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02-01-11, 07:43
Equally, those tht find glee in the toned down Sosua might hve the bankroll to roll with the punches. Me on the other hand am the unequivocated bargin shopper! ! I would use coupons for some DR toto si se puede! Yes I have been called Malo, Tigare and my Fav Tacaño. I laugh and say La tuya! Jaja.I am like Big Bootyluv. Every time I am called a "tacaño" it is always from the same people who are trying to hustle me (and would never charge the locals the outrageous price they are charging me).

While staying one time at the Euorpa I asked Diego and his secretary the cost of a taxi from Sosua to Cabarete. They looked at me and said that I would be charged twice the amount (at the very least). In fact Diego quoted me twice the price. I went to the gasoline station and asked a cabbie the cost from Sosua to Cabarete. He quoted me DOP 200 to just take me. I walked away looking at the guy as if he was crazy. Another cabbie pulled me over and charged me DOP 15. I just had to tolerate being in the 'carrito' with six other people. Well, it was DOP 15 to Cabarete and 20 for the trip back. As I was returning to Sosua two older women were talking, in somewhat of a surprised voice, how an American woman had paid about $20-$30 for a trip to Sosua. I guess the Dominicanas did not understand that this was probably the average price, if not a bit chearper, that a person in the states would pay for the same distance (where I live this is actually on the cheap side). When I returned to the Europa and mentioned to Diego and the secretary how much I paid they were both quite surprised.

I have learned that if I need to know the price of the carrito I just ask a local who is waiting for one. If you ask the taxi driver he will always quote you a higher number. Also, I never accept the first price quoted to me by the taxi driver, since he will always overcharge me. I know the price beforehand and if I am with a chica I have a good rapport with I ask her to talk to him for me. Drivers are sometimes hesitant to hustle a chica. If I do not know the chica too well (some will look after their taxi driver friend over the monger they are with!) I do the haggling myself. The last time I was called a "tacaño" it was by a taxi driver who was overcharging me and justifying it by pointing to a sign next to a taxi stand that listed costs to the various towns (Samana, Puerto Plata, Sosua, Santo Domingo, etc.). I eventually got him down in price. I take "tacaño" as a compliment.

Several years ago I wass staying at 'El Mercure' (had an online discount at the time) and I asked one of the workers, on the way out the door of the hotel, what was the cost of a bottle of water. She quoted me something like DOP 60-90. I looked at her in surprise and said that I could get it cheaper next door, at the 'Bon' store. Well, sure enough, I went their and bought a bottle for less than DOP 18!

As for coupons for 'toto' do you mean food stamps or the coupons one gets from the Sunday Daily News? Any help in getting bargain 'toto' would be greatly appreciated.

02-01-11, 08:10
Here is some more of the ass parade on the beach.





145478Does this mean the pussy parade is back at the beach? Or was this at the time when the cops were laying off the girls.

Blk Big Bootyluv
02-01-11, 18:20
I was being facious about the coupons jajaja. One better recognize swiftly whie in DR, although were having fun it is always going to be us vs them. I find no matter I well I pay or how respectful and courteous I must always be on my toes with locals. I have to interogate my POP chica from time to time to let her know I'm no pallaso. Yeah I too where the tacoño badge with gran pride. I'm a negotiator.

I like hotel Europa man people I know don't.


I am like Big Bootyluv. Every time I am called a "tacaño" it is always from the same people who are trying to hustle me (and would never charge the locals the outrageous price they are charging me).

While staying one time at the Euorpa I asked Diego and his secretary the cost of a taxi from Sosua to Cabarete. They looked at me and said that I would be charged twice the amount (at the very least). In fact Diego quoted me twice the price. I went to the gasoline station and asked a cabbie the cost from Sosua to Cabarete. He quoted me DOP 200 to just take me. I walked away looking at the guy as if he was crazy. Another cabbie pulled me over and charged me DOP 15. I just had to tolerate being in the 'carrito' with six other people. Well, it was DOP 15 to Cabarete and 20 for the trip back. As I was returning to Sosua two older women were talking, in somewhat of a surprised voice, how an American woman had paid about $20-$30 for a trip to Sosua. I guess the Dominicanas did not understand that this was probably the average price, if not a bit chearper, that a person in the states would pay for the same distance (where I live this is actually on the cheap side). When I returned to the Europa and mentioned to Diego and the secretary how much I paid they were both quite surprised.

I have learned that if I need to know the price of the carrito I just ask a local who is waiting for one. If you ask the taxi driver he will always quote you a higher number. Also, I never accept the first price quoted to me by the taxi driver, since he will always overcharge me. I know the price beforehand and if I am with a chica I have a good rapport with I ask her to talk to him for me. Drivers are sometimes hesitant to hustle a chica. If I do not know the chica too well (some will look after their taxi driver friend over the monger they are with!) I do the haggling myself. The last time I was called a "tacaño" it was by a taxi driver who was overcharging me and justifying it by pointing to a sign next to a taxi stand that listed costs to the various towns (Samana, Puerto Plata, Sosua, Santo Domingo, etc.). I eventually got him down in price. I take "tacaño" as a compliment.

Several years ago I wass staying at 'El Mercure' (had an online discount at the time) and I asked one of the workers, on the way out the door of the hotel, what was the cost of a bottle of water. She quoted me something like DOP 60-90. I looked at her in surprise and said that I could get it cheaper next door, at the 'Bon' store. Well, sure enough, I went their and bought a bottle for less than DOP 18!

As for coupons for 'toto' do you mean food stamps or the coupons one gets from the Sunday Daily News? Any help in getting bargain 'toto' would be greatly appreciated.

02-01-11, 20:59
Does this mean the pussy parade is back at the beach? Or was this at the time when the cops were laying off the girls.The pussy parade was nothing like I saw in November; the pictures I have cover 3 different days. The volume of women is much lower at the beach and on the streets during the day; especially with the absence of Haitians. The police walked and rode up and down the beach throughout the day. During the 4 day stay, I did not see anyone get hassled, ticketed, or picked-up.

Charles Pooter
02-01-11, 21:25
I have learned that if I need to know the price of the carrito I just ask a local who is waiting for one. If you ask the taxi driver he will always quote you a higher number.Good post but I cannot agree with this bit, unless there is some confusion over what you call a carrito. Carritos / publicos / shared taxis have their fares laid down by local regulation. In six years of using them no driver has ever attempted to charge me more than the regulated price. Once in a blue moon the driver has been a bit slow fumbling for change and I have let him get away with 5 or 10 pesos if I was in a hurry, and once in a blue moon I have seen him let local passengers off 5 or 10 pesos if they didn't have enough money or enough change, but these are very rare exceptions.

Of course if you are talking about hiring a carrito for your exclusive use then they are entitled to charge what they like, but it usually comes out at half or less than a private taxi would charge.

02-01-11, 21:54
I am surprised nobody has mentioned this :


02-01-11, 21:58
Just arrived here last night. The hotel which I had booked, which got great reviews, turned out to be a real dive, at the wrong end of town. First thing I did was go for a walk, and checked out a few other hotels I had also e-mailed to see if they were any better. Anyway, ended up at the Sosua bay resort, which looks to me easily the best of the bunch in Sosua. So paid the guy at the first hotel for having picked me up at the airport, and then escaped from there. Dragged my bag right across town to the Sosua bay resort. This place has had some really bad reviews, but they seem undeserved as it seems pretty great to me.

Last night was too tired to monger, had a great meal at Morua Mia just outside my hotel and wandered around a little, saw a fair number of ladies between 8-10 pm, but did not partake. Today went for a walk this morning, ignored all the motoconcho guys and the massage ladies calling me over too, even though a couple of them did catch my eye. This may be a stupid question, but would they all provide a BJ, uncovered if possible, or do some of them really only give massages? And would it definitely be safe to go into these places, some of them were not even sitting outside a proper entrance? I can hear you all laughing now at my questions!

I also stopped at one of the better other hotel complexes here for a drink around lunchtime. Anyway the waitress at the bar was very good looking, I would say 8/10, and got talking to her. Anyway, without me even trying too hard, she asked me if I was married etc, and gave me her e-mail address, and said she would like to come out for a drink with me some time. So that didn't take too long! A bit skeptical about seeing her already though, as I just got here don't want to get tied down with one Chica. Tonight will head down to the bars and clubs, and if I see anything I fancy, I will enjoy some of the action.

Mr Gogo
02-01-11, 22:51
Just arrived here last night. The hotel which I had booked, which got great reviews, turned out to be a real dive, at the wrong end of town. First thing I did was go for a walk, and checked out a few other hotels I had also e-mailed to see if they were any better. Anyway, ended up at the Sosua bay resort, which looks to me easily the best of the bunch in Sosua. So paid the guy at the first hotel for having picked me up at the airport, and then escaped from there. Dragged my bag right across town to the Sosua bay resort. This place has had some really bad reviews, but they seem undeserved as it seems pretty great to me.

Last night was too tired to monger, had a great meal at Morua Mia just outside my hotel and wandered around a little, saw a fair number of ladies between 8-10 pm, but did not partake. Today went for a walk this morning, ignored all the motoconcho guys and the massage ladies calling me over too, even though a couple of them did catch my eye. This may be a stupid question, but would they all provide a BJ, uncovered if possible, or do some of them really only give massages? And would it definitely be safe to go into these places, some of them were not even sitting outside a proper entrance? I can hear you all laughing now at my questions!

I also stopped at one of the better other hotel complexes here for a drink around lunchtime. Anyway the waitress at the bar was very good looking, I would say 8/10, and got talking to her. Anyway, without me even trying too hard, she asked me if I was married etc, and gave me her e-mail address, and said she would like to come out for a drink with me some time. So that didn't take too long! A bit skeptical about seeing her already though, as I just got here don't want to get tied down with one Chica. Tonight will head down to the bars and clubs, and if I see anything I fancy, I will enjoy some of the action.You are in Sosua anything you FANCY can be yours. Relax and enjoy yourself.

02-01-11, 23:35
just arrived here last night. but would they all provide a bj, uncovered if possible, or do some of them really only give massages? and would it definitely be safe to go into these places, some of them were not even sitting outside a proper entrance?

i can hear you all laughing now at my questions!

i also stopped at one of the better other hotel complexes here for a drink around lunchtime. anyway the waitress at the bar was very good looking, i would say 8/10, and got talking to her. anyway, without me even trying too hard, she asked me if i was married etc, and gave me her e-mail address, and said she would like to come out for a drink with me some time. sounds like you have a bad case of nerves. just get stuck in and fuck the first woman you see. any waitress, massage girl, barmaid can be had. if they drop their pants and get on top of you, that is also a sign that they may be available for sex.

if you get a massage and they try to touch your dick, tell them you don't want that because you have a giirl friend. this will just make them even more determined to get you off and they will practically [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) you. yes, it is safe to go in the massage places and it is safe to take your clothes off.

if there are girls in the street calling you to come in for a massage pretty much any kind of sex is on the menu. i have fucked more than a few on the massage table.

look, sex for money is what they do. it is not love, courtship, or dating. accept it, and do it.

Blk Big Bootyluv
02-02-11, 00:43
With this round up I wonder if my friend got deported? I lost her number because I dropped my DR phone and it broke. She says she Dominicana but she's Hatiana I found her hati I'd when we hung out my last night in Sosua.

She works at Cleopatras (spelling) nail shop on Pedro Chrisante (PC).1 minutes walk north of Clasicos on the right next to the Italian food place. She's not cute but her body is AMAZZZZING. SHE'S 20 and already on her way to be a pro player. She a nice quiet chica.

This is the only pic I can find of her face but if you know her then you'll know.

Blk Big Bootyluv
02-02-11, 01:39
no really they have sex there? jajja you guys are great. don't be so hard on the new guy. jajajaja. reminds me of my first time. mr gogo showed me how to move. when i would just sit one spot all night. may the force be with you and don't bag any of my chicas? wait. thats what there, there for.

i am not featured in the pix enjoy sosua live.

sounds like you have a bad case of nerves. just get stuck in and fuck the first woman you see. any waitress, massage girl, barmaid can be had. if they drop their pants and get on top of you, that is also a sign that they may be available for sex.

if you get a massage and they try to touch your dick, tell them you don't want that because you have a giirl friend. this will just make them even more determined to get you off and they will practically [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) you. yes, it is safe to go in the massage places and it is safe to take your clothes off.

if there are girls in the street calling you to come in for a massage pretty much any kind of sex is on the menu. i have fucked more than a few on the massage table.

look, sex for money is what they do. it is not love, courtship, or dating. accept it, and do it.
you are in sosua anything you fancy can be yours. relax and enjoy yourself.

02-02-11, 02:00
If they drop their pants and get on top of you, that is also a sign that they may be available for sex...I really appreciate the delicacy with which you approach this sensitive issue. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

(But I do wish ISG had the full complement of vBulletin smilies. :wink: )

Blk Big Bootyluv
02-02-11, 02:59
"Some activists allege that cholera is just an excuse, and the mass deportations are actually driven by racism and xenophobia." (quoted from the article)

Trujillo anyone? DR is always struggling with this issue.

And who can forget this- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zubBxJsqdlI&feature=channel

I am surprised nobody has mentioned this :


02-02-11, 03:57
Hi guys, especially Frannie, thanks for your feedback and your advice. Well, I said you would laugh at my questions, but the way I look at it, it's better to be safe than sorry, as I only arrived yesterday. I prefer to ask a cautious question like about the massage parlours than end up in trouble. I have mongered a lot around the Latin world, but everywhere is different, and I have not been to the DR for 10 years. Anyway, I think my questions pale in comparison of dumbness to the guy who asked what is a GFE amoung other acronyms (my apologies in advance to him!). Well I will be looking for some nice BBBJ's over the next few days, that is for sure.

Frannie, I won't be screwing the first woman I see, thanks anyway! I tend to only get a hard on for those I find seriously hot, and so far have seen hardly any that hot! I don't agree that EVERY woman can be had, every waitress etc, what about the happily married ones or the ones married to the guys who own the joints? By the way, I walked past New Garden about 5 times during the day today and never saw more than 2 or 3 extremely average looking ladies there, glad I did not pay a premium to stay at that place.

Coolie High
02-02-11, 04:23
Frannie, I won't be screwing the first woman I see, thanks anyway! I tend to only get a hard on for those I find seriously hot, and so far have seen hardly any that hot! I don't agree that EVERY woman can be had, every waitress etc, what about the happily married ones or the ones who own the joints? By the way, I walked past New Garden about 5 times during the day today and never saw more than 2 or 3 extremely average looking ladies there, glad I did not pay a premium for that place.Ooh trust and believe that EVERY woman can be had in Sosua. Money doesn't talk in DR it SHOUTS! Have fun in the promise land. Look forward to your report.

02-02-11, 05:30
Frannie, I won't be screwing the first woman I see, thanks anyway! I tend to only get a hard on for those I find seriously hot, and so far have seen hardly any that hot! I don't agree that EVERY woman can be had, every waitress etc, what about the happily married ones or the ones married to the guys who own the joints? By the way, I walked past New Garden about 5 times during the day today and never saw more than 2 or 3 extremely average looking ladies there, glad I did not pay a premium to stay at that place.1. Get some LaPela tablets, then you will be able to get hard with any woman and greatly expand your range.

2. No not EVERY woman, no, but every woman who starts asking you questions like "are you married?", yes. Every woman who returns your smile, almost certainly.

To me going to Sosua is an opportunity to totally pig out sexually day and night until I get to the point where I will scream if I see another pussy. No matter how tired I am on arrival, I will get laid the first day just to get adjusted to the scent of fresh pussy.

The reason I say screw the first woman you see is just to introduce an element of the random and so that you will be more relaxed and walk with that swing in your step like someone who just got laid.

I shall be in Sosua on Friday lunchtime if you are still there, and would be happy to meet up. I am sure by that time you will be a veteran of DR sex and giving advice to newbies. Have a great night and PM me!

02-02-11, 07:54
By the way, I walked past New Garden about 5 times during the day today and never saw more than 2 or 3 extremely average looking ladies there, glad I did not pay a premium to stay at that place.The girls that hang out at the New Garden do not work for the New Garden; they just come in and turn over there ID's to security like any other girl that visits the hotel. In fact, many men will come to the NG and take one of the girls to their own hotel. Personally, I don't consider 60-70 bucks to be premium when considering the nice room, security, and great staff; but, that's just me.

02-02-11, 17:34
Hi guys, especially Frannie, thanks for your feedback and your advice. Well, I said you would laugh at my questions, but the way I look at it, it's better to be safe than sorry, as I only arrived yesterday. I prefer to ask a cautious question like about the massage parlours than end up in trouble. I have mongered a lot around the Latin world, but everywhere is different, and I have not been to the DR for 10 years. Anyway, I think my questions pale in comparison of dumbness to the guy who asked what is a GFE amoung other acronyms (my apologies in advance to him!). Well I will be looking for some nice BBBJ's over the next few days, that is for sure.

Frannie, I won't be screwing the first woman I see, thanks anyway! I tend to only get a hard on for those I find seriously hot, and so far have seen hardly any that hot! I don't agree that EVERY woman can be had, every waitress etc, what about the happily married ones or the ones married to the guys who own the joints? By the way, I walked past New Garden about 5 times during the day today and never saw more than 2 or 3 extremely average looking ladies there, glad I did not pay a premium to stay at that place.$60. A night (with free breakfast) is a premium hotel? Wow dude, I don't even know how to respond to that. If I'm not mistaken you said you are paying $50. A night where you are staying, that's a whole ten bucks a night. To each his own I guess.

I would agree that not EVERY girl is available but for sure ALMOST every girl is, that's a fact. Not too many happily married girls in the DR my friend, another fact. I don't mean to offend anyone but generally Dominican men treat their women like dogs and most are broke ass lazy MF's. Why do you think many married girls in the DR are also hookers?

02-02-11, 17:38
With this round up I wonder if my friend got deported? I lost her number because I dropped my DR phone and it broke. She says she Dominicana but she's Hatiana I found her hati I'd when we hung out my last night in Sosua.

She works at Cleopatras (spelling) nail shop on Pedro Chrisante (PC).1 minutes walk north of Clasicos on the right next to the Italian food place. She's not cute but her body is AMAZZZZING. SHE'S 20 and already on her way to be a pro player. She a nice quiet chica.

This is the only pic I can find of her face but if you know her then you'll know.BBB, why would you lose your numbers if your phone broke? You pull the sim card out and put it in your new phone, no?

02-02-11, 17:46
First trip officially booked for first week of April.
Just arrived here last night. The hotel which I had booked, which got great reviews, turned out to be a real dive, at the wrong end of town. First thing I did was go for a walk, and checked out a few other hotels I had also e-mailed to see if they were any better. Anyway, ended up at the Sosua bay resort, which looks to me easily the best of the bunch in Sosua. So paid the guy at the first hotel for having picked me up at the airport, and then escaped from there. Dragged my bag right across town to the Sosua bay resort. This place has had some really bad reviews, but they seem undeserved as it seems pretty great to me.

Last night was too tired to monger, had a great meal at Morua Mia just outside my hotel and wandered around a little, saw a fair number of ladies between 8-10 pm, but did not partake. Today went for a walk this morning, ignored all the motoconcho guys and the massage ladies calling me over too, even though a couple of them did catch my eye. This may be a stupid question, but would they all provide a BJ, uncovered if possible, or do some of them really only give massages? And would it definitely be safe to go into these places, some of them were not even sitting outside a proper entrance? I can hear you all laughing now at my questions!

I also stopped at one of the better other hotel complexes here for a drink around lunchtime. Anyway the waitress at the bar was very good looking, I would say 8/10, and got talking to her. Anyway, without me even trying too hard, she asked me if I was married etc, and gave me her e-mail address, and said she would like to come out for a drink with me some time. So that didn't take too long! A bit skeptical about seeing her already though, as I just got here don't want to get tied down with one Chica. Tonight will head down to the bars and clubs, and if I see anything I fancy, I will enjoy some of the action.Would be helpful if you named the hotels you mentioned.


02-02-11, 21:50

I am staying at the Barcelo puerto plata From the 4th to the 8th.

02-02-11, 22:33
Arriving the 5th till the 14th. Staying at Lifestyles AI but can spend a night anywhere. If you want to hook up let me know. Are you doing the "Man Tour"?


I am staying at the Barcelo puerto plata From the 4th to the 8th.

02-03-11, 03:19
BBB, why would you lose your numbers if your phone broke? You pull the sim card out and put it in your new phone, no?Manizales,

Some phones have the option of saving numbers either to the phone or to the SIM. Most that I've had have been defaulted to save to the phone. And, if your phone doesn't have a SIM (like most US phones) , you're stuck!


02-03-11, 03:35
Just wondering. Has anyone had any success mongering at the POP airport. I've probably seen some of the hottest girls hanging around there either dropping off / waiting for someone or working in the Duty Free area. I am usually in too much of a hurry to get to town to slow down for that venue. Always on the way out, I flirt with the younger counter girls at Duty Free and even a hot baggage screener, but, of course, I'm on the way out. Just wondering if anyone has had successes here.


02-03-11, 15:12

I wasnt planning on doing the man tour. I got some things in the works but I am going to be free that Thursday, the 7th. I'll touch base when the time gets closer.

02-03-11, 17:31
Sounds good let me know.


I wasnt planning on doing the man tour. I got some things in the works but I am going to be free that Thursday, the 7th. I'll touch base when the time gets closer.

Mr Gogo
02-03-11, 17:51
Just wondering. Has anyone had any success mongering at the POP airport. I've probably seen some of the hottest girls hanging around there either dropping off / waiting for someone or working in the Duty Free area. I am usually in too much of a hurry to get to town to slow down for that venue. Always on the way out, I flirt with the younger counter girls at Duty Free and even a hot baggage screener, but, of course, I'm on the way out. Just wondering if anyone has had successes here.

RodeoIf she is giving you a good vibe it can happen. First she will give you the"I'm not a puta lecture". Also you can't let her know your staying in Sosua (mongerer give away). Tell her her your staying in Puerta Plata and would like to meet her on the Malecon for dinner. Slide her your number discreetly. Tell her its your first time and your thinking about moving there in the future. After dinner walk the Malecon and if you fell good hold her hand. If she refuses to hold your hand you probaly will have to invest a couple days for some ass (she is playing hard to get). Also there is an old fort at the end of the Malecon. Find out when she has a day off and drive her to Cabarette for an afternoon lunch. Invite her to your room so you can give HER a massage and relax. But please don't have a slum hotel because it could be a tell. If she hasnt given you sex she will before you depart probaly. She wants to give you something to remember her by, plus she can better set you up for western Union this way.

Understand she won't lower her value by hanging with you in Sosua.

Knight Crawler
02-04-11, 03:36
first, let me apologize for not having posted this sooner. i've been recovering from my first trip to dr.

before i start with my report of my first trip to sosua, i must give props to all of the forum contributors and wilfried from new garden. without others that paved the way, my trip might have takened a turn for the worst. almost forgot, thanks to robert123. you rock!

day 1.

arrived at 3am to santiago airport. immediately after setting foot on the curb, i was mesmerized by a few hotties waiting for family and loved ones outside the airport. wasn't long before me and my wingman for life, dquick, hopped in a cab with another guy heading to sosua. i was a little worried about the trip to sosua mainly because of the taxi driver's chosen route up a mountain. tried to catch some zzzs, but the other passenger wouldn't shut the hell up! he went on and on. eventually i dozed off and woke up around 4:30am as i stared down the sosua sign. we stepped out of the cab at new gardens and i was a immediately worried if i made the right choice. the streets were empty and quiet. checked in and got about 3 hrs sleep before dquick came a knocking.

first day was a blur. got up and went to breakfast and spotted barbie. i was going to take her up to the room, but another **** member (joyrider) beat me to the punch. there were two other younger looking chicas at the bar eye-fuking every male in the vicinity. dquick went for the younger looking girl. we later debated the girl's age, but figured she had to be legal to have gain entrance to the hotel. i settled on the other girl, selira (or something like that). she had a petite frame w / long toe-nails. selira's english was very good, probably because of time spent in d. c. after dquick made a dash to his room w / her friend, i was faced w / the prospect of waiting for barbie or banging the hell out of selira. 10 mins later, we were in my room. selira got off easy since she was my first, but that's not to say she didn't earn her supper. nice bbbj, cowgirl, lazy mish, and finally kung-fu gripped k9. gave selira her loot and blow-pop and returned to the bar.

arrived back to the bar and noticed that barbie had just returned from tucking in joyrider. scooped her up to sample her goods and her renowned oral skills. barbie is a little thicker than i prefer, but she has this cute school girl innocence about her when she smiles. of course that innocence quickly disappeared when she let loose the twins and devoured me! she was gooood! i swear she must have gave me head for at least 10mins as she teased me and varied the tempo as she switched from hands to hands-free slobbing. next she climbed on top for cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, mish, lazy mish, and finally a turrets induced k9 finish. we went at it like wild animals until we collapsed in a sweat! gave barbie a blowpop and escorted her back downstairs. at this point, other chicas had assembled downstairs and were taking notice as they zoomed in for the kill. i felt like a rockstar.

dquick and i made a run to the pharmacia and change-man. dropped a few things back to the room as we fought our way in / out of the hotel. grabbed some grub at terra linda and headed back to the hotel. met up w / robert123 and chatted it up. we were about to leave when this true vision of beauty walked into the hotel. she had a nice cocoa-complexion w / long black curly hair and a petite frame. i was ready to attack, but she disappeared. i later found out her name was jennifer.

robert123 gave me and dquick a tour of sosua. we went by cmbs for a mama-juana or something like that. stopped on a few occasions to flirt w / beautiful bartenders, before we finally ended up at passions. got a tour of the rooms and left. just as we returned to the intersection of the street where our hotel was located, i spotted jennifer! her timing couldn't have been better. smiled, hugged, and made a beeline to ng. i kind of felt sorry for jennifer. i don't think she had any idea of the kind of session she was about to get into. soon as she got in the room, my hands were all over her body. she excused herself to the bathroom for a quick wash and it was on. she started w / a nice bbbj, but not as good as barbie's. next, she climbed on top for some nice slow grinding cowgirl where she got her first 'o'. i picked her up and plopped her on her back. i slid her closer to the edge of the bed, pinned her legs back, and dropped anchor! all she could do was scoot back in retreat. flipped her over for k9 as i assured her that i would go,"suave", as she put it. yeah right! i started off "suave" but quickly picked up the tempo until all you heard was flesh violently colliding as her moans got louder and louder. i was convinced that everyone at the bar heard us going at it. jennifer must have really got into it, because she backed off of the bed to watch us in the mirror. so, i grabbed a fistful of her hair from behind and continued my assault. eventually, the day's earlier activity caught up w / me as i fell back on the bed. jennifer wasn't having none of that quitting crap, seeing as how i must have unleashed the beast in her. she sat in my lap with one leg on the floor and the other on the bed as she grinded on me reverse cowgirl. soon as i caught my breath, i turned jennifer around in k9 and machine-gunned her to completion. gave jennifer her loot and rolled her a blowpop. i was too pooped to walk her down.

afer my nap, it was time for classicos! never have i gone to a club and been groped and hit-on by some of the finest women. i felt like jay-z and kanye west all rolled into one. at first i was in heaven as i made my round to the other end of the club. then this gorilla looking haitian chica came out of nowhere and latched on. try as i might she would not leave me alone, so i did what anyone would do. i cleverly pawned her off on my wingman. i stood yacking it up with him and like a ninja i receded into the darkness as i made my escape to the other side of the club. when dquick finally caught up with me, he let me have it about how aggressive the girl was. i just laughed.

there were a lot of beautiful women in the club that night. i wanted to pull the trigger so bad, but i remembered not to make my selection too soon. you guys were right about not choosing a girl too soon. as i was standing by the bar next to the exit, the finest chica in the club walked by and stood in front of me. i was gone! dquick was saying something about something, but i didn't hear him. he might as well have been talking to the wall, because when the girl walked away, i followed behind her. this girl had a killer body that was nice and toned. she was one of the few chicas i saw during my entire stay in sosua that had calf-muscles. i later found out that she used to play basketball and some other sport. anyway, she caught me drooling over her and walks up to me. i thought she said her name was alice, but it could've been dogshit (later found out it was jacinia). i didn't care. the only thing that mattered was getting her from point 'a' to 'b'. we danced and made out on the floor, until dquick taps me on the shoulder to tell me he was leaving. when i came up for air, dquick had this big shit-grin eating smile as i saw what he was leaving with. his girl was aight, but she didn't hold a candle to jacinia. i was giddy w / excitement as i left the club w / my date. i was in such a rush to get things started, i think i started dragging her down the street as she tried to gingerly maneuver in heels. i felt like charlie as he eagerly waited to enter willy wonka's chocolate factory. it started raining, so i pulled my shirt off for her to shield her hair from getting messed up (at least until we got in the room).

after getting the nod of approval from the night-clerk at the hotel, i floated up to my room w / my date. jacinia went to the bathroom to freshen up. i took a swig of redbull and stripped for the main event. jacinia came out and pounced on me like a mountain lion! she started off w / a covered bj? it was no where close to barbie's level, but i didn't need any help achieving wood. i was all set to lay jacinia back for mish, when she pushed me back on the bed and climbed on top for a bull-riding session. she started grinding and whispering in my ear. don't speak spanish, so don't ask me what she said. if i had to guess, it probably meant something about me being her *****! she leaned back and planted both feet squarely on the bed for chinese cowgirl and commenced to fuk the fudge out of me! i tried to maintain my cool by putting on a macho facial expression, but it soon turned into the horror-strickened expression. you know the one from psycho when norman bates comes into the shower with the butcher knife and the woman's mouth drops open and eyes are all bucked wide open? that's the look i had. determined not to go out like a punk, i braced myself and starting thrusting upwards to meet her. it got wild! the bed started banging the wall as we were both grunting and fuking for bedroom supremacy. i flipped her over determined to show her who was in control. with her legs on my shoulders, i grabbed both arms and proceeded to drill-baby-drill! my legs started getting weak, so i decided to switch to an asthma-attack k9. by the time i popped, i was gasping for air. i looked over at jacinia and her hair was a mess! i couldn't help but laugh. she just layed there all spread out on the bed like she survived a hurricane. i gave her 2 blowpops and her loot. i stumbled down the stairs to the front gate as jacinia left. i passed out around 5am.

this concludes day-1.


Coolie High
02-04-11, 09:55
Knight Crawler

WTF is up with you in giving these honeys blow pops after your done with them. LMAO! I guess every monger got to have their signature when dealing with the honey buns. Nice reporting! Hope you ate your wheaties, some egg whites, and put some Gatorade right beside the nightstand cus the ladies can bring it. As the old Gatorade commercial once said, 'Is IT In You'!

When you get to the point that you're tired from smashing sooo many different ladies and your acutally turning down pussy from beautiful chicas thats when you've officially arrived in Sosua.

02-04-11, 16:44

Some phones have the option of saving numbers either to the phone or to the SIM. Most that I've had have been defaulted to save to the phone. And, if your phone doesn't have a SIM (like most US phones) , you're stuck!

RodeoOkay, understood. My monger phone asks me if I want to save to phone or Sim and I save to Sim because it is a cheap ass phone and I know it will break eventually or I will go swimming with it like I have done with my last two monger phones, thank god Sim's are waterproof, LOL.

Blk Big Bootyluv
02-04-11, 18:23
Right. Some were retrived some where not. But there millions to replace the few tht were lost.

BBB, why would you lose your numbers if your phone broke? You pull the sim card out and put it in your new phone, no?

