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10-30-16, 20:01
I did not have the chick's who house I stayed over last time number saved. I had not heard from her. I finally figured out which was hers and sent a message saying what is going on with you. Why haven't I heard from you. This b is going to respond with I do not have any money. None. I said I understand. Me either.

I don't know where they come up with that fucking idea that they get to sit around and mfs are just going to give them money. Come on Mr. E they got it from us! Even on this board IMHO it's 30% of us that choose to go that route. How can you have a walking ATM in front of you and try to cash in. Chicas see us gringos as money. She is going to try you. What she got to lose. Sometimes we are not Even talking to the chica, her novio is talking for her. That why their remarks are sometimes straight to the point.

10-30-16, 20:33
You will soon find out that Dominican women are world class beggars with no shame. You have to dangle the carrot because if you take the carrot away she will not be motivated. She will have an attitude or start playing on her phone as she loses interest. Telling her not to ask will be forgotten five minutes later as she reverts to plan be which is plan A with a delay.

Again, that's why I recommend Boca Chica. Those touts and girls there make you hard and seasoned very fast. You will learn the game in a couple days that will take you a couple weeks to learn elsewhere on the island. I still think you should roll solo and keep all options open being it's your first DR trip. Wifing up straight off the airplane is not a good idea for a first timer.Great advice Gogo. The ones I have set up are non-pros and will only be for 1 day each. Def seems like more of a headache than Brazil off the top. Havin said that some of the girls I have seen probably match anything I've seen in Br. My taste. We shall see! LOL Hotel BQ sounds good. Looks a notch above Napolitano.

10-30-16, 21:37
Great advice Gogo. The ones I have set up are non-pros and will only be for 1 day each.Non-pros for one day talking about a waste of time. If she's truly a non Pro and is trying to make an impression. Wining and dining her to only send her home because she's playing good girl is a waste of time for me. Spending all your time with her meanwhile looking at all the other pussy you can take right back to your room for half money you wasted not getting pussy. Talking about a torture vacation.

Mr Enternational
10-30-16, 22:46
Non-pros for one day talking about a waste of time. If she's truly a non Pro and is trying to make an impression. Wining and dining her to only send her home because she's playing good girl is a waste of time for me.I have to agree with you. I think my success with nonpros comes because they know that I go there a lot so more than likely I am not going to fuck them and forget them. Most of them have not even traveled in their own country. So when I can tell them about a part of their country that is only 3 hours away but they have only dreamed about going it is pretty impressive. My girl in immigration lives in Santo Domingo and her first time going to Puerto Plata was last year She was really blown away by the place, while in my mind it is a what is the big deal.

Some hooker in Sosua was trying to tell me she lived in the San Ysidro area of Santo Domingo. I figured she was lying so I asked her to tell me about the place. She had no idea that the first thing a person should think of when San Ysidro is mentioned is the air base and the cabanas. Even when you show those broads that you know more than they expected the prices can come down.

If they know it is your first time in the country and you do not know anything about the place or the culture then you are taking a big chance betting on nonpros in the DR. And like I have said before, your first challenge is getting them to even show up.

Mr Enternational
10-30-16, 22:58
Great advice Gogo. The ones I have set up are non-pros and will only be for 1 day each.Keep in mind the difference between nonpros with a job and nonpros without a job. I think that 95% of the nonpros with a job will not want anything from you. But you have a smaller window of opportunity because her time is not as flexible seeing that she has a job to go to.

A nonpro without a job is probably a 95% chance to turn into a P4P situation. They can probably spend time with you anytime you want since they don't have shit else to do. And you will sometimes hear the word tacao from these women because they want to guilt you into giving them money. Funny that a broad who does not have shit is the first one to call somebody cheap. I have never heard that word from a nonpro with a job.

10-31-16, 01:57
Keep in mind the difference between nonpros with a job and nonpros without a job. I think that 95% of the nonpros with a job will not want anything from you. In my experience in dealing with non Pros that they want the same things the other chicas want. Nice purses, hair, clothes, perfume financial support ect. And though they're not selling ass per se, they are hoping their mates can make life easier. If she has a normal job she's usually working like a Hebrew slave. Not really making much even in the professional fields. But they do get to keep a little self respect. To me the difference is that the pro or semi pro and is going to ask you for the money straight up. So if a woman who works like a Hebrew slave all the time takes the little off time from her job to spend time with you she does have an agenda. In truth so do we.

I also feel that 85% of the women on DC are at the very least semi pros. Why else would someone be willing to meet someone 20 plus years their Elder.

10-31-16, 11:02
And you will sometimes hear the word tacao from these women because they want to guilt you into giving them money.Never heard this word TACAO. And can't find the translation. Is it slang for 'Cheap Charlie' ?

Mr Enternational
10-31-16, 11:26
Never heard this word TACAO. And can't find the translation. Is it slang for 'Cheap Charlie' ?Correction software on ISG. Tacaño means cheap as you said.

D Cups
10-31-16, 13:33

I also feel that 85% of the women on DC are at the very least semi pros. Why else would someone be willing to meet someone 20 plus years their Elder.

Maybe they want me for my wisdom, distinguished looks and guitar-playing charm jajajjaajaajajaj.

10-31-16, 13:34
Just a Sigmund thought here fellas. Feel free to test its merits / application based on your own perspective, observations, knowledge and experience. Men tend to focus and measure women using those terms. Pro, semi pro, non pro etc. But I have been thinking about this a minute. "For the most part". Men regardless of what we discern about a particular woman, men tend to be wired to pay for women. That currency may be our personal time, money, gifts, favors etc. A woman can be what we consider, a non pro or a semi pro, and enough men may still find a way to pay that woman directly or indirectly when he pursues her, when he's with her, or even just to keep connected to her on some level.

A friend of mine used an analogy I liked. He said men have a tendency to slap rocket boosters on women to help them get into orbit (obtain goals, supplement them etc). And as soon as the female gets where she needs to be, those rocket boosters (the mans help) break away, and now she can orbit / survive on her own. Even when a woman is a non pro struggling along in life. If she chooses to, she can usually depend on a man somewhere with a set of rocket boosters to propel her ahead or take up some slack in her life. The irony is, women can get that for doing absolutely nothing except for being a female. Point being, maybe it's not important to discern them as pros, non pros and semi pros.

Older men, especially those retired with plenty of paper, they are the most obvious types who can't wait to spend their money on women. Doesn't matter if she did anything to deserve it or not. The John / trick mentality is embedded in many of our brains and in our cultures. Often learned behavior, from birth on.

Many of us p4 p mongers, even if we get with a non pro, for some reason enough of us will want to turn it into a p4 p arrangement. Enough of us are not comfortable being around a woman unless we are paying for her, or supporting her in some way. Even if she doesn't ask, we'll find a way or an excuse to pay. We'll pay because she's going to school. We'll pay because she has a job. We'll pay because she didn't ask for money. We'll pay because of her living conditions. We'll pay with the hopes of keeping her interest, and away from other men.

We want to get a woman in the habit of receiving from us. That helps some of us feel secure with that female. A female that refuses anything can be somewhat of a challenege or create some discomfort for some men. Now we have to find out what she really wants being associated with us? Is she playing the long game? Maybe she wants children? Whatever it is, a man better find out what her angle is. Because many women are also wired to generally be in receive / entitlement mode when dealing with the opposite sex.

So to a certain degree, many not all women are going to be treated like a p4 p female regardless of what she represents outwardly. As pointed out here. Some guys know many NON pros are "playing" the good girl role. Not asking for anything, but hoping the man knows without asking that he should be paying. Many of us do not get the chance to see if a woman will drop you like a hot potato, because many of us never miss a payment when were dealing with females. Especially for fear of rejection, abandonment, or what many of us hate to hear, being called "cheap".

But when the association comes to an end, that's when it's more apparent, that unless a woman is being compensated (even if it's just feeding her ego) in some way, she really has no use for the male, or interest in the relationship / arrangement. A bored female can always take on more potential suitors. Guys have to be careful. A woman not accepting anything from you, doesn't mean she is NOT being compensated elsewhere.

Freeing her up to play the good girl "I don't need anything from you" role. With women, it's always about appearances. Thats why they always seem to be engrossed in changing theirs. They rely on deception, a mans ignorance and weaknesses for them. In many ways, a woman doesn't have to do anything. A man will fall right in line, misrepresenting his best interests when it comes to dealing with women.

In many if not most instances, we are generally dealing with p4 p females on some level, it's just the route each woman takes may be different. In the USA, it's mostly p4 p within the framework of relationships and marriage. But the p4 p aspect is nicely concealed and inter-woven into custom, accepted long term prostitution / p4 p, religion, self deception and denial.

As men we have choices. We can pay long term, short term, instantaneous, or refuse to play, or preferred for many, play sparingly, only as needed (without being totally wrapped up in sniffing behind women 24/7). Either method, we are generally wired to pay, slap rocket boosters on women, make sacrifices (often unnecessary) , waste time on behalf of women.

So perhaps, instead of us focusing heavily on whether a female is a pro, non pro or semi pro, maybe we ought to take a look at what we'll end up doing as we attempt to pursue a particular female. For many of us, by the time were done with her anyway, were going to try everything we are wired to do, to make her a p4 p female (or she always was) regardless of what we thought she was prior to us pursuing or getting involved. The main focus that matters, is when are we going to get what we pay for or want to pay for. The defining terminology probably doesn't really matter.

Member #4453
10-31-16, 14:16
Nice explanation.

Just a Sigmund thought here fellas. Feel free to test its merits / application based on your own perspective, observations, knowledge and experience. Men tend to focus and measure women using those terms. Pro, semi pro, non pro etc. But I have been thinking about this a minute. "For the most part". Men regardless of what we discern about a particular woman, men tend to be wired to pay for women. That currency may be our personal time, money, gifts, favors etc. A woman can be what we consider, a non pro or a semi pro, and enough men may still find a way to pay that woman directly or indirectly when he pursues her, when he's with her, or even just to keep connected to her on some level.

A friend of mine used an analogy I liked. He said men have a tendency to slap rocket boosters on women to help them get into orbit (obtain goals, supplement them etc). And as soon as the female gets where she needs to be, those rocket boosters (the mans help) break away, and now she can orbit / survive on her own. Even when a woman is a non pro struggling along in life...

10-31-16, 16:07
Correction software on ISG. Tacao means cheap as you said.I am glad Mr. E taught me this spanish word. While in the Sue the chicas were calling one of my boys it. He was determined on finding a girl for 500 pesos. They had a hard time trying to translate the word. When they asked me and I said cheapy cheapy the chicas busted out laughing shaking their heads in agreement. That's a new nickname for each other.

Mr Gogo
10-31-16, 16:18
I am glad Mr. E taught me this spanish word. While in the Sue the chicas were calling one of my boys it. He was determined on finding a girl for 500 pesos. They had a hard time trying to translate the word. When they asked me and I said cheapy cheapy the chicas busted out laughing shaking their heads in agreement. That's a new nickname for each other.Or just rub your elbow. That's Dominican slang for the same thing as being cheap, without using words, just like the two fingers behind the head means you are the devil.

10-31-16, 17:00
In my experience in dealing with non Pros that they want the same things the other chicas want. Nice purses, hair, clothes, perfume financial support ect. And though they're not selling ass per se, they are hoping their mates can make life easier. If she has a normal job she's usually working like a Hebrew slave. Not really making much even in the professional fields. But they do get to keep a little self respect. To me the difference is that the pro or semi pro and is going to ask you for the money straight up. So if a woman who works like a Hebrew slave all the time takes the little off time from her job to spend time with you she does have an agenda. In truth so do we.

I also feel that 85% of the women on DC are at the very least semi pros. Why else would someone be willing to meet someone 20 plus years their Elder.I have an older un / under employed chick (41) that I met on Dominican Cupid 2 yrs ago. She would come from Santiago by bus. Stay for 2 days and take the bus back. During her visit, I usually paid for everything. At the end of her visit, I would give some departing pesos. I never tested this, but I'm relatively certain that if I didn't give her money when it was time to leave, her whole attitude would change towards me. But as long as she felt compensated, the arrangement was mutually satisfying and it continued. On her end, she always made it seem like we had some sort of love going on. I got all of that syrupy shit.

Fast forward to today? We fell off from seeing each other over the last year. I kinda had that been there done that feeling with her. Plus I really got to peep her game a lot better when I started really paying attention. Although she did not appear to have a regular job, I noticed that she always changed her profile photos on whatsapp. These pics would be of her at a couple of beach resorts. Her MO was to visit resorts or beaches away from Santiago, and there she could meet men. She could play it any way she wanted with them. The end result is this was her hustle and way of getting paid.

In recent months she has been trying to sell me on the idea of wanting a "stable" relationship with me. Translation? That meant no sex with other females, only her. In other words, the cash flow would be going in only one direction, HERS. When I would tell her, I understood her interest in a stable relationship, I told her I too require something. I told her I only want a stable relationship with a woman with a job, that can take care of herself without me.

At some point we got into a debate on what a man should be doing for a woman. She had accused me (like so many guys can relate to) of ALWAYS thinking a woman wants me for my money.

She basically said she wasnt like those other women (I heard that enough times too). That she didn't want my money. However, she does believe that a man should provide the BASICS for a woman. That was explained as, food, help with rent, electricity, emergencies, anything a woman deemed necessary etc. A mans job according to her is to take care of HIS woman. Whatever that woman needs at the time, that should be your responsibility, because she is your woman. You are supposed to keep in mind, she does not want your money. When I brought it out that a man supplying the basics for a woman still requires him using his money, it didn't register or she didn't want to entertain that. All she knows is that she doesn't want a mans money, just that he provide the basics. LOL.

Last time we texted, I told her she should pay for everything this time. It was then she started telling me about her financial problems, and how she was waiting for something to come through on her end. Now wait a minute? She just got finished telling me she wants to come tomorrow to see me. I asked, how were you going to do that if you have no money? She said she was hoping that I was going to pay for her busfare. Well obviously that's not all I would be expected to pay for. So I told her, it's best that you don't come tomorrow. Come when you are better prepared to pay your way, just like I have done every time you've come. All I got from her was "Esta bien " Translation? I'll never see her if she has to pay or invest in the so called stable relationship she claims to want. Some of these chicks are so full of shit.

Mr Gogo
10-31-16, 18:08
Good post WRX. It goes to what BQ told me after going through the full gamut with my La Vega girl. He said the screening process evolves around the ones who don't ask for anything long term. La Vega slow played it and was happy with my generosity when visiting. But after a few months she went all-in. Mom has cancer, baby sick, you don't care to send money don't talk to me. We didn't speak for two weeks then she sent me nude pictures with a " I'm sorry ". Two weeks later she was back to needing help with the hardships in the DR. She faded away thinking either I'm not the same nice guy anymore or the gringo got smart.

I have had maybe 20 girls I put in the number one spot over the last two years and only two are still communicating with me. It's funny but I think these girls have other gringo options and move me to the back of the line for when everything else dries up. Then you get that message out if nowhere that says " te extraño mi amor".

I understand more about how WRX thinks by hanging out with him. He goes directly to " Go" and has no need to go around the board. I like the chase, I like the interaction, I like having a female playing my game but for the time and money I put the into it, is it really worth it? For some it is but for some it isn't.

Right now I have two reliable girls who will come to me anywhere and will not ask for anything but I'm not cheap with them. I also have about five fake girlfriends who are slick and I have to check once every visit. But I also like a newbie to keep it fresh but most of them revert back to the standard " get gringo " mentality and that makes me not wanting anymore time with them.

P.S. Damn I miss Oakie and his interesting take on thing.

11-01-16, 02:12
Non-pros for one day talking about a waste of time. If she's truly a non Pro and is trying to make an impression. Wining and dining her to only send her home because she's playing good girl is a waste of time for me. Spending all your time with her meanwhile looking at all the other pussy you can take right back to your room for half money you wasted not getting pussy. Talking about a torture vacation.LOL ID never torture myself like that. I'm speaking to a bunch of nice ones. Ill also sample a bit of p4 p. With nonpros its correct. Small window if they work and study. But also for them. Works both ways. Alot are or seem lonely there. They want to feel special. Want to be treated cool way. Want to feel like they have a chance to travel. I'm a good dream seller. And sometimes make it a reality if theyre worth it. I'm going back to Rio first. SD in January. I have alot of non-pro joy so to me SD doesn't seem that different from Rio.

A poor chic in Rio will need help like a poor one in SD.

Some will ask upfront which I don't do, some will ask for some during interaction and if its small sometimes I'm cool. Sometimes I'm not.

Some won't ask for shit. I still buy food, drinks. Some are just happy to be taken care of and out of environment.

Some fall you you etc. I always get to know my non-pros upfront for a while. Always works in Brazil. Pussy on 1st date or at the worst 2nd.

Why shd SD be any different to Rio i that sense? just as many hustlers there i think.
DR seems very poor but so is Brazil.

I'm gonnna dive in and roll same way I do in Rio.

I'm not going to do anything different. Just be cool but trust my instinct with girls. If I don't dig one, she gets a taxi and goodnight and i can hit a boate!.

What you do get in Brazil sometimes is the hot good girl who will save up her money for first date so she can help pay! I have never heard of that in DR!lol...UK either come to think of it.hahahah

Mr Gogo
11-01-16, 03:26
LOL ID never torture myself like that. I'm speaking to a bunch of nice ones. Ill also sample a bit of p4 p. With nonpros its correct. Small window if they work and study. But also for them. Works both ways. Alot are or seem lonely there. They want to feel special. Want to be treated cool way. Want to feel like they have a chance to travel. I'm a good dream seller. And sometimes make it a reality if theyre worth it. I'm going back to Rio first. SD in January. I have a lot of non-pro joy so to me SD doesn't seem that different from Rio.

A poor chic in Rio will need help like a poor one in SD.

Some will ask upfront which I don't do, some will ask for some during interaction and if its small sometimes I'm cool. Sometimes I'm not.No brother DR girls don't pay for shit. That's why Christopher Colombus kept sailing, the DR girls were trying to steal his gold. Now that I think about it; In the ten years in the DR I've gotten only one gift from a girl. I had this girl Anny that lived in Puerto Plata that could make flowers out of napkins. While we would wait for lunch at Tam Tam on the malecón she would grab a couple napkins and make a tulip and rose and give it to me.

Please don't compare the DR to Brazil because I don't want you lowering your guard and having bad experiences. Also be careful selling sweet stories, I've learned the hard way not to lay it on heavy. Girls become super possessive and crazy. I'm talking waiting outside in the bushes with a knife type of crazy. The play is to go in low key and slow roll it, you have two weeks. Coming in high and fast can expose you. Either way we are in for some good trip reports from you in January. Peace.

11-01-16, 06:23
On my last trip the best sex I had came from the 2 girls I have known for over 5 years. Sister number 1 gave me one of the best BJ s I ever had. CIM and I had to pull her off the dick. I was surprised as I like to cum in pussy but this was exceptional. The last day in Sosua I ran into my first DR chica. She is the most passionate chica I have ever had. I am a very fit 60 but 2 a days for several days in row takes a toll. This girl had no quit in her. She wanted my leeche and would not stop until I popped. If you want good action you have to have some kind of relationship. Whether she is a pro or " good girl" the way you vibe together is what determines her desire to please you. I make an effort gain the chicas affection. If all you want is a quick nut then the casas will make your day. However if you want a quality experience take some time with the girls. I took a cute SW to the movies and had a meal. She tried to kill me with gratitude. I had make her stop.

11-01-16, 11:43
Good post WRX. It goes to what BQ told me after going through the full gamut with my La Vega girl. He said the screening process evolves around the ones who don't ask for anything long term. La Vega slow played it and was happy with my generosity when visiting. But after a few months she went all-in. Mom has cancer, baby sick, you don't care to send money don't talk to me. We didn't speak for two weeks then she sent me nude pictures with a " I'm sorry ". Two weeks later she was back to needing help with the hardships in the DR. She faded away thinking either I'm not the same nice guy anymore or the gringo got smart.

I have had maybe 20 girls I put in the number one spot over the last two years and only two are still communicating with me. It's funny but I think these girls have other gringo options and move me to the back of the line for when everything else dries up. Then you get that message out if nowhere that says " te extrao mi amor".

I understand more about how WRX thinks by hanging out with him. He goes directly to " Go" and has no need to go around the board. I like the chase, I like the interaction, I like having a female playing my game but for the time and money I put the into it, is it really worth it? For some it is but for some it isn't.

Right now I have two reliable girls who will come to me anywhere and will not ask for anything but I'm not cheap with them. I also have about five fake girlfriends who are slick and I have to check once every visit. But I also like a newbie to keep it fresh but most of them revert back to the standard " get gringo " mentality and that makes me not wanting anymore time with them.

P.S. Damn I miss Oakie and his interesting take on thing.Mr G, what we consider long term in instances like what you described is nothing. Marriage to a woman for decades, now that's what I consider a LONG TERM hustle.

IMHO, women have the LONG TERM game mastered just as much as any SHORT TERM or Instantaneous Game. We know this to be true. The ultimate Long Term game It's called marriage. A woman can marry a man for decades, feed off of that man, maintain a faade of love and devotion, have children, acquire houses, go on vacations, go into business (and much more) until. She no longer wants to participate. Until she decides to cash in her chips.

The Long term were talking about here, dealing with these women aint nothing in comparison to the ultimate Long Term Game. I tend to believe, to protect our best interests we should stop measuring a womans sincerity by time frames and orchestrated impressions designed for our benefit.

Just deem women in general as being untrustworthy, with zero credibility. Anything they project at any given moment is only designed to make an impression. That impression is only valid for that moment, not a day, not a week, a month, certainly not a lifetime.

For instance, when I was younger out there trying to date in the US, me and my boys always got high off of little shit a female would do that we liked. As you can see, years later, many of us have not changed. We still are easily impressed over little shit. Now it's with poorer women.

If a chick, left a tip. If the chick paid the bill, or her share. If the chick leaned over to open my car door, If she had a job. If she drove a car. If she cooked, If she never asked for anything etc. We would be impressed and brag to each other over trivial shit like that. We would tell each other that we had a "good girl" or somebody worth building on. WTF?

Meanwhile all of that was pure delusion on our parts. We wanted to believe so much that what was represented was the womans character. We were boosted with pride for being the lucky sap that found this lovely creature. And now she was all mine. Or so we thought. Only goes to show, males / men can be just as emotional against their own best interests as females can be.

A womans strength and focus is to make the appropriate impression to get the results she seeks. Being genuine is not necessarily important

The thing with women, enough of them tend to under estimate mens awareness of them, the game and life in general. Men for the most part, generally just want a fair deal. I do this for you, you do this for me. Barter and exchange. Unfortunately with women, once they see we like them, they get to see us enjoying ourselves with them, see us come good with them, they think that many of us are easy prey that they can exploit to the fullest. They don't realize that for many of us, our vulnerability is only a temporary condition for that moment or situation.

Common sense, and our self respect has not necessarily taken leave of absence. But for enough women I believe they think we are vulnerable and ripe to be tested further to see what they can get out of us. Some of us rationalize. Oh she's a good girl, she took care of me in the bedroom, she never asked for anything blah blah blah. None of that has anything to do with her having good character. That's just our delusional reasoning. over the success of the impression they made on us.

As men we love to reward women for just being human with us. As if the shit they do is so special. Our hope is, that a woman will appreciate what we do for them, and not do anything to fuck up the arrangement. But in most cases, they always do. Always fucking up a good thing. Always trying to take advantage of a mans generosity or good will. Which means, many of us realize that a relationship, and / or arrangement with a woman is always a seasonal endeavor. There is almost never anything permanent or everlasting.

The idea is to enjoy it while you can, don't get too emotionally attached, avoid giving more than what is / was earned ( BIG problem for many of us ) , let it go it's course until it comes to an end. Isn't that how all of our relationships and arangements have evolved? Beginning, middle and end. All we have to do is, be conscious enough to follow the flow, and calculate wisely what mode you are in with a female. Some situations end abruptly the moment the woman sees no benefit coming their way.

I don't know if you recall us having this convo, but also bear in mind, that guys that don't live in the country these women are, are treated or handled somewhat differently than guys that live there. A vacationing guy is probably 30 to 50% more likely to be hit with requests for shit, than a guy that lives there. Guys that don't live there, are more vulnerable because while away they are trying to maintain a connection with these women. A woman recognizes that interest and vulnerability. That connection, that mans interest in that woman, is the type of thing that a woman will tax you on. "oh you like me, huh?" "Oh shit, that's going to cost ya" You recall ever expressing liking a girl? The moment she saw you liked her, she started acting like you owed her or was entitled to benefits because of your like. . She feels free to come at you with her problems to solve.

When men reciprocate that syrupy shit that these women deluge us with, all of that is designed to weaken your NO power. Turn it into a yes. A maybe is acceptable, cause it at least pumps up her ego of the power she has over us. . At the very least, us thinking we have control by telling her, we'll see after we get back down there. The womans goal is to get you emotionally attached to her as soon as possible. If she can get you to assumje she is your GF or you her BF, she can attempt to manipulate you better.

The truth is, we are never responsible for their lives or problems, especially when we aren't there. For the most part, aint no Dominican or Haitian man approached with any of the BS that we get. And the women arent likely to try, except with one that may be weak. When any of these chicks claim they need 50 pesos or 200 pesos to get in a club, have you ever observed any ask any local guys standing around? Nope, but they'll march right up to us with no hesitation.. And quickly call us cheapy cheapy or any other known derogatory. The local man will look at that chick like she is fucking crazy. Meanwhile these local men may get more juice from these women than we do, for less money and effort or for barter and exchange.

11-01-16, 12:49
I have had maybe 20 girls I put in the number one spot over the last two years and only two are still communicating with me. It's funny but I think these girls have other gringo options and move me to the back of the line for when everything else dries up. Then you get that message out if nowhere that says " te extrao mi amor".

.The bottom line is, whoever is there at the moment, it is his / their turn. Any other guy in town or nearby, will be rotated and properly drained of his resources accordingly. Anybody sitting at home on his phone or computer is completely out of the loop. Remember Reverend IKE? You can send us $49.95 and I'll send you this cloth or holy water. This way you'll maintain your place in the eys of blankity blank.

This is how some guys get caught up sending money. They are hoping the offering will keep their memory with the woman alive. It is delusional for any of us to entertain any idea that we are the only source these women rely on or extract from. Some women like to brag about how many guys they have on the hook for WU or generous BFs.. Who all are thinking they are helping this poor soul, and keeping themselves relevant with her..

Here's a valid question. Of all of the 20 women you put in the number one spot, what spot did these women put you in? Especially in relation to all of the other men they may have been dealing with? My point is sometimes we pay more attention to OUR side of the issue than seeing things from their perspective, and concurrently.. And as you may recall a saying I use. "Where you stand on the issue depends on where you sit." That applies to all parties.

All men need to look up Briffaults Law on YT. Or read a brief summary. After digesting that, one just might get a better understanding of how useless it is to expect more from associating with women than what we get. .

Mr Enternational
11-01-16, 13:09
If you want good action you have to have some kind of relationship. Whether she is a pro or " good girl" the way you vibe together is what determines her desire to please you. I make an effort gain the chicas affection. If all you want is a quick nut then the casas will make your day. However if you want a quality experience take some time with the girls. I took a cute SW to the movies and had a meal. She tried to kill me with gratitude. I had make her stop.Where do you come up with this stuff? Now you have to vie for a hooker's affection by taking her to the movies and out to eat and dance (AND PAY HER) in order to get a good session? I thought the purpose of paying for pussy was so you did not have to do all of the courting - and could cut right to the chase. I have never done such as you recommend and damn near always get a stellar session; especially the ST sessions in GBP, which is a casa.

Last time I hit a chick who had only been there 1 week. I think she said she had made 7000 pesos so far. (Do the math: 7000 pesos/600 (I think that is her cut) pesos per session = roughly 11 sessions in 6 days, so 2 sessions per day. She could possibly make 28k pesos or US$600 in 1 month.)

She blew my socks off as they usually do. I started getting their number and having them come for 2000 LT after work or on Sundays when they are off if I have nothing else to do. Me and the bartender traded info and now she sends me messages when new girls come. I am still trying to get her to send me pictures of the new girls to no avail.

11-01-16, 13:50
Where do you come up with this stuff? Now you have to vie for a hooker's affection by taking her to the movies and out to eat and dance (AND PAY HER) in order to get a good session? I thought the purpose of paying for pussy was so you did not have to do all of the courting - and could cut right to the chase. I have never done such as you recommend and damn near always get a stellar session; especially the ST sessions in GBP, which is a casa.

