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12-02-07, 17:54
Just heard from one of my PRC sources that LE raided York and Hyatt Regency on Saturday night, detaining many WGs.

Wonder if anyone can confirm. Source also said some girls were rounded up by LE on the street in Lamcy area.

No reports yet anything similar at Snake or elsewhere. Can anyone add anything? Don';t know if it was a pre-National Day clean-up or what.


12-03-07, 05:28

With Cylone closed and perhaps raids at York and Hyatt it would be great if someone cud list clubs still operating and by what part of city? . I only venture to DXB once a year and have had some reasonable success in the bar/club next to Sheraton in Deira. Hotel was GF also. Kinda handy if you stay there. Sorry thats all I have to offer for DXB info.

12-03-07, 08:05
With Cylone closed and perhaps raids at York and Hyatt it would be great if someone cud list clubs still operating and by what part of city? . .It's only two weeks since Speilman posted the last one!

York and Premier raids were probably routein visa sweeps. They happen quite frequently.

12-03-07, 10:46
What are letters CIS for?Cannot Identify Species.

Or you might try the "Abbreviations" link in the top bar.

Just heard from one of my PRC sources that LE raided York and Hyatt Regency on Saturday night, detaining many WGs.

Wonder if anyone can confirm. Source also said some girls were rounded up by LE on the street in Lamcy area.Nice FR as usual. Nice to have someone on the "inside" :)

A hit around Lamcy would do serious damage to PRC quality, for sure. But most of those girls also have 3 year visas :)

12-03-07, 11:17
Case 1
City Center, Saturday, 14:30-16:00
Yes, every year or 2, I do cross the creek. Lunch at restaurant row, top floor, watching the passing parade. Years past, I would ALWAYS see at least 1 wg I "knew", and any number of familiar faces. Saturday, didn't even see 5 wg's, known or unknown. Plenty of eyecandy, but wg's ... notable by their absence.

Case 2
Seaview, Sunday, 21:30-00:00
WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO? Stani's arriving BEFORE the PRC's! Stani's OUTNUMBERING PRC's. Same number of PRC's (a handful) as Philipinas? Stani's UNDERCUTTING PRC's on price!!! The world's gone mad, I tell you.

SPARSE crowd. OK, Rugby 7's finished, workday tomorrow. But damn... 9:30, only 1 wg in attendence, and she was a Stani. Bit older, but nice looking. Almost considered asking about menu and price, but passed. No sign of the PRC habitual contingent.

Past 10, more -Stanis entering, along with a FEW PRC familiar faces. But the Stanis had them outnumbered. By 11, things had evened out a bit, but the Stanis were still the most numerous (or noticable), 5,6 philipinas in their usual herds (like antelope, avoiding eye contact with the predators), and a similiar number of PRC.

Pickings were so slim, I was thinking it would be a run "elsewhere" to pick up some company, either York or 'Snake. But then I was seduced by an outfit - minidress with a nice set of Stani legs underneath. I knew the dress would come off, but it had me in its spell.

Done deal, 600, her quote; I just nodded my head, totally mesmerized. She stopped in the toilet to pull on a pair of tights, walking outside NOW no problem, but spell broken :(. Once home, had her remove the tights to restore said spell :)

While I was waiting, one of the resident PRC's passed - I asked about her late arrival. She just said she had slept late (up late night before, Rugby 7 partying? Rugby 7 goodbyes that morning? Laying low? Whatever.) However, Miss Dress returned at that moment, eyes GLARING. She assumed that PRC was trying to claim jump. Looked like "words" were about to break out. BOTH of us tried to assure her it was all innocent, I was just saying hi to a friend. But Miss Dress did not go off HIGH alert until we were outside.

Did have to smile inwardly: she was asking why I wanted to leave so EARLY (midnight), didn't I want to stay and drink, listen to music, dance, socialize with her friends? A PRC? It'd be "Let's go!" Nice change, but I did miss the massage.

Don't know why, but if you were looking for an early pull at Seaview last night, you would have been disappointed. By 11, OK, some selection, but numbers still way down, especially PRC's, a number of familiar faces missing. I can't ever remember seeing it so sparse. Wonder what the other venues looked like?

Also, the time before Christmas, at least years past, is a bit of a buyer's market, a number of families going home for the holidays, or at least having family events to attend.

Zing Uk
12-03-07, 16:14
By 11, OK, some selection, but numbers still way down, especially PRC's, a number of familiar faces missing. I can't ever remember seeing it so sparse. Wonder what the other venues looked like?
Just heard from one of my PRC sources that LE raided York and Hyatt Regency on Saturday night, detaining many WGs.

Wonder if anyone can confirm. Source also said some girls were rounded up by LE on the street in Lamcy area.

No reports yet anything similar at Snake or elsewhere. Can anyone add anything? Don';t know if it was a pre-National Day clean-up or what.Fact: Three of Princess L's friends have been picked up and deported in the last two days, two from Panorama, not sure where the third was picked up from.

Rumour: Up to 600 PRC's have been given a one way ticket to Shanghai. This comes from some PRC themselves, not quite sure how they know the number, I suspect a guess but it does seem like a large number of familiar faces will have disappeared.

To be fair, the PRC imbalance certainly in my usual haunts (Snake and York) was almost getting silly so maybe a case of natural selection. The question is, will the economics of supply and demand kick in? Now there are less PRC's but presumably same demand will their prices rise? Time will tell.

Keep it Cocked,


Zing Uk
12-03-07, 16:26
I found chicks from the lower end clubs like rattlesnake and york to be complete scam artists. Miss can I GO NOW, Miss my mother is sick, Miss TOO Big, Miss get in the room and try to get away with a covered hand-job type broads----Blah you get what you pay for. But if you're gonna travel to their hovels be prepared for adventure. What a load of crap. I can only assume that you go in with an attitude that these are low end girls so behave accordingly and consequently they can't wait to get rid of you. Paying big bucks but does not guarantee you anything except a lighter wallet. Some of my best nights have been with cheaper girls and some of my worst with more expensive girls so its not possible to generalise. I've had many many girls from the Snake Pit and York and can only count bad experiences on one hand.

12-03-07, 20:34
fact: three of princess l's friends have been picked up and deported in the last two days, two from panorama, not sure where the third was picked up from.

rumour: up to 600 prc's have been given a one way ticket to shanghai. this comes from some prc themselves, not quite sure how they know the number, i suspect a guess but it does seem like a large number of familiar faces will have disappeared.not sure about the 600 figure, seems an awful lot, but it does seem there has been an le purge over the holiday weekend.

my earlier lamcy story now has been confirmed. apparently three wgs left their apartment building there to go to "their office" and were whisked away outside by waiting le. girls in apartment upstairs saw it happen and were too frightened to venture out on saturday after that, especially once similar news started filtering through from york and hyatt regency.

my gf is now taking a few days off until things settle down and i know of a few others who are too since saturday and, given the speed with which bad news travels around the prc network via mobile and text, it may explain...

seaview, sunday, 21:30-00:00
what is the world coming to? stani's arriving before the prc's! stani's outnumbering prc's. same number of prc's (a handful) as philipinas? stani's undercutting prc's on price!!! the world's gone mad, i tell you.as most of the girls picked up by le seem to be prc.

snake appears to have been untouched, as yet. but it seems like a time for everyone to keep their wits about them.

i found chicks from the lower end clubs like rattlesnake and york to be complete scam artists.

what a load of crap.couldn't agree more with you zing.

in my pre-gf days had some great times with girls from snake, a few so-so times but only once was there one hankering to go early.

and when i offered that if she stayed i'd give her a lift home (not realising she lived in deira, what a mistake at 8.30am the next day!) she was happy to oblige, literally, twice more before breakfast.

as many have said on this forum, you often get back what you put in. treat the girls well and with the respect they deserve and it pays huge dividends both on the night and later.

the jungle telegraph is powerful here, the girls do talk and text among themselves and will know who the "nice guys" among the regulars are. they will also be less than generous with mongers they know have had a bad attitude with the girls or have treated them badly.


12-03-07, 22:17
Rumour: Up to 600 PRC's have been given a one way ticket to Shanghai. This comes from some PRC themselves, not quite sure how they know the number, I suspect a guess but it does seem like a large number of familiar faces will have disappeared.Damn, I hate these periodic culls... Just sent 11 sms's: 6 reported OK; 1 going home by coincidence, caught her at the airport; still waiting to hear from 4.

And, by the way, tickets are NOT given - the girls buy them, and if they can't, they sit in jail until they can. But the PRC network is IMPRESSIVE, and they take care of each other. When my LT Miss Thursday got picked up, her roommates had her bags packed, got her a ticket, all delivered to the jail within 24 hours. She spent 5 days in detention as she was processed, then sent home.

To be fair, the PRC imbalance certainly in my usual haunts (Snake and York) was almost getting silly so maybe a case of natural selection. The question is, will the economics of supply and demand kick in? Now there are less PRC's but presumably same demand will their prices rise? Time will tell.Would only be a factor if they stopped INCOMING PRC's. When they do THAT, THEN I will be worried. But I've seen any number of culls, some MAJOR (anyone remember april 2004 - when visit visa rules were changed, at least for awhile? A LOT went home, and for the a-listers, a real incentive to get the 3 year visas.) Girls go home, girls arrive - the grist mill must be fed.

12-03-07, 22:36
They seem to know of our reports on the another forum and the ISG and they aim to please. I found chicks from the lower end clubs like rattlesnake and york to be complete scam artists.... Blah you get what you pay for.I doubt that SERIOUS a-listers care about what is posted here or elsewhere. They will ALWAYS have clients lined up. My experience - the only thing a girl cares about is that her photo is showing up - not pleased at that.

I can only assume that you go in with an attitude that these are low end girls so behave accordingly and consequently they can't wait to get rid of you. Paying big bucks but does not guarantee you anything except a lighter wallet. Some of my best nights have been with cheaper girls and some of my worst with more expensive girls so its not possible to generalise. I've had many many girls from the Snake Pit and York and can only count bad experiences on one hand.I will agree with you, Zing. Good/Bad experiences can happen from anywhere, with anyone. I've been here a LONG time, so maybe it takes 2 hands to count actual scam artists, but I don't need any toes.

Perhaps when you're paying BIG bucks, you find yourself more tolerant and the experience just SEEMS so much better. By definition, that $100 bottle of wine MUST be superior to a $40 bottle :) Well, to some, anyway, especially as THEY'RE paying.

I'd say the punter's attitude is all important - the girls are very astute in picking up "vibes". Pick up a girl from anywhere, treat her with respect, as a date, not a wh*re, and, my experience anyway, you'll have a great time.

Besides, a "top" girl will always have her choice of clients, and she will be interested in repeat business. But those from "lesser" venues are also interested in repeat business, perhaps even more so.

Myself, I've been able to find the GFE from any bar that I've been in (well, I haven't been to Kubu, but why bother when there are so many GREAT choices on this side of the creek?)

12-04-07, 03:51
It's only two weeks since Speilman posted the last one!

York and Premier raids were probably routein visa sweeps. They happen quite frequently.Barcrawler,

Thanks I will ck out Speilman post. Also will search more for info that Sheraton Deira club closed posted late summer. Or at least no more WG's and the hotel changed into NOT GFriendly.

12-04-07, 05:01
What a load of crap. I can only assume that you go in with an attitude that these are low end girls so behave accordingly and consequently they can't wait to get rid of you. Paying big bucks but does not guarantee you anything except a lighter wallet. Some of my best nights have been with cheaper girls and some of my worst with more expensive girls so its not possible to generalise. I've had many many girls from the Snake Pit and York and can only count bad experiences on one hand.I am with you on this one!

Member #1071
12-04-07, 07:57
To be fair, the PRC imbalance certainly in my usual haunts (Snake and York) was almost getting silly so maybe a case of natural selection.

I never thought process of Natural Selection would be used in such a contest.
You made me laugh for quite a while....

Cool Nomad
12-04-07, 11:41
Perhaps when you're paying BIG bucks, you find yourself more tolerant and the experience just SEEMS so much better. By definition, that $100 bottle of wine MUST be superior to a $40 bottle :) Well, to some, anyway, especially as THEY'RE paying.

I'd say the punter's attitude is all important - the girls are very astute in picking up "vibes". Pick up a girl from anywhere, treat her with respect, as a date, not a wh*re, and, my experience anyway, you'll have a great time.

Second point - punter's attitude - first;
I think it is a VERY important point. Most of these girls have a defensive feel and low self esteem because of what they do. A little bit of kindness like serving her a drink, lighting her cigarette, ordering some food from room service and generally treating her like a GF can and in most cases does improve the mileage.
About the $100 bottle of wine (Informational only): Excellent NAPA valley wines are available ( DXB duty free) for around $20-$25. For those fortunate enough to be paying in currencies other than USD it is a fantastic bargain.
Another gem in DXB duty free is Glenfidich (18 years old). Around 45USD (4 months back) for a liter. Excellent scotch at excellent price. I was stupid enough to pay more than 60 USD for 750ml at Dufftown, Scotland.

Happy Holidays!

Cool Nomad

12-04-07, 12:20
Hai Guys, First of all thank for the reports. Was helpful during my trip to DXB. Stayed at 4 point and visited all clubs at Golden Triangle. From york I got a SA girl named MONICA. Wow great worker with nice assets. Guys try to catch her whilst in York. Bargain and get it for 500dhs.

Astoria was completely packed with Chinese and therefore I moved to Imperial suites where I could meet some nice girls from Ethiopia but don’t ask 4 blow jobs. Took the best one for 600Dhs. She was only 18 years old. Had some nice ******* in normal positions only.

Exactly after the work she wanted to leave or to adjust her friend too. Agreed to continue if I pay another 500Dhs to her friend. Anyway it was 4am and finally brought down to 300Dhs. Had one more session with the new girl (this one is well experienced) and had a nice sleep till 900am.

Ohhh I forgot to tell about Luci at Imperial. She is aged 28 with an attractive figure. Try for it she is very much co-operative and will really make you happy



12-04-07, 13:20
Not sure about the 600 figure, seems an awful lot...I'm sure that the number grows with each passing sms and phone call. So far, none that I know were "hit", though still waiting to hear from 2. But several had heard, and one a-lister was laughing that she had stayed home (whether she was "entertaining" there she didn't say :)). But certainly some reached an unwelcome early retirement.

I do REALLY appreciate the post, because if I had not sms'd, I would not have known Miss Yakuza was going home by her choice; my assessment of her early departure Saturday morning wrong. I just hate it when a nice one just disappears...

punter's attitude -
I think it is a VERY important point. Most of these girls have a defensive feel and low self esteem because of what they do. A little bit of kindness like serving her a drink, lighting her cigarette, ordering some food from room service and generally treating her like a GF can and in most cases does improve the mileage.Hell, try LETTING her do some housework, some cooking, letting her feel like a "domestic" relationship. I gave up trying to say she didn't have to... and learned to put up with her "ordered disorder" of my "disordered order" (and why I keep the home office locked).

About the $100 bottle of wine (Informational only): Excellent NAPA valley wines are available ( DXB duty free) for around $20-$25. For those fortunate enough to be paying in currencies other than USD it is a fantastic bargain.I go for the Italian whites, from Orvietto (miss THAT place), even cheaper. Perhaps beneath a connoisseur, but to me, just FINE.

Killa P
12-04-07, 16:06
What a load of crap. I can only assume that you go in with an attitude that these are low end girls so behave accordingly and consequently they can't wait to get rid of you. Paying big bucks but does not guarantee you anything except a lighter wallet. Some of my best nights have been with cheaper girls and some of my worst with more expensive girls so its not possible to generalise. I've had many many girls from the Snake Pit and York and can only count bad experiences on one hand.Look player my attitude is always good when I hit Dubai its usually after 6months uprange. When I hit the club I am usually a bit tipsy and have no worries in the world and am looking for a good time. I have money in my pocket and am ready to party. I look always for the signs with the girls such as attitude and response. I usually pull girls that show interest in me (the ones I find to be hot).

I have found the hot girls from Kubu, Marbles and Premiere to still keep the good attitude after they get back to my room. The lower end ones come up with excuses and their eyes start darting around the room looking for things of value. I know its a business for them but they dont provide the GFE and the PSE like the girls from my favorite clubs.

I also talked to a concierge pal of mine at the Radisson and it seems that they vet their girls so to speak. Regardless of what you think my friend the difference shows.

The lower end girls have to pull double and triple trix all day living in squalid conditions and by night time they are dead and just looking for a hustle.

From my experiences the Radi girls are in town for a few months to score some seasonal money before heading back to their jobs and lives in the Ukraine-etc SO they decide to have fun on their holiday and enjoy themselves right along with you.

I do ask and I have learned to only work with independent operators.

I pack a bit more meat than the average fellow and have never had an all out good phuck session with the PRC's while the Former Soviets seem to have a friggin ball.

I didnt mean to ruffle your feathers I was just reporting MY EXPERIENCES---Sorry

Zing Uk
12-04-07, 20:17
Not sure about the 600 figure, seems an awful lot, but it does seem there has been an LE purge over the holiday weekend.

The jungle telegraph is powerful hereAgreed that the 600 figure does seem on the high side but then I've no idea what the total numbers of PRC are to start with.

You are also very correct about the jungle telegraph. None of Princess L's mates are out today or tonight, they have heard that it may be unsafe to visit the Snakepit tonight. I will be interested to read a post to anyone who has ventured there tonight to see if this is true or not and if there was a distinct lack of the PRC contingent.

Hell, try LETTING her do some housework, some cooking, letting her feel like a "domestic" relationship. I gave up trying to say she didn't have to... and learned to put up with her "ordered disorder" of my "disordered order" (and why I keep the home office locked).Lol, you make me laugh. I had some family across recently and Princess L decided that she was going to come over and cook for them. I was a bit unsure about this but she was absolutely perfect at playing the straight somewhat quiet shy girl. My family commented on what a nice girl she was as she washed the dishes!

Keep it Cocked,


Tin Tin
12-05-07, 06:34

Looks like the filipino rings are the ones that got busted.

12-05-07, 06:44
LE has been very active over the holidays.


Scary stuff. I tried calling a couple of AMPs that day and FORTUNATELY they did not answer.

They have even arrested around 60 mongers. Not a good sign.


12-05-07, 07:30

Looks like the filipino rings are the ones that got busted.I don't know how you deduce that from a report that only refers to "east Asia". China was definitely in east Asia last time I looked.

It was the PRCs that were hit.

More worrying is the sentence "65 suspects seeking sexual services were arrested."

As I said earlier, it is a time to keep your wits about you.


12-05-07, 10:48
Look player my attitude is always good when I hit Dubai its usually after 6months uprange. When I hit the club I am usually a bit tipsy and have no worries in the world and am looking for a good time. I have money in my pocket and am ready to party. I look always for the signs with the girls such as attitude and response. I usually pull girls that show interest in me (the ones I find to be hot).

I have found the hot girls from Kubu, Marbles and Premiere to still keep the good attitude after they get back to my room. The lower end ones come up with excuses and their eyes start darting around the room looking for things of value. I know its a business for them but they dont provide the GFE and the PSE like the girls from my favorite clubs.

I also talked to a concierge pal of mine at the Radisson and it seems that they vet their girls so to speak. Regardless of what you think my friend the difference shows.

The lower end girls have to pull double and triple trix all day living in squalid conditions and by night time they are dead and just looking for a hustle.

From my experiences the Radi girls are in town for a few months to score some seasonal money before heading back to their jobs and lives in the Ukraine-etc SO they decide to have fun on their holiday and enjoy themselves right along with you.

I do ask and I have learned to only work with independent operators.

I pack a bit more meat than the average fellow and have never had an all out good phuck session with the PRC's while the Former Soviets seem to have a friggin ball.

I didnt mean to ruffle your feathers I was just reporting MY EXPERIENCES---Sorry

KP I have found the Dubai board to be like shark infested waters and you were bleeding before you entered.

17 Days and I trade in my Afghan bullet proof vest for Dubai Durex.

Happy Hunting

12-05-07, 11:28
Where can I find the best CIS girls?

While I was in Dubai I a freind of mine took me to a house where there were like 30 CIS girls to choose from, will report on that when I go this time.

12-05-07, 12:13

Looks like the filipino rings are the ones that got busted.

More news on the above on yahoo news:



"DUBAI (Reuters) - Dubai police have arrested 170 suspected prostitutes from East Asia in the biggest crackdown on sex networks in the Gulf Arab emirate, newspapers reported on Wednesday.

The police also arrested 12 suspected pimps and 65 people seeking to buy sexual services, when they stormed 22 covert brothels in a synchronized raid on Saturday, Gulf News reported police chief Dahi Khalfan bin Tamim as saying.

"Dubai Police have many crackdowns on prostitution which are not announced in the media. However, it is important in the light of the activities being carried out by these networks to show there are crackdowns," it quoted bin Tamim as saying.

Bin Tamim said the move came after the United Arab Emirates -- a seven-member federation including oil exporter Abu Dhabi and Dubai, a regional tourism and trade hub -- passed a law to combat [CodeWord908] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord908).

"We started following up these networks and cases have been referred to the public prosecution, but this is the biggest case," he said, urging women "duped into working for such networks" to contact the police.

The UAE enacted a law in November making [CodeWord908] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord908) punishable by life imprisonment, and has set up a state body to combat trafficking.

Foreign workers and expatriates make up over 80 percent of the 4 million population of the UAE.

The United States has criticized four Gulf Arab allies, including the UAE, as some of the world's worst offenders in permitting [CodeWord908] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord908)."


12-05-07, 14:04
Much more of the same through Arabian Business News at

Police raided 22 brothels operating out of villas and apartments throughout Dubai at the beginning of the month, resulting in the arrest of 170 sex workers, 12 pimps and 65 people suspected of soliciting sexual services, Lieutenant General Dahi Khalfan Tamim said.

The operation, a collaborative effort between the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) and state security, is part of a major clampdown by authorities on clamping down on prostitution and illegal [CodeWord908] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord908) in the emirate.

Somebody has obviously rattled the cage of the LE so they have to be seen to do something.

Keep it safe down there in DXB.


12-05-07, 16:06
This story even made the bestgfe board which covers New York,New Jersey and the mid atlantic states in the US.


12-05-07, 16:22
Police raided 22 brothels operating out of villas and apartments throughout Dubai at the beginning of the month, resulting in the arrest of 170 sex workers, 12 pimps and 65 people suspected of soliciting sexual servicesWhat I found noteworthy was the LAST part - 65 customers... Wrong place, wrong time, and no plausible denialability...

Authorities in the United Arab Emirates uncovered the biggest prostitution network in the Gulf region and arrested more than 300 members, all East Asian, who ran 22 brothels in the Gulf emirate.

Question: East Asia, exactly where is that? Philipines, China, India/Pakistan? If the latter, guess there will be even MORE enquires about where to find Indians/Pakistani's...

Killa P
12-05-07, 17:17

Much more of the same through Arabian Business News at

Police raided 22 brothels operating out of villas and apartments throughout Dubai at the beginning of the month, resulting in the arrest of 170 sex workers, 12 pimps and 65 people suspected of soliciting sexual services, Lieutenant General Dahi Khalfan Tamim said.

The operation, a collaborative effort between the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) and state security, is part of a major clampdown by authorities on clamping down on prostitution and illegal [CodeWord908] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord908) in the emirate.

Somebody has obviously rattled the cage of the LE so they have to be seen to do something.

Keep it safe down there in DXB.

ExpatcatI find this to be good news. No burnt out factory broads looking to hustle you. The sweeps seem to target organized prostitution. This opens shit up for the independent operators who I find to be a more willing and responsive provider. Some of the conditions I have talked to some of the WGs about after a few drinks amount to outright slavery. Long live P4P but down with the damn mafias and syndicates providing us punters sub par product. ~Kill P

12-05-07, 17:48
Posting in the Dubai thread is like skating on thin ice.

To keep from getting flamed on this board I have gathered these rules from my amateur observations Killa P.

Rule 1.) Don’t introduce yourself to the board by going “Hey know where I can find a 6ft Russian with big tits?”

I have found the best way to introduce youself is through a report.

Rule 2.) During your report don’t say anything silly like all the Africans have bad breath or something like that. In your case Killa you broke rule number 2. You said.

I found chicks from the lower end clubs like rattlesnake and york to be complete scam artists. Miss can I GO NOW, Miss my mother is sick, Miss TOO Big, Miss get in the room and try to get away with a covered hand-job type broads----Blah you get what you pay for. But if you\\\'re gonna travel to their hovels be prepared for adventure. Your post had me laughing for about 20minutes.

This all but guaranteed you a flaming.

From my personal observations the York club is a good litmus test of your value to women. Every time I go to the York or any club in Dubai I try to look my best nice clothes and jewelry so I always get quoted a low price. Some of my co-workers go in there looking like they just came from Afghanistan and get quoted prices as high as 500-600 USD then wonder out loud why? Sometimes the same girls will say to me “It’s up to you” in reference to the price. As for the fuck exerperienes most have been decent. Nothing like Thailand or PI but decent except for this recent PRC I paid too much for.

Rule 3.) Don’t say your main girl is a working girl. I have nothing against guys who do this I dated a Japanese hostess for years though she was not fucking the customers she still got spruced up and went to hang out with guys who made my decent salary look like shit.

Ask Streamer about this one.

Rule 4.) Make no reference to your body buddy. Saying “I have a big dick or I am muscular” you’re just asking for a flaming from WWI.

Two years ago I made this mistake by saying a Kenyan I picked up complained about my size. Sporadic and Pipe jumped all over me.

Rule 5.) Don’t insult the regulars. You know Sporadic, Pipe, Bravo etc…They are a good ole boy clique and if you insult one you will feel like you walked into a cyclone. Once again learned from experience. After a spat with Sporadic, Pipe and a host of colorful characters joined in on the festivities.

I am out Killa P. I might get flamed for this. Damned if you do damned if you don’t. Just wrote this for you and future members of the Dubai board. If you’re in town on the 22nd meet me at the York I don’t drink alcohol but whatever you are drinking it’s on me.

12-05-07, 18:27
Posting in the Dubai thread is like skating on thin ice.And what about "double" posts? :)

Krypto Knight
12-05-07, 19:04
Sorry I haven't posted lately but frankly I haven't been going out. My PRC Girlfriend is back in town and I've decided to build up the bank and enjoy the free pass...except for the AED 2,000 birthday present I had to buy her...8-]

So more news on the raids, she has a friend who lived in a building near Lamcey. The cops went room to room with the security guard, rooms the guard identified as WG's.

They took a large number away.

If a girl wouldn't open the door the security guard simply unlocked it for the police.

My GF is really shaken up and won't leave her "safer" apartment.

Seems to be a specific crack down on PRC's

Krypto Knight
12-05-07, 19:17
While I haven't been going out, I did find a new "hotel" with girls. This was better then the last...although if you don't like very short time you won't like it.

It was 100 for the room...and you actually got a room, and 100 for the girl, FS only.

At first I was horrified. The 5 girls I was shown I wouldn't of banged for free. I said No, no, no, no... The "manager" kept saying wait for "S". He knocked on her door. He gave me a room and asked me to wait.

When she came in 10 minutes later I was stunned. Cute, probably 18-19 Russian. Like Russian not imitation. Not an ounce of fat, big breasts, cute face.

She wanted to make sure I understood it was going to cost 100 AED.

The down side was that 7-8 minutes into it she wanted me to hurry, but she was very polite about it and let me go another 5. ...sigh

If you can live with a rushed experience it's a great way to get top quality on the cheap. My sense was if I go back a few more times the sessions will lengthen.

If this girl walked into any bar she would easily make 1500+ for the night.

Particulary given current conditions I don't feel comfortable to give out details here because of LE but I will give this hint. I found the place by some pretty basic google research. That's literally how I found it.

As they say, the search is half the fun.

Right now though, I would be really careful.

12-05-07, 19:28
Two years ago I made this mistake by saying a Kenyan I picked up complained about my size. Bdp, don't worry, it doesn't matter that you're small. It's all about technique, not size.
Sporadic and Pipe jumped all over me. Thanks for reminding me - it was a fun night. I still have the photos, you little devil.
... If you’re in town on the 22nd meet me at the York. I don’t drink alcohol but whatever you are drinking it’s on me.I've pencilled you into my diary. I drink only Gold Label (doubles, several doubles). Thanks!

PS - you guys stop picking on my new friend, okay? :)

12-05-07, 19:42
I've pencilled you into my diary. I drink only Gold Label (doubles, several doubles). Thanks Bdp!

PS - you guys stop picking on my new friend, okay? :)

Hi Pipier,
Are you sure about that :)
I think we have some senior members who would like to play on this one ;)

you like gold, I like blue :) One more week in Dubai then I'm of to some cold places there i need my blue. (not the pills)

Cheers Spelman

12-05-07, 20:12
Sorry I haven't posted lately but frankly I haven't been going out. My PRC Girlfriend is back in town and I've decided to build up the bank and enjoy the free pass...except for the AED 2,000 birthday present I had to buy her...8-]

So more news on the raids, she has a friend who lived in a building near Lamcey. The cops went room to room with the security guard, rooms the guard identified as WG's.

They took a large number away.

If a girl wouldn't open the door the security guard simply unlocked it for the police.

My GF is really shaken up and won't leave her "safer" apartment.

Seems to be a specific crack down on PRC'sDefinitely PRC are the target. MY GF's friends (about six WGs) share an apartment in Lamcy and last night the friendly (thank fuck) doorman tipped them off they were to be raided. They fled upstairs to another aprtment just before the dreaded knock came from the mob-handed LE. All got away but now are too frightened to go home and are staying in "safe" houses with other girls/friends.

Plus side: looks like four of them will be staying in my apartment with me and my GF for at least tonight and tomorrow.

Maybe that pile of ironing and washing up will get done after all. Down side: My booze cabinet is bound to take a hammering!

On a more serious note: Swung past Snake as its on my route home (at about 10pm, Weds). Not a single WG to be seen outside at all. Didn't venture inside but rumors are certainly the PRCs will not be venturing out in numbers this weekend.

Given that some 65 punters were picked up and that the police chief has, in his own words "declared war" on traffickers it will be much safer to avoid the known hangouts for a few days at least.

Rely on your own contacts and phone book, much safer in these troubled times. And pass the word around your WG contacts and mongering friends. even thought the word passes fast via text and mobile, there may still be some who don't know about this latest crackdown.

Worrying times indeed. Be careful out there.


12-05-07, 21:00
What I found noteworthy was the LAST part - 65 customers... Wrong place, wrong time, and no plausible denialability...

Authorities in the United Arab Emirates uncovered the biggest prostitution network in the Gulf region and arrested more than 300 members, all East Asian, who ran 22 brothels in the Gulf emirate.

Question: East Asia, exactly where is that? Philipines, China, India/Pakistan? If the latter, guess there will be even MORE enquires about where to find Indians/Pakistani's...Tried calling my usual AMP full of PRC today just to see who picked up (used a canadian disposal phone I've had for awhile out of paranoia) and didn't get any answer, of course... they could just be laying low for a little bit, not to tempt fate. At least, I hope so!!! (it was the one on Al Wasl that was by the Iranian Hospital, which moved a bit ago so not divulging anything)

My girl just moved to Dubai so I've been busy with her and work so I haven't had a chance to play. Maybe by the time she starts traveling for business we'll be back to normal for awhile.

65 guys getting nailed doesn't exactly fill me with warm fuzzies though.

Anywho, stay straight out there in the mean time!


Grateful Spread
12-05-07, 21:52
From my personal observations the York club is a good litmus test of your value to women. Every time I go to the York or any club in Dubai I try to look my best nice clothes and jewelry so I always get quoted a low price. .
Ah right, this is where I’ve been mislead. Thanks for the tip. I never wear jewellery and I guess this is why the York girls tend to overcharge me. It’s obvious now that you’ve pointed it out – the more of your disposable income you spend on clothes and jewellery, the less you’ll have available for mongering. The girls obviously know this.

Some of my co-workers go in there looking like they just came from Afghanistan and get quoted prices as high as 500-600 USD then wonder out loud why? They clearly don’t share your skills in mongering psychology.

Sometimes the same girls will say to me “It’s up to you” in reference to the price. I’ve never heard that one before. I feel I’ve missed out on so much by leaving the chunky gold bracelet at home.

Rule 5.) Don’t insult the regulars. You know Sporadic, Pipe, Bravo etc…They are a good ole boy clique and if you insult one you will feel like you walked into a cyclone. Once again learned from experience. After a spat with Sporadic, Pipe and a host of colorful characters joined in on the festivities. Fascinating to see the diversity of ISG members and what they get out of the forum.
For some it’s to brag about their mongering adventures, indeed some of whom have reported that the debriefing post to ISG is half the fun.
For others a desperate need to seek approval from the inner-core of hallowed senior members.

There are only two rules for posting on the Dubai thread:
i) Post something relevant, not too uneducated, boring or downright stupid and feel good about it.
ii) Don’t give a shit about what anyone else thinks. Law of averages will have a mix of both (mostly lurking) supporters and detractors.

FTR Flaming between members is rare – but mild heckling/ sarcasm/ and out-and-out [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140)-taking is not only acceptable but to be encouraged.

12-05-07, 23:46
Expeienced mongerers

I have not been to uae for couple of years and I like cis only.

Does it seem that it is becoming hard to find a young cis stunner.

Where would you find 18 and 19 beauty with less efforts?

I would be willing to pay 1000ghs

And, if you need my experince I a country like spain I have been with top quality girls many times there for less money.

