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06-24-13, 00:55
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

06-24-13, 01:01
What is the best way to avoid this type of situation as stated below.-Let's examine case 1-the guy was FUCIN" drunk seems he was polluted by the report-the girl-like a wolf saw the DOPE as perfect prey-She's hardcore has the right connections must have known he was just a vacationer-these girls are very smart-Wants to just sleep with him-YEAH RIGHT-He passes out just like she planned-She takes 1, 500 pesos-she 's robbing him-In his drunkin stupor he grabs and shakes her-BET HE LEFT MARKS-this part of the story I don't understand-She just tried to rob him he attacks her-they go have a drink ?? then back to the room to sleep and he's arrested the next day. Doesn't make sense. Anyway-How to avoid this DON"T FUCIN" DRINK! And DON'T EVER TOUCH A GIRL IN A HARMING WAY-DRUNKS ARE BAD JUDGES OF THEIR STRENGTH WHEN THEY ARE DRUNK AND ANGRY.

Next case-Well did he do it? She accuses him.Well was he drunk like the last idiot? Seems to me if he just sat at the adjacent bar drinking a beer he was probably drunk-but this has too many maybe's.

How to avoid this stuff-be low-keyed.try to find out if anybody else has been with the girl you want to get with. Don't drink and get drunk-and me personally in bed by 11 pm ALONE.

06-24-13, 01:14
While we are on off topic.

I always ask if the girl got kids as fast as I can without making it weird. If they got kids I simply move along to next chica in line.

Is there anyone who knows what the high-up politicians makes a month in salario en DR?Maximum $10K US per month including all perks and expenses as per Danilo edict.

06-24-13, 01:24
I have been in homes of local working people. THey buy food for one day at a time. They are in a state of constant need. The girls have to buy food, utilities and rent. Often they live with extended family. They never know if they will have food. The putas are from this enviroment in most cases. When they leave the home it makes it easier for the rest of the family. They send money to the family to support the children they most often have. I have compassion for them. Why don't they get a job? LOL The jobs are hard to fine and offer very low pay. Every peso is precious. DR folk work harder for less then any place I have been. If you take the time to look. People selling fruit making 2 dollars a day working 10 hours. We can not save the world but I if I can put a smile a child face or make a young ladies time with me more pleasurable I am all for it. I am not falling in love with anyone but I choose to be kind and generous when possible. So far Karma has been great for me.Sounds very syrupy OldKool, but none of that changes anything. If a chica is dishonest or trying to hustle a monger out of his money. It is foolish to honor that request. Now after saying all of that. Are you giving money to chicas even if they are lying to you? Better yet. Are you sending or have you sent chicas money to the DR (for the things you claim they lack) when you are back home? If you arent sending money, and only giving it when you see them. Then you are double talking. Which means your POV has no credibility. And if you are. Then the phrase a fool and his money are soon parted is fitting.

06-24-13, 01:38
I don't think the solution is really to send money after you have heard that a child you know has died, even if that salves your conscience a bit.Guess it's not plausible the chica who lost a child, may have other children? But you're right. Sending money is not the solution after hearing that a child you know has died. We wouldn't want her other children to get any of that money now would we?

Marc Anthony
06-24-13, 01:56
1. Don't get drunk.

2. Don't shake people.

3. Stick to Haitianas.

4. Make sure you have a good rapport with your bed partner.

5. Don't look for bareback with women you don't know. If you do, make sure everything is agreed on, for example is she on the pill, will you come inside or outside. Avoid coercing.

6. Make sure she leaves happy.All excellent points. In the first case the monger committed assault and battery forcing the chica to hand over 1500 pesos he believed she stole. If he behaved in a civilized way and simply asked her about it he might have been out the 1500 pesos but probably not the 60k. In the second we aren't told what really happened but the chica was loudly complaining of being assaulted also.

Most "scams" are based on some element of guilt on the victims part. In both theses cases if the monger told the simple truth he would likely be admitting to a crime. Perhaps a crime that sounds worse that it seemed at the time (shaking would be described as felony assault and battery in the US too) but it's not a bald lie by the chica.

It's also very true that Dominicanas are on their home turf and may be connected to people in the system, Haitianas are at the mercy of the system and are extremely unlikely to do this.

If they don't have an uncle in policia both may cast evil spells on you using surprisingly similar magical technology.

06-24-13, 01:58
When you monger for a while you meet all kinds of girls. From hard core to church girls. Sending money or being relied on to send money is an error. What I am saying is that these girls have tough lives. The ones that have money are not associating with guys like us. I have made friends with some DR girls. Pros and non pros. I treat them the same. I do not look down on any of them. Some cheat and scam I think the majority are just trying to survive. If one of these girls has a small problem I am not oppose to helping. It is always a judgement call.

Sounds very syrupy OldKool, but none of that changes anything. If a chica is dishonest or trying to hustle a monger out of his money. It is foolish to honor that request. Now after saying all of that. Are you giving money to chicas even if they are lying to you? Better yet. Are you sending or have you sent chicas money to the DR (for the things you claim they lack) when you are back home? If you arent sending money, and only giving it when you see them. Then you are double talking. Which means your POV has no credibility. And if you are. Then the phrase a fool and his money are soon parted is fitting.

Mr Enternational
06-24-13, 02:05
When you monger for a while you meet all kinds of girls. From hard core to church girls. Sending money or being relied on to send money is an error. What I am saying is that these girls have tough lives. The ones that have money are not associating with guys like us. I have made friends with some DR girls. Pros and non pros. I treat them the same. I do not look down on any of them. Some cheat and scam I think the majority are just trying to survive. If one of these girls has a small problem I am not oppose to helping. It is always a judgement call.He said he got old being kool, not by being a fool. But you say the girls have tough lives. Compared to what? If it is the way they grew up and the way they are used to then I don't see anything tough about it. If you are comparing it to your life then therein lies the problem. Because next to Bill Gates or Puff Daddy I'm sure many of us have tough lives as well.

06-24-13, 02:14
All excellent points. In the first case the monger committed assault and battery forcing the chica to hand over 1500 pesos he believed she stole. If he behaved in a civilized way and simply asked her about it he might have been out the 1500 pesos but probably not the 60k. In the second we aren't told what really happened but the chica was loudly complaining of being assaulted also.

Most "scams" are based on some element of guilt on the victims part. In both theses cases if the monger told the simple truth he would likely be admitting to a crime. Perhaps a crime that sounds worse that it seemed at the time (shaking would be described as felony assault and battery in the US too) but it's not a bald lie by the chica.

It's also very true that Dominicanas are on their home turf and may be connected to people in the system, Haitianas are at the mercy of the system and are extremely unlikely to do this.

If they don't have an uncle in policia both may cast evil spells on you using surprisingly similar magical technology.I'm no legal expert, but IT think the shaking would be a misdemeanor in the US due to lack of permanent injury.

It is all small stuff compared to the casino scam, but both cases could easily have been settled on the spot for less than $100.

06-24-13, 03:04
Not having money to buy food or medicine, Having lousy or no jobs. Raising children by yourself. By any measurement these people are poor. You were a pimp so having compassion for other people is beyond you. Fucking ugly men for money or working 50 hours week for $25. Their lives suck.

He said he got old being kool, not by being a fool. But you say the girls have tough lives. Compared to what? If it is the way they grew up and the way they are used to then I don't see anything tough about it. If you are comparing it to your life then therein lies the problem. Because next to Bill Gates or Puff Daddy I'm sure many of us have tough lives as well.

06-24-13, 04:48
Ok, when does the convo go back to banging bug butt freaks?

Mr Enternational
06-24-13, 05:11
Ok, when does the convo go back to banging bug butt freaks?Whenever you tell us what a "bug butt freak" is.

06-24-13, 09:33
What do we care? We are vacationers and want to be seen as the nice guy while we are there.

That is their parents' job. They didn't starve before I arrived on the scene and I doubt they will go hungry after I leave. I do take money to the orphanage a couple of times a year (to me that is different than a parent sending their kid out to get money or begging while carrying their kids) , but I don't do handouts on the street.I am from India and Buddy, you are right. Please don't give them handouts and make them beggers. Today, at least in India, there are ample opportunities for employment and most of the time beggers are by choice, not compulsion. So, Please refrain from doling out freebies, you are doing more harm than good to them. At least Indians don't need it, other countries may though. If you really do want to help, there are many organisations working in every city in India, spend a few hours with them and then, repeat only when you are satisfied with there credentials and performance give them charity. You don't owe anything to us. So, if you are not satisfied that your money is going in the right hands, don't donate. Like I am donating to 2 orgainsations. 1 is teaching, feeding, clothing and sheltering orphans and slum children, another is teaching, feeding, clothing and sheltering blind, deaf and dumb children. I am not giving alms, or free blankets or free food etc. You feel good that an orphan actually becomes doctor, engineer or even a simple clerk.

Sorry Jackson, not the right forum to discuss, but, couldn't stop myself seeing this happening day in and day out here.

Riky Rapido
06-24-13, 10:07
Not having money to buy food or medicine, Having lousy or no jobs. Raising children by yourself. By any measurement these people are poor. You were a pimp so having compassion for other people is beyond you. Fucking ugly men for money or working 50 hours week for $25. Their lives suck.I've been here almost 5 years, and like you, seen how life is first hand. The latest is the chica and her daughter who live below me. She is a barmaid at one of the hangouts on Pedro Clisante. First the nights were reduced, because this is the off season, next is her kid asking me for food, how can I say NO. People just don't get it, there are few jobs for women here and the pay is really bad. Every chica has a different story, and a different act, but the motivated by the same problem, poverty.

06-24-13, 11:53
Ok, when does the convo go back to banging bug butt freaks?If you want to start that discussion or post some pics, you don't need permission.

06-24-13, 14:37
He said he got old being kool, not by being a fool. But you say the girls have tough lives. Compared to what? If it is the way they grew up and the way they are used to then I don't see anything tough about it. If you are comparing it to your life then therein lies the problem. Because next to Bill Gates or Puff Daddy I'm sure many of us have tough lives as well.-Fruits are plentiful all over the island-their fucin' free-you can knock a coconut down and have the milk from it anytime you want-not havin' food-one guy says.kids mothers hours are cut.so fucin' what it happens every year its a tourist town-idiots will always buy into sob stories that just the way they are-live smart.be smart and you'll do fine.trying to change someone who gets taken isn't going to happen-its amazing how only the girls who work in front of or behind the bars on clisante and the little hustler punk kids are the only ones always complaining about how tough their lives are. Stupid fucin' gringos

06-24-13, 14:40
Case #2.

Tourist monger sessions with a different Dominican puta. Puta claims loudly, on the sidewalk that guy wanted sex w / o condom and that he physically attacked her. Meanwhile dude sits in adjacent restaurant with a beer rather than increasing the distance between him and her. Politur shows up and arrests him on the spot on a Sunday afternoon (!). He is now spending the night in the Sosua jail until the fiscal opens on Monday morning and reviews the case.I would wager that case number 2 was BS. They probably got to the room and she asked him for a condom for the BJ. He balked and told her to get to sucking, she stood her ground and he said "Get dressed! You are out of here!" Once she got back to PC and she saw him talking to another chica, she decided to change the story from him demanding a BJ without protection, to him demanding sex without a condom. He probably saw her acting a fool out on the street and knowing that wasn't the case, he calmly drank his beer and watched "the show". Never imagining that the police would come and take him to jail on the word of a lying prostitute.

06-24-13, 14:42
I've been here almost 5 years, and like you, seen how life is first hand. The latest is the chica and her daughter who live below me. She is a barmaid at one of the hangouts on Pedro Clisante. First the nights were reduced, because this is the off season, next is her kid asking me for food, how can I say NO. People just don't get it, there are few jobs for women here and the pay is really bad. Every chica has a different story, and a different act, but the motivated by the same problem, poverty.-Hope you feel better-they love guys who buy into the bullshit-So if you don't give the little girl food she's going to starve right? Yea right-you know how cheap food is in Charimico?

Did you every go to the countryside where every type of fruit is free to eat?

Like I said they love gringo's who got no clue.

06-24-13, 14:52
I would wager that case number 2 was BS. They probably got to the room and she asked him for a condom for the BJ. He balked and told her to get to sucking, she stood her ground and he said "Get dressed! You are out of here!" Once she got back to PC and she saw him talking to another chica, she decided to change the story from him demanding a BJ without protection, to him demanding sex without a condom. He probably saw her acting a fool out on the street and knowing that wasn't the case, he calmly drank his beer and watched "the show". Never imagining that the police would come and take him to jail on the word of a lying prostitute.-First of all every and I mean every sad Gringo story about getting arrested because of some problem with a chica has the part in it about the guy being DRUNK-second I don't think it "can happen to anybody"-Its happens to people who let it happen because they are stupid. So you think a policia is going to arrest a guy who is totally sober and is accused of this bullshit without any proof whatsoever.I've been going for 5 years now sometimes 7 times a year-never seen one guy arrested. Only hear stories now and then-And like I said its always the same.Drunks-good they fucin' deserve it.

06-24-13, 15:10
-Hope you feel better-they love guys who buy into the bullshit-So if you don't give the little girl food she's going to starve right? Yea right-you know how cheap food is in Charimico?

Did you every go to the countryside where every type of fruit is free to eat?

Like I said they love gringo's who got no clue.Can you explain how food is cheaper in Los Charamicos, possibly giving some examples of prices of common commodity items compared to, say, the Playero supermarket? I don't spend much time there, but my impression is that colmado prices are at least 25% higher than supermarket prices on many basic items like milk, cheese, eggs, or juice, though it is true that one can buy fresh fruits cheaper from street vendors or direct off the truck. However when it comes to things like meat, milk, eggs, bread, rice, etc, the prices may not be quite as cheap as you think when you do the math. Part of the reason for this is that the colmado may sell small quantities, like 3 eggs, but at a high mark-up. And then a 6 gallon tank of propane for cooking is about 600 pesos plus transportation and delivery costs.

Yes, there is a lot of produce in the countryside, but it all belongs to someone (the farmer) and is not free for everyone to pick. Possibly you are confusing the DR with the Garden of Eden. Again, can you give some actual examples from experience of what you are talking about. I think there would be problems if the inhabitants of Los Charamicos started marauding into local agricultural areas in search of U-Pick food, though I sometimes suspect that some of the vendors who carry fruit on their heads in Sosua may have raided someone's back yard mango or avocado trees.

I have had a neighbor's child (age 6) raiding my fridge for yoghurt, which I had to put a stop to. Then he asked if he could have some water with sugar in it, apparently something he was used to getting at home. Ostensibly the family is not poor and has more than one source of income, but evidently food insecurity is never far away and you can't be sure that children are getting adequate nutrition as opposed to junk like sugar water.

Even the better off are not always THAT well off. For example my dentista has just one child of 5, but could not afford to send her for a summer course of swimming lessons in Puerto Plata although she has a full time job for government as a prison dentist plus a private practice in the afternoons in a dental office shared with her sister. (Of course she does not give her child sugar water either.)

As I have said before, with children it is not always simply a question of whether they will actually starve do death, but whether they will get adequate nutrition to grow up healthy and become productive adults.

However nothing I am saying here has any particular bearing on whether a particular chica was lying to a particular visitor on a particular occasion. I know that chicas may tell lies to extract money, but I think it is important for mongers to understand that the chicas they are dealing with are not on the same economic footing as themselves or they people they know back home, and that food insecurity is a real concern for many.

06-24-13, 15:31
-Fruits are plentiful all over the island-their fucin' free-you can knock a coconut down and have the milk from it anytime you want.I checked on this with my local sources and they emphatically said this is not so. Yes, you might find a fallen coconut if you are lucky, but it would be very difficult for a chica to knock down a coconut, and you would probably still need a machete to open it. Coconut milk is not really milk and is not suitable for infants. You certainly can't just go and get any coconut.

I would be interested to know what is your source for this kind of information and why you think your sources are credible.

06-24-13, 15:39
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because the subject was not related to the purpose of this Forum, which is as follows:

The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange if information between men on the subject of finding women for sex.

06-24-13, 15:48
I recently paid a delightful young chica 1000 pesos for an encounter and when it came to time to pay up, she asked if I wouldn't give her an additional propina. I fished out a 200 peso bill and she was delighted. Since I plan to see her again I am sure that she will be pulling out all the stops to gratify my kinks, so I think the 200 pesos was well spent.This part is interesting. Seems this delightful young chica is pretty smart. Her delightful demeanor triggered a response from you to agree to paying more money. And this is after she had already gratified your kinks for only 1000 pesos. When you look at it closer. You connected you seeing her again with the 200 pesos and speculated how that 200 pesos will somehow impact on her performance with you for your next encounter. So here's a question, if you didn't plan to see her again, you wouldn't have given her the 200 pesos?

The thing I'm particularly focused on is the potential error in judgement many of us mongers make in assuming or adopting the belief that giving more money ensures you the chica will pull out all stops to gratify your kinks for your next encounter. How can a monger predict or why would he assume that a particular chica is thinking the same thing he's thinking about the impact paying extra is going to have on a chicas future performance with him? Besides, what can she do different for that 200 pesos that she didn't do with you for the 1000 pesos? It's not like ya'll talked it over of what she was going to do next time?

The way I see it. The monger is setting himself up. The next encounter won't be less than 1200 pesos, with the likely hood of having to honor her next request for a propina. Then you will have to come up with another reason to justify why you are paying more when all you are going to get is the same performance. What it boils down to, you are not really buying anything for the extra money. Mongers demonstrate in their behavior and beliefs, concern or fear that if they don't give in to a request, something negative is going to result. The very least is spoiling the moment, changing a chicas mood from delight to disappoinment. Or putting you on a low priority list in the rotation of men she's fucking. Once you demonstrate to a chica forking over extra money is connected to your desire to see her again. You are potentially setting yourself up.

06-24-13, 16:18
When you monger for a while you meet all kinds of girls. From hard core to church girls. Sending money or being relied on to send money is an error. What I am saying is that these girls have tough lives. The ones that have money are not associating with guys like us. I have made friends with some DR girls. Pros and non pros. I treat them the same. I do not look down on any of them. Some cheat and scam I think the majority are just trying to survive. If one of these girls has a small problem I am not oppose to helping. It is always a judgement call.I know it's hard for some of you to answer a question with a direct answer. But I asked you if you send money to chicas, or have sent money to chicas? I didn't ask you if it was an error to send money. If you would just stick to what I'm addressing, we just might look like we are having the same discussion. But you keep talking in circles and bringing up shit that I'm not disputing. All I'm addressing is the instances where a chica is lying and trying to scam a monger out of his money. But since you deflected from answering, let me answer for you. Yes you have sent money to chicas before. Chances are, enough of those RFM's resulted in you being lied to about why they needed money.

And thats why we should address your comment. If you think it is an error to send money or to be relied on for money, an explanation is in order. Especially since you made it quite clear earlier how deprived these chicas are, and have needs everyday, and don't know when they may get their next meal and everything else you said. Can you explain why it would be an error to send money, knowing these chicas have it as tough as YOU described?

Oh yeah, you said you if one of these girls has a small problem, you arent opposed to helping. I like the way you put that. You arent opposed to helping. But you didn't say you would help. Moreover, you are not opposed of helping with a little problem, but I guess that means you ARE opposed to helping with a big problem. The way you describe their everyday lives. Their whole life is full of big problems. Which means essentially you arent doing very much. Except making a chicas time with you more pleasurable. I want to know how much help are you offering without being compensated in trade?

06-24-13, 16:21
I checked on this with my local sources and they emphatically said this is not so. Yes, you might find a fallen coconut if you are lucky, but it would be very difficult for a chica to knock down a coconut, and you would probably still need a machete to open it. Coconut milk is not really milk and is not suitable for infants. You certainly can't just go and get any coconut.

I would be interested to know what is your source for this kind of information and why you think your sources are credible. Who said anything about infants --Ahh breast feeding is a unique alternative don't you think?? Who are your sources-your friends?? And I guess the coconuts I see up in the trees are my imagination --A chica can't knock down a coconut ??? What the hell is that about- And yes you can certainly get ANY coconut and get the milk from it and you don't need a Machete-Your clueless--Your out to lunch---By the way concerning coconuts---i drink the milk all the time --without a MACHETE- ----5 pesos for a banana WOW BIG BUCS THERE Go sell your "POOR PEOPLE" crap somewhere else

06-24-13, 16:29
Can you explain how food is cheaper in Los Charamicos, possibly giving some examples of prices of common commodity items compared to, say, the Playero supermarket? I don't spend much time there, but my impression is that colmado prices are at least 25% higher than supermarket prices on many basic items like milk, cheese, eggs, or juice, though it is true that one can buy fresh fruits cheaper from street vendors or direct off the truck. However when it comes to things like meat, milk, eggs, bread, rice, etc, the prices may not be quite as cheap as you think when you do the math. Part of the reason for this is that the colmado may sell small quantities, like 3 eggs, but at a high mark-up. And then a 6 gallon tank of propane for cooking is about 600 pesos plus transportation and delivery costs.

Yes, there is a lot of produce in the countryside, but it all belongs to someone (the farmer) and is not free for everyone to pick. Possibly you are confusing the DR with the Garden of Eden. Again, can you give some actual examples from experience of what you are talking about. I think there would be problems if the inhabitants of Los Charamicos started marauding into local agricultural areas in search of U-Pick food, though I sometimes suspect that some of the vendors who carry fruit on their heads in Sosua may have raided someone's back yard mango or avocado trees.

I have had a neighbor's child (age 6) raiding my fridge for yoghurt, which I had to put a stop to. Then he asked if he could have some water with sugar in it, apparently something he was used to getting at home. Ostensibly the family is not poor and has more than one source of income, but evidently food insecurity is never far away and you can't be sure that children are getting adequate nutrition as opposed to junk like sugar water.

Even the better off are not always THAT well off. For example my dentista has just one child of 5, but could not afford to send her for a summer course of swimming lessons in Puerto Plata although she has a full time job for government as a prison dentist plus a private practice in the afternoons in a dental office shared with her sister. (Of course she does not give her child sugar water either.)

As I have said before, with children it is not always simply a question of whether they will actually starve do death, but whether they will get adequate nutrition to grow up healthy and become productive adults.

However nothing I am saying here has any particular bearing on whether a particular chica was lying to a particular visitor on a particular occasion. I know that chicas may tell lies to extract money, but I think it is important for mongers to understand that the chicas they are dealing with are not on the same economic footing as themselves or they people they know back home, and that food insecurity is a real concern for many.You seem to be the expert on everything when it comes to supporting the "poor dominican people" theme-Take a walk to Charamico-go to the markets there see how much they want for their produce-I go I know-cost me 400 pesos for a weeks worth of groceries for breakfast and lunch. Don't believe me I don't really care. Pina 4 for 100 pesos eggs 6 pesos each-and another thing alot of the people are self sufficient-have farms.

06-24-13, 16:42
Did I assign an erroneous account of what I perceived to be complaints (or whining if you prefer)? A contrived interpretation?

Your post # 16365.

My original post: 16349.

So several reports after my original post, based on your report 16365, you are still lamenting about the putas, vis a vis the white Knights who go there to save them from perdition. Contrived? I did not put words in your mouth as your quote demonstrates.

Why should I not then wonder, and in case you wonder if I am still wondering, why ever you would set foot there? By the way, a disclaimer is to make sure I am not flaming. A civic tone is important in my view point no matter how different your and my opinion happen to be.This is how we are going to deal with this circular nonsense. The following acknowledgement from you is what I will take into consideration. Anything else you are saying now, is only your attempt at damage control.

"""""""As Socrates stated: " The only thing I know is that I know nothing". I also agree with you that it does not matter how others see you and yes, there are some who can relate to your experiences. I was giving my perspective and I certainly do not want to drag this into a diatribe. I just wondered, given the critique, as to why you would continue to visit the place but I stand corrected, you did find something good in the place. My experience tells me, no place that I know of is "unadulterated bliss".""""""""""""

1) You know that you know nothing. Thats good.

2) You recognize that some can relate to the perspective I shared. Thats good too.

3) You stand corrected, you admit I did find something good in the place. Very good.

This is the honest response from you that will suffice. Perhaps the next time you decide to go after a fellow monger on a personal level instead just sticking to the issues, you'll remember this exchange. We should be brothers here, not adversaries. You did a nice thing offering me tips in the Santiago forum, so it seems out of character for you to flip the script in this forum. However, so be it. We can either cyber shake now, or stay out of each others way.

06-24-13, 18:16
This is the honest response from you that will suffice. Perhaps the next time you decide to go after a fellow monger on a personal level instead just sticking to the issues, you'll remember this exchange. We should be brothers here, not adversaries. You did a nice thing offering me tips in the Santiago forum, so it seems out of character for you to flip the script in this forum. However, so be it. We can either cyber shake now, or stay out of each others way.Sorry I did not remember about Santiago (and I will continue to share anything you or others are interested in) nor am I your enemy which is why my attempt at keeping it civil. Indeed, yesterday, in a riposte to Enternational, I defended your position and so my stance vis a vis you (or others) is personality agnostic. If I think you are right, I will say so, and the contrary as well. Nothing personal. [Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely antagonistic. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

06-24-13, 18:34
Hola Gents,

Was in Sosua a few months back and thinking about a return trip soon.

Anyone have the 411 on the availability of the staff at the "Spot"?

I saw a couple of nice looking ones waiting tables and bartending but wasn't certain on their "Status" I wasn't sure how to approach the situation without getting a drink dumped on me.

Any info would be greatly appreciated.


06-25-13, 00:51
-Fruits are plentiful all over the island-their fucin' free-you can knock a coconut down and have the milk from it. Stupid fucin' gringosNot long ago I drove up the coast towards Samana, and I was surprised at all the fruits and vegetables I saw around beaches and other areas. I love avocado and I saw so many as well as tangerines and other fruit that had fallen from the trees. If you know how to fish, there is also a lot of good fish in the DR.

06-25-13, 04:45
Hola Gents,

Was in Sosua a few months back and thinking about a return trip soon.

Anyone have the 411 on the availability of the staff at the "Spot"?

I saw a couple of nice looking ones waiting tables and bartending but wasn't certain on their "Status" I wasn't sure how to approach the situation without getting a drink dumped on me.

Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks!They are all available, my boy owns that spot, Gregorio.

06-25-13, 05:22
This part is interesting. Seems this delightful young chica is pretty smart. Her delightful demeanor triggered a response from you to agree to paying more money. And this is after she had already gratified your kinks for only 1000 pesos. When you look at it closer. You connected you seeing her again with the 200 pesos and speculated how that 200 pesos will somehow impact on her performance with you for your next encounter. So here's a question, if you didn't plan to see her again, you wouldn't have given her the 200 pesos?

The thing I'm particularly focused on is the potential error in judgement many of us mongers make in assuming or adopting the belief that giving more money ensures you the chica will pull out all stops to gratify your kinks for your next encounter. How can a monger predict or why would he assume that a particular chica is thinking the same thing he's thinking about the impact paying extra is going to have on a chicas future performance with him? Besides, what can she do different for that 200 pesos that she didn't do with you for the 1000 pesos? It's not like ya'll talked it over of what she was going to do next time?

The way I see it. The monger is setting himself up. The next encounter won't be less than 1200 pesos, with the likely hood of having to honor her next request for a propina. Then you will have to come up with another reason to justify why you are paying more when all you are going to get is the same performance. What it boils down to, you are not really buying anything for the extra money. Mongers demonstrate in their behavior and beliefs, concern or fear that if they don't give in to a request, something negative is going to result. The very least is spoiling the moment, changing a chicas mood from delight to disappoinment. Or putting you on a low priority list in the rotation of men she's fucking. Once you demonstrate to a chica forking over extra money is connected to your desire to see her again. You are potentially setting yourself up.It's a matter of degree. He pretty much demonstrated to her that he isn't a naive clown by giving her 1000 pesos, a fairly modest amount. A 200 propina on top of that (if she gave good service) is reasonable. I do agree with you that the typical overpaying monger sets himself up when he pays her "asking price." A precedent is set that if he doesn't give into her financial demands, she will then turn off the affection. But I don't think that's what Frannie was involved in with this particular chica. It seems pretty obvious he was the one in control of the exchange.

06-25-13, 05:42
But I don't think that's what Frannie was involved in with this particular chica. It seems pretty obvious he was the one in control of the exchange.Of course he knows what the market is like and is in control. He is smart, lives there and speaks the lingo and has a soul.

I have no idea about Sosua nowadays after my initial week and two days way back in 2011 so paying more than 1000, in my mind is a folly but if others feel like it, who am I to say no? We are all grown ups and use our judgment based on our perspective on life and if some gets away getting freebies, more power to them too.

I have paid 500 pesos to a chica in Santiago but also took her and her son to eat something they cannot afford. I have paid out money even without seeing the person (guess how) and some I will never even see in my life (simply because, in my seven days or so, it is physically impossible to see so many across various cities). In my humble experience though, the women, if you do them a favor, feel just like anyone else, indebted and at the first opportunity, will return the favor with what they have. Again in my experience. I would also say, most of the time, as Enternational says, giving is all about "me" so there is not much to crow about, as far as I am concerned.

06-25-13, 06:28
Come on DEEP!

Save the thread of all this self rigorous bullshit and post a trip report dammit!

So much for having a "Sosua Reports" section!

Others, please send your impressive knowledgeable and informative PMs to each other and send the real trips reports in this section.

Deep, I'm counting on you!

El Perro Blanco

06-25-13, 13:00
Not long ago I drove up the coast towards Samana, and I was surprised at all the fruits and vegetables I saw around beaches and other areas. I love avocado and I saw so many as well as tangerines and other fruit that had fallen from the trees. If you know how to fish, there is also a lot of good fish in the DR.-You're absolutely on the mark-concerning fishing I've seen plenty of Dominicans fishing everyday and catchin' plenty with just "STRING N A home-made HOOK"

Thanks again-But some people are just stuck on their "POOR PUTA'S STORIES".they'll never learn.

----I've commented enough on the "POOR PUNTA'S BULLSHIT AND STARVIN" DOMINICAN'S"
read and decide for yourself-----just a side note----In Sosua I see plenty of PUTA'S who are a far cry from undernourished or street hustlers for that matter.

