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06-09-09, 06:43
Tip included in chica beer $. Is the chica mixed drink like tequila $$?

Is the potato chip scam the one the waiter brings to your table when you did not order any?
Watch out with the hard liquor trick for the girl, when I ordered a beer, don't let the girls order hard liquor like tequila etc, it cost more money like $8 if I'm not mistaking?

06-09-09, 08:07
What's with all the use of dollars signs? $$
It's only confusing me while I try to read!

Is the potato chip scam the one the waiter brings to your table when you did not order any?
Watch out with the hard liquor trick for the girl, when I ordered a beer, don't let the girls order hard liquor like tequila etc, it cost more money like $8 if I'm not mistaking?

Yes, that is the potato chip scam. I had it done to me at Tropical bar. I just told the guy I wasn't going to pay for them. He stood there holding them out to me hoping I'd change my mind. I didn't. He took them back and charged only for the drinks. The chips where like $4 dollars extra.

You don't let the girl order hard liquor? I hate to think how that scene plays out. How do you do it, and what does the girl say when you stop her order?

Sgt Perv
06-09-09, 15:22
you don't let the girl order hard liquor? i hate to think how that scene plays out. how do you do it, and what does the girl say when you stop her order? first insist on being a "gentleman"(not a fool) and insist on doing all the ordering that she expects you to pay for.

if you need her to translate for you, she can translate after you give the order to the waiter.

the scam on the drinks is to keep the chica sober and empty as much money as possible from your wallet.

you are not buying the chica a drink, you are renting her time.

clubs want their chicas to remain sober for obvious reasons.

no way can a chica drink all those drinks and remain sober, so drink scams happen.

sealed bottles-drinks are spilled or taken away early.

mixed drinks-only 1/4 shot poured on the top so if you taste or smell it seems like a legit drink (most popular and profitable for chica and club). takes 12 or more for the chica to be even slightly effected.

the chica will tell you (if caught) she is on medicine so can not drink alcohol.

shots-not a real shot. same as mixed drinks except for the medicine excuse will not work. shots are the fastest way to fleece you. either by another shot or a request for a chaser drink. if she can get you to buy shots and drinks, she has you right where she wants you.

remember while she is drinking basically nothing, you are drinking the real stuff. the more she gets you to drink the more advantage she has.

club and chica goal is to drink at the most 1/4 shot worth of any drink purchase and to get to the next drink as soon as possible.

mixed drinks and shots cost more than beer.

tell her you will buy a beer only if you want to rent her time (why pay more). tell her you will only buy another when you see her actually drink all the drink you bought her.

waiters watch for you to turn your head so they can grab her not empty bottle. they like to wrap their drinks with some thing so that you can not tell how much drink they have left. i, myself, carry a wrap around cooler. not only does it keep my drink cold but it makes it very hard to see how much is left and prevents "accidental" pick up from waiter (i most always keep a hand on it too) i like to have fun and watch the waiter who is watching me (not obviously) and when he makes his move i pick her drink up and look at it. it is funny to see their reaction (they are like shit! i can not do it now).

the chicas will place their drinks at the edge of the table to help in the quick pick-up. i like to have the chica keep her drink towards the middle of the table away from the edge (i tell her so she/or someone walking by, will not accidentally spill it). if you know what to watch for, it is hard (not impossible) to be fooled more than you want to be fooled.

these drink scams are standard, basic and employed at most strip club subculture environments.

i have skipped a few scams but you can see how the game is played.

scams sometimes use speed to work well so keep things at a slow pace so you can ingest all that is going on around you, no hurry because you will get laid and there is no sense in getting fucked in the process.

editor's note: i would suggest that the author or another forum member consider posting a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Sgt Perv
06-09-09, 17:13
I skipped the ice scam but decided to add it.

They fill the mixed drink glass with so much ice that it has very little liquid.

Makes for a fast finish of the drink.

Ladies will want a new drink because hers is watery now.

Many drink scams used by the clubs to separate you from your money.

Sealed bottle beer is sometimes old beer (stale) ready to be destroyed, they slip it in every now and then.

Mixed drinks are made like chica drinks (except you get half a shot poured on top) after your first drink with a lot of ice (they save on alcohol and you buy more drinks). The initial sip shocks your taste buds.

If there is a will, there is a scam.

All complaints have to be made right away[before waiter leaves (I like to sample before I tip)] or it will be dismissed as false.

If they suspect you are watching for the scam, most times they will try it with someone else.

Some scam can not be altered, so you have to avoid or not repeat your scammed order.

Being drunk in a club is like bending over and spreading your cheeks for the scam artist.

I have learned to do my main drinking outside the zona and in my room.

I buy only beer or water in the zona, nothing that is not sealed.

06-10-09, 05:56
$ 1 to 9 USD
$$ 10 to 99 USD
$$$ 100 to 999 USD

Save 10 to 15% in some cases by using MEX, lots of change to manage.

What's with all the use of dollars signs? $$
It's only confusing me while I try to read!

Yes, that is the potato chip scam. I had it done to me at Tropical bar. I just told the guy I wasn't going to pay for them. He stood there holding them out to me hoping I'd change my mind. I didn't. He took them back and charged only for the drinks. The chips where like $4 dollars extra.

You don't let the girl order hard liquor? I hate to think how that scene plays out. How do you do it, and what does the girl say when you stop her order?

06-10-09, 06:08
Extra tipping during the dance ($$). Being sober at the club helps understand the day scam with the particular server or combination.

I skipped the ice scam but decided to add it.

They fill the mixed drink glass with so much ice that it has very little liquid.

Makes for a fast finish of the drink.

Ladies will want a new drink because hers is watery now.

Many drink scams used by the clubs to separate you from your money.

Sealed bottle beer is sometimes old beer (stale) ready to be destroyed, they slip it in every now and then.

Mixed drinks are made like chica drinks (except you get half a shot poured on top) after your first drink with a lot of ice (they save on alcohol and you buy more drinks). The initial sip shocks your taste buds.

If there is a will, there is a scam.

All complaints have to be made right away[before waiter leaves (I like to sample before I tip)] or it will be dismissed as false.

If they suspect you are watching for the scam, most times they will try it with someone else.

Some scam can not be altered, so you have to avoid or not repeat your scammed order.

Being drunk in a club is like bending over and spreading your cheeks for the scam artist.

I have learned to do my main drinking outside the zona and in my room.

I buy only beer or water in the zona, nothing that is not sealed.

06-10-09, 11:46
That's some good intel Private Perv.

I honestly don't care that the drinks are watered down for the chicas. That's better for them actually. I talk to the one of the girls about the drink being watered down. She admitted they where and that she preferred it that way because she didn't want to get drunk. Her daily drink quota is a minimum of 20 drinks, which is a lot. I agree that they should be watered down. And I don't mind buying the chicas a drink. I just don't like paying an arm and a leg for them. Chica ficha drinks cost more than buying a drink for yourself.

Sgt Perv
06-10-09, 15:17
$ 1 to 9 USD
$$ 10 to 99 USD
$$$ 100 to 999 USD

Save 10 to 15% in some cases by using MEX, lots of change to manage.Actually:Abbreviations List

$ $100
$$ $200
$$$ $300
$$$.5 $350 (get it?)

Changing or making up your own abbreviations is confusing.

Jackson already has a list of abbreviations we all try to follow and refer to when one pops up we do not understand.

If you must make one up (not already covered) , say what it means in the beginning .

Sgt Perv
06-10-09, 16:06
She admitted they where and that she preferred it that way because she didn't want to get drunk. Her daily drink quota is a minimum of 20 drinks, which is a lot. I agree that they should be watered down. And I don't mind buying the chicas a drink. I just don't like paying an arm and a leg for them. Chica ficha drinks cost more than buying a drink for yourself.The whole point of the intel is that you are not going to get them drunk to the point of getting more.

You are only renting their time.

You will get laid as soon as you pony up the arriba pesos.

Yes, sometimes one drink gets you a lower price (and better feel for her) but the rest are just pesos for her time.

One drink is suppose to be about 10- 15 min of her time.

If that is what you want ,then cool you know the deal.

Do the math(Efjayel this is where you take off your shoes, leave your zipper up because we are only going to20 :D) if the fisca quota is 20 then she spends 3 1/2-5 hours sitting on her money maker.

This is a great incentive for her to go with the drink scams.

Ok Efjayel put your shoes back on, I threw in some division just to screw with you and I hope you did not hurt yourself. :D

Extra tipping during the dance ($$).I do not consider that a scam.

You are not being fooled/mislead.

You touch ,you pay! Simple.

I do use the 10 peso instead of a US dollar.

I touched,I paid and now it is on her to deal with the coin.

06-10-09, 17:20
Great obervation. What happens when the quota is not meet? Pay the house?

Twenty drink would in the $140 to 160 range per night, Chica fischa drink at $7 to $8.

That's some good intel Private Perv.

I honestly don't care that the drinks are watered down for the chicas. That's better for them actually. I talk to the one of the girls about the drink being watered down. She admitted they where and that she preferred it that way because she didn't want to get drunk. Her daily drink quota is a minimum of 20 drinks, which is a lot. I agree that they should be watered down. And I don't mind buying the chicas a drink. I just don't like paying an arm and a leg for them. Chica ficha drinks cost more than buying a drink for yourself.

Country John
06-10-09, 17:53
That's some good intel Private Perv.

I honestly don't care that the drinks are watered down for the chicas. That's better for them actually. I talk to the one of the girls about the drink being watered down. She admitted they where and that she preferred it that way because she didn't want to get drunk. Her daily drink quota is a minimum of 20 drinks, which is a lot. I agree that they should be watered down. And I don't mind buying the chicas a drink. I just don't like paying an arm and a leg for them. Chica ficha drinks cost more than buying a drink for yourself.

Remember this mongers: You are not "buying them a drink." You are buying their TIME in the booth. They are not going to sit and play grab-ass with you if you don't buy them a drink; you are paying $8 for however much TIME it takes for the girl to finish the drink. Some finish it in 3 minutes, some take a bit longer. You have that long to figure out if you want to session the girl but you might want to take a second look before handing over your hard earned money for a watered down ficha.

Buy the girl a drink if you want to spend TIME in the booth with her. Don;t buy her a drink if you are NOT interested in spending TIME with her.

Drink equals TIME. Some girls drink faster than others. She has a quota, she doesn't care who buys the drink, as long as she has the NEXT one on the way too.

Country John

Sgt Perv
06-10-09, 18:26
Great obervation. What happens when the quota is not meet? Pay the house?

Twenty drink would in the $140 to 160 range per night, Chica fischa drink at $7 to $8.Most clubs have a combination plan.

Each club is different and plan could change at managements will.

Combination plans vary but here is an example for conversation only.

20 drink quota for example.

One private dance would equal 2 drinks.

One arriba would equal 4 drinks.

Combination does not take into effect unless four real drinks are made.

If quota is not made ,at end of night chica will owe the remainder to the club (club cut of the drink only).

This keeps the chicas working and not just sitting on their asses ignoring customers.
OK I managed a strip club in the US for a 6 month time (it is not the fantasy job it might seem). We used some of the scams and plans as normal business practice.
If you think managing a strip bar is a fantasy job, just think of 15 women being on the rag with you behind the scene with each demanding to be special. I even taught some, bs lines to feed the customers and then hear them laugh how easy it worked.
You have to fine the girls to keep them acting right.

Fine them for being late to dance/work( the irritating lag between dancers).

If you watch the customers, when there is a lag between dances, guys look at their watches and then some leave(late dancer cost club some money).

Fine them for being to long on a drink.

Fine them for not showing up to work.

Fine them for being a biotch around the customers or fighting in dressing room.

Fine them for having a boyfriend/husband in the club (customer safety).

If you let up on the fining the girls will take over and ruin your business.

So I kinda know what to watch for but each place has its own local flair and twist to the scam.

Member #4450
06-10-09, 22:42
One drink is suppose to be about 10- 15 min of her time.

That I didn't know?
So a drink is good for 15 minutes then game is over deposit more quarters to play again with pussy just like a pinball LOL!

BTW, I had some smart ass AB girls trying to distract me when buying drinks and getting tequila drinks for more money so be alert!
Also I had a girl went to 2 beers in 20 min and then ask me for a third one in less than half hour and i politely refused and she got up and left my table, she was a real greed B..ch.

06-11-09, 01:16
That I didn't know?

So a drink is good for 15 minutes then game is over deposit more quarters to play again with pussy just like a pinball LOL!

BTW, I had some smart ass AB girls trying to distract me when buying drinks and getting tequila drinks for more money so be alert!

Also I had a girl went to 2 beers in 20 min and then ask me for a third one in less than half hour and i politely refused and she got up and left my table, she was a real greed B..ch.10-15 minutes is what it should be if she is fair, but if the chica finishes it in 3, the waiters will not allow her to sit there with you for the remaining time you think you rented without buying another drink.

Sgt Perv
06-11-09, 01:40
That I didn't know?

So a drink is good for 15 minutes then game is over deposit more quarters to play again with pussy just like a pinball LOL!

BTW, I had some smart ass AB girls trying to distract me when buying drinks and getting tequila drinks for more money so be alert!

Also I had a girl went to 2 beers in 20 min and then ask me for a third one in less than half hour and I politely refused and she got up and left my table, she was a real greed B. Ch.Business

It is all about business.

Time rule varies for many reason such as:

1.) How busy the place is at the time.

2.) Is the guy being an asshole.

3.) Does she feel another drink is coming or any other money making deal.
4.) Has she spotted another mark yet.

She is there to make money. Period!

The clubs have her there to make them money. Period!

The chicas will scam the club if she is not watched, for example a chica could ask for cash from you to sit longer. This saves you money, she still makes money but the club loses money.

She might suck that first drink down like you wish she would on your Mr. Happy and then promise to take a long time on the next drink.

Around the 30 min mark (10-15 min per drink) she will ask for the third.

Even though she sucked that first one down in under 5 she was with you 25 min on the second. A lot of guys fall for it order a third thinking it will be like the second because she likes him. Wrong!

A smart chica will ask for a "shot" (10-15 min) also on the third and if you buy it she will sit with you 30 min on the "3rd" drink. Guy thinks 'she really likes me she stayed 30 min on the "3rd"drink too, plus she says she is staying longer then she is supposed to'. Wrong!

Can I have a fourth now and how about a shot.

You are now a shot buyer and she now expect it "if you really like her".

Do you see how it is going? You are not beating the time rule actually.

Having been on the other side of the business it is real hard for me to stay in a club and watch all this playing out for more than a hour at a time.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

06-11-09, 05:31
Who is hot at HK or AB?

Am I at the right club?

Never let the girl loose face - CJ
Remember this mongers: You are not "buying them a drink." You are buying their TIME in the booth. They are not going to sit and play grab-ass with you if you don't buy them a drink; you are paying $8 for however much TIME it takes for the girl to finish the drink. Some finish it in 3 minutes, some take a bit longer. You have that long to figure out if you want to session the girl but you might want to take a second look before handing over your hard earned money for a watered down ficha.

Buy the girl a drink if you want to spend TIME in the booth with her. Don;t buy her a drink if you are NOT interested in spending TIME with her.

Drink equals TIME. Some girls drink faster than others. She has a quota, she doesn't care who buys the drink, as long as she has the NEXT one on the way too.

One drink is suppose to be about 10- 15 min of her time. SP

20 drinks x $8 = 160 house split (50%?) Girl gross take is eighty (80) dollars for 8 hr shift or ten dollars per hour. An hour is equal to a dance (5 - 6 minutes ?) or 2 drinks (6 minutes ?) or one casa trip in three hours.

Client time would be in actual fraction of an hour since more time is spent marketing (90% plus). Typical client in $$$ range in an hour unless nursing his or her beer or water.

To stay in the $$ range and go in standard full swing one would have less than 32 minutes? at HK or 38 minutes at AB to activate and the pick may be a super model in looks. No chica drinks or drinks in the room.

Einstein would have tough time understanding the HK's inner law of physics and gravity but would have noticed the cash loss in relative time. Einstein knew many pretty women.

Most clubs have a combination plan.

Each club is different and plan could change at managements will.

Combination plans vary but here is an example for conversation only.

20 drink quota for example.

One private dance would equal 2 drinks.

One arriba would equal 4 drinks.

Combination does not take into effect unless four real drinks are made.

If quota is not made ,at end of night chica will owe the remainder to the club (club cut of the drink only).

This keeps the chicas working and not just sitting on their asses ignoring customers.
OK I managed a strip club in the US for a 6 month time (it is not the fantasy job it might seem). We used some of the scams and plans as normal business practice.
If you think managing a strip bar is a fantasy job, just think of 15 women being on the rag with you behind the scene with each demanding to be special. I even taught some, bs lines to feed the customers and then hear them laugh how easy it worked.
You have to fine the girls to keep them acting right.

Fine them for being late to dance/work( the irritating lag between dancers).

If you watch the customers, when there is a lag between dances, guys look at their watches and then some leave(late dancer cost club some money).

Fine them for being to long on a drink.

Fine them for not showing up to work.

Fine them for being a biotch around the customers or fighting in dressing room.

Fine them for having a boyfriend/husband in the club (customer safety).

If you let up on the fining the girls will take over and ruin your business.

So I kinda know what to watch for but each place has its own local flair and twist to the scam.

Safety Concern .08% VOA
Originally Posted by Efjayel
That's some good intel Private Perv.

I honestly don't care that the drinks are watered down for the chicas. That's better for them actually. I talk to the one of the girls about the drink being watered down. She admitted they where and that she preferred it that way because she didn't want to get drunk. Her daily drink quota is a minimum of 20 drinks, which is a lot. I agree that they should be watered down. And I don't mind buying the chicas a drink. I just don't like paying an arm and a leg for them. Chica ficha drinks cost more than buying a drink for yourself.

Sgt Perv
06-11-09, 06:02
I would respond but even though I am completely sober, I am so confused , I have no idea what the hell you are trying to say or imply.

All the $ signs are not helping.

Am I the only one here that really cannot understand what he is trying to convey with his post?

06-11-09, 07:40
The whole point of the intel is that you are not going to get them drunk to the point of getting more.

You are only renting their time.

You will get laid as soon as you pony up the arriba pesos.

Yes, sometimes one drink gets you a lower price (and better feel for her) but the rest are just pesos for her time.

One drink is suppose to be about 10- 15 min of her time.

If that is what you want ,then cool you know the deal.

Do the math(Efjayel this is where you take off your shoes, leave your zipper up because we are only going to20 :D) if the fisca quota is 20 then she spends 3 1/2-5 hours sitting on her money maker.

This is a great incentive for her to go with the drink scams.

Ok Efjayel put your shoes back on, I threw in some division just to screw with you and I hope you did not hurt yourself. :D

No, but it did give me a headache. :(
20 drink quota is a lot. When she told me this, I was surprised and responded just the same. Follow up questions ensued. She also told me that if the quota is not met, she is required to pay it out of her own pocket. But on certain days like slow days, they will over look it.

Remember this mongers: You are not "buying them a drink." You are buying their TIME in the booth.

Yeah, I guess I always knew that. I preffer to get to know the chica before going upstairs and to do so, I HAVE TO buy them a drink so I get the chance to get a feel of them and feel them up as well. lol.

Have a conversation and view body language. Those are good indicators of how they will perform upstairs. Although most new girls I try out are already dragging me upstairs before they finish their drinks. Only two or three sips at the most.

They are being watched as well when spending their time with you. I've had girls who I was having a great conversation with just get up and leave after being signaled by someone working at the club. One girl did this before she even finished her drink. When I talked to her later, she told me she got in trouble because she was spending too much time with me and not going upstairs or ordering more drinks. They obviously enforce a time limit for each drink.

Safety Concern .08% VOA

What? Also, can you please stop with the use of the dollar signs already?

I would respond but even though I am completely sober, I am so confused , I have no idea what the hell you are trying to say or imply.

All the $ signs are not helping.

Am I the only one here that really cannot understand what he is trying to convey with his post?

lol. Exactly what I was thinking.

Sgt Perv
06-11-09, 09:10
No, but it did give me a headache. :(Ever notice how the chica drinks her drink?

The booze in her drink floats on top like a oil slick if made right.

She drinks through a straw.

She is drinking from the bottom of the glass where the booze is not.

She will drink until she first tastes the alcohol and sometimes you can see it on her face( yuk look).

She is done with the drink and consumed almost none of the booze.

She will claim what is left is water will you buy her another.

You can tell about how much alcohol is in a drink by watching the ice.

The more alcohol the faster the ice melts, chica ice last forever lol

06-11-09, 14:19
I think I would call bs on the drink quota they are just trying to get the most out of you they can.

06-11-09, 15:15
$ Abbreviation
Single $ is one (1) to 9 (9) US dollars for drinks, tips, chips and e.t.c.
Double $$ is 10 to 99 US dollars for play
Triple $$$ 100 to 999 US dollars for unlimited single play
Quad $$$$ 1000 to 9999 US dollars for group party or single party for long time.

For example:
One double Max ($$) at HK or AB is worth atleast three (3) SW
One Triple Max ($$$) is few at HK and a lot of SW (30).
One Quad Max ($$$$) everyone in the house is happy.

I would respond but even though I am completely sober, I am so confused , I have no idea what the hell you are trying to say or imply.

All the $ signs are not helping.

Am I the only one here that really cannot understand what he is trying to convey with his post?

06-11-09, 15:29
Safety standard set by FDA, DMV, CDC and other agencies for drinking.

How much alcohol by volume will exceed the 08 mg per dl limit?

About 1-2 beers if you weigh 100lbs 2-4 beers if your 200lbs

Yeah, I guess I always knew that. I preffer to get to know the chica before going upstairs and to do so, I HAVE TO buy them a drink so I get the chance to get a feel of them and feel them up as well. lol.

Have a conversation and view body language. Those are good indicators of how they will perform upstairs. Although most new girls I try out are already dragging me upstairs before they finish their drinks. Only two or three sips at the most.

They are being watched as well when spending their time with you. I've had girls who I was having a great conversation with just get up and leave after being signaled by someone working at the club. One girl did this before she even finished her drink. When I talked to her later, she told me she got in trouble because she was spending too much time with me and not going upstairs or ordering more drinks. They obviously enforce a time limit for each drink.

