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Just a short final trip for this year. Unsure of plans but will include FKK World and maybe any parties which are taking place up in NRW. Happy to meet with anyone. PM meHi. I'll be in oase at 8th December.
I'll be in Frankfurt spending time at both Palace and Oase. May try Mainhattan as well, let me know if you want to join up.
Hannibal Barca
12-08-11, 19:41
I'll be in Frankfurt spending time at both Palace and Oase. May try Mainhattan as well, let me know if you want to join up.Hi.
I will be in frankfurt 23-27 Dec and then again 30 Dec to 2 Jan. Maybe Oase, World and Mainhattan for the day I fly out.
Ill be doing ffm clubs except fkk Paradise on 24 Dec since the hessen clubs are closed.
31 Dec there is choice of Sharks or Acapulco.
I will be in frankfurt 23-27 Dec and then again 30 Dec to 2 Jan. Maybe Oase, World and Mainhattan for the day I fly out.
Ill be doing ffm clubs except fkk Paradise on 24 Dec since the hessen clubs are closed.
31 Dec there is choice of Sharks or Acapulco.I emailed Palace and they indicated that they are open on 12/24 and 12/25. They are only closed on 12/31.
I'm be in Palace on 12/24 probably in late afternoon to early evening after I fly in. Rest of trip is open, send me a PM if you want to meet up.
12-09-11, 02:45
I emailed Palace and they indicated that they are open on 12/24 and 12/25. They are only closed on 12/31.
I'm be in Palace on 12/24 probably in late afternoon to early evening after I fly in. Rest of trip is open, send me a PM if you want to meet up.I'll be there on 24 & 25. Which other clubs besides Palace are open on 24th?
I'll be at Palace on either the 16th or 17th of December. If anyone is interested to meet up please send me a PM.
I'll be there on 24 & 25. Which other clubs besides Palace are open on 24th?I don't know. I emailed Oase but no response. Haven't emailed (or been to yet) either Sharks or Mainhattan
13 Nov, Tuesday, Heaven 7, evening.
14 Nov, Wednesday, FKK Acapulco, evening time
Just read this in the news (pardon the bad translation) :
Mönchengladbach: A 35-year-old Dutchman has last Saturday in Germany caused a serious road accident because he was probably distracted by a sex-text message. It's said at the time of the accident man was working on a text message.
According to German media, the man had just visited a luxurious sauna just across the border, when around half past eight in the evening he was on the B221 at Mönchengladbach and collided head-on with an oncoming vehicle collided.
German media gave the impression that the man may have been distracted because he would have missed a possible adventure at the sauna club in Brüggen where women offer their services.
Both the Dutch and the 48-year-old (presumably German) driver of oncoming traffic were badly injured and taken to hospital. The B221 has been closed for some time. Whether the man was finally able to send SMS is not known.
We're all all right...right?
Just read this in the news (pardon the bad translation) :
Mönchengladbach: A 35-year-old Dutchman has last Saturday in Germany caused a serious road accident because he was probably distracted by a sex-text message. It's said at the time of the accident man was working on a text message.
According to German media, the man had just visited a luxurious sauna just across the border, when around half past eight in the evening he was on the B221 at Mönchengladbach and collided head-on with an oncoming vehicle collided.
German media gave the impression that the man may have been distracted because he would have missed a possible adventure at the sauna club in Brüggen where women offer their services.
Both the Dutch and the 48-year-old (presumably German) driver of oncoming traffic were badly injured and taken to hospital. The B221 has been closed for some time. Whether the man was finally able to send SMS is not known.
We're all all right. Right?Yeah, this is the road from Golden Time back to Holland. Don't know yet if it is a 'familiar name' from the Dutch forum. Don't text and drive!
12-13-11, 06:38
I am thinking Oase or Mainhattan. PM if you would like.
No one around on Saturday?
I'll be at Palace on either the 16th or 17th of December. If anyone is interested to meet up please send me a PM.
Going to be in Frankfurt the first week of January (2nd thru 8th inclusive). Going to visit Palace a few of these days, haven't decided exactly which yet, due to other commitments. May also try another club in the area. PM if you'd like to meet up.
Hannibal Barca
12-24-11, 13:18
I don't know. I emailed Oase but no response. Haven't emailed (or been to yet) either Sharks or MainhattanMeeps,
Oase, Mainhattan, Sharks and World are closed 24 Dec. Only Palace is open from 19-4 on 24 Dec.
On 25 Dec, Oase is open 17:00, World is open 15:00 and Palace is open 16:00.
See you at Palace tonight if you are going still. Oases last night really rocked. Line up was extensive. More than I could do.
Hannibal Barca
12-24-11, 13:21
I am thinking Oase or Mainhattan. PM if you would like.Boneboybob,
I'm expecting to be in Ffm region on 1 Jan. I think I go to World, but after seeing Oases line up for Christmas I am town that Oases is favoured now after asking girls if they work through to 2012. Many girls want to make money.
Hannibal Barca
12-24-11, 13:26
I'll be there on 24 & 25. Which other clubs besides Palace are open on 24th?Hercules, see my post below in what clubs are open 24-24 Dec in Ffm. I go to Palace o- 24 Dec and on 25 Dec there is much more choice. Oases had an excellent line up, Hungarian, Romanian, German, Domain Rep, South American, etc. Yesterday.
Perhaps a little premature, but here goes:
I shall be returning to FRA early in June. I expect to visit the usual suspects.
If anyone else is planning that far ahead, maybe we can co-plan.
All the Best to All for the Holidays & in the New Year!
Hannibal Barca
12-25-11, 12:04
Perhaps a little premature, but here goes:
I shall be returning to FRA early in June. I expect to visit the usual suspects.
If anyone else is planning that far ahead, maybe we can co-plan.
All the Best to All for the Holidays & in the New Year!
It is good to plan in advance. I have been following Mohab's exploits and all his pre planning so you are not alone in getting ready for the main event. Keeping healthy and fit before you go is something else too. So that the trip can be enjoyed to its full.
I have booked as far ahead as Easter myself for 5 days. I have not booked June as yet but since some one is asking I can plan too since June is a great time to travel as girls not gone on their holidays yet and the weather is fantastivmc to enjoy the outdoor facilities of the clubs. Count me in. I prefer to travel with company.
12-26-11, 00:40
Hi ISGers,
Will be in Frankfurt on the 14th and 15th of January.
No specific plans other than FKK and RLD fun.
New Year's Eve, anyone?
Will be in FKKland at the end of the week. Anyone interested in visiting one or two places with me (coming from France, I'll have my own car).
Hannibal Barca
12-27-11, 09:35
New Year's Eve, anyone?
Will be in FKKland at the end of the week. Anyone interested in visiting one or two places with me (coming from France, I'll have my own car).
FrenchieI will be coming to the end of my Christmas and new years Marathon in the clubs this weekend. I think Oases for 30 Dec since the line up is so good given what I have seen in the last 4 days and the 4 days in the clubs the week before.
31 Dec only option is Sharks where Egon is asking 100e entry. If not drove to Velnert for Acapulco silvester party.
There was disappointment with Sharks Christmas party on 17 Dec as it was billed as a Christmas party but it was just a normal night. Girls not dress up, no decorations, no specials, no festive food. Entertainment was the girlsthemselves doing pole dancing and lesbian shows. There were lots of girls but many you would see before from other Hessen clubs. Do we will see what Silvester at Sharks is like and what we get for 40e more. Maybe Reza and Egon put on special food and fireworks.
Hannibal Barca
01-02-12, 06:30
I make a visit to Frankfurt on 19 to 22 January for sure. No real plans of program but dosage comprise Mainhattan, World and maybe Sharks and Oase depending on reports closer to the time.
Artemis for sure. Probably go see Pascha.
If anyone around and want to have a drink at A, PM.
Just an early note. I will be centred on Frankfurt area for these few days. Am likely to be spending most of the time in World but with sidetrips out to Fulda and the Krefeld / Gelsenkirchen area. If anybody is around the same time and is in the clubs then welcome to say Hi
Experienced Latin America and Asia monger, will be in Frankfurt for two days on the tail end of a business trip, next Saturday night and Sunday. Wondering if anyone would be in town and would like to hit either Oasis or the Palace on Sunday- not sure which I would prefer doing, but am open. Pm me if interested.
Member #4243
01-14-12, 15:23
I definitely recommend OASE over palace. The girls are just as hot but they take really good care of you in oase whereas in palace IMHO it seems to be a lot more rushed and clinical. Please pm me if you need directions to OASE.
London Traveller
01-15-12, 00:54
I will be in Frankfurt area. Friday / Sat Feb 10/11. Anyone like to meet up? Just drop me a pm.
I will be in Frankfurt Next Friday evening. PM me if you want to meet up at Mainhattan (or maybe Palace). I have not made up my mind yet.
I keep reading people saying 'PM me'. I wonder if anyone actually ended up getting any PM message. I, for one, would be hesitant to do so if I don't have some idea who you're. I mean. If I were 60 years old, most likely I will not contact a 25 years old guy who loves to get drunk. During a visit to FKK, I would rather talk about in between sessions, say, the stock market than talking about, say, Lady Gaga to someone who's around my age and background. I wouldn't want to find this out after I PM you.
My point is that when you ask someone to PM you, please say (in one short sentence) little bit about your background that includes your age and probably your ethnicity or where you're from so that you would narrow down to those who share your interests AND background. People tend to feel more comfortable to hang out together with someone who would have certain traits and common interests IN ADDITION to mongering which we all love to do. It's just the nature of human being.
For example, I wish someone would say something like this: I'll be in Frankfurt from Feb X to Feb Y. I'm Caucasian (or whatever ethnicity you happen to be) , mid 30s, and college educated. Contact me if you want to get together for a drink or possibly share the cost of car rental.
