.
3.) All the cheap ass mongers give the Haitian hoes their money.
4.) They send it to Haiti.
5.) Sosua goes broke.
6.) All the bitches get the Politur horns

I know it's sad but sometimes sad is the truth.
I pretty much wrote the same ideas several weeks ago on another Board.

11-26-10, 05:06
I would agree with Helpman on his recent assessment on real causes of a 'clean-up', they are preparations for a tourist season.

Also the newly appointed National Police boss claimed 30% reduction in crime. Also some high profile army figures may be implicated in known activities. Couple of days ago Omar Mercedes Cruz, Politur's chief told that one of the reasons for a crackdown was to prevent girls from Mao, Esperanza and Santiago stealing from tourists (alas, most of my best dominicanas come from those towns)

Other real upcoming issues include:

1. Dominican Census
2. Presidential elections
3. Deterioration in Haiti

As for investors plotting (like here from Cabarete:
http://wwww.amber-dune.com/files/press/pdf/Listin%20Diario%2019-11-10.jpg01.pdf ) has nothing to do with what is going in Sos.

11-26-10, 05:52
The Haitian chicas serve as a good counterbalance if you ask me. Keeps the Dominicanas from getting too spoiled, lol.

But Negro, you may be on to something:

25 November 2010

Minister wants ban on Haitian construction workers
The Minister of Public Health (Salud Pública), Bautista Rojas Gómez wants a ban on Haitian workers at construction sites.

He says that as long as there is a cholera epidemic in Haiti, no workers are allowed to be recruted from the area. He also made known that extra chloride will be added to the tap water and that people who pass through the Haitian border, will have to wash their hands with disinfecting soap. The shoes and the tires of vehicles will also be treated with chloride. Many Haitian workers think that the Health Minister uses this opportunity to ban the cheaper Haitian workers from the construction sites in favor of the more expensive Dominican workers.


You can't convince me that this is not discrimination because they don't even take into account that there are genuine Dominican (Republic) born Haitians in their country. Male and female.

That is funny that you say that. What is a Dominican born Haitian considered? A Haitian (ie, little to no rights) It pretty much equal to Saudi Arabia here. No matter how many generations of a family have been born in Saudi Arabia if you are not of Saudi descent you can never become a Saudi citizen. That is pretty much the same story for a Haitian in the DR. (Just go ask the baseball prospect that was born here but since he can't get any papers he can't sign a contract and make him some real money.)

Take it from me. Dominicans are not as sophisticated as people on this forum are giving them credit for. There have been scientific studies that have determined that Dominican are very poor decision makers (along with poor spellers). What they are doing is not rocket science. There is no prelude to a prosperous tourist season behind this round it. That is a myth created here by some rocket scientist. The roundup is all about getting the Haitians out so more Dominicans can get that hoe money.

P.S. I am in Sosua five days a week. I see what is transpiring first hand. There is no speculation. I am not trying to figure out what is happening. I see it happening five days each weeks. Sometimes six days. They are not stopping the inner island girls from coming here to get money as long as they go in the club and handle their business. If shutting the inner island girls out was the plan then they would shut down the little rooming houses where the women stay. Those places are still open and girls are still coming in.

11-26-10, 06:15
Take it from me. Dominicans are not as sophisticated as people on this forum are giving them credit for. There have been scientific studies that have determined that Dominican are very poor decision makers (along with poor spellers). Very racist statement, but no surprise coming from a guy who chose the nickname you did for this site.

What they are doing is not rocket science. There is no prelude to a prosperous tourist season behind this round it. That is a myth created here by some rocket scientist. The roundup is all about getting the Haitians out so more Dominicans can get that hoe money.

P.S. I am in Sosua five days a week. I see what is transpiring first hand. There is no speculation. I am not trying to figure out what is happening. I see it happening five days each weeks. Sometimes six days. They are not stopping the inner island girls from coming here to get money as long as they go in the club and handle their business. If shutting the inner island girls out was the plan then they would shut down the little rooming houses where the women stay. Those places are still open and girls are still coming in.

Do you really think Tourism is the biggest source of revenue for the Dominican Government? It is not. Money from Real Estate transactions is the biggest source of revenue for the Dominican Government.

It is an absolute miracle to me that you have been able to survive in Dom Rep with some of the views that you have. As you said in one of your prior posts you like to get the first punch in and then run like a dog.

Coole Mr
11-26-10, 06:24
The reason tourist stop coming to Sosua is easy. The world economy is in the toilet, airfare from the USA has doubled in the last 2 years The hotel and restaurants have a 26% tax. Electrical power stays off hours at a time, the local Dominicans on there motorcycles drive like hell, there are no rules. Sosua beach has 200 sheds that all sell the same things. The new Mayor is a typical politician with a knee jerk reaction to solving problems that only help the people who help put her office. Sosua and all of the Dominican Republic need jobs that last year round not seasonal tourist jobs, how many tourist come down in August? The mayor should spend some time trying to find a new owner for the sugar cane plant in Montellano. I have been going to Sosua for 7 years and it was never a family vacation spot.

Mr Gogo
11-26-10, 07:18
That is funny that you say that. What is a Dominican born Haitian considered? A Haitian (ie, little to no rights) It pretty much equal to Saudi Arabia here. No matter how many generations of a family have been born in Saudi Arabia if you are not of Saudi descent you can never become a Saudi citizen. That is pretty much the same story for a Haitian in the DR. (Just go ask the baseball prospect that was born here but since he can't get any papers he can't sign a contract and make him some real money.)

Take it from me. Dominicans are not as sophisticated as people on this forum are giving them credit for. There have been scientific studies that have determined that Dominican are very poor decision makers (along with poor spellers). What they are doing is not rocket science. There is no prelude to a prosperous tourist season behind this round it. That is a myth created here by some rocket scientist. The roundup is all about getting the Haitians out so more Dominicans can get that hoe money.

P.S. I am in Sosua five days a week. I see what is transpiring first hand. There is no speculation. I am not trying to figure out what is happening. I see it happening five days each weeks. Sometimes six days. They are not stopping the inner island girls from coming here to get money as long as they go in the club and handle their business. If shutting the inner island girls out was the plan then they would shut down the little rooming houses where the women stay. Those places are still open and girls are still coming in.Negro562,

I may not be as smart as you but I still have an opinion(and I respect yours). First, I didn't know Haitians played baseball(soccer maybe). And most baseball players that don't have papers, usually prosper(and get papers) because of their talent.

And as much as I hate to say it, I have to agree with Frannie(Damn). Its more about making Sosua more respectable. If a girl has to buy a drink at a club and meet a guy to make a date(low key), that is acceptable. But to walk down the street and have chicas grabbing your dick is not. The Haitianas were there since I've been mongering, so I don't believe they are the problem(Why now). They will always have a market for the chocolate fantasy, plus(IMHO) they are the better fuckers. Sure the Dominicanas are upset, but maybe they need to up their game and give a better price/service/GFE.

The Dominicans don't have to be sophisticated because they set the rules and switch them according to whats best for them. Just drive from Sosua to Cabarette and you will see many stalled projects that at one time were the shit. This is just the Dominicans cashing in for now on the pretense of a better Sosua, someone(or some group) put some major money (and the mayor) into play for this. Don't underestimate the Dominicans, they know how to preserve what they have and take a suckers money.

11-26-10, 07:40
Introduction Sousa Day - 1 Friday

First off, I want to thank those others that I provided so much information, such as Jadedguy, Artisttyp, Funinthesun, Koki, Yanqui69, Ponderosa, and the others that contribute on the DR forums. I also gathered a good bit of information from the Teflon Monger's blog; nicely done!

New Garden: Wilfried met me at the airport and filled me in a bit on the way to the NG. Taxi was $20. Wilfried and staff were outstanding throughout the stay. Friday and Saturday there was a decent selection of women hanging - crowd got smaller from Sunday through Tuesday. I stayed in a jacuzzi king room on the 4th floor. The regular price was $84, but with an ISG cash discount, it was only $72; nice discount indeed. The Wi-Fi was up and running the entire stay.

Unpacked a bit, but excited and wanted to check out the pool/bar action. There was a decent selection and after a couple of drinks and talking to the bartender, I asked him if he had any personal recommendations and he went out and escorted back Marlene; pretty girl. We were having a drink and then came over her friend Maria; decent looking, but feisty, which I like. M&M informed me that they had a 2 for 1 happy hour special going on, and after we played with some numbers, I was about to have my first "Here we go!" Sousa experience.

I brought a bottle of Tequila with me and bought another at the Duty Free place, so I was stocked up for 5 days. Because I know how Mr. Bubble reacts in the jacuzzi, I always bring him along for the trip. We all had a couple of shots while the jacuzzi was filling up. The girls loved the bubbles and the jacuzzi. After bubble/jacuzzi operations, it was on to rack operations. The girls worked well together and then I sent them on their happy hour way.

After a nap, I got some food at the NG, and then off to explore. First stop was in Latino. I started out sitting and chatting with the tall frizzy hair bartender; seemed like a nice lady. I will refer to her as LBT from here on out. I was approached by two women, both friends of course, and they advised me that they also had a 2 for 1 happy special going on. Both had pretty faces, one was a tad "Chunky" and the other was a tad "Skinny", but Skinny was hot. I informed them that I had tequila in the room, and guess what? They both giggled and told me they love tequila; go figure. After world negotiations, I made a bathroom stop and when I returned, Skinny was gone. Apparently one of her previous clients came in the bar. But I said fuck it, come on Chunky and let's play anyway.

Chunky appeared to be wearing tight clothing and after she removed her clothes, she nearly doubled in size!!! Chunky received a cell call, and told me that Skinny's client fell though and she wanted to join the party; thank goodness! I was on the fourth floor and too lazy or drunk (or both) to go down to the entrance to meet her. Instead, half naked Chunky and I went on the balcony (not a pretty sight), and when we saw Skinny on the motorbike, I yelled down to security to please, please let her in. After tequila shots and jacuzzi operations, it was time for rack operations.

Chunky rode me first while Skinny sat on my face; which was fine with me. But Chunky had another plan. She trader positions with Skinny, but Skinny decided to ride me in the reverse direction. While Chunky was riding my face, I soon realize that I had trouble breathing due to the lack of oxygen. At one point, I wanted to do the international call sign of distress, but I lost the use of my arms and even if I could, Skinny was riding and facing the other direction and would not be able to see the distress signal anyway! I was about to panic, but then I was able to maneuver my nose out of harm's way - Whew! Chunky leched on my face and I was able to get off in Skinny. I looked in the mirror, and my face looked like I just stuffed 10 glazed donuts on my face.

After the girls left, I washed up and headed back to Latino. Hung out and bought a couple of beers for LBT, then we both headed to the back bar/disco and danced until 4. Day 1 was a blast!

Day 2 Saturday

Hung out at the beach in the afternoon until sundown and decided I wanted to check out CMT and Passions. Went to CMT and had a seat at the bar. Within a couple of minutes, a pretty, but older lady came by to say hello. I nicknamed her Juicy Lucy; with a good reason of course. We had a drink and her beer was 100p, not bad. I found out that if you play with JL's neck, especially below her ears, she closes her eyes and purrs. I also learned that JL had a huge tongue, one that could equal the size of Shamu's. I looked at the menu and decided on the 2500p "anything goes" option. But I realized that I needed to think about this transaction. So I told JL I needed to go somewhere, but would be back within an hour. I got the "sure you will" look. I left and walked down to Passions to check out the place. Strange lay-out, but in a nice way. Had a drink and talked to some pretty ladies, but in the end, I decided that I liked the way JL purred.

Went back to CMT and sat at the bar. JL came around the corner, and with a big grin, did her version of the "Lambo Leap" on my lap. I thought the barstool would collapse, but it held up. JL said that she was very happy because men never return when they say they will. This time we got a table so I could enjoy her more, and still watch the one and only pole action. I decided to go a bit further and started using my tongue on her neck instead of my fingers; BINGO! Purring now turned to moaning and squirming. After about 10 minutes of this, she grabbed my hand, slid her panties aside, and had me feel the wetness. This woman was wetter than Lake Michigan.

Off to the room. I soon found out that JL likes her pussy eaten and I was happy to lend a tongue. I also found out that she was a screamer. After a great session, we laid there for awhile, and then she pointed to my lips and said, "uno mas por favor." Then I pointed to my lips and said, "sentarse por favor." And that was my best Spanish thus far.

When we left the room, I wanted to hang out with her for a bit and check out the other girls as well. I noticed that some dude was taking pictures, and I said to self, "Well hell, break out the camera." Then things just got silly. JL and buddies were stripping, humping each other, and posing for the camera. She told me later she was off on Monday and want to spend the day with me at the NG, I told her at 1 because I usually don't wake up until noon; she agreed.

After having dinner at La Roca (good food), I headed back to Latino and hung out with LBT, who started getting more personal and protective. Left about 2am, back to the NG to check e-mail and this board, just in case I missed something. And then this question came to mind, "WTF am I doing in the hotel room?" Back to Latino, which LBT was now working the back bar and the disco was in full swing. LBT was working, so I just hung out at the end of the bar talking to her and the other bartenders as well. LBT and one of the other bartenders took turns coming out and dancing with me from time to time. At 4, the place shut down and LBT announced she wanted to stay with me at the NG; I agreed, but had no idea what I was getting myself into.

11-26-10, 15:23
Chunky appeared to be wearing tight clothing and after she removed her clothes, she nearly doubled in size!!!

Ja Ja that is some funny shit but true. The cloths some of the chicas wear really have some stress on them.

11-26-10, 18:46
Recently, I have been sessioning with a former gfe. She says the chicas have no work and are desperate. She was willing to take whatever money that I gave her. What a contrast from the past! This development is great for men that spend much time in Sosua.

11-26-10, 18:51
The roundup is all about getting the Haitians out so more Dominicans can get that hoe money.

P.S. I am in Sosua five days a week. I see what is transpiring first hand. There is no speculation. I am not trying to figure out what is happening. I see it happening five days each weeks. Sometimes six days. They are not stopping the inner island girls from coming here to get money as long as they go in the club and handle their business. If shutting the inner island girls out was the plan then they would shut down the little rooming houses where the women stay. Those places are still open and girls are still coming in. My chicas are usually Haitian or 1/2.

11-26-10, 19:19
...She says the chicas have no work and are desperate. She was willing to take whatever money that I gave her...Is that what Sonia is saying (lol)? If so, I would love to know how much the "twins" have grown in the last five years.

-Helpmann ;)

11-26-10, 19:37
Take it from me. Dominicans are not as sophisticated as people on this forum are giving them credit for. There have been scientific studies that have determined that Dominican are very poor decision makers (along with poor spellers). What they are doing is not rocket science. There is no prelude to a prosperous tourist season behind this round it. That is a myth created here by some rocket scientist. The roundup is all about getting the Haitians out so more Dominicans can get that hoe money.

During the years i have had alot of well educated girls working for me. Girls that not only know how to read/ write/spell but who are probably more educated than alot of the members on this forum.
Remember, the girls you are going to find in Sosua are most of the time
the bottom of the social economic scale, who will do anything in order to make some money.
Get a little bit up that scale, and you will be happily surprised

11-26-10, 19:49
During the years I have had alot of well educated girls working for me. Girls that not only know how to read/ write/spell but who are probably more educated than alot of the members on this forum.

Remember, the girls you are going to find in Sosua are most of the time the bottom of the social economic scale, who will do anything in order to make some money.

Get a little bit up that scale, and you will be happily surprisedMany people consider the word Negro as insulting, yet that other member decided to use this word as part of his name on this site. There have been Dominicans who have attended Harvard and Yale and other excellent Universities.

The other guy says the street cleanup is solely to get rid of haitianas so dominicanas can make more money. In Santo Domingo all of the street chicas were Dominican and ALL those Dominican street chicas have been taken off of the street.

The other guy only knows his own little world and from that small world view he believes he knows it all.

11-26-10, 20:05
Hung out at the beach in the afternoon until sundown...
Hey fellas, what are the chances of the daytime action moving to the beach? Any other time it is a tourist trap. Only went to the beach once and all the multiple solicitations from the vendors was enough for me not to ever go back.

But since the chicas cannot be on the Pedro Clisante during the daytime what's stopping them from going to the beach? A few chicas I called during the day (after collecting phone numbers the previous night) would come to my room and tell me that had been hanging out at the beach (drinking) before I called. Are they going to ban chicas from the beach also?

11-26-10, 21:39
Is that what Sonia is saying (lol)? If so, I would love to know how much the "twins" have grown in the last five years.

-Helpmann ;) There is no growth in the twins, but her face is much more beautiful! We made up! Hard to believe. Actually, she is fun to be with. But her rank is #3, behind 2 others. Cum on down, I bet she would love to see you, my buddy! She claims to be 23! No fukin way!

Charles Pooter
11-26-10, 22:29
hey fellas, what are the chances of the daytime action moving to the beach? any other time it is a tourist trap. only went to the beach once and all the multiple solicitations from the vendors was enough for me not to ever go back.

but since the chicas cannot be on the pedro clisante during the daytime what's stopping them from going to the beach? ... are they going to ban chicas from the beach also?
they are more harrassed there than anywhere. i went for a [CodeWord134] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord134) in the 10 peso toilets (generally quite hygienic by the way) and when i came out a cop was already trying to march my waiting (haitian) girlfriend off, no doubt eventually to the border. next time she's coming in with me.

11-27-10, 01:21
Day 3 Sunday

Woke up at 1pm, LBT took a shower and I read the bad article about Sousa that was posted on ISG. I showed LBT the article and she saw the picture and said, "Hey, that's me bar." Then off she went. Headed for the beach and decided I would snorkel out and around the reef. The reef is in the middle portion of the beach, and about 100 yards from the shore, but today the surf seemed a lot higher than yesterday. My was truly the worse fucking idea I had since the snorkel incident in Roatan a few years ago.

Hung over + drinks with lunch + high surf = pure fucking stupidity!

Worse yet, I took advice from one of the beach bar girls, Maria. I asked her what she thought and she said, "No problem, for you." So I told Maria to watch out for me, and if there were problems, I would wave my arms like the United Nations' flags and she said, "No problem." I made it out there and there was no visibly and very few fish, so I headed back. It took me forever and a day to get back; the undertow was killing me. I honestly thought I would be dead soon, and did wave my arms a couple of times; nobody seemed to care. When I did get near the shore, wave after wave pounded me into the sand. It was as if the waves were saying, "Don't you ever come back in here again dumb ass!" I crawled out of the ocean and went to see what happen with my lookout, Maria; she was having a nice lunch!!!

Later on, I ran into a Beach Girl with a smile and ass to die for; I had to meet her, and I did. Her English sucked and my Spanish sucked even more, but somehow we were able to communicate over the next few days. We met at Merengue for a couple of drinks and then off to Morua Mai (good food) for dinner. Then off to the NG for bubble/rack operations. Afterward, I asked BG if she wanted to go dancing, and she replied by closing her eyes, rolling over, and going to sleep. And I asked, "Does this mean no?" No problem, I headed to Latino. At this point, LBT was completely possessive and protective. If any girl came within a 3 foot radius of me, LBT came after them like a pissed off guard dog that just got castrated. Danced until 3, but got tired of the guard dog, so I bailed and went to Classico. But it wasn't more than 5 minutes, LBT and cousin were in Classico hunting me down; it was getting a tad scary. Bailed and ran like hell to NG to sleep next to BG.

Day 4 - Monday

Woke up early, 11, to send BG off and told her I would see her later. Juicy Lucy was suppose to arrive at 1. Had a couple of drinks at the NG bar, and by 2:15, no JL. It was not a big problem because M&M kept me company, talking and tugging on my shorts. Headed back to the beach and had some guys fucking with me, asking, "Hey dude, where is the snorkel gear?" Hung out with BG until dusk. While walking back, I ran smack into Juicy Lucy, she was working the CMT beach bar. I asked her, "WTF JL?" She said her day off was Tuesday, not Monday. Either way, I already had my hands full and told her some other time.