Blk Big Bootyluv
02-04-11, 18:45
nice read little long but ending made it worth wild.

first, let me apologize for not having posted this sooner. i've been recovering from my first trip to dr.

before i start with my report of my first trip to sosua, i must give props to all of the forum contributors and wilfried from new garden. without others that paved the way, my trip might have takened a turn for the worst. almost forgot, thanks to robert123. you rock!

day 1.

arrived at 3am to santiago airport. immediately after setting foot on the curb, i was mesmerized by a few hotties waiting for family and loved ones outside the airport. wasn't long before me and my wingman for life, dquick, hopped in a cab with another guy heading to sosua. i was a little worried about the trip to sosua mainly because of the taxi driver's chosen route up a mountain. tried to catch some zzzs, but the other passenger wouldn't shut the hell up! he went on and on. eventually i dozed off and woke up around 4:30am as i stared down the sosua sign. we stepped out of the cab at new gardens and i was a immediately worried if i made the right choice. the streets were empty and quiet. checked in and got about 3 hrs sleep before dquick came a knocking.

first day was a blur. got up and went to breakfast and spotted barbie. i was going to take her up to the room, but another * member (joyrider) beat me to the punch. there were two other younger looking chicas at the bar eye-fuking every male in the vicinity. dquick went for the younger looking girl. we later debated the girl's age, but figured she had to be legal to have gain entrance to the hotel. i settled on the other girl, selira (or something like that). she had a petite frame w / long toe-nails. selira's english was very good, probably because of time spent in d. c. after dquick made a dash to his room w / her friend, i was faced w / the prospect of waiting for barbie or banging the hell out of selira. 10 mins later, we were in my room. selira got off easy since she was my first, but that's not to say she didn't earn her supper. nice bbbj, cowgirl, lazy mish, and finally kung-fu gripped k9. gave selira her loot and blow-pop and returned to the bar.

arrived back to the bar and noticed that barbie had just returned from tucking in joyrider. scooped her up to sample her goods and her renowned oral skills. barbie is a little thicker than i prefer, but she has this cute school girl innocence about her when she smiles. of course that innocence quickly disappeared when she let loose the twins and devoured me! she was gooood! i swear she must have gave me head for at least 10mins as she teased me and varied the tempo as she switched from hands to hands-free slobbing. next she climbed on top for cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, mish, lazy mish, and finally a turrets induced k9 finish. we went at it like wild animals until we collapsed in a sweat! gave barbie a blowpop and escorted her back downstairs. at this point, other chicas had assembled downstairs and were taking notice as they zoomed in for the kill. i felt like a rockstar.

dquick and i made a run to the pharmacia and change-man. dropped a few things back to the room as we fought our way in / out of the hotel. grabbed some grub at terra linda and headed back to the hotel. met up w / robert123 and chatted it up. we were about to leave when this true vision of beauty walked into the hotel. she had a nice cocoa-complexion w / long black curly hair and a petite frame. i was ready to attack, but she disappeared. i later found out her name was jennifer.

robert123 gave me and dquick a tour of sosua. we went by cmbs for a mama-juana or something like that. stopped on a few occasions to flirt w / beautiful bartenders, before we finally ended up at passions. got a tour of the rooms and left. just as we returned to the intersection of the street where our hotel was located, i spotted jennifer! her timing couldn't have been better. smiled, hugged, and made a beeline to ng. i kind of felt sorry for jennifer. i don't think she had any idea of the kind of session she was about to get into. soon as she got in the room, my hands were all over her body. she excused herself to the bathroom for a quick wash and it was on. she started w / a nice bbbj, but not as good as barbie's. next, she climbed on top for some nice slow grinding cowgirl where she got her first 'o'. i picked her up and plopped her on her back. i slid her closer to the edge of the bed, pinned her legs back, and dropped anchor! all she could do was scoot back in retreat. flipped her over for k9 as i assured her that i would go,"suave", as she put it. yeah right! i started off "suave" but quickly picked up the tempo until all you heard was flesh violently colliding as her moans got louder and louder. i was convinced that everyone at the bar heard us going at it. jennifer must have really got into it, because she backed off of the bed to watch us in the mirror. so, i grabbed a fistful of her hair from behind and continued my assault. eventually, the day's earlier activity caught up w / me as i fell back on the bed. jennifer wasn't having none of that quitting crap, seeing as how i must have unleashed the beast in her. she sat in my lap with one leg on the floor and the other on the bed as she grinded on me reverse cowgirl. soon as i caught my breath, i turned jennifer around in k9 and machine-gunned her to completion. gave jennifer her loot and rolled her a blowpop. i was too pooped to walk her down.

afer my nap, it was time for classicos! never have i gone to a club and been groped and hit-on by some of the finest women. i felt like jay-z and kanye west all rolled into one. at first i was in heaven as i made my round to the other end of the club. then this gorilla looking haitian chica came out of nowhere and latched on. try as i might she would not leave me alone, so i did what anyone would do. i cleverly pawned her off on my wingman. i stood yacking it up with him and like a ninja i receded into the darkness as i made my escape to the other side of the club. when dquick finally caught up with me, he let me have it about how aggressive the girl was. i just laughed.

there were a lot of beautiful women in the club that night. i wanted to pull the trigger so bad, but i remembered not to make my selection too soon. you guys were right about not choosing a girl too soon. as i was standing by the bar next to the exit, the finest chica in the club walked by and stood in front of me. i was gone! dquick was saying something about something, but i didn't hear him. he might as well have been talking to the wall, because when the girl walked away, i followed behind her. this girl had a killer body that was nice and toned. she was one of the few chicas i saw during my entire stay in sosua that had calf-muscles. i later found out that she used to play basketball and some other sport. anyway, she caught me drooling over her and walks up to me. i thought she said her name was alice, but it could've been dogshit (later found out it was jacinia). i didn't care. the only thing that mattered was getting her from point 'a' to 'b'. we danced and made out on the floor, until dquick taps me on the shoulder to tell me he was leaving. when i came up for air, dquick had this big shit-grin eating smile as i saw what he was leaving with. his girl was aight, but she didn't hold a candle to jacinia. i was giddy w / excitement as i left the club w / my date. i was in such a rush to get things started, i think i started dragging her down the street as she tried to gingerly maneuver in heels. i felt like charlie as he eagerly waited to enter willy wonka's chocolate factory. it started raining, so i pulled my shirt off for her to shield her hair from getting messed up (at least until we got in the room).

after getting the nod of approval from the night-clerk at the hotel, i floated up to my room w / my date. jacinia went to the bathroom to freshen up. i took a swig of redbull and stripped for the main event. jacinia came out and pounced on me like a mountain lion! she started off w / a covered bj? it was no where close to barbie's level, but i didn't need any help achieving wood. i was all set to lay jacinia back for mish, when she pushed me back on the bed and climbed on top for a bull-riding session. she started grinding and whispering in my ear. don't speak spanish, so don't ask me what she said. if i had to guess, it probably meant something about me being her * she leaned back and planted both feet squarely on the bed for chinese cowgirl and commenced to fuk the fudge out of me! i tried to maintain my cool by putting on a macho facial expression, but it soon turned into the horror-strickened expression. you know the one from psycho when norman bates comes into the shower with the butcher knife and the woman's mouth drops open and eyes are all bucked wide open? that's the look i had. determined not to go out like a punk, i braced myself and starting thrusting upwards to meet her. it got wild! the bed started banging the wall as we were both grunting and fuking for bedroom supremacy. i flipped her over determined to show her who was in control. with her legs on my shoulders, i grabbed both arms and proceeded to drill-baby-drill! my legs started getting weak, so i decided to switch to an asthma-attack k9. by the time i popped, i was gasping for air. i looked over at jacinia and her hair was a mess! i couldn't help but laugh. she just layed there all spread out on the bed like she survived a hurricane. i gave her 2 blowpops and her loot. i stumbled down the stairs to the front gate as jacinia left. i passed out around 5am.

this concludes day-1.


02-04-11, 19:52
I first would like to say I have been reading these forums and they are very informational. I will be traveling next month to sosua and I have choose to stay at casa cayene. I would prefer to stay somewhere close to the strip but can't find the hotels on priceline or other booking sites. I have a few questions I'm hoping some of you guys can help me with.

1. Current exchange rate?

2. Should I stay at casa cayene or find a hotel once I'm in sosua.

3. Moto taxis, are they safe and reliable.

4. Night life around casa cayene?

5. How far is the strip from cc hotel and what should I expect to pay for a ride there?

I will be arriving in sosua 03/16/11. 03/20/11 is anyone going to be there I can hang with and maybe learn some things from.

I'm a 29 year old male with a limited amount of spanish speaking skills. I can understand it better than I can speak it since my gf is honduran.

I'm looking to go there and have fun. Learn the ropes and find some sexy women. If anyone is going to be there around those time please feel free to shoot me an email and maybe we can chat or meet up. Looking forward to a response.

Thanks very much.

02-04-11, 19:54
If she is giving you a good vibe it can happen. First she will give you the"I'm not a puta lecture". Also you can't let her know your staying in Sosua (mongerer give away). Tell her her your staying in Puerta Plata and would like to meet her on the Malecon for dinner. Slide her your number discreetly. Tell her its your first time and your thinking about moving there in the future. After dinner walk the Malecon and if you fell good hold her hand. If she refuses to hold your hand you probaly will have to invest a couple days for some ass (she is playing hard to get). Also there is an old fort at the end of the Malecon. Find out when she has a day off and drive her to Cabarette for an afternoon lunch. Invite her to your room so you can give HER a massage and relax. But please don't have a slum hotel because it could be a tell. If she hasnt given you sex she will before you depart probaly. She wants to give you something to remember her by, plus she can better set you up for western Union this way.

Understand she won't lower her value by hanging with you in Sosua.Right. I'm pretty good at playing that role. I'm just wondering about anyone's personal experiences. Have you had any luck at POP airport? If so, how did it play out?


02-04-11, 23:37
Right. I'm pretty good at playing that role. I'm just wondering about anyone's personal experiences. Have you had any luck at POP airport? If so, how did it play out?

RodeoAs you are keen, a few years back my flight was delayed and I noticed a real hottie sitting with her family, also waiting. I sat next to them / her and started a conversation. She was there with her mum and daughter and her sister (also nice) seeing off her brother. All from Santiago, brother going to Europe, so come to POP for a direct flight.

Anyway, after some chit chat, I said I'm going back now but if she gave me her number I call her when I get back. I called her quite a few times from abroad, though I sensed it will be hard work getting that girl in the sack easily. You can tell even on the phone, for example when they speak very politely and refer to you as "Usted", rather than "mi amor". LOL!

She didn't give me her email, so one day I called and the phone was dead. By the time I got back I had no way of getting in touch. So nothing came out of that, bad luck, but that's the way it goes sometimes, you just got to keep trying. The percentages resulting in a good time is still better in DR, it's virtually zero with a hottie half my age back home! LOL

02-05-11, 20:12
Knight Crawler WTF is up with you in giving these honeys blow pops after your done with them. LMAO! I guess every monger got to have their signature when dealing with the honey buns.I personally like to blow my load in their eyes. So they can see where I'm coming from! Most of the time the relationship goes awry because-wait for it:

We can no longer see eye to eye!


02-05-11, 20:17
I first would like to say I have been reading these forums and they are very informational. I will be traveling next month to sosua and I have choose to stay at casa cayene. I would prefer to stay somewhere close to the strip but can't find the hotels on priceline or other booking sites. I have a few questions I'm hoping some of you guys can help me with.

1. Current exchange rate? 37. 525 according to finance. Yahoo. Com- even the exchange guys on the street will.

Give you 36-37, cambios included so don't worry, there's not a big difference in the best and worst rate you'll get.

Just ask first before presenting money.

2. Should I stay at casa cayene or find a hotel once I'm in sosua. I've stayed a Casa Cayena; it was decent accommodations, clean, free breakfast, didn't get in the pool (too dirty for my taste). The staff is very nice.

And helpful, good security and proximity to everything.

3. Moto taxis, are they safe and reliable. Reliable? Yes. Safe? LOL! Depends on how tightly you hold on!

4. Night life around casa cayene? Dude, you are right there 2 blocks from Pedro Clisante (main drag) No worries.

5. How far is the strip from cc hotel and what should I expect to pay for a ride there? See above. Just walk.

I will be arriving in sosua 03/16/11. 03/20/11 is anyone going to be there I can hang with and maybe learn some things from.

I'm a 29 year old male with a limited amount of spanish speaking skills. I can understand it better than I can speak it since my gf is honduran.

I'm looking to go there and have fun. Learn the ropes and find some sexy women. If anyone is going to be there around those time please feel free to shoot me an email and maybe we can chat or meet up. Looking forward to a response.

Thanks very much. 1. Current exchange rate? 37. 525 according to finance. Yahoo. Com- even the exchange guys on the street will.

Give you 36-37, cambios included so don't worry, there's not a big difference in the best and worst rate you'll get.

Just ask first before presenting money.

2. Should I stay at casa cayene or find a hotel once I'm in sosua. I've stayed a Casa Cayena; it was decent accommodations, clean, free breakfast, didn't get in the pool (too dirty for my taste). The staff is very nice.

And helpful, good security and proximity to everything.

3. Moto taxis, are they safe and reliable. Reliable? Yes. Safe? LOL! Depends on how tightly you hold on!

4. Night life around casa cayene? Dude, you are right there 2 blocks from Pedro Clisante (main drag) No worries.

5. How far is the strip from cc hotel and what should I expect to pay for a ride there? See above. Just walk.

Chief Justice
02-06-11, 03:26
1. Current exchange rate? 37. 525 according to finance. Yahoo. Com- even the exchange guys on the street will.

Give you 36-37, cambios included so don't worry, there's not a big difference in the best and worst rate you'll get.

Just ask first before presenting money.

2. Should I stay at casa cayene or find a hotel once I'm in sosua. I've stayed a Casa Cayena; it was decent accommodations, clean, free breakfast, didn't get in the pool (too dirty for my taste). The staff is very nice.

And helpful, good security and proximity to everything.

3. Moto taxis, are they safe and reliable. Reliable? Yes. Safe? LOL! Depends on how tightly you hold on!

4. Night life around casa cayene? Dude, you are right there 2 blocks from Pedro Clisante (main drag) No worries.

5. How far is the strip from cc hotel and what should I expect to pay for a ride there? See above. Just walk.Casa cayenna is ok but when I stay there their water pumped broke and I cldnt take a shower for a whole day and night. Imagine being in the D. R. And you can't wash your ass. I woke up the next morning and checked into sea breeze. The staff at casa cayanne acted like oh well. Also, if I remba correctly they do not have windows its just shutters. Easy for mosquitos to tear you a new one.

02-06-11, 15:13
I personally like to blow my load in their eyes. So they can see where I'm coming from! Most of the time the relationship goes awry because-wait for it:

We can no longer see eye to eye!

RodeoJust as long as you don't get your man-goo in the chicas hair, man they flip out when that happens! You can paint their face or shoot it in their mouth but if you really want to see a pissed off Dominicana just give them some special hair conditioner, haha.

02-06-11, 17:03
I am happy to report that Saturday night was the BUSIEST night I have witnessed in 10 years on P.C. ! But the Politur Gestapo were hauling chicas away by the truckload!

Mr Gogo
02-06-11, 17:17
[QUOTE=Sidney;1120374]I am happy to report that Saturday night was the BUSIEST night I have witnessed in 10 years on P.C. ! But the Politur Gestapo were hauling chicas away by the truckload!/QUOTE]Very interesting. Chicas are willing to risk a night in jail to make 100usd tricking. I guess we might be under estimating the chicas resolve. Word must have spread that there is money on superbowl weekend. Or either the chicas have heard the legendary Frannie is in Sosua, and they can't stay away LOL.

02-06-11, 18:28
[QUOTE=Sidney;1120374]I am happy to report that Saturday night was the BUSIEST night I have witnessed in 10 years on P.C. ! But the Politur Gestapo were hauling chicas away by the truckload!/QUOTE]Very interesting. Chicas are willing to risk a night in jail to make 100usd tricking. I guess we might be under estimating the chicas resolve. Word must have spread that there is money on superbowl weekend. Or either the chicas have heard the legendary Frannie is in Sosua, and they can't stay away LOL.Obviously it isn't the superbowl, and yesterday afternoon the total number of customers in Merengue Bar watching the Wolves vs Man. Utd. Game live on ESPN was precisely zero, though the Bundesliga had more fans next door where Stuttgart were playing.

Probably is me. One chica who has a novio who frequents this board was in tears because I stood her up for a completo. Oh, the dollars lost to the competition!

02-06-11, 20:12
1. Current exchange rate? 37. 525 according to finance. Yahoo. Com- even the exchange guys on the street will.

Give you 36-37, cambios included so don't worry, there's not a big difference in the best and worst rate you'll get.

Just ask first before presenting money.

2. Should I stay at casa cayene or find a hotel once I'm in sosua. I've stayed a Casa Cayena; it was decent accommodations, clean, free breakfast, didn't get in the pool (too dirty for my taste). The staff is very nice.

And helpful, good security and proximity to everything.

3. Moto taxis, are they safe and reliable. Reliable? Yes. Safe? LOL! Depends on how tightly you hold on!

4. Night life around casa cayene? Dude, you are right there 2 blocks from Pedro Clisante (main drag) No worries.

5. How far is the strip from cc hotel and what should I expect to pay for a ride there? See above. Just walk.Thanks for the quick reply. Do you know if casa cayene is guest friendly? I was also looking into hotel plaza europa? Anyone stay there? Anyone going to be in sosua March 16th thru the 20th? I must say GO PACKERS! Since I'm from Green Bay.

02-06-11, 20:26
Obviously it isn't the superbowl, and yesterday afternoon the total number of customers in Merengue Bar watching the Wolves vs Man. Utd. Game live on ESPN was precisely zero, though the Bundesliga had more fans next door where Stuttgart were playing.

Probably is me. One chica who has a novio who frequents this board was in tears because I stood her up for a completo. Oh, the dollars lost to the competition!Frannie, I respectfully disagree. The girls know when the football playoffs are and know us gringos like to get drunk and watch the games. When I was in Sosua a few weeks ago and went to Rumba to watch the Patriots-Jets and the Ravens-Steelers games the girls were pouring into the place all day and night long, other nights that place was pretty dead.

I am heading back to Sosua a week from today, report to follow.

02-06-11, 22:04
Just as long as you don't get your man-goo in the chicas hair, man they flip out when that happens! You can paint their face or shoot it in their mouth but if you really want to see a pissed off Dominicana just give them some special hair conditioner, haha.I did that once, actually, with Naomi! She was about to get pissed and then I told her I'd pay to get her hair done the next day. I think it was all of 200 pesos. Then, I flipped the script and got mad at her for getting mad at me and then I destroyed her perfectly round, bodacious ass as she apologized profusely! Aaaah, the theatrics you can play out in DR. My eyes are welling up now. I have to go!


02-06-11, 22:08
Imagine being in the D. R. And you can't wash your ass. I woke up the next morning and checked into sea breeze.If anyone's ever in that situation (as I was once because the water was out do to some work being done on the block I was staying in) , go to La Passions and either take a dip in the pool or get a massage (and blow) with a girl and use their shower. Both options are very refreshing. Albeit for different reasons. I did the dip in the pool with Maria and felt her up good. Unfortunately, I had depleted my funds too much to session, but we dry humped with the best of them-that is, if you can dry hump in a swimming pool full of water!


02-07-11, 06:51
Thanks for the quick reply. Do you know if casa cayene is guest friendly? I was also looking into hotel plaza europa? Anyone stay there? Anyone going to be in sosua March 16th thru the 20th? I must say GO PACKERS! Since I'm from Green Bay.Cayene is girl friendly and the patrons are more privacy minded.

Stay away from Europa unless you don't mind the frat party atmosphere and you don't require much sleep at night.

If you want to ask about other places see this:


02-07-11, 06:55
Frannie, I respectfully disagree. The girls know when the football playoffs are and know us gringos like to get drunk and watch the games.I think it is more that they know where the gringos are going to be concentrated when a game is on and not because they would be easy targets being drunk.

02-07-11, 07:06
Casa cayenna is ok but when I stay there their water pumped broke and I cldnt take a shower for a whole day and night. Imagine being in the D. R. And you can't wash your ass. I woke up the next morning and checked into sea breeze. The staff at casa cayanne acted like oh well.Moving to Sea Breeze because the water went out is like taking money out of your left pocket and putting it in your right. Every place down there has its own quirks. I have stayed at NG where the electricity was out for a full day.

Cayenes attitude is typical for Latin America.

Chief Justice
02-07-11, 15:18
Moving to Sea Breeze because the water went out is like taking money out of your left pocket and putting it in your right. Every place down there has its own quirks. I have stayed at NG where the electricity was out for a full day.

Cayenes attitude is typical for Latin America.Sea breeze isn't the best accommodations but they had plenty of hot water. And best believe if their hot water did go out for a whole day / night, jihad wouldn't charge you full price for your room.

02-07-11, 16:52
Thanks for all the help guys. I'm not sure what to exspect on my trip to sosua. I will be traveling alone and I have a limited amount of spanish. My limited amount I would may is more advanced than the average guys limited amount. I was wondering if I should be concerned about saftey? I'm pretty good at getting along with everyone, so I don't think I will run into any confrontational types of situations. I'm more worried about getting robbed on my way back from the night of drinking.

I noticed alot of first timers like to go to BB's but I really don't want to be spoon fed women. From what I have read they will be many for the taken anyway. I rather enjoy the chase. How are the women there? I'm not going to try and get caught up in the whole GFE situation since this will be my first trip. I'm looking to get the most out of this experience. Anyone have some good tips? Is there anywhere that is a must see? I'm hoping I will run into some other more experienced people there to help guide me.

I will make sure to write a post each day so I can keep everyone updated on how my trip is going. I leave in little over a month so I'm pretty excited. Any tips or info will be greatly appriciated. Thanks to the people who have replied to my earlier questions. You all have been a huge help.

02-07-11, 18:20
I noticed alot of first timers like to go to BB's but I really don't want to be spoon fed women. From what I have read they will be many for the taken anyway. I rather enjoy the chase. .I went to Sosua many times before I ever went to BB's. But I love the quality and service at BB's. It isn't just for newbies.

02-07-11, 20:58
Thanks for all the help guys. I'm not sure what to exspect on my trip to sosua. I will be traveling alone and I have a limited amount of spanish. My limited amount I would may is more advanced than the average guys limited amount. I was wondering if I should be concerned about saftey? I'm pretty good at getting along with everyone, so I don't think I will run into any confrontational types of situations. I'm more worried about getting robbed on my way back from the night of drinking.

I noticed alot of first timers like to go to BB's but I really don't want to be spoon fed women. From what I have read they will be many for the taken anyway. I rather enjoy the chase. How are the women there? I'm not going to try and get caught up in the whole GFE situation since this will be my first trip. I'm looking to get the most out of this experience. Anyone have some good tips? Is there anywhere that is a must see? I'm hoping I will run into some other more experienced people there to help guide me.

I will make sure to write a post each day so I can keep everyone updated on how my trip is going. I leave in little over a month so I'm pretty excited. Any tips or info will be greatly appriciated. Thanks to the people who have replied to my earlier questions. You all have been a huge help.Muggings / Robberies of Mongers walking back to their hotels, I have not heard of it in Sosua. Getting pick-pocketed by overly aggressive chicas in the streets or in the bars is a possibility. Sosua is small you can explore the entire town and the beach walking in less than an hour.

Non-sexual massage places 500-800 pesos for an hour, you can get naked on the massage table, don't expect extras. There was one non-sexual massage place on the second floor near Seacrets Bar, name was Kikas.

Maybe visit Cabarete one time to see the wind sports there, that could be considered a must see.

I can remember Buscemi recommending a salon where you could get inexpensive blowjobs, I believe Salon Figaro. Another guy went to one of the salons and got a great blowjob, I forget which salon (it wasn't Belkys).

02-07-11, 22:08
I'm more worried about getting robbed on my way back from the night of drinking.Just keep everything vital in a safe provided to you by the hotel. Only take as much money with you that your only going to need outside the hotel. When your out, keep vitals in your front shirt pocket buttoned up. Shirt pocket is preferable, the front pants pocket is next. Don't put anything in your back pockets you are not ok with loosing.

If any person puts their arms around you your warning signals should be going off.

Do all of this and you should be fine.

02-07-11, 22:08
Thanks for all the help guys. I'm not sure what to exspect on my trip to sosua. I will be traveling alone and I have a limited amount of spanish. My limited amount I would may is more advanced than the average guys limited amount. I was wondering if I should be concerned about saftey? I'm pretty good at getting along with everyone, so I don't think I will run into any confrontational types of situations. I'm more worried about getting robbed on my way back from the night of drinking.

I noticed alot of first timers like to go to BB's but I really don't want to be spoon fed women. From what I have read they will be many for the taken anyway. I rather enjoy the chase. How are the women there? I'm not going to try and get caught up in the whole GFE situation since this will be my first trip. I'm looking to get the most out of this experience. Anyone have some good tips? Is there anywhere that is a must see? I'm hoping I will run into some other more experienced people there to help guide me. I have only been to Sosua a couple of times, once before the crackdown and just returned a couple of weeks ago. BTW, my Spanish completely sucks, but somehow I get by. I also travel alone and never felt threaten (except by the crazy bartender at Latino, but that was fun) or unsafe at any time during both stays I posted a map of Sosua on ISG not that long ago. The place is pretty compact and if you have a good arm, you can throw a rock from one end of the action to the other. Except La Passion, which would require a sling shot at the least.

First off, if I'm not mistaken, your hotel is less than a block from Belki's. My first suggestion is to stop there first to take the edge off. Belki is a sweet woman with great hands, but she also has others with good hands as well.

During the day, always stop by the New Garden for a drink at the bar to check out the lineup of women, sometimes there might be 10 and other times 2-3. Talk to Rafael, the bartender for his personal recommendations; nice dude. You do not have to be staying at the NG in order to pull a girl from the NG to your own hotel.

If you want onsite action, then either La Passion or CMP (both on same side of the street, CMP is closer) will fit the bill. I think the women are better looking at La Passion, but there is more interaction with the women at CMP.

Bar / Club action: Merengue & El Flow are just bars, El Flow seems to be more of a local hang out. Merengue has plenty of women hanging out and waiting for your happy ass. Classico is the dance place above Merengue, starts getting busy from 11 on. Plenty of women in there as well. My personal favorite bar / club is Latino. There is a long bar and other seating available. The disco in the back does not start up until 11, but there are plenty of women walking in and out of Latino, and some will sit and try to get your attention, and the bolder ones will walk up to you and start chatting. Stay clear of the aggressive women, just my opinion. If they are aggressive in the bar, they will be more aggressive for money in the room.

Agree on a price and for how long before you go to the room and never pay the girl upfront. If she goes from Jekyll in the bar to Hyde in the hotel (happen to me once each trip) , don't hesitate to throw her ass out of the room. Cut your losses, if any, and go back for another. Like the falling off the horse saying; climb back up and start over!

02-08-11, 02:19
[QUOTE=Sidney;1120374]I am happy to report that Saturday night was the BUSIEST night I have witnessed in 10 years on P.C. ! But the Politur Gestapo were hauling chicas away by the truckload!/QUOTE]Very interesting. Chicas are willing to risk a night in jail to make 100usd tricking. I guess we might be under estimating the chicas resolve. Word must have spread that there is money on superbowl weekend. Or either the chicas have heard the legendary Frannie is in Sosua, and they can't stay away LOL.You seem like an expert on Sousa. Thanks for all your great posts.

All this negative stuff about Sousa.

I am going end of March. Whats your opinion is it overhyped.

Do you think there be still plenty of action?

02-08-11, 03:02
Thanks for all the help guys. I'm not sure what to exspect on my trip to sosua. I will be traveling alone and I have a limited amount of spanish. My limited amount I would may is more advanced than the average guys limited amount. I was wondering if I should be concerned about saftey? I'm pretty good at getting along with everyone, so I don't think I will run into any confrontational types of situations. I'm more worried about getting robbed on my way back from the night of drinking.

I noticed alot of first timers like to go to BB's but I really don't want to be spoon fed women. From what I have read they will be many for the taken anyway. I rather enjoy the chase. How are the women there? I'm not going to try and get caught up in the whole GFE situation since this will be my first trip. I'm looking to get the most out of this experience. Anyone have some good tips? Is there anywhere that is a must see? I'm hoping I will run into some other more experienced people there to help guide me.

I will make sure to write a post each day so I can keep everyone updated on how my trip is going. I leave in little over a month so I'm pretty excited. Any tips or info will be greatly appriciated. Thanks to the people who have replied to my earlier questions. You all have been a huge help. Put your stuff in the safe, anything and everything that will fit, cologne, cameras, ipods, passports wallets. Keep your laptop hidden. If you take you digi camera out at night don't leave the strap dangling. Don't carry alot of money in your pockets if you like to get wasted and when you get home put your shit immediately in the safe incase you pass out. You should make it out alive.

02-08-11, 04:20
Thank all you guys for the awesome info. I'm looking forward to my first trip to sosua. I hope everything goes well. Anyone have info on the qaulity of the women there as far are looks go? I'm kinda picky so I'm not going to be banging any gordas. I like the flaka girls with nice tight bodies.

I hear that staying at plaza eruopa is really loud at night, but I don't mind that. I might stay between there and casa cayene during my stay. I guess everything is really close so I take it the hotel really isn't a big deal. As long as I have running water to take a shower and a bed to roll around on with some hot chicas then I'm good. I'm not too picky when it comes to hotels.

This is the best site I have ever ran into when it comes to gathering information on vacation spots. You guys are all great and helpful. I appreciate all of your quick responses to my posts. Again I will be in sosua March 16th through the 20th. If any of you guys are going to be there around that time feel free to give me a shout. By the way I have to give a shout out to my home team for winning the SUPERBOWL. GO PACKERS!

02-08-11, 04:28
I have only been to Sosua a couple of times, once before the crackdown and just returned a couple of weeks ago. BTW, my Spanish completely sucks, but somehow I get by. I also travel alone and never felt threaten (except by the crazy bartender at Latino, but that was fun) or unsafe at any time during both stays I posted a map of Sosua on ISG not that long ago. The place is pretty compact and if you have a good arm, you can throw a rock from one end of the action to the other. Except La Passion, which would require a sling shot at the least.

First off, if I'm not mistaken, your hotel is less than a block from Belki's. My first suggestion is to stop there first to take the edge off. Belki is a sweet woman with great hands, but she also has others with good hands as well.

During the day, always stop by the New Garden for a drink at the bar to check out the lineup of women, sometimes there might be 10 and other times 2-3. Talk to Rafael, the bartender for his personal recommendations; nice dude. You do not have to be staying at the NG in order to pull a girl from the NG to your own hotel.

If you want onsite action, then either La Passion or CMP (both on same side of the street, CMP is closer) will fit the bill. I think the women are better looking at La Passion, but there is more interaction with the women at CMP.

Bar / Club action: Merengue & El Flow are just bars, El Flow seems to be more of a local hang out. Merengue has plenty of women hanging out and waiting for your happy ass. Classico is the dance place above Merengue, starts getting busy from 11 on. Plenty of women in there as well. My personal favorite bar / club is Latino. There is a long bar and other seating available. The disco in the back does not start up until 11, but there are plenty of women walking in and out of Latino, and some will sit and try to get your attention, and the bolder ones will walk up to you and start chatting. Stay clear of the aggressive women, just my opinion. If they are aggressive in the bar, they will be more aggressive for money in the room.

Agree on a price and for how long before you go to the room and never pay the girl upfront. If she goes from Jekyll in the bar to Hyde in the hotel (happen to me once each trip) , don't hesitate to throw her ass out of the room. Cut your losses, if any, and go back for another. Like the falling off the horse saying; climb back up and start over!Where is the best place and fast way to exchange my money. Something near casa cayene and something near europa. I will be staying 2 nights at each place just to check them out.

02-08-11, 06:58
Where is the best place and fast way to exchange my money. Something near casa cayene and something near europa. I will be staying 2 nights at each place just to check them out.The first tip in November, I exchanged money at one of the banks. However, I waited in line forever and a day and the exchange rate was not much better than anywhere else. Two weeks ago at the New Garden, the rate was 36 to 1. So I went to a place that by monger buddy Artisttyp told me about before my first trip. It is a little money exchange place between El Flow and Latino (across the street from Rumba) , and the rate was 37 to 1, but on the weekend, the rate was 36. 5 to 1.

Usually when I run out of cash (happens more than I would like) , I hit up the ATM's, the rate is good, but the bank charges a fee, plus my bank also charges a fee. Do some research on this board, some were talking about using PayPal without the rates. Something I will look into before next trip for sure.

Mr Gogo
02-08-11, 15:04
[QUOTE=Mr Gogo; 1120379]You seem like an expert on Sousa. Thanks for all your great posts.

All this negative stuff about Sousa.

I am going end of March. Whats your opinion is it overhyped.

Do you think there be still plenty of action?I'm not an expert on Sosua, but thanks. The only difference is that now the daytime street action is not like before. But yes, there is action there.

02-08-11, 22:02
[QUOTE=Mr Gogo; 1120379]You seem like an expert on Sousa. Thanks for all your great posts.

All this negative stuff about Sousa. W.

I am going end of March. Whats your opinion is it overhyped.