06-25-13, 14:00
It's a matter of degree. He pretty much demonstrated to her that he isn't a naive clown by giving her 1000 pesos, a fairly modest amount. A 200 propina on top of that (if she gave good service) is reasonable. I do agree with you that the typical overpaying monger sets himself up when he pays her "asking price." A precedent is set that if he doesn't give into her financial demands, she will then turn off the affection. But I don't think that's what Frannie was involved in with this particular chica. It seems pretty obvious he was the one in control of the exchange.I think it is a matter of personal style. I plan to have four or five encounters with this particular chica who has great erotic potential and imagination and I find that incentivization via small tips and encouraging verbal feedback works the best for me. A lot of these girls have low self esteem and so getting positive reinforcement from a high status male brings out their enthusiasm and a desire to please and excel. They may think they are getting me hooked, but the reverse may also apply. In any case, if a girl thinks that she might have potential novia status, that is the biggest incentive of all, even if they are quite mistaken.

However people do have different styles of interaction and I cannot say for sure whether what works for me will work equally for others.

06-25-13, 14:23
It's a matter of degree. He pretty much demonstrated to her that he isn't a naive clown by giving her 1000 pesos, a fairly modest amount. A 200 propina on top of that (if she gave good service) is reasonable. I do agree with you that the typical overpaying monger sets himself up when he pays her "asking price." A precedent is set that if he doesn't give into her financial demands, she will then turn off the affection. But I don't think that's what Frannie was involved in with this particular chica. It seems pretty obvious he was the one in control of the exchange.It wasnt stated clearly whether or not they agreed to 1000 pesos. But the fact is, she asked for more money. That indicates IMO, she wasnt satisfied with only 1000 pesos. Whats further interesting is. If she indeed gave good service as you suggested, he didn't offer her the 200 pesos in the 1st place. She had to ask him for the 200 pesos. That means he did not intend to give her more money.

It appears that when he gave the chica 200 pesos extra, he surmised that he was going to get better performance than what he got for the 1000 pesos. That the 200 pesos extra was money well spent. All I'm saying is, that perspective is flawed. There was no agreement from the chica for that to happen. IMO, when it comes to being in control. Control is shared, but not necessarily equal. And you are right, it is a matter of degree. The chica is in control of the quality of the performance, and her time. She also has some indirect control by her powers to manipulate a monger to meet or exceed her expectations when it comes to getting compensation. Thats done simply by adjusting her mood to the monger so he will react accordingly. The monger is mainly in control of his money. As long as a monger engages the chica, she is the one that has more control in the encounter. IMO.

06-25-13, 15:14
I think it is a matter of personal style. I plan to have four or five encounters with this particular chica who has great erotic potential and imagination and I find that incentivization via small tips and encouraging verbal feedback works the best for me. A lot of these girls have low self esteem and so getting positive reinforcement from a high status male brings out their enthusiasm and a desire to please and excel. They may think they are getting me hooked, but the reverse may also apply. In any case, if a girl thinks that she might have potential novia status, that is the biggest incentive of all, even if they are quite mistaken.

However people do have different styles of interaction and I cannot say for sure whether what works for me will work equally for others.That 200 pesos wasnt really a tip. The encounter was 1200 pesos. She intended to get more even though you both agreed on 1000 pesos. Because if the encouraging feedback was doing it's job the 1000 pesos would have been enough to satisfy her. It wasnt Frannie. We mongers have too much ego in assuming too much in relation to these chicas actions.

My point here is. We mongers assume the combination of our personal touch with a chica and our money makes our experience much better with a chica. If we could put it to test. Try not paying her at all, but offer massive amounts of encouraging feedback only, and see if that works. Or try this, offer more money, but offer no encouraging feedback, and see which situation gets you further. I'll bet the latter will work much better. And you'll find that the personal touch doesn't really factor into the equation. It's just all an act on both parties.

Here's something to consider. Maybe the chica has her own ideas."""""I plan to have four or five encounters with this particular chico who has great verbal feedback, and I find my delightful attitude and my performance works best to get more money from him, just by asking for it""""" My point is Frannie. There are two sides thinking here. And we as mongers can only think in one head. Chicas are great actresses. They can put on an award winning performance, and at the same time despise you, or deep down think of you as just one in a million. They are expert at allowing men to believe what ever they choose to believe, as long as they get what they really came for in the end. Many marriages are established and founded on women operating with that belief. And men become so surprised that that loving creature he married turns into an incubus. Fundamentally, I don't think chicas fucking for dinero are any different. True, we as mongers are actors as well, but the bottom line is. We are the ones paying, not them paying us.

06-25-13, 15:15
He and wrn have no clue. They are the reason some girls are sour. They think most women are bitches and treat women accordingly. They believe that if you give a girl a 200 you are being jobbed, The DR is one of the poorest nations in the west Haiti leading that pack. I naturally treat people well. The putas appreciate for the most part and respond with good service.

So, you live on pineapples and eggs for breakfast and lunch. No dinner, no water.

Dude, you are spewing BS left and right. In my books you have no clue how Dominicans (or Haitians) live in general, and the costs associated with it. Your other insights are of the same quality and about as credible.

06-25-13, 15:33
In any case, if a girl thinks that she might have potential novia status, that is the biggest incentive of all, even if they are quite mistaken.The desire for novia status is associated with the assumption they'll have a steady income, security or non monetary benefits. If they fail or are mistaken in achieving that novia status, they simply resume to being compensated on a per encounter basis. Mistaken or not, it's still a win / win for them. The money is still coming in.

06-25-13, 15:38
He and wrn have no clue. They are the reason some girls are sour. They think most women are bitches and treat women accordingly. They believe that if you give a girl a 200 you are being jobbed, The DR is one of the poorest nations in the west Haiti leading that pack. I naturally treat people well. The putas appreciate for the most part and respond with good service.Most women are not bitches."WRN" doesn't believe giving a girl 200 means you are being "jobbed" or robbed. Me personally, I don't think that at all. Maybe those girls are sour because they are so darn poor. Nice try OK, try thinking in your own head. LOL

06-25-13, 15:51
Most women are not bitches."WRN" doesn't believe giving a girl 200 means you are being "jobbed" or robbed. Me personally, I don't think that at all. Maybe those girls are sour because they are so darn poor. Nice try OK, try thinking in your own head. LOLAlthough Dominican Republic is a poor country it is not dirt poor like a country like Haiti. They are Jobs and Opportunity's but in my experience Dominican People are very lazy. Most of these working girls that work in Sousa. (I would say 90%) are supporting there Dominican boyfriend. There boyfriend are the one that send them into the streets. It's a known fact.

06-25-13, 15:56
That 200 pesos wasnt really a tip. The encounter was 1200 pesos. She intended to get more even though you both agreed on 1000 pesos. Because if the encouraging feedback was doing it's job the 1000 pesos would have been enough to satisfy her. It wasn't, Frannie. We mongers have too much ego in assuming too much in relation to these chicas actions.Yes of course the true price of the encounter was 1200, but I would have left it at 1000 if it had not been satisfactory. In my experience if you are prepared to pay 1500, it is best to offer 1000 and if they chica makes counteroffers, then you can say that you will only pay 1000, but will give extra propina for superior performance. That way she is much less likely to deliver minimalist performance. Or if you are only prepared to pay 1000, then offer 800. Let them think they have earned the extra.

If you eat in any restaurant in the US, the price on the menu is not the exact price that you will pay after sales tax and tip, so there is not much difference. In either case you have to be prepared to pay the total bill before you enter the restaurant.

As it was, without going into pornographic details, I asked her to do something and she totally exceeded her remit, turning the event into a memorably erotic experience that left me wanting more. For me this is fairly unusual.

Of course the whole thing is a kind of theater that involves pretense on both sides, but if it ends with both sides wanting a rematch, then it is satisfaction all round. Obviously the guy wants to fulfill some kind of sexual fantasy involving the chica within a certain budget and she wants to get enough money to meet her personal objectives. The two objectives are not mutually exclusive.

Clearly in the recent cases of "scams" that we have heard about, that wasn't the case.

06-25-13, 16:02
The desire for novia status is associated with the assumption they'll have a steady income, security or non monetary benefits. If they fail or are mistaken in achieving that novia status, they simply resume to being compensated on a per encounter basis. Mistaken or not, it's still a win / win for them. The money is still coming in.It is still an element in getting superior sexual performance. Is it just me, or is it not quite easy to get into a mediocre and unmemorable sexual encounter in Sosua if you don't get the right kind of vibe going on with the chica in question?

06-25-13, 16:11
So, you live on pineapples and eggs for breakfast and lunch. No dinner, no water.

Dude, you are spewing BS left and right. In my books you have no clue how Dominicans (or Haitians) live in general, and the costs associated with it. Your other insights are of the same quality and about as credible.Water is 35 to 50 pesos for a 5-gallon refill.

Pineapples are about 50 pesos in Playero or about 35 in La Sirena, depending on the day of the week, so 4 for 100 is a good deal, but the problem is that pineapples rot very quickly if not consumed and you are lucky if a ripe one lasts more than a couple of days. (Also there is a lot of wastage by the time you cut off the outside and discard the core.)

The price of 6 pesos per egg is roughly the same as in Playero, where they are 6. 5 pesos, but cheaper than in the colmados.

Anyway I think we must award a special monger award for frugality to one who spent 400 pesos for 14 meals and lived on milk from fallen coconuts. Of course you can also buy ripe fruit, sugar, and yeast and make your own alcohol for a fraction of the price.

06-25-13, 17:01
It is still an element in getting superior sexual performance. Is it just me, or is it not quite easy to get into a mediocre and unmemorable sexual encounter in Sosua if you don't get the right kind of vibe going on with the chica in question?Here's an example. A couple of days ago I bumped into a girl called Kathy on the strip. I knew her a year or two ago when she was 19, so she would be 20 or 21 now. She had her hair nicely styled and had a dental problem of a missing tooth fixed since I saw her last. She is a nice girl, pleasant personality, undemanding, nice body, but I know that although I have had sex with her a couple of times in the past, and it was OK, there is no way she is into me in a sexual way. (tempoecorto, you know her!).

But there is no way I would go with her again, even for 500 pesos, not because there is anything wrong with her, but because I know that nothing special could ever happen between us. I think the same about most of the chicas on the strip, even the ones I have not been with. There just isn't any chemistry or desire, so when you meet one with whom there IS chemistry, even if it is just brilliant method acting on her part, it can really hit the spot.

06-25-13, 18:03
They are all available, my boy owns that spot, Gregorio.Thanks Bkgee!

Is there an exit fee to get them out of work or do you just have to meet up with them after their shift?

Same price as street girls?

I think I met him on my last trip. Nice guy, he came over to our table and said hi and asked if we needed anything.

06-25-13, 18:05
Yes of course the true price of the encounter was 1200, but I would have left it at 1000 if it had not been satisfactory. In my experience if you are prepared to pay 1500, it is best to offer 1000 and if they chica makes counteroffers, then you can say that you will only pay 1000, but will give extra propina for superior performance. That way she is much less likely to deliver minimalist performance. Or if you are only prepared to pay 1000, then offer 800. Let them think they have earned the extra.You mean you would have only paid 1000 if her performance was not satisfactory, right? But her performance apparently was satisfactory to you. And you intended to see her again before you gave her more money. Did you have an agreement that you would give her a propina based on her performance? Of course not, because had that been the case she wouldn't have needed to ask you for more money. So there was no agreement from the chica with you about being paid more for her performance. And yet Frannie, you were sure that 200 pesos extra was going to have that chica to pull out all stops to satisfy all of your kinks in your next encounter. All I'm saying, there is no assurance that will happen. Moreover, the chica is working you just as much as you may be working her.

Just like you may be prepared to pay 1500, but offer 1000. She agrees or makes you believe she's prepared to accept 1000, with the intent to get 1500. So she agrees to accept your offer for 1500 with propina included for a superior performance. Said chica gives you the same performance you had on your 1st encounter. Now you pay her 1500 instead of 1000. You've just been hustled out of 500 pesos on the assumption that her performance was adjusted to superior status. I'm LOL as I type this. Because it is kinda comical. I'm not LOL at you, it's the position enough mongers find themselves in using that theory that they can negotiate for a superior performance by offering more money. The irony is. Nobody knows, not the chica, not the monger of what that superior performance entails. Nobody discusses what the difference is supposed to be. What ends up happening. The monger busts a nut, and he ends up paying her the highest amount when he didn't get nothing more than what she would have done with any other paying customer. In other words, you arent getting any more than what you think you just paid extra for.

06-25-13, 18:20
So, you live on pineapples and eggs for breakfast and lunch. No dinner, no water.

Dude, you are spewing BS left and right. In my books you have no clue how Dominicans (or Haitians) live in general, and the costs associated with it. Your other insights are of the same quality and about as credible.-I guess you know it all---I don't have to stoop down to your low-life level--

06-25-13, 18:30
The irony is. Nobody knows, not the chica, not the monger of what that superior performance entails. Nobody discusses what the difference is supposed to be. What ends up happening. The monger busts a nut, and he ends up paying her the highest amount when he didn't get nothing more than what she would have done with any other paying customer. In other words, you arent getting any more than what you think you just paid extra for.Sure, the monger knows what he has in mind. It is not just a question of "busting a nut" but whether that nut is busted after a prolonged session of exquisite pleasure or just in a perfunctory way. If the chica follows instructions, or better still demonstrate erotic creativity and arousal, then he is getting what he wanted. Since he doesn't really know what other customers want behind closed doors, that is largely irrelevant.

For example, you could tell a chica to give you a hand job, and she could do it in the most exquisite fashion, using both hands, creating maximum arousal and sensations, bringing you ever closer to climax and then backing off a bit, fingering her own pussy, until finally she lets you have it when you can bear the torture no longer. Or she could just do the job in the most perfunctory fashion to finish as soon a possible. Obviously in that case you might offer her some tuition, but even so, some will show themselves to be natural talents and others will not.

Or take the classic dilemma of the lesbian threesome that often gives mongers a lot of grief. I think what most guys want is to see two women giving each other genuine orgasms, as well as having sex with him, but setting up a session that is the real thing is often something that takes a lot of work and planning and probably many interviews to find the right candidate.

06-25-13, 18:31
Water is 35 to 50 pesos for a 5-gallon refill.

Pineapples are about 50 pesos in Playero or about 35 in La Sirena, depending on the day of the week, so 4 for 100 is a good deal, but the problem is that pineapples rot very quickly if not consumed and you are lucky if a ripe one lasts more than a couple of days. (Also there is a lot of wastage by the time you cut off the outside and discard the core.)

The price of 6 pesos per egg is roughly the same as in Playero, where they are 6. 5 pesos, but cheaper than in the colmados.

Anyway I think we must award a special monger award for frugality to one who spent 400 pesos for 14 meals and lived on milk from fallen coconuts. Of course you can also buy ripe fruit, sugar, and yeast and make your own alcohol for a fraction of the price.-Concerning water-Why would a Dominican need bottled water? I don't need it and I am a visitor-But I'm sure you'll have a reason why-Pineapples if you know how to pickem' they can last a week-I don't need your awards-your proving yourself along with your buddy as useless as your comments on all subjects-That's reward enough.

06-25-13, 18:47
It is still an element in getting superior sexual performance. Is it just me, or is it not quite easy to get into a mediocre and unmemorable sexual encounter in Sosua if you don't get the right kind of vibe going on with the chica in question?I'm in accord with that. The vibe or chemistry plays a major role in the quality of the encounter. And I'm willing to roll with that, moreso than believing giving a chica more money today, is going to ensure a good performance for my next encounter with the same chica. I think the quality of performance simply depends more on the chicas spirit at any given time, and the chemistry with the monger in that moment. For example. The blondie chica I get with from time to time. Our 1st encounter of my last trip the session was so so. The next time (a few days later) , it was better. Towards the end of my trip, she was a beast. However there was no talk about paying extra money to get a superior performance. I got what she was able and willing to put out depending on her spirit for that night.

06-25-13, 19:37
Hello ISG experts!

I don't know if this is the proper place to post so mods I'm sorry if its out of place. I just.

Wanted to introduce myself. My name is Scott and thank the gods I will be visiting Sosua.

For 2 weeks (August 12th through 26th). I bought the tickets so this dream is actually going to.

Happen! I am planning on staying in the Mary Rose (Rick has been super nice via email). I have been.

Lurking here and at various other spots for a couple weeks. Thanks to all of you for the great.

Information. Chris Long especially as his guide is basically exactly what I plan on doing. I plan to.

Keep reading and researching for the next month and am definitely going to do my best to give.

A kick ass trip report. I was curious about the etiquette of PMing a member and possibly getting.

A girls phone number. Hard to search for that. Anyway I hope to get to know some.

Of you and maybe even share a Presedente when I'm down there. Cheers!



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06-25-13, 19:49
-concerning water-why would a dominican need bottled water? i don't need it and i am a visitor-but i'm sure you'll have a reason why-the majority of dominicans drink bottled water and food is washed and prepared with purified water in restaurants and ice is made from purified water. the reason is that tap water supplies in the dr are unreliable and may harbor a variety of bacteria that can cause intestinal upsets. although most urban areas have water plants with chlorination, the quality control is often unreliable. in 2010 the dr had a cholera outbreak which is ongoing.

in addition, giardiasis is extremely common in the dr. while it is transmitted primarily by dirty swimming pool water or by food handled by people who carry it, it can also infiltrate local water supplies, especially if chorination is inadequate. it can get into water supplies via contaminated wells and cisterns or water towers.

there is still, of course, the question as to whether bottled water is safe. there are over 500 companies in the dr producing purified drinking water, and by no means all are licensed with the health ministry.

here is what the cdc (us centers for disease control) says about the dr and cholera:

what is the current situation?

an outbreak of cholera has been ongoing in the dominican republic since november 2010. according to the dominican ministry of health (ministerio de salud publica why asistencia social [msp]) .7, 860 suspected cholera cases and 66 suspected cholera-related deaths have been reported for all of 2012. as of april 6, a total of 892 suspected cholera cases and 14 suspected cholera-related deaths have been reported for 2013.

what is cholera?

cholera is a bacterial disease that can cause diarrhea and dehydration. cholera is most often spread through the ingestion of contaminated food or drinking water. water may be contaminated by the [CodeWord113] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord113) of an infected person or by untreated sewage. food is often contaminated by water containing cholera bacteria or by being handled by a person ill with cholera.

how can travelers protect themselves?

most travelers are not at high risk for getting cholera, but people who are traveling to the dominican republic should exercise caution to avoid getting sick.

cdc recommends that all travelers prepare a travel health kit when going abroad. if you are planning travel to the dominican republic, cdc advises packing the following supplies in your travel health kit to help prevent cholera and to treat it.

a prescription antibiotic to take in case of diarrhea.

water purification tablets*

oral rehydration salts*

*in the united states, these products can be purchased at stores that sell equipment for camping or other outdoor activities.

although no cholera vaccine is available in the united states, travelers can prevent cholera by following these 5 basic steps:

1) drink and use safe water*

bottled water with unbroken seals and canned / bottled carbonated beverages are safe to drink and use.

use safe water to brush your teeth, wash and prepare food, and make ice.

clean food preparation areas and kitchenware with soap and safe water and let dry completely before reuse.

*piped water sources, drinks sold in cups or bags, or ice may not be safe. all drinking water and water used to make ice should be boiled or treated with chlorine.

to be sure water is safe to drink and use:

boil it or treat it with water purification tablets, a chlorine product, or household bleach.

bring your water to a complete boil for at least 1 minute.

to treat your water, use water purification tablets, if you brought some with you from the united states, or one of the locally available treatment products, and follow the instructions.

if a chlorine treatment product is not available, you can treat your water with household bleach. add 8 drops of household bleach for every 1 gallon of water (or 2 drops of household bleach for every 1 liter of water) and wait 30 minutes before drinking.

always store your treated water in a clean, covered container.

2) wash your hands often with soap and safe water*

before you eat or prepare food.

before feeding your children.

after using the latrine or toilet.

after cleaning your child's bottom.

after taking care of someone ill with diarrhea

06-25-13, 20:20
-Concerning water-Why would a Dominican need bottled water? I don't need it and I am a visitor-But I'm sure you'll have a reason why-OK, I am not an expert on public health or infection control, though I did once act as a stand-in chief infection control officer for a 1200-bed hospital for a couple of months when the incumbent was out sick, but what is your credential?

You present yourself as a hardened world traveler who is used to living off the land, drinking the tap water, etc. But a more interesting question is why you do not think it is necessary to drink bottled water in the DR? Is this because you believe that health hazards of drinking tap water in the DR or in the Sosua area are exaggerated? That might be the case, but at least offer a rationale for your beliefs so that others can decide for themselves whether you are onto something.

06-25-13, 20:31
You have have never been to the DR cause it is obvious you know nothing. Two kinds of water drinkable and non drinkable. The water in the DR is not treated. You will get sick as shit. I welcome you to go and drink your full or should I say fool. Your information and perspective is a waste of our time.

-Concerning water-Why would a Dominican need bottled water? I don't need it and I am a visitor-But I'm sure you'll have a reason why-Pineapples if you know how to pickem' they can last a week-I don't need your awards-your proving yourself along with your buddy as useless as your comments on all subjects-That's reward enough.

06-25-13, 20:43
Although Dominican Republic is a poor country it is not dirt poor like a country like Haiti. They are Jobs and Opportunity's but in my experience Dominican People are very lazy. Most of these working girls that work in Sousa. (I would say 90%) are supporting there Dominican boyfriend. There boyfriend are the one that send them into the streets. It's a known fact.No doubt there are chicas who have boyfriends that encourage their novias to hook. I've seen that with my own eyes. I think that statement you offered about the DR being poor, but not dirt poor is for OldKool not me. He is the one who has been lamenting of dominicans being so poor that they don't know where their next meal will come from. I think being lazy has a lot to do with the many hustlers we see all over the place.

06-25-13, 21:46
I doubt either of you guys know any real Dominicans other then those in tourist areas. Dr has a high unemployment 20. These job pay less then you need to live. The people I know work hard and try everyday to better their lives. That is why you see gu ys on the street 12 14 ours a day selling dam near anything to make a honest living. I wish you guys could walk in their shoes. there is also a huge deparity between the rich and poor. The light elite are very wealthy. DR is the third poorest country in the Caribbean, Haiti and Jamaica are poorer.

No doubt there are chicas who have boyfriends that encourage their novias to hook. I've seen that with my own eyes. I think that statement you offered about the DR being poor, but not dirt poor is for OldKool not me. He is the one who has been lamenting of dominicans being so poor that they don't know where their next meal will come from. I think being lazy has a lot to do with the many hustlers we see all over the place.

06-25-13, 23:15
Hello ISG experts!

I don't know if this is the proper place to post so mods I'm sorry if its out of place. I just.

Wanted to introduce myself. My name is Scott and thank the gods I will be visiting Sosua.

For 2 weeks (August 12th through 26th). I bought the tickets so this dream is actually going to.

Happen! I am planning on staying in the Mary Rose (Rick has been super nice via email). I have been.

Lurking here and at various other spots for a couple weeks. Thanks to all of you for the great.

Information. Chris Long especially as his guide is basically exactly what I plan on doing. I plan to.

Keep reading and researching for the next month and am definitely going to do my best to give.

A kick ass trip report. I was curious about the etiquette of PMing a member and possibly getting.

A girls phone number. Hard to search for that. Anyway I hope to get to know some.

Of you and maybe even share a Presedente when I'm down there. Cheers!

ScottScott, you can PM anyone you like and ask for phone numbers. I don't have any, but if you PM me I will give you some very valuable information regarding some chicas you may like to meet when you come.

06-25-13, 23:16
I doubt either of you guys know any real Dominicans other then those in tourist areas. Dr has a high unemployment 20. These job pay less then you need to live. The people I know work hard and try everyday to better their lives. That is why you see gu ys on the street 12 14 ours a day selling dam near anything to make a honest living. I wish you guys could walk in their shoes. there is also a huge deparity between the rich and poor. The light elite are very wealthy. DR is the third poorest country in the Caribbean, Haiti and Jamaica are poorer.How do you tell the difference between real dominicans from unreal dominicans? It's amazing what you come up with. I couldn't make up stuff like that even if I tried. What is your point? It kinda got lost in cyber space.

06-26-13, 00:00
I doubt either of you guys know any real Dominicans other then those in tourist areas. Dr has a high unemployment 20. These job pay less then you need to live. The people I know work hard and try everyday to better their lives. That is why you see gu ys on the street 12 14 ours a day selling dam near anything to make a honest living. I wish you guys could walk in their shoes. there is also a huge deparity between the rich and poor. The light elite are very wealthy. DR is the third poorest country in the Caribbean, Haiti and Jamaica are poorer.Old Fool,

You spell on the fourth grade level, and you are telling this guy to give his GED back?

Mr Gogo
06-26-13, 00:02
Scott, you can PM anyone you like and ask for phone numbers. I don't have any, but if you PM me I will give you some very valuable information regarding some chicas you may like to meet when you come.Welcome Scott. You can PM anyone for info as Frannie said, but I don't think you should be asking for chica info. I have never given chica info to anyone I don't know, and usually I get about three requests every time I post a chica picture. I just say I don't remember. There is too much negative bullshit that can jump off.

Also its your first time in Sosua, you don't want to cheat yourself out of the experience of pulling your own chicas? Stop trying to take the easy way out.

06-26-13, 00:43
Was not required in law school.

Old Fool,

You spell on the fourth grade level, and you are telling this guy to give his GED back?

06-26-13, 00:54
There are way more women then you can handle You will be turning down women who you would kill to be with right now. Just relax and go with the flow. 2 weeks in Sosua is way to long. Maybe wifing up with a hot girl may not be a bad thing. If you find a girl you have chemistry with take her to Santo Domingo or somewhere else. Four days in Sosua and I am done.

Hello ISG experts!

I don't know if this is the proper place to post so mods I'm sorry if its out of place. I just.

Wanted to introduce myself. My name is Scott and thank the gods I will be visiting Sosua.

For 2 weeks (August 12th through 26th). I bought the tickets so this dream is actually going to.

Happen! I am planning on staying in the Mary Rose (Rick has been super nice via email). I have been.

Lurking here and at various other spots for a couple weeks. Thanks to all of you for the great.

Information. Chris Long especially as his guide is basically exactly what I plan on doing. I plan to.

Keep reading and researching for the next month and am definitely going to do my best to give.

A kick ass trip report. I was curious about the etiquette of PMing a member and possibly getting.

A girls phone number. Hard to search for that. Anyway I hope to get to know some.

Of you and maybe even share a Presedente when I'm down there. Cheers!


06-26-13, 01:56
Is this one of you guys? LOL Looks like drinks are flowin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NS-MFvHUBhs

06-26-13, 06:05
hello isg experts!

i don't know if this is the proper place to post so mods i'm sorry if its out of place. i just.

wanted to introduce myself. my name is scott and thank the gods i will be visiting sosua.

for 2 weeks (august 12th through 26th). i bought the tickets so this dream is actually going to.

happen! i am planning on staying in the mary rose (rick has been super nice via email). i have been.

lurking here and at various other spots for a couple weeks. thanks to all of you for the great.

information. chris long especially as his guide is basically exactly what i plan on doing. i plan to.

keep reading and researching for the next month and am definitely going to do my best to give.

a kick ass trip report. i was curious about the etiquette of pming a member and possibly getting.

a girls phone number. hard to search for that. anyway i hope to get to know some.

of you and maybe even share a presedente when i'm down there. cheers!


two weeks in sosua is way too long unless you're really into windsurfing or kitesurfing or other [CodeWord117] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord117) (in which case you could stay several weeks).

and you don't need chica contacts. they will be all around you. passions, d'latin's, rumba, cmp, etc. i'd bet that if you get a chica's contact before arriving, you won't even have time to call her.

06-26-13, 06:53
Hey Jackson!

Would you please start a new thread in the Dominican Republic section?

Name it,"I know everything, and you don't know a fucking thing." thread.

Some of us are tired of this other bullshit discussion in the "Sosua Reports" thread.

Come on Jackson, I will pay you double next time around!

06-26-13, 13:55
Best to ignore the z99 dude. He is on a mission to explain the DR to the Dominicans, and everyone else who will listen. Good luck with that.You're a joke

Ath Trainer
06-26-13, 16:21
Why don't you guys just pm each other with your non chica related arguments about egg, pineapples, and water?

Charles Pooter
06-26-13, 17:30
There are very few chicas I would trust sufficiently to recommend to someone else. And I respect them too much to give their info to someone who I don't know at all. A significant minority of visiting mongers are total assholes, as reading the threads here soon shows.

Anyway, it isn't necessary and would probably end in disappointment for one or both parties. We all have different tastes and budgets. There are chicas all over. Find what suits you.

Charles Pooter
06-26-13, 17:33
two weeks in sosua is way too long unless you're really into windsurfing or kitesurfing or other [CodeWord117] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord117) (in which case you could stay several weeks).very strange comment. i would think that if someone is "really into" those sports then even one day in sosua would be too long, because they ought to be spending it in cabarete.

06-26-13, 17:52
Any Idea how this will effect the Mongering on Sunday afternoon and evening?


Family Day, Bouncy Castle, Kid face painting, Fishing game on a Closed Pedro Clisante?

Good Lord! What is this?

06-26-13, 20:15
Thanks for the replies guys. Sound like the best policy is to take it easy. Charles you are spot on and I can't believe I didn't think of that. I know it is a long time and I think I will probably go to Santa Domingo and or Boca Chica at some point and hopefully wife up. In fact wifing up with a nice chica would be ideal. And as you said Mr Gogo, I don't want to take the easy way out! . I am a bit of a planner so I'm going to try to minimize my anal retentive nature. Thanks again for all the helpful comments guys. I know I will feel much more relaxed once I get the first one out of the way, I'm thinking Passions would be a good first time choice.


06-26-13, 23:12
thanks for the replies guys. sound like the best policy is to take it easy. charles you are spot on and i can't believe i didn't think of that. i know it is a long time and i think i will probably go to santa domingo and or boca chica at some point and hopefully wife up. in fact wifing up with a nice chica would be ideal. and as you said mr gogo, i don't want to take the easy way out! . i am a bit of a planner so i'm going to try to minimize my anal retentive nature. thanks again for all the helpful comments guys. i know i will feel much more relaxed once i get the first one out of the way, i'm thinking passions would be a good first time choice.

scottit might be. the only problem i see with passions is that the girls who work there are artful little minxes and as soon as you walk through the door you will be noted as a prey species to be picked off and in no time the assigned chica will be stroking your thigh and licking your ear, so you hand over your money and off you go with her to the back room where probably the sex will be somewhat antiseptic and you will be left like peggy lee, asking yourself "is that all there is?" however, it might be a good way to get over first time nerves.

another route might be to go to one of the numerous massage place as you will probably be tired and aching after your flight, and there you can get a nice massage and whatever sexual activity follows. one good place if it is daytime is rosa's salon, next to latino minimarket (you can take a motoconcho) which is a salon where they do hairstying and pedicures, etc-yeah, right- and massages. just go there, pick a therapist, and tell her to suck your dick, or whatever you want.

