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Devil Hunter
09-02-07, 22:21
Hey Guys,

In couple of weeks im visiting Dubai. Can anyone tell me where I can fine hot Russian girls? I'm going to stay in Sofitel hotel. Is it gfe?

Hope to hear from you guys.

P.S sorry I had put this add in Photo Gallery b4

09-02-07, 22:39

Sounds like you got her exactly where you want her! If you haven't already stopped paying her, could be soon. Nice pics.

Cheers.Or maybe she's got me where she wants me. ;) She asks for more money each time, but I stick to 600 including taxis. I always pay WGs - not interested in free sessions. I had a regular CIS years ago, who started offering to come home for no money. When I asked her why she would do that, she said "I am a woman you know". I didn't take up the offers. It was bad enough that she was ironing my clothes, cleaning my apartment and cooking while I slept in. Then if she saw me talking to another girl at a club, she would interrupt, make a scene etc. Had to stop seeing her. Paying a fair rate keeps the 'relationship' as it should be.

Played a bit of pool at Majestic tonight - more and more cute WGs there every time. Then popped into Regal for an hour around midnight. Saw the young CIS stunner who I let slip away the other night, and she smiled her killer smile at me through the crowd. Still as gorgeous as I remembered, even without my JD goggles this time. Wanted to take her number for future reference, but she was busy with a guy, and he soon took her away from the club. There was a good selection of beauties in Regal tonight, but I didn't give in to temptation, as I start my days of domestic bliss tomorrow.

Besides, the noisy and passionate Miss Trouble stole a double-dose of mojo from me last night/this morning. She's still getting used to anal, and I believe her when she says she's never done it before, only with me. The neighbors downstairs asked me if I heard a woman screaming in the middle of the night. With a concerned look on my face, I said I didn't hear anything, as I was fast asleep, but I hope she's okay. :D

09-03-07, 02:37
Can anyone tell me where I can fine hot Russian girls? The beaches here. The way to make contact is to stand around, in street clothes, not beach attire (you DON'T want to be mistaken for a beach goer yourself), eyeing "her", both hands in your front pockets - sure sign of your "interest".

I will say, you do have a perfect record: 15 posts in a year, EVERY one a question. (Well, there was the odd sentence or two of experience within the questions in a couple of the posts). While I do believe in the search [hint, hint] for knowledge, I also believe in giving something back; not a welfare state.

I know, you WILL post a LONG FR if only someone could provide you the info. Unfortunately, it'll be Ramadan, and all the Ruskies will have gone home for the duration.

09-03-07, 07:26
Not really a report I'm afraid but more of a question.

I return from Thailand in the next couple of days and as my wife is now back with me after the summer break my batchelor status has unfortunately come to an end for another year. I used to take her to the music room at the Majestic to see the band as it was quite a safe place with very few WG. That seems to be changing and one of the regulars girls in there is the flatmate of my Ethiopian summertime girlfriend. That sort of rules the majestic out for trips with the missus. As I also frequented the Seaview during the summer I would appreciate some views on whether it would be worth the risk to take the missus there to see the band. If you think I am mad please let me know. I only took one PRC from there during early summer and have not seen her since so there is little chance of being recognised or accosted. The doorman and waitresses may recognise me as I was there a few times with my ethiopian friend but I would hope they would be discrete. For the record my missus is not totally aware of the WG situation in Dubai and has only really seen it in Finnegans. and that is relatively low key. Maybe I am losing my marbles but I do like my live music and the choice in Dubai is limited if you try and stick to 100% civilian venues. Your views would be appreciated.

Om a different subject I would appreciate any PM with numbers for CIS MP in Dubai if they exist. I frequent a AMP near Al Wasl road but fancy a change.

09-03-07, 14:36
Today was clean-up day, as Wildcat returns from overseas tonight. The maid is back on full-time duty, and she's nervously cleaning up in anticipation. I found a small bottle of make-up in the guest bathroom, and asked the maid "Is this yours?" She said no. I asked her "Is it [Wildcat's]?" She said no. With a cheeky guilty look I said I'd better throw it out then. She said "Yes, or madam will shout at you again like last time!" (when she found my secret stash of condoms and lube).

Those long black hairs (straight and wavy) keep appearing from nowhere despite the clean-up. Luckily my good pal WR has agreed to be my alibi, as he and his 'girlfriend' Miss N supposedly stayed at my place last week. Stupid me forgot to count how many condoms were in the drawer before Wildcat left, so WR remember that when you asked me for condoms, I told you to go help yourself to them. ;)

So, all good things come to an end. Next stop, Bangkok for a week in November, and perhaps the occasional 'work night in Abu Dhabi' ;) (Maybe I can fit in an evening session before going to the airport tonight. Nah, better not).


GS - I wouldn't worry too much. The WGs are usually very discreet. Many times when I've been out and about with my wife in 'normal' clubs or shopping malls, I've seen girls who I've been with. When they see I'm with my wife, they are very discrete. Just the occasional little smile when Wildcat isn't looking.

If you take your wife to Seaview, she will instantly be much more aware of the WG scene in Dubai. Some of the Seaview-lovers on this board mention that it's not a full-on WG place, but I must have gone to a different Seaview all those times, as it was always 95-100% WGs. Rock Bottom is a good place for a good live band, pool, and only a few WGs hidden amongst the civilians.

Member #1071
09-03-07, 15:00
Om a different subject I would appreciate any PM with numbers for CIS MP in Dubai if they exist. I frequent a AMP near Al Wasl road but fancy a change.

Have a PRC MP if interested...

Member #1071
09-03-07, 15:16
Those long black hairs (straight and wavy) keep appearing from nowhere despite the clean-up. Luckily my good pal WR has agreed to be my alibi, as he and his 'girlfriend' Miss N supposedly stayed at my place last week. Stupid me forgot to count how many condoms were in the drawer before Wildcat left, so WR remember that when you asked me for condoms, I told you to go help yourself to them. ;).
A women comes back home early in the morning. Husband asks her were have you been? I was sleeping at my friend's house.
The suspicious husband calls ten of his wive's friends, non of the ladies he called reported seing his wife last night.
The husband decided to take revenge. Next day he returns home early in the morning.
Where have you been asks his wife? Sleeping at my friends house.
The wife calls ten of his friends here is what she got:
6 of the men she called admitted they went with her husband for a drink.
4 admitted he slept over at their house....
Moral of the story: read Pipers last post.....

09-03-07, 15:27
Moral of the story: read Pipers last post.....One night I went to the shop to buy a pack of cigarettes, and told my wife I'd be back in 10 minutes. The shop was closed, so I went into a nearby bar to buy a pack, and decided to have a drink while I was there. Sitting nearby was a beatuful woman, so I started talking to her, and one thing led to another. Went back to her place, had hot sex, and woke up next to her at 4am, saying "Oh fuck, I'm in trouble!" I asked her if she had any talcum powder, and she gave me some. I put some powder on my clothes and on my hands.

When I got home after 4:30am, Wildcat asked me where I'd been all night, I told her I went to buy cigarettes, but the shop was closed so I went to the nearby bar, met a beautiful woman and went to her place, had hot sex, then fell asleep with her.

Wildcat saw the white powder on my clothes and hands, and said "You lying bastard, you've been out playing pool all night again!"

09-03-07, 15:52
I used to take her to the music room at the Majestic to see the band as it was quite a safe place with very few WG. ...

As I also frequented the Seaview ... I only took one PRC from there during early summer and have not seen her since so there is little chance of being recognised or accosted. The doorman and waitresses may recognise me as I was there a few times with my ethiopian friend but I would hope they would be discrete. For the record my missus is not totally aware of the WG situation in Dubai I'd still say the Majestic Music Room is your best bet, just because it's still lower key than Seaview with respect to wg's.

I don't think any wg would accost you when you're with another girl unless she really wanted to cause you grief, AND risk the rath of the female you're with (self preservation the key for them). Like Piper says, she'll just give you a discreet nod.

No staff member will make a comment; they've seen it all.

So while your 1 Seaview pull might not be around, there will be a number of non-background wg's around. Kind of hard to deny you aren't aware of their existence. In Majestic, you might have a chance ("Really, do you think she's a prostitute? ")

I'd be more worried about NEXT year if your spouse sees the Seaview environment. Seaview: mostly wg's, a FEW spouses/gf's. I'd say the opposite holds true for the Majestic.

Crime Of Passion
09-03-07, 16:33
Guys...usually hang out in the Abu Dhabi forum but does anyone mind if I just hang out here for a few minutes...a little empathy with some other folks here. Seems several of us are in the same boat having enjoyed the last few weeks and now our partners are returning...maybe we all need group hug therapy :) I'm just off to DXB airport for mine although I expect I'll end in Sharjah by the sound of things on the Al Garhoud bridge. Hate the trip although I'd gladly take her anytime if it means a bit of freedom...

Me too just finished the DNA clean up...amazing, have been several clean ups but still finding long black hairs everywhere! Even though my PRC GF has long black hair she will still be suspicious...

GroinStrain appreciate your problem completely. For the last few weeks I have had to play a game of high profile being seen in one or two places but being seen just having a drink and not to be taking anyone so my GF Miss X's friends can say I was a good boy! I've also had to stay away from certain venues that you have no reason to be in other than mongering. :) Had to try out the other nationalites so the network of PRC friends don't talk.

In my experience generally most WG's won't approach you if you already have a girl, certainly the PRC's tend to be a bit more passive this way although they may give you a few looks. Most WG's should know if your partner looks like 'a wife', but, on the other hand if she isn't a known face and looks like a WG they sometimes will pass on info in their own language...'this man gave me 700 last week, little stupid, cock only small, sex very easy', well that's what they whisper about me in Chinese anyway...

Doormen and waitresses should know to be discreet, should have seen it all before. However, did find in one venue they already knew my tipple before I ordered so you look a regular after a few trips...

09-03-07, 17:35
Om a different subject I would appreciate any PM with numbers for CIS MP in Dubai if they exist. I frequent a AMP near Al Wasl road but fancy a change.I frequent thai one near spieny's on al wasal road. If you wish will give you. quite useful if you need mid PM pop in. 100+100

09-03-07, 21:07
Hit the Seaview tonight, found things as usual, decent selection if slightly down on the good old days.

Sadly, this included "Mr.White Shirt" the all-singing, all-dancing, pain in my arse.

While his just being there is annoying enough, pinhead starts to do his patent "anticipate the lyrics game" and fanciful dance "moves". To my delight, I see several other gents (more than 10) wincing at his mincing.

The mob rules, some begin cat-calling him etc, but he is oblivious. Things step up a notch, and he is being shouted down! The audience is united in it´s revulsion.

The looks of gratitude from the band frontline girls is a pleasure to see.

Next song, mincing moron starts up again, and here comes the man in black, security invites him to step to the bar, leaving the rest to enjoy the performance.

Instant friendship and bonding among the long suffering crowd, and at least for the rest of the first set, we are pinhead free.

The security guy stops by and is mobbed with gratitude from several audience members. The precedent is set. There is a God.

About fricking time.

Ps. I did snag the number of a nice "not Chinese" CIS for tomorrow evening. On balance a good night out. :)

09-04-07, 15:06
I frequent thai one near spieny's on al wasal road. If you wish will give you. quite useful if you need mid PM pop in. 100+100If its the one I go to I was there this afternoon. Bell by front gate entrance through door in garage.

The girl I usually see Mishu or something like that always said she was Thai but I thought Chinese. Saw different girl today as Mishu away. Excellent GFE plenty of DFK, DATY with her getting very wet. Great OWO then told her I wanted anal. She said I was the boss and if I wanted OK. I had brought my own lube as last time split 5 condoms attempting to slip my dick up Mishu's arse with baby oil. Either a chemical reaction or excessive dick size!! not sure. Anal excellent really tight and deep. Then condom change and up her fanny. Not nearly as good as quite loose. Then off with the condom and more OWO and CIM. Excellent hour for 100 + 200 for girl.

09-04-07, 20:28
As I moved in to get a bit more intimate out came the "first you give me money".....ok, fair enough I have no problems with this.

Me: Ok, here's 700
Cleo: No, you give me 800 or no fuck
Me (still trying to be nice but getting pissed off rapidly): No, we agreed 700, if you give me a very good time I'll give you another 200 bonus tomorrow morning
Cleo: No, you mean and bad man, you give me 800 now
Me (last ditch effort to be nice): No, I'll give you 700 now and another 200 if you give me a good time
Cleo: No etc etc

To cut a long story short she was a bit surprised to find herself dumped at a taxi rank about 20 minutes later with nadda. Is this just bad luck or is this the influence of the ex Cyclone mob?

The night didn't end up too bad though, I went to an MP near Spinney's on Al Wasl and had the most amazing girl. I think I took home the same Scarlett in July this year from Rattler and wrote a short piece about her. No kissing allowed, kept moaning about the agreed rate. 450 with extra 50 if good. Said she always got 800 at Cyclone etc. No BBBJ. Ended up shagging her hard whilst fingering her arse. Should have shown her the door. Next time I bumped into her at Rattler she was surprised when I wouldn't take her home. I did tell her it was due to her previous poor performance.

As for the AMP near Spinney's I was in the same place or similar as my previous report today. Can't agree more about the service.

09-04-07, 21:45
GS - I wouldn't worry too much. The WGs are usually very discreet. Many times when I've been out and about with my wife in 'normal' clubs or shopping malls, I've seen girls who I've been with. When they see I'm with my wife, they are very discrete. Just the occasional little smile when Wildcat isn't looking.Went to Finnegans tonight with Wildcat and a few friends. It should be one of the safest places to take my wife for a drink and a game of pool with friends, as it's not a WG place, and we go there often. Just my luck, around 11pm, Tall Buxom Blondie (see photo below) arrived with another girl and two Arab guys. I couldn't believe it - my wife's first night back and I might have some explaining to do already. Blondie lives only a few minutes drive from Finnegans, but it's the first time I've seen her there. They sat down at a table directly behind where I was playing pool, less than three metres away. I was a bit shaken for a few minutes, and lost my pool game - I couldn't concentrate.

I walked over to my work/mongering pal who was playing at another table and said "Don't look right now, but look who just came in - what's my alibi if she says hello?"

Pal chuckled at my misfortune. Luckily his wife is Ukranian (as is Blondie), so after he finished chuckling, he said "Don't worry, she's not stupid, but if anything happens we can say she's a friend of my wife". I told my pal I was just discussing this type of scenario on a sex site only last night, and he laughed.

I decided to make it obvious I was with my wife (a few cuddles), and things turned out okay. Blondie gave a knowing smile while no-one was looking (including the guy she was with), and we left it at that. Whew.

Wildcat may have noticed me looking at Blondie with a slightly worried look, and made a comment about how beautiful she is. When I strategically said I think I know her, as she's a friend of Pal, Wildcat laughed and said "Sure she is - I bet you took her home one night." I didn't reply, but maybe it was the look on my face - she laughed and said "I'm joking - relax!".

Sometimes I think she can read my mind.


09-04-07, 23:12
I had brought my own lube as last time split 5 condoms attempting to slip my dick up Mishu's arse with baby oil. Either a chemical reaction or excessive dick size!! not sure. GS - not sure about your size ;), but true, you shouldn't use oil with condoms, or they could break. Only use water-based or silicone-based lube.

09-05-07, 03:02
If its the one I go to I was there this afternoon. Bell by front gate entrance through door in garage.For me bell on my mobile phone and enter through the garage. Neighbor of very big villa. They are Thai for sure.

I am not that risk taking kind of guy like piper so I can not taste the cream of wg the one which frequent clubs etc . I tried to get in touch with Kaptain to use his apartment, but could not get him. Does anyone know of arrangement like Kaptain's? I am only daytime kind of guy. Thanks

09-05-07, 03:38
I am not that risk taking kind of guy like piper so I can not taste the cream of wg the one which frequent clubs etc . I tried to get in touch with Kaptain to use his apartment, but could not get him. Does anyone know of arrangement like Kaptain's? I am only daytime kind of guy. ThanksMy friend, I take calculated risks - too complicated to explain here. I have other interests in life than sex, but some of these interests are good alibis when I need them. So far so good, with the expected close-shaves.

Kapitan doesn't live in Dubai anymore, so his apartment isn't available. For daytime fun, try Crowne Plaza Hotel for 360DH total (9am to 6pm). Even better, find a girl at night or afternoon in one of the bars, take her number, then arrange an afternoon at her place for about 300 or 400 DH (and no hotel charge). Don't be shy about it - the girls appreciate the extra daytime money before they go out for the night, and will give you a good time. I'm not a daytime guy, but if I were, I'd take my own advice and have a lot of fun.

09-05-07, 06:26
If its the one I go to I was there this afternoon. Bell by front gate entrance through door in garage.

The girl I usually see Mishu or something like that always said she was Thai but I thought Chinese. Saw different girl today as Mishu away. Excellent GFE plenty of DFK, DATY with her getting very wet. Great OWO then told her I wanted anal. She said I was the boss and if I wanted OK. I had brought my own lube as last time split 5 condoms attempting to slip my dick up Mishu's arse with baby oil. Either a chemical reaction or excessive dick size!! not sure. Anal excellent really tight and deep. Then condom change and up her fanny. Not nearly as good as quite loose. Then off with the condom and more OWO and CIM. Excellent hour for 100 + 200 for girl.HELP - from you description it looks like number 23 - you know what I mean if you have been there. Please, PM me a phone number, I have lost it somehow, now going through all numbers in GNews.

Can give you numbers of similar places in Al Wasl Spinneys area.

09-05-07, 06:37
I managed to make it back from my trip to Gambia. Please do not waste your time there. So I came back quite in the mood.
First attempt was rattlesnake. After several weeks in Africa without a girl I was surprised to discover I liked a nice Tanzanian girl (angel), so I decided to take her home. She is half congolese, half tanzanian and cute, different way, but cute.
I seldom take African girls but I would like to say a nice word for this one. I popped up in RS with full attire (suit, tie and briefcase) straight from a meeting. She offered to keep my briefcase with her purse, played a little bit with the suit and made clear her interest. She was never pushy, and always very sweet and nice. That got her a mango juice.
After taking a look I did not find anything to my taste so I took her. She settled for 600 all inclusive (taxi I mean). I asked her about oral and she said yes (covered, that in this case suits both of us nicely) but she made clear she wanted repeat business and that will only come if she makes me "happy". Very smart attitude.
She used a push-up so I was concerned about the goods, but once she was naked she was a quite slim girl with decent size breasts.
Performance in bed was simply amazing. I usually take very long to accomplish the mission, with her we tried several positions and when she was riding me, I could not contain myself. She was laughing all the time, smiling and caressing.
She is not my type but I can strongly reccomend her.

Tonight I took again the big breasted russian (anjeline) I met my last night. She came home for dinner (her birthday was 2 days ago) so I cooked something nice. She was a little bit nervous and told several times she does not trust anybody. I told her to relax and explained that I am more into the repeat business and I would like both to get used to each other.
Eventually we went to bed, sex was very good, very nice body, but my real goal is to "migrate" her to a more interesting segment, I would like to use her for girl on girl with WR's friend and my own ex-gf (who wants to come for "dinner", yeah right).
I will ask shortly about this. BTW she showed me some amazing pictures but asked me not to put in the internet. So only the lucky ones to pop up in my place will see then :)
Good for WR I guess

09-05-07, 09:15
For me bell on my mobile phone and enter through the garage. Neighbor of very big villa. They are Thai for sure.Very nice place and good selection, however, doubt if they are Thai, I reckon that they are all PRC.

09-05-07, 12:19
Even better, find a girl at night or afternoon in one of the bars, take her number, then arrange an afternoon at her place for about 300 or 400 DH (and no hotel charge). Don't be shy about it - the girls appreciate the extra daytime money before they go out for the night, and will give you a good time. I'm not a daytime guy, but if I were, I'd take my own advice and have a lot of fun.Mate!! I appreciate & will act on your advice. Hopefully next week as my house cat might go for a short trip to her home country.

09-05-07, 13:02
:( Perhaps she reads the forum instead. :(

Does she know how to get through the proxy?

Sometimes I think she can read my mind.


09-05-07, 14:50
:( Perhaps she reads the forum instead. :(

Does she know how to get through the proxy?Proxy? What's a proxy? ;)

Welcome back Cons - looks like you're making up for lost time. Now, about seeing those photos ... :)

Zing Uk
09-05-07, 17:28
Phew, just back from a few days in Saudi. When I go there its strictly business and I don't even bother trying but had an unexpected score in Riyadh. Read on.

For those of you who work in Riyadh from time to time you may know the Intercontinental Hotel, its may favourite place to stay as it has a decent health club, golf course and behind closed doors bowling alley (you need to knock to get it! ) full of little PI in tight T-shirts bowling away. Its as close as you get to a porn joint anywhere in Saudi.

Anyway, decided to go to the gym one evening and after asession thought a relax in the sauna was in order. When I entered the sauna was empty so I streched out on the top shelf, closed my eyes and let the tension ebb away. After a couple of minutes the door opened and closed and someone sat down on the lower bench at the other side of the sauna, I didn't think anything of this. Two or three minutes pass then I start here a wet slurping sound (yes, you have all heard the same sound in a quiet moment on your own with some porn). I wasn't sure if I was hearing correct but after a minute I kind of sat up and there was some dude with a beard that just about met his cock which he was flogging mercilessly while staring straight at me! Arghhhhh, fuck off you perv. I was out of there like a shot as he had twinkle in his eye. Yehhughphphph

Then I thought about the post a couple of weeks ago about how the PRC girl in York reacted to the soap dodger by recoiling in disgust. It suddenly put in perspective what our good friends the WG's sometimes have to put up with. So I resolved from this point forward to always wera my best T-shirt when on the prowl:.) I also resolved to avoid Saudi saunas!

Sometimes I think she can read my mind.


They can all read our minds all the time, they just sometimes chose to ignore what they read!

09-06-07, 13:59
Hi guys. I have been following your reports on UAE and especially Dubai for some time. You got me convinced. I just had to go and check out the place myself, since I never have been there before (only passing through like everybody else.). Now, I got to tell you that I am an experienced mongering globetrotter. I have visited more than 100 countries over the last 15-20 years, and have tested the market in many of those countries. Based on your reports I had high expectations, when I finally managed to arrange a meeting for five days in Dubai. Being a true professional monger, I naturally (like always) did my homework on ISG in finding a hotel, doing a work plan with bars and nightclubs to check out etc. I landed on Monday morning and went basically directly out in the night after checking in at Hilton Creek hotel. First stop, York. Then Ramada, Royal, Hyatt and Sheraton (Chelsea). No luck. Big disappointment. To be honest I was chocked by the low quality. The CIS girls I saw were plain ugly. The PRC girls as well. The Africans, mostly from East Africa (Ethiopia and Eritrea) was beautiful, but not very adventurous (that is always the problems with these girls). I was more interested to find a CIS girls that specific night and went looking in other places recommended on the forum. Found zero. Zip. Now, that was not the first time in my life. So, back to basis. Plan be. Back to York, started talking with some of the African girls there. Some really nice looking babies. Did the job that needs to be done, checking out the place and walking the talk, checking prices and services with some girls, chatting with some of the guys at the pool area. Nobody of the African girls seemed to want to perform some of the basic exercises of a good night at the hotel, like DFK, anal and CIF/CIM. Just regular sex and no oral. Disappointment, but again. Not surprising knowing what countries they came from. Settled for two Ethiopian friends and took them both to the hotel. They promised a lesbian show, hmm, being somewhat sceptical after a so far disappointing night; I gave them the benefit of a doubt. And I managed to get the price down to the right level. At the hotel, their "lesbian show" were possibly the worst I have ever seen. No oral, no photos, sex with one of them was OK, the other poor. But I have a ground rule of always treating the girls with respect. I think that we always should. And they were nice. So we had a 3/10 experience and I sent them home. Not a good start. However, I was convinced that it was only a bad day. New day tomorrow. And I still had some places to check out. I had saved two of the most recommended places for the next day, when I had more time. Started up early with some friends in a bar. Went to Regal, since that was a well known CIS place. Boy, was I disappointed (again). The girls was not girls but ugly old women. Nobody younger than me, and that is one of my other principles. Never f*** a girl older than yourself. Thought I was in a nightmare. Went to York again. No luck. Found a nice looking Ethiopian and tried to negotiate both oral/DFK and anal. No luck. Some of the other hotels, same thing. Finally I got into a taxi and started the journey to end of the rainbow, Rattlesnake at the Metropolitan. Nice place, good crowd. Ok band. Loads of girls, mostly PRC and Africans. No CIS girls. Checked out the best ones and started to work. Didn’t get the answers I wanted. At 2. 30 with 4-5 different girls hanging around me, I decided to leave for my hotel. No girl this night. Another big disappointment. Last night I went to York. Seemed to be the best place anyway. I don’t understand the 10-12 CIS girls hanging around there. What are they looking for? It seems like they just stand in groups trying to look angry and tough. Very disturbing. The Africans are smiling and talkative. Anyway, managed to pic up a Russian girl from Uzbekistan. She was a good f***. Did the things I wanted without any problems. Only mistake was that she didn’t want to do the anal, even though she agreed to it in the bar. Anyway did her deep throat and came over her face two times, so overall that was the best experience of the week. Now, I decided to leave two days early. In summery. Guys, with all respect. You need to travel more. Dubai is only a 2 out of 10 place. You need to go to "Nightflight" in Moscow, "River" in Kiev or to Almaty for some real CIS girl mongering. These girls are the best. Same goes for Rio or Sao Paolo, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore (Orchard towers) or Bangkok to get laid. I promise you it is a different world. If you want addresses, let me know.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

09-06-07, 15:55
behind closed doors bowling alley (you need to knock to get it! ) full of little PI in tight T-shirts bowling away. Its as close as you get to a porn joint anywhere in Saudi.

Seeing as how an exposed ankle would cause my head to turn after a week in Saudi, I know exactly what you mean.

I pity the strays.

09-06-07, 15:56
A friend told me yesterday that Ratskys got shut down for prostitution. Say it aint so. :(

09-07-07, 12:46
Larry you are right on the money. I have been to Thailand many times and I just returned from there too Dubai. I will tell you Dubai just doesn't stack up. I had a nice PRC I met in the early day about 3 weeks ago at the York Bar. Returned from Tokyo then I had a three day stop in Bangkok. In 3 days I managed to squeeze in about five girls. Two The first night. One the second and two the last night. With all the sex was great and didn't sting my checking account. Got back to Dubai and called this PRC. She seemed interested enough emailing me like crazy while I was away from her for two weeks

After about 3 minutes she supposedly came. I am pretty sure she was faking it. I pounded her for about another 30 mins. No oral, no anal. We rested for about 10 mins. Then I went to pound her some more. She asked suprised again? I pounded her for while till she started asking me to cum. I have never had that happen in Bangkok. I have been mongering in Dubai for the best two years and the experience just can't compare to places I have been such as Manila, Taskent, and Thailand. I think next time I pass through Dubai I will save my money for a better destination next stop for me Angeles City

Take it Sleazy

09-07-07, 13:23
Hi guys. I have been following your reports on UAE and especially Dubai for some time. You got me convinced. I just had to go and check out the place myself, . Guys, with all respect. You need to travel more.
If are you just coming to go mongering I agree there are many better places (cheaper too). But most senior members who regularly post here are residents who work here, or pass through frequently for work. It’s a bit of a different when you are taking a $5 taxi ride on impulse to one of the local bars. If you come away empty handed, there is always tomorrow, not so for the tourist. Residents, with the promise of repeat business and more time have more chance of finding the gems. Short term visitors are more likely be regarded as fast turnover cash sources.

I do think things have dropped off a bit in the past year or so. Or I may just be getting jaded.

Dubai (and Abu Dhabi) may lag behind some places but it streets ahead of UK, USA, most, if not all Western Europe and on a different planet to the rest of the Sand Lands.

I have had some great times here.

09-07-07, 15:18
Greetings chaps. Its been a long time since my last post as it was last years 7's when I was last in sunny Dubai. That was a great weekend, first night a gorgeous PRC from the Cyclone for 800Dhs all night, fantastic tits and long long legs and loved anal, always nice to get the bonus tunnel without having specified it up front.

Second night was another PRC from the same for 600 DHS, all she did was deep throat me and CIM 3 times. I was spent at the end and needed a stretcher.
Last night we went to the Premier just to look, Loads of CIS and PRC, all of which wanted 1000+ if they were at all tasty.

Watching the posts occaisionally over the year it seems like the Cyclone has closed for the time being, so I would great appreciate any suggestions on new venues. The Regal is a favourite, but I have yet visit the Seaview, Rattlesnake, Ku-Bu or any of the others. A one to ten score of your opinions would be a great help, as to be honest, I dont have the time to trawl through others exploits to glean the info. Too much UK rat-race shit to put up withm and as always with limited time in your fair city one needs to hit the ground running.

But in the interests of sharing, I did pull a freebie 27 year old teacher from Yorkshire on a weekend in Rhodes the other month. It was a classic 'English girl on hoiliday' pick up, on from the start, and I have to say I have never been with a girl who came as much as she did.

The details are a little hazy after all the tequila, but she came twice with DATY, 3-4 times with mish, all the time telling me how she liked to be fucked, I stopped for a breather and after a little cuddle fund myself sliding my cock up and down her arse crack which got her all hot again so on with another condom and this time broke out one of those Durex vibrating cock-rings. Fantastic, try one if you have not done so.

Anyway I slipped this on without telling her, then slipped into her again to her cry of amazement, then she starts grinding her hips and must have cum another 3 times. I rekon 10 times in all at an estimate, and as I was not paying for it she had no reason to fake it.

Teachers eh? I wish mine had all been like that.

Any up to date DBX info greatly appreciated.
Keep your ends and the good work up chaps.

Roll on December.

Slugger x.

Zing Uk
09-07-07, 16:15
Ok, after whining about the poor service from Miss Scarlett last week than being wanked at by a beardie wierdie Saudi in a Sauna during the week I reckoned I was due a turn of luck last night so of I went with my best T-shirt on to Rattler. The Ramadan effect is definately kicking in and the m\f ration was a bit less skewed than normal and most of the guys there seemed to be tourist trade and a bit loud but not a bad evening in all.

I got chatting to one girl at the bar that I've spoken to a few times before and have taken her mate home (9 for looks, body and attitude but only 6 in bed sadly). She was on her own at the bar so we just started gassing away, she is very cute but I didn't have her in mind just yet as I hadn't done my usual rounds to check out availability. We relaxed into a nice convo and I bought her a couple of drinks, a bit surprised when she asked for whiskey. We just had a really good time and ended up asking her back to the ranch. Great decision, she has a dynamite personality, great laugh, not greedy, in fact didn't mention money at all and just accepted what I gave her when I dropped her off at home at 5pm today (750AED).

Back at my place we first jumped into bed for a quickie that ended up lasting an hour or so of all position fucks and sucks although she wasn't keen on CIM. We then got up to watch a chines movie (I have a collection of Ziyi Zhang movies. Look her up in the internet PRC lovers, she's my ultimate dream girl) and arsed most of a bottle of quality port between us. Its now around 0230 so back to bed for another great repeat session. Particular fav of mine is going down on nice clean PRC and she loved it, heaving and thrashing around everywhere and I'm certain no faking. When she woke up this morning I was already installed between her legs make her very slippery and squirmy. After 15 mins or so she repaid the compliment with an excellent BBBJ. So the day wore on spent between the kitchen and the bedroom blowing both our plans out the water but what the hell, if life is not for fucking then what is it for?

She is certainly one of my top scores in Dubai with looks 9, body 8, attitude 11 and performance 9 Sadly, I'm out very early tomorrow or she would be back again tonight but I do have Sunday off work so think a repeat performance is highly likely:.) Funny how you just hit it off with some of them

A Happy Man

Zing Uk
09-07-07, 16:33
If are you just coming to go mongering I agree there are many better places (cheaper too). But most senior members who regularly post here are residents who work here, or pass through frequently for work. It’s a bit of a different when you are taking a $5 taxi ride on impulse to one of the local bars. If you come away empty handed, there is always tomorrow, not so for the tourist. Residents, with the promise of repeat business and more time have more chance of finding the gems. Short term visitors are more likely be regarded as fast turnover cash sources.

I have had some great times here.I agree with both BC and SL on this thread. There certainly are better places, the Vietnamese girls in Cambodia back in the early 90's was the ultimate for me, but there are also a lot worse. You also adjust to where you live so although the average age here is bit older than I would prefer you just get on with it and there are some real gem's out there but, as BC points you, you need to spend time researching the market and testing the goods to come up with a top performer (see my previous report today). The same is true in any country though, there are always the top 10% and you have to put in the time to find them.

My biggest criticism of DBX though would be the number of poor performaers in simply too high and you get more 5/10 or less experiences than should be acceptable. My other pet hate is the bar girls constantly pestering you to buy drinks in York. I quite like York and there are some good girls there but the bar girls [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) me off so muc it sometimes takes the shine of the night. There is one very cute indian looking one though I's like to shag and she's less pushy so I can put up with her:.)

So on balance, so-so place to come for professional mongering but good place to live for those of us who do like some nightly or weekly action and know the scene and the standard of living here is far higher than in most top mongering countries. Its also tax free so you got to remember our girls are highly subsidised (40% + 17. 5%VAT) in the case of us Brits bringing the price down to something like 250 for night in real terms for a 600 a night pull (I appreciate this is strange logic but I'm happy with it). Not bad on the whole (or in the hole) and certainly a lot more than you would get in many many countries.

09-07-07, 16:35
Two things I like about Seaview: THE BAND

the convient, easy parkingThe first is well known. The 2nd - even late on a Thursday, you still might have to dodge the sandtrap, but there is parking, weaving between the "left" cars whose owners don't seem to understand the concept of 'form another row - walk another 5 yards'.

Well, one is going away temporarily, the other permanently.

Band disappears for Ramadan. It is a LONG month, and their return is always eagerly awaited.

The parking? Gone. Now a construction zone for another Seaview hotel. They do offer valet parking, which means on exiting, you have to wait for 10 minutes in the heat and HUMIDITY while some poor sod RUNS and gets your car. Dxb fast becoming a city with modern buildings but no parking...

I just had to go and check out the place myself, since I never have been there before (only passing through like everybody else.).OFTEN said: dxb NOT a mongering destination in and of itself (at least for me). But if you live here, or have business here, there are some distractions. But as a mongering vacation spot? Pass.

Always well to remember WHAT part of the world you are in. Just ask Zing UK about the attractions of Saudi :)

Now, I got to tell you that I am an experienced mongering globetrotter. I have visited more than 100 countries over the last 15-20 years... Nobody younger than me ...Nobody younger than 40? Must have been there EARLY.

Nice report, and as always, YMMV. All depends on your expectations - we live in a RELATIVE universe here.

And <cr><cr> works wonders when writing :)

After about 3 minutes she supposedly came. I am pretty sure she was faking it.Do you think?

I pounded her for about another 30 mins. No oral, no anal. We rested for about 10 mins. Then I went to pound her some more. She asked suprised again? I pounded her for while till she started asking me to cum.Was it here or elsewhere where someone posted about the PRC's (but could be any nationality) before they come here - the MINIMAL sex education/sexual "knowledge" - just the "lay on your back, spread 'em, think of China[home country]" experience while the husband/bf gets off.

Certainly if SHE's not into it, what do you expect her to do for an hour? Mentally count the dollars she's earning? How long does it take to count to 100, 200? As one girl told me, "You don't f*ck long time; I want you to come quickly; otherwise, it's boring." Unfortunately, this was at home, not in the bar. Needless to say, I DIDN'T spend a lot of time trying to warm her up, and I don't bother pulling her again.

But IF you get them "engaged" in the fun, some MUTUAL enjoyment, then hang on for the ride...

If you come away empty handed, there is always tomorrow, not so for the tourist. Residents, with the promise of repeat business and more time have more chance of finding the gems. Short term visitors are more likely be regarded as fast turnover cash sources.Agreed. I've had some great times here, but, just like shopping at Spinney's, when I see something I like, I buy, I don't start comparing prices to "elsewhere".