Do you think there be still plenty of action?I want to echo, the sentiments of other newbies, thankyou very much for your encouragement guys, The Dos and Donts. This is my 6th trip to the Dr, and this board of advice, gave

Me hella artilery, to make 6th successful trips, okay guys go easy on me. LOL. Me and my friend have heard you can find, gorgeous putass in jail, Is that true, and Can you bail them out? We are just wondering, and by the way Book7777, we wil be at New Gardens, on March 23rd thru 30th, if you are around, We envy you eastcoast mongers, We are traveling from Oregon, Washington and California, that trip is a *****. LOL my case Portland, Or.

Kitie Carson
02-09-11, 04:59
[QUOTE=Book7777; 1120908]I want to echo, the sentiments of other newbies, thankyou very much for your encouragement guys, The Dos and Donts. This is my 6th trip to the Dr, and this board of advice, gave

Me hella artilery, to make 6th successful trips, okay guys go easy on me. LOL. Me and my friend have heard you can find, gorgeous putass in jail, Is that true, and Can you bail them out? We are just wondering, and by the way Book7777, we wil be at New Gardens, on March 23rd thru 30th, if you are around, We envy you eastcoast mongers, We are traveling from Oregon, Washington and California, that trip is a. LOL my case Portland, Or.Damn right deep. That West Coast Jaunt is for the birds. I did Eugene to SEA to LAX to JFK to POP. It sucked big booties! 29 hrs later I was there.

02-09-11, 05:26
The first tip in November, I exchanged money at one of the banks. However, I waited in line forever and a day and the exchange rate was not much better than anywhere else. Two weeks ago at the New Garden, the rate was 36 to 1. So I went to a place that by monger buddy Artisttyp told me about before my first trip. It is a little money exchange place between El Flow and Latino (across the street from Rumba) , and the rate was 37 to 1, but on the weekend, the rate was 36. 5 to 1.

Usually when I run out of cash (happens more than I would like) , I hit up the ATM's, the rate is good, but the bank charges a fee, plus my bank also charges a fee. Do some research on this board, some were talking about using PayPal without the rates. Something I will look into before next trip for sure. Western Union across from the playero supermarket in sosua, I was there in October and it was $37. 10 to $1.

02-09-11, 05:28
The first tip in November, I exchanged money at one of the banks. However, I waited in line forever and a day and the exchange rate was not much better than anywhere else. Two weeks ago at the New Garden, the rate was 36 to 1. So I went to a place that by monger buddy Artisttyp told me about before my first trip. It is a little money exchange place between El Flow and Latino (across the street from Rumba) , and the rate was 37 to 1, but on the weekend, the rate was 36. 5 to 1.

Usually when I run out of cash (happens more than I would like) , I hit up the ATM's, the rate is good, but the bank charges a fee, plus my bank also charges a fee. Do some research on this board, some were talking about using PayPal without the rates. Something I will look into before next trip for sure. On the weekend you loose, try to change your money before the weekend, during the week the rates are higher.

Charles Pooter
02-09-11, 14:19
Why what happened to it? Was there any reason for it's closure? PaulThe place was poorly built and was physically deteriorating at such a rate that the income was insufficient to maintain it to even minimal gringo standards.

02-09-11, 16:12
Can someone tell me where the nearest Claro store to New Garden is, a fellow member asked me and I'm brain dead today and can't remember.


02-09-11, 17:01
Can someone tell me where the nearest Claro store to New Garden is, a fellow member asked me and I'm brain dead today and can't remember.

ThanksThe Shark Bar on P. C.

02-09-11, 17:30
Can someone tell me where the nearest Claro store to New Garden is, a fellow member asked me and I'm brain dead today and can't remember.

ThanksLast time I was there, there was a Claro call center and store across the street from the large antenna, make a right out of new garden, then a left at the next intersection near the bon ice cream shop and the call center is to the left.

02-09-11, 18:05
[QUOTE=Kitie Carson; 1121239][QUOTE=DeepMmpactt; 1121161]Damn right deep. That West Coast Jaunt is for the birds. I did Eugene to SEA to LAX to JFK to POP. It sucked big booties! 29 hrs later I was there.[/QUOTE.

I agree, Kitie Carson, its a mental marathon flying American Airlines, starting from Portland,

Or to Sf to Mia, then finally Pop, yeah it does suck big booties, not even sexy booties either.

LOL, also Rodeo ask Naomi, about her sexy friend Amelia, Me and Mandingo Al, told you about.

Naomi, so we want you to expierience her friend Amelia. All I can say is damn!

02-09-11, 18:33
The way I got was that The Palace was run down because John and his ascociates were investong theeir moneys in Concos locate near Hoel Voramar and the just went bust. Jhon went back to the states. I would like to knwo what happened to some of the chicas. Theres was Ruth his novia Catalina Maribel Onieda (yuk! ] Soronji (La Reina) , and others I seen Anna (no the pretty one) and Mimosa recently. For me Oneida was my fists tehe tehe. My first trip was based on seeing the late great Nilsa. Man! She had a package! I and my wingman were really cool with John.

Any other comments?

02-09-11, 18:56
[QUOTE=Book7777; 1120908]I want to echo, the sentiments of other newbies, thankyou very much for your encouragement guys, The Dos and Donts. This is my 6th trip to the Dr, and this board of advice, gave

Me hella artilery, to make 6th successful trips, okay guys go easy on me. LOL. Me and my friend have heard you can find, gorgeous putass in jail, Is that true, and Can you bail them out? We are just wondering, and by the way Book7777, we wil be at New Gardens, on March 23rd thru 30th, if you are around, We envy you eastcoast mongers, We are traveling from Oregon, Washington and California, that trip is a. LOL my case Portland, Or.I have it easy from Toronto,

3 hours 45 minutes direct. Awesome got to love it. And cheap.

I will be there at the sametime. Not sure if its goona be New Garden or Terra Linda.

Whats you thoughts on accomodation.

My buddys 40th birthday. Should be a blast.

Blk Big Bootyluv
02-09-11, 22:20
Huge place across the street from Bailey's and Banco Poplar. The other one is on P. C. Across the street from Super Super.

Can someone tell me where the nearest Claro store to New Garden is, a fellow member asked me and I'm brain dead today and can't remember.


02-10-11, 03:53
[QUOTE=Kitie Carson; 1121239]

[QUOTE=DeepMmpactt; 1121161]Damn right deep. That West Coast Jaunt is for the birds. I did Eugene to SEA to LAX to JFK to POP. It sucked big booties! 29 hrs later I was there. [/QUOTE.

I agree, Kitie Carson, its a mental marathon flying American Airlines, starting from Portland,

Or to Sf to Mia, then finally Pop, yeah it does suck big booties, not even sexy booties either.

LOL, also Rodeo ask Naomi, about her sexy friend Amelia, Me and Mandingo Al, told you about.

Naomi, so we want you to expierience her friend Amelia. All I can say is damn!Damn, now you got me wondering. Any pics?

02-10-11, 11:39
My brutha, no need to fear El Caballo Negro is here.

I got live video if me pounding the shit out of Amelia. Deepmmpactt aka Caballo Negro in the Dr. LOL.

Man Rodeo, I wouldve made you proud, How I broke that puta down, I long dicked her fine ass, ya no puedo! She keep screaming, No Mas pappy No Mas, and o dios. As I hammered her doggie style, ill convert my high 8, video on to digital and try to get you one, I got Naomi on video also, Dressing up as a french maid with glasses I unleashed the Chocolate Jack Hammer many time, on Naomi, my Lengendary Puta. She's a must do in the Dr. And ps my typing, and structure suck. LOL!

02-10-11, 16:37
Going to just give warning to anyone booking there for the future. First I will say I have stayed there twice in the last year and was just perfect rooms, staff. And everything was so organized so I loved the new garden dint even look to book elsewhere. This time I booked two rooms for me and my wingman and another wingman booked a room on his own so my group of 3 and 3 rooms. I have confirmation printed rooms dates and new wing and king beds in my two rooms confirmed aswell as my other mate.

I confirmed this twice within 30 days of arrival when I booked picked up got one email from lorenzo and one from jenny everything is good to go you are confirmed. My other mate did aswell right after we heard winfred left to double check. We show up jenny informs us we have just two rooms can two of us share a room for one night. I said hell no I dint come to sousa to share a room. So she says we can put one in hotel I never even heard of for one night and back here Saturday of course and pay full ng price too for it. Then my wingman and I go to our two rooms both with double beds so small so I go right back to office and she has no clue what happen. All she can say is stay there one night and we try to move you on Saturday to room with king bed. I was pissed I got lucky and got room at terra linda which was perfect alot better anyway and my wingman just stayed at NG. First two days he was there they took his key off the board behind the desk and gave it to customer to check in and they went to his room. One of the guys was my other friend when he came back after his one night away she gave him key and went to room and saw all my buddy stuff in that room. He goes back to office and says someone is in that room she has no clue what to do. Sad part to all this is lorenzo there whole time and don't even say one word to my group the whole time just sends jenny to tell us everything. This place is just a mess right now. Please do whatever to get wilfred back was so smooth when he was there. Just heads up I had email 15 days prior to arrival and 5 days prior with pick up and still all screwed up.

02-10-11, 16:53
[QUOTE=DeepMmpactt; 1121161]I have it easy from Toronto,

3 hours 45 minutes direct. Awesome got to love it. And cheap.

I will be there at the sametime. Not sure if its goona be New Garden or Terra Linda.

Whats you thoughts on accomodation.

My buddys 40th birthday. Should be a blast. Hey Book,

I'm planning to go in April, and I too live in T. O. Any suggestions on where I should go to book the cheapest flight, and what day to depart? Any other suggestions?


02-10-11, 19:43
Going to just give warning to anyone booking there for the future. First I will say I have stayed there twice in the last year and was just perfect rooms, staff. And everything was so organized so I loved the new garden dint even look to book elsewhere. This time I booked two rooms for me and my wingman and another wingman booked a room on his own so my group of 3 and 3 rooms. I have confirmation printed rooms dates and new wing and king beds in my two rooms confirmed aswell as my other mate.

I confirmed this twice within 30 days of arrival when I booked picked up got one email from lorenzo and one from jenny everything is good to go you are confirmed. My other mate did aswell right after we heard winfred left to double check. We show up jenny informs us we have just two rooms can two of us share a room for one night. I said hell no I dint come to sousa to share a room. So she says we can put one in hotel I never even heard of for one night and back here Saturday of course and pay full ng price too for it. Then my wingman and I go to our two rooms both with double beds so small so I go right back to office and she has no clue what happen. All she can say is stay there one night and we try to move you on Saturday to room with king bed. I was pissed I got lucky and got room at terra linda which was perfect alot better anyway and my wingman just stayed at NG. First two days he was there they took his key off the board behind the desk and gave it to customer to check in and they went to his room. One of the guys was my other friend when he came back after his one night away she gave him key and went to room and saw all my buddy stuff in that room. He goes back to office and says someone is in that room she has no clue what to do. Sad part to all this is lorenzo there whole time and don't even say one word to my group the whole time just sends jenny to tell us everything. This place is just a mess right now. Please do whatever to get wilfred back was so smooth when he was there. Just heads up I had email 15 days prior to arrival and 5 days prior with pick up and still all screwed up.

NG has issues dealing with success. I thought it was a great hotel as well. The vibe is great staff friendly and customers fun to be with.

I am completely anal about specifics when booking a trip.

On my last trip to sosua I booked an upstairs / balcony room for 2 weeks one month ahead. I pay in cash mind you. When I got there they put me in the crappy room right by the staircase. Ground floor. They said all the other rooms were booked full.

IMHO I think they pour it on when you are a new client then they get laxed when they know you well enough. That happens in restaurants as well. You eat there all the time then the portions get smaller or they don't pay attention to the details anymore.

I did find a good room at the europa afterwards so it was no big deal. What did bother me though is that I felt dissed and I had to see the owner / staff all over town.

I am an excellent client to have. There are hotels I stay at for years if they treat me well. I bring gifts. Leave tips treat people with respect.

You have to be trustworthy and reliable in any business but in tourism it is a MUST. People are paying a few thousand dollars to take these trips.

At that time they were constructing the new wing and were only charging $50 a night. I couldn't imagine paying $70. For that kind of money you can get a nice room in a 4 star hotel in SA with cheaper prices for almost everything.

Mr Gogo
02-10-11, 20:21
I had a booking problem my last trip, but Lorenzo more than made up for it later. Wilfried is truly missed. He was hands on, computer friendly, and detailed. Willie is gone, and Omar is lazy sometimes. Jenny has a "I don't want to fucking talk" attitude, even though she is fine. Wilfried had the biggest salary, so maybe Lorenzo feels he and his Dominican employees can pick up the slack. But Lorenzo can only smile, he can't do it like Wilfried. I'm thinking the Dominican work attitude (I do it when I want) contributes to alot of the booking problems (Lorenzo might not be computer friendly). Also Lorenzo has the Italy boys who can bump any Americano. One family with kids was there my last visit.

Word is Lorenzo has a selling price for NG. Great location, always full and recent renovations make it attractive at the right price. But as time goes by Lorenzo will lower his price. Lorenzos wife is well educated but I'm sure she doesn't like mongerers at NG. With all said, NG is still my favorite hotel in Sousa but I would make backup reservations somewhere else just in case.

02-11-11, 13:49
[QUOTE=Book7777; 1121480]Hey Book,

I'm planning to go in April, and I too live in T. O. Any suggestions on where I should go to book the cheapest flight, and what day to depart? Any other suggestions?

Thanks. Just look online for Nolitours or Red Tag for Puerto Plata flights. They have a couple of options like AirTransat or Sky Service that will get you there non stop, which is really only the enjoyable way to get there and fly at reasonable times. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are the cheapest days.

Matter of fact you can get an AI package from these same operators for not much more than the regular normal fare that other carries like Air Canada or AA. Charge which have crazy and stressful stop overs in Miami or Boston.

Even if you don't like the AI experience, you can use it as a base and rent a cheap room next door for banging and with your AI savings on food and drink, it still comes out pretty much the same.

Just stay away from high season weeks like school breaks, easter, etc.

Hey, and if you happen to fall in love / lust like I did you can formally check her in at the AI as your fiance.

Good luck, and report back!

Blk Big Bootyluv
02-12-11, 08:23
I always thought the place was over rated and over priced. Am I a hipocrite if I LUVED the dinner buffet LOL.

I toured both new and old wing ehhhhh? Not impressed. Terra linda. Hmmmm nice joint. Didn't eat there Mayb this May when I'm back there. Although the prices at Terra are higher customer service appears to be better from wht I hear.

NG has issues dealing with success. I thought it was a great hotel as well. The vibe is great staff friendly and customers fun to be with.

I am completely anal about specifics when booking a trip.

On my last trip to sosua I booked an upstairs / balcony room for 2 weeks one month ahead. I pay in cash mind you. When I got there they put me in the crappy room right by the staircase. Ground floor. They said all the other rooms were booked full.

IMHO I think they pour it on when you are a new client then they get laxed when they know you well enough. That happens in restaurants as well. You eat there all the time then the portions get smaller or they don't pay attention to the details anymore.

I did find a good room at the europa afterwards so it was no big deal. What did bother me though is that I felt dissed and I had to see the owner / staff all over town.

I am an excellent client to have. There are hotels I stay at for years if they treat me well. I bring gifts. Leave tips treat people with respect.

You have to be trustworthy and reliable in any business but in tourism it is a MUST. People are paying a few thousand dollars to take these trips.

At that time they were constructing the new wing and were only charging $50 a night. I couldn't imagine paying $70. For that kind of money you can get a nice room in a 4 star hotel in SA with cheaper prices for almost everything.

02-12-11, 14:20
A realistic report from the scene. 10pm-1am: Latino's was full of fuglies. Merengue Bar had many newbie chicas rated about #4, 5.6. A couple of better ones dated up. Classico's was maybe 2x1 ratio, mostly young, newbies, fugliies, a couple of tall stunners. In summary, a definite diminution of talent versus the past. You could get laid. That is as positive as I can get!

02-12-11, 14:47
A realistic report from the scene. 10pm-1am: Latino's was full of fuglies. Merengue Bar had many newbie chicas rated about #4, 5.6. A couple of better ones dated up. Classico's was maybe 2x1 ratio, mostly young, newbies, fugliies, a couple of tall stunners. In summary, a definite diminution of talent versus the past. You could get laid. That is as positive as I can get!Well, you posted elsewhere as follows:

"I want to get ahold of a former friend, Wendy, who is living in Santiago.

She is a tall, beautiful, flacca, chica about age 20. Supposedly living with a gringo."

So it sounds like you are pining for the beautiful Wendy. Naturally she has been scooped up by a gringo who knew a good thing when he saw it.

I was in Sosua just the previous weekend and found there was an infinite variety of chicas-tall, short, thin, fat, dark, light, Dominican, Haitian, mostly single moms under 25, available on the Friday and Saturday night, all of whom had spent the day showering, fixing their hair, getting nail jobs, shaving, generally beautifying then putting on their makeup and their sexiest outfits, getting together with their wingwomen, and taking a cab or moto to Sosua in search of a gringo to give them 2000 pesos and a good screwing.

Yes, of course you can get laid. No, not every girl there is Tyra Banks or Rihanna, but there are plenty who are pretty close and what is more they are AVAILABLE to you.

I had a girl on Friday from Club 59 disco, a tall willowy Haitiana aged 20, whose 21st birthday is actually TODAY (Happy Birthday, babe) who lived in Charamicos and has been in the DR for 5 years. Lovely girl. On Saturday I picked up a Dominicana, a 24 year old morena of average height with a lovely figure and a killer smile. Super orgasmic was a bonus.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but if you want to have sex with healthy, young brown-skinned women and don't mind if they are mothers, then you can hardly go wrong in Sosua. Of course if you are looking for love, then you are looking in all the wrong places.

02-12-11, 19:55
Well, you posted elsewhere as follows:

"I want to get ahold of a former friend, Wendy, who is living in Santiago.

She is a tall, beautiful, flacca, chica about age 20. Supposedly living with a gringo."Wendy, another novia, and I were engaged in a multi-day 3-way. The other chica was mucho jealous. Then, Wendy had cellular problems and we lost track of her. Yes, she is with a Gringo in Santiago. Sometimes, those things come to an end.

02-12-11, 19:58
I'll be in POP for my first trip April 5. 15.

Staying at Lifestyles AI because the price is right. Deals are available as cheap as $20 per night all inclusive. It will give me a chance to look the entire area over for the first visit. ST rooms seem to be easy to get.

Experienced Monger who likes the hunt for more than plain vanilla rather than shooting fish in a barrel.

[QUOTE=Book7777; 1121480]Hey Book,

I'm planning to go in April, and I too live in T. O. Any suggestions on where I should go to book the cheapest flight, and what day to depart? Any other suggestions?


02-12-11, 21:29
Wendy, another novia, and I were engaged in a multi-day 3-way. The other chica was mucho jealous. Then, Wendy had cellular problems and we lost track of her. Yes, she is with a Gringo in Santiago. Sometimes, those things come to an end.Curious, was this Wendy that used to work at Blackbeards? The one with a sister (I've met two Wendys at BBs) who also worked or without a sister who worked at BB's also?


02-13-11, 00:19
In the name of full disclosure, you need to be made aware of this: the Gestapo Politur seem to be increasing the chica arrests! Thursday. 33 Dominicanas and 3 Haitianas spent the night in jail. Last night, a most reputable Monger witnessed 18 Dominicanas indiscriminantly arrested near Bar Central! The 'thugs' are now arresting their own people-p. S. Don't shoot the messenger!

02-13-11, 05:04
In the name of full disclosure, you need to be made aware of this: the Gestapo Politur seem to be increasing the chica arrests! Thursday. 33 Dominicanas and 3 Haitianas spent the night in jail. Last night, a most reputable Monger witnessed 18 Dominicanas indiscriminantly arrested near Bar Central! The 'thugs' are now arresting their own people-p. S. Don't shoot the messenger!Not at all, LOL. Some see your posts as negative and think you are trying to scare others off. At this point the only people scaring off future visitors to Sosua are the Politur. We (ISG) have the added benefit of having a fellow mongerer there on the ground who is able to relay this info quickly and consistently. If everything you reported was always positive I'd be skeptical.

If the arrests are picking up with intensity once again then maybe it is a sign that they have finally received the funds or financial commitments from Developers to continue implementing Operation "New Sosua" A*K*A "Cabarete North."

Mr Gogo
02-13-11, 06:21
Not at all, LOL. Some see your posts as negative and think you are trying to scare others off. At this point the only people scaring off future visitors to Sosua are the Politur. We (ISG) have the added benefit of having a fellow mongerer there on the ground who is able to relay this info quickly and consistently. If everything you reported was always positive I'd be skeptical.

If the arrests are picking up with intensity once again then maybe it is a sign that they have finally received the funds or financial commitments from Developers to continue implementing Operation "New Sosua" A*K*A "Cabarete North."Maybe the first wave was losing it's effectiveness. Or as you say the Dominicanos needed more (money). Makes you wonder if the powers that be are monitoring these type of sites to see what the mongerers are saying.

02-13-11, 08:45
Maybe the first wave was losing it's effectiveness. Or as you say the Dominicanos needed more (money). Makes you wonder if the powers that be are monitoring these type of sites to see what the mongerers are saying.That is HIGHLY likely Mr. Gogo. Imagine this chain of events:

-A developer with (soon to be) financial interest in Sosua pops in on the Sosua forum (or has his assistant do so) and finds multiple recent reports of fellow mongerers reporting that the party (in Sosua) is still in full swing.

-Developer places a call to the Mayor of Sosua: "Hey, (we) thought you said you have the place under control?" (We're) not sending you another peso until you finish what you started!"

-Mayor of Sosua calls head of Politur: "Hey, you told me you had the place under control?"

-Head of Politur calls whoever he has running the show down in Sosua: "Hey, I thought you had the place under control there? Either make some (significant amount of) arrests or find yourself a new place to work come Monday!"

And the shit just keeps rolling down hill from there until a bunch of chicas find themselves incarcerated for the night.

The other scenario you mentioned Mr Gogo is very possible too: the Dominicanos in charge wanted more money (in the form of bribes, kickbacks, etc.) before they (the powers to be in Sosua) did anything further and may have let Sosua get lax for a bit until they received further payment from developers/investors. If that is the case, then it is safe to say that somebody wants Sosua VERY BADLY!

Mr Gogo
02-13-11, 08:53
Has anyone noticed the changes that American Airlines has made vs last year. Last year I could fly same day to POP for 341usd. Now its 508usd and they make you do a layover to get a cheaper (508) flight. Once you figure a hotel in for the layover it costs 100usd extra. Is this part of a Miami promotion where you have to spend money? Last year I could fly from Tampa to POP for 97usd each way non stop, now its 197usd each way. The TPA to POP via Sanjuan is even more with a day layover. Jetblue has increased its flights into SDQ. Spirit still goes into STI but it arrives at 2am. No good deals nowadays. Also Westjet nonstop from Canada is booked fully. My good friend that works in the travel industry says its all about promotions for the families. He says the all inclusives are trying very hard with the airlines to promote their product. Most families don't like the layovers but a single (mongerer) traveler won't mind. Could it be about promoting Miami for the single traveler (AA main hub) in a future layover for all Cuban flights. The opening of Cuba to all travel (once Fidel dies) has stepped up the urgency of all in the travel industry.

Also a veteran mongerer on this forum pointed out that a few buisinesses are adding Russian to their websites.

02-13-11, 09:27
Did anyone doubt even for a minute that they wouldn't take advantage of the situation?

From Sosua News, February 10, 2011

"The officers of the tourist police (Politur) working at the Playa Dorada and Costa Dorada complexes were accused of abusing women, searching for (paid) contact with tourists. The Colonel Omar Mercedes de la Cruz, also commander of the tourist police in Puerto Plata said that for the tightened rules in Sosúa and Cabarete many women moved to Playa Dorada and Costa Dorada. Here they harass tourists and the tourist police is supposed to take action against this harassment. He denies that police have abused women. However, there are also rumours about Politur going round in Sosúa. Also in Sosúa, women who use the night life, claimed that they often get indecent proposals from the tourist police."

Source: El faro.


Mr Gogo
02-13-11, 09:28
That is HIGHLY likely Mr. Gogo. Imagine this chain of events:

-A developer with (soon to be) financial interest in Sosua pops in on the Sosua forum (or has his assistant do so) and finds multiple recent reports of fellow mongerers reporting that the party (in Sosua) is still in full swing.

-Developer places a call to the Mayor of Sosua: "Hey, (we) thought you said you have the place under control?" (We're) not sending you another peso until you finish what you started!"

-Mayor of Sosua calls head of Politur: "Hey, you told me you had the place under control?"

-Head of Politur calls whoever he has running the show down in Sosua: "Hey, I thought you had the place under control there? Either make some (significant amount of) arrests or find yourself a new place to work come Monday!"

And the shit just keeps rolling down hill from there until a bunch of chicas find themselves incarcerated for the night.

The other scenario you mentioned Mr Gogo is very possible too: the Dominicanos in charge wanted more money (in the form of bribes, kickbacks, etc.) before they (the powers to be in Sosua) did anything further and may have let Sosua get lax for a bit until they received further payment from developers / investors. If that is the case, then it is safe to say that somebody wants Sosua VERY BADLY!Someone wants Sosua very badly? Never underestimate the Dominicanos greed. How long will the outsiders play the game before they give up? As a business owner I have been caught up in this money grab before. Once I thought about shutting down the buisiness, but out of nowhere came back taxes that I thought I was up to date on. I wanted to shut down, sale the inventory and equipment, give the employees a severance and move on. After all that I couldve still walked away with 10k USD (before taxes). I cut a deal whereas I give my Dominicano buddy 49% of the business and the taxes that I owe dissappear (he's now responsible). My 5 employees and their families were my main concern and as long as the buisiness broke even monthly I was content. My Dominican buddy owns 49, I own 48% and my ex girlfriend owns 3. This way I keep my employees working and I signed a liability clause where my other assets are not involved. The biz is barely breaking even and were down to 3 employees. But I have no liability and it gives me a standing (as a business owner) in case I ever get into trouble in the DR. Its the price of doing buisiness in the DR. I thought I could cash out and get out but even when exiting there is a cost.

02-13-11, 18:14
In the name of full disclosure. You need to be aware of this. LOL

I just picked up my buddy at the airport last night. He has been down in Sosua for TWO WEEKS to check up on his property's in the area, and EVERY night is there drinking and carousing around Classicos, Passions and points in-between.

The high points are:

1) In the whole two weeks he was there, NO police carted off ANY girls from our favorite locations. He says he has seen it in the past, before any said round ups started before the change, but NOT this trip. He drinks it up from 10-2am before he takes off with a girl.

2) Passions is double in size and upgraded in neon classiness. He estimates about 45 girls working the prime time shifts now.

3) Prices are fairly stable from where they were 6 or 3 months ago.

4) The number of girls in the bars does seem to be down but still in an acceptable range for continuing to frequent the place.

02-13-11, 18:49
Not at all, LOL. Some see your posts as negative and think you are trying to scare others off. At this point the only people scaring off future visitors to Sosua are the Politur. We (ISG) have the added benefit of having a fellow mongerer there on the ground who is able to relay this info quickly and consistently. If everything you reported was always positive I'd be skeptical.

If the arrests are picking up with intensity once again then maybe it is a sign that they have finally received the funds or financial commitments from Developers to continue implementing Operation "New Sosua" A*K*A "Cabarete North."I despise the tactics that are being taken! I am not trying to scare anyone off. The chicas are being scared off by the Politur, Amvet, Emigration, etc!

02-13-11, 19:56
A realistic report from the scene. 10pm-1am: Latino's was full of fuglies. Merengue Bar had many newbie chicas rated about #4, 5.6. A couple of better ones dated up. Classico's was maybe 2x1 ratio, mostly young, newbies, fugliies, a couple of tall stunners. In summary, a definite diminution of talent versus the past. You could get laid. That is as positive as I can get!I have my boots on the ground in Sosua right now and will report what I see, fair and balanced, good or bad.

02-14-11, 01:05
If the arrests are picking up with intensity once again then maybe it is a sign that they have finally received the funds or financial commitments from Developers to continue implementing Operation "New Sosua" A*K*A "Cabarete North."Hey. There a lot of conspiratory theories flying around concerning the Sosua "clean up", so I'll add one more.

How about those business owners in Cabarete? (and places like it)

Beautiful beach, beautiful upscale restaurants, villas and hotels, but in my experience all operating under capacity.

Why? Because Sosua has girls that draw single guys like flies!

Get rid of the putas and maybe Sosua won't be ground zero any more. They may stay on the bus, taxi, rented car all the way to Cabarette, and spend that dinero there.

Am I just blowing smoke here?

Mr Gogo
02-14-11, 02:05
Hey. There a lot of conspiratory theories flying around concerning the Sosua "clean up", so I'll add one more.

How about those business owners in Cabarete? (and places like it)

Beautiful beach, beautiful upscale restaurants, villas and hotels, but in my experience all operating under capacity.

Why? Because Sosua has girls that draw single guys like flies!

Get rid of the putas and maybe Sosua won't be ground zero any more. They may stay on the bus, taxi, rented car all the way to Cabarette, and spend that dinero there.

Am I just blowing smoke here?Your on point then way off. Cabarette is a one road tiny beach town with a great beach. If you didn't know the beach was there you would drive through in a blink. There is no room for growth. Its a great place to take a date at night for a romantic dinner. Mostly European, also known for kite surfing. Cabarette doesn't want the single / mongerer along with putas.

There was a lot of Russian money going there initially, along with the hells angels from Canada. But their presense has been toned down. Now who is invading Sosua? Supposedly Russians and Canadians Hmmm.

02-14-11, 02:12
I have my boots on the ground in Sosua right now and will report what I see, fair and balanced, good or bad.Sidney, you'd better bring your "A" game, LOL!

02-14-11, 03:33
Has anyone noticed the changes that American Airlines has made vs last year. Last year I could fly same day to POP for 341usd. Now its 508usd and they make you do a layover to get a cheaper (508) flight. Once you figure a hotel in for the layover it costs 100usd extra. Is this part of a Miami promotion where you have to spend money? Last year I could fly from Tampa to POP for 97usd each way non stop, now its 197usd each way. The TPA to POP via Sanjuan is even more with a day layover. Jetblue has increased its flights into SDQ. Spirit still goes into STI but it arrives at 2am. No good deals nowadays. Also Westjet nonstop from Canada is booked fully. My good friend that works in the travel industry says its all about promotions for the families. He says the all inclusives are trying very hard with the airlines to promote their product. Most families don't like the layovers but a single (mongerer) traveler won't mind. Could it be about promoting Miami for the single traveler (AA main hub) in a future layover for all Cuban flights. The opening of Cuba to all travel (once Fidel dies) has stepped up the urgency of all in the travel industry.

Also a veteran mongerer on this forum pointed out that a few buisinesses are adding Russian to their websites. I wish I was only paying $197 each way. Try $796! Colombia is looking better by the minute.

02-14-11, 06:01
Has anyone noticed the changes that American Airlines has made vs last year. Last year I could fly same day to POP for 341usd. Now its 508usd and they make you do a layover to get a cheaper (508) flight. Once you figure a hotel in for the layover it costs 100usd extra. Is this part of a Miami promotion where you have to spend money? Last year I could fly from Tampa to POP for 97usd each way non stop, now its 197usd each way. The TPA to POP via Sanjuan is even more with a day layover. Jetblue has increased its flights into SDQ. Spirit still goes into STI but it arrives at 2am. No good deals nowadays. Also Westjet nonstop from Canada is booked fully. My good friend that works in the travel industry says its all about promotions for the families. He says the all inclusives are trying very hard with the airlines to promote their product. Most families don't like the layovers but a single (mongerer) traveler won't mind. Could it be about promoting Miami for the single traveler (AA main hub) in a future layover for all Cuban flights. The opening of Cuba to all travel (once Fidel dies) has stepped up the urgency of all in the travel industry.

Also a veteran mongerer on this forum pointed out that a few buisinesses are adding Russian to their websites. My trip on JetBlue may of last year was about $380. 00 with extra legroom seats, then October of last year we could not get any flight into pop for under $450. 00, then that price climb up tp $630. 00 on Jetblue, We had to fly into STI for $380. 00 and drive an hour to pop. Now I have my ticket booked for Arpil of this year on jetblue for $472, thank God for having trueblue points, only paid taxes and $40 for extra legroom.

02-14-11, 16:42
I have my boots on the ground in Sosua right now and will report what I see, fair and balanced, good or bad.Hoping to go end of March. I am wondering if should switch destinations. Please let us know whats going on. I am scared by the end of March it will be a girl ghost town.