12-06-07, 05:57
ftr flaming between members is rare – but mild heckling/ sarcasm/ and out-and-out [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140)-taking is not only acceptable but to be encouraged. absolutely. you should certainly be ready to have your leg pulled.

a healthy debate is what i thought killa p was trying to start with his "this house believes more expensive girls offer higher value for money" motion. not my experience, for sure, but in all cases ymwv. i do agree with him that finding a girl who is fun to be with is the key, i just disagree that you have to pay a fortune, or target a certain ethnic profile or club. also from referring to his more recent post, quoted below i agree that a good experience is more likely from a free lancer.

to continue, in the spirit of healthy debate, and no flames intended.

i find this to be good news. no burnt out factory broads looking to hustle you. the sweeps seem to target organized prostitution. this opens shit up for the independent operators who i find to be a more willing and responsive provider. some of the conditions i have talked to some of the wgs about after a few drinks amount to outright slavery. long live p4p but down with the damn mafias and syndicates providing us punters sub par product. ~kill p mostly agree here. but i do not see that “sub standard product to the punter” is the main issue with mafiosi style trafficking and slavery. it is undoubtedly a good thing that such networks are closed down.

interpretation however is another issue it would worry me to see, say, a prc who sub let her apartment to some wgs and took only an agreed rent, facing a life sentence for trafficking. she would also not have the connections and pull that a mafiosi type who [CodeWord124] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord124) and beats unwilling girls into compliance will be able to call on. will the former suffer to make it look like the le is doing something about the latter?

the major players of course will have several fuses that blow before they are even remotely tainted. the guys making the big bucks won’t be going to jail.

as for the girls, let’s hope that the courts follow the previous procedures and deport without filing charges.

busts go on all the time. what is different here is the publicity and apparent scale of the operation.

and, finally, there does however seem to be evidence emerging from posts on this forum that freelancers are also being rounded up?

Member #1071
12-06-07, 07:08
This is WAR, is the opening headlines of 7 days news paper on 5th december.
170 WG, 12 pimps, 65 customers busted. 22 brothels closed.
Chief of Dubai Police, decalred an endless WAR against prostitution and [CodeWord908] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord908).

This time it is serious guys, be cautious.....

Krypto Knight
12-06-07, 07:44
even though the word passes fast via text and mobile, there may still be some who don't know about this latest crackdown.

Worrying times indeed. Be careful out there.


Speaking of being careful...watch what you say on the phone. I've heard they have the system here (forget what it's called) where they can listen for certain "code words" to be said and it triggers a recorder that records the rest of your call.

Mostly used for terrorism etc but why take a chance after 65 arrests. Someone who sold me liquor told me about it.

After 65 arrests I wouldn't talk completely freely, if nothing else for the girls sake.

12-06-07, 08:19
Now thats why i love this forum.

Bdp, don't worry, it doesn't matter that you're small. It's all about technique, not size. Thanks for reminding me - it was a fun night. I still have the photos, you little devil. I've pencilled you into my diary. I drink only Gold Label (doubles, several doubles). Thanks!

PS - you guys stop picking on my new friend, okay? :)

12-06-07, 08:22
This is my FR from my last trip few days ago;

I stayed at 4 points Sheraton downtown at Mankhool (excellent choice) and can confirm it was GF no questions asked. Unfortunately I stayed only one night and was to in the mood of bar hopping so I limited my choice to Rockfellas –not by choice; actually I thought I would start here and then move on but never did and stayed all evening at the same place. They had a nice Russian band and the crowd started coming a bit late it was all Caucasian CIS Romanian, . I first approached a nice looking tall chubby brunette wearing a jeans outfit she said she is from Chechnya and would not say anything else other that "We go your room" so obviously this was a red flag I tried a light conversation but the she replied we will discuss all this in the room so I had to pull out politely as this is a no go for me (Guys is it me or what? ). The crowd kept building up but most ladies were very passive though always pleasant when you talk to them but very poor marketing skills. I stroke some conversation with a couple of kyrgys but stopped short from going into details as they were not very inspiring until I got grabbed by a nice looking Russian brunette who was very pleasant and seemed to be good choice we had a discussion after which I was quoted 800 AED but before I had the chance to know if this was LT or ST or whatsoever she said that she wanted the money in advance well I thought it was fair for her to ask and I thought we work this out BUT to my surprise she said that she needed the money there and even before we leave, at first I thought that it was a joke but found out she was very serious because that was he bosses orders, who apparently was near her (WTF, never heard this before, so was starting to wonder? ). So obviously I had to pull out and continue until I settled on nice looking Russian blonde (nice curls) very white skin and beautiful rack she quoted 1000 and quickly accepted my 800 offer she asked that we leave separately and that she would join me at my hotel I tried to explain to her that I am in the new Sheraton 4p not the old one with directions she said that she knew it and not to worry. Sure enough she ended up at the wrong Sheraton and called me with astonishment, I wasn’t. Anyway she ended up showing up, I met her at the lobby when the guard saw me he understood and let her without questions. In the room she went to freshen up and asked for a drink but my mini bar had only beer and wine she took out 2 mini vodkas from her purse poured it down we sat at the bed and started light kiss (no KFK which id fine with me) but then started the lights game, she wanted no lights, well for me this a complete e turn off (at least dimmed lights! ) so that’s what happened but I knew from this moment that this is not going g to be a night to remember then what ensued was a very medium experience no BBBJ only CBJ refused DATY in the beginning but then she welcomed it and did climax (very fresh and clean) she was OK with positions no complains and seemed genuinely willing to see me climax (probably to get out of here) but this was making the adverse effect, so the service was very cold though polite and sincere I ended up by finishing in doggie and she was happy as well (that I came) sure thing she asked me that she would like to leave, well I did not even try to retain here. It is a shame, she had the right attributes but not the right spirit.



EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

12-06-07, 08:29
Scary stuff. I tried calling a couple of AMPs that day and FORTUNATELY they did not answer.Probably because they are all in jail. AMPs have definitely been targeted in the swoop according to my sources.

Time for everyone to lie low for a few days. And watch what you post here, LE will almost certainly be monitoring. No names or locations.


Member #1071
12-06-07, 10:21
Probably because they are all in jail. AMPs have definitely been targeted in the swoop according to my sources.

Time for everyone to lie low for a few days. And watch what you post here, LE will almost certainly be monitoring. No names or locations.


I have called my PRC MP, before reading about the LE raid. Phone was closed.
I tried several times until the phone rang, and immediately had the reply: don't call anymore I will call you later.
Then I read the news paper later in the evening and understoog the reason why the phone was almost always closed and why I had thar reply.....

12-06-07, 11:40
I wrote my last post in humor. Hope no one took it to heart. Easy (Grateful one) boy.

Ah right, this is where I’ve been mislead. Thanks for the tip. I never wear jewellery and I guess this is why the York girls tend to overcharge me. It’s obvious now that you’ve pointed it out – the more of your disposable income you spend on clothes and jewellery, the less you’ll have available for mongering. The girls obviously know this.

Hey Bro to each his own. I have noticed when dealing with women regardless of their occupation it is best to dress your best. Some guys will get over charged no matter if they look like Brad Pitt and wear and a $1000 Armani suit. It depends on the lady. You guys already know that though.

They clearly don’t share your skills in mongering psychology.I’ve never heard that one before. I feel I’ve missed out on so much by leaving the chunky gold bracelet at home.

Like I said to each his own. Everyone has their own way of handing business. From LA to Bangkok my approach has worked for me. Who the fuck is still wearing gold? It's all about platinum and diamonds Grateful one. :)

Fascinating to see the diversity of ISG members and what they get out of the forum.
For some it’s to brag about their mongering adventures, indeed some of whom have reported that the debriefing post to ISG is half the fun.
For others a desperate need to seek approval from the inner-core of hallowed senior members.

There are only two rules for posting on the Dubai thread:
i) Post something relevant, not too uneducated, boring or downright stupid and feel good about it.
ii) Don’t give a shit about what anyone else thinks. Law of averages will have a mix of both (mostly lurking) supporters and detractors.

FTR Flaming between members is rare – but mild heckling/ sarcasm/ and out-and-out [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140)-taking is not only acceptable but to be encouraged.

Now here is where we agree. :)

Bdp, don't worry, it doesn't matter that you're small. It's all about technique, not size.

I am not even going to go there.

Thanks for reminding me - it was a fun night. I still have the photos, you little devil.

Hmmm Homosexual tendecies?

I've pencilled you into my diary. I drink only Gold Label (doubles, several doubles). Thanks!

PS - you guys stop picking on my new friend, okay? :)

Pipe it was an open letter and invite to Killa P. But hey Pipe drink up. I appreciate you sticking up for me. Thanks but no thanks.

As I said I wrote the last post for amusement. The only rules are the ones set by Jackson end of discussion.

I thought this board had a sense of humor. :(

12-06-07, 15:16
Is the Four Points (new one) on Mankhool road GF?

Dxb Delights
12-06-07, 16:55
Hi All,

Any of you have any good experience in Barsha area or marina area? Are there any booty apartments or any whereabouts of there location? Living on Rigga Road earlier I usually avoided the nightclubs and discos and instead always used to rely on few places I used to know. Since shifting to Barsha, that is the thing I am missing the most.

Any pointers / links to apartments/hotels for 400-500 action in barsha / marina area would be appreciated.

Happy weekend all!

12-06-07, 17:01
All PRC WGs I know have now abandoned their Lamcy apartments - for good.

I and my GF helped the last two collect their things and move out this afternoon, checking all mirrors for LE in the process. Was an uneasy time but we evacuated safely. There were two CIS WG who appeared to be clearing out at same time and waiting for a lift.

My friends are too frightened ever to go back as LE now know where they lived. At least a couple of dozen were rounded up on by police over last two nights in just one apartment block opposite Lamcy. Seems that area in particular has been targeted.

All the girls that I know thankfully are safe, but more by luck than judgement.
I now have three house guests for the foreseeable future, until it is safe for them to rent somewhere new however long that may be. But I have just been cooked a delicious Chinese meal, so there are compensations.

LE crackdown shows no sign of relenting so far and I'm being told that it is not just restricted to the PRC community. African and CIS have also been targeted, though it seems in not so great numbers.

One of my GF's friends did go to work at Hyatt Regency last night and made a killing as hardly anyone else was out. She reckoned she made Dh5,000 on the night. But she was taking a huge risk. Definitely a seller's market now, if you can find a seller and stay safe.

Only time will tell how long this may last. Hopefully it will be like the purge about three years ago when, if memory serves, things got back to some normality after a couple of weeks.

If LE were intending on putting the frighteners on the girls, they have certainly succeeded this time. Many are thinking of going back to China until after Chinese new year (Feb 7, 2008).

If anyone is venturing out to any of the usual haunts tonight, then be careful and let us have some feedback on if the situation is as bad as I keep hearing.

Me, I'm just staying in with my GF, my three new housemates (a good looking bunch, it must be said) and a fridge full of assorted beverages.

Could be worse, I guess.


12-06-07, 17:36
I find this to be good news. No burnt out factory broads looking to hustle you. The sweeps seem to target organized prostitution. This opens shit up for the independent operators who I find to be a more willing and responsive provider. Some of the conditions I have talked to some of the WGs about after a few drinks amount to outright slavery. Long live P4P but down with the damn mafias and syndicates providing us punters sub par product. ~Kill PI certainly agree with respect to the "slavers" who hold women hostage. Those bastards they should hunt down and publicly hang.

However, I don't think, overall, this is "good news" (comments below), for the reasons stated by Krypto Knight and Steamer33 (who have "insider" info). Even the "independent" operators need some organization: middlemen to rent the apts, sponsors for the visas, all the "support" staff to allow someone on a visit visa to live here.
So more news on the raids, she has a friend who lived in a building near Lamcey. The cops went room to room with the security guard, rooms the guard identified as WG's.

They took a large number away.

If a girl wouldn't open the door the security guard simply unlocked it for the police.

My GF is really shaken up and won't leave her "safer" apartment.

Seems to be a specific crack down on PRC'sPRC's - easy to identify... The trouble is when they target a WHOLE building - reason why the wise girls are paranoid about living in a building that has too many "other" girls; but then, apts are scare and so not a lot of choice. One apt operating as a brothel or rented as a ST place, or even just a number of girls taking customers "back home", thus obvious to even a casual observer what's going on. The neighbors get upset... Easy to clean out a whole building, any room with "female foreigners" on visit visas subject to involuntary deportation. Only probable cause needed is "no visible means of support". And since they DON'T bust the sponsors (as the girls come from 3rd world countries, SOMEONE has to sign the papers for their visa, even if it's a 'bogus' travel agency), nor the middlemen who rent the apts (girls sublease from someone), the money 'collectors' are still around. But it certainly makes good publicity in the world press.

Definitely PRC are the target. MY GF's friends (about six WGs) share an apartment in Lamcy and last night the friendly (thank fuck) doorman tipped them off they were to be raided. They fled upstairs to another aprtment just before the dreaded knock came from the mob-handed LE. All got away but now are too frightened to go home and are staying in "safe" houses with other girls/friends.Like I said above, it's not just the "slave quarters". It wouldn't take any great dectective work to figure out which apts... You figure the doorman has to give up "some" apts... question is, which ones?

Girls rightfully frightened - imagine - just going home, even alone, and you could be whisked away...

But as I posted earlier, not the end of the world, EXCEPT for those caught. I'll believe "they" are serious when the sponsors and middlemen appear in the news...

you guys stop picking on my new friend, okay?LOL.

Some of my co-workers go in there looking like they just came from Afghanistan and get quoted prices as high as 500-600 USD then wonder out loud why? Maybe it's "500 or 600", sans currency, and they're just ASSUMING dollars. :)

Sometimes the same girls will say to me “It’s up to you” in reference to the price.If she's saying "up to you", she's figuring, correctly or not, you will be paying more than the going rate... When a girl says that to me [well, it's happened once], I always make sure to quote a price to her BEFORE we leave, just so there IS a common understanding. Saves "scenes" later.

You know Sporadic, Pipe, Bravo etc…They are a good ole boy cliqueTruth is, we're all one guy, diagnosed with a multiple personality disorder. "We" just got tired of posting under 1 name as it made the thread seem "1-sided", and "we" got tired of quoting ourself, so "branched" out to make the thread appear active. You'll notice that "we've" never appeared in the photo thread together...

It’s obvious now that you’ve pointed it out – the more of your disposable income you spend on clothes and jewellery, the less you’ll have available for mongering. The girls obviously know this. That's IT. Given my "casual" appearance, they MUST think I'm overflowing with money. I'm off to the tailor this afternoon, then the gold souk...

For some it’s to brag about their mongering adventures, indeed some of whom have reported that the debriefing post to ISG is half the fun.When I read that, I found it a bit disturbing, with my question being, 'do they pop a chubby during the debrief?'

There are only two rules for posting on the Dubai thread:
i) Post something relevant, not too uneducated, boring or downright stupid and feel good about it.
ii) Don’t give a shit about what anyone else thinks. Law of averages will have a mix of both (mostly lurking) supporters and detractors.

FTR Flaming between members is rare – but mild heckling/ sarcasm/ and out-and-out [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140)-taking is not only acceptable but to be encouraged.WELL SAID

Where can I find the best CIS girls?Define "best".

While I was in Dubai I a freind of mine took me to a house where there were like 30 CIS girls to choose from, will report on that when I go this time. That would make a nice change, given your 8 previous posts were all questions.

And, if you need my experince I a country like spain I have been with top quality girls many times there for less money. Yes, I can tell by your 3 posts, again all questions.

Nothing wrong with questions, and it is a FREE forum, but it takes POSTED FR's to establish credibility.

12-06-07, 19:10
I certainly agree with respect to the "slavers" who hold women hostage. Those bastards they should hunt down and publicly hangI agree. All the girls I know are freelance and though they don't really like what they do, they do have a choice. Those who bring people here with the lure of non-existent hotel or domestic work and then force them into the game are scum.

The girls I am fortunate enough to hang out with really are a decent bunch, they have good hearts, look after each other and are great fun to socialise with, I would hate for anything horrendous to happen to them.


12-06-07, 20:26
One of my new "housemates" just took a call and tells me that 300 PRC WGs were lifted by LE last night (Wednesday).

Her theory - too many WGs in Dubai now, spilling out of known haunts into previously non-WG bars, hence LE crackdown.

She believes LE need to get numbers in whole city down to an acceptable level - about 3,000 in total. Then they will let up.

She is a bit of a veteran here and has seen clampdowns before, but the big difference this time is that LE are not just raiding bars. What is new is that they are sweeping apartment blocks, taking girls off the street when they are on their own and even pulling over taxis with WG and punter inside - both get carted away.

Myself, I think it demonstrates the short-sightedness of closing venues like Cyclone. There LE could keep the trade contained and so not tarnish the rest of "brand Dubai". Now with Cyclone, Amnesia and others closed, the WGs have pretty much fanned out everywhere It was only a matter of time till the authorities said "no more".

With the biggest part of the tourist season coming up - Eid, Christmas, New Year and all the Shopping Festival - it seems a concerted effort to present a "clean" city to tourists.

Be careful out there.


12-06-07, 20:58
Bpd, you should go to Regal one night. There are some hot girls there.
I am not going to go there, because I have homosexual tendecies.Wow. To each his own bro, but you don't know what you're missing. The wetness of an excited girl, the warmth of her voluptuous breasts ...


I thought this board had a sense of humor.That's ironic. ;)

Zing Uk
12-06-07, 21:07
The crackdown certainly does seem to be serious and I would suggest to anyone sensible to lie low. Princess L and her mates are all terrified at the moment to the point of asking for a couple of them to stay at my place for a couple of weeks until the heat dies down. Great thought (as I only have one bed!) but, unfortunately I'm out of the country until Christmas :-(

[Quote = 11bravo]I certainly agree with respect to the "slavers" who hold women hostage. Those bastards they should hunt down and publicly hang.[\Quote]110%

12-06-07, 22:04
Bpd, you should go to Regal one night. There are some hot girls there. Wow, thanks for being honest, bro. To each his own, but you don't know what you're missing. The wetness of an excited girl, the warmth of her voluptuous breasts ...

That's ironic. ;)

And piper's homosexual saga continues....

not tonight GS and Bravo my ass is still sore


12-06-07, 22:25
One of my new "housemates" just took a call and tells me that 300 PRC WGs were lifted by LE last night (Wednesday).

Her theory - too many WGs in Dubai now, spilling out of known haunts into previously non-WG bars, hence LE crackdown.

She believes LE need to get numbers in whole city down to an acceptable level - about 3,000 in total. Then they will let up.

She is a bit of a veteran here and has seen clampdowns before, but the big difference this time is that LE are not just raiding bars. What is new is that they are sweeping apartment blocks, taking girls off the street when they are on their own and even pulling over taxis with WG and punter inside - both get carted away.

Myself, I think it demonstrates the short-sightedness of closing venues like Cyclone. There LE could keep the trade contained and so not tarnish the rest of "brand Dubai". Now with Cyclone, Amnesia and others closed, the WGs have pretty much fanned out everywhere It was only a matter of time till the authorities said "no more".

With the biggest part of the tourist season coming up - Eid, Christmas, New Year and all the Shopping Festival - it seems a concerted effort to present a "clean" city to tourists.

Be careful out there.

Steamer33You hit the nail on the head. It's a combination of a desire for containment, plus international pressure. For the past several months, we've seen more and more WGs in regular clubs, actively marketing themselves. Non-mongers and non-WGs complain about their presence.

As you said, it was only a matter of time.

(Bpd - you'll have to do better than that. I refuse to fight a battle of wits against an unarmed kid. ;))

12-07-07, 02:18
(Bpd - you'll have to do better than that. I refuse to fight a battle of wits against an unarmed kid. ;))

Who started putting words in people's mouth? Now that is obtuse and child-like. :)

12-07-07, 04:59
For those of you who have ben around DBX for a while and seen things like the present situation come and go... Any idea how long this is going to last and exactly how it will effect the market (supply and demand being what they are)?

I am planning on being there next weekend for a few nights and was hoping to get out and "socialize" just a bit, but with the recent LE clamp down, I am actually considering a change of plans...

Prague or Pattaya Beach anyone?

12-07-07, 06:44
In the spirit of the current (probably healthy) paranoia I will not say where, but I was out and about last night saw no appreciable decline in numbers of WGs in the bars and I am happy to say a lot of familiar faces are still around.

12-07-07, 10:56

Made it to the 7's again this year and had a blast.

Thursday night, Ku-Bu in the Radisson Diera, 10pm-11pm. Crowded, M/F 3-2 I reckon. Some stunners of course but only a few. Looks like a lot of what would have ben the CIS chorus line from the Cyclone (RIP). Rates varied from 800-2000 at an opening punt pre-haggle. Nice cosy little bar and you dont have to move to see all that is on offer.

Hyatt Premiere 11.30pm - 1.00am. Quite quiet when we got there but was packed by 12.30. Lots of gorgeous PRC's, a trawl suggested 800-1500 as an opening gambit, but it was still early. I was in the mood for CIS tonight, as we all were. My friend got the pick with a 23yr old (are'nt they all?) Chechen beuty who looked like a dirty Penelope Cruz in a red dress, I grabbed a Georgian tiger called Sarah, and off we went. BBBJ, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, mish, doggy and finished with CIM. Good service, a little professional until she got a litle more G&T down her, and a happy customer. Booted her out at 6.00am for some sleep. 1200 DHS including a a taxi tip. I know, but as I said, we were early and on holiday. All the 7-8 girls I spoke to were looking for 1200 at that time. The PRC's had the edge on beauty in there for sure.

Friday, no mongering, went dancing at Chi at the Lodge to a coupel of Lebanese DJ's I know from our time in Damascus/Beirut. Some stunning non-WG's in there too. Great club.

Saturday. Went to Double Decker bar, where you were beating off the pissed ex-pat girls who had been at the rudgby all day with a shitty stick. Way too easy but fancied the mongering thrill, soooo
Longs Bar, 10.30pm-11.30pm. A few WG's in attendance, nothing overt, but plenty of smiles and eye contact. Did'nt do any research as we had the Rattle in mind as a yet untried venue.

Rattlesnake, 11.30pm -1.00am
Wow. What a grat little club, like a cyclone in minature. No entrance fee (we gave him the look and one of us speaks fluent arabic "you have'nt seen us").
Some absolutley stunning PRC spinners in there, a few CIS and some very sexy little Africans (also a few beasts), but to each his own.

Cut out four PRC friends and sat outside while we took it in turns to go inside fishing a bringing more out. Between 4 chaps we had 12 girls around the table at one point in various states of expectancy and boredom. Funny. Settled on foru PRC stunners, a couple that looked like the model next door and a couple that looked like the filthy bike from next door wuth a great rack.

Back to the hotel, pissed about by the night manager (see Hotel Info) then danacing and drinking in the suite, got down to it, Karen wore glasses and I made her keep them on the whole time (Meow was her real name), licked my cock like a cat to start with which I found strangely erotic, insisted on CBJ to start with but forwent that after an hour or so. Great shag, all over the room, bed, table, in the shower, 3 shots, the final was CIM which came out of nowhere, bless her. She stayed until the alarm went at 7am and we blearily left for the airport.

Back again next summer for another action packed installment.

12-07-07, 11:40
In the spirit of the current (probably healthy) paranoia I will not say where, but I was out and about last night saw no appreciable decline in numbers of WGs in the bars and I am happy to say a lot of familiar faces are still around.That's intersting to hear. Three of my acquaintances from the now deserted Lamcy apartment block ventured out last night to H**** R******. The other girls thought they were taking a big risk, but apparently they had no problems.

It seems the ones that are short of cash are willing to take the risks, but those who have a little to tide them over are going to lay low for a few more days yet.

Be careful out there.


12-07-07, 11:42
This is my FR from my last trip few days agoNow this is the way to do it: 3 posts - 2 initial questions, then an FR. Well done, Mikito. My only SMALL suggestion would be to throw in a <cr> every now and again :) - producing several short paragraphs rather than 1 long one. But a very enjoyable AND informative read. Thanks!

I first approached a nice looking tall chubby brunette wearing a jeans outfit she said she is from Chechnya and would not say anything else other that "We go your room" so obviously this was a red flag I tried a light conversation but the she replied we will discuss all this in the room so I had to pull out politely as this is a no go for me (Guys is it me or what? ).It's you - wise move from where I sit. In the bar: advantage punter - many more choices around. In the hotel: advantage wg - she's the only 1 there.

The crowd kept building up but most ladies were very passive though always pleasant when you talk to them but very poor marketing skills.CIS known for their passive marketing; they don't cold call.

... she said that she wanted the money in advance well I thought it was fair for her to ask and I thought we work this out BUT to my surprise she said that she needed the money there and even before we leave, at first I thought that it was a joke but found out she was very serious because that was he bosses orders, who apparently was near her (WTF, never heard this before, so was starting to wonder? ).Unfortunately, true for some. MY feeling: if her boss doesn't trust her to deliver "the goods", why should I (goods of a different form)? I would NEVER, NEVER, NEVER pay in the bar. Don't do it. Again, wise move.

It is a shame, she had the right attributes but not the right spirit.Sometimes that happens. But now you know what her experience was like with you.

Again, nice report, and an example of what can be done.

12-07-07, 12:34
Is the Four Points (new one) on Mankhool road GF?Two poster - same question. All that in 3.5 years of membership.

BC answered this one on the hotel thread.

Any pointers / links to apartments/hotels for 400-500 action in barsha / marina area would be appreciated.Another 2 poster (granted, just joined), same question. But given the current "atmosphere", with nothing to vet...

I answered this one on the general thread.


Along the same lines: 0 posters/count on 1 hand posters: If you've read the thread lately, you'll know the current "concern", so I don't have any numbers/contacts. Actually, I never did. I just read the forum, so know the places to go (search Spelman) to find my own.

12-07-07, 12:44
One of my new "housemates" just took a call and tells me that 300 PRC WGs were lifted by LE last night (Wednesday).These numbers are USUALLY off by an order of magnitude, but certainly 'more than the usual number' being picked up, so divide by 3 (worked before :)).

Her theory - too many WGs in Dubai now, spilling out of known haunts into previously non-WG bars, hence LE crackdown.That, plus a lot of negative publicity in foreign press about UAE being lenient on [CodeWord908] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord908). Think they got a negative review in some US report - therefore, must be George Bush's fault. :)

She is a bit of a veteran here and has seen clampdowns before, but the big difference this time is that LE are not just raiding bars. What is new is that they are sweeping apartment blocks, taking girls off the street when they are on their own and even pulling over taxis with WG and punter inside - both get carted away.My experience, the breadth of this sweep is different. But certainly THE way to generate publicity... But I just have to laugh a bit - if a reporter REALLY was a reporter, you'd think he'd ask, "Did this just spring up NOW, or, if not, why was it tolerated before?"

As for the girls, let’s hope that the courts follow the previous procedures and deport without filing charges.Maybe if she was picked up in a "living quarters" bust, no clients around. But if she was unfortunate enough to be caught during a bust of a "working" house, or "entertaining" at home, with even 1 customer around... Even if she was not the one doing the "entertaining", guilt by association, so a prostitution charge. As you say, this one's all about PUBLICITY, and court cases will generate that (those quiet deportations don't have the flair).

And will a house "boss" - the benign type, there to maintain order: set meal times, quiet hours, collect rent, make sure the place stays clean, settle disagreements, etc. be found guilty with a life sentence?

I think the whole purpose is to generate favorable publicity, that [CodeWord908] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord908) is NOT tolerated here. Of course, if they really wanted to prove that, it'd be the sponsors that would be rounded up.

All PRC WGs I know have now abandoned their Lamcy apartments - for good.Like the closure of the Cyclone, another "end of an era". But certainly "dispersal" is good.

All the girls that I know thankfully are safe, but more by luck than judgement.
One of my GF's friends did go to work at Hyatt Regency last night and made a killing as hardly anyone else was out. She reckoned she made Dh5,000 on the night. But she was taking a huge risk. Definitely a seller's market now, if you can find a seller and stay safe.
If anyone is venturing out to any of the usual haunts tonight, then be careful and let us have some feedback on if the situation is as bad as I keep hearing.

In the spirit of the current (probably healthy) paranoia I will not say where, but I was out and about last night saw no appreciable decline in numbers of WGs in the bars and I am happy to say a lot of familiar faces are still around.I was out with BC on Thursday, and, to me, it was business as usual. You would never know anything had happened. A number of attractive ones around, but maybe that was MY relief at just seeing they were still here. There were 5 or 6 I could easily have pulled, with 2 more either true gf's or on "dates" that, if "unallocated", I would certainly be interested in. Settled on an old fav...

Girls certainly have been detained, but given the vast numbers here, I did not personally know any that were. Obviously others not so fortunate. Out of 12, 2 failed to answer - 1 I will query again, and 1 whose phone still works, just answered by a fellow compatriot (haven't seen her in quite awhile, so she could very well have gone home earlier).

If LE were intending on putting the frighteners on the girls, they have certainly succeeded this time. Many are thinking of going back to China until after Chinese new year (Feb 7, 2008).Like I posted, 1 left last week, and certainly others are thinking about 'sooner rather than later', if nothing else but to avoid the holiday rush.

On the other hand, with tales of 5000/night, an incentive to get out there and try for such... Few and far between, I'm thinking (I paid my normal 700, that because I like her).

Speaking of being careful...watch what you say on the phone. I've heard they have the system here (forget what it's called) where they can listen for certain "code words" to be said and it triggers a recorder that records the rest of your call. ...

After 65 arrests I wouldn't talk completely freely, if nothing else for the girls sake.Certainly agree with the last, but the former might be a stretch (of course, my phone conversations are along the titillating "are you busy tonight?").

I worry more about the following: Extract the info from the detained girl's mobile: address book, recent history of incoming and outgoing calls. Put all in a database. Repeat for every detained girl. Mine said database, looking for "frequent" numbers. Find out who owns those frequent numbers, who they are, where they are...That's if they wanted to get SERIOUS.


Any idea how long this is going to last and exactly how it will effect the market (supply and demand being what they are)?No idea how long - depends on when the NEXT unfavorable [CodeWord908] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord908) report comes out.

As to supply/demand: toss up. Certainly less supply, but given the total numbers, not as bad as it appears. The biggest effect could be girls laying low for awhile, off the radar. Given that, they're eager for some "company" from known clients, so would offset the lesser supply.

You will also note there have been no reports of hotel rooms being raided...

MY take: like Ramadan. Wouldn't plan a trip here RIGHT now, but if I was coming anyway, I'd not divert. Certainly my style (weekends) have not been crimped, and a buddy just in town had no trouble finding company...

12-07-07, 12:58
The girls I am fortunate enough to hang out with really are a decent bunch, they have good hearts, look after each other and are great fun to socialise with, I would hate for anything horrendous to happen to them.Agree 110%. As Sporadic just mentioned to me, amazing that a wg can restore your faith in humanity.

12-07-07, 15:44
[QUOTE=11Bravo]I worry more about the following: Extract the info from the detained girl's mobile: address book, recent history of incoming and outgoing calls. Put all in a database. Repeat for every detained girl. Mine said database, looking for "frequent" numbers. Find out who owns those frequent numbers, who they are, where they are...That's if they wanted to get SERIOUS.QUOTE]

Thats one of the reasons I always have a pay-as-you-go phone for mongering, untraceable against a name.

Its worth thinking about it like Jason Bourne, especially if you have a relationship you want to mainain.

Grateful Spread
12-07-07, 18:15
Thats one of the reasons I always have a pay-as-you-go phone for mongering, untraceable against a name.

Its worth thinking about it like Jason Bourne, especially if you have a relationship you want to mainain.
Great idea! I know you don't mean Etisalat AL Wasel though do you!
Do you?
Come on Jason, please say you don't!

Even with this you are still very tracable as you need to spill your ID details to get one.

Spoke with a Nigerian girlfriend today who says, since her room-mates and boss were deported in a raid a few weeks back, she no longer has anyone to accompany her to Stayin' Alive (Imperial Suites). Instead she now goes with some other girlfriends to Panorama. I remember reading earlier this year that Africans were not admitted to Jockeys.

Indicative perhaps of the ever changing dynamics of the DXB P4P scene.

12-07-07, 20:56
Thats one of the reasons I always have a pay-as-you-go phone for mongering, untraceable against a name.Like Grateful Spread says, it can't be eti's, as you have to produce an id to get an alwasl number (copy of passport, please).

The only trace I would worry about is the "better half" stumbling across the phone (or sim card). And if it's a pay as you go account, better not be paying by credit card - again, not LE, but the "faithful companion"...

I will worry when I read:
"Last night, in a surprise raid, LE arrested 50 visitors in 1st class hotels for having "female guests" staying overnight. In further developements, 20 companies who sponsored these "guests" have been closed, and their owners arrested. Finally, the UAE will no longer issue visas to certain nationalities for stays longer than 7 days, unless they are on a govt tour, and these visitors must be registered in 1st class hotels, with the full stay pre-paid."

Let's face it - the "clients" arrested in the current sweeps were in the wrong place, wrong time, and you can't just let them walk.

My "guest" tonight did say that the proverbial friend of a friend did get caught up in an MP bust (working there), and another friend of a friend got busted running an MP (don't know if same one). But the latter will be bad news - they will make examples of "pimps".

She herself had heard something, but perhaps whistling past the graveyard, seemingly not too concerned.

12-08-07, 00:43
Keywords :

Holiday Inn


Back from another short stay. And had loads of fun!