Last time I hit a chick who had only been there 1 week. I think she said she had made 7000 pesos so far. (Do the math: 7000 pesos/600 (I think that is her cut) pesos per session = roughly 11 sessions in 6 days, so 2 sessions per day. She could possibly make 28k pesos or US$600 in 1 month.)

She blew my socks off as they usually do. I started getting their number and having them come for 2000 LT after work or on Sundays when they are off if I have nothing else to do. Me and the bartender traded info and now she sends me messages when new girls come. I am still trying to get her to send me pictures of the new girls to no avail.I tend to look at women the way I do an electronic chess set. Any move you make on an electronic chess set, the machine will calculate it's own move. So when it comes to women, I don't see their movements, impressions and such as genuine interest or behavior. . I just look at it as them adapting to the moves we make.

Sort of like Matrix programming. Some women are good at attempting to fulfill a mans assumed fantasy. Others have no clue or interest in doing so. But one thing many of us should know about women in the DR. These women don't just like fucking, they love to fuck. Knowing that, I'm not impressed as I once was if I happen to have a good session. I don't readily associate it with something I did. I realize, women just like us, have their good days and their off days.

If anybody has ever paid close attention, that same woman that a guy wined and dined yesterday can be observed behaving the exact same way with another guy the next day, or the next hour. Laughing joking, frolicking, eating, drinking the whole nine. Of course enough guys don't get to see this, so they may assume there is something special about them or something they did. Women are masters of maintaining appearances and impressions. They are like extras in a movie. Blend in to the scene, and make everything look natural.

I tend to believe men are the ones that catch feelings quicker than these women do. The man is trying to give generously to reinforce good sex, and possibly a relationship/connection, and the woman is supplying sex to reinforce a man to continue paying generously. The sex in of itself is used for recreation and a means to an end/goal.

Mr Gogo
11-01-16, 15:29
WRX you say we are never responsible for their lives or problems, and I agree. But then you say we have to figure out their perspective, which I disagree with. It's irrelevant what their perspective is, it's about how they present / perform the fantasy that I'm also presenting. I don't trust women so WU or marriage is a failed mission on their part.

Take how Mr E views things regarding Old Kool. Mr E is hardcore and believes that because he has paid that he can hump away while the girl lays there and be gone 30 minutes later. To him that qualifies as a good session. Old Kool presents more and something different so maybe while he is humping away she is even more interested in giving him a good session by humping him back. She might not rush, she may give him seconds and she maybe will sit by the phone waiting for Old Kool to call. When Mr E calls the girl might have the attitude like "Hell no!, but I need the money" its business but with Old Kool it's fun and exciting. I guarantee you if both these guys called Old Kool will be the guy she goes with 100 percent of the time.

I think some guys read too much into this by trying to bring other dynamics into the equation. We present a fantasy to get a fantasy plain and simple. We should adjust our techniques according to how far outside of this fantasy we are drifting (money spent, time, attitude problems etc). If her Dominican boyfriend calls, if she lied, is irrelevant as long as she sticks with my fantasy. Plus I expect other shit to present itself being she is a female. Some guys don't want the fantasy and just want to bust a nut, and I respect that, but I don't pay all the money and time to fly there to just bust a 20 minute nut. Some guys want an experience and we can create our own like we can't get at home. It's when you get outside the fantasy and deal with other shit that it becomes complicated.

Now when you live there it's no longer about the fantasy because you are living it. Naturally because you are connected you become more involved and the other dynamics take on more meaning. You become more cost conscious, you become more inquisitive, you have time to pay attention to normal shit and it's relation to you but as tourists we can keep it simple and fly to fantasy island for what we dream about at home.

11-02-16, 01:24
WRX you say we are never responsible for their lives or problems, and I agree. But then you say we have to figure out their perspective, which I disagree with. It's irrelevant what their perspective is, it's about how they present / perform the fantasy that I'm also presenting. I don't trust women so WU or marriage is a failed mission on their part.You said I said we have to figure out their perspective, but you disagree. Can you be more specific on what perspective and the context or situation that I was talking about that we have to figure out?

Take how Mr E views things regarding Old Kool. Mr E is hardcore and believes that because he has paid that he can hump away while the girl lays there and be gone 30 minutes later. To him that qualifies as a good session. Old Kool presents more and something different so maybe while he is humping away she is even more interested in giving him a good session by humping him back. She might not rush, she may give him seconds and she maybe will sit by the phone waiting for Old Kool to call. When Mr E calls the girl might have the attitude like "Hell no!, but I need the money" its business but with Old Kool it's fun and exciting. I guarantee you if both these guys called Old Kool will be the guy she goes with 100 percent of the time.That is a reasonable deduction based on what we think we know of how each man operates. However, I'm not quite sure I want to rely on that assumption alone.

Especially when I do not know all of the variables that can apply to why a female has gravitated to one particular guy and not another. Maybe there are things being done with these females were not privy to? I recall one of these men awhile ago claiming that he uses bait to lure women. I'm almost certain he was alluding to money, gifts, and whatever it would take to get the female motivated to take the bait. So yeah, if you include that as well as showing some chick a good time, it makes sense to deduce that that woman might gravitate to a certain guy. However, many of us might not go that route, and see that as something negative, not something positive. Meanwhile the guy who keeps it simple, he may be getting his fantasy met with another woman. It doesn't have to be the same woman that was lured by the other guy.

I think some guys read too much into this by trying to bring other dynamics into the equation. We present a fantasy to get a fantasy plain and simple. We should adjust our techniques according to how far outside of this fantasy we are drifting (money spent, time, attitude problems etc). If her Dominican boyfriend calls, if she lied, is irrelevant as long as she sticks with my fantasy. Plus I expect other shit to present itself being she is a female. Some guys don't want the fantasy and just want to bust a nut, and I respect that, but I don't pay all the money and time to fly there to just bust a 20 minute nut. Some guys want an experience and we can create our own like we can't get at home. It's when you get outside the fantasy and deal with other shit that it becomes complicated.For the most part, I think it all boils down to each man has a right to operate the way he sees fit for himself. If one guy wants to keep things simple, present a fantasy to get a fantasy, that should be his perogative. If another guy chooses to bring other dynamics into the equation, for whatever reason that is his as well. Just because each man sees another mans pursuits as complicated or simplistic, that doesn't mean it is SO for that individual.

I get it, that we all operate differently. You know what works for you. But by the same token, nobody can define what someone elses experiences or pursuit represents for them. Nor should they to you. Ol Kools style is his. Mr E's style is his. My style is mine. The last thing we need is for anyone to tell us what our style / technique/lifestyle represents to us, just because they have a different style / technique/lifestyle. Nobodys MO directly affects another. Does it matter if one sees or does things one way, and another sees and does things differently?

Now when you live there it's no longer about the fantasy because you are living it. Naturally because you are connected you become more involved and the other dynamics take on more meaning. You become more cost conscious, you become more inquisitive, you have time to pay attention to normal shit and it's relation to you but as tourists we can keep it simple and fly to fantasy island for what we dream about at home.That statement almost reads like, now that expats have more stuff on their plates, those guys that live there don't keep things simple like us guys on vacation. My question would be to anyone feeling similarly, is how do you know that the guys that live in fantasy island arent fully enjoying the simplistics you and other vacationers enjoy as well as the extra dynamics associated with living in the DR? Maybe some folks are more communicative and expressive than one expects. That doesn't mean they make things complicated. Or cant also enjoy simplistic mongering, while also relating to those on vacation?.

Metaphorically speaking, why can't expats walk and chew gum at the same time. LOL Moreover, I see many guys on vacation spending quality time talking to expats, gathering information in contemplation of moving to the DR. For those individuals, expats provide a valuable resource for men that need good intel. In enough instances, many men have started to make adjustments in their behavior and how they operate based on what they may have learned. I always think it's a good idea not to define someone elses reality or what someone elses perspective means to them. Because what is assumed or observed may not be the whole picture of what individuals experience or relate to. For instance, nobody can tell me what life represents to me living in Sosua just because they wouldnt do it. Whenever i hear guys claim how bored they get after 3 days in Sosua, and that there isnt anything to do, I tune that out. Their perspective is not my reality.


Mr Enternational
11-02-16, 02:59
Take how Mr E views things regarding Old Kool. Mr E is hardcore and believes that because he has paid that he can hump away while the girl lays there and be gone 30 minutes later. To him that qualifies as a good session. Old Kool presents more and something different so maybe while he is humping away she is even more interested in giving him a good session by humping him back. She might not rush, she may give him seconds and she maybe will sit by the phone waiting for Old Kool to call. When Mr E calls the girl might have the attitude like "Hell no!, but I need the money" its business but with Old Kool it's fun and exciting. I guarantee you if both these guys called Old Kool will be the guy she goes with 100 percent of the time.But for some reason that example falsely assumes that my girl does not hump me back and Old Kool's girl does. I posted pictures of when I went to the GBP chick before the last house. Another GBP chick invited my boy to stay at her house in Santiago. I don't know why they would do that for some clown they met in a short time session that they just needed the quick money from.

I don't get into the Pretty Woman Syndrome. I would rather date chicks that I don't have to pay and pay hookers for fucking. I don't hire a maid and take her to the movies beforehand, thinking now she will get my house extra clean. No. I want her to immediately get down to what she was hired for. If she does a good job then I will hire her again. If not, then I will look for a new maid.

And you don't know. Old Kool's girl may be thinking this mf is going to try to make me spend the whole day with him for these funky 1000 pesos. If I go with Mr E then it will only take me 30 minutes to get the 1000 pesos that I need then I can be on my way.

It reminds me of when people say they get great sessions from chicks because they tip. How can they attribute the great session to a tip when A) the tip is generally given after the session and B) they have no control trial to compare it to where they experienced a session with the girl when they gave no tip? So while Old Kool attributes a chick knocking his socks off to him taking her to the movies, a chick from my short time session must be knocking my socks off because she either likes me, she is getting money, she is a great service provider and takes pride in her work. I honestly do not know what they could do better if I took them to the movies or out to eat. Maybe they would give extra suction while my dick was in their mouth.

By the way, you get 1 hour at GBP for 1200 pesos. What a bargain!

11-02-16, 13:49
Take how Mr E views things regarding Old Kool. Mr E is hardcore and believes that because he has paid that he can hump away while the girl lays there and be gone 30 minutes later. To him that qualifies as a good session. Old Kool presents more and something different so maybe while he is humping away she is even more interested in giving him a good session by humping him back. She might not rush, she may give him seconds and she maybe will sit by the phone waiting for Old Kool to call. When Mr E calls the girl might have the attitude like "Hell no!, but I need the money" its business but with Old Kool it's fun and exciting. I guarantee you if both these guys called Old Kool will be the guy she goes with 100 percent of the timeAs you can see, Mr E took some exception to your assessment. Most folks might take exception to being compartmentalized like that or to have someone else tell them what their alleged perspective / MO supposedly represents to that person or other people relating to them.

D Cups
11-02-16, 14:35
QUOTE=Mr Enternational; honestly do not know what they could do better if I took them to the movies or out to eat. Maybe they would give extra suction while my dick was in their mouth. QUOTE.

Hi E, you have a good point. My #1 squeeze in SD is paid handsomely paid (4 K) but she never lets me take her to movies or dinner even though I would like to. Or maybe she really doesn't want to be seen with me outside of the hotel. I dunno. But I always bring her a nice 42 DDD bra because she can't seem to find one that fits her there. She must be married or something because she only stays an hour. But what an hour it is! Aye yi yi she is so beautiful caramel skin so smooth and so stacked and she seems to enjoy being filmed. She is 27. My #2 squeeze is even more stacked but a little heavier and only 21. Jet black and pretty face. Dios mio her 44 DDDs smother me and she lets me take pics but no video. I have taken her to dinner and dancing but her policeman father doesn't let her stay the night. I pay her 2 - 3 K for a few hours and she is worth it. My #3 squeeze is a super sexy vanilla Venezuelan 32 years old 36 D but alas six months pregnant (it wasn't me). I have taken her to dinner and movies a couple of times and she spent the night for 2 K. But I will pass on her when I am there in a couple of weeks until after she has the baby. She loves being filmed on her knees with my schwantztooka in her mouth. Can't wait to see her next May and get some of that mama milk. I've got some other new cupid chicas lined up for my visit 12 - 19 November so we'll see how that goes. This time I'm staying at Maison Gautreaux which others have reported is only a one star so if its really bad I'll transfer and splurge at Crowne Plaza just up the same block. If anyone wants to hang for beer and cigars during the day just PM me but I'm not into the casas. Cheers from the Santo Domingo gringo.

11-03-16, 00:17
I think some guys read too much into this by trying to bring other dynamics into the equation. We present a fantasy to get a fantasy plain and simple. Guys get very confused about these things. The women you meet are for the most part in the business of exchanging sex for money, but there are still a hell of a lot of stipulations when it comes to fantasy fulfillment in terms of what they will or won't do and YOUR MILEAGE MAY VARY. Some of the girls will do anything that they think is safe in exchange for money, while others try to maintain an element of self respect by fooling themselves into thinking they are in a romantic relationship, and a large number, probably the majority, fall somewhere in-between.

Others will be more willing to enter into sex for money if they think they are going to enjoy the sex. I remember some conversations involving chicas who were talking to other chicas and did not realise that I am fluent in Spanish, when for example a girl was describing how her date of last night enjoyed performing oral sex on her all night, together with grimaces and wriggling and laughing, or another girl who worked in a salon had just lined up a date for that evening with a very good looking young German guy and was grabbing her pussy and boasting that she was going to get fucked good and proper tonight.

The majority of girls, I would say, would like a date with a good looking guy with good manners, speaking Spanish being a plus, but most of the time they have to settle for less. When it comes to fantasy fulfillment, you really have to take it on a case by case basis. For example if you want two girls to perform lesbian sex together, there will be many stipulations regarding whom they will do it with and what they will do. For example a girl may be perfectly happy bringing another girl off by touching her pussy with her hand, but will absolutely refuse to perform oral sex on her. "There is no way I am putting my mouth where another woman pisses. ".

So the bottom line is yes, money will get you into these girls' panties, but what happens next and how enjoyable it is and whether it fulfills your fantasies depends on a multitude of other factors that are functions of how you and she relate together. Personally I have always got the best results by talking dirty or talking about sex before doing anything with a girl to find out about her attitudes and what turns her on, what kind of experience she has, what was her best sexual experience ever, and so on. Even if they don't always tell the truth, it seems to make them horny talking about sexual fantasies, and it is always fun to talk one into something she has never done before when you can see that she is acting reluctant, but fascinated and excited by the idea.

Mr Enternational
11-03-16, 05:31
Personally I have always got the best results by talking dirty or talking about sex before doing anything with a girl to find out about her attitudes and what turns her on, what kind of experience she has, what was her best sexual experience ever, and so on.It still begs the question of how you know that is what caused you to have the best results if you never NOT did it. No control trial.

11-03-16, 13:29
It still begs the question of how you know that is what caused you to have the best results if you never NOT did it. No control trial.You are overthinking it. I am just saying that making sure that the chica is on board with whatever your fantasy about her might be is usually the best strategy. There are plenty of reports on these boards of guys being disappointed when a girl won't do oral sex without condom, anal sex, girl-on-girl threesome activity, and so on. In those cases it is nearly always because they have made assumptions about what the chica will do without getting advance confirmation and enthusiastic consent. Similarly in those situations where the girl is taken for all night and then leaves early, it would be worth while to agree on what time she will leave, discuss what other commitments she might have the next morning, such as child care, if any, and so on.

Mr Enternational
11-03-16, 14:16
You are overthinking it. I am just saying that making sure that the chica is on board with whatever your fantasy about her might be is usually the best strategy. There are plenty of reports on these boards of guys being disappointed when a girl won't do oral sex without condom, anal sex, girl-on-girl threesome activity, and so on. In those cases it is nearly always because they have made assumptions about what the chica will do without getting advance confirmation and enthusiastic consent. Similarly in those situations where the girl is taken for all night and then leaves early, it would be worth while to agree on what time she will leave, discuss what other commitments she might have the next morning, such as child care, if any, and so on.But Frannie, therein lies the problem: thinking a Dominican hooker will stick to an agreement.

11-03-16, 19:18
But Frannie, therein lies the problem: thinking a Dominican hooker will stick to an agreement.That is the whole point of negotiating carefully before committing. It gives you a chance to get a feel for the character and personality of the girl and whether you and she have any kind of rapport, shared sense of humor, and so on. Of course there are some who will not stick to an agreement, but if you are a skilled chica-picker, you should be able to improve your odds. Having said that, personally I do tend to prefer Haitianas to Dominicanas, but I don't think you can automatically assume they are more trustworthy.

Charles Pooter
11-03-16, 23:51
... personally I do tend to prefer Haitianas to Dominicanas, but I don't think you can automatically assume they are more trustworthy.They are definitely more trustworthy on the average. I assume you meant to write "not all more trustworthy". The only bad ones I have come across were in Sosua. Never a problem with Pto Pta haitianas.

Robby Burns
11-07-16, 02:07
Then ask if anyone knows her?

I have been communicating with 2 women in the DR and one in Cali. Before I make any travel plans, I would like to know if any of them have a "reputation. ".

I would not post nude photos (out of respect for them). Only photos that show their face and clothed body. What is the protocol for doing this type of "investigation?

Mr Enternational
11-07-16, 02:26
I have been communicating with 2 women in the DR and one in Cali. Before I make any travel plans, I would like to know if any of them have a "reputation. "Why would you care? If you do not have to pay her then that would be more power to you. If you do have to pay her then wouldn't that be enough to tell you?

There are so few people that post mongering reports on Santo Domingo so the chances are approaching 0 that someone here would know her. Santo Domingo is no Sosua or Boca Chica where one could see her passing by on the strip every 10 minutes. If you like her then like her for how she treats you, not for who you want her to be. Are you telling her about the other girl in Santo Domingo or the girl in Cali? Maybe she should ask around about you.

Robby Burns
11-07-16, 03:15
Why would you care? If you do not have to pay her then that would be more power to you. If you do have to pay her then wouldn't that be enough to tell you?

There are so few people that post mongering reports on Santo Domingo so the chances are approaching 0 that someone here would know her. Santo Domingo is no Sosua or Boca Chica where one could see her passing by on the strip every 10 minutes. If you like her then like her for how she treats you, not for who you want her to be. Are you telling her about the other girl in Santo Domingo or the girl in Cali? Maybe she should ask around about you.I have already violated Rule #1. I have sent each of then a little bit of money, because I felt that a "compassionate investment" might make it easier for me when--or IF--I go to visit them.

They can ask around about me all they want, but since I have not become involved with any other women there would be nothing to "find out" about me.

I just don't want to become more involved with a woman who might be a known P4 P player. I met all 3 of them on Latina Cupida, and my conversations with them are--at the very least--helping me to improve my Spanish.

I will only be able to take one vacation within the next few months, so I am trying to decide which country it is better to go to. Of the two in the DR, one is in Santo Domingo and the other is in San Francisco de Macoris.

Thank you for your quick reply, Mr. E.

Mr Enternational
11-07-16, 04:03
I have already violated Rule #1. I have sent each of then a little bit of money, because I felt that a "compassionate investment" might make it easier for me when--or IF--I go to visit them.

I just don't want to become more involved with a woman who might be a known P4 P player. Well Brother if it was not a P4P thing before, you have definitely made it out to be by sending money. Remember, however the relationship starts out that is how it has to continue to be. And that shit you did was short lived. Chicks that dudes send money to do not have a long term memory. When that little money runs out they have forgotten about you unless you are sending more. Nobody is going to continue returning to a dry well. You have to keep the supply lines open once you have gone in that direction. There is no such thing as a one-time payment when you become a Western Union boyfriend. That is why it is smarter to only pay as you go in person.

As much as I hate reality shows, I love watching 90-Day Fiance. I guess it is because of traveling around getting to know different cultures, being a player, and being in P4P, that that show really hits home. I see the shit coming a mile away.

One scenario has a guy from California who imports a chick from Russia. This guy has lured this chick with money and she has him wrapped around her finger. She shows up in LA and he is driving an Audi R8 but is homeless. She flat out told this dude she needed an expensive purse, a $35000 wedding dress, and $10000 per month to be happy. She also asked him how could you possibly get a woman that looks like me without money?

This biotch don't have a pot to whizz in and is a dime a dozen where she comes from. She is able to find a lonely first world sucker who is able to use money to get in the door, but is not able to keep up with the financial demands of this 3rd world chick even in the short term. They went from staying in a hotel and finally got an apartment. She does not have a job to pay for shit but was able to expel this mf to the couch and thereafter even make his ass get out of the apartment. He is begging her to let him back into the shit that he is paying for.

And he can't send the chick back to Russia because he don't want to look like a used up gullible dumb ass by his friends and family, so he wants to hold on to the money pit that does not give 2 shits about him. Lesson to be learned.

11-07-16, 07:58
In truth ask your self ask why are these girls interested in being with me. Is it my dashing good looks or personality or maybe my money. End of the day it does not matter. As long as your are getting what you want go with it. Life is short enjoy the time with a pretty young thing that is willing to bang your brains out. If you think baiting the hook with a few bucks works go for it. Everyone has there own way of hooking up. There are no rules in this game accept the ones you set for your self.

Then ask if anyone knows her?

I have been communicating with 2 women in the DR and one in Cali. Before I make any travel plans, I would like to know if any of them have a "reputation. ".

I would not post nude photos (out of respect for them). Only photos that show their face and clothed body. What is the protocol for doing this type of "investigation?

Mr Enternational
11-07-16, 08:40
In truth ask your self ask why are these girls interested in being with me. Is it my dashing good looks or personality or maybe my money. End of the day it does not matter. As long as your are getting what you want go with it. Life is short enjoy the time with a pretty young thing that is willing to bang your brains out. If you think baiting the hook with a few bucks works go for it. Everyone has there own way of hooking up. There are no rules in this game accept the ones you set for your self.That is exactly right Old Kool. But he must also ask himself what does he want with the girl. If he just wants something to poke on then why go through all the bullshit investigations. If he wants something more meaningful with her, then if she is a quality woman he would not even have to do any investigation. The type of woman she really is will stand out. I have never heard of a quality woman anywhere accepting money from men via Western Union that she did not know. That is some scamming hooker shit. It is smarter to show up and pay on the spot. No need in putting a deposit down on a hooker.

I explain to chicks in the USA all the time that if they want a man then the time to bag him is when they are young. Time is not on their side. For a man, with time his money should increase. As we get older we can always buy the chick that we want.

For a woman, her beauty and youth decreases with time. So if she has not found that man by a certain age then she can pretty much get used to being a lonely old lady because men in her age bracket will be chasing after younger pussy with their accumulated financial means. Of course they get angry at this but it is the honest truth.

You will see some older foreign women hanging around in the DR who also have the shit figured out. If they are older and have some money they can likewise buy the young dick that they want. But nobody is trying to chill with an older chick who brings nothing to the table but a worn out saggy pussy.

11-07-16, 11:16
Then ask if anyone knows her?

I have been communicating with 2 women in the DR and one in Cali. Before I make any travel plans, I would like to know if any of them have a "reputation. ".

I would not post nude photos (out of respect for them). Only photos that show their face and clothed body. What is the protocol for doing this type of "investigation?Anyone sending you nudes and accepiting money online isn't serious. Its P4 P in its many variations.

FRancisco De Macoris girl wouldn't happen to be called Yolanny?

D Cups
11-07-16, 15:08
Very good, Mr. E. The expiration date is around 30 I reckon. Give or take five. Then desperation sets in.

I explain to chicks in the USA all the time that if they want a man then the time to bag him is when they are young. Time is not on their side. For a man, with time his money should increase. As we get older we can always buy the chick that we want.

For a woman, her beauty and youth decreases with time. So if she has not found that man by a certain age then she can pretty much get used to being a lonely old lady because men in her age bracket will be chasing after younger pussy with their accumulated financial means. Of course they get angry at this but it is the honest truth.


Chris Long
11-07-16, 23:31
Are the cases still open in Santo Domingo? On avenida Pasteur? I was told they were all closed down.

11-08-16, 23:33
Guys get very confused about these things. The women you meet are for the most part in the business of exchanging sex for money, but there are still a hell of a lot of stipulations when it comes to fantasy fulfillment in terms of what they will or won't do and YOUR MILEAGE MAY VARY. Some of the girls will do anything that they think is safe in exchange for money, while others try to maintain an element of self respect by fooling themselves into thinking they are in a romantic relationship, and a large number, probably the majority, fall somewhere in-between.

Others will be more willing to enter into sex for money if they think they are going to enjoy the sex. I remember some conversations involving chicas who were talking to other chicas and did not realise that I am fluent in Spanish, when for example a girl was describing how her date of last night enjoyed performing oral sex on her all night, together with grimaces and wriggling and laughing, or another girl who worked in a salon had just lined up a date for that evening with a very good looking young German guy and was grabbing her pussy and boasting that she was going to get fucked good and proper tonight.

The majority of girls, I would say, would like a date with a good looking guy with good manners, speaking Spanish being a plus, but most of the time they have to settle for less. When it comes to fantasy fulfillment, you really have to take it on a case by case basis. For example if you want two girls to perform lesbian sex together, there will be many stipulations regarding whom they will do it with and what they will do. For example a girl may be perfectly happy bringing another girl off by touching her pussy with her hand, but will absolutely refuse to perform oral sex on her. "There is no way I am putting my mouth where another woman pisses. ".

So the bottom line is yes, money will get you into these girls' panties, but what happens next and how enjoyable it is and whether it fulfills your fantasies depends on a multitude of other factors that are functions of how you and she relate together. Personally I have always got the best results by talking dirty or talking about sex before doing anything with a girl to find out about her attitudes and what turns her on, what kind of experience she has, what was her best sexual experience ever, and so on. Even if they don't always tell the truth, it seems to make them horny talking about sexual fantasies, and it is always fun to talk one into something she has never done before when you can see that she is acting reluctant, but fascinated and excited by the idea.Excellent excellent excellent opinion. A must-read for all newbies who have fantasies about women in the Dr

11-10-16, 10:59
Preparing my next visit for Feb. 2017.

Island life backpackers' hostel is #1 on TripAdvisor for alternative hotels in SD.

Anyone has been there? Is it chica friendly?

Same for #2 La choza guesthouse? Any advice?

#3 is Hotel Saint Nicolas, but I could read lately on this thread that it's good and GF also.

Thanks in advance. I'll report when there.

11-10-16, 13:09
Island life backpackers' hostelPlease forget my previous request. They all seem to be NOT GF, as we can read in these hotel rules.

11-10-16, 15:06
Anybody has some info on this pretty good place for 60 $ in zona colonial?

Chica friendly?

I'm also looking for a hotel in zona colonial or very near walking distance, that has appartment with 2 separate king size bed bedrooms, under 140 $/ night.

This would be for 2 buddies, bringing chicas in room.

Any advice?

Thanks in advance.

D Cups
11-10-16, 15:45
Try Savoy for hotel. If you read the forum you would already know that.

Anybody has some info on this pretty good place for 60 $ in zona colonial?

Chica friendly?

I'm also looking for a hotel in zona colonial or very near walking distance, that has appartment with 2 separate king size bed bedrooms, under 140 $/ night.

This would be for 2 buddies, bringing chicas in room.

Any advice?

Thanks in advance..

11-10-16, 16:08
Try Savoy for hotel. If you read the forum you would already know that.

.Thank you very much for your answer, but Savoy hotel doesn't offer 2 seperate bedrooms appartments, even the suites.

11-11-16, 22:21
One of my favorite Venezuelan chicas thinks she can make money in the DR (and she just might!). Anyone know this place?

11-12-16, 00:19
Well Brother if it was not a P4P thing before, you have definitely made it out to be by sending money. Remember, however the relationship starts out that is how it has to continue to be. And that shit you did was short lived. Chicks that dudes send money to do not have a long term memory. When that little money runs out they have forgotten about you unless you are sending more. Nobody is going to continue returning to a dry well. You have to keep the supply lines open once you have gone in that direction. There is no such thing as a one-time payment when you become a Western Union boyfriend. That is why it is smarter to only pay as you go in person.

As much as I hate reality shows, I love watching 90-Day Fiance. I guess it is because of traveling around getting to know different cultures, being a player, and being in P4P, that that show really hits home. I see the shit coming a mile away.

One scenario has a guy from California who imports a chick from Russia. This guy has lured this chick with money and she has him wrapped around her finger. She shows up in LA and he is driving an Audi R8 but is homeless. She flat out told this dude she needed an expensive purse, a $35000 wedding dress, and $10000 per month to be happy..Is Russia second world?

