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11-09-07, 12:27
To everyone, please treat these girls with respect and you'll get so much more in return.Steamer33

Never a truer word was spoken.
And you have to have a happy wh*r*, otherwise what is the point?

You get the same x-section of people in any circumstances, good and bad, mongering included.

Apart from traffic wardens and private on-site security yellow-flourescent-vest wearing cnuts, who without exception are spawn of the devil and deserve to die slowly from multiple and lingering painful disfiguring diseases.

And I accept no responsibility for them at all, although interest rates and tooth decay are a fair cop.

11-09-07, 13:56
never a truer word was spoken.
been at the grape slugger?

sometimes i give her a lift there, wait outside and take her home half an hour after, if only the punter knew her bf was in the car outside!gee steamer, i wonder if the boyfriend likes driving his girlfriend to a "date?"

she never, ever, does that with a punter, only with her bf who she has been with a long time. assuming this is you, are you sure?

she has already been paid but being a good girl she offers him back half the money,
well, that was generous of her.

but don't risk other people and that means the girl and her boyfirend, by trying to bb [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) her. strong words. [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123)? i think it improbable that the punter would be seriously worried about a boyfriend in any case.

if you're reading this you should be ashamed, and you should have given her the agreed amount because if you had mentioned bb during negotiations she would not have gone near you.
it was not me, i am 6k km distant at present, and always insist upon protection for fs. heal thyself, physician. there is plenty of shame to go around.

it's people like you who give guys like myself and a lot on this forum,
careful there cowboy, i would not associate myself with you. what do you read while waiting for your "girlfriend" to jerk someone off?

to everyone, please treat these girls with respect and you'll get so much more in return.
now here we agree.

i detect something less than perfect in denmark here, it is just me?

11-09-07, 14:17
Of course it had a racist overtone, but if you read my post more carefully, she was the one concerned about me having been with an African, who "apparently", according to her, all have HIV.Everybody looks down on somebody else: CIS hate the PRC's, claiming the PRC's go for 200 LT, driving down the price. PRC's dislike the africans, claiming they're always cutting in, getting preferental treatment by the security staff at the clubs when there's a disagreement ... I'm sure the africans have their "dislikes"...

I did not take any offense at your post, as I understood you were reporting the "perception" of those involved, not the reality.

... at least he reported his own experiences – which makes a pleasant change from posts asking ‘where can I find a club to pick up a Swedish girl with big breasts, a nice ass and a heart of gold for dhs200’ – or ‘which hotels are GF in Sharjah’.Too true, too true.

... but the whole "All Africans have HIV" bit just put a little steam under my collar. Sort of had a racist overtone but hey maybe I am just a bit touchy.WHAT!?! Racism in dxb?!? Hard to believe; I'm sure the Africans just got tired of the Seaview's band. :)

In my opinion Mr. Premature Lyrics is an accident waiting to happen - our American friends might describe him as 'postal'.No, he's always too drunk to be a real danger, except to himself. Just an embarrassment, both to himself and for the poor girl who he's pulled for the evening.

I would suggest that Seaview is a very good place to hunt. Forget the M/F ratio. The amount of times there are multiple CIS/PRC/PI wgs available after 2am astounds me, and were I ever to partake, I would class some of them in the 8-9 range.I would agree, though I CAN'T vouch for the post 2am assortment... Maybe if I can take a nap in the early evening...

11-09-07, 14:19
Picked up this story on the news wires, too much more of this type of press and the authorities might have to start doing something about everyones favourite hobby. Reports that 40 or so establishments having been closed due to prostitutution....keep on see those prices risingWell, 40 if they're counting houses... But agree, what they HATE here is negative publicity...

Besides, how difficult is it for a girl to go to the LE and tell them she has been duped and wants to be deported back home?That's NOT the problem. It's what happens back home that is: A group of collectors showing up to collect the money "owed", either from her or her family. They don't write off debts just because the girl has left the "work force". If nothing else, out of "principle": if they do it for one... Small town mentality. That she was "tricked" of no importance. That she was a prostitute is all that matters. One life over.

I prefer the latter, and I always check whether the girls is independent or providing services out of choice, rather than coersion as a consience salver, we all like to think of ourselves as decent people after all.Preferring PRC's, rather easy for me, as most (not all), are FL's. But even pulling a 'controlled' girls helps: she pays off her debt faster and becomes, with luck, independent. One Kirgie I knew proudly saying how she'd paid off $8,000 in just over 2 months, only $2k more to go.

If the trade was not in DBX would I go?Only if you like MSRP shopping malls... After all, what else is here?

11-09-07, 14:21
Nice FR, nice to see some new names posting EXPERIENCES. Below (wrt Teredrith) should be taken VERY tongue in cheek...

2 - York (I don't remember next to what it was...A big construction site.

York is certainly the worse place I went to... Not that the place itself is ugly but waiters are constantly asking you to drink even if your bottle is full.I consider the drink I buy as "insurance" against constant interruption. When they become obnoxious, just ask to speak to the manager. They get the message.

I did not feel confident about the population there...Is that the wg's, or the other punters? :)

Sometimes, you will achieve to enter without paying the entrance, looks like the entrance guys are deciding based on your faceHere, the whiter the better...

During the night I was looking inside and asked several girls but they never wanted to go below 700dhs which is far too expensive for a chinese girl....It's called the free market. Prices are what they think they can get from someone... even if that's not you. It also seems that you have a CIS "mentality" with respect to PRC's...

You know, when the disco is closing, they definitely look for mens to get money.Do ya think? And I always thought they were there for the music. :)

Another very good point is the music : nice Philippin's band playing giving an outstanding performance (that's my opinion).YMMV - for me, fingernails on a chalk board. One of the places I look forward to the dj...

My second night, I met a very nice chinese, with who now I am a regular ;-) For 500dhs she give me whatever I want : BBBJ, sever."Sever" sounds like a ONE time performance :)


Any help would be much appreciated.10 posts, 10 questions. Do you ever CONTRIBUTE? But I will give you credit for being consistent.

Like you said, Grateful Spread...

This will be a short FR from my last couple of days in Dubai Glad you are still part of the dxb scene here. Perhaps you could tell me a nice gf hotel :)

11-09-07, 15:12
My PRC GF has one regular she visits for 10 mins to half an hour, one quick HJ and out of there AED 1,100 better off. Sometimes I give her a lift there, wait outside and take her home half an hour after, if only the punter knew her BF was in the car outside!
I do that with my regular GF also. Once she hops back in my car after giving a punter a quick CIM blowjob, I reward her with a slap on the ass and a deep lingering DFK, then we go spend half her earnings on clothes for me - usually shiny shirts, chunky gold chains and bracelets, and baseball caps (which I wear backwards). We're both happy with the arrangement.

11-09-07, 15:15
Glad you are still part of the dxb scene here. Perhaps you could tell me a nice gf hotel :)

Bravo, you can use either Metropolitan if you want to be close to Rattle or Ramada Bur Dubai, Regal placa if you want to be close to Rumors, York and Good Fellows :)

Cheers Spelman

11-09-07, 15:35
... if only the punter knew her bf was in the car outside!who says he doesn't?

by the way i heard a disturbing story from a friend of hers the other night about someone she picked up, european i think, in rattler 2.30am and back to his hotel. dh900 agreed till 7am.900 dhs 4.5 hours? now that is disturbing! :)

... needs bb. she, understandably and quite rightly refuses - she never, ever, does that with a punter, only with her bf who she has been with a long time.does anyone else see the gaping hole in her logic, as in does the bf really also maintain this 'standard'? in a monogamous relationship, it works. otherwise...

for me, kind of like deciding to be a player... once that line is crossed, difficult to just stop. same with "covered": if there's one exception, there can be others.

she has already been paiddamn, this is a horror story: 900 dhs, 4.5 hours, pay in advance? i'm reeling...

... being a good girl she offers him back half the money, saying that she doesn't want to take his money for nothing but needs to compensate her for losing a night's work/money and cab home.half?!? that's a lot of workman's comp, and where the hell does she live, rak?

she eventually after more arguing and fighting gets away and goes home in tears, furious and upset. ...by trying to bb [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) her..."gets away" and "[CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123)" all sound a bit melodramatic. doesn't sound like she was ever in any real danger of either being detained against her will or of being raped. "tears, furious and upset"... at what? an ugly situation? if that's the worst situation she finds herself in, then she should consider herself lucky. though she did offer to give some back, perhaps also upset she wasn't going to make the full 900...

but don't risk ... the girl and her boyfirend... again, a bit melodramatic. her being in "this" profession is a risk... not all std's are prevented by covered sex. granted, genital herpes is not life threating, but it is a "gift" that keeps giving forever, and to all future partners (if not careful).

if you're reading this you should be ashamed, and you should have given her the agreed amount because if you had mentioned bb during negotiations she would not have gone near you.wtf! i'm not saying that this was not handled poorly by him; it was. but in any business dealings, there will be misunderstandings. given the hour, she was out a night's income. but he too was "left hanging" (pun intended); too late for him to go back and look for another. and you did say, "she picked up at 2:30am". it was her choice, and if she's still around at 2:30am... not much of a successful night, was it?

it's people like you who give guys like myself and a lot on this forum, who like to be courteous and give back a real bfe in exchange for a gfe and treat girls with respect, a bad name.huh? i'm responsible for my actions, and shall be judged accordingly. that's like saying because i was ripped off by one [insert country here] wg, then all [insert country here] wg's are bad.

... have a long-term wg gf and so don't really monger anymore.good for you, but i have to agree with sporadic... perhaps reading between the lines... maybe concern that your gf might not refuse in such a situation?

to everyone, please treat these girls with respect and you'll get so much more in return.no arguement there; i, and many others, have posted the same. but it also cuts both ways: when there's a disagreement, agree to disagree and go your separate ways.

my view:
it's basically a given that lt is cbj, covered fs, a couple of shots. a number of wg's do provide bbbj, a few less provide cim. but i always ask, if that's important to me with her that night. i also don't assume that a morning wakeup is on offer. i also ask 'departure time' as my definition of 'morning' may be different than hers.

anything outside that should be specified beforehand. anal, uncovered, photos... whatever. that way, both parties have the information to make a go/no-go decision. there should be no last minute surprises from either party (bb on the 1 hand, "i have to make a visa run"... etc. on the other, as examples.)

it's why i like to pull early: there's time for both to go back to the bar for an alternate choice. if we haven't "started", just taxi fare appropriate. and i don't start unless i know what's on the menu.

if there's a major disagreement (there has been a few), then i think st is a reasonable compromise, with a compromise between my st rate and hers.

i'm not unsympathetic, but upset at this? not a happy evening, but no cause for tears. worst case, she was out a night's work. doesn't sound like a major loss, given that she's in the '900 at closing' bracket, and i'm guessing a fl (no boss waiting at home to turn her earnings over to, and hell to pay if there's less than expected). those are the incidents i'm upset about, the controlled girls, or the case of the girl who was kidnapped by "le"...

bottom line: a shooting foul, not a technical...

11-09-07, 15:45
Denmark: No, it's not just you, S. ;) LOL.

Hotel...Thanks, but that was me being facetious (or trying to be); I DO remember your hard work at supplying the 'punter's guide to dxb'. This is THAT Spelman, right? :)

Only in dxb
This time, inside the market. Walkup to the checkout stand. Ahead of me, there's a couple buying dinner fixings. She, I recognize. She looks my way, the concern that I might say something apparent in her look. I look straight through her... just another housewife clogging up the line. Later, as he's paying, attention diverted, I give her just the SLIGHTEST of nods, and am rewarded with a wink in return. In the bar, she's a wg; elsewhere, just another civilian.

11-09-07, 16:13
i'm not unsympathetic, but upset at this? not a happy evening, but no cause for tears. worst case, she was out a night's work. doesn't sound like a major loss, given that she's in the '900 at closing' bracket, and i'm guessing a fl (no boss waiting at home to turn her earnings over to, and hell to pay if there's less than expected). those are the incidents i'm upset about, the controlled girls, or the case of the girl who was kidnapped by "le"...i too was very worried by the le kidnap case and passed the story on to warn others. but i am also worried by this.

strong words. [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123)? what else do you call trying to physically force a girl (wg or not) into bb fs after it wasn't agreed/consented to and she's clearly said no?

this might help you. some definitions (from dictionary.com)

[CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123)
1. the unlawful compelling of a woman through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse.
2. any act of sexual intercourse that is forced upon a person.

the point is, this guy became very aggressive and tried to force himself on her bb after she firmly had said condom or the deal's off. that's a frightening situation for a girl to be in and she was lucky she managed to get away in one piece. after all she could hardly dial 999 from his hotel room. there's only one person in the wrong here i'm afraid.

please remember that these girls have feelings and get frightened like any woman would in that situation.


…maybe concern that your gf might not refuse in such a situation?
what do you read while waiting for your "girlfriend" to jerk someone off? i don’t think there’s any need to be personal and insulting about someone else’s relationship. what i do might not suit you, and what you do might not be to my liking, but i don’t slag off what you do in your frs.

i was just trying to share information (re cyclone and other places at the top of the report) and while i was doing it i though it might be pertinent to on report on nasty incident which thankfully did not become much worse, but only just. i thought sharing info was the point of a forum.

but glad you both agree with the general sentiment that the guy concerned was out of order and the girls should be treated well.


11-09-07, 16:14

Thanks, but that was me being facetious (or trying to be); I DO remember your hard work at supplying the 'punter's guide to dxb'. This is THAT Spelman, right? :)

Correct it's me

11-09-07, 16:29
Most Cyclone A list refugees I know now work Hyatt Regency as prices are best there, or just visit their high-paying regulars, all arranged by phone or text.

My PRC GF has one regular she visits for 10 mins to half an hour, one quick HJ and out of there AED 1,100 better off
900 dhs 4.5 hours? Now THAT IS disturbing!The point I was trying to make was, there are plenty of A listers still around, but you won't be able to get them LT for Dh500 at Rattler, even if they are there, when they can still command Cyclone prices. As with any goods or services, if you want quality, you have to pay a bit more.


11-09-07, 16:31
One more short FR
Started the evening at Regal around 12 midnight and the guys working there recognized me so there was no problem to get in for free and as I walked up the stairs I immediately started to notice that the quality of the GF in Regal has improved since my last visit.
Some girls were still around but it looked like there has been a major change of girls In Regal to the better ;) I must say.

I chatted with some old Mongers fiends and they confirmed that quite a lot of new GF have arrived.

I walked up to one quite nice CIS to see what the price range would be now and she was shocking me with a nice number of 2000……. I just told sorry babe I have been here before and immediately she dropped down to 1000. phu sorry still to much, she was good looking but not that good. As soon as I left her one Punter moved on to her and what I could hear they agreed on 1500, hmmm he can’t be living here in Dubai or I am totally lost when it comes to the prices.

Anyway, I moved around to see if I could find another GF but this was one of these nights when I could not find anyone who I really wanted so I left the club and started to walk back to Ramada.

When I walked back to Ramada I called my old LBFM and she arrived quite fast and as usual no issues at all. We went up to the room and just had a WF and including BBBJ, rimming, DF and RCA, She went home today around mid day and the damage was 500 as last time.
This time I did take some pictures :) enjoy them in the Photo section guys

Cheers Spelman

11-09-07, 17:02
Nice FR, nice to see some new names posting EXPERIENCES. Below (wrt Teredrith) should be taken VERY tongue in cheek.I would say it is the reason of these forums to exist :-) Sharing is certainly more interesting than keeping everything for yourself!

Is that the wg's, or the other punters? :)I would say the other punters... This place do have a big contrast to the places we are used to be in.

Here, the whiter the better...Yes, that is something me and my friends understood quite easilly.

It's called the free market. Prices are what they think they can get from someone... even if that's not you. It also seems that you have a CIS "mentality" with respect to PRC's... I completely agree! It is indeed what they think they can get from someone. Increase/decrease in that market is the result of people paying respectively more or less!

Do ya think? And I always thought they were there for the music. :)I thought that.... hahahahahaha :D

"Sever" sounds like a ONE time performance :)I would tend to maintain several performance as she is still coming to my hotel ! Now, I say that what she gives me (still for free) is in perfect harmony with how I usually like and that is certainly reflecting my own opinion instead of a general view of the topic.



11-09-07, 17:43
Everybody looks down on somebody else: CIS hate the PRC's, claiming the PRC's go for 200 LT, driving down the price. PRC's dislike the africans, claiming they're always cutting in, getting preferental treatment by the security staff at the clubs when there's a disagreement ... I'm sure the africans have their "dislikes"...

I did not take any offense at your post, as I understood you were reporting the "perception" of those involved, not the reality.

Too true, too true.

WHAT!?! Racism in dxb?!? Hard to believe; I'm sure the Africans just got tired of the Seaview's band. :)

No, he's always too drunk to be a real danger, except to himself. Just an embarrassment, both to himself and for the poor girl who he's pulled for the evening.

I would agree, though I CAN'T vouch for the post 2am assortment... Maybe if I can take a nap in the early evening...

:-< Perceptions and opinions are just like assholes everybody’s got one.

Rubber Nursey
11-09-07, 17:50
hi boys. on my (regular) travels through the dubai thread this morning, i read steamer's post and actually sent him a pm to say thank you. with so many guys on the wsg bragging about forcing the bb issue, i thought it was nice of steamer to give a bit of insight on how bad it can make the girls feel.

i 'know' a lot of you guys in this thread and i know that you're kind and respectful mongers, so i was a bit surprised by your reactions to his post.

steamer doesn't say how far into the booking this request came, or how exactly the request was made, but if the guy 'asked' for bb in the middle of having sex, i can imagine it could have got quite scary for the girl. i don't know too many hookers who haven't experienced this same situation before. when you're naked in a room with a stranger (or under a stranger), he's horny and getting increasingly frustrated with his inability to get off, you know you have no way out and that [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) or violence is a very real possibility... you feel extremely vulnerable. if this is what happened to this girl, i can assure you she would have been genuinely upset when she got out.

even if the booking hadn't actually started, steamer said the guy was yelling at her, so it wasn't exactly a polite request. the same emotions apply, even if the booking hasn't got underway. you're still alone in a hotel room with an angry stranger and [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) and/or violence is still a possibility. she still would have felt extremely intimidated and afraid. then, of course, there's the loss of time and money, etc...which adds anger to the list of emotions. not to mention the cruel, cutting things that clients tend to say to sex workers when things turn nasty.

anyway, lecture over. :) sorry, but i just wanted to give you a wg's perspective.

11-09-07, 18:33
Steamer doesn't say how far into the booking this request came, or how exactly the request was made, but if the guy 'asked' for BB in the middle of having sex, I can imagine it could have got quite scary for the girl.I'll tell you how far into the booking. They went to his hotel at 2.30am and at 5am he decides he doesn't want a rubber anymore, presumably because, as Nursey says, he's having problems getting off and tries to force the issue. I saw the girl the next day and she was pretty shaken up.


11-09-07, 18:41
You guys......

11-09-07, 19:44
The point is, this guy became very aggressive and tried to force himself on her BB after she firmly had said condom or the deal's off.Here is another definition for you:
Material breach: a breach of contract that is so substantial that it defeats the purpose of the parties in making the contract and gives the nonbreaching party the right to cancel the contract and sue for damages
compare substantial performance at performance
Whether a breach is material is a question of fact. Under the Restatement (Second) of Contracts, a material breach gives rise to the right to suspend performance but not to cancel the contract until there is a total breach.

That's a frightening situation for a girl to be in and she was lucky she managed to get away in one piece. Agreed, (you too RN) but some important details were missing from your original post.

An hour and a half into the session? Unless they were chatting for all that time the guy really was a tool, and the girl was being too kind to refund anything to the asshole. I presume this was an escape tactic.

Please remember that these girls have feelings and get frightened like any woman would in that situation. Thanks, I really needed reminding.

I don’t think there’s any need to be personal and insulting about someone else’s relationship. You are 100% correct, I was wrong to make that comment about reading materials, and I apologize. My only excuse was my instant personal revulsion at the situation you described.

But glad you both agree with the general sentiment that the guy concerned was out of order and the girls should be treated well.
Gosh, thanks. I am glad you are glad, not sanctimonious.

Piper: When is your next FR from Denmark? I still think there might be something there... ;)

Zing Uk
11-09-07, 19:49
Surprise 1: Wow, I go away for a few days and come back to a lot of heavy stuff happening. Re steamers email, it sounds terrible for the poor girl. I've heard a few bad stories recently including the one about Princess L's friend and the fals LE dude. Maybe just coincidences, let's hope things don't get too silly. With too many uber bad stories we may have some serious spotlight on our favourite passtime which would make none of us happy.

Surprise 2: I've not been on for a few days as I've been away in Kuwait on business, lucky Zing I hear you yell. But wait, there was a surprise. I was in my hotel room on te second day in the middle of the day just doing some work on my laptop. There's a knock on the door and its the chambermaid come to tidy my room.

"On you go" I say, not really thinking anything. As she was cleaning we started some general chit-chat, she comes from Sri Lanka, been in Kuwait a couple of years blah blah blah. Anyway, still not thinking anything we shoot some small talk.

After a while she pick a cup up from the desk I'd used for a cup of tea. "Don't worry about washing it, there's another" I say. "But you may have a friend come visit you so you need two" come the reply. I think she genuinely meant this is a funny reply but being quick to see an opening (no pun intended) I ask her half-joking if she would like to come and visit me for a cup of tea. The conversation shot back and forward, she wasn't a stunner and a little bit on the big side for me (I like spinners) but not too bad and I was in Kuwait.

By this time my old man starting to pay attention so he decided we should really go for it so I told her I was serious and if she came back when she finished her shift we could have a cup of tea and some fun, laughing, I told her I promised not to tell. After a few minutes I managed to get her to promise to come back later when she had a free hour. And back she came in the evening. To cut a long story short she ended up earning a little extra overtime pay (slipped into her pocket, she wasn't a WG but I'm sure appreciated a small gift). She was a decided 5 all round in looks and performance but was a very nice girl who spoke excellent English and we enjoyed a couple of hours together. The best part was her being shy at the beginning as it kicked off. Can't say I find my usual PRC's shy!

I was in Kuwait for a further two days and she came to visit me again on both days although the last evening we had no time for anything other than a kiss and cuddle but she was really sweet. I have promise to stay in the same hotel the next time I go there so finally Kuwait is sorted.

11-09-07, 19:59
The punter gets angry and starts shouting at her. ... She eventually after more arguing and fighting gets away and goes home in tears, furious and upset.

The point is, this guy became very aggressive and tried to force himself on her BB after she firmly had said condom or the deal's off. It was NOT clear from your ORIGINAL post, at least to me, that physical force was used. With the "gets angry", plus "arguing", I just associated "fighting" with the "arguing", as in verbal fighting, not physical. My mistake. Obviously, any physical coercion is totally unacceptable (so is verbal, but it is in a different category).

I did not mean to insult your personal relationships, but found your "anger" a bit OTT WHEN I misunderstood the initial report. Like I said, while unfortunate, arguing and shouting are not in the same league as physical violence (I have been involved in the former [the wg screaming and shouting at me], never in the latter).

As with any goods or services, if you want quality, you have to pay a bit more.No arguement there. I've ALWAYS said a good price is what HER experience is worth TO YOU THAT night. Not saying I'd never pay 900, it's just that I've yet to find the girl that would apply to (and I cut my dxb teeth at Cyclone).

11-09-07, 20:17
... With so many guys on the WSG bragging about forcing the BB issue, I thought it was nice of Steamer to give a bit of insight on how bad it can make the girls feel. Hi RN, I don't remember ever reading on ISG where someone bragged that they forced BB on a girl. If they did, I'm sure they would've had a strong and instant reaction from many ISG members.

11-10-07, 01:08
To Piper, 11Bravo, and Sporadic, I'm sorry I originally omitted some details (timescales, for example) which would have made my original post clearer and, indeed, my own anger at what happened. And thanks for reconsidering some of your earlier statements.

I think RN summed it up better than I ever could.

I would just like to say I consider a lot of my GF's friends (all WGs) as friends. We often get together, just socially, for a meal or a few drinks, as any other group of friends do. They have a job to do in Dubai to earn money, and so do all of us.

When my GF is working, I try to think of it as her just being "in the office", though that is never easy.

But I would rather have her earn Dh1,100 for a 10 minutes HJ from a regular she trusts and then come back home with me, than have to be without her while she has to spend all night with a complete stranger for Dh800.

So that's why I sometimes take her "to work" and wait for her.

By the way, I don't read a book while I am waiting. Just listen to the radio and have a smoke.

Steamer 33

Rubber Nursey
11-10-07, 03:19
hi rn, i don't remember ever reading on isg where someone bragged that they forced bb on a girl. if they did, i'm sure they would've had a strong and instant reaction from many isg members.

haha...i just realised i said wsg. jeez, i'm getting old!

unfortunately, it happens a hell of a lot on here. sometimes the reaction is strong, but often it's more of a 'who are we to judge what other mongers do in bed?' type of attitude. makes me sick. that's actually why i enjoy reading the dubai thread so much - it's chock full of intelligent, respectful men who give a damn. :)

sporadic: i don't know much about other legal systems, but here they would charge you with the offence that attracts the highest penalty. so in sex work, even though it's technically a business transaction, you would be charged with [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123), not breach of contract. i totally agree that she shouldn't have had to refund any money - she'd already kept her end of the bargain.

this is exactly why i've been fighting so hard for decriminalised brothels in my state. no refunds for violent pigs and plenty of available muscle to come to your aid.

11-10-07, 06:27
Thanks, I really needed reminding.I'm sure you don't - but there are plenty of assholes who do.

11-10-07, 10:43
Hi Mongers,

Thank you for the nice reports which has always been very helpful. I would mention in particular about the site www.happyhourdubai.com and www.expatriates.com. I used them during my Dubai trip a week ago and both worked well.

One advice regarding the first site mentioned above is that you tell Mina specifically about the type of girl you need. I had a problem in conversation with the Chinese she sent who knew only two words of English, namely good and f**k. Mina started with AED 1000 for 2 hrs and came down quickly to 500.