... as to be honest, I dont have the time to trawl through others exploits to glean the info. The ROD thread is a QUICK way to gather info - might not be posted to all the time, but then, that's the point, mostly relevent comments.

Funny how you just hit it off with some of themWith some, you just DO click. And just goes to show how experiences can vary. Can't hit the long ball EVERY time, but certainly on occasion...

General comment:
isg definition of semi-literate: can write questions, but cannot read previous posts...

09-07-07, 16:39
Can anybody recommend a good MP around Ramada/Spinneys in Bur Dubai for day time action?

Zing Uk
09-07-07, 16:57
Always well to remember WHAT part of the world you are in. Just ask Zing UK about the attractions of Saudi :)Just when I was getting over the trauma, thanks for the reminder man :-|

09-07-07, 18:16
Shes a nice lady but she was one of the worst lays of my life. I am still in shock I paid for it. Mutual enjoyment? What am I suppose to do make love to this blood sucker? Give me a break.

09-07-07, 19:25
Mutual enjoyment? My point is, if the ONLY thing she is getting out of it is a pay day, then why be surprised she wants you to finish sooner rather than later?

09-07-07, 21:45
Hey all,

Back in DXB but no big FR just yet. Am staying way the hell out a the Jebel Ali Hotel so it's been difficult to make the usual scene.

As a result, I made a stop at an AMP that my buddy has been going to for ages, which actually was quite enjoyable. Selected this spinner who had that look about her. When I asked where she was from, (meaning what part of China) she replied that she was North Korean. Hah, by North Korea you mean China? Yeah. Exactly: P.

Her BJ skills were a little on the weak side but she more then made up for it with other skills. Very enjoyable and plan on going back for another round next week. I like LT sessions though, wish I could order her for "take away"!

MP's always make me a little nervous. All the security camera's, the neighborhoods can get a bit dodgy, etc. This particular one moves around like crazy. Not sure if that's the case for all of them since it's the only one I've ever been to here. Was thinking about going through the back of the gulf news for a little variety.

Speaking of MP's, there has been some talk of MP's other then PRC. I find this intriguing and would like to explore it further. If anyone has any info on this, I'the appreciate it. Hell, I'll even spring for the beers; ). I'll be in town until the 14th.

Am going to hit Broadway tomorrow afternoon. Last I remember, you could get rooms by the hour for some midday fun. The other option is to go back to the AMP and get two girls for two hours, but that adds up. Figure I need a little "relief" before my date tomorrow night. I <3 Emirates girls!


Kiwi 69
09-07-07, 21:50
Ok, after whining about the poor service from Miss Scarlett.

She is certainly one of my top scores in Dubai with looks 9, body 8, attitude 11 and performance 9 Sadly, I'm out very early tomorrow or she would be back again tonight but I do have Sunday off work so think a repeat performance is highly likely:.) Funny how you just hit it off with some of them

A Happy ManShe is a stunner! Just being selfish, I hope you get more photos!

09-07-07, 23:13
My point is, if the ONLY thing she is getting out of it is a pay day, then why be surprised she wants you to finish sooner rather than later?

Check her out in the photo gallery. Thick for a PRC I think.

09-08-07, 03:56
Gentlemen, I'd appreciate your advice in a little query I have. I expect to be flying from to Jakarta to the UK in the next two weeks or so, I can fly Lufthansa or Emirates, the former is about $400 more expensive than the latter.

However on a 22 hour journey liquid refreshment is very much a necessity for me, ie I like to knock back half the contents of the drinks trolley and proceed to sleep for the next 21 and a half hours. My question to the more regular members of this section is do Emirates have a "Ramadhan" policy during this time? Can I expect to get fed and receive a decent tipple during the hours of daylight on board their fine aircraft?

If not I will choose Lufthansa, thank you for any advice.

Wicked Roger
09-08-07, 06:21
Fellow Mongers

Groin Strain will definitely be jealous. Likely Piper too and others I know…so be green eyed but Cons68 and I don’t care…

Perspective for the above comment. GS introduced me to Alice and Jean. He has enjoyed Alice not Jean, I have enjoyed them both. Alice and Jean are ‘bisexual’ and love to play with each :) And GS has meant to try and get the 2 ladies together. GS has met and played with Andrea (another cute Filipina spinner – see earlier pics and ignore GS’s orange shirt).

Andrea has being ‘educated’ by me and so far she has been deviriginised threesome style with GS and Greek style with me. Now teacher had suggested she try girl girl…and she said why not :D

So I called Alice, asked if she want to deviriginise Andrea, she said yes. In the meantime I had arranged to meet Cons on other matters and then decided best Andrea had an audience, he meet Alice and we all had fun. So day, time and place agreed in Dubai. Alice ready to go and then I get SMS – can Jean come and watch, no play (like hell no play knowing Jean). We all agreed it would be fun so there I am in Deira picking up Alice and Jean and introducing them to Andrea. Some blokes in other cars looking and leering. Three tight and slim Filipinas (all of whom I have enjoyed carnally)in my car chatting away looking very sexy (Alice was looking hot GS).

Alice and Andrea immediate friends, Alice tells her how she will lick her, discuss me in Tagalog (lots of laughs.) and we get to Cons place for wine chat, look at photos and watch the girls in the shower. After some initial playing, touching and kissing Jean said she was wet. No shagging her but she was wet all the same so she stripped off and got in the shower also. So Cons and I had 3 naked Filipinas all slim, not chubby wanting fun…my weekends are hard graft guys :)

So we had loads of fun, threesomes foursome and at one stage a fivesome – Cons shagging Alice doggy, Alice licking Andrea, Andrea sucking little roger and me fingering Jean, kissing her lovely rack and being very naughty and then Jean going down on Andrea’s rack. Good wholesome sweaty fun!!!

Introduced Alice to bondage, she loved that too (well Andrea first mentioned it as she does like be tied up and shagged very hard), brought along my accessories and together with Cons toy collection we had an army of gadgets – rabbits, vibros, plugs, bondage, mini vibros – all used to great effect by Andrea and Alice. Alice particularly likes the rabbit she asked me to bring it.

So basically an afternoon of pure pleasure for Cons and me. Mentioned to Andrea on way home the GS would love to know the details – we could have invited you but not sure what excuse you give my good friend!

Alice and Andrea good mates and looks as if they will do a threesome with another monger I know this week, she will come up from Abu Dhabi. Cons had a great time the standing shag of Alice when also bend double was worth an award. Alice likes Cons and vice versa I think, she is a very kinky girl. Jean was so wet she ended licking pussy and sucking and she had fun. And me..well what do you think :D

Andrea still in my bed somewhat shagged out – and she will be amore later trust me.

All in all a nice way to spend a Friday with friends

Keep hard and horny

09-08-07, 11:12
My other pet hate is the bar girls constantly pestering you to buy drinks in York. I quite like York and there are some good girls there but the bar girls [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) me off so muc it sometimes takes the shine of the night.So don't let it take the shine off the night:

Pushy waitress: "You want a drink?"
11b: "Do you speak english?"
PW, thinking what a stupid question, "Yes."
11b: "Well, so do I. Fluently. If I want a drink, I'll ask for one!"

Have to do for a couple, then word gets around. As a last resort, the manager is a good guy. Ask the waitress to speak to the manager (insist!), he will come over, and explain the situation: You are a good customer, you enjoy coming here, you do buy drinks, but what puts you off is the constant badgering to buy. The waitresses will be passed the message - voice of experience.

Zing Uk
09-08-07, 13:17
Ask the waitress to speak to the manager (insist!), he will come over, and explain the situation: You are a good customer, you enjoy coming here, you do buy drinks, but what puts you off is the constant badgering to buy. The waitresses will be passed the message - voice of experience.

Thanks for the tip 11B, I will try this the next time I'm in York because it really does put me off.

She is a stunner! Just being selfish, I hope you get more photos!She's coming over tonight Kiwi so I'll see if I can get some additional shots especially for you. Check tomorrow night's posts

Zing Uk
09-08-07, 13:21
Hi guys,

I was in Rattler last night just enjoying an evening out, an early tee off this morning meant I was seriously looking for entertainment. There was very very cute PRC in full Chinese dress, short bleched blonde hair, says she's 25 but I suspect a bit older. If you where there last night you couldn't miss her. I spoke to her for a few minutes and got her phone number with the intention of having her over one night this week. Does anyone know this girl? She was very friendly in the bar and very much my type, if anyone knows her carnally can you please post performance stats, I hate to be disappointed if she's a prima donna although doesn't seem to be so.

Member #4309
09-08-07, 16:08
I will be newbie in Dubai (visiting). Unfortunately I have shared accommodation for next few days.

What options do I have to get some good bang for the buck (I don't want to spend loads of money on the room)

I am into dance floor grinding scene (am good at the dance floor), which places should I visit.

Last I am into pics/videos, which WGs are also into them, where can I get 2 or 3 girls for 3some/4some. I can handle all provided they don't loote me.

Is it adviseable to go to so called hump hotels. Where are some.

Which one do you recommend, PRC or CIS for a begineer (as in begginer mongerer in Dubai)

Jackson sorry. Didn't find any pertinent place to post questions. You may move it to a better place if necessary.

09-08-07, 18:37
Fellow Mongers

Groin Strain will definitely be jealous. Likely Piper too and others I know…so be green eyed but Cons68 and I don’t care…

So basically an afternoon of pure pleasure for Cons and me. Mentioned to Andrea on way home the GS would love to know the details – we could have invited you but not sure what excuse you give my good friend!

Keep hard and hornyUtter bastard is all I can say.

Roll on next June when the missus disappears back to the UK and I get to have some fun. Either that or does anyone know a good divorce lawyer. The missus wonders why I can't get hard and horny with her and thinks I have a problem!! I should show her the pics on here with Andrea to prove that the problem is not with me and that maybe the lack of libido is down to her lack of sex appeal. If no good divorce lawyer available it will be AMPs for me until then. Although saying that I did manage to have some nice "massages" in Thailand on a recent family holiday. It's amazing what you can get upto whilst leaving the hotel to check emails. On the subject of Thai girls, why are there so few in Dubai? I know WR raves about PI girls but IMHO Thai girls are much better looking and also better shags. The AMP near Al Wasl road purports to be Thai but the girls all look chinese. Will just have to test out my 4 words of Thai next time i go to check! Other than that where to go to find Thai girls?

09-08-07, 18:38

If you are flying Business Class, Emirates will give you a Transit Accommodation in 5* hotel during Transit here. The hotels work full time an as usual for checked in Guests.

Alternatively you can book the Transit Hotel with in the Dubai terminal itself (its available through the net). All facilities available.

If you have to book the hotel you will end up spending the USD 400 saving you are making by skipping Luft.

All the best.


Gentlemen, I'd appreciate your advice in a little query I have. I expect to be flying from to Jakarta to the UK in the next two weeks or so, I can fly Lufthansa or Emirates, the former is about $400 more expensive than the latter.

However on a 22 hour journey liquid refreshment is very much a necessity for me, ie I like to knock back half the contents of the drinks trolley and proceed to sleep for the next 21 and a half hours. My question to the more regular members of this section is do Emirates have a "Ramadhan" policy during this time? Can I expect to get fed and receive a decent tipple during the hours of daylight on board their fine aircraft?

If not I will choose Lufthansa, thank you for any advice.

09-08-07, 21:10

I would like to know how is the situation in ramadan? is the police strict? do the CIS / Russian WGs go back for the month to their coutry? Is it difficult to find PRCs / Africans / Filipinas in this month?

I shall be visiting Dubai in middle of September, and would like to know if all GF hotels mentioned on forum are GF in this month.

09-09-07, 02:28
Nice night last night - started at Rock Bottom for a pool competition (not many girls), then Regal (lots of girls - finally got the number of the hot young CIS girl. Yes! :)). Then I went for a quick look at York in between pool games.

Got snagged by Miss Trouble/Rabbit Killer at York, and she wouldn't let me go despite my promises to come back for her after playing pool at Regal. I finally gave in and took her with me to Regal. (She was the only African girl in the CIS paradise thanks to me, and the guys' tongues were hanging). I had to pay 50DH for her to enter Regal, but I didn't mind - have to admit, she's become my regular.

Lost my pool game, went back to her place, enjoyed sloppy kissing and too-comfortable anal while side-fucking. Tried for another hot BJ, but she said she would never 'suck' again, as last time was the first time and the last time - a 'mistake' and against her culture. (We'll see). I like her.

When it was time to go home, we called our mutual taxi driver (he knows both our places). I was disappointed, as he usually gets me home in less than 15 minutes. This time he took 18 minutes.

Wicked Roger
09-09-07, 03:53
Utter bastard is all I can say.

I know WR raves about PI girls but IMHO Thai girls are much better looking and also better shags.
Thanks for the compliment GS, it is much appreciated...:) I said as much to Andrea the other day how pleased you would be when you found out :)

Thai girls - never really tried as therre as so few around which is probably why I stay with Filipinas due to their generally good English and the GFE (and in some cases PSE). But maybe I should try....;)

Should try and get a meeting in Abu Dhabi - come with Piper he knows the way to the meeting room ;)

09-09-07, 10:59
Seaview Thursday night:

Was heading out Friday morning but decided on a "last hurrah" at the Seaview. Arrived way early, and snagged the last tall table (crappy for band viewing, excellent for perusing the talent.) and had a reasonably pleasant dinner (they really do have rather slow service.)

The other night, I had seen a Kyrgy mother hen (the deal maker for the contingent) and I don´t know why but, tonight, I wanted her.

Yeah, I know, older. Not really good looking in a conventional sense, but I liked her personality, and wanted to play with her nice-looking if low-slung rack. Decision made. I made a super-human effort not to notice her Soviet dental work.

Well, I explain my needs for the evening and she gets a sad look on her face and explains (with great tact, I might add) that she is waiting for a regular to call as he is arriving tonight, and would be very upset if she was not available. She even went so far as to offer me a ST then return for the BF.

Happily for mystery man, and sadly for me, this did not mesh with my plans, so there I was, left to pound sand.

She tries to sell her friends, and one of them, a sort of half-CIS/PRC looking face I had seen the other night just might fit the bill.

Chatted with her a bit and decide something is better than nothing, and trust me, I looked. There was one PI girl who piqued my interest, but I was not ready to wade into the herd on a Thursday for screamed negotiation.

On the upside, Mr. White shirt was silent tonight.

Made the deal early with K2 (Kyrgy number 2) and tried to enjoy the rest of the set. The place was heaving.

Departed with my K2 BFN and had to be a little sneaky finding a taxi, sort of jumping the queue by moving up the street in front of the Seaview, but it was worth it. If you were in the queue, sorry, but I needed a taxi more than you did. ;)

Had a very nice time with K2, very nice girl, no problems whatsoever. Bid her farewell at 7:30 and headed off to the DCA lounge at the airport for breakfast (nb. the DCA first class lounge serves up a quite nice full breakfast) and is available for a number of airlines as well as DC and PP.

Hope everyone enjoys a nice Ramadan, see you all the end of October.

09-09-07, 11:10
Hi Dorman,

I'm flying Emirates over Ramadan and asked the airline the same question regarding alcohol. I was told that there are no restrictions in-flight (although I'm not sure what the situation would be in the transit longe if you're stopping over in Dubai).

Gentlemen, I'd appreciate your advice in a little query I have. I expect to be flying from to Jakarta to the UK in the next two weeks or so, I can fly Lufthansa or Emirates, the former is about $400 more expensive than the latter.

However on a 22 hour journey liquid refreshment is very much a necessity for me, ie I like to knock back half the contents of the drinks trolley and proceed to sleep for the next 21 and a half hours. My question to the more regular members of this section is do Emirates have a "Ramadhan" policy during this time? Can I expect to get fed and receive a decent tipple during the hours of daylight on board their fine aircraft?

If not I will choose Lufthansa, thank you for any advice.

09-09-07, 13:33
How is it in Ramadan?Well, given that Ramadan is an ANNUAL event, it just might have been reported on before, such as in the ROD thread. But, as usual, I'll post a link:

or even this 400007

[direct link to the report referenced in the above]:
Yes, old, but things don't change that much (that's why they're referenced in the ROD).

2007 Update:
From what I've heard, most people think the road barriers on the Garhoud Bridge, SZR, towards Sharajh are for traffic - Sharajh to the left, airport AND city center to the right. But secret documents show that the TRUE reason is for the 13 Sept's parade of Sharajh (dry emerite) mutawa, 1 division, followed by the usual visiting division of Saudi mutawa, marching into that den of iniquity (aka Dubai) for Ramadan "sports": the always popular infidel flogging contests; 100m 'chase the wg's' sprints; "badges, we don't need no stinking badges" kick the door in contests; infidel body cavity searches [2 events this year: "with hands", and "with other body appendages"]; "you want to smoke during the daytime? then smoke this" (although this is a judges only, no spectators event); the male and female 'indecent dress' lassoing (separate events, and certainly NOT of the quality the Iranians put on); and everybody's favorite, "run overstayer run" (although the field MUCH reduced this year, due to the amnesty).

Also from a secret file, the Cylone's lights will be turned on, again to be used as a honey pot to lure those who haven't done their reading here. The front gate will be open, but the patio has been 'reconfigured' - holding cells until the LE buses come to take away those who need "re-education". The "I thought this was the entrance to the Chinese restaurant" excuse will not be accepted.

This year's motto: "Complain about the rents, the traffic, the high cost of living? See how bad it could really be!"

But, other than that, just lower key to any other time, and always tradeoffs: no live music, but you can carry on a conversation; lights up, but you can see those around you; less crowds, but room to see and move.

Only real cautions are: no PUBLIC displays of affection, there will be a lot of civilian families out and about late at night, there is certainly LESS tolerance of "non-respectful" behavior in public, and keep off the streets 30 minutes prior and 10 minutes after Iftar.

Does anyone know this girl? She was very friendly in the bar and very much my type, if anyone knows her carnally can you please post performance stats, I hate to be disappointed if she's a prima donna although doesn't seem to be so.Myself, I read the newspaper movie reviews, but unless I know the reviewer personally, or they say it is ABSOLUTE rubbish and say why, I tend to check out the trailers myself, to see how I MIGHT enjoy. After all, it's only a movie, and while you might not get your ticket price refunded, what's a couple of hours to risk for the potential of some great entertainment?

Jackson sorry. Didn't find any pertinent place to post questions.With Ramadan, I'd say dancing is out, at least in the common sporting venues. As to the other questions: No problem, we're used to the clutter of people who can write but can't read. Well, at least you didn't post in the photo section.

Other than that where to go to find Thai girls?Year ago, there were a couple in 'Snake for a short period of time, and yes, they REALLY were Thai's. 3 month visas. Other than that, Bahrain seems to be the preferred destination for Thai employment.

09-09-07, 14:49
Just got back from checking out an AMP so kindly shared by another poster.

Was small with only 4 girls but every girl was a keeper. 7-8 in looks! And I wasn't even drunk!

Chose the smallest in height and endowment because she had a marvelously beautiful face. Her english was non-existant and she seemed rather nervous about the whole thing.

The menu was very short with CBJ, no dfk, no daty, no greek, etc. But she did get nice and slopy wet, which is always a good thing. She warmed up to me by the end, just went out of my way to be nice and gentle with her. Standard 100+200 fare. Will go back to try one of the other lovelies, if the menu is the same I will move on.

It's a stones throw from burjuman (sp!) If anyone else is interested in doing more recon.

Also one more tip about the York bargirls is to only order from those who don't ask. Once you explain that to a couple of them, they become remarkably passive.

I still haven't figured out how to keep the africans from mobbing me there. They are usually so much more witty than the PRC's that I end up in conversation with them all the time! My weakness, alas.


(Btw, first post from a crackberry, so apologies for spelling or font errors!! Err.. shit, scratch that, can't post from crackberry.. so sad!)

09-10-07, 00:09
Friday night I took Wildcat and a friend to Apres Bar in Mall of the Emirates for a few cocktails (floor-to-ceiling windows facing directly into the bottom of the ski slope). Lots of single women sitting in pairs or groups. No apparent WGs. Laid-back wine-bar atmosphere. Good food at low prices.

Then it was a quick stop for another cocktail in Hotel Kempinski's Bar (also in Mall of Emirates). A bit too quiet for my liking. Mostly guys, including Saudis in their crispy white Kundoras sitting at the bar drinking all they can before Ramadan, while watching the sexy fashion TV on the big screen.

Around 1:00am we went to Kasbah Club in One and Only Royal Mirage near Internet city on the beach. A queue to get in. Mainly a younger crowd (younger than me anyway), but no problems getting in. (They were turning away some singles and couples - not sure why). 50 DH entry including a drink. Tequila and cranberry on crushed ice went down very nicely. Not too crowded inside (except on the dance floor). Good dance music, and drinks at reasonable prices. Lots of non-WG honeys (aged around 20-30), and a handful of gorgeous WGs lingering around the main bar (Arabesque CIS). Last time I was there with Wildcat and another friend, a couple of WGs started hitting on my friend and I, while Wildcat watched in amusement only two metres away.

It also has a quiet and hidden away 'basement' Kasbah room with chill-out lounge areas, pool table, and small alcove rooms that can be curtained off for more private 'conversations'. Reminded me of my younger days in 'e' clubs. Not that I partook of course. (Okay, only once - no noticable effects). I don't need pills for that lovin' feeling and to stay awake all through the night. Comes naturally to this romantic insomniac. ;)

09-10-07, 12:13
After the attempt at humor, here is the legit link for Ramadan:
Yes, rather old, but Ramadan IS traditional, and doesn't change.

From Gulf News, 10 Sept 2007, Page 3:
Tips for non-Muslims
Since it is a time of piety and high religious consciousness, it would be considerate to dress and behave modestly, avoiding animated behaviour that could cause offense.

Live music is banned through the month.

Like I said, things that might be frowned on, but overlooked, at other times, might not be overlooked during Ramadan. Perhaps a pain in the wallet for you (fine), but, for her, disastrous.

Zing Uk
09-10-07, 16:52
Would like to have posted yesterday but frankly was totally knackered. Had my new GFE from Rattler over for the night, we didn't bother actually going into the bar she just called me from the cab and ordered herself as a home delivery:.) I wasn't complaining. Long story short she stayed from around 9pm on Saturday night through to 5pm Sunday (I wasn't working on Sunday) and another great time was had. I don't know what it is about her, she's not a real top of the range performer in the sack but she certainly gets me going for some reason.

The best part of the day was lying on the settee on Sunday afternoon just chilling out listening to opera (sad I know) and we both dozed off. I woke up to her massaging my cock telling me she would need to go soon. Not a hope in hell! We ended up ripping each others clothes of there and then and getting down to a very dirty deed, always good when you can use the arms of the settee for leverage. She ended up clinging onto me really tightly and wrapping herself around me as she went into a series (true honestly) orgasms. Now that's my type of girl, if only I had taken a photo of her just then it would have been worth a thousand words. Still, I have it stored very clearly in my memory for lonlier moments:.) Its the first time I've got into a really spontaneous shag with one of the girls, its usually all a bit planned, you know what I mean, setting the scene, jumping into the shower, laying out the condoms etc. Planned can still be nice but spontaneous rocks. She doesn't know it but that little stunt earned her a nice bonus later on, its amazing how Mr Happy opens the wallet wider.

I'm planning on a trip to Rattler tonight, I'm sure if she is there it will be no contest and she'll end up back at chez Zing. Now this is a wee bit worrying as there are some other items on the Rattler menu I would like to sample but I think I risk limiting myself to a single dish for the time being, certainly on nights when she's around.

I feel a bit like Piper now with his 1-800-TROUBLE, there are dangerous women out there men, be wary!

Ramadan Kareem to you all

She is a stunner! Just being selfish, I hope you get more photos!Specially for you Kiwi here are some more pics. She gives a very GFE so I'm sure will be back in short order perhaps for a proper photo shoot.

09-11-07, 12:39
Part 1: Lazy
Thursday, Seaview, 9:00 - 12:30
Crowded, but still room to move, so not that bad for a Thursday night. The usual suspects in attendance, but the ban on new PRC faces makes the place look a bit stale.

Mr. Premature Lyrics must have gotten the word from the catcalls earlier in the week. Tonight, he is very subdued, even when his signature work, "American Pie", is played, security keeping close tabs on him.

Soon after arriving, Miss C (pulled last week) stops by to inquire if I'm there for just a drink, or something else. I say something else for sure, this being a weekend, but don't stake a claim. She moves on, and, within the hour, takes a call and is gone. The good ones tend to do that. 1 out: batter caught looking. Damn, only 15 other candidates...

Awhile later, another PRC approaches, nice rack, asking where my gf is. On being informed that she's gone home, any potential territorial disputes non-existent, she makes a formal job application. I'm non-committal, she moves off, but keeps me in visual range.

Suddenly, I feel a burning sensation in the back of my neck. Glancing around, it's Miss Stani, twice pulled, 1m away, looking directly at me, with the "you take me or not" look. I turn back to my drink (like the song says, "tonight I want to dance with someone else" ), and after 5 minutes, the pain is gone. Like here in the forum, no answer is an answer if you only know how to listen. Glance back, she's hooked another potential (not difficult for her), and 5 minutes later, she's gone. 2nd out; again, batter caught looking.

Miss PRC is back, I'm still non-committal. She takes a seat anyway. An attractive philipina passes, and, believe it or not, actually makes eye contact and we exchange smiles. Couple minutes later, she passes back, turns her head to see if I'm watching. I am. Again, smiles exchanged. I'm waiting for the 3rd pass, but it doesn't come, so I return to watching the band.

Feel a hand brush my back - the intentional accidental feel. I turn around, expecting to see some PRC friend playing games. No, it's the Passing Philipina, again turning her head to see if I've noticed.

I have. I grab my drink, make my excuses to the table, and I'm ready to step into the batter's box. WTF? She's disappeared. Now this is NOT the 'Snake; it's Seaview. Good visibility. As I'm debating what to do, call it a night and go home alone, or back to the table and pay to see exactly how big Miss PRC's rack is. Just then, here comes the Passing Philipina, back from the toilet.

OK, take my stance, ready to swing. As she passes, I ask her name. Get it, but that's all; she keeps walking. Swing and a miss; striiiiiike 1.

I shake it off, step over to the video game where she's joined two other philipinas playing make the word out of the letter jumble. I offer some suggestions, but given my length of time HERE, and the subsequent loss of my english vocabulary, all I'm able to help out with are the 3 letter words. She enters the words, but she's 100% invested in the game, 0 in me. Swing and a miss; striiiike 2.

Given that expanding my vocabulary is not the something else I was interested in for this evening, I take a couple of steps away as the band has just started a rockin' number and I want to watch the bass player. Seeing the opening, another punter steps in; after 2 minutes, he walks away, empty handed. Pinch hitter, a swing and a miss, strike 3, batter out.

I contemplate my choices: stick around for another inning and try to get a hit off of Passin', or back to the table to verify Miss PRC's rack?

I don't care to spend the time to determine if Passin': wants to be 'wooed'; is making sure she has a pool of 'candidates' to select from when SHE's ready to leave; is accepting bids, the highest the winner at closing; keeping her marketing skills in tune; trying to initiate a bidding war; or part of a bait and switch game...

All too much work. I'm lazy, and when someone WANTS to do business... I appreciate that work ethic.

Oops, maybe not. Back to the table, but call the sheriff, there's a claim jumper there. Well, not really, as I'd never filed my claim. But that's another one that's gotten away, and now, looking around... There are the antelope herds of Philipinas, clustered together, and, just like antelopes, looking markedly SIMILIAR; talk about cookie-cutters...

Glance back at the table, and catch Miss PRC's eye. She gives me a shrug ("you didn't say" ), which I return ("I know" ). Couple of minutes later, she's up and off to the toilet. I make sure I'm on her route back to the table. When she returns, I stop her and ask what HER plans for the evening are. "Go with you?" I ask for a price check; she doesn't reply right away. I'm NOT in the mood for a "price dance", but then she speaks up, "500". Done deal, say no more; we're out the door.

The rack a nice handful, and she even gave a decent massage...

All in all, typical Seaview. M/F ratio skewed towards the male side, but, as usual, skewed by the 'music aficionados'. Throughout the evening, always a selection, with the occasional "above the masses" choice available, but not for long.

Part 2: Ace in the Hole
Friday, Rattlesnake, 10:30 - 12:30
8pm, I mentally check the bullpen, but nobody that makes the start tonight. Which means Road Trip. Figure I'll try the 'Snake, the Seaview becoming slightly stagnant.

Suddenly my phone's beeping, waking me up. Incoming sms. Damn, it's 10pm. So much for my early start. I return the phone call, pull on my shoes, and off to the 'Snake.

Bit of a crowd, usual mix: heavily PRC, some africans, less CIS. But still rather easy to slide to the bar and get a drink. Yes, it's cheap: 11 dhs for a coke, but wait... Unlike last week where I was handed the glass AND the can, this time the bartender pours the glass, then takes the 1/2 full can away. TYPICAL Rattlesnake - just like flying economy on the cheap airline, you don't even get a full can of coke. It's the little jabs...

Turning around, who do I see but Miss Regrets, the stunner PRC I turned down last week. So much for her "This is my last night of work; I go home in 2 days". As I swing by, I comment on her still being here. "Yes, I not go home." Duh.

Despite the question of her veracity, I consider I just might have made a mistake, a tinge of regret creeping in. Given my pass on her last week, I no longer appear on her targeting radar. But before I can close the distance, she is summoned by another punter. Oh well.

Spinner stops by to say hi, absolutely stunning in a stylish dress. Certainly elevates her above the crowd, if only metaphysically. She moves on to continue her hunt.

Number of others, some Cyclonettes, others strictly 'Snake. But all fall short TONIGHT. I've lost sight of Miss Regret; must have made the deal. Or not; suddenly, she's back, taking her place in the gauntlet. I take a step over, and ask about my chances tonight. They are excellent.... for 1000. So much for regrets.

I scan the crowd one last time... nothing registers. When I leave, the entrance gauntlet still fairly intact, though the porch was a bit empty.

Of course, my view is skewed; I have an ace in the hole. The earlier sms, phone call? That was Miss High School Sweetheart, at the airport, back from china. We have an appointment tomorrow.

I happily leave alone; with her on deck, anyone else is just batting practice.

Part 3: One of Life's Pleasures
As Miss F told me, "I have sex every night, but only a couple of times a month do I REALLY cum with a client."

So, when a wg goes home, she DOESN'T miss the nightly "poundings". But those "couple of times a month"... Given that the whole reason she came to dxb was economic, it's not like she's a property heiress. So it's back home with mom and dad, and, if she has a kid, with him/her. NOT a lot of privacy or space (literally). Plus, with everyone 'knowing' the nature of employment in dxb, but not saying anything unless given an excuse, she's on her best behavior in the neighborhood, giving no reason for tongues to wag.

Number of months later, time to return to dxb to earn another cash reserve. But, by now, that itch has built up... She knows how she can enjoy...

So, if you're one of those who can deliver... forget your home runs... this is a GRAND SLAM. Just one of life's little pleasures, watching someone who hasn't had sex for a long time ENJOY.

Barry D
09-11-07, 12:49
I return the phone call, pull on my shoes, and off to the 'Snake. :D - Nice & subtle!

As always, an entertaining read. That's what I like about this forum, the dedicated wordsmiths with an eloquent turn of phrase!

09-11-07, 13:44
Seaview, Monday, 9:30 - 11:30
Weeknight, so not that crowded, plenty of room to see. Band in great form; it will be a LONG month. But confirmed they will return. Several 'familiar' faces MIA.

Number of punters with BYOB (that last B is for 'babe'); 'Snake and Premiere represented. HEAVY preponderance of the male species, looked like a lot of boys' night out, so the ratio can be deceiving. Certainly several prime candidates in the common nationalities present and unencumbered, at least early. But not enough wg numbers to achieve the necessary mass for them to venture out on the dance floor. Philipina 'herds' might have found a new migration route, because only a couple present. But it was early/week night.

I did ask - the first night of Ramadan is not "special"; Seaview will be open, just no band.

As always, an entertaining read. Thanks, I try to have some fun with it. And you can easily recognize me these days as I AM wearing the hard shoes (though I will have to ask the bars' policies on Ramadan footwear). Now, if only I could find a pair of jackboots...

its amazing how Mr Happy opens the wallet wider.Guilty of that myself this morning. You don't do it for them, but for yourself, for the look on their face.

09-11-07, 15:36
After work drinks and pool games at Finnegan's last night, two work pals and I hit Rattlesnake around 1:00am. Good ratio - not many guys there, there was plenty of room to move, and the aircon was working well. Only four CIS in the whole place, along with about 30 Chinese and 30 African. Chatted and cuddled with the tall lean Miss Mombasa who I took home home last week. She had a stunning Kenyan friend with her. If I had the chance last night, I would have taken her, but I had to head home.

Karma: A few nights ago I managed to have a Saturday night session with Miss Trouble at her apartment, then get home at 5:00am with alibi prepared, but Wildcat was fast asleep, so no problems. But last night at Rattler, I behaved myself (relatively speaking) returned home at 2:30am, and Wildcat was awake. She noticed red lipstick on my ear. It could have been from one of the girls at Rattler, I'm not sure. I explained it must have been from the three-cheek kiss that a friend's wife gave me at Finnegans (true). She wasn't sure if she should believe me. Lucky she knows the woman and husband, so if she checks in with them, I'll be forgiven for the lipstick evidence. Unfortunately, her pride will prevent her from checking with them.

Zing Uk
09-11-07, 18:34
Before heading off to Rattler last night (report coming) I sat down and gave update report on new PRC VeryGFE I've been inviting round of an evening including some new pics for Kiwi69 but seems Jackson has gone off me and decided not to post. Shame, only took me about 25 minutes to write. Grrrr. Oh well, like wg's you win some you lose some.

Anyway, so off to Rattler last night fairly early on around 9. 30. As stated in other reports usual mix and usual faces. I'm getting a bit too well know there with the wg's but that can make for a good night to as you end up in sensible conversations withthe nice ones rather than the usual "hello, how long you come Dubai, what's your name, where you live, you want massage bollocks". My new PRC special one is "not working" for the next 3 or 4 days so wasn't really that up for action. A pleasant evening was being had though when Miss Happiness lovely Ghanian girl pops along. I don't know what the score with her is I always resolve not to take her home but she always seems to win out so after 40 minutes or so of shooting the breeze (quote from Catcher in the Rye. One of Zing's fav books) she ended up installed in my car on the way to visit my fridge for the third time.

Last couple of visits had gone very well despite being quite pissed but this time I was sober having stuck to coke last night and only quaffing one beer. I knew she was well into greek, not really my prime concern but I'm not averse to a bit now and again. Turned into being an excellent night though, she started by pushing for a bit of DATY, much more my game especially with wet girls and she got very hot and horny. She has lovely full african lips so rewarded my DATY efforts with a lovely long slow BBBJ, watching Mr Demeanour disappear into that sucking mouth was a treat and took a lot of will power not lose control too quickly. She's not too much into CIM but was happy for me to finish all over her body, a lovely work of art white seed on black canvas followed. Then things really hotted up with some serious fucking including anal and she was very up for ATM as well as PTM. Good girl.

I planned to work from home today so allowed her a long lie when I got up to do a few necessary emails etc. Sadly, got an emergecy call requiring me to go to the office. I don't think she was too happy when I work her up and basically dived straight in for some quick last minute action before chasing her into the shower. She's a good professional though and didn't complain about the rude awakening. A good time was had though, I was just sorry to rush the ending. Only downside is she wears a dodgy hairnet in bed, not a huge turn on but I can forgive a girl who does ATM quite a lot. :.)

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

09-13-07, 13:36
Spent 2 days in Dubai. A suggestion to all non IT people to avoid Dubai during GITEX due to non availability of taxis and high room rates during this event.

On a happier note, had a great session at a MP behind Burjuman. They call themselves Thai but are obviously Chinese. (I guess the Thai reputation lives on). Experienced this gal with perky breasts and clean shaven. Good sex with BBBJ, doggy (no Greek as I am not into it), 2 shots over 1.5 hours and a massage for 100 + 120 (tip) for the girl. Got the number from an ad in the Gulf News.