Charles Pooter
06-26-13, 23:19
I know it is a long time and I think I will probably go to Santa Domingo and or Boca Chica at some point and hopefully wife up. In fact wifing up with a nice chica would be ideal.Nothing wrong with wifing up in principle. A friend of mine who spends four months a year here on average for the past ten years and usually fucks two or three a day has just spent two weeks with the same chica and says it has been one of his best trips. But he knows what he is doing.

But if you prowl around looking for the right chica to wife up with you are very likely to come unstuck. They will all know how to take maximum advantage of someone with that attitude. Best to take a chica for short-time, then maybe TLN, then give her a miss for a couple of days before going back if you haven't found something better and try another TLN. Then another break. If you still get on great then you will gradually pair off.

Not sure why you are going to SD or BC to "wife up". BC is even more hard-core than Sosua and SD is hard to navigate for newbies.

If your implication is that it is hard to find a chica in Sosua who is not hard-core, that is not altogether true (my friends who live there find plenty of nice girls, but they don't find them on the strip at night or in brothels like Passions or CMP) , but you could also maximise your chances by looking in Pto Pta or Montellano without spending two days of your precious holiday time travelling to the other side of the island and back.

Unless you lavish lots of money on the girl she will get bored and want to slip away for increasingly long breaks to earn quick bucks with other gringos or fuck her local boyfriend. And however nice she is, you will get restless seeing other chicas everywhere who would be available to you if you were not with her.

I wish you luck with wifing-up, but it usually ends in tears and thin wallets.

06-26-13, 23:46
Why don't you guys just pm each other with your non chica related arguments about egg, pineapples, and water?Everything about visiting Sosua is to do with some kind of risk management, whether it be financial management of encounters with chicas, riding motoconchos, drinking alcohol, blowjobs without condoms, sex without condoms, performing oral sex on local females, or drinking the tap water. I don't see why such issues should not be of interest to readers contemplating visiting Sosua for a sex vacation. What you call arguments are just discussions that show that people have different experiences leading them to different points of view. Readers are surely mature enough to make up their own minds, and Jackson can always delete posts or threads if he finds them detrimental to the board,

Having myself recently ended up in the emergency room in Sosua on intravenous drugs for a severe gastric and intestinal infection that may have been exacerbated by a positive giardiasis test, in spite of taking all precautions over water, never brushing my teeth with tap water, etc, I am always interested to hear other people's opinions, even if they run contrary to received wisdom.

Charles Pooter
06-26-13, 23:51
I am a bit of a planner .So am I, but it doesn't work too well in the DR. I would really just meet up with some reliable mongers who know the score on your first day and go with the flow. Don't make commitments more than a day ahead, least of all with chicas. Steer well clear of all local males. Don't get drunk. 95% of the bad incidents you read about here happen to guys who look like targets or haven't got their wits about them after a few beers which would be harmless in another context.

Brother P
06-27-13, 00:47
Is this one of you guys? LOL Looks like drinks are flowin.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NS-MFvHUBhsI've seen the guy in the white t on my last two trips to sosua. Didn't know he wanted to be a rock star! LOL. With all the drama thats happened lately, anyone posting videos on youtube must not be reading the boards.

06-27-13, 00:55
Quick question,

Has anyone here used DominicanCupid service. I have been fooling around on it this afternoon and it seems pretty cool. The reason I mentioned Santo Domingo is that many of the chicas I am interested in tend to live there. I wonder if having a girl visit me at my condo would be a better idea. I'd love to go to the water park with a pretty little senorita. I may even end up renting a car. I don't drink much and trying to channel some of veteran monger caution / jadedness. So I won't be such a mark. Thanks again for the wise word.


Ath Trainer
06-27-13, 01:10
You're a jokeFrannie, I agree. But when it turns to this, and can a chica cut down a coconut, and how long does a pineapple stay fresh, with no mention of tit, ass, or pussy for days, enough is enough.

06-27-13, 01:10
Sport fuck in Sosua then leave and wife up. It is not possibe to wife up in Sosua. Everyday you will see a hot chica who wants to fuck your brains out. Santo Domingo is a lot of fun on the weekends. I found great girls on Cupid. I dated them on line with skype. All my cupid girls fucked my brains out. The girls go all out to make you happy. Some girls will try hit yu for WU money but you just say no. SD can be a lot fun. It is a huge change from Sosua. I take the metro bus for 8 bucks to SD. It is a fun ride. PM me I can give you some detail and a number for a very hot SW in SD.

So am I, but it doesn't work too well in the DR. I would really just meet up with some reliable mongers who know the score on your first day and go with the flow. Don't make commitments more than a day ahead, least of all with chicas. Steer well clear of all local males. Don't get drunk. 95% of the bad incidents you read about here happen to guys who look like targets or haven't got their wits about them after a few beers which would be harmless in another context.

06-27-13, 01:33
Sport fuck in Sosua then leave and wife up. It is not possibe to wife up in Sosua. Everyday you will see a hot chica who wants to fuck your brains out. Santo Domingo is a lot of fun on the weekends. I found great girls on Cupid. I dated them on line with skype. All my cupid girls fucked my brains out. The girls go all out to make you happy. Some girls will try hit yu for WU money but you just say no. SD can be a lot fun. It is a huge change from Sosua. I take the metro bus for 8 bucks to SD. It is a fun ride. PM me I can give you some detail and a number for a very hot SW in SD.I beg to differ, I wife up in Sosua with imported semi-putas in a condo away from the circus.

She can cook, and clean, and suck and fuck, and swim like a dolphin in my pool.
Then I send her back to Santiago when it is time, and get back in the Puta rotation.
I prefer a North Coast base, with access to Moca, Jimao, Santiago, and Sabaneta.
I am no Jao, so SDQ is too much of a rat race for me.
I see my man Jao is the new Minister of Information on EYE SORE!

06-27-13, 02:06

That would be my dream vacation. I'm staying at the Mary Rose and it is indeed away from the Circus. One can dream right?


06-27-13, 02:21
Frannie, I agree. But when it turns to this, and can a chica cut down a coconut, and how long does a pineapple stay fresh, with no mention of tit, ass, or pussy for days, enough is enough.OK, I met a chica very recently who is 18 and cute as a button, no kids, fine body and skin etc. She looks younger but swore to me on a stack of bibles that she was 18 and in fact was celebrating her 19th the very next day (for some reason these chicas have a lot of birthdays!). Although available for blow jobs, etc. She informed me that she is a "senorita"-in other words a virgin. She went on to say that she was quite willing to lose her virginity, but she wanted to get a good price for it.

A very sensible attitude, no doubt, that many young women would do well to emulate, but needless to say, I did not ask her for a price quote. I don't doubt that she will lose her virginity many times before her career is over, but I would rather leave the honors to someone else.

Mr Gogo
06-27-13, 02:45
OK, I met a chica very recently who is 18 and cute as a button, no kids, fine body and skin etc. She looks younger but swore to me on a stack of bibles that she was 18 and in fact was celebrating her 19th the very next day (for some reason these chicas have a lot of birthdays!). Although available for blow jobs, etc. She informed me that she is a "senorita"-in other words a virgin. She went on to say that she was quite willing to lose her virginity, but she wanted to get a good price for it.

A very sensible attitude, no doubt, that many young women would do well to emulate, but needless to say, I did not ask her for a price quote. I don't doubt that she will lose her virginity many times before her career is over, but I would rather leave the honors to someone else.Let me get this straight. Dominicana, nineteen, cute, nice body, no kids, talks freely with foreigners, and a virgin?

06-27-13, 03:39
OK, I met a chica very recently who is 18 and cute as a button, no kids, fine body and skin etc. She looks younger but swore to me on a stack of bibles that she was 18 and in fact was celebrating her 19th the very next day (for some reason these chicas have a lot of birthdays!). Although available for blow jobs, etc. She informed me that she is a "senorita"-in other words a virgin. She went on to say that she was quite willing to lose her virginity, but she wanted to get a good price for it...She lives in DR. 18, no kids, birthday the next day, sensible attitude, willing to give up her virginity for the right price! Glad you left those honor to the next guy. He might fall for it. LOL. I wish I could have heard the price. I guess the bigger the fool she has the larger price.

06-27-13, 03:49
Discussing money she asked for 2500 pesos (which I think was advice given her) and was expecting to be laughed at. I said ok. The sex turned out to be disappointing and walking her back to pedro clisante I admittted I wasn't all that pleased. I paid her the 2. 5K though and only admitted I was not very pleased when she asked. When we were parting she put all the money back in my hand and told me she truly wanted a second chance to please me and begged me to call her...I would have did the same thing.

06-27-13, 04:59
Very strange comment. I would think that if someone is "really into" those sports then even one day in Sosua would be too long, because they ought to be spending it in Cabarete.Hah! I think you know that's what I meant. Daytime adventure in Cabarete and nightime adventures in Sosua.

06-27-13, 11:23
Let me get this straight. Dominicana, nineteen, cute, nice body, no kids, talks freely with foreigners, and a virgin?Thanks for your interest. Just send me your bid in a private message and I will forward it to her!

06-27-13, 14:42
Let me get this straight. Dominicana, nineteen, cute, nice body, no kids, talks freely with foreigners, and a virgin?The virgin stuff would be a bit awkward to pull off if she shows up with a kid in tow.

06-27-13, 15:53
Good for you Tomjackin, I was advised about a complete "waste of bandwidth" but I see the "whole" board going off topic, so I'm confused, Mr Jackson I was wondering "Is the entire off topic" that now engulfs the Sosua, qualifies as a "complete waste of bandwidth" or is it just my posts that "wasting bandwidth" I'm just wondering, by the off topics flames war is any different.Hey Deep. Your posts never were, are and forever will be a waste of bandwidth. You, my brodder, are the culprit when I'm LMFHO and ROFL (ain't I cool!) with your stories and I find it very unfortunate that this thread sometimes makes a human pinata out of folk that open their hearts and tell it like it is.

I've been tuning into your TV channel everyday, hoping to see the latest episode of "Hide the Sausage". Tell me kind sir, did you, by any chance, check out Classicos during your trip. They had live bands on one weekend night that generated a bit of traffic during my recent trip but then, the next day, regrettably, it was back to swatting flies.

06-27-13, 15:57

That would be my dream vacation. I'm staying at the Mary Rose and it is indeed away from the Circus. One can dream right?

Just go and see what happens, you can't plan who you are going to fuck in DR, it just happens.
If you leave Sosua, your odds of meeting a semi-puta are increased.
Do you look / talk like a gringo? Then you are NEVER going to hook up with a "regular" girl, just accept this, and enjoy the adventure.
If you have a little latin swagger, and speakie Spanie, then you can bang normal chicas.

When R U at Mary Rose?

06-27-13, 16:08

I look / talk like an Irish American gringo to the core so the die is cast I'm afraid. So I'm not thinking real girl a kind pro would be the best I could hope for. I'm at the Mary Rose August 12th through the 26th. I'm thinking if I can build a few contacts through skype / DominicanCupid in the mean time that can only be a good thing. Going with the flow is the modus operandi for sure.

06-27-13, 17:38

I look / talk like an Irish American gringo to the core so the die is cast I'm afraid. So I'm not thinking real girl a kind pro would be the best I could hope for. I'm at the Mary Rose August 12th through the 26th. I'm thinking if I can build a few contacts through skype / DominicanCupid in the mean time that can only be a good thing. Going with the flow is the modus operandi for sure.I am around in July, make Fayboo friends with a few, and network their friends, more effective than Cupid, learn as much Spanie before you go.

06-27-13, 19:15
Hey Deep. Your posts never were, are and forever will be a waste of bandwidth. You, my brodder, are the culprit when I'm LMFHO and ROFL (ain't I cool!) with your stories and I find it very unfortunate that this thread sometimes makes a human pinata out of folk that open their hearts and tell it like it is.

I've been tuning into your TV channel everyday, hoping to see the latest episode of "Hide the Sausage". Tell me kind sir, did you, by any chance, check out Classicos during your trip. They had live bands on one weekend night that generated a bit of traffic during my recent trip but then, the next day, regrettably, it was back to swatting flies.Shockman, you are a great friend, it was a pleasure meeting and hanging out with you. We will for sure, coordinate another Dr trip. I was thinking of moving on from the Dr, but This last trip was "business as usual" We had an amazing time. I try to use humor in all my trip reports, but unfortunately, people here don't share in my sense of humor, and I'm ok with that.

My true intentions at the "end of the day" is to give back to this board, that's gave so much to me. Sometimes I admit, I respond to issues (like everyone) else but my response is construed as being argumentative, and 9 out 10 I'm completely (jjoking).

Classico was " completely closed Shockman my brother, only the bottom half was opened, at least for the week I was there. We missed it badly, and the closing of Classicos, We will never get over! So now I'm cool with sitting back and just watching the conversations on the board. Peace!

06-27-13, 21:00
I'm moving there 7-7 and looking for best telephone options. Please note; I have very little experience with cell phones. I'll want to be able to call friends back in the USA although I've learned skyping is also an option. My question:What type cell phone ($?) and service will let me call the USA at a decent per min. Charge? Or should I use a land-line, and limited cell phone combination?



06-28-13, 04:06
I was checking out a DR website that a member has videos of Sosua girls he fucks. Caught my inerest because one of the girls was a chica I met on my last trip. The site is not special but you may see girls you met on your Sosua trips. It is very current.

06-28-13, 12:00
I still see this chica selling ass in Sosua. This pic was taken in 2006

06-28-13, 12:18
I still see this chica selling ass in Sosua. This pic was taken in 2006That is J-Lo, she started selling ass in Boca Chica as early as 2000, her older sister is "Horseface"!

So J-Lo gotta be @ least 30, if not older. Even publicos run over 200K miles and still look good, very easy to get Camry parts here!

06-28-13, 12:29
I'm moving there 7-7 and looking for best telephone options. Please note; I have very little experience with cell phones. I'll want to be able to call friends back in the USA although I've learned skyping is also an option. My question:What type cell phone ($?) and service will let me call the USA at a decent per min. Charge? Or should I use a land-line, and limited cell phone combination?


GaryWith any cell phone from Orange, Claro, or Viva, you can make cell phone calls to the US for the same rate as local calls, which are not very cheap. If you want free you can use the Magic Jack application to call any number in the US with any device that has wi-fi, such as a smart phone or tablet computer, or laptop. For example you can buy the Lenovo tablet for about $125 in Best Buy in the US. You can also use Skype and pay a very reasonable rate, I think about $30 per year for unlimited calls to cell phones and land lines in the US.

Many apartment buildings and restaurants have free wi-fi installed, but call quality is not always as one would wish.

Most people don't seem to use land lines in the DR except businesses, but I think you could get one installed and if you need to make a lot of calls to the US, that might be your best bet. With Claro it appears that the monthly rental is 695 pesos with 800 minutes of calling included and additional minutes to the US are 1 peso apiece.


Riky Rapido
06-28-13, 14:47
With any cell phone from Orange, Claro, or Viva, you can make cell phone calls to the US for the same rate as local calls, which are not very cheap. If you want free you can use the Magic Jack application to call any number in the US with any device that has wi-fi, such as a smart phone or tablet computer, or laptop. For example you can buy the Lenovo tablet for about $125 in Best Buy in the US. You can also use Skype and pay a very reasonable rate, I think about $30 per year for unlimited calls to cell phones and land lines in the US.

Many apartment buildings and restaurants have free wi-fi installed, but call quality is not always as one would wish.

Most people don't seem to use land lines in the DR except businesses, but I think you could get one installed and if you need to make a lot of calls to the US, that might be your best bet. With Claro it appears that the monthly rental is 695 pesos with 800 minutes of calling included and additional minutes to the US are 1 peso apiece.

http://contenido.claro.com.do/wps/portal/do/pc/personas/telefonia-fija/planes-de-telefonia-fija/hogar-y-vipI've been using CLARO for TV / Internet / and Landline for close to 4 years in two towns. My landline with Claro has 480 minutes of outgoing call time, to the US. 64 plus TV stations, and unlimited internet time. One price, choice of several plans, and very few complaints about the service. Cost is $65 a month for the package. There are several telecomm-s to choose from.

Charles Pooter
06-28-13, 17:39
With any cell phone from Orange, Claro, or Viva, you can make cell phone calls to the US for the same rate as local callsDoes that apply to calls to Canada as well?

Riky Rapido
06-28-13, 23:45
Does that apply to calls to Canada as well?And, I just tried to call a couple Canadian numbers without success. Maybe another member has more info.

06-29-13, 00:34
Some people were complaining about posts with no discussion of sex, but even without discussions about food and water, there are none forthcoming, so clearly no one was being stopped from posting about sex.

Here is a warning sign of impending bad sex. If you see a chica licking her forefinger and middle finger and then transferring saliva to her vaginal opening prior to intromission, this is not a good sign. You might as well ask for your money back right now. She might start to lube up naturally a bit later on as you hit your stroke, but most likely this will not be a hot sexual experience.

Steve Urso
06-29-13, 00:38

I am new here, and new to this type of forum (although a few years back, before I got married, I spent sometime lurking).

So now that I am pretty much divorced, wanted to take this opportunity and try to forget my wife (although it was I who filed for divorce).

Anyway, enough of personal problems.

What I am looking for, and maybe someone could help me here is with the following scenario:

I want to rent a place on the beach. I want to be able to hire a girl for an extended period of time (and maybe have an opportunity to change that girl mid flight) for sex, cooking / cleaning etc (with the accent being of course on the first part).

How would I go about arranging this?

About me. I am an american, speak a little spanish (def. Not enough to pass for even a retarded local).34 year old.

Thank you in advance!

06-29-13, 00:46
Here is a warning sign of impending bad sex. If you see a chica licking her forefinger and middle finger and then transferring saliva to her vaginal opening prior to intromission, this is not a good sign. You might as well ask for your money back right now. She might start to lube up naturally a bit later on as you hit your stroke, but most likely this will not be a hot sexual experience.Or she may just be trying to get excited about an overweight unattractive stranger about to jump up and down on her for 10 minutes, LOL. I'm pretty sure most guys would have a hard time getting wood if Roseanne Barr paid them to have sex with her (apparently not Tom Arnold, which makes him a prostitute, LOL).

06-29-13, 05:51
Does that apply to calls to Canada as well?Yes it does, same rates.

06-29-13, 07:06
Some people were complaining about posts with no discussion of sex, but even without discussions about food and water, there are none forthcoming, so clearly no one was being stopped from posting about sex.

Here is a warning sign of impending bad sex. If you see a chica licking her forefinger and middle finger and then transferring saliva to her vaginal opening prior to intromission, this is not a good sign. You might as well ask for your money back right now. She might start to lube up naturally a bit later on as you hit your stroke, but most likely this will not be a hot sexual experience.It is nothing. Just keep some lube in your room. What is really scary is when a girl offers you anal sex without protection. There is an opinion that double bag is less reliable than single one. Does anyone.

Have an idea?

06-29-13, 12:01
I still see this chica selling ass in Sosua. This pic was taken in 2006 Yes she is also a pimp. Some of the girls she is with our kinda cool but she runs the show and I personally dont like that and she will tell them what to do. Speaks very good English so you see guys hanging with her. Looking a bit older now but I bet there was a day when she was smokin hot.

06-29-13, 14:08
Yes she is also a pimp. Some of the girls she is with our kinda cool but she runs the show and I personally dont like that and she will tell them what to do. Speaks very good English so you see guys hanging with her. Looking a bit older now but I bet there was a day when she was smokin hot.I first met her around 2004 and never hit it, but a few of my friends did back then. She definitely looks older now than 2004. She seems to have a good amount a mileage. I'm sure she knows the puta game inside and out and has no problem catching the bright eyed and bushy tailed newbies that flow into Sosua.

There are many other vets still working in Sosua. Some will even disappear for a year or more and reinvent themselves when they resurface as fresh or new to Sosua, to the newbies and / or less experienced mongers, especially if the chicas were smart enough to avoid being in the foto archives of the monger boards.

Charles Pooter
06-29-13, 15:40

I am new here, and new to this type of forum (although a few years back, before I got married, I spent sometime lurking).

So now that I am pretty much divorced, wanted to take this opportunity and try to forget my wife (although it was I who filed for divorce).

Anyway, enough of personal problems.

What I am looking for, and maybe someone could help me here is with the following scenario:

I want to rent a place on the beach. I want to be able to hire a girl for an extended period of time (and maybe have an opportunity to change that girl mid flight) for sex, cooking / cleaning etc (with the accent being of course on the first part).

How would I go about arranging this?

About me. I am an american, speak a little spanish (def. Not enough to pass for even a retarded local).34 year old.

Thank you in advance!Your chances of arranging this successfully from abroad are almost nil.

If you are coming for a good length of time (at least a month) , you might gradually come to trust a chica enough to ask her to move in, but even that is a long-shot. And once she is installed you are unlikely to be able to oust her for another without a big pay-off or serious drama.

That sort of thing happens in the movies to guys who look like movie stars. In real life it ain't so easy.

Apart from the chica, the "place on the beach" will be a problem. Anywhere on the beach will either be enormously expensive within a gated community or way out in the campo where it will be beautiful but totally without facilities or (more importantly) security. The best you could do would be an apartment or condo within short walking distance to the beach. Another option would be to book in as a couple into an all-inclusive hotel with its own beach, but that takes you out of the mongering world and the remit of this board. And might rule out changing partners.

You haven't said anything about the length of stay or your budget. Unless they put a different complexion on things I think you are heading for a lot of expense and aggravation.

My guess is you are emotionally tender coming out of a marital situation and still feed a psychological need to have a companion with you and to look after you. Assuming you are just coming for a couple of weeks I think you would be better off staying at Blackbeards or Field of Dreams where you won't have to worry about cooking or cleaning. Then you could spend your time with one chica if that is what you want, but would have minimal problems if you want to try others (so long as you didn't make her any silly and unnecessary promises of commitment).

06-29-13, 16:25
Your chances of arranging this successfully from abroad are almost nil.

If you are coming for a good length of time (at least a month) , you might gradually come to trust a chica enough to ask her to move in, but even that is a long-shot. And once she is installed you are unlikely to be able to oust her for another without a big pay-off or serious drama.

That sort of thing happens in the movies to guys who look like movie stars. In real life it ain't so easy.

Apart from the chica, the "place on the beach" will be a problem. Anywhere on the beach will either be enormously expensive within a gated community or way out in the campo where it will be beautiful but totally without facilities or (more importantly) security. The best you could do would be an apartment or condo within short walking distance to the beach. Another option would be to book in as a couple into an all-inclusive hotel with its own beach, but that takes you out of the mongering world and the remit of this board. And might rule out changing partners.

You haven't said anything about the length of stay or your budget. Unless they put a different complexion on things I think you are heading for a lot of expense and aggravation.

My guess is you are emotionally tender coming out of a marital situation and still feed a psychological need to have a companion with you and to look after you. Assuming you are just coming for a couple of weeks I think you would be better off staying at Blackbeards or Field of Dreams where you won't have to worry about cooking or cleaning. Then you could spend your time with one chica if that is what you want, but would have minimal problems if you want to try others (so long as you didn't make her any silly and unnecessary promises of commitment).All good points. As far as the beach, it really depends on which beach. Cabarete might be the best bet. As far as the girl, I agree. This fantasy won't fly.

Mr Enternational
06-29-13, 17:19
So now that I am pretty much divorced, wanted to take this opportunity and try to forget my wife (although it was I who filed for divorce). I want to be able to hire a girl for an extended period of time (and maybe have an opportunity to change that girl mid flight) for sex, cooking / cleaning etc (with the accent being of course on the first part).So now that you have rid yourself of one wife you want to wife/maid up with someone else? Now is the time to go crazy IMHO. Like I tell women, you should first find a guy then feel that you want to marry him. You shouldn't have it in your mind to marry, then find a guy who will suffice.

06-29-13, 17:40
I first met her around 2004 and never hit it, but a few of my friends did back then. She definitely looks older now than 2004. She seems to have a good amount a mileage. I'm sure she knows the puta game inside and out and has no problem catching the bright eyed and bushy tailed newbies that flow into Sosua.

There are many other vets still working in Sosua. Some will even disappear for a year or more and reinvent themselves when they resurface as fresh or new to Sosua, to the newbies and / or less experienced mongers, especially if the chicas were smart enough to avoid being in the foto archives of the monger boards.Yea I have known her for years and talk with her from time to time but she even still get pissed at times when I don't take one of her girls LOL, I think she said she is in her 40's now believe it or not. Probably coming to an end for her but her very good English keeps her in the game, Your exactly right she grabs the new girls, mongers need to just be aware of it if they see her.

Ath Trainer
06-29-13, 18:11

I am new here, and new to this type of forum (although a few years back, before I got married, I spent sometime lurking).

So now that I am pretty much divorced, wanted to take this opportunity and try to forget my wife (although it was I who filed for divorce).

Anyway, enough of personal problems.

What I am looking for, and maybe someone could help me here is with the following scenario:

I want to rent a place on the beach. I want to be able to hire a girl for an extended period of time (and maybe have an opportunity to change that girl mid flight) for sex, cooking / cleaning etc (with the accent being of course on the first part).

How would I go about arranging this?

About me. I am an american, speak a little spanish (def. Not enough to pass for even a retarded local).34 year old.

Thank you in advance!You may want to modify your plan some, not knowing the sosua scene yet.

First, read the forum. You will understand how things work here, and things will be much clearer.

There are many hotelsithin walking distance to the beach. This may fit you purpose, more options, and much cheaper.

Wifing up with the right chica, may be what you want, but taking her out of the business is a pipe dream. Read about guys and wester union relationship

Charles Pooter
06-29-13, 18:16
I want to be able to hire a girl for an extended period of time (and maybe have an opportunity to change that girl mid flight) for sex, cooking / cleaning etc (with the accent being of course on the first part).See also my comments on "wifing up" in post #175 below.

Reading between the lines of your post I am concerned that you are in for a big disappointment at best, or some unpleasant drama or avoidable expense at worse. It does not have to be that way. You could have a great time here if you modify your expectations. The DR is not a romcom, it's black comedy and sometimes farce.

Feel free to PM me if I can be of more specific help.

Of course, I may have read your situation completely wrongly, in which case I apologize.

Charles Pooter
06-29-13, 18:25
. taking her out of the business is a pipe dream.To be fair, there is no suggestion of that in his post. He is only talking about living with her for the (unspecified) duration of his trip.

But we all know these chicas have a way of making guys who may be emotionally vulnerable fall in love with them or become infatuated with them, and 99% of the time it ends in tears.

He will be safer in the company of mongers who know the score rather than hidden away in some love nest "on the beach".

06-29-13, 19:36
I agree with Charles BB's or FOD would be your best bet. BB's is a short walk to the Beach. Both places will help you with any communication needs you may have. You have many options at either place. Read the Puerto Plata thread for detailed information on both places.

06-29-13, 20:58
I have been to Panama, Mexico City, and San Jose / Jaco on many adventures. My first in San Jose was so amazing while I was married sneaking around fucking everything I could. Work then allowed me to really learn the craft. So having said that I am single now by choice and want to go to Sosua. I speak Spanish early thirties and pretty easy going. Is it really that bad? I am not looking to fall in love. I want quality, I will pass up many for what I am looking for. I am not worried about the cost. I would consider myself an intermediate level monger. So forum is it worth the trip for someone like me? Also looking to head down there September 21-27th any draw backs to that time?

Thanks for your help

Ath Trainer
06-29-13, 21:45

I want to rent a place on the beach. I want to be able to hire a girl for an extended period of time (and maybe have an opportunity to change that girl mid flight)

This is the comment that makes me think hes looking for a ltr.

06-29-13, 22:32
So now that you have rid yourself of one wife you want to wife/maid up with someone else? Now is the time to go crazy IMHO. Like I tell women, you should first find a guy then feel that you want to marry him. You shouldn't have it in your mind to marry, then find a guy who will suffice.Gosh just divorced and you want to go back to being married-seems like Mr Uso stuck in reverse -Sosua is the place to floor it- to your bringing your cock back to life-Its time to take the RIP wreath off your cock because you are no longer married----Why put an out of service sign back on especially in Sosua ---

Hope you find what your lookin' for ---I suggest alot of fine "CHICAS"

Steve Urso
06-30-13, 00:04
Holy mother of god. Did not expect so many responses. Equally impressive that none of them had any sarcasm or "hazing". Thank you.

Going to try to answer all the questions with one post. Forgive me, if I neglect someone's question.

To tell you the truth, I don't know what I want at this point. I need something that will put my failed marriage behind me.

I went on a soccer oriented trip recently (champions league final, DFB Pokal Final and Ukraine vs. Montenegro). Thought that this would ease my pain, it did not. Time for round two. The trip to DR. I am not vulnerable (as someone mentioned) , and I never ever get into situations where pu$$why and / or alcohol get the best of me. So I am not afraid of "falling in love" and having someone suck me dry. That will never happen (the second part). All that WU bullshit does not work on me.

What I fantasize about, is having a place, where there would be a private / semi private pool, an "ocean" view and ideally beachfront. (I seen some places on VRBO that are not too expensive that fit this mold).

I would like to wake up in the morning to a nice sea breeze and a BJ from a beautiful girl (for some reason I hate the word chica.). Yes, I am a romantic.

In terms of time frames. I am not tied to any specific date or length of time. Although a month would be a stretch (but I am willing to do that under very special circumstances)

Again, thank you for your responses.

06-30-13, 00:27
I still see this chica selling ass in Sosua. This pic was taken in 2006She was there when I was there, earlier this month. I wouldn't recommend her though, funny story (hopefully non band width wasted humor) here goes. I met her at New Garden, I was "awestruck" I had to do this chica" so we made a date for the following evening. I was also highly impressed with her English, cause my espanol sucks. LOL! Anyway she came over, we went to my room (this was a few years ago) She undresses, her body looked better, with clothes on, but she was cool, She gave a half ass blow job, so that was a bit of a turn off, but not a deal breaker. I saddle up (magnum xl) super lubed condom, she gets on the top of me, I'm thinking ok, cowgirl position here we go! Yeehaaa! She's going to ride the shit out of me" My nick name is El Caballo Negro, (for crying out loud ). She half ass put the head of my dick in, but she just layed flat on my big black ass! Lmao! I was waiting and waiting, for her to raise up in the mounted position she never did! WTF?