As regards the second site, concentrate on those ads wherein contact numbers are given so that you can call and get more info about the girl. For email addresses, I tried four without any response. Hope this helps fellow members.


11-10-07, 11:03
Hi Tom,

I tried to send you email on your address without any success. Have you changed your address? I will visit Dubai around 25th of this month and would appreciate if you PM me how to get in touch with you, obviously to place order for my s*x meal. Thanks buddy for the services advertised.


11-10-07, 11:27
I do that with my regular GF also. Once she hops back in my car after giving a punter a quick CIM blowjob, I reward her with a slap on the ass and a deep lingering DFK, then we go spend half her earnings on clothes for me - usually shiny shirts, chunky gold chains and bracelets, and baseball caps (which I wear backwards). We're both happy with the arrangement.Piper the shirt and the bling you had on while we met last was really great. Now I know where you got it. WOW!

Sylvan (R in BTF)

Zing Uk
11-10-07, 11:45
I would just like to say I consider a lot of my GF's friends (all WGs) as friends. We often get together, just socially, for a meal or a few drinks, as any other group of friends do. They have a job to do in Dubai to earn money, and so do all of us.

When my GF is working, I try to think of it as her just being "in the office", though that is never easy.

But I would rather have her earn Dh1,100 for a 10 minutes HJ from a regular she trusts and then come back home with me, than have to be without her while she has to spend all night with a complete stranger for Dh800.

So that's why I sometimes take her "to work" and wait for her.

By the way, I don't read a book while I am waiting. Just listen to the radio and have a smoke.

Steamer 33Always a difficult one, I had several GF's who have been WG's in Asia and back in UK and, as regular Dubai readers know, have one here in Dubai now. I like the no-bullshit attitude you get from WG's around the sex issues and when I meet one that just has a nice personality to boot it makes a fairly complete package for me. The problem comes when you do get attached to them it can be really difficult at times to know they basically fuck around with other men. My own rules in this are simple:

A: Never discuss the detail of their work with them, I. E. Did you have a good night? OK. Was he a good fuck? Not ok IMHO

B: Never wait for them. I find this a real killer to be honest, if you expect them to come home at 1am and she doesn't turn up by 1. 30am (the usual case) I start to go mental thinking all kinds of horrible thoughts. So when she is out working I leave her to it and don't see her on that particular evening. If she text then fine we'll exchange a few messages and sometimes she pops over if business is slow but this is then a bonus

I know everyone has their own way of doing things and I'm certainly not saying my way is right but that's how I handle it and my tuppence worth. The other thing, as you point out, when you do have a WG\GF you get much more into the girls as human being and have a good laught with them so incidents like the current one being discussed to tend to inflame you a bit more, it could easily be your own gf or one of her mates you know well and consequently much more personal.

Anyway, good to see adult and informed discussion on the forum as usual.

Respect and Romp


11-10-07, 14:05
Unfortunately, it happens a hell of a lot on here.[Sometimes the reaction is strong, but often it's more of a 'Who are we to judge what other mongers do in bed?' ...Coincidentally, after writing my comment below, I read a post by good ol' Opebo in BKK, bragging that he managed to finish BB inside a girl against her wishes. He received a couple of negative comments, but most readers know him well enough to know he only posts such comments purely so he can snicker at the negative reaction. He's largely ignored nowadays.

This is exactly why I've been fighting so hard for decriminalised brothels in my State.From memory, you're in WA, so I'm surprised brothels aren't decriminalized there. It's the home state of the EROS foundation, no? (EROS foundation is the main adult-industry political lobby group in Australia). I used to enjoy the annual SEXPO exhibitions they organized.

Picture this guys: SEXPO was a large annual trade exhibition in Australia, open to the public, similar to GITEX etc, but the focus was on the sex and porn industry. They had some great exhibits, competitions and prizes (including vouchers for free sessions at top-class brothels). Nothing sleazy about the exhibition - in fact the aim was to bring the sex industry into the mainstream and de-sleaze its image.

It included dozens of stalls and demonstrations, including presentations by "safe-sex" doctors, alongside toned-down dominatrix shows where a lucky audience member could volunteer to be the slave, plus sex toys, videos and magazines, information stands run by working girls from well-known brothels, etc. Thousands of people attended each year - many if not most were couples. I remember taking my (bi) girlfriend there. She was hesitant to come along at first (being from a well-known conservative family in town) but she loved it, and asked me to bring her back the next day (she loved the lesbian mock-act).

RN - maybe you could arrange for a SEXPO to be held in Dubai? ;)

11-10-07, 14:16
unfortunately, it happens a hell of a lot on here. sometimes the reaction is strong, but often it's more of a 'who are we to judge what other mongers do in bed?' type of attitude. i'll agree with piper. maybe on other threads, but on this one, while bb obviously does occur, it's by mutual consent (as much as it can be when there is always the 'financial' pressure, as in loss of a good customer). but certainly not overt physical threat.

here is another definition for you:lol. i always enjoyed professor kingsfield. "mr hart, here's a dime... "

will agree with sporadic: no refund owed when things had progressed so far. i've always said, make things clear in the bar. if there is a disagreement back home, let it be at the beginning. if the package is unopened, then it can be returned, no penalty. but as soon as you begin, you've accepted the stated conditions.

:-< perceptions and opinions are just like assholes everybody’s got one.speaking of quotes, the full one is: opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one, it's just that some are more shitty than others. :)

even if the booking hadn't actually started, steamer said the guy was yelling at her, so it wasn't exactly a polite request. the same emotions apply, even if the booking hasn't got underway. you're still alone in a hotel room with an angry stranger and [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) and/or violence is still a possibility.no denying that. but it also cuts both ways. i've been in a room where a wg has gone off the deep end, ranting and raving (e.g., she turning a lt deal into st, but still wants the lt pay). piper also reported a different experience. granted, i'm not so worried about [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) and violence, but there certainly can be "ramifications". too much of a scene, le shows up, and you're trying to explain to the home office (and maybe your wife) why you can't be at work due to having to be in court to defend yourself against exactly what charges - adultry? sex outside of marriage? sure, maybe not illegal back home, and a fun topic around the water cooler, but in the board room... not exactly the 'image' your company wants to present in a foreign land...

like i said, i'm not unsympathetic, and this guy was wrong, but there's bad on both sides of the line.

when my gf is working, i try to think of it as her just being "in the office", though that is never easy.since you brought it up: if it's that bothersome to you, then why don't you 'retire' her?

Rubber Nursey
11-10-07, 14:47
From memory, you're in WA, so I'm surprised brothels aren't decriminalized there. It's the home state of the EROS foundation, no?
Good lord, no. That would be far too progressive for WA! Eros is based in Canberra.

There are laws before State Parliament at this very moment seeking to decriminalise brothels. Sex for money is not illegal here, but everything else is - running brothels, working the streets, two girls in one house, etc.

I used to enjoy the annual SEXPO exhibitions they organized. RN - maybe you could arrange for a SEXPO to be held in Dubai?
Sexpo is still going strong. It hit Perth a couple of weeks ago, but I couldn't make it. It's an awesome day out and a very much loved event on the Oz calendar. It has its own website if people are curious.

I don't think I'd have much luck bringing a Sexpo to Dubai. I'd probably be stoned to death!! :)

11-10-07, 14:50
Rattlesnake, Friday, 11:15 - 11:30
15 minutes - either really good or really bad. Unfortunately, the latter. 35 dhs, no drink. Walking in, IMMEDIATELY realized I'd made a mistake. A number of a-listers missing (well, the airshow is in town), and the chorus wasn't looking too good either. One word: sparse, both in wg's and punters. Sporadic, as bad as it was when we were there - think an order of magnitude LESS. There ought to be a Rattlesnake status board that gives a green/yellow/red status. Friday night, it was RED.

Did see Miss Supermarket (see previous post); she came over and gave me a big hug. There were a few candidates about, but... Then I saw Miss Familiar enter. Things looking up, especially given the low number of punters in residence at this hour. Even better, she was giving me the warm smiles tonight, so walked on over.

Oops, perhaps I just happened to be where her non-focused gaze was fixed while she exchanged pleasantries with her gf, because when I arrived, I got a very BLAND greeting. In fact, after the brief greeting, she stepped up to the front row of the entry gauntlet. Not a good sign, but... I'd paid my 35 dhs, might as well take the swing, even if I knew it was futile. Stepped over, asked her how much for tonight. In a voice that would have been perfect in one of those non-human voice mail systems, and a look on her face of "what's wrong with your short term memory?", it was a FLAT "800". She has the attractive face, the nice body, but what is missing, most definitely with me, is ATTITUDE. Her's was STRICTLY business. Batter goes down swinging.

Thought about trying some phone number, but like I said before, that's kind of like asking for directions... Looking around, figured if I was going to be unaccompanied, I might as well have some DECENT music, so headed out for the Seaview. But left the 'Snake's "hospital" band on, just in case. After all, it is on the way home...

On my way to the Seaview...thinking... I had originally planned on an initial York visit, 10-11, but the gravitational pull of the couch screwed that up. But I can certainly adapt to a changing game situation, so why not?

York, Friday 00:00 - 1:00
OK, actually Saturday MORNING, but you know what I mean. Walking in, the place was jumping, or felt like it anyway. Not too crowded, but the mass was there. Ordered a drink (insurance, plus I was hot from the walk to where I'd stashed the car).

Side note: I don't exactly blend in here :), but I have no problem with the York waitresses. Even at the end, when I was sans drink, I only had 2 non-intrusive requests if I wanted anything. Obviously, that only works if you're known, but I think if you set the tone...

Drink comes, and rather than pay with small bills, I decide to break a 100, just in case taxi money is required the next morning. Seemed like a good idea at the time. Waitress disappears, promising to return with the change. The problem is, just then, I see a dynamic duo sweep by. One a LITTLE spinner in a school girl outfit, Miss SG; new to me. I'm cringing at my thoughts... But because I'm pinned to the spot waiting for change (sorry, the waitresses all look the same), I can't pursue.

EVENTUALLY, waitress returns with the change, seems like forever, but I'm sure that's only because I was EAGER to go into pursuit mode. I go looking - they're nowhere to be found. Make a circuit... nothing. 2nd round, there they are, chatting up a potential. OK, will make another round, come back, see what's happened. I return, all 3 are gone. Damn - you snooze, you lose.

Another circuit, just in case. No. So time for the stationary search method: I stand next to the migration path, watching the flow. When the same face comes around again, then again... Looks hopeless, time for an alternate target.

See a SLENDER, rail thin looker, for sure York top gun. Some eye contact, some smiles, and I step over. Her english is excellent, she's been to university (why not). Miss Uni's good english is appealing, even if I'm not so attracted to the a-size rack. While chatting with her, my departed fav's roommate comes over - as usual, all the a-listers know each other. Too bad I hadn't see her first (had pulled her a couple of weeks ago, nice time). But before I can change "horses", she excuses herself. Hmm, professional courtesy or maybe she's got something on the burner herself.

Back to Miss Uni. Trying to convince myself to make an offer, as opposed to hitting Seaview. Not much hope at this hour there, but... I'm struggling making the commitment... Just then, I see Miss SG cruise past. I excuse myself, light the afterburner, do a 180, turn the corner, and... she's gone. Disappeared... I start down the length of the bar... can't see her. Where the f*ck could she have gone? Those legs aren't that long... Then I see her, watching the pool tables. I reverse direction, and she's lost again. What is this, "Beam me up Scotty" time? I'm doing the 360 head spin... Then spy her hidden behind another. Fix her with my gaze, oblivious to anything else, bump into a couple of people as I make my way to her side.

Say hi, with a "I really like your outfit, though I probably shouldn't...", but that goes over her head. But get a WARM smile in return. This is more like it. INNOCENT face, cute smile, sparkling eyes... And that uniform... Now glad I've got taxi money and have started wondering where exactly do you get a taxi from the York because I don't want to be seen on the street - talk about a walk of shame - dad and daughter going to school.

She's 22, looks barely 18. Lives in Diera (that's bad - that means a taxi home, not the 11b taxi, but I definately will be taking her to the taxi stand as I don't want my neighbors to see an outfit like that leaving my abode.) Things looking GOOD. She asks if I'm going to take a lady tonight? I tell her I'm thinking yes.

I bend down, close to her ear, and ask how much? She looks up at me (she barely comes up to my chest, I'm sure she doesn't even break 5 feet), looks up with that SWEET, INNOCENT face, that demure smile, and says, "Dollars or dirhams?" Well, there goes the 'innocent' fantasy, but the compensation is, she must know her job. "I live here, dirhams." The sweet, innocent face speaks again, "800".

What is it? Has 800 become the new 5(00)? Has there been a CIA meeting where prices have been fixed? Truth be told, I'm a bit staggered, that fast ball blowing past me for a called 3rd strike. I don't even know if I made a counter offer. She gives me a BRIEF "why not?", and my MIND answers: what about all the fine wg's who came in underneath that price? Hell, 2 weeks ago, on a THURSDAY prime night, Miss Roommate was 700... I decline, and Miss SG moves off, MY fantasy in tatters. Another batter goes down swinging.

I see Miss Roommate "engaged" at the bar; that's a deadend; batter out, caught looking.

Back to Miss Uni. Where have I been? "Getting a drink", I half lie; well, it was a drink of reality. OK, time to make a decision. Fall over the fence to the plus side, ask for a price quote. "1000". The english is an attraction, but NOT that much of an attraction. Once again, I'm comparing recent past history, and there's no way that that price will fly. I don't even bother with a counter offer. She's made my decision for me - Seaview it is. Another batter strikes out.

Walking out, see a successful Miss SG leaving. Don't know if he paid retail price... but must admit, I'm somewhat jealous. Oh well... At least I don't have to worry about a walk of shame; they are leaving a trail of turned heads behind him.

Note: Seems like Miss SG is quite well known. See a good-guy buddy at Seaview; mention my evening's tribulations, and he INSTANTLY knows who I'm talking about.

Walking back to the car, notice that I've lost the Rattlesnake band. Damn, there goes that option; I'm certainly NOT paying to go back inside.

Seaview, Friday 01:00 - 1:30
Band's on a break. Not too crowded, but the available selection a bit sparse. It's bottom of the ninth, home team behind, looking grim.

Spot 1 familiar face on the dance floor, or at least I think it is. Yes, as she comes past, she says hi, but continues on to her date's table. 1 away.

Then things looking up (well, at this hour); see Miss Bi-Polar. Get a NICE smile; perhaps she's come to terms with her career choice. Walk on over to say hi. Get a warm smile, but before we can start anything, I get 'beaned': Sporadic's Miss Kirgie sees me, RUNS over to say hi. She's busy talking about Sporadic, but Miss Bi-Polar, thinking I've already made a choice, moves away. No offense, Sporadic, but it takes me a couple of minutes to extricate myself - your gravitational pull even from FAR away apparent.

In that time, Miss Bi-Polar has secured another obviously 'familiar' client. They're so entwined, that's 2 away.

Things really looking grim: bottom of the ninth, 2 away. Then I see Miss D. Haven't seen her around for a LONG time. Had pulled her last year - one of the sweetest, nicest girls I've known. Bit surprised; maybe it isn't her.

Step over, it is, and she's pleased I remember her name. She's also got a good memory, thanking me for some photos I'd given her. "Maybe we can make some new ones?" She shakes her head no. Strike 1. But she doesn't move off.

I try a different tack: "Any chance tonight?" "No." Strike 2. But again, she doesn't move off, and she doesn't appear to be looking around for her date.

Hmm. Let me try again. "You busy tonight?" "No." Foul ball, still strike 2.

Last chance. The pitcher winds up, the pitch... batter swings, "Would you like to go home with me tonight?" He connects, the ball's going, going, going, "Yes, I was hoping you'd ask", gone - home run.

Year on, some rough breaks, but she's still as sweet as ever. She might not have the face of Miss Familiar, but can certainly give her a run for the money over body, has the edge in dress, and as far as attitude - order of magnitude better.

Of course, given the late hour, I'm wiped today. Never a mention of money, so of course she got a bonus, and her new number tucked away in my mobile.

Rubber Nursey
11-10-07, 15:26
11Bravo - please don't think for a second that I was in any way having a go at you guys. The only reason I read this thread so consistently is because I love you guys and your attitudes. And your stories are a great read.

The responses to Steamer's WG girlfriend have been interesting. I'm genuinely surprised that you guys are so opposed to the situation.

11-10-07, 15:34
Zing - nearly missed your post as the thread has been so busy (I haven't caught up with my reading yet!) I liked your report of your Kuwait adventure. She may have been a 5 in looks (as you say), but often a 5 in those circumstances is much more fun, exciting and memorable than an 8 or 9 WG from a club (besides, the rating scale is very subjective). Anyway - well done! I had a similar experience in Bahrain several years ago (a drinks waitress in a mujra club). I was only in Bahrain for four nights on that visit, and it took me the first two nights of flirting and doey-eyed pleading in the club before she finally agreed to secretly slip me her phone number (against management rules).

I still remember the remaining two nights in the hotel room with her more vividly than most WG experiences I've had. She was also very shy - in fact, the first night she wouldn't let me see her naked - only under the covers. Second night she was much more adventurous (partly because she 'knew' me by then, and partly because I'd taken her to a fun wine-tasting event at a five-star hotel earlier that night. ;))

11-10-07, 17:23
Since YOU brought it up: if it's that bothersome to you, then why don't you 'retire' her?Don't worry, I intend to as soon as possible. But for reasons I can't get into here, at the moment she has to keep working. Ironically it seems more bothersome to other people on this forum than me.

11-10-07, 17:38
but before we can start anything, I get 'beaned': Sporadic's Miss Kirgie sees me, RUNS over to say hi. She's busy talking about Sporadic, but Miss Bi-Polar, thinking I've already made a choice, moves away. No offense, Sporadic, but it takes me a couple of minutes to extricate myself - your gravitational pull even from FAR away apparent.
Sorry about that my friend, she can be quite innocent about such things. As for gravity, sadly that is a function of mass, and the square law notwithstanding it would seem I am sufficiently massive (Har!). I was not sitting the parking lot, that´s for sure. ;)

One of these days I am going to have to clone your sim card and get a copy of your database. Your flotsam and jetsam would keep me busy for ages. :)

British Paki
11-10-07, 18:16
Hi guys,

I will be arriving in Dubai Sat 17 Nov for five days, staying at Dar al Sondos. If anybody wants to meet up for joint hunting trips please PM me.

11-10-07, 18:29
Sorry about that my friendNOT a problem - between the 2, I easily prefer Miss D. It might be COP's "business model", but she's certainly got me convinced.

The responses to Steamer's WG girlfriend have been interesting. I'm genuinely surprised that you guys are so opposed to the situation.I took nothing PERSONALLY, and let me make this clear: the guy was wrong (clear once the FULL story was told). I'm not opposed to the situation - as I said, he should have paid the full amount, and I'm sure her offer to return 1/2 was an escape mechanism (smart thinking), to defuse the situation, allowing him to think that he's not a total loser (which he is). She was right, he was wrong (period).

But, let's put it in context: I've pulled a number of Cyclone girls, a number of 'Snake girls: rare that I see "fingerprints" on them. I also pull Imperial girls: rare that I DON'T see fingerprints. Yes, it can happen anywhere, and there are any number of reasons girls who can do work Cyclone/Snake. Money is one, safety is another. There is always the danger of hooking up with someone who thinks himself above the law, above the rules. But in other establishements, the girls don't have that luxury, and go with men who think that a)women are inferior, and b)prostitutes are the lowest of the low.

It was a bad incident, and hopefully the CIA will pass the word on the idiot.

Personally, I always use a condom for FS, and would never accept an offer to forgo such.

11-10-07, 18:34
To Piper, 11Bravo, and Sporadic, I'm sorry I originally omitted some details (timescales, for example) which would have made my original post clearer and, indeed, my own anger at what happened. ...

When my GF is working, I try to think of it as her just being "in the office", though that is never easy.

Don't worry about it. Your waiting in the car outside simply conjured up an image that I exaggerated for a bit of fun. I've occasionally dropped favorite WGs back to Rattler after an early ST so they can find more business. Not much difference to your story really - just a matter of degree.

Zing Uk
11-10-07, 19:33
She may have been a 5 in looks (as you say), but often a 5 in those circumstances is much more fun, exciting and memorable than an 8 or 9 WG from a club (besides, the rating scale is very subjective). Anyway - well done!

Never a truer word spoken, to be honest if the WG's were straight girls back in the homeland I doubt I'd land any of them so with non-WG's sights are set lower anyway. Unfortunately, I didn't take any pics but the girl you posted has a remarkable similar look althouhg probably 5kg to 10kg heavier. Good time though and one I'm keen to repeat :-)

Another circuit, just in case. No. So time for the stationary search method: I stand next to the migration path, watching the flow. When the same face comes around again, then again... Looks hopeless, time for an alternate target.Ha ha, I know the cruise and casual stand at post well in York. Generally cruise works best for me and tend to get less hassle from beer girls. I look forward to seeing the school girl next time I'm there though, think I could go the 800 even if it breaks the rules:

11-10-07, 19:38
Is this the point where we all join hands and sing "Kum bay ya"?

A more modern version might be "Shiny happy people."

11-10-07, 20:28
Is this the point where we all join hands and sing "Kum bay ya"I agree - let's sing along to the clip and have a group-hug.

The girls in the clip gave me a throbbing hard-on. The twinkle in their eyes, those outfits, and the way they worked themselves into a frenzy ... hellalujah.


11-10-07, 22:36
Speaking of quotes, the FULL one is: opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one, it's just that some are more shitty than others. :)

Whether or not someone else’s opinion or perception is shitty is still an opinion and that in itself is not really significant coming from a member of the geriatric club.
Guys I feel like Jimmy Swaggart “Forgive for me for I have sinned.” I don’t like to antagonize but some guys make it hard.

Take It Sleazy

11-11-07, 00:43
I know, it was all going so well .....

11-11-07, 03:04
Ignorant Shit In this case, most definitely. I'm baffled as to how exactly I've antagonized you. The "shitty" quote was not intended to be personal; it was a generic quote, intended to lighten things up after your earlier post. 666995

Exactly what in that referenced post offended you baffled me then, and still does now. Perhaps if you could quote a specific line of a post of mine that has offended you, I'd be more enlightened.

Rubber Nursey
11-11-07, 03:09
I took nothing PERSONALLY, and let me make this clear: the guy was wrong (clear once the FULL story was told). I'm not opposed to the situation... She was right, he was wrong (period).

No, no...I meant Steamer's situation with his girlfriend. Him waiting outside in the car while she sees a client. I was genuinely interested in the way people responded to the idea of his girlfriend still working.

If any of you wanted to share your feelings on the subject, I'd really like to hear them. In the Morality section perhaps, so I don't clutter up your thread any more than I already have! :) It's something I've been thinking about a bit, lately (with regard to my own situation). Your opinions would be much appreciated.

11-11-07, 06:07
I guess I was little premature with the "Kum bay ya" suggestion.

Joe Coodidge
11-11-07, 08:15

Someone I met on the way back from Dubai told me about a place called the "Kent Club" or something like that. It is a club about 15 minutes outside Dubai and it is supposed to cater to Ethiopians.

Guys ever hear of this place?


11-11-07, 10:15
Liar.... u popped a stiffie as soon as the presenter came on :P

The outfits were just icing.

I agree - let's sing along to the clip and have a group-hug.

The girls in the clip gave me a throbbing hard-on. The twinkle in their eyes, those outfits, and the way they worked themselves into a frenzy ... hellalujah.


11-11-07, 11:23
As always, like Ms. Nursey, the UAE threads are one of my ports of call when opening up ISG and provide much information and entertainment. Thanks to all contributors. While often traveling and contributing back on my inspections of the roads and the occasional potholes in mongerdom, I have not yet made it to Dubai and AD in spite of several invitations from members to "come on down". I shall do so when time permits.

I would like to add to the running comments about service levels and disputes between providers and guests over the same with my own observations for what they are worth.

The transactions that we are describing and happily partake in are ones that are or should be between consenting adults. Willing buyer and seller. Much of the 'disputes' and aggro that has been described below between Customers and Providers should never arise. During the initial job interview it really is a simple matter to quietly and in detail discuss what services are required and offered, the level of remuneration to be agreed and the time duration. It really isn't much more difficult that that to cover the bases and for both parties (or more than two if the occasion calls for it) to come to a friendly and detailed job specification and remuneration schedule, or not. One should always try to be selective even with the clouds of lust swirling and estrogen wafting through the air. Saying that, I can easily and truthfully confess to letting myself down when things became for whatever reason ‘overheated’.

There really is no need for surprises, aggro, or in most cases disappointments for any of the parties if a truthful exchange of ideas and expectations takes place.

There are situations in which a provider does not respect what has been agreed and indeed unfortunately there are a small proportion of providers who do this repeatedly and knowingly. These ladies are to be avoided and it is mostly incumbent upon the customer to try to sort them out in the interview. Good interviewing technique is an invaluable tool to the full enjoyment of our hobby. And then there are the assholes that inflict themselves upon providers simply because they are unlikely to be able to do so in other areas of life and are looking to make up for their own inadequacies.

When a provider is less than forthcoming in her interview or in the room, there is but one answer that a gentleman can give and that is to hit them and hit them hard - in the pocket book !!! Avoid them, dismiss them early if need be with a full explanation of why and move on, do not patronize them and preferable identify them but always with the caveat that YMMV, as it often does. Since two (or more) human beings are involved, 'chemistry' does play a large part in the interview process and after. Sometimes it is there, sometimes it isn't. I also subscribe to the theory that respect going in on both sides is the foundation of great sessions and even in the interview when an interviewee is found for whatever reason to be missing something to progress to the next stage, a very respectful dismissal that saves face all around doesn't cost anything but does keep a good atmosphere in the club or wherever. It can gain very good points with the following interviewees - the girls do talk amongst themselves and transmit instantly 'who is hot(a good and respectful prospect) and who is not'. Often there are more ‘not’s’ in the club or bar than hots. Which one all things being more or less equal or indeed even if the offer is a bit less form the hot do you think most providers will go for? Why not lengthen your odds of a great session by being respectful?

