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Anyone knocking around the Frankfurt big 3 this Saturday and Sunday please send me a PM ASAP. I'm on the fence whether to join the boys in NRW for those two days or to stick around in Hessen since that is my point of departure Monday morning.
You sound like Charlie Brown. Better watch out. You might get picked off first base by some slick gal at one of the clubs.
Oase on 11 October.
GT on 12 October.
Maybe Traum-Paradies (any suggestion?) on 13 October, maybe.
Lord O Sin
10-02-07, 23:32
Thanks for the suggestion guys. Its been great help getting these pointers from you. And all others who have posted their experiences. Helps a lot in making wise decisions and saving time.
I will be in Frankfurt Sunday 21Oct till Tues 23nd Oct.
Does anyone want to join me in a trip to the above?
Anybody going to be around?
I have social obligations in Muenchen and Wien first and will likely not indulge there (its tote Hose anyway that far south).
I will break away from my friends and eventually make it to my favorite hunting ground: NRW.
My flights though arrive and leave from FRA and I have to do at least one Hessen club.
My flights though arrive and leave from FRA and I have to do at least one Hessen club.
Ja, but which of the Hessen 3 will it be? I would head to Oase first, then Palace. Hell I'd hit them both.
Why don't you do the same and tell us your impressions and club comparisons. Don't be put off by reports that there are too many sharks at Palace; or that the management at Palace is too often siding with the girls, etc...Experienced mongers like you don't need to worry about that bullshit. You will spot the sharks by their dorsel fins and will avoid conflict with rip-off girls by managing the situation yourself.
Ja, but which of the Hessen 3 will it be? I would head to Oase first, then Palace. Hell I'd hit them both.
Why don't you do the same and tell us your impressions and club comparisons. Don't be put off by reports that there are too many sharks at Palace; or that the management at Palace is too often siding with the girls, etc...Experienced mongers like you don't need to worry about that bullshit. You will spot the sharks by their dorsel fins and will avoid conflict with rip-off girls by managing the situation yourself.
Though I've been at this a while, (and theoretically immune to shark bites), I also have been in situations (believe it or not) when the blood flow to my brain gets sent to another part of me and that part of my body starts making (often bad) decisions.
My preferred club in this neck of the woods is Oase.
A compare and contrast report would be interesting between Oase and Palace but we'll see.. The lazy man's approach to this is to do Palace since its in the city and easy to get to.
There is actually a movie by Doris Doerrie, Ich und Er filmed in 1988, which I've never seen where this guy's penis starts taking over his thinking processes and he makes a series of really bad decisions, all to hilarious effect. Does anyone know which one I am referring to?
Here is quick plot review:
Bert, ein kleiner Architekt in einem New Yorker Büro, entschließt sich an seinem 35. Geburtstag, sein Leben gänzlich zu ändern und Karriere zu machen. Just in diesem Moment meldet sich der "kleine Bert" zu Wort. Der Körperteil, der einem Mann das Wichtigste ist. Und "Er" hat viel zu sagen. Denn "Er" will sein Leben ebenfalls ändern und nicht nur Berts Frau beglücken, sondern die Frauenwelt aufs Genaueste untersuchen. Bert aber will treu bleiben. Doch "Er" steht ihm dabei im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes im Weg.
Danish Male
10-09-07, 06:33
I will be in:
Solingen (Beverly) at november 6th at night
PartyTreff Dorsten at november 8th afternoon
Solingen (Beverly) at november 8th at night
PartyTreff Mettmann at november 9th afternoon
Solingen (Beverly) at november 9th at night
As "usually" I have a motorhome and maybe a bed if anyone needs a place to sleep. Only maybe because I try to overtalk one of my swingerclub girlfriends in Denmark to join me at the trip. Anyway I would be glad to meet some of your guys from ISG.
Best regards
Danish Male
Danish Male
10-09-07, 12:36
Hey Guys
Today they confirmed my motorhome booking, so I will be in PartyTreff and Beverlyland from 6th. november to 10th. november.
As usually, I would like to meet people from this forum.
Danish Male
10-10-07, 12:36
There is actually a movie by Doris Doerrie, Ich und Er filmed in 1988, which I've never seen where this guy's penis starts taking over his thinking processes and he makes a series of really bad decisions, all to hilarious effect. Does anyone know which one I am referring to?Yes, this movie made some splash in Germany in the late eighties. I remember seeing it in high school. I was an impressionable teenager then. I guess it was interesting to have a movie about guy-stuff by a female director. It was also quite funny, which was very unusual in German movies at the time. There should be a dvd available.
I've been checking in here for a while, and thought it was time to do a little contributing. I'm adding three reports today, and may be adding more in November.
This report concern La Folie in Berlin. I visited there last December, and had a rather mixed experience. I was disappointed on arrival to find that whereas I, and the other males, were more or less naked. Tiny towel. The girls, for the most part were not, and had large towels as dresses. I have no problem with being naked, but was really looking forward to the promised array of naked female flesh. Sadly, there was such an array, but it was all on one woman. The younger, fitter ones all wore towels. I was eventually approached by a young Rumanian girl, and she did speak english well. Molesting me during the conversation had the expected result, and we moved onto the couch. Here, she was truly expert, and the tiny towel began to look like a small hat, so we went into the room. Where it all fell apart. Firstly, as soon as her towel went on the floor, so did her boobs, which was a surprise for a pair of such moderate-size. Secondly, she set to work at a furious rate, clearly trying to get me finished quickly so she could get out and start work on someone else. Both of these items were distinct turnoffs, and I had to seriously slow her down. Appearance pre-towel drop. 9. Appearance post-towel drop. 5. Attitude in room. 3.
Later, I noticed an attractive young women sitting bare-breasted at the bar. I approached her. As I could see her boobs, I knew they were not going to descend dramatically. Very nice girl, but she only spoke German, which was a hindrance (though I do speak some German). We went to the couch, and here, to my surprise, she was less expert. However, there was so much activity on the other couches that I had no problem, and we went to the room. Very good in here, no rush, superb body, and she did as asked. Appearance pre-towel drop. 8. Appearance post-towel drop. 9. Attitude in room. 8.
EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here ( for more information.
I've been checking in here for a while, and thought it was time to do a little contributing. I'm adding three reports today, and may be adding more in November.
This report concern La Folie in Berlin.
Thanks for posting- it's always good to see input from new contributors. When you do post, please try to place your reports in the appropriate thread. For example, this report on FKK La Folie- Berlin, should have been posted either in the "Other FKK Clubs" thread or the "Berlin" thread under the "Germany" country heading.
Anyone going to palace 21st oct to 23rd Oct.
Really don't wanna go alone as I'm a first timer.
Any suggestions on which hotel I should stay in Frankfurt? I'm planning an FKK visit soon. I need to pop my newbie cherry with regard to the FKK scene. I'd like a comfy place, preferably under $200 per night (but not too cheap). Prefer a place with a gym as well as internet. Any suggestions?
10-15-07, 07:48
I will be at OASE on 24th/25th. PM me so I know how to recognize you at the club. I will arrive at the club late, after 10PM on the 24th and early 10:00AM on the 25th.
I posted up here that I had 2 up coming trips, have had to change plans and have now combined them into one trip.
I will be heading to Berlin on Thursday Oct 18 for 2 nights, on Saturday 20th flying over to Dusseldorf for 3 nights before driving down to Frankfurt on the 23rd for 4 nights.
If anyone would like to meet up in Berlin to head to Artimis on Thursday night or the Venus show on Friday, Please PM
Will most likely go to Goldentime on Saturday 20th and just see how rest of weekend goes.
Plan to spend a few of the Frankfurt days in Oase.
If other mongers are in any of these areas, would be good to meet up.
I will be visiting Dusseldorf and Eindhoven for a week.
I'm trying to prioritize which places should i visit.
From Previous experience i like the FKK but it is too expensive for me. So i want to try the Partytreff for my second time.
Also i'm into voyeurism, so a swingers club would work for me.
Any ideas about the MUST visit places in this area.
I'll have a car, so i'm very flexible, can only party at night. Will be staying in Eindhoven hotel.
This all is the whole next week, Sun to Sun.
Thanks in advance for the advice. As usual, I'll report back.
I expect to be in Frankfurt for 4 nights and should be able to get out a couple of evenings. My prior trips to Palace were great and I'd like to re-visit Palace and then Solingen one evening. Anyone there at the same time want to connect?
I will be visiting Dusseldorf and Eindhoven for a week.
I'm trying to prioritize which places should i visit.
From Previous experience i like the FKK but it is too expensive for me. So i want to try the Partytreff for my second time.
Also i'm into voyeurism, so a swingers club would work for me.
Any ideas about the MUST visit places in this area.
I'll have a car, so i'm very flexible, can only party at night. Will be staying in Eindhoven hotel.
This all is the whole next week, Sun to Sun.
Thanks in advance for the advice. As usual, I'll report back.
You indicate that your base is Eindhoven.
You have easy access to the Golden Triangle clubs: Wildenrath, PHG and GT plus Yin Yang on your side of the border in the Netherlands.
Sorry. No PTs in this immediate area. I can't think of a swingers club there either.
The closest PT to Duesseldorf is PT Mettmann. The closest swingers club mentioned most often on this forum is Beverly.
You indicate that your base is Eindhoven.
You have easy access to the Golden Triangle clubs: Wildenrath, PHG and GT plus Yin Yang on your side of the border in the Netherlands.
Sorry. No PTs in this immediate area. I can't think of a swingers club there either.
The closest PT to Duesseldorf is PT Mettmann. The closest swingers club mentioned most often on this forum is Beverly.
...there are a whole slew of swinger clubs on your side of the border including one of the best of them all, Kasteel Waterloo, which is near Roermond. A list in English can be found at
The closest PT on the west side of Dusseldorf and easily accessible from the main highway system is PT Krefeld.
Jackyo and Issue,
Thanks alot for the information.
One sad news is... Kasteel waterloo Closed few days ago for good.
I basically would like to visit 2-3 FKK clubs, same 2 party treff and 2 swingers club. Totall damage would be 1000 Euro for the whole week.
The list is as follows, but i really don't know which to make it priority, please help me.
PHappy Garden
Living room
Park Sauna Wildenrath
Traum Paradies
Dolce Vita (Is it partytreff / Swingers club / or FKK??)
Party Treffs :
Blaue Lagune
PT Selm
PT mettmann
PT Doresten
Dolce Vita
Swinger Clubs:
kasteelwaterloo (Top of list, but closed :( )
De Zaar
four fun
Club Tabulos
Please advice which should i got to. I'll base in Eindhoven for few days then in dusseldorf for the weekend.
Also appriciate if you adviced with the days (so if swinger club, which days)
Jackyo and Issue,
Thanks alot for the information.
One sad news is... Kasteel waterloo Closed few days ago for good.)
That's news. Too bad. I was there once about 3-4 years ago, and it was very good.
The list is as follows, but i really don't know which to make it priority, please help me.
PHappy Garden
Living room
Park Sauna Wildenrath
Traum Paradies
Dolce Vita (Is it partytreff / Swingers club / or FKK??))
* PHG, GT are top clubs Western Germany near the border.
* Yin Yang is in Holland and gets mixed reviews. I was there once just after it opened, and haven't been back since, so my personal info isn't fresh. Read the "German border" thread on the Netherlands board.
* LR is similar to GT but smaller, more intimate and clsoer to DUS.
* Traum Paradies, is great but it's a brothel not an FKK, and efinitely not for the budget minded with time to kill.
* Samya is OK, but if get to the Bonn/Cologne area, Bernd's is the place to go.
* Sadly, Dolce Vita, Babylon and PSW have not been top clubs for a long time. I haven't been to these in a very long time. DV is a sauna club/FKK, not PT/swingers club.
Party Treffs :
Blaue Lagune
PT Selm
PT mettmann
PT Doresten
Dolce Vita)
* Selm is far away from where you'll be, nearer to Essen/Dortmund. If you're driving way out there, you'll pass Freude39 in Bochum which is a good daytime FKK club.
* Mettman is very good, very raunchy and an acquired taste.
* Dorsten is good, but not to everyone's liking. Everything happens on 2 big beds, and is not for the crowd-conscious- you will have sex with a big audience. Lots of waiting around, lots of frantic BJ/HJ to get you shpritzen as quickly as possible.
* If you're in the area PT Krefeld is a great option and convenient to the highway from NL.
Swinger Clubs:
kasteelwaterloo (Top of list, but closed :( )
De Zaar
four fun
Club Tabulos
* I haven't been to De Zaar in Venlo
* "four fun"- I assume that you mean "Fun4play" which is great- but check if you can get in as a single guy on the night that you want to go.
* I haven't been to Tabulos, but I believe it's more like a PT than Swinger club
*Beverly is perhaps the greatest sex club in the world
* There are plenty of these of NL and since the whole country isn't very large, they are just as accessible as Beverly or any of the German clubs. Showboat, about 20 minutes out of Amsterdam comes to mind.
Also appriciate if you adviced with the days (so if swinger club, which days)
Swinger clubs are always far more active on weekends and many are only open on certain days of the week, but Beverly has different themes every night of the week.
For Pt's and FKK"s it varies from club to club, but generally Fridays are the busiest days. At GT it can be very busy all days of the week.
Njoy and post!
Bernd's certainly the place to go if you can stand the heat......LOL
That's news. Too bad. I was there once about 3-4 years ago, and it was very good.
* PHG, GT are top clubs Western Germany near the border.
* Yin Yang is in Holland and gets mixed reviews. I was there once just after it opened, and haven't been back since, so my personal info isn't fresh. Read the "German border" thread on the Netherlands board.
* LR is similar to GT but smaller, more intimate and clsoer to DUS.
* Traum Paradies, is great but it's a brothel not an FKK, and efinitely not for the budget minded with time to kill.
* Samya is OK, but if get to the Bonn/Cologne area, Bernd's is the place to go.
* Sadly, Dolce Vita, Babylon and PSW have not been top clubs for a long time. I haven't been to these in a very long time. DV is a sauna club/FKK, not PT/swingers club.
* Selm is far away from where you'll be, nearer to Essen/Dortmund. If you're driving way out there, you'll pass Freude39 in Bochum which is a good daytime FKK club.
* Mettman is very good, very raunchy and an acquired taste.
* Dorsten is good, but not to everyone's liking. Everything happens on 2 big beds, and is not for the crowd-conscious- you will have sex with a big audience. Lots of waiting around, lots of frantic BJ/HJ to get you shpritzen as quickly as possible.
* If you're in the area PT Krefeld is a great option and convenient to the highway from NL.
* I haven't been to De Zaar in Venlo
* "four fun"- I assume that you mean "Fun4play" which is great- but check if you can get in as a single guy on the night that you want to go.
* I haven't been to Tabulos, but I believe it's more like a PT than Swinger club
*Beverly is perhaps the greatest sex club in the world
* There are plenty of these of NL and since the whole country isn't very large, they are just as accessible as Beverly or any of the German clubs. Showboat, about 20 minutes out of Amsterdam comes to mind.
Also appriciate if you adviced with the days (so if swinger club, which days)
Swinger clubs are always far more active on weekends and many are only open on certain days of the week, but Beverly has different themes every night of the week.
For Pt's and FKK"s it varies from club to club, but generally Fridays are the busiest days.
Njoy and post![/QUOTE]
10-17-07, 01:53
I am visiting Palace or Oase or Both, anyone is going to there same time?
Pure Power
10-18-07, 07:27
I am visiting Palace or Oase or Both, anyone is going to there same time?Yes I will be there the exact same dates. I will arrive on the 29th at 8am and I am staying till the 1st.
Let me know if you wanna meet up I am staying at the Ibis.
Anyone going to Dusseldorf or south of Netherlands next week, PM me.
10-19-07, 07:26
Yes I will be there the exact same dates. I will arrive on the 29th at 8am and I am staying till the 1st.
Let me know if you wanna meet up I am staying at the Ibis.Sure man, we could meet at either Oase or Palace on 29th or 30th, its good to have someone chat in between sessions lol.
Do any other ISG members plan to be at the Palace on November 3rd? I'll be in Frankfurt for one night and plan to make the most of it there! Anyone up for a few beers in between rounds?
10-25-07, 16:27
Any guys heading to GT this Sunday?
Around 4pm till --- At the Marriott for the next few days and Monday will be the first break. Might sqeeze in an RLD Saturday. Anyone else for Palace?
Im lucky to be able to get these 2 days off at the moment.
I land in Dusseldorf at 10am ish on the Tues 13th and fly out at 9pm ish on the wed 14th. So with such short time, I want max bang per buck, and as usual Im broke.
Im open to options depending on whos around, but Im playing with the following ideas. With time so short, Im not gonna trek all the way to Dorsten or Selm this time, only interested in places near to DD.