D Cups
06-11-09, 16:07
$ Abbreviation
Single $ is one (1) to 9 (9) US dollars for drinks, tips, chips and e.t.c.
Double $$ is 10 to 99 US dollars for play
Triple $$$ 100 to 999 US dollars for unlimited single play
Quad $$$$ 1000 to 9999 US dollars for group party or single party for long time.

For example:
One double Max ($$) at HK or AB is worth atleast three (3) SW
One Triple Max ($$$) is few at HK and a lot of SW (30).
One Quad Max ($$$$) everyone in the house is happy.

Guys, I don't know why your wasting your money on the girls' drinks. I have been to this club (HK), Adelitas and travel annuallly to Asia. I never buy any girl a drink. I find the one I want, negotiate and go have some fun. If she wants a drink let her buy it herself with the money you gave her. I ignore the stupid house policy to buy drinks and I have never been thrown out for it.

Sgt Perv
06-11-09, 17:44
Guys, I don't know why your wasting your money on the girls' drinks. I have been to this club (HK), Adelitas and travel annuallly to Asia. I never buy any girl a drink. I find the one I want, negotiate and go have some fun. If she wants a drink let her buy it herself with the money you gave her. I ignore the stupid house policy to buy drinks and I have never been thrown out for it.Some guys like to just talk with the chicas. Some guys go there just to watch/ say they were there and have no intention of sampling the goods.

I was pointing out what the real deal is with the "drinks".

I agree with you mostly but one drink does, sometimes, sort of pay for itself by lowering the price in negotiation process (ex. paying 500mxn instead of 600mxn)
More then one drink, it is your money just have your eyes wide open.

$ Abbreviation
Single $ is one (1) to 9 (9) US dollars for drinks, tips, chips and e.t.c.

Double $$ is 10 to 99 US dollars for play Here are the real abbreviations DO NOT try to change them.

You mentioned safety concern as VOA .08%.

When I mentioned customer safety concern with husband/boyfriends I was talking about jealous fighting or arguing. That is why the are not allowed in the clubs along with the chicas act different.

06-11-09, 19:47
I think I would call bs on the drink quota they are just trying to get the most out of you they can.

I doubt it. The chica that told me the drink quota is one that I've come to now pretty closely. And she knows that I always buy her only one drink before going upstairs so it wasn't like she told me so I'd feel obligated to buy her another.

$ Abbreviation
Single $ is one (1) to 9 (9) US dollars for drinks, tips, chips and e.t.c.
Double $$ is 10 to 99 US dollars for play...

How about you use actual numbers instead so everybody can understand?

Guys, I don't know why your wasting your money on the girls' drinks. I have been to this club (HK), Adelitas and travel annuallly to Asia. I never buy any girl a drink. I find the one I want, negotiate and go have some fun. If she wants a drink let her buy it herself with the money you gave her. I ignore the stupid house policy to buy drinks and I have never been thrown out for it.

I have been thrown out for it. And like Corporal Perv said, some guys like to talk to the girl and spend time with them before going upstairs. I find your method as a greater risk of going up with a mechanical girl. But if you don't mind it then great. Save yourself a few bucks. Otherwise find a girl who is sure to give you a great session each time and arrange to meet her when you get there.

Member #4450
06-11-09, 23:06
I thought my screen was upside down, so many numbers, math,
symbols, abbreviation. Jeez let me go get my Excedrin Migraine LOL!
Some one here needs to wrap in quote tags!

Super Gato
06-12-09, 00:04
i have been thrown out for it. and like corporal perv said, some guys like to talk to the girl and spend time with them before going upstairs. i find your method as a greater risk of going up with a mechanical girl. but if you don't mind it then great. save yourself a few bucks. otherwise find a girl who is sure to give you a great session each time and arrange to meet her when you get there.

you got thrown out for not buying chica drinks or a drink for yourself? i know they want you to be drinking and not just looking at the girls so if i'm not wanting a drink i'll tell the mesero the gets me at the door i'll be right back after i go to the bathroom and on crowded nights at ab or hk i can go a long time without having to buy a drink (until i actually want one). and i'll keep the bottle with me as i roam through the bar so as not to always be asked if i want another drink. if i've switched to water bottles i'll wrap it in a napkin to continue the ruse.

almost all of the girls i have a drink with will just get jugo. yes, it is some expensive orange or grapefruit juice i'm buying, but as has been said below, i'm buying her time. of course some chicas will get just a shot of tequila or whiskey. sometimes these girls turn out to be the funnest (they'll hang out the same amount of time as if they were drinking something... the ones that do the shot and immediately want another are there to fleece and i'll let her go right away)

the reason why i'll buy an ab or hk girl a drink is to get her vibe. if she swallows the drink in one second she'll probably be the same way upstairs. if she's staring off into space and not being friendly i'm guessing she'll be the same way upstairs. if she's grabbing my crotch and encouraging me to sample her naughty bits i know she'll probably not be a dead fish upstairs. i don't do it all the time, but the money spent on the one girl drink has helped me avoid crappy sessions.

06-12-09, 11:35
Exactly Uber Cat.

And yeah, it was for not buying a drink for myself why I was kicked out. I understand if I'm sitting down using up a table, I'm required to buy a drink. But it's happened when I was standing around because of large crowds and no seats. And yet, none of the other guys standing around me where holding drinks nor being bothered to buy drinks. But yet they force me to buy a drink. I was like "screw that!" So the waiter was like, "No screw you, gtfo!" So I left.*

*Those exact words where not used but it was pretty similar.

Ninguno Especial
06-12-09, 15:43
Exactly Uber Cat.

And yeah, it was for not buying a drink for myself why I was kicked out. I understand if I'm sitting down using up a table, I'm required to buy a drink. But it's happened when I was standing around because of large crowds and no seats. And yet, none of the other guys standing around me where holding drinks nor being bothered to buy drinks. But yet they force me to buy a drink. I was like "screw that!" So the waiter was like, "No screw you, gtfo!" So I left.*

*Those exact words where not used but it was pretty similar.

Would you expect to go to a lap dance club in the USA without paying a cover charge or buying a drink? A mandatory 1 drink minimum isn't much to ask for all of the eye candy at HK. I'm glad they don't allow a bunch of looky-Lou's hanging around without buying a drink as the place is too crowded much of the time already. You can buy water if you don't care for beer but anyone who hangs in one spot for more than a minute is required to buy something. No different than any club in the USA unless you are sitting with others who are making purchases.

06-12-09, 17:37
Has any one has had success with this negotiation at these rate in mxn (peso) at HK or AB this week? Dollar quote is what I hear at HK. Should one be pressing
for mxn transaction for cost saving? Pays for the extra water, beer, or tips.

1 USD = 13 mxn

HKor AB in Mxn?

ex. paying 500mxn instead of 600mxn

Sgt Perv
06-12-09, 23:35
And yeah, it was for not buying a drink for myself why I was kicked out. I understand if I'm sitting down using up a table, I'm required to buy a drink.A business people to make money.

They rent the building, pay utilities, buy alcohol, clean the place and hire help to entertain paying customers.

They try to insure the best possible experience for the customers and the staff. If you walk in and just stand there, you are blocking the total view of paying customers and the staff. Everyone has to walk around you. If it is crowded, it is even a worse effect.

Attempt to buy something or leave within a minute. You do not need 5 minutes to decide.

It is a business to make money not just entertain you.

They rent the building, you need to rent your space in that building . That is fair. If you just want to stare at chicas for free. Walk the alley.

Mongers not respecting their business (renting their space) is why they have cover charges.

Cover charge is an extra pain for the management but it improves the inside environment for all concerned.

06-13-09, 00:30
Exactly Uber Cat.

And yeah, it was for not buying a drink for myself why I was kicked out. I understand if I'm sitting down using up a table, I'm required to buy a drink. But it's happened when I was standing around because of large crowds and no seats. And yet, none of the other guys standing around me where holding drinks nor being bothered to buy drinks. But yet they force me to buy a drink. I was like "screw that!" So the waiter was like, "No screw you, gtfo!" So I left.*

*Those exact words where not used but it was pretty similar.

I buy water and carry it around drinking and buy another at some point. I think they are pretty laid back about their drink policy and are generally very courteous. And a $1 tip is cheap for playing grab ass.

Sgt Perv
06-13-09, 00:32
Has any one has had success with this negotiation at these rate in mxn (peso) at HK or AB this week? Dollar quote is what I hear at HK. Should one be pressing for mxn transaction for cost saving? Pays for the extra water, beer, or tips.

1 USD = 13 mxn

HKor AB in Mxn?Been discussed in length and your decimals are off a few places.

Move them to the right two places.

Pay with what you want, it is your money.

When the zona moves out of Mexico they may will no longer accept pesos.

They ask for the currency they believe you have.

Cobra Comander
06-13-09, 00:51
Exactly Uber Cat.

And yeah, it was for not buying a drink for myself why I was kicked out. I understand if I'm sitting down using up a table, I'm required to buy a drink. But it's happened when I was standing around because of large crowds and no seats. And yet, none of the other guys standing around me where holding drinks nor being bothered to buy drinks. But yet they force me to buy a drink. I was like "screw that!" So the waiter was like, "No screw you, gtfo!" So I left.*

*Those exact words where not used but it was pretty similar.

Half of the posters on this board are SUCH TIGHT ASSES. Just buy a fucking drink dude. Whats the problem?

Hardly anyone talkes about ACTUALLY tapping ass... It's all "the waiters are dicks and the chicas drink too fast." Thats why I don't post on here and have turned to other boards where people actually have a good time....


Sgt Perv
06-13-09, 21:54
Hardly anyone talkes about ACTUALLY tapping ass... It's all "the waiters are dicks and the chicas drink too fast." Thats why I don't post on here and have turned to other boards where people actually have a good time....CCI understand you want to hear about the final end of the game.

The first 3 quarters of the game are very important to the final results.

Talking about the rules and how to play the first 3 quarters make for a better 4th.
Mongers need to know the whole game not just about the final results in order to improve their own game.

Most times I enjoy the strategy of the first three quarters.

When you know or have a good idea of what is going on all around you, it makes for a much better overall experience.

Your experience can be stopped or ruined even before you get to the room.

Nobody wants to get fucked before they get laid.

06-14-09, 10:04
lol, you are being an ass.

I walked in and stopped to watch for not more than 15 seconds before I was approached to buy a drink. And 10 seconds later I was being forced out. I don't believe I was there long enough to warrant having to buy a drink. The time I do choose to buy a drink it's because I like what I see so I decide to stay and enjoy the sights and pay my part by renting a space by buying a drink. But if I have to buy a drink for every bar I walk into simply to scope out the action I would have already wasted enough money to take a girl or two upstairs. It's not so much about being a "tight ass" but having limited money. After all I'm not rich.

And oh yeah, these boards where not put here to compete against other boards. If you prefer the other boards, then go back to them and have your good time and let us talk about what we want to talk about.

Member #4450
06-15-09, 05:09
I understand you want to hear about the final end of the game.

The first 3 quarters of the game are very important to the final results.

Talking about the rules and how to play the first 3 quarters make for a better 4th.
Mongers need to know the whole game not just about the final results in order to improve their own game.

Most times I enjoy the strategy of the first three quarters.

When you know or have a good idea of what is going on all around you, it makes for a much better overall experience.

Your experience can be stopped or ruined even before you get to the room.

Nobody wants to get fucked before they get laid.
Sgt Perv is a man of fine words!
On the opposite side we have Ravo Verde LOL!

06-15-09, 19:56
HK has a very aggressive drink promotion policy. One has to have a clear game plan from the start to address it head-on without the help of HK PML.

Bottle water is safe.

06-15-09, 20:28
It's still expensive. Bottled water goes for 3.50 plus tip. I tip $1 dollar. So that's like already $5 bucks! And it's funny cause the first few times I went to Tj I didn't think buying bottled water was expensive. And I would try a few bars so before I knew it I'd be down like $30 bucks just on water alone since the bars don't allow you to walk in holding water from another bar. That's already half the money I could use to take a girl upstairs.

Sgt Perv
06-15-09, 22:10
It's still expensive. Bottled water goes for 3.50 plus tip. I tip $1 dollar. So that's like already $5 bucks! And it's funny cause the first few times I went to Tijuana I didn't think buying bottled water was expensive. And I would try a few bars so before I knew it I'd be down like $30 bucks just on water alone since the bars don't allow you to walk in holding water from another bar. That's already half the money I could use to take a girl upstairs.Let us think about this small part of your experience.

You bought a drink to rent your space. Cool, you are supposed to help keep the place open.

You tipped a dollar US.

Do you always tip about 30% of your bills? Man, you are rich!

Fair is about 10%-20% depending on what they do for you.

Bringing you a drink is nothing extra special. You can go to the bar and get your own when you first walk in to the bar.

Your 50 cent change should be fair.

It is not like you have to dig for change.

If you have them running around for you, like getting chicas, then you should tip more.

For just a drink why tip more?

Are you worrying that he will not ask you if you want another drink quick enough? Wrong!

Are you worrying that if a chica comes to your table he will ignore you? Wrong! Are you afraid of being cheap? Wrong!

That is still good money to the locals.

Why not use 5 and 10 peso coin for tipping?

7 tips for whatever = free drink (rental space in a bar).

You can save enough on tipping [and still tip (staff needs money too)] to pay for a drink.

For a quick dip in and out of the zona it is a little amount but still a drink's worth (waiters and cum boys).

For those of us who stay for days, it is an alley chicas worth plus.

You can call me cheap but I am fair to the people. I am not trying to impress them with fake riches and ruin my potential bargaining power.

When in Tijuana, I allot for $300 US a day max. I always convert to Mxn

To some that is nothing but to others that is a lot to spend. To me it is a lot of money. But, for whatever your allotment is, get the most for it that you can and still be relaxed (haggling can wear you out sometimes) and fair.

None of this effects what happens in the room.

If you feel I am wrong, please answer me one little question.

What is it exactly that you do not like about your money?

Sgt Perv
06-15-09, 23:02
It's still expensive. Bottled water goes for 3.50 plus tip. I tip $1 dollar. So that's like already $5 bucks!Real quick example of one game plan (for conversation only).

Convert the US $5 to MXN.

That give you about 66 pesos.

Buy your water for about 45 pesos and tip the waiter 5 pesos.

Feel up the dancer and tip her 10 pesos.

You have about 6 pesos left.

You get a extra feel in the deal. ;)

You have rented your space,tipped twice ,felt a chica and still have your change.

Be smart with your money ,whatever the amount.

Efjayel ,I am trying to help you in a good way.

Pablito Diablito
06-15-09, 23:38
It's still expensive. Bottled water goes for 3.50 plus tip. I tip $1 dollar. So that's like already $5 bucks! And it's funny cause the first few times I went to Tj I didn't think buying bottled water was expensive. And I would try a few bars so before I knew it I'd be down like $30 bucks just on water alone since the bars don't allow you to walk in holding water from another bar. That's already half the money I could use to take a girl upstairs.

#1 Use pesos

#2 if you are going to be bar hopping, don't buy a drink in every bar, but also, don't stand around, moving target is harder to hit. If you just want to see what is going on, do a loop around the place, and don't give the waiters a chance to get a word out.

#3 sparkling water is a great drink to save with because the can of Ciel is not transparent and the pinche waiter has no clue if it is empty, just keep it in hand empty or not.

#4 US$1 is too much of a tip (IMHO). I make it a point to bring a pocket full of change and tip everyone, a quarter here, 5 pesos there, 75cents for the cum mopers, US$1 is for the waiter who gets my favorita off of your lap and brings her over to my table!

#5 learn to speak more spanish

Sgt Perv
06-16-09, 00:59
#1 Use pesos

#4 US$1 is too much of a tip (IMHO). I make it a point to bring a pocket full of change and tip everyone, a quarter here, 5 pesos there, 75cents for the cum mopers, US$1 is for the waiter who gets my favorita off of your lap and brings her over to my table!Great minds think alike.

06-16-09, 01:29
#1 Use pesos

#2 if you are going to be bar hopping, don't buy a drink in every bar, but also, don't stand around, moving target is harder to hit. If you just want to see what is going on, do a loop around the place, and don't give the waiters a chance to get a word out.

#3 sparkling water is a great drink to save with because the can of Ciel is not transparent and the pinche waiter has no clue if it is empty, just keep it in hand empty or not.

#4 US$1 is too much of a tip (IMHO). I make it a point to bring a pocket full of change and tip everyone, a quarter here, 5 pesos there, 75cents for the cum mopers, US$1 is for the waiter who gets my favorita off of your lap and brings her over to my table!

#5 learn to speak more spanish
Exactly. By using pesos, you'll save about $8 per every $100 in the Zona. Also, if a waiter hassles you for a drink, just say "Espera. Un momento." and walk around. You won't get kicked out.

The HK waiters are THE WORST cheats in the Zona. Until you show enough to gain some measure of respect, all but a few will cheat you left and right with a grin on their face. You need to know how much you should get charged and how much change you'll get back. Otherwise, you're suceptable to all the "Hide the change" games (coins on the rim, incorrect change, wrong bills, mostly coins in change, change under the rags, etc).

These waiters think you are the "Stupid Gringo" who is using pesos but has no idea how to count because it's too complicated for the simple gringo mind. And they laugh all night at the gringos that are buying fichas when the same waiters bang a girl or two for free after hours.

Watch out for anything left on the tables, the waiters have sticky fingers and will steal anything off the table when they are "rearranging" the drinks, taking half drunk fichas.

Also, if you think you look cheap to a girl catching a waiter cheating you, it's the opposite. A guy who allows themselves to get cheated is weak in their eyes, and opens the door for her to cheat you on service or terms. Just wait to see how quickly a girl will tear into a restaurant waitress, taxi driver or street vendor if she gets cheated on her change.

Also, the owners of HK also own Tropical and Chavelas. At least before, if you had a bottle of water from HK you could walk into Tropical or Chavelas with it.

Sgt Perv
06-16-09, 01:51
Exactly. By using pesos, you'll save about $8 per every $100 in the Zona. Overall it could be closer to $20US depending on what your buying( considering tips too).

Also, if you think you look cheap to a girl catching a waiter cheating you, it's the opposite. A guy who allows themselves to get cheated is weak in their eyes, and opens the door for her to cheat you on service or terms. Just wait to see how quickly a girl will tear into a restaurant waitress, taxi driver or street vendor if she gets cheated on her change. Exactly, you lose your bargaining power.

06-16-09, 02:23
Activity: Cost/Time Log
HK Entrance: One drink beer ($4), no tip
5 to 10 minutes HK water $3:50
1) Subtotal 8 to 9 dollars @ 15 to 20 minutes
Fischa Drink $7 to 8 + tip @ 25 min
La Bella $ 11 to 21 @ 30 min
Arriba $60 @ 60 minutes

2) HK Exit $99 (9 + 9 + 21 + 60)

Taxi Round trip $10 - 20 minutes
Border crossing from 15 to 40 minutes depending on the time.

3) Welcome to USA past CBP - 2 hour later $ 109 USD spent/HK - 1 hour

$30 could be as low as 27% or high as 80 % of the total HK cost based on choices.

It's still expensive. Bottled water goes for 3.50 plus tip. I tip $1 dollar. So that's like already $5 bucks! And it's funny cause the first few times I went to Tj I didn't think buying bottled water was expensive. And I would try a few bars so before I knew it I'd be down like $30 bucks just on water alone since the bars don't allow you to walk in holding water from another bar. That's already half the money I could use to take a girl upstairs.

Sgt Perv
06-16-09, 02:30
Those who do not believe you can use peso in the bar, check out the link Belgrath just posted today at 'Tijuana Reports". Right at the exact 4 min mark it shows the drink prices. 3.50 dll (US) or 42 pesos.

You save 36 cent (5 pesos) per beer, which is your waiter tip.

You have $1.50 or 20 pesos that can be used to feel up two dancers while you drink it.

$5 US spent ,one drink,waiter tip and two dancers felt up. A fine day to be in the zona. lol

Try that in the USA. I know many that you would not even get in the door for $5.

Sgt Perv
06-16-09, 03:11
Activity: Cost/Time Log
HK Entrance: One drink beer ($4), no tip
5 to 10 minutes HK water $3:50
1) Subtotal 8 to 9 dollars @ 15 to 20 minutes
Fischa Drink $7 to 8 + tip @ 25 min
La Bella $ 11 to 21 @ 30 min
Arriba $60 @ 60 minutes

2) HK Exit $99 (9 + 9 + 21 + 60) At the club I was at we would have gave a guy like you the VIP treatment.

Very Ignorant Patron ( clubs have a sense of humor).

Reserved for those who spend to much for to little.

Missed all peso discounts ,no bargains.

Member #4450
06-16-09, 05:54
You guys better quit and post something about tapping something ass or whatever otherwise you gonna get CC pissed again LOL!

06-16-09, 07:32
Since the peso drop, I've used pesos almost exclusively. I also enjoy this discussion about tipping and money management.

One thing, however, is tipping the girls 10 pesos. Since the demise of the 10 peso note, all that's left are the coins. Do you still tip the chicas in peso coins? I've been carrying some $1 bills just for that purpose (Easier to carry, easy to slip into a g-string or a bra cup). Any chica resistance to the coins? I'd rather use them instead of $1 bills.

Cobra Comander
06-16-09, 07:54
You guys better quit and post something about tapping something ass or whatever otherwise you gonna get CC pissed again LOL!

Good call HT!

No, but everyone has good points. I don't wanna restate what has already been said but all of you are pretty much on the same page as I am. I ONLY use pesos and spend FAR less money in the long run than I did when I used dollars.

My point was that there is alot of BS chit chat about nonsense most of the time rather than trip reports. I generally DON'T post because it usually isn't very exciting and/or I am keeping the girls info to myself until I am DONE with her. Some of you have seen my posts on TJA.

To each his own...

You can go back to your in depth discussion of chip scams and other assorted waiter hijinks now.


06-16-09, 09:33
What is it exactly that you do not like about your money?

Spending it.

You guys really think $1 tip for a drink is too much? I kind of figured it as the minimum for a tip without looking like a tight ass.

#1 Use pesos

#2 if you are going to be bar hopping, don't buy a drink in every bar, but also, don't stand around, moving target is harder to hit. If you just want to see what is going on, do a loop around the place, and don't give the waiters a chance to get a word out.

#3 sparkling water is a great drink to save with because the can of Ciel is not transparent and the pinche waiter has no clue if it is empty, just keep it in hand empty or not.