Enough of this. But I leave you with a thought from last week's mongering in sunny climes that is apt. Accompanied by a very Senior member of this Board, we made our way through a number of clubs and conducted many interviews of which there were a number of successful applicants all who during the course of the rest of the night provided at least what was discussed and agreed and in most cases more, very much more. All the unsuccessful candidates were dismissed from further consideration respectfully and with a smile and thanks for their time.

One of the most interesting comments back from an interviewee to my colleague who ascribes to the same school of interview thought as the delightful expectations for the evening were being reviewed and agreed upon was a heartfelt: "Thank goodness !!! Finally a man in XXXXX, who knows and can say what he wants in a session up front".

The feelings on both sides are universal and transportable to most climes and situations.

Do enjoy and of course every club/bar visit is a learning experience.

Tercar 66
11-11-07, 11:25
I just wanted to check out the Ajman scene on Friday night . I went to Ajman beach hotel, there is a restuarant in the hotel facing the beach. Around 20 chinese and a couple of Russians. All sub-standard, I saw Ajman locals cracking deals with them. The restuarant inside had a lousy Filipino band. There are a few Mujra joints as well. Bad experience , I would not recomend any fellow mongers to waste time exploring that area.

11-11-07, 11:29
Warning: This could be Habit forming.

I agree - let's sing along to the clip and have a group-hug.

The girls in the clip gave me a throbbing hard-on. The twinkle in their eyes, those outfits, and the way they worked themselves into a frenzy ... hellalujah.


Road Lover
11-11-07, 13:03
Hi guys! I am coming back to Dubai after a fairly long gap of a year. RTFF didnt mention Braodway at all. Last time I was there, I found it offering a great selection. I almost never went anywhere except there, as it always offered an exclectic mix of Arabic looking women, Russians and CHinese. Rates were reasonable and all three tribes mentioned above did a very good job. Any reason why no one seems to go there out of this forum?

Also the rates seem to have gone up. Last year, I had this wonderful Morrocan for 300 st. Now somewhere in these reports, it is written that Arabic women dont come below 2000! Wow. Is that true?

11-11-07, 13:23
RTFF didnt mention Braodway at all. Last time I was there, I found it offering a great selection.
Any reason why no one seems to go there out of this forum?Hmmm, not sure how far you read back, but there have been both negative and positive reports of Broadway for the past year.

Doctopuss has probably contribuited with the most comprehensive positive reports but there have been some negatives also. So rest assured, it has not been overlooked!

Also the rates seem to have gone up. Last year, I had this wonderful Morrocan for 300 st. Now somewhere in these reports, it is written that Arabic women dont come below 2000! Wow. Is that true?This sounds like a misunderstanding to me. Morrocans have always been very expensive. in Fact, it has always been cheaper to fly out to Cassablanca, and monger there than to seek a Morrocan in Dubai!

The 300ST must have been someone pretending to be Morrocan, many are known to do this to raise their profile. If it was a genuine Morrocan for 300ST, then you were a lucky man and it its a rarity.

Since you are here after a while, a quick recap. Cyclone RIP, Amnesia RIP - Its painfull to say it, both closed.

Premiere, Ku-bu, Rattlesnake and Zinc (apparently) have sheltered the homeless.

Enjoy Dubai

11-11-07, 13:23
The To-Do List - a different approach?? Agree with everything you've said. One nice thing about here, at least what I've found, is the rip-off artists are few and far between, at least the PRC's (like I said, MY experience, can't really speak for other nationalities).

When I first arrived, and for the next number of years, I always asked about menu, departure time, price. Later on, the importance of the menu diminished somewhat, as it's become more "her experience" rather than a specific orifice/task :) (though certainly when "her experience" is not compelling, the menu does become more important).

And my solution is as you say: poor performers don't get callbacks, good ones do.

Simple: You give respect, you get respect (and why I find the "grabbing" marketing technique particularly repelling - it's disrespectful. I AM aware of my surroundings.)

RTFF didnt mention Braodway at all.That I believe, but did you try a search on "Broadway"? [joke]

Any reason why no one seems to go there out of this forum?Wrong side of the "river"? Seriously, traffic has NOT improved, and at least for me, a trip to diera just isn't worth it (trip there, trip back to my place, then her return to the "office" all add up to possibly significant time).

Also, from the FR's, Broadway is a place you either love or hate. Maybe one of these days/nights I'll get there. But PLEASE, go for it, and report. It WILL be appreciated by many.

11-11-07, 22:46
Please please help I will be in Dubai next week and am trying to find the middle eastern ladies, especially Morrocan or Lebanese, where is the best place to go to? Thanks guys will post a report when I return

Fifty Fifty
11-12-07, 08:31
Please please help I will be in Dubai next week and am trying to find the middle eastern ladies, especially Morrocan or Lebanese, where is the best place to go to? Thanks guys will post a report when I return

Wow 11 posts, 11 questions, well not really that many as some are repeats.

One further question, if I may -

As you have not actually posted a report in over 20 months of membership, should we hold our breath?

If you ever found any of the types of girls you have been so desperatley searching for, then either you kept the info to yourself or just plain forgot that this is actually a Forum where we share information.

May your wishes be granted, but if they are then why not share????



11-12-07, 10:15

I have been reading about all the flak in this forum for members who do not post. I don't want to be one of those.

Me experience is around a year back and I am happy to report that I stayed in the metropolitan and it is definitely green. Had some afternoon action at TGIT and the CIS pair took me to their apartment nearby. After around 40 mins and in middle of the second round, someone claiming to be one of the girl's BF turned up at the door so they hurried me out. Seems like a long time con. Beware.

Hope I have earned my brownie points!

11-12-07, 13:01
Wow 11 posts, 11 questionsI'm waiting for the book myself, but, you know, he did "promise" to post... no doubt more questions...

Your flotsam and jetsam would keep me busy for ages. :)Yes, they are a dynamic duo...

11-12-07, 15:18
...... During the initial job interview it really is a simple matter to quietly and in detail discuss what services are required and offered, the level of remuneration to be agreed and the time duration. ...... I also want to give my 2 cents in this discussions.

My experience is not so big up to now, but I also found my way to develop my point to make a decision to take her or not.

My main subject is:

Is there any sympathy between the lady and myself. Of course this is not always easy, but I never failed in the mongering scene in DXB. However my experience I have is mainly with PRC´s and Phillipinas.

So before I am starting to talk about price I try to figure out whether this could be the right lady for me. Here there are several important criteria:

1. Look to her face - her eyes - (can she look into my eyes when talking?)

2. Body - thats easy, if the light is not too dark in the picking scene.

3. Contact attitude - did she make the first move or did I? Does she show interest in me; by the way she answers questions or respond to my questions. Is there any body contact f.e. hands? How she reacts when touching her hair with a compliment?

4. I am only starting to discuss price when I am really interested. For LT my limit is 1000 depending on the lady and how much I want her.

5. Discuss possible departure time.

6. I almost never discuss menue, when the lady asks what I want than I tell her "I want to make you come without fake. You tell me what I have to do."

I never got disappointed; even from most of the ladies I do have mobile number and some of them I saw several times.

It is even difficult to let the relation not develop to far, for me it is important that the lady understands my personal situation and she also understands that there can only be a relation on the base we both understand. Of course such kind of discussions come up when you see her the second or third time.

I am sometimes getting the impression that some ladies are looking for more than a business relation, as for most of them it is difficult to be in this kind of job. I had several situations when they where not able to hold the tears when talking about some private issues of them, or when saying good bye and both of us know that maybe we will never see each other again.

They very much appreciate when you care about them and how they feel and make their living.

The negative experiences I had were with the mechanical attitude of some of them, but never I felt that I didn´t get good value for the money I payed.


11-12-07, 18:34
Me experience is around a year back... Hope I have earned my brownie points!A YEAR ago?!? Trouble with brownie points is that they stale out rather quickly... though your scam warning is appreciated regardless of the date.

My Kapitan
11-12-07, 18:49

You click or you dont.

For me it's always tall blonde Russians, but they dont have to be tall, blonde or indeed Russian!

Wgs are the same as civilians it either clicks or it dosen't.
Often I have walked away from the Regal alone because there was no girl who rang my bells. Just cause you are paying for it doesn't mean you have to regardless of how you feel inside...we mongers are not the providers although to some it seems that way.

my 2 cents MK

PS Burr -2 and 4inches of snow, I miss Dxb and its weather!

11-12-07, 19:19
You click or you dont.
PS Burr -2 and 4inches of snow, I miss Dxb and its weather!And why I like the bar scene here - a chance to determine the "weather" before venturing outside. I certainly agree - why pull if it's just a nut? With the right one, it can be a blast (pun intended).

For the next couple of months, weather here will be actually nice - drove home from work this afternoon with the window open (and the a/c set to max). Pleasant enough to easily walk from bar to bar, or sit outside at the 'Snake and watch the passing parade.

11-12-07, 19:43
Indeed MK and Hunter - click, chemistry, whatever you know when it is there and you miss it almost instantly when it is not.

The topic came up again very recently when out with a very Senior member doing the rounds. Due to travel problems providing a late start, the first night we went back to our monastic beds without a helpmate. As we were reviewing the findings/results of the evening over a very late bite to eat, we both agreed that we were satisfied with the outcome since "we were not looking for just a f**k for which there were ample recipients interviewed who were available, but for the one where the vibes and chemistry was right."

Sure enough having got the GFE detector sighted in on the first night, it came up loud and strong on the following nights and the results were fully in keeping with the required profile.

MK - I like your preferred profile: "For me it's always tall blonde Russians, but they dont have to be tall, blonde or indeed Russian!" Kind of a any port in a storm kind of guy as long as she has the 'click'. Rather partial to the same types myself. Good for keeping a guy warm at night when the thermometer and the pecker drops.


Fully Loaded
11-12-07, 20:01

Rattlesnake 1030-1035

Arrived, saw the hottest PRC girl walking out with monger in hand, and decided I needed to change things up. It had been almost a year, but I knew I'd end up at Premiere.

Seaview 11-1215

Too freakin' busy, not enough room to wander, then again I'm here for the band, and mr. Walker.

Premiere 1230-0200

95dhs entry fee, but in the grand scheme of things what's an extra 95. Anyway place is packed probably close to 70-80 girls (60% CIS, 25% unknown, 15% PRC). The figures are a little rough since I was, well feeling pretty good. Basically I see a fine PRC, circle the bar, and I go in. Play by play

Small talk.

She says 1500

I laugh, counter 800 (1000 is my limit, taxi included, from Marina)

She gives me a dirty look, 1200

I take a long look and give her my final offer of 1000

She quickly smiles and agrees.

Anyway she left around 11am, no hassles for extra money or anything and actully straightned up the house a liitle.

So I've got to ask why do none of the "regulars" on this site visit Preimere? Is it the entry fee, distance?

Compared to the Snake, York, Seaview, and regal I would say Preimere has more variety, quantity, and quality then any of them (except for African which I don't remember seeing).

11-12-07, 20:32
A minor shitstorm, (guilty, I know!) then a bunch of really good posts.
About time, well done gents.

Agree with all of you, and Hunter, you put very nicely what MK distilled into fewer words.

Loved your criteria MK.

Eu Contractor
11-12-07, 21:16
Also, from the FR's, Broadway is a place you either love or hate. Maybe one of these days/nights I'll get there. But PLEASE, go for it, and report. It WILL be appreciated by many.

Almost a year ago I accidentally found the Broadway and was a JW Marriott convert ever since. That is until last week. I stayed for a few days and found the coffee shop a real drag.
Where I currently reside, we work on the binary system... Girls are either a 0 or a 1.. yes I would or no I wouldn't.
As you may expect, the longer I am here, the fewer 0's I meet however in the Broadway last week for a few days, I met several 0"s.
The service has become bad, rooms are seedy (which I actually like) and the price is much cheaper than a 5 star.
Maybe my timing was bad but from now on... the Broadway is off my list.
We did a night at Kubu and some interesting talent was around. The most interesting part was while taking a [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140), you can look out at the people in the bar.
Did the Premier, Regal and York. Nothing new to report on these tried and true venues.
Should be back in the beginning of December. Hopefully my luck will change. I miss the days of crazy Russian women destroying my room ;)

11-12-07, 22:20
Almost a year ago I accidentally found the Broadway and was a JW Marriott convert ever since. ... The service has become bad, rooms are seedy (which I actually like) and the price is much cheaper than a 5 star.
Maybe my timing was bad but from now on... the Broadway is off my list.Based on wild reports here, I made a major effort to find Broadway a few months ago, along with a non-ISG pal who knew more about the place than I did. I hated it, and after a drink we left and went to nearby KuBu (where I found a hot Azeri girl). I'll try Broadway again one day - I may have been there on a bad night.

We did a night at Kubu and some interesting talent was around. The most interesting part was while taking a [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140), you can look out at the people in the bar. ROTF - you have to experience this to appreciate Eu's comment. The men's restroom has a one-way mirror over the top of the urinal, looking straight into the bar area. At first I was actually worried the people in the bar could see me while I was pissing. Imagine looking straight into the eyes of girls and punters two metres away while trying to have a [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140). First time I pissed there, it took a while for my valve to open due to the surprise factor. Second time, I enjoyed it, due to the kinky factor.

11-12-07, 23:41
Imagine looking straight into the eyes of girls and punters two metres away while trying to have a [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140). First time I pissed there, it took a while for my valve to open due to the surprise factor. Second time, I enjoyed it, due to the kinky factor.

I'm sure you like that kinky factor alot Piper, think I need to try that one day :)

Cheers Spelman

11-12-07, 23:50
Second time, I enjoyed it, due to the kinky factor.Could be a busy weekend at Kubu!


11-13-07, 04:55
So before I am starting to talk about price I try to figure out whether this could be the right lady for me. Here there are several important criteria:Exactly! There is little point in taking it further if the spark is not there. I have had some stunning girls fail this test and some quite plain girls really raise their stock once we start the interview. Attraction is personnal and there is a lot more than looks involved.

The ability to make this assessment is one of the great things about mongering in Dubai (and is also a lot of fun).

By comparison, over the past few years I have had occasional dalliances with the London Asian escort agencies. 6 girls, all A list stunners, all gave “good service”, no false advertising, but only three would have passed the BC interview in a bar. And I consider 50% to be fortunate.

Which is why I do not fully comprehend why guys need “contacts” here in DXB

Member #1071
11-13-07, 08:16
Based on wild reports here, I made a major effort to find Broadway a few months ago, along with a non-ISG pal who knew more about the place than I did. I hated it, and after a drink we left and went to nearby KuBu (where I found a hot Azeri girl). I'll try Broadway again one day - I may have been there on a bad night.

I visited Broadway few months ago with a fellow monger following several positive reports posted here.
Went to the bar, plenty of girls non above 3-4. Stayed for no more than five minutes and left. Headed to KUBU, plenty of babes to chose from prices 1000-2000.
I wouldn't even think visiting Broadway again...

11-13-07, 13:23
Premiere Now THIS is earning "points" - succinct, timely, to the point. An example to all, and, no offense, Fully Loaded, not all that difficult, though it certainly seems so for some. Simple: where I went, what I saw, how I scored, and how much I paid. Can only hope there will be MORE to follow.

Rattlesnake 1030-1035
Arrived, saw the hottest PRC girl walking out with monger in hand...Damn I hate that. Given you don't know what's remaining inside, always bit of a gamble, forking out the entry fee. Ought to have a "parking lot" option - you know, time tag your entry, and if you leave within 5 minutes, no charge.

I laugh, counter 800 (1000 is my limit... )

Compared to the Snake, York, Seaview, and regal I would say Preimere has more variety, quantity, and quality then any of them (except for African which I don't remember seeing).

So I've got to ask why do none of the "regulars" on this site visit Preimere? Is it the entry fee, distance?FOR ME, a combination of traffic (which counts more than distance), parking, then entrance fee (when Seaview, York, and Imperial are free, only 'Snake applying the 35/50 dhs charge), and finally "entertainment" cost. My ceiling is 700, though I've paid 800 once (worth it), and might again. But when I can find "beauties" for 500-700, in places where I'm known, see a number of [i]friends there, all these exert an inertia to trying different places. Just too set in my ways, the "Cheers" factor dominant.

Given I live between the Marina and where she no doubt lives, I'll have to give you my mobile number - any LT'ers going back home the next morning, maybe I can talk into a short layover at my place :)

Exactly! There is little point in taking it further if the spark is not there. I have had some stunning girls fail this test and some quite plain girls really raise their stock once we start the interview. Attraction is personnal and there is a lot more than looks involved.Agreed. A "business" attitude puts me off (the "you want me, yes or no?"); that fun attitude IN the bar is a great indicator of a fun attitude back home.

11-13-07, 21:34
York, Tuesday, 10:00 - 11:15
Wanted to take a look a)to see what effect, if any, the airshow had on business, and b)see if I couldn't take another run at Miss SG.

Walking in, place rather sparse. Usual "configuration" of PRC's, then Africans, then a few CIS. Plenty of room to move/see. Later on, it did fill up, but not all that much. There were a few "suits" there, but I'm guessing that the "businessmen" went more upscale. Airshow didn't seem to have a lot of impact, though some a-listers were absent.

Having said that, there were still a number of familiar a-lister faces present. A lot of cookie cutter PRC's; has to be grim for some of the backrow chorus ladies.

Of course, Miss SG not around. But, standing next to me, a new face (for me), I'd place her as an a-lister, though not top-rank. I opened up an inteview for future reference, knowing I'd not be pulling tonight. We exchanged the usual data: where from, how long dxb, where staying... The usual litany. I pulled out my mobile to get her phone number, keying in her name.
"Can I get your mobile number?"

"You take me tonight?"

"No, I have to work tomorrow, early. But next time."

"Next time you take me, how much you pay?"

Spent the next minute deleting her name from my address book.

Still, I was impressed with the quality of some of the a-listers present (PRC), though what was missing was the quality of the 2nd tier. It seemed there was a BIG step down from a-list to "next", but maybe that's just me becoming jaded.

York, worth a stop, even with the construction.

Killa P
11-13-07, 22:55
Could be a busy weekend at Kubu!

Steamer33Hell I ran into CIS's who aggressive to the point that it would make the Ethiopians at the York blush. Kubu on Monday was a Ho'asis. I got chosen by a beautiful Armenian with natural tits thats were as big as possible before succumbing to gravity and an ass to waistline ratio not often found on non Nubians. Aggressive beautiful not GFE but PSE she picked me out at 0130 and didnt leave til 1200 the next day. Yeah Fairs in town and it cost me 1500 but I am and was happier than a punk in "BOYS TOWN". Kubu was the spot and I am sitting in South carolina waiting to go back next monday. No one minds agressive girls when they are so phucking fine.

BTW The Rotanaa Towers are the lick walked the walk of shame with my head held high because my friends this was a looker!!!! Walked it right along with a few other chaps with 10's on their arms.

11-14-07, 00:50
based on wild reports here, i made a major effort to find broadway a few months ago, along with a non-isg pal who knew more about the place than i did. i hated it, and after a drink we left and went to nearby kubu (where i found a hot azeri girl). i'll try broadway again one day - i may have been there on a bad night.

rotf - you have to experience this to appreciate eu's comment. the men's restroom has a one-way mirror over the top of the urinal, looking straight into the bar area. at first i was actually worried the people in the bar could see me while i was pissing. imagine looking straight into the eyes of girls and punters two metres away while trying to have a [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140). first time i pissed there, it took a while for my valve to open due to the surprise factor. second time, i enjoyed it, due to the kinky factor.wow will have to make a vist there, not that im into [CodeWord117] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord117), but for [CodeWord120] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord120) lovers must be a paradise pisser.

a little off topic but whats the best lube for greek action. i managed after an age, to enter my current 22yr prc gf the(virgin) greek way using durex lube, think she may think ky is to medical, but if thats whats required? only managed two small thrusts and she was off like id stuffed a red hot poker up there.

11-14-07, 07:09
I got chosen by a beautiful Armenian with natural tits thats were as big as possible before succumbing to gravity and an ass to waistline ratio not often found on non Nubians.

Reading your post about nice tits brought back some good memories from my time in Africa

Cheers Spelman

11-14-07, 07:12
BTW The Rotanaa Towers are the lick walked the walk of shame with my head held high because my friends this was a looker!!!! Walked it right along with a few other chaps with 10's on their arms.

Does that not happen as offen in SC? :P

Killa P
11-14-07, 08:42
Does that not happen as offen in SC? :PHell naw it doesnt happen in SC. I am really put off by American girls anyway. I find caucasian American women to be rather muttish and unrefined while there to me is just something so regal about the Europeans. And as far as black women go in america I have one phrase " Hit the phucking Gym".

Hey maybe its just an infatuation after being uprange for so many months but I find the mannerisms of 3rd world WG's to be superior to that of most American women. At least you know they are just there for the money.

11-14-07, 10:01
wow will have to make a vist there, not that im into [CodeWord117] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord117), but for [CodeWord120] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord120) lovers must be a paradise pisser.

a little off topic but whats the best lube for greek action. i managed after an age, to enter my current 22yr prc gf the(virgin) greek way using durex lube, think she may think ky is to medical, but if thats whats required? only managed two small thrusts and she was off like id stuffed a red hot poker up there.

basher try anal ease cream you can find it at any sex store online here is one place. store. sextoy .com. i won't post a direct link jackson doesn't allow.

kill (pussy) at will

11-14-07, 19:46
1.30 am al wasl road mp
skived off work for an hour and ended up outside my favourite mp. had checked 10 minutes earlier that they were open and expressed a desire to see my favourite mishoo. walked in and she was busy. was told she would be 10 minutes and i took a seat. then a really cute short girl walked past with nice short skirt. decided i didn't want to wait for mishoo so took cutey instead. she was very shy and embarrassed about her tiny tits. was reluctant to dfk but eventually got into it. was wild during daty and must have come 3 or 4 times. not all my own work as she was rubbing as i was licking. more shyness with bbbj. sex was fun in mish, then doggie then cg. she had lube in her box of tricks so placed some on my thumb and stuck it up her bum. tried to stick my dick up there but she didn't want to. overall a really enjoyable time for both parties i think.

9.00 pm york hotel with some mates.
almost desrted when we arrived. a few cis strolling around and then back with their fat controller. some black girls pretending to speak spanish and saying they were from brazil. interesting marketing technique but more research needed. left after 1 beer.

9.30- 11.00 pm seaview
the reason for the night out was to see the band. a fair amount of girls mostly prc. no africans and didn't spot any philipinos. mr prick in the white shirt was there as usual upto his normal antics. band excellent as usual. now realise why the short girl has left. she was not the same height as the others. the girls were wearing boots with different height platforms or whatever you call them so they all appeared to be the same height. shorty would have had to have boots built like stilts to make it work. stayed to the first break and left to go home.

11.20 -1.30 am rattler
shit why does this place have to be on the way home. this place seems to get better all the time. the quality of the prc in there was excellent. i even got a smile from the tall miserable rusky who always stands in the first window recess. i took her home summer before last so she has been around a while. around 1 am spotted this stunning tall blonde. went over for a chat even though i had no intention of taking a girl. very poor english but had her translator with her. recently arrived from russia. her opening bid was 1500 but if i was able to have taken her home would have paid her 100 which is 400 over my maximum. she was absolutely stunning and the best i have seen in dubai. got her phone number for future reference. as she was giving me it some sneaky fuxxxer was stood behind me peering over my shoulder copying it down. sad!

editor's note: i certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

11-14-07, 22:41
Some black girls pretending to speak spanish and saying they were from Brazil. Interesting marketing technique but more research needed. Left after 1 beer. Particularly since they don´t speak Spanish in Brazil ;) I don´t blame you for your 1 beer bail out.

Mr Prick in the white shirt was there as usual upto his normal antics.
We really should have him killed.

I would seem that Rattler is hit or miss, I was not impressed a few weeks ago.

Zing Uk
11-15-07, 00:26
as she was giving me it some sneaky fuxxxer was stood behind me peering over my shoulder copying it down. sad!worse still is when he calls her pretending to be you!

11-15-07, 12:35

Could someone please confirm name of hotel where the famous Rattlesnake venue is located?

Thanks in advance.


11-15-07, 13:05
1.30 am Al Wasl Road MP
Skived off work for an hourI'll assume that's a typo and it's 1pm. Otherwise, you have worse work hours than I do :)

9.00 PM York Hotel with some mates.
Almost desrted when we arrived. ...
9.30- 11.00 pm SeaviewBy 10pm, the York had picked up, at least for me. Not real crowded - you could see and move, but certainly populated enough (especially towards 11pm) that if I could have pulled, I would have (made up for that yesterday evening with a phone call to 1 of Tuesday night's "attractions").

Mr Prick in the white shirt was there as usual upto his normal antics."American Pie", I can live with, grating my teeth. Anything more... somebody ought to at least tell him he should get a new routine...

Worse still is when he calls her pretending to be you! I always let them enter their own number, then give them an immediate missed call so they can enter my number in their phone. I'm thinking there's a lot of mobiles with 'Hansum Man' as an entry; unfortunately mine is Mr 500.

11-15-07, 13:31
Hi Guys,

Been reading lot of information on Dubai and I must say that this must be one of the busiest forums on this site.

Am going to be in Dubai in middle of December and want to know about some in-call services. If anyone can share nos. And adddress, please PM to me, I'd appreciate the help.

This is going to be my first time in Dubai, so need help from you brothers.

Take Care.

11-15-07, 13:53
Worse still is when he calls her pretending to be you!Had already given her missed call so no fear.

11-15-07, 13:55
Particularly since they don´t speak Spanish in Brazil ;) I don´t blame you for your 1 beer bail out.Thanks but I was aware of that. Hence my comment that they should research more before they try and con the punters!

11-15-07, 13:56
"American Pie", I can live with, grating my teeth. Anything more... somebody ought to at least tell him he should get a new routine...

He did quieten down after I shouted at him to shut up. Very politely of course.

Road Lover
11-15-07, 15:09
Thanks Disappointed and Bravo for your clarification. I will definitely visit Boradway and report.

Road Lover
11-15-07, 15:23
I am sorry guys, I searched the big forum but to no avail. I am not sure if this is the right forum to post this question. But I find your guys ina chatty mood and was wondering if you could help with a weird issue that has cropped up.