Mozart 21
09-13-07, 15:16
I haven't been to Dubai for quite a while so have been absent from this forum. Glad to see lots of new faces and bodies though!

Can anyone tell me whether Firoza who used to run a small team of friends from Georgia, Siberia and the CIS more widely is still around?

I will be taking the liberty of PMing some of you for contact details for some of the wonderful ladies. After Ramadan though as these look like A listers not likey to be around.

Safe punting


09-13-07, 16:35
Work pal and I had after-work drinks with a couple of brand new work colleagues at Finnegans, and as the drinks went down, so did the inhibitions, so it was time to corrupt them. We introduced them to the Wild West Rattler around midnight. No entry charge, no band - but CD music still got a little loud. Sign outside stating no mini-skirts allowed. About 60 guys and 40 girls - mainly Chinese, some African, and only two CIS (Tall Triple D blonde and her blonde friend). The new guys liked the place, even though it was low-key compared to non-Ramadan times. Closing time 2am, and I let the others leave in a cab, then went back and took an African girl (well, she took me - to her place). Got home at 6am. My head still hurts. ;)

Zing Uk
09-13-07, 16:57
Its that time again already but with Ramadan thrown into the mix. Its my first Ramadan here so interested to see what difference it makes. Sadly it won't be a big weekend though as I have some visitors across for a few days that I need to take care of. Maybe I can persaude them to do some moonlighting in Rattle;.) I seriously doubt it but if anyone picks up a couple of English girls looking a bit like rabbits in headlights you an buy me a beer when you bump into me!

Tonight is my only chance for action and don't know how motivated I am at the moment. Maybe a couple of cans of red bull are in order to get me going. I am interested to see what its like during the holy month so no doubt I'll be in my usual spot unless of course my PRC orders herself as a take away again tonight. She's on the visa run to Iran today so just have to wait and see. She has until 2130

Ramadan Kareem

09-14-07, 12:17
Thursday night... time to use the mobile.

Choice 1: Cleo. Sms her at 5:45, asking what are my chances. She answers back, saying she's lucky. Nice when your 1st choice comes in. Call her to ink the details, ETA, etc.

Like I said, I've been here too long, my english skills really going downhill, including comprehension. SHE is lucky; nothing to do about me. 15 minutes earlier, she accepted a date for the evening. Gives me the "thank you so much for playing, better luck next time" tone. Fast ball blows right by me. Swing and a miss, strike 1.

Choice 2: The departed Miss Friday's Cyclonette friend. Had pulled her once almost 2 years ago from Cyclone. Can't remember now if the "non-repeat" was due to service or price. But time to renew the acquaintance.

Give her an sms. My chances are excellent tonight. However... mandated 5am visa run departure. Shows her class by letting me know up front, rather than at 1am my place. My decision; pass on the curve ball; stike 2.

Choice 3: Miss Catbath. She had sms'd me recently, asking how I was. Find the sms; like I say, my english skills... "recent" as long as your definition of recent is "2 months ago". Yikes; time flies when you're having fun. Give her a call; not even close. No longer a valid number.

I start to head back to the dugout, the bench sofa looking mighty comfortable for the evening. 1 hour, 3 strikes. I have been spoiled. But wait. The umpire calls, Ball.

Now the fight begins: sofa or up and out. Sofa ALMOST wins, but thanks Piper, read your "'Snake no entrance fee" post, and just enough of incentive, I decide I'll take a look.

Arrive just before 10pm. Good and bad: as I'm walking across the patio, see 3 nice PRC's ahead of me, looking promising from the back. But tall enough, with legs to match, that even though I close the distance, can't catch up before they disappear inside. No problem; there is no "collection" table, no entrance fee. Unfortunately, there are also no terrace tables either. Coming the other way, 2 punters, 2 PRC's each, a couple not bad. If the population inside is sparse, can it be plundered already?

Step inside, still relatively smoke free, small entrance gauntlet, mainly PRC's, a few blacks. Bar full, but I see a SMALL gap, and head for it to place my order.

Suddenly, I hear THE voice. Unmistakable. God? No, a goddess. A girl who can still be employeed in the sex industry 30 years from now, phone sex with THAT voice. My Cyclone canary a-lister (if she's still there at 11, it's a buyer's market). I've known her forever; I'm quite surprised she's at the 'Snake, it being very downmarket for her.

I go over to say hi; she's just back from China. Down to earth enough that she'll chat before it's time to 'open the office'. A couple of punters step up to size up her group; I step out of the way. They move on, I step back in; it's a good vantage point and she's translating the conversation for me. They are laughing about last night, when one less than well-endowed girl, sensing that the potential liked a big rack, had folded her arms underneath hers, pushing up and together as best she could. Successful, until she got back to his hotel, the uplift dropped, and her natural state re-emerged, he a bit puzzled as to where they went.

Miss Canary mentions a Ramadan discount; my ears (and that's not all) perk up. I ask how much for tonight. "1000". Baffled, I ask, "What happened to the discount?" "That IS the discount; normally, 1500." Yes, she is MAJOR league, and though I'm NOT a rookie, her's IS the big show.

I look around. 10:30, number of nice PRC's, african numbers growing. Still few punters present, more trickling in. I see Miss "Passed on her 700 offer". She hasn't gone back to China yet :). Tonight, we'll see. But what the hell? I'm at the plate, might as well swing for the fences. "Well, if business is bad, I'll give 800." If I'm willing to pay business class for Miss 700, why not throw in another 100 for 1st? What can I say - Ramadan fever.

No acceptance, but she's not moving away either, and some encouraging leg pressures below the table. However, I really don't think my offer will be accepted as she says "Tonight, Thursday, I think good business." We keep "in touch", but both of us scanning the crowd for potentials. When Canary goes to work, I'll check out Miss 700, then, when she passes, there are several nice alternates around.

"800, all night...", more a mulling thought from her than a question. She looks me in the eye, gives a nod yes. I think it's a yes, anyway. One question from me: what time does she want to leave? She gives the acceptable "Don't know, whenever I wake up, but not early." Good enough for me; I know her, no games from her side. She's not the GFE like Miss High School Sweetheart; she's pro division, but she can deliver the goods, and she's fun to talk to - she should write a book. I'm sure she can lay on the bs if that's what the punter wants, but she's straight as that's what I prefer.

She asks for me to pick her up in the parking lot, concerned about LE. Walking out, I'm in such a daze it's only after 10m do I realize there's ANOTHER attractive PRC besides me, marketing, she having done the U-turn as I passed. "Sorry, not tonight" is all I can say.

And credit where credit is due: just as we walked in my front door, she got a call from a "better" regular wanting to see her. Another might have balked, asking to leave (not like I'm a FREQUENT customer), or wanting to take care of business NOW, turning long time to short. She just asked him to call tomorrow as she was busy tonight, ALL night. Class.

For truth in reporting, I will say that Canary does NOT make the bed in the morning. But I can accept that :)

The 'Snake, without the entrance fee (the girls DO like that themselves), very attractive. And, at least early (before 11), NOT crowded with punters.

09-14-07, 17:39
I haven't been to Dubai for quite a while so have been absent from this forum. Glad to see lots of new faces and bodies though!

Can anyone tell me whether Firoza who used to run a small team of friends from Georgia, Siberia and the CIS more widely is still around?

I will be taking the liberty of PMing some of you for contact details for some of the wonderful ladies. After Ramadan though as these look like A listers not likey to be around.

Safe punting

MFeroza got busted by LE sometime in 2006. Reportedly she got slaped with trafficing charges as well. Reportedly still doing time in Jumeirah Hilton.



Zing Uk
09-14-07, 20:23
She's on the visa run to Iran today so just have to wait and see. She has until 2130Ok, probably not cool to quote yourself but helps in pickling up the story. Just on the moeny around 2120 the phone starts to vibrate in my pocket, Ilan (not spelling error, just written as spoken) visa run complete and can I pick her up. I was around her neighbourhood anyway for some other business not no worries to pop over and pick her up. Met with a nice smile and an even nicer bottle of red she had picked up at duty free. She doesn't know one end of a bottel of wine from the other so asked the sales assistant for some help so I was presented with a very nice bottle of Mouton Cadet:.) good girl.

So it was back to my place for a fun evening. My one problem with this girl is getting too attached to her especially with gf moving out to DBX next month, don't want to get into hot water. Still, I really like this girl and find her just about impossible to resist. An interesting night was in store though, I asked her if she bought the wine because she liked me, "no" came the answer, "I business woman, no like men. " Bit of a googly that one, I thought she was into my personality but seems she just likes the regular cash and not having to be with a complete slob most nights. The wine was just a seen as a business investment.

We had our usual good roll around staying up until around 4am, she had just finished "off week" so didn't want DATY but otherwise everything else ok. What she had said did get me thinking though, I have been around the game for around 15 years now and I know that I can be a sucker especially for cute asian girls. At one point, I had a live vietnamese gf ex WG for around three years and even back in London had gone down the same route with a latvian and thai girl. This morning I think she sensed the change in me, I know viewed myself as a client. When taking her home she asked me outright, "I no come here again? " I honestly don't know what the answer is at this poit, I suspect she will be back but Zing's two week fantasy is over and I'm back in the dugout to starting batting with the team. See you in Rattler soon hopefully with my eye on some new prospects.

Moral of the story, be careful, there is danger in them there hills, we are all just clients and they are all just business girls, its as big a "game" to them as it is to us all be it a bit more serious for them.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

09-15-07, 03:59
Hi Dorman,

I'm flying Emirates over Ramadan and asked the airline the same question regarding alcohol. I was told that there are no restrictions in-flight (although I'm not sure what the situation would be in the transit longe if you're stopping over in Dubai).

Thanks to you and Sylvan59 for the info, I always know where to look when I need to find out important information about anything, forget Google, the BBC, CNN or anywhere else, this is the place where experts on the important things in life hang out.

09-15-07, 13:56
My one problem with this girl is getting too attached to her especially with gf moving out to DBX next month, don't want to get into hot water. Still, I really like this girl and find her just about impossible to resist. An interesting night was in store though, I asked her if she bought the wine because she liked me, "no" came the answer, "I business woman, no like men. " Had similar experience myself this summer with Danping from Rattler. Saw her number of times and even took her for free from Rattler one night as she said "OK I was her husband" only to then get requests next day for shopping trips, computers and sewing machines etc. Almost fell for her as the sex was so good and she was cute but her ruthless streak towards money was always at the back of things. It came to a head when I bumped into her in Rattler on my last night of freedom before the missus arrived back from UK and was about to take her home. I then got spotted by the flatmate of an Ethiopian regular of mine who I liked even more than Danping. I knew it would be reported back to my ethiopian girl if I took Danping and as I didn't want to upset her I told Danping I had changed my mind and wasn't going to take her home. She then went apeshit and moaned that she had been chatting to an american guy and had left him to come with me. and then asked for taxi money which although by this stage we had not even left the rattler I gave her. Soft touch I suppose. Jumped in a cab and went to pick up Ethiopian girl from Deira who I have almost fallen for.

Anyway I was intending to see Danping daytimes whilst my missus is here but due to her taxi money demand have decided to stay away. May change my mind though if I manage to get to Rattler and bump into her again. We will see.


09-15-07, 14:44
You were there, I wasn't. Still:

She doesn't know one end of a bottel of wine from the other so asked the sales assistant for some help so I was presented with a very nice bottle of Mouton CadetSo she stopped and took the time to ask for advice... doubt she was like us, waiting for her bags to appear (visa run - hand carry only). Rather nice she took the time to think of you.

MY experience, and I have received several bottles from both GFE's and 'business partners', someone just wanting to be nice, showing that you are a bit 'special'. Hell, given the allowance of 4, and I got 1, no doubt there are 3 other 'special' guys... so what? I'm 1 of them.

...An interesting night was in store though, I asked her if she bought the wine because she liked me, "no" came the answer, "I business woman, no like men. " Bit of a googly that one, I thought she was into my personality but seems she just likes the regular cash and not having to be with a complete slob most nights. The wine was just a seen as a business investment.WHAT!?!?!! She did not fall to her knees, kowtowing 5 times, professing her undying, unrequited, no-hope-of-a-future love for you? To quote Captain Renault: "I'm shocked, shocked..."

Even from a "business" regular... does anyone think that giving a bottle will keep her in the 'lineup' for that alone? What's the difference between showing a bit of gratitude with a phone card and her with a bottle? What do you expect? A free bj on the house?

If it was 'strictly business', then in her business, {cliche} time is money, so why is she spending extra hours with you? Living in a barracks - that's one reason, but even then, you miss "meal time" and you are on your own. Plus difficult if you miss "nap time" (quiet hours 'enforced' by the house boss) on THAT night's business. I never forget that unless I'm pulling her multiple nights (which I rarely do), she's looking at a NEW job that night. Her own shared place? Might be spartan, but they can do wonders with so little to make it feel like a home.

I know with MY job, I like the regular cash, a pleasant work environment a bonus. If she's as nice as you say, I'd be guessing she has other 'offers'...

After all, ever pay her just to 'hang out', no services involved? Probably not (nor would I), so it is business.

Moral of the story, be careful, there is danger in them there hills, we are all just clients and they are all just business girls, its as big a "game" to them as it is to us all be it a bit more serious for them.Will politely disagree. Examples keep tumbling out, e.g., I look up on my wall to the Valentine's heart from the last Miss T... she who bailed out early 1 night, admittedly going for the money, then apologizing for it later, 1 week before going back home for good; no future business there.

The regular I call every couple of weeks back home, just to chat with a friend, keep up with what's going on... She's banned, NOT coming back (doesn't want to, anyway).

Or something as trivial as Miss C of Thursday night. If it was business ONLY, better business would have been to bail out on me (of the once or twice a year visit) for a regular customer, and I'm guessing a nice one at that. She is class; when I thanked her, she simply said, "a deal is a deal; I don't expect a customer to break one; I don't either". Nice personally, mutual respect, but maybe not so nice for the STRICTLY bottom line.

Finally, the girls do build up a self-preservation shell, not exactly being open. Who can blame them? After all...

[NO flame war intended]
How did you REALLY view her? wg, right? Of course. No problem there. But... She's "special" for you, so you post her photos (masked, but I could recognize her) HERE? Was that included in the price? (You understand I'm being facetious, others might not).

[OK, the photo boys, hold your horses... I'm trying to make a point about 'point of view']

Myself, I'm one of those "right to privacy unless explicitly given away" types. By default, just because she's a wg, I don't think she gives up the right to privacy unless she says so. And it MUST be informed consent.

Like the old joke ("You ever stop beating your wife?"), all in how you ask the question: None: Don't ask; it's YOUR right, she's given up hers as she's a prostitute. 1/2 truth: Can I put your photo on the net? But most wg's I've known, if they know the internet, it's e-mail, phone (voip), and maybe chat. Forums? No REAL concept that ANYONE in the world can see, that photos just can't be deleted by anyone... Full truth: Can I post your photo on the internet on a site about prostitutes in dubai, that anyone in the world can see?I wouldn't be surprised if one got different answers to each of the above...

No slam, it's a free world, free forum, you do what you want.

So (finally, I know, LONG lead-in), my POINT is, you're a bit "disappointed*" because she only sees you as a good CUSTOMER. But tell me, if she saw her photos on the net, UNDERSTOOD WHERE they are, how would she feel? Pleased, or "disappointed" in you, that you only saw her as a good-looking wh*re?

Don't get me wrong. With me, it's never misunderstood - there is no future; there is ALWAYS a pay packet slipped into her purse in the morning. Hopefully, I am seen as a client, given I'm not offering any future, I don't want to be responsible for her, but that doesn't mean we can't have fun, be 'special', and enjoy within the limits. I understand that she/they have 'other' choices, and some of those are also nice guys...

I've known 'business girls' (haven't we ALL), and GFE's. From my point of view, despite what she said, it was more than 'just business'.

*disappointed: the difference between your fantasy and reality.

Mozart 21
09-15-07, 15:40
Feroza got busted by LE sometime in 2006. Reportedly she got slaped with trafficing charges as well. Reportedly still doing time in Jumeirah Hilton.
Thanks for the info - and I will be coming across soon, so will PM for specific contacts.

Safe punting and travelling,


09-15-07, 17:58
Déjà vu
Friday night, have the sms offer all ready for Cleo, but for whatever reason, I don't push the send button. Next thing I know, I'm waking up on the sofa, it's 9pm, I've got to take the sheets out of the dryer and make the bed... Just like Thursday night.

The sofa exerts its gravitational pull, but I break free, do what must be done, pull on the hard shoes, and off to the 'Snake.

Rattlesnake, Friday, 10-12
Walking in, it IS déjà vu all over again, a snapshot of last night. Same girls, same places... I get my drink, step over to say hi to Canary. She bemoans the situation, "Look, too many girls; no customers..." I look, and yes indeed, the place is full of PRC's, some africans, and a smattering of CIS, only a handful of punters. It's got to be 5 to 1, MINIMUM. My reply of "Bad for YOU, but GOOD for ME..." gets a smile. We both know I won't be twice lucky with her...

Several other Cyclone acquaintances say hi. Canary says she should step away; otherwise, no girl will talk with me. I tell her, same for her; with me there, no potential will approach. By mutual agreement we each take 2 steps away, close enough to exchange comments, but not close enough to be confused as "occupied".

A stunner walks past, new to me. As she passes, we make eye contact, she slows, stops, but does not approach, remaining across the aisle. Canary says "told you so", then speaks to the girl - no problem, no border infringement. She comes over.

Her face remains beautiful up close. Usual chit chat, then she asks what do I want tonight? My "Question is, what do YOU want tonight" goes over her head (knew it would, but couldn't resist), so rephrase to the standard "how much?" We then begin the price cha-cha: "how much you give?", "how much you want?" Boring FAST. She then says:

Sidebar: This is becoming all the more frequent these days, the "Don't be angry" preface before stating a price. Now who could get angry about a price quote? She could say "2000" and I wouldn't be angry, though stopping my laughter might be a problem... Maybe some punters feel they have a RIGHT to the price THEY want to pay, not the price she wants... Me, I like the free market...

"Don't be angry.... 800". I exercise my free market right to say, "No thank you. Good luck." She then asks for a counter-offer. Fair enough; "Don't be angry... 500." Perhaps it only works ONE way; she recoils half a step, gives me the 'what rock did you crawl out from' look.

But she steps back, answering, "No, no. OK, 600". Now I CAN go for that; 100 dhs not that important and not worth missing a chance with her. I'm not even interested in the menu; she's attractive enough that it will be what it will be. HOWEVER, voice of experience here, I do ask, "What time do you want to leave tomorrow morning?"

Good question! as she repeats the "rock/crawl" look. "Tomorrow morning? No, no. 800 tomorrow morning. 600 for tonight." I pride myself in NOT spewing my mouthful of coke at the 600 ST "offer". I SOMEHOW manage to decline, and she moves on...

I turn to Canary. "You've ruined me. How can I pay 800 for business class, when I've just flown 1st for the same price?"

I now get penned in by 2 friendly 'foreigners' - we share about 50% of a common language. One obviously has had a "few drinks before dinner", his friend chasing him down and reining him in when he goes too far astray. Canary laughing at my predicament. A fight breaks out in the back corner - 2 African girls having a go at each other, or so I'm told. One looks like she's ejected. Mr. 'Feeling No Pain" is out the door with his "bride", his friend following later; I'm free to move.

Good thing; I've just spotted the girl I was planning to pull all along. Cute in her own way, a 'Snake chorus girl, not a Cyclone one. But I like her outfit, and there is just something about her. I mosey on over to check out the "flight info". Don't quite need the de-icing van, but it's not exactly tropical either... But I blaze away... Seems agreeable enough for an all night "flight", so I ask for a ticket price. "800". Hmmm, that seems to be a "popular" number these days, but here, no disrespect, it's economy class... I don't even bother with a counter offer, stepping away and considering "Tomorrow afternoon and Miss Sweetheart"...

By now, past 11, the M/F ratio much more equitable, though still 2/1 female.

Then see Miss 700 from 3 weeks ago. That is a regret that I have been unable to put to bed, either literally or figuratively, every time since. One way or the other... Trick is, to catch her attention. I don't seem to show up on any of her flight plans, and she seems a bit 'uppity'.

Now, standing where I am, I'm surrounded by ex-Cyclone prima-donnas. Funny to watch their surveillance sweeps pass right over me... I'm clutter, not a real target. No problem, I do the same with those who don't meet MY criteria for attractiveness... Do get a smile from one when I fend off some grabbing africans... (I get SO tired of that... a polite no thank you should be sufficient.)

OK, move in close to Miss 700, ask what my chances are. Not good it seems; she scoots out to take an incoming phone call. Oh well... Make eye contact with Canary, both of us smiling at our mutual 'still grounded' status...

Miss 700 returns, bounces around, but I'm finally able to initiate a conversation with her. Price tonight? "1000". Yea, that isn't going to fly, but now I know; figuratively it is. But then she steps back, "Usually 1000, but for you, last price, 800." Talk about your 'souk' talk... Here, 100 dhs does make a difference (I glare at Canary; Miss 7 is a very nice business class, but it is business, not 1st). I make my offer, "700". Sorry guys, but enquiring minds want to know, and I'm willing to pay to find out. The sacrifices we make for knowledge. She politely declines, moves off. "No harm, no foul."

I check the surroundings; several that have expressed an interest. One ex-Cyclone pull is very eager, but as Miss Visa Run is her roommate, and I'll pull her next week... One to a room, please. Another girl who I've seen around forever... I'm curious, but... not tonight.

Suddenly, a voice beside me: "OK, let's go." It's Miss 700. Being a bit gun-shy with her, I'm crass enough to confirm the price, 700. "Yes" in a sharp voice. Hey, free market...

Walking out across the patio, she is going on about how 1000 is her normal price, never less than 800... I come VERY close to making a u-turn, but just slow down and give her an "up to you"... As we haven't taken off yet, I will have no hesitation of returning to the gate, looking for another flight... but she stops so we continue walking. I'm thinking this is not going to be a "fun" evening, I AM making a mistake, bail out NOW... but... at least I will have put the question to bed, both cases.

Well, I'll be damned (no doubt about it). Back home, talking, she is full of surprises. She speaks reasonable english, one of those "I don't speak it well", but we are certainly carrying on a conversation in english....

Not stuck-up at all; her marketing style is CIS, not PRC. I didn't seem interested, so why bother? Her pricing... well, we've both come to dxb to make money, and we each have our salary requirements. I'm a beneficiary of the 2nd of a double header... fine with me.

She's not new as I thought, 2nd trip here. In fact, she's seen me, Cyclone and Seaview (damn, I don't blend in anywhere), but I've never talked to her. There's just something about her office name though... Later that night, I check my "retired" phone number spreadsheet - she's not there. Strange, just a nagging feeling. Next morning, when I go to enter her number into my mobile, what do you know? Duplicate entry. I show her, now teasing HER that she doesn't remember me.

Won't be flying her that often, but it's her airline, she can set her own ticket price. Luckily for me, there are plenty of other airlines, some to try, and some for a return trip.

Ramadan starting off very pleasant this year... And I do APPRECIATE those 2 extra hours of sleep...

Zing Uk
09-15-07, 22:08
Will politely disagree. We actually don't disagree, the report was meant to be more about my stupidity and lack of professionalism I've certainly been around long enough to know better, it was not a slight on her behaviour. She is still a girl I like very much and I fully understand shell of protection etc.

She did come over voluntarily on "non-working" nights but I still paid her so actually perpetuated the "professional business woman" ethic myself.

If my report came across as crass or as dissing in any way my apologies to the girl concerned, put it down to bruised ego and probably a beer or two too many before writing it :-|

09-16-07, 01:27
...Moral of the story, be careful, there is danger in them there hills, we are all just clients and they are all just business girls, its as big a "game" to them as it is to us all be it a bit more serious for them.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.
Zing - sounds like you've found a straight-forward honest sweetie and that you know the game well. Good combination. (Nice concise writing by the way).

PS - next time, ask her to bring me a bottle of Baileys please. ;)

Zing Uk
09-16-07, 08:53
Zing - sounds like you've found a straight-forward honest sweetie and that you know the game well. Good combination. (Nice concise writing by the way).

PS - next time, ask her to bring me a bottle of Baileys please. ;)Lol, thanks Piper you cheered me up, I was feeling a bit singed after 11B's report although I do know he didn't mean to flame.

She is a very straight forward honest sweetie as you say.

FYI, She did bring a bottle of Baileys but its in my fridge waiting for her return ;-)

09-16-07, 08:56
Coming to Dubai early November 2007 and wonder where I can sample good quality 'Entrepreneurs' of Arab decent (Iran, Lebanon, etc)?

09-16-07, 10:37
Coming to Dubai early November 2007 and wonder where I can sample good quality 'Entrepreneurs' of Arab decent (Iran, Lebanon, etc)?

This is the "Dubai Reports" thread, not the obviously needed "Dubai Questions" one. Anyhow, folks like you (Regular Member, 1 posting, 1 question, no greeting, no introduction, no politness at all) may take advanteage from my newly service at Classified Adds.


09-16-07, 11:13
And point taken. Have a great day.

This is the "Dubai Reports" thread, not the obviously needed "Dubai Questions" one. Anyhow, folks like you (Regular Member, 1 posting, 1 question, no greeting, no introduction, no politness at all) may take advanteage from my newly service at Classified Adds.



Richa Poura
09-16-07, 11:22
Received an unsolicited email about ‘relaxation in Dubai’, curiosity got the better of me so I clicked on the link, www.happyhourdubai.com. A very nice selection of, allegedly, Korean ladies, suitably attired so as to not get the site blocked but pretty sexy nevertheless.

Having got a little fed up of the regular bar crawls I thought I’d give their home delivery service a go – taking a chance I know but the advertising was spot on. I called Mina (number on web site). We agreed 800 aed for ‘everything and for as long as you want’ (starting point was 1000 but she wouldn’t budge below 800, may be she would for ST but I wanted a leisurely night). A bit expensive compared to my local Bur Dubai bars I know but saves on the alcohol and foot leather wear and tear.

Very attractive girl, I’m pretty sure PRC but she wouldn’t admit it. Great BBBJ, fs, shower together, CIM, and then again the following morning. Miss Mina says she’s got a few girls working for her – all of the same standard. I’ll report back.

09-16-07, 14:07
...take advanteage from my new service at Classified Adds.Great service, Tom. I've dispatched you a check for 120 dhs, via emirates post, for the baker's dozen: 2 Moroccans, 1 Algerian, 3 Kirgie's, 2 Indians, 1 Pakistani, 4 N. Koreans...

Sure saves one a lot of time, plus the cost is certainly a lot cheaper than the bar entrance fees, having to buy drinks... Home delivery certainly is nice.

I was feeling a bit singed after 11B's report although I do know he didn't mean to flame.
She did come over voluntarily on "non-working" nights but I still paid her so actually perpetuated the "professional business woman" ethic myself.
Definitely, no flame intended!

Myself, no doubt for self-protection (as discussed prevously, I want the pseudo GF), I always consider myself a client (hopefully a nice one). Like you, I always pay cash; much cheaper than "debts owed" in the long run.

We've both been in this field long enough to know the true sharks...

09-16-07, 14:19

I will be stopping over for 10 hours( 2:00 PM to 11:45 PM), please suggest me how can I make maximum use of my time. I will have a carry on backpack with me; do you guys think I should take a hotel room? I would like to have fun with girls(preferably Russian), get a good massage(if Dubai offers any special Thailand kind massage ) and a little sight seeing.

I appreciate your suggestion.

09-16-07, 15:24
Point taken. Have a good day.

This is the "Dubai Reports" thread, not the obviously needed "Dubai Questions" one. Anyhow, folks like you (Regular Member, 1 posting, 1 question, no greeting, no introduction, no politness at all) may take advanteage from my newly service at Classified Adds.



09-16-07, 17:37
Great service, Tom. I've dispatched you a check for 120 dhs, via emirates post, for the baker's dozen: 2 Moroccans, 1 Algerian, 3 Kirgie's, 2 Indians, 1 Pakistani, 4 N. Koreans.11B pays for 12 and orders 13 contacts, and no question he will get them, because it is essential to maintain valued customers well.

But 11B there are more advantages: No need to stand in a disco without music, and the stupid sexy blond you are just negoatiation with shouts 800, because that is like a lottery jackpot in R, and all guys (and certainly the girls) know: "...another tourist to scam..."

Once again, its all about customer satisfaction.

Greetings to all of you,


09-16-07, 17:54
...11B pays for 12 and orders 13 contactsNice of YOU to provide the baker's dozen* option... the 1 extra donut for a batch order.

I tell you guys, this is THE way to go...


09-16-07, 18:33
Nice of YOU to provide the baker's dozen* option... the 1 extra donut for a batch order.

I tell you guys, this is THE way to go...


The link leads to nothing? WTF

09-16-07, 19:56
Nice of YOU to provide the baker's dozen* option... the 1 extra donut for a batch order.

I tell you guys, this is THE way to go...


The link leads to nothing? WTF

No not at all, it brings an indeed interesting information I had not yet be aware of. It provides the proof this forum is educating its useres - well this was already clear, in the one or other way, wasn't it?

Thanks 11B, this was funny.


Wicked Roger
09-16-07, 20:39
Fellow Mongers

Another weekend another hard doggy afternoon....this time in Dubai. Was tired from another overseas trip again full of MSB and again felt the need to see my good mate Cons68 with Andrea. This time no Alice or Jean although they are willing and able (the SMS prove that).

So what did we do? Well Cons and I discussed work and markets, Andrea looked at her pictures from the last time, oh yes...and we shagged her rotten. This time she did Greek, serious Greek (see one picture in the Photo Gallery). Andrea has come on leaps and bounds since I started her ‘education’. She calls it the ‘Kinky Westerners Club’ – with me as President (the most kinkiest) and fellow members such as Sekisui, Asian Flava, Groin Strain and Cons68 as Vice Presidents. She enjoys being a ‘working’ member believe me :)

She is more confident about group sex and was quite OK letting Cons watch me give yet another Greek lesson and he take the pictures (he will post later). She had a great time so did we, lots of heavy shagging, DATY, BBBJ, ATM and Greek in a number of positions. She also likes Cons bondage straps – see the photos. This time we restrained her hands by strapping them close to her thighs, great fun. But it is Ramadan and she reminded us that she should not take anything in her mouth before sunset :) but then we reminded her she was travelling so she get dispensation for that :D

She was shagged rotten, so were we and all in all a great time and great WG, very GFE and slowly getting to PSE status (loves the pictures we take).
All in all another good weekend in Dubai :)

She did talk about the darker side of the WG lifestyle. She told us about LE activity in Ramadan being more intense, being advised not to walk alone on the streets too far and definitely not dressed to kill waiting for a taxi. Also more really dark stories about locals taking a girl, paying the agreed amount to the mamasan and then driving the girl far away from AD so that all their friends could enjoy the same girl. Not nice story believe me and I got the blow by blow version as she rooms with this WG. But as she said the locals tend not to shag in Ramadan so the WGs get a break from this behaviour.

A few photos posted, Cons will do the rest.

Keep hard and horny

09-16-07, 22:11
The link leads to nothing? WTFDon't know what browser you are using, but if you just click on the link... If that doesn't work, then copy the link WITHOUT the "*"

...I had not yet be aware of"Standard" offer where I come from... Was wondering if anyone would actually COUNT the numbers, but obviously the "seller" would.

The numbers are working out great, plan to order more next week.

Also more really dark stories about locals taking a girl, paying the agreed amount to the mamasan and then driving the girl far away from AD so that all their friends could enjoy the same girl. Not infrequent, and she doesn't have to be driven "far" away. After all, who is she going to complain to? Why a "smart" girl will only go to a hotel (via taxi) with anyone who looks "local", and even then... But at least she can scream so someone MIGHT hear... And if unsure, she'll take a separate taxi... A pox on the mamasan for NOT doing HER job, vetting...

Every time the girls turn around, someone is trying to rip them off. Just the other night, talking to Canary, she got interrupted when another wg handed Canary her mobile. I figured a translation request. No, a new girl was headed for the 'Snake, but the taxi driver just couldn't seem to find the Metropolitian, driving around...

My favorite taxi story: Miss long-term T heading to my place, she PETITE. Taxi driver saying how his country and China were such GOOD, GOOD friends, no, GREAT friends... So she and he should be good friends... Going on and on, how she should call him after she was finished with her appointment... Finally, Miss T growing tired, says, "OK, if we're such good friends, this trip is free, right?" "Oh, no, no, no." "RIGHT. It's not free. So drive."

09-16-07, 23:08
Got it. ISG educating everyday in everyway.

Zing Uk
09-17-07, 12:04
Having some work colleagues across from Europe over the weekend meant that I had to entertain them rather than myself over the weekend so haven't been out at all during Ramadan. Having packed them off though yesterday afternoon the time was nigh for avisit to the Snake Pit.

As per reports over the weekend the m\f odds were very favourable and the entrance fee much more to my liking:.) Having said all that though the atmosphere was a bit flat but at least you could have a decent conversation although that has its up and down side.

After recent reports on my fav PRC girl who should be the first person I bump into as I walk in the door? Maybe no surprise though, I did text her that I was on the way. We quickly hooked up and found our way to the bar, whiskey and coke for the lady monger fuel for me. We chatted away for a while and a coupel of her mates swung around for a gossip and some fun. I also spoke to a few other PRC I know there but was all very low key and certainly no pressure from the other PRC's.

I do also have a favourite Afircan girl in there, she quickly got me in her sights and homed in. Although I told her and it was very obvious I was with the PRC girl she was still very pushy. Its a shame because she is a girl I like and have had some repeat performances with her because she can be just downright dirty in bed. She also has a very nice relaxed nature normally. She did go away after 5 minutes but the convo wasn't really a smooth one, that's what I mean when I say the ability to talk can cut both ways. All-in-all though I was in and out the pit in around 25 minutes, not bad going as I also picked up a couple of new numbers for home deliveries if required.

So one drink later and my very own PRC Princess Layme is making a triumphant return to the Battlestar in my new Millenium Falcon. Ok, I'm getting a bit carried away, my new car I mean:.)

Usual excellent evening was had ending in us watching Dawn of the Dead (her choice) a good ploy to watch a horror movie though, they cling onto you for dear life when you do get to bed:.) We had a hard and excellent night catching up for the last few days abstenance though and she allowed CIM for the first time. The scene was comical when I actually came as she sprinted off to spit in the loo chocking and spluttering but she did come back smiling and I did reward her. I tried to see if she would do another first with some greek but wasn't allowing me to go that far! I returned her CIM compliment with some love-you-long-time DATY that had her climbing the wall before enjoying several good fuck sessions between then and now.

Right now she is having a sleep in the recovery position and I just about have the energy to write this then its back off to see if I can persuade her to wake up for half an hour or so:.) I'll keep you posted

I'm afraid to tell Piper that the Baileys now has a big dent in it as will my wallet as she has decided to stay tonight as well (her choice). All-in-all a successful return for the Jedi.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

09-17-07, 12:50
We agreed 800 aed for ‘everything and for as long as you want’ (starting point was 1000 but she wouldn’t budge below 800, may be she would for ST but I wanted a leisurely night). A bit expensive compared to my local Bur Dubai bars I know but saves on the alcohol and foot leather wear and tear.Seems like the MSRP these days is 800 dhs...

And call me slow, but your handle just hit me...

09-17-07, 13:02

I will be stopingover for 10 hours (2:00 pm till 11:45 pm). I will be carrying just a carry on luggage with me. I don't prefer to take a hotel room just for few hours but want to have fun. Can you suggest me any in call location? Also interested in massage(Thai kind).


09-17-07, 13:28
Received an unsolicited email about ‘relaxation in Dubai’, curiosity got the better of me so I clicked on the link, www.happyhourdubai.com. A very nice selection of, allegedly, Korean ladies, suitably attired so as to not get the site blocked but pretty sexy nevertheless.