#4 US$1 is too much of a tip (IMHO). I make it a point to bring a pocket full of change and tip everyone, a quarter here, 5 pesos there, 75cents for the cum mopers, US$1 is for the waiter who gets my favorita off of your lap and brings her over to my table!

#5 learn to speak more spanish

1. I probably should but I hate having to exchange money and then doing the conversion math.

2. Yeah I learned my lesson. I don't stick around in one place and keep moving. And if anyone bothers me I just tell them I'm looking for a friend. They don't bother me after that.

3. I order bottled water. But I rarely ever finish them. Many times I never even open them. And each time the waiters come near me to get a good look at the bottle since they can't tell from a distance that it's empy.

4. I dont know, I would think giving coin change as a tip makes me look cheap. But Cadet Perv has a point. Giving less than a dollar might insult them but won't stop them from serving me.

5. I do know spanish. Very well in fact. Really helpful when chatting up the ladies. :D

Sgt Perv
06-16-09, 16:34
Spending it.

You guys really think $1 tip for a drink is too much? I kind of figured it as the minimum for a tip without looking like a tight ass.Then quit spending so much of your money.

They are TIPS no real min.

Are you looking for VIP status?

Are you worried that if they perceive you as watching your money that they will not put you on the top of their list of "people to try to scam"?
1. I probably should but I hate having to exchange money and then doing the conversion math.Easy fix! Make and carry a conversion card with you.

Small ,yet big type, half an index card.

Conversion of $1$3 $5 $10 $30 $40 $60

I understand for you doing math in the zona, it is dangerous.

People seeing you count to 25 might misunderstand you.

I mean, standing there in the zona barefoot with your tongue and pecker out so that you can use your fingers,toes, ears, nose and pecker. It does look bad.

Sgt Perv
06-16-09, 16:57
Do you still tip the chicas in peso coins? I've been carrying some $1 bills just for that purpose (Easier to carry, easy to slip into a g-string or a bra cup). Any chica resistance to the coins? I'd rather use them instead of $1 bills.A chica turning down money, surely you jest.

Chicas will always want more.

I show what I am offering first (very important), they always take it.

It is not so much what you do as it is how you do it.

I do not show any US currency ever in the zona, they take MXN or nothing.

If I have to break a large bill, I go to a shop/store (buy pack of gum) or to the bartender.

NEVER the waiter. I am not giving him an opening to scam me.

Sgt Perv
06-16-09, 17:13
I generally DON'T post because it usually isn't very exciting and/or I am keeping the girls info to myself until I am DONE with her. What is up with this?

You complain that others do not post what you will not post.

Bad monger !

06-16-09, 18:55
Some services are freebies with TLC for VIPs at HK and some basic service are rip-off for VIPs at HK. TLC (Tender Loving Care) for some HK VIPs.

Not having timely information about structure, currency exchange or clubs in general would make one less ignorant anywhere in the world.
VIP: No bargains, over priced, poor service?, repeat? and club advantage. LOL HK Staff & ISG members. Learning process which can be painful in come cases.

At the club I was at we would have gave a guy like you the VIP treatment.

Very Ignorant Patron ( clubs have a sense of humor).

Reserved for those who spend to much for to little.

Missed all peso discounts ,no bargains.

Pablito Diablito
06-16-09, 19:04
Spending it.

You guys really think $1 tip for a drink is too much? I kind of figured it as the minimum for a tip without looking like a tight ass.

Minimum for a tip in the US, specifically in San Diego and Los Angeles is a dollar. Now contrast Hollywood to Tijuana. On the shady side of Tijuana I would tip about half of what I would tip in LA. Now as a rule always has exceptions, when you do find a responsible waiter that does not give you a hard time, hook him up. Reward good waiter behavior, but don't let him be a dick and then give him the equivalent of almost 14 pesos PLUS whatever else he has stolen from you in shortchange. The TJ locals don't tip US$1 for every drink. It is a matter of blending into the local culture...when in Rome...

But, you should always tip. I try to always tip the bathroom guy at least 2 pesos. Kids on the street, some nickels and pennies. try and through a handful of change in your pockets before you leave next time and spread the love around, and clean out your car's change tray. Nickels and pennies don't mean much to you, but to that guy with no arms dancing in the border line it is the difference between eating or not.

Oh, I would not recommend giving the dancers change, that does look tacky. Stick to the US one dollar mark there, unless you come across some $2s, the girls love them and think they are lucky.

Sgt Perv
06-16-09, 19:59
On the shady side of Tijuana I would tip about half of what I would tip in LA. Reward good waiter behavior, but don't let him be a dick and then give him the equivalent of almost 14 pesos PLUS whatever else he has stolen from you in shortchange. The Tijuana locals don't tip US$1 for every drink. It is a matter of blending into the local culture. When in Rome.

But, you should always tip. I try to always tip the bathroom guy at least 2 pesos. Kids on the street, some nickels and pennies. Try and through a handful of change in your pockets before you leave next time and spread the love around, and clean out your car's change tray. Nickels and pennies don't mean much to you, but to that guy with no arms dancing in the border line it is the difference between eating or not.You are not being cheap you are tipping.

My loose coins I give to the needy.

Nothing wrong with doing a little humanitarian work while visiting, it is good for your soul.

I do not want to see anyone starve when I can hand them coins that if I dropped I may not stop to pick up.

We are human and so are they.

Sgt Perv
06-16-09, 20:31
I really hope your post are either because English is not you first language or they are drug/alcohol related, I could understand.

I would hate to think they are natural normal thoughts.

Some services are freebies with TLC for VIPs at HK and some basic service are rip-off for VIPs at HK. TLC (Tender Loving Care) for some HK VIPs. It is a business.

Nothing is free, you either have or will pay for it.

Not having timely information about structure, currency exchange or clubs in general would make one less ignorant anywhere in the world.
VIP: No bargains, over priced, poor service?, repeat? and club advantage. LOL HK Staff & ISG members. Learning process which can be painful in come cases.
1.) It does not make you less ignorant, it makes you less informed.

That is why we talk about thing to correct the situation.

Ignorance will shine through no matter how informed you are.

2.) If learning process is painful in"come" cases...see a doctor asap.

Member #4450
06-17-09, 01:29
One U$ dollar is right to tip, anything less you look cheap to the waiter and the girl your sitting with.
I buy a few beers and water and my total at the end of the trip is about $5-10 in tips to the bar and another $5 for the cumboys for 3x visit.
Always remember to keep the waiter happy so he stays off your back it works for me!

Sgt Perv
06-17-09, 04:03
One U$ dollar is right to tip, anything less you look cheap to the waiter and the girl your sitting with.

I buy a few beers and water and my total at the end of the trip is about $5-10 in tips to the bar and another $5 for the cumboys for 3x visit.

Always remember to keep the waiter happy so he stays off your back it works for me!Well yes, if you order a drink for a chica too, you should tip more than if it is just your beer. One dollar or 10 peso is right.

Cum boy is 10 pesos, I have seen many a men toss them a coin (that is how I learned).

You have to have some MXN for it to work.

What do you think would happen if:

Two guys (equal in appearance and manner) walk into a bar at same time.

They sit close but different tables.

Man 1 tips waiter $1 US for beer.

Man 2 tips waiter 5 pesos for beer.

Each man then has a chica sit with them.

Man 1 orders her a mixed drink and a shot , tips waiter $2.

Man 2 orders his chica a beer , tips waiter 10 pesos.

Man 1 has spent more and is using USD, man 2 spent half as much as man 1 and is using MXN.

Both men have been in club same length of time

Who you think the waiter will be bothering more for another drink?

Who do you think will have the best chance at negotiations with the chica ?

My buddies have played this out and then later (another time) switched roles(mainly for entertainment with a $20 bet on if it would matter).

I watched in the bar to verify.

Found out that the US money man had a hard road to plow.

Waiter and chica saw money and wanted more.

Waiter would walk past man 2 to hassle man 1.

Chica for man 1 was more steadfast on her price.

Once in the room it did not seem to matter.

Both men got what they wanted but one payed more and hassled more.

Food for thought.

06-17-09, 05:21
Converting $100 USD results in 1300 peso ( give or take 50 pesos) in 13 x 100's peso notes amd thank good it is not in 50's 26 x 50's. Lot of bulk to carry. Lucky if one has 500's or 1000's.

Being a good negotiator that is where the advantage lies and acting like a local. 30% to 40 % saving with no tips (a local).

Good language command with decent dialect, local looks and confidence in a particular situation. Savings !


Good call HT!

No, but everyone has good points. I don't wanna restate what has already been said but all of you are pretty much on the same page as I am. I ONLY use pesos and spend FAR less money in the long run than I did when I used dollars.

My point was that there is alot of BS chit chat about nonsense most of the time rather than trip reports. I generally DON'T post because it usually isn't very exciting and/or I am keeping the girls info to myself until I am DONE with her. Some of you have seen my posts on TJA.

To each his own...

You can go back to your in depth discussion of chip scams and other assorted waiter hijinks now.


Cobra Comander
06-17-09, 09:02
Converting $100 USD results in 1300 peso ( give or take 50 pesos) in 13 x 100's peso notes amd thank good it is not in 50's 26 x 50's. Lot of bulk to carry. Lucky if one has 500's or 1000's.

Being a good negotiator that is where the advantage lies and acting like a local. 30% to 40 % saving with no tips (a local).

Good language command with decent dialect, local looks and confidence in a particular situation. Savings !


Check your inbox.


06-17-09, 16:30
A chica turning down money, surely you jest.

Chicas will always want more.

I show what I am offering first (very important), they always take it.

It is not so much what you do as it is how you do it.

I do not show any US currency ever in the zona, they take MXN or nothing.

If I have to break a large bill, I go to a shop/store (buy pack of gum) or to the bartender.

NEVER the waiter. I am not giving him an opening to scam me.

Going to the bartender and tipping him $1, for changing your big bill, is a good idea. A waiter and girl tried to hustle me for a girl drink that I didn't agree to buying. He was pretty emphatic, I should pay, even though the girl had left, when he got back. I just took him to the bartender and that was that. I tip everyone and I'm not cheap but don't like to be hustled.

06-17-09, 16:35
A chica turning down money, surely you jest.

Chicas will always want more.

I show what I am offering first (very important), they always take it.

It is not so much what you do as it is how you do it.

I do not show any US currency ever in the zona, they take MXN or nothing.

If I have to break a large bill, I go to a shop/store (buy pack of gum) or to the bartender.

NEVER the waiter. I am not giving him an opening to scam me.

Good points all, and I agree with all of your reasonings, except for giving money to beggars.

But I'm wondering where the HK chicas keep all those coins! :) Most are rather scantily clad. I see many with a sheaf of dollar bills tucked into a waistband, but none seem to have the facilities to handle coins. So, when you slip 'em a 10p coin for a grope, where do they put it? Enquiring minds, and all that!

Sgt Perv
06-17-09, 17:59
except for giving money to beggars.

So, when you slip 'em a 10p coin for a grope, where do they put it? Enquiring minds, and all that!1)Giving to the beggars is not what I said.

Those asshole adults [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) me off, once you give, they keep asking.

If you give one kid money then the rest attack you for some more.

I said needy, I walk around and I see them (disabled).

2)I hand her a the coin in her hand ( I actually have some old 10 peso bill but I keep them (2) at home).

I started with the 10 peso bills but those are gone, 10 pesos is 10 pesos.

I show her the coin first. It is money and they take it.

I am not sure what they do with it, they figure it out.

They figured out what to do with the bills.

If the 10 peso was worth more the $1 US you would see them carry little coin purses attached/held in a sexy way or a jar/hat/bucket on stage.

I am not the only one to use coins but if they had a purse more would do it and they know that.

They want to get as much as they can from you.

I will stop using the coins when chicas turn them down (never is my bet).

Can you imagine a chica saying 'No thank you, I have no where to put it. Just keep it.'
It is not my fault they did away with the 10 peso bill. I spend MXN. and I am not tipping 20 pesos.

Pablito Diablito
06-17-09, 18:04
Always remember to keep the waiter happy so he stays off your back it works for me!

THE waiter? Since when is there only one? The waiters have no sense of a section, or could care less about poaching someone else's table. By this logic you are going to be handing out ones to the entire waiter mafia for what you perceive to be protection. 10pesos MAX, unless you know the guy and you want to hook him up, but as a general rule US$1 tip is too much. Throwing money around only makes you look like a target.

Sgt Perv
06-18-09, 00:02
Using USD:
Chica session negotiations used are about $50,$55,$60.
$5 and $10 room extra Tips.
$1 for cumboy. $12 room.
Using MXN :
Chica session negotiations used are (in pesos) 650 ,700,750,800 (650 is slightly under $50 and 800 Is slightly under $60).
50 and 100 pesos for room extras tips.
10 peso cum boy. 150 pesos room.

The difference is more steps in the negotiations for more savings.

You should at the least ,depending on your bargaining results ( should be more), save enough for another beer.

Combine this part with the other in bar savings and it does add up.

This is just walk in the bar order a drink and take a chica up stairs one time.
Yes I play the dumb gringo card until deal is in my favor sometimes (meaning I let them think I believe it is a 10:1 conversion like last time I was there (he he). " I always paid 500-600 pesos for a session last time").

What I do depends on the chica just like what they try depends on me.

06-18-09, 01:39
Check your inbox.


Did you forget about the 200 peso bill? Those are real handy for SGs.

06-18-09, 01:43
Converting $100 USD results in 1300 peso ( give or take 50 pesos) in 13 x 100's peso notes amd thank good it is not in 50's 26 x 50's. Lot of bulk to carry. Lucky if one has 500's or 1000's.

Being a good negotiator that is where the advantage lies and acting like a local. 30% to 40 % saving with no tips (a local).

Good language command with decent dialect, local looks and confidence in a particular situation. Savings !


As noted below 200 peso notes are handy for SGs. Never had experience with 1000 peso note.

06-18-09, 01:54
For the record I think 50 cents is PLENTY (16%) to tip the waiters on a $3.50 drink. If they complain I take the 2 quarters back from their tray!

Back to HK, the lineup this weekend was the worst I have ever seen at HK. AWFUL. 90% were way overweight; not merely cute chubby but I mean borderline obese. Adelitas was MUCH better. Chicago is on life support as even on Saturday night late it was scary how few customers (and girls) there were. LOADS of cute SWs however.

Despite lot of buzz about biggest ever raids on Friday, tension level on Saturday was much lower than recent months. VERY quiet on Revolution with many businesses shuttered including my ATF Tijuana restaurant La Especial (operating since the 50s but finally went under).

PS: despite new rule going into effect June 1 requiring passports or "augmented drivers licenses", I forgot mine and had no difficulty crossing back into US. You will be let back in but MIGHT get additional interrogation (I did not get any extra questions).

06-18-09, 01:57
1)Giving to the beggars is not what I said.

Those asshole adults [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) me off, once you give, they keep asking.

If you give one kid money then the rest attack you for some more.

I said needy, I walk around and I see them (disabled).

2)I hand her a the coin in her hand ( I actually have some old 10 peso bill but I keep them (2) at home).

I started with the 10 peso bills but those are gone, 10 pesos is 10 pesos.

I show her the coin first. It is money and they take it.

I am not sure what they do with it, they figure it out.

They figured out what to do with the bills.

If the 10 peso was worth more the $1 US you would see them carry little coin purses attached/held in a sexy way or a jar/hat/bucket on stage.

I am not the only one to use coins but if they had a purse more would do it and they know that.

They want to get as much as they can from you.

I will stop using the coins when chicas turn them down (never is my bet).

Can you imagine a chica saying 'No thank you, I have no where to put it. Just keep it.'
It is not my fault they did away with the 10 peso bill. I spend MXN. and I am not tipping 20 pesos.

1) Thanks for the clarificaion. I feel the same way.

2) I ran across some 10p notes the other day, in a stash of souvenir money from around the world. I miss 'em.

My mother used to tell me of some old ladies, who lived near us in Texas when I was very small. They walked around with a big chaw or big dip in their mouth, and a coffee can tied around their waist. When the time came, they'd just spit into the can and go on about their business. :eek: Maybe the chicas could adapt something like that! :D

Sgt Perv
06-18-09, 04:00
What I will and have done for the kids is buy and give them a little basket of cubed fruit from a vendor.

It puts a smile on their face and a frown on the old lady's. I hate see them being "pimped" out to beg.

I have a soft spot for kids.

2) I ran across some 10p notes the other day, in a stash of souvenir money from around the world. I miss 'em.That is where I keep mine too.

When the time came, they'd just spit into the can and go on about their business. :eek: Maybe the chicas could adapt something like that! :DThank you !

I had a long laugh at that when I got that visual in my mind. lol

I was thinking more of a Pocahontas type thing but your idea is hilarious.

Sgt Perv
06-18-09, 05:35
As noted below 200 peso notes are handy for SGs. Never had experience with 1000 peso note.To keep the bulk down bigger bill have some advantage.

200 MXN is great for SW.

500 MXN is great for Club Arribas ( for negotiation purposes you do not want them to see a bigger bill)

1000 Mxn ($75 USD) is great for the next arriba (one of these per club aribba you plan on having) or stash money.

The 1000 MXN is the bill, I would really not trust to waiters, has to be broke down when ready to use ( recommended).

I have used at the hotels (you know like pay for the room, then pay the chica and cum boy out of the change) but once, they wanted a smaller bill. :(

Buying one of each of the three bills cost about $127 USD.

I like to have smaller bills for the waiters.

I can give them a 50 peso bill ($3.72 USD), tell them to keep the change. Built in 8 peso tip for water/beer. Easy transaction. My beer bill. lol

Even though you may think you only tipped .22 cents USD (3 pesos), actually you tipped 60 cents (8 pesos).

The club charged you 42 pesos ($3.13) for the beer not $3.50 USD. Club got less money.

100 Peso bill is a $7 chica drink with tip. Once again you pay less for the drink and waiter tip is more.

So you order a beer for you and a $7 chica drink. You hand waiter 150 pesos (about $11 USD). Waiter is tipped and no change.

You are happy, waiter is happy and the club made money.

Once you picture each bill with want it buys it is simple and waiter can not cheat you with change nor do you have to wait for him to come back

Customize the denominations to the party you plan to have with less bulk.

Oh and watch out if they try to give you change in USD.

It probably be tilted to their favor. I ask for MXN change only because it is easier to ensure my correct change.

Sgt Perv
06-18-09, 22:03
For the record I think 50 cents is PLENTY (16%) to tip the waiters on a $3.50 drink. If they complain I take the 2 quarters back from their tray!
I agree if they think that is not much money then they will not miss it.

Bet they are happy the next time you give them 2 quarters. lol

It is one thing to spend your money but it is a whole another thing to waste it.

Sgt Perv
06-19-09, 02:18
Back to HK, the lineup this weekend was the worst I have ever seen at HK. AWFUL. 90% were way overweight; not merely cute chubby but I mean borderline obese. Adelitas was MUCH better. Chicago is on life support as even on Saturday night late it was scary how few customers (and girls) there were. LOADS of cute SWs however.I love the streetwalkers.

More pops for the buck. lol

Great for knocking the edge off before going into HK.

Some times I find better (to me) in the alley than in HK.

My favorite for all nighters.

Member #4450
06-19-09, 04:11
THE waiter? Since when is there only one?
Usually there's the same waiter for your table, if another one comes around tell him you already been taking care and they won't bother you.
This is my experience in AB I don't know the other bars.
You guys are doing it wrong if you want the waiter to leave you alone you need to tip him and he will tell the others to not approach to your table.
If your not generous then he will send the whole gang every time to force you buy a drink if you don't buy often they can throw you out.
So I save more $ by tipping the waiter instead.
Also you need to be friendly and talk to your waiter making some conversation helps too.
If you get smart at them they will always win the house is in their side no mater what!

06-19-09, 05:11
Typical corner exchange results in 100's and 50's bulk and not the above denomination. A trip to a Mexican bank required during a certain time period of 11 am to 2 pm?

To keep the bulk down bigger bill have some advantage.

200 MXN is great for SW.

500 MXN is great for Club Arribas ( for negotiation purposes you do not want them to see a bigger bill)

1000 Mxn ($75 USD) is great for the next arriba (one of these per club aribba you plan on having) or stash money.

Sgt Perv
06-19-09, 05:17
Typical corner exchange results in 100's and 50's bulk and not the above denomination. A trip to a Mexican bank required during a certain time period of 11 am to 2 pm?Sorry ,I have always use the bank or their ATM.

Not sure why the corner exchange would not have bigger bills if you ask/request.

Seems like it would be easier on them also.

Sgt Perv
06-19-09, 06:20
Could it be the amount you exchange at one time?

I do about $300 and get (2) 1000,(2)500,(2)200 and the rest in the other bills and coins.

No, I do not carry them all at once (do not need to) or what I do have on me, in the same place.

One 1000 bill is easy to stash for a quick back up.

Those coins can swell up in your pocket quick if you are not careful.

I try to use them when I can.

06-20-09, 06:30
Not at an ATM or bank.

Could it be the amount you exchange at one time?

I do about $300 and get (2) 1000,(2)500,(2)200 and the rest in the other bills and coins.

No, I do not carry them all at once (do not need to) or what I do have on me, in the same place.

One 1000 bill is easy to stash for a quick back up.

Those coins can swell up in your pocket quick if you are not careful.

I try to use them when I can.

Sgt Perv
06-20-09, 07:06
Not at an ATM or bank.You would think that they could at the least put a 500MXN or a few 200 MXN in the mix.

I would even think coins would be better than all those bills.

Less bunky for all.

Even when it was 10:1 , was still 10x bills.

I would hate to get $200 USD exchanged. Your pockets would bulge and how would you stash/hide 1000MXN for back up ?

Just got to plan ahead or get a session real soon to flatten out your pockets. lol

Member #4450
06-20-09, 07:32
LOL you guys talking about money like rich people do.
C'mon stop already with numbers and economics class!!
CC was right, what about tapping ass or some deep throat info or something more interested than currency conversions and dow jones talking.
Hey Perv, leave your pennies at home you cheapskate:D

Sgt Perv
06-20-09, 07:38
Hey Perv, leave your pennies at home you cheap:D
I am done with it. I just find it interesting.

Back to ass fucking, ball licking and facials.