How do you guys fund the programme? Do you get it out of your own money? Or is expenses accounted in some fashion? If it, i will be curious to know how you actually do it. i mean, i cant A) send an statement to the accounts, fucking expense 5000 dhms?! b) any way they will want a fucking receipt!
so far my company was happy to give me an allowance, which i was free to use any which way. but now they want to pay me actuals only. HEnce my quandry?

ANy suggestions will be useful. Of course, i will pay my own money, if it comes to it. But with so many willies here, there I suspect, might be a way!

Fully Loaded
11-15-07, 16:15
930-1200 Seaview

Arrived just before happy hour ended, and things were pretty quiet. Mostly PRC none of which caught my eye. Started to pick up when the band came on, more girls (PRC), but still nothing to get excited about. Around 11pm Miss Pink tank top arrived; I've seen her numerous times very classy looking PRC, usually attached to an older Asian looking guy. If I was pulling she would have been the one, but tonight was strickly scouting. Anyways by the time I left around 12, there were mostly older looking PRC, and a couple phili's, 2 girls that were worth an interview, 1 no interview required.

BREAKDOWN the Seaview is for entertainment only, go see the band and move on.

1210-0100 York

I usually try an avoid the York, but figured it was Wed, how busy could it be. Its been awhile since I visited since I don't remember a band, which by the way has nothing on the Seaview band. Lots of girls, PRC, CIS, and of course African. If Africans are your thing this is the place to be, slim, tall, rounded, old, young you name it you can find it here. I interviewed one Miss M from Ethi, tagged the phone number for Ref. There were some younger looking CIS making the rounds but extensive interview would be required, maturity/exp would be questionable.

BREAKDOWN you like African, you like York.

0105-130 Regal

Since this was a scouting night I figured I should check out the latest on the CIS scene, actually hoping to run into a girl I've seen 3 times previously, but no luck. I was very surprised to see the large amount of new faces, all CIS, maybe two or three PRC hiding along the sidelines wondering where they were. I would say 6-7 that were definitly worth the interview, that is if you can pry into their little circle of friends.

BREAKDOWN lots of potential on the CIS scene, but avoid if you dislike tight spaces. Quality at Premiere is better, not sure how it would rate compared to other CIS hangouts, I'll check those soon.

11-15-07, 17:03
......How do you guys fund the programme? ........This is a good question, and there are for sure a lot of answers.

You can save food so you are not getting fat, and use the saved money to invest into your hobby, so you have 2 benefits at the same time:.).

I am joking, I didn't find a girl that gives me a receipt for someting like "food" or "drinks" or anything else, but this might ne a good idea for them, than they will be able to make much more money.

So up to now everything comes from your own pocket, and I know guys who save for a long time to get a nice evening with a girl.


11-15-07, 17:20
How does anyone fund any hobby? If you enjoy model railroads, I doubt your company would fund it.

I fund my hobby out of my disposable income.

11-15-07, 22:57
Thanks but I was aware of that. Hence my comment that they should research more before they try and con the punters!
I understood your humor GS, that is exactly what made it so funny, they are not even trying in the correct language.

He did quieten down after I shouted at him to shut up. Very politely of course.I tried that last visit, got in about 4 good "Shut up´s" but I had a non front-row table :(

all CIS, maybe two or three PRC hiding along the sidelines wondering where they were. I would bet they were Stanis, I have never seen an actual PRC there (Regal.) We used to call them "not Chinese."

Richa Poura
11-16-07, 07:24
A bit of a non report I'm afraid, my Chinese GF was with me last night, we walked thru Dhow Palace but she wasn't keen on going into the club 'too many black girls' was her comment.

The club is now fully open and yes there were many well dressed black girls going in - worth a bit more investigation I suggest.


11-16-07, 09:22

Could someone please confirm name of hotel where the famous Rattlesnake venue is located?

Thanks in advance.


If you look up to the right there is a button saying ”search this forum” if you had tried that you might have found this.


Cheers Spelman

11-16-07, 11:20
After waking with Sisi this afternoon, she asked me if I would help her with marketing. Instead of hanging around the clubs for her usual 500 to 2,000 DH per customer (luckily I'm a 500 customer), she wants me to set up an internet ad for her, including full face and sexy photos from my collection, so she can pitch for the 2,000DH customers. She's a fave regular, always chirpy and gives great service and a killer massage, so I might just help her out.

Please don't PM me for her number, as I don't want to be her 'agent', and I don't reply to PMs asking for numbers. If interested, check out expatriates.com in a few days for her ad (under "social escorts") and call her.

I found this old report and just wonder how did it go? Is she using the expatriates.com now :)

Cheers Spelman

11-16-07, 11:40
This is an updated Venue list after RTFF and some of my own club investigations.
Senior members, please feel free to download and update the list and then please repost

Cheers Spelman

11-16-07, 11:49
Am going to be in Dubai in middle of December and want to know about some in-call services. If anyone can share nos. And adddress, please PM to me, I'd appreciate the help.As often stated, stop into any of the main bars (Regal, York, Rattlesnake), spend an hour, and you'll have plenty of in-call numbers, vetted personally by yourself.

How do you guys fund the programme? Do you get it out of your own money? Or is expenses accounted in some fashion? You mean your bean counters (hate 'em) won't accept a non-receipted $150 "incidental" expense? Or a gas expense ($3/gallon) for a 50 gallon tank? Mine wouldn't either.

Used to be, any meal expense below $35 did not have to be receipted. Amazing how many $33 breakfasts/lunches/dinners I had. If you could manage to stay on an executive floor, breakfast usually included, and you could just about make a meal of the pre-dinner snacks they served in the executive lounge, if you had no shame ("Yes, could you please bring another plate of the canapés, and another of the finger sandwiches...") But then the bean counters (who NEVER travel) "discovered" the "free" breakfasts, so $33 deducted from per diem, whether you used the hotel's breakfast or not.

Been 'out of pocket' for me for a LONG time.

11-16-07, 12:39
BREAKDOWN the Seaview is for entertainment only, go see the band and move on.

BREAKDOWN you like African, you like York.

BREAKDOWN lots of potential on the CIS scene, but avoid if you dislike tight spaces.Another great report, Fully Loaded. An example of what CAN be done, if you want.

Seaview - there are some gems around, but it is hit and miss. York - there are some FINE PRC's around, mingled with a LOT of cookie-cutters. More sure than Seaview, but also more expensive.

York, Thursday, 22:30 - 00:15
As expected, crowded, but the crowds seemed to ebb and flow - first packed, then a bit of room to move/see, then packed again. Large number of Africans - the grabbing certainly doesn't appeal to me. Also large number of PRC's, some a-listers, a lot of "look the same to me's". Some CIS, but certainly none that appealed to me. YMMV
Miss #1 was there. She didn't last long; saw her disappear out the door before 11. The departed Miss Fav's roommate a bit miffed that I did not latch on to her as she flitted to and fro, but, FOR ME, her negative is she's not Miss Fav. But otherwise, she is nice. Miss "How much" also around, but given I don't show up on her running partner's (ex Cyclone) radar, Miss HM was dragged away when she stopped to say hi.

One PRC, chorus, but looking very nice, showing nice attitude. She didn't think I was interested in any "business", but still kept up a patter of comments, which I enjoyed. Certainly agreed with her assessment of the York's band ("No good, Seaview's better; bar needs a GOOD band"), and she confirmed Seaview's restricted entrance policy ("Besides good band, bar also need good ladies. Can only go Seaview if you've worked there LONG time.") Seaview does get a bit stale, with "new" faces limited to friends of existing ones...

Not seeing anyone better (well, within what I considered would be a reasonable price), I'd just about decided to take her (depending on salary requirements), the non-interview interview showing great attitude. But as she wasn't COMPELLING, stopped to check her menu. Oops. Fell just a bit short, so decided to move on (if it's important, ask).

As I had to pass the Imperial, gave a girl there a call, as I do know her menu is just fine. Given the background din, yes, she was still at the office. Did I want her? Yes. "How much you pay?" Hmmm... OK, it is Thursday. Still, put me off a bit, as we did have some 'history'... Either she's interested at my rate, or she's not.

We did the how-much-you-pay/how-much-you-want dance, until she stated, "800". Now I knew that was in the never-hurts-to-ask category, but, THIS night, it did. If I was going to pay that (I wasn't), it'd be to one of the 'Snake's top end models. It's just that that decided it for me - especially as the 'Snake was on the way home - would have to stop in there. Who knows, maybe I'd luck out in the parking lot. Wished her good luck, and kept walking.

Even more on the way was Jockeys. What the hell... been a LONG time since I've been there LATE...

Jockeys, Thursday, 00:15 - 00:45
No charge to enter. And as their waitresses are the complete opposite of York, never bothered for a drink. This was just an in-and-out sortie. Crowded, very unfavorable M/F ratio, but there were a few reasonable PRC's around. Unfortunately, those displaying the best attitude were "accompanied". No sign of any of the good looking 'stani's, a few marginal CIS in residence. Did see a few more PRC's arriving (back from ST?) while I was there. Did see MR1 there.

Headed for the door, spotted a NICELY attired PRC next to it. Approached, but got a discreet wave-off. OK, not unexpected that someone like that would be "attached". But to take one more look at the room, grabbed the empty location next to her. Mis-reading; she'd been fending off the group next to her. Not the best looker there, but certainly attractive (I do appreciate someone who dresses "up" rather than "down"), and as mentioned here, her 'pleasant' attitude going far with the 'judges'. When a menu enquiry showed that all the courses were there, now it was just about price. I asked, she came back, "Some girls will ask 800, 700. For me, 600 OK". Worked for me; saved the "700", "500", meeting at "600" conversation, and on a Thursday, I'll pay a surcharge just to be out the door on my way home. Besides, the 'Snake would want 50 dhs for the "privilege" of walking in the door.

Maybe not a starter, but certainly makes the bullpen as a relief pitcher.

Wouldn't recommend Jockey's late on a Thursday night, but, like any bar, you can be surprised... York has promise, but the a-listers are in demand, so be prepared to pay, or else wait around for closing, taking your pick from the "remainders"...

11-16-07, 14:09
Senior members, please feel free to download and update the list and then please repost TGIT: add to other info: open afternoons, but closes between 4pm - 6pm

Jockeys: add to other info: open afternoons

Imperial: add to other info: be careful of pickpockets
Entrance: 2 drinks included with entrance fee

Regal: "CIS PRC and Africans WG not allowed"
Would change to: "CIS and 'stanis. PRC and Africans not found."

Seaview: "Mostly PRC some Africans and CIS on the menu as well"
Would change to: Mostly PRC, then 'stanis, some CIS, with some philipinas. Africans currently banned.

Other info: add "great band"

Rattlesnake: 35 dhs weekdays, 50 dhs weekends. No drinks included.

11-16-07, 14:46
I found this old report and just wonder how did it go? Is she using the expatriates.com now :)

Cheers SpelmanI submited an ad, but as far as I could tell, they didn't post it. I did receive a PM from a member saying that he had posted an ad for one of his regulars, and she received many phone cals - all time-wasters.

11-16-07, 15:57
TGIT: add to other info: open afternoons, but closes between 4pm - 6pm

Jockeys: add to other info: open afternoons

Imperial: add to other info: be careful of pickpockets
Entrance: 2 drinks included with entrance fee

Regal: "CIS PRC and Africans WG not allowed"
Would change to: "CIS and 'stanis. PRC and Africans not found."

Seaview: "Mostly PRC some Africans and CIS on the menu as well"
Would change to: Mostly PRC, then 'stanis, some CIS, with some philipinas. Africans currently banned.

Other info: add "great band"

Rattlesnake: 35 dhs weekdays, 50 dhs weekends. No drinks included.

new list with 11Bravos input ;)

Cheers Spelman

11-16-07, 16:28
How do you guys fund the programme?

Easy !!

1. Cash

2. Develop a soft tissue back / shoulder injury, (fall off log, play golf, fall off horse etc), require physio, set up limited company for $100 in your location, generate headed paper or steal some, invoice yourself for weekly therapy at $100 a pop and send to your health care insurance provider.

Dont forget to practice your winces and awkward-door-opening technique at home before roling out the injury.

3. Start sending Nigerian 411 fraud emails.

4. Write a best-seller, mine were 'How to make money out of the mentally ill' and 'Renegade Nuns on Wheels', available from all good airport bookshops.

That will be 100 Guineas management consultanct fee please.


And remember, it's only kinky the first time.

11-16-07, 16:47
4. Write a best-seller, mine were 'How to make money out of the mentally ill' and 'Renegade Nuns on Wheels', available from all good airport bookshops.
I have read 'Renegade Nuns on Wheels' but you also wrote "Drug crazed lesbian boot lickers" right?

Universal truth: Two sets of books. One the wife/tax man/boss knows about, and one more for extras. ;)

11-16-07, 17:21
This is an updated Venue list after RTFF and some of my own club investigations.

Cheers SpelmanGreat list for the beginners. It must have cost a lot of money and a lot of physical excersice: D to gather this information!

You mention that in the Regal "CIS PRC and Africans WG not allowed".

What do you mean WG NOT allowed? Aren't they all WG?

What is the difference in Dubai between a WG and the girl that I want to have fun with in the Regal sometime beginning of December?

11-16-07, 19:02
What is the difference in Dubai between a WG and the girl that I want to have fun with in the Regal sometime beginning of December?
Given your acumen little Eric, I suggest 1500 Dirhams is the difference. ;)

WG means "Wonderful Girl", did you think it was something else?

To put things in perspective, Piper would get it for nothing, Bravo would not bother, and she would not even speak to me. :(

Grateful Spread
11-16-07, 19:56
But with so many willies here, there I suspect, might be a way! Indeed! but in my experience it's usually the willie that's the cause of the problem in the first place.
How do you guys fund the programme? Do you get it out of your own money? Or is expenses accounted in some fashion? Funding the hobby is akin to a cocaine addiction: You’ll end up making excuses as to why your hard-earned can’t be invested more sensibly and allocate a nice chunk of your disposable (maybe even your non-disposable) income on it.

So what’s the best you can hope for? To make every penny count: If you're extending your stay beyond the business trip at your expense, leave your luggage at the hotel and spend the night at the girl’s room.
That’s a saving of anything between dhs 500 and 3000 per go - but not without risks.

You can save money on transport if you stay either in the hotel where you monger or within walking distance thereof – e.g Sheraton Four Points/ for York, Imperial Suites, etc in DXB or Millenium/Al Maha Rotana/ Royal Meridien/Howard Johnson/Novotel/Crown Plaza/Sands for Safari, Cellar, Blitz, Harvesters in AUH. Saving in AUH: trifling. Saving in DXB: dhs 40 to 150.

If you’re mongering in Dubai but based in Abu Dhabi (or vice versa) you can take the Al Ghazal bus for approx dhs15 each way. Take a handkerchief sprayed with a cologne of your choice. Saving on taxi: at least dhs250 each way.

Tip: If you prefer to take a cab from Dubai to Abu Dhabi, phone AUH-based Al Ghazal Express (02-4445885). At any one time they have a number of Camrys or Altimas in town and will take you there for a fixed price of Dhs 150 (true as of April 07). Compare this to a dubai taxi at approx dhs 300. The opposite direction with Al Ghaz Ex will be metered and considerably more expensive (for the AUH-DXB leg you could always take a 'gold and white' - metered but extremely cheap and only a slight risk of the driver taking you into the dunes to bugger you senseless - scented hanky also advised).

Another tip for the spendthrifts: Don't agree to be a WG's boyfriend. A lot of the girls I have bedded have one and they are keen to boast about the benefits thereof. This may hold the attraction of enduring love and cheaper tumbles in the future - and this may even turn out to be the case - but it will probably cost you dearly in monetary gifts, clothes, jewellery and even flights home. Even the humble Al Wasel recharge card can be quite an outlay ( but fine as an occasional gift). Many 'girlfriends' will constantly ask for this on the pretext of needing to call home. If money isn't your concern then none of this matters but to your average WG, 'Boyfriend' = 'Banker'. Finally, lest we forget, we are not the only abra in the Creek, and she will almost certainly continue to bang others for money.

Final suggestion: if you really want to save those mongering dirhams, suppress your attraction to CIS suppliers.

My Kapitan
11-17-07, 07:46
From the Urban Dictionary.

credit carding

the act of a guy swiping his hand from a girl's ass to the front of her pussy..

You could always try swiping with a credit card - don't know where the receipt would come out though:

Zorro 72
11-17-07, 08:03
Does anyone know where to find Indian ladies in Dubai?

What about local ladies and arabic in general?


11-17-07, 08:58
Does anyone know where to find Indian ladies in Dubai?

What about local ladies and arabic in general?Now there's a couple of questions I've NEVER heard before! Glad you've done your research before posting.

But to answer your qustions:
1. Karama
2. In any mall

You mention that in the Regal "CIS PRC and Africans WG not allowed".Ah, the IMPORTANCE of punctuation. Typo. Should read: CIS. (period) PRC and african wg's not allowed (or anyway, not found).

I did receive a PM from a member saying that he had posted an ad for one of his regulars, and she received many phone cals - all time-wasters.And why I don't pass numbers to unknowns. I don't want to be responsible for a plague of whack off phone calls to a "friend".

Zing Uk
11-17-07, 10:05
Because my European gf is around at the moment I've been unable to see much of Princess L for the last month or so. We have resorted to daytime ST's in a Chinese Hotel in Garhoud and odd evenings having a quiet drink in Metro. A couple of nights ago was one such occassion, we met around 6pm for a 2 or 3 drinks before I went home she went to work. We sat outside in the open area of the Red Lion and were just having a quiet chat.

As the evening wore on quite a large crowd gathered at the table beside us, a mixture of French and Australians for the most part. There were about 14 adults and a 3 or 4 small kids aged around 6 or 7 I guess. They didn't pay us any attention which was fine by me as we were just having a quiet drink and, to all extents and purposes I guess looked like any normal couple enjoying an evening. As the adult table was full when it came time for them to order food the kids sat at the table next to us. No problems there and the adults just kept on chatting away and ignoring us. Then bingo! Just before 8pm 3 of Princess L's PRC mates arrive in full working gear, pretty and conservative but very obviously working girls. They always make a lot of fun of Princess L and me but then started rabbiting on in Chinlish to the bemused kids. Kids being kids, they noticed nothing and were joking and carrying on with the girls. The look on some of the parents face though was an absolute picture though when they saw a group of WG's chatting to their kids.

Just a shame I never had my camera with me, they would have been some of the most worthwhile pictures posted here in a while:

Keep it Cocked!


EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Zing Uk
11-17-07, 10:36
Funding the hobby is akin to a cocaine addiction: You’ll end up making excuses as to why your hard-earned can’t be invested more sensibly and allocate a nice chunk of your disposable (maybe even your non-disposable) income on it.Very well put, you know its an addiction especially when you are making the excuses to yourself! I often thinkof the portfolio of houses or yacht on the Med I would have if only I didn't spend so much in my fav hobby but then I just stop thinking, lie back and enjoy the bbbj. Life is for living.

Keep it Cocked


11-17-07, 12:05
This is an updated Venue list after RTFF and some of my own club investigations.
Senior members, please feel free to download and update the list and then please repost

Cheers Spelman


excellent work and great idea - more than helpful. I do believe this should make is way in the reports of distinction. Maybe - an without the intention to delegate - you add a map with the locations.

My sincere appreciation - I found your work did not receive the praise deserved.


11-17-07, 12:46
Hi all,

Again to dreammongerland Dubai. Just sharing some exoeriances had in the few couple of days.

1) Broadway is really best value for money. But beter watch it made reservation 3 times each with difference price. 600-700-800 all inclusive with breakfast and wide selection of available girls 24/7! Rates well, hard to tell. Most ask for 400/hour or 1500/night.

2) Took a nice azrabejany for 2 hours for 600 which I thin is good price for the service she offered and the fun we had. Will never mention number of times we made it as it's sensitive for some seniors: p but plenty

3) Right after breakfast found an iranian gem. Took her for 3 hours. Total damage 800. Too much from what I pay (usualy pay 800-1000 all night) but she was not to be missed and totally worth every Dirham and she turned out to be using radisson for night office but here for a morning income increase

4) First time to discover the indian roof. Just been faced with a wave of gorgious indian women entering the elevator and actually didn't want to leave. LOL

5) Tried Moscow hotel. The restaurant is GREAT. Really superb experiance and nice show and band. Tried red square at 2 am. Well 100 to get in. And inside all asking for 1500. But come on. At 2 am! Tried a russian girl. She is 18! But won't go for 800 and actually was tired. But no number taken for bad attitude

6) Just a note for those coming to Dubai and exchanging money. Better look in them. I changed some dollars for Dhms and the 500 notes. 2 of them were cut or mising smal piece.

Happy mongering

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

11-17-07, 13:14
...Vaseline, totally unerotic, but technically working perfectly well. A word of warning - if not already known .- stay away from oils and cosmetic creams as the my have a determinating effet to the rubber.
Tom, Vaseline IS oil based, and is NOT an acceptable lubricant with a condom.

11-17-07, 13:51
Here in dxb, most any place that sells condoms will also have WATER based lubricants for sale (ala Durex lub).

11-17-07, 13:58
Vaseline is a trademarked brand of petroleum jelly.It also has a rather interesting story.

11-17-07, 15:20
It was the durex brand we used, from a pump action canister. I didn't really rate it as the most slipery of liquids.

Think vasaline will be a definate nono, KY never really used that I can recall. No idea what is regarded as the best, maybe these are the best, just that PRC ass's are silly tight.

On the subject of PRC I have been chasing a ex gymnast for ages, nearest I ever got was to wank her, and after that having had a finger clamped knew she was tight. Finally managed to nail her in October, and my god she was tight. Although not a virgin, she apparently habd never done oral, so she studied before we met. For a virgin oral giver was a quick learner, BBBJ and cim without flinching. Spat but yu can't grumble.

She now wants to try anal, but having viewed the little pink starfish last time, I honesty think no matter what lube if it is really possible, is tiny litle hole.

Daty she nearly passed out, now wants to be shaved and dattied, who am I to refuse. Happy days, apart from 2 possibly bits of trouble from2 bareback encounters.

11-17-07, 15:22

excellent work and great idea - more than helpful. I do believe this should make is way in the reports of distinction. Maybe - an without the intention to delegate - you add a map with the locations.

My sincere appreciation - I found your work did not receive the praise deserved.

Thanks Tom

11-17-07, 15:30
HI Folks,

I have deleted my comment regarding the use of Vaseline, not only because of being ashame for a supid suggestion, but to ensure there is no "misuse".

I have used Vaseline at some occasions for the described, and guess I was happy everthing went well and without damage to the protective.

However no need to have stupid suggestions recoreded here, sorry for the mishap but I trust you may believe this was unintentionally.

Greeting to all

11-17-07, 16:10
Tom, no problem, I was simply correcting a factual error, no shame for you. You have earned your right to post anything you like, anytime, a long time ago.

Everyone here knows it was not intentional.

Member #1071
11-17-07, 17:07
Does anyone know where to find Indian ladies in Dubai?

What about local ladies and arabic in general?


Since this is your first post and figuring out how enthusiastic you are being a newbie to the forum, here is how you should start:

Plan A: Dubai Yellow pages, search under "for hire", ladies are categorised by nationality. Address, Tel no., email are all there.

Plan B: Call Itisalat 181 decide on the lady's name you need to look for and ask the operator to give you her phone number.

Hope this helps...

11-17-07, 17:39
Unfortunately, a number of ladies, not understanding the risks, will carry vaseline. Especially given there is less risk from LE if stopped and searched - as Sporadic's article points out, vaseline can be used as lip gloss. Better to have your own supply of SAFE water-based lube around if so unfortunate that it is required :) Can always toss before going home. Or pass to the lady, suggesting she fill her jar/makeup dispenser with such.

Another suggestion for avoiding friction:
When you're out at the bars, be a traffic cop - don't let 1 lady cut in on another without giving the first a clear "no thank you". Several times, the most recent Thursday night, 1 lady cut in on another, poaching, and it almost came to a fight. 80% fault the "cutter", 20% the punter, for letting her get away with it. Certainly animosity and friction remains.

Better to give a clear indication of "not interested" so it's clear the first is just wasting her time. Unfortunately, security is not exactly unbiased when said events occur.

11-17-07, 18:47
Given your acumen little Eric, I suggest 1500 Dirhams is the difference. ;)

WG means "Wonderful Girl", did you think it was something else?

To put things in perspective, Piper would get it for nothing, Bravo would not bother, and she would not even speak to me. :(As I newcomer of the Forum I checked the official Abbreviations of the forum
"WG Working girl. A prostitute."

So you undertsand my confusion about working girls not being allowed in the club!
So according to you Wonderful Girls are young sexy CIS girls or something else? And they are not allowed in the club? Why?

11-17-07, 23:19

Yes, WG does mean Working Girl.

Yes, they are allowed in the club, the original post had a small typographical error, that possibly caused the confusion.

In the Regal, they tend only to allow CIS and FSU (Russians and Stanis) into the club, they tend not to allow Chinese or Africans.

Cool Nomad
11-17-07, 23:21
Unfortunately, a number of ladies, not understanding the risks, will carry vaseline. Especially given there is less risk from LE if stopped and searched - as Sporadic's article points out, vaseline can be used as lip gloss. Better to have your own supply of SAFE water-based lube around if so unfortunate that it is required :) Can always toss before going home. Or pass to the lady, suggesting she fill her jar/makeup dispenser with such.Cool suggestion! KY jelly or a competing brand of water-based lube. I also carry a small plastic bottle (with spray pump) of 90% strength rubbing alcohol and a small plastic bottle of hand sanitizer. Though the DXB mongering scene is excellent, often you run into personal hygiene issues. My Medico friends tell me it is a good idea to clean the little head with at least 70% isopiril alcohol spray after an exercise (with a P4P partner specially!). Whether this helps or it is merely psychological- I don't know- but I do it routinely. From what I hear it does have some merits. Condom is a must, though I have been offered ( to my horror) BBS more than once, in conformation with recent posts from some of the punters. Hand sanitizer is specially useful during in calls though I don't avail this facility often.

