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12-12-13, 00:43
I've been looking for a monger destination that is cheap, close and exciting. From the looks of the posts here I may have found it. Being from Washington state I feel it may be OK to ask about the herbal entertainment options here in the DR. Is it a big deal to connect with a small bit of Jamaican tobacco or is it prevalent? I understand it can be found anywhere if looking hard enough, so my question here is how hard does one have to look? Does the local LE care a little, a lot or not at all? Just curious as it is not a deal breaker either way.Moto concho drivers can get you whatever you want they will claim to be "your frenn." If I were you I would steer clear of anything that can remotely be perceived as illegal in the DR. The moto concho drivers as well as some of the chicas have been reported to be in collusion with La Policia to set up gringos for a big payday. What I am saying is that $5. 00 bag of weed can conceivably cost you $5000. 00 if you are arrested. The DR is not Jamaica where 420 is part of the culture, it is used in the DR but it is not common place. You have to ask yourself is it worth it? Be safe Hermano.

12-12-13, 01:11
More spotlight on Sosua thanks to butt injecting CubaDave. The reporter even reveals followers on his Facebook and talks about MDE. http://www.miaminewtimes.com/2013-12-12/news/cuba-dave-sex-tourism/

12-12-13, 01:32
Had two things happen to me for the first time on this trip, had a chica try to pick pocket me tonight in D'Latin, had another chica want to use a cover for a BJ, I had already dinned so I offered her 500P and told her she could go, in all the years I have been coming to the DR I have never had a covered BJ.Had two chicas give me a covered BJ in the past 10 days and was surprised. I never make any requests as to what I want from the chicas in the room before taking them as I like being surprised, however like you, these were not pleasant surprises and since it hadn't been discussed beforehand I decided not to fight it. Now seems like where going to have to get this clarified up front as it is becoming more prevalent here.

Marc Anthony
12-12-13, 01:33
I've been looking for a monger destination that is cheap, close and exciting. From the looks of the posts here I may have found it. Being from Washington state I feel it may be OK to ask about the herbal entertainment options here in the DR. Is it a big deal to connect with a small bit of Jamaican tobacco or is it prevalent? I understand it can be found anywhere if looking hard enough, so my question here is how hard does one have to look? Does the local LE care a little, a lot or not at all? Just curious as it is not a deal breaker either way.Don't be misled by the legal climate in the US. Weed can get you in serious trouble in the DR. It provides a wonderful excuse to set you up so everybody can profit. It has nothing to do with whether LE "cares" in the abstract. The people who have your nuts in a vise may actually use and traffic coke themselves and that won't stop them a bit from treating you like the narco kingpin your 2 joints prove you to be.

12-12-13, 01:34
I've been looking for a monger destination that is cheap, close and exciting. From the looks of the posts here I may have found it. Being from Washington state I feel it may be OK to ask about the herbal entertainment options here in the DR. Is it a big deal to connect with a small bit of Jamaican tobacco or is it prevalent? I understand it can be found anywhere if looking hard enough, so my question here is how hard does one have to look? Does the local LE care a little, a lot or not at all? Just curious as it is not a deal breaker either way.You will have street hustlers trying to offer it to you. Herbal is illegal there and all over the DR. I have bought some I few times. Its reggie, looks home grow, hard to grid, shit load of seeds, but it will surprise you and put you on that level. I wouldn't suggest dealing with the hustlers but sometimes you have to. Never give him the money first! Tell him you are buying it for your novia and you don't use. Inspect the product first and look real disappointed while inspecting. Give it back and say sorry its no good. The last thing he wants to do is carry it back. Its on you from there.

12-12-13, 01:44

A Canadian tourist (46) denounced that he was beaten in a local bar (D'latin) when two Haitians got into a fight, in which he was not taking part.

Allegedly police arrested him and a friend and only released him after he had fetched money from an ATM and paid the police.

Any news on this from people on the ground? I'm asking on this specifically because I have been living in Canada for 16 yrs, and its very hard to start a fight with Canadian unless its in a hockey game.

12-12-13, 02:19
More spotlight on Sosua thanks to butt injecting CubaDave. The reporter even reveals followers on his Facebook and talks about MDE.

http://www.miaminewtimes.com/2013-12-12/news/cuba-dave-sex-tourism/What a douchebag. That's what he gets for trying to be friendly with an investigative journalist and blathering away about his personal info. They returned the favor with a 6-page expose on him.

"Just recently, though, turf wars seem to have popped up in this multibillion-dollar industry. A 48-year-old sex tour leader from Brooklyn named Noah Goldberg was recently shot dead, gangland style, at a restaurant in Medellín, Colombia."

Unbelievable bullshit statement! Noah Goldberg a*k*a "Medellin Paisa" was murdered because he was into some very shady shit. It had nothing to do with prostitution or a fucking "turf war". Un-fucking-belivable...

12-12-13, 02:35
Haven't been to the beach yet, due to the rain and cool temps.How much cool? I will be coming from Edmonton. -40 C (forty degrees Celsius below zero) , so if its over 10 degree Celsius I'm going for a swim.

12-12-13, 05:30
More spotlight on Sosua thanks to butt injecting CubaDave. The reporter even reveals followers on his Facebook and talks about MDE.

http://www.miaminewtimes.com/2013-12-12/news/cuba-dave-sex-tourism/There is nothing investigative in it just cheap trolling and cock envy. Allie Cunti?. Give me a break

12-12-13, 06:46
How much cool? I will be coming from Edmonton. -40 C (forty degrees Celsius below zero) , so if its over 10 degree Celsius I'm going for a swim.Hit the water, was in Cabarette today kayaking and got totally wet. The temperature is neutral, not cold or hot, just perfect for swimming if it's not raining.

Chris Long
12-12-13, 09:40
More spotlight on Sosua thanks to butt injecting CubaDave. The reporter even reveals followers on his Facebook and talks about MDE.

http://www.miaminewtimes.com/2013-12-12/news/cuba-dave-sex-tourism/Stupid is as stupid does, this self-absorbed media hound is going to draw unwanted attention and cause heightened scrutiny for all of us.

CubaDave a legend in his own mind.


(PS: what is the deal with those wack off pictures he keeps on the walls in his bedroom. Strange, very Strange)

12-12-13, 15:36
Stupid is as stupid does, this self-absorbed media hound is going to draw unwanted attention and cause heightened scrutiny for all of us.

CubaDave a legend in his own mind.


(PS: what is the deal with those wack off pictures he keeps on the walls in his bedroom. Strange, very Strange) Thanks. Excellent in-depth article that provides nice analysis and history.

CubaDave is clearly a narcissist that needs counseling.

12-12-13, 15:47
There is nothing investigative in it just cheap trolling and cock envy. Allie Cunti?. Give me a breakHow do you know if any federal laws were broken?

This is the risk a monger pays for being an arrogant prick.

12-12-13, 15:49

A Canadian tourist (46) denounced that he was beaten in a local bar (D'latin) when two Haitians got into a fight, in which he was not taking part.

Allegedly police arrested him and a friend and only released him after he had fetched money from an ATM and paid the police.

Any news on this from people on the ground? I'm asking on this specifically because I have been living in Canada for 16 yrs, and its very hard to start a fight with Canadian unless its in a hockey game.Thanks for the article.

Best advice. Leave the establishment when a fight breaks out.

12-12-13, 16:13
The past few days have been a little frustrating for me with some of the Dominican Chicas I've encountered walking the streets during the day. A covered BJ, when are you going to cum, your to big, your hurting me, etc. Too much drama and bullshit at times. Since my Dominican wife being on the rag the past few days I haven't had a good experience in the past few days but finally had one last night. The last three nights I've been hanging around Central Bar checking out the Haitan's and observing them. Met a local from the States who lives here and he was filling me in on the girls that he know's at Central Bar. There were also lots of pairs as well who were very aggresive and also very desperate. I saw one that was a lighter shade of black with a nice body and motioned her over. She came over to me with her friend and as it turned out it she only spoke French so her friend who spoke Spanish had to interpret and suggested I take both of them. I wasn't interested in this and told the Spanish speaking one I could not go with her friend because of the language barrier with me not speaking any French and her friend not speaking any Spanish or English. So I politely said goodbye and started walking around, going into Rumbas / Latina's checking out all the hot chica's dressed up with their flawless make-up clothing, jewelry, etc. Which really isn't my cup of tea.

I thought about the Haitian Chica who only spoke French and decided it was stupid to not go with her, the worst that could happen is that I would just come back to the Strip if things didn't work out and pickup another one. That's what's cool about this place. So I hang out looking for the pair and after about twenty minutes I find them in Rumba Bar and they come up to me again and the Spanish speaking one is pushing me to take them both. I say no and ask how much for her friend. No answer so I just tell her I have a thousand pesos and they reacted like they had just hit pay dirt, but the Spanish speaking one said I had to give her 100 Pesos to buy her a beer so I did. Before leaving I told the Spanish speaking one that her friend would need a Cedula to come into the Hotel. There was a problem and the Spanish speaking one goes into her purse and pulls out a Hatian Cedula that looked like it had the picture of a black Alferd E. Newman from Mad Magazine on it. I looked at this and thought, oh well let's see what happens. While leaving Rumbas the Domican chicas were giving me a dirty look and we crossed the street and walked past Bar Central holding hands. Several of the agressive Haitians that I had blown off the past few nights looked at me as though I was cool going with one of them. The racism / hatred between the Domincans and Haitians here is really intense as I have found out.

We get to the hotel and Roberto the security guard looks aver the Cedula which is a total crack up and says okay. I have gotten to know him so no problem. Upstairs we go and I offer her a beer and we sit together not being able to communicate verbally and she starts hugging and caressing me for about ten minutes. No rush no hurry. I then point to the shower, giver her a towel and she takes a shower. What a cute and tight ass she has, wow I'm in heaven. After I shower I lay her on her stomach and giver her a massage. She was kind of purring like a cat. After massaging her I laid on my back and she was content to touch and be caressed. After about 10 minutes she stared giving me head and didn't need any prompting like some of these Dominican chicas. After about 10 minutes I decided I wanted to get inside of her and put on the condom. I lubed up with the Astro-glide and she was tight as a drum and grimaced while I started penetrating her. All kinds of positions and from behind she stared moaning and got really wet and finally loosened up. Felt good in all positions with her and no complaining or whining. Got her on top to finish and she had a helicopter rotor move to die for.

We finished up and I gave her a 300 Peso tip for being such a sweetheart besides the 1,000 Pesos and got her a Motoconcho to take her back to the Strip. I know now why a lot of guys are going with these Haitian girls. My next trip down here I'm going to spend more time getting to know them and may take a pair of them. Maybe I'll even learn a little French, however it's not necessary as I found out.

12-12-13, 17:01
How much cool? I will be coming from Edmonton. -40 C (forty degrees Celsius below zero) , so if its over 10 degree Celsius I'm going for a swim.I say it dropped down into the 70's F. Don't know what that is Celsius. Yesterday, Wed was warmer. Went to the beach in the mid afternoon for lunch. Rained last night (no surprise ). Currently sunny with some clouds here and there. T-shirt weather, and even light weight long sleeve weather right now.

12-12-13, 17:24
In the states I pre-arranged a get together with a chica I know from Esperanza. She was to come 12/6. The day after I got back to Sosua. Everything worked out this time. She made to Charimico a little past 6pm. I went to pick her up, and as usual she was dressed to kill. I can see that she put on a little weight, but none of it took away from how sexy she looked. This girls loves them fancy high heels. Everything looking good, from her hair to her toe nails.

This is was her 1st time to the apartment. I never mentioned to her that I had one. Just figured I let it be a surprise. One of the reasons I didn't tell her, is because back in August me and her had a little bit of a problem hooking up. She was supposed to come back then, but she flaked on me, and came up with some BS that her phone was damaged. After she texted me that BS, she said she would come the next day. I told her then ok, but call me 1st. Chica never called me, but instead just started heading to Sosua. At some point she started texting me to tell she was in PP getting ready to take a publico. I never answered her text. Basically she travelled all the way from Esperanza to PP for nothing.

Hey thats what she gets for wasting my time and lying that previous night. Moreover, she doesn't use her head. She never asked me where I was staying. I told her numerous times to call me before you get to Charimicos so she doesn't have to wait there in the dark. Ya never know if somebody might snatch her pocketbook. Chica doesn't listen. She didn't call me until she arrived in Charimicos. Which meant she still had to wait for me to come pick her up. Oh well, I tried. I guess I won't ever understand how someof these folks don't think.

Anyway, once in the spot. We have some Baileys together, showers and its off to bed. With her it's always very passionate. Nice and wet. Good headwork (no cim ). No in the culo. In the morning a little quickie before I take her to Charimicos to catch a publico. I'll see her again in late January / early February.

Chris Long
12-12-13, 17:47
Gone but not forgotten.

12-12-13, 18:13
I went to the playa yesterday since it was warm. I wanted to have my fried fish, yellow rice, sweet plantains and salad. I also was on a mission. There is a restaurant owner on the playa that has a young lady working there. She often introduces guys to the chicas that work with her at the restaurant. I remember seeing this chica last November up at Winners Circle with the restaurant lady, but I was with the cable guys sister (Belky) having a drink.

Restaurant lady introduces us. She comes out the kitchedn and gives me a hug. I ask her if she would like to get together later? She agrees. Chica called shortly after 8 when she got off. Walked around the corner to meet her in front of WC. Walked back to the car and off we go back to my spot. A couple of showers later and it's bang zoom with this young tenderoni.

No head, juicy pussy, very passionate kissing. A real sweetheart. She let me know from the start that she could stay all night. I definitely want to get with her again. Oh yeah, she never touched her phone last night. Only in the morning when it was time to go.

12-13-13, 01:08
she doesn't use her head.I find that the more sexy a girl is the less brain she use, its universal with few exceptions.

Rebel Monger
12-13-13, 01:51
I've been looking for a monger destination that is cheap, close and exciting. From the looks of the posts here I may have found it. Being from Washington state I feel it may be OK to ask about the herbal entertainment options here in the DR. Is it a big deal to connect with a small bit of Jamaican tobacco or is it prevalent? I understand it can be found anywhere if looking hard enough, so my question here is how hard does one have to look? Does the local LE care a little, a lot or not at all? Just curious as it is not a deal breaker either way.I can't help you find that "stuff" but I do can give you a little advice, stay away from anything illegal in the Dominican Republic. You might end up in jail and it's going to cost you a lot of money to sort the mess.

12-13-13, 05:09
My San Pedro girl arrived today. Thought her and I were going to go at it once inside my spot. Didn't happen. Didn't get mad. I had just showered. So I went in the closet put on some clothes and went out. I met a real nice chica the night before while sitting at Rockys. I had taken her number and told her I will call her later that night or another night. I couldn't promise last night, because the restaurant chica was expected to show up. And as it turned out, she (restaurant chica) stayed the whole night.

I whatsapped this new girl the next day to feel her out. She responded receptively. So using my situation with my SP chica to my advantage, I hooked up with the new chica. Worked out the details in Rockys, and off we go to the cabana. I really regretted not being able to take her to my spot (since San pedro was still there ). This new chica was a total package. I didn't find out until we left the cabana that she was only 21. I swear she looked like she was at least 26 or 27. Real mature. And relatively new to the scene.

Once in the cabana, you would have thought somebody flipped a switch on us and told us to go at each other. We were both genuinely turned on to each other. She is the 1st chica I ever had that had a pierced pussy. Her head game was on point as well. I'm sure she would get me off if I let her continue sucking me. She had incredible lips. I don't mean the way her lips looked, it was the way her lips felt while we were kissing. Very sensuous lips and kissing. We finished up, and I dropped her off near D'Latins so she could hook up with her GF. Now I'm back in my spot, and my SP chica is wondering when I'm coming back to bed. I think I have enough leche for her too. When I can, that new chica is welcome to spend a whole night in my spot. Hope she can cook? That would be an added bonus.

Just a side note. Even though this new chica was fantastic, in and out of bed. I was also paying attention to her whining about her phone not being that good. Problems with the battery etc etc. Chances are too much contact and time with this chica, and she will eventually ruin it by requesting I buy her another phone, or some other form of help. Many of these chicas are quick to use a dudes favorable attitude towards her and try to get things. I guess they figure you are less likely to say no. No different than that cable guy I was introduced to, who used my contentment of having my cable hooked up, to try to get more out of me.

Thats why sticking and moving in many forms and encounters (chicas, touts, venders, panhandlers, dom family members, policia, motoconchos, etc etc) can be beneficial if one wants to counter the forthcoming bullshit. Keep it moving, be an elusive target.

12-13-13, 06:21
Just a side note. Even though this new chica was fantastic, in and out of bed. I was also paying attention to her whining about her phone not being that good. Problems with the battery etc etc.Its good that she provided a good service first then asked indirectly for increase for the good performance, that's much better than girls who are bad in bed and they ask for more than agreed with no shame.

She will eventually get a new phone from someone if she kept on being good in and out of bed.

12-13-13, 06:50
How do you know if any federal laws were broken?

This is the risk a monger pays for being an arrogant prick.Tell it to CD face to face. Until then stick to watching the weather channel (CNN).

12-13-13, 08:36
Thats why sticking and moving in many forms and encounters (chicas, touts, venders, panhandlers, dom family members, policia, motoconchos, etc etc) can be beneficial if one wants to counter the forthcoming bullshit. Keep it moving, be an elusive target.Thank you so much for your trip reports!

I'm starting to like this trend, trip reports in the Sosua Reports thread; what a concept!

12-13-13, 09:22
The past few days have been a little frustrating for me with some of the Dominican Chicas I've encountered walking the streets during the day. A covered BJ, when are you going to cum, your to big, your hurting me, etc. Too much drama and bullshit at times. Since my Dominican wife being on the rag the past few days I haven't had a good experience in the past few days but finally had one last night. The last three nights I've been hanging around Central Bar checking out the Haitan's and observing them. Met a local from the States who lives here and he was filling me in on the girls that he know's at Central Bar. All shapes and sizes with some gorilla faced girls on the street. There were also lots of pairs as well who were very aggresive and also very desperate. I saw one that was a lighter shade of black with a nice body and motioned her over. She came over to me with her friend and as it turned out it she only spoke French so her friend who spoke Spanish had to interpret and suggested I take both of them. I wasn't interested in this and told the Spanish speaking one I could not go with her friend because of the language barrier with me not speaking any French and her friend not speaking any Spanish or English. So I politely said goodbye and started walking around, going into Rumbas / Latina's checking out all the hot chica's dressed up with their flawless make-up clothing, jewelry, etc. Which really isn't my cup of tea.

T.I am enjoying your report Surfer500, but maybe you can use a better choice of words in the future. Some of the things you write can easily be interpreted as very offensive to some board members.

For example : "Crossing the Species Barrier" and "Gorilla Faces" when describing Haitian girls.

I am sure you can come up with a better way of describing your adventures without being offensive.

Chris Long
12-13-13, 09:24
Day eight of an eleven day trip and I just used my last condum. I brought an unopend box of 40 and I have used them all up. Ya got to luv Sosua. This is my ninth trip down this year, only went to Costa Rica twice, that says it all right there. Next month back to the PI for more sweet sweet Pinay Pussy.


12-13-13, 11:39
Its good that she provided a good service first then asked indirectly for increase for the good performance, that's much better than girls who are bad in bed and they ask for more than agreed with no shame.

She will eventually get a new phone from someone if she kept on being good in and out of bed.She was extremely subtle about it. I suppose her response could be mistaken for what I suspected. See, I had asked her a couple of questions that got her started. 1st I praised her for taking advantage of charging her phone while we were in the cabana. So many chicas I know or observed complain about having no juice left for their phones. Primarily because many talk, text, youtube and listen to music all damn day, but don't plug them in enough to charge when they have the opportunity. They wait to the mug is dead, and then act like they don't know how it happened.

My praise of charging her phone lead to her complaints of having a bad battery, and that the phone wasnt that good. I also asked her if she had the app Viber on her phone? Since she had whatsapp already it wouldn't hurt to tell her about Viber. Then we (and all her other clients LOL) can call each other for free. She didn't know about the app, but that tip lead more into her complaining about her phone. So to cut her a little slack. If I had kept my mouth shut about her phone altogether, she might not have shared her displeasure with her phone, which I took as a subtle hint she would want another one if I was concerned or inclined. I could be right though. Many of these chicas are here in Sosua to gather up Navidad dinero. If she could get a phone too, then why not. But yes bro, it was good she provided good services (which seemed more personal than work) 1st.

In the past, I have been impressed by chicas that performed well. Offered them a proprina. In some instances if they became a regular I would consider getting them a better phone on a next trip. But those experiences have to be looked at carefully. Sometimes a chica sports a raggedy phone on purpose but has the means or resources (other dudes) to get another phone whenever she wants. She could be in the business of collecting phones from dudes with the same idea of wanting to gift a better phone to a chica. Point being, I'm not pressed to feel sorry for a chica just because she complains about her phone. Chances are she may already have a Iphone or Android phone hidden somewhere, and the BB or alcatel she is sporting is her monger phone. Hey I have two DR phones, why can't these chicas? I see more and more chicas now with 2 phones on them. Damn that pussy was good. And those lips, both sets, wet and inviting. Nice round soft ass. Grabbing it from behind. Or cupping it while she is riding me or underneath me. Smooth skin. Clean and edible. Long long black natural hair down her back. Damn, I gots to hook up with her again. I would hate to see a sweet chica like that become hardened. By far the best "working" chica I encountered this trip.

12-13-13, 12:00
Got back to my spot, made up with my SP chica, and it was on and popping. 1st she rode me, and then we finished in mish. She comes good in mish. Lawd knows I didn't need to be fucking her for 25-40 minutes when all I could muster up is 7 minutes of pumping. Not a bad time to be a minute man. Once discharged, and cleaned up, she commented that there wasnt that much leche on her belly. I told her most of the leche was on me, thats why she didn't see much leche on her. In about 10 minutes were both in La La land. In house breakfast in a couple of hours. I wonder how my thick sexy chica is making out? That was some good pussy. Her sex noises keeps a mugs dick hard. She has soft sexy lips / kissing too. She wanted to spend another night with me. But at breakfast yesterday, I told her I may not be able to see again until the 17th. I didn't explain in detail, just that I wouldn't be available. Of course we all know her interest towards me isn't merely sexual. The sex is a means to and end. She needs those damn pesos. And I'm a good client. Now, since she is here in Sosua "working" for Navidad cash, I don't see why I can't go out with the boys for an hour again, take her to the cabana too? Where the deed is done is unimportant. Barter and exchanging amicably, now that's whats important.

12-13-13, 12:18
Thank you so much for your trip reports!

I'm starting to like this trend, trip reports in the Sosua Reports thread; what a concept!There are always trip reports going on. This forum is like waves at the beach. Waves ebb and flow. One could just deal with the waves or try to fight them, complaining about them. I prefer to go with the flow. A change in direction in this forum makes trip reports that much more enjoyable when they do come. Bet you never looked at it like that? Just look at how enthused you are now because you see some trip reports. You could of been trying to be sarcastic. But that isnt important if that is the case. Whats important is, you appear to appreciate their arrival in this forum even more.

If you notice, many guys who have been at this monger thing a while, they don't even post reports as much or not at all. They've resigned to lurk mode or there are some here who have nothing better to do, so they come here to be negative and judgmental. Even if they don't know or care to know a damn thing about who or what they are passing judgment on. Trip reports or none. Reports filled with positive experiences or highlighting / learning from the negative experiences, the board is what it is. And as far as I'm concerned, it's mostly good. Even when the forum takes a detour.

I have been running into quite a few guys on the ground in Sosua. I have shared perspectives, gave them trip reports and offered helpful tips so their experiences might be enhanced and armed with a little more awareness. The ones I have met so far, seemed to appreciate what I've offered. Many seem hungry and eager to learn as much as they can about everything.

12-13-13, 16:10
Tell it to CD face to face. Until then stick to watching the weather channel (CNN).I will. But your buddy will never get back to the DR.

BTW what is the weather forecast in Sousa since you are an expert on such matters?

12-13-13, 17:39
=Wrx2005; 1507452]Got back to my spot, made up with my SP chica, and it was on and popping. 1st she rode me, and then we finished in mish. She comes good in mish. Lawd knows I didn't need to be fucking her for 25-40 minutes when all I could muster up is 7 minutes of pumping. Not a bad time to be a minute man. Once discharged, and cleaned up, she commented that there wasnt that much leche on her belly. I told her most of the leche was on me, thats why she didn't see much leche on her.Hmmm, sounds like a bareback session with most of the leche left inside of her.

12-13-13, 20:43
Hmmm, sounds like a bareback session with most of the leche left inside of her.More accurately, I just finished nutting with the other chica that I took to Dulce Secreto about 40 minutes ago. My SP chica didn't need to know that, so I told her most of my leche was on me.

12-13-13, 21:14
I find that the more sexy a girl is the less brain she use, its universal with few exceptions.I think a lot of us from personal experience feel that is more true than fiction.

12-13-13, 23:22
Next month back to the PI for more sweet sweet Pinay Pussy.

ChrisI hate you Chris(naah just jelous-you're living my dream). I assume the photos of the residence is the place where you were staying. Where was it? Looks nice and nice views.

Chris Long
12-13-13, 23:59
I hate you Chris(naah just jelous-you're living my dream). I assume the photos of the residence is the place where you were staying. Where was it? Looks nice and nice views.Mary Rose one of Rick's places, the beach and ocean pics were from the gym on top of the casino.


Marc Anthony
12-14-13, 06:05
The past few days have been a little frustrating for me with some of the Dominican Chicas I've encountered walking the streets during the day. A covered BJ, when are you going to cum, your to big, your hurting me, etc. Too much drama and bullshit at times. Since my Dominican wife being on the rag the past few days I haven't had a good experience in the past few days but finally had one last night. The last three nights I've been hanging around Central Bar checking out the Haitan's and observing them. Met a local from the States who lives here and he was filling me in on the girls that he know's at Central Bar. There were also lots of pairs as well who were very aggresive and also very desperate. I saw one that was a lighter shade of black with a nice body and motioned her over. She came over to me with her friend and as it turned out it she only spoke French so her friend who spoke Spanish had to interpret and suggested I take both of them. I wasn't interested in this and told the Spanish speaking one I could not go with her friend because of the language barrier with me not speaking any French and her friend not speaking any Spanish or English. So I politely said goodbye and started walking around, going into Rumbas / Latina's checking out all the hot chica's dressed up with their flawless make-up clothing, jewelry, etc. Which really isn't my cup of tea.

I thought about the Haitian Chica who only spoke French and decided it was stupid to not go with her, the worst that could happen is that I would just come back to the Strip if things didn't work out and pickup another one. That's what's cool about this place. So I hang out looking for the pair and after about twenty minutes I find them in Rumba Bar and they come up to me again and the Spanish speaking one is pushing me to take them both. I say no and ask how much for her friend. No answer so I just tell her I have a thousand pesos and they reacted like they had just hit pay dirt, but the Spanish speaking one said I had to give her 100 Pesos to buy her a beer so I did. Before leaving I told the Spanish speaking one that her friend would need a Cedula to come into the Hotel. There was a problem and the Spanish speaking one goes into her purse and pulls out a Hatian Cedula that looked like it had the picture of a black Alferd E. Newman from Mad Magazine on it. I looked at this and thought, oh well let's see what happens. While leaving Rumbas the Domican chicas were giving me a dirty look and we crossed the street and walked past Bar Central holding hands. Several of the agressive Haitians that I had blown off the past few nights looked at me as though I was cool going with one of them. The racism / hatred between the Domincans and Haitians here is really intense as I have found out.

We get to the hotel and Roberto the security guard looks aver the Cedula which is a total crack up and says okay. I have gotten to know him so no problem. Upstairs we go and I offer her a beer and we sit together not being able to communicate verbally and she starts hugging and caressing me for about ten minutes. No rush no hurry. I then point to the shower, giver her a towel and she takes a shower. What a cute and tight ass she has, wow I'm in heaven. After I shower I lay her on her stomach and giver her a massage. She was kind of purring like a cat. After massaging her I laid on my back and she was content to touch and be caressed. After about 10 minutes she stared giving me head and didn't need any prompting like some of these Dominican chicas. After about 10 minutes I decided I wanted to get inside of her and put on the condom. I lubed up with the Astro-glide and she was tight as a drum and grimaced while I started penetrating her. All kinds of positions and from behind she stared moaning and got really wet and finally loosened up. Felt good in all positions with her and no complaining or whining. Got her on top to finish and she had a helicopter rotor move to die for.