1) PT krefeld both days, or Krefeld on day 1 and maybe Sauna bluenote on day 2. An all day ticket can be purchased in Krefeld for €110. 6 hours for €75.
2) Possibly do PT MG in Monchengladbach on day 1, and then the 3 for 2 offer in club Tabulos on day 2.
Also would love to do Beverly, but not on BI tuesday night, so it will have to wait for another trip. Will I ever get to it?? Hopefully next year some time.
Iseeu, Routard and Sordid - any of you guys around?? Obviously If anyone else wants to hook up let me know. Trust me these trips are way more fun if you hook with guys from the forum here.
Sordid Ways
10-27-07, 06:19
Iseeu, Routard and Sordid - any of you guys around?? Obviously If anyone else wants to hook up let me know. Trust me these trips are way more fun if you hook with guys from the forum here.
Without a doubt, it's more fun to play with friends. I'd love to be in NRW with you, but I'm in Singapore, where I've got my hands full, trying to fight off the hordes of Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, Korean, and Malay girls. See my latest report ( Life and mongering are pretty good, here, but it just doesn't have the laid-back quality of NRW, including the group sex possibilities. It seems that whether you're talking to amateurs or pros in Singapore, the game is more serious. At places like Krefeld or Beverly, whether with pros or amateurs (and shades of grey in between), it's all about fun. A posh metropolitan disco versus a neighborhood pub. Perhaps it's just the places that I have grown to favor in NRW that make it seem this way. I had some 'intense' experiences at discos in München about which I never wrote -- Probably not worth writing about in ISG, though.
Also, I never did write about my experiences in Köln, one night in early October. I went out with my friend that I met at Beverly, who works there, along with her boyfriend. We had dinner and then went to Swingertreff 18 (, which had been rented out by the BDSM group, Black Company ( The Black Company functions encourage registration prior to arrival, especially for single men, as they limit the spaces available to them. We went as a "trio," for which they also have special pricing. I've got to figure out where to report on this club. I could start a thread for Swingerteff 18, but this event was actually produced by another Black Company, while renting the facility, so it's not possible for me to assess the quality of the action on other nights. I will go out on a limb to say that it's probably OK to good on a weekend but not as well-attended as Beverly. The facility itself, though on the small side, was absolutely impeccable in its decor. As I bent her over and fastened her restraints to a dungeon apparatus, and her boyfriend and I took our positions on either side of her, my sweet and submissive friend agreed that Beverly, though tops for attendance and the overall swinging action, is really due for redecoration. SMACK!
There have been a number of fine reports recently about Bernd's that have given rise to those familiar stirrings below the belt.
With the Bernd's Halloween party nearly upon us, clealry there is a need to perform a pre-party inspection to see that all is ready. Not being a fan of FKK's (even Bernd's) during parties myself due to usual crowding interfering with a more leisurly approach to our hobby, I will perform an inspection on the day before Halloween and try to encourage them to get things into order for the day.
Should other members be "in the house", please do introduce yourself to the guest who is enjoying himself excessively.
A report will follow.
It would be usefull to have someone report on this place. Years ago it was a total rip-off dump as was the sister club in Frechen. But if someone who works at Beverly thinks its fine to visit, then maybe whoever owns these places now has smartened up the act - a new internet site for one. Good swingertreffs are hard to find. In Frankfurt Treff 188 has been revamped as has a club in Krefeld and Mettmann also went through a shake-up a couple of years ago with the thankful return of the sex goddess Sylvia, so maybe there is a new generation of owners moving in across the board. The German boards remain sniffy about these places, but there are always gems to be had among the dross.
Im lucky to be able to get these 2 days off at the moment.
I land in Dusseldorf at 10am ish on the Tues 13th and fly out at 9pm ish on the wed 14th. So with such short time, I want max bang per buck, and as usual Im broke.
Im open to options depending on whos around, but Im playing with the following ideas. With time so short, Im not gonna trek all the way to Dorsten or Selm this time, only interested in places near to DD.
1) PT krefeld both days, or Krefeld on day 1 and maybe Sauna bluenote on day 2. An all day ticket can be purchased in Krefeld for €110. 6 hours for €75.
2) Possibly do PT MG in Monchengladbach on day 1, and then the 3 for 2 offer in club Tabulos on day 2.
Also would love to do Beverly, but not on BI tuesday night, so it will have to wait for another trip. Will I ever get to it?? Hopefully next year some time.
Iseeu, Routard and Sordid - any of you guys around?? Obviously If anyone else wants to hook up let me know. Trust me these trips are way more fun if you hook with guys from the forum here.
Update, Im doing Krefeld for sure on day 1 anyway, and maybe on day 2..
I'm planning my maiden voyage from the 8th through 12th of November, visiting 3-4 of: Planet Happy Garden, Oase, Bernd's, Samya, Golden Time.
Landing in Frankfurt at 9:15 am on the 8th, I've booked a hotel in Cologne to use as a base of operations, stopping at Oase on my way north. The rate is 75 euro per night, including internet, parking and breakfast. My question is can I do significantly better if I cancel this reservation and catch a place on the fly wherever I happen to be?
If any other poster(s) happen to be traveling in this region while I'm there and wants to hook up, I'm game.
I'm supposed to meet Jackyo tomorrow in FRA to make a run together up to NRW for 2 days of fun, but I've had a scheduling mixup and won't make it to FRA until Thursday. I've sent him a couple of emails and a PM, but he hasn't confirmed that he's received my message. I'm really pissed that I'm leaving him to hang like this, but he'll be even more pissed when he'll wait for me and think that i copped out on him.
I'm aware that he may not have email connectivity while he's there or he's too busy f*cking his brains out, but if anyone reading this has contact with him please tell him that I'm desperately trying to reach him and he should at least read his email for a full explanation.
Sorry to use the public forum for this type of personal message, but it's to help out a fellow monger.
Thanx in advance for any help.
Today I will go to the Halloween party at PHG.
Vito Corleone
11-01-07, 01:29
Around 4pm till --- At the Marriott for the next few days and Monday will be the first break. Might sqeeze in an RLD Saturday. Anyone else for Palace?I am planning a trip during the same time. I have not decided which clubs to visit on certain days, but Palace 11/29 sounds like a plan.
Hi Guys,
I will be in Frankfurt on the 9th and 10th of Nov.. Planning to go to Palace on Fri night and on the 10th to Oase.
Staying in Frankfurt CBD/downtown. Would anyone like to join for a trip to Oase on Sat??? I am planning to catch a train and then cab it there.
Have fun!
I'm supposed to meet Jackyo tomorrow in FRA to make a run together up to NRW for 2 days of fun, but I've had a scheduling mixup and won't make it to FRA until Thursday. I've sent him a couple of emails and a PM, but he hasn't confirmed that he's received my message. I'm really pissed that I'm leaving him to hang like this, but he'll be even more pissed when he'll wait for me and think that i copped out on him.
I'm aware that he may not have email connectivity while he's there or he's too busy f*cking his brains out, but if anyone reading this has contact with him please tell him that I'm desperately trying to reach him and he should at least read his email for a full explanation.
Sorry to use the public forum for this type of personal message, but it's to help out a fellow monger.
Thanx in advance for any help.
Ive only noticed this now, 2 days later. Well did u guys meet up or get in contact I wonder??
Hi guys,
I'm planning a trip to Stuggart late November. Which would be the best club to visit in that area? I figure that Flamingo Island and the fkk-haus Fellbach are close enough. Which of these is best? Are there more clubs in the area? I would prefer a place with relaxed atmosphere and of course beautiful girls ;-)
Hessen Bub
11-04-07, 10:49
Which would be the best club to visit in that area? I figure that Flamingo Island and the fkk-haus Fellbach are close enough. Which of these is best? Are there more clubs in the area? I would prefer a place with relaxed atmosphere and of course beautiful girls ;-)
Flamingo Island is in Karlsruhe-Ettlingen, not Stuttgart. In Stuttgart-Böblingen there is , nice facility, various # of girls. In Stuttgart city centre there's FKK-Phoenix, never been there.
11-04-07, 23:31
Hi guys
I’ve left it rather late to post this, but I’ll be in Bernds on this Thursday 8th November starting early, and I might do PT Dorsten the day before. I’ll also be in NRW on Tuesday 6th, should anyone wish to pm me and arrange to meet up in the club of your choice. Trouble is, you’d need to pm me quickly as I’ll be on my travels by Monday lunchtime and hence will be away from my computer.
Jimmy Smits
11-06-07, 02:05
Will be arrving in DUS on the 20th. Plan on hitting Selm on the 21st, Berndt's on the 22nd. Not sure yet about the 20th. Depends on the jet lag.
I'm planning my maiden voyage from the 8th through 12th of November, visiting 3-4 of: Planet Happy Garden, Oase, Bernd's, Samya, Golden Time.
Landing in Frankfurt at 9:15 am on the 8th, I've booked a hotel in Cologne to use as a base of operations, stopping at Oase on my way north. The rate is 75 euro per night, including internet, parking and breakfast. My question is can I do significantly better if I cancel this reservation and catch a place on the fly wherever I happen to be?
If any other poster(s) happen to be traveling in this region while I'm there and wants to hook up, I'm game.
.. is easy if there are no large Messe or trade fairs in the area.
If there is a large trade fair going on when you get there, your hotel may be a hundred kilometers away from where you want to be.
Find a Messekalender for Koeln.
Assuming you have a car then look at the two hotels in Frechen west of Cologne - Ibis and Etap. Both are slightly cheaper than 75euro and Frechen is directly on the A1, A61, A4 axis to get around fast and easily. You don't have the hassle of getting in and out of Cologne with all its one-way streets and no left turns.
Assuming you have a car then look at the two hotels in Frechen west of Cologne - Ibis and Etap. Both are slightly cheaper than 75euro and Frechen is directly on the A1, A61, A4 axis to get around fast and easily. You don't have the hassle of getting in and out of Cologne with all its one-way streets and no left turns.Interesting. I've actually already changed my reservation to the Etap, just west of the city, two minutes off the A4 and a 5 minute walk to the train into Cologne center. And at 35 euro per night.
With internet access there, I'll be able to check in here tomorrow evening after my visit to Oase in the afternoon. If anyone wants to meet up, I'm planning to visit 2 of Samya, PHG, GT on Saturday and Sunday, after Bernd's on Friday. Contact by PM.
Jimmy Smits
11-07-07, 23:35
I'll be coming over from Jan 20th - 22nd and flying back on the 23rd. I am flying into Hannover so I figured I'd check out PT Seesen. I'll answer the obvious question, why am I flying into Hannover? I got a RT ticket from Charlotte for $480 USD and I believe it's pretty close to Seesen (less then 1 hours drive).
I have read some of the reports on Seesen. I am hoping there is BBBJ available and anal. Looking for backups in the Hannover area if Seesen dissapoints.
I'd try Traumland but I suspect it's kind of far from Hannover. I am hoping to hit Berndts the last day.
I'll be coming over from Jan 20th - 22nd and flying back on the 23rd. I am flying into Hannover so I figured I'd check out PT Seesen. I'll answer the obvious question, why am I flying into Hannover? I got a RT ticket from Charlotte for $480 USD and I believe it's pretty close to Seesen (less then 1 hours drive).
I have read some of the reports on Seesen. I am hoping there is BBBJ available and anal. Looking for backups in the Hannover area if Seesen dissapoints.
I'd try Traumland but I suspect it's kind of far from Hannover. I am hoping to hit Berndts the last day.
I highly recommend PT Hildesheim which is about a 20 minute drive from Hannover. See my reports
I've never been to Seesen, but suspect that BBBJ will be readily available. Anal is not usually on offer in PT's unless you find a willing provider. If you're driving from Hannover to Bernd's you'll pass Mettman, where anal is sometimes possible. Check their program schedule on their website during the week of your trip.
Jimmy Smits
11-08-07, 01:23
I highly recommend PT Hildesheim which is about a 20 minute drive from Hannover. See my reports
I've never been to Seesen, but suspect that BBBJ will be readily available. Anal is not usually on offer in PT's unless you find a willing provider. If you're driving from Hannover to Bernd's you'll pass Mettman, where anal is sometimes possible. Check their program schedule on their website during the week of your trip.
Berndts is a LONG way from Hannover so it may not happen this trip. I am thinking Villa, Seesen, and Hidesheim!
Jimmy Smits
11-08-07, 01:32
I highly recommend PT Hildesheim which is about a 20 minute drive from Hannover. See my reports
I've never been to Seesen, but suspect that BBBJ will be readily available. Anal is not usually on offer in PT's unless you find a willing provider. If you're driving from Hannover to Bernd's you'll pass Mettman, where anal is sometimes possible. Check their program schedule on their website during the week of your trip.
Isseu - Is PT Hildesheim also known as PT Party Inn?
Isseu - Is PT Hildesheim also known as PT Party Inn?
Yes it is.
Berndts is a LONG way from Hannover so it may not happen this trip. I am thinking Villa, Seesen, and Hidesheim! a letdown. Nice facility, but unless a big messe is in town the SP lineup can be disappointing.
If you're looking for a good FKK experience on your trip, take a drive to Artemis in Berlin.
This may corcern some of the budget minded mongers who always take the train like myself. Updates on the strike action can be found on the website here.
This may corcern some of the budget minded mongers who always take the train like myself. Updates on the strike action can be found on the website here.
.. is that there has been no consistency to the reporting on which segments of train travel are going to be affected.
It started out last week with news reports that only regional service was to be interrupted. Then early this week the announcements said that long distance travel and freight were to be interrupted.
Who knows really.
I was told though that the announcements are always made in advance and that they never do a 100% shutdown. There are alternate means to get around which are provided.
This is the first time the train drivers are striking though.
In France the cheminots have a longer tradition of striking. I've been caught up in French train strikes before and it really gets on your nerves, what can I say.
DJ FourMoney
11-09-07, 01:03
This may corcern some of the budget minded mongers who always take the train like myself. Updates on the strike action can be found on the website here.
Another one???
There was a 2 day strike when I was there back in June.
What the train drivers are doing is normal German practice, they pick days and regions in which to stop services. Same with every branch of business. All out strikes are virtually unheard of. Could this be why the Germans are so successful???
Could this be why the Germans are so successful???No idea, but I guess they won't do anything to endanger the health of their FKKs. Some things are an overriding national priority after all..... :-)
You can forget global warming or a financial crash, the sweet bird of youth known as FKK is alive, bouncing and to be heard in its native habitat with the familiar call 'Tür!Bitte!' oder 'Erste mal heir?'
I am planning to be at FKK Palace on the 24th of November. I would be happy to meet and share stories with any member there. Please send me a PM, if you are going to be there also.
11-10-07, 05:03
(Sorry but I mistakenly posted this in General Info first!)
My fifth time back to Oase will be with my colleague and want to show him just what an incredible experience the FKK has to offer.
I will arrive Bad Homburg on Sunday morning and will pick him up Tues and take him to Oase. We will end up in Nurnberg on Thursday. We will travel by car.
Aside from Oase, Palace and World can anyone offer any suggestions for the road trip. I can't figure out all the small town names and correlate them to our route!
We will basically take the A3 through Wurzburg to Nurnberg.
Side trips or any other suggestions are much appreciated.
Another road trip planned. Oase, PT Dorsten, PHG are currently planned. Begins on Sunday November 11th and ends Friday November 16th. Reports to follow. Anyone interested in meeting, PM me.
Ekliges Lauern
11-11-07, 18:54
I'll be at Palace in Frankfurt on Thursday-Sunday November 15-18 and Freudenbergstrasse 39 in Bochum on Monday and Tuesday November 19-20.
PM met if anyone will be at either and interested in comparing notes.
PT Krefeld Tues 13th Nov
PT Krefeld or Club Tabulous Wed 14th
PM me if interested....
Hi Everyone,
I will be OASE on 15 Nov to 18 Nov, then GT on 19 & 20. Before I head home, OASE again, 5 Dec - 9 Dec.
If anyone one of you want to chat, just looking for someone wear the red shoes, report will follow.
Take care.
11-16-07, 21:17
I know that the clubs are closed on 25 Dec was wondering if the clubs are open on new years eve, example if yes anyone with past experience wall to wall people it is always a good time just thinking of wait time thanks chops
I know that the clubs are closed on 25 Dec was wondering if the clubs are open on new years eve, example if yes anyone with past experience wall to wall people it is always a good time just thinking of wait time thanks chops
.. this topic, the clubs tend to have very thin selections around the holidays.
The girls do want to spend time with their families too, ya know.
Another return trip to paradise:
Nov 19 - Bernds, Samya
Nov 20 - GT/LR
Nov 21 - PHG
Nov 22- YY/GT
Nov 23 - PHG/LR
Nov 24 - Samya
Vito Corleone
11-24-07, 15:38
Is anyone planning any trips to Frankfurt next week? I will be there from 11/27 through 12/3. I plan on visit all 3 clubs, but have not decided which ones on which days yet. It would be great to hook up with some of you.