The Cheetos Dilemma!

Later on I met BG at Merengue and she was sporting her new panties, which I bought from the "Panty Man" on the beach earlier that day. BG said something to the bartender, and the bartender brought over this huge bag of Cheetos Puffs. I did not bother me because she looked so damn happy holding on to the bag. But with my non-existing Spanish, I tried my best to explain to her that we were going to the Waterfront Restaurant, which is very nice, on the beach, and quite romantic to boot. After I got the "Deer in the headlights" look, I reached over and attempted to grab the bag of Cheetos to return the bag to the bartender; didn't work! That girl had a grip on that bag that could only be equaled to a pit bull's jaws gripped around a small child's neck! Needless to say, we took the bag of Cheetos to dinner with us. It was only when we sat down in the restaurant was I was able to pry he bag from her grasp. I kept the bag on the table so she could touch it from time to time. Back to the room for bubble/rack operations. And I got the same reply when I asked her if she wanted to go dancing; closed her eyes, rolled over, and went to sleep.

I headed to Classico, because there was no dancing at Latino, plus the LBT guard dog was making me nervous. I was getting my 150p ticket at the bottom of the stairs and looked up, and Chunky & Skinny were coming down the stairs. I yelled up the stairs, "Drinking and dancing, let's go!" They turned around in a hurry and went back into the club. He got a table with chairs in the back of the club and soon we were joined by a couple other chicas, one girl was a friend of Chunkys, did not know the other. After a couple of hours, I felt comfortable with the girls; bad mistake. Two girls, other than Chunky and Skinny, put in between them like a sandwich, but we were all facing the same way. I felt a hand in my right front pocket from the girl behind me, and she appeared to be searching for gold; none available, because some of my cash was in the left front pocket. I grabbed her hand and called Jose, our server. He brought security over and they came in like a swat team.

Meanwhile, the girl that was in front of me left rather quickly. That's when I checked my other pocket and learned in was cleaned out. There was about 2000p left in there. I keep most of my cash in my waist pouch, which was still in tack. I do take a lot of pictures and was able to show security the other girl, and they knew her as well. What surprised me was that Classico reimbursed my lost; nice touch. First off, I let my guard down so I consider the incident as a lesson learned. I continued to dance until closing. Picture of the pick pocket team below!

11-27-10, 01:43
There is no growth in the twins, but her face is much more beautiful! We made up! Hard to believe. Actually, she is fun to be with. But her rank is #3, behind 2 others. Cum on down, I bet she would love to see you, my buddy! She claims to be 23! No fukin way!Sure Sid. By the time I get to Sosua, you'll be in Juan Dolio or better yet Buenos Aires. Just be sure to give her a kiss from me.

By the way, are you going to share some photos of your #1 and #2 with the board members and I?

-Helpmann :)

11-27-10, 03:02
Take it from me. Dominicans are not as sophisticated as people on this forum are giving them credit for. There have been scientific studies that have determined that Dominican are very poor decision makers (along with poor spellers). What they are doing is not rocket science. There is no prelude to a prosperous tourist season behind this round it. That is a myth created here by some rocket scientist. The roundup is all about getting the Haitians out so more Dominicans can get that hoe money.

During the years i have had alot of well educated girls working for me. Girls that not only know how to read/ write/spell but who are probably more educated than alot of the members on this forum.
Remember, the girls you are going to find in Sosua are most of the time
the bottom of the social economic scale, who will do anything in order to make some money.
Get a little bit up that scale, and you will be happily surprised

I don't understand your point and how that applies to me. If you are implying that I am dealing with these *****s, um sorry. Wrong cat. I am in Sosua for something else but, if you need a ***** I can help you out.

Now the point that I made was something that was actually printed in the news. A study that was done and the results were in print. The Dominican population has a problem with decision making and spelling. If your women don't have this problem good for you. I will save a pack of Dino cookies for you as your reward.

New Old Guy
11-27-10, 03:44
Do you really think Tourism is the biggest source of revenue for the Dominican Government? It is not. Money from Real Estate transactions is the biggest source of revenue for the Dominican Government.

What evidence do you have to support your statement? My understanding is that real estate transactions are taxed to 7.5% above rdp 5 million, probably there is not such a great deal of these transactions happening every year.

11-27-10, 04:23
What evidence do you have to support your statement? My understanding is that real estate transactions are taxed to 7.5% above rdp 5 million, probably there is not such a great deal of thse transactions happening every year.I read before and will find it, that Real Estate was the biggest revenue producer for the Dominican Government. It is certain that tourism is not the biggest revenue producer.

Dominican Government received RD$7.9 billion from real estate taxpayers

Santo Domingo.– Local taxpayers paid RD$7.9 billion last year on real estate transactions, 50% of them were carried out in the National District, Supreme Court (SCJ) president Jorge Subero Isa, revealed during a breakfast with journalists who where invited to tour the new fully computerized facilities of the Superior Land Court and Property Title Registrar divisions.

According to the official, real estate transactions in the Dominican Republic rank third in revenues generated for the government, behind customs and tax departments.


Foreign investment to top US$2.4B, Dominican official says


Approved: 7 new tourism projects worth US$780M


US$1.0B Santo Domingo port project waits for the Navy to ship out


11-27-10, 05:24
I am to pick up the favorite on Monday for five days in Punta Cana but she wants me to buy her a vibrator before leave the States. Problem is I have been at BB for a week and head to Sosua tomorrow for a couple of days before picking her up in SD on Monday.

Is there anywhere in PP or Sosua where I can purchase a vibrator? She has the idea I might drive in the Capital looking for one but that is not in my plan. I told her the religious nuts in my town shut down all the vibrator stores in my town so I can not bring one with me.


Bq Ribs
11-27-10, 05:25
Introduction Sousa Day - 1 Friday

First off, I want to thank those others that I provided so much information, such as Jadedguy, Artisttyp, Funinthesun, Koki, Yanqui69, Ponderosa, and the others that contribute on the DR forums. I also gathered a good bit of information from the Teflon Monger's blog; nicely done!......
Nice report and great pics. You sure did keep yourself busy. I had a hard time reading your report and keeping track of all them chicas, juicy lucy, chunky & skinny.......you sure know how to nickname them. LOL

You have any more pics of CMP. I believe you are the first to post any pics of the new place. With the current situation looks as if CMP will be doing a bit more business.

Thanks again for posting........

11-27-10, 05:51
Nice report and great pics. You sure did keep yourself busy. I had a hard time reading your report and keeping track of all them chicas, juicy lucy, chunky & skinny.......you sure know how to nickname them. LOL

You have any more pics of CMP. I believe you are the first to post any pics of the new place. With the current situation looks as if CMP will be doing a bit more business.

Thanks again for posting........

I have a whole bunch from one of their Sosua Famous pool parties, Good Nudes as well but it will involve some heavy editing for their are tons of guys in the backround. But I will start editing tomorrow. Maybe I'll I use some kind of photoshop cut tool? Too just cut out the chica?

Chief Justice
11-27-10, 06:40
I am to pick up the favorite on Monday for five days in Punta Cana but she wants me to buy her a vibrator before leave the States. Problem is I have been at BB for a week and head to Sosua tomorrow for a couple of days before picking her up in SD on Monday.

Is there anywhere in PP or Sosua where I can purchase a vibrator? She has the idea I might drive in the Capital looking for one but that is not in my plan. I told her the religious nuts in my town shut down all the vibrator stores in my town so I can not bring one with me.

TIAThere is a place right down the street from classicos on the right hand side going towards passions.

The guy who owns it is from Memphis.

11-27-10, 13:55
There is a sex shop a couple of blocks up Pedro Clisante, toward La Passions; maybe halfway, or less, to Four Roses and the chicken shack. On the right-hand side of P.C., walking up from The Block. (At least it was there last month.)

Hope this helps - Westy

I am to pick up the favorite on Monday for five days in Punta Cana but she wants me to buy her a vibrator before leave the States. Problem is I have been at BB for a week and head to Sosua tomorrow for a couple of days before picking her up in SD on Monday.

Is there anywhere in PP or Sosua where I can purchase a vibrator? She has the idea I might drive in the Capital looking for one but that is not in my plan. I told her the religious nuts in my town shut down all the vibrator stores in my town so I can not bring one with me.


11-27-10, 15:04
There is a sex shop a couple of blocks up Pedro Clisante, toward La Passions; maybe halfway, or less, to Four Roses and the chicken shack. On the right-hand side of P.C., walking up from The Block. (At least it was there last month.)

Hope this helps - Westy

Thanks I will check it out.

11-27-10, 15:31
Sure Sid. By the time I get to Sosua, you'll be in Juan Dolio or better yet Buenos Aires. Just be sure to give her a kiss from me.

By the way, are you going to share some photos of your #1 and #2 with the board members and I?

-Helpmann :)
Possibly you are a malo hombre to her? Fotos--I have no camera so i have no fotos. That is why Jackson banned me from AP, supposedly! But we know the real reason!

11-27-10, 17:49
Please try to show some restraint any Captian save a hoes or would be alike! Then maybe people will start posting more pics!

Good Girls, sessioned with probably half of them, the first girl was 1/2 indian and very cute and hot in the sack!

Very nice laid back place, where the girls don't give you that false stare the whole time you are sitting there ala PASSIONS.


11-27-10, 18:01
Right on Pedro Clisante el Batey, 3 blocks prior to Passions, same side of the street!

Mr Gogo
11-27-10, 18:33
Right on Pedro Clisante el Batey, 3 blocks prior to Passions, same side of the street!Man you are raising hell on the Medellin board and got all the soft guys crying to momma over there"mommy MHL is messing with me". But its good you still got mad love over here to give us.

Thanks for the pics bro.

New Old Guy
11-27-10, 18:43
According to the official, real estate transactions in the Dominican Republic rank third in revenues generated for the government, behind customs and tax departments.Third source of revenue makes more sense..
There is no direct income to the state from tourism, except the entry and exit fees (if applicable). All comes from a much bigger volume of taxation to Dominican businesses, that would not be there without tourism presence.

Bq Ribs
11-27-10, 18:44
Right on Pedro Clisante el Batey, 3 blocks prior to Passions, same side of the street!
Whatever award they are handing out today for posting pics you win !!!!

CMP looks pretty nice, a lot nicer looking than what I thought it would be.

11-27-10, 18:52
Third source of revenue makes more sense.

There is no direct income to the state from tourism, except the entry and exit fees (if applicable). All comes from a much bigger volume of taxation to Dominican businesses, that would not be there without tourism presence.The whole point is that one of the reasons for the crackdown in Sosua and Santo Domingo is to present a more wholesome image to investors. The Dominican Government is not going to risk losing billions of dollars in investment in order to keep a few mongers happy.

11-27-10, 19:00
Third source of revenue makes more sense..
There is no direct income to the state from tourism, except the entry and exit fees (if applicable). All comes from a much bigger volume of taxation to Dominican businesses, that would not be there without tourism presence.

So the 16% VAT on your bill at an AI or a hotel is not considered tourist revenue, if you say so?

11-27-10, 19:02
Third source of revenue makes more sense.

There is no direct income to the state from tourism, except the entry and exit fees (if applicable). All comes from a much bigger volume of taxation to Dominican businesses, that would not be there without tourism presence.Since it appears you understand these things better than I do, could you please do me a favor, could you please read ALL the charts on this page regarding the Dominican Republic and get back to me with a summary, thanks


11-27-10, 19:05
What is good group my trip is coming up this January and I wwanted to know if yall could post some pics and names of head monters/vixens and ones thats top notch in bed I'm tryin to make this trip the best 1 yet. Please respond.

Thank you

New Old Guy
11-27-10, 20:41
So the 16% VAT on your bill at an AI or a hotel is not considered tourist revenue, if you say so?
You can consider it the way you want. But technically since everyone, (not only tourists) pays VAT, it is not a direct tourism revenue. Beside, VAT is double entry type of taxation, not much used in English speaking countries. A direct tourism revenue would be a per-day, per-person sojourn tax. Some places in the world have these, but not Dominican Republic.
Again, these are just technicalities, in my opinion tourism makes a big part of DR state balance, yet not the first according the source Jousousa posted.

11-27-10, 21:23
Whatever award they are handing out today for posting pics you win !!!!

CMP looks pretty nice, a lot nicer looking than what I thought it would be.Thanks for posting MHL. I am curious what is that electronic type thingie with the cord that the blondie has in her hands in a few pics?

11-27-10, 22:01
...Very nice laid back place, where the girls don't give you that false stare the whole time you are sitting there ala PASSIONS...Well, it looks like I'm traveling to Sosua.

BTW, the girl in "IMG_4534" is hot!

-Helpmann :)

11-27-10, 22:30
Day 5 Tuesday

After hitting the ATM, it was off to the beach to spend time with the Beach Girl. Shared some stories with a couple of dudes from Texas that I met on Saturday. They had a good laugh or two on my expense; no worries. One of the vendors stopped by with some t-shirts and dresses. The Beach Girl perked up and produced the biggest smile of the day. She snatched one of the dresses from the vendor's arm and started modeling it for me. The vendor and I discussed some numbers. I told the Beach Girl to go to the vendor's shop and see if she liked another one better; off she went.

Meanwhile, there was two other chicas sitting at the tables with us. So while the Beach Girl was checking out dresses in the vendor's stall, I started snapping pictures of the crazy gals, as they dropped their tops and displayed their asses. Beach Girl came back and was a happy camper! This was until she started looking at the recent photos on my camera, which should have been in my pocket and not left on the table. One of the Texas dudes pointed to her and yelled, "Hey buddy, you are fucked!" And when I turned around to look at her, I could tell she was pissed. Then the other Texas dude came up with a brilliant idea. He said, "Just buy her another dress; problem solved." And it worked!!! Way too funny of an afternoon.

Hung out at the beach until 7:00, thought about a nap, but too late. Beach Girl and I was off to NG for showers and rack operations. Then we headed back to Moura Mia for another good meal. Back in the room, she discovered the remote control, grabbed a chair, placed the remote in her crotch and was content. I headed to Classico. Ran into Chunky and we grabbed a booth. New gal comes over, one of Chunky's friends - very Tiny and one hell of a dancer. Then two more friends decided to share the booth. One of the ladies was a Hot Blonde and latched on me like there was not tomorrow. I danced with the Hot Blonde for a bit, and then for some reason, we decided to swing dance, which worked for a while. At one point, our feet got tangled and we both went down harder than any character in any Rocky movie! Her head bounced off the floor and I thought she was out for the count. My first thought, "OMG, I killed a local...run like the wind!" Security and staff were around us in a hurry. We got up, with help, and then back to the booth, both of us licking our wounds.

I felt the lump on her head, and asked Jose for ice. He brings over a cup of ice, and I gave him the "What can we do with this" look. We placed the cup of ice on her head. I felt really bed, said I was sorry several times, and even explained that Mr. Alcohol was at fault. Nothing worked, until, until, I whipped out 2000p. And low and behold; she was just fine! She was back up and dancing within seconds; Doctor Peso works miracles! After a few dances, she was behind me while her friend was in front of me, and I thought, "Hey, I remember this move." Apparently 2000p was not enough because I felt her hands in both pockets at the same time. This time I did not loss anything. Security escorted the bumpy headed skank out. Too bad, she was pretty and fun. Her picture is below, so beware of her.

Returned to the booth and Chunky asked what happen, and when I told her, she decided to lecture me. She said, Chica, drink, chica, drink, chica, drink, what if your problem? My answer, "I don't know." I dumped the bunch, except for Tiny, and joined the dudes from Texas. The only thing I didn't like about Classico were the drink prices; 250p for a screwdriver, that sucks. I stayed until about 3:30 and back to the NG. Beach Girl was done with TV and sleeping like a baby.

Final thoughts on Sousa, I loved the place. The mixture of the beach, casual dressing, good restaurants, nightlife, and a nice selection of chicas made it a great place, IMHO. I never once felt unsafe. Not really sure what the future holds for Sousa. Talking with Wilfried and Luis at the NG, they don't think the changes will be drastic; I hope they are correct. Other than the near death snorkel incident, the three pick pocket skanks, and the dance floor grand slam, I had one of the best trips ever!

11-28-10, 00:30
Thanks for the report, but I agree with Chunky about chicas trying to rub you in Classico - may be it's you !!! I've been to that place a thousands times and I can't recall if a chica ever even thought about putting her hand in my pocket....

Glad you had a good time.

11-28-10, 01:23
Im heading down to sosua this upcoming January. I want the group to post on some of the best headmonster they had and any other who is top notch in the sack. Hopefullly I can get lucky and run into a few. Thanks

11-28-10, 02:33
Thanks I will check it out.

The sex shop is located pretty much right next to SeaCret's, stopped in for a quick look last week.

11-28-10, 02:38
Right on Pedro Clisante el Batey, 3 blocks prior to Passions, same side of the street!

Great pics. Is the pool action for everyone or do you have to select from the menu to go back there? I was there last week but only at night, had a quick look at the pool area out back but nobody was there. Went with a couple bud's and had a great time there, kinda like Passion's used to be with unlimited interaction with the chica's. Definitely heading back next trip...

11-28-10, 03:51
Great pics. Is the pool action for everyone or do you have to select from the menu to go back there? I was there last week but only at night, had a quick look at the pool area out back but nobody was there. Went with a couple bud's and had a great time there, kinda like Passion's used to be with unlimited interaction with the chica's. Definitely heading back next trip...

Anybody can go in the back for the pool parties but they don't do it everyday, you have to ask when they do it. I forgot to mention, DJ, Good Food buffet style and wet t-shirt contest, there was even a Colombian and Chilean girl there trying to win the 3000 pesos! lol

11-28-10, 04:49
Maybe I am missing something, but there seemed to be a bunch of high pressure behind it.

They have lots of people going around town passing out fliers for the place. Guys try to get you on their scooter to go there. They also seem to pressure you when you walk past the place on the street.

When you get in there, a couple of owners keep telling you how great it is. I guess I just do not like it.

La Passions seems much better. You can sit there and just be by yourself. I have no interest in and have seen (but never met) the owner. The lack of stress is what makes the place magic.

Again, Sousa is just perfect in every way.

11-28-10, 12:19
I would not make to much of this supposed clean/roundup because Sosua last night was pretty much like Sosua every other Saturday night. Probably a little better because all the ugly girls that have been out and about lately were not out harassing you. No fat girls coming up and standing close to you trying to get noticed.

11-28-10, 13:58
La Passions seems much better. You can sit there and just be by yourself. I have no interest in and have seen (but never met) the owner. The lack of stress is what makes the place magic.

Again, Sousa is just perfect in every way.

When the F can you sit in passions and not have at least 8 pairs of eyes on you at any given time, girls asking you to buy them a beer and then being shown the Menu of services by just about ever single girl there offering her services. You must sit out in the parking lot then.

11-28-10, 14:00
thanks for posting mhl. i am curious what is that electronic type thingie with the cord that the blondie has in her hands in a few pics?

i don't know where they got it but one of them had one of those vibrating egg, holy shit they where having a ball with it taking turns, it was a 3 speed! lol

11-28-10, 15:36
I would not make to much of this supposed clean/roundup because Sosua last night was pretty much like Sosua every other Saturday night. Probably a little better because all the ugly girls that have been out and about lately were not out harassing you. No fat girls coming up and standing close to you trying to get noticed.
A random arrest of chicas last night! I saw them enter Classico's, then Bar Central and haul away 2 chicas. We 3 got the hell out. There were nasty stares at us from the Politur, as I held them tight and walked by them on the sidewalk!

You Can
11-28-10, 16:26
Well, if they only hauled to chica away, there had to be more in there so they must have just wanted them to for some reason? Whats your point?