We finished up and I gave her a 300 Peso tip for being such a sweetheart besides the 1, 000 Pesos and got her a Motoconcho to take her back to the Strip. I know now why a lot of guys are going with these Haitian girls. My next trip down here I'm going to spend more time getting to know them and may take a pair of them. Maybe I'll even learn a little French, however it's not necessary as I found out.Great report. Welcome to club, you can't go back now. Actually only elite Haitian girls can speak French but they all speak Kreyol which is a very distinct language. Learn a few phrases in Kreyol and you'll really get some surprised looks. Google translate includes Haitian Kreyol and you can google for interesting idioms and phrases. As far as sex talk I love the idiom for a good BJ (though there may not be a lot of appropriate times to use it) which is "Ti bef". Ti is a diminutive (little) like Ti Fi is little girl (Fi is like the French fille). Bef is variant of "beef". So Ti Bef is a little Beef or a calf. So if you picture how a hungry calf suckles at the teat, you get the notion of a chica who really properly sucks a dick.

12-14-13, 07:56
A covered BJ, when are you going to cumI heard some other guys complaining about this earlier this month. I would not be surprised if Sosua converts to this and girls asking for payment before the deed within the next 5 years.

12-14-13, 18:52
I heard some other guys complaining about this earlier this month. I would not be surprised if Sosua converts to this and girls asking for payment before the deed within the next 5 years.This morning a Chica asked for a condom for the BJ and I just said no and she said okay and went at it.

12-14-13, 21:40
Called my Dulce Secreto connection up and out for breakfast. Fed her, put some credit on her phone then off we go to DS for a late morning session. This chica is very passionate / affectionate. It's hard to believe she can be this cool with all of her clients. At one point I propped her ass up for some doggie pounding. Silly me, was slipping into the wrong hole (right hole, depending on ones perspective!). The girl didn't even sweat it, although it was a little uncomfortable. If I had wanted to slide it the rest of the way in, she would have accepted it without complaint. Instead I slipped out of there and went south into the wetter hole. Cleaned up and dropped her off. My apartment being occupied by my SP chica is not stopping me from having my variety.

I have to work this logistical problem out with a couple of other chicas I intend to repeat with. I'm sure they won't mind going to DS either, as long as they are seeing pesos after all is done.

12-14-13, 21:41
You set expectation up front. If you wait until you are in the bed it is to late. Guys needto man up way more ladies needing cash. Buying pussy is very easy.

I heard some other guys complaining about this earlier this month. I would not be surprised if Sosua converts to this and girls asking for payment before the deed within the next 5 years.

12-15-13, 01:15
I heard some other guys complaining about this earlier this month. I would not be surprised if Sosua converts to this and girls asking for payment before the deed within the next 5 years.It'll be like Tijuana all over again. That's why I quit going to HK and AB. You lose ALL of your leverage when that happens. They have NO incentive to perform at that point.

Charles Pooter
12-15-13, 15:20
I know now why a lot of guys are going with these Haitian girls. My next trip down here I'm going to spend more time getting to know them. Maybe I'll even learn a little French.Good to know you are finding out quickly what a lot of vets and ex-pats have learned.

But no need to learn French, unless you plan on using it elsewhere in the world. Any haitiana you meet in Sosua will speak Haitian Kreyňl as her first language and most will speak little or no French, so learn a few words and phrases in Kreyňl. When I used to go to Sosua twice weekly with guys from Pto Pta who were all younger and more affluent than me, I got all the haitianas' attention because I knew a few Kreyňl phrases. They were intrigued and touched that a "blan" (gringo) took them seriously.

Learning Kreyňl has advantages over French:

No gender.

No plurals for nouns.

Only one form of each verb as against around one hundred in Spanish and several dozen in French.

Every word is spelled exactly as spoken and vice versa. Each letter always has the same sound.

More words derived from English in common usage.

Very simple system of pronouns. Usually the same word serves for all categories of pronoun.

The Pimsleur program is very good and bootleg copies are widely available. It only has ten lessons but that is enough to get you started in Sosua. After that you can learn from books and the manmzčls.

12-15-13, 21:52
Sorry for the late reply. Yes, tattoo on her stomach and on her lower back with her name on it.

Yes she is beautiful, and nice to talk to. At first. Once in the bedroom, you need to worry about more than just your wallet. It sucks that some girls are like this, most of my experiences in Sosua have been very good. But she is just terrible.

It's been more than a year since I ran into her, and her butchy girlfriend who laid prone on the bed and watched us. Terrible performance, double condoms, blah blah. I will go out of my way to bad mouth this chica, she is a beautiful woman, but pure phony. I ran into a couple of times after months later, I don't want to know her.

12-15-13, 22:06
I just want to find out the going rates in Sosua now, as I have not been there for a very long time?

Chris Long
12-16-13, 08:32
I just want to find out the going rates in Sosua now, as I have not been there for a very long time?1000 to 1500 Pesos for an hour or more and 2000 to 3000 all night. Some will ask for more than this but don't pay it. If they ask for more send them away there are plenty of others who will go for this price. Negotiate up front make sure she understands you want DATY if thats your thing and BBBJ at the above stated price, it does not cost more for these services. If she won't provide them at the above price send her away there are many more who will.


12-16-13, 11:45
I just want to find out the going rates in Sosua now, as I have not been there for a very long time?Well, you could RTFF!

My recent trip prices varied as followed, assuming you know numbers in Spanish and a few phrases:

Daytime rates : $1000-$2,000 for 1-2 hours.
Night rates : $1500-$2500 for 1-2 hours.
TLN rates : $1500-$3000+.

It is Christmas, and supply is plentiful, bargain.

12-16-13, 15:26
I just want to find out the going rates in Sosua now, as I have not been there for a very long time?His numbers are a good ballpark. This trip I met & had quite a few chicas I really liked. Personality wise and service. Some were regulars, but a few I never been with before but most were great in and out of bed. One I turned away during the interview process because she flaked on answering a question I had about something I wanted. She came on a moto, I paid him. She was back on a moto to leave in 3 minutes. She was mad\shocked. Texted me later to say I was a bad person. I said yeah, I am bad for not letting you get over on me. Been with her before, so I did not miss anything.

Another I took to Dulce Secreto twice. Once at night and then again one morning. When we met we agreed on 1500 for ST. After we were done I gave her 2000. If my spot did not have my San Pedro chica in it, I would have had her for TLN at my spot without hesitation. And probably would have agreed to 3000, but tipped her another 500. She is that good. My point from this is, having a ball park is good. But for many guys, they will pay what they feel comfortable with and based on the connection they have with the chica. Without thinking they did something wrong. Its your vacation. You pay what is best for you.

Whats bad and may have a ripple effect for others, is paying extra for bad service. That sends the wrong message that bad service is okay and will be rewarded. IMO.

12-16-13, 15:56
Around 6 am, I got up and texted 3 chicas, one by one to see who was available for a morning session. My blondie from Santiago was in town. I saw her last at the bar across from Rockys. She left her date for a few minutes to talk to me (9:30 pm ). She wasnt available since she was there drinking with the dude. She called me about 11, but then I was in bed an occupied.

So after texting the 3 chicas, Blondie responded 1st. I said lets get together. Sure she said. Okay be there in 10 min. She is only 4 blks away from my spot. Turned the corner and she was waiting on her side street. Scooped her up and off we go to DS. Chica said she was hungry. This is where DS comes to the rescue. You can order a sandwich and beverages right to the room. Saves time, instead of having to turn around and find someplace to pick up food.

As usual I chose the standard unit for 590 pesos. Chica had a sandwich & juice. All came to $790 pesos. Put a 2000 peso note in the box, and got shorted 110 pesos on the change. I quickly put all of the change back in the turnstyle box and complained I want the correct amount.

I got the chica involved, and she communicated through the divider that the change was wrong. Within seconds the attendent put the right amount in the box and gave a weak apology. I don't think for one moment that shortage was a mistake. It was intended. So be careful fellas when paying for shit. Especially with large bills. Its easier for them to try to short you if you arent paying attention to your change vs what you paid for.

With Blondie its always been good sexual chemistry. Plus she drinks my milk and lays beside me aftwards. No bolting for the bano. This time no head work. Just straight up passionate mish and kissing. Shower up, and drop her off. In my spot by 7:30. My chica still in bed. Put on my bathrobe and fixed breakfast. Chica woke up to me watching TV on the couch. She didn't have a clue I had left and came back.

Now if she had some dude in my bed the moment after I left, that would have been a serious feat. DS is a blessing for a monger in need of an alternative spot to smash. For safety and / or convenience. Oh yeah , one of the chicas I texted finally got back to me at 7:30am, asking where I was. If inclined, I could have easily called her and went back to DS. Best that I build my sexual desire back up, and hookup when I am ready to smash again.

12-16-13, 17:04
I just want to find out the going rates in Sosua now, as I have not been there for a very long time?I know others have responded to your post. For reference during my fifteen day stay I refused to pay any more than 1,000 Pesos for ST during the day, most girls would start at 1,500 Pesos and I would just start to walk and most would immediately agree to the 1,000 Pesos. I did tip those who performed well and if they where doing a good job during the act I would tell them a tip would be forthcoming. During the evening most of the better looking girls would start at 2,000 Pesos and would go for 1,500 Pesos for ST. As previously mentioned you should clarify any special requests, BBBJ, etc. I didn't do any TLN's with girls I met on the Streets and would not negotiate this with someone you haven't been with before as it might not turn out well. If you speak Spanish you'll be way ahead of the curve and better able to deal with some of pitfalls that can occur with new Chicas. Have a great time!

12-16-13, 21:51
Rick fron Rockys says a guest was robbed at gunpoint at Tradewinds. The chica went to the bathroom and fed he keys to her accomplices. They let themselves in and robbed him of a lot of stuff. They made him open his safe. Hey supposedly got $5000 in cash. Phone with pics of the chica. Watches you name it, they got it. They made him strip. Put a gun to his head. She left with them. Chica supposedly worked at some rest on the playa. Rick wasnt sure which one. Nor did he have a description of the chica. To be continued

12-16-13, 22:06
3 chicas and counting to DS. Maybe more tonight? My secret? Only leche with 2 of them. 1st and last.

12-17-13, 00:32
Rick fron Rockys says a guest was robbed at gunpoint at Tradewinds. The chica went to the bathroom and fed he keys to her accomplices. They let themselves in and robbed him of a lot of stuff. They made him open his safe. Hey supposedly got $5000 in cash. Phone with pics of the chica. Watches you name it, they got it. They made him strip. Put a gun to his head. She left with them. Chica supposedly worked at some rest on the playa. Rick wasnt sure which one. Nor did he have a description of the chica. To be continuedVery strange! My apartment is near TW. There is a shotgun wielding security man there 24 hours a day. I see him all the time when I drive past. I wonder if guard was in the robbery because how else could they make it past him, up the stairs and then escape without being stopped?

The Mind Bender
12-17-13, 00:38
Rick fron Rockys says a guest was robbed at gunpoint at Tradewinds. The chica went to the bathroom and fed he keys to her accomplices. They let themselves in and robbed him of a lot of stuff. They made him open his safe. Hey supposedly got $5000 in cash. Phone with pics of the chica. Watches you name it, they got it. They made him strip. Put a gun to his head. She left with them. Chica supposedly worked at some rest on the playa. Rick wasnt sure which one. Nor did he have a description of the chica. To be continuedDamn.

I wonder what the details are. Is she slim or thick? Haitan or Dominican? Was he flaunting his money on the strip? How did all those men get past security? Can/will Rick be sued for this?

12-17-13, 02:31
Shit is getting desperate in Sosua! You used to could walk around at any time of night by yourself without any fear of getting robbed. Especially not robbed at gunpoint!

I ALL-FUCKING-WAYS keep my room key on me. It goes with me in my jeans to shit, shower, or shave even if I am not wearing them. $5000 is a HUGE fucking score for a Dominican (or Haitian). Somebody is going to be somewhere with their feet up sipping Presidentes for a very long time.

How did all those men get past security? Can/will Rick be sued for this?

LMAO! This ain't "Merica" jack! The dude that got robbed is pretty much shit out of luck.

The Mind Bender
12-17-13, 03:28
Shit is getting desperate in Sosua! You used to could walk around at any time of night by yourself without any fear of getting robbed. Especially not robbed at gunpoint!

I ALL-FUCKING-WAYS keep my room key on me. It goes with me in my jeans to shit, shower, or shave even if I am not wearing them. $5000 is a HUGE fucking score for a Dominican (or Haitian). Somebody is going to be somewhere with their feet up sipping Presidentes for a very long time.

LMAO! This ain't "Merica" jack! The dude that got robbed is pretty much shit out of luck.Haha! I figured as much but we really don't know the details. Wrx2005 mentioned watches being stolen so maybe the guy was being a bit too flashy for his own good. I never keep my room key in open view when chicas are about and I always keep it in a "safe" place when they stay TLN. Didn't the front desk have her celuda though? Seems like they should be able to make an I'd.

12-17-13, 03:51
Very strange! My apartment is near TW. There is a shotgun wielding security man there 24 hours a day. I see him all the time when I drive past. I wonder if guard was in the robbery because how else could they make it past him, up the stairs and then escape without being stopped?The night it happened it was around 8pm. Rick briefly suggested the possibility security having been a part of the caper. But he didn't speak on it at length because he was on the move.

12-17-13, 04:01
Haha! I figured as much but we really don't know the details. Wrx2005 mentioned watches being stolen so maybe the guy was being a bit too flashy for his own good. I never keep my room key in open view when chicas are about and I always keep it in a "safe" place when they stay TLN. Didn't the front desk have her celuda though? Seems like they should be able to make an I'd.The brief convo I had with Rick, he described him as a real nice guy. I asked Rick if the guy may have been drunk? He indicated he may have had some beer but not a particulary heavy drinker. Don't know what kind of watch he may have had. It might only be a standard watch any man would wear.

If I was a target, It wouldn't be for my watch. Its only a Casio. It would be for all the electonic gadgets I have. Then when they hit the safe, it will be cash and credit cards. More info to come on this unfortunate soul.

12-17-13, 07:32
Hey supposedly got $5000 in cash. Phone with pics of the chica. Watches you name it, they got it.Yes, he must was over flashy if he needs $5000 cash in his safe, what is the max amount you can spend a day to keep $5000 in cash?

nothing wrong with the plastic cards even if I'm paying bank fee.

12-17-13, 15:01
yes, he must was over flashy if he needs $5000 cash in his safe, what is the max amount you can spend a day to keep $5000 in cash?

nothing wrong with the plastic cards even if i'm paying bank fee.i could be wrong but having that kind of cash does not necessarily indicate a person may be flashy. here's why. many guys come to sosua for more than a few weeks for vacation. or they live in the dr part time. if that is the case you would probably want to have enough liquid cash on hand to sustain you for a long duration.

plastic can be used as needed to supplement the cash. but you run the risk of losing your card, or it getting confirep001ed by the machine, getting denied funds. or the atm system could go down. power outage. with cash you get a better rate than what you would get using an atm.

as long as the cash was in the safe, who else knows how much is there except the owner? the average monger can get killed for a lot less. i surmise anyone would consider him well off by dr standards. that alone makes him and any of us a target for anyone setting their eyes on someone to rob. i think the key is the chica he chose to consort with. if that guy had any of the chicas dozens of other guys had, it probably wouldn't have happened. our safes are just to secure some valuables from being exposed. protection from being robbed is another issue entirely. some security issues are our direct responsibility.

but one can't control the actions of others. anyone could meet the same fate for a helluva lot less. the bottom line we generally have more than they have at any given time. enough to rob someone for. i heard of cats being robbed on the way to or from the airport before any money got to a safe. just being a foreigner is enough to draw atttention to oneself.

i swear sometimes i think some of the moto drivers and touts have a look like they would like to strip one of us of eveything we got in our pockets. because they may feel we are flaunting our "good fortune" in their faces.

12-17-13, 18:54
i could be wrong but having that kind of cash does not necessarily indicate a person may be flashy. here's why. many guys come to sosua for more than a few weeks for vacation. or they live in the dr part time. if that is the case you would probably want to have enough liquid cash on hand to sustain you for a long duration.

plastic can be used as needed to supplement the cash. but you run the risk of losing your card, or it getting confirep001ed by the machine, getting denied funds. or the atm system could go down. power outage. with cash you get a better rate than what you would get using an atm.

as long as the cash was in the safe, who else knows how much is there except the owner?that is the question. i would imagine the thieves knew he had a lot of cash and knew he had a safe. $5000 seems like quite a lot and it may be that he had just received a top up of cash. obviously the chica was in on the robbery, but we don't know how much inside intelligence she had.

12-17-13, 19:56
I swear sometimes I think some of the moto drivers and touts have a look like they would like to strip one of us of eveything we got in our pockets. Because they may feel we are flaunting our "good fortune" in their faces.This is why it is never a good idea to get too close to these guys calling you their "friend". They are all smiles, but you better believe they are full of resentment. Think about it: Even if you are shift supervisor at Walmart, you are most likely making more money than any of these guys will see in their lifetime. You are flying over there and dropping pesos like Monopoly money to bang their women, and at the end of your trip you hop back on a flight back to your 1st-world country.

I think Mr. Gogo mentioned this once before: any of those motochoncho guys could have easily been one of us (from an African American standpoint). Our ancestors just ended up on a different ship.

Brother P
12-17-13, 22:27
This is why it is never a good idea to get too close to these guys calling you their "friend". They are all smiles, but you better believe they are full of resentment. Think about it: Even if you are shift supervisor at Walmart, you are most likely making more money than any of these guys will see in their lifetime. You are flying over there and dropping pesos like Monopoly money to bang their women, and at the end of your trip you hop back on a flight back to your 1st-world country.

I think Mr. Gogo mentioned this once before: any of those motochoncho guys could have easily been one of us (from an African American standpoint). Our ancestors just ended up on a different ship.Great point! My first couple of trips to the DR, I didn't notice the resentment. As I started to come more often and for longer trips, I became aware ot it. Honestly, origanally I was shocked. I'm a pooe blue collar working boy. But as you say, to them I'm wealthy. Its kinda unfair (sniffle) because most of us work hard to be able to afford this lifestyle! But don't waste your breath trying to explain that to the locals! They don't care. As I prepare for a three week trip to the north coast Mr. Gogo dropped me a line and reminded me to be aware of the "watchers". Wise words. Like you said. Its best to give our"friends" a little distance.

12-17-13, 23:26
Respect come from respect. Some guys treat the locals like shit. It is easy to do these guys live there and you are fucking their sisters and cousins. They have very little we need so they are irrelavant to us. Truth be told some of us look down on them. I am sure many are frustrated with their lives. See our happy asses just rubs it in. I personally try to be decent to them.

Great point! My first couple of trips to the DR, I didn't notice the resentment. As I started to come more often and for longer trips, I became aware ot it. Honestly, origanally I was shocked. I'm a pooe blue collar working boy. But as you say, to them I'm wealthy. Its kinda unfair (sniffle) because most of us work hard to be able to afford this lifestyle! But don't waste your breath trying to explain that to the locals! They don't care. As I prepare for a three week trip to the north coast Mr. Gogo dropped me a line and reminded me to be aware of the "watchers". Wise words. Like you said. Its best to give our"friends" a little distance.

Brother P
12-18-13, 00:04
Respect come from respect. Some guys treat the locals like shit. It is easy to do these guys live there and you are fucking their sisters and cousins. They have very little we need so they are irrelavant to us. Truth be told some of us look down on them. I am sure many are frustrated with their lives. See our happy asses just rubs it in. I personally try to be decent to them.I'm not sure we're talking about the same thing. I just wanted to emphasize or co sign what Pros said because I think its a good point and something rarely discussed on the board. Regardless of the respect shown to them many of them see us as wealthy and would like to separate us from our cash. Cash I'm sure they think we don't need! LOL. Have fun, but lets be careful out there!

Mr Enternational
12-18-13, 02:42
Keep in mind that most locals are neither jealous nor criminals. Don't use a broad brush to paint the general population when you should only be singling out a select few.

12-18-13, 02:55
I have to disagree (just my opinion of course). Any place us guys monger, whether it's the DR, Thailand, Colombia, etc, the local men generally don't like us. Hell, I wouldn't like us if I were them! Having said that, I certainly think we, as visitors to their country, should be very respectful. Flaunting what we do is disrespectful and tends to invite trouble.

Keep in mind that most locals are neither jealous nor criminals. Don't use a broad brush to paint the general population when you should only be singling out a select few.

12-18-13, 03:22
Shit is getting desperate in Sosua! You used to could walk around at any time of night by yourself without any fear of getting robbed. Especially not robbed at gunpoint!

I ALL-FUCKING-WAYS keep my room key on me. It goes with me in my jeans to shit, shower, or shave even if I am not wearing them. $5000 is a HUGE fucking score for a Dominican (or Haitian). Somebody is going to be somewhere with their feet up sipping Presidentes for a very long time.

LMAO! This ain't "Merica" jack! The dude that got robbed is pretty much shit out of luck.Forget the Presidente sipping part. The problem with a score this big is that word is going to get around and you better believe it is going to attract lots of Dominicans or Haitians to get their own score. I foresee crime increasing 1000 percent. Sosua is getting worse and worse everyday.

12-18-13, 03:29
i could be wrong but having that kind of cash does not necessarily indicate a person may be flashy. here's why. many guys come to sosua for more than a few weeks for vacation. or they live in the dr part time. if that is the case you would probably want to have enough liquid cash on hand to sustain you for a long duration.

plastic can be used as needed to supplement the cash. but you run the risk of losing your card, or it getting confirep001ed by the machine, getting denied funds. or the atm system could go down. power outage. with cash you get a better rate than what you would get using an atm.

as long as the cash was in the safe, who else knows how much is there except the owner? the average monger can get killed for a lot less. i surmise anyone would consider him well off by dr standards. that alone makes him and any of us a target for anyone setting their eyes on someone to rob. i think the key is the chica he chose to consort with. if that guy had any of the chicas dozens of other guys had, it probably wouldn't have happened. our safes are just to secure some valuables from being exposed. protection from being robbed is another issue entirely...your spot on. you don't need to flash anything in public. the simple fact that you are a tourist makes you a target. to the average dominican all tourists are rich.

seems like they are letting all the hoodlums run loose in sosua. politur doesn't seem to be doing the job at protecting tourists the way they used to.

12-18-13, 04:18
I have to disagree (just my opinion of course). Any place us guys monger, whether it's the DR, Thailand, Colombia, etc, the local men generally don't like us. Hell, I wouldn't like us if I were them! Having said that, I certainly think we, as visitors to their country, should be very respectful. Flaunting what we do is disrespectful and tends to invite trouble.Who Cares what the locals think, I work hard for my money. I can flaunt it and flash it however I please, At the end of the day People are going to hate you no matter what, Whether your Rich or Poor, Somebody is always going to have something negative to say.

Because trust me if alot of Dominicans where in our shoes, They will flash money harder than you can imagine. You got chica's that don't got a pot to [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) in, but got $500 dollar iPhones 5s.

12-18-13, 05:09
Who cares what the locals think? What a terrible attitude to have. When you travel to another country, and as a non-citizen of that country. You are granted permission to enter that country. It's not your country.

If you have a little bit of respect for locals, they will at least be appreciative of it and you can lessen the risk of offending someone. The attitude of not caring what locals think is pretty absurd. What if you offend a local and get thrown in jail for a certain period of time? I'm sure you'll be caring what the locals think then.

Who Cares what the locals think, I work hard for my money. I can flaunt it and flash it however I please, At the end of the day People are going to hate you no matter what, Whether your Rich or Poor, Somebody is always going to have something negative to say.

Because trust me if alot of Dominicans where in our shoes, They will flash money harder than you can imagine. You got chica's that don't got a pot to [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) in, but got $500 dollar iPhones 5s.

12-18-13, 06:28
I don't consider guys who have no job other than hanging around tourists pretending to be their friend, I don't consider them "the locals", in any country with a high number of tourists you will find those guys who will try to fool / rub a foreigner to make some money, we are their job, its not only the Dominican, do you guys watch "scam city"? you will find it uploaded in youtube if you didn't watch it on TV, scams from all over the world.

So, being aware of those people doesn't mean we don't respect "the locals".

anyway, I will be on the battle ground in 2 days :) and thanks for everybody report, tip and post, it was helpful for sure.

12-18-13, 06:32
Who Cares what the locals think, I work hard for my money. I can flaunt it and flash it however I please, At the end of the day People are going to hate you no matter what, Whether your Rich or Poor, Somebody is always going to have something negative to say.

Because trust me if alot of Dominicans where in our shoes, What a sad person you must be.

BTW, alot is two words; a lot

Where in our shoes: Were is the word you are looking for here.

Please stay out of the DR; you appear to suck, as your English

12-18-13, 14:41
Who cares what the locals think? What a terrible attitude to have. When you travel to another country, and as a non-citizen of that country. You are granted permission to enter that country. It's not your country.

If you have a little bit of respect for locals, they will at least be appreciative of it and you can lessen the risk of offending someone. The attitude of not caring what locals think is pretty absurd.I can tell you guys have really low self esteem, worrying about offending somebody because you have nice things. LOL.

Just like I won't buy a 600 Benz or I won't buy a big ass mansion because it might offend my friends and neighbors. LOL.

Maybe I am a sad person? But I always thought when I work hard, I buy stuff because I want it, I don't buy stuff worrying about is it going to offend somebody!

12-18-13, 18:45
How about a trip report from somebody on the ground in Sosua!

12-18-13, 20:10
I care what the locals think. I think it's good policy. I am a guest in THEIR country.

12-18-13, 23:26
I care what the locals think. I think it's good policy. I am a guest in THEIR country.Just being a foreigner could offend some of the "local". They think all foreigners (Americans) are rich.

12-19-13, 02:31
How about a trip report from somebody on the ground in Sosua!I vote on that.

12-19-13, 03:53
I can tell you guys have really low self esteem, worrying about offending somebody because you have nice things. LOL.

Just like I won't buy a 600 Benz or I won't buy a big ass mansion because it might offend my friends and neighbors. LOL.

Maybe I am a sad person? But I always thought when I work hard, I buy stuff because I want it, I don't buy stuff worrying about is it going to offend somebody!I thought people with high self-esteem buy Aston Martin, Bugatti, McLaren or similar. Not a production run Mercedez Benz 600 eh?

12-19-13, 05:54

A facet of good self esteem is not having to abuse or belittle others to feel good about your self.

I thought people with high self-esteem buy Aston Martin, Bugatti, McLaren or similar. Not a production run Mercedez Benz 600 eh?

Marc Anthony
12-19-13, 06:28
I thought people with high self-esteem buy Aston Martin, Bugatti, McLaren or similar. Not a production run Mercedez Benz 600 eh?People with high self-esteem buy used Volvos or whatever they think gets them from A to B efficiently.

12-19-13, 10:55
How about a trip report from somebody on the ground in Sosua!Don't hold your breath for that dude.

Let the silly debates ramble on!

12-19-13, 12:04
your spot on. you don't need to flash anything in public. the simple fact that you are a tourist makes you a target. to the average dominican all tourists are rich.

seems like they are letting all the hoodlums run loose in sosua. politur doesn't seem to be doing the job at protecting tourists the way they used to.you really don't need to flash anything in public. especially if people there see you come there 6-10 times within a year. they know who we are already. even if it seems like only a few people acknowledge our presence. we are watched there more than some realize. many of the folks around sosua have nothing more constructive to do than simply watching people all damn day. i'm sure chicas have and share reports on many of us. and why not? they are there more than we are. their focus is likely more about a mongers spending habits for pussy. meanwhile when mongers share stories, is usually about a girls performance and character. maybe some concern on how much a chica expects to be paid. but it's probably more about performance issues, and age concerns.

in our hotels, apartments, villas etc, nobody has to know how much we got in our safes. we could be balling or on a measily budget. makes no difference. if we have a safe in our spot, any chica could assume you have something in there worth stealing. a person could have $500 dollars or $10, 000 dollars. the thieves don't necessarily have to know a guy has a lot of money or a little money in his possession somewhere. all it takes is a sinister initiative and opportunity, and any monger can get got when they least suspect.

the average monger would likely have a laptop, a camera, a watch, maybe a tablet, a smartphone, out in the open at some point where a chica can see a monger can afford certain luxuries. he could easily have 3 to 5 mil pesos in his clothes pocket. i'm no thief, and i figured the average money has at least the basic shit in his possession. any chica can figure the same. especially after being with so many men in their hotels etc.

i think the issue some are focused on is how a monger carries himself and does it have an impact on attracting thieves / robbers etc. does drawing unnecessary attention to oneself mean a person is more likely to get robbed? is constantly pulling money out of your pocket in front of chicas, paying for shit, does that make you more of a target for theft? to a certain extent i don't think so. no more than a chica parading around half naked makes her more a target to get raped. sure certain behavior may attract attention. it may cause lust in the eyes of someone wishing they had some of what they see (money, luxuries, pussy ). but the bottom line is, nothing happens until the wrong people with sinister intent take proactive interest in that individual, try to create or see an opportunity to take advantage of someone. i feel we are around those people all damn day. the only reason one may not get got, is because the thieves just didn't take any direct interest in setting a mug up to get got on a grand scale. perhaps without knowing many of us are not hooking up with chicas that will conspire to have a monger robbed. or it could just be her day off from conspiring to have a dude robbed. all thats needed is intent and opportunity for just about anybody to get got. secure your stuff all you want. but if robbers get in your spot with guns, they might make you tell them where you hid your shit, or take you off the planet.

in nj a couple were carjacked for a 2012 range rover in mall parking lot, after 9 at night a few nights ago. killed the 30 yr old driver, left the wife unharmed but took the car. why did that happen? was he being flashy? it was sinister intent, direct interest in that individual, and seeing an opportunity that lead to that crime. meanwhile hundreds of mall shoppers with cars just as expensive shopped and went home without incident. the couple didn't do anything wrong to draw unnecessary attention. it just happened they were targeted. probably the same fate that dude had at tradewinds. sinister intent with a chica interested in conspiring to rob someone. that can happen even if nothing is flashed out in public. you can be a target just for being at the wrong place, at the wrong time, with the wrong people. whats not known publicly is if there were red flags and signs to look out for regarding that chica the guy had? was that his 1st time with her?