06-20-09, 16:22
Last night was New Year's Eve and Mardis Gras all rolled into one. I've never seen so many hot girls. Last weeks cop raid must have goosed it up. I came out covered with shaving cream stains. That was one great party. But for serious one on one, it's the alley, for me. Than back to HK for more stimulation. I had to reload my singles twice. That's a lot of T & A.

Hong Kong is better than any bar on Soi Cowboy, Nana or Pattaya.

06-20-09, 17:55
HK discount the dances (La Bella) with other promotions did this happen last night. One has to ask to get the promotion package. It requires the floor manager's approval and the waiter arranges it. Was a cover charge in place for admission?

Last night was New Year's Eve and Mardis Gras all rolled into one. I've never seen so many hot girls. Last weeks cop raid must have goosed it up. I came out covered with shaving cream stains. That was one great party. But for serious one on one, it's the alley, for me. Than back to HK for more stimulation. I had to reload my singles twice. That's a lot of T & A.

Hong Kong is better than any bar on Soi Cowboy, Nana or Pattaya.

06-20-09, 17:59
No money...nada (nothing). No deep throat.

LOL you guys talking about money like rich people do.

06-20-09, 21:21
Ok, not to quibble, but $0.50 tip on $3.50 is a 14% tip.

To be precise, it's .014285714 %

...just to be clear. (and I'm not trying to stir the SH*T, just pointing it out)

I've never really had any trouble in there, though. I tip a dollar, then drink at my leisure, and when they keep approaching, i just hold my hand up, shake my head at them while having eye-contact, and state "NO, gracias"...

It seems to work. Polite, but firm.

Of course, I could get thrown out on my ear/ass next time - after all, it is TJ.


***Thanks to all who post to this forum. This board is a GREAT place to do due diligence before any trip.


[QUOTE=Surfer]For the record I think 50 cents is PLENTY (16%) to tip the waiters on a $3.50 drink. If they complain I take the 2 quarters back from their tray!

06-21-09, 00:00
HK discount the dances (La Bella) with other promotions did this happen last night. One has to ask to get the promotion package. It requires the floor manager's approval and the waiter arranges it. Was a cover charge in place for admission?

There was no cover last night. I'm not aware of any promotions. The waiters gave out lots of paper napkins to try to wipe off the shaving cream, though. Bring your own dishcloth. It was quite a fiesta. It was a lot of fun. I'd go back tonite but I'm seeing the great Frankie Valli at Humphrey's, in SD.

06-21-09, 01:13
HK has web promotions posted, for daily promotions ask the staff.
Print the page and clip the coupons. Taxi pick-up needs to be prearranged with HK via web.

There was no cover last night. I'm not aware of any promotions. The waiters gave out lots of paper napkins to try to wipe off the shaving cream, though. Bring your own dishcloth. It was quite a fiesta. It was a lot of fun. I'd go back tonite but I'm seeing the great Frankie Valli at Humphrey's, in SD.

Member #4450
06-22-09, 01:07
Like screwing the neighbors daughter or the babysitter.

It does have a certain appeal to it.

It is also like buying them a teddy bear instead of a bracelet too.
That's not what he meant you PERV!

06-22-09, 22:25
HK has web promotions posted, for daily promotions ask the staff.
Print the page and clip the coupons. Taxi pick-up needs to be prearranged with HK via web.

Coupons!? I think it would look weird and point you out as a cheapskate if you where to hand out coupons at a strip club. Finger a girl in the booth and slip her the coupong instead of money. lol.

06-22-09, 22:47
Last night was New Year's Eve and Mardis Gras all rolled into one. I've never seen so many hot girls. Last weeks cop raid must have goosed it up. I came out covered with shaving cream stains. That was one great party. But for serious one on one, it's the alley, for me. Than back to HK for more stimulation. I had to reload my singles twice. That's a lot of T & A.

Hong Kong is better than any bar on Soi Cowboy, Nana or Pattaya.

Comparing HK to Mardi Gras is apples and oranges. I bet you enjoyed those gay rainbow flagged freaks on the float that diverted off the gay parade route.

Sgt Perv
06-22-09, 23:43
Coupons! ? I think it would look weird and point you out as a cheapskate if you where to hand out coupons at a strip club. Finger a girl in the booth and slip her the coupong instead of money. LOL.Do you really think using a coupon that the club gives you makes you look cheap?

If a chica offers you a lower rate do you turn it down because it will make you look cheap?

Do you turn away a free drink because it makes you look cheap?

If a taxi driver tells you "no charge" do you say" noway take my $5 I am not cheap"?

No, it does not make you look cheap at all, it makes you look grateful and smart.

Everyone who works there knows of the coupons.

The coupon are to get you in the club for the final fleecing.

They expect Americans to over tip even more to massage their own egos.

Work on your self esteem.

You are in an country where factory worker are making $2-$3 an hour and you worry about looking cheap?

To whom?

Yourself or the other mongers?

You are spending more than some of the locals make in a week and you are worried about looking cheap?

Realize what your money is to them.

Get things into perspective.

You are in fact being very generous to them, the cheap crap is all in your American macho mind.

Remember that same person who trys to make you feel cheap is the same ass that will cheat you for a lot less.

You getting cheated out of a dollar is nothing to you but that dollar to them is dinner for them.

Do you tip a dinners worth when you buy a beer in the USA?

They are making more money (profit) than any USA bar on their drinks.

Keep things in perspective!

I try to follow their laws and customs. So what is wrong or cheap about wanting to pay their prices and not being tourist fucked?

06-23-09, 11:25
HK has web promotions posted, for daily promotions ask the staff.
Print the page and clip the coupons. Taxi pick-up needs to be prearranged with HK via web.

Sound7, I used the coupon on Sunday. Got two beers. Took a few minutes for the waiter to wrap his brain around it. I insisted they bring both beers.
Thanks for the tip.

06-23-09, 15:36
Sgt Perv
So what is wrong or cheap about wanting to pay their prices and not being tourist fucked?
well put.

06-23-09, 15:38
Sgt Perv
"So what is wrong or cheap about wanting to pay their prices and not being tourist fucked?"
Well put! Much the same as these chaps who insist on trying to get this well worked gal to come, making her fake it, needless theatrics in the transaction.

Precocious One
06-23-09, 16:11
Do you really think using a coupon that the club gives you makes you look cheap?

If a chica offers you a lower rate do you turn it down because it will make you look cheap?

Do you turn away a free drink because it makes you look cheap?

If a taxi driver tells you "no charge" do you say" noway take my $5 I am not cheap"?

No, it does not make you look cheap at all, it makes you look grateful and smart.

Everyone who works there knows of the coupons.

The coupon are to get you in the club for the final fleecing.

They expect Americans to over tip even more to massage their own egos.

Work on your self esteem.

You are in an country where factory worker are making $2-$3 an hour and you worry about looking cheap?

To whom?

Yourself or the other mongers?

You are spending more than some of the locals make in a week and you are worried about looking cheap?

Realize what your money is to them.

Get things into perspective.

You are in fact being very generous to them, the cheap crap is all in your American macho mind.

Remember that same person who trys to make you feel cheap is the same ass that will cheat you for a lot less.

You getting cheated out of a dollar is nothing to you but that dollar to them is dinner for them.

Do you tip a dinners worth when you buy a beer in the USA?

They are making more money (profit) than any USA bar on their drinks.

Keep things in perspective!

I try to follow their laws and customs. So what is wrong or cheap about wanting to pay their prices and not being tourist fucked?

One of the local S/C's that I patronize here in Monterrey gives out these coupons for 2 for 1 weekday drink specials in which I would probably save around eight bucks.

And no, I never use them.

And yes, it is because of my ego.

For all you Gringos out there that are trying to get a feel for TJ or MX for that matter, just listen to what Sgt Perv has to say. He knows what he is talking about and is pretty much spot-on in all of his posts.

06-23-09, 17:17
I'm sure the Coahilla pales in comparison to Bangkok and Bangkok is less dangerous. Do you have to pay extra to get them to take their top off in SE Asia?

From a strip-club standpoint, HK is light years better than any go-go place in BKK that I can think of. Five years ago, maybe not so much. But nowadays...

06-23-09, 18:16
Way to Save (W2S) is a current US national federal banking program to help Americans save money by offering 2% APY percent annual bonus for the year 2009, 1% APY bonus for 2010 and .75% for 2011 by depositing hundred US dollar each month from a checking account of top ten US financial institution.

HK is offering a bonus via coupons and are very strict on the usage. This adds up to 20% to 50 % discount at HK depending on the activity.The drink coupons may require approval for some waiter from the bar or the floor managers. Be patient, kind and brave. Also patron signature on the coupon's back side may be requested.
Clamato and XX beer combination using the coupon is 42 peso + 0 tip?). Try it you might like it ! Clamato is a mixed drink in a glass and not a bottle. If any health concerns, avoid the clamato. Hard to walk about with two beer bottles.

La Bella (dance) coupon the girls share 50% split (100 peso), waiter a 10 p tip? and HK zero for a five to six minute dance. La Bella coupon needs to be presented to the waiter and identify the lucky girl. A walk to the second floor.

HK Arriba? v Paraditas ?? (300 pesos+)

Border coupons are not helpful. Pick-up and drop-off arrangement via web only. Make sure the print quality of the coupon is good to avoid rejection.

HK "Arriba coupons" currently not available.

Give HK's La Bella" Espanol version coupons to a Paraditas and request 2 x1 very kindly and softly "Promocion". Give other bars (AB) the drink coupon and request a match.

Espanol Version:

Be aware of all the drink, money and e.t.c scams and risk factors in play.

Transportation and parking fees are not implied..

Sound7, I used the coupon on Sunday. Got two beers. Took a few minutes for the waiter to wrap his brain around it. I insisted they bring both beers.
Thanks for the tip.

Member #4450
06-24-09, 07:34
They even have coupons for a private dance with a fea at half price.
They must be desperate for business?
The other coupon offer is pick you up and drop you off at the border, similar to the deal you get in Vegas, once your in the casino they will take your last dime.
I would probably feel comfortable using the coupons for most everything except paying the girls for private dance.
Are any coupons for banging discount yet?

Sgt Perv
06-24-09, 08:16
Are any coupons for banging discount yet?They sure do.

They are called pesos and offer unlimited discounts (usual savings $5-$10 per session).

Sgt Perv
06-24-09, 08:38
I would probably feel comfortable using the coupons for most everything except paying the girls for private dance.The club is taking the hit on the dance coupon.

If chicas were to lose money on the coupons they would throw a tizzy fit.

The chica is still making the same amount.

Are you worried about not giving the club their cut?

Did you really think the chicas keep all the money on the regular dances?

Use the dance coupon if you like dances.

Come on men think now while your pecker is still passed out on your balls.

Once he comes to ,we all tend to stop thinking.

06-24-09, 10:17
Do you really think using a coupon that the club gives you makes you look cheap?

You are in fact being very generous to them, the cheap crap is all in your American macho mind.

I try to follow their laws and customs. So what is wrong or cheap about wanting to pay their prices and not being tourist fucked?

Yes I do think it makes me look cheap using a coupon.

It has nothing do with trying to be macho. It just reminds me of being young and trying to save $0.15 cents on a jar of peanut butter or 20 cents on a loaf of bread because my mom would force me to use coupons. I always felt so embarrased using coupons and felt like a cheapskate trying to save a few measly cents. Not to mention the disgruntled look on the cashier when I handed them a coupon, cause they now had to adjust the register to the new price. I hated using them and I would be forced to only to save a bit of pocket change that would later end up in the couch anyways.

Let's just say I haven't had a good experience with coupons and simply preffer not to use them or relive the moments when I did. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for saving money. I'd use them for discount on a hotel or to rent a car, but to use them for a waitered drink or a lap dance. Hell no!

Sgt Perv
06-24-09, 22:33
Yes I do think it makes me look cheap using a coupon.
Let's just say I haven't had a good experience with coupons and simply preffer not to use them or relive the moments when I did. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for saving money. I'd use them for discount on a hotel or to rent a car, but to use them for a waitered drink or a lap dance. Hell no!I understand childhood scars but you are an adult now , time to heal.

You should now realize the purpose of the coupons was so she could give you more with her money and not to embarrass you.

You say you will coupon a hotel or car for $15-$20 saving but not in a house of ill repute?

What is the actual difference?

I would agree if we were talking a charity event but ashamed or embarrassed at a house of ill repute?

We are not talking about a 20 cent coupon on a beer ( I would not even think about that).

It is your money but think about it more.

What is this really about?

More ego and self esteem than a simple business transaction.

You seem like a nice guy and I am not at all trying to belittle you, I am trying to get you to think more about what is actually happening.

If you insist on spending all the money you bring, at least get more for your money.
Consider it helping the locals from rising cost.

You are smart at finding ways to get to TJ and save money but once you are there where you can really save, you act like you do not care.

Member #4450
06-25-09, 00:01
They sure do.

They are called pesos and offer unlimited discounts (usual savings $5-$10 per session).
You have in obsessive compulsion with the pesos.
If you go to TJ every week pesos makes sense, but I don't go every week just a few times in a year so for me is not a big difference in savings.
yes I agree MX currency helps if you go often because expenses can add up fast.

Member #4450
06-25-09, 00:13
The club is taking the hit on the dance coupon.

If chicas were to lose money on the coupons they would throw a tizzy fit.

The chica is still making the same amount.

Are you worried about not giving the club their cut?

Did you really think the chicas keep all the money on the regular dances?

Use the dance coupon if you like dances.

Come on men think now while your pecker is still passed out on your balls.

Once he comes to ,we all tend to stop thinking.
No none of that.
I just don't think I would use coupons to pay for private dances or for sex services.
It's just me I feel cheap passing coupons to a girl. I wonder if you get the same quality dance when using coupons?
Anyway don't get me wrong I'm not a rich guy I use coupons for a lot things in life like a car wash, food at the market etc but not for pleasures with the ladies.

Member #4450
06-25-09, 00:32
Yes I do think it makes me look cheap using a coupon.

It has nothing do with trying to be macho. It just reminds me of being young and trying to save $0.15 cents on a jar of peanut butter or 20 cents on a loaf of bread because my mom would force me to use coupons. I always felt so embarrased using coupons and felt like a cheapskate trying to save a few measly cents. Not to mention the disgruntled look on the cashier when I handed them a coupon, cause they now had to adjust the register to the new price. I hated using them and I would be forced to only to save a bit of pocket change that would later end up in the couch anyways.

Well that's different, maybe your mom needed to save money to support the family.
Is nothing wrong using coupons at the store a lot of people do.
I know some people are cheap , they own a brand new BMW and they use coupons at the market I seen that many times.
You said felt embarrassed using coupons at the register but your not the one paying for the groceries lol!
But yes girls and coupons is weird, I wouldn't use it.

Sgt Perv
06-25-09, 01:10
I will go back to quiet mode.

It is just to me, saving of $20 per $100 is good money with little effort.

Yes, with straight math it appears $8 but your prices are different (cheaper).

Saving $18.50 with coupons makes sense to me also.

So having an extra (say normal $150 trip total) $48.50 to spend is nothing to most people.

I know if I dropped a $50 bill, I wish I could not afford to stop and pick it up. All you have to do is bring $200 instead of $150 and it is even easier.

Sorry guys, I am really done now.

Sgt Perv
06-25-09, 01:39
It is alright to save money on things you need in life (no shame) in order to have money for pleasure but it is not ok (shame) to save money on pleasure in order to have more money for pleasure.

Simple enough I guess.

06-25-09, 03:26
You said felt embarrassed using coupons at the register but your not the one paying for the groceries lol!
But yes girls and coupons is weird, I wouldn't use it.

I was paying. When it came to groceries, my mom would call me and put three things into my hand, a list of groceries, money and coupons then send me off to the store. And yes, she was trying to save money to support our family. We where not rich growing up and hardly had any money. But you know how kids are. They preffer to hide their income situation than to let others know they are poor. And using coupons was like wearing a sign with the words "poor" written on it. It's stupid but that was how I felt my when using them.

Exactly what you said, coupons and sexual services from a girl don't mix. Yes you can use it, but I preffer not to.

06-25-09, 03:44
Chicas on the web.

Dx: Unresolved issues - coupon incidents
Tx: CI

But yes girls and coupons is weird, I wouldn't use it.

06-25-09, 14:23
I have never been to to Tijuana but I will be going in August I justr saw the hk web site do these girls fuck and if yes how much I know adelitas its 40-60 but what about HK.

Sgt Perv
06-25-09, 22:16
I have never been to to Tijuana but I will be going in August I justr saw the hk web site do these girls fuck and if yes how much I know adelitas its 40-60 but what about HK.Some will with you some will not.

Price is about the same depending on your negotiation skills, they will accept more.

Libra 7474
06-25-09, 23:05
I have never been to to Tijuana but I will be going in August I justr saw the hk web site do these girls fuck and if yes how much I know adelitas its 40-60 but what about HK.Same prices as far as I know. I am going 4th of July weekend for the first time in almost a year and a half. I actually have never been to HK, I sampled the street girls before.

Previously, I would go, roam the Zona alone, walk from the border and back at night. Never a problem if you don't count me getting harrassed by cops once that I described in my very first posting. Now I am kinda freaking out though from reading all these posts about muggings and cops getting outta control even more than usual.

06-26-09, 16:31
June users come from these countries:

* 72.9% United States
* 27.1% Mexico

June traffic rank in other countries:

* 145,010 Mexico
* 1,011,430 United States

Same prices as far as I know. I am going 4th of July weekend for the first time in almost a year and a half. I actually have never been to HK, I sampled the street girls before.

Previously, I would go, roam the Zona alone, walk from the border and back at night. Never a problem if you don't count me getting harrassed by cops once that I described in my very first posting. Now I am kinda freaking out though from reading all these posts about muggings and cops getting outta control even more than usual.

06-26-09, 20:14
Same prices as far as I know. I am going 4th of July weekend for the first time in almost a year and a half. I actually have never been to HK, I sampled the street girls before.

Previously, I would go, roam the Zona alone, walk from the border and back at night. Never a problem if you don't count me getting harrassed by cops once that I described in my very first posting. Now I am kinda freaking out though from reading all these posts about muggings and cops getting outta control even more than usual.I also posted a long time ago regarding being harassed:


After that experience, I will walk to the zone if before dark, but now i ALWAYS return to the border in a cab. if you read my old report, I got harassed on that footbridge. I think it always pays to be nice, but firm.

06-27-09, 04:47
"Nature of your trip?", "Why are you in Tijuana?" are some of the common variation questions they can ask. Also "What are you bringing back? All this in 10 seconds or less. Have fun.

I also posted a long time ago regarding being harassed:


After that experience, I will walk to the zone if before dark, but now i ALWAYS return to the border in a cab. if you read my old report, I got harassed on that footbridge. I think it always pays to be nice, but firm.

Cobra Comander
06-27-09, 05:09
I also posted a long time ago regarding being harassed:


After that experience, I will walk to the zone if before dark, but now i ALWAYS return to the border in a cab. if you read my old report, I got harassed on that footbridge. I think it always pays to be nice, but firm.

Footbridge? are you talking about the bridge that goes ovet the river or the brige that leads from the Taxis to the Pedi line?


06-27-09, 19:25
Footbridge? are you talking about the bridge that goes ovet the river or the brige that leads from the Taxis to the Pedi line?

CCIt was the river footbridge...I was rounding the stairs on my way back to the border, on the border side of the river. The staircase that is almost connected to that Mexocan restaurant.

The street vendors were gone for the night, and TJ's finest were waiting there by the empty vendor stands, so that anyone walking back to the border across that bridge would have to pass right by them.

06-29-09, 00:09
"Nature of your trip?", "Why are you in Tijuana?" are some of the common variation questions they can ask. Also "What are you bringing back? All this in 10 seconds or less. Have fun.

When they ask me, I just tell them, "I'm visiting." "touristing" "I'm here for the tacos" and other variations of those. All legible and they never have any follow up questions.

Once when they asked me what I was bringing back, I grabbed my stomach and with a sick look on my face I said, "Probably ringworms." The guy said, "Ahh shit!" then laughed and waved me to move on.

Cobra Comander
06-29-09, 01:28
It was the river footbridge...I was rounding the stairs on my way back to the border, on the border side of the river. The staircase that is almost connected to that Mexocan restaurant.

The street vendors were gone for the night, and TJ's finest were waiting there by the empty vendor stands, so that anyone walking back to the border across that bridge would have to pass right by them.

Yes I thought so. I USED to walk back if it was daylight but got hassled by the pigs one too many times. So now, regardless of what time it is I always take a cab back (50 pesos) to the McDonalds by the border and walk from there. I DO NOT like the "normal" border drop off point cause its so fucking dark and there are WAY too many creeps/cops hanging in the shadows....


Sgt Perv
06-29-09, 01:41
So now, regardless of what time it is I always take a cab back (50 pesos) to the McDonalds by the border and walk from there.
CC50 peso($3.80 usd) is better than $5.

See picture on #893 :)

06-29-09, 03:29
Experience would vary at CBP inspection point based on the situation and current level of threat. Be alert and stay calm. It would be a loud drill Sergent questioning. Requires very little response and no sudden movement. Follow the direction to empty the pockets and spread for a pat down of the whole body.
Like a Airport Secondary inspection after the bells set-off. No one moves for few seconds to minutes. Exit the building and head home.

Once I was asked to account for my time in TJ.

When they ask me, I just tell them, "I'm visiting." "touristing" "I'm here for the tacos" and other variations of those. All legible and they never have any follow up questions.

06-29-09, 04:52
Experience would vary at CBP inspection point based on the situation and current level of threat. Be alert and stay calm. It would be a loud drill Sergent questioning. Requires very little response and no sudden movement. Follow the direction to empty the pockets and spread for a pat down of the whole body.
Like a Airport Secondary inspection after the bells set-off. No one moves for few seconds to minutes. Exit the building and head home.

Once I was asked to account for my time in TJ.

I don't understand the paranoia associated with crossing the border. These guys are not the Morality Police. You can look 'em in the eye and tell 'em you were porking every puta in the zona norte and there isn't shit they can do about it. As long as it's not a minor, it's legal whether they like it or not.

They ask dumb-ass questions to see if you speak English, if you look shifty, nervous, whatever.

Whenever they ask what I was doing I just say I was having a beer with friends.