A random arrest of chicas last night! I saw them enter Classico's, then Bar Central and haul away 2 chicas. We 3 got the hell out. There were nasty stares at us from the Politur, as I held them tight and walked by them on the sidewalk!

You Can
11-28-10, 16:37
Well, if they only hauled 2 chica away, there had to be more in there so they must have just wanted them to for some reason? Whats your point?

A random arrest of chicas last night! I saw them enter Classico's, then Bar Central and haul away 2 chicas. We 3 got the hell out. There were nasty stares at us from the Politur, as I held them tight and walked by them on the sidewalk!

11-28-10, 16:37
The sex shop is located pretty much right next to SeaCret's, stopped in for a quick look last week.

Thanks guys found the place without any problems. They actually have quite a selection of toys for adults. The girl really want to sell me some of those vibrating eggs.

Here is a pict. of the store.

11-28-10, 16:38
Im heading down to sosua this upcoming January. I want the group to post on some of the best headmonster they had and any other who is top notch in the sack. Hopefullly I can get lucky and run into a few. Thanks

Just go!

There are new girls in town every weekend, well at least there used to be before the new mayor decided to make Pedro Clisante "It's a small world".

Please R-T-F-F, it's a little different in Sosua now!

11-28-10, 16:50
When the F can you sit in passions and not have at least 8 pairs of eyes on you at any given time, girls asking you to buy them a beer and then being shown the Menu of services by just about ever single girl there offering her services. You must sit out in the parking lot then.MHL,as of recent you couldn't be more wrong. I have been in Sosua for the last three days and went to Classicos and Latinos to begin my night the first two nights and lasted twenty minutes in both places due to the ridiculous aggressiveness of the girls and have gone to Passions because the girls for the most part leave us alone. 2500 pesos for takeout after 1 a.m. for a good looking girl that has someone to answer to if she doesn't perform well and (supposedly) gets tested weekly is a good deal in Sosua in my opinion. Me and my wingmen will be back tonight.By the way,we went to GMP and got accosted by literally twenty girls before we even had a chance to order a drink,we got up and left.

Full report to follow.

11-28-10, 16:51
Just go!

There are new girls in town every weekend, well at least there used to be before the new mayor decided to make Pedro Clisante "It's a small world".

Please R-T-F-F, it's a Police state in Sosua now.1964 World's Fair in Queens, New York, I visited the "Its A Small World" ride.

I believe the crackdown is coming from Santo Domingo. A small town Mayor, I don't believe would be able to call in the National Police and the Politur on a large scale every night.

11-28-10, 16:58
I would not make to much of this supposed clean/roundup because Sosua last night was pretty much like Sosua every other Saturday night. Probably a little better because all the ugly girls that have been out and about lately were not out harassing you. No fat girls coming up and standing close to you trying to get noticed.I agree 100%. I have been here a few days and yes,there is a large police presence and I saw a couple girls get hauled off but so fucking what? They aren't hauling off gringos and there are shitloads of girls available everywhere. The "crackdown" talk here on the board is so overblown it isn't funny. I'm not saying things aren't going to change dramatically over the next few weeks or months but as of right now things are fine as far as I'm concerned and my boots are on the ground in Sosua as I write this.

11-28-10, 18:12
thanks guys found the place without any problems. they actually have quite a selection of toys for adults. the girl really want to sell me some of those vibrating eggs.

here is a pict. of the store.

lol what's with the guy peering in through the door.

11-28-10, 18:50
MHL,as of recent you couldn't be more wrong. I have been in Sosua for the last three days and went to Classicos and Latinos to begin my night the first two nights and lasted twenty minutes in both places due to the ridiculous aggressiveness of the girls and have gone to Passions because the girls for the most part leave us alone. 2500 pesos for takeout after 1 a.m. for a good looking girl that has someone to answer to if she doesn't perform well and (supposedly) gets tested weekly is a good deal in Sosua in my opinion. Me and my wingmen will be back tonight.By the way,we went to GMP and got accosted by literally twenty girls before we even had a chance to order a drink,we got up and left.

Full report to follow.

Well then things have done a complete 180 since 2 months ago and somebody switched the signs in front of the 2 places lol. Me and the boys are planning a weekend in December, I will re-access the situation and give my straight talk opinion. Who knows, some things change faster than you can go to classicos and swap out a chica. You have "boots on the ground" right now, Im not going to dispute it, you are a good poster! Cheers!

11-28-10, 19:45
I agree 100%. I have been here a few days and yes,there is a large police presence and I saw a couple girls get hauled off but so fucking what? They aren't hauling off gringos and there are shitloads of girls available everywhere. The "crackdown" talk here on the board is so overblown it isn't funny. I'm not saying things aren't going to change dramatically over the next few weeks or months but as of right now things are fine as far as I'm concerned and my boots are on the ground in Sosua as I write this.
I hope that your outlook remains intact. Some people like to refer to Sosua as "So-sewer" and "Shithole," but you can't beat the open-air bar scene and the fact that you can literally walk around the corner from your hotel and "point and click" chicas without having to take a taxi everytime you want some action.

But like Bq Ribs, I am waiting to see what the postings will look like after "D-Day" in Sosua (December 3rd). I'm hoping they will continue to be just as positive...

11-28-10, 21:38
If the crackdown and persecution continues, I have a Plan B. Essentially, i have a list of terrific chicas who will serve all my needs. And probably, it will be cheaper for me.

New Old Guy
11-28-10, 22:33
I do not write this to advertise anything but having been to Sosua before, that I consider quite a shithole, I can understand the frustration of suffering a crackdown on top of the limited attractiveness of the place.

I stay in Las Terrenas as reported in "Other Areas". I spend p. 800 a day in a perfectly decent hotel. I have use of the terrace (actually I am the only one hanging in there) to eat my meals (avg. p 150 for good meat or chicken with a side and dessert). Wi-fi works perfectly. Otherwise there are Italian, French and even a Vietnamese restaurants. BTW you better stand these nationalities (ok, not Viet), because they are the majority of Westerns here, running all the better businesses.

All is in walking distance, maybe except the the gym that is ample and clean, with a good selection of machine , group classes and spinning bikes. The manager was happy to give me a discount on the already low rates.

I only have to cross the road to get to the postcard quality beach, palm lined and tout free. I have a car but would not need one, everything is in reach, including p4p day or night. Some colmados and picapollo are also open at night for a cheap snack before going to sleep.

I can choose between various types of bars/clubs, from very local to mixed to upscale ones. The quality of the girls is the same as I have seen anywhere else in the DR, that is, attractive to not like 1 to 10, with the occasional hottie. Dominican or Haitian, as you like it better.

I am not partaking much, but I'm positive that with a little negotiation I can take home any of them for p 1,000 and they would not look at the clock. They have few customers now, and better stick to the ones they get, although the next high season is not coming bad as the past one.

There is national police and politur presence, no crackdown whatsoever, from what I understand crime ratio is much lower than in other areas. There are decent stores for shopping and not being on the national road, no constant traffic of guaguas and cars. Admittedly, the noise from the moto-idiots is as bad as everywhere else. There are two clinics each with their own ambulance. In case it's needed, I can get to the capital in less that three hours by the new national freeway. If you like to live like an high-roller, you can take a small plane to the local airport, or rent it for an airtour.

I'm truly enjoying my time here and I am considering about taking residence, I also have some ideas and will work on a business plan with the advice of selected locals.

Why anyone wants to settle for less but paying more, that eludes me completely.

11-28-10, 23:35
lol what's with the guy peering in through the door.

actually the guy is washing the windows. but it does look that way.

11-29-10, 04:59
actually the guy is washing the windows. but it does look that way.
hahahah it looked like he was too shy to go in but not shy enough that he couldnt stop peeking

11-29-10, 18:03
I just returned from the Cabarete / Sosua area yesterday. When I arrived we passed through Sosua Thursday afternoon to pick up some things for the villa I was staying in. We passed by the "stroll" and yes, I did seem a little slower then I remembered (this was my fifth trip this year), but a group of us went to Classico's Saturday night and it seemed business as usual (at least to me).

I talked with a "hiva" buddy of mine and told me that this is not just a local crack down. He told me he thought it was actually a nationwide event. He told me el presidente got caught with his pants down a month or two ago and his wife is the driving force behind all the police activity. Apparently he was trying to poke some fun but esposa didn't find it to be too funny.

11-29-10, 18:12
1964 World's Fair in Queens, New York, I visited the "Its A Small World" ride.

I believe the crackdown is coming from Santo Domingo. A small town Mayor, I don't believe would be able to call in the National Police and the Politur on a large scale every night.

Wrong. It's a money play so yes she can call them every night. A lot of the girls pay to get out and I am sure the mayors office is getting a small cut of the fines that the Politur and National police tell her office about.

11-29-10, 18:18
A random arrest of chicas last night! I saw them enter Classico's, then Bar Central and haul away 2 chicas. We 3 got the hell out. There were nasty stares at us from the Politur, as I held them tight and walked by them on the sidewalk!

I know it's always important to have a good session. I guess the two they picked up didn't have a session that night.

If you were escorting three you should have blackmailed them and told them that they would have to get away from you if they didn't all come session for 400 pesos

Mr Gogo
11-29-10, 18:56
I know it's always important to have a good session. I guess the two they picked up didn't have a session that night.

If you were escorting three you should have blackmailed them and told them that they would have to get away from you if they didn't all come session for 400 pesosI'm sure they would rather go to jail than sleep with you for for USD.

11-29-10, 18:57
Wrong. It's a money play so yes she can call them every night. A lot of the girls pay to get out and I am sure the mayors office is getting a small cut of the fines that the Politur and National police tell her office about.So it is just a coincidence that there is a crackdown in Santo Domingo and Sosua at the same time. And do you really believe every small town mayor in Dom Rep can call up the central government and request loads of policia nacional and politur and those extra officers will be sent for however long to whatever hodunk town requests them?

Sosua does not have its own police force that a Sosua Mayor could control. Politur and Policia Nacional are controlled by guys in Santo Domingo and the salaries of Politur and Policia Nacional are paid by the National government. I doubt the Mayor of Sosua has much control over the policia nacional or politur. The female mayor of Sosua may for political purposes try to take credit for the increased police and politur on the streets, but in reality my guess she has no say in how many police or politur are on the streets.

The central government in Santo Domingo is paying the salaries of those policia nacional and politur in Sosua and thus ultimately control when, where and for how long they are deployed in a certain location.

Mr Gogo
11-29-10, 19:15
I know it's always important to have a good session. I guess the two they picked up didn't have a session that night.

If you were escorting three you should have blackmailed them and told them that they would have to get away from you if they didn't all come session for 400 pesosThey would rather go to jail than take 4usd each from you.

Mr Gogo
11-29-10, 19:54
Its funny with all the theorys here. I started out with the undercover Euro investment idea, then later said its about a little more respectability. Nego562 started with the Haitian wipeout theory but after Jao shot that down by saying the SD crackdown didn't involve Haitians, he now says it a money grab. Now we hear Lionel was having an affair. And some people say keep an eye on the stalled projects between Sosua and Cabarette(for renovation). But I heard one the other day thats pretty good.

A few months ago Lionel visited Obama at the White house. The word is Obama gave him a heads up about future developments with Cuba. If the DR doesn't start to prepare now to compete with Cuba in the future for tourist dollars it will be left behind. Cuba has been allowing limited European monies for two golf communites with 200 condos each. Not a big deal but food for thought.

11-29-10, 21:30
So it is just a coincidence that there is a crackdown in Santo Domingo and Sosua at the same time. And do you really believe every small town mayor in Dom Rep can call up the central government and request loads of policia nacional and politur and those extra officers will be sent for however long to whatever hodunk town requests them?

Sosua does not have its own police force that a Sosua Mayor could control. Politur and Policia Nacional are controlled by guys in Santo Domingo and the salaries of Politur and Policia Nacional are paid by the National government. I doubt the Mayor of Sosua has much control over the policia nacional or politur. The female mayor of Sosua may for political purposes try to take credit for the increased police and politur on the streets, but in reality my guess she has no say in how many police or politur are on the streets.

The central government in Santo Domingo is paying the salaries of those policia nacional and politur in Sosua and thus ultimately control when, where and for how long they are deployed in a certain location.

As always the Big American visitor chimes in with his perspective of what is going on on the island which he does not live.

Now, please explain to me why the Mayor of Sosua can not call her cousin who is the head of the Policia Nacional for Sosua and tell him to send some of his boys down and harass the shit out of the chicas every night? Explain this to me? As far as I have seen during my years living here everyone is related to everyone else. Shit. The damn motoconchos in any town on this island have juice with the police. Therefore, what you are saying is absurd.

The only people who don't have pull with the police is you. And, if the police see it as a way they can get them some extra money you damn well better believe that they are all for it. (I can't tell how many times I have passed roadblocks drunk and all it took was a few hundred pesos to be on my way.)

Hell, hustlers set up a fake road blocks themselves and say they are the police and extorting drivers until the real police showed up. In this country anything is possible. Hell, you can blow a fools head off and walk out of jail so why couldn't the mayor tell the police to harass the chicas?

Now, as far as this comment is concerned
Sosua does not have its own police force that a Sosua Mayor could control. Politur and Policia Nacional are controlled by guys in Santo Domingo and the salaries of Politur and Policia Nacional are paid by the National government. I doubt the Mayor of Sosua has much control over the policia nacional or politur. The female mayor of Sosua may for political purposes try to take credit for the increased police and politur on the streets, but in reality my guess she has no say in how many police or politur are on the streets. Policia Nacional are making about 3000 to 5000 peso per month. All the police officers I know have two and three jobs. I am pretty sure that are lined up at roll call to take this assignment. (Money from a chica or get your dick sucked for freedom.

And do you really believe every small town mayor in Dom Rep can call up the central government and request loads of policia nacional and politur and those extra officers will be sent for however long to whatever hodunk town requests them? They constantly have riots in Navarrette. Where do the extra Policia Nacional come from? Navarrette is a small town like Sosua. Do you really think Navarrette's mayor can call up the Policial Nacional and request extra officers to come in an restore the calm? Yes. They make the call and officers are sent from Santiago. How do I know this? One of my friends that was a nacional policia officer from Santiago was killed in Navarrette.

So, yes. In some instances what you wrote was correct. The central government is paying the salaries of the Policia Nacional but, you are wrong to think the Mayor of a small town like Sosua has no say. Very wrong.

11-29-10, 21:37
I'm sure they would rather go to jail than sleep with you for for USD.

COol.. I am not in to sleep with putas anyways. I am into selling services. Making sure people like you come and have a great time. And, since obviously you are a herb, helping you to salvage your vacation because you blew it for yourself.

Also, I am fairly lively and attractive so, I tend to do pretty well with regular women worldwide. However, all b*tche$ are hoe$. So the dinners and movies that I buy are equal to the money you put directly in their hands.


Mr Gogo
11-29-10, 22:24
COol.. I am not in to sleep with putas anyways. I am into selling services. Making sure people like you come and have a great time. And, since obviously you are a herb, helping you to salvage your vacation because you blew it for yourself.

Also, I am fairly lively and attractive so, I tend to do pretty well with regular women worldwide. However, all b*tche$ are hoe$. So the dinners and movies that I buy are equal to the money you put directly in their hands.

ToucheOne minute your talking about blackmailing putas then next you don't deal with them. Sometimes you say some smart shit then the next post you contradict yourself. Plus no one here needs a dude to help get pussy in Sosua. I'm scared to ask what service you provide, is your name Rupaul?

Good luck at being a major player.

11-29-10, 22:35
Calling in extra police to help quell riots is one matter. Calling in and paying extra money to police to harass street chicas only because some female mayor wants it, I aint buying it.

Worldwide economic turn down, do I see the powers that be in DR risking losing any investment monies because some investor may say it is unsightly to have prostitutes in the street? No. The guys in power will do what it takes so that they don't lose any investments.

You still have not explained to me how and why the crackdowns occurred in both Sosua and Santo Domingo at the same time.

Polanco Guzman chief of the National Police. You have no clue who I know on the island.

For sure you are not in Dom Rep to monger, you said yourself ALL women are just moist holes to relieve tension. In a previous post you wrote about Saudi Arabia, your views on women jibe with how many Saudi men feel about women, Saudi women have very little rights. 15 of 19 hijackers on September 11, 2001 were from Saudi Arabia. Appears you have a hatred of guys from the United States, I wonder what your true mission could be in Dom Rep and who is paying your freight to be there

As always the Big American visitor chimes in with his perspective of what is going on on the island which he does not live.

Now, please explain to me why the Mayor of Sosua can not call her cousin who is the head of the Policia Nacional for Sosua and tell him to send some of his boys down and harass the shit out of the chicas every night? Explain this to me? As far as I have seen during my years living here everyone is related to everyone else. Shit. The damn motoconchos in any town on this island have juice with the police. Therefore, what you are saying is absurd.

The only people who don't have pull with the police is you. And, if the police see it as a way they can get them some extra money you damn well better believe that they are all for it. (I can't tell how many times I have passed roadblocks drunk and all it took was a few hundred pesos to be on my way.)

Hell, hustlers set up a fake road blocks themselves and say they are the police and extorting drivers until the real police showed up. In this country anything is possible. Hell, you can blow a fools head off and walk out of jail so why couldn't the mayor tell the police to harass the chicas?

Now, as far as this comment is concerned Policia Nacional are making about 3000 to 5000 peso per month. All the police officers I know have two and three jobs. I am pretty sure that are lined up at roll call to take this assignment. (Money from a chica or get your dick sucked for freedom.

They constantly have riots in Navarrette. Where do the extra Policia Nacional come from? Navarrette is a small town like Sosua. Do you really think Navarrette's mayor can call up the Policial Nacional and request extra officers to come in an restore the calm? Yes. They make the call and officers are sent from Santiago. How do I know this? One of my friends that was a nacional policia officer from Santiago was killed in Navarrette.

So, yes. In some instances what you wrote was correct. The central government is paying the salaries of the Policia Nacional but, you are wrong to think the Mayor of a small town like Sosua has no say. Very wrong.

11-30-10, 01:36
COol.. I am not in to sleep with putas anyways.....

Also, I am fairly lively and attractive so, I tend to do pretty well with regular women worldwide. However, all b*tche$ are hoe$. .....


Ayyypapi, er.. sorry, N562 I mean,

Come on, nobody is allowed to have an opinion but you? You live here, or so I gather, so no-one else can say or do something you wouldn't?

Come on, let's keep the board civil. There are ways to talk without knocking someone. Heck even Ayyypapi started talking civil after a while.

Like my wise mother used to say, "can't you children play nice?"

My 2 cents,


You Can
11-30-10, 01:41
Yea Negro, its a discussion/info board that is what it is for. People chime in with whatever they think or have seen.

As always the Big American visitor chimes in with his perspective of what is going on on the island which he does not live.

Now, please explain to me why the Mayor of Sosua can not call her cousin who is the head of the Policia Nacional for Sosua and tell him to send some of his boys down and harass the shit out of the chicas every night? Explain this to me? As far as I have seen during my years living here everyone is related to everyone else. Shit. The damn motoconchos in any town on this island have juice with the police. Therefore, what you are saying is absurd.

The only people who don't have pull with the police is you. And, if the police see it as a way they can get them some extra money you damn well better believe that they are all for it. (I can't tell how many times I have passed roadblocks drunk and all it took was a few hundred pesos to be on my way.)

Hell, hustlers set up a fake road blocks themselves and say they are the police and extorting drivers until the real police showed up. In this country anything is possible. Hell, you can blow a fools head off and walk out of jail so why couldn't the mayor tell the police to harass the chicas?

Now, as far as this comment is concerned Policia Nacional are making about 3000 to 5000 peso per month. All the police officers I know have two and three jobs. I am pretty sure that are lined up at roll call to take this assignment. (Money from a chica or get your dick sucked for freedom.