So picture this, I'm on my back completely flat (bottom position) she's laying completely flat on the (top position) I kind of gently tried to push her big ass upward, thinking she should get the hint, but she just layed there, like we were somekind of big ass "human sandwich) this was not working to say the least" so screw it "I turned her over, and now my big black ass was on top (It's on like donkey Kong) so I thought. I go to just slightly raise her legs, she yells "what happened?" nothing happened! WTF? I thought, I found even the chicas that speak. A fair amount of English, I guess when we say "Que paso" that lierary means " what happen? (you more advanced Spanish speakers maybe chime in) so I hear this a lot, anyways, I told her I'm just trying to raise her legs, so I can unleash The chocolate jackhammer" she refused I was so frustrated, never mind, so another "failure" I think we. Agreed to 1,500 pesos, a lot at the time, but in a surprised move "she only took 500 pesos! She knew I was irritated at her garbage performance or lack there off (unlike that puta Ana taking my 3,000 no matter what)

She gets my 500 pesos, now I'm thinking okay leave now" she gets dressed she then, gets a phone call, It was a date, she started talking her English again, asking the guy " what room number again?" Oh hell no! WTF! Do that shit on your "own time" get the fuck out of my room! (***** Got nerve sitting at the end of my bed, after waisting my " fucking "time scheduling another date! (I must got Sapp written on my forehead.) She leaves I get cleaned up " flourescent blue balls" illuminated my night. I get to Ng, restaurant tell the homies what garbage she was, they get a good laugh, she comes back I'm thinking "what the fuck do you want now?" Because I ain't never taking your garbage ass again" she left her phone charger in my room. We go back to get it and it was in the bathroom, okay leave now, (in another classy move) she starts, hugging me I don't want got into her this time? She immediately went down, she pulled down my long baggy basketball shorts, I'm loving this now! She gave a " amazing blow job " to completion " my flourscent blue balls" where now back to my normal " black nutts" lmao! Now she gives great head" She turns to leave after making, a once frustrated customer, a happy one now. I put 200 more pesos in her hand" for her willing to at least make it right. I wouldn't do her again, but we are great friends.

The Mind Bender
06-30-13, 05:35

* Puerto Plata airport sucks balls now.

Long lines with little or no organization. I prefer the old days when I could just breeze through it to the taxi stand in under 5 mins.

* Get a room in the new wing preferably on the upper floor.

I hate to see the chicas huff it up stairs but I love to watch 'them try.

* The girls are ALWAYS watching you.

From the moment you arrive to the day you leave they're studying you and sizing up your character. Try to keep it cool and not drool over yourself.

* The freakiest chica isn't always the best bet.

Had a girl from passions try the "I need to leave to feed my baby" scam on me after I paid for a whole night. I didn't really mind because I was already experiencing a bit of buyer's remorse. Sex was ok but she had a habit of spitting on the floor (turn off alert!)

* Dlatino's sucks.

Unless you get there early to grab a good spot at the bar. I hate having to push through a crowd just to get to the other end. I miss Classicos.

* Don't indulge overly aggressive chicas.

A simple "no thanks" and keep it moving. Sorry sweetie, I personally find desperation to be a turn off so grabbing my hand isn't going to make me anymore attracted to you.

* Younger (but still legal) is better.

I tend to aim for the "bunnies" Young chicas who are just there for a good time and aren't completely jaded out yet. Firmer bodies and I find they're more willing to please.

*A little charm (also cologne) goes a long way.

I you can make your chicas laugh (really laugh) then your night just got 10x better.

06-30-13, 08:30
* Dlatino's sucks.

Unless you get there early to grab a good spot at the bar. I hate having to push through a crowd just to get to the other end. I miss Classicos.Agree! Especially with the uneven floors, I must have tripped 5-6 times the last two visits. But here is my tip: Find a girl you like, then take her across the street to El Toro for the drink and interview. If you like her, take her, if not, send her packing back to D-Latins.

The girls will make their rounds through El Toro anyway, so not a bad spot to check out all the action!

06-30-13, 12:23
Agree! Especially with the uneven floors, I must have tripped 5-6 times the last two visits. But here is my tip: Find a girl you like, then take her across the street to El Toro for the drink and interview. If you like her, take her, if not, send her packing back to D-Latins.

The girls will make their rounds through El Toro anyway, so not a bad spot to check out all the action!There was a dude in May who was hanging with some fellas at Rumbas. At some point he gets the attention of a chica and her friends. They come over, have drinks and conversation. Maybe a half hour later, the dude realizes he's not interested in taking one of the girls he was talking to up to his room. So the girl goes off and makes a big scene. She claims he owes her for her time. The dude was caught off guard because they were all having a good time, so he thought. Him and his boys fed these chicas drinks the whole time they were there with them. The chica felt, her time was wasted because she could have got with somebody else. I'm told she got others she knew involved, and so the dude ended up paying her pesos just to make her go away.

Now mind you, he didn't even ask her to go anywhere with him. He may have hinted about taking her, but he must have changed his mind. He never moved from Rumbas. Not saying this will happen, but it could be a problem if a dude bumps into the wrong chica and asks her to leave one spot to go to another spot. It seems many of these chicas don't buy into the free drinks as partial payment. Or that they need to be interviewed to allow a guy time to decide. Once a guy takes a chica, she may very well believe you are her customer at that moment. Of course a dude could walk away with most chicas. No harm no foul. But I'm sure there are some chicas in that environment that could take it to a level that might have a monger wondering if he's going to be arrested for not paying a chica he never had sex with. This is probably more for newbies (or guys who arent familiar with this scheme) , than for guys (like yourself) that have been coming for years. The dude in question, it was his 1st time to Sosua.

06-30-13, 13:27
There was a dude in May who was hanging with some fellas at Rumbas. At some point he gets the attention of a chica and her friends. They come over, have drinks and conversation. Maybe a half hour later, the dude realizes he's not interested in taking one of the girls he was talking to up to his room. So the girl goes off and makes a big scene. She claims he owes her for her time. The dude was caught off guard because they were all having a good time, so he thought. Him and his boys fed these chicas drinks the whole time they were there with them. The chica felt, her time was wasted because she could have got with somebody else. I'm told she got others she knew involved, and so the dude ended up paying her pesos just to make her go away.

Now mind you, he didn't even ask her to go anywhere with him. He may have hinted about taking her, but he must have changed his mind. He never moved from Rumbas. Not saying this will happen, but it could be a problem if a dude bumps into the wrong chica and asks her to leave one spot to go to another spot. It seems many of these chicas don't buy into the free drinks as partial payment. Or that they need to be interviewed to allow a guy time to decide. Once a guy takes a chica, she may very well believe you are her customer at that moment. Of course a dude could walk away with most chicas. No harm no foul. But I'm sure there are some chicas in that environment that could take it to a level that might have a monger wondering if he's going to be arrested for not paying a chica he never had sex with. This is probably more for newbies (or guys who arent familiar with this scheme) , than for guys (like yourself) that have been coming for years. The dude in question, it was his 1st time to Sosua.I doubt whether an escort you hired in the US or UK would regard drinks and dinner as partial payment.

Him and his boys fed these chicas drinks the whole time they were there with them.However the chicas may regard sitting with these guys (providing companionship) and accepting drinks as a form of work. They were not offered the choice of a drink or cash, but I suspect that they would nearly always take the cash in place of a premium price drink. If they were thirsty they could get a bottle of water at the colmado for 10 pesos.

Because these freelance girls are usually found in bars, it is easy to form the impression that they must like hanging out in bars, but in reality the bars are their place of work simply because they are looking to meet men who frequent bars. For the most part they will not hang out in bars when they are not looking to meet men for sex.

It is all a bit of a gray area, but I would not buy drinks for chicas in bars at all. For what purpose?

Mr Gogo
06-30-13, 13:55
I wrote in May about the same thing happening just as WRX2005 wrote below. My Dominican friend does security at Rumbas and said" The girls are tired of all these tire kickers wasting their time". I was with some newbies at Rumbas in May and witnessed this. The newbie got his bottom price after negotiating for 30 minutes and they both agreed, then changed his mind and invited another girl over and ignored the first girl as he negotiated with the second. The first girl went ballistic and we negotiated a settlement. I'm going to take flack for saying this, but I side with the girls on this one.

Rumba is a place to buy fast pussy, it's the environment the sports fuckers have created. These girls don't have thr GFE attitude anymore. Just look at this board, basically me and Tomjackin are the last GFE holdouts. Everyone else is "Stick and move". So if you are in Rumbas don't mislead the girls. If you invite a girl over and don't want pussy, explain that to her. I sit in Rumba by myself and watch guys go crazy over every girl that passes through. Even girls that I know, give me a cheek kiss and move on. They know I will signal them over if I want them.

Why do the sport fuckers want to waste time chit chatting? You are only going to fuck her for 59 minutes so what do you care about how many kids she has? Rumba and Dlatins have the hardcore chicas, it's best to just watch before you leap.

06-30-13, 14:56
Thanks Ricky and Frannie for the detailed info. Excellent. Lets see if I got it straight. 800 mins. To either the US or DR for just for about $20 per month? Great! Sounds very inexpensive compared to service rates in the USA. Should I buy a cell phone separate from this quoated plan / price? My cell phone needs are only for calling and texting. No music or internet needs. So, what will this phone cost? Regarding TV, I'll have cable at Infiniti-Blu. They say I can expand programming. Hopefully many English channels? Sports packages like the NBA ticket? Can't believe I'm coming soon and staying indefinetly. Funny, I've read all the blogs back over 6 yrs. So, I have read perhaps just about every blog each one of you has ever written.

06-30-13, 14:59
I went on a soccer oriented trip recently (champions league final, DFB Pokal Final and Ukraine vs. Montenegro). Thought that this would ease my pain, it did not. Time for round two. The trip to DR. I am not vulnerable (as someone mentioned) , and I never ever get into situations where pu$$why and / or alcohol get the best of me. So I am not afraid of "falling in love" and having someone suck me dry. That will never happen (the second part). All that WU bullshit does not work on me.

What I fantasize about, is having a place, where there would be a private / semi private pool, an "ocean" view and ideally beachfront. (I seen some places on VRBO that are not too expensive that fit this mold).

I would like to wake up in the morning to a nice sea breeze and a BJ from a beautiful girl (for some reason I hate the word chica.). Yes, I am a romantic.

In terms of time frames. I am not tied to any specific date or length of time. Although a month would be a stretch (but I am willing to do that under very special circumstances)

Again, thank you for your responses.Steve, here's the problem. I know a very nice, attractive Haitian girl of 18. Maybe she is a virgin, maybe not, I have not asked her. She comes from a nice family and has a sister married to a Dutchman. She goes to church and does not drink alcohol or coffee. She goes on Facebook and would like a boyfriend, I am sure, and has some guy in Argentina who has promised to give her an iPad (but when?). I think she would be delighted to take on your requirement to cook and clean for a modest salary plus taxi or moto fares, but as for the sex, that would depend on whether you could seduce her and whether she wanted to be seduced.

However, since you talk about swapping horses at half time, and being immune to Western Union, I couldn't really recommend you to her as a friend of mine, as maybe she would get hurt or upset if you took her up and then dumped her.

This is why it is so difficult to find the right girl to be both girlfriend and day-rate employee. You want a girl who will treat you like a boyfriend, but you don't want the reverse to apply.

I think you could be perfectly happy renting your beachfront apartment, perhaps in Cabarete, and entertaining girls hired for short term or overnight sex. If one of these turns into something that lasts longer and includes blow jobs at dawn, then so much the better, but I think you would still run into problems if you try to put her on a fixed-term contract, say 7 days, or if you entertain her and then try to dump her when tired of her.

06-30-13, 15:14
There was a dude in May who was hanging with some fellas at Rumbas. At some point he gets the attention of a chica and her friends. They come over, have drinks and conversation. Maybe a half hour later, the dude realizes he's not interested in taking one of the girls he was talking to up to his room. So the girl goes off and makes a big scene. She claims he owes her for her time. The dude was caught off guard because they were all having a good time, so he thought. Him and his boys fed these chicas drinks the whole time they were there with them. The chica felt, her time was wasted because she could have got with somebody else. I'm told she got others she knew involved, and so the dude ended up paying her pesos just to make her go away.

Now mind you, he didn't even ask her to go anywhere with him. He may have hinted about taking her, but he must have changed his mind. He never moved from Rumbas. Not saying this will happen, but it could be a problem if a dude bumps into the wrong chica and asks her to leave one spot to go to another spot. It seems many of these chicas don't buy into the free drinks as partial payment. Or that they need to be interviewed to allow a guy time to decide. Once a guy takes a chica, she may very well believe you are her customer at that moment. Of course a dude could walk away with most chicas. No harm no foul. But I'm sure there are some chicas in that environment that could take it to a level that might have a monger wondering if he's going to be arrested for not paying a chica he never had sex with. This is probably more for newbies (or guys who arent familiar with this scheme) , than for guys (like yourself) that have been coming for years. The dude in question, it was his 1st time to Sosua.Now I'm not saying all the chica's are like what happened to this guy and his friends-because they are NOT-but you must always be on your guard-The one thing I notice guys do is.GIVE UP TOO MUCH PERSONAL INFORMATION-I know when talking to the chica's you think its just idle conversation but really alot of times she's pumpin' you for info-Are you new? How long areb you here for? Where are you staying? Most guys tell the girls those answers and even more. So you just told the hardcore chica's a wealth of information just by answering her honestly-I usually say Por Que? If I don't know them. Rumba is a great place but a haven for the sharks to feed on FRESH NEW BAIT-The guys you spoke of gave way too much info.

I doubt very much cops would even listen to a chica telling them she wants to get paid for her time. They know that's really pushin' it.

06-30-13, 15:28
Now I'm not saying all the chica's are like what happened to this guy and his friends-because they are NOT-but you must always be on your guard-The one thing I notice guys do is. GIVE UP TOO MUCH PERSONAL INFORMATION-I know when talking to the chica's you think its just idle conversation but really alot of times she's pumpin' you for info-Are you new? How long areb you here for? Where are you staying? Most guys tell the girls those answers and even more. So you just told the hardcore chica's a wealth of information just by answering her honestly-I usually say Por Que? If I don't know them. Rumba is a great place but a haven for the sharks to feed on FRESH NEW BAIT-The guys you spoke of gave way too much info.

I doubt very much cops would even listen to a chica telling them she wants to get paid for her time. They know that's really pushin' it.This is absolutely true, for example by revealing that you arrived today or yesterday, you give the chica an indication of where you stand in terms of how much money you have left for your trip. You can just say "quieres saber mucho", which means "you want to know a lot!" and that will probably shut them up.

06-30-13, 15:29

* Puerto Plata airport sucks balls now.

Long lines with little or no organization. I prefer the old days when I could just breeze through it to the taxi stand in under 5 mins.

* Get a room in the new wing preferably on the upper floor.

I hate to see the chicas huff it up stairs but I love to watch 'them try.

* The girls are ALWAYS watching you.

From the moment you arrive to the day you leave they're studying you and sizing up your character. Try to keep it cool and not drool over yourself.

* The freakiest chica isn't always the best bet.

Had a girl from passions try the "I need to leave to feed my baby" scam on me after I paid for a whole night. I didn't really mind because I was already experiencing a bit of buyer's remorse. Sex was ok but she had a habit of spitting on the floor (turn off alert!)

* Dlatino's sucks.

Unless you get there early to grab a good spot at the bar. I hate having to push through a crowd just to get to the other end. I miss Classicos.

* Don't indulge overly aggressive chicas.

A simple "no thanks" and keep it moving. Sorry sweetie, I personally find desperation to be a turn off so grabbing my hand isn't going to make me anymore attracted to you.

* Younger (but still legal) is better.

I tend to aim for the "bunnies" Young chicas who are just there for a good time and aren't completely jaded out yet. Firmer bodies and I find they're more willing to please.

*A little charm (also cologne) goes a long way.

I you can make your chicas laugh (really laugh) then your night just got 10x better.D'Latino's is the hot spot-In my opinion its great.sure it get's crowded-so what at least is outside and plenty of exits and entrances.Gosh babes all over grabbin' at you when its packed-ande I mean grabbin' in the right spots I think its great.

Classico's.I was never a big fan-cover charge (not now) to spend money? That was bullshit-music blasting so you couldn't even talk-Same rap music every nite-I'm glad its history-

Willie did it up right at D"LATINO's.You can always walk over to Merangue's or Central Bar if the crowd's too much for you.

-Everybody is ALWAYS watching you in SOSUA-

-Love the younger legal ones.with you on that-not hardcore yet-

-Aggressive-turn-offs absolutely-

Steve Urso
06-30-13, 15:51
Steve, here's the problem. I know a very nice, attractive Haitian girl of 18. Maybe she is a virgin, maybe not, I have not asked her. She comes from a nice family and has a sister married to a Dutchman. She goes to church and does not drink alcohol or coffee. She goes on Facebook and would like a boyfriend, I am sure, and has some guy in Argentina who has promised to give her an iPad (but when?). I think she would be delighted to take on your requirement to cook and clean for a modest salary plus taxi or moto fares, but as for the sex, that would depend on whether you could seduce her and whether she wanted to be seduced.

However, since you talk about swapping horses at half time, and being immune to Western Union, I couldn't really recommend you to her as a friend of mine, as maybe she would get hurt or upset if you took her up and then dumped her.

This is why it is so difficult to find the right girl to be both girlfriend and day-rate employee. You want a girl who will treat you like a boyfriend, but you don't want the reverse to apply.

I think you could be perfectly happy renting your beachfront apartment, perhaps in Cabarete, and entertaining girls hired for short term or overnight sex. If one of these turns into something that lasts longer and includes blow jobs at dawn, then so much the better, but I think you would still run into problems if you try to put her on a fixed-term contract, say 7 days, or if you entertain her and then try to dump her when tired of her.All good points Frannie.

So how does one go about this?

I arrive at Sosua, walk to their central street closer to the evening, and start looking for the hookers I like? Try them out, until I get to the one I like, and then ask her initially to spend the night, and then a day etc?

06-30-13, 16:00
I guess when we say "Que paso" that literary means " what happen? (you more advanced Spanish speakers maybe chime in) so I hear this a lot, anyways, I told her I'm just trying to raise her legs,¿Qué pasó?" is a common slang phrase that means "what's going on?" or "how are you?" and is used as a greeting. However in non slang usage, as shown in the example above, it can just mean "what happened?" Note that the accent is on the final "o", so it is "que paSO".

In this situation one might want to say ¿Qué te pasó? (what happened to you?).

If the accent is not on the final "o", the phrase means something different as "el PAso" also is a noun meaning "step".

The word "pasa" also means "dried" or "raisin" and you might want to use it when ordering "helado de ron pasa" which means rum 'and' raisin ice cream. Or if you are constipated you might want "ciruelas pasas" which are prunes.

The Mind Bender
06-30-13, 16:17
D'Latino's is the hot spot-In my opinion its great. Sure it get's crowded-so what at least is outside and plenty of exits and entrances. Gosh babes all over grabbin' at you when its packed-ande I mean grabbin' in the right spots I think its great.

Classico's. I was never a big fan-cover charge (not now) to spend money? That was bullshit-music blasting so you couldn't even talk-Same rap music every nite-I'm glad its history-

Willie did it up right at D"LATINO's. You can always walk over to Merangue's or Central Bar if the crowd's too much for you.

-Everybody is ALWAYS watching you in SOSUA-

-Love the younger legal ones. With you on that-not hardcore yet-

-Aggressive-turn-offs absolutely-Eh I just don't like the layout but it's nice if you can find a nice spot at the bar with friends. I care more about who I'm taking out than who's grabbing me.

Classicos was great when you got there before the crowd and the admission kept a lot of the riff raff chicas away. Winner circle bar across the street provided a good vantage point to check out all the ladies lining up.

As for the chicas like I've said I prefer "bunnies", the opposite would be "hunters" the pros with excessive makeup, squeezed into catsuits looking around for fresh prey.

Charles Pooter
06-30-13, 16:29
Thanks for reassuring us, Steve. Frannie and I will cease worrying on your behalf and start worrying on behalf of the girls you pick up, instead.

I went on a soccer oriented trip recently.So you are obviously not all bad.

. for some reason I hate the word "chica".Then stick to haitianas. Make nicer girlfriends and they aren't "chicas" but "manmzèls".

Let us know how it all works out. A slightly different situation from the usual we get on here.

Marc Anthony
06-30-13, 17:40
What I fantasize about, is having a place, where there would be a private / semi private pool, an "ocean" view and ideally beachfront. (I seen some places on VRBO that are not too expensive that fit this mold).

I would like to wake up in the morning to a nice sea breeze and a BJ from a beautiful girl (for some reason I hate the word chica.). Yes, I am a romantic.On balance I'd recommend booking a few days to a week at Blackbeards. Costambar is a sleepy little kinda rundown expat beach enclave very near the sizable city of Puerto Plata. It has a very nice beach that's quiet during the week. You can see the ocean a hundred meters or so from the front gate of Blackbeards and it's a block or so stroll to the beach. It has a nice pool and large Jacuzzi and there is no problem playing with girls there. Costambar has a sort of overgrown country ambiance with chickens living under bushes and roosters crowing. There are little restaurants that will be very happy for your business and shops to buy basics. It's a good newbie mongering environment to wake up in the morning to a good BJ and go out to walk around and explore. Once you settled you can talk to other mongers in person and take day trips to Sosua, PP, Field of Dreams, Caberete and using Blackbeards as your base decide if you like another setting better. You can take taxis at first and learn other options.

Blackbeards is the one easy choice that gives an approximation of what you seek without much of a learning curve but allows you to go out and find out about other options in person. Like anywhere you are better off talking to a girl and trying her ST before toda la noche. Choosing one who is acceptable for TLN will take care of that wake-up BJ before a dip in the pool and a stroll to the beach. Rates are standard and crooked or crazy girls are generally filtered out so you can get into the experience without being too wary. If you like one enough to keep her for a couple days she will likely give you a GFE without being too jealous if you then decide to switch.

If you want to experience actually dating a nonpro young local girl you could take Frannie's haitianna amiga out to lunch but that's a different thing from a GFE. At least in my experience if you choose pro girls for GF like qualities and treat them accordingly they will be happy to cook, clean, take you to visit their family etc. Within limits if you handle it well they will not make too much of a scene if you "switch". Girls without experience who may even be virgins (not as weird as you might think from Haitian good church going families) are not in the same category. Girls like Frannie's may have been raised very strictly until just recently. Strictly as in if they are seen talking to the wrong boy on the street they have to go fetch the whip and get fessee (a spanking).

06-30-13, 17:48
Eh I just don't like the layout but it's nice if you can find a nice spot at the bar with friends. I care more about who I'm taking out than who's grabbing me.

Classicos was great when you got there before the crowd and the admission kept a lot of the riff raff chicas away. Winner circle bar across the street provided a good vantage point to check out all the ladies lining up.

As for the chicas like I've said I prefer "bunnies", the opposite would be "hunters" the pros with excessive makeup, squeezed into catsuits looking around for fresh prey.I miss Classicos, at least it had a air conditioner. It gets to crowded and hot in DLatino especially when there is a large crowd.

Well Classicos signed its own death warrant when they started charging the chicas 200 pesos to enter, If you own a night club, you want to pack in as many girls as you possibly can.

It does not make good business sense to charge a cover for the females.

If you want the extra 200 pesos get it from the gringo's. A gringo won't mind paying a extra 200 pesos, especially when the club is packed with chica's.

Good bye to Classicos it was fun, perfect example on how being greedy kills.

Ath Trainer
06-30-13, 18:51
Its funny how we can look at things differently. The last thing I want to do is go to a soccer game to bring me out of a depression. I do, however, regret not taking in a match when I was in london. Heard the atmosphere makes a nfl playoff game look like a tennis match.

Blackbeards would be good, but not for a month. The hatian chica could be a problem, because I think I remember him saying hes not fluent in spanish.

Ath Trainer
06-30-13, 19:07
I wrote in May about the same thing happening just as WRX2005 wrote below. My Dominican friend does security at Rumbas and said" The girls are tired of all these tire kickers wasting their time". I was with some newbies at Rumbas in May and witnessed this. The newbie got his bottom price after negotiating for 30 minutes and they both agreed, then changed his mind and invited another girl over and ignored the first girl as he negotiated with the second. The first girl went ballistic and we negotiated a settlement. I'm going to take flack for saying this, but I side with the girls on this one.

Rumba is a place to buy fast pussy, it's the environment the sports fuckers have created. These girls don't have thr GFE attitude anymore. Just look at this board, basically me and Tomjackin are the last GFE holdouts. Everyone else is "Stick and move". So if you are in Rumbas don't mislead the girls. If you invite a girl over and don't want pussy, explain that to her. I sit in Rumba by myself and watch guys go crazy over every girl that passes through. Even girls that I know, give me a cheek kiss and move on. They know I will signal them over if I want them.

Why do the sport fuckers want to waste time chit chatting? You are only going to fuck her for 59 minutes so what do you care about how many kids she has? Rumba and Dlatins have the hardcore chicas, it's best to just watch before you leap.I can definitely see a difference between negotiating a deal, and just hanging out and drinking. How long the transaction tkaes can also be an issue. Did you call her over, or did she approach you?

Some girls are happy with 1 trick a night, and some want to find it, fuckmit, and find another.

There are a decent amount of guys that go to these types of places to just hang out, drink, dance, grope, and go home happy, leqving the girl with a few free drinks, and no income. Guys do it at strip clubs. I see guys go to brothel bars (tijuana, st martin, curacao) and do it. Especially the locals whocan go all the time, and may be afraid of being seen banging a chica.

06-30-13, 19:57
All good points Frannie.

So how does one go about this?

I arrive at Sosua, walk to their central street closer to the evening, and start looking for the hookers I like? Try them out, until I get to the one I like, and then ask her initially to spend the night, and then a day etc?Yes, that might work. Or perhaps you look for chicas on DomicanCupid. Com as they may be more girlfriend oriented.

06-30-13, 21:00
There was a dude in May who was hanging with some fellas at Rumbas. At some point he gets the attention of a chica and her friends. They come over, have drinks and conversation. Maybe a half hour later, the dude realizes he's not interested in taking one of the girls he was talking to up to his room. So the girl goes off and makes a big scene. She claims he owes her for her time. The dude was caught off guard because they were all having a good time, so he thought. Him and his boys fed these chicas drinks the whole time they were there with them. The chica felt, her time was wasted because she could have got with somebody else. I'm told she got others she knew involved, and so the dude ended up paying her pesos just to make her go away.Never had a problem.

I tell the girls that D Latin is too crowded and ask if wanted to have a drink and chat across the street at El Toro. I sent some of them packing and some came up to my room; no issues whatsoever.

It's a buyer's market, and I'm the buyer.

The Mind Bender
06-30-13, 22:43
Agree! Especially with the uneven floors, I must have tripped 5-6 times the last two visits. But here is my tip: Find a girl you like, then take her across the street to El Toro for the drink and interview. If you like her, take her, if not, send her packing back to D-Latins.

The girls will make their rounds through El Toro anyway, so not a bad spot to check out all the action!Thanks for the suggestion!

I'm going to have to try El Toro next time. I'd like to find a good vantage point without all the thumping music and crowds.

What's a good time to head there?

Mr Enternational
06-30-13, 23:03
My brother just came back from the Bahamas. He said that customs held him for a hour coming back. They saw that he had been going to DR and said they have been having problems from there. They asked why he stays there so long (2 weeks at a time) , but stayed so short in the Bahamas. He asked what kind of problems, but the lady wouldn't say. He showed her his military ID and the lady said that she didn't have anything against military, but she still wanted to check.

Charles Pooter
06-30-13, 23:04
The last thing I want to do is go to a soccer game to bring me out of a depression.Depends whether your team wins or loses. Losing could prove the final straw, leading to slashing of wrists.

The Haitian chica could be a problem, because I think I remember him saying he's not fluent in Spanish.Don't use the word "chica". It's Steve's Kryptonite.

Can't follow your logic here. The less Spanish a haitiana speaks the better. It means they are less likely to have acquired the Dominican national skills of lying, stealing and sulking.

I spent the afternoon with my American ex-pat friend. He is still with the same haitiana after six weeks, a record for him. She is very pretty and very sweet. She cooks, cleans, satisfies all his deviant sexual needs and is very low maintenance. She only speaks Creole and he only speaks a few words of it. He says the reason is that they are still together is that they are unable to have a conversation. As you know, if a local says " we need to talk", a demand for money is coming.

06-30-13, 23:10
Thanks for the suggestion!

I'm going to have to try El Toro next time. I'd like to find a good vantage point without all the thumping music and crowds.

What's a good time to head there?Any time on the weekend and early evening on the slower days.

If you grab one of the tables near the sidewalk, that works best. Most of the girls will walk through the place; it is part of their rotation. Last trip, Brother P and I had a couple of hotties that just wanted a beer and hang with us. Brother P took the better one; that bastard!

Here they are; all 4 of them!

06-30-13, 23:12
Depends whether your team wins or loses. Losing could prove the final straw, leading to slashing of wrists.Am watching the Brazil vs Spain game on ESPN as I write this. The fact that Brazil are a goal ahead is an excellent mood elevator.

Mr Gogo
06-30-13, 23:27
My brother just came back from the Bahamas. He said that customs held him for a hour coming back. They saw that he had been going to DR and said they have been having problems from there. They asked why he stays there so long (2 weeks at a time) , but stayed so short in the Bahamas. He asked what kind of problems, but the lady wouldn't say. He showed her his military ID and the lady said that she didn't have anything against military, but she still wanted to check.Man, they have stopped me for the last two years coming back into the USA. I filed a complaint 4 months ago and still no response. Same job (Drug free work place) for 28years, same home for 25 years and haven't been arrested. They said I go to the DR every 3 months and aroused their suspicion. They make me sit there for two hours, no phone or anything. Meanwhile two guys are taking people and six guys are standing around.

I'm to the point where I've stopped answering their non travel questions. They can ask for your girlfriends name and if her brother is on their list they put you on it. Guilt by association. It has shown me how government can abuse their powers. I'm treated like a criminal by my own country when returning. One guy ssid I was becoming hostile because I raised my voice, I said" You are the one with a gun, why would you be scared". That got me sent to another room for an extra hour.

I'm like just search me and my bags all you want, but stop taking two hours to do it. I thought of getting an attorney but decided to just plan 3 hours between flights when returning to the USA. I try to keep a good attitude but its hard when you are getting fucked with for no reason.

Steve Urso
07-01-13, 00:38
To Frannie:

I said I don't like the word chicas, not that I don't like latin women. I actually would prefer them over Hatians.