Checked in at the Holiday inn, too many road diversions at the mo, but still a top choice.

Confirmed early with the manager if I can bring guest. He said no problem with double occupancy and that I had.

So after my 2 pals had also checked in, we were off to the Premiere at Hyatt.

We got there at 1, place was bouncing. Any indication of LE Raids. Well you wouldn't think it, although there was a low turnout of our Asian friends.

Hyatt has definately become the new Cyclone. The super pretty girls opposite the entrance are major pricey, one quoted 2000 dhms. For 2 hours! I shall pass, but what a looker. So drinks arrive, and time to scan. Found an Uzbek oldie from last year, she looked great. Now joined by her cousin, who looks exactly the same! A quick catchup and I was off. My pals already busy, I felt tired. Had one more drink, and left it there for the night. Pals didn't. They were here with intent.


After great reports from people and Piper's Azeri story, we decided to enter the KU-BU at the Radisson. Why not? Its free!

After squeezing past three dishdashas I got a good look, and 1st impressions were great. There was some serious quality given the quantity, and one immediately caught my eye. But I needed a drink 1st, so off to the bar. Well this is the annoying bit. You have twits at the bar, with empty glasses who refuse to acknowledge that you are trying to buy a drink and give you space. So after almost shoving one guy to the left, and getting a nasty look in return, I got my drinks order in. My Pal was let in by a WG, who moved from her seat to allow him in and order in the next round. At least the girls have the ethics:.)

Anyway, action wise, spoke to a few, amazingly some aggressive marketing by a few of the CIS. Back to the one who caught my eye. Fake blonde, short Hair and just gorgeous. Dressed well. Her name was sazda, or something like that. She wanted 1500 and it was only 10. 30.

I decided to wait it out and half of me wanted to visit the regal. And thats where we ended up at 12. 30.

Entered, and once again packed. There were definately new faces since my last visit, but of course some old horses. Prices were good considering the inflation at the Hyatt, with several quoting 800 LT (good for a non reg)

Regal is still my top haunt. It may have lost its A listers first to Amnesia and now to Hyatt, but it is still a a great "feeder" club. And in there more often than not I find myself someone I like, someone good value, and someone who gives me good service. Ymmv.

After some dancing, Pals bailed. They wanted rest. Yeah right!

I stuck it out and found a girl who eluded me on my last visit. Tall, Russian brunette with waivy hair. I love her look and got her this time and she recognised me. We agreed on 1000, which may be high, but I wasnt going to compromise an LT till 11am, with crappy service for haggling 200 dirhams. It turned out a great decision. She did well, was enthusiastic and spoke a lot freely. She was no machine in bed either, showed some very feminine moments which was great. All in all, was great, baught her breakfast and slapped her ass goodbye at 11. Another successfull Rockefella story for me.

Monday night:

Ku-bu clearly left a good impression on the boys. And thats where they went. At 9. 30! I met them up at 11 and they told me it had a fair few girls and 2 crakers got taken immediately by Dishdasher dudes. So maybe this can be considered an early evening venue? Ps, I thought the Persian restaurant at the Radisson was superb, so what better way to start your evening, at 6/7 and then move on to the bar?

While I liked the girls at Ku-bu I needed to be at AD at 9, so I decided not to persue. My girl saw me again and wanted to know why I didn't want to take her. I told her I would take her if it was upto me, but she just shrugged ehr shoulders.

So Monday night, I did little else, but drink and speak to the ladies.

Tue night.

Premiere again, got there early 11. 30 and was still slowly filling, we enjoyed a few drinks and sat at the tables near the dancefloor amazingly not all reserved until 12. 30. Quickly noticed WG's smiling and walking by. A stunner then joined our table and asked if we would order champagne. One must wonder how much these girls get spoiled if that was her initial expectation! She was clearly someone who rarely stood on the outer areas. Bud sodd her, the outer areas are where the real action takes place and that is where we went. So now passed 12, I bumped into 3 girls, all jet black hair. Claimed to be Iranian, but Armenian if you ask me and so it was confirmed soon as I mentioned "Yerevan"! Oh well. The girls do try. Anyway, these 3 were over friendly and had hallmarks of con artists, similar to an Azeri bunch I knew of at Cyclone who were gorgeous but rip you off.

Moving on, I see my Uzbek oldie still looking great, spoke to a few more stanis but quotes of 1500 and leaving at 6am were putting me off a bit.

So I went back to the bar, and then saw some new talent walk in. One I liked immediately and there I went. Her name was Yanna and she is from Ukraine. She had a lovely little body and quoted me 1300. She then accepted my 1000 offer and a deal was sealed.

Back to the holiday inn, but noticed some police cars outside hyatt on way out, not quite sure why.

Got my girl to the room, and she was good, but not great. Girl from Regal was better for sure.

She left at 8, I had breakfast, quick nap and now I'm in AD.

Will be back soon with more stories!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

12-08-07, 06:44
Instead she now goes with some other girlfriends to Panorama. I remember reading earlier this year that Africans were not admitted to Jockeys.There has always been a handful of Africans in there (indeed one regular girl has more than a handful - lol). The Seaview banned most of the Africans and will not admit any "unknown" PRC's after a fracas earlier in the year. In the Golden Triangle at least there do not seem to be specific racial restrictions except Rocafellas has been firmly CIS only for as long as I can remember. Reports of PRC’s almost certainly refer to oriental ‘Stanis.

From what I can gather the wider PRC community in DXB found the news of the raids unremarkable, “It goes on all the time, they are just making more publicity this time”. In general they seem more concerned about the old PRC woman ran over and killed in Deira.

A couple a month or so back I was having dinner with Miss DJ, and a 100% non WG PRC. Some guys were pointed out as being “Chinese Mafia” and there was a comment that “there are more of then here now”.

12-08-07, 09:38
From what I can gather the wider PRC community in DXB found the news of the raids unremarkable, “It goes on all the time, they are just making more publicity this time”. In general they seem more concerned about the old PRC woman ran over and killed in Deira.That may be the case, but for the PRC community I know, who are all now homeless, it's not been a good few days.

Last night half the girls went to work but the other half were too frightened to go out. Easy to be complacent if it hasn't happened to you, but believe me some of the girls have been really shaken up by events of the past week.

Things do seem to be getting back to normal now. I haven't heard of any new raids since Wednesday night.

Be careful out there.


12-08-07, 14:47
Don't let it get you down Bpd. They're just taking the [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140). There isnt any venom in these bites.

I thought this board had a sense of humor. :(

12-08-07, 15:01
Great idea! I know you don't mean Etisalat AL Wasel though do you!
Do you?
Come on Jason, please say you don't!

Even with this you are still very tracable as you need to spill your ID details to get one.



Nope. I've got a Sim4Travel callback pre-pay phone.
You ain't seen me, right ?

12-08-07, 16:15
Nope. I've got a Sim4Travel callback pre-pay phone.
You ain't seen me, right ?Personally, no, but I've a feeling that any number of hotel security cameras have :)

12-08-07, 16:18
My GF just took a call saying that LE were sweeping through Golden Sands apartments tonight (Saturday 7pm). Just when I thought things were quietening down.

Looks like my new housemates will be here for a few more days yet.

Be careful out there


Mike De H
12-08-07, 17:46
Ku-bu clearly left a good impression on the boys. And thats where they went. At 9. 30! I met them up at 11 and they told me it had a fair few girls and 2 crakers got taken immediately by Dishdasher dudes. So maybe this can be considered an early evening venue? Ps, I thought the Persian restaurant at the Radisson was superb, so what better way to start your evening, at 6/7 and then move on to the bar?

Ah, that was a nice read and takes me back. As a footnote. I thought the "Fish Market" restaraunt on the same floor was also superb. Great views of the Creek. I took a young Uzbek girl there last year (and as per normal for me) fell in love, and it lasted days and days, almost until the next trip to Germany, so it must have been serious that time.

KuBu was an "Orange" looking bar as I rremember (The future's bright as the prophecy says???) It was quiet, early evening that day, and I also remember there may have been a back bar, down a white corridor to the right of the main bar at the front... am I wrong there?

However I remember there is another cabaret bar on the ground floor that had some nice looking blonde CIS attending early evening. I am wondering if anyone remembers what it is called as it is rarely mentioned on the board (if ever actually). Once I have the name I can do a search :)

Hopefully I am back in Dubai soon, maybe early January. I am absolutely devastated I have been away for 13 months now. Sitting here is a very wet and windy Northern England, I positively lust for the blue skies and sand...... Any job offers out there? Any Carreer Websites, I mean anything ? (Er...before anyone mentions it, except running trips into the Desert for locals with a tub of Petroleum Jelly). I and my Teddy-bear "Moh." can't wait to get back! He's due back from the Sudan any day having been deported for some reason.

I will try the persian place by the way... any recommended dish, Diss?

12-08-07, 20:33
I will try the persian place by the way... any recommended dish, Diss?Amongst the three of us, we shared about 5 of the main dishes, of which the one which sounded like "Meat ku-bu deh" stood out for me. :-)

12-08-07, 21:10
Forgot to also mention on my last FR,

Broadway was quite interesting at 10am on Wed morning:.)

Since I was only a 5 mins walk away I thought I would do a small status check. As I walked in I noticed two quite attractive women near the reception, and then found myself in the company of 5 others in the coffee shop.

I was the only guy at the shop, and was soon joined by about 10 ladies who slowly started to arrive. Most of these girls were Armenian (are there any left in that country? ) but they will tell you they are Iranian, some attractive, some shocking.

Eye contact started and was visited by about 5 of them, with quotes of 500 for 2 hours upstairs. I had no intention of taking any but one busty spinner did get my attention. She also spoke English well and said her evening hangout is usually the Kubu. Didn't see her there all week, however.

Since this was a status check, I wanted to enquire about early morning prices, and they seemed reasonable to me.

So next thing to check was the hotel, for 2 hour room slots.

Negative. Hotel has a policy of letting rooms for 2 hours after 11. 30 only! So I had a while to sit around if I wanted one. Two local guys were waiting at the reception before me, securing their room first before entering the coffee shop, smart move.

Went back to the coffee shop and told the girls there was no space, so couldn't take them (not that I was serious). The busty girl then advised me that the Rooftop floor has a massage place, and also has access to the hotels rooms. This I thought was interesting so I went up to enquire.

And correct, the massage upstairs does offer rooms for 1 or 2 hour sessions and is not part of the main receptions allotments. Interesting!

Anyway price for 2 hours was a steep 450, although it did seem negotiable.

So there you have it

2 hours from broadway reception is 350 dhs.

2 hours from broadway massage is 450 dhs.

Quality of girls, well each to their own.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

12-08-07, 22:25
Don't let it get you down Bpd. They're just taking the [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140). There isnt any venom in these bites.He's okay. We've had a few friendly PMs over the past months, and he knows it's all in fun (I hope!)

It's been weeks since I managed to check out the Dubai scene due to work and family commitments. Had a night of fun in Qatar a few nights ago, but even that was difficult to fit in (see Qatar thread for reports and artistic photos. ;))

Latest news is that Zinc at Crowne Plaza is a good place to play. Last time I was there was with Miss Trouble about two months ago, and I noticed a few cute WGs that night, but apparently there are many more WGs now. Trouble is still in Ethiopia, so I'll check Zinc in about a week without her company.

12-09-07, 05:25
I had a chance to meet Miss N (finally!!!) for a second time yesterday.
She and WR arrived early afternoon and after some tea and wine (weird combination, I know) we started the fun.

She was keen on trying some light bondage (Maybe WR will post some pictures) and we also tested it for real use. She seemed to enjoy it. We had some action. She is, simply stated, very good. (Personal rambling, I am tired being teeth scratched, that never happens with her) She is very flexible and light (I could transport her from the living room to the bedroom without any need to "disconnect"). I can only commend her stamina (she was able to work on some acrobatic positions using my living room table). And either she is a great actress or she had a hell of a time. Only time and WR will tell.
On the technical side, she tried DATY with a strong mint (Fishermen's friends are my fav for this) and she seemed to like it. To entice her to return, I suggested tying her to the posts, blindfolding, and then playing with iced, room and warm water. She liked the idea and I look forward to put it into practice with her.
I will save you the additional details. But when I remember all the people who complained about too many pictures of Miss N and I can only smile :)

PS Why oh why is WR being so selfish with this jewel? :)

PS2 Just to go about the "natural instincts" of most of the girls involved in the game. Miss N was a little bit hungry, and asked me for an apple. She took this as an opportunity to jump into the kitchen to take a look. In the end most of them are very homely, more than my last GF for sure, and I think they could make a man very happy if you are able to overcome the "issues" of her past. And yes, they appreciated being treated well and offer loyalty back. You just need to look at both Miss N and Miss A regarding WR.

12-09-07, 07:00
That may be the case, but for the PRC community I know, who are all now homeless, it's not been a good few days. I was simply reporting the view of some members the civilian PRC community here.

I knew girls who were picked up in previous sweeps and know very well this can be traumatic for those involved and have a great sympathy with girls currently caught up in this.

But I am still not sure we are seeing anything new, apart from the level of publicity. Remember last year, when the LE pulled up outside clubs with busses to cart girls of in. There were certainly apartment raids too, and stories similar to yours where people were giving girls safe haven. There were 4300 WGs deported in 2006. For some, maybe a relief, for others awkward questions from family as to why she had given up the well paid shop job in Dubai, others even more awkward questions from home country LE about her deportation.

My GF just took a call saying that LE were sweeping through Golden Sands apartments tonight (Saturday 7pm). Just when I thought things were quietening down.

The heavy publicity may well provoke people living in apartments where WG live to report it, increasing the danger.

The growing MP sector seems to have been targeted. To some extent that was an accident waiting to happen. I know one guy, a keen monger, who had one set up in the villa next door, the activities of some of the customers certainly adversely affected him (he never saw the girls, only the pimp). I am sure persons with a more conservative outlook have been complaining to the LE very quickly.

Beyond the organized MP’s in my more recent (admittedly infrequent) visits to the York I was surprised by how many girls were offering going to her place as a their preferred venu. Presumably for fast turnaround. That will result in lots of nocturnal comings and goings for the neighbours to observe.

Wicked Roger
12-09-07, 09:37
I had a chance to meet Miss N (finally!!!) for a second time yesterday.

She was keen on trying some light bondage (Maybe WR will post some pictures) and we also tested it for real use. She seemed to enjoy it. We had some action. She is, simply stated, very good.

I can only commend her stamina (she was able to work on some acrobatic positions using my living room table). And either she is a great actress or she had a hell of a time. Only time and WR will tell.

To entice her to return, I suggested tying her to the posts, blindfolding, and then playing with iced, room and warm water. She liked the idea and I look forward to put it into practice with her.

I will save you the additional details. But when I remember all the people who complained about too many pictures of Miss N and I can only smile :)

PS Why oh why is WR being so selfish with this jewel? :)

PS2 Just to go about the "natural instincts" of most of the girls involved in the game. Miss N was a little bit hungry, and asked me for an apple. She took this as an opportunity to jump into the kitchen to take a look. In the end most of them are very homely, more than my last GF for sure, and I think they could make a man very happy if you are able to overcome the "issues" of her past. And yes, they appreciated being treated well and offer loyalty back. You just need to look at both Miss N and Miss A regarding WR.

She really did enjoy it Cons, she likes you and it helps that you are a good person as well. So she will be back but she goes to Philippines soon very soon for a break. As you know I have been working my arse off so limited mongering time for another week or so, she has been ill with flu so I was trying to help her sweat it out but she was that sick she declined :( (sometimes). But as you found out she is back on song now!!

As she said to you, she is “fresh, healthy, frisky and very tight” and we can both attest to that statement :) And she does love bondage

Will post pictures soon maybe end of week when back from my next overseas visit

Selfish…me??? Well next weekend she will see you again ;) and she will want the bondage straps again.

Also Cons forgot to mention we broke her rabbit as well – have to buy a new one as she loves that when doing Greek…

Keep hard and horny

12-09-07, 10:19
Personally, no, but I've a feeling that any number of hotel security cameras have :)

Ah, but I never use my real face either.

12-09-07, 19:32
Ah, but I never use my real face either.
I am in the market for a face change (well, an everything change) device.

Please PM details.

BTW, does anyone know where to find Dongan midget twin sisters?

12-10-07, 01:21
Arrived at 10:15pm for a quick after-work drink on the way home, and maybe to collect a few phone numbers. I was short-changed 10DH at the door (I gave 100 for the 35 entry fee, kept the change in my hand until I ordered a drink at the bar inside, then noticed I had only 55 instead of 65 change. No use going back outside and arguing now that I'm at the bar). Damn.

Before I even reached the bar I was swooped on by two "you gotta be kidding me" PRCs. I'm mid-40s, but I like my girls younger than me. I told them "Sorry, no girl tonight", and they went away. Collected my drink and went to scan the scene from the elevated dining area. Again, immediately swooped upon by a PRC (mid-20s, not bad looking, but I was still settling in). She lost any chance with me by speaking close and rubbing her face against mine. Her face was full of glitter, which meant that I now had glitter on my face, which is difficult to get rid of. Hard to explain to my wildcat wife. Damn. I said with a frown "Sorry, no girl tonight". She got the message and left.

As soon as she left, another PRC swooped in and started rubbing up against me. She was rich in cheap perfume. That was going to be hard to get off also. Damn. I walked upstairs for a few moments of peace. Immediately an African girl grabbed me. More strong perfume. Damn. You know the story by now: I said "No girl tonight". I wrenched her gripping hand off my arm and walked back downstairs.

There were a couple of nice CIS, about 40 PRC, and about 15 Africans. None floated my boat, so I left after a 40 minute stay. As I walked towards the taxi rank, about 20 guys in a group were heading in with evil laughter. The girls might get lucky tonight.

As I got in a cab I saw three stunning blonde CIS get out of a cab. Bad timing. Damn. I also saw the three Dongan midget twin sisters. Damn they looked good.


Disappointed - thanks, good info on Broadway. Entrepreneurial girls always have innovative ways to get around the barriers to business.

12-10-07, 05:35
I also saw the three Dongan midget twin sisters. Damn they looked good. I just knew there must be Dongan girls in Duabi, but the misrable sods on this forum never answer my questions :)

To make light of serious matters.

Think they got a negative review in some US report - therefore, must be George Bush's fault. :).
Leaked US state department memo.

Dear Mo,

Reading the recent news reports I think there has been a misunderstanding, when Mr George told you “do something about the trafficking or we will bomb you back into the Stone Age” he meant to say “do something about the traffic or we will bomb you back into the Stone Age”. You know how he mixes his words up some times.

Ever yours,


12-10-07, 11:41
. Treated well and offer loyalty back. You just need to look at both Miss N and Miss A. Just had a chat with Miss A now beeing in the Philis, be careful that she will not get jealous with you when she understands your activity with Miss N. (my mouse is closed)


12-10-07, 21:51
My sources say Golden Sands raided again on Sunday night. Some WGs also lifted from Burjuman Centre on Sunday while shopping.

LE action now seems concentrated to Bur Dubai.

Be careful out there.


12-11-07, 06:27
Well, she got a full report of my last 22 months of activities from the girls in the bakery downstairs... They know that when I order, in addition to bread, croissants (very, very good... as good as I got them in France) I have guest(s) for the night. And of course bringing them to my flat they often have a glimpse of the girl(s).

Well, they gave her a full listing of my activities and then asked her if she was "the one"... I am sure they did not mean bad, but hey, they should stick to their own business (or if they are so interested maybe they should join when bringing the food up :) )

Also, even as she was laughing at the whole incident I am not sure Miss A was not a little bit bitter about it. Oh well, that is life. Since she left my work/pleasure rate has worsened badly.

But guys, keep in mind that Big brother (and worst, Big Sister - Ate) is watching you !!! Thew catch it seems to operate on ethnic lines... so Filipinas will only snitch you to to other Filipinas and Chinese to other Chinese but it sure crosses the WG/civilian divide. I can only hope that they do not come with a forum like this to share information on us!!!

Just had a chat with Miss A now beeing in the Philis, be careful that she will not get jealous with you when she understands your activity with Miss N. (my mouse is closed)


12-11-07, 06:37
Just a thought.
Out of curiosity, are they focused on Chinese/oriental looking girls and African?
The reason I ask is that if they stop a "normal" Western girl that may prove embarrassing and may explain why CIS seems to be less affected by this random effort as they harder to distinguish from European tourists/wifes/gf

My sources say Golden Sands raided again on Sunday night. Some WGs also lifted from Burjuman Centre on Sunday while shopping.

LE action now seems concentrated to Bur Dubai.

Be careful out there.


12-11-07, 07:40
Just a thought.
Out of curiosity, are they focused on Chinese/oriental looking girls and African?
The reason I ask is that if they stop a "normal" Western girl that may prove embarrassing and may explain why CIS seems to be less affected by this random effort as they harder to distinguish from European tourists/wifes/gfAnyone could be stopped at any time and asked to provide ID, it's required that you carry it with you.

I would suspect that the girls picked up while shopping had no valid ID. The LE would be quite discreet in these cases. According to a recent press report there are 200,000 PRC nationals living in Dubai, this includes many females who are not WG’s. Also the tourist trade from the PRC, Hong Kong and Taiwan is now a major earner. I know for a fact that some of the PRC tourists spend tens of thousands of dollars on a short visit here. And places like Bur Jurman is where they are going to be spending. So I would not accept that it would be more embarrassing to stop a white woman.

As for wives, a lot of the western guys I know here are married to, PI, Khazakh, PRC, Thai, Indonesian or Russians.

My suspicion is the current sweeps started as an attempt to bring down the AMPs, as indicated in the press report. This has spread other incall locations, do not underestimate the irritation felt by families at have a knocking shop next door, all it takes is a quick phone call to the Al Ameem anonymous snitch service. Now it’s in the news people may have been prompted into action. This has undoubtedly led to quite a bit of collateral damage. I am sure that girls who do not take guys back were busted if they were in same apartment block to those that do. The informants will have lumped them all together.

I don’t think CIS are immune; the focus is apparently looking the other way at the moment. I also suspect the Russian mafia is better organized and connected.

12-11-07, 10:51
... Some WGs also lifted from Burjuman Centre on Sunday while shopping.
Since shopping is still legal, surely they could only have been nabbed if their visas were not in order, or they propositioned a plain-clothes LE.

EDIT - I see BC already mentioned this in his post below. So of course, I agree with him. ;)


As BC also says, many of us, including my colleagues and myself are married to wives from various 'suspect' nationalities, such as Chinese, Russian, Ukranian, Turkish, Iranian, Azeri, Philipina, African etc - all with professional careers, and all have been harrassed at some stage by LE and by desperate guys on the street, in malls, etc. I can tell you some funny and not so funny stories one day.

12-11-07, 12:57
From Gulf News:
Five-day Eid holiday for public sector
Published: December 11, 2007, 14:34
Abu Dhabi: Ministries and public departments will remain closed for five days with effect from Tuesday, December 18, to Saturday, December 22, to mark Eid Al Adha, said a circular issued on Tuesday by Sultan Bin Saeed Al Mansouri, Minister of Governmental Sector Development.

Eid holidays for UAE private sector announced
Staff Report
Published: December 11, 2007, 12:32

Dubai: Dr Ali Bin Abdullah Al Ka'abi, Minister of Labour, on Tuesday issued Eid Al Adha holidays for private sector from Tuesday, December 18, to Thursday, December 20.

Private sector employees will get three days of holiday for Eid Al Adha with effect from Arafat Waqfa day, the first and second day of Eid, according to the circular.


I'm thinking that the 1st day MIGHT be a religious holiday - bars closed.

Anyone confirm ?

12-11-07, 12:59
OK, I get the point. I am not surprised about the harassment, in fact I would expect that happening more to "suspect"/"exotic" nationalities.
All I can say is that it seems that Marina is safe so far... but of course I am staying alone at this point. oh well.

Since shopping is still legal, surely they could only have been nabbed if their visas were not in order, or they propositioned a plain-clothes LE.

EDIT - I see BC already mentioned this below. So of course I agree with him. ;)

As BC also says, many of us, including my colleagues and myself are married to wives from various 'suspect' nationalities, such as Chinese, Russian, Ukranian, Turkish, Iranian, Azeri, Philipina, African etc - all with professional careers, and all have been harrassed at some stage by LE and by desperate guys on the street, in malls, etc. I can tell you some funny and not so funny stories one day.

12-11-07, 13:06
I would suspect that the girls picked up while shopping had no valid ID.Would agree. Or they were "scheduled" to make a visa run that night... I know, last year, a girl was picked up, deported while her visa still had a day on it...

My suspicion is the current sweeps started as an attempt to bring down the AMPs, as indicated in the press report. This has spread other incall locations, do not underestimate the irritation felt by families at have a knocking shop next door, all it takes is a quick phone call to the Al Ameem anonymous snitch service. Now it’s in the news people may have been prompted into action. This has undoubtedly led to quite a bit of collateral damage. I am sure that girls who do not take guys back were busted if they were in same apartment block to those that do. The informants will have lumped them all together.Again, good insight. Don't underestimate that ripple effect, just the "nudge" for neighbors to act. And also reasonable to believe provides [one nationality] with means to remove [another nationality] from "their" building, as [those] people are "lesser", or "tempting" to the man of the house...

12-11-07, 15:42
My GF just took a call saying that LE were sweeping through Golden Sands apartments tonight (Saturday 7pm). ...
Looks like my new housemates will be here for a few more days yet.Sms from a previous Miss Thursday, a Diera resident. NOW she's concerned about raids (last week she was very nonchalant about them). As I write this, she's packing her clothes, to arrive shortly for a [week | end of month] stay; I'm not clear. A number of girls in the apartment, so, as has been discussed, perhaps just too much "mass" for today's "gravity".

Zing Uk
12-11-07, 18:15
From Gulf News:

Dubai: Dr Ali Bin Abdullah Al Ka'abi, Minister of Labour, on Tuesday issued Eid Al Adha holidays for private sector from Tuesday, December 18, to Thursday, December 20.
I'm thinking that the 1st day MIGHT be a religious holiday - bars closed.

Anyone confirm ?He he, I'm off to Thailand on the 17th :-)

Keep it Cocked,


Zing Uk
12-11-07, 18:17
As I write this, she's packing her clothes, to arrive shortly for a [week | end of month] stay; I'm not clear.I've had the same request and need to mull over what the deal would be.

Do we charge them rent?

Do we expect freebies for sheltering them?

Do you still need to pay but get a discount?

What is the risk to us getting the old heave ho?

What is the value of that risk?

Do they still go out and work?

A lot for a man to ponder!

Keep it Cocked,


12-11-07, 19:07

The Wolf is in town and wish to get some fun.
Read about the Rattle Snake and wish to know to way to get there.
Can anyone provide me with a good guidance ?
I am at the Traders Hotel.
Thanks in advance

12-11-07, 19:13
Sorry Gents,

Just did my homeworks 9one should always do before asking) and found it in Reports of Distinction, with courtesy of Spelman :

Bar/Club: Rattlesnake
Location: Metropolitan Hotel
Coordinates: 25°11'2.28"N 55°15'19.20"E
Entrance fee: 35Dh
Menu: This menu has a wide range right now, CIS, PRC and Africans and others
Opening Price range ST/LT: Lt 600-1000 Dh St 500-800 Dh

Thanks Spelman. You helped me and others

12-11-07, 19:33
Sms from a previous Miss Thursday, a Diera resident. NOW she's concerned about raids (last week she was very nonchalant about them). As I write this, she's packing her clothes, to arrive shortly for a [week | end of month] stay; I'm not clear. A number of girls in the apartment, so, as has been discussed, perhaps just too much "mass" for today's "gravity".Some of my ex-Lamcy friends were due to move into a Deira apartment tonight. Guess what? It was raided by LE last night. Now they are back to square one and homeless.

Raids still going on all over and I think, as was previously posted, probably Al Ameen anonymous LE snitch line has a lot to do with it.

My PRC GF has not worked since first raids 11 days ago and is now heading back to China next week until after Chinese New Year (Febrauary 7). Booked her flight yesterday. Hopefully things may be safer when she returns.

Still, her absence will allow me to do a bit of rare recon work. And of course, I will still be in touch with her and her PRC network while she is away. So will post more as and when I hear it.

Be careful out there


12-11-07, 21:32
Sorry Gents,

Just did my homeworks 9one should always do before asking) and found it in Reports of Distinction, with courtesy of Spelman :

Bar/Club: Rattlesnake
Location: Metropolitan Hotel
Coordinates: 25°11'2.28"N 55°15'19.20"E
Entrance fee: 35Dh
Menu: This menu has a wide range right now, CIS, PRC and Africans and others
Opening Price range ST/LT: Lt 600-1000 Dh St 500-800 Dh

Thanks Spelman. You helped me and others

No Probs Wollf, hope to see a nice FR and some pitures ;)

Cheers Spelman

Wicked Roger
12-11-07, 23:33
All I can say is that it seems that Marina is safe so far... but of course I am staying alone at this point. oh well.

Well alone most of the time until N comes and make you smile and this weekend too :) Have SMS Miss A and told get back soon as her boss is wasting away with the lack of attention...:D

12-12-07, 00:07
Guys, do things close down over the Eid / official holiday period? Reading some of the other posts, suggests maybe a slowdown, question is how slow?


12-12-07, 08:02
i was in town thursday to saturday last weekend. i really only had one night for serious hunting, the other night given over to a "regular" filipina and generally not feeling well.

i got into the novotel on thursday night at 10:30, dropped the bag in the room and headed for rattlesnake. the taxi there cost about 15. cover charge (drink not included) was 50. one would hope that this cover would buy some elbow room inside. but this isn't to be. at least some of the writhing, jostling bodies are nice to rub against.

the ratio at rattler this night was slightly in favor of the females. there was the usual fending off the type that, frankly, should have to pay me. a few from the crowd stood out. one from gambia held my attention longer than the others. the african women on offer in dubai seem to get more diverse all the time. in my first years on the scene it seemed like it was mostly east africans. now on any given night you can meet someone from pretty much the whole continent. but on this night ms. gambia wouldn't budge on price much lower than 1000. so i wished her luck and turned her loose.

i wandered around for two hours unable to make a decision and not feeling like going anywhere else. i went outside for some fresh air for a while. i wonder if anyone ever uses the softball grounds or bleachers for some illicit action? they're pretty deserted at night and there are some good places to hide.

anyway, back inside i finally settled on a slim, leggy chinese girl named connie. she looked to be late 20s but i didn't ask. i don't fuck numbers. back in the room she wanted payment in advance. she gave up when i pointed at her shoes and then the door. once we got past that she was a good lay. nice bbj, all kinds of positions. she seemed to be into it and seeming was good enough for me. she stayed all night and we had another round the next morning. the damage was 700.

as i said the rest of the weekend was with miss g, a non-pro filipina, met several years ago when i was a resident in the uae. and she was only 3 hours late for the time we were supposed to meet. but this is what we often have to put up with from the punctuality challenged pinays.

it was between 9 and 10 when i finally turned miss g loose. but something i had eaten wasn't agreeing with me. i had to force myself to go out. even when i got there i could barely make myself have a drink and i knew i wasn't going to be up for any bedroom action. i decided that i already had a good weekend of it and headed back early.

i did have time to check out york for a while. there were several delicious looking chinese but few africans, none of which were worth a second look. there were a rep001tering of 'stanis and other cis types with the usual attitude.

i also talked myself into going to seaview. there was a 50 dh. cover charge that included one drink. the band there isn't as good as what they've had before. in the midst of fighting throught the crowd i again saw several tasty chinese. but i really had to get back and sleep through whatever was ailing me. if only i could have that night back now that i'm feeling 100% again.

weekends are really to be avoided if possible. back when i was living nearby i could drive in any night of the week and there would be more breathing space in the bars. but living in another country means weekends are it.

12-12-07, 09:54
The following of topic for your reference:

Bars, nightclubs hit with smoking ban

by Joel Bowman on Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Dubai plans to restrict smoking in bars and nightclubs under new regulations set to come into force sometime in the New Year, a Dubai Municipality official has revealed.

Abdullah Rafe'i, assistant director general for environment and public health affairs at the municipality, said the entertainment venues will have to fall in line with anti-smoking regulations already in force in public areas across the emirate such as shopping malls, restaurants and cafés, UAE daily Gulf News reported on Tuesday.

Like other public areas, bars and nightclubs will have to provide designated smoking areas for people to use and if anyone is found lighting up outside those areas the premises and offending smoker face stiff fines, Rafe'i said.

The newspaper report gave no details of when the ban will come into effect.

The crackdown on smoking in public is part of the Dubai Strategic Plan 2015, which aims to increase the standard of living for UAE citizens and expatriates residing in the Emirates.

People caught smoking in no-smoking areas face a fine of 500 dirhams for the first offence, 1,000 dirhams for the second offence, 4,000 dirhams for the third offence and 5,000 dirhams for any repeat offence thereafter.

Commercial establishment face fines from 10,000 dirhams up to 50,000 dirhams for not regulating smoking in their premises.

Greetings to all, happy x-max,


Member #1071
12-12-07, 15:29
Called the regular MP, yesterday. A guy answers, (Usually it is a she and she knows my number, and greets me well). Are you open? I asked him.
Yes but for your risk (I guess he meant at your own risk).
Enough to skip my visit......

12-12-07, 15:50
I finally experienced the Dubai action and I have to say that I am looking forward to be there again as soon as possbile!!! I will write my my report in the next few days (I have a lot to write) and contribute to the forum at last!

