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Zing Uk
12-30-07, 16:16
I was just hanging with some acquaintances of me. A couple of punters and a couple of girls they all (independently) pointed that activity is very low and girls have problems finding a customer. The remarks cover York, Imperial and Panorama.
I will go out again tomorrow and will report on my findings.

You can also extend that to Metro, I've chatted to several PRC there and the story is the same from them all.

Keep it Cocked

Zing Uk
12-30-07, 16:39
Ok, I know that I take a risk posting this one and half of you may well come down on me like a ton of bricks. Also, it happened in Pattaya rather than DXB but the discussion here is more informed and intelligent and also my home turf so thought putting here more appropriate.

Anyway, I was in Pats for 10 days over Christmas doing the usual bbbj, go-go bar, bar fine routine. Usual stuff to report with some lovely experiences but nothing out of the ordinary certainly for me. One afternoon though I happened to stop in a random hotel bar somewhere around Soi 13 (can't rememebr exact spot). I was having a few beers and chatting away with the girls usual crap. There were a couple of very cute girls and the usual support cast, all very nice and funny to spend time with. One of the cute ones I noted when I went in was pregnant (5 months it turns out). I never really thought about her in that condition but as the afternoon ticked on a: she was the most friendly, b: was the cutest and, c: spoke the best English so she caught my attention more than the others. I never thought she would be up for it in current status, just assumed she was hagning around with her mates until junior arrived. Wrong, she was every bit as much on the game as the others. Now I would like to point out here that this has never been my thing but a couple of beers later and I was certainly getting interested.

The upshot was us going upstairs for an hour. She had a great little body on her, tight in all the right places but with an obvious bump in the middle being the difference. She gave a great bbbj including CIM and was amazingly athletic in various positions for one in her condition. I have to admit that I was as horny as I've been in a long long time and had a fantastic session with absolutely no complaints.

A new experience for me and one I hadn't really thought about before. I'm guessing that it obviously depends on the individual you are with but, as with any girl, if the chemistry is there then the fun will flow. I didn't repeat the experience mainly because when I was in the same area I never saw her again but I'm fairly sure that I would have if she was around. Interested in thoughts though and whether anyone else has done this.

Keep it Cocked

12-30-07, 16:51
the comments regarding le crackdowns were not "over the top".i'll agree with steamer33 on this. well reported in the gulf news about the arrests, and of clients being included (in mp's).

while it may look like "business as usual" to the visitor, those of us living here, with the wg's we know, hear the differences. i personally know 1 wg, had been here a couple of years, survived many prior purges, deported for the "sin" of being in her apartment, sleeping alone, when le came knocking. yes, that's happened before, but this has been much larger in scope. like steamer33, i personally know a number of wg's who have vacated a certain building specifically due to the le sweeps. i still have a house guest who doesn't feel safe going back "home".

girl i pulled friday did say "no problem", but also explained: she lives with a couple of others, only wg's in building, not a "known" area, and they are discreet - no clients brought home. just your quiet, rarely seen neighbors.

i also think a number of girls have a "won't happen to me" attitude, just because there is nothing else they can do. like the girl i pulled thursday, she and her 23 roommates a disaster waiting to happen. even so, as we walked to my car, she followed at a discreet distance. and i appreciate the fact that my house guest never takes a taxi to my door, stopping a distance away, then walking the remainder, just a [wife | daughter | maid] going about her business.

from what i've heard, and not read in the papers, consensus of opinion is the worst is over, headlines generated, favorable publicity gained. however, dsf is approaching, and le likes to keep the streets "clean" for the family visitors.

i would be thankful to senior members (as i'm sure other mongers wud be) if you guys could give a quick rundown of places and things to avoid to make it safer.
being sensible will see you ok, sure, but imho that means, at present, not cutting deals on street (despite what you saw), not going to their apartment (civilian neighbours are currently being encouraged to call le on an anonymous number if they see such activity), no shows of public affection including inside a taxi or car (it only takes one disgruntled local/taxi driver to see and alert le), and being extremely watchful should you leave a known wg bar with "company" around closing time.excellent advice that i certainly follow.

i'm pleased you had a good visit, and you saw no noticeable le activity.myself, i've not seen any le activity, but then again, i never do. but the girls i know have.

btw, steamer33, nice radisson report. kubu bar well known, but rarely reported on.