11-12-16, 01:00
But for some reason that example falsely assumes that my girl does not hump me back and Old Kool's girl does. I posted pictures of when I went to the GBP chick before the last house. Another GBP chick invited my boy to stay at her house in Santiago. I don't know why they would do that for some clown they met in a short time session that they just needed the quick money from.

I don't get into the Pretty Woman Syndrome. I would rather date chicks that I don't have to pay and pay hookers for fucking. I don't hire a maid and take her to the movies beforehand, thinking now she will get my house extra clean. No. I want her to immediately get down to what she was hired for. If she does a good job then I will hire her again. If not, then I will look for a new maid.

And you don't know. Old Kool's girl may be thinking this mf is going to try to make me spend the whole day with him for these funky 1000 pesos. If I go with Mr E then it will only take me 30 minutes to get the 1000 pesos that I need then I can be on my way...The DR and BKK is different. Long time is generally 2+ hrs. I had a thick 21 year old (BKK) who preferred long time. Maybe she was having a slow down with business. It wasn't the best deal because she was getting $15 USD to sleep and not worrying about the hassle of finding another paying farang in the wee hours of the night. Long time means you have to be alert so the girl doesn't get tempted with pick pocketing you. All girls aren't going to appreciate than meal and movie. Popular beauties know they can jungle multiple dates and treat their boyfriends to dinner from your donation. I tip over 80% of the time but YMMV. The provider may give men from certain age groups or ethnic backgrounds better service because of her stereotypes. For instance she could give a white farang better service who didn't tip than the Indian who tip. Nothing is set in stone. Tipping is discretionary. Some punters have spoiled the staff so much that the mamasan solicits tips.

11-12-16, 03:53
One of my favorite Venezuelan chicas thinks she can make money in the DR (and she just might!). Anyone know this place?Read my report from last month.

Mr Enternational
11-12-16, 04:30
Is Russia second world?Hell no. I have been to Russia. There are more SUVs and luxury automobiles there than you can shake a stick at. And the place is expensive as all get out.

Mr Enternational
11-12-16, 04:36
The DR and BKK is different. Long time is generally 2+ hrs. I had a thick 21 year old (BKK) who preferred long time. Maybe she was having a slow down with business. It wasn't the best deal because she was getting $15 USD to sleep and not worrying about the hassle of finding another paying farang in the wee hours of the night. Long time means you have to be alert so the girl doesn't get tempted with pick pocketing you.For the record, I have never heard of a normal FL Thai hooker stealing a punter's shit. The thieves are the ladyboys and the middle age women who work in teams and ask older guys to do threesomes. You can see these examples weekly in the online news. Me and board member FLHawk left out of a gogo and were walking down Walking Street Sunday night. A Thai girl chased me down to give me some money that I had dropped. Now in the DR you better bolt your shit down. Those hookers will wipe you out per the many examples online.

11-13-16, 02:03
Beginning my excursion.

Airfare from Las Americas (SDQ) to Atlanta is sometimes $300.00 less than from Gregorio Luperon (POP) so recently I have been departing from Santo Domingo to return to the United States. I got an apartment off airbnb at Villa Marabella on the Malecon with a decent view. This was the second time I got the same apartment and I enjoyed my stay.

This trip I hooked up with one of my semi pros she is a cool person and the sex was decent but she was in a rush because of her child care situation so I didn't enjoy the session as much as I could have. The next day I cruised the Malecon and found some street meat. She had a banging body but her face wasn't anything to brag about. I met her on Avenida Indepencia & Avenida Pasture. She started at 2500 pesos and settled for 1500 pesos. When we arrived at the apartment she demanded the money up front. I started putting my clothes back on and she relented. BBBJ and sex were pretty decent in fact I gave her 2000 pesos I was satisfied. The next day I headed back to the States.

Back in the Dominican Republic.

My visit to the United States was very productive and I accomplished all of my goals. While I was there I continued to work Facebook and caught some interesting fish. I left a very dry United States only to return to a very wet Dominican Republic. I am grateful for Ms. Google giving me directions throughout my travels without her I would truly be lost.

Traffic was horrendous in downtown Santo Domingo as usual I was on the main highway out of the city which was at a stand still so Ms. Google directs me off the highway for an incredible journey. First there are many major intersections that do not have traffic signals which makes navigating those intersections a nightmare. After making it through several intersections with no traffic signals I was lead to the detour which was blocked by AMET. Now I am lost somewhere in Santo Domingo and I have no idea where I am. WTF?

As I am driving through a barrio that seriously looked like bombed out Bagdad I saw a string across the road that was lowered to let a vehicle ahead of me pass. As I moved forward the string was lifted to block the road and someone approached my drivers side window with a cup in hand soliciting money I could not understand what he was saying nor did I let down the window and kept inching toward the string blocking the road after which it was lowered and I continued on my way. My LE mind kicked in and I thought that would be an excellent way to rob unsuspecting travelers of their money or their vehicles and I considered myself to be fortunate.

I made it back to Puerto Plata safely even though at times due to the heavy rain I could not see 10 feet in front of me. I arrived with the thought I enjoy the liberty I have travelling throughout the Island however I may take a look at Carribe Tours again for some of my travel going forward.

Mr Enternational
11-13-16, 02:11
I made it back to Puerto Plata safely even though at times due to the heavy rain I could not see 10 feet in front of me. I arrived with the thought I enjoy the liberty I have travelling throughout the Island however I may take a look at Carribe Tours again for some of my travel going forward.Why didn't you take the toll road?

11-13-16, 02:37
Why didn't you take the toll road?I was on the main highway out of the city I don't recall the name and traffic was at a stand still so I simply followed the instructions of Google, however the GPS had no way of knowing the AMET detour.

11-13-16, 06:09
As I am driving through a barrio that seriously looked like bombed out Bagdad I saw a string across the road that was lowered to let a vehicle ahead of me pass. As I moved forward the string was lifted to block the road and someone approached my drivers side window with a cup in hand soliciting money I could not understand what he was saying nor did I let down the window and kept inching toward the string blocking the road after which it was lowered and I continued on my way. My LE mind kicked in and I thought that would be an excellent way to rob unsuspecting travelers of their money or their vehicles and I considered myself to be fortunate.

I'm sure this can be very disconcerting, especially in a bad neighborhood, looking very much like the proverbial highway robbery. I did read about description of this local practice, on a travelogue on DR1. Excerpt in the screenshots attached. Notice the girls holding the ropes and the signs explaining their causes.

Mr Enternational
11-13-16, 08:56
I was on the main highway out of the city I don't recall the name and traffic was at a stand still so I simply followed the instructions of Google, however the GPS had no way of knowing the AMET detour.I'm talking about the JP2 out near the airport. It is 1.5 hours faster to get to Puerto Plata than going up DR1 through Santiago.

11-13-16, 14:06
Beginning my excursion.

Airfare from Las Americas (SDQ) to Atlanta is sometimes $300.00 less than from Gregorio Luperon (POP) so recently I have been departing from Santo Domingo to return to the United States. I got an apartment off airbnb at Villa Marabella on the Malecon with a decent view. This was the second time I got the same apartment and I enjoyed my stay.

This trip I hooked up with one of my semi pros she is a cool person and the sex was decent but she was in a rush because of her child care situation so I didn't enjoy the session as much as I could have. The next day I cruised the Malecon and found some street meat. She had a banging body but her face wasn't anything to brag about. I met her on Avenida Indepencia & Avenida Pasture. She started at 2500 pesos and settled for 1500 pesos. When we arrived at the apartment she demanded the money up front. I started putting my clothes back on and she relented. BBBJ and sex were pretty decent in fact I gave her 2000 pesos I was satisfied. The next day I headed back to the States.

Back in the Dominican Republic.

My visit to the United States was very productive and I accomplished all of my goals. While I was there I continued to work Facebook and caught some interesting fish. I left a very dry United States only to return to a very wet Dominican Republic. I am grateful for Ms. Google giving me directions throughout my travels without her I would truly be lost.

Traffic was horrendous in downtown Santo Domingo as usual I was on the main highway out of the city which was at a stand still so Ms. Google directs me off the highway for an incredible journey. First there are many major intersections that do not have traffic signals which makes navigating those intersections a nightmare. After making it through several intersections with no traffic signals I was lead to the detour which was blocked by AMET. Now I am lost somewhere in Santo Domingo and I have no idea where I am. WTF?

As I am driving through a barrio that seriously looked like bombed out Bagdad I saw a string across the road that was lowered to let a vehicle ahead of me pass. As I moved forward the string was lifted to block the road and someone approached my drivers side window with a cup in hand soliciting money I could not understand what he was saying nor did I let down the window and kept inching toward the string blocking the road after which it was lowered and I continued on my way. My LE mind kicked in and I thought that would be an excellent way to rob unsuspecting travelers of their money or their vehicles and I considered myself to be fortunate.

I made it back to Puerto Plata safely even though at times due to the heavy rain I could not see 10 feet in front of me. I arrived with the thought I enjoy the liberty I have travelling throughout the Island however I may take a look at Carribe Tours again for some of my travel going forward.Hey Camaro. I feel likewise about these high ass airfares to and from POP. And they do not seem to be coming back down as fast as they used to later on in the year. I have used public transportation (Caribe Tours and Cibao Transporte) to get to STI. Flew out and back to STI. Using SDQ to go back and forth is even cheaper. It's just the effort, time, added potential risk of problems on the road, and the total expense between the north coast and SDQ can be an issue.

Staying in SD a day or two, and make it a mini excursion may make it easier and enjoyable. But still I wonder will it be worth it for me? When part of the reason for flying out and in SDQ was to save money from expensive POP? By the time I pay for any public transport, gas for my vehicle / rental, hotel in SD, I would think that my savings would have been mostly consumed?

In this report you mentioned driving around in SD, driving back to Puerto Plata. And you flew out of SDQ to head back to the US. So did you drive your personal vehicle OR rental to and from the north coast to SD, and then fly out of SDQ? If it was your vehicle, where did you park it, how long did you park it there, and the cost? If it was a rental, which company and how much did that cost you?

11-13-16, 16:11
Hell no. I have been to Russia. There are more SUVs and luxury automobiles there than you can shake a stick at. And the place is expensive as all get out.The terms first world, second world, and third world have nothing to do with what sort of vehicles are in use or how expensive things are. Originally first world meant the developed western democracies or Europe, North America, plus places like Australia, and second world the developed nations in the communist eastern block under the domination of Russia. Everywhere else was third world or "non-aligned".

However since the fall of the iron curtain, the term "second world" has had no real meaning. First world countries are those that have developed infrastructure, health services, law enforcement, a functional court system, water, sewerage, stable government and currencies, third world countries are those that are, euphemistically, developing, or supposedly on a pathway to first world status.

Charles Pooter
11-13-16, 17:50
Is Russia second world?There is no "Second World".

Reminds me of the United Kingdom rail system I grew up with. For about eighty years until 1956 there was no "Second Class" travel, just "First" and "Third".

11-13-16, 18:57
My LE mind kicked in and I thought that would be an excellent way to rob unsuspecting travelers of their money or their vehicles and I considered myself to be fortunate.I came across that plenty of times on my way to Santiago from Sosua, using the mountain road, and umpteen times elsewhere. Never did it occur to me that this was a robbery plan and it was kids, almost always, doing the deed. If one does not stop, they automatically lower the cord as they do not want it ripped. Cause or no cause (Parkinson's photo), it is their way of raising a bit of money and has never been a concern for a non law enforcement mind like mine. Thank god for my third world upbringing where police do not over-react with guns, over thinking things.

11-14-16, 06:52
I came across that plenty of times on my way to Santiago from Sosua, using the mountain road, and umpteen times elsewhere. Never did it occur to me that this was a robbery plan and it was kids, almost always, doing the deed. If one does not stop, they automatically lower the cord as they do not want it ripped. Cause or no cause (Parkinson's photo), it is their way of raising a bit of money and has never been a concern for a non law enforcement mind like mine. Thank god for my third world upbringing where police do not over-react with guns, over thinking things.It is natural to respond and think according to how we are trained and what we have learned from life experience. In my case had I not responded training earlier in my LE career I might not be retired now. As for this situation my senses were heightened because I did not know where I was. It is good to know that the practice is common and generally not a cause for concern.

11-14-16, 06:54
I'm talking about the JP2 out near the airport. It is 1.5 hours faster to get to Puerto Plata than going up DR1 through Santiago.I wish Google would have directed me to that route.

11-14-16, 07:08
Hey Camaro. I feel likewise about these high ass airfares to and from POP. And they do not seem to be coming back down as fast as they used to later on in the year. I have used public transportation (Caribe Tours and Cibao Transporte) to get to STI. Flew out and back to STI. Using SDQ to go back and forth is even cheaper. It's just the effort, time, added potential risk of problems on the road, and the total expense between the north coast and SDQ can be an issue.

Staying in SD a day or two, and make it a mini excursion may make it easier and enjoyable. But still I wonder will it be worth it for me? When part of the reason for flying out and in SDQ was to save money from expensive POP? By the time I pay for any public transport, gas for my vehicle / rental, hotel in SD, I would think that my savings would have been mostly consumed?

In this report you mentioned driving around in SD, driving back to Puerto Plata. And you flew out of SDQ to head back to the US. So did you drive your personal vehicle OR rental to and from the north coast to SD, and then fly out of SDQ? If it was your vehicle, where did you park it, how long did you park it there, and the cost? If it was a rental, which company and how much did that cost you?All of the aforementioned concerns are legitimate. I have probably spent more money in total flying out of SDQ between gas, lodging, food and chicas, however in my case my objective has been to break the North Coast monotony and possibly build a South Coast network.

In the past I have used different options for my vehicle, once I used the gated parking at one of the apartments I stayed at, I have also used a friends gating parking who lives in Santo Domingo and finally I used the parking at Las Americas. Parking at Las Americas for long term is not desirable because they have no long term parking rates like we are accustomed to in the United States they charge 1000 pesos a day which obviously adds up. One thing I will give them credit for is their parking lot security is pretty tight, I was thoroughly impressed.

11-14-16, 13:00
All of the aforementioned concerns are legitimate. I have probably spent more money in total flying out of SDQ between gas, lodging, food and chicas, however in my case my objective has been to break the North Coast monotony and possibly build a South Coast network.Understood. Point taken.

In the past I have used different options for my vehicle, once I used the gated parking at one of the apartments I stayed at, I have also used a friends gating parking who lives in Santo Domingo and finally I used the parking at Las Americas. Parking at Las Americas for long term is not desirable because they have no long term parking rates like we are accustomed to in the United States they charge 1000 pesos a day which obviously adds up. One thing I will give them credit for is their parking lot security is pretty tight, I was thoroughly impressed.Having a friend with a place to park in SD is a great option. At your gated parking where you stay at (the apartment)? Were you still checked in as a guest to the apartment when you flew out? Or were you checked out, and you took a chance in leaving it there, until you returned? Also thanks for the pricing info for the airport. 1000 pesos a day can definitely add up, especially for anyone who really needs a long term parking rate.

11-14-16, 14:34
It is natural to respond and think according to how we are trained and what we have learned from life experience. In my case had I not responded training earlier in my LE career I might not be retired now. As for this situation my senses were heightened because I did not know where I was. It is good to know that the practice is common and generally not a cause for concern.LE training or none, what you observed could be an excellent way to rob unsuspecting travelers. The key is "unsuspecting". I thought about that possibility as well, when I ran into those rope / string holders. And like you, got past it without panicking or jamming on the gas. LOL.

Individuals assuming every string / rope scenario is comprised of regular folks soliciting donations, are the perfect targets.

Because as soon as they see a rope up, stopping motorists, they are likely going to assume it's only donation time again. In the history of the DR nobody ever got robbed by a phony traffic stop?.

My other observation is the safety of the individuals running up to and along side of vehicles, and those holding the rope. You don't want any of them to slip and fall under someones wheel or get dragged if the rope gets caught up while individuals are holding it.

11-14-16, 22:21
Understood. Point taken.

Having a friend with a place to park in SD is a great option. At your gated parking where you stay at (the apartment)? Were you still checked in as a guest to the apartment when you flew out? Or were you checked out, and you took a chance in leaving it there, until you returned? Also thanks for the pricing info for the airport. 1000 pesos a day can definitely add up, especially for anyone who really needs a long term parking rate.

Many of the Airbnb apartments have gated secured complexes. The owners sometimes have 2 or more parking spaces and are willing to let you leave your car in the parking lot. Depending on the owner he might want a return visit to his apartment, he might want a small fee, or he might do it for gratis. The time I used one of the Airbnb apartments they had extra space so I didn't pay anything, of course I had to assume liability for any damages to my vehicle.

11-14-16, 23:45
It is natural to respond and think according to how we are trained and what we have learned from life experience. In my case had I not responded training earlier in my LE career I might not be retired now. As for this situation my senses were heightened because I did not know where I was. It is good to know that the practice is common and generally not a cause for concern.You are quite right. We are product of our experiences. I was not trying to upbraid anyone and I apologize to you if my comments came across that way. The fact is that where there are no guns around, as in most countries, the police have time to think instead of reacting, being dictated by fear. Yes, DR, by that account is quite safe, to my experience.

11-15-16, 02:10
I wish Google would have directed me to that route.I have used it a few times without any directions from Google. I guess map reading is a forgotten art.


Mr Enternational
11-15-16, 04:24
The fact is that where there are no guns around, as in most countries, the police have time to think instead of reacting, being dictated by fear. Yes, DR, by that account is quite safe, to my experience.Are you implying that there are no guns around in DR? Because that could not be farther from the truth. I have seen plenty of young guys carrying guns in their waistband and plenty of older gentlemen with guns on their hip. And aren't there shootings in El Flow in Sosua from time to time?

Mr Enternational
11-15-16, 04:28
I have used it a few times without any directions from Google. I guess map reading is a forgotten art.

https://www.iheartdr.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Dominican-Republic-Map.jpgThis is not 1492. Even the US Navy uses GPS to navigate the high seas.

11-15-16, 06:15
I have used it a few times without any directions from Google. I guess map reading is a forgotten art.

https://www.iheartdr.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Dominican-Republic-Map.jpgI used maps early in my LE career but toward the end we used GPS devices to respond to our calls for service so out of habit I have become more reliant on GPS devices than maps. I guess I am a product of my environment.

11-15-16, 13:22
This is not 1492. Even the US Navy uses GPS to navigate the high seas.Yes, but if they ignore ocean currents when on the high seas, and depth charts and tide tables when in coastal waters, they will not navigate very efficiently. Although Columbus did lose one ship that ran aground, he did an amazing job of not running aground in the course of three expeditions. Oh, and he did not use maps in 1492, because the only maps that existed were the ones he made himself.

I use GPS navigation daily and it is invaluable for finding addresses or navigating routes with a lot of turns, but it is less useful for long distance navigation in the US, because usually you just want to get onto the nearest freeway or Interstate Highway and stay on it until close to the destination then use the GPS to find the destination address.

Any online navigation system is based on and limited by underlying maps. In the US you will tend to find that streets or housing developments built within the last 2 years may or may not show up on the maps used by Google, Apple, Windows, Mapquest, etc. If cops, ambulances, and utilities do not take account of this, they will waste a hell of a lot of time running across town to similar sounding addresses suggested by their GPS navigation systems.

But in places like the DR the time lapse is much greater, and some online navigation systems still don't have Route 7 (Samana Highway) included even though it was opened on June 1st 2009. Sounds like Google Maps has still not been updated for the DR for 2009. That is why you need a better map.

Mr Enternational
11-15-16, 14:27
Although Columbus did lose one ship that ran aground, he did an amazing job of not running aground in the course of three expeditions. Oh, and he did not use maps in 1492, because the only maps that existed were the ones he made himself.Another reason not to use maps is that maps are for land. Can't do a damn thing for you in the ocean. On the water we use charts.

11-15-16, 17:37
Many of the Airbnb apartments have gated secured complexes. The owners sometimes have 2 or more parking spaces and are willing to let you leave your car in the parking lot. Depending on the owner he might want a return visit to his apartment, he might want a small fee, or he might do it for gratis. The time I used one of the Airbnb apartments they had extra space so I didn't pay anything, of course I had to assume liability for any damages to my vehicle.Thanks Camaro.

D Cups
11-21-16, 23:23
Hi guys just got back from a quick trip - - 7 days with a different set of the+ cups every day including three porn star regulars and five new ones. Stayed at Maison Gartreaux (behind Crowne Plaza) which turned out to be a really nice, clean, convenient 1 star with better than average service and nice breakfast for the cost (around $30/ night). Also got up to Las Galeras north of Samana with my wingman (in his car) and stayed at Plaza Lusitaniai Hotel which I highly recommend. The country girls are really sweet and like to drink and fuck. PM me if any Qs or fotos needed. Cheers.

11-21-16, 23:55
Send me some of those pics. Love the way you roll.

Hi guys just got back from a quick trip - - 7 days with a different set of the+ cups every day including three porn star regulars and five new ones. Stayed at Maison Gartreaux (behind Crowne Plaza) which turned out to be a really nice, clean, convenient 1 star with better than average service and nice breakfast for the cost (around $30/ night). Also got up to Las Galeras north of Samana with my wingman (in his car) and stayed at Plaza Lusitaniai Hotel which I highly recommend. The country girls are really sweet and like to drink and fuck. PM me if any Qs or fotos needed. Cheers.

11-22-16, 01:39
Took an Uber to Plaza Guridy and found GBP. It is a very nondescript location in the corner with a buzzer. I hit the buzzer several times and nothing. Then two Dominicans entered. I buzzed a couple of times again and they peered over the balcony to let me know it was closed. Fast forward 20 hours to today (Monday) and I was back again. Must be closed on Sunday?

This time the door was open. I walked all the way to the top, but realized it was on the 2nd floor. I went downstairs and buzzed, but nothing. I went back upstairs and peered through the window. I saw no one, but the beads were swaying left and right, so I knew someone had to be in there. I knocked and a young lady answered and said something in Spanish about the buzzer downstairs. I must not have pressed it hard enough.

Anyway, she let me in and there were about 8 girls to choose from. I always choose the one with the most welcoming smile. It never does me wrong. I was shown to a room with a fan, red light, and two couches. She return and undressed me. She proceeded to lick my balls and ass. Felt great, but then on comes the cover for the BJ. This could be a new lyric to that old Alannis Morrissette song Ironic. "Like Dominican working girls who rim your ass but don't BBJ".

I then went down on here and she was shaking in about 5 minutes. I then fucked her in missionary and blew rather quickly. I was pent up from lack of play the day before and searching DR cupids and Tinder for a better part of the day. I finally said fuck that and went to GBP.

Usually when I blow, I like to get the hell out. She would not let me leave. I could not communicate with her too well that I was ready to go, so I just stayed while she got dressed and put make up on. I had nowhere to go, so I did not mind too much, but I would have preferred to be on my way. Then she reaches over and puts her hand down my shorts and starts lightly scratching my balls until I got hard again. I already paid 1500 DPs. I was thinking perhaps this was a 2 for 1 opportunity. A true happy hour. I could not take the teasing anymore, so I unzipped and brought him out. She said it would be another 1500 pesos. What unfair sales tactics. Some governing investigative body should look into this. I ponied up for another round and round 2 was more of the same with even a longer salad tossing. She was quite the Rusty Trombone virtuoso.

I left a relieved and happy man. Girls name was Yahaida or something like that. She was not a spinner, but not too thick with gorgeous dark skin and beautiful lips and smile. Service was top notch despite the questionable means for procuring a second 1500. Thumbs up and thanks for those who have reported on this gem before.

11-22-16, 04:37
Also got up to Las Galeras north of Samana with my wingman (in his car) and stayed at Plaza Lusitaniai Hotel which I highly recommend. The country girls are really sweet and like to drink and fuck.Can you please do a separate report on the area? That'd be great.

Mr Enternational
11-22-16, 04:41
Barbarossa, they must have seen you coming. GBP is 1200 for 1 girl for 1 hour or 2000 for 2 girls for 1 hour. Let me guess. The girl left out of the room when you gave her the first 1500, but did not leave out when you gave her the second 1500. All money has to be turned in to the bar before the session and the girls get paid their cut at the end of the night. She treated the second 1500 as it was a tip because the original session would not be up for an hour.

I think the name you mean to say is Yajaira. At least you saw what the service there was about. And did you protest the condom for the BJ? Sometimes you have to be a leader instead of just following along with the program that someone is leading you through.

11-22-16, 21:33
Barbarossa, they must have seen you coming. GBP is 1200 for 1 girl for 1 hour or 2000 for 2 girls for 1 hour. Let me guess. The girl left out of the room when you gave her the first 1500, but did not leave out when you gave her the second 1500. All money has to be turned in to the bar before the session and the girls get paid their cut at the end of the night. She treated the second 1500 as it was a tip because the original session would not be up for an hour.

I think the name you mean to say is Yajaira. At least you saw what the service there was about. And did you protest the condom for the BJ? Sometimes you have to be a leader instead of just following along with the program that someone is leading you through.No, she left both times. Thanks for the tips and also the correct spelling of her name. I will use this info when I return.

11-23-16, 01:04
And did you protest the condom for the BJ? Sometimes you have to be a leader instead of just following along with the program that someone is leading you through.How do you think her tongue found my asshole? I did not mind the CBJ much in this case because I wanted to last awhile during FS and after the RJ, I was teetering on the edge. You know what they say "rim jobs trump BBBJs. ".

11-23-16, 05:30
I'm looking for some high-end casas in Santo Domingo, something better than Casa Teresa, for example. Any recommendations? If not casas, any good escort services?

D Cups
11-23-16, 16:31
Thanks, OK. Check your personal email.

Send me some of those pics. Love the way you roll..

Mr Enternational
11-23-16, 18:03
How do you think her tongue found my asshole? I did not mind the CBJ much in this case because I wanted to last awhile during FS and after the RJ, I was teetering on the edge. You know what they say "rim jobs trump BBBJs. ".One chick in there did it to me automatically. She had her baby wipes and all.

11-23-16, 20:15
One chick in there did it to me automatically. She had her baby wipes and all.I read that post. That is why I made a beeline there. Thanks again. Oh, and furthermore, I was there for an hour and a half, so I do not feel like I get that screwed on the price. Although I did get screwed.

11-24-16, 08:13
OK, has anyone been to the Renaissance Jaragua lately? I've read conflicting reports about it being chica friendly in this thread. If I could get an update, it would be appreciated.

Out of the following hotels, which one (s) would you recommend? Which have been your favorite? What is the closest to the action aka nightlife, beach etc. Not just pros. Thanks fellas!

Jaragua, Catalonia, BQ Hotel, Casa Conde / Savoy, Napolitano & JW Marriott.I have the same question. Please assist.

11-24-16, 08:55
Where is the best place to exchange money right now? Thanks for the assistance!

11-24-16, 23:14
Where is the best place to exchange money right now? Thanks for the assistance!Western Union and Caribe / Vimenca usually give better $ . I went to an exchange place in Bella Vista Mall and they paid me 46.3 pesos per dollar. Franks is the best place in zona Colonial. Banks, including Western Union requires for a valid I. The. To change your money. Banreservas in the airport was paying 46 pesos per dollar.

11-25-16, 02:58
Western Union and Caribe / Vimenca usually give better $ . I went to an exchange place in Bella Vista Mall and they paid me 46.3 pesos per dollar. Franks is the best place in zona Colonial. Banks, including Western Union requires for a valid I. The. To change your money. Banreservas in the airport was paying 46 pesos per dollar.In Bocachica this morning, Caribe was offering 46.45 while most of the other traders were quoting 46.40. The DR is lucky that most of the recipients of greenbacks are unable or incapable to save. If they had the same love for it that, let's say the Russians, the exchange would be over 50 as in Hipolito's times.

11-29-16, 01:55
I visited Santo Domingo from November 18 to 21. My Jetblue ticket cost $95.00 plus a few true blue points. I arrived to Santo Domingo and my cab driver Ariel was ready waiting for me. Inside the airport Banreservas was paying 46 pesos per dollar. Although they were using the biometric machines to read your finger prints the lane moved fast. Outside the airport there was a tourist complaining to 3 Policemen about cab drivers that do not let him use Uber on premises.

Outside the airport we made a stop on garage Texaco for the first jumbo. Next stop was to Villar Hermanos to eat chicharrones de cerdo. Finally we arrived to hotel BQ Santo Domingo on Sarasota Avenue, Santo Domingo Oeste. My cousin paid all room expenses. Room cost was $165 per night with buffet breakfast. It has a room with 2 queen beds, a living dining area plus a kitchen with a fridge, stove and microwave. We got penthouse 803 which also includes an open air terrace with a a jacuzzi large enough to accommodate eight persons. Our room also has direct connection with Vent Club. Although a little outdated the room was nice and functional. We got informed that rooms are going to be remodeled during 2017.