Beach Fun Guy
11-25-07, 13:36
Ok after doing homework for the last month and being a Amsterdam club guy, I am taking the plunge into FKK World. First visit is Frankfort Dec 5-6 any experienced others around? Be kewl to say Hi.
Unexpected visit in FKKland on 7th of December. Anyone around?
12-02-07, 11:59
Unexpected visit in FKKland on 7th of December. Anyone around?
I'm planning to visit PHG on the 7th from about 2pm-9pm if you're in the NRW area. The full plan is:
Thur 6th - GT although I probably won't arrive until 9pm
Fri 7th - PHG from about 2pm - 9pm'ish
Sat 8th - Samya. I haven't decided whether to visit a club on the 8th but if I do it will be Samya.
Sun 9th - Either GT or PHG.
If anyone wants to meet up drop me a PM.
Its on the 14th of December. Other details on their website.
They will have (and this made me laugh!) thirty Youpinettes there!
And one thought that only the Germans had any fun...!
Just booked into Frankfurt on the 21st of February, out of Koeln on the 26th. Home base, New England. Through Kayak and Cheaptickets, I paid $324. Now could be the time to book winter travel.
I will go to PHG :
I intend to visit partytreff clubs in NRW mid January 2008.
The dates and clubs I intend to visit are respectively;
12 Jan Mettmann
13 Jan Traumland - Münster
14 Jan Dorsten
15 Jan Krefeld
Will there be an ISG member who visit the same clubs at the same dates? Would be nice to exchange the experinces between sessions.
I will have a rented car with GPS. I am not sure whether it will be a good idea to drive during winter in Germany. Because I will land in Frankfurt and should drive throught Düsseldorf at least three hours and backward to catch the flight of the 15th.
And I hope all the Polish chicks would return their work in NRW, after a long Christmas holiday in Poznan, Warsaw and Gdansk :)
I have just bought a flight ticket to Dusseldorf. I will be ruhr area and muenster in dec 21-dec 30. I will visit partytreffen and low budget red carpet club. my home base is indianapolis. I am chinese, speak German, used to live there. I normally take public transportation. and look for budget mind traveller to join me to share local travel cost and keep company each other.
I have just bought a flight ticket to Dusseldorf. I will be ruhr area and muenster in dec 21-dec 30. I will visit partytreffen and low budget red carpet club. my home base is indianapolis. I am chinese, speak German, used to live there. I normally take public transportation. and look for budget mind traveller to join me to share local travel cost and keep company each other.
.. to Red Carpet clubs, they don't exist anymore as a chain.
Its been broken up and each club has a different owner.
F39 is owned by the same Turkish dude who owns Artemis in Berlin.
Penelope is on its own and specializes in a Turkish clientele.
One of their clubs in Dortmund is now Partytreff Airport.
No idea what has happened to the Grimbergsauna.
Herne-Horsthausen has been closed to years now.
Anyone been to the Aldi in Dietzenbach lately?
You can expect that some clubs will be closed around Christmas, by the way. Also they will mostly have fewer girls working.
.. to Red Carpet clubs, they don't exist anymore as a chain.
Its been broken up and each club has a different owner.
F39 is owned by the same Turkish dude who owns Artemis in Berlin.
Penelope is on its own and specializes in a Turkish clientele.
One of their clubs in Dortmund is now Partytreff Airport.
No idea what has happened to the Grimbergsauna.
Herne-Horsthausen has been closed to years now.
Anyone been to the Aldi in Dietzenbach lately?
You can expect that some clubs will be closed around Christmas, by the way. Also they will mostly have fewer girls working.Thanks for your info, Jackyo. I know it is not good time to visit germany in christmas but I can only find some free time now. December 24, the heligen abend is definate rest day in germany and man cannot find anything open. This is chain of FKK which might be of some former red carpet club. There is some very negative reports about partytreff Airport in german forum. There is also report that foreigner has trouble to enter Partytreff Airport.
Ekliges Lauern
12-14-07, 05:05
F39 is owned by the same Turkish dude who owns Artemis in Berlin.
I'm a big fan of F39. Great selection of exotic ladies on weekdays. Friendly, has almost an amateur vibe to it. Haven't been shark bitten yet. Easy access to either public transit or the autobahn. Crowd is regular German guys with a smattering of Dutch. The ladies seem surprised when they discovered I was neither German nor Dutch. Probably best if you are comfortable in German (I've never used English there or heard it spoken). Race could be an issue. I have yet to see an Asian, African or Middle Eastern man in there. It could simply be the clientele, or there could be other factors at work.
I'm a big fan of F39. Great selection of exotic ladies on weekdays. Friendly, has almost an amateur vibe to it. Haven't been shark bitten yet. Easy access to either public transit or the autobahn. Crowd is regular German guys with a smattering of Dutch. The ladies seem surprised when they discovered I was neither German nor Dutch. Probably best if you are comfortable in German (I've never used English there or heard it spoken). Race could be an issue. I have yet to see an Asian, African or Middle Eastern man in there. It could simply be the clientele, or there could be other factors at work.
... in your post were amateur vibe.
Must check this out!
Other postings seem to point to the women leaning more towards the exotic side: Latinas, Asians or blacks with a mix of Hobbyhuren thrown in. Is this true?
Ekliges Lauern
12-15-07, 12:45
... in your post were amateur vibe.
Must check this out!
Other postings seem to point to the women leaning more towards the exotic side: Latinas, Asians or blacks with a mix of Hobbyhuren thrown in. Is this true?
All true. Maybe I've just had great luck, but almost always four or so asians. Patrizia the Brazilian cutie is to die for. Had a dark skinned Cuban lady last time that has potential to be an ATF Kino BJ lady. I haven't really sampled the Hobbyhuren as I'm still runing through the exotic ladies. And Putra the Indonesian lady is a sweetie.
BTW, this is a weekday, daytime place.
List of men who will go this day, maybe the last:
Picasso 1
So Excess is almost sure that we are gay ;) for that reason I also have asked for the list of the ladies : Aga, Asia, Aleko, Alicia, Alini, Ambra, Anja, Angelina, Bella, Bianca, Brenda, Conny, Dalia, Danny, Debby, Delia, Dilara, Dominica, Ebru, Emma, Eve/Eva, Franciska, Georgie, Gina, Hellen, Ina, Isa, Jana, Katja, Katrin, Kim, Kimberly,Kira, Lazarina, Laura, Leila, Liliana, Lisa, Loredana, Maria, Manel, Mimmy, Naomi, Nati, Raquel, Roxana, Sahra, Samantha, Samira, Scherin, Sina, Tina, Zoe.
will be present :)
As I always suspected, Wim, the gay guys like to go under cover of a flock of girls.
Enjoy and of course, happy flocking !!!!! ;-))
My God, is Grimberg still in existence! I think this website needs carbon dating
My God, is Grimberg still in existence! I think this website needs carbon dating
.. the Grimbergsauna still exists!
It was one of the first clubs I ever visited and I remember clearly walking up to the front door on an otherwise quiet Sunday morning only to be greeted by a naked woman at the door.
They had three session deals there where the rate per session dropped as you went from one session to two and then to three.
Those were much more innocent times when the Red Carpets pretty much defined the scene and set the standard.
Heading over to “Disneyland” for 3 days. Arriving late on the 24th of Jan, and heading home late on the 27th.
After a lot of re reading reports, soul searching and general trying to make my mind up it came down to a several options.
1) Amsterdam for a weekend, with Showboat on the Saturday and Sunday afternoon. Then maybe Candy Club on Sunday night, followed by maybe Milau Prive on the Monday, which is good value at €70 for an hour, then home. Problem with this is that Showboat would be the main event, and while it’s a great and exciting place that I highly recommend it can very hit and miss, and the only guaranteed action is with the in house hags who all tend to be over 50.
2) Beverly. Oh yes I do want to go to Beverly but its too awkward to get to when u are not driving. Also they only open in the evening and I don’t want to hang around during the day. Having said that If anyone is around with a car during the dates Im over there as in 24th to 27th, I could be easily convinced to visit.
3) PT Selm. – Ive had great times in Selm, but apart from one great girl the rest was a bit of a disaster last time there. Also it’s very hard to find a hotel where anyone speaks English in the area.
4) PT Traumland – Had the reports been more positive I would have made the train trip to Munster, hung out there for a few days and given the club a good thorough try out for 2 or 3 days. BUT the reports have not been kind, with most complaining about rushed and poor service, so not this time for me.
5) PT Dorsten – Havent been there in a year now, and definitely want to go back sometime. Great sexual times there, but latest reports have been a bit negative too.
So WHERE am I going:
I'm going to hit the last Friday of the month Gang bang in Club Tabulos. Bareback aside this is the most awesome service I ever encountered anywhere. Deep kissing, deep fingering, cuming in all mouths, anal and more. Only Bernds provides similar service levels, but in Bernds you pay much more. Complete lack of facilites and very little food and drink don’t matter here.
On the Saturday If I have any sperm left Ill go to PT MG, If I don’t I’ll take the short train ride to Kaarst and hang out in Living room, and be as cheap as possible. Ill eat all their food and drink as much beer as I can, and caress my sore cock in the jacuzzi. Might do 1 or 2 sessions if Im up to it.
On Sunday I'll either do MG or Livingroom depending on what I did on the Saturday.
So if anyone wants to join me, please do. ALSO bear Beverly in mind. If you are in the area with a car and want to hit Beverly that weekend. I might be up for it. Ill share fuel costs etc.
01-01-08, 12:19
I will be travelling to Germany towards the end of January through the beginning of February for the first time, and I plan on touring many of the FKKs. My only obligation is from January 28th through February 2nd. I plan on being in Germany for a total of about 3 weeks, with pretty much all of the time other than the aforementioned dates reserved for mongering. I have not definitely decided on the dates yet, as I enjoy almost total flexibility in my schedule. I have not booked any of my travel or hotel accomodations yet, so I would appreciate any advice that the experienced FKK mongers have to offer.
At this point, my plan is to fly into Frankfurt, rent a car there for the purposes of getting to Oase and World, and stay at a hotel near Palace. Then I will either continue to rent the car for my trip to Dortmund, or take the Euro rail system. Either way, I am hoping to make at least a short stop to check out the Cologne and Dusseldorf FKKs along the way. Dortmund looks like it is relatively close to the Netherlands border, so based on everything I have read, I think I really must include a visit to Golden Time.
If any other fellow mongers will be in Germany in January or February, please PM me. It would be great to have someone to travel to the more out of the way places with to share/offset the train, taxi, or rental car costs with.
At this point, my plan is to fly into Frankfurt, rent a car there for the purposes of getting to Oase and World, and stay at a hotel near Palace. Then I will either continue to rent the car for my trip to Dortmund, or take the Euro rail system. Either way, I am hoping to make at least a short stop to check out the Cologne and Dusseldorf FKKs along the way. Dortmund looks like it is relatively close to the Netherlands border, so based on everything I have read, I think I really must include a visit to Golden Time.
.. if you are visiting the Golden Triangle clubs.
It may look close on a map but to get from the eastern edge of the Ruhr to Goldentime is a hike involving driving through some very heavily populated sections of NRW on the Autobahn.
In fact, the Ruhr is probably the densest region in all of Germany, population-wise.
Why not just find a hotel somewhere near the Dutch border if your only purpose of coming to NRW is to visit those clubs? You can book a hotel directly in Brueggen, z. B.
Do check the Messe schedules for the major cities in NRW for the days you will be there. If there is a large Messe going on, your strategy of spontaneously booking hotels may not work very well. Hotels can be booked full for several hundred kilometers around for those days. You certainly can try sleeping in the car but in the winter...
Dortmund is a jumping off point for visiting clubs further in Westphalia and in the western part of Niedersachsen - what is called Ost Westfalen or OWL. There is an airport there but Duesseldorf's airport is the busiest in this neck of the woods.
I wouldn't characterize Dortmund as a city I'd like to spend much time in. In Duesseldorf und in Koeln gibt es viel mehr los.
Further to the north, Osnabrueck and Muenster are nice sized cities worthwhile checking out.
Deutsche Bahn or German Rail runs the train system in Germany.
My advice: get a map, a real one, and plot where you are going to be.
Gasoline runs about $8 a gallon and unless you have money to burn, you are best off knowing where you are going and strategizing on how to minimize driving time.
Then visit an internet site which can calculate distances and driving times (there are lots of these).
Or alternatively, visit and get rail schedules if you aren't renting a car.
If you are totally new at this and/or don't speak German very well, you would probably best be served by sticking to the large, tourist oriented, transactional clubs in Hessen. Get your feet wet first then you can refine your tastes and decide what kinds of clubs you want to visit.
Dick Travel
01-03-08, 00:26
Folks I'd like to enjoy what I imagine must be the pleasure of introducing an FKK newbie to the joys of Palace, Oase, World etc !
I'm planning a trip over to Frankfurt for a weekend towards the end of the month and wondered if there are any forum lurkers who have not yet taken the dive and who would be interested in joining me, I offer like minded company, guidance finding the clubs (hire car or train) and an intro/explanation/fellow monger to share stories with :-)
Plan would be meet at Heathrow, London, fly out Sat am, spend Sat eve though to early hours in club, sleep, another club Sunday, fly back Sunday evening.
Anyone interested please PM me.
Dick Travel
01-03-08, 22:49
I changed my arrival point to Dusseldorf, and booked my flight today, as there seems to be something going on in Frankfurt toward the end of the month. Either that or I just waited too long, but for whatever reason, I could not get a room at the Ibis near Palace around the 24th of January, but I was able to get one starting on the 3rd of February. So I will not be in Frankfurt until February 3rd. I got the hotel there for a few nights, and I am looking into a hotel room in Bad Homberg after that for the purposes of spending a few days at Oase. I would also like to spend a day or two at World, but Oase and Palace are my must-sees at this point.
Thank you, Jackyo, for the advice. I think I will only remain in Dortmund for the dates that the hotel is paid for then, as it was part of the prize package that I won. Can you, or anyone else recommend a good hotel in or near Brueggen? Also, where can I find out about Messe schedules?
I appreciate any advice that is offered, and I will be sure to post a trip report along the way, or once I return home.
Thank you, Jackyo, for the advice. I think I will only remain in Dortmund for the dates that the hotel is paid for then, as it was part of the prize package that I won.
... a hotel stay in Dortmund as one of the prizes? :)
I'm almost afraid to ask.
Wander Lust
01-04-08, 08:30
Hi all,
I should be able to get away some of these days from the rigors of business meetings and dinners. Should be in a downtown hotel with a car. The plan to is get to Palace and maybe one of the further ones. Looking for at least a couple of good days of play but one never knows, it could be more, or less.
Great forum, have lots of info to begin the exploration. Drop me a line to explore together. No I'm yet though I will register after this trip.
I'm planning a trip to Germany on Jan 14 till 17. I'll be flying into Dusseldorf on Jan 14 morning, rent a car with GPS and then the plan is as follows:
Jan 14:
1. partytreff - possibly MG
find a cheap hotel room
2. Beverly
Jan 15: wake up late
1. Dorsten or some other PT
2. Mettman
I'm then planning to drive through the night towards oberstdorf near munchen, sleep in the car in the early morning and ski for the rest of the day. For apre-ski I'll drive to burtenbach, stay at the St. Tropez swinger club and hotel. Then the next day ski again (jan 17) and fly back out of Munich.
Does anyone care to join me? I'll be happy to share the fuel costs and the 600 km drive to Bayern.
Of course, if the weather will not allow night driving, then I'll change the plans and maybe skip the ski day in favor of some more intensive mongering.
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I'm planning a trip to Germany on Jan 14 till 17. I'll be flying into Dusseldorf on Jan 14 morning, rent a car with GPS and then the plan is as follows:
Jan 14:
1. partytreff - possibly MG
find a cheap hotel room
2. Beverly
Jan 15: wake up late
1. Dorsten or some other PT
2. Mettman
I'm then planning to drive through the night towards oberstdorf near munchen, sleep in the car in the early morning and ski for the rest of the day. For apre-ski I'll drive to burtenbach, stay at the St. Tropez swinger club and hotel. Then the next day ski again (jan 17) and fly back out of Munich.
Does anyone care to join me? I'll be happy to share the fuel costs and the 600 km drive to Bayern.
Of course, if the weather will not allow night driving, then I'll change the plans and maybe skip the ski day in favor of some more intensive mongering.
... you will not make it to Muenchen to make your flight.
This is a very aggressive schedule and you underestimate the time it will take to get around plus do everything you plan on doing.
sleep in the car in the early morning and ski for the rest of the day.