12-19-13, 14:18
My San Pedro chica took the bus back to SP about 11. Called up a buddy to go with me to La Sirena in PP. Going to and coming back from PP one particular chica has been blowing up my phone every few minutes. Calling and calling. I had her one time in my spot before my SP chica came to stay. I was introduced by little Wanda. Most guys know Wanda because she parades around Sosua all day looking for clients. She is known for helping chicas get into the game. At any given time you may see her walking alone or with a new chica, introducing her to mongers.

When I met Wandas chica I thought she was cute. Met her at Rockys, but didn't get with her until the next afternoon. These chicas learn certain tricks quickly. Before I took her to my spot I wanted to get the terms of front. I told her to type what she expected on my phone. She typed 300. I asked her, what is that? Pesos or dollars? It's hard to say it was intentional or a mistake. But I saw it as intentional. If I assumed she meant 300 pesos I would soon find out she meant 3000 pesos. After I questioned it, she typed 3000 pesos.

I looked at her and laughed. This chica aint even in the game fully yet and already she is trying to get over. I told her what I pay for ST. She accepted my counter offer with a quickness. I put the car in drive and off we went to my spot. Juice was good, passionate kissing, head work was weak. But overall, a chica worth repeating with. Since that day she has been blowing up my phone. She left for Santiago and came back on a Friday. But by then my SP chica was here, so I didn't attempt to get with her again. I ended up getting with the other chicas I never been with.

Okay I'm getting these calls from this chica. Finally I answer her and tell her to text me because I don't understand what she is trying to say. What does she do? She keeps calling me instead. Calling and hanging up. I text her and explain what she needs to do so I will understand her. What does she do? Keep calling me. I don't answer. Finally she sends me a text with the usual gibberish that doesn't make sense. I text her back, no entiendo su mensaje. Manda mi texto con correcto espanol. Lost cause.

I get back to Sosua, and I stop at the top of the hill where the steps are leading to the beach. My mission is to see the young lady working at the restaurant on the beach, and work out a plan for tonight. I could have called her, but I wanted to make an appearance since I reneged on seeing her the previous night. Walking to towards the restaurant, I see Maria sitting at her restaurant. Every time she sees me she acts like she is flirting with me, but her real intent is she wants me to sit down and purchase drinks at her spot.

Like a lot of dominicans I have experienced in Sosua, many try to use guilt or pleading tactics on people to get something from you. With Maria she tries to act like you should be helping her keep her business afloat by coming there to buy food and drinks. Typical statements to get you to react."You don't like me." "I have no people here, business is bad" "Why you no come sit with me?" With all the light flirting and subtle hints of liking me, I deflect all of that BS and keep walking. I get to the rest and the chica is sitting there doing nothing.

I asked the chica in front of the rest owner whenshe gets off. The rest owner told me the chica is free now, she can go with me now. I wasnt expecting that, but then I didn't see the problem. Backing up a bit. There is is this massage lady on the beach I am friends with. She wants to come over to cook, clean, manicure pedicure whatever she can do. She wants a boyfriend or husband. She won't even give me a kiss. Plus I think she is very religious. So with that, we are just friends. However, she is getting a little to pushy trying to impose herself on me. Like telling me to come to her to get a massage or my nails done.

Usually I like going to Ms. Teresa on the beach. She did an excellent job with my pedi back in Nov. Massage lady wants to do it. I asked her how much. She said don't worry about it. Whenever someone says not to worry about the cost of something, I raise an eyebrow. Massage lady is nice, but I see I will just have to tell her what I want and don't want. She can bust out with an attitude all she wants. Which is what many women (especially poor ones) tend to do when they don't get their way. But it's all an act hoping their target will feel bad for not allowing himself to be manipulated.

Anyway, the rest chica follows me out of the beach, and I catch a glimpse of the massage lady eyeballing me as I head up the stairs back to the main road. I take the chica back to my spot. We have a pizza delivered. Eat, watch 2 movies, and then it's off to bed. This was our 2nd time together. This one was even better. No headwork last time, so I wasnt sure if she was game for it. At some point, I pulled her to a 69 position, and that was all she needed. She does suck dick, and good too. Switched positions and lastly, I couldn't come with the condom on, so I went and cleaned up. Positioned her head on the pillow, and fed her dick while kneeling in front of her. That position was the bomb. She had the best sucking action of all the chicas I was with, although they were good too. She took some come in, but she stopped sucking and didn't take the full load. Regardless, I discovered more of her bedroom skills this time.

I told her I was going out with friends later. Got her dressed and dropped her off at the taxi stand on the main road. Called up the chica that I took to the cabana twice previously, and told her to come to my spot. She hadn't been there before, so this was new for her. She came over on a moto looking real sexy. I had a couple of drinks, then showers and off to bed. This girls body is made for doggie style. Her ass is so soft and juicy. This time I discovered she had more freak in her than I knew. I was fingering her and sucking her pussy, trying to drive her wild. When at some point she motioned her body for me to stick my finger in her ass. I obliged and within seconds she was moaning and getting wetter and wetter, while I was DATY. She came hard. That turned me on even more. We tried a couple of positions. I even put her head on the pillow so she could suck me comfortably. But I ended up finishing in missionary because kissing this girl while fucking go together like rice and beans.

She spent the rest of the night, and dropped her off at her spot. In the morning, I called Blondie and told her that I wanted to cook her breakfast. I picked her up, and brought her to my spot. She had never been before, but she liked it. I cooked breakfast, and afterwards her intent shifted to trying to get me to have a session with her so she could get paid. I told her we could get together later tonight. I just wanted her to see the place and have breakfast. She asked if she could shower? When she came out, she sat on the couch in the towel. I guess she thought I would change my mind once she was naked. But I knew she wasnt offering no gratis juice. She wanted to get paid. I was satisfied from last night. I wasnt thinking about any pussy right at that moment. Not at 10:30 in the morning.

12-19-13, 14:49
Last night 12/18 me and a buddy went to the Burrito Hut for dinner. I asked for the check, paid with 1000 pesos. The bill was 819 pesos. Chica comes back with a 50 peso bill and some small change. I immediately call her back over, and show her the change she left. She gives a bewildered look. So I break out my phone and show her the math. 1000 pesos minus 819 pesos is 181 pesos change. Now she realizes I'm on to her, takes the change and comes back with more money but still not the correct change. She tells me she has no more change and just brushes it off like it aint no big deal. My tip originally was going to be the 50 peso note and the small change. I pick and choose when I decide to over tip. This wasnt one of those occasions. I was going to eventually leave it, but my buddy goes in his pocket and gives her 200 pesos for a tip. I'm like WTF did you do that for? You saw what she tried to do.

Him and I have always been at loggerheads when it comes to certain perspectives. Especially how we manage money regarding chicas, touts and situations like this. I support the belief that deception and even bad service shouldn't be rewarded. He takes the position of constantly spoiling chicas, panhan dling kids and hustlers by giving them money even if they don't earn it or deserve it. He complained once about how some of the police officers have been coming around looking for handouts. But I told him that he made that bed when he started giving them propinas for doing nothing. Now they seem to expect handouts almost every time they catch him sitting still. When they approach they sort of approach with friendly intimidation. The handout is voluntary but you wonder what kind of backlash you'll get by refusing or start claiming you don't have it, when they know daggone well you have it. Because you are known for giving handouts to others, and they see you still doing it.

Another guy sitting with us observed what happened at the restaurant, and felt similar to me. But he said he wouldn't have tipped her at all, for what she attempted to do. So once again, if you don't give a shit about being deceived and shortchanged because it's so little money, and they are so poor, no problem, do you. But for others just be careful when it comes to paying and receiving your change. These deceptive moves / mistakes can happen more than you realize. And they'll take the position that you "got it like that" so whats the problem even if the change is wrong. Many don't care about the principle of the issue, unless it's their money they are getting shorted out of. The amount in the rest was nothing compared to cons where a dude is cheated out of a significant amount of money.

Side note : Bank of America supposedly has an alliance with Scotia Bank in the DR. Whenever I used the SB atms, there were no fees. On Nov 12 and afterwards, I used the ATM at the metro bus station, the one in PP and the one in Cabarete. Checked my bank statements and I started noticing fees applied to each atm transaction.

I got charged 3% for each ATM transaction I made on Nov 12 and afterwards. Called BOA to inquire, and they confirmed that the no fee policy is gone. The 3% for atm withdrawals every body is going to pay. But BOA still waives a $5 dollar fee on international ATM use with SB in the DR.

12-19-13, 16:38
Last night 12/18 me and a buddy went to the Burrito Hut for dinner. I asked for the check, paid with 1000 pesos. The bill was 819 pesos. Chica comes back with a 50 peso bill and some small change. I immediately call her back over, and show her the change she left. She gives a bewildered look. So I break out my phone and show her the math. 1000 pesos minus 819 pesos is 181 pesos change. Now she realizes I'm on to her, takes the change and comes back with more money but still not the correct change. She tells me she has no more change and just brushes it off like it aint no big deal. My tip originally was going to be the 50 peso note and the small change. I pick and choose when I decide to over tip. This wasnt one of those occasions. I was going to eventually leave it, but my buddy goes in his pocket and gives her 200 pesos for a tip. I'm like WTF did you do that for? You saw what she tried to do.Http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2GF00vHtzE

Watch this funny dominican movie called ladronesa domicilio, which is going to show you how alot of things work here. At 5:46 the guy experienced the same thing as you did.

12-20-13, 04:29
Last night 12/18 me and a buddy went to the Burrito Hut for dinner. I asked for the check, paid with 1000 pesos. The bill was 819 pesos. Chica comes back with a 50 peso bill and some small change. I immediately call her back over, and show her the change she left. She gives a bewildered look. So I break out my phone and show her the math. 1000 pesos minus 819 pesos is 181 pesos change. Now she realizes I'm on to her, takes the change and comes back with more money but still not the correct change. She tells me she has no more change and just brushes it off like it aint no big deal. My tip originally was going to be the 50 peso note and the small change. I pick and choose when I decide to over tip. This wasnt one of those occasions. I was going to eventually leave it, but my buddy goes in his pocket and gives her 200 pesos for a tip. I'm like WTF did you do that for? You saw what she tried to do..This has bothered me to no and I am so happy that you pointed this out dude. It was soo bad for me I gave the lady who I was with for the week the money and told her the expenses were coming out of Her money. To say the least she did not let anyone shit on "her" money. Worked like a charm. She did not give a fuck, tip nada! I do my best to stay positive but that stuff really bothers me.

12-20-13, 05:22
This has bothered me to no and I am so happy that you pointed this out dude. It was soo bad for me I gave the lady who I was with for the week the money and told her the expenses were coming out of Her money. To say the least she did not let anyone shit on "her" money. Worked like a charm. She did not give a fuck, tip nada! I do my best to stay positive but that stuff really bothers me.I have heard of other mongers doing this as well: giving their main chica the money and letting her pay for everything (meals, negotiating taxi fare, etc.). This way you do not get charged gringo prices or get fucked over when the bill for a meal comes. And she will most likely raise holy hell if someone tried to shortchange her.

(NOTE: "Main chica" as in "Dominican Novia" or "favorita"; not some Sosua street rat he's known all of 10 minutes!)

I remember my very first time in the DR. Me and two other guys took a taxi from Blackbeard's to Sosua, but we picked up a couple of chicas one of them knew before leaving Puerto Plata. When she heard the taxi driver quote how much it would cost to go to Sosua from Puerto Plata she screamed "WHAT??" Clearly we were getting quoted the "screw the gringo rate", lol!

12-21-13, 01:49
Yes, he must was over flashy if he needs $5000 cash in his safe, what is the max amount you can spend a day to keep $5000 in cash?

Nothing wrong with the plastic cards even if I'm paying bank fee.From another board:


Let me post what really happened to stop the speculation. I emailed this to a member last night who is staying with me at Trade Winds in January and was obviously nervious as to what actually happened. I was there 5 minutes after getting the call.

Yes, it was apartment 44. What happened was the guy got comfortable.

With a girl he was with for 4 days and did not do what I always.

Recommend people do when staying at Trade Winds and that is to lock.

Your keys in the safe whenever you have a guest in the room. He did.

Not do that and when he was distracted she opened the metal gate and.

Let the thieves into the apartment. This could not have happened IF he.

Had continued to follow my advice and locked the keys in the safe as.

Recommended. I know you are smarter than that my friend and you are with a.

Long time girl that is sweet and respectable. Crimes here, especially this time of year are crimes of opportunity and he gave her every opportunity. He is back at Trade.

Winds and you will get a chance to get the story from him. He is.

Staying until at least mid January and will be there when you are."

Let me know if you have any further questions my friend.

Take care,


All our properties have digital electronic safes. That is why I say, lock your keys away when you have a strange person in your secured apartment. This right here is exactly why I tell people to do that. If you don't follow the advice I give you and this happens, then I ask. WHO is to blame here and yes, Trade Winds has two security guards working at night. Apperantly, one of the armed robbers had one of them on the ground at gun point and the other was on the other side of the complex.

Let me know if any of you have any questions.


12-21-13, 02:06

Watch this funny dominican movie called ladronesa domicilio, which is going to show you how alot of things work here. At 5:46 the guy experienced the same thing as you did.I caught the scene you were talking about. Instead of the gentleman getting his full change, he was given mints. Because they claimed they didn't have coins. LOL And just like the incident with me at the Burrito Hut, the chica made an attempt to correct the shortage, but she still shorted me on the total amount owed. That movie made me think of a way of having a little fun. The next time that shit happens, I will think of something else to order. When the next bill comes, I will pay them exactly what the bill is, minus what was owed from the previous bill. Then I'll look at them and act bewildered.

12-21-13, 02:31
I was advised by a source that the amount of cash actually stolen may not have been $5000. It may have been less.

12-21-13, 02:41
With a girl he was with for 4 days.Damn 4 days?

12-21-13, 05:08
Arrived last night, Rick was in the airport, everything was very good.

Guess what? I met the guy who was rubbed, and he is very smart and nice guy Although he is American, but Americans are nice people when you meet them one-to-one and interact with them.

Anyway; my buddy was rubbed on the 4th time he met this girl, so I can say anybody can get caught in this scam no matter what.

Good thing is that Rick now (Rose Mary) checks for the girls I'd's, and if the girl left in a wearied time, the guard will come to talk to you to be sure everything is good, just like "Thailand", anyway I have to go, too horny, hummmmm, let me know if there is a specific question guys.

12-21-13, 07:40
I got charged 3% for each ATM transaction I made on Nov 12 and afterwards. Called BOA to inquire, and they confirmed that the no fee policy is gone. The 3% for atm withdrawals every body is going to pay. But BOA still waives a $5 dollar fee on international ATM use with SB in the DR.Good to know, thanks

12-21-13, 12:55
This has bothered me to no and I am so happy that you pointed this out dude. It was soo bad for me I gave the lady who I was with for the week the money and told her the expenses were coming out of Her money. To say the least she did not let anyone shit on "her" money. Worked like a charm. She did not give a fuck, tip nada! I do my best to stay positive but that stuff really bothers me.
I have heard of other mongers doing this as well: giving their main chica the money and letting her pay for everything (meals, negotiating taxi fare, etc.). This way you do not get charged gringo prices or get fucked over when the bill for a meal comes. And she will most likely raise holy hell if someone tried to shortchange her.

(NOTE: "Main chica" as in "Dominican Novia" or "favorita"; not some Sosua street rat he's known all of 10 minutes!)

I remember my very first time in the DR. Me and two other guys took a taxi from Blackbeard's to Sosua, but we picked up a couple of chicas one of them knew before leaving Puerto Plata. When she heard the taxi driver quote how much it would cost to go to Sosua from Puerto Plata she screamed "WHAT?" Clearly we were getting quoted the "screw the gringo rate", LOL!Utilizing chicas definitely works. I do it all the time. But not only with chicas I'm with, it works when you have anybody that can be a good front man/woman to handle matters that might cost you more without their help.

12-22-13, 02:25
Utilizing chicas definitely works. I do it all the time. But not only with chicas I'm with, it works when you have anybody that can be a good front man/woman to handle matters that might cost you more without their help.When I am with a group of guys I usually let the Dominican in the group handle matters. If not a Dominican anybody who can speak the language. I speak Spanish so if they do not have anyone else I serve as the cultural broker. I will argue the price down for many guys. I also check out prices before I argue down. If a local is walking by I just ask him how much the taxi fare to the next town (or ask the workers at the front desk at the hotel I am staying at). He will quote me a number so when I talk with the cab guys, as always, they will upsell then I argue with them until they meet my price. Sometimes it is not as low as the local price, but pretty close. If it is a chica I let her negotiate for me. If she does a good job I'll tip her in the end.

There have been cases, though, where the chica is looking out for a friend, who works in a restaurant, or even wants to tip everyplace we go (so she can look good since she will be going to these places long after I leave) but I put a stop to such behavior. Many times I just cut her loose since I find, in the long run, such chicas cost me too much money. With some of these chicas they do not mind spending and squandering your money (even for something as useless a gambling) but will pitch a ***** when it comes to spending their own. Left to some chicas they want to live the life of the rich and famous, on your dime!

12-22-13, 11:27
What's the monger demographic like in Sosua? That's something that I haven't seen addressed on the last 50-pages or so of posts I've read here. The girls I've seen photos of appear to be quite beautiful. Just looking to chill and relax in the DR, too, and trying to get a better feel for who I'll be drinking beers with. I've traveled around a decent bit, but getting the feeling like I might be the young kid on the block when I show up.

Given that my first time in the DR is coming up soon, any advice on meeting up with the crowd more likely to steer me the right way and avoiding the weekenders?

I very much appreciate all of you taking the time to talk on this forum. I've been super-quiet, but I've taken to heart a lot of what you've posted here and I have no doubt that the DR is going to be a great time. I look forward to seeing you guys within a couple of weeks!



12-22-13, 16:25
Many times I just cut her loose since I find, in the long run, such chicas cost me too much money. With some of these chicas they do not mind spending and squandering your money (even for something as useless a gambling) but will pitch a ***** when it comes to spending their own. Left to some chicas they want to live the life of the rich and famous, on your dime!Sometimes when you have a chica around you for a while or too long, they might start taking liberties with your money and generosity. Case in point. My SP chica and I shopped for groceries in La Sirena early in her visit, and as expected, she started filling up the cart with personal stuff. Feminine products etc.

She needed a battery for her watch, gave her money to get the battery while I put the groceries in the car. She gets in the car, and shows me some earrings she bought with some of my change. Didn't ask me if she could buy the earrings. I took note of that. On her last day, I took her to the dentist to the tune of 900 pesos, then off to the farmacia for a prescription she needed after the dental work. She comes out with the prescription and some other product she didn't tell me she was buying. I noted that. Chica is bad when it comes to maintaining phone credit, so I gave her 500 pesos to add credit to her phone. Later that night while in Cabarete having dinner, she inadvertently mentioned she was low on phone credit AGAIN?

There is no way this mug should be low on credit, if she put the whole 500 pesos like I told her to, just a few hours ago. She barely used her phone before we went to Cabarete. I told her to let me see the Orange message indicating the credit she put on her phone earlier. She claimed she eliminated the message. LOL. Yeah right. Her cost to value ratio just plummeted even more. I was leading up to cutting her loose or reducing my time with her anyway, because wifing up in Sosua has its disadvantages. Plus seeing she really can't be trusted, it's time to let her go completely. In the long run she will cost me more money than I intend to spend, or worse. Before it was time to drop her butt off to Caribe Tours, I made sure I adjusted accordingly, her take home cash to reflect the extra expenditures she incurred during her time with me.

I have known other regulars in the past that had to be phased out for similar reasons / concerns. IMO any chica not working a regular job or has no source of earning income, a dude runs the risk of that chica potentially being untrustworthy in the long run.

I know an older cat that had a brief relationship with a chica that worked in a bar in Sosua. Got an apartment for them and her children. To see them together, you would have thought they were a great couple. But he told me recently they broke up. And he has no interest in getting with her ever again. According to him, she got real comfortable with him setting everything up. Eventually she quit her job, and wasnt pulling her weight in the household. Now he has been fighting a legal battle after getting her out of the place to keep all of the stuff in the apartment he bought that she is claiming is hers? A once sweet sexy chica that worked everyday, cooked meals regularly for him, has turned into an opportunistic nightmare for this gentleman.

Charles Pooter
12-22-13, 16:42
What's the monger demographic like in Sosua?Just a guess: 80% are 35 to 55, 10% younger. 10% older. Ex-pats and very frequent visitors are older than that on the average as many retirees are included.

Apart from groups of friends who come here together, one of the things I like about the monger community here is that there is little age segregation. Younger and older guys meet up and often hang together. Similarly guys of different nationalities and racial background.

12-22-13, 16:56
What's the monger demographic like in Sosua? That's something that I haven't seen addressed on the last 50-pages or so of posts I've read here. The girls I've seen photos of appear to be quite beautiful. Just looking to chill and relax in the DR, too, and trying to get a better feel for who I'll be drinking beers with. I've traveled around a decent bit, but getting the feeling like I might be the young kid on the block when I show up.

Given that my first time in the DR is coming up soon, any advice on meeting up with the crowd more likely to steer me the right way and avoiding the weekenders?

I very much appreciate all of you taking the time to talk on this forum. I've been super-quiet, but I've taken to heart a lot of what you've posted here and I have no doubt that the DR is going to be a great time. I look forward to seeing you guys within a couple of weeks!


CinDRYou can start off by going to Rockys restaurant / bar and meet up with guys there for conversation and insight. You can go to New Gardens around breakfast time and meet guys there. You can go to the bar at Seabreeze or Baileys to meet other mongers. There are tons of restaurants on the beach where you can mingle with other mongers. Just get in where you feel you fit in. If you choose to go to any of the bars or restaurants on the strip, you may be better off if you go to a venue where it isn't too noisy and you can hear yourself talk.

12-22-13, 18:27
What's the monger demographic like in Sosua?Http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkL_RU2aSek






The Mind Bender
12-23-13, 05:26
I know an older cat that had a brief relationship with a chica that worked in a bar in Sosua. Got an apartment for them and her children. To see them together, you would have thought they were a great couple. But he told me recently they broke up. And he has no interest in getting with her ever again. According to him, she got real comfortable with him setting everything up. Eventually she quit her job, and wasnt pulling her weight in the household. Now he has been fighting a legal battle after getting her out of the place to keep all of the stuff in the apartment he bought that she is claiming is hers? A once sweet sexy chica that worked everyday, cooked meals regularly for him, has turned into an opportunistic nightmare for this gentleman.That's what happens when you spoil women, they turn rotten.

These girls will jump at the chance to be "kept women" so a man has to run a tight ship or risk mutiny

12-23-13, 05:41
Guys need to put these girls on a short leachs. I can not blame the girls for trying. First time she does something with your money you put her on blast. There are so many girls looking for some one to give them a little help. I give them one time to pull some BS. The second time they are on the curb. I read you guys letting girls run all over you. I like having girl that I can chill with for more then fucking but I will not be her fool. Give them one mistake but the second time they are done.

That's what happens when you spoil women, they turn rotten.

These girls will jump at the chance to be "kept women" so a man has to run a tight ship or risk mutiny

The Mind Bender
12-23-13, 07:41
If a chica is going to stay home them she needs to have chores to keep her busy. No way she's going to sleep all day and watch telenovelas on my dime. If I'm paying for her and her kids she better be going to the gym daily to keep that sexy shape for me, she better be cooking exquisite meals and the house damn well better be spotless.

And ff she even tries to break bad I'll simply remind her that there's always another chica prettier and younger who is dying to take her spot.

12-23-13, 23:30
Just a guess: 80% are 35 to 55, 10% younger. 10% older. Ex-pats and very frequent visitors are older than that on the average as many retirees are included.

Apart from groups of friends who come here together, one of the things I like about the monger community here is that there is little age segregation. Younger and older guys meet up and often hang together. Similarly guys of different nationalities and racial background.I find this so agreeable

12-23-13, 23:32
If a chica is going to stay home them she needs to have chores to keep her busy. No way she's going to sleep all day and watch telenovelas on my dime. If I'm paying for her and her kids she better be going to the gym daily to keep that sexy shape for me, she better be cooking exquisite meals and the house damn well better be spotless.

And ff she even tries to break bad I'll simply remind her that there's always another chica prettier and younger who is dying to take her spot.You damn right!

12-27-13, 17:29
Monday I was at a local Dominican owned hotel and I had a hot Haitian spend the night with me then go to breakfast. Looking back I wish I would not had her went to breakfast with me because ever since the owner and all the day empleados are treating me different than they were. And not in a good way. For the new guys it is fine to take a Haitian to your hotel at night because the night shift sees all but unless you are at New Garden or the other monger hotels close to there Don't take them to breakfast you will probably be like me and get the cold shoulder treatment afterward.

12-27-13, 17:49
Monday I was at a local Dominican owned hotel and I had a hot Haitian spend the night with me then go to breakfast. Looking back I wish I would not had her went to breakfast with me because ever since the owner and all the day empleados are treating me different than they were. And not in a good way. For the new guys it is fine to take a Haitian to your hotel at night because the night shift sees all but unless you are at New Garden or the other monger hotels close to there Don't take them to breakfast you will probably be like me and get the cold shoulder treatment afterward.Bro, let your money do all the talking. Fuck all of that other noise.

When I am in Sosua I run through Haitian chicas and Dominicanas concurrently. I had one Dominicana say "I saw you with your Haitian girlfriend this morning (I took her to breakfast at Tipico Alberto's)". The Dominican chica saw us walking together while she was in the salon.

Did that stop anything? Nope! This was my second time banging this Dominicana after only having met her a day before. She "revealed" all of this to me in bed, but didn't make a big deal of it (since she was there for my pesos again). It wasn't like "oh, I'm not going to see you today because you were with a Haitian chick".

You have the money and the power in Sosua. You choose who you sleep with, and where you spend your money. If the hotel you are at doesn't like it, then vote with your feet and go someplace that doesn't give a shit about such things like Casa Cayena, New Garden, etc.

Brother P
12-27-13, 18:43
Whassup my brothers! I'm one wk into a three wk trip! Having a very relaxing and pleasant trip. Getting up early for a run, brkfast, hanging at the beach and around town with fellow travelers and expat buddies. Doing one chica a day. Been sticking with my 1500 pesos regulars. Partly out of necessity. This is my sixth trip this yr. Got to keep the budget tight! LOL. As usual, the Haitian girls are outperforming the dominicanas hands down! I'm being a little more discreet cause as others have mentioned the Dominicans Hate to see you with a Haitian! LOL! I moved from the depiero to casa Angela. It's a nice guest house. Have a large room with balcony for 35 a night. Laundry is included! Having fun!

12-28-13, 02:49
The anti Haitian feelings in the DR run very deep. It has been excepted for so long they do not even know it exists. The Haitian women I have dealt with have been excellent. I like the looks of DR chicas but for performance they are hard to beat. They charge less and give less problems.

Whassup my brothers! I'm one wk into a three wk trip! Having a very relaxing and pleasant trip. Getting up early for a run, brkfast, hanging at the beach and around town with fellow travelers and expat buddies. Doing one chica a day. Been sticking with my 1500 pesos regulars. Partly out of necessity. This is my sixth trip this yr. Got to keep the budget tight! LOL. As usual, the Haitian girls are outperforming the dominicanas hands down! I'm being a little more discreet cause as others have mentioned the Dominicans Hate to see you with a Haitian! LOL! I moved from the depiero to casa Angela. It's a nice guest house. Have a large room with balcony for 35 a night. Laundry is included! Having fun!

12-28-13, 15:54
That's what happens when you spoil women, they turn rotten.

These girls will jump at the chance to be "kept women" so a man has to run a tight ship or risk mutinyGo back and read my story. Do not wife these girls up guys! The women you meet in Sosua cannot be wifed. They are ruined and thats the truth. Hit Tagged, meet a non pro who has never heard of Sosua (and alot of girls in the DR have not) and then play wife if you want to.