My cousin was a little tired so he took a nap while I went to Bella Vista Mall to exchange money at Imbert & Balbuena. They gave me 46.3 pesos per dollar. From Bella Vista mall I walked to Supermercados Unidos a large store almost in front of hotel BQ to buy groceries. I bought beer, water, wine, the usual. A guy helped me to bring my purchase back to the hotel. While we were walking between cars that were waiting in red traffic light the bag I was holding accidentally hit a car by drivers door. I continued walking when a voice asked for my attention: "Excuse me" I walked back and inside a BMW was one very pretty pretty pretty lady. She told me that I hit her car. I observed it and and told her that no damage was done to her car. She replied "what do you say in a situation like this one?" My answer was: will you marry me? She laughed and I continued: " I know I should say I am sorry but only if you say that you are sorry for stopping over the pedestrian crosswalk forcing me to walk between cars to avoid being hit by cars on green light. " Lights turn green for her so said goodbye. Oh, I forgot, that girl was pretty pretty pretty.

So now we have all ready, local cash, groceries, the suite. We already had plans with two girls that we met online, one by Facebook, the other by Hitwe, a much better app than Badoo. We planned a jacuzzi date and we agreed on having sex. They suddenly changed our plans, they wanted to have a date, dinner at a fancy place, going to dance and some drinks and later, "who knows". They do not want the jacuzzi thing because they do not want their visit to the salon ruined by water. I told her we will call when we are ready. We never called and we blocked both from whatsapp. We went to Agave restaurant, near the hotel to eat and plan for the night. We contacted a few chicas but no one was available. I called Waleska, former owner of the now defunct Pink Lounge but she do not answer our calls. After our meal we decided to walk around the area and went to Hotel Embajador. There are a few nice restaurants next to the hotel. We walked inside the luxury lobby and the poorest persons inside looks like they earn a million dollar per week. We went out and a guy next to the nice restaurant asked us if we wanted to meet a few nice girls. He shows us a place with the name of Tabu 2. He told us this place was in Gazcue but the owners moved it to the current location next to hotel Embajador. The cost is 2500 pesos for short term insite or 3500 for a longer time to your hotel room. We decided to get in just to see if it was worth the visit. The place is ok, comfortable, a little dark as most places like this one. Nine girls lined up with the enthusiasm an atheist inside a church. One was cute. Two ladies that were seated near the lineup are very pretty but looked uninterested too. We left the place without choosing anyone. We decided to walk to our hotel. Five street girls offered their services. No one was of our interest. Another one a very busty one was alone. We passed. Two girls were near the busty one, both pretty and decently dressed. "Good evening gentlemen, are you interested to receive professional services from us?" Her educated approach surprised me. I asked about her services. She told me a blowjob in my room or on a parking lot is 500 pesos, full service 1000 pesos and 1500 pesos if we go to a cabana. She also told that if we use the parking lot we have to pay 100 pesos to security guard. Is he going to observe us? She laughed and said no, we are going to a private area. I observed my cousin interested so I decided to take the girls to our room. We entered to the hotel and nobody asked the girls for an ID, maybe because there do not look like a typical street girl. They were amazed by the room and the jacuzzi. We want to go to the jacuzzi, they chanted! But. The hair! I went to the bathroom and found two shower caps in toiletries. Jacuzzi time!

Inside the jacuzzi I asked her why it is 1500 pesos inside a cabana, she told me because it is more time we are going to use. We shared a jumbo. Both ladies get fully naked inside the jacuzzi. They are two 21 years college dropouts that share a small apartment. Both were busty girls, 34 see with full cup, my girl was taller. My cousin was fascinated with his red headed girl. He loves red hair, his girlfriend is red headed too. My cousin can't wait so he asked his girl and they went to the room. We heard her moaning from the jacuzzi, they left the room door open. My girl proceeded to perform my first jacuzzi blowjob ever. Mmm, no, it was my second. I eat her pussy and ass while fingering both holes. We went out the jacuzzi, it was cold in the terrace as it was a cloudy night I took a condom out from my jean and we had sex in the chaise lounge chair. I did her doggie style all the time until completion. She went to the bathroom, my cousin was still doing his girl. We paid the ladies the 1500 pesos cabana fare for their satisfying service.

My cousin was so pumped that he told me: "lets go to GBP!" "GBP! Oh I forgot about GBP, why you did not mention the place earlier?" It was 1:00 am, GBP is closed. Five minutes later he was sleeping like a baby. That ended night number one.

11-29-16, 04:40
Nine girls lined up with the enthusiasm an atheist inside a church.That drew a huge guffaw from me. Lovely report as well.

11-29-16, 06:01
I'll be making my second trip to Santo Domingo later this week. My last trip was back in 2009 so I definitely need a refresher. I'll be staying at Hotel Jaragua Fri-Mon. I was considering the following hotels so called each to confirm their guest policy. Below is what they said:

Jaragua. No extra fee. Guest must have ID.

Hotel Billini. No charge for one guest but $30 charge for second. Guest must have ID.

Sheraton. There is an extra fee (can't remember amount) and guest must have ID.

Since I'll only be in town for three nights and one is a Sunday I want to maximize my time. Luckily, I don't have any other commitments so will have both days and nights to play.

I have a couple of questions I'm hoping you boys can help with (I RTFF but haven't found good recent info):

1) Non-Pros / Semi-Pros.

I'd like to hit some cool dance clubs on Fri / Sat night where there is a descent chance of meeting non-pros. Any recommendations for cool spots with cute non-pros, and maybe a few semi pros mixed in?

2) Street walkers.

Zona Colonial.

During my last trip I stay in Zona Colonial and occasionally saw some really cute girls on the street. I realized later that they were likely working and regret missing my chance. This trip I'the like to scout out some of these girls. What's the best time to find them in Zona Colonial? Is the approach pretty direct or do you need a bit of game? What's the going rate?


It sounds like girls hang around the stretch near Jaragua and Crown Plazas. ST prices range from 1500-2000. Not sure about TLN. Is this right? Do you need a car or is it safe to walk by them?

3) Strip Clubs.

I love strip clubs and heard there are a couple not far from hotel Jaragua (Doll House and Foxy's). There doesn't seem to be much written about these places except older posts about how hot and expensive the girls were. Any info out there on these spots? Are they set up like American strip clubs with nude dancing and private rooms?

4) Casas.

I went to GBP last time but haven't been anywhere else. Are all of theme a similar setup? It seems there are a lot of casas. I noted the following from Camaro:

Ave Pasteur:

- Girls House.

- Sky High Lounge.

- Sensation Discotheque.

- Club 305 (not on Pasture).

Girls are 7-8+.

4,000ST, 8,000 LT.

- Casa Teresa.

- Casa Condita Calle.

- Oasis.

- Satin Ladies.

Are the casas pretty easy to spot from the street? Does anyone have addresses or additional intel on these spots or others?

Thanks for your guidance. I will provide a report.

Many thanks!


11-29-16, 14:02
Great report Boricua. Keep them coming!

11-29-16, 23:46
I'll be making my second trip to Santo Domingo later this week. My last trip was back in 2009 so I definitely need a refresher. I'll be staying at Hotel Jaragua Fri-Mon. I was considering the following hotels so called each to confirm their guest policy. Below is what they said:

Jaragua. No extra fee. Guest must have ID.

Hotel Billini. No charge for one guest but $30 charge for second. Guest must have ID.

Sheraton. There is an extra fee (can't remember amount) and guest must have ID.

Since I'll only be in town for three nights and one is a Sunday I want to maximize my time. Luckily, I don't have any other commitments so will have both days and nights to play.

I have a couple of questions I'm hoping you boys can help with (I RTFF but haven't found good recent info):

1) Non-Pros / Semi-Pros.

I'd like to hit some cool dance clubs on Fri / Sat night where there is a descent chance of meeting non-pros. Any recommendations for cool spots with cute non-pros, and maybe a few semi pros mixed in?

2) Street walkers.

Zona Colonial...I just booked this hotel for 2 nights 11-13 Dec. I'll be anxious to hear how it goes, since I'll right behind you.

12-01-16, 22:02
I just booked this hotel for 2 nights 11-13 Dec. I'll be anxious to hear how it goes, since I'll right behind you.I have stayed here many times, there is no guest fee if the guest Registers in with you when you arrive and then her ID must match when they stop you at the elevator in the lobby.

For example, let's say you check in and say "Maria Perez" is staying as your guest. That's free.

When you try to bring "Rosa Jones" you will have to pay $50 fee.

You might want to confirm this when you check in or before. There is always the Hotel Razor behind this hotel that has no guest charges.

12-02-16, 12:55
I have a couple of questions I'm hoping you boys can help with (I RTFF but haven't found good recent info):

1) Non-Pros / Semi-Pros.

I'd like to hit some cool dance clubs on Fri / Sat night where there is a descent chance of meeting non-pros. Any recommendations for cool spots with cute non-pros, and maybe a few semi pros mixed in?The clubs on Venezuela are still there:

Euphoria is actually located in Santo Domingo Este. If you are standing on the sidewalk in front of the Burger King and look across the street you will see Evolution, Euphoria, Energy, La Barrica. My harem girls prefer La Barrica. We sit on the second floor outside, have drinks and watch the street life below.If you search in the "hole" you will find more detailed reports on all the venues.

12-02-16, 18:06

Those of you who like to pay higher prices, you can cross Doll House off your list for the time being. Shut down for exploiting 15 Colombian women.

12-02-16, 19:33
I'd like to hit some cool dance clubs on Fri / Sat night where there is a descent chance of meeting non-pros. Any recommendations for cool spots with cute non-pros, and maybe a few semi pros mixed in?

I hope you are very fluent in Spanish if you're expecting to go out and meet the company of a non Pro. I've been out several times in Santo Domingo and I can honestly tell you that I rarely see non-pros go out to the club solo. They are either with guys or with a group of women. Most will be apprehensive seeing talking to a foreigner like a punta. The clubs are loud and you cannot get a decent conversation. Most non-pros need a proper introduction from someone they are familiar with and respect. With you being very short on time I would avoid them because they are time consuming though the conversation and attraction may be more Ginuwine.

12-03-16, 16:27
No big loss, the clip joint will be back as soon as the owner settles up the bribe debt. It's possible one or more of the Colombians contacted their government when they decided they wanted to go home but owed the management money. The Venezuelans of course don't have a functioning government to contact.


Those of you who like to pay higher prices, you can cross Doll House off your list for the time being. Shut down for exploiting 15 Colombian women.

Mr Enternational
12-03-16, 18:15
No big loss, the clip joint will be back as soon as the owner settles up the bribe debt. It's possible one or more of the Colombians contacted their government when they decided they wanted to go home but owed the management money. The Venezuelans of course don't have a functioning government to contact. LOL. Boy you a fool. I can get some pussy for the $20 it cost just to go inside the place. I can get some more pussy for the 2 drink minimum that I will have to pay.

12-03-16, 22:10
I've never been to the place. I happen to know girls who worked there over the years. I hope you figure out what is causing you to address people you don't know the way you did in this message. You should not be doing that.

LOL. Boy you a fool. I can get some pussy for the $20 it cost just to go inside the place. I can get some more pussy for the 2 drink minimum that I will have to pay.

12-04-16, 11:55
I visited Santo Domingo from November 18 to 21. My Jetblue ticket cost $95.00 plus a few true blue points.

My girl proceeded to perform my first jacuzzi blowjob ever. Mmm, no, it was my second. I eat her pussy and ass while fingering both holes.
.Ew wee. BO you are a freak! Get you freak on brother with yo nasty ass LOL. I hate to see what you and Gogo together after a Cuba Libre.

12-04-16, 14:09
I've never been to the place. I happen to know girls who worked there over the years. I hope you figure out what is causing you to address people you don't know the way you did in this message. You should not be doing that.I had the exact same thought about the post to which you are referring. Your response was phased very diplomatically. I completely agree with your sentiment!

Mr Enternational
12-04-16, 14:46
I've never been to the place. I happen to know girls who worked there over the years. I hope you figure out what is causing you to address people you don't know the way you did in this message. You should not be doing that.Sorry if you misinterpreted what I said. Translation: I found it funny how you said the Venezuelan people do not have a functioning government to contact. I write in this sex blog informally; the same as if I was talking in a circle of friends, and not as if I was writing in the New England Journal of Medicine.

12-04-16, 17:14
No big loss, the clip joint will be back as soon as the owner settles up the bribe debt. It's possible one or more of the Colombians contacted their government when they decided they wanted to go home but owed the management money. The Venezuelans of course don't have a functioning government to contact.Venezuelan Embassy in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

Av. Anacaona, No. 7.

Mirador Sur.

Apartado Postal: 1460 Zona 6.

Santo Domingo.

Dominican Republic.

Is this closed?

12-06-16, 02:08
Taking the Metro into the city Wednesday and have 4 hrs of playtime before having to take the bus back to Santiago. Got a couple of girls ready to visit but am spoiled for the numerous Santiago Aparta Hotels available for less than 600RD. I'll be in near Universidad Instituto Cultural Dominicano near the Metro off of Abraham Lincoln. Any suggestions for nearby 2 hrs accommodations without check in hassles?

12-06-16, 08:06
The Queens Cabana on the Malecon is a good place nearby from where you will be. They have 2 sides and 2 prices. The right side is the least expensive. Two years ago they were about 600 pesos. TV, showers and the other amenities.

Taking the Metro into the city Wednesday and have 4 hrs of playtime before having to take the bus back to Santiago. Got a couple of girls ready to visit but am spoiled for the numerous Santiago Aparta Hotels available for less than 600RD. I'll be in near Universidad Instituto Cultural Dominicano near the Metro off of Abraham Lincoln. Any suggestions for nearby 2 hrs accommodations without check in hassles?.

12-07-16, 02:48

Arriving tomorrow from Puerto Plata after spending 5 nights there. Are you in town for few more days or you returned home?


I'll be making my second trip to Santo Domingo later this week. My last trip was back in 2009 so I definitely need a refresher. I'll be staying at Hotel Jaragua Fri-Mon. I was considering the following hotels so called each to confirm their guest policy. Below is what they said:

Jaragua. No extra fee. Guest must have ID.

Hotel Billini. No charge for one guest but $30 charge for second. Guest must have ID.

Sheraton. There is an extra fee (can't remember amount) and guest must have ID.

Since I'll only be in town for three nights and one is a Sunday I want to maximize my time. Luckily, I don't have any other commitments so will have both days and nights to play.

I have a couple of questions I'm hoping you boys can help with (I RTFF but haven't found good recent info):

1) Non-Pros / Semi-Pros...

12-09-16, 03:21
I'm an expat living in Santiago so am accustomed to how things work here. So us gringos accustomed to an incall arrangement find it almost impossible unless you live here and or really comfortable going home with your chica. Most of the options are outcall arrangements with some tags that can make the adventure a challenge. For those who monger stateside, there is an excellent guide to finding streetwalkers in the Miami board. I hope that I come close to that for my brothers who are unfamiliar with the cabana scene.

There has been little discussion that really introduces options for those who come to Santo Domingo and only have a short time between flights or buses moving on.

I had my first 6 hours adventure alone before I had to take a bus back. And things are a little different in the capital and more challenging if you don't have a car.

Thanks to Mr. E, JJ341 and SubCmdr for their suggestions and guidance and for some digits for contact.

If you don't have a hotel you're going to need to stay somewhere reasonably costs. Consider this: Here in DR there are no-tells called Cabanas. In Santiago they are more popularly known as Aparta Hotels. However, in the capital an Aparta Hotel can be expensive. Cabanas are the choice for no-tell services. Cabanas are simply put, a shower, a bed with minimum amenities, quick service. And all done without your lady having to be seen.

There are several clustered on the Malecon, an area stretching along the waterfront away from the city, about five miles where you can basically take your pic. Pricing ranges from 400-1000RD based on the type you select. Since this was my first visit, I chose Cabana Costa Azul. But while there looked others over for next visit.

Here's how it works. You enter the cabana property and follow a drive that passes a number of open garage doors. An open door is an available room, a closed door means it is occupied. If you look at the far wall of the garage you will usual see a sign that indicates the cost of the room if there are ranges of quality. There are a number of options at Costa Azul. My room was 650 which is a little on the high range for a cabana for a 4-HR visit. But most rooms were occupied so not wanting to drive around I paid the difference.

You enter the garage, your lady gets out and heads into the room, you pay the taxi or exit your car. There is always a push button on the driver's side wall that takes the door down. Some ladies prefer to wait until the door is down before they leave the car. Once you get into your room you will almost immediately get a telephone call asking if you wish to order a beer, coke or snacks. Some cabanas have decent food and a menu in the room. I speak Spanish weakly so typically express prefiero a pagar ahora. And or ask for a coke, beer or whatever.

Each room has a swivel carousel like you would find at some banks. You're going to pay upfront. You will hear a buzzer which means that your bill has been placed in the carousel and spun around to you. You can see what you have to pay, put cash only in the leather receipt carrier, spin it around and wait for change if you expect it. Generally I do not tip unless I've asked to have a drink brought. And then usually less than 50RD which is actually higher than may be expected.

Each room has towels, no washcloths, bars of soap and two condoms of questionable quality. I usually bring my own hats. The showers can, but you will rarely find hot water. Expect a cold shower or rinse off. Most girls will not touch you unless they see you hit the shower. My wife is Dominican and tells me most girls here think Europeans and Americans don't bathe often. So, you're dealing with that bias. True or not. The interior of Costa Azul was nice and led to a romantic mood. But the bed only had a fitted bottom sheet, and the towels were low-thread-count dish towels. My chica grabbed the pillowcase to dry off on the second rinse off.

When you're done, simply call your cab and wait. The cab driver will honk at which point you push the garage button and the cab will pull in for a private entry for your lady.

Hope the travelogue helps. Keep in mind that there are no requirements to exchange information with a front desk. This board has recently discussed hotels which are more chica friendly for about double what I paid. If you don't mind an early checkout or have several hours, they are a better deal if you roll in taxi costs. OR if you plan on having several different chicas visit during your stay. I did that here in Santiago when I first wanted to check out the regular street walkers. You don't feel bad at all tossing one out early and heading out for better pickins.

Also cheaper may be one of the Girl Houses MR. E discussed. That's another visit, but it sounds like you can look over what you get, make sure it's the service you want and at a cheaper overall price. It's all about the bucks and your individual situation.

Be safe in all you do.

12-09-16, 16:56
Thanks to JJ341 and SubCmdr for their suggestions and guidance and for some digits for contact.Excellent report on the cabanas here in Santo Domingo and one that I would say qualifies as an exchange of information about having sex with women. Glad you had a good time while you were here. When you get back, I'll have some more digits for you my man!

Scorekeeper, mark that one as an assist. LOL!

12-09-16, 18:55
Mayelin Eventos? Any of you heard of it or have something of note to say about it? They have a private instagram (PM for it, if you want); the girls look real good. It's on the expensive end (150 to 200 bucks), but the menu is extensive. Please PM if you've tried it. I'm looking for some info on it.

12-10-16, 23:20
I don't see enough of these types of posts from my greedy tecano brothers, so let me lead off. These are popular in the Tampa, St Petersburg and Miami forums where the sharing of the wealth is both informative and entertaining.

I dreamed during my recent visit to the Capitol that I spirited off to Cabana Costa Azul to admire the Grecian-style interior, soft blue lights and a fantastic release. It's so rare to not have to bar-hop, hit the clubs or rely on the beach-front resorts, but set-up a real life get together GF experience. So much thanks for sharing a UTR, that's under-the-radar, phone number.

I had been texting via WhatsApp for about a week before my arrival. One of three contacts, she was the first to discuss a reasonable service arrangement. Now that arrangement upset the other, especially when I shared she didn't answer so I figured she wasn't interested. Such arrangements prevent golden-pussy syndrome and the usual haggling. The big advantage is that the next time we dream together we know each other's limits and how far to push before the shove-back breaks the deal.

In my dream Rosayri didn't waste much time getting out of clothes. Nice big DS with my favorite dark 2 inch aerola. A curvy girl and no fat. She crawled up on me and laid those puppies in my face. Nice eraser nipples. Kissing was off limits and no desire to play around. All service covered. Great mouth technique to place the hat, then little discussion as she reverse cowgirl at incredible speed and skill as she knelt on one knee with the other leg flat-footed on the bed. Applied for an Oscar w / lots of loud moans and whimpers. After about ten she switched to regular cowgirl with the same technique without ever getting wet. A quick jump off awaiting instruction and request for BBBJCIM. Good technique but tired easily and didn't understand my need for aggressive head. Once communication improved and she realized it was attached and would not fall off she turned into suckzilla and finished the job all the way, caught the evidence and then hit the bathroom to spit. I lost that battle.

Totally satisfied I laid back on the bed and commented that I was ready for round #2 which was not on the menu. Job was done. We rested a little bit, laid beside each other and tried to DATY receiving much resistance. After a few please babies and let me take care of you she reluctantly consented to a tease contest which she lost. Much flicking of the tongue and a finger teasing her vajay produced some realistic soft moans until her hips began to gyrate in slow motion timed to the tongue. Now dripping wet she grabbed my hand and pushed the finger deep into her, lifted up her hips and went into vajay convulsions. She wasn't expecting that and just laid back and pushed my head away. Battle won.

Pros: Semi pro UTR by reference only.

Natural curves w / faded tramp stamp on her back.

Cowgirl skills are champion quality. Be prepared to buck the bronco.

Follows oral instructions to BBBJCIM completion.

Stuck to negotiated fee without add ONS.

Cons: Over 90 minutes late for our appointment. Took a shower after our appointment time. Did not follow instructions well.

Verbal moans are Oscar quality, but able to respond to stimuli and be a natural.

Pre-paid cash for a taxi ride home, but expected the driver to be paid at first stop. Kept the cash and argumentative.

Provided digits. Would recommend for a quick stop. Other arrangements may be available.

12-11-16, 05:03
I've never been to the place. I happen to know girls who worked there over the years. I hope you figure out what is causing you to address people you don't know the way you did in this message. You should not be doing that.He does have an annoying tendency to respond to posts before actually reading or trying to comprehend the message. But, that is what the ignore feature is great for. People who have a compulsive need to post constantly on any forum (regardless of the subject matter), generally have little of value to say. And when the time one spends posting, exceeds the actual time spent mongering in real minutes, there are credibility issues with me.

And in case you are wondering, I am really interesting in visiting the DR in the new 2 or three months. Hence, my reason to be here. I'm a history enthusiast, as well. Hence the capitol of the DR is great interest for more than just the poon. But, In the meantime, feel free to peruse my latest reports on my first visit to Thailand. And I will be glad to hear any suggestions for a first-time visit to SD and the DR, in general.

12-11-16, 13:30
Forgot the photos.

Mr Enternational
12-11-16, 15:14
He does have an annoying tendency to respond to posts before actually reading or trying to comprehend the message. But, that is what the ignore feature is great for. People who have a compulsive need to post constantly on any forum (regardless of the subject matter), generally have little of value to say. And when the time one spends posting, exceeds the actual time spent mongering in real minutes, there are credibility issues with me.That is a very dumb thing to say. If someone is well versed about various subject matter then they should not be believed? It would make sense to not believe them if they were posting false or incorrect info on said subject matter. I have not seen a post by a monger saying that info that I have posted here has ever led him astray. As a matter of fact I was just thanked a couple of posts down by a monger for giving him info that he put to good use on his Santo Domingo excursion. If I have ever posted faulty information then please let me know and I will stand corrected. If not, then stfu and continue to use the ignore feature. I prefer to deal in facts and not emotions or feelings as you have done in your post.

12-12-16, 00:35

Arriving to Santo Domingo in an unexpected travel. Didn't have time to read all posts and I don't want to spend my night reading.

I am in Holiday Inn hotel. What do you recommend me to get a chica in DR near the area?

I promise my next time I'll do my homework reading the forum!! But this time I will need help from you fellows.

12-12-16, 06:33
Any review related to escortdominicanas.com?

Has anyone hired their services?

12-18-16, 12:42
I will be coming to DR / SD, in the last week of January. All of February - 1 week of March, any ex-pats from the east coast? NY, Jersey, Philly, wash DC, conn, mass, pa can chat? Was thinking about maybe retiring, would love to chat and find out about, how is it living there?



Mr Enternational
12-18-16, 14:00
I will be coming to DR / SD, in the last week of January. Was thinking about maybe retiring, would love to chat and find out about, how is it living there?You may want to consult DR1 website under the heading "Living".

12-18-16, 14:19
Thanks for the reference, but was looking to hangout with an ex-pat and monger also, I will be arriving the last week of Jan. Whole month of February. And the first week of March 2017, just looking to link up with a ex-pat (living there) to show me the ropes, chill with, when I usually go, I am usually with some locals I know, living in SD, (cab drivers) etc, I usually play chess down on the malecon, down from Pollo Rey. I want to roll with some ex-pats this trip, let me know what you think?




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12-18-16, 17:52
Get yourself a long term rental (one month or more) and see for yourself. You will get all kinds of opinions but the only way to know for sure is to experience it. My advice is once you have a week or two behind you, focus on those moments when you are all fucked out to see how interested you still are in day to day living in the country.

I will be coming to DR / SD, in the last week of January. All of February - 1 week of March, any ex-pats from the east coast? NY, Jersey, Philly, wash DC, conn, mass, pa can chat? Was thinking about maybe retiring, would love to chat and find out about, how is it living there?



12-22-16, 04:18
Where can I find a good GFE provider in Santo Domingo? Please PM details if you have anyone to recommend.



12-22-16, 04:25
Any review related to escortdominicanas.com?

Has anyone hired their services?I've never used it, but switcheroos and excessive photoshop is common. Also, you must be very specific in what you request. Last minute haggling is common with these kinds of services. Finally, pay after and never before.

12-25-16, 17:37
Has anyone been in this hotel? Good reviews on tripadvisor for 70 $ in zona colonial.

Guest friendly?

12-25-16, 18:50
Has anyone been in this hotel? Good reviews on tripadvisor for 70 $ in zona colonial.

Guest friendly?Same for Hotel Portes 9.

Any info?

Mr Enternational
12-25-16, 20:20
Has anyone been in this hotel? Good reviews on tripadvisor for 70 $ in zona colonial.

Guest friendly?Why not call or email and ask them instead of asking the board individually about every hotel in Santo Domingo?

12-25-16, 21:18
Why not call or email and ask them instead of asking the board individually about every hotel in Santo Domingo?I never answered like this to similar demands, especially in Thailand forums. But thanks for the advice. Just wanted third party opinion.

Mr Enternational
12-25-16, 22:25
I never answered like this to similar demands, especially in Thailand forums. But thanks for the advice. Just wanted third party opinion.The word of the hotel is better than any 3rd party opinion. Can't go wrong getting it straight from the horse's mouth.

Alex Deuce
12-29-16, 03:10
No big loss, the clip joint will be back as soon as the owner settles up the bribe debt. It's possible one or more of the Colombians contacted their government when they decided they wanted to go home but owed the management money. The Venezuelans of course don't have a functioning government to contact.As It's literally right down the street from my property I'm going to disagree. Based on the crowd of Mongers on a regular basis many others enjoy it well. I love the mixture of Latin countries all in one place. It's only a loss for people on a budget and persons that enjoy haggling over a few dollars. It's a great place to relax and if you're a strip club regular in your home country like I am its outstanding.

It's just a different kind of scene not good or bad.

Mr Enternational
12-29-16, 04:13
Based on the crowd of Mongers on a regular basis many others enjoy it well. I love the mixture of Latin countries all in one place. It's only a loss for people on a budget and persons that enjoy haggling over a few dollars.Alex did you mean "It's only NOT a loss..."? There were always a lot of cars outside that place.

12-29-16, 12:07
The word of the hotel is better than any 3rd party opinion. Can't go wrong getting it straight from the horse's mouth.Last year I send almost 10 emails to hotels in São Paulo, asking if they are guest friendly. Some of them didn't answer my emails at all. Some of them answered yes and no and only Accor hotels and Bourbon gave me an answer that was clear; if the girl stays overnight you have to pay, if not she is free to visit you.

I think they don't want to give an clear answer to be able to deny the entry of the girls who look too trashy etc.

D Cups
12-29-16, 16:19
I booked Hotel Portes 9 in May 2017 and stopped by to see it while I was in SD in November. It looked ok. I think you are paying way too much, tho. I booked through expedia dot com with airfare package for much cheaper. It's on the Northwest side of the zone near the river.

Same for Hotel Portes 9.

Any info?.

12-29-16, 17:23
I booked Hotel Portes 9 in May 2017 and stopped by to see it while I was in SD in November
.Thanks a lot. Any pb bringing your chicas?