I keep reading people saying 'PM me'. I wonder if anyone actually ended up getting any PM message. I, for one, would be hesitant to do so if I don't have some idea who you're. I mean. If I were 60 years old, most likely I will not contact a 25 years old guy who loves to get drunk. During a visit to FKK, I would rather talk about in between sessions, say, the stock market than talking about, say, Lady Gaga to someone who's around my age and background. I wouldn't want to find this out after I PM you.
My point is that when you ask someone to PM you, please say (in one short sentence) little bit about your background that includes your age and probably your ethnicity or where you're from so that you would narrow down to those who share your interests AND background. People tend to feel more comfortable to hang out together with someone who would have certain traits and common interests IN ADDITION to mongering which we all love to do. It's just the nature of human being.
For example, I wish someone would say something like this: I'll be in Frankfurt from Feb X to Feb Y. I'm Caucasian (or whatever ethnicity you happen to be) , mid 30s, and college educated. Contact me if you want to get together for a drink or possibly share the cost of car rental.Ciao Investor, this is not a normal thread where we discuss stuff, this pronably should go somewhere else. Probably general info.
I'm sure you didn't mean that but suggesting to put ethnicity as the first piece of information to let people decide if they should pm you or not, doesn't sound very nice.
I did receive pm from people inthe past, most of them I managed to meet and also had good time with. Meeting in a fkk doesn't mean you will have to spend hours with somebody, you could simply drink something together and then decide if you feel like chatting a bit or simply spread your action. We also use pm not to give public description of what we look like to everybody.
Also, having the ability to receive pms is reserved to senior members or at least to someone who has demonstrated enough interest in the board to wish to give a few dollars.
Investor. With ten years of meeting people at random as a result of PMs, I have never had a problem. Some people are more interesting than others, but if one meets someone with whom one is not comfortable it is so easy just to move on politely. After all they are not going to be in an FKK primarily to talk to one.
I would not character / age profile someone in advance to see if they were suitable. Some of my most interesting encounters have been with people who were of very different age to me, or of very different formal education etc.
Of coure if I were planning a three day joint trip with someone I would not do it as a blind date. Then it really could go sour.
Enjoy your next trip
I will be at World this coming Thursday and again on Sunday. Oase is on tap for Friday. Saturday is undetermined. I will be in the company of the Baron von Breadmann. If any would care to connect with us as we bathe in the beauty that surrounds us, do let me know. The Baron is much more easily recognized than I as he stands somewhere in the vicinity of 8 feet tall.
With much discussion on meeting members a method that I suggested some time ago would greatly help."This is Frequently requests are made through site to contact other members when they visit Oase. These seem to be unwieldy and difficult to coordinate. If a person is going to the club and would like to meet another I suggest following 1. An meeting point in club be selected say the furthest the end of bar counter (left side where food is not served).2 Members or other site readers could loiter there for up to 5 minutes at 2, 4.6, 8.10, 12, pm if they wished to make contact. This should cater for people arriving at different times.
I think what would also help if a person is there at the prescribed times to adopt a discreet sign like touching your left ear with your left index finger. This avoids you asking some unwary stranger funny questions.
Linus Van Pelt suggested this meeting point for Artemis.
[QUOTE=Linus Van Pelt; 1220719]The meeting point for Artemis could be the stairs railing just before entering the main room, close to the game machines. (The bar counters are less regular then Oase to be easily used as a pinpoint).
Iam not familiar enough with Palace to suggest a meeting point.
I hopefully will be at Oase this coming Friday so I hope to meet some ear scratchers.
I think what would also help if a person is there at the prescribed times to adopt a discreet sign like touching your left ear with your left index finger. This avoids you asking some unwary stranger funny questions.You sound like you have an experience and past in MI5, Stasi or the CIA. ? Sorry, I don't mean to make fun of your idea! The problem is that you could be sitting at the end of the bar for very long and with all those hotties passing by. I feel the temptation is too high to do something else!
Nille Copenhagen
01-25-12, 14:15
You sound like you have an experience and past in MI5, Stasi or the CIA. ? Sorry, I don't mean to make fun of your idea! The problem is that you could be sitting at the end of the bar for very long and with all those hotties passing by. I feel the temptation is too high to do something else!I have a better idea, bring a sign / flag with the letters ISG on, then we know you are ISG brother.
For the hardcore members we have a ISG tattoo on the left side of the lower neck, so check this out.
I think what would also help if a person is there at the prescribed times to adopt a discreet sign like touching your left ear with your left index finger. This avoids you asking some unwary stranger funny questions.No need for all of the above type shenanigans. Most guys wear the club provided (normally blue) flip-flops. Bring your own non-standard colour flip-flops and you will be more easy to identify. Possibly more hygienic too!
02-04-12, 15:26
Hi all,
After a long absence I will be in Germany again for a long trip.
Schedule (flexible) is:
February 7th till 13th-NRW.
7th- combo Golden Time / Living Room.
8th- Ying-Yang in Roermond
9th-GT / Living Room.
10th- FKK 39.
11th- Acapulco.
12- Acapulco again.
13th- Club Angelique where they will have a flat rate day 150 euros all inclusive.
14th till 20th- Hessen.
14Th- Mainhattan.
15th till 20th-Oase, World, Mainhattan, not sure about exact dates yet.
Those who know me or any others who want to meet at the clubs are welcome to PM me. Schedule is flexible so depending on club I can change plans one day or two to meet.
Tb 69
Hey All, I will be doing a week long FKK and RLD Tour of Hamburg and Frankfurt starting April 16.
Will be in Frankfurt from Wed 8th Feb till Sunday 12th Feb.
The Plan:
8th Wed Palace.
9th. 10th, Oase or swingers club if I can get away from business partners.
11th Swingers club.
Oase hassle for me is its distance and how to get back at night (don't want to cough a $$$ in a taxi to my airport hotel)
Welcome back, mate.
We were missing your short but accurate feedbacks.
The schedule sounds interesting. It seems you missed very much the famous FKK girls of Germany.
You are doing 15 days of FKK'ing in a row, non stops.
Hi all,
After a long absence I will be in Germany again for a long trip.
Schedule (flexible) is:
February 7th till 13th-NRW.
7th- combo Golden Time / Living Room.
8th- Ying-Yang in Roermond
9th-GT / Living Room.
10th- FKK 39.
11th- Acapulco.
12- Acapulco again.
13th- Club Angelique where they will have a flat rate day 150 euros all inclusive.
14th till 20th- Hessen.
14Th- Mainhattan.
15th till 20th-Oase, World, Mainhattan, not sure about exact dates yet.
Those who know me or any others who want to meet at the clubs are welcome to PM me. Schedule is flexible so depending on club I can change plans one day or two to meet.
Tb 69
02-06-12, 21:05
Hey Creature2, I will probably spend a few days doing less sessions or none-in my old age this is tough-LOL, , but I will go clubbing everyday. Looking forward to meeting you again.
Welcome back, mate.
We were missing your short but accurate feedbacks.
The schedule sounds interesting. It seems you missed very much the famous FKK girls of Germany.
You are doing 15 days of FKK'ing in a row, non stops.
Hi, looking for a wingman for any of the following club inspections: Bernd's February 13 (Monday) , LR Tuesday February 14, Bernd's or GoldenTime on Wednesday February 15. I speak English and German, and have been a regular visitor to these parts. I also have a car. Please PM me for more info.
Hi, looking for a wingman for any of the following club inspections: Bernd's February 13 (Monday) , LR Tuesday February 14, Bernd's or GoldenTime on Wednesday February 15. I speak English and German, and have been a regular visitor to these parts. I also have a car. Please PM me for more info.Hi, not possible to PM you, but I would just like to say that I would be very interested in a joint visit and so on, but February is not a match for me. Please PM me, or send a message on this thread, if you plan some road trip closer to Mai-June!
London Traveller
02-12-12, 14:54
I will be at Oase on Saturday 17th March. Drop me a line if you'd like to meet up that day.
I will be at Oase on Saturday 17th March. Drop me a line if you'd like to meet up that day.Same her as well. It'll be Occultus virgin visit to Oase. Let's meet up for some drinks and sharing of experiences!
BTW, will be at Palace Thursday 15th March, World at 16th March before our arrival at Oase.
I will be at Oase on Saturday 17th March. Drop me a line if you'd like to meet up that day.
Same her as well. It'll be Occultus virgin visit to Oase. Let's meet up for some drinks and sharing of experiences!
BTW, will be at Palace Thursday 15th March, World at 16th March before our arrival at Oase.That's right, will also be at Oase Saturday March 17th, would love to meet up.
Likewise Palace the 15th, World the 16th. Also in Frankfurt the 14th and 18th, if anyone would like to meet up at a club in the area. Am open to breaking the Palace routine ;-)
Banana Boi
02-13-12, 03:31
Have you guys every tried coordinating an ISG party date? I think FKK's would be a blast with 10-15 guys.
Maybe we should try setting something up this Summer (July or August). I prefer Oase and World but am flexible. Feel free to PM me if you're interested.
Banana Boi
02-14-12, 07:45
15th till 20th-Oase, World, Mainhattan, not sure about exact dates yet.
Feb 15-19. Just an early note. I will be centred on Frankfurt area for these few days. Am likely to be spending most of the time in World but with sidetrips out to Fulda and the Krefeld / Gelsenkirchen area. If anybody is around the same time and is in the clubs then welcome to say HiI'm deciding tomorrow if I can make it but there's a good chance I'll be in FRA Feb. 16-19. I'm an Oase and World guy too.
I will be at Oase on Saturday 17th March. Drop me a line if you'd like to meet up that day.Hi LT,
I am not going to Oase on 17 March but I will be going to World for a look see. Care to change your plans?
Have you guys every tried coordinating an ISG party date? I think FKK's would be a blast with 10-15 guys.
Maybe we should try setting something up this Summer (July or August). I prefer Oase and World but am flexible. Feel free to PM me if you're interested.Sound a good idea, I am intersested. I have a plan to go to germany around that time and want to visit FKK & PT.