Charles Pooter
12-28-13, 17:59
Hit Tagged, meet a non pro who has never heard of Sosua (and alot of girls in the DR have not) and then play wife if you want to.There are plenty of nice girls for wifing up on the North Coast, if that is your thing. Even in Sosua (though not on the Strip at any time or on the streets after dark). Improve your chances by looking in Puerto Plata. Far bigger population and far lower ratio of putas.

You could meet one online, but I don't see the advantage. If you cannot judge a girl after spending time in her company in person, what chance have you got trying to do it remotely where anybody can write any old bullshit?

Mr Gogo
12-28-13, 18:45
There are plenty of nice girls for wifing up on the North Coast, if that is your thing. Even in Sosua (though not on the Strip at any time or on the streets after dark). Improve your chances by looking in Puerto Plata. Far bigger population and far lower ratio of putas.

You could meet one online, but I don't see the advantage. If you cannot judge a girl after spending time in her company in person, what chance have you got trying to do it remotely where anybody can write any old bullshit?Don't do it! Charles doesn't even fuck with Dominican girls because he knows. Just go down there and enjoy yourself but stay out of that wifing them and bringing them back to the States trap. Its plenty of guys on Pedro Clisante crying into their beers because they got weak. The girl is sitting sweet in the guys shit and he is hiding out in Sosua waiting for life to end so his pain will go away. Most Dominicanas in the DR are culturally brainwashed that they don't adjust well to other cultures. You will have an arm trophy that is plotting her next move without you if you bring her back to the States. I have never had a Dominicana ask"What is it like living in the States", that's because they don't give a fuck. But if a guy is stupid enough to offer her money and a big house, she should play the sucker.

Mr Enternational
12-28-13, 20:33
You could meet one online, but I don't see the advantage. If you cannot judge a girl after spending time in her company in person, what chance have you got trying to do it remotely where anybody can write any old bullshit?Scheming low-lives know how to use computers too. You have to learn how to pick a good woman. That is easy. Woman who hints about material things she needs/wants and/or money: bad for relationship. Woman who don't: good for relationship. I know most guys here like to give women money but save that evolution for hookers (the ones who ask for it.) Don't just force money on a woman because you fucked and don't want to feel guilty. Believe it or not, there are normal chicks who like to fuck just like guys do and are not seeking compensation for it.

Example of one not to choose: I don't know how this chick in Santo Domingo got on my facebook but I got the hint that she was talking about living the good life at my expense so I have not talked to her since.

Her: me gusta la cosa buena papi
Me: Yo soy una cosa buena
Her: jejeje eso no lo se
Me: Parece que no quieres saber
Her: bueno si quiero pero también me gusta la buena comida la buena ropa los chelito ya tu sabe
Me: Yo no se nada
Her: te lo estoy disiendo yo toy adelante papi
Me: Ok
Her: no bulto
Chat Conversation End

12-28-13, 20:39
You could meet one online, but I don't see the advantage. If you cannot judge a girl after spending time in her company in person, what chance have you got trying to do it remotely where anybody can write any old bullshit?

Scheming lowlifes know how to use computers too.

I will say this: I have been increasingly encountering fake profiles on Latin American Cupid lately. One chica's profile said she lived in SD, sent me the facebook name she uses. After researching her page (I always look over the page before adding anyone) her fb profile said she was in Colombia. Even had a photo of Colombian pesos.

See for yourself:

LAC Profile Name: Michel

Lives in Los Alcarrizos, Dominican Republic.

Facebook profile she (or he) sent me: https://www.facebook.com/michel.king.587?fref=ts

For Samaná, Caldas, Colombia. Even her timeline is filled with bullshit spam posts (biggest indicator of a fake profile)

I think they are on to us, LOL.

12-28-13, 22:06
Hello, Is souse bay hotel still open? Is it nice? Brother P, enjoy your stay and thanks for the update.


12-29-13, 07:16
Hello, Is souse bay hotel still open? Is it nice? Brother P, enjoy your stay and thanks for the update.

RadpokerIt's closed. Only the casino is open.

Brother P
12-29-13, 15:07
Hello, Is souse bay hotel still open? Is it nice? Brother P, enjoy your stay and thanks for the update.

RadpokerNo bro, but the Victoria house is open. I think 60 a night.

12-29-13, 17:33

I am heading to Sosua on the 1st for 12 days. I have been reading the reports here and would like to thank all the contributors for their reports and advice. It has helped a lot. I plan on submitting a full report on the way back.

I do have a couple of questions:

1-How easy is it to find chicas willing to do a threesome?

2-What to do if you run into a chica with whom you've had a bad experience? I just want to ignore them but do they run after you? Do they create scenes? I had one bad experience in Thailand where I ran into a girl I had the night before. She went ballistics on the girl I was with.

3-I'll be staying the Casa Cayenna. Where can I buy beer to put in the fridge?


Charles Pooter
12-30-13, 01:34
1-How easy is it to find chicas willing to do a threesome?Not that hard, but guys generally report poor experiences unless they have prior knowledge of the chicas. What it usually means if you are lucky is that they take turns to fuck you. If you are unlucky they still take turns to fuck you but one prowls round looking for stuff to steal.

My motto for threesomes in the DR "Double the cost, half the fun". It is not a traditional thing the way it is in Asia or Russia and they don't work on each other unless that is specifically agreed in advance.

2-What to do if you run into a chica with whom you've had a bad experience? I just want to ignore them but do they run after you? Do they create scenes?I don't think that is a widespread problem but I guess it depends how serious the problem was. Don't forget that Sosua is a very small town not a huge scene like Bangkok or Pattaya. If a chica thinks you have seriously cheated or ill-treated her everyone will know about it within a few hours: putas, cops, other mongers, bar and club owners and moto guys. You cannot just melt away into the population.

3-I'll be staying the Casa Cayenna. Where can I buy beer to put in the fridge?Good choice! There is a small supermarket a few minutes walk away and maybe a colmado even nearer.

12-30-13, 01:36
1-How easy is it to find chicas willing to do a threesome?

2-What to do if you run into a chica with whom you've had a bad experience? I just want to ignore them but do they run after you? Do they create scenes? I had one bad experience in Thailand where I ran into a girl I had the night before. She went ballistics on the girl I was with.I'll help you with the first 2.

#1. You won't find any shortage of women that will do a 3-some. They call it "happy hour". Easy to find chicks into doing this, because they'll typically travel in pairs. One will be more aggressive than the other, and will do all of the talking. It's usually a bullshit experience, but YMMV.

The key is to knowing what YOU want out of the encounter. If you're in it to see 2 chicks go at it together, you'll be disappointed. Not many chicks are bisexual, and won't really touch each other. 90% of what you'll get is one chick doing you, while the other is standing in the corner until you call her over. Then they'll trade places. If you're in it to do 2 chicks at the same time, you'll be fine. Just know that you'll pull it out of one, change condoms, to drop it into the other. Goes through condoms pretty fast if you go back and forth.

#2. I just ignore them, or tell them I'll see them later, or just a straight NO depending on their attitude. You've got to read the chick and the situation.

Can't help you on #3, I don't know exactly where that location is. But, there is a liquor store 1/2 a block from Rumba where I've stocked up before.

Good luck

12-30-13, 05:33
Currently back in Boca Chica and I miss last week ground report. We arrived in Sosua at about 8. Casa Angela was full in both places. We went to Hotel Europa I think that's the name. Nice hotel very clean. Right on the strip, nice pool. We stayed two days. We hit the block myself, Tee, Street, E and Justice. The block was hot. A lot of new faces and quite a bit of fuglies. I thinking who are giving these chicas play. They must be here to fill the supply and demand I rationalized. Anyway, the chicas were in full swing. Your pick for your dick. Things were going good until T got a hair up his ass and jumped in the middle of the dance floor. He was throwing chicas in the air as he went in his Napoleon Dynamite phase. He and Justice love to dance. 3 minutes later he came out minus his wallet. 500 us and credit card. As he complained some people told him to look for 2 chicas. I asked him see he see the chicas take from him and he said no. However, he pointed out the chicas to the policed and they arrested them on the spot. The police told him to come in the morning and fill out paperwork. One chica pleaded with T and the police she didn't know anything about a wallet. She pulled off her wig and everything. I told T the situation was not cool. People were pointing at Haitians saying they took it but know one knows. The next morning T found out someone had used his card 3 times that morning. 1.30 1. 21 and 1. 57. Why he didn't turn off his card I don't know.

Street was on another 3 some mission. He was picking with wise experience. He found a sexy chica, asked her if she like girls, and did she have a friend. Jackpot. These chicas had the little homey drained and smiling. I did mostly repeat chicas this round. I makes you smile when a chica says "no money Papi for free for you hoy". I will see Sosua this weekend. I hope that damn Mr. E calls me while he is down here. I want to get up in SD and hunter with him.

Coole Mr
12-30-13, 05:49
No bro, but the Victoria house is open. I think 60 a night.Is Victoria House guess friendly?


12-30-13, 15:00

I am heading to Sosua on the 1st for 12 days. I have been reading the reports here and would like to thank all the contributors for their reports and advice. It has helped a lot. I plan on submitting a full report on the way back.

I do have a couple of questions:

1-How easy is it to find chicas willing to do a threesome?

2-What to do if you run into a chica with whom you've had a bad experience? I just want to ignore them but do they run after you? Do they create scenes? I had one bad experience in Thailand where I ran into a girl I had the night before. She went ballistics on the girl I was with.

3-I'll be staying the Casa Cayenna. Where can I buy beer to put in the fridge?

ThanksI'm commenting on number 2. IMO, if the bad experience already occurred, as in the previous day / night, generally you won't be bothered by that chica. If you see her again, you may be given dirty looks, or if you pass near her she may call you names or start cursing, but that may be as far as it may go. Of course it may depend on what kind of bad experience you are talking about? A bad experience could be simply having a chica who gave a bad performance in bed. It could be a chica that got mad because she thinks you wasted her time by not following through on taking her.

Maybe you both had a dispute regarding paying her. The point is, if the situation in that moment eventually got squashed or she left, then you generally don't have anything to worry about. If the situation was all that serious to the chica she wouldn't be leaving until she was good and ready. Or someone forced her to leave. So if that bad experience is over, you generally don't have anything to worry about. Be careful offering chicas drinks or letting them sit with you. As those gestures can and have been used by chicas to claim you put them on the clock for their time. Don't think because you are spending money on drinks / food etc with a chica, that that chica is appreciating it and will be okay with you choosing somebody else in her face.

If anything, she may be using your generosity, your social manner towards one main goal. To get more out of you. Some chicas you can offer food and drinks, and walk away and choose who you want, but there are some that could go ballistic and cause a scene that you don't want to be a part of. Especially if the police get involved and the chica lies about something you did. Thats just a word of caution. For the most part you probably don't have anything to worry about and might never have any problems with a chica you had a bad experience with. Bear in mind, how you handle a situation and yourself overall will probably be broadcast around the chica social network.

12-30-13, 15:34
3 minutes later he came out minus his wallet. 500 us and credit card.Why was your friend carrying around that much US cash and a CC, especially in a bar / club? Was he expecting to pay with US cash or use his credit card? My personal concern is, when I'm out at night in Sosua, I usually have 2 cell phones on me (my USA phone is locked up) that I'm taking the risk of losing or being stolen.

Your friends situation is definitely a wake up call. I don't know which spot you and your friends were? But I have been in D'Latins when it was jam packed. I can see how easy it may be to get pick pocketed among a crowd of people. Even if you felt someone take something out of your pocket, the item could be passed around and gone before you realize who did it. I have a buddy that told me he had pants on with zippers and he still had money stolen from his pocket. What made it worse, he said the thief managed to get the money even though he was sitting down.

12-30-13, 15:48
I'm commenting on number 2. IMO, if the bad experience already occurred, as in the previous day / night, generally you won't be bothered by that chica. If you see her again, you may be given dirty looks, or if you pass near her she may call you names or start cursing, but that may be as far as it may go. Of course it may depend on what kind of bad experience you are talking about? A bad experience could be simply having a chica who gave a bad performance in bed. It could be a chica that got mad because she thinks you wasted her time by not following through on taking her.

Maybe you both had a dispute regarding paying her. The point is, if the situation in that moment eventually got squashed or she left, then you generally don't have anything to worry about. If the situation was all that serious to the chica she wouldn't be leaving until she was good and ready. Or someone forced her to leave. So if that bad experience is over, you generally don't have anything to worry about. Be careful offering chicas drinks or letting them sit with you. As those gestures can and have been used by chicas to claim you put them on the clock for their time..Thanks to everyone who replied.

I have one last questions. Is it worth going to Cabarete to meet chicas? There are not many recent reports in the Cabarete section and was wondering what the scene was like there.


The Mind Bender
12-30-13, 19:07
He and Justice love to dance. 3 minutes later he came out minus his wallet. 500 us and credit card.Dancing in a crowed space with a lot of money in your wallet is not a smart thing to do in any country.

Personally when I'm at DLatins I keep my hands close to the side and my back to the wall.

Oh and take "the Haitians did it" with a grain of salt, Dominicans are just as likely and willing to rob you

12-30-13, 20:10
Why was your friend carrying around that much US cash and a CC, especially in a bar / club? Was he expecting to pay with US cash or use his credit card? My personal concern is, when I'm out at night in Sosua, I usually have 2 cell phones on me (my USA phone is locked up) that I'm taking the risk of losing or being stolen.

Your friends situation is definitely a wake up call. I don't know which spot you and your friends were? But I have been in D'Latins when it was jam packed. I can see how easy it may be to get pick pocketed among a crowd of people. Even if you felt someone take something out of your pocket, the item could be passed around and gone before you realize who did it. I have a buddy that told me he had pants on with zippers and he still had money stolen from his pocket. What made it worse, he said the thief managed to get the money even though he was sitting down.My friend thinks with his dick until he becomes a victim.

12-30-13, 20:14
Dancing in a crowed space with a lot of money in your wallet is not a smart thing to do in any country.

Personally when I'm at DLatins I keep my hands close to the side and my back to the wall.

Oh and take "the Haitians did it" with a grain of salt, Dominicans are just as likely and willing to rob youWe were at DLatin when this happen. And I agree Dominican will rob you just as well. T don't know who picked him! I felt sorry for the chicas he pointed out,

DC Gringo
12-31-13, 02:26
I'm commenting on number 2. IMO, if the bad experience already occurred, as in the previous day / night, generally you won't be bothered by that chica. If you see her again, you may be given dirty looks, or if you pass near her she may call you names or start cursing, but that may be as far as it may go. Of course it may depend on what kind of bad experience you are talking about? A bad experience could be simply having a chica who gave a bad performance in bed. It could be a chica that got mad because she thinks you wasted her time by not following through on taking her.

Maybe you both had a dispute regarding paying her. The point is, if the situation in that moment eventually got squashed or she left, then you generally don't have anything to worry about. If the situation was all that serious to the chica she wouldn't be leaving until she was good and ready. Or someone forced her to leave. So if that bad experience is over, you generally don't have anything to worry about. Be careful offering chicas drinks or letting them sit with you. As those gestures can and have been used by chicas to claim you put them on the clock for their time..I was down the weekend of December 13-15. After my fifth time I got caught up as well. I lost my dam phone, or better yet someone stole it. I take full blame because I feel like I got too comfortable there having been so many times. You can not ever sleep there, now I am good. The bad thing about it is one of my little fellas kept telling me that you can't sleep on no one, you can't trust no one there man in his New York voice. I was like whatever man, do you know who I am, I come down here all the time. My last name is Dominicana! Well I got humbled quick, because when I lost my phone I called him over and he dam near cussed me out. He said what I tell you man! This all happened in the D'Latin. I kept pulling it out to do the translate with the little shorty I was with negotioting price. I was about to leave too. Man she was hot and had me harder than a pack of nickels. We were slow grinding, kissing and and some more. (You know, you've done this too) Anyway after that I was completely blown and guess she figured that I didn't want to be bothered. Anyway, I got her the next night LOL, charged it to the game, and screwed her for the worth of my phone and the 1500 Pesos I gave her. She spent the night of course. It was my birthday too. I love DR and will be going back soon. Dam that place is very addictive. This is my first post and plan to participate more in these conversations.


12-31-13, 12:27
A guy who carrys that much money is asking for it. I have no sympathy.

We were at DLatin when this happen. And I agree Dominican will rob you just as well. T don't know who picked him! I felt sorry for the chicas he pointed out,

12-31-13, 16:33
Is there such a thing as traveling to the DR too much?

I was in Santo Domingo the last few days, which was a pretty good trip. Lots to do down there and the beaches of Boca Chica and Juan Dolio are beautiful. Upon arriving at Santo Domingo, no issues. Easy immigration, got my bag from baggage claim and went to customs. The girl that took my form and checked my passport noticed I had been to the DR before. She commented in Espańol "You have been here before. In August. And September." I replied back "And October." and smiled. She then gave a bit of a sarcastic smirk and looked at me and then asked me if I had any gifts or electronics in my luggage. I replied no, I only have a laptop, iPad, and charger in my carry-on. She said OK, gave me back my passport and I was on my way. I thought, no issues then.

But as time went on, I thought about it some more. Is there such a thing as visiting the DR too much? I've been 4 times now since August, are customs or immigration officials concerned about people visiting too much? Or do they simply not care as much as I'm thinking they care? Your experiences and comments are greatly appreciated!

12-31-13, 21:08
Is there such a thing as traveling to the DR too much?

I was in Santo Domingo the last few days, which was a pretty good trip. Lots to do down there and the beaches of Boca Chica and Juan Dolio are beautiful. Upon arriving at Santo Domingo, no issues. Easy immigration, got my bag from baggage claim and went to customs. The girl that took my form and checked my passport noticed I had been to the DR before. She commented in Espańol "You have been here before. In August. And September." I replied back "And October." and smiled. She then gave a bit of a sarcastic smirk and looked at me and then asked me if I had any gifts or electronics in my luggage. I replied no, I only have a laptop, iPad, and charger in my carry-on. She said OK, gave me back my passport and I was on my way. I thought, no issues then.

But as time went on, I thought about it some more. Is there such a thing as visiting the DR too much? I've been 4 times now since August, are customs or immigration officials concerned about people visiting too much? Or do they simply not care as much as I'm thinking they care? Your experiences and comments are greatly appreciated!I doubt it, because DR depends on tourism. Of course if you have a pattern of travel associated with terrorism, drug trafficking or other forms of crime, that might be of interest. Your own pattern of travel could just indicate that you have a girlfriend or even a child in the DR that you are visiting, or it could even be church business for that business, so probably you are a bit too paranoid.

01-01-14, 00:24
Is there such a thing as traveling to the DR too much?

I was in Santo Domingo the last few days, which was a pretty good trip. Lots to do down there and the beaches of Boca Chica and Juan Dolio are beautiful. Upon arriving at Santo Domingo, no issues. Easy immigration, got my bag from baggage claim and went to customs. The girl that took my form and checked my passport noticed I had been to the DR before. She commented in Espańol "You have been here before. In August. And September." I replied back "And October." and smiled. She then gave a bit of a sarcastic smirk and looked at me and then asked me if I had any gifts or electronics in my luggage. I replied no, I only have a laptop, iPad, and charger in my carry-on. She said OK, gave me back my passport and I was on my way. I thought, no issues then.

But as time went on, I thought about it some more. Is there such a thing as visiting the DR too much? I've been 4 times now since August, are customs or immigration officials concerned about people visiting too much? Or do they simply not care as much as I'm thinking they care? Your experiences and comments are greatly appreciated!Customs officials basic responsibility is seeing that people are following established rules and guidelines. I'm sure as individuals, some customs agents may have their own personal feelings in regards to people that come to their country or go to another country. This past November and December I had 2, full to the max check in bags on each of those trips. Also my carry on was was packed solid as well.

On my return trip back to NY in December I was briefly grilled by a customs agent at JFK. He wanted to know where I was staying? Was it a hotel or an apartment? I don't know why, but I told him it was a hotel. He wanted to know the name of the hotel? Was it a resort or regular hotel? Then he asked me if I ate my meals there or did I go out? What my occupation was? I was wondering to myself where was all of this coming from? I could have questioned him, but didn't want to end up being detained if he thought I was giving him a hard time. Then I'd surely be detained for further questioning. After he let me pass, I tried to figure it out. Customs probably monitors how much luggage one brings when they leave the country vs what that person comes back with. I only came back with a carry on and a back pack. So I was traveling extremely light compared to how I went down.

Maybe his line of questioning was normal protocol if my hunch was right? The type of things one should expect an agent to ask. Especially since I too have been to the DR a lot. I've gone every month of 2013. My passport stampings are filling up quick. I would think their main concern is the possibility of someone being involved in drugs or some other type of illegal activity. So I guess what they see on the surface (a dude going to the DR regularly) is within their scope to why they might ask questions.

As far as I'm concerned, the only people that probably have a problem with many of us going to the DR, are haters (those we know, and those we don't know but they exist)

We have thousands maybe millions of expats that live in the DR, and many are very happy living there. Since they don't travel as much as many of us, they arent exposed to customs agents questioning them the same or as often. So they arent exposed to the level of scrutiny as those individuals on vacation with dozens of stamps in their passport, all in one year.

01-01-14, 00:32
Thanks to everyone who replied.

I have one last questions. Is it worth going to Cabarete to meet chicas? There are not many recent reports in the Cabarete section and was wondering what the scene was like there.

Thanks!I know nothing about meeting chicas in Cabarete. I have only brought chicas there with me as dates.

01-01-14, 00:40
As long as you aren't doing anything illegal, you have nothing to worry about. There are expats that travel frequently between the DR and the US without a problem except getting questioned more than the casual visitor.

I wanted to comment about Puntz' remark about the beaches in Boca & Juan Dolio. For those with their panties in a knot, flame away for not posting about sex. I don't like Boca at all and Juan Dolio wasn't much better in my book. Forget about the touts and the seediness of Boca, which I kinda like. You can't really swim in the water. The beach is on a sandbar and you can go out seemingly forever and the water will only be up to your waist. Compared to other beaches in the DR, I rank these beaches pretty low. Or am I missing something?

Customs officials basic responsibility is seeing that people are following established rules and guidelines. I'm sure as individuals, some customs agents may have their own personal feelings in regards to people that come to their country or go to another country. This past November and December I had 2, full to the max check in bags on each of those trips. Also my carry on was was packed solid as well.

On my return trip back to NY in December I was briefly grilled by a customs agent at JFK. He wanted to know where I was staying? Was it a hotel or an apartment? I don't know why, but I told him it was a hotel. He wanted to know the name of the hotel? Was it a resort or regular hotel? Then he asked me if I ate my meals there or did I go out? What my occupation was? I was wondering to myself where was all of this coming from? I could have questioned him, but didn't want to end up being detained if he thought I was giving him a hard time. Then I'd surely be detained for further questioning. After he let me pass, I tried to figure it out. Customs probably monitors how much luggage one brings when they leave the country vs what that person comes back with. I only came back with a carry on and a back pack. So I was traveling extremely light compared to how I went down.

Maybe his line of questioning was normal protocol if my hunch was right? The type of things one should expect an agent to ask. Especially since I too have been to the DR a lot. I've gone every month of 2013. My passport stampings are filling up quick. I would think their main concern is the possibility of someone being involved in drugs or some other type of illegal activity. So I guess what they see on the surface (a dude going to the DR regularly) is within their scope to why they might ask questions.

As far as I'm concerned, the only people that probably have a problem with many of us going to the DR, are haters (those we know, and those we don't know but they exist)

We have thousands maybe millions of expats that live in the DR, and many are very happy living there. Since they don't travel as much as many of us, they arent exposed to customs agents questioning them the same or as often. So they arent exposed to the level of scrutiny as those individuals on vacation with dozens of stamps in their passport, all in one year.

01-01-14, 02:04
I was down the weekend of December 13-15. After my fifth time I got caught up as well. I lost my dam phone, or better yet someone stole it. I take full blame because I feel like I got too comfortable there having been so many times. You can not ever sleep there, now I am good. The bad thing about it is one of my little fellas kept telling me that you can't sleep on no one, you can't trust no one there man in his New York voice. I was like whatever man, do you know who I am, I come down here all the time. My last name is Dominicana! Well I got humbled quick, because when I lost my phone I called him over and he dam near cussed me out. He said what I tell you man! This all happened in the D'Latin. I kept pulling it out to do the translate with the little shorty I was with negotioting price. I was about to leave too. Man she was hot and had me harder than a pack of nickels. We were slow grinding, kissing and and some more. (You know, you've done this too) Anyway after that I was completely blown and guess she figured that I didn't want to be bothered. Anyway, I got her the next night LOL, charged it to the game, and screwed her for the worth of my phone and the 1500 Pesos I gave her. She spent the night of course. It was my birthday too. I love DR and will be going back soon. Dam that place is very addictive. This is my first post and plan to participate more in these conversations.

SaludI think reports like this serve the purpose of reinforcing the need for many of us to take extra precaution in protecting ourselves. BTW, I have observed about 3 young dominicans and a few older ones acting as tour guys to dudes on their 1st visit to Sosua. Personally, I don't trust any of them. When I see a dude with one, I swear the dude looks like he has a target on his back. I suspect some dudes have been robbed, pick pocketed or have things stolen from their hotels, with the help of some of those tour guides. I do know when some of those tour guides suggest a place to go, it's usually a place they get a kickback for bringing potential customers to that establishment. But it's done as if the guide has the dudes best interest in mind.

01-01-14, 15:22
What is it and why do customs rub your hands with it when you are the lucky 1 they decide to check. After being checked many times I finally ask the person why me. The response was it is random.

But it is hard for me to understand how or why I can be that random guy every time.

Mr Enternational
01-01-14, 16:31
What is it and why do customs rub your hands with it when you are the lucky 1 they decide to check. After being checked many times I finally ask the person why me. The response was it is random.

But it is hard for me to understand how or why I can be that random guy every time.You guys confuse the different agencies a lot. Customs never rub your hands with anything. The most contact that most people have with customs is handing them the blue piece of paper after they leave out of immigration. Airport security is the one who rubs your hands and / or bags and puts it in a machine that detects traces of explosive material.

01-01-14, 18:12
sex vacations are not a illegal as long as you are not doing **** girls. you have nothing to worry about. i am always the happiest guy in the line going and coming.

you guys confuse the different agencies a lot. customs never rub your hands with anything. the most contact that most people have with customs is handing them the blue piece of paper after they leave out of immigration. airport security is the one who rubs your hands and / or bags and puts it in a machine that detects traces of explosive material.

01-01-14, 19:43
sex vacations are not a illegal as long as you are not doing **** girls. you have nothing to worry about. i am always the happiest guy in the line going and coming.i have both sentri and global entry. with sentri i am am able to cross back from mexico into the united states with out having to wait in line which at times can be a long time. part of the process to obtain sentri was a personal interview by border protection with lots of personal questions asked besides going thru my tax returns, etc. when i return from overseas trips i throw out all sex related things, (condoms, lube, etc.) as you can be randomly sent to secondary to have your luggage searched. once when returning from mexico they x-rayed my bag and thought i had brought back some fruit. upon searching my bag they found nothing and the agent told me they make notes of what they where looking for and what they found, etc. the sentri card / global entry is good for five years at which time you have to go in to be interviewed again to renew it. in the event you have been sent to secondary while under either one of these programs, a zealous agent may have made some interesting notes and you may be faced with some tough questions upon renewal. maybe i'm paranoid but i don't want to lose the privilege of not having to wait in lines coming home, therefore i throw out anything that may raise any questions and don't have any pictures of girls in my camera, etc.

01-01-14, 19:49
I was there around that time and my golden rule is ALWAYS SECURE MY BELONGINGS.

That way the chica and I can get down to business and there are no distractions. It doesn't always work and I have had items go missing if I am not careful.

We all have to be on DEFCON 2 to ensure our money, cameras etc remain in our luggage.

I was down the weekend of December 13-15. After my fifth time I got caught up as well. I lost my dam phone, or better yet someone stole it. I take full blame because I feel like I got too comfortable there having been so many times. You can not ever sleep there, now I am good. The bad thing about it is one of my little fellas kept telling me that you can't sleep on no one, you can't trust no one there man in his New York voice. I was like whatever man, do you know who I am, I come down here all the time. My last name is Dominicana! Well I got humbled quick, because when I lost my phone I called him over and he dam near cussed me out. He said what I tell you man! This all happened in the D'Latin. I kept pulling it out to do the translate with the little shorty I was with negotioting price. I was about to leave too. Man she was hot and had me harder than a pack of nickels. We were slow grinding, kissing and and some more. (You know, you've done this too) Anyway after that I was completely blown and guess she figured that I didn't want to be bothered. Anyway, I got her the next night LOL, charged it to the game, and screwed her for the worth of my phone and the 1500 Pesos I gave her. She spent the night of course. It was my birthday too. I love DR and will be going back soon. Dam that place is very addictive. This is my first post and plan to participate more in these conversations.