06-29-09, 23:36
No none of that.
I just don't think I would use coupons to pay for private dances or for sex services.
It's just me I feel cheap passing coupons to a girl. I wonder if you get the same quality dance when using coupons?
Anyway don't get me wrong I'm not a rich guy I use coupons for a lot things in life like a car wash, food at the market etc but not for pleasures with the ladies.

I think this is the TJ effect. Me and my friends had no problem using strip club copouns for free cover or free student/military night in the US. I bet if HK charged a cover ya'll would be auto printing the free cover coupon like the Oprah KFC chicken coupon. Keeping prices low helps everyone. This is a recession. Everyone is not highrolling from Caliente money.

06-29-09, 23:42
Yes I do think it makes me look cheap using a coupon.

It has nothing do with trying to be macho. It just reminds me of being young and trying to save $0.15 cents on a jar of peanut butter or 20 cents on a loaf of bread because my mom would force me to use coupons. I always felt so embarrased using coupons and felt like a cheapskate trying to save a few measly cents. Not to mention the disgruntled look on the cashier when I handed them a coupon, cause they now had to adjust the register to the new price. I hated using them and I would be forced to only to save a bit of pocket change that would later end up in the couch anyways.

Let's just say I haven't had a good experience with coupons and simply preffer not to use them or relive the moments when I did. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for saving money. I'd use them for discount on a hotel or to rent a car, but to use them for a waitered drink or a lap dance. Hell no!

I understand what your saying. The experience and satisfaction is what counts! If you pay a HK Chica $70 and don't nut or she wants you to fuck her hand instead then your screwed. The quality of service is something bigger to worry about.

Sgt Perv
06-30-09, 00:24
The club is the one who is not making money ( at first) off of the coupons !

The employees are still making their same money.

Coupon or not the employees income is the same.

The purpose of the coupons is to get you in the club and keep you there so you will spend more money (now the club makes the real money).

The only effect the coupons really have is the thickness of your wallet and the rest is in your mind.

If you are already planning to go to HK, using the coupons will have no negative effect on your stay.

$80 session at HK ?

Ridiculous when considering where you are at and what else is around.

Using a coupon does not obligate you to only using HK services.

Get a coupon ride to the zona. You are going to zona already.

Buy a drink and get the coupon validated for your next. You are already going to buy a drink.

Roam around the zona if you wish.

Stop back at HK for more show and your free drink. You most likely was going to stop again anyways.

When you are ready to leave the zona you can use the return coupon.

It only saves you $13.50 but you are not going out of your way or being prevented from doing your roaming.

$13.50 will pay for your parking in USA.

Very few things are available to your benefit , so you should use what you can.

The lap dance coupon should have no effect on your dance because the chica is making the same amount of money as if you were paying full price.

She will still be trying to get you worked up so you will spend more on her.

Waitered drink shame?

You can still tip as if you did not use a coupon, after all that is the only thing the waiter cares about.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

06-30-09, 01:17
What's up with that chunky little ape who's constantly cruising through HK's, giving back/neck rubs and pounding shoulders for dollars? She came up on me last week and nearly broke my neck with that unique Shitzu (sic) technique. Then she jammed her tongue in my ear and said "sockee very nice twennee dollars". Err no thanks Honey, I have a chiropractor's appt.
I would be willing to bet money that she makes as much as many of the decent looking chicas in there, given her constant cruising for $ and high energy level.

07-06-09, 08:05
Yes I thought so. I USED to walk back if it was daylight but got hassled by the pigs one too many times. So now, regardless of what time it is I always take a cab back (50 pesos) to the McDonalds by the border and walk from there. I DO NOT like the "normal" border drop off point cause its so fucking dark and there are WAY too many creeps/cops hanging in the shadows....

CCWell, I went down to go to HK twice in the last few weeks. On one of the trips, I did walk back after dark, with no problem. It was a Sunday, though, and not much activity out. It was even more scary than when there were lots of people around.

On a side note, I have noticed that the chicas are now asking $80 as a standard response to asking to go to the room.

I simply refuse. Each time they've backed down and accepted $60. There was chica in there, BEBE, who looked like a fitness model. She had abs like a bodybuilder. Fine, fine, fine.

I cruised through bot Adelitas and Chicago Club, but not much action in either.

Has anyone ever gone to the Bull fights? Sorry, off-topic I know, but I've been curious and was thinking of going before the end of the season.

Sgt Perv
07-07-09, 04:02
On a side note, I have noticed that the chicas are now asking $80 as a standard response to asking to go to the room.

I simply refuse. Each time they've backed down and accepted $60.Guys are afraid of looking cheap, so the chicas are using it against them. As the peso increases in value, as it is now, the prices will rise for everything including the price of beer. Telling people to use pesos to keep the prices down does not seem to work. When the prices go up, the non peso users will now be crying "WHY?". The answer is simply the chicas have gotten used to your non cheap ways. You have created the monster so now you have to deal with it.

I still push the equivalent (in pesos) of $50-$55 for arriba. Yes I do get turned down by some of the uppity top tier but I am not contributing for a price increase. I do not approach them for service (club chicas) but instead situate myself so that they ask me. This is a newer approach for me but because of their ways of trying to get more money, I have adapted my ways. I feel if they ask me first, I am in a better position to negotiate than for me to start the negotiations and seem weak to their female powers.

The increase in club chica arriba will have little effect on me ( beer will) because they are not my favorite but in stead are my foul weather fall backs.

Ho Lover1
07-07-09, 04:48
Has anyone ever gone to the Bull fights? Sorry, off-topic I know, but I've been curious and was thinking of going before the end of the season.I was told they don't have the bull fights quite as often now. I wanted to attend the one in late May but had to return home the week before. You can get info at the Tuijana information buildings just across the border before going through the gate and the location on Revolution. They said you should see posters hanging around town. If you find out when they have the next one, please post.

Sgt Perv
07-07-09, 08:06
I was told they don't have the bull fights quite as often now. I wanted to attend the one in late May but had to return home the week before. If you find out when they have the next one, please post.This is the wrong thread but here is where to look.


July 26, August 9, August 23 and September 6

07-07-09, 16:31
Yes I thought so. I USED to walk back if it was daylight but got hassled by the pigs one too many times. So now, regardless of what time it is I always take a cab back (50 pesos) to the McDonalds by the border and walk from there. I DO NOT like the "normal" border drop off point cause its so fucking dark and there are WAY too many creeps/cops hanging in the shadows....

CCI hate those bastards, too. There were four of them, lurking in the shadows before the bridge. Each of them took a turn checking the lint in my pockets. Maybe those creeps are dead now. The dirty cop night shift starts at 8 PM.

07-08-09, 04:24
The increase in club chica arriba will have little effect on me ( beer will) because they are not my favorite but in stead are my foul weather fall backs.What are your favorites?

Sgt Perv
07-08-09, 07:16
I have always used HK as a resting place. I enjoy the shows and tip the dancers and maybe buy a fishca but as far as arriba, I enjoy the paraditas. I will bargain with the club chicas but will not pay the bs prices the sometimes ask.

Lots of guys are afraid of the paraditas for different reasons but they are the most reasonable when it comes to prices/service. The club chicas are so full of themselves, a lot of them, that the service suffers. Many guys think the club girls are all better looking and give better service but I will bet they have not checked out, real well, the paraditas.

You can add time up to TLN for the price you spend on fischas and arriba (30 min) with one club girl. I do not enjoy being either fischa fucked or tourist fucked.

I do not stick to services from one source in the zona. I like to mix things up and enjoy HK for maybe about an hour at a time. The zona is small and even easier now days to maneuver around (clubs having two exits to different streets), all you have to do is step outside and look around. With the added exits you have added security (barkers because they are watching). No longer a need to walk around the block. I knock the edge off and return to the clubs. I am less likely to cave for a chica's charms.

Now if the weather is foul outside then I am somewhat stuck with the club chicas but when the weather is bad, so is the number of customers and the chicas are easier to bargain with. I play the visits by ear but I know what I like and where I can look. HK has the best entertainment for the strip club environment and for me a must "stop and rest".

Lulu Pussy
07-09-09, 08:19
My new fav at HK: Beya ("bay-yah") from some place starting with an S (can't think of it at the moment).

This beautiful young lady gives a very entertaining performance on the stage. She's very good looking, a bit over made up, big lovely chi-chis, beautiful lips.

After her set, she plopped down beside me. Very little English. bought her a Sol. She played around with jr for a while, then suggested a "blow-yob." Looking at those lovely lips, I couldn't resist.

Up we go. I bargin for sin condon for a $20 up charge from her $40 rate. Worth every penny. I didn;t ask for CIM, but she took almost my whole load (dripping a little) without a blink. Priceless. Gave her an extra $20 afterward for $80 total damage. Without a doubt, the best BBBJ I ever gotten in TJ, and I've gotten some very good service in past visits. So if $80 for a BBBJCIM seems too high, then all you peso-pinching tightwads can blow me (just not as well as Beya or however you spell it). That sort of service should be properly rewarded. I will definitely repeat next time i'm down this way.

07-09-09, 21:53
My new fav at HK: Beya ("bay-yah") from some place starting with an S (can't think of it at the moment).

I assumed it is spelled Bella (means beautiful) and she's from Sonora. What I liked best about her was that she showered both before and after the session. I also recommend her for FS.

Sgt Perv
07-10-09, 10:27
So if $80 for a BBBJCIM seems too high, then all you peso-pinching tightwads can blow me (just not as well as Beya or however you spell it).Why even go to TJ? You can get that for $80 almost anywhere without all the travel and extra expenses. If that is the best you can do then more power to you.

07-10-09, 15:01
HK few cutes would not move, interested in drink coupons and drinks for friends. Headed to the alley/Cascade and this one wanted 30 dollar only for total action? and 5 for the room. I indicated I had pesos and she pointed to the Money Changer. The exchange rate was 1: 13.12.

Revolution blasting with music but no crowd.

Pattern change or shift in TJ since my last trip (June) or just plain hard ball?

Why even go to TJ? You can get that for $80 almost anywhere without all the travel and extra expenses. If that is the best you can do then more power to you.

Scooter Line
07-11-09, 05:13
Angela, a long time favorite of mine (9 years) has left Adelita's and is now at HK. She is older (39) but nice, natural chi-chi's, speaks English and has a great attiude. Mucho fun. I pay her a little more but I get many extras. Her name at HK is Anna.

I was there in the day recently and ran into Anthrax. She is a one woman party and has huge tits. I took her for a privado. We did russian for the two or three songs. Great time but bring napkins if you go upstairs.

Later on I was stalked by a streetwalker.(She followed me for three blocks.)Against my better judgement I said yes. Her name was Claudia and she was busty and overweight. But for $20 toda sin ropa I thought it might be fun. The $3 hotel room was disgusting and while giving the bj she kept starting and stopping. Very frustrating. Take a pass on Claudia even if she runs after you.

07-11-09, 17:02
If $80 for a BBBJCIM seems too high, then all you peso-pinching tightwads can blow me. That sort of service should be properly rewarded.Plus one on this point.

I'm old enough to remember when no self-respecting hooker would use a condom during a blowjob. Unfortunately this started to change in the early 90s and by end of that decade bareback blowjobs were virtually unheard of in any of the pay-for-play venues I frequented. This is the wrong forum for a debate on safer sex practices. So I'll just opine that in my view the health concerns cited by many people were not warranted by the science, and I prefer my fellatio uncovered. YMMV of course.

Lately, however, girls seem to be more willing to dispense with the condom when going down on their clients. I've had pleasant experiences in several apartment incall places east of the Mississippi. And I note that online ads for hookers often promise a girl friend experience (GFE) which in at least some cases is a euphemism for offering a BBBJ.

In the zona norte I often ask the girls "Lo haces oral sin condom?" Most decline. But lately it seems to me more girls are agreeing than before, especially when I say "Possiblimente para una propina?" Like the original poster, I am willing to pay more for a BBBJ. If the girl goes for the "propina" suggestion, I'll usually throw an extra $20 into the deal. If I'm dealing with a second tier girl I might agree to an $80 serssion where I'd hold out for $60 in the absence of a BBBJ. The bottom line is that I think there is a definite trend toward the BBBJ and I do what I can to encourage it.


07-11-09, 17:08
Sound7, plesae re-read this:

HK few cutes would not move, interested in drink coupons and drinks for friends. Headed to the alley/Cascade and this one wanted 30 dollar only for total action? and 5 for the room. I indicated I had pesos and she pointed to the Money Changer. The exchange rate was 1: 13.12.

Revolution blasting with music but no crowd.

Pattern change or shift in TJ since my last trip (June) or just plain hard ball?

What are you talking about?

07-12-09, 01:01
HK few cutes would not move, interested in drink coupons and drinks for friends. Headed to the alley/Cascade and this one wanted 30 dollar only for total action? and 5 for the room. I indicated I had pesos and she pointed to the Money Changer. The exchange rate was 1: 13.12.

Revolution blasting with music but no crowd.

Pattern change or shift in TJ since my last trip (June) or just plain hard ball?

Ehh, maybe it's you?

You must've found the only SG in TJ who won't take pesos! :)

The only pattern change I've noticed is that the chicas seem more amenable to price negotiations.

Sgt Perv
07-12-09, 01:44
Sound7, plesae re-read this:

What are you talking about?
Ehh, maybe it's youThat dude is in his own little world and in that alternate world they must have a TJ also. :)

I do not think the chicas can make sense out of him either. He must be using a drug/drink program encoder that can only be decoded with said program having been downloaded into your own system.

07-12-09, 05:01
Yes, The only TJ SG.

Ehh, maybe it's you?

You must've found the only SG in TJ who won't take pesos! :)

The only pattern change I've noticed is that the chicas seem more amenable to price negotiations.

07-12-09, 20:33
Like I said before, Sound7 must be really high every time he posts. That or he's from a foreign speaking language and uses an online text translator which obviously don't do a perfect job of translating. If so then kudos to him cause he has to translate our posts and try to make sense of them as well.

But I'm more convinced he's just high.

07-13-09, 04:01
HK Charm school is a very interesting concept, could it happen in this forum? I look forward to the outline. Thanks


07-13-09, 16:05
it would be hard to communicate with this forum if one is limited to heritage level but with current software and hardware, and great understanding of the members, it is possible. the sentence might fail to communicate or link with what is being said. a very frustrating situation for everyone in the written form but ok in person.

english language defines sov sentence structure with a non-tonal speech delivery. sov is subject -verb - object..

variations and errors in sentences help in the assessment of l1, l2 & heritage speakers. l1 would have the least amount of error in the written and spoken form of sentence structure. heritage speaker with a significant error in written form and l2 in the spoken form. l2 is defined as a second language.

[quote=efjayellike i said before, sound7 must be really high every time he posts. that or he's from a foreign speaking language and uses an online text translator which obviously don't do a perfect job of translating. if so then kudos to him cause he has to translate our posts and try to make sense of them as well.

but i'm more convinced he's just high.[/quote]

07-13-09, 19:34
it would be hard to communicate with this forum if one is limited to heritage level but with current software and hardware, and great understanding of the members, it is possible. the sentence might fail to communicate or link with what is being said. a very frustrating situation for everyone in the written form but ok in person.

english language defines sov sentence structure with a non-tonal speech delivery. sov is subject -verb - object..

variations and errors in sentences help in the assessment of l1, l2 & heritage speakers. l1 would have the least amount of error in the written and spoken form of sentence structure. heritage speaker with a significant error in written form and l2 in the spoken form. l2 is defined as a second language.

my first guess was right. he's just high.

07-13-09, 19:49
a label from efjayel(tm) trademark?

my first guess was right. he's just high.
originally posted by sound7
it would be hard to communicate with this forum if one is limited to heritage level but with current software and hardware, and great understanding of the members, it is possible. the sentence might fail to communicate or link with what is being said. a very frustrating situation for everyone in the written form but ok in person.

english language defines sov sentence structure with a non-tonal speech delivery. sov is subject -verb - object..

variations and errors in sentences help in the assessment of l1, l2 & heritage speakers. l1 would have the least amount of error in the written and spoken form of sentence structure. heritage speaker with a significant error in written form and l2 in the spoken form. l2 is defined as a second language.

07-13-09, 21:41
Trademark? What do you mean?

07-13-09, 23:43
A gratification.

Trademark? What do you mean?

07-14-09, 00:02
Trademark? What do you mean?

Dude, don't encourage him! :)

07-14-09, 03:31
How about something useful, like a warning to the cum boys along the lines of "early knock, no tip"
I am guessing at "golpear pronto, no propina!" Am I close?

07-14-09, 22:13
How about something useful, like a warning to the cum boys along the lines of "early knock, no tip"
I am guessing at "golpear pronto, no propina!" Am I close?

Change the word "golpear" with "tocar."

It probably wouldn't be much helpful anyways since I don't usually see any of the cum boys until the time of the knock. And the few I do see before hand are not always the same that "come a knockin while the bed's still rockin."

Dude, don't encourage him! :)

lol ok.

07-15-09, 02:27
Some times a bunch of very young boys asking for a tip on a busy day.

Change the word "golpear" with "tocar."

It probably wouldn't be much helpful anyways since I don't usually see any of the cum boys until the time of the knock. And the few I do see before hand are not always the same that "come a knockin while the bed's still rockin."

Dude have you heard of Sotomayor?

lol ok.

Pablito Diablito
07-15-09, 03:13
But I'm more convinced he's just high.

Oh man, I have not gotten high in ages, but this post makes me want to roll a dub. I get more pleasure posting absurdities while blazed than any other time. I could care less what the f*ck any of you think, because it all makes sense to me. Plus, I went to one of those hippy colleges that doesn't really frown on you showing up to Spanish class wreaking of dosha, and it brings back memories.

07-15-09, 05:00
What is dosha?

I feel we all here would like to communicate in this forum to the best of our own ability without any prejudices and help others who are visiting HK Tijuana. I think we have done that for most part with few exceptions.

This is not a forum to get high and post information or field reports.
Just last week a member of the forum was jumped in broad day light. He is ok .You might put someone at great risk.

Having said that it understood each member in this forum might have his or her style of writing. We need to respect that more so than in the past.

Recently I liked report format of another member in this forum who wrote in the bullet format. He was asked to write in paragraphs and it was done. For harmony, I would guess.

Let us be safe and responsible before Sotomayor and the USSC changes the law for good.

Oh man, I have not gotten high in ages, but this post makes me want to roll a dub. I get more pleasure posting absurdities while blazed than any other time. I could care less what the f*ck any of you think, because it all makes sense to me. Plus, I went to one of those hippy colleges that doesn't really frown on you showing up to Spanish class wreaking of dosha, and it brings back memories.

07-15-09, 10:40
Ok. But it's not so much about a style of writing as it is about what you write. And you(sound7) many times write about something obscure and not even related to the current conversation. It makes me think, "Why is he even bringing that up?" You know, like when a drunk guy interrupts a conversation and starts babbling incoherently about his socks or something. lol

07-15-09, 15:23
Your comments and posting as related to me are in clear violation of this forum. Refrain from it.

Ok. But it's not so much about a style of writing as it is about what you write. And you(sound7) many times write about something obscure and not even related to the current conversation. It makes me think, "Why is he even bringing that up?" You know, like when a drunk guy interrupts a conversation and starts babbling incoherently about his socks or something. lol

Ath Trainer
07-15-09, 18:32
Just got back from a trip to Tijuana. Did all my chica banging at Adelitas (although I did see something I liked at Chicago my last night right before my taxi to the border).

I did stop in Honk Kong Saturday, Sunday, and Monday night and an confused about the price structure for the services that are offered at this fine establishment.

Friday and Saturday night, there was a cover of $3.50 at the door which got you a Tecate in a can.l Sunday and Monday no cover.

Monday, I bought a Tecate in a bottle from a waiter for $3.

Sunday night, I needed a little warmup before I went back to Adelitas, so I said Hola to a tall, blond chica named Gina w/big bolt-ons who walks around topless. The waiter tried to put us in a vip room, but I told him I just wanted a table. I ordered a Tecate and Gina got a Clamato. The cost was like $16. When her drink was finito, the waiter was hovering to get us another. I was ready to go back to Adelitas, so I declined the offer and left.
Gina offered fucky/sucky for $60. While we were at the table, another waiter approached me and told me I could have a vip room for up to an hour just for the cost of some type of drink package.

Monday night was slow in La Zona and at Adelitas. Most of the better looking chicas I had already seen from previous nights. I went to Hong Kong to get warmed up and bought a Tecate as stated above ($3). I found this hott chick dancing downstairs on one of those mini stages between 2 seats. She had black hair, pretty face, great lean body and nice bolt ons. I asked her if I could buy her a drink and she said only private dances for $20. I was confused and walked away. I later saw her drinking with another guy at his table.

I went upstairs, and saw this thin, brown haired girl w/small tits dancing wildly with a mans hat. I asked her to have a drink. We sat in a booth. I ordered a drink for her and already had my Tecate. She got a mini beer and it was $7. While drinking her drink, she started grinding on me and we inspected each others tonsils like a ENT specialist.

So here are my questions:

-did the waiter rip me off w/Gina?
-what is a "private dance" and how much and where?
-how do the vip rooms work? cost? drinks for her/me? time? what girls do/don't in there? tip required?
-any other options at Hong Kong other than going to the Hotel?
-all Hong Kong girls do not go to the hotel, correct? Some just make $ dancing/drinking, right?
-anybody know any more about the 3 chicas I spoke of? did I miss out on anything? Sunday night, I made out well at Adelitas. Monday I went with a Hottie Central chica who acted friendly in the bar, but was disappointing in the room.

07-15-09, 19:33
Glad you had a good time in TJ. Thanks for sharing.

One can print the coupons of the HK website and get one free drink and half off the first lap dance ($10). The mixed Chica drinks ($12 Tequila) are more expensive than the mini chica beer ($7 + 1 tip). It appears that the waiter helped himself to a tip, a common practice with HK waiters.

VIP is an optional feature described on the HK web page.

HK forum postings addresses your remaining questions.

So here are my questions:

-did the waiter rip me off w/Gina?
-what is a "private dance" and how much and where?
-how do the vip rooms work? cost? drinks for her/me? time? what girls do/don't in there? tip required?
-any other options at Hong Kong other than going to the Hotel?
-all Hong Kong girls do not go to the hotel, correct? Some just make $ dancing/drinking, right?
-anybody know any more about the 3 chicas I spoke of? did I miss out on anything? Sunday night, I made out well at Adelitas. Monday I went with a Hottie Central chica who acted friendly in the bar, but was disappointing in the room.