They constantly have riots in Navarrette. Where do the extra Policia Nacional come from? Navarrette is a small town like Sosua. Do you really think Navarrette's mayor can call up the Policial Nacional and request extra officers to come in an restore the calm? Yes. They make the call and officers are sent from Santiago. How do I know this? One of my friends that was a nacional policia officer from Santiago was killed in Navarrette.

So, yes. In some instances what you wrote was correct. The central government is paying the salaries of the Policia Nacional but, you are wrong to think the Mayor of a small town like Sosua has no say. Very wrong.

New Old Guy
11-30-10, 02:36
15 of 19 hijackers on September 11, 2001 were from Saudi Arabia. Appears you have a hatred of guys from the United States

Not to defend anybody or take stance, but what that has do with anything? Can an American have a discussion about the world without pulling terrorism in there ?

By the way I got to know a guy from S.A. in Pattaya. He is respectful to anybody including Jews, is annoyed about the B.S going on in his country, the following time that I meet him he is going toward free thinking and downplaying importance of religion in life. I am honored to have him as friend.

So let's not stereotype please.

11-30-10, 02:44
am into selling services. Making sure people like you come and have a great time.

Where the Mayor should have started the cleanup, parasito's like you.

I am in Sosua five days a week. I see what is transpiring first hand. There is no speculation. I am not trying to figure out what is happening. I see it happening five days each weeks. Sometimes six days. They are not stopping the inner island girls from coming here to get money as long as they go in the club and handle their business. If shutting the inner island girls out was the plan then they would shut down the little rooming houses where the women stay. Those places are still open and girls are still coming in.

Lost total credibility with me here. Two of my regulars were arrested this week and spent one night each in jail... "inner island girls".

Member #3435
11-30-10, 02:58
Day 3 Sunday***The Cheetos Dilemma!

I reached over and attempted to grab the bag of Cheetos to return the bag to the bartender; didn't work! That girl had a grip on that bag that could only be equaled to a pit bull's jaws gripped around a small child's neck!

This is the most disgusting imagery I've ever seen posted on this board.

Noone else noticed???

11-30-10, 03:06
Not to defend anybody or take stance, but what that has do with anything? Can an American have a discussion about the world without pulling terrorism in there ?

By the way I got to know a guy from S.A. in Pattaya. He is respectful to anybody including Jews, annoyed about the B.S going on in his country, the following time that I meet him he was going toward free thinking and downplaying religion importance in life. I am honored to have him as friend.

So let's not stereotype please.My apologies to you and your friend for any offense. Not all Muslims are bad people, I know some very nice Muslim people.

11-30-10, 03:59
Its funny with all the theorys here. I started out with the undercover Euro investment idea, then later said its about a little more respectability. Nego562 started with the Haitian wipeout theory but after Jao shot that down by saying the SD crackdown didn't involve Haitians, he now says it a money grab. Now we hear Lionel was having an affair. And some people say keep an eye on the stalled projects between Sosua and Cabarette(for renovation). But I heard one the other day thats pretty good.

A few months ago Lionel visited Obama at the White house. The word is Obama gave him a heads up about future developments with Cuba. If the DR doesn't start to prepare now to compete with Cuba in the future for tourist dollars it will be left behind. Cuba has been allowing limited European monies for two golf communites with 200 condos each. Not a big deal but food for thought.

I have another theory: the "I have bigger guevos theory". I read there is a new Policia Nacional chief since August or September. The former chief left his job with a few scary statistics about PN: Policia Nacional was involved in 40% of gunfire kills, lots of stops for bribery to civilians (more than ever). New chief wants to show he has "cojones" by doing shows of force. Just another theory.

11-30-10, 04:37
Ayyypapi, er.. sorry, N562 I mean,Yep, that's what I was thinking.

-Helpmann :)

Mr Gogo
11-30-10, 04:53
This is the most disgusting imagery I've ever seen posted on this board.

Noone else noticed???We noticed but the guy meant no harm. Out of all the good and funny parts of his story you pick that to dwell on. Lighten up and take a chill pill its not that serious. You act like he is the worst guy to ever post here.

11-30-10, 04:59
Its funny with all the theorys here. I started out with the undercover Euro investment idea, then later said its about a little more respectability. Nego562 started with the Haitian wipeout theory but after Jao shot that down by saying the SD crackdown didn't involve Haitians, he now says it a money grab. Now we hear Lionel was having an affair. And some people say keep an eye on the stalled projects between Sosua and Cabarette(for renovation). But I heard one the other day thats pretty good.

A few months ago Lionel visited Obama at the White house. The word is Obama gave him a heads up about future developments with Cuba. If the DR doesn't start to prepare now to compete with Cuba in the future for tourist dollars it will be left behind. Cuba has been allowing limited European monies for two golf communites with 200 condos each. Not a big deal but food for thought.Mr. Gogo: You are right that there are too many conspiracy theories here. But this last one you are considering is also unlikely.

I don't think that there will be any changes in the near future in US-Cuba relations. Why? Because a Cuban-American will be the head of the Congressional committee on foreign policy. And she is heavily invested in maintaining a policy that has failed for 50 years now.


Add to that the election of Cuban-American Marco Rubio as Senator from FL and the end of the embargo is no-where in sight even if this president was to support it.

If the old man dies, then public sentiment may change things - but until then I expect no changes.

Mr Gogo
11-30-10, 05:00
This is the most disgusting imagery I've ever seen posted on this board.

Noone else noticed???We noticed but the guy meant no harm. Out of all the good and funny parts of his story you pick that to dwell on. Lighten up and take a chill pill its not that serious. You act like he is the worst guy to ever post here.

11-30-10, 06:49
As always the Big American visitor chimes in with his perspective of what is going on on the island which he does not live.I am a little overweight, so you can call me Big American, although I do have two passports from two different countries.

Maybe you are correct about the crackdowns and I am wrong. No problem for me. This site is about exchanging ideas and information. I have been wrong before and I will be wrong again in things I post here.

11-30-10, 07:33
This is the most disgusting imagery I've ever seen posted on this board.

Noone else noticed???
This is one great example as to why there are a lack of trip reports on ISG. You take extra time to write-up a report of somewhat quality, instead of, "Yeah I fucked 7 women in 2 hours and popped 15 times." And there is always at least one person that will find something negative about it. People don't want to put their heads on a chopping block, just so 1 or 2 others can take a whack at it (analogy as well).

It was only an analogy, focused on a strong grip, not something I wanted you to visualize; sorry to disturb you.

Mr Gogo
11-30-10, 08:30
This is one great example as to why there are a lack of trip reports on ISG. You take extra time to write-up a report of somewhat quality, instead of, "Yeah I fucked 7 women in 2 hours and popped 15 times." And there is always at least one person that will find something negative about it. People don't want to put their heads on a chopping block, just so 1 or 2 others can take a whack at it (analogy as well).

It was only an analogy, focused on a strong grip, not something I wanted you to visualize; sorry to disturb you.Nothing for you to feel sorry for, that was a great report. Some people here live in a negative enviornment where bullshit prevails. With all the current topics being debated, it behooves me how someone can stray so far off topic and search for one sentence and try to put someone down for it when the whole report was good. Your report was appreciated, the problem that guy has is within himself.

Mr Gogo
11-30-10, 08:47
Mr. Gogo: You are right that there are too many conspiracy theories here. But this last one you are considering is also unlikely.

I don't think that there will be any changes in the near future in US-Cuba relations. Why? Because a Cuban-American will be the head of the Congressional committee on foreign policy. And she is heavily invested in maintaining a policy that has failed for 50 years now.


Add to that the election of Cuban-American Marco Rubio as Senator from FL and the end of the embargo is no-where in sight even if this president was to support it.

If the old man dies, then public sentiment may change things - but until then I expect no changes.Very good response, I agree until Castro is gone there will be no change.

Thanks for the info.

New Jack City
11-30-10, 09:27
Ok so here it is. Me and my 2 buddies will be leaving for Sosua Tomorrow. First time for all of us but it was my idea. Thank you ISG because of your site I feel like my trip will be a much safer and fun vacation (or adventure). I read back pretty far but I have a feeling nothing will prepare me for the next week. I didn't post because I had nothing to contribute. I have been to every spring break and festival there is but Sosua is a whole different animal that I need to tame.

I know the new laws will be going into effect in a few days but it's cool with me because i have no old Sosua trip to compare it to so it will be all new to me. If I can find an internet cafe or similar I will try to update the site as I see it is courteous to give back to those that helped me learn and laugh reading other posts and trip reports. Tomjackin and Coolie High thanks for your first timer reports. I see some of your mistakes can be just as eventful as the jackpots so i will go with the flow and see how it turns out. Also thanks to all the veterans (too many to name) thanks for the info. Ill be sure to watch those pick pockets and avoid the tigers if i can spot them after 15 presidentes. If i can have half as much fun and you'll did your first time I know it will well worth the dinero. Well its 3 am in NY and I cant sleep because Ive got my mind on Sosua and Sosua on my mind.


You Can
11-30-10, 10:23
I kept looking for what this guy was talking about and when I found it I busted out laughing. That was a great analogy, that ***** wasnt giving up them cheetos!

This is the most disgusting imagery I've ever seen posted on this board.

Noone else noticed???

Mr Gogo
11-30-10, 18:03
Ok so here it is. Me and my 2 buddies will be leaving for Sosua Tomorrow. First time for all of us but it was my idea. Thank you ISG because of your site I feel like my trip will be a much safer and fun vacation (or adventure). I read back pretty far but I have a feeling nothing will prepare me for the next week. I didn't post because I had nothing to contribute. I have been to every spring break and festival there is but Sosua is a whole different animal that I need to tame.

I know the new laws will be going into effect in a few days but it's cool with me because i have no old Sosua trip to compare it to so it will be all new to me. If I can find an internet cafe or similar I will try to update the site as I see it is courteous to give back to those that helped me learn and laugh reading other posts and trip reports. Tomjackin and Coolie High thanks for your first timer reports. I see some of your mistakes can be just as eventful as the jackpots so i will go with the flow and see how it turns out. Also thanks to all the veterans (too many to name) thanks for the info. Ill be sure to watch those pick pockets and avoid the tigers if i can spot them after 15 presidentes. If i can have half as much fun and you'll did your first time I know it will well worth the dinero. Well its 3 am in NY and I cant sleep because Ive got my mind on Sosua and Sosua on my mind.

Newjack!You have done your homework, you will be okay.

Look forward for your report.

Bq Ribs
11-30-10, 18:34
This is one great example as to why there are a lack of trip reports on ISG. You take extra time to write-up a report of somewhat quality, instead of, "Yeah I fucked 7 women in 2 hours and popped 15 times." And there is always at least one person that will find something negative about it. People don't want to put their heads on a chopping block, just so 1 or 2 others can take a whack at it (analogy as well)..........
I hear you. You will find that on just about any message board. Always a few that will discourage others from posting. I have learned to ignore the stupid stuff and move on. You post, you read, you find new friends.

Thanks again for your report.

one of the guys who enjoyed it.........

New Old Guy
11-30-10, 20:43
My apologies to you and your friend for any offense. Not all Muslims are bad people, I know some very nice Muslim people.

No need to apologize. It shows from your posts that you're a civil and reasonable guy. You just got a little carried away in the discussion with a quite antagonistical party.

Keep the intel coming!

11-30-10, 21:26
This is one great example as to why there are a lack of trip reports on ISG. You take extra time to write-up a report of somewhat quality, instead of, "Yeah I fucked 7 women in 2 hours and popped 15 times." And there is always at least one person that will find something negative about it. People don't want to put their heads on a chopping block, just so 1 or 2 others can take a whack at it (analogy as well).

It was only an analogy, focused on a strong grip, not something I wanted you to visualize; sorry to disturb you.

I thought it was pretty funny considering you and the chips routine in tijuana. Your report was funny honest and informative. I'm glad you had a good time in sosua.

Pay no mind to all the negative BS and just focus on the positive. This site does wonders for people who travel.


New Old Guy
11-30-10, 21:35
Watch out because chips are highly addictive, right now I'm getting the monkey off my shoulder, with the strength of a toddler biting a pitbull.

Never ever buy a certain "Los Pericos" brand because they are actually insanely addictive!!!

12-01-10, 00:38
I never thought that my comments would be mistaken to the point that I would be considered un-American. Wow. Let you guys tell it all the chicas hate me and I am walking around Sosua trying to murk out every American I see. Go figure.

That's cool. The great thing about being American is I can pretty much say and do whatever I want and how you feel about it doesn't matter. So, keep up the great work! Take whatever I write for whatever you want. I am not really short on friends so there is no love lost.

12-01-10, 00:39
I am a little overweight, so you can call me Big American, although I do have two passports from two different countries.

Maybe you are correct about the crackdowns and I am wrong. No problem for me. This site is about exchanging ideas and information. I have been wrong before and I will be wrong again in things I post here.

I respect that. I was just giving my take on what I see in day to day life as someone who lives here.

12-01-10, 00:42
Where the Mayor should have started the cleanup, parasito's like you.

Lost total credibility with me here. Two of my regulars were arrested this week and spent one night each in jail... "inner island girls".

They should have run.

12-01-10, 00:42
I respect that. I was just giving my take on what I see in day to day life as someone who lives here.No problem bro, be safe.

12-01-10, 00:44
Ayyypapi, er.. sorry, N562 I mean,

Come on, nobody is allowed to have an opinion but you? You live here, or so I gather, so no-one else can say or do something you wouldn't?

Come on, let's keep the board civil. There are ways to talk without knocking someone. Heck even Ayyypapi started talking civil after a while.

Like my wise mother used to say, "can't you children play nice?"

My 2 cents,


My comment was my two cents. I was only saying what I see as someone who lives here.

12-01-10, 00:46
One minute your talking about blackmailing putas then next you don't deal with them. Sometimes you say some smart shit then the next post you contradict yourself. Plus no one here needs a dude to help get pussy in Sosua. I'm scared to ask what service you provide, is your name Rupaul?

Good luck at being a major player.

I have no interest in men. Sorry. Next.

Coolie High
12-01-10, 01:01
I thought it was pretty funny considering you and the chips routine in tijuana. Your report was funny honest and informative. I'm glad you had a good time in sosua.

Pay no mind to all the negative BS and just focus on the positive. This site does wonders for people who travel.

ArtisttypAgreed with Artisttyp and the fellas, pay the negativity no never mind. Great report Tomjackin. Had my cup of joe in my hand reading your reports and wishing I was back in sosua dealing with the stalking females, and aggressive chicas. Easy on eating pussy though. We've all got caught up in the moment and went deep sea diving but you have to remember in Sosua that's community pussy your eating. Meaning the whole community probably had a taste before you did LOL

I touch on this subject with Artisttyp briefly when I was in Tijuana but what are your thoughts on the difference between Tijuana chicas and sosua chicas. And which one would you prefer and fill more comftable with. Myself I prefer sosua because of the GFE you can instantly have with a honey where as in Tijuana it's more of a "wham bam thank you mam" atmosphere.

Ok so here it is. Me and my 2 buddies will be leaving for Sosua Tomorrow. First time for all of us but it was my idea. Thank you ISG because of your site I feel like my trip will be a much safer and fun vacation (or adventure). I read back pretty far but I have a feeling nothing will prepare me for the next week. I didn't post because I had nothing to contribute. I have been to every spring break and festival there is but Sosua is a whole different animal that I need to tame.

I know the new laws will be going into effect in a few days but it's cool with me because I have no old Sosua trip to compare it to so it will be all new to me. If I can find an internet cafe or similar I will try to update the site as I see it is courteous to give back to those that helped me learn and laugh reading other posts and trip reports. Tomjackin and Coolie High thanks for your first timer reports. I see some of your mistakes can be just as eventful as the jackpots so I will go with the flow and see how it turns out. Also thanks to all the veterans (too many to name) thanks for the info. I'll be sure to watch those pick pockets and avoid the tigers if I can spot them after 15 presidentes. If I can have half as much fun and you'll did your first time I know it will well worth the dinero. Well its 3 am in NY and I can't sleep because I've got my mind on Sosua and Sosua on my mind.

NewjackHey New Jack have a good time down there. It's going to be a great and weird feeling for you when you realize that your no longer the hunter but the hunted. There going to smell new money as soon as you touch down so be aggressive and firm in anything you do but more importantly have fun. Look forward to your report

Shout outs to BlkBigBootyluv very nice reporting in Mr. Gogos forum and SavePros321, good to see you back contributing that knowledge to the forum.


Coolie High

12-01-10, 01:05
Calling in extra police to help quell riots is one matter. Calling in and paying extra money to police to harass street chicas only because some female mayor wants it, I aint buying it.

Worldwide economic turn down, do I see the powers that be in DR risking losing any investment monies because some investor may say it is unsightly to have prostitutes in the street? No. The guys in power will do what it takes so that they don't lose any investments.

You still have not explained to me how and why the crackdowns occurred in both Sosua and Santo Domingo at the same time.

Polanco Guzman chief of the National Police. You have no clue who I know on the island.

For sure you are not in Dom Rep to monger, you said yourself ALL women are just moist holes to relieve tension. In a previous post you wrote about Saudi Arabia, your views on women jibe with how many Saudi men feel about women, Saudi women have very little rights. 15 of 19 hijackers on September 11, 2001 were from Saudi Arabia. Appears you have a hatred of guys from the United States, I wonder what your true mission could be in Dom Rep and who is paying your freight to be there

Now, I am going to say that I actually like commenting on your stuff because it breads thought at times. I don't know about being a highjacker because I only do harm to folks over business or personal stuff so, I can't see myself putting lead, a blade or hands on someone who didn't do anything to me or mine. That's just how the game goes with me.

I was about to write more but, I am actually going to go out on PC and do a little recon. I have been seeing some things lately that I want to confirm before I say anything else but, when I do, I want my stuff to be based on facts.

Have a great evening.

P.S. My computer skills pay my bills. Not anyone with a beard.

Member #3435
12-01-10, 02:34
we noticed but the guy meant no harm. out of all the good and funny parts of his story you pick that to dwell on. lighten up and take a chill pill its not that serious. you act like he is the worst guy to ever post here.ok, my bad.

i was speed reading through the forum after the long holiday weeknd and was stopped dead in my tracks by that one sentence. i closed the browser, got up and went on to something else.

he could've said maybe; a grip that could only be equaled to a pit bul's jaws gripped around a slab of raw meat. but no, his first instinct was:

"a grip on that bag that could only be equaled to a pit bull's jaws gripped around a small child's neck!"

i'll just chill.

or he coulda wrote, a grip that could only be equaled to a pit bull's jaws gripped around a stray cat's neck! no way. the analogy had to be:

"a grip on that bag that could only be equaled to a pit bull's jaws gripped around a small child's neck!"

ok, i'll lighten up.

or even; a grip that could only be equaled to a pit bull's jaws gripped on the neck of a perv tryin to accost, my child!

nope, he defaults to:

"a grip on that bag that could only be equaled to a pit bull's jaws gripped around a defenseless small child's neck!"

how do - you - get there??

and by you, i don't mean you personally gg.

i just got one question for ya (or anyone with the intellectual honesty to face it):

you're a smart guy gogo: are you sure you're ok defending this?

it's indefensible amigo.