I know this is still early, but want to see coments from others ISG members.
I'll be in Frankfurt Friday and Saturday (30/31 March) and plan to visit The Palace and Oase. Never visited a FKK before so I am kind of excited.
Anyone with the same plans. Drop me a line.
02-25-12, 22:20
In Frankfurt Mar 5-12. Will probably hit Oase, World and Palace in no order.
02-26-12, 11:15
I will have to catch an evening flight from Frankfurt, and thinking of visiting Oase between 11am-3pm. I have no idea how could be the scene in the early afternoon. Anybody joining?
Plan to enjoy World on March 4th and either Sharks or Oase on the 5th depending on weather. I've never been to World or Sharks so want to check them out.
Also hitting GT or VV on 8th.
03-06-12, 06:42
From Frankfurt Airport at about noon.
I will arrive in Frankfurt, Wednesday, April 4, and will be visiting the following FKK's through Monday, April 9 (Yep! Easter weekend) , as follows:
Wednesday, April 4- FKK Sharks in Darmstadt.
Thursday, April 5- FKK Oase "near" Friedrichsdorf.
Friday, April 6- FKK Oase "near" Friedrichsdorf.
Saturday, April 7- FKK World "near" Giessen.
Sunday, April 8- FKK World "near" Giessen.
Monday, April 9- FKK Mainhattan in Frankfurt.
My normal routine is to be in the clubs late afternoon or early evening, and leave whenever I've "had enough", commonly around midnight to 3 AM. It's vacation and I'm flexible. If any of you guys are following any of my schedule and want to connect to compare notes at the clubs, PM me. I'll be the guy trying to remember how to tie that knot correctly to keep my towel from falling off!
Blue Swede
03-10-12, 08:51
I'll be in Frankfurt Friday and Saturday (30/31 March) and plan to visit The Palace and Oase. Never visited a FKK before so I am kind of excited.
Anyone with the same plans. Drop me a line.I will be in the area, plan to visit Oase and Palace.
I will arrive 30 March and go home 2 April.
As my fligt lands a bit late, I will probably show up at Oase at 10 pm.
03-10-12, 16:09
New here. But not new into visiting FKK:s.
Arriving to Frankfurt 28 March 4 pm and then heading for Oase. Day after (29 March) going for early Palace. My flight is leaving 7 pm.
Staying at Ibis Industriehof (near Palace).
Anyone with the same plans. Drop me a line.
London Traveller
03-13-12, 21:33
Hey, I will be in FRA over Easter, favourite club is Oase but also open to suggestions (I will have a car so can go anywhere). Drop me a line if you would like to meet up.
Nille Copenhagen
03-15-12, 23:42
Yes I'll be there, see you there.
Hi. I will be in Berlin 28-30/3 and plan to visit Artemis.
Anyone with the same plans and who want to meet,
Drop me a line.
Back in FRA this week arriving Wed the 21st and leaving the 23rd.
PM me if you want to meet at Mainhatten.
I'll be in Berlin and almost surely at Art in the evenings.
Will be at World on several days in this period, with a couple of trips out. If anyone else is around then be great to say Hi. I have car, staying locally to World
Will be in Berlin and expect to visit Artemis once or twice, on non dessous days. PM if you will be around.
03-22-12, 15:41
Are you going to Frankfurt 28 March give me a note here if you want to join for a Mainhattan visit.
03-22-12, 20:59
Am planning to give Paradise a try for the first time in the second week of April. Send me a PM if you'd like to try it out with me. Also that week I plan to visit Sakura, which I've visited a number of times in the past. Would be happy to introduce any newbies to it. Again, send me a PM if interested.
Member #4243
03-24-12, 01:12
Oase 28/3 planning 12 hour visit from around 4pm.
Artemis 30/3 31/3 planning two 12 hour visits from around 4pm.
Samya 3/4 planning to visit from around 3-4pm.
That is all I can do this time! Get back with any interesting ideas? Thanks
First time fkk trip to frankfurt.
Planning to go to palace and mainhattan.
Anyone up? I wud prefer company on my first run
Nille Copenhagen
03-24-12, 16:40
First time fkk trip to frankfurt.
Planning to go to palace and mainhattan.
Anyone up? I wud prefer company on my first runIf you want company on your first run with a girl, we can share the same girl, LOL
03-24-12, 16:56
First time fkk trip to frankfurt.
Planning to go to palace and mainhattan.
Anyone up? I would prefer company on my first runHi Zuggeyaz.
I will be at Mainhattan 28 March (arriving around 8 pm) and the 29th I will be at Palace during the day as my flight leaves at 7 pm. You will recognize me in the tatoo I have around my right ancle. 1,90 tall.
Hey, I will be in FRA over Easter, favourite club is Oase but also open to suggestions (I will have a car so can go anywhere). Drop me a line if you would like to meet up.I'll also be visiting over Easter. Arriving Friday evening to FRA and staying till Monday. It would be a pleasure making your acquaintance. I discovered the pleasures of Frankfurt many moons ago and always enjoy commentary on the board (including many of yours) and have met several members along the years. Unfortunately, I can't do justice to reviews like everyone here. Definitely would enjoy meeting up.
Planning on the usual Oase and Palace but welcome visiting new places. Unfortunately, I rely on taxis and public transport.
I'll be in the area for 4 days next week. I'm renting a car this time to try World. I'll also be at Oase and possibly Palace.
I will arrive in Frankfurt, Wednesday, April 4, and will be visiting the following FKK's through Monday, April 9 (Yep! Easter weekend) , as follows:
Wednesday, April 4- FKK Sharks in Darmstadt.
Thursday, April 5- FKK Oase "near" Friedrichsdorf.
Friday, April 6- FKK Oase "near" Friedrichsdorf.
Saturday, April 7- FKK World "near" Giessen.
Sunday, April 8- FKK World "near" Giessen.
Monday, April 9- FKK Mainhattan in Frankfurt.
My normal routine is to be in the clubs late afternoon or early evening, and leave whenever I've "had enough", commonly around midnight to 3 AM. It's vacation and I'm flexible. If any of you guys are following any of my schedule and want to connect to compare notes at the clubs, PM me. I'll be the guy trying to remember how to tie that knot correctly to keep my towel from fal.
Lling off!Fellow mongers-
I've had a completely unexpected medical issue come up 72 hours before my flight. Without a doubt, this was an issue that would have required emergency surgery on my trip, had I not been lucky enough to become aware of it ahead of time. I've had to cancel everthing. It's a starke reminder to make sure you know how your medical coverage works and be familiar with contacts, policy numbers, and general procedures BEFORE you travel and have an emergency abroad.
Thanks to those of you that I'd planned to meet up with and those of you that still might try to contact me. I'll be back soon!
Will be in town from Saturday (April 7th) for about a week. I'm a newbie to the FKK scene and mongering in general (I have a little experience). Plan to check out Oase and World, maybe others. Let me know if you'll be around!
Will be in town apr 12. 16. Probably spend most of the time at Oase, but am thinking of venturing over to World just to see.
I guess I'll have to do some research in the World Forum about how to get there.
Have always mongered by myself over the years, but after the experience of taking a friend one night to Artemis (his suggestion. Hmmmm I think I could be convinced to go) I realized there can be a lot of fun in the camaraderie of fellow mongers.
Nille Copenhagen
04-05-12, 23:51
Will be in Berlin next week, will pop by Artemis Thursday or Friday.
New to the FKK scene but looking forward to experiencing FKK Oase on May 2. Staying near the central train station in Frankfurt. Anyone wants to carpool to FKK Oase or any AO or GB parties nearby?
Will be in the Frankfurt and Krefeld / Bochum area. About three days in FKK World and three days in partytreffs and parties. Would be happy to meet up with anyone
Frej Of Asgaard
04-06-12, 15:35
I decided last minute to spend my easter vacation in Clubs in Nord Rhein Westfallen.
Today, Friday the 6th, I am at Villa Vertigo. Currently writing this message over their WLAN there.
The plan for Saturday the 7th is to visit Goldentime.
Sunday the 8th will be spent at FKK Samya in Cologne at their Easter Party.
At least that is the plan.
If anyone wants to meet then please send me a pm.
London Traveller
04-07-12, 01:23
I'll also be visiting over Easter. Arriving Friday evening to FRA and staying till Monday. It would be a pleasure making your acquaintance. I discovered the pleasures of Frankfurt many moons ago and always enjoy commentary on the board (including many of yours) and have met several members along the years. Unfortunately, I can't do justice to reviews like everyone here. Definitely would enjoy meeting up.
Planning on the usual Oase and Palace but welcome visiting new places. Unfortunately, I rely on taxis and public transport.Hi, thanks for the message. It's a pity you don't have PMs though! I will probably be at the Mainhattan party this evening (7th). Hope we can meet up there.
I will be visiting Oase on Friday and Saturday, April 20 and 21st. Not my first visit.
I will be visiting various clubs in the NRW area from Tuesday, April 10th till my visit to Oase.
Most likely stick to LR, PHG, and GT.
Please, anyone who would like to meet let me know.
Decided to visit a new club. I plan on being at Sharks on Wed, April 18th.
Anyone planning on being there that day and would like to meet let me know.
London Traveller
04-09-12, 19:29
Hi all, I am having a little holiday in Berlin in early May. If anyone is around then I'd be pleased to meet up for a trip to Artemis, and / or we could meet up for a beer and a bite. Just drop me a line.
I'll be doing a 4 day tour with a friend at the end of April.
Currently the plan is:
Sat 28th - Paradise (Stuttgart)
Sun 29th and Mon 30th - Artemis.
Tue 1st - Either Palace or Mainhattan (Fra)
I will be in Frankfurt from 4 to 7 May. I am expecting to visit Sharks, World, Mainhattan and Oase. I am not sure on the order just yet. I will have wheels.