02-14-11, 21:36
Hoping to go end of March. I am wondering if should switch destinations. Please let us know whats going on. I am scared by the end of March it will be a girl ghost town.

BookHey Book, don't get overly paranoid, yes I hear its changing in Sosua.

But, the party is what you make it, One great session with a chica, and you won't, become.

Nervous about the scene, The Mongers brothers here got varying opinions, so in March.

See for yourself, or you can join us March 23rd thru 30th, and we can draw our own.

Conclusions, but I'm sure the people here, want us to be informed not paranoid. I can't.

Wait to give a positive report, but I will be realistic.

02-15-11, 02:45
He will post positively then another will post again that the sky is falling.

So if you cant take the counter punching, why wait?

Just stop your suffering, make the switch, and be done with it.

02-15-11, 03:35
My trip on JetBlue may of last year was about $380. 00 with extra legroom seats, then October of last year we could not get any flight into pop for under $450. 00, then that price climb up tp $630. 00 on Jetblue, We had to fly into STI for $380. 00 and drive an hour to pop. Now I have my ticket booked for Arpil of this year on jetblue for $472, thank God for having trueblue points, only paid taxes and $40 for extra legroom.I was able to find a flight for $151 return plus taxes from Miami, so a little under $300.

Here's how. Use the Multi-City for booking, then take a flight into SDQ then return out of POP. This seems to bypass all the crap about individually priced legs of the journey.

So you could land in the afternoon, but still in time to get an evening bus to Sosua, or just spend one night in SDQ to see the sights, and then take the bus to Sosua in the morning.

02-15-11, 05:14
I was able to find a flight for $151 return plus taxes from Miami, so a little under $300.

Here's how. Use the Multi-City for booking, then take a flight into SDQ then return out of POP. This seems to bypass all the crap about individually priced legs of the journey.

So you could land in the afternoon, but still in time to get an evening bus to Sosua, or just spend one night in SDQ to see the sights, and then take the bus to Sosua in the morning.I have done that before, to much traveling. I done it from SDQ and STI. Thanks for the advice.

02-15-11, 15:29
What the hell is all the fuss about? I've been here a few days and I'm exhausted from all the beautiful women I've laid. I mean wow. There's a large selection of chicas here. Hatian and dominican. If things were better then this then wow. I'm a newbie here but its my new home in Dominican republic!

I'll post a report later.

Sosua sosua sosua!

02-15-11, 23:02
What the hell is all the fuss about? I've been here a few days and I'm exhausted from all the beautiful women I've laid. I mean wow. There's a large selection of chicas here. Hatian and dominican. If things were better then this then wow. I'm a newbie here but its my new home in Dominican republic!

I'll post a report later.

Sosua sosua sosua! Don't tease us man, It's fucking cold up here right now.

Looking forward to to your report (and don't spare the details).

Sounds like my reaction, first time I was there!

Bq Ribs
02-15-11, 23:09
What the hell is all the fuss about? I've been here a few days and I'm exhausted from all the beautiful women I've laid. I mean wow. There's a large selection of chicas here. Hatian and dominican. If things were better then this then wow. I'm a newbie here but its my new home in Dominican republic!

I'll post a report later.

Sosua sosua sosua!
Don't tease us man, It's fucking cold up here right now.

Looking forward to to your report (and don't spare the details).

Sounds like my reaction, first time I was there! LOL, yeah Oakie nothing better than reading reports from Sosua newbies. Brings back memories from the first visit. I think everyone experiences the same thing on their first visit to Sosua, shock!

Coolie High
02-16-11, 02:39
He will post positively then another will post again that the sky is falling.

So if you can't take the counter punching, why wait?

Just stop your suffering, make the switch, and be done with it.I agree with Ehunter if your that scared Book7777 then just make the switch. But I'll tell you this a man saying that he can't find good young pussy in Sosua is like a man saying he can't purchase liquor in las Vegas!

02-16-11, 07:33
I agree with Coolie and JFregedie. While my last visit in January was much quieter than the previous visit, there was still plenty of available pussy. There are definitely less chicas on the main strip in the afternoon and early evening. But if you have to get pussy during the day, get a chica's number and have her come over. Or head up to CMP or Passions. And from 11PM and after, things are pretty much as they always were.

02-16-11, 15:58
LOL, yeah Oakie nothing better than reading reports from Sosua newbies. Brings back memories from the first visit. I think everyone experiences the same thing on their first visit to Sosua, shock!Yeah. Shock and Awe!

Life's like a mirror, smile and the world smiles with you. Especially in Sosua.

Too bad some guys are already pissed off before they get to town, what with ill planned trips, delayed flights, arguing with taxis, overbooked rooms, no show car rentals and such.

But, if you know how to avoid such stuff (read this board) Sosua is indeed paradise!

02-17-11, 06:42
Yeah. Shock and Awe!

Life's like a mirror, smile and the world smiles with you. Especially in Sosua.

Too bad some guys are already pissed off before they get to town, what with ill planned trips, delayed flights, arguing with taxis, overbooked rooms, no show car rentals and such.

But, if you know how to avoid such stuff (read this board) Sosua is indeed paradise! Yeah, I couldn't agree, with you more! Man here in the states, I'm a broken down ford pinto, but in Sosua, I quickly.

Transform, to a shiny black ferrari. With a help of a presidente, and a couple thousand.

Dominican pesos. LOL. I can't understand, why people have to be so damn negative.

Yes, its changing, so transform and make the best of it. Man I've banged some out of.

This word putas, all thanks go sosua, so have fun auto bots. Tranform. LOL!

02-17-11, 09:19
I was in Sosua until the 15th. When I first arrived there, at the beginning of the month, the first chica I had I met at 3:30 PM, on Clisante. The next day I went in the afternoon to a message parlor down the block from New Garden. I was staying at Seabreeze and there were massage girls calling me over practically every time I left the hotel. At night the action would pick up after 11, but this was always the case in the past. The action at Classicos and Latinos was always there and about 3:00 AM there would be a slow migration, lasting about 45 minutes, of chicas moving towards After 1, at Sosua Bay. The action usually ran until 6:30 AM.

The first week I had action every day and just slowed down, not due to difficulty finding chicas but rather from just being tired and seeing the same faces. There was never a day when I could not have have had a chica. Because of the crackdown there are less chicas walking the streets during the day and I did see Politur taking away chicas. This was also the case along the beach. If a chica did not look like she was working, or being accompanied, and if the Politur suspected soliciting, they would question the chica.

The beach scene was not as common as the street but it did occassionally happen. After 11 PM the Politur would usually hang around between Latinos and bar Hotel Central and catch a chica or two. I've walked many of them to Classicos.

As others have said there is always action at 'Passions' and 'CMP' but I have always found these places overpriced. Why pay 1, 300 DOP for massage with a happy ending when I could find the same thing for 500 DOP. This is just my opinion. I will admit I did find some gems in Passion and maybe one day I will take out but for now I find the prices high.

The action during the daytime is down but so are the shoe shine boys and beggars harassing the tourists. The number of motochonchos has also decreased (there are definitely less of this group hanging around Europa!). Dominoes and Four Roses (next to Europa) have less business and sometimes seem to close early. Outside of the workers the number of chicas at Seacrets is considerably down (I have never entered there looking for chicas)

There were always chicas at 'El Flow, ' 'Latinos, ' 'Classicos, ' some at 'Hotel Central, ' some at 'Rhumba, ' but mostly accompanied by guys. I never went upstairs to 'Classicos' but always saw the chicas go up while I hung around 'Merengue Bar. ' At 3AM I would simply watch the chicas come down from 'Classicos' as they moved on to After 1.

There were the usual fluctuations. 'Superbowl' time chicas were plenty and some came from out of town with some charging 4, 000 DOP. Fridays and Saturdays was always busy while Sundays, Mondays, and Tuesdays things slowed up a bit, but with chicas always around. After about five days I was not only physically tired but tired from seeing the same chicas everyday. I guess if I stayed in Puerto Plata for 5 fives days and the rest at Sosua it would have been so bad. Staying any one place for five day, even if it is just for having sex, tires one (unless they get 'wifed up') ; or unless they use all available resources ('Passions, ' 'CMP, ' massage parlors, the bars, the beach [sometimes the person who rents you the chairs you can ask to send you over some chicas who pass buy. They sometimes make phone calls or just snatch chicas and ask them to go over and talk to you! ], ask chicas for telephone numbers so you can see them later (as mentioned in a previous post).

There are less Haitians now than six months ago but some are still to be found. That said, a good time is still to be had.

02-17-11, 13:33
Princessa goes home to see to bambina and do my laundry, so I'm free to sniff around for a few hours in the afternoon.

Having a couple beers at the Don Andre. Nowadays its quiet, chica wise, but then it was part of the "track".

So I'm sitting there and this tall slim chica is rubbing my leg. I smile and say no grasias, but she want's to know my name, etc.

Short skirt, long slim legs, and I got time on my hands.

500 for BJ she says. 1000 for party.

Hey I'm thinking let's do the BJ and see what happens, but where?

Hotel Cali, she says.

Where's that?

Just down the street.

How much?


OK lets go.

Its a long walk. But she looks fine swishing, swaying and smiling.

Get to Cali, check in (which means throw a few pesos on the table) and into small room with matress, toilet and sink.

She starts stroking my dick, and I start feeling her up. Hey someything ain't right. Then I see the face stubble and it feels like her bra is padded and nothing else.

OMG! How could I be so stupid? Now I'm in a room with a tranvestite, and she's bendin over the bed. My first week in Sosua and I don't want trouble, a scene, or worse, a stabbing, so I'm very diplomatic and try for a graceful exit. I even apologised to her! You bonita but no thanks, and I give her the 500. He / she pleads with me to get it on but want outa there!

Once she realized its no go and she got the money, she was OK, and then we both started laughing hilariously, me for being fooled, and her happy for passing so well as female.

I walked her back to the bar, still laughing, and the fun was shared by the two barristas, who knew exactly what had happened.

Still see her around town, tell her how beautiful she looks, and sometimes by her a beer to the great disapproval of my local bar manager. Hey, we're friends, I say, and let him try to figure it out.

His / her name is Naomi, by the way, and you regulars have probably bumped into her.

Anymore Naomi stories out there?

Member #3437
02-17-11, 15:23
Best. Sosua. Post. Ever.

Princessa goes home to see to bambina and do my laundry, so I'm free to sniff around for a few hours in the afternoon.

Having a couple beers at the Don Andre. Nowadays its quiet, chica wise, but then it was part of the "track".

So I'm sitting there and this tall slim chica is rubbing my leg. I smile and say no grasias, but she want's to know my name, etc.

Short skirt, long slim legs, and I got time on my hands.

500 for BJ she says. 1000 for party.

Hey I'm thinking let's do the BJ and see what happens, but where?

Hotel Cali, she says.

Where's that?

Just down the street.

How much?


OK lets go.

Its a long walk. But she looks fine swishing, swaying and smiling.

Get to Cali, check in (which means throw a few pesos on the table) and into small room with matress, toilet and sink.

She starts stroking my dick, and I start feeling her up. Hey someything ain't right. Then I see the face stubble and it feels like her bra is padded and nothing else.

OMG! How could I be so stupid? Now I'm in a room with a tranvestite, and she's bendin over the bed. My first week in Sosua and I don't want trouble, a scene, or worse, a stabbing, so I'm very diplomatic and try for a graceful exit. I even apologised to her! You bonita but no thanks, and I give her the 500. He / she pleads with me to get it on but want outa there!

Once she realized its no go and she got the money, she was OK, and then we both started laughing hilariously, me for being fooled, and her happy for passing so well as female.

I walked her back to the bar, still laughing, and the fun was shared by the two barristas, who knew exactly what had happened.

Still see her around town, tell her how beautiful she looks, and sometimes by her a beer to the great disapproval of my local bar manager. Hey, we're friends, I say, and let him try to figure it out.

His / her name is Naomi, by the way, and you regulars have probably bumped into her.

Anymore Naomi stories out there?

02-17-11, 15:34
I was in Sosua until the 15th. When I first arrived there, at the beginning of the month, the first chica I had I met at 3:30 PM, on Clisante. The next day I went in the afternoon to a message parlor down the block from New Garden. I was staying at Seabreeze and there were massage girls calling me over practically every time I left the hotel. At night the action would pick up after 11, but this was always the case in the past. The action at Classicos and Latinos was always there and about 3:00 AM there would be a slow migration, lasting about 45 minutes, of chicas moving towards After 1, at Sosua Bay. The action usually ran until 6:30 AM.

The first week I had action every day and just slowed down, not due to difficulty finding chicas but rather from just being tired and seeing the same faces. There was never a day when I could not have have had a chica. Because of the crackdown there are less chicas walking the streets during the day and I did see Politur taking away chicas. This was also the case along the beach. If a chica did not look like she was working, or being accompanied, and if the Politur suspected soliciting, they would question the chica.

The beach scene was not as common as the street but it did occassionally happen. After 11 PM the Politur would usually hang around between Latinos and bar Hotel Central and catch a chica or two. I've walked many of them to Classicos.

As others have said there is always action at 'Passions' and 'CMP' but I have always found these places overpriced. Why pay 1, 300 DOP for massage with a happy ending when I could find the same thing for 500 DOP. This is just my opinion. I will admit I did find some gems in Passion and maybe one day I will take out but for now I find the prices high.

The action during the daytime is down but so are the shoe shine boys and beggars harassing the tourists. The number of motochonchos has also decreased (there are definitely less of this group hanging around Europa!). Dominoes and Four Roses (next to Europa) have less business and sometimes seem to close early. Outside of the workers the number of chicas at Seacrets is considerably down (I have never entered there looking for chicas)

There were always chicas at 'El Flow, ' 'Latinos, ' 'Classicos, ' some at 'Hotel Central, ' some at 'Rhumba, ' but mostly accompanied by guys. I never went upstairs to 'Classicos' but always saw the chicas go up while I hung around 'Merengue Bar. ' At 3AM I would simply watch the chicas come down from 'Classicos' as they moved on to After 1.

There were the usual fluctuations. 'Superbowl' time chicas were plenty and some came from out of town with some charging 4, 000 DOP. Fridays and Saturdays was always busy while Sundays, Mondays, and Tuesdays things slowed up a bit, but with chicas always around. After about five days I was not only physically tired but tired from seeing the same chicas everyday. I guess if I stayed in Puerto Plata for 5 fives days and the rest at Sosua it would have been so bad. Staying any one place for five day, even if it is just for having sex, tires one (unless they get 'wifed up') ; or unless they use all available resources ('Passions, ' 'CMP, ' massage parlors, the bars, the beach [sometimes the person who rents you the chairs you can ask to send you over some chicas who pass buy. They sometimes make phone calls or just snatch chicas and ask them to go over and talk to you! ], ask chicas for telephone numbers so you can see them later (as mentioned in a previous post).

There are less Haitians now than six months ago but some are still to be found. That said, a good time is still to be had. Thank you for this very recent and detailed report!

02-17-11, 19:54
OMG! How could I be so stupid? Now I'm in a room with a tranvestite, and she's bendin over the bed.There is more fun to be had with a Heshe friend like that.

Slip him 100 pesos to periodically work on your friends just for laughs to see how far things get.

02-17-11, 21:57
There is more fun to be had with a Heshe friend like that.

Slip him 100 pesos to periodically work on your friends just for laughs to see how far things get. Somebody must try that!

02-17-11, 22:26
I was in Sosua until the 15th. When I first arrived there, at the beginning of the month, the first chica I had I met at 3:30 PM, on Clisante. The next day I went in the afternoon to a message parlor down the block from New Garden. I was staying at Seabreeze and there were massage girls calling me over practically every time I left the hotel. At night the action would pick up after 11, but this was always the case in the past. The action at Classicos and Latinos was always there and about 3:00 AM there would be a slow migration, lasting about 45 minutes, of chicas moving towards After 1, at Sosua Bay. The action usually ran until 6:30 AM.

The first week I had action every day and just slowed down, not due to difficulty finding chicas but rather from just being tired and seeing the same faces. There was never a day when I could not have have had a chica. Because of the crackdown there are less chicas walking the streets during the day and I did see Politur taking away chicas. This was also the case along the beach. If a chica did not look like she was working, or being accompanied, and if the Politur suspected soliciting, they would question the chica.

The beach scene was not as common as the street but it did occassionally happen. After 11 PM the Politur would usually hang around between Latinos and bar Hotel Central and catch a chica or two. I've walked many of them to Classicos.

As others have said there is always action at 'Passions' and 'CMP' but I have always found these places overpriced. Why pay 1, 300 DOP for massage with a happy ending when I could find the same thing for 500 DOP. This is just my opinion. I will admit I did find some gems in Passion and maybe one day I will take out but for now I find the prices high.

The action during the daytime is down but so are the shoe shine boys and beggars harassing the tourists. The number of motochonchos has also decreased (there are definitely less of this group hanging around Europa!). Dominoes and Four Roses (next to Europa) have less business and sometimes seem to close early. Outside of the workers the number of chicas at Seacrets is considerably down (I have never entered there looking for chicas)

There were always chicas at 'El Flow, ' 'Latinos, ' 'Classicos, ' some at 'Hotel Central, ' some at 'Rhumba, ' but mostly accompanied by guys. I never went upstairs to 'Classicos' but always saw the chicas go up while I hung around 'Merengue Bar. ' At 3AM I would simply watch the chicas come down from 'Classicos' as they moved on to After 1.

There were the usual fluctuations. 'Superbowl' time chicas were plenty and some came from out of town with some charging 4, 000 DOP. Fridays and Saturdays was always busy while Sundays, Mondays, and Tuesdays things slowed up a bit, but with chicas always around. After about five days I was not only physically tired but tired from seeing the same chicas everyday. I guess if I stayed in Puerto Plata for 5 fives days and the rest at Sosua it would have been so bad. Staying any one place for five day, even if it is just for having sex, tires one (unless they get 'wifed up') ; or unless they use all available resources ('Passions, ' 'CMP, ' massage parlors, the bars, the beach [sometimes the person who rents you the chairs you can ask to send you over some chicas who pass buy. They sometimes make phone calls or just snatch chicas and ask them to go over and talk to you! ], ask chicas for telephone numbers so you can see them later (as mentioned in a previous post).

There are less Haitians now than six months ago but some are still to be found. That said, a good time is still to be had.How was the quality of the talent.

7, 8 or.

Are there still some innocent ones there?

02-18-11, 00:17

Will be in Sousa end of April and I'm setting up now some meet and greets on other cities close by, have lunch dats in Santiago and La Vega and San Francisco de Macores.

Anyone know a local who owns a decent car and is for rent for day trips.

All these trip would be leave early morning come back the same day in the early evening.

If he speaks passable english that would be a plus because I speak passable spanish.

Must be reliable.

I of course would pay for gas, food and his time.

If any of you expats know of someone that fits the bill I would appreciate your help.

Names and contact info would be great.

Thanks in advance


Mr Gogo
02-18-11, 00:23

Will be in Sousa end of April and I'm setting up now some meet and greets on other cities close by, have lunch dats in Santiago and La Vega and San Francisco de Macores.

Anyone know a local who owns a decent car and is for rent for day trips.

All these trip would be leave early morning come back the same day in the early evening.

If he speaks passable english that would be a plus because I speak passable spanish.

Must be reliable.

I of course would pay for gas, food and his time.

If any of you expats know of someone that fits the bill I would appreciate your help.

Names and contact info would be great.

Thanks in advance

Nowrath[Telephone Number deleted by Admin]. Renee, speaks passable english, nice mini van and reliable.

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove personal telephone numbers in the text. Please do not post personal telephone numbers in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you for this information directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system. Thanks!

02-18-11, 02:31
i came in from newark, nj through a connecting flight from baltimore, md. i usually take early flights because i want the whole day to monger. continental has better a commendations then aa. enough said. when i arrived at 2pm i didn't see alot of women rep001tered at the airport like santo domingo. just a few families and tourist getting in cabs. i jumped in my pre-booked cab and off to casa marina beach resort. check in took like a hour because they were very unorganized. the was nice. ocean view with king size bed and a safe. i took my time and unpacked hooked up my ps2 for dvd access and organized the room like i was going to have company. i took a shower, changed clothes, fired up the digital camera, condoms and placed 100 dollars in loose 20's. 10's and 1's in my pocket and off i went!

1.) i have what i called monger shorts. these shorts have two pockets on the same side one with an inside pocket with a zipper and it's where i stash my money condom and hotel key. i recognize with all the groping and what not that one of these chicks might pick pocket me. so i was prepared.

i asked a guy on the street 'donde esta new garden hotele". he pointed. i wanted to finally visit this famous monger destination. you guys mention new garden more then puta lol. i walked by and only one girl, some guy laying by the pool with a girl and a couple of old timers. i brought a sprite and said girl and her friend approached me. kcuf it lets get my first piece off. the first was a blonde slim chica with a nice apple bottom and her friend equally plump but dark hair. i took them both. i trailed them up the street. puta was grabbing me in front of them with no remorse. i bobbed and weaved through all the puta on the street and we arrived at a bar / restaurant with rooms upstairs for 500 pesos. the place was a few doors down from latinos and classicos. i had american money so the girl offered to pay and i'll just reinburst her with american money.

2.) i know the exchange rate very well and it goes up and down a lot. that day it was 37pesos per dollar i believe.

after she paid i said so that about 14 dollars i owe you. she was shocked i knew it and said si. we agreed on 40 per chica plus the 14 (i gave her 15 though). we got in the room and things kicked off. the blonde went and showered the brunette jumped on me. bj with a condom. i'm ok with that. next thing she was riding me. the blonde came off and pull her off and switched condoms and went all cowgirl on me. after a few minutes of that she checked the condom but i hadn't even begun to tear into them.

3.) ever since december, when i went to boca chica, i've been taking extendz. and they work like gnikcuf magic. i mean wow! i had 10 pills and was doing 2 a day. kept me hard and formulated an erection with just the though of pussy!

they started giving me head again but this time one on the scrotum and one on the penis. felt great! turn over doggystyle time. well they wasnt too happy about that because i aimed to end careers. so after 2/3 minutes and a 100 ay papi they wanted it missionary style. they thought missionary style could save them. it was twice as deep and twice as strong. the brunette climaxed and laid on the bed. the blonde wanted it doggy again. i aim to end careers! the brunette noticed me demolishing her so she stopped me with more head. i climaxed and we all were strenched out on the bed! got up and we all headed back to new garden. on our way back i say a few chicas sitting in a large bar restaurant across from el flow and latinos. they were wearing gucci. very pretty eyes. they stood out. i dropped the two girls off and proceed to my hotel to wash up, more money, more condoms.

02-18-11, 02:38
Headed back to where I saw the gucci girls at and ofcourse had to bob and weave a few puta's grabbing me as I walked by. Saw a few haitan girls with great bodies and ok faces. Chicks were everywhere actually. But I wanted what I wanted. I arrived and they were still there. All eyes were on me. A young puta grabbed me and bashfully asked me my name and so on. She was cute and innocent but I want gucci! I told her what became my slogan down there "um momento" and proceeded to see the gucci girls. Here I am feeling shy because they were some cuties. Not really stunters by 9, 8.5's. One girl favored Pornstar Ice La fox! I got a beer and sat directly behind them. There was four of them. Two kind of heavy set ones and the gucci twins. One of the heavy ones kept looking back and I eventually built up the nerve to point to her friend. She told her and she came back to me.

There was a tall Lite Skin chica constantly watching me since I walked up. The bartender was also watching me as well. The place was littered with chicks. Not a lot of stunters but enough 8's and 9's to please a man. The girl sat by me and I begun speaking in my limited spanish and she spoke back in perfect english. I said can I take a picture. She said I just met you! This should have warned me about things to come. Fellas I just wanted to hit it and roll but noooooooooooooo. She said come up here with us. She made a spot for me as well. We talked. She offered me Henessey but I had my second beer. I began watching the tall latina across at El flow. She started to look good to me. The gucci girl told me she had plans and wanted to meet at 8 infront of casa marina. Her house wasnt too far away. I said fine. She hurried off in a van. I ordered a burger with cheese. Fries came with it. Soon as I finished this haitan dude walked up with fliers for CMP. And since it was still early I walked off with him. Long as walk led us pass a couple of banks, claro shops, hotels bars and restaurants. We finally made it. I sat down to a line up of cuties! I wanted all of them LOL. A very thick lite brown cutie walked up and chi ching I was sold but before I could say her! A lite skin cutie with hazel eyes approached and bam. I was in love. Um. I mean sold.

Caribbean Man's Paradise is willing to work with you on price. I had 2200 pesos and they accepted it gladly. Unlike La Passion. We went up stairs. Nice room with a king size bed. She showered, washed me up and bam. Head, tea bagging, cow girl and attempted doggy but. She thought missionary would save her. Bahahahahahahahaha. She climaxed and so did I. Same time? Well I took a bunch of pictures of her prior to the session and when I noticed she wasnt in the bathroom anymore she was taking a picture of me on the bed relaxing afterwards. Still nude. Oh hell naw. Delete out of her phone. She thought it was funny. I finally video taped her telling me I was good :P Her name was Berniece or something like that. I do have her number and photos I can post. She's actually very beautiful a dime piece all the way! I left and head back out with the haitian back to towards casa marina when. The young puta from earlier grabbed me again. She was like ahora papi. I said no tengo dinero mami. The haitian said gratis "free" she said no. I said yo nesito a vamo para me hotele por la dinero. Me why usted hacer la amor ahora why me traer usted la dinero tarde "yeah my spanish is bad LOL" intrigued she said. You pay for hotele. I had 400 pesos and the Haitians knew a place. She took control and woman handled me for an hour str8 I was astonished. She was pretty freaky and she enjoyed what she did.

The Haitian waited outside for me. It was almost 8 so I hurried to my hotel. Passing the intersection where el flow and the corner bar are I saw the Gucci girl sitting where I first saw them. The one I was talking has very pretty eyes and long jet black hair, Kind of slender but a nice shape, Toes and hands are always done of course. I Went back to my hotel for more money, condoms and a quick shower. They waited for me outside the resort. I treated her and her friends to a restaurant called Bologna spaghetti. 49 dollars American for all 4 of us! She seemed shy and into me. We went back to her house and she wanted to talk. Well I'm beat! I just had four girls and It was kind of dark. She wanted me to go to classico with her. I really don't remember. Eventually I stood up and said I'm a head back to my hotel. The Ice La fox looking one looked at me like 'don't go' but I was tired. I promised her if I was up about 12:30 I would come back and hang some more. I ate a quick meal before reaching my room and passed out until the next morning.

02-18-11, 04:34
There is more fun to be had with a Heshe friend like that.

Slip him 100 pesos to periodically work on your friends just for laughs to see how far things get. Well he's got the sense of humor to go along with something like that.

I told the story to my chica, because we hadn't started our relationship at the time (my third day in Sosua) except I cut it short of checking into the hotel. She thought it was fuuny too, and she's always teasing me to "go see Naomi" when I tell her I'm horny.

Sometimes if I've just got into town and and having a beer at the bar, I hear my name called from the street, and it's her with the big smile welcoming me back. I buy her a beer but she has to drink it on the sidewalk because the manager, although he's a friend, won't let her into his bar. I get a few odd looks, but fuck 'em, at my age I got nothing to prove. She's always talking about getting that big operation in SD (I don't ask, but I can guess)

She now rides along PS on a shiny new motorcycle, bought for her by her german esposo with whom she is living in town in a nice condo, according to my chica. She's happy!

There are no secrets in Sosua.

Mr Gogo
02-18-11, 05:05
Well he's got the sense of humor to go along with something like that.

I told the story to my chica, because we hadn't started our relationship at the time (my third day in Sosua) except I cut it short of checking into the hotel. She thought it was fuuny too, and she's always teasing me to "go see Naomi" when I tell her I'm horny.

Sometimes if I've just got into town and and having a beer at the bar, I hear my name called from the street, and it's her with the big smile welcoming me back. I buy her a beer but she has to drink it on the sidewalk because the manager, although he's a friend, won't let her into his bar. I get a few odd looks, but fuck 'them, at my age I got nothing to prove. She's always talking about getting that big operation in SD (I don't ask, but I can guess)

She now rides along PS on a shiny new motorcycle, bought for her by her german esposo with whom she is living in town in a nice condo, according to my chica. She's happy!

There are no secrets in Sosua.Its the new Sosua I guess. Married Transvestites riding around on shiny new bikes. Coolie you and Junior got competition, because Oakie and Naomi are crazy. LMAO.

Whats next? A bearded lady driving a motorchoncho, smoking a cigar? Or how about a midget pimp? LMAO.

Charles Pooter
02-18-11, 13:46
Whats next? A bearded lady driving a motoconcho, smoking a cigar? Or how about a midget pimp? LMAO.Was in Sosúa on Tuesday and saw this gorgeous chick pull into the kerb on her pasola. She has a long blonde beard. I couldn't wait to do her doggie style while tugging her beard. I waited until she had stubbed out her cigar on a passing Politur guy and asked her price. But while I was negotiating I felt a hand clutch my tackle. Looking down I saw this tiny guy reaching up to attract my attention. Turned out he was her pimp and wanted more than I could afford to pay. Hmm, wonder when I will see her like again?

02-19-11, 02:22
The girls from my first day. THe young one I had I didn't photograph. Camera battery was weak.

02-19-11, 03:57
Headed back to where I saw the gucci girls at and ofcourse had to bob and weave a few puta's grabbing me as I walked by. Saw a few haitan girls with great bodies and ok faces. Chicks were everywhere actually. But I wanted what I wanted. I arrived and they were still there. All eyes were on me. A young puta grabbed me and bashfully asked me my name and so on. She was cute and innocent but I want gucci! I told her what became my slogan down there "um momento" and proceeded to see the gucci girls. Here I am feeling shy because they were some cuties. Not really stunters by 9, 8.5's. One girl favored Pornstar Ice La fox! I got a beer and sat directly behind them. There was four of them. Two kind of heavy set ones and the gucci twins. One of the heavy ones kept looking back and I eventually built up the nerve to point to her friend. She told her and she came back to me.

There was a tall Lite Skin chica constantly watching me since I walked up. The bartender was also watching me as well. The place was littered with chicks. Not a lot of stunters but enough 8's and 9's to please a man. The girl sat by me and I begun speaking in my limited spanish and she spoke back in perfect english. I said can I take a picture. She said I just met you! This should have warned me about things to come. Fellas I just wanted to hit it and roll but noooooooooooooo. She said come up here with us. She made a spot for me as well. We talked. She offered me Henessey but I had my second beer. I began watching the tall latina across at El flow. She started to look good to me. The gucci girl told me she had plans and wanted to meet at 8 infront of casa marina. Her house wasnt too far away. I said fine. She hurried off in a van. I ordered a burger with cheese. Fries came with it. Soon as I finished this haitan dude walked up with fliers for CMP. And since it was still early I walked off with him. Long as walk led us pass a couple of banks, claro shops, hotels bars and restaurants. We finally made it. I sat down to a line up of cuties! I wanted all of them LOL. A very thick lite brown cutie walked up and chi ching I was sold but before I could say her! A lite skin cutie with hazel eyes approached and bam. I was in love. Um. I mean sold.

Caribbean Man's Paradise is willing to work with you on price. I had 2200 pesos and they accepted it gladly. Unlike La Passion. We went up stairs. Nice room with a king size bed. She showered, washed me up and bam. Head, tea bagging, cow girl and attempted doggy but. She thought missionary would save her. Bahahahahahahahaha. She climaxed and so did I. Same time? Well I took a bunch of pictures of her prior to the session and when I noticed she wasnt in the bathroom anymore she was taking a picture of me on the bed relaxing afterwards. Still nude. Oh hell naw. Delete out of her phone. She thought it was funny. I finally video taped her telling me I was good :P Her name was Berniece or something like that. I do have her number and photos I can post. She's actually very beautiful a dime piece all the way! I left and head back out with the haitian back to towards casa marina when. The young puta from earlier grabbed me again. She was like ahora papi. I said no tengo dinero mami. The haitian said gratis "free" she said no. I said yo nesito a vamo para me hotele por la dinero. Me why usted hacer la amor ahora why me traer usted la dinero tarde "yeah my spanish is bad LOL" intrigued she said. You pay for hotele. I had 400 pesos and the Haitians knew a place. She took control and woman handled me for an hour str8 I was astonished. She was pretty freaky and she enjoyed what she did.