btw what if you bought a normal chick back after pulling in a bar/club. i know they check passports or copies on way in. i guess if prc, african or in a couple that is cross race it is more suspicious. your thoughts are appreciated. ... seeing as i am into girl-next-door types who tend to wear sexy yet 'normal' clubbing gear. i wud think in that case 'pulling' after a night out wud be a feasible image on going back your hotel just as long as you didn't bring back a different one every night!i'm sure security has many flags, and always a tradeoff between "rules" and upsetting bona fide couples (and the possibility of a successful shakedown vs being reported to management). but as reported on hotel thread, it is the law that all hotel guests be registered (how strictly that is enforced is another matter), but i'd certainly be prepared for it. again, a reminder: although rarely enforced, an unmarried, non-related couple, staying together, is illegal (as sporadic said, more of an issue in the "lesser" hotels...), an "additional" charge, rather than the "primary" crime as it were.

also, the prc's seemed to be much more worried about le activity then the russians/stani's, maybe there is some selective targeting.yea, they don't exactly blend in, and are, from reports anyway, the most likely to work at mp's. also, fact here in "racial" dxb, often looked down on by any number of other tcn's.

a couple of punters and a couple of girls they all (independently) pointed that activity is very low and girls have problems finding a customer.heard the same this weekend, both from the 2 i had back to my place, and others i talked to in the bars. distinct shortage of the 'preferred' western customers - they having gone home for the holidays, or at least celebrating with family.

preferred, as in this not likely to happen with a "westerner":
on one drive back to the hotel was told a particularly lurid tale by an armenian girl on how one of her friends had got into a car with an emirati, ended up driven to a secluded area where she was raped and robbed by the driver and some of his chums. according to this girl she steered clear of emiratis/arabs as a rule now, as were many of her friends!like i said, dxb is racist in many ways...

12-30-07, 17:03
tale 1 is somewhat similar to the above horro tale. a well known face from metro decided for some mad reason to take 3 middle eastern gentlemen to entertain to the chinese hotel in garhoud. once the got there they realised that they were only girls in the hotel and proceeded to gang [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) her, take her money etc. in the end she jumped out the third story window, broke her leg and damaged her back (i hope not seriously). when the le arrived needless to say, they were interested in why she broke her leg jumping from the window rather than why 3 arseholes were [CodeWord125] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord125) her.sorry tale for sure. with all due respect, not the smartest move, not only endangering herself but the other girls there, and not only now but also in the future - given that the 3 now know the place and can tell their friends (or le via the tip line). i hope she's alright - will have to check and see if it's anyone i know. for sure, the police will be no help - exactly what assholes like those rely on.

princess l asked if she could hole up in my place for a few days as she knew i was going away on a trip. ... fine by me so long as she followed a few basic rules (which she did). anyway, i arrived back in the early hours of this morning and she had thoughtfully popped along to welcome me bringing fresh milk, bread etc so that was nice.over the past couple of years, when i went on vacation, i have also passed my house keys to whoever the current miss thursday was. never had any trouble. always pleased - house absolutely gleaming, and always a meal on the table when i got home, no matter what the hour. couple of years ago, she had 3 main courses prepared because she didn't know what i'd be in the mood for and wanted to cover all bases. highly recommended.

12-30-07, 17:56
A new experience for me and one I hadn't really thought about before.
Second trimester is well known for wonderful sex, good hormones in play, no more morning sickness, and her back probably does not ache yet.
One of the early benefits of fatherhood! ;)

Zing Uk
12-30-07, 22:27
Sorry tale for sure. With all due respect, not the smartest move, not only endangering herself but the other girls there, and not only now but also in the future - given that the 3 now know the place and can tell their friends (or LE via the tip line). I hope she's alright - will have to check and see if it's anyone I know. For sure, the police will be NO help - exactly what assholes like those rely on.

Agree a bad descision but still no one deserves this. I've made many bad choices in the past but nothing anywhere near the consequences that these poor girl desreves. I hope the fu$£ers rot in hell

Over the past couple of years, when I went on vacation, I have also passed my house keys to whoever the current Miss Thursday was. Never had any trouble. Always pleased - house absolutely gleaming, and always a meal on the table when I got home, no matter what the hour. Couple of years ago, she had 3 main courses prepared because she didn't know what I'd be in the mood for and wanted to cover all bases. Highly recommended.

Lol, the meal was certainly good although only one choice. I do love and trust them but my bathroom could have been cleaner!

Zing Uk
12-30-07, 22:28
Second trimester is well known for wonderful sex, good hormones in play, no more morning sickness, and her back probably does not ache yet.
One of the early benefits of fatherhood! ;)

Especially if you don't need to be the father!