D Cups
12-29-16, 17:44
Thanks a lot. Any pb bringing your chicas?I haven't stayed there yet (booked for May 2017) but when I do I assume there is no problem. Other inexpensive places I have stayed at are Maison Gartreaux and Casa Conde. Google them. Conde will charge you $5 extra per chica per visit. Annoying. That's why I stay at Maison Gartreaux. Lots of options if you do your homework.

12-29-16, 18:58
I haven't stayed there yet (booked for May 2017) .I'll be there Feb 2017, thus before you. I'll make a report anyway for each place visited, as usual.

Alex Deuce
12-29-16, 20:33
Alex did you mean "It's only NOT a loss..."? There were always a lot of cars outside that place.For me it's a loss. If it not open next month I'm going to be pissed. Last time I was down, I took my "Golfing Buddies" and we about closed it down twice. Always a group of outstanding young ladies from different Latin countries and a sexy Euro every now and then. Lots of professional Puerto Rican businessman hang out there. They had a Brazilian in there so fine. Yes she was a 10+. Yes, you are going to pay for it and No there was not a Dominican in any other clubs that was as sexy. Trust me, my crew and I looked. Best encounters I have had in DR have ranged from 1 mil pesos to $350; Both worth the money.

Price is relative and I'm sick of budget mongers decrying a place based on a price. Here in Miami a group will intentionally keep a price high for a venue just to cull the clientele. It's like comparing Pricing of The Lexx to tootsies to back-page as a frame of reference.

My trips are about variety. I'm a go to Hood, to the Penthouse, and ball at all.

12-30-16, 09:00
For me it's a loss. If it not open next month I'm going to be pissed. Last time I was down, I took my "Golfing Buddies" and we about closed it down twice. Always a group of outstanding young ladies from different Latin countries and a sexy Euro every now and then. Lots of professional Puerto Rican businessman hang out there. They had a Brazilian in there so fine. Yes she was a 10+. Yes, you are going to pay for it and No there was not a Dominican in any other clubs that was as sexy. Trust me, my crew and I looked. Best encounters I have had in DR have ranged from 1 mil pesos to $350; Both worth the money.

Price is relative and I'm sick of budget mongers decrying a place based on a price. Here in Miami a group will intentionally keep a price high for a venue just to cull the clientele. It's like comparing Pricing of The Lexx to tootsies to back-page as a frame of reference.

My trips are about variety. I'm a go to Hood, to the Penthouse, and ball at all.What are some of the other strip clubs in SD? That are not in seedy areas & good quality chicas.


Alex Deuce
12-30-16, 21:38
What are some of the other strip clubs in SD? That are not in seedy areas & good quality chicas.

Thanks.That's the thing. That's the only one I would go to the rest are either closed down or trash. Try Oasis down by old Babby Dolls but this was the best.

12-31-16, 01:46
Paying money to watch naked women makes no sense to Dominicans. They have brothels where they bang attractive women. SD has some strip clubs but they have the added benefit of service if you see something you like. Some dance clubs have strippers come in on occasion and everybody loves it. I use to go to strip clubs in the US until I visited the DR. I save the money I would have wasted and fly to the DR where I can I have what I see in my bed. Most of the DR pros are nowhere near as hard core as our home grown putas.

What are some of the other strip clubs in SD? That are not in seedy areas & good quality chicas.


12-31-16, 15:54
Paying money to watch naked women makes no sense to Dominicans. They have brothels where they bang attractive women. SD has some strip clubs but they have the added benefit of service if you see something you like. Some dance clubs have strippers come in on occasion and everybody loves it. I use to go to strip clubs in the US until I visited the DR. I save the money I would have wasted and fly to the DR where I can I have what I see in my bed. Most of the DR pros are nowhere near as hard core as our home grown putas.Well said I was going to say the same. The Dominican culture has me spoiled. Never again can I go into a strip club in the US and feel the same after coming from the DR. Why waste your money watching a girl strip tease you when prostitution is legal. The average session is between $35 to $60 for an hour with the chica of your choice.

I paid $20 to enter a strip club in Atl 3 years ago. Not including parking fees. The girls want $10 to dance a 2 to 3 minute song. A coke is $5. Mix drink $10. 2 to 3 hours I am out $150 to $200 with a hard dick and no pussy. Now if I make it rain it's going to be with a handful of quarters and those hoes better duck.

12-31-16, 16:20
Lots of professional Puerto Rican businessman hang out there. They had a Brazilian in there so fine. Yes she was a 10+. Yes, you are going to pay for it and No there was not a Dominican in any other clubs that was as sexy. Trust me, my crew and I looked. Best encounters I have had in DR have ranged from 1 mil pesos to $350; Both worth the money.

Price is relative and I'm sick of budget mongers decrying a place based on a price. Here in Miami a group will intentionally keep a price high for a venue just to cull the clientele. It's like comparing Pricing of The Lexx to tootsies to back-page as a frame of reference.Well said Mr. Alex Deuce. And I second the motion. When will they learn that a that the Kia driver will always say the BMW driver paid too much for his car. Argue with me as much as you would like about they are both cars and they both get you to the same place. There is a difference it just that some do not have the driving skills or budget to appreciate the difference.

D Cups
01-01-17, 03:25
Ditto. Just save your pesos for the DR or Philippines where you get a lot of bangs for your bucks

The Dominican culture has me spoiled. Never again can I go into a strip club in the US and feel the same after coming from the DR. Why waste your money ..

01-01-17, 04:14
So you guys who are paying premium prices for DR pussy are getting better nuts? I can see the value of an expensive car but pussy not so much. Sex is not a material thing. I liking it to a guy who goes to Ruth Chris and buys a whopper. He is sure that because he paid 30 bucks for it, it taste better. I paid 150 in Punta Cana on my 1 sr DR trip. I have received much better service for 1000 pesos. For snob value going to the DR and spending NY money makes you feel special enjoy. However what makes the DR special is is spending marginal dollars for a quality session.

Well said Mr. Alex Deuce. And I second the motion. When will they learn that a that the Kia driver will always say the BMW driver paid too much for his car. Argue with me as much as you would like about they are both cars and they both get you to the same place. There is a difference it just that some do not have the driving skills or budget to appreciate the difference.

01-01-17, 04:58
You cannot compare visiting a strip club to banging an escort to getting a massage. Those are totally different experiences.

Sometimes you feel like seeing a bunch of naked women all around and watching them strip out of their clothes. Sometimes you feel like banging one chick. Sometimes you feel like doing nothing, just laying back and having the chick do all the work to massage you for 1+ hours.

It doesn't make sense to say strip clubs aren't worthwhile if you can find an escort. It depends what you are looking for? (That said FKK's do a pretty good job in blurring the lines).

Paying money to watch naked women makes no sense to Dominicans. They have brothels where they bang attractive women. SD has some strip clubs but they have the added benefit of service if you see something you like. Some dance clubs have strippers come in on occasion and everybody loves it. I use to go to strip clubs in the US until I visited the DR. I save the money I would have wasted and fly to the DR where I can I have what I see in my bed. Most of the DR pros are nowhere near as hard core as our home grown putas.

01-01-17, 18:05
You cannot compare visiting a strip club to banging an escort to getting a massage. Those are totally different experiences.

Sometimes you feel like seeing a bunch of naked women all around and watching them strip out of their clothes. Sometimes you feel like banging one chick. Sometimes you feel like doing nothing, just laying back and having the chick do all the work to massage you for 1+ hours.

It doesn't make sense to say strip clubs aren't worthwhile if you can find an escort. It depends what you are looking for? (That said FKK's do a pretty good job in blurring the lines).I think it depends. Old Kool is trying to say (I think) that a lot of working men in the US go to strip clubs due to sexual frustration and end up paying a lot of money for not very much. That seemed to be the case when I lived in Jacksonville, which has many strip clubs, (none of which I ever entered) that are drab, windowless, smoky, bungalows with reinforced doors and parking lots wioth cracked asphalt that hold maybe a couple of dozen cars. Occasionally I would see single men sneaking from their car to the door in hope of a glimpse of titty or cop a feel in the back room from a tattooed skank. I would also sometimes see the girls arriving on the public bus hauling carry-ONS. (My job involved a lot of driving visiting clients in all sectors of the city.).

I just got the impression that these strip clubs were very joyless and expensive places, though it could be quite different elsewhere perhaps.

Mr Enternational
01-01-17, 18:26
When I went down to Florida and Gogo took me to a strip club I was busy trying to negotiate the price for fucking. The girl kept telling me to get a couple of dances first then we could talk about it. I'm like what kind of fool do you think I am? Why spend money on dances first when that money can go toward fucking. I prefer to cut to the chase. Nobody I know of wants to go to a strip club just to see naked women. Somewhere in the back of their head will always be the idea of fucking the women they are seeing.

As far as a value perspective it holds as well. Pay $25 and look at all the food you want; or pay $25 and be able to eat the food you are looking at. Shit you can get the hooker to strip for you for the same price. Good luck trying to get the stripper to fuck for you for the same price.

Value is the same thing that got me to start renting cars in the DR. In Sosua I was paying a taxi I think $20 from the airport and $15 to the airport. I could just rent my own damn car for $23 per day and go where I wanted when I wanted.

Yet and still there are different strokes for different folks. I am sure there are many people who like to go to the car lot and look around without the notion of jumping in and test driving one.

01-01-17, 20:23
Everything is relative. I love strip clubs. I visited Dollhouse last summer it was my first visit in a few years. But I currently go to a strip club in Santo Domingo under only one circunstance. Like much of us I also prefer to have sex with the chica of my choice. I have had marathons where one chica comes to my room, had sex, go out and next! Up to four chicas. Of course, I end tired and want to rest but no to sleep. What is better than resting inside of my room doing nothing? The answer is sitting in one of the very confortable seats that Dollhouse had sipping a beer while watching a hot body foreign girl stripping naked. Dollhouse is just an alternative I just want to have, just in case I am the mood for something else than sex.

01-01-17, 20:24
I was a regional salesman for many years. I went to strip clubs all over the country. The were expensive and while take out was possible it was very expensive for quality. If we had any other options most would go out of business. I think because some guys are used to the American strip club model it is hard to get their arms around the DR seen. They are trained.

I think it depends. Old Kool is trying to say (I think) that a lot of working men in the US go to strip clubs due to sexual frustration and end up paying a lot of money for not very much. That seemed to be the case when I lived in Jacksonville, which has many strip clubs, (none of which I ever entered) that are drab, windowless, smoky, bungalows with reinforced doors and parking lots wioth cracked asphalt that hold maybe a couple of dozen cars. Occasionally I would see single men sneaking from their car to the door in hope of a glimpse of titty or cop a feel in the back room from a tattooed skank. I would also sometimes see the girls arriving on the public bus hauling carry-ONS. (My job involved a lot of driving visiting clients in all sectors of the city.).

I just got the impression that these strip clubs were very joyless and expensive places, though it could be quite different elsewhere perhaps.

01-01-17, 22:18
When I went down to Florida and Gogo took me to a strip club I was busy trying to negotiate the price for fucking. The girl kept telling me to get a couple of dances first then we could talk about it. I'm like what kind of fool do you think I am? Surely it is the business model. The girls may have to sell so many dances on site to cover their own cost of participation. And if you bought a couple of dances, there is no guarantee that she would talk about doing anything else anyway. These places are just machines with a well-defined plan for separating punters from their money by offering a lot and delivering next to nothing. Now, there may be high end strip clubs in some places where people like the Kardashian boyfriends and other jetsetters go to drink champagne and spend hundreds of dollars a night whooping it up and partying, but I would think they are relatively few in number.

Alex Deuce
01-02-17, 07:27
Surely it is the business model. The girls may have to sell so many dances on site to cover their own cost of participation. And if you bought a couple of dances, there is no guarantee that she would talk about doing anything else anyway. These places are just machines with a well-defined plan for separating punters from their money by offering a lot and delivering next to nothing. Now, there may be high end strip clubs in some places where people like the Kardashian boyfriends and other jetsetters go to drink champagne and spend hundreds of dollars a night whooping it up and partying, but I would think they are relatively few in number.No crap! Just like the casas are there to seperate you from your cash. On some nights you want to be teased and chill as you watch a sexy woman dance for you. Unlike America you have guaranteed take out and remedy for your desire if you want it. You also act like spending hundreds of dollars whooping, champagne and jetsetting (whatever that is) is a bad thing. Always some punter knocking another's hustle or idea of a good time. You could easily say that if your in Santo paying for it your the biggest sucker or gambles fool in the known world especially with all the women looking for an out.

01-02-17, 19:12
You also act like spending hundreds of dollars whooping, champagne and jetsetting (whatever that is) is a bad thing. Always some punter knocking another's hustle or idea of a good timeNot at all. People spend huge amounts of money doing hobby things that I don't want to do all the time, for example shooting lions. Playing golf, deep sea fishing, watching tennis, going to football games, going to Broadway shows like Hamilton. They can do exactly what they want if they enjoy it. However that doesn't change my suspicion that most of those single men who visits strip clubs in the US don't really get the satisfaction they crave, or have a really fun time, or at least value for money for whatever it is that they do get.

01-02-17, 23:31
When I went down to Florida and Gogo took me to a strip club I was busy trying to negotiate the price for fucking. The girl kept telling me to get a couple of dances first then we could talk about it. I'm like what kind of fool do you think I am? Why spend money on dances first when that money can go toward fucking. I prefer to cut to the chase. Nobody I know of wants to go to a strip club just to see naked women. Somewhere in the back of their head will always be the idea of fucking the women they are seeing.
Regarding strip clubs in Sex Prison:

I have only been to one strip club in my entire life, and that was in Hawaii long ago while stationed there. It's like you said: what't the point of going if you cannot fuck the women there? Even before I found out about mongering I was busy doing the Backpage.com song and dance.

The only guys I knew that went to strip clubs were mostly married guys or guys in long term relationships. One buddy would tell me how he would hit them up on the way home from his job (he drove for UPS, and you know their work usually doesn't end until 8 pm) and try to fuck them in the club. The most he could muster is a hand job and occasionally some head. And I would laugh at how he would tell me that the hottest chicks in there would always say that any lap dance with them was a "3 song minimum", hahaha.

He used to love my stories and pics from Sosua. It was like a Scout Master telling stories around a campfire with the young scouts glaring up at him with intense curiosity. Poor sap.

Alex Deuce
01-03-17, 04:18
Not at all. People spend huge amounts of money doing hobby things that I don't want to do all the time, for example shooting lions. Playing golf, deep sea fishing, watching tennis, going to football games, going to Broadway shows like Hamilton. They can do exactly what they want if they enjoy it. However that doesn't change my suspicion that most of those single men who visits strip clubs in the US don't really get the satisfaction they crave, or have a really fun time, or at least value for money for whatever it is that they do get.Of course buts not act like the ones that do or most likely can are some how ruining it for the others. Also, you don't know if they are or are not having a good time or satisfying their cravings. Value is subjective. I don't ever remember leaving this club built up or pent up.

01-03-17, 04:36
Regarding strip clubs in Sex Prison:Curious your story, if as I recall, you are or were from Texas. I thought the Houston strip clubs were very different from anywhere else. I had a great time, on my several visits a decade ago or so and while sex would not always happen, I got lucky many, many times. The other place I think well of, is NC. Prior to this, I used to think only Toronto was better, given that with the gentrification of the North East cities, things only went south.

01-03-17, 06:45
Curious your story, if as I recall, you are or were from Texas. I thought the Houston strip clubs were very different from anywhere else. I had a great time, on my several visits a decade ago or so and while sex would not always happen, I got lucky many, many times.You've got more experience than I do in that regard. And Houston strip clubs are notorious for getting raided by LE all the time. Like I mentioned, I didn't have any patience for "a hope and a prayer" and would just stick to Backpage.

01-03-17, 07:12
You could easily say that if your in Santo paying for it your the biggest sucker or gambles fool in the known world especially with all the women looking for an out.I wouldn't say the biggest sucker, just a typical rookie. Don't worry, Santo Domingo is known to eat newbies alive. You'll learn in time.

01-03-17, 07:17
One of the best times I ever had in a strip club was in Houston. They had a small room where you could take any girl working there and have your way. The girls were not bad over all. I took one back to my room for 100 bucks and got a very good session. The girl stole one of my business cards and sent me 6 nude pictures. If you could have seen my face when I opened up her letter at work. This same girl was staring in porn movies a year later with a set of 40 dd that were not there when we hooked up. As a traveling salesman who loved strip clubs at the time I met half a dozen girls who later became porn stars. I slept with 3. Some you may know from way back. Dynamite, Capitol Hill and Pardee I failed to mention that I have a small porn addiction. Houston is the exception to the rule. The DR cured me of my strip club habit.

You've got more experience than I do in that regard. And Houston strip clubs are notorious for getting raided by LE all the time. Like I mentioned, I didn't have any patience for "a hope and a prayer" and would just stick to Backpage.

01-03-17, 14:49
So you guys who are paying premium prices for DR pussy are getting better nuts?Yes! But if you have no ability to discern the difference, no taste, nor the ability to make a valid comparison then I can understand why you don't understand Mr. Alex Deuce, or myself.

I can see the value of an expensive car but pussy not so much. Sex is not a material thing. I liking it to a guy who goes to Ruth Chris and buys a whopper. He is sure that because he paid 30 bucks for it, it taste better. I paid 150 in Punta Cana on my 1 sr DR trip. I have received much better service for 1000 pesos. For snob value going to the DR and spending NY money makes you feel special enjoy. However what makes the DR special is is spending marginal dollars for a quality session.In Punta Cana if you are on the tourist economy of course you are going to pay more for the same thing. There was a restaurant on resort row serving Dominican food. The exact same dishes I pay 100 pesos for in Santo Domingo in my favorite comedor were 500 pesos in the restaurant. Needless to say my travel partner and I did not eat there. That is a direct comparison!

The last time I was in Ruth Chris they did not sell a whopper. And although I can't remember exactly what I ordered, I can say I've never had a bad meal there. And I've never had a problem paying my bill when I received it. But hey, that's how I roll. But if you prefer Outback there is one in Acropolis mall here in Santo Domingo. They don't serve whoppers either. I've had a fine meal there too. Grab a hot chica and I'll meet you there for a beer. Chicas love those types of experiences.

So you have it in a nutshell (pun intended). Sometimes you are paying for experiences, sometime just a nut. The discussion on looking versus fucking is an example of this. Don't hate the player. If you must hate then hate motherfucking game my brother!

01-03-17, 18:23
You've got more experience than I do in that regard. And Houston strip clubs are notorious for getting raided by LE all the time. Like I mentioned, I didn't have any patience for "a hope and a prayer" and would just stick to Backpage.I do not disagree with you in that the DR experience (or indeed other South American experiences) is way better than US strip clubs or back page. I was merely stating that if one must, Houston (is) was the place to go (thanks Old Kool, for confirming that). On the other hand, I have no issue with people who in the DR want to go to a strip club: their money, their choice! My thing is in getting lucky in a regular place, ideally with a regular woman. I sure wish I lived there so I could space it better. For after 4-5 days, I have run out of bodily fluids!

Alex Deuce
01-04-17, 09:11
I wouldn't say the biggest sucker, just a typical rookie. Don't worry, Santo Domingo is known to eat newbies alive. You'll learn in time.There is always something to learn. I just find it arrogant to castigate another man's hustle or likes.

01-13-17, 20:14
I just booked a trip to Santo Domingo. I am staying in Old town. I am reading up on the forum. I went a few years ago, I met a DC girl, got a BJ in the park next to the Aquarium. She wasn't bad, but didn't look quite like the photos. She wanted to hook up again, but I didn't do it. I have 4 full days, wanted to know if anyone had tips to help the odds of success of meeting girls on DC, Badoo, willing to play. Any age is fine for me. I would like to mix "regular" girls with the casas, unless I have real good luck on the dating sites. I haven't seen much current info on the dating sites.

Thanks in advance.

D Cups
01-14-17, 02:59
, Santo Domingo is known to eat newbies alive.Wasn't my experience, Park, but maybe I just got lucky. Met a DC babe there the first time two years ago and now have been back five times since to see her, two other regulars and lots of new talent. I don't do the casas. Not bad for a guy who doesn't speak much Spanish and is 61. The Venezuelans that are walking about Calle Conde are awesome, too.

01-14-17, 03:34
I know how you roll. I have seen some of your girls. I am also 61 and never dream I could have the action the DR provides.

Wasn't my experience, Park, but maybe I just got lucky. Met a DC babe there the first time two years ago and now have been back five times since to see her, two other regulars and lots of new talent. I don't do the casas. Not bad for a guy who doesn't speak much Spanish and is 61. The Venezuelans that are walking about Calle Conde are awesome, too.

01-14-17, 05:57
One of the best times I ever had in a strip club was in Houston. They had a small room where you could take any girl working there and have your way. The girls were not bad over all. I took one back to my room for 100 bucks and got a very good session. The girl stole one of my business cards and sent me 6 nude pictures. If you could have seen my face when I opened up her letter at work. This same girl was staring in porn movies a year later with a set of 40 dd that were not there when we hooked up. As a traveling salesman who loved strip clubs at the time I met half a dozen girls who later became porn stars. I slept with 3. Some you may know from way back. Dynamite, Capitol Hill and Pardee I failed to mention that I have a small porn addiction. Houston is the exception to the rule. The DR cured me of my strip club habit.I did not know the Houston scene was so raucous, because I've been up here in Dallas, which is / was also known for its strip clubs. The best I ever got out of the local strip clubs was a rough around the edges, stripper from San Diego, who thought I resembled her ex-lover. She not only left the club with me, but she paid for the motel. That was in the late 70's and I have not been able to repeat that experience. Though I did get a dry handjob during a lab dance at a Dallas club right my divorce in 2015. Didn't exactly request a hand job, much less negotiate a price, so she was SOL when she asked me for $100 after the fact.

I have known of a number of nice looking girls "who were working their way through college" by dancing at strip clubs, via social channels rather than attendance of those clip joints. But, the smartest woman I ever met. She thought like a man, hence she was smarter than the average woman. Was also a dancer at a high-end Dallas club. Instead of blowing her money on clothes, drugs or boyfriends, she saved it and listened to all the businessmen whose laps she sat on. She learned how to invest in real estate, she learned how to trade stocks, and she learned how to be financially independent. She was the 1% among strippers. I ran into a 49 year old alumni of the same upscale "gentleman's club" my successful ladyfriend, while watching a Queen cover band at a local club. What a judgmental piece of shit she was. Also claimed to have danced at the same place in order to "put herself through college", but derided strip club patrons as disgusting men, even though they have shelled out their hard-earned money to put her through college. We went out a few times, and on the second date she sucked me off like a pro, swallowing without hesitation. I could tell, she had lots of experience. But, when I pointed out I knew girls who danced at the same club around the same time as her through my social circle, she got defensive. She accused me of being a strip club patron (you know, those guys who put girls like her through college) and denied knowing the girls I knew. She also got offended when I said that strippers were "sex workers". She sent me a breakup email (though we were never an item) while I was en route to Berlin in October of 2015. She couldn't tell me on the phone when I was texting her at the airport. She sent some be, s. How she couldn't be my girlfriend (I never asked to be my girlfriend) and I got the text when I landed in Amsterdam. I was thinking it was cowardly, but I was a free man again. Then the pretty KLM stewardesses got my attention and mentioned the other passengers had left the plane. Indeed, everyone else had gotten off the plane while I was reading text messages. I decided when I got to Berlin. I've been mongering ever since.

D Cups
01-14-17, 16:21
. For after 4-5 days, I have run out of bodily fluids!I know what you mean, T! That's why I am opting for shorter (5 - 6 day), more frequent visits than the 10 - 14 days I used to do! These caliente young chicas will bang you until you can't anymore but that is not a complaint! Glad to see you're still going to DR. You were so helpful to me on my first visit to Santiago and Sosua!

D Cups
01-14-17, 16:25
I know how you roll. I have seen some of your girls. I am also 61 and never dream I could have the action the DR provides.Thanks, OK, right back atcha buddy. Hope to see you when I am there April 1 -7 or May 9 - 14. Let's kill some presidentes at Pacos while watching the sexi ones strut their stuff up Calle Conde.

01-14-17, 20:40
I know what you mean, T! That's why I am opting for shorter (5 - 6 day), more frequent visits than the 10 - 14 days I used to do! These caliente young chicas will bang you until you can't anymore but that is not a complaint! Glad to see you're still going to DR. You were so helpful to me on my first visit to Santiago and Sosua!Haha, that's the way the cookie crumbles. I mean Asia is too far and is impossible to fly back and forth. I even think of doing Colombia, Ecuador and Peru but then, this place is so close, so, so far I have not been able to do anything else.

01-14-17, 20:53
Does anyone have a casa to recommend other than Casa Teresa, la Casita Azul or any of the brothels on Independencia? I'm looking for a higher-end place with Venezuelans and Colombians in addition to Dominicans. Any info would be great.

01-14-17, 22:26
El Conde can be a great place. Chicas know they can go there to hook up with a touristotal for quick cash. The malls are flush with willing talent. Little cash and Spanish the world is your oyster.

Thanks, OK, right back atcha buddy. Hope to see you when I am there April 1 -7 or May 9 - 14. Let's kill some presidentes at Pacos while watching the sexi ones strut their stuff up Calle Conde.

01-18-17, 13:51
Hello to all,

I'm pretty new to this Forum. I'm amazed at the wealth of information here. There is information about all of the places that I have dreams or wishes of visiting. Right now, I'm hooked on the Dominican Republic. I can't get enough of that island. I have 5 trips under my belt. My first trip started with a visit to Bonao in July 2015 and since then, I've visited the DR with every ounce of vacation time that I've had. I was supposed to visit a week ago but had to cancel because of a family emergency. My next trip will be in May.

Since I know that I will scour this site for information, I will at least offer my own trip report. I will start by posting my first trip ever to Santo Domingo in October 2016. Let me add a disclaimer. This report was already posted on a different Forum. There will be references to Forum Members but they are from the other forum and not members here. There may also be references to info gathered on the other Forum. I will be just copying and pasting.

I really enjoyed Santo Domingo. After visiting there, I can see that I can do everything that I want in SD. I don't really have to go to Sosua again if I choose not to. I was only in SD for 2 days but I felt a good vibe from the city and will return for a couple of days in May before I hit Sosua.

Here is my Santo Domingo trip report:

On this day, I was headed to Santo Domingo. I remember telling Leona about my plans to go to Jetset in Santo Domingo. She is from Santo Domingo. Her eyes lit up when I mentioned Jetset. I asked her to come with me. She said that she couldn't. She had to work and she already had a trip home planned for her birthday in November. I really wanted her to come with me. She was good company.

I got packed and I took a Taxi to the Bus Station and bought my ticket to Santo Domingo. It is time to board the the bus. There is a woman in front of me in the line to get on the Bus.

I like her little shape. I peeped her earlier. She turns around. She had on shades and she tips them down a little bit from her eyes and checks me out. She then says, in English, I will find a seat for us. I say OK. She speaks very good English. She is an average looking woman but kinda cute. I would tap it. She is from Santiago. She was full of personality. She made the bus ride fun. I took her number.

The bus arrives in Santo Domingo and the first thing that I notice is the traffic. It is crazy. I arrived at the apartment that I rented. This is a nice apartment and is in a good location. I was all set to stay at Jaragua and then something told me to go to airbnb. I came across this listing. I looked at the first two pictures with the view of the ocean and immediately booked it without looking at the details. For the price, I thought that it was a nice, luxury 1 bedroom apartment. It ended up being a 4 bedroom 3 and a half bath apartment. This apartment was tight. I will post some pictures of it. This building has very tight security.

What happens next was an I can't believe this is fucking happening moment. I was going to go take pictures of the pool area. I was going to leave the door unlocked. This particular door locks automatically when it is closed. I flip this little switch thinking it would leave the door unlocked. I verified it but the switch actually activated this other little bolt. I closed the door and went to grab my phone. I try to open the door and it won't open. I'm fucking locked in this apartment. I've only been at this apartment for 30 minutes and now I'm locked the fuck in. There is no way I can get out and no one can open the door from the other side even if they had a key. I'm on the 10th floor. I didn't know WTF to do. I was not about to call the host just yet. She was probably halfway back to Nagua by now. I didn't want to call security either. I just sat down for a couple of minutes and assessed the situation. I went to the door and looked at the whole mechanism. I remembered a similar situation where I had to break into a room with the same type of locking mechanism. I'm not a criminal. Lmao. I was able to get the door open. Only damage done was to a butter knife. You talk about being relieved! The rest of my stay at that apartment, I was nervous every time I opened and closed that door.