12-01-10, 03:26
ok, my bad.

i was speed reading through the forum after the long holiday weeknd and was stopped dead in my tracks by that one sentence. i closed the browser, got up and went on to something else.

he could've said maybe; a grip that could only be equaled to a pit bul's jaws gripped around a slab of raw meat. but no, his first instinct was:

"a grip on that bag that could only be equaled to a pit bull's jaws gripped around a small child's neck!"

i'll just chill.

or he coulda wrote, a grip that could only be equaled to a pit bull's jaws gripped around a stray cat's neck! no way. the analogy had to be:

"a grip on that bag that could only be equaled to a pit bull's jaws gripped around a small child's neck!"

ok, i'll lighten up.

or even; a grip that could only be equaled to a pit bull's jaws gripped on the neck of a perv tryin to accost, my child!

nope, he defaults to:

"a grip on that bag that could only be equaled to a pit bull's jaws gripped around a defenseless small child's neck!"

how do - you - get there??

and by you, i don't mean you personally gg.

i just got one question for ya (or anyone with the intellectual honesty to face it):

you're a smart guy gogo: are you sure you're ok defending this?

it's indefensible amigo.

his story reminds me of something very funny that happened to me in peru:

i was going on several internet dates that i had pre arranged before going down. i took one girl i met to a buffet. when i had returned to the table from the buffet line i noticed her shoveling a *combination of food off her plate into *a plastic baggie that the waitress brought her. it was all very embarrassing to me.

after lunch we go to the beach for a while ( hot sun and humidity) and she is clutching onto her purse with the food in it for dear life. when it started getting dark we headed back to my hotel. i offered to put her baggie in the fridge while we were there...no. she would rather it stay in her funky purse
that had been at the beach for 3 hours.

i couldn't take another moment of this freak so i went for the dfk and was obliged for a few seconds then back to clutching the purse...weird but funny. i sent her on her way shortly afterwards.

then there is the story about the escort who locked herself in my bathroom for 40 minutes on my dime because she wanted to shave in hot water....

i wish i had better writing skills to color up my stories better. weird shit happens when you monger and i for one want to hear about it :)

Mr Gogo
12-01-10, 05:07
ok, my bad.

i was speed reading through the forum after the long holiday weeknd and was stopped dead in my tracks by that one sentence. i closed the browser, got up and went on to something else.

he could've said maybe; a grip that could only be equaled to a pit bul's jaws gripped around a slab of raw meat. but no, his first instinct was:

"a grip on that bag that could only be equaled to a pit bull's jaws gripped around a small child's neck!"

i'll just chill.

or he coulda wrote, a grip that could only be equaled to a pit bull's jaws gripped around a stray cat's neck! no way. the analogy had to be:

"a grip on that bag that could only be equaled to a pit bull's jaws gripped around a small child's neck!"

ok, i'll lighten up.

or even; a grip that could only be equaled to a pit bull's jaws gripped on the neck of a perv tryin to accost, my child!

nope, he defaults to:

"a grip on that bag that could only be equaled to a pit bull's jaws gripped around a defenseless small child's neck!"

how do - you - get there??

and by you, i don't mean you personally gg.

i just got one question for ya (or anyone with the intellectual honesty to face it):

you're a smart guy gogo: are you sure you're ok defending this?

it's indefensible amigo.i'm not a "book smart " type of guy, but i make a good call from a "common sense" platform.

i read your post three times and waited trying to digest what your saying. i'm sure he wouldn't make that analogy with the family at christmas or in a work enviornment. but on a sex forum, talking about hunting sex in a sex town, with humor, i give him a pass. if it hit your moral compass, then maybe you shouldn't be on a sex forum.

besides what could we do about it anyway if we didn't like it? have him tarred and feathered. i'm willing to bet that you didn't laugh or smile at his report. but you made a point of posting what you didn't like.

you shouldve said" nice report but the analogy about the pitbull was rough to me but thanks for posting".

You Can
12-01-10, 12:09
But this makes all this stuff good. I had a buddy with me at New Garden and Blackbeards and he is notoriously cheap. So every morning we would all pay are girls, no problem(there were 9 of us) and sure enough every morning we would hear yelling come from are buddy's room, then the girl would come in my room and say he was trying to take off drinks and dinner from her earnings for the night that he paid for
while we were out? We would be like what the fuck Jack, just pay her! So lo and behold he would pay her most of it and then give her a piece of left over steak and say thats it , that all adds up to enough. Your not getting no more: xxx dollars+piece of steak = paid. Needless to say it was a long 7days.

His story reminds me of something very funny that happened to me in peru:

I was going on several internet dates that I had pre arranged before going down. I took one girl I met to a buffet. When I had returned to the table from the buffet line I noticed her shoveling a *combination of food off her plate into *a plastic baggie that the WAITRESS brought her. It was all very embarrassing to me.

After lunch we go to the beach for a while ( hot sun and humidity) and she is clutching onto her purse with the food in it for dear life. When it started getting dark we headed back to my hotel. I offered to put her baggie in the fridge while we were there...NO. She would rather it stay in her funky purse
that had been at the beach for 3 hours.

I couldn't take another moment of this freak so I went for the DFK and was obliged for a few seconds then back to clutching the purse...WEIRD but funny. I sent her on her way shortly afterwards.

Then there is the story about the escort who locked herself in my bathroom for 40 minutes on my dime because she wanted to shave in hot water....

I wish I had better writing skills to color up my stories better. Weird shit happens when you monger and I for one want to hear about it :)

12-01-10, 21:25
Sid is having an unbelievable streak of luck with 4 young chicas(all, are now my
''private stock'')! Meanwhile, Toymann has toyed 4 hotties in 24
hours! All chicas at 1/2 the price of BA. Don't tell Jack. He
might ''ban'' Toymann or raise his rent!

New Jack City
12-03-10, 01:03
day 1

first report so bare with me. i said if i could find some internet i would contribute to the forum so here it goes.

so i've touched down in the land of chicas and presidentes. lounging on my balcony trying to get my head together after last nights events. yesterday i arrived around 1pm. my flight was cool and comfortable. left ny and its cold rain and arrived at pop, we paid 10 for a tourist card, they were giving free liquor right next to the tourist stand so i grabbed me a shot of brugal, went through baggage check, they tried to get a tip out of me so i told him next time and kept it moving. everybody was trying carry our bags and my boys almost let them but i remembered what i read on isg so i told my boys grab your own bags and let's go. walked out of pop airport into 90 degree heat. the condo sent a taxi with my name so we hopped in the taxi. as i'm peeling off clothing i noticed my boy had let the cab drivers friend grab one of his bag and he was sticking his hand through asking for a propina. i gave him 2 dollars and off we went. i told my boy if your not careful this town will propina you to death. the taxi could not get the car to stay on so we spent a few minutes baking in the hot taxi. we noticed his gas hand was on e and although he said it no trabajo we nicknamed him "mita no gasolina" and joked with him about his new name all the way to the condo. as we rolled out headed to sosua little motorbikes carrying people, kids, and chicas rolled by. the chicas on the bikes stared and propositioned us to hang out with them which had us all saying jokingly what the hell have we gotten ourselves into lol. as we got closer to town we are surrounded by little mom and pop shops selling anything and everything. we were hit on by more chicas, dodging stray dogs and laughing at the motorbikes riding 3 and 4 on one cycle. i only can relate it to scarface hitting miami for the for the first time and thinking to himself with the excited look as if to say i'm going to take this town by storm.

we hit sosua and papi no gasolina wants to stop for us to get money exchanged. i told him no thanks just get us to the hotel. chicas are rolling up on us and i noticed all it takes is a look or a wave and they are at the car window like what's up you want me because i want you aka your dinero. like i stated i've never been here but if sosua is slowing down i can't imagine what its like when its not slow.

we hit the condo, gave papi no gasolina 20 plus propina, told him he would be our sosua taxi if we need a ride. paid for our place and although we were all tired we showered and headed out to the supermarket and the money exchange. freddy who is the handy man offered to show us around town. were walking around getting the tour and chicas are in little open air bars and walking the streets, in the supermarket basically everywhere you going rolling tongues at us and smacking our buts and saying what's up come talk to me. 2 little kids ran up on me and my boys. they were shouting in spanish trying to get us off point waving their arms and grabbing our pants. one was rubbing on my pocket a little to close. my isg instinct kicked in and i had to give him a little tough love to get him off me. it happened so quick i see how easy a person can get pickpocketed out here. i don't think those 2 kids will be running up on me again. we head back to the condo to shower and drink. we bought 6 bottles of liquor from jfk and a case of presidente lite.

feeling good and freshened up we hit the strip just before sundown.

day 1 part 2 coming soon including the ms dash chicken, meeting my girl kelis, the street argument and new jack almost getting jacked up by the policia.

new jack

New Old Guy
12-03-10, 18:13
they were giving free liquor right next to the tourist stand so I grabbed me a shot of Brugal, went through baggage check, they tried to get a tip out of me so I told him next time and kept it moving.

Only in the DR! in my case it was the immigration officer asking for a tip, I gave him a "how you dare" look and that was enough :)

The free shots is priceless, imagine that in the US, FREE alcohol and a chance that someone 20 yrs and 363 days may get a sip !!! Scary stuff!!!

12-03-10, 23:00
Dec. 3 is here, just wondering if anyone is in Sosua now to witness what changes may come from this day forward. Hoping things don't change drastically, maybe we'll just need a different approach. I'm sure chicas will still be available, just not in your face as we've become accustomed to over the years. I pan to be back ASAP.

12-04-10, 00:32
The Beach has been very quiet. See pics

Now occupied by heafty german women and portly men.

The girls are not allowed on the beach (stopped by Politur).

'Unless they work for a beach business, or are accompanied at all times.

No parade anywhere today.

Clasico has taken down there red curtain.

Secrets has put up a curtain.

Sosua Life is battleship grey with tinted panel windows.

Flow is slow. And The Rumba bar is empty.

Also find some Sosua landmarks and eyesores.

12-04-10, 01:04
It's a good thing the DR doesn't want nor need monger money anymore. With the latest economic numbers families will be lining up in droves to fly to and spend their holiday cash in Sosua!


FELIZ NAVIDAD BISHES!! The next round of drinks are on the Mayor!

12-04-10, 02:02
Dec. 3 is here, just wondering if anyone is in Sosua now to witness what changes may come from this day forward. Hoping things don't change drastically, maybe we'll just need a different approach. I'm sure chicas will still be available, just not in your face as we've become accustomed to over the years. I pan to be back ASAP.I just got back and I respectfully have to say that all this talk about a crackdown has been waaaaay overblown. Me and/or my wingmen were in the bars and on the street every day and night and never saw a girl get hassled let alone arrested and there were girls everywhere all the time. There was definitely a higher police presence but they weren't doing anything but hanging around. I had to fly back to the states because I have tickets to the Giants game in New York Sunday and then it is on to round two,I will be back in Sosua on Monday. I will report back on any changes I see but I am guessing it will be business as usual.

12-04-10, 02:32
day 1

first report so bare with me. i said if i could find some internet i would contribute to the forum so here it goes.

so i've touched down in the land of chicas and presidentes. lounging on my balcony trying to get my head together after last nights events. yesterday i arrived around 1pm. my flight was cool and comfortable. left ny and its cold rain and arrived at pop, we paid 10 for a tourist card, they were giving free liquor right next to the tourist stand so i grabbed me a shot of brugal, went through baggage check, they tried to get a tip out of me so i told him next time and kept it moving. everybody was trying carry our bags and my boys almost let them but i remembered what i read on isg so i told my boys grab your own bags and let's go. walked out of pop airport into 90 degree heat. the condo sent a taxi with my name so we hopped in the taxi. as i'm peeling off clothing i noticed my boy had let the cab drivers friend grab one of his bag and he was sticking his hand through asking for a propina. i gave him 2 dollars and off we went. i told my boy if your not careful this town will propina you to death. the taxi could not get the car to stay on so we spent a few minutes baking in the hot taxi. we noticed his gas hand was on e and although he said it no trabajo we nicknamed him "mita no gasolina" and joked with him about his new name all the way to the condo. as we rolled out headed to sosua little motorbikes carrying people, kids, and chicas rolled by. the chicas on the bikes stared and propositioned us to hang out with them which had us all saying jokingly what the hell have we gotten ourselves into lol. as we got closer to town we are surrounded by little mom and pop shops selling anything and everything. we were hit on by more chicas, dodging stray dogs and laughing at the motorbikes riding 3 and 4 on one cycle. i only can relate it to scarface hitting miami for the for the first time and thinking to himself with the excited look as if to say i'm going to take this town by storm.

we hit sosua and papi no gasolina wants to stop for us to get money exchanged. i told him no thanks just get us to the hotel. chicas are rolling up on us and i noticed all it takes is a look or a wave and they are at the car window like what's up you want me because i want you aka your dinero. like i stated i've never been here but if sosua is slowing down i can't imagine what its like when its not slow.

we hit the condo, gave papi no gasolina 20 plus propina, told him he would be our sosua taxi if we need a ride. paid for our place and although we were all tired we showered and headed out to the supermarket and the money exchange. freddy who is the handy man offered to show us around town. were walking around getting the tour and chicas are in little open air bars and walking the streets, in the supermarket basically everywhere you going rolling tongues at us and smacking our buts and saying what's up come talk to me. 2 little kids ran up on me and my boys. they were shouting in spanish trying to get us off point waving their arms and grabbing our pants. one was rubbing on my pocket a little to close. my isg instinct kicked in and i had to give him a little tough love to get him off me. it happened so quick i see how easy a person can get pickpocketed out here. i don't think those 2 kids will be running up on me again. we head back to the condo to shower and drink. we bought 6 bottles of liquor from jfk and a case of presidente lite.

feeling good and freshened up we hit the strip just before sundown.

day 1 part 2 coming soon including the ms dash chicken, meeting my girl kelis, the street argument and new jack almost getting jacked up by the policia.

new jacklooking forward to ur next update new jack..wish i was there with ya!

New Jack City
12-04-10, 03:24
day 1 part 2

so we hit the strip and immediately we are the fish in the bowl. chicas must have smelled the fresh meat because they seemed to know it was our first time. we found a shop selling chicken out of a steel drum that was so damn good we returned 3 times today. we liked sitting in front of the guys shop and could not figure out what seasoning this guy was using. we finally figured it was mrs dash according to my boy. i will be investing in a bottle of that seasoning back in the us. we did a few laps on the strip and settled in a bar owned by a guy from ny. it was a bigger bar so we had room to observe and not get swarmed. one thing i see is you cannot make eye contact with any chica unless you want her to come over. they seem to always be looking at you when your looking at them. most came with the hard sell and that kinda turned me off. one chica who looks like the r&b singer kelis saw me looking and speed walked across the bar to me. she hit me with the hard sell and saw my reaction so she left, readjusted her strategy and returned a more calm. i actually liked her but my cousin had told me don't jump at the first one you like so i didn't. after a few hours of chicas and drinks we went back to the room to get ready for the late night. i ended up outside with freddy the handy man drinking and learning more about his life and the country. i went back in to get my boys and they were both knocked the hell out. yo freddy you want to go to the strip with me and party? he said yes i'm about to get off work and off we went.

the strip was more packed than earlier and the vibe was rocking. i saw kelis had and her hair was all messed up so i knew what she was doing. we bar hopped and ended up down stairs from classico at merengue bar. it was really crowded and i was feeling the alcohol so i organized my pockets and went in. it was packed with chicas everywhere. they are walking by in groups and before you can check one out another is coming right behind her. i didn't want to go to the club today but freddy suggested we go up to classicos to check it out. cool i give him the pesos and he gets the tickets. he took a little long to come back so when he returned we both agreed it was late, he wanted to go home to his family and i was exhausted from no sleep. here's where the first night took a hard left.

we get the ticket money back and are standing in front of the club about to part ways and freddy asks for money. i told him money for what. he says he showed me around and tried to get me a girl. i told him you gave us the tour earlier and we tipped you well. and why would i need you to get me a girl, i speak pretty good spanish, have money and its fuckn sosua bro, if i can't get my own pussy here i need to stop trying. i told him i asked you if you wanted to party with me and you said yes, i bought all your drinks and never asked you for any favors. the classico security tells us we can't argue in the front so were walking up the middle of the street still screaming at each other and he's telling me its the domincan way. as were about to turn the corner toward my condo 2 police on a motorbike speed up to us, hop off and grab me up. they are going through my pockets so fast and screaming in spanish too fast for me to understand. i thought they were robbing me but they weren't. freddy explains the situation to them and they give me back my beer. one young cop looked about 21 years old holds out his hand for me to pay him. i stood my ground and told him i'm not paying you because i didn't do anything illegal. he smiles as to say your pretty smart gringo and gives me my beer and tells me to go. as i'm walking i see they are still harassing freddy. part of me wanted to keep walking but i remembered how good freddy was to us earlier and our real cool conversation about our lives while sipping the presidentes back at the villa earlier. i gathered the nerve and i returned to the cops thinking to myself you are about to go to jail. they are telling me to get lost but i told them he's my friend and were came together so we are leaving together. they let freddy go and we immediately start back up with our whole dominican way argument all the way back. were both pissed and exhausted. he worked all day and i hadn't slept for almost 2 days so we just parted ways. he went home to his family and i came home and knocked out on the couch thinking to myself damn i forgot to ask freddy why the cops had grabbed me. day 2 coming soon including the hangover from hell, our first night in classicos, the ice throwing incedent, and meeting my new chicas numero dos and numero tres

new jack

12-04-10, 06:24
It's a good thing the DR doesn't want nor need monger money anymore. With the latest economic numbers families will be lining up in droves to fly to and spend their holiday cash in Sosua!


FELIZ NAVIDAD BISHES!! The next round of drinks are on the Mayor!The wall street guys making a billion dollars each per year last year are laughing all the way to bank. I would tax those guys at 90%.

12-04-10, 06:38
I got a phone call today in San Diego around 3 PST from the beach girl in Sousa, and I asked if she was working and she repeated over and over, "Mucho la policía, mucho la policía." Anyone with "boots on the ground" that report what happened today???

DR Monger II
12-04-10, 12:39
I heard that there was a new mayor in town. She decided to change everything. She's making Sosua a police state. From what I hear, single women alone at night are harrassed by police and are arrested? I was thinking about a trip in January. I was wondering hows the mongering scene in Sosua now? Is New Garden full of chicas? Is D'latinos hopping with chicks? What about Classicos? Is it dead? Passions still open?

12-04-10, 14:35
I got a phone call today in San Diego around 3 PST from the beach girl in Sousa, and I asked if she was working and she repeated over and over, "Mucho la policía, mucho la policía." Anyone with "boots on the ground" that report what happened today??? At 11pm, prime time, Merengue bar had 5 chicas, versus 50, Thursday. I witnessed 8 Politur walking in pairs. I saw no arrests. Classico's curtains vanished. It seems the chicas were afraid and stayed home. On the street, all chicas had partners.

12-04-10, 15:56
I have another theory: the "I have bigger guevos theory". I read there is a new Policia Nacional chief since August or September. The former chief left his job with a few scary statistics about PN: Policia Nacional was involved in 40% of gunfire kills, lots of stops for bribery to civilians (more than ever). New chief wants to show he has "cojones" by doing shows of force. Just another theory.The new chief of the National got the job on August 16, 2010. The former chief Mr. Rafael Guillermo Guzmán Fermín I believe used to golf with the Spaniard who tried to ship 1200 kilos of cocaine from Santo Domingo to Spain.

The current chief of police Mr. Jose Armando Polanco Gomez looks like a hard ass.

Mr Gogo
12-04-10, 16:25
Results of the Sosua meeting held earlier this week are in the GoGo forum.

If this reporter is correct, guess whats coming in May?

What a surprise.

Coole Mr
12-04-10, 16:42
Classico's had a nice crowd last night around 1am. There were some nice chicas available. Merengue bar downstairs was dead. They never lowered red curtains. Several rains showers could have made ladies stay away. I left around 1:30am and no Politur or Policia in sight. I will update on Saturday and Sunday night.

12-04-10, 18:23
Is it just Sosua or is it all of DR? Logic being if its just Sosua, they will just move one or two area over. Its not like they are going to stop. Just regroup and come up with a new game plan.

Just one guy's opinion.

