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05-06-07, 19:55
Dubai trip report:

Hello fellow mongers – I’m what you all would consider a complete rank amateur. I’ve mongered twice before in my travels, but it is in the blood to be completely honest :P.

Anyway, thanks to everyone who participates in this great community and helps all us n00bs along the way :). Cheers!

Jetjo.I'm on my knees Jetjo, it was a great report I hope you will have one more from your next business trip in ME.

Cheers Spelman

05-07-07, 09:12
Jetjo...me on my knees too...here's to long long detailed reports...and I loved the enthusiasm.

Spelman...excellent work on the lists. This one got copied and pasted in a word file and is now safely in my harddrive.

Keep delighting!

P.S. Hope to be there in Dubai pretty soon, hopefully within this quarter :)

05-07-07, 10:34

Excellent work on the lists. This one got copied and pasted in a word file and is now safely in my harddrive.

Keep delighting!


P.S. Hope to be there in Dubai pretty soon, hopefully within this quarter :)Thanks, I have now received some more information from some senior members and other seniors will give me more info later this week, I will update the list later when I got all the info and post it again :-)



05-07-07, 14:12
LONG-WINDED, NO gory details here; hopefully just an idea of what you might encounter on a night out.

I'm the first to admit that, for quite awhile, most of my posts are comments on others, rather than a 1st-person FR. It's just that calling up a regular who knows where you live is so seductive. Certainly on Thursday nights, the farthest I want to travel is from my couch to the front door to let her in. The 50 dhs (round trip Bur Dubai), or 100 dhs (round trip Diera + dinner fixings) taxi fare is an overhead I'm willing to pay to avoid having to go out into the madness... And with an overflow of Miss ThursdayS overflowing into Fridays...

But I found myself with a Saturday night absent a Sunday morning 0-dark hundred wake up, so... time to sortie. Especially on what should be a slow weekday night, no weekend surcharges applicable. Yes, it did take a bit of effort to pull my rotundness from said sofa to the driver's seat, all by my lonesome, but... once on the road, feeling good to be out and about.

Had to make sure the autopilot did not route me to Seaview. 1st stop, Imperial, to check out any resurgence...

Imperial, 10-11pm, Saturday night
No entrance fee, but I am known there, and it was Saturday. Did have to fight my way through all the security staff, all looking for a tip...

Into the main bar. Sparse, room to move and to see. Mostly PRC's (at this hour), some Africans, and the usual hardbitten CIS brigade by the steps... One change I did note: during my time there, I was NOT constantly fending off a stream of job interviewees. Perhaps I looked like I was just there to drink Perhaps my wallet looks so small that I can't generate any interest even at Imperial :( Perhaps due to my long absence and even longer no-pull-from-there I was pegged as a lookie lou, not worth the time and effort :( Or maybe the word has gone out to the wg's to NOT harass the paying customers... :)Whatever, while there were a few cold calls, it was nice to be able to gaze freely over the antelope.

One familiar face did come over, a girl who I used to pull regularly for a weekday nooner. With the traffic now... another casualty of the traffic conditions. She offered me a "small girl" (an implied new, she being the mentor), but I was there to do my own shopping, thank you very much.

HINDSIGHT 1: She had introduced me to the latest girl who'd been trying out for the Miss Friday slot. Hadn't called Miss Friday in 6 weeks, and was wondering why I hadn't bumped into her at last week's 'Snake excursion. Sunday afternoon, did try; the dreaded "number out of area" the result. Perhaps fed up with the job and returned home, perhaps moved to greener pastures elsewhere, or, in this climate, perhaps a victim of LE. Should have asked Miss Mentor; will have to call her and get a status report. If gone, will be missed.

Several PRC's that passed the 11b's "threshold of interest" had been spotted. Not wanting to risk losing a possible candidate, and with them not cold calling, moved over to talk with Candidate #1. C1 was with her sidekick, a girl sharp enough in her own right, but still, both figuratively and literally, a head below C1. As luck (not) would have it, found myself standing next to Sidekick, C1 on the far side. Sidekick did start the litany, but as if they could read my mind (or else follow my smiles and eyes), they soon switched positions, and I was now talking with C1.

Both here "1 week, little English", but C1 doing some very nice non-verbal marketing, the flirting eyes, licking of lips, and shaking of ass to the music all appreciated. Certainly much nicer than the CR chorus girl across the aisle, simply standing there with that all-so-common bored look. I quickly cut to the chase: confirmed she did "long time" which had to be rephrased as "all night" to be understood. Then asked for how much she wanted. She responded with the dreaded "how much you give?" Did THAT dance for a couple rounds, until she finally stepped up: 700 dhs.

I put that in the "doesn't hurt to ask" category. But this was Imperial, and it was Saturday... I countered with my usual 500; not interested in starting low and bargaining up. Her response bit of a shock: "I'm beautiful; you should pay more". Now, that's a turnOFF for me, having been burnt SEVERAL times by girls who'd said that, I had accepted, and been SADLY disappointed. But again, with the limited English, perhaps that was her best VERBAL marketing line. While I stayed put, I had mentally taken 1 step away, scanning the passing crowd a bit more seriously.

C1 had bit of a chat with Sidekick; her counteroffer another surprise: 2 girls, 600.

FREEZEFRAME: Let's stop the movie and have a think about this. 1 girl - 700. 2 girls - 600. Hmmm. Perhaps they just didn't want to be separated for security/companionship. Perhaps they wanted to share the wealth, C1 not wanting to leave her sidekick behind, to fend for herself. But using some common sense and EXPERIENCE, I was wondering if it was the ole "600", as in 2 TIMES 600, or if it was a "combo" 600, but for ST. UNFREEZE.

Tempting, as both were cute. But, again, MY experience, that 3-some is just never as good as it is in the porno movies, and the norm is sequential, not parallel, processing (YMMV). I politely declined; either 600*2 or ST not appealing TONIGHT. Now, I did physically take a step away as I said "no thank you".

She took a stop closer, and hit the crux of the matter. She'd have to leave by 5am; visa run. Now "visa run" is a COMMON excuse for bailing out early, but it's usually given at YOUR place, not while still in the bar. I took it as fact, appreciated her honesty, got her mobile number as consolation.

However, before I moved on, couldn't resist pointing out 1 inconsistency in the story (have you seen it?): 1 week in country and doing a visa run? Bit of conversation with Sidekick: "Sorry, little English, not 1 week, 1 month". I will try that number shortly, hopefully with better results.

Over to Miss Bored CR. Approaching her, I said that she looked as bored as I felt. Her response of "Thank you" confirming that it would be a BASIC conversation. No non-verbal marketing here; obviously confident (and with reason) that she would be pulled, only question being who.

She lived in Diera (I computing RTB [return to base] costs for her taxi fare); LT price was 600 (reasonable for a weekend, including the weekend surcharge, but this was NOT a weekend). Now, in total, only 50 dhs more than I would have readily paid, but her quote was "base". Perhaps she was including transportation already. I probably could have worked out a deal, but... the 600 base price, her bored "no marketing" attitude, the hour... Did get her mobile number for POSSIBLE use, but it would only be if I couldn't connect with C1 (marketing and attitude making all the difference).

Another tempting in a very appealing dress - head and shoulders above the "shirt and jeans" norm. If only the rack had been more than an A cup...

Now 11. Time to implement Plan B: Rattlesnake.

HINDSIGHT 2: BarCrawler had reported a possible sighting of Miss Burberry, sans her trademark outfits. She is an itch I have been looking to scratch. Forgetting that I did have her mobile (SUGGESTION: do get the mobile number of "interesting" candidates), I did not call until Sunday afternoon, to see if she was around. She is, and she was at Imperial Saturday night. How we missed each other, I don't know; it was not that crowded. Perhaps she arrived fashionably late...

Rattlesnake, 11-12:30, Saturday night
Over to the 'Snake. This time, a non-duckable 35 dhs to get in, but it did include 1 drink (plus a stupid wrist band; felt like I was being admitted to hospital).

At the door, just getting ready to walk in, was Miss Mature, last week's pull. Saying hi, I quickly side-stepped her; I did want to get my paid for drink and at least look around before dropping back to her "safety net".

Inside, a good crowd, still room to move. Quickly spotted several CR's (that's Cyclone Racks on Cyclone Refugees), one of which I knew to say hi to. Once my drink was secured (not a struggle so you can see it was not really crowded), found myself standing next to her.

And here's class. We both knew I would never meet her price. But still, both of us, time to kill, a pleasant chat, catching up. She didn't know why Cyclone had closed, nor if it would reopen. She didn't know how long she'd remain, the step DOWN to the 'Snake NOT welcome, income wise. I said that perhaps there was hope for me yet... that got a smile and the advice, "Perhaps you should consider paying MORE..." Not quite the beautiful Miss A, but still, same category.

About that time, "Big Sister" from last week floated past, amazingly interrupting to say hi (perhaps she knew that I would NOT be qualifying with Miss CR). As both CR and I were looking for company, CR excused herself to return to chatting with her girlfriend.

Big Sister had stopped a short distance away. Making eye contact, SHE gave ME the head nod to join her. Things certainly looking up on a Saturday night... She had always been my primary target of the night, having struck out last weekend due to price.

The euphoria short lived. On joining her, it was a simple "Yes?" from her (besides the Cyclone looks, she had brought along her Cyclone attitude). When I didn't produce a favorable answer in the allotted time (all of about 10 seconds), she turned back to her girlfriend. Just then, "Little Sister" came flitting by; her, I do know. A previous Miss Thursday before she discovered her true market value and moved on to "better" things...

The difference between the two so apparent: "Little" charming, flirting, genuinely pleased to see me; "Big", strickly business. While I was engaged with Little, Big moved off to make a run at several gents at the door.

Seeing her strike out, figured I'd step to the plate and see if I couldn't get a hit. Excused myself from "Little", over to Big's side. Cut to the chase: LT, how much? Here, the response was, "You KNOW the price".

Well, actually, I didn't. It depends on the bar (I'm not a 'Snake regular), and the night (market conditions). So I said, "No I don't know, what is the price?" "Price is 500 ST, 1000 LT." (That is a PERIOD at the end there; or at least it certainly SOUNDED like it was.) She continued, "There are other girls here you can take, but the price IS 1000 LT". OK, apologies to all, but this job will be staffed by non-union labor. I shrugged, she shrugged, and off she went. Result being: Now I know, and will remain ignorant of her charms unless I win the lottery.

Back to center court, sharing a friendly shrug with Miss CR, both of us still looking. "Little" nowhere to be seen. Tempting, but... Why pull her at midnight, after paying 35 dhs, and perhaps she wouldn't want to be seen accepting non-union wages. Based on past history, better an 8pm arrival at my place, she can spend the following day there relaxing until I get home from work.

Another Cyclone "face from the past" swept by. By the time I placed face with service (fire/ice bj; think it was her), and went in pursuit, she had disappeared (don't you just hate that?) Not to be found anywhere.

To make matters worse, I had lost sight of Miss Mature. Earlier on, not a big deal. But now, I was ready to leave... As I was stepping outside to call her, find out where she went, she suddenly appeared in front of me. I don't think she was all that happy with my side-stepping, "You talk with a lot of girls...". I just explained I'd been in dxb a long time, familiar with the bar scene.

No discussion of price, duration. Once you establish a base price, that's pretty much it, at least for me. I don't try to bargain her down; I expect her to not try and negotiate up on subsequent meetings. Provides a bit of a common shield against market variations. Off we went. (Unfortunately, things deteriorated, but that was due to me hastily 'jumping to some conclusions'. Had nothing to do with price or service; I misinterpreted attitude. Mea Culpa, the fault mine alone.)

Imperial (early): mainly PRC, some africans (and THEY weren't even being grabby), some CIS. None of the CIS really of note, but it was early. It was MY choice to move on to the "greener on the other side pasture" of the 'Snake. I certainly could have pulled from the Imperial (barring a visa run, I would have), and in hindsight, should have. If nothing else, should have given at least 1 missing Imperial girl a call.

Rattlesnake: Number of PRC, definitely some Cyclone Refugees. Some blacks, some CIS, again, none really of note (for me, anyway). Again, a selection to chose, and I should have walked away a winner.

Lesson learned: think I'll return to the 1 bar / 1 night mode. With my luck, I can just about ALWAYS find someone of interest in any of the major bars. No need to move just to see "similar".

So, you see, all it takes is getting out, and walking in the door of any of the well known establishments.

Fifty Fifty
05-07-07, 15:22
I take the opposite tack: I wish there were MORE 1000/ST punters. Why? Easy, better chances for me. Because after that a-lister has made her target for the evening, everything else is gravy. So, instead of returning to the smoky, meatmarket bar, there's a chance that my nice, quiet, safe 500 dhs LT looks good...

I never really buy into the few can ruin it for the many. They don't have the weight. One of the best laughs I've had here was when a Cyclone A-lister was telling me how she'd quoted a visitor a 500 ST price. Finished with the service, she had to do her best to keep a straight face as he pulled out 5 $100 USD bills. By the end of the story, we were both laughing. My comment was he was paying for his ignorance. Thing is, she certainly did not expect that fee every time.

The way I look at it, the lure of the possibility of great money keeps the girls arriving... And they stay even when it turns out the actuality does not live up to the hype. Taking it the other way, I don't think that many girls would be HERE for a ST price of 50 dhs, LT 150.

Now, if the demand was GREATER than the supply, "ruining it for all" might hold true. But given supply exceeds demand... Market forces will always rule the price. My practical experience is it just means she might not go with you at 11pm for YOUR price, but might be willing to do so at 2am. But, for me, moot point; I've left at 11:15 with another who did like MY price.

Thats crap and you know it, only a fool would want market prices to rise and in this case the supply/demand idea is turned on its head. If you look at it from the 'supply' being the number of 1000ST fools available point of view then you may understand what I was actually saying.

The market only contains a certain number of 'A' Listers or good lookers from any ones point of view. For every 'looker' on the scene in DXB there are at least 9 dogs.

If the fools continue to pay 1000 ST for the lookers they will expect it every time and, therefore market prices will be driven upwards at a false rate.
The 'not so good lookers' will remain in the bars scratching for what they can get, just as it has always been.

I still think I get away with 500 LT for lookers at any time of day or night because of the way I actually treated them. Cons68 and other mongerers I met up with will vouch for popularity being the key to obtaining a good rate and very good service.

Enjoy dissecting that one,

cheers FF

Fifty Fifty
05-07-07, 15:31

That was quite funny that you mention that she almost did actually, but I stopped here and asked her to give it back to me at the door :-)


Yeh, happened to me few times. One girl woke up about 7 am and told me she was hungry, what did I have to eat.
Told her to look in the fridge, knowing there were at least 4 eggs, 6 rashers of bacon and half a loaf of bread.

Soon heard the noise of pans on stove, smelt sizzling bacon and heard the cracking of eggs as I lay there, in a lazy post-coital haze, dreaming of an egg n bacon sandwich served by a naked CIS girl.

I dozed off, only to be woken about 20 minutes later as she got back into bed and belched quite unladylike.

"Where is mine then?", I asked. She turned and looked at me saying "You did not ask for some"

Turns out she had eaten the lot, but to make matters worse, couldnt do the morning jump routine very well cos her belly was full to bursting.

Next time either buy the food and eat it immediately or get a locking fridge, better still, go the PRC route, they cook the food, serve it, and make the bed while you are eating it.

cya, FF

PS : I had a PRC try n give me a BJ whilst I was eating the breakfast she cooked, making things even more enjoyable

05-07-07, 16:48
Enjoy dissecting that one,My tongue in cheek obviously went zoom over your head...

I do agree that the way a punter treats a girl is an important factor in her decision, but I don't care how nice my employer is, if he's paying below market rate, then I'm moving. After all, we're ALL here for the money, not for the water.

If a-listers can demand and receive 1000 dhs for LT, and find punters willing to pay, then their rate IS 1000. There is NO FALSE rate, just the market rate. And if he's willing to pay a 1000, then that's a good price for him. Not for me, but then, I'm not him.

Myself, I'm really NOT concerned about what others do and pay. That's their decision. I make my own, have been doing so for a LONG time, on what something is worth TO ME, whatever it is. I make the decision, and, if it's worth it to me, then I buy. If not, I don't.

The one thing I do demand is that it's fun.

Fifty Fifty
05-07-07, 23:57
My tongue in cheek obviously went zoom over your head...

What was supposed to be 'tongue in cheek' in your dissection of my statement regarding rising market prices then? The original point still remains, so long as there are fools willing to pay then the girls will always ask, if they receive then they will expect as the norm.

Incidentally you used the present personal - I, My, and Me no less that seventeen times in your last reply, that is enough to go over anyones head, except yours of course.

It is about time we had a few real reports from the guys on the ground, including you please.

enjoy, FF

05-08-07, 00:14
50-50, WTF?

"Fools?" the price of anything, from a house to a drink is exactly what you are willing to pay for it, nothing more and nothing less.

I may not be totally objective here, but I think there are better targets to vent your spleen upon than 11Bravo. Heck, slam my sorry ass... like water off a duck´s back. ;)

Have you met the man? I think not.

05-08-07, 00:24
I agree with Bravo that that the price you pay is up to you. I pay anything from 300 to mostly 500 LT nowadays, the occasional 700, and twice I've paid 1000. But it was worth it every time. I don't care if some guys pay 2,000 (and some do). Anyone can still enjoy the hobby for a median price of 500.

I've met both Fifty-Fifty and Bravo a few times around the clubs - both are good guys, enjoying the hobby in their own way. Viva la difference.

Fifty-fifty - you really are missing Dubai. ;)

My Kapitan
05-08-07, 06:29
Back in Dubai next week and looking forward to seeing how the scene has changed in the 12 weeks I have been away. The reports of a lack of good looking CIS blondes are very worrisome but I am sure I will manage to find some suitable entertainment! Have several swinging encounters lined up this time as well. Those of you commenting on the photo thread re lack of variety will be sure to be reinvigorated as I always have a camera ‘at hand’.

Interesting experience last weekend in a Kazakhstan night club:- met a Dxb WG known to me. She was drunk and very pissed off with being here (Kz) saying that the money here was terrible and she wanted to return to Dxb. PMSL as its FREE here, all expats are given a Brad Pitt pill on landing in country by Air Astana – it makes even the most fat and obnoxious expats irresistible to the local girls who will do anything to have an expat boyfriend (or maybe it’s the fact that they know the wages contractors get??) no wonder she was having a rough time!

Piper you are right – I think 50/50 is indeed missing Dubai immensely, however I do agree with some of his comments re recent posts although the comment on 11B was sharp. However by 11B’s own admission - ‘I'm the first to admit that, for quite awhile, most of my posts are comments on others’ - he does spend a lot of time ripping apart others comments line by line, on the plus side there is a lot of good advice in the feedback he provides and that at least makes the contributions worthwhile.

One thing that grates me however is the constant lecturing on the correct use of the forum and its tools while at the same time blatantly abusing the forum threads e.g. the recent lengthy dialogues on the classified thread that had nothing to do with offering services. Similarly lengthy exchanges on the photo thread by many others without pictures always gets my back up, but its common throughout the site and unless Jackson (great job and its his site) changes the posting rules it will continue.

As for pricing - well I can afford the 2K a night but will not spend that amount on principle (I do have some :wink). 500-700 is a fair rate IMHO, but if its special I may just go to 1K - sorry 50/50!

I look forward to contributing FRs over the next few weeks. Any members want a beer – PM me.


PS how do get the smilelys to work - anyone? 11b?

05-08-07, 08:19

PS how do get the smilelys to work - anyone? 11b?

Easy MK. You take a '10' with a long tongue and willing hips on your arm back to your hotel having consummated the overnight transaction at the bar for 500. Gets the smileys working everytime. Enjoy.

05-08-07, 12:33
Old habits :)

Incidentally you used the present personal - I, My, and Me no less that seventeen times in your last reply, that is enough to go over anyones head, except yours of course.Appreciate the validation of my English grammar. Given that I am expressing MY opinion, MY views, and MINE alone, the 1st person singular/possessive IS required. I just never got into Queen Victoria's 1st person plural style.

What was supposed to be 'tongue in cheek' in your dissection of my statement regarding rising market prices then? The original point still remains, so long as there are fools willing to pay then the girls will always ask, if they receive then they will expect as the norm.The tongue in cheek was the 'I wish there were more 1000 punters...' part.

Perhaps I'm reading you wrong, but you come across to me (intentional use of the 1st person) as someone who seems to resent the fact that she can and does get those prices. My view is, if she CAN get it, why not? I certainly don't resent her for it. It doesn't bother me what others pay, or what a girl asks for, or what she expects as the norm. I simply know what I'm willing to pay (lot of those pesky 1st person singulars again...)

It is about time we had a few real reports from the guys on the groundLet's see, you can post your views, sans FR (and we [here, I'm so bold as to speak for the general population] certainly WHOLEHEARTEDLY support your doing so), but perhaps others not so privileged? Perhaps only concurrences and accolades are welcome...

As far as FR's, post #2785, below, is about the best I can do. I agree these days, I'm more commentator than FR poster. Not pulling less, just staying with the regular pitching staff, and not MY style to FR those events. Others who do report on such... more power to them. Pretty easy to skip the posts that you're not interested in.

With comments, just trying to provide some feedback; costs the reader nothing and maybe worth just that :).
With FR(s), maybe a bit bland by some standards, just trying to give a feel for the scene here, along with PERHAPS some SMALL pointers, mistakes made or avoided, lessons learned or re-learned.

MY goal is to provide some info, actual FR's or feeble insights, giving punters a feel for what they'll see/experience, and so encourage punters to go out, enjoy, and have some FUN in this pleasant environment.

including you please.Looked; you're not in my chain of command. But do appreciate the suggestion.

he does spend a lot of time ripping apart others comments line by lineA consequence of having a job that has a lot of time to kill (oops, my secret is out... you don't really think I take this seriously, do you?)

how do get the smilelys to work - anyone? 11b?Parsed line by line :)

:) use colon right parenthesis

:( colon left parenthesis

No spaces between.

05-08-07, 12:45
The Imperial now seems to be more strictly enforcing its dress code No track suits

No 1/2 pants (aka baggies)

No slippers (read sandals)
First 2, no problem, but I almost ran afoul of the last the other night. They did let me in because I was "known"; the gatekeeper "suggesting" a tip for bending the rules (not forthcoming - hell, there is always Seaview). But why risk the hassle? Pretty stupid, if you ask me. It's getting towards summer with the INCREASE in heat AND HUMIDITY, and this place IS a desert. Sandals seem pretty sensible. But perhaps a convenient way to keep local types out...

The club in Astoria, NOT TGIT, but club on 2nd floor that includes the Mexican restaurant, also applies same exclusion policy, at least they did last December. Also Long's Bar has been known to apply similiar criteria.

Talked with Miss A, a top member of the PRC Cyclone a-team. She mentioned that a number from the Cyclone's PRC diaspora have landed at both the Rattlesnake (as reported, bumped into some Saturday night), and York. Unsuccessfully tried were the Crown Plaza and Amnesia, both viewed as providing possible equal rates with Cyclone's. However, both seem to have an exclusion policy with respect to PRC's. If not a complete ban, then "restricted number" access. She, like others, tried the 'Snake, found it too down-market, so relying on returning clients.

Lucy Li
05-08-07, 13:19
You guys seem are argue a lot about how MUCH money for give business ladys. And some people here say so much is too much.

But I have many friends in Dubai who call me and come to me whenthey need to cum. They pay me what they think is OK, then because this they come back.

If a guy has real good time and I makje him feel really good he will help me a lot maybe 1,500 / 2,000.

Some guys but are just real bad temper and feel bad because they dont like ladies or are away from home and bad mood and impossible nobody lady could make them happy. they just rude and not nice and not talk and maybe dangrous ang give maybe 300.

So if guys can give what they want and the lady is very clever and good at love the man and make cum good she will have always the guys call her and cum back and give good big help.

05-08-07, 17:39
I'm on my knees Jetjo, it was a great report I hope you will have one more from your next business trip in ME.

Cheers SpelmanHey thanks everyone for the comments and kind words :). At the end of the report I felt I had got to windy, glad that some appreciate me blabbing on and on :P.

Anyway, I'm back in the ME (In Qatar right now, what a dump for mongering!) but will be back in Dubai next week. My schedule is absolute hell but I've got a mission to have two lovelies at a time this trip so hopefully another TR coming!!

Just need to find some girls that like each other as much as they like me :D.

Wish me luck!


Darren Roberts
05-08-07, 20:09
I have chatted about 5 yrs ago with a girl in Phillipines. She is now in Dubai and I am comming here too. She is in trouble as she ran away from home she cleaned in.

I said she can clean for me and she said $160/month. i said I want g/f and eventually she agreed to stay with me and let me fuck her when I want.

Is a salary $160 a week ok or too much-she will be housekeeper, cleaner, and love machine while I am there?

Mike De H
05-08-07, 21:34
Thanks Mike for the info, could you please PM me the info like this

(Bar/Club) (Location) (Entrance fee) (Menu) (Opening Price range ST/LT)

And I will ad that into the list :-)


Without appearing rude, er, no. Sprry.

If you ask Bravo11 reeeealnice though, he may format it in an XML stylesheet so it automatically files itself into the report. That would be cool. Or perhaps not.

05-08-07, 22:15
Never did; I took it as humor as her trying to export home prices HERE.

I'd venture that the VAST MAJORITY of these are "lookie-lous" just looking for someone they can harass, whacking off as they compose e-mails/sms's as to what they want to do TO (not with) her.Is the Primer in the closed down? I am going to Dubai in 2 weeks.

05-08-07, 22:19

Is The Premiere closed down? If so, where can I get some top a class CIS?

My Kapitan
05-09-07, 04:15

Is The Premiere closed down? If so, where can I get some top a class CIS?

Oh nooooo I can feel those four letters winging their way through the ether already....

She is in trouble as she ran away from home she cleaned in.
Is a salary $160 a week ok or too much-she will be housekeeper, cleaner, and love machine while I am there?

If she is in trouble YOU are taking a risk. There is little sympathy for miscreants by the LE in the UAE and, whatever you think, deserting an employer is seen as a crime here. Her previous employer will report the fact she has done a runner, YOU will be harbouring a fugitive and YOU will have more to loose than her. If she is still legal getting a maids visa renewal for her will be difficult if you are a westerner, you need a 3rd party local (I know I tried this one). Also your apartment must have separate accomodation for her if you want to play by the rules and if you manage to renew her a maid's visa you will be subject to a check by the authorities.

Really do you want her as a girlfriend or paid sex slave and cleaner? If the latter - and it sounds like it - you really are putting yourself at risk as you will be the bad abusing guy if she goes to the law (read recent cases in the Gulf News). If the former she will clean the place for you anyway just give her some money to send home. As for the amount its the same as the ongoing debate about pricing for the WGs - its worth what you want to pay.

And on the topic of how much to pay....

You guys seem are argue a lot about how MUCH money for give business ladys. And some people here say so much is too much.Lucy if you really want to maximise your income I suggest you ring Suzy Saigon (her number is on the classified thread) as she knows 'Big Seesh' at the Fantasia Hotel. You write in English very well and are obviously an educated lady - just the kind of high class girl the Fantasia likes to have for their guests' entertainment.

As Mickey Rooney recently stated The Fantasia along with others like Cyclone etal are temproalily closed for renovations and they are installing a pole and tables in the basement cafe for some PKK type club ready for the big reopening party.

In the meantime they have opened a small but exclusive club to keep the members members happy. All these guys are willing to pay the kind of figures you are talking so go ahead and ring Susie for the contact number of the Fantasia.

Other readers might also wish to ring Susie for the contact as you all know I never give out numbers.


F*ck me I'm disecting messages just like 11B - I need therapy ;)

Tin Tin
05-09-07, 07:20
do not get into trouble by harbouring her. if she has run away from her previous employer, she is still a abscondor, mostly reported to the le and immigration. any move from you to legalise is inviting for trouble.

read today's gulf news- even if you have consensual sex as admitted by a filipina after complaining that her employer raped her, both are to be deprted.

be cautious.

of course $160/mnth for such a set up would be a dream come true to me as i give appx 80$ / take away + hotel for a filipina.


i have chatted about 5 yrs ago with a girl in phillipines. she is now in dubai and i am comming here too. she is in trouble as she ran away from home she cleaned in.

i said she can clean for me and she said $160/month. i said i want g/f and eventually she agreed to stay with me and let me fuck her when i want.

is a salary $160 a week ok or too much-she will be housekeeper, cleaner, and love machine while i am there?

05-09-07, 11:19
Is The Premiere closed down? If so, where can I get some top a class CIS?Closure of the Premiere has been reported here and as yet no reports of it reopening. On that side of the creek try Ku Bu in the SAS Raddison. Also Speilman has just spent some time and effort putting together a up to date venue list, this may provide some clues.

05-09-07, 13:59
The way I look at it, the lure of the possibility of great money keeps the girls arriving... And they stay even when it turns out the actuality does not live up to the hype. Taking it the other way, I don't think that many girls would be HERE for a ST price of 50 dhs, LT 150.This point is very relevant. Make the wild assumption that ever monger in Dubai got together and agreed not to pay more than 100 ST, 200 LT In the short term, the girls have to eat, so many would keep working, but expect an expectation of a very fast turnaround ST and lots of LT turning into ST. In the longer term the supply would dry up or at least be severely curtailed.

Of course none of this will happen, given the proportion of DXB mongers that read this forum is going to be very low any thing debated here is unlikely to make any difference in any case.

500 is my ceiling, and I think that is fair (but it gets supplemented with a regular by meals, drinks, nights out etc.) but I have no beef with people paying more. A previous regular once called up to postpone a date as she had got a big paying gig. No worries, next night she was back with me for the original rate. Incidentally SHE would agree with 50/50’s "fools" comment, while she was very grateful for the money she thought the guy was stupid, both in what he paid her and the 300 AED tip he dropped a waiter.

Wicked Roger
05-09-07, 16:12
F*ck me I'm disecting messages just like 11B - I need therapy ;)

Not therapy just a nice LT session 3,4 or moresome with WR, Piper and Mickey Rooney again ....of course I promise not tell O ;) Remember April 2006?


05-09-07, 16:19
if you ask bravo11 reeeealnice though, he may format it in an xml stylesheet so it automatically files itself into the report. that would be cool. or perhaps not.mike de h, spelman: i follow the normal management attitude here: why get fancy and automate when labor is so cheap? it's a manual process for me. what i would suggest is given that the site automatically takes out multiple spaces in a post, you use ...'s to space out the columns so it is more readable.

on the bright side, once you have the list populated and alphabetized (i keep it as a flat txt file), updates are fairly easy.


is the premiere closed down? if so, where can i get some top a class cis?direct question, direct answer: yes, i have heard that it's closed, but as i rarely venture to the far side of hell (aka diera), i don't know personally.

as for top class cis: 1 word: moscow. mk reports very nice in kazakstan.

if she is in trouble you are taking a risk.

read today's gulf news- even if you have consensual sex as admitted by a filipina after complaining that her employer raped her, both are to be deprted.agree with mk and tt. the price might be tempting, but what could it cost you?

cited gulf news story is here: http://www.gulfnews.com/nation/police_and_the_courts/10123862.html

f*ck me i'm disecting messages just like 11b - i need therapy ;)my excuse is it's what i do for a living; difficult to change. but personally, i prefer the dissection method rather than quoting an entire long post, then commenting on it.

see you are a fast learner ;)

in the short term, the girls have to eat, so many would keep working, but expect an expectation of a very fast turnaround st and lots of lt turning into st.i've heard of places where it's 50 dhs/shot, but it's a fast turnover...