12-30-07, 23:14
i have been lazy posting fr from my most recent trip, but here goes...arrived into dubai from london on a day flight so enough time to pick up the car, drive to the hotel, unpack, shower and be in imperial before midnight!

walked in ready to hand over my aed50 and got quoted 100!!#@! what the f#ck; its a holiday sir(!), so? had just got off a flight so grudgingly handed it over, but less then happy to start.

quality seemed to be down on my previous visit (in sept.) but still a few pickings. said a hello to a russian mamasan whose girls i have been with before (sits on the right as you enter the bar/club), she only had one girl there are the time and was not really my type so passed and started scouting. walking around the floor spotted a guy wearing sandals - was this wr in imperial - walked upto him and said something along the lines of "hi, are you from the forum" then said 'international sex guide' very loudly to be sure. if i had a camera i could have shown you all what a startled russian bloke looks like, anyway he mumbled something which sounded like no and hurried off!!

back to the business of looking for a girl for the night, it was getting late and i was tired. spotted a blonde sitting by the wall, she was getting a fair bit of attention but obviously not at the right price, after a while walked over and after the cursory intro's asked her the question...aed1k was the answer. seems to be the standard now, plus the place was packed and did not want to spend more time there then i had to. agreed to pay her at the hotel, which she agreed to immediately and off we went.

back at the hotel as she peeled off i had to marvel at the skill of those engineers at playtex, how they take some cotton and card and use it to make miss 'no tits' look like dolly parton every time amazes me. lack of boobs aside she was good fun and after a couple of hours of fun it was off to dreamland for both of us.....an ok start to the trip, could have been better but then perfect everytime would be boring.

12-31-07, 01:57
Hey guys thanx for the response about LE.

Now to more 'juicy' matters I have RTFF and gleaned from it a top chart countdown of where you are sure to find quality CIS. I know of Premiere as no 1 (IMHO) on the chart and can testify to the shear filthy fit CIS that frequent there. And have heard it has succeeded places like amnesia etc.

I am looking for other hot CIS places. My forum research has directed me to Kubu, Moscow hotel, and Regal plaza. Will check these out when in Dubai shortly but have I missed other quality 'CURRENT' CIS venues? . Your input and 'definitive chart rundowns' (top fives) would be awesome. And NO I am not a radio DJ by profession!

WhySoSerious. And the no 1 serious CIS hotspot is.

12-31-07, 03:01
Agree a bad descision but still no one deserves this.Don't get me wrong - I agree 100% - no one deserves that. Hell too good for them.

And when someone says, "she's racist, she won't go with me", well, there are reasons...

Walked in ready to hand over my AED50 and got quoted 100!!#@! What the f#ck; its a holiday sir(!), so? And that's when I say, "So, York it is."

12-31-07, 05:37
welll during the period and during pregnancy for me... girls seems to be a) hornier b) curious c) whounderstandswomen

in the case of pregnant women you can also benefit from a diminished interest from the "owner". oh well...

just back from a month away (2 weeks in london and 2 week in land of smiles - certainly my smiles at least :-) interesting to note the mood of discussion on the board, i've had a couple of interesting safety chats since i came back.

tale 1 is somewhat similar to the above horro tale. a well known face from metro decided for some mad reason to take 3 middle eastern gentlemen to entertain to the chinese hotel in garhoud. once the got there they realised that they were only girls in the hotel and proceeded to gang [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) her, take her money etc. in the end she jumped out the third story window, broke her leg and damaged her back (i hope not seriously). when the le arrived needless to say, they were interested in why she broke her leg jumping from the window rather than why 3 arseholes were [CodeWord125] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord125) her.

tale 2 is a little different. princess l asked if she could hole up in my place for a few days as she knew i was going away on a trip. she was very concerned about le activity and 3 girls from her stable had already been picked up and are still in jail awaiting deportation. fine by me so long as she followed a few basic rules (which she did). anyway, i arrived back in the early hours of this morning and she had thoughtfully popped along to welcome me bringing fresh milk, bread etc so that was nice. i didn't notice until this morning though that i had seemed to gain a few bits and pieces such as bamboo plants here and there, random fem undies in my drawers and even chinese tv channels were they weren't before - i have no idea how she achieved this but am impressed! i still need to have a word with her about what giving her a safe house means, there is safe and then there is bloody just too comfortable.

still, not complaining too much really coming home to a good cup of tea and a warm bed with a very willing and horny prc who hasn't had any recent action because of fear of le was somewhat nice......i had a long lie this morning!