12-04-10, 19:14
At 11pm, prime time, Merengue bar had 5 chicas, versus 50, Thursday. I witnessed 8 Politur walking in pairs. I saw no arrests. Classico's curtains vanished. It seems the chicas were afraid and stayed home. On the street, all chicas had partners.I just talked to my wingmen that are in Sosua and they went to Classicos last night and said there wasn't a single girl in there,holy fucking shit. The only place with girls was Passions.

12-05-10, 00:33
I am in Sosua right now. Its the same shit. No Difference here. Plus its Christmas coming soon so everybody is on there grind.

Bq Ribs
12-05-10, 01:44
I read a few reports of guys thinking about trying other cities because of the current crackdown in Sosua. Santo Domingo was one of the cities mentioned. Sosua guys don't even think about coming to Santo Domingo as a replacement city.

If you think Sosua is dead than Santo Domingo has the coffin nailed shut. This is my second trip to SD since the chica crackdown started in rep dom. If you aren't into casas take SD off the radar screen. I am not into casas but I could always walk the streets of SD and see available chicas throughout the day. Them days are gone, gone, gone.

Whatever the end result of Sosua it has to have one hundred times more action than SD.

12-05-10, 01:52
How about Puerto Plata? Are there venues there where one can meet chicas selling their wares? (Aside from Blackbeard's)

12-05-10, 01:52
Man I am confused....some posts saying everything is fine, other posts saying it sucks.

12-05-10, 01:55
I read a few reports of guys thinking about trying other cities because of the current crackdown in Sosua. Santo Domingo was one of the cities mentioned. Sosua guys don't even think about coming to Santo Domingo as a replacement city.

If you think Sosua is dead than Santo Domingo has the coffin nailed shut. This is my second trip to SD since the chica crackdown started in rep dom. If you aren't into casas take SD off the radar screen. I am not into casas but I could always walk the streets of SD and see available chicas throughout the day. Them days are gone, gone, gone.

Whatever the end result of Sosua it has to have one hundred times more action than SD.
Wow. I hope the country isn't setting up for a "Socialist Revolution." You know how those always turn out...See the Venezuela thread as an example :-/

New Old Guy
12-05-10, 02:17
As mentioned in other posts. There is no bullshit like that in Las Terrenas, at least for now.
It is not like paradise because most girls are Haitian, hardened or not attractive, or even a combination of all that, but at least they are here and available. I'd say about one hundred overall.
It takes quite a long ride from Sosua / PP but it can done easily even with guagas.

12-05-10, 02:27
If there is a "crackdown" in Sosua, it's news to me. We did a Man Tour up there just a few days ago and everything was the same as always. Prostitution is still legal here, while pimping is not.

I have noticed changes over the last four years -- when tourism is up, there seem to be more girls there, when tourism is down, there are fewer. When it rains -- fewer ladies.

A couple of years ago it was a common site to see some National Police checking IDs of girls on the streets and arresting those who could not prove they were 18 or over. I"ve never seen a Politur policeman do this. They would take them to the police station overnight and let them go in the morning. I'd say about a year or more ago this stopped happening.

Very recently -- maybe a couple of months ago or so, the police began checking IDs again actively.

Recent changes include a large new bar and a large new restaurant across the street from where all the action used to be.

I will ask around and see what all this is about. I think we may be dealing with just a rumor.

- The Man Tour Guy

12-05-10, 02:30
I read a few reports of guys thinking about trying other cities because of the current crackdown in Sosua. Santo Domingo was one of the cities mentioned. Sosua guys don't even think about coming to Santo Domingo as a replacement city.

If you think Sosua is dead than Santo Domingo has the coffin nailed shut. This is my second trip to SD since the chica crackdown started in rep dom. If you aren't into casas take SD off the radar screen. I am not into casas but I could always walk the streets of SD and see available chicas throughout the day. Them days are gone, gone, gone.

Whatever the end result of Sosua it has to have one hundred times more action than SD.Come on my brother, plenty of chicas in Santo Domingo and always will be. Take a ride down the malecon and you will see SWs.

DR is the land of fucking, you can go anywhere in DR and have fun.

New Old Guy
12-05-10, 02:41
Thedrman, are your from Mars?

You have first hand reports and pictures. All is explained in detail in multiple posts including chat with the operation chiefs. You think people is happy about having spent thousands of dollars to travel, wasting time that cannot be returned ever?

Smartasses know-it-all like you are so ridiculous. Or just go there and make the good old days come back with your magic wand.

Ah and before you respond with more bullshit *think and read*, as I'm totally ready to put you on ignore, likely as other people that is pissed for real may do.

New Jack City
12-05-10, 02:44
I am here in Sosua. Classicos was packed last night anyone who said there was one girl in there must have been there early when it was raining or we must not be in the same Sosua because I know what I'm seeing is not a mirage. When I got there around 1:30 it was 4 to 1 chicas to guys easily and its so crowded you could not walk around the club or dance freely. Me and my boys were saying we could not believe how many girls would go home alone last night because there was too many of them. The daytime action is very slow it seems starting yesterday because of the new laws but I've seen no chicas being harassed since I've been here for 4 days. At night the town comes alive and the girls walk freely up and down the strip and the police are just hanging out on the corners bothering noone. Late night when I hit the streets it was packed on the street outside and shoulder to shoulder people in Classico. The casino disco was crowded until about 6 am. I was talking to a Sosua native today and he was explaining to me that they want Sosua to be catered to family's walking the street in the day without the girls presence and it has hurt business because there are not many families there yet to replace the monger money in the day but they wish for it to get to that at some point and you have to start somewhere. He stated the police are not against the girls and allow them to come out and work but only in the night. If you come to classicos at 11 maybe it is dead but I don't go there that early because Flow is crowded around that time or I'm still in my room resting for another long night. Stick around a few more hours and it will be packed the same as it has every night I've been here. If your hunting in the daytime don't bother but I'm a night person anyways so it does not affect me that no chicas are out during the day. Hope this helps answer some of your questions.

Happy Hunting

New Jack

12-05-10, 03:07
"Farewell and adieu to you ladies of Spain. For weve received orders for to sail...

12-05-10, 03:37
To all the business minded folks who's got mucho dinero or know others with access to it, why not set up a place on the outskirts of Sosua? Someplace between Sosua and Playa Dorada? If Field of Dreams were still in business their place would probably be flooded with chicas right now. If there were at least a Field of Dreams and another CMP they might get a lot of chicas hanging around (from the Exodus of Sosua).

Or hell, just put a few "Classico's" out there that turn into "Merengue Bar(s)" during the day, and keep Sosua as main base for lodging. As long as the hotels in Sosua remain "chica friendly" then you still have a place to crash at night.

We'd be going in the complete opposite direction of the Cabarete and "New Sosua" crowd upon leaving the airport. Everyone would be happy!

But I profess I have know idea how stuff even works as far as setting up something like that in DR. Just thought I'd throw the idea out there for anyone that can capitalize on it...

Free of charge :-P

12-05-10, 06:10
i was just there last week and as in my previous trips over the past two montths it was dead on Independencia. Except, my last night, I stumbled upon a couple chicas on the stroll after about 2 a.m. The one I took back for 1000P was one I'd had before and she had just gotten out of work at Lapsus. Other then her and her friend, the few times I saw a solitary chica hazarding the streets they were fugly.

Mr Gogo
12-05-10, 07:05

I was just there last week and as in my previous trips over the past two montths it was dead on Independencia. Except, my last night, I stumbled upon a couple chicas on the stroll after about 2 am The one I took back for 1000P was one I'd had before and she had just gotten out of work at Lapsus. Other then her and her friend, the few times I saw a solitary chica hazarding the streets they were fugly.Damn Koki you the man.

Mr Gogo
12-05-10, 08:03
Hello, gents. I'm not going to sugar coat thing for you. Sosua will always have pussy. If you've done your ground work and made connections it will always have something for you.

On the other hand if you've just used it for a stick and move, its pay back on your asses. My girls there that have game have used their connections to get what looks like legitimate jobs and trick on the side. Most have guys that stay in touch and know their visiting schedules. To each his own, but if you visit soon establish a relationship. No! This does not require sending money. Dominicanas are clever and will try you if your soft, but once you stand up to their asses they will back off and be patient. My point is if you like the culture and want to visit frequently, elevate your game and lock in(get numbers and email and just say Hello, every couple months). I'm hearing that the bar owners are running the pussy now. But thats just a front to keep the girls from being harrased by the police. I'm visiting New Years and will probaly lock in to my amigas during the day and freelance at night while they are working in their establishments. This May event that they are having is supposed to be a trail run. If it fails they know where they stand and vise versa. Look for a major slow down after New Years until atleast May. After May watch what happenes. If they loosen up its back to normal business, if they keep the standard that has been established watch out.

DR Monger II
12-05-10, 08:13
God, who's going to go to Sosua now? The majority of tourists are mongers, not family guys going to Casa Marina.
They eliminated the chicken stands on the corner?

12-05-10, 09:41
God, who's going to go to Sosua now? The majority of tourists are mongers, not family guys going to Casa Marina.
They eliminated the chicken stands on the corner?

They were gone when I was there last week. They are re-locating them into a storefront toward Super Super. There was one still operating next to the bar on th corner across the street but he said they all had to move.

Charles Pooter
12-05-10, 15:39
Thedrman, are your from Mars?

You have first hand reports and pictures. All is explained in detail in multiple posts including chat with the operation chiefs. You think people is happy about having spent thousands of dollars to travel, wasting time that cannot be returned ever?

Smartasses know-it-all like you are so ridiculous. Or just go there and make the good old days come back with your magic wand.

Ah and before you respond with more bullshit *think and read*, as I'm totally ready to put you on ignore, likely as other people that is pissed for real may do.
A bizarre post from the normally sensible Thedrman, I agree. Like you, I wonder where he has been for the past weeks. There are certainly significant changes, but as to whether they will be for the better or worse, the jury is still out. Vamos a ver.

However your response is equally ridiculous. There is no reason why a monger cannot have as enjoyable a time in Sosúa as ever, unless his preference is for fat, ugly old street-rats because it appears they are in shorter supply. Talk of wasting time or thousands of dollars is hysterical.

Maybe the new changes, as well as eliminating the sub-par putas will also eliminate the sub-par mongers who patronised them and whose presence always deterred me from spending much time in Sosúa. If so, that's all to the good.

12-05-10, 16:25
i was just there last week and as in my previous trips over the past two montths it was dead on Independencia. Except, my last night, I stumbled upon a couple chicas on the stroll after about 2 a.m. The one I took back for 1000P was one I'd had before and she had just gotten out of work at Lapsus. Other then her and her friend, the few times I saw a solitary chica hazarding the streets they were fugly.

I wish i could be awake at this time of the night to come across such a beauty. I'm a morning, afternoon, early night monger.

Blk Big Bootyluv
12-05-10, 16:46
Not a bad idea.

To all the business minded folks who's got mucho dinero or know others with access to it, why not set up a place on the outskirts of Sosua? Someplace between Sosua and Playa Dorada? If Field of Dreams were still in business their place would probably be flooded with chicas right now. If there were at least a Field of Dreams and another CMP they might get a lot of chicas hanging around (from the Exodus of Sosua).

Or hell, just put a few "Classico's" out there that turn into "Merengue Bar(s)" during the day, and keep Sosua as main base for lodging. As long as the hotels in Sosua remain "chica friendly" then you still have a place to crash at night.

We'd be going in the complete opposite direction of the Cabarete and "New Sosua" crowd upon leaving the airport. Everyone would be happy!

But I profess I have know idea how stuff even works as far as setting up something like that in DR. Just thought I'd throw the idea out there for anyone that can capitalize on it...

Free of charge :-P

Blk Big Bootyluv
12-05-10, 16:51
When I was there two months ago I made the same observation. Beautiful beaches chicas ahhh not so much.


As mentioned in other posts. There is no bullshit like that in Las Terrenas, at least for now.

It is not like paradise because most girls are Haitian, hardened or not attractive, or even a combination of all that, but at least they are here and available. I'd say about one hundred overall.

It takes quite a long ride from Sosua / PP but it can done easily even with guagas.

Coole Mr
12-05-10, 17:51
Saturday night In Classico's was packed around 1am. Merengue bar was slow. They are not allowing the chica's to parade around in Merengue bar they have to go upstairs are leave.

I will report on Sunday night.

New Old Guy
12-05-10, 20:27
However your response is equally ridiculous. There is no reason why a monger cannot have as enjoyable a time in Sosúa as ever, unless his preference is for fat, ugly old street-rats because it appears they are in shorter supply. Talk of wasting time or thousands of dollars is hysterical.Looks like you're another last second writer but non-reader, because in all my previous posts I have been saying the same thing, I did not appreciated Sosua and have no intention to return there. My post was simply made as a reaction to very un-informed comments. However the Sosua guys have all the right to do and spend theyr money as they please, are the only ones entitled to talk about the situation, so from now on I'm off this thread.

Charles Pooter
12-05-10, 21:37
Looks like you're another last second writer but non-reader, because in all my previous posts I have been saying the same thing, I did not appreciated Sosua and have no intention to return there. My post was simply made as a reaction to very un-informed comments. However the Sosua guys have all the right to do and spend their money as they please, are the only ones entitled to talk about the situation, so from now on I'm off this thread.
Your mention of "the Sosúa guys" reminded me of this post today from a real DR vet monger (he has since moved on to other venues) on another board. He's swinging a bit wildly but I thought it was kinda funny in a non-PC way.

Man, these clowns can't see around the block. If Sosúa didn't exist, I haven't a clue what these guys would do. I can picture them right now, shook about the going ons in Sosúa. These guys are scared shitless.

The point being anyone who cannot still have a good (and reasonably priced) time in the DR (and even in the Sosúa area) doesn't deserve to have one. The chicas haven't gone away. They are still there and may even be more appreciative of our pesos.

Like you I have never been a great fan of Sosúa and rarely go there although I live only a US$1.15 ride away. Maybe the changes will encourage me to go there more often. Let's see how it pans out.

12-06-10, 03:12
I am here in Sosua. Classicos was packed last night anyone who said there was one girl in there must have been there early when it was raining or we must not be in the same Sosua because I know what I'm seeing is not a mirage. When I got there around 1:30 it was 4 to 1 chicas to guys easily and its so crowded you could not walk around the club or dance freely. Me and my boys were saying we could not believe how many girls would go home alone last night because there was too many of them. The daytime action is very slow it seems starting yesterday because of the new laws but I've seen no chicas being harassed since I've been here for 4 days. At night the town comes alive and the girls walk freely up and down the strip and the police are just hanging out on the corners bothering noone. Late night when I hit the streets it was packed on the street outside and shoulder to shoulder people in Classico. The casino disco was crowded until about 6 am. I was talking to a Sosua native today and he was explaining to me that they want Sosua to be catered to family's walking the street in the day without the girls presence and it has hurt business because there are not many families there yet to replace the monger money in the day but they wish for it to get to that at some point and you have to start somewhere. He stated the police are not against the girls and allow them to come out and work but only in the night. If you come to classicos at 11 maybe it is dead but I don't go there that early because Flow is crowded around that time or I'm still in my room resting for another long night. Stick around a few more hours and it will be packed the same as it has every night I've been here. If your hunting in the daytime don't bother but I'm a night person anyways so it does not affect me that no chicas are out during the day. Hope this helps answer some of your questions.

Happy Hunting

New Jack

Worth repeating! I think this guy's report kinda slipped under the radar...good job New Jack! Definitely appreciate you taking the time out of your trip to give us a first-hand update. Glad to hear you are enjoying yourself as well!

12-06-10, 07:43
I touch on this subject with Artisttyp briefly when I was in Tijuana but what are your thoughts on the difference between Tijuana chicas and sosua chicas. And which one would you prefer and fill more comftable with. Myself I prefer sosua because of the GFE you can instantly have with a honey where as in Tijuana it's more of a "wham bam thank you mam" atmosphere.

Hey Coolie High,

My first thoughts about TJ, was just that; "wham bam thank you mam" atmosphere. But the more time that I spend there, the more connections and relations I develop; but I there usually every weekend.

As far as a GFE, nothing compares to the ladies in Thailand or the Philippines, but I did establish a good GFE relationship in Sousa; which I plan to return for in January.

So as far as to answer your question, I think that Sousa has a good edge on the GFE experience when compared to TJ.

Just my opinion.

Bq Ribs
12-06-10, 13:50
............Among other things, they want to close the Pedro Clisante from 6 PM for traffic. The 'El Conde' street in the capital city, should be taken as an example.............

The entire article can be found here:

4 December 2010

On Tuesday afternoon, 30 November, a follow-up meeting was held, which took place in the Protestant 'Nueva Vida' church. There were about 30 entrepreneurs from the Pedro Clisante street and surrounding area present. The preparatory group consisting of five persons, had prepared an action plan that was presented at the other entrepreneurs for approval. In addition to a number of organizational issues to organize nightlife in the main street better (Motochoncho noise, noise pollution), other ideas came to light for boosting tourism in Sosúa.

The follow-up meetingAmong other things, they want to close the Pedro Clisante from 6 PM for traffic. The 'El Conde' street in the capital city, should be taken as an example. In addition, more activities should be organized in the street, so that Pedro Clisante would be more attractive for everybody. Entrepreneurs therefore intend to work more together and invite music, folklore and dance groups. Furthermore, every three months, a flyer will be handed out in several languages in which the activities will be advertised. The Jazz Festival recently held in Cabarete and the Boxing gala in Sosúa Bay casino were cited as positive examples. But also the celebration of Halloween recently held in Sosúa, should be a positive role model for other celebrations. In the coming days the five representatives of the entrepreneurs will try to set up a meeting with the highest authorities of tourism, Politur, the National Police, the AMET and the community representatives. Next Tuesday, 7 December the results of these actions will be discussed in another meeting in the premises of Nueva Vida church. It starts at exactly 5 PM!

12-06-10, 14:08
One thing I've learned about the DR is that it doesn't matter what the laws are, it's what the local officials actually do about them that matters. Local officials have the power to enforce or not enforce and the power to make up their own rules.

What's going to determine whether or not chicas are available in Sosua is whether or not the local officials via the police, kick them out. I would stay tuned to the forums to see what actually happens.

It sounds like the action at night continues to be about the same as ever. The action in the daytime has never been great anyway. I guess most of the chicas are sleeping.

However, if you pay big bucks for a trip to Sosua and are disappointed, there is always Puerto Plata. There are plenty of transportation options and lots of places to hunt chicas -- even in the daytime.

The Man Tour Guy

12-06-10, 18:48
Re: Plan B--Sosua
Originally Posted by Sidney View Post
If the crackdown and persecution continues, I have a Plan B. Essentially, i have a list of terrific chicas who will serve all my needs. And probably, it will be cheaper for me.
Plan B has been a huge success! Day after day = 26 hours of WOW! 11pm, bedded down, tln, with my 2 favorite bi-sexual chicas, repeat performance at 10am, my Haitian hottie arrives at 130pm, and at 6pm, my and Helpmann's ex arrives. Shhh my buddy, she has ''re-blossemed to a finer flower! And at 11pm, the cycle starts again! Life is good to ol' Sid!

12-06-10, 19:44
Your D R government is ''working'' for you !

12-07-10, 00:09
Hey Coolie High,

My first thoughts about TJ, was just that; "wham bam thank you mam" atmosphere. But the more time that I spend there, the more connections and relations I develop; but I there usually every weekend.

As far as a GFE, nothing compares to the ladies in Thailand or the Philippines, but I did establish a good GFE relationship in Sousa; which I plan to return for in January.

So as far as to answer your question, I think that Sousa has a good edge on the GFE experience when compared to TJ.

Just my opinion.