P. S On my trip, every game that I went to, my team won.

P. S 2: watching brazil vs. Spain as well.

To Marc:

I looked at the Blackbeards site. It says it is an adult resort, but as I understand it, it is not like Oxygen for example. Girls are not included. So why it is a sex resort? Because they don't allow kids? Because bringing back hookers is not frowned upon but encouraged? . Also, why did you say this little town would be better suited for a newbie? (vs. Sosua).

Also, based on your responses I understand I don't want a local religious girl just yet. The best option would be to find any girl I like, try her out, and then decide if I want to keep her for a longer period. Just at this point, this sounds like a great theory. Pick anyone you want, and then do anything you want. Not sure it would be this ease in reality.

07-01-13, 01:20
Eh I just don't like the layout but it's nice if you can find a nice spot at the bar with friends. I care more about who I'm taking out than who's grabbing me.

Classicos was great when you got there before the crowd and the admission kept a lot of the riff raff chicas away. Winner circle bar across the street provided a good vantage point to check out all the ladies lining up.

As for the chicas like I've said I prefer "bunnies", the opposite would be "hunters" the pros with excessive makeup, squeezed into catsuits looking around for fresh prey.Bunnies and Hunters I like it! Now I can categorize them better.

07-01-13, 03:38
Of course, not just in Sosua but this is a basic sexual chemistry lesson.

I'm in accord with that. The vibe or chemistry plays a major role in the quality of the encounter. And I'm willing to roll with that, moreso than believing giving a chica more money today, is going to ensure a good performance for my next encounter with the same chica. I think the quality of performance simply depends more on the chicas spirit at any given time, and the chemistry with the monger in that moment. For example. The blondie chica I get with from time to time. Our 1st encounter of my last trip the session was so so. The next time (a few days later) , it was better. Towards the end of my trip, she was a beast. However there was no talk about paying extra money to get a superior performance. I got what she was able and willing to put out depending on her spirit for that night.

07-01-13, 04:07
I hate when people post these kinds of questions which in essence ask, tell me where to go. I guess I'll just have to hate myself.

I find myself unexpectedly with some time on my hands, about a week to travel and I would leave in a week or so. I spent my last 2 vacations in Santo Domingo, so that's out. I don't want to bore myself to death. I've been looking at this site all friggin' day and so far I decided for and then against Costa Rica (I've been there when it wasn't so touristy and I don't want to be grossed out) , Medellin (been there also and liked it but airfare is too much) and Venezuela (it's sort of still in the running).

Although I was at Sosua, that was eons ago, about 15 years. I remember being grossed out by European guys in their thongs and a zillion restaurants that served weiner schnitzels (no offense to anyone). But I find this section to be full of intriguing information and I'm thinking maybe I should give it another shot. It helps that it's close (to New York) and relatively inexpensive.

Before I ask anything, my vitals are 61 years, speak only basic Spanish, could stand to lose some weight so no one except a 2 is going to chase me down the street, don't like the frat atmosphere. Uh oh, does that entirely leave out Sosua? I haven't completely gone through the Sosua board here, but didn't see any suitable accommodations. This is one thing I don't mind spending money on but I didn't find any mention of a nice quiet girl friendly place located in the thick of things. Except this rental which I only saw mentioned once, http://www.caribbeandreamsdr.com/LasTerrazasCondominumSosua.htm. Anyone know of it or anything else up to $150?

I assume one gets there by flying to POP? Then what? How do you get to Sosua?

Thanks for any thoughts?

Mr Gogo
07-01-13, 05:17
I hate when people post these kinds of questions which in essence ask, tell me where to go. I guess I'll just have to hate myself.

I find myself unexpectedly with some time on my hands, about a week to travel and I would leave in a week or so. I spent my last 2 vacations in Santo Domingo, so that's out. I don't want to bore myself to death. I've been looking at this site all friggin' day and so far I decided for and then against Costa Rica (I've been there when it wasn't so touristy and I don't want to be grossed out) , Medellin (been there also and liked it but airfare is too much) and Venezuela (it's sort of still in the running)...Wow! You went to Sosua 15 years ago when it was about to get good and you let some Euro guys in flip flops blind your vision? Now you want to go back when its almost" Last call"? Damn, you missed the party. Good luck with your upcoming trip.

You ask about POP airport so I'm guessing that you flew into SDQ airport 15 years ago. My Uncles always talk about SD in 2000. The said, it was way better than Sosua in its heydey. They said the universities were full of girls that loved Americans and pussy was everywhere and free. Then they said Boca Chica had a run from 2002-2004. And eventually the north coast jumped in the game with Sosua in 2005.

Travelers always say follow the Germans. The Germans are explores and like to find new spots. Then the euros follow (Italians) , then eventually the Americans. When the Americans arrive usually the Germans have moved on to their new spot. Its a saying that once the Americans arrive that a place will go down hill from there (ex: Sosua now). I don't necessarily believe this. I think the availability of the Internet changed everything.

07-01-13, 11:27
I looked at the Blackbeards site. It says it is an adult resort, but as I understand it, it is not like Oxygen for example. Girls are not included. So why it is a sex resort? Because they don't allow kids? Because bringing back hookers is not frowned upon but encouraged? . Also, why did you say this little town would be better suited for a newbie? (vs. Sosua).

Also, based on your responses I understand I don't want a local religious girl just yet. The best option would be to find any girl I like, try her out, and then decide if I want to keep her for a longer period. Just at this point, this sounds like a great theory. Pick anyone you want, and then do anything you want. Not sure it would be this ease in reality.Blackbeards is a hotel with a restaurant that has plenty of girls on site available for short time or overnight. You could rent one on a daily basis and change her for another if you wanted. There will be no drama if you terminate her. The prices are fixed. You are right that no children are allowed!

Nearly all the local girls are religious, hookers included.

07-01-13, 11:51
Wow! You went to Sosua 15 years ago when it was about to get good and you let some Euro guys in flip flops blind your vision? Now you want to go back when its almost" Last call"? Damn, you missed the party. Good luck with your upcoming trip.

You ask about POP airport so I'm guessing that you flew into SDQ airport 15 years ago. My Uncles always talk about SD in 2000. The said, it was way better than Sosua in its heydey. They said the universities were full of girls that loved Americans and pussy was everywhere and free. Then they said Boca Chica had a run from 2002-2004...Fully agree to this, Gogo.

And the big advantage for Germans is, that in case there is no hot spot reachable currently due to financial / political or other reasons, there are plenty of possibilities within this country itself.

Have a look on the reports for Germany, lots of FKKs, RLDs and also semi pro possibilities.

But sitting in a FKK club's pool with a girl is not the same feeling as hunting chicas at Caribbean beaches.

If I would not miss the sun and the beach I would always go to FKKs.

Stay safe,


Charles Pooter
07-01-13, 15:10
wow! the germans are explorers and like to find new spots. then the euros follow (italians).? and exactly what currency do you think they use in germany then?

... you let some euro guys in flip flops blind your vision? )
i am guessing that by "thongs" he meant "speedos", so slightly more understandable, but still hardly a reason to miss out on sosua's best years.

but i agree with your post in general, mr gogo.

Mr Gogo
07-01-13, 15:15
? And exactly what currency do you think they use in Germany then?

But I agree with your post in general.Wasnt talking about currency Sir Charles. The euros that follow are the Italians.

07-01-13, 16:09
I wrote in May about the same thing happening just as WRX2005 wrote below. My Dominican friend does security at Rumbas and said" The girls are tired of all these tire kickers wasting their time". I was with some newbies at Rumbas in May and witnessed this. The newbie got his bottom price after negotiating for 30 minutes and they both agreed, then changed his mind and invited another girl over and ignored the first girl as he negotiated with the second. The first girl went ballistic and we negotiated a settlement. I'm going to take flack for saying this, but I side with the girls on this one.

Rumba is a place to buy fast pussy, it's the environment the sports fuckers have created. These girls don't have thr GFE attitude anymore. Just look at this board, basically me and Tomjackin are the last GFE holdouts. Everyone else is "Stick and move". So if you are in Rumbas don't mislead the girls. If you invite a girl over and don't want pussy, explain that to her. I sit in Rumba by myself and watch guys go crazy over every girl that passes through. Even girls that I know, give me a cheek kiss and move on. They know I will signal them over if I want them.

Why do the sport fuckers want to waste time chit chatting? You are only going to fuck her for 59 minutes so what do you care about how many kids she has? Rumba and Dlatins have the hardcore chicas, it's best to just watch before you leap.Mr G, I think this is an interesting subject for us all to discuss. Are the SF (sportfuckers) responsible for the environment you say they created? I have only been mongering in the DR for a couple of years, so I have no real reference of what the GFE was like for most vets. But I can't help but to wonder if the out with the old in with the new chicas has just as much impact on the "new environment" as the SF's.

My question is. Hasnt the many new young girls coming into the game (in the last 2 years or so) contributed to the fast pace pussy change, just as much as the SF's? Moreover, when I 1st started reading forums like this. Vets are and were always warning guys about getting too close to these girls. I even recall sentiments and slogans guys would have. A new batch of girls turn 18 everyday. She's not your girl, it's just your turn. Don't waste money feeding them or buying them drinks. Find them, fuck them and leave them. In many instances if a guy shared stories of how he had a GFE with a chica, and something went wrong, he got clowned by vets, not supported.

So it's not surprising IMO how sport fucking has become more commonplace in places like Sosua or Rumbas. Thats more on the mongers social environment driving that end. But I do think a lot of SF has been created as a protective mechanism because enough chicas have went above and beyond in their schemes to setup mongers. Weve all been reading about chicas lying about being physically abused, or lying about being cheated out of money. And one of the most common things we hear too often, is bait and switch. Or leaving earlier than agreed time, but still expecting the same money. It's not easy finding GFE if the chicas themselves don't value it. And as some vets have shared. When a chica was with you, she was genuinely sad when the guy left. But thats all changed now. Aint many girls crying that a guy is leaving. They're too happy that the next dude will be arriving later that day or in the week to replace you. Money is whats important now, not feelings. If a chica can get 5 dudes in one day to part with their money without her breaking a sweat. I'm sure she would choose that rather than have to spend an entire night with a guy she may not be remotely attracted to.

A lot of GFE that many are witnessing now, is just a well orchestrated performance. Complete with appearing sincere, expressions of love, and missing you, mucho besos etc etc etc. It's so damn syrupy a man could get emotional diabetes from these chicas if he isn't aware of the game. Some guys discover too late, after investing their time and money, and decide SF is the way to go. What say you?

07-01-13, 16:28
Now I'm not saying all the chica's are like what happened to this guy and his friends-because they are NOT-but you must always be on your guard-The one thing I notice guys do is. GIVE UP TOO MUCH PERSONAL INFORMATION-I know when talking to the chica's you think its just idle conversation but really alot of times she's pumpin' you for info-Are you new? How long areb you here for? Where are you staying? Most guys tell the girls those answers and even more. So you just told the hardcore chica's a wealth of information just by answering her honestly-I usually say Por Que? If I don't know them. Rumba is a great place but a haven for the sharks to feed on FRESH NEW BAIT-The guys you spoke of gave way too much info.

I doubt very much cops would even listen to a chica telling them she wants to get paid for her time. They know that's really pushin' it.Interesting thing is the information network is very intricate. A guy might not tell a chica when he came or when he arrived, but there are others he might casually share that info with. And I am certain many of the people you see everyday in Sosua are sharing information with each other about every monger they have their eye on. So if the shoeshine boys come up to you and ask you when you got into town, where you staying, or when you leaving. That info isn't just for them so they can make sure they shine a mongers shoes. They are friends with many of the chicas, and they will drop whatever info these chicas may need on you. That goes for the cd girls, motoconchos, barmaids, waitresses, salon girls, chicas you smashed before, girlfriends of the chicas you smashed before etc etc....... Whatever, where ever, info is being shared and cross referenced on many of us.

Mr Gogo
07-01-13, 17:59
"Emotional diabetes", funny shit. Here is my take.

Old Sosua:

In the old Sosua romance was the standard (corny I know). Girls wanted to spend your whole vacation with you. Money was what you wanted to give them. You would see a white guy and Haitiana walking down the street holding hands. New gardens was packed at breakfast with couples. The girls wanted you to visit their home nearby and meet the family over dinner. They would cry upon your departure and start the WU requests once you arrived home.

It was more pussy during the day, the girls walked around in packs. You had to guard your dick as you passed chicas. The beach had working girls parading through every five minutes. My favorites were the girls that had jobs at the bars or clubs. Usually you had to wait till they got off work at 3am. We would usually hit "After one", or a late night spot to hang after 3am. Home for morning sex then breakfast. They would go home for clothes and return about 1pm for a beach day date, or trip to Cabarette. Then back to the hotel for sex before they went to work.

At night Classicos was the show. Only the best showed up there usually the daytime crew passed the Baton to the night time crew. Classicos brought first timers and non pros. The atmosphere was electric and Sosua was hot. Damn! I miss those days.


Sosua was able to fly under the radar for so long because of the popularity of Brazil. Brazil had girls that were putting the best international male fuckers to shame. Well toned and athletic they loved everything about sex especially ass fucking. But when Brazil was awarded the World cup, and Olympics they had to change their image from sex, the world was going to be watching. Plus though videos and the Internet Brazils secret was out. Now these SF (Sports fuckers) were looking for the next Brazil. Sosua was now rising with Brazils fall.

New Sosua:

Eventually girls realized that these new guys were a bit hardcore. Some went back to their barrios near Sosua an gave up the game. Others stayed and even though they were now getting paid the same doing three tricks a day as before it took a whole weekend. But the wear it took on them created high turnovers amongst the girls. It was no longer about spending tume over days, it was about the hourly fuck. Uh oh, now the SD girls are bringing their big city game to the SF. The "A team" from SD was now coming to match wits with the exiled Brazil SF. The SD girls quickly adapted to the new game and had the "B team" on standby waiting. Get in make as much money as quickly as possible until you are replaced for the fresh "B team". The funny part is that the Old Sosua girls are still available if you are willing to go outside of Sosua. But Sosua has become so hardcore that some girls just stay away.

Mr Gogo
07-01-13, 18:31
? and exactly what currency do you think they use in germany then?

i am guessing that by "thongs" he meant "speedos", so slightly more understandable, but still hardly a reason to miss out on sosua's best years.

but i agree with your post in general, mr gogo.my apologies jook, i just reread your post and you said thongs. but what another guy does is not that important to me if i don't know him.

The Mind Bender
07-01-13, 19:35
Well I'm definitely a GFE type of guy and have had my share of chicas weeping for my departure. I've notice a definite increase in "hunter" types.

Luckily they're fairly easy to spot if you pay attention to their mannerisms and expressions

The Mind Bender
07-01-13, 19:38
Whatever, where ever, info is being shared and cross referenced on many of us.Especially in places like passions.

07-01-13, 20:07
Paying a girl for her time? That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard! Only a complete idiot would reach into his pocket to give a hoe some pesos for having the pleasure of talking to her for 30 minutes! She isn't a psychiatrist, you are not in therapy, why pay her for her time! Just the idea of doing that makes me upset. Not only is it stupid, its a one way street! Once you give one hoe money for talking to you, ALL the hoes will expect to be paid just for saying "hello"!

For those who advocate this behavior, I have one question for you. What do you think is a proper amount to give to a girl? Should you have to pay her 500 pesos if she spends 20-30 minutes with you? 1000 pesos for 30-40 minutes. How much for 5 minutes of conversation? What if she spends 30 minutes with you, but you bought her a Corona, should that be deducted from her "talking fee"?

I am sorry, but talking and trying to seduce a man into taking her back to his room, is part of the hoe's business. Now I don't agree with guys talking to a girl for 2-3 hours and then at the very end of the evening deciding to take someone else, that is jut plain wrong. But don't tell me that if you talk to a girl fro 20 minutes and you decide that you don't like her attitude of she won't do the things you want in the room (Pics, BBJ, morning sex, etc.) that you have to give her money while she walks around the room looking for her next client!

Imagine if you are a salesman, you went into a client's office and you spend 1 hour explaining all the ways your product can help his business. At the end of the hour, the client says "Let me review everything and I will get back to you!" Would you get upset and yell "You have to pay me 1000 dollars for my time! I could have been on another call where he would have signed a contract right now! Give me my money!"

I swear, some people should never be given a passport! There should be a monger test before they are handed out!

07-01-13, 20:17
Paying a girl for her time? That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard! Only a complete idiot would reach into his pocket to give a hoe some pesos for having the pleasure of talking to her for 30 minutes! She isn't a psychiatrist, you are not in therapy, why pay her for her time! Just the idea of doing that makes me upset. Not only is it stupid, its a one way street! Once you give one hoe money for talking to you, ALL the hoes will expect to be paid just for saying "hello"!Trust me, if you are faced with being extorted by a chica for a few pesos versus being hauled off to jail, you'll start hearing that old M. O. P. Anthem in the back of your head: "ANTE UP!", LOL.

But seriously Sosua is what is currently is now: a trap. Ask around. A few veteran mongers will tell you that they have been in this exact same situation. Just sitting at the bar talking with a chica, passes on her for a different chica, cops get involved and the monger had to "Ante Up" to make all parties happy (go away without much more fuss). Could have ended up costing them much more if they decided to "fight the powers that be" (500 pesos turning into 60,000 pesos).

At the end of the day it doesn't matter if you think it is "right" or "fair" or not. This is the New Sosua run by the Politur and the chicas and you guys are just willing participants in their con game (I've written off Sosua long time ago). If you are lucky you get to pay for some ass without any hassle. But if you get accused of something, you pay a shitload of money, not to prove otherwise, but to get out of jail and get on an airplane back home before the Dominican Legal system puts a drain on your bank account and life savings.

Speaking of which: whatever happened to C-Mo Cakes's homie? Is he still stuck in the DR?

07-01-13, 20:49
Trust me, if you are faced with being extorted by a chica for a few pesos versus being hauled off to jail, you'll start hearing that old M. O. P. Anthem in the back of your head: "ANTE UP!", LOL.

But seriously Sosua is what is currently is now: a trap. Ask around. A few veteran mongers will tell you that they have been in this exact same situation. Just sitting at the bar talking with a chica, passes on her for a different chica, cops get involved and the monger had to "Ante Up" to make all parties happy (go away without much more fuss). Could have ended up costing them much more if they decided to "fight the powers that be" (500 pesos turning into 60, 000 pesos).

?If I was being extorted by a chica, I would have absolutely no problem handing the police 4000 pesos and asking them to lock the chica up in jail for a couple of days! If the hoes can lie, then I can tell a good lie too."Officer, she slapped me in the face and now I have trouble seeing out of my right eye! Here is 4K, please take her to jail and I will come down in the morning and press charges! Thank you and have a great night!"

The legal system in the DR isn't about who is right or who is wrong, its about who can pay more. I am positive the average sosua hoe can't out bid me! If she wants to call the police, I am sure I can pay them more money than her!

I guran fucking tee if more mongers turned the tables on these ratchet ass girls, we would never have to worry about being extorted again!

Mr Gogo
07-01-13, 21:05
Trust me, if you are faced with being extorted by a chica for a few pesos versus being hauled off to jail, you'll start hearing that old M. O. P. Anthem in the back of your head: "ANTE UP!", LOL.

But seriously Sosua is what is currently is now: a trap. Ask around. A few veteran mongers will tell you that they have been in this exact same situation. Just sitting at the bar talking with a chica, passes on her for a different chica, cops gets involved and the monger had to "Ante Up" to make all parties happy (go away without much more fuss). Could have ended up costing them much more if they decided to "fight the powers that be" (500 pesos turning into 60, 000 pesos)...That's the point most guys here don't get. They want to play the "Tough guy" role, but then when there asses are locked up in a Dominican jail over 500p, then they want to call momma in the states crying for help. Or better yet they want to come on this board acting like they have been victimized and needing our help to get out of jail.

Fellas listen, if you have to pay 200p (5usd) to learn a lesson, pay it. Fuck the principle when the other option is a jail with 100 other Dominican dudes.

Steve Urso
07-01-13, 21:16
Blackbeards is a hotel with a restaurant that has plenty of girls on site available for short time or overnight. You could rent one on a daily basis and change her for another if you wanted. There will be no drama if you terminate her. The prices are fixed. You are right that no children are allowed!

Nearly all the local girls are religious, hookers included.When you say prices are fixed. What are those prices?

As far as the city goes, is there anything to do, if I want to venture out at some point? I looked at the map, and seems that Sosua is like 30 km away. Don't want to be stuck in a hotel for a week, where I don't like the girl selection / price and have to hike 30Km for that.

Also, the closest airport is Puerto Plata. But the flights even for Miami are overpriced.

Flight to Cibao airport are a lot more accommodating but from what I seen, hotels charge at least $100 for a pick up.

Do you know if at the airport there are cheaper options?

Steve Urso
07-01-13, 23:11
Also, I am not sure if this is an acceptable practice at this forum, but if someone does not mind surrendering their skype. I would love to chat with someone.

I am trying to make my trip arrangements, and I am still not sure what my best option would be.



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07-01-13, 23:41
My apologies Jook, I just reread your post and you said thongs. But what another guy does is not that important to me if I don't know him.Different strokes. I have violent seizures and vomit all over the place, haha.

Okay, as long as no one answered any of my questions, how about answering this one. Like I said, it's been a long time since I was in Sosua. But even in the Paleozoic Era, it was crawling with hardcore putas and frat parties galore. Great for some, but not my cup of tea, at least for more than a day or 2. So, I had a change of plans. Stay at my favorite hotel, The Palacio in Santo Domingo and say hi to all the touts and do day (or night) trips to Boca Chica, what I always considered (right or wrong) the mini Sosua. From there, head out to Sosua for a couple of days. Just tell me where to stay in Sosua given my unique requirements. What about an apartment rental? Time's running short; I'm leaving on Sunday. And frankly, I'm so wishy washy that I'm still considering Costa Rica, haha. But then again, that place has really changed. Tomorrow is decision day.

Mr Gogo
07-01-13, 23:51
Different strokes. I have violent seizures and vomit all over the place, haha.

Okay, as long as no one answered any of my questions, how about answering this one. Like I said, it's been a long time since I was in Sosua. But even in the Paleozoic Era, it was crawling with hardcore putas and frat parties galore. Great for some, but not my cup of tea, at least for more than a day or 2. So, I had a change of plans. Stay at my favorite hotel, The Palacio in Santo Domingo and say hi to all the touts and do day (or night) trips to Boca Chica, what I always considered (right or wrong) the mini Sosua. From there, head out to Sosua for a couple of days. Just tell me where to stay in Sosua given my unique requirements. What about an apartment rental? Time's running short; I'm leaving on Sunday. And frankly, I'm so wishy washy that I'm still considering Costa Rica, haha. But then again, that place has really changed. Tomorrow is decision day.If you have violent seizures and vomit everywhere maybe you need to stay home with medical personel. Good luck Sir.

07-02-13, 00:19
Fellas listen, if you have to pay 200p (5usd) to learn a lesson, pay it. Fuck the principle when the other option is a jail with 100 other Dominican dudes.I agree 110%.

@Bravo: I also agree with you bro: That if you do not draw the line somewhere, all of the chicas will be demanding money for even batting an eye in their direction. BUT, this is not the Sosua of pre-December 2010 before the crackdown happened. Somebody gave the cops the green light to shake down tourists without any blow-back. I mean they've even got the judges and the lawyers in on the scheme. Probably has something to with them ultimately wanting to clean up Sosua to make it more "family oriented". They know that mongers will keep coming to Sosua so long as the chicas keep coming, and if a few mongers getting extorted for $1000's of dollars is not enough to deter/scare off future mongers, then by gosh they'll keep extorting mongers until the monger feels/realizes that Sosua is no longer worth taking the financial risk for.

My last time in Sosua was May 2012 and I was amazed at how many damn police have flooded the scene. They certainly are not there for your protection because we didn't have any problems with crimes against gringos (other then the occasional chica theft) before. If you go down there you just better hope nothing happens to where you have to get the police involved. They are going to want a "consultation/mitigation fee" to make your problem disappear, unless you opt for the "in office visitation' option (jail) that will end up costing you 10x more.

07-02-13, 00:52
"Emotional diabetes", funny shit. Here is my take.

Old Sosua:

In the old Sosua romance was the standard (corny I know). Girls wanted to spend your whole vacation with you. Money was what you wanted to give them. You would see a white guy and Haitiana walking down the street holding hands. New gardens was packed at breakfast with couples. The girls wanted you to visit their home nearby and meet the family over dinner. They would cry upon your departure and start the WU requests once you arrived home.

It was more pussy during the day, the girls walked around in packs. You had to guard your dick as you passed chicas. The beach had working girls parading through every five minutes. My favorites were the girls that had jobs at the bars or clubs. Usually you had to wait till they got off work at 3am. We would usually hit "After one", or a late night spot to hang after 3am. Home for morning sex then breakfast. They would go home for clothes and return about 1pm for a beach day date, or trip to Cabarette. Then back to the hotel for sex before they went to work.

At night Classicos was the show. Only the best showed up there usually the daytime crew passed the Baton to the night time crew. Classicos brought first timers and non pros. The atmosphere was electric and Sosua was hot. Damn! I miss those days.


Sosua was able to fly under the radar for so long because of the popularity of Brazil. Brazil had girls that were putting the best international male fuckers to shame. Well toned and athletic they loved everything about sex especially ass fucking. But when Brazil was awarded the World cup, and Olympics they had to change their image from sex, the world was going to be watching. Plus though videos and the Internet Brazils secret was out. Now these SF (Sports fuckers) were looking for the next Brazil. Sosua was now rising with Brazils fall.

New Sosua:

Eventually girls realized that these new guys were a bit hardcore. Some went back to their barrios near Sosua an gave up the game. Others stayed and even though they were now getting paid the same doing three tricks a day as before it took a whole weekend. But the wear it took on them created high turnovers amongst the girls. It was no longer about spending tume over days, it was about the hourly fuck. Uh oh, now the SD girls are bringing their big city game to the SF. The "A team" from SD was now coming to match wits with the exiled Brazil SF. The SD girls quickly adapted to the new game and had the "B team" on standby waiting. Get in make as much money as quickly as possible until you are replaced for the fresh "B team". The funny part is that the Old Sosua girls are still available if you are willing to go outside of Sosua. But Sosua has become so hardcore that some girls just stay away.I suppose in the very beginning of me coming to Sosua, I witnessed and experienced chicas much less hardcore. And yes many wanted to stay with you your whole vacation. But at the same time, I started realizing that these same less hardcore chicas were providing this same GFE to as many guys as they could. (is 2 years going back far enough? )

So it's not like, the less hardcore chicas werent lying to guys. Acting like they were in relationship, but looking for a WU novio. They were lying too, they were just extremely convincing. Hardcore or no, chicas have always been actresses. Now I suppose, many chicas don't have time to bother giving the false impression they are looking for a relationship or trying to spend most of your vacation with you. At the very least, if things are slow. They seem to be looking to get you to pick them several times during your vacation, not stay with you the whole time. That leaves them free to get that dough from as many vacationers in Sosua as possible. The chicas don't even try to hide that. Guys have even reported seeing girls they just smashed, beat them back to the strip, so they can work on their next customer.

I remember in the earlier visits, where me and my 1st wing buddy were checking out chicas behavior when they were free and available, and how they ignored the shit out of you once they had a client or potential client in front of them. That behavior was worth taking notes on, because it meant that if a chica was smiling and having a good ass time with you, that whatever you see was just part of her business of entertaining her client. Fast FWD........On occasion you may get eye contact from a chica engaged with a client. At that moment you knew she had no problem with you being her next client. She gives you that look that says."just let me finish with this guy 1st, and I'll be right with you". Oh yeah Mr G. I do recall seeing quite a few white guys, some quite older than the chica (many Haitiana) , walking down the street holding hands. I don't think I see much of that anymore.

07-02-13, 01:11
If I was being extorted by a chica, I would have absolutely no problem handing the police 4000 pesos and asking them to lock the chica up in jail for a couple of days! If the hoes can lie, then I can tell a good lie too."Officer, she slapped me in the face and now I have trouble seeing out of my right eye! Here is 4K, please take her to jail and I will come down in the morning and press charges! Thank you and have a great night!"

The legal system in the DR isn't about who is right or who is wrong, its about who can pay more. I am positive the average sosua hoe can't out bid me! If she wants to call the police, I am sure I can pay them more money than her!

I guran fucking tee if more mongers turned the tables on these ratchet ass girls, we would never have to worry about being extorted again!I wouldn't be happy about being extorted by any chica, but what would a guy have proved and to who, that he outbid a chica by paying 4000 pesos to avoid extortion and jail time? It's not like, the chicas respect of you is important. It doesn't make the monger less of a target either. Because you are showing the corrupt police that you are willing to part with a large some of money over nothing. Maybe they might take that as a sign that they can get more out of you later. So it won't be a chica next time, it just might be the police. IMHO.

07-02-13, 01:25

Sosua was able to fly under the radar for so long because of the popularity of Brazil. Brazil had girls that were putting the best international male fuckers to shame. Well toned and athletic they loved everything about sex especially ass fucking. But when Brazil was awarded the World cup, and Olympics they had to change their image from sex, the world was going to be watching. Plus though videos and the Internet Brazils secret was out. Now these SF (Sports fuckers) were looking for the next Brazil. Sosua was now rising with Brazils fall.Good contrast of the "Old Sosua" vs. The "New Sosua", although I would add that as Brazil's economy started to boom around the 2007 time frame a lot of Rio mongers got "priced out" of the game and could not afford to travel there anymore. They started looking for cheaper, but similar options and started to remember that "one spot that my homie had been telling me about back in 2004 (Sosua)."

Cheaper, shorter flight; cheaper options. Not like the Rio girls that are getting 300-400R for short time. Although there is always that "one guy" that comes along claiming to be getting the "grand bargin" of 150-200R, having never been to Rio before or able to speak a lick of Porto. It's something that even has the guys that live full time in Rio dumbfounded, which just tells you something else.

But I digress

07-02-13, 03:02
I like thick 30+ women, are they to be found in Sosua?

07-02-13, 03:09
Man, they have stopped me for the last two years coming back into the USA. I filed a complaint 4 months ago and still no response. Same job (Drug free work place) for 28years, same home for 25 years and haven't been arrested. They said I go to the DR every 3 months and aroused their suspicion. They make me sit there for two hours, no phone or anything. Meanwhile two guys are taking people and six guys are standing around...There is one thing to avoid this. It cost 200 hundred dollars, if I am not mistaken. One has to apply for it, go through interview with Gestapo rep, and if everything is OK, one gets special page in his passport. After this is done, you don't have to wait in line upon arrival or talk with any immigration officers. You just go through turnpike. Don't remember the name of the program. It works at JFK.