Chris Long
01-01-14, 20:18
I was down the weekend of December 13-15. After my fifth time I got caught up as well. I lost my dam phone, or better yet someone stole it. I take full blame because I feel like I got too comfortable there having been so many times. You can not ever sleep there, now I am good. The bad thing about it is one of my little fellas kept telling me that you can't sleep on no one, you can't trust no one there man in his New York voice. I was like whatever man, do you know who I am, I come down here all the time. My last name is Dominicana! Well I got humbled quick, because when I lost my phone I called him over and he dam near cussed me out. He said what I tell you man! This all happened in the D'Latin. I kept pulling it out to do the translate with the little shorty I was with negotioting price. I was about to leave too. Man she was hot and had me harder than a pack of nickels. We were slow grinding, kissing and and some more. (You know, you've done this too) Anyway after that I was completely blown and guess she figured that I didn't want to be bothered. Anyway, I got her the next night LOL, charged it to the game, and screwed her for the worth of my phone and the 1500 Pesos I gave her. She spent the night of course. It was my birthday too. I love DR and will be going back soon. Dam that place is very addictive. This is my first post and plan to participate more in these conversations.

SaludI had a girl try to pick pocket me about a week ago in D'Latin. The place was crowded she was up against me grinding and rubbing when I caught her with her hand in my pocket. Started to pull her by her hand to security at the front door and she resisted, figured it probably wasn't a good ideal for me to pull the girl physicaly against her will so I let her go and went and got security. As I was coming back with security to the spot where the girl was suddenly every girl along the way wanted to stand in front of me and do the rump shake in an attempt to slow me and security down so the girl could get away. Word of caution you have to watch your stuff in D'Latin and every where on the strip when it is crowded given a chance these girls will pick pocket you and they will stick together.


01-01-14, 21:11
I guess I've been lucky. I've spelt with over 100 different girls since I started traveling to Sosua, and not once have I had even a peso missing. True I put my valuables in the safe when having a Chica over, but still, I leave out the small things like the cell, small pieces of jewelry, and some toiletries that the girls might like, but not once have I been stolen from. Knock, Knock, because I might have given myself the "kiss of death"; but I guess I've been Lucky. I'll be down next week for a month, because Janurary in Baltimore is very chilly.


01-01-14, 21:33
You guys confuse the different agencies a lot. Customs never rub your hands with anything. The most contact that most people have with customs is handing them the blue piece of paper after they leave out of immigration. Airport security is the one who rubs your hands and / or bags and puts it in a machine that detects traces of explosive material.You are right I guess a lot of us confuse customs with airport security but they all seem like 5-0 to me. What about the random thing how does that really work.

01-01-14, 22:38
Thanks to everyone who replied.

I have one last questions. Is it worth going to Cabarete to meet chicas? There are not many recent reports in the Cabarete section and was wondering what the scene was like there.

Thanks!I have just been in Cabarete. But not for mongering.

First of all, most hotels in Cabarete do not allow chicas. So you have a problem if you want to have a girl overnight.

But there are chicas. The first days I was approached by three chicas when I went on the main (and only) strip between the Esso Station and centre of Cabarete. One gave up when I told her where I stayed. Another wanted me to get up on her moto-bike. Maybe she had a place, but I was not interested that day.

Based on my experience from massage girls in Cabarete I strongly suspect that the price level is higher than in Sosua and that many girls try to rip off first timers. There are many wealthy tourists in Cabarete.



Mr Enternational
01-01-14, 23:06
You are right I guess a lot of us confuse customs with airport security but they all seem like 5-0 to me. What about the random thing how does that really work.How does it work? It doesn't work. http://www.cracked.com/blog/7-reasons-tsa-sucks-a-security-experts-perspective/

Coole Mr
01-02-14, 00:50
looking for therapeutic massage, with a happy ending with a attractive massage therapist in sosua. anyone have any suggestions.


01-02-14, 02:31
The past few days have been a little frustrating for me with some of the Dominican Chicas I've encountered walking the streets during the day. A covered BJ, when are you going to cum, your to big, your hurting me, etc. Too much drama and bullshit at times. Since my Dominican wife being on the rag the past few days I haven't had a good experience in the past few days but finally had one last night. The last three nights I've been hanging around Central Bar checking out the Haitan's and observing them. .


We finished up and I gave her a 300 Peso tip for being such a sweetheart besides the 1, 000 Pesos and got her a Motoconcho to take her back to the Strip. I know now why a lot of guys are going with these Haitian girls. My next trip down here I'm going to spend more time getting to know them and may take a pair of them. Maybe I'll even learn a little French, however it's not necessary as I found out.You mean that you got away with 1000 + 300 + 100 (to her friend) pesos for ST?

Actually, I have scanned 9 pages of this thread but have not seen much about the chica's performance and not anything about the price level today. I remember something about 2-3000 for short time. Can anyone tell me if that is correct? And what about long time?


01-02-14, 03:02
You mean that you got away with 1000 + 300 + 100 (to her friend) pesos for ST?

Actually, I have scanned 9 pages of this thread but have not seen much about the chica's performance and not anything about the price level today. I remember something about 2-3000 for short time. Can anyone tell me if that is correct? And what about long time?

ThanksI will not pay more than RD1500 for ST 1-2 hours, MAX RD2000 if she is a stunner and not rushed.
RD1000 for a quick nut is not unheard of, if you speak a little Espanie.

TLN ranges from RD2000-RD2500, NO MORE than RD3000 for good service.
These are typical freelance rates

01-02-14, 03:27
Thanks, Buscemi!

01-02-14, 05:09
You mean that you got away with 1000 + 300 + 100 (to her friend) pesos for ST?

Actually, I have scanned 9 pages of this thread but have not seen much about the chica's performance and not anything about the price level today. I remember something about 2-3000 for short time. Can anyone tell me if that is correct? And what about long time?

ThanksBellpepper, if you read post # 18578 in it's entirety there was a thorough explanation of the chica's performance. There are several reports over the last few weeks discussing pricing with the chicas. For those with Spanish speaking skills. 1,000 pesos for short time during the day, and no more than 1,500 pesos for just about anyone out at night can be obtained. If you don't speak any Spanish though, you will be at a disadvantage.

Good luck!

01-02-14, 09:02
I'm pretty new to all this. Coming up on my one year mark. So, to say thanks for all the information I've received over the last year, I thought I'd share a bit about my recent trip to Sosua.

In a nut shell: Seven days. Nine girls. Good people. Fair weather.

I was down over the holiday week. I know a lot of people on the boards have commented that the holiday week is a no go because many of the ladies are visiting family. I did not find that to be the case. If anything, I'd say my overall experience was better than when I've visited Sosua in the past. (This was my third trip.)

It's true that there were fewer people around. Some nights (especially mid week) Rhumba was pretty empty. But D'Latin was full and the girl-to-guy ratio was as it should be. There were plenty of very attractive girls. Not one time was I unable to find a pretty girl when I wanted one, and I'm picky! They were everywhere.

And cheap. The last time I was down (Late August / Early September) it was difficult to pull a girl for a short time for 2k pesos and TLN was 3-3. 5k. This time, I opened with 1.5k and usually got an immediate "OK". Some girls would try to push to 2k, but when I made it clear I was firm at 1. k they happily agreed. BBBJ was standard fare. And three of the girls even went for the CIM with no up sell.

I only had one my-kids-blah-blah-blah sad story, which squeezed another 200 pesos out of me. But hey. It's less than $5. And that's what it took to shut her up so I could enjoy the rest of our time. So I did it.

I TLNed one time this trip. I'm not usually an a fan of the all nighter (something about sleeping with a stranger.) , but it was pretty late already (around 2am or so) and one girl really caught my eye. Best decision ever. She agreed to 2.5k but I ended up giving 3k because she was absolutely incredible and I plan to follow up with her for an extended stay in a month or so. Twice at night and one more time in the morning for the hat trick. Total GFE, with the kissing and pillow talk (I speak a little Spanish). She loved to cuddle. She even gave me a back rub (without my requesting it!). She really made me feel like she wanted to be there. And the sex was great. Completely non-rushed. Our second round lasted for an hour and 20 minutes! And no complaints. To the contrary, she was drenched in sweat and creaming all over my cock. When we finished, she was smiling from ear to ear as she wrapped her arms around me. Then we were off to the shower where she took the time to wash me from head to toe. It was incredible. I've never had it so good in Sosua.

My only complaint: few attractive girls were willing to try anal. I haven't had this problem before. Usually, for an extra 500 pesos they are all on board. Not this time. One girl quoted me 10k! No thanks. But most just said no. You can get it, of course. Just not from the little hotties I was pulling. At least not this time. So one night I had to lower my standards and take home a chubby girl. She said she'd never tried anal but would for 2k. I thought she was lying. She wasn't. She squealed like a pig. But she was a good sport about it.

I stayed at the Hotel Sea Breeze for around $35 / night. (It's $40, but if you ask they give you a free night when you stay a week.) Accommodations were as expected. Nothing to write home about, but sufficient. And the water was always warm. Best of all, they have an excellent staff. The night time bar girls are always signing, dancing and having a good time. They really get to know the regular customers. And the security is tight. I like that.

As usual, the other guys staying at the SB were more than willing to share a round and tell some funny stories. I was traveling alone, but it never felt like it. You make friends quickly in a place like SB.

The beach was great. Both of them. Playa Sosua was happening as usual. And the smaller beach closer to the SB was very relaxing. It rained about every other day, but never for very long. Oh well, it is that time of year. It sure beats the sub zero temperatures back home! All in all, a good trip.

01-02-14, 18:23
I recently posted about my awesome trip. But, while I'm at it, let me share my view on someone else's not-so-great time.

Several of us had gone to dinner and, after, we decided to stop by the Sea Breeze bar for a couple drinks before heading to the strip. We arrived at SB to a scene. This big guy from the midwest US was yelling at the pretty little dominicana that works the desk. Security had the situation under control, but it was still a sight to see. When we sat down, someone at the bar quickly filled us in.

Apparently, this guy had moved in a chica for about three days. The chica had told him she needed to leave in the morning and he would have to pay her. They guy said he didn't owe her anything. He had bought her food, stuff for her kids, stuff for her, etc. Perhaps he had given her money as well, I don't know. But she said he still owed her 3000 pesos. Now, what happened next is in dispute. The chica said he choked her. She was screaming and yelling in the room until security was alerted and came to the door. He says he did no such thing. The girl was just causing a scene. The truth may never be known.

But here is what I am pretty certain of: this guy could not have handled the situation much worse. IMHO, here are three things he did wrong which we all might learn from:

1. He did not make useful relationships in advance. If you are staying at a place like SB, you shouldn't waste any time introducing yourself to the staff (especially security!) and those guys always sitting at the bar. Get to know people! It costs you a few minutes of your time. Or perhaps a round of drinks (though, stick around a bit and that will surely be paid back!). But it makes for a much better trip. And you never know when you are going to need some insider advice or, in this case, someone in your corner. If no one knows you, no one is likely to come to your defense. So: make some friends. Don't be a loner.

2. If number 1 can be reduced to "be a nice guy", number 2 can be reduced to "don't be an asshole". Never take your frustration out on the staff. They are there to help. If you put your finger in their face and tell them to fuck off (as this guy did) , don't expect much help in return.

3. When things get dicey, pay up, sucka. Sometimes you find yourself in a situation where, even if you have done absolutely nothing wrong, you need to pay up and walk away. Just cut your losses. This guy was in that situation and didn't pay up. The chica demanded that they call the cops. The security guard asked her how much she wanted. She said 3000 pesos. And the guy would not pay it. So they called the cops. While they were waiting for the cops, my buddy called the guy over to the bar and explained that if he didn't pay the 3000 pesos he'd probably be spending the night in jail. This guy had not even considered the possibility that he might be arrested."It's less than $75," my buddy said."Just pay her off." How did this guy respond? He asked us to see if she'd take 2000. She wouldn't. Then he paced around a bit until the cops came. Damn fool. Sure enough, he spent the night in the slammer. And when I spoke with him the next day, it was clear that he would be paying a lot more than 3000 pesos for attorney fees, court fees, settlement, etc.

So, regardless of whether he was right or wrong, he could have avoided the whole situation if he hadn't made these three mistakes. It is a shame, really. The DR can be a really fun place. But, if you are not careful, it will chew you up and spit you out.

01-02-14, 18:31
I'm pretty new to all this. Coming up on my one year mark. So, to say thanks for all the information I've received over the last year, I thought I'd share a bit about my recent trip to Sosua.

In a nut shell: Seven days. Nine girls. Good people. Fair weather.Glad to hear you had a good trip. My last trip in December had to be one of the best trips I've had. Thanks mostly to some fine, friendly and fuckable new chicas I met (along with my favoritas of course ). And perfect timing being able to juggle all of them within a 2 week period. Jan / Feb will be a welcome challenge, as I will find out what it's like to live in the DR for a whole month. I've talked to quite a few guys that visit for 1 to 6 month stretches, and haven't heard any complaints yet. My challenge will be how I make my on hand cash last for a whole month and leave the ATM's alone.

01-02-14, 20:23
My challenge will be how I make my on hand cash last for a whole month and leave the ATM's alone.I'd say this is key. I usually only go for a week or so; but I always have a budget and never allow myself to dip into the ATM. A lot of other guys seem to have less restraint. .

If you can live within your means while you are there-and it isn't hard to do in the DR-you can afford to take quite a few trips during the year.

01-03-14, 02:01
So, regardless of whether he was right or wrong, he could have avoided the whole situation if he hadn't made these three mistakes. It is a shame, really. The DR can be a really fun place. But, if you are not careful, it will chew you up and spit you out.I agree the guy was an a-hole. He was willing to pay 2000 why not the extra 1000 (Less than $25) and be done with it. The money was cheap insurance against the situation he had to deal with later. IMO he got what he deserved. Most of us have had bad experiences and or lackluster performances by a chica and still paid to buy the peace. I have always felt it is better to pay them and get rid of them than to create a big scene.

01-03-14, 02:29
If a girl spends 3 days with you and only wants 3000 pesos to walk away you got a hell of a deal. You always buy everything while she is staying with you that is a given. Some guys have no clue and make it hard on the good guys much the same way bad chicas make it hard for the good girls. This does teach the lesson of always being clear on the amount of everything you do. Magic words are quanto questa.

I agree the guy was an a-hole. He was willing to pay 2000 why not the extra 1000 (Less than $25) and be done with it. The money was cheap insurance against the situation he had to deal with later. IMO he got what he deserved. Most of us have had bad experiences and or lackluster performances by a chica and still paid to buy the peace. I have always felt it is better to pay them and get rid of them than to create a big scene.

Chris Long
01-03-14, 02:35
I recently posted about my awesome trip. But, while I'm at it, let me share my view on someone else's not-so-great time.

Several of us had gone to dinner and, after, we decided to stop by the Sea Breeze bar for a couple drinks before heading to the strip. We arrived at SB to a scene. This big guy from the midwest US was yelling at the pretty little dominicana that works the desk. Security had the situation under control, but it was still a sight to see. When we sat down, someone at the bar quickly filled us in.

Apparently, this guy had moved in a chica for about three days. The chica had told him she needed to leave in the morning and he would have to pay her. They guy said he didn't owe her anything. He had bought her food, stuff for her kids, stuff for her, etc. Perhaps he had given her money as well, I don't know. But she said he still owed her 3000 pesos. Now, what happened next is in dispute. The chica said he choked her. She was screaming and yelling in the room until security was alerted and came to the door. He says he did no such thing. The girl was just causing a scene..Perfect advice ORourke every newbie and first timer to the DR should read this and follow these three steps. This guy sounds like a real first time know nothing. Shacking up with a chica for a few days is always going to involve more than just the fee, you have to feed her maybe a few gifts here and there they will want minutes for their phone when you are in the store and there will always be the sick kid while she is with you and she will have to send some money back home right away, it's all just part of the territory when you keep them long term. It sounds like this dreamer made the mistake many first timers to the DR make, he thinks this girl actually liked him and was with him just to be with him. You are also right about paying, it's better to pay and just have her go away and learn from the experience.


01-03-14, 05:07
Bellpepper, if you read post # 18578 in it's entirety there was a thorough explanation of the chica's performance. There are several reports over the last few weeks discussing pricing with the chicas. For those with Spanish speaking skills. 1,000 pesos for short time during the day, and no more than 1, 500 pesos for just about anyone out at night can be obtained. If you don't speak any Spanish though, you will be at a disadvantage.

Good luck!Thanks, Surfer!

01-03-14, 05:41
The chica demanded that they call the cops. The security guard asked her how much she wanted. She said 3000 pesos. And the guy would not pay it. So they called the cops. While they were waiting for the cops, my buddy called the guy over to the bar and explained that if he didn't pay the 3000 pesos he'd probably be spending the night in jail. This guy had not even considered the possibility that he might be arrested."It's less than $75," my buddy said."Just pay her off." How did this guy respond? He asked us to see if she'd take 2000. She wouldn't. Then he paced around a bit until the cops came. Damn fool. Sure enough, he spent the night in the slammer. And when I spoke with him the next day, it was clear that he would be paying a lot more than 3000 pesos for attorney fees, court fees, settlement, etc.The guy deserved to be thrown into the slammer for being such an idiot!

01-03-14, 16:26
Anyone have any experience renting an apartment from:

http://www.isairatours.com/ ?

I'm looking to rent an apartment for a month in Sosua. They want $400 and have what I need (namely A / C and wifi) , and their units don't seem too far away. But if anyone has a cheaper and closer suggestion I'd like to hear it.

01-03-14, 16:51
The truth may never be known.The irony is, we sort have had this discussion here on this board before in regards to whether to pay a problem chica, or kick the chica to the curb. Some here claimed they would never let no chica chump them into giving up money they feel they never earned or deserved. The point being made : If you let a chica get away with chumping you for your cash, from that point on, you just might end up being a target.

On the other hand, some here feel if faced with a demanding chica, they would have just paid her the 3000 pesos to go away. I'm a firm believer in the saying "Where you stand on the issue depends on where you sit". In other words, the choice is dependent on what side supports their POV in the moment. I'm not quick to believe people when they claim how they think they would handle a situation. People don't know how they would handle a situation, until they are in that situation and have to make a decision.

As ORourke86 pointed out, the truth may never be known (in regards to all of the facts ). Suppose that dude had an arrangement with that chica so that he wouldn't have to pay her any more? Or maybe no arrangement, he just felt he paid enough? He took care of her for several days, including her kids. You mean to tell me. If any of us had of spent $15.$30k pesos on and with a chica and for her kids, everybody here would have just paid a chica more money just because she asked? If the answer is yes. Insert eye roll here. LOL.

If how he behaved with the staff is true, yeah the dude is an asshole for that. But to claim he is an asshole just because he stood his ground on not paying her any more money (or trying to pay her less) , I think thats a case of not being honest or not knowing how one would react if faced with the same situation. What if every dude here met a chica in Rumba, and after 20 minutes of talking, the chica claimed she's owed 3000 pesos for her time? I don't think most here would be cutting their losses, and simply paying a chica because she demanded money. And they certainly wouldn't be saying "oh well, it's only $75." Most would stand their ground and probably tell the chica to get lost. Even if she said she would call the police, aint too many guys here going to change their position and simply pay 3000 pesos because it's only $75 dollars, or because they are concerned about going to jail.

Like I said. Where you stand on the issue depends on where you sit. Apparently, that dude felt he paid more than what was fair for the chicas time. Now if the police had came and felt she had no case, then he would have got props for standing his ground. But because he lost that battle, instead he is considered an asshole or a fool by some? Even if he paid her 3000 pesos, she could still have had the cops come to arrest him for allegedly choking her? So paying her, doesnt mean he was completely done with that chica. Possible he could have paid the cops off to make the matter go away? Or he was set up by the chica and the cops? Lots of variables to consider. Again, where people stand on the issue depends on where they sit. People think they believe in a principle, but they really don't. They believe in the side that is safe, convenient or popular for the moment. All situations have to be judged on a case by case basis. Rules often have to be flexible to fit the situation. And as always, many stories we hear don't come with complete details of all of the facts.

01-03-14, 17:19
The Seabreeze is very kool and laidback and serves its purpose very well, but damn it sees its fair-share of drama. My most recent stay there, a guy managed to get one of the chicas that hang around the bar to his room. He finished and all she wanted was 500 pesos! He stood his ground but security finally talked him into paying.

Mr Gogo
01-03-14, 17:28
Perfect advice ORourke every newbie and first timer to the DR should read this and follow these three steps. This guy sounds like a real first time know nothing. Shacking up with a chica for a few days is always going to involve more than just the fee, you have to feed her maybe a few gifts here and there they will want minutes for their phone when you are in the store and there will always be the sick kid while she is with you and she will have to send some money back home right away, it's all just part of the territory when you keep them long term. It sounds like this dreamer made the mistake many first timers to the DR make, he thinks this girl actually liked him and was with him just to be with him. You are also right about paying, it's better to pay and just have her go away and learn from the experience.

ChrisIts the evolution of the game from the "GFE" to "Sport fucking". When I started in Sosua in 2007, girls stayed with you however long you wanted and took whatever you gave them. They were just happy to be claimed and make a few dollar. Naturally the end goal was to establish a connection with you and set you up for the Western union sting. WU was rolling back then but guys were happy with their vacation GFE. We are to blame for the changes in the climate. The guys got hardcore and the girls eventually caught up, now we are paying the price for what we want. Girls figured out in 2011 that they could make triple in one day than they could in one guys vacation. The guys wanted hourly fucks so the girls adjusted, GFE was out. Naturally with the multiple quickies in a day the girls became cold and business like, the love and respect was lost.

It was actually cheaper in the old days and the girls were about making our vacations memorable. I remember guys going to Classicos with dates back then. I remember New gardens having couples eating breakfast after a great night together. I remember seeing old white dudes walking down the street with a Haitianas on both arms for days. These are what I miss. Now I have made the adjustment and my fuck sex experiences are minimal. I'm more of a spectator now vs a participant. My fuck count is way down but I don't want to jump into that "Small pool". Even my old flames are back in the barrios of Puerto Plata and La union wondering what happened to the old Sosua. Next condom blow jobs will be the standard in Sosua. AD once told me years ago that Sosua is a "Small pool" and bad things will happen in Sosua, he was right. Std are up even though they aren't reported. Ripoffs are being reported more. You better be careful guys because this is what you wanted.

01-03-14, 18:29
He took care of her for several days, including her kids. You mean to tell me. If any of us had of spent $15.$30k pesos on and with a chica and for her kids, everybody here would have just paid a chica more money just because she asked? If the answer is yes. Insert eye roll here. LOL.Are you saying that when he was told that he needed to pay 3000 or go to jail that if you were in his shoes you would have chosen to go to jail? That doesn't sound like a smart decision to me. Personally I wouldn't hand over 3000 pesos just because a girl was wiling to make a scene but this guy was given the choice of pay up or go to jail, he chose jail, that's just f*king stupid.

01-03-14, 18:52
Are you saying that when he was told that he needed to pay 3000 or go to jail that if you were in his shoes you would have chosen to go to jail? That doesn't sound like a smart decision to me. Personally I wouldn't hand over 3000 pesos just because a girl was wiling to make a scene but this guy was given the choice of pay up or go to jail, he chose jail, that's just f*king stupid.Big mid-west guy forgot he was not in USA anymore. It doesn't matter what the truth was before the police came. The final truth was pay up or go to jail! Bottom line was not over 3000 pesos, he was willing to pay 2000 pesos, so he went to jail for 1000 pesos! Then he had to buy his way out! The girl deserved more than 3000 pesos to put up with the genius for 3 days.

01-03-14, 19:06
Are you saying that when he was told that he needed to pay 3000 or go to jail that if you were in his shoes you would have chosen to go to jail? That doesn't sound like a smart decision to me. Personally I wouldn't hand over 3000 pesos just because a girl was wiling to make a scene but this guy was given the choice of pay up or go to jail, he chose jail, that's just f*king stupid.I agree with Manizales here. If there are any other associated costs (which I am assuming there will be since the girl said he choked her) than what's 3k more (33k following Wrx's example) when you may end up having to pay 50-75k in court and attorney fees?

01-03-14, 19:58
If how he behaved with the staff is true, yeah the dude is an asshole for that. But to claim he is an asshole just because he stood his ground on not paying her any more money (or trying to pay her less) , I think thats a case of not being honest or not knowing how one would react if faced with the same situation.Let me be clear. I said he was an asshole for how he treated the staff. I said he was a fool for not paying 3000 pesos to avoid going to jail. I stand by that. And, when we spoke with him the next day, he thanked my buddy for trying to help him get out of the situation for what, in hindsight, was not a lot of money and agreed that he was foolish for not just paying her to be done with it.

Obviously, you shouldn't pay every girl who jerks you around the least little bit. That would transform Sosua into an endless hassle, with all the girls engaging in a shake down and all the guys paying up. We certainly don't want that.

My point is two-fold.

First, put yourself in a position where it is difficult to be shaken down so easily. Make nice with staff and security. Be a guy that everyone at the bar is willing to say "Nope. If he says he already paid her, he already paid her." If you do that, it makes it much harder for the girl to actually go through with calling the police and all that. She knows everyone is against her. Moreover, she knows she probably won't be picked up by any of those guys at the bar (and there are a lot of repeat travelers in Sosua) and they might tell other guys who tell other guys. So she gets a bad reputation. That's bad for her business! And, at least at the SB, they won't let some girls in if they've had trouble with them before. I doubt she wants all that trouble for a one-shot 3000 pesos. So, if you put yourself in the right situation, you can make it pretty hard for a girl to shake you down.

Second, if you have put yourself in a good position and you are still looking at a pretty unsavory outcome if you don't pay (e. G, spending the night in jail!) , pay her. You've done what you could to protect yourself. Now there are only bad outcomes. It is as simple as choosing the least bad.

Chief Justice
01-03-14, 20:07
The irony is, we sort have had this discussion here on this board before in regards to whether to pay a problem chica, or kick the chica to the curb. Some here claimed they would never let no chica chump them into giving up money they feel they never earned or deserved. The point being made : If you let a chica get away with chumping you for your cash, from that point on, you just might end up being a target.

On the other hand, some here feel if faced with a demanding chica, they would have just paid her the 3000 pesos to go away. I'm a firm believer in the saying "Where you stand on the issue depends on where you sit". In other words, the choice is dependent on what side supports their POV in the moment. I'm not quick to believe people when they claim how they think they would handle a situation. People don't know how they would handle a situation, until they are in that situation and have to make a decision.

As ORourke86 pointed out, the truth may never be known (in regards to all of the facts ). Suppose that dude had an arrangement with that chica so that he wouldn't have to pay her any more? Or maybe no arrangement, he just felt he paid enough? He took care of her for several days, including her kids. You mean to tell me. If any of us had of spent $15. $30k pesos on and with a chica and for her kids, everybody here would have just paid a chica more money just because she asked? If the answer is yes. Insert eye roll here. LOL..I think in this situation, you have to look at yourself and see if you have a dog in the race. What I mean is, do you speak the language and can you explain to the police what happened? Do you know people who know people? Would you rather sit in jail in Sosua or prefer to be in your bed? I think most of us need to just pony up the doe and pay the hoe. Yes, egos and principles may be 'hurt' but I rather grab another and wake up the next morning eating steak and eggs than sleeping in a cell with 100 other Dominicans and eating rice and beans.

01-03-14, 20:32
IMHO, here are three things he did wrong which we all might learn fromLook, I'm not saying I have it all figured out. I am new here and still have a lot to learn from some of you vets. But following those three rules seems pretty reasonable to me. And its worked out so far. Let me give you an example.

During my last trip, I found myself in a tight spot. I picked up a girl at DL. We agreed on a price: 1500 pesos for ST. She came back. After she showered, I gave her some lingerie and she did some modeling for me while I snapped some photos. It was all smiles and we were having a great time. Then, as we were getting into bed, she asked that I pay her in advance. I said I never pay in advance; we agreed to the price and I will pay her at the end. She said she wanted 1000 pesos up front. I said no. She said (in Spanish)"How do I know you will pay me?" And I replied (in Spanish)"I brought you here. I gave you a nice gift. I've been kind and generous. Do you really think I wouldn't pay you?" This went on for a few more rounds when finally-the mood sufficiently killed-I told her to just put her clothes on and leave.

She said that I would still have to pay her the 1500 and I would have to delete the photos. I agreed to delete the photos (and did) but refused to pay: "No trabajas, no pago!"

She said,"What about my time? You wasted my time?" And I said,"Well, you wasted my time! Why don't you pay me?" We were both pretty pissed at this point. And she said she would not leave until I paid.