04-11-12, 22:04
Will be there for sure on the 14th and very likely on 13th. Let me know if someone would like to meet up and chat.
Treble Machine
04-13-12, 07:25
I'll visit FKK World on Saturday. 28th April and I'll be by myself so if anyone wants to chat a bit.
Brazil Specialist
04-20-12, 01:49
I will be in Germany in June. Must do some business in Munich (I understand one of the worst places for mongering) , but am free to travel anywhere.
Will travel with public transport (trains etc). Looking to see good FKK places. Ideally those that can be reached easily, and have cheap hotels nearby, or even allow people to stay overnight.
Probably will pick Frankfurt, Berlin, and a few smaller FKK.
I like lots of choices, pretty young (legal) girls, not much older then 18, with great bodies, good service, good attitude.
Could use travel partners or local guides. Yes, I do speak German.
No questions allowed here, so please don't post any replies here, but send me private messages (with your email so I can reply you if you are ont a paying or senior member)
I am tired of Rio de Janeiro cleaning up their act, getting their massage parlors ever more dressed up and like to see NAKED girls to be able to make informed choices.
Brazil tries to look reputable for mega events like the world cup and the Olympics. Ridiculous: Faces blacked out, body fully dressed.
Kris Maru.
Hello friends,
I will be in Bernd's on 2nd and 4th May. 1st and 5th May Palace. 6th May Oase. It will be nice to meet fellow mongers.
Anyone going to Bernds on Thursday 26 April looking for a wingman?
04-25-12, 07:57
Hey guys, I will be in Frankfurt on the 26th April, which is Thursday of this week. I will be at Oase on Thursday the 26th, and Saturday the 28th. I will be checking out sharks on Friday, the 17th. I am going to be renting a vehicle and heading over to Bruggen to hit up GT on Monday the 30th. Next day, I will head to Living Room. And lastly, will stop by Samya in Colon for my last FKK visit on Wednesday the 2nd of May. Let me know if any of you guys will be in any of those clubs on those days. I don't have the pm feature, so you will have to respond to this message. Also, if anybody wants to tag along with me for the trip to GT, Living Room, and Samya, let me know, I have lots of room in my rental car as I am the only occupant. I would really like to meet up with sucker, occultus, and london traveler again, we had a blast at Oase last time, and I would love to do that again.
I am planning to go to FKK Oase this Saturday 28th April, which is there Spring Break party and the official opening of their new outside area. Weather is predicted to be 25 Degrees Celcius, so it should be a nice day. Let me know if you are interested to meet up.
04-28-12, 10:34
I will be at World tonight and either World or Sharks tomorrow and Monday is up in the air
I will be at World tonight and either World or Sharks tomorrow and Monday is up in the airSorry I was just reading the sentence wrong:. And Money is up in the air.
I would really like to meet up with sucker, occultus, and london traveler again, we had a blast at Oase last time, and I would love to do that again.Hi PL, nice to see you back on the road again. I would love to accompany you on this trip, especially to the NRW area. Unfortunately I'm licking my wallet wounds after an extensive (and expensive) trip to Prague. Will be back in Berlin in about a month, so PM me if you'll be in Germany then?
I would really like to meet up with sucker, occultus, and london traveler again, we had a blast at Oase last time, and I would love to do that again.Thanks for the invitation, but I won't be - or am not in Europe at the moment. But if you're in Frankfurt the last week of May, we should meet up. By the way, the PM feature is kinda useful ;-)
Just booked some hotels for Aug 8-14 Returning to Frankfurt then on to Hamburg, many FKK visit + Louve Haus and maybe Te Amos Club in Hamburg.
04-30-12, 01:40
Probably hit Sharks tomorrow (Monday). Hit mw up if you are int he area.
I have some time in NRW from May 24 to 27, Thursday to Sunday.
The plan is LR on Thurs. 24 May; then GT on Fri. 25 May; then VV on Sat. 26 May with the option of either GT or VV on Sun. 27 May. Although, Sunday I will probably do VV due to the free entrance.
Drop me a note if you would like to meet up.
Frej Of Asgaard
04-30-12, 20:31
I will be in Berlin for an extended weekend, and I plan to visit artemis on both the 4th and the 5th of May.
It would be nice to have a wingman, so if anybody wants to meet at either evening, then drop me a pm.
We will be visiting Palace tomorrow, from late afternoon. If someone goes there and wants to meet, pm.
05-01-12, 15:31
Both days to Fkk Oase, my first time so need someone who can guide me rules and remove newbie wibe off me.
Booked Hotel: Mercure Hotel Bad Homburg Friedrichsdorf, which is 5 mins ride to Oase, I am open to share this room if needed.
[QUOTE=MagiCue; 1265816 to the FKK scene but looking forward to experiencing FKK Oase on May 2. Staying near the central train station in Frankfurt. Anyone wants to carpool to FKK Oase or any AO or GB parties nearby?[/QUOTE]MagiCue, if you want to meet outside door of McDonald's that is IN the station at 11:00 A. M. We can take 11:25 train to Friedrichsdorf then cab from there 10 min. Or If you have wheels that's ok too. The door I speak of leads out of restaurant and into the station. I will be there at 11:00 a. M. If you are there at that time we will go. If not I will go on as usual.
I'll be in Frankfurt May 23rd and 24th, Berlin on the 25th and 26th, then back in Frankfurt until the first weekend in June. Send me a PM if you'd like to meet up at any of the clubs in the area.
Yes, finally back on the mongering road again. My first FKK experience was in wonderful Artemis last year. I will return to Berlin and the source of this horrible addiction, and I'll meet up with Occultus as well 26-27th of May. (You have mistaken the days Occultus!). I will stay a bit longer in Berlin until 30th of May, so if any one want to meet up either at Artemis or in the Berlin bordello scene, just PM me. So just to make it clear, we'll be at Artemis both Saturday and Sunday. I'll be pleased to see the girls again, my bank account will suffer well. Some delightful trip reports are promised...
I'll be in Frankfurt May 23rd and 24th, Berlin on the 25th and 26th, then back in Frankfurt until the first weekend in June. Send me a PM if you'd like to meet up at any of the clubs in the area.
Yes, finally back on the mongering road again. My first FKK experience was in wonderful Artemis last year. I will return to Berlin and the source of this horrible addiction, and I'll meet up with Occultus as well 26-27th of May. (You have mistaken the days Occultus!). I will stay a bit longer in Berlin until 30th of May, so if any one want to meet up either at Artemis or in the Berlin bordello scene, just PM me. So just to make it clear, we'll be at Artemis both Saturday and Sunday. I'll be pleased to see the girls again, my bank account will suffer well. Some delightful trip reports are promised.Yeah, you're right, I got the dates wrong.
May 24th. 25th in FRA,
May 26th. 27th in BER,
Then back to Frankfurt.
I'll be flying into Berlin and visiting artemis around the beginning of June. Not entirely sure what dates I'm pretty flexible but I'll be staying around for about 3 days ranging around 1 Jul to 7 Jul.
Give me a shout.
Member #4243
05-13-12, 03:57
Have a blast occultus. Its a shame my plans don't coincide with yours, would be great to meet up! See if you think artemis might just be the ultimate mix of hardware and software! LOL
Brazil Specialist
05-14-12, 23:20
Will be in Germany aprox. June 3 to 26. Plan to visit the best FKK and similar places in Germany, Austria. Could even go to Prague or whatever place would be worth a visit. I like young fresh and naked women at reasonable rates. And I like daytime, not nights. Open to your advice, but would have to be PM as here is not the place to discuss.
I have a 3 week Eurail train pass. 3 weeks unlimited travel anywhere in Europe. So I can come anywhere at very short notice. And I will probably criss-cross Germany all the time, instead of staying put in one place. I think I will mainly stay in Germany, but could even go to Romenia, Italy, Amsterdam, .
Also plan to see some very scenic routes, and rent bicycles in many places to bike around. Probably 1 full day FKK, one day tourism, .
I probably get by on my own. But would be nice to meet new mongers or old friends that have seen me in Brazil. And of course, local specialists that know a few things that I don't.
I speak perfect German. I live in Brazil, can tell you about Brazil, also rent rooms in my apartment in Rio.
Will be in one of the Hesse clubs this Thursday and Sunday (May 17, May 19). If anyone would like to meet up please write me a PM.
I'll be flying into Berlin and visiting artemis around the beginning of June. Not entirely sure what dates I'm pretty flexible but I'll be staying around for about 3 days ranging around 1 Jul to 7 Jul.
Give me a shout.I actually meant to write JULY there.
After Berlin and Cologne, Frankfurt was the next best choice of the "FKK tour" so I'll be there from 20 to 26 June. I'm a semi-expert of the FKK scene but a total newbie in the Frankfurt area.
My plan is mostly Palace and Oase (according to the weather). Mainhattan only if I don't find the line-up at Palace satisfying (which I doubt). I don't have a car so I'll rely exclusively on public transportation. Therefore, World is not on the list right now being too far away to go and come without wasting too much time travelling; if somebody is around Frankfurt during those days we could do World in 3 and save 1 entry though.
Feel free to PM me if you'd want to meet up (italian, english and spanish speaker here)
After Berlin and Cologne, Frankfurt was the next best choice of the "FKK tour" so I'll be there from 20 to 26 June. I'm a semi-expert of the FKK scene but a total newbie in the Frankfurt area.
My plan is mostly Palace and Oase (according to the weather). Mainhattan only if I don't find the line-up at Palace satisfying (which I doubt). I don't have a car so I'll rely exclusively on public transportation. Therefore, World is not on the list right now being too far away to go and come without wasting too much time travelling; if somebody is around Frankfurt during those days we could do World in 3 and save 1 entry though.
Feel free to PM me if you'd want to meet up (italian, english and spanish speaker here) Hi Lucasur, let me know which date you are specifically planning Oase, I will be there on 21st night and also will have a car, so we can plan other clubs too.