The Haitian waited outside for me. It was almost 8 so I hurried to my hotel. Passing the intersection where el flow and the corner bar are I saw the Gucci girl sitting where I first saw them. The one I was talking has very pretty eyes and long jet black hair, Kind of slender but a nice shape, Toes and hands are always done of course. I Went back to my hotel for more money, condoms and a quick shower. They waited for me outside the resort. I treated her and her friends to a restaurant called Bologna spaghetti. 49 dollars American for all 4 of us! She seemed shy and into me. We went back to her house and she wanted to talk. Well I'm beat! I just had four girls and It was kind of dark. She wanted me to go to classico with her. I really don't remember. Eventually I stood up and said I'm a head back to my hotel. The Ice La fox looking one looked at me like 'don't go' but I was tired. I promised her if I was up about 12:30 I would come back and hang some more. I ate a quick meal before reaching my room and passed out until the next morning. Good report Jfregedie. If one can still come to Sosua and do "bang-athons" all before 8pm then there may still be hope for the place. By the time 9pm rolled around back in the "Old Sosua" I would be down at least 3 chicas and end up too tired to make it to Classicos the first night. If I can still come there and have that scenario play out then things may not be as bad as they sound with the new change.

The only thing left to be sorted out is the talent milling around there. I'm waiting for someone to post some "convincing" photos because a "8 or 9" to someone could easily be a "6 or 7" to someone else, LOL.

02-19-11, 05:16
Hi guys, I have been in Sosua since the start of February, with a 5 day break in between in Santago. I will make a full posting of my trip here and all my exploits when I go home in a week. In the meantime I would like to ask some advice from all you mongers more experienced than me in the ways of these Dominican girls. On Monday I came back from Santiago, pretty tired from the Metro bus throwing me around. I had a nap in the early evening to get some energy back, then headed downtown at around 10pm. Instead of going into the usual bars, I went accross the road to Rumba Bar. After a quick scan of the place I saw a girl, who in my eyes was absolutely gorgeous. She was sitting rather shyly further back in the bar with her cousin. Anyway, I summoned up the courage to go over to her to say Hi, and she was quite friendly back to me. Anyway, I have to say that I have never had such a fantatic 'first date' with a girl in my life, we got on like a house on fire, she spoke some English with the cutest accent, and we talked for almost 4 hours with never a mention of money, going back to my hotel or whatever. We had some incredible chemistry. She eventually left with her cousin at around 2 am, I had of course got her contact details. By the way, she was 22, paler skinned, petite, curvy, and looked more Columbian to me than Dominican. I could hardly sleep as I thought I may well have met the woman of my dreams. The next day I did not get up until 2 pm, and had missed both a text and a call from her. Anyway, I stumbled around the afternoon in Sosua half asleep and punch drunk on love, with images of her as my future in my mind! I eventually pretty stupidly texted her back, saying we should both think about it a bit, because I was totally nuts about her etc, instead of just casually putting her off for a day. She texted back saying she did not believe I was alone, which kind of annoyed me because I was alone and had been totally honest with her the night before, ie had told her how many women I had been with here, but was looking for a serious girlfriend, and was not married etc. All of which were true. Anyway, by the following day I had turned it all over in my mind a bit and decided I had to see her again, so phoned her up. She was driving to Sosua by car to go to a girlfriends house, and said she was tired from a long day but agreed to meet me at a small restaurant / bar in Sosua where she used to work.

Anyway, I was slightly nervous meeting her, as you would meeting any girl on a second date after such a fantastic first date. However, when I met her, it was like meeting another girl, she was totally different from our first meeting, pretty distant, indifferent and casual, she said things to me like all the guys here say they adore a girl just to get her into bed, and then go home and forget about them, which again really annoyed me because like you may have guessed I really liked this girl! Her cousin also seemed pretty distant and bored, when on the Monday night she was also great fun. Anyway, we then headed down to Rumba bar again where I bought us drinks and then seriously felt like just dumping them as I was so crushed by how she was acting towards me compared to the first meeting, and even mentioned as much to her. This seemed to regain her interest level, and our evening improved somewhat afterwards, but she was much less tactile than on the first date and would not let me even give her the smallest kiss. I told her if she comes out again to please be more open-minded and open hearted, as she was on the Monday, which she agreed, and as I walked them over to a taxi, which they paid for, she was checking with me, 'So when are we going to meet tomorrow' etc, like she was really interested. She also said for us to meet alone, and somewhere else than Sosua.

Anyway, from the moment I walked off I was pretty pissed off with how she had treated me in general that night, that I had spent all my energy and efforts trying to convince her that I am a good guy, and telling her my life story, which was pretty draining. I walked back to Classico's, had a beer to drown my sorrows, checked out some of the chicks there with no real interest in them though, and then headed home alone. The next day I decided not to call her, as she did not deserve my attention after the previous night. Anyway, come about 9 pm I was feeling pretty guilty, so decided to e-mail her instead, saying that meeting her had been amazing, but that she was so indifferent to me on Wednesday, and she acted like she did not even want to be there, so that I did not see the point in going out again if that was the case. I also said that she was always questioning me and my intentions, but that I never questioned her's but that maybe I should.

It is only now a couple of days later that I am beginning to look at what happened in another light and with a bit more realism. When I met her I never dreamt she was a working girl, she did not look like one or act like one, and she did not seem to want anything from me. She told me she had even been to church that day, and that her and her cousin were both bored sitting at home in their appartment, so she decided to come to Sosua for the night. But then again, let me try to look at it from the perspective I do not really want to. Firstly I have never seen her or her cousin in either Classico's, the Merengue Club or Latino's. However in the last 4 days she came to Sosua twice, she worked here before, knows the bar staff in Rumba bar, had a very short denim skirt on, she has no job at the moment, but has money to pay for Taxi's and drinks in relatively expensive bars, has two cell phones, and would only give me her e-mail address after I asked for it several times, which is not even in her name, and I cannot even find her on Facebook! When she came out on Wednesday they were also both mysteriously visiting a girlfriend in Sosua. She said she was tired on Wednesday from shopping all day and getting her hair done, but to be honest looking back, she acted more like she was tired and somewhat depressed from getting shagged all day for money! Anyway, she did not call me either or reply to my e-mail from yesterday yet either, I don't know what I expected.

So all you experienced Sosua and Puerto Plata mongers out there, is there any chance at all this girl was not looking for pay for play if she was hanging out in the Rumba bar? Is there any chance at all I might have seriously messed up a good thing with a decent girl? Should I bother calling her again, or will she just mess up my head worse than it is at the moment? I am not sure what to do or say if I run into her again at the Rumba bar or elsewhere, ignore her or tell her she is amazing?

I am sorry this story has little to do with sex, but it is about Sosua and what this place can do to your thoughts. I can imagine some of you guys feeling totally horny in the cold wastelands of Noth America and Europe just associate this place with sex and more sex, and are thinking 'What is this guy talking about?' But when you are here for several weeks with as much sex as you like, stange things can happen to your thoughts here in paradise. I certainly did not go out on Monday night looking to fall in love, that is for sure! Anyway, I will have plenty of exploits to post on my end of trip report. To be honest, I am embarrased to say that since I met her, I lost all interest in shagging any other ladies since Monday, until today when my loins independently decided they finally needed some action despite the state of my thoughts. So I called over a sexy lady I had met before at Classico's for some afternoon action at my hotel. This was fun, but I eventually even told her about this girl I had met and even asked her what she thought! Anyway, I would be happy to find out anything that will help me get my head sorted out about this girl, from her being a total angel to someone telling me they know her and that she works all day at Blackbeards! Sorry to be such a sad case in this mongering paradise!

Mr Gogo
02-19-11, 06:05
Jfred, Coupe66, Oakie thanks for your reports. Three entertaining (and different) reports in one week. Everybody had fun in their own way. Coupe66, you got to leave your heart at the airport and pick it up when exiting. Sosua is fantasy island and grand hustle rolled into one.

02-19-11, 07:22
Hi guys, I have been in Sosua since the start of February, with a 5 day break in between in Santago. I will make a full posting of my trip here and all my exploits when I go home in a week. In the meantime I would like to ask some advice from all you mongers more experienced than me in the ways of these Dominican girls. On Monday I came back from Santiago, pretty tired from the Metro bus throwing me around. I had a nap in the early evening to get some energy back, then headed downtown at around 10pm. Instead of going into the usual bars, I went accross the road to Rumba Bar. After a quick scan of the place I saw a girl, who in my eyes was absolutely gorgeous. She was sitting rather shyly further back in the bar with her cousin. Anyway, I summoned up the courage to go over to her to say Hi, and she was quite friendly back to me. Anyway, I have to say that I have never had such a fantatic 'first date' with a girl in my life, we got on like a house on fire, she spoke some English with the cutest accent, and we talked for almost 4 hours with never a mention of money, going back to my hotel or whatever. We had some incredible chemistry. She eventually left with her cousin at around 2 am, I had of course got her contact details. By the way, she was 22, paler skinned, petite, curvy, and looked more Columbian to me than Dominican. I could hardly sleep as I thought I may well have met the woman of my dreams. The next day I did not get up until 2 pm, and had missed both a text and a call from her. Anyway, I stumbled around the afternoon in Sosua half asleep and punch drunk on love, with images of her as my future in my mind! I eventually pretty stupidly texted her back, saying we should both think about it a bit, because I was totally nuts about her etc, instead of just casually putting her off for a day. She texted back saying she did not believe I was alone, which kind of annoyed me because I was alone and had been totally honest with her the night before, ie had told her how many women I had been with here, but was looking for a serious girlfriend, and was not married etc. All of which were true. Anyway, by the following day I had turned it all over in my mind a bit and decided I had to see her again, so phoned her up. She was driving to Sosua by car to go to a girlfriends house, and said she was tired from a long day but agreed to meet me at a small restaurant / bar in Sosua where she used to work.

Anyway, I was slightly nervous meeting her, as you would meeting any girl on a second date after such a fantastic first date. However, when I met her, it was like meeting another girl, she was totally different from our first meeting, pretty distant, indifferent and casual, she said things to me like all the guys here say they adore a girl just to get her into bed, and then go home and forget about them, which again really annoyed me because like you may have guessed I really liked this girl! Her cousin also seemed pretty distant and bored, when on the Monday night she was also great fun. Anyway, we then headed down to Rumba bar again where I bought us drinks and then seriously felt like just dumping them as I was so crushed by how she was acting towards me compared to the first meeting, and even mentioned as much to her. This seemed to regain her interest level, and our evening improved somewhat afterwards, but she was much less tactile than on the first date and would not let me even give her the smallest kiss. I told her if she comes out again to please be more open-minded and open hearted, as she was on the Monday, which she agreed, and as I walked them over to a taxi, which they paid for, she was checking with me, 'So when are we going to meet tomorrow' etc, like she was really interested. She also said for us to meet alone, and somewhere else than Sosua.

Anyway, from the moment I walked off I was pretty pissed off with how she had treated me in general that night, that I had spent all my energy and efforts trying to convince her that I am a good guy, and telling her my life story, which was pretty draining. I walked back to Classico's, had a beer to drown my sorrows, checked out some of the chicks there with no real interest in them though, and then headed home alone. The next day I decided not to call her, as she did not deserve my attention after the previous night. Anyway, come about 9 pm I was feeling pretty guilty, so decided to e-mail her instead, saying that meeting her had been amazing, but that she was so indifferent to me on Wednesday, and she acted like she did not even want to be there, so that I did not see the point in going out again if that was the case. I also said that she was always questioning me and my intentions, but that I never questioned her's but that maybe I should.

It is only now a couple of days later that I am beginning to look at what happened in another light and with a bit more realism. When I met her I never dreamt she was a working girl, she did not look like one or act like one, and she did not seem to want anything from me. She told me she had even been to church that day, and that her and her cousin were both bored sitting at home in their appartment, so she decided to come to Sosua for the night. But then again, let me try to look at it from the perspective I do not really want to. Firstly I have never seen her or her cousin in either Classico's, the Merengue Club or Latino's. However in the last 4 days she came to Sosua twice, she worked here before, knows the bar staff in Rumba bar, had a very short denim skirt on, she has no job at the moment, but has money to pay for Taxi's and drinks in relatively expensive bars, has two cell phones, and would only give me her e-mail address after I asked for it several times, which is not even in her name, and I cannot even find her on Facebook! When she came out on Wednesday they were also both mysteriously visiting a girlfriend in Sosua. She said she was tired on Wednesday from shopping all day and getting her hair done, but to be honest looking back, she acted more like she was tired and somewhat depressed from getting shagged all day for money! Anyway, she did not call me either or reply to my e-mail from yesterday yet either, I don't know what I expected.

So all you experienced Sosua and Puerto Plata mongers out there, is there any chance at all this girl was not looking for pay for play if she was hanging out in the Rumba bar? Is there any chance at all I might have seriously messed up a good thing with a decent girl? Should I bother calling her again, or will she just mess up my head worse than it is at the moment? I am not sure what to do or say if I run into her again at the Rumba bar or elsewhere, ignore her or tell her she is amazing?

I am sorry this story has little to do with sex, but it is about Sosua and what this place can do to your thoughts. I can imagine some of you guys feeling totally horny in the cold wastelands of Noth America and Europe just associate this place with sex and more sex, and are thinking 'What is this guy talking about? ' But when you are here for several weeks with as much sex as you like, stange things can happen to your thoughts here in paradise. I certainly did not go out on Monday night looking to fall in love, that is for sure! Anyway, I will have plenty of exploits to post on my end of trip report. To be honest, I am embarrased to say that since I met her, I lost all interest in shagging any other ladies since Monday, until today when my loins independently decided they finally needed some action despite the state of my thoughts. So I called over a sexy lady I had met before at Classico's for some afternoon action at my hotel. This was fun, but I eventually even told her about this girl I had met and even asked her what she thought! Anyway, I would be happy to find out anything that will help me get my head sorted out about this girl, from her being a total angel to someone telling me they know her and that she works all day at Blackbeards! Sorry to be such a sad case in this mongering paradise! It seems you`ve never been in the Land Of Smiles

Tom Gueguen
02-19-11, 16:11
Hi guys, I have been in Sosua since the start of February, with a 5 day break in between in Santago. I will make a full posting of my trip here and all my exploits when I go home in a week. In the meantime I would like to ask some advice from all you mongers more experienced than me in the ways of these Dominican girls. On Monday I came back from Santiago, pretty tired from the Metro bus throwing me around. I had a nap in the early evening to get some energy back, then headed downtown at around 10pm. Instead of going into the usual bars, I went accross the road to Rumba Bar. After a quick scan of the place I saw a girl, who in my eyes was absolutely gorgeous. She was sitting rather shyly further back in the bar with her cousin. Anyway, I summoned up the courage to go over to her to say Hi, and she was quite friendly back to me. Anyway, I have to say that I have never had such a fantatic 'first date' with a girl in my life, we got on like a house on fire, she spoke some English with the cutest accent, and we talked for almost 4 hours with never a mention of money, going back to my hotel or whatever. We had some incredible chemistry. She eventually left with her cousin at around 2 am, I had of course got her contact details. By the way, she was 22, paler skinned, petite, curvy, and looked more Columbian to me than Dominican. I could hardly sleep as I thought I may well have met the woman of my dreams. The next day I did not get up until 2 pm, and had missed both a text and a call from her. Anyway, I stumbled around the afternoon in Sosua half asleep and punch drunk on love, with images of her as my future in my mind! I eventually pretty stupidly texted her back, saying we should both think about it a bit, because I was totally nuts about her etc, instead of just casually putting her off for a day. She texted back saying she did not believe I was alone, which kind of annoyed me because I was alone and had been totally honest with her the night before, ie had told her how many women I had been with here, but was looking for a serious girlfriend, and was not married etc. All of which were true. Anyway, by the following day I had turned it all over in my mind a bit and decided I had to see her again, so phoned her up. She was driving to Sosua by car to go to a girlfriends house, and said she was tired from a long day but agreed to meet me at a small restaurant / bar in Sosua where she used to work.

Anyway, I was slightly nervous meeting her, as you would meeting any girl on a second date after such a fantastic first date. However, when I met her, it was like meeting another girl, she was totally different from our first meeting, pretty distant, indifferent and casual, she said things to me like all the guys here say they adore a girl just to get her into bed, and then go home and forget about them, which again really annoyed me because like you may have guessed I really liked this girl! Her cousin also seemed pretty distant and bored, when on the Monday night she was also great fun. Anyway, we then headed down to Rumba bar again where I bought us drinks and then seriously felt like just dumping them as I was so crushed by how she was acting towards me compared to the first meeting, and even mentioned as much to her. This seemed to regain her interest level, and our evening improved somewhat afterwards, but she was much less tactile than on the first date and would not let me even give her the smallest kiss. I told her if she comes out again to please be more open-minded and open hearted, as she was on the Monday, which she agreed, and as I walked them over to a taxi, which they paid for, she was checking with me, 'So when are we going to meet tomorrow' etc, like she was really interested. She also said for us to meet alone, and somewhere else than Sosua.

Anyway, from the moment I walked off I was pretty pissed off with how she had treated me in general that night, that I had spent all my energy and efforts trying to convince her that I am a good guy, and telling her my life story, which was pretty draining. I walked back to Classico's, had a beer to drown my sorrows, checked out some of the chicks there with no real interest in them though, and then headed home alone. The next day I decided not to call her, as she did not deserve my attention after the previous night. Anyway, come about 9 pm I was feeling pretty guilty, so decided to e-mail her instead, saying that meeting her had been amazing, but that she was so indifferent to me on Wednesday, and she acted like she did not even want to be there, so that I did not see the point in going out again if that was the case. I also said that she was always questioning me and my intentions, but that I never questioned her's but that maybe I should.

It is only now a couple of days later that I am beginning to look at what happened in another light and with a bit more realism. When I met her I never dreamt she was a working girl, she did not look like one or act like one, and she did not seem to want anything from me. She told me she had even been to church that day, and that her and her cousin were both bored sitting at home in their appartment, so she decided to come to Sosua for the night. But then again, let me try to look at it from the perspective I do not really want to. Firstly I have never seen her or her cousin in either Classico's, the Merengue Club or Latino's. However in the last 4 days she came to Sosua twice, she worked here before, knows the bar staff in Rumba bar, had a very short denim skirt on, she has no job at the moment, but has money to pay for Taxi's and drinks in relatively expensive bars, has two cell phones, and would only give me her e-mail address after I asked for it several times, which is not even in her name, and I cannot even find her on Facebook! When she came out on Wednesday they were also both mysteriously visiting a girlfriend in Sosua. She said she was tired on Wednesday from shopping all day and getting her hair done, but to be honest looking back, she acted more like she was tired and somewhat depressed from getting shagged all day for money! Anyway, she did not call me either or reply to my e-mail from yesterday yet either, I don't know what I expected.

So all you experienced Sosua and Puerto Plata mongers out there, is there any chance at all this girl was not looking for pay for play if she was hanging out in the Rumba bar? Is there any chance at all I might have seriously messed up a good thing with a decent girl? Should I bother calling her again, or will she just mess up my head worse than it is at the moment? I am not sure what to do or say if I run into her again at the Rumba bar or elsewhere, ignore her or tell her she is amazing?

I am sorry this story has little to do with sex, but it is about Sosua and what this place can do to your thoughts. I can imagine some of you guys feeling totally horny in the cold wastelands of Noth America and Europe just associate this place with sex and more sex, and are thinking 'What is this guy talking about? ' But when you are here for several weeks with as much sex as you like, stange things can happen to your thoughts here in paradise. I certainly did not go out on Monday night looking to fall in love, that is for sure! Anyway, I will have plenty of exploits to post on my end of trip report. To be honest, I am embarrased to say that since I met her, I lost all interest in shagging any other ladies since Monday, until today when my loins independently decided they finally needed some action despite the state of my thoughts. So I called over a sexy lady I had met before at Classico's for some afternoon action at my hotel. This was fun, but I eventually even told her about this girl I had met and even asked her what she thought! Anyway, I would be happy to find out anything that will help me get my head sorted out about this girl, from her being a total angel to someone telling me they know her and that she works all day at Blackbeards! Sorry to be such a sad case in this mongering paradise! Forget that girl.

You met her at night in Sosua, what can you expect?

You should have take her to your place that night where she was so friendly to have a good session.

That's what you should regret, no more.

I suppose you're not 15 to fall in love with a nice dominican chica at first glance. There's ton of them in the country.

Bq Ribs
02-19-11, 16:17
...........You met her at night in Sosua, what can you expect?.............That goes for any chica you meet in Sosua. There are NO "good girls" in Sosua.

02-19-11, 17:26
That goes for any chica you meet in Sosua. There are NO "good girls" in Sosua.I second that, enjoy your time in Sosua but you will never find a "good girl" in a working girl town. Ever thaught who / or how she got the money for 2 cellphones. Without a job?

02-19-11, 17:36
Based on how much you wrote about this girl, how well you clicked, being nervous meeting her in multiple places, and being too sensitive when you don't not get her full focus means to me that your looking for something a little bit more than sex. You aren't looking for any sole-mates are you?

If this is the case it's not healthy to be looking for love in hustling hos.

Come to terms with what your really looking for.

Hello, 's, bust a nut, and goodbyes are the only thinks you should be doing in Sosua. If your looking for something more, your in the wrong place.

02-19-11, 18:36
I would be happy to find out anything that will help me get my head sorted out about this girl, from her being a total angel to someone telling me they know her and that she works all day at Blackbeards! Sorry to be such a sad case in this mongering paradise!Hey, a good and honest report! That's exactly what Sosua does to a newbie's head.

I'll get a lot of flack for this, but here goes.

Choices, choices.

You're story sounds a lot like my first couple days there.

First, the chicas are only really after your money. Money you spend there, and hopefully money you will send to keep a relationship going.

That's the bad news.

The good news?

I got with the chica of my dreams the first night. But she also knew Sosua like the back of her hand, even tho she doesn't live there.

But we really clicked and now I send money (within a strict budget) on a regular basis and she stays in her home town with Bambina, Momma and a host of family. I know she definitely doesn't want to go back to whatever she was doing before. I get down there a lot, discuss these things with her and I see how she behaves on her own turf, with family and friends.

She is happy with the relationship and definitely wouldn't jepardize it in any way. Her Aunt put it this way when I told her marriage was out of the question.

Why not?

I'm too old, I may be dead in 5 years.

No problema, she will love you and take care of you till you die.

What then?

Maybe she find somebody else!

So there you have it.

But, you can really, and I mean really, enjoy the ride with a regular if you happen upon the right one (and for me it's about 1 in a thousand) , and have a few things in common (sense of humor a must!). The dinero is essential, but there's got to be a lot more going on, if not, you'll soon find out.

These past two years have been the happiest (and fittest) of my life, and have fullfilled a dream, finding an island girl who is totally devoted, just like in the movies!

Good luck!

Mr Gogo
02-19-11, 19:33
Hey, a good and honest report! That's exactly what Sosua does to a newbie's head.

I'll get a lot of flack for this, but here goes.

Choices, choices.

You're story sounds a lot like my first couple days there.

First, the chicas are only really after your money. Money you spend there, and hopefully money you will send to keep a relationship going.

That's the bad news.

The good news?

I got with the chica of my dreams the first night. But she also knew Sosua like the back of her hand, even tho she doesn't live there.

But we really clicked and now I send money (within a strict budget) on a regular basis and she stays in her home town with Bambina, Momma and a host of family. I know she definitely doesn't want to go back to whatever she was doing before. I get down there a lot, discuss these things with her and I see how she behaves on her own turf, with family and friends.

She is happy with the relationship and definitely wouldn't jepardize it in any way. Her Aunt put it this way when I told her marriage was out of the question.

Why not?

I'm too old, I may be dead in 5 years.

No problema, she will love you and take care of you till you die.

What then?

Maybe she find somebody else!

So there you have it.

But, you can really, and I mean really, enjoy the ride with a regular if you happen upon the right one (and for me it's about 1 in a thousand) , and have a few things in common (sense of humor a must!). The dinero is essential, but there's got to be a lot more going on, if not, you'll soon find out.

These past two years have been the happiest (and fittest) of my life, and have fullfilled a dream, finding an island girl who is totally devoted, just like in the movies!

Good luck! Bravo Oakie, its your life and deniro. Besides, what anyone else thinks about your happiness doesn't matter. I see alot of old grouchy guys mad because they never found happiness. Keep living your dream. You and your girl can always double date with Noami and her huband LOL. If I see two couples riding around Sosua on new shinny bikes, with a transvestite blowing a whistle, I will wave Hello, to you (not Noami) LMAO.

Reiner Otto
02-19-11, 21:26
So all you experienced Sosua and Puerto Plata mongers out there, is there any chance at all this girl was not looking for pay for play if she was hanging out in the Rumba bar? Is there any chance at all I might have seriously messed up a good thing with a decent girl?May be, may be not. I never was in Soshua, reading here before going there for a first look, but I have a lot of expirience in Russia and Ukraine. Working for a couple of years in St. Petersburg, a friend of mine married a working girl from one of the clubs, especially visited by foreigners. That was 9 years ago, now they live in Germany and have two children. And I want to bet for hundreds of sixpacks of good German beer, after marriage (in Russia) she stopped working.

Of course, I know of tens of stories with a different end.

In this respect, I think, women are not so different, whether it is Siberia or Caribbean.

Be a Man, man !

02-19-11, 21:54
I saw this posted on "another board". This was VRY well written and I thought worth passing on to our members:

Originally Posted by Revolutionrock77

The purpose of this post is to share some simple advice that I think will help you to have a better time on your first mongering trips. YYMV, but his works for me.

When we monger, we take a trip to a place where we can pay to have sex with beautiful women at an affordable price. It is simple.

Many of the problems that I have seen come up, happen when guys try to deviate from that simple formula. The problem is when guys are focusing on chasing bargains, freebies, and hyper-negotiating, rather than just relaxing and enjoying the chicas.

I have been reading the board since 2004, and have learned a lot here. Using that info, out of 10 ten trips I have had few poor chica experiences. I bounce between Sosua, BlackBeards, and new places each trip. Because I got started at BB's, I feel pretty comfortable with 1, 500 ST / 2, 500 TLN pricing structure, and that has always seemed reasonable to me. (around $40/$70). I know what I am prepared to pay, and pretty much stick to that structure. So, I don't have to waste a lot of time worrying about prices or negotiating.

I have travelled with some friends once in a while, and they have had more problems. Most of these can be traced to trying to save a very small amount of money.

For what it's worth, here are suggestions that have worked well for me:

Don't try to save money by:


Misleading chicas to think that you might be interested in a LTR.

Trying to play the role of a boyfriend.

Giving gifts.

Just like when you are back home, it is best to give gifts only when you want nothing in return. It's not necessary at all. If you really feel compelled to give something, why not just give a small tip for great service, rather than a gift bag full of junk.

Be decisive: don't take up a lot of her time if you don't have the intention of going with her. If you let her hang with you on your lap for hours at the club, you are implying that she will get your business. Don't waste her time or yours if you're not interested.

Pay the going rate; pay what you consider fair. No more, no less.

Know what you want to pay in advance. Be upfront, tell what you are willing to pay. If she doesn't accept, move on.

Instead of gifts, you can improve performance chemistry as follows:

Be clean.

Look and smell good.

Be a gentleman.

Be respectful.

Be kind.

Be fun.

Have a good time.

Don't go on vacation unless you have enough money to do it without too much worry.

You can treat the girls nicely and show them a good time without being a sucker. There is a difference.

Good luck and happy travels.

That all depends on what is in the bag. Cosmetics are fairly expensive here for the chicas but they are a necessary part of their overhead. Because it is something they actually need and want it will be appreciated. Either as part of the payment or as a propina incentive. I have seen guys use it both ways and the chicas are always happy.

02-19-11, 22:21
I woke up early and went to breakfast. After breakfast I headed to a claro store because I needed a cellphone and I needed to contact my girl coming from santo domingo to spend 2 days with me at the resort. I walked to a claro vendor, run by a german guy, and he wanted to charge me 500 american for a phone! I said no pesos right? He laughed. I walked a little futher down the street and my usual barry saunder jook moves, stiff arm and spin moves to aviod hard puta that wouldn't accept um momento for an answer. Tons of women on the street and ultimately I found my self fustrated because I don't know which one to get. It was like playing thats my car on the porch. I found a claro store in the direction of la passion and CMP. Before I could say yes I need a phone a dark skin beauty walked by the store. I chased her ass down literally! She was smoking hot. Tall dark chocolate, long hair and a real coke bottle shape and a big ass! She took me to her room which was connected to a outside bar / club a few blocks away from the claro store. She bathed and we got to it. SHe did it all head with and with condom, tea bagging, doggystyle, cow girl, missionary style and a hand job. When it was done I gave her 40 american. We never discussed price but I figured that was enough. She laugh and said ten more? She also spoke perfect english. I left and she pointed into the direction of an orange store across from a gas station.

No cellphone without your passport was the word of the hour and I began my walk by to casa marina to bathe and retrive it. I saw the gucci girl and she took me to claro and put the phone in her name. Phone was 640 pesos. She then pulled me into the nail salon across from new garden. I went with them. Got a manicure and a pedicure. She told me her life story and how much she liked me and wanted to be with me. Thats cool. She wanted to cook for me. I said I need to run back to my hotel and she made me promise to only be 30 minutes. 45 minutes later I was still laying on my bed and she texted and called me a 100 times. I jumped on motochonco and headed towards la passions. Her friends spotted me sneaking by :P

La Passions has set prices and refuse to budge. I had 2250 pesos and they would only offer a BJ and massage. FUck that! I left and headed back towards CMP. Nope! Not open until 4pm saids the really cool older white guy at the bar. Tons of women on the street but who. I'm like a dog chasing his tail. I'm not getting anything accomplished. I see one I like talk to her but before I can finish a sentence I see a better. I repeated that nonsense for about an hour! I eventually headed back to the salon with the gucci girl. New garden's selection of chicas were disapointing. I only found the same two. Gucci girl wants to be in love and she doesn't want me to leave so her friends were assigned to trail me. I went back to the resort and ate lunch. Can't trail me there. Quick nap then it was about 4 so I headed to la passions again. This time with 2250 pesos and 20 american which is 740 pesos when converted. Well She wanted to offer 30 pesos per dollar. GOodbye la passions! CMP was open. Remember the light brown cutie that lost out to the lite skin beauty? Well she was back but in a skimpier dress and man. I was in heaven! 2200 pesos for the service. TOns of fotos and video she also BBJCIM. She was the best. Big soft cotton booty. She was young maybe 19? I climaxed and left. No propina mami.

My santo domingo girl was 2 hours away and I was ready for another round. Extendz you have a spokes person. I walked home. Washed ate and watched Scarface. Gucci girl called me and we met up at her house. She told me what she did for a living. She was a puta. Surprise! A woman that lives in sosua was a puta! I told her I wanted to make love to her but she changed her lovey dovey attitude to 2000 for 2 hours and 3000 pesos for all night. I was shocked! She also spent 40 minutes telling me how she like me and I'm handsome but she got rent due. Well I honestly didn't want to pay her. Oddly enough I felt a connect with her so I kissed her hand and left. She was silent. Rushed to Casa marina to eat and chill before my santo domingo chica arrive. My gucci girl called and said I can always come to her house and be with her, money or no money. Went to the receptionist and told him that I had a girl coming to the resort to be with me and he asked was she dominican. After I said yes he freaked out like I said there's a bomb on the plane. He went on for 20 minutes about how she's my responsibility and that dominicans are fast and that once I pay I can get the money back.

Did any of you guys have girls come and out at casa marina? I saw older white guys with hot girls and no one argued with them. I'm 28.

She arrived with smiles and hugs. Very petite cutie with a big smile. The receptionist lectured her as I went to get the money out the safe. When I returned she was alittle upset so I gave him a piece of my mind and he didn't open his mouth again. She unpacked and we ate dinner. Then walked around, had some drinks held hands. I remember what I think BBQ ribs said. If you try to hold her hand and she hesitate then you got to work for the booty. Well she held my hand and I still worked for the booty. Went to bed, tickled, cuddled, biting each other but no sex.

02-19-11, 22:46
Coupe66 I had the same experience with the gucci girl. Wait for my final day report. But yeah the samething happened to me dude. Meet a chica she was sweet then bam. I don't know what happened?

Day 2 was awesome but not as many girls as I wanted

Charles Pooter
02-19-11, 23:36
... now I send money (within a strict budget) on a regular basis and she stays in her home town with Bambina, Momma and a host of family ... finding an island girl who is totally devoted, just like in the movies!Is this post supposed to be a joke?

Ipanema Carioca
02-20-11, 01:00
The bars are flowing with girls, and they are asking 2500-3000 pesos average. So when you take them they all say "no leche poppi, I tired." The best girls I find are the haitians. Fuck the dominican girls and their lazy ases!