What would you do in this situation? Here's what I did: I walked to the balcony of my hotel room and whistled for the security guard. He came over and I asked him to come up. When he came up I told him what happened and asked him "What do I need to pay her to get her to leave?" He said 500 pesos. I gave her 500 pesos (adding a "Pago para nada." to make it seem to her that I though she was getting more than she deserved, though really I though this was pretty fair considering the time we spent together) and he escorted her out. She wasn't very happy. Hell, neither was I! She was a cute little girl and I was looking to do some damage. But that didn't happen.

Note that I neither succumbed to her demand to pay immediately (thereby encouraging future shakedowns) nor refused to pay (causing myself more trouble than it is worth). There is a delicate balance to maintain there.

Anyway, when she was leaving she kept telling the guard she could just call the police. He told her to call them if she wanted; he'd be happy to explain exactly what happened. He clearly had my back and she didn't call. Why did he have my back? I can't say for sure. I don't think it is enough that I was a paying customer at the hotel. Hotels don't usually want guests who cause trouble. It's bad for business. I'd guess it didn't hurt that I had bought him a drink earlier in the week; or that I always talked with him and the others. He knew me. And he had a reason to trust me. So, when the situation turned sour, he had my back. That, in my opinion, is exactly how it is suppose to work.

01-03-14, 21:31
I recently posted about my awesome trip. But, while I'm at it, let me share my view on someone else's not-so-great time.

While they were waiting for the cops, my buddy called the guy over to the bar and explained that if he didn't pay the 3000 pesos he'd probably be spending the night in jail. This guy had not even considered the possibility that he might be arrested."It's less than $75," my buddy said."Just pay her off." How did this guy respond? He asked us to see if she'd take 2000. She wouldn't. Then he paced around a bit until the cops came. Damn fool. Sure enough, he spent the night in the slammer. And when I spoke with him the next day, it was clear that he would be paying a lot more than 3000 pesos for attorney fees, court fees, settlement, etc.Why didn't he just leave? Just jump on the back of one of the gazillion motos that drive by the SB every 1. 5 seconds and give her the peace sign while he drives off. Once she is out of your room, you are half way done with the problem. Just take off for a few hours, come back in the night, pack up your shit and move to a different hotel. Problem solved. (I highly doubt if the police are going to have a massive stake out, hiding in banana trees, just waiting for a gringo who owes a hoe 3 K!)

01-03-14, 23:42
The Seabreeze is very kool and laidback and serves its purpose very well, but damn it sees its fair-share of drama. My most recent stay there, a guy managed to get one of the chicas that hang around the bar to his room. He finished and all she wanted was 500 pesos! He stood his ground but security finally talked him into paying.One of the bartenders? Or just some girl hanging out at the bar? A lot of working girls will stop in for a drink on the way to the main strip. Some of them connect and make a little cash while they are there. But 500 seems really low for a working girl.

In my experience, it isn't easy to pull one of the bartenders there. One is married with a kid. Another has a couple kids, but no man; still, she doesn't seem interested in making a little cash after hours. And the other regular bartender has an American BF. This gives me hope! Haha. But I cannot imagine how much time and money he must have sunk into her to make that happen. Probably more than it is worth to me, but to each his own.

01-04-14, 00:33
Are you saying that when he was told that he needed to pay 3000 or go to jail that if you were in his shoes you would have chosen to go to jail? That doesn't sound like a smart decision to me. Personally I wouldn't hand over 3000 pesos just because a girl was wiling to make a scene but this guy was given the choice of pay up or go to jail, he chose jail, that's just f*king stupid.I think you are mistaken. When did you read he was given the choice that he needed to pay 3000 or go to jail? Who told him or gave him that choice? Was that from the police? No that wasnt what the OP said. That was from some dude making a suggestion to the guy who happened to be there. It wasnt mentioned if the dude was told to pay or given the choice to pay the 3000 pesos or go to jail by the cops, so I didn't assume that. Is that what you assumed? If you recall, the OP stated the chica allegedly claimed the dude choked her. So I'm not assuming he went to jail because he didn't pay 3000 pesos. I think he went to jail because the cops believed the bullshit the chica told them. They could have easily left the dude alone.

I think your statement of not handing over 3000 pesos just because a girl makes a scene is an honest answer. But what my point is, the actual course of action one takes, depends on you being there and experiencing the issue to know what you would do. If the police were the ones telling me to pay 3000 pesos or go to jail, I'd pay the 3000 pesos. But I wouldn't be quick to fork over money just because some bystander is telling me to. And they surely don't have the power to give me a choice of paying or going to jail.

Earlier this year, I had a problem with a chica at Rockys. Chica sat down next to me. I bought her a beer. 20 or so minutes later the chica claims I owe her for her time because I didn't take her. She threw some beer on me. I let that go to avoid an escalation. But I still didn't pay her. She could have called the police on me. If you were there telling me I better pay her or go to jail, I still wouldn't have paid her. But if the police showed up and told me to pay her or go to jail, then I would pay. It just so happened the dude that was there was right about him probably going to jail. He could easily have been wrong too. Because the reason for going to jail may have been more than just paying 3000 pesos. The OP was honest enough to say we may never know the truth of what really happened. His area of concern made sense though. The guy acted like an asshole towards people around him. And judging by that, it's quite possible the police got a taste of him too. Resulting in him being locked up. My main point is. Where one stands on an issue depends on where they sit. You don't know what you would do until faced with an issue. You seem to have twisted some details somewhat (he was given a choice of paying or jail by whom?) , so I can't answer your question based on that.

01-04-14, 00:35
Why didn't he just leave? Just jump on the back of one of the gazillion motos that drive by the SB every 1. 5 seconds and give her the peace sign while he drives off. Once she is out of your room, you are half way done with the problem. Just take off for a few hours, come back in the night, pack up your shit and move to a different hotel. Problem solved. (I highly doubt if the police are going to have a massive stake out, hiding in banana trees, just waiting for a gringo who owes a hoe 3 K!)Thats a possible solution. No doubt this dude will have learned something about his situation.

01-04-14, 00:55
Let me be clear. I said he was an asshole for how he treated the staff. I said he was a fool for not paying 3000 pesos to avoid going to jail. I stand by that. And, when we spoke with him the next day, he thanked my buddy for trying to help him get out of the situation for what, in hindsight, was not a lot of money and agreed that he was foolish for not just paying her to be done with it.

Obviously, you shouldn't pay every girl who jerks you around the least little bit. That would transform Sosua into an endless hassle, with all the girls engaging in a shake down and all the guys paying up. We certainly don't want that.

My point is two-fold.

First, put yourself in a position where it is difficult to be shaken down so easily. Make nice with staff and security. Be a guy that everyone at the bar is willing to say "Nope. If he says he already paid her, he already paid her." If you do that, it makes it much harder for the girl to actually go through with calling the police and all that. She knows everyone is against her. Moreover, she knows she probably won't be picked up by any of those guys at the bar (and there are a lot of repeat travelers in Sosua) and they might tell other guys who tell other guys. So she gets a bad reputation. That's bad for her business! And, at least at the SB, they won't let some girls in if they've had trouble with them before. I doubt she wants all that trouble for a one-shot 3000 pesos. So, if you put yourself in the right situation, you can make it pretty hard for a girl to shake you down.

Second, if you have put yourself in a good position and you are still looking at a pretty unsavory outcome if you don't pay (e. G, spending the night in jail!) , pay her. You've done what you could to protect yourself. Now there are only bad outcomes. It is as simple as choosing the least bad.I stand corrected on how you conveyed your earlier message. Question though. Manz911 stated the guy was given the choice to pay the chica 3000 pesos or go to jail. Did the police give him that choice to pay or go to jail? Or did that come from the bystander guy who warned him? Or both? I wouldn't automatically regard the man as a fool just because he didn't pay the chica the money, based on a bystanders warning. I would consider him a fool if the police gave him the choice to pay or go to jail, and he chose jail. However when I read your piece, I didn't read where you said the police gave him that choice. And considering the possibility that the chica may have lied on the dude (her being choked) , I wasnt going to assume the issue was only about 3000 pesos to make the chica go away. So my position was, many of us might not automatically or consistently pay a chica 3000 pesos just because she demanded it. We would weigh the situation based on all of the facts. Bravo posted an alternative of the guy leaving, coming back later, packing and moving elsewhere. Point being, there clearly are more alternatives or options one can take than simply paying a chica. I agree with you wholeheartedly on how the guy failed to value making alliances with people that might be able to help to support him somewhat.

Jimmy Boy 99
01-04-14, 00:59
Why didn't he just leave? Just jump on the back of one of the gazillion motos that drive by the SB every 1. 5 seconds and give her the peace sign while he drives off. Once she is out of your room, you are half way done with the problem. Just take off for a few hours, come back in the night, pack up your shit and move to a different hotel. Problem solved. (I highly doubt if the police are going to have a massive stake out, hiding in banana trees, just waiting for a gringo who owes a hoe 3 K!)Or the police might, if not actually take all your stuff as compensation for the girl (and them) , have management lock up your room and not give you the key when you get back but rather call them. Do you think management is going to help the "asshole" get out of there by giving him the key or do what the police tell them? If you're going to "pack up your shit and leave", do it before the police show up, although it may be not be easy to disappear in a small place like Sosua.

I had an extortion experience in Fortaleza, Brazil. I picked up this girl (who turned out to be a *) in one of the local hooker bars; 200 real (about $100) for short-time, including anal. She was cold and mechanical during the sex and refused to do anal. I got fed up and told her to leave, giving her 150 real because of no anal. She said she wanted 200 real and if she didn't get it she would call her friend on the police force. I told her that 150 as more than enough as she had not done anal, so she called someone on her cell phone, supposedly the police friend, and went downstairs to wait for him (them?). After some time, I was tired of waiting, as I had to get up early next morning for my flight. I also was starting to weigh the monetary consequences of missing my flight to Rio and my connecting flight to BA, which were far greater than the $25 in question, if she actually did have a police friend who would show up and, even if not very likely, possibly detain me and cause me to lose my flight, so I gave the * the money and told her to go to fuck herself. Sometimes you just have to suck it up to avoid it costing you even more money.

01-04-14, 01:13
I think in this situation, you have to look at yourself and see if you have a dog in the race. What I mean is, do you speak the language and can you explain to the police what happened? Do you know people who know people? Would you rather sit in jail in Sosua or prefer to be in your bed? I think most of us need to just pony up the doe and pay the hoe. Yes, egos and principles may be 'hurt' but I rather grab another and wake up the next morning eating steak and eggs than sleeping in a cell with 100 other Dominicans and eating rice and beans.I am in accord with what you said. However, let me ask this question. If a chica was demanding 10, 000 pesos instead of 3000 pesos for being with a guy for 3 days, do you still think most of us need to pony up the dough and pay the hoe?

My point is, it sounds like many might believe it is better to pony up money to a chica rather than wake up the next morning sleeping in a cell. But I submit, most would not be quick to pay an amount they deem to be excessive just because they believed it best to pony up to avoid jail. Thats why I say where one stands on the issue depends on where they sit. The dude in the scenario must have felt he paid the chica for the 3 days already. If he turned down an offer to pay 3000 pesos or go to jail from the police, then he definitely was being foolish. But I'll bet there are examples here where guys were faced with a similar problem but it didn't result in going to jail. That dude gambled and lost.

01-04-14, 01:34
I agree the guy was an a-hole. He was willing to pay 2000 why not the extra 1000 (Less than $25) and be done with it. The money was cheap insurance against the situation he had to deal with later. IMO he got what he deserved. Most of us have had bad experiences and or lackluster performances by a chica and still paid to buy the peace. I have always felt it is better to pay them and get rid of them than to create a big scene.Just a question bruh. Suppose a chica demanded 10k pesos from you instead of 3k? Would you still feel the same way about paying that amount as you would the 3k? 10k for most, wouldn't be considered cheap insurance, and that might cause one to look for other alternatives before forking over that kind of money just to make a chica go away.

01-04-14, 01:45
I had an extortion experience in Fortaleza, Brazil. I picked up this girl (who turned out to be a *) in one of the local hooker bars; 200 real (about $100) for short-time, including anal. She was cold and mechanical during the sex and refused to do anal. I got fed up and told her to leave, giving her 150 real because of no anal. She said she wanted 200 real and if she didn't get it she would call her friend on the police force. I told her that 150 as more than enough as she had not done anal, so she called someone on her cell phone, supposedly the police friend, and went downstairs to wait for him (them?). After some time, I was tired of waiting, as I had to get up early next morning for my flight. I also was starting to weigh the monetary consequences of missing my flight to Rio and my connecting flight to BA, which were far greater than the $25 in question, if she actually did have a police friend who would show up and, even if not very likely, possibly detain me and cause me to lose my flight, so I gave the * the money and told her to go to fuck herself. Sometimes you just have to suck it up to avoid it costing you even more money.JB is there an amount that would make you take your chances with not paying the girl? For instance. If the girl up selled on you and bluffed that you owe her $200 more instead of the $25, pay up or I call my friend. If you would pay $200 more to squash the situation, what amount wouldnt you pay and just take your chances?

01-04-14, 01:48
Question though. Manz911 stated the guy was given the choice to pay the chica 3000 pesos or go to jail. Did the police give him that choice to pay or go to jail? Or did that come from the bystander guy who warned him? Or both?Before the police arrived, a bystander approached the girl and asked her how much it would cost just to drop the thing. She said 3000 pesos. The police were on the way. The bystander then walked over to the guy and told him that it was his word against hers (recall that the hotel staff was pissed at him because he had told them to fuck off and what not, so they were not likely to advocate for him) so he would likely spend the night in jail if it didn't get resolved before the police showed up. And the guy failed to resolve the situation for 3000 pesos.

I was not close enough to hear the conversation with the police, so I don't know what they told him or why they took him in. My guess is that any chance of resolving it for 3000 pesos was out the door once the police arrived.

IMHO (and you can discount that accordingly) she would have walked away no problem w / 3000 pesos. And, when the police showed up, the security guard could have just said that there had been a payment problem w / a girl but that it was resolved amicably. That would have been the end of it. But we will never really know I guess.

01-04-14, 02:27
Look, I'm not saying I have it all figured out. I am new here and still have a lot to learn from some of you vets. But following those three rules seems pretty reasonable to me. And its worked out so far. Let me give you an example.

During my last trip, I found myself in a tight spot. I picked up a girl at DL. We agreed on a price: 1500 pesos for ST. She came back. After she showered, I gave her some lingerie and she did some modeling for me while I snapped some photos. It was all smiles and we were having a great time. Then, as we were getting into bed, she asked that I pay her in advance. I said I never pay in advance; we agreed to the price and I will pay her at the end. She said she wanted 1000 pesos up front. I said no. She said (in Spanish)"How do I know you will pay me?" And I replied (in Spanish)"I brought you here. I gave you a nice gift. I've been kind and generous. Do you really think I wouldn't pay you?" This went on for a few more rounds when finally-the mood sufficiently killed-I told her to just put her clothes on and leave.

She said that I would still have to pay her the 1500 and I would have to delete the photos. I agreed to delete the photos (and did) but refused to pay: "No trabajas, no pago!"

She said,"What about my time? You wasted my time?" And I said,"Well, you wasted my time! Why don't you pay me?" We were both pretty pissed at this point. And she said she would not leave until I paid.

What would you do in this situation? Here's what I did: I walked to the balcony of my hotel room and whistled for the security guard. He came over and I asked him to come up. When he came up I told him what happened and asked him "What do I need to pay her to get her to leave?" He said 500 pesos. I gave her 500 pesos (adding a "Pago para nada." to make it seem to her that I though she was getting more than she deserved, though really I though this was pretty fair considering the time we spent together) and he escorted her out. She wasn't very happy. Hell, neither was I! She was a cute little girl and I was looking to do some damage. But that didn't happen.

Note that I neither succumbed to her demand to pay immediately (thereby encouraging future shakedowns) nor refused to pay (causing myself more trouble than it is worth). There is a delicate balance to maintain there.

Anyway, when she was leaving she kept telling the guard she could just call the police. He told her to call them if she wanted; he'd be happy to explain exactly what happened. He clearly had my back and she didn't call. Why did he have my back? I can't say for sure. I don't think it is enough that I was a paying customer at the hotel. Hotels don't usually want guests who cause trouble. It's bad for business. I'd guess it didn't hurt that I had bought him a drink earlier in the week; or that I always talked with him and the others. He knew me. And he had a reason to trust me. So, when the situation turned sour, he had my back. That, in my opinion, is exactly how it is suppose to work.Your scenario is a clear example of why I say where one stands on an issue depends on where they sit. You didn't just fork over money the moment a chica complained. She could have called the police on you, without you even knowing she did. Like you, the guy from Seabreeze did not refuse to pay something. He tried to pay less than what the chica demanded, just like you. It just so happened, your chica accepted what you gave her (500 pesos) , whereas the chica at Seabreeze did not accept the 2000 pesos that he counter offered. He gambled and lost. You gambled and won. I get your point though.

If your chica called the police and still demanded 1500 pesos, would you still stick to only paying 500 pesos? Or would you pay the 1500 pesos that she originally demanded? Making alliances and having backup goes a long way to possibly help mitigate a situation.

Jimmy Boy 99
01-04-14, 02:41
jb is there an amount that would make you take your chances with not paying the girl? for instance. if the girl up selled on you and bluffed that you owe her $200 more instead of the $25, pay up or i call my friend. if you would pay $200 more to squash the situation, what amount wouldnt you pay and just take your chances?i really don't know. it would depend on how much she wanted compared to what it would cost if things went badly, how credible the story she was going to tell the cops was (assuming it wasn't a set-up with the cops from the beginning, as i have read happens with **** girl scams in manila, i believe) , and how likely i thought it was to end badly. from what i have read, in underdeveloped countries it generally gets a lot more expensive for a foreigner when the police get involved, so i would err on the side of not getting them involved. in the fortaleza incident, i doubt that the police are in the habit of collecting a hooker's debts, but i could not take the chance of missing my flights. if i were going to stay there some more days, i would have told her that i was going back to where i picked her up and she can have her police friend come there and try to get the money from me in front of all her potential future customers.

01-04-14, 02:56
Before the police arrived, a bystander approached the girl and asked her how much it would cost just to drop the thing. She said 3000 pesos. The police were on the way. The bystander then walked over to the guy and told him that it was his word against hers (recall that the hotel staff was pissed at him because he had told them to fuck off and what not, so they were not likely to advocate for him) so he would likely spend the night in jail if it didn't get resolved before the police showed up. And the guy failed to resolve the situation for 3000 pesos.

I was not close enough to hear the conversation with the police, so I don't know what they told him or why they took him in. My guess is that any chance of resolving it for 3000 pesos was out the door once the police arrived.

IMHO (and you can discount that accordingly) she would have walked away no problem w / 3000 pesos. And, when the police showed up, the security guard could have just said that there had been a payment problem w / a girl but that it was resolved amicably. That would have been the end of it. But we will never really know I guess.I appreciate your honesty in regards to possible doubt. I wish it was known what he already paid her, and how much he spent on her? Because honestly, I think if a dude felt a chica was already paid a fair amount, and now she was trying to extort more, I don't believe most guys would be quick to pay a chica what she demanded. And they won't be saying "it's only 3k." They would probably resist paying just like that dude did. But then once they thought the police was going to get involved, THEN they might change their tune and pay the money. But not the moment the chica demanded the money.

01-04-14, 03:07
If your chica called the police and still demanded 1500 pesos, would you still stick to only paying 500 pesos? Or would you pay the 1500 pesos that she originally demanded?If she had gone ahead and called the police, I would have paid 1500 to resolve it before they got there. In fact, I would have paid 1500 if the security guard told me that's what it would take when I asked him initially. He thought 500 was a fair price; so I deferred to his judgement. Presumably the girl didn't think this was too far off the mark because she didn't push the issue. And she could have.

Obviously, there is some upper bound beyond which I would not pay. And that upper bound would depend on how likely I thought she'd actually call the police, how likely the security guard would stick up for me when they arrived, how likely the police would take me anyway. Etc. But it has little to do with whether I thought I was in the right. A third world country is not the kind of place where you to take a principled stand. You should always be prepared to pay up and move on. And you should know that going in.

01-04-14, 03:10
Welcome back bro!

One of the OPs (Original Posters) of ISG. He was around when I was just starting to learn the ropes about Sosua way back when!

01-04-14, 03:19
I appreciate your honesty in regards to possible doubt. I wish it was known what he already paid her, and how much he spent on her?Me too! Though, based on my (admittedly limited) interactions with the guy in advance of the incident, I'm not surprised it happened to him. It seemed like he hadn't done his homework. There were some very basic things that he didn't know. Plus, he didn't speak any Spanish (I mean absolutely none). And he drank quite a bit (even relative to all of us drunks at the bar!)

Now, you can get by in Sosua without doing your homework; without knowing Spanish (so long as you pick up a few simple phrases while you are there) ; or without limiting your alcohol consumption. You might even be able to get by without two of the three. But IMHO the combination of these drastically increases your chances of having a problem. Tack onto these the fact that he wasn't all that personable with the staff and other guests and you can see what I am no so surprised it ended as it did.

01-04-14, 08:19

First trip to Sosua. Got in on the 2nd. Staying at Casa Cayena, great place and close to the main strip.

During the day I walked around to find where all the bars were. Was approached by one chica but I declined. After dinner, took and nap. Woke up at around 11 and headed out to DLatin. Boy the place was packed and there plenty of good looking chicas. The minute I entered, a chica grabbed my balls! I walked around then finally settled down at the bar. Was approached by this Haitian girl but I declined. After a couple of Presidentes, I decided to make a round to see the talent. There were a couple of girls I was interested in but I was a bit nervous on how to go about this. The language barrier was my main concern. In the end, this one girl grabbed my hand and started chatting. Nice body. She had very limited english but hell she was hot. We negociated on her cell phone (1500 ST) then we were off. Back at the hotel, after a quick shower, down to the intense action. She was pretty much into it. The session must have lasted 45 minutes. I was drained (already tired from the flight). She said she liked me and wanted me to pick her up again next day. I told her we'll see and off she went.

Second day: Woke up late. Had breakfast and went to the beach near the hotel Nice and quiet. Stayed there till noon then went to find something to eat. After that I went to Sosua Beach where I just wandered around. BAck at the hotel at around 4 to take a nap. Couldn't sleep. Some guy was blasting music in the pool area! After dinner, watched a bit of TV then headed out. First went to that Merenge Bar in fron of DLatin. It was pretty much empty. Still sat down to have a beer. I went to Rumba after. Pretty quet there too. I was getting disapointed. Headed to DLatin where there was more action but it seemed pretty slow. I wanted to avoid the chica from the previous night so stuck around with some guys from the hotel. I spotted this really hot girl but before I could think of making a move some other guy moved in before me. I wandered around for a while hoping to find someone I like. Did this for abount an hour then this girl grabbed my hand and stared dancing with me. She was good looking but a bit wild. She was grinding me and I just couldn't resist anymore. We negiciated a price (1500 ST) and we went to another bar first for some drinks. She did some pole dancing for me and kept grabbing my balls. I was getting a bit worried I picked a freak. Anyways, back at the hotel, I asked her to shower and then the action began. She was extremely into it. I couldn't believe it. Our session must have lasted 40 min and we did anal (I didn't ask for it, she offered). This is when the weidness started. She started watching TV and wanted me to cuddle. Fine but I wanted her out. After 15 min of this, I got up and gave her the money hoping she would understand that she has to go (she only spoke spanish.). No she kept watching. I didn't know what to do. Then out of nowhere she sucking me again and we went for a second round. I ain't complaining about this but it felt weird. She actually wanted me not to use a condom to which I totally refused. I finished the session rather quickly and she started watching TV again. Now I was getting really upset and showed her the door. Finally she understood. She took a shower and I accompanied her out. She left me her phone number but I have no plans on calling her.

Has this ever happened to anyone (girl not waning to leave)? How did you handle it. I didn't want to create a scene by asking the security guard to do something about it. I am still here for another 9 days and I am sure I will bump into this girl again.

Also, I am surprised that I have not been able to meet any english speaking chicas. From what I have been reading of this forum, it should not be hard.

Other than that, I am enjoying my trip.

Oh yeah, for those who are interested, it seems that Passions will reopen by the end of this month.

Will post more reports in a couple of days.

Mr Enternational
01-04-14, 09:59
In the 12 years that I have been mongering I don't know how many girls have tried to threaten me with cops or gangster friends. Not one has ever made good on what she said. My first time mongering in Brazil I took a girl for all night 100 reais (about $25 at the time). The next day I handed her the money and she said it was supposed to be US$100. I said no way. I'm not in the USA. Why would I be talking about dollars. Shit I don't even have dollars, only reais. She said she was going to get her police friend on me. Sure I walked around for a day on edge, then I realized she was full of shit. And I didn't even speak Portuguese back then. The girl later went on to work at the famous 4X4. At first she didn't remember me, but I reminded her of our first time together. For a couple of years after that I would sometimes have her come stay all night; for the same damn 100 reais as the first time. Whenever I would mention our first encounter she would laugh.

Now that I speak Portuguese and Spanish, hooker threats don't mean shit to me. If they were to actually go get a cop then I would just turn the tables and say she stole money from me and hit me and now wants me to pay her too. I would demand that she be arrested and be made to give back the money she stole. And it would be even better if I could prove I already bought a bunch of shit for her (which I would never do) like the guy in question did. I'm from the hood and grew up streetwise, so if a broad is going to try to get over on me then she better come hard because I'm not a pushover. As the old saying goes,"You can't slick a slickster." Then too I realize that everybody can't be a Bernie Madoff. Every con has to have a sucker. If you look around and don't see the sucker, well... I'm not saying that I would take advantage of the girls or not give them what I rightfully owe, but I'm damn sure not going to stand for any bullshit being brought into the game.

On the flip side, when I was in school in Brazil, I went home with a girl from Help Disco. We were both drunk as skunks. The next morning I had to wake up and go to the airport to pick up a classmate. Evidently when we got back from the club she had put my clothes on the window sill. She lived on the fifth floor. I went over to get money out my pants to pay her, but all my money was gone. I was about to pitch a biotch. I thought she had got me for my paper. Then I realized she was just as confused as me. I started looking around then looked outside. There was a big jungle behind the building. And there the money was. It had somehow blown out of my pocket, out the window, and into a tree. And there was no way of getting that shit back either. First of all there was a tall cinder block wall from the ground behind the building to the floor of the forest. Then if one could have managed to climb the wall there were probably all kinds of snakes and who knows what back there in that jungle. But I promised the girl that I would still pay her after I went to get my classmate. She did not believe my ass one bit. She thought I was going to screw her over. Later when I brought money back to give to her we turned into the best of friends. She cooked dinner for me that night. And from then on, whenever my friends would come to town we made it a tradition that on Sunday she would go to the store with me and my friends to buy food and her and her friends would cook it all up over her house and make us drinks. Nowadays she cleans houses in New York and we are still good friends.

01-04-14, 11:21
Spent 12 nights, I had 2 nights in between for recovery, first night I fucked 3 girls, then I lost count for the rest of the trip. Lots of really hot girls, oldest around 25, most get fat after that age. My hotel guard always take the girl Id, and give it back to her when she is leaving, I only had one girl asking for more money, it was kinda my fault too, when I picked her up, I took her to a restaurant to talk, eat and have have couple drinks before we go to my hotel, I asked her how much and she said no pesos, so I insisted to pay, so she said, anything you pay, ok sounds a good deal, back in my room after I finished I gave her 1500, she said not enough and asked for 2500, I said no way, then she threatened to call the police, I know that she choose 2500 to reach the middle number of 2000, so I opened the door and throw only 1000 outside the door and kicked her out. After that I always make it clear how much I'm paying with a written numbers, so I always offer 1500 no matter what and I usually give another 200 tip later if I felt she was thankful to the 1500. Because I think that people deserve more if they were satisfied with less, and they get less when they are not satisfied with more.

D'Latin now checks for the girls Id, one night I picked a beer and sat beside the door watching girls getting in one after another, some girls have Id, some have passport, some have new passport, and some are known and they were not checked for ID, it was a reasonable way to classify the girls. Oh ya, I saw the 2 trouble girls who were posted on this website, they were denied entry to D'Latin, and the blond one got mad and tried to force her way in, the guard carried her outside, then she lied down on the stairs and won't leave, it was a big seen, finally her friend managed to take her away, this girl on crack, she is not normal at all, I'm sure she is taking hard drug.

The beach was nice for swimming, water is blue crystal clear, many places to eat and very cheap, so treat yourself well and have fun, there is no real reason not to have fun in Sosua.

01-04-14, 19:51
Has this ever happened to anyone (girl not waning to leave)? How did you handle it. I didn't want to create a scene by asking the security guard to do something about it. I am still here for another 9 days and I am sure I will bump into this girl again.Nice hotel room with continuous cold a/c blowing, hot running water, large bed with clean sheets, cable tv. What chica would not want to leave this to go to her hotel room the size of a walk-in closet where she is shacking up with 3-4 other chicas, no hot water, and intermittent electricity?