Ski? that's an abbreviation that's new to me. Is that short for fucking a polish chick? ;-)
I'm planning a trip to Germany/Netherlands on February 14 to 21. I'll be flying into Frankfurt on Feb 14 early morning, ride a train into Frankfurt from FRA and rent a car with GPS at the Frankfurt Hbf to escape traffic and then do the following:
Feb 14 -15:
Register at my downtown Frankfurt hotel near the Hbf and hit Oase on the 14th and Palace on the 15th
Feb 16 - 19:
Drive to Viersen after 10:00 to escape rush hour traffic again and hit PHG on the 16th, Goldentime on 17th, possibly Yin Yang on 18th, and go either to PHG or Goldentime on the 19th
Feb 20:
Drive to Cologne Hbf and return my rental car and take the 14:48 ICE train to Amsterdam, where it will arrive at Amsterdam Central Station at 17:25. Check in at my hotel and either get drunk, visit museums, or monger at the De Wallen or Jan Bik on the 20th
Feb 21:
Fly out of Schiphol at 08:00 and back to the US
Oh, by the way, I do not speak a word of German. Also, I rented an Opel Corsa to deal with the high gas prices in Europe. Doable or foolhardy?
I'm planning a trip to Germany/Netherlands on February 14 to 21. I'll be flying into Frankfurt on Feb 14 early morning, ride a train into Frankfurt from FRA and rent a car with GPS at the Frankfurt Hbf to escape traffic and then do the following:
Feb 14 -15:
Register at my downtown Frankfurt hotel near the Hbf and hit Oase on the 14th and Palace on the 15th
Feb 16 - 19:
Drive to Viersen after 10:00 to escape rush hour traffic again and hit PHG on the 16th, Goldentime on 17th, possibly Yin Yang on 18th, and go either to PHG or Goldentime on the 19th
Feb 20:
Drive to Cologne Hbf and return my rental car and take the 14:48 ICE train to Amsterdam, where it will arrive at Amsterdam Central Station at 17:25. Check in at my hotel and either get drunk, visit museums, or monger at the De Wallen or Jan Bik on the 20th
Feb 21:
Fly out of Schiphol at 08:00 and back to the US
Oh, by the way, I do not speak a word of German. Also, I rented an Opel Corsa to deal with the high gas prices in Europe. Doable or foolhardy?
Very well spaced out and it will give you the highlights of the large, transactional tourist-oriented clubs.
As to why you need to rent a car so you can visit Palace, that may be the only thing I question.
You also may need to pay for parking if your hotel is near the FRA Hbf.
I personally would find a hotel near Oase (at Bad Homburg, z. B.) and not bother with driving into the city. Mit oder ohne GPS, FRA is a pain to drive in.
... you will not make it to muenchen to make your flight.
this is a very aggressive schedule and you underestimate the time it will take to get around plus do everything you plan on doing.jackyo, you are right, it is very aggressive. but i'm good at handling this kind of stuff. my long distance driving record in canada is 450 km in 3.5 hours and in germany it should be much faster to get around, provided there's no snow on the roads. my speed record in germany is 250 km/h with a bmz z4 :-).
nevertheless, i decided to skip the night driving. on the second day i'll spend some time in a partytreff at nrw, then head for nurnberg (~3 hours drive) and spend the evening at some other place there. this is much more reasonable.
jackyo, you are right, it is very aggressive. but i'm good at handling this kind of stuff. my long distance driving record in canada is 450 km in 3.5 hours and in germany it should be much faster to get around, provided there's no snow on the roads. my speed record in germany is 250 km/h with a bmz z4 :-).
nevertheless, i decided to skip the night driving. on the second day i'll spend some time in a partytreff at nrw, then head for nurnberg (~3 hours drive) and spend the evening at some other place there. this is much more reasonable.
.. to break the drive south into stages with stops in between.
what is aggressive about this, by the way, is not so much the distance you'd be driving but also how you will deal with jetlag, which is not to be underestimated.
the only fkk club worthwhile visiting south of the weisswurstaequator would seem to be cola in augsburg. that might be a logical stop between dus and your skiing destination.
remember also that you are driving away from pt activity and not towards it. you may not have enough strength and energy left in you to go skiing.
Oh, by the way, I do not speak a word of German. Also, I rented an Opel Corsa to deal with the high gas prices in Europe. Doable or foolhardy?Dont do it Sun Devil!
I'm not too sure how many miles (or kilometers) you are gonna clock up but if it is any way significant, I would not be too keen on you choice of car. To be honest more like a lawnmower on wheels!
Why not trade up in size a bit a go for an Opel Vectra (or Ford Mondeo or Renault Laguna). Any of these cars should not break the bank to rent (Not a BMW or a Merc) and should offer a bit more size and comfort, specially for autobahn driving). If you go for a 1.9/2L diesel engine you would get at least 750Km on a full tank of fuel (on the autobahn).
Just a suggestion. As I say not too sure how far you will be driving.
Enjoy the lucky devil!
Today Fun Garden in Emmerich close to the dutch border (Arnhem/Arnheim):
I'm going to visit Germany arriving late January 24 in Frankfurt and saw that Club Tabulos might be a nice place to visit that Friday on party time. WHat time is the party and how much does it cost? I'm positive about making you company to Club Tabulos Friday 25.
Heading over to “Disneyland” for 3 days. Arriving late on the 24th of Jan, and heading home late on the 27th.
After a lot of re reading reports, soul searching and general trying to make my mind up it came down to a several options.
1) Amsterdam for a weekend, with Showboat on the Saturday and Sunday afternoon. Then maybe Candy Club on Sunday night, followed by maybe Milau Prive on the Monday, which is good value at €70 for an hour, then home. Problem with this is that Showboat would be the main event, and while it’s a great and exciting place that I highly recommend it can very hit and miss, and the only guaranteed action is with the in house hags who all tend to be over 50.
2) Beverly. Oh yes I do want to go to Beverly but its too awkward to get to when u are not driving. Also they only open in the evening and I don’t want to hang around during the day. Having said that If anyone is around with a car during the dates Im over there as in 24th to 27th, I could be easily convinced to visit.
3) PT Selm. – Ive had great times in Selm, but apart from one great girl the rest was a bit of a disaster last time there. Also it’s very hard to find a hotel where anyone speaks English in the area.
4) PT Traumland – Had the reports been more positive I would have made the train trip to Munster, hung out there for a few days and given the club a good thorough try out for 2 or 3 days. BUT the reports have not been kind, with most complaining about rushed and poor service, so not this time for me.
5) PT Dorsten – Havent been there in a year now, and definitely want to go back sometime. Great sexual times there, but latest reports have been a bit negative too.
So WHERE am I going:
I'm going to hit the last Friday of the month Gang bang in Club Tabulos. Bareback aside this is the most awesome service I ever encountered anywhere. Deep kissing, deep fingering, cuming in all mouths, anal and more. Only Bernds provides similar service levels, but in Bernds you pay much more. Complete lack of facilites and very little food and drink don’t matter here.
On the Saturday If I have any sperm left Ill go to PT MG, If I don’t I’ll take the short train ride to Kaarst and hang out in Living room, and be as cheap as possible. Ill eat all their food and drink as much beer as I can, and caress my sore cock in the jacuzzi. Might do 1 or 2 sessions if Im up to it.
On Sunday I'll either do MG or Livingroom depending on what I did on the Saturday.
So if anyone wants to join me, please do. ALSO bear Beverly in mind. If you are in the area with a car and want to hit Beverly that weekend. I might be up for it. Ill share fuel costs etc.
Barring anything unforeseen I’ll finally be busting my FKK cherry at GoldenTime the weekend of Feb 16-17. I’ve done my reading, so my only question (at this moment) is transportation related. I’ll be staying in Venlo, Netherlands and I know I can take the 5 minute train ride from there to Kaldenkirchen for €3.50. I’ll have to take a taxi from there to GT, but I assume that would still be considerably cheaper than taking a taxi all the way from Venlo. I expect I will want to stay at GT until later than the last train so I will have to take a taxi all the way back to Venlo when I leave. I have never taken a taxi in Europe (and rarely take them anywhere else) so I have absolutely no clue how much this will cost me. Could someone please give me a reasonable estimate of the taxi fare from Kaldenkirchen to GT (about 8km according to Google maps) and from GT to Venlo (15.4km)? I will be sure to include this information when I report about my trip.
I'm going to visit Germany arriving late January 24 in Frankfurt and saw that Club Tabulos might be a nice place to visit that Friday on party time. WHat time is the party and how much does it cost? I'm positive about making you company to Club Tabulos Friday 25.
PeterEvery Friday and Wednesday special price: €99. = Rest of the week €120. = last Friday of the month is partytime.
Club is open mo. Friday 11. 00. 20. 00.
See: club-tabulos. De.
I don't like partytime. Same number of girls, often 6, but much more men.
I advise: go on Wednesday or Friday.
I'm going to visit Germany arriving late January 24 in Frankfurt and saw that Club Tabulos might be a nice place to visit that Friday on party time. WHat time is the party and how much does it cost? I'm positive about making you company to Club Tabulos Friday 25.
I hope to hit there around 11 am. I dont speak any German, but if u shout a few words of English Im bound to hear you, unless my head is buried under one of the girls asses.
Every Friday and Wednesday special price: €99. = Rest of the week €120. = last Friday of the month is partytime.
Club is open mo. Friday 11. 00. 20. 00.
See: club-tabulos. De.
I don't like partytime. Same number of girls, often 6, but much more men.
I advise: go on Wednesday or Friday.William unless they have recently changed the pricing I think you are mistaken.
Mon, Tues, Thursday:
1st session (1/2 hour) is €80, then 2nd session is €40, 3rd session is €40 and so on.
Wed and Fri:
1st session is €80, then 2nd session is €40, and 3rd session is free.
Party Friday is €120.
Barring anything unforeseen I’ll finally be busting my FKK cherry at GoldenTime the weekend of Feb 16-17. I’ve done my reading, so my only question (at this moment) is transportation related. I’ll be staying in Venlo, Netherlands and I know I can take the 5 minute train ride from there to Kaldenkirchen for €3.50. I’ll have to take a taxi from there to GT, but I assume that would still be considerably cheaper than taking a taxi all the way from Venlo. I expect I will want to stay at GT until later than the last train so I will have to take a taxi all the way back to Venlo when I leave. I have never taken a taxi in Europe (and rarely take them anywhere else) so I have absolutely no clue how much this will cost me. Could someone please give me a reasonable estimate of the taxi fare from Kaldenkirchen to GT (about 8km according to Google maps) and from GT to Venlo (15.4km)? I will be sure to include this information when I report about my trip.
Thanks!A few tricks ;) First of all become a member of the ijsberenforum . And just ask at the meetingpoint.
Go by public transport and taxi to GT. Meet some icebear and just ask if they will transport you back to Venlo. Easy, about 70% are dutch customers and will go back direction Venlo ;)
Good Luck
01-11-08, 03:39
Could someone please give me a reasonable estimate of the taxi fare from Kaldenkirchen to GT (about 8km according to Google maps) and from GT to Venlo (15.4km)? Thanks!Taxi from Kaldenkirhcen to GT is around 12 € (one way). I don´t know prices to Venlo, I´d guess around 25 €. You could find a hotel near GT, p.ex. "Zum Schiffchen", 38€ per night (rooms pretty basic, but ok for a couple of hours of sleep). When you arrive at GT & ask for hotel, GT´ll set you up with "Schiffchen", collecting the key (hotel shuts down around 11pm) and handing it to you as you leave the club. Taxi to this hotel is 5 min and 6 €.
Felipe (who won´t be back to GT until March, unfortunately)
I'm planning a trip to Germany on Jan 14 till 17. I'll be flying into Dusseldorf on Jan 14 morning, rent a car with GPS and then the plan is as follows:
Jan 14:
1. partytreff - possibly MG
find a cheap hotel room
2. Beverly
Jan. 14th is a Monday and at Beverly it's FKK night, which means that everyone is nude. It's also usually not a very busy night with far more single males than couples.
After a 2 month hiatus, I'll be making my next monthly inspection on Thursday Jan. 17th.
Driving up from FRA at about 11:15 a.m. to arrive at opening and leaving Schiefehof by 7:30 p.m.. Like minded mongers interested in meeting there or enjoying my scintillating conversation and excellent driving skills on the trip can PM me.
Hello everyone. Longtime lurker, first time poster.
I've been travelling to amsterdam for quite a while now, and I've also been to some of the more well known NRW clubs with friends. This next trip will be a few firsts for me. I've never driven a car in Europe, but I have my own trusty tomtom with the european maps already loaded up. I've also never hit the FKK/saunaclub scene flying solo. I have a halfway decent command of german (always room for improvement, of course). My primary reason for traveling this time around is to see friends in amterdam during the weekend, so that's my base. My planned itinerary is to arrive 7 am on March 5th, pick up my car, and hit the road. I've reserved a room at the Reuter and hopefully I can make it to Bernd's by 13:00.
The next day, I'll either repeat at Bernd's or head to Samya, or maybe GT. The only concern is that I need to return the car at Schiphol and be back in the center of amsterdam by 22:00 to meet some people. Any suggestions regarding my itinerary. I'm afraid I've got my heart set on a visit to bernd's, but the rest is up for grabs.
As regards to flying solo, I've never had a problem traveling by myself. I've made a number of trips to amsterdam on my own. Here's my question, though, having never been to an FKK on my own: is anyone going to care or think I'm odd, especially in a place like bernd's, if I bring a book to read during downtime between sessions?
my primary reason for traveling this time around is to see friends in amterdam during the weekend, so that's my base. my planned itinerary is to arrive 7 am on march 5th, pick up my car, and hit the road. i've reserved a room at the reuter and hopefully i can make it to bernd's by 13:00.
amsterdam- bernd's should take about 2.5 hours depending on weather and traffic. holland has stricter speed limits than germany, so you can't speed through there as you would in germany.
the next day, i'll either repeat at bernd's or head to samya, or maybe gt. the only concern is that i need to return the car at schiphol and be back in the center of amsterdam by 22:00 to meet some people. any suggestions regarding my itinerary.
you're better off travelling back to amsterdam from gt, otherwise leaving from bernd's or samya, you'll have to cross most of western nrw during the worst evening traffic hours. it's also much closer.
here's my question, though, having never been to an fkk on my own: is anyone going to care or think i'm odd, especially in a place like bernd's, if i bring a book to read during downtime between sessions?
yes, it's a small place, you will look very odd, and you will also be the brunt of alot of comments. instead use your down time wisely by engaging your fellow patrons of the arts in intelligent intercourse, and studying carefully the the mating habits of the denizens of the hof. to truly experience bernd's you need to insinuate yourself into the spirit of the place.
I dont fucking believe it, but club Tabulos has changed the date of the party to Thursday 31/1/08. Its not on the Friday 25th that I had banked on, and booked my whole trip around. Damn!!
I'm flying in late on 24th and home late on 27th. Might still head to PT MG on the Friday, but I may revise.
From the tabulos website:
Jeden letzten Freitag im Monat
große Party zum Pauschalpreis
Vergnügen Sie sich so oft Sie möchten. Sie zahlen lediglich einen Pauschalpreis.
Nächste Party:
Ausnahmeweise einmal donnerstags
Große Altweiberparty
Donnerstag 31.01.2008
Translation with Babel Fish:
Each last Friday in the month large party to the blanket rate pleasure you itself so often you would like. They pay only a blanket rate. Next party: Exception way once Thursday Large old woman party Thursday 31.01.2008
amsterdam- bernd's should take about 2.5 hours depending on weather and traffic. holland has stricter speed limits than germany, so you can't speed through there as you would in longer. at least 3 hours and you also have to find your way.
it's to dark in schieferhof so you can't read anything there.
you can read your book better at clubs like phg or villa vertigo.
greetings willem
After a 2 month hiatus, I'll be making my next monthly inspection on Thursday Jan. 17th.
Driving up from FRA at about 11:15 a.m. to arrive at opening and leaving Schiefehof by 7:30 p.m.. Like minded mongers interested in meeting there or enjoying my scintillating conversation and excellent driving skills on the trip can PM me.
Maybe you can wear a disguise... :)
Hello everyone. Longtime lurker, first time poster.
I've been travelling to amsterdam for quite a while now, and I've also been to some of the more well known NRW clubs with friends. This next trip will be a few firsts for me. I've never driven a car in Europe, but I have my own trusty tomtom with the european maps already loaded up. I've also never hit the FKK/saunaclub scene flying solo. I have a halfway decent command of german (always room for improvement, of course). My primary reason for traveling this time around is to see friends in amterdam during the weekend, so that's my base. My planned itinerary is to arrive 7 am on March 5th, pick up my car, and hit the road. I've reserved a room at the Reuter and hopefully I can make it to Bernd's by 13:00.