I'm very hungry at this point. I remembered seeing Adrian Tropical on the way to the apartment. I headed there. I've heard it mentioned on the forum several times. It is a nice restaurant. It catches a nice ocean breeze. I ate there everyday while I was in Santo Domingo. They give large portions of food. I would buy one meal and it was enough food for the whole day for me. I would always have to get a to go plate.

I went to a Colmado to buy some Brugal. I got back to the apartment and Security actually went through my bag. Tripped me out. I dropped off the drinks in the apartment and then headed out. I needed to hit up an ATM so I asked the Security Guard if he knew if there was a Banco Popular nearby. He said that he got off work in a few minutes and he would show me where the ATM was. We set out walking. I'm tripping about how many people are out and about. I can tell that Santo Domingo is a very busy city. I'm seeing all of these nice looking women everywhere. We finally arrive at the ATM and WTF do I see? A Subway! I had no idea that Santo Domingo had a Subway System. Tripped me out. We went to a bar and had a couple of drinks. My plan for the night was to go to Jetset. He said that he would go with me. We headed back to the apartment building and parted ways. He never got back with me about going to Jetset but we would hangout the next night.

I took a taxi to Jetset. When you go to Jetset, there is a ticket counter to the right of the front door. I bought my ticket and went in. I'm among the first to arrive. I found a seat in the corner and proceeded to get my drink on.

I can't remember the name of the Band but they put on a good show. There were a lot of beautiful women in Jetset that night. I'm pretty sure that I was the only single guy and the only Gringo. There were a lot of bottle-popping couples and a few large groups. I was just there for the experience and to enjoy the show.

I left Jetset before the Concert was over. I caught a cab and asked the driver to take me to Casa Rosales. I forgot to refer back to a post here about spots in SD for the name of the casas. I was supposed to say Casa Rosario. He took me to a Casa called Foxy's. I didn't find that out until the next day.

I walk in Foxy's and take a seat. An amazing line-up of women appear in front of me. Somewhere between 10-15 women I think. I met eyes with this light brown skinned chica with her head shaved short on one side. She was looking sexy as hell to me so I chose her. I paid my money and off we go.

Foxy's has its own rooms. They are small rooms with a curtain as the door. I didn't really like that but no one bothered us though. Someone only came to the door twice alerting of closing time and to ask if I wanted to spend more time with the Chica.

I will call this chica Lisa. Lisa is about 5'6. She is slim with small tits but has big nipples like I like. She is sexy to me. This woman totally aimed to please. When the man came to ask if I wanted more time with Lisa, there was no question about it. I think I was with her 2 hours. I would've stayed with her longer but they closed. I tried to get her to leave with me but she said that she couldn't. She gave me her facebook info. I left Foxy's with a big smile on my face. I was going to try to connect with her during the day the next day. I hit her up the next morning but she didn't contact me until the night.

Now it is Tuesday. I went to Adrian Tropical and had lunch. The plan for the day was to checkout a mall and then get a Nuru gel massage. I was very intrigued when I read Caramello's trip report.

I took a taxi to Agora Mall. This is a pretty big mall. Has about 5 floors. Has plenty of food choices. I walked around for awhile and enjoyed the eye candy. My appointment for the massage was at 4. I ate a little something and then took a taxi to the Nuru spot.

I arrive at the Nuru spot. It is located in a very unassuming building complex. I was wondering if the driver had me in the right place. I go to the door. You ring a doorbell / camera and then they let you in. I kinda surprised them because I was early for my appointment. There was 6 women for me to choose from. I saw two that I was having a hard time choosing between. One was a little petite yellow bone and the other a pretty caramel toned woman. I chose caramel.

Caramello already described the details to a tee in his trip report of the experience that you receive. The thorough wash down that you get before you lay down for the gel session was amazing to me. I believe that I may have chose the same woman that Caramello did. The moves that the woman did that he described in his trip report, the woman that was with me performed them. This woman found the most sensitive parts of my body and she exploited them. She would move a certain way that almost made me bust and then stop. At the same time she would give sexy moans. Finally she used her hand and pulled everything out of me that I had. She cleaned me up and then moved slowly and relaxingly about my whole body. The gel session ends and you get another thorough wash down. It was an amazing experience. So much so that I would go back the next day. I wanted an experience with the petite yellow bone.

I told the driver that dropped me off at the Nuru spot to come back for me in an hour. He picked me up and I had him drop me off at Jaragua. I wanted to at least see the spot that I had thought about staying at and to also see the Casino there. I'm not a gambler. I walked around a little bit and then chilled at the Bar in Jaragua. I had a couple of too expensive drinks for what they were. LOL. I leave Jaragua. I was about to take a Taxi back to the apartment but I looked at the traffic. It was ridiculous. I went ahead and walked to the apartment. It took me 17 minutes to walk. It would've taken me who knows how long in a Taxi.

I finally arrive at the apartment building. My Security Guard buddy is on post. We planned to hangout for the night. He says that he will be off soon and that he will come up to the apartment to get me when he is done with his shift. He shows up and we get our walk on. We walked to a certain location and a friend of his picked us up in his car. He had been telling me about a spot that he goes to for women. He said that the price was cheap. I don't know the name. I can't remember the price that he told me that he normally pays but it was cheap. We arrive at the spot. We walk in and there are not too many women out. Once inside, it looks like a strip club type of spot. The women eventually came out of the woodworks. They didn't line up around the stage to be chosen but just chilled in the cut or just walked around. This was a very small place. Not too many women. I could tell that he has been to the spot a lot. A few women came and sat around us. There were women there that I could've chosen if I needed to get my rocks off. There were no stunners in there. While at the spot, I received a message from Lisa from last night at Foxy's. I got excited. I told my friend that I was ready to leave because I needed to meet someone. We went back to the apartment building.

I asked Lisa where she was. She said she was at work at Foxy's. That is when I found out that I didn't go to Casa Rosario the night before. I went ahead and caught a Taxi. I really wanted to go be with Lisa again but told the driver to take me to Casa Rosario.

I walked in and took a seat. The women lined up. This was a very impressive lineup of women. This was the best lineup that I saw on this trip to the DR. It was very hard to choose from this lineup. I finally chose this short, very cute, light-skinned and very well put together woman. She reminds of this actress / model named Angelle Brooks in her younger days. Casa Rosario has rooms on site. We got our session in and she did not disappoint. The session was on par with my session with Lisa the night before. I'm going to say it was better. I took a Taxi home and passed out.

Today is Wednesday and I am leaving SD to stay a day in Santiago. I woke up early as usual and hit up an ATM. I then had breakfast at a restaurant that was recommended to me by my host. I recommend it also. I enjoyed the food. The name is Villar Hermano. My original plan was to leave on the first bus to Santiago but I wanted another Nuru gel massage. I wanted an experience with that petite yellow bone. I made my appointment for 12. I arrive and the yellow bone is not there. There is only one masajista available. She is cute enough. I enjoyed the session but it was not as good as the one from the day before. I left there and headed to the Bus Station to go to Santiago.

01-18-17, 16:31
Wasn't my experience, Park, but maybe I just got lucky.Nah, man you didn't get lucky. It's a mindset that Santo Domingo is hard and other locations in Republica Dominicana are easy. Santo Domingo is not hard if you know what you are doing. My very first time in Santo Domingo (Over 6 years ago) within two hours of wheels down I was fucking a chica I met on the way back to the hotel after running a quick errand. And I didn't have any Spanish back then either.

That's why I tell my brothers, if you must hate, don't hate the player, hate the motherfucking game (or your lack of it)!

01-18-17, 16:32
Here are some Pictures from that trip.

01-18-17, 18:00
I enjoyed your report. I think I stayed in the same apartment across the street from the Holiday Inn. 10 floor, balcony whirlpool bath in the master bedroom. I had 2 guys with me. We paid 150 a night for the place. You most have some deep pockets. The casas were asking 120 for ST. How much was the massage. It sounds like a bucket list option.

01-18-17, 18:25
I enjoyed your report. I think I stayed in the same apartment across the street from the Holiday Inn. 10 floor, balcony whirlpool bath in the master bedroom. I had 2 guys with me. We paid 150 a night for the place. You most have some deep pockets. The casas were asking 120 for ST. How much was the massage. It sounds like a bucket list option.Thanks OldKool. Originally I was supposed to stay at Hotel Riazor. I was thinking about it and said screw it, I'll splurge a little bit this trip. Like I said, I was all set to stay at Jaragua and it was going to be $145 a night. The apartment building that I stayed in is called Torre Veiramar. It is right near the Malecon Center. That apartment worked out to $120 per night. The Nuru massage is $2500 pesos. I would recommend it at least one time. Ask for Nelly. She won't disappoint.

01-18-17, 21:28
I really enjoyed Santo Domingo. After visiting there, I can see that I can do everything that I want in SD. I don't really have to go to Sosua again if I choose not to. I was only in SD for 2 days but I felt a good vibe from the city and will return for a couple of days in May before I hit Sosua.
Excellent report amigo. Appreciate you taking the time to share with us.

01-18-17, 23:33
I will be coming to DR / SD, in the last week of January. All of February - 1 week of March, any ex-pats from the east coast? NY, Jersey, Philly, wash DC, conn, mass, pa can chat? Was thinking about maybe retiring, would love to chat and find out about, how is it living there?


StrokenblkmanI've been living in SD for the past year. I rented a 3/3 apt in Gazcue for $900/ month cable / internet included. Very good building with 24/ HR doorman. I live with my Dominican GF who I've known for 4 years. Gazcue is relatively safe and near a lot of govt buildings and close to the universities. Plenty of eye candy walking around all day long. I haven't got in any side action because my GF keeps a close watch on me and knows that there are many Dominicans looking for a gringo boyfriend. I've been approached almost every time I'm out at night either on the El Conde or in Jaragua. At night I see a lot of girls along Ave. Independencia and the Malecon. If you are looking for adventure there is a small town southwest of Santo Domingo by the name of Nizao where my GF told me there's been a recent influx of Venezuelan chicas working the bars near the river. This is the town where Vladimir Guerrero is from and his house is on a hill with the number '27' carved out on the side of the hill. The chicas are probably very cheap there. Health care is very inexpensive. I don't have insurance but have been to a couple of exceptional doctors. The most I was charged was $100 for an extensive office visit. Fruit and vegetables very inexpensive here. Taxis are cheap if you stay away from the ripoffs along El Conde who charge double or triple. Extremely humid from June through October. We had the A / see on full time during those months but the electric bill never got over $100. Everyone is very friendly and patient with my poor Spanish but I'm getting better everyday. Boca Chica is a den of thieves and you need to be very careful there. It can be exciting though. Some nice cheap chicas available but you will be hounded by vendors on the beach and beggars on the street. I met a gullible Canadian there one time and he ended up surrounded and isolated at a beach bar by 6 or 7 Dominicans and was forced to pay $60 for a cocktail. All in all it is a very stress free life here. Hope this helps.

01-18-17, 23:38
Has anyone been in this hotel? Good reviews on tripadvisor for 70 $ in zona colonial.

Guest friendly?I'm am staying there right now for a couple of weeks. Not chica friendly but the security is lax and you might be able to sneak one in. It's a be&be with mostly couples. I have the smallest room for $200/ week.

01-18-17, 23:56
I arrive at the Nuru spot. It is located in a very unassuming building complex. I was wondering if the driver had me in the right place. I go to the door. You ring a doorbell / camera and then they let you in. I kinda surprised them because I was early for my appointment. There was 6 women for me to choose from. I saw two that I was having a hard time choosing between. One was a little petite yellow bone and the other a pretty caramel toned woman. I chose caramel.

Thanks for the report, heading there soon. What is the name of the Nuru place?

01-19-17, 02:11
I arrive at the Nuru spot. It is located in a very unassuming building complex. I was wondering if the driver had me in the right place. I go to the door. You ring a doorbell / camera and then they let you in. I kinda surprised them because I was early for my appointment. There was 6 women for me to choose from. I saw two that I was having a hard time choosing between. One was a little petite yellow bone and the other a pretty caramel toned woman. I chose caramel.

Thanks for the report, heading there soon. What is the name of the Nuru place?The name is Odisea Spa.

01-20-17, 11:48
I've been living in SD for the past year. I rented a 3/3 apt in Gazcue for $900/ month cable / internet included. Very good building with 24/ HR doorman. I live with my Dominican GF who I've known for 4 years. Gazcue is relatively safe and near a lot of govt buildings and close to the universities. Plenty of eye candy walking around all day long. I haven't got in any side action because my GF keeps a close watch on me and knows that there are many Dominicans looking for a gringo boyfriend. I've been approached almost every time I'm out at night either on the El Conde or in Jaragua. At night I see a lot of girls along Ave. Independencia and the Malecon. If you are looking for adventure there is a small town southwest of Santo Domingo by the name of Nizao where my GF told me there's been a recent influx of Venezuelan chicas working the bars near the river. This is the town where Vladimir Guerrero is from and his house is on a hill with the number '27' carved out on the side of the hill. The chicas are probably very cheap there. Health care is very inexpensive. I don't have insurance but have been to a couple of exceptional doctors. The most I was charged was $100 for an extensive office visit. Fruit and vegetables very inexpensive here. Taxis are cheap if you stay away from the ripoffs along El Conde who charge double or triple. Extremely humid from June through October. We had the A / see on full time during those months but the electric bill never got over $100. Everyone is very friendly and patient with my poor Spanish but I'm getting better everyday. Boca Chica is a den of thieves and you need to be very careful there. It can be exciting though. Some nice cheap chicas available but you will be hounded by vendors on the beach and beggars on the street. I met a gullible Canadian there one time and he ended up surrounded and isolated at a beach bar by 6 or 7 Dominicans and was forced to pay $60 for a cocktail. All in all it is a very stress free life here. Hope this helps.Is $900/ month apartment furnished, can you rent 1 month at a time any furnished apartment in the same building?

01-21-17, 16:46
You can find monthly rates for furnished rooms and apartments on the Internet. Search for 'apartahotels' + Santo Domingo. You can also find furnished long term rentals on airbnb. Familiarize yourself with a map of the city if you have an idea where you want to live, then use the map to cross reference the deals you find.

Is $900/ month apartment furnished, can you rent 1 month at a time any furnished apartment in the same building?

01-21-17, 23:27
I've been living in SD for the past year. I rented a 3/3 apt in Gazcue for $900/ month cable / internet included. Very good building with 24/ HR doorman. I live with my Dominican GF who I've known for 4 years. Gazcue is relatively safe and near a lot of govt buildings and close to the universities. Plenty of eye candy walking around all day long. I haven't got in any side action because my GF keeps a close watch on me and knows that there are many Dominicans looking for a gringo boyfriend. I've been approached almost every time I'm out at night either on the El Conde or in Jaragua. At night I see a lot of girls along Ave. Independencia and the Malecon. If you are looking for adventure there is a small town southwest of Santo Domingo by the name of Nizao where my GF told me there's been a recent influx of Venezuelan chicas working the bars near the river. This is the town where Vladimir Guerrero is from and his house is on a hill with the number '27' carved out on the side of the hill. The chicas are probably very cheap there. Health care is very inexpensive. I don't have insurance but have been to a couple of exceptional doctors. The most I was charged was $100 for an extensive office visit. Fruit and vegetables very inexpensive here. Taxis are cheap if you stay away from the ripoffs along El Conde who charge double or triple. Extremely humid from June through October. We had the A / see on full time during those months but the electric bill never got over $100. Everyone is very friendly and patient with my poor Spanish but I'm getting better everyday. Boca Chica is a den of thieves and you need to be very careful there. It can be exciting though. Some nice cheap chicas available but you will be hounded by vendors on the beach and beggars on the street. I met a gullible Canadian there one time and he ended up surrounded and isolated at a beach bar by 6 or 7 Dominicans and was forced to pay $60 for a cocktail. All in all it is a very stress free life here. Hope this helps.Damn good report BocaBill! And a refreshing break from the constant negativity proffered by the critical crew. Keep up the good work. Glad you are enjoying the city like I am!

01-23-17, 01:26
SD has many options for rentals. She had a nice 3 bedroom house for 350 a month. She wanted to move to a new highrise apartment for 400 a month. 900 a month is a gringo price for SD.

Damn good report BocaBill! And a refreshing break from the constant negativity proffered by the critical crew. Keep up the good work. Glad you are enjoying the city like I am!

01-23-17, 01:37
Help the guy out, tell him where the $400 apartment is. If it's in a nice section of Gazcue near Avenida Francia like the $900 "gringo price" you might have a point. Do you have a point?

SD has many options for rentals. She had a nice 3 bedroom house for 350 a month. She wanted to move to a new highrise apartment for 400 a month. 900 a month is a gringo price for SD.

01-23-17, 02:06
$500 will get a livable 2 or 3 bedroom apartment in a do it yourself building (no doorman / security or on property maintenance guy), especially west of Gomez or of course on the east side of the river. It depends on whether or not you mind Colmados and loud music. You have to pay a little extra to be on a few streets away from them.

SD has many options for rentals. She had a nice 3 bedroom house for 350 a month. She wanted to move to a new highrise apartment for 400 a month. 900 a month is a gringo price for SD.

01-23-17, 16:11
$500 - $600 will get you a ocean view apartment with 24 hour security and two covered parking spaces in Santo Domingo Este. And no motherfucker, I do not have do not have to put up with loud music or Colmados. And before one of you critical motherfuckers try to challenge my "facts" if you don't live in Santo Domingo right now you're not in the position to tell anyone anything about real estate.

You aren't going to find a market price on an apartment on the internet. What you will find is jacked up prices aimed at gringos. Want to find a good deal on an apartment in Santo Domingo? Better have boots on the ground or a lovely chica to "front" for you. Because if you don't they are going to get so deep in your ass you won't need to go for your next regular colonoscopy. Just ask them for a report. LOL!

If you must hate, don't hate the player, hate the motherfucking game, my brother.

01-24-17, 01:34
I think I mentioned you would need to be on the east side of the river to get the deal you described. We agree about that. The foul and aggressive language you used doesn't make your points more convincing. The east side is not for me but I think it's terrific that it works for others. My advice to the guy who asked for help was to use the Internet to get familiar different neighborhoods. Everyone gets to decide for themselves. To the guy who asked the questions originally, feel free to instant message me. I promise I won't curse you out.

$500 - $600 will get you a ocean view apartment with 24 hour security and two covered parking spaces in Santo Domingo Este. And no motherfucker, I do not have do not have to put up with loud music or Colmados. And before one of you critical motherfuckers try to challenge my "facts" if you don't live in Santo Domingo right now you're not in the position to tell anyone anything about real estate.

You aren't going to find a market price on an apartment on the internet. What you will find is jacked up prices aimed at gringos. Want to find a good deal on an apartment in Santo Domingo? Better have boots on the ground or a lovely chica to "front" for you. Because if you don't they are going to get so deep in your ass you won't need to go for your next regular colonoscopy. Just ask them for a report. LOL!

If you must hate, don't hate the player, hate the motherfucking game, my brother.

01-24-17, 03:19
Is $900/ month apartment furnished, can you rent 1 month at a time any furnished apartment in the same building?Yes, the apt was furnished with 2 flat screen TVs, refrig, stove, hot water heater, ceiling fans, A / C, sofa, dining table, washer / dryer. The building manager told me when I left that she has short term smaller furnished apt available if I needed it. I was surprised that I received my full deposit back. I had heard horror stories about not getting the deposit back down here. I know there are cheaper alternatives but I was pressed for time and needed to get into an apt soon. There are plenty of apt here in SD and more being built as I speak.

01-24-17, 16:27
First of all, it's not the east side. Santo Domingo is a municipality. And Santo Domingo Este is a separate municipality. Only the uninformed don't know this.

To the guy that originally asked the question, feel free to private message me if you want to know about Santo Domingo Este (The Municipality that is not for Mr. Knowledge). IMO simply saying something isn't for you does not add any useful information to the discussion. And if you want some book knowledge by all means continue to "Use the Internet to get familiar different neighborhoods" (Damn that's bad usage of the English language. But it's least it's not aggressive or profane). LOL!

I have searched for apartments in Santo Domingo proper. I have visited friends in Santo Domingo proper. And my observations are you should live in Gazcue, Naco, or Piantini, if you want to be around people that walk around with their nose in the air and think they are better than everyone else because they have a few more pesos to rub together. That's what you are really paying for over there. And if that is your personality you might think you will fit in very well over there. But don't get it twisted my brother. No matter how much money you have you will always be a gringo. And get in the wrong building and start running ho's out that place and see what the neighbors begin thinking of you. Cause they got cash over there and they could give a fuck if you do too. Add to the fact that the girls over there are stuck the fuck up. But they do have the advantage of having jobs and being in general responsible contributors to society.

Yeah man. It's nice over there. And if you got it like that the roll like a big dog my brother. I prefer being hood rich on the east side but I'm used to that kind of thing. (Soy tan barrio. I'm so hood). But don't think there are not barrios, colmados and people playing loud music over there. As much as have just painted a broad brush over an area similar to Mr. Knowledge. I know it's not all exactly the same. I've have been in barrios over there with colmados and loud music. The place where the forgotten people are making their way through life amid great wealth (no I'm not talking about the United States of America).

Read this carefully Mr. Knowledge, because this is an example of sharing information instead to just referring people to the internet which is a useless exercise. More than any other place I've ever lived it's impossible to really get a good idea of what is going in a barrio unless you are there. If you must hate my brother, don't hate the player, hate the motherfucking game!

Mr. Knowledge, on a forum with the express purpose of facilitating the exchange of information between men who are looking for sex with women, you find a bit of profanity offensive? If you want the kings English spoken to you while receiving information join a debate club. Or for that matter fuck a girl from England. Nothing like hearing dirty talk with that accent. Makes my dick hard just thinking about my experiences with that again. But I digress. Here we are Men in the Arena. We search, we approach and we fuck the pussy! I don't give a fuck if you don't like the language contained in my posts (why? Because others do). So, save yourself some grief, angst (and a possible apoplectic fit), Put me on ignore and don't read my shit!

Do you have a point?Answer you own question. Do you have a point? Do have something to contribute to this discussion that will actually increase the knowledge of the individual that is reading it?

I think I mentioned you would need to be on the east side of the river to get the deal you described. We agree about that. The foul and aggressive language you used doesn't make your points more convincing. The east side is not for me but I think it's terrific that it works for others. My advice to the guy who asked for help was to use the Internet to get familiar different neighborhoods. Everyone gets to decide for themselves. To the guy who asked the questions originally, feel free to instant message me. I promise I won't curse you out.

01-25-17, 01:16
It's OK I honestly don't mind. Thanks for the advice, I hope you carry on writing anything you like.

First of all, it's not the east side. Santo Domingo is a municipality. And Santo Domingo Este is a separate municipality. Only the uninformed don't know this.

To the guy that originally asked the question, feel free to private message me if you want to know about Santo Domingo Este (The Municipality that is not for Mr. Knowledge). IMO simply saying something isn't for you does not add any useful information to the discussion. And if you want some book knowledge by all means continue to "Use the Internet to get familiar different neighborhoods" (Damn that's bad usage of the English language. But it's least it's not aggressive or profane). LOL!

I have searched for apartments in Santo Domingo proper. I have visited friends in Santo Domingo proper. And my observations are you should live in Gazcue, Naco, or Piantini, if you want to be around people that walk around with their nose in the air and think they are better than everyone else because they have a few more pesos to rub together. That's what you are really paying for over there. And if that is your personality you might think you will fit in very well over there. But don't get it twisted my brother. No matter how much money you have you will always be a gringo. And get in the wrong building and start running ho's out that place and see what the neighbors begin thinking of you. Cause they got cash over there and they could give a fuck if you do too. Add to the fact that the girls over there are stuck the fuck up. But they do have the advantage of having jobs and being in general responsible contributors to society.

Yeah man. It's nice over there...

01-25-17, 15:15
I'm am staying there right now for a couple of weeks. Not chica friendly but the security is lax and you might be able to sneak one in. It's a be&be with mostly couples. I have the smallest room for $200/ week.I stand corrected. This morning while having breakfast this petite Haitian girl who works a few doors down comes walking out of one of the ground floor rooms. I asked one of the workers here if that isn't the girl who works nearby and he says yes. I asked what was she doing here and he says she was just have 'nightly relations' with the guy in the room. So I guess this place is chica friendly after all.

01-26-17, 04:42
$500 - $600 will get you a ocean view apartment with 24 hour security and two covered parking spaces in Santo Domingo Este. And no motherfucker, I do not have do not have to put up with loud music or Colmados. And before one of you critical motherfuckers try to challenge my "facts" if you don't live in Santo Domingo right now you're not in the position to tell anyone anything about real estate.

You aren't going to find a market price on an apartment on the internet. What you will find is jacked up prices aimed at gringos. Want to find a good deal on an apartment in Santo Domingo? Better have boots on the ground or a lovely chica to "front" for you. Because if you don't they are going to get so deep in your ass you won't need to go for your next regular colonoscopy. Just ask them for a report. LOL!

If you must hate, don't hate the player, hate the motherfucking game, my brother.Unless you are in painting or naco you will deal with loud noise eventually. Whether the colmado, idiots with loud cars and stereos, vendors yelling aguacate every 10 minutes etc. As far as market prices, you can find them online. I do it all the time. You may find "steals" or below market value by networking. Have seen that as well. Maybe you can turn it down a notch or two.

Remember there are gringos that have lived here 10,15 20 or 40 years that do not post here often. They don't need to.

01-26-17, 11:06
Why are we talking about apartment rentals in the first place? Because a member asked a question about it. Objection: Badgering the witness. Sustained. Question was asked and answered counsel. Move on!

Because this a forum for the sharing of information among men who want to have sex with woman, one might ask: Are questions about apartments a relevant discussion? Yes, it most certainly is. Logistics matter! And if the location where you live facilitates your objective of getting PoF (Panties on Floor) then an exchange of information on this subject is important.

The statements made here previously were (although representative of the writer's opinions) Santo Domingo Este was not a ideal location to live. I believe that to be incorrect. I live in Santo Domingo Este and I don't have to deal with the conditions described by others (noise). And I receive a lot more amenities than they said I would receive for the price I pay. I know people that live in other buildings in Santo Domingo Este and they don't have to live with the conditions described by others (noise). Now, I suppose that just because they said it and they have lived here longer than I have that is supposed to make what they say true. Unfortunately for them it does not. And yes my "foul and aggressive" language does not make my points any more convincing. But my "foul and aggressive" language does not invalidate my personal experiences to date.

When girls come to your apartment and use it a sanctuary away from the chaotic environment they live. When they relax and chill while having a drink with you on the balcony with their hair being blown gently by the ocean breeze. When they tell you how much they enjoy being here with you. When foreplay starts on your balcony with absolutely no effort on your part and continues to the bedroom. When all of that is in full effect. I know I have picked the right location to facilitate my PoF efforts. Of course this only works with non pros. Because the UTR's, Semi-Pros and Pros are just there for the money. Right?

You a big dog! You got it like that! Live large with the rich folks! As for me, I'm going to continue to live "hood rich" and enjoy life with my barrio chicas. But just like the real estate agent that asked me: "Why would you want to live over there?" She didn't know. But now you do. LOL!

To those who would tell me to tone things down. My question to them is: Tone down for what? To those bragging about using the internet to find apartments at market value: How about using the internet to learn how spell the neighborhood names right? About the posters who have lived here longer than I have and don't post anymore: Fuck them! If they have accumulated knowledge and are not sharing it then it's useless to me and others.

Remember, I don't have to post either. None of us do. But if you are going to post that is raining right now where I'm standing and I'm basking in sunlight I'm going to check you on it. It's rare that anyone calls into question the factual information I provide. But there always seems to be someone taking issue with how I write. A brief review of posts all over the forum will reveal that profanity and aggressive language is being used on a fairly routine basis. If I saw you posting the same thing about them and I might check myself. But I don't. That makes all you critical motherfuckers consistently inconsistent. And more importantly, irrelevant.

If you must hate my brother, don't hate the player, hate the game!

01-27-17, 14:43
January 27,2017.



Local hookers cringe as Venezuelans 'invade' market.

Santo Domingo. - The growing arrival of Venezuelan women who turn to prostitution in the country starts to concern Dominican sex workers, who complain that they "turn tricks" at below the local market price.

Women's Movement (Modemu) president and former "hooker" Jacqueline Montero said she has received complaints from former colleagues working in Santo Domingo's Malecon, that the South Americans charge as little as RD $2,500 per trick, or below the RD $3,000 which the locals usually charge the "johns" (customers).

"The Venezuelan colleagues have come to invade the market, being very elegant women, because we aren't going to take away their merits, they came with their own hair, not like us who bought it; come with their lipo (liposuction) done, came prepared and are very cute and on top of that, come with a lower cost," the activist said.