Also, I am surprised that I have not been able to meet any english speaking chicas. From what I have been reading of this forum, it should not be hard.Be thankful. The ones that speak English are usually the most hardcore of all the chicas on the strip.

01-04-14, 23:34
Is Superbowl weekend still considered to be the worst mongering time in Sosua?

01-04-14, 23:37
Yo dude thanks for that long detailed report. To bad all the racial talk buried it. Drag it over to the Gogo forum if you want. I'm sure someone other than me will appreciate it. It appears people aren't interested in the beach vendors getting pushed out or tourists getting arrested.

Livelaughfuck took time out to post a long detailed report on his second post, and we ignored him, sorry bro.Thanks I appreciate it man, you put the effort in to write in detail your experience to assist those new and old to this place. Shame when endless bickering drowns out relevant info. But thanks for the love! I will keep sharing as I venture out, we all here for the same thing.

01-04-14, 23:38
Nice detailed report. Thanks for sharing.Thanks my brother.

01-04-14, 23:40
I know I have been absent on the forums since last April [and that is how much I just had to read through. 62 pages of almost complete philosophical BS LOL. ] On that side-note, I do respect many of your opinions regarding the lifestyle habits of safe mongering practices for the greater good of all. However, within the 62 pages that I just read through this was all I came up with regarding actual reports about Sosua. These two newbies [to the forum, as am I, ] that gave awesome reports and also Deepimpact [sorry bro, but you are too well respected on this forum for me to regurgitate your words. ]

Awesome post man! This is what this forum has been lacking. Solid reporting on specifics of your trip!

Another really good report. Thank you much for taking the time to give recent updates on Sosua!Hey no problem. I feel you I now have 143 pages to catch up LOL.


Charles Pooter
01-04-14, 23:46
Be thankful. The ones that speak English are usually the most hardcore of all the chicas on the strip.I agree. Immediate red flag.

01-05-14, 01:28
Second day: Woke up late. Had breakfast and went to the beach near the hotel Nice and quiet. Stayed there till noon then went to find something to eat.If you are looking to relax, this beach (Playa sin Salida) is much better than Playa Sosua. No food stands. No hustlers. No ladies. Just peace and quiet. (Fun fact: "Playa sin Salida" literally means "Beach without Production".)

To get there from Pedro Clisante, just follow Dr. Rosen down past Dr. Alejo Martinez. You can't miss it.

01-05-14, 01:31
D'Latin now checks for the girls IdWhen I was there recently, they were also checking purses as girls left the bar. Apparently someone had taken off with some of their glasses. You cannot make this stuff up.

Jimmy Boy 99
01-05-14, 02:24
If you are looking to relax, this beach (Playa sin Salida) is much better than Playa Sosua. No food stands. No hustlers. No ladies. Just peace and quiet. (Fun fact: "Playa sin Salida" literally means "Beach without Production".)

To get there from Pedro Clisante, just follow Dr. Rosen down past Dr. Alejo Martinez. You can't miss it.Actually Playa sin Salida means Beach with no exit.

01-05-14, 02:37
Best sex in life was hard core pro who took a liking to me. She knew how to fuck and when she wanted to could curl your toes. Banging rookies can be not so good. If you get a good vibe with a pro you will have a big smile. They know the game and will play by the rules if you do. Now if you are weak they can chew you up. The biggest trick to managing a pro is the ability to say no. A good pro can help you enjoy your time because know so much. Where to eat, best cabana, and who can give you a real 3 some. Tell them what you want and they will get it for you if you have money. I have a ex BB pro she fucks you until you say stop. Any where you want and all day long she is ready. I had a few sweet young things in Sosua who were not very good because they were green. If you take charge with a pro you will get great sex and few problems.

I agree. Immediate red flag.

Mr Gogo
01-05-14, 04:30
Best sex in life was hard core pro who took a liking to me. She knew how to fuck and when she wanted to could curl your toes. Banging rookies can be not so good. If you get a good vibe with a pro you will have a big smile. They know the game and will play by the rules if you do. Now if you are weak they can chew you up. The biggest trick to managing a pro is the ability to say no. A good pro can help you enjoy your time because know so much. Where to eat, best cabana, and who can give you a real 3 some. Tell them what you want and they will get it for you if you have money. I have a ex BB pro she fucks you until you say stop. Any where you want and all day long she is ready. I had a few sweet young things in Sosua who were not very good because they were green. If you take charge with a pro you will get great sex and few problems.I feel you bro. I met this pro in Sosua in 2007 that was the best girl I ever had in the DR. We were together for 3 years even after she retired from the game and moved to Puerto Plata in 2008. She would always come to Sosua and would stay with me a couple days till I got tired of her and kicked her out. All the guys that know me from this board has met her. She would never say "no" to sex. Whenever my dick got hard she was ready, even if it was in the bushes or in the shower. Her pussy was always wet and she did it all.

She was crazy in love with me. She beat a girl up that she caught me leaving Classicos with. I had snuck into Sosua without telling anyone and was walking down the steps from Classicos. We got to the bottom of the steps and the crowd was to the left so me and this girl went right. After a few steps it was a dude standing there with a hoodie on. All of the sudden the dude in the hoodie punches me in the chest and says"What the fuck you doing? '. The hoodie comes off and its my girl, damn (somebody snitched). She punches the girl in the face for asking "Who is this' and the girls start fighting. I look over my shoulder and saw a motochoncho coming down the street, so I jumped on and yelled"vamos rapido" and we left. When I looked back the security guys from Classicos were trying to break them up, the chic was crazy. I was always getting caught in my lies and we would just make up and fuck back to good terms. I was her boyfriend and she was serious about that shit. Here is a report I did on her in 2010;


We eventually broke up because she was going to kill me one day but we continued to e-mail. The last time I saw her was about a year ago when she met me and Mr E on the Malecon in Puerto plata for lunch. I would always think maybe one day when I retire she could be my roommate and I would have guaranteed in-house pussy but all that changed 2 months ago. She had a baby boy by some Dominican dude who hit and ran. Shit! Thats a deal killer for me. But she was one special girl that might have had a future with Gogo and I don't care that she was a pro at one time in her life.

01-05-14, 06:29
Actually Playa sin Salida means Beach with no exit.Actually you are both wrong! It is called Playa Alicia and it is at the end of the calle sin salida, which means dead end street or literally, street without exit. The beach is also known as Waterfront beach, Miracle Beach (because it suddenly formed in 2003 after the earthquake} and some call it Casa Marina Beach.

01-05-14, 07:09
I'm aware that Field of Dreams (FOD) is geographically closer to Puerto Plata than Sosua. But since I've just posted two (2) data rich posts on the PP thread I thought I'd put this here. Hope that's OK with you guys. Getting flamed really hurts my feelings. Try to be gentle.

Anyways, my two wingmen and I left home base at BlackBeards for our usual cultural excursion to FOD. On our last 3 BB's trips we always stopped in and had a beer before launching for Sosua / Passions et al owing to the lack of decent talent at FOD at those times. This FOD trip was better. The three of us hammered out some decent talent before returning to BB's. We avoided Sosua on this trip as we don't approve of the feminazi police state regime change in progress. However, as one formerly educated in Geography and Regional Planning I do hope that their cruise ship stop dream comes to fruition. It will be good for retail business. Besides, all those cruise ship crews and the single, lonely guys that fucked up buying a cruise ticket looking for elusive vacation ass, need a decent place to pound out some box, don't they? Getting wifed up on a boat with some semi-hot, fat, Gringa pig must get old. Doesn't it? We gratefully followed FOD day bartender, Nico's advice and returned for the New Years Day "Bikini Contest."

Upon our arrival at 1600 on New Years Day we entertained ourselves by looking over the contestants and selected our picks early. The talent wasn't as good as BB's but who cares. We enjoyed the weakly organized contest simply because it was different. The house didn't pay the winners any bounty for win / place / show and the so-called "Judges" were only there for decoration. The contestants lacked energy overall but we approved of this little group dance that they did before the winners were announced. Not that we could hear anything that Nico said on his mike owing to the ridiculous sound level of the background music. They pass the hat for donations to pay the winners. They also had us Gringos write down the girls numbers on a tiny piece of paper to determine the results, thus voiding the role of the Judges. Finally, a 200 peso raffle ticket was announced and the winner would get a free girl and room. Sensing a trap and not wanting our preferred picks raffled away from us, we immediately paid for our girls and left for our sessions and short time rooms. 840 pesos or about $20 USD gets the ST room. 1,600 pesos or $37. 65 for the ST pussy. Unless you're the two British guys that shared our taxi van from BB's. They were made to pay much more for some reason. This two tier pricing system pissed us off. The Brits were not aware of the rip off until we compared notes on the ride back to Costambar. BTW, nobody bought a raffle ticket anyway. We theorize the dual pricing scam was the result of a shift change, not Nico's doing. Clearly his female replacement needed new shoes or something.

We returned to BB's and ate a nice Italian meal at Sole Mio's around the corner, drank, smoked cigars, and pounded out some more BB's box. I liked Sole Mio's seafood soup. End of report.

Mr Gogo
01-05-14, 08:15
I'm aware that Field of Dreams (FOD) is geographically closer to Puerto Plata than Sosua. But since I've just posted two (2) data rich posts on the PP thread I thought I'd put this here. Hope that's OK with you guys. Getting flamed really hurts my feelings. Try to be gentle.

Anyways, my two wingmen and I left home base at BlackBeards for our usual cultural excursion to FOD. On our last 3 BB's trips we always stopped in and had a beer before launching for Sosua / Passions et al owing to the lack of decent talent at FOD at those times. This FOD trip was better. The three of us hammered out some decent talent before returning to BB's. We avoided Sosua on this trip as we don't approve of the feminazi police state regime change in progress. However, as one formerly educated in Geography and Regional Planning I do hope that their cruise ship stop dream comes to fruition. It will be good for retail business. Besides, all those cruise ship crews and the single, lonely guys that fucked up buying a cruise ticket looking for elusive vacation ass, need a decent place to pound out some box, don't they? Getting wifed up on a boat with some semi-hot, fat, Gringa pig must get old..Okay Sir I will try to be as "Gentle" as possible. You get a pass on posting POP info in the Sosua thread because you always contribute great pictures. Let me enlighten you as someone you say who is"Educated in Geography and Regional planning", that the Miamon cruise ship terminal is currently having major problems. Construction has almost come to a halt Sir. This is not public knowledge but if you need my sources PM me and I will give you my sources. The Dominicans haven't contributed their monies for the project and have asked to renegotiate the terms"Classic Dominican bait and switch". Also there are problems with the land owners near the project asking for better terms. I don't understand what retail business will be created by the Miamon terminal, I already have in my home a bottle with twigs in it and portraits of the DR. Maybe the "I love the DR' shirts will be a best seller. Also what guy goes on a cruise ship to ditch his wife and get a piece of ass? The ladies won't let them freelance in the DR. The cruise ship worker guys bang the cruise ship workers and vacationers, the local come third.

Not trying to hurt you feelings bro, just stating the facts.

01-05-14, 08:59
Actually you are both wrong! It is called Playa AliciaGoogle calls it "Playa sin Salida" (though googling "Playa Alicia" takes you there, too).

Salida can be translated to "exit." But it can also be translated to "output" or "production". So it is kind of an interesting play on words given that the beach is at the end of a street with no exit and also is void of any production, especially in comparison to Playa Sosua!

it suddenly formed in 2003 after the earthquakeI didn't know it was a new beach. That's pretty cool!

Regardless of what you call it, it is a nice beach!


01-05-14, 16:40
Google calls it "Playa sin Salida" (though googling "Playa Alicia" takes you there, too).

Salida can be translated to "exit." But it can also be translated to "output" or "production". So it is kind of an interesting play on words given that the beach is at the end of a street with no exit and also is void of any production, especially in comparison to Playa Sosua!

I didn't know it was a new beach. That's pretty cool!

Regardless of what you call it, it is a nice beach!

EnjoyA friend used to own a condo there and he used to scuba dive in 40 feet of water where the beach now is located.

Charles Pooter
01-05-14, 16:59
. the Maimon cruise ship terminal is currently having major problems. Construction has almost come to a halt Sir. This is not public knowledge.Actually it is.

Anyone with half a brain knows that, even were it to be completed, there would be minimal input into the general economy. A few politicians and landowners might make mucho dollars, but that money they will hide offshore. It will have nil impact on Sosua and almost none on Puerto Plata.

01-05-14, 17:33
Actually you are both wrong! It is called Playa Alicia and it is at the end of the calle sin salida, which means dead end street or literally, street without exit. The beach is also known as Waterfront beach, Miracle Beach (because it suddenly formed in 2003 after the earthquake} and some call it Casa Marina Beach.

You are correct sir!
It's always been called Calle sin Salida,"dead End", I am not sure who named it Playa sin salida, it is actually named "Parque Mirador".
The history of Playa Alecia, a guy who worked @ The Waterfront lost his Mom, and named this newly formed beach, Playa Alecia, after his Mom, & the name stuck, there is a little hand painted sign by the wall, if you look for it.

The current mayor of Sosua built the park dedicated to the original Jewish settlers in Sosua, back in the 40's.
That is my history lesson for today.


01-05-14, 17:45
Also what guy goes on a cruise ship to ditch his wife and get a piece of ass? The ladies won't let them freelance in the DR. The cruise ship worker guys bang the cruise ship workers and vacationers, the local come third.I respectfully disagree Gogo. In St. Maarten the wh0re houses are packed when there are cruise ships in port, both vacationers and employees, same in Cartagena.

01-05-14, 18:45
I grew up in the prejudice south. If anybody had told me when I was 16 years old that I would be having sex with black chicks I would have punched them out. I had a friend when I was about 45 that was looking at my then black girlfriend and told me she was hot but she was black. My response was that when I turn the lights out and wrap my arms around her all I feel is one fine hot body and when she wraps her thick lips around Mr Happy I could give a rats ass what color she is, but when you climb in to bed with your woman, with the lights on or off, she is still one ugly fat ass. He shut up.

Been in Sosua since last Friday and have been checking out the chicas from Hati but haven't pulled the trigger yet on any of them. My Dominican Cupido amiga said she doesn't like them because they are "black" which shocked the shit out of me since she is 1/2 black. Some of these Haitians are gorgeous and some are very aggressive. They also appear to be very smart and all of the ones I have talked to speak English, some Spanish, and whatever they speak in Hati (Creole / French). I'm tempted to try them out but am honestly having difficulty with how dark they are. I'm not racist but morena / carmel is about all I can handle. My buddies at home tell me to just turn off all the lights. Some feedback here about these Haitian chicas without beating me up to much would be appreciated. Seems like there are guys here from Europe that are totally enomorado (love) with these girls and I am very curious.

01-05-14, 19:20
Actually it is.

Anyone with half a brain knows that, even were it to be completed, there would be minimal input into the general economy. A few politicians and landowners might make mucho dollars, but that money they will hide offshore. It will have nil impact on Sosua and almost none on Puerto Plata.I guess Mr. Gogo didn't appreciate the sarcasm in my post. I'm sure some cruise ship passengers will be tempted to buy some Haitian art, a t-shirt, and maybe a coco loco on the beach. That's what I meant by "retail." My post also specifically mentioned,"single guys" on the cruise ships, not guys leaving their wives to get laid onshore. Now, can we get back to commenting on the FOD activities component of my post. Also, that previous poster is totally correct about his St Maartens observation. Tons of guys jumping ship there for a quick piece of ass at the assorted venues. Sosua will fill that demand nicely if the ships ever stop there. Simple supply and demand. Dare I say that FOD might be well positioned to cater to that possibility? 20 minutes by taxi isn't that hard to manage, is it?

Charles Pooter
01-05-14, 19:46
Dare I say that FOD might be well positioned to cater to that possibility? 20 minutes by taxi isn't that hard to manage, is it?Interested why you write only "FoD"? Blackbeards is nearer. But you may be correct, FoD caters more for drop-in trade, as it was originally set-up to service guys staying at Playa Dorada, especially groups on golfing holidays without wives. That idea never really got off the ground under any of the successive managements, so I am not convinced there will be much trade off cruise ships either. If there is, it is more likely the taxi guys will steer it towards Cristal and Cocoa Beach (or whatever the name is). Those places are Dominican owned, so better placed to arrange with the taxistas. And they charge twice as much, so could afford a bigger kick-back to the taxistas.

And think of the psychology. If a passenger wants to get laid but probably apprehensive about safety, he is more likely to choose a "night-club" than a "brothel" or "adult hotel". He will be thinking that in a club he could just buy a drink and leave gracefully, whereas he might feel more committed to a "hotel" or in more danger visiting a "brothel". Of course we know he would be wrong but the guy doesn't know that.

However that is all hypothetical as this cruise port may well not happen.

Charles Pooter
01-05-14, 20:06
Best sex in life was hard core pro who took a liking to me . Banging rookies can be not so good . I had a few sweet young things in Sosua who were not very good because they were green. If you take charge with a pro you will get great sex and few problems.Fair comment. There are many exceptions both ways.

I only post for newbies. I don't expect you, or Mr Gogo or Mr Enternational or any other regulars to pay attention. If guys haven't got the hang of things by their third or fourth trip they probably never will and any advice is wasted.

There are guys who prefer hard-core pros and have no trouble.

There are guys who rent cars and have no trouble.

There are guys who get blind drunk at night and have no trouble.

There are guys who buy and smoke weed and have no trouble.

There are guys who change all their dollars into pesos first day and carry it all around with them all the time and have no trouble.

There are guys who befriend tigueres, cops, pimps and other low-life and have no trouble.

The more experience you have the better placed you are to know when to push your luck.

But it is not necessary to do any of the above things to have a great and cost-effective holiday on the North Coast, and by avoiding them you reduce your chances of serious trouble from "slim" to "almost nil". That is why I recommend newbies to avoid them. After two or three trips they can make their own minds up.

01-05-14, 21:17
Obviously, there is some upper bound beyond which I would not pay. And that upper bound would depend on how likely I thought she'd actually call the police, how likely the security guard would stick up for me when they arrived, how likely the police would take me anyway. Etc. But it has little to do with whether I thought I was in the right. A third world country is not the kind of place where you to take a principled stand. You should always be prepared to pay up and move on. And you should know that going in.I hear where you are coming from as it applies to yourself. I agree one should be prepared to pay. However I think taking the position that "a third world country isn't the place to take a principled stand", is too extreme and too absolute for me.

The mere fact that many individuals initially refuse to pay, take time to consider potential risks and outcomes, attempts to negotiate their way out of trouble, successfully use bribes to squash problems, all of these actions suggests to the contrary. You can take a principled stand, and you can win. When one takes a stand at the 1st sign of trouble, the motivation right in that moment isn't about avoiding jail. It's usually about the principle of the issue. I don't think many dudes would be quick to fork over money if they felt the chica didn't deserve or earn it. In your scenario, you clearly responded to the situation based on the principle of the issue. You felt the chica did not provide the services that was expected / agreed. You took a principled stand, but you also watched how the situation evolved, weighed the potential consequences and adjusted the damage accordingly. If it wasnt about the principle you would have paid her 1500 with no resistance whatsoever. You paid 500 and all felt it was fair. You gambled and won. Guess what? You took a stand in a third world country, even though you said its not the place to do so.

Typically, a concern of possibly going to jail doesn't factor in for most of us, until the situation has escalated to the point where one might have legit concerns. Many individuals have taken principled stances (in a third world country) , and they came out on top. If dudes werent taking these principled stances in a third world country, all we would hear are stories of dudes paying any amount that someone demanded. All I'm saying is, there is no absolutes or extremes. Each situation has to be evaluated on a case by case basis, what course of action taken depends on where one sits on the issue. Which is exactly what you were conveying in regards to the conditions in which you would or wouldnt pay, and or the amount.

The reason why I am emphasizing this, is because more and more we are hearing reports of chicas trying to extort dudes out of their hard earned cash. If we take the position that we have no power because were in a third world country, and we need to fork over money because of a threat of calling the police, the extortion stories are going to keep piling up. It's already getting too much attention. I read Mr E's piece. I can see the value in being clever enough to use that police threat in reverse, and put those barracudas in check. Having some resources can help (your security guard) , befriending a cop, possibly your propinas to the cops, staff may help? Other things to take into consideration. How you behave, like not being belligerent. Not being drunk or disorderly. The chicas own behavior or the cops constantly having a problem with the chica, that might help. A dude has to carry himself with some confidence as if he has options, not as if he doesn't. A dude may need to play that all the way, until he has no choice but to pay or deal with the outcome.

01-05-14, 23:24
I only post for newbies. I don't expect you, or Mr Gogo or Mr Enternational or any other regulars to pay attention. If guys haven't got the hang of things by their third or fourth trip they probably never will and any advice is wasted.FWIW: I think this is a sound policy. Value-added for vets is pretty low. But newbies can get themselves into some easily-avoided jams if they don't know a few simple things.

01-05-14, 23:40
I only had one girl asking for more money, it was kinda my fault too, when I picked her up, I took her to a restaurant to talk, eat and have have couple drinks before we go to my hotel, I asked her how much and she said no pesos, so I insisted to pay, so she said, anything you pay, ok sounds a good deal, back in my room after I finished I gave her 1500, she said not enough and asked for 2500, I said no way, then she threatened to call the police, I know that she choose 2500 to reach the middle number of 2000, so I opened the door and throw only 1000 outside the door and kicked her out. After that I always make it clear how much I'm paying with a written numbers, so I always offer 1500 no matter whatAt the time you were interviewing and feeling her out (over food and drink) , she should have been grilled on why she felt you did not have to pay any pesos. If she couldn't come up with a reason that actually made sense, (since her whole purpose there is whoring for cash) a dude should be prepared to throw that fish back in the pond. Because a chica whose a stranger to you saying no pesos is clearly a red flag. An obvious reason to suspect a chica is trying to bamboozle a guy. A valid reason not to take her.

It doesn't matter that a dude is willing to pay. The ability to pay is not the important issue. That doesn't stop the con from progressing. The issue now is, a dude is potentially leaving himself vulnerable for exactly what she pulled. We all know we don't get something for nothing. And most know them barracudas don't appreciate the drinks and meals they get. In fact, if you ask me, I am leaning more into believing those gestures of treating working girls to anything above simple p4p, potentially gives some of them the inclination a dude is soft or weak. It's like were showing these hoes a weakness by trying to enjoy a GFE with them. Have them for a couple of days and then you open yourself up for more trouble. Communicate with them when back home and instantly, you find yourself subject to requests for gifts, sob stories, pleading for help, constant attempts at guilt tripping dudes. You name it, we have all heard it. All of that potentially communicates a weakness, an area they'll try to exploit. I recently turned off the power on my DR phone. I usually keep it on, to whatsapp with a few chicas.

Staying in touch is cool. Even ego stroking. But sometimes keeping in touch can become a nuisance. The most effective response for me lately, was to simply shut the phone off. No explanations of why I couldn't send money, gifts ect, no trying to reason with them, no trying to set them straight, no trying to take whatever bait they throw out there. Just turn off the phone. If I see them the next time I travel, I'll decide then whether or not to get with them again.

BTW I like your idea of typing out the amount and currency, so both know the deal. But I can tell you, even that can backfire on a dude. Last month I had a chica type out 300 on my phone. Turns out she expected 3000 for ST. I caught it because she was sloppily obvious. That game was grounds for dismissal. But I knew she was a newbie and could tell she was only doing what she was told by one of her mentors. I paid her 1500. Had I deemed her as a hard core chica, I would have seriously considered getting out of the situation before taking her back to my spot. I havent always felt this way, it's been through observation and experience ( mine and others ) that has caused me to think differently.

01-05-14, 23:48
We returned to BB's and ate a nice Italian meal at Sole Mio's around the corner, drank, smoked cigars, and pounded out some more BB's box. I liked Sole Mio's seafood soup. End of report.

Thanks for the straight forward report.

No politics, personal or head space issues.

Just the facts.

01-05-14, 23:54
Good points CP. Experience gives one freedom to play the game differently. I am not comfortable renting cars in the DR to this day. You are on point newbies need to keep it close and follow the rules.

Fair comment. There are many exceptions both ways.

I only post for newbies. I don't expect you, or Mr Gogo or Mr Enternational or any other regulars to pay attention. If guys haven't got the hang of things by their third or fourth trip they probably never will and any advice is wasted.


The more experience you have the better placed you are to know when to push your luck.

But it is not necessary to do any of the above things to have a great and cost-effective holiday on the North Coast, and by avoiding them you reduce your chances of serious trouble from "slim" to "almost nil". That is why I recommend newbies to avoid them. After two or three trips they can make their own minds up.

01-05-14, 23:56
You took a principled stand, but you also watched how the situation evolved, weighed the potential consequences and adjusted the damage accordingly. If it wasnt about the principle you would have paid her 1500 with no resistance whatsoever. You paid 500 and all felt it was fair.I can assure you that my decision to pay 500 pesos had little if anything to do with the principle of the matter. I didn't want that girl pointing me out to all of her chica friends as the guy who will still pay up if you fail to deliver. Sure, when something feels "fair" it makes it a little easier to swallow. But fair or not, if it is the best course of action you should do it-even if it is tough to swallow. That's all I'm saying. Ignore "fair" and "principles" and focus instead on what's the best possible outcome. Sometimes that means paying less (as I did when she failed to deliver) ; sometimes that means paying more (like when you get above standard service).

And know that these girls do talk to one another. A couple nights after the incident I took another Santo Domingo girl back to my room. (I'm not sure if I mentioned this in an earlier post, but the first girl had been from Santo Domingo as well.) She was a sweet little spinner that ponied up to the bar at SB. As soon as I saw her, I called her over. She was a delight. All smiles and very young. 18 or 19 I think. Light skin. Super tight body. So, after a bit of conversation, I was taking her up to the room for 1500 pesos. Interestingly, when we got to my door, she stopped and said "I'm not sure" in broken english. She went from happy-go-lucky to apprehensive in a split second. I cannot be certain, but I would be willing to bet that the other girl had warned her friends that the guy in room 210-B (or whatever the hell my number was) paid less than agreed upon when things went sour. Why else would she have reacted that way when we got to my door?

Anyway, I kindly told her (in Spanish) that it was OK if she changed her mind; I would just take her back down to the bar. No problem. Well, I suppose she felt I seemed genuine enough because she smiled and came on inside.

Having seen her reluctance, I became a bit reluctant as well. I expected that she'd be uncomfortable, so her performance might fall flat or she'd want me to pay up front. But I thought what the hell, let's give it a shot. And good thing too, because she did not disappoint. There was no discussion of paying up front-which I would not have agreed to. We both relaxed a bit with some light kissing and general playfulness. Then we exchanged massages. When I saw that things were going well, I gave her some lingerie and she happily put them on. She seemed so grateful for the gift. She gave an incredible BBBJ which we had discussed in advance. Then we had sex for a long time before I finished with a CIM (not discussed in advance!). She was a real treat so I got her number for later. I paid her the 1500 for a little less than two hours, plus another 200 for tip and moto (I assumed she was going to DL after). She was worth every penny.

01-06-14, 01:32
You are correct sir!

It's always been called Calle sin Salida,"dead End", I am not sure who named it Playa sin salida, it is actually named "Parque Mirador".

The history of Playa Alecia, a guy who workedatThe Waterfront lost his Mom, and named this newly formed beach, Playa Alecia, after his Mom, & the name stuck, there is a little hand painted sign by the wall, if you look for it.

The current mayor of Sosua built the park dedicated to the original Jewish settlers in Sosua, back in the 40's.

That is my history lesson for today.

http://www.sosuaonline.net/site/images/stories/sosua_images/roban-parque-mirador.jpgThanks, never did know where the name came from.

01-06-14, 02:11
I can assure you that my decision to pay 500 pesos had little if anything to do with the principle of the matter. I didn't want that girl pointing me out to all of her chica friends as the guy who will still pay up if you fail to deliver.Okay, but what I was talking about was you not paying 1500 for a particular reason initialy. Your initial reaction to NOT pay 1500 was because you didn't feel she performed as expected / agreed.

"I agreed to delete the photos (and did) but refused to pay: "No trabajas, no pago!"

Thats the principle you were focused on initially. And besides, there is nothing wrong with having multiple reasons for making a decision. Whether one realizes it or not. Because you paid the 500 pesos later, she can still assume you are the guy that will pay if a chica fails to deliver. Further a chica can advise her friends, to make sure no security, staff or backup is around for you to defer to next time. I'm sure that chica paid attention to how that went down too. Even if the focus is on the best possible outcome, you are still dealing with the principle. The principle in this case is exercising damage control, and defending yourself from being cheated.