The next day, I'll either repeat at Bernd's or head to Samya, or maybe GT. The only concern is that I need to return the car at Schiphol and be back in the center of amsterdam by 22:00 to meet some people. Any suggestions regarding my itinerary. I'm afraid I've got my heart set on a visit to bernd's, but the rest is up for grabs.
As regards to flying solo, I've never had a problem traveling by myself. I've made a number of trips to amsterdam on my own. Here's my question, though, having never been to an FKK on my own: is anyone going to care or think I'm odd, especially in a place like bernd's, if I bring a book to read during downtime between sessions?
Your plan of getting back to AMS in time looks doubtful unless you are leaving from GT.
You can do (and get) anything you want at Bernds. Its like Alice's Restaurant.
I've never seen anybody read a book there though. Its too dark downstairs to read so if you are dead set of reading you will have to find a quiet spot on the couches upstairs where your fellow guests aren't being fellated or in the dining room which is about the only room in the place where I've never seen anybody having sex.
You can jack off on the couches in full view of everyone and nobody would bat an eyelash.
Rob Raunch
01-12-08, 15:11
Hello everyone.
Is anyone going to care or think I'm odd, especially in a place like bernd's, if I bring a book to read during downtime between sessions? Hi Legum,
Well, opposed to other clubs there is a lot to see during "downtime" at Bernd's. So you could take a book but you WILL have a hard time concentrating on the storyline because of the numerous beautifull NAKED women and the action around you!
(in summer reading in the backyard CAN be done. Allthough the female-distraction is also at a considerable level)
GRTZ and have fun
P.S. Just to make you a little envious. I'll inspect the troops at Bernds next Monday jan 14th.
Me and some Swedish friends are planning to go to Frankfurt for the first time and trie out "the Hessen three". And I'm just wondering if the forum members who are familiar with the area, know of any good alternatives to hotels to spend the night, as for instance "Frau Müllers bead and breakfast", pension, some private rooms or a holiday cabin outside the city, or something like that?
if I bring a book to read during downtime between sessions?
Would be hard to read at Bernds, what with all the pages sticking together.
Would be hard to read at Bernds, what with all the pages sticking together.Rob Raunch will try that today at Bernds.
15th of January I will be at the opening of
Sunday 20 January I will go again to Emmerich and maybe also to PHG.
Greetings Willem
Im not going ahead with this plan now due to Club Tabulos changing their PT day which I will now miss
I'm planning on hitting now, probably for 2 days cos I dont want to be constantly stuck travelling on the trains.
I'm especially looking forward to the Saturday parties there as there are two.
One is a regular party with the hired in ladies, and then there is a couples party from 8 pm, also with some hired in women.
Now I called the place today, and the dude who answered had decent English. He says normally around 10 couples show up for the party (Hope they are not all OAPS!) and that he would do me a special price if i want to attend both parties. Day party is normally €80 and couples party is normally €95.
If this interests anyone dont be shy.
I had to change my plans too after the change of Club Tabulos PT day. I don't think I will go to neither. Sorry Wan King.
On Friday 25 I probably will go to or to I've been to Dorste before and hade a great time but I've never been to Selm.
On Saturday 26 I will first go to a gangbang in Oberhasuen and later on I'm choosing between and
I'm happy if anyone can give me some advices about those choices.
For anyone considering NRW region around 24 - 27th jan, bear in mind there is major hotel room shortage in all the big cities due to various Trade shows or Messe as they known.
This hotel shortage is playing havoc with my trip, but I have it worked out (I think)
On Saturday 26 I will first go to a gangbang in Oberhasuen and later on I'm choosing between and
I'm happy if anyone can give me some advices about those choices.
I've never been to Seesternchen so I'd be curious to read what you find out.
Given a choice between PT Dolce Vita (Wagenfeld) and PT Osnabrueck, its not even close. Skip PT Osnabrueck and make your way to PT Wagenfeld.
PT Osnabrueck has very lazy girls and its not a very clean club either. Their food is out all day and they don't bring any new food out.
At PT Wagenfeld the women take the initiative, the Saunalandschaft lets you get away from it all if you want to, they have an indoor pool. They have basic Belegtes Brot but it will tide you over.
At PT Wagenfeld the women take the initiative, the Saunalandschaft lets you get away from it all if you want to, they have an indoor pool. They have basic Belegtes Brot but it will tide you over.Jackyo,
On your last visit there with Breadman, didn't the women ignore you after each had 2 sessions or something?
On your last visit there with Breadman, didn't the women ignore you after each had 2 sessions or something?
Some of them kept a mental count of whether they had been with you yet. They have a need to spread their contacts out in order to avoid the boss getting feedback from the guests about the club not living up to its motto of "whoever you want to be with, whenever you want it, as often as you want it".
But if things are slow there is nothing to stop you from having second, third or fourth servings.
This explains how I achieved my record of fourteen sessions in the span of 12 hours despite the fact that only seven women were present.
I hit it off with someone during that visit and she would gravitate to me when things were slow to fill the time (and I to her, as well). She was indifferent as to whether I came or not, which takes the pressure off of me.
Some women take mental notes and ask point blank: "Are you going to come this time? You didn't come the last time."
I'd like to answer (but don't): "I'll come if you turn me on enough for me to want to come."
The key words here are if things are slow. On weekends this club gets very, very crowded, from personal experience.
I should check out the Messe calendar in future. Big messe on in Essen, and hence I couldnt get a hotel room there on 24 Jan.
Travel plans (work plans!) are coming together for a month in Paris. My RFF clearly indicates that I will be forgetting about Paris and France for that matter, for PT opportunities.
I'm trying to find those PT's closest to Paris by train - to "disappear" for a day or two across the border to Germany - PT heaven I'm told.
By RFF I see the north west German area is better than the south west. I can't locate places closest to Paris by train between north and south - anyone with experience travelling this area preferrably by train ? would appreciate PM. Cheers
Have changed plans for the final time.
After reading Creature2's Pt Traumland report, I've decided that im going to go there.
24th Jan - fly into Duss late, train to Dortmund. Stay in Dortmund and hit Kinos/rld.
25th Train to munster in the morn, then all day in PT Traumland.
26th Back to traumland or maybe PT Pittstop.
27th Stop off in essen and check out the RLD there, then home that night.
Dick Travel
01-18-08, 00:19
Hi all,
I'm planning a quick visit - fly in to Frankfurt 1400 Saturday 26th, fly out 1700 Sunday 27th !
Short time, plan to definitely do one FKK Sat evening into sun morning. Then either another club from mid morning Sunday to early afternoon, or just wander the RLD and maybe play there Sunday.
Whats the line up like at the moment World/Oase/Palace?
options I think are...
1) Land, hire car at airport, drive to FKK World or Oase for Sat night, then hotel, drop car off Sunday am at FRA, train to HBF then RLD or Palace for few hours Sunday lunch/early pm.
2) Land, train to HBF, hotel in city, Palace Sat night and ? just RLD Sunday day
World or Oase? I've been to both, seen the improved Oase, not seen newly styled World, which has best lineup right now?
Palace current line up? Would pickings be slim Sunday early pm?
Big Messe on?? Best to go out to World to avoid crowds?
Tips from the xperts please, anyone want to meet up?
Travel plans (work plans!) are coming together for a month in Paris. My RFF clearly indicates that I will be forgetting about Paris and France for that matter, for PT opportunities.
I'm trying to find those PT's closest to Paris by train - to "disappear" for a day or two across the border to Germany - PT heaven I'm told.
By RFF I see the north west German area is better than the south west. I can't locate places closest to Paris by train between north and south - anyone with experience travelling this area preferrably by train ? would appreciate PM. Cheers
... will leave from the Gare de l'Est and arrive at Koeln.
Koeln is pretty near ground zero for FKK activity in NRW. I say near because I'd personally prefer to base myself in Duesseldorf (but this is just a personal preference: I know Duesseldorf like the back of my hand having spent a chunk of time there once upon a time).
I wouldn't bother to try to visit the clubs in Hessen.
Have changed plans for the final time.
After reading Creature2's Pt Traumland report, I've decided that im going to go there.
24th Jan - fly into Duss late, train to Dortmund. Stay in Dortmund and hit Kinos/rld.
25th Train to munster in the morn, then all day in PT Traumland.
26th Back to traumland or maybe PT Pittstop.
27th Stop off in essen and check out the RLD there, then home that night.
I wish I might do one more tour with you dude, but I can't. Due to business reasons, I should travel to Italy next week :(
Be careful! You are hitting Muenster the most busiest two days of the week, Friday and Saturday. You will mostly see more women than me (which is ok, because for me 6 girls wasn't enough), but you should be ready to see also more guest and more competition to session. The girl/boys ratio will be deteriorated and be more disadvantegous IMHO. Especially on Saturday, they announce a Mega Party day, please kindly be aware. A German guest told me there was a mega Gang Bang party during Saturday last week and the club was crowded. He said he was frequenting that club 7 consecutive days that week. He was from Munster. Another German dude from Dusseldorf told me he used to going to Dorsten before but after he discovered Traumland since a few months, he discontinued Dorsten and started to frequent here. I don't wanna encourage you to go or not to go. Because I didn't had written yet my final report of the trip. You should decide by yourself, the decision is yours.
But anyway, I hope you will love this club and hope you will not be disappointed. The session are 100 percent in private rooms with doors wide shut. The girls are young, some are more attractive than Dorsten girls. 150 Euro/day is a big investment for a partytreff club but I guess your other alternative partytreff airport's price tag is also 150 Euro/day. The service level of girls are just ok, not much. They are not kissing, but BBBJ is standart. I made also DATY and 69 but cannot manage any DFK.
Oh, you don't have to give your key to thekefrau, there is a special bracelet that you may keep your key during your stay such as Selm. This give a nice opportunity to check incoming messages from office or home between sessions.
Here, via this link, at the first photo, you may see the two girls that I sessioned both. The girl on the left Iza, she has seven tatoos on his body. On the right side, she is Lillia. When I was there, her hairs were lighter blond and more curly that in the photo, but generaly, they are more attractive to me compared to Romanien and Bulgarien providers of other party treff houses.
Give my best regards to them. They should recognize me. I am the dark skinned guy, with big belly and lots of body hair in my front side and chests. I did wear a big black wristwatch that day and I gave some of them some free of charge relax massage. Or just tell them Grand from Istanboul, I am the guy who speak with them in Polish.
And if you can, please see and session with Jollie. This will be the only reason for me to do or not do one more time Traumland in my next visit on May.
27th Stop off in essen and check out the RLD there, then home that night.Hi Wan King,
I've once visited the RLD in Essen and I found it quite dreadful, I think Oberhausen, Duisburg, and Bochum have much better RLD. I’m looking forward to read if you had better luck.
Hi Wan King,
I've once visited the RLD in Essen and I found it quite dreadful, I think Oberhausen, Duisburg, and Bochum have much better RLD. I’m looking forward to read if you had better luck.Cheers,
I probably wont do anything there except perv around, take a few pics and video clips If I can. Only punching in time till my flight later that evening.
Dick Travel
01-19-08, 22:43
Hi folks,
I'll be in World (or maybe Oase) Sat 26th early evening through to the early hours.
Sun 27th might do Palace or the RLD for a few hours in the day. (depends how much i blow Sat !!!)
If anyone would like to meet up drop me a pm.
Reports will follow
24th Dortmund
25th PT Traumland (all day - If the sex is bad, Ill drink the bar dry)
26th PT Gelsenkirchen
27th Essen RLD then home
Question: is there an RLD/Eros in Munster?
25th Lovefucktory
26th Docle Vita Wagenfeld
PT Traumland might be an option on the 25th. See you there in that case Wan King, but I'm curious about Lovefucktory after som reports I've read.
25th Lovefucktory
26th Docle Vita Wagenfeld
PT Traumland might be an option on the 25th. See you there in that case Wan King, but I'm curious about Lovefucktory after som reports I've read.Well in order to find me, just shout some English words if you do show up, cos I dont speak a word of German.
Lovefucktory seems to be a new location for what was the original Partytreff Munster. was the original url, and it now points to the Lovefucktory site.
Some of the reasons I decided against going there are:
No mention of any food on their website I think, and Im sure I remember reading that the old PT Munster didnt provide food either. A whole day without food doesnt cut it for me. Also the hours are a bit shorter - 11am till 11 pm, versus Traumlands 12 - 4 am.
But maybe lovefucktory is the place to go for hot sex, I'll be looking forward to your report if you do go.
Haven't made up my mind yet. I have the same thought about the opening times, so it's very possible that I will change my mind and we will meet at Traumland anyway. I say a few words in english, doesn't speak any german neither. Hope to see you brother.
I say a few words in english, doesn't speak any german neither. Hope to see you brother.Hope to see you too, but you don't really speak English or German, what language do you speak?
Well in order to find me, just shout some English words if you do show up, cos I dont speak a word of German.
Lovefucktory seems to be a new location for what was the original Partytreff Munster. was the original url, and it now points to the Lovefucktory site.
Some of the reasons I decided against going there are:
No mention of any food on their website I think, and Im sure I remember reading that the old PT Munster didnt provide food either. A whole day without food doesnt cut it for me. Also the hours are a bit shorter - 11am till 11 pm, versus Traumlands 12 - 4 am.
But maybe lovefucktory is the place to go for hot sex, I'll be looking forward to your report if you do go.
FredRecent reports from Rheimforum is very positive about the club.
Ive now decided against going to PT Traumland on the Friday. Having re-read the reports a few things come to mind. Service probably wont be overly brilliant, It might be ok but I cant see it being fantastic. Then there is very little public action, so there wont be too much to actually do between the sessions, especially If there are only 8 to 10 women and half of those are in the room at anyone time. Its not like a regular partytreff where u can watch loads of public action between the sessions.
So my plan now is.
24th : Flight arrives around 9pm, head straight to Monchengladbach
25Th : Club Tabulos for the 3 for 2 offer, gonna be there at 11am. Probably leave there after my 3rd session, which maybe anytime from 3 – 5 pm. Might go for a meal, then Ill hit PT MG, probably around 6 pm ish, and stay till the end or near it 4 am.
26th : PT Gelsenkirchen in the afternoon, till the end at 3 am
27th: Essen and maybe Dortmund RLDs till my flight home that night.
This has been the hardest trip I’ve ever booked cos they are so many Partytreffs out there now, and I want to visit them all. It’s very hard to make my mind up about where to go, and I am soo indecisive at the best of times.
Hope to see you too, but you don't really speak English or German, what language do you speak?Oh Sorry, my misstake. I speak good english even if it's not my first language. I'm from up north in Europe.
Tomorrow, 23 Januar, I will go to
Saturday, 25 Januar, I will go to
and Saturday 2nd of Februar, I will go to the Carnavalsparty from
Member #3421
01-24-08, 00:14
I figure this is a good place for this. Could someone with local knowledge advise me on the following driving times, roughly? I have distances, obviously, which I think look reasonably short. But I don't know about roads/traffic.
Dusseldorf --> Hennef, midday on a weekday?
Hennef --> Dortmund, on a weekday evening ~ 10:00 or so?
Dortmund --> Hennef, mid-late afternoon or rushhour on a weekday?
- OBG.
Dusseldorf --> Hennef, midday on a weekday? 45 minutes- if there's no construction on the roads
Hennef --> Dortmund, on a weekday evening ~ 10:00 or so? 1 hour and 15minutes
Dortmund --> Hennef, mid-late afternoon or rushhour on a weekday? Add 20- 30 minutes if it's during rush hour
I am planning to visit Beverly for the big carnival party on Saturday February 2nd with a friend. Is anyone else going there?
February 8: World
February 9: Oase
Vito Corleone
01-29-08, 11:07
February 8: World
February 9: OaseI will be in Frankfurt during the same time. I have not decided which clubs on certain days yet, but I would like to hook up.
I have a dilemma. Any suggestions? A friend of mine does not want to travel to the clubs in Germany, which I think would be a blast....Oase, Palace, World, PHG all would make a great trip.....but we are now contemplating a couple of options.
Either hit Malaga or Barcelona Spain and go to the local brothels and maybe some escorts or
Try an all inclusive package deal in Dominican Republic where you stay at a Villa and fuck several women over 3 or more days. Maybe more of a GFE experience. is one type resort and is another.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. I still thinking fucking in Germany is a very good deal.
Jimmy Smits
01-29-08, 23:46
I will be in Muenster on Feb 16th and 17th. On Sunday the 17th I am planning on hitting PT Traumland. I am looking for other options on Saturday the 16th as PT Traumland will likely be a zoo on the 16th. Can any of you provide some FKK options or even other PT options (other then Pit Stop). I am not planning on renting a car as for some reason the rates are VERY high that weekend so options within 15 minutes of the Muenster airport would be preferred.
If PT Wagenfeld were an easy reach via public transportation I would consider it for the 16th but I know it's not.