Following the lead of Detective Sporadic, I googled the code number of one of the jpg's on the website, and it led to this Yahoo home page:


Maybe someone can translate it.

Eric T
09-17-07, 14:02
If the fun and chemistry is so good on all levels then I wouldn't be so strict due to a financial tinge. Pay your way into good play....


....Anyway I was intending to see Danping daytimes whilst my missus is here but due to her taxi money demand have decided to stay away. May change my mind though if I manage to get to Rattler and bump into her again. We will see.


09-17-07, 17:51
I will be stopingover for 10 hours (2:00 pm till 11:45 pm). During Ramadan? The daytime bars closed. After Ramdan - TGIT or Jockey's. Ask if she has her own place.

Or take a look at the Gulf News classifieds on-line.
The mention of "for men" is a dead giveaway.

Might want to brush up on the Reports of Distinction thread too.

But then I'm no expert, and am just a worker bee...

09-17-07, 18:27
I received this message on my monger-phone (which is safely kept in my office): "Anya, I saw your ad on xxxx.com. You sound hot. Are you available later tonight? Please call me. Ahmed." I also had a few missed calls from unknown numbers. Someone's idea of a practical joke or a typo on the ad. Hmmm. Could be a money-making opportunity. :)

09-17-07, 18:57

Following the lead of Detective Sporadic, I googled the code number of one of the jpg's on the website, and it led to this Yahoo home page:


Maybe someone can translate it.

The Chinese text reads "I am not someone you will meet in Dubai, I am a model."

"Anya, I saw your ad on xxxx.com. You sound hot. Are you available later tonight? Please call me. Ahmed."
I hope this is not the Ahmed from the Fantasia! Big Sheesha would be seriously ticked off.

Piper, I never knew your real name was Anya. Interesting ;)

09-17-07, 19:36
If the fun and chemistry is so good on all levels then I wouldn't be so strict due to a financial tinge. Pay your way into good play....

EricWas going to give her a call on the new monger phone but ran out of credit speaking to friend who is back in Ethiopia for millenium celebration. Also forgot to mention that Danping gave me food poisoning from her dumplings last time I visited her. Also not sure if I would like to shag her with 3 others in the room.

On a different subject had another great time in Al Wasl AMP yesterday lunchtime. Couldn't remember the name of the previous girl and she wasn't in the line-up so picked a new one. Name of Amy. Quite tall and prettyish. I can never give a score out of 10 so will not even try. Whilst she went to give the boss his money the previous female occupant came in the room to pick up her box of tricks. She was very short and lovely in her bra and panties. I wished she had been in the line-up. Told her maybe next time.

Had agreat time with amy. Plenty of DFK then DATY which she loved. It is funny how much more you can get out of the hour if you give DATY. Especially if you are good at it;.) Well that's what the girls keep telling me so who am I to disagree. Then some nice BBBJ with plenty of ball licking etc. Nice sex in miss and doggy then spotted the KY in her box and lubed her up for some anal. Really tight when I finally entered her but after a while she was loving it. Gave it her hard in doggy then stood her up against the wall and continued. Couldn't finish with condom as usual so took it off and CIM. No swallow but the usual run to the bathroom. Excellent value for 100 + 200. Trouble is I now have 3 girls I have seen in there and so do not know what to do next time. I have the phone number now so may just call ahead and book the short girl. Otherwise it will be the lineup again.

I am obviously not as detached as some of you guys and I don't like upsetting any girl. Especially if I have previously had a great time with them. Trouble is I always believe that the grass may be greener on the other side so like to experiment with new girls. This is OK until I get a poor experience when I then change my approach and stick to regulars and then maybe get too attached. A fine line I suppose. It will be interesting to see what happens in a couple of months when my Ethiopian regular comes back as I am not sure what I will do then.

09-17-07, 20:16
... Usual excellent evening was had ending in us watching Dawn of the Dead (her choice) a good ploy to watch a horror movie though, they cling onto you for dear life when you do get to bed:.) Love it! I did the same thing recently with Miss Trouble. Watching some scary movie, lying on the sofa with my head on her lap as she stroked my hair, and at the scary bits she would suddenly scream and start pulling my hair out. Ouch! (lucky I have extra hair).

As for the Baileys - I don't like you anymore. ;)

Piper, I never knew your real name was Anya. Interesting ;)For the right money, I can be anyone you want. :D

09-17-07, 21:09
See anyone you know?


09-18-07, 00:35
See anyone you know?


Wow.. I am liberal to the core and love Frontline... but the holier-than-thou attitude of that ***** is so annoying to the point where at the end her hotel room is ransacked, I felt happy!

Didn't see anyone I know.. but other than York, I think there was a clip from Jockey's about half way.

But there is good news for Piper in the video - he's been pining for an Indian for years now. Sounds like there are some available in Dubai. You may have to befriend an Indian laborer, Piper ;-)

09-18-07, 07:07
For the right money, I can be anyone you want. :D
I´ll give you 100 Dhs to be JSF. ;)

The Frontline clip is typical sanctimonious journalism. What I would have liked is if the guy who propositioned her was CID, and gave her some "insight" into the DXB woman´s jail.

There is another important lesson to be learned from this report, that is: If you don´t know how to dance, Don´t!

09-18-07, 09:58
Was in a new hotel "Quarmadeen", which is very green. It has the parking
under the hotel, and you can directly enter the elevator to the rooms from the garage. No walk of shame.

Had the famous Andrea and Alice coming to my room, as I knew Andrea there was no problem to start conversation. Took shower together with 2 girls washing you and than watch how the girls are washing each other.

Than a very nice session with both, ended Alice sitting on my face but still can look to her beautiful eyes and Andrae sitting the same time cowboy on my dick.

Difficult to concentrate on both. Later Andrea told me she came, but I didn´t
realize. Than Andrea was hungry and I ordered some food. When the food came they both went into the toilet and I put their cloth under the bedcover, but forgot their shoes. Then the waiter came in positioned the table and of course immeadetely saw their shoes. He was looking to the shoes stopped, looking again smiled and didn´t say anything.

When the 2 girls came out we couldn´t stop laughing about the situation when I told them how he looked to me.

After eating we were cuddling in the bed, and its really fun when you have one slim Fillipina in each arm and you are sharing caressing and kissing to both.

First Alice told me that she also wants to stay when I bring her early back to
her house which was ok for me, as anyhow I promised Andrea to bring her to the bus stop for catching her bus to AD. Unfortunately Alice got some nasty SMS from her boyfriend so she asked me with tears coming to please let her go now. Of course i took her and brought with my car home. In the car I got the whole story with tears again and again, but when we arrived she was fine again.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Back to the hotel where Andrea was watching television, and it seemed to me that she was a bit jealous. As it already was 3:30 we started to sleep. In the morning nice wakeup session with Andrea and than at 9:00 I brought her to the bus stop, as I also had to start working.

Thanks to WR for his help.


Barry D
09-18-07, 14:40

Following the lead of Detective Sporadic, I googled the code number of one of the jpg's on the website, and it led to this Yahoo home page:


Maybe someone can translate it.

It appears to be a fan page of Chinese star Joey Yung, posted by Li Lifang.

Is there nothing Google can't do? http://translate.google.com/translate_t

09-18-07, 16:24
Is there nothing Google can't do?
Nope, look what I found about Piper...

09-18-07, 16:48
Alice called me and we agreed to meet, than she told me to bring a girlfriend, was fine with me than she told me she will bring 2 girlfriens. I told her but only for the price of 2 and we agreed to it.

Picked them up in Deira and this was fun. 3 Fillpinas sitting in my car and giggling all the time about everything and nothing, but this was fun. It was Alice, Jean and another friend forget her name.

In the hotel the security guy in the parking lot was looking to me and just smiled (had him tipped the day before). Directly into elevator and up to the room. Again they were giggling all the time and teasing each other who first takes off the cloths, so I started. Started kissing each other but with only 2 hands you only can touch 2 girls, so one was sitting on me cowboy, the other 2 I penetrated with my finger this was pure fun, and they kept laughing and choking. Than they changed position until I had all 3 one time in cowboy position. This went on for some time. Finished with Alice sitting on my face Jean sitting cowboy on me and the other one fingering.

After the session they were hungry so I ordered some food and after that we cuddled and joked until they asked to bring them back.

A fun evening but a bit difficult to handle 3 girls at the same time.


Zing Uk
09-18-07, 18:33
Love it! I did the same thing recently with Miss Trouble. Watching some scary movie, lying on the sofa with my head on her lap as she stroked my hair, and at the scary bits she would suddenly scream and start pulling my hair out. Ouch! (lucky I have extra hair).

As for the Baileys - I don't like you anymore. ;)Princess Layme stayed over for another night and around 1am decided she wanted to watch Titanic. This was just too much for me so I went to bed and left her to it with the remote controls. Around 3am I was woken up by her getting into bed sobbing her heart over poor Jack! she spent around half an hour in tears and snot. kind of killed any chances of passion although I was kind of half out of it by then.

I was thinking to let her watch Debbie Does Dallas tonight ;-) See what reaction I get then!

PS Still some Bailey's left although she's not here tonight.

09-18-07, 18:36
Sick and tired of paying Dhs 1500 for a CIS princess or dhs 500 for a PRC one or even 300 in an Al Wasl MP? Why not pop over to Al Baraha and experience the cheaper end of the market. Apparently Dhs 25 for one pop is the going rate with the streetwalkers in the area. BYO condom though for that rate.

I have not personally experienced the service of the PRC girls there but have witnessed the negotiations between them and certain gentlemen of a South Asian persuasion. My Ethiopian regular lives on the same street so that is the only reason I know. Honest. The girls are not the best looking in the world and would even be hard pressed to get business in TGIT or the other bar in the Astoria which IMHO have the worst looking WGs around. I would not rate them above 2s. Very sad but I suppose they still earn more than a labourer on a building site!!! Please PM me if you would like the exact location.

Zing Uk
09-18-07, 18:39
Ok, well maybe not 28 days later but for my balls it feels like it! From the time I picked up Princess Layme over the weekend she has not been away. We have had a thoroughly great time with just about everything you can think of and more importantly having a good laugh. Smile and the world smiles with you.

I finally dropped her off at home around 5pm tonight. My problem now is that I'll feel awkward going back to Rattler if she is there so maybe need to avoid for a while and visit York and Seaview. Its a shame as I have my eye on two or three girls in Rattler but my own fault:.) I do have some numbers though so maybe not all is lost, trouble is, one of them is her mate who's v cute. Wondering whether or not to venture out tonight but maybe feeling a bit too lazy and shagged out, time will tell.

09-18-07, 19:59
See anyone you know?

http://www.pbs.org/frontlineworld/rough/2007/09/flwrc59.html?&c=4qtI think I saw a couple of girls I know. Will watch the vid again in the privacy of my office tomorrow to double-check. How about the young black American guy with the flashy gold jewellery who was interviewed (6 minutes into the vid)? He fits the self-description of one of our fellow posters. Nah, couldn't be him. ;)

Mr Enternational
09-19-07, 04:27
How about the young black American guy with the flashy gold jewellery who was interviewed (6 minutes into the vid)? He fits the self-description of one of our fellow posters. Nah, couldn't be him. ;)

That was me!...Nah. But I will be arriving next week and staying at the Dar Al Sondos as recommended. First I booked for 300 AED/night but when I looked on the Starwood site again they had lowered the price to 250 AED/night, so I called back and had them change the price on my reservation.

Fifty Fifty
09-19-07, 05:25
See anyone you know?

Yes, about 2/3rds through the report, I recognised a couple of those guys in the Pictures hanging on the wall in the Arab guys office. :-)

Interesting report, but if you wanted to produce a real documentary on the scene in Dubai, this forum would be the best place for true info.

Cheers, FF

09-19-07, 12:57
The Frontline clip is typical sanctimonious journalismI kind of liked it, especially the local "spokesman" saying how "it doesn't happen here". Yea, right.

As to the room ransacking and departure harassment - if only they'd be so conscientious with the traffickers who bring the girls in... but then, that just might hit too close to "home" and profit...

I'm just glad I didn't see MYSELF...

I think there was a clip from Jockey's about half way.Yea, Jockey's was the club "for older men" ...

I am obviously not as detached as some of you guys and I don't like upsetting any girl. Especially if I have previously had a great time with them.I'm the same, going so far as to avoid a starting pitcher's office when she's in the regular weekly lineup. Other places to go, and I don't want to pull in front of her. I know some (the more professionals) don't mind, but the more GFE's ... ruins the facade of special... (Of course, if she gets pulled, NO problem...)

I do also have a favourite Afircan girl in there, she quickly got me in her sights and homed in. Although I told her and it was very obvious I was with the PRC girl she was still very pushy. This is what REALLY irks me about the Africans, and I will say it does happen most frequently with them. Last time at York, I was talking to a PRC standing 2 feet away, and an African cuts right in between us, starting up the litany with me (and I DIDN'T even know her). It was like the PRC did not exist. Doesn't happen with the CIS or Philipinas, both with their passive marketing. And as PRC Canary pointed out Thursday, as long as we were talking, no other PRC would interrupt. Certainly NOT the way to win me over.

Krypto Knight
09-19-07, 13:01
Sick and tired of paying Dhs 1500 for a CIS princess or dhs 500 for a PRC one or even 300 in an Al Wasl MP? Why not pop over to Al Baraha and experience the cheaper end of the market. Apparently Dhs 25 for one pop is the going rate with the streetwalkers in the area. BYO condom though for that rate.

How about 50 DHM's for an 18 year old, white, blond CIS, fit body, nice breasts and ass and pretty good attitude in the sack.

The down side is the location...an unnamed very seedy hotel, sheets that don't get changed between customers, a strict 10-15 minute time limit before the knock on the door and a general low rent feel to the situation. Oh not even a shower or towel when your done. (I carry a bottle of anti bacterial gel)

The above is true, I've been 3 times, the girl is an attractive 18 year old CIS but has that "been around the block worn out look" (although actually decent upbeat attitude especially when you suggest doggy).

She has no body fat to speak of, great breasts and ass. I was actually stunned when I walked in and saw this as one of my choices.

A friend who speaks Russian negotiated the 50 DHM for me, but I went back 2 more times without him for the same rate. Once when my time was up I simply paid an extra 50 DHM and got another 15 minutes. She's better looking then 80-90% of what you see at the York.

At face value in a club I would take her for 300 short time 600 long time and I'm cheap.

50 DHM

I went back a few days ago and they are "closed for the month".

This all takes place on the top floor of a hotel. There's no way I am going public with the details on this site but if I run into a Sr. Member at a club I will trade for fair value... 8-]

In fact if you have something of very high value I would even escort you for a trip there. Won't be open again until after the holidays.

Now the question is will "she" be back when they open next month. Of the other dozen girls no one came close and there were maybe only 2 others I would do.

09-19-07, 13:08
Snippet of info: Tuesday night, 11pm, bumped into a guy who had just come from the Seaview - 6 guys, 2 girls, more staff than patrons...

Rattlesnake, Tuesday, 10:00 - 11:30
After a VERY successful weekend at the 'Snake, pulling a-listers both Thursday and Friday, went back Sunday to scout. Early on, 9:30, like the weekend, 20 PRC'S, I'd say 6 a-listers - a small déjà-vu Cyclone moment. 6,8 Africans, a couple of mature CIS. Maybe 10 punters total. Later on, close to midnight, M/F ratio bit more even, but still... kicked myself for not planning better.

So, while Sunday was a scouting mission, Tuesday was a full combat op with a specific target. Delayed arriving due to having to take care of some business back in the US.

[rant on]If anyone controls those voice/button phone systems, give us a break: an option to talk to a human... Multiple options, but no operator choice. I tried the 0 and * keys... "invalid option; main menu [AGAIN]"... Finally had to call a different number, not toll free, to speak to SOMEBODY... "You're where? UAE?" The tone of voice says it ALL: we Americans, geographically challenged for sure.[rant off]

Anyway, in somewhat of a foul mood, debated about hitting the 'Snake at all, especially as I was looking to pull someone. 2 choices: stew at home, or spread the wealth of my displeasure... Being the charitable guy I am... Nice about Ramadan, parking NOT a problem. I'm hoping that the time with Miss Smoker will approach my imaginings, and my disposition will make like Dubai: sunny and warm...

Walking into 'Snake, 10pm... WTF? It was the old 'Snake... Where were the charmers, and where was Miss Smoker? Felt like an afternoon matinée performance, you know, the stars NOT there, the cast being all the understudies... Looking around, a NUMBER of faces missing...

See Miss Smoker and gf arrive... all right, things looking UP. Oops, maybe not; she blows right by me. This in SHARP contrast to her eager marketing Sunday, very eager to seal a deal. I mentally flash back - did I roll my eyes TOO much at her MSRP? No, I don't think so. But things NOT going to plan, yet matching my earlier evening... skies darkening...

I see her take the far stairs upstairs. Waiting, she doesn't appear on the near stairs. OK, this is Ramadan, the Mountain will go to... I go upstairs. She and gf are shooting pool. I watch and take a jab to the ego - I'm ignored.

While viewing the scrum below, I'm hit on by 2 Africans. My polite, cut to the chase, leave the landing slot free "No thank you" elicits an unexpected "you don't want to talk to me? YOU don't want to talk to ME?", combined WITH grabbing... Not what I was looking for. Given I don't feel obligated to talk to anyone, on the street, in a store, in a bar... I take a step away, giving my usual response to 'hand's on', "I don't touch you, don't touch me; it's disrespectful". They get the hint, and walk away, turning to go downstairs.

SIDEBAR: How fights start
I'm back watching the 2 PRC's start a new pool game. GF makes the standard, slapstick break shot, chipping the cue ball over the rack, completely missing everything. Textbook. There's a moment of stunned silence, the ball somehow stays on the table (I was expecting it to take a 1 story plunge to the floor below), and we all break out into laughter.

The africans turn back, taking umbrage at the laughter, not a clue as to what has happened. GLARING at the PRC's, "You laughing at me? YOU laughing at ME?" The 2 PRC's don't have a clue - they've been looking at the still perfectly racked balls, the cue ball on the other side now, and CERTAINLY have not been paying attention to what was going on in my 'world' (oh, the pain, the pain). "Huh?" is their only reply. The Africans change from a question to a statement: "DON'T LAUGH AT ME!"

Now, myself, I would never assume that someone was laughing at me just because they were laughing, especially as, bit unusual here, I DON'T consider myself the center of the universe. The Africans start to come back up the stairs, repeating their "Don't laugh at me's". Now I see the purpose of the earlier evening's events: Mister Ambassador of Good Will, 11b, heeding the call of destiny, PRIMED for his part, steps forward: "THEY were not laughing at you... BUT I was..." We exchange friendly glares, I'm given a critique of my parentage by one, and then the africans disappear downstairs.

Like I said, both sides didn't have a clue as to the other - only I as the middleman (literally) knew the WHOLE story...

I know the way it's going to turn out, but you're there, you've got to play the hand; call, not fold. I approach Smoker, asking what her plans are for the evening. "Play pool, dance..." I take the "hint": 'Dancing during Ramadan' - a body blow to the ego. OK, back down the stairs, into the scrum, looking for either of the girls I pulled on the weekend.

(I sooth my bruised ego when, seeing Smoker frantically looking for someone, several times over the next hour, obvious she's pre-booked... or so I tell myself.)

Trying to pick up the pieces (or a piece - sorry, couldn't resist), I scan the crowd. Canary... MIA. Miss 700... MIA. Hell, I was even looking for Miss Bi-Polar, the DISASTER from last month who I'd seen there Sunday. If the evening is going to be f*cked, then might as well get THAT itch scratched. Again, MIA. Not to say there weren't [i]actresses around, they just weren't worth paying the admission price for.

Then... aha!! Across the aisle, a beauty with some NICE cleavage; had spotted her Sunday night, but couldn't get close enough for a name/number. Now... Wait for it, wait for it, wait... Here it comes... yes, eye contact. Yikes! The look on her face was the left hook to my ego; painful. VERY obvious she does not go for the dapper, mature gentleman type. And since he wasn't there, she doesn't go for us old guys either... Yea, that was a closed door for sure. Girl next to her, a nodding acquaintance, looks at me, leans close to her, saying something (maybe the announcer: "And in that corner, Mr. 500..." ). Miss Cleavage grimaces even more; the right uppercut floors my ego.

Reeling, I head for a neutral corner, waiting to be counted out. In said corner, lo-and-behold, it's Miss 600 - ST (wearing the same outfit 3 NIGHTS in a row - nothing new? offset by 'it is a NICE outfit', obviously successful). Can I get a break tonight? Punch drunk, I give her a smile and a hello... She's not the cut man, there to help my ego; no, just piles on... Her curt reply speaking VOLUMES...

OK, the universe vs 11b - tonight, it's the universe. I don't even feel like making my way back through the scrum. I take the "over and out" route - up the stairs, across the pool room, down the stairs... My choice to leave unattached, I guess. Some that came CLOSE, but just couldn't make the grade (nice face-no rack; nice rack-plain face...; why can't there be a mix-and-match?)

Suddenly, it's Rocky Balboa, Rocky I. There, at the entrance, is... Adrian. Seaview's Miss Kirgie, looking for better climes, arriving just in time to rescue a broken boxer... (well, I wear briefs, but...) Her gf's encouragement, "You take her", superfluous. Certainly a later departure than I had planned, but, when you know them, a lot of preliminaries not required. Sometimes, you just have to go the distance... Might have been defeated, but left the ring with head held high, her eager face just what my ego needed, and the "I no have sex 1 week" (period + Ramadan jitters...) the warm soothing robe for said ego.

Major plus: this morning, 7am, only had to wait 5 minutes to snag a taxi for her. I think I've got these Ramadan timings down.

Krypto Knight
09-19-07, 13:22
Went to the York Sunday night. Sat near the bar directly opposite the exit next to a small gaggle of CIS girls who stand in a line together. A couple cuties a couple heifers but maybe guys who like big boned girls wouldn't object.

I sat there for an hour and watched.They weren't really even getting inquiries. A taller one, black hair, nice body sat next to me. She asked me to take her. I said 500 all night (Not being overly interested but heck if I can get a bargain why not) she countered with 600 but I stood my ground.

Then she said do you like any of these other girls? I said I like skinny. She held out her pinky like "tight pussy". I said of course. She pointed to a short cute skinny girl I had my eye on.

I said "500"? She said talk to her manager (Who was next chair over)

Manager: You want?

Me: I want

Manager: How much you pay?

Me: 500 all night.

Manager: OK take her.

Me: How long is all night?

Manager: 6AM

Me: 8 AM

Manager: OK

This was before midnight.

Now the catch, they told me she doesn't speak any English, she's "new".

OK no problem, new is worth no english.

In the car on the way home I managed to ask how long she had been in Dubai...

1 day


Made out like a school girl on the couch. She pushed her hands against the head board when we fucked so she could get a harder bang. Road like a champ on top. One hour fucking before bed (I had an early meeting sorry) and 45 minutes the next morning and the whole time it felt like I had picked up the new girl in high school.

She wound up leaving at 6 AM but I didn't complain because I needed pre meeting sleep.

She was 25 years old (Showed me with hands) but I would have guessed 20. Uzbeky. Not gorgeous but definitely girl next door very cute and tight little body.

Wouldn't even allow photos with clothes on.

Nice night, not perfect but getting the new CIS in town for 500 AED all night was fun.

I would definitely repeat, language barrier and all.

09-19-07, 13:24
How about 50 DHM's for an 18 year old, white, blond CIS, fit body, nice breasts and ass and pretty good attitude in the sack.

The down side is the location...an unnamed very seedy hotel, sheets that don't get changed between customers, a strict 10-15 minute time limit before the knock on the door and a general low rent feel to the situation. Oh not even a shower or towel when your done. (I carry a bottle of anti bacterial gel)

... There's no way I am going public with the details on this site but if I run into a Sr. Member at a club I will trade for fair value... No thanks - not my scene. Sounds a bit desperate. 10-15 minutes - WTF. Closest I've come to such a scene was a BJ in a (clean) New York nightclub restroom. A spontaneous decision after she suggested it, having no place to take me, and I was in transit with no hotel. What the heck, I thought - something to tell my grandkids about one day. ;)

Krypto Knight
09-19-07, 13:50
No thanks - not my scene. Sounds a bit desperate. 10-15 minutes - WTF.

A bit rough but I wouldn't say desperate.

If you think this is desperate don't ever go to Tijuana Mexico (Where you might get 40 minutes but it's 300 DHM same set up though.) or Soi Six in Pattaya which is equally seedy but maybe half an hour and a shower.

If this wasn't one of the cutest girls I'd banged in Dubai I wouldn't have gone back 2 more times.

Some times seedy is fun, not to mention 50 DHMs to get laid.

I'm not paid enough nor willing to leave Dubai broke to be constantly giving "business ladies" 600, 700 1,000 AED every time I want to get laid. I don't know how some of you guys have any money left. (Although I dropped 600 AED Thursday and 500 AED Sunday this week)

Not the scene for everyone but I think some members would be shocked at just how good looking this chick was...shocked.

The phone rang once while I was with her...she said to the guy on the other end "yes, come here now, quickly...no it's 500 DHM are you crazy...Yalla."

Apparently not everyone is paying the 50 DHM rate.

09-19-07, 14:05
Didn't intend to sound harsh - just not my scene. I'd need to be desperate to go out of my way for a 10 minute session in a grungy bang-shop. I don't even like the short one-hour sessions in AMPs. Prefer to make a fun night out of my mongering (as I can see you do too).

Zing Uk
09-19-07, 15:26
After it bacame obvious that Sri Lanka were going to win the 20:20 match last night I decided unwisely to head off to Rattler to see what was happening. I arrived around 1030 and the numbers ration was around 5:1 but as previously pointed out the quality was somewhat diluted. I'm guessing that word has got around the Rattler is a fairly safe venue during Ramadan so lots of girls drafted in but all complaining about there being no customers.

I knew current PRC GFE was there but saw her in the corner at opposite end from the gauntlet with prospect so decided to leave it alone. Had a good time chatting to usual crowd of PRC but I wasn't really seriously looking, too many late nights recently with Titanic, Dawn of the Dead etc but I do like just being around and having fun with the girls. Surprisingly, I was only manhandled by one African and when I told her to stop she did almost immediately.....maybe they are getting the message this is not the way to pull.

Speaking of Africans, do any of you speak to the girl from Madagascar who sits at the bar opposite the band area all the time? She's a really nice girl and I often chat away to her when I'm buying her a drink and stand the odd beer for her but I've never ever seen her pull. Maybe I just leave too early and she's a late nighter.

I also noticed some decent CIS come in a bit later on but also a couple of z-listers one of whom I took ages ago when I was pissed, thankfully she didn't rememebr me. The nice ones included a lovely Arabic looking girl, although we made eye contact I didn't get the chance to actually speak to her. shame really but one for next time if she's around.

Anyway, after around 20 minutes PRC jungle drums were out and Princess Layme slipped her escort and sneaked up behind me just as I was admiring her mates cleavage....oops. She did have to go back to said escort as she had a coupel of drinks waiting for her and didn't want to be too rude but not before persauding me that she should raid my fridge again. To cut a long story short, 15 minutes later we're in the car and she's getting a text asking where she disappeared to! If you are someone on here, apologies. She did get another text from same prospect around 4 o'clock today so may be in luck tonight. Usual fun night was had, won't go into to details as pretty much the same as previous Princess Layme posts but in case you are wondering if you see her I am responsible for the abbrassion marks on her knees ;-)

I've not been to York yet during Ramadan but if its the same as Rattler its obviously a buyers market at the moment and I'm sure some great deals are to be had. May try my luck tonight but then again probably to knackered so will save energy for the weekend.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Zing Uk
09-19-07, 16:11
Wow.. I am liberal to the core and love Frontline... but the holier-than-thou attitude of that ***** is so annoying to the point where at the end her hotel room is ransacked, I felt happy!

Didn't see anyone I know.. but other than York, I think there was a clip from Jockey's about half way.

But there is good news for Piper in the video - he's been pining for an Indian for years now. Sounds like there are some available in Dubai. You may have to befriend an Indian laborer, Piper ;-)Agreed with the hollier-than-thou attitude and did you notice she actually didn't find any trafficed girls? This shows through in the attitude of the girls certainly that I spend time with, they are all here for the same reason as we are, i.e. to make money and lots of them are having a good time while at it. At least this came through in the video. I have been in places where this is not the case and the difference is stark.

Happily, I managed to avoid being in any of the clips but who is the black dude, I've never seen him anywhere. I never realised that we had a public relations guy working for us!

Long live the ransackers I say!

Zing Uk
09-19-07, 16:25
Paul Collingwood, England cricket captain fined £1000 for going to lapdancing bar the night before a game. England may be shit at cricket but the captains a hero in my book.


Monger on Paul!

Jackson, can we not set him up with an honerary membership? Assuming that is of course he isn't already one of us ;-)

09-20-07, 09:07
Speaking of Africans, do any of you speak to the girl from Madagascar who sits at the bar opposite the band area all the time? She's a really nice girl and I often chat away to her when I'm buying her a drink and stand the odd beer for her but I've never ever seen her pull. Maybe I just leave too early and she's a late nighter.
Don't know if it's the same girl, but I used to know a 'Madagascar' girl who always sat in that spot. Let's call her 'Maddy' - beautiful face. Bollywood dancer looks until she put on a bit of weight a couple of years ago. Originally met her at York years ago, then she became a Rattler girl last year after the raids at York. Then she upgraded her clothes and jewellery to the 'cocktail party' look, has a glamorous hairstyle and usually works from Alamo Club and Buddha Bar for much higher rates.

When I lived near her apartment in Bur Dubai years ago, I'd occasionally call her and she would walk to my place and stay for 300 all night. Nice arrangement. Took her home from Alamo for old time's sake about 6 weeks ago. Her usual price now is 1,000-1,500. When I tried for 500, she said "[Piper], things have changed in Dubai". She ended up agreeing on 600 including taxis because, as she said, "We are good friends" .

For years I believed Maddy's story that she was from Madagascar, until an Ethiopian girl at Rattler told me one night that Maddy is also from Ethiopia. I tested this theory by speaking a little French to Maddy six weeks ago. She didn't understand French, so she's not from Madagascar. I didn't push the point.
Great looks, nice personality, and gives an amazing blowjob with a twisting action. I could watch that in the bedroom mirror for ages. ;)

Barry D
09-20-07, 10:20
I recall various boardmembers mentioning having to be subtle in bringing in certain "toys"


Krypto Knight
09-20-07, 11:35
Didn't intend to sound harsh - just not my scene. I'd need to be desperate to go out of my way for a 10 minute session in a grungy bang-shop.
Actually now that you mention it, I have a good friend in town who does a bit of mongering. I was telling him about the place and he said well maybe I should check it out.

Now I know this guy's style quite well, let's put it this way, every time I tell him I brought someone home one of the first questions he asks is "was she clean"?

I said "please, just trust me on this one, you don't want to go there". I know the grunge factor would have him running for the door so trust me I know what you mean.

It's not for everyone.

Magic Devil
09-20-07, 11:38
It was my first visit to Dubai enroute to Cairo on business. Arrived on Sat nite and went check on the club scenes. York, Regal, Imperial were of the Target. Since First time I restricted to these three. As said in report York and Regals were of good scene. But I had the real jackpot in Imperial. I dropped in to find the Imperial almost ful with 1:1 of the sex ratio.

As I entered I was shocked to see the small dance floor on the entrance with little girls mostly PRC and Africans. But one CIS was capturing my eyes but she was engaged with another person so decided to check on the dance floor inside. On entrance CIS girls occupied the entrance with PRC and Africans Lining up in side. I deceided to stray in the entrace to find the CIS as I had most success on my trips with CIS girls. After some time the girl who I saw early entered the dance arena single. Seeing me she said Hello, and went inside. After some time as we made some contacts she approached and asked about the deal. I was intrested for few hours and if it went on well I was ready for the night she agreeded and we fixed 600 for a nite and I had my room in Dar Al Sandos which was few blocks on the same road. No hassle at the entrance went up the room. While on the lift she said she has her friend who might join us I was wanting. I said let us see how we are proceeding and then in the room as I opened I was women handled and she started to proceed from back and hugged me and started to kiss and proceeded with kissing she said we proceed to shower and in the shower we kissed and I started to taste her handful boobs and she proceeded to BBBJ and I said does she mind if I DATY her. She smiled and we had 69 in the bathtub. After the session of unfinished cum we proceeded to the bed hugging and kissing. And in the bed it was the repeat of the Shower but more passionte one and finished off with me pumping. As she said I decided to call her friend. Surprise surprise her friend was a thai whom I met I India during my trip. My Thai friend was equally happy and my CIS was surprised to too and to sum up we had one hell of a night. At 9am we woke up and I ordered Breakfast and said if they wish they can stay till my stay in Dubai after some discussion CIS and Thai accepted the offer and I had the most memorable 2stay in Dubai and I am now in Cairo and will be back in this Monday for 2 days stay with my CIS THAI friends.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Zing Uk
09-20-07, 17:39
Her usual price now is 1,000-1,500. When I tried for 500, she said "[Piper], things have changed in Dubai". She ended up agreeing on 600 including taxis because, as she said, "We are good friends" .I can't see it being the same girl, Iwouldn't go more than 400 for her but everyone has different tastes, she's a nice girl but not my style for sure.

I decided that it was time for a return to York last night. The roadworks have changed a lot in the area osince I was last there a month ago but glad to say York the same as ever, same PRC gauntlet, grabbing Africans and aloof CIS. I met up with a couple of PRC from Metro, seems that the numbers ration in Metro is driving some of them away to try their luck at other venues. also the same annoying clientel, a group of pissed and noisey Indians cheering loudly as England failed again at cricket, I'm glad to say security had a word with them :-)

I did my usual couple of tours but was really looking something dependable after spending lots of nice time recently with Princess Layme and didn't want a so-so experience as I'd just end up calling her again. After a while I spotted an old friend Lilli at the games machines. She's not the best looker but a very sweet girl and a great body, I also know she's pretty much top drawer in bed up for CIM, DATY, Greek and get's well into things. I did enquire if she had any mates who might want to share the fun that would do a bit of girl-girl stuff, I think she could certainly be persuaded for the right Dirham reward. She did introduce me to one of her mates but not that much of a looker and I was a bit tired so decided to park it for another night and get Lilli back alone.

We arrived at chez Zing around 12 o'clock so not too late. She's no time waster is Miss Lilli so she got started in the lift up to my place, by the time I got to the door it was painful just standing with the stress on my jeans. By the time I had the first light on my T-shirt was gone and her hand was fishing around trying to relieve the pressure.......just my type of girl. We ended up having a bit of a session all over the house, bathroom, lounge bed room, only the kitchen escaped! All-in-all a fantastic night with her which was exactly what I was looking for and topped off with a nice relaxed session of greek this morning.

My sofa seems to be my magic spot over the last couple of weeks, I think its must be the perfect shape for leverage but whatever it is when I've got down to it there its been some of my best sessions in Dubai. It'll be worn out within a year at this rate and I never thought of a sofa as a sex aid before but a good investment. Wide seating area, strong arms and about 6-9 inches shorter than me when I'm laid (excuse the pun) out full :-)

Just working out where to go for tonight, Lilli promised to check out a couple of friends for me, Miss Happiness has been texting and Princess Layme on the phone wanting to know if I'm going to Rattler. Is it the weekend by any chance?

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

09-21-07, 08:39
Guess I should have read Zing's FR BEFORE heading out. On the other hand, 'Snake is so convenient, parking not a problem...

'Snake, Thursday, 9:30 - 11:30
Walking in, déjà vu... unfortunately, of Tuesday night, NOT Sunday. While it was better than Tuesday, at least 1 a-lister present, FAR SHORT of last weekend. Could only hope it would improve as the evening progressed... (It didn't).

Friendly a-lister mentioned that she was heading home tomorrow for a couple of weeks, business not allowing her to make her usual nightly goal... obviously successful enough that a SHORT trip home not a problem. Of course, she'd said the same thing pre-Ramadan, so will have to see if she's around next week (strange marketing strategy if she is...)