Don't know about other airports. They were getting to the nerves of my buddy, who is a cop, so badly that he had no choice, but resort to it. Ones an imbecile from immigration asked me if I had friends in DR.

When I said "Yes", he asked me if I took shower together with them. There is especial method to test people. Certain face muscles reveal a lot about you during interrogation. Widely used in Israel's.

Airports to filter out terrorists. Note. They always stare in your face during questioning. Just smile. The nastier he becomes, the wider you smile. It gets them. I know.

Marc Anthony
07-02-13, 03:54
I like thick 30+ women, are they to be found in Sosua?18 yr old chicas will be happy to introduce you to their 33 yr old moms who are probably getting thick and will appreciate the attention. I wish I liked thick 30+ women more, staying home would be a better option.

Marc Anthony
07-02-13, 04:31
To Frannie:

I said I don't like the word chicas, not that I don't like latin women. I actually would prefer them over Hatians.

P. S On my trip, every game that I went to, my team won.

P. S 2: watching brazil vs. Spain as well.

To Marc:

I looked at the Blackbeards site. It says it is an adult resort, but as I understand it, it is not like Oxygen for example. Girls are not included. So why it is a sex resort? Because they don't allow kids? Because bringing back hookers is not frowned upon but encouraged? . Also, why did you say this little town would be better suited for a newbie? (vs. Sosua).

Also, based on your responses I understand I don't want a local religious girl just yet. The best option would be to find any girl I like, try her out, and then decide if I want to keep her for a longer period. Just at this point, this sounds like a great theory. Pick anyone you want, and then do anything you want. Not sure it would be this ease in reality.BlackBeards is an adult resort in the sense that it's central feature is girls who are always available on site in much the same way as they are at Passions or a casa. You can bring in girls you find wandering around or from elsewhere but you will likely find a decent selection of house girls hanging out there. There are standard rates for ST and TLN which I'm sure you can find a recent update in the Puerto Plata thread where reviews about Blackbeards are usually found.

It's a no learning curve newbie venue. Just print out the map, give it to a taxi at POP and an hour later you are ready to point and click monger. Prices are not grossly inflated "all inclusive" rates like Oxygen, you pay reasonable rates a la carte for your room, any drinks or meals you buy, and any chica's services you wish. Prices are either on the website or in the PP thread and are about what they would be staying at a hotel in Sosua and getting Sosua girls. The girls are to some extent vetted to exclude scammers or other problems so you can start off just going with girls that appeal without having to be too wary.

I think it would be better suited because your requested experience mentioned ocean views and going to the beach, waking up to a BJ and GFE but switching. Since you don't have any experience doing this I just thought that combination was easier to fall right into at blackbeards and from there it's easy to take a day trip to Sosua, FOD etc. To see if there's stuff you like better.

Husker Dude
07-02-13, 04:38
BB fixed prices are 1600 pesos ST and 3000pesos TLN. FOD is supposed to be the same currently.

07-02-13, 04:59
Maybe I am just cut from a different cloth than some of the guys on this board. To the guys who say "Don't fight back, you will make it worse for yourself. Just bend over and take it like a man!" I can't do anything for you, keep doing you brother! My attitude is "If you are going to screw me over, then I will try my best to stop you! If I can, I will try to make sure there are some negative repercussions for your actions so you will never try to do it again!" Its not in my nature to just bend over and hand the person some KY jelly, in order to make it easier for them to fuck me over!

Now, I won't waste hours and hours of a chica's time and then decide to walk off or to grab a different girl. I usually take about 15-20 minutes during the interview process to determine whether I will take her back to my room. Now if she fails the interview, I damn sure am not going to hand her money for a 20 minute conversation. This isn't a game show, there are no consolation prizes!

My question for the guys who think it is a good idea to pay hoes to talk to you. Where do you draw the line? (Because everyone on here knows, Once the word gets out that Americans will pay money for you to speak to them, then they will all expect to get paid.) At what point do you stand up for yourself?

Example :

1) A girl approaches your table, sits with you for 5 seconds, you look at her and say "Thanks but no thanks!" She asks you to buy her a Corona. You respond "No, I am not buying you a drink". She stands up and yells, you wasted my time! Give me money or else I will call the police!" How much are you going to reach into your pocket and pull out?

Mr Gogo
07-02-13, 05:58
Maybe I am just cut from a different cloth than some of the guys on this board. To the guys who say "Don't fight back, you will make it worse for yourself. Just bend over and take it like a man!" I can't do anything for you, keep doing you brother! My attitude is "If you are going to screw me over, then I will try my best to stop you! If I can, I will try to make sure there are some negative repercussions for your actions so you will never try to do it again!" Its not in my nature to just bend over and hand the person some KY jelly, in order to make it easier for them to fuck me over...No one has said pay a girl for casual conversations. What has been said is that if you spend time negotiating a deal and come to an agreement with this girl, there may be consequences for reneging on your end of the deal. We are all grown adults buying pussy, not little kids playing games. My point that has been here is that it is best to checkout the scene and be alone until you are prepared to take the step into negotiating a deal.

Sit back and see who the aggressive and hardcore girls are. Looks don't trump hardcore, aggressive chicas to me. Most guys see the big ass and pretty face and tend to disregard all the other tells. Recipe for disaster. It might be that quiet, laid back. Girl alone in the corner that is the one, but guys don't even see her because she just looks average. Sosua has traps so you better be careful. Just like we don't like girls that change the deal in the room, the same respect is due to the girl in the negotiating process. The only difference is she knows how to play a corrupt game better than you do.

Okay suppose you back out a deal saying" I've changed my mind". Now you have an unpredictable Dominicana pissed. She wants 100p to move on but you refuse the buyout. Now she is making a scene and grabbing bottles. Security comes over and both of you threaten to call the police. Now when the police come you have to add another "zero" to the buyout thats now at least 1000p. You are still stubborn and you both are taken to the station on the highway. You plead your case, but the policia are just waiting to see if you are "Connected", and who comes to your rescue. After three hours the girl is back to Rumba and you are laying on a cold slab behind a bar door cussing yourself for not paying that initial 100p. Now the lawyers and judge are involved trying to figure the price for you to tap out. Do you are sent to Puerto Plata jail on a 24 hour hold. There are 50 Dominicans in 20x20 cell. A bucket is in the middle as a community bathroom. Hopefully you aren't in one of the outside cages because the mosquitoes have no mercy. Food has to be brought in by friends. Now the powers say it will cost 2000 USD to be released. Belive me, you are calling everyone desperate for 2000usd. Then when you get 2000usd they tell you thats jist for your release from jail, but they are going to keep your passport. It's another 5000usd gor your passport so now you have to beg more but no one is fucking going to help you because you are caught in a never ending web. You have been broken as a man because you didn't want to pay a girl 100p to get out of a deal you reneged on.

Play games if you want but odds are that eventually you are going to crap out.

07-02-13, 06:18
Example :

1) A girl approaches your table, sits with you for 5 seconds, you look at her and say "Thanks but no thanks!" She asks you to buy her a Corona. You respond "No, I am not buying you a drink". She stands up and yells, you wasted my time! Give me money or else I will call the police!" How much are you going to reach into your pocket and pull out?And this example would happen how often?

I've have not had any issues like that my 10 trips to Sosua; not sure why others had problems.

07-02-13, 06:22
Well I'm definitely a GFE type of guy and have had my share of chicas weeping for my departure. I've notice a definite increase in "hunter" types.

Luckily they're fairly easy to spot if you pay attention to their mannerisms and expressionsI completed my 6th trip to Sosua and two years (29 May. 10 June). I never been a part of GFE until this trip. I met this Fine Ass Hatiana on my last trip in March. We spend a few days together throughout my trip. We had a good time and she even took me to meet her family (Mistake1). I have to really like you for me to want you to to meet family she said. She stays with her cousin and her counsin's child (Basically taking care of them both). She downed loaded skype for me on my Ipad without me asking (Mistake2). Long story short we kept in touch in skyped each other for the next few months until my return in late May.

When I made it back to Sosua I did not call her the first night because I wanted to go Dlatins and sample another before I saw her (Great move got with another fine Hatiana who was great in bed). I finally saw her the next day and she kept telling me that she wanted me to spend all my time with her. She promised me that she will not get any call from any other men as long as I was there (As if I really cared). We ended up spending most of my days together. One day we agreed to go to the beach together and she decided to invite her cousin (I knew this was not a good idea but did not say anything). We met up near Rumbas to head to the beach there she was with her cousin and cousin's baby sitting in a stroller. I was getting a little upset but trying not to let it show. Once we made it to the the beach as you may have guessed I had to buy everybody lunch (Which is bad enough). After they got through eating the Chica asked me to hold her counsin baby as they played in the water (I was so pissed I did not know what to do.) Again, I tried not to let it show. I quickly learned that the chica was pretty good at turning your vacation into hers and her family's.

That along with some other BS that cost me extra money prompted me to get in her shit about the extra's. We later agreed to lower her daily amount to a lower fee. Also during this whole time she acts as if she is the jealous girlfriend when we were out and around town. She would get mad if I look at another chica and did not want me to go out at night without her. However, towards the end of my trip I was walking her to her apartment one afternoon. She stops and tells me one moment baby. She leaves me and walk over to this older caucasian guy hugs and kissed him on the cheek (I guess) and begin talking to him. So I politely turned around and head back to the New Garden. Normally this would not bother me because this is what she does for money but when you've been playing the jealous girlfriend for a week and half and putablocking me, yes I had a problem with it. She chased behind me for a block and a half calling me. I finally stop and scolded her little for the disrespect all was forgotten. The next morning my last day in Sosua she tells me that we should go solo that day. I said solo I'v e been mentioning going solo for a week and a half and you bitched and moaned about it and now on my last day you want to go solo. Long story short the older Gringo she saw the other day was one of her big money donor and she had to get on his team soon. Thus, showing me what a GFE is really about. I spent my last day and night doing what I should have been doing all along, stick and move.

Look guys, in the end I was not mad at the girl but very dissapionted in myself. I allowed her to turn my vacations in to hers for the sake of the experience. I remember a monger once said a while back that you should not spend more than three days with one girl because feeling get involve and cloud your judgement. First girlfriend experience in Sosua and last.

Much Respect

Mr Gogo
07-02-13, 06:28
And this example would happen how often?

I've have not had any issues like that my 10 trips to Sosua; not sure why others had problems.Brother Tom I've had the pleasure of hanging with you in Sosua. You have built up a reputation of being a standup guy. You treat Reben the bouncer like your brother, you are loved by all the girls, even a few of my girls. So there are many people who will stand up for you against any hardcore chica. That's why you won't ever have a problem in Sosua.

But these hardcore guys who want to be stubborn and prove a useless point, will have a hard lesson to learn one day.

07-02-13, 08:01
I like thick 30+ women, are they to be found in Sosua?They are all over Sosua; go for it dude! Check out the beach action; many there as well.

07-02-13, 08:04
Fellas listen, if you have to pay 200p (5usd) to learn a lesson, pay it. Fuck the principle when the other option is a jail with 100 other Dominican dudes.Ahem mi amigo!

07-02-13, 09:30
And this example would happen how often?

I've have not had any issues like that my 10 trips to Sosua; not sure why others had problems.I think both of you gentlemen make valid points, and I see the logic behind both stances. On the one hand Bravo makes a valid point about holding your ground, and not allowing yourself to be exploited to avoid creating a presidence for these girls to repeat. If you present yourself as an easy target to these sharks then you will not only endanger yourself, but all your fellow mongers by labeling us as pushovers. The most important fact that I think you are overlooking Bravo and what I believe that Tomjackin is trying to convey to you is that you are not in Kansas anymore Dorothy. The normal rules that apply at home are out the window in a 3rd world country man. If you're expecting to get a fair and just deliberation of the scenario then you will be totally disappointed, because what you will find is an unorganized, unjust, and completely corrupt and bias verdict that is almost guranteed to cost you way more money than the $5 you started all the hoopla about in the first place. Pick your battles bro and why put so much energy into something that is more than likely going to ruin your night and maybe even whole vacation and life. The KEY is to stay low KEY, when in rome and all that jazz bro. Instaed of being noticed as the Gringo who stuck to his guns, your better off barely being noticed at all.


07-02-13, 13:13
my apologies jook, i just reread your post and you said thongs. but what another guy does is not that important to me if i don't know him.yes, a thong can mean "a garment for the lower body that exposes the buttocks, consisting of a narrow strip of fabric that passes between the thighs supported by a waistband", but i haven't seen these in sosua and think he meant men's speedos or brief racing style bathing suits which are commonly worn in europe as opposed to the baggy surfer shorts that are almost universal in the us.

what i have heard from more than one americans is that they don't like the brief bathing suits for themselves or others because they outline or display the genitals of the wearer. seizures and vomiting seems like an extreme reaction.

i grew up myself in europe and wore the brief kind of bathing suits for the first 30 years or more of my life. in my teen years and beyond i was never even aware of displaying my own genitals or of others doing the same. i never heard the subject mentioned, and you know how teenage boys are. even on the nude beaches of places like mykonos, greece, it would have been considered poor manners to comment on the genitals of other men unless perhaps one was of the homosexual persuasion and wishing to flirt.

07-02-13, 13:24
When you say prices are fixed. What are those prices?

As far as the city goes, is there anything to do, if I want to venture out at some point? I looked at the map, and seems that Sosua is like 30 km away. Don't want to be stuck in a hotel for a week, where I don't like the girl selection / price and have to hike 30Km for that.

Also, the closest airport is Puerto Plata. But the flights even for Miami are overpriced.

Flight to Cibao airport are a lot more accommodating but from what I seen, hotels charge at least $100 for a pick up.

Do you know if at the airport there are cheaper options?Not sure of the prices at BB, but someone will tell you who knows better than I. Used to be about 1300 pesos for short time sex and 3000 for overnight.

Spirit Airlines has pretty cheap flights from Fort Lauderdale to Santo Domingo and Santiago (Cibao) , but the catch is that the Santiago flights arrive at something like 2:00 a. M.

If you want to be really, really cheap, fly to Santiago on Spirit, wait at the airport until the morning, then get local transportation to the Metro or Caribbe Tours bus station, and take a cheap bus to Puerto Plata or Sosua.

OR, fly to Santo Domingo, spend you first night in the DR in a budget hotel room in Boca Chica, and then use local bus and taxi to make your way from Boca Chica to the Metro bus terminal in Santo Domingo and then proceed to Puerto Plata. The advantage of this is that while you will spend a bit more money, the night in Boca Chica in a hotel, with access to plenty of restaurants within walking distance plus girls, if you so wish, plus the long bus ride with great views of the country, will be part of a vacation experience, whereas spending the night dog tired sitting around in an airport, much less so.

The flights to Puerto Plata are more expensive, but also more convenient and arrive and depart in the mid afternoon. You pays your money and you takes your choice.

07-02-13, 14:08
Well I'm definitely a GFE type of guy and have had my share of chicas weeping for my departure. I've notice a definite increase in "hunter" types.

Luckily they're fairly easy to spot if you pay attention to their mannerisms and expressionsNot always.

Many can provide deceptive mannerisms and expressions to lure its prey. Later back in the room the hoe is a poor performer.

All mongers get faked out. It is just about limiting the damage, forget the incident and move-on.

BTW appreciate all the well written and detailed Sousa analysis. Provides mongers with a realistic assessment and strategies for dealing with Sousa hoes.

07-02-13, 14:10
Paying a girl for her time? That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard! Only a complete idiot would reach into his pocket to give a hoe some pesos for having the pleasure of talking to her for 30 minutes! She isn't a psychiatrist, you are not in therapy, why pay her for her time! Just the idea of doing that makes me upset. Not only is it stupid, its a one way street! Once you give one hoe money for talking to you, ALL the hoes will expect to be paid just for saying "hello"!

For those who advocate this behavior, I have one question for you. What do you think is a proper amount to give to a girl? Should you have to pay her 500 pesos if she spends 20-30 minutes with you? 1000 pesos for 30-40 minutes. How much for 5 minutes of conversation? What if she spends 30 minutes with you, but you bought her a Corona, should that be deducted from her "talking fee"?

I am sorry, but talking and trying to seduce a man into taking her back to his room, is part of the hoe's business. Now I don't agree with guys talking to a girl for 2-3 hours and then at the very end of the evening deciding to take someone else, that is jut plain wrong. But don't tell me that if you talk to a girl fro 20 minutes and you decide that you don't like her attitude of she won't do the things you want in the room (Pics, BBJ, morning sex, etc.) that you have to give her money while she walks around the room looking for her next client!

Imagine if you are a salesman, you went into a client's office and you spend 1 hour explaining all the ways your product can help his business. At the end of the hour, the client says "Let me review everything and I will get back to you!" Would you get upset and yell "You have to pay me 1000 dollars for my time! I could have been on another call where he would have signed a contract right now! Give me my money!"

I swear, some people should never be given a passport! There should be a monger test before they are handed out!Paying for a girl's time is not uncommon in certain Asian countries. The difference. The monger consents first and agrees to the price before the chica sits with you.

07-02-13, 14:30
Maybe I am just cut from a different cloth than some of the guys on this board. To the guys who say "Don't fight back, you will make it worse for yourself. Just bend over and take it like a man!" I can't do anything for you, keep doing you brother! My attitude is "If you are going to screw me over, then I will try my best to stop you! If I can, I will try to make sure there are some negative repercussions for your actions so you will never try to do it again!" Its not in my nature to just bend over and hand the person some KY jelly, in order to make it easier for them to fuck me over!

Now, I won't waste hours and hours of a chica's time and then decide to walk off or to grab a different girl. I usually take about 15-20 minutes during the interview process to determine whether I will take her back to my room. Now if she fails the interview, I damn sure am not going to hand her money for a 20 minute conversation. This isn't a game show, there are no consolation prizes!

My question for the guys who think it is a good idea to pay hoes to talk to you. Where do you draw the line? (Because everyone on here knows, Once the word gets out that Americans will pay money for you to speak to them, then they will all expect to get paid.) At what point do you stand up for yourself?

Example :

1) A girl approaches your table, sits with you for 5 seconds, you look at her and say "Thanks but no thanks!" She asks you to buy her a Corona. You respond "No, I am not buying you a drink". She stands up and yells, you wasted my time! Give me money or else I will call the police!" How much are you going to reach into your pocket and pull out?-Let her call the police.She's bluffing-besides what service did she provide-NOTHING-Been going there quite awhile.never.had or seen this scenario-Police would just laugh at her

07-02-13, 14:38
Well I'm definitely a GFE type of guy and have had my share of chicas weeping for my departure. I've notice a definite increase in "hunter" types.

Luckily they're fairly easy to spot if you pay attention to their mannerisms and expressionsEarly on in the game the chicas would accompany me to airport. Saying goodbye with tears in their eyes,"Voy a extrañar, mi dulce cartera".

07-02-13, 14:51
This subject has been brought up but was kind of left up in the air so I wanted to confirm what I concluded from this discussion. It has to do with Passions and their 1 hour 2500RD$ session. Basically, as I understand it that payment is for the hour session FS but the specifics of FS vary from girl to girl. I would absolutely love (possible deal breaker) DFK, BBBJ, DATY, and MSOG. I should discuss this with the girl before hand. My chances are good of BBBJ as most there do that and if they refuse I should talk to Peter. However, I'm very murky on the other ones. Specifically, if I pay for one hour and it's early in the trip and I haven't gotten into my groove yet say we go 30 minutes. Surely the session doesn't end do we just lie there for 30 minutes? I would greatly appreciate if some of guys could share your experience with me and maybe your thoughts on how accurate my assessment is. I assume TLN includes MSOG. Thanks guys your experience is invaluable.


Mr Gogo
07-02-13, 14:54
-Let her call the police.She's bluffing-besides what service did she provide-NOTHING-Been going there quite awhile.never.had or seen this scenario-Police would just laugh at herYou are basing this on the Dominican police doing the right thing? Obviously you haven't been going to the DR long enough.

The Mind Bender
07-02-13, 16:30
Hey Vets!

Anyone got any tips for snagging cute bartenders? Saw a hot one in Dlatins a few weeks ago but she was playing too flakey which read to me as "not interested"

Sit back and see who the aggressive and hardcore girls are. Looks don't trump hardcore, aggressive chicas to me. Most guys see the big ass and pretty face and tend to disregard all the other tells. Recipe for disaster. It might be that quiet, laid back. Girl alone in the corner that is the one, but guys don't even see her because she just looks average. Sosua has traps so you better be careful. Just like we don't like girls that change the deal in the room, the same respect is due to the girl in the negotiating process. The only difference is she knows how to play a corrupt game better than you do.Yeah I've learned the hard way that looking for a big ass alone can ruin your night. A lot of the super shapely girls are super hardcore or complete assholes. Nowadays I go looking for the cute "bunny" chica standing on her own who's maybe a little overwhelmed with the bar scene and looking for someone to rescue her.

Not always.

Many can provide deceptive mannerisms and expressions to lure its prey. Later back in the room the hoe is a poor performer.

I feel like even the "smart ones" give themselves away if you take some time to vet them

if she meets you and wants to go after 60 secs then she's hardcore and will probably try to finish up quick so she can head back out

sometimes you just need to step outside your own hornyness and judge with a clear head lol

The Mind Bender
07-02-13, 16:46
Early on in the game the chicas would accompany me to airport. Saying goodbye with tears in their eyes,"Voy a extrañar, mi dulce cartera".I still get that. Got to know what to look for in a girl.

I tend to treat the chicas very well so the morning after they want to come back and see me in the afternoon

07-02-13, 16:53
That's the point most guys here don't get. They want to play the "Tough guy" role, but then when there asses are locked up in a Dominican jail over 500p, then they want to call momma in the states crying for help. Or better yet they want to come on this board acting like they have been victimized and needing our help to get out of jail.

Fellas listen, if you have to pay 200p (5usd) to learn a lesson, pay it. Fuck the principle when the other option is a jail with 100 other Dominican dudes.I would say everyone should take MR Gogo advice. Girls are local and they can survive the Police and jail time. Most of the foreigner from USA should not take the risk of dealing with police for 200 pesos.

07-02-13, 16:56
Hey Vets!

Anyone got any tips for snagging cute bartenders? Saw a hot one in Dlatins a few weeks ago but she was playing too flakey which read to me as "not interested"

Yeah I've learned the hard way that looking for a big ass alone can ruin your night. A lot of the super shapely girls are super hardcore or complete assholes. Nowadays I go looking for the cute "bunny" chica standing on her own who's maybe a little overwhelmed with the bar scene and looking for someone to rescue her.

I feel like even the "smart ones" give themselves away if you take some time to vet them.

If she meets you and wants to go after 60 secs then she's hardcore and will probably try to finish up quick so she can head back out.

Sometimes you just need to step outside your own hornyness and judge with a clear head LOLUsually you can ask her in a nice way to meet you at your hotel-learn a little spanish for that.she'll either say yes or no-Just remember most of the bartenders consider themselves above the CHICAS so you'll probably be paying $$$ more.

07-02-13, 17:05
Trust me, if you are faced with being extorted by a chica for a few pesos versus being hauled off to jail, you'll start hearing that old M. O. P. Anthem in the back of your head: "ANTE UP!", LOL.

But seriously Sosua is what is currently is now: a trap. Ask around. A few veteran mongers will tell you that they have been in this exact same situation. Just sitting at the bar talking with a chica, passes on her for a different chica, cops get involved and the monger had to "Ante Up" to make all parties happy (go away without much more fuss). Could have ended up costing them much more if they decided to "fight the powers that be" (500 pesos turning into 60, 000 pesos).

At the end of the day it doesn't matter if you think it is "right" or "fair" or not. This is the New Sosua run by the Politur and the chicas and you guys are just willing participants in their con game (I've written off Sosua long time ago). If you are lucky you get to pay for some ass without any hassle. But if you get accused of something, you pay a shitload of money, not to prove otherwise, but to get out of jail and get on an airplane back home before the Dominican Legal system puts a drain on your bank account and life savings.

Speaking of which: whatever happened to C-Mo Cakes's homie? Is he still stuck in the DR?-Surely the veteran mongers you speak of will tell us who they are and will surely know the girls to give us a heads-up.

Sosua is a trap for the people who let it be a trap. I will never give a "chica" $$ for me saying no to her and not buying her a drink. And she wants to start trouble just let her try it has nothing to do with being a "tough guy.It has everything to do with being a TARGET for all the hustlers What a joke now you want the monger to just be a target for everything and everybody. I will never listen to your ridiculous advice and I hope the newbies don't either. Your just setting them up as targets.

07-02-13, 17:09
I still get that. Got to know what to look for in a girl.

I tend to treat the chicas very well so the morning after they want to come back and see me in the afternoon- Total agreement with you-simply take your time and think with your head that's on your shoulders and look for the nice 'chicas'-there are alot of them there.

As I said before ----Sosua is not a trap unless YOU let it be.

-The Mind Bender proved my point

The Mind Bender
07-02-13, 17:23
Usually you can ask her in a nice way to meet you at your hotel-learn a little spanish for that.she'll either say yes or no-Just remember most of the bartenders consider themselves above the CHICAS so you'll probably be paying $$$ more.See this is why bartenders annoy me.

They do the same thing but with more hypocrisy.

I'll try your suggestion though, I may have been too aggressive last time

Mr Gogo
07-02-13, 17:28
-Surely the veteran mongers you speak of will tell us who they are and will surely know the girls to give us a heads-up.

Sosua is a trap for the people who let it be a trap. I will never give a "chica" $$ for me saying no to her and not buying her a drink. And she wants to start trouble just let her try it has nothing to do with being a "tough guy. It has everything to do with being a TARGET for all the hustlers What a joke now you want the monger to just be a target for everything and everybody. I will never listen to your ridiculous advice and I hope the newbies don't either. Your just setting them up as targets.It's a health debate Sir, but you are basing everything you believe in on corrupt cops doing the right thing. Doesn't sound like sound advise for a newbie, does it? I also doubt that you will be one of the guys going to the police station helping the accused. So if guys are reporting about this happening at Rumba, its in everyones interest to exercise caution and stop a situation from getting out of hand.

From what you are reporting it appears to me that you are assisting with the trap.

Also we are talking about guys negotiating in good faith and then saying" I've changed my mind" after a bottom price had been agreed upon. No one said pay a girl to sit down for a drink and chit chat. Thats something you have drawn into the conversation to try and rationalize the irrational.

Mr Gogo
07-02-13, 18:02
See this is why bartenders annoy me.

They do the same thing but with more hypocrisy.

I'll try your suggestion though, I may have been too aggressive last timeThe hottest girls at the hottest spots are always in demand. Its usually a matter of timing. If they have some dude from NY sending 500usd per month to her, you have to be patient. She will want to be discreet about who / where she fucks. She probably won't risk that 500 per month allotment by being seen going into a Sosua hotel. Offer her a day date to Cabarette. I waited on one bartender six months because she had a boyfriend. But when she realized that we could play outside of Sosua, it was no problem.

07-02-13, 18:03
Good contrast of the "Old Sosua" vs. The "New Sosua", although I would add that as Brazil's economy started to boom around the 2007 time frame a lot of Rio mongers got "priced out" of the game and could not afford to travel there anymore. They started looking for cheaper, but similar options and started to remember that "one spot that my homie had been telling me about back in 2004 (Sosua)."

Cheaper, shorter flight; cheaper options. Not like the Rio girls that are getting 300-400R for short time. Although there is always that "one guy" that comes along claiming to be getting the "grand bargin" of 150-200R, having never been to Rio before or able to speak a lick of Porto. It's something that even has the guys that live full time in Rio dumbfounded, which just tells you something else.

But I digressMy wingmen and I are those guys. We never pay more than $R200. We were in Rio in September.

07-02-13, 18:41
Sosua is a trap for the people who let it be a trap. I will never give a "chica" $$ for me saying no to her and not buying her a drink. And she wants to start trouble just let her try it has nothing to do with being a "tough guy.It has everything to do with being a TARGET for all the hustlers What a joke now you want the monger to just be a target for everything and everybody. I will never listen to your ridiculous advice and I hope the newbies don't either. Your just setting them up as targets.What "advice" retard? How the hell did you read an overview of a situation as "advice"?

Can we PLEASE stop allowing illiterates to obtain passports? If my written assessment of a situation is viewed by someone as advice, then I am in the wrong damn business. I guess I missed my calling as a "Life Coach" and cashing in on that racket.

Steve Urso
07-02-13, 18:53
Alright. So I have it narrowed down to two choices.

Blackbeard's or Tropicaladultvacations.

Advantages of BB (as I see them) :

1) Cost.

Advantages of Tropical:

1) More convenient (in terms of getting there)

2) An all inclusive (both food and women).

Decisions. Decisions.

I think an option would be to try blackbeards first, and then if I don't like it go to the other place.

Steve Urso
07-02-13, 18:56
[Message to Admin deleted]

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07-02-13, 19:02
I would say everyone should take MR Gogo advice. Girls are local and they can survive the Police and jail time. Most of the foreigner from USA should not take the risk of dealing with police for 200 pesos.I think you have to strike a balance. I got into an argument with a motoconcho driver today because I didn't state the price for a short journey within El Batey for which I always pay 25 pesos, which is the normal price. On arrival at destination, he said it was supposed to be 50 when I put a 25 pesos coin in his hand. I said that was not right, but he stuck to his guns. I didn't raise my voice, and I gave him the 50 pesos, but just made a mental note to avoid him in future.

It is the same with the chicas. You may never get into such a situation, and I can't remember more than one or two, but it is best to look for the easiest way out of the situation and try to avoid it in the future rather to get into conflicts which you may not be able to control even if you believe you are in the right.

The issue with the motoconcho driver was over a matter of an extra 58 cents in US money and although he was dead to rights in the wrong, it wasn't worth letting the situation escalate over 58 cents, because there are plenty of other moto drivers. However if I paid 50 pesos for every 25 peso ride in the future, over the long term this would become rather expensive.

07-02-13, 19:25
I think you have to strike a balance. I got into an argument with a motoconcho driver today because I didn't state the price for a short journey within El Batey for which I always pay 25 pesos, which is the normal price. On arrival at destination, he said it was supposed to be 50 when I put a 25 pesos coin in his hand. I said that was not right, but he stuck to his guns. I didn't raise my voice, and I gave him the 50 pesos, but just made a mental note to avoid him in future.