When I wanted to mention, as I consider it very important, is that from my Hotel room internet connection, I did not have access to the Forum (I mean generally to the internationalsexguide.com).

Was that because of the Hotel internal internet restrictions, or is there a general restriction issue in the U.A.E. with this site?

If this is the case, how do you guys living there work it out?

In any way, I am glad I did my homework very well and I knew staright from the beginning my schedule!

Have fun in Dubai!

Zing Uk
12-12-07, 20:16

I'm back in London for a short Christmas visit and had a few hours to kill. After googling around I found Lady Marmalade parties. I've been to parties in London before and had ok experiences but nothing to shout about but I have to say Lady Maramalades is a cut above others that I've been to. I found the ladies very friendly and willing to please with plenty of bbbj simulated CIM (hell, it was good for me) and all the fucking you want. Ladies ranged from a 5 to an 8 IMHO looks wise but all 8+ attitude wise. The m\f ratio wasn't too bad at all, probably about 1.5m\1f so usuually someone there willing to take care of you. £120 includes condoms, snacks and booze as well as the entertainment so good value I think.

If you happen to be in London over the festive season (or beyond) and have a spare couple of hours to spare and £120 to burn you could do an awful lot worse. Check them out at


Keep it Cocked,


12-12-07, 21:01

Tuesday night, dead beat. 2 hours sleep night before, and NOT for GOOD reasons. Figured I'd crash around 9, get myself a good 8 hours of sleep. But with the "in need" sms...

Another at 8:30; she's on her way. I'm tossing/turning on the sofa - she finally shows up at 10:00. First thing she says is, "You look tired; why you not go bed?" "Ah, waiting for you..."

Upstairs, she strips while I grab a shower. Nice oily massage. She washes her hands; I get her a glass of water for the night. Then she says she doesn't want to sleep. I do. In my semi-conscious state, I stupidly ask if she wants me to turn on the tv. (OK, I'll wait for the laughter to die down). Now, I THOUGHT Miss T's idea was to lay low for awhile. No, the problem is NOT at work; business is good. She wants to hit the office. Problem is with the home "environment", and that's where I come in.

She gets dressed, I'm nodding off; before I do, she gets the extra set of keys. She'll be home 6 or 7 in the morning - no problem, I'm on the road by then.

Now, I'm a LIGHT sleeper, even when I'm dead. 4am, I find myself 1/2 awake, something... Jesus H. Crist, there's a figure at the end of the bed... I must be dreaming...; no, I'm NOT dreaming. I sit bolt upright, let out a "HEY" and SHE jumps a mile... I had totally forgotten I had a house guest. Equality of "scaredness" - I scared her just as much as she scared me. She's "sorry, sorry, I try to be quiet..." Within 10 mintues, she's asleep; I'm WIDE awake.


12-13-07, 05:31
Jockeys (The Ugly)

Hit Jockeys at 9:45 PM Monday night and stayed 30 minutes. Surveyed the crowd and nothing caught my eye. Indeed, there were some rather large ladies that seemed to be a little past their prime and a number of Chinese ladies who offered all night massage service for AED 600 (no negotiations took place as I did not feel the urge). One stocky lady from Moldova offered all night and everything you want for AED 1,500. Forget that.

Rattlesnake (The Bad)

15 minutes later I paid my AED 35 entrance fee and headed into Rattlesnake at around 10:30 PM. A number of Chinese, a few Africans, and one (yes, only one) CIS. The crowd started to increase around 11:00 PM, but I was in not in a good mood. I selected a demure Chinese lady after agreeing the menu and AED 600 for the night till 7:00 AM. Headed home. Then the fun began. An old customer called and offered AED 1,000 for the night. I requested the phone be switched off. She then asked me for an additional AED 400 compensation. I gently explained that we had agreed the menu, the fee and the duration. We got down to business. She refused the BBBJ that had been agreed. Was I annoyed? So we had a quick, not very inspiring session. She then switched on her phone and called her old customer to see if he was still available. He wasn’t, as he had arranged another rendezvous for the night. By this time I was fuming. I thought I’d better cut my losses, and get a good night sleep in the expectation that my next mongering venture would prove to be more successful. I gave her AED 500. She protested, I thought I was being generous. I then asked her to leave at 1:00 AM. She still had the opportunity to return to Rattlesnake to find another customer.

Rattlesnake (The Good)

Arrived at 11:00 PM Wednesday night, rested and ready to go. Felt like some CIS but was overwhelmed by the number of Chinese – their numbers seem to be ever increasing. The WG demographics seem to be changing. Eventually settled for a buxom blond Russian from Uzbekistan for AED 900 all night. Claimed she had been in the UAE for 6 months, worked at the office of a CIS Airline for AED 1,800 per month, and supplemented her income by working at the Regal. Well, I’m gullible, but not that gullible. Regardless, she was an expert. Must have had extensive on the job training. Great BBBJ with COF. She claimed it was good for her skin. Who am I to complain? The second session was a mixture of BBBJ followed by cowgirl, doggie and mish. Eventually I exploded. All in all, a great session after the Monday night disappointment.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

12-13-07, 10:34
When I wanted to mention, as I consider it very important, is that from my Hotel room internet connection, I did not have access to the Forum (I mean generally to the internationalsexguide.com).

Was that because of the Hotel internal internet restrictions, or is there a general restriction issue in the U.A.E. with this site?

If this is the case, how do you guys living there work it out?

Its blocked from the whole UAE, you are not allowed to view any sites with sexual content :)

You might ne able to use an PROXY which I know a few guys are ;)

Cheers Spelman

12-13-07, 11:41
Since shopping is still legal, surely they could only have been nabbed if their visas were not in order, or they propositioned a plain-clothes LE. Or propositiond by LE and responded. Miss DJ has to fend off unwanted advances when walking to her work, or going to the shops. She is convinced many are Agent Provocateur. Her reaction is to theaten to call the police. This usually gets rid of them, be they LE or desperate guys.

and all have been harrassed at some stage by LE and by desperate guys on the street, in malls, etc. A PI couple I know were very glad to move to the Suburbs from the Golden Sands Area where the wife had been frequently pestered by lowlifes, even when walking across to Spinney's at 10 in the morning with her kids.

12-13-07, 18:37
The following of topic for your reference:

Bars, nightclubs hit with smoking ban

Dubai plans to restrict smoking in bars and nightclubs under new regulations set to come into force sometime in the New Year, a Dubai Municipality official has revealed.

Like other public areas, bars and nightclubs will have to provide designated smoking areas for people to use and if anyone is found lighting up outside those areas the premises and offending smoker face stiff fines, Rafe'i said.Not just yet

From Gulf News today

Ban at nightclubs and bars is delayed, says civic body
By Ashfaq Ahmed, Staff Reporter
Published: December 13, 2007, 00:09

Dubai: Smoking in nightclubs and bars will not be banned, Gulf News has learnt.

The decision to ban smoking in nightclubs and bars have been delayed after a meeting early this week comprising officials from the municipality, Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM) and representatives of hotels and nightclubs.

"We have decided not to ban smoking in these places because we understand the people going to such places are mature enough to take care of their health. Also no children are allowed to enter these places," said the Director of Public Health Department, Dubai Municipality.

He said people go to such places by choice and should be well aware of the health risks.

He said that smoking would ultimately be regulated in these places, too, but it will happen in future.

12-13-07, 18:47
Guys, do things close down over the Eid / official holiday period? Reading some of the other posts, suggests maybe a slowdown, question is how slow?


AFirst night of holiday (which is last day of the Haj) will be dry. i.e. there will be no alcohol served anywhere from 7pm on Tuesday 18 until 7pm on Wednesday 19. Bars will still stay open for food and soft drinks. Apart from that, everyone has a three-day holiday and many leave town. So for those left it can become a bit more of a buyers' market.

Pluses: less traffic, easier to park, and apart from one night it's business as usual everywhere. It's in effect a five-day weekend as most people are off on Tuesday and not back to work until Sunday - apart from me that is who has a normal week. However my drive to work will be a joy and I'll be able to park outside my office - unheard of normally.

Minuses: Apart from the odd goat being slaughtered in the street, can't think of any - I'll get compensated for the days I'm working over the holiday anyway.

Be careful out there.


12-13-07, 21:43
I just stumbled across this August 2007 article, written by an American expat woman in Dubai. It's been reproduced on many websites, with thousands of people debating the issues raised.


Copy and paste the web address. I cannot post the direct link via my proxy server. (As the article says: 'Reason Number 2: 'The government blocks all web sites that it deems “offensive” ...').

Here's a bit more from the article:

'Reason 10. People stare at you. I am sick of being stared at. I’m stared at by men who have never seen a fair-skinned blue-eyed woman before, or who have and think we are all prostitutes so it’s okay to stare. They stare at me when I am fully covered or with my husband, and even follow me around. It’s beyond creepy and has brought me to tears on more than one occasion. The staring is not limited to men, either. I’m stared at angrily by female prostitutes who think I am running in on their territory by having a few drinks with my husband at the bar.

Reason 11. Prostitutes? Oh hell yes, there are prostitutes. Tons of them. So, let me get this straight, I can’t look at a naked picture of a person on the Internet in the privacy of my home, but it is okay to go out in public and buy a few for the night? ...'

12-13-07, 23:12
I just stumbled across this August 2007 article, written by an American expat woman in Dubai. It's been reproduced on many websites, with thousands of people debating the issues raised.


Copy and paste the web address. I cannot post the direct link via my proxy server. (As the article says: 'Reason Number 2: 'The government blocks all web sites that it deems “offensive” ...').

Here's a bit more from the article:

'Reason 10. People stare at you. I am sick of being stared at. I’m stared at by men who have never seen a fair-skinned blue-eyed woman before, or who have and think we are all prostitutes so it’s okay to stare. They stare at me when I am fully covered or with my husband, and even follow me around. It’s beyond creepy and has brought me to tears on more than one occasion. The staring is not limited to men, either. I’m stared at angrily by female prostitutes who think I am running in on their territory by having a few drinks with my husband at the bar.

Reason 11. Prostitutes? Oh hell yes, there are prostitutes. Tons of them. So, let me get this straight, I can’t look at a naked picture of a person on the Internet in the privacy of my home, but it is okay to go out in public and buy a few for the night? ...'

Interesting read Piper. Personally, I think some of the reasons mentioned come from just being a naive American in a foreign country. Hell, not all countries can be like Kansas - if they were, I would never leave home. The thing that bothered me the most when I was in Dubai was the blatant racism. It is beyond the pale and absolutely disgusting how non-whites are treated. I guess this woman did not mind the preferential treatment she was getting because of her skin color. I would have put racism as the number one reasons not to move to Dubai. It is completely institutionalized as far as I can tell. Fuck Dubai, I say -it is not getting any more of my money. No offense.


12-14-07, 12:06
Why don't we find girls like this one here in Dubai.


Cheers Spelman

12-14-07, 12:27
Spelman, I considered booking the first flight to Indonesia when I saw that photo! Absolute stunner, one of the most beautiful WG I've ever seen.

12-14-07, 13:15
Spelman, I considered booking the first flight to Indonesia when I saw that photo! Absolute stunner, one of the most beautiful WG I've ever seen.
I totally agree she is a absolute stunner :)
Need to go for some hunting tonight ;)

Cheers Spelman

Member #1071
12-14-07, 14:14
Went to Elegante a new club at the Royal Ascot hotel for the opening night.
As the named indicates it is a high end club, moslty couples there, but did spot couple of CIS top rank wg's there.
Watch out for this new outlet.....

Grateful Spread
12-14-07, 20:06
. . . as the saying goes! - but I totally agree with you and Spelman and would volunteer to carry your bags.
Spelman, I considered booking the first flight to Indonesia when I saw that photo! Absolute stunner, one of the most beautiful WG I've ever seen.Browsing through the Indonesian thread earlier this year, I felt a mild electric shock as I saw the high quality of flange there is over there.

Here are the ones that that set my pulse racing:


12-14-07, 20:53
Interesting read Piper. Personally, I think some of the reasons mentioned come from just being a naive American in a foreign country. Hell, not all countries can be like Kansas - if they were, I would never leave home. The thing that bothered me the most when I was in Dubai was the blatant racism. It is beyond the pale and absolutely disgusting how non-whites are treated. I guess this woman did not mind the preferential treatment she was getting because of her skin color. I would have put racism as the number one reasons not to move to Dubai. It is completely institutionalized as far as I can tell. Fuck Dubai, I say -it is not getting any more of my money. No offense.

Cheers.I agree with you Crypton. The article was probably written by a pampered US woman sitting in her oversized villa while her overpaid husband was at work and her underpaid Filipina maid looked after the kids in a far part of the villa. I also agree that racism is institutionalized in Dubai. When I left Australia for Dubai six years ago, I asked one of my girlfriends to come visit and stay with me some time. She was a middle-class Sri Lankan with delicious big hooters, a plump ass and a pompous British accent. Alas, she told me there's no way she would come to Dubai. I didn't understand why at the time, but now I do.

I still remember her favorite saying in bed: "Oh yes darling! Fock me hard! Fock me hard! I just want to eat you up!"

But I digress.

12-14-07, 21:55
I'll be in Dubai mid Febuary, would like some vet's to recommend some talent.POC's would be apreciated, but a finger in the right direction would work too. thanks!

12-14-07, 22:42
I have told "Your Royal Excellency, Sir Cuntwat" , AKA Piper1, many times that he needs a LAYover in Indonesia, on his way down under, but this has yet to happen. Maybe these pics will tip the scale. It is heaven down here. But sssshhhhh, don't tell anyone.

Why don't we find girls like this one here in Dubai.


Cheers Spelman

12-15-07, 12:56
Thursday, had sms'd Miss A-lister for a Friday "reservation". Confirmed. However, Friday night, when I enquired as to when she'd arrive, got the dreaded "trumped" reply, "how about tomorrow?" Can't get too upset, not like I'm a regular, a semi-regular; I'm in the 'once in a blue moon' category. :) At least she let me know EARLY, so plenty of time to make alternate plans...

Rattlesnake, Friday, 22:30 - 01:00
35 dhs, no drink included. Thanks to Piper, counted my change - no problems. :) (what the forum is for).

Inside, place crowded, but not overly so. Mostly PRC, some blacks, a few CIS. Of course, the 3 on my target list NOT in attendence. Why am I surprised at that?

Get a drink, pleasantly surprised at the a)minimal fight to the bar, and b)prompt attention (well, on the 'Snake scale of things...)

Looking around, see 2 alternate targets: one I've talked to before, the other new-to-me. Try the one I've talked with - did anyone else notice the ARTIC chill around 10:45 last night? BLIZZARD conditions. If she's answering you with 1 syllable replies, it's either a)not interested, or b)little english. But when she walks away... that's (a) for sure. Maybe I shouldn't have laughed last time at her 1000 dhs "offer". For me, I thank her silently (after all, she's walked away) for saving me 700 dhs... With an attitude like that, would hate to see her accept...

On to door #2. Here, it's also minimal answers, but at least there's eye contact. I'm leaning towards reason (b), especially as she's been here 4 days (this, I believe). LIMITED marketing from her side, it's still early, so when she disappears upstairs, I don't try and stop her.

See Canary - you know things are bad when she says even she has stayed in a couple of days, 'just to be safe'. I scold her for NOT calling me... I'll gladly make a contribution to her retirement fund...

Nothing of interest downstairs, so up I go, given that Smoker (1 of the 3 original targets) often loiters upstairs. She's not there, but Miss New-to-Me is. Go over, chat. Where's her place? (so I can compute the 'transportation' costs - taxi fee or my time). Bur dubai or Diera? She doesn't say, just that she lives "close". Good. Miss NTM is friendly, so I ask if she's interested in spending the night with me. Her reply is direct, "how much you pay?" Enough english for that, anyway. :) I ask her how much she wants, and she surprises me. Instead of the 'how much you want/how much you pay' dance, she gives me a direct answer, "1000". Doesn't anyone want to start out at the entrance level salary anymore? Everyone wants to start as VP?

Yea, well, that's not going to happen; I just give her a no thank you. She doesn't ask for a counter offer, and I drift away. If I'm going to part with 1k, might as well be with someone who CAN command that salary - sms another of the prime targets. Surprised when she quickly answers - she's "outside".

OK, I know what "outside" means in wg, but I need some fresh air anyway, so step out to the porch. Surprise, she's not there - would have had a heart attack if she was. sms confirm - yes, she's busy tonight, but she does have a gf, 'new girl, just arrive, beautiful like me [always cringe when they say that, even if true; no need to state the obvious], knows massage... if you want, can send her over." Sorry, only time I take home delivery is when I know the product... I decline.

But there's Miss NTM, getting something to eat. 30 dhs for a hamburger outside - the 'Snake has NO shame. She offers me half, but I decline - I know the quality of food there. She disappears back inside.

I step back into the scrum. See another Cyclone a-lister, haven't seen for years. Dimples to die for, with a price to match. One of those, if you have to ask the price, you can't afford it :)

Fight my way to the bar - a rather stunning, blonde, CIS, mature but certainly still maintaining the looks, there. Her x-ray vision sees my wallet, so I don't even rate a contemptuous look (I'm always amazed at how they know...)

Time marches on. As I've said, I like when the band takes a break - I like the trance music more (but pass on the hip-hop). Spot Miss NTM in the back, step over... She reiterates her 1000 offer, but this time sweetens it with a "2 girls..." Yea, but no departure time specified, and while her gf is nice, they just don't seem the type to "parallel" process...

I decline, but now she asks what my salary offer is. Sorry, guys. My to-do list is overflowing, it's getting late, and she's the only one I've seen that is really "interesting". I offer a very respectable 700. She immediately counters with 800. Nice try, but at that level, 100 IS a deal breaker. I say no, she says 'OK, let's go', Even though I'm on the downslope of life, that inner child rears his head: I'll just take my ball and go home. I give her a shrug - she leaves.

Watching her leave, I shift back into "adult" mode, but the crowd has swallowed her up (how does it do that so well). I take the 'high' road, but have lost sight of her. Step outside to grab some air (NICE night last night, not cold at all). Here they come, but retreat to the far end of the patio. Check my options, give a Seaview to-repeat girl a call - no answer. 12:30, not surprising.

Only 1 thing to do - the mountain moves. Walking up, her back's to me. I give her a "last chance, you want to go?" She turns, phone in hand, english conversation going on, shushing me. It's "Where you from? How you get my number? What hotel you stay? You want 2 girls?" I still have SOME pride left, I'm not going to hang around as a safety net, so I walk back to the entrance. Big decision now - stay here, or take my chances at York?

Miss NTM walks past alone, disappears inside. I figure she'll pick up her purse, and I can watch her disappear up that long walk of disappointment and lost chances (or the path to the parking lot, whatever).

When she doesn't reappear, I step inside. Might as well take a look, grab somebody from there. She's just inside the door. I repeat my question, she says yes, and off we go.

note: just goes to show, even with a contact number, without the 'proper' answers, doesn't do any good.

Back home, luckily enough, she has one of the "sentence" translators, so I can explain about my house "guest". She's concerned, but I convince her there won't be a problem.

The problem arises when she tells me where she lives - I've not heard of the "vicinity" hotel, but when she shows me the card - I do recognize Clock Tower on the map. FMTT - Diera. So much for "close"; taxi it is.

Fun girl, but LIMITED menu - I'll have to speak to her mentor about the lack of 'schooling'... If she wants to stand the competition, hope she's a fast learner. Plus points for her sense of humor: when I tell her I'm tired due to my chasing her all evening, she replies, "no, she was chasing me, I just didn't know it." If someone wanted to spend some time, she'd make a damn nice gf, and worth a repeat from me.

'Snake doesn't disappoint, even with a number of faces absent. The "usual" faces there, certainly some top-notch PRC. The mature blonde CIS definitely worth consideration, she obviously looking for the dapper, older gentleman.... Well, I qualify in ONE respect :) Other than that, remaining CIS didn't do anything for me (YMMV). Blacks in all shapes/sizes, if that's your thing.

12-15-07, 12:59
... but a finger in the right direction would work too. Now would I give anyone "a" finger? "The" maybe :)

Search Spelman, or take a look at the Reports of Distinction thread.

12-15-07, 13:21
Dear All,

Firstly, a huge thanks to all on this board, without whom life in Dubai would not have been as 'spicy' as otherwise might have been the case. It was on this forum that I 'researched' and picked up hints and tips on how, when and where to go. A HUGE thank you to everyone.

As a regular traveller through Dubai, I've made a routine out of staying at the Four Points Sheraton - taking a right-turn out of the main entrance, walking a few yards and hitting what can only be described as one of the most incredible scenes anywhere in the middle-east (aka the York). I'm not really a great 'window-shopper' and so tend to go for the first pair of jugs that come my way, hence the lack of variety in my mongering hangouts.

I've never really made a great fuss out of my adventures, and maybe with hindsight, I should have done a bit more; given all that I've learn't from here - giving a little back may be due from my part. Even if my 'routine' is the same everytime !!

I am a real sucker (pardon the pun) for enormous racks, and have made life very easy for myself by meeting a Turkish girl at the York whenever I travel. I'm not really at liberty to give out her name - simply because she gives me a different name everytime I see her. Don't know why she does this, but promised the prospect of JJ-cup boobs in my face I don't really complain !! (To be brutally honest - I still can't even remember what she looks like. Her boobs tend to take up what little attention span I have.)

I have also tried across the road, but given my experience, it can be very hit-and-miss there, so I tend to stick to the York for pure size in numbers (and size in racks too).

Now there is a problem. I've not been into Dubai since late August, and recent reports about the 4-points GF status, combined with the fact that there are no rooms available for 29th to 31st December, I'm having to stay at the Crowne Plaza. Can any members help me. I've tried searching through the forum, and know that there is the Zinc at the CP, but I do not know what kind of girls I'm likely to find there.

Help needed:

1) How easy is it really to get a girl up to your room?

2) Are fewer/no questions asked if a 'deal is done' at the Zinc?

3) Anybody know of any contacts, or girls with enormous racks that would be available around end December?

4) Are there any mongering venues within walking distance of the CP?

I would really like to diversify away from the York now, and would appreciate any help/guidance anybody would like to offer.

Thanks in advance.

12-15-07, 14:09
I will pop up there after a meeting (around 2200 I guess).I intend to meet a big breasted chinese that 50/50 introduce to me some time ago... but believe it or not SHE DOES NOT REMEMBER ME!!!!!

My heart is so broken. Well let see if some remedial sessions can arrange that.

In the meantime if anybody will be around I will be glad to meet and share a drink.

12-15-07, 14:13
What's the deal
Do we charge them rent?
I won't. She, without me asking, cooks and cleans. Fair exchange for me.

Do we expect freebies for sheltering them?
I'm OLD school. I keep P4P separate from helping out a friend/my hospitality. First night she did offer to "make sure I was 'happy'" before she left for the 'office', but I passed. Something about trading sex for a place to live is just more exploitation than I'm comfortable with. Now, the massage, I DO accept...

I'd hope, situation reversed, someone would offer me a helping hand, to me or a family member, especially if it was in a foreign, HOSTILE environment.

No white knight syndrome, just a bit of the good samaritan. Besides, if Budha is right, I might have a chance at coming back as something higher than an ant - dragonfly maybe?

Do you still need to pay but get a discount?
Like I said, I pay, FULL amount. Yes, I'm doing her a favor, but, again, old school, I don't "taint" my favors.

What is the risk to us getting the old heave ho?
From the 'authorities'? As long as she's smart enough to know how to act, I think minimal (but I do live in the suburbs - trophy wife, daughter, or maid safe here). And it's 1 girl, obviously no business at home. She leaves after 10, arrives back as any civilian would, certainly not lingering outside. For me, minimal risk.

What is the value of that risk?
Less than the risk to my conscience if I had said no, and she'd been busted at home... THAT I would feel guilty about.

Do they still go out and work?
She does. Not happy about that; I had originally thought she was looking for a place to hole up, hide. But I can understand the necessity of cash flow, and I certainly can't provide it daily.

My answer? You do what you can.

12-16-07, 00:39
She was a middle-class Sri Lankan with delicious big hooters, a plump ass and a pompous British accent. Alas, she told me there's no way she would come to Dubai. I didn't understand why at the time, but now I do.
I still remember her favorite saying in bed: "Oh yes darling! Fock me hard! Fock me hard! I just want to eat you up!"
But I digress.

LOL.. Now I know where you get that "Indianesque" obsession from!! Hope all is well. I am stuck in cold cold Kansas... plotting my next mongering trip. Any suggestions?

12-16-07, 03:30
2) Are fewer/no questions asked if a 'deal is done' at the Zinc?

4) Are there any mongering venues within walking distance of the CP?2) - Can't see it would make any difference at all. You still have to go past reception.

3) You can walk to the Golden Triangle - I would estimate 40 mins. Only recommended if you are in need of excercise.

I am not saying you would not find action in the area but It would be hit and miss. A couple of months back there were a few street walkers. Better get a taxi to somewhere reliable.

If you must stay close, in addition to Zinc, try;

Longs Bar in the Rotana Towers, mostly civilian but a few WGs later on.

Harvesters in the Crowne Plazza once in a blue moon you see WG's

400 Club at the Fairmont. Looks like an upmarket civilian night club with an eletist entry policy, but reports on non mongering DXB forums have complained about "hookers". Some stunning girls queueing out side, mostly with BF's

Scarlets, Emirates Towers. Used to be good for civilian Eye Candy and the occasional descrete and upmarket WG. Trade seems to have dropped off a lot since they had a smoking ban imposed on them as part of a "Mall"

Forget Fibbers and Double Deckers unless you bring your own or want to do some male bonding

My Kapitan
12-16-07, 06:53
1 Easy, to aviod walk of shame go out of Zinc into the mall turn left and use the elevators (out of sight of residence reception) to the CP residence then cut through the service area to the hotel.

2 Hookers dont get you special deals with hotel staff anywhere. Reception will ask for passport copy, they are obliged to. Helps if you have booked double occupancy.

3 Never give out contacts

4 See Barcrawlers precise reply..


1) How easy is it really to get a girl up to your room?

2) Are fewer/no questions asked if a 'deal is done' at the Zinc?

3) Anybody know of any contacts, or girls with enormous racks that would be available around end December?

4) Are there any mongering venues within walking distance of the CP?


Member #1071
12-16-07, 07:57
Headed to Elegante Friday night. Second opening night and the club has few CIS WG's. Some gorgeous. Opening price 2500-3000 AED.

Tiger 888
12-16-07, 08:15
I just stumbled across this August 2007 article, written by an American expat woman in Dubai. It's been reproduced on many websites, with thousands of people debating the issues raised.


Copy and paste the web address. I cannot post the direct link via my proxy server. (As the article says: 'Reason Number 2: 'The government blocks all web sites that it deems “offensive” ...').

Here's a bit more from the article:

'Reason 10. People stare at you. I am sick of being stared at. I’m stared at by men who have never seen a fair-skinned blue-eyed woman before, or who have and think we are all prostitutes so it’s okay to stare. They stare at me when I am fully covered or with my husband, and even follow me around. It’s beyond creepy and has brought me to tears on more than one occasion. The staring is not limited to men, either. I’m stared at angrily by female prostitutes who think I am running in on their territory by having a few drinks with my husband at the bar.

Reason 11. Prostitutes? Oh hell yes, there are prostitutes. Tons of them. So, let me get this straight, I can’t look at a naked picture of a person on the Internet in the privacy of my home, but it is okay to go out in public and buy a few for the night? ...'
OK, Reason 10 and 11 wouldn't bother a man, but all the others make me rethink if I would want to visit Dubai. I feel already Singapore is controlled too much. By the way, here is the clickable link:


12-16-07, 13:14
the top 20 reasons not to move to dubai (in no particular order!) by tia o’neill august 2007

living in dubai is not wonderful and glamorous, as many would have you believe. forget about what you’ve read, seen, and heard; those shiny buildings and manmade islands are all just smoke and mirrors. there are so many things wrong with this place that i have decided to compile a list, a must read if you are considering a potential move to dubai.

1. there is no standard address system making mail-to-the door delivery impossible. in fact, it makes anything nearly impossible. the taxi driver, here for only two days, and having learned english from old beatles albums has no clue where your house is. he won’t tell you that of course, he’ll just keep calling and saying, “okay, okay. yeah, yeah.” when you purchase something that requires delivery they do not have an address line, but a box where you are expected to draw a map. not able to draw a map? explain like this: i live on the street after the airport road, but before the roundabout. go past the mosque and make a u-turn.

2. the government blocks all web sites that it deems “offensive” to the “religious, moral, and cultural values” of the uae. that’s hard to swallow for a freedom loving american, but i get it. i do not understand, however, why all voip access and related web sites are blocked. i guess the government also takes offense to people inexpensively contacting their families back home. you’re welcome to call using the analog service provided by the government-owned telephone monopoly, but it will cost you a whole lot more. so much so, in fact, your frequency of calls will be greatly diminished if you can afford them at all. the government says voip is blocked for security reasons, yet even the residents of communist china and north korea have access to these inexpensive calls.

3. it is really hot outside. not florida in july hot; hot as if you were locked in a car in florida in july with sufficient humidity to make it feel as though you are drowning. hot as in 120 degrees with nearly 100% humidity. do not look to the wind for relief. this is the equivalent of pointing a hairdryer on full blast directly at your face. pour fine moon dust-like sand over your head as you do this and you get the picture.

4. there are too few trees, plants, and grass – or living things aside from us crazy humans, for that matter. ever see a bird pant? i have. in my opinion, human beings were not meant to live in such a place. if we were, there would be sufficient water and shade. the only greenery around are the roadside gardens planted by the government, who waters the hell out of them in the middle of the day. thanks a lot! didn’t you say we should cut down on our water consumption because you are unable to keep up with the demand? i have an idea: let’s all move someplace where it’s not 120 degrees outside.

5. this country prides itself so much on its glitz and glamour that it put a picture of its 7- star hotel on the license plate. yet, the public toilets in the king-of-bling gold souk district are holes in the ground with no toilet paper or soap. hoses to rinse your nether regions, however, are provided. this results in a mass of water on the floor that you must stand in to [CodeWord134] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord134). try squatting without touching anything and keeping your pants from touching anything either. oh yeah. it’s 120 degrees in there too.

6. this country encourages businesses to hire people from other poor countries to come here and work. they have them sign contracts that are a decade long and then take their passports. even though taking passports is supposedly illegal, the government knows it happens and does nothing to enforce the law. these poor people are promised a certain pay, but the companies neglect to tell them they will be deducting their cost of living from their paychecks, leaving them virtually penniless – that is, if they choose to pay them. companies hold back paychecks for months at a time. when the workers strike as a result, they are jailed. protesting is illegal, you see (apparently this law is enforced). these people will never make enough to buy a ticket home and even if they do, they do not have their passports. they live crammed in portables with tons of others, in highly unsanitary conditions. the kicker: they are building hotels that cost more to stay in for one night than they will make in an entire year. things are so bad that a number of laborers are willing to throw themselves in front of cars because their death would bring their family affluence in the form of diya, blood money paid to the victim’s family as mandated by the government.

7. things are not cheaper here. i’m sick of people saying that. i read the letters to the editor page of the paper and people say to those who complain about the cost of living rising here, “well, it’s cheaper than your home country or you wouldn’t be here.” the only thing cheaper here is labor. yes, you can have a maid – but a bag of washed lettuce will cost you almost $10.

8. there are traffic cameras everywhere. i consider this cheating. where are the damn cops? i drove around this city for weeks before i ever even saw a cop. trust me, they need traffic cops here. people drive like idiots. it’s perfectly okay to turn left from the far right lane, but speeding even just a couple of kilometers over will get you fined. these cameras are placed strategically as you come down hills, or just as the speed limit changes. before you know it…bam! fined. forget to pay the bill and your car will be impounded..

9. the clothing some of these women wear makes no sense to me. i understand that as part of your religion you are required to dress in a particular way, but a black robe over your jeans and turtleneck and cover your head when it is 120 degrees outside? in the gym some women wear five layers of clothing…sweatpants and t-shits over sweaters with headscarves. yet the men’s clothing makes absolute sense: white, airy, and nothing underneath but their skivvies.

10. people stare at you. i am sick of being stared at. i’m stared at by men who have never seen a fair-skinned blue-eyed woman before, or who have and think we are all prostitutes so it’s okay to stare. they stare at me when i am fully covered or with my husband, and even follow me around. it’s beyond creepy and has brought me to tears on more than one occasion. the staring is not limited to men, either. i’m stared at angrily by female prostitutes who think i am running in on their territory by having a few drinks with my husband at the bar.

11. prostitutes? oh hell yes, there are prostitutes. tons of them. so, let me get this straight, i can’t look at a naked picture of a person on the internet in the privacy of my home, but it is okay to go out in public and buy a few for the night?

12. alcohol can only be sold in hotels and a handful of private clubs. a person must own a liquor license to consume in the privacy of their own home. to obtain a liquor license you must get signed approval from your boss, prove a certain level of salary that determines how much you are allowed to buy, and then submit several mug shots (aka passport photos) for approval. pay the fee and the additional 30% tax on every purchase and you may drink at home. then again, you can just pick up a few bottles in the airport duty free on your way in to the country, but two is the max. why not just drive out to ajman where it’s a free-for-all and load up the suv? it’s easy enough, but crossing the emirates with alcohol is illegal– particularly in the dry emirate of sharjah, which just happens to lie between dubai and ajman. go figure.