Thanks in advance,
Ekliges Lauern
01-30-08, 03:13
I have a dilemma. Any suggestions? A friend of mine does not want to travel to the clubs in Germany, which I think would be a blast....Oase, Palace, World, PHG all would make a great trip.....but we are now contemplating a couple of options.
Either hit Malaga or Barcelona Spain and go to the local brothels and maybe some escorts or
Try an all inclusive package deal in Dominican Republic where you stay at a Villa and fuck several women over 3 or more days. Maybe more of a GFE experience. is one type resort and is another.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. I still thinking fucking in Germany is a very good deal.
I think your friend is nuts. Have you fully explained the FKK concept, pricing and service equation to him? I've traveled to most of the hot spots in the world (Russia, Brazil and Argentina are still on my to do list). The only place that compares as an adult Disneyland is Thailand. And that is a very specific, narrow experience.
Plus, how can you not enjoy hanging out in a towel with attractive naked women from around the world for 4 or 5 hours? All available for a mere 50 Euro. When we were teenaged boys and we fantasized about what paradise would be like, this is it.
Don't get me wrong, there are other fun destinations in the world. But if you haven't experienced FKK-land, it really should be number one on your lifetime to do list.
I think your friend is nuts. Have you fully explained the FKK concept, pricing and service equation to him? I've traveled to most of the hot spots in the world (Russia, Brazil and Argentina are still on my to do list). The only place that compares as an adult Disneyland is Thailand. And that is a very specific, narrow experience.
Plus, how can you not enjoy hanging out in a towel with attractive naked women from around the world for 4 or 5 hours? All available for a mere 50 Euro. When we were teenaged boys and we fantasized about what paradise would be like, this is it.
Don't get me wrong, there are other fun destinations in the world. But if you haven't experienced FKK-land, it really should be number one on your lifetime to do list.
I agree. This is a Disneyland for adults and the value for the money is about the best in the world. I would rather hit one new club per day and bang 6 or 7 women for the cost it would take to fly to another city, book a hotel, then pay to bang women. I really did like Spain. The Spanish women have some really nice asses. Although last time, I got into some trouble. Another friend and I were shit faced on Tequila and went to a brothel to check out the women. We ordered a drink and surveyed the talent. I then said to my buddy, I didn't like the quality and let's go to another club at which time the Madam blocked the door. All I remember was all the *****s starting to fight us and one had a billy club. She started to club us and I ended up getting out of there swinging my way out. My friend was way too shit faced to fight so I had to go back in there to save his ass. It was at that point that I decided to give up since he couldn't defend himself and she charged my credit card like $150 for 2 drinks and no women. My watch was stolen during the scuffle and I had bruise marks on my gut for a couple of weeks. We ended up going to another club and had a really good time. That's what I don't like about foreign countries, you can really get into some quick trouble and people will take advantage of you.
With that all said, hopefully he will decide to do some mongering in Germany. I just haven't experienced the all inclusive resorts which seems to be priced really high and you would be gambling to see if the talent is up to your expectations.
Going to Artemis in Berlin from the 28 Feb - 1 Mar.
Is any one else going?
Hey there,
I'm looking at doing a rookie trip to the FKK's first week of May 6th-11th about since best flight options from states. If looking for another novice wingman I might be game.
Dominican you can stay at Blackbeards or even a couple reviews on Cristals Mustang Ranch seem okay to spend a bit less than being stuck with some mediocre talent at an all-inclusive (although I don't think Oxygen/Charlies are probably good talent). However, Oxygen does not seem too bad since you get several girls per day to change up.
I even may do DR and considering Montreal as well since haven't been to either before. I'm sure someone on here give you some well-versed advice!
Well in order to find me, just shout some English words if you do show up, cos I dont speak a word of German.
Lovefucktory seems to be a new location for what was the original Partytreff Munster. was the original url, and it now points to the Lovefucktory site.
Some of the reasons I decided against going there are:
No mention of any food on their website I think, and Im sure I remember reading that the old PT Munster didnt provide food either. A whole day without food doesnt cut it for me. Also the hours are a bit shorter - 11am till 11 pm, versus Traumlands 12 - 4 am.
But maybe lovefucktory is the place to go for hot sex, I'll be looking forward to your report if you do go.
FredI have been at partytreff-muenster 6 or 7 times and most of them were very good. They also had food.
At the advertisement of the new club they state:
'Wellnessbereich(Sauna/Massage) Sauna Ruheraum Balkon Großer Außenbereich Separater Essbereich Raucher/Nichtraucher Wohnzimmer Bademäntel, Handtücher'
'Separater Essbereich' means something like separate room to eat that sounds like food to me but I have not been there yet.
Yo Elguapo
02-02-08, 03:23
I'll be staying in the Wuppertal area for a couple of weeks starting about 10 Feb. If anyone is going to be around, I'd be glad to meet up to visit some clubs.
Who's going tonight (Saturday)
It is one of the biggest parties of the year.
I'll be there from 8:00 until early morning
Hey there,
I'm looking at doing a rookie trip to the FKK's first week of May 6th-11th about since best flight options from states. If looking for another novice wingman I might be game.
Dominican you can stay at Blackbeards or even a couple reviews on Cristals Mustang Ranch seem okay to spend a bit less than being stuck with some mediocre talent at an all-inclusive (although I don't think Oxygen/Charlies are probably good talent). However, Oxygen does not seem too bad since you get several girls per day to change up.
I even may do DR and considering Montreal as well since haven't been to either before. I'm sure someone on here give you some well-versed advice!
Let me know closer to the trip date and PM me if you can. If I don't have anything going on, I might be able to meet at least at one club. Once you experience it, you will not believe it, if you haven't experienced it yet a good FKK coming from the US.
Yeah, I'm going back and forth whether to do Rio or Frankfurt, can't quite make up my mind on which one. I may be posting for some advice instead from others. Tough decision but after some more research I am leaning towards Rio. I feel like maybe too many EE women vs. the dark / tanned / caramel skin lovelys that I like with the latin look for this trip.
Ekliges Lauern
02-04-08, 01:09
Tentative plan:
Palace Friday & Saturday 2/15&16
Oase Sunday Sunday 2/17
Hof Monday 2/18
F39 Tuesday & Wednesday 2/19&20
GT Thursday & Friday 2/21&22
Oase or Palace Saturday 2/23
Plans subject to change, I may end up at VV or LR for one night instead of F39 or GT. Before anyone tries to talk me out 2 days at F39, I really like the ladies there. I've had good luck.
Most places I will roll into about 5PM and stay until little Radler tells me it is time to go. Exception being F39 which I like to show up before noon.
Anyone going to be around any of these clubs on these dates, PM me.
02-04-08, 12:46
Tentative plan:
Palace Friday & Saturday 2/15&16
Oase Sunday Sunday 2/17
Hof Monday 2/18
F39 Tuesday & Wednesday 2/19&20
GT Thursday & Friday 2/21&22
Oase or Palace Saturday 2/23
Plans subject to change, I may end up at VV or LR for one night instead of F39 or GT. Before anyone tries to talk me out 2 days at F39, I really like the ladies there. I've had good luck.
Most places I will roll into about 5PM and stay until little Radler tells me it is time to go. Exception being F39 which I like to show up before noon.
Anyone going to be around any of these clubs on these dates, PM me.Wow Radler, you've really got this down! You seem to have quite the experience. I noticed a lot of abbreviated names for places. For us newbies to the Germany scene, can you provide the actual names and what near-city please? This would be helpful.
Others too:
Also, if you were in SW Germany area (stuttgart) this weekend, and basically had just Saturday and over night to explore, would you recommend I check out local FKK scene, or don't waste my time and hop a train up to Frankfurt area? (Not sure if added travel Euro is more well spent getting to up North or not. Trying to stretch the budget. Ha ha).
Thanks again for all your input,
Blue Swede
02-04-08, 22:28
I'm going for a trip and visit all or some of:
Living Room (have already been there, so i'll see this time)
and maybe Villa Vertigo.
Anyone with similar plans? Would be nice to hook up for a chat at any of the clubs!
Ekliges Lauern
02-05-08, 01:38
Also, if you were in SW Germany area (stuttgart) this weekend, and basically had just Saturday and over night to explore, would you recommend I check out local FKK scene, or don't waste my time and hop a train up to Frankfurt area? (Not sure if added travel Euro is more well spent getting to up North or not. Trying to stretch the budget. Ha ha).
Although I like Stuttgart as a city, I wasn't impressed with the clubs there. Granted, it has been more than five years since I checked out a Stuttgart club. If I were you, I would hope a train to Frankfurt and head to Palace and catch either the last train back on Saturday or stay until closing time and catch the first train Sunday morning.
My first FKK journey is quickly approaching. I’ll be flying solo, so if someone else is going to be around I could probably use the company.
My tentative itinerary:
Saturday, 2/16- GT, around 6pm until?
Sunday, 2/17, morning until afternoon- wander around Düsseldorf, mostly do tourist thing but I’ll probably at least check out RLD. This is my first time going to Germany so I want to see something besides an FKK (even if only for a few hours!).
Sunday, 2/17, evening until ???-either back to GT or try YY (open to suggestions)
Monday, 2/18- Neil Young at RAI Theatre in Amsterdam
And thanks in advance to just about everybody who posts here. Without the wealth of information you’ve provided I doubt I’d have had the balls to even attempt this trip!
Jimmy Smits
02-05-08, 23:21
Flying into FMO (Muenster) on Saturday the 16th. No definite plans yet but am mulling over the options. Sunday the 17th is PT Traumland from open till close (1AM) then I have a 5:30 AM flight out of FMO Monday morning and home by 5:00 PM local time (east coast of the USA).
If anyone will be around and wants to hook up let me know.
02-06-08, 16:50
Although I like Stuttgart as a city, I wasn't impressed with the clubs there. Granted, it has been more than five years since I checked out a Stuttgart club. If I were you, I would hope a train to Frankfurt and head to Palace and catch either the last train back on Saturday or stay until closing time and catch the first train Sunday morning.Thanks Radler. I was leaning toward hoping a train to Frankfurt on Saturday. What's your experience (or others) with purchasing tickets ahead of time via ww. Bahn. De, or should I wait 'til I get into Stuttgart airport? What's the approximate cost? . I assume I could catch up on sleep the next morning on the train as well after 'partying' into the overnight hours!
Thanks again,
Ekliges Lauern
02-07-08, 01:19
Thanks Radler. I was leaning toward hoping a train to Frankfurt on Saturday. What's your experience (or others) with purchasing tickets ahead of time via ww. Bahn. De, or should I wait 'til I get into Stuttgart airport? What's the approximate cost? . I assume I could catch up on sleep the next morning on the train as well after 'partying' into the overnight hours!
Thanks again,
Please don't take this the wrong way, but there is an expectation that you will do some level of basic research yourself before asking the forum. The web site you mentioned explains all in terms of price and conveniece for advance vs. walk up tickets.
I have a week long business trip to DE coming up 1st week of March. Here are my tentative plans:
* Mon. March 3- NRW; 2 options:
1) Bernd's or
2) Mettmann for the daytime fuckfest followed by Beverly's FKK+gang bang night
* Weds. March 5- PT Seesen (about 50 km from Hannover)
* Thursday March 6- PT Hildesheim (bout 20 km from Hannover)
* Saturday March 8- Hannover; FKK Villa (Sat. night has a great lineup, vibe and some of the CeBit crowds have gone home)
* Sun. March 9- Frankfurt; Oase
I'll have a car and will drive to all of these. CeBit going mongers are invited to join me. Write me up on PM.
Friday feb 22nd at Oase
Saturday feb 23rd at Palace
Sunday feb 24 Oase
Monday feb 25th Finca
Tuesday feb 26th PHG
Wednesday feb 27th GT
Thursday feb 28th Traumland PT
Friday feb 29th Wagenfeld PT
Saturday March 1st babylon ?
If anyone is around, send me a PM or post it here.
Friday feb 22nd at Oase
Saturday feb 23rd at Palace
Sunday feb 24 Oase
Monday feb 25th Finca
Tuesday feb 26th PHG
Wednesday feb 27th GT
Thursday feb 28th Traumland PT
Friday feb 29th Wagenfeld PT
Saturday March 1st babylon ?
If anyone is around, send me a PM or post it here.
Is your bread laced with Viagra or what? Your itinerary requires a measure of sexual and financial stamina to say the least!
Busterbrown 73
02-09-08, 21:49
Will be in and around Frankfurt from Thursday (Feb 28) till Sunday (Mar 2) to finish a trip that was detoured last week. Anyone up for a meet and greet and to enjoy the sights and sounds of one of Frankfurt's finest?
PM me as I just booked my flight and rental car. 19 days and counting.
Hi all,
Will be travelling (by car) from Brussels this Saturday.
Plan to spend a few afternoon hours at YingYang, then head to Germany to spend the evening at PT Mettmann or Beverly Solingen...
Return to Brussels on Sunday. Have booked a room at the Etap Hotel in Monchengladbach-Willich, if anyone is interested in sharing the bedroom (no inuendo : I am only interested in the fair sex).
Anyone interested ? Please pm...
Blue Swede
02-25-08, 21:47
I'm going for a trip and visit all or some of:
Living Room (have already been there, so i'll see this time)
and maybe Villa Vertigo.
Anyone with similar plans? Would be nice to hook up for a chat at any of the clubs!
BlueI have now dates, I will be in the area 3-4 March. Would be nice to chat with any of you fellows here.
Will be doing a run to FKK clubs around Stuttgart/Karlsruhe this weekend - 7 to 9 MAR.
FRI - Pheonix Club
SAT - Flamingo Island
SUN - FKK Haus
Hope to see some of my fellow ISG mongers around.
Thursday 6th of March
Friday 7th and in the evening
Saturday 8th
Sunday 9th or
Will be doing a run to FKK clubs around Stuttgart/Karlsruhe this weekend - 7 to 9 MAR.
FRI - Pheonix Club
SAT - Flamingo Island
SUN - FKK Haus
Hope to see some of my fellow ISG mongers around.
Don't be disappointed if Sunday is really slow. Might be better heading to FRA area to hit one of the big 3 there.
Don't be disappointed if Sunday is really slow. Might be better heading to FRA area to hit one of the big 3 there.That's alright, I'll save the FRA big three for next trip. Don't feel like making the drive on Sunday. Ironic thing is on Monday I'll fly out of STR and connect in FRA.
03-06-08, 18:03
Travelling to Munich in late April.
Any reccomendations for a FFK I/around Munchen?
Any reccomendations of SPs?
Thursday 6th of March
Friday 7th and in the evening
Saturday 8th
Sunday 9th or
To my friend willem, who first showed me Sammy and thus showed me the way............
Such a nice life. I must find a nieuw buurt to live in.
Dark Vader
03-12-08, 01:09
Planning my next trip and intending to go off the beaten track a bit. Anyone know anything about the following clubs?
Partytreff Dali -
The Schickeria swinger club in Dortmund - it's rumoured to be a good alternative to Beverly
Partytreff Menden -
Sara's Partytreff -
In a moment of madness I've even contemplated trying out the infamous Partytreff Lüdinghausen but a swift re-read of Wan King's memorable report has quickly brought me to my senses!
03-12-08, 10:32
I am flying into Dortmund on 9 April , and going on a mongering tour around the area for a week. Mostly to PT's, as money is a consideration. This is my first trip so I am doing a lot of research through the ISG forums, thanks guys.
If anyone is in the area during those dates please PM me or post replys to compare notes/tips.
Note: it is cheaper for me to fly from Luton, UK to Dortmund than to park my car at Luton (so much for carbon footprint when it is more expensive to park than to fly!)
Planning my next trip and intending to go off the beaten track a bit. Anyone know anything about the following clubs?
Partytreff Dali -
The Schickeria swinger club in Dortmund - it's rumoured to be a good alternative to Beverly
Partytreff Menden -
Sara's Partytreff -
In a moment of madness I've even contemplated trying out the infamous Partytreff Lüdinghausen but a swift re-read of Wan King's memorable report has quickly brought me to my senses!Dude go for it!! One or two may be stinkers but thats the way it is with partytreffs these days. Bottom line is that you will get some sex in all of those clubs for small money. We look forward to your findings..
Glad your avoiding Lüdinghausen, or if you are passing please throw in a grenade from me :D
I will be in Muenster on Feb 16th and 17th. On Sunday the 17th I am planning on hitting PT Traumland. I am looking for other options on Saturday the 16th as PT Traumland will likely be a zoo on the 16th. Can any of you provide some FKK options or even other PT options (other then Pit Stop). I am not planning on renting a car as for some reason the rates are VERY high that weekend so options within 15 minutes of the Muenster airport would be preferred.
If PT Wagenfeld were an easy reach via public transportation I would consider it for the 16th but I know it's not.