Darren Roberts
05-09-07, 17:17
Thanks for the info. I did not think of making her "legal" just saw it as a way to have sex and a clean appartment with paying some pocketmoney for "wifely" duties.

I did not consider i was harbouring a fugitive.

So back to drawing board.

Thanks again for advice

05-09-07, 20:19
Here's another story from today's Gulf News that caught my eye. Has been mentioned before: be careful what drugs you bring in here; even prescribed drugs can get you in trouble. What's legal back home is not necessarily so here extended.

What struck me was that even though he was a policeman himself, no professional courtesy or benefit of the doubt.

Visitor gets four-year term for drug possession

Dubai: A Greek police official will spend four years in jail for possessing 0.17 gram of marijuana and two promazepam capsules for personal use, ruled a court yesterday.

The Dubai Court of First Instance found the 27-year-old Greek, S.F., guilty of possessing drugs with the intent of personal use, as charged by the Public Prosecution. He will be deported after serving his term.

The quantity of marijuana which was found in the outer layer of the defendant's handbag is considered too little to be peddled, consumed or even possessed, his lawyer told the court earlier.

"The Greek Health Ministry prescribed the promazepam capsules as medication to our client. He denied knowledge about the marijuana. The tiny amount of marijuana could have mistakenly stuck to the bag during his vacation in the Maldives where the law does not incriminate possessing such drugs," defended his lawyer.

The Greek who pleaded innocent earlier said, "I borrowed my friend's handbag, cleaned it properly and used it to carry my belongings. I've never used or possessed drugs in my life. It is impossible for me to do something which I personally arrest drug suspects for."

The customs inspector who seized the drugs from the suspect said, 'he told me that it is for his personal use'.And you might want to buy your own suitcase...

05-10-07, 07:09
This incomplete list includes trade name and generic name drugs prohibited for personal entry into the UAE:


There are some pretty common and mild substances on this list.

05-10-07, 13:01
Comn friends, somenthing strange is goung on. So many bars closed and so few threads.

Please if anyone has an idea about that let us know. Personally I am very disappointed, Premiere is my favorite and whitout this place the city seems empty.

At least do anybody know about new opens?

Please keep this dxb dream alive.


05-10-07, 16:29
Piper: 595987

Thanks, Piper, literally LOL!!

Mickey Rooney
05-10-07, 17:17

....O ;) Remember April 2006?

WRYep I am still here and feeling hot and horny. MK are you going to give LMP a go? 17th sounds to be an excellent party.

Guess you are in the UAE right now, fancy a beer or two?

WR. It is time to mobilise the Mongateers!

05-11-07, 01:54
This incomplete list includes trade name and generic name drugs prohibited for personal entry into the UAE:


There are some pretty common and mild substances on this list.

Thank god Viagra, Cialis or Zithromax are not on the list.

05-11-07, 13:16
Please keep this dxb dream alive.Marcus: Up to each of us to keep the dream alive. After all, the "hobby" is a FIRST person experience (well, for the posters...).

Take the Premiere closure as a chance to explore new places. Yes, they will be different, but, each has its own appeal. Just need to find the right one that YOU like. All too often, it's just too comfortable to hit the known place, with the known "friends". I am VERY guilty of this myself: it was 6-months before I left the safety of the Cyclone to try York, Imperial ...

The girls had to go someplace... As I posted, some of the PRC Cyclone refugees headed towards York or Rattlesnake. [At least one (maybe) reads this forum]. CIS I don't know, nor any of the Premiere "staff". The one girl I know from there is on 'home leave'; with all the closures, don't know if she'll be returning anytime soon.

If you have any stored numbers, use them. The girls, without an office, will probably be eager for the call. Or perhaps they could provide some intel on where their friends went...

Don't lose heart. There are plenty of chances out there. My weekends certainly have not suffered. Might be more difficult to find Miss Right (for THAT night anyway), but half the fun is in the chase. For the punter willing to expend a rather small effort, FUN times still to be had here. Not EVERY bar has closed, and those that are open have caught some nice overflow...

You might try the Ku Bar (Radisson SAS Hotel, Diera). Not my scene (never been - wrong side of the "river"), but have read some interesting reports from there. Or Jules at Le Meridian, still on the Diera side. Maybe even the Broadway Hotel for something different. Or brave enough to check out the Crown Plaza to see who CAN get in (wg wise).

As my old boss used to say, "There are no problems, only opportunities" (and, amazingly enough, I didn't kill him...)

05-11-07, 17:27
Shamil - I have good news for you. Unbelievably, after kidding about 'Latino girls in Dubai' yesterday, the first WG I spoke to last night claimed she was Brazilian.

As my pal and walked from the taxi rank into Rattlesnake last night, we saw a tall blonde sexy caramel skinned girl ahead of us, walking like she was sex on a stick. She was a crowd-stopper. I picked up pace and managed to be standing with her at the entry line as we paid. I talked to her, and kept talking to her and carressing her another five minutes inside. She was hot.

She claims she's Brazilian. I asked her a few questions to confirm. She passed the test. But she may or may not be Brazilian. She clould easily be a light-skinned African with dyed-blond hair, who had done a bit of homework for marketing purposes. Her body was a lot softer than most Africans (I tested that too ;)). Then again, many Latin American girls have African blood in them. Anyway, for a small fee, I'll PM her phone number.

I also talked to a beautiful Chinese girl, who lives close to my house in a villa with 30 girls. Now that would be worth a visit. She didn't budge from 800, so I didn't pursue. It was about midnight, and I knew that two hours later she would probably accept 300ST. I wasn't staying that late - long week at work, so a few drinks, a few laughs with a few girls, and home I went.

Rattler was unbearably crowded with guys. 50% of the WGs were Chinese, 40% African, 10% CIS. Overall, quality was not outstanding.

05-11-07, 21:09
I have rang Hyatt Regency to check the status on the closure of Premier. I have been assured each time of ringing (3 times in total) That they are not closed and neither have they been. As anyone got more info on this as I'm planning to go stay at the Hyatt to be close to the action.

05-11-07, 23:11
Its been almost 6 months in DBX and I am ready for anothe fix.

Damn you lads have it good out there. Let me tell you how crap it is in the UK for p4p.

Going to Amsterdam in a few weeks for a stag do. I am not optimistic.

Keep the faith brothers and have a few for me.

05-12-07, 09:21
I have rang Hyatt Regency to check the status on the closure of Premier. I have been assured each time of ringing (3 times in total) That they are not closed and neither have they been. As anyone got more info on this as I'm planning to go stay at the Hyatt to be close to the action.There was one report saying it had been closed at the same time as the Cyclone and Amnesia. There are lots of rumours circulating, it has been suggested that the Cyclone closure was planned and the managment simply decided not to renew the licence.

I would say that your phone call directly to the Hotel would settle the issue. It does seem strange that no one challenged the report before, but for most residents the Premier is on the wrong side of the creek and at the wrong end of the price scale, so is seldom visited.

Has anyone actually been there recently?

Any news on the current status of the Amnesia?

05-12-07, 12:40
I know it may not be the right place to add this thread.

I understand that in UAE LAW all residents are inclined to take the blood test, does that include all the girls working girls have been through the test.
thus excluding the visitors.

I always let the girls give me BBBJ after the third meeting or may be the 2nd if she nice one.
I met this PRC which I have known for some time, always protected sex with her but she saying she would like to do BBFS now and has said that she took the medical month ago.
Kindly anyone can shed some light to this.


05-12-07, 12:43
There was one report saying it had been closed at the same time as the Cyclone and Amnesia. There are lots of rumours circulating, it has been suggested that the Cyclone closure was planned and the managment simply decided not to renew the licence.Yesterdy I phoned a girl working more or less permanently at Premiere, and she definetely confirmed that the club is not closed, and there is no sign that it will be closed.

05-12-07, 13:16
I understand that in UAE LAW all residents are inclined to take the blood test, does that include all the girls working girls have been through the test. thus excluding the visitors.

I always let the girls give me BBBJ after the third meeting or may be the 2nd if she nice one. I met this PRC which I have known for some time, always protected sex with her but she saying she would like to do BBFS now and has said that she took the medical month ago.
Kindly anyone can shed some light to this.

Abse2WGs stay here on visit/tourist visas, and are not required to have a medical. Only residents are required to have a medical and blood test, and only every three years (on renewal of resident visa).

Your criteria for allowing a girl to give BBBJ isn't logical. After the third visit she is safer? ... but after the second visit she is safe if she is nice? Hmmm. [scratching head]

There are no documented cases of HIV due to BBBJ, but there is still the risk of some nasties, including herpes. Estimates are that 70% of the adult population carries herpes (most without knowing it), so you can bet it's much higher in the WG population.

05-12-07, 14:07
Hi folks,
Just a quick update. A couple of PI girls I know (Miki from a previous report) and a friend of Diane are leaving Dubai. They do not know each other.
They were not happy here, they were too scare to go out and being new arrivals they had limited contacts (and then they told the few contacts they had no to pass their phone numbers).

While I am skeptical about a substantial diminishing in trade I think we should expect some changes, probably more in the qualitative aspects than on the prices.

If this keeps going I would not be surprised to see some self-slection whith the softer (i.e., less profesional) girls taking a flight and the WG population becoming more profesional.

Let see

05-12-07, 15:20

greetings to you all. I stayed absent over the past week from this side, not that I have lost interest in our common hobby, but increasing workload, thight schedules and increased control at home lead to my selfimposed bun. This despite the fact I had been over to DXB every month now. I just want to share some ordinary experiences, comments and suggestions.

I still a frequent visitor of Regal, despite it is packed, the smoke in the air is breathtaking and I am not in favour for self displaying dancing arabs, however for some degree I feel comfortable there.

Recently I was in bad mude and left Regal shortly past 3 am alone, walking over to my car and and had to hassle through a crowd of SW's, mainly from PRC and Afrika. There business was so obvious, I wondered what LE will do. Suddenly a police car passed this sideway where the car parking is, and the girls spread away like birds disturbed. But when the police car reached the end of the side way, i. e. where the Regal Hotel is, action at the beginning (Mart) already started. I was surprised as such behaviour will leed to some LE action sooner or later.

There was a nice Rumour I learned that Cyclone, Hard-Rock Cafe and Amnesia, all closed now, belong to the same person. It was said a Shaikh but some seemingly call everyone here a Sheick. And because of some disagreement, or the failure of "paying" (whatever) they have closed the establishments. Rumour or not, I do not know, but sounded nice and entertaining to me.

I have been now for over eight years, more or less frequently, over to DXB, despite living there ever. Believe me, I never had a problem and never was stoped by police. Lucky me, maybe - but one has to recognize always this is a muslim/arab country and the values, not only of those ruling the country or enforcing its laws, but also ordinary people can be different. A low profile, respecting certain rules and friendly behaviour even to an unfriendly situation, will let you path smoothly even througs some troubled waters.

If you take a girl sit distanced in the car. Just to try to look during night in other cab's and you need not imagination to assume what is going on there. This can be offending. Wait until you reach apartment or hotel room. Drink and enjoy, but ensure you can behave fairly controlled outside. Noise with sex maybe funny, but can also lead to unwant attention. Make sure the girl is dressed fairly conservative in the outside, this is not London, Paris, Moscow or whatever, Folks - it is DUBAI.

With just applying some simple rules and caretaking you can make your and the girls life so easy.

I personally believe DXB knows they need the girls, they do not want to get seen as a sex destionation, such as Thailand, but it is part of the entire business. As long as everything is going low profile all involved are happy, and my understanding was LE activities go along with either religious holidays or a number of girls considered to high.

Hope you enjoy my comments. FR?!? - well yes I know I do owe to you, esspecially for those passed my with some excellent contacts, but give me some more time.

Stay safe and greetings to the community,


05-12-07, 15:41

here are the short once. No pics at all, to be honest I was just to lazy.

NAME: "Victoria"
LOCATION: Dubai, Regal Hotel
AGE: said 26
NATIONALITY: Russian, St. Petersburg
HEIGHT/WEIGHT: appr. 170/???
BREAST: 80D (no bra)
HAIR/SKIN: blond/white caucasisn
L/A/S: 8/6/8
SERVICE: DFK, BBBJTC, CFS, FIV, fairly good massage
COMMENT: We agreed until 6 am, but after the first shot and increasingly after the second one, she wanted to leave. I do not like this attitude and even do not tolerate it. Several positions. Did not take number or pics.

NAME: "Kristina"
LOCATION: Dubai, Regal Hotel
AGE: said 29
NATIONALITY: Russian, Moscow
HEIGHT/WEIGHT: appr. 175/55
HAIR/SKIN: blond/white caucasisn
L/A/S: 9/9/7
COMMENT: Really a nice girl, the only turn off was she did not like DFK. Stayed until 2 pm, what had not been agreed and was very pleasing.
No pics but took her number and will repeat. Wonderfull face if she smilled, but did so only after while.

NAME: "Jenifer"
LOCATION: Dubai, Metropolitan Hotel, Rattlesnack
AGE: said 22
HEIGHT/WEIGHT: appr. 160/40
BREAST: 70B (no bra)
HAIR/SKIN: black/african
L/A/S: 7/8/8
COMMENT: Just my african day, but do not favour this to much.

NAME: "Marina"
LOCATION: Dubai, Regal Hotel
AGE: ???
HEIGHT/WEIGHT: appr. 175/65
HAIR/SKIN: blond/white caucasisn
L/A/S: 7/7/7
COMMENT: I hardly remember her, she was not bad and no good, just average. I believe she swallowed, but I am not sure.

Once again, to all of you a lot of fun and stay safe. Will do pics again in the future.

Best regards,


05-12-07, 22:27
A friend of mine told me that the broadway hotel has a massage parlour upstairs. Does anyone know if they do extras? And if they send the girls out to appartments? Really interested in finding out. Seems like a good place to go for a quick massage and fuck in the afternoon.

Tin Tin
05-13-07, 06:53
Yes, there is.

Top Floor. Pay there 150 DHS and the counter lady will give you a room key. Go down to the room and wait 4 the girl.

I don't know the selection but what I got was a korean (she claimed). Massage was so-so. Extra avaialble, quoted 500, came down to 100 as I said, this is what is pay in other places, if you ok, do it, other wise, it's ok for me.

Only + Point is you get the massage in a room and not some cubicle.

Disavantage. I suppose you cannot chose the girl or atleast know the nationality.


Tin Tin.


The PI Girls are really keeping low profile. many are stuck in k**h because under 25, those who are over 25 also, just accomodating known clients or who come with good references.

Very afraid to go out also. Before my regular who used to come to non-mongering venues is hesitant to venture out. Many have returned, many are planning to.

Cannot forsee what would be the result. 1 thing I observed is the inflow will reduce as the mamasans who bring the girls charge 15K from them which had to be repaid. Now that the 6 Months (Since most of them are on tourist visa sponsored by tour companies which cannot be renewed for the 3rd month) time availabilty will be a detterent for mamasans as well as girls who know the trade here. Would we see the legal residents being available? Will have to work hard now as there is enough fruit to be plucked.

05-13-07, 12:19
...she definetely confirmed that the club is not closed, and there is no sign that it will be closed.Thanks Hunter for the clarification.

With just applying some simple rules and caretaking you can make your and the girls life so easy. Great advice Tom. Be discreet, keeping a low profile will certainly minimize any troubles.

Stopped by Jockey's Saturday afternoon, 4-5pm. Early, but had to be downtown, so took the opportunity to stick my head in. Mainly PRC's, at least 1 familiar face from Imperial's night shift. Of the PRC's, no real stunners, but certainly some that would have provided reasonable company. Most looked like they'd been her awhile; there was one with a bit of "deer in headlights" look.

No africans, some CIS. One very attractive -stani, but lost sight of her. PRC initial price quote was 600 for 2, but I was only a lookie-lou, having just dropped Friday's date home, so did not bother to see what the actual price would be.

Nothing worth a special trip, but if one was in the mood...

Anyone been to TGIT afternoons of late? That was always the initial entry point for a lot of girls, looking to get that cash flow moving as soon as possible.

Eu Contractor
05-13-07, 12:34
A friend of mine told me that the broadway hotel has a massage parlour upstairs. Does anyone know if they do extras? And if they send the girls out to appartments? Really interested in finding out. Seems like a good place to go for a quick massage and fuck in the afternoon.

I can confirm they offer extras. They will either come to your room or you can use their facilities on the top floor.
IMHO it is better to select one from the coffee shop on the first floor.

My Kapitan
05-14-07, 11:11
Back in town, arrived Sunday morning so checking out the Regal was first on the list.

First off was Rockbottoms (Regents Palace) for a steak. Rules have changed, before it was a free bottle of wine with the steak - now its just a glass. This was offset by the free Bullfrogs for ladies so Miss O was flying by the time we left. The meal was excellent and the band has been changed for a much better group than last time I was here. Moved to the Regal at 1140pm. Group of PI girls being refused entry as we left Rockbottoms.

Rockafellas. No entry fee (just like old times) just walked straight past the line. Miss O stopped and picked up a free beer token and we headed upstairs to the club.

M/F ratio was about 3/1. Lots of new girls - no one I recognized, unusual. Range was almost exclusively CIS, majority in the 5's with a couple of 8's. Band brilliant, Brigette and her drummer brother leading the band again. What a change from the last bunch. The club was seriously rocking after midnight. The band recognised Miss O with me and turned up the heat. A brilliant night.

Back on topic the M/F ratio changed after 0030 to about 4/1 but more wgs arrived at 1am. Again mainly CIS although there was a small contingent of PI's. One stunning blonde 9 on the dance floor and a couple of 9's in the crowd on the righthand side. Didn't negotiate as O and I were just enjoing the music and I had had too much to aquit myself well in a 3some!

Joke of the night was three drunk locals paying to get in as we left at 0250! It closes at 3 :)

Going to give Rattler a try tonight.


Plastic Kiwi
05-14-07, 11:12
Hi folks,

Newbie poster here. Can anyone recommend a good place to go in the afternoons? CIS or cute asian.



05-14-07, 11:37
Good to see you back Kap. I might see you if I pop into Rattler after work tonight for a medicinal brandy or two, around 10pm.

Update on 'Brazilian' girl I met ar Rattler a few nights ago: A known ISG member PMd me, saying he speaks Portugese, so he'll be able to confirm if she's really Brazilian, or an African girl with a unique marketing technique. He called her number, and she called back from Bangkok! She must be on an international working holiday. Apparently she'll be back in Dubai soon. I still remember almost having sex with her in a dark corner of Rattler. She was smouldering.

05-14-07, 13:16
This is the updated Mongerong list :)

This time I put everything in a word doc so that you can download it to your Mobile Phone :))

I have added some of Bravos coordinates and I will keep updating this list with feedback from the members.




Greetings everyone,

Spelman and several others have been writing to me all in a panic to express their concern that Spelman's MS Word document somehow contained some personally identifying information about Spelman and asking me to please remove his file. I downloaded the file and I've looked at it 8 different ways and I couldn't find any personal information about anyone anywhere in the file, so I don't have a clue was to what they were referring to. Nevertheless, I have deleted Spelman's original file and instead re-written it in HTMl, which you may review below.



This is an updated list after some feedback from some ISG members and I have also added in the coordinates from 11Bravo, please send me frequent updates and I will try to update the list or update the list yourself. But I do think we should stay with the bars and the clubs we can recommend for good Mongoring ;-)

Bar/Club: TGIT
Location: Astoria Hotel
Coordinates: 25°15'42.99"N 55°17'32.50"E
Entrance fee: Dress and attitude will help you in for free but not if you are new.
Menu: CIS, PRC and Africans
Opening Price range ST/LT: LT 1200-1500 Dh ST 500-700 Dh
Other info:

Bar/Club: Jockeys
Location: Panarama Hotel
Coordinates: 25°15'17.81"N 55°17'35.74"E
Entrance fee: Dress and attitude will help you in for free but not if you are new.
Menu: CIS, PRC and Africans
Opening Price range ST/LT:
Other info:

Bar/Club: Imperial
Location: Imperial Hotel
Entrance fee: 50 Dh
Menu: Mostly PRC and quite a few Africans and CIS
Opening Price range ST/LT: Lt 800-1200 Dh St 500-700 Dh
Other info:

Bar/Club: York, York Hotel
Location: York Hotel
Coordinates: 25°15'31.78"N 55°17'49.01"E
Entrance fee: Dress and attitude will help you in for free but not if you are new
Menu: Mostly Africans and PRC some CIS will be served as well
Opening Price range ST/LT: Lt 1000 Dh St 500-800 Dh

Bar/Club: Regal Rockafellas
Location: Regal Hotel
Coordinates: 25°15'26.49"N 55°17'51.03"E
Entrance fee: Dress and attitude will help you in for free but not if you are new.
Menu: CIS PRC and Africans WG not allowed
Opening Price range ST/LT: Lt 1000 Dh St 400 Dh

Bar/Club: Rumours
Location: Ramada Hotel
Coordinates: 25°15'19.39"N 55°17'42.56"E
Menu: Mostly Africans and CIS and a few PRC
Opening Price range ST/LT: Lt 1000-Dh St 500-800 Dh

Bar/Club: Seaview
Location: Seaview Hotel
Coordinates: 25°15'19.25"N 55°17'6.24"E
Entrance fee: Dress and attitude will help you in for free but not if you are new.
Menu: Mostly PRC some Africans and CIS on the menu as well
Opening Price range ST/LT: LT 700-1000 Dh St 400-800 Dh

Bar/Club: Rattlesnake
Location: Metropolitan Hotel
Coordinates: 25°11'2.28"N 55°15'19.20"E
Entrance fee: 35Dh
Menu: This menu has a wide range right now, CIS, PRC and Africans and others
Opening Price range ST/LT: Lt 600-1000 Dh St 500-800 Dh

Bar/Club: Cyclone
Location: Al Nasr Close to American Hospital
Coordinates: 25°14'12.25"N 55°18'45.95"E
Entrance fee: 85 Dh
Menu: Mostly PRC some CIS and few Africans
Opening Price range ST/LT: Lt 1000-1500 Dh St 600-800 Dh
Other info: Temporarily closed

Bar/Club: Premiere
Location: Hyatt Regency
Coordinates: 25°16'28.23"N 55°17'53.84"E
Entrance fee: 100 Dh
Menu: Mostly CIS and some Africans and PRC’s
Opening Price range ST/LT: Lt 1000-500 Dh St 500- 800 Dh

Bar/Club: Amnesia
Location: Next to the Hard Rock Café
Coordinates: 25° 5'18.69"N 55° 9'19.12"E
Entrance fee: 200 Dh
Menu: Mostly CIS and PRC and very few Africans
Opening Price range ST/LT: Lt 1200-1500 Dh
Other info: Temporarily closed

Bar/Club: Jules
Location: Hotel Le-meridian
Coordinates: 25°14'51.75"N 55°20'47.11"E
Menu: Mainly CIS but there is others on the menu as well.
Opening Price range ST/LT: Lt 700-1200 Dh St 400-700 Dh

Bar/Club: Broadway
Location: Broadway Hotel
Entrance fee: 50 Dh
Menu: Arabic looking girls and CIS but others can be found.
Opening Price range ST/LT: Lt 700-1000 Dh St 400-700 Dh

Bar/Club: Finnegans
Location: Next to Hard Rock
Coordinates: 25° 5'18.69"N 55° 9'19.12"E
Entrance fee: No
Other info: When I was there quite dead, just 4-5 girls there

Bar/Club: Zinc
Location: Crowne Plaza
Coordinates: 25°13'13.41"N 55°16'48.95"E

Bar/Club: Ku Bu
Location: SAS Raddison on the creek in Deria
Menu: Very nice CIS and a few PRC
Opening Price range ST/LT: Lt 1000-500 Dh St 500- 800 Dh

Bar/Club: El-Passo
Location: Dubai Marine Resort & Spa
Other info: Check out Alimo ladies nights, Tuesday

Two things I would like to stress is that this is the average starting price and these prices are subjected for changes at anytime and please do remember that this is only a indication for you to know what to expect, then it is up to you to do the barging we can’t do that for you here in ISG.

I can not confirm all the starting prices in the menu above due to the fact that I have not been in all the clubs so some is just the price range which I could find when I RTFF

Cheers and happy mongoring


EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

05-14-07, 17:32
I’m in Dubai for two weeks (leaving Thursday). Some of you may remember my last report, which was my first for Dubai - http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/showpost.php?p=594328&postcount=2767

As expected, this trip has been extraordinarily busy for me, with meetings lasting as long as 18 hours. Also, my company has seen it fit that I stay in the company apartment, which has reduced my options in terms of mongering (not sure if our door man would rat on me).

I had a goal, got out of work early last night (6pm) and decided I’d dine “in”, so to speak. I had read that there was an establishment on the top of the Broadway that offered massage with options so off I went, in a flash!

Hint: Learned the hard way that getting from WTC area to Diera at 6pm sucks!! Also, want to know how to really [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) off your Indian cab driver? Ask him to head in the direction of Sharjah during rush hour(s). The guy seriously cursed under his breath the entire way, it was comical!

Anyway, I show up and the little Italian place was jumpin, I went to take a peak and the guy told me AED50, with one drink included. Since I wasn’t there for take out, I passed. (I was shocked the "white guy wave" didn't work. I got onto a military base using that wave just the other day).

But seriously, it looked like a paradise, some real amazing stunners there (this was around 6:45ish). Lots of CIS and a lot of local looking girls (being my second trip, I’ve no idea how to tell where these Arabic looking girls are from). Seriously, though.. some real jaw droppers.

Anyway, I grabbed a quick bite to eat at the other restaurant in the place (wasn’t bad, my Black Label was AED54 though) and headed up stairs to the massage place.

I wait around for the mamasan and when she arrived she asks where I’m from so I tell her “Down the street” not really understanding the question. She clarifies nationality so I tell her US. It wouldn’t be a strange question but the circumstances made it weird. She asked if I was staying in the hotel and wanted a massage, I said I was not staying there and yes, I would like a massage. AED150 for 50 minute massage and 20 minute steam room (??). Sure, okay whatever – She gives me a room key for a lower floor (very strange) and said to wait in the room and the girl would come.

Okies.. so I head down stairs and find the room and open up the door. I was sort of expecting a converted hotel room into a massage room or something but alas, just a motel room.. Seedy good fun! By the time I kick off my shoes and look out the window, the girl knocks on the door.

She’s a bit older, maybe early-mid thirties, some sort of asian (again, I’ve no idea how to tell one from another). She’s not bad looking (6), and has a nice rack so I’m not disappointed.

I do have to say I felt really self conscious and creeped out by the whole set up. Wasn’t comfortable really at all.

Anyway, she lays out a big towel on one of the twin beds in the room and puts down a pillow and asks me to undress and lay down.

The bed was a good 4-5 inches shorter then I was so my legs are kind of chicken legged out to the side, oh so comfortable!

The massage starts in a typical way and wasn’t horrible for what boils down to 40 some odd dollars US. By that I mean that if I went to some Massage school in the US where they gave 40 dollar massages, I wouldn’t go [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) and moan to the manager. Some of the typical AMP tricks apply, grazing the nuts and spending a little too much time around the ass, etc..

After turning over she does my shoulders a bit and asks if I want “special massage or VERY special massage”. Uh, er.. very special please? She asks hand, mouth, body - .. I’ll take body.

And this is where the experienced turned sour – She lights up and apparently sees the words “SUCKER” on my forehead and says AED1,000. BWah! For a ST, I could get two girls down stairs for that, what the hell? I say – No way, way too expensive! I relate that I could have a girl downstairs for the night for AED800 and she starts arguing with me, saying that’s not the case.

So I tell her I’m fine with just the massage, thanks for her time – and she back tracks a bit and asks how much I will pay. At this point, my balls are turning a pleasant shade of blue and I’m certainly not thinking.. straight, so I tell her 200, and the debate ensues again. I get her down to 350 and she said no suck, just fuck.. fine, whatever. At this point, I would have been better satisfied by running into the bathroom and blowing my load all over the mirror (sorry to whoever stays at the broadway). But instead, she throws a lid on, lubes herself up and jumps on (how I was still hard at this point, I’ve no idea).

Her tits were great and she was tight, despite the generous amount of lube, add in a little thoughts of my girl back home, and I was done quickly. At this point she says “Next time you pay full price have full fun, thanks!” and basically runs from the room, with me laying in the bed with a lid on feeling quite stupid.


So the point is, my fellow mongers, stay the hell away from this place. I will work on getting back in the Fairmont for my next trip so my options are broader.

My company is trying to move me out here full time now. Apparently in these last two trips, I’ve proven myself useful. Yay me?

Unfortunately, that is looking like my only mongering session this trip, what can ya do. Hopefully next months trip will be more… eventful!



EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

05-14-07, 17:42
This is the updated Mongorong list :)

This time I put everything in a word doc so that you can download it to your Mobile Phone :))

I have added some of Bravos coordinates and I will keep updating this list with feedback from the members.


SpelmanWow, that's fantastic work! Seriously, nice job!

And to either add or ask a question - When I was in Dubai a couple of weeks ago, Longs had quite a few WG's, mostly PRC but a few CIS and an african or two thrown in. I've managed to make it in there a couple of times this last week since it's basically next door to my apartment and it's been completely void of any WG's. Which is the norm? Just curious if they've cleaned the place up due to LE activity or if the last time I was in there was a rare night or something.

And before you tell me to do a thread search, that tool doesn't work for me. It's probably since I go through a proxy I set up on my home computer back in the states, or something or another. No idea why but no search makes me sad :(.



05-14-07, 22:20
Spelman, that was absolutely brilliant. Thank you for taking the time to make the Dubai "Mongor Matrix". I already added to my phone. Big help for the newbies especially, as many people here often refer to club names but never mention the name of the hotel where said club is located. Again, big thank you.

PS: Anyone heard anything new on Cyclone, or when it will reopen? As much as everyone complains about the prices and bad attitudes, it's still my favorite haunt in Dubai.

PPS: I will be back in Dubai next week.

05-14-07, 23:23
This is the updated Mongorong list :)Very nice work Spelman. The prices are YMMV, but close enough. Will be very helpful to visitors. If I knew how to add it to Reports of Distinction, I would. I'm sure someone will.

On the way home from work tonight I popped into Rattler for my medicinal brandy (flu is finally nearly gone), and to catch up with Kapitan and his gorgeous Miss O. I called Kap when I was nearly there, but he'd already gone home, as he refused to pay the 35DH entry out of principle.

I have no principles, so I paid my 35DH, savoured my 'free' brandy and the lively scene. Nice to chat to a few girls from my photo album, one from Sporadic's album, and a couple of girls who've modelled for other ISG members.

No chance to take a girl tonight, as I promised Wildcat I was only staying at Rattler an hour to catch up with a friend (and I knew she'd wait up for me). I enjoyed checking out who I might take to Al Ain in a few weeks. Not a bad selection tonight. Some nice CIS blondes and brunettes - CIS seem to prefer Rattler on a week-night.

My Kapitan
05-15-07, 03:42
Called into Jockies at 2050hrs for the weekly draw- no luck this time. Interesting selection 2x CIS A listers, one blonde at bar and one on the pillar as you come in. Selection was mainly PRC but CIS were back in strength. Good to see given my preferences.