13. not only do you have to get your boss’s approval to obtain a liquor license, but you must also get the company’s approval to rent property, have a telephone, or get satellite tv.

14. back to the craziness on the roads: if i see one more kid standing up and waving to me out the back window while flying down the road at 160 kph…whatever happened to seatbelts?

15. when is the weekend again? let me get this straight: the weekend used to be thursday and friday, but no one took off all of thursday, just a half day really. now the government says friday and saturday are the weekend, but some people only take off friday, others still take a half day on thursday, but some might just take a half day on saturday instead. anyway you slice it, sundays are workdays and little business can be accomplished thursday through saturday.

16. there are few satellite television operators:. the movie channels play movies that are old and outdated. many of them went straight to video back in the states. every sitcom that failed in the us has been purchased and is played here. old episodes of knight rider are advertised like it is the coolest thing since sliced bread. the tv commercials are repeated so often that i am determined not to buy anything i see advertised on television here just for thee principle of it. when i say repeated often, i mean every commercial break - sometimes more than once.

17. the roads are horribly designed. driving ten minutes out of the way to make a u- turn is not uncommon. people are not able to give directions most of the time (remember reason #1), and the maps are little help because most have few road names on them, if any. where is interchange four? you just have to hope you got on the freeway in the right place and start counting because they are not numbered. miss it and you’ll likely end up on the other side of town before you are able to turn around and go back.

18. taxi drivers are dangerous and smell. taxi drivers work very hard here to earn a living because travel by taxi is still relatively inexpensive, even though the cost of living is not (see reason #7). because of this you may have a driver who has had little sleep or the opportunity to shower for several days. many of these drivers have just as much difficulty finding their way around as you do, but add to this a third-world country driving style and extreme exhaustion and, well, remember to buckle up for safety.

19. speeding is an emirati sport and emirates road is just an extension of the dubai autodrome. i know i keep mentioning the roads, but really, much of this city’s issues are encompassed by the erratic and irrational behavior displayed on its streets. visions of flashing lights on even flashier, limo-tinted suvs haunt me as i merge on to the highway. local nationals are somehow able to get the sun-protecting dark window tint denied to us lowly expats and use it to hide their faces as they tailgate you incessantly at unbelievably high speeds, their lights flickering on and off and horn blaring repeatedly. it doesn’t matter that you can’t get over, or if doing so would be particularly dangerous, they will run you off the road to get in front of you. don’t even think about giving someone the finger; the offense could land you in jail. tailgating is, unbelievably, legal.

20. dubai is far from environmentally friendly. ever wonder how much damage those manmade islands are doing to the delicate ocean ecosystem? coral reefs, sea grasses, and oyster beds that were once part of protected marine lands lie choked under a barrage of dredged up sea sand. consider the waste that occurs from erecting buildings on top of these sand monsters and from the people that occupy them coupled with the lack of an effective recycling program and you have an environmental disaster on your hands. add to this more gas guzzling suvs than fuel-efficient cars on the road and the need for 24- hour powerful air-conditioning and its evident that the environment is not high on the priority list of the uae.

so while i’m sure there are benefits to living in dubai, tax breaks, multi-cultural environments, and beautiful buildings aside, reconsider your plans to move here if any of the above mentioned reasons strikes a chord within you. dubai is a city caught in an identity crisis. struggling somewhere between its desire to be a playground for the rich and its adherence to traditional islamic roots, rests a city that lacks sufficient infrastructure to support its delusions of grandeur. visit if you must, but leave quickly before you are sucked into its calamitous void.

i have to say, agree with everything, especially given that, for the third time today, have given directions to the same company on how to get to my place for a delivery (item #1). doesn't count that i've faxed a map months ago, they come out every 2 months; no, give the directions when making the appointment, to dispatch, and to the driver, who has not been informed.

make that 4 times - the driver's lost.

no, 5 f*cking times... he's still lost (and it's easy to find - a right, 2 lefts, and a right)

i'd also add
21. lack of customer service. though i can't really blame that minimal wage clerk, not in the profit sharing plan, really caring whether you make a purchase or not. but the store couldn't care less about customer satisfaction. product doesn't work? return to the manufacturer or to the manufacturer's service center. store's responsibility has ended once they've sold you the "goods".

22. the "restricted" local news. can't provide any names, for fear of a lawsuit, and the words "accused", "suspected", and "indicted" non-existent in local news. thus you get "news" stories like: "a local store sold contaminated bottles of water to unsuspecting customers. inspectors have made the store sign an undertaking to be more careful in the future." or "ak was found guilty of murdering th, with the assistance of ab, cd, and ef, while gh ran away."

so easy to tell a locally written story from a wire service one - you don't even have to look at the by-line.

12-16-07, 13:26
Adustments, Part 2 (the opposite end)

My house "guest" departs for the office 9:30 last night. 3 minutes later, doorbell rings - she's forgotten her mobile. I run it out to her - she goes to work, I go to bed.

6am - I'm heading out the door. FMTT - there's "her" keys on the entrance table. She obviously forgot those too. Now, she has no way to get in, and I have no way of leaving them for her. At least I can give her a head's up, so she can plan accordingly. Hell, some lucky guy just might get an extension for free. Or she can visit a gf. Grab the extra set, put them in my pocket, out the door.

Lunch time, give her a call, make sure she's covered:
"Where are you?"
"Home, cleaning."
Hmmm. For a second, I'm thinking she's back at her old place. But she would have mentioned something about moving out. "Where?"
"Your house. Cleaning."
I know I locked the door. What'd she do, let herself in with a brick? "How'd you get in?"
[The obvious:] "I come back early. You go work, I'm sleeping."
OK, the one time she takes her purse to the guest room, rather than leaving it out. Great! Given I have the spare keys, she's locked in (double cylinders and all). Good thing we went grocery shopping yesterday...

Like I say, adjustments.

12-16-07, 17:51
Had confirmation today on this year's "dry night". There will be no alcohol served or entertainment allowed in any bar/club in Dubai from 5pm Monday 17th December until 6pm Tuesday 18th December.

Be careful out there.


12-16-07, 17:55
Saturday: LE outside York. Many WGs spotted said LE and therefore disappeared elsewhere rapidly. Don't know if anyone was picked up.

Sporadic raids (LE not the forum member) on apartments in Golden Sands and Deira on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

It seems the Bur Dubai and Deira purge continues.

Be careful out there.


12-16-07, 18:43
What a difference a few months make!

After being dumped again (i will not name and shame) I was in the mood for some fun, so I decided to call an old acquaintance who was kindly introduced to me by our long gone but never forgotten 50/50.

Her name is Y, 19 years old, and very, very nice breasts (not as big as Sabrina, the mythical big-breasted Filipina also introduced to me by 50/50). The reason I called her is because I was in the mood for some tit-play, my expectations were not very high as her performance was not too good.

So I called her and she did not remember me, what? What type of girl does not remember a guy who fucked her? Even worst, what type of girl can forger about ME???? Agreed to meet at Seaview around 10pm

Once there she called me from the bathroom, I went out to take her call, call dropped and we met outside the bar. Now she recognized me (big smile).

So we listen to some music, she is all smiles and affectionate. I ask "How much?" and she answers "up to you" Well, I can not get an answer from her so I agree and we come back home... some misadventures with taxi and local drivers (with prestige number plates) later we are at my place. Now she claims that she remember the flat (well, she remembers my flat and forgets about ME!!!!)

In the house some small chat, she mentions that she spent a few months living with a British guy but he moved back to UK.. Usual complaints about the job and we move quickly into action. She asks to shower with me (nice change). Very nice body...

In bed I start with DATY, she reacts very nicely and we have a long session. She starts returning the favor (bareback) and then we go into the main dish (covered, of course). She seems to be enjoying a lot, when moved her towards the edge of the bed and raise her it is amazing. First she looks scared like hell (less than 1 second) when I start moving her up and down her face changes to a really wild look of fun. Mouth wide opened in surprise and eyes sparkling.

I need to take a break and then again second round, start with DAT again and move to very hard doggy and other positions. She starts to make the usual noises about wanting me to finish and enjoy too. A little bit more of BBBJ but I tell her to stop as I know it could take a very long time (and probably more skills than she has). she is very nervous about me being unhappy, I tell her I am not and we go to sleep. She asks me to wake her in the morning because she says "I sleep like a pig"... so I wake up early and after some time I decide to go and start datying her still slept. Very nice reaction, we are at it again. and eventually I take her and move to the sofa and go at her in the sofa.

Breakfast and taking her home. I give her 800 as I am very happy with her. She is happy too and agrees that she wants to come back (this time no pick up at seaview, straight home)

Compared to six months ago, she has a much better attitude, she has learnt to enjoy sex. It may sound weird, but I think first time she really did not know hot to enjoy herself. the way she looked at me it was amazing, she was full of joy, nothing too romantic, pure unadultered joy.

Also her attitude has changed in general, I think she appreciates much more when you treat her good. Just one remark, the girl mentioned that she noticed that I always let her first (in taxi, elevator) and that she likes that a lot. I do not know to which point this contributed to her joyful attitude but sure it costs nothing to play gentleman.

12-17-07, 06:05
Seaview 10:00 to 01:00
First and second sets.- (24 hours to late to meet with Cons68)

Having confirmed that the 17th was going to be dry night I wanted a last trip to the Seaview before heading back to the monastery for Christmas.

It was not at all crowded, initially there around a dozen PRCs all familiar faces, later supplemented by around the same number of on Kyrgyz / Kazakh girls, mostly familiar, but there were a couple of new faces.

There were a few Filipinas but not as large a herd as was spotted at the weekend.

I saw my old Kyrgyz regular “Smiler” looking radiant. A real stunner (IMHO) I met her when she was very new and unsure. A great GFE she was a regular for around 6 months. I had to UTFSE to find that last time I saw her in a bar was December 2005. By then she had found her worth and was able to get 1000 a night clients regularly, I wonder what her opening price is now! and if I would be eligible for an old time sake discount :) We exchanged greetings but did not get catch up on old times as it was not long before she was busy. She pulled and was back in an hour. Either a quickie or a deal that fell through.

12-17-07, 11:40

How would you describe the Zinc in comparison to York? Is it a little more 'up-market' in terms of its patronage, or is it just more expensive due to it's surroundings?

12-17-07, 15:37
It seems the Bur Dubai and Deira purge continues.That's what I see, secondhand: Miss Guest has several "new" outfits, "new" shoes, and a whole lot more cosmetics today. Shopping? No, she stopped by the OLD homestead today... I think she's here for the deros-tion.

Also know she, and no doubt others, are playing it "smart": no waiting around until closing time before leaving "sans"... as any "leftovers" at COB are very prone to LE "culls"...

...I think she appreciates much more when you treat her good. Don't we ALL.

Just one remark, the girl mentioned that she noticed that I always let her first (in taxi, elevator) and that she likes that a lot. I do not know to which point this contributed to her joyful attitude but sure it costs nothing to play gentleman.Know exactly what you mean, which always makes me wonder, when BASIC social acts are "special", what the "average" experience is like? I'm thinking I don't want to know.

12-17-07, 17:10
that's what i see, secondhand: miss guest has several "new" outfits, "new" shoes, and a whole lot more cosmetics today. shopping? no, she stopped by the old homestead today... i think she's here for the deros-tion.

this i know first hand: an old friend who returned just recently from bishkek asked me for 150 dirhams for some paperwork as she did not dare to go into york on saturday... and she really needed the money. she told me that when she was close there she felt it was too risky and she and her friends decided to take the night off. they were really scared. on the other hand the grape-fruit-sized girl i took home from seaview claims that there is not any additional risk...

know exactly what you mean, which always makes me wonder, when basic social acts are "special", what the "average" experience is like? i'm thinking i don't want to know.
basic social acts? hummm... when did you take an elevator last time in dubai? do not you love when they (mostly members of a given nationality) try to walk through you? the concept of letting people out first seems to be considered just another example of imperialism i guess.

well their loss, my gain. i enjoy a very nice time with most of the girls. and i know for sure this girl is looking forward for a repeat.

12-17-07, 17:34
Off geography but on topic.

Having completed a week's inspections in another warm clime in which I interviewed dozens of applicants before selecting a handful for 2nd overnight and afternoon more thorough interviews, the question and appreciation of politeness and gentlemanly behaviour came up a number of times.

The girls do very much notice, react to, and spread the word through the Working girls wifi network on who is hot - polite, respecful, pays and oh yes is a decent lay who works the girl as well as himself in that order, and who is not.

In the area I operated in, the providers were a mix of FSU and Filipina for the most part. As but two examples of a number:

Quote 1 from Filipina who I have "known" for awhile: " Among the Filipina girls in the club, we say when a foreigner (European, North America) is taking one of us out, "She is lucky"."

Quote 2. from a daughter of the Ukraine: " Usually from most Tourists, we are treated as "normalny" girl, from the locals we are treated like shit".

Not an exhaustive survey but the feelings do run deep and cross boundaries and this is but one inspection tour of many with similar comments.

This is to the Gentleman's advantage no matter where they come from if they can sense the vibe and play it with conviction.

The rewards are provided in different ways but usually mean a super session with often the addition of those somtimes hard to find additional menu items
offered spontaneously and at no thought of an extra cost attached.

It is rather touching to hear about 'locals' wanting only bare back and to fuck their ass casuing the speaker to say, I leave and run from the room then - I hate them.

Only to have the same girl later that night in round two after having her come, rip off the condom and request bareback or leave it on and quietly offer anal. Your choice and YMMV as it does every session.

Bottom line with most girls, but not all, gentlemanly behaviour even starting simply as noted below opening the cab door for her costs absolutely zero, you get at least a smile unless she is a hardened piece of work and the payback is usually very tangible. In the end, Girls just wanna have fun too. It's a tough business based upon fantasy to some degree or another, no wonder if they can indulge in a bit of it too, then once in a while the working girls want to let go and release as well.

Arise Sir Mongers and enjoy the fruits of your politeness.

12-18-07, 02:56

How would you describe the Zinc in comparison to York? Is it a little more 'up-market' in terms of its patronage, or is it just more expensive due to it's surroundings?No similaraties at all. Zinc is a regular civilian night club where you may find some freelance WG, but most women will not be WGs. The York is the York!

12-18-07, 06:01
There are more than "some", but certainly the percentage of WG vs civilians is probably less than 10% (not that the civilians are not "addressable")
York is a meat market, and you could describe it as a free-fire zone (no civilians). Price wise, in York you could push for a 500, in Zing you would be hard pressed to get something for less than 1500.
York girls are your typical wg, the ones in Zing are in much better position, they may have their own car and play a different game.

I would never take a customer to York, but they took me to Zing :)

No similaraties at all. Zinc is a regular civilian night club where you may find some freelance WG, but most women will not be WGs. The York is the York!

My Kapitan
12-18-07, 08:26

How would you describe the Zinc in comparison to York? Is it a little more 'up-market' in terms of its patronage, or is it just more expensive due to it's surroundings?

Zinc is a civilian club, prices for drink is on a par with other venues, entrance is free if you are staying at the CP - just show the doorman your room card, also if staying there you can simply walk past the que - cool.

Club is populated by younger Massimo Duti wearing expat twats (I guess that includes me - except I'm not young!). Very few WGs work there, but look out for the stunners standing alone at the bar. Strike up conversation as if she was a civilian ie avoid asking how much, she may well be a civilian anyway...she might be an Emirates attendant or a girl working in a real job in Dxb. You will soon find out, I can remember once chatting to two Australian blonde stunners in there thinking they were civilians and my luck was in, I bought drinks all night and was shocked (really - both by the revelationand the bill) when it was time to have some action and they told me it was 2000 for one or 3000 for the pair! Naturally I declined and went to the Regal!

Price for a WG wll be very high in his club, certainly in the 1500 upwards range.


12-18-07, 09:33
she told me that when she was close there she felt it was too risky and she and her friends decided to take the night off. they were really scared. on the other hand the grape-fruit-sized girl i took home from seaview claims that there is not any additional risk... the girl currently staying with me, when i asked, initially was "no problems, everything ok, don't worry", yet, a week later, sms'sing she needed some help.

think what has the girls freaked out are the "home" raids. clubs - goes with the territory, but as long as the "house" was discreet, relatively safe. now girls that live in "non-common" locations, just a few girls in the house, still feel safe. girls in the "barracks-style" accomodations, or well know locations, no.

likewise, the york always prone to "le waiting outside" raids, especially now with the construction's limited access. smaller venues, less numbers of wg's, less 'bang for the buck' for lurking le as it were. maybe that's the whole intent, to make everything less visible. certainly at york or 'snake, the common complaint from the wg's was "too many ladies".

basic social acts? hummm... when did you take an elevator last time in dubai? do not you love when they (mostly members of a given nationality) try to walk through you? the concept of letting people out first seems to be considered just another example of imperialism i guess.lol. or how about entering/exiting the freeway? a zipper like "merge" beyond their comprehension - number trying to queue jump, thus screwing it up for all.

bignaz: in the "common" venues here: regal, york, imperial, tgit, 99% of the females are wg's (staff excluded, it's not bkk). in the rattlesnake, can get a few female "civilians", but they are rather obvious. in jockeys, a few gf's or "dates" present while their bf's drink, but most females are working (though, in absolute numbers, rather limited). seaview, very common for some "civilians" to be present, along with a few of the wgs to be on "dates". with a little observation, easy to tell. haven't been to the premiere in years, but i'd venture to say easy to tell the "independent businesswomen" from the "civilians". just about any other club/hotel bar will have a few wg's present, but, as mentioned, the majority are civilians.with the demise of the cyclone, a number of a-listers have rep001tered. 'snake has reaped its share, a few at york, no doubt a number at regal and premiere.

Fifty Fifty
12-18-07, 11:17
What a difference a few months make!

Compared to six months ago, she has a much better attitude, she has learnt to enjoy sex. It may sound weird, but I think first time she really did not know hot to enjoy herself. the way she looked at me it was amazing, she was full of joy, nothing too romantic, pure unadultered joy.

Yep Cons68, I fully agree. We all live and learn, dont forget when I first met Y all that time ago, she was a genuine 1st day in DXB, minimum age and very naive. I think you saw her about 6 weeks later, still naive but learning fast.

I revisited Y for a night last August and agree, she has blossomed somewhat, but so has her arse LOL.

Being the 50;50 man, although still a tiny girl, I found she was almost 6 kg heavier than when she first arrived and was almost out of my parameters. (Yes I do weigh them if I can) This is mostly due to my recent weight loss diet, of course!!

Still a beauty, with possibly one of the best racks I have ever had the pleasure of playing with. I christened her the Big Boobed Baby and the attached pic shows the puppies at their best. It is good to know Y is doing well, and at 800 seems good value too!!

Cheers FF

12-18-07, 12:02
I have great news!!! Her arse is not large at all... In fact when compared with her rack it looks tiny. Maybe because I was spoiled by Brazilian bundas :)
But be assured that, probably as a direct consequence of her meeting with you, she took effective actions against that threat. Once again, you made a positive difference.
BTW I imagine you are having a hell of a time in your new destination... with so few girls willing to be seen with a foreigner. We are all very sorry for you.

Yep Cons68, I fully agree. We all live and learn, dont forget when I first met Y all that time ago, she was a genuine 1st day in DXB, minimum age and very naive. I think you saw her about 6 weeks later, still naive but learning fast.

I revisited Y for a night last August and agree, she has blossomed somewhat, but so has her arse LOL.

Being the 50;50 man, although still a tiny girl, I found she was almost 6 kg heavier than when she first arrived and was almost out of my parameters. (Yes I do weigh them if I can) This is mostly due to my recent weight loss diet, of course!!

Still a beauty, with possibly one of the best racks I have ever had the pleasure of playing with. I christened her the Big Boobed Baby and the attached pic shows the puppies at their best. It is good to know Y is doing well, and at 800 seems good value too!!

Cheers FF

Mjolnir 213
12-18-07, 13:03
I have great news!!! Her arse is not large at all... In fact when compared with her rack it looks tiny.Yep, Y is a great gal.

Been with her many times and consider her one of the "special" ones I've met in my time.

Great GFE, and likes to play housewife even though the poor thing can't cook to save her life!

Spent many a weekend with her and so far she has always been ok with staying over 2 nights in a row for 1000. (I usually give her a bit more whenever I can)

Sometimes she refuses payment which I found weird at first, but now understand it a little better. Part long term marketing strategy and partly becuase I always make sure she enjoys herself.

She does appreciate being treated nicely (as do all ladies), and if she likes you, will go the extra mile.

I also met her when she was only a few days in Dubai.

That was about a year ago I think. Maybe longer.

At that time she could'nt speak much English and was actually with a freind of mine who was very eager to get down to business.

Poor thing looked very nervous since he is a rather large Brazillian fellow about 4 times her size.

My favourite Filipina regular was also with me and did a lot to make her feel more comfortable.

(A russian roulette drinking game involving vodka shots and a Nerf Gun also helped! )

Since then she's learnt a lot more English, actually has a pretty good sense of humour and is way more confident.

Always fun when she brings over her Chinese DVDs because she knows I like Kung Fu movies.

She has an adorable way of translating for me and making sure I understand the story!

Still can't cook, but I'm working on that!

A real gem. Extremely honest, warm hearted and great looking to boot!

Also, her friends, while not in the same league looks wise, are a nice bunch of girls.

Y's older sister in particular (Regulars at Sea View know her for sure), is fond of giving me advice and sorting out my lifes problems whenever she gets the chance. When I broke up with my girlfriend of 6 years in August, she turned into a regular Doctor Phil! A lot of it made sense too.

I still get texts from her to make sure I'm eating properly. (Bless her! )

Just goes to shows the common perception that all WG's are just business minded all the time is not necessarily true once they know you are somone they can trust.

Play nice and treat them with respect. (I'm sure most of you do anyway) A little kindness and effort on your part goes a LONG way and its a pleasant change for these girls.

Another thing about Y. She may look all small and helpless, but she is a tough cookie when need be.

Just ask her about the fight she had with the Afircan WG in Seaview. I believe this led up to the current situation with Africans being banned for there.


Mjolnir 213
12-18-07, 13:32
Off geography but on topic.

Having completed a week's inspections in another warm clime in which I interviewed dozens of applicants before selecting a handful for 2nd overnight and afternoon more thorough interviews, the question and appreciation of politeness and gentlemanly behaviour came up a number of times.

The girls do very much notice, react to, and spread the word through the Working girls wifi network on who is hot - polite, respecful, pays and oh yes is a decent lay who works the girl as well as himself in that order, and who is not.

In the area I operated in, the providers were a mix of FSU and Filipina for the most part. As but two examples of a number:

Quote 1 from Filipina who I have "known" for awhile: " Among the Filipina girls in the club, we say when a foreigner (European, North America) is taking one of us out, "She is lucky"."

Quote 2. from a daughter of the Ukraine: " Usually from most Tourists, we are treated as "normalny" girl, from the locals we are treated like shit".

Not an exhaustive survey but the feelings do run deep and cross boundaries and this is but one inspection tour of many with similar comments.

This is to the Gentleman's advantage no matter where they come from if they can sense the vibe and play it with conviction.

The rewards are provided in different ways but usually mean a super session with often the addition of those somtimes hard to find additional menu items
offered spontaneously and at no thought of an extra cost attached.

It is rather touching to hear about 'locals' wanting only bare back and to fuck their ass casuing the speaker to say, I leave and run from the room then - I hate them.

Only to have the same girl later that night in round two after having her come, rip off the condom and request bareback or leave it on and quietly offer anal. Your choice and YMMV as it does every session.

Bottom line with most girls, but not all, gentlemanly behaviour even starting simply as noted below opening the cab door for her costs absolutely zero, you get at least a smile unless she is a hardened piece of work and the payback is usually very tangible. In the end, Girls just wanna have fun too. It's a tough business based upon fantasy to some degree or another, no wonder if they can indulge in a bit of it too, then once in a while the working girls want to let go and release as well.

Arise Sir Mongers and enjoy the fruits of your politeness.Good post!

Agree 100% with everything said.

Shame that though this SHOULD be common practice, it is more or less the exception rather than the rule. And not just in Dubai either.

A lot of guys that are normally quite decent will turn into pigs when they are with WG's. Never fully understood that and its happened many times with guys I know.

Guess it may be the whole "I'm paying for it so she should'nt complain".

Thats mainly why I tend to fly solo most of the time.

That way I know that I and the lady or ladies I am with that night, will all have a good time with no macho bullshit screwing it up for everyone.

12-18-07, 18:22
Think what has the girls freaked out are the "home" raids. Absolutely. My temporary "housemates" have all found somewhere new now. But as most are in Deira or Bur Dubai I'm pretty much expecting a call any time from someone on the move again soon or needing a safe haven.

The experienced girls can usually spot LE at/outside clubs a mile away. But getting a knock on the door at home at 6pm has raised the bar somewhat.

I know at least one who is so freaked out that she has not worked since first LE raids some two weeks ago and is lucky enough to have enough cash to lay low for a while longer yet.

She really is genuinely scared at prospect of going back to work and is not even agreeing to calls from regulars at the moment.

Obviously those girls who need the money more desperately will take the risks.

By the way, there seems to be a definite "thou shalt not enjoy thyself" mood from the authorities at present. In addition to the WG purge, outside bars have been banned from playing loud music and there is now "no dancing" in outside areas.

Certainly places like Barasti and 360 suffered big time last weekend.

This happened in Bahrain a few years ago and the place is now virtually dead in terms of entertainment. Let's hope the "forward-thinking" Dubai government does not push this whole thing to the same extent here.

Be careful out there.


12-19-07, 04:17
My temporary "housemates" have all found somewhere new now.Interesting... As I said, "mine" is becoming more ensconced... Can't blame her, safe environment, room and bathroom to HERSELF... Might be the first time in her life...

But getting a knock on the door at home at 6pm has raised the bar somewhat.That's got to be taking a toll - no safe haven. Like I said, no matter how much shit I take at work, how bad the traffic, the construction, all the idiots, once I walk in my place, close the door, it's my castle, my cocoon. Can't imagine not having that (and why I've always left the keys with whoever the current Miss Thursday is whenever I go on vacation).

She really is genuinely scared at prospect of going back to work and is not even agreeing to calls from regulars at the moment.Girls I see are not so much scared of work - like you say, they can spot LE, and word gets around FAST. It's the home environment that has them freaked.

By the way, there seems to be a definite "thou shalt not enjoy thyself" mood from the authorities at present. In addition to the WG purge, outside bars have been banned from playing loud music and there is now "no dancing" in outside areas.It's Eid... too loud, "someone" who doesn't "appreciate" western music, and has some wasta.... Hell, I'd be complaining if it was "you take the c out of crap" music...

Guess it may be the whole "I'm paying for it so she should'nt complain".Unfortunately, I think you've got that right, the "I pounded her for an hour"... must be very enjoyable for her. Like you said, taking some time, consideration, and MUTUAL enjoyment can go a LONG way...

Thats mainly why I tend to fly solo most of the time.As John Wayne would say, "yep".

I've found the girls will more readily approach a solo punter, knowing they are not interupting anything.

12-19-07, 05:33
Interesting... As I said, "mine" is becoming more ensconced... Can't blame her, safe environment, room and bathroom to HERSELF... Might be the first time in her life...

I think this may be an issue with Miss A when she returns... She may have little incentive to find a place on her own... on the other side she takes care of the house, organizes everything (ie. I can no longer easily find any of the cables, power supplies I need) and cooks (she has improved from moving sausages from freezer into the pan now she can cook Thai style, and I am sure she will be practicing while with her grand ma :) ) But yes, most girls are very keen on finding a stable place and moving into gf status. This may or may not be what you want...

Unfortunately, I think you've got that right, the "I pounded her for an hour"... must be very enjoyable for her. Like you said, taking some time, consideration, and MUTUAL enjoyment can go a LONG way...

That is a real problem for me :( usually girls are happy to cater to my needs but I try to make sure they enjoy first.

Wicked Roger
12-19-07, 05:40
I think this may be an issue with Miss A when she returns... She may have little incentive to find a place on her own... on the other side she takes care of the house, organizes everything (ie. I can no longer easily find any of the cables, power supplies I need) and cooks (she has improved from moving sausages from freezer into the pan now she can cook Thai style, and I am sure she will be practicing while with her grand ma :) ) But yes, most girls are very keen on finding a stable place and moving into gf status. This may or may not be what you want...

That is a real problem for me :( usually girls are happy to cater to my needs but I try to make sure they enjoy first.

Miss A does want to move out Cons...what with her demanding boss who ties her up in bondage straps and has his wicked way with her (can I come next time please :)).

She has said she will be looking for accommodation when she returns - one with ample room for for all the kinky stuff the "Kinky Weesterners" like (she must be referring to you :D

12-19-07, 05:56
Bars open tonight, so question is always which one. Consider York, but take the easy road, so it's

Rattlesnake, Tuesday, 22:00 - 1:00 Just the time should tell you something... Plus the timestamp of this post...

Had planned on getting there around 9:30, but delayed. 30 minutes not much, but tonight, critical. As I cross the garden portal, spot Miss FirstChoice walking across the garden... Unfortunately, she's headed TOWARDS me, and "accompanied". Damn. But wait, the guy hangs a left, heads for the Italian restaurant, she continues straight. I delude myself things looking up.

She is a mind reader; as we pass, she tells me, "Sorry, it's all night tonight..." I appreciate her giving me the "don't wait up"...

Pay my 35 dhs, inside. Not crowded, the usual: heavily PRC, blacks, a few CIS. One of the CIS is incredible... her targets must be those punters who have mother fantasies... YIKES!! Enough to put you OFF for the evening...

See Smoker - she offers ST ONLY - yea maybe on a "school" night, but it's Christmas vacation (well, close enough), so pass. Several previous dance partners stop by to check tonight's dance card, but none make the grade. Several new faces stop by, one saying "You're smiling at me, so you want to take me home?" No, I'm just a happy guy...

Not that it's grim, it's just there's no "depth", no "bench", at least with the PRC's. You have the 1000 dhs "starters", then... nothing that really catches my eye. Maybe I've been here too long. At least at York, there are packs of 'cookie-cutters' around, so if nothing really catches your eye, you can always go for the double header.

Getting late (for ME), past midnight. Finally see someone "interesting"; get a smile back from across the room, so step over. Limited conversation, but it's due to language impairment. I ask THE question, how much does she want? She asks me how much I'll pay. I'm not going to do THAT dance, so she comes back with, "1000". Now she's cute, nice body, well LOOKS like it, but you can't really tell until you unwrap the package... Might be a starter for some, but not for me. She does ask me to make a counter offer. I reply with what I think is a very respectable offer, 700. The look on her face is priceless; "But you want ALL night!!!"

I step outside. So much for taking pot-luck; should have made a reservation. OK, call Miss Jockey. She answers; well, the phones connect, but the din is so great from her end, I can't hear what she's saying. I'm thinking good news, she's still at the bar. Yes, but... she steps outside, tells me she's busy - I should have called earlier. Yep, that's becoming clear.

Call the newbie I pulled Friday night - she is cute, if somewhat of a limited menu. She's... at Premiere?!? Not saying she's out of her league looks wise, but that skillset... She's available; I should come to Hyatt and take her. Cross the creek? Hell, York's closer... I decline.

Decide to pass on York, back inside. See Canary, she's late (explains she had some early business...) Hmmm, might be a chance for me...

See a real cutie that's been on my 'wish list' for several months. What the hell, if I'm going to pay 1000, might as well be for someone I consider a STUNNER. Smile + dimples DAZZLING. It's either that or York. I step over, we chat. Things good, I'm not surprised when she quotes 1000. I counter with 800. That's a no go, she starting to explain why (unnecessary; if that's the price quote, that's the price quote). She gives me some bs about 'if I'm a known customer, she's got her rent paid, she's not just back from china... maybe next time a discount' (yea, sure, and maybe next time I'll win the lottery). My spider sense is starting to tingle.

I'm not totally bedazzled; do a menu check. Not exactly what I was hoping for; gives me pause. Ask about departure time. There, she comes up a winner; up to me. Minutes pass, she gives me a "you interested or not?", I'm "maybe", she moves on. Reminds me of French cuisine - high prices, lot of empty space on that plate... Canary full meal for sure...

I keep an eye on Miss Dazzling. Attractive girl in a black dress... another in boots I've seen around ... But the eyes keep drifting back to Miss D. Lose sight of her; oops, looks like the decision has been made for me; she and a gf at a table chatting with some potentials. Looks pretty promising... for them. I catch her eye, give a shrug, turn back to survey the crowd. Things looking grim. See her pass by me; I figure to the toilet, but no, she stops at the stair.

Sorry guys, I'm not going to lose her "opportunity" over 200; I've got too many on the wish list, the to-do list, and the repeat list. OK? It is, and off we go.

Back to my place, relax and chat for awhile. Things looking good. Hit the bedroom, I shower, then she. She must be part Thai as she has the towel trick down pat. Then... "You pay money now." That's a show stopper. I explain the money is downstairs; "no problem, I'll wait". I begin to get that 'Danger Will Robinson' feeling. I pull on my pants, shirt, tell her we'll go back to the bar. She points out it's 2:15, bar will close shortly. Yes, but... seems we've each made a mistake. She's with the "don't be angry" (I'm not), and asking how much I'll pay (for nothing, which is symmetric with how much I will pay for her lost oppertunities).