Thanks in advance,
PT Traumland is just across from the Muenster-Sprakel train station, seven minutes at most from the Muenster Hbf.
PT Dolce Vita is, however, near impossible to get to via public transport.
Pitstop is, indeed, in Muenster and probably (I didn't get to go on this last trip) reachable via public transport. Its near the town of Roxel.
The PT Muenster on Warendorfer Strasse has closed, by the way. The neighbors complained too much about the goings on (it was set in a residential neighborhood in a row house) and it has moved to Nottuln (its just outside of Muenster). Having said that, I've been to the old Warendorfer club and its nothing to write home about.
One other thing about PT Traumland, my OWL forum contact says he picked up a little something on our last visit. :-( Yikes!
Also, if you were in SW Germany area (stuttgart) this weekend, and basically had just Saturday and over night to explore, would you recommend I check out local FKK scene, or don't waste my time and hop a train up to Frankfurt area? (Not sure if added travel Euro is more well spent getting to up North or not. Trying to stretch the budget. Ha ha).
Thanks again for all your input,
You can forget Stuttgart. Take the train to Hessen.
Planning my next trip and intending to go off the beaten track a bit. Anyone know anything about the following clubs?
Partytreff Dali -
The Schickeria swinger club in Dortmund - it's rumoured to be a good alternative to Beverly
Partytreff Menden -
Sara's Partytreff -
In a moment of madness I've even contemplated trying out the infamous Partytreff Lüdinghausen but a swift re-read of Wan King's memorable report has quickly brought me to my senses!
Go for it!
I have a week long business trip to DE coming up 1st week of March. Here are my tentative plans:
* Mon. March 3- NRW; 2 options:
1) Bernd's or
2) Mettmann for the daytime fuckfest followed by Beverly's FKK+gang bang night
* Weds. March 5- PT Seesen (about 50 km from Hannover)
* Thursday March 6- PT Hildesheim (bout 20 km from Hannover)
* Saturday March 8- Hannover; FKK Villa (Sat. night has a great lineup, vibe and some of the CeBit crowds have gone home)
* Sun. March 9- Frankfurt; Oase
I'll have a car and will drive to all of these. CeBit going mongers are invited to join me. Write me up on PM.
Did you make it to Bernds on the third? Your PM box is full.
You can forget Stuttgart. Take the train to Hessen.There is a new club close to Stuttgart :
According to several ijsberen it's a very nice club with lots of nice women.
One other thing about PT Traumland, my OWL forum contact says he picked up a little something on our last visit. :-( Yikes!
What is it? Is it a sort of STDs? Is it worse? I have been in Traumland last January, I hope I didn't get anything home, and I didn't had a check since then. Maybe I should have a check, before my visit to Cologne-Dusseldorf area next weekend !
I decided to land NRW for Easter holiday this year.
I will land in Cologne airport in the evening of 21 March, Friday. I will have a company of two newbies on the FKK scene. Let us say I am teaching them the mongering scene in Germany :)
21 March: Friday night: The idea is to pick-up the rental car with GPS from the airport and make a short visit to FKK Samya untill closing time
22 March saturday: In the afternoon, visit to Partytreff Krefeld
In the evening, Partytreff Mettmann gangbang party
23 March Sunday: Either visit to Partytreff Gelsenkirschen or make a short visit to FKK Blue Note.
24 March Early flight back to home
I hope I will have lots of painted Easter eggs and choclate rabbits.
Reports promised when I return home.
Any fellow mongerer nearby to team up and chat between sessions?
One other thing about PT Traumland, my OWL forum contact says he picked up a little something on our last visit. :-( Yikes!Bet he got that new disease CRD (cock rot disease), it works like this:
As soon as you contract it, it slowly starts rotting the base of your cock away, and you cant detect a thing untill about 2 weeks after infection, when masturbating you will snap your cock off!! Thats right, you will be left holding your now severed rotting cock in your hand.
If you get to the hospital quick enough, with your rotten cock in a bag full of ice, the surgeon may be able to save it, but he will have to cut away the rotten bit which is typically about 2 inches (4 cm) , so If lucky you end with a cock that is 2 inches shorter.
Ive had the disease twice, and Ive lost 4 inches but still have a nice almost healthy 7 inch cock.
Did you make it to Bernds on the third? Your PM box is full.
Had to arrive in Germany a day later than planned, so skipped NRW this time. I did do a working tour of the 3 Hannover area PT (although Dark Vader has uncovered another one Dali- Laatzen, which I've not heard of or seen in any other web sites/forums, and wish I had, because from its address it's the closest to Hannover and probably no more than a 5 minute drive form the Messe) and I'm in the midst of writing that report.
I also spent a glorious Sunday afternoon and evening in Oase with Dalian, Linda and Gabriella (ah Gabriella, Routard's muse).
I'll clean out the PM box.
Welcome back to the world of mongers....
Ive had the disease twice, and Ive lost 4 inches but still have a nice almost healthy 7 inch cock.
I've seen and it's ugly- all worn out and bent out of shape from ceaseless tugging and stained brown from too many close encounters with bung holes. Is that what you're telling everyone CRD? Likely story.
7 inches- yeah right, maybe with beer goggles on and in fully tugged out position from being put into one of those Spanish Inquisition type stretching machines they have in S&M places.
What is it? Is it a sort of STDs? Is it worse? I have been in Traumland last January, I hope I didn't get anything home, and I didn't had a check since then. Maybe I should have a check, before my visit to Cologne-Dusseldorf area next weekend !
.. it started four days after our visit to Traumland.
There was a little bit of itching and tingling with urination.
He has it under control with antibiotics.
Now Cock Rot Disease.. that would put an end to anyone's career!
Had to arrive in Germany a day later than planned, so skipped NRW this time. I did do a working tour of the 3 Hannover area PT (although Dark Vader has uncovered another one Dali- Laatzen, which I've not heard of or seen in any other web sites/forums, and wish I had, because from its address it's the closest to Hannover and probably no more than a 5 minute drive form the Messe) and I'm in the midst of writing that report.
I also spent a glorious Sunday afternoon and evening in Oase with Dalian, Linda and Gabriella (ah Gabriella, Routard's muse).
I'll clean out the PM box.
Welcome back to the world of mongers....
Hey Iseeu,
Another missed opportunity! I was at Bernds on the 3rd (report to follow).
Bet he got that new disease CRD (cock rot disease), it works like this:
This new CRD is dirty, this is rotten and this is scoundrel, like in a Steve Martin's movie. On the other hand, this is an abbreviation of Mercedes Benz licenced injection system CRD (Common-rail diesel) if you are familiar with the auto industry.
But, any how, I need this new CRD. Most of the wg's and freebies are complaining about the size of my friend, so it could be a non-surgical solution to shorthen that :D
.. it started four days after our visit to Traumland.
There was a little bit of itching and tingling with urination.
He has it under control with antibiotics.
Now Cock Rot Disease.. that would put an end to anyone's career!
Those antibiotics and especially penicillins are miracle medicines for mongerers like us, they start to react so fast, so you are healthy in a few days. I hope someone will develop a new cure for HIV as well, one day.
I will go to the party from Planet Happy Garden 22nd of March
Bunnyparty :
I will be driving the way so if you can help me finding FKKs on my way?
I will be driving the way so if you can help me finding FKKs on my way?
.. then plot which cities you will be in.
Then use the search function of this forum to find clubs near these cities.
This area you are visiting isn't exactly a hotbed for activity though. You will find clubs to visit but true destination clubs are either in NRW or in Hessen.
Ive had the disease twice, and Ive lost 4 inches but still have a nice almost healthy 7 inch cock.But shouldn't this mean that there are two bags of rotten Wan King cock floating about somewhere. The search is on!
Wander Lust
03-19-08, 06:38
Hoping to have some fun in Frankfurt to Solingen. Anyone else there want to check out Zeil, Palace and maybe Solingen? I should have a car though may not be able to get away every evening.
.. then plot which cities you will be in.
Then use the search function of this forum to find clubs near these cities.
This area you are visiting isn't exactly a hotbed for activity though. You will find clubs to visit but true destination clubs are either in NRW or in Hessen.
I will correct myself here: go find Iseeu's recent reports on PTs in the Hannover area and you can visit those.
Hamburg has a worldwide reputation for this activity but you are more likely to be subjected to women interested in tapping this reputation amongst tourists and giving you transactional (as opposed to relationship) type sex.
Ekliges Lauern
03-20-08, 14:11
Palace Friday and Saturday
Oase Sunday and Monday
PM me if anyone will be at these clubs this weekend.
I will correct myself here: go find Iseeu's recent reports on PTs in the Hannover area and you can visit those.
Hamburg has a worldwide reputation for this activity but you are more likely to be subjected to women interested in tapping this reputation amongst tourists and giving you transactional (as opposed to relationship) type sex.
Hannover is also home to FKK Villa which is a decent, nice sized FKK, albeit I can't vouch that you'll have a good experience on a non-messe time visit. This club fills up with SP when there's a major messe in town, but is reputed to have a very poor variety at other times.
Another decent club in the Paderborn area is FKK Harem which I reported on last year.
03-26-08, 15:14
I will be in Frankfurt March 31 and April 1, my plan are to visit Oase and World, anybody else there?
03-29-08, 18:41
Hi All,
I've got a number of visits to Germany coming up for FKK visits:
* 11 to 13 April 2008 to Frankfurt for Oase, Palace and World
* 24 to 28 April 2008 to NRW area via Yin Yang in Southern Netherlands to visit Goldentime, Planet Happy Garden, Living Room and Villa Vertigo.
* 02 to 05 May 2008 to Frankfurt for Oase, Palace and World
* 20 to 21 May 2008 to NRW area via Dusseldorf for NRW sauna clubs
* 24 to 26 May 2008 to NRW sauna clubs via Southern Netherlands
* 17 to 18 June 2008 to NRW sauna clubs via Dusseldorf
That's all for now,
03-31-08, 11:51
I will be at
Oase April 1st, hey, that's tomorrow...
World april 2nd
Palace april 3st
and in NRW, goint to Bernd's, Samya, Golden Time and other FKKs and a few party treffs from April5th on, on a flexible schedule.
Anybody in that area feel free to pm so as we can meet at some at the clubs.
Friday 4th of April
Saturday 5th and
I will be in the Frankfurt/Cologne area from April 17 to April 23. I don't know but I might go to Berlin to see Artemis and some other clubs as well.
Has anybody been there and is it worth the hassle to ride the train from Frankfurt or Cologne to get there? I have been to Berlin before and to me it is a little dirty, especially the graffiti all over the place. Also, it seems to be a little more expensive, with an entrance fee of 70 Euros and the girl fee of 60 per half an hour, than the Hesse and NRW clubs.
Member #3421
04-02-08, 23:59
Hi All,
I've got a number of visits to Germany coming up for FKK visits:
* 11 to 13 April 2008 to Frankfurt for Oase, Palace and World
* 24 to 28 April 2008 to NRW area via Yin Yang in Southern Netherlands to visit Goldentime, Planet Happy Garden, Living Room and Villa Vertigo.
* 02 to 05 May 2008 to Frankfurt for Oase, Palace and World
* 20 to 21 May 2008 to NRW area via Dusseldorf for NRW sauna clubs
* 24 to 26 May 2008 to NRW sauna clubs via Southern Netherlands
* 17 to 18 June 2008 to NRW sauna clubs via Dusseldorf
That's all for now,
You need to upgrade your membership so we can PM you, London! I may overlap with you on your first pass through the Frankfurt 3.
04-03-08, 01:07
You need to upgrade your membership so we can PM you, London! I may overlap with you on your first pass through the Frankfurt 3.
I'm only a newbie at this so getting to grips with the ISG format. I guess I need to be a senior member to be able to personal message people.
I'll see what I can do. In the meantime I know its not appropriate but I am happy to communicate here until I can work out how that is done.
It will be awesome if I can catch up with you Old Beijing Guy. I will not be so much on my lonesome then in between sessions with the girls.
Keep in touch.
Kind regards
I will be in the Frankfurt/Cologne area from April 17 to April 23. I don't know but I might go to Berlin to see Artemis and some other clubs as well.
Has anybody been there and is it worth the hassle to ride the train from Frankfurt or Cologne to get there? I have been to Berlin before and to me it is a little dirty, especially the graffiti all over the place. Also, it seems to be a little more expensive, with an entrance fee of 70 Euros and the girl fee of 60 per half an hour, than the Hesse and NRW clubs.
... and its amazing cultural scene.
It is my favorite major European city.
Yes, services are a little more expensive but you have a wide range of choices ranging from Sexkinos, Strassenstrich, Puffs, etc... and yes, one worthwhile FKK club, Artemis.
Have fun!
Member #3421
04-03-08, 16:28
I'm only a newbie at this so getting to grips with the ISG format. I guess I need to be a senior member to be able to personal message people.
I'll see what I can do. In the meantime I know its not appropriate but I am happy to communicate here until I can work out how that is done.
It will be awesome if I can catch up with you Old Beijing Guy. I will not be so much on my lonesome then in between sessions with the girls.
Keep in touch.
Kind regards
All it takes is a small contribution to help support Jackson's good work, I think...
Thursday, April 10. Palace all day, unless I get there and am underwhelmed or severly bitten by a shark. PMs welcome from anyone else in the area. Not sure about the schedule beyond that.
04-03-08, 20:28
All it takes is a small contribution to help support Jackson's good work, I think...
Thursday, April 10. Palace all day, unless I get there and am underwhelmed or severly bitten by a shark. PMs welcome from anyone else in the area. Not sure about the schedule beyond that.
OBGHi Old Beijing Guy,
I'm arriving in Frankfurt on Friday, 11 April so I'll miss a FKK Palace rendezvous on Thursday, 10 April all day.
I expect to be hitting Oase on Friday, 11 April as I am based in Friedrichsdorf for my hotel. Would you mind moving onto Oase for your Friday or are you still keen for Palace on Friday as well.
I am also in Frankfurt over the weekend so I am able to do something on Saturday and Sunday although Sunday I cannot stay late into the evening as I am flying out Sunday night.
Member #3421
04-04-08, 22:09
Hi Old Beijing Guy,
I'm arriving in Frankfurt on Friday, 11 April so I'll miss a FKK Palace rendezvous on Thursday, 10 April all day.
I expect to be hitting Oase on Friday, 11 April as I am based in Friedrichsdorf for my hotel. Would you mind moving onto Oase for your Friday or are you still keen for Palace on Friday as well.
I am also in Frankfurt over the weekend so I am able to do something on Saturday and Sunday although Sunday I cannot stay late into the evening as I am flying out Sunday night.
Friday the 11th daytime is possible at Oase, but I'd leave by dinnertime. I'm having second-thoughts about Palace on the 10th... might try Oase or World, in spite of the inconvenience.
04-04-08, 22:38
friday the 11th daytime is possible at oase, but i'd leave by dinnertime. i'm having second-thoughts about palace on the 10th... might try oase or world, in spite of the inconvenience.
obggood, thanks obg. you can spend 10 april at palace and move onto oase for 11 april. i hopefully should be arriving at oase around 2pm on 11 april depending how my driving goes. it may be earlier, but since its my first time driving in germany i expect to be driving like i am driving miss daisy as i drive on the left hand side normally.
i may be a bit pooped having gotten up at 3:30am that same morning to get to germany from britain. if you are leaving oase by dinner time then that gives us a window of about 4-5 hours of overlap from my expected arrival around 2pm. sufficient time to build the bonds of fellowship.
i shall seek you out at oase
kind regards
Member #3421
04-05-08, 23:57
Thursday, April 10, I'll be at Palace (hopefully) by lunchtime. PM me if you are planning to be there at day, or if you can't: just walk around looking for a deer-caught-in-the-headlights-American: the code phrase is "boy, there sure are a lot of women here today." I'll probaby leave for a nap and dinner, and then return later in the evening.
Friday, April 11, I hope to do Oase (and will try to be there for the opening). Again, PM me if you have similar plans.
London -- safe travels, hope to see you next week!
04-06-08, 19:33
Thursday, April 10, I'll be at Palace (hopefully) by lunchtime. PM me if you are planning to be there at day, or if you can't: just walk around looking for a deer-caught-in-the-headlights-American: the code phrase is "boy, there sure are a lot of women here today." I'll probaby leave for a nap and dinner, and then return later in the evening.
Friday, April 11, I hope to do Oase (and will try to be there for the opening). Again, PM me if you have similar plans.
London -- safe travels, hope to see you next week!
OBGHi Oldbeijingguy,
I will not be able to make Palace on Thursday, 10 April as I will still in London. My flight to Frankfurt is not until Friday, 11 April.
For Friday, 11 April my plans are definitely to be at Oase for that day. I will come as early as I can but do not expect to be there before 2pm due to my travel timetable from London into Frankfurt.