Saw Nellie AKA the 'antichrist' on my way out, she said hello. Did her a few times 4 (yes 4) years ago when I first arrived in Dxb. Now lookng older and blonde instead of brunette.
Biggest tits I've ever been lost in! Sadly she used to get seriously drunk by consuming every drop of booze in your pad as the night progressed between rounds, she would then become difficult and I once had to apologise to the staff the Winchester Grande as to why the table and side lamp was destroyed!

O and I moved on to Don Corleonnes at the Metropolitan for a good meal. Went to Ratllesnake after but the door staff dememnded 35dhms each. After spending over 600dhms in the restaurant I refused, they wouldn't budge so we left. Its not the money but the fact that I was already patronising the hotel that irked me and we wen't really in the mood anyway. Sorry to have missed you Piper.


05-15-07, 09:17
Hey JJ,

Bad choice to go for the amp when you had ample amount of goodies available on the ground floor. You should have picked one up for ST and rented a room for an hour or so. It was reported a couple of pages back that Broadway rents the room by the hour as well. So you would have spent the same amount of money (including room - and ISG members have paid as little as 300 AED for ST at Broadway) and could have had a much better time with a babe of your choice. Between 6 and 8 is a great time to pick up an ST as girls get a bonus payment and get free well before before the main LT sessions start.

Yes broadway has one major issue...commuting can be a *****. It's a great venue for those who want a marathon session with girls literally being ordered from a menu card and have nothing on the agenda but to shag 24/7. But not recommended for those who want to get around Dubai and keep p4p purely as a night activity. The way Dubai is expanding a better place to stay for tourists would be places like the Metropolitan hotel or the fairmont with easy access to all the hot tourist places and yet close by to night time p4p hotspots. Getting to Bur and beyond from Broadway is a breeze but coming back between 4pm and 9pm is a pain in the butt. And yes it is mostly filled up with locals but look at the bright side...being a foreigner you stand out and get more attention from the girls.

To Sum it up...better to order from the coffee bar and rent an ST room than to use the AMP (you end up paying the same prices), Stay at broadway if Shagging is the main item on your itenarary if not then Dubai offers plenty more.

But seriously, I would love to read a detailed broadway coffee shop review in the post cyclone/Amnesia closure scenario.

In the end, thanks for stepping out and experiencing a new place, although it did not do much for you but atleast it brought a great review of an unexplored place...and we all now know that the AMP at broadway is to be avoided.

Keep exploring!

05-15-07, 12:36
Spelman, that was absolutely brilliant. Thank you for taking the time to make the Dubai "Mongor Matrix". I already added to my phone. Big help for the newbies especially, as many people here often refer to club names but never mention the name of the hotel where said club is located. Again, big thank you.Thanks for the nice word from all of you ;)

As promised I will update the list the next time I am in Dubai.



05-15-07, 12:39
O and I moved on to Don Corleonnes at the Metropolitan for a good meal. Went to Ratllesnake after but the door staff dememnded 35dhms each. After spending over 600dhms in the restaurant I refused, they wouldn't budge so we left. Its not the money but the fact that I was already patronising the hotel that irked me and we wen't really in the mood anyway. Sorry to have missed you Piper. MKKap - no probs. Let's catch up next time.

Still wondering how your restaurant bill could be 600DH - must have been the bottle of Moet. ;) I agree - they should let people in who are already donating big money to the hotel. I've tried every trick in the trade, but they don't even let in regulars such as myself for free. Still, on a week-night, the 35DH includes a drink (normally around 20-25dh), so I rationalize the extra bit as for entertainment value.

Plastic Kiwi
05-15-07, 13:08
Hi Folks,

Thought I should add my contribution to the forum. I am not much of a mongerer, but I came across this site while planning a long weekend of naughtiness for the end of the month.

Made my first visit to Rockerfellers 2 weeks ago (prior to cyclone closure). Mostly CIS and arabic looking ladies, all sizes and ages. I was only hosing around, but there were definitely a few I would take away. I got in free, but I had been downstairs for a while before heading up. There was a good girl boy ratio, at least 2:1 when I looked in.

Earlier this week I was in the Rattlesnake on Sunday. I have been here a few times and always found it a bit agressive. Lots of shirt pulling, staring, and propositioning. Not really complaining, but it makes it tricky to drink you beer and look around. Very african and asian crowd, only a few european/CIS ladies, so not much to my taste.

So where are all the CIS ladies now? Maybe it weas just too early in the week for Rattlesnake.

BTW, what is up the spiral staircase at Rockerfellers.

Plastic Kiwi

05-15-07, 13:51
Ok, this time I hope people will find this funny. It was certainly fun for me.
A few nights ago I decided to call a massage service from the newspaper. After a very confusing conversation they agreed to send a girl to my place.

After just 34 minutes (I measured) the taxi stopped at my door. That is a first! So here comes a petite thai girl. Her looks were not great (maybe a 6). She has been in DXB for one month and her english is not so great.

I laid and she started massaging my back, quickly she was playing mostly with my ass. When I spread my legs to give her better access she started to lick me. Very nice, she pushed tongue deep and the sensation was great.

After enjoying like ten minutes of this "massage" I turned up and she started to give me a blow job. Very good technique, deep throating. No teeth... great. So now i decided to put the rain coat and go for penetration.

We go doggy.... and then it happens. The phone rings.... I have a conference call with 3 of my colleagues.
So I decided to put the bluetooth headset and keep going at it.

I kept shagging her, made a break and instructed her by signs to keep giving me a bj. All this time I kept participating in the call, a discussion for an investment in KSA... The girl keeps making signs at me and saying I am crazy but she keeps working and I can see she is finding the whole thing, let say, entertaining.

At this stage I think it is time to reciprocate I tell her to lay on her back and go down on her. I am licking her and participating in the call at the same time. Who siad men can not multitask?

She is enjoying my attentions, big time, and she is making great efforts to keep everything under control and make as little noise as possible.

Back to the basics, she starts deepthroating me but at this point it is really hard to keep "interest" and tell her to go back (2 hours).

She acts concerned if I am "happy" and I tell her yes and ask how much... she keeps saying "Up to you". So, taking into account that taxis will probably be around 150 for her I decide to give her 700.

She acts very happy and then suddenly as I have . sat back in the bed to keep the discussion she pushes me and starts giving me an even better bj... after I paid her!!!!

She gave me her number and for sure I will call her again... but now I need to find out how to put he bloody headset in mute.

Face: 6, did not look too young..
Looks: 7-8 (typicakl asian, very flat chest with big nipples, probably had a baby already but very fit body. At some point it was embarrassing as her body seems to belong to a much younger girl.
Skilss: 8
Performance/attitude: 10 with honours

So I have replaced my ass-licking brazilian girlfriend (from the office) and the ass-licking PI (Sabrina's friend). i am a happy man.

PS why are the prices quoted in expatriates.com so outrageous? Do they assume that people using a computer are dumber than average?

05-15-07, 14:22
Ok, this time I hope people will find this funny. It was certainly fun for me....

So I have replaced my ass-licking brazilian girlfriend (from the office) and the ass-licking PI (Sabrina's friend). i am a happy man.

PS why are the prices quoted in expatriates.com so outrageous? Do they assume that people using a computer are dumber than average?Cons - yep, fun report. I hope your KSA investment decisions weren't blown out. ;)

Have your heard anything from the 'Brazilian' girl from Rattler? When is she due back in Dubai?

05-15-07, 14:39
Cons - yep, fun report. I hope your KSA investment decisions weren't blown out. ;)

Have your heard anything from the 'Brazilian' girl from Rattler? When is she due back in Dubai?

Not yet. But if she is really brazilin we are in for some fun... my experiences with brazilian girls have always been uniformly good (in bed). Only problem is they have some problems limiting themselves (I found my girlfirned fucking the bellboy of hte hotel in sofia during a project).

She claimed to be Paulista, that is from Sao Paulo but was nto keen on talkin portuguese with me.

Let see. I will keep you posted

PS I think some of my colleagues noticed that there was something weird going on

My Kapitan
05-15-07, 15:37
Kap - no probs. Let's catch up next time.

Still wondering how your restaurant bill could be 600DH - must have been the bottle of Moet. ;)

You know what a cheapskate I am - should have bought a bottle of Dom then they would have let us in for free;)

Seaview tonight - See how the band compares to the guys in Kazakhstan - no shit! We have a great guitarist in our local club that could hold his own up against the guys in the Seaview.

05-15-07, 17:21
Can anyone tell me where can I get good quality Indian girls in Dubai for this weekend?

Urgent help is really needed please.

05-15-07, 21:39
Just returned from another Dubai trip. Just a summary of my trip, a bit long winded but trying to pull out the relevant details;

First stop. Fatima, described in previous posts by Muff Man, who had also kindly provided me her contact number.

MM, thank you, thank and you and thank you again Sir, what a lady!

She drove herself to the hotel, had told me 12. 00 midnight, got there 12. 30, so far so good. We had agreed AED1000 (ex A’s), she had initially asked AED1500 for all night (inc A). All told had three shots, twice that evening and once in the morning (at her instigation! ), also second go was A’s and again she asked me to take her there! She was going off like a rocket and complaining that she had not had any sex for a while due to cyclone having been closed, no way of verifying the accuracy of her comments re her lack of action / reactions, however it all contributed to the mood in a positive way. She has a decent body, slightly going to fat – aren’t we all – but the level of service, personality and communication more than made up for that.

On a general note Fatima pulled up in a brand new Infiniti 4x4 vehicle, FX 35 I think its called. Told me it was a present from one of the sheikh’s. The gist being he had asked her to drive to some sort of retreat outside town for a ‘party’ and she mentioned that she had a crappy Toyota and was not too keen on the drive, anyway he talked her around, she turns up in Toyota and drives back in Infiniti! Maybe in this case I was the ‘hobby’ for her between parties. May also explain some of the attitudes from the better ladies, if their patrons are that lavish then it is understandable why some of these ladies will pitch a price and stick to it.

If anyone wants her number please DO NOT PM me, I received it from MM so it is his and not mine to hand around.

Juen, she is referred in previous posts / described as a semi-pro who can be found at Crowne Plaza. I had her telephone number provided by FFF. Nice girl, gave me a few tips on exercise. She is some sort of fitness instructor by day. However not really my cup of tea. Paid her AED 800 for a single shot, she had not specified how much she wanted to paid, in hindsight if Fatima was AED 1000 the previous evening, then by the same value scale I should not have given Juen more than a couple of hundred.

My takeway from this was that I would steer clear of semi-pro’s. Semi status makes it harder to discuss and agree details of service and compensation beforehand, the resulting ambiguity can be worked in the providers favour. Also professionals are just that, you would not get an amateur plumber to fix your pipes? Anyway, lesson learnt and a mistake not to be repeated for me at least, others will have a different experience and am sure will disagree.

Broadway café, which has also been previously mentioned in posts. The place is a bit of a pain to get to, I would suggest the following route: cross makhtoum bridge heading towards diera, as you cross the bridge and get to the first roundabout (clock at the top of some arches) take a left onto baniyas road. Carry on straight for approx 1 km, you will see a sign for the taj palace which is a left turning, follow those signs all the way to the taj. Drive upto and past the taj palace / taj palace apartments, take a right at the end of the road. Carry on for a few more 100 metres and ask someone! At that point you are literally a 5 minute walk away, and as long as you do not stray too far from that starting point you will eventually find it even if you do it by going in circles! Look out for lots of fluttering flags, and you are prob close. Again as previously mentioned a very Arabic / Asian flavour to the whole thing but the upside is that you get to sit down, order a coffee, take in the sights and then close the deal. The providers are mainly central asian republic types, so if you like that med / quasi Arabic look then you will be spoilt for choice. I picked up there twice (both times around midday for 3-4 hour afternoon sessions) and did not see a single ‘ugly bird’, for want of a better description.

The service on both occasions, first a mid 20’s Estonian and second a 20 year old Chechen, was spot on. Cost on each occasion was AED800, and the service was quite comprehensive. One point to note, my first trip I negotiated with the girl that I eventually took away, did not discuss money until it was time for her to go, at which point I gave her the cash. Second occasion, there was a 'manager' involved who wanted the cash given to her before I could leave with the girl. Paid up after an initial refusal, but turned out to be no problem with the service there either. On these occasions the big head always get overruled!

Will carry on and complete the report later, tired of typing!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Road Lover
05-16-07, 01:55
This is the updated Mongorong list :)

This time I put everything in a word doc so that you can download it to your Mobile Phone :))

I have added some of Bravos coordinates and I will keep updating this list with feedback from the members.


Fantastic report Spelman and I wish I could show my appreciation more tangibly. Especially for occassional visitors like mine this is really a remarkable list. Although some work still needs to be done for those that dont understand google earth, or dubai landmarks, but i think it is a fair guide. Perhaps the best accolade for you could be if we recommend to Jackson to showcase this format to all threads around the world to give mongers every an idea of how this forum can be made that much more useful. It will also be great of we did our bit to keep this list updated and enhanced. One way to enhance it is to provide avenues for all kinds of mongering including outcall services, I will on my trip find out more and add to this. Thanks once again, Spelman

05-16-07, 07:40
I repeated yesterday with the Thai provider. Same level of service. Only one shot because I am still dirty tired form a hrrible weekend.

Same price. All "same same". The girl told me a little bit more about herself, she came to Dubai after being told she would make a lot of money as a hairrdresser (he craft in BKK). She has realized that this is not he case.

I also got an sms from diane (Sabrina´s friend). One of her friends is leaving already (got away without paying her debt because she flattly refuses to work as a prositute). Diane complained that she also wanted to leave, that she hated this. Given that I did not offer her to come to my place.

She was really good tossing the salad, but no need to involve her if somebody else would do even better and without complaints.

Still waiting to hear from the Brazilian girl.

My Kapitan
05-16-07, 12:03
I also got an sms from diane (Sabrina´s friend). One of her friends is leaving already (got away without paying her debt because she flattly refuses to work as a prositute). Diane complained that she also wanted to leave, that she hated this. Given that I did not offer her to come to my place.

Cons you've been around a while surely you can't seriously believe she 'got away without paying'? They all have to pay back the debt - one way or another.
She will be meet on her return home. For sure.

Jimmy K II
05-16-07, 12:44
Also from my side many thanks to you spelman.
Great work on the list

Have fun!

05-16-07, 13:39
That was my first thought too. As usual when I quote these girls I am not stating something, I am just quoting. It was not clear from my writing.

The only known facts are that the girls arrived 3-4 months ago and one of them is going back already (and she was not a star). Also both girls were quite jealous of Sabrina as she has adapted far better and is doing quite nicely, she paid her debt in 20 days while these two girls (Diane and her friend) could only eat rice and complained that Sabrina "she is rich, she can eat anything she likes"

However Diane will stay and pay.

For the rest, I just quote what I was told... The only relevant things for me here:
i) Sabrina, who could be an excellent provider, has developed an attitude
ii) The other girls are too scared to do anything
iii) Eventually they are returning back to PI

None of this is good news I am afraid. Not the end of the world if you are "country agnostic" but a bit of an issue if you have a fetish on filipino girls

Cons you've been around a while surely you can't seriously believe she 'got away without paying'? They all have to pay back the debt - one way or another.
She will be meet on her return home. For sure.

05-16-07, 16:21
Hint: Learned the hard way that getting from WTC area to Diera at 6pm sucks!! Also, want to know how to really [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) off your Indian cab driver? Ask him to head in the direction of Sharjah during rush hour(s). The guy seriously cursed under his breath the entire way, it was comical!LOL. But your "white boy" DID count for something: for others, he would have refused the trip, making some excuse about going off-duty...

Very enjoyable read - the time it takes to write such an FR is appreciated...

One suggestion: if you hit the regular bars, you can always ask if she has her own place, or knows of one you can use. Might be an extra fee if it's a 3rd party accomodation. Some girls will, some won't. Or Doctopuss's suggestion of a ST room at the Broadway sounds like something to remember.

Can anyone find the place on Google Earth and provide the coordinates?

Went to Ratllesnake after but the door staff dememnded 35dhms each. After spending over 600dhms in the restaurant I refused, they wouldn't budge so we left. They really don't seem to have a clue about "rewarding" good customers. It's almost as if they're "independent" entities: the restaurant independent of the bar, even though in same hotel. And what about the case if you want to eat inside the Rattlesnake (obviously other "attractions" too, but still...). The menu is certainly not that great, but it used to be, if you were feeling a bit peckish (for several things), you could pop-in, grab a few things to quell the various hungers... Just one of those aggravating things - you want to charge me to go in and spend money... I don't mind an entrance fee IF MOST of it will be returned in drinks.

So, taking into account that taxis will probably be around 150 ...Where the hell do you live? You must be talking SERIOUS suburbs :)

Just returned from another Dubai trip. Just a summary of my trip, a bit long winded but trying to pull out the relevant detailsAnother very enjoyable read. Again, thanks for taking the time to report. Always nice to experience dxb through some "fresh" eyes...

Sabrina, who could be an excellent provider, has developed an attitudeThat can happen when they figure out their true market value...
Seaview, Monday, 9:30 - 11:30

Had not been to Seaview for a couple of months. Nice to get back and be remembered. Band rocking as ever. Early on, fairly sparse. The usual work ethic PRC's in attendence. As the evening progressed, the place filled up (it is small). Looking, a very unfavorable M/F ratio, but that can be misleading. Number of crew cuts in attendence that increased the M population.

By 10:30, place rocking. A VERY nice CIS, black strapless cocktail dress looking very appealing. 45 minutes later, don't know if she had already been pulled, or had just disappeared into a corner, but did not see her. Did see that her sidekick, OK, but not as nice, was still around. A few africans, but majority of wg's (at least for the 1st set) PRC's. A number of familiar faces present, several missing (e.g., Miss Phone). Several couples on dates.

Just as I was leaving at 11:30 (damn that 0-dark hundred wakeup), 4 wg philipinas walking in. Had seen 2 inside already.

Certainly a number that appealed to me, YMMV. Not the numbers of the Rattlesnake, did not spot any Cyclone refugees, but certainly a better band.

05-17-07, 09:42
A couple of recent very quick transits through DXB. Was pleased to see Emirates had booked me Le Meridien presenting a Jules opportunity but not so pleased when we arrived late at 01. 00 on Sunday night with the prospect of an 06. 00 departure. Wandered across to Jules, took a quick look and decided to give it a miss until the return trip. No stamina these days! Arrived with a little more time to spare on the Thursday night and ventured out again to Jules. Looked like they were operating a notional cover charge of 70 DHM but even without their hotel card I don’t think they would have pushed it. The place was packed at 01. 00 and I can’t say I took to the band but it wasn’t music I was after. Browsed for a while; a number of tasty PIs but they all seemed to be engaged in negotiations with potential customers. Spotted a reasonable looking PRC who wouldn’t budge from 700 ST. Perhaps she read the picture too well and saw me correctly as "in transit and in a hurry". Anyway I agreed the price and we sauntered back to my room, Meridien clearly totally GF. Bell boys in the corridors giving helpful directions to my room when I couldn’t find it (! ). In the room Lucy was OK. Mid 20’s Pretty enough face, . A bit more solid than the average PRC and her tits collapsed a bit once out the padded bra but were still reasonable enough size wise. Humoured her with my basic Chinese which kept her amused and had as much as of GFE as you can in an hour. DFK, CBJ, CG and finished mish. She then gave me quite a good massage telling me she was from Shanghai, had one baby and was in Dubai for three months to make as much money as possible before heading back to the People’s Republic. The latter may be true but from her looks and Chinese accent she was definitely a "Dongbei" girl. She was keen to get back to Jules to find another punter. Overall conclusion; Night stopping in Le Meridien courtesy of the airline presents a window of opportunity with no hassle for those with only 5-6 hours to spend.


05-17-07, 15:13
As no less than 4 girls have sent me SMSes telling me how much they miss me and how much they want to see me...

What is going on? Is the end of the world coming?

05-17-07, 15:38
As no less than 4 girls have sent me SMSes telling me how much they miss me and how much they want to see me...

What is going on? Is the end of the world coming?
That, dear Cons, is a "ping." They are checking for a heartbeat.

On the good side, if they are checking, even during a lull in their business, you must have, at the very least, come across as a nice guy. ;)

My recent visit has been improved greatly with the discovery of a nice 24 yo Dagestani (Moscow was the original report...) who has been in town only 6 days. Though it speaks volumes, considering her very limited DXB experience, she seems to be thrilled with my company. I am also having fun. Her English vocab is now up to about 16 words.

Mark my words, in two months, she will be unbookable, serious rack, nice body, great attitude, and as soon as she learns 50 words in Arabic and English, she will be way less impressed with me.

Can confirm Cyclone padlocked up tight.

Seaview had no women available, so everyone just forget the place and leave it for me. (I am kidding, of course, I saw a dozen pullables the other night.)
Best Seaview selection I have ever seen, Stanis, PRC, a couple CIS, Pinays (one rather cute one) and even a African or two (who, in the great tradition, twisted my nipple as I walked past... only great self control stopped me from reciprocating.)

Is it just me, or has the new bridge reduced traffic problems across the creek? I noted a 2.3% improvement.

05-17-07, 15:52
Why all the sudden all at the same time when our last meeting happened at quite different points in time? And on Thursday? come on they will find a customer today for sure... if they feel they will not meet a client on a thursday night then we all should review our pricing guidelines. This muy be a buyers market after all.

I will be either at Rattlesnake or Regal... oh well I have got used to paying no more than 600 + taxis. It will be tough, but I am in the mood for some russian blonde beauty. But with my price ceiling and negotiation skills I wiil end up with chinese again.

Blame on you Fifty-Fifty, you showed me paradise just to take it from me!!! (I mean Sabrina) (And this is a joke, not a serious remark, for those too literal)

It would be nice to meet with some of you and have a beer. I have to say that my last meeting with an experrienced monger was quite productive for me!

That, dear Cons, is a "ping." They are checking for a heartbeat.

On the good side, if they are checking, even during a lull in their business, you must have, at the very least, come across as a nice guy. ;)

My recent visit has been improved greatly with the discovery of a nice 24 yo Dagestani (Moscow was the original report...) who has been in town only 6 days. Though it speaks volumes, considering her very limited DXB experience, she seems to be thrilled with my company. I am also having fun. Her English vocab is now up to about 16 words.

Mark my words, in two months, she will be unbookable, serious rack, nice body, great attitude, and as soon as she learns 50 words in Arabic and English, she will be way less impressed with me.

Can confirm Cyclone padlocked up tight.

Seaview had no women available, so everyone just forget the place and leave it for me. (I am kidding, of course, I saw a dozen pullables the other night.)
Best Seaview selection I have ever seen, Stanis, PRC, a couple CIS, Pinays (one rather cute one) and even a African or two (who, in the great tradition, twisted my nipple as I walked past... only great self control stopped me from reciprocating.)

Is it just me, or has the new bridge reduced traffic problems across the creek? I noted a 2.3% improvement.

My Kapitan
05-17-07, 16:36
Cons being 50's best mate I'll take you litterally and have a beer with you..

PM me.

Seaview tonight - Thurs, and I'm in Waxys for Brunch tomorow. UK and Spain next week but back in town after that.

Miss O accompanying me at all times just look for the stunning blonde with the older fat guy :) should get y'all in trouble!

Cool Tiger
05-17-07, 17:52
First time in nearly a year, but only for two days (and ONE night). DAMN!!

It may be the case of using an AMP or arrange a call-out to a hotel, as it may be difficult to get away to a club for the night, and have an early start the following day.

Am about to dig out my collection of Dubai Numbers.

My Kapitan
05-18-07, 15:31
Just back in from Waxy's so probably not the best time to write :)

Jockeys 8pm Thursday. M/F ratio about 5/1 mostly the after work crowd well pissed after too long at it since work. WG content was mostly rough PRCs with the occasional gem. Business was obviously hard going. At about 2045 the late crowd started to arrive just as the expat pissed population were calling it a night, never really understood that move..

Antichrist was at the bar on a stool showing off good shoes - must have had a good week (or night). The late crowd were far superior to the resident bunch. One stunning Platinum blonde, maybe a Cyclone refugee.

Moved onto Ascot Japanese for an excellent meal, even if it's not my favorite.

Seaview at 2330. Exclusively PRC and PI. Some really ruff stuff - all desperate- first time I have seen PIs actively marketing. Maybe 3 Africans- all well used. Band was competent but too loud (for me anyway). Got accosted by a drunk ex pat who claimed to be friend of Mark Knoffler (sic)- Yawn. No sitting room so enough for me, went home. Thursdays huh.

Waxys quietish today - price now 65dhms for 5 drinks and all you can eat breakfast and carvery, still a bargain.

Jules and possibly Regal tonight on the hunt for a 3sum girl.......


Cool Tiger
05-19-07, 02:44
Planning ahead for my Dubai trip for week Sunday, I went through the 20+ numbers that I had stored over my previous numerous visits, the last one being in June last year.

Having tried to call these numbers from the UK, I was successful in getting through to only 2 numbers. Rest were dead lines or a message to say that number no longer valid.

It would now appear that a visit to a club will be required, instead of being an option.

05-19-07, 07:12
Just back from a lack-lustre $50 blowjob in a toilet in a tiny Manhattan nightclub in New York,so probably not the best time to write. ;). A Honduran girl did the job. WE played some pool, and I was drunk, so I thought I was in Dubai, and things went pretty quickly from there. ("What's your name? Where you from? How much? Let's go").

(I'm pretty wasted after drinking all night and not sleeping 30 hours between flights. so pardon my spelling)

I'm back at New York JFK airport now - off to Costa Rica in a few hours. I Tell ya, I miss Dubai. where life and the girls are easy, and the gilrs actually enjoy sex.

I bought a few sets of lingerie and a couple of vibrators in a New York sex shop today. I hope the Costa Rica girls appreciate my efforts.

PS - my apologies - I cannot post this on the US board.

05-19-07, 08:21
Just back from a lack-lustre $50 blowjob in a toilet in a tiny Manhattan nightclub in New York

Piper, you are such a romantic..............

05-19-07, 10:13
some stories that caught my eye last week.

when the freebie isn't free

jail term for manager upheld

05/15/2007 11:42 pm
dubai: a court has confirmed a three-month jail term for a man who had consensual sex with a flight attendant.

the dubai court of appeal upheld the initial verdict after 27-year-old lebanese manager, f.h., was found guilty of having consensual sex. he will be deported after serving his term.

the public prosecution charged him with [CodeWord125] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord125) the 26-year-old brazilian flight attendant.

the dubai court of first instance had also fined him dh1,000 for consuming liquor. the fine was also upheld by the appeal court where the accused was seeking a reduced term.

the victim said, in her statement, she spent that evening with the defendant in a pub in dubai. they consumed beer and went with him to his flat. she claimed he raped her once in his house.i have my own ideas about what really happened, and a possible feeling of "entitlement"...

but, besides the jail, it's deportation. try explaining that to the home office. while they might laugh with you about "stupid" laws, it might be a different story in the board room: can't obey local laws (or stupid enough to get caught), bringing disrepute to the company name.

why bars have cover charges
dubai - airport perv faces court
tuesday 15 may, 2007

dubai - a man who allegedly went to dubai airport with the intention of rubbing up against women went on trial yesterday for molesting a teenage girl. the 27-year-old egyptian waiter was caught by an undercover cid officer who said he saw the accused brushing himself against the teenager’s back.

“he was standing behind a teenager very close for four times,” the policeman said. as the airport became crowded, the girl was forced to turn and it is claimed that the accused then purposely brushed against her. “i want the verdict as soon as possible because i have a similar case and i’m already due to be deported,” the accused said. a verdict will be issued later this month.

http://www.7days.ae/en/2007/05/15/dubai-airport-perv-faces-court.htmland if anyone has any doubts why there are cover charges, and that they can be selectively applied... can you image the bar scene if there weren't?

05-19-07, 10:23
Executive Summary:
York is open for business. Number of Cyclone refugees in residence.

Rambling FR (all in good fun). If you want the FR, skip to the bold below:

Like last week, Miss T again requested a 1-day postponement, my disappointment only somewhat soothed by her "come early tomorrow, cook lunch, take care of you". An unwelcome trend? Next week will tell. The [cover?] story was that 11 girls going back to China, so a party called for. Whether these girls were willingly retiring their visas had been non-renewable they were tired of the adverse environment they were going on vation during the summer doldrums (dxb NOT the place to be in the summer) I don't know.

Whatever, that left Thursday open. Decided to take the easy way out, called up last Thursday's pull. Her routine had been good, but the dismount was a MAJOR fault: 3 pt deduction for no morning wakeup. But good enough to give her a chance to see if she could improve her score on a 2nd vault.

As she says, "Little English", but here was the phone conversation (italics my thoughts) "You want see me? And why else would I be calling?
"When you take me?"
"How much you pay?" Hmmm, I have obviously impressed her and she remembers me, NOT
"700? You give me 700." OK, never hurts to ask...
"Same before, 500."
"You come my house, 1 hour?" I will admit, in my personal fog of "spoiledness", I took this as an ETD (estimated time of departure), and was rather pleased she was so eager. It took me a moment to realize she was talking "flight duration" :(
"I come 9 o'clock."
"Oh, you want all night. You not want 1 hour?" I have to smile. Elementary, my dear Watson; 500 is not MY hourly rate"
"Yes, all night" She conversing with her flat mates on the "robustness" of the offer...
"OK, I wait you."
She gives me last week's rendezvous point, which I think strange, given I know her apt building. She obviously doesn't put number with face. I tell her I'll give her a call when I get there.There's just something about this "conversation", so I make sure I am "club attired" before I leave, just in case. Get to her place, give her a call. She puts her friend on, "Speak more English." Not a good sign. As expected, things go pear shaped quickly.
"What time she can leave?" Hey, it's NOT a prison sentence to be served.
"Tomorrow morning."
"Oh, problem... [wait for it, here it comes]... Her best friend come from China. She have to go airport to meet. She want to leave 11pm. OK?" Funny how that departure time coincides with club prime time - surely a coincidence :)
"No thank you." A MAJOR FAULT - disqualification. If a girl tells me "good business tonight, can make more money at the bar", no problem. She's got a better offer - no problem. But the bs... that's a no score.
"She like you too much. You cannot help her?"
"No tonight, thank you." With the disqualification, I don't bother to get a price quote for the reduced service.
York FR, Thursday, 9:30 - 10:45
So, the question is: Seaview (been there already this week), Imperial (not on a Thursday), Rattlesnake (but I'm downtown already), so the obvious solution is York. Park behind the Imperial Suites (that lot is getting FULL these days), and find my way through the construction maze to the York. Contrary to recent reports, it is open. I am remembered; no cover charge. Upstairs I go.

9:30, the place, while not packed, is certainly not sparse. Immediately spy a number of Cyclone refugees; they certainly "stand out" if you get my drift. Spot Miss 1000; exchange greetings. She, as every other Cyclone refugee I talk to, bemoans the loss of the Cyclone. Along the lines of "it never hurts to ask", I ask her the price for the evening... No need for a name-change there.

Several other Cyclone girls come over to say hi, bemoan Cyclone's loss. The a/c TOTALLY INADEQUATE; I was roasting, or was it the company? Interspersed with the Cyclone girls, a number of [lessor] York girls arriving for job interviews. Maybe because the Cyclone girls knew me, or perhaps their MO was "passive", it was only the "York" girls asking "You want massaggeee?", the Cyclone girls waiting for an offer...