Hi Lucasur, let me know which date you are specifically planning Oase, I will be there on 21st night and also will have a car, so we can plan other clubs too.I was planning Oase for later, from the 22 onward, because on 21 morning I have to switch hotels due to incredibly high prices on 20-21 and thus I have chosen one that is way outside Frankfurt centre.
Anyway, on 21 is still doable, as long as you give me the time to go back to the first hotel from my touristic trip in the centre, pay, take my luggage back to the new hotel (close to Hauptbanhof) , take possession of the room and be back on the road. If you planned to be at Oase by late afternoon or even a few hours before I think we can indeed travel there together, thanks.
Weekend In NRW, Saturday 26th MAY I will be at Samya.
London Traveller
05-20-12, 21:56
I will be visiting the Frankfurt area from 12-14 July. Will definitely go to Oase on at least one day but would be pleased to go somewhere else too. I will have a car so can get anywhere. If you'd like to get together, just drop me a PM.
05-20-12, 22:19
I will be in Frankfurt Friday 5/25 and Saturday 5/26.
Planning to visit Oase and Palace.
Any fellow members want to meet let me know.
I'll be in Frankfurt on these dates.
Will visit Palace on the 13th (to checkout the dessous tag).
For the next day, depending on the weather and other factors I might visit Oase, Mainhattan, Palace ora a combination of them.
PM if want to meet up for a drink and a chat.
Yeah, you're right, I got the dates wrong.
May 24th. 25th in FRA,
May 26th. 27th in BER,
Then back to Frankfurt.I'll be in Frankfurt 5/28-5/30, pm me if you like to visit FKK during those days. Tx
Coming back to Frankfurt & region, arriving early Monday June 4th.
Will likely Visit:
Wednesday-Day Off (RLD?)
Monday / Tuesday?
Drop me a PM if you want to say hi, meet or have a beer.
Can be a little flexible with this schedule.
I will visting the Promised Land, June 6 and 7.
Weather permitting will head straight for Oase. Though might take a look at Mainhattan on 6th.
Returning back to FRA. June 12, 13 and 14. Weather permitting, hope to work on my tan in Oase Garden, but may consider
Some variety, I. E. Sharks, Mainhattan.
PM me if any one will visiting during these dates. Exchange notes, have a few laughs.
S. Trato
05-27-12, 18:09
Will be eating tropical fruits at Artemis and Erlebniswohnung during 9, 10, 11 and 12 June.
Evening of 6/1 and 6/2- FKK oase.
Evening of 6/4, 6/5- in munich, anyone up for fkk?
Evening of 6/6, 6/7- hamburg.
Evening of 6/14- back at frankfurt, palace, world, or oase.
Pm me if anyone is around for the above schedule.
Will be at Oase Monday June 4. Hope to arrive around dinner time.
06-04-12, 17:37
I'll be in the Frankfurt clubs on the 8th and 9th of June (Fri. Sat) and will be visiting clubs on both days. I have no concrete plans yet, but would gladly meet other members that are in the area these two days.
I'm a mid-30s, NRW-experienced but Hessen-newbie kind of guy.
06-04-12, 18:36
I'll be in the Frankfurt clubs on the 8th and 9th of June (Fri. Sat) and will be visiting clubs on both days. I have no concrete plans yet, but would gladly meet other members that are in the area these two days.
I'm a mid-30s, NRW-experienced but Hessen-newbie kind of guy.
I'll be at World on June 9th
I will be at Oase on 7 & 8 June. Probably afternoon / evening.
Speaking dutch / english and some german.
Late 30's but younger looking, trimmed hair. To like 1mm or so LOL
Thursday, June 7th I will try Magnum.
I can be recognized by the black glasses with red Prada logo on the thin black lace over the neck and black Bering watches with two red subdials:
Will be in Frankfurt from July 6th to July 10th. Probably spend most time at Oase.
PM me if you want to meet up.
Last minute business trip, but will have some time to check out the FKK scene.
First time visit to this area, so total newbie to FKK.
PM me if interested in going to FKK during these dates.
After Berlin and Cologne, Frankfurt was the next best choice of the "FKK tour" so I'll be there from 20 to 26 June. I'm a semi-expert of the FKK scene but a total newbie in the Frankfurt area.
My plan is mostly Palace and Oase (according to the weather). Mainhattan only if I don't find the line-up at Palace satisfying (which I doubt). I don't have a car so I'll rely exclusively on public transportation. Therefore, World is not on the list right now being too far away to go and come without wasting too much time travelling; if somebody is around Frankfurt during those days we could do World in 3 and save 1 entry though.
Feel free to PM me if you'd want to meet up (italian, english and spanish speaker here) Will be in Frankfurt 3rd time from 22nd to 30th June. Will be visiting most of fav fkk.
PM me if you want to meet up. I am new to this post
Hi Lucasur, let me know which date you are specifically planning Oase, I will be there on 21st night and also will have a car, so we can plan other clubs too.I will be staying main station from 21 to 30th June. Take care
I was planning Oase for later, from the 22 onward, because on 21 morning I have to switch hotels due to incredibly high prices on 20-21 and thus I have chosen one that is way outside Frankfurt centre.
Anyway, on 21 is still doable, as long as you give me the time to go back to the first hotel from my touristic trip in the centre, pay, take my luggage back to the new hotel (close to Hauptbanhof) , take possession of the room and be back on the road. If you planned to be at Oase by late afternoon or even a few hours before I think we can indeed travel there together, thanks.Hi Lusasur. I will be arriving on 21 June. Can go togather. Chao
Hi Lucasur, let me know which date you are specifically planning Oase, I will be there on 21st night and also will have a car, so we can plan other clubs too.Hi Rockstar. I will be in Frankfurt tomorrow. We all can go together. Thanks
Hey guys. I will be arriving today. Let me know it some one want to join me for Oase, World and later Coln? I don't have the pm feature, so you will have to respond to this message. Thanks
I don't have the pm feature, so you will have to respond to this message.The PM feature is what you need. No hookups without it.
28 June. 30 June: Friedrichshafen (work visit; no known FKK and, for sure, no opportunity)
01 July: Villingen-Schwenningen (work visit; FKK66 In the evening, till very late at night)
02 July: Villingen-Schwenningen (work visit continues; FKK66 In the evening, or maybe a Haus)
03 July: Freiburg (FKK Palast; must check out FKK66's new cousin)
04 July: Boblingen (FKK Sakura)
05 July: Echterdingen (FKK Paradise) (or, if Sakura is really good, might stick around an extra day in Boblingen, and make 06 July the FKK Paradise day)
06 July (or 07 July) onwards, till July 9: Frankfurt FKKs (not yet decided on the order; possibly: Palace, Mainhattan, Sharks, in that sequence. Not sure about OASE or World)
Happy to meet company at any of these places (as long as you are not very tall, athletic, or good-looking! *kidding*). Feel free to PM.
A group of us will be in Frankfurt this weekend to visit various FKK clubs. The cast includes yours truly, Tequila Tim, Punter 127, Chica Seeker, Exon 123, Flexible Horn, Cigar Eric, and el jefe Jackson himself. We all knew each others from mongering in Argentina. Tequila Tim, Punter 127, and I are FKK veterans. The remainder of the group are all experienced mongers in different parts of the world too, but this will be their first FKK trip.
The current plan is Oase on Friday. 29 June, World on Saturday 30 June, Sunday and Monday are up in the air right now. I have also announced our trip in Argentina Private ( for our Argentina monger friends. Hopefully we will have some interesting to report in the each establishment's threads on ISG or in Argentina Private.
I land mid day on July 2 and was thinking of heading to Oase for the afternoon and evening, depending on the weather I may head to Mainhatten. Heading out with a group sounds like a better plan, please let me know what you are up to on Monday. I'll PM my italian cell phone number.
A group of us will be in Frankfurt this weekend to visit various FKK clubs. The cast includes yours truly, Tequila Tim, Punter 127, Chica Seeker, Exon 123, Flexible Horn, Cigar Eric, and el jefe Jackson himself. We all knew each others from mongering in Argentina. Tequila Tim, Punter 127, and I are FKK veterans. The remainder of the group are all experienced mongers in different parts of the world too, but this will be their first FKK trip.
The current plan is Oase on Friday. 29 June, World on Saturday 30 June, Sunday and Monday are up in the air right now. I have also announced our trip in.
Argentina Private (
For our Argentina monger friends. Hopefully we will have some interesting to report in the each establishment's threads on ISG or in Argentina Private.
I will be in Frankfurt these 2 days, Monday 9. I will try Palace, and Oase Tuesday 10. July.
Anyone care to meet. Send me a PM.
London Traveller
06-29-12, 20:08
I will be visiting the Frankfurt area from 12-14 July. Will definitely go to Oase on at least one day but would be pleased to go somewhere else too. I will have a car so can get anywhere. If you'd like to get together, just drop me a PM.Just thought I'd post a reminder about my upcoming trip. Anyone going to be around then who would like to meet up. Just PM!
July 14-20th inclusive
Will be (preliminary plans) ;
In Frankfurt and FKK World area on 14th. 17th. 18th. 20th;
In Dusseldorf / Krefeld / Bochum / Munster area 15th and 16th visiting mainly parties.
In Stuttgart area on 19th
If anybody else is around and wants to meet up then PM
Smoky Jack
07-02-12, 20:58
Just thought I'd post a reminder about my upcoming trip. Anyone going to be around then who would like to meet up. Just PM!I will be in Frankfurt July 11-15. It would be fun to meet up with you. I am planning on Oase / World / FKK to be named later (LOL).
Smoky Jack
07-02-12, 22:53
Just thought I'd post a reminder about my upcoming trip. Anyone going to be around then who would like to meet up. Just PM!I will be in Frankfurt from July 11-15. I will send you a PM!