Quoted by elcaribe.com.do, Montero called on the foreigners not to "ruin the business" and charge the same price as the Dominicans. "I think the merchandise doesn't have to be so cheap. Everything has gone up, even the lemisol and the lye soap," Montero said with a laugh.

Men who've used the Venezuelan's sexual services say the foreign women, in addition to being elegant, are usually more educated and less demanding than the Dominicans.

"They look better, are more educated, don't ask for tips and don't demand other things," said a man who asked not to use his name.

They say there are pimps in the East region's tourist areas, who even take them to hotels for a price well below what the Dominican women charge.

Mr Enternational
01-27-17, 15:40
Regarding the article:

I have never had a chick on the malecon ask for 3000 pesos. Hell, I have never had one ask for 2500. Someone is lying.

Same shit I have been saying all along. Once you know the service level of hookers from other countries, you are reluctant about fucking with the lackluster service of Dominican hookers that is sure to be filled with trying to get more out of you through tips and ordering shit for you to pay for and cheating you on the time and promised service. But instead of them feeling threatened and getting their shit together by staying in shape and cutting out the shenanigans, these Dominican hookers want to encourage the new girls on the block who are playing fair, to rip tricks off the same as they do. Oh my gah!

01-27-17, 16:55
"The Venezuelan colleagues have come to invade the market, being very elegant women, because we aren't going to take away their merits, they came with their own hair, not like us who bought it; come with their lipo (liposuction) done, came prepared and are very cute and on top of that, come with a lower cost," the activist said.

I like it how the author allows, that the Venezuelans have their own hair, unlike the Dominican counterpart, which is bought and paid for.

Mr Enternational
01-27-17, 17:12
"The Venezuelan colleagues have come to invade the market, being very elegant women, because we aren't going to take away their merits, they came with their own hair, not like us who bought it; come with their lipo (liposuction) done, came prepared and are very cute and on top of that, come with a lower cost," the activist said.

I like it how the author allows, that the Venezuelans have their own hair, unlike the Dominican counterpart, which is bought and paid for.Well to me they tried to use the fact that they had to buy hair as a reason Domimicans should charge more. They either conveniently forgot that the Venezuelans had to pay for the liposuction that they mentioned, or either assumed they got it for free. Hell, the Venezuelans even had to pay to get all the way to DR, but they are still able to charge less? Everyone has their overhead costs.

D Cups
01-27-17, 17:36
I see a Venezuelan beauty when I go SD. She's 32 and stacked. I could care less about her hair. I give her 2000 P although she has never asked for money. She treats me like a porn king -- videos and all! QUOTE=Berthold;1991216"The Venezuelans. Being very elegant women.

01-27-17, 17:59
Was seeking some advice from the board. I have a trip coming up soon for 5 nights (which I plan on trying to write a detailed report this time, before all the important small details fade away) should I rent the same place or move around with the number of chicas I plan on bringing. I planned on renting an apartment instead of using a hotel.


01-27-17, 20:48
The statements made here previously were (although representative of the writer's opinions) Santo Domingo Este was not a ideal location to live. I believe that to be incorrect. I live in Santo Domingo Este and I don't have to deal with the conditions described by others (noise). And I receive a lot more amenities than they said I would receive for the price I pay. I know people that live in other buildings in Santo Domingo Este and they don't have to live with the conditions described by others (noise). Now, I suppose that just because they said it and they have lived here longer than I have that is supposed to make what they say true. Unfortunately for them it does not. And yes my "foul and aggressive" language does not make my points any more convincing. But my "foul and aggressive" language does not invalidate my personal experiences to date.First, you were posting to say that unless people live in Santo Domingo right now, they can't comment on real estate, so you were in effect saying that your opinion is more valid because you have "lived here longer". I just pointed out that if you open that door, there will always be people that have been here longer or know more. I have been here on and off for almost 20 years but know several that have been here much longer. I can tell you that if you never went to LE petit chateau, Mona Lisa, Remington palace, spa Michelle, cisne or suenos real, you missed the golden era of the DR. But guys that have been here longer joke about sitting at almost any outdoor place they could have held up one finger if they wanted one girl and two for two girls.

In the past the problem was getting them to leave not getting them to stay TLN. There was no negotiating for what you wanted. They almost all were beyond GFE.

The fact that your building is low noise does not change the fact that the vast majority of the capital is noisy and SDQ este is more noisy than Bella vista or naco for the most part. As far as spelling, auto correct changed painting to painting.

I have lived in 10 different apps down here. First few were in "aquel lado" or SDQ este. Gradually each apt moved up in "class" of neighborhood. Why? What you find as quaint and authentic at first. Waking up with roosters crowing or a beat up truck with crappy PA blasting 20 platoons 20 pesos, gets old after 10 years. After many years, you may prefer having tons of options for non plato del DIA to eat. Hanging out in barrio car washes and colmados can still be fun, but so can checking out live jazz at a nice hotel. Being with barrio chicas that think nueva you is a country and miami is in nueva yol, never gets old, but once in a while having a more intelligent conversation with a civil engineer, or lawyer. In fact you may find that with the passing of time, spending more time in middle class areas and establishments with occasional jaunts back to villa juana or villa agricola, is preferable to hanging in LOS minas why villa consuelo and once in a while going to Blue Mall.

If I had lived in isabelita for 20 years, I would likely not know that the city has more to offer than barrio joints, colmados, car washes and barrio chicas. I can still enjoy those but variety is the spice of life.

01-28-17, 01:49
The trend is nearly two years old. On the other hand, the money amounts mentioned surprised me. So, I read the original article in El Caribe. This translation is misleading. The article actually says: "Venezuelans charge as much as 2,500 pesos less than the top rate of 3,000 pesos Dominicans charge. The rest of the translation is largely accurate.

I agree with the way the writer characterized the Venezuelans women. Have fun!

January 27,2017.



Local hookers cringe as Venezuelans 'invade' market.

Santo Domingo. - The growing arrival of Venezuelan women who turn to prostitution in the country starts to concern Dominican sex workers, who complain that they "turn tricks" at below the local market price.

Women's Movement (Modemu) president and former "hooker" Jacqueline Montero said she has received complaints from former colleagues working in Santo Domingo's Malecon, that the South Americans charge as little as RD $2,500 per trick, or below the RD $3,000 which the locals usually charge the "johns" (customers)..

01-28-17, 15:10
Ok Mr. Prtyr2,

Executive summary of the conversation for those that have not been following closely:

Someone asked about prices of apartments in Santo Domingo. Knowledge posted incorrect information. I posted information that corrected him. Knowledge complained about the language in my post but did not challenge my factual information. You jumped in the side of Knowledge calling me out for my language and supporting the incorrect information Knowledge originally posted. And therefore you were wrong also. Now like a hockey player that's been checked hard into the boards you are seeing stars and want to change the subject. Fine with me!

Response to your latest post:

It's impossible for you to say why I was posting when you have failed to read or understand what I posted. At no point did I say my OPINION had more weight than anyone else's. You are attributing the tone of Mr. Knowledge's post to mine. Another incorrect assertion. My post was a response to the inaccurate post that indicated that you could only rent an apartment for amount of money the was quoted in the original post if you were Santo Domingo Este. In addition, he stated the accommodations of the apartment received would be inferior and implied (no he did not explicitly say) the renter would be living next to colmados and having to put up with loud music. I suggest you read Mr. Knowledge's post again.

Now Mr. Knowledge has bowed out of the conversation like a gentleman because he couldn't just say "My Bad" (Slang from the United States). But you jumped in trying to save Mr. Knowledge's ass by saying "Unless you are in painting (your original spelling) or naco you will deal with loud noise eventually". That statement was wrong. But you won't "man up" (more slang from the United States) about it. Now you are doing the "MJ moonwalk" thing on me. So be it. I take no issue with your new qualified statement.

Your main objection was to my language. You confirmed in your post that the factual information I provided was accurate. You then went own to outline your experiences and preferences. No one can invalidate those. I appreciate your extensive and detailed review of 20 years of living off and on in the Dominican Republic. Sounds like a book title to me. LOL! It appears that at a least one long time resident has chosen to share the extensive knowledge he has developed over the years.

I took from your post that you know a bunch of guys that like to sit around and talk about the "Golden Era of the DR". WTF? Immediately the Bruce Springsteen song "Glory Days" came to mind: "And I hope when I get old I don't sit around thinking about it, but I probably will. Yeah, just sitting back trying to recapture a little of the glory of, well time slips away and leaves you with nothing mister but boring stories of glory days. ".

I'm ROTFLMFAO! No thank you. Not for me! I'm sitting on my balcony, basking in the sunlight, having a drink and looking at the ocean. My cell phone goes off. It's my whatsapp. Some sweet twenty something wants to see me (and I know what that means). I tell her to come on over. And I'm supposed to believe that I missed the "Golden Era of the DR"? No my brother! I don't think so. LOL!

As long as smoking hot girls in their twenties are willing to give 50, 60, 70 year old men pussy then the time I'm living in right here and right now is my golden age. Tell your counsel of old men I'm not missing a thing. You can't find any posts where I'm whining like a girly man about not being able to find GFE (mine go way beyond GFE also); You can't find my posts where TLN is a problem (I have trouble getting mine to leave also). You seem like a fairly educated fellow (much more than me, you know, with your proper English and the middle class thing you got going on). Talk to them about a smart phone. Teach them how to use whatsapp and social media. And then they will see they can still, just using their finger, have the pussy come to them (roll the laugh track on that one boys).

Middle Class? That's a oxymoron if I ever heard one in the Dominican Republic. You either have money or you don't. Let me guess, your next post is going to be about the honest politicians that you hang out with. With your talk about "middle class" areas, there your go again with you biases Mr. Prtyr2 (or are they preferences? You never really make that clear). I don't know you. But just from the way you write and what you write about there is not a bit of your advice that I consider valid for me. I've already given you my opinions on those parts of the city. So I won't repeat them here. But did you ever stop to think that maybe it's because I have experienced all that I need or want to experience over there?

Because while it may have taken you 20 years to realize all the city had to offer, it's taken me less than three. I've been there and hung out in those "Middle Class" areas (your term). Tell me I don't know what it's like because I haven't lived there and I'm going to ask: "Do I need to take a bullet to know it would not be optimal for my health and well being?" And more than that, I accepted the challenge Mr. Gogo threw at me and I have traveled all over the Dominican Republic. I talk to Dominicans and they tell me I've been more places than they have on the island. Of course that depends upon who I'm talking too. Here is the simple point I have been trying to make and you don't seem to be able to get it.

If I wanted to live where you and Knowledge like to live I could have stayed the the place I grew up. That's the country with the billionaire president who's advice to young men on how to handle females is to "just grab them in the pussy" and "where it's all about the mother fucking money. " And if you think that I have formed my opinions because I don't know what it's like to live large, google "Air Force Two" and ask yourself have you flown on a plane with that call sign? Send me a PM if you want to know if I have.

So, my man. I think we have a new understanding of each other. I'll leave all those "middle class" areas for you and Knowledge. Those are your stomping grounds. And if that's how you choose / have chosen to live, that's great. I never said it wasn't nice. For me it's a great place to visit. Just wouldn't want to live there. My brother, don't paint Santo Domingo Este with a broad brush full of your biases as if there are no exceptions. Because then you are doing just what Knowledge did. Throwing up some weak shit and showing your lack of it.

First, you were posting to say that unless people live in santo domingo right now, they can't comment on real estate, so you were in effect saying that your opinion is more valid because you have "lived here longer". I just pointed out that if you open that door, there will always be people that have been here longer or know more. I have been here on and off for almost 20 years but know several that have been here much longer. I can tell you that if you never went to LE petit chateau, mona lisa, remington palace, spa michelle, cisne or suenos real, you missed the golden era of the DR. But guys that have been here longer joke about sitting at almost any outdoor place they could have held up one finger if they wanted one girl and two for two girls.

In the past the problem was getting them to leave not getting them to stay TLN. There was no negotiating for what you wanted. They almost all were beyond GFE..

01-29-17, 12:25
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01-29-17, 17:03
Ok Mr. Prtyr2,

Executive summary of the conversation for those that have not been following closely:

Someone asked about prices of apartments in Santo Domingo. Knowledge posted incorrect information. I posted information that corrected him. Knowledge complained about the language in my post but did not challenge my factual information. You jumped in the side of Knowledge calling me out for my language and supporting the incorrect information Knowledge originally posted. And therefore you were wrong also. Now like a hockey player that's been checked hard into the boards you are seeing stars and want to change the subject. Fine with me!You easily confuse opinion with fact. On average SDQ este is more noisy than Piantini, yes or no? Not talking about your legendary needle in haystack building.

Nobody gives acrap if you curse. Read your post. You sound like a typical newbie that gets all full of himself so he can belittle those with less knowledge or experience. You said only "uninformed" don't know that este is separate municipality. You wrote how anyone that doesn't currently live here as you do can not comment on real estate. I do, so I did. Name the neighborhoods you have lived in. Or is it only that one?

You now say there is no middle class? Huh? I know people that pay 3,000 pesos rent. I know others that pay 500 bucks, I know some that pay 3,000 USD per month. From my balcony I can see a torre that the penthouse rents for $7,000 per month. I pay no where near that. So enlighten us. Is $1,100 perl month poor? Is that rich? Your 500 per month place is for the "rich"?

I know couples where both work, two college professors living in LOS prides are not rich. They are also not in Simon Bolivar. They have nice cars and a nice place but no BMWs and beach homes in Juan dolio. Ask them if they are rich. They will say "middle class". I am sure they will be stunned to know that a gringo newbie has declared there is no middle class and that anyone that disagrees is wrong.

I lived in gazcue for years and never saw snobs with nose in the air as you describe. One of my fave areas of the capital. Only reason I moved was apts are on small side and it is more noisy than where I live now.

As far as sharing. I don't really monger, though I do like to head out for a few beers now and then and check here once in a while to see if there is any new info. Rarely. If I see a thread where I can add more than GBP and calle Pasteur I will. If I see people that can't find club MC, Galleros, Shylo etc, I will help if I happen to stop by. If one day someone asks about "piano bars" I know a couple that may be new to them and one that even Dominican taxi drives have no idea about. Years ago I posted a map of the gazcue area when there were more than 10 MPs within walking distance and none were clearly marked. I still get PMs from members telling me how much my info helped when they first came down.

Also, if you think I don't know how to spell Piantini you are being silly. I explained it was spell check but you continue to bring it up. You seem to have a complex where you need to be right. You have the right to your opinion, but not your own facts. Calling other opinions wrong is just plain silly.

01-29-17, 22:33
I lived in gazcue for years and never saw snobs with nose in the air as you describe. One of my fave areas of the capital. Only reason I moved was apts are on small side and it is more noisy than where I live now.OK my man. I'm glad all your experiences with the Dominican moneyed classes have been positive. Mine have not. My experiences visiting that area differ from yours. My opinion of what it would be like to live in that area is different than yours. What I have to say about it a opinion and everything you have to say about it is to be accepted as fact. Is that because you have lived here off and on for 20 years and I have not? I think not. Far from being full of myself as a "newbie" I'm simply expressing my opinions and stating the occasional fact when it is correct.

You project, through the tone your writing, that the distinct possibility exists that because I'm a "newbie" that I do not know anything compared to you. And imply that might not be able to interpret my own experiences and form my own opinions. I've never told anyone to "tone things down" or how to write. Tell me Mr. Prty2 what is your Paradigm? Share it with me. And I'll make a better effort to see things and then write about them here using your perspective on life.

Here is what I actually said:

Ill leave all those "middle class" areas for you and Knowledge. Those are your stomping grounds. And if that's how you choose / have chosen to live, that's great. I never said it wasn't nice. For me it's a great place to visit. Just wouldn't want to live there.The way I see it: you have a real problem actually reading and comprehending what I write. It might be because you are way more focused on form than substance. And you seem to be really wrapped up in this "I've lived here longer than you and know more than you" persona that you are projecting through your writing. I'm still waiting for you to point out exactly where I wrote that my opinions are more important than anyone else's. And I'm still waiting for you to point out the facts that I have stated that are incorrect.

01-30-17, 13:51
OK my man. I'm glad all your experiences with the Dominican moneyed classes have been positive. Mine have not. My experiences visiting that area differ from yours. My opinion of what it would be like to live in that area is different than yours. What I have to say about it a opinion and everything you have to say about it is to be accepted as fact. Is that because you have lived here off and on for 20 years and I have not? I think not. Far from being full of myself as a "newbie" I'm simply expressing my opinions and stating the occasional fact when it is correct..Nobody cares how long I have been here. I brought it up as you used your living here as a reason you can talk about RE and people not currently living here can't. You called anyone that didn't know este was a separate municipality "uninformed". You said you can't get fair market pricing on internet. Not true. You think Dominicans don't get the real deal pricing? Who do you think uses supercasas and corrotos? You think those sites exists to gouge uninformed gringos? Please.

Tell me old wise one, how much would a three bedroom 240 square meter apt in Bella vista go for at "market prices"? If there are dozens available at similar prices, and buildings full of people paying those prices, then that is market price. Try sending a barrio chica to "front" and get you real prices in Naco.

Your opinion is that santo Domingo este is not noisier than gazcue or piantini or naco. Your opinion is that people in gazcue that pay the same amount in rent that you do, walk around with nose in the air. Those are opinions and not facts.

02-02-17, 05:59
Apologies if this has been discussed before. I've searched rigorously on this topic to to no avail.

Can anyone provide insight into the Satisfaction Plus adult hotel in Santo Domingo?

Is it a newbies only place? How are the chicas?

I've been having a blast across the north coast and about to venture south. I speak Spanish and seasoned in the region.


02-03-17, 04:06
January 27,2017.



Local hookers cringe as Venezuelans 'invade' market.

Santo Domingo. - The growing arrival of Venezuelan women who turn to prostitution in the country starts to concern Dominican sex workers, who complain that they "turn tricks" at below the local market price.

Wait, I thought that guys were saying not too long ago that the Venezuelan women were asking and getting MORE than Dominican chicas? Not that they were going for less!

Mr Enternational
02-03-17, 05:47
Wait, I thought that guys were saying not too long ago that the Venezuelan women were asking and getting MORE than Dominican chicas? Not that they were going for less!Word is that they have been chased off to Punta Cana. I am in Santo Domingo now and was in Boca Chica earlier today looking for them in broad daylight with a flashlight and turned up empty. If anyone has the 411 on them then let me know.

02-07-17, 03:14
Went to mega centro today Santo Domingo Este! Absolutely in heaven! la Republica Dominican is the absolute.

Ass& hips \ Capitol of the world/ lots of fresh non-pros, stunning bodies, and they will talk to you!!

I see why everyone falls in love with this country! Guys if I can, you have to stop past this mall, you will absolutely be captivated!

Gave my whatsapp number to some fine tenders! Apolo taxi tarifa only about 200 pesos, buy a ice cream cone sit back and pull me over!

02-08-17, 01:24
Try the food court in the Sambil Mall, a lot of Villa Mella, Villa Juana, and Ensanche La Fe girls hang around the food court. It's on the metro line so you get a lot of traffic.

Went to mega centro today Santo Domingo Este! Absolutely in heaven! la Republica Dominican is the absolute.

Ass& hips \ Capitol of the world/ lots of fresh non-pros, stunning bodies, and they will talk to you!!

I see why everyone falls in love with this country! Guys if I can, you have to stop past this mall, you will absolutely be captivated!

Gave my whatsapp number to some fine tenders! Apolo taxi tarifa only about 200 pesos, buy a ice cream cone sit back and pull me over!

02-08-17, 04:44
Before arriving in Santo Domingo I spent a week in Sosua, Cabarete and Las Terrenas respectively with good yet mixed results. (see my trip reports).

- Sosua. Point and click.

- Cabarete. Awesome GFE gems.

- Las Terrenas. Sleepy, with a few hotties.

Santo Domingo.

Grabbed the now-old Google map and did a sweep of the listed casas. Almost all of them are now closed. WTF.

The active venues that I did make it to:

Oasis (guessing it was Baby Dolls once upon a time).

Seriously impressive lineup. Selected a shapely honey with long blonde tipped hair to join me to sit down. Turns out she speaks fluent English.

It didn't take long to get on to the topic of transaction arrangement. 4 k takeout for 2 hours. The cab driver working out the front demanded 500 pesos for the 300 metre trip to Napolitano.

She needed another 500 for the return. 5 K plus beers was outrageously steep, but worth every peso.

In my hotel she gave me a striptease before undressing me. BBJ and passionate acrobatics ensued. After the deed she hung around and we lounged, chatted for ages. She asked if she could leave eventually when I got bored.

I returned two nights later and selected a more mature lady with ample body. In house venture this time, same price. But better off minus the cab fees.

Clean rooms and towels. Overall this place is recommended.


Big reputation that didn't deliver. Lackluster semi pregnant looking women. One "fox" who tried to "seduce" me had bad body odor. Out of pure boredom I opted for a 1 k peso lap dance that was OK, lasting 2 or 3 songs. The papasan / host was a sneaky fellow akin to Fagan from Oliver Twist.

Casa Teresa.

Wonderful! The cheery staff create a great atmosphere. One of the Haitian security fellows was a laugh. Great lineup of ladies ranging from very pale, amply stacked Venezuelans to dark chocolate Haitian ladies. I took a Venezuelan and she didn't disappoint. Amazing service. I will go back.

There is a girly bar next to Hotel Napolitano. I mistakenly ventured in one evening with a date, only to find the place full of available working ladies. They all looked welcoming and pretty though.

I'll be here for another week or so. If anyone has any advice I would gladly appreciate it.


02-08-17, 17:06
I just paid a subscription, and keen to organize a meetup for members in Santo Domingo.

Send me a message and I'll co-ordinate.

Mr Enternational
02-08-17, 19:53
Out of pure boredom I opted for a 1 k peso lap dance that was OK, lasting 2 or 3 songs.Are you shitting me? Lap dances at GBP are free and you fuck for an hour for 1200 pesos. Won't find any of those fancy towels there though.

02-09-17, 03:01
LOL! That was almost as funny as a Boricua post. Nice.

Are you shitting me? Lap dances at GBP are free and you fuck for an hour for 1200 pesos. Won't find any of those fancy towels there though.

02-09-17, 16:42
I'll be here for another week or so. If anyone has any advice I would gladly appreciate it.

Thanks.Hit up Prtyr2. Tell him I recommended him. Asking about the Piano Bars in Santo Domingo. Be nice about it. And he just might help a brother out. Also, check out the hidden secret of Boca Chica. I've said this before. I don't usually monger but when I do I prefer Boca Chica. ROTFLMAO!

Always a pleasure to help a brother out!

02-10-17, 02:42
Before arriving in Santo Domingo I spent a week in Sosua, Cabarete and Las Terrenas respectively with good yet mixed results. (see my trip reports).

- Sosua. Point and click.

- Cabarete. Awesome GFE gems.

- Las Terrenas. Sleepy, with a few hotties.

Santo Domingo.

Grabbed the now-old Google map and did a sweep of the listed casas. Almost all of them are now closed. WTF.

The active venues that I did make it to:

Oasis (guessing it was Baby Dolls once upon a time).

Seriously impressive lineup. Selected a shapely honey with long blonde tipped hair to join me to sit down. Turns out she speaks fluent English.

It didn't take long to get on to the topic of transaction arrangement. 4 k takeout for 2 hours. The cab driver working out the front demanded 500 pesos for the 300 metre trip to Napolitano.

She needed another 500 for the return. 5 K plus beers was outrageously steep, but worth every peso.

In my hotel she gave me a striptease before undressing me. BBJ and passionate acrobatics ensued. After the deed she hung around and we lounged, chatted for ages. She asked if she could leave eventually when I got bored.

I returned two nights later and selected a more mature lady with ample body. In house venture this time, same price. But better off minus the cab fees.

Clean rooms and towels. Overall this place is recommended.


Big reputation that didn't deliver. Lackluster semi pregnant looking women. One "fox" who tried to "seduce" me had bad body odor. Out of pure boredom I opted for a 1 k peso lap dance that was OK, lasting 2 or 3 songs. The papasan / host was a sneaky fellow akin to Fagan from Oliver Twist.

Casa Teresa.

Wonderful! The cheery staff create a great atmosphere. One of the Haitian security fellows was a laugh. Great lineup of ladies ranging from very pale, amply stacked Venezuelans to dark chocolate Haitian ladies. I took a Venezuelan and she didn't disappoint. Amazing service. I will go back.

There is a girly bar next to Hotel Napolitano. I mistakenly ventured in one evening with a date, only to find the place full of available working ladies. They all looked welcoming and pretty though.

I'll be here for another week or so. If anyone has any advice I would gladly appreciate it.

Thanks.Good quick report. Appreciate info on locales less reported on here.

02-10-17, 17:09

Air BnB in Gazcue for six days, five nights 415.

Fly Delta for 700.

100 for 3 bottles of Johnny Walker Double Black at duty free.

45 for taxi to apartment.

5 dollars for Uber to the supermarket and back for bottled water, beer and cola.

Girl I wanted to spend the most time with (and who promised the most threesomes) doesn't show up, of course. She promises she'll bring the chica I like in the morning.


Sex with M and her big friend with the tight pussy.

Everything is thrown off by a day because of Chica lateness, so now I don't if I'll be able to see all the chicas I had lined up. Should have known better than to actually have a schedule with Dominican chicks!

So the girl I want to spend the most time with finally shows up (who I'll call M), but she brings her two ugly friends with her. Jesus. They're actually pretty cool, and I find out M likes to have the big dinosaur one eat her pussy. OK, whatever gets you going. After dinosaur cooks an excellent meal, and we drink much whiskey, Dino, M, and I go the bedroom. I told M I'd give Dino a back massage because she did such a good job cooking. I massage her while she gobbles M's pussy. Finally, after searching for hidden cameras for like 10 minutes, M starts riding the dick pretty, pretty good. I don't cum fast enough, so she asks me if I want to fuck Dinosaur. I'm drunk, and Dinosaur looks like she hasn't had dick in a long time. I hate to say it, but Dinosaur had some good-good. We actually fuck for a while, and I end up with a great nut. This is all while the third friend is chilling in the living room.

40 for two cooked meals from Super Mercado down the street.

20 for friend fee for Dinosaur.

At night, no girls I wanted were coming by, so found L on DC, wanted 75.00 plus 13.00 for taxi to come fuck. I know that's expensive, but I was drunk and didn't want to leave the apartment. As soon as she gets to the apartment, she pulled out her tits and told me to taste. Haha, tasted Leche de pechos for the first time. She managed to drink a 22 oz beer in ten minutes. Jesus, your breastfeeding still? Didn't know until she had already drank 2/3 of the beer. After downing her beer, she hurries me to the bedroom, she says she left the taxi downstairs! She gets naked (2 kids, but bodies not that bad) and starts BBJ. We start fucking, but she's asking me to leche! Leche! The entire time. Not a bad fuck, just in too much of a hurry.

Still got some better looking chicas lined up, but I'm not sure who's going to show up at what time. The best laid plans.

02-11-17, 01:14
Trust me your experience is the norm. In SD you need a backup to your back up. However it is clear you are having a great time. Having a real 3 some is pretty nice. You get big props for that. The best plan may be to schedule multiple girls to insure no down time. This contrary to Americans who are on time. I pay a 100 pesos to get to the city on a van at the air port. You should pay no more then 30 bucks in a cab. That leche popi is a serious buzz kill but is not unusual. Keep the reports coming.


Air BnB in Gazcue for six days, five nights 415.

Fly Delta for 700.

100 for 3 bottles of Johnny Walker Double Black at duty free.

45 for taxi to apartment.

5 dollars for Uber to the supermarket and back for bottled water, beer and cola.

Girl I wanted to spend the most time with (and who promised the most threesomes) doesn't show up, of course. She promises she'll bring the chica I like in the morning.


Sex with M and her big friend with the tight pussy.

Everything is thrown off by a day because of Chica lateness, so now I don't if I'll be able to see all the chicas I had lined up. Should have known better than to actually have a schedule with Dominican chicks!

So the girl I want to spend the most time with finally shows up (who I'll call M), but she brings her two ugly friends with her. Jesus. They're actually pretty cool, and I find out M likes to have the big dinosaur one eat her pussy. OK, whatever gets you going. After dinosaur cooks an excellent meal, and we drink much whiskey, Dino, M, and I go the bedroom. I told M I'd give Dino a back massage because she did such a good job cooking. I massage her while she gobbles M's pussy. Finally, after searching for hidden cameras for like 10 minutes, M starts riding the dick pretty, pretty good. I don't cum fast enough, so she asks me if I want to fuck Dinosaur. I'm drunk, and Dinosaur looks like she hasn't had dick in a long time. I hate to say it, but Dinosaur had some good-good. We actually fuck for a while, and I end up with a great nut. This is all while the third friend is chilling in the living room.