Voice of experience, I know this is headed down an unpleasant road. I decide to u-turn; go get the money. She's fine with me leaving it on the table. Takes awhile, but we get back into the groove, and it's a "nice" time for both of us. I mention one shot in the morning, and the contract's satisfied. Oops, seems a)she doesn't like a morning round after she's slept, so I can sleep for 1 or 2 hours, then we can go at it again. Hmmm, given it's now 4am (there goes Wednesday, I'll be wasted), why not sleep 5 or 6 hours to wake up at a decent hour?

She explains why. b)Her "up to me" departure time is up to me, as long as I'm agreeable to a 7am one. No, I'm really not. More dissension in the ranks. Her "explanation": she's just changed houses, doesn't know where, so the 'chinese taxi' is a must, and after 7, the driver sleeps (busy night and all). How busy? Well, there's thety girls in the house. How many, thinking I've heard wrong. No, 3 zero it is. Must have them stacked to the rafters, a disaster waiting to happen.

I curse my earlier cave-in. Damn I wish there really was a Mr. Peabody; I need to be Sherman about now. I tell her she bends the truth a lot; she admits she does, given her hard life, blah, blah, blah. Not that I'm unsympathetic to her life, it's just that most girls I've had the pleaure of enjoying are straight about things. So her excuses/rationalizations are just that.

Note: she did explain the 'money first'. Seems that she once went with a punter, trusted him, he gave her 700 up front, 300 to be delivered in the morning. She pulled her 7am departure; he was dead asleep, she couldn't wake him, so got shorted (I don't think she did, given her early departure...). So now it's money upfront.

6:30, I tell her to call her 'taxi', she does, and 30 minutes later, she's out the door.

First to admit, she has the looks, and a dazzling smile. Like she said, she has to smile all the time, whether she wants to or not. Did provide the GF (no E) experience - you know, when she's bitchy... Kicked myself for not being earlier - to the 'Snake or to calling some 'alternates'. Any of THOSE would have been fun choices. Should have checked Pixie from TGIT - nice, and so much fun... Also my laziness - for not hitting York, or not taking her back to the bar.

Well, the good side is, I now know what her experience with me is like. So it's like Apollo Creed told Rocky Balboa in Rocky 1: "Not going to be a rematch."

... organizes everything (ie. I can no longer easily find any of the cables, power supplies I need).LOL - know EXACTLY what you mean, and why I put the home office OFF LIMITS...

Mjolnir 213
12-19-07, 11:30
Last night, was all set to head out when I got a call from my favourite Filipina girl.

She wanted to come over, and to her, I don't say no.

Said she was with some friends trying to sort them out with cutomers and she would be over by around 2.

A long wait, but shes worth it.

Settled down to some gaming fun on the Xbox and waited.

02:30, no call from her.

Sent her a TXT: U still coming here?

A reply saying she had to go with a customer becuase one of the new girls was scared. Bummer! There goes my night.

Selfish sulking etc. Etc.

Anyway. This morning. Sent her message to check on her because for some reason my spider senses were tingling.

Reply: I am at CID office. Trouble baby.

Double Bummer!

When will these pigs lay off!

These girls are not even part of an organised ring. Just naive amateurs trying to earn some extra money to send back home.

Surely, if they are also targetting the small fish, the policia are serious about this cleanup.

Now I'm really worried about her and worse. This is the second time she has been busted so the consequences this time might be harsher for her.

Warning. Stay away from Ratsky till things cool down. Another friend reported that its now crawling with CID so consider it a red zone.

Also heard that they busted some guys leaving with the girls too so watch out.

For some reason, (I can't say where but they have the best band in Dubai), still seems very safe and the girls there are even a bit over confident that nothing will happen to them.

Times of Trouble.

Merry Xmas my ass.

Mjolnir 213
12-19-07, 11:49

6 girls busted.

4 customers also.

Girls look like they will be deprted.

The (sort of selfish) good news.

My girl is being let go because she was not actually with anyone at the time.
Just got involved cos one of her friends got pulled in.

They have let her go home.

I'm picking her up now and she will be staying with me for a few days as she is scared they will be watching their house.

This seems to be becoming a new trend thanks to the pigs.


Guess I will be eating Adobo, tapa and Lechon for the next few days.

Not too bad really.

12-19-07, 15:23
Well, there's thety girls in the house. How many, thinking I've heard wrong. No, 3 zero it is. Must have them stacked to the rafters, a disaster waiting to happen.

If there is a hell it must be not much worst than that. I sure hope they have more than 1 bathroom...
But yes, in face of all that happened in the last few weeks packing 30 girls in one location is kid of buying real estate in Iran.

Wicked Roger
12-19-07, 19:36
Guess I will be eating Adobo, tapa and Lechon for the next few days.

Not too bad really.

And pussy I hope Wiseblood :D

On a more serious note, busting customers......that is a worry, might make Abu Dhabi seem safer as not as much LE activity (well visible) in the capital

12-19-07, 22:58
Another "telling" post, by its timestamp...

9:45 - York or check Miss FirstChoice, the stunner I just missed last night. Why not - give Miss FC a call. She's in a taxi... headed which way?... to work, so yes, I do want to see her. Meet at the 'Snake, no need to even go in, outside bar.

Jump in the car, and as I'm driving through the parking lot, she looks at me, bats her eyes, and says, "2 hours." I'm "What's 2 hours?" "Tonight, I give you 2 hours." "No, all night." "Cannot. GOOD business, it's the weekend." I see the disconnect - last time I saw her, I had said I'd have to give her an "early" call for a weeknight ST. She assumed this was that call. I make the forlorn attempt at 'it's not the weekend, only Wednesday', but she's VERY aware of the holiday schedule. I ask for a LT price quote - she's not interested (perhaps others already scheduled). It's 2 hours or nothing.

I will say, I did turn the car around, head back to drop her off, York it'll be... But then, the cliched 'bird in the hand...', she is looking drop dead gorgeous, and given I've lost all of today due to last night's fiasco... maybe an early night is called for, so I can use Thursday to do what I needed to get done today.

She "declines" any pleasure for herself, will make her "too tired" (and will take time), she'll just take care of me. I'm a realist - I'm not going to waste time on a girl who's not interested... I'll just lie back and be "served" (literally). But had to laugh (inwardly, I am a gentleman) as she's making the fake moans and groans... let's see, you said you didn't want to cum as it'd make you too tired, but now you're trying to convince me you are cumming'? Yea, right; I saw "When Harry Met Sally".

Will say, she did deliver a full 2 hours, standard a-lister price of 500. About as far away from a GFE as you can get, a pro delivering pro-service (in a good sense).

And that's the difference. Both stunners, but unlike the girl last night, FC was upfront, no false promises - this is what's on the table - no bs, no bending the truth. Take it or leave it, up to you. Last night's girl won't get a callback, this girl will.

PS: Was also a bit surprised of a "small world" aspect. I had a photo of my house guest out, and Miss FC saw it. Seems they knew each other (I was surprised - different offices), Miss FC having picked her up at the airport on her initial arrival. Wasn't clear on what happened, but not a big fan for sure. So maybe I actually did luck out with a ST - a morning meeting might have been awkward.

12-19-07, 23:13
Surely, if they are also targetting the small fish, the policia are serious about this cleanup.I don't think they're targeting "small" fish - it's just if they happen to be swimming in the wrong pond...

Warning. Stay away from Ratsky till things cool down. Another friend reported that its now crawling with CID so consider it a red zone.Like I said about 'ponds'... Good info, thanks.

Also heard that they busted some guys leaving with the girls too so watch out.On what charge? Not saying it didn't happen; for sure, if they want you, they have you. Could certainly make your life uncomfortable, and if the girl gave you up thinking she could make a deal... Has always been if they want you out of the country, you will be gone, but, in actuality, you haven't done anything wrong YET, so if you keep your cool...

For some reason, (I can't say where but they have the best band in Dubai), still seems very safe and the girls there are even a bit over confident that nothing will happen to them.That's what has me worried...

My girl is being let go Congratulations; I know how it feels to have a favorite deported.

This seems to be becoming a new trend thanks to the pigs.There certainly have been house busts before this, but certainly not in the quantity these days. As posted earlier, I'm thinking a lot of neighbors are taking the opportunity to have their "say"...

12-20-07, 07:08
For some reason, (I can't say where but they have the best band in Dubai), still seems very safe and the girls there are even a bit over confident that nothing will happen to them.

Times of Trouble.

Merry Xmas my ass.

Yes, I have the chinese Miss Y from that place and she seems to be totally unaware of the problems... I wish I could say ignorance is bliss. I will lecture her today on the situation as it would be really dramatic if he amazing boobs were deported. I would like you to understand that I will take this effort out of my humanitarian feelings and my commitment to this community with no selfish interest here.


Guess I will be eating Adobo, tapa and Lechon for the next few days.

Not too bad really.

Well I certainly feel your pain, locked in a house with a Filipina girl who will be cooking, taking care of everything in the house, and making sure you are "happy" all the time. If there is a medal for "Suffering in the line of duty in Dubai" you should surely be awarded one...

And she will be very thankful to you for being such a gentlemen and coming to her help in times of need. Another example of non-selfish attitude. I am sure we are making Jackson proud of us :)

Oh well, congratulations on her making back from death... sorry for the other girls though.

Grateful Spread
12-20-07, 07:19
Following a very unpleasant situation yesterday morning, I would like to share my experience in an attempt to help focus people’s attention on the content of their FRs.

I'm still hoping that Jackson will agree to remove one of my reports with (non-nude) photos in the Bahrain thread, following a call that I received from the very upset girl in question. Someone had seen my post, identified her and sent her an email with the attachments.

I thought I had made sufficient effort to conceal her identity but clearly I was wrong and the full effect of my lack of judgment is now being felt. Many of the girls who do this work have families back home, living in ignorant bliss of why they are really here. So the girls are naturally concerned that, if discovered, the consequences could be dire.

The fallout from yesterday is:
-The girl is suffering extreme anxiety through fear of any reaction that may arise from her loved ones back home.
-I now feel like a low life scumbag
-A very sweet girl now agrees with this view
- I doubt whether I can show my face in the club again given that all her girlfriends are obviously aware.

I hope that great pics continue to be posted but I would advise a degree of soul searching and selectivity before committing – for among us paying members, there are individuals who have no problem in divulging the material we choose to share with other members to those whom you would least want to see it.

I was never a prolific pic poster but the bitter taste left after this affair will probably pull the plug on any further photos from me.

12-20-07, 08:23
GS, I think I know how you feel, and that is why I no longer post any photos.

1. Full disclosure: As mentioned before, do the ladies know their photo is going on the eternal internet? On a mongering forum?

2. We really (with very few, select exceptions) do not know who is out there in forum-land.

12-20-07, 09:53
Was in DBX for some work;
Went to York International Hotel in Bur Dibai.
Paid 50 AED to enter.
Went to 1st floor. 1 drink is included in the price.

The Club was on the 1st floor.
Filled with ladies.
All had occupied different sections of the chub.
Ukranians / Russians

Prices were high - compared to the quality that was on offer.

Took 2 girls.
1 Chinese - Ko Ko.
1 Madagaskar - Aida.

The Girls were very very different. In looks and in performance.
Ko Ko had the worst breath I have ever encountered. Flawless Skin & hige Tits.
Aida was 5' 10" tall & slim but well filled in.
Ko-Ko was no anal, but Aida permitted.

The Charges were 500 & 400 for each - full night.

Overall experiance was 5/10.

12-20-07, 09:58
Went to both these places.

Broadway has AED 50/- as an entry charge.
Moscow has AED 100/- as an entry fee.

Both offer 1 drink free.

The Places were packed.
Many Women & many Men.

The rates in Moscow were higher than Broadway.

M = 1000/- AED
B = 700/-AED

Both offered in call services @ 600 to 700 AED.

The quality of girls was good - 7/10.
Could have been better, but the 'attitude' was very very crass.

Did not like nor did I enjoy.
Most of the girls were from Armenia etc.

12-20-07, 13:49
Following a very unpleasant situation yesterday morning, I would like to share my experience in an attempt to help focus people’s attention on the content of their FRs.

I'm still hoping that Jackson will agree to remove one of my reports with (non-nude) photos in the Bahrain thread, following a call that I received from the very upset girl in question. Someone had seen my post, identified her and sent her an email with the attachments.

I thought I had made sufficient effort to conceal her identity but clearly I was wrong and the full effect of my lack of judgment is now being felt. Many of the girls who do this work have families back home, living in ignorant bliss of why they are really here. So the girls are naturally concerned that, if discovered, the consequences could be dire.

The fallout from yesterday is:
-The girl is suffering extreme anxiety through fear of any reaction that may arise from her loved ones back home.
-I now feel like a low life scumbag
-A very sweet girl now agrees with this view
- I doubt whether I can show my face in the club again given that all her girlfriends are obviously aware.

I hope that great pics continue to be posted but I would advise a degree of soul searching and selectivity before committing – for among us paying members, there are individuals who have no problem in divulging the material we choose to share with other members to those whom you would least want to see it.

I was never a prolific pic poster but the bitter taste left after this affair will probably pull the plug on any further photos from me.

In another forum I belong to which focuses solely on the Philippines you have these Captain-Save-A-Hoes showing the bar girls their photos mostly in compromising positions and what other members have written about them. It is beyond comprehension why some members would do such a thing. What do they hope to gain?

12-20-07, 16:07
It is beyond comprehension why some members would do such a thing. What do they hope to gain?Why does everything have to be about personal gain? Since when is giving someone a head's up a bad thing?

After all If you've received truly informed consent, then what's the problem - she knows. If you haven't asked (explaining EXACTLY where it will be posted) and received permission, then why not? Afraid of the answer?What I think is ironic is that those who complain the most never show themselves in the photos. If it's not such a big deal to have her photo here, then why not the punter?

I lump people like you, as Wiseblood213 said, into the "I'm paying for it so she should'nt complain" types, the "I can do anything I want", which, and let me be VERY clear, I despise.

I don't intend to save anyone, but I also don't exploit anyone either, outside of what they've agreed to. Myself, I stand by, and take responsibility for, my actions; I don't have to cry, "why, why, why?"

12-20-07, 16:30
Had a great night out at Troyka (Russian Restaurant and Cabaret Club, Ascot Hotel, Bank Street). 200DH for all you can eat lavish buffet, including fresh seafood, and all you can drink (beer, wine spirits just kept on flowing all night without asking for it). Great floor-show all night. Waitresses dressed in traditional Russian wench-like outfits. I remember Kapitan posting a few phone-cam shots of the cabaret once. Highly recommended place for a fun night out with GF or wife etc. Mostly Russian clientele.

I was having such a great time eating and drinking and generally making merry, that when my pal pointed out to our wives there were a few WGs in the place, I said "Really, where?" They thought I was being a smartass. I scanned the scene, and sure enough - there were about 5 or 6 in the place (all stunners, all well-presented and low key, but making WG eye-contact).

12-20-07, 17:49
hi 11Bravo,
Not sure if this is what the original poster intended, but I would like to add a few thoughts here.
First, I do not post pictures, so I will comment only on the feedback remarks.

I think many of us come from a professional environment where feedback is a routine part of the job. And if we are going to be honest, it is essentially bullshit. When you provide feedback to your boss it is anonymized... how great for people who have been stuck in the same project for the whole period and where the only reportee. And feedback top-down it is usually an exercise in rancour and/or trying to justify your more senior position by finding "areas to improve".

So, if this is the situation with people whose job description involves that, I can imagine that some people may fell more than a little bit of discomfort when presented with feedback they provided about their recreational-activities partners. This may be for different reasons, sometimes because bragging/exaggeration (and then I think it is well deserved), but sometimes it may have to be with being too candorous in the appraisal of the performance.

I know that on an ideal world providers should use this information to either improve their performance or reallocate their creative potential to another activity where they can achieve better returns. And certainly I could start my activities by playing a recorded message stating this session could be recorded to improve customer service. And I also remember the wise words of my professor of Organizational Behaviour, "never give feedback to somebody who is not interested in it".

I know that in a perfect world one should be able to stand behind his/her own words under any circumstances. And sure the Duke always did, but for the rest of us it may be very hard to be confronted with a less than glamourous review that we provided expecting it to be unseen to the other party. Very few people appreciate receiving a poor evaluation, and many will go defensive; from their point of view it may make perfect sense, they do this to support their families while we do it for entertainment. So receiving bad reviews may have a negative impact on their ability to support their loved ones. And even if the review is good, they may feel "hurt" that certain details are disclosed.

And here I have to declare myself guilty, I have never asked the girl permission to post a report. I am sorry if you despise me too for this, but I think this is a reasonable middle ground. Yes I post a report because I feel entitled to it. I think it helps other people avoid mistakes, but I know each mistake we save somebody here it is is a hit on the revenue of some providers. I try to protect their privacy and at the same time give useful information, there is always a tradeoff involved when you have mutually exclusive targets.

In my case it is simple: The ones who get a repeat call they know, the one who do not, also know. I prefer it that way than giving them access to the more detailed reports I may write for my fellow mongers. I would also feel very uncomfortable having to discuss each of them with the provider; I consider certain things implicit:
- their right to privacy,
- my right to privacy, and
- my right to share my opinion on their performance with interested parties

Sorry if this is maybe too long and not properly structured. It may be better placed in one of the more editorial forums.

PS: I do not post pictures because honestly, I do not feel personally comfortable with that. It is true that some of my pictures have been posted and anybody who knows me well could recognize my big pale ass. However I can live with that risk.

PS2: It is 2048 and the chinese miss Y is sleeping to recover some energies... what is wrong with today's youth? :)

Why does everything have to be about personal gain? Since when is giving someone a head's up a bad thing?

After all If you've received truly informed consent, then what's the problem - she knows. If you haven't asked (explaining EXACTLY where it will be posted) and received permission, then why not? Afraid of the answer?What I think is ironic is that those who complain the most never show themselves in the photos. If it's not such a big deal to have her photo here, then why not the punter?

I lump people like you, as Wiseblood213 said, into the "I'm paying for it so she should'nt complain" types, the "I can do anything I want", which, and let me be VERY clear, I despise.

I don't intend to save anyone, but I also don't exploit anyone either, outside of what they've agreed to. Myself, I stand by, and take responsibility for, my actions; I don't have to cry, "why, why, why?"

12-20-07, 17:53
BTW - I don't tell them the website I post photos on, but I'm sure they realize it's not going to be "Home and Garden Magazine".While some girls may be internet savy, I think most are not, they equating internet with e-mail (what they are familiar with). The universality and longevity of the net is not understood.

And while they might not think "Home and Gardens", I doubt few realize they'll end up on a site SPECIFICALLY about prostitutes.

Full disclosure would be: "Can I post your photo on the internet on a site about prostitutes that is accessable by anyone anywhere in the world?"

12-20-07, 18:20
And here I have to declare myself guilty, I have never asked the girl permission to post a report. I am sorry if you despise me too for this, but I think this is a reasonable middle ground. Yes I post a report because I feel entitled to it. I think it helps other people avoid mistakes, but I know each mistake we save somebody here it is is a hit on the revenue of some providers. I try to protect their privacy and at the same time give useful information, there is always a tradeoff involved when you have mutually exclusive targets.

I consider certain things implicit:
- their right to privacy,
- my right to privacy, and
- my right to share my opinion on their performance with interested parties
I obviously wasn't clear - my comments were specifically addressed to posting photos without explicit, knowledgeable consent. For the very reason you state - right to privacy.

My feeling: how would the punter feel if his photo was posted on a site "Pays prostitutes for Sex"? Perhaps not what he'd like the family/neighbors/employer to see, huh?

I have no trouble with reviews and FR's, for the very reasons you state. That's the purpose of this forum as far as I'm concerned - where to go, what the scene is, the lessons learned. I seriously doubt given the number of punters in dxb compared with the number of members here that a negative review could really damage someone's income, yet I too am careful of too much identifying info, unless she's an out-and-out ripoff. Just because she wasn't the greatest for me doesn't mean she wouldn't be someone else's best. Likewise, my best could be someone else's 'why bother' (the ole YMMV). I'd worry more about someone DEMANDING "You did this for him - do if for me."

If a girl saw one of my reviews, I'd have no problem with it. But like you say, it's really not for her, it's for other punters. I wouldn't show it to her, but I wouldn't squirm if she saw it either.

Again, what I despise is the attitude "I paid, I can do anything I want" where that means infringing on her right to privacy by posting her photo on an internet site about prostitutes. Yes, she is one, without a doubt, but that's between you and her in the privacy of your room. I've yet to meet a girl who considered this her career, and once done here, most plan to go home, forget dxb, and try and live happily ever after. I hope they do.

My Kapitan
12-20-07, 18:32
Again, what I despise is the attitude "I paid, I can do anything I want" where that means infringing on her right to privacy by posting her photo on an internet site about prostitutes. Yes, she is one, without a doubt, but that's between you and her in the privacy of your room.

I dont think the fact that a guy posts a picture means he carries that attitude. Piper WR myself all post pics and I do not believe anyone of us mistreats or otherwise abuses the girls, in fact I would say the opposite is true. Next you will be asking that the photo thread is removed - watch Jackson's revenue decline after that.....

Saying the girls think the internet is for email only is naive, many of the girls I saw in Dubai were interested in using the link at my place for looking at RU sites and music sites. Maybe the Asians are different but I think not.

12-20-07, 18:42
I dont think the fact that a guy posts a picture means he carries that attitude. Piper WR myself all post pics and I do not believe anyone of us mistreats or otherwise abuses the girls, in fact I would say the opposite is true.If she agrees, with full knowledge, I have no problem with it. If she hasn't, then I do.

Saying the girls think the internet is for email only is naive, many of the girls I saw in Dubai were interested in using the link at my place for looking at RU sites and music sites. Maybe the Asians are different but I think not.My experience different. Some certainly knowledgeable, but most just e-mail or use the internet to call home. The concept there is a site about prostitutes, with photos, is unknown to most and most I know would NOT like their photo there. They don't even want their photos shown to other girls...

12-20-07, 18:50
I obviously wasn't clear -

Please do not take like that. The points raised here are very valid and I wanted to give my views on something I have been thinking for some time.

My feeling: how would the punter feel if his photo was posted on a site "Pays prostitutes for Sex"? Perhaps not what he'd like the family/neighbors/employer to see, huh?

Being there done that: 9AM Monday news in Kansas... oh well. BTW the girls talk with each other. Believe me, they talk. What is different is that their words are not stored on a medium that is both permanent and universally accessible.

I have no trouble with reviews and FR's, for the very reasons you state. That's the purpose of this forum as far as I'm concerned - where to go, what the scene is, the lessons learned. I seriously doubt given the number of punters in dxb compared with the number of members here that a negative review could really damage someone's income, yet I too am careful of too much identifying info, unless she's an out-and-out ripoff. Just because she wasn't the greatest for me doesn't mean she wouldn't be someone else's best. Likewise, my best could be someone else's 'why bother' (the ole YMMV). I'd worry more about someone DEMANDING "You did this for him - do if for me."

Well, that worry is VERY sensible. You agree a price and a menu. The price can depend on many things, some of them objective (timing, ratio of punters) but other are also very subjective (call me a moron but I think the girl may like you better than other candidates either because she knows you or because you took a shower less than 4 weeks ago). But by simply disclosing the price you could be revealing her reservation price. Just a reminder in many contracts buyers can not reveal the price.

And the menu is still more subjective. If she does anal with you she may not want to do it with other punter. Again, your concern is VERY relevant.

If a girl saw one of my reviews, I'd have no problem with it. But like you say, it's really not for her, it's for other punters. I wouldn't show it to her, but I wouldn't squirm if she saw it either.

When sitting in front of a keyboard we should always remember that what we write today will come back to haunt us in future. So we should try to write FR that even if it makes us uncomfortable to share with the provider at least it does not ashame us.

Again, what I despise is the attitude "I paid, I can do anything I want" where that means infringing on her right to privacy by posting her photo on an internet site about prostitutes. Yes, she is one, without a doubt, but that's between you and her in the privacy of your room. I've yet to meet a girl who considered this her career, and once done here, most plan to go home, forget dxb, and try and live happily ever after. I hope they do.

We agree on this, but agreeing on principle is relatively easy. The devil is on the details and on how we find the equilibrium, always a very personal thing.

What I think it is behind this is that we can look at this hobby of us either as a commodity-based one where all buyers are charged the same for equivalent menu and quality or as a highly customized one where each deal depends the identity of the buyer and seller and probably both parties would agree to different terms with different players. And as punters of course we would like to get French cuisine at McDonalds prices... and of course from the girls perspective nothing better than McDonalds food at Nouvelle Cuisine prices :D

In my experience it always start as the first, with a deal purely on price and menu, and we all feel comfortable reporting about this but in a few cases it moves into something more personalized and then you may have some remorse about having disclosed certain information... Oh well, I am a little too philosophical. My apologies.

Funfor Females
12-20-07, 21:20
Just a quicky on the current debate about accidental or reckless identification of WGs by posting pics.

Whilst I have nothing clever to contribute to the philosophy of this debate, as a practical proposition it might be good for Jackson to clearly state the procedure for having pics removed after they are posted.

If Jackson were to provide the procedural advice we could then all review the pics we have posted and re-think whether we actually want the pics to remain accessible. The judgement must be a personal and mature one taken with integrity.

12-20-07, 21:36
... it might be good for Jackson to clearly state the procedure for having pics removed after they are posted.
It's already there. See "Photo removal policy" top left of screen on the main page in "Hotlinks". (I tried posting the link, but due to my proxy, no luck. Anway, it's easy to find).

12-21-07, 03:21
Why does everything have to be about personal gain? Since when is giving someone a head's up a bad thing?

After all If you've received truly informed consent, then what's the problem - she knows. If you haven't asked (explaining EXACTLY where it will be posted) and received permission, then why not? Afraid of the answer?What I think is ironic is that those who complain the most never show themselves in the photos. If it's not such a big deal to have her photo here, then why not the punter?

I lump people like you, as Wiseblood213 said, into the "I'm paying for it so she should'nt complain" types, the "I can do anything I want", which, and let me be VERY clear, I despise.

I don't intend to save anyone, but I also don't exploit anyone either, outside of what they've agreed to. Myself, I stand by, and take responsibility for, my actions; I don't have to cry, "why, why, why?"

In the lingo they use back home Bravo..."You got me fucked up" translated into normal english it means you have me very misunderstood. I Don't think for one second just because a guy is paying for it he should be able abuse the girl and treat her less then any other woman he would on a date. I for one always try to hide the girls faces when I post. I let a Thai girl face be shown once about a year ago and I felt bad about it.

I think like you do that these women one day will want to lead normal lives and they have families and such who probably have no idea what their occupation is. All I am saying why tell the girl if you know her? What is the benefit of it? It causes unnecessary anxiety for all the parties involved. Lets not also forget what they do for a living and lets not forget the purpose of this site. Another damn thing don't lump me no where bruh. You know me and my mentality just about well as you know Noman Bates or any other colorful character you have never met...ease off the damn estrogen Brav.

Fifty Fifty
12-21-07, 06:07
.................ease off the damn estrogen Brav.

As reasonably mature thinking adults, some of us being ''very mature'', in my opinion we do not need the ''Moral Police'' to instruct us as to what we should and should not do here on ''our'' Forum.

Jackson runs the show, and very well too, there is a comprehensive set of rules regarding posts and that is all we need to abide by.

Yes, this is a Forum, a place for debate, information and posting of life experiences that may or may not be of benefit to other members.

What is it not is a site for the ''Moral Table Thumpers'' to excercise their minds in an attempt to ''Police the Show''.

Yes, we should continue to post views, discuss matters etc etc, but some of us are getting a little fed up of the continuos ''opinionations'' that are now following virtually every post.

In my opinion, the original post was a valid one, the member was merely informing us all of an occurrence regarding a Photo Post and relaying his view on the matter and how he felt, personally.

We can all relate to the matter and post our thoughts, but..........

Next as MK suggests the "Moral Police'' will be asking for the Photo Thread to be removed, then it will be ''Do not post any references to the club you picked the girl up in...just in case'' and so on...

Lets get it back to reality guys, yes these are 'normal' girls, yes they have families and friends who they do not wish know about their 'working life' but at the end of the day, they are doing what they do and we are the end product customers. The girls know the score, some may arrive naive, but it doesnt take long for them to learn the ropes, we all know that from experience with some very 'new to the game' girls we have had in the past.

I have taken lots of pictures, always with the girls permission, but I have never told them they may be posted on this site and I see no reason to ask to do it now, despite certain Senior Members 'telling me' that this is what I should do.

Thanks 11B, but NO THANKS, I will read the FR's and interpret them myself in future.

OK Yes, I have ''Sliced and Diced'', we can all do it, but not every bloody time!!!

Cheers, FF

12-21-07, 07:22
"Sarcasm: the last refuge of modest and chaste-souled people when the privacy of their soul is coarsely and intrusively invaded."

-Фёдор Миха́йлович Достое́вский

My Kapitan
12-21-07, 08:20
"Sarcasm: the last refuge of modest and chaste-souled people when the privacy of their soul is coarsely and intrusively invaded."

-Фёдор Миха́йлович Достое́вский

'There is no subject so old that something new cannot be said about it'.

Funfor Females
12-21-07, 10:11
"Blessed are those who go round in circles,
For they shall be known as wheels"


12-21-07, 10:27
Stopped over in Dubai twice within a week recently and ahead of the trip I took a look around WSG to catch up on the scene. As I appreciate both the regular contributers and the one of visit reports I thought I should add a few words.

First night I went to York and got talking to a short, pretty Chinese girl with excellent English. It was all a little early though as I don't tend to like going with the first girl, but to see how the evening pans out and wantin more of a choice. Then you sometimes regret the one that got away ealier. You can't always win. Anyway, took her despite one or two pretty spectacular girls who came and went. She lived very close by (behind the 4 Points sheraton) and had a great little body but was pretty mechanical so not a great night.

Second night, again at York with the previous eperience in mind I messed about all evening before taking a blond Chinese girl I have had before. She was a real pro in the sack so I guess I was playing safe this time around. On the last occassion she stuck her finger up my arse - much to my suprise - and asked if I liked it. Not really I have to say. During sex she also talked like something out of a porn flick. I forget her name but you may regognise her if you have been with her by the fact that one breast is larger than the other. Her implants not being perfectly performed. She says she is having them both enlarged again on her next trip home!!

Final night I was just transitting Dubai and stayed at the Metropolitan. Straight to the bar and on a tight schedule and fell into conversation with a Chinese girl called Coco who I had also had once before. She was dressed like she is going to work at an office with a tight shirt and long fitted skirt. Very nice. This girl is the business. Really kissed me and made all the right noises before stripping us both. She gives the best BJ I've ever had and fucks very well, finishing by telling me to CIM.

I have to say it was the first time I've stayed at the Met and was very impressed. The girls in the bar simply say to go to the room and they will be up in 5 mins. They know another route up apparently.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

12-21-07, 11:11
At last I can give also my contribution to the forum! I was in Dubai a few days ago and I really had a great time. Dubai is really a monger’s paradise. Too many options! I was there for 4 days and I achieved the following (First a short version with the overview and the long story follows):

1st night: Regal Rockafellas
Menu: CIS, PRCs. Quality: Many 6-7s, some 8-9s
I had chosen a quality 7 CIS.
Service: Just 5

2nd Evening: Visited a House with PRCs
Menu: 7 girls, quality 6-8
I had chosen a 7 with a nice breast and an 8
Service: 10+

3rd night: Hyatt Regency Premiere
Menu: CIS, PRC, Africans. Quality: Many 7s and some 9-10
I had chosen an absolute 10
Service: 10+++

4Th Evening: The girl from the premiere was too good. I called her to come again!

Now the long version:

1st night: Regal Rockafellas

I entered the club and got shocked in the beginning! It was really full of people and it was hard to move from one place to another. My first thought was that it would be difficult to realize which girls are interested to come with me. I had two fast drinks and relaxed in a corner. I was checking out the situation and I was thinking of my plan. After half an hour, I realized that it was not difficult at all to find the right one. I talked to a girl and we agreed to go to my hotel room. I was staying at the old 4P Sheraton Bur Dubai. When coming in, the security guy started to tell me something, but with a ten dollar bill, all explanations were not necessary!

We talked with the girl and after a lot of talking I took her to the bed. Service was not good. No BBBJ and after the first round she dressed up. I asked her if she wants to go and she said yes. I didn’t bother too much. I still had 3 nights and a lot to try.

2nd Evening: Visited a House with PRCs

I got the number from the expatriates site and gave them a call. She told me that she has 7 girls there from PRC and they could give me a massage for 100 DHS per hour. She also added that if I want something extra from the girls, I should give them a tip and they would do anything. I went there, got in and there were really 7 girls standing in a row, waiting for me to choose. I chose the two best and went to the room. If course it has nothing to do with massage salon (as I expected of course), as in the room there was only a bed and the girls asked me to remove my clothes immediately after entering the room. They told me that they would do anything for me, if I would give them 500 dhs to each. I agreed and they started to give me a BBBJ both together. It was a great service. The service included two shots, anal and also facecum. Want else would a man want?

3rd night: Hyatt Regency. Premiere

This place was also very full as I expected. I didn’t really like the layout, because it was just a big dancing floor and narrow corridors around it. Maybe later on, the people would all go to the dance floor (because the dance floor was empty when I got there) and it would be easier to move around. I talked to two girls and I didn’t get the body language response that they were willing to give me a good service. Finally I talked to a girl of a quality 10 and she gave me a good feeling that the service would be good. We went to the hotel with different taxis (she insisted on this) and I had excellent time. The service was so good, so I decided to tell her to come also earlier next evening!