12-31-07, 05:50
I went again to Panorama to pick up this girl, following one of my mates recommendation. She is dark haired and with a typical Kyrgyz soft face (that I find very very erotic). Very shapely body too, with very nice ass and reasonable breasts. very thin and fit, the body is really hard, when asked if she exercises or it is natural she answered natural. She would even make 50-50 stringent criteria as she is only 21.

I picked her around 2130, we agreed on 1K (she stated that her price normally was 1.5k but because I was recommended by my mate I was seen as "safe") and agreed all night (until 0700)

We went home and because I had good references I gave her the money in advance. We drank half a bottle of madeira. and off we went. Some conversation (very limited English)

First round was good, DATY BBBJ (justa little) and different positions. Then there was a pause and she was acting really weird, at some point I told her that she could go home if she did nto feel OK as it did not make any sense. Then she said that she did not want to go home, she wanted to stay. I replied that I did not understand her and she said "I know you do not understand me" and suddenly changed her attitude, pinned me down in bed and started kissing and BBBJ. More sex at some point while doing doggy she pushed me out, hold my hand and took me out of bed to fuck her bent over...

I introduced her to mr vibrator that she liked a lot and then to sleep.

Then in the morning I woke up and was shocked to see how fat she actually was... I could not believe my eyes and could see all the sarcastic replies: "beer goggles" (somehow I thought Piper would be the one making most fun) and then... I woke up and realized that she was still sleeping with the same nice body as last night. This has to be one of my weirdest dreams ever. Kind of funny now, it did nto feel like that at the time.

Then one final round. and calling the taxi.

So my personal score

Face 8-9/10
Body 9/10
Attitude 7/10
GFE no, she was professional but very good professional. However my hypothesis is that this may change over time and become more GFE. I have decided to embark on a research project on this topic that will need several experiments. All to contribute to the advance of science. l will also focus on the possibility of conducting some 3-bodies exercises.

You will find her in panorama, I will not pass the number as it would be totally pointless but I will be glad to introduce her to reputable gentlemen (and also to members of this forum) if so requested.

12-31-07, 08:34
Nice report Cons, especially as I featured in your wet dream. 'Tis a privilege and honor. :D
Now why would I make fun of your chubby? (girl that is). I like 'em all shapes and sizes (in fact I prefer a little wobble rather than skin and bone).
Then in the morning I woke up and was shocked to see how fat she actually was... I could not believe my eyes and could see all the sarcastic replies: "beer goggles" (somehow I thought Piper would be the one making most fun) and then... I woke up and realized that she was still sleeping with the same nice body as last night. This has to be one of my weirdest dreams ever.

Member #1071
12-31-07, 09:16
Had my family sent back home for the holidays.
Headed to Regarl on Eid evening. No drinks, no music, lights on. (A good combination for picking your lady). Mostly CIS, few are above everage.
Spotted a slim blonde,in her late 20's probably early 30's. Nice body, face ok, small boobs. After the usual intro, she stated 2K for the night. She proceeded to say that she usually hangs at the Radisson SAS 9th floor bar and that she came to Regal because the bar at the Radisson was closed and she was feeling bored, and that this is the price that she asks for usually. I told her that this is Regal now and not the Radisson and that what she was asking for doesn't sell here.
She went down to 1500 AED which of course I refused. I apologized and went back to look for other options. Surprisingly she followed me and asked me if I would take her for 1000AED for 3-4 hours. I agreed and we headed back to my flat.
She was (or acted) very horny, lots of BBBJ, DATY, and several positions. Before I finished she asked to finish in her mouth. Which I obviously did.
We had few drinks on the sofa, and then she proceeded with a slow and deep BBBJ. Again she asked me to come in her mouth, and she swallowed to the last drop.
One hour later, few more drinks and again we started the whole thing all over, BBBJ, DATY, various positions and of course CIM+Swallow.
It was 4 am, when I decided to drop her back to where she has parked her
Paid her 1000AED and told her I will be in touch with her again.
Second day I sent her to my friend, he was very thankful :)

12-31-07, 09:43
Well, the privilege was enjoying this girl...only problem is I am dirty tired and now I need to work on an urgent document.

Why would you make fun? I really do not know. In fact my thought was that you would be making fun more of my confusion than of her T42esque shape, but I really can not find a reason why you popped up in my dream (only wet because of my tears!!!), and on such a way that you kind of scared me. Oh well, I am sure we will soon get plenty of suggestions.