The Mind Bender
01-06-14, 02:15
And most know them barracudas don't appreciate the drinks and meals they get. In fact, if you ask me, I am leaning more into believing those gestures of treating working girls to anything above simple p4p, potentially gives some of them the inclination a dude is soft or weak. It's like were showing these hoes a weakness by trying to enjoy a GFE with them. Have them for a couple of days and then you open yourself up for more trouble. Communicate with them when back home and instantly, you find yourself subject to requests for gifts, sob stories, pleading for help, constant attempts at guilt tripping dudes. You name it, we have all heard it. All of that potentially communicates a weakness, an area they'll try to exploit. I recently turned off the power on my DR phone. I usually keep it on, to whatsapp with a few chicas.The hardcore putas on the strips will take advantage of any sign of weakness and generosity to them is just a gateway to a bigger payoff. Men are always doing things for attractive women so they're not likely to be impressed by being "wined and dined." I'm a nice guy but I've realized you can't be "soft" with these girls, at least not in the beginning. Don't buy drinks, don't take them out to dinner and don't give any gifts unless they've done something to earn it. There are some genuinely sweet girls in the bunch but I'd advise my fellow mongers not to drop their guard.

01-06-14, 02:35
The hardcore putas on the strips will take advantage of any sign of weakness and generosity to them is just a gateway to a bigger payoff. Men are always doing things for attractive women so they're not likely to be impressed by being "wined and dined." I'm a nice guy but I've realized you can't be "soft" with these girls, at least not in the beginning. Don't buy drinks, don't take them out to dinner and don't give any gifts unless they've done something to earn it. There are some genuinely sweet girls in the bunch but I'd advise my fellow mongers not to drop their guard.I agree not even with the sweet ones. They are only sweet for so long. And many aspire to have the same skills as their hardcore comrades. Some even develop and combine sweetness with hardcore skill, which can make it harder to recognize their potential for giving a guy trouble.

01-06-14, 02:42
her performance might fall flat or she'd want me to pay up front. But I thought what the hell, let's give it a shot. And good thing too, because she did not disappoint. There was no discussion of paying up front-which I would not have agreed to. We both relaxed a bit with some light kissing and general playfulness. Then we exchanged massages. When I saw that things were going well, I gave her some lingerie and she happily put them on. She seemed so grateful for the gift. She gave an incredible BBBJ which we had discussed in advance. Then we had sex for a long time before I finished with a CIM (not discussed in advance!). She was a real treat so I got her number for later. I paid her the 1500 for a little less than two hours, plus another 200 for tip and moto (I assumed she was going to DL after). She was worth every penny.Now thats what I call a good story with a happy ending.

Mr Enternational
01-06-14, 04:24
At the time you were interviewing and feeling her out (over food and drink) , she should have been grilled on why she felt you did not have to pay any pesos. If she couldn't come up with a reason that actually made sense, (since her whole purpose there is whoring for cash) a dude should be prepared to throw that fish back in the pond. Because a chica whose a stranger to you saying no pesos is clearly a red flag. An obvious reason to suspect a chica is trying to bamboozle a guy. A valid reason not to take her.And this goes for anybody who does not want to give you a price upfront for anything. It reminds me of when I was in Boca Chica buying fish and I asked the guy how much it would cost. He kept telling me not to worry about it. Then when I finished eating he thought he was going to hit me with a bill for 800 pesos. I cursed him out and gave him 400 and told him that the only reason I was giving him that much was because his little daughter went to buy me a Coke; thinking he could just rip anybody off who came along.

The Mind Bender
01-06-14, 04:27
I agree not even with the sweet ones. They are only sweet for so long. And many aspire to have the same skills as their hardcore comrades. Some even develop and combine sweetness with hardcore skill, which can make it harder to recognize their potential for giving a guy trouble.There's nothing better than an "uncorrupted" sweet girl who can perform. Got to treasure while you have her because the next visit she won't be the same.

01-06-14, 05:29
"Sociopaths are masters at influence and deception. Very little of what they say actually checks out in terms of facts or reality, but they're extremely skillful at making the things they say sound believable, even if they're just making them up out of thin air...

Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time."


01-06-14, 07:07
Charles Pooter, especially you! Thanks so much. And Frannie too! And many others!

1. I spent 4 weeks in Sosua and POPlata. 4 nights at BB's. 4 nights at an all inclusive in Playa Doradas, and 5 nights at two of the Lifestyle properties in POP Playa de Cofresi. In Sosua I spent about 16 nights in total at Casa Cayena.

2. I had built up an extensive list thru the Cupid dating site before arriving in the DR. And Sosua bars were mostly for ambiance, fun, hanging out, dancing, watching the chicas etc. At BB's I had 3 TLN's and several in the hot tub only. I loved the pool and Restaurante at BB's, hanging with the guys, the general ambiance. The room had water issues, and the wifi was constantly in and out on my iPad. I liked the beach near BB's because it is wider, but my favorite is the Sosua beach to see the locals and experience the locals. I met a Canadian guy named Keith at BB's, who also had an apartment long term rental in Costambar and thru him met up with a couple of well connected NY guys living in the same apt complex for 6 or more months a year in POP. These guys are well connected and have been very helpful They live with 18-24 year old chicas, who last a month or more at a time, from what ai could tell! All non pros!

3. In Sosua I met another great American guy who is a Chef and had been living in Sosua for about 8 months and was so incredibly well connected that I hung out with him practically every night. I loved the restaurants in Sosua, particularly Baileys and some other Italian restuarnets as well. I got a Claro phone for about 1600 DOP, exchanged money at the grocery store and then also took money out of the ATM, with a 3 % fee, which I will have minimize in the future, because you can only take a max of 10, 000 DOP, per transaction. The Claro phones were a rip off and I think I must have put at least $150 into them over the course of 1 month.

4. The pro scene is not for me, although I was OK at BB's and a Haitian from Sosua D Latin's, who was with me for 3 days and 3 nights. I had some other 3-4 nightjars with me at the POP resort hotels and also in Sosua thru the Cupid site contacts I had built up and some others local chicas I met thru a bus driver at the Lifestyle resort, who drove me back to Sosua in his car and ferried some chicas from POP to Casa Cayena for me. One great one, a family friend for 3 days and nights.

5. As I mentioned, the Sosua pros are not for me! It's just a personal preference thing and neither are the BB chicas. I have decided that the local non-pros and semi pros, both thru the Cupid site, and local guys in POP who helped me, to be my best experiences. I also prefer 3-4 nights, if the chica and I find it works for both of us. I had taken over a dozen 100 ml perfume bottles, good quality stuff from the US. 25 sets of earrings, several $80 Brazilian bikinis as well and was good about mixing them up with dineros, except at BB's, where I stuck to their pricing program. All chicas got at least what the BB chicas get per night, from me, in terms of dineros and gifts. Usually much more than the BB's TLN rate!

I hurt my right arm at BB's on my 3rd night, after one too many at 130 am in the pool, trying to jump out of the deep end, by trying to push up. Hurt some tendons and nerves, still not completely recovered after 1 month! But 90 percent of the way there! My fault. Dumb of me to not realize I am no longer in my 20's. So, that limited my activities for the second half of my 4 week trip. I loved the Lifestyle resort and the Blue Bay Villas as well. Love the shows, entertainment, food and booze and the private beaches! Got decent deals thru Travelocity from $70-$108 per night, for 2 people, all inclusive! Plan to do many more of those on my next trip. Keep moving and checking out of different properties, so I can change the chicas for each 3-4 night stay!

6. My first time in the DR. I really liked it. Want to be back in March / April for about 6-7 weeks, but mostly in POP, if I can find multiple quality weekly apartment rentals, with great Wifi, no water / hot water issues, generator for power outages and good pool etc. All of which BB's, Casa Cayena, and the resorts in Playa Doradas and Lifestyle Playa de Cofresi had the quality I was looking for. But I prefer the Sosua beach, the restaurants in Sosua, having everything within walking distance etc. So, I will be back at Casa Cayema probably for 2 of the 6-7 weeks. Yes, I am pretty much retired and so I have the time and the adventure spirit and want to meet real non pro locals, primarily. Cause that is the only experience I like. Don't care for the short time or 1 nighter either. So I guess I am pretty much off the norm for 90 peremt of the people on this board, BTW, please do not take any of that in a pejorative sense. Because we are all different and whatever works for each of us. At our various stages in life.

7. If any one has any suggestions for quality weekly apartment rentals in Puerto Plata, please PM me! And I am happy to answer questions. BTW, I am not the picture taking type, so I have just a few, and I never asked any chica permission to post anyway.

8. I know I don't care for the pros in Sosua. I am sure there are many exceptions, like the Haitian chica. But I think they are all hardened by their own experiences and over time become largely transactional. By contrast, the Cupid chicas and local contacts, though a lot of work, and with only a 30-40 great experience ratio, still worked better for me!

01-06-14, 07:20
I know I don't care for the pros in Sosua. I think they are all hardened by their own experiences and over time become largely transactional.Nice! A lot of Sosua vets have moved on for exactly the reasons you mentioned. So much pussy all over the island. Good to see you caught on fast.

01-06-14, 07:43
Nice! A lot of Sosua vets have moved on for exactly the reasons you mentioned. So much pussy all over the island. Good to see you caught on fast.Thanks! If you would ever want to coordinate 1-2 of my next stays at one of the resorts at either Blue Bay Villas Playa Doradas or Lifestyle. Each with our own chica. For 3-4 nights each. That would be great. I missed not being part of a group. As a matter of fact, if we can get 3-4 guys, each with their own chicas, I think hanging at the resort pools, pools bars, restaurants, discos, shows etc. Would also be a lot more fun! FWIW.

01-06-14, 09:48
Keep moving and checking out of different properties, so I can change the chicas for each 3-4 night stay!Excellent idea! I'm going to try this on my next trip. Thanks for the tip.

Mr Enternational
01-06-14, 09:54
Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time."The truth is much stranger than fiction.

01-06-14, 14:20
Does anyone know of an antibiotic pill or shot form that will take care of most if not all bacteria from rawdogging a chick?

EDITOR'S SUGGESTION: This is interesting, but you might consider re-posting it under the Safe Sex topic in the Special Interests section of the Forum where it will benefit the Forum Members who are specifically looking for this type of information. Thanks!

01-06-14, 15:31
I didn't want that girl pointing me out to all of her chica friends as the guy who will still pay up if you fail to deliver.ORourke86, I just wanted to add a little more perspective in regards to your scenario, and to your statement above. Apparently, what some of these chicas think about you is important to you or a concern. Connecting that to your scenario, in hindsight do you think when you offered that chica a gift (the lingerie) before her having to earn it, that that was a good look for you?

I re-read your scenario. That gift wasnt as important to her as the money. Her focus was on what she really came for, the money. At some point you tried to reason with her about you being "kind and generous" to her, giving her a gift, so why wouldn't you pay her? That didnt phase her much. Even that exchange can come off as being weak in the eye of that chica, and all of her friends she shares that story with. In addition, when she said you would have to pay her, she requested that you delete her photos from YOUR camera. And you complied. That chica has got some balls, to make a dude delete pics from his camera.

What message can that potentially send to the chica communication network? Did she get to keep the lingerie too? If not, no problem. She just tells her girls that you are the guy who gives out gifts. The next chica can get the gift. If she did take the lingerie with her, well that reinforces a potential negative for you within the CCN.

"Girl I'm a fucking working girl and this dude gave me lingerie just because I came to his place. I didn't care about that, I wanted to know about my damn money"."yeah girl, I put on an academy award performance making him think I liked and adored the lingerie, but girl, that shit was more important to him than it was to me. I just want to make sure I get paid." "Ya know girl, I really didn't want to fuck him, because him giving me lingerie seemed kinda scary, as if he was trying to treat me like a GF"."Thats why I asked for my money up front" "I didn't want him to think that that lingerie was any form of payment, him giving me a gift?" "That shit was on him" Of course I am ad libbing here. I can't think in but one head, but I wouldn't be surprised in the least if this is how chicas are thinking about our behavior with them.

Another consideration. You recall me saying the initial reason you didn't pay the girl is because you felt she didn't earn the 1500? No work, no pay. Was basically what you told her. Now consider how you may have confused that hoe by giving her lingerie in the beginning, without her having to work for it, but later say you won't pay her 1500 because she didn't work for that? You initially set the stage that you will give when nothing is earned. So she made an attempt to get some money up front. This isn't just for you. Things like this is something we all need to pay attention to while we are mongering. Many of us feel good giving shit to women and hoping they appreciate it.

With strangers (especially working girls) , it's probably best to stick to the principle of paying or gifting chicas, ONLY AFTER services are performed. And when it comes to strangers be mindful of the possibility that she may not be the type that gives a damn about being given a gift, or you being kind and generous. Oh yeah they'll play if off as if they absolutely love the gift and are having a swell time with you, and make you feel all proud and shit, but the bottom line is they know deep down they didn't earn it. And whether they know it or not, they may have a decreased level of respect for you subconsciously, even though they are all smiles in your face. And if a dude has some concerns about the CCN getting hold of how he operates with chicas, you best believe it may have some bearing on how that dude is perceived from that point on.

01-06-14, 16:55
Is Superbowl weekend still considered to be the worst mongering time in Sosua?I wonder by whose account or standard O? This will be my 3rd time being in Sosua when SB was on. I absolutely enjoyed myself each time. For one, SBW usually brings more chicas to Sosua hoping to make some quick cash. 2ndly, all mongers don't roll the same, so there usually is no reason to be concerned about there being less chicas to hook up with. Plus guys have more of their friends there to socialize with instead of just chicas.

When I come to Sosua, I rarely go to the strip looking for prospects. I can sit in "the office" (Rockys) and fish from my seat. Chicas are all over the place all day and all night. I can find a chica to bang just about anywhere, and never set foot in Rumba or D'Latin. Plus, many mongers have regulars and favoritas they keep in contact with. A dude can connect with Dom Cupid chicas online prior to coming or even when he is in Sosua. IMO, I think SBW potentially brings out more dimes than usual.

Perhaps the thing that contributes to SBW being the worst time for some, is because many hotels are packed to the brim. Fewer choices of hotels or good rooms. Plus more people means they have to step up their game when it comes to service. Room service, restaurant service probably sucks during that time. Can the bars and workers keep up with the demand? Or perhaps people are concerned about the increased volume of knuckleheads that will be showing their asses that week?

Regardless of what is going on around me, I usually enjoy the hell out of myself during that time. And guess what? I don't even watch football.

01-06-14, 17:27
There's nothing better than an "uncorrupted" sweet girl who can perform. Got to treasure while you have her because the next visit she won't be the same.Yes indeed. I have watched quite a few evolve from an "uncorrupted" chica into someone totally different on subsequent visits. But I guess they can say the same for me, that I changed too. For some reason many of these chicas in the game seem to age at a faster rate.

01-06-14, 17:41
I had built up an extensive list thru the Cupid dating site before arriving in the DR.

This is exactly what I did before arriving in Sosua for my December trip and am currently working on for my return in February. I screened about twenty girls the month before arriving and was very upfront with the girls via E-mail and instant messaging on the Dominican Cupid Site. After getting to know the girls I would inform them that I was there on vacation not looking for a wife or a serious relationship. At this point the girls would either drop out or say "no problema". I would propose a scenario if we hit it off and acknowledge that they need money and ask them how much for a 12 hour night, etc. At this point some refused to quote a price so they dropped out. I had four girls quote me from 2,000 Pesos to 3,000 pesos. I had each girl come to Hotel Casa Cayena (great place) to meet me. One of the girls I had to turn away as she didn't look like her photo's. One of them was a divorced Mom of two who I spent two nights with but she figured out what I was up too so we didn't click. Another was a 22 year old cutie that cozied right up to me but was not to reliable answering the phone & E-mails so I didn't get to hook-up with her again. The last one which was the first one turned out to be a winner (2,000 Pesos) and I spent six nights and some days with her, she's my 28 year old hard body with no kids that is a sweetheart. She has sent me texts every other day since returning home and hasn't asked me yet to send her any money and knows I'll be returning in February.

I am assuming you speak Spanish because none of the girls I met on the Cupid Site spoke English. How did you handle what your expectations were with these girls, what you were doing there, how much money, etc you might pay them, etc. I am evaluating my approach on the dating site and was very careful to avoid any misunderstandings. My Spanish is limited but sufficient. Any suggestions or insights as to how you handled these Cupid girls would be appreciated. Also, I limited my selections to the Puerto Plata area so to avoid any one travelling from far away. Case in point, the one I had to turn away!

01-06-14, 19:53
I took a stroll this morning and passed Passion's. I happened to meet the manager and he told me that the club will open tonight at 6 pm. Maybe this is old news for you but I have not seen anything about it in this forum.

The Mind Bender
01-06-14, 21:26
Yes indeed. I have watched quite a few evolve from an "uncorrupted" chica into someone totally different on subsequent visits. But I guess they can say the same for me, that I changed too. For some reason many of these chicas in the game seem to age at a faster rate.You can blame poor eating habits, pregnancy, excessive partying, drinking and smoking. When the only work out you get daily is lying on your back it's no surprise these chicas don't look so good by their mid to late 20s. It's sad because a lot of these girls could rival the models back home if they just exercised a bit.

01-06-14, 21:36
I am assuming you speak Spanish because none of the girls I met on the Cupid Site spoke English. How did you handle what your expectations were with these girls, what you were doing there, how much money, etc you might pay them, etc. I am evaluating my approach on the dating site and was very careful to avoid any misunderstandings. My Spanish is limited but sufficient. Any suggestions or insights as to how you handled these Cupid girls would be appreciated. Also, I limited my selections to the Puerto Plata area so to avoid any one travelling from far away. Case in point, the one I had to turn away!Not sure who you were seeking feedback from, but I can share a little of my experience.

I don't speak spanish fluently. I know enough Spanish to get by though. When I 1st joined DC I thought it was cool corresponding back and forth with chicas for weeks and months before meeting them. Now, I find that counter-productive, and to a certain extent, kinda corny. We arent developing a relationship, so whats the point? For one, many of these chicas are communicating with several dudes all at the same time. Just like any other dating website. The only connection that counts is the one with the guy in country with her at that moment. Only when I'm there will my turn be significant. So now, when my membership is paid and I'm browsing profiles or responding to interested chicas, I send messages to chicas telling them I will be there in a week.

Give me your number and I'll call you when I get there. Just about every woman I sent that message to, left her number in my mailbox. No hesitation. I believe when they know you will be there so soon, you get moved up on the priority list. They know some bennies are just a week away. A dude still online yapping away aint getting nowhere until he gets himself down there.

When I arrive in country, if I want I will call them, and arrange a meeting. Last April it was a chica that lived in PP. I called her before I left the airport to go to Sosua. I met a taxi friend of mine at the airport and got him to translate for me. I ended up going into PP to meet her that afternoon. She was fine as hell. Took her back to Don Antonio and she was my pretend GF for about 2 months. Thats just one example. But my point is, I feel I am having more success just taking numbers and calling when I get in country, than maintaining weeks and months of meaningless chatter with women who are juggling communication with several dudes online including me.

I don't concern myself getting details straight with chicas (their expectations for $$$) before meeting them. That I can do once I meet them in person, once I realize there is mutual attraction. Ironically, often it wasnt necessary getting payment expectations out on the table. We just went with the flow. Most times things went well, all were satisfied. Other times, adjustments had to made for overly opportunistic chicas. If a Dom Cupid chica tried to get payment details on the table online or in email prior to meeting, I probably wouldn't follow through with her. I can go to Sosua for that.

01-06-14, 22:25
Not sure who you were seeking feedback from, but I can share a little of my experience.I appreciate hearing your experience (s) as it is exactly what I was looking for. It sounds as though we have both been successful with the dating site even though we went about things in a different way. I did get lots of numbers, call me when you arrive, etc. And will " loosen up" my approach in preparing for my return in February.

Thanks again for your feedback.

01-06-14, 23:27
And this goes for anybody who does not want to give you a price upfront for anything. It reminds me of when I was in Boca Chica buying fish and I asked the guy how much it would cost. He kept telling me not to worry about it. Then when I finished eating he thought he was going to hit me with a bill for 800 pesos. I cursed him out and gave him 400 and told him that the only reason I was giving him that much was because his little daughter went to buy me a Coke; thinking he could just rip anybody off who came along.I used to have a Dominican taxi / tourist guide friend that always said don't worry about it when I used his services. By not giving prices / costs for services it's easier to end up paying him more. And he knows that. Thats why he scoffs and acts indifferent when asked to give up a price / cost for his services. In addition he has asked me to buy stuff for him and bring it to him when I return. But bringing gifts, that doesn't mean he expects less for his services. In fact, it seems the more you befriend some individuals in the DR the more they expect to get out of you because of that "friendship" (familiarity ). I like him as a friend, but prefer not to partake of his services or get too involved with him socially for the reasons I stated.

Same goes for my cable guy who invited me to spend time with his family, but set me up to pay for a shit load of presidentes even though I was supposed to be his guest. That matter was eventually resolved by his sister later that night in my spot.

Mr Enternational
01-07-14, 01:30
I had built up an extensive list thru the Cupid dating site before arriving in the DR. This is exactly what I did before arriving in Sosua for my December trip and am currently working on for my return in February. I screened about twenty girls the month before arriving and was very upfront with the girls via E-mail and instant messaging on the Dominican Cupid Site. After getting to know the girls I would inform them that I was there on vacation not looking for a wife or a serious relationship.That sounds like a lot of work to find someone you will only be interested in for a few hours and want to pay anyway. If you are going to vacation in the middle of nowhere maybe, but you are visiting Sosua. It's like visiting Orlando but wasting a bunch of time online beforehand trying to locate a few merry-go-rounds. Once you arrive it will be in your face and you can just pick the ripe fruit from the tree. I would rather use online fishing for someone I am interested in not for a hooker-trick relationship but more for a long-term basis, and not a 12-hour basis. You probably spent more time than that trying to weed them out or vet them. In addition, after going through all of that you have to worry about no-shows. Like Wrx said, all you need to do it sit inside Rocky's and when a girl walks by say,"Hey you. Come here." And it's a done deal.

01-07-14, 01:32
Apparently, what some of these chicas think about you is important to you or a concern.I'm only concerned with what they think of me to the extent that I think it will affect the future service I will receive (from them or those they communicate with).

in hindsight do you think when you offered that chica a gift (the lingerie) before her having to earn it, that that was a good look for you?I think there is a serious tradeoff here and we would all do well to understand that tradeoff, even though we might reach a different conclusion based on our unique preferences. Gifts vs cash only has been discussed on the boards before. And I think there is some merit to both views. Let me try to lay out the issues.

I agree with you that giving a gift might suggest to the chica that you can be taken advantage of. I also agree that giving a gift in advance might send mixed signals about whether you plan to pay in cash or in kind and this might prompt a girl to request cash payment up front as well. These facts alone suggest that we would all do well by paying only in cash (no gifts!) and, if we do bring gifts, only give them after services are rendered or during repeat interactions.

On the other hand, some of us enjoy giving gifts. I think, in most cases, you are right: she does not give a damn about being given a gift. She just wants the money. So when I say the gifts are enjoyable for me I certainly don't mean "it feels good to give" because it probably isn't doing anything for her. No, I mean I actually get something out of it. I don't bring soaps or lotions or perfumes. I bring lingerie. And while, ostensibly, it is a gift for her, it is *actually* a gift for me. I like telling a girl to put something on and know that she will do it-and basically anything-for me. I much prefer pounding a cute little thing in a small lace slip. I love watching the fabric stretch just up to the breaking point as I pull it tight against her while taking her from behind. It just makes the experience much better for me. And, let's face it: sometimes you bring a tiny little spinner back to the room and she doesn't look quite as good without clothes on as you expected. How many times have you though "She's so fucking tiny. Where the hell did that pouch come from!" A little lingerie conceals just enough. It can make an 8 or 9 look like a 10. So giving gifts only after services are performed defeats the purpose for me.

For me, the potential reduction in service from gifting (appearing to be weak, etc) is not enough to offset to pleasure the gifts bring me. So I give gifts. But this only works for me because I really enjoy the gifts. Others may only want to bang a naked girl. In which case they would be foolish to waste their money on such gifts. Others may have other attributes that make them look weak already, and would be foolish to make their problem worse by giving gifts. The important thing is to recognize the tradeoff and make the best decision for you.

Oh yeah they'll play if off as if they absolutely love the gift and are having a swell time with you, and make you feel all proud and shitYeah. I know they would prefer if I just gave them an extra $6 in cash instead of spending that money on lingerie. And, for the most part, they are just acting. When they are grateful for gifts. When they are having sex with you. When they say "You too big papi". When they cuddle in close at night like you are the only man in their life. Hell, it is all one big act. But that is what we are paying for: an immersive experience.

No one walks out of an action movie and says "That wasn't so great because they were just acting." No one gets off a roller coaster and says "I would have enjoyed it more if my life were actually in serious danger." We all love to suspend disbelief at times. It's fun!

These girls-the really good ones-make you believe that you are a god in the sack; that you are so powerful and important that they will do whatever you want; that you can have them forever because you are so desirable. Is it true? Hell no. Unsurprisingly, most of us are average. So we all know better (or, at least those of us who are not fools know better.) But it feels good to be king, if only for a little while, and if only in our own minds.

Enjoy it. Then pay up.

01-07-14, 01:39
That I can do once I meet them in person, once I realize there is mutual attraction.I assume by "mutual attraction" you mean that you find her attractive and she is willing to take your cash.

01-07-14, 01:40
Like Wrx said, all you need to do it sit inside Rocky's and when a girl walks by say,"Hey you. Come here." And it's a done deal.God, I love Sosua. It is so easy.

01-07-14, 01:52
That sounds like a lot of work to find someone you will only be interested in for a few hours and want to pay anyway. If you are going to vacation in the middle of nowhere maybe, but you are visiting Sosua. It's like visiting Orlando but wasting a bunch of time online beforehand trying to locate a few merry-go-rounds. Once you arrive it will be in your face and you can just pick the ripe fruit from the tree. I would rather use online fishing for someone I am interested in not for a hooker-trick relationship but more for a long-term basis, and not a 12-hour basis. You probably spent more time than that trying to weed them out or vet them. In addition, after going through all of that you have to worry about no-shows. Like Wrx said, all you need to do it sit inside Rocky's and when a girl walks by say,"Hey you. Come here." And it's a done deal.In October and November my DC membership was in full effect. I had several numbers of chicas to contact. However, I only contacted one from PP. She had the Mr Ed thing going on with her grill. Plus she lied about her age. Her profile said she was 29, but in person she revealed that she was 41. A total turn off. And it changed my interest in pursuing the other contacts.

So, every time I was on the ground in Sosua, there were so many chicas available, that I forgot all about the DC chicas. In Sosua the chicas were right in my face. My attraction was realized in the moment, no guess work involved. We all knew why they were there and what was expected. The DC chicas I had no clue if I would be attracted to or would want to get with them. Plus, the probability of encountering issues, like them claiming to need money for transportation or them being on or coming off the rag.

You know the saying "A bird in the hand."

01-07-14, 02:12
That sounds like a lot of work to find someone you will only be interested in for a few hours and want to pay anyway. If you are going to vacation in the middle of nowhere maybe, but you are visiting Sosua. It's like visiting Orlando but wasting a bunch of time online beforehand trying to locate a few merry-go-rounds. Once you arrive it will be in your face and you can just pick the ripe fruit from the tree. I would rather use online fishing for someone I am interested in not for a hooker-trick relationship but more for a long-term basis, and not a 12-hour basis. You probably spent more time than that trying to weed them out or vet them. In addition, after going through all of that you have to worry about no-shows. Like Wrx said, all you need to do it sit inside Rocky's and when a girl walks by say,"Hey you. Come here." And it's a done deal...I ended up with one DC chica for six nights and three full days together so consider the time I spent to find her well worth it. At other times I was pulling chicas off the beach, the streets, bars, beauty shops, etc. Just like sitting at Rocky's but didn't always have the greatest experiences but did have some good ones as explained in my past reports reports when I was there in December.

01-07-14, 02:21
I assume by "mutual attraction" you mean that you find her attractive and she is willing to take your cash.Yes exactly!

01-07-14, 02:25
Dunno what to say. I met over a dozen from Cupid and they were all honest and none were over 23. It is a lot of work though. I get their Facebook sites and check out all their photos and their timelines. I validate, cross- validate and look for sound of their voice, how they talk etc. Even though my spanish is barely elementary. I am also fairly proficient in reading people in general. Not a 100% success rate, but probably say 65. But it is an art though and I can't quite spell out the details of taking in individual data points and weaving them into a personality profile projection.

In October and November my DC membership was in full effect. I had several numbers of chicas to contact. However, I only contacted one from PP. She had the Mr Ed thing going on with her grill. Plus she lied about her age. Her profile said she was 29, but in person she revealed that she was 41. A total turn off. And it changed my interest in pursuing the other contacts.

So, every time I was on the ground in Sosua, there were so many chicas available, that I forgot all about the DC chicas. In Sosua the chicas were right in my face. My attraction was realized in the moment, no guess work involved. We all knew why they were there and what was expected. The DC chicas I had no clue if I would be attracted to or would want to get with them. Plus, the probability of encountering issues, like them claiming to need money for transportation or them being on or coming off the rag.

You know the saying "A bird in the hand."