Nice conversation with 1 Cyclone girl I knew (biblical sense). A friend of hers came up to say hi; another Cyclone girl, very nice. After a short chat, they saw more potential elsewhere, so excused themselves and moved away.

Another Cyclone a-lister, who I'd talked with last week at Rattlesnake, said she preferred York: More of a zoo, but prices (for her) slightly better.

Did have to fight off some persistant africans. The "I just want to talk to you; why don't you want to talk with me?" falling on deaf ears - it's NOT JUST exchange chit-chat, and, MORE important, she takes up the landing gate.

Place now filling up, and I am beginning to become concerned about the effectiveness of my deodorant (though others obviously did not have that concern). I was sweating just standing there. Just as I was about to go look for Miss Friend, spotted her, made eye contact, and over she came. Nice, matter of fact discussion of the situation - besides looks, those Cyclone girls, or most of them, do have the english. She remembered me from the Cyclone, and I think I might have remembered her. Finally, gets down to "How much for tonight?"

She gives me the "suggested" "Sometimes customers give me 1000, sometimes 800..." I decline respectfully. She asks me how much I pay. "500". She then asks, "Is that for 1 hour, or 2?" I laugh, say "all night." I figure no chance here, and am beginning to entertain the notion of actually catching the Seaview band's 2nd set, seeing who turns up late (I know all the faces from the 1st set). But I remind myself to follow my own advice: I CAN find someone from York.

Just then, she counters with "Tonight, many people. Good business. 600." Yes, above my ceiling, but sometimes you have to go crazy, throw caution to the winds :), and I wasn't going to start haggling over a 100. Only thing I asked was what time would she leave? Her response was "7, 8, 9?" Given I can only sleep in on weekends, I told her anything before 9 would be a no-go; we agreed on 9.

I was also concerned about the walk to the car, but she said at that hour, no problem. (Later on, near closing, she did get a phone call from a gf about "some problems outside York", but did not say exactly what).

No band, only dj (at least before 11). Happy hour until 10; the waitress did give a last call before it ended. Waitresses not pushy for drinks. Many PRC's, a number of africans, and some CIS at the "early" hour (before 11). Some very attractive PRC Cyclone refugees, but some had brought their Cyclone prices along, at least Thursday night. But not all... Perhaps not the glory days of York, but still, worth a visit.

05-19-07, 14:31

Rambling FR (all in good fun). If you want the FR, skip to the bold below:

Loved the telecon :) the thoughts were even funnier. Reminds me of the classic one:

Hello: where you talking from?
Reply: hmmm...From my mouth obviously!

keep rambling!

05-19-07, 16:21
Have fun guys this is an updated mongoreing list from some ISG members 190507

Bravo, I owe you a beer in Rattle the next time :)


05-19-07, 16:54
I need the opinion of all the seasoned mongers here please!

I visited Dubai this week on a business trip. I've been visiting this forum for sometime now, and was eager to try some of the stuff mentioned here while I was in Dubai. During my stay I visited Astoria, the Lodge, York Internatinal and Regal and went with couple of girls which was all okay. However, on the last day I thought I needed somethng different so I went to another club on Tuesday evening. The club was full of Turkish/Lebanese girls (I think). Many of the girls approached me, but I was not to keen on trying something immediately. I spent couple of hours drinking and looking around. Finally I saw a very quiet and innocent-looking girl sitting with two or three another girls. She was not looking around hunting for customers unlike others. She seemed out of place there. I thought I would take her. However, before I could approach her, a couple of guys approached their table and took off with couple of the girls including the girl I mentioned (let's call her M for convenience). After M and her friend were gone, I approached the other girl who was sitting with her and asked her if she will be back. She replied, Yes, in an hour. So I told her I'll wait for her and to let me know if she's back.

I waited for more than an hour until she was finally back. In the meantime I was talking to her (Turkish) friend who told me that M was Romanian and she is very new here and couldn't speak english. She also gave took my number and told me that once I am done with M that night, i should call her the next day for some good time with her. When M finally arrived, her friend asked her where am I gonna take her. I told her I was living in Habtoor Grand (near Jebel Ali sailing club). She said she won't go so far as she is very new here and nervous about going out, so I needed to take a room within Broadway hotel. I told her I am not carrying my passport, so It's not possible. She spoke to M for a bit and then called up M's mamasan on the phone. I also tried convincing M's mamasan on the phone that it's a good 5 star hotel (not many people seem to know about the hotel) and I'm a decent person and will take care of her. FInally her friend and mamasan were convinced and asked M to go with me.

We set off for the hotel in the cab at about 2am. M couldn't speak any english at all. She looked very beautiful and innocent, but a bit worried at the same time. I tried explaining to her not to worry, and that she'll be safe, but it was a struggle since she barely understood english. I tried striking some kind of conversation but it was all in vain as she kept on saying sentences starting with 'Pashemu', 'Kak', 'Shto' etc. One thing I did manage to ask her was about her country and she seemed to understand that as she said 'Roosi' (Russia) contrary to what her friend had said (She said M was romanian). Even though I had come to broadway thinking of going with some Arab/Lebanese or turkish girl, I was not at all disappointed with M being russian, such was her beauty and demeanour.

When I reached the hotel, the first thing I did was switch on my laptop and start google's translation tool for translating English into Russian. I also opened another website which could be used to type russian letters for her to use (as my laptop didnt have cyrillic alphabets). Using these tools we started an immensely slow but enjoyable process of getting to know each other. She was impressed by my computer skills (she told she hadn't used it much before). I told her about what I do, and she told me about where she comes from (an industrial town in Russia). I typed the name of her town in Wikipedia and she immediately recognised the pictures of her town and and her eyes were filled with tears of longing. I asked her how long she been in dubai, and she replied she had been here only for 7 days! I asked if she missed her home, she replied yes! with a glimpse of tears in her eyes. I hugged her and tried to comfort her, and she felt okay. I also asked her if she was doing this out of her own will or she's been forced into this work.. she nodded her head and waved her hand as if she is saying '50-50'. I asked if she was hungry and she said, yes a bit, and she helped herself with some fruits kept on my table. She seemed much more relaxed now and was actually enjoying our conversation. I asked her if she was happy with the place and if she felt safe? she replied in the affirmative.

We conversed (barely speaking a word, using my laptop to translate english to russian and vice-versa) for about an hour. At about four in the morning, I told her that I was very sleepy and we prepared ourself for bed. I changed into my pyjamas and asked her to use the bathrobe as her evening gown. (No we didn't strip bare naked in the first moment as most girls and johns would do). We lied down on the bed looking at each other. I wanted to kiss her, but I was almost as nervous as if I was on my first date. I didn't feel at all that I was with a call-girl (I even hate using that word with regards to M).

Slowly, after lying down for a few mins i approached her and touched her lips with mine. she drew closer. We slowly started kissing and kissed for almost 15 mins. It was the most intense and sweetest kiss I had ever experienced. Things took off from there and we made love for almost next one hour. However, during the entire one hour, there was barely a minute when we were NOT kissing each other frentically and passionately. After we were exhausted, we still kept looking and smiling at each other. I kept running my fingers in her hair asking her to go to sleep. She kept teasing me with her abrupt kisses, playfully touching my tongue with hers, she said she couldnt sleep. At about 5.30 in the morning, M's mamasan called her up. I didn't want to let her go, so I told her I'll pay more and asked her to let M stay back until 12. Mamasan agreed (ofcourse why wouldnt she!) and spoke to M (in russian) to explain to her that she should take the money from me and stay back till 12.

After mamasan's call ended, we continued playfully kissing each other, making funny faces, nibbling each other's ears and cheeks. M would never stop abruptly kissing me and and biting my lips all these while. we made love once again, then ordered breakfast and then slept in each others arms. After about an hour or so, I woke up again and saw her sleeping besides me. I kissed her.. she slowly opened her sleepy eyes, looked at me lovingly and went to sleep again. I kept teasing her by kissing her all over her body.. and before we know we were in each other's arms and making love again. This time, i didnt even use a condom. I felt so close to her and no thought of STD ran through my mind. She didnt insist for a condom either (unlike in the first two sessions). Maybe even she had started to trust me. Finally it was around 11 and i realised its gonna be my last 1 hour with her as i was returning to London by the 4.15 evening flight. I told her that I was returning to London the same day, she looked a bit disappointed. I told her that I will definitely come back sometime and see her. She nodded her head. I asked her phone number (she said, she doesnt have a permanent phone number, she only gets a phone from her mamasan when she goes out for calls. I said dont worry, i'll find some way of finding her. I gave her my business card clearly marking my phone number and asked her to give me a call if she gets a number of her own. Remember, all these conversations were taking place through the translation tool on my laptop, allthough M did manage to teach me the meaning of few russian words (Pashemu=Why, kak=how, shto=what etc) in this short while. Finally, it was 11.45 and M stood up to get ready, but I grabbed her into bed again and we made love again until about 12.15 when she got worrid about her mamasan calling her.

At 12.30 I asked M to call up her mamasan and i spoke to her mamasan to get the directions and address for the cab as M could barely speak anything besides russian. I offered to take her outside the hotel and drop her in the cab and explain the address to the cab driver, however i couldnt drop her all the way to her house as I had to leave for airport in two hours and had still to do my packing and checkout. As we were preparing to leave, I held M in my arms for one last time and kissed her, and couldnt help saying her 'I love you'. She didnt understand it initally, so i had to translate that too. I kissed her again and said I love you. She responded by saying I love you.

When I went out to the hotel lobby to drop her in the cab, i didnt feel any shame unlike last night while bringing her to the hotel. There was no reason to be ashamed, she was not a call girl for me, she was someone I loved!. I roamed around with her, showing her the swimming pool. Called for the cab and sat with her in the lobby waiting for the cab. However, when the private cab arrived, i didnt wanna explain the directions to the hotel car driver as that would give away the reason M was in the hotel. I decided I would accompany her till Mall of the emirates where we would get off and get M into another cab to her home. In the cab, I held her hand in mine. I took my pen and wrote I (L) U on her hand. she smiled. We kept looking at each other fondly as well as with a hint of sadness knowing that we were about to part ways. I opened my wallet for a piece of paper and asked her to write her name in Russian, which she did. She also glimpsed my passport size photo in my wallet (which i keep for contingency). She took the pic from me and kept it in her purse. I took some photographs of her with my mobile phone camera. I kept pointing to her purse where she had kept my business card and made gestures with my hand reminding her to call me, she nodded in approval.

Finally we got down from the private taxi at the mall of the emirates. I pulled up another cab for M, explained the directions to the cabbie as per my conversation with M's mamasan and asked M to board the cab. My heart was very heavy by the thought of letting her go. As the cab slowly drove away, i kept looking at M with a heavy heart and a hint of tears in my eyes. She kept looking at me too as long as I was in sight. We couldnt say each other anything as I didn't have a laptop with me there to help me with the translation. But I guess our eyes pretty much gave away wot we wanted to say.

As I took the cab back to the hotel, I could barely stop tears flowing from my eyes. I could still feel the sensation on my lips from all the kisses from M. When I got back to the hotel, I again cried looking at the rustled bedsheets where I was lying down with M in my arms just an hour ago. I drank from the same glass in which M had left her drink unfinished that morning. I was getting late for my flight, so I quickly did my packing and checked out of the hotel. On my way to the airport, I passed by the mall of the emirates. Again tears filled my eyes thinking that was were I parted from M about an hour ago. Soon after, i slept in the cab as i had barely slept for an hour the past night. I woke up when i reached the airport. However, the feeling of longing would not leave my heart. I looked out at Dubai from the airport windows thinking this is where my M lives. I wanted to come back really soon, but I was wondering how! Incidentally, when I checked in for the flight I was informed that due to a flight change, there were limited business class seats available so if I volunteer to downgrade to economy, i would get a free business class return ticket from london to Dubai to be used anytime in next one year! I readily accepted to be downgraded with the thought that atleast the ticket are sorted out for my next trip to dubai to see M (I am not very rich, I work for a living, the business class fares and five star hotel stay are provided by the client).

Nevertheless, its been 3 days since I returned from Dubai after meeting my sweet M. On my flight back home from Dubai I had made up my mind that when i go back to Dubai again (soon) I will meet M, tell her that I love her, and ask her to leave that job, marry me and come to UK with me. However, the day I returned from Dubai, some redundancies were announced in my company and I am at risk of redundancy too. This means that i will have to leave the UK ( I was here on work permit) unless I land up another job. This throws a spanner to my plans. I would have to go back to India, but I dont know if M would be willing to come with me there. Incidentally, M's turkish friend called me the same evening I landed in London wanting to meet up. I informed her that I was already in London. Also, instead of talking about her, I asked her about M and if she was doing okay and asked her to convey my regards to M. I called her up again the next day and she informed me that M was well and was very happy to hear my message. I called her again today and asked her to tell M to call me up sometime if she can. I wonder how much M's friend will cooperate with me in helping me keep in touch with M.

In the meantime, i keep thinking of M most of my time when Im not looking at her pics on my mobile (and now copied onto my laptop)

There are also a few other decisions and questions that I am listing below.

My decisions:
1) I gave up mongering. I can't be part of a system that turns girls like M into a commodity which any men with a heavy wallet can buy. I will stick to this decision irrespective of whether or not I ever meet M again.

2) I will visit Dubai very soon, track down M, tell her how much I love her, and ask her to come with me. I will tell her that I am not a rich man, but I'll try to keep her happy. I will tell her that I may lose my job in UK and maybe get another in UK or in Europe or in the middleast (where I was working earlier) or even back to India (where things are not that bad as the economy is doing quite well and one can make a decent living). She can stay with me and Ill help her make a decent living doing a respectable job. She can even marry me when she is ready.

3) Ive already started to learn the russian language. Ive to master it as soon as I can.

My questions:

1) Surely what I felt was love and not just sex based on a financial transaction. Did M too really did feel the same for me? or was she just giving a good Girl-friend-experience (GFE)?

2) Why did M not call me yet? Im sure it would be difficult for her to make a call withought her mamasan's knowledge given that she can barely speak any local language. Even if she calls, wot is she gonna say besides the three common words between us (Pashimu, Shto and Kak). Is that the reason why she didnt call?

3) If I ask her to come with me, will she say yes? I dunno why she left her country and agreed to put herself through this. It was ofcourse for money, but how badly does she need the money. can't she come with me and make a decent living elsewhere? Will she trust me enough to do so?

4) If she does decide to come with me, how easy or difficult it woudl be for her to do so? I know that her passport is kept with mamasan and she only carries a photocopy. I did ask her if she would get back her passport if she wants to go home to russia, and she said Yes. Will she really get it back or she doesnt konw her mamansan too well (she's been in Dubai only for 7 days)


I would be very grateful if the seasoned mongers share their experience with me. have any of them ever gone through this. What are my chances with M?

Many thanks.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

05-20-07, 10:12
A couple of recent very quick transits through DXB. Was pleased to see Emirates had booked me Le Meridien presenting a Jules opportunity but not so pleased when we arrived late at 01. 00 on Sunday night with the prospect of an 06. 00 departure. Wandered across to Jules, took a quick look and decided to give it a miss until the return trip. No stamina these days! Arrived with a little more time to spare on the Thursday night and ventured out again to Jules. Looked like they were operating a notional cover charge of 70 DHM but even without their hotel card I don’t think they would have pushed it. The place was packed at 01. 00 and I can’t say I took to the band but it wasn’t music I was after. Browsed for a while; a number of tasty PIs but they all seemed to be engaged in negotiations with potential customers. Spotted a reasonable looking PRC who wouldn’t budge from 700 ST. Perhaps she read the picture too well and saw me correctly as "in transit and in a hurry". Anyway I agreed the price and we sauntered back to my room, Meridien clearly totally GF. Bell boys in the corridors giving helpful directions to my room when I couldn’t find it (! ). In the room Lucy was OK. Mid 20’s Pretty enough face, . A bit more solid than the average PRC and her tits collapsed a bit once out the padded bra but were still reasonable enough size wise. Humoured her with my basic Chinese which kept her amused and had as much as of GFE as you can in an hour. DFK, CBJ, CG and finished mish. She then gave me quite a good massage telling me she was from Shanghai, had one baby and was in Dubai for three months to make as much money as possible before heading back to the People’s Republic. The latter may be true but from her looks and Chinese accent she was definitely a "Dongbei" girl. She was keen to get back to Jules to find another punter. Overall conclusion; Night stopping in Le Meridien courtesy of the airline presents a window of opportunity with no hassle for those with only 5-6 hours to spend.


Are you talking about Le Meridien Dubai, near the airport? I actually went there to Jules bar a year ago with my SO. I did not realize it was a WG bar. The place was packed with Philippine hotel workers (it happened to be Phillipeano night). Is the bar all working girls now, or a mix of regular clubbers and WG?

05-20-07, 10:24

Sorry to be harsh but: yes, you're nuts. At one time or another, I'm sure all us punters have fallen hard for a WG. I once fell for a girl from the Ukraine who worked at Rumours in the Ramada hotel. But as time went on, it was clear she only wanted one thing more than me: an American "green card."

05-20-07, 19:08
Are you talking about Le Meridien Dubai, near the airport? I actually went there to Jules bar a year ago with my SO. I did not realize it was a WG bar. The place was packed with Philippine hotel workers (it happened to be Phillipeano night). Is the bar all working girls now, or a mix of regular clubbers and WG?Yes, Jules is in the Meridien Village at the back of the Merdien Hotel. 3 minutes from the airport. Only knew about it thanks to ISG. The M/F ratio was poor on both occasions I looked in but some providers available as I found out. Certainly plenty of Philipinos there as well on a night out so as you suggest a mix of everything. Alas I've nothing to compare it with in DXB as I've only ever spent a total of 12 hours there outside the airport.


05-20-07, 19:18
man goes to jail for indecent gesture at police

05/17/2007 08:06 pm
dubai: a court has upheld a one month prison term against a british national who was found guilty of flashing his middle finger at a police patrol in dubai.

the dubai court of appeal upheld the initial verdict, one month in jail, against the british national, identified as r.p., yesterday. he will be deported after serving his punishment.

public prosecution charged him with committing a lewd act in public.

according to court records, one of the patrol members said in his statement that they flashed the high beam to give them way, but he failed to do so. a witness said when they overtook him, the defendant flashed his middle finger at the police patrol.

he pleaded innocent before the dubai court of first instance.so, a case of he said/he said, and who is the court going to believe? and a westerner, no less.

notice the prison plus deportation. again, you might be laughing with your manager back home about "stupid" laws, but that could also go down as "disrespect for the foreign customer", not something you want to be known for at the home office.

so, when the speeding suv tailgates you, flashing lights, both hands on the wheel.

05-20-07, 21:53
Recently had similar feelings / experience as SSG which I somewhat shared with the forum in previous posts.

Would I try and take a WG away from it all - No, I don't believe in pretty woman type endings - however if SSG feels that strongly then I say go for it! Too few people with the strength of their convictions,

What I would say is that both SSG and I got drawn in by girls who were new to the business and visibly uncomfortable. In my case the girl also reminded me of a former girlfriend, and there definitely was an element of wanting to 'protect' her, simply because she seemed so vunerable in the setting within which I had found her.

My conclusion was that I am not in a position to save the world, however tried to make her time with me as pleasant and relaxed as I possibly could, a few positive memories can go a long way both sides...although I maybe flattering myself that she regarded time spent with me as pleasant, but that was my impression!

In my case I am going to be back in Dubai later in the year, and hope to go looking for the same girl. It will be an interesting test case to see if she is sending the same 'stranger in a strange land' vibes that reeled me in the first place. Personally I feel she will be running with the rest of them and that vunerability will have long disappeared, and with it some of what made her so attractive. I maybe, in fact hope, I am wrong..

Tercar 66
05-21-07, 10:36
Guys , just took a short break to Mombassa with a friend , I feel some of our Dubai mongers should do the same. Sexy weather, rains everyday ,enjoyed the beach. Since now its low season the hotels and girls are very cheap. Buyers market, if possible make a quick dash. What I would have to spend for a female for a night here , I spent less for 4 nights. If you can get cheap air tkts, its worth the experience.

I feel the pick up prices in nightclubs are going up in Dubai and my regular joints are closed. I should start targeting MP's.

05-21-07, 12:47
In my case I am going to be back in Dubai later in the year, and hope to go looking for the same girl. It will be an interesting test case to see if she is sending the same 'stranger in a strange land' vibes that reeled me in the first place. Personally I feel she will be running with the rest of them and that vunerability will have long disappeared, and with it some of what made her so attractive. I maybe, in fact hope, I am wrong..For YOU, yes, hope you are wrong. But for her... after being here, you can understand the necessity of developing one.

But think there's a good case that, FOR YOU, will be a moot point: she will always remember the guy who was nice to her when she started out. Not every girl, but with some. My experience, anyway.

Phar Lap
05-21-07, 17:01
Dear SSG,

What you are experiencing is a case of infatuation. You are not nuts just reacting to that primordial urge to take and protect 'your woman'. Problem is she has another mission. She is a woman. She probably ended up in Dubai because of another man - one who left her with a child or promised something and never followed up. So you are yet another man. How can she trust you, yet another suitor and can you be trusted (that is what she is thinking)?

If she is beautiful she will have had years of men promising things. But why? Because they wanted to shag her and keep her all for themselves. This the normal pattern.

What you have to ask is what does she want, not what do you want. Let her decide for herself. She is not a child. If you love here you will allow her to be happy. Let her decide. If she wants what you offer she will say. If not, she didn't want that and you have to let her be. Give her credit, she can decide. She made it to Dubai, she goes out every night having sex with strangers for money and she wasn't born yesterday. She is not a child and she knows what she is doing.

If she likes you she will find you later when she is set up and has what she wants. The only question then will be can you trust her given her propensity to resort to prostitution for money. She knows what she wants and she knows how to get it. You should respect her choices.

05-21-07, 19:40
The only question then will be can you trust her given her propensity to resort to prostitution for money. Sorry, I just cannot let this pass. I seriously doubt she has any "propensity" towards her profession, I do not know the woman, and nor do you.

Circumstances can lead any of us to extreme solutions, and while I know there are many mercenary WG´s out there, barring the sociopaths, they are just people, who possibly became mercenary due to circumstances.

Of course, we are all fine, upstanding wh*re-mongers, not subject to critical examination. ;)

05-21-07, 20:21
The only question then will be can you trust her given her propensity to resort to prostitution for money.And can she trust YOU given your propensity to resort to prostitutes for sex? No double standards; it cuts BOTH ways.

05-21-07, 23:32
I need the opinion of all the seasoned mongers here please!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

I know I have not been here for a while, but is this bloke for real?
Preending to fall in love with an imaginary wg?

Spare me.

05-23-07, 05:45
Has anyone seen lately a plump Kirgistani WG, 30+, used at some point name Marina?

My Kapitan
05-23-07, 13:15
Has anyone seen lately a plump Kirgistani WG, 30+, used at some point name Marina?
Fuck me that narrows it down. There are so few who answer this description.

Try PMing Sinsoakedguy he has obviously been doing her, with the same result, except he thinks she is Romanian. :;)

Krypto Knight
05-24-07, 10:06
I feel the pick up prices in nightclubs are going up in Dubai and my regular joints are closed. I should start targeting MP's.

I haven't noticed that at all. With the closing of some clubs, there are more girls migrating to a smaller choice of locations. This is increasing favorably the ratio of women to men.

I hear a lot of the girls complaining there are "too many ladies" at places like Rattlesnake and York.

My regular PRC who used to work at Cyclone and charge 1,000 AED a night (Although I wouldn't pay those rates) is gladly staying with me Friday nights, all night with 11AM sex for 500 AED. Before I had to settle for Afternoons with her to get a 300AED short time rate because I wouldn't pay her evening prices.

300 Baht short time seems easy to get from the B listers if not A listers in the clubs right now.

I haven't seen prices in the clubs going up at all.

Funfor Females
05-24-07, 12:29
[QUOTE=Krypto Knight

"300 Baht short time seems easy to get from the B listers if not A listers in the clubs right now."

Yes, I find it tricky negotiating in foreign money.

I tried to get an eskimo WG to go for Yemeni cash but she was reluctant.

05-24-07, 14:24
I hear a lot of the girls complaining there are "too many ladies" at places like Rattlesnake and York.LOL. I've been hearing that same lament for YEARS, sometimes with the added modifier 'young', as in, "too many young ladies" from some of the more senior contingent...

I haven't seen prices in the clubs going up at all.My experiences similiar. Of course, the asking price might be the same, as in it never hurts to try. And Thursday nights (prime time as EVERYONE is off Fridays) can be a bit problematic.

Certainly last Thursday, as reported, Cyclone's Miss 1000 had not changed her name (at least for me) when I bumped into her at York. On the other hand, the Cyclone refugee I did pull, I believe that, at Cyclone, she would get 800-1000, but now settled for 600, no problem, even during prime time. And I pull EARLY, some girls just putting on their makeup, thinking about catching a taxi to the bar, so the night could still hold a lot of potential for her. But as she said, "too many ladies..."

05-24-07, 16:58
Ok guys

I just got back on Monday from DXB and heres the report

Was thr for couple of nights for a meeting.

Met a WG called Tali and trust me boys, this chik knows how to get to all those muscles that the beer does not get to, LOL, I mean she really knows how to give a bad ass massage to get rid of the aches and pains.

Also I don't know if anyone has visited the joint at Shereton, Deira. This place is full and rocking, the WGs are pretty goods, average I would give is about 6/7, a few with 8/9

There is also another joint further down at Marco Polo hotel, there is a indian dance bar, see a guy called romi.

Anyone need a private taxi with a knowledge of WGs then email me for the contact details.

This guy has a lexus and can lay his hands on any upper-class WGs

Till next time, enjoy!

05-24-07, 17:32
I'm daft. I've tried to find the action in Seaview twice and no luck. Like actually been to the hotel and couldn't find the damn girls. Is it this (http://www.seaviewhoteldubai.com/index1.html) Seaview? Where is the club in the hotel? Are they open afternoons as well as evenings? Basically I'm looking for some PI action.

05-24-07, 17:55
Where is the club in the hotel? Are they open afternoons as well as evenings? Right location. Easiest way is to have the taxi drop you at the BACK of the hotel (sand parking lot). Entrance is straight ahead through a door to the right of the passage (service passage) to the hotel. Look for the LARGE, lit, neon guitar over the entrance. You go up 1 flight of stairs.

Coming via the hotel lobby, it is difficult to find - through a non-descript door - left rear of the lobby. Ask for the Marine (or Mariner's) club.

I don't know if open in afternoons, more like early evening, but if you get there before 8, 8:30, you can watch the staff fold napkins.

My experience, PI's arrive around 11, though you may find a few there earlier. Or none at all. Smallish bar. But it DOES have its charms.

05-24-07, 19:30
[QUOTE=Krypto Knight

"300 Baht short time seems easy to get from the B listers if not A listers in the clubs right now."

Yes, I find it tricky negotiating in foreign money.

I tried to get an eskimo WG to go for Yemeni cash but she was reluctant.

Do you have contact info (cell no.?) for this eskimo WG? Was this in Yellowknife by any chance?

Cheers and thanks in advance.

Road Lover
05-25-07, 10:04
I stayed at the Renaissance Hotel, which has two bars- Harry's place and Tiki bar. Both quite small. But both have WGs. The Tiki bar, two or three Asians and the Harry's Place had Arabian, CIS and PI. Nice spanish live band.There were two PRCs in the lobby soas themselves. I asked a smallish african woman at Harry's bar. SHe wouldnt come with me. But was available.

Then strolled around the are between Renaissance and Metropilitan about 4 streets away. Quite a walk. But a lot of good spots in between, which could only be checked by walking. This was between 4 and 5 pm. Met a number of rovers ( mostly PRCs) on the street, especially near Holiday Inn, Haagen Daaz and the street restaurants in that area. Went to Metropolitan Hotel. Some CIS, but not very inspiring. COuld not find Broadway in the first instance. Instead reached Maktoum ROad and saw a Moscow Hotel and a Bolsoi restuarant on the other side o the road. Tredged up to find old hags and their at hubbies. A proper Russian 'family' hotel! So decided to go to Ku Bu at the Radisson. Radisson used to be the Intercontinental and some cabbies done know SAS Radisson, just in case you have dificulty navigating. That place open only at 7. I reached there at 6 and was dissappointed. Went to the Braodway Hotel. Cabbies dont know this hotel!

But as we were driving past I chanced upon it and promptly went in to the Sheesha Garden Bar. Kewlest place on earth. No hassle of entrance. No one asking any questions. No body seeing you with suspicious or enquiring eyes. 'Bust'ling place. 3 to 1 women to men ratio. Women included about 15 arabic / midle eastern / turkish, about 5 fat burly burka clad women may be from the region, may be from malaysia, about 5 PYTs from the region, about 10 CIS, and about 5 black / african. Widest choice. Very cool. One or two Arabians were aggressive. Talked rowdily with me and I didnt understand. They gave me a wank and went their way. I suspect they might have been TS! But cant be sure, as I aint an expert in TS, especially the MIddle Eastern variety!

Talked to over 10 girls, of the Arabic and the African variety, just to get a sense of their preferrences and price. Had no interest in any of them. SO didnt really probe. 500 to 800 for short term was their expectation. Seemed to be good comfortable and well meaning companions. I was eyeing the youngest looking middle eastern girl. SHe was chatting with couple of middle eastern guys. Didnt want any trouble with them. So while she returned my glances and even couple of smiles, I waited for her to make the first move, which she didnt make at all. I didnt have the guts to make it too. While this stalemate continued, a very beautiul damsel in burka came, and unwound her burkha to reveal a magnificient figure. SHe was meditarrenian and was very popular with girls and also one old arab man. she kissed them all on their lips. gave me a withering look. I was hooked. went to her. She didnt understand english. tried valiently but no dice. and she was loosing interest. SO I retreated.

Then I saw a nice Chechenya young (22 / 23) girl. We hit it off immediately. Wanted 300 for 1 hour. I said I needed 3 hours. SHe said 900. We settled or 400. Took a cab and went to Renaissance and had a good time. No Anal. only CBJ, but let me do whatever else I wanted. gave a good account with her wet dripping pussy too. Over all it was a good outing.

Next night came back late, so called one o the massage advertisement. A Korean / CHinese mutation came, gave a good massage and we shagged nicely. Was relaxing and good experience. She must have 30 plus and a good figure, even if somewhat loose. It was 150 for the massage and 300 for the FS.

Apart from the actual incidence, the abundant availability of the vast variety and all within afordable range gives sucha sense o comfort and satiaction that you can go about mengering with the best piece of mind. Dubai and Broadway rock!

I also want to thank Mu man or his hel with some specific contacts and the forum contributors for the fabulous cataloging of the spots. Really outstanding work that I wish all other cities would follow. These guides really make it so easy. Thank you all rom from the bottom of my heart.

05-25-07, 11:34
Talked rowdily with me and I didnt understand. They gave me a wank and went their way. Really? In public?

05-25-07, 14:17
I stayed at the Renaissance Hotel .
A couple of years ago, the Renaissance started strictly registering ladies (original passport) and placing a 50Dh charge for a "guest" on the bill. Is this no longer the case?

05-25-07, 16:34
Just returned home after two quick days in Dubai. I stayed at the Dar al Sondas Apartments by Le Meridien" (see hotel thread). It's cheap and 100% girl-friendly. It's about one block from the Imperial Hotel, and a long 20-minute walk to the York.