If I may ad my 2 cents here and by means I am no expert on mongering in Thailand. I had more of a GF experience in my 1 and only trip to Thailand than I have had in 13 DR trips. It's not that I didn't have my fun in the DR ( I most certianly did) but you can not compare the girls in Thailand to the girls in DR. And this was with more than 1 or 2 Thai girls. The attitude and the way they go about their business is different.

You Can
12-07-10, 00:23
I just got back from Sosua and had a fantastic time. Daytime chicas I am not interested in at all. I pulled a girl out of passions at night, no kids and a wash board stomach. I was more then happy with my girl. Daytime is very slow for women but I go to beach during the day and then grab a chica at night. But yea the runts that use to walk around during the day are gone, thank god.

Re: Plan B--Sosua
Originally Posted by Sidney View Post
If the crackdown and persecution continues, I have a Plan B. Essentially, i have a list of terrific chicas who will serve all my needs. And probably, it will be cheaper for me.
Plan B has been a huge success! Day after day = 26 hours of WOW! 11pm, bedded down, tln, with my 2 favorite bi-sexual chicas, repeat performance at 10am, my Haitian hottie arrives at 130pm, and at 6pm, my and Helpmann's ex arrives. Shhh my buddy, she has ''re-blossemed to a finer flower! And at 11pm, the cycle starts again! Life is good to ol' Sid!

Love Bite
12-08-10, 15:49
Hello everyone.

Just have a question about this hotel " sosua by the sea. Is any one had any experience with this place. Is this chica friendly? I got confuse with sosua bay resort to sosua by the sea. Comment and tips will be helpful. I am staying there for 5 night next week.


12-08-10, 17:26
Hello, everyone.

Just have a question about this hotel " sosua by the sea. Is any one had any experience with this place. Is this chica friendly? I got confuse with sosua bay resort to sosua by the sea. Comment and tips will be helpful. I am staying there for 5 night next week.

ThanksI have not stayed there but I have walked through the Sosua by the Sea Hotel. It is a cute small hotel, near the other entrance for the Casa Marina Hotel (not the entrance near the baseball field, the entrance down the hill for the casa marina beach).

When I was last in the vicinity of the Sosua by the Sea Hotel, years ago, there was a nice condominium building next door, there was an abandoned bar on the corner, that bar was constructed to look like a Taino cave. Across the street from the Sosua by the Sea Hotel there were several hair salon places. I received a non-sexual massage a few times in the salon that is most to the left when you are facing the buildings.

From what I read Sosua by the Sea has an all inclusive type package wherein food is included. The other rate they have does not include all meals. Sosua by the Sea is on the water, there is a beach near the hotel.

I don't know whether it is chica friendly, maybe if you are discreet and the chicas you bring in don't look too hardcore, the hotel may allow you to enter with them. If your Spanish is good you could try to ask whether you can have friends visit. A small tip is often times appreciated and sometimes helps to get rules bent. But prepare yourself because it may be a total non-chica friendly hotel with no exceptions, I don't know.

Hotel Calypso is nearby with short term room rentals. I believe there is a Cabana nearby in Sosua now.

12-08-10, 17:46
Hello, everyone.

Just have a question about this hotel " sosua by the sea. Is any one had any experience with this place. Is this chica friendly? I got confuse with sosua bay resort to sosua by the sea. Comment and tips will be helpful. I am staying there for 5 night next week.

ThanksNo it's not chica friendly.

12-08-10, 18:11
Hello, everyone.

Just have a question about this hotel " sosua by the sea. Is any one had any experience with this place. Is this chica friendly? I got confuse with sosua bay resort to sosua by the sea. Comment and tips will be helpful. I am staying there for 5 night next week.

ThanksI booked earlier this year through Skoosh. Com (and reviewed both Skoosh's website and the hotel's own website) and did not see any policy regarding not allowing girls. When I showed up to check-in with a girl a friend had brought to the airport, the hotel manager would not let me bring the girl in (and conveniently only told me this after I had formally checked in). When I argued with him, he said that the policy was listed on the website, but again I never did see anything to that on either the booking website or the hotel's own website. So, I was obligated to pay for one night even though I didn; t stay there and then booked at the Terra Linda Resort / Hotel.

So, Sosua by the Sea is NOT chica friendly!

12-08-10, 20:11
A chica friend, walking with her chica friend on PC, near Super, Super Liquors at 9pm were arrested and spent the night in jail. So the bully Politur is exceeding their mandate as I expected! Police will always abuse their authority!

Edit / Delete Message

12-09-10, 03:02
However your response is equally ridiculous. There is no reason why a monger cannot have as enjoyable a time in Sosúa as ever, unless his preference is for fat, ugly old street-rats because it appears they are in shorter supply. Talk of wasting time or thousands of dollars is hysterical. I don't think the clearing of prostitution dictated the "fat, ugly, old street-rats" in its decree. I have seen my share of 9's and 10's manhandled off to jail.

Maybe the new changes, as well as eliminating the sub-par putas will also eliminate the sub-par mongers who patronised them and whose presence always deterred me from spending much time in Sosúa. If so, that's all to the good."sub-par" mongers. Ahhh Charles. And you. Superior. A God among men?

"sub-par" putas. I'd like to see a breakdown of how you determine "par" and "sub-par", sort of ranking system.

Charles, if you're too good for Sosua, that's fine, you didn't need the "crackdown" to deter you. Great, but Sosua has been a helluva lot of fun for me. I am a Sosua addict coming down off of the high, however, I will personally challenge you to a mongering showdown. Nothing sub-par about me, and I can introduce you to 20 or so of my good friends that will make you look like a child trying to put a circle through a square.

Its unfortunate that guys like you with self acclaimed superior intellect and looks cannot find the intelligence to realize that there are some men that places like Sosua serve their needs. Some men otherwise would never get laid, but why berate them for it. I for one, thoroughly enjoy seeing some of these men land there, and watch them for a couple days get treated unlike they have ever been treated before. I'd never call them "sub-par", maybe they just don't have the privilege of experience with the ladies some of us do.

Try and stoop down from your clouds every once in a while, you might find a few more friends and people with more in common that you think. I've learned from both veterans and newbies. But it appears I should have just contacted you because apparently you know it all.

Member #3435
12-09-10, 04:51
Maybe the new changes, as well as eliminating the sub-par putas will also eliminate the sub-par mongers who patronised them and whose presence always deterred me from spending much time in Sosúa. If so, that's all to the good.Improvemnts in store for Sosua? Good point.

Causes one to ponder a return visit.

Thanks Sir Charles!

John from NJ
12-09-10, 15:30
This maybe old news by now but some newbie may find the info useful. My third trip was not the smoothest but Sosua is becoming addictive. Came down with a cold on the third day which threw my game off. Also I fell of a moto on the last day which resulted in a very scaled back final evening. The moto accident was my fault. As I was getting off my dive bag got caught and me, the moto and driver went crashing to the ground.

Some pre 12/3 general observations:

Latinos was the only bar which put up an actual enclosure. They enclosed their rail, put frosted windows on top of it and added glass doors at both ends. Clasico's hung a curtain from the ceiling to their rail but it came down after a couple days. SeaCrets also enclosed their exposed front & side with curtains. Bar Central had a new wider rail in front which was used as a bar / table. El Flow removed the plastic tables from the sidewalk but kept the high bar stool tables. The German bar and the restaurants still had sidewalk tables. The street parade was light at night but the bars were loaded with chicas. Instead of lining up on the street, the chicas were lined up 2-3 deep in the back of the bars. Clasico's was packed by midnight. Since guys could not see in, Latinos was empty. There was a minor police presence but I saw no confrontations or arrests. The differences I did notice were the Haitian street kids & vendors were gone and there were a lot more regular tourist walking around especially during the day.

Day time action was limited to a few chicas at El Flow and Hermano's Cigar Bar (corner of PC and Rosen). Instead of hanging on the streets during the day the chicas worked the phones. Every chica I spoke with wanted to exchange numbers and I got tons of calls during the day. The best way I found to communicate was via text messaging. A simple English message got a quick English response even from the chicas who spoke no English.

Did not get to the beach or the New Garden.


Stayed in a large queen bedroom (C5) at the Hotel D'Piero for $40 per night including breakfast and airport transfers. As promised Piero meet me at the airport. The hotel exceeded all my expectations and requirements. The grounds, pool, Jacuzzi, bar & restaurant were lovely. No glasses, towels, or cigarette butts lying around and the pool sparkled. My third floor room was clean and well maintained. It had a nice bath, electronic safe, AC, TV, refrig & a balcony overlooking the pool. The rooms and apartments vary and some are nicer than others. So explain your requirements to Piero and look at the available rooms when you arrive. The cheapest rooms don't have balconies and face La Passions parking lot. The hotel has a backup generator.

The staff was very friendly and attentive. They quickly learned my routine. For example I drink a lot of coffee in the morning. The first morning I was served one small cup after another. The rest of week a large craft of coffee was brought to the table. The first night I had to explain to the guard that I need ice for late night cocktails. The rest of the week he greeted me at the gate with two cups of ice. One note requesting extra towels resulted in plenty of clean dry towels. My room was always made up when I returned from breakfast.

The hotels location was perfect. It is in a quite section of town but everything you need is close by. It is an easy 5 (+ or.) minute walk to the strip. I enjoyed the sights along the way and checked out many of the small bars. When I was in a hurry or with a chica I spent the 25/50 pesos for a moto.

There is no office or paper work & I actually had to track Piero down mid week to pay him. On Friday I confirmed my departure time. Saturday at 1pm a cleaning lady help me with my bags & found Piero for me. Another great trip came to an end.

Except for breakfast I did not eat in the restaurant. A large group of Italians monopolized it during lunch and dinner.

These guys were defiantly 'living large'. They had a luxury SUV, ate / drank well and always had fine looking chicas hanging around. Piero even closed the restaurant one night and did a special pig roast for then. But unlike some of the New Garden crews these guys were never a problem. They discreetly enjoyed the pool and the company of their ladies during the day. They were loud when they first rolled in at night but quickly retired to their rooms and peace returned.

But everything was not perfect. The sheets were not changed daily unless requested. Also for some reason the bottom sheets never fit right. They kept coming off the corners. Perhaps regular sheets were used on the queen beds. I could also hear the music from La Passions. Not a big problem but it was distracting when I was trying to nap in the afternoons. The room and bath could also use more counter space. The security guard did not check / take IDs and he would not be very effective in helping with a problem chica.

I checked out a bunch of the hotels one afternoon and you cannot beat the Hotel D'Piero. My second recommendation is the New Garden which is 'party central'. Terre Linda is nice but at $69-$89 it is way over priced and the rooms have keyed safes. Casa Valeria ($50+) is very nice (electron safes, AC, refrig) but only partially chica friendly. Chicas are not allowed to hang out on the patios or pool. Sea Breeze's is a dump. Hotel El Colibri's grounds are beautiful, the rooms have great patios and the pool is huge. But the room I saw desperately needed an upgrade. It had no refrig and a keyed safe. I did not see any girls hanging out. An ocean front room at the Sosua Bay Hotel at $60 a night is tempting. But the mongering crowd is not really welcomed. It is a deteriorating AI which needs our cash until some type of miracle occurs. They also want $3 per day for a safe key.


Arranged via email to meet Mr. Bruce at the D'Pieros bar Saturday afternoon. Bruce was a cool guy, who knew a lot of the chicas and had a great 'game'. Our partying style was also similar. I had such a good time the first night and was so over poured I could not get it together to go diving on Sunday. Unfortunately Bruce left for home on Monday. Hooked up with a follower diver for another night. Spent the rest of the time solo.


Paid the day time chicas 1500. No real passion or foreplay but I had a smile on my face when we were done. No drama either. Ordered two via cell phone, pulled one out of Hermano's Cigar Bar (corner of PC and Rosen) and one from the Domino Bar. None spoke English. The chica from Hermano's was the youngest (19) and the best. Convinced her to walk back to D'Piero because I wanted to stop for beer and water. She agreed but it cost me a 100 peso phone card, the cost of the motos. We went at it in a reverse mish position (her on top) which was different and fun. My plan with the Domino girl was to have dinner on the balcony while we got to know each other. Never happened. I ate, she watched TV, we fucked, and she left with her dinner. She did score us two nice fried chicken dinners for 100 pesos each. Should have eaten at the bar while I flirted with the ladies. The phone chicas were easy. Sent a txt msg. An hour later room service arrived.

I TNL twice with chicas from La Passions for 2, 500. Don't remember either of their names but they were pretty, drama free, and made sure I had a good time. Neither spoke English. The girl I chose the second night was the best. She was the first to approach me at the bar. We did the normal 'how are you, what's your name, where you from' thing before I blew her off. As I checked out the other talent she continued to flirt with me from a distance by blowing kiss, shaking her ass, etc. At 12:30 they cleared the floor for a lesbian show and this chica came around behind me and started playing 'hid and seek'. At the offer of a beer she became very friendly and playful. The hunt was over. Back at the room we enjoyed sipping drinks and making out on the balcony. She was good in bed and enjoyed my toys.

The new bar in La Passions is cool looking but all the action occurred around the old bar. The lesbian show was real and a lot of fun to watch. No toys involved but bodies, tongues, hands and fingers were everywhere. The crowd really got into it.


I ran into Bruce Sunday afternoon on the street. He and his Saturday pick were returning from the beach. This surprised me because he talked about how he was a ST type of guy. We agreed to meet at 9pm. Around 10:30 Bruce heads back to the Europa to pick up his Saturday night pick again. Says he will be back in an hour and we can go dancing in Clasico's. I make a pass through Merengue bar but see nothing of interest. Decided to have a beer and watch the rock videos at Bar Central while I wait. I found a spot at the bar next to a cute chica. We get talking and she tells me her name is Lady. She is reviewed on various boards but the name did not ring a bell at the time. Her English was good, she was funny and basically she was having a good time. She got up off the bar stool a couple times to show me her ass and figure. She also pulled up her shirt so show off her natural boobs. Anyhow I'm enjoying her company by the time Bruce and his girl returned. After partying for an hour at Bar Central Bruce wants to hit Clasico's. This is where things get weird. Lady gets real serious and tells me she would love to accompany me to Clasico's but she cannot dance. I say no problem I have two left feet & cannot dance either. She then starts to tell me her story. Apparently one of her legs were badly mangled in a moto accident and she has trouble walking. You can imagine what was running through my mind. Part of me said cut your losses, walk away. The other part said this girl is cute, fun loving, playful, speaks English, and has a great body. But it was her eyes that did me in. So I decided that if this girl could get her ass up to Clasico's we were good to go. When she got up off the stool I tried to give her a hand and got this look that said 'if you patronize me I'll bite your dick off'. So I backed off. It was not graceful but she managed the stairs without a problem. Bruce scored us front row seats on the upper level. Lady thank me several times for taking her to the disco and enjoyed holding court as her friends came by to say Hello. Back at the hotel we enjoyed drinks on the balcony, fuck, sat on the balcony while I recharge and fuck again. Not sure if the moto story was true or if one leg was shorter than the other. In bed it did not matter. Lady was an accommodating partner & the sex was great. She went home with 2500 pesos in her pocket.


Saturday night as Bruce and I strolled Merengue this little Haitian named Francia comes up to me and starts her sales pitch. She had a cute round face with striking eyes and a small well portioned frame. And she spoke English but it was too early. Later as Bruce and I sat at the bar flirting with the chicas Francia came by for a second try. This time she succeeded. Francia was playful but not aggressive. She just let things develop. Finally I told her I wanted a girl friend for the night and was willing to pay 2500 pesos. She responded with a long, wet, deep French kiss.

When the clothes came off I was a bit disappointed. Francia had stretch marks and her boobs were a bit of a disaster but it did not matter once we got into it. The girl loved sex and was very passionate. She had just as good a time as I did. She would fuck in any position but I think doggie was the best. She could sucked my dick in her toto by wiggling her ass. She like the mish position with a pillow under her ass and her legs back by her ears. The harder I fucked her the harder she fucked back. My toys were also popular especially the magic wand which she often garbed and used on both of use while we were going at it.

Francia provided a true GFE and I had her come by on 3 additional nights. She did not ask for anything and treated me like a king. One night she gave me a manicure / pedicure and she cleaned and bandaged my wounds when I fell off the moto.

Francia always showed up dressed in her finest so we went to Casa Valeria for dinner on two nights. I was initially concerned about how dinner would work out but the staff treated us great. We were warmly greeted and shown to my favorite table. The waitress did not know if Francia could read so she discreetly pointed to items on the menu as she described the dishes. Had two pleasant dinners.


Watch your money carefully. By mistake I gave the Clasico waiter a 500 peso tip instead of 50. I was able to correct the mistake but it could have easily ended badly.

Added a couple jack rabbit dildos & cock ring to my toy collection. Most chica like the toys and the magic wand is the most popular. Several have asked if they could keep it.

Chicas that enjoy foreplay really get into DATY. It is easy to get them to CUM with your tongue. On the other hand I only found one chica in all three trips that gave a really good BBBJCIM. Most chicas gave lousy oral.

Check out the small bars east of Rosen. They are fun places to sit and enjoy a beer. Most have a chica or two hanging out. If not the bartenders are usually available. They cover for each other when one disappears for a session. Problem is they close early. I liked Domino's the best.

Did not have time or the interest to check out the Caribbean Men's Paradise.

Ate at the Casa Valeria and La Costera. Both provided great meals for 500 pesos. Good meals can also be obtained from the local chicken / pork vendors for 100-200 pesos.

Changed money at the place around the corner from the Happy Bar on Duarte. 37 pesos to the $1.

Dove three days with Scuba Elite. Went to the El DuDu caves one day. They were interesting but not as good as the caves in Mexico.


Room 280.

Food 200.

Chicas 650 (7 TLN + 4 ST)

Diving 210.

Tips 85.

Misc 625 (bar bills, booze, water, soda, phone cards, pharmacy, motos, and who knows what else.)


Total 2, 050 USD

12-09-10, 17:19
This maybe old news by now but some newbie may find the info useful. My third trip was not the smoothest but Sosua is becoming addictive. Came down with a cold on the third day which threw my game off. Also I fell of a moto on the last day which resulted in a very scaled back final evening. The moto accident was my fault. As I was getting off my dive bag got caught and me, the moto and driver went crashing to the ground.

Some pre 12/3 general observations:

Latinos was the only bar which put up an actual enclosure. They enclosed their rail, put frosted windows on top of it and added glass doors at both ends. Clasico's hung a curtain from the ceiling to their rail but it came down after a couple days. SeaCrets also enclosed their exposed front & side with curtains. Bar Central had a new wider rail in front which was used as a bar / table. El Flow removed the plastic tables from the sidewalk but kept the high bar stool tables. The German bar and the restaurants still had sidewalk tables. The street parade was light at night but the bars were loaded with chicas. Instead of lining up on the street, the chicas were lined up 2-3 deep in the back of the bars. Clasico's was packed by midnight. Since guys could not see in, Latinos was empty. There was a minor police presence but I saw no confrontations or arrests. The differences I did notice were the Haitian street kids & vendors were gone and there were a lot more regular tourist walking around especially during the day.

Day time action was limited to a few chicas at El Flow and Hermano's Cigar Bar (corner of PC and Rosen). Instead of hanging on the streets during the day the chicas worked the phones. Every chica I spoke with wanted to exchange numbers and I got tons of calls during the day. The best way I found to communicate was via text messaging. A simple English message got a quick English response even from the chicas who spoke no English.

Did not get to the beach or the New Garden.


Stayed in a large queen bedroom (C5) at the Hotel D'Piero for $40 per night including breakfast and airport transfers. As promised Piero meet me at the airport. The hotel exceeded all my expectations and requirements. The grounds, pool, Jacuzzi, bar & restaurant were lovely. No glasses, towels, or cigarette butts lying around and the pool sparkled. My third floor room was clean and well maintained. It had a nice bath, electronic safe, AC, TV, refrig & a balcony overlooking the pool. The rooms and apartments vary and some are nicer than others. So explain your requirements to Piero and look at the available rooms when you arrive. The cheapest rooms don't have balconies and face La Passions parking lot. The hotel has a backup generator.