But she was not my primary target - again, Miss Smoker #1. 10pm rolls around, place filling up, but still, no sign of her. OK, sms time. Make a comment on our chat from Sunday... 5 minutes later, there's the response... the ALWAYS pleasant "who r u?" Obviously, her line used on MANY potentials. Fine, I remind her, and as I'm waiting for a response, across the bar I see a girl reading her mobile... could it be... she looks up, around... yes, it's Smoker. OK, target acquired.

Or maybe not. It's sparse enough I can see her across the bar. But rather than coming over, she stays in place, chatting with a gf. I take a look towards the door, turn back, she's disappeared. No one heading towards me... I shake off a couple of approaching PRC's, exchange some friendly nods and greetings with others. No sign of Smoker, so, nothing left to do except to go into pursuit mode. Blaze a trial through the tightening passage, no sign, so upstairs. There she is. Go over, say hi.

For me it's always a question: little english or little interest causing the lack of marketing. With her, I can't tell. Rote lines or just passive... She is puffing away, and tonight, that is a bit of a problem.

Nothing like coming home and finding your a/c out... Well, 1/2 out. I do admire the engineering; my place has 2 independent units, so if 1 goes down, the other can keep the place decent... Had called Mr. Maintenance: "no problem, repairman be coming tomorrow." "But tomorrow is Friday..." "Oh, oh, oh, Friday [pause] [pause] Friday...". Well, at least by MY calandar. "Yea, just make it Saturday." "OK, Saturday, he be coming right quick." Past experience, it will be an episode of Wink & Win, the Bobsie twins: Sat: Wink, a/c repairman: "no electricity to a/c unit. Call electrician." Sunday: Win, electrician: "Short in a/c unit. Call a/c repairman." Monday: BOTH together, jabbering away, finally taking the offending part to go be rewired in some back office... (labor CHEAP here, replacement parts NOT). Wednesday, maybe.
End Sidebar

No problem airing out the homestead when a/c's 100%, but now, trying to air out the place with only 50% power... Chancy, and have it cool enough by Friday night. Still, I stick to plan. We finally get around to the subject. "How long you want?" This bodes ill; I'm not big on hourly salaries. I consider replying "52 minutes", but cut to the chase, "all night, Take you home tomorrow." She stands there, PONDERING... It's either LITTLE english (I doubt), or doing a cost/benefit analysis... "OK, we go NOW." Call me paranoid, but maybe a little too eager...

But, before departing, the usual pre-flight check: how much? "I tell you before, 800." OK, she's attractive; wouldn't use "cute" as she's in the 30's range. One of those where the experience and the 'I KNOW how to please a man' looks offset the fading bloom of youth.

As in real estate, location is important: certainly just by being at the Cyclone (RIP), a girl could command a couple hundred more. But this is not Cyclone. MY problem is, I like history, and as anyone who reads my posts knows, I like to compare and contrast. Each girl is an individual, setting her own price, but for me, they do fall into groups. Miss T, face+body+service+ major GFE, 500 + transportation. Miss F, face+body+SERVICE, not the GFE, more pals knowing our roles, 600 + transportation. Now I did just pay 800 exactly 2 weeks ago, but that was for extra-special gourmet dining. Smoker's not McDonalds, but not Burj Al Arab either. Maybe Holiday Inn. The a-lister who I pulled the next night, now standing 3m away, 700 (OK, she had made part of her quota with an earlier ST; fine with me). But 800?!? MSRP for sure.

I counter with, for me, a decent 600. After all, no entrance fee, I'll take her home, threw in something for the weekend surcharge. "8 lucky number in china, I like 8 [pause] hundred." My "But this is dxb, not china" zooms over her head. Impasse - 200 not THAT important, and I do weigh my desire for her experience... Nope, just can't do it. Scales just tipped too far... Back to the scrum.

Downstairs, things haven't improved. I kick myself for not having called Miss F's roommate; hindsight being deadon. I console myself (and another reason why I can easily pass), I have a FAV coming over tomorrow evening. Selection tonight pales in her radiance. See Miss Bipolar; she's cheery tonight. She comes over, says hi, introducing me to her friend, "first night dxb." I can easily pass; besides the inexperience, chorus at best. However, Miss B offering some potential... I tell her I can select my own girls, thank you. She asks which one I like. "You." She IS a bit surprised at that, given our history, but that is an itch I've wanted to scratch.

I am enough of a nice guy, I wait around till she situates her gf, or at least gives her a potential placement ... whether she can seal the deal... But off we go. Not a starter, but certainly bullpen. In a way, a shame, as she could have real potential, but doesn't seem to have embraced her role in the entertainment industry...

My annoyance at her waking up at 7:30 somewhat offset over the next 2 hours: she departs the bedroom, saying "you sleep", and in the next hour proceeds to clean the place (only took me an hour later on to find what I was missing), then, pleasant surprise, understands the 'morning wakeup' concept as she returns to bed. 600 + taxi not exactly a bargain, but the plus side is, I have a clean house for Fav.

Questions: Anyone been to Imperial during Ramadan? They charging an entrance fee? Anyone inside worth the trip?

Zing reported on York. How about on a weekend? Worth the downtown hassles?

And Seaview? Heard that it was DEAD on a weeknight. How about a weekend?

09-21-07, 13:06
During Ramadan? The daytime bars closed. After Ramdan - TGIT or Jockey's. Ask if she has her own place.

Or take a look at the Gulf News classifieds on-line.
The mention of "for men" is a dead giveaway.

Might want to brush up on the Reports of Distinction thread too.

But then I'm no expert, and am just a worker bee...It will be after Ramadan sometime in mid november. I am looking for some action between 6:00 PM and 11:00 pm. I will be carring my carry on luggage, just wondering do you advise to get a hotel room or it won't be an issue. Do generally girls have their own place(in call)?

Does Dubai have Thai massage kind of places too?


09-21-07, 14:00
G'day gents,

I have been keeping a vicarious eye on the forum for a couple of years now and have finally got my finger out and got a membership. Big thanks to Piper, MK, WR etc for the entertainment.

My problem is I need to keep a low profile here in Dubai, so I need to monger under the radar. Can anyone recommend (by PM) and decent ladies that I could pick up and take back to my place for a little collision therapy?

Likewise any information on the location of a good AMP or two would be gratefully received.


Love Spot
09-22-07, 12:31
Spooky coincidence:

[cross-post]Quote: from Tubby 1 on 1:02 pm on June 12, 2007

Greetings All.

Paid another visit to the Jumeirah MP yesterday and was ably entertained by an attractive petite 20 year old Korean girl with an early Bon Jovi hairstyle calling herself Cocoa.

Cocoa stripped off revealing a great little body with a nice set of natural boobs and joined me in the shower for a pre session washdown - fantastic.

Once on the bed the concept of massage went out of the window in favor of a heavy session of sweaty sex in which Cocoa demonstrated that although she maybe new to the concept of BBBJ she's familiar with a number of advanced sexual positions or two.

Well worth it?? [100DH to her, 100 to the house]

I should Cocoa!!




Damn you Tubs! I just saw your post above about your fun with Coco yesterday. She's the same girl I just had a session with 30 minutes ago. But I paid her 200. Don't know how you managed to pay only 100!

Speak about coincidences - it's only the second time I've beeen to an AMP in five years, and last time you'd also had a session with the same girl as me, a day earlier. I hate going seconds. ;) We must have similar tastes.Could someone tell me where this MP is located, do they have a listed number?


Always Covered
09-23-07, 12:04
Greetings fellow members. I have been reading the forum with great interest for some time and now have fresh field reports to contribute.

Saturday 15/09

I arrive Dubai airport about midnight as I stand in the long immigrations lines I feel the frustration build as time slips away and my line moves slower than the rest. Eventually im through and arrive at the 4 points Sheraton with time for a quick change I hit the York for 1.15am. I’ve made it to the promised land and the stress just fades away. There are still decent numbers around im immediately accosted stress levels rise again, I need a clear view to maximise the time left. I make two laps of the bar and move in on cute PRC with a great rack. I negotiate 600 dirhams till the morning and specify I will pay her then she agrees the lights come up (she still looks good 7-8) and were off.

To avoid any LE activity we take a taxi the short distance to the Sheraton 4 Points once there the walk of shame has complications and puts a slight damper on the evening for me (see separate hotel report).

Down to business - almost she gets out her camera phone to take my picture great I use this as an opportunity to return the favour then we start with DFK and general GFE stuff. Then she asks for the money I tell her the morning as agreed she retorts “she stay till morning” we go round the houses. I know I made it crystal clear to her in the club now shes using the language barrier, I compromise with a 50/50 offer she accepts.

Once this is out the way theres CBJ somehow she manages to place the condom on me using her mouth alone extremely skilful and a real turn on. She keeps telling me I have “big banana” I love the flattery however she then says im too big for her – now lads unfortunately ive never had that problem before so im thinking here we go again more get out clauses but NO the ever resourceful Chinese she pops out some lube disguised in a nail varnish bottle and applies liberally it works a treat and were off

My obsession with her rack continues when I awake in the morning we have round 2 and she leaves by 9.00am all round a great 1st nite result for me.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Always Covered
09-23-07, 12:06
Sunday 16/09

Thought I would give the Seaview a go after many favourable reports, at arrival circa 10.30pm I was asked for ID, I never carry any. After some moaning the security agreed to let me in after confirming I was Christian and not Muslim due to Ramadan, others without ID WERE being turned away including a very tasty African I was almost tempted to go after her. I pulled up a chair and surveyed the scene about 6 or 7 PRC but the Phillipino contingent were to far out of sight for me and it was early. After siting on my own for 20 minutes one of the PRC (a 5) pulled up a chair. She claimed to be 25 id say 35 plus was nearer the mark, she kept offering to give a “free massage” or alternatively marry me well it wasn’t really what I came in for ! As she wasn’t taking the hint and there were few other options I made the toilett excuse cowardly I know but sometimes the easiest escape route. It was a shame it was so quiet I could imagine the Seaview being a crackin venue with the band playing and the girls dancing.

Now I have been pinning for a top rate CIS blonde so I moved on to the Regal another 1st for me. 50Dhs entrance fee including a drink, I arrived around 11.30 the place was already buzzing id say 35% WG to 65% punters. Now id read many field reports on the attitudes of the CIS but despite this I wasn’t prepared for the reality of it, as this place was 100% CIS it was in complete contrast to the York in terms of marketing I was never approached other than some weak smiles I staked my territory by the bar but by 1pm I decided it might not happen so I slipped away to familiar turf – the York. As soon as I walked in an African cutie (Rihana) caught my eye she had a Beyonce type figure and id give her a 6.5 overall, I liked her attitude 600dhs for the nite and pay in morning. Back at the Sheraton I fired up the ipod with a mongering playlist I had prepared earlier.

Opening with Joey Negro – Make a Move On Me – she took the hint and we were off. Tune 2 Gold Digga by Kayne West she was grinding me real good to the cries of “ya take ma money”. Tune 3 Pussy Cat Dolls, Don’t Cha, and yeah I was wishing this girl was my regular as her naked butt pushed hard onto my crotch. Fast forward to track 13 my girls namesake Rihanna belts out Umbrella this was genius good luck “my Rihanna” loved this and went crazy giving me the sexiest dance ever, we now moved to the bed and happily she gave me a CBJ as previously agreed (and double checked due to her being African and the general forum views about this being a difficult area for many of them) we moved on to full sex with many positions. In the afterglow she opened up to me unsurprisingly she had been tricked into the game and was busy hunting for a day job, however she was genuine and trying her best to get on with life, so if any if you guys have the luck to meet this girl please treat her with the respect she deserves. In the morning we had a further session payment made as agreed. From a slow start the night ended well.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Zing Uk
09-23-07, 14:57
Wow, Sunday already and anothr weekend has gone. I'm still failing miserably at giving up Princess L addiction and we spent the entire weekend with together from Thursday night through to about two hours ago....2pm Sunday! I have an early trip to AD tomorrow morning so I took her home as no point in stay over tonight. She says if she gets no client tonight she'll come over and stay for a freebie anyway so no surprise if my phone rings around 1130 tonight then!

She is such a difficult temptation to give up and does lots of excelent non-sexual things like watching the semi finals of the cricket twenty20 with me, now how many western GF's would do that? She even topped up my beer glass between overs and mopped the floor. all of that in the kind of package that would thing they should be an A-list hollywood star back home.

We did pay a visit to Metro on Saturday noght to check out he action. The scene was quieter that I thought it would be and quite relaxed. Of course, I was tactically placed in a corner to remove me from the artillary range of competing army soldiers from the dark continent. That didn't stop a couple of special forces agents getting through when PL did a quick round of the bar to see what reaction she would get wearing a blokes T-shirt (mine obviously). On of the special agents had a phenominal set of grenades hidden in her top that almost exploded in my face taking me out but PL returned and defused them just in time.

Back home over the 3 days all the usual shinanigans up until last night when I was just too knackered to make a good showing so persuaded her to give baby oil massage paying close attention to concealed weapons. Good girl, she didn't disappoint :-)

I don't know how this week will shape up but suspect I'll find out around 1130 tonight on the direction at least! On Thursday though I'm off to the promised land of Thailand for a few days R&R with some old mates from back in 1990's when we all lived in SE Asia. I've been sharpening up on my Thai expecting it to be a fun visit.....until then though, I'm afraid I'll just have to struggle through with Princess.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Always Covered
09-23-07, 19:50
Monday 17/09

Decided to hit the York in time for happy hour get a table and some dinner. Approached several times while eating a poor tactical move on their part in my book, my attention to food is like that of DATY J. One however stood out a PRC 8 with not quite blonde hair a great rack and excellent English I could only get her down to 700dhs and when I told her this was till breakfast she left hurriedly, it was early and I suppose she was looking for a double hit at that time of nite.

Then it happened I got collared by two Africans 6’s they pulled up bar stools to either side of me and I was well and truly trapped, they wanted double action – I didn’t. However they were relentless and weakly I gave in. They wanted 1000dhs for both of them we agreed 800dhs plus tip if good. We taxied back to their apartment the driver was quite amused it was almost worth the money for his facial expression. Id negotiated a Shisha Pipe be included as part of the activities so one went to prepare that while the other worked on me. Soon we were all butt naked on the couch one massaging me while the other held the shisha pipe for me, my hands completely free to roam around 2 pussies and 4 breasts – lovely. Now again these girls had agreed to give me CBJ but were very secretive about it and would only whisper about it to me, when it was time I got on the bed one went to work on me while the other lay across me facing me, this prevented me from seeing the BJ in action and for me watching that performance counts for half the fun it didn’t last long and was disappointing – no wonder they would only whisper about it, trading standards would have a field day! Next one adopted reverse cowgirl while the other arched her back and positioned her pussy in an ideal position for DATY as a rule I don’t perform this on WGs but damn I wanted too. The other girl continued to ride me cow girl ferociously I came she kept riding me like a trooper and a I came again, id never experienced that before like a multiple orgasm – superb. Next they flipped me over and 4 hands went about massaging me fairly pleasant but not experienced. The one who rode cow girl left the 2 of us to get it on alone, as soon as she went this girl started moaning about the Tip I told her Tip at the end OBVIOUSLY but she kept moaning. This really annoyed me one of the reasons I dont have a GF or Wife is to avoid continual moaning and that’s why I pay for WG’s, she moaned so much I ended up giving her the cash just to shut her up. She then started to play with me and more disaster I couldn’t get wood for round 2. Was it the moaning, the relentless Dubai heat my tiring schedule ? She tried for a little time then gave up and started to get dressed into her “working clothes” they were both going back to the York BUT we had agreed all nite, they were both being really polite about it making it difficult for me to complain but it had obviously been THEIR plan from the start. In the end I left feeling pretty manipulated these girls were very formulaic in everything they did, not just the sex but the tactics used on me both before, during and after the event. If you want value for money I would definitely NOT recommend these girls. They always appear to work as a pair, their apartment is just behind Sheraton 4 points, they work in hairdressing during the day, one is small and quite athletic looking with a piercing just below her lower lip and the other very curvaceous with a very slight Indian look to her rather than being all out African.

Just a point on taking 2 girls it has worked well for me in the past but it happened organically that is to say the girls were ones I talked to separately and were not originally working in pairs. This happened to me in the York last year the 2 girls in question made me feel like a King as they were vying for my affections and trying to out do one another. It was a competition for them where I was always going to be the winner.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Always Covered
09-23-07, 19:51
Thursday 20/09

After Mondays poor performance by Always Covered Junior, I wanted to take no chances. There is a small Chemist just after the building plot by the 4 Points Sheraton, I was able to purchase 4 Cialis (Tadafil) 20mg for 186dhs, no questions asked no prescription required, Dubai can be so obliging at times.

New day new hotel. In the interests of research I checked into the Hyatt Regency. (See report hotel pages). After checking in I went on a scouting mission to find the Premier nightclub. To my horror there was a sign saying closed for Ramadan, this was going to spoil my one stop shop plans. But wait if the guys cant go then neither can the girls, where would they be ? I noticed a small bar next door to the Premier called Carpenters this was also part of the hotel complex.

Come 11pm I gave this a shot and very pleased that I did. There were around 35+ WGs mix of mainly PRC & CIS with a few Africans, all 7+ with some A list. The bar was busy I was spoiled for choice but I don’t like to move in to early. My 1st PRC choice left with customer before I had managed to have little more than eye contact. Then Miss YY PRC came toward me she was leaving “take a key to my friend” but will be back she was smoking hot. I got talking to a Krgystani girl she was dressed imaculatley, very classy and sophisticated I thought price wise she would be out of my range but I wasn’t prepared for her opening offer 2200dhs. With an opener like that I didn’t even bother to counter, meanwhile miss YY had come back I found her, she quoted 1000dhs till Friday afternoon without me even asking. She agreed to pay in morning no issue, after the shock of the previous quote and this being a busy Thursday I took the deal without another thought. As we left near closing time the Classy Krgy was still alone at the bar with no takers.

Back in the room I knew I had made a great choice this girl was HOT with silky soft skin. She wanted to please - the walk in showers in the Hyatt are roomy and strong enough for 2, we took full advantage showering together I broke one of my rules, I dropped to my knees and performed DATY on her clean shaven pussy with the hot water running down her body, superb. She reciprocated with BBBJ this girl continued to perform well all nite in fact id go so far to say that she gave me a better GFE than any real GF ive had, the cialis was working wonders (1/3 a tablet only) and the games continued for a LONG time. In the morning I was ready to go again and so was she. After she performed a great massage full body then hands and feet. I really wanted to tip her big for outstanding service but in the interests of controlling price inflation I decided against it.

Friday 21/09

I had a 4.30am get up on the Saturday so not fully committed to mongering. However I hit the Carpenter bar at 11pm about 20WGs in the office and better punter ratio. However nothing strong enough to make me jump. Ms Classy Krgy was there again alone she blanked me after me refusal to negotiate last nite. By the end of the nite 2.00am the lights came up she was there alone again. For fun I approached her she was remarkably chatty now! I told her I had an early start and she would only be required for 2 hours “make me an offer I cant refuse I told her”. Her reply “you obviously didn’t like my price last night so 1500dhs” did she listen ?. I countered with last nites deal (who she watched me leave with) it was 1,000 for 12 hours she shook her head in disgust and then whispered she would come for 1,000 still way too high. This girl was not up to the looks of miss YY so I declined, again the Krgy left emty handed. The nite before she told me she was going to work in London I think she thought she was already there.

Now I just want to give my appreciation to the senior members of this forum for all their hard work and freely given information. Without this my trip would never have been the success it was, again thankyou for your efforts.

Finally I just want to point out to anyone new reading this ive never had any need to ask questions in the forum. Everything I needed and more was found through reading it.

Until next time happy mongering and stay safe.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Barry D
09-24-07, 08:35
now i just want to give my appreciation to the senior members of this forum for all their hard work and freely given information. without this my trip would never have been the success it was, again thankyou for your efforts.

finally i just want to point out to anyone new reading this ive never had any need to ask questions in the forum. everything i needed and more was found through reading it.

until next time happy mongering and stay safe.

perfect example of how it should be done:

1) reads the forum (more than just the first page)
2) does the research (use search tool at top right of screen)
3) enjoys great time at destination as a result (no wasted time on deadend leads)
4) provides feedback (+ve & -ve) on experience for other mongers

items 1 & 2 seems very rare, as a lot of lurkers couldn't be arsed even reading the first page of the forum, when there is an incredible wealth of info available from such stalwarts as piper, 11bravo, wr.... the list goes on (like an oscars acceptance speech, apologies if i have missed your name)

item 4 is even rarer - someone who provides feedback! this forum would not work at all if it was purely a one-way flow of information. if someone provides help, let us all know how it went!!!!

congratulations to always covered for the perfect entrance to the forum!

09-24-07, 09:20
This is my second ramadan in DBX, so I decided to take a look and see if things were different in my two classical places.
First regal, compared with last year I would say more girls, maybe better looking but much worse attitude. I feel like the invisible man. Myabe it is because hte girls htere really like Arabs, but the only thing going were arabs and nosisy american in baseball caps (i.e. overpayers). Maybe it is Piper's remote influence, but I also have my limits (1,000 dhm is the maximum price for me) and I can see no reason to cross that line.
It is really a pity as I like the CIS girls a lot, but I no longer feel welcome there. I think this is the same experience Always covered had.
Then I moved to the snake. I saw nothing that I fancied there, africans were a little bit pushy than usual I would say, but nothing really. So I decided to leave.
On my way out an older Uzbek woman started chatting with me. We walked together to the taxis and while I opened the door for her and her friend I could see that the other girl was very nice. So I decided to ask her to join me.
Her name is D., from the Urals. When we arrived home she startetd looking at the pictures I had printed and made some remarks about them, she liked some of my street pictures and especially the insects ones (I had some good butterflies). We talked for like a couple of hours and went to bed (it was late and I was tired).
In bed I started with DATY and got so excited with her reaction that I went straight into penetration. Her response was amazing, she was incredibly wet, had several orgasms (vaginal ones, I could feel her squeezing me strongly). She was disappointed i did nto finish but once i told her everything wasw ok she relaxed a little bit and cuddled.
I was too tired for a second round and next morning we were with a little bit of headache (porto and cherry brandy for her).
I have to say that this was an incredible GFE, short on quantity but I think this will improve next time.

It is really nice to be with a girl that enjoys so much. I have never seen a girl getting so wet during sex, I do nto know if this is normal for her as she was quite shy when I mentioned the fact.

I told her I would like to see her outside office hours as she seems to be keen on some cultural activities (to the extent you can get that here in DXB).

Standard CIS fare (1,000).

I will check with her if it is OK to share the phone number as I forgot to ask.

09-24-07, 13:29
Of course he wanted paying but he was so insincere / smug in his manner – he knew that I knew he was trying it on. In the end I gave him 50dhs to get rid of him. He didn’t look happy at this but I closed the door firmly before he could complain.Kudo's ALL around: hotel FR and some great FR's, all properly filed. In my book, 5 for 5.

My only comment would be: why reward bad behavior? Yea, I know, only 50 dhs, and worth it to be rid of the problem. However, with the shakedown successful, you know it will continue. Perhaps no need to request management's presence THEN, just a "thanks, what's your name? I WILL let the manager know about your concern and VISIT" as you close the door. Always a chance he could 'drop a dirham' on you, but doubtful as that brings heat down on the hotel.

The doorman at the Seaview used to shake girls down until enough complaints were received that he is no longer there.

Thought I would give the Seaview a go after many favourable reports, at arrival circa 10.30pm ... It was a shame it was so quiet I could imagine the Seaview being a crackin venue with the band playing and the girls dancing.Seaview during Ramadan is like the desert - dry and barren. But WITH the band, a true oasis. With most punters staying away (why go there except for the band), sure a number of wg's are also looking for more favorable climes...

One however stood out a PRC 8 with not quite blonde hair a great rack and excellent English I could only get her down to 700dhs and when I told her this was till breakfast she left hurriedly, it was early and I suppose she was looking for a double hit at that time of nite.LOL. Reminds me of the 'Snake stunner I posted about earlier. I thought I had a good deal at 600 UNTIL I asked what time I'd be driving her home the next morning...

Word of Caution: has been like this for a LONG time: for SOME a-listers, all night means until you fall asleep...

She tried for a little time then gave up and started to get dressed into her “working clothes”Shame she was so "unprofessional". With the true 'pros, they take it as a challenge to deliver what was agreed to :) I have had some that really exercised due diligence, and took pride in the results. Can tell the true amateur: she's the one saying "you come now", as if THAT is EVER effective.

In the end I left feeling pretty manipulated these girls were very formulaic in everything they did, not just the sex but the tactics used on me both before, during and after the event. If you want value for money I would definitely NOT recommend these girls. They always appear to work as a pair, their apartment is just behind Sheraton 4 points, they work in hairdressing during the day, one is small and quite athletic looking with a piercing just below her lower lip and the other very curvaceous with a very slight Indian look to her rather than being all out African.THANKS for the warning. Think fair. Like you said, sounds like they had this planned all along.

Using THEIR home court has it advantages/disadvantages. Biggest disadvantage is, they're home, you're not, and easy to get you out.

You didn't mention, but sounds like you paid up front; otherwise, difficult for them to bail. Certainly when you are known, that is a warning flag. If you're not known, I can see their point of view, but as suggested here, a 50% down, 50% on completion deal should satisfy both parties.

Just a point on taking 2 girls it has worked well for me in the past but it happened organically that is to say the girls were ones I talked to separately and were not originally working in pairs.Unless they seem REALLY special, I always decline the "duo" offers. I've found that a girl can be more open, and enjoy, when it's just the two of us, and what goes on IS private.

Her reply “you obviously didn’t like my price last night so 1500dhs” ... again the Krgy left emty handed.Guess it's all in the math: 6*500 does equal 2 * 1500. So she only has to meet 2 fools per week...

Finally I just want to point out to anyone new reading this ive never had any need to ask questions in the forum. Everything I needed and more was found through reading it.Yes, I've certainly got to agree with Barry D: here's a guy who does his homework, knows where to stay, where to go, what he can expect to see, and what's a reasonable price. AND, AND, AND... GIVES SOMETHING BACK BY POSTING FR'S', both experiences here and hotel experiences there.

Again, GREAT arrival. Newbies, please DO note.

09-24-07, 13:45
Dear mongers,

I just spend some time reading different reports in this forum. Unfortunately I can not find anything for my special needs. Tomorrow I will be for 2 or 3 hours in dubai (8. 00 or 9. 00 pm to 11. 00 pm). I am looking for 1 hour action but I will definatelly not have enough time to check all the mentioned clubs due to that time issue. Could anybody tell me the right place to go. Any place with nice girls who have thei own appartments? Any good MP with full action? Please also give a price range for recommended places;.). Do not want to overpay and destroy market-prices

Thank you for your help,


09-24-07, 13:49
I feel like the invisible man. ... but the only thing going were arabs and nosisy american in baseball caps (i.e. overpayers). Yes, I DO know that feeling of invisibility...

Perhaps dxb is being cursed by some of the Blackwater fallout from up north...

It is really nice to be with a girl that enjoys so much. I have never seen a girl getting so wet during sex, I do nto know if this is normal for her as she was quite shy when I mentioned the fact.Probably not normal for her... a lot seem to have come from a 'bend over and brace' culture. Can't count how many times I've had to explain that "too much water" isn't, and isn't a problem.

I told her I would like to see her outside office hours as she seems to be keen on some cultural activities (to the extent you can get that here in DXB).Culture... dxb... an oxymoron for sure.

Again, nice to see some "venue feedback".

09-24-07, 20:41
Yes, I DO know that feeling of invisibility...

Perhaps dxb is being cursed by some of the Blackwater fallout from up north...

Well man, now you ruined my day. I am still invisible for these cuties, and on top of that I am not even UNIQUE.

Probably not normal for her... a lot seem to have come from a 'bend over and brace' culture. Can't count how many times I've had to explain that "too much water" isn't, and isn't a problem.

I think she has "adapted" to something more sophisticated than "bend over and brace" but still... amazingly wet.

Culture... dxb... an oxymoron for sure.

Did not you read the latest news? DXB is the cultural capital of the ME. It is on the papers.

Shame she was so "unprofessional". With the true 'pros, they take it as a challenge to deliver what was agreed to :) I have had some that really exercised due diligence, and took pride in the results. Can tell the true amateur: she's the one saying "you come now", as if THAT is EVER effective.

Just get the terminolgyy right. Unprofessional, knows how and what to do but does not bother. Amateur, does not know.

Unless they seem REALLY special, I always decline the "duo" offers. I've found that a girl can be more open, and enjoy, when it's just the two of us, and what goes on IS private.

You need to have a face2face with wicked roger. He has facilitated my best trios ever. I have seen the light. I am a true believer.

Guess it's all in the math: 6*500 does equal 2 * 1500. So she only has to meet 2 fools per week...

I do this type of elasticity analysis for my clients... not sure she is having the right approach. maybe we should start collecting data to estimate the aggregate elasticity of demand. Or we could simply tarr and feather the over payers and skip the number crunching.

PS In case it was not clear I was writing tongue in cheek.
PS2 I was not joking about WickedRoger ability to facilitate social activities.

09-24-07, 22:15
A couple of enquiries recently about 'Massage' places, or places to visit when short of time. Try one of these. The wording of the ads indicate which places to call.


09-25-07, 05:35
Decided to give the Gulf News http://www.gulfnews.com/classifieds/dubai_x_n_emirates/beauty_fitness_x_health/beauty_fitness_x_health.html a try and see if I could find a nice AMP. Picked a few numbers at random and called up to check some details, also as it was a Friday I wanted to check if they were open. First try was in Bank Street, was open for business and had 8 Thai ladies available. Was given location of building and told to call if I planned to come. As it was a bit far away, decided to try a few other numbers.

Second try. Bingo, Jumeirah 3, behind a well known supermarket, with an even better known coffee shop. They also claimed to have 8 Thai ladies available, was told to go to the well known supermarket on the Al Wasl Rd and call them from there. After a bit of phone tag to navigate the back streets, ended up about 20 metres in from the Al Wasl Rd, in a quiet discreet area in a residential villa. Perfect location, went inside, 6 ladies to choose from, picked a cute, shy looking girl who said she was Thai.

Upstairs to a nice clean room, asked for 100dhs for massage. Got my kit off and lay in the accepted face down/arse up (praying for pussy) position. Nice firm massage, not the most technically competent, but 10/10 for effort. After she eventually worked her way down to the old fella, flipped over and went into a decent GFE snog. As she seemed quite clean and edible, a bit of DATY was in order, this was very much appreciated, particularly I was patient enough to let her relax and eventually come. Reciprocation took the form of a very decent BBBJ, on with the protection, using the tried and tested mouth technique, then into a bit of mish.

She was very tight, I guess the Chinese (more later) are not used to the bigger western tackle, but tight suited me just fine, so was gentle to start, but managed to build up the appropriate head of steam, before the whistle blew.

Nice cuddle at the end, got talking with limited English, tried some of my even more limited Thai, but of course she did not understand it, not that I expected her to. So Chinese it was, but to be honest, it made little difference. Gave her a 200dhs tip, no idea if that was the right amount, but it seemed OK.

All in a good initial Dubai experience. Looks 7/10, GFE 9/10, overall 8/10, suited my needs of discretion and remote location.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

09-25-07, 06:10
Decided to give the Gulf News http://www.gulfnews.com/classifieds/dubai_x_n_emirates/beauty_fitness_x_health/beauty_fitness_x_health.html a try and see if I could find a nice AMP. Picked a few numbers at random and called up to check some details, also as it was a Friday I wanted to check if they were open. First try was in Bank Street, was open for business and had 8 Thai ladies available. Was given location of building and told to call if I planned to come. As it was a bit far away, decided to try a few other numbers.

Second try... bingo, Jumeirah 3, behind a well known supermarket, with an even better known coffee shop. They also claimed to have 8 Thai ladies available, was told to go to the well known supermarket on the Al Wasl Rd and call them from there. After a bit of phone tag to navigate the back streets, ended up about 20 metres in from the Al Wasl Rd, in a quiet discreet area in a residential villa. Perfect location, went inside, 6 ladies to choose from, picked a cute, shy looking girl who said she was Thai.

Upstairs to a nice clean room, asked for 100dhs for massage. Got my kit off and lay in the accepted face down/arse up (praying for pussy) position. Nice firm massage, not the most technically competent, but 10/10 for effort. After she eventually worked her way down to the old fella, flipped over and went into a decent GFE snog. As she seemed quite clean and edible, a bit of DATY was in order, this was very much appreciated, particularly I was patient enough to let her relax and eventually come.
Reciprocation took the form of a very decent BBBJ, on with the protection, using the tried and tested mouth technique, then into a bit of mish.

She was very tight, I guess the Chinese (more later) are not used to the bigger western tackle, but tight suited me just fine, so was gentle to start, but managed to build up the appropriate head of steam, before the whistle blew.

Nice cuddle at the end, got talking with limited English, tried some of my even more limited Thai, but of course she did not understand it, not that I expected her to. So Chinese it was, but to be honest, it made little difference. Gave her a 200dhs tip, no idea if that was the right amount, but it seemed OK.

All in a good initial Dubai experience. Looks 7/10, GFE 9/10, overall 8/10, suited my needs of discretion and remote location.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Zing Uk
09-25-07, 16:04
Second try... bingo, Jumeirah 3, behind a well known supermarket, with an even better known coffee shop. They also claimed to have 8 Thai ladies available, was told to go to the well known supermarket on the Al Wasl Rd and call them from there. After a bit of phone tag to navigate the back streets, ended up about 20 metres in from the Al Wasl Rd, in a quiet discreet area in a residential villa.I know this AMP well and have had pretty good and consistent service there. The amount you paid is about right, I usually give 200 for the girl but have given 300 for top range services.

However, there is an even better AMP (IMHO) on the opposite side of Al Wasl Road just down from the same supermarket. I've only visited on 3 or 4 occassions but been absolutely blown away each time. My permanent GF moving to DBX next month so I think I'll be a more frequent visitor then. We worth phoning around to find this one, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post the number and probably not wise for the good of the place to do so anyway but it can be found in same ads section.

Yes, I've certainly got to agree with Barry D: here's a guy who does his homework, knows where to stay, where to go, what he can expect to see, and what's a reasonable price. AND, AND, AND... GIVES SOMETHING BACK BY POSTING FR'S', both experiences here and hotel experiences there. In full agreement. I've been doing me research on Pattaya (48 hours and counting) and hope I can posy half as good a report as FullyCovered after the event(s)

09-25-07, 17:48
Given the impetus from Always Covered and Cons68, decided to forgo the dial-a-delivery option. Considered the close 'Snake option, get there early, pull an early ST, couple of hours, get her back in time for the chance of a double header, maybe one of the higher-end models, perhaps a good price on the 1st show option. But decided to head downtown to York. Figured if the traffic got bad, I could always divert to the 'Snake. Not smooth sailing, but only a little choppy, so found myself downtown in a reasonable amount of time. Now the parking problem - OK, I know where to park and HIKE to the York. Going, no problem; coming back... if accompanied... no doubt a SHORT TAXI ride.

York, Monday, 10:00 - 11:00
Into York just before 10, enough to order a drink before happy hour ended. That was about the only good news there was. If your preferences are African, then York seems to be the place. PRC's running 2nd, a few hardbitten CIS around, with one nice looking -stani. Of the PRC's, I saw 4 I would consider a-listers (relative York, Cyclone chorus). One attractive one playing a video game; went over to pay my respects. Seems she knew me from the Cyclone. I was thinking that's got to be a BIG step down, Cyclone to York. On the other hand, at Cyclone, she'd be chorus; York... headliner. Certain she'd have no trouble landing a deal sometime that night.

Number of PRC's stopped by to ascertain the job market; no openings. MOST of the Africans understood the "no thank you" and moved on; 1 pair didn't (yours, Always Covered?) They wanted to hang around and debate my decision to pass... Perhaps they thought they could browbeat me into submission, but EVENTUALLY, 1st one, then the other, moved on. Also might have seen your blonde, if it was the one with short hair... had seen her at Cyclone many times, but didn't know her.