Just booked a Lufthansa flight to Frankfurt. Ill be travelling the 5th of January, right after my birthday.Sounds like a great birthday gift! Too bad that your dates coincide with one of my hectic weekends of workload, or I would be tempted to join you. But I did book a cheap Lufthansa flight today as well. I gave in for my lust for sin for the price tag of 145 euros, so my next travel to Hessen would be August 16-19.
07-06-12, 22:36
Yeah! Really looking forward to it already. But 6 month is "nothing", the time is passing really fast. I am also considering a virgin trip to Berlin, FKK Artemis. Depends on my mongering fonds! What do you think about a trip to Artemis? Would have been awsome to travel with someone from its own country. And I have understood / read that you have visited Artemis several times. Do you rate the club much higher then the Palace? I have read that most of the girls have silicon tits over there. And also remember to have read that there are girls from a lot of different nationalities there? Thats really nice. Some latinas also I hope? Black girls?
07-06-12, 23:39
I know I should not be posting questions, sorry.
Norwegian 90
Yeah! Really looking forward to it already. But 6 month is "nothing", the time is passing really fast. I am also considering a virgin trip to Berlin, FKK Artemis. Depends on my mongering fonds! What do you think about a trip to Artemis? Would have been awsome to travel with someone from its own country. And I have understood / read that you have visited Artemis several times. Do you rate the club much higher then the Palace? I have read that most of the girls have silicon tits over there. And also remember to have read that there are girls from a lot of different nationalities there? Thats really nice. Some latinas also I hope? Black girls?
Norwegian90I will be in Frankfurt between 16 and 24th of August, I neve been to a FKK club, you want to meet?
I will be in Frankfurt between 16 and 24th of August, I neve been to a FKK club, you want to meet?Picasso, can't PM you for some reason, but I'm happy to be your wingman as I'll be there from August 16-19.
I will be in Samya tonight from 20:30.
Tomorrow, GT or Aca or both.
Hey guys, I'd like to meet up. Here are my July 18-22 FKK plans:
July 18: Samya in Cologne.
July 19: Ying-Yang.
July 20: DV & Magnum.
July 21: LR or PHG (undecided) maybe ACA.
July 22: ACA.
London Traveller
07-15-12, 17:59
I will be in NRW from 26-29 July. Anyone who would like to meet up for a day in Golden Time or somewhere else interesting, such as Park Sauna R. Or Acapulco, please do drop me a line.
Here's hoping for good weather!
Will probably tour a bit but then default on Artemis. If anyone is around and wants to exhange point of views about the awesome car valet service at artemis, pm.
Hi. I am hoping to go to Villa Vertigo on the Saturday 28th. Its only 20 minutes drive away from GT.
Happy to meet up
[QUOTE=London Traveller; 1304366]I will be in NRW from 26-29 july
Hi all! Am a 40 year old Swede travelling to Düsseldorf next week. Relative newbie (third trip to Germany) with very little German. On the plusside though, am a easy enough guy to get along with. Will be mongering most days and would not mind company. Looking to go to La Luna on the 26:th. Other than that open for any ideas in the area.
Hi all! I will be in the Düsseldorf area next week and would not mind company a day or two. I am looking to go to La Luna in Moers on the 26:th otherwise I'm open for suggestions. 40 year old Swede, relative newbie (this will be my third FKK trip to Germany).
I'll be at Artemis in the afternoon (1pm-4pm) and evening (7pm onwards). Please pm me if anyone wants to meet up.
Binne, VV on Saturday 28th July. I have sent you a pm
London Traveller
07-28-12, 23:27
I will be in Frankfurt area on 10-11 August (Friday / Saturday). If anyone would like to visit Oase with me (I'm open to other suggestions too) please drop me a PM.
Planning to visit Frankfurt aug 30 and 31. This will be my first time visiting in August. Usually visit in June / July or later in the year (around October). Planning to visit my favs in oase on Friday / Saturday then maybe go to palace or manhattan on Sunday and fly out in the afternoon. I hope a good time will be had. Was nervous booking because I have heard some the greats are on their own vacation and won't be back until September.
Picasso, can't PM you for some reason, but I'm happy to be your wingman as I'll be there from August 16-19.I will be there 17 aug-23 aug in a hotel.
London Traveller
08-11-12, 22:26
I expect to be visiting Golden Time but maybe also ACA or LR on the Sunday. Also open to offers of other clubs, such as PSR, on the Friday / Saturday. Anyone who would like to meet up, just drop me a line!
08-13-12, 06:11
Hi all,
After a long absence I will be in Germany again for 10 days.
Schedule (flexible) is:
August 22nd (Wednesday) till 26th-Hessen-Frankfurt.
23rd-World, to avoid dessous tag at Oase.
24th- Oase Again.
25th- Oase or World depending on the previous visits.
26th-Sunday- Probably Das 5 Elements, mostly to rest and get to know a new club.
27th Monday. Will make a stop over in Finca Erotica before 2 pm, happy hour, love that place-
26 th till 31 st-NRW- Pretty much open, not sure about exact dates yet, expect to visit Golden Time, Acapulco, FKK 39, Grimberg.
Those who know me or any others who want to meet at the clubs are welcome to PM me. Schedule is flexible so depending on club I can change plans one day or two to meet.
Tb 69
Hey Travelerb69,
I will be in Frankfurt area around the same time. I was not able to PM you. You could keep in touch with email if you would like to hit a few places together. I could be reached at [Email address deleted by Admin]
08-15-12, 20:49
Hi everyone!
Plan to stay in Duss from 21th to 22th, landing in the morning, would like go to ACA by public trans outboud before 1:00 PM catching happy hour.
Anyone want to be together.
PM me or reply on the board.
I am intesrested to join as well, will be in Frankfurt on Aug21. Please contact me
Hi all,
After a long absence I will be in Germany again for 10 days.
Schedule (flexible) is:
August 22nd (Wednesday) till 26th-Hessen-Frankfurt.
23rd-World, to avoid dessous tag at Oase.
24th- Oase Again.
25th- Oase or World depending on the previous visits.
26th-Sunday- Probably Das 5 Elements, mostly to rest and get to know a new club.
27th Monday. Will make a stop over in Finca Erotica before 2 pm, happy hour, love that place-
26 th till 31 st-NRW- Pretty much open, not sure about exact dates yet, expect to visit Golden Time, Acapulco, FKK 39, Grimberg.
Those who know me or any others who want to meet at the clubs are welcome to PM me. Schedule is flexible so depending on club I can change plans one day or two to meet.
Tb 69
Treble Machine
08-20-12, 06:12
Going to visit World this next Wednesday, driving up from Hahn and maybe spend a couple of hours in downtown FFM, the up to World for the whole evening.
Will have wheels so if anyone needs a lift around that time just let me know.
08-20-12, 18:25
I tried to sent you an pm but you can not receive them, think about joining the forum with a paid subscription.
Going to visit World this next Wednesday, driving up from Hahn and maybe spend a couple of hours in downtown FFM, the up to World for the whole evening.
Will have wheels so if anyone needs a lift around that time just let me know.
Treble Machine
08-21-12, 18:03
I tried to sent you an pm but you can not receive them, think about joining the forum with a paid subscription.
Travelerb69.Sorry but my contributions to the forum are so scarce I never considered getting a full membership.
Let me know if despite forum policy you'd need my contact somehow.
08-23-12, 18:16
Sorry but my contributions to the forum are so scarce I never considered getting a full membership.
Let me know if despite forum policy you'd need my contact somehow.I will be around FRA clubbing till 27th. If you happen to be still around, have a look at the previous posts in this thread how other forum members have managed to put their contacs and please do it.
Palace Thursday 30 August 2012 arriving sometime between 10:00 and noon.
Oase Friday 31 August 2012.
World Saturday 1 September 2012
London Traveller
08-27-12, 12:03
Hi all,
I will be in the FRA area from the afternoon of 6th September to 8th September. My preferred club is Oase but I am open to other suggestions.
Anyone who would like to get together, please drop me a PM.
Palace Thursday (8/30/2012) around opening time
Oase Friday (8/31/2012) around opening time.
World Saturday (9/1/2012) around opening time.
I posted this Sunday, but it never appeared. Am I doing it wrong?
08-27-12, 16:42
Hi K!
As a regular member you will have to wait approx 24 hours after you have posted.
08-27-12, 19:44
Will be in FRA area from Sep 1-2 and possibly the 3rd. Planning to go to:
Palace and Oase on Sep 1st and 2nd. Still have not decided which to go on Sat night (depending on Oase line up and report)
Possibly Palace again on the 3rd.
My preferred club is Palace but I am open to other suggestions. Anyone who would like to get together, please drop me a PM.
08-29-12, 07:53
Zimmerbaby the master of short recovery will visit Artemis today 29.08 from 21 till closing time.
If you have the desire to listen to terrible english vocabulary, have a coffee, or only a hug: Carpe diem!
My face is horrible, but the heart is top notch. Shaved head, mediterranean looks, always carrying a paper / book.
Will have car and be located in Central Dusseldorf and Berlin.
09-02-12, 01:38
Anyone planning to hit oase next wed / fri / sat? I do have no pm feature right now but let me know anyhow.
London Traveller
09-02-12, 17:33
Anyone planning to hit oase next wed / fri / sat? I do have no pm feature right now but let me know anyhow.Hi SV,
I will probably be there on Fri / Sat.
09-03-12, 04:13
I don't have pm right now but do you have any markers by which I can spot you? I'm also from the uk if you remember me from the zurich thread I was amazed by what I saw a t the globe but was under a different name then.
London Traveller
09-03-12, 23:27
I don't have pm right now but do you have any markers by which I can spot you? I'm also from the uk if you remember me from the zurich thread I was amazed by what I saw a t the globe but was under a different name then.