02-20-11, 01:23
Is this post supposed to be a joke?Nah, not at all!

It's the same relationship I have with the makers of Presidente, or my cell phone company.

They provide a product and a service, that I'm happy to pay for and enjoy immensely.

It's a win / win.

If the product goes bad, I switch brands.

(If some folks want to complain all the time about what they get for their money, that's their problem, not mine)

Maybe you don"t quite understand capitalism?

My chica sure does :)

02-20-11, 01:43
Hi guys, I have been in Sosua since the start of February, with a 5 day break in between in Santago. I will make a full posting of my trip here and all my exploits when I go home in a week. In the meantime I would like to ask some advice from all you mongers more experienced than me in the ways of these Dominican girls. On Monday I came back from Santiago, pretty tired from the Metro bus throwing me around. I had a nap in the early evening to get some energy back, then headed downtown at around 10pm. Instead of going into the usual bars, I went accross the road to Rumba Bar. After a quick scan of the place I saw a girl, who in my eyes was absolutely gorgeous. She was sitting rather shyly further back in the bar with her cousin. Anyway, I summoned up the courage to go over to her to say Hi, and she was quite friendly back to me. Anyway, I have to say that I have never had such a fantatic 'first date' with a girl in my life, we got on like a house on fire, she spoke some English with the cutest accent, and we talked for almost 4 hours with never a mention of money, going back to my hotel or whatever. We had some incredible chemistry. She eventually left with her cousin at around 2 am, I had of course got her contact details. By the way, she was 22, paler skinned, petite, curvy, and looked more Columbian to me than Dominican. I could hardly sleep as I thought I may well have met the woman of my dreams. The next day I did not get up until 2 pm, and had missed both a text and a call from her. Anyway, I stumbled around the afternoon in Sosua half asleep and punch drunk on love, with images of her as my future in my mind! I eventually pretty stupidly texted her back, saying we should both think about it a bit, because I was totally nuts about her etc, instead of just casually putting her off for a day. She texted back saying she did not believe I was alone, which kind of annoyed me because I was alone and had been totally honest with her the night before, ie had told her how many women I had been with here, but was looking for a serious girlfriend, and was not married etc. All of which were true. Anyway, by the following day I had turned it all over in my mind a bit and decided I had to see her again, so phoned her up. She was driving to Sosua by car to go to a girlfriends house, and said she was tired from a long day but agreed to meet me at a small restaurant / bar in Sosua where she used to work.

Anyway, I was slightly nervous meeting her, as you would meeting any girl on a second date after such a fantastic first date. However, when I met her, it was like meeting another girl, she was totally different from our first meeting, pretty distant, indifferent and casual, she said things to me like all the guys here say they adore a girl just to get her into bed, and then go home and forget about them, which again really annoyed me because like you may have guessed I really liked this girl! Her cousin also seemed pretty distant and bored, when on the Monday night she was also great fun. Anyway, we then headed down to Rumba bar again where I bought us drinks and then seriously felt like just dumping them as I was so crushed by how she was acting towards me compared to the first meeting, and even mentioned as much to her. This seemed to regain her interest level, and our evening improved somewhat afterwards, but she was much less tactile than on the first date and would not let me even give her the smallest kiss. I told her if she comes out again to please be more open-minded and open hearted, as she was on the Monday, which she agreed, and as I walked them over to a taxi, which they paid for, she was checking with me, 'So when are we going to meet tomorrow' etc, like she was really interested. She also said for us to meet alone, and somewhere else than Sosua.

Anyway, from the moment I walked off I was pretty pissed off with how she had treated me in general that night, that I had spent all my energy and efforts trying to convince her that I am a good guy, and telling her my life story, which was pretty draining. I walked back to Classico's, had a beer to drown my sorrows, checked out some of the chicks there with no real interest in them though, and then headed home alone. The next day I decided not to call her, as she did not deserve my attention after the previous night. Anyway, come about 9 pm I was feeling pretty guilty, so decided to e-mail her instead, saying that meeting her had been amazing, but that she was so indifferent to me on Wednesday, and she acted like she did not even want to be there, so that I did not see the point in going out again if that was the case. I also said that she was always questioning me and my intentions, but that I never questioned her's but that maybe I should.

It is only now a couple of days later that I am beginning to look at what happened in another light and with a bit more realism. When I met her I never dreamt she was a working girl, she did not look like one or act like one, and she did not seem to want anything from me. She told me she had even been to church that day, and that her and her cousin were both bored sitting at home in their appartment, so she decided to come to Sosua for the night. But then again, let me try to look at it from the perspective I do not really want to. Firstly I have never seen her or her cousin in either Classico's, the Merengue Club or Latino's. However in the last 4 days she came to Sosua twice, she worked here before, knows the bar staff in Rumba bar, had a very short denim skirt on, she has no job at the moment, but has money to pay for Taxi's and drinks in relatively expensive bars, has two cell phones, and would only give me her e-mail address after I asked for it several times, which is not even in her name, and I cannot even find her on Facebook! When she came out on Wednesday they were also both mysteriously visiting a girlfriend in Sosua. She said she was tired on Wednesday from shopping all day and getting her hair done, but to be honest looking back, she acted more like she was tired and somewhat depressed from getting shagged all day for money! Anyway, she did not call me either or reply to my e-mail from yesterday yet either, I don't know what I expected.

So all you experienced Sosua and Puerto Plata mongers out there, is there any chance at all this girl was not looking for pay for play if she was hanging out in the Rumba bar? Is there any chance at all I might have seriously messed up a good thing with a decent girl? Should I bother calling her again, or will she just mess up my head worse than it is at the moment? I am not sure what to do or say if I run into her again at the Rumba bar or elsewhere, ignore her or tell her she is amazing?

I am sorry this story has little to do with sex, but it is about Sosua and what this place can do to your thoughts. I can imagine some of you guys feeling totally horny in the cold wastelands of Noth America and Europe just associate this place with sex and more sex, and are thinking 'What is this guy talking about? ' But when you are here for several weeks with as much sex as you like, stange things can happen to your thoughts here in paradise. I certainly did not go out on Monday night looking to fall in love, that is for sure! Anyway, I will have plenty of exploits to post on my end of trip report. To be honest, I am embarrased to say that since I met her, I lost all interest in shagging any other ladies since Monday, until today when my loins independently decided they finally needed some action despite the state of my thoughts. So I called over a sexy lady I had met before at Classico's for some afternoon action at my hotel. This was fun, but I eventually even told her about this girl I had met and even asked her what she thought! Anyway, I would be happy to find out anything that will help me get my head sorted out about this girl, from her being a total angel to someone telling me they know her and that she works all day at Blackbeards! Sorry to be such a sad case in this mongering paradise! I recommend this movie to all mongers:


Download link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=SWBQNWQT

02-20-11, 02:34
Hi guys, I have been in Sosua since the start of February, with a 5 day break in between in Santago. I will make a full posting of my trip here and all my exploits when I go home in a week. In the meantime I would like to ask some advice from all you mongers more experienced than me in the ways of these Dominican girls. On Monday I came back from Santiago, pretty tired from the Metro bus throwing me around. I had a nap in the early evening to get some energy back, then headed downtown at around 10pm. Instead of going into the usual bars, I went accross the road to Rumba Bar. After a quick scan of the place I saw a girl, who in my eyes was absolutely gorgeous. She was sitting rather shyly further back in the bar with her cousin. Anyway, I summoned up the courage to go over to her to say Hi, and she was quite friendly back to me. Anyway, I have to say that I have never had such a fantatic 'first date' with a girl in my life, we got on like a house on fire, she spoke some English with the cutest accent, and we talked for almost 4 hours with never a mention of money, going back to my hotel or whatever. We had some incredible chemistry. She eventually left with her cousin at around 2 am, I had of course got her contact details. By the way, she was 22, paler skinned, petite, curvy, and looked more Columbian to me than Dominican. I could hardly sleep as I thought I may well have met the woman of my dreams. The next day I did not get up until 2 pm, and had missed both a text and a call from her. Anyway, I stumbled around the afternoon in Sosua half asleep and punch drunk on love, with images of her as my future in my mind! I eventually pretty stupidly texted her back, saying we should both think about it a bit, because I was totally nuts about her etc, instead of just casually putting her off for a day. She texted back saying she did not believe I was alone, which kind of annoyed me because I was alone and had been totally honest with her the night before, ie had told her how many women I had been with here, but was looking for a serious girlfriend, and was not married etc. All of which were true. Anyway, by the following day I had turned it all over in my mind a bit and decided I had to see her again, so phoned her up. She was driving to Sosua by car to go to a girlfriends house, and said she was tired from a long day but agreed to meet me at a small restaurant / bar in Sosua where she used to work.

Anyway, I was slightly nervous meeting her, as you would meeting any girl on a second date after such a fantastic first date. However, when I met her, it was like meeting another girl, she was totally different from our first meeting, pretty distant, indifferent and casual, she said things to me like all the guys here say they adore a girl just to get her into bed, and then go home and forget about them, which again really annoyed me because like you may have guessed I really liked this girl! Her cousin also seemed pretty distant and bored, when on the Monday night she was also great fun. Anyway, we then headed down to Rumba bar again where I bought us drinks and then seriously felt like just dumping them as I was so crushed by how she was acting towards me compared to the first meeting, and even mentioned as much to her. This seemed to regain her interest level, and our evening improved somewhat afterwards, but she was much less tactile than on the first date and would not let me even give her the smallest kiss. I told her if she comes out again to please be more open-minded and open hearted, as she was on the Monday, which she agreed, and as I walked them over to a taxi, which they paid for, she was checking with me, 'So when are we going to meet tomorrow' etc, like she was really interested. She also said for us to meet alone, and somewhere else than Sosua.

Anyway, from the moment I walked off I was pretty pissed off with how she had treated me in general that night, that I had spent all my energy and efforts trying to convince her that I am a good guy, and telling her my life story, which was pretty draining. I walked back to Classico's, had a beer to drown my sorrows, checked out some of the chicks there with no real interest in them though, and then headed home alone. The next day I decided not to call her, as she did not deserve my attention after the previous night. Anyway, come about 9 pm I was feeling pretty guilty, so decided to e-mail her instead, saying that meeting her had been amazing, but that she was so indifferent to me on Wednesday, and she acted like she did not even want to be there, so that I did not see the point in going out again if that was the case. I also said that she was always questioning me and my intentions, but that I never questioned her's but that maybe I should.

It is only now a couple of days later that I am beginning to look at what happened in another light and with a bit more realism. When I met her I never dreamt she was a working girl, she did not look like one or act like one, and she did not seem to want anything from me. She told me she had even been to church that day, and that her and her cousin were both bored sitting at home in their appartment, so she decided to come to Sosua for the night. But then again, let me try to look at it from the perspective I do not really want to. Firstly I have never seen her or her cousin in either Classico's, the Merengue Club or Latino's. However in the last 4 days she came to Sosua twice, she worked here before, knows the bar staff in Rumba bar, had a very short denim skirt on, she has no job at the moment, but has money to pay for Taxi's and drinks in relatively expensive bars, has two cell phones, and would only give me her e-mail address after I asked for it several times, which is not even in her name, and I cannot even find her on Facebook! When she came out on Wednesday they were also both mysteriously visiting a girlfriend in Sosua. She said she was tired on Wednesday from shopping all day and getting her hair done, but to be honest looking back, she acted more like she was tired and somewhat depressed from getting shagged all day for money! Anyway, she did not call me either or reply to my e-mail from yesterday yet either, I don't know what I expected.

So all you experienced Sosua and Puerto Plata mongers out there, is there any chance at all this girl was not looking for pay for play if she was hanging out in the Rumba bar? Is there any chance at all I might have seriously messed up a good thing with a decent girl? Should I bother calling her again, or will she just mess up my head worse than it is at the moment? I am not sure what to do or say if I run into her again at the Rumba bar or elsewhere, ignore her or tell her she is amazing?

I am sorry this story has little to do with sex, but it is about Sosua and what this place can do to your thoughts. I can imagine some of you guys feeling totally horny in the cold wastelands of Noth America and Europe just associate this place with sex and more sex, and are thinking 'What is this guy talking about? ' But when you are here for several weeks with as much sex as you like, stange things can happen to your thoughts here in paradise. I certainly did not go out on Monday night looking to fall in love, that is for sure! Anyway, I will have plenty of exploits to post on my end of trip report. To be honest, I am embarrased to say that since I met her, I lost all interest in shagging any other ladies since Monday, until today when my loins independently decided they finally needed some action despite the state of my thoughts. So I called over a sexy lady I had met before at Classico's for some afternoon action at my hotel. This was fun, but I eventually even told her about this girl I had met and even asked her what she thought! Anyway, I would be happy to find out anything that will help me get my head sorted out about this girl, from her being a total angel to someone telling me they know her and that she works all day at Blackbeards! Sorry to be such a sad case in this mongering paradise! Go for it, Galldarn! Stop playing those pretentious games that you've read somewhere on the net or something, just be yourself and go see what is there in it really.

Asking questions to the whole world but her won't give you answers to the questions that REALLY matter to you right now; it counts for fuck-all actually; also, fast forward a bunch of years from now you don't want to be in the position of "what if?" so don't waste your time and go for this girl already.

Remember we are not here forever, and neither are you going to be in Sosua forever, and even if you do, she ain't going to leave the door open for you forever (especially if you keep on playing stupid games without proper cognition of cause regarding the ins and outs of what you do; keeping the cool and keeping the girl on her toes is all good, but how much you can push it all depends on what kind of grip have you got on her already; it is natural for human beings to kinda "step back" a bit at a certain stage of knowing each other to check whether or not the potential partner is REALLY interested, but try not to fall victim of this!) so long and short of it is try and get in and find out yourself what the girl is about.

Be yourself, judge the situation and follow your gut feelings.

Oh yeah, and Good Luck to you!

Keep us posted!


02-20-11, 14:34
woke with my santo domingo chica and we proceeded to breakfast. after breakfast she wanted to go to the beach. beach towels, changed into swim trunks and lets go. we had fun. diving into the huge waves, getting wiped out sand all on our clothes it was great. i laid there and let the waves crash into me a few times. it was this moment when it felt like a tropical vacation. we couldn't stop laughing. we went to the pool side shower and rinsed off why ahora para la piscina. this is where it really got fun. splashing each other. she jumped on my back and we swim around giggling. everyone there noticed how fun we were having and started laughing with us. she wanted to sun and i needed to all gucci girl. there are too many mofo at these resorts trying to sell memberships to exclusive clubs that aren't that good. why the hell would i pay 8 thousand dollars for the ability to come there 2 times a year when the whole trip is 900 american for me? the hook is you take take your novia to america. the embassy grants the visa and passport for two weeks no question asked. well i wasnt sold but the shit held me up from seeing gucci girl and my santo domingo chica.

well claro's service went down and i couldn't recieve or make calls. kcuf you claro! my santo domingo chica and i went back to the room showered and bam! it kicked off. i had to tickle her a bit. she likes to be chased. i began giving her oral and domincan women are extremely spicy so her libido kicked into high gear. multiple orgasms? she was moaning and jumping around like crazy. he oral game on me was wow. doggstyle? yep and she took it like a trooper. when it ended my condom was soaked in her ejaculation. i flushed it and she showered. bam right to sleep. i silently showered and got new condoms and money and proceeded to gucci girls house. she was in the shower so i hung around. she came out in a towel. we talked but she had a cilent to go see and she wanted me to stay. he actual words" i'm sorry j your a handsome guy and all but i got bills to pay ok. i'm a get 2500 pesos for 20 minutes of work watch. i'll call you later." she left before me and jumped a motochonco. i walked back to the resort and my chica was sleep. woke her up and we went to an internet cafe. facebook time! before we could make it to the cafe two hard dominican puta's trapped me in one of the haitian shops and molested me right infront of my santo domingo chica. i damn near had to crawl over the table to get out. leaving the shop wasnt no better. hard puta swarmed me like i was the punt returner. i said um momento and snapped a picture of one of them. and said tarde nosotros hacer la amor ok. got her number. oh she grabbed some ass before i could escape lol. afterwards lunch, more tickling and more sarface in spanish! what a funny as movie! how could you get a scar like that eatting pussy?

i told her i had to meet my migo and i needed a minute. she was cool with that. i took a motochonco to to their usual spot and spotted ice la fox. she said she in the bathroom. i waited she aproached and ignored me. i lifted her up and said come on lets go to your house. she stressed that she needed 10000 pesos to pay her rent. i had 2000 on me. go to her house and the fight begun. can i wash my pussy? go head! can i brush my teeth? sure. these generic condoms dominicans use are fucking cheap! i had magnums. tossed her's. she wanted to see what pictures of her i took or she would delete them. she making threats? fine you see? now she's online msn'ing it up. then she got a call. i'm leaving good bye. kissed her hand. speed walked to a store for a 50 pesos for a liter and a half cola and headed to the resort. my chica was ready to eat. mingled chilled, saw a magic show, ate relaxed. she wanted to model for me. 40 pictures in various outfits. fun! lets go to classicos. ok at 11. i passed out watching king of ny. what a dark violent movie. i couldn't remain sleep because walken and fishburn were gunning someone day every 5 minutes.

02-20-11, 14:41
10:30 I'm up lets shower and go. Where's classicos. The streets were empty. Found Latinos and we entered. 1000's of women there. EYeballing me, watching, waiting, like lions LOL. Some 8's and 7's. Well we left and found classicos. 150 pesos to enter? We went back to latinos. More women have arrived. THe DJ was from NY and asked if I wanted to hear some hiphop sure. RIck Ross was playing. A few older black guys but no men in latinos. My chica had a few drinks and texted me that she was ready to go home. Dropped her off. I had to meet my buddy at classico. I arrived at latinos first. No 9's just a hard puta that the DJ recommended. Why did he do that? She trailed me all night. WTF! I dashed out of latinos into classicos. THere she was again and even harder puta. Tons of them. SOme 8's a 9 here and there no stunters! Well I ran to the bathroom to avoid all the hard puta and remain there for ten minutes. Guess what? They were waiting for me. WTF! Took my drink pass and she used it. I sat down and she whispered 1000 pesos papi. Um momento. I move another puta grab me. Even rougher. Um momento. Ass slapping and grabbing, hand grabbing, being felt up. I'm not a piece of meat! I sit down again. More hard puta jeez! I spot a blonde cutie check out time! She wanted 2000 pesos. No. Spoted a tall cutie 1000 pesos ok um momento. She disapeared with an older white guy. Damn. I walked out side to catch my breathe and I saw something. WHAT DID I SEE?

The Dj gave me some advice. Ok. I went back finally I grabbed a Gabrielle Union looking puta and 1800 pesos and we are doing it. I'm rushing to make it back to my chica at the hotele. Finished. She was pretty stiff bbj and cow. I masterbated and she cleaned me up. A few pictures and motochonco to casa marina. Scarface put me to sleep.

Woke up next day. Some very good sex with the santo domingo chica and I made a call to gucci girl. Can I see you before I go? She didn't answer the phone and we never saw eachother again. After sex we had breakfast cleaned up and it was 11. She gave me a hug and kiss and walked off into the sunset. I watched until I could no longer see her motochonco anymore. I walked down to Gucci girls house. No answer. Went back to casa marina and my taxi was there. Choked up. Goodbye Sosua!

02-20-11, 14:57
Bravo Oakie, its your life and deniro. Besides, what anyone else thinks about your happiness doesn't matter. I see alot of old grouchy guys mad because they never found happiness. Keep living your dream. You and your girl can always double date with Noami and her huband LOL. If I see two couples riding around Sosua on new shinny bikes, with a transvestite blowing a whistle, I will wave Hello, to you (not Noami) LMAO.Thanks GG, you guys have schooled me well!

I think it works because what we give to each other is voluntary, I make no demands of her personally. She knows she is totally free do whatever she wants."Usted es libre", I'm always telling her. When I go down there I tell her I'll call her when I get checked in, but no, she insists on meeting me at the airport (at least a 9 hour publico, bus, publico then bus, publico again, ride from where she lives). Same when I leave. She could take a lot of shortcuts and still get my money, but no.

Although I ask nothing of her directly, I know what I want from a relationship, and what I don't want. Reliability, trust, no lies or excuses. I like to include guys in our circle of friends as well as women, and I don't want her flirting with guys that want to F*k her. When she's with me, she mine and its always naturally understood by everybody. If she did get caught up with anybody else, I'd be happy to walk away and wish her well, and thank god for those two years.

She understands these things instictively, it comes naturally, and there's absolutely no effort involved on both our parts. That comfort level makes for a fun week's vacation for both of us, with no reservations about where we can go, or what we can do.

Shit, if even one of my wives or long term relationships had as much savvy as her, I would still be married. I remember if we partied usually only one of us would have a good time, and the other would usually be wanting to leave, or be pissed the next day.

A guy knows instictively if a relationship is working, if actually she's enjoying the time together or just going through the motions. The signs are usually everywhere, even if some guys choose to ignore them. So, we have no reason to argue and the only thing she's ever done is go quiet if I pay too much attention to one of her hot friends or relatives. But in the main, I treat her with the respect I expect from her, and she always rises to it.

I'm under no illusions, and she's coming up for a month in May, which will be a deal maker or a deal breaker. If it doesn't go smooth, as I've said before that will be my exit strategy, and I'll be back in beautiful Sosua looking for pussy, but no more relationships!

And you mongers won't have to put up with my "Dear Abby" shit anymore.

I'll be in Boca Chica in March, and I'll try to post something informative and on topic about the general scene there.

02-20-11, 14:57
Enjoy the pictures. Gucci girl and friends can be found directly across from el flow and Latinos at that open bar / restaurant.

THe hard puta I see usually on the corner of the baseball field down from new garden.

Carlos Primeros
02-20-11, 15:42
Oakie. I have a similar relation in Rio de Janeiro. 10 years ago I met a student which was working as a semi-pro to ear money to survive. After she finished her training as a dentist she started to work in a clinic . But our relation survived all this time and I see her 5 - 6 times a year when I am in Rio. I usually stay with her (if I am not busy somewhere else) and it is a wonderful and trusted friendship. She knows I have also other relationas and she had other relations on and off. But when I am in Rio she is there only for me. Strange? Yes. But we have no intention to stop this.

During the first two years I helped her out with some small payments (small for me at least) but later she was never asking again. We go out together. I pick up the restaurant bill, but I do not have to rent a car, I take hers, I do not have to rent an apartment etc.

For sure in life you meet Piranhas and also decent ladies. I was obviously lucky.

Keep on going and have a look what life has in store for you.

Carlos Primeros

Charles Pooter
02-20-11, 16:03
It's the same relationship I have with the makers of PresidenteSo you send a cheque off every month to the brewers even though you may be in the States and not drinking their product? I don't think so.

Maybe you don"t quite understand capitalism?This is nothing whatever to do with capitalism. Prostitution and scams have been around for thousands of years before capitalism evolved.

Charles Pooter
02-20-11, 16:13
The bars are flowing with girls, and they are asking 2500-3000 pesos average. So when you take them they all say "no leche poppi, I tired." The best girls I find are the haitians. Fuck the dominican girls and their lazy asses!I am neither in the "nothing has changed" (or even "Sosúa is better than ever") faction nor in the "sky has fallen in" faction. I think the truth is somewhere between. And my preference for haitianas is well documented.

But I think your post does suggest one thing. Most of the chicas easily accessible in Sosúa now are hard-core professionals, hence the prices they are quoting. For years I have never found it necessary to pay more than 1500 ST or 2500 TLN (and usually less, though I would make it up to the quoted amounts if the service was 100%). Now I think that is harder to do without a cell-phone full of contacts.

Charles Pooter
02-20-11, 16:22
Oakie. I have a similar relation in Rio de Janeiro. 10 years ago I met a student which was working as a semi-pro to ear money to survive. After she finished her training as a dentist she started to work in a clinic. But our relation survived all this time and I see her 5. 6 times a year when I am in Rio. I usually stay with her (if I am not busy somewhere else) and it is a wonderful and trusted friendship. She knows I have also other relationas and she had other relations on and off. But when I am in Rio she is there only for me. Strange? Yes. But we have no intention to stop this.

During the first two years I helped her out with some small payments (small for me at least) but later she was never asking again. We go out together. I pick up the restaurant bill, but I do not have to rent a car, I take hers, I do not have to rent an apartment etc.

For sure in life you meet Piranhas and also decent ladies. I was obviously lucky.

Keep on going and have a look what life has in store for you.

Carlos PrimerosNow this relationship I understand, but you are wrong in saying it is similar to Oakie's. For one thing you are not sending her money regularly when you are not there. Secondly you are under no illusions she is not fucking other people when you are not around. And third, yours is an educated woman with a profession who can live comfortably without resorting to prostitution whereas Oakie's chica was a working girl when he met her. Totally different scenario.

Carlos Primeros
02-20-11, 16:42
CP. I said "similar relation". But with all your remarks you are right.

Carlos Primeros

02-20-11, 16:45
Reliability, trust, no lies or excuses. I like to include guys in our circle of friends as well as women, and I don't want her flirting with guys that want to F*k her. When she's with me, she mine and its always naturally understood by everybody. If she did get caught up with anybody else, I'd be happy to walk away and wish her well, and thank god for those two years.I used to be in the camp of "Hey, maybe it COULD work!" and you are showing that maybe it could. But as for me, after reading so many horror stories (like guys refinancing their homes to send money to women) and hearing about them first hand from talking to different folks, I am now convinced that the only way something like this would work (for me) is if I actually lived there to better verify "reliability, trust, no lies or excuses."

I think you mentioned in one of your (very earlier) post that you do pretty well financially. Have you ever thought of going the Sir Charles Pooter route and just packing up and moving there? (we Knight thee Sir Charles Pooter because anyone that is able to retire and die in paradise surrounded by an endless supply of beautiful women is worthy of Knighthood as that is an amazing feat (to most of us young'ins anyway, LOL) I'm sure if you did make that decision you'd sleep better at night (literally). And guess what? If you and the chica don't end up working out, there no need to book a flight and hotel anymore! Also, get youself a Hummer H2. I see them in Sosua all the time. You need them for the roads out there, LOL.

02-20-11, 16:47
My friends that live there are 0 for 8 on girfriends cheating on them most don't even know-

Its your life and money do what you want-

But if you want to find out about her post her pic and find out what we know about her.

Mr Enternational
02-20-11, 18:27
Anyway, I have to say that I have never had such a fantatic 'first date' with a girl in my life, we got on like a house on fire, she spoke some English with the cutest accent, and we talked for almost 4 hours with never a mention of money, going back to my hotel or whatever. We had some incredible chemistry. She eventually left with her cousin at around 2 am, I had of course got her contact details.

She texted back saying she did not believe I was alone, which kind of annoyed me because I was alone and had been totally honest with her the night before, ie had told her how many women I had been with here, but was looking for a serious girlfriend, and was not married etc. All of which were true.

Anyway, I was slightly nervous meeting her, as you would meeting any girl on a second date after such a fantastic first date. However, when I met her, it was like meeting another girl, she was totally different from our first meeting, pretty distant, indifferent and casual, she said things to me like all the guys here say they adore a girl just to get her into bed, and then go home and forget about them, which again really annoyed me because like you may have guessed I really liked this girl! Whether you think a chick in DR is pro or non-pro always try to fuck them the first time. As you have seen there may not be a next time. Remember, any woman anywhere always knows when she first meets a guy whether she will fuck him or not. DR is one of those places where you must go all in. You have nothing to lose. Every (read 100%) non-pro I have met there I have fucked them the first date / meeting.

You fucked up by telling the truth. Never tell the truth. A taxi driver in Guyana once told me to lie my ass off. He said none of these women want to hear the truth no matter how much they say they do. The truth is boring. You have to make yourself and your situation stand out from other people so you don't get the,"Every guy, etc. Etc." from them.

You are free to confess your likeness for her as much as you want AFTER you fuck her.

02-20-11, 18:38
So you send a cheque off every month to the brewers even though you may be in the States and not drinking their product? I don't think so.

Do you send a cheque to your insurance company? Do you make a claim every month?

I'm down there all the time.

This is nothing whatever to do with capitalism. Prostitution and scams have been around for thousands of years before capitalism evolved. It's called pay for play, my friend, and I'm suprised you don't quite get it yet!

It is pure capitalism.

She gives me what I need, I give her what she needs.

Whe are both happy with that.

So, learned fellow, where's the scam?

02-20-11, 18:38
My friends that live there are 0 for 8 on girfriends cheating on them most don't even know-

Its your life and money do what you want-

But if you want to find out about her post her pic and find out what we know about her. Does this also apply to the wait staff at BB? I have had dinner with one a couple of times and SEEMED genuine

02-20-11, 18:53
Oakie. I have a similar relation in Rio de Janeiro. 10 years ago I met a student which was working as a semi-pro to ear money to survive. After she finished her training as a dentist she started to work in a clinic. But our relation survived all this time and I see her 5. 6 times a year when I am in Rio. I usually stay with her (if I am not busy somewhere else) and it is a wonderful and trusted friendship. She knows I have also other relationas and she had other relations on and off. But when I am in Rio she is there only for me. Strange? Yes. But we have no intention to stop this.

During the first two years I helped her out with some small payments (small for me at least) but later she was never asking again. We go out together. I pick up the restaurant bill, but I do not have to rent a car, I take hers, I do not have to rent an apartment etc.

For sure in life you meet Piranhas and also decent ladies. I was obviously lucky.

Keep on going and have a look what life has in store for you.

Carlos PrimerosHey, I hope coupe66 reads this!

But I'm sure your "luck" involved a great deal of discernment and perception.

02-20-11, 19:08
I think you mentioned in one of your (very earlier) post that you do pretty well financially. Have you ever thought of going the Sir Charles Pooter route and just packing up and moving there? (we Knight thee Sir Charles Pooter because anyone that is able to retire and die in paradise surrounded by an endless supply of beautiful women is worthy of Knighthood as that is an amazing feat (to most of us young'ins anyway, LOL) I'm sure if you did make that decision you'd sleep better at night (literally). And guess what? If you and the chica don't end up working out, there no need to book a flight and hotel anymore! Also, get youself a Hummer H2. I see them in Sosua all the time. You need them for the roads out there, LOL.I sleep great now and I take it one month at a time.

I have absolutely no expectations or investment in the future of this, except for the next trip. I get my money's worth in the here and now. I don't expect her to be "faithful", I'm just telling you guys what she shows me.

I feel I'm getting added value for the money I spend.

As for moving there, I don't like the heat and the lack of our North American conveniences that we take for granted up here.

As far as I can see, the smart ones want to move from there, not the other way around.

02-20-11, 19:14
My friends that live there are 0 for 8 on girfriends cheating on them most don't even know-

Its your life and money do what you want- But if you want to find out about her post her pic and find out what we know about her. I like that! I've been tempted, I must say, especially to get Coolie's take LOL.

But as long as we have the mutual thing going I'm going to treat her the way I want to be treated, with respect.

When it goes to shit, which won't be long, according to some here, I'll post pics.

But maybe I'll post a couple teasers, anyway.

Mr Gogo
02-20-11, 19:20
Whether you think a chick in DR is pro or non-pro always try to fuck them the first time. As you have seen there may not be a next time. Remember, any woman anywhere always knows when she first meets a guy whether she will fuck him or not. DR is one of those places where you must go all in. You have nothing to lose. Every (read 100%) non-pro I have met there I have fucked them the first date / meeting.

You fucked up by telling the truth. Never tell the truth. A taxi driver in Guyana once told me to lie my ass off. He said none of these women want to hear the truth no matter how much they say they do. The truth is boring. You have to make yourself and your situation stand out from other people so you don't get the,"Every guy, etc. Etc." from them.

You are free to confess your likeness for her as much as you want AFTER you fuck her. Me E, your know you are one of my mentors with lifes experiences, but I have to disagree here. If you bat 100% with non pros on the first date you are the greatest player of all time or either they arent non pros. Most NP I've met try to seperate themselves from the average puta. They bring a family member to the first date, meet in public places, don't kiss and hold hands, won't come to your hotel and usually take the first meeting to check you out. My game is NOT to fuck them on the first date to act as if I'm not the average mongerer. Also in the DR there is always a next time to get that pussy, unless she is in jail or dies.

Lets define the definition of a Non Pro. If a girl has a job, is in school, doesn't hang in Sosua or at bars, spends all her spare time with family, is this a non pro? Even though she has a broke ass Dominican dude with 6 kids fucking her when he wants, or a Canadian that fucks her once a year but sends her tuition money. We define Non Pro as not wanting money for sex, but they fuck for free and and covertly accept gifts (money) from gringos. I think Non pros are overated and phony, give me a trick anyday that says"I will fuck you good but I want money".