Club update: Cyclone is closed indefinitely and may not reopen, according to some WG and bartenders I spoke with. There are talks it may reopen as a high-end proper nightclub like the Chi@The Lodge nearby. Amnesia is also closed permanently.

I started the evening at Rockafellas, my favourite bar in the Golden Triangle. Great African band, and lots of great looking CIS girls (Big Bob is a big fan of slutty young blonde Russian girls). But it's too bad the girls attitudes did not match their looks. Most were snobby. Several girls turned up their button noses at me and said they were "busy". Other girls wanted too much, quoting prices of 500-700 for "one shot" (translation: 30 minutes).

Walked down the street to the old standby York. Contrary to a previous poster's experience, I did not see any Cyclone refugees here. It was full of annoying, persistent Africans and Chinese. I saw two CIS, both ugly. Despite this, I decided to pull a short young Chinese girl named YaYa (or maybe YuYu). She was 21, about 5 feet fall with beautiful enhanced breasts. Best decision I made. She charged 500AED for all night, and ended up staying at my hotel almost 12 hours, from midnight until almost noon the next day. We shagged four times (thank you, Cialis!). Her BJ skills could use a bit of help but once I trained her, she sucked like a champ. For you PRC fans, I highly recommend her. Contact available for trusted members.

The next night I went over to Jockey's about 1700. The bar was not my scene. It was a big sausage-fest, and a handful of women, mostly CIS and PRC. I actually found a very cute Russian girl with red hair named Olga (aren't they all named Olga?). But she spoke barely any English. I wanted to pull her, but she wanted 200AED for short time, she wanted to be paid before she would consider leaving the bar, and she would only go to her apartment that she shared with 3 other girls. For once, I was thinking with my big head and politely declined. She chased me out into the parking lot but I refused to be swayed. It seemed to risky and she and her mamasan (a very attractive blonde woman in her late 20s) refused to budge on the location matter.

After dinner, I decided to try Rattlesnake at the Metropolitan Hotel for the first time. When I got there at 8:45pm (to beat the cover charge), the place was empty except for a half-dozen blokes. There were several PRC women already in line outside, but the bouncers made the girls wait until 2100 and charged them the 35AED cover charge. Within an hour, the bar was packed with mostly PRC, Africans, Turkish and a handful of ugly fat CIS. The band was ok, but not as good as some posters here have claimed. I would call it mediocre. I decided to leave. But as I walked out, I saw her: This beautiful tall Russian creature with long red hair, thin body and beautiful face. I made a U-turn and followed her and watched 2 or 3 guys get shot down. This did not disway Big Ben. I tried my damndest but she also refused to leave, claiming she was "busy." I'm tired of this attitude from CIS girls and seriously considering not even bothering with them anymore. I'm not sure what they are waiting for, maybe high-rolling Arabs or Americans? I did spot a few attractive Turkish girls, but I wasn't in the mood for Turkish food tonight so decided to abandon Rattlesnake.

Crushed and broken-hearted, I returned to Bur Dubai. Walking to my hotel, I was passing by the Imperial and thought, what the hell. Many years ago, Stayin Alive was the first WG bar that Big Bob visited in Dubai. It was about 1am when I walked in and was shocked at the scene. It was PACKED with women everywhere from all nations and colors, many in the 7-8 range. Here's the strange thing: all the girls in this bar seem to be with a pimp. Whenever I approached a girl, she referred me to her "boss" for negotiations. I fancied a particularly cute CIS girl but her mamasan refused to let her leave for less than 700 AED and that was for only one hour! Within 15 minutes of my arrival, all the good-looking girls had been taken so I retreated to the side bar where I watched two very good attractive belly dancers. I had to get up early for my flight the next morning so decided to leave alone at 2:30am. But I shall definitely return to Stayin Alive in the future.

I never did see the drop-dead gorgeous, 9 and 10 star girls that once frequented the Cyclone. If anyone knows where they are hiding now, please share the wealth!

05-26-07, 01:05
I never did see the drop-dead gorgeous, 9 and 10 star girls that once frequented the Cyclone. If anyone knows where they are hiding now, please share the wealth!Hi Big Bob II,

Try the Premiere Nightclub at the Hyatt Regency in Deira. It should be open as per a previous post and has previously been a good alternative to Cyclone.

Best of luck and looking forward to your reports.

05-26-07, 06:55
Walked down the street to the old standby York. Contrary to a previous poster's experience, I did not see any Cyclone refugees here. It was full of annoying, persistent Africans and Chinese. I hit the York last night (Friday) It was not at all crowded, considering it was the weekend with a favourable M/F ratio. There were certainly not a lot of Cyclone refugees, a pair of tanned and bleached PRCs probably were ex Cyclone girls, but not what I would call A listers. Another PRC certainly looked like a A list Cyclone girl, she gave me the slightest of acknowledgements as I passed, it was clear she was not going to waste any effort cold calling!

There were a number of PRC that meet my definition of attractive; I talked to a few including a very tempting girl who could converse well beyond the stock phrases. There was nothing in the CIS contingent to float my boat. African numbers were down on my last visit, but there were some attractive ones amongst them. The York must still be the first port of call for those looking for African girls. None seem overly persistent, but I do dislike the grabbing and tapping as you pass.

Jockeys 8:45 to 9:20

Not at all crowded, with a reasonable M/F ratio, presumably the Friday afternoon drinkers had already fallen off their barstools and gone home. While a few of the Bishkek Babes were around most of the best ones were missing. The rest of the CIS collection did not impress me, save for one blond (+2 for thigh boots, -1 for over jeans rather than with a skirt ) I wonder if she was the “mamasan” Big BobII referred to, if so she is much easier on the eye than the fat controller! There were a few pleasant PRC and I fell into conversation with a very nice one, good English as well as good looks and certainly one I could have easily pulled. Her friend was nice too.

Music Room 9:25 to 10:30

As previously reported, not a prime mongering venue, I was there for cheap beer and a good band, but I did notice a Jockeys PRC in there, sat quietly at table, later I saw two more who I initially thought were Filipinas, sat well back out of the way. It looks like the management is tolerating girls as long as there aren’t too many and there is no overt marketing. After the ‘Spiders first set I moved on.

Stayin Alive was the first WG bar that Big Bob visited in Dubai. It was about 1am when I walked in and was shocked at the scene. It was PACKED with women everywhere from all nations and colors, many in the 7-8 range. Interesting, last time I was there the selection had gone down hill. What nationalities were being pimped? The PRC and Africans have always seemed to be freelance but CIS girls in the Imperial always seem to be heavily controlled. I have seen frightened looking young CIS girls being verbally chastised in the bar by the “madam”, IMHO an ugly situation.

05-26-07, 08:11
... a pair of tanned and bleached PRCs probably were ex Cyclone girlsPart of the Cyclone "uniform", along with the CR.

Another PRC certainly looked like a A list Cyclone girl, she gave me the slightest of acknowledgements as I passed, it was clear she was not going to waste any effort cold calling!.Sounds like Miss 1000... :) I get the same "warm" welcome...

... save for one blond (+2 for thigh boots, -1 for over jeans rather than with a skirt ) You and I score the same way...

I'm tired of this attitude from CIS girls and seriously considering not even bothering with them anymore. I'm not sure what they are waiting for, maybe high-rolling Arabs or Americans?Well, not THIS american; but then again, you did say "high-rolling"... :) I'm thinking they're waiting for the ga-ga eyed "tourists"...

I always figure they're doing me a favor: who wants to pull someone with an "attitude"? I just say, "Niet Problem" and move on. Like Barcrawler, I can just about always find someone I find attractive, with friendly attitude, in just about any reasonable sized bar.

Thanks to Big Bob 2 and Road Lover for 2 enjoyable FR's, and the hotel comments. Good advice/recommendations for others. Barcrawler, your usual well written "site survey".


To restate an oft stated "recommendation": when you're at the bar (especially if it includes an entrance fee), grab a couple of numbers if nothing else but for future use.

Thursday night: Miss T gets a phone call... Well, she wasn't lying when she said she wasn't going to the bar TONIGHT, but tomorrow was fine. After all, if you meet her outside the bar, she TOO avoids the entrance fee.

Friday night: Pitch hitter had sms'd me, asking how I was, which was sufficient to get her in the game that night. Around 11, she received a phone call, her first questions being, "Who is this? How did you get my number?" When appropriate identification codes were not passed, she terminated the call. So, if it's a passed down number, make sure you have an identifiable reference handy.

As soon as they give me their number, I always give them a missed call, to 1) verify the number, and 2) allow them to put my number in their book [no doubt under "handsum man" ]. :)

05-26-07, 12:00
Dear fellow mongers,

Thank you for those who did help me so fare with their advices rather directly or with a link or hint how to use the forum and get the informations wanted!

I have bin several times to Dubai now and head allways fun while working in Dubai and of cours in the leasure time ;-)

I did stay in serveral hotels with more or less problems by the way i can´t recomand the Mövenpick but i think this is well known LOL.

Now i will come to Dubai form the 01 Jun and will stay until the 09.Jun. i m sure that i will find the time to have some pleasure! This time a could arange to stay in a private apartment of a good friend while my boss (not knowing my hobby) stays in the Arabien Cortyard Hotel and Spa next to the Dubai museum. If our businesstripp is successfull (which i belve) i will come more frequent to Dubai.

That is the reason why i whant to share my experiance and hopefully some nice pics with you.

I would be pleasend to get to know some of you while im in town.

Its anny way nicer to take a drink together while hunting, share experiances in reale life and you never know for what this networking will be good. :-)

Pleas feel free to contact me any time via pm than we will see.

Best greatings from Germany

Tony Beruti

Krypto Knight
05-27-07, 19:33
[QUOTE=Krypto Knight

"300 Baht short time seems easy to get from the B listers if not A listers in the clubs right now."

Yes, I find it tricky negotiating in foreign money.

Funny FFF

I leave June 7th for 10 days in Pattaya Thailand, my 6th trip, so my mind is on baht right now.

If you see me writing baht in the UAE forum the next few weeks just keep the same numerals but think AED.

05-27-07, 20:49
I have read the forum, there are a number of articles that deal will pricing, a v good one recently by Spelman referenced in the reports of distinction..

However why do I still feel like I get taken for a ride every time I open my mouth to discuss price with a girl...Average for long time based on what is written is AED1,000, given this is dubai, then discount by 30%, so that should give a distribution around AED700. Say AED500 to AED 900 within 2 std deviations...with the top end reserved for the better ones.

I have yet to get close, have never acheived less then 1K for LT and even ST (3 hours, couple of shots) hovers around the AED600-800 range. You do not want to know what I have paid for top end, suffice to say its a 3 std dev + event

Can someone put me out of my misery and either confirm that I have my numbers wrong and am paying the going rate, or I'm a sap and they see me coming a mile off.

After that shortish lament; was planning to return in July, but that seems a long way away + have a 'social experiment' to carry out, of which more later. Therefore am looking to come over for a long weekend this month.

If anyone would like to meet up, please let me know in the next few days (PM me) and would be good to meet up. To be clear this is just an offer to meet up socially, I am not into anything which involves > 1 male (ie me) in flagrante with females!!!

Let me know on meets and will report on my forthcoming adventures on my return. Also, any definitive feedback on pricing would be most welcome



05-27-07, 20:49
Surprisingly crowded for an early Sunday night. At this early hour, mostly PRC's, but a number of familiar faces MIA. Couple of Africans, one annoying, but she buzzed off eventually. Some Kirgie's, one a familiar face who I hadn't seen in awhile. Obviously the US Navy in town; oh to be young and having your first beer in a foreign port... Also obvious it was a Cinderella liberty, so even before the 1st set over, they were gone. In fact, a number of punters gone before 1st set finished.

Slim, but not zero, pickins'. Certainly a few temptations, one in particular, (Sporadic, you know; damn that 0-dark hundred wakeup). But certainly I've seen a lot better later in the week.

York, Rattlesnake, even Imperial: bigger bars, more selection. But can't beat the band at the Seaview.

05-28-07, 05:07
I have read the forum, there are a number of articles that deal will pricing, a v good one recently by Spelman referenced in the reports of distinction,

or I'm a sap and they see me coming a mile off.I think Speilman’s prices are on the high side and as he has said reflect the typical opening price, not the price you will necessarily end up paying. I am pretty well set up with my regular so I don’t pull much these days but some friends regularly pull girls for around 500 LT (And I mean LT, in many cases they don’t leave until early the next evening)

So yes they see you coming. You will become know as a high payer, the girls will exchange that information and will hold out for top whack as they know you will pay.

Second hand report – Imperial Suites.

Here is another example of price gouging. Some colleagues hit the Imperial Suites recently.

Initially they were asked for 100 AED each entry, they did not know if there were drinks included. When they turned tail to leave they were called back and let in without charge. YMMV. This is not the first time I have been told of a 100 AED charge at the Imperial. Last time I was there, a month or so back they tried to charge me 50, including 2 drinks (OK, if you intend staying a while) but let me in when I turned away.

It was late and not at the weekend, they report a lot of good looking women. Chinese, African, CIS, Arab (?? more likely Arab looking CIS) and Filipinas.

My Kapitan
05-28-07, 08:13
Arrived back in country at 0015 Sat from UK and Spain courtesy of Emirates. Miss O was keen for some dancing and fun so it was a case of a quick shower and out to the Regal.

Fri/sat morning so I knew it would be busy, it was, the place was simply packed out with locals however the mood was good and we had a great time. Got hit with a 50 dhm entry fee, but I lived with that as it was a Friday night and to the managements credit they issued me with the standard one drink token and gave Miss O 2 vouchers – which they didn’t have to do. Being known helps. Band is stonking and had a good hold on the house, their version of ‘sexyback’ was pretty awesome. M/F ratio was about 4/1. No stunners, all very very average and all CIS, nothing that took my/our fancy so we headed for a last one in Jockeys at 0230hrs. Although J’s has improved it was still mainly populated by subcontinent males, better to visit as an early evening venue. Only a handful of rough WGs available, Chinese and Africans plus maybe 2 older CIS T42s, again nothing to my/our taste.

Sat night, Rattlesnake for a meal and something for the weekend. Arrived at 2110 so got hit with the 35dhms entry fee each. Stupid should have arrived 20mins earlier and avoided it, not that it’s a barrier – I just object to entry fees and on this night there wasn’t even a band. One ‘free’ drink each. Place was empty, maybe 10 guys and 10 Chinese. Got a table and ordered food. Menu limited and food, IMHO, appalling. Got busy after 10pm. All Chinese and African – not my style. A mate joined us for food and he was badgered relentlessly by an annoying little African pinching him through the rails to our table. Why won’t these girls just accept a polite no? Moved on to Regal.

Very quiet. Lots of room. M/F ratio about 2/1. Tried a cute tiny blonde from the Ukraine, good rack, nice shoes. Opened at 1000 but moved to 800 easily, wouldn’t go for the threesome though. I reckon 500 is still the LT rate, but 800 for a 3sum is OK considering the extra work involved :)

Tried Alena, tall blonde ex cyclone from St Petersburg, up for the threesome but wanted 1800 – yes 1800. No way. In reality I think she just wasn’t really up for group and racked up the price accordingly. Afrodisiac were not playing but the Russian band did a reasonable job.

Sunday – after a very hectic day we went hunting again. Had a meal in Rockbottoms – the sound system is dire and band worse. Bullfrogs free for ladies after 10. Several drunk plump Brit girls attempting to dance to the crappy music between falling over. One in a mini skirt, this became stuck into her (full size) panties after going to the restroom – of course no one told her… Men outnumbered the girls by a factor of 10. Pathetic to see grown men squaring up to each other over fat expats when there is an unlimited supply of slim young playthings just down the road.

Suffering bleeding ears after the uncontrolled bass in Rockbottoms we moved onto the Regal. No entry fee. Very busy with locals (why it’s a working day?). Plenty of WGs including a few old faces – nice to be remembered! Girls were opening at 800, tried several but none into group. Best was Almayra a sexy blonde dirty looking girl just my type. She was looking at us across the room and I thought we were on. Went over and introduced myself and asked her to come for a drink with us. I was greeted with a great beaming smile and we started negotiations but she wasn’t into ffm and couldn’t be persuaded to try. Bugger.

So a disappointing weekend as far as mongering was concerned, anyway some swingers to see next week so all is not lost and I might just go to the clubs alone and bring one back for a surprise ;)


Tercar 66
05-28-07, 10:39
Like I had mentioned in my earlier post, unable to afford to pickup from Nightclubs and my local inhouse being closed down, I went to my regular MP in Bur Dubai after a very long time. I was suprised to find around 7 cute Chinese babes in that joint. I had an excellent time for 2 pops including massage for Dhs150 . I am planning to go again this weekend.

05-28-07, 13:33
Cheers for that barcrawler, pretty much the conclusion I had arrived at as well.

I guess I need to change the bars I frequent (historically TGI, Imperial) and see if I can blag being a 'local' in a new place. Regal here I come..

So yes they see you coming. You will become know as a high payer, the girls will exchange that information and will hold out for top whack as they know you will pay.

05-28-07, 14:57
Here is a short summary of my last visit.

First night tired of the trip call a PRC well known, good attitude great body and offer 1k dhs for 2 h, standard approach nice first fuck, then good massage and second round bbj and cim.

Second night decide to check premiere, some known faces, select a Ukrainian nice and young always 1k for 2h, all covered sweet girl good also for a talk (they seems are just doing some extra money) I think they are the best.

Third night, decide for a change and visit the rattlesnake (very far from my place) absolutly nothing inside, few blacks and PRCs all uglies. Terrible place, yet i could be at the wrong time (10.30). Went back to premiere and hire a Turkish for 800 St, of course I was looking for an A lavel and she agreed for a 200 extra.

Last night too tired for going out, called the first prof PRC again for the same treatment.

05-28-07, 15:10
got a table and ordered food. menu limited and food, imho, appalling. will second that thought! and i really don't understand why. there are obviously several restaurants on site - would seem to me rattlesnake could offer a combined menu: a few items from this restaurant, a few items from that one (e.g., italian). pop across the courtyard to pickup... but the 'snake's kitchen? the shwarma grill outside is a better bet. how anyone can screw up a hamburger is beyond me... imho, marginal is a rating they can hope to aspire to.

am i getting ripped off?no, perhaps just a faster cash-outflow than others :)

if it's only 1 or 2, high prices can be a "blow-off" price, as in "i really don't want to go with you, but if you will pay this, then ok". (as mk just reported.)

but if it's across the board, i agree with barcrawler - you do get known. that cuts both ways - high roller or cheap charlie. when the cyclone was open, i didn't show up on a number of the girls' radars because they knew what my ceiling was. as reported awhile back, banter with a cyclone refugee in the 'snake: i saying that with the cyclone closure, and a supply side surplus market, maybe i had a chance with her. she smiled, but still said i should consider raising my pay scale... :)

and which girl wants to be known for selling herself cheap amongst her peers? another cyclone girl, demanding pay first, lt became st... couple of weeks later, i'm back, negotiating with another, when miss runner comes by, says something to the girl. next thing i know, i'm being rebuked: why was i only willing to pay her 500 lt when i had paid that other girl 500 st.

still, i was a bit surprised 1 night at seaview: asked a girl how much she wanted. she just said, "everyone knows what you pay." (generally speaking, 500 lt, transportation excluded).

residents have a bit more leeway: striking out 1 night, there is always tomorrow (and tomorrow, and tomorrow...). also, chance of repeat business for the girl, potential for a steady, dependable cash flow.

my experience: the first price you pay, unless it is really ott, will be the price she will expect on subsequent meetings (why not? if it was good once...). when i ask for a price quote, and get a high price (all relative to the punter), i say 'no thank you, good luck'. i might stand there, seeing if a counter offer is forthcoming, but i certainly am scanning the room for other targets of opportunity.

i'd say you have 2 choices: the most productive, like you say, change locations. the other is to pull late, accepting that the selection might be diminished...

having said all that, i return to my boring mantra: a good price is what her experience is worth to you that night. after all, which makes the better story (and the better memory): "i had fun with her", or, "came home, cash in pocket"?

05-28-07, 17:07
..I'm a senior member, 20 odd posts and 4 years later.


Got promoted to Director at my work place a few years ago, this feels way better!! I might even have to take/post a few pic's now, just need to figure out how and minimise any 'evidence', which could be expensive.

11Bravo, they can see it in the eyes. Being a short term visitor and time constrained, they know it and milk it. I guess I can always console myself with a compare back to London prices and be happy that a fraction of the price buys a multiple of the experience. I won't post the rates...too many providers accessing this site, wouldn't want them to get any ideas...but most expats will know what I am talking about.

I'm thinking back to 2003/2004, JSF (older members will remember him) had given me the contact details for a Russian house near the American hospital / Iranian girls school. AED 200 - 300 for a good long afternoon and they were happy with the money, those were the days!

Don't think I've ever had any blow off rates, well not after I've spoken to them at any rate. Roll on the weekend

If anyones interested Derby County got promoted to the premiership, and its been (another) wet bank holiday in London town!

No, perhaps just a faster cash-outflow than others :)

05-28-07, 18:59
Like I had mentioned in my earlier post, unable to afford to pickup from Nightclubs and my local inhouse being closed down, I went to my regular MP in Bur Dubai after a very long time. I was suprised to find around 7 cute Chinese babes in that joint. I had an excellent time for 2 pops including massage for Dhs150 . I am planning to go again this weekend.I am always interested in the mix of massage and an after service, although in my experience you never get the best of both worlds from one provider but it's a good compromise. I will be staying at 4 Points in Bur Dubai, where is this MP and can anyone just turn up.

05-28-07, 23:06

Initially they were asked for 100 AED each entry, they did not know if there were drinks included. When they turned tail to leave they were called back and let in without charge. YMMV. This is not the first time I have been told of a 100 AED charge at the Imperial. Last time I was there, a month or so back they tried to charge me 50, including 2 drinks (OK, if you intend staying a while) but let me in when I turned away.


I was at the Imperial (Stayin Alive) on Tuesday and they charged me 75 AED, but that included two free drinks. I was too drunk to argue or haggle by that point, so i just paid it and walked in.

05-29-07, 04:39
I was at the Imperial (Stayin Alive) on Tuesday and they charged me 75 AED, but that included two free drinks. I was too drunk to argue or haggle by that point, so i just paid it and walked in.Someone has suggested the staff may be creaming off something for their selves. This may be the case because another guy went there on the same night as the guys who were asked for 100 AED and was charged 50 with two “free drinks”. That is probably the official charge.

Junior Punter
05-29-07, 15:40

Sorry I never posted a report. I must have missed your report.

Basically, I took your advice and decided NOT to go with the two Chinese girls. Although perhaps I should have.

I ended up leaving DXB a few days early, and hence, didn't get to meet Maria at all! :.(

I may be back in a few weeks though.


A few regular visitors are in town at the moment, including Junior Punter who I originally met last year. Last time I saw him was 20 minutes ago in Rattlesnake. I introduced him to the gorgeous and GFE Young Maria Callas (who was already taken for the night, but he managed to make a deal for later in the week).

One minute JP's telling me he won't be taking a girl tonight, the next minute he's negotiating with two girls for a threesome. Dubai does that to you. :) I had to leave (I need my beauty sleep for work tomorrow), but I look forward to your reports, JP.

I'm thinking of taking Young Maria Callas overseas on my next trip - she tells me her passport is ready. She's truly a GFE, and she looks like a younger version of this pic:

My Kapitan
05-29-07, 16:55
Someone has suggested the staff may be creaming off something for their selves. This may be the case because another guy went there on the same night as the guys who were asked for 100 AED and was charged 50 with two “free drinks”. That is probably the official charge.

50 is the official rate inclusive of 2 drinks. I normally walk straight in. There have been times however when I have been asked to give the doorman a 10hm tip on entering and occasionally if leaving with a girl they will try their luck at extorting some dhms off you.

Further to my earlier weekend report I visited Jockeys for draw night on Monday. No luck at the draw but at 9pm there was an excellent choice of CIS blondes, a bevy of three, all very tempting, clustered around the far pillar. Just decided to move in and take one home for some mutal pleasure when sadly an old non mongering colleauge turned up and insisted we move to the sports bar in the Regal (downstairs) where there is never any action except that onthe big TVs. Ah well there's always tonight.......


05-29-07, 19:15
I decided that I would have a bit of change last Thursday and I ended up in York at around 10: 30pm.

They tried to charge me at entry, but I just told them that I never pay, and they let me in for free. Once inside I had to fight off the initial barrage of offers from Africans and PRC, but I resisted and got a beer. I spoke to a few girls, but nothing really caught my fancy until I spotted a couple of PRC girls, that where above average in appearance for york.

I moved closer to them and was soon chatting with one of them. She was pretty, tall, very slim, and had a nice rack. She told me she had been her just over a month, and used to go to Cyclone, but now came to York as that had closed down. At this point I thought maybe the night might turn expensive, but when I asked the price for LT she told me 700. I soon got her down to 500 and the deal was sealed.

She was nervous about leaving York with me because of LE, so I got her mobile number and met her outside around the corner 5 mins later. We soon got a taxi and headed back to my place.

We she stripped down she revealed a very nice body and she had nice 'enhanced' pert breasts. Age wise she looked about mid 20s, but she later told me she was in her early 30s. We had a nice first session but the BBBJ was a bit short. She then gave me a very nice long Chinese massage, in which she had been trained. She told me before she came to DXB she had been working in Beijing in a Sauna. We then fell asleep. We awoke earlier in the morning when she gave me a very nice HJ. We fell asleep again for a while and then I managed to squeeze in one more FS session. She ended up staying to around 11am.

At the end she tried it on for some extra money, but I told her firmly that I would pay the agreed price, but I would most likely be a good repeat customer for her, if she always gave me this price. I then drove her home, which I think most girls appreciate

Have fun and play safe!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

05-29-07, 19:18
Only twice have I been required to pay at the door (Prime time) and they were apologetic, though resolute. (gave the drink coupons to know ladies.)

As for paying on the way out, I personally reserve my tips for the security guys who yank me out of line for free entrance, or nod me through when others are paying, never on the way out. YMMV.

I understand the policy of charging at the door, but honestly, twice at the
Regal, and once at one other bar is all in 10 years.

I must look like I drink a lot. ;)

My Kapitan
05-31-07, 12:16
Definitely a new boat load in, although we took a long time Dxb girl last night.

Went to Regal at 9pm and went up the circular ladder to the little known upper bar/restaurant and pool tables for dinner with a friend. The food is excellent and good value, attached is a picture. This is a good spot for 1/ talking with the bands (and some WGs) before they start work and 2/ taking a girl up for a quiet drink away from the crowded noisy club.

It’s accessed via the circular ladder from the far bar on the right as you enter the club. Whilst on the topic of out of the way or different places, the Ascot Hotels’ Troika Restaurant is a great place to take a Russian lady. She will be impressed, good floor show and superb Russian cuisine, Tuesday offers all you can eat buffet and unlimited drinks for 195dhms a head. Pic attached.

Back to last nights fun.
Moved down to the club at 11pm, not too full at this time. Plenty of girls. F/M ratio 2/1 ie more WGs than guys. Club filled to normal levels at 1130 to midnight when the ratio changed to 3/1 m/f. Several old friends but a whole host of new girls mainly in the 6-8 range. Tried several – all opening at 1000dhms. Approached Miss Dianna – an old friend with enormous tits (posted a pic earlier this year) offered 800 for a 3sum she agreed but said ‘later’ – a decision she will now be regretting. Basically she was hoping for a straight catch rather than the 3sum.

Tried a babe in a lime green top with enormous boobs, she asked Miss O ‘what we do the 3 of us?’ – bad attitude- reply ‘sex!’ her face was a picture, she was actually shocked! Maybe in the wrong line of work me thinks. Several others were tried all asking for 1K for group. A mamasan showed us 3 girls who were up for it but none appealed, all looked unhappy and the result would have been disappointing.

Then we saw Nori. Skinny and small – I can like that- but blonde Oh yes! Fun to talk too with very good English. Moldovan so that was a further plus point. Laughed happily at the idea of a mff 3 sum. Offered 800 – accepted.

Great non stop night of sex and booze (Nemiroff chilli vodka) at my place. Good 3 way action, not photo shy and happy to perform on the webcam. Anal on the menu but it's not my scene. A great night which we all enjoyed, she asked for a return visit soon – we will….

Nori left at 1300hrs I drove her home, she wore an abaya what a laugh. Oh yes, why was Dianna to regret her decision – Nori lives with her - and Dianna did not work last night.

Some action pics on the photo thread. Love Dubai.

05-31-07, 12:44
Went to Regal at 9pm and went up the circular ladder to the little known upper bar/restaurant and pool tables for dinner with a friend. I love that place. When I saw your pic I thought the pool table had been removed. Whew! There's also a reasonable swimming pool just out the door, where I tried to get a girl to join me for a swim late one night. She said "You crazy!"

... the Ascot Hotels’ Troika Restaurant is a great place to take a Russian lady. She will be impressed, good floor show and superb Russian cuisine, Tuesday offers all you can eat buffet and unlimited drinks for 195dhms a head.I agree - good fun there, and they're happy to serve the unlimited drinks as doubles and keep it flowing nonstop. Genuine and cute Russian waitresses.

Good to see some 'different' pics of Dubai, thanks.

PS - it was about time you made O happy. ;)

05-31-07, 17:04
I guess I need to change the bars I frequent (historically TGI, Imperial) and see if I can blag being a 'local' in a new place. Regal here I come..[/QUOTE]Well after a long period of un-specified services in Thailand, I got my long awaited posting in dubai.

So yes, you right, they will see me coming from a mile away but so what, I always had a good time anyway, as there are always a couple of tricks up my sleeve.

I think for me the hardest part will be getting used to bt. 1. 000 l/t price conversion to dhm1. 000 so will have to overcome that sticker shock and hopefully can find better ways to keep my weekly juices flowing.

Anyway, once settled in I hope that one of the expert dubai whorists can take me on a grand tour of the muff holes, yes the beer will be on me!


05-31-07, 18:25
I am staying one night in the Millenium Airport Hotel en route to Hong Hong. Usually I am put up by Emitates in the Meridian Airport Hotel which I know about but for some reason they have given me the Millenium this time. Can't argue as they are paying! Anyway there is nothing noted about this hotel in the forum.

Anybody know anything about it? Is is GF?

I note from their web site they ahve a British bar that shuts at 1.30am. Any WG's hang about there?

05-31-07, 18:57
Hi all,

Back again to Dubai for couple of nights. Experiance good in general but lots of changes. No big places as before or the big 3 as I call them, Cy, Pre and Amn.

I was staying very faaaaaar near DIC so the idea of going to town for mongering was simply out of question given the traffic, tried caling my regulars but they were in russia.

One night went to nearest place which was rattlesnake, first time to go there, not up to my expectations, lots of afros and Chinese and was almost leaving at 1 am when I saw her. She was russian, julia and very nice we agreed on 700 allnight. Back to my hotel, had fun, finished 4 times then she said she was tired and left at 4. Took her number but won't repeat.

Last nights played it smart and went to Broadway, made the reservation in advance, nice price 600 bed and breakfast. Which was ok. Enjoyed the shisha cafe. Saw all old faces and new ones as well. Anyway there was this girl I liked last time but her madame was an assh*** with an attitude problem. Same happened this time and ended up leaving her. Saw another shishani. Up to my room 500 for 2 hours which was ok. Finished 5 times and went back. Saw very nice madame with very nice girls negotiated 2 girls 2. 5 hours for 1200 but I went out and had dinner. Anyway came back to find the other girl already taken. The madame was very nice and needed money so I decided to pay more specially that I liked the other girl. So took her all night for 800.