07-15-09, 21:03
Ath Trainer:

About the only thing you didn't say anything about is the "chips deal". She may have had a call drink in her Clamato which they charged you the $12.00, or he could have just jobbed you. Always ask what they want prior to the order, if you choose not to pay for Tequila, etc. For $12.00, just tell her no. It is SOP for them to hammer you for drinks, at both clubs.

I have only used the VIP once, with one of the more well known ladies at HK reported about on this board. If I remember right it was $42.00 for ten beers. The VIP is no more than a very small closet. I don't remember how long it was, but enough time for me. I wanted out of the "broom closet". She did treat me right. If you don't go to Tijuana often, I would suggest keeping the drinks at a minimum, and don't do the VIP. At today's bargaining rates, it is almost the same as going to the room, not including the room charge.

All the ladies are very different in what they will do, and for how much. Just ask, and if you don't receive the correct answer for you, NEXT!

The odds of finding a GFE in hottie central are stacked against you. IMO, the odds of finding a GFE in Tijuana are not good, unless you visit quite often, and even then it can be hit or miss. One of my past favorita's is pissed at me becuase I go arriba with other ladies. It's pretty funny to see a smokin' hot 20 Y. O. Pissed at a fat old (60's) f*rt like me. It is simply amazing what money can do! Just as in any interaction with women look for some kind of connection.

You may want to try one of the other bars, Las Chevalas, or Tropical. They have some good drink specials, and rarely you will find a diamond in the rough there.

Basically ask more questions when you are there. It is better to know up front that you are about to be ******.

I will be down again this weekend. Look for a gray haired old f*rt with a big smile on his face. We can share some drinks and some laughs.

Health & happiness to all.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

07-15-09, 22:33
-did the waiter rip me off w/Gina?
-what is a "private dance" and how much and where?
-how do the vip rooms work? cost? drinks for her/me? time? what girls do/don't in there? tip required?
-any other options at Hong Kong other than going to the Hotel?
-all Hong Kong girls do not go to the hotel, correct? Some just make $ dancing/drinking, right?
-anybody know any more about the 3 chicas I spoke of? did I miss out on anything? Sunday night, I made out well at Adelitas. Monday I went with a Hottie Central chica who acted friendly in the bar, but was disappointing in the room.

Yes the waiter ripped you off. A common trick they pull is slipping a bag of chips onto the table when you aren't paying attention and charging you $3 for them.

Private dances are $20 in the booths on the second floor

VIP dances are in one of the big VIP rooms and you have to buy a bucket of beer at a ridiculous price that I don't remember because I would never consider it.

I don't think there are any other options besides the hotel.

True. Not all girls go to the room. And some charge a really high price for it because they prefer the private or VIP dances. And some of the sash girls will only sit with customers for drinks.

Cobra Comander
07-16-09, 00:02
True. Not all girls go to the room. And some charge a really high price for it because they prefer the private or VIP dances. And some of the sash girls will only sit with customers for drinks.

They ALL go up... They just may NOT choose to do so with EVERYONE.


07-16-09, 06:22
-did the waiter rip me off w/Gina? - Yes. See other posts about the chip scam. Otherwise, you got hosed. BTW, I don't think there's any such thing as a "call" Clamato, as there is usually no liquor in one.

-what is a "private dance" and how much and where? - Those little phone-booth looking things on the 2nd floor. I think $20 for two songs.

-how do the vip rooms work? cost? drinks for her/me? time? what girls do/don't in there? tip required? - Others know more. I think you have to buy a bucket of beers. $70 - $80? Never did it, poor value for money.

-any other options at Hong Kong other than going to the Hotel? - Other than VIP and privado, no. But, that's the whole point, isn't it?

-all Hong Kong girls do not go to the hotel, correct? Some just make $ dancing/drinking, right? - A *few* might just be ficheras. Mostly they'll all go, but some will demand stupid money. Don't give in.

Monday I went with a Hottie Central chica who acted friendly in the bar, but was disappointing in the room. - No surprise there...

Sgt Perv
07-16-09, 06:53
Monday I went with a Hottie Central chica who acted friendly in the bar, but was disappointing in the room. - No surprise there...
Their value are their looks and not their performance! Kinda like riding a mechanical bull (on slow mode) verses a real bull. :)

Sgt Perv
07-16-09, 07:03
-how do the vip rooms work? cost? drinks for her/me? time? what girls do/don't in there? tip required? - Others know more. I think you have to buy a bucket of beers. $70 - $80? Never did it, poor value for money.
Pure tourist scam. For those who do not know what the place is really about. Foolish thing to do unless you are one of those shy anti-arriba types because if you are looking just for "time", you can get that one fisha at a time with the added advantages of stopping whenever you wish and making her work you for her next fishca.

Just say no to VIP!

07-16-09, 07:29
I pushed my Tuesday trip to today, glad I did! Left OC at about 2-30, drive down was good, no slow spots at all. Parked in the closest lot and walked through the side exit to the gates. I had already had lunch so I went straight to HK instead of my usual detour to La Perla.
The place was really slow, chicas vs guys were about 3-1, the meseros were really hungry and aggressive, annoying. I kept moving and turned down several gals with "not ready yet".
I went upstairs to watch, just as the sash girls (black mini skirts) went up. Great eye candy. I caught the eye of a young one up front who motioned to me that she wanted to join me, I nodded. 30 seconds later this leggy beauty is beside me in the booth. My Spanish is pretty basic but after she gets a fischa we chat, she's 19 (I blush) and wants to go into the booth for a privado, I decline based on what I've read here. She insists that I will enjoy it but I counter with a request for arriba. Her turn to decline, we chat a little while longer and she leaves.
Within 2 minutes I am joined by a little fireplug who's all over me, promising a BJ in the privado, then fuckee in there too, how can I resist?
She's not my usual sort, being older and short but her personality made these traits seem secondary. In the booth she gets a condom on then administers a pretty good bj before turning around for some very active doggy style fucking. Her head was jammed against the door frame as I went to work but in the short time and with the distractions and loud music, no pop.

We agree to get a room as by now I am impressed. She says (no doubt because of my earlier failure to feed) that it will be $40 plus room, I agree. After paying the bogus $1 fee for the bathrobe, we go next door.
Unlike the Adelita's hotel, you don't get a sheet to cover the bedspread, just a towel. She set to work washing up (she was sweaty from the booth action) while I disrobed.
She explained that she just broke up with her boyfriend of 7 yrs and was horny, lucky me.
I laid back on the towel while she applied a Goodyear rubber and mounted up. She warned me not to come as she wanted to "fuckee many ways". Starting out CG, going to RCG and then on to doggy, she was a champ, enthusiastic and noisy. Finally she took me out of her pussy (while in doggy) and fed me into her ass. I pounded away as she gave an account of how close she was getting to orgasm until she did. About this time I was a little winded so I laid back while she removed the rubber and gave me one of the best BBBJs of my life. The knock never came and we snuggled for a while, spent and sweaty.
I took a shower while she washed her pussy etc again. She brought my pants into the bathroom and warned me not to leave my wallet etc in the other room with any other girl. I thanked her for the warning, dried off, got dressed and we left the room after I gave her $60 instead of the agreed $40, providers like that deserve appreciation.
You may wonder why an experienced monger would make the newbie mistake of not taking his pants with him to the bathroom. I'll tell you why. After we had finished our session, (while cuddling) she mentioned her name. Salma.

07-16-09, 16:34
Great detail report about last night at HK
Sash girl in black was one cool looker. I saw her standing at the entrance next to the raffle red Celica. You had her sitting next to you. for one fischa ($7 to $8).

My observation of the HK management was they looked tense due to few clients. Roaming and scanning like crazy all floors including Pravido.

Pravido and Arriba action you had is something of a legend to have all that sucking action in less than two songs plus Arriba anal for $80. You hit the jackpot with Salma last night.

I pushed my Tuesday trip to today, glad I did! Left OC at about 2-30, drive down was good, no slow spots at all. Parked in the closest lot and walked through the side exit to the gates. I had already had lunch so I went straight to HK instead of my usual detour to La Perla.
The place was really slow, chicas vs guys were about 3-1, the meseros were really hungry and aggressive, annoying. I kept moving and turned down several gals with "not ready yet".
I went upstairs to watch, just as the sash girls (black mini skirts) went up. Great eye candy. I caught the eye of a young one up front who motioned to me that she wanted to join me, I nodded. 30 seconds later this leggy beauty is beside me in the booth. My Spanish is pretty basic but after she gets a fischa we chat, she's 19 (I blush) and wants to go into the booth for a privado, I decline based on what I've read here. She insists that I will enjoy it but I counter with a request for arriba. Her turn to decline, we chat a little while longer and she leaves.
Within 2 minutes I am joined by a little fireplug who's all over me, promising a BJ in the privado, then fuckee in there too, how can I resist?
She's not my usual sort, being older and short but her personality made these traits seem secondary. In the booth she gets a condom on then administers a pretty good bj before turning around for some very active doggy style fucking. Her head was jammed against the door frame as I went to work but in the short time and with the distractions and loud music, no pop.

We agree to get a room as by now I am impressed. She says (no doubt because of my earlier failure to feed) that it will be $40 plus room, I agree. After paying the bogus $1 fee for the bathrobe, we go next door.
Unlike the Adelita's hotel, you don't get a sheet to cover the bedspread, just a towel. She set to work washing up (she was sweaty from the booth action) while I disrobed.
She explained that she just broke up with her boyfriend of 7 yrs and was horny, lucky me.
I laid back on the towel while she applied a Goodyear rubber and mounted up. She warned me not to come as she wanted to "fuckee many ways". Starting out CG, going to RCG and then on to doggy, she was a champ, enthusiastic and noisy. Finally she took me out of her pussy (while in doggy) and fed me into her ass. I pounded away as she gave an account of how close she was getting to orgasm until she did. About this time I was a little winded so I laid back while she removed the rubber and gave me one of the best BBBJs of my life. The knock never came and we snuggled for a while, spent and sweaty.
I took a shower while she washed her pussy etc again. She brought my pants into the bathroom and warned me not to leave my wallet etc in the other room with any other girl. I thanked her for the warning, dried off, got dressed and we left the room after I gave her $60 instead of the agreed $40, providers like that deserve appreciation.
You may wonder why an experienced monger would make the newbie mistake of not taking his pants with him to the bathroom. I'll tell you why. After we had finished our session, (while cuddling) she mentioned her name. Salma.

07-16-09, 16:59
Great TR, Dornyone.

The only false part is the boyfriend of 7 years. Doesn't exist. :)

She's probably the hardest working girl in the zona. But, Jealousy, thy name is Salma. :eek:

07-16-09, 19:15
She told me it was her husband when I was in last week! LOL

She is a lot of fun though. If only all the ladies had her attitude, life would be great. So far I haven't seen the jealousy, but I'm sure that I will eventually.

Even though it is only about the money, it seems that the P4P ladies worldwide can't stand to see on of their regular PL's go arriba with another lady. I find this probably the most interesting part of mongering.

Health & happiness to all.

07-17-09, 05:48
Great TR, Dornyone.

The only false part is the boyfriend of 7 years. Doesn't exist. :)

She's probably the hardest working girl in the zona. But, Jealousy, thy name is Salma. :eek:

I will be heading down to TJ in 2-3 weeks. I have heard so many report of the famous Tania and Salma that I wanted to try both. I see Tania up on escort web sites from time to time but have never hooked up with her.

How, would I find Salma in HK? Does she work days or evening typically. If I ask the staff would they know? A description would be great (age, weight, eye color, height, etc..) so I know if they just bring some other Chica which I am sure they would try if she wasn't there or available.

Thx for any info.

07-17-09, 06:29
"She's probably the hardest working girl in the zona. But, Jealousy, thy name is Salma."
She did mention that, I thought it funny. If she doesn't frequent Adelitas and leaves to watch novelas we shouldn't have a problem.
She's about 5' with brown streaked hair, if you sit still, she will find you.
I told her she is famous...
Sound7, next time down let me know and I'll get you a beer. I'm considering another trip on Saturday, as "the planets are aligned now" and it'll be a while before it happens again.

Country John
07-17-09, 22:16
"She's probably the hardest working girl in the zona. But, Jealousy, thy name is Salma."
She did mention that, I thought it funny. If she doesn't frequent Adelitas and leaves to watch novelas we shouldn't have a problem.
She's about 5' with brown streaked hair, if you sit still, she will find you.
I told her she is famous...
Sound7, next time down let me know and I'll get you a beer. I'm considering another trip on Saturday, as "the planets are aligned now" and it'll be a while before it happens again.

Wow, another great TR about Salma. I'm happy to see her get good press. If there was ever a girl worried about great customer service, it's her. Nice going (and coming).

07-18-09, 23:25
Even though it is only about the money, it seems that the P4P ladies worldwide can't stand to see on of their regular PL's go arriba with another lady. I find this probably the most interesting part of mongering.This is true but even more so of latin chicks. I've heard of the Brazilian brothel women getting enraged with such jealousy to the point that they litteraly start yelling at you like a girlfriend being cheated on. lol.

Sound7, next time down let me know and I'll get you a beer. If you do meet up with Sound7 let us know what he uses to get high. I think I might want some of it :D

07-19-09, 18:34
This Thursday July 23, 2009 HK is having a VIP bash. Rest up and be safe.

Last Friday, hardly any regular Americans but did see two cuties Northern European girls strolling on Ave. Revolution and a tall older European ( 6 feet 7" (220 cm?) on Constitution in his full hiking outfit - boots and short.

HK had a soapy show - two on stage and third fulled clothed with big ass jumping in for a pussy bite. A guy tried to finger fuck her as she was sucking the blond on the stage but the Big Ass wanted no part of it. A Brave Mexicano. A very moving show including the attempt by the Chico.

Would it be possible in the future to select a favorite Chica to go suck a stage girl's pussy? What a show that would be? Risk of Oral infection?
How much should the girl's tip be for this act? Normal light finger fuck on stage is $1 USD for guys. This is a request for a different kind, any suggestion? A dollar? Has any one made such a request of their favorite Chica yet?

Wild west show was active with blazing LE driving in multi squad formation fully loaded in the Zona Rio area Friday and Saturday (day and night).

Thanks for the vitual beer Dornyone.

"She's probably the hardest working girl in the zona. But, Jealousy, thy name is Salma."
She did mention that, I thought it funny. If she doesn't frequent Adelitas and leaves to watch novelas we shouldn't have a problem.
She's about 5' with brown streaked hair, if you sit still, she will find you.
I told her she is famous...
Sound7, next time down let me know and I'll get you a beer. I'm considering another trip on Saturday, as "the planets are aligned now" and it'll be a while before it happens again.

07-19-09, 19:07
A multi prepaid pravido "La Bella" sessions with a single Chica - requested a bathroom break and granted. No return.
Dancing to muti songs requires great physical conditioning and concentration.

Chica is in charge. No refund.

07-19-09, 22:16
A multi prepaid pravido "La Bella" sessions with a single Chica - requested a bathroom break and granted. No return.
Dancing to muti songs requires great physical conditioning and concentration.

Chica is in charge. No refund.

I don't understand what you said, but I'm guessing a girl walked out on you during a private dance? That would be a pretty stupid thing for her to do since she would just bump into you again later in the bar. Did you complain to management?

07-20-09, 01:09
Yes, you deciphered it correctly.

Doing multi dance & arriba was not a good idea to save time. Great temptation to do nothing for prepaid multi activities. Something new for her?

I am not surprised by this Chica's or the HK Management's response looking back.

I don't understand what you said, but I'm guessing a girl walked out on you during a private dance? That would be a pretty stupid thing for her to do since she would just bump into you again later in the bar. Did you complain to management?

07-20-09, 01:35
I'm sure the line at the "complaints" booth was long and wide..........

07-20-09, 02:25
Yes to you question regarding CB.
Location: Complaint Dept. - "Staff Only" Door, 2nd Floor, near the rear men's restroom.

Direction Options: 1), 2) or 3)

1) The door "Staff Only" is located at the rear end of the 2nd Floor, right next to the men's restroom. Easy way from the main entrance is to take the ramp/steps to the "Privados." Walk straight to the end, turn 45 degree to left and over the crosswalk, turn 45 degree to right and head straight to "Staff Only" entrance. Repeat the word "manager" if stopped by a staffer.

2) From the rear entrance take the first steps to you right to the second floor and the "Staff Only" entrance is to the right before the men's restroom.

The door is unlocked. Enter the narrow lighted L-shape hallway, watch the steps and traffic. Turn left into the first office. Go no further! Stop! Wait. Manager!

3) Just say manager and some brave HK Staffer will take you to the office. Do not use the stairs next to the DJ, unless escorted by a Staffer.

Speaking in Spanish with TJ cultural flavor would be a plus.
Spanglish ?

Off-site management team will be contacted for resolution and consultation depending on the situation. Be patient and polite.

Just do one prepaid activity at a time. Avoid the trip to the Complaint Booth Centro (CBC). Time is money. Response?

I'm sure the line at the "complaints" booth was long and wide..........

07-20-09, 10:22
By that detailed walkthrough, I'm guessing you did go to management to complain. What was their response?

07-20-09, 13:37
Response?: A deep sense of shock and very surprised by the event or events. Went into careful verification processes stages with staffers. Polite and respectful but did not consult with off-site management in my presence. Finally into dead silent mode (DSM), I made an exit and headed home.

By that detailed walkthrough, I'm guessing you did go to management to complain. What was their response?

Rabo Verde
07-20-09, 19:15
There is a floor manager in HK,
a plump lady in her 40's with a black jacket and a clipboard.

She seems pretty nice, the girls are kinda afraid of her.

She can "ban" or fine any girl, and there are not a lot of alternative venues for those girls LOL. I have talked to her in Spanish, don't know if she speaks English.

You can always give her a buck and point out a girl you want, she will grab the girl by the arm and bring her to you. The advantage is that the girl will think you are "in the know". Most of the girls don't give a shit about the waiters or the manager upstairs, etc.

07-20-09, 22:54
There is a floor manager in HK, a plump lady in her 40's with a black jacket and a clipboard.

She seems pretty nice, the girls are kinda afraid of her.

She can "ban" or fine any girl, and there are not a lot of alternative venues for those girls LOL. I have talked to her in Spanish, don't know if she speaks English.

You can always give her a buck and point out a girl you want, she will grab the girl by the arm and bring her to you. The advantage is that the girl will think you are "in the know". Most of the girls don't give a shit about the waiters or the manager upstairs, etc.I can personally confirm this post. She will also give you the name of any girl that works there, or any other girl that you may not have seen working. She can tell you if they are on the schedule for that day, etc.

She also seems to keep the stage and 'bartop' dancers on schedule, as far as the rotation goes.

One thing to keep in mind, though, is that you can personally get the girls off stage just by going up and asking them to arriba...or get them to come down for a drink, although it's been my experience that they like doing those dances...one girl that I took to the room was excited to get back down to the club, because she was in line to get up to dance.


07-20-09, 23:38
Response?: A deep sense of shock and very surprised by the event or events. Went into careful verification processes stages with staffers. Polite and respectful but did not consult with off-site management in my presence. Finally into dead silent mode (DSM), I made an exit and headed home.

Could you try being a little more specific on your posts? Who went into "DSM?"

07-22-09, 05:09
After some time the office staffers turned to "Dead Mode Silent" then I took my time and left.

Could you try being a little more specific on your posts? Who went into "DSM?"

07-22-09, 11:43
After some time the office staffers turned to "Dead Mode Silent" then I took my time and left.So you guys basically went into a staring contest until you decided to leave? lol, thats funny.

I can personally confirm this post. She will also give you the name of any girl that works there, or any other girl that you may not have seen working. She can tell you if they are on the schedule for that day, etc.
So that's who I need to speak to! She should know what happened to one my favorite girls that simply disappeared into oblivion.

07-22-09, 19:49

Also, could you do us a favor and not make up your own abbreviations and phrase initials?

Sgt Perv
07-23-09, 11:44
I could add a footnote if that helps.Just type simple and normal reports would be best. Like they say in the military, give it a KISS. Keep It Simple, Sir !

07-23-09, 18:25
I had a job interview in Irvine yesterday, so I decided to dricve the rest of the way to TJ since I was an hour down the road from L.A. anyway.

I spent the afternoon with that crazy woman, Anthrax, who is actually pretty funny when you talk to her, so it was fun.

After going arriba, we sat around and had a couple of drinks, while I was looking (and tipping) the other girls.

At one point, Anthrax said, "you be better be careful - I jealous!"

I laughed and said, "well you should get over it, because I LOVE women!"

It got even more interesting after that. I guess she was then competing for my attention. I had her sitting on the barstool next to me, with her tits out, her legs spread wide, panties down, with my finger(s) in her pussy and kissing her, all the while looking at the other dancers and flirting with them.

(God, I love this bar)

After getting bored with that, I said that I wanted to go and watch the shaving cream show, and she followed me over there.

(There was a young-looking hottie named Jeanna, who said she does not go arriba, doing the show with another girl. It's probably a good thing that she does not go arriba, because i'd be driving back down there - she had the most naturally perfect body I've seen in a long time)

Anthrax ket saying "She young, but I experienced!") I asked her if she'd ever done that show, and she said, "NOT FOR ME!"

I asked what she meant, and she said "Many men, fingers in pussy and ass - I no like that."

That is pretty much my trip report. Low key, lots of fun.

That 'hooker jealousy' thing is a weird, strange phenomenon, I have to say.

What's up with that?

I'm starting to feel like Charlie Sheen who said, "I don't pay them for sex, I pay them to go away afterwards."


07-24-09, 07:32
I had a job interview in Irvine yesterday, so I decided to dricve the rest of the way to TJ since I was an hour down the road from L.A. anyway.

I spent the afternoon with that crazy woman, Anthrax, who is actually pretty funny when you talk to her, so it was fun.

After going arriba, we sat around and had a couple of drinks, while I was looking (and tipping) the other girls.

At one point, Anthrax said, "you be better be careful - I jealous!"

I laughed and said, "well you should get over it, because I LOVE women!"