4th Night: Great Night

I called the girl I met the night before and she cam at around 10. I had a great time till early in the morning, where I hat to go to the airport!

A foot note:

Personally I never bargain with the girls, because I want them to come with a good mood and give me a good service. I also never push any girl to do something she doesn’t want. I am always a gentleman and most of the times it works and I get excellent service.

A Wish:

I really hope that Dubai remains in this way, because I see a lot of reports about more controlling and girls being deported. It would be a pity to loose the fun of this perfect place.

12-21-07, 11:34
We agree on this...We're on the same page...

See "Photo removal policy" top left of screen on the main page in "Hotlinks". (I tried posting the link, but due to my proxy, no luck. Anway, it's easy to find).http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-photoremovalpolicy.php

you have me very misunderstood.My mistake.

All I am saying why tell the girl if you know her? What is the benefit of it? It causes unnecessary anxiety for all the parties involvedYes, it does cause anxiety, and that's unfortunate. However, there is the old cliche: fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.

There's nothing she can do about the past, but future decisions can be made knowing the potential risks.

12-21-07, 14:05

post coitum omne animal triste est, sive gallus et mulier

For the non latin speakers, all animal are sad after sex, except the cock and the woman...

Lets meditate about these wise words...

"Blessed are those who go round in circles,
For they shall be known as wheels"


12-21-07, 14:12
york, thursday, 10:15-10:45
no question on destination for tonight; hadn't been for awhile and wanted to see any effects of the le predations.

place crowded, but not overly so, especially for a thursday. prc's rep001tered to the left of the room, some cis to the right 'front'. africans intermixed, a number at the long bar. band sounding decent, except for the sound system - like being piped through water.

started on my recon circuit, quickly bumping into a stunner i've known for years. had planned on booking her friday night... she asked "why not tonight?" good question, but i deferred, as i wanted to make at least 1 full circuit. not that i'd find anyone better, but did want to see if miss sg was around. she wasn't, but did bump into a just returned relief-pitcher, a number i'll now return to the active list. a number of cute new faces around. not stunners, but very cute, and certainly potentials. (while waiting outside, a new stunner, with 'date', walked by - alone worth a return visit). btw: consruction has "moved", so easiest to enter york by staying on the shoemart side if coming from the direction of panarama.

made my way down the long bar side, looking like a horror film's gauntlet of outsretched, grasping black hands. i think it'd be a rather simple concept - if i'm interested, i'll stop; if i'm not, i won't. i am aware of my surroundings, and of who i pass; grabbing at me not appreciated.

back to the starting point, miss s there, why wait for tomorrow, and off we go.

just like goldilocks: 1st stunner too cold, 2nd stunner too short (time), but this one just right. eager and willingly partner, mutual enjoyment.

for me, anyway, rattlesnake has the edge in prc stunners, but york has the edge in "chorus" selection. slightly more cis at york, but then, i did depart before "rush" hour. more africans at york, but it is a bigger bar.

pleasantly surprised at a thursday night's selection, but then maybe some punters are burnt out by the long weekend, and it is getting towards the end of the month. glad to say number of familiar faces around. so while le continues, so also does business.

12-21-07, 15:57
More words of wisdom:

Groundhog Day.


12-21-07, 17:22
Hi Guys,

Does anybody know the current situation on LE activity around the Crowne Plaza area ? How likely is this place to be paid a visit in the near future?

French Canadia
12-22-07, 05:44
Hi Guys,

Does anybody know the current situation on LE activity around the Crowne Plaza area ? How likely is this place to be paid a visit in the near future?Doubtful you will see LE activity near the Crown Plaza, as it was mentioned to you the Zinc there is not really a working place for the WG you might find a couple but it's more a civilian bar than a WG bar like the ones mentioned all the time, York, Regal, Rumors, Imperial Suite, Panorama RatlleSnake and Premiere to name the most popular working bars.


12-22-07, 05:50
Does anybody know the current situation on LE activity around the Crowne Plaza area ? How likely is this place to be paid a visit in the near future?The only people who REALLY know ARE LE, and they're not saying :)

I've yet to hear of hotel rooms being busted, certainly not those in legit hotels. It's been houses (both "houses" and legit accomodations), and the "usual" outside of clubs. For the best info, I'd follow the lead of the girls - she, better than anyone, will know - vested interest and all.


Friday night, decided to take it easy and called the relief pitcher I'd bumped into Thursday night. Unfortunately, she'd lost some of her skills during her 6 month hiatus in China, so only an average experience. Hopefully, like riding a bike...

As we were talking about her former roommates, found out that one girl I have known for a long time got caught up in the Lamcy Plaza busts. Just sleeping at home, no clients around, a knock on the door, watchman + LE, and despite having a valid visa, deported. She was saying 18 girls from a well known building there no longer enjoying the dxb sun.

After 2nd round, while relaxing, heard MY mobile beeping. At that hour, figured I should answer. Glad I did. An all-star fav at the airport, on her way home voluntarily, nice enough to give me a call to say goodbye. Spinner's massage the best in town, will miss her.

What has been nice is the traffic - 20 minute round trips to downtown. Will be sorry to see Eid end.

Ericklein and Taylor2: Nice reports, the core of the forum. Thanks for providing some fun reading. Think the "PRC's" reported at Regal Rockafellas are really 'stanis, though these days, with girls looking for alternate offices, could be.

12-22-07, 13:38
Due to circumstances beyond my control, I ended up at York early last night (around 8pm). It was already reasonably full with the usual mix of girls. My intention was to take a few numbers for an afternoon session today. Took the numbers of two young Djiboutians who share an apartment - perfect! (The Indianesque one attracted me over, but when I talked to her playful friend, I decided a threesome would be good).

Alas, my plans changed when I succumbed to the charms of a cute chubby-cheeked silky-blonde-haired half-PRC with a big Betty Boop head and big come-to-bed eyes, and a cute Betty Boop bod with pert breasts. We ended up back at her apartment around 10pm. I was a little put-off when we arrived and the door was opened by a young Chinese guy, but once we were locked in the bedroom, all that was forgotten. She knew her business (a little kinky - her finger going naughty places while blowing me), and a fun time was had for a couple of hours. I shall return.

ex-Henry J Beans

Earlier in the evening I started at Capitol Hotel. Henry J Beans has been renovated and under new management, with a new name (I forget the name). Very quiet when I was there around 7pm - just a few pool players and a couple of girls, but the barman assured me it was going to be a wild night, as he emptied several full bottles of various white spirits into a large container. Kind of put me off drinking. He told me it was the base recipe for the infamous Bullfrogs and Long Island Tea. Perfect leg-openers. There's a free welcome drink for guys and girls on weeknights. I'm heading overseas tomorrow, but might check it out on my return in a few weeks. There were always a handful of WGs of various nationalities in Henry J Beans. I wonder what it will be like now? (I noted that they've blacked out the large front windows, making the place more private. Could be a sign.)

12-22-07, 15:29
I have never mongered in UAE and normally only stop overnight in Dubai in my travels.
I am an avid reader, however, at all that is going on there but you might like to know of a comment/remark that was made to me on my flight from Dubai back to the UK at the weekend.

Started talking to the guy (a total stranger) next to me who worked in Dubai and was heading home for the first time in 10 months. He was clued up on the Dubai scene and mentioned the York, Rattlesnake and a few other places although he was adamant he did not indulge in any activities himself, which funnily enough I believed. He said it was not worth the risk.
What was disturbing was that he told me one of his employees got caught in an LE raid on a girl's house and is currently in jail waiting to see what will happen to him. At the very least, he has lost his job and faces deportation. Explain that to the wife.

Be warned fellow mongerers, as I detect an increasing amount of comment in your forum re LE activities in Dubai.

Take care

12-22-07, 16:17
I just got a PM from a forum member with 0 reports (right 0) asking for phone numbers... I hope I do nto need to remind anybody that this is a big no-no. If somebody wants a phone number the best way is "a la 50/50" introducing in person.

I have never mongered in UAE and normally only stop overnight in Dubai in my travels.
I am an avid reader, however, at all that is going on there but you might like to know of a comment/remark that was made to me on my flight from Dubai back to the UK at the weekend.

Started talking to the guy (a total stranger) next to me who worked in Dubai and was heading home for the first time in 10 months. He was clued up on the Dubai scene and mentioned the York, Rattlesnake and a few other places although he was adamant he did not indulge in any activities himself, which funnily enough I believed. He said it was not worth the risk.
What was disturbing was that he told me one of his employees got caught in an LE raid on a girl's house and is currently in jail waiting to see what will happen to him. At the very least, he has lost his job and faces deportation. Explain that to the wife.

Be warned fellow mongerers, as I detect an increasing amount of comment in your forum re LE activities in Dubai.

Take care

12-22-07, 17:29
I have never mongered in UAE and normally only stop overnight in Dubai in my travels.If you're stopping over anyway... What dxb has going for it is the variety of nationalities all in 1 city...

What was disturbing was that he told me one of his employees got caught in an LE raid on a girl's house and is currently in jail waiting to see what will happen to him. At the very least, he has lost his job and faces deportation. Explain that to the wife.EXACTLY. Both "homes", home office, and home home, will not be thrilled, and grounds for termination from both.

Personally, I'd not be visiting her abode these days, but stick to either mine or a hotel.

I just got a PM from a forum member with 0 reports (right 0) asking for phone numbers... What continually amazes me is given it's SO EASY here to go out to any of the oft mentioned bars, spend an hour, and have your own. Ericklein and Taylor2 good examples of doing some reading, then successfully enjoying.

There's always the referral line: 04 2692222

12-23-07, 02:17
I will be staying at the Hilton, did some research about places I would like to visit, in the afternoon the Broadway Hotel Coffee Shop, in the evening the Metropolitain Hotel (Rattlesnake Club). How far are these two places from the Hilton? Is it an easy cab ride?
Are there any places close to the Hilton?
Thank you.

French Canadia
12-23-07, 05:38
I will be staying at the Hilton, did some research about places I would like to visit, in the afternoon the Broadway Hotel Coffee Shop, in the evening the Metropolitain Hotel (Rattlesnake Club). How far are these two places from the Hilton? Is it an easy cab ride?

Are there any places close to the Hilton?

Thank you.Hi Johntood.

I am including a interactive map of Dubai


Use the directory to locate your hotel and then do the same thing to locate the two other places your talking about going and you will see. Brodway not too far but Ratllesnake is much further and on the other side of the creek traffic over the bridges can be long depending of the time of the day.

Ejnoy yourself, take care


12-23-07, 08:36
Here's a series of PMs I received last night and today (sender's name changed to 'Member X' to protect the innocent).

Re: video equipment

Member X: what do you use for your pics/video equipment I'm looking for something that gets good quality and is discreet.

Piper1: Just a cheap'n'easy kodak digital. I'm not a professional.

Member X: Hmm I was looking for some good concealable video equipment, do you know of any?

Piper1: Try the FBI superstore.

Member X: I could not find it after googling it do you have a link?

Can any FBI agents out there help this guy? I'm sure his intentions are good.

Tercar 66
12-23-07, 11:11
Last wednesday I plannned to check out the AMP in Jumairah. I called them several times , no one seems to take the line. I then called another AMP in Bur Dubai their mobile was switched off. I then called 4 inhouse joints in Bur dubai all those mobiles were switched off. I then tried an old contact in Deira, fortunately he took the line. Very pathetic situation, one bedroom flat, 12 girls mostly form Kazakistan and Indonesia. I took one from Kazak, nothing much to talk about.

12-23-07, 12:25
I will be staying at the Hilton, did some research about places I would like to visit, in the afternoon the Broadway Hotel Coffee Shop, in the evening the Metropolitain Hotel (Rattlesnake Club). How far are these two places from the Hilton? Is it an easy cab ride?

Are there any places close to the Hilton?

Thank you.Broadway is in walking distance to Hilton.

To go to Rattlesnake club will take you about 15-20 min or 2 hours depending on traffic. An the same side of the creek you can find Premiere at Hyatt Regency (10 min taxi ride) and also some other Hotels on the creek in a walking distance.


John Marigold99
12-23-07, 13:27
Went to Elegante a new club at the Royal Ascot hotel for the opening night.

As the named indicates it is a high end club, moslty couples there, but did spot couple of CIS top rank wg's there.

Watch out for this new outlet.....First time posting to ISG, but have posted reports on the USA guide under same ID without the 99. I am traveling to Dubai in early February and tentatively planning to stay at the Royal Ascot. Can someone confirm if this hotel is GF? I promise to post mongering reports after my visit.

12-23-07, 15:01
You can always provide 11Bravo's fav customer care number
04 2692222

Or maybe it is time to check Fantasia again.

PS Please, do NOT call this number. It is not Dubai monger help line.

Here's a series of PMs I received last night and today (sender's name changed to 'Member X' to protect the innocent).

Re: video equipment

Member X: what do you use for your pics/video equipment I'm looking for something that gets good quality and is discreet.

Piper1: Just a cheap'n'easy kodak digital. I'm not a professional.

Member X: Hmm I was looking for some good concealable video equipment, do you know of any?

Piper1: Try the FBI superstore.

Member X: I could not find it after googling it do you have a link?

Can any FBI agents out there help this guy? I'm sure his intentions are good.

Member #1071
12-24-07, 09:54
First time posting to ISG, but have posted reports on the USA guide under same ID without the 99. I am traveling to Dubai in early February and tentatively planning to stay at the Royal Ascot. Can someone confirm if this hotel is GF? I promise to post mongering reports after my visit.
guess it is girl friendly, at least the adjacent Ascot (the old one) is girl friendly.

Member #1071
12-24-07, 09:57
Last wednesday I plannned to check out the AMP in Jumairah. I called them several times , no one seems to take the line. I then called another AMP in Bur Dubai their mobile was switched off. I then called 4 inhouse joints in Bur dubai all those mobiles were switched off. I then tried an old contact in Deira, fortunately he took the line. Very pathetic situation, one bedroom flat, 12 girls mostly form Kazakistan and Indonesia. I took one from Kazak, nothing much to talk about.

Indeed it seems this is the most serious raid campaign by LE in Dubai.
All of the 13 MP and houses I contacted last week had their phones off....

12-24-07, 14:09
Just wondering, what's it like during Xmas and New year in Dubai. Logic dictates that most expats and WG's will have left and 'gone home' for this period - thereby mkaing it seem quieter than normal. Is this true, or is it a 'buyers market' ?

Does it also affect location/clubs/bars etc?

12-24-07, 18:09
Just wondering, what's it like during Xmas and New year in Dubai. Logic dictates that most expats and WG's will have left and 'gone home' for this period - thereby mkaing it seem quieter than normal. Is this true, or is it a 'buyers market' ?

Does it also affect location/clubs/bars etc?Christmas not a holiday here so no real difference. Expats who celebrate Christmas will do just that, as will WGs, so both numbers reduced. New Year's Day is a holiday so New Year's Eve is a mad night. Personally I find it better to stay home and party as everywhere is overfull and overpriced.

Be careful out there.


12-24-07, 19:13
Just wondering, what's it like during Xmas and New year in Dubai. Logic dictates that most expats and WG's will have left and 'gone home' for this period - thereby mkaing it seem quieter than normal.Works out: less demand, and less supply. But given the number of Merry Christmas sms's I've received, a number of wg's still in-country.

Miss House Guest home at 3am, so business must be slow.

12-25-07, 01:33
Hello people,

I'm new to the forum but have been reading (and enjoying) alot of the Dubai reports. They have been both educational and illiminating. So I thought Id post my first report I hope you find it entertaining. !

Came to Dubai for a holiday in early Nov (Yes I know should have reported earlier but was busy) for 7 days. Took the many 'subtle' hints about RTFF (thanx to spelman for a great summary guide btw). Was staying in the Taj in Deira. Lovely rooms but walk of shame was 'interesting'.

First night rested too knackered to lift my head never mind my other anatomy. Second night decided to pay a visit to Hyatt regency premier club. Don't drink so got there around 12am plenty of every sort CIS, PRC etc all lined up in I presume their 'posse' areas. Now I was told by a few when I got there that you shouldnt dance too much or you get kicked out. I guess buisness and buying drinks was what you go there for. Dancing after deals struck seem to be the case.

Now I'm quite a fussy guy and prefer CIS of a certain young look. Girl next door type. So went hunting for something sweet an tasty. Low and behold a Kirsten Dunst lookalike a kid you not. Amazing teenage body sweet 18 yearold face straight out of a model catalogue name was Diana and she was with her cousin also cute but a little more mature an obviously more experienced in english and the buisness. She said 2000 LT. Now I know this is expensive as guess what I RTFF! I didn't accept and they werent having any of the haggling either so I said id see them later maybe. I Canvassed a few CIS girls 1500-1800 seemed all their going start rates. Price fixing me thought plus they were all grade A caucasian ass so a premium demand compared to other girls (just my opinion. PRC are nice too). I had been to york bar in the summer where prices were around 500 but the girls not of the same calibre as these.

I bided my time and low and behold I saw a cute petit blondle CIS loning it at the bar. Immediately she seemed different not like others in their groups or couples. Bekoned her over but she cheekily but sweetly did the same. We met somewhere between the bar and a PRC (wink) and talked she was called christina was from moscow. Very hot size 8 body with killer butt (my weakness guys). Ironically 35 but looked 21! 1200 LT was her rate no more no less a finality in her tone which was conveyed with excellent english. By this time it was nealy 2 and my taste in CIS were getting thin on the ground. I said ok and she took my no and said shed meet me at my hotel. I was puzzled but she assured me it was due to the LE and I went with it. It turned out she was driving her own car and she rang me outside the hotel where I met her. Security guard asked for passport copy no other fuss as I had met the night manager the previous night during chck in who was cool. Plus christina was not obvious if you know what I mean dessed sexily in jeans and clubbing top. Ie girl next door so walking the loooong lobby of shame to the lifts was not too bad.

Got upstairs and she immediately surprised me with saying that if I only showed her the money she was happy and not to give it to her til the morning. Very sweet something differnt about her unlike other CIS. She gave me great GFE kissing stroking sitting on lap. Very sweet guys. My sort of night in! She took her clothes off one by one like a strip doing an imaginary pole dance routine. Awsome but unlike strip clubs I could touch anything anywhere anytime. She grinded me while kissing me getting me rock hard. Her nipples off perfect see cups were very erect and her body soft and petit. I got undressed an she knelt down and gave be BBBJ very naturally keeping great eye contact. She was experienced and unlike alot of CIS id been with she was very natural and un-buisness like. After 10 mins of that she sat down next to me and we chatted. She was very smart, I like awoman with brains who I can engage with interlectually as well as physically. She was engaging. More like a high class escort than a hooker. Mind you I guess lots of you wud say for 1200 LT she better be! I believe you pay for what you get. Now sadly thats not always the case with CIS especially (one shot and 'excuses' follow. More of that in part 2 btw)but this case was diffeent. She gave me a massage on the bed then I got her in a 69 and made her come. After a few short minutes of recovery I got her to stand up and I took her against the man size mirror on the wall. She misted it as she got more out of breath. I took her to the bed and we did DS, Cowgirl and missionary. Great stuff she enjoyed I enjoyed it and I came with another BBBJ. We then chatted some more politics, sex, russia and her story (I know nver be suckered. Rememeber I have. Guess what RTFF! HE HE) she gave me this story of her needing money for some relatives operation back home. Didn't care either way but I was struck by her genuiness. She was most probably telling the truth and she engaged me like a lover not a trick. She had been in the country only 2 weeks but had had a lot of demand. Blonde hair, great body, no surprise I guess.

We slept for a couple of hours then she sweetly woke me up with FK for another session. DS, reverse cowgirl and a bit of BLS. Lovly and a CIM. Slept again before she apologetically said she needed to leave at around 830. But not before a stand up session in the shower. Anyone who knows taj palace knows their huge. Frankly 'designed for sex' shower rooms! Great VFM nnd a lovely woman to boot. Arranged to meet up with her later in the trip.

Now I know this is a long post so I'll send my part 2 in a seperate post. Lets say diana turns up in the second part again! Hope this wasnt posted on the wrong thread if so sorry. Hope you guys look forward to my second report.

Till then ta ta. And remember why so serious. Mongering is a laugh!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

12-25-07, 02:12
Merry Christmas to one and all. May your crackers be pulled with a bang.


12-25-07, 12:19
Indeed it seems this is the most serious raid campaign by LE in Dubai.

All of the 13 MP and houses I contacted last week had their phones off....LE has been pretty active out there. I couldn't get thru to usual Al Wasl & Capitol Hotel ones either.

be careful out there.

My Kapitan
12-25-07, 18:35
Just wondering, what's it like during Xmas and New year in Dubai. Logic dictates that most expats and WG's will have left and 'gone home' for this period - thereby mkaing it seem quieter than normal. Is this true, or is it a 'buyers market' ?

Does it also affect location/clubs/bars etc?

Not at all, a misunderstanding of the international nature of Dubai there. Emirates is a Muslim country so xmas does not count except in financial terms. So Muslims still work, CIS celebrate xmas on Jan 7th, expats in country still work (well sort of) and the PRC dont do xmas in the true sense.

Therefore business as usual even if the numbers of expat punters is reduced. I used to have a great time at xmas when the ex wife was away!

Gets quiet in early January - no CIS around - bummer.


Seasons greetings to one and all - keep your ends up,,,,

12-25-07, 20:17
So now we come to part 2 of this report. Which I hope is as entertaining as the last was thrilling. So without further a do here I go. Day 2 of 7 in jolly Dubai and I've just said goodbye to sweet/fluid draining christina who I enjoyed so much I decided to meet up with again in 2-3 days time. Third day was a chillout day. Sort of give my aching 'muscle' a rest day. You guys know what I mean!

Fourth night I decide to pay a visit to Rattlesnake around 11. Interesting place. Without hopefully insulting anyone it reminded me of the bar in dusk til dawn a bit. Only without George clooney but possibly with vampires if id stayed long enough after lock in! Loads of PRC, africans and a few beat up CIS. As you probably know from part 1 (if not RTFF! ) not my cup of tea and biscuits. The band were very good so I stayed a bit avoiding the classic eyecontact with alot of keen PRC. Good party atmosphere in there very contrasting to premiere's buisness like dark environment. Left around 12 and decided to pop back to premiere again.

Slightly different crowd in this night. More on the CIS menu as I like. At this point its worth pointing out festival season was peak time in Dubai. So these guys were charging top dollar with little space for rattling them down. Perused the typical line of uninterested, distant Chain smoking CIS. Walked past the keen but not my taste PRC and stopped to chat with some friendly arabian looking girls (probably armenian, jordanian! ? ) who were charging 1000-1500 LT opening offer.

Now with all my endevours I do attempt to list the services that will be provided that night. Some smile and miraculously lose the ability to speak english (like those arab chics! ) others just say 'evrything'. I've distilled the negotiation to what they don't do which is a short list in most cases and stuff I'm not normally into anyway.

I moved on and low and behold I met diana again dressed in backless top (the one without a bra you can see through the sides of! ) and versache jeans. A girl next door kirsten dunst look-a-like I [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) you not! Looked 19 was 21 cute and sweet. She was with her more experienced cousin natalia. Apprently the previous night they had gone home without buisness so tonite seemed a good night for rattling them down. 2000 LT opening offer. Hmmm I thought hot but considering what I got from christina 2 nights before for 1200 I thought too high. They were very friendly for CIS and didn't mind chatting and flirting alittle. Its what makes mongering fun after all!

I asked the 'what don't you do' stuff and they answered with the usual stuff (ATM, Bareback, FUTB. Pretty much anything back passage related! )I was cool with that I'm a regular taste sort of guy after all. Then came the infamous shot question I normally like 3 with the last in the morning before they swan off. Diana offered 2 shots. I was like ok but knew with a body like hers I wud be finding it hard to sustain our first ride togeather! Other 50 somethings were hovering by this point. Some local FOBUs. So I let them have a go and said id be back later (I knew diana wsnt going anywhere).

Now at this point I wud like to say these sort of prices are high no doubt and places like yorke, etc you cud get a decent night for 500. But I'm into young outrageously good looking girls. And guess what. They cost more. The point is from my point of view. Yes pay for what you get but make damn sure you get what you want! (if you can afford it)u have a great 'fantasy' time mongering.

Now back to my overlong, over teasing report. I chatted to some other CIS who were uninterested so I backed off sharpish (in my experience if they can't be arsed chatting to you then they especially won't be arsed when they are spread like butter on toast on your hotel bed!

I manouverd for diana again who look relieved to see me (I'm in my early 30s) and was more her type of age group (I hope). We rattled I said 1200 she laughed then said 2000 then I laughed said 1000 she then went serious (I love mongering he he) her cousin had gone off so I took the high ground. She said no less tha 1300 so I smiled and said ok. She then did the usual phone no swap and you get a taxi I get a different one show. We met at my hotel (Taj) where unlike 2 nights ago security were being arsy. I slipped him 20 dhs and diana winked at him and before you know it we were walking the lobby of shame. More difficult this time as she was sooooo hot I had to grope her ass (I just couldn't help myself! ) anyone whos been to taj knows the lobby walk is long and pretty much everyone see what 'shopping' you've bought.

Got her to the room. Immediate FK then she gently pushed me away and demanded the money upfront. I showed her the money but left it on the table for 'later' collection. She was reluctant. Now I broke my own rule. And gave her the money upfront. Mistake uno. She then proceeded to FK me and massage my groin with her hand. Nice but quite frankly she was too hot so I was already pointing north! I gently undressed her top in under 2 secs (one knot quite convenient really). And licked her teenage be cups. Awsome! She knelt down and unlevered my north pointing rod and said Hello, to it with a kiss and lick. Not a full BBBJ then she deftly put the rubber on and BJ was ok if a bit rugged. Me thought she was a little inexperienced.

She wanted a bath and I was hungry so I ordered some room service and she went and got wet. 15 min later she came out wearing a sexily open gown and nothing else. I nearly dropped my overpriced drumstick. ! She sat on my lap and licked. You guessed it. My overpriced drumstick. More FK ensued then I bypassed more rugged BJing and cut to the main event. Now this girl was not only fit. She was 'fit' this girl cud grind for russia I kid you not. My two sugar balls were in a state of painful shock yet it was quite a nice workout. She clearly went to the gym more than once a month chaps. She was tight but a little unrefined (comes with experience I guess). She pretty much cowgirled me to her O point 15 min later and shortly after I gave up the ghost and let the O fluids rush as well. She was like a human gym my loose abs were tight guys after that. Whoa!

Then came the disappointment. As I suspected she got her gown on and sat on the sofa watchin telly. I came over and she FK for a little but did not want to engage any further. Now I really hate this about CIS (and I must say unlikePRC who are admittadly more consistant to sevice you well). I like to think I screen them well and get a good service but this time it was a case of really fit and pretty but LT service lacking. 1 shot was clearly all she had in mind and excuses followed. I'm tired, I can't stay beyond 5, PMS, yada yada yada. Well I had broken my rule and now Sods law was coming to collect.

She stayed and we fell asleep but at 4 ish she woke up and wanted to leave. I insisted she give me one more shot as was her original terms but she was whinging so she gave me another BJ/handjob. Now by this point I couldn't be arsed and the mood was completely gone so I told her to leave. She then suddenly felt bad and started wanting to cuddle. This hot/cold crap was not what I signed up for. 1 shot and you can go. But she was uninterested. She got dressed, kiss on cheek and left. All in all a waste of that level of money. If you see these CIS in the future don't let your rod do the talking and if so insist on ST terms only. Oh well rough with smooth!

There is a silver lining to this mongering tale. I met up with sweet blonde christina the following 2 nights and had a awsome time (ironic as she was in her 30s but looked 21)- multiple shots galore. Great natural sex. Great pillow talk in between. She was very sweet and well worth 1200 a night (she insisted on money only in the morning btw). As I said if you know what you are getting is what you want its worth it. But remember as this forum repeats till its green in the gills. Know what you are getting, don't pay up front, and screen the girls carefully. If showing attitude in negotiations (rattling) they will be even worse back in your room! To be fair diana was pleasurable but Girls like her give CIS a bad rep. ST seems to be the way forward with that lot.

Have a nice one guys I will do more reports in the future. Hope you enjoyed these ones! Please let me know your thoughts criticisms. I appreciate your input.

Whysoserious. Mongering is for a fun time not a serious time.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

12-25-07, 20:44
Gets quiet in early January - no CIS around - bummer.And February is quiet for PRC's - number go home for chinese new year. But certainly not all...

12-25-07, 22:55
Back in Dubai after a while out and went down to bur Dubai.

I'm used to driving around and seeing the streets lined with women from all walks of life. What happened where did they all go. I was driving around and it was empty didn't know where to look and wasnt exactly dressed for any of the bars. Reading through the forum I see the le are out and about but that can't be the case can it? They were always around before and that didn't stop me picking up a few girls. Any tips on where to find them walking around as I'm not in the mood for any bars.

12-26-07, 04:28
Gather around the camp fire mongers, mongettes, bare-backers and condom wearers. Going to try to make this short and sweet. The names have been removed to protect the guilty ass hell.

Arrived in Dubai for a day and half stint. That’s longer then usual. Booked a hotel at the Novotol Trade Center. Staff was friendly, room was small, clean and basic but for $130 in Dubai that is what was expected. The hotel customers were of the suit and tie and families on vacation variety. It was funny every time I entered the lobby with the baggy clothes and the VVSes the look on the patron’s faces was priceless.

Went to my second favorite place in Dubai the Gold Souk. (My first favorite is all the WGs venues.) Got to hand it to the jewelers in Dubai they not going to let you leave with money in your pocket. They will set your VVSes in any metal, cut them any way, find you any carat then there is the extraordinary discounts. In the USA unless your bank account is like the Pacific Ocean what you see is what gets.

Later that night hit the streets. The magical word of Filipinas compelled me to the Sea-view venue. It was my first time in the place. I arrived kind of early and the place was dead. A few PRCs who looked like they had too many miles on them. Lot of middle-age guys shooting pool and getting shit faced.

In the corner I spotted a group of Filipina smiling and pointing. I walked over introduced myself and I asked a couple of questions about the joint etc… They were Filipinas alright but not the type of was looking for. The Budweiser shirts and the look of innocence was dead give always.

A cool bar tender who saw my watch and the VVSes and was really curious about where I worked. He really gave me the details and told me to hang out it was going to pick up. Told me about a live band etc... which I had heard about on ISG. I already knew the place was going to pick up. In any city in the world you need to hit the club late just a rule of thumb but I was bored out of my mind at the telly.

The live band showed up and all were gorgeous I mean really Filipina eye candy. My main companion in Tokyo is beautiful and not many Filipinas can compare but they were top of line. The lead guitarist wasn’t that hot and from my observation was probably a lesbian.

They went through a variety of songs and they were also very talented. I went up close too get better look and all of them locked eyes my way but I think it was more curiosity then anything. There were not many Black guys in the place. I took their photo and I think they got a little pissed.

Then it happened. The "type" of Filipinas I was waiting for showed the hell up. The WGs was in the building. Two came in and took a seat right next to me. I instantly told them they was the some of the finest girls in the building and told them what ever they were drinking was on me. They ordered up some stuff and some more Filipinas showed up. They came in all shapes and sizes. Ranging from 2-10s. One was tall and had some of the biggest sets of head lights I ever seen on a Filipina. She made every attempt to rub them on me every time she passed by.

The first two that came in had my attention. One was cool and calculating. The other had that “I just arrived in Dubai and I am a little giddy” type of attitude. I wanted the cool one because she was more beautiful and I her liked her flavor. Now I know being black and dealing with Filipinas there is a slight fear factor. I constantly had to tell them I was an American.

So me and the cool one texted each other back in forth because of the noise it was easier then talking. Finally she told me she had a regular coming. I should take her friend. I was little disappointed but her friend was not shabby. About a 6-7 in my book and shy. The cool one negotiated everything for her and a price of 700 Dirham was agreed upon for the entire night.

We left the place and told each other our age and what we were doing in Dubai etc... and hailed a taxi. Some Indian guy picked us up and kept looking back at us with a shit eating grin as we were talking.

We arrived at the hotel and entered the lobby and all eyes instantly locked on us like they could tell she was a working girl and I was a customer. I wondered was it in my mind or were they really able to tell. She was dressed normal enough jeans and a nice dress shirt. Nothing too sexy or revealing. This was my first time bringing a girl back to a telly in Dubai normally I go home with them.

Usually lodging is provided by my company but this time they backed out because of my slight extended stay. Bringing a girl back to the company hotel is no no and a one way ticket back to the USA.

We walked in and approached the elevator as I texted her negotiator back telling her her friend was in good hands assuring her I would take care of her. We boarded the elevator and then it happened. Some guy maybe the floor manager of the hotel started interrogating her. He asked her were she worked in Dubai. Did she have a visa and etc...? I was not the least bit concerned with the guy as I texted her friend back.

He then told us to come to the security desk. He told me she doesn’t have a real passport and could not be let up stairs with only a copy. I told the guy no problem. And we would just leave. Then it came down to $. He informed me he is also a man and he likes Filipina also and he could help me if I would slide him something under the table. Why is everyone looking for handout these days?

I said no problem and slid him a big Ben without a battling an eye concealed in a copy of her passport. He took the paper and walked away. He came back smiling from ear too ear and he glanced at my watch the VVSes. He told me it looks it expensive and said I look like the American Rap star 50 Cent. I hope only because of the jewelry.