The night was really great. Finished 10 times and she finally left round 4 am. But very good atttitude and she says she is only 1 week in dubai and I believe her. But one of the horniest girls I've ever seen. She even did CIM without me asking cause she was into it though she started with CBJ.

Anyway, broadway is a goldmine. Very funny the way they chase you at 9 am at breakfast! And one wanting 400 for 1. 5 hours and she will do ANYTHING cause she is HUNGRY for me as she says. Hehehe.

Just one notice which is not related to girls. I did shopping in mall of the emirates in a place called man and moda which is always 75% off and I thought it was good deal. I went to ELghorair mall near broadway to find same things almost even half priced! Seems like this shop always gets goods with lower price!

Have fun

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

06-01-07, 07:35
Thursday I was out with some friends. The appalling karaoke drove us out of the Red Lion and into the Rattlesnake. As often reported weekend entry fee of 35AED no drinks included.

I have not been to the ‘Snake for a long time due to three negatives, entry charge, band sucks, and for me, location.

We arrived around 10:30 and stayed ‘till about 1, the place was heaving, but the door charges were keeping it just about under control. There was a good selection of girls, mainly PRC and African with some CIS. The band, as somone else reported recently, has gone down hill!

None of the CIS registered on my radar, but one of my colleagues thought one or two were stunners. The Africans, for the most part were not too grabby, and there were some nice lookers amongst them. I think I spotted Pipers “Janet Jackson”. There were a couple of very annoying afros at the bar however grabbing guys queuing for drinks.

My fetish of course is for Asians, and boy where there some nice ones! There were a good number of “Cyclone Refugee” PRCs, many enhanced, tanned and bleached. I spotted one ultra attractive PRC girl “Miss Premier” who had not had to resort to any of that. One bad thing about the Rattlesnake is the layout, when its crowded keeping track of a target can be next to impossible and she kept disappearing. I am still in mono-monger mode so I wasn’t looking to pull but I was curious. Eventually I got chance for a quick interview, she said she normally works the Hyatt (I guess Premier) but had come to the ‘Snake for the first time. I was seriously tempted but with the Xaio La Po due around later today I thought with my big head and did not get a quote. I would have expected it to be high!

I had quite a few more interviews, on the whole the PRC’s were more attractive, but more professional and seemed less fun than say the Seaview Girls. My friend was seriously negotiating with one PRC refugee girl, it fell through. He said afterwards “she wanted 500, and I could only get here down to 400”. I asked “what was wrong with that?” his answer “US Dollars!!”

It’s the Cyclone Jim, but not as we know it!”

06-01-07, 10:00
I think I spotted Pipers “Janet Jackson”. If you mean this Janet (pic below), she became a regular at Rattler after York was raided a few times last year. Each time I go to Rattler I see her, but it seems life has been hard for her in Dubai, as she's looking a little tired nowadays.

JackTheLad - I don't know if Millenium Hotel is GF (my hunch would be yes). Why not give them a quick call and ask if you can bring a 'guest' to your room. Last time I was there it had a lot of girls in the bars. Across the street there's also Jules Bar at Meridien Hotel and Oxygen Club at Al Bustan Hotel.

06-01-07, 10:30
If you mean this Janet (pic below)I think it's the one. She looke OK last night, But it was dark and crowded and she was just passing, with impressive cleavage on display.

06-01-07, 12:29
ok guys here we go i have this new site finially ... If you like ethiopian chick tell your friends.

it is a bee-token site check it out tell me what you think.

very open for content and suggestion. Since you asked for suggestions, my suggestion is that your post be deleted.

This is not a pay-per-view photo site. If it were, some of us could retire :).

06-01-07, 13:14
You finished 5 times in 2 hours and then another 10 times at night time?


You even put Rasputin to shame. Please share your secret with us poor fellows.

Hi all,

One night went to nearest place which was rattlesnake, first time to go there, not up to my expectations, lots of afros and Chinese and was almost leaving at 1 am when I saw her. She was russian, julia and very nice we agreed on 700 allnight. Back to my hotel, had fun, finished 4 times then she said she was tired and left at 4. Took her number but won't repeat.

Last nights played it smart and went to Broadway, made the reservation in advance, nice price 600 bed and breakfast. Which was ok. Enjoyed the shisha cafe. Saw all old faces and new ones as well. Anyway there was this girl I liked last time but her madame was an assh*** with an attitude problem. Same happened this time and ended up leaving her. Saw another shishani. Up to my room 500 for 2 hours which was ok. Finished 5 times and went back. Saw very nice madame with very nice girls negotiated 2 girls 2. 5 hours for 1200 but I went out and had dinner. Anyway came back to find the other girl already taken. The madame was very nice and needed money so I decided to pay more specially that I liked the other girl. So took her all night for 800.

The night was really great. Finished 10 times and she finally left round 4 am. But very good atttitude and she says she is only 1 week in dubai and I believe her. But one of the horniest girls I've ever seen. She even did CIM without me asking cause she was into it though she started with CBJ.

Anyway, broadway is a goldmine. Very funny the way they chase you at 9 am at breakfast! And one wanting 400 for 1. 5 hours and she will do ANYTHING cause she is HUNGRY for me as she says. Hehehe.

Have fun


06-01-07, 15:58
Anyway, once settled in I hope that one of the expert dubai whorists can take me on a grand tour of the muff holes, yes the beer will be on me! I'll pass. 5190
the thais are all *****s, male and female, lower, upper class right up to the royals, just read the history of past kings etc. anyway, i won't bore you with it. Certainly every right to YOUR opinion, but MY experience is that the attitude you receive is the attitude you project... I'd suggest you not try that attitude on the hosts HERE... They aren't as forgiving as the Thais...

Anyway there is nothing noted about this hotel in the forum.Well, not on this thread. The hotel thread,
has conflicting reports. I don't know how many "Millenium" hotels there are in town, but the Airport one has been reported RED.

My Kapitan
06-02-07, 06:02
Hi all,

leaving at 1 am when I saw her. She was russian, julia and very nice we agreed on 700 allnight. Back to my hotel, had fun, finished 4 times then she said she was tired and left at 4.

Up to my room 500 for 2 hours which was ok. Finished 5 times and went back.

The night was really great. Finished 10 times and she finally left round 4 am.
EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Do the maths.

1am till 4am 4 finishes is once every 45mins - ok, if you have an MSB and haven't indulged for a while.

2 hours 5x is once every 24mins - unlikely.

4am departure quoted as all night - lets be generous and say 6 hours - every 36 mins given the repetition I think not.

Unless Ramisis is confusing shots with fucks this is total fiction. If its not I also would like to know the secret, Ramisis please enlighten us. Diet, seragen pills, drinks - what is it?

I usually manage 3 shots a night but spaced over a LT which in my book is 8 hours minimum not 3 ffs. Now if you are just talking fucks its a normal amount of activity (in my reckoning anyway).

How this kind of bullshit get earmarked for ROD is beyond me, happy to see noone has bothered to ROD it.


06-02-07, 13:31

I think it is obvious, Ramsis was counting strokes. ;)

06-02-07, 14:14
Hi all,

Back again to Dubai for couple of nights. Experiance good in general but lots of changes. No big places as before or the big 3 as I call them, Cy, Pre and Amn.I don't care how many times he shoots, or whether its true or not.

I do care if he says Premiere is closed along with Cyclone and Amnesia

Ramsis, is that what you are saying?

Krypto Knight
06-02-07, 15:35
On my trips to Thailand I've always had the philosophy to butterfly. Try as many different girls as possible and at most repeat with the same girl once or twice if the service is really special.

Since living in Dubai, (arrived in October) my philosophy as a resident is changing.

I have a PRC regular who is ex cyclone and now is working at the Hyatt Regency. I met her right when I got here. She was walking from Spinnies to her house, we both gave each other the eye, and negotiated on the spot.

Since it was an afternoon she agreed to 300 AED for 1 hour, even though she claimed to make 1,000 AED and up at cyclone. I believe her because she wouldn't drop her price any other time and wouldn't hang with me at night for the rate I usually ask 500, maybe 600.

So I've cultivated this relationship because she's worth it. She very cute, not an ounce of fat, intelligent and fun in bed. The "fun in bed" part has gotten better since we've been hanging out.

The benefits of a regular.

The first time I was with her she encouraged me to cum as the hour wound down, now she demands I not come until she's had her second or third orgasm. She wants to be fucked hard, "strong fuck me baby".

Before it was a CBJ now a BBBJ, done well as long as I want.

Before short time was an hour now it's 3 or 4.

Now there are half hour make out sessions before we do anything else.

Yesterday she came over, we had sex, went for a ride to the sheiks palace to see the peacocks, and she paid for the taxi. I cooked her dinner (something I enjoy), then sex again. I left 300 AED on her purse and she acted surprised. "I didn't come today for money". Yeah right I thought, but it's a fun game. I told her it was just a present.

The sex is first rate and I get complete girl friend effect to the max. When she stays all night with sex in the morning it's 500 AED.

So I have gone from enjoying the butterfly life to feeling like in Dubai anyway, you get more for your money if you find the right provider and cultivate the relationship.

Plus you avoid the "hassle" that the dubai bars are. Let's face it, is it really "fun" hanging out at a packed Dubai club, fighting off the hags that block you from what you are really looking for? Then the tense walk to the cab hoping the cops aren't around.

Thursday I leave for 10 days in Thailand...that will be another story altogether.

06-02-07, 20:56
The Wolf was in town and took one for the team.

That was several times in a row that I could see this Russia bold woman at the bar of the Traders hotel. Actually, I came 5 times in the last 5 months and here she was at the bar all times. And she seems to have some regulars too.
Today was quite low and she was not succeeding to convince the guy she spent about 2 hours with around several drinks. And she was making eyes contact with me all during her conversation with him.
When he decided to call it a night without even considering her offers, she was rather desparate.
So she came straight to me and asked me directly if I was staying at this hotel and if I was wanting some fun.
I said what kind.
She said the kind I would like.
I said what would be the punishment.
She answered 300 US$.
I said go and play with others.
She said how much are you ready to pay.
I said no more than 300 Dh.
She laughed. Stopped. And said : OK. 500.
I said why not. Yes, what the fuuck ? I was tired. Waiting for fun to happen. And it was a long time I didn't have both a russian and a bold lady.

She is from Ukraine, or at least she said she is. I think she is from Moldavia, judging by her bad manners... Her name is Janette.

She joined me in the room and was quickly nacked. Man, is she bold. Large natural breast. Very large shave pussy. Huge clit ! Huge ass.

We started to play and I asked for a blow job.
She said then that with condom or nothing. Bad start.

She then tried to probe her finger with very long nail in my ass and I said what do you want to do ? To kill me ?
I then plundged my fingers in her pussy and her ass and both were so dry that she was immediatly in pain. Fortunately the Wolf always carries the magical cream. I put some on my fingers and came back to work.
I didn't see that she did the same and it was what a surprise when I suddenly felt something right where even light has no right to show up...
That was too much and I decided to ask her to suck me.

She made mashed potatoes of my balls and didn't even give a mouth stroke to my dick. I asked her to improve and she said that she doesn't like it and doesn't want to do it. But she said that she loves to be sucked and presented her huge clit to me.
I declined the offer unpolitely.

I ask to visit her back door and she threatened to leave.

I then decided to fuck her quickly to finish.
She started cow girl but she must be twice as heavy as I am and I didn't see it. I was so uncomfortable that I had to push her away in order to take her from top. And take some breath...
She absolutely refused doggy saying that men dirty, always try to go back door...

OK. So I stroked and stroke for about 5mn and suddenly she said : I am tired. You must come now because I shall go soon.
That was a bit too much.

So I asked her to masturbate me on her breast without condom.
She said ok but asked me not to come higher than below her breast. I confirmed.
She was hurting me by her terrible technique. But revenge was coming.

When I was ready, I simply moved back and then up and send the trooppers all over her face and her hair.

Men, I had been in penitence for the last 3 weeks without any recreation. Here came a huge bucket of swimmers. High and loud. Her left side face and hair was covered. Her right eye was dead. Her left hear was full...
And was she mad ! Men, was she mad at me...

She was yelling all over the room. I am sure the neighbours just woke up.
She rushed to the bathroom and it took her about 25mn to clean her hair that she has rather curly. Better change hairdresser as he did not do a lasting job, believe me.

She insulted me for the last 5 mn and then went out the room without a nighty night kiss.

Too bad. But the ending was quite a fun, really. And fully worthing the money at the end.
No need to say that it's better to avoid her if you come to cross her path...

The Wolf.

06-02-07, 21:08
She insulted me for the last 5 mn and then went out the room without a nighty night kiss.You managed to turn it around? You smoothie :-)

I enjoyed reading that FR.

06-02-07, 21:11
Wolf, that is so fucking funny. She deserved what she got! Thank you for doing what many of us have often thought of doing!

06-02-07, 22:32

I think it is obvious, Ramsis was counting strokes. ;)LOL

Well the gentleman never tells; )

All I can say is for that night I finished 15 times, you have the girls. Fatma from shishan and Christina from russia in broadway. I'm sure they will never forget.


Tercar 66
06-03-07, 11:27
I re-visited my MP again after a week. This time I skipped the massage and went for 2 pops for Dhs.100.00. Since I picked up the same female from previous week she gave me a better service. After I finished I tried my regular inhouse that was closed. To my suprise , he has taken an appt in the opposite buliding. I just checked it out as I was already satuarated (age is catching up). He had a crop of 5 Indonesians, 2 Russians and 1 Cute Pakistani female. I belived she does not stay there, she comes at noon and leaves at night. I will skip my MP and visit there next week.

My Kapitan
06-03-07, 11:50
I don't care how many times he shoots, or whether its true or not.

I do care if he says Premiere is closed along with Cyclone and Amnesia

Ramsis, is that what you are saying?

Neither do I, what concerns me is that such fiction can be recommended as an ROD. I concur with Nightcat's comment on the dicussion of the pol thread -Replace "reports of distinction" with per-message voting.


Funfor Females
06-03-07, 11:55
I seem to recall we went through all this business with Ramsis last December

He was claiming to have an orgasm frequency to equal the pulse rate of most fit men.

Maybe that is the answer..........It was last December.

If this guy spends 6 months of the year in seclusion, on a high protein diet, and only comes out to play at Christmas and midsummer then he will go off like a gattling gun.

Hardly surprising really.

Wicked Roger
06-03-07, 12:01
I usually manage 3 shots a night but spaced over a LT which in my book is 8 hours minimum not 3 ffs. Now if you are just talking fucks its a normal amount of activity (in my reckoning anyway).


3 shots in LT - that's not what O told me ;) and neither is that what WR has witnesssed while riding in tandem with you on those fun nights in AD!

Agree with maths and conclusion but also quality over quantity and us older guys sure have quality...;) and some have quantity too....:)


Wicked Roger
06-03-07, 12:09
I ask to visit her back door and she threatened to leave.

She absolutely refused doggy saying that men dirty, always try to go back door...


Nice FR, had me chuckling all way.

As for doggy and men being dirty...arent we all? Well she has a point, we would absolutely try for the glory hole if we could (well I would, so would Piper, MK, McFly, Wolfie Mike, Charles Wax.....to name but a few ;))

Reminds of when MK tried to pick up a nice CIS blonde in 49ers last year - see his FR (long time back April-July 2006) and she thought he was crazy asking for Greek. I thought he was being polite as he asked well before the bedroom ;)


06-03-07, 12:39
All I can say is for that night I finished 15 times ... I'm sure they will never forget.No doubt a chronic premature ejaculator is something they would never forget... :)

Agree with MK - ROD? I think the vetting is becoming more and more automatic - more that a paragraph following guidelines and it is an ROD.

06-03-07, 13:13
Neither do I, what concerns me is that such fiction can be recommended as an ROD. I concur with Nightcat's comment on the dicussion of the pol thread -Replace "reports of distinction" with per-message voting.

MKI like the Voting idea!

Wicked Roger
06-03-07, 13:17
no doubt a chronic premature ejaculator is something they would never forget... :)

agree with mk - rod? i think the vetting is becoming more and more automatic - more that a paragraph following guidelines and it is an rod.
or maybe he is confusing going to the toilet for a [CodeWord134] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord134).....

rod are like ff's frs - good reports, scouting etc with knowledge that can be shared. not sure 'coming' 15 times in a night will help a newbie monger to dubai ;)



speaking of ff - how is life? am waiting for the first fr of your latest adventure in your new place

06-03-07, 16:07

Has any one tried that Indian girl Reema in Deera lately?

My Kapitan
06-03-07, 16:28

Speaking of FF - how is life? Am waiting for the first FR of your latest adventure in your new place50/50 is of course enjoying life in KZ. Has a new minature babe in tow. I know he's writing a report for the Kazakstan forum. Keep watching that space.

06-03-07, 18:17

Does anyone have any contacts for Pakisatani and North Indian gals in Dubai?

Would appreciate thanks


06-03-07, 18:54
...I came 5 times in the last 5 months You should talk to Ramsis. ;)

06-03-07, 22:44
You should talk to Ramsis. ;)

You certainly did not find the comment you kindly attribute to me in my reports.
You might have mix it up with someone else...

But I agree that Ramsis needs to manner a bit !...

The wolf

06-03-07, 22:48
I re-visited my MP again after a week.


Would you mind sharing the address of your MP ?


The Wolf

Fifty Fifty
06-04-07, 04:47
50/50 is of course enjoying life in KZ. Has a new minature babe in tow. I know he's writing a report for the Kazakstan forum. Keep watching that space.

Hi guys thanks for the enquiries, life in KZ is excellent. FR of my first weekend posted. I was missing Dubai badly, that was until Friday night when I was chatted up by an exceptionally fit, but not so miniature, 18 yr old babe, yes she 'mongered' me.
My incredible luck continues as in the usual FF style I have moved her in for a week or so of LT fun, she is quite tall and 10% over the FF weight criteria, but best of all it is totally free.

Hope to be in Dubai around end of July for a week or so of fun.

Cheers, FF

06-04-07, 04:56
You certainly did not find the comment you kindly attribute to me in my reports. Oh yes he did LOL – here it is in context.

That was several times in a row that I could see this Russia bold woman at the bar of the Traders hotel. Actually, I came 5 times in the last 5 months and here she was at the bar all times. I had previously spotted the word play but did not post it.

My Kapitan
06-04-07, 09:00
4 nights 4 3sums - knackered need a night off LOL.

Regal was quiet at 1030 with a 1/1 M/F ratio. After midnight about 3/1.

Marianna ex Regal 800 LT took her home this morning at 1030. Word is going round the Regal that we are a fun couple, had two girls come up to us last night and offering girl on girl, all are friends of Nori from a few nights ago.

No action pics as we spent all night, and I mean all night, fucking each other senseless. Best for me was finishing with CIM and swallow with one giving head while the other had my balls in her mouth, nothing like it.

Swinging Heaven web cam has rarely seen the like, inundated with mail this morning..

Couple of unusual non action pics on the photo thread.


06-04-07, 09:46
Here is a report from Tubby 1 who cannot access this forum. (posted with his permission) It confirms my suspicion that if you are on the Deira side of the Creek Ku-Bu is well worth a visit. You can mitigate the "Walk of Shame" if you are taking a taxi by using other entrances.

Sooo - its been a while since I last had an opportunity to hit the town on a Thursday night but a Boys Night for a South African work colleague shortly to depart these shores offered the ideal cover. To cut a long story short the night was spent on Deira side for a change and included a visit to Ku-Bu in the recently renamed SAS Radisson.

I arrived at the place around 11.30pm and found the traffic from Bur Dubai to Deira via the Al Maktoum Bridge acceptable

If Thursday night is anything to go by then those who haven’t yet visited Ku-Bu should make an immediate note in their diary -
To quote Borat "wa Wa WA!" - what an impressive and delectable selection of beauties. Young Moroccans, Lebanese, Indians, Russians, 'Astanis and a couple of stunning Asians. Downside - Of course where there is such rich fruit available there will be no shortage of pluckers - ordering drinks was difficult and once suitably stocked up negotiating ones way back to the group was torturous!!

Visiting with a work group made pulling impossible but I was able to take a few numbers - the stunning Asian in particular!! Lastly I was pleasantly surprised at the reasonable quotes I received although it has to stressed that each offer was made on the basis that accommodation would have to be provided.

Still in the end a worthwhile trip that will appeal to forum members requiring new venues to visit beyond the Golden Triangle!!

The SAS Radisson must have the longest and potentially most embarrassing walk of shame than any hotel in the UAE I am aware of. Punters beware - if you valet park your car (essential if visiting the SAS Rad') you would normally enter the hotel at the main entrance - Ku Bu is to the very far left of the hotel along the main ground floor walk through - past the entrance vestibule with the hotel reception on the right, past the popular Coffee Shop, Banquet Halls and other entertainment venues.

Now imagine the walk in reverse from the bar back to car or even worse to the hotel lifts located immediately adjacent to the main reception and you might have some idea of the steely resolve required when escorting your new playmate "home" - definitely not for the faint hearted!!

Great Bar though with some top class crumpet! Tea anyone???

Happy hunting,

06-04-07, 12:15
Does anyone have any contacts for Pakisatani and North Indian gals in Dubai?Free forum, I know, but... Make it stop, please, make it stop.
30 posts:
17 asking about contacts for indian/pakistani girls
11 asking other questions about this girl, that girl, hotel, coloring
2 asking questions about safe sex

Senior member? Kind of downgrades that status.

Please. It's like a broken record.

Tell me Zaz99: do you ever DO anything?

Fifty Fifty
06-04-07, 12:43
Tell me Zaz99: do you ever DO anything?

I agree 11B, but he does do something, he asks questions. Do you think he could find some of the answers at the Fantasia? Then maybe your request for cessation will be granted.

Cheers, FF

Grateful Spread
06-04-07, 12:50
Do the maths.

How this kind of bullshit get earmarked for ROD is beyond me, happy to see no one has bothered to ROD it.

MKIt’s been a wee while since I last posted, thinking I would save my ink for when I had something interesting to say. Well, my repatriation has done nothing to help my favourite pastime and has therefore dried up my creative and other juices: leading to a probable MSB (to coin a Rogerism).

Regarding the recommendations for RODs, their purpose surely, is to encourage regular members like me, to align ourselves with ISG rather than be tempted into joining the competition (having surfed around the next biggest competitor, frankly there is no danger of this ever happening). On first posting to ISG, I almost blushed with pride when my FRs got the Jackson seal of approval and this had the effect of reinforcing a sense of community (something you don’t get on the other site where anyone can start a thread so there is no continuity and a lot of pointless repetition in different threads).

However, I pretty soon came to the realisation that most newbies got a gold star provided their reports strung more than a couple of words together in some sort of order and they weren’t too irrelevant. This is an approach that clearly works and I would guess that Jackson would probably like to keep it this way – especially as they are only recommendations. Your average member will always vote with his feet and consequently very few recommendations make it to the ROD thread (except maybe those posted by their more egotistical authors).

The voting idea is the best, most democratic way of ensuring quality posts make it to the ROD thread – but there is no reason why moderator’s recommendation can’t continue in parallel.


Greetings GS,

Well said.



06-04-07, 15:03

What bars have decent food, not just snacks, but a meal?

I find Seaview's menu to be quite good: filet steak, club sandwich, etc. And it USUALLY arrives hot, or at least warm. Relatively cheap too.

Cyclone's (RIP) outside patio cafe decent enough for a bite while out.

At the other end of the scale is Rattlesnake where their food is truly abysmal.

So what about other bars? How is their in-house menu? Never tried the York, Imperial, Jockey's...

TGIT not bad, and Astoria's Poncho Villa's OK (if you're not familiar with mexican food and haven't had any for a year or 2). One place to stay clear of for mexican food is Imperial's small bar - best thing I can say is that it is better than Rattlesnake.


Do you think he could find some of the answers at the Fantasia?Difficult these days; membership quota pretty well at the top. Nice thing, prevents overcrowding. And the prices certainly keep out lookie-lous.

But Big Sheesha was saying that due to a number of major players taking summer holidays, some temp memberships might be on offer. But again, for recommended players.

By the way, he sends his regards...

06-04-07, 15:24
Hi All,

Would appreciate if Someone could introduce me a Pretty, Tall PRC SYT, WL for a Long Term stint with me. What are the usual rates here in Dubai?

Am actually now in Dubai and feeling very lonely tonight.

Cheer Bros.

Jimmy K II
06-04-07, 16:11

What bars have decent food, not just snacks, but a meal?

In my opinon, the menu at the Jules Bar in the Meridien Víllage next to the airport is also very good.
If you don't want to enter the Jules Bar too early you can easily spend your time while dining in the buffet restaurant at reasonable prices, normally with drinks inkluded (wine, beer, etc).
It was always very welcome during my DXB visits.
Unfortunately i haven't been there for more than 6 month (not even to DXB- fu**)

Have fun guys and

Funfor Females
06-04-07, 16:29
There seems to be a discussion brewing about the food that is available in whoring haunts.

In my view there are few better ways to spend a lazy afternoon than a thoroughly good curry at the Sind Punjab just round the corner from the Astoria Hotel.

The trick is to get the table nearest the window (The place is long and thin) and sit looking out whilst reading a Daily Telegraph and munching on Karhi Gosht.

A steady stream of WGs wander past on the track between the Astoria and elewhere in the Golden Triangle.

Of course the happy wanderers describe the entire spectrum of sqirtablity from the positively offensive to classic 'A' listers. They are all there.....The long and the short and the tall.

Dirty, scruffy, jean wearing, miserable looking ne'er do wells tread the same path as beskirted, smiling, fuckable funsters. The art is to spot the good prospect before she passes from view and disappears into the black hole of the Astoria.

At this point solid eye contact is vital and vigerous arm waving is ill advised.

With the right sort of non verbal coms you finish your curry and emerge into the sunlight to find your chosen playmate lingering outside. They are often pretending to make a call at the 'phone-on-a-stick' next to the barbers. (Poor fieldcraft really because the gilrs all have mobiles.)

Oh well, that's my contribution.

Eat well, feed the inner man and go forth in fornication.

06-04-07, 20:24
Oh yes he did LOL – here it is in context.
I had previously spotted the word play but did not post it.

You got me there. Obviously I was mentioning about visiting the place (Dubai) and Traders Hotel) not cuming (only) 5 times in the last months....

Enjoy anyway

The Wolf

Mike De H
06-04-07, 21:38
Tell me Zaz99: do you ever DO anything?

For the benefit of our clinically obsessed friend, I can confirm fantastic sex with my first Indian (but from Belgium) prostitute last Saturday.

It was fantastic, she is a real Snogmonster (a girl that aggressively kisses back). She is called Sandra.

To find her, here are the diretions From Jumeirah beach.

Al Dyafah, up to Defense ministry, turn left, then onto Airport Road.
Drive onto departures, get Lufthansa Flight to Dusseldorf. Hire car drive to Venlo. Ask for Sauna Club goldentime. Pay €50, walk inside, have a free beer, some food. Then wait for an Indian Girl called Sandra to walk past. Ask her to fuck you and she will take you to a room and give you an extremely passionat time. 1 hour will cost €75.

Then go home to Dubai.

www.fkk-goldentime.de for anyone that interested.

06-04-07, 21:55
......She is called Sandra.

....To find her, here are the diretions From Jumeirah beach.

thanks for the directions, Mike, but I will be in Deira. Could you please give directions from there?

06-05-07, 05:51
Would appreciate if Someone could introduce me a Pretty, Tall PRC SYT, WL for a Long Term stint with me. What are the usual rates here in Dubai?I fell sorry for Speilman who went through the not inconsiderable effort to produce his mongering matrix and Barry D who placed it in the reports of distinction so it's easy to find.

Just get off your ass, get down to one of the locations mentioned here and make a deal. It SO easy.

Barry D
06-05-07, 06:56
I fell sorry for Speilman who went through the not inconsiderable effort to produce his mongering matrix and Barry D who placed it in the reports of distinction so it's easy to find.

Just get off your ass, get down to one of the locations mentioned here and make a deal. It SO easy.


My original comment in the RoD quote for Spellman's hard work was:
"A list of DXB clubs, locations, entry requirements, WG Menu, approx opening price guide....
What more do you need?

Obviously some people need to be lead around like a 3-year old! Next thing you know they will be asking "What drink should I ask for?"

06-05-07, 08:38
Obviously some people need to be lead around like a 3-year old! Next thing you know they will be asking "What drink should I ask for?"

Which will be followed almost immediately by "Can you unzip me, please, and stick it in?", and in turn.......

06-05-07, 12:49
Would appreciate if Someone could introduce me a Pretty, Tall PRC SYT, WL for a Long Term stint with me.Barcrawler, Barry D, Excess - you bunch of UNCIVILIZED HEATHENS: Mr Fairchild is a proper GENTLEMAN, asking for an introduction to a young maiden.

I know for "your" types, an intro goes something like: "hey, babe, how much for what?"

Mr. Fairchild is old school, so needs a proper intro: "Mr. Fairchild, I'd like you to meet"... ("Hey, what's your name, what city you come from")... "Miss ____ from _____."

The only problem I see is either she falls over laughing, or else "little english, little english" as she calls over a translator (which would complete the foursome).

thanks for the directions, Mike, but I will be in Deira. Could you please give directions from there?Unfortunately, due to the road constructions/diversions, not possible from Diera.


Zaz99: My bad. I had almost forgotten this method: http://*******.com/2zq9cf
Success most anywhere...

To all: thanks for the "kitchen" reports.

06-05-07, 13:13
LOL - or in the words of so many FSU 'field' workers that we have all known and loved (calling up a Slavic drawl): " I like it too much".

Luper Calia
06-05-07, 13:28
Mr. Fairchild is old school, so needs a proper intro: "Mr. Fairchild, I'd like you to meet"... ("Hey, what's your name, what city you come from")... "Miss ____ from _____."Bravo. Surely as an over-riding principle of etiquette, the prostitute should be introduced to the client rather than vice versa. Or perhaps that is where the term vice versa comes from.

Sorry to point this out, but one imagines that Mr F would be a stickler for the correct form of introduction.

06-05-07, 18:42
Back from a long weekend in Dubai, drained and exhausted!

My main reason for being there was that I seemed to have developed an infatuation problem from a previous trip, and that itch had to be scratched! Back from Dubai now, and the itch is still there, so a bit of a problem there, any remedies gratefully received.

Back to the reporting…visited KuBu, which is located within the Radisson in Diera. Mainly Russian types, with some decent looking PRC – no black/African girls. The place is very small and it was a struggle to the bar, I was there on Sunday night around 11.00/11.30 and men outnumbered women by about 2:1. Another observation, almost all the guys in this place looked like they were serious punters, I did not see one who you could mark down as just in to have a look. I started to speak to a girl, went off to buy her a drink, bar was a nightmare so it took a good 15 min’s, anyway I come back and she’s gone. Her manager told me to hang on for a while, an Asian guy nearby helpfully pointed out that he had already closed the deal with her for the night, he did apologise mentioning that he had only moved in because he had thought I had not shown any interest in taking her. He was over the moon about how cheap Dubai was, AED 1000 for the night is what he had agreed…although he may have had a surprise coming on the definition of night as I was to find out later. Moral being, it was a competitive environment with the potential for being bid up for the better girls…..and judging by the size of those cigars, some of these guys were paying.