ThanksUnfortunately, I don't like putting my description on the public forum as there are guys on here who will watch me, not introduce themselves, and then write about my activities on the forum (you know who you are!). If you want me to spot you then you can put your markers on here. Otherwise, I suggest that you chat to people at the club. And find me that way. There are also some pointers in my previous posts as to where in the club I hang out and what I do with my time :)
09-03-12, 23:50
I don't have pm right now but do you have any markers by which I can spot you? I'm also from the uk if you remember me from the zurich thread I was amazed by what I saw a t the globe but was under a different name then.
ThanksStarlet I shall be seeing you. What is your marker?
09-04-12, 01:40
This trip is going to be good. I have my friends from here ampritna and LT for oase and a scheduled meet up with sucker 17 at mainhatten on the afternoon of the 11th. I'm also a brit so if we can get LT; AMP 111; and myself together that would be 3 brits in oase all at once! As for markers I don't really have any tatoos etc, I'm just an average looking tanned guy with a british accent. I know your description so I'm looking forward to a fun time being immersed in a sea of naked beauty!
John Dallas
09-04-12, 02:57
Hello Guys.
I will be at Oase on 22nd and 23rd of sept.
Is anybody around that time?
I am new to the board, but have made several previous trips to the clubs and enjoyed every minute.
Thanks to all for the tips in the forum. Looking forward to looking up a few of the highly recommended ladies.
It would be great to meet up with some like-minded fellows at some point during my trip.
The tentative schedule is as follows:
Wednesday. 9/12: Golden Time and Planet Happy Garden.
Thursday. 9/13: Acapulco (AM)
Tuesday. 9/18: Living Room (PM)
Wednesday. 9/19: GT, PHG or Acapulco.
Thursday. 9/20: Samya (AM) , Mainhatten (PM)
Friday. 9/21: Oase.
Saturday. 9/22: Oase or Palace (PM)
Sunday. 9/23: Golden Time (PM)
Please drop me a PM or a message in the forum if your trip overlaps and you would like to meet up.
Locations subject to change based upon experience and your input.
Thanks! BP
09-04-12, 06:07
This trip is going to be good. I have my friends from here ampritna and LT for oase and a scheduled meet up with sucker 17 at mainhatten on the afternoon of the 11th. I'm also a brit so if we can get LT; AMP 111; and myself together that would be 3 brits in oase all at once! As for markers I don't really have any tatoos etc, I'm just an average looking tanned guy with a british accent. I know your description so I'm looking forward to a fun time being immersed in a sea of naked beauty!Hi ok then. If you see me just give me a pat on the back.
Hi guys, will be at the Automechanikamesse during day and AutoEroticamesse during night from 11-16th of Sep. This is my schedule:
Sep 11: Mainhattan, will probably meet up with StarletVoyager aka Mohab.
Sep 12: Workdinner so no action.
Sep 13: Same, but will try to leave as soon as possible for Palace.
Sep 14: Oase.
Sep 15: World.
So PM me if you happen to be there searching for young Romanian hotties.
Nille Copenhagen
09-04-12, 19:13
Hi guys, will be at the Automechanikamesse during day and AutoEroticamesse during night from 11-16th of Sep. This is my schedule:
Sep 11: Mainhattan, will probably meet up with StarletVoyager aka Mohab.Ohh StarletVoyager = Mohab, I was wondering what happened to Mohab.
I would love to check out the babes and the cars at the Messe. You would probable invite the showbabes out, that is what you meant with business dinner, hehe,
Enjoy Sucker17.
Shag Master
09-04-12, 19:38
Too bad you guys won't be there on this Thursday, we could have made it FOUR Brits at Oase!
This trip is going to be good. I have my friends from here ampritna and LT for oase and a scheduled meet up with sucker 17 at mainhatten on the afternoon of the 11th. I'm also a brit so if we can get LT; AMP 111; and myself together that would be 3 brits in oase all at once! As for markers I don't really have any tatoos etc, I'm just an average looking tanned guy with a british accent. I know your description so I'm looking forward to a fun time being immersed in a sea of naked beauty!
Hello Guys.
I will be at Oase on 22nd and 23rd of sept.
Is anybody around that time?Hey John,
I will be there on the evening of the 22nd (see above). Send me a PM if you can.
09-06-12, 06:21
Hey John,
I will be there on the evening of the 22nd (see above). Send me a PM if you can.
BPHey John and BonePony, I plan to be at Oase on Sept 22 most of the day and evening. I'll have my own black shower sandals, not the Oase provided ones. I have grey hair. Look for me and introduce yourself.
Hi all,
I will beatOase the evening of September 23rd. I'd love to meet up with some fellow ISG mates if you are at Oase then.
I also am thinking about heading to Artemis from Sept 25-27 if anyone will be in Berlin.
I have a tour booked from Oct 1st to Oct 5th in Frankfurt area (Oase, for sure; others, depending) and then continuing to Bremen / Hannover sector for a day (5th or 6th) and finishing off in Artemis (possibly ELW). If any fellow punters want to compare notes on-site, please PM me.
London Traveller
09-10-12, 10:56
Hi all,
I am going for a final late summer trip to Golden Time from Thursday 27th to Saturday 29th September. Other clubs are possible too, particularly if the talent is not good there and the weather is porr.
Anyone interested in meeting up. Just send a PM!
Best wishes.
09-13-12, 16:02
Will be back in the club on 28th and 29th. No work so proabably will be there all day. Would be nice to lounge with another monger buddy. Its not so much fun to drink and dine alone.
Will be at
World on Monday October 1st just for the evening.
Goldentime on Tuesday 2nd (and possibly the remainder of the week until and including 6th)
Have car, and based very near Dusseldorf
Very happy to meet up with anybody else who is around
09-18-12, 21:40
Hi all,
Iam back in Germany this time in NRW.
My schedule:
September 29th Saturday- Club Angelique, since I will arrive late at Weeze and will go straight there. 20 euros to get in, nice small club, more info on the specific thread.
30 th Sunday- definitely Golden Time
Sept 1st Monday- FKK 39.
2nd Tuesday- Golden Time.
3rd Wednesday- Fkk Gringberg.
4th Thursday- Golden Time.
5th Friday- open, will depend on the previous visits.
6th Saturday.will see.
Can change plans on some days to meet. Those who know me or any others feel free to pm me.
Optimist, sent you an pm.
Tb 69.
Back to Oase this Sunday, I maybe there Saturday 22nd September but won't decide until the day.
Here is a brief update of my trip schedule over the next few days if anyone will be in the area:
Wednesday. 9/19: Acapulco (AM: 1100-1700) ; PHG (PM: 1900-2400).
Thursday. 9/20: Samya (AM 1100-1700) ; Mainhatten (PM: 2100-0300)
Friday. 9/21: Oase (AM / PM: 1200-2000) ,
Saturday. 9/22: Oase, Palace or Mainhatten (PM: 2000-0400)
Sunday. 9/23: Acapulco or Golden Time (PM: 1400-2200)
It would still be great to catch up with some like-minded fellows during the trip.
Drop me a PM or a message in the forum if you would like to meet up.
Alternatively, you can locate me by a red, white, and blue necklace.
Thanks! BP
Landing at FRA and planning to visit Mainhattan or Oase on the 28th, then back to FRA. Any wingmen planning to be there on the 28th, drop me a msg.
Hey John and BonePony, I plan to be at Oase on Sept 22 most of the day and evening. I'll have my own black shower sandals, not the Oase provided ones. I have grey hair. Look for me and introduce yourself.ForCharles and John Dallas:
I'm in FRA now and plan to be at Oase today (9/21) and afternoon / evening on Saturday. 9/22. I hope to catch up with you there on 9/22. You can find me by my red, white and blue necklace.
I will be in Germany, in October, on the following dates:
Berlin- Thursday, October 11 through Sunday October 14- I will probably be at Artemis (first visit) from early evening, until I "have had enough", at least on Thurs-Sat. Maybe a brothel on Sunday, but flexible.
Frankfurt- Monday, October 15- I will probably be at Oase (many visits) from later afternoon, probably until I catch the last train back to Frankfurt.
If anyone is overlapping on their schedule, and wants to compare notes between sessions, PM me, or make a note here.
09-23-12, 21:00
24. 10. Palace / Mainhattan.
25. 10. Mainhattan / Palace.
26. 10. Oase.
27. 10. World.
28. 10. Sharks.
Or should I stay at the hotel, masturbate and eat a hamburger? ;)
I will be in Düsseldorf for a layover on Friday. My first time here, so I was thinking of going to Living Room, or even Dolce Vita. Would be nice to meet somebody who knows the clubs well though. Send me a PM.
09-25-12, 21:07
Hi, everyone please I need some info as to which FKK's to visit when in Frankfurt. My flight will be arriving on a Saturday and I intend to leave on a Sunday evening. Please where will be best to visit " I heard a lot about Palace FKK " any taker?
PM if you want to meetup.
1 / Oct = GT All Day.
2 / Oct = Aca All Day.
3 / Oct = Samya / Mondial (not too sure)
4 / Oct = Oase Morning / Mainhattan Evening.
5 / Oct = PHG for Party.
6 / Oct = Driving back to Work.
Schedule subject to change due to: funds; weather; logistics and GIRLS.
I have no set plans on where I'll be just yet, but I'll have a car and can go wherever.
London Traveller
10-01-12, 20:44
Hey everyone. I will be at Artemis on 12/13 October. If anyone is going to be around then and would like to get together. Send me a PM!
10-01-12, 23:41
Looking to visit FKK clubs around Dusseldorf for the first time so if anyone is in the area and looking for sidekick send me a pm.
I'll be in Berlin tomorrow and Thursday (3/4 oct).
Late afternoons / evenings at Artemis.
If anyone wants to meet up, pm.
10-03-12, 08:38
I will be at Hawaii (Ingolstadt) today Oct 3rd: if you plan to be there please message me and I will give you meeting point inside club.