I will be the English speaking trying my guidebook Deutsch on the girls and staff. I will listen out for an American accent and mention the acronym "OBG" ever so often to punuters so as to not alert the girls that we are ISG members. LOL.
It will be great to catch up with you OBG and share stories and experiences.
I am also in Frankfurt for the weekend 12 and 13 April so I am flexible with my plans there as well.
Kind regards
Arranged to do a Bernd's inspection visit this Tuesday afternoon. PM if you'd like to join the inspection team.
Member #3421
04-06-08, 22:56
Landed in Paris. Cooler, low 30's I think, and no action in sight. Only a few more days to go! Members please PM if Palace/Oase the end of next week is a possibility (see exchange with London).
Swiss Monger
04-07-08, 06:25
Hello fellow mongers,
Will have 1 Saturday afternoon in the area beginning of March and cannot decide if I should go for new VV or established GT or again PHG (been there once). Any suggestions, anybody wants to meet in either club for a beer and a chat? Thank you.
04-07-08, 23:03
...visits to Germany coming up for FKK visits:
* 11 to 13 April 2008 to Frankfurt for Oase, Palace and World
* 24 to 28 April 2008 to NRW area via Yin Yang in Southern Netherlands to visit Goldentime, Planet Happy Garden, Living Room and Villa Vertigo.
* 02 to 05 May 2008 to Frankfurt for Oase, Palace and World
... LondonbasketcaseHi Lbc,
Hope you enjoy your second trip to Frankfurt next weekend! You certainly deserve it after writing so many exhaustive (really.) reports!
I may be at Palace on May 3 (Saturday), but not definite yet. I'll let you know.
Hello fellow mongers,
Will have 1 Saturday afternoon in the area beginning of March and cannot decide if I should go for new VV or established GT or again PHG (been there once). Any suggestions, anybody wants to meet in either club for a beer and a chat? Thank you.
Go to VV if you are curious.
Otherwise, I would go to GT and go to LR if you are not satisfied.
04-08-08, 21:13
Hi Felipe2006
Hope you enjoy your second trip to Frankfurt next weekend! You certainly deserve it after writing so many exhaustive (really.) reports!
I really enjoyed my first trip to Frankfurt's FKK the first time so I had to come back a second time to make sure that it was real.
No worries if you cannot be in NRW when I am there in late April.
I may be at Palace on May 3 (Saturday), but not definite yet. I'll let you know.Yes, please let me know if you are in Frankfurt for 3 May. I'll earmark a Palace in for that date until notified otherwise. Thanks for all the advice you gave me.
Kind regards,
Today a party in Babylon - Frühlingsparty /Spring-Party see also
Saturday 12 April : Early BBQ Party in
Thursday 1st of May : Casino Royale also in Planet Happy Garden
I'm planning a trip to Bonn in the second week of May . Can any of your cost conscious mogers recomend a good but cheap hotel / car hire. Report on monger heaven at Bernd's to follow.
Swiss Monger
04-11-08, 16:46
Go to VV if you are curious.
Otherwise, I would go to GT and go to LR if you are not satisfied.Thank you. Reading here about VV I get the impression that they are not yet up to standard with selection of women?
Any suggestions for girls in VV or GT (which I am thinking about "hitting" May 3rd @11 :-)
I'm planning a trip to Bonn in the second week of May . Can any of your cost conscious mogers recomend a good but cheap hotel / car hire. Report on monger heaven at Bernd's to follow.
I would suggest the Hotel Reuter if your objective is Bernds.
Hennef-Lichtenberg isn't in Bonn though. would have the cheap car rental you are looking for.
how's the intercontinental in frankfurt? got booked in for business there. have stayed at flemings and mercure.
also will be in town from wed-sun. if anyone is around do drop a msg, would like to hit up palace + oase :)
As the title says ...
Does anyone know of swing clubs in the Bonn area?
04-14-08, 03:20
I am new to posting on this site, so I first want to say, "Hello".
Anyway, I am renting a car at the Dusseldorf airport on Apr 26 and returning it there on May 4. This is a trip for pleasure, and I would like to hit 4-5 FKKs, as well as doing some tourist-like stuff, as I drive to Munich and back to Dusseldorf. So . . . I have many of the same questions others have. Which FKKs should I go to, and on which nights? Are any of the clubs good on Sunday nights? Are the Frankfurt "big three" just as good on Sundays and Mondays as they are on other nights? Will any of you bloggers be in the Frankfurt area that week?
Also, I have a couple of FKK service questions that were not answered in the General Information thread, would this be the right thread to ask those types of questions?
Thank you in advance for all of your help.
04-14-08, 23:46
Landed in Paris. Cooler, low 30's I think, and no action in sight. Only a few more days to go! Members please PM if Palace/Oase the end of next week is a possibility (see exchange with London).
OBGHi OldBeijingGuy,
I got to Oase on Friday by 1pm and spent several hours asking for you. I think I got a few quizzical looks from the local Germans but a bit more understanding from the English as a first language speaking guys. They were all trying to understand why I was looking for someone I had never met before. Lots of explaining. To anyone who I asked and you are reading this, then you just met Londonbasketcase. LOL.
Its okay, we all have blind meetings with people we have never met before, but generally not at a FKK. LOL.
I gave up around 6pm as I recall you said you would be leaving early.
From the recent Oase thread it seems if I persisted into the evening asking I may have bumped into more ISG members.
Maybe another time OldBeijingGuy. Good tripping.
Kind regards
I have few days business in Bonn so would raher stay there and take off to Bernd's in a car hire on a quiet evening. Thanks for the tip on the car hire.
I would suggest the Hotel Reuter if your objective is Bernds.
Hennef-Lichtenberg isn't in Bonn though. would have the cheap car rental you are looking for.
Ok looks like I am starting to put my next trip together...I am planning on arriving Frankfurt the morning of the 27th, after my overnight flight from USA. Once in Frankfurt I will find my way to the NRW area and hit up PT Dorsten on the 28th, then the 29th I will hit up either Tabulos or La Luna (do both clubs charge extra for BBFS and Cum in Pussy?) Not sure yet which club. Then the 30th is my "recharge day". I will likely be in the Franfurt area, so anyone want to meet up for a beer or two? The 1st I will hit up FKK World (first visit to this club), and head back to the USA on the 2nd.
If any one is around on these days and wants to compare stories hit me up!
04-19-08, 08:58
Hi All,
I am going to be visiting Nordrhein Westfalen for 24 to 28 April inclusive. I have a hire car and staying in Roermond in the Netherlands as I could not find any hotels or pensions reasonably priced in the Golden Triangle area of Oedt, Kaarst, Brueggen or Grefrath. It seems there is a messe on in the area and I tried numerous budget places to be told that there is no room at the inn for next week during April. Even the West Willich Etaps through had been booked out for my stay many weeks in advance.
The hotels around Roermond were just that little bit cheaper than Venlo, NL.
I hope I have not made an error driving in each day from Roermond. I expect to be able to drive into NRW using the 52 road heading towards Kaarst. Also from the 53 road I can turn North for Brueggen on the 221 or take the 61 to Grefrath for Villa Vertigo and Oedt for Planet Happy Garden. Roermond seem like a similar choice to Venlo except I can see its a little bit further, but the cost savings in terms of accomodation is that much more distinct.
If I stayed in Venlo allows me to use the A67 road that connects to the 40 into NRW.
Also from Roermond I can visit Yin Yang in that town.
My plans are to visit in no real pre-determined order:
Thursday: Goldentime
Friday: Living Room
Saturday: Villa Vertigo
Sunday: Planet Happy Garden
Monday: Yin Yang
I can mix and match venues, for example, I could go from Goldentime to Living Room in the same day as I understand you can get a pass to provide discounted entry at 25€ when going from Goldentime to Living Room, but I am unsure if its vice versa.
I need to leave Ying Yang between 4pm to 5pm to ensure I return my hire car and catch my flight back to the UK.
So anyway if anyone is around this weekend in NRW then drop me a note here. I would be happy for the company and experience.
EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here ( for more information.
Wed 23/04/08 - TraumParadies at 21.30
Thu 24/04/08 - World (1st time for me there) from 17.00
Fri 25/04/08 - I'll be again in Frankfurt area, but don't know how many time I'll have to dedicate to gymnastic, and I'll have to be to deliver my car at Hahn before midnight ... will be hard.
04-22-08, 12:40
I'll be in Frankfurt on 23 and 24 April for business, and for some pleasure at Palace and/or Oase. Anyone else in town on those dates?
Ok looks like I am starting to put my next trip together...I am planning on arriving Frankfurt the morning of the 27th, after my overnight flight from USA. Once in Frankfurt I will find my way to the NRW area and hit up PT Dorsten on the 28th, then the 29th I will hit up either Tabulos or La Luna (do both clubs charge extra for BBFS and Cum in Pussy?) Not sure yet which club. Then the 30th is my "recharge day". I will likely be in the Franfurt area, so anyone want to meet up for a beer or two? The 1st I will hit up FKK World (first visit to this club), and head back to the USA on the 2nd.
If any one is around on these days and wants to compare stories hit me up!
I already priced this. Go to the search function and type in La Luna and Tabulos. You will see several posts on these clubs. La Luna charges 30 extra Euro for Cum in Pussy.
Happy mongering,
Ok looks like I am starting to put my next trip together...I am planning on arriving Frankfurt the morning of the 27th, after my overnight flight from USA. Once in Frankfurt I will find my way to the NRW area...
Dude, just curious why you'd fly into Frankfurt and "find your way to NRW" instead of just flying to Dusseldorf or Cologne. No doubt you have a good reason, and perhaps it's personal (business in Frankfurt, direct flights from your nearest airport, airline with which you have frequent flyer miles uses Frankfurt, etc.). But if there are other more general advantages to flying to Frankfurt I'd be interested to hear them, as I hope to plan a trip of similar duration to NRW in the near future.
Ekliges Lauern
04-23-08, 00:18
Dude, just curious why you'd fly into Frankfurt and "find your way to NRW" instead of just flying to Dusseldorf or Cologne. No doubt you have a good reason, and perhaps it's personal (business in Frankfurt, direct flights from your nearest airport, airline with which you have frequent flyer miles uses Frankfurt, etc.). But if there are other more general advantages to flying to Frankfurt I'd be interested to hear them, as I hope to plan a trip of similar duration to NRW in the near future.
Outside of the NE of the US, direct flight options to Germany are pretty much FRA only. And given the choice between a transfer at LHR or JFK and a quick ride on die Bahn up to Duesseldorf from Frankfurt airport, flying into FRA is a no-brainer.
Hi All,
I am going to be visiting Nordrhein Westfalen for 24 to 28 April inclusive. I have a hire car and staying in Roermond in the Netherlands as I could not find any hotels or pensions reasonably priced in the Golden Triangle area of Oedt, Kaarst, Brueggen or Grefrath. It seems there is a messe on in the area and I tried numerous budget places to be told that there is no room at the inn for next week during April. Even the West Willich Etaps through had been booked out for my stay many weeks in advance.
The hotels around Roermond were just that little bit cheaper than Venlo, NL
Have you also been phoning to some of those hotels ? Most of time the still have rooms left over because they don't put everything on the internet.
But anyway you have got a hotel in Roermond.
I hope I have not made an error driving in each day from Roermond. I expect to be able to drive into NRW using the 52 road heading towards Kaarst. Also from the 53 road I can turn North for Brueggen on the 221 or take the 61 to Grefrath for Villa Vertigo and Oedt for Planet Happy Garden. Roermond seem like a similar choice to Venlo except I can see its a little bit further, but the cost savings in terms of accomodation is that much more distinct.
If I stayed in Venlo allows me to use the A67 road that connects to the 40 into NRW.
Also from Roermond I can visit Yin Yang in that town.Roermond is a nice place. With the new road ( isn't open during the weekend) you can be quick in Venlo. But it is also easy to reach GT and the other clubs.
You are staying close to the dutch mountains ;)
My plans are to visit in no real pre-determined order:
Thursday: Goldentime
Friday: Living Room
Saturday: Villa Vertigo
Sunday: Planet Happy Garden
Monday: Yin Yang
I can mix and match venues, for example, I could go from Goldentime to Living Room in the same day as I understand you can get a pass to provide discounted entry at 25€ when going from Goldentime to Living Room, but I am unsure if its vice versa.
I need to leave Ying Yang between 4pm to 5pm to ensure I return my hire car and catch my flight back to the UK.
So anyway if anyone is around this weekend in NRW then drop me a note here. I would be happy for the company and experience.
LondonbasketcaseMaybe Friday I will visit Villa Vertigo. It depends a bit on the traffic. "Uurtje" a dutch member will be there for sure.
If you go from Living Room to Golden Time or viceversa you only have to pay 25 euros. But you have to say it before you leave the club so that they are able to phone.
If you arrive before 3 o'clock in Yin Yang the entrance-fee is 35 euro.
Maybe it is better to do also on monday Golden Time.
So somethimg like this :
Thursday: Goldentime / Living Room
Friday: Villa Vertigo
Saturday: YinYang / Living Room
Sunday: Planet Happy Garden
Monday: Golden Time
Dude, just curious why you'd fly into Frankfurt and "find your way to NRW" instead of just flying to Dusseldorf or Cologne. No doubt you have a good reason, and perhaps it's personal (business in Frankfurt, direct flights from your nearest airport, airline with which you have frequent flyer miles uses Frankfurt, etc.). But if there are other more general advantages to flying to Frankfurt I'd be interested to hear them, as I hope to plan a trip of similar duration to NRW in the near future.
I work for an airline and we fly to FRA only. However, I may fly into Hellthrow (oops Heathrow) instead and fly to DUS from there. I can get a deal on BA for only 25.00usd LHR DUS....I will likely do this as I can still get a First Class seat across the pond if I go to LHR, all of the FRA flights are full in F on my day to fly to Germany.
Thanks for the response. That's pretty much as I figured.
I'm hoping to go in a little over a month or so, and I'll probably have to put it all together sort of last minute. Since I've been looking, I've found quite a few direct flights out of Newark or JFK to both DUS and CGN. Continental looks like the cheapest. And they don't seem to be sold out too far in advance, so that works out well for me. But I'll be sticking with public transportation. Between my fondness for German beer (particularly when it's free with admission) and gas being like $10 a gallon (€1.50 per liter is about $10 a gallon these days, right?), that will suit me fine. The places I'm considering seem to all be pretty accessible. I'm sure I'll make it to FRA some day!
Is it easy enough to get on a train from both DUS and CGN or is one easier than another?
04-23-08, 07:26
Ying Yang works for my last day as I am leaving Roermond for Eindhoven. I drive slowly so even though it can 35 minutes away I am allowing one hour because of the traffic plus half a hour to return the hire car and then one hour for getting through security at the airport.
I may do Goldentime Thursday because of the rave reviews, and Living Room later in evening but undecided at present.
Kind Regards
The places I'm considering seem to all be pretty accessible. I'm sure I'll make it to FRA some day!
Is it easy enough to get on a train from both DUS and CGN or is one easier than another?
... run very frequently but it is better to take the Regionalbahn as it is the express with fewer stops.
If I remember correctly it was about 9 Euros one-way.
I find DUS easier to get around in than CGN but this is just a personal preference. I lived there years ago.
You aren't missing anything by skipping over FRA.
Get there by any means possible but if you have a choice do not go through Heathrow. I find that airport the most confusing and congested of all for making connections.
The new Terminal Five has only given BA headaches since its opened and I read an article the other day which says that its problems may actually have an unfavorable impact on the British economy.
Dude, just curious why you'd fly into Frankfurt and "find your way to NRW" instead of just flying to Dusseldorf or Cologne. No doubt you have a good reason, and perhaps it's personal (business in Frankfurt, direct flights from your nearest airport, airline with which you have frequent flyer miles uses Frankfurt, etc.). But if there are other more general advantages to flying to Frankfurt I'd be interested to hear them, as I hope to plan a trip of similar duration to NRW in the near future.
Continental flies into CGN from Newark.
LTU, a German charter airline, flies into DUS from NYC. It is based in DUS.
I've also flown into DUS via Paris on Air Chance or via ZRH on Swiss or on Lufthansa via FRA.
On my next trip I am going to fly into DUS via Muenchen on Lufthansa.
An alternative would be to fly into Brussels or into Amsterdam. They are only two hours away from DUS.
I collected miles on Sabena (Such A Bad Experience Never Again) for years only to have it go belly up. Naja.
Ying Yang works for my last day as I am leaving Roermond for Eindhoven. I drive slowly so even though it can 35 minutes away I am allowing one hour because of the traffic plus half a hour to return the hire car and then one hour for getting through security at the airport.The distance from Golden Time to Eindhoven Airport is almost the same (look at map24).
On a monday most of the clubs are quiet but GT has even then the most girls.
And if you want to drink something maybe a visit to YinYang is for you on saturday better.
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