Also, worth a mention, there was no charge at the door. I saw a couple of guys stopped to have their laptop bags checked and that was about it, I walked straight in and so seemed to everyone else. The standard of the girls is average to high, with some definite 8+ material. After having paid for a Pina Colada and no success, I homed in on an absolute blonde looker, but was told by the madam that she was new/spoke no English…therefore passed on her as I was not in the mood for that type of evening. The tone had been set and blonde was going to be the theme for me; spotted another one, about 5’ 7”, very slim with small but prominent chest and short blonde hair…wandered over and enquired if I could buy her a drink? NO, ok that was pretty clear. I had seen her speaking to an Arab looking guy earlier and thought maybe she was also taken for that evening and waiting for him to reappear. Scouted around for 15 minutes and she’s still standing there on her own, not talking to anyone like there was serious business involved, so being a persistent so and so, went over again and wandered if she was ready for that drink now? Got a no and a laugh, ice broken, started talking. Seemed when she had said no earlier, it was a no to the drink only and not to being propositioned. Agreed AED1,200 for her to be with me till the next morning. She spoke good English, had a marketing diploma from Moscow and pleasant to be with. Back to my room and ordered some drinks etc…eventually concluded round 1. I’m in the bathroom splashing some water, and she turns up behind me fully dressed!#@! What the F#@K?? It’s about 2.45am and apparently morning to her means 3.00am (that’s the time KuBu closes), so she’s leaving. There was no point in arguing the toss, and the mood was broken, I was tempted to ask her to leave the room and wait in the corridor, but resisted.


Jackson, I used large caps deliberately to draw attention, hope ok. I did try to start a thread titled “Girls to beware” and add her details there, but I seem unable to initiate a new thread.

Back to the rest of the trip; spent time with my itch which has got worse. Wandered into Imperial at around 10.00 on Monday, space to wander around and almost 1:1 ratio with most continents represented…they should rename it the UN. Quality is variable, but there are some lookers, it’s where I picked up my ‘itch’ the first time, so cannot complain too much.

Also, revisited some positions with an Armenian girl I had picked up from Broadway on a previous trip. Spent a long afternoon with her, following day went to Broadway again around midday and was just about to strike up a conversation with a good looking ‘stani type, and guess who walks in. The surprise on her face, not to mention a killer look…for the sake of preserving the relationship – she has become progressively adventurous as we spend more time together, so I have some equity there I want to preserve – I made as if I had been waiting for her and walked out with her! I’m sure she did not believe that (i) I had tried to call her (look, no missed calls), and (ii) was only passing time talking with the girl, with my only intention waiting for her to show.

Broadway delivers a consistently good quality of girls, and the girls also seem less inclined to renege on services agreed. If the Russians carry on like Olga from KuBu, they might find themselves marginalised.

Oh, and last but not least. Trilogy in the Madinat is drawing in some of the old Cyclone crowd, so if that’s your scene then Trilogy may yield some results.

06-05-07, 20:59
Got a no and a laugh, ice broken, started talking. Seemed when she had said no earlier, it was a no to the drink only and not to being propositioned.
I’m in the bathroom splashing some water, and she turns up behind me fully dressed!#@! What the F#@K?? It’s about 2.45am and apparently morning to her means 3.00am (that’s the time KuBu closes), so she’s leaving. ...

Oh, and last but not least. Trilogy in the Madinat is drawing in some of the old Cyclone crowd, so if that’s your scene then Trilogy may yield some results.GREAT FR with a lot of useful info.

She started off great, saying a drink not necessary. Those types I like. For the record, I RARELY buy a girl a drink; only if I've known her for a long time. Like her, I'm not REALLY there to drink :) [And yes, I am a cheap charlie in that regards. At the drink prices here, the bar can get rich off of someone else. I'd rather give the money directly to her as tip, taxi fare, whatever...]

One suggestion: with an unknown, I always ask what time she'll be leaving in the morning. I know some a-listers' definition of "all night" is "until you fall asleep". Others are used to staying up all night, so a 5, 6am departure to go home and sleep in their own bed for as long as they want, without having to get up at say 9, 10am, when the client does, having to wake up, get dressed, grab a taxi, go home, and try to fall back asleep. But asked up front, even with no guarantee, you can make a risk assessment and decide accordingly (some are very honest).

MY experience: out-and-out ripoff artists few and far between, at least on the asian side of things (most are FL's, no controllers involved). If a girl is going to do a runner (most common rip IS pay-in-advance, LT becomes ST), not much you can do if she insists on money up front. Again, for me, that insistence is a warning flag - she can be legit, but it is a factor in the go/no-go decision. What you can do is try and protect yourself from the "let's be clever" girls, looking for "loopholes"...

But yours a definite rip. Difficult to prevent when it's pay in advance; even a 50% down would not have done much good. You handled it like a gentleman - no use getting upset about what's already done. About the only thing you can do is what you did: appreciate the head's up.

Nice tip about Cyclone refugees... Now, if I could only pass the dress code for a place like Trilogy.

BTW: being absent from the scene NO way to get over an infatuation - just worsens the condition, my experience anyway. Only way is repetitive doses to build up a resistance.

Fifty Fifty
06-06-07, 10:00
If the Russians carry on like Olga from KuBu, they might find themselves marginalised.

Judging from the number of similar 'tales of woe' previously posted in this forum including past personal experience, IMHO I think they are already marginalised as you put it.

There are plenty of them who either:

Threaten to leave early and demand extra payment.

Demand extra payment and leave early anyway.

Empty the fridge, either on the way in or on the way out (when leaving early)

Demand extras such as cigarettes, food, room service then leave early.

Just leave early.

Although, if you do get a good one and she does stay, the experience is often worth the risk, just ask MK.

cya, FF

Wicked Roger
06-06-07, 12:30
Although, if you do get a good one and she does stay, the experience is often worth the risk, just ask MK.

cya, FF
I agree FF but we both know he has had the odd bad blonde CIS blonde ...who is still working in Gauloises!!

Enjoy the babes as if you would not!


06-06-07, 22:21
Aimara: Great report. And I loved the title of your post! Excellent news to hear my favourite Cyclone-type girls have fled to Ku Bu and Trilogy. But those bars also tend to attract "normal" clubbers. How does one distinguish between party girls and working girls at a place like Trilogy? What's the dress code at those two places? Is it a snobby velvet rope type place like Buddha Bar?

Speaking of clubbing, has anyone been to Chi@TheLodge yet?

06-06-07, 22:29
Aimara: Great report. And I loved the title of your post! Excellent news to hear my favourite Cyclone-type girls have fled to Ku Bu and Trilogy. But those bars also tend to attract "normal" clubbers. How does one distinguish between party girls and working girls at a place like Trilogy? What's the dress code at those two places? Is it a snobby velvet rope type place like Buddha Bar?

Speaking of clubbing, has anyone been to Chi@TheLodge yet?Bob, dress code is relaxed. I've been in Kubu, Trilogy and Buddha Bar in jeans and t-shirt. I snuck into Trilogy wearing sandals one spontaneous visit, by walking in the middle of the group I was with, and diverting security's attention by pointing urgently behind me as I entered. While they looked behind me, I walked inside.

It's not always easy to tell the WGs apart from non-WGs in such venues. Look for girls sitting alone or in pairs at the bar, making more than fleeting eye-contact, or the classic give-away: a straw in the beer.

A friend and I were hit on by a couple of cute WGs at Trilogy, while our wives watched in amusement only two metres away. It was easy to tell they were WGs: young beautiful girls only hit on middle-aged ugly guys for one reason. ;)

06-06-07, 22:59

How does one distinguish between party girls and working girls at a place like Trilogy? What's the dress code at those two places? Is it a snobby velvet rope type place like Buddha Bar?

KuBu didn't really have a dress code, there were a few suits but most were casual / smart casual. Trilogy has a few more of the poseur posse, but personally I rocked up in Jeans, shirt and shoes, and no problems.

As for spotting the girls; at Kubu you will have no issues, they're all around you! Trilogy, pretty much what Piper describes, if they hold eye contact you're in business....less fail safe, they all seemed to be drinking red bull's!

On a different note, I called 'YaYa' however the lady who answered did not answer to that name. She was available though, but I passed as I have had a bad experience with ordering delivery before, and did not fancy going with someone sight unseen - once they've trecked to your place its difficult to turn them away on the basis its not what you expected.

06-07-07, 05:16
Look for girls sitting alone or in pairs at the bar, making more than fleeting eye-contact, or the classic give-away: a straw in the beer.
So true, yet still not fail-safe. I was having a drink with a CIS GF in Istanbul, and she asked for straw for her beer. She had never done that before (2+ years anyway) and I had to have a little chat with her about it. She was really surprised, claimed many CIS women ask for a straw, they think it is neater. ;)

Tom Sorenson
06-07-07, 06:21
Every once in a while I get a couple of hours of freedom and yesterday took advantage of the time with my favorite AMP girl. I have known her for a couple of years and manage to see her about once every 4-6 weeks. I first met her just after she arrived here from China and it just keeps getting better and better.

We have developed an nice easygoing but sexually intense relationship - extreme GFE in my opinion. Yesterday, after some great DFK, AR, BBBJ and 69, she took control and spent the whole time on top, grinding away, as I played and sucked on her tits. She eventually came 3 times with shuddering body and internal vaginal spasms gripping my cock. Finally she brought me off and we just melted into each other and enjoyed the closeness.

Times with her help make up for the disasters that I have had with other girls on accassion.

My Kapitan
06-07-07, 07:11
Speaking of clubbing, has anyone been to Chi@TheLodge yet?

The Lodge is a disaster, has been for a while. Its now a construction site (but bar still open) populated by sub continentals - nothing wrong in that but its not my scene.

Piper - Straws in beer bottles and glasses is an exclusively CIS thing, in Kz is necessary to ask NOT to have once placed in the beverage! BTW you are not ugly, many girls find the size of your walet very attractive :) and no I didn't miss the irony.


06-07-07, 10:06
I hit the Rattlesnake last night between 9:40 and Midnight, with an out of town visitor who wanted to check the place out.

The M/F ratio was good and, as I found on my previous visit there were a good number of A list PRC in residence (probably cyclone refugees), there were also several very attractive Africans. We managed to get a much better pitch than last time and had as good a vista as can be had at the ‘snake.

CIS numbers were low but we did spot two attractive blonds. You would have heard the conversation stop if they entered most bars in my home town. That got me wondering, how seriously attractive does a “European” woman have to be these days to tempt me?

I was surprised the entrance fee did not include a drink. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are deemed to be the week end at the ‘Snake. As previously reported entry 35AED

Philly D
06-08-07, 00:41
Obvious not peak season to visit but I may be drafted for a week during the dog days of summer. Q = Do the number / quality of CIS girls go down considerable during July / Aug in places such as Cyclone?

Philly D
06-08-07, 00:58
LOL, ok - as evidenced by my last post I have not been here for a while and did not realize that Cyclone is closed. That sucks but the previous question remains open for places such as Premiere (which I guess where the CIS have gone).


The last post referenced did not show up so I'll ask again. I may have to visit DXB sometime in July / Aug. I know its not the peak season but am wondering if the number / quality of the CIS girls are reduced during the dog days of summer?

06-08-07, 10:42

Does anyone have any contacts for Pakisatani and North Indian gals in Dubai?

Would appreciate thanks

Zazbeen seeing the same question asked by you time and again mate. did you find any yet?

Guys do you think I should let the fela have the indian/pakistani contact that I am still in touch with? (Piper you know who I mean)


06-08-07, 11:44
NOP should only been given to people who give something back to the Dubai thread ;)


been seeing the same question asked by you time and again mate. did you find any yet?

Guys do you think I should let the fela have the indian/pakistani contact that I am still in touch with? (Piper you know who I mean)


06-08-07, 14:32
Rattlesnake has increased the entry fee on Thursdays from 35 to 50 AED. This increase is only for Thursdays however.

However this did not seem to put anyone off, as the place was 'heaving' last night.

Lets hope they don't make the new entry fee for every night of the week, but I suspect they will in the future.

06-08-07, 16:57
Would appreciate, as when I have been to Dubai the only Indian / Pak gals I have seen are at the Mujra clubs in hotels, which are a ripp off. I have come across CIS and African freelance gals, but no Indian or Pak gals.

I would greatly appreciate JSF if you or Piper could give me some contacts.

I have a contact for 2 Iranians? However I'm not into Iranians.

Many thanks,


06-08-07, 20:11
JSF, over to you. ;)
Would appreciate, as when I have been to Dubai the only Indian / Pak gals I have seen are at the Mujra clubs in hotels, which are a ripp off.

I would greatly appreciate JSF if you or Piper could give me some contacts.


06-09-07, 06:04
Lets hope they don't make the new entry fee for every night of the week, but I suspect they will in the future.I think they will. They are pushing it to see where the ceiling is. You may have also noticed that there is no longer happy hour prices before 10. The 'snake reaping a windfall,, primarally on the strength of ex Cyclone PRC A listers moving in. Given their past attitude towards PRC's I find it ironic.

06-09-07, 14:10
Would appreciate, as when I have been to Dubai the only Indian / Pak gals I have seen are at the Mujra clubs in hotels, which are a ripp off. I have come across CIS and African freelance gals, but no Indian or Pak gals.

I would greatly appreciate JSF if you or Piper could give me some contacts.

I have a contact for 2 Iranians? However I'm not into Iranians.

Many thanks,

ZazHi guys. Any of my buddies interested in the iranians contacts he has. I could get it for you in exchange for the indian contact.

PS. Piper Thanks...

06-09-07, 14:13
Got back from Dubai last weekend after a 3 day stay. As the flight landed in the morning, went straight to the hotel and got some sleep. Woke up in the afternoon & after shower & lunch got out my list massage contacts from the Gulf News classifieds section. Found one in Bur Dubai which wasn't too far from where we were staying so went to pay them a visit. Upon arrival had a choice of about 5 or 6 girls who varied from 4/10 to 7/10. After making choice was given massage & full personal service, which cost me 200 dirhams in total (100 for massage & 100 for full service).

In evening was deciding where to go & ended up going to Premier club in Hyatt Regency after visiting a few Indian/Pakistani dance clubs. At door was asked to pay 95 dirhams entrance fee which i reluctantly parted with. Once inside (about 1:30am) had a look around & was not too impressed with talent. Then saw a girl M who told me she was from Iran but most probably from old CIS who normally charges 1500 dirhams but would go with me for 1000 dirhams as its late (was about 2am). I told her i won't pay more than 700 dirhams & she said no way & went back to her group of friends. During the next 45 mins we kept glancing & smiling at each other & at 2:50am she came upto me & said 750 aed's until 8am with two shots & i replied i will only pay 700 aed's to which she then agreed.

Back in the room talked a little and i paid her 350 aed's upfront before proceeding to business, however her mobile kept going off every few mins which was annoying. She started by kissing me on my body, then gave me a CBJ, before sex in the mish position & then climaxing in the doggie position. After cleaning up we went to sleep however at about 6am she said she had to go as one of her friends was in trouble. I said we had agreed 2 shots until 8am, and if she left now she can do so but i won't pay her anymore money. This seemed to make her forget her friends problem quickly & she came back to the bed and started to kiss my neck & nipples which soon got me aroused. After another session she cleaned up had a coke from the mini bar and asked if it would be ok if she could leave. As it had now just gone 7:15am i said fine & paid her the reamaining 350 aed's with extra 20 aed's for taxi.

Overall i'd say her service was good, but her attitude left alot to be desired. If i had paid her all the money upfront, i'm sure she would have left, so thats a warning to all fellow mongers.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Deep Wet
06-09-07, 17:23
Have reached Dubai after a long gap and find a lot of changes here. Can anyone help in getting some CIS gal.

Looking for a FL and happy to meet fellow mongers if possible.

Cool Nomad
06-09-07, 21:19

Good to see you active again. Sent you a thank you note by e-mail for the info you messaged me. Didn't make use of it though. Too pricey at AED 1600 LT and home (hotel) delivery only. Added to it, limited prior inspection by appointment only! Anyway thanked J and conveyed your message. Great to see you on the board and welcome back! Hope to be back in DXB sometime in September.


06-09-07, 21:37
Pulled a PRC Cyclone refugee Friday night. Very reasonable english. 2 tidbits of intel: One newly arrived friend, difficult to find "preferred" customers, had gone with 2 saudi's (hell, MY alarm bells were going off). Had asked to see his room key. He had, Hyatt; she knew nice hotel, so... in the taxi, "saudi" told the driver to go to the police station. She's now on her way back to China (seems no prostitution charge; perhaps less paperwork to just deport). Sting, or perhaps a price discount threat that she did not yield to.

Another girl, summoned by an unknown mobile phone number, to a 5star on SZR. How did he get her number? From a friend. SZR, 5 star... She goes, LE waiting. Another one returned to China.So, if she's not eager to accept your phone call even if you've been recommended by a friend, or she's a bit dubious of your nationality, there can be reasons behind the cold shoulder.

Perhaps another reason for Nick9525's problems:


I have a contact for 2 Iranians? However I'm not into Iranians.Since you've publicly posted (no problem there), rather than PM, I feel free to publically comment: Yea, I kind of assumed you were not into Iranians, given your lack of FR's about them. Of course, given your lack of FR's PERIOD, kind of wonder if you've only been spending your time at the Mujra clubs. But no FR's there either, reporting rip-offs. Or maybe you're just not the kiss and tell type of guy.

I have come across CIS and African freelance gals, but no Indian or Pak gals.I've come across a few PRC's, but that's only when they've pulled away from the bbbj at a MOST inopportune moment.

HiEmpty your mailbox; it's overflowing. Perhaps consequences of an over-eager punter.... Glad to see you're still a visitor, even if not physically present.

NOP should only been given to people who give something back to the Dubai thread ;)I wouldn't restrict to dxb thread. After all, there are 1st time visitors who have made their bones elsewhere. But seems that some members run up quite a debt, rather than credits.

If i had paid her all the money upfront, i'm sure she would have left, so thats a warning to all fellow mongers.And hopefully they will read and heed.

Have reached Dubai after a long gap and find a lot of changes here. Can anyone help in getting some CIS gal. Spelman: what can I say? Deep Wet: I'd suggest a search of Spelman's posts to find the updated club list.

06-10-07, 05:30
Unusually I was getting the hard sell from a CIS. I ask her where she is from “Russia”, “where in Russia” I reply, “Baku”, “Ah, Azerbaijan?”, “No Kazakhstan!” This morning I am considering the possibility she was taking the [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140).

Never the less she was fulfilling a very useful function, occupying the landing zone and keeping one of the most annoying Africans I have yet to encounter at bay. Earlier this African had grabbed a handful of my ass by way of introduction and said she was from Liberia. No thank you did not work, go away was only slightly more successful, and the affect was short lived. By the time she came by for the third time I was considering calling security (being too much of a gentlemen to punch her). After my chat with the CIS she stopped by again and accused me of being racist for talking to that “Chinese” after refusing her. The sad fact is she was actually quite attractive, but watching, I am sure her ultra aggressive attitude was putting many people off.

The Seaview was quite busy for a Saturday with the usual mix of PRC, PI, African and CIS. “Kyrgyz dancer” was putting on quite a show, slightly curtailed when a spoil sport of a security guard stopped her from using a chair a prop.

The band was on top form - On balance a fun night out.

06-10-07, 13:30
No thank you did not work, go away was only slightly more successful, and the affect was short lived. By the time she came by for the third time I was considering calling security (being too much of a gentlemen to punch her). After my chat with the CIS she stopped by again and accused me of being racist for talking to that “Chinese” after refusing her. The sad fact is she was actually quite attractive, but watching, I am sure her ultra aggressive attitude was putting many people off.This is the reason why I avoid both Seaview and York. have on countless times had similar experiences which ruin my mood. I find African ladies attractive as much as anyone else, but the sheer grappling nature often puts me off. Then there is being accused of being racist!

Having said that, the African ladies at the Premier are FAR more friendlier.

06-10-07, 14:30
Back from another short stay at DXB and can say was yet another interesting experience.

Monday Night : Regal Revival?

Back to my preferred haunt, eager to check out the new supplies mentioned by MK. Place was rocking by 12, so naturally it was just about heading to the bar and straight into the action. Drink ordered, quick scan taken. All new faces. only recognised one face from the previous visit, an Uzbek Beauty called Malika who immediately spotted me and started blowing kisses. a quick wave back from me, but hats all..i want to check the new talent.

So starting from the spiral staircase, i scanned the surroundings of the dance floor. some very attractive girls, slim, CIS, very sharp featured. i spotted about 5 girls immediately which i found attractive. Appraoched a Russian named Christina. A former Amnesia frequenter who now hops between Premiere, Regal and Moscow. Complained how Amnesia closure means she has had to lower her rates (the poor thing) and that 1000 for the night was a bargain. I smiled at her and told her i may revisit.

Spoke to a few Stanis, mainly Uzbeks and Khazaks who had a strong presence that evening. After much flirting, and negotiating ended up landing one, Uzbek that is, called Mina. Attractive, great grasp of English and what appeared to be a nice honest attitude. Deal sealed for 900, she'd leave at 11am.

Turned out to be a treat. Very friendly, polite, and appreciated being treated like a normal person (Newer mongers heed). Was very enthusiastic and provided a great service. a definate winner.

Verdict for the day? Regal looking FAR better than had in previous six months. although, again, that is an opinion of one person.

Tuesday : Broadway, The Doctopuss den.

After following the great instructions provided by DOC, i ended up at the Broadway Hotel. Funny thing is, ive walked passed it a million times before from my stays at the concorde and Al Khaleej hotels! Oh well, i should pay attention in future :-)

So, straight in, and straight to the gents walking by the coffee shop and getting a glance. some nice tasties available at 2pm.

Once in and lucky to find a table near the counter i scanned around and had my ass pinched by a girl who watched me walk in. What was evidient was the number of "Bosses" around. One chubby Arabic lady in an Abaya, next to a table of about 3/4 very unattractive, heavy looking women who were very loud and were speaking to a few locals. from the marketing side, there were a some nice young hotties and the far end, near the mirror all clustered together.

So after ordering my drink, which took FOREVER to arrive i made eye contact with a few girls. All smiling back invitingly. i called one over to have some small talk, she was from Georgia, named Sasha, cute and blonde. but spoke very little English. 400 was the best deal she offered for one shot outside of the hotel premises, saying girls are encouraged to stay inside.

I wanted to speak to some more, so i did. Spoke to the girl who pinched my ass earlier, after smiling at her. She was over in a flash. Her name was Farida, claimed to be Turkish, although looked more North African in all honesty. Anyway she had Hena all over her arms. She spoke English quite well, turned out quite likeable, but i told her i would get back to her. She was happy with that.

After she returned to her seat, my jaw almost dropped when a short, but well equipped brunette walked in, wearing the skimpiest arabian belly dancer style outfit. This girl was Lilly, from Armenia, who knew how to look arabic. very goodlooking and the type of body i love. She did however come at a price. she wanted 500 a shot upstairs and 1000 for 2 hours. She would not budge on this price, as she said that is her price and she would not like to discuss reducing her market value. But she was nice about it, and stayed and spoke to me for a while, pointing out which girls work freelance and which are "Employees". Told her i would not take her that day, but maybe another day. She was ok with that and left for her own table.

So back she went, and i notice that about 6 new girls had walked in while i was chatting away to Lilly. One of which was a stunning Russian named Sara. Blonde and sharp featured i asked her to come over. She was asking for 800 for two shots and said she didnt want to leave the premises due to her appointment in 2 hours time. This meant no deal could be made from my end anyway, but she was hot, and one i will definately persue next time.

Spoke to a few more but in the end i decided i would take Farida, Agreed two shots for 500 and off we went to the 4 points.

She was very chatty, and service was pretty good. was clean and i was satisfied with my investment. She did have all the stereotypes of a turkish girl found under the Turkey thread. She was obsessed with telling me what a decent girl she was etc and that i should take her over all else due to her being the only genuine girl there.

Verdict ? Broadway in my books, is the best place for daytime action in Dubai. Sometimes prices may appear high for first time visitors but all is negotiable. Staying within the hotel increases your chances of getting a better deal. If you dont like to be surrounded by noisy locals, avoid.

Wednesday : Premiere

After a great two days in Regal and Broadway, i chose the premiere on my third night. Cover charge absolutely sucks but at least it seems like everyone has to pay. After getting a drink which was a slight more expensive than usual, i parked my self at the bar, waiting for the supplies to arrive since it was only 11.45. I enjoyed my drink peacefully, and noticed how quick the place was filling up. i went to the Gents and back to my place only to see the number of girls had doubled! great i though. while ordering a drink i was being gazed at by a tall, sexy Paris Hilton-like Ukranian called Leeza. She clearly had not seen me before and probably thought i was on vacation. Spoke English well, but her asking price was 2000 for the night, or 1000 for 2/3 hours. i decided to pass on her.

I then spoke to a few lovely PRC's. One named Handi, was a stunning girl, who promised me a honeymoon shag. Tempting as it sounded i wanted to wait for a bit, especially considering she wanted 1500dhms, or 200 pounds! She was open for negotiation and would IMHO easily settle for 800.

Flirted with tonnes of CIS who were all refugees of Cyclone and Amnesia, prices varying from 1000 - 2000.
Joked around with a couple of Americans at the bar, who clearly new the scene well at the Permiere and were teasing a few girls.
It was now 2am, and i had a shortlist of who i may take.
They were a Ukranian called "Yulia" with the biggest smile on earth, a Pint sized Iranian called Maryam, and another Ukrainian caled Svetlana, who was probably the best looking one.

I went for the Iranian one, who managed to convince me that she was Iranian. Initially insisting i pay upfront i told her i would pay in the morning, or should could settle for less with another . She agreed and we left. back at the hotel, she got cleaned up and i noticed what a cracking body she had. She was small, about 5"1 at most, but a lovely tidy body.

While she was not the most dynamic and was amateurish in her performance, she did make up for it by not refusing anything i asked.

Good, but not great

Verdict ? Premiere will always be more expensive than some others, but there are some real gems there. The Ukranian girls are probably the best looking. The Azerbaijan contigent from Cyclone have also found a home there. They are usually situated near the steps down to the tables on the left hand side as you walk in. I recomend people avoid this group as they are notorious for cheatng people, "My friend has lost her keys" being the most popular line.


EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

06-10-07, 15:38
The last post referenced did not show up so I'll ask again. I may have to visit DXB sometime in July / Aug. I know its not the peak season but am wondering if the number / quality of the CIS girls are reduced during the dog days of summer?Yes the numbers can be down during the summer, but they are in such vast numbers you would do well not to find any.

Recomend : Hyatt, Regal, Moscow hotels.

Lisa Less
06-10-07, 20:22
I've just moved to Dubai to start work in Jebel Ali, am in a rented apartment in Mankhool which seemed to be a good area judging by reports! I've viisted Dubai a few times in the past and know the usual haunts. My question is, being pretty time constrained, whats the best way to get a good WG without trawling the bars at night? Any recommendations?

Wicked Roger
06-10-07, 21:56
Fellow Mongers

Piper – I was calling you but you must have been busy as I was wondering why you did not nget that night but the next day - was Wildcat frisky? Also thought of Mickey Rooney but it was 10/11pm so maybe the excuse would not plausible and I was in Deira near the airport. But I still had fun.

Last minute decision to get hotel next to airport as had very early flight and the thought of yet another 4am start just was not appealing. But..a chance to catch up with Anne again (FR in Abu Dhabi last year http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/showpost.php?p=525551&postcount=700 ) and her friend. Both work now so this is pin money, she remembers me (don’t they all ;)) as I was a nice guy albeit somewhat horny as I took her and her then friend Shine when they visited AD a while back. Incidentally her old mamasan is the one deported along with 3 Filipina WGs while (the 7 Days report about 4 Filipinas being caught by LE in a sting operation).

Anne and her friend Susan work in Dubai (not telling) and see a few old customers they like when cash s needed. Work only as a pair. They do girl girl – I checked before hand, Susan far more than Anne but then I was shagging Anne more than Susan.

Basically a good night of FFM with WR the meat in the sandwich. Susan really got Anne to orgasm with her tongue and best bit was shagging Anne doggy style while Susan licked WR’s todger and Anne’s pussy – wonderful way to spend the night before a long flight.

Al Bustan is very Green, even late at night. Ladies had heels and stockings, we had lots of BBBJ, DATY and DFK, plus lots of shagging. Both very nice. No Greek, but had the digit in Susan and she was Ok with that.

Outcall only as they live in company accommodation but PM me if you want more details. But…I do like to know who you are, they only play together so expect more than AED 500 guys and they do ST only but a long ST. On their days off they may do LT. So if interested let me know.

The ladies – Anne: pretty not as slim as Miss N, can be a little chubby but fun, great shag and make her come 2-3 times and she will love you. Nice rack (try the Photo Gallery for some pics this is the first of 4 separate set of pics all on same day so go check them http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/showpost.php?p=525552&postcount=1141 ), looks good in stockings and heels. Susan: not as pretty, there for the ride, inexperienced but nice DFK and BBJ, loves to lick pussy and had a nice time.

Must stay overnight next week – Piper, Mickey Rooney please start making excuses ;)

Keep hard and horny

06-10-07, 22:12
Piper – I was calling you but you must have been busy as I was wondering why you did not get that night but the next day ...

[lots of shagging with two Fillies]

Must stay overnight next week – Piper, Mickey Rooney please start making excuses ;)

Keep hard and horny
WRDamn. I had my phone on silent so I could get some urgent work done. When I saw the missed call and called back, you were, ahem, busy. Sounds like you would've had a good sleep on the flight. ;) See you soon.

06-11-07, 05:16
This is the reason why I avoid both Seaview and York. have on countless times had similar experiences which ruin my mood. To be honest I find this is quite rare at the Seaview, the York can be a different story. In all fairness it only the minority of Africans who are like this. Some guys seem to like the grabbing. A fiend of mine, an old Africa hand, says he misses the “Nairobi Handshakes” when he is in Dubai.

Monday Night : RegalSome reporters have suggested there are now PRCs in Rocafellas. Is that the case or did they see some oriental Kyrgyz or Khazaks?

I parked my self at the bar, waiting for the supplies to arrive since it was only 11.45. Normally I am home or heading home by that time LOL. A 5:30 alarm call, with the luxury of a lie in ‘till 7 at the weekend makes you appreciate places that start up at a sensible hour.
Which brings me on to:

I've just moved to Dubai to start work in Jebel Ali, am in a rented apartment in Mankhool which seemed to be a good area judging by reports! I've viisted Dubai a few times in the past and know the usual haunts. My question is, being pretty time constrained, whats the best way to get a good WG without trawling the bars at night? Any recommendations?I don’t think time is your issue. If you are living in Mankool you could hit one of the many bars, get a girl and be back in your apartment with her less than 30 mins after setting out. Jockey’s gets going very early and the York and Imperial are OK from 9 so no real need to burn the midnight oil. Once you have established your credentials you are in an ideal area to get girls to call around for an early evening ST (or possibly go to her place). When I lived in the area I used to visit a Cyclone girl for an early even ST, 7 – 9:30. I would go off for some sleep and she would head to the office. Win- win situation. Other than that you could try some of the MP’s advertising in the press.