One a-lister looked familiar, but I couldn't place which side of the fence: somebody I knew, or somebody whose radar I didn't show up on. Seemed like the latter for quite some time, until our paths crossed. Got a friendly hi, so asked her name. BIG mistake: I did know her from Cyclone She was the departed Miss F's roommate, who Miss F had given my phone number to Over the past 2 weeks, we'd been exchanging sms's, trying to find a mutually free evening.Felt the fool for not recognizing her, given that her 1st sms had been "Remember me?" and I named her correctly, courtesy of my phone database.

The irony was, she was who I had considered for the dial-a-delivery option at the beginning of the evening. Now... with someone of her looks, I didn't want to rush, the trip to the car would be a hassle, so passed, just mentally increased her priority on the "must call" list. Miss 500/hour nowhere to be seen, so no price check there.

From MY point of view, GRIM, GRIM, GRIM. Decided to cut my losses and hit the 'Snake. Bad thing was, my 'early ST plans' now OBE.

'Snake, Monday, 11:00 - 12:00
These days, can't beat the 'Snake. Close parking, short walk. Inside, made my way to the bar, got a drink - nice when you just nod, and they know what you want. Not the "Cheers" of the Seaview, but still... Turning around, accosted by 2 PRC's, wanting to know why I wasn't talking to my wife. Turned my head the other way... there was Canary. I should be so fortunate. Brief chat with her, but then, given it was prime time, I taxied off to clear her landing gate.

Saw Smoker, one of my targets, but she looked engaged. The other stunner target nowhere to be seen (of course). Maybe for the best as the "return her for the double header" option now gone. Nice mix of PRC's, then Africans, then CIS. A few stunners around, but, except for Canary, my cloak of invisibility working its magic on them. I was just about to give up and head home, when Smoker broke free, came over, and said hi. Seems she'd turned on the marketing again.

She asked if I wanted her, my "as usual, all depends on price" bit over her head. She quoted 700, down from 800... I'd been thinking 500 for a ST (yes, I know, INFLATION), but I knew there'd be no time in the morning for a wakeup. Weighing the situation, figured she'd probably pass on 600, or at least want to stick around for another hour to see what panned out. For 100 at that hour, didn't want to waste time or lose the opportunity with her, so gave her the nod (yea, there goes the prices...)

Her english, while not up to Miss F's standards, still pretty good (relatively speaking), enough to carry on a conversation. 5 years ago, I would have rated the service as great; these days, jaded, good. But good enough to qualify for a 2nd vault.

And, smile on MY face, there was even time for a morning wakeup, although it cost me a 6am alarm.

Arriving back home, Smoker's phone rings. Punter, asking about her availability. However, he did not seem to understand the language:

"I'm with my friend" = it's NOT a gf, bozo. They're businesswomen; if there was a chance for business, she'd be the 1st to let you know.

He seemed a bit amazed that she couldn't remember him, given that it was only 6 months ago that he'd seen her. And how much water under THAT bridge...? The "Center of the Universe" syndrome seems to be spreading...

"I'm busy" = Again, the visa says businesswoman; if there was an opening, she'd say. So, she did.

"Call me tomorrow" SHOULD have terminated the conversation. But no...

Seems there are more pussies in dxb than I thought. Now the whining started... Believe me, she was not impressed, unless your definition of impressed was constantly rolling eyeballs.

Unbelievably, it got WORSE. "Did she have a friend?" (obviously gf). Well of course. Could SHE bring the gf over?. WTF? You think she's on commission from gf placements? She said she's busy; if she doesn't have time for you herself, then she REALLY doesn't have time to deliver a gf to you (no mistake, this was "bring to me").

By now, I wanted to reach through the wires and strangle him - talk about giving punters a bad name, have some balls there, Bucko. If she says she's busy, tell her you'll call tomorrow, and move on.

PLUS, I was NOT the ONLY one in the room skeptical of someone unfamiliar who wanted a home delivery, rather than going out to the bar himself. I mean, what's up with THAT?

The guy lost all credibility with her; she closing with the blowoff "Call me the NEXT time you're in town."

I think she has "adapted" to something more sophisticated than "bend over and brace" but still... amazingly wet.I'm sure NOW, when someone takes the time and understands the MUTUAL benefits of foreplay... But back home? No sex ed in school, and if it was good enough for mom, then... As someone here posted, "just lie there, thinking of China [or wherever]..."

Did not you read the latest news? DXB is the cultural capital of the ME. It is on the papers.Hey, I love the journalism here: the "AJ was convicted of murder by the court"... think the court might know AJ's FULL name? I'd HOPE court records would be public. Or the "a company delivered contaminated water"... OK, WHAT company? Threat of libel CRIMINAL actions are used as a muzzle on the press here. You can always tell the local stories from the newswire ones... Otherwise, it would be: GB called for a continuing presence of a certain country's troops in another country...

Just get the terminolgyy right. Unprofessional, knows how and what to do but does not bother. Amateur, does not know. Great definitions.

Or we could simply tarr and feather the over payers and skip the number crunching.They never bother me. Free market. Had a very interesting discussion with a girl just recently, she explaining how she had set her price (literally) at this amount as that was what it was worth to her. I explained how my ceiling was what it was worth to me. No hostility on either's part; just a difference on the value... But I will say that, after 5 years, my ceiling has moved up from 500 to 700. But I'd also say I'm less inclined to accept just "company" than someone I truly am interested in.

Wicked Roger
09-25-07, 20:53
You need to have a face2face with wicked roger. He has facilitated my best trios ever. I have seen the light. I am a true believer.

PS2 I was not joking about WickedRoger ability to facilitate social activities.

You forget the 4s and the 5s as well :) Remember Alice, Andrea, Jean and us two. Groin Strain would have made it a 6 but the wifey said no :(

And I have a large enough apartment for decent group 'social' activities as MK, Piper and other ISG mongers have found out plus a larger than life black book of willing Filipinas ..its tough in the UAE :)

As you know I am in Manila and about to enjoy another trio......lucky me :D

See you next week

Wicked Roger
09-25-07, 23:47
Cons - I know how happy you are that I am in Manila and you are not so I thought I would write this FR just for you..and Asian Flava (see AD thread), Piper, Groin Strain and a few others. Not as PSE as Miss N or Andrea but a nice way to strat my week here.

Enjoy and try not to be too green :D - only 7 more ladies to meet, maybe I need help? And I have to work as well....tough life here :)



09-26-07, 05:50
However, there is an even better AMP (IMHO) on the opposite side of Al Wasl RoadHmm, any chance of a PM of that telephone number.

09-26-07, 12:33
Reaching DBX at 12:30 in the noon on a sat’ day in November and catching the next flight at 2:30 am next early morning. Will be in Dubai only for 14 hours. I most probably be taking a hotel room. My questions are as follows..

1. It seems like actual action starts around 11 pm in the night and I will be getting ready to catch my flight by then, can you suggest me any bar that has good action in the day-evening time?

2. Where should I look for the hotel to stay?

3. Getting taxi around 12:00 am in the night is easy?

4. If bars don't have action by evening, does DBX offers good escort services ?

5. Any suggetion that fits in my timeline where I can have really good time?


09-26-07, 14:10

You forget the 4s and the 5s as well :) Remember Alice, Andrea, Jean ........Thanks for your help last time, had also the pleasure with Alice and Andrea plus in another session with Alice, Jean and Bashi???. That was fun, Alice is sending SMS every second day, I think they are already tired of Ramadan. You should return soon!

I will be in Dubai again end Oct. and hope to meet you again.

Hunter (Klaus)

Wicked Roger
09-26-07, 19:10
Thanks for your help last time, had also the pleasure with Alice and Andrea plus in another session with Alice, Jean and Bashi???. That was fun, Alice is sending SMS every second day, I think they are already tired of Ramadan. You should return soon!

I will be in Dubai again end Oct. and hope to meet you again.

Hunter (Klaus)
Hi Hunter

Yes Alice is short of the odd customer as her 'boyfriend' and her have fallen out yet again....She had told she had seen you again with her friends, nice to see Jean coming back at times as she is a cutie (isn't she Groin Strain....oh sorry you have not sampled her yet :() and that must mean that her 'boyfriend' is with wifey again. She came along with Alice to watch her and Andrea with COns68 and I but joined in very quickly - she is a horny young lady.

See you at the end of the month.

Happy hunting

09-26-07, 19:19
Left work early with the intention of meeting the girl I missed last time in the Al Wasl road area AMP. Turned up about 1 ish and rang the mobile number I had obtained on the last visit. No answer so tried the bell on the gate. Still no answer. Got back in the car cursing myself for not checking before I had left work. Cursed myself even more when I realised I had not stored the number of the other 2 AMPs in the area that had been PMd to me.

Remembered that I did have the number for the AMP near to SZR Metropolitan Hotel that I had never tried. Only 10 minutes away so gave it a ring and got directions. Easy to find and not too conspicuous. The line up consisted of only 2 girls who were both a bit rough looking and well built for my liking. Opted for the lesser of 2 evils and was escorted outside and back into what must be the maid's quarters. Dh100 money for the house was handed over. Declined the offer of a massage and was asked for 'the gift'. Suspicions rose as normally pay after in these places. Gave her 200 which was accepted without question so probably too much. Less than 50 quid so WTF. She wouldn't kiss which was annoying but everything else was good. She came during DATY and twice during intercourse and seemed to really enjoy herself. I will suggest that next time she pay me as she obviously got more out of the encounter than I did. BBBJ was OK as was cowgirl, doggy miss etc. Massage after was good but no oil as I was on the way home to wifey. Checked phone when I left and message from other AMP saying the guy would call me later. SMSd him back to tell him not to call me I will call him. Hopefully they haven't been busted. Will call tomorrow to find out. I don't think I will return to the Al Quoz AMP. Girl I saw said there was only 3 girls there.

A better time was had last Thursday. Had received my late pass from wifey on the basis of a works leaving party so after a few bevvies in the Madinat snook over to the less salubrious area of town around 10 with a couple of mates. First stop York. For a Thursday it was dead. Maybe 25% of normal capacity. I was looking for a PRC for ST but there was little that took my fancy. Spotted 2 attractive girls 1 being escorted around by the other. Tried to chat to the escortee but she had no English. Hence the interpreter escort. Escortee, who was really cute, only been in Dubai 2 days. Enquired if BBBJ was on menu and as it wasn't decided to move on. Spotted another potential PRC. Her opening bid 500 for ST mine 200. She wouldn't go lower than 300 so decided to watch the cricket instead. India won so we cut our losses and headed to the rattler to see what was ahppening. Walked upto the entrance to see Dandan my previous regular coming out alone. Took her inside and had a few more drinks. Plenty of women inside but nothing special but by this stage also mobbed with guys. Difficult to move. Ended up taking her to my mates villa for some nice shagging and got her to accept CIM for first time. Crawled back to my villa about 4.00am and managed to wake the missus up cooking myself a snack. None the wiser as the smell of booze must have overpowered any lingering smell of Dandan.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Wicked Roger
09-26-07, 19:48
Cons - just so you know I am working bloody hard in Manila.....and thinking of you.....


:) :D

09-26-07, 22:14
Experts - need your help ! 6 posts, all questions. I liked the:
San Jose - 2005 Reports
...Yes, you guessed it right that this is our first trip to CR and we want to make it memorable one. Not just chica fun but also beach, deep water fishing etc.

I will surely post my experience after I come back(mid Dec).

Your FR must have gotten lost in one of the isg server crashes.

4 questions here, over 10 days, of basically the same drift. Granted they are getting more specific, but instead of posting questions, I'd suggest you do some READING (ala Always Covered). Every one of your questions HAVE been answered before, and in those 10 days, I'm sure you could have found some answers.

But it's Ramadan, the time of sharing, so here you go:

1. It seems like actual action starts around 11 pm in the night and I will be getting ready to catch my flight by then, can you suggest me any bar that has good action in the day-evening time?

Yes, I can. So can the ROD thread.

2. Where should I look for the hotel to stay?

Hotel thread. Or the ROD thread.

3. Getting taxi around 12:00 am in the night is easy?

Depends on where you are, and where you want to go. But most likely, yes.

4. If bars don't have action by evening, does DBX offers good escort services ?

Yes, but unlisted.

5. Any suggetion that fits in my timeline where I can have really good time?

This is dxb, always opportunities.

Did I spend more time being sarcastic than I would have spent actually answering: Yes.


Eric T: LOL.

09-27-07, 01:34
6 posts, all questions. I liked the:

San Jose - 2005 Reports
...Yes, you guessed it right that this is our first trip to CR and we want to make it memorable one. Not just chica fun but also beach, deep water fishing etc.

I will surely post my experience after I come back(mid Dec).

Your FR must have gotten lost in one of the isg server crashes.

4 questions here, over 10 days, of basically the same drift. Granted they are getting more specific, but instead of posting questions, I'd suggest you do some READING (ala Always Covered). Every one of your questions HAVE been answered before, and in those 10 days, I'm sure you could have found some answers.

But it's Ramadan, the time of sharing, so here you go:

1. It seems like actual action starts around 11 pm in the night and I will be getting ready to catch my flight by then, can you suggest me any bar that has good action in the day-evening time?

Yes, I can. So can the ROD thread.

2. Where should I look for the hotel to stay?

Hotel thread. Or the ROD thread.

3. Getting taxi around 12:00 am in the night is easy?

Depends on where you are, and where you want to go. But most likely, yes.

4. If bars don't have action by evening, does DBX offers good escort services ?

Yes, but unlisted.

5. Any suggetion that fits in my timeline where I can have really good time?

This is dxb, always opportunities.

Did I spend more time being sarcastic than I would have spent actually answering: Yes.


Eric T: LOL.Thanks for your help Mr. Expert but I couldn't find the information I was looking for in ROD.

For example, can action be fond in evening as oppose to night.

When I asked about where to take hotel, I actually meant with very short duration of my stay, where is the best place where I can take room and not waste time in commuting.

As far as taxi is concerned, I meant actually I didn't want to miss my 2;30 AM flight just because taxi is not available or difficult to get.

FYI - I read through some ROD posts, although they are really informative, they can't fit everybody's situation.

My problem is I can't browse this web site very often for long due to personal reasons.

I guess you should join FBI as you did good investigation trying to find about me and my post but for your information I couldn't post anything after coming back from CR because of a tragedy that happened there (but please don't worry about it, it's my problem).

Just understand that you may be a regular or a local and know every corner of Dubai but I am going there for the first time and don’t want to waste a single minute there for searching places for action.

Finally, I understood that some of the seniors in this forum mostly shows the ROD door to new folks whether or not their situation is different or not.

If you can’t help people, please don’t insult them.

09-27-07, 03:31
6 posts, all questions. I liked the:
[i]San Jose - 2005 Reports

Did I spend more time being sarcastic than I would have spent actually answering: Yes.


Eric T: LOL.To add to my earlier post buddy, don't think that you own this forum and you are Mr. Jackson, I have not asked your help specifically and you have no right to talk to me sarcastically. I understand you have no other work than writing unnecessary lengthy reports (you can convey your point in few sentences too).

Fifty Fifty
09-27-07, 07:36
To add to my earlier post buddy, don't think that you own this forum and you are Mr. Jackson, I have not asked your help specifically and you have no right to talk to me sarcastically. I understand you have no other work than writing unnecessary lengthy reports (you can convey your point in few sentences too).

Agreed, enough said.


09-27-07, 09:30
Hi Hunter

Yes Alice is short of the odd customer as her 'boyfriend' and her have fallen out yet again....She had told she had seen you again with her friends, nice to see Jean coming back at times as she is a cutie (isn't she Groin Strain....oh sorry you have not sampled her yet :() Happy huntingReally Jean is very cute with a very nice rack, excactly the size I like most. Have snagged her when I was together with Alice and Bashii??? her other friend with a bit too much flesh on the bones. Cuddled a lot with Jean, but I am sure it would be much nicer when allone with her. Got her mobile, but it seems that Alice will not allow her to go to see me allone. Will see when in Duabi next time.

Happy mongering,


09-27-07, 13:21
Well, out came the GN classifieds section and the phone. I tried about 80% of the mens fitness numbers, but most of them were located in Bur Dubai, which I was too lazy to drive to. Could not find any other places that were out the Safa or Jumeriah ares. Gave up and visited the one from my first FR.

Greeted at the gate by the Chinese gentleman, who shook my hand this time, must see me as a regular now!

Usual line up, 5 girls this time. Picked a slim little PRC (of course she claimed to be Thai) called Linda (maybe she has seen the movie).

Upstairs, know the routine so handed over the Dhs 100 entry fee. Went into the usual massage routine, after about 15 minutes of this, turned over to negotiate the main event. She asked outright how much tip she was going to get, so I told her 200. She asked for 400, which I said no to as I only had 200. Anyway, the discussion although friendly had a put a bit of a damper on my spring. So after a little resuscitation, into BBBJ which was actually pretty good, then the usual lunchtime snack DATY, nice clean, but a bit over sensitive.

Proceeded on wards into mish, as is the norm she was as tight as very tight thing, so took a while before full stroke was achieved. Once full thrust was applied she proved to be quite keen on taking it to the hilt continuously. Quick change to cowgirl, then a finish in doggie, looking at her tight little butt.

So not as good as my first venture here, but an adequate lunchtime refresher.

Looks 7/10
Body 8/10 ( I like them slim)
BBBJ 8/10
Attitude 5/10

Would still like to find a number for the other ones in the area, if you have one a PM would be appreciated

09-27-07, 13:25
My problem is I can't browse this web site very often for long due to personal reasons.For personal problems, suggest getting a TS card and having it stamped by the Chaplain.

You want a know what a hard life is? Go visit a labor camp while you are here. There's a reason for the AFTERNOON gawkers outside of TGIT.

I understand you have no other work than writing unnecessary lengthy reports (you can convey your point in few sentences too).But I get paid by the word, and I can type fast...

I guess you should join FBINo, govt work doesn't pay enough, though the retirement benefits are quite nice.

I couldn't post anything after coming back from CR because of a tragedy that happened there (but please don't worry about it, it's my problem).I am truthfully sorry to hear that, but again, you are not the only person who has suffered tragedy in this life. Certain friends on this forum fit that category to a T.

Thanks for your help Mr. Expert MY pleasure, but I don't consider myself an expert, just familiar enough with the situation here to meet my needs and goals (modest as they are). You are NOT the 1st person with limited time during off-hours, with limited access to the forum (been there, done that MYSELF). The ROD's specifically DO address off-hours, hotel locations (Spellman, your work NOT in vain), and any number of questions.

But your response has given me the excuse to post some general suggestions (nobody FORCED to follow or even read) where they belong, in the General Info thread, and just give a link here:



But maybe repeating questions does work, so will try myself:

Questions: Anyone been to Imperial during Ramadan? They charging an entrance fee? Anyone inside worth the trip?

Zing reported on York. How about on a weekend? Worth the downtown hassles?

And Seaview? Heard that it was DEAD on a weeknight. How about a weekend?

09-27-07, 13:31
Repeated questions do work, sometimes, especially if you know the questioner :)

Parked on Mankool road, near the Ramada, and set out on the path to knowledge. Given that the summer heat has broken, walked to Seaview. Still a bit warm, so arrived wet, but not drenched. Did note that the valet parking seemed to have been discontinued for Ramadan.

Seaview, Wednesday, 9-10
Certainly early, but I was hungry. Did not bother to check the free(?) buffet, ordering from the menu instead. Entering, there were 7 customers, though only 3 looked like potential clients for the 6 PRC's. As to the selection, reminded me of a Soi 7a bar during the afternoon: no stunners, but certainly some very passable ladies there if you were looking for company. I could have taken any of 4 of the 6 with no trouble. In fact, if I did not already have a weekend planned, 2 there are on the to-call list, one known, the other to try.

Very quiet; about 10, the music was turned up a bit. But certainly NOT the mass to engender a 'fun night out' atmosphere. Later, maybe... but doubtful.

Unfortunately, one of the punters was Mr. Premature Lyrics, but, with no band, he was mute. Does he ever go home? I might not have much of a life here, but I can say it does extend to more than just the Seaview. Sad, really.

Imperial Suites, Wednesday, 10-11
Walked back, and, as intended, hit Imperial. Nice to report that a)no entrance fee applied (though might for some), and b)the open palms of the security staff were closed. Thus, entered the inner sanctum rather than reversing direction. Soft drinks still 25 dhs.

Usual for the Imperial: quantity without quality. The main bar, being smaller than the York's, seemed reasonably crowded. Certainly gave a 'fun' atmosphere, unlike the Seaview. Main contingent PRC's, Africans 2nd, with some hard-bitten CIS a distant 3rd. If I pulled one of the CIS, certainly would sleep with one eye open. Did see about the ugliest wg/madam? I've ever seen here; call her KSA (as in next to KSA, ANYPLACE looks good).

Happy to report that almost all cultures honored my "no thank you's". Most were cookie-cutters, nothing really distinguishing from one to the other, but, as usual for the Imperial, there was the gem or two. Unfortunately, I only spotted the best looking one (crowd a bit dense) when she was called over by her gf for a potential 3-some. Negotiations were successful, so the opportunity to collect THAT phone number was missed (but worth a trip back). Did get one relief pitcher's number for potential future use, good for an inning or two. The usual handful of PRC "very-attractives" was missing.

Was starting to get a headache from having to listen to some customer whinge on to management about some PERCEIVED slight from a waitress. Her apology was deemed insufficient, so he was taking his business elsewhere. I doubt the Imperial will miss him.

Did not check the attached bar across the hall (past Ramadans, they too offer a free buffet, but HERE, it disappears FAST). All in all, a good atmosphere in the main bar; just too bad the QUALITY missing.

Jockeys, Wednesday, 11-11:30
As I was passing... stuck my head in, 32 dhs for a coke and an orange juice (for a friend) . Bit crowded, but the bar is SMALL. Usual mix of PRC, african, some CIS. Did not see any Kirgie stunners, but then, they do hide in the corners (or move on to greener pastures). Unlike Seaview, enough of a humanity mass (small bar) that it did provide a good atmosphere. Like Seaview, no real stunners, but certainly several I would have no problems walking out the door with.

Rattlesnake, Wednesday, 11:45-12:30
Driving home ... why not, complete the compare and contrast. Unlike the other bars (and no doubt affected by the hour), a stream of couples walking across the patio, heading for the taxi rank. Some wise choices amongst them, for sure (with my failing eyesight - age, not drink - thought Smoker might have been one of them).

Inside, jammed (as usual). Usual ranks of PRC, african, some CIS mixed in, including 1 cute CIS blonde who, for some reason, got carded INSIDE by security (what THAT was about, no idea).

The usual PRC stunner lineup, including Canary, who toyed with my heartstrings with "the thrill of victory": she'd give me a call when business was bad (complement from MY point of view :) ), then "the agony of defeat": saying "not tonight" as she'd just received a business summons (will make sense to Americans of a certain age). Once again, Miss 600ST MIA, though enough of a punter mass, doubt any discounts forthcoming.

Decided to head home, anticipating the weekend.

All in all, MY impressions:
Seaview: not the place to linger (depressing, though perhaps if asked nicely, Mr. Lyrics would give an a capella rendition of "American Pie"), and the complete opposite of when the band is in session. Given the drought, would think that some discounts would be available; certainly no incentive for her to rush back to the bar.

Imperial & Jockeys: both with enough mass that it seems "normal". More choice in Imperial, and if price is a major criteria, then a place to check, though exactly what you are getting debatable.

York (from earlier in the week): a couple of stunners, PRC anyway. Africans abundant. But given the sizes: bar larger, crowd smaller, not really a 'fun' atmosphere (though certainly ABOVE the Seaview; below the Imperial).

Weather nice enough, and with the lack of entrance fees (at least for some), easy to walk around the "golden triangle", bar shopping. Quality to York, quantity to Imperial (africans and PRC's anyway).

'Snake: NOT the new Cyclone, NOT with THAT floor plan. (They should close during Ramadan and do a bit of interior remodeling to use the space more wisely - they'd certainly sell a lot more drinks at least).

Still, if you're looking for the better looking wg's (non-CIS, anyway; did not check out Regal - not my ethnology of choice), I'd say the extra distance to the Metropolitan worth it. Besides the increased taxi fare, enough of a punter base that it'll be "dxb discounts" (Yes, marked down from MSRP, but not REALLY the sale prices of elsewhere).

As usual, YMMV.

09-27-07, 17:51
Number of members think highly of the Broadway hotel. Diera side, so closer to the airport. Reports say they rent rooms for short durations, so it would seem 1/2 day possible. Some rave about the coffee shop wares; others find nothing to sate their hunger. From reports, seems CIS heavy, open from morning to late night.

Broadway shouldn't lead to too many false positives on a search, both here and the hotel thread.

To quote Trink, 'nuff said.

Sir Poonabit
09-28-07, 06:38
Reports say they rent rooms for short durations, so it would seem 1/2 day possible. From about a year ago you could rent rooms for 3 hours at 300dhs. There were quite a few CIS girls there, but also quite a few women from the middle east in traditional garb.

09-28-07, 15:55
Anybody knows Coco, seems to be a regular PRC in Seaview.

Got her phone number and want to see her next time.

Any info on her?



09-28-07, 19:23
Had a stop over in Dubai for the first time afew weeks ago, so thought I would check out the action. Unfortunally i forgot to print out the hotel list before leaving so ended up staying somewhere that was not GF...

Anyway Imperial was not far away and I remembered seeing the name in the forums so ventured in for a look the first nite. Unfortunally i made the mistake of going in there completely sober at about midnight. Not a good idea for the first time! Tryed to pick a corner where I could sit quietly and get a feel for the place, but just couldn't get rid of those africans! I also seemed to be one of few europeans and probably the only one in his 20's. Got the hang of it after awhile and acouple of drinks. One whasted alot of time with me, she was from Ghana and spoke perfect english probably a 8/10 gave her my number. Told another one to go away before realising she was bit of a stunner. Acouple of chinese offered a threesome but they where average at best. Anyway decided to bail after about 2 hours, couldn't really see much and decided to come back the next night more prepared.

Night 2. Had acouple of drinks at the Hotel bar and went back to Imperial at about 10. Picked a Corner at the back and had a good view of what was going on. After acouple more drinks things where looking pretty average, every girl was 5 apart from one african who was 9ish. Anyway the 8 from the night before spots me and comes over to ask why havn't I replyed to her txt? She wasn't looking bad. Decided to have acouple more drinks and see if the situation improved. The place filled up, another stunner came in with her friends, smiled at her but she didn't seem interested.. Another couple of drinks, I was getting abit pissed by this stage. So there where Africans (acouple of stunners) Asians - all average and 3 or 4 CIS who where also average(my plan had orginally been a CIS). Anyway 8 from the night before comes back over again for a chat, she asks where I'm staying, I say I can't take girls back. She says we can stay at her place its nice, I'm skeptical but it solves that problem so I decide what the hell so spend abit more time chatting and take off. Ironcially my last trip to the bathroom the stunner I had smiled at eariler grabs my hand (along with every other girl I walk past).

Her place was alittle less than desireable, she wasn't bad. Keen and enjoying it which makes all the difference sometimes. I had planned to stay the night but decided to bail at 5 to my hotel to get some sleep.

So it wasn't bad, I like the pickup bar style and there seemed to be plenty of girls and options. Simlar to Singapore but maybe alittle more expensive. Had a really good experience in Singapore so alittle biased. Reget not checking out some other places and finding the nice CIS.

Had 2 nights in Bangkok on the way home, checked out Nana Plaza. But the ratios wern't good, the girls don't put in any effort and they seemed really picky which I thought was stupid. there where tons of other guys, some guys who would have no problems at all getting girls at home. Even the pickup nightclub in the hotel across the road was a whaste of time. To many other guys I think. Ended up taking a girl out of the carpark who looked ok but ended up being average but it only cost 170AED Anyway went to a place my friend recommended the next day, 2 Girls you get to choose for 90 minutes, they do everything, room and everything included 400 AED can't go wrong with the prices.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Killa P
09-28-07, 21:28
Anybody knows Coco, seems to be a regular PRC in Seaview.

Got her phone number and want to see her next time.

Any info on her?


HunterIf Coco is a good looking older petite slim PRC who knows how to dress well and speaks good english I know who you are talking about. Looks an 8/10 in my book but she is too business minded. After it was all over I felt I should have just beat off because it was sooo clinical. If you can relate P4P to a chemistry exam that was it. Her true value is a as a Mamasan. She can get some pussy to your door within an hour 24/7 I can vouch for that. I found two of the girls she manages to be absolute freaks and down for anything if you make them feel comfortable. No such luck with Coco strictly business. Hope this helped. If you want a passionate freaky experience pass on Coco but holler at her team.

09-29-07, 02:01
I had a great session with a stunning Indianesque Bollywood girl from Belarus tonight (work it out). Damn she's gorgeous. She was a bit shy at first, but she warmed up after a while in the hotel room at Metropolitan. Sex was good, especially when we fell off the bed laughing and I continued to fuck her on the floor. It was a long and crazy night. I'll post a report when I get time, and hopefully a few pics next time I meet her in a week or so.


Bravo - try to be a bit more welcoming to the new posters please, rather than discourage them. Many members like to read their posts. We senior members get a bit stale sometimes.

Zing Uk
09-29-07, 10:20
GF is arriving in DBX within a month so deciding to have a last blast of fun before she arrives I’ve booked myself 9 days in Pattay. I was here once before in 1996 but as a backpacker but am now here s a fully fledged sex tourist with cash to burn. I’ve set myself a budget of 5000bhat per day, (that’s about 550AED so Dubai folks can compare).

Before coming I’ve done my research in here and couple of other excellent websites, I can’t remember them as they are on my laptop at home but just do a Google search on Pattaya they come 2nd or 3rd on the list. Anyway, the research has paid off well so got off to a flaying start, been here less than 48 hours and sampled 6 friends so far. I’m staying in hotel Sawadee Seaview (Soi 10), $78 for 4 nights. It’s a good location, 10 minutes walk from Walking St and 5 minutes from Soi 8 and 13. I only booked 4 as I thought I may move on later to somewhere else. I’ll try to keep a diary during the holiday that will hopefully be helpful to anyone planning a visit here.

28th Oct - Arrived 9.30pm on Thurs 28th, taxi from airport to hotel 1200 Bhat al inclusive. From there straight out to BJ bars in Soi 13/2 Pumping Station and Spiceys. Both a good bet for a great bbbj with CIM no problem. In Pumping Station met a very friendly and surprisingly cute girl. Spent some time with her giving nice warm reception to Pattaya. Later on explored Walking St and some of the Go Go bars there. I’d read the Angel Witch was very good so found it up a side street. It was obviously a very high quality place but not 100% my cup of tea. I suspect that American and Japanese would prefer this place more than Europeans, its expensive, very well produced stage show, beautiful girls, all A-listers (IMHO) but a bit too glitzy for me. I suspect that Europeans maybe like a bit more down to earth witnessed by beer bars being full of them. Later on took a bar girl home for over night but short time suited me so paid her 500 bhat, she did give a great GFE though so think there may be an overnight revisit. She did everything including greek and CIM

29th Oct – I’d read the Sabeiland Body Massage is a must so headed over mid afternoon after waking up. Lots of beautiful girls and you do get a very special time with massage, soap bath on lilo with good suck (no bbbj though, only covered) and fuck. I do recommend that everyone should at least visit but having said that I found it a bit mechanical and expensive. I think its maybe a once a week treat at best, as I said I prefer down to earth.

Anyway, after Sabailand workout my JT is feeling a bit sensitive so decide to rest him tonight so spent the whole evening getting pissed playing pool with a couple of bar girls, one v cute I’ve promised myself tomorrow. My apologies to the locals I was one of those stupid tourist throwing cash around but what the fuck, I’m gonna have fun. Staggered back to bed around 10pm and crashed until 4am. When I woke up I decided to check the beach girls. Some fun to be had and the odd cracker but you need to chose with care. I took a short time girl for 500bhat. It was ok but nothing more and she was keen to leave after the act. Fine by me

30th Oct – Good start so far, morning fuck in Soi 6 gets things going well. I have some big plans for tonight now that I have scoped the place out. Watch out for next report.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

09-29-07, 11:20
Bravo - try to be a bit more welcoming to the new posters please, rather than discourage them. Many members like to read their posts. We senior members get a bit stale sometimes.I agree wholeheartedly, as I stated in the general info thread:

4. Build up some isg "credits" by giving something back. If you were unsuccessful... those are some of the most fun posts, the lessons learned, mistakes made. Even if you didn't PULL, you could still write a hotel report (did it SEEM gf?).

and MANY other times, in comments on such FR's (what, I comment on others' FR's, hard to believe :)). Always Covered the most recent example that comes to mind, but many others.

But questions that have been asked AND answered again (and again...)... Those get pretty stale themselves. Daytime action not exactly an unheard of topic, now is it?

For someone coming here the 1st time, or after a long absence, no reason for them to have kept up on the threads (I know I wouldn't). But a bit of prior reading, PLEASE. Like a student walking into class and asking a question that was answered on page 1 of the textbook... the class can get annoyed.

It's no secret I am a big fan of the tools that Jackson provides, the search engine able to perform wonders (daytime - 65 hits, afternoon - 100 hits), along with the ability to download masses of pages at once for offline searching/perusing.

I do try and answer, first time anyway:

After that... It being a free forum, you take your chances...

Tin Tin
09-29-07, 11:49
Bad Batting Day for me.

Ratsky on Thursday 20th was a favouable batting picth, the usual no of girls and less players, pulled a fairly new filipina, long, has nice full lips (hmmm, a nice BJ on the offering) and it was, 300 AED 1am to 7am, 3 shots in all. Nothnig to boast about but a fairly good game. Did not take the number for reference as was not intrested in taking her again.

27th the worst Thursday in my life. Hoping for a repeat preformance at the venue, ventured in by 10:00, small crowd, decent number of girls, ok. Time to have little drinks before the fun starts. Noted a MILF, waited for a liitle and when approched she was already booked. 1 down. By 11:30 the crowd has grown and the sitting capacity is full. Noticed another one, nice rack, decently dressed. By the time message was sent through she was also facilitated by 1 of the bar staff so another punter. 2 down. Ok, time to take a break. Shooters, Budwiser, sausage and salad (Courtesy. Ratsky. Ramadan special) kept flowing and the beer googles came into effect.

The radar caught an intresting figure and was promptly approched. But she was a newbie and was with a friend. Did not want to go alone and wanted 800 for both. Now being month end and since privste sector is not paid on 25th, had not that much to spare since I have to pay for a hotel room also, offered upto 600/- but would not come down from 800.

So 3 wickets down and still nursing a budwiser, it was decided to call a night. Back to jebal ali and alone in the bed.

Should go back on a week day to hook up with the MILF I saw there. She has started to disturb me in the sleep. Does not mind taking a day off if every thing goes well.

Overall for filipina lovers, this is the season to be here. Rates are definitly down and if you have the right attitude and a charm, you can get the better deals.

Cheers, Tin Tin.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

09-29-07, 14:00
Got a reliable intel report on Feroza.

She was in jail for three-four months, and managed to "backhand" her way out of the more serious charges, and was only slapped with a one year ban (to expire reasonably soon I understand.) She is presently taking a sabbatical in Syria.

Same source reports her plans include a triumphant return to DXB when the time is right, so those of you who were in her phonebook may be getting a call sometime in the future.

Stay tuned to MNN (Monger News Network) for the latest updates on this breaking story. ;)

Ps. Bonus points for anyone guessing her correct age! I know, but will never tell!

09-29-07, 15:00
A pal and I dropped into ol' faithful Rattlesnake around midnight last night. It was packed full, mainly girls - about half African and half Chinese. I had no intention of picking up a girl as it was a only a quick drop-in on the way home, and I wasn't particularly horny due to domestic bliss. Closing time was 1:00am, and when the lights came on, we spotted three delicious CIS girls standing together, all early-20s. After chatting a while, they offered all three for 2400, but I politely refused.