The staff was very friendly and attentive. They quickly learned my routine. For example I drink a lot of coffee in the morning. The first morning I was served one small cup after another. The rest of week a large craft of coffee was brought to the table. The first night I had to explain to the guard that I need ice for late night cocktails. The rest of the week he greeted me at the gate with two cups of ice. One note requesting extra towels resulted in plenty of clean dry towels. My room was always made up when I returned from breakfast.

The hotels location was perfect. It is in a quite section of town but everything you need is close by. It is an easy 5 (+ or.) minute walk to the strip. I enjoyed the sights along the way and checked out many of the small bars. When I was in a hurry or with a chica I spent the 25/50 pesos for a moto.

There is no office or paper work & I actually had to track Piero down mid week to pay him. On Friday I confirmed my departure time. Saturday at 1pm a cleaning lady help me with my bags & found Piero for me. Another great trip came to an end.

Except for breakfast I did not eat in the restaurant. A large group of Italians monopolized it during lunch and dinner.

These guys were defiantly 'living large'. They had a luxury SUV, ate / drank well and always had fine looking chicas hanging around. Piero even closed the restaurant one night and did a special pig roast for then. But unlike some of the New Garden crews these guys were never a problem. They discreetly enjoyed the pool and the company of their ladies during the day. They were loud when they first rolled in at night but quickly retired to their rooms and peace returned.

But everything was not perfect. The sheets were not changed daily unless requested. Also for some reason the bottom sheets never fit right. They kept coming off the corners. Perhaps regular sheets were used on the queen beds. I could also hear the music from La Passions. Not a big problem but it was distracting when I was trying to nap in the afternoons. The room and bath could also use more counter space. The security guard did not check / take IDs and he would not be very effective in helping with a problem chica.

I checked out a bunch of the hotels one afternoon and you cannot beat the Hotel D'Piero. My second recommendation is the New Garden which is 'party central'. Terre Linda is nice but at $69-$89 it is way over priced and the rooms have keyed safes. Casa Valeria ($50+) is very nice (electron safes, AC, refrig) but only partially chica friendly. Chicas are not allowed to hang out on the patios or pool. Sea Breeze's is a dump. Hotel El Colibri's grounds are beautiful, the rooms have great patios and the pool is huge. But the room I saw desperately needed an upgrade. It had no refrig and a keyed safe. I did not see any girls hanging out. An ocean front room at the Sosua Bay Hotel at $60 a night is tempting. But the mongering crowd is not really welcomed. It is a deteriorating AI which needs our cash until some type of miracle occurs. They also want $3 per day for a safe key.


Arranged via email to meet Mr. Bruce at the D'Pieros bar Saturday afternoon. Bruce was a cool guy, who knew a lot of the chicas and had a great 'game'. Our partying style was also similar. I had such a good time the first night and was so over poured I could not get it together to go diving on Sunday. Unfortunately Bruce left for home on Monday. Hooked up with a follower diver for another night. Spent the rest of the time solo.


Paid the day time chicas 1500. No real passion or foreplay but I had a smile on my face when we were done. No drama either. Ordered two via cell phone, pulled one out of Hermano's Cigar Bar (corner of PC and Rosen) and one from the Domino Bar. None spoke English. The chica from Hermano's was the youngest (19) and the best. Convinced her to walk back to D'Piero because I wanted to stop for beer and water. She agreed but it cost me a 100 peso phone card, the cost of the motos. We went at it in a reverse mish position (her on top) which was different and fun. My plan with the Domino girl was to have dinner on the balcony while we got to know each other. Never happened. I ate, she watched TV, we fucked, and she left with her dinner. She did score us two nice fried chicken dinners for 100 pesos each. Should have eaten at the bar while I flirted with the ladies. The phone chicas were easy. Sent a txt msg. An hour later room service arrived.

I TNL twice with chicas from La Passions for 2, 500. Don't remember either of their names but they were pretty, drama free, and made sure I had a good time. Neither spoke English. The girl I chose the second night was the best. She was the first to approach me at the bar. We did the normal 'how are you, what's your name, where you from' thing before I blew her off. As I checked out the other talent she continued to flirt with me from a distance by blowing kiss, shaking her ass, etc. At 12:30 they cleared the floor for a lesbian show and this chica came around behind me and started playing 'hid and seek'. At the offer of a beer she became very friendly and playful. The hunt was over. Back at the room we enjoyed sipping drinks and making out on the balcony. She was good in bed and enjoyed my toys.

The new bar in La Passions is cool looking but all the action occurred around the old bar. The lesbian show was real and a lot of fun to watch. No toys involved but bodies, tongues, hands and fingers were everywhere. The crowd really got into it.


I ran into Bruce Sunday afternoon on the street. He and his Saturday pick were returning from the beach. This surprised me because he talked about how he was a ST type of guy. We agreed to meet at 9pm. Around 10:30 Bruce heads back to the Europa to pick up his Saturday night pick again. Says he will be back in an hour and we can go dancing in Clasico's. I make a pass through Merengue bar but see nothing of interest. Decided to have a beer and watch the rock videos at Bar Central while I wait. I found a spot at the bar next to a cute chica. We get talking and she tells me her name is Lady. She is reviewed on various boards but the name did not ring a bell at the time. Her English was good, she was funny and basically she was having a good time. She got up off the bar stool a couple times to show me her ass and figure. She also pulled up her shirt so show off her natural boobs. Anyhow I'm enjoying her company by the time Bruce and his girl returned. After partying for an hour at Bar Central Bruce wants to hit Clasico's. This is where things get weird. Lady gets real serious and tells me she would love to accompany me to Clasico's but she cannot dance. I say no problem I have two left feet & cannot dance either. She then starts to tell me her story. Apparently one of her legs were badly mangled in a moto accident and she has trouble walking. You can imagine what was running through my mind. Part of me said cut your losses, walk away. The other part said this girl is cute, fun loving, playful, speaks English, and has a great body. But it was her eyes that did me in. So I decided that if this girl could get her ass up to Clasico's we were good to go. When she got up off the stool I tried to give her a hand and got this look that said 'if you patronize me I'll bite your dick off'. So I backed off. It was not graceful but she managed the stairs without a problem. Bruce scored us front row seats on the upper level. Lady thank me several times for taking her to the disco and enjoyed holding court as her friends came by to say Hello. Back at the hotel we enjoyed drinks on the balcony, fuck, sat on the balcony while I recharge and fuck again. Not sure if the moto story was true or if one leg was shorter than the other. In bed it did not matter. Lady was an accommodating partner & the sex was great. She went home with 2500 pesos in her pocket.


Saturday night as Bruce and I strolled Merengue this little Haitian named Francia comes up to me and starts her sales pitch. She had a cute round face with striking eyes and a small well portioned frame. And she spoke English but it was too early. Later as Bruce and I sat at the bar flirting with the chicas Francia came by for a second try. This time she succeeded. Francia was playful but not aggressive. She just let things develop. Finally I told her I wanted a girl friend for the night and was willing to pay 2500 pesos. She responded with a long, wet, deep French kiss.

When the clothes came off I was a bit disappointed. Francia had stretch marks and her boobs were a bit of a disaster but it did not matter once we got into it. The girl loved sex and was very passionate. She had just as good a time as I did. She would fuck in any position but I think doggie was the best. She could sucked my dick in her toto by wiggling her ass. She like the mish position with a pillow under her ass and her legs back by her ears. The harder I fucked her the harder she fucked back. My toys were also popular especially the magic wand which she often garbed and used on both of use while we were going at it.

Francia provided a true GFE and I had her come by on 3 additional nights. She did not ask for anything and treated me like a king. One night she gave me a manicure / pedicure and she cleaned and bandaged my wounds when I fell off the moto.

Francia always showed up dressed in her finest so we went to Casa Valeria for dinner on two nights. I was initially concerned about how dinner would work out but the staff treated us great. We were warmly greeted and shown to my favorite table. The waitress did not know if Francia could read so she discreetly pointed to items on the menu as she described the dishes. Had two pleasant dinners.


Watch your money carefully. By mistake I gave the Clasico waiter a 500 peso tip instead of 50. I was able to correct the mistake but it could have easily ended badly.

Added a couple jack rabbit dildos & cock ring to my toy collection. Most chica like the toys and the magic wand is the most popular. Several have asked if they could keep it.

Chicas that enjoy foreplay really get into DATY. It is easy to get them to CUM with your tongue. On the other hand I only found one chica in all three trips that gave a really good BBBJCIM. Most chicas gave lousy oral.

Check out the small bars east of Rosen. They are fun places to sit and enjoy a beer. Most have a chica or two hanging out. If not the bartenders are usually available. They cover for each other when one disappears for a session. Problem is they close early. I liked Domino's the best.

Did not have time or the interest to check out the Caribbean Men's Paradise.

Ate at the Casa Valeria and La Costera. Both provided great meals for 500 pesos. Good meals can also be obtained from the local chicken / pork vendors for 100-200 pesos.

Changed money at the place around the corner from the Happy Bar on Duarte. 37 pesos to the $1.

Dove three days with Scuba Elite. Went to the El DuDu caves one day. They were interesting but not as good as the caves in Mexico.


Room 280.

Food 200.

Chicas 650 (7 TLN + 4 ST)

Diving 210.

Tips 85.

Misc 625 (bar bills, booze, water, soda, phone cards, pharmacy, motos, and who knows what else.)


Total 2, 050 USDExcellent report John, I wish I could remember stuff enough to be able to write a report as thoroughly as yours.

12-09-10, 18:28
The length of time is uncertain?

12-09-10, 18:48
Meregue Bar, about 1pm, has been closed by the authorities. Bar Central is maybe! The length of time is uncertain?Does this effect Classico's at night?

Does anyone know if chicas are still hanging out at New Garden during the day and "Happy Hour" at Terra Linda?

Man, I'm diggin the new look and feel of the Board!

Bq Ribs
12-09-10, 19:00
The length of time is uncertain?Have any idea why the Merengue Bar was closed?

Bq Ribs
12-09-10, 19:02
.......Man, I'm diggin the new look and feel of the Board!LOL, every so often I have to double check and make sure I am logged onto ISG. The new look is nice.

Mr Gogo
12-09-10, 19:17
Does this effect Classico's at night?

Does anyone know if chicas are still hanging out at New Garden during the day and "Happy Hour" at Terra Linda?

Man, I'm diggin the new look and feel of the Board! Yeah I'm digging the new look also, but it will take time to get used to. NG better have girls because I'm there at the end of the month. Also check out the "Gogo annual award winners" in the Gogo forum.

12-09-10, 20:27
Yeah I'm digging the new look also, but it will take time to get used to. NG better have girls because I'm there at the end of the month. Also check out the "Gogo annual award winners" in the Gogo forum.Let us know what the new Haitiana ratio is like also. Hopefully the Politur hasn't scared them all off.

Ipanema Carioca
12-09-10, 21:07
Let us know what the new Haitiana ratio is like also. Hopefully the Politur hasn't scared them all off.I just returned from Sosua after 2 weeks. Classicos is not affected. However, supply and demand, expect the chicas to try and ask for more pesos. And expect week gringos to not have the balls to demand less. It will soon be a sellers market in Sosua.

Ipanema Carioca
12-09-10, 21:13
Does this effect Classico's at night?

Does anyone know if chicas are still hanging out at New Garden during the day and "Happy Hour" at Terra Linda?

Man, I'm diggin the new look and feel of the Board! Only a few girls at Terra Linda. When I arrived a chica I saw at the pool as I walked to my room with luggage in hand, she knocked on my door and tried to get invited in. Also, a haitian girl that I met on a trip last stalked me at the Terra Linda restaurant twice. Excellent body and face, but I do not like stalkers. If I were to fuck her I am sure she will become a commando stalker.

I like Terra Linda, but if I want aggressive females 24/7 I'd stay at NG.

12-09-10, 22:09
The length of time is uncertain?

12-09-10, 22:14
The length of time is uncertain?5pm. Merengue has re-opened after agreeing to make 'close-off' changes. She closed el Flow-current status is unknown. Rumba?

12-09-10, 23:27
5pm. Merengue has re-opened after agreeing to make 'close-off' changes. She closed el Flow-current status is unknown. Rumba?So you are saying that Merengue Bar is going to have to put the red curtains back up or do something similar to Latino's?

12-10-10, 01:41
Closed today by the Mayor!

Pana Nyc
12-10-10, 03:12
Looks like point and click mongering is done in Sosua. Sosua was the last mongering destination on this side of the world where point and click mongering was every where looks like it has come to an end. The only point and click mongering destinations are in Asia now, and you need to make some time and effort just to even get out there.

Mr Gogo
12-10-10, 05:04
Closed today by the Mayor!Oh Oh, two things I've been paying attention to are Classicos / Merengue and El flow. Classicos / Merengue is the anchor club and the rest are feeders. Just like malls have one or two big (anchor stores) and alot of other stores, the smaller (feeders) count on the people over flowing from the anchor. Classicos ever goes, Sosua as we know it is history. Is Armondo more loyal to Classicos than his hotel. Don't think so.

El flow developed a cult following. Which birthed Rumba (got to feel sorry for their timing). Making El flow eliminate their patio kills half their business. Will Rumba survive?

Has anyone noticed the fire hazzard these curtains bring? Is public safety even a concern when in these enclosed establishments?

Bq Ribs
12-10-10, 06:36
.........Has anyone noticed the fire hazzard these curtains bring? Is public safety even a concern when in these enclosed establishments?I never thought about that but you are correct. Since they are now "enclosed establishments" will a no-smoking policy be next?

DR Monger II
12-10-10, 11:42
John that was a great report. Did they close those little small massage parlors all over the place? For 500, you could get a 1 hour massage. Some of them were next to New Garden.

12-10-10, 13:49
Who has been to ng lately and how has became after all whats going on.


Charles Pooter
12-11-10, 03:54

I enjoyed your spirited post and I deserved your sarcasm because I was far from clear in my post.

By "sub-par mongers" I really meant "sub-par people" who would probably be an embarrassment to themselves and others whatever activity they were engaged in. These are the ones who really get up the noses of the local residents, hopeless drunks vomiting and pissing in the street, drug-takers, disrespectfully dressed, menacing behaviour in gangs, patronising or stereotypically "Ugly American" behaviour, etc, etc.

I was certainly not referring to their sexual prowess or attractiveness or experience and anyone who has met me would certify I am hardly in a position to do that!

Interesting that you have seen your share of 9s and 10s being manhandled off to jail. I think most people visiting Sosua would agree that it is rare to see any 9s or 10s except within private premises, or later in the evening in Clasico, which should make them immune from "manhandling".

I don't think the clearing of prostitution dictated the "fat, ugly, old street-rats" in its decree. I have seen my share of 9's and 10's manhandled off to jail.

"sub-par" mongers. Ahhh Charles. And you. Superior. A God among men?

"sub-par" putas. I'd like to see a breakdown of how you determine "par" and "sub-par", sort of ranking system.

Charles, if you're too good for Sosua, that's fine, you didn't need the "crackdown" to deter you. Great, but Sosua has been a helluva lot of fun for me. I am a Sosua addict coming down off of the high, however, I will personally challenge you to a mongering showdown. Nothing sub-par about me, and I can introduce you to 20 or so of my good friends that will make you look like a child trying to put a circle through a square.

Its unfortunate that guys like you with self acclaimed superior intellect and looks cannot find the intelligence to realize that there are some men that places like Sosua serve their needs. Some men otherwise would never get laid, but why berate them for it. I for one, thoroughly enjoy seeing some of these men land there, and watch them for a couple days get treated unlike they have ever been treated before. I'd never call them "sub-par", maybe they just don't have the privilege of experience with the ladies some of us do.

Try and stoop down from your clouds every once in a while, you might find a few more friends and people with more in common that you think. I've learned from both veterans and newbies. But it appears I should have just contacted you because apparently you know it all.

Mr Gogo
12-11-10, 04:03

I enjoyed your spirited post and I deserved your sarcasm because I was far from clear in my post.

By "sub-par mongers" I really meant "sub-par people" who would probably be an embarrassment to themselves and others whatever activity they were engaged in. These are the ones who really get up the noses of the local residents, hopeless drunks vomiting and pissing in the street, drug-takers, disrespectfully dressed, menacing behaviour in gangs, patronising or stereotypically "Ugly American" behaviour, etc, etc.

I was certainly not referring to their sexual prowess or attractiveness or experience and anyone who has met me would certify I am hardly in a position to do that!

Interesting that you have seen your share of 9s and 10s being manhandled off to jail. I think most people visiting Sosua would agree that it is rare to see any 9s or 10s except within private premises, or later in the evening in Clasico, which should make them immune from "manhandling". Ugly American behavior? Yeah right Englishmen never get drunk and raise hell?

12-11-10, 05:51
Ugly American behavior? Yeah right Englishmen never get drunk and raise hell?They do, but not in Sosua, they behave badly in Europe, especially at Soccer matches.

12-11-10, 08:15
Ugly American behavior? Yeah right Englishmen never get drunk and raise hell?English drink the most of all nations per statistics. Nearly 84% are drinkers and 41% regular. I just read an article about that. Well since the mood here is so somber, I will lighten up by sharing some pics of a Sosua regular (hangs around NG, TL and Classicos) who I thought was pretty attractive and some from Classicos. I was there during Thanksgiving and yes it was slow during the day but evenings were normal. Looks like it has deteriorated a lot now. Just when I started liking to go there. Oh well.

12-11-10, 16:32

I enjoyed your spirited post and I deserved your sarcasm because I was far from clear in my post.

By "sub-par mongers" I really meant "sub-par people" who would probably be an embarrassment to themselves and others whatever activity they were engaged in. These are the ones who really get up the noses of the local residents, hopeless drunks vomiting and pissing in the street, drug-takers, disrespectfully dressed, menacing behaviour in gangs, patronising or stereotypically "Ugly American" behaviour, etc, etc.

I was certainly not referring to their sexual prowess or attractiveness or experience and anyone who has met me would certify I am hardly in a position to do that!

Interesting that you have seen your share of 9s and 10s being manhandled off to jail. I think most people visiting Sosua would agree that it is rare to see any 9s or 10s except within private premises, or later in the evening in Clasico, which should make them immune from "manhandling". Ugly American behaviour? I must take exception to that Charles. I have spent plenty of time partying in your homeland and have seen my share of Ugly Brit behavior, it ain't pretty that's for sure.

12-11-10, 20:53
I was planning on another visit to Sosua late Jan. Is it worth going anymore? I'm reading current posts but can't really tell if its worth the trip anymore. Been about 6 times and NEED another trip. Someone please give me an answer.

Thanks My Brothers

12-12-10, 13:08
I was planning on another visit to Sosua late Jan. Is it worth going anymore? I'm reading current posts but can't really tell if its worth the trip anymore. Been about 6 times and NEED another trip. Someone please give me an answer.

Thanks My BrothersYes, I have the same question. I was planning trip to DR early next year but reading what is here it does not look worth the effort. Where is next best place in Caribbean? Dutch Antilles maybe?

12-12-10, 14:01
Yes, I have the same question. I was planning trip to DR early next year but reading what is here it does not look worth the effort. Where is next best place in Caribbean? Dutch Antilles maybe?I am going to say that the DR is still probably going to be the best in the Caribbean. Even if Sosua is dead (still awaiting conformation on this) you still have other parts of the island to explore (PP, Santiago, etc.).

If anything you can move your game online. Given the current situation with Sosua I am positive that there are a lot of "ex-pros" now marketing themselves as "non-pros" for the gringo that doesn't know any better, LOL.

Colombia has RomanceLatina. The DR has Dominican Cupid.