06-11-07, 11:17
Spelman: what can I say? Deep Wet: I'd suggest a search of Spelman's posts to find the updated club list.Bravo,

Could you please guide me to someone who can help me find a good CIS and who will pick me up at the hotel and bring me to the girls place (coz I don't know if my hotel is GF friendly) and he/she also need to guide me dick into the right place and pls don't forgett that him/her need to push my butt till I finish ;) I also want him/her to drive me back to the hotel :) and I also think he/she should write my FR as well as it it to much work for me.

Cheers Spelman

06-11-07, 11:24

Good to see you active again. Sent you a thank you note by e-mail for the info you messaged me. Didn't make use of it though. Too pricey at AED 1600 LT and home (hotel) delivery only. Added to it, limited prior inspection by appointment only! Anyway thanked J and conveyed your message. Great to see you on the board and welcome back! Hope to be back in DXB sometime in September.

CNHello mate. Just got the time and posted on the forum though I am not back in dubai. Doubt I will be back at all. But you never know. The contact does ask high rates and with very little known about the girls it is prudent not to pay and regret. Better to ask for home delivery from E's place. Always a chance of good service from E's girls. And the rates are comparatively cheaper too. J is a nice girl.



06-11-07, 13:29
Not DisappointedGreat FR. The major W's: who, what, when, where; I understand the why is due to your wanting to help in the world's redistribution of wealth.

And you certainly put to rest (hopefully so) the RUMOR that Premiere is closed; obviously NOT.

Plus some findings to the "where are they now [CIS Cyclone/Amnesia refugees]?" question. Now all members have to do is READ the FR.

Again, very enjoyable read with a lot of useful info.

My question is, being pretty time constrained, whats the best way to get a good WG without trawling the bars at night? Any recommendations?2 questions 1. What's YOUR definition of good? Given you've been here before, and know the usual haunts, then you know there is a WIDE variety of wg's around: all sizes, shapes, colors, nationalities... Of course, I'm assuming you want more than just to rent a vagina for an hour or two.

2. Perhaps you can explain this to me: how is it that people can have no time to hit the bars for an hour or 2 to meet a girl, but surely have an hour or 2 to spend with said girl?

Don't get the wrong idea, we are a rather friendly bunch on this forum (well, correct english might dictate I use "they" rather than the inclusive "we", myself being kind of a RTFF type of guy). But as I used "we", I'm make the following suggestions (seriously):

Some short reading of Mr. Spelman's listing of venues:
Text format: 597412
Word doc format: 599381Find the venue that has the nationalities you want.

Pick your times:
PRC's known for their work ethic: 9:30 - 11:30
Africans: 10:00 - 12:00
CIS: 11:30 - 1:30
Yes, BELIEVE me, I KNOW what an o-dark hundred alarm is, but 2 hours 1 night...

Hit the bar, collect some numbers of some girls YOU find attractive and that YOU hit it off with. Don't pull - this is a recon mission. If you're not getting a number every 15-20 minutes, you are doing something wrong. Now, you can't collect too many, as then the girls get to wondering WTF are you up to. But 2 hours, 4 to 6 easy...

As BarCrawler said, explain that you are time constricted, and looking for some "beck and call" action. Again, BELIEVE me, I know how convenient it is to be able to pull out your mobile, give a girl a call, and the farthest you have to travel is from your sofa to the door to let her in. BUT you have to plant before you can harvest...

I'll assume you do have time to eat. Triple F mentions the Crowne Plaza's coffee shop... A number of others recommend the Broadway Hotel's coffee shop... Astoria's TGIT has a reasonable lunch menu... Reports that Panarama's Jockeys has some decent food... Grab a meal, bemoan the fact that you miss home cooking...

Keep your eyes open. Given your location, a number of wg's live in the area. There could even be a bird's nest in your own building... Again, I'll assume you do have SOME time to shop for groceries... Well, the girls have to eat too...
Given you've rented an apt, I'm guessing your stay is not exactly short term. So a SMALL amount of time invested now can bring LARGE dividends in the future. Myself, I spend a "first set" at any of the major bars once a month, and I've got more than enough numbers for any gaps in my pitching rotation. But you do have to go out and scout...

See if you can find some interested in an off-peak hours ST. A number of girls, nothing to do in the late afternoon, early evening, bored to tears at home, nothing better than to make an extra windfall of cash for the day. For LT, a number do get tired of the bar scene EVERY night, and you do save them the bar's entrance fee...

06-11-07, 14:14
Adding from my own learnings and experience on the 'recon mission' advantages.

1. With my last trip I realized, when you hire a lady's service on a call back (you only took the number the first time and then later followed up as promised)...you get a much better response in terms of service. Ofcourse that happens once she meets you and recalls you from a day or two earlier. I think it establishes some sort of credibility in first go. You took the number, made a promise and kept it. If you turn out to be a nice guy...the credibility builds even further. My first time with Ms. S in my last trip was a smashing success...simply because I pulled her as promised during my recon trip.

2. Being the nice guy I am ;), she was more than amazing the second time I pulled her. She told me on the face during our second date...I trust you...and she let me fullfill all my naughty desires with her, infact I even got LT for the price of ST. Despite staying for God knows how long extra, she even helped me to pack my bags for my flight. I can assure you this time around when I hit Dubai, and if she's around...I am gonna get a lot more out from her than a normal customer. At the end of the day...as the credibility keeps on building, so does the comfort level.

3. You invest only two hours in collecting numbers and you won't have to be bothered with bars or pick up joints for a long time. I only have two solid and worthy numbers with me and that's all I need. You repeat with a couple, get in good with them, and soon they'll be introducing you to their friends and their friends and so on. Pretty soon, you will be in the network.

And you know what, being in the network gets certain interesting priviliges such as the awesome threesomes. Read on it, this is all over the forum (not limited to Dubai). Most successfull mongers play within an ever expanding network. A network which starts of with just one number.

It is only with us visitors, be it Dbx or LOS, who want to screw as many different women as possible in a limited number of days. We travel with our vacation savings and splurge. So we fall into the pit of variaty and despite good experience with one girl, do not go for repeat and run like fools after sampling as many as we can. Being a longer time resident requires an opposite strategy...play patiently, you have a longer time to play. Play with a stable pattern, get value for money and make sure you have someone to play with when you want to...In short make the fun last a whole lot longer rather than burning out in a few days.

Recon trips I guess are the easiest and most fun to do. Don't say that you can't do it...We were born to stare and ogle at women!!! It comes naturally to us men. What else do you want, stare at women, analyze them physically and mentally, make them aware that you are staring at them and then go talk to them with them welcoming your STARING and then subsequent COMING OVER. (I mean when was the last time you did not want to sit and stare at a sexy woman's tits...and when was the last time you actually got appreciated by her for staring at her tits). And it's better to collect numbers then to just stare...as you don't get branded as a lookie lou (atleast during the first visit).

So go ahead as 11B says, do a recon trip, it's a little investment that goes a long way...you can also see from the number of NUMBER requests on this thead and others, they outnumber the Venue requests by a wide margin. Numbers are a precious commodity, luckily they are so easy to get in Dubai.

Keep dialing!

06-11-07, 17:15
you won't have to be bothered with bars or pick up joints for a long time. My "handle" is no accident. I enjoy the bars even though I am only window shopping these days being well set up with a regular.

My experience with regulars is slighty different to yours, but that is probably because we look for different things. The great thing about DXB is you can find some great GFEs.

Down in the Mankool area one regular lived close by. Some evenings, even if we were not going to meet, she would call up and get me come across and pick up a meal she had cooked.

Another thing that has struck me is that "Sick Buffalo" stories are so rare (at least with PRC's)

06-11-07, 19:08
Some reporters have suggested there are now PRCs in Rocafellas. Is that the case or did they see some oriental Kyrgyz or Khazaks?I confirm, that Rocafellas has NO PRC's and NO Africans. It is still exclusively CIS.

The girls being confused with PRC's are Eurasion chicks, Central Asian.

Therefore Uzbeks, Krgys, Khazaks - who can be incredibly stunning.

06-11-07, 19:41
Thanks Bravo for nominating my last FR as a ROD.

In regards to a previous question you posted, Xanadu at the Capitol Hotel is both a Lebanese restaurant as well as a monger zone.

Xanadu is ideal if you want Stanis, on weekends, but you need to turn up late (after midnight). I've had some great catches there and im sure Piper can also confirm happy endings there.

06-11-07, 23:17

Could you please guide me to someone who can help me find a good CIS and who will pick me up at the hotel and bring me to the girls place (coz I don't know if my hotel is GF friendly) and he/she also need to guide me dick into the right place and pls don't forgett that him/her need to push my butt till I finish ;) I also want him/her to drive me back to the hotel :) and I also think he/she should write my FR as well as it it to much work for me.

Cheers Spelman

HAHAHAHA. That is a classic!

Disappointed: EXCELLENT report. I shall have to visit the Hyatt on my next trip in a few weeks. Unfortunately I'll only be in DXB for 36 hours. Debating whether to pay to change my flight and extend my hotel room and stay an extra day or two. I must find that Paris Hilton-lookalike you speak of!

Member #4378
06-12-07, 03:18
I visited Dubai for 1 night and stayed in 4 point following an advice from a forum member (thank you!). I dont have anything decisive to contribute to this forum, however, because of help I got from this forum, I feel obligated to make a contribution. I started my evening/night with a visit to Rockafellas located within a walking distance of 4 point. Unfortunately, the attitudes and prices of CIS girls were not consistent with my initial expectations, so I left for Rattlesnake. Much more variety, though the prices of CIS at 1:30am were >1000AED (it was Saturday morning). I was able to negotiate with a CIS girl, but then, to my surpirse she told me that she doesnt go to Bur Dubai (the location of 4 point). I didnt understand her reasoning because of her English and noisy background and was getting tired after a long flight, so decided to go with a happy PRC who was following me everywhere. I have higher expectations for my next visit.

06-12-07, 07:04
Xanadu is ideal if you want Stanis, on weekends, but you need to turn up late (after midnight). I've had some great catches there and im sure Piper can also confirm happy endings there.Excellent ROD. In your busy trip you played in places where the girls are significantly higher quality than my nearby haunt (Rattler). Premiere was my fave place in my early days when I lived that side of town. Supermodel stunners. Xanadu also has stunners, and is just up the street from me (in Capital Hotel), but I haven't been there for ages. You've inspired me to try it again soon.

06-12-07, 10:28
Zaz. Where are those iranian contacts you were offering. I sent you a pm two days back. still waiting for a response. You can ask the guys on the forum if you are not sure about me mate. :(


06-12-07, 15:43
I hit Dubai for a few days. And could not have girls come to my place for numbers of reasons.

I was looking for massages+extras. And have been disappointed!

Went to bars at the Hyatt, Meridian, The Suites, etc. , but all I found was (nasty) Chinese. Nasty cause I just do not like them, some of them even looked ok (and non-Chinese) to me, but they were.

Anyhow, ended up leaving alone. And called golden leaves for massage relief.

Went there, got picked up by a nasty smoking Chinese guy (inside a bank around the corner) that send me to 7th floor in a discusting apartment where I had the choice of 8 6-7 looking Chinese girls.

One of them was ok, made a quick choice, did not look at hands. And since I did not want oil massage (for reasons) I ended up having a sand paper massage for dhr 100 (30 min) which was ok, but not worth writing home about.

Was asked to turn around, she then fully undressed and asked me how much tip I gave. Did not know the rates in dubai and was suggested 1000 dhr. Which made me laugh.

We agreed on cbj which I did not ask for and did not want. But what the hell. Offered that for 600, we agreed on 500.

She did a horrible job and still tried to get 600 by asking me 10 times for more money wich made me escape from the place. I believe there is one more massage salon on the same floor. But the whole building is just crappy!

Question: any decent full package non Chinese massage place with some little extras to smile about. Maybe with steam baths and some luxury!

Lisa Less
06-12-07, 19:54
Thanks for the tips. I've called in on Jockeys bar, Ramada and the Music Room (Majestic) and collected a select few numbers. Sadly an early flight tomorrow to Doha prevents any further activity. However Thursday night isn't far off. Sadly I was spoiled when I last lived in Dubai almost 3 years ago and rented an apartment in Lamcy. The PRC neighbours looked after me very well indeed. Sadly all seem to have returned home.

06-12-07, 20:05
HAHAHAHA. That is a classic!

Disappointed: EXCELLENT report. I shall have to visit the Hyatt on my next trip in a few weeks. Unfortunately I'll only be in DXB for 36 hours. Debating whether to pay to change my flight and extend my hotel room and stay an extra day or two. I must find that Paris Hilton-lookalike you speak of!You can't miss her dude. Her name is Leeza (is reluctant to give out her number if you dont take her unfortunately)

She hangs with another Ukranian Blonde stunner who is around the same height, 6ft+ with their shoes. Get there at 12 and she's waiting for you near the entrance!

06-13-07, 06:05

Your post made me want to cry. For assembly line amps, you can hit the gulf news listings. from what I see on the forum, damage is about 100dh for massage 100dh for fs!!

At many of the more frequented bars, you will find a higher caliber of prc. Do a search for Bravos posts with results as reports rather than threads... he's a treasure trove.

Invest two hours in a mongering bar, collect numbers.

For the 600 you paid, you could have probably gotten a team working on you all afternoon. For a day of non stop mongering, I'd suggest prebooking and investing in a day at the broadway hotel in deira. Ofcourse, coming from the heartland of America, I am biased towards exotic brunettes right now.

Regards and best of luck


I hit Dubai for a few days. And could not have girls come to my place for numbers of reasons.

I was looking for massages+extras. And have been disappointed!

Went to bars at the Hyatt, Meridian, The Suites, etc. , but all I found was (nasty) Chinese. Nasty cause I just do not like them, some of them even looked ok (and non-Chinese) to me, but they were.

Anyhow, ended up leaving alone. And called golden leaves for massage relief.
Went there, got picked up by a nasty smoking Chinese guy (inside a bank around the corner) that send me to 7th floor in a discusting apartment where I had the choice of 8 6-7 looking Chinese girls.

One of them was ok, made a quick choice, did not look at hands. And since I did not want oil massage (for reasons) I ended up having a sand paper massage for dhr 100 (30 min) which was ok, but not worth writing home about.

Was asked to turn around, she then fully undressed and asked me how much tip I gave. Did not know the rates in dubai and was suggested 1000 dhr. Which made me laugh.

We agreed on cbj which I did not ask for and did not want. But what the hell. Offered that for 600, we agreed on 500.

She did a horrible job and still tried to get 600 by asking me 10 times for more money wich made me escape from the place. I believe there is one more massage salon on the same floor. But the whole building is just crappy!

Question: any decent full package non Chinese massage place with some little extras to smile about. Maybe with steam baths and some luxury!

Member #4655
06-13-07, 06:11
Hit town this week for first time in a while and after few athletic days in BKK. FR to be filed on adventures at Giotto's shortly.

Went to Rockafellas on Monday night keen to check out the scene again. At 9.00 it was a dead. Two girls both CIS bth blond with big tits both seemed to know every one of the 40 blokes in the bar. Wiated til 11.30 still very quiet some new entrants but when I left there would not have been 15 girls in the bar.

Went across to my other old haunt at York. I understand it had been clse as a new Indian owner took it over a few weeks back. Same drill on the door european looking men well in reasonable clothes in for free swarthy types pay.

Initally seemed the same as ever dark, noisy, smokey, crowded. Once my recon started it was celar something was up. Very few prc or cis, more africans mainly from Eithopia, Eritrea but overall ratio was way out of wack.

Fended off PRC advances for while then picked a tall young eritrean, very beautiful (my taste not normally in this catergory but no CIS to pick from and needs must)

settled on 500 could have pushed it down but...... All nite session was excelllent and I let her go at around 7.00am.

She made th eusual number of infriuating lound foreign language calls on her phone until I made her turn it off. However she had the latest news.

CID had arrested a bunch or WGs on Monday at varioun locations and taken them to the goal. They had also gone to York Sunday, deceide it had too many girls so established a quota system. 30 african, 20, PRC etc. They were there in plain clothes MOnday making sure the guys on the door got it right apparnelty. My girl said her girl friend who is short and sounds like she is no oil painitng got rejected as I guess management wanted the better looking girls in itf they were restricted on quantity.

Any news from you DXB Mongers would be interesting. I know they used tohave raids from time to time round Ranada but is it a moire regaulr event these days and is this quota idea a new one?

Called my old procurer a Belo Russ woman. She is out of WG supply business and now selling real estate in Sharja!. She gave me a number and told me to ask for Snow White! I spoke to her (CIS) but she never called back as promised. I guess it will take me a little time to get back into the swing of things.

Heading out to Hyatt to check the CIS scene tonite.


06-13-07, 07:53
IWent to bars at the Hyatt, Meridian, The Suites, etc. , but all I found was (nasty) Chinese. Nasty cause I just do not like them, some of them even looked ok (and non-Chinese) to me, but they were.
Maybe I am totally misreading your report, I hope so. It seems you find all Chinese “Nasty”, yet still go to a Chinese MP looking for sex with one of these “nasty” people. Then you are surprised when it does not turn out to be a memorable experience? To me this does not make a great deal of sense.

I am also surprised you only found Chinese in the places you mentioned. Just look at other reports about the Premier in the Hayat that have been posted in the past few days. By the “suites” I assume you mean the Imperial Suites, there is always CIS and Africans there as well as PRC.

I do believe you assessment that the building was crappy, unfortunately some people have to live in crappy buildings, I am sure they would much rather live somewhere nice. As for a massage place with steam baths, whirl pools etc – try a spa at a 5 star hotel, grab the masseuse and make a proposition. You soon be getting more sex than you ever dreamed of from a 16 stone inmate called Abdul. Will that be a happy ending to smile about?

06-13-07, 08:34
Mmmmm... you are tempting me Disappointed, very much. Thanks for an excellent series of Dubai reports. Has perked both my and little Excess' interest. Ukranian + Blond Stunner + 6ft+ = all the fun that you can handle and perhaps more. And two of them hanging out together. Oh Dear !

You can't miss her dude. Her name is Leeza (is reluctant to give out her number if you dont take her unfortunately)

She hangs with another Ukranian Blonde stunner who is around the same height, 6ft+ with their shoes. Get there at 12 and she's waiting for you near the entrance!

06-13-07, 08:45
Its not dead behind spinneys anymore, but gone are the kazakhs and uzbeks. Looks like an all Chinese show. Quality has suffered.

For the nostalgic. Here is an old pm I sent to jsf.

Poonhound69 wrote on 08-18-04 12:36:

Was in and out of DXB last week. I can vouch for the 'hoppingness' of the back of spinneys in the afternoon. Several past their prime, but more than enough lookers to make up for it, and two absolute stunners.

Dh 200 ,two pops, her place . Watch them exit the rear, and pick them up after they pass the first street (That way you wont be recognized by any desi aunties at spinneys).

CBJ and no nutlicking was the downside but I should have negotiated first. Switched from the young pretty one to the older more experienced roomie in mid session.

Take care.

06-13-07, 08:48
I'm here from the prudish conservative heartland.

I'll probably be looking for someone to go to broadway with in about a week.

I hate the idea of a room being wasted all day and will probably only go when I have a couple of people to really get the most out of it.

Coffee anyone (that I'd recognize from here)?

06-13-07, 18:20
Thanks Bravo for nominating my last FR as a ROD.The thanks go to you for taking the time to write a very informative FR. Of course I also have my own reasons for Rod'ing it: just more fire for my RTFF rants :)

Much more variety, though the prices of CIS at 1:30am were >1000AED (it was Saturday morning). I was able to negotiate with a CIS girl, but then, to my surpirse she told me that she doesnt go to Bur Dubai (the location of 4 point).For a 1000, I'd expect her to follow me anywhere...

Sadly I was spoiled when I last lived in Dubai almost 3 years ago and rented an apartment in Lamcy. The PRC neighbours looked after me very well indeed. Sadly all seem to have returned home.After 3 years, yes, most that YOU KNEW probably have, but not all. Lamcy was a very popular place, given the proximity of Cyclone_RIP. I'm sure the passing parade would have been quite a sight. You might try Rattlesnake and York, and, upmarket, Premiere, for more numbers. I have met a select few in the first two.

Went to bars at the Hyatt, Meridian, The Suites, etc. , but all I found was (nasty) Chinese. Nasty cause I just do not like them ... called golden leaves for massage relief ... Went there ... where I had the choice of 8 6-7 looking Chinese girls.OK, as a senior member with a bit of experience, I will pass on a secret that works for me: I don't pull girls I'm not attracted to (stunning stuff, I know, so I hope you were sitting down). This is dxb - I'd be hard pressed to think of another place where there is such a WIDE selection of nationalities. (Of course, those low-life -stanis can look like PRC's to the uninitiated, so do skew the balance of round-eyes/slant eyes. But if you are looking for some REAL excitement, just call a -stani a "chinese"...)

... did not look at hands. And since I did not want oil massage (for reasons) I ended up having a sand paper massage for dhr 100 (30 min) which was ok, but not worth writing home about.Now, see, it pays to read FR's, even for a senior member. I certainly can learn something. I'll admit, the HANDS are something I don't pay much attention to when selecting a girl (well, if she was missing 1, yes, but other than that...) And I'm NOT one of those, what do they call them, metro-sexuals, so I don't worry about my delicate skin... Well, certain parts are delicate, but if she's using a hand there, I WILL be disappointed.

Did not know the rates in dubai and was suggested 1000 dhr. Which made me laugh. We agreed on cbj which I did not ask for and did not want. But what the hell. Offered that for 600, we agreed on 500.OK, class, PRIME example of what happens when you DON'T do your homework...

Question: any decent full package non Chinese massage place with some little extras to smile about. Maybe with steam baths and some luxury!BC already answered. I'd add: from Bur Dubai, take the Gahoud bridge, turning right just past the Meridian. 1st overpass, loop around, stop at Terminal 1. Find a flight to Germany...

Biggest mistake people make is bringing their own ideas of food here, and not sampling the local style of cuisine... Here, it's bars and clubs.

I was looking for massages+extras. And have been disappointed!"I'm shocked, shocked!" A disappointed visitor. Only one thing to do: get to the airport early, and at the immigration counter, complain forcefully to the govt rep there. Dxb wants to be THE best in everything, so I'm sure they will take your complaint to heart.

06-14-07, 08:23
CID had arrested a bunch or WGs on Monday at varioun locations and taken them to the goal. They had also gone to York Sunday, deceide it had too many girls so established a quota system. 30 african, 20, PRC etc. They were there in plain clothes Monday making sure the guys on the door got it right apparnelty. Very interesting intel. We have certainly seen the quota systems being used in the past at the York. I have not seen it suggested that the LE were imposing and checking the quota, but it would seem logical in a twisted sort of way

I wonder who imposes the ethic mix however. Certainly the staff at the York had a bias to Africans whenever there was a dispute between girls, maybe they get to be the final arbiter.

The York, though not as bad as the Astoria does have a less than discreet location and comings and goings can attract the attention of a lot of passes by and Lookie Lous. This has not been helped by the metro construction outside. Maybe they want to restrict numbers to lower the profile?

06-14-07, 12:41
Just finished a nice session in an AMP near Spinneys Umm Suqueim on the way to work (how convenient). Only two girls to choose from - last time there were 6 or 7, but judging by the number of cars parked outside, the others were busy.

I chose a pretty little Korean in a black negligee. Very petite, and doesn't look her stated 21 y.o. English good, very cute and giggly. I'd asked for a stong massage, but she's so petite that she felt like a feather floating all over me. Great ball skills, nice wet tongue. Good sex. 300DH.

Might post the phone-cam photo when I get home tonight.

06-14-07, 12:48
How do people keep a straight face when they post ads in Gulf News for one of those?

I want to work there, but not as the secretary.

06-14-07, 13:06
Spooky coincidence:

[cross-post]Quote: from Tubby 1 on 1:02 pm on June 12, 2007

Greetings All...
Paid another visit to the Jumeirah MP yesterday and was ably entertained by an attractive petite 20 year old Korean girl with an early Bon Jovi hairstyle calling herself Cocoa...
Cocoa stripped off revealing a great little body with a nice set of natural boobs and joined me in the shower for a pre session washdown - fantastic.
Once on the bed the concept of massage went out of the window in favor of a heavy session of sweaty sex in which Cocoa demonstrated that although she maybe new to the concept of BBBJ she's familiar with a number of advanced sexual positions or two.
Well worth it?? [100DH to her, 100 to the house]
I should Cocoa!!


Damn you Tubs! I just saw your post above about your fun with Coco yesterday. She's the same girl I just had a session with 30 minutes ago. But I paid her 200. Don't know how you managed to pay only 100!

Speak about coincidences - it's only the second time I've beeen to an AMP in five years, and last time you'd also had a session with the same girl as me, a day earlier. I hate going seconds. ;) We must have similar tastes.

06-14-07, 13:06

In defence of poor wally, I dont think he finds all chinese nasty.... just the ones he saw that day.

He even tried to clarify that they were just nasty because they didnt match his tastes.

That being said paying 500 for a cbj from a nasty chinese he didnt want :((

He really should have seperated the massage and the sex.

Maybe I am totally misreading your report, I hope so. It seems you find all Chinese “Nasty”, yet still go to a Chinese MP looking for sex with one of these “nasty” people. Then you are surprised when it does not turn out to be a memorable experience? To me this does not make a great deal of sense.

I am also surprised you only found Chinese in the places you mentioned. Just look at other reports about the Premier in the Hayat that have been posted in the past few days. By the “suites” I assume you mean the Imperial Suites, there is always CIS and Africans there as well as PRC.

I do believe you assessment that the building was crappy, unfortunately some people have to live in crappy buildings, I am sure they would much rather live somewhere nice. As for a massage place with steam baths, whirl pools etc – try a spa at a 5 star hotel, grab the masseuse and make a proposition. You soon be getting more sex than you ever dreamed of from a 16 stone inmate called Abdul. Will that be a happy ending to smile about?

Member #4655
06-14-07, 13:10
Went to Astoria for lunch yesterday. Still looks a bit like the Star Wars bar. Assaulted by gang of prc lined up each side of the doorway. In the end had to tell the ugliest and most persisitent of them who had followed me round the room to [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) off, actually told her to fuck off, this after several more diplomatic suggestions were ignored and she had poked and prodded me without mercy. She then glared brazenly at me the whole time I was there. Scary.

Lots of prc and a few tall African Princesses big melons and jet black skin. Few CIS but pug ugly for the most part and with beacoup miles on their clocks. After a number of carlsbergs vision and judgement started to deteriorate.

Old bird from St P was massaging little Maxy under the bar counter and in the end I agreed to her increasingly lurid suggestions to take her away.

Back to hers in a cab she had called driven by Raki an Eithopian who apparently drives lots of the girls. I asked Raki for her number thought her little black book would be of value. no joy!!

An hour of humping in a big appartment near Spinneys good bbbj but out of her clothes she didnt look to great. So I closed my eyes.

Left satsified but dissapointed I hadnt been stronger and waited for something more attractive. Price was 300. She offered two pops but I decliined. Left her so she could go to pick up her pension cheque.

Looking for quality blonde big titted CIS tonite.

(just saw the typos in my last post sorry guys will lift my game, promise).


Lisa Less
06-15-07, 06:54
The Ramada doesn't seem to get many mentions but is well worth a visit. Upstairs disco which has a separate front door on the outside of the hotel on the main Mankhool Road. Cover charge at door 25 aed inc drink so not too bad. Male female ratio last night 1 to 1 or better. No PRC's, mainly CIS, Morocan, Ethiopean. A refreshing change from York, less pushy, more relaxed. Normally I'm PRC only but a change is as good as a rest so took Miss Moroco home for a couple of hours, great service, great body, great enthusiasm. No substitute for a real Chinese take away however so I guess I'll be trying elsewhere tonight.

Member #4655
06-15-07, 09:39
After reading Piper's post on AMPs decided to find one on the ex pat internet site. Picked one at random and headed to Deira. Dodgy joint above the Habib bakery. 6 Chinese girls to pick from 3s at best. Good massage, bbbj I declined FS and high tailed it home. Not a good experience. Clealry there are AMP's and AMP's. Cost 100Dhs for the house and 100 for the girl.

Headed down to Sheraton at Deira about 11.00pm. It was quiet but starting to get busy. Seemed like having a big rack was a prerequiste for the girls to gain entry. Lots of heavy infrastrucre bouncing around. No objections from me and my team. Lots of CIS and some Africans. Quality was mixed 4s through to 6s. 30Dhs to get in.

Few beers then off to Hyatt Premier 55Dhs to get in. Just a great Dubai scene lots of Cyclone refugees, quality CIS and PRC not many africans or if they were there they were in dark corners.

Joint was heaving by 1.00am. Lots of new girls (or so they claimed) from various ex soviet countries.

Cut out a couple of sisters from Moldova both short blonde and cute. Settled on the bigger breasted one and headed home leaving my 2 wingmen getting slaughtered on Vodka Red bull.

Asked 1500 reduced to 1300 satyed all nite till 11 next day superb. Will get her back tonite for sure. Wingmen turned up at the appartment with three girsl about 4.00. Wild nite. By chance they had picked 3 girls that shared digs with my moldovan so every one got cosy fast. A Turk, Dagestan and a Ukrainian. Regular United Nations of snatch.

Miss Moldova got up made me tea then tidied up the appartment. What a girl. 27 but looked younger, great bod firm tits and smooth tanned skin.

A nite like the good old Cyclone days. Enjoyed it immensley.

Nursing hangover but looking forward to this evening.


EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Lisa Less
06-15-07, 16:31
The Ramada disco doesn't seem to get many mentions but was well worth a visit last night. The entrance is outside the hotel, on the main Mankhool Road. Entrance is 25 aed inc one drink so not to bad. Place is friendly, not pushy. Male female ratio 1 to 1 or better. Mainly CIS, Ethiopean, Moroccan. No PRC's present but a change is as good as a rest so took Miss Morocco home with me. Young, enthusiatic and very willing. Back to the phone book tonight to see whats on the menu for Chinese take aways.

Funfor Females
06-16-07, 12:27

No need to trawl your telephone book for PRC takeaway.

Just nip down to the Crown Plaza coffee shp on the 1st (Upper floor) and call Miss 'Z' on her mobile. She is usually either there or within a few minutes of the place.

I am sure she will be thoroughly obliging, memorable and enthusiastic with her long, long black hair, silky soft skin, charming smile and lusty nature.



06-16-07, 15:57
After reading Piper's post on AMPs decided to find one on the ex pat internet site. Picked one at random and headed to Deira....Not a good experience. Clealry there are AMP's and AMP's. Cost 100Dhs for the house and 100 for the girl....

Headed down to Sheraton at Deira about 11.00pm. It was quiet but starting to get busy. Seemed like having a big rack was a prerequiste for the girls to gain entry.
Maxwell - great reports. Sheraton Deira is under-reported, and always has good looking CIS and African. But the traffic in Deira means many of us on the other side of the creek don't get there much.

As for AMPs, I rarely go (2-3 times in over five years), but the place I reported is on the way to work. I prefer the ambiance of a nice grungy club. :) Speaking of which, I'll post a report of Friday night's misbehavior in a few of Capital Hotel clubs when I get time (Henry J Beans, Savage Garden, and Xanadu).

In short - many more working girls in all three clubs than a few months ago. Xanadu still has smouldering hot stunning Arab girls.