Finally, mongering is like driving a car. There is certain amount of inherent risk the moment you are on the road. Sensible use of seat belts and passive restraints like airbags reduces the risk but does not completely mitigate it.

Cool Nomad

11-17-07, 23:29
Fellow members,

I have posted this a while a go but still need the info, any reply is appreciated. Thanks

Unfortunately I do not visit Dubai as often as I would like to but happily will be there next week ;-)). I normally prefer to stay in a hotel that is both GF and has its own hunting ground so I used to stay at the Sheraton Diera, it had a nice small club (forgot the name) with mostly stanis and was gf too. Apparently this has changed anybody has new info on this, and maybe recommend a hotel with similar setup? And by the way is IBIS gf?


11-17-07, 23:45
Obviously very belated but just wanted to share my experiences of a couple of days in Dubai during Ramadan as I know there's always concern over the effect it has on mongering.

Although I can't compare to the scene outside Ramadan, I had a couple of great days and found absolutely now problems either in getting ladies or liquor. I spent the first night in Jockey's. While the talent wasn't stunning there were enough 6's and 7's and a fair spread of nationalities, PRC's African's and CEE's. I ended up with a lady from the PRC. Great body but the face wasn't quite on the par, not quite "body from baywatch, face from crimewatch" but there was a little mismatch. We chatted and had a laugh, but to be honest what clinched it for me was when I asked how much and she replied "up to you". Even though in reality you end up paying at least the going rate, at least you know she's going to give you a good time. And boy she certainly delivered. For the second night I went to the Metropolitan and again ended up with a PRC girl (again can't remember her name). Must admit with a couple of months passing, and a fair few bevvies sunk on the night, all I can remember was that we had a good time. Oh yes and that PRC's don't shave their armpits: (.

Apart from the relief that Ramadan in Dubai wasn't the barren Oasis I was fearing the overwhelming impression I got was of how strange the "Blingdom" of Dubai was. Although I'm sure the reality of those living there is very different from visitors; from a visitor's perspective it all seems to be about striving to be the biggest, tallest, richest, strangest, newest. A little like Vegas without the class.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

11-17-07, 23:51
It also has a rather interesting story.
http://www.damninteresting.com/?p=424I like the guy's witty writing style, including his line that vaseline "... protects baby’s bottoms, and is invaluable to virgins." Excellent juxtaposition.

Road Lover
11-18-07, 04:08
Easy !!

1. Cash

2. Develop a soft tissue back / shoulder injury, (fall off log, play golf, fall off horse etc), require physio, set up limited company for $100 in your location, generate headed paper or steal some, invoice yourself for weekly therapy at $100 a pop and send to your health care insurance provider.

Dont forget to practice your winces and awkward-door-opening technique at home before roling out the injury.

3. Start sending Nigerian 411 fraud emails.

4. Write a best-seller, mine were 'How to make money out of the mentally ill' and 'Renegade Nuns on Wheels', available from all good airport bookshops.

That will be 100 Guineas management consultanct fee please.


And remember, it's only kinky the first time.

Jesus F Christ! And all I aksed for was a few frigging fudge deeds! Swiping cards on the arse of a girl, swanky moteors boats vs pussy putty, getting buggerred on the sand dune by the arab mules! wow, mucho gracias mateys. i will beahve and go to the himalayas for nirvana.!

Wortha good laugh though. I am going to ask the smae questions ina few other fora for my much needed continued entertainment!.

But thanks guys for indulging, and the couple good suggestions. If I find something worth your while I will revert. Tilll then wankawillies!

My Kapitan
11-18-07, 07:19
Nice summary Roadlover!

Just to give a straight answer I was on secondment to the Dxb office on full tax free salary and 1/1 leave, as I often said at the time "every hour in Jockies is an hour at home!"
My company paid for accommodation in a good GF serviced apartment (Winchester Grande), in addition a per diem allowance was paid cash for ‘meals’ – obviously this was beer money! The girls were paid for from my pocket. I managed to keep this going for three years before being ‘forced’ to go resident.

Most of the expat professional residents in Dxb are on significant allowances. In my case I was paid an excellent tax free salary and additionally received housing and transport allowances paid cash in advance. You could choose your own accommodation and vehicle. The allowance was enough to cover a good standard of villa or apartment and run a decent new car. In my case I went for a modest 2 bed apartment in Bur Dubai just off the triangle (Mankool) and ran a used Audi 6. This left enough for girls beer and food, in that order, without touching the salary. I spent two years as a resident.

Hope that gives you some insight into the way it works for some.

I enjoyed my time there but wouldn’t want to return – but never say never – except as a visitor for a bit of fun occasionally. I was considering coming over in December but now it looks like February, besides I find the swinging party scene in Spain excellent – and its free!


11-18-07, 09:13

Yes, WG does mean Working Girl.

Yes, they are allowed in the club, the original post had a small typographical error, that possibly caused the confusion.

In the Regal, they tend only to allow CIS and FSU (Russians and Stanis) into the club, they tend not to allow Chinese or Africans.Thanks a lot Sporadic! This is what I wanted to hear! I will surely spend some time there during my stay!

11-18-07, 09:48
Fellow members,

I have posted this a while a go but still need the info, any reply is appreciated. Thanks

Unfortunately I do not visit Dubai as often as I would like to but happily will be there next week ;-)). I normally prefer to stay in a hotel that is both GF and has its own hunting ground so I used to stay at the Sheraton Diera, it had a nice small club (forgot the name) with mostly stanis and was gf too. Apparently this has changed anybody has new info on this, and maybe recommend a hotel with similar setup? And by the way is IBIS gf?


I just did an IBIS search in the Dubai hotel information and see what just come up.



Just try it sometimes, the search bottom.

For your other question, please check the venue list I posted the other day and there you might find some good clubs you like and maybe if you crosscheck them against the hotel list you might find something you are looking for ;)

Cheers Spelman

11-18-07, 10:21
I have read 'Renegade Nuns on Wheels' but you also wrote "Drug crazed lesbian boot lickers" right?

Universal truth: Two sets of books. One the wife/tax man/boss knows about, and one more for extras. ;)

That one was ghost written.
I was working on my plan for world domination at the time and trying to mutate sea-bass so they were ill-tempered enough to put frickin' lazer beams on their heads.

DBX in 10 days und counting Mr Bond.
Not that I am dwelling on it, or excited, or anthing.


11-18-07, 10:28

Yes, WG does mean Working Girl.

Yes, they are allowed in the club, the original post had a small typographical error, that possibly caused the confusion.

In the Regal, they tend only to allow CIS and FSU (Russians and Stanis) into the club, they tend not to allow Chinese or Africans.

Perhaps he should concentrate on finishing his homework in time for the paper-round.

Tercar 66
11-18-07, 11:30
Trying to explore new bar with live music and minimum cigerette smoke, on my freinds recomendation we went to Chelesea Hotel in bur Dubai. It is behind new gold souq. It has a bar called players longe. It has a good Canadian band and the lead singer keeps the crowd going. Good crowd, no hookers. After a couple of drinks we went to our inhouse Russain joint near to that hotel.

Wicked Roger
11-18-07, 13:03
Nice summary Roadlover!

Just to give a straight answer I was on secondment to the Dxb office on full tax free salary and 1/1 leave, as I often said at the time "every hour in Jockies is an hour at home!"
My company paid for accommodation in a good GF serviced apartment (Winchester Grande), in addition a per diem allowance was paid cash for ‘meals’ – obviously this was beer money! The girls were paid for from my pocket. I managed to keep this going for three years before being ‘forced’ to go resident.

Most of the expat professional residents in Dxb are on significant allowances. In my case I was paid an excellent tax free salary and additionally received housing and transport allowances paid cash in advance. You could choose your own accommodation and vehicle. The allowance was enough to cover a good standard of villa or apartment and run a decent new car. In my case I went for a modest 2 bed apartment in Bur Dubai just off the triangle (Mankool) and ran a used Audi 6. This left enough for girls beer and food, in that order, without touching the salary. I spent two years as a resident.

Hope that gives you some insight into the way it works for some.

I enjoyed my time there but wouldn’t want to return – but never say never – except as a visitor for a bit of fun occasionally. I was considering coming over in December but now it looks like February, besides I find the swinging party scene in Spain excellent – and its free!

Good reply MK but some of us expats not as wealthy as others so we have to save our cash by foregoing other pleasures or save cash by doubling up with the girls and pay less per girl for MFF and MFFF :) - well thats my reasoning.

Enjoy Kz

11-18-07, 15:45
Finally, mongering is like driving a car. There is certain amount of inherent risk the moment you are on the road. Sensible use of seat belts and passive restraints like airbags reduces the risk but does not completely mitigate it.Like the analogy, though it seems you drive with a 4 point harness :)

Apart from the relief that Ramadan in Dubai wasn't the barren Oasis I was fearing the overwhelming impression I got was of how strange the "Blingdom" of Dubai was. Although I'm sure the reality of those living there is very different from visitors; from a visitor's perspective it all seems to be about striving to be the biggest, tallest, richest, strangest, newest. A little like Vegas without the class.So well and aptly put. Thanks, I needed the smile.

No: the reality for us residents is NOT different than visitors. We're just so used to it as to be blind to it.

No: The majority of PRC's I know do shave the pits.

"WG Working girl. A prostitute."Study is good, but it's like reading about riding a bicycle - you can read all you want, but until you actually do ride the bike, you don't know how, and more reading won't help. Once you get here, and go out to the bars, everything will fall into place. It is VERY easy here.

I normally prefer to stay in a hotel that is both GF and has its own hunting ground so I used to stay at the Sheraton DieraThanks for giving back by posting your previous experiences. They really help other members.

Just try it sometimes, the search bottom.Believe me, it's a losing battle :)

Zing Uk
11-18-07, 17:15
Good reply MK but some of us expats not as wealthy as others so we have to save our cash by foregoing other pleasures or save cash by doubling up with the girls and pay less per girl for MFF and MFFF :) - well thats my reasoning.

Enjoy KzMy tact is to stick to 2 beers maximum in the bars whereas back home I would normally knock back a few more. The amount of money you save on the outrageous beer prices here can buy you a fun night :-)

The main way funding works for most Brits (I suspect) is from our nice government not taxing us when we live abroad unlike the nasty US government. So I think of it as a tax perk from Mr Brown.

11-18-07, 18:02
No: the reality for us residents is NOT different than visitors. We're just so used to it as to be blind to it.

No: The majority of PRC's I know do shave the pits.

Once you get here, and go out to the bars, everything will fall into place. It is VERY easy here.

Believe me, it's a losing battle :)Agreed on all 4 counts.

Fans of the Seaview Band will be pleased to know there are now two more videos on You Tube, bringing the total to five. In You Tube UTFSE for Seaview Band Dubai

11-18-07, 19:57
Oh yes and that PRC's don't shave their armpits: (. Odd, I haven't found one of them that doesn't shave their pits. Sounds like you just got lucky! :) And I've sampled quite a few PRC's since moving here a month ago. I'm finding it hard to write FR's since nothing specifically interesting happens.

Went to Rattlensakes a few times, within 15-20 minutes and one beer in, was off with my new missus' for the night - performances all acceptable, nothing over the top, nothing overly disappointing..... I'm kind of hoping one of them slips in the shower again (see previous FR hah) because at least I get to write something interesting!!

I have to say though, I'm thoroughly burnt out on the PRC contingent. Spotted a very cute personable stani at the rattler but she was with some local. We chatted a bit every time he went to the bathroom, slipped her my number (on the sly) when they were leaving but she never called - Boo hoo :(

I'll find her again!

Otherwise, I'm finding the scene a bit late since I'm working so much. I know, I know, I could hit Broadway early but damn that's a haul, wrong side of the creek! Went there last week around 6pm'ish and it was pretty dead. Maybe 10 girls, few guys in national dress, and the music was stupidly loud. Who wants to have a conversation? I mean, it's much more entertaining screaming at some poor girl, 2 inches from her ear "HOW MUCH!?". *grumble*

But it's a strange parody, I need to sneak the girl into my flat (Marina) because I've no idea if the staff would get weird about it, so later is better.. but waking up at 5am is rough enough when you have an early session! And weekends, well.. what weekends?

Apart from the relief that Ramadan in Dubai wasn't the barren Oasis I was fearing the overwhelming impression I got was of how strange the "Blingdom" of Dubai was. Although I'm sure the reality of those living there is very different from visitors; from a visitor's perspective it all seems to be about striving to be the biggest, tallest, richest, strangest, newest. A little like Vegas without the class. Hah, was just telling my buddy from Vegas that very thing two days ago. Many more hypocrites here, though.

I miss Vegas :(. Been here a few weeks and already looking at the few year commitment in my contract with more than little anxiety. It's different living here than just coming on business trips - and my salary is only partially tax free.

Oh well. My girl will be here soon (couple of days) which will confine my extracurricular activities to in house AMP's and the like. Now. Who do I need to bribe/buy copious amounts of beer for to find those rumored indian/CIS inhouse places. Anyone want beers tomorrow night? Lots of beers? ;)


11-18-07, 21:30
... we went to Chelesea Hotel in bur Dubai. It is behind new gold souq. It has a bar called players longe. It has a good Canadian band and the lead singer keeps the crowd going. Good crowd, no hookers.. Tercar - check out the Philipino club in Chelsea Hotel (the name of the club escapes me), but it's direct left as you enter the lobby. There are definitely some WGs in the crowd, and I've taken a few girls' numbers from there. WR and I had a bit of fun there one night (WR - do you remember the name of the Philipino club?).

It has a great all-girl Filipina band.

11-18-07, 21:49
A pal of mine recently returned an told me of the in house bars at the St George hotel in Deira.

Apparently there are several in the building frequented by Middle eastern looking girls at competitive rates. He said in fact that some look so similar to arab girls, that one could fullfill their middle eastern fetishes by taking one.

Has anyone any views on the St George? I've not had the pleasure of visiting the place as of yet, although i get the vibe of a larger version of Broadway after he mentioned the coffee shop downstairs and the amount of locals who attended there with pimpettes.


Tin Tin
11-19-07, 07:02
The Name of the Club is Tiya Maria.

The all girl Band has changed. A new Band has come with 4 Girls and guys.

Tercar - check out the Philipino club in Chelsea Hotel (the name of the club escapes me), but it's direct left as you enter the lobby. There are definitely some WGs in the crowd, and I've taken a few girls' numbers from there. WR and I had a bit of fun there one night (WR - do you remember the name of the Philipino club?).

It has a great all-girl Filipina band.

11-19-07, 08:32
A pal of mine recently returned an told me of the in house bars at the St George hotel in Deira.

Apparently there are several in the building frequented by Middle eastern looking girls at competitive rates. He said in fact that some look so similar to arab girls, that one could fullfill their middle eastern fetishes by taking one.

Has anyone any views on the St George? I've not had the pleasure of visiting the place as of yet, although i get the vibe of a larger version of Broadway after he mentioned the coffee shop downstairs and the amount of locals who attended there with pimpettes.

DFrom memory, it was the very first club I visited in Dubai around six years ago. Your pal's decription is how I remember the place. Coffee shop/bar downstairs, full of Arabesque CIS girls in abayas in the evening, before they migrate to one of the nightclubs upstairs around 10 or 11pm. Most of the customers are arab guys. The girl I talked to and took home asked me how I knew about the place (being the only westerner there). It was a random choice by the taxi driver after I asked him to take me to a place where I could meet girls. From memory, it's near the gold markets overlooking the creek.


Tin Tin - yep, it's Tiya Maria - thanks.

11-19-07, 13:03
St Georges Hotel
Lat 25 Deg, 15 min, 59.01 Sec N,
Long 55 Deg, 17 Min, 39.57 E

Chelsea Hotel
Lat 25 Deg, 14 Min 57.35 N
Long 55 Deg, 16 Min, 57.26 E

For all you Google Earthers, other wise cheaphotel.eu has a good map on the Dubai Search Hotels Homepage.

Happy hunting.

11-19-07, 13:11
Hi Folks,

I travelled to Dubai three times in late October / early November and enjoyed the trips very much. However, without one excemption, I relied on already approved service providers. The pro's and con's of such proceeding were already discussed here.

The only problem I am now facing is: While in any bigger club I do have my favourite now, it makes me uncomfortable to move freely. I enter the club, she spots me and the expectation is generated I will take here. While of those "approved" I always got a good service, incl. long stay etc., I am not intending to disapont them in taking alternative sources in there front.

Consequently my number of spots is decreasing and I have to detour to less popular or frequented spots.

Has anyone same experiences and how do you deal with this. I mean I am just not comfortable in a club to make my choice and receive a disappointed face from a basically great provider I certainly will use at a later stage.

Just for the records, the events were good as usual but nothing special to report about. Further the increasing traffic congestion puts me longer time on the road and reduces my time for rest. While also becomming older I sometimes just enjoy my bed for myself only.

Greetings to all of you,


11-19-07, 13:13
St Georges Hotel
Lat 25 Deg, 15 min, 59.01 Sec N,
Long 55 Deg, 17 Min, 39.57 E

Chelsea Hotel
Lat 25 Deg, 14 Min 57.35 N
Long 55 Deg, 16 Min, 57.26 E

For all you Google Earthers, other wise cheaphotel.eu has a good map on the Dubai Search Hotels Homepage.

Happy hunting.

...no question - great work,

but for those like me, a street and an area would be fine too.


11-19-07, 13:29
I enter the club, she spots me and the expectation is generated I will take here. While of those "approved" I always got a good service, incl. long stay etc., I am not intending to disapont them in taking alternative sources in there front. ...

Has anyone same experiences and how do you deal with this. I deal with it in as much of a respectful and face-saving way as I can in such a situation. At Rattler, I often see my favorite PRC/Korean, Sisi. She will come and flirt, we'll chat a bit, then I let her know within a few minutes whether or not I'll take her, or if I will take another girl. If the latter, I usually just say "Best you go look for another customer tonight". At first she would pout, but she has since told me she likes the fact that I don't play around with her for ages in the club when I have no intention of taking her. That way, neither of us have wasted our time. She has to make a living, and I gotta sow my oats widely. ;)

Wicked Roger
11-19-07, 13:39
Tercar - check out the Philipino club in Chelsea Hotel (the name of the club escapes me), but it's direct left as you enter the lobby. There are definitely some WGs in the crowd, and I've taken a few girls' numbers from there. WR and I had a bit of fun there one night (WR - do you remember the name of the Philipino club?).

It has a great all-girl Filipina band.
Well it has been answered already (Tia Maria) but I do remember you getting the number of cute Filipina there by giving her your number on a piece a paper I found for you...what friends do for friends....:) And she called and SMS you as well. I was the model of sobreity and conservatism that night ...mainly as I had shagged a lovely Filipina in your spare bedroom a couple fo hours earliet :)

Did you ever see her (Natascha?)

11-19-07, 14:26
I deal with it in as much of a respectful and face-saving way as I can in such a situation. At Rattler, I often see my favorite PRC/Korean, Sisi. She will come and flirt, we'll chat a bit, then I let her know within a few minutes whether or not I'll take her, or if I will take another girl. If the latter, I usually just say "Best you go look for another customer tonight". At first she would pout, but she has since told me she likes the fact that I don't play around with her for ages in the club when I have no intention of taking her. That way, neither of us have wasted our time. She has to make a living, and I gotta sow my oats widely. ;)


certainly I would do the same, but still feel somewhat under supervision - and what I hate most if I asked next time, how it was, what we did.

Yes I can do it, but I am just not comfortable.


11-19-07, 14:29
Hi Folks,

does anyone remember my advertisement posted at classifieds?

This is one of the latest responses I just wish to share with you:

Hi Tom,

I called ur tel. # & to the person answered saying that this is Dubai Police number. His accent also seems to be like locals. Any idea what's wrong here.

Any how I will B interested to get 5 each contacts from the following:

1: Kyrgyzstan
2: Kazakhstan
3: Pakistan

As my trip to Dubai mostly is short and would like to know is there any way of getting the contacts paying U via Western Union or by online money transfer?


This is not my own joke, I got it in the mailbox. I deleted the senders identity, leave it without any comment and just share it with you - at least those interested and remembering.


11-19-07, 14:36
...no question - great work,

but for those like me, a street and an area would be fine too.


Chelsea Hotel
Behind New Gold Souk,
Port Rashid Road
Dubai, UAE
Tel: +971 4 3988840

St Georges Hotel
12th Street (top corner of the Creek)
PO Box 3944, Dubai, Dubai, UAE
+971 4 225 1122

Maps available on both hotel websites.

Google Map attached. Bear in mind this is research at work in Reading while I am bored and I have not been to either venue. This info needs QC'ing.

Jees, so demanding, I hope you are the same with your regulars :)


11-19-07, 14:50
Jees, so demanding, I hope you are the same with your regulars :)

...certainly I am, somehow unlimited.
Thanks for your support.


Zorro 72
11-19-07, 15:57
Does anyone know if the Hard Rock Cafe on Shaikh Zayed road reopened again?

What about fairmont hotel is there any good business there?

Thanks fellow mongers

11-19-07, 17:08
Thanks for your support.Greetings,tom


And as I cocked it up last time, a Mongers eye view of Bur Dubai.
Radisson (Ku-Bu) and Moscow Hotels to the north just over the creek.

Information is power.

Good hunting, but leave some for me.


11-19-07, 17:56
The main way funding works for most Brits (I suspect) is from our nice government not taxing us when we live abroad unlike the nasty US government. So I think of it as a tax perk from Mr Brown.It's the only tax perk anyone gets from that bastxxd!!

Unfortunately, he is running out of ways to raise revenue so will surely go the way of the US government and tax brits on worldwide income. The scottish parliament will probably make scots exempt though!!

I wish I could fund my hobby through drinking less but life is too short and anyway that is why credit cards were invented. I intend to fund my activities on credit until the time comes to retire and I sell my property in the UK to pay off my debts. That is unless that aforementioned bastxxd decides he wants a slice of my capital gains over there as well!

Cool Nomad
11-19-07, 19:52
Hi Folks,

does anyone remember my advertisement posted at classifieds?

This is one of the latest responses I just wish to share with you:

This is not my own joke, I got it in the mailbox. I deleted the senders identity, leave it without any comment and just share it with you - at least those interested and remembering.


Hi Tom:

Greetings to you.

I am greatly interested in phone No. of A+ lister CIS babes in your report. If I recall correctly, it was next to Israeli embassy or CID office.

Hope this service will be free of charge (charges)!!!

Have a great day!

Cool Nomad
11-19-07, 20:40
I deal with it in as much of a respectful and face-saving way as I can in such a situation. At Rattler, I often see my favorite PRC/Korean, Sisi. She will come and flirt, we'll chat a bit, then I let her know within a few minutes whether or not I'll take her, or if I will take another girl. If the latter, I usually just say "Best you go look for another customer tonight". At first she would pout, but she has since told me she likes the fact that I don't play around with her for ages in the club when I have no intention of taking her. That way, neither of us have wasted our time. She has to make a living, and I gotta sow my oats widely. ;)

A nugget of golden advice! Though I am not as frequent a visitor to DXB as I would like to, I have been in this tricky situation at least twice and ended up with the same lady (though the services provided met or exceeded the expectations), despite my wish to "sow my oats widely". As tricky as it is, I think P1 hit the nail on the head by being upfront and frank, laced with a little diplomacy. I guess, some temporary hard feeling has to be endured. After all, it is a P4P situation. Adds more credence to P1's assertion some time back, that many of these girls are not hardened h***ers like in many other cities and countries. For the most part, they are trying to make some decent money in a short time-frame and go back. Of course,we should not be taken in, but a little humanity sometimes is a great virtue!

Thanks again P1 for a good solution to a tricky situation.

Cool Nomad

11-19-07, 21:22
It might also be described as understanding the feelings of others.
Certainly Face is involved, but as we are talking about a business relationship, perhaps tact is the better word. Some of the issue may be personal, some simply economic.

I too have had to avoid certain bars for a while (my choice.)

Funny, several serial regulars were super concerned about me "taking other ladies." They are not phased by the wife, that is a given, but another girl? Trouble.

You are well within your rights to pull whoever you choose, but it depends upon the depth of the relationship you have with your provider, some decide to be "faithful" to their provider. I think it comes down to rejection sometimes.

With some girls (Canary comes to mind) she could give a Rat´s behind who I pull, if I want her, I have to meet her price, period. (Sad thing is, she is worth it IMHO)

On the other hand, if I were to pull one of the present regulars friends (from her little group) it would be a cruel act on my part.

Piper probably handles this better than I do, but when I arrive, and have a known, excellent, comfortable provider at my beck and call, it is a good thing for me, the restrictions are minor in my case.

11-20-07, 05:18
Sometimes it is awkward but I think most girls are quite understanding, at the end of the day they go with other guys. But it is true that sometimes you feel that there is more than business involved.

If I spot the girl first I go to say hello and I may offer to buy a drink (the ones I am thinking of usually go for non-alcoholics, juice). They appreciate it.

Now I am out of the P4P field, too much work, and Miss A staying at my place. She keeps me really busy and I appreciate having someone in the house. And she has a great attitude towards work... very nice choice for PA (Thanks WR)

Piper, I got a distress call from Miss T. She wanted to pop up in my place to get drunk and cry. She did nto because of Miss A, I will meet her for lunch at the SAS Radisson (behind AUD).

It might also be described as understanding the feelings of others.
Certainly Face is involved, but as we are talking about a business relationship, perhaps tact is the better word. Some of the issue may be personal, some simply economic.

I too have had to avoid certain bars for a while (my choice.)

Funny, several serial regulars were super concerned about me "taking other ladies." They are not phased by the wife, that is a given, but another girl? Trouble.

You are well within your rights to pull whoever you choose, but it depends upon the depth of the relationship you have with your provider, some decide to be "faithful" to their provider. I think it comes down to rejection sometimes.

With some girls (Canary comes to mind) she could give a Rat´s behind who I pull, if I want her, I have to meet her price, period. (Sad thing is, she is worth it IMHO)

On the other hand, if I were to pull one of the present regulars friends (from her little group) it would be a cruel act on my part.