It is the same with the chicas. You may never get into such a situation, and I can't remember more than one or two, but it is best to look for the easiest way out of the situation and try to avoid it in the future rather to get into conflicts which you may not be able to control even if you believe you are in the right.

The issue with the motoconcho driver was over a matter of an extra 58 cents in US money and although he was dead to rights in the wrong, it wasn't worth letting the situation escalate over 58 cents, because there are plenty of other moto drivers. However if I paid 50 pesos for every 25 peso ride in the future, over the long term this would become rather expensive.Since I travel a lot in third world country specially Kenya and India. If I get into any trouble I usually prefer paying chica or police on the street instead of going to Police station and than getting stuck with senior police officials. Most of the time my payment are less than $10.

07-02-13, 19:33
Since I travel a lot in third world country specially Kenya and India. If I get into any trouble I usually prefer paying chica or police on the street instead of going to Police station and than getting stuck with senior police officials. Most of the time my payment are less than $10.Don't let Zedman see this "advice". He may end up having a full-retard epileptic seizure!

07-02-13, 20:03
What "advice" retard? How the hell did you read an overview of a situation as "advice"?

Can we PLEASE stop allowing illiterates to obtain passports? If my written assessment of a situation is viewed by someone as advice, then I am in the wrong damn business. I guess I missed my calling as a "Life Coach" and cashing in on that racket.-You said "Ante-Up" when a chica tries to extort $$ from you--that's not advice ??? -and still waiting to hear from the "vets" who've been extorted in the "NEW SOSUA " along with at least a description of the chicas .
------- your personal attacks just prove you don't have a clue.

07-02-13, 20:22
What "advice" retard? How the hell did you read an overview of a situation as "advice"?

Can we PLEASE stop allowing illiterates to obtain passports? If my written assessment of a situation is viewed by someone as advice, then I am in the wrong damn business. I guess I missed my calling as a "Life Coach" and cashing in on that racket.Damn Savepro, [Deleted by Admin] You were " clearly" stating an "observation" I give you shit (jokingly) about "different views and obeervaions" but they are just that "observations" and never advice. I appreciate different opinions here on the board" I think everyones opinion (mostly) are beneficial. It aggravates the help out of me this " I handle any situation cause I'm a "bad ass" and untouchable, is very funny this "tough guy" act is hillarious" I totally get "not being a sucker" but if a so called scam or non scam, have nothing to do with "How macho you are" If you feel that paying a chica to avoid a serious situation" makes you a sucker " than A lot of "us mongers" are tootsie roll suckers. I know I resemble that remark. I've been fortunate to not even come close to a issue needing the police" I think that's been both vigilance and a "stroke of luck"

I understand Bravos point, about a simple conversation, You shouldn't have to pay for a conversation. If that's the case All employment or job interview applicants should " demand" compensation for theirp job consideration! Damn it! My problem is my stupid ass have the habit of half ass making dates I'm thinking nothing was finalize then they show up. Some girls after me realizing I did set it up, I give them motoconcho money money for their travels coming to see me, or "go away pesos" Mr Gogo. 200 pesos is a small amount to pay to make a problem go away completely agree" but these so called "iron balled mongers"gets on here and swears how bad ass they are"but if you start negotiations come to an agreed upon price, I think it's "chicken shit"of a mongers to agree on a price then back out, after a deal is reached. I also side with the chica as well. I think negotiations is far different than saying hello" If that's the case I owe hella pesos, for all the hellos, plus I'm charging them putaz for all the time they grabbed The chocolate jackhammer". Lmao!

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

07-02-13, 20:28
I think you have to strike a balance. I got into an argument with a motoconcho driver today because I didn't state the price for a short journey within El Batey for which I always pay 25 pesos, which is the normal price. On arrival at destination, he said it was supposed to be 50 when I put a 25 pesos coin in his hand. I said that was not right, but he stuck to his guns. I didn't raise my voice, and I gave him the 50 pesos, but just made a mental note to avoid him in future.

It is the same with the chicas. You may never get into such a situation, and I can't remember more than one or two, but it is best to look for the easiest way out of the situation and try to avoid it in the future rather to get into conflicts which you may not be able to control even if you believe you are in the right.

The issue with the motoconcho driver was over a matter of an extra 58 cents in US money and although he was dead to rights in the wrong, it wasn't worth letting the situation escalate over 58 cents, because there are plenty of other moto drivers. However if I paid 50 pesos for every 25 peso ride in the future, over the long term this would become rather expensive.-Apparently you didn't know him-but he did "Provide" a service to you and you know on many occasions the "moto" guys like to charge the gringos more that's a given-especially if you don't ask upfront-But pay a 'chica' for nothing.extorting money.that I can't agree with and if the opportunity arises she tries to extort me the fun will start.

07-02-13, 20:33
I think both of you gentlemen make valid points, and I see the logic behind both stances. On the one hand Bravo makes a valid point about holding your ground, and not allowing yourself to be exploited to avoid creating a presidence for these girls to repeat. If you present yourself as an easy target to these sharks then you will not only endanger yourself, but all your fellow mongers by labeling us as pushovers. The most important fact that I think you are overlooking Bravo and what I believe that Tomjackin is trying to convey to you is that you are not in Kansas anymore Dorothy. The normal rules that apply at home are out the window in a 3rd world country man. If you're expecting to get a fair and just deliberation of the scenario then you will be totally disappointed, because what you will find is an unorganized, unjust, and completely corrupt and bias verdict that is almost guranteed to cost you way more money than the $5 you started all the hoopla about in the first place. Pick your battles bro and why put so much energy into something that is more than likely going to ruin your night and maybe even whole vacation and life. The KEY is to stay low KEY, when in rome and all that jazz bro. Instaed of being noticed as the Gringo who stuck to his guns, your better off barely being noticed at all.

AzazelMy brother, its all about balancing out the equation. I am not too concerned about being extorted myself, I don't come across as an easy target. I have been in this monger game for a minute and have never experienced some of the BS extortion / police games that others are writing about. The reason why I posted was to give Newbies a different viewpoint.

If 10 guys on this board are saying "Anytime a girl pouts, crosses her arms and stamps her foot. Throw money at her so she doesn't call the police!" I feel it would be a disservice if I didn't say "You don't always have to give your hard earned money away. There are other ways of handling things."

I am well aware of the fact that the DR is 3rd world country and that I can not expect the legal system to work the way it does in the states. I also know that if you make yourself an easy mark, the word will spread like wild fire and then you will be known for handing out money. If you weren't willing to stand up for yourself when they asked for 100 pesos, the girls know you will punk out when they start asking for 1000 pesos!

Mr Gogo
07-02-13, 21:02
-You said "Ante-Up" when a chica tries to extort $$ from you-that's not advice?.and still waiting to hear from the "vets" who've been extorted in the "NEW SOSUA " along with at least a description of the chicas.

. Your personal attacks just prove you don't have a clue.Your missing the point dude. It's not about vets being extorted, it's about giving guys a heads up and why I believe it is best to handle it a different way. Wzr2005 and I both wrote about this happening at Rumba. Now answer my question that you have been avoiding please. How can you put all your hopes into corrupt cops doing the right thing? Please explain.

07-02-13, 21:15
My brother, its all about balancing out the equation. I am not too concerned about being extorted myself, I don't come across as an easy target. I have been in this monger game for a minute and have never experienced some of the BS extortion / police games that others are writing about. The reason why I posted was to give Newbies a different viewpoint.

If 10 guys on this board are saying "Anytime a girl pouts, crosses her arms and stamps her foot. Throw money at her so she doesn't call the police!" I feel it would be a disservice if I didn't say "You don't always have to give your hard earned money away. There are other ways of handling things."

I am well aware of the fact that the DR is 3rd world country and that I can not expect the legal system to work the way it does in the states. I also know that if you make yourself an easy mark, the word will spread like wild fire and then you will be known for handing out money. If you weren't willing to stand up for yourself when they asked for 100 pesos, the girls know you will punk out when they start asking for 1000 pesos!-your right Bravo-Where do you draw the line? I agree with you totally-Don't even let them start that shit. And I hope the "NEWBIES" take heed to this post and other ones like mine that say-Your not being a tough guy-You just don't want to be a "TARGET" .And no cops going to side with the chica especially for that little bit of $$$$ and no service rendered.

-About not paying and going to jail-that's bull-name one example somebody-there wouldn't be any mongers there anymore-Again Bravo I'm with you 110 % Hope the newbies read and absorb

07-02-13, 21:30
no one has said pay a girl for casual conversations. What has been said is that if you spend time negotiating a deal and come to an agreement with this girl, there may be consequences for reneging on your end of the deal. We are all grown adults buying pussy, not little kids playing games. My point that has been here is that it is best to checkout the scene and be alone until you are prepared to take the step into negotiating a deal.

Sit back and see who the aggressive and hardcore girls are. Looks don't trump hardcore, aggressive chicas to me. Most guys see the big ass and pretty face and tend to disregard all the other tells. Recipe for disaster. It might be that quiet, laid back. Girl alone in the corner that is the one, but guys don't even see her because she just looks average. Sosua has traps so you better be careful. Just like we don't like girls that change the deal in the room, the same respect is due to the girl in the negotiating process. The only difference is she knows how to play a corrupt game better than you do.

Okay suppose you back out a deal saying" i've changed my mind". Now you have an unpredictable dominicana pissed. She wants 100p to move on but you refuse the buyout. Now she is making a scene and grabbing bottles. Security comes over and both of you threaten to call the police. Now when the police come you have to add another "zero" to the buyout thats now at least 1000p. You are still stubborn and you both are taken to the station on the highway. You plead your case, but the policia are just waiting to see if you are "connected", and who comes to your rescue. After three hours the girl is back to rumba and you are laying on a cold slab behind a bar door cussing yourself for not paying that initial 100p. Now the lawyers and judge are involved trying to figure the price for you to tap out. Do you are sent to puerto plata jail on a 24 hour hold. There are 50 dominicans in 20x20 cell. A bucket is in the middle as a community bathroom. Hopefully you aren't in one of the outside cages because the mosquitoes have no mercy. Food has to be brought in by friends. Now the powers say it will cost 2000 usd to be released. Belive me, you are calling everyone desperate for 2000usd. Then when you get 2000usd they tell you thats jist for your release from jail, but they are going to keep your passport. It's another 5000usd gor your passport so now you have to beg more but no one is fucking going to help you because you are caught in a never ending web. You have been broken as a man because you didn't want to pay a girl 100p to get out of a deal you reneged on.

Play games if you want but odds are that eventually you are going to crap out.where you stand on the issue depends on where you sit!

07-02-13, 22:36
I am well aware of the fact that the DR is 3rd world country and that I can not expect the legal system to work the way it does in the states. I also know that if you make yourself an easy mark, the word will spread like wild fire and then you will be known for handing out money. If you weren't willing to stand up for yourself when they asked for 100 pesos, the girls know you will punk out when they start asking for 1000 pesos!But in the example you gave earlier of paying the cops 4000 pesos to jail a problem chica (trying to extort 200 pesos) , you don't think a monger is making himself an easy mark still? Among the chica and policia community, that stance may spread like wild fire as well.

A payment of 4000 pesos to the police can still give chicas the idea of planning a scheme with willing policia. For example. Up in the hotel, chica dead in the wrong tries to get paid more than what was agreed upon. Monger refuses to pay. No problem, no monger should just give in just because a chica complains. Whats unique here. Is that this particular monger who is known to hold his ground and is willing to pay good money to bribe the police. He tells the chica,"go ahead and call the police, I don't care" The police she calls are ones in on the scheme. Monger thinks he's paying good money for the cops assistance. What ends up happening, is the chica and the cops split up the mongers money.

My point is simply. A monger can end up being a mark if you pay the chica 200 pesos, or pay the cops 4000 pesos. Knowing things in the DR are not like the states is not enough. Often times we may have to apply it in an actual situation. Now mind you many of us may not have been confronted by a hostile chica. Which means many of us don't know exactly what we'll do until we see what the potential consequences may be. Once thats established. Where we actually stand on the issue depends on where we sit. To put it another way........if the choice was offered to the monger to pay the chica 200 pesos or go to jail.......Im 100% positive, most mongers would pay the 200 pesos. At that point, there is no standing ground, just a monger exercising choosing the better of 2 options.

07-02-13, 22:40
This subject has been brought up but was kind of left up in the air so I wanted to confirm what I concluded from this discussion. It has to do with Passions and their 1 hour 2500RD$ session. Basically, as I understand it that payment is for the hour session FS but the specifics of FS vary from girl to girl. I would absolutely love (possible deal breaker) DFK, BBBJ, DATY, and MSOG. I should discuss this with the girl before hand. My chances are good of BBBJ as most there do that and if they refuse I should talk to Peter. However, I'm very murky on the other ones. Specifically, if I pay for one hour and it's early in the trip and I haven't gotten into my groove yet say we go 30 minutes. Surely the session doesn't end do we just lie there for 30 minutes? I would greatly appreciate if some of guys could share your experience with me and maybe your thoughts on how accurate my assessment is. I assume TLN includes MSOG. Thanks guys your experience is invaluable.

ScottYou should discuss these with the girl concerned prior to handing over money. A 1-hour session is basically one sex session to one orgasm. One hour is the maximum. If there is time left over you can lay down, relax, and chat with the girl, take another shower, or whatever you want. So no need to rush your session at all.

07-02-13, 22:41
To Jackson:

Thank you for the sarcasm.

Is it against forum rules to try to contact members outside of this forum? I thought I made it clear why I wanted to go outside of the forum. It takes time to communicate via posting messages or PM. And I need to make a trip decision soon.Obviously the forum is a commercial concern. Jackson probably thinks you are looking for an excuse not to pay a subscription.

07-02-13, 23:17
if the choice was offered to the monger to pay the chica 200 pesos or go to jail.Im 100% positive, most mongers would pay the 200 pesos. At that point, there is no standing ground, just a monger exercising choosing the better of 2 options.That is a great point BUT. At what point do you stand up for yourself? Wrx2005, I can tell that you are a seasoned traveler, so I respect your responses. I think at some point, common sense has to rule. If I was in Rhumba and a girl came up to me and started a big commotion, I am not going to get into a screaming match with her. I will just calmly summon security and as they escort her out, I will stroll out the other side, jump on a moto and take off to my place. She can call the police all she wants but I won't be there when they show up. Only an idiot would stay there and try to explain his side to the police!

I truly believe that f you are known as the man who will punk out and hand over 200 pesos when the chica has not rendered any services. Then soon you will be known as the man who will punk out and then hand over 2000 pesos! You have been there enough times to know that the girls are not going to say "We will only extort them for 200 pesos and not a penny more!" Its simple common sense that they will continue to up the ante to try and get as much as they can from your pockets.

IMHO, its best that newbies know their options. Yes, there is a chance that a corrupt cop / judge might get involved and then it will cost you a great deal of money to extradite yourself from the situation. The flip side of the coin is not to be a walking ATM either. Don't be that guy who every girl knows they can get money from by threatening to call the cops.

07-02-13, 23:55
The best way to avoid this type of scam is to not let those type of girls near you in the first place. It's ok to ignore a girl you think is a scam artist. You just blow her off period. You owe nothing to anyone unless you get laid.

I've had it happen to me in Sousa. I am there having a beer then a girl tries to sell herself to me that I am not interested in. My immediate response is "No Gracias". Squash that shit before it festers! If she keeps going I give short answers to her questions." En que hotel estas?" That's a question which sizes up your finances. If you are staying at a high end hotel she will charge you accordingly. Don't fall for that junk. If you like a girl then YOU APPROACH HER. Otherwise leave the other rats alone. Let them look for cheese somewhere else.

On a side note I was REALLY careful with who I dealt with there. Tons of opportunities for a nightmare session. Sometimes it took me a while to find what I was looking for but it was worth the wait.

07-03-13, 00:38
I have bagged about 25 girls in Sosua. Only had one dispute and it was very minor. None of my accompanying friends had any problems. Most girls are nice girls trying their final option to make a living. IMHO Most girls only get one or two customers a week. The competition is fierce. If you are a girl who is a 6 or 7 and average body, how do you compete. Often the girls are rejected more then stale bread. The nines and tens get the action over and over. 2 times a week is twice what a regular job pys.

The best way to avoid this type of scam is to not let those type of girls near you in the first place. It's ok to ignore a girl you think is a scam artist. You just blow her off period. You owe nothing to anyone unless you get laid.

I've had it happen to me in Sousa. I am there having a beer then a girl tries to sell herself to me that I am not interested in. My immediate response is "No Gracias". Squash that shit before it festers! If she keeps going I give short answers to her questions." En que hotel estas?" That's a question which sizes up your finances. If you are staying at a high end hotel she will charge you accordingly. Don't fall for that junk. If you like a girl then YOU APPROACH HER. Otherwise leave the other rats alone. Let them look for cheese somewhere else.

On a side note I was REALLY careful with who I dealt with there. Tons of opportunities for a nightmare session. Sometimes it took me a while to find what I was looking for but it was worth the wait.

07-03-13, 00:38
Okay suppose you back out a deal saying" I've changed my mind". Now you have an unpredictable Dominicana pissed. She wants 100p to move on but you refuse the buyout. Now she is making a scene and grabbing bottles. Security comes over and both of you threaten to call the police. Now when the police come you have to add another "zero" to the buyout thats now at least 1000p. You are still stubborn and you both are taken to the station on the highway. You plead your case, but the policia are just waiting to see if you are "Connected", and who comes to your rescue. After three hours the girl is back to Rumba and you are laying on a cold slab behind a bar door cussing yourself for not paying that initial 100p. Now the lawyers and judge are involved trying to figure the price for you to tap out. Do you are sent to Puerto Plata jail on a 24 hour hold. There are 50 Dominicans in 20x20 cell. A bucket is in the middle as a community bathroom. Hopefully you aren't in one of the outside cages because the mosquitoes have no mercy. Food has to be brought in by friends. Now the powers say it will cost 2000 USD to be released. Belive me, you are calling everyone desperate for 2000usd. Then when you get 2000usd they tell you thats jist for your release from jail, but they are going to keep your passport. It's another 5000usd gor your passport so now you have to beg more but no one is fucking going to help you because you are caught in a never ending web. You have been broken as a man because you didn't want to pay a girl 100p to get out of a deal you reneged on.

Play games if you want but odds are that eventually you are going to crap out.It's useless O. G. Gogo. You already know who among us already get it. Let the rest of them figure it out the hard way.

07-03-13, 00:42
Originally Posted by Charles Pooter

Sosua is not Disneyland

Friday night in Sosua a monger (not a vet, but not a newbie either) agreed a price of 2500 pesos for TLN. Took the chica back to Terra Linda for the night. After one pop she pulled the old "leave early" stunt so he would only pay her 1500 pesos for ST. She refused to leave and he threw her out. There was no physical fight as such and she left quietly enough though obviously in a foul mood.

She came back later (early next morning?) with bruises, a cop and a lawyer, and the guy was arrested and taken to a Puerto Plata cell for the night. The security guard who had let her out said she was in good state when she left so presumably the bruises were inflicted by herself or her chulo.

Next day some of the friends he had made on his trips here, plus some very experienced ex-pats, arrived with a lawyer. Eventually they all chipped in to make up US$3500 to get him released and (I think) the charges dropped. The monger left for the US (either because it was his last day anyway or because he was understandably so pissed off with the DR, or because he was now broke, or because it was a condition of his release, I don't know which). I guess he won't be back in a hurry.

The above are the brief facts, though obviously there was a lot more hassle, unpleasantness and complications involved over a 36-hour period.

Some random comments:

136,500 pesos expended to save 1000, plus a lot of other guys precious holiday time and incidental expenses. Many guys advocate standing up to the chicas and cops and not yielding any ground. This might work 19 times out of 20 but when you look at the cost savings it is not a good bet.

I have no idea whether the guy had been drinking or was stone-cold sober but alcohol is never helpful in such situations.

The management of Terra Linda were totally unhelpful (and wouldn't let the security guard speak on the monger's behalf) but the manager of Rocky's (where the guy was not staying and who did not know the guy from Adam) spent a lot of his time helping. It might have been him who arranged a defence lawyer but don't quote me on that. I can understand Terra Linda's position. They have to carry on their business after the monger is back in the States and they don't want to make enemies of a cop and a lawyer by denying them a payday, but I suspect he would have got more backing from the New Garden and obviously at Rocky's because their whole businesses are reliant on recommendations from mongers whereas TL are trying to position themselves as a family hotel.

This sort of thing could happen in any part of the DR (or in most other corrupt countries as well) but it is far more likely to happen with hard-core putas from the "strip" in Sosua. (I imagine I will get no arguments from Jaosousa on that point). That is one reason why, after my first 2 or 3 trips, I have confined my mongering to Pto Pta, other small towns and the campo.

Kudos to all the guys who chipped in, not with "wise after the event" comments but with their time and a lot of hard cash. Most of them hardly knew the guy but they all realised it could happen to any of us. Had he been a lone wolf he could really have been screwed a lot worse.

Original Posting: http://www.internationalsexguide.inf.=1#post1302463

Mr Gogo
07-03-13, 00:45
The best way to avoid this type of scam is to not let those type of girls near you in the first place. It's ok to ignore a girl you think is a scam artist. You just blow her off period. You owe nothing to anyone unless you get laid.

I've had it happen to me in Sousa. I am there having a beer then a girl tries to sell herself to me that I am not interested in. My immediate response is "No Gracias". Squash that shit before it festers! If she keeps going I give short answers to her questions." En que hotel estas?" That's a question which sizes up your finances. If you are staying at a high end hotel she will charge you accordingly. Don't fall for that junk. If you like a girl then YOU APPROACH HER. Otherwise leave the other rats alone. Let them look for cheese somewhere else.

On a side note I was REALLY careful with who I dealt with there. Tons of opportunities for a nightmare session. Sometimes it took me a while to find what I was looking for but it was worth the wait.Great post, thats why I sit by myself at Rumbas. Its time for me to move on. But remember, heads up fellas.

07-03-13, 00:48
your missing the point dude. it's not about vets being extorted, it's about giving guys a heads up and why i believe it is best to handle it a different way. wzr2005 and i both wrote about this happening at rumba. now answer my question that you have been avoiding please. how can you put all your hopes into corrupt cops doing the right thing? please explain.-first of all corrupt-i wouldn't say that-because i've never experienced one problem with the politur or have any of my friends-as far as the stories about them being corrupt-it always seems to me the tourist-9 times out of 10 gets themselves into the mess by excessively drinking and acting like a complete fool. gettin' set-up well i've heard of that to and it may happen but again ask yourself why? why go with an **** girl who has no i'd? why buy pot or coke from a puta? look for trouble and you can always find it.

i've been going to sosua for sometime. its hard for me to believe-and i have yet for it to happen to me or any of my friends-that a politur would actual waste his time with a 'chica' complaining a guy owes her $$$ simply for talking to her. for 200 pesos he's going to go through all that bullshit-you really think so-and the owners of rumba and d'latino are going to let that happen when it is the tourist who are the lifeblood of sosua. sorry i don't believe. and i will guarantee you it won't happen to any guy who is sober unless he doesn't read the reports on here then that's his own fault.

and mr. gogo tell me an experience you had with the cops in which you were a victim of their corrupt ways.


07-03-13, 00:54
Originally Posted by Charles Pooter.

Sosua is not Disneyland

Friday night in Sosua a monger (not a vet, but not a newbie either) agreed a price of 2500 pesos for TLN. Took the chica back to Terra Linda for the night. After one pop she pulled the old "leave early" stunt so he would only pay her 1500 pesos for ST. She refused to leave and he threw her out. There was no physical fight as such and she left quietly enough though obviously in a foul mood.

She came back later (early next morning?) with bruises, a cop and a lawyer, and the guy was arrested and taken to a Puerto Plata cell for the night. The security guard who had let her out said she was in good state when she left so presumably the bruises were inflicted by herself or her chulo.

Next day some of the friends he had made on his trips here, plus some very experienced ex-pats, arrived with a lawyer. Eventually they all chipped in to make up US$3500 to get him released and (I think) the charges dropped. The monger left for the US (either because it was his last day anyway or because he was understandably so pissed off with the DR, or because he was now broke, or because it was a condition of his release, I don't know which). I guess he won't be back in a hurry.

The above are the brief facts, though obviously there was a lot more hassle, unpleasantness and complications involved over a 36-hour period.

Some random comments:

136, 500 pesos expended to save 1000, plus a lot of other guys precious holiday time and incidental expenses. Many guys advocate standing up to the chicas and cops and not yielding any ground. This might work 19 times out of 20 but when you look at the cost savings it is not a good bet.

I have no idea whether the guy had been drinking or was stone-cold sober but alcohol is never helpful in such situations.

The management of Terra Linda were totally unhelpful (and wouldn't let the security guard speak on the monger's behalf) but the manager of Rocky's (where the guy was not staying and who did not know the guy from Adam) spent a lot of his time helping. It might have been him who arranged a defence lawyer but don't quote me on that. I can understand Terra Linda's position. They have to carry on their business after the monger is back in the States and they don't want to make enemies of a cop and a lawyer by denying them a payday, but I suspect he would have got more backing from the New Garden and obviously at Rocky's because their whole businesses are reliant on recommendations from mongers whereas TL are trying to position themselves as a family hotel.

This sort of thing could happen in any part of the DR (or in most other corrupt countries as well) but it is far more likely to happen with hard-core putas from the "strip" in Sosua. (I imagine I will get no arguments from Jaosousa on that point). That is one reason why, after my first 2 or 3 trips, I have confined my mongering to Pto Pta, other small towns and the campo.

Kudos to all the guys who chipped in, not with "wise after the event" comments but with their time and a lot of hard cash. Most of them hardly knew the guy but they all realised it could happen to any of us. Had he been a lone wolf he could really have been screwed a lot worse.

Original Posting:

http://www.internationalsexguide.inf.=1#post1302463I heard about this when it was happening. This is different from a girl talking to you for 10 - 20 min then demanding 100 pesos. That must be a new con. That one pop shit sucks, because 9 times out of 10 the one pop was a bad performance and those chicas usually ask you 4 or 5 times did you leche and they start huffing and puffing, acting like you are taking too long when you only been fucking for 10 min. This is why I love Rio. None of that bullshit.

07-03-13, 01:04
-I cannot know for sure and neither can we what really happened to that guy aside from the fact-He got in a fight with the girl and she had bruises and he didn't pay her the amount she felt she was owed.

Now see'mon. Even a 'hardcore' isn't going to make all that up-or is she? #1 She was a hardcore I'll bet my life on it. #2 He was polluted #3 She rendered service for the $$$ #4 He was polluted. #5 I think he physically removed her from his room and when you drink you don't realize your strength and he did bruise her. #6 Tierra Linda was fed up with the monger drunk bullshit and didn't care about losing their business and still don't. #7 cops had no choice if she's bruised and he admitted throwing her out and not paying her-even if he did pay that's still assault.

----Of course this is all conjecture on my part----

These stories are few and far between-all we can all do is say "Monger Beware Be on Your Best Behavior and You'll be Fine"

07-03-13, 01:11
My brother, its all about balancing out the equation. I am not too concerned about being extorted myself, I don't come across as an easy target. I have been in this monger game for a minute and have never experienced some of the BS extortion / police games that others are writing about. The reason why I posted was to give Newbies a different viewpoint.

If 10 guys on this board are saying "Anytime a girl pouts, crosses her arms and stamps her foot. Throw money at her so she doesn't call the police!" I feel it would be a disservice if I didn't say "You don't always have to give your hard earned money away...I am totally with you on the balance premise. The chicas and the chulos in Sosua are just like any pimp or hoe in any town in any country in the sense that they will absolutely and positively mistake kindness for weakness. I myself have never encountered this particular shakedown, but I once had a problem with a bartender at Rumbas that just completely blew me off when I asked her for my change. She owed me 50 pesos, and her response to me was "Y mi propina que!" in translation "what about my tip!"

I was pretty drunk and full of liquid courage, and my testerone charged machismo reacted to her blatant and disrespectful treatment quite abruptly and swiftly by barking several insults and threats at her in Spanish that froze her in her tracks. Now I am completely fluent in Spanish and even Dominican Spanish complete with their signature little up and down inflection rythm, so perhaps that communication gap which is usually at the root of most of these type of misunderstandings wasn't an issue for me and my reaction shocked and caught her so off guard that she just folded, but it could've gone the other way.

Minutes later I saw her speaking to a shady looking character while they both mean mugged me, and she no doubt was sharing her version of the events with him and I wouldn't put it past her to have been gasing his head up to redeem her honor in their warped, fucked up morality that beckons him to defend his lady's honor against the evil gringo marauder, but sees nothing wrong to pimp his wife to me so she can put food on his table while he sleeps all day. You see what we're dealing with here bro. Scumbags.

Heinsight is 20/20, and have it to do all over again I prob woulda just given her the stinking 50 right off the bat. It's just not worth the bullshit.

07-03-13, 01:17
- I had been with the girl a few times( 2 trips maybe 5 times) before-We agreed 1000 pesos for a BJ-so we go to the room we relaxing having a good time we have our fun get done the sex and we enjoy each others company awhile longer she even nodded out for a little while.

Get ready to leave she wants 500 more-I said for what-she said.she stayed longer than she should have for 1000 pesos-I said I didn't tell you to stay and you slept anyway. You could have left at any time after you finished the BJ----She wasn't going to leave until she got the 500 pesos.so we sat around awhile and I told her I will give you the 500 pesos and I will never be with you again-I got the 500 pesos bill crumpled it up in my hand and and threw it under the bed. She told me to get it and I laughed.Finally she crawled and got it. She then wanted me to walk her back-Fat chance.

-Next visit she came up to me and wanted me to leave with her. I said Nunca meant Nunca-Tu no aprende- NO MAS.NUNCA-she got the message.

Being Sober has alot of advantages in this situation.

07-03-13, 01:23
-I cannot know for sure and neither can we what really happened to that guy aside from the fact-He got in a fight with the girl and she had bruises and he didn't pay her the amount she felt she was owed.

Now see'mon. Even a 'hardcore' isn't going to make all that up-or is she? #1 She was a hardcore I'll bet my life on it. #2 He was polluted #3 She rendered service for the $$$ #4 He was polluted. #5 I think he physically removed her from his room and when you drink you don't realize your strength and he did bruise her. #6 Tierra Linda was fed up with the monger drunk bullshit and didn't care about losing their business and still don't. #7 cops had no choice if she's bruised and he admitted throwing her out and not paying her-even if he did pay that's still assault.

-Of course this is all conjecture on my part-

These stories are few and far between-all we can all do is say "Monger Beware Be on Your Best Behavior and You'll be Fine"There are still little mishaps that happen.