The only true non pros to me are the ones who don't fuck anybody until that major"somebody" puts in same major time (2 months). A trick who fucks you quickly and doesn't ask for deniro because she likes you, is an undercover Puta.

John Gault
02-20-11, 19:41
Oakie. I have a similar relation in Rio de Janeiro. 10 years ago I met a student which was working as a semi-pro to ear money to survive. After she finished her training as a dentist she started to work in a clinic. But our relation survived all this time and I see her 5. 6 times a year when I am in Rio. I usually stay with her (if I am not busy somewhere else) and it is a wonderful and trusted friendship. She knows I have also other relationas and she had other relations on and off. But when I am in Rio she is there only for me. Strange? Yes. But we have no intention to stop this.

During the first two years I helped her out with some small payments (small for me at least) but later she was never asking again. We go out together. I pick up the restaurant bill, but I do not have to rent a car, I take hers, I do not have to rent an apartment etc.

For sure in life you meet Piranhas and also decent ladies. I was obviously lucky.

Keep on going and have a look what life has in store for you.

Carlos PrimerosSir, What you have found with the dentist is what most true Mongers look for, but few find.

I think it is 95% luck and the other 5% comes with great care and good judgement. I salute your 5% ability.

MS Clive
02-20-11, 19:58
Lots of lively discussion here set off by Coupe66. Man, that girl is bringing out the boy in more than one guy here.

First: let me say I just saw the movie someone suggested: "Same Same but Different". Nice movie very applicable to Coupe66. (Coupe66 you got to see the movie as he suggested).

Second: by dating / flirting with the girl in question there is nothing to lose. If you end of spending $100 or so on her to see where this heads no problem. Believe me you will remember the emotions for years and forget the mindless sex. If there is passion and a chance of love. Go for it.

Third: Do not fall in love to quickly. Watch her, be cautious. Be friendly not crazy. She deserves your respect (maybe) but keep yours too. If all goes well you will have a symbiotic relationship for minimal dollars or fall in love (mostly not). If not you can walk away with a great story.

02-20-11, 20:58
Enjoy the pictures. Gucci girl and friends can be found directly across from el flow and Latinos at that open bar / restaurant.

THe hard puta I see usually on the corner of the baseball field down from new garden. Where can you find the "ice lafox" chica on the left? :P

Professor 1
02-20-11, 21:42
Is this post supposed to be a joke?Now, Charles, do not be nasty. He obviously forgot to add the smiley. :)

Carlos Primeros
02-20-11, 22:01
Thank you for the friendlieness. I know that I am lucky (the famous 5%). And I hope that you will also have this luck!

All the best to you.

Carlos Primeros.

Deposed king of Portugal

Coolie High
02-20-11, 23:57
I like that! I've been tempted, I must say, especially to get Coolie's take LOL.

But as long as we have the mutual thing going I'm going to treat her the way I want to be treated, with respect.

When it goes to shit, which won't be long, according to some here, I'll post pics.

But maybe I'll post a couple teasers, anyway.Oakie,

Don't post a muthafucking pix of your girl. Not even a teaser keep that between you and only you. If you want to show some pics thru the back channel way to a couple fellow senior mongers that you trust then that's cool. You don't see me post pics of my girl Sade and I know for a fact she's giving up the pussy like skittles.

If you notice all the OG's on this board have NEVER posted a pix of there main girl. Theyll post there side chick but there main sweetheart you can forget it.

Your approaching the situation with your girl as logical as you can be. I'm rooting for your continued success. Definitely let us know how it goes when she comes to stay at your place for a month. That should be very interesting.

Ooh and don't wined up waking up in the Crying Game again in Boca Chica like you did in Sosua LOL.

Bq Ribs
02-21-11, 00:48
. I think Non pros are overated and phony, give me a trick anyday that says"I will fuck you good but I want money".

The only true non pros to me are the ones who don't fuck anybody until that major"somebody" puts in same major time (2 months). A trick who fucks you quickly and doesn't ask for deniro because she likes you, is an undercover Puta. Well said Gogo, so from this point on let's refer to these "special" non-pros as what they really are, Undercover putas.......UP.

We could use the assistance of Mr. Helpmann with this non-pro issue. He would do wonders making up a list on How to Tell If Your Non-Pro is Really an Undercover Puta.

1. Did she fuck you on the first date.................she a UP
2. Did she introduce you to her family on the first date................she a UP
3. etc.

02-21-11, 01:17
Well said Gogo, so from this point on let's refer to these "special" non-pros as what they really are. Undercover putas. UP.

We could use the assistance of Mr. Helpmann with this non-pro issue. He would do wonders making up a list on How to Tell If Your Non-Pro is Really an Undercover Puta...Funny that you should make reference to that post. I wrote it in response to Oakie's relationship.

How Do You Know If She's a Ho? (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?2227-Sosua-Reports&p=996512&viewfull=1#post996512)

-Helpmann :D

Mr Gogo
02-21-11, 01:18
Well said Gogo, so from this point on let's refer to these "special" non-pros as what they really are. Undercover putas. UP.

We could use the assistance of Mr. Helpmann with this non-pro issue. He would do wonders making up a list on How to Tell If Your Non-Pro is Really an Undercover Puta.

1. Did she fuck you on the first date. She a UP.

2. Did she introduce you to her family on the first date. She a UP.

3. Etc.1). Did she go to your hotel on the first date (UP).

2). Did condoms and lube fall out her purse while looking for gum (UP).

3) , She has never been to Sosua but knows every girl in Classicos (UP).

4). She asks what hotel your staying at (UP).

5). She has a iphone or blackberry but no job (UP).

6). She watches your deniro when you pay your tab (UP).

7). She is studying German or Dutch (UP).

Remember these girls haven't asked for money (yet) , but I'm sure its only because they really like us. LMAO.

02-21-11, 02:25
After a quick scan of the place I saw a girl, who in my eyes was absolutely gorgeous. She was sitting rather shyly further back in the bar with her cousin. Anyway, I summoned up the courage to go over to her to say Hi, and she was quite friendly back to me. Anyway, I have to say that I have never had such a fantatic 'first date' with a girl in my life, we got on like a house on fire, she spoke some English with the cutest accent, and we talked for almost 4 hours with never a mention of money, going back to my hotel or whatever. We had some incredible chemistry.

By the way, she was 22, paler skinned, petite, curvy, and looked more Columbian to me than Dominican. She was driving to Sosua by car to go to a girlfriends house, and said she was tired from a long day but agreed to meet me at a small restaurant / bar in Sosua where she used to work.

However, when I met her, it was like meeting another girl, she was totally different from our first meeting, pretty distant, indifferent and casual, she said things to me like all the guys here say they adore a girl just to get her into bed, and then go home and forget about them, which again really annoyed me because like you may have guessed I really liked this girl!

Anyway, I would be happy to find out anything that will help me get my head sorted out about this girl, from her being a total angel to someone telling me they know her and that she works all day at Blackbeards! Sorry to be such a sad case in this mongering paradise!She sounds like a high end pro to me. Lighter skinned chicas in Dom Rep are generally more snobby. If she doesn't have a normal 9-5 job and studying at night and she hangs out in Sosua, I would say she is pro. There are different types of pros. She may be a poor beautiful chica who is looking for some guy to take her out of the Dom Rep, for a better life. Being a light skin pretty chica, she probably gets many offers from guys every day.

You being in Sosua, you are usually seen by the Dominicans in Sosua as just some sex tourist. The chica may have thought you were different but when you didn't make the effort to see her the next day, she believed you were doing what all the sex tourists do in Sosua, having sex with some other pro. At that point in her eyes you were the same as the thousands of other guys she has seen in Sosua.

There are many beautiful poor chicas in Dom Rep who have to engage in the sex trade in order to make money.

You have to let it go. Unless you really wanted to commit to her and convince her that you were genuine, she will continue to look for her knight in shining armor to take her to a better life and she will probably engages in pay for play in order to survive.

Her coldness the second time you saw her, would be enough for me to have serious doubts about her. I will not say you cannot meet a good chica in Sosua, but generally any chica who visits Sosua is there to engage in pay for play (doesn't make the chica bad, just know that you are not getting a sweet innocent Church girl in Sosua).

02-21-11, 02:44
Also, get youself a Hummer H2. I see them in Sosua all the time. You need them for the roads out there, LOL.Ever driven on the roads in NY lately?



Mr Enternational
02-21-11, 03:11
Me E, your know you are one of my mentors with lifes experiences, but I have to disagree here. If you bat 100% with non pros on the first date you are the greatest player of all time or either they arent non pros. Most NP I've met try to seperate themselves from the average puta. They bring a family member to the first date, meet in public places, don't kiss and hold hands, won't come to your hotel and usually take the first meeting to check you out.Okay. I screwed that one up. There were 2 chicks it didn't happen with. One was my first time in DR in Boca Chica. I met this girl online. She works at a bank. And she did come with her cousin. She always wanted to get back together but I didn't have time. Another was a girl I went to see in Moca Feb last year. Reported about her giving a 5 year old kid a baby bottle.

Back to first trip: my ex boo. We were just meeting but something came of it unexpectedly. Her dad owns some company. She had her own apt and car. I had been to her place but could not stay there because her dad paid for everything and was very strict although she was 25 at the time. Even when she stayed with me she had to call and lie to her dad and tell him that she was at dinner with friends. She is now working on her master's in Madrid. Saw her there in October. First trip to Sosua: a tall thick girl from Puerto Plata. Met online. She has a car and a job. Has a visa for USA and family in New York. Has only been able to come to the states once since I have known her because she is always working. She hates me to stay in Sosua because she says there are too many hookers. I argue with her and say that I like the beach and it is easier to get around because I can walk everywhere. Sosua again: front desk girl at Europa. Sosua: The girl who was a waitress at the Dominican hole in the wall restaurant. I forget who in the forum knew her because his friend (a Dominicano) is her kid's dad. She didn't have a kid when I met her though. Boca Chica again: 2 more chicks I met online that rode the bus like 2 hours to come see me. And last: last time I was in DR 1 year ago this month a girl came from Santiago to stay with me a couple of days. She studies and works. Drove her back to Santiago. We stopped at her cousin's house who is a federal policeman in Puerto Plata. Had to go to some funeral gathering at her aunt's house in Santiago and met all of her family. Then there is the girl who is married to the Canadian guy now. One immigration lady in Puerto Plata and one immigration lady in Santo Domingo.

Then there were 3 pros that didn't want money. One was my first trip in Boca Chica. Some girl staying in the room across from mine sucked me off for free. Then Sosua, the light skinned Yennifer who used to hang out in front of Europa gave me a free introductory offer. But the next time she said,"It's not going to be free this time." Then another girl who I met in Latino's didn't want any money.

I have only been to DR maybe 7 times. 8 at the most.

Mr Gogo
02-21-11, 03:30
Okay. I screwed that one up. There were 2 chicks it didn't happen with. One was my first time in DR in Boca Chica. I met this girl online. She works at a bank. And she did come with her cousin. She always wanted to get back together but I didn't have time. Another was a girl I went to see in Moca Feb last year. Reported about her giving a 5 year old kid a baby bottle.

Back to first trip: my ex boo. We were just meeting but something came of it unexpectedly. Her dad owns some company. She had her own apt and car. I had been to her place but could not stay there because her dad paid for everything and was very strict although she was 25 at the time. Even when she stayed with me she had to call and lie to her dad and tell him that she was at dinner with friends. She is now working on her master's in Madrid. Saw her there in October. First trip to Sosua: a tall thick girl from Puerto Plata. Met online. She has a car and a job. Has a visa for USA and family in New York. Has only been able to come to the states once since I have known her because she is always working. She hates me to stay in Sosua because she says there are too many hookers. I argue with her and say that I like the beach and it is easier to get around because I can walk everywhere. Sosua again: front desk girl at Europa. Sosua: The girl who was a waitress at the Dominican hole in the wall restaurant. I forget who in the forum knew her because his friend (a Dominicano) is her kid's dad. She didn't have a kid when I met her though. Boca Chica again: 2 more chicks I met online that rode the bus like 2 hours to come see me. And last: last time I was in DR 1 year ago this month a girl came from Santiago to stay with me a couple of days. She studies and works. Drove her back to Santiago. We stopped at her cousin's house who is a federal policeman in Puerto Plata. Had to go to some funeral gathering at her aunt's house in Santiago and met all of her family. Then there is the girl who is married to the Canadian guy now. One immigration lady in Puerto Plata and one immigration lady in Santo Domingo.

Then there were 3 pros that didn't want money. One was my first trip in Boca Chica. Some girl staying in the room across from mine sucked me off for free. Then Sosua, the light skinned Yennifer who used to hang out in front of Europa gave me a free introductory offer. But the next time she said,"It's not going to be free this time." Then another girl who I met in Latino's didn't want any money.

I have only been to DR maybe 7 times. 8 at the most. LMAO, first time I have ever heard of a mongerer going to a funeral gathering. Most girls want you to come for dinner, bbq, fish fry, pig roast, I've even been invited to baby showers. But I've never had a girl say"I want you to come to my Uncle Julios funeral gathering" LOL. I wouldve had to pass on that one. You're a good dude Mr E and a class act.

02-21-11, 06:26
The only true non pros to me are the ones who don't fuck anybody until that major"somebody" puts in same major time (2 months). A trick who fucks you quickly and doesn't ask for deniro because she likes you, is an undercover Puta.My definition for Non-Pro is similar.

For years I've been reading in these threads about guys coming to Sosua with claims they only seek out and do non-pros. It has never been worth it for me to quibble with them and slap them up a few times to bring them back into reality.

A non-pro takes no money, asks for no gifts, but likes to fuck. That's it. She is not a working girl; she is a. S lut as she does it for the pure pleasure of it.

Guys claiming they date only non-pros where money / gifts are requested just don't have a better word to describe the type of girls they want to focus on.

In my mind, what those guys really are looking for are putas with the least experience possible. Least experience implies girls that have little negotiation skills for better monger pricing as well as a babe in the woods attitude before they are hardened from abuse by other mongers.

Fact is, they still are putas. They just have not become as hardened yet. They are Low Mileage Pros.


Bq Ribs
02-21-11, 06:35
Well thank you Ehunter. I thought I was the only one tired of reading about these non-pros like they are some special chicas.

My definition for Non-Pro is similar.

For years I've been reading in these threads about guys coming to Sosua with claims they only seek out and do non-pros. It has never been worth it for me to quibble with them and slap them up a few times to bring them back into reality.

A non-pro takes no money, asks for no gifts, but likes to fuck. That's it. She is not a working girl; she is a. S lut as she does it for the pure pleasure of it.

Guys claiming they date only non-pros where money / gifts are requested just don't have a better word to describe

Fact is, they still are putas. They just have not become as hardened yet. They are Low Mileage Pros. This part of your post says it all.

My definition for Non-Pro is similar.......Fact is, they still are putas. They just have not become as hardened yet. They are Low Mileage Pros.Or as Mr Gogo would call them Undercover Putas.

02-21-11, 06:40
My definition for Non-Pro is similar.

For years I've been reading in these threads about guys coming to Sosua with claims they only seek out and do non-pros. It has never been worth it for me to quibble with them and slap them up a few times to bring them back into reality.

A non-pro takes no money, asks for no gifts, but likes to fuck. That's it. She is not a working girl; she is a. S lut as she does it for the pure pleasure of it.

Guys claiming they date only non-pros where money / gifts are requested just don't have a better word to describe the type of girls they want to focus on.

In my mind, what those guys really are looking for are putas with the least experience possible. Least experience implies girls that have little negotiation skills for better monger pricing as well as a babe in the woods attitude before they are hardened from abuse by other mongers.

Fact is, they still are putas. They just have not become as hardened yet. They are Low Mileage Pros.

LMPs? I LIKE IT! Although "Low Pros" sounds much cooler, LOL.

Low Mileage Pro (LMP): A woman with little to no P4p negotiation skills as well as a "babe in the woods" mentality before she becomes hardened from repeated use by other mongers.

We may need to ask Jackson to update the abbreviation list!

02-21-11, 06:51
Definitely let us know how it goes when she comes to stay at your place for a month. That should be very interesting.Lots of guys are clueless on how complicated it is getting a girl out of the country.

It is easy for Americans to travel, just get a passport and a plane ticket and your off.

Problem is the DR ain't America.

The girl has to have a bank account. The girl needs a passport and maybe a visa. She needs to list where she is going and for how long for the DR authorities. The guy she goes to see has to have money to support her so the authorities want to see one or more bank statements of the gringo with information of income. There are probably other things.

FWIW-I assisted a Santiago girl with some of these issues so she could go stay with some clown in Germany. That's how I know. Maybe this can be expedited with palm greasing. I don't know. Most guys think the whole concept is a slam dunk. It is not.

Mr Gogo
02-21-11, 08:39

Don't post a muthafucking pix of your girl. Not even a teaser keep that between you and only you. If you want to show some pics thru the back channel way to a couple fellow senior mongers that you trust then that's cool. You don't see me post pics of my girl Sade and I know for a fact she's giving up the pussy like skittles.

If you notice all the OG's on this board have NEVER posted a pix of there main girl. Theyll post there side chick but there main sweetheart you can forget it.

Your approaching the situation with your girl as logical as you can be. I'm rooting for your continued success. Definitely let us know how it goes when she comes to stay at your place for a month. That should be very interesting.

Ooh and don't wined up waking up in the Crying Game again in Boca Chica like you did in Sosua LOL. Oakie you're a good dude, and I'm sure that in your past guys (and girls) have taken advantage of your kindness. But their are alot of guys here that sympathize with you and your situation. Guys in your life have already tried to educate you. But sometimes in life you get the best advise from guys that don't know you. Here's what happened to me.

I lived with my girlfriend from my job for two years. She was the prettiest girl on the job and guys knew she was down with me so they couldn't violate. Well when we started having problems and broke up it was payback on me. I would walk in the job and she would be smiling with a bunch of guys surrounding her. I held my head up and kept walking like I didn't care. But deep down inside I was hurting. The only good thing in my favor was that I fucked her well. So she couldn't bad mouth the sex. My co workers wanted to talk but I was always moving (no convo).

Anyway, one night I was out riding my motorcycle and I stopped at the auto store to buy a fuse. I saw this homeless guy sitting in a corner. I went and got two beers and gave him one. I just wanted to talk to someone who didn't know me. He told his life story, and it was fucked up. Then I told him about my situation and he said it was fucked up. As I got up to leave he said" don't ever again fuck no one where you work its not worth it if it goes bad". Coming from someone I didn't know, who cared enough to give me some good basic advise, meant everything.

My point is that no one here knows you. But people here seem genuinely interested in helping you out. Most guys in the past would be flaming on you all week. Your getting respect because people feel for you. Just maybe we are that homeless guy. Oh yeah, I never fuck on the job, lesson learned.

02-21-11, 09:26
I plan to visit La Passion at least once during my two week stay in Sosua.

Any info on LP girls? Didn`t find many reports on this forum.

La Passion reminds me on Devil`s Den Pattaya.

I hope girls provide same kind of service

Mr Enternational
02-21-11, 09:29
LMAO, first time I have ever heard of a mongerer going to a funeral gathering.I had to go to a double funeral with a girl in Colombia. The uncle died from some disease and the cousin had an accident. We had to ride the bus from Cali over two hours deep into Valle. No FARC anywhere to be seen.

02-21-11, 13:51
You guys have to understand these women are Hoes / Prostitutes, They will sleep with anybody that has money, don't try to wife a prostitute up or turn them into a house wife. While your gone on the plane back to your country sending her money (WU) and gifts, she's in Classicos looking for the next dick to suck.

02-21-11, 13:57
I plan to visit La Passion at least once during my two week stay in Sosua.

Any info on LP girls? Didn`t find many reports on this forum.

La Passion reminds me on Devil`s Den Pattaya.

I hope girls provide same kind of servicePretty much all you need can be found here:


02-21-11, 14:57

Don't post a muthafucking pix of your girl. Not even a teaser keep that between you and only you. If you want to show some pics thru the back channel way to a couple fellow senior mongers that you trust then that's cool. You don't see me post pics of my girl Sade and I know for a fact she's giving up the pussy like skittles.

If you notice all the OG's on this board have NEVER posted a pix of there main girl. Theyll post there side chick but there main sweetheart you can forget it.

Your approaching the situation with your girl as logical as you can be. I'm rooting for your continued success. Definitely let us know how it goes when she comes to stay at your place for a month. That should be very interesting.

Ooh and don't wined up waking up in the Crying Game again in Boca Chica like you did in Sosua LOL.

Well, a picture of those beautiful legs can't hurt?


No chance of that Coolie, She's meeting me there!

02-21-11, 15:11
Now I got the photo posting figured out I can add the odd picture now and again.

Here's the chica that used to wait at the back of the bar until my new princessa went home those first two magical nights in Sosua about two years ago. I thought I was being cool and discreet but I found out later everybody talks, and they all knew what was going on (even my chica) LOL.

She was enthusiastic, and gave me everything she had, but have never seen her around since.



02-21-11, 16:49
Well, a picture of those beautiful legs can't hurt?


No chance of that Coolie, She's meeting me there! Nice legs!

02-21-11, 17:12
1). Did she go to your hotel on the first date (UP).

2). Did condoms and lube fall out her purse while looking for gum (UP).

3) , She has never been to Sosua but knows every girl in Classicos (UP).

4). She asks what hotel your staying at (UP).

5). She has a iphone or blackberry but no job (UP).

6). She watches your deniro when you pay your tab (UP).

7). She is studying German or Dutch (UP).

Remember these girls haven't asked for money (yet) , but I'm sure its only because they really like us. LMAO. Its funny Mr. G. All of those prerequisites are the same guidelines I use. Point by Point.

8) Does she have new nice clothes but no job? (UP) Any kind of made in China bullshit clothes is so expensive in the DR.

9) Does she always have a perfect manicure and pedicure with all the shiny diamonds on them? (UP)

10) Does she always have money to maintain her weave or get her hair straightened? (UP)

11) Does she have cell phone minutes? (UP)

Actually these guidelines can be utilized with any Latin American country. LOL

02-21-11, 17:54
THe gucci, when asked what do they do for a living, said nothing! And laughed about it. THey're all hookers. Its the best job for a beautiful woman in a 3rd world country but I don't look down on them.

I was in Sosua and there's nothing to do but sit around and screw.

02-21-11, 18:10
Pros vs non pros is total other topic. While I am skeptical also about the girl in question there is too.

Many other factors in play. What does she look like? What does he look like? If she is older and average looking no kidding she might put out on first date.

I also relize the Pro, non pro debate will go on long after we are dead.

One guy on other travel board said, 'Any idiot can pay for sex' I laughed for a week. He will be banned soon. My hero LOL.

I think girl in question could be a pro one level above expert puta.a level of Western Union

'Player' or 'Heartbreaker' you guys remember that movie. She may have regular job but has multiple guys sending her money via WU.

Only way to find out is if he has picture and so does someone else. JMO.

But lets take it easy on him I want to see how this works out. LMAO

Ted Awards
02-21-11, 18:22
I am staying in Casa Marina Reef in March. Are Classicos and LaPassion walking distance from Casa Marina? What is the best value Girl-friendly hotel I can take the chicas? What is the going rate of a chica both short-term and all night rates?

02-21-11, 18:26
Its funny Mr. G. All of those prerequisites are the same guidelines I use. Point by Point.

8) Does she have new nice clothes but no job? (UP) Any kind of made in China bullshit clothes is so expensive in the DR.

9) Does she always have a perfect manicure and pedicure with all the shiny diamonds on them? (UP)

10) Does she always have money to maintain her weave or get her hair straightened? (UP)

11) Does she have cell phone minutes? (UP)

Actually these guidelines can be utilized with any Latin American country. LOLIf a Dominican chica starts saying the word "Baby" (in English) numerous times, I am ready to run away from her.

I know you like chicas from Bani. I was in Coppa discoteca last week in Santo Domingo and I met three chicas who were in a group together, one was a tall, shapely chica from Bani, she had braces on her teeth. She told me she was a student in Santo Domingo. I asked the waiter I know in Coppa if she was a puta and he said yes. Asking prices of the putas in Coppa. 4-5 mil pesos.

Member #3437
02-21-11, 18:34
This scenario, where girls sit shy in the bar in a tourist working girl town and gingerly smiles at you, then immediately plays eye games and plays like they really are falling in love with you is about as old as the game itself.

These girls, for whatever reason, are usually pros that have multiple out of town "loves" that send them money, or they live in a nearby city with a boyfriend or husband (who usually knows about what they are up too) and they are working the romance scam for a monthly income.

Back in the old days of Sosua I coined a phrase for them,"notaputa", because they would always get indignant when someone tried to offer them money to bring them back to their hotel and say with a shocked face "I am not a puta". If you stuck around long enough, you would see this same girl working different foreign guys over and over and over, almost always in the middle of some passionate kiss or holding hands or strolling with their arms around each other (towards shopping usually).

The signs will all be there for our newbie monger friend and he can choose to read them or ignore them. The lure of a foreign girlfriend is strong so many times denial sets in and he may start lying to himself. He didn't pay her, he loaned her some money, bought her dinner and took her clothes shopping. He will refuse to make the correlation in his mind that after sex she always needs a loan or some bill is due or she needs groceries. He isn't sending her money every month, he is helping support her sick mother, or paying for the 'apartment' they live in (the one where everyone clears out of except for her when he comes into town).

We also used to hang in Chariamico and play cards with some of the locals, and their wives / baby mommas would be getting ready, doing their hair, geting dressed up, etc to go to Sosua, and we would see them later in the night tricking at classicos. Some times their husbands would be there too, but they wouldn't be together. This is the reality of the scene there, everyone is in on what is going on, and probably no one will tell you when you are getting played.

Sosua is a notorious working girl town. Expect to encounter working girls at almost every male / female encounter.

There are certainly many respectable girlfriends to be had in foreign lands. They will want you to meet their entire family after the first date, they certainly won't be screwing you like a porn star right away and taking loads in the face, and they will have people spying on you when you are in town, and if you are frequenting pros they will drop you like a bad habit. Due to the extreme poverty and the culture of the area, Finding one of these girls in Sosua is almost impossible. The good girls from the surrounding areas aren't ignorant and don't blindly stumble into the most notorious working town in the country and accidently sit down in a working bar and just so happen to fall in love with YOU, Mr. Aging sex tourist guy. If this describes your relationship, see above where I talk about denial.

Mr Gogo
02-21-11, 18:34
Pros vs non pros is total other topic. While I am skeptical also about the girl in question there is too.

Many other factors in play. What does she look like? What does he look like? If she is older and average looking no kidding she might put out on first date.

I also relize the Pro, non pro debate will go on long after we are dead.

One guy on other travel board said, 'Any idiot can pay for sex' I laughed for a week. He will be banned soon. My hero LOL.

I think girl in question could be a pro one level above expert puta. A level of Western Union

'Player' or 'Heartbreaker' you guys remember that movie. She may have regular job but has multiple guys sending her money via WU.

Only way to find out is if he has picture and so does someone else. JMO.

But lets take it easy on him I want to see how this works out. LMAOMy point is that we have game but they have more game. Some guys are new to getting foreign pussy, they arent new to getting foreign dick. This forum shouldn't be about busting a guys fantasy (showing pics). We give advise and share experiences, and he developes an opinion. Some guys live for free pussy, it stokes their ego. I played that game in high school. To me a real man should want to give back (dinner, cheap gifts, a few pesos) because it doesn't decrease their worth for giving you pussy.

02-21-11, 18:36
I am staying in Casa Marina Reef in March. Are Classicos and LaPassion walking distance from Casa Marina? What is the best value Girl-friendly hotel I can take the chicas? What is the going rate of a chica both short-term and all night rates?Sosua is small, everything is within a ten minute walk. Classicos is a 5 minute walk from casa marina reef entrance near the baseball field. La Passion about a 7 minute walk. Hotel Calypso probably the cheapest flop house hotel for sex in Sosua. Hotel Orchidee and Rockys have may have rooms for around $25 per night (check their websites or send them an email to get up to date prices).

Pricing usually starts at around 1500 pesos and goes up from there for independent chicas. La Passion has set prices.

02-21-11, 18:36
...those first two magical nights in Sosua about two years ago.There ain't nothing magical about it.

You crossed paths with a ho and your soft spots got worked. Eight out of 10 girls coulda worked you over the same way.

The important thing is you enjoyed it and your ego got stroked.

Just don't loose sight of reality. The girl was a HO, she sensed your needs, and gave you what you were looking for. Again, the last thing it is is magic.

Just keeping it real.

Member #3437
02-21-11, 18:42
I plan to visit La Passion at least once during my two week stay in Sosua.

Any info on LP girls? Didn`t find many reports on this forum.

La Passion reminds me on Devil`s Den Pattaya.

I hope girls provide same kind of serviceNOTHING is like The Hell Club dude. If you go there expecting it you will be disapointed.

Sosua has a whole different vibe than Pattaya. The scene is relatively small comparatively speaking, and the girls aren't as fresh nor as smoking hot, and you don't have 10, 000 of them to pick from.

02-21-11, 18:47
I am staying in Casa Marina Reef in March. Are Classicos and LaPassion walking distance from Casa Marina? What is the best value Girl-friendly hotel I can take the chicas? What is the going rate of a chica both short-term and all night rates?All the info you want is in the second post. You will even find a map so you can know how long it will take to walk places. Search in the hotels thread if you need specific info.



Member #3437
02-21-11, 18:47
I sleep great now and I take it one month at a time.

I have absolutely no expectations or investment in the future of this, except for the next trip. I get my money's worth in the here and now. I don't expect her to be "faithful", I'm just telling you guys what she shows me.

I feel I'm getting added value for the money I spend.

As for moving there, I don't like the heat and the lack of our North American conveniences that we take for granted up here.

As far as I can see, the smart ones want to move from there, not the other way around. You guys need to give Oakie a break here. He knows what he is doing as evidenced by this post. He probably sends like 300 bucks a month, which he could burn up chasing down 3 or 4 girls in Town. 2 of which would give him rotten service and one may have a smelly sne-atch. This girl probably gives him exactly what he wants, and he knows the score. What are you going to teach him here that he doesn't already know?

Member #3437
02-21-11, 18:58
You guys have to understand these women are Hoes / Prostitutes, They will sleep with anybody that has money, don't try to wife a prostitute up or turn them into a house wife. While your gone on the plane back to your country sending her money (WU) and gifts, she's in Classicos looking for the next dick to suck.I had a friend who used to joke that they go with you to the airport, kiss you, wave and cry and blow you kisses as you enter, then when you are out of sight, quickly walk over to the arrival section.

Ted Awards
02-21-11, 18:59
All the info you want is in the second post. You will even find a map so you can know how long it will take to walk places. Search in the hotels thread if you need specific info.


http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?2758-Sosua-Hotels&p=1111401&viewfull=1#post1111401Thanks eHunter for the info. Unfortunately, the JPG map photo has been removed and I cannot access it. Could you or anyone else just tell me if Classico and LaPassion are walking distance from Casa Marina Reef Resort.

Thanks again

02-21-11, 19:11
THe gucci, when asked what do they do for a living, said nothing! And laughed about it. THey're all hookers. Its the best job for a beautiful woman in a 3rd world country but I don't look down on them.

I was in Sosua and there's nothing to do but sit around and screw. These 3 sentences have just about summed up all of Sosua in a nutshell, maybe just about all of the DR! LOL jaja Kudos JF. P. S. I think I banged a few of your CMP girls. I stay out of passions.

02-21-11, 19:25
What is the going rate of a chica both ST and all LT rates (discos and bars)?

Ted Awards
02-21-11, 19:26

Thanks for the links. The map has been removed and cannot be accessed. Can you or anybody else just tell me the walking distance from Casa Marina Reef to Classico and La Passion?

All the info you want is in the second post. You will even find a map so you can know how long it will take to walk places. Search in the hotels thread if you need specific info.



02-21-11, 20:08
You guys need to give Oakie a break here. He knows what he is doing as evidenced by this post. He probably sends like 300 bucks a month, which he could burn up chasing down 3 or 4 girls in Town. 2 of which would give him rotten service and one may have a smelly sne-atch. This girl probably gives him exactly what he wants, and he knows the score. What are you going to teach him here that he doesn't already know?He is looking for romance in hos's and there is nothing wrong with that. With respect to all his 'magical moments', to each his own.

Most posters here are after porn star sex and not the validation that there are some girls out there that find them spiritually attractive. This, I say, is the worst place for such validation.