Piper probably handles this better than I do, but when I arrive, and have a known, excellent, comfortable provider at my beck and call, it is a good thing for me, the restrictions are minor in my case.

Zing Uk
11-20-07, 14:12
The only problem I am now facing is: While in any bigger club I do have my favourite now, it makes me uncomfortable to move freely. I enter the club, she spots me and the expectation is generated I will take here. While of those "approved" I always got a good service, incl. long stay etc., I am not intending to disapont them in taking alternative sources in there front.

Consequently my number of spots is decreasing and I have to detour to less popular or frequented spots.

Has anyone same experiences and how do you deal with this. I mean I am just not comfortable in a club to make my choice and receive a disappointed face from a basically great provider I certainly will use at a later stage.Hi Tom,

Good point for discussion and certainly a trap that I fall into myself and cannot now pick up from Metro because of Princess L as I'd feel pretty horrible about it and wouldn't like to watch her being picked up in return.

For other places, I try to make a rule of never taking the same girl twice in a row, I think that's the fatal error and some of them are very practiced a making you feel guilty about it. This doesn't mean that you don't take the same girl more than once but you have set a precedent that you will take other girls from the same venue and they can live with that. The bottom line is they are WG's and they obviously have other customers so they can comfortably get on with their work and you can spread it around a bit more then when you do get together again the understanding is very firmly in place.

Another tact that I have tried successfully is taking the girl and her friend in a 3some, again that way she understands that you will not be exclusive and, if it works out well you can have twice the fun:.)

Piper also makes a good point when he says:

I deal with it in as much of a respectful and face-saving way as I can in such a situation I. E. The word respect is very important for me as I think it is to all the regular contributors to the board. I think a respectful decline on the second evening can work wonders and they sometimes even tell you which of their friends is a good punt. I've often seen myself buying drinks for the girls on subsequent visits and having a really nice chat with them but making it clear at the outset that "tonight is just friends. " They are happy to have a drink and a freindly chat with a safe and sensible punter who may well bring future good business then get on with the nights work.

Keep it Cocked,


Zing Uk
11-20-07, 15:25
Odd, I haven't found one of them that doesn't shave their pits. Sounds like you just got lucky! And I've sampled quite a few PRC's since moving here a month ago. I'm finding it hard to write FR's since nothing specifically interesting happens. You can initiate some of the interesting stuff yourself, e. G. Tie her up, get her to bring a mate along, you invite a mate along, take them out somewhere public (I love doing that, always good for a laugh)

Went to Rattlensakes a few times, within 15-20 minutes and one beer in, was off with my new missus' for the night. Performances all acceptable, nothing over the top, nothing overly disappointing. I'm kind of hoping one of them slips in the shower again (see previous FR hah) because at least I get to write something interesting! Pour some oil in the bath tub first or push her;.)


Zing Uk
11-20-07, 15:31
Unfortunately, he is running out of ways to raise revenue so will surely go the way of the US government and tax brits on worldwide income. The scottish parliament will probably make scots exempt though!!We did get the council tax first so its about time we got a break, I love the idea. Remember that Gordon is a good Scotsman so inflicting pain in the sassanach's is a game for him :-)

I wish I could fund my hobby through drinking less but life is too short and anyway that is why credit cards were invented. I intend to fund my activities on credit until the time comes to retire and I sell my property in the UK to pay off my debts. That is unless that aforementioned bastxxd decides he wants a slice of my capital gains over there as well!Great idea but it blows my pension fund away. Then again, I may not live that long so Mastercard here I come. BTW, how many girls do you know who take credit cards? Do they use the old swipe machine or do they have modern chip and pin technology?

Keep it Cocked,


11-20-07, 20:00
so will surely go the way of the US government and tax brits on worldwide income. There is a overseas income exemption based upon physical presence or legal residence. Not huge, but acceptable ;)
You can also write off overseas taxes paid in most cases.

11-20-07, 21:46
that vertical slot is for between their legs. Yep, just swipe the card and the doors will open. I understand that was the inspiration for the ATM - only in reverse.

. BTW, how many girls do you know who take credit cards? Do they use the old swipe machine or do they have modern chip and pin technology?

Keep it Cocked,


11-21-07, 01:56
... I had sex with Sisi in a very disrespectful way tonight, but I think she still likes me. Met her at Rattler as usual, but she took me to her new apartment (turns out it's near my place), and she's asked me to come and see her more often now that we're neighbours. Big trouble ahead.

11-21-07, 04:02
that vertical slot is for between their legs. Yep, just swipe the card and the doors will open. I understand that was the inspiration for the ATM - only in reverse.Like this?

11-21-07, 13:06
Hi Tercar66,

Can you PM me the contact number of the Joint you described in your recent report?



11-21-07, 18:46
I'm getting a bit worried. Where is 11Bravo? Is he alright?

He hasn't posted now for 3 days which is unheard of. Maybe it's the flu. If so get well soon. Otherwise, if anyone has spotted him please let us know he is OK.

11-21-07, 20:02
I'm getting a bit worried. Where is 11Bravo? Is he alright?

He hasn't posted now for 3 days which is unheard of. Maybe it's the flu. If so get well soon. Otherwise, if anyone has spotted him please let us know he is OK.I'm sure he's fine. I saw his name on the 'logged on' list this evening (he's always one of the first names on the list as his user name starts with '1'). I remember a couple of years ago being worried and asking "Where art thou 11Bravo?" when he didn't post for weeks. Plus I missed his ascerbic wit. But he came back with a vengeance. ;)

I like ISG for the characters here and their great stories. I still remember laughing in a bar one night when an ISG member told me that guys have two great experiences when they have sex with a hot girl. The first is having sex with a hot girl, the second is telling their friends about it. :)

Cool Nomad
11-21-07, 20:10
Wishing y'all a very happy Holiday season!

Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas. I can't believe it is that time already.

Cool Nomad

11-21-07, 21:52
Tia Maria ... Did you ever see her (Natascha?)WR - no, I never called her back. Forgot all about her. (You have a better memory than my monger-phone chip!)

Piper, I got a distress call from Miss T. She wanted to pop up in my place to get drunk and cry. She did not because of Miss A, I will meet her for lunch at the SAS Radisson (behind AUD).Cons - hope Miss T is okay. A few weeks ago I gave her number (with her permission) to a new guy at work who speaks fluent Mandarin. He saw me the next day and said there was a small problem - when he called her, she told him he must have the wrong number (but while on the phone, he could hear WG business talk in the background by other Chinese in her place). A few days later she called him back and asked if he was interested in spending the night with her. I think, as you said before, she wants to get out of the business and into a regular job very soon. I hope all goes well for her.

11-22-07, 09:26

And as I cocked it up last time, a Mongers eye view of Bur Dubai.
Radisson (Ku-Bu) and Moscow Hotels to the north just over the creek.

Information is power.

Good hunting, but leave some for me.


Just another masterpiece here - what can I say more. Your information is absolutely supportive (and now the RTFF rule can be enforced strictly).

Many Thanks to you!


11-22-07, 11:55
.......... The first is having sex with a hot girl, the second is telling their friends about it. :)Yes, thats right talking about the fun is like having it again on a little lower scale, but anyhow that is how you get double fun with only one time investment!


11-22-07, 12:27
I had a not to pleasant experience the other day in Regal Plaza.
I was out roaming around the bars in Dubai and after a quite fun night with some mongering friends I picked up a girl which I wanted to bring back to the hotel for some fun.

We left the club for the hotel and arrived with a taxi to Regal Plaza :)
When we arrived to the hotel jumped out of the taxi walked up and one guy I know very well from Regal walked out to meet me and he was walking very fast and took my arm and walked away with me and the girl from the hotel.
After I while he stopped and told me that the hotel was full of CID today and as soon he finish of that sentence the girl I was supposed to have some fun with ( photo session, FS etc etc) was long gone. :(

When I walked back to the hotel you could see the CID coming out of the hotel and my friend was right they were a large number. I thought that they have raided the hotel but it seems like they had a criminal staying in the hotel and as soon as the hotel sent the pass port copy to the authority the CID showed up and arrested him.

So that night I got nothing, no FS, no Pictures and I missed out on the massage she promised me. :(

Cheers Spelman

Zing Uk
11-22-07, 16:53
I had a not to pleasant experience the other day in Regal Plaza.
I was out roaming around the bars in Dubai and after a quite fun night with some mongering friends I picked up a girl which I wanted to bring back to the hotel for some fun.

We left the club for the hotel and arrived with a taxi to Regal Plaza :)

When we arrived to the hotel jumped out of the taxi walked up and one guy I know very well from Regal walked out to meet me and he was walking very fast and took my arm and walked away with me and the girl from the hotel.

After I while he stopped and told me that the hotel was full of CID today and as soon he finish of that sentence the girl I was supposed to have some fun with ( photo session, FS etc etc) was long gone. :(

When I walked back to the hotel you could see the CID coming out of the hotel and my friend was right they were a large number. I thought that they have raided the hotel but it seems like they had a criminal staying in the hotel and as soon as the hotel sent the pass port copy to the authority the CID showed up and arrested him.

So that night I got nothing, no FS, no Pictures and I missed out on the massage she promised me.

Cheers SpelmanPoor boy, but there will always be another night.

11-22-07, 18:17
When I walked back to the hotel you could see the CID coming out of the hotel and my friend was right they were a large number. I thought that they have raided the hotel but it seems like they had a criminal staying in the hotel and as soon as the hotel sent the pass port copy to the authority the CID showed up and arrested him.
Two thoughts...

1. Kind of comforting in a way.

2. Kind of disconcerting.

Just goes to show, LE does know about our little pecadillos, we all knew this anyway, but a reminder now and then is useful.
Screw up, and be prepared to suffer.

Grateful Spread
11-22-07, 22:21
So that night I got nothing, no FS, no Pictures and I missed out on the massage she promised me. :(Jeez Spelman, that’s the nature of our pastime. You just know that once every so often you’re going to luck out. Nothing you can do about it and an occupational hazard in Dubai.

I had a call from a WG friend of mine the other day to say that the LE had kicked the door in of her room and her room mates ended up being deported. Fortunately for her she was still in Imp.Suites and is now staying in her mate’s flat- too scared to go back home.

Just goes to show, LE does know about our little pecadillos, we all knew this anyway, but a reminder now and then is useful.
Screw up, and be prepared to suffer.Maybe someone can correct me here, but punters being arrested for mongering in dubai is a rarity – the brute the CID arrested must have been involved in something altogether more unsavoury. (or did I miss the point of your comment Sporadic? - improbable - but then I'm not the perfect boy I used to be)

11-22-07, 23:00
– the brute the CID arrested must have been involved in something altogether more unsavoury. (or did I miss the point of your comment Sporadic? - improbable - but then I'm not the perfect boy I used to be)No misunderstanding, I have no doubt Mr. Busted was wanted for something serious (almost certainly NOT mongering.)

My point was, IF they wanted to, they COULD really rake you over the coals with little more than a tiny bit of data mining. Unless you do something really stupid, I suggest they would not bother, BUT, when it rains, it pours.

Registered guest Mr. Punter, and a nice PP photocopy from Ms. Provider would be all it would take to "prove" a crime in DXB.

11-23-07, 01:29
Folks sorry for the repetitiveness of this question and I know it has been asked before but I have traipsed through the forum and cannot seem to find an answer on this occasion.

I am looking for some early evening action (5pm to 7pm approx) in Dubai and it will have to be incall as I will not be in a positon to go back to my house.

What bars or coffee shops should I be looking for at those times or am I wasting my time?

I would have no interest in visiting an AMP unless it was a complete last resort.

Thanks in advance

11-23-07, 12:12
[QUOTE=Piper1]... I had sex with Sisi in a very disrespectful way tonightQUOTE]

Sounds great. I usually have to pay extra for that.

11-23-07, 14:39
Sounds great. I usually have to pay extra for that.Speaking of paying extra, BC mentions the increasing incidence of girls in clubs offering hourly rates. Anyone else noticed this? I first experienced this when offered to me at Kubu a few months ago by a cute CIS (on a sliding scale: 500 one hour, 800 two hours, 1,000 three hours, 1500 all night from midnight to 8am). Happened again last week at Rattler around midnight when a PRC cutie refused my offer of 500 for a few hours - she looked at her watch, calculated that would bring us to after 3:00am closing time (so no more customers), then told me that 500 is her hourly rate.

Luckily one of my regulars (yes, the infamous Sisi) was waiting nearby in case I decided to go with her, and I did. With her, it's usually 500 for as long as I like - sometimes 24 hours. The plus side is she knows exactly what I like, the down side is we're too comfortable with each other, like long-time fuckbuddies - takes away a bit of the novelty and excitement. (Although the other night was fun, as I was rough-riding her while her flatmate sat beside the bed watching TV and watching us with a smile during the ads. :))

Wicked Roger
11-23-07, 14:47
Luckily one of my regulars (yes, the infamous Sisi) was waiting nearby in case I decided to go with her, and I did.

The plus side is she knows exactly what I like,

You forget I know too :) but my lips are sealed and the photos are in your collection not mine.....damn!

11-23-07, 16:44
Speaking of paying extra, BC mentions the increasing incidence of girls in clubs offering hourly rates. Anyone else noticed this?[/QUOTE

Hourly rates in DBX !! Its wrong. They should be offering weekend discounts. Just say no men !

[QUOTE=Piper1](Although the other night was fun, as I was rough-riding her while her flatmate sat beside the bed watching TV and watching us with a smile during the ads. :))

I hope she had the good grace and breeding to put the kettle on for a nice cup of tea and a sit down by the time the next ads were on.

Richa Poura
11-24-07, 07:15
Try Mina who advertises in the classifieds on this site, like me other members have been happy with her girls - she provides a 24/7 service !!


Folks sorry for the repetitiveness of this question and I know it has been asked before but I have traipsed through the forum and cannot seem to find an answer on this occasion.

I am looking for some early evening action (5pm to 7pm approx) in Dubai and it will have to be incall as I will not be in a positon to go back to my house.

What bars or coffee shops should I be looking for at those times or am I wasting my time?

I would have no interest in visiting an AMP unless it was a complete last resort.

Thanks in advance

11-24-07, 12:07
I am looking for some early evening action (5pm to 7pm approx) in Dubai and it will have to be incall as I will not be in a positon to go back to my house.

What bars or coffee shops should I be looking for at those times or am I wasting my time? Broadway Hotel Coffee Shop and Jockey’s and TGIT. Search on these tags for more info. I can’t remember any recent TGIT reports however.

Speaking of paying extra, BC mentions the increasing incidence of girls in clubs offering hourly rates. The Source – referring mainly to the way changes impact visitors rather than residents.

Here are my observation on the way things have changed over the past two years.
The bar scene has become more fluid and some normally reliable bars can be very sparse some evenings. Price inflation has certainly taken hold, entry fees and drink prices have risen considerably. The price of a night at the Rattler has more than doubled in the past year, but for the short term visitor it’s not going to make a significant dent. Inevitably the girls are asking for more, increased rent, increased LE risk (real or perceived) and the weak dollar all driving the price up. Again for a one off a couple of hundred extra AED is not going to break the bank. Visitors from Europe, if converting back to Euros or Pounds will hardy notice the rises. There are more “professional” attitudes and less GFE, at least that is the way it seems to me, I seldom pull these days but have encountered “price per hour” quotes. Metro construction, taxi shortages, squeeze on parking space and the traffic have made life more difficult for all and can impact on enjoyment

11-25-07, 07:23
I had a not to pleasant experience the other day in Regal Plaza.
I was out roaming around the bars in Dubai and after a quite fun night with some mongering friends I picked up a girl which I wanted to bring back to the hotel for some fun.

We left the club for the hotel and arrived with a taxi to Regal Plaza :)
When we arrived to the hotel jumped out of the taxi walked up and one guy I know very well from Regal walked out to meet me and he was walking very fast and took my arm and walked away with me and the girl from the hotel.

After I while he stopped and told me that the hotel was full of CID today and as soon he finish of that sentence the girl I was supposed to have some fun with ( photo session, FS etc etc) was long gone. :(

When I walked back to the hotel you could see the CID coming out of the hotel and my friend was right they were a large number. I thought that they have raided the hotel but it seems like they had a criminal staying in the hotel and as soon as the hotel sent the pass port copy to the authority the CID showed up and arrested him.

So that night I got nothing, no FS, no Pictures and I missed out on the massage she promised me. :(

Cheers SpelmanLook at the bright side. If you had gone 15 mins earlier. You could be in a lot of deep shit!

Zing Uk
11-25-07, 07:30
My regular gf went back off to Europe a couple of days ago so it was time to go out on the town again. Princess L is over for a few days so wasn't a real mongering trip but still good to get back out on the scene and have some fun with the girls. We only made it as far as Rattler for a few but that was good enough. However, not only was there no band last night they have also started charging 5AED for a game of pool now, yet another price rise. It seems that they looking for ways to squeeze more and more money out f us these days. Mind you, it was a nice new pool tble so shouldn't grumble too much.

The other thing I noticed since that last time I was there about 6 weeks ago is the ratio of PRC has really increased and I didn't see too many africans at all and virtually no CIS at all although it was only 11am when we left and the CIS usually come out to play late anyway. A couple of new crackers there though imho, shame my boats are burnt at that particular venue.

Anyway, new pic of Princess L I hope you like, keeps me coming back!

Keep it Cocked,


11-25-07, 11:23
Broadway Hotel Coffee Shop and Jockey’s and TGIT. Search on these tags for more info. I can’t remember any recent TGIT reports however.

Both before and after Ramadan I had been at TGIT, afternoon as well as early evening, mostly when I was in Bur Dubai and found the traffic suggesting to me to take an extra break, but I am afraid what you will find is, with all due respect and honesty, third and fourth class only. One has to be either significantly short of money or desperate horney to accept what is offered there. At least I did not consider it worth reporting and actually I felt somehow ashamed where I stranded...;-()

I personaly would certainly recommend Jockey's - at least if you are in Bur Dubai - and would give a second and third thought prior to heading to Broadway. This is somewhat strange and you have to feel comfortable in that enviroment.

Best solution is always - as far as possible - to keep some numbers and know where they live (no need to call a girl from Deira to the other side of the creek when you cant make your way either, or vice versa), in order to get some decent relexation in the early evening hours. (Please, this must not seen as an invitation to aks for numbers!)b

Here are my observation on the way things have changed over the past two years.
The bar scene has become more fluid and some normally reliable bars can be very sparse some evenings. Price inflation has certainly taken hold, entry fees and drink prices have risen considerably. The price of a night at the Rattler has more than doubled in the past year, but for the short term visitor it’s not going to make a significant dent. Inevitably the girls are asking for more, increased rent, increased LE risk (real or perceived) and the weak dollar all driving the price up. Again for a one off a couple of hundred extra AED is not going to break the bank. Visitors from Europe, if converting back to Euros or Pounds will hardy notice the rises. There are more “professional” attitudes and less GFE, at least that is the way it seems to me, I seldom pull these days but have encountered “price per hour” quotes. Metro construction, taxi shortages, squeeze on parking space and the traffic have made life more difficult for all and can impact on enjoyment
... a perfect assesment of the situation. I might be wrong but the closure of Cyclone, the high priced typical tourist spot in town (for our business), well known to everyone comming over to Dubai, and the spread of ex-Cyclone girls into other establishments further attributed - at least to the intend - to soar rates.

You might be also correct with your statement regarding visitiors, however increase in hotel rates as well as rent-a-cars at least impact the travel departments and raise some questions too.



11-25-07, 11:33
.... BC mentions the increasing incidence of girls in clubs offering hourly rates. Anyone else noticed this?

Hourly rates in DBX !! Its wrong....


I guess this is an result of the increase in visitors at Dubai.

In mainland Europe as well as North-America the "hourly rate" in this business is the common time frame.

When I came first to Dubai (OK, I was aware in other areas of the world time is not of essence) the short term - long term way was little confusing.

And just to fit in, what you may pay within west Europe for an hour, you my get a decent girl for LT at Dubai - still.


P.S.: Just to make sure no one gets me wrong: I am now friend of ST / LT and enjoy this, I just wanted to provide some background information, just in case it was not considered before.

Zing Uk
11-25-07, 13:27
I personaly would certainly recommend Jockey's - at least if you are in Bur Dubai - and would give a second and third thought prior to heading to Broadway. This is somewhat strange and you have to feel comfortable in that enviroment.I wouldn't have recomended Jockey's in the past but I know that Princess L's friends have started going there in the afternoons to try to turn an extra trick or two and they are all pretty much A-listers or A- at worst, they certainly aren't chorus girls. They go for ST for 300\400 in the afternoon from there then anything from 700 up to 1,500 in the evening depending on finding the right mug. I've not been to Jockey's myself for a good few months but found most (not all) of the girls there pretty much second rate in the past imho before but I guess its better now.

Keep it Cocked,


Wild Child 1
11-25-07, 13:31
So there we were on our 2nd last night in Bar 44 which is located on the 44th Floor of the Grosvenor House Hotel in the Marina.

Around 11pm I noticed a table with 2 Russian guys and 2 asian girls, I defo didn't think they were pro's but also was aware that they were not the Russian Gangsters GFs. 1 of the Girls saw me looking and we made eye contact a few times and I was pretty sure she was Chinese.

Anyway she kinda winked at me and went to the ladies room, and a few minutes later I followed, upon exiting the wash room we got talking in Chinese and talked about her friends from Russia. Cut a long story short I gave her my number, went back finished my drink and headed to my room.

About 20 minutes later she called and asked what I was upto, naturally I invited her up, banged her a few times and in the AM put 500 AED in her bag and said I'd seen this lovely pair of shoes she'd look cute in and insisted she buy them as a gift from me.

She did say she worked for a translation company etc etc etc, who knows eh.

an interesting experience indeed.

and to add:

The next night we again were in Bar 44, and I saw the most beautiful working girl ever, nearly 6 foot tall and I would say from Lebabnon or similar, unfortunately the Wild Child was late in approaching and was beat to the target by someone else, live and learn I guess

11-25-07, 18:51
I can’t remember any recent TGIT reports however.What a leadin... with all due respect to Tom2004... Just happened to be at TGIT 2 days ago.

Broken pencil story - it has no point. Recon summary at bottom.

Taking Thursday night's pull home Friday noon, knew she'd not get the Thursday starting slot. Same PRC as last Thursday, and although this Thursday she'd worn nice slacks and blouse, it wasn't THE outfit (boots, nylons, mini). My fault; I hadn't specified. The average looks/good service good enough as a relief pitcher, but not a starter.

Given I was near Shindaga, and even though it was Friday, figured I'd stop at Carrefour, pick up some supplies. Even in the parking lot, my worst fears realized: had to circle a couple of times to find a parking space, the lot full of cars AND roving herds of TCN's. Walking in, thought I'd peruse the electronics section, kill some time, and hit TGIT primetime before heading off to the Burjiman foodcourt. Seemed like a good idea at the time, but as I entered, the section FULL, and I reeled from the "reek". Damn, I felt sorry for the workers there, but given my presence was not mandatory, I retreated, amazed that in such a cavernous building, it was still odiferous.

Finished picking up what I needed, then joined the line from hell: 1st: the fellow countryman of the cashier, catching up on ALL the news from the village back home. No problem if no one in line, but hey, it's FRIDAY... 2nd: the "oh, please to be explaining why you are rejecting my credit card; it is certainly problem with your machine and not problem my card" customer. Doesn't realize that if the card is denied, nothing the cashier can do (yes, I understand it's the end of the month, but learn to budget, or know how much you're buying). 3rd: The african bimbos (yes, definitely wg's), not clear on the concept that the cloth bag is a ONE time payment of an EXTRA 2 dhs. Carrefour will replace, but you MUST bring in the old one - your word not good enough that you had bought one and it's damaged. And no, the cashier will NOT throw in one for free because you've spent over a 100 dhs. 4th: The philipina DEMANDING her change in COINS. Yes, anywhere else, it shouldn't be a problem, but this is the UAE - stores are always short of coins. Why? Customer convenience NOT a priority here. If it's that important, go get change from the money exchange, rather than holding up the line, refusing to move, while the bagboy has to run over there. 5th: The idiot who, in the middle of paying, gets a phone call, and drops everything to take it. Let's just say I'm 100% certain he wasn't a doctor on call. The concept of calling back, or finishing paying before continuing to talk, obviously too large a concept for his feeble brain.15 minutes out of my life that I'll never get back. [I AM the first to admit patience and tolerance are NOT my STRONG points].

I stagger out to the parking lot, concerned I might be leaving a trail of blood, given my 300/180 blood pressure. Consider skipping TGIT, just picking up some food from Burjamin, and going back home to have a liedown. But seems a shame to skip when I'm so close, so I brave the masses of roaming TCN's (can you imagine the bars sans entrance fees?), and make my way to the Astoria Hotel.

TGIT, Friday, 13:45 - 14:30
Been a long time since I've been there (How long? 3 January 2007; the search engine ALSO good at helping a failing memory). Walking in, the place looks the same, and I mean, the SAME. I see some familiar faces, both female and male, at the bar. Yes, they do move, well, a bit, so they aren't mannequins. Give a nod to a few.

See 1 Seaview face; mention to her I saw her there the other week. She cringes; I understand why; her "date" was Mr. Premature Lyrics. Another couple of 'Snake faces around. Vast majority PRC's, a few CIS, can't recall seeing any africans, though there might have been a few.

Then I see a cutie, and, by the look on her face as our eyes meet, I should know her as she knows me. She comes over and confirms: it's not the usual litany, but some personal details about myself and my place. She's certainly been there, but I just can't place her. Strange, I can usually remember the nice ones. She mentions she was absent a couple of years; she got back in March. I kick myself for not stopping into TGIT sooner. I ask her name; doesn't ring any bells. I'm mystified.

Then, a certain look, and everything clicks. Yes, she's a couple of years older (actually 4; checking my photo database back home, last saw her in 2003.) I'm impressed with both her memory and mine, able to recall ancient history. I ask why she's not using her 'old' name. She laughs, too difficult to say, so she's changed to make it easier. Now it's me who's remembering details. A lot of girls are just blurs, but some leave a lasting impression, and she's one, even though I only pulled her a couple of times (popular girl).