It got even more interesting after that. I guess she was then competing for my attention. I had her sitting on the barstool next to me, with her tits out, her legs spread wide, panties down, with my finger(s) in her pussy and kissing her, all the while looking at the other dancers and flirting with them.

(God, I love this bar)

After getting bored with that, I said that I wanted to go and watch the shaving cream show, and she followed me over there.

(There was a young-looking hottie named Jeanna, who said she does not go arriba, doing the show with another girl. It's probably a good thing that she does not go arriba, because i'd be driving back down there - she had the most naturally perfect body I've seen in a long time)

Anthrax ket saying "She young, but I experienced!") I asked her if she'd ever done that show, and she said, "NOT FOR ME!"

I asked what she meant, and she said "Many men, fingers in pussy and ass - I no like that."

That is pretty much my trip report. Low key, lots of fun.

That 'hooker jealousy' thing is a weird, strange phenomenon, I have to say.

What's up with that?

I'm starting to feel like Charlie Sheen who said, "I don't pay them for sex, I pay them to go away afterwards."


Nice TR.

I see from this, and another post, that good ol' Anthrax is back. I understand she was on maternity leave, or something.

Never went arriba with her (silicone is really not my thing) but she was always funny and seems to have a nice attitude. She also has a lot of mileage! :eek: Of course, so do everyone's faves. :)

07-24-09, 18:17
Nice TR.

I see from this, and another post, that good ol' Anthrax is back. I understand she was on maternity leave, or something.

Never went arriba with her (silicone is really not my thing) but she was always funny and seems to have a nice attitude. She also has a lot of mileage! :eek: Of course, so do everyone's faves. :)Thanks, Phordphan, yes, she does have lots of mileage, but then, so do I! LOL...

She must have been on leave - she says she has two daughters in Alcapulco.

Also, I'm not sure if they're silicon or not., especially the way they move during a very hard pounding!

Lately, I've actually been seeking out the more experienced chicas. I've been arrriba with a couple of the shy ones who tense up and won't get into it once you're in the room.

One the way up, I saw one of the really cute, shy ones coming down the stairs that I'd been with a week or so before, and i was glad not to be going up with her again...I'm sure you know, you have eye contact, and then they look away, but you know they remember you for sure.

It never ceases to amaze me at how nasty they act in the bar, but then 'close up' in the room.

I just kind of look at it as 'research'...as in "now I know not to repeat"


07-25-09, 00:49
I suck on those things and suck and suck and suck and suck!

They don't really feel unnatural at all. She's good looking and fun. I've only fucked her twice, but I should fuck her everytime just because. Nah too many HOTTER ones!

07-25-09, 19:20
At one point, Anthrax said, "you be better be careful - I jealous!"

I asked what she meant, and she said "Many men, fingers in pussy and ass - I no like that."

It’s been quite a while since I posted or went down to TJ. The economy and job market is that bad! But the posting of… ahhh Anthrax, stirred fond memories and my groin.
She may have mentioned she was the jealous type, but in my experience, she’s anything but.
The best time was after a particularly good session arriba, we went back to the bar. At the time I was making her a regular stop on my trips and she knew it. Being a regular definitely helps. The girly show was just starting so we sat front and center to watch. She told me too that she didn’t do the lesbo show. She may have said she didn’t do it cause of all the fingers in her, but I think she is not into the girl-girl action.
During the show she rubbed my Johnson and gave me the lowdown on the all the bar girls; who was new, who had boyfriends, who was a *****, who was cool. It was a heavenly experience to watch two hotties in a live dildo lesbo show while getting my dick rubbed by a big titted gal who minutes before sucked me dry. After the show and my dick was allowed to go back to state that allowed me to walk to the bathroom; she had to bum a cigarette from the waiter; so when I went to take a leak I ran across the alley and picked her up a pack, her propina for an enthusiastic bbbj to finish our session. When I gave it to her, you would have thought I had given her a diamond ring.
She was finishing her shift and invited me to go out dancing with her and one of her friends. How could I say no? We stopped at a local restaurant first for a quick bite, then dancing. She was delighted that I thought she looked better in her street clothes than her bar outfit. (a line I have used before when seeing a girl out on the street, not working) Her friend was cute and very doable. She even asked me if I was interested in her friend, who worked at Chavales. I thought about it for a minute but declined. After we danced for a couple hours it was back to my room with some drinks. Since she had mentioned she wasn’t into girls I didn’t bother to ask her about a threesome, but they did hang out. When the TV came on and porno was the first thing on they laughed, but wanted to watch, yesss.
So there it was; my second heavenly experience of the night. On a bed with two girls watching pornos and getting their commentary on what they saw.
It was now late and her friend went home, we jumped in the shower and lathered each other up and she stayed for a TLN and gave me my second PSE of the night. Her service is good, but her service with a smile is great!

07-25-09, 21:32
I'd actually read about Anthrax on this board before I met her.

When she came up to me in the bar, I said, "hey, I've heard of you, but do you realize that Anthrax is a POISON? "

She said yes, "but you'll remember my name, right? "

When I saw her this week, she kept saying, "I'm Anthrax, and you're my VICTIM! "

She said something to the desk clerk when we went arriba, and they both laughed. I asked her what the exchange was, and she'd said the same thing to him.

Fun, fun, fun.

I love Tijuana. Home of two of my favorite things. Margaritas and Caesar Salad.

Not to mention the CHICAS!


Lulu Pussy
07-26-09, 01:44
I made quite a find. Don’t know if she’s been reviewed here before (haven’t been keeping up), but Amika (ah mee ka) from El Salvador has shot up to #1 on my ATF list.

Here’s the story: Went to HK a couple nights ago (Thursday) and it was a zoo. I think it was their anniversary of the expansion or something. Outside there were a guy and chica in clown outfits on stilts, and another clown stilt guy outside the old entrance (on the SW street).

Inside it was PACKED with guys and chicas. I mean PACKED, you could barely move. Most of the chicas where in Mardi Gras outfits, and the stage shows were tame, more of a party kinda dancing than strip shows. With so many people in there, it was way, way hot.

I went to the new bar on the second floor and had a beer and cuervo. The stool I was on was getting a little air conditioning breeze, so it was tolerable. The place was jumping and LOUD and fun, but that made the usual business difficult. I was keeping an eye out for my latest love, Beya, for another of her wonderful BBBJCIMs, but didn’t see her.

It was about 11 p.m. or so. Decided to take a walk and see if things would cool down a bit later. Did a walk through all the bars around there to just check them out and waste some time. A few have strip shows, but they tend to be pretty tame. Hard to understand why some of them don’t try to emulate HK’s success and wild things up a bit with their own lesbo shows and girls willing to show a little pussy once in a while.

Went back to HK sometime after midnight. Still packed. But dancing on the nearest table was my lovely Beya! No drinks, just immediate arriba. I’ve reviewed her before, very nice looking with all the makeup (she does it really well, so she looks really nice). I just go for the BBBJ with her cuz it’s so good. She takes every drop of my load without a blink. Nice!

Then back across the border for the night.

Then next day, I come back to HK at about 11 a.m. Quite a difference. Not a lot of chicas around (probably all still sleeping off last night), less than a dozen guys there. No one was on the stage yet when I got there, but after a few minutes, up went Amika. Nice dancing, nice body (good booty, really nice tits, enhanced a bit but really nice to the touch).

And even though she was, I think, the first dancer of the day, there wasn’t a moment’s hesitation about her moving her panties aside for a little finger play. Lots of eye contact, smiles and nice soft kiss too. Amazing what $1 gets you in TJ.

After her set, was waiting for her to come back and enjoyed some of the same great $1 value with the next several chicas. I always like to do a little finger dip with each of the girls, then check out the aroma. Some are a bit funky, most likely from guys fingering them all day (GUYS: Wash your fucking hands when you’re there, and throw the bathroom guy a buck or at least a quarter, don’t be a dick).

Takes a while for her to come back down. I’m weighing my options, but decide to approach Amika. Told her I liked her dancing and wanted to take her to the hotel. Up we go.

I usually don’t negotiate first. Makes it too biz-like, which turns the girl off. Things go better when she thinks you’re into her and your first priority is to fuck her, not bargain with her like she’s something at a swapmeet. I get better mileage that way, and seemed to rarely get what was promised back when I did the bargaining.

We get upstairs and I start to get undressed. She immediately begins DFK’ing me. We’re still standing at that little counter thing in the room. She takes off her dress and starts rubbing that nice booty against my firming up dick. I slip her panties down and give her a little lick. She puts her knee up on the counter to the side and spreads those devine lips apart. I dive in for some sweet DATY. Just a minute or two and I figure we’re ready to take this to the bed. She again rubs her ass and pussy against my now hard cock. I make the move to get in there sin condom. Then the big surprise. She goes for it.

I’m in heaven, BB fucking this lovely from behind. Her pussy is nice and wet, feels like I’m fucking silk. After a couple minutes we move to the bed, doing doggy, then go mish for a long time. I never wanted it to end. She genuinely seemed to cum a couple times (real or faked well, all the same to me). She could tell I was about to let loose. I expected her to tell me to pull out or she would just scoot back at the last minute, but no. Splashed up in there like it was Christmas. OMFG! I am completely in love.

After, we even cuddled for a bit. I go take a shower. When I come out, she’s sitting up by the sink rinsing my cum out and giving me a big smile. Damn! I told her she’s now mi esposa de TJ. Gave her 100 for a job very well done.

I don’t get down to TJ very often, but I’m going to have to figure a way to get back down there again soon.

Usually I’d keep something this good to myself, but I want to make sure she makes some good money and sticks around TJ for a while.

Have at it boys, she won’t disappoint.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Sgt Perv
07-26-09, 15:26
I always like to do a little finger dip with each of the girls, then check out the aroma. Some are a bit funky, most likely from guys fingering them all day (GUYS: Wash your fucking hands when you’re there, and throw the bathroom guy a buck or at least a quarter, don’t be a dick). Nothing wrong with getting a heads up before you go arriba. Be careful to how you finger them,some ways are better than others.

07-26-09, 19:47
Thanks for the TR, LP.

I met Amika once, and she does have a very sweet personality. IMHO, you paid a serious premium for a high-mileage day-shift girl.

She has a lot of reviews on the TJA board, including, IIRC, her penchant for BBFS. But memory is a bit fuzzy. One thing that is not fuzzy is the assertion that she has/had an STD and may have passed it on. Genital warts, to be exact. :eek:

Be careful out there...

Lulu Pussy
07-27-09, 00:18
Thanks for the TR, LP.

I met Amika once, and she does have a very sweet personality. IMHO, you paid a serious premium for a high-mileage day-shift girl.

She has a lot of reviews on the TJA board, including, IIRC, her penchant for BBFS. But memory is a bit fuzzy. One thing that is not fuzzy is the assertion that she has/had an STD and may have passed it on. Genital warts, to be exact. :eek:

Be careful out there...To each his own. Putting on a hat is obviously more prudent than not. But, at my age, a tiny risk for a lot more fun is my choice. I've gone BBBJ and BBFS every time I can. Got be at least a couple hundred times. I've never, ever caught anything more than a cold or flu from a provider. And a hat won't do anything about that. I'm grateful that the vast majority of my fellow PLs have the good sense to bag it to even further reduce my risk. Ya pays yo money and you takes yo chances. If only I had such a track record at the tables in Vegas.

07-27-09, 18:08
I always like to do a little finger dip with each of the girls, then check out the aroma. Some are a bit funky, most likely from guys fingering them all day (GUYS: Wash your fucking hands when you’re there, and throw the bathroom guy a buck or at least a quarter, don’t be a dick).

Hand washing is more than good personal hygiene practice. One of the first things I do as I enter the room is go to the bathroom and wash my hands real well, hot water and lots of soap. Since I often stay at Cascadas I already have my own decent soap and towel in the bathroom, not the crap potato chip bar and rag towel the front desk hands out.
The girls like the fact that I clean myself up before touching them and most importantly it puts them at ease.

Remember it is things you handle, that have been handled by someone who is sick, that is most likely what gets you sick. Then you put your hand to your mouth, say sip a beer or take a drag off your cigarette. A lot is touched in the bars, and I mean more that the girl’s asses, pussies, and tits. Do you think those pesky waiters actually care about your health and go out of their way to wash their hands before they open the beer bottle and hand it to you? Add to that all the other things you touch (table tops, chairs, door handles, ect.) that have been touched by countless other mongers. Often you will read on these threads about a monger who got sick after their TJ visit. Well, the best way to prevent that from happening is washing your hands with soap and hot water.
Wash well and wash often.

Sgt Perv
07-27-09, 18:22
the best way to prevent that from happening is washing your hands with soap and hot water.

Wash well and wash often.Hand Sanitizer is even better. You can get a travel bottle for one dollar or so with or without alcohol (preferred). This is my favorite because it is fast drying and you can use it sitting at the table.

07-27-09, 20:56
To each his own. Putting on a hat is obviously more prudent than not. But, at my age, a tiny risk for a lot more fun is my choice. I've gone BBBJ and BBFS every time I can. Got be at least a couple hundred times. I've never, ever caught anything more than a cold or flu from a provider. And a hat won't do anything about that. I'm grateful that the vast majority of my fellow PLs have the good sense to bag it to even further reduce my risk.

But you don't seem to care about reducing ours. Have you had a blood test recently? You don't get an STD and 24 hours later you're sick. They develop over a long period and in that phase you could be spreading it to others.

07-27-09, 21:32
Just an FYI,

. And I'm NOT trying to pass any judgments. You should be aware that Chlamydia (sp? ) can be passed through BBFS or a BBBJ.

You can have it (and carry it) without ever even knowing it, all the while passing or exposing others, and it will never even show up until a full blood screen is done.

It's one of the main infections that porn stars in the San Fernando Valley catch all the time, so don't kid yourself.

I LOVE BBBJ's as much as any monger, but I now am aware of the risk.


07-28-09, 05:45
EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.[/size]I was there too @ around 6pm. The place was packed. I'm taking it is not always that way? It was too packed for my liking. I would be way more down to hang out if it were half as crowded. Throw down some bills. But there were a lot of hotties on stage. It was a mad house. I found it super annoying how the chicks were wearing masks and how the dudes were filming the chicks on stage. I under stand it was for the tvs. But I think its a great place and would def go back. Can't wait.

07-28-09, 17:48
HK Thursday, July 23 - 19th Event.
Thing changed at 7:59 at HK, one single event caused the exit. Big bang .. very loud fire cracker explosion on the main stage.

Shift change or a ruptured ear drum to cause such a mass exit.

07-28-09, 18:34
I was there too @ around 6pm. The place was packed. I'm taking it is not always that way? It was too packed for my liking. I would be way more down to hang out if it were half as crowded. Throw down some bills. But there were a lot of hotties on stage. It was a mad house. I found it super annoying how the chicks were wearing masks and how the dudes were filming the chicks on stage. I under stand it was for the tvs. But I think its a great place and would def go back. Can't wait.

The big show Thurs night was that stripper of the year contest where they gave away that salvaged red 2001 toyota they had in front of HK for so long. Lizette a longtime veteran stripper won I think though she wasnt the best dancer she knows how to get around...

HK is prob the most consistantly busy bar in the zona now. They usually have girls danceing everywhere, promo sash girls to lure guys in though most sash girls wont fuck, the nastiest shows most of the time, vip rooms and privado booths. It feels like a vegas style strip joint but nastier. The downside is most of the girls arent as good looking as AB's and the meseros cant be real jerks or thieves.

07-29-09, 06:12
Based on the events of last Thursday HK has the most tested pussies in TJ with lots of pokes, suck, feel and probes to show - main, rear and 2nd floor stages.

I did see one American get carried away with his muti feel process and the server stepped in. A true freebie !
A local well dressed sucked a pussy for whole five seconds on main stage ... all for $1 and big smile.

Clean hand and mouth, HIN1 is back in the Global News.

No all HK girls do the stage show.
No special Arriba and Hotel Cascade discount.

08-02-09, 03:23
New females at the club, just hanging out with a "friend." Very few clients and minimum dance activity. Chance to meet a newcomer and chat. Be alert for the "Ponzi Drink Program." Avoid it by exiting.

08-02-09, 04:28
It is important to be a moving target within reason at HK. Having a tempo does help and knowing the advantage and disadvantage of a particular location might aid in some situation. Taking direction from the waiter is a mixed blessing as in most cases he is looking to optimize his or her nightly earnings. HINI is common in the restrooms, use hand cleaners.

Others in this forum have addressed issues including drugs, alcohol, mental R, planet 9, e.t.c.....

Be a moving target and treat HK as a refueling center.

God Bless You

Lulu Pussy
08-02-09, 04:54
Copy and paste this into Google Earth to find the location of heaven on Earth:
32°32'15.72"N, 117° 2'24.29"W, then zoom in.

32°32'14.13"N, 117° 2'24.11"W is the back door to heaven.

08-03-09, 07:51
Be alert for the "Ponzi Drink Program." Avoid it by exiting.Care to elaborate what this Ponzi scheme is?

Others in this forum have addressed issues including drugs, alcohol, mental R, planet 9, e.t.c..... mental R? As mentally retarted? I don't think you're too far off. lol
What's planet 9?

Copy and paste this into Google Earth to find the location of heaven on Earth:
32°32'15.72"N, 117° 2'24.29"W, then zoom in.

32°32'14.13"N, 117° 2'24.11"W is the back door to heaven.Yeah, I've checked that out before. Must have been a monday morning when they took that picture cause the zona and Tj in general was pretty slow that day.

Sgt Perv
08-03-09, 19:15
What's planet 9?I referred to him (sound 7) as Planet 7 because the way he talks, he is on a different world. Sometimes he is rational but most of the time. Well, you have read the reports.

08-04-09, 16:23
Care to elaborate what this Ponzi scheme is?

Ponzi programs are to create a great expectation and a surprise reward and in the HK Ponzi scheme program, it works the same way.

Breakdown of the HK Ponzi Scheme:

HK Ponzi Scheme: Expectation of an Arriba with a Hot Chica for drinks {(Typical Chica Beer $7+tip } + Others ($12 + tip)}
This chica does not do arriba regardless, but you do not know this fact.

In 30 minutes or less you will out of $100 or more with most going towards "Chica drink" wasted on the floor or cleared. Waiters (plural) grabs unfinished drinks to sell more drinks. Constant waiters traffic and asking "another drink Amigo." and Standard repeated phrase "Amigo good chics." "You go?", lol.

This chica does not "go." for a test drive at the present time. It is show case model for attraction. and Ponzi drink scheme.

Waiters are in charge of spending your money.

Chica is in charge to stay or leave, 20 minutes later might leave you a telephone number to call as a future contact.


Stay away from HK Ponzi scheme, if you can.

Care to elaborate what this Ponzi scheme is?

Question 2:

What's planet 9?

Our solar system is made up of planets and it was considered to have nine planets and this view has been expanded to question the "Planet 9" model more into the "String therory.". This is being hotly contested in the scientific community as we search for the answer in the Big Bang or Universal theories.

Sex climax is described as a "Big Bang" in literature.


What's planet 9?

Sgt Perv
08-04-09, 21:58
Care to elaborate what this Ponzi scheme is?

I had to look it up.

Sgt Perv
08-04-09, 22:40
Ponzi programs are to create a great expectation and a surprise reward and in the HK Ponzi scheme program, it works the same way.

Breakdown of the HK Ponzi Scheme:

HK Ponzi Scheme: Expectation of an Arriba with a Hot Chica for drinks {(Typical Chica Beer $7+tip } + Others ($12 + tip)}

This chica does not do arriba regardless, but you do not know this fact.

In 30 minutes or less you will out of $100 or more with most going towards "Chica drink" wasted on the floor or cleared. Waiters (plural) grabs unfinished drinks to sell more drinks. Constant waiters traffic and asking "another drink Amigo." and Standard repeated phrase "Amigo good chics." "You go?", lol.

This chica does not "go." for a test drive at the present time. It is show case model for attraction. and Ponzi drink scheme.

Waiters are in charge of spending your money.

Chica is in charge to stay or leave, 20 minutes later might leave you a telephone number to call as a future contact.


Stay away from HK Ponzi scheme, if you can.

[/QUOTE]In a nutshell,what he is talking about is what we call being "fishca fucked".

08-04-09, 23:27
Well I'm sure most of us aren't dumb enough to be duped into buying more than one drink for a girl before finding out that she doesn't go arriba. The chicas won't lie that they will go upstairs with you as long as you keep buying them drinks then change their minds afterwards. That would be very bad for their business.

08-05-09, 00:59

Sexual climax experience is more enjoyable for men in general than wasting tons of dollars in a "Ponzi Program." HK has a Ponzi program in effect.

Keep your eyes open and hold on to your money for your choice of a "Chica & u" program at HK.



08-05-09, 06:02
Ponzi programs are to create a great expectation and a surprise reward and in the HK Ponzi scheme program, it works the same way.

Breakdown of the HK Ponzi Scheme:

HK Ponzi Scheme: Expectation of an Arriba with a Hot Chica for drinks {(Typical Chica Beer $7+tip } + Others ($12 + tip)}
This chica does not do arriba regardless, but you do not know this fact.

In 30 minutes or less you will out of $100 or more with most going towards "Chica drink" wasted on the floor or cleared. Waiters (plural) grabs unfinished drinks to sell more drinks. Constant waiters traffic and asking "another drink Amigo." and Standard repeated phrase "Amigo good chics." "You go?", lol.

This chica does not "go." for a test drive at the present time. It is show case model for attraction. and Ponzi drink scheme.

Waiters are in charge of spending your money.

Chica is in charge to stay or leave, 20 minutes later might leave you a telephone number to call as a future contact.


Stay away from HK Ponzi scheme, if you can.

Does this represent your average experience with a girl in HK? Do you have LOSER tattooed on your forehead?

I don't know anybody, even rank rookies, who have blown through $100 in ficha drinks in 30 minutes. That's over 12 drinks, including tips. If you haven't gotten a good vibe in 30 minutes, and 2 drinks MAX, it's time to move on.

If you're getting fleeced this badly, it's your own fault. Maybe it's time to find a new hobby? :)

08-05-09, 06:10
Very original.

Precocious One
08-05-09, 15:46
Does this represent your average experience with a girl in HK? Do you have LOSER tattooed on your forehead?

I don't know anybody, even rank rookies, who have blown through $100 in ficha drinks in 30 minutes. That's over 12 drinks, including tips. If you haven't gotten a good vibe in 30 minutes, and 2 drinks MAX, it's time to move on.