Let's have fun all together!
10-04-12, 18:42
I m in the search of sharing your cost when travelling Friday or Saturday to FKK Hawaii from Munich.
If you want to share good moments and have a company on your way to club please PM me.
I will probably do Living Room next Thursday as a sort of break in the middle of visiting the cheap options. So if anyone else is going there please let me know.
Here are the rest of my plans: &p=1334501&viewfull=1#post1334501.
I really love FKKs and Sauna clubs, but I hate paying €50 for every shag LOL, and that's why I am not very active on this side of the forum.
Nille Copenhagen
10-13-12, 13:26
Artemis Berlin. Sunday 21th Oct.
If time permits I will be at Artemis next Sunday
I'll be visiting the Venus Messe.
PM me for details.
See you
London Traveller
10-15-12, 21:29
Hi, I am venturing to Cologne and hope to be at Samya on Saturday 20th October. Anyone who would like to share a beer with me. Drop me a PM! LT
Jimmy K II
10-16-12, 10:27
Hi, everyone please I need some info as to which FKK's to visit when in Frankfurt. My flight will be arriving on a Saturday and I intend to leave on a Sunday evening. Please where will be best to visit " I heard a lot about Palace FKK " any taker?Hi Justin,
Have you ever heard about the "RTFF" function?
It's also called search function or just do a little bit of self studying (don't be lazy mate)
Anyways, in Frankfurt you can either go to Palace or to FKK-Mainhattan or to FKK-Oase Burgholzhausen or to FKK-Atlantik in Hanau or to FKK-Sharhs in Darmstadt.
If you want to stay in FRankfurt City, then Palace and Mainhattan is your choice.
Mainhattan is quite a small club with very nice wellness area. The lineup and food in generally is not bad due to relations with FKK-World in Pohlheim.
FKK Palace is bigger than Mainhattan and offers more girls. Prices in Palace are higher and the risk of rip-off is always given.
If you are flexible and can travel to Darmstadt to FKK Sharks, then do it. Huge area with huge variety of girls.
In my eyes certainly one of the best FKK'S in Germany.
So long, have fun and keep us updated.
Friday 19th evening = World (lineup sounds interesting recently) or Mainhatten (Still a Virgin here)
Saturday 20th Oase all day.
Sunday 21st Oase or World all day.
PM if you want to hook up for a few beers.
10-21-12, 16:36
I'll be hopping between Oase, Palace and Mainhattan. No set schedule yet. Please let me know if you'd like to meet up during that time.
Member #4330
10-23-12, 00:08
Will finally hit Berlin this week, and plan to get to Artemis at least a couple of nights.
Would be cool to meet folk from forum if anyone else is indulging.
Not sure what nights I'll go, as will also hit the brothels and try EW.
Any big messes on this week? Hopefully it won't be too slow due to post-Venus recovery.
10-23-12, 13:52
Will be staying in Frankfurt between 24-29 October.
#Palace, Mainhattan and Oase.
I'll be hopping between Oase, Palace and Mainhattan. No set schedule yet. Please let me know if you'd like to meet up during that time.Hi,
I am arriving Frankfurt on Nov 10th (Saturday) and plan to visit Oase in the afternoon. I am thinking about staying overnight at Oase (from 3 pm Sat to 4:30 am Sun) and return to airport for my Sunday morning flight.
If you plan to visit Oase on Saturday, we can plan to meet and monger together!
I am arriving Frankfurt on Nov 10th (Saturday) and plan to visit Oase in the afternoon. I am thinking about staying overnight at Oase (from 3 pm Sat to 4:30 am Sun) and return to airport for my Sunday morning flight.
If you plan to visit Oase on Saturday, we can plan to meet and monger together!
VTI will be in Frankfurt on the 14th.
Hi guys,
I'm planning a visit to Paradise in Stuttgart this Saturday 27. 10, that would be my first visit to FKK club. I think I'll go in early afternoon and stay til late. Anyone wants to join me please drop me a message.
I'm planning a visit to Paradise this Saturday (27th Oct) , this will be first visit to FKK for me. Anyone interested to join me?
Long time reader of these forums but just joined as a member.
I will be in frankfurt from 9-11th November.
Will glady be happy to meet anybody for a beer and Fkk visits.
Planning to go to world and oase and maybe others.
I'll be hopping between Oase, Palace and Mainhattan. No set schedule yet. Please let me know if you'd like to meet up during that time.Hi will be in Frankfurt from 9-11th November.
Happy to meet up.
Hi will be in Frankfurt from 9-11th November.
Happy to meet up.Hi simon,
I shall be going to FKK Palace, OASE, Mainhattan on the above dates.
Would you like to meet up.
I am from australia. May I know where are you from?
Hi simon,
I shall be going to FKK Palace, OASE, Mainhattan on the above dates.
Would you like to meet up.
I am from australia. May I know where are you from?I'm from the UK.
Hello all,
My cousin has bailed out on me so I'm on my own now in frankfurt. I have a hotel already booked for my stay so if anybody wants to hook up for some fkk fun then I would really appreciate it. I arrive on Friday afternoon and depart Monday morning.
I've been to fkk Artemis before so know what it all about. Also up for a few drinks along the way.
Buck Rogers
10-29-12, 20:46
I will be at Artemis on November 15 and 16 from the afternoon.
If anyone wants to meet up, please pm.
I plan on arriving Germany on November 6. I hope to be in the NRW are and hit some party treff and an AO party or two. I will be in Frankfurt on the 9th to stroll the RLD and Kinos. I plan on hitting OASE on the 11th or 12. If anyone wants to hit some clubs hit me up on a PM
Hello all,
My cousin has bailed out on me so I'm on my own now in frankfurt. I have a hotel already booked for my stay so if anybody wants to hook up for some fkk fun then I would really appreciate it. I arrive on Friday afternoon and depart Monday morning.
I've been to fkk Artemis before so know what it all about. Also up for a few drinks along the way.
SimonHi all,
I'm a subscribed member so if anybody wants to hook up on the above dates please PM me.
Hi simon,
I shall be going to FKK Palace, OASE, Mainhattan on the above dates.
Would you like to meet up.
I am from australia. May I know where are you from?Hi CaptCabin,
I'll be in FRA on the 8th for an afternoon. Are you around? Was thinking of going to Palace.
I'm an asian from North America,
Anyone going? I don't want to go solo, again!
Forgive the cross-post. I will be in Bonn at the end of the month.
Bernd's is on the list, other clubs in NRW are based on time and logistics.
Any tips are welcome.
Hello again, as time is fast approaching I wanted to check again of anybody will be in frankfurt between 9-11 November.
Please PM me if you wish to hookup.
I am a very friendly guy from the UK who wishes to have a good weekend in frankfurt. Would be great if somebody can join me!
Smoky Jack
11-05-12, 20:06
Hi All- I will be in Frankfurt on the above dates. I will be hitting up Oase and Palace for sure and maybe World. I have a flexible bahn. De 5 day pass on the ICE trains so I can go anywhere as well. I was thinking of hitting up Colo in Augsburg 11/30. If anyone wants to meet up, let me know! This will be my second FKK trip.
I will be in FRA on the 8th for a quick first fkk-jaunt to Palace most likely.
In and around 18-21, thinking of World, Oase & perhaps Main, Sharks, GT / Aca with a car.
I'm a young looking asian from NA. Give me a PM if you're around.
Hi yakob I will be at mainhattan all night. Getting ready to go very soon.
I'm from the UK. Hopefully we can meet.
I will be wearing a robe and ill be at the bar.
My names simon and I'm Indian origin.
Shall be arriving in frankfurt on 10 November from down under! Planning to visit palace or mainhattan if time and condition permit. May I know your age and ethinnicity.I'm up for Oase, Mainhattan or Sharks tonight. Where are you bothh now: capstan cabin and Simon?
Hi yakob I will be at mainhattan all night. Getting ready to go very soon.
I'm from the UK. Hopefully we can meet.
I will be wearing a robe and ill be at the bar.
My names simon and I'm Indian origin.
SimonHi Simon,
Your messages are delayed so I did not receive it until it was released by the moderator at around 8:00 on Saturday morning. My friend had actually called me as I was deciding where to go that I should go to Mainhattan Friday night since there was a lovely amateur German girl there. Maybe you saw her. She is really relaxed and is no pro.
I got really horny hearing about her but then he said she not my type.
I think Elena and Antonia are on holiday so I decided to go to another club.
In the end I went to Oase.
Are you going to Palace today?
I am staying in Frankfurt but without a car. Is anyone going up to World today / tomorrow? I am happy to chip in for transportation costs.
I am staying in Frankfurt but without a car. Is anyone going up to World today / tomorrow? I am happy to chip in for transportation costs.
Thanks!I'm thinking of going there tommorrow.
Where about are you? I'm staying near Central Frankfurt station.
My final day in Frankfurt!
Wanting to go to OASE tomorrow or maybe World.
Anybody about? Can help to reduce taxi bill back to Frankfurt. Will most likely stay until closing time.
Have fun at either club. Line up at each are good from what I saw. Sorry, I I go to another club. I need to drive home tonight so cannot stay late.
I now drive to club.
My final day in Frankfurt!
Wanting to go to OASE tomorrow or maybe World.
Anybody about? Can help to reduce taxi bill back to Frankfurt. Will most likely stay until closing time.
Shag Master
11-11-12, 18:19
I'm in Frankfurt on Saturday, planning on visiting Mainhattan if anyone fancies joining up.
Smoky Jack
11-15-12, 02:08
I will be in Frankfurt 11/25-28, then again 11/30-12/1. If you want a wingman for Oase / Palace / Sharks / World, let me know.
London Traveller
11-17-12, 10:59
Hi all, I will be in Berlin again next week and have time for a trip to Artemis on the Saturday. Anyone like to get together there, please do drop me a pm. LT
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