I quickly let her know that there's no business from me today; I have a reservation at a gourmet 'restaurant' tonight. Otherwise, I would have caught her afternoon matinee AND the evening's performance. Rarely do I buy a girl a drink; she's one of the exceptions. We continue to catch up until she spies another entering 'friend'. Showing true class, it's not that she's asking permission to leave, but she does make sure I'm OK with it. Certainly, except for the slight regret that someone else will be a lucky guy today. Make sure I get her mobile, and if I have any kind of luck, Thursday is filled.

Walk out, smile on my face. Carrefour is a different world, ancient history. Amazing what a smiling face, coupled with pleasing memories, can do.

TGIT doesn't change. Mainly PRC's. Besides my old 'acquaintance', a couple of other cute faces of interest. No stunners, but certainly pleasurable enough to kill a Friday afternoon (or more). One turkish looking girl. A few CIS, mostly hard looking, but one with a cute face; no idea about her 'attitude'. Can't remember seeing any blacks. Although it is VERY variable, you can get lucky every now and again.

11-25-07, 19:39
I'm getting a bit worried. Where is 11Bravo?Trying, and failing, to come up with a witty tag line to add to my posts.

The only problem I am now facing is: While in any bigger club I do have my favourite now, it makes me uncomfortable to move freely. I enter the club, she spots me and the expectation is generated I will take here. While of those "approved" I always got a good service, incl. long stay etc., I am not intending to disapont them in taking alternative sources in there front.

Consequently my number of spots is decreasing and I have to detour to less popular or frequented spots.

Has anyone same experiences and how do you deal with this.I'm VERY familiar with this problem, given my inclination for a Miss Thursday, and when there is an abundance, a Miss Friday. The regulars I see are REGULARS, as in every week. Not a question of if I'll see her/them, just what time they'll be over. But that's at most 2.

My solution has always been to refrain from pulling from her "office". Unlike Zing UK (everyone different), I have no problem seeing her disappear out the door with another punter - after all, I've passed on her for that evening. And I certainly expect her to be working 'other' evenings, as I'm not willing to be her SOLE support. But as a matter of respect, face, and to keep the "special" facade alive, it's not symmetric - I don't pull in front of her. Note: like Sporadic said, an a-lister probably won't care unless you really are 'special'; she's got plenty of other customers. Otherwise, if nothing else, you are cracking someone's ricebowl.

So, my suggestion: of all your places, of all the ladies, pick the top 1 or 2, keep them. At the other "offices", yes, you might have to burn some bridges, but I doubt they will be completely burnt. As Piper said, a quick "Thanks, but not tonight" should be sufficient. And as Zing said, most of your "restrictions" are self-made.

and what I hate most if I asked next time, how it was, what we did. 1. I would NOT expect her to ask you those questions.

2. If she did, the answer is EASY: "What you and I do in private is between us, and only for us. Same goes for other ladies." [That's a period; END of discussion] It does work. (Now, what THEY will talk about...)

11-25-07, 19:56
Trying, and failing, to come up with a witty tag line to add to my posts.How about...
"Keep hard and Hor..." taken
"Maintain tumescence and desire"
"Keep hard and RTFF"
"Do unto others..." Taken
"Five hundred LT or the highway"
"I like Chinese" Taken (Monty Python)


11-26-07, 06:00
2. If she did, the answer is EASY: "What you and I do in private is between us, and only for us. Same goes for other ladies." [That's a period; END of discussion] It does work. (Now, what THEY will talk about...)

They talk, believe me, they talk shamelessly. Especially Filipinas, every Filipina I have met will share all the details with her friends, things like size (I am not kidding), level of performance (did you finish or not), preferences, and how you treat them (good licker, takes time to please her,...)

I was somehow shocked to discover the level of "transparency", I would say that most of the time it is quite "innocent" and they mean no harm. But they certainly share intel clearly beyond pure security needs. I guess it must be boring in their flat with limited entertainment... besides ain't work the most talked subject within adult males? Why should they be differente

11-26-07, 06:13
Finished picking up what I needed, then joined the line from hell: 1st: the fellow countryman of the cashier, catching up on ALL the news from the village back home. No problem if no one in line, but hey, it's FRIDAY... 2nd: the "oh, please to be explaining why you are rejecting my credit card; it is certainly problem with your machine and not problem my card" customer. Doesn't realize that if the card is denied, nothing the cashier can do (yes, I understand it's the end of the month, but learn to budget, or know how much you're buying). 3rd: The african bimbos (yes, definitely wg's), not clear on the concept that the cloth bag is a ONE time payment of an EXTRA 2 dhs. Carrefour will replace, but you MUST bring in the old one - your word not good enough that you had bought one and it's damaged. And no, the cashier will NOT throw in one for free because you've spent over a 100 dhs. 4th: The philipina DEMANDING her change in COINS. Yes, anywhere else, it shouldn't be a problem, but this is the UAE - stores are always short of coins. Why? Customer convenience NOT a priority here. If it's that important, go get change from the money exchange, rather than holding up the line, refusing to move, while the bagboy has to run over there. 5th: The idiot who, in the middle of paying, gets a phone call, and drops everything to take it. Let's just say I'm 100% certain he wasn't a doctor on call. The concept of calling back, or finishing paying before continuing to talk, obviously too large a concept for his feeble brain.15 minutes out of my life that I'll never get back. [I AM the first to admit patience and tolerance are NOT my STRONG points].

yes, yes, you are so right... but do not get too excited.
You would find the same situation anywhere else in the world. We tend to think that stupidity somehow gets more concentrated here, but it does not (exception being bank clerks).

You would get the same crap in Paris, London or Madrid... at least here you pay no taxes and the girls are plentiful and (depending on budget constraints) affordable.

On a more general tone, is it me or it seems that the number of reports (and probably the level of "activity") has not recovered after Ramadan. I know that in my case Miss A has kept my fully satisfied (best decision ever, hiring her as my PA, thanks WR). Also I think that the "old timers" (with all due respect) seem to be more jaded and fed up with the little (and not so little) annoyances of living in Dubai... Are traffic and inflation negatively affecting the sexual drive of the long-term residents? Maybe the health department should take a look at this very serious problem

Zing Uk
11-26-07, 08:26
Trying, and failing, to come up with a witty tag line to add to my posts.Spend three days on a business trip to Saudi, so boring there is nothing else to do so its a good way to pass an hour.

Keep it Cocked


Zing Uk
11-26-07, 08:29
They talk, believe me, they talk shamelessly. Especially Filipinas, every Filipina I have met will share all the details with her friends, things like size (I am not kidding), level of performance (did you finish or not), preferences, and how you treat them (good licker, takes time to please her,...)

I was somehow shocked to discover the level of "transparency", I would say that most of the time it is quite "innocent" and they mean no harm. But they certainly share intel clearly beyond pure security needs. I guess it must be boring in their flat with limited entertainment... besides ain't work the most talked subject within adult males? Why should they be differenteAbsolutely 100% but worse than that, they also tell some of the punters if they trust them. The things Pricess L's friends tell me sometimes would make a sailor blush! But I also agree that it isn't done in a nasty way

11-26-07, 10:58
I wouldn't have recomended Jockey's in the past but I know that Princess L's friends have started going there in the afternoons to try to turn an extra trick or two and they are all pretty much A-listers or A- at worst, they certainly aren't chorus girls. They go for ST for 300\400 in the afternoon from there then anything from 700 up to 1,500 in the evening depending on finding the right mug. I've not been to Jockey's myself for a good few months but found most (not all) of the girls there pretty much second rate in the past imho before but I guess its better now.

Keep it Cocked,



certainly Zings comment are right and I would not recommend Jockey's in general, but for the spots available during late afternoon, early evening, I guess it is the bust one. And yes, do not expect to find a-listers (anyhow they do not have to work twice a day) but reasonale good experiences.

Insofar Zing is certainly right,


11-26-07, 13:34
yes, yes, you are so right... but do not get too excited.
You would find the same situation anywhere else in the world. We tend to think that stupidity somehow gets more concentrated here, but it does not (exception being bank clerks).

You would get the same crap in Paris, London or Madrid... Well, that's Europe, and I'm not from there. America - land of competition and CUSTOMER SERVICE. Not perfect, but a lot of work goes into keeping lines short and MOVING, to prevent customers from balking or reneging (queue theory). Because if Home Depot doesn't provide service, you go to Lowe's, and if they don't, Orchard Garden... If not Von's, Ralph's, if not Ralph's, Albertsons. Point is, most stores discount, not MSRP, and their profits are made on volume. They want to keep the HAPPY customer coming back... just look at return policies in the US.

Besides, where I come from, it's not a crime to call someone a stupid son of a b*tch, although it just might get you shot :)

Or they might be just as inefficient in Thailand, but at least they do it with a smile.

Me, I love working on the railroad.

Also I think that the "old timers" (with all due respect) seem to be more jaded and fed up with the little (and not so little) annoyances of living in Dubai...Every expate has 2 buckets: a money bucket and a shit bucket. When either fills up, time to go home.

They talk, believe me, they talk shamelessly. Especially Filipinas, every Filipina I have met will share all the details with her friends,MY experience, the key is IF they know each other. Otherwise, the answers might not be so forthcoming... Security yes, but more than that... Even amongst fellow countrymen. Example: A Miss T had seen me out with Miss Fav, both PRC's, but generally working different offices, and living far apart. Another night, Miss T bumping into Miss F, started questioning Miss F about where we met, how long we'd known each other, how much I paid (Miss F's answer to the last had me LOL: I do him for free). But Miss F was "who is this girl and why is she asking me these questions? A jealous gf?"

Obviously different with ROOMMATES... though in 1 case I was told to pick 1 or the other - 20 in the apt. and they did not want to risk creating any problems in such packed quarters. Girls that live in "better" accomodations don't have such cash flow problems - I know 1 apt where I "knew" all 4 girls independently, and it wasn't a problem.

Fully Loaded
11-26-07, 14:48
Anyone going to the Snake tonight?

I wanna see if I can spot the "Senior" Member.

Tin Tin
11-26-07, 15:17
Have to agree with Cons,Especially in case of Filipinas.

Once any one is picked up from a group, it is automatically assured that friends and friend of friend gets ur details, Cons- i have personally experienced size and performance being discussed. In some case, it is gives a better milage but in some cases can throw you into reverse gear also.

PRC- my 1 time steady in a apt near burjuman lived with 3 of her cousins whom all i had done seperatly and there was no problem. once they knew, i was steady with her, they just swithced to friends mode. an occasional teasing or joke but they knew where to draw the line. Truly miss her. LE deportation a year back. first time i cried over a girl as she called me an hour before her flight from the airport.Still keeps in touch.

11-26-07, 15:25
world sex guide, december 1997. (everything is on the interweb!)

"although illegal, the trade is very much alive in dubai. also, police cars
patrol the red-light districts to check that no one attempts to [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) the women
(yes..). most of the women are russian, and philipinos, and some (more
expensive places, lebanese). most are pretty good looking, since it is very
competitive there.

there's a lot of activity on muraqabat st. (gondola inn, rimal appts.. both
provide excellent, clean service).

there is also a major brothel in the jasmine hotel. mostly though, any 4 star
hotel's bar will have plenty to offer, most taxi cabs know their way around
very well.. there are also many girls walking the streets in downtown dubai
(rashid souq).

prices range from aed 100 (1 us$ = 3.68 aed) for a regular straight, most would
not charge extra for a bj, to aed 500 for full night.. most are used to
bargaining, so be prepared to bring down an inflated first offer.

it is pretty hard to find anyone over 28. again, most of the girls are very

there are no ads in any paper.. they are not as organized as other places, and
very few massage parlors will do anything other than massage you.

if you have the time, you can go down to ajman beach (25 minute car ride) in
the morning. it is most always empty, except for some russian prostitutes
(they live there, rent is cheaper,and work the nights in dubai), most are quite

as far as vds go.. it's (i dare say) very safe, the government will not allow
any foreigner intending to stay for more than a couple of weeks in unless s/he
gets an aids test.. most girls will not ask you to wear a rubber, although they
always have them available..

all in all.. if you are considering a holiday on the beach, and a great
nightlife, go to dubai.. you will not be disappointed.."

and the rest, as they say, is history.

Lisa Less
11-26-07, 22:31
I've not been to Dubai for some time now, only here for 48 hours so needed some quick action, used the classifieds on this site. Great service from Mina. Stayed at the Radisson Creek (old Intercontinental). Called Mina, asked what ladies she'd got. Said I could choose from 2 beautiful young 'Oriental' girls. Quoted me 1500 dhs each for all night. Not cheap but this was 9pm and so all night really was all night.

Nice thing about the Radisson is that as long as the girl has room number and your name then she can come straight to your room (leaving passport copy of course). No 'walk of shame' not that it is a walk of shame for me but I am a lazy b*gger. Relax in the room, couple of drinks from my duty free supplies, confirmation call from reception then a knock at the door. Perfect! Mina knows what she's doing. 2 very attractive, slim Orental ladies. Difficult too choose. What to do, what to do. You can take both of us they suggest helpfully. Quick call to speak to Mina and we agree on 2500 total. Not quite buy one get one free but.. This lady can beat McDonalds at upselling.

Boy could they perform. Nice shower for the three of us, more duty free consumed, DATY, BBBJ. Nice big bed, big wall mirror, I'm in heaven. And they really do stay all night. Nice morning session and then they leave at a leisurely 9. 30.

A night to remember. Not cheap but unlike the lucky sods who live here its only something I can indulge in every few weeks (or in this case months) so I don't mind paying a little extra to make a full and special evening of it.

11-27-07, 00:34
I suddenly need a taxi from Dubai to Abu Dhabi Tuesday night (tonight). I'm sure I saw a report recently about inexpensive Dubai-AD taxis, but I cannot find it, even with the lovely search engine.

Any info much appreciated.

11-27-07, 05:40
I suddenly need a taxi from Dubai to Abu Dhabi Tuesday night (tonight).Try Al Ghazal at 02 444 7787. Book in advance. AED 150 from Dubai to Abu Dhabi.

11-27-07, 07:06
Seaview 10:00 to 10:55

I arrive around 10 and get a table; there are about a dozen PRCs, all familiar faces. Later a couple of very nice Kyrgyz, one familiar, the other I did not recognise. Mr Premature lyrics was making an ass of himself as usual, but fortunately silently. We got through walk of life without an outburst of “ladies and gentlemen, Mr Mark Knophler” and there was no American Pie.

The band seemed quieter. The new girl is settling in and odd ragged harmonies I heard on previous visits seem to be a thing of the past. Two songs where she sang lead showed she dose has a decent voice. But she is not a direct replacement for Joanne for sure.

The band finished the first set early, about 10:45. A couple of PI girls turned up. I decided not to hang around and suffer “DJ Charlie.”

York 11:15 – 12:15

It’s a nice night so I decide to walk down to Mankhool road before getting a taxi. Pass the Imperial and consider going in but think better of it, then I decide, York. Walk in and get a beer. I was served quickly, of course. The waitresses may be pushy but, for me, preferable to the slow service in Jockey’s

The last time I visited the York it was grim but last night it was fine. There as a new band that seemed half decent but are destined not to be noticed by the majority of the customers!

African numbers seem well down, so much so there was not an excess of supply and they were doing very little proactive marketing. A Tanzanian, looking a lot like a young Winnie Mandella was the only one to try her hand at an interview. I am glad I did not dismiss her straight away, she was pleasant girl with good sense of humour, But BC was not on the pull.

There were a handful of CIS, a tall blonde Ruskie in thigh boots caught my eye, not exactly lobby friendly! She seemed to disappear.

There were also half a dozen or so Filipinas; I did not recognise them as part of the Seaview contingent.

Buy far the biggest group were PRCs. There were enough good lookers for me. I spotted “Miss School Girl” (even less lobby friendly) I figured like Miss Ruskie Boots the attraction was mostly in the outfit. Several PRC’s stopped by for an interview. Most notable a short and initially unremarkable girl claiming to be Taiwanese, we chatted for a while, she was one of those, like Winnie, who’s stock really rises in the interview.

Then it’s time to go.

In conclusion.
The York is much improved since my last visit and it’s worth dropping in if you are in the Golden Triangle.
The Seaview’s selection is too limited to make in a prime monger venue these day, but the band is back on form.

11-27-07, 12:27
Try Al Ghazal at 02 444 7787. Book in advance. AED 150 from Dubai to Abu Dhabi.Thanks. Also found the report by GS:

11-27-07, 20:21
Quite a few WGs are now working the Majestic in Bur Dubai some nights of the week, according to my sources. May be worth checking out.


Richa Poura
11-27-07, 22:40
Can confirm this, PRC, African and some Philipino from what I saw last Thursday.


Quite a few WGs are now working the Majestic in Bur Dubai some nights of the week, according to my sources. May be worth checking out.


Richa Poura
11-27-07, 22:46
Visited the Submarine Club the other night, unsurprisingly it's in the basement of Dhow Palace, access via lift at the back of the Dhow. Good live African band there. Was only there briefly but only a very few WG's in attendance, and there are is a good reason why. No mobile phone signal!

11-28-07, 09:24
Can confirm this, PRC, African and some Philipino from what I saw last Thursday.I assume you mean the Music Room and not "Barrels" or the Karaoke bar?

I have seen a handful of WGs in the Music Room. Known PRC and CIS, usually overspill from Jockeys. However caution is needed, particularly with the Filipinas. A lot of civilians get in there, sometimes with and sometimes without their BF or husbands.

11-28-07, 10:51
Philippine Dream

2005 the year that started it all in terms of mongering (Dubai) for me. Back then Filipinas though a great percentage of the population If you were looking for the working girls and did not have a connect you had to look for them in the daytime with a flashlight. Now they are becoming easier to find. I remember asking Pipe two years ago where I could find some in a Pm and he promptly responded. Though I never followed up on his lead due to other distractions (York, Suites, etc…) maybe I am preaching to choir. Maybe this has been reported already don’t know. Even though I sometime feel for the plight of ladies who go into the trade I do know it’s great to see for me and others like me who have Filipina fever.

Digital Court

I must admit the majority of the Philippine pussy I have encountered has been gained through cyberspace. The two office beauties in Dubai, the Accountant in Cebu, and the hostess in Saitama, Japan the Gym coach in Manila, all were gained through cyberspace. I have found Filipinas square girls (especially in Dubai) to be kind of shy in public. Most of the liaisons have always followed the same path. Chatting for a while. Trust gained. Trust then becomes admiration. Admirations become lust. Before you know it, all naked and fun. Random Ramblings.

Kill (pussy) At Will

Richa Poura
11-28-07, 16:36
Yes, I confirm music rooms, you're right in that you need to check out the Filipinas carefully. Many boyfriends coming and going, however a handful were definitely working.


I assume you mean the Music Room and not "Barrels" or the Karaoke bar?

I have seen a handful of WGs in the Music Room. Known PRC and CIS, usually overspill from Jockeys. However caution is needed, particularly with the Filipinas. A lot of civilians get in there, sometimes with and sometimes without their BF or husbands.

11-28-07, 16:39
Hindsight: should have hooked up with BarCrawler on Monday night. Seaview band always good, and sounds like the York was interesting. After an initial sighting, although I've been back several times, Miss SG has not (or, as BC says, perhaps not as eye-catching sans outfit and I've just missed seeing her). Moral of THAT story: get the mobile number, just in case.

Rattlesnake, Tuesday, 9:30 - 10:45
Maybe it's the Rugby 7's, because the numbers were depleted. An unfavorable M/F ratio, at least for the 'Snake. While some a-listers were around, several faces notable by their absence. Mainly PRC's, a number of africans, with a smattering of CIS.

Besides Zing's report, had also heard from last Thursday's pull, trying her luck at the 'Snake, "too many girls." Maybe, but most seemed to fit into a 'generic mass' category, aka 'cookie cutters'.

Canary seemed to have reeled a customer in, but then came back to her station. Point: The wg's know most hotels, which ones are no problem, which ones they will have problems with. If in doubt, ask.

Point: If she's an a-lister, and she's not familiar with your hotel, she's not going to risk losing time/money by chancing it (unless there's mitigation to that risk). If nothing else, there's the security (hers) issue.

Point: If an a-lister offers her place, it's worth considering. It might be spartan, but will be reasonable and clean. She might even have her own bedroom, or perhaps just sharing the room with 1 other girl.
Soon after, she, and several other a-listers, all got phone calls and disappeared out the door, Canary whispering "party" to me as she passed. Must be, with she and the Twin Towers exiting...

I wasn't going to pull, and without anyone interesting enough to get a number that I didn't have already, left early - wasn't worth hanging around. Vaguely disappointing...

PRC's: the majority. No unknown a-listers, mostly familiar faces.

Africans: the full range from short/stout to tall/lean.

CIS: a few, but nothing to turn a head.

Hopefully better this weekend; otherwise, time to start calling those collected numbers.

11-28-07, 17:49
No sex in this report - only frustration off my hairy chest. Grrrrr!

My original plan was to take a Dubai-to-Abu Dhabi taxi last night, stay at WR's apartment, service Miss N to her heart's content, then wake up fresh for a morning work-meeting in Abu Dhabi today. Due to a mix up with dates etc, last night's trip was cancelled at the last moment around 8pm.

So I went home, woke 6:30am today and ordered a cab for 8am. The operator said 'No problem Mr Piper!'.

After many calls, the cab finally arrived at 9:10am.

In the cab I started reading my notes for the meeting, and after 20 minutes I looked up to see how far we were into the trip. To my horror, I saw we were at Trade Centre in Dubai - 20 minutes in the wrong direction! (Cabbie says 'No problem Mr Piper!')

It's 9:30am, I'm still in Dubai and I'm concerned, as the meeting is at 10:30am sharp with government officials. My cabby's name is Mohammad Schumaker, so I get to the meeting at 10:25am (55 minutes - that beats WR's record).

The 10:30am meeting starts at 11:30am (I should have known). The scheduled one-hour meeting goes from 11:30am to 2:00pm. No breakfast, so I'm hungry and grumpy by 2pm.

After the meeting, I go to a cafe and drink 4 cups of strong coffee and smoke 14 cigarettes in 12 minutes while making work phone calls (I'm not hungry anymore). Then I call a cab to take me back to Dubai. ('No problems Mr Piper - it will be there in 5 minutes!')

It arrives 30 minutes later.

I hop in the cab, driven by a young Filipino guy with a soft high-pitched voice, playing Michael Bolton on the CD player all the way to Dubai. I hate Michael Bolton. I'm cranky.

I start reading work notes again and making phone calls, and before I know it, I look out the window and realize I'm stuck in afternoon traffic in Dubai at Trade Centre yet again - 20 minutes past my place! Deja vu. Miss Poonsie-Cabbie apologizes, he eventually manages a u-turn, fights the heavy traffic for 30 more minutes and I arrive home after a two-hour trip.

So, up at 6:30am, and home by 4:30pm, all for a supposed one-hour meeting in A.D. And I thought taking cabs to and from Abu Dhabi would be more relaxing than driving. Next time I'll take my car.

Thanks for listening. I feel better now.

Grateful Spread
11-28-07, 19:39
I hop in the cab, driven by a young Filipino guy with a soft high-pitched voice, playing Michael Bolton on the CD player all the way to Dubai. I hate Michael Bolton. I'm cranky.Late, geographically challenged cabbies, extended meetings, lack of food. . . all these things can be endured – but Michael Bolton? Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

For pity’s sake, next time I’ll lend you one of my Grateful Dead CD’s to slip the cabbie.

11-28-07, 21:22
not a word about pussy !!!

11-28-07, 21:26
maybe it's the rugby 7's, because the numbers were depleted. an unfavorable m/f ratio, at least for the 'snake. while some a-listers were around, several faces notable by their absence. mainly prc's, a number of africans, with a smattering of cis.

besides zing's report, had also heard from last thursday's pull, trying her luck at the 'snake, "too many girls." maybe, but most seemed to fit into a 'generic mass' category, aka 'cookie cutters'.can confirm that quite a few wgs (mainly ex-cyclone) in my acquaintance have started to desert the "snake bar" as they call it. main reason: far too many girls as 11b rightly states. many ex-cyclone a-listers now casting their net wider - majestic and hyatt regency the two most frequently mentioned venues, though some prc have trouble getting in the hyatt.

most rely on their own contacts for repeat business rather than chancing it among the throngs at 'snake or simply go elsewhere to try their luck closer to where they live. i have noticed that quite a few places that were defintely non-wg haunts in the past now seem to have more than a smattering around.

i have in recent weeks spotted some potential action in carters (wafi), zinc (crowne plaza) and chi at the lodge (outside bar, now the weather is good), perhaps the latter has something to do with its proximity to the now-defunct cyclone. many wgs live in and around the lamcy plaza area because it used to be walking distance to work and maybe they see the lodge in a similar fashion.

talking of the 7s, that's my weekend sewn up, but last year on the first and second days before the heavens opened i did notice a few familiar faces of wgs among the crowds. didn't seem to be there for work more to watch the rugby, so assumed they must have had boyfriends/regulars playing for some of the local/invitaional sides. so if anyone is going this weekend, keep your eyes peeled. i will and report back anything interesting.


editor's note: i certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

11-29-07, 01:23
Suprised to not see more about this on the forum since we all love CIS girls so much and what better place to find them than in a club called Red Square?

Bottom Line: Tons of CIS, High Entry Fee, Decent Music

Club is first thing to the right as you come in to the hotel. Entrace is 100 Dirham. It's been open and rocking with working girls at least two years according to the concierge. On a Tuesday night at 0030 it was quite full. Mostly Arab clientele. Music was decent, which put it above York and Regal. Even had some tempting girls dancing on the stage. I wasn't particularly impressed with the selection, but I've been disappointed on this trip in general. The quality was on par with what I saw at Regal and KuBu the same night. There was one particularly cute brunette that caught my eye and the only girl I negotiated with. I obviously looked like an idiot as she asked for USD $600 all night then reduced to 2000 AED and finally 1500 AED. It was high-ish but she would have been worth it. I passed as I didn't like the dynamic.