Chica agreeing to TLN then having to go see baby and still want money.

Chica doing the "starfish" routine.

Chica demanding more monet than what was previous agree to.

Chica not wanting to do doggystyle.

Chica hurrying you to cum after 3 min.


07-03-13, 01:26
- I had been with the girl a few times (2 trips maybe 5 times) before-We agreed 1000 pesos for a BJ-so we go to the room we relaxing having a good time we have our fun get done the sex and we enjoy each others company awhile longer she even nodded out for a little while.

Get ready to leave she wants 500 more-I said for what-she said. She stayed longer than she should have for 1000 pesos-I said I didn't tell you to stay and you slept anyway. You could have left at any time after you finished the BJ-She wasn't going to leave until she got the 500 pesos. So we sat around awhile and I told her I will give you the 500 pesos and I will never be with you again-I got the 500 pesos bill crumpled it up in my hand and and threw it under the bed. She told me to get it and I laughed. Finally she crawled and got it. She then wanted me to walk her back-Fat chance.

-Next visit she came up to me and wanted me to leave with her. I said Nunca meant Nunca-Tu no aprende- NO MAS. NUNCA-she got the message.

Being Sober has alot of advantages in this situation.And the crazy thing is you have been with this Chica before. Only in DR.

Mr Enternational
07-03-13, 01:28
Even when my brother didn't pay the girls he got into trouble because the girls told the cops he had drugs, not because they told the cops he didn't give them money. And when the cops found out the girls were full of shit my brother was no longer in trouble, but the girls were.

Mr Gogo
07-03-13, 01:31
And the crazy thing is you have been with this Chica before. Only in DR.The funny part is that he didn't call her bluff. What happened tough guy.

07-03-13, 01:35
That is a great point BUT. At what point do you stand up for yourself? Wrx2005, I can tell that you are a seasoned traveler, so I respect your responses. I think at some point, common sense has to rule. If I was in Rhumba and a girl came up to me and started a big commotion, I am not going to get into a screaming match with her. I will just calmly summon security and as they escort her out, I will stroll out the other side, jump on a moto and take off to my place. She can call the police all she wants but I won't be there when they show up. Only an idiot would stay there and try to explain his side to the police!

I truly believe that f you are known as the man who will punk out and hand over 200 pesos when the chica has not rendered any services. Then soon you will be known as the man who will punk out and then hand over 2000 pesos! You have been there enough times to know that the girls are not going to say "We will only extort them for 200 pesos and not a penny more!" Its simple common sense that they will continue to up the ante to try and get as much as they can from your pockets.

IMHO, its best that newbies know their options. Yes, there is a chance that a corrupt cop / judge might get involved and then it will cost you a great deal of money to extradite yourself from the situation. The flip side of the coin is not to be a walking ATM either. Don't be that guy who every girl knows they can get money from by threatening to call the cops.Bravo I don't think we have opposing views. My main point is that a monger should not take a hard rule on how he thinks he will handle a situation. He should judge each situation by the fruit that it bares. For instance. I recall seeing a chica in an old youtube video at El Flows pull out a gun because she had a dispute with someone. I don't think it was monger related. But using that example. If a chica pulled out a gun on me for whatever reason. Thats not the time to be taking a stand and deciding I aint paying her because I'm right and she's wrong.

And I think what some of the guys are saying is. None of us should act like we automatically know how we'll handle a situation until you are in that situation, and know all of the potential consequences. If the situation is relatively minor. We can take the strongest stand necessary to diffuse the situation. We don't need to use a cannon approach if a pistol will do (if you get my analogy ).

I really don't think us mongers should really be overly concerned about how chicas think about us. By the mere fact that we are buying pussy, they can't be thinking too highly of us in the 1st place. Moreover, enough chicas will still try to get something out of you, even if you don't think you give off a "mark" vibe. Like asking money to pay rent, or telling you their baby is sick, or whatever story they come up with. Even seasoned vets I'm sure are getting the occasional sob story. The wise monger handles it accordingly. And the chica who realizes she aint getting anywhere will brush the refusal off. But the point is, she knows she has to try. Experience has taught many a chica, that a guy might slip or be weak at that moment. If chicas are still trying to get over even with vets, that tells me they don't think highly of us, no matter how you carry yourself.

So I wouldn't worry about what impressions they are left with. The key for us is to make a lesson from any given situation, and learn how to handle ourselves much better the next occasion that is presented. I tell you, every trip I see things that reinforces the fact that we have to be on point with these chicas and how we carry ourselves. It boggles my mind how persistent they are. But then that applies to many in the DR.

07-03-13, 01:49
And the crazy thing is you have been with this Chica before. Only in DR.I had arrived that day and it was later that night I was with her. I told just about every night on that trip never again and then on my next tripo I told her never again-she finally got the hint. For that extra 500 pesos she lost about 10,000 they'll never learn.

07-03-13, 01:57
I think we have discussed this topic ad nauseam! I appreciate the member who took time out to tell us about this new scam in Sosua. I am sure we can all agree to "live and let live". If a monger wants to reach in his pocket to avoid trouble, then by all means, pay up. If another monger wants to take a stand and not pay an extortion fee, then do you. We all have to live with the consequences / benefits of our decisions. Its up to each and every individual monger to take the path that seems right for them.

07-03-13, 02:57
The funny part is that he didn't call her bluff. What happened tough guy.She never said she was going to call the cops-she just said she wasn't going to leave my room. There was no bluff.no physical confrontation-Why don't you learn to read the post thoroughly -Before you make a bigger fool of yourself with your derogatory comments

Don Antonio
07-03-13, 03:37
And the really baddest thing that happened to Sosua over the last three years, is all those [Racial Epithet(s) Deleted by Admin] (guess that's what you call yourself!) invading the DR and this board.

[Racial Epithet(s) Deleted by Admin]

Now, look at your postings and discussions. It just wants me to throw up.

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was edited in accordance with the Forum's Zero Tolerance policy regarding reports containing racial epithets.

Please be advised that Forum Members who succeed in having three or more of their reports deleted for personal attacks, racial epithets or other derogatory comments, will be banned under the Forum's Serial Antagonist Policy.

Mr Gogo
07-03-13, 03:45
She never said she was going to call the cops-she just said she wasn't going to leave my room. There was no bluff.no physical confrontation-Why don't you learn to read the post thoroughly -Before you make a bigger fool of yourself with your derogatory commentsOh! You want to make it personal? No prob. You have stepped all over yourself and I gave you a pass because you have the mentality of of a complete rookie in Sosua or someone who has never been. Plus you give terrible advise then contradict yourself two posts later. Now you want to make it personal when you are exposed as being a .

The girl played you like a complete sap, only you are too conceited to know it. You had been with her five times but she still didn't develope enough respect for you to not try to play you. Maybe she needed a reason to not fuck you anymore, but then she realized how easy you were so she kept trying. She didn't need to use the police threat because you fell for the"I'm not leaving" threat. Even amatures know to call their bluff on that one. Then you talk about guys giving in and falling prey LOL. Now girls will use the not leaving threat because you were week.

Also that lame advise about using Spanish lessons to get a girl to your room was hilarious. I'm sure the girl also laughed. They go to your room to fuck, not because of some silly shit.

Do you really expect people who have traveled the DR to believe that you and your friends never have had a problem with cops? Thats evidence that you don't know shit about the DR. I look Dominican and I get pulled over all the time for a handout especially in SD while driving. Talk to some of the small business owners in Sosua about cops making their rounds. Its probably because you and your friends spend your whole vacation in the hotel room playing Uno, and over-paying girls to leave.

And do you really think Willie (Dlatins) and Rumba really care about you personally. Do you really think mongers will stage a boycott against Dlatins because of you? Did people stop going to Terra linda when they threw a mongerer under the bus? No.

Next time I give you a pass and try to be respectful, accept it, because I see clearly through your BS.

07-03-13, 03:56
Alright. So I have it narrowed down to two choices.

Blackbeard's or Tropicaladultvacations.

Advantages of BB (as I see them) :

1) Cost.

Advantages of Tropical:

1) More convenient (in terms of getting there)

2) An all inclusive (both food and women).

Decisions. Decisions.

I think an option would be to try blackbeards first, and then if I don't like it go to the other place.Blackbeards and Field of Dreams would be a better comparison because both have chicas on site for 1500DP ST ans 3000DP TLN. Tropical Adult Vacations averages $500.00 a night. If you did 3 chicas and ate 3 meals at BB or FOD you would spend on average $250.00 but at TAV you pay twice as much for the same. Of course it's your choice.

07-03-13, 04:20
So I set up an facebook account to network with some chica have like 10 friends and I get this random facebook message tonight,"I have advised ICE FBI and local authorities that you are a sex tourist" Anyone here ever see this? Fucking SHAFT is onto me!


Mr Gogo
07-03-13, 04:38
Beach vendors being moved out. Detail in the Gogo forum.

07-03-13, 09:04
well i read through these last few pages and thought i'd throw my 2 cents.

a lot of what has been discussed over the last few pages was pretty relevant. although my time in dr was spent mostly in sosua i did have a day over in punta cana & boca chica. breifly on that note, i saw punta cana wasn't as expensive as some have claimed on the forum. i only went with one chica, but she agreed to 1000 pesos and $1 lol.

unfortunately for me the performance was related to the price, no gfe, she wanted to be in and out of there. gave her an extra 300 pesos and another $1 (i had $2 spare i don't use american dollars, so i was offering what i had)

wish i hadn't she gave me a quick kiss on my chest and neck and called that 'freaky freaky'. should have stuck with the 1000 pesos didn't make a difference and she pretty much killed the moment.

boca chica was just as described on here. constant stream of touts, non stop buggin the hell out of me. i ended up chillin with these 2 dominican guys on the night, same age as me, mid twenties. the one thought he was the top dawg, kept tryna fight with other dominicans. they ended up taking me and these other american dudes i met to a club with some chicas, well of the 3 guys 1 was like 'this is too dangerous' and went home with another. the one that stayed with me (as i was a lone wolf) actually volunteered and swapped and rolled with me.

i didn't see much i liked there, we got loked up, i lost the guy, and that same dominican got me dropped home. maybe that other dude still somewhere lost in boca chica fuck knows lol.

so next day i see one chica them guys had introduced me to the night before, she was a good 7. i offered 500 pesos and she said yeh. hell why not. took the number, said i would hit my hotel, change, and call her.

only thing is i really wasn't feeling boca chica, i was hearing lot's of stories, i was there on my own, and apart from them guys i hadn't seen a single other tourist. and my spanish at that time mostly consisted of 'no gracias, no comprende and hola'. had to get the fuck out of here. so i tried her number, but my phone wouldn't call any dominican number, so thought i'd save myself for sosua!

to cut a long story short, if you do not speak spanish, travelling from punta cana to boca chica (well as close as it takes you) by bus, and travelling to sosua from boca chica via santo domingo is definitely something i would not recommend. i actually missed my stop in santo domingo, the driver was cool enough to actually turn back and drive me back round. when i said i couldn't speak spanish they just smiled and shook their heads (there was a woman who was translating with broken english). i offered him 100 pesos tip but he turned it down.


i got sosua real late, my taxi couldn't find my place as i was renting a condo. he pulled over and some guy he knew called the number in my email, i settled in and was shown around by the guy i was renting the place off. we headed passions, as i wasn't feeling how the girls in cmp surrounded me, i like to pick wisely with a girl that shows charm and i see we have chemistry.

i found that in passions, girl was an 8 and she spoke english which helped. i told her i would come grab her the next day. so i come back next night, but knowing what the going rate is on the street i reallllllly was not feeling these prices. i don't know if this is a regular occurrence but i negotiated with her and gave her 3000 and we left just after 9pm. sure i know i could of had 3 ladies for this, but like i say, the chemistry is important if i'm going to be hittin it all night. plus i think the price is 5000 if before 10 and after 6. apparently they don't see any of that money until the sunday either, so i counted myself lucky and off we went.

we grabbed some brugal, and some food, she got a motoconcho to bring her some weed. and i mean that wak, full of seeds compressed bush weed lol. we smoked we drank, she was like ok papi come it's time to fuck me. she didon't have to ask twice. now here was a problem. i did ask her what she would do in the club, and she asked me why i am asking these questions as no one asked this before? i just asked about the gfe and daty, which i would normally ask as well, i am paying and as such i told her the same. now the time comes and we are on the bed, she telling me no daty, i was pissed admittedly, as i had asked and she'd brushed it off like it was a said thing, but i was high and drunk so i just didn't have the energy to argue and i wanted that pussy, so we moved on quickly from that. as i'm hittin it i'm hearing all that spanish shit which i came for lol, nothing quite like hearing a dominican chica whisper a sexy language you can't understand in your ear in between the moans and 'mmmm papiiiiii'. so the way i am now smacking it, she's like damn are you trying to make me cum? stupid question really. so now she's rubbing her clit as i'm fucking her, and we both licking her fingers, i'm like damn you taste good lol. so yeah eventually she cums, squeezes my ass and pulls me in deeper makes me start banging her even harder, she became very loud, and i make her cum again. too much of the brugal meant i didn't get my end off, but next morning we had couple more rounds so i got mine.

i don't even know if this report will all fit, and this is the shortened version!

so another night, i remember i was just about call it a day (ain't this always the case?) and so i'm just passing near my street, when i see a brother asking someone about baseball i think? so i ask him if he knew where i could catch the juanma fight next day, he told me many places will probably be showing it if i ask in the bars. so we talk a minute turns out hes from ny and he's here on his own too, think he said he had some friends over in pp. so i'm like ima head mine grab some dinero lets catch up in d'latins he was after some 'para gratis' (he later told me that phrase which came in handy and the one phrase i knew very well lol)

so found him over in d'latins, we started hitting the henny talking to some chicas, but then we decided to roll down to the casino where that club above is. in there i met one of the finest girls of the entire trip. with the worst attitude of the entire trip! she agreed to 1000 pesos, but i ended up losing her. though later on in the story we catch up again.

so me an dude from ny get f'd up, and on the way back we see some chica sitting down, we start chatting to her. she says she will fuck us both for 2000. i'm like nar 1000. we haggle for about 5 mins and she agrees both of us for 1000.

we head back to his i think it was the europa, take her to the room she starts give me bbbj. she then gives same to him, he passes me a rubbber i start hitting it she suckig him, we swap, he now spitting on the puss why putting his hand in it, we swap, he then leches all over her face lol. i beat her till completion. we head out she wana come back to mine for more, well this is what hes telling me, his spanish is so-so but better than mine, he wanted more but she was refusing to let him nut her again. as i'm walking away he calls back to me and starts gesturing to give her nada. i burst out laughing she looks back and he starts styling it out rubbing his head or something, he then calls again and same thing was said, this carried on back and forth a few times, and was genuinely a very funny moment.

i take her back, we fuck couple more times, then i'm like damn i only got 900 pesos here with me, i will catch you later we can go again i give you 1100 we go again. she agrees. i still got the number if anyone wants it pm me.

ok so next night was crazy, and this is where i saw the 'darker' side to these chicas. the same girl i saw in casino was in la rumbas. she was wearing a tight black outfit, and man was she thick in all the right places. i had planned on going on a little walk to try find her. but i guess she found me. so we start talking and we agree to same price. we start drinking, and although i was encouraging her to drink more she was very uptight and really did not want to 'let go'. so we head back mine. she wanted money upfront. i'm like ok cool let's go atm. or i said, take the 500 pesos i have on me now, we can fuck and when we walk back i go atm and give the other 500. she wasn't having it. that latina passion came out, and bwooooy did she flip. i'm like, damn cool down i said we can go atm now? she's like i'm just taking the 500 and going (her english was worse than my spanish). i'm like no you are not. if you go give me back the 500. eventually we agree i can go atm she can wait there (all my stuff was locked away)

but emotions were high, and as i'm walking to the atm i thought you know what? ima draw out shit loads of cash come back and just chuck her out. yes looking back that was a stupid idea. so anyway get atm. 10,000 pesos please. spits my card out. i'm like wait. huh? let's try this again. no luck. i try the atm across the road. same result. i'm thinking why oh why lord why now? damn! so i can't remember if it was the security guard that tried to help me out, but eventually the policia offered to take me to another atm, ok yet again another dumb idea (blame the alcohol) but i obliged. this machine let me draw out the money (can't remember if i tried for something like 9 this time) i get back in with the policia and they ask me for 600 pesos! i'm like what? nah man you guys are police you ain't supposed to ask me for money. i gave them 50 pesos and they dropped me back. as i walk in through the gate, (ran in more like) i see her at the other gate arguing with the security trying to leave! i run over and i try to explain the situation, if i remember, the other security guard, at the entrance i came through had it, so she's now walking over that way and i follow. she gets the security to give the id and i am there trying to explain whats happening but he doesn't understand. so i am saying look, she has 500 pesos, take it off her and you can have 300 just as long as she don't have anything. he was refusing money off me, but then he finally grasps whats gone on and realises she has the money and tells her to give it back to me. i flash my cash at her and flick through all the notes, and tell her it was no bs i was going to pay her. her face drops and she's like ok lets go back. i'm like f*ck you no way, your attitude stinks from the moment i met you. he tells her give me the money, she screws it up and throws it at me and says something about me getting fucked up. i laugh the security laughs and she walks off. (i'm sure many who post on here would know this girl, she has thick hips, she's light skin very pretty. i know she's one of the hardcore ones, obviously at 1000 pesos, her attitude, the fact i didn't have to look for her, and found out she's pretty much on that strip daily, one of the more famous sosua putas)

not one to want to end my night on a low i decide to head back out. not long before i see the same girl! lol! she didn't say much just walked past me with a 'if looks could kill, you would be bathing in sulphuric acid' look. oddly with a little smirk too. hmmm. hahaha.

so anyway can't remember how i got talking to the next chica i met but again, instantly recognisable by the huge blonde afro, and i think she lives above the club that was being refurbished. she wanted 2000 i countered with 1000. she was far far more friendly, and much more humble. but she would not budge less than 1500. while we was still ironing out the finer details she asked for some food for her and her friend. i had already brought them a drink each, but i agreed. i just ordered some fries. next thing you know the guy wants 600 pesos. i laughed and said for what? he starts reeling off all this shit they ordered, chicken wings fries this that there was a lot. i'm like hell no. so the blondies little friend starts going ballistic. you loco you loco. i'm like fuck you! i had enough of this shit now, she picks up a bottle (from what i keep reading seems like the classic sosua puta special power / weapon of choice) i laughed and said i will take the bottle off you, i went to walk away, walked back and threw my fries on the table, she threw them on the floor and i went home. tonight was only going to end badly better to let things blow over.

next early evening i saw the two chicas again (blondie & ms itchy bottle fingers) i had pre decided if i saw them i would offer to buy some food, i was a lone wolf, i did not want any problems or to be recognisable for causing trouble. so i tell the blondie (who was still completely cool with me) tell her friend i can get her some food. she asks for 200 pesos and i hand it over, i ask her if we ok now? she says yes.

so me and the blondie start chillin together, she is very friendly (she's sneaky, knows how to get things bought for her, very sweet and innocent acting) first she wants a coke, then a beer, then when we sitting down a woman comes selling eye liner, she wants that, then her friend (itchy bottle fingers) comes back i get her a drink. all the time acting like butter won't melt. major difference between her and the one that couldn't wait for the other 500 pesos, this one will get return custom, and you will be open to spending your cash, even though the other one should be killing it, i know her lack of people and social skills means she is offering 1000 pesos when she could be asking for 3.

anyway me and blondie finally agreed to 1500 pesos (throughout this i may seem like a cheap mofo, but the whole 2 week vacation cost me nearly $3000 which is a lot for someone like me) i take her back, she is much more open to the daty and gfe which is good. we have a good sex session, i pay her and i walk her out. finito.

i decided from here that i would just stick with the chica from passions, i liked her a lot, we got a long well, and i knew i would have no more problems. it just meant spending a lot of money in comparison!

next night i'm with my passions chica, we had a good night, went d'latins then casino. she didn't want to go d'latins in the first place and when i suggested we go to the club above the casino, (after she won me some money lol) she was again saying no, she said if we go there, there will be trouble, that all the girls here fight over bs. and she didn't want to mark up that pretty face now did she? (her words, we laughed about it).

so as i'm walking out the casino to go home, i see blondie. i'm like hey hello and wave. she asks for 200 pesos! i laugh and keep walking. next thing you know. guess who. itchy bottle fingers! lol man she was so coked up, she made tony look like a rookie. she comes flying up to me, 'give me 2000 pesos' trying to put her hand in my pocket i pushed it away and tried to walk round her, as this was the exact thing the chica i was with was trying to avoid, i didn't hype up, i just tried to walk on. she starts going wild, like a bat with rabies, she starts swinging for me, i grab her arm, twist it back and push her away and told her i do not want to her hurt her. next thing you know this kid, must have been between 8-10 years old, comes up to me with this big white pole. he is there trying to give it me telling me to beat her with it. lol. only in dr i guess? it was after 2am i thought what the hell is he doing here? anyway she then starts trying to fight someone else. we walk off and my chica is telling me how she was saying in spanish that i fucked the blonde one which is her girl! that's why she wanted the money. she told me that they both used to be very attractive, but now she believes they are on crack, and this is the result. she says they are together in a relationship, like i say i am sure people will know who i mean.


one of the days i met another guy who was from england. he has lived in the dr now for the past 2 years. cool as fuck guy. we obviously shared a lot in common for the reason of where we are both from so arranged to meet up. missed him the first time but another time caught up with him. long story short. we go on his bike, park up by new beach (the new developed part not many know of i think?) have a couple of beers. met some other dominicans, all half american spoke perfect english went private schools. after we had a couple beers we got back on his bike. now before we got there i should note two things. one he had shown me many pictures of people that had died there in road accidents after drinking. he said the law is pretty much not enforced in that respect. pictures with guys still holding their bottles, dead, brains on the floor. not nice. second he had told me he had his bike confirep001ed recently as there is a new traffic police boss or some sh*t. and they are cracking down on those who do not wear a helmet. even though from what i saw nobody did! thirdly he had just stopped of and brought himself some tony m. damn.

so we are cruising a long, i have a glass in my hand of whisky, (we must have stopped somewhere for this but i do not remember where exactly) and obviously neither of us wearing helmets. i see police ahead of us, they slow down, i tell him man feds are in front. i don't know whether he thought i was lying or did not want to believe me but he said no it isn't. i said trust me i swear look police. so he's like ok watch this, starts half speeding past them (maybe he thought they wouldn't notice 2 gringos no helmets drinking on a bike? lol)

they looked straight at us as we went past and i'm like ahhhh fuck they are 100% going to stop us just from that look i can tell, he starts speeding off and i am trying to remind him he's been drinking and i do not want to end up on someone's phone as a picture with my brains on the floor. he gets pretty far up the road and he's like its ok we lost them we lost them. i'm like actually i think this is them now. they go to drive past us, stop, reverse, jump out overly excited. one of them has a gun about as big as me and i'm 6". all i'm thinking is what this dude has on him, and if they find it. what does that mean for me? (my passions chica later told me exactly what that would mean for me)

he had a rucksack on him, so three of them almost tear that off his back straight away. one stays in the car. they seemed only concerned with what was in his bag, they didn't even search me. they start pulling out all these packs, he kinda half grabs them back saying it's for work (i could half follow what they were saying) but he keeps grabbing them again after searching saying 'no what is this? ' luckily the guy in the car (who by the way looked by far the worst one you would want to fuck with) kept calling them over and over saying to leave us. and eventually they did just that. worst thing is dude had all the tony in his pants pocket. it wasn't even hidden. if they had searched him i don't know if i'd be here writing this right now.

moral of the story? well there is no moral. just don't get involved in those things at any time, because of all the times to get stopped by policia in sosua trust it to be then. if i could describe how corrupt these guys looked, especially the one asking what the packs were. hmmm. turns out those packs were bundles of usd as well, showed me when we got back mine, the one he kept grabbing contained $350. the guys dad owns a big lettings agency out there, why he was carrying all that on him he never fully explained.

to conclude, i mostly hung out with the chica from passions from then on. we sometimes did our little out of hours deals which she said could cost her her job. eventually she trusted me enough to take me back to the casa where a lot of the passions girls lived, they kinda grew to like me, threw a party for me on my last day. (well if you call buying themselves a crate of el presidentes and smoking some weed & sheesha a party ha) but yeah they was all like you my nigga, high fives asking when us two getting married haha. she would be cooking for me etc. so i had a littleeee soft spot for them in the end. you know what the crazy thing is? on the day they got paid on the sunday, they were all broke. i saw what they got paid. my chica had been missing days and coming late. plus they had a new uniform sprung on them. all that money i spent. she ended up with 700 pesos! believe me those girls are not living well. boom boom, wake up in someone else's bed, back to work for 10am (okay sometimes they start at 1pm or 4pm etc but still) for a 10-15 hour shift, all week, end up with 700 pesos. as you can imagine, she wasn't happy.

so there you have it, i tried to keep it brief and really there are many more stories to tell. what can i say about sosua? or even the dr? if you have been to thailand, i don't think you can compare. dr is an absolute sh*t hole. considering that fact, its also pretty expensive for what it is. thailand beats it hands down in every way. except probably the most important thing. i definitely find the dr girls a lot more attractive. but then again, i like hispanic girls and light skin black girls. i wish the girls from thailand could trade with dr and i know where my new home would be. ah well a guy can dream eh? dr has put me off latin america, if i am honest, kind of glad i didn't go colombia now. dr is a dangerous country, even if sosua is not so much.

i actually came back feeling i needed a vacation because of that vacation!

if i do go back, yes i'll probably go see my passions chica again. but the thing i would do differently is probably go somewhere like pp for normal girls. i think there is a lot of p*ssy to be had there. once i shook off the lust for that one chic, i saw everywhere i went (aside from sosua where obviously every girl is on you regardless of who you are) for example in airports etc, i was getting crazy attention off the girls there. i think if someone is young and good looking you can probably do very well in dr, there is no need to stay in that hell hole they call sosua.

at least in thailand, you have no drama (maybe they beef up your tab, but nothing you can't laugh about) , everything is cheap as hell, there is many things to do outside of mongering, and it's a safe place to be. hey the women are still pretty hot there too.

hasta la vista sosua!

07-03-13, 11:13
nothing to see here folks! just another dirty european on "holiday" in the dr for a month chasing around **** chicas. but his run in with the politur about his **** behavior was not enough to keep him from bringing his nasty ass back to the dr in search of more little girls:

originally posted by don antonio: 07-18-2012 at 13:16.

just another "data point"; this is first-hand and went down last friday.

had been on- and off w/a chica for three weeks but had declined her company over the last several days. she knew that i was departing the next day, and felt she deserved more money for our time together. i politely declined the request and left the strip at 2 am w/another female friend in tow.

at 9:20 am the next morning there is a knock on my door (i was still in bed) , and i am being served w/a notice to appear at 10 am at the fiscalia to sort out the dispute. immediately contacted friends (expats, and dominicans) who advised me to ignore the notice. what would happen is another notice to appear some three-five days later, and then eventually a third notice. by that time, of course, i would be long gone.

returned to my apartment to finish packing for my afternoon flight. at 10:45 am, another knock on the door. this time policia nacional w/an arrest warrant, and accompanied by the other party (chica). on the way to sosua's city hall, pn stops in a quiet side street and suggests that the girl and i settle things amenably here and there, thus negating the need to stand in front of the judge. i offered rdp 5k, she wanted 30k, and eventually we settled for 10k (plus an extra 1k for my newly found pn friends.) total damage 11, 000 pesos.

of course, there are a lot more details to the story and as to how the transaction unfolded. but importantly, i wasn't willing to argue in front of a judge over a difference of 5,000 pesos, and miss my flight. and maybe also find out that she wasn't really 18, as she had claimed.

all in all, it was handled professionally by all parties involved. and i see it no different than a traffic ticket in the us; one handles the situation like an adult and plays along, and everything works out fine for all involved. or one can insist on being 100% in the right, and the situation can escalate and get very ugly (and expensive) in a hurry.

07-03-13, 13:56
nothing to see here folks! just another dirty european on "holiday" in the dr for a month chasing around **** chicas. but his run in with the politur about his **** behavior was not enough to keep him from bringing his nasty ass back to the dr in search of more little girls:


originally posted by don antonio: 07-18-2012 at 13:16.

just another "data point"; this is first-hand and went down last friday.

had been on- and off w / a chica for three weeks but had declined her company over the last several days. she knew that i was departing the next day, and felt she deserved more money for our time together. i politely declined the request and left the strip at 2 am w / another female friend in tow.

at 9:20 am the next morning there is a knock on my door (i was still in bed) , and i am being served w / a notice to appear at 10 am at the fiscalia to sort out the dispute. immediately contacted friends (expats, and dominicans) who advised me to ignore the notice. what would happen is another notice to appear some three-five days later, and then eventually a third notice. by that time, of course, i would be long gone.

returned to my apartment to finish packing for my afternoon flight. at 10:45 am, another knock on the door. this time policia nacional w / an arrest warrant, and accompanied by the other party (chica). on the way to sosua's city hall, pn stops in a quiet side street and suggests that the girl and i settle things amenably here and there, thus negating the need to stand in front of the judge. i offered rdp 5k, she wanted 30k, and eventually we settled for 10k (plus an extra 1k for my newly found pn friends.) total damage 11, 000 pesos.

of course, there are a lot more details to the story and as to how the transaction unfolded. but importantly, i wasn't willing to argue in front of a judge over a difference of 5, 000 pesos, and miss my flight. and maybe also find out that she wasn't really 18, as she had claimed.

all in all, it was handled professionally by all parties involved. and i see it no different than a traffic ticket in the us; one handles the situation like an adult and plays along, and everything works out fine for all involved. or one can insist on being 100% in the right, and the situation can escalate and get very ugly (and expensive) in a hurry.i wonder. if he would have pulled the police to the side, and negotiated dropping everything, including not paying the chica. would the police have complied? could he have settled with them for less than 11, 000 pesos? once he heeded the advice to ignore the notice, he should have realized that it's not going to get any better. maybe he should have checked out of the hotel, and stayed somewhere else. then lay low until it's time to fly. but then, maybe the police would be looking for him upon his next return, and if that chica spots him again. will see to it that the police are informed of his presence in sosua. this is a perfect example of why giving details of your itinerary to anybody can work against you in the wrong hands. and. don't get comfortable giving details just because you've spent time with a chica before. she just might turn on you. especially if you cut her loose.

i sure would like to know what their original $$$ agreement was? and how much the chica was expecting to get paid before the police got involved?