40 for two cooked meals from Super Mercado down the street.

20 for friend fee for Dinosaur.

At night, no girls I wanted were coming by, so found L on DC, wanted 75.00 plus 13.00 for taxi to come fuck. I know that's expensive, but I was drunk and didn't want to leave the apartment. As soon as she gets to the apartment, she pulled out her tits and told me to taste. Haha, tasted Leche de pechos for the first time. She managed to drink a 22 oz beer in ten minutes. Jesus, your breastfeeding still? Didn't know until she had already drank 2/3 of the beer. After downing her beer, she hurries me to the bedroom, she says she left the taxi downstairs! She gets naked (2 kids, but bodies not that bad) and starts BBJ. We start fucking, but she's asking me to leche! Leche! The entire time. Not a bad fuck, just in too much of a hurry.

Still got some better looking chicas lined up, but I'm not sure who's going to show up at what time. The best laid plans.

02-11-17, 01:17
It is a very nice apartment.


Air BnB in Gazcue for six days, five nights 415.

Fly Delta for 700.

100 for 3 bottles of Johnny Walker Double Black at duty free.

45 for taxi to apartment.

5 dollars for Uber to the supermarket and back for bottled water, beer and cola.

Girl I wanted to spend the most time with (and who promised the most threesomes) doesn't show up, of course. She promises she'll bring the chica I like in the morning.


Sex with M and her big friend with the tight pussy.

Everything is thrown off by a day because of Chica lateness, so now I don't if I'll be able to see all the chicas I had lined up. Should have known better than to actually have a schedule with Dominican chicks!.

02-11-17, 15:47
Day 3.

Woke up, walked to the pharmacy for condoms and itch cream, got tore up by mosquitoes during the night.

M writes to me and tells me her and her friend W is ready to come over. I hope this timing works out, I got some other chicas riding the bus from the country to see me.

M's friend W is really cute. They show up, and I can't wait to bone both of them. M wants a pizza so, we order Pizza Hut. After pizza and some whiskey drinks, all three of us head to the bedroom. Damn, they're both fine, but have no idea how to have a threesome, so M just let's me give W oral and fuck her for awhile before I see her watching from the doorway. "¿Estás enojado conmigo?" "No, quiero que la experimentes por ti mismo" "OK!" I can do that.

10.00 for a taxi for M and W to get the apartment. 16.00 for delivery pizza, then 10 for M and a 40 dollar fuck my friend fee.

Put off the girl coming from La Romana, told her my flight was late. Really wanted to fuck ML from up north of SD. She was late as hell, traffic was terrible for the bus she was on.

Ha, la leche materna won't stop messaging me.

So finally ML shows up, and damn, she's thick. I thought she was more light skinned from her photos, but I was dumb and didn't realize she had used filters! No worries, she still has my kind of body. We make small talk, share a beer, then it's off to the bedroom. Pretty straight forward sex, but it's nice because she's really into it. After about 15-20 minutes, she's too sore to continue, so we drink some more, then go some more. I guess I'm too drunk to bust, so we both pass out. Woke up and saw that body under the sheets, had to get some more. Gave her some oral, then missionary again. Didn't take long this time! She was happy saying, "leche, leche! Now I know there will be some sort of question about financial help, so I just preemptive strike. She says she's 3 months behind on her internet, so she needs 100 dollars! No fucking way. I give her 50 and cab fare back to the bus station.

On to the next one, and more reports to follow.

Thanks for the advice OldKool, things have actually worked out pretty well. I know I got gringo taxed on the taxi, but I was so ready to start my adventure. I know I have to start negotiating more haha! Knowledge, apartment has great view, but no A / see, so you have to keep all windows open all the time. Rained yesterday, me and the two chicas were desperately closing windows to keep rain out. Between the sliding doors and windows, there are a total 15 to close haha! Very unique apartment, but so far one of the best places I've ever stayed in Dominican, even without the A / C.

One more note, posting a pic of a really useful device if you have an iPhone and don't want to store photos in a cloud. I just insert the drive into the charging port, and I can load all my photos onto a mini 10 GB SD card! That way no chicas see photos of the the other chicas. The other end is a USB, so I can connect it to my laptop, or even a smart TV to look at the photos on the big screen.

02-11-17, 20:56
M wants a pizza so, we order Pizza Hut. You can get better pizza than Pizza Hut in Santo Domingo.

After pizza and some whiskey drinks, all three of us head to the bedroom. Damn, they're both fine, but have no idea how to have a threesome, so M just let's me give W oral and fuck her for awhile before I see her watching from the doorway. "Ests enojado conmigo?" "No, quiero que la experimentes por ti mismo" "OK!" I can do that.
Few Dominicans complete college courses in threesomes, so it could be you that has no idea. The most important thing about successful threesomes is communication. It is usually best to talk to the lead chica in advance to discuss what will be done, what turns you on the most, what turns her on, and so on. It is no good assuming the two chicas can read your mind. This pregame discussion may help to get them turned on to the idea, and you will also get some idea of what kind of inhibitions they have, and if necessary discuss how to overcome them. Hint. Money is always welcome. If the chicas are already close friends, they may be pretty reluctant to do stuff to each other, or even admit to each other that they would like to do stuff to each other, so usually you need one chica who is prepared to take the lead and the other who will go along with the program. You can tell one chica what you want her to do to the other, but this works best if the lead chica is already on board with the plan, otherwise you are going find them giggling and being very half hearted and perfunctory. The ideal is to get a girl who has strong secret lesbian tendencies and would anyway like an excuse to get into the pants of the other (straight) girl.

However, a word of warning. Threesomes can also be an opportunity for one girl to steal from your wallet while the other is thrusting her pussy in your face, so make sure you are in control of the situation and that they are really into the threesome.

02-12-17, 00:22
So the girl I want to spend the most time with finally shows up (who I'll call M), but she brings her two ugly friends with her. Jesus. They're actually pretty cool, and I find out M likes to have the big dinosaur one eat her pussy. OK, whatever gets you going. After dinosaur cooks an excellent meal, and we drink much whiskey, Dino, M, and I go the bedroom. I told M I'd give Dino a back massage because she did such a good job cooking. I massage her while she gobbles M's pussy. Finally, after searching for hidden cameras for like 10 minutes, M starts riding the dick pretty, pretty good. I don't cum fast enough, so she asks me if I want to fuck Dinosaur. I'm drunk, and Dinosaur looks like she hasn't had dick in a long time. I hate to say it, but Dinosaur had some good-good. We actually fuck for a while, and I end up with a great nut. This is all while the third friend is chilling in the living room.

At night, no girls I wanted were coming by, so found L on DC, wanted 75.00 plus 13.00 for taxi to come fuck. I know that's expensive, but I was drunk and didn't want to leave the apartment. As soon as she gets to the apartment, she pulled out her tits and told me to taste. Haha, tasted Leche de pechos for the first time. She managed to drink a 22 oz beer in ten minutes. Jesus, your breastfeeding still? Didn't know until she had already drank 2/3 of the beer. After downing her beer, she hurries me to the bedroom, she says she left the taxi downstairs! She gets naked (2 kids, but bodies not that bad) and starts BBJ. We start fucking, but she's asking me to leche! Leche! The entire time. Not a bad fuck, just in too much of a hurry.

Still got some better looking chicas lined up, but I'm not sure who's going to show up at what time. The best laid plans.Excellent report my man! That last Chica sounds like a Sosua rat. They are well know for that 'Leche papi! Leche!" bullshit, LOL.

Man, I really would love to give SD a run, but it seems like it is always some drama shit with Dominican chicks. Never had I ever had a Colombian Chica show up with two other broads unannounced or a broad tell me that her taxi is still out front! Lmao 😂.

02-12-17, 00:40
The standard response to a girl who tells you she has a taxi waiting should be "leave now, don't keep your taxi waiting". Fuck that noise, you work for your money.

Excellent report my man! That last Chica sounds like a Sosua rat. They are well know for that 'Leche papi! Leche!" bullshit, LOL.

Man, I really would love to give SD a run, but it seems like it is always some drama shit with Dominican chicks. Never had I ever had a Colombian Chica show up with two other broads unannounced or a broad tell me that her taxi is still out front! Lmao 😂..

02-12-17, 05:11
I have learned when you see the first sign of BS cut bait. Giving these girls a 2nd chances is a waste of time. I have had some very good experiences but the bad apples can ruin your trip. I let them know by my actions that they are replacable. Once they know you will walk on them their behavior gets better. SD is a great place to monger but need to know who what where and when, If not things can go south very fast. There is a learning curve everyone must go through.

The standard response to a girl who tells you she has a taxi waiting should be "leave now, don't keep your taxi waiting". Fuck that noise, you work for your money.


02-12-17, 06:01
I recently spent 5 days in Santo Domingo. I did research here and in searches online, not necessarily going just for P4P. I had a few WhatsApp numbers from Cupid, and Badoo, but ended up not making connections while there.

I am having a few persistent emails after I got back that I didn't follow up on. I intended to go to Boca Chica, maybe Juan Doiio, or even the North coast, but ended up staying in SD the whole time.

I stayed at the Maison Gautreaux, based on the rates and a few online reviews here and elsewhere. The hotel was about what I expected. Ok room, ended up being in a good location. About a block from the Melecon and as it turned out (not known to me at the time) one street away from Ave. Pasteur, close to several Casas. Also close to The Crowne Plaza and the Renaissance Hotel, with the Jaguar Casino. I had seem references to the Jaguara Hotel, but I didn't see any signs outside with this name, only the Renaissance Hotel. I saw the Jaguar name inside the hotel.

I landed about noon, got to the hotel after 1 pm, then slept a little. I walked around the Melecon, and walked into the casinos during the day. Back to the hotel, then in the early evening, I walked to Ave Independencia and manage to find the El Conde strip. If you go out of the lobby, turn left on the street, go to the first street (Ave Independencia) and take a right. It is a about a 15 minute walk to the El Conde. There were a few streetwalkers out calling to me, and I saw a few on the El Conde each night. I had one that came and sat with me and an outside cafe (more on this one later) but I was going to wait and see what else is available.

I went back to the hotel, cleaned up, and was planning to take a cab to one of the casas. While having a drink on the patio, a cutie spinner type came up to my table, started rubbing my balls, and showing me her nipples. She was pretty cute, about 5'. I think the name was Katey. We went to the room, I think 1500 pesos, or close. She had a small but round asses, about 32 B. We do CBL, multiple positions, but she kept changing positions (no English for her, not much spanish for me) After a while, I had her pull of the cover and finish me with HJ. Hard sometimes to feel anything with cover. An ok time, not remarkable and she left immediately after finish, which was ok with me. (more on her later).

The next day, I made a trip to the Spa Odesia, also called Slip on Me. I took a cab, which seem to be hard to find when you need them. About a 10 minute drive from the hotel. I got dropped off at an unassuming building, knocked on the door, and was let in. You can make an appointment, but I didn't. There was an older woman apparently running the place, she had me sit down, the brought in two girls both cute. I picked Emelie. She was petite, around 5' or shorter, and in the lineup had a pushup bra that made her boobs look full. Small, but nice ass. The pictures on the website look pretty much like her, but must have pushed those boobs up somehow for the pic. I picked the soapy massage, which was the least expensive thing on the menu. I wanted to see how it was before upgrading. This was 30 minutes, mostly standing, but very sensual. My hands could go anywhere, and she was good at teasing. She stroked me during the massage, near the end stoked to finish. I finally finished and she cleaned me up. I was hoping to see her later for Nuru, but she wasn't around. As I walked out the door, there were several other cuties.

I never saw any obvious talent at the Crown Plaza Casino. I went several nights to the Jaguara. There were some beautiful girls there. I was going to take one to the hotel one night, but she then brought her friend over, so I just left. It was a good place to hang, the girls where high quality, not sure how much to take out. The first night, I walked back to the hotel, and saw the girl from the El Conde walking near the Crown and Renaissance area. She was ok looking, it was late and I decided to take her to the hotel. We got to the room, and said she wanted to start massage. We did this for about 3 minutes, the she started wanted more money for "extras" I said, just finished the massage. She massaged for about 1 more minute, that said I need to give more money. I told her to get out, she threatened to call the police. I said " go ahead". She faked calls, I went to get someone from the front. I took her picture, which she didn't like, and said I would post it for all to see. The manage negotiated with her, I gave her 300 pesos and said to leave. She left without incident. The front desk copied her ID, not sure this hotel monitor's girls (more later). I went to sleep, and decided no more street girls, I had a similar experience in Juan Dolio a few years ago. More in Pt 2.

02-12-17, 06:40
I did some more research on the cases, I didn't realize at the time that several where right behind my hotel. I had an address for the Girl House from online search. This has a sign, Bar 21 Girlhouse, which I hadn't seen. Apparently, there are 4 or five in this block, most of these look like regular houses. It seems some of these are open at different times. When I walked in, someone there brought out two girls. This day, I selected Mia. She was about 27, short hair about 34C, 5'3" is. Nice ass, some tatts, light brown skin. 4000 pesos, supposedly for 2 hours. This seems to be the rate here. She went to change into "regular" closes. She had the college student look with glasses, short dark hair. She spoke a little English. She seemed like she was working to be semi talkative, other words, she didn't seem to be that into it.

We went to the room, she showered then got in the bed. She was a little friendlier, she started HJ to get me started. (50 something, so takes a longer) Not even CBJ but ok anyway. We did several positions, she seemed a little more into the sex. Another hard time feeling it with the cover, so finished with HJ. She went to shower, we had a little more conversation, but she left way before 2 hours, which was OK.

Late that evening, I see the girl from the first night walk by the hotel. I didn't really want to repeat, she comes over with the hard sell. I just wanted to have a drink and relax, but she kept pestering me. I finally asked her to leave, and signaled to the front decks to get her away from me. After she left, I realized my wallet wasn't in my pants. I walked back out, saw it on the patio floor, and all my $$ was missing. Luckily, credit cards, etc where still there. I had just gotten about 20 K pesos, luckily I put much of it in my room locked up, but had about $100 missing. I notified the hotel, as I looked like she was around here often, but they didn't really do anything. I thought about it later and didn't want to press the issue, since I didn't want to deal with the police. I went that evening to the Jaguara, more smoking hot girls that I saw leaving with older guys. Probably lot's of $$, but would probably be worth it. I tried to get a seat on the way to the restroom, many girls giving the eye. (again, I am 50 something, so?

The next day I took a cab to the Odesia. When I got there, it was closed! Kind of disappointing. I went back to the Girlhouse. This day, two girls again, this time Magdelena was the choice. Very pretty, short brown hair, light brown skin. About 5'4, very toned arms. As we walked to the hotel, she was very pleasant. In the room, almost GRE. BBJ, multiple positions, and she is one of the few that I get lots of feeling with the cover. We went at it about 20 minutes, she came, then so did I. A great experience finally. We snuggle in the bed, and attempted a conversation (a little English for her, very little Spanish for me). After about 20 minutes, she stared HJ, then BBBJ, DT, etc. She kept this up for at least 15 minutes, but I knew I couldn't finish until much later. I walked her back to the case, got her digits.

The next day was my last day. I was kind of torn between her and the Odesia, but went back to the spa before the flight. I made an appointment this time, and made the selection there. Sheyla was my selection this time. She wasn't as friendly as Emilie, more business like at first. I did the 1 hour Nuru this time. Sheyla looks just like the pics on the website. Kind of like Tony's sister in Scarface. Thin but shapely, about 5'6. As the massage progressed, she got more into it. Lot's of teasing, sliding her whole body over me, and down below, then finished with HJ and alternating body slides. Lasted close to the hour. The last two days were much better than the first two.

Anyway, I think that SD would offer many opportunities after multiple trips. If you want point and shoot, head to the North. The Conde was a good place to hang, good food around here and the hotel. The place across from the hotel was pretty good Not sure this hotel would be good for non pros. I am having continued contact on DC and Badoo, that is making me want to go back when I have more time. As much as I hate to say this, if it is your first time, I would pay one of the touts a few pesos to show you the cases. There are no shortage of touts that "can get you anything you want". I would have given $200 US if one of then could get me to not have anyone ask me for money, etc. As I read elsewhere, you look like a walking cash machine to most of these touts.

I also wished that I would have spent a couple of days at a beach area, I enjoyed that the last trip a few years ago. Until next time!

02-12-17, 17:04
Thanks for the report George03. Going to be in SD next weekend. I highly recommend you one of these https://www.bullhidebelts.com/collections/money-belts . I have two of those and they are first class quality. They are not cheap. I had to pay almost double with shipping and duties to Europe, but they are worth every cent.

02-12-17, 18:02
Thanks for the report George03. Going to be in SD next weekend. I highly recommend you one of these https://www.bullhidebelts.com/collections/money-belts . I have two of those and they are first class quality. They are not cheap. I had to pay almost double with shipping and duties to Europe, but they are worth every cent.You can find that stuff for a small fraction of those prices on Ebay. I had a very nice money belt given to me. It was "regifted" for some reason and wore it out because I wore it regularly instead of just for mongering trips.

I found a cheaper one on Ebay and wore it to Thailand recently. These types of things may not last as long as those expensive belts, but most of us don't need to stash money away when we are not on vacation.

Here is a good source for economical money belts:


Another option: stash money under the soles of your shoes. I wear cushioned insoles when I travel, just to spare my feet from the sudden amount of walking that I do. Those can be easily taken in and out. When I got to Medellin last Spring, there was no safe in my hotel room. So, I found the most field expedient stash to be under my insoles. Just don't lose your shoes!

Another option that is very 3rd world if you have access to someone with sewing skills. Sew the money in a stash inside your pants. I met a Brazilian guy who told me a story about his first visit to the US. His mother insisted on sewing his money inside his slacks, via a special pocket in the pants. But she also sewed sewed it completely closed, so you he needed scissors or a knife to remove the stitches and get the money out. When he got to immigration, they asked if he could show funds to cover the duration of his stay. He told the officer they were inside his pants and he couldn't remove the money without taking off his pants. He is promptly taken aside to a room with a few immigration officers, where he needs to remove his pants. For obvious reasons, they wouldn't give him a knife but they gave him some scissors, with which he was able to remove the cash. The officers were amazed by this, but satisfied and they left him go. Next visit, he did not let his mother near his cash. However, it does make me wonder if a special hidden pants pocket, with a bottom flap or velcro patch to close it up would be a good idea. Just don't lose your pants!

02-12-17, 18:12
You can get better pizza than Pizza Hut in Santo Domingo.
Your pizza comment made me chortle. I came of age with regards to pizza in Italy and to me it still represents the best, from the pizza with say eggplant or zucchini etc, all the way to nothing but a bit of mozzarella and rosemary. In the US, I could barely get me to eat the shyte that used to pass for pizza and which mercifully changed in the last 20 years, I mean no one knew of thin crusts, which is the predominant form in Italy and Germany. Another place with great pizza.

Digressions apart, I once took a girl from Santiago to a great pizza place. It being owned by an Italian, had what I called a "pizza" but then I soon realized that the girl's idea of a pizza is the Dominican one. And an American one. Pepperoni (stuff unknown in Italy), in addition to corn. I realized that it was not such a great idea to pay a fancy price when a regular "NY" pizza would do. The idea of going to a place like Dominos or Pizza Hut is more than the pizza itself, it is an event which I think is more important for these women, understandably.

Mr Enternational
02-12-17, 18:37
Also close to The Crowne Plaza and the Renaissance Hotel, with the Jaguar Casino. I had seem references to the Jaguara Hotel, but I didn't see any signs outside with this name, only the Renaissance Hotel. I saw the Jaguar name inside the hotel.
The Renaissance is known as Jaragua. It was the original name of the place long ago before Ramada bought it. Be careful because there is a Jaguar hotel around the corner.

Mr Enternational
02-12-17, 18:50
I went back to the Girlhouse. This day, two girls again, this time Magdelena was the choice.What time is it that you are going to Girlhouse? The strip clubs don't get started until night. It seems you are going in the day when they are closed and they are just bringing out a couple of the girls from the back that sleep on premises. When you go in at normal hours there is loud music, flashing lights, a bartender, and a ton of girls in bikinis swarm you and surround you hoping to get picked.

02-12-17, 19:18
Thanks for the report George03. Going to be in SD next weekend. I highly recommend you one of these https://www.bullhidebelts.com/collections/money-belts . I have two of those and they are first class quality. They are not cheap. I had to pay almost double with shipping and duties to Europe, but they are worth every cent.I usually wear a pair of gym shorts with a zipper pocket underneath my pants to put most of the cash. I thought the cargo shorts were ok, but just got careless!

02-12-17, 19:20
The Renaissance is known as Jaragua. It was the original name of the place long ago before Ramada bought it. Be careful because there is a Jaguar hotel around the corner.Yes, I just mentioned in the report that I didn't see that name (Jaragua, which I may have misspelled) outside the hotel. I only saw that name inside.

02-12-17, 19:22
What time is it that you are going to Girlhouse? The strip clubs don't get started until night. It seems you are going in the day when they are closed and they are just bringing out a couple of the girls from the back that sleep on premises. When you go in at normal hours there is loud music, flashing lights, a bartender, and a ton of girls in bikinis swarm you and surround you hoping to get picked.I went during the day, around 2 pm. I just went to the back. The house in front didn't look too big, so not sure what was inside. There were other places on the street the touts would try to get me into at night.

02-13-17, 01:04
Great information, thank you for taking the time to do it. My opinion about touts is they will increase the cost of everything you do. Also, they have nothing to offer that is not also available to you here. Use the GPS and search engine on your phone along with the information here, and you will know more than the touts do.

I did some more research on the cases, I didn't realize at the time that several where right behind my hotel. I had an address for the Girl House from online search. This has a sign, Bar 21 Girlhouse, which I hadn't seen. Apparently, there are 4 or five in this block, most of these look like regular houses. It seems some of these are open at different times. When I walked in, someone there brought out two girls. This day, I selected Mia. She was about 27, short hair about 34C, 5'3" is. Nice ass, some tatts, light brown skin. 4000 pesos, supposedly for 2 hours. This seems to be the rate here. She went to change into "regular" closes. She had the college student look with glasses, short dark hair. She spoke a little English. She seemed like she was working to be semi talkative, other words, she didn't seem to be that into it.

We went to the room, she showered then got in the bed. She was a little friendlier, she started HJ to get me started. (50 something, so takes a longer) Not even CBJ but ok anyway. We did several positions, she seemed a little more into the sex. Another hard time feeling it with the cover, so finished with HJ. She went to shower, we had a little more conversation, but she left way before 2 hours, which was OK.

Late that evening, I see the girl from the first night walk by the hotel. I didn't really want to repeat, she comes over with the hard sell. I just wanted to have a drink and relax, but she kept pestering me. I finally asked her to leave, and signaled to the front decks to get her away from me. After she left, I realized my wallet wasn't in my pants..

02-13-17, 01:15
There is an easy way to prevent getting your wallet picked. Never let women close enough to touch your private parts when you are in outdoors. Women who try to do it are often up to no good. Dominican are generally very shy about public displays of affection, unless they are professional thieves.

You can find that stuff for a small fraction of those prices on Ebay. I had a very nice money belt given to me. It was "regifted" for some reason and wore it out because I wore it regularly instead of just for mongering trips.

I found a cheaper one on Ebay and wore it to Thailand recently. These types of things may not last as long as those expensive belts, but most of us don't need to stash money away when we are not on vacation.

Here is a good source for economical money belts:


Another option: stash money under the soles of your shoes. I wear cushioned insoles when I travel, just to spare my feet from the sudden amount of walking that I do. Those can be easily taken in and out. When I got to Medellin last Spring, there was no safe in my hotel room. So, I found the most field expedient stash to be under my insoles. Just don't lose your shoes!

Another option that is very 3rd world if you have access to someone with sewing skills. Sew the money in a stash inside your pants. I met a Brazilian guy who told me a story about his first visit to the US. His mother insisted on sewing his money inside his slacks, via a special pocket in the pants. But she also sewed sewed it completely closed, so you he needed scissors or a knife to remove the stitches and get the money out. When he got to immigration, they asked if he could show funds to cover the duration of his stay. He told the officer they were inside his pants and he couldn't remove the money without taking off his pants. He is promptly taken aside to a room with a few immigration officers, where he needs to remove his pants. For obvious reasons, they wouldn't give him a knife but they gave him some scissors, with which he was able to remove the cash. The officers were amazed by this, but satisfied and they left him go. Next visit, he did not let his mother near his cash. However, it does make me wonder if a special hidden pants pocket, with a bottom flap or velcro patch to close it up would be a good idea. Just don't lose your pants!

02-13-17, 14:17
Same girl who behind close door will lick every part of you body will be hard press to give you a hug in public. It is just there culture.

There is an easy way to prevent getting your wallet picked. Never let women close enough to touch your private parts when you are in outdoors. Women who try to do it are often up to no good. Dominican are generally very shy about public displays of affection, unless they are professional thieves.

Coole Mr
02-13-17, 15:04
Anyone know the most economical way to get from Las Americas airport to Metro bus station in Downtown Santo Domingo. Do I have any options other than a taxi.


02-13-17, 15:40
Same girl who behind close door will lick every part of you body will be hard press to give you a hug in public. It is just there culture.I don't think this is part of the culture. Dominican girlfriends will hug their men and other women in public. What you are seeing is a reluctance to publicly admit they are in a sexual relationship with an older foreigner because it marks them as probably prostitutes.

02-14-17, 04:20

Uber now accepts cash in Santo Domingo.

Anyone know the most economical way to get from Las Americas airport to Metro bus station in Downtown Santo Domingo. Do I have any options other than a taxi.


02-14-17, 04:23
You are correct about public displays of affection with friends and lovers. I was referring to women who grab at your dick in public or hug you when they met you five minutes ago.

I don't think this is part of the culture. Dominican girlfriends will hug their men and other women in public. What you are seeing is a reluctance to publicly admit they are in a sexual relationship with an older foreigner because it marks them as probably prostitutes.

02-14-17, 05:02
There is a publico in the drop off area of the airport upstairs. Locals who work at the airport use them to get back and forward. Go upstairs and exit to the left. There is currency exchange that give excellent rates upstairs. While downstairs you can buy or get minutes for any DR phone you have. The van is usually about 50 yards back. The cost is a 100 pesos to go to downtown SD. At the last stop are cabs that will take you to metro or Caribe for 300 pesos. The van has no signs so you got be observant. I feel like I am stealing when I use it.

Anyone know the most economical way to get from Las Americas airport to Metro bus station in Downtown Santo Domingo. Do I have any options other than a taxi.


02-14-17, 05:32
Request for info. What venues are in operation in SD?

I've been past most establishments in maps / listed here and various site and found only Roxy (next to Nepolitano), Foxy's, Oasis and Teresa to be in operation.

Any insights would help.


02-14-17, 12:29
There is a publico in the drop off area of the airport upstairs. Locals who work at the airport use them to get back and forward. Go upstairs and exit to the left. There is currency exchange that give excellent rates upstairs. While downstairs you can buy or get minutes for any DR phone you have. The van is usually about 50 yards back. The cost is a 100 pesos to go to downtown SD. At the last stop are cabs that will take you to metro or Caribe for 300 pesos. The van has no signs so you got be observant. I feel like I am stealing when I use it.I took the van once when I had time and was curious about it. The location of last stop is very inconvenient. I took a cab but it took some time to find one. One American passenger offered extra money to van driver to take him to his hotel after last stop. I would strongly suggest to do the same and offer driver extra money to take you to Metro or Caribe.

Charles Pooter
02-14-17, 14:31
I took the van once when I had time and was curious about it. The location of last stop is very inconvenient. I took a cab but it took some time to find one. One American passenger offered extra money to van driver to take him to his hotel after last stop. I would strongly suggest to do the same and offer driver extra money to take you to Metro or Caribe.Good advice, Ozzie. Please email me as my phone is malfunctioning.

02-15-17, 02:36
Just take an uber. It will cost 1200 to 1500 pesos from the airport to Metro on Churchill or Caribe Tour on 27 Feb. Anyone who is sweating 1,000 pesos should skip a trip and save enough so it won't matter. It's basically safe to use the van but not as safe as a private car with a driver whose ID and photo you have in advance. I don't know why anyone would get in the van with luggage and possibly a lot of cash.

I took the van once when I had time and was curious about it. The location of last stop is very inconvenient. I took a cab but it took some time to find one. One American passenger offered extra money to van driver to take him to his hotel after last stop. I would strongly suggest to do the same and offer driver extra money to take you to Metro or Caribe.