02-21-11, 20:50
He is looking for romance in hos's and there is nothing wrong with that. With respect to all his 'magical moments', to each his own.

Most posters here are after porn star sex and not the validation that there are some girls out there that find them spiritually attractive. This, I say, is the worst place for such validation. If you looking for romance with ho, Philippines (AC or Cebu) is the best place to go.

Take your girl to Boracay and have a blast:


02-21-11, 20:52
There ain't nothing magical about it.[QUOTE.

You kidding me?

A horny old guy from the frozen north lands in town for the first time and gets to choose from literally (in those days) hundreds of young chicas and can bed them around the corner for the price of a dinner?

That's magic to me!

[QUOTE=You crossed paths with a ho and your soft spots got worked. Eight out of 10 girls coulda worked you over the same way.[QUOTE=

Wrong again! In the last 2 years I spent a fair bit of my "off duty" time down there shmoozing with chicas. They have no interest for me, except maybe an hour in the sack with a hottie. But no connection on any other level.

I've proven that the odds for me to find a long term friend and lover who I genuinely like, are definitely not 8/10 but are much, much greater, if at all!

[QUOTE=The important thing is you enjoyed it and your ego got stroked.[QUOTE=

Got to agree with you there!

[QUOTE=Just don't loose sight of reality. The girl was a HO, she sensed your needs, and gave you what you were looking fo.[QUOTE=

And how!

But for me I was looking for a lot, and the odds were against me. I see it as a fortunate coincidence.

Just keeping it real. [/QUOTE]

So am I, aside from the usual lovee stuff we engage in, I would never confuse it with true love.

But, that said, I defy anyone to spend as much enjoyable time as we do together, and not develop some affection for each other. That affection grew over 2 years, not over a beer one night!

What I'm doing here is relating a true life experience for the benefit of some guys who may want to try an alternative to the fast hit or miss hustle and shuffle.

Especially for an older guy, its magic to go back to the hotel where she knows what you like, and you can take all the time in the world to enjoy it.

No Viagara required!

Thanks for the response, I know you are looking out for us optimistic fools, but one size does not fit all.

02-21-11, 21:00
Everybody who has had a "novia" in a latin country, even if she is a "non pro" has been a Western Union Novio in one way or another. Just there is a very thin line between being taken advantage of and helping out your loved one who is in dire straights.

Just know what your getting into, listen to "sound" advice from members with experience. Call a spade a spade, if it walks, talks, looks like a duck, then its a duck and last but not least. Don't try to cover the sun with one finger.

Maybe it will work out, maybe not. But good luck! You're making your bed and you're the one who has to sleep in it.

02-21-11, 21:24
Oakie- I say have fun dude! I've sent money western union "40, 50 dollars at the most", I've brought the girls perfume, took them to nice resort and promised to bring them back. Live the life dude. It beats messing with a woman from the states anyday. Atleast you know your going to fuck the dominican chicas. American women a take the gifts and still with hold sex.

If all this shit ends today and we couldn't fly out to these places for sex. We a all slit our wrist.

Ted Awards-Everything is in walking distance from casa marina. I've walked to la passion, cmp and classicos from my resort. No need for a taxi or a motochonco. Just walk around. You a bump into all the banks, claro shops and orange, latinos, classicos, el flow, internet cafe and cmp and La passions

02-21-11, 21:51
Everybody who has had a "novia" in a latin country, even if she is a "non pro" has been a Western Union Novio in one way or another. Just there is a very thin line between being taken advantage of and helping out your loved one who is in dire straights.

Just know what your getting into, listen to "sound" advice from members with experience. Call a spade a spade, if it walks, talks, looks like a duck, then its a duck and last but not least. Don't try to cover the sun with one finger.

Maybe it will work out, maybe not. But good luck! You're making your bed and you're the one who has to sleep in it. Thanks MHL.

But everybody is missing the point I'm tryin to make, which is:

What's the difference between going down there and spending money banging everything in sight, or going down and banging just the one who consistently does it for you, in spades?

Seems to me there's not that much difference in the money that's spent in both scenarios.

I honestly can't see what all the head shaking is all about.

02-21-11, 21:56
You are happy with the chica is all that matters. Very few guys in this world marry or date chicas who are virgins with no prior sexual experience with other guys.

There ain't nothing magical about it.


You kidding me?

A horny old guy from the frozen north lands in town for the first time and gets to choose from literally (in those days) hundreds of young chicas and can bed them around the corner for the price of a dinner?

That's magic to me!

[QUOTE=You crossed paths with a ho and your soft spots got worked. Eight out of 10 girls coulda worked you over the same way.


Wrong again! In the last 2 years I spent a fair bit of my "off duty" time down there shmoozing with chicas. They have no interest for me, except maybe an hour in the sack with a hottie. But no connection on any other level.

I've proven that the odds for me to find a long term friend and lover who I genuinely like, are definitely not 8/10 but are much, much greater, if at all!

[QUOTE=The important thing is you enjoyed it and your ego got stroked.


Got to agree with you there!

So am I, aside from the usual lovee stuff we engage in, I would never confuse it with true love.

But, that said, I defy anyone to spend as much enjoyable time as we do together, and not develop some affection for each other. That affection grew over 2 years, not over a beer one night!

What I'm doing here is relating a true life experience for the benefit of some guys who may want to try an alternative to the fast hit or miss hustle and shuffle.

Especially for an older guy, its magic to go back to the hotel where she knows what you like, and you can take all the time in the world to enjoy it.

No Viagara required!

Thanks for the response, I know you are looking out for us optimistic fools, but one size does not fit all. [/QUOTE]

02-21-11, 22:34
When I go down there I tell her I'll call her when I get checked in, but no, she insists on meeting me at the airport (at least a 9 hour publico, bus, publico then bus, publico again, ride from where she lives). Same when I leave. She could take a lot of shortcuts and still get my money, but no.She just wants to be sure that you aren't sidetracked by some other chica on arrival, and that you empty your pockets of spare DR cash on departure.

DR 101! It is all about the money. Sexual fidelity = financial fidelity.

02-22-11, 00:46
Everybody who has had a "novia" in a latin country, even if she is a "non pro" has been a Western Union Novio in one way or another. Just there is a very thin line between being taken advantage of and helping out your loved one who is in dire straights.

Just know what your getting into, listen to "sound" advice from members with experience. Call a spade a spade, if it walks, talks, looks like a duck, then its a duck and last but not least. Don't try to cover the sun with one finger.

Maybe it will work out, maybe not. But good luck! You're making your bed and you're the one who has to sleep in it. Thanks MHL,

I don't think I have ever read that many clichés in a single post. Gave me a good laugh on Presidents' Day.

02-22-11, 00:47
She just wants to be sure that you aren't sidetracked by some other chica on arrival, and that you empty your pockets of spare DR cash on departure.

DR 101! It is all about the money. Sexual fidelity = financial fidelity. Agreed. But my point is within that established framework one still can have a hell of a good time, if you're lucky enough to to meet one that fits you like a glove, and that's real hard given the nature of our business.

02-22-11, 02:10
Thanks MHL,

I don't think I have ever read that many clichés in a single post. Gave me a good laugh on Presidents' Day. Hahaaha, I was going to give him the ole "you can take the Hoe out of Sosua but can never take the Sosua out of the Hoe. But we all know that already and it would have been overkill. Je je LOL

Coolie High
02-22-11, 13:34
Non putas vs putas= who gives a fuck!

Seriously the theory of pussy (which is actually a FACT) is that men pays for pussy regardless.

Gentlemen your objective is to find a woman that gives you the service that your paying and expecting from her. In other words as long as your getting your money's worth then that's all that matters. I could careless if I found the broad in a hoe town like Sosua or the catholic church Sunday school in SDQ.

02-22-11, 14:17
NOTHING is like The Hell Club dude. If you go there expecting it you will be disapointed.

Sosua has a whole different vibe than Pattaya. The scene is relatively small comparatively speaking, and the girls aren't as fresh nor as smoking hot, and you don't have 10, 000 of them to pick from. Yes Pattaya is great. Devils Den is great. Ah I mis Thailand.

How would you rate the quality and quanity of Sousa vs. San Jose.

Never been to CR, I was in Sousa before all the new "rules".

Any info please.

Member #3437
02-22-11, 16:55
Yes Pattaya is great. Devils Den is great. Ah I mis Thailand.

How would you rate the quality and quanity of Sousa vs. San Jose.

Never been to CR, I was in Sousa before all the new "rules".

Any info please. I have been to both places so many times I can't count, but neither in the last 3 years. Both places are hardcore. San Jose is centered around Gringo gulch and you get girls, pro girls who have saved up enough money to travel, from all over central and northern South America, so prettier girls. They also get nailed like dogs and they tend to put you on the clock. Sosua in the old days was great, but has changed dramatically. Tales of girls putting guys on the clock, charging 100 US, being 'all business, etc is not what it used to be. I always loved the DR but it can be a challenge to get the kind of girls I like, thin, young, pretty and GFE, but the carribean vibe and smiles are intoxicating. I say go to both places and decide on your own.

Mr Gogo
02-22-11, 17:27
I have been to both places so many times I can't count, but neither in the last 3 years. Both places are hardcore. San Jose is centered around Gringo gulch and you get girls, pro girls who have saved up enough money to travel, from all over central and northern South America, so prettier girls. They also get nailed like dogs and they tend to put you on the clock. Sosua in the old days was great, but has changed dramatically. Tales of girls putting guys on the clock, charging 100 US, being 'all business, etc is not what it used to be. I always loved the DR but it can be a challenge to get the kind of girls I like, thin, young, pretty and GFE, but the carribean vibe and smiles are intoxicating. I say go to both places and decide on your own.I concur Sir. I was there last month (report in Gogo forum). The scene is set up for the sportsman. Golfers, boaters, affluent suburbian gringos. Mostly married older gentleman who don't try to learn spanish and don't mind paying 100usd and up an hour. The chicas seem to be Unionized, and hold close to THEIR pricing structure. By my second day there chics avoided me like the plague. I became known as the 100 tln guy. I was the Union buster but failed miserably. No one wanted to spend the night unless I was paying more than 150usd, It was as if they had a curfew. Even in Del rey at 3am chicas were still asking 80usd for an hour. And I had been watching these same chics circle the bar for 3 hours.

I talked to one gentleman who was 65 yo. He had hypertension, diabetes, and the viagra only worked sometimes. He took two fine ass girls to his room. When he came back and sat down an hour later I questioned him. He paid 200usd PLUS propina to eat pussy and watch them eat each others pussy.

If you like clock waters that are all buisness, but look good. Average food, laid back Latin culture, and safe places, then go to CR. But for me it was the trip from hell.

02-22-11, 22:06
but the carribean vibe and smiles are intoxicating.Excellent description. Always lots of tits and ass around in DR, only adds to the vibe.

02-23-11, 00:09
Non putas vs putas= who gives a fuck!

Seriously the theory of pussy (which is actually a FACT) is that men pays for pussy regardless.

Gentlemen your objective is to find a woman that gives you the service that your paying and expecting from her. In other words as long as your getting your money's worth then that's all that matters. I could careless if I found the broad in a hoe town like Sosua or the catholic church Sunday school in SDQ. Yeah, notice that the hot ones always seem to sit at the back in the last three pews?

02-23-11, 05:17

Thanks for the links. The map has been removed and cannot be accessed. Can you or anybody else just tell me the walking distance from Casa Marina Reef to Classico and La Passion? I had this old copy of the Sosua map.


02-23-11, 05:47
Thanks eHunter for the info. Unfortunately, the JPG map photo has been removed and I cannot access it. Could you or anyone else just tell me if Classico and LaPassion are walking distance from Casa Marina Reef Resort.

Thanks againClub 59 Classic disco 4-5 minutes walk. La Passion 12-15 minutes walk. Both are an easy walk, but if it is hot and humid you might want to take a motoconcho to La Passion. Personally I would always walk it, because the people you encounter while walking around are half the fun of Sosua.

02-23-11, 06:01

Thanks for the links. The map has been removed and cannot be accessed. Can you or anybody else just tell me the walking distance from Casa Marina Reef to Classico and La Passion? There is nothing wrong with it.

You did not read the instructions at the top of the post.

Take that link and change the F in Fotobucket to p.

This had to be done because this site does not allow links to that website.

02-23-11, 06:49
There is nothing wrong with it.

You did not read the instructions at the top of the post.

Take that link and change the F in Fotobucket to p.

This had to be done because this site does not allow links to that website. How about this one:


Member #3437
02-23-11, 16:02
I concur Sir. I was there last month (report in Gogo forum). The scene is set up for the sportsman. Golfers, boaters, affluent suburbian gringos. Mostly married older gentleman who don't try to learn spanish and don't mind paying 100usd and up an hour. The chicas seem to be Unionized, and hold close to THEIR pricing structure. By my second day there chics avoided me like the plague. I became known as the 100 tln guy. I was the Union buster but failed miserably. No one wanted to spend the night unless I was paying more than 150usd, It was as if they had a curfew. Even in Del rey at 3am chicas were still asking 80usd for an hour. And I had been watching these same chics circle the bar for 3 hours.

I talked to one gentleman who was 65 yo. He had hypertension, diabetes, and the viagra only worked sometimes. He took two fine ass girls to his room. When he came back and sat down an hour later I questioned him. He paid 200usd PLUS propina to eat pussy and watch them eat each others pussy.

If you like clock waters that are all buisness, but look good. Average food, laid back Latin culture, and safe places, then go to CR. But for me it was the trip from hell. I used to fly to CR all the time, use it as a layover on my way to South America, which I went to at least once a month. Mostly it is a great place to socialize with GUYS, smoke cigars and drink scotch, talk about the stock market, troll the bar and play eyes games with the girls, get drunk and sloth you way up to a mediocre room with a hot looking girl who will be jonesing to go get her next cien bill the whole time. Once in a while, you will find a gem, a girl who hasn't learned the hardcore game or gotten in the union yet (LOL Gogo). I once got an 18 year old girl, a tica, who came into the bar for the first time not knowing anything and this was memoriable. Another time I got a girl from Nicaraqua who was new and just awesome, but these are now the exceptions. CR is also good for fishing, for river rafting, for treking around volcanoes and waterfalls. But as a monger destination it used to be number 1 25 years ago, now it is dead last in my mind. I will still probably end up there again sometime in my near future, but it will be a layover or a fishing trip.

Sosua was at one time magical, totally different than it is now. As more and more guys came, mostly due to us guys who wouldn't shut up about it on the internet and then tragically the cheap flights from NYC, it got to be more and more like CR. I am heading to the north coast soon, but will be staying in PP, and visiting Sosua maybe one day, hoping to look up a few old friends who may still be hanging around. ANyone seen Mr. NYC, Jazz, Fantasy, or any of the old gang down there lately?

Member #3437
02-23-11, 16:36
After I posted that, I thought about an old post I had made three years ago. I just dug it up and here it is for you. Notice the similarities.

04-16-08 10:18 #2197 WestFLA

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There are no right or wrong answers in mongering. It took me a long while to come to that conclusion, but the main difference between mongers is the experience they seek. That point was really driven home to me last year in Peru when I saw a bunch of guys hanging with 40 year old working girls that frankly disqusted me, but nevertheless they were happy. When I would show up with a 19 or 20 year old spinner they would freak out and say they had 'daughters older then that'. My response was 'so what' but I finally understood that we all seek out what makes us happy. That is also why I have criticised somewhat the changes that have occured in Sosua but also said some guys may be happier now.

For me, San Jose is dead because 1) I don't like massage parlor action (exception Relax & vida in Peru) 2) The Smell Rey is no different than the escort action in the US as you are on the clock, the girls are hot and they basically hate you 3) The level of monger is mostly guys that are clueless about latin culture. 4) While certainly there are hot girls running around the del rey from all over the carribean and south america, they are hard core hookers. I don't like hard core hookers. Never have and never will. Give me a part timer, a college girl looking for some jack, a girl who is trying to get you to falling love, whatever. This is the type that gives me the experience I like. I will do the hooker action as a fill in, but my target market is spending romantic time with hot latinas. Finding that in San Jose, while not impossible is nevertheless like finding the proverbial needle in a haystack.

The reason the DR is much better IMO is that even with all the changes over the last several years, you can seek out extremely hot girls that really want to spend time with you and give you the romance sex, not the bump and run. Even the girls from the houses in Santiago and Puerto Plata will give you an all night experience that puts anything you can normally get in SJO to bitter shame.

Now, for the guys that like anonymous sex and visuals clues are all that is important, like their food expensive, like drivers, doormen, on site casinos, and chatting up businessmen, cigars, and watching football in the bar. Go to the Del Rey. This is where you need to be.

Again no right or wrong. But you will find me horseback riding on a beach with my three day girl, or hanging in a disco with my 2 night girl, or out to dinner with a clerk from a store or a waitress. And generally doing things that make my trip special to me.

Hanging around talking about the stock market, politics with old fat businessmen in a casino lobby full of hard core hookers? Sure. If I am passing thru to go fishing or heading somewhere else in South or central america I may make a stop there. But for WF, never a destination will San Jose be.

Ted Awards
02-23-11, 21:25
I will be in Sosua next Thursday, for the first time. The map comes in handy. Thanks again all.

Ted Awards
02-24-11, 18:33
I am taking USD with me to pay for my expenses. Can I pay for beer at the bars and the chicas USD or should I change my money to DOP. I am going to pay $50 for ST and $100 for TLN. Are these the going rates?

02-24-11, 21:12
I am taking USD with me to pay for my expenses. Can I pay for beer at the bars and the chicas USD or should I change my money to DOP. I am going to pay $50 for ST and $100 for TLN. Are these the going rates?NO! Change your money, you are going to spend more, There are a few ways to change your money. They are the guys on the street, and there is a Western Union across from the big supermarket in sosua off the main road. The other guys on the board will post some other spots to change after my post.

02-24-11, 23:08
I am taking USD with me to pay for my expenses. Can I pay for beer at the bars and the chicas USD or should I change my money to DOP. I am going to pay $50 for ST and $100 for TLN. Are these the going rates?I was there last week on my 4th trip in 2 years. Best to exchange into pesos. The people there are rather innumerate and you would need to walk around with a pocket calculator to figure out if you're overpaying or not. Yes, you can spend USD however. The rate for me went up from 37. 25 to 37. 6 during my stay. I suggest the small "Cambios" near the center, just walk around the block and you'll find them. I counted at least 3 of them and exchanged at 2 with no problems. These cambios are very small stores with nothing more than a guy inside exchanging money. Very professional and honest. Money is counted out several times in front of you and they don't object if you count it again yourself. The street guys are OK when the cambios are closed but you need to be more careful counting with them. They are fine for exchanging $100 bucks at a time just to get you through the night but use common sense and hang with a buddy when you go to them. They are found standing at any busy street corner in town and operate openly in plain view of the passing public day and night.

02-24-11, 23:09
I am taking USD with me to pay for my expenses. Can I pay for beer at the bars and the chicas USD or should I change my money to DOP. I am going to pay $50 for ST and $100 for TLN. Are these the going rates?You can pay for some small items with dollar bills, like motoconchos, or larger items like your hotel room, but in general you need pesos for bars and restaurants, because they won't be able to make the correct change if you tender in dollars. In fact they won't be able to calculate it.

You can change your dollars in the street at the corner outside PJ's restaurant. Several gentlemen will call out "chench, chench" every time you pass by. They are offering to change your money. As a sideline some of them also sell generic Viagra for $500 pesos for 4 tabs of 100mgs, but you can bargain them down to $300 pesos if you want some of the blue stuff.

They are pretty reliable and won't rob you.

For chicas about $2000 (dos mil) pesos seems to be the going rate for short time these days. You may find that you can bargain for less, but the danger is that the chica will then be resentful and go about her duties in a minimalist fashion. What I find to be more effective is that I tell her I will pay $1500 (mil quiniento) pesos, but that if it is exceptionally good, I will give her a bonus of an additional $500 (quiniento) pesos. Of course I intend to pay her the full price unless she really shows her ass performance wise. This seems to work.

I would not advise TLN unless you have been with the girl short term and really want to spend more time with her. And I still wouldn't give her more than $2000 pesos, because I would want a discount for repeat business.

02-24-11, 23:13
I am taking USD with me to pay for my expenses. Can I pay for beer at the bars and the chicas USD or should I change my money to DOP. I am going to pay $50 for ST and $100 for TLN. Are these the going rates?Oops, I forgot to add. The going rate is 1500 ($40. 00 USD) for ST and 3000 for LT. Most will ask for 2000 pesos. There were fewer chicas around and the M / F ratio a bit less favorable and it appears the hotter ones are getting the 2000. You can get the skanks for less but you know how that is. Not my cup of tea. Feel free to ask any more questions, I'll get back to you.

Ted Awards
02-25-11, 17:55
Thank you all for helpful info. Geolopes, since you were there last week, can you tell me where to start my hunt for hot chicas? La Passion? How was the quality of the girls in general?

02-26-11, 05:26
Thank you all for helpful info. Geolopes, since you were there last week, can you tell me where to start my hunt for hot chicas? La Passion? How was the quality of the girls in general?I still have an open mind regarding Passions despite my bad experience. It wasn't my intent to bang any of their chicas on this trip, I was on a recon. For some strange reason we never made it there on our previous 3 trips. My friends are extreme mongers. 5 trips together to Bangkok, they go every year for 3 weeks at a time, and they love that sort of thing. Passions has on-site rooms. My feeling is it would be better to go there during the days before the night mongers crowd the place. When we were there at 3:30 PM we practically owned it. The girls were OK but nothing great. You can certainly pull better at Club 59 for 1500-2000 pesos.

At night, better to go early to Club 59, like no later than 10PM and watch the scene and make your pick. Good mix of hardened pros and semi-pros looking for a buck. Couple of other bars on the strip might reveal a diamond in the rough though. Its a small place really. Walk around during the day for a recon. Check out the "New Garden" Hotel. It was totally dead on this trip and everytime we walked by there was nada inside. You can walk right in, no need to be a guest. However, it is well known that chicas hang and bang there and you can take them out, no bar fine. Passions has a heavy bar fine, not worth it IMHO.

CMP is a short walk down the street from Passions, going towards the town center. They want 2, 500 pesos too, a notch down from Passions chicas. Most of the so-called massage pallors offer BJ on site if you're into that. 500 pesos covers it. Street skanks can be had for less but not recommended.

You might want to consider dividing your time between Sosua and BlackBeards like we always do. Hey, why not?

02-26-11, 19:29
I still have an open mind regarding Passions despite my bad experience. It wasn't my intent to bang any of their chicas on this trip, I was on a recon. For some strange reason we never made it there on our previous 3 trips. My friends are extreme mongers. 5 trips together to Bangkok, they go every year for 3 weeks at a time, and they love that sort of thing. Passions has on-site rooms. My feeling is it would be better to go there during the days before the night mongers crowd the place. When we were there at 3:30 PM we practically owned it. The girls were OK but nothing great. You can certainly pull better at Club 59 for 1500-2000 pesos.

At night, better to go early to Club 59, like no later than 10PM and watch the scene and make your pick. Good mix of hardened pros and semi-pros looking for a buck. Couple of other bars on the strip might reveal a diamond in the rough though. Its a small place really. Walk around during the day for a recon. Check out the "New Garden" Hotel. It was totally dead on this trip and everytime we walked by there was nada inside. You can walk right in, no need to be a guest. However, it is well known that chicas hang and bang there and you can take them out, no bar fine. Passions has a heavy bar fine, not worth it IMHO.

CMP is a short walk down the street from Passions, going towards the town center. They want 2, 500 pesos too, a notch down from Passions chicas. Most of the so-called massage pallors offer BJ on site if you're into that. 500 pesos covers it. Street skanks can be had for less but not recommended.

You might want to consider dividing your time between Sosua and BlackBeards like we always do. Hey, why not?Geo,

Your recommendation to go to Club 59 early to scoop up chicas before they get taken is a two edged sword in my opinion, though what you say is true there will be much less selection at that time, MUCH LESS. At 10 pm there might be 20 girls there or less, two hours later upstairs in Classicos there will be 100-150 girls Thursday. Sunday. My recommendation would be to go at 10 pm but take your time to pull the trigger, if you see exactly what you want and after talking to the girl she is still what you want go for it, if not just wait because the parade hasn't really started yet. If you sit in Merengue bar within sight of the stairs leading to Classicos and wait for them to open you will see within one hour every size, shape and color the DR has to offer, guaranteed.

02-26-11, 19:48
Thank you all for helpful info. Geolopes, since you were there last week, can you tell me where to start my hunt for hot chicas? La Passion? How was the quality of the girls in general?I was in La Passion on three nights last week. The best selection is just after 6 pm according to the owner Peter. This is because all the chicas have to be out on the floor by then and very few have been taken out due to the higher price to take them out early.

The selection I saw on the nights I went was fantastic but I went early and I am not an on sight player and as I mentioned the cost of taking a girl out of there early in the evening is too high for me, I like to wait until the price is down to 2500, sometimes if I see a real stunner that I want and she is still there at the 3500 price timeframe I will grab her but this hasn't happened often.

I have had very good performance out of the girls out of La Passion with only two exceptions, one girl was a very young girl that had just started and I honestly think she was very nervous and just didn't know what she was doing so I give that one a pass, she was drop dead gorgeous though and I still enjoyed looking at her beautiful face as I railed her, sorry but I have to be honest, haha.

I have been told that if you take a girl out of there and she refuses to give BBBJ or any other reasonable request and you complain to management they will refund part of your money back and fire the girl. I can not verify this as I would NEVER do this to a girl just to save myself 50 bucks, I don't need the money that bad and I could be ruining someone's livelihood over chump change plus now I would be a marked man in the establishment and I certainly don't want that, I like going to the place way too much, there really are some sweet girls working in there.

02-27-11, 04:54

Your recommendation to go to Club 59 early to scoop up chicas before they get taken is a two edged sword in my opinion, though what you say is true there will be much less selection at that time, MUCH LESS. At 10 pm there might be 20 girls there or less, two hours later upstairs in Classicos there will be 100-150 girls Thursday. Sunday. My recommendation would be to go at 10 pm but take your time to pull the trigger, if you see exactly what you want and after talking to the girl she is still what you want go for it, if not just wait because the parade hasn't really started yet. If you sit in Merengue bar within sight of the stairs leading to Classicos and wait for them to open you will see within one hour every size, shape and color the DR has to offer, guaranteed. Agreed, that has been my past experience there too. We were there on a wed / thurs night and that might have been the reason for the sausage fest. On our 2nd night we walked back over at 0130 in a downpour (loved it) after banging our chicas just to see if there was improvement. There wasn't but since we weren't ready to sleep we just smoked some stogies and had more beers and took in the scene. The chica I just banged was back to work. LOL and she saw me lurking around. I gave her a subtle wave and went next door to that dump / disco and fought off the fuglies. I'm not a fan of going to the upstairs disco owing to the noise level but that's just me. Let me see if I can drop in this photo of the chica I slammed. She was pretty good, no real complaints.

I also agree that its not worth complaining in Passions about a chicas poor service. I'm not interested in getting her fired but I can't say how much longer she's going to last there. Some other guy might not be so charitable. Hey, she and her kid got to eat. I would have been better off to just give her the 2500 pesos. LOL.

02-27-11, 05:05
Dude! You fucked Skinny! From the Skinny and Chunky team. Love that girl.

Agreed, that has been my past experience there too. We were there on a wed / thurs night and that might have been the reason for the sausage fest. On our 2nd night we walked back over at 0130 in a downpour (loved it) after banging our chicas just to see if there was improvement. There wasn't but since we weren't ready to sleep we just smoked some stogies and had more beers and took in the scene. The chica I just banged was back to work. LOL and she saw me lurking around. I gave her a subtle wave and went next door to that dump / disco and fought off the fuglies. I'm not a fan of going to the upstairs disco owing to the noise level but that's just me. Let me see if I can drop in this photo of the chica I slammed. She was pretty good, no real complaints.

I also agree that its not worth complaining in Passions about a chicas poor service. I'm not interested in getting her fired but I can't say how much longer she's going to last there. Some other guy might not be so charitable. Hey, she and her kid got to eat. I would have been better off to just give her the 2500 pesos. LOL.

02-27-11, 05:28
I did not get any spot on results from a search so let's see if anybody here can add any information.

I am ready for my 6th trip and this time my big mouth has won over one of my homie mongering buddies. He is not as lazy as I and wants to get out and do things away from the mongering scene. Therefore I am on the hook to put together some kind of activity planning.

He likes cigars, fishing, and would not mind a rum-factory tour I know that. The golf scene is easy; I need no help with that.

He mentioned getting on a boat with 3 or 4 different sets of clothes and take multiple pictures with the different clothes so his wife does not catch onto other possible types of activities. I know there are fish trips out of Puerto Plata and the Sosua dive shop can arrange those but is that the best way to do it?

I have also found a Dominican Cigar tour over the web except it looks a little too extravagant for us. We don't want to do a 5 day itinerary, one at a finca, one at a rollers shop, the next day at finca #2, then break for PP fishing, playing golf the days after. Does anybody know of more simpler types of tours that might be arranged? Meeting at the Marriott to take part in this does makes me think there are more economical ways to go about it.

The same goes for any kind of rum factory tour? I'm burned out on the web wild goose searching.

I know Black Beards has a laminated list of excursions and arranges all kinds of stuff except I am not there to see it. I don't know about most but I don't like feeling like cattle where 10 guys get in a dune buggy and drive through mud, single file, over a fixed track everybody else goes over.

Please throw out what you know to get me started on more focused searching on these things.


02-27-11, 05:32

The Chunky and Skinny team in November; Chunky just about killed me.

Skinny is now solo and works hard. Picture is with Latino manager, Little Dancer, and happy me in January.



02-27-11, 09:39

The Chunky and Skinny team in November; Chunky just about killed me.

Skinny is now solo and works hard. Picture is with Latino manager, Little Dancer, and happy me in January.


146860Bro did Manny get a promotion he didn't tell me about? He's Latinos manager now? He's a hard worker that kid. He puts in a whole evening shift at Latinos then works the casino til 6am. One of the only guys I trust down there.

02-27-11, 15:36
...The same goes for any kind of rum factory tour? I'm burned out on the web wild goose searching.

I know Black Beards has a laminated list of excursions and arranges all kinds of stuff except I am not there to see it. I don't know about most but I don't like feeling like cattle where 10 guys get in a dune buggy and drive through mud, single file, over a fixed track everybody else goes over...The Brugal factory is just west of the Iberostar Costa Dorada complex (which is west of the Playa Dorada complex) on Highway 5.

-Helpmann :)

Non-Mongering Activities in Puerto Plata (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?2227-Sosua-Reports&p=1033372&highlight=horse#post1033372)

Charles Pooter
02-27-11, 16:17
The Brugal factory is just west of the Iberostar Costa Dorada complex (which is west of the Playa Dorada complex) on Highway 5.I have always understood this Brugal place is just a bottling and storage facility so not really much to see. Would someone who has actually visited there please conform or otherwise. Thanks.

Charles Pooter
02-27-11, 16:21
If Ehunter and friend are reasonably fit they might like the 27 waterfalls outing at Damajagua. 45 minutes bus ride from Puerto Plata. Don't go if you are out of condition or it is or has been raining appreciably, though. It is a trip you can do independently. You don't need to be in a party but you will need to hire a guide once there. And check out your clothing / footwear needs before you go as you will get seriously wet.

02-27-11, 17:34
If Ehunter and friend are reasonably fit they might like the 27 waterfalls outing at Damajagua. 45 minutes bus ride from Puerto Plata. Don't go if you are out of condition or it is or has been raining appreciably, though. It is a trip you can do independently. You don't need to be in a party but you will need to hire a guide once there. And check out your clothing / footwear needs before you go as you will get seriously wet.They are a real amazing site to see and go if you can! If I told you I rode my scooter ALL THE WAY from Sosua to the waterfalls, would you believe me? It was a real adventure while stopping at Burger King at the midway point.

02-27-11, 19:24
They are a real amazing site to see and go if you can! If I told you I rode my scooter ALL THE WAY from Sosua to the waterfalls, would you believe me? It was a real adventure while stopping at Burger King at the midway point.For you guys that rent scooters.

Suppose you do drive to the waterfalls and make a trip up stream with a guide. Your scooter will be sitting there the whole time. How do you know it will be there when you get back? Do the locals treat it as taboo to rip off a scooter that does not belong to them?

How much do you pay for scooter rental and do you buy insurance? It is out of vogue to wear helmets, right? LOL