11-29-07, 08:24
Worse yet ... not a word about pussy !!!Well I did start with a disclaimer. ;) Way too busy lately, but I'm hoping to fit in an evening of fun in Qatar thsi coming week.

11-29-07, 11:50
Can´t you find something helpful, like sliding a credit card through a camel toe?

11-29-07, 12:00
yeah! come on Piper! Can´t you find something helpful, like sliding a credit card through a camel toe?Hope this helps. :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTMEV2-ej7k&feature=related

11-29-07, 14:36
Can confirm that quite a few WGs (mainly ex-Cyclone) in my acquaintance have started to desert the "Snake bar" as they call it. Main reason: far too many girls as 11B rightly states. Many ex-Cyclone A-listers now casting their net wider - Majestic and Hyatt Regency the two most frequently mentioned venues, though some PRC have trouble getting in the Hyatt.Oh no, say it ain't so, not the Hyatt... That's across the river. But afraid you are right.

The "loss" of the Cyclone a major blow for all. Say what you will, it did have the quality, pretty much guaranteed. 'Snake was NEVER going to replace it: too small, too poor a floor plan for what room they have.

Most rely on their own contacts for repeat business...Certainly the a-listers definitely have that "potential".

Many WGs live in and around the Lamcy Plaza area because it used to be walking distance to work and maybe they see the Lodge in a similar fashion.And a QUICK taxi ride for that ST, then another back to the "office" for the double header.

I did notice a few familiar faces of WGs among the crowds. Didn't seem to be there for work more to watch the rugby, so assumed they must have had boyfriends/regulars playing for some of the local/invitaional sides.And certainly some punters must have taken their "main" to keep them company.

Nice report, and thanks for the update. I will say the Majestic does have a nice food menu in the bar, even better than the Seaview. Might just be worth another visit.

Red Square Disco, Moscow HotelNice reports, both here and on the hotel thread. Thanks for giving something back.

Krypto Knight
11-29-07, 15:23
Suprised to not see more about this on the forum since we all love CIS girls so much and what better place to find them than in a club called Red Square?

Bottom Line: Tons of CIS, High Entry Fee, Decent Music

Club is first thing to the right as you come in to the hotel. Entrace is 100 Dirham. It's been open and rocking with working girls at least two years according to the concierge.

I've been once and really hated the place. It had a local, clicky vibe to me.

I didn't like the music at all and I wasn't in the least bit impressed with the girls. Also the way the club is set up and lit everyone approaching a potential "date" is completely on display.

Combine all this with a 100AED entrance and I swore I would never go back...and I haven't.

Zing Uk
11-29-07, 15:42
Due to various visitors over the last few weeks I've not managed to get out to the usual spots of late so have visited a couple of reliable AMP's in the Wasl Road area for some light relief. I have family across at the moment so popped out for a quicky yesterday while they enjoyed the wonders of Souk Madhinat. I was surprised when I went in that I didn't recognise any of the girls, there are normally a couple of familiar faces. The papa-san told me he had just had a new shipment in from China (I know them so they don't give me the crap about being Thai or anything like that). The major problem with this is that almost none of them spoke any English.

AMP's have never been known for having a lot of A-listers as many of you know but there were certainly a couple of very acceptable girls in the looks department. I choose a tall slim girl in a nice red dress, not the prettiest but a nice smile and seemed up for it. Off we went to the room, I was warned before that she didn't speak an English but I could live with that, I have a couple of basic Chinese phrases that could get us going. It was actually quite funny back in the room, the girl was very obviously from somewhere way back up in the woods. When she took of her dress she had a nice pair of pink panties on, the trouble was they stopped just below her boobs, kind of indistrial girdle size for a skinny PRC. This was obviously her idea of sexy, it was my idea of turn-off. Noen-the-less I have to give her good marks for effort, off she went on a BBBJ, a bit mechanical maybe but not a bad effort finishing (with a good bit of help from me) with CIM and no complaints. Afterwards I got her to get some baby oil and give me a hand job, she had obviously never done this before and I have to say had a unique technique, intersting but in the end had the desired result.

I do remember 11B writing in a report a coupleof months ago about how being nice to the newbies can pay off further down the line. This girl was a newbie not just in temrs of only arriving in DXB but I suspect also in what western mongers look for and expect. As I say, I would give her good marks for effort and she does have potential and was willing to learn so, hopefully if I go back in a couple of months she'll remember me and show me her recently learnt skills:.)

I'm not sure if she is typical of the new girls there, hopefully some of the others will at least be more experienced but always interesting to open the packet and get something different each time.

Keep it Cocked,


EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

11-30-07, 06:40
I have to agree, however there I met Miss Y who has been one of my longest term favorites... go figure

Some of the girls are of the heavy armour division, others are OK, but the male clientele is sometimes spooky. From time to time you meet some russians (if you are interested I can lend you the encyclopedia of Russian criminal tattoo).

GIven that my best experience was the first one, on Christmas Eve, so maybe I will try my luck again this year :)

I've been once and really hated the place. It had a local, clicky vibe to me.

I didn't like the music at all and I wasn't in the least bit impressed with the girls. Also the way the club is set up and lit everyone approaching a potential "date" is completely on display.

Combine all this with a 100AED entrance and I swore I would never go back...and I haven't.

11-30-07, 17:11
I stopped by as there had been some interesting reports here of A-listers from Cyclone/Rattler making a home there. I didn't see anything that I would call A-list. Mostly PRC and Africans. Maybe 4 CIS. On the good side, it is very short walking distance from the Four Points downtown and the Philipino rock band was good (though not quite as much as the Seaview one).

11-30-07, 19:36
I stopped by as there had been some interesting reports here of A-listers from Cyclone/Rattler making a home there. I didn't see anything that I would call A-list. Mostly PRC and Africans. Maybe 4 CIS. On the good side, it is very short walking distance from the Four Points downtown and the Philipino rock band was good (though not quite as much as the Seaview one).Thursday probably not the best night for A-listers as a lot of the ones I know normally have telephone bookings at the weekend (Thurs, Fri nights).

Tuesday this week was apparently OK between 11pm-12 according to my sources, though I would think it's never going to be as abundant in there as Cyclone, or even dear old Rattler.

If there's little action at least it's an easy walk to the rest of the Golden Triangle, especially at this time of year.

12-01-07, 02:49
I went back again Friday around 0100 and found it MUCH emptier than Thurs and only a handful of working girls.

I stopped by as there had been some interesting reports here of A-listers from Cyclone/Rattler making a home there. I didn't see anything that I would call A-list. Mostly PRC and Africans. Maybe 4 CIS. On the good side, it is very short walking distance from the Four Points downtown and the Philipino rock band was good (though not quite as much as the Seaview one).

12-01-07, 03:51
Someone posted awhile back that nothing interesting ever happens with their WG's so they don't have anything to share. Here's what I've had happen recently:

(1) I took a girl from KuBu for a short time back to her apartment. As usual, there was about 5-6 girls in a 2 bedroom apartment. The girls filed out of the room that we were to use and we got down to business. She was sweet but there wasn't any special connection. Anyway, we finished the deed and got dressed. As if they had been listening at the door (or maybe watching), the girls immediately filed back in and each one hugged me and kissed me on the cheek as they came in. It was if I had just fed their family for the next month. Then they brought tea and chocolates and insisted that I partake. Everyone was very pleased with me. Honestly I don't feel so welcome in my own mothers home. Just strange. So I was a little bored and tried to discreetly snap a few pics of the girl with my camera phone. I got busted of course and expected to get severely reproached. Nope, she just giggled and went to pose over by the wall. You get caught taking photos of a WG without permission and see what happens to you.

(2) A Transistrian (meeting one of those is strange enough in itself) from KuBu was back at the hotel and decided she didn't like my goatee and told me she was going to shave it. "Fine, whatever", I said. Then she grinned and said "with my teeth". Ok sure, blah blah, let's get down to fucking. So we're kissing and she's on my neck and her head jerks back and there's a sting on my chin. WTF? She's picks a hair out of her teeth and just smiles in an I told you so sort of way. Cute the first time, but she was serious about the endeveaor and I lost quite a few hairs before I could convince her to quit.

(3) Took a girl back to her place for a quick afternoon play. Open the door to the apartment and the first thing I see is a massive naked black dude coming out of one room and going to another. The girl looks at me and says "room busy now, we wait". I like my tawdriness a little less tawdry and I'm thinking about backing out when the doorbell rings and a young Indian guy comes in trailed by one of my girl's friends from the bar. They walk in to what looks to be the damn laundry room. My girl sees I'm getting impatient and starts yelling towards the room the black guy went in to, "Oxana, hurry up, Oxana!". No response (duh) so she bangs on the wall. I'm mortified, christ, the guy is trying to fuck, leave them alone. Meanwhile there's some commotion from the laundry room and naked midget (or damn close) girl comes running out to me, demanding to know how much $35 is in Dirham. I say multiply by 3.6 but she just looks at me blankly. I figure it out and tell her about 130 Dirham. Then the Indian comes running out, saying "but they use 3.5 rate in the bars, don't they? don't they? that's five dollars difference!". Yet another couple bursts in the front door and leans against the wall to wait for a free slot. While I'm trying to convey that I really don't fucking care about his five dollars, my girl is at it again yelling "Oxana, Oxana, hurry up!". Too much drama for me. I gave the girl 50 AED for her time and left. It's a shame, she looked great and came at a bargain price but what a dysfunctional apartment!

12-01-07, 06:36
...No response (duh) so she bangs on the wall. I'm mortified, christ, the guy is trying to fuck, leave them alone.Why I always take the home field option, the pounding on the wall the equivalent of her saying "you come quick", as if THOSE ever work...

Meanwhile there's some commotion from the laundry room and naked midget (or damn close) girl comes running out to me, demanding to know how much $35 is in Dirham. I say multiply by 3.6 but she just looks at me blankly. I figure it out and tell her about 130 Dirham. Then the Indian comes running out, saying "but they use 3.5 rate in the bars, don't they? don't they? that's five dollars difference!".LOL. Been a LONG time since I've heard THOSE prices... Sometimes what seemed a good idea at the time, isn't... The funny thing is, if you saw it in a movie, you WOULDN'T believe it...

Nice reports, and again, thanks for the hotel feedback. BIG difference between "copy" and "original" passport.

12-01-07, 06:44
Thursday probably not the best night for A-listers as a lot of the ones I know normally have telephone bookings at the weekend (Thurs, Fri nights). ...
If there's little action at least it's an easy walk to the rest of the Golden Triangle, especially at this time of year.Very true - this time of year is great; I enjoy it while I can. So nice last night I was thinking of just sitting at the 'Snake's outside bar. Only trouble with THAT plan was that there were a)no girls there [sometimes a few], and b)no girls sitting at the outside tables. Hmmmm, THAT should have told me something, but...

Flash back to late afternoon. Thinking of calling someone for the evening. Miss HSSH? Haven't seen her in awhile, not since last month when she postponed and I then cancelled her arrival. She is RESPONSIVE, but a bit of work, and I do care that she enjoys. Pass. Miss Stunner? She puts a LARGE dent in the budget (not saying she's not worth it, she is), but it's a long weekend, so... Pass. Matter settled when I fall asleep on the couch.

Wake up at 9. Trouble/good thing with being old - after Thursday night's romp with an old acquaintance, average looker (much preferred the old hairstyle to the new), but fun girl, I'm rather satiated. But as it is the weekend, I put clean sheets on the bed, thermostat turned up to 24C.

There's only going to be a few girls that will meet the high threshold tonight, so check the wallet, make sure I have the "appropriate" bills - A 500 just doesn't get you that much at the "better" bars, so make sure I have some 100's in there - DON'T expect her to make change. Rather than get there early, I decide to delay my arrival until primetime.

Rattlesnake, Friday, 23:00 - 00:00
Immediately feel 'Snakebit - long gone are the days of easy parking. First Seaview, now the 'Snake - won't be long before there's no parking in all of dxb. All the cars should have been a warning.

2nd warning: no girls at the patio entrance, looking for some business without paying the entrance fees.

3rd warning: no girls at the outside tables.

4th warning: see several lookers walking out, accompanied. You snooze, you loose.

Ignoring all, pay my 50 dhs, no drink, and walk inside. Too late to get my money back. The crowd quickly calls attention to the poor layout - impossible to see. Try the up and over via the pool tables, but the far side is blocked off - party. OK. THE girl I'm looking for, Smoker, not upstairs. Back into the scrum.

Canary is there, would not expect her to last long tonight. Ask her how's business; she replies "so-so", which translates as "bring the wallet or 2nd tier tonight". Twin towers are there, but this is dxb - they've been usurped by even taller twin towers. Both are older, but they would be a pair to climb and yodel. I don't even show up on their radar.

See Smoker, not much hope, but figure what the hell, I've already paid my 50 dhs. We've had "problems", she before anything happened wanting to change LT to short; I asking her to leave, sans taxi fare. But business is business, so... I ask what my chances are - about the same as winning the Sheik Zayed Road ice skating race. "No LT tonight"; I note she doesn't bother to mention what price LT would take. OK, looking for the double header at this hour, and I don't plan on sticking around for the 2nd game.

Do see some "friends", one asking if I've replaced the departed Miss Fav. Unfortunately not. All in all, it's as Steamer says - the highend quality thin in numbers. Get some smiles from the cookie-cutters, but none make it over my threshold tonight. I'm thinking do I want to try the Seaview [small, but there is the band, and maybe...], or the better chance York. I'm thinking York, Miss SG too much to hope for; still..., when...

Through the crowd, spot Miss Yakuza. I've seen her several times, though it always seems that when I do see her, I'm not going to pull; when I am going to pull, I don't see her. I have her number, and although promising to call, have never done so (hate negotiating over the phone). She is looking GOOD tonight. Eye contact, exchange smiles, and she FIGHTS her way across the flowing stream of people to my side. Things looking up.

Times awasting, so quickly get down to business, asking for a price quote. She replies with "how much you pay?", so we do THAT dance for awhile. She finally relents; "1000". Now, she's cute, but not THAT cute. I politely decline, but she does ask me to make a counter offer. It's cut to the chase; "700". She passes, but asks about "1-shot". Seems we have nothing to discuss here, so I change my radar from target to surveillance. She gets busy responding to some sms's...

I THINK I catch a glimpse of another ITS (itch to scratch), can't tell if she's headed out the door or into the toilet. Well, I can check ONE of those, so step outside. Nothing, and, again telling, NO girls sitting outside. Back inside for one last look... Miss Y steps up with a "Let's go". Perhaps the messages were not what she was hoping for. I don't want to grind it in, but do want to make sure there are no misunderstandings - 700, and not an early departure. OK with her, I'm happy, and off we go.

Have to say, in the light, she's better looking than I thought, though the rack was an engineering marvel, not exactly disappearing, but certainly shrinking... Number of incoming sms's, which are becoming irritating, "BROTHER sick back home"... Yea, OK, but they must be up EARLY, china time... Nice time, mutual enjoyment. I'm happy, until...

EARLY morning, 6am, another flurry of sms's, the beep-beep-beep of the incoming ones, her tack-tack-tack as she replies. Plus, her phone bright enough to be called a flashlight. 7am, she shortcircuits my irritation with the "I want go home NOW. MOTHER sick..." Damn, that is a FAMILY in distress.

I AM sympathetic and tell her she can use my computer to call home to check things out. Hmmm, "strangely" enough, that won't be necessary; she needs to go home NOW. Knowing that a morning wakeup is a forlorn hope, it's "OK, GO", my attitude being 'up and out'.

She's now concerned, asking me not to be angry. I'm not, and despite her concerns, I'm not going to shortchange her. The agreed 700 readily handed over (will only happen once), and petty as it is, it's principle: no taxi fare. She's offering to return later, but I've already moved on. She could very well have things to take care of, money to transfer back home, but a true pro takes care of business first, keeping the customer happy. I'm not.

All in all, one of those where the promise did not live up to the reality. No problem, now I know. The search for knowledge continues.

'Snake Mix: Lot of PRC's, number of africans, smattering of CIS. I'd think PRC and african hunters would be happy - some potential; CIS seekers would do better to look elsewhere.

Tercar 66
12-01-07, 09:24
The last couple of days for me was too busy and tiresome. So I decided to go out with my friends on Thursday to Dubai for a good relief and accordingly infromed our inhouse joint that we will be going there at night . During the course of my training I got a call from my inhouse joint in Dubai that there is a newly opened joint in Sharjah and If interested , I should check it out. It seemed like a good idea.As soon as the training got over, I went along with 2 of my office collegues\friends to check it out. It is a one bedroom apartment on the corniche road after bank street. Since this joint opened only a week ago there were only 3 girls . 2 from Jakarta and one Indian Keralite. The Keralite girl looked shy and had a cute face. I took her for ST , she seemed to be thin ,so not good as far as body is concerned, but she suprisingly gave me a good BJ. I hope later on there are more options as far as girls are concerned and more joints like these in Sharjah. It will save us, Sharjah mongers drinking and driving up and down from Sharjah to Dubai.

12-01-07, 11:17
Another email from the infamous PRC

"how are you darling i wait to see you.when you come to here let me know. take care"

She really thinks I am going to be a repeat customer and waste my precious time in Dubai with her again. She was one of the worst fucks I have came across no scratch that, she was the worst. Random ridiculousness. Any one of you guys want to give her ride? please pm.

12-01-07, 11:28
Very true - this time of year is great; I enjoy it while I can. So nice last night I was thinking of just sitting at the 'Snake's outside bar. Only trouble with THAT plan was that there were a)no girls there [sometimes a few], and b)no girls sitting at the outside tables. Hmmmm, THAT should have told me something, but...It's too cold for the girls to sit outside at the moment for any length of time, especially if the wind is gusting. My GF went to Snake this week just to meet one of her clients for a pre-arranged telephone booking. He was slightly delayed and she tried to wait outside for him, but got so cold after 5 minutes she paid the entrance fee just so she could keep warm.

So no girls at the tables outside is not necessarily an indicator of what's inside on a chilly night.

I went back again Friday around 0100 and found it MUCH emptier than Thurs and only a handful of working girls....As I explained in my earlier posts, Thurs-Fri probably the worst nights for Majestic. Try Monday or, better, Tuesday and go a bit earlier, 10.30-11 or the best will have already been snapped up or moved on.

Oh no, say it ain't so, not the Hyatt... That's across the river. But afraid you are right....Yes, but on a brighter note if anyone wants to venture across the creek I went to Hyatt Regency last night to collect my GF at about 1am. Certainly no traffic problems at that time and easy parking.

Lots of action in the club, big queue of WGs waiting to get in with quite a few A-listers, or close to it.

The other good news is that there was a decent handful of decent-looking WGs, mainly PRC, in Carpenters bar next door. And it's free to get in there. Whether they were there because they couldn't get in Premiere or couldn't be bothered to queue I don't know.

However, the girls will definitely demand much higher prices there, a la Cyclone of old. My GF got 400 US (not AED) for 1 hour. Obviously he was an out of towner, but that's why the girls are there - they're after the "suits" that are on a bit of a business jolly and can afford to throw their cash around.

However last night there was definitely more quantity and quality than Snake and they can't all be demanding and making those sort of bucks, can they?


12-01-07, 11:35
Sorry, forgot some important details:

Premiere: Mainly CIS, rest PRC not African

Carpenters: Mainly PRC, couple of CIS, again no Africans.

Steamer 33

12-01-07, 12:18
She really thinks I am going to be a repeat customer and waste my precious time in Dubai with her again. She was one of the worst fucks I have came across no scratch that, she was the worst. So why did you give her your email address?? :)

12-01-07, 12:51
"how are you darling i wait to see you.when you come to here let me know. take care" I know she's going to be heartbroken since she's sending that e-mail ONLY to you. :)

12-01-07, 13:43

I read sometime back that F was in Syria and would be back in Dubai soon. Any further news regarding her return to UAE would be welcome.


12-02-07, 10:53
So why did you give her your email address?? :)

I met her at a time when I really wanted to fuck her but had a flight to catch. Tell me you have not experienced that one bro?

I know she's going to be heartbroken since she's sending that e-mail ONLY to you. :)

Yeah a regular Suzy Wong.

Your friendly neighborhood sex tourist :)

12-02-07, 11:23
Holiday Weekend – Saturday.

Jockeys 9:00 to 9:30
Taxi’s miraculously available, (sounds like transport to and from the Rugby 7s has been pretty chaotic, no surprises there!). I arrived in Bur Dubai in time for a look in Jockey’s before hitting the Seaview for the first set. The CIS contingent is certainly down in numbers, for the most part only the old T54 types remaining, I did spot one nice ‘Stani thought. There were quite a few PRC’s, many familiar faces. A couple had nice outfits that set them apart, Tartan miniskirt, “little black dress” and a tight short dress and boots that unfortunately disappeared into one of the darker corners.

Seaview 9:45 to 11:00
Same same really. No upturn in PRC numbers and ‘Stanis seemed to be MIA. I got a hard sell for a while. This time a “Hong Kong” girl or so she said. Fun to flirt a bit with, but her enthusiasm seem to wane a bit when it became clear that she had miss heard the answer to the “how long Dubai” question, she initially thought 3 days not 3 years. I can’t say she looked that familiar and she said she had only been here for a month so maybe the odd new face can get in.

It's too cold for the girls to sit outside at the moment for any length of time, Damn – just when it no longer too hot for me to go outside ;)

I met her at a time when I really wanted to fuck her but had a flight to catch. Tell me you have not experienced that one bro?Comprende

12-02-07, 12:09
It's too cold for the girls to sit outside at the moment for any length of time, especially if the wind is gusting.Thanks for the insight - just as I find it comfortable to sit outside, cool and fresh.

The other good news is that there was a decent handful of decent-looking WGs, mainly PRC, in Carpenters bar next door. And it's free to get in there. Whether they were there because they couldn't get in Premiere or couldn't be bothered to queue I don't know.Think the key word is "free", and if they can catch somewhat "equivalent" clients there as compared to inside Premiere, why not? Sounds like a win-win for both.

Seaview, Saturday, 9:30 - 11:00
Like BC said. One class PRC came up to say hello, the "I'm here if you're interested, I'll be over by the bar; if not, enjoy your evening." Needless to say, in the SPARSE environment, she didn't last long. Other than that, not much choice around, the band, as usual, being the biggest draw. Did see the beginnings of a philipina herd beginning to form, 4 or 5. If looking for company, look elsewhere. Myself - I should have met BC at Jockeys :)

Soc Cerer
12-02-07, 13:57

I am new in the forum and will stay in Dubai soon and want to try the girls there, but no Chinese/Asian, no Africans, please.

I am looking for "high class", European, Russian or Arabic girls, slim, pretty face.
Or maybe Escort girls. Some recommendations where I can find and which prices?

What are letters CIS for?


Killa P
12-02-07, 16:35
Someone posted awhile back that nothing interesting ever happens with their WG's so they don't have anything to share. Here's what I've had happen recently:

(1) I took a girl from KuBu for a short time back to her apartment. As usual, there was about 5-6 girls in a 2 bedroom apartment. The girls filed out of the room that we were to use and we got down to business. She was sweet but there wasn't any special connection. Anyway, we finished the deed and got dressed. As if they had been listening at the door (or maybe watching), the girls immediately filed back in and each one hugged me and kissed me on the cheek as they came in. It was if I had just fed their family for the next month. Then they brought tea and chocolates and insisted that I partake. Everyone was very pleased with me. Honestly I don't feel so welcome in my own mothers home. Just strange. So I was a little bored and tried to discreetly snap a few pics of the girl with my camera phone. I got busted of course and expected to get severely reproached. Nope, she just giggled and went to pose over by the wall. You get caught taking photos of a WG without permission and see what happens to you.

(2) A Transistrian (meeting one of those is strange enough in itself) from KuBu was back at the hotel and decided she didn't like my goatee and told me she was going to shave it. "Fine, whatever", I said. Then she grinned and said "with my teeth". Ok sure, blah blah, let's get down to fucking. So we're kissing and she's on my neck and her head jerks back and there's a sting on my chin. WTF? She's picks a hair out of her teeth and just smiles in an I told you so sort of way. Cute the first time, but she was serious about the endeveaor and I lost quite a few hairs before I could convince her to quit.

(3) Took a girl back to her place for a quick afternoon play. Open the door to the apartment and the first thing I see is a massive naked black dude coming out of one room and going to another. The girl looks at me and says "room busy now, we wait". I like my tawdriness a little less tawdry and I'm thinking about backing out when the doorbell rings and a young Indian guy comes in trailed by one of my girl's friends from the bar. They walk in to what looks to be the damn laundry room. My girl sees I'm getting impatient and starts yelling towards the room the black guy went in to, "Oxana, hurry up, Oxana!". No response (duh) so she bangs on the wall. I'm mortified, christ, the guy is trying to fuck, leave them alone. Meanwhile there's some commotion from the laundry room and naked midget (or damn close) girl comes running out to me, demanding to know how much $35 is in Dirham. I say multiply by 3.6 but she just looks at me blankly. I figure it out and tell her about 130 Dirham. Then the Indian comes running out, saying "but they use 3.5 rate in the bars, don't they? don't they? that's five dollars difference!". Yet another couple bursts in the front door and leans against the wall to wait for a free slot. While I'm trying to convey that I really don't fucking care about his five dollars, my girl is at it again yelling "Oxana, Oxana, hurry up!". Too much drama for me. I gave the girl 50 AED for her time and left. It's a shame, she looked great and came at a bargain price but what a dysfunctional apartment!Man The best arrangement to have with the Kubu crowd is a hotel room or a crib of your own. I am a bit suprised to hear all that the one chick I actually went to her place before I caught a flight had a NICE ass Villa own personal room with all the works. The Kubu crowd usually are high end girls. Kubu and Premiere girls once you have paid their taxing fee are the most professional and outgoing girls I have experience in Dubai. They seem to know of our reports on the another forum and the ISG and they aim to please. I found chicks from the lower end clubs like rattlesnake and york to be complete scam artists. Miss can I GO NOW, Miss my mother is sick, Miss TOO Big, Miss get in the room and try to get away with a covered hand-job type broads----Blah you get what you pay for. But if you're gonna travel to their hovels be prepared for adventure. Your post had me laughing for about 20minutes.