If you're getting fleeced this badly, it's your own fault. Maybe it's time to find a new hobby? :)

I am not implying that this pertains to Sound7's experience but in some Mexican S/C's a small percentage of the girls do not offer themselves for sex and are there to simply fleece customers for drinks. The club owners do not care so long as they are generating income but it really is a bad business practice. Kind of like paying an entrance fee(ficha) to an amusement park only to find out that the ride you want to go on is not operating.

08-05-09, 20:01
I can personally confirm this post. She will also give you the name of any girl that works there, or any other girl that you may not have seen working. She can tell you if they are on the schedule for that day, etc.

She also seems to keep the stage and 'bartop' dancers on schedule, as far as the rotation goes.

One thing to keep in mind, though, is that you can personally get the girls off stage just by going up and asking them to arriba...or get them to come down for a drink, although it's been my experience that they like doing those dances...one girl that I took to the room was excited to get back down to the club, because she was in line to get up to dance.


Her name is Carmen and she knows which ones are good because she has licked half their pussies! She used to go out with a friend of mine Edith. Let's just say that Carment gets around.

08-06-09, 08:49
Today was my first time going to Hong kong bar, so I am completely a rookie even though I have been to TJ many times. Now that I got that out the way. I got my passport after a little less than a month! Couldnt wait to use it. Parked at the border by Jack in the box $5, then took a cab to Hong Kong.

Even though I had read my reviews on this board and others, I had know idea what to expect. As soon as I walked in, part of the staff tried to seat me and asked me what type of drink I wanted. Now I must say, that constant effort to get me to buy a lady drink was getting on my nerves.I just wanted to sit down and enjoy the place for a minute, but I couldnt.

An alright girl came right up to me and told me she would give me a good blow job etc while whispering in my ear and grabbing on my dick, but I wanted to take in my surroundings first. Then the waiter bought a girl to my table. I declined her lady drink about 3 times! She was nice enough to take upstairs so i just wanted to end all the harassment lol.

Her names was Daniella. About 5'7 130 with nice boobs. She spoke no english, but with my limited basic spanish we agreed on $60. Paid the $11 for the room and While in the hotel room upstairs I washed in the sink and she hopped in the shower. She came out with those nice natural boobs (dont mind fake ones though) put the condom on me for a CBJ. After a few mins I pulled her on top of me for CG then Mish. She did not want me to do doggie. She said I was too big. I think she thought I wanted to do anal.

We both cleaned up in the shower and that was that. It wasnt the experience I had hoped, with Hong Kong, but I got the first one out of the way and I know it will get better. Any suggestions on what I can do to have a better experience. From reading the board, I knew the drink thing would be a problem, but damn.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

08-06-09, 19:29


1. Just say No. They are experts at wearing down Gringos, and think nothing of asking as many times as it takes until they get a yes, especially when they detect a hint of weakness.

2. Tell her that you just sessioned and are not ready now. When she says, "You buy me one drink"? They answer is no, unless you really want to buy her one.

3. When sitting in bar (especially HK) put a napkin around your drink so they can't tell how much you have left, and keep your hand around it. When they ask, just a firm not yet, and wave the bottle at them.

4. When sitting in a booth, if possible, sit on the outside so no one can sit next to you. If a lady comes up and says move over, and you don't want her, just say no. Again, "Buy me one drink? ", No.

Many guys, myself included, on their first few trips to Tijuana are way too nice. If they catch any wavering in your no, that is like saying yes to them. They will wear you down. Without being nasty, or disrespectful, a very firm No, and then look away from them, will almost always work. If they sense that they cannot make any money off you from the start, they move along quickly. The slightest hint of maybe and they will stick to you like superglue.

Without being rude, or nasty, a very firm No will usually do the trick. If they persist even after firm No's just walk away.

08-06-09, 19:31
Does this represent your average experience with a girl in HK? Do you have LOSER tattooed on your forehead?

I don't know anybody, even rank rookies, who have blown through $100 in ficha drinks in 30 minutes. That's over 12 drinks, including tips. If you haven't gotten a good vibe in 30 minutes, and 2 drinks MAX, it's time to move on.

If you're getting fleeced this badly, it's your own fault. Maybe it's time to find a new hobby? :)

With all the "schemes" they have put him through like the medical test before sex, $100 dollar drink scam and the others, maybe there is something on him that spells out "i'm a sucker" before he even goes into the bars. lol

08-06-09, 23:44
Yes, "HK Fishca Fucked = HK Ponzi Scheme"

QUOTE=Sgt Perv
[/QUOTE]In a nutshell,what he is talking about is what we call being "fishca fucked".[/QUOTE]

08-06-09, 23:57
As SP has identified the term "Fishca Fucked" for the events of HK Ponzi scheme - it is a fast moving wave to empty ones pocket in a very short time like overcharging for drinks, bringing drinks without requesting by various waiters, buying drinks for her friends and all smiles .... all in the hope of this Chica score.

Beauty and kindness may not have bounds at times, resulting in departing from your hard earned cash.

08-07-09, 00:10
Many guys, myself included, on their first few trips to Tijuana are way too nice. If they catch any wavering in your no, that is like saying yes to them. They will wear you down. Without being nasty, or disrespectful, a very firm No, and then look away from them, will almost always work. If they sense that they cannot make any money off you from the start, they move along quickly. The slightest hint of maybe and they will stick to you like superglue.
Quote: SS

Hard to break the superglue bond. Elevated temperature melts and burns the superglue in the physical world of metals. In this world loss of capital is at stake in a game of FF and saving face.

First ever mongering could run into $$ at HK, unless one understood HKFF and the SS posting from the start and can counter the advances.

SS, Supersteve
Hong Kong Fischa Fucked (HKFF)

08-07-09, 01:47
Medical exam? , Chica is not a MD. more like a dick feel and visual look. Personal satisfaction is at stake for the chica.

Hundred seems reasonable for a HK Fischa Fucked for a Newbie. I am sure some else in this has experienced greater expenditure at HK on the first mongering experience but may not be comfortable to come forward to avoid group comments. These comments have a life of their own and have noting to do with facts.

HK is not concerned about the client's status or safety from excessive drinks. Something to think about before the next visit.

I am aware FJL is on very restricted diet for few days prior to TJ visit and on a H20 program only in TJ, HK Ponzi scheme does not come into play.

MD: Medical Doctor, Medical Exam
H20: Bottle water

Sgt Perv
08-07-09, 02:15
It seems reasonable for a HK Fischa Fucked for a Newbie. I am sure some else in this has experienced greater expenditure at HK but are not comfortable to come forward to avoid comments.

HK is not concerned about the client's status or safety from excessive drinks. Something to think about during a visit.The ficha fucking goes on all the time to many people and not just in TJ but some catch on faster than others. Most will not admit it ( something to do with their pride) and of course the clubs do not give a damn how drunk you get as long as you are spending money and not causing a problem.

Got to remember the clubs are making $3 or more on each drink they sell you so if you are foolish enough to buy past your limit ,they are smart enough to keep selling the drinks. Drunks tend to be looser with their money. A lot of men foolishly try to impress chicas with the amount of money they are spending.

Cobra Comander
08-07-09, 02:34
Hard to break the superglue bond.

How about just telling her to "get lost...?"



08-07-09, 04:09
"No Gracias," command works.

08-07-09, 05:48


1. Just say No. They are experts at wearing down Gringos, and think nothing of asking as many times as it takes until they get a yes, especially when they detect a hint of weakness.

2. Tell her that you just sessioned and are not ready now. When she says, "You buy me one drink"? They answer is no, unless you really want to buy her one.

3. When sitting in bar (especially HK) put a napkin around your drink so they can't tell how much you have left, and keep your hand around it. When they ask, just a firm not yet, and wave the bottle at them.

4. When sitting in a booth, if possible, sit on the outside so no one can sit next to you. If a lady comes up and says move over, and you don't want her, just say no. Again, "Buy me one drink? ", No.

Many guys, myself included, on their first few trips to Tijuana are way too nice. If they catch any wavering in your no, that is like saying yes to them. They will wear you down. Without being nasty, or disrespectful, a very firm No, and then look away from them, will almost always work. If they sense that they cannot make any money off you from the start, they move along quickly. The slightest hint of maybe and they will stick to you like superglue.

Without being rude, or nasty, a very firm No will usually do the trick. If they persist even after firm No's just walk away.I wish I had read this first lol. Great info. Toftt or at least the newbies after me. Stay tuned for my next post utilizing my new wisdon. Also look out for my other report & rookie mistake that I made in the tijuana report section when I went to Mermaids across the street lol. We all got to learn some time.

Cobra Comander
08-07-09, 08:29
"No Gracias," command works.

Oh, ok. My bad. I'll try that then. I should probably stop throwing my empty beer bottles across the room as well huh....


08-07-09, 21:53
Make sure to miss the LE at HK.

Oh, ok. My bad. I'll try that then. I should probably stop throwing my empty beer bottles across the room as well huh....


LE: Law Enforcement

08-07-09, 23:39
With all the "schemes" they have put him through like the medical test before sex, $100 dollar drink scam and the others, maybe there is something on him that spells out "i'm a sucker" before he even goes into the bars. lol

It's either the tattoo, or the My Favorite Martian antennae. :eek:

08-08-09, 00:34
It is the Force. lol

It's either the tattoo, or the My Favorite Martian antennae. :eek:

08-08-09, 00:37
Medical exam? , Chica is not a MD. more like a dick feel and visual look. Personal satisfaction is at stake for the chica.

Hundred seems reasonable for a HK Fischa Fucked for a Newbie. I am sure some else in this has experienced greater expenditure at HK on the first mongering experience but may not be comfortable to come forward to avoid group comments. These comments have a life of their own and have noting to do with facts.

HK is not concerned about the client's status or safety from excessive drinks. Something to think about before the next visit.

I am aware FJL is on very restricted diet for few days prior to TJ visit and on a H20 program only in TJ, HK Ponzi scheme does not come into play.

MD: Medical Doctor, Medical Exam
H20: Bottle water

lol, you do pay attention.

I usually go with my favoritas and each time they are having a drink with me, I tell them to drink it slowly. Doesn't usually work though since they are constantly being watched.

I'm not ashamed to admit I have had the ponzi scheme done on me but it wasn't because I was duped into it. I simply wanted to spend more time with the girl and bought her 3 drinks. That's the most I've ever bought drinks for one girl.

One trip the most drinks I've bought in all for different girls was about six. That came out to about $50 bucks including tips. On that trip I was a still a rookie and took $400 dollars. I spent all of it that day. It was 3 girls, many drinks, lots of cash spent, and a lot of screwing. Looking back on it, it was a big waste of money but the memories will last forever. :)

Oh, ok. My bad. I'll try that then. I should probably stop throwing my empty beer bottles across the room as well huh....


that would be funny. But now that I think of it, none of the bars have security walking around. Unless they get the meseros to also do bouncer work.

08-08-09, 00:57
I have seen the private security force plus TJ LE. TJ LE standing at the front entrance is common on major events. I am sure HK has bouncers too in addition to the tough waiter.

that would be funny. But now that I think of it, none of the bars have security walking around. Unless they get the meseros to also do bouncer work.

Cobra Comander
08-08-09, 08:30
I have seen the private security force plus TJ LE. TJ LE standing at the front entrance is common on major events. I am sure HK has bouncers too in addition to the tough waiter.

They don't. The meseros act as the bouncers.


Cobra Comander
08-08-09, 08:35
I usually go with my favoritas

HA! Yeah, like YOU have regulars!!!!!!!!!!! Bwahahahahaha! (just busting your chops duder.) :)

that would be funny. But now that I think of it, none of the bars have security walking around. Unless they get the meseros to also do bouncer work.

You'd be surprised with some of the shit you can get away with.... Not necessarily proud of it but.... Just saying. i try and keep my nights interesting. And if you start that shit things get REAL INTERESTING REAL QUICK. LMAO!

I Just got back actually. I'll post my report tomorrow, Peace!



08-08-09, 22:29
Spent some time in the Hong Kong Club recently, after an absence of several months. Thought I'd share my impressions with the group.

THE CROWDS: Way down compared to when I visited last. On a recent Friday night at 11:30 there were empty booths and lots of clear floor space throughout the club.

THE TALENT: Frankly, I wasn't impressed. The Hong Kong Club has always had a gross tonnage problem, but several months ago it seemed like they were making progress. Unfortunately there's been some backsliding and this trip I saw far more gorditas. I'm not adverse to girls with a few curves. But I saw at least a dozen total heifers. And there is nothing sadder than a bovine babe stuffed into clothes that don't fit trying to look sexy. (Insert Sideshow Bob grossed out grumble here.) There were also two or three "alt" chicks, complete with extensive tattoos, piercings and two-toned hair. I realize some guys like that look, and if you do good on ya. But not my cup of tea.

Also not to my taste is the addition of a four-foot-tall GUY to the lineup of dancers. Again, if this type of entertainment moves your fun needle I take no offense. But when I patronize what purports to be a strip club catering to straight men I find it incongruous to see a miniature buffed up dude prancing around shirtless in short-shorts.

Last night I saw maybe six girls I would consider attractive. The superstars were a couple of hard-bodied hotties splashing around in the bath tub. They were both brunettes, both about 5'3" and 105 pounds with perky natural tits. In addition to being in shape, they had gorgeous faces and smooth golden skin that looked great all soaped up under the lights. For a dollar tip I got to fondle their slippery tits and ass. If there's a better value in the Zona Norte I don't know what it is.

THE VIBE: Very much more mercenary than the last time I visited. As others have noted in this thread the girls are pushier than they used to be. If you are sitting down one approaches every few minutes, plops herself down at your side, and tries to hustle a drink or a privado. (They also solicit you when you're walking around the club, something that used to be rare.) I can't fault them for trying, but it torques my nut when they won't take no for an answer.

These interactions used to follow a pattern: a few words of small talk, followed by the girl's pitch (and perhaps a little mutual groping) at which point a polite "possiblimente despues" was enough to send them on their way. Both parties affected good natured bonhomie and the atmosphere was light. But these days about half the girls don't get up until I give them a ten pound look and take a certain tone. This adds a darker element to the meeting and as the hipsters say, harshes my mellow.

The waiters are a mixed bag. I was pleased that they didn't give me a hard time when I waved off their offers of another beer. (Although if you were obviously nursing a single drink for hours I suspect they'd be more insistent.) They arrive at your table nanoseconds after the girls sit down. But again they will take no for answer and unlike the chicas there isn't any pushback. But since the last time I was in there the waiters have added the potato chip scam to their repertoire. Bush league.

THE PRIVADOS: Still $20 for about 10 minutes, but higher mileage than the last time I was there, at least with the girls I chose. I can recommend a tall brunette with a lean body and a boob job who's name I think was Brenda. She one of the handful of chicas I think is pretty hot, and in the booth she's up-front about the extras. For an extra $20 she offers a hand job, and for an extra $60 she offers a condomized blow job. Getting jacked off by a strip club hottie for $40 strikes me as a decent value, especially if you dig the sleaze factor of doing it in the privado booth. The $80 blowjob is not worth it in my book, especially when half an hour in the hotel with the hottest girl at the Adelita Bar goes for $73 all inclusive. YMMV.

Honorable mention goes to Estrella, a more, um, "mature" woman whose sweet disposition makes up for her fading looks. Lots of deep french kissing in the booth, plenty of attention to Mr. Wood, and a little finger banging as well.

I noticed a handful of girls who cruised the area outside the privado booths, trying to solicit business. With the exception of Brenda, they were all disgusting. The vast majority of the girls, including all the hotties save Brenda, mostly stuck to the ground floor. I'm sure they could be persuaded to come upstairs for a privado, but there is always the inverse correlation between hotness and mileage.

THE CRIME: I regret to report that my pocket was picked by one of the girls in the Hong Kong Club on Thursday night about 9:30. I was sitting by myself in a ground floor booth near the exit to the alley. My left side faced the club, and my right faced the wall. I was wearing a short sleeve button shirt with a pocket on the left breast where I had stashed about $15.

Two girls approached together. One was a dancer, about 5'2" with shoulder length dark hair and a semi-cute round face. She was wearing a strapless cocktail dress. The other girl was one of the promotadoras. She was wearing dark shorts and a white crop top.

The girls did not sit down. Rather they stood over me with the first girl at my left shoulder and the second girl to her left. The first girl pushed her tits into my face and placed her right hand on the back of my head. This totally blocked my vision for a few seconds and partially obscured it for a few more such that I could see the second girl but not the first. It was at this point that I theorize the first girl reached into my pocket and stole the money. I say "theorize" because I must admit I was bastante borracho at the time. (Which, of course, made me a target.)

Losing $15 is no big deal. But getting my pocket picked at a club that fancies itself the nicest the in the Zona Norte was disappointing. This is the type of bullshit that used to go on at Avenida Revolucion clip joints, and it's depressing to see it spreading to what passes for an upscale place. This put me in a foul humor, and for the next hour or so I told the girls who tried to hustle me that I wasn't in the mood for a drink or a dance "because one of your amigas stole money from me earlier." To my eye none of them seemed surprised. So as the sergeant on Hill Street Blues used to say, let's all be careful out there.

CONCLUSION: It would appear the global economic slowdown has severely reduced the amount of discretionary leisure spending at the Hong Kong Club. In response most of the chicas are hustling harder than ever, and at least one has crossed over into petty crime. Meanwhile with the exception of half a dozen hotties the lineup is subpar. Still, a good time can be had if you remember that you are in control and if you are patient enough to hold out for a high mileage privado from the likes of Brenda.



08-08-09, 23:58
Nice report bunky. It's possible you where pick pocketed.

There are times when I keep loose bills in my pocket and stick my hand to grab something else the bills come up as well and I lose the money. I now avoid that by keeping money and other pocket stuff like my cell phone separate.

$20 dollars for a hand job and $60 dollars for a bj in the private booth sounds pricey. I've done the HJ for $5 dollars and the blowjob for $50.

Sounds bad that HK is becoming like one of the other clip joints and that the girls are geting aggressive. I've hardly had aggressive girls at HK come up to me. That's more of an AB thing. Guess the economy is still changing things for the worst.

You'd be surprised with some of the shit you can get away with.... Not necessarily proud of it but.... Just saying. i try and keep my nights interesting. And if you start that shit things get REAL INTERESTING REAL QUICK. LMAO!

I Just got back actually. I'll post my report tomorrow, Peace!



Now I'm curious to know what kind of things you've gotten away with. Please post :)

Country John
08-10-09, 21:18
CONCLUSION: It would appear the global economic slowdown has severely reduced the amount of discretionary leisure spending at the Hong Kong Club. In response most of the chicas are hustling harder than ever, and at least one has crossed over into petty crime. Meanwhile with the exception of half a dozen hotties the lineup is subpar. Still, a good time can be had if you remember that you are in control and if you are patient enough to hold out for a high mileage privado from the likes of Brenda.



Couldn't have said it better myself. The same is true in business generally in Baja right now but it is still manageable. I know that many girls are giving up using the condoms for a few extra pesos because they know most mongers (especially gringos) like poking in the raw. Avoid this temptation at all costs mongers.

Sgt Perv
08-10-09, 22:18
I know that many girls are giving up using the condoms for a few extra pesos because they know most mongers (especially gringos) like poking in the raw. Avoid this temptation at all costs mongers.When the chicas are this desperate for business, it shows that it is a mongers market. The chicas have raised their prices from 600 to 800 pesos in the last year or so (yes for the USD users it seems the same) and are wondering what happened to business. USD users do not have the extra cash as before because of the economy.

Instead of taking advantage of this by going RAW. Take advantage by getting a better price. 500- 600 pesos was good a year or so ago and should be good today if they want business. Even though it is less to us, it is the same to them. I can not stand the "house condoms". So instead of using those converted bicycle tires, I get (trial and err) condoms that fit and feel well for my Mr. Happy. I was a long time condom hater because I through years of girlfriends and wives did most of my sex raw, so that is the feeling I looked for in sex. Dealing with pay for play, it is very foolish to attempt raw. Years ago the condoms even in the USA were not as good as they are today. I have used some brands and styles that there is very little sensation difference to me. Just get out and try different styles and brands that will give you the feeling you are looking for. I am around 50 years old now so as the older guys know your feelings down there are not as acute as they once were and will not improve. :( Still I can find condoms and I have experimented, that does not rob me completely of the sensation I want and need for enjoyment.

Instead of risking peoples health by paying more for or asking for raw, bargain for a reduced price and maybe do them twice with your savings. End of the day everybody wins. Chica makes her money, you get extra session (s) and all are just as healthy.

Life Is Good

08-11-09, 06:19
My primary care physician told me that Trojans have one of the higher failure rates. Actually, I can't remember whether it was higher or actually highest.

08-11-09, 17:10
Lambskin condoms do NOT protect against HIV.

I use Avanti non-latex condoms, made by Durex. They're a bit more expensive, and more difficult to find, but they're worth it. They fit a little oddly; tight at the base and loose around the top. That way you get a bit of friction within the condom itself, which feels better. I believe the inside has a very slight texture.

They are tougher than latex, but as thin or thinner. Never had one break.

Sgt Perv
08-11-09, 19:19
The term is bible thumping minister. Preachers preach and chaplains are used when going to church is not possible as in prisoners or military. Serge? If you mean sarge that is a shit eating fish that lives at the bottom of the sea or a term used by someone who wants to be the sex toy of a Sargent. Bringing religion or the military into the conversation just showed your ignorance in both subjects.

Lambskin condoms do not prevent VD. Only good to help prevent pregnancy. Trojans are not a good choice. Lifestyle or Durex are much better choices. Durex has a lot of different styles to experiment with but I like the Lifestyle Ultra Sensitive. Since I am not allergic to latex, I stay with latex for maximum protection.

If you are not happy with what you have used in the past, try something different. All are available online.

I have had AMP workers slip on a condom so skillfully with their mouths that I thought they were giving me a bbbj. I simply ask what brand/style they were using. I do not believe one size fits all equally. If your Mr Happy thin or thick get what is right for you. If it keeps slipping off get a narrow style. If it feels like a tourniquet, get a wider style.
There is no rule that you cannot carry more than one style with you. Thicker lubed for the long hard pounding or thin and sensitive for the bj ,slow easy screw.