My pal had his eye on one of the two young blondes, and I was considering the tall caramel-skinned beautiful Bollywood look-alike. She passed the 'hard-on' test with flying colors. Cut a long story short, we agreed to 600 each for ST and shared a room at Metropolitan for 600DH. (Two single beds - which is why Miss Bollywood and I fell off the bed half-way through some heavy shagging - we just laughed and continued shagging on the carpet for a while).

When we got to the room, we ordered a bottle of white wine for the girls, and pal and I raided the bar-fridge. (It was going to be an expensive ST session). Add to this that my girl had only one condom, and blondie didn't have any - WTF! I usually carry plenty of rubbers when I'm out mongering, but this was an unexpected mongering opportunity to good to miss with a gorgeous girl and fun attitude. I soon fixed the problem, by calling the concierge, who said he would have to call a taxi to buy condoms, and we would have to pay the taxi fare. Ok, Yella! (Hurry!) I said, and 20 minutes later it was time for action.

My pal and his sweet little blonde went to the bathroom for ages while Bolly and I banged boisterously in the bedroom. Daty was very nice, as she had a very responsive clit. No kids, so the sex was nice and tight, and she was very passionate in all positions. Geat DFK, but that gold stud under her lower lip got in the way occasionally (and it tickled during BBBJ. ;))

After we were done, I took her number and went home around 4:30am, leaving my pal and his girl in privacy. Will call Miss Bollywood for a repeat performance as soon as I get the chance.

09-29-07, 15:49
If Coco is a good looking older petite slim PRC who knows how to dress well and speaks good english I know who you are talking about. Looks an 8/10 in my book but she is too business minded. After it was all over I felt I should have just beat off because it was sooo clinical. If you can relate P4P to a chemistry exam that was it. Her true value is a as a Mamasan. She can get some pussy to your door within an hour 24/7 I can vouch for that. I found two of the girls she manages to be absolute freaks and down for anything if you make them feel comfortable. No such luck with Coco strictly business. Hope this helped. If you want a passionate freaky experience pass on Coco but holler at her team.She is in Dubai not for such a long time, english not so good, and according to my sources not the kind of a person that can be a mamasan, more a quite person with not too many friends. Yes she knows how to dress, and her age should be just above 30. But anyhow thanks for your feedback.


09-29-07, 17:36
Ps. Bonus points for anyone guessing her correct age! I know, but will never tell!36

09-29-07, 20:16
bad batting day for me.you think you had a bad thursday? nothing like bringing it on yourself:

had pulled smoker on monday; good enough for a repeat booking on thursday, though i wasn't thrilled about the salary requirements. was fine on the monday, as, like i always say, i wanted her experience that night, and it wasn't worth it to me to waste any more time in bargaining. but thursday...

confirmed, but it would not be "dinner and dancing", just dancing. ok... the plus side, while i was willing to pick her up at her place, she said we'd meet at the 'snake, as it was closer to me. the downside, 9:30. not exactly late, but... i told her i hoped i would not fall asleep on the couch. no problem, she'd give me a call.

phone did ring at 9:30, asking where i was, what i was doing. "home, putting on my shoes..." well, truth be told, i had been thinking of putting them on (sandals so much easier). change in plan; she wanted me to pick her up at her place. fine an hour ago. but now... instead of a 5 minute trip, 30 minutes. plus 30 back. i hemmed and hawed, she using her astute wg sense, "if you don't have time tonight...". truthfully i said i needed to get something to eat. "ok, fine, goodbye." well, salary problem solved.

15 minutes later, phone rings. not smoker seeing if i'd eaten, but the imperial girl from wed night. left it as a missed call, but certainly everyone had various possibilities for the evening.

decided to head to imperial, but, last minute, did the dxb 'cross 2 lanes, quick right turn' - direction 'snake. close, parking, and "let's play the final hand" trumping the imperial; after all, i can always head there.

rattlesnake, thursday, 10:45 - 11:30
heavily prc, next africans, some cis here and there. crowded enough in the scrum area, the dance floor offering some relief. number of the usual, class faces around.

inside, canary asks if i pulled a girl wed night. tell her, no, only recon. but tonight... "ok, you take me tonight". interesting propostion, and i am considering, but once again, "the agony of defeat": "i have appointment later, 2 hours free now, want to make some money now, if you want." i pass, but only because it's a weekend; i salute her directness.

see a miss t from last year, really special girl. have a nice chat, she having a run of bad luck lately. fairly easy to see behind the sunny facade. wish her well, and resolve to catch a mid-week pull.

smoker comes over, saying she didn't think i'd be out, not having any time. certainly a misunderstanding there. this is the weekend. she now informs me that she doesn't want to leave until her sister has a date... i respect her loyalty, but i also speak wg: "stick around, safety net, i might need you."

i head to imperial.

imperial, thursday, 11:30 - 12:30
no entrance fee. inside, crowded. as reported earlier, quantity, not quality. wed's gem well ensconced with a group of punters - no chance for that tonight. look around, no miss imperial either. and nothing else of interest. heavy population of cookie-cutter prc's, then africans, some of the hard bitten cis.

do see one ugly incident. 2 prc's, obviously not interested, so ignoring a punter who wants to chat/make a deal. he goes ballistic, cussing them out, making hand signs that i can't interpret but obviously similiar to 'finger'. what's up with that, free will/free market and all. he storms off, as now he's blown it with any wg. some people's sense of being owed just amazes me... the girls of imperial deserve combat pay.

give miss imperial a call. she's home, but... gets there in 5 minutes, reminding me of "cartoon quick" - seems like i'd just hung up. we then do the 'how much you want/how much you pay' dance, she eventually quoting 900. yea, sure, rupees... finally, a quote of 500, which is fine by me. it's late enough, i've had enough of the imperial's atmosphere (oxygen level debatable), and am eager to be out the door.

off we go. some nice dfk, looks promising. 1 round oral. then she offers massage... 10 minutes later, "ok, finished." "yea..." "oh, you want long massage..." 20 minutes on, "ok, 30 minutes, finished; tired, now sleep." it wasn't even worth the time to send her home, this is not working out, i just crash, by now, almost 3.

good news is, she understands morning wakeup. bad news, it's 7:30 friday morning, it's obvious she's wide awake, wants to complete the job and go home. fine. i know it's a lost cause, but i reach down to try and generate some natural lube. she grabs my hand. "sorry, i started my period." i think, "that's original; sure you have...". another round of oral. i hit the shower, come out, she's made the bed, ready to go, out the door just after 8. given that there's no traffic, and i did agree to drive her home... it's 11b, chinese taxi.

certainly not the evening i'd planned. smoker looking mighty good in hindsight.

but, once again, i'm comforted by my ace in the hole, miss hssh arriving early friday for some 'dinner and dancing, and she can dance (can also cook). given the 4 hours sleep, i lose friday to lethargy.

i actually consider not changing the sheets - they were fresh on thursday, and it was only 4 hours, minimal sweat. but why should i shortchange her, so while she's cooking dinner, i go to change the sheets.

i start to strip the bed. thank you soooo much... seems miss imperial has left me proof that she wasn't lying... my "irkedness" offset by relief that i have time to recover. luckily, the mattress pad did it's job; the mattress is unmarked. but the pad goes directly into the washer, bleach, shout, direct application of washing powder... comes out clean, and miss hssh complements me on how fresh everything smells.

looking back, home alone would have sounded not bad at all.

summary: 'snake worth a trip. imperial? even during ramadan, worth a miss on a thursday.

09-29-07, 20:36
Once again, batter up, first swing a hit. Nice FR; ALWAYS a pleasure to see things via fresh eyes.
Unfortunally i forgot to print out the hotel list before leaving so ended up staying somewhere that was not GF... But you solved the problem, so no problem.

Unfortunally i made the mistake of going in there completely sober at about midnight. Not a good idea for the first time!LOL. Know exactly what you mean.

Tryed to pick a corner where I could sit quietly and get a feel for the place but just couldn't get rid of those africans!LOL AGAIN. Anyone who's been to the Imperial will understand.

I also seemed to be one of few europeans and probably the only one in his 20's.I feel THAT sting :)

Anyway decided to bail after about 2 hours, couldn't really see much and decided to come back the next night more prepared.Like I posted, even the 'misses' make fun reading.

Keen and enjoying it which makes all the difference sometimes. I had planned to stay the night but decided to bail at 5 to my hotel to get some sleep. IMHO, all the time. AFTER, comfort does have a tendency to creep to the fore...

So it wasn't bad, I like the pickup bar style and there seemed to be plenty of girls and options.Nothing like venturing out and hunting yourself. It is so easy here.

Anyway went to a place my friend recommended the next day, 2 Girls you get to choose for 90 minutes, they do everything, room and everything included 400 AED can't go wrong with the prices.Ah, the Eden club...

Nice FR. If you could remember the hotel's name, it would be of help to others (if not already mentioned). Glad you had fun, were successful, and hopefully next trip, more opportunities/adventures.

09-29-07, 20:56
I was in Dubai last week for a short visit, mainly to hook up with a Filipina that I've been working on for a lot of the years that I was living in the UAE.

This girl was the type that was "saving herself," as it were. Every now and then I would go out with this petite lovely and see if she was still of the same mind. She would still say that she was waiting for her wedding night, bla bla bla. So I would say "OK, good luck with that." and move on.

In the few months things started to change in our chats. She lost the good girl act and started making certain innuendos ("I'll take GOOD care of you...."). It turns out she'd been with a guy that seduced her and then dumped her. Thinking to herself "Gee, I could have had that with naughty old Mahku," she got fed up with being proper. She made it clear that she was ready for some fun. So once I got moved back to the Middle East (Doha) and got settled there it was high time for a weekend Dubai break

There aren't a lot of places to go in the daytime during Ramadan. So we just stayed in the room, making up for lost time and helping her work off years of excess horniness. It's amazing how the nice girl Filipinas throw themselves into the deed with gusto once they lose the veneer of morality.

We eventually did emerge at night. The Mall of the Emirates is a pretty good place for a date. You can watch the skiers and the game center area has some pretty entertaining stuff.

Besides being with the Filipina I had one night (a Thursday night) on my own at Rattlesnake. The name is appropriate giving all the writhing and wriggling you have to do to get around when it's crowded. I would have preferred to get there earlier but the later arrival of my flight had me there just before midnight. The ration was about 50-50 and there was quality to be found if one made the effort at parting the crowd and looking around the place.

I was tempted by some CIS and Chinese types but I was in an African mood this night. I eventually settled on Stella, a Rwandan. For some reason she didn't want to tell me if she was Hutu or Tutsi. We did settle on 600 for all night and left at closing time (1 am I think)

Back in the room she wasn't nearly as engaging as she had been in the bar. So I was getting that sinking feeling (figuratively). It turned out that she had worked in a condom factory back home. She was launching into a long lecture about all things condoms, but I made it clear that I was more interested in more "hands on" stuff. What followed was satisfactory but nothing to write home about. A pretty good blow job and just alright straight sex in all different positions. Although she agreed on all night I let her go early.

The next night the Filipina girl had to sleep early for work the next day. I was pretty worked over from all day with her and the late night with the African girl. So even though I decided to go out again I was pretty sure that I would be just looking.

First I went to Regal. The lack of music means there are more tables where the band and dance floor would be, so there is a bit less milling around. The upstairs lounge was closed but they were allowing sheesha in the main area. I saw some halfway decent CIS types, but with their usual attitude and my depleted state I decided to check out York.

I saw lots of tempting things at York (esp. Chinese and Africans) and there was the usual hard sell. But all I could do was apologize for having too much sex and not leaving enough of myself for them. They were surprisingly understanding.

I would like to have gone to Seaview but without any music I wasn't sure if there was any point.

09-29-07, 21:37
I would like to have gone to Seaview but without any music I wasn't sure if there was any point.There wasn't.

Member #1071
09-30-07, 08:02
Got a reliable intel report on Feroza.

She was in jail for three-four months, and managed to "backhand" her way out of the more serious charges, and was only slapped with a one year ban (to expire reasonably soon I understand.) She is presently taking a sabbatical in Syria.

Same source reports her plans include a triumphant return to DXB when the time is right, so those of you who were in her phonebook may be getting a call sometime in the future.

Stay tuned to MNN (Monger News Network) for the latest updates on this breaking story. ;)

Ps. Bonus points for anyone guessing her correct age! I know, but will never tell!

I believe it is about time you start MBI business (mongering bureau of investigation) .
Feroza, being definetly a "landmark" in the mongering scene here.
Being in syria means she is with her Boyfriend, whom she has been dating (on and off) for the past 3-4 years I have known her.
I never asked her about her age though....

09-30-07, 08:23
.Not even close. Sorry!

09-30-07, 08:25
I never asked her about her age though....
As for the boyfriend, any port in a storm. As to age, I never asked either, the number just dropped from the sky... ;)

Tercar 66
09-30-07, 09:51
Guys, I will be going to Brazil for week on a mongering trip in mid October. I have never tried any enhancer medications before. I believe there is Viagra and Cialis openly available, but thru the posts I feel that is a hard core medication. Since I want to pick up these stuff from Dubai and take to Rio, Has some one tried and test some good medications in UAE other than Viagra and Cialis. I was told that Viagrx was good and had no side effects.

09-30-07, 11:26

Thats the best news I have heard for a long time.


Got a reliable intel report on Feroza.

She was in jail for three-four months, and managed to "backhand" her way out of the more serious charges, and was only slapped with a one year ban (to expire reasonably soon I understand.) She is presently taking a sabbatical in Syria.

Same source reports her plans include a triumphant return to DXB when the time is right, so those of you who were in her phonebook may be getting a call sometime in the future.

Stay tuned to MNN (Monger News Network) for the latest updates on this breaking story. ;)

Ps. Bonus points for anyone guessing her correct age! I know, but will never tell!

09-30-07, 13:21
I have been engaged in "regular" social life during last week therefore I can only report updates on 3 girls I met before.
First, Mimi a Nigerian I met at Seaview but who moved recently to Ratlle is going back home. This is one of my very few African experiences and I actually did not like her. She even offered me her younger sister for marriage (a virgin according to her). She will not be missed as she was too much of a pain blocking my landing slot.
My thai masseusse (also called Mimi) informed me that she may go back home forever due to family reasons (her mother getting some surgery). This one will be a real loss. Very sweet girl, always willing to please. Hopefully her mother's health will improve. BTW she has always complained about very little business here.
Finally, a girl I met long time ago at Regal, Ioanna, came back after eight weeks home and she wanted to spend her first night with me. She is a petite with very nice rack, face not so good. She informed me that she had already bought a flat home (her main reason for coming to Dubai) and then smiled, looked at me and said "I just need a baby now". Gulps.
Sex was surprisingly good. She went literally crazy with the dildo. And morning action was great too. But... she refused any oral action. Very bad, given that she had so much fun and I did not even finish I am starting to consider that money should be flowing on the opposite direction.

So one gone, another potentially going and the other better not to call again. Of course there is a positive aspect to all this: less choices -> simpler life.

09-30-07, 14:26

And the value of your report is what exactly?

09-30-07, 16:15
Received a missed call on the monger-phone today from Ethiopia. I wonder who it could be? Could be Trouble. ;) Didn't call back - she has severe competition from the newly discovered Miss Bollywood. Only problem with Bolly is she lives in Sharjah - too far to go for sessions at her place.

09-30-07, 21:11

And the value of your report is what exactly?
It is certainly at least greater than what you paid for it.
If you have any other issue you can PM me and I will be glad to ignore you.
Take care

Cool Nomad
09-30-07, 21:58
Got a reliable intel report on Feroza.

Same source reports her plans include a triumphant return to DXB when the time is right, so those of you who were in her phonebook may be getting a call sometime in the future.

Stay tuned to MNN (Monger News Network) for the latest updates on this breaking story. ;)

Ps. Bonus points for anyone guessing her correct age! I know, but will never tell!Good news indeed!

Discounting her botched up breast job (poor girl), crediting for her extra-ordinary BBJ skills and based on P1's response I would place it at 42. Last time I saw her (around July 2006) she was apologetic about her OTR (on the rag) situation but compensated with one my best BBJTCIM experiences. Don't tell me she was faking (about OTR) and is over the Menopause line.

Regardless, she had a nice crew (and screws) and will be most welcome to the DXB scene!


Cool Nomad

10-01-07, 09:03
Nice FR. If you could remember the hotel's name, it would be of help to others (if not already mentioned). Glad you had fun, were successful, and hopefully next trip, more opportunities/adventures.Cheers Bravo, your right it was Eden! If there is a next time will have to go in search of the nice CIS

Bl Joy
10-01-07, 16:16

Nice to know F will be back. Thanks sporadic for sharing the news. I guess her age is around 34.



10-02-07, 05:55
I guess her age is around 34.
Many people guess around 27. They are very wrong. 34? only wrong!

Yep, Feroza could serve up quite the PSE, a bit of a shark though, would never really qualify as a GFE.

Intel source also reports she will be working for a long time, has plans for the facelift and nip & tuck when required. Anyone else notice the resemblance with the lead singer of the pussycat dolls? ;)

10-02-07, 10:09
I was tempted by some CIS and Chinese types but I was in an African mood this night. I eventually settled on Stella, a Rwandan. For some reason she didn't want to tell me if she was Hutu or Tutsi. We did settle on 600 for all night and left at closing time (1 am I think)

Back in the room she wasn't nearly as engaging as she had been in the bar. So I was getting that sinking feeling (figuratively). It turned out that she had worked in a condom factory back home. She was launching into a long lecture about all things condoms, but I made it clear that I was more interested in more "hands on" stuff. What followed was satisfactory but nothing to write home about. A pretty good blow job and just alright straight sex in all different positions. Although she agreed on all night I let her go early.Yes, I've met Stella at Rattler - she's a smooth talker. Thanks for the post - I'll avoid her in future.

I was at Rattler with a few work-friends Monday night from about 11pm to 1am, just for a few drinks and to soak up the pheremones.

Not too crowded - 99% Chinese and African. The girls were very grabby - business is bad. Quality seemed a bit lower than usual, but there wiere still a few gems. Three stunning CIS arrived after midnight, but they had a bad-bad attitood. One of them was shouting at a guy who approached her, telling him to go away. Excellent marketing. ;)

10-02-07, 11:16
I asked Diana (see previous report) about coming home tonight. Her answer was, no because she needs to renew her visa tomorrow. Best part is "But I need money my birthday soon.(sic)"

And then my regular Miss Y after couple of weeks calls with no news and no answering calls called me yesterday to say that she could either see me after 2AM or in the afternoon as she was very busy between 10PM and 2AM
Oh well, my life keeps getting simpler and simpler...

I think I will follow WR track and stick to PI girls for the time being...

Three stunning CIS arrived after midnight, but they had a bad-bad attitood. One of them was shouting at a guy who approached her, telling him to go away. Excellent marketing. ;)

Fifty Fifty
10-02-07, 14:32

And the value of your report is what exactly?

The value is that it is a report. The forum is here for us all to use after all.

I am actually wondering if there is any value in writing this???


10-02-07, 15:34
A tale of two Mimis and one Ioanna.Specifically: if you knew either of the MiMi's, don't bother looking for them.

Of course there is a positive aspect to all this: less choices -> simpler life.Generally: A true statement. You have to be careful to NOT be the kid in the candy store (or the Soviet Union communist in a western supermarket): so much selection and choice. If you're not prepared for the numbers and the variety, you can be overwhelmed: "her, no her, no, wait, her..." First time in Thailand, my head was spinning, til a buddy said, "Pick 1 and enjoy. Always tomorrow to try another." As BC pointed out awhile ago, looking for THE hottest, THE best, most likely leads to failure; there's ALWAYS another. Find one that stimulates YOU...

And at least it wasn't a question :)

To make it worth something, I asked around about how to handle the security guard shakedown. Here's what some other members said:

I wanted to know what a senior member would have done in the Sheraton 4 Points Security situation1/tell him that a copy of her passport has been given and there is nothing else required to register a guest so why are you harrassing me? (potential downside is that he WILL call LE which is something you don't really want)

2/ Give him a backhander and hope he goes away quietly.

3/ Ignore him by not answering the door

4/OK add any charges to my bill and I will discuss with the manager in the morning

Myself, I like #4.

10-02-07, 15:54
If yes, I will be there, dark blue trousers, glasses, blue tshirt and looking like a caveman (did not shave for a few days, need a haircut).
Let see what do we find there :)

10-02-07, 17:57
Originally Posted by Mahku

Besides being with the Filipina I had one night (a Thursday night) on my own at Rattlesnake. The name is appropriate giving all the writhing and wriggling you have to do to get around when it's crowded. I would have preferred to get there earlier but the later arrival of my flight had me there just before midnight. The ration was about 50-50 and there was quality to be found if one made the effort at parting the crowd and looking around the place.

I was tempted by some CIS and Chinese types but I was in an African mood this night. I eventually settled on Stella, a Rwandan. For some reason she didn't want to tell me if she was Hutu or Tutsi. We did settle on 600 for all night and left at closing time (1 am I think)

Back in the room she wasn't nearly as engaging as she had been in the bar. So I was getting that sinking feeling (figuratively). It turned out that she had worked in a condom factory back home. She was launching into a long lecture about all things condoms, but I made it clear that I was more interested in more "hands on" stuff. What followed was satisfactory but nothing to write home about. A pretty good blow job and just alright straight sex in all different positions. Although she agreed on all night I let her go early.


I renamed her "Miss Limpit", after she wold not let me go the other night, she promised "the best" BBBJ and said she was a 3 hole girl, but the greek way would be a first.

I just got the feeling it was false marketing, so based on Mahku report I think I judged her right, that being said she has a good body and is a fun girl and at 500-600 is reasonable value and for sure worth a try.

I am surprised she worked at a rubber factory, as she is a good actress, sheding a tear when I left.

Having not been to the metropolitan for such a long time I was a little surprised at the quality of the PRC's, they seem so old, and I would rate what I saw at best 2-3, and frankly the fils at best where a 5 (even WR would possibly say no thanks! ). One thought and maybe a little sad, but to avoid the scrum, just hanging about outside can pay dividends, as you get a clear view of whats arriving, and a good deal can be struck.

10-03-07, 13:37
Fancied a visit to my regular Al Wasl AMP so gave it a ring first as last time was no answer and ended up having to venture elsewhere. Same thing happened this time so picked up a copy of Gulf news as wasn't impressed with the Al Quoz place from last time. After calling numerous number for places in Bur Dubai found one that said go to a well known supermarket in Al Wasl. Had heard good reports so drove down to the carpark. parked up and called again only to be told that they had moved from Al Wasl and were now near the zoo. Why she didn't tell me this first time i rang god only knows. Drove to the zoo and found the place. Very discrete and plenty of parking. Choice of 4 PRC girls. 2 very nice 2 not so. Picked the tallest slimmest and ventured upstairs. Great DFK, BBBJ, DATY etc. Got extremely wet with DATY and was clearly enjoying herself. Sex in a couple of positions and finished with more BBBJ. Tried greek but she declined. 100dh house money and gave her 300 more. Over the odds I know but she deviously started negotiations after licking all over my body with special attention on the balls. It was so good I gave in to 300 after my initial 200 offer was turned down. My best time at an AMP so far. She said that 8 girls worked there and on the basis that the best were already taken it will be worth a return trip.

Gave another call to the other place on the way home and they finally answered but are closed until next week. At least they don't seem to have been raided.

Krypto Knight
10-03-07, 19:22
If you want a good laugh, go over to the Pattaya reports and read Zing UK, (famous on these boards), reports.

I'm heading there next week so I've been over there catching up.

He must be having a good time because he is posting the following...

Originally Posted by Zing Uk

28th Oct - Arrived 9.30pm on Thurs 28th,
30th Oct – Good start so far, morning fuck in Soi 6

According to my calender we are no where near Halloween... 8-]

Grateful Spread
10-04-07, 11:38
To save posting it again here, I have included an FR on my recent night in Dubai in my report in the Abu Dhabi thread below.


10-04-07, 12:29

What I am sharing may not be new to senior members at all but would still like to share my views. This was on my last visit to rattlesnake. Usually having heard of largely negative reviews of CIS girls I stay clear of them and go for the PRC or Africans. I spotted a group of CIS around the bar and sauntered across. All were smoking and had a glassy stare and hard bleak expressions on their faces. They were pretty no doubt, but they reeked of arrogance and bad attitude. I think they have a feeling that just because they are lookers, men will fall at their feet. It also could be that they are genuinely disillusioned and are heavily into debt, but the bottomline is that they are not warm and do not appear to be looking for business. Any way I asked one of them and she quoted 1500 dh for ST. I declined and she gave me a look which said 'fuck off'. After chatting up to some PRCs I found myself alone after an hour. None of the CIS had found any customer and the one whom I had approached was still there. Our eyes met and I looked away. She came up to me and asked me what I was willing to pay. I told her 800 and that she would be there till morning. She agreed and off we went to my hotel.

Once in the room. I regretted having her there. She was almost mechanical in everything she did. No conversation, and no attempt to make it enjoyable. Though she had a great bod, it wasnt a great encounter. Even the way she gave BJ was alomost like her mind was into something else.

I ended up in showing her the door. Anyway this was just to see if what is said bout the CIS is true and now that I have experienced it I will stick to PRCs/Africans who show more warmth and many a times a true GFE.

10-04-07, 14:12
So, i eventually poppep up in Rattle. The place was crowded, wiht both girls and (potential) punters.
appreciatively Girls were a little bit desperate (pinching my nipples and touching my ass were standard practice). However I was on a mood that prevented me from finding any girl attractive enough.
-Africans, I would say that some of the most attractive girls were african. To compensate they also had a few ones that were, to say it shortly, scary. Unfortunately they are not usually my cup of tea but if you like african girls (miss madagascar was there) there was plenty of choice. Not so many ethiopians.

-Chinese, as plentiful as the africans. However not very attractive in general. I was surprised by a number of them wearing glasses (for their eys, before some smart kid point that glasses are plentiful in a bar) and having a kind of office-girl look.

-EE/CIS, a few ones, some of them nice looking. But there was something that I did not like so much in their attitude. Also some could be European civilians... quite a mixed crowd. Maybe some of the working girls could be starting to drink their beers without a straw? World is getting a really complex place nowadays.

So I took a taxi and started smsing a turkish girl I met at regal before my last trip. She agreed to come next night... I was nto very sure but decided to give her a try.

She arrived as agreed (700 dhms) at 8PM and we talke dfor a little bit she was very keen on going to bed and she was enthusiastic. We spent one hour and took a break. Watched some tv and she started asking me if I would like another round, he proceeded and then she started asking me if she could go.

I told her that it was ok with me (she was a little bit boring and on full light her body was not what looked like at Regal).

So, disappointed as expected. her name is Shakira (Aisha real one) and can be found at Regal. She is up to back door activity but only CBJ. For the right person she can be quite ok, for me is a no repeat.

I will pop up in Rattle if there is anybody willing to meet me there (for chat and drinks more than anything else). So PM me before 2200 if interested.


Tropical Pleasure
10-04-07, 18:52
Hi Fellow Mongers,

I have a lady visiting me next week end for some action. She works in dry Oman. Thought she is a horny girl coming from Indonesia. She is looking to have some fun with 3 or 4 guys. Plus me (str8). She is up to anything & everything. Except pain & humiliation. Probably 13. 10 evening will be the date. If you are around & want to join PM me. She only wants westerners. Well built and with stamina for few rounds. Bye for now. This is a genuine ad.

Wicked Roger
10-05-07, 07:37
Hi Fellow Mongers,

I have a lady visiting me next week end for some action. She works in dry Oman. Thought she is a horny girl coming from Indonesia. She is looking to have some fun with 3 or 4 guys. Plus me (str8). She is up to anything & everything. Except pain & humiliation. Probably 13. 10 evening will be the date. If you are around & want to join PM me. She only wants westerners. Well built and with stamina for few rounds. Bye for now. This is a genuine ad.

TP's ad is genuine if you are doubting the wisdom of replying....guess how I know :)

Piper, Cons, GS have PMed you

Fifty Fifty
10-05-07, 07:53

What I am sharing may not be new to senior members at all but would still like to share my views. Usually having heard of largely negative reviews of CIS girls I stay clear of them and go for the PRC or Africans. Anyway this was just to see if what is said bout the CIS is true and now that I have experienced it I will stick to PRCs/Africans who show more warmth and many a times a true GFE.

True, this is your experience and as you say, not new to some of us senior members. I and many others have experienced similar in the past.

However, to quote my mate MK, who I regard as somewhat of a CIS Specialist, if you do find a good one, and he most certainly has, then she will be one of your best experiences of all.

The CIS girls are not all negative, although their attitude and situation may quite often convey this. I am currently in Kazakhstan and although the girls I am spending time with are not in the same situation as those in Dubai, some of them are living here in difficult circumstances. I am currently exploring a 26 yr old Russian babe and she is proving to be one of the best so far.

So do not give up on the CIS girls, you may eventually find one that is to your taste. Remember YMMV every time.

One positive outcome from your recent experience, at least she didnt empty your fridge or mini-bar prior to departure and I presume you didnt find your mobile phone and camera in the sink either!!!!

Cheers FF

Wicked Roger
10-05-07, 07:57
One positive outcome from your recent experience, at least she didnt empty your fridge or mini-bar prior to departure and I presume you didnt find your mobile phone and camera in the sink either!!!!

Cheers FF
Or have security escort the lady out of the hotel before she wrecks the room further (the monger will know who I am talking about) or have to eat of the floor or plastic crockery and use plastic glassware....:);)

So keep trying or go Filipina.....:)

10-05-07, 16:02
I spotted a group of CIS around the bar... Any way I asked one of them and she quoted 1500 dh for ST. I declined and she gave me a look which said 'fuck off'. ... None of the CIS had found any customer and the one whom I had approached was still there. Our eyes met and I looked away. She came up to me and asked me what I was willing to pay. I told her 800 and that she would be there till morning. She agreed and off we went to my hotel.

Once in the room. I regretted having her there. She was almost mechanical in everything she did. No conversation, and no attempt to make it enjoyable. I don't think it should come as any surprise that a girl who gives you a "fuck off" price early (and 1500 ST IS a 'fo' price), then, at the close of office hours, "suddenly" sees that you're a great guy afterall, provides poor service back home. The "better than nothing" choice cuts BOTH ways. Not exactly like she's going to be looking for repeat business, is it? :)

Which is different than a girl who wants 'top dirham' early as the evening is still full of potential, who later drops her price (or has made something towards her nightly target via an earlier ST).

The key is attitude with you in any conversation. As they say in the stock market, the best indicator of future performance is past history. If a girl gives me a 'fo' attitude, then I will do us BOTH a favor and never pull her, bargain price or not.

So do not give up on the CIS girls, you may eventually find one that is to your taste. Remember YMMV every time.Well said. Like I said above, it all comes down to HER attitude WITH YOU. Why I prefer the bars, rather than contacts. I generally prefer PRC's, but have had some fun times with some CIS. I wouldn't write them ALL off... You just can't let looks blind you to attitude.

Nice FR. See, even if it wasn't the best experience, still makes a fun story LATER...

Bravo, couldn't find to my liking, did not come to the negotiate stage, found them on the older side. Maybe it was the wrong day.
Moved this off of the Hotel thread here.

Like BC posted, I don't know what your target age group is. Nice thing about being older EVERYONE looks younger Even an approaching 30 girl meets 50/50's criteria FOR ME Fading eyesight means a lot look good without your glasses

Eu Contractor
10-05-07, 16:12
Or have security escort the lady out of the hotel before she wrecks the room further (the monger will know who I am talking about) ;)

So keep trying or go Filipina.....:)

Very funny WR... It only happened twice :)

See you in a few weeks.


10-05-07, 16:56
Nice thing about being older EVERYONE looks younger Even an approaching 30 girl meets 50/50's criteria FOR ME Fading eyesight means a lot look good without your glasses
I appreciate that some younger guys could be put off by someone older, but my experiences have made me shy away from really young girls.

Every single sub 23 girl I have met has left me feeling poorly, either through inexperience, undeveloped personality, or a bit of pity on my part. Of course, there are and will be exceptions.

I have had wonderful experiences with ladies in the 27-35 age group (and older, for all you Feroza fans, this is a hint!) For me, 27 seems a perfect number.

10-05-07, 20:26
I have had wonderful experiences with ladies in the 27-35 age group (and older, for all you Feroza fans, this is a hint!) For me, 27 seems a perfect number.

I guess you can not have everything... Very young girls (i mean 19) can be very sweet but they do not really know what they want. Maybe as we grow older we lose the patience required to handle them. As we say in Spanish "De la gallina vieja se hace el mejor caldo".


TP's ad is genuine if you are doubting the wisdom of replying....guess how I know :)

Piper, Cons, GS have PMed you

Roger that :)

I ended up in showing her the door. Anyway this was just to see if what is said bout the CIS is true and now that I have experienced it I will stick to PRCs/Africans who show more warmth and many a times a true GFE.

I know what you mean. The CIS are Rattle are not very attractive die totheir attitude, they seem to have a banner around their necks that says "Bad attitude"... However CIS girls can provide amazing experiences (Miss Y return from Kyrgizstan really rocked me)

Yesterday I went with a business mate (really nice chap) and we stopped in Panorama, really crowded with a real rainbow to choose. Then we moved to York, as usual, and the Regal where for once we were not invisible.

There we spotted a couple of really charming girls. My friend took one and confirmed that she is charming friendly.. and wild in bed. I will take the another one tomorrow. They were both friendly and nice, and they warmed uop when talking about home.

There was a real stunner but at closing time we did not even bother talking to her. I wonder why :)

CIS girls can be either very good or very bad or mediocre... what a surprise :) But in general I think that PRC are less risky. They usually perform tosatisfaction but I do not think the good ones are as good as the best russians.

In the end picking a girl is like picking a stock, there is a trade between risk and reward. You want a low risk, assured return go PRC (as my respected mentor 50.50 showed me), you want to gamble, go CIS. You lose meany times, when you win, you win big time.

I think the main difference is with CIS girls once you establish a relation you get the whole enchilada and this is both good and bad. Good because you get a whole human being with all the complexities. Bad because you get a whole human being with all the complexities. I have found much harder to relate with PRC girls as they come more "flat", I think it has to do with i) worse level of english and ii) a cultural approach where they somehow hide all their issues or find harder to communicate them. That at least is my experience; I am sure people with a greater Asian experience will have been able to close this gap.

And in the end sex is like money, both are only a problem when you do not have enough.

10-06-07, 04:07
Women hit their 10,000 day mark when they're 27.

Ripens them.

Although I've met some mighty fine 19 year olds, and one mind blowing 37 year old.

I appreciate that some younger guys could be put off by someone older, but my experiences have made me shy away from really young girls.

Every single sub 23 girl I have met has left me feeling poorly, either through inexperience, undeveloped personality, or a bit of pity on my part. Of course, there are and will be exceptions.

I have had wonderful experiences with ladies in the 27-35 age group (and older, for all you Feroza fans, this is a hint!) For me, 27 seems a perfect number.

My Kapitan
10-06-07, 07:12
I think the main difference is with CIS girls once you establish a relation you get the whole enchilada and this is both good and bad. Good because you get a whole human being with all the complexities. Bad because you get a whole human being with all the complexities.
And in the end sex is like money, both are only a problem when you do not have enough.

Well said that man.

CIS are the best IMHO but they are hard work and often a challenge. I have never had GFE with a PRC but almost always have with CIS. It all comes down to what you are prepared to add to the relationship (because that is what it is).

I will generalise however, the CIS are pretty racist, they do not like sub continentals and coloured and have no qualms in making this very apparent, years of soviet training... so some of you guys may have fallen foul of this. It may be controversial but it is a fact.

If you just want a no hassle mechanical fuck then a PRC will do. If you want a real woman go for a CIS. Be prepared for the posseviness but you will get return visits that just get better and better. They are all oral experts and have no hangups over giving BJs but all expect the same oral attention in return! They love varied action and are not afraid of group sex. As I lie here in a hotel bed in Paris with my blonde babe, looking forward to a week of swinging parties and general debauchery in Spain, I thank the lord for allowing the soviet sysem to mess up Russia so well leaving us with such fun seeking girls!