After that we were allowed to proceed. She was a little shaken by what happened but she came around when I assured her don’t worry about the guy he just saw an opportunity to make some money. Ms.Filipina was great in every damn way. The best paid companionship I have came across in Dubai. She was professional but passionate. The equipment stayed naturally wet all night. She asked for seconds and thirds when I really didn’t want to wear my self out because I was going to see the main girl in a day. The morning came she left and called the all the day the entire next day. She did her job so good right now I sitting looking out my hotel room window at the white sand and the light-blue water of Okinawa I still feel guilty about not giving her bigger tip. Photos coming soon.

Take it sleazy

Your friendly neighborhood sex tourist.

French Canadia
12-26-07, 08:12
Back in Dubai after a while out and went down to bur Dubai.

I'm used to driving around and seeing the streets lined with women from all walks of life. What happened where did they all go. I was driving around and it was empty didn't know where to look and wasnt exactly dressed for any of the bars. Reading through the forum I see the le are out and about but that can't be the case can it? They were always around before and that didn't stop me picking up a few girls. Any tips on where to find them walking around as I'm not in the mood for any bars.Ziadinho,

SW in Bur Dubai is a thing of the past, you might have the odd dog during the day beteewn 2 and 4 and that's about it. Way to much LE driving in that area for them to expose themselves anymore Day or Night. Bar's are really the best way to go these days. Enjoy

Take Care


12-26-07, 11:56
and the VVSes the look on the patron’s faces was priceless. I admit complete ignorance here, what is/are VVSes?

Got to hand it to the jewelers in Dubai they not going to let you leave with money in your pocket. They certainly can give the sellers in the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul a run for their money.
Lot of middle-age guys shooting pool and getting shit faced. That would be Piper then.

In the corner I spotted a group of Filipina smiling and pointing...They were Filipinas alright but not the type of was looking for. Yep, that is the bar staff, did you see the one about 3 feet tall?

The lead guitarist wasn’t that hot and from my observation was probably a lesbian.The lead guitarist is a man ;) it is the bass player who is the carpet muncher.

There were not many Black guys in the place. I took their photo and I think they got a little pissed. Well, there is a bouncer... Photos not always advisable in DXB.

Some Indian guy picked us up and kept looking back at us with a shit eating grin as we were talking.They tend to fall in two or three camps, those who wish they had the scratch to drag off a SYT, those bored ones who have seen it all and could care less, and the stern disapproving types.

We arrived at the hotel and entered the lobby and all eyes instantly locked on us like they could tell she was a working girl and I was a customer.Some of this may have been in your mind, if you were dressed in a notable get-up, if there was a huge age miss-match, if you had a guilty look on your face... Sadly, mixed race couples (except when the man is one of those shit-faced middle-aged white guys) can raise an eyebrow in DXB.

He then told us to come to the security desk. He told me she doesn’t have a real passport and could not be let up stairs with only a copy. I told the guy no problem. And we would just leave. Then it came down to $. He informed me he is also a man and he likes Filipina also and he could help me if I would slide him something under the table. Classic shakedown, the prick.

I said no problem and slid him a big Ben without a battling an eye concealed in a copy of her passport. Holy shit, for $100 he would probably have brought you his sister!
He came back smiling from ear too ear and he glanced at my watch the VVSes. He told me it looks it expensive and said I look like the American Rap star 50 Cent. I hope only because of the jewelry. I doubt it was the watch, in DXB I have seen many people sporting watches that cost more than my car.

After that we were allowed to proceed. I would hope so.

12-26-07, 12:24
I admit complete ignorance here, what is/are VVSes?


12-26-07, 15:35
Thanks BP, learn something every day.

Here is a link for you:

12-27-07, 05:00
... I moved on and low and behold I met diana again dressed in backless top (the one without a bra you can see through the sides of! ) and versache jeans. A girl next door kirsten dunst look-a-like I [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) you not! Looked 19 was 21 cute and sweet.
... Then came the disappointment. ..

Whysoserious. Mongering is for a fun time not a serious time.
Nice fun reports. I'm 99% sure I negotiated with Diana on behalf of a pal a few months ago. She's gorgeous - like you said, in a sweet and innocent girl-next-door sort of way - probably the best-looking girl in Premiere that night. She certainly stands out in the crowd with her natural winsome beauty amongst the dozens of overmade-up WGs there. I managed to negotiate down from 2000 to 1500 within a few minutes, then she agreed on 1000 near closing time. Pal and I left the club (I was going home, he was going to a hotel). Diana said she would follow him a few minutes later in a separate cab, but when my pal called her 15 minutes later, she said she was suddenly not feeling well (translation: she'd suddenly found a better-paying customer). She knows the game. She was nice enough to talk to (very cheeky) but I sensed at the time she might be a bit of a disappointment in terms of service, so luckily for my pal she backed out. Christina sounds like she was definitely much more GFE.

12-27-07, 12:19
At Seaview ... Lot of middle-age guys shooting pool and getting shit faced.
That would be Piper then. Not me. Firstly, I'm not middle-aged yet (considering I'll live to over 100). Secondly, I never play pool at Seaview (terrible band and ugly singers keep me away. ;)) Thirdly, I'm not in Dubai at the moment. My alibi is skintight!

Joe Banana
12-27-07, 17:24
Just a few comments on Bp's report.
I'm told the bass player in the Seaview is not a carpet muncher but would have thought it a good guess!
Those security guards in the Novotel really [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) me off. I gave in and bunged one 20D a while ago and he looked all upset. Next time he tries I say I'm not paying today, this girl has copy passport which is OK. He says no so I insist on the manager, he says nothing to do with the manager. I just shout louder until the manager comes and apologises for the hassle I'm being given and up to my room I go.
They did me a favour a while ago however when the girl I took didn't look so good in the light of day so I said sorry they won't let you in and gave her the taxi fare back!
If you want Filipinas I've found Ratsky's in the Karama hotel a good choice but lately getting them below 500D is difficult, I reckon 300D is plently.
Happy Mongering New year.

12-27-07, 20:05
A new and frightening development has just taken place in Dubai, and most surprisingly, at one of my favourite hotels. The 4 points sheraton (old one). The last time I was there was end of August.

Normally, once a girl has been given a 'nod and a wink' by hotel security to proceed accompanied up to a room, that is pretty much that. Happy hour starts. But, something different happened to one of my friends, and 2 of his mates a few weeks ago.

In the first week of November, this group of 3 guys (aged between 19 and 24. One of them happened to be this very good personal friend of mine) were arrested by police after one of them was 'caught' in their hotel room with a CIS girl (suffice to say that the girl was taken too). All 3 guys were in their own rooms, and only one of them had brought up this girl. The other 2 had no knowledge of what the 3rd guy was doing. It was 2 o'clock in the morning and the others were asleep. It has to be said that all 3 guys had come in as a group and were on the same booking. Guilt by association I guess?

There was no arguement with hotel management or security, no warning, no history of trouble. There were no drugs, even no alcohol, yet the authorities have decided that this matter was serious enough to send ALL 3 of them away for 8 (YES EIGHT! ) years each. I shit you not.

My mates family are not without resources. They are one of the UK's foremost property developers. Spending a few million £STERLING on lawyers or 'contacts' is not beyond them. Despite all this money, they've already had 2 appeals turned down. I can't vouch for the other 2 guys, but my mate is completely innocent. Every man has an itch that needs scratching now and then, but on this occasion, he'd definately called it a night.

Now call me paranoid, but this has really sent a shiver down my spine.

Has anybody else heard of anything like this happening in any other hotels/establishments in Dubai?

Now, I'm in Dubai this weekend and I'm seriously having second thoughts about a few things I had planned.

12-27-07, 22:20
Hey Piper1,

Thanx for your input on Diana. Thought she may have caught other mongers eyes in Premiere. Its tough when you have such beauty to assume the service will be great. Others be aware if you go there shes damn good eye candy but won't satisfy you especially for that amount of money.

The 'drop a trick' for a better offer thing you mentioned about your pal is common practice in premiere. I know because I've done it myself! U come outside and all the WG (who hvent got deals) wait for a taxi with punters. You overhear last minute deals being struck and come in with a slightly better but still far less offer than what they originally posted to you in the club. Admittedly I did do it to a couple of locals who suspicously were setting up this fit CIS WG for an unnofficial gang bang with their mates back at their flat. So I didn't feel too guilty! Wink

So be warned guys last minute deals are good but always be aware that CIS especially always look for a better deal right up to getting in a taxi. Some don't but they are few and far between. Its a prickly buisness and they do LITERALLY SCREW you for it.

WhySoSerious. Screw me, thrill me, kiss me, leave me.

12-28-07, 05:17
Just a few comments on Bp's report.
I'm told the bass player in the Seaview is not a carpet muncher but would have thought it a good guess!
Those security guards in the Novotel really [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) me off. I gave in and bunged one 20D a while ago and he looked all upset. Next time he tries I say I'm not paying today, this girl has copy passport which is OK. He says no so I insist on the manager, he says nothing to do with the manager. I just shout louder until the manager comes and apologises for the hassle I'm being given and up to my room I go.
They did me a favour a while ago however when the girl I took didn't look so good in the light of day so I said sorry they won't let you in and gave her the taxi fare back!
If you want Filipinas I've found Ratsky's in the Karama hotel a good choice but lately getting them below 500D is difficult, I reckon 300D is plently.
Happy Mongering New year.

500 is usually my limit and is the max I have paid until the other night. She was cutey though and I have a soft spot below for Filipinas. Also the floor manager I guess he thought I was a rookie to Dubai. I know a copy of your passport is all that is required. I just paid him the money so he would go away. Those few minutes I wasted with him no amount of money in the world can return. Other then that it was a good night.

12-28-07, 07:23
Usually this would be something "fixed" by somebody with a grievance with the guys or their families... I can not really think that they were picked randomly. If this is the case, yes this is a truly dangerous development.

A new and frightening development has just taken place in Dubai, and most surprisingly, at one of my favourite hotels. The 4 points sheraton (old one). The last time I was there was end of August.

Normally, once a girl has been given a 'nod and a wink' by hotel security to proceed accompanied up to a room, that is pretty much that. Happy hour starts. But, something different happened to one of my friends, and 2 of his mates a few weeks ago.

In the first week of November, this group of 3 guys (aged between 19 and 24. One of them happened to be this very good personal friend of mine) were arrested by police after one of them was 'caught' in their hotel room with a CIS girl (suffice to say that the girl was taken too). All 3 guys were in their own rooms, and only one of them had brought up this girl. The other 2 had no knowledge of what the 3rd guy was doing. It was 2 o'clock in the morning and the others were asleep. It has to be said that all 3 guys had come in as a group and were on the same booking. Guilt by association I guess?

There was no arguement with hotel management or security, no warning, no history of trouble. There were no drugs, even no alcohol, yet the authorities have decided that this matter was serious enough to send ALL 3 of them away for 8 (YES EIGHT! ) years each. I shit you not.

My mates family are not without resources. They are one of the UK's foremost property developers. Spending a few million £STERLING on lawyers or 'contacts' is not beyond them. Despite all this money, they've already had 2 appeals turned down. I can't vouch for the other 2 guys, but my mate is completely innocent. Every man has an itch that needs scratching now and then, but on this occasion, he'd definately called it a night.

Now call me paranoid, but this has really sent a shiver down my spine.

Has anybody else heard of anything like this happening in any other hotels/establishments in Dubai?

Now, I'm in Dubai this weekend and I'm seriously having second thoughts about a few things I had planned.

12-28-07, 08:33
One of them happened to be this very good personal friend of mine) were arrested by police after one of them was 'caught' in their hotel room with a CIS girl (suffice to say that the girl was taken too).
Sounds like a bad moment for your friend, sorry about that, but it also seems to be of the "urban legend" style.

In only a "couple of weeks" they have been tried, and convicted to 8 years each? Including the boys found sleeping in their own rooms, alone?

I saw nothing in the press (well, THAT is no indicator of veracity.)

Bignaz, I am not challenging you on your report in any way, but I suspect that you may not have been given ALL the details.

12-28-07, 08:42
Usually this would be something "fixed" by somebody with a grievance with the guys or their families... I can not really think that they were picked randomly. If this is the case, yes this is a truly dangerous development.

My company did warn us upon arrival to Dubai that massage parlors were being raided and their Johns were getting arrested also. About hotels I have no clue. Be careful out there.

12-28-07, 09:23
I spent a few hours with some colleagues in Panorama and York, it was between 20 and 23 h.
Panorama was surprisingly crowded with plenty of girls mostly chinese. Qualtiy was low to average, but there were a few potential ones there (a couple of Kyrgyz and maybe 1 or 2 chinese). A few a African girls but nothing to write home about. I was surprised by the number of girls, never seen so many of them in any previous visit (even at same time/day).

York, it was a nightmare to get there. Who said that that the works were half finished? He may have smoked some forbiden substance...
Quality was depressing to low, with a few girls that could be generously classified as average. The best girl was a n Ethipian girl, really beautiful but she was with one of my colleagues so I could not take her. I will need to wait until his infatuation is gone. I took some really glamorous pictures of her at the Christmas party (but I will not post them because they are private ones and there is no nudity involved :) )

I went back home empty handed as I was too tired to go to Seaview and not really in the mood,

Take care

12-28-07, 09:41
i was in the radisson deira last night doing a bit of rare recon as my gf's away. kubu far too packed for me, couldn't get near bar, though a reasonable selection of cis and prc, couldn't spot any real stunners.

left and down the corridor to marbles. decent filipina band with three tasty singers though a bit soft rock when compared to seaview. the keyboard playing guy's singing was appalling, getting words wrong and out of tune - he should leave the singing to the girls. not being able to pronounce "dark sarcasm" in pink floyd's the wall was hilarious. overall pretty entertaining and a decent atmosphere in there.

the girls in the band did take requests, though sadly only for songs!

maybe 6 wgs in when i arrived about 11. two bleached blond cis who looked like they had a bit of mileage on the clock, one or two prc, one african and a couple of arabesque-looking girls. none stunning though a couple of decent bodies. a few more arived as the ight wore on, though nothing to write home about.

not after a night of mongering so sat near the stage, chatting to other civilians and the girls in the band between songs. they were happy to interact with the audience which made it a very comfortable atmosphere, despite the chorus line of wgs occupying the bar stools behind.

on way to bathroom (you have to go out of the bar for the gents, so run the gauntlet past the now growing chorus line every time) talked to one of the arab-looking girls.

very sexy slim body, but face was not pretty enough for my liking. she said she was iranian, which intrigued me as i have never had an iranian before.

thought i'd see what the going rate was and she opened with 1500 "and i will do everything with you until morning". i asked what everything included. "everything" she said. "what doesn't it include?" i countered. "nothing" she replied.

anyway i started laughing at her initial gambit so she asked how much i would pay. as i wasn't in the market for her i thought a "i won't pay more than 500" would see her off.

about hotels i have no clue. be careful out there.

then she asked me if i was staying in the hotel. when i told her where i lived she gave a big smile and said "good. much safer". i asked her what she meant and she said that she had heard stories of le raiding some hotels and taking away wgs and punters.

interestingly when she thought she might be coming to my place her price instantly dropped to 800. i was almost tempted when she dropped to 700 just before lights up at 2.30. but the lights confirmed that her face wasn't for me. she seemed great fun though, spoke good english and her body looked great in a tight black dress. it might have been a great night, but her looks were the deal-breaker i'm afraid.

i'm sure she would have come down to 500 if i'd pushed, as it was end of the night. but i made my excuses and left.

i will check with my prc network if hotel raids stories are true. hadn't heard about any before last night. bignaz's report said that this raid happened in early november, which curiously is after ramadan (when you need to be more discreet) and before current le purge which started at end of november.

when i have heard of similar occurences in the past either in cabs or hotels it is normally because a local who objects has seen you going into hotel room or cab and taken room number or cab number and phoned police.

once the police turn up the hotel staff have to tell them who is in that room and who else checked in with them.

eight years sounds very steep, people get less for [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) and murder here, and there have been no reports in the papers. bear in mind that though a lot of what le does here is hushed up, once it gets to court it is generally reported by the press. no saying it not true, just doesn't ring true with my experience.

be careful out there.


12-28-07, 11:05
All 3 guys were in their own rooms, and only one of them had brought up this girl.
There were no drugs, even no alcohol, yet the authorities have decided that this matter was serious enough to send ALL 3 of them away for 8 (YES EIGHT! ) years each. I shit you not.I have to go with Sporadic (and Cons68) on this. No mention in the paper (usually fairly accurate about "getting the message out" on what is not tolerated (as in numerous drug case convictions for only miniscule amounts). 2 "innocent" guys convicted of what? Especially if they were in their own rooms (I'm assuming they all had their own rooms). Original case, plus 2 appeals, all in 8 weeks, INCLUDING 1 week of Eid where everything shuts down? Pretty quick, even for dxb. You say they are between 19 and 24, from wealthy families? Excuse the stereotyping, but just the type to mouth off to LE, thinking they are above the law...I'm guessing they were busted for not passing a drug test. However, the usual for that is 4 years.

I'm thinking there was something ELSE going on...

Classic shakedown, the prick.Of course, it only takes one employee with a grudge to provide LE with a room number...

Admittedly I did do it to a couple of locals who suspicously were setting up this fit CIS WG for an unnofficial gang bang with their mates back at their flat.And you knew this as fact how?

12-28-07, 11:44
York, it was a nightmare to get there. Who said that that the works were half finished? York, Thursday, 22:30-1:00
Yes, they have "moved" the pedestrian crossings... Nice thing about this time of year, pleasant walk between Panarama and York - best to stay on that side of the road for easier York entrance.

Milling crowd waiting to buy tickets, I sidestepped and was waved upstairs. Pleasant for a Thursday night, crowded, but not too. Got a drink, and made a circuit. Several a-listers, including Miss Borg (resistance is futile), missing. In 1 way, happy with that as I have trouble saying no to her charms. Several other of the usual a-listers around. Talked to one, asked for a price quote. She started at 1500 (jokingly), dropping in 100 increments to the "actual" price of 1000. Miss Borg, yes; she, no, not from me, but she will score with someone. She then offered to take me to her place, no doubt for reduced rate/time, but passed, especially in today's "climate". With the reduced crowd, the a-listers I saw when I arrived were still there when I left.

For me, York has more "mass" then the 'Snake - bigger bar, more choice. 4 cookie cutter 7's, 3 very nicely attired. Homed in on 1, english a bit of a struggle, but, enough... Her price quote was 800 - dreaming (with me, anyway). She asked for a counter offer - 500. She asked for 6... I started to scan the crowd. She then said I should finish my drink and we'd go...

However, in the interim, Miss Cat had swept past. Which kind of threw me, as her office is Imperial. Miss Cookie making noises to go, but also caught some questions as to all night... Becoming slightly annoying, so figured I'd better pin things down. Leaned in, asked about menu. Glad I did. While nicely attired, that does come off, and the actual "meal" a bit thin - kind of like French cooking... Nice presentation, but SMALL servings.

Took off, looking for Miss Cat. Had to play some games over price, then she wanted to get a drink first (she had her ticket), and to go talk to her sister. Again becoming annoying, home alone looking better all the time. Told her I'd pass; she quickly hit on by 2 others - their price below her threshold. Two more tried; again, a no-go (400 for ST, maybe, but all night, that early... not going to happen with someone of her "status").

Miss Cookie stopped on her way out, giving me a last chance. I declined, she left with her 3 friends, I'm guessing the early departure due to risk of LE stops at closing. I had reconsidered, asked Cat if she wanted to come home with me. She gave me the "what a dumb question" look, "yes"; she forewent the drink, and off we went.

In the car, she 'fessed' up to her presence - her 'sister' had called her, told her I was at York, thus she came over to try her luck. I hadn't seen her for a couple of months, and had forgotten just how responsive and fun she is. To be clear, I'd specified 2 shots that night, plus a morning wakeup. She delivered the 1st, no problem, then a SHORT (5 minute) massage, then started on round 2. Perhaps she's forgotten MY age :), been going with too many young guys, but bless her heart, after some DILIGENT work, 2nd shot too. After 4, both of us dead tired.

York usual. Mainly PRC, then African, with some non-descript CIS thrown in. No migrating herd of tcn's on the 'great circle' trail. Sound system total crap. A few stunners, but, for me, the attraction of York is it's 2nd tier of cute, and FUN, girls.

Joe Banana
12-28-07, 14:24
Bpd, Thanks for the Seaview band pic, does anyone have a clearer pic of them? Bp's not quite good enough for a quick hand thrash!
Recently also found flippers in Imperial, good 'un for 300D all night.

12-28-07, 15:33
A new and frightening development has just taken place in Dubai, and most surprisingly, at one of my favourite hotels. The 4 points sheraton (old one)....I do not live in dxb and I can not contradict your report. It just happened that I stayed at that specific Hotel during December and things were REALLY very cool. Just a 5 or 10 dollar Bill into the security's pocket and off you go with the girl.

I would like to know, if during that night all rooms were searched! How did they know that this specific person hat somebody with him in the room? "My" girls didn't show any copy of passport and there was no way that someone would know I have a sexy guest in my room giving my a great time.

Did they arrest also other Hotel guests? I've seen a couple more coming in late in the morning after "shopping" with their "girl-friends"

I will be in dbx again certainly and I sure hope that this is not a fact.

12-29-07, 00:02
Just got back after spending christmas in dubai....it was fun!

Will post details of the trip later, this is just a brief post to provide a counterpoint to some of the over-the-top comments regarding LE crackdowns and the like.

I am sure there are instances where people will and do get into trouble, but 48 hours ago I can tell you there were girls outside Regal Plaza at 3.30am cutting deals with punters with a police car doing the rounds which seemed to faze no-one.

The girls I met seemed to be more concerned about 'locals/emirati's' who seem to treat these girls like dirt.

Be sensible and you will be ok

Rubber Nursey
12-29-07, 04:55
To all the Dubai boys,

I just wanted to wish you a very, very Merry Christmas and heaps of love, luck and a whole lot of happiness for the New Year.


12-29-07, 08:20
Will post details of the trip later, this is just a brief post to provide a counterpoint to some of the over-the-top comments regarding LE crackdowns and the like.

I am sure there are instances where people will and do get into trouble, but 48 hours ago I can tell you there were girls outside Regal Plaza at 3.30am cutting deals with punters with a police car doing the rounds which seemed to faze no-one.

The girls I met seemed to be more concerned about 'locals/emirati's' who seem to treat these girls like dirt.

Be sensible and you will be okThe comments regarding LE crackdowns were not "over the top". It is a fact that there have been hundreds of arrests and deportations of WGs in the past month.

In addition, some 65 punters were picked up in the first wave of arrests the police said in a statement. Anecdotal evidence says there have been a good many more since.

Apartments have been raided in swathes, AMPs have been shut down and girls are much more cautious than they were before.

Of course there were girls outside cutting deals at 3.30am - but they are taking a big risk in the current climate. On this occasion LE may have turned a blind eye, but the next night they may not.

My own GF has gone back to China till after Chinese New Year because she does not want to work in the present circumstances. She personally knows of around eight WGs who have been arrested and many more who have had narrow escapes in the past month. We had to help evacuate three WGs from Lamcy after an LE raid and they stayed at my place for nearly a fortnight before finding a new, safer place.

Being sensible will see you OK, sure, but IMHO that means, at present, not cutting deals on street (despite what you saw), not going to their apartment (civilian neighbours are currently being encouraged to call LE on an anonymous number if they see such activity), no shows of public affection including inside a taxi or car (it only takes one disgruntled local/taxi driver to see and alert LE), and being extremely watchful should you leave a known WG bar with "company" around closing time.

I'm pleased you had a good visit, and you saw no noticeable LE activity. I look forward to the FR. But for those of us who have lived here for some years, the past month has seen the biggest crackdown ever and the reason we post about it is warn others so they don't get caught up in it.

Be careful out there.


12-29-07, 19:04
I was just hanging with some acquaintances of me. A couple of punters and a couple of girls they all (independently) pointed that activity is very low and girls have problems finding a customer. The remarks cover York, Imperial and Panorama.
I will go out again tomorrow and will report on my findings.

12-29-07, 19:29

I was in DXB after a long time though was keeping track on happenings through forum. I was concerned on the LE crackdown on MPs and hotels. I was in bur Dubai 3 star hotel. I was only for a day so had to look for some daytime action. I had noted a few nos from expat.com. I rang up a few and while talking to a malaysian, found her responsive. I fixed up for an afternoon meeting, and discussed things upfront, the dos and the donts. As expected greek was out.

I had agreed for 800 dh for 2 hr which some of you might say is high for asian. But since I was short on time it was ok. I had a nagging doubt if she would be worth the price. I had talked to hotel reception about bringing in a lady friend and they assured it was ok.

When she came she was what I expected. Avg height, good pert body and really cute face, and best of all, she had put on no make up (I know its hard to believe). We made some idle chat and I asked her for a shower and she said yes. She gave me a BBBJ, and I soaped her thoroughly. We than got into the action and she was good converation material, she had left a hotel mgt degree halfway back home and was fluent in english. I took her mish and doggy style, and though she had said no to greek she dint object while I played with her puckered hole in doggy style. She opened up (pun intended) to my ministrations. She had a very tight snatch. The best part was she had the most velvety skin, and while I have had PRCs and africans, till date this was the best skin ever. After round two we just relaxed and cuddled. All in all it was a good exp, and glad to have hit the bulls eye on a blind date.

12-29-07, 23:18
I am planning to come to Dubai for hol in late Jan. This LE activity is quite concerning.

I would be thankful to senior members (as I'm sure other mongers wud be) if you guys could give a quick rundown of places and things to avoid to make it safer. Canvassing WG contacts who are on the ground wud be even better. I'm sure it is common sense stuff and has been covered before but in this current climate. A fresh 'what to avoid' rundown would be useful.

On my last trip WGs were getting in seperate taxis to the punter and ringing them to meet up at the hotel or near it. The only obstacle then was going past door security which differs from hotel to hotel.

Hotel reports differ but places like Crowne plaza seem easier than most for location as well as relative ananimity in going to your room after a night out.

BTW what if you bought a normal chick back after pulling in a bar/club. I know they check passports or copies on way in. I guess if PRC, African or in a couple that is cross race it is more suspicious. Your thoughts are appreciated.

Seeing as I am into girl-next-door types who tend to wear sexy yet 'normal' clubbing gear. I wud think in that case 'pulling' after a night out wud be a feasible image on going back your hotel just as long as you didn't bring back a different one every night!

WhySoSerious. Serious times call for serious caution.

12-29-07, 23:27
i generalised somewhat in my earlier post, so the post read a a bit glibly. the girls were slightly more cautious then they may have been in the past, so clearly circumstances are different/difficult at the moment.

the comments regarding le crackdowns were not "over the top". it is a fact that there have been hundreds of arrests and deportations of wgs in the past month.

also, the prc's seemed to be much more worried about le activity then the russians/stani's, maybe there is some selective targeting. i always took the girl back to my hotel room, and there were no issues there with the girl or the hotel [ hilton creek, green as they come ]. as i mentioned the only concern from the girls was getting into a car with a stranger and they preferred a taxi for safety sakes. on one drive back to the hotel was told a particularly lurid tale by an armenian girl on how one of her friends had got into a car with an emirati, ended up driven to a secluded area where she was raped and robbed by the driver and some of his chums. according to this girl she steered clear of emiratis/arabs as a rule now, as were many of her friends!

play safe

12-29-07, 23:39
A couple observations:

Noticed very few obvious WG´s wandering today at the City Centre, almost no PRC´s.

Did see TONs of tourists, some of which I had pegged as WG´s, gotta love how even middle class Russians tend to dress like hookers ;) even though they were were legit.

Lots of PRC tourists as well, as well as a smattering of Khazaks too.

I see this as a VERY positive thing for us punters. The higher the % of legit tourists running around from any particular part of the world tends to shield the WG´s from random LE attention. They blend in better.

My Kyrgyz friend had no trouble (as normal) strolling into my five star this evening, and if I am in any danger from a raid, my spider-sense does not detect it.

Applying DXB logic, I suggest the lower end of the tourist spectrum would be more troublesome, I just do not see CID "raiding" a five star hotel. Of course, I could be very wrong about this, but I would bet I am not.

As I write this, my guest is sleeping with an angelic look on her face, I would love to claim it was from my magnificent performance (though jet-lagged) but I think it is because she really feels comfortable and safe with me, and with my hotel.

Am I the only one who enjoys seeing the ladies be able to really relax? Surely not. I will admit to a little bit of self-satisfied pleasure in knowing she is happy though. :)

A tip of the hat to all of you gents who are helping out the ladies during the crackdown, it is interesting how many truly nice people are involved in this "sordid" business. Thankfully, I have yet to get any distress calls.

12-30-07, 00:20
... Am I the only one who enjoys seeing the ladies be able to really relax? Surely not... To answer your rhetorical question: Nyet.

More than one of my favorite girls over the years have asked me to take them home from the club, even if they have a lot of attention from other and higher-paying potential customers. When I point out their better prospects (money-wise), they have been direct and said they prefer to come back with me as they feel 'comfortable' with me (read: comfortable with any guy they know and trust).


I write from kangaroo-land afar, counting the days when I return to LOS (land of sand) next week via a two-night visit to LOS (land of smiles), staying at Giotto's Lodge with Wildcat. Should be interesting. ;)

12-30-07, 06:27
In my case a number of girls have specifically used the word "safe". Especially over the last month. We are going to the basics here.

To answer your rhetorical question: Nyet.

More than one of my favorite girls over the years have asked me to take them home from the club, even if they have a lot of attention from other and higher-paying potential customers. When I point out their better prospects (money-wise), they have been direct and said they prefer to come back with me as they feel 'comfortable' with me (read: comfortable with any guy they know and trust).


I write from kangaroo-land afar, counting the days when I return to LOS (land of sand) next week via a two-night visit to LOS (land of smiles), staying at Giotto's Lodge with Wildcat. Should be interesting. ;)

12-30-07, 08:36
II would be thankful to senior members (as I'm sure other mongers wud be) if you guys could give a quick rundown of places and things to avoid to make it safer. Canvassing WG contacts who are on the ground wud be even better. I'm sure it is common sense stuff and has been covered before but in this current climate. A fresh 'what to avoid' rundown would be useful.See my post below:

Being sensible will see you OK, sure, but IMHO that means, at present, not cutting deals on street (despite what you saw), not going to their apartment (civilian neighbours are currently being encouraged to call LE on an anonymous number if they see such activity), no shows of public affection including inside a taxi or car (it only takes one disgruntled local/taxi driver to see and alert LE), and being extremely watchful should you leave a known WG bar with "company" around closing time.The key is caution, discretion and not behaving "offensively" in public where someone can object and call LE or where LE can see you.

Remember this is a Muslim country so kissing/touching a woman in public (including holding hands) is technically a criminal offence if you are not married to her.

And certainly don't part with any cash to a WG other than in total privacy.

I have even heard in the past of Muslim taxi drivers objecting when there has been canoodling in thr back of the cab and reporting the couple to LE.

However I have been out a couple of times this week and seen no more LE activity than pre-crackdown, though girls are reporting that business is slower than usual. Probably due to people having family/friends here for Xmas/New Year or being away themselves.

Be careful out there.


12-30-07, 10:50

Cons68, Would appreciate if u could post the snap of Ethiopian girl you met at York. If it worth I can make a move towards York. (Not a regular visitor of York)

Some Ethi girls are 9/10 and i am having a regular from Juls.

Members, let me knwo if anyone haave contacts with Daniella. she is 24 Romanian and Gr8. Her mobile seems to be switched off. Piper, please wake up !

Once more i request "on behlaf of all DXB forum members" to post those snaps.



Zing Uk
12-30-07, 16:12
on one drive back to the hotel was told a particularly lurid tale by an armenian girl on how one of her friends had got into a car with an emirati, ended up driven to a secluded area where she was raped and robbed by the driver and some of his chums. according to this girl she steered clear of emiratis/arabs as a rule now, as were many of her friends!

play safe

just back from a month away (2 weeks in london and 2 week in land of smiles - certainly my smiles at least :-) interesting to note the mood of discussion on the board, i've had a couple of interesting safety chats since i came back.

tale 1 is somewhat similar to the above horro tale. a well known face from metro decided for some mad reason to take 3 middle eastern gentlemen to entertain to the chinese hotel in garhoud. once the got there they realised that they were only girls in the hotel and proceeded to gang [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) her, take her money etc. in the end she jumped out the third story window, broke her leg and damaged her back (i hope not seriously). when the le arrived needless to say, they were interested in why she broke her leg jumping from the window rather than why 3 arseholes were [CodeWord125] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord125) her.

tale 2 is a little different. princess l asked if she could hole up in my place for a few days as she knew i was going away on a trip. she was very concerned about le activity and 3 girls from her stable had already been picked up and are still in jail awaiting deportation. fine by me so long as she followed a few basic rules (which she did). anyway, i arrived back in the early hours of this morning and she had thoughtfully popped along to welcome me bringing fresh milk, bread etc so that was nice. i didn't notice until this morning though that i had seemed to gain a few bits and pieces such as bamboo plants here and there, random fem undies in my drawers and even chinese tv channels were they weren't before - i have no idea how she achieved this but am impressed! i still need to have a word with her about what giving her a safe house means, there is safe and then there is bloody just too comfortable.

still, not complaining too much really coming home to a good cup of tea and a warm bed with a very willing and horny prc who hasn't had any recent action because of fear of le was somewhat nice......i had a long lie this morning!