10-06-07, 08:22
I think the PRC’s are, in general, more professional in their approach, and as Cons68 says, low risk. Unlike a lot of the CIS you do not have to play a lot of games just for a ST session. There is a shell with PRC's too, however but once you have broken through you get as good a GFE you could find anywhere, and you will find they are certainly not one dimensional or “flat”, it’s just that until they know you well they keep the emotions and business well separated. And they are certinaly not doormats either!

I have had some great times with PRC’s over the past few years, ranging from dinner in a crowded flat with and my regular, half a other dozen girls and a couple of their preferred customers, to nights out with an elegantly dressed girl in a 5 star hotel and even a trip outside of the UAE. This is also one of the reasons why I prefer older girls; you have a lot more in common if you are also interested in spending tie with them outside of the bedroom. Yes I am a pervert, I like to converse with them! Of course it helps if you understand something of their culture and have some common interests.

I would agree with MK’s statement “It all comes down to what you are prepared to add to the relationship (because that is what it is).” Or as someone once posted, if you want the GF experience you have to give the BF experience.

But rest assured that there are PRC’s that can go “off the rails” too! And I don’t think you would want to seriously [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) one off!

10-06-07, 08:39
It all comes down to what you are prepared to add to the relationship (because that is what it is). ... but you will get return visits that just get better and better.
I am sure people with a greater Asian experience will have been able to close this gapAgree with both statements. All comes down to the individuals involved. I certainly don't hit it off with EVERY PRC I pull, but there are reasons why some make the starting pitching lineup AND stay there. And it does get better and better when you don't have to "start from zero" every time.

As Smoker said Thursday night, "Sometimes, it's just business; you want it to finish quickly. Other times, you want to be a woman and enjoy..." Trick is to find the ones where they can be the latter with you (best indication: attitude in the bar with you).

I will generalise however, the CIS are pretty racist, they do not like sub continentals and coloured and have no qualms in making this very apparent, years of soviet training... so some of you guys may have fallen foul of this. It may be controversial but it is a fact.As you say, this is something that is a fact of life here, from some being able to enter a club without paying, to the preferences of wg's. You can scream and say it's unfair, but that won't change it. Be it club or wg, if I'm not greeted with a warm attitude, I move on. Nice thing about dxb - plenty of choices.

I think the main difference is with CIS girls once you establish a relation you get the whole enchilada and this is both good and bad. Good because you get a whole human being with all the complexities. Bad because you get a whole human being with all the complexities. I have found much harder to relate with PRC girls as they come more "flat", I think it has to do with i) worse level of english and ii) a cultural approach where they somehow hide all their issues or find harder to communicate them.I'd say PRC's are more accepting of their situation, not dwelling on the negative (no need to drown themselves in alcohol). This business is no one's first career choice, but once having made it, MOST (not all) accept it. The language barrier can be a problem, you just have to have a bit of patience, and with more and more girls carrying the more advanced (whole sentence) translators, easier than it was years ago. But they are VERY appreciate of those who show some understanding. And given 5000 years of history and culture, a lot to talk about :)

Member #1071
10-06-07, 09:44
I think the PRC’s are, in general, more professional in their approach, and as Cons68 says, low risk. Unlike a lot of the CIS you do not have to play a lot of games just for a ST session. There is a shell however and once you have broken through you get as good a GFE you could find anywhere, and you will find they are certainly not one dimensional or “flat”, it’s just that until they know you well they keep the emotions and business well separated. And they are certinaly not doormats either!

This is quite true. The odds that you are going to have a good service is higher with PRC's than it is with CIS. But then again if you are able to "make it" with a CIS lady you will have some of the best encounters in your life. As a rule of thimb an age bracket of over 25 would be more suitable. However one major drawback you need to expect is the alcohol consumption by most of them and the awkward situation you might face when they get drunk.

I would agree with MK’s statement “It all comes down to what you are prepared to add to the relationship (because that is what it is).” Or as someone once posted, if you want the GF experience you have to give the BF experience.

Very wise statement indeed.

British Paki
10-06-07, 11:18
I will generalise however, the CIS are pretty racist, they do not like sub continentals and coloured and have no qualms in making this very apparent, years of soviet training... so some of you guys may have fallen foul of this. It may be controversial but it is a fact.So for those of us who descend from the Indian sub-continent, is there any point in even attempting a liaison with a CIS girl?

Personally I find them much more attractive than the majority of other ethnicities but unsure whether it is worth it with the inevitable attitude, astronomical prices, and likely poor service.

I would say however that perhaps part of the reaction you get may be linked to where you are. I spent some quality time with a girl who I met in the TGI bar and although it was only ST at her place (I was with family), I can see MK's point about it being totally GF and a very nice experience.

Bounce Around
10-06-07, 14:13
Hello all,

Good job on keeping this an informative thread. I have been an avid reader of these posts, though i dont contribute, well, i don't really monger in DXB either, so can't impart anything of value... when i moved to this sand trap some months back, i did the war driving part with the classifieds and generally found all the places accomodating, some GFE and generally good service, all PRC and all done for between 200 and 350 AED inclusive of a good massage, just wanted to ask a question from those in the know there is one classified posting of a massage place with two outlets (its a prominent ad) generally the other massage places charge 100 for the house this one charges like 350 for the house alone and boasts to have a multinational roundup, anybody try this one, is it worth the extra?

Haven't done the bar scene at all, being a brown guy and eventhough i don't dodge the occassional berry flavored body wash i figured the attitude issues from the CISs would be off putting, and PRC i get my fill off otherwise, for a while i had a regular who would do house calls; also living in that 'other emirate' many issues of walking up a CIS to your place. Talk about walk of shame! Plus the way i like it, i'd have to make a selection by 11:00, 12 at the latest and seems as if prices are going at the peak at those times, though i agree with the YMMV and attitude issues regardless of peak rates or otherwise, and i'd have to hear them ***** about the traffic on the way back, if they agree to LT at my place in the first place.

Not having read much about Sub-continental or middle eastern WGs on this forum, can anybody offer some advice (places and prices)? I read a recent report by piper about having met one and at a reasonable rate, but haven't found much more.

Any info on that other small emirate we all like to buy our booze at!?

10-06-07, 15:44
While I have enjoyed wonderful company from all over the world, spare a thought for the ´Stanis

You can get the "wild" CIS with some smoking oriental looks, and I have found some of them to have a slightly more "oriental" attitude when it comes to drinking etc. Very hard to generalize here since there are many different cultures involved.

I agree with what has been written here, and of course, it is also down to POV and personal preference, and what you want out of the relationship (excellent choice of phrase gents, I approve!) even if it is a one hour relationship.

Apply this to your everyday life, how many people do you meet who become fast and firm friends? I can generally get along with anyone, but sometimes you run into someone you "click" with and some who you almost instantly dislike, often unfairly.

I can only presume that it is the same with the ladies.

10-06-07, 15:50
So for those of us who descend from the Indian sub-continent, is there any point in even attempting a liaison with a CIS girl?I personally know several CIS girls who have no problem at all with any race. They generally come from a society where racism is a hard fact, but after some time in a more "international" place like DXB, they have overcome the programming.

Would they take you back home to meet Mom? I doubt it, but then again, neither would you! ;)

Is there a point? Yes. If you find them attractive, keep trying, and you will find one who is both attractive to you, and accepting. then be careful forum-mate, you could end up seduced...

10-06-07, 16:19
When I spoke of CIS I was referring to the FSU... and I thought everybody was. My mistake. Certainly most of the girls I meet are stanis, either ethnice russians (slavic, blonde, pale skin typically), mixed, or ethnic stanis.

While I have enjoyed wonderful company from all over the world, spare a thought for the ´Stanis

You can get the "wild" CIS with some smoking oriental looks, and I have found some of them to have a slightly more "oriental" attitude when it comes to drinking etc. Very hard to generalize here since there are many different cultures involved.

10-06-07, 16:37
When I spoke of CIS I was referring to the FSU... and I thought everybody was. Think we are as the 2 terms are the same.

I use the term 'stani to differentiate the LOOKS of the Uzbekistanis, Kazakstanis, Kirgiestanis, Tajikistanis, where-the-fuck-stans, who SHOW the asian influence in their face, with the "slavic, blonde, pale skin" or 'dark hair, ROUND eyed' "western russians, ukrainians, european style" looks (who I refer as CIS).

But that's just me.

10-06-07, 17:43
Cons, I understood the implied FSU, but as you know, there are degrees there. I do enjoy what used to be called the "Not Chinese" at the Regal.

My GF is Russian all the way, but my latest DXB flame is a Khazak who is a stunning mix of east and west, looks Chinese but has a Slavic facial bone structure, Slavic slim body and that pure silk, long dark Chinese hair... mmmmm. ;)

I guess that 16 years on we should start calling them by the correct terms though "Russian-style attitude" could work also.

BTW, just for the record, I think much of the "aloof attitude" is just bluster. FSU folks had a lot of baggage to carry, and are only now getting their "Putin" on as it were on the world stage. When I make it clear to them I admire their culture and country (they certainly did their part in WWII) the facade of aloofness often falls away.

One of my favorite lines, and a great equalizer: "Everybody comes to DXB for money, why else would anyone be here?" This tends to let them know I do not look down upon them as people.

10-06-07, 17:53
One of my favorite lines, and a great equalizer: "Everybody comes to DXB for money, why else would anyone be here?" This tends to let them know I do not look down upon them as people.When she asks me if I like dxb (question #5 of the standard litany), it's "Same same everybody, come dubai, make money, GO HOME."

10-06-07, 19:04
Maybe we should order some tshirts... I also let them know that I am here for purely mercenary reasons. Sometimes (if their English is good enough) with some irony "I am here like you, because I like the weather and the hospitality of the locals."
They usually appreciate it.

When she asks me if I like dxb (question #5 of the standard litany), it's "Same same everybody, come dubai, make money, GO HOME."

10-06-07, 21:41
So for those of us who descend from the Indian sub-continent, is there any point in even attempting a liaison with a CIS girl?I would take a slight more different approach.

The CIS like the rest, are here to make money. The Subcontinentals guys are on the lower end of the payscale generally in Dubai, not all, but generally.

So chances are the CIS will make less money from the guys orignating from the Subcontinent based in Dubai than for example a European or American on vacation/transit.

So its simple economics.

I have seen CIS girls shun men, who were clearly from the subcontinent at the Regal Plaza,yet at the same time entertain other Asian men dressed in suits or a bit smarter. So maybe dress nicely?

An Asian friend of mine from Sweden has never had any issues whatsoever whether cyclone, regal or Premiere.

So unless you encounter a dead on racist (which is a bigger surprise considering the location of Dubai!) its all about the money.

Krypto Knight
10-06-07, 21:44
Well said that man.

CIS are the best IMHO but they are hard work and often a challenge. I have never had GFE with a PRC but almost always have with CIS. MK
Your loss, I've had plenty of GFE from PRC's.

If you just want a no hassle mechanical fuck then a PRC will do. If you want a real woman go for a CIS. MK
Wow there's a flippant generalization. Sorry you haven't had any luck with PRC's I've had fantastic experiences, not mechanical at all. I've had short time CIS literally walk in the door and say hurry up and get this over with.

I've had PRC's beg me to fuck them harder including my current "girlfriend" who doesn't want a penny from me as long as I keep fucking her hard. Sorry you haven't had the same luck.

They are all oral experts (CIS)and have no hangups over giving BJs but all expect the same oral attention in return! MK
Ahhh the last 2 CIS I went with refused blow jobs, I've never had it happen with a PRC. (Oh and I'm white and in good shape)

I'm not disputing this has been your experience but it's not black and white.

You made a lot of generalizations and stated them as fact and I would guess there are a number of members who would disagree with your stereotyping.

Like they say, YMMV...so please don't assume others haven't had the same success with a race of women simply because you haven't.

10-06-07, 23:20
Am on a short trip to DXB before I move here next month so I hit the rattler due to it being close for me. I have to say, it’s different during Ramadan but not overtly so. It was certainly quieter but there was still enough WG’s to go around. With that said, I think I had an aura or something (I shower, honest!) because anyone I was even remotely interested in was already engaged or, in the case of a CIS hotty, icey cold (I know, I know, they are known for it but I’ve had good luck with them in general).

I stuck around a couple hours, drinking beers and chatting with an English punter, discussing all things expat (since I’m about to become one, officially), but ended up heading home empty handed.

Today I decided to give a call to this Eritrean girl (we’ll call her Ms. L) I got a number off of last month from York. She stopped me to give me shit for only looking at the white women :P. I didn’t really have the energy for the chase and was intrigued with this girl the first time I met her. It was a bit of a gamble since I was dr00nk when I met her but hey, let’s see if lady luck was on my side!

She, as expected, arrived about an hour late but arrived looking fit and trim and ready for fun. Glad she was as good looking as my beer goggles remembers from that dark night at the York!!

Cons: No BJ, no DFK. Normally, these are show stopping deals for me. Like, BIG show stopping. I’ll forgive the no BJ but DFK is too much a part of a quality GFE that I rarely will let that slide, however…

Pros: Exceptional English, her father was allegedly South African so she learned English from him. Very funny/witty girl, tons of personality with a great sense of humor. She got stupid sloppy wet, which is always a favorite of mine, and had convincing orgasms (both from sex and DATY). Her energy was fantastic and she had a booming bubble butt! Lots of passion and very affectionate between sessions.

I had her booked for the whole night but after 5 goes at it, there was no getting sleep for me when she was around so I cut her loose early and gave her the full nights fare. 600+100 for cab. Seemed fair.

Overall, very satisfied. I will probably repeat but won’t be on my “Gold Members” list that I’m working on for when I live here. Would like to have 5-6 gold members I can just call when the itch hits. So fat I have… well, one. Hah! I’m still new, though so lots of hunting left ;).

Few more days left so we’ll see what sort of kind of trouble I can get into before I’m off. Going to be strange living here!!


EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

10-07-07, 00:17
Krypto, I think I know where you are coming from, but I did not take MK´s comments to be anti-anything.

He has a preference, and enjoys himself. What is the harm?

We are all generalizing here, all research being based upon chance encounters in the hobby.

One of the most "touching" encounter I ever had was with a PRC lady I first met at TGIT (of all places) Bravo, you remember the snoring lady)) but I have also enjoyed the fierce (meant in the nicest way) attentions of Russian girls who were trying to please "their man."

I think some of it just comes down to personal preference and culture. For a typical western man, the more (shit, how do I write this without sounding trite?) complacent attitude of many PRC ladies is seen as loving and sweet, where as with a stereotypical CIS that attitude must be "earned."

End of the day, we are all fortunate to have such a wide variety of options.
Everyones MMV!

Mr Enternational
10-07-07, 01:38
I finally got over to Dubai. This is my general report which will be quite lengthy for my taste so I will break it into three parts.

We arrived at 8pm. There was a very long walk to immigration from the gate. We had planned to stay at Le Meridian Dar Al Sondos as recommended on the forum. When we reached Ground Transportation the free driver from the hotel was waiting with my sign in his hand. We arrived at the hotel about 25 minutes later. I forgot to print the mongering info out, but had it tucked securely into my jump drive. Now all I needed was a computer! The computers in the hotel business center were going for an exuberant amount. I think not. Not knowing which way to go, we decided to take a left on foot out of the hotel. Our first stop was the closest shwarma joint. Between the three of us we had 5 shwarmas, 3 fries, and 3 shakes, 41 AED. I remembered that I also needed to check ISG in order to see if Groin Strain had returned my PM about the cheap spots in Al Baraha. So we stopped in the shopping mall on the same side of the street as the hotel to see if an internet spot was open. No luck. But we did find a cheap kiosk for souvenirs though. After a quick survey we told the guy that we would return the following day because we did not want to lug gifts around while trying to monger.

We continued up the street, passing Imperial (which sounded familiar at the time, but I wasn’t sure). We finally ran into a mall with an internet sign out front. When we got to the door a guy was soliciting us to buy knock-off watches. We decided to take a look in order to get intimate enough to ask where the service providers were. His shop was downstairs, across from a travel/tour agency, and the windows were covered in fabric. One wingman decided to buy a purse for his daughter. And I decided to ask about the ladies. He told me that I could find them at the Ascot and told me in which direction it was located. The name didn’t ring a bell though. When my wingman finished the transaction the guy told me that I could find the internet café on the second floor.

I don’t know where the owner of this café was from but he was a *******. The internet would cost a minimum of 5 AED, which could buy an hour. I put my jump drive into the computer but nothing was coming up. He had the nerve to tell me that there was nothing on my drive. I had to go back and forth with him about me knowing what I have and he finally decided to try it in his master computer. Everything came up as I said. So he put me on another set. I scribbled down the mongering notes that I had had then decided to take a look at ISG. WTF? I could not access ISG! SOB. What is going on? I kept getting a message about the site conflicting with the religious or political beliefs of the country. So I questioned the owner and he told me not to blame him, but blame the server and the government instead. Why did I not know this beforehand? For the same reason I was unable to access a conservative dating site that I frequent.

We left the mall and went in the direction of the Ascot. WTF? An all-night internet café for 1 AED/hour? I have been bamboozled. I paid five times that at the mall. Chalk it up to being a Dubai virgin. What is that I see in the distance? Non other than the York, the second thing I had written on the list.

We had no idea of any dress code but decided to give it a go anyway. When we walked in all of the hotel workers acted if we were long lost pals. They gave us much respect and dapped us up, while it seemed they were giving all of the women who were trying to enter the third degree. When we walked through and set the metal detectors off nobody even gave us a second glance. After passing through the portals of the club we were damn near attacked by some Ethiopian chicks. As many times as I have read in the forum about their aggressiveness nothing could have prepared me for this. I figured it could not be any different than Help disco in Rio. Boy was I wrong. 90% of the African women in there turned out to be just plain pests. They would not take no for an answer and insisted on following us around the club. They would get the hint whenever we started talking to someone else as if they did not exist. But then later others would try to latch on.

I told my wingmen of the price range that I had read about on the forum in order to prepare them. They just laughed and said yeah right. In light of Ramadan there was no music to be heard in the club. However, it worked for me because usually when there is music in a club it is much too loud to hold interviews with the girls. About midnight we were near the pool tables eyeing a tall beautiful woman who appeared to us to be Chinese. She was shooting pool as if she was a shark. We would discuss lost dreams of her until well into the next evening. Somehow we started chatting with a gentleman who said he was from Ireland but had been living in Dubai for seven years. He seemed to know his stuff so I gave him a rundown of my list to see what he thought.

Rattlesnake: No. It’s simply a bar and it’s 40km away.
Jockey: No. Waste of time. Another bar. Many Russians.
Regal: Really expensive. Not recommended.
Ascot: Don’t even think about it.
Imperial: Now you are talking. It is only a couple of minutes away and the fish will be biting around closing.
Al Baraha: Chinatown? But did not know a particular spot.

He tried to school us on the game that we wrote the book on. He said that right now the girls want a lot of money, but when the place closes and they are outside they will accept less. He said that it would be optimal to get them to 200 AED. So in our minds that transferred to 150 for us! He said that he would take us to the Imperial (5 AED taxi on him) and get us in (I was wearing shorts and sandals) if we would buy him a drink when we arrived. It sounded like a deal to me. We headed out of the club with the Africans hot on our trail. But the door was like kryptonite to them. They could not cross the threshold.

10-07-07, 04:44
Maybe we should order some tshirts... I also let them know that I am here for purely mercenary reasons. Sometimes (if their English is good enough) with some irony "I am here like you, because I like the weather and the hospitality of the locals."LOL. I used to tell them "I came for the waters … I was misinformed", but none understand the reference.

Bravo, you remember the snoring ladyGod, who could forget - I could hear her in the OTHER room.

You made a lot of generalizations and stated them as fact and I would guess there are a number of members who would disagree with your stereotyping.I'll agree with Sporadic, we all have our OWN preferences. It was MK who said "It all comes down to what you are prepared to add to the relationship (because that is what it is)." If the interest isn't there, then I've found the girls to be very astute and "act" accordingly.

MYSELF, I'm really not willing to spend the time "winning over" a CIS girl; I'm not inclined to pull her in the 1st place. I'd much rather spend the time "opening up" (agreeing with BC) a PRC. But that's just my preferences.

Bottom line, I took MK's generalizations as personal experiences based on preferences.

10-07-07, 07:58
I have seen CIS girls shun men, who were clearly from the subcontinent at the Regal Plaza,yet at the same time entertain other Asian men dressed in suits or a bit smarter. So maybe dress nicely?I think there is a lot in this. Certainly a good Indian friend of mine encounters few problems, maybe the odd “go away” 1500 + AED quote, but we all get those from time to time, he simply moves on and usually makes an acceptable deal with one of his targets.

He almost always avoids the “discretionary” entrance charges. He exudes confidence, walks in like he owns the place, greets the doorman like a long lost friend and is witty and courteous when talking to the girls. He looks like he is going to spend money both on the girls, and at the bar.

It’s also true that certain nationalities have a reputation of treating the girls badly, again its generalisation and no disrespect intended, I am just reporting the girls perception.

Your attitude and demeanour can help overcome this, and if you treat a girl with respect the word will get around and you will find it easier and easier.

Some times what appears to be racial is Socio-economic prejudice. look at the attitude of some South Asian professionsals to their labouring compatriots.

Krypto Knight
10-07-07, 09:03
Krypto, I think I know where you are coming from, but I did not take MK´s comments to be anti-anything.

He has a preference, and enjoys himself. What is the harm?

We are all generalizing here, all research being based upon chance encounters in the hobby.

Sporadic if you look back at my posts you will see that I am a civil guy. It's something I really like about the Dubai forum.

My Kapitan made some comments about his experiences with PRC's as though this is what everyone's experience with PRC's will be, they are all the same, and this is what you are in for if you go with them.

He didn't say "I've had bad luck and only had mechanical fucks from PRC's". He said "if you want a mechanical fuck go for a PRC".

My experiences have been quite different, including having to constantly shove a pillow over their face to keep the screams down from the neighbors, passionate french kissing and long bareback blowjobs. I'm sorry MK hasn't had this same luck.

I have no problem with someone preferring one race of women over another, but he is making comments as though they are absolute...for instance "CIS have no problem giving BJ" yet I've had 2 this month refuse, even covered. As mentioned this has never happened to me with a PRC.

I would hate for new visitors to Dubai to read that post and think all of us here have such bad luck with PRC women. It does both the women and the punter a great disservice so I just wanted to set the record straight.

Based on his definitive stereotyping of PRC's I think my tone was more then civil. I want nothing more then the Dubai board to stay as civil as it always has. I appreciate your concern.

Krypto Knight
10-07-07, 09:13
Krypto, I think I know where you are coming from, but I did not take MK´s comments to be anti-anything.

By the way you made the above comment. So are you saying there is nothing "anti" PRC with the comment below?

Well said that man.
If you just want a no hassle mechanical fuck then a PRC will do. If you want a real woman go for a CIS.

So a PRC isn't a "real woman". Maybe I am thin skinned but I find that comment highly offensive.

It's a broad, borderline racist stereotype. I have no problem him discussing it in terms of "his" experiences but he is making the statement as though it's an undisputed fact.

My Kapitan
10-07-07, 10:20
Like they say, YMMV...so please don't assume others haven't had the same success with a race of women simply because you haven't.


However You seem to be assuming I have had no sucess with PRCs!
After 5 years in Dxb I have had plenty, if you doubt this just check out the photo thread, but IMHO CIS (or FSU) are the best again IMHO.

No offence intended to anyone or any race. Thin skinned - not me.
I am also sorry you had no luck getting a BJ from a CIS - your loss :)


Lord Chat
10-07-07, 10:49
Hi guys,

I will be visiting Dubai for the second time later this month. I will be staying at the Ramee guestline near Imperial. Last time I visited the hotel did have a sign saying no guest allowed. Does anyone know if they actually mean it or is it a girl friendly hotel? Secondly is the entry to Imperial free or do they have an entry fee cause the last time I think I paid 50-75AED not sure. Are there any good places for girls in the surrounding area? And how much should I ideally pay for a short time? Could someone pm me with the details of how exactly shouldi go about the girl situation in Dubai one thing to remember is I have the car only between 8am to 8 pm so make sure the details are for places in the vicinity from ramee to ramada to that british pub in the same building as the sriLankan cafe and I'm really sorry I don't really remember the names of the places besides Imperial.

10-07-07, 11:04
Like they say, YMMV, so please don't assume others haven't had the same success with a race of women simply because you haven't.Ouch!

However You seem to be assuming I have had no sucess with PRCs!

After 5 years in Dxb I have had plenty, if you doubt this just check out the photo thread, but IMHO CIS (or FSU) are the best again IMHO.

No offence intended to anyone or any race. Thin skinned - not me.

I am also sorry you had no luck getting a BJ from a CIS - your loss


I was always of the opinion that CIS where some of the most willing providers of BJ's and quite often BBBJ, I have had some great experiances, including deep throating, and rough face fucking.

That being said I am a PRC lover and ocasional filo, so don't often sample the CIS delights. From my experiance PRC BJ skills can be very varied in quality, but one thing for sure, they are very willing and will always try harder.

Zing Uk
10-07-07, 12:44
Wow, seems I missed a lot of fighting when I was away, interesting that the africans managed to stay out of the discussion. For my tuppenceworth my preferences are:

PRC African CIS

I've had good and bad experiences with all nationalities but when you get down to it, a woman is a woman and a man is a man, how the interaction goes depends on both of you and the effort that you put in. Its also worth remembering tat our own cultural backgrounds may make it easier for us to interact with specific groups and get the most from them. I lived in Asia for a long time and enjoy the asian culture, I suspect that's why my own preference is PRC. Saying all that though, there are some girls that I believe are probably in the wrong job but then I could also say that about 50% of the professional people I know, especially here in DBX!

Let's all quit *****ing over who's best blah blah and just get on with our own form of fun and put up posting that should be useful to fellow mongers. Am I being naive?

Zing Uk
10-07-07, 13:13
Ok, so I know that this isn’t the Thailand or Pattaya board but I know that quite a few people do go to Pattaya from DBX and there are others who would like to go. This report is aimed at anyone wanting to go or wanting update information and all prices etc are quoted in AED. I was going to put up a diary of events but quite honestly it would have been boring along the lines of fucked here, bbbj there, go-go bar to visit etc so have abandoned that idea.

I spent 9 days in Pattaya (original planned 3 but kept extending!). There are many forms of entertainment for the professional monger and we will all have our own preference. Below is a list of options and my particular order of preference:

Beer bars – I found these to be best value and best fun. I started going regularly to the same beer bar and got to know the girls and the mama san well. I agreed a lady drink price of 9 AED which worked well. As I was there 7 days running playing pool and generally arsing around I was happy to buy the girls drinks which all adds to the fun. It was a win situation all round with the girls getting drinks, the bar getting money and me getting fun. I didn’t take a girl on the first two nights (I wanted to check out other opportunities first) at my particular bar but did on the third, by that time I knew them well and asked the mama san for a recommendation. The girl she told me to take blew my head away, we fucked every night for the next 5 nights averaging 7 times a night! In short, beer bars are fun but I think worth developing a regular haunt

BJ\Fuck bars – plenty of choice and some good girls but, for me, much more of a short time mentality, i.e. go in, choose girl, start drink, boom boom\bbbj, finish drink and go. There are some excellent girls to be found in these places but it can be a bit hit and miss. Expect to pay around 50 to 60AED for short time

Beach front – full of spinners and sinners so far as I could see. Much more fun late at night or early hours of the morning. I did pick up a few girls here, they are nice outside but I found them very short time mentality back in the room and didn’t enjoy the experience as much as the actual strolling up and down talking to them. Prices vary but start around 40AED upwards

Massage parlours – plenty around but women tend to be older and less pretty although there are some gems to be found. I only visited a couple during my time mainly for the massage element (some of them give a really decent massage) but nice to finish off with a handjob. Again, expect to pay around 50 to 60AED for one hour massage including the extra

Go-go bars – the best looking girls but not my scene really other than for the odd drink and perv hour. I found them over priced. I didn’t take a girl from any of the Go-go bars so not sure on the quality but they start of asking around 170AED for a short time…..no thanks 

Discos – this is where you can pick up freelancers, a bit like our own Rattler, York etc so same rules apply. Prices vary from 80AED to 150AED for all nighters.

Upmarket body massage parlour – expensive but fantastic experience and definitely worth doing at least once. Expect to pay around 200AED all in.

As I was on holiday and had allowed a decent budget of 550AED per day I didn’t negotiate too hard, I’m sure all of these prices could be cut back if you want to. As mentioned, I spent quite a lot in my chosen beer bar but I thought of it as an investment and it really paid off, they looked after me well and invited me to a couple of parties etc. When I took out the girl from the bar we did a proper night on a couple of occasions going to Kareoke (her choice), Muay Thai (my choice) and eating out a couple of times. I ended up paying her over the odds but for the things she did (bbbj, anal, CIM, ATM, french, greek, shaving, shower fuck etc) she was well worth it. See attached pic

Anyway, with Eid coming up some of you may be thinking of going to hope this helps. In the end I came back with a few thoughts:

1. If all the world were like Pattay there would be no wars, we would all be too busy fucking unbelievably good looking girls.

2. Do the guys who sell suits not understand we don't go there t buy suits, we go there to fuck, plain and simple. If you do buy a suit do they give you a special badge to stop them harrassing you?

3. Why do some Europeans go there on a family holiday with teenage daughters? Don't they realise that the place is full of pervs?

4. Why do guys who marry Thai girl and have kids take them back there on holiday? Do they think the girl wants reminded she was a pro and to teach jnr of his mommas background?

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Zing Uk
10-07-07, 13:30
If you want a good laugh, go over to the Pattaya reports and read Zing UK, (famous on these boards), reports.

I'm heading there next week so I've been over there catching up.

He must be having a good time because he is posting the following...

Originally Posted by Zing Uk

28th Oct - Arrived 9.30pm on Thurs 28th,
30th Oct – Good start so far, morning fuck in Soi 6

According to my calender we are no where near Halloween... 8-]Ok, so I fucked up the dates but that wasn't upmost in my mind at the time, getting the report finished quickly and going for bbbj was! :-)

10-07-07, 15:06
Not having read much about Sub-continental or middle eastern WGs on this forum, can anybody offer some advice (places and prices)? I read a recent report by piper about having met one and at a reasonable rateIf you mean Indian/Pakistani - no, I recently had an Indianesque girl (ie she looked Indian due to her facial features, big black eyes, Bollywood-style make-up and dark-caramel skin, but she was actually from Belorus (which, ironically, means 'White Russia'). I still get PMs asking about the "Indian' girl. People must read too fast sometimes. I do have contacts of Indian girls, but I still haven't tried them. I simply prefer meeting a girl in person before deciding, rather than ordering an unknown by phone, or visiting a 'house'. (Please don't PM me for the contacts - they were given to me ages ago by a trusted and trusting member).

As for 'which WG ethnicity is best', this topic regularly comes up every couple of months. We all have our own preferences. I prefer all types. Some nights I prefer CIS, some nights African and some nights Chinese. One night I'll try a mixed smorgasboard.:)

CIS girls often have a cool front until you break the ice, but they heat up quickly. PRC seem to keep the same moderate temperature, while African girls can go hot and cold. ;)

Eric T
10-07-07, 15:17
Would be nice to see more ice breakers (especially ones which can melt the CIS Arctic Ice) for the ladies. :)

LOL. I used to tell them "I came for the waters … I was misinformed", but none understand the reference.
Maybe we should order some tshirts... I also let them know that I am here for purely mercenary reasons. Sometimes (if their English is good enough) with some irony "I am here like you, because I like the weather and the hospitality of the locals."
They usually appreciate it.
When she asks me if I like dxb (question #5 of the standard litany), it's "Same same everybody, come dubai, make money, GO HOME."

10-07-07, 15:36
My favorite Ice-Breaker is to stare the girl in the eye with a serious look on my face, and after a moment's silence, the first words she hears from me are "My god I love you!" After a moment of confusion they always have a good laugh. Later, when they quote a high price, I say with a frown "I love you, but I don't love you that much."

10-07-07, 15:51
... so I cut her loose early and gave her the full nights fare. 600+100 for cab. Seemed fair.Sounds reasonable to me. I have no trouble paying full fare when the early departure is for my convenience.

... but won’t be on my “Gold Members” list that I’m working on for when I live here. Nice phrase.

Going to be strange living here!!Not really; it's nice when you can relax and enjoy, passing when you can't find someone who you are really interested in as there is always tomorrow. Plus, time to develop some relationships with those Gold Members...

Now if you can do anything about the MSRP in all the stores, the lack of warranties, and shoddy service... Never forget when I was asking about microwave ovens, and the "salesman" started reading THE ENGLISH off of the boxes...

Nice report, and will be nice to have a fresh set of eyes on the scene...

... then decided to take a look at ISG. WTF? I could not access ISG! SOB. What is going on? I kept getting a message about the site conflicting with the religious or political beliefs of the country. So I questioned the owner and he told me not to blame him, but blame the server and the government instead. Why did I not know this beforehand?Well known fact, mentioned here a number of times. Look on the bright side: THESE days, internet cafes PLENTIFUL. Back when, few and far between.

Anyone coming here needs to take steps to ensure themselves access BEFORE arriving - govt not only blocks access to isg, but TRIES to block DIRECT access to the workarounds. Threads here to explain how:




A number of proxy servers are blocked here (as soon as they find them).

Tor is VERY popular, and, as mentioned, versions of it can be installed on portable flash drives.

Other methods, once here, but easiest to take steps before arriving.

Chalk it up to being a Dubai virgin.I think at immigration they spray you with a certain scent so that you are easily selected for "excess cash extraction" by the residents. :) After about 3 days, it wears off.

As many times as I have read in the forum about their aggressiveness nothing could have prepared me for this.LOL, bringing back "unfond" memories. I just wonder if the strategy EVER works?

Somehow we started chatting with a gentleman who said he was from Ireland but had been living in Dubai for seven years. He seemed to know his stuff ... He said that he would take us to the Imperial (5 AED taxi on him) ... if we would buy him a drink when we arrived. I swear, it's a spray at immigration... Have to be careful of that "free" advice.

He seemed to know his stuff
Rattlesnake: No. It’s simply a bar and it’s 40km away. Probably the best place NOW for a MIXED menu selection, PRC's and Africans being the main, with some CIS and -Stanis thrown in.

Like any big city, forget distance - think time. 10-12 minutes, 15 dhs.

Jockey: No. Waste of time. Another bar. Many Russians.
While Jockeys can be hit/miss, it was improved the last time I was there, and certainly early on, you can find some gems before they depart for their real office. Post Ramadan, late afternoon, can be fun.

Regal: Really expensive. Not recommended.
I'm certainly NOT a fan, but it all depends on your budget and your target...

Ascot: Don’t even think about it.
Now here, I agree.

Imperial: Now you are talking. It is only a couple of minutes away and the fish will be biting around closing.
While some gems can be found, Imperial is, at least in my book, pretty downmarket (well, it does beat TGIT). As I posted, quantity not quality.

...to get them to 200 AED. So in our minds that transferred to 150 for us!Does anyone bargain in 50 dhs increments anymore?

Looking forward to the next installment.

Would be nice to see more ice breakers (especially ones which can melt the CIS Arctic Ice) for the ladies.This line seems to work for SOME: "Hey, baby, 1500, ST?" :)

10-07-07, 19:06
I remembered that I also needed to check ISG in order to see if Groin Strain had returned my PM about the cheap spots in Al Baraha.Sorry I didn't respond but I couldn't believe anyone would seriously want to go with any of the girls on the streets in Al Baraha. If you got to the Astoria hotel on your travels just imagine the ugliest girl in Sancho panza's or whatever it is called and deduct 3 points and that is how rough the street girls look.

However each to their own so I have now PMd you the directions.