I could have skipped the dream in the FR but it felt so real... And the surprising thing is that in my dream I felt that there was no choice, after the deed, the debrief. Kind of automatic thing, the reporting is compulsory after the action. And in fact the report is the first thing i did this morning. The wonders of human (or at least male) mind.

I have to say that it has never happened to me (as far as I can remember) that I have woken up and found something to be ashamed of next to me. But after this dream I swear I will only pick up girls when fully sober. Hopefully I will get my PA back soon and she will help me with this chore too :)

Nice report Cons, especially as I featured in your wet dream. 'Tis a privilege and honor. :D
Now why would I make fun of your chubby? (girl that is). I like 'em all shapes and sizes (in fact I prefer a little wobble rather than skin and bone).

12-31-07, 10:32
Was on my way to watch the footy when I suddenly had a sudden craving for a handjob. Not BBBJ or cbj but a handjob. Called my favorite hotel health club and asked if my regular was available. She was. Had a 45 minute massage which was what I needed after a long time out. Turns me over and proceeds with the handjob however this time she must have been a little bit turned on and asked if I mind if she goes down on me. No problems. BBBJ but no cim. Still not bad for a quick fix. Very cute philipino girl which always seems to be ready if I need her.

12-31-07, 13:37
I'll agree with Steamer33 on this. Well reported in the Gulf News about the arrests, and of clients being included (in MP's).

While it may look like "business as usual" to the visitor, those of us living here, with the wg's we know, hear the differences. I personally know 1 wg, had been here a couple of years, survived many prior purges, deported for the "sin" of being in her apartment, sleeping ALONE, when LE came knocking. Yes, that's happened before, but this has been much larger in scope. Like Steamer33, I personally know a number of wg's who have vacated a certain building specifically due to the LE sweeps. I still have a house guest who doesn't feel safe going back "home".

Girl I pulled Friday did say "No problem", but also explained: she lives with a couple of others, only wg's in building, not a "known" area, and they are DISCREET - no clients brought home. Just your quiet, rarely seen neighbors.I hit Dubai often and usually use the same young lady. Met her in Cyclone years ago and she is still here but only for another 3-4 months as she has saved enough to buy the business and flat in Romania that she wants. She is 26 years old and much the same as above, keeping an eye out on LE but very low key, and usually only out with known customers that she has worked with for a long time.

Things have changed a lot in the last year or so in DXB and not all of it for the good.


12-31-07, 15:56
Greetings to All,

my very best wishes for a prosperous and healthy 2008, but esspecially to those with whom I enjoyed posting, responding, commenting.

Very truly yours,


12-31-07, 21:58
Does anyone know Martha, an African girl who I met at the York? She seemed interesting and before I meet her again, I was wondering if anyone had any experience with her.

Joe Coodidge
01-01-08, 02:55
Was on my way to watch the footy when I suddenly had a sudden craving for a handjob. Not BBBJ or cbj but a handjob. Called my favorite hotel health club and asked if my regular was available. She was. Had a 45 minute massage which was what I needed after a long time out. Turns me over and proceeds with the handjob however this time she must have been a little bit turned on and asked if I mind if she goes down on me. No problems. BBBJ but no cim. Still not bad for a quick fix. Very cute philipino girl which always seems to be ready if I need her.Are happy endings customary at those clubs? I'm returning to Dubai next month and sometimes I just need a good massage and a hand release. Which club was this?


01-01-08, 19:43
Monday night: Seaview.

Arrived at the door, flashing my VCCs, BHC (Very Cheap Clothes and Bad Haircut) and a Karama knock-off Caspio watch (I thought it said Casio, but what do want for 20Dhs?) The doorman looked me over and let me in without charge, saying "you look like you drink too much, good for bar." So up I went.

Things seemed a little sparse on the ground at first but there ended up being a reasonable selection of PRC´s, Stanis (arriving @ 10:30 or so) and the standard Pinay mini-herd.

Mr. Premature Lyrics has now elevated his game, besides just making an ass of himself, he now drags his WG girl of choice over to the sidelines. The poor creature was mortified by his antics, I really felt sorry for her. Even the band seemed sadly resigned to this moron.

Tuesday night:

Enjoyed an evening in with a regular, she arrived primed (Champanski) but did not slip into a drunken funk (thank goodness.) Actually kind of funny, I had never seen her take more than one drink, but I guess you can take the Stani out of the Soviet Union, but you can´t take the Soviet out of the Stani, New year requires alcohol and phone calls home. ;) Has sort of turned into a very LT, she is taking a bubble bath as I write this ;)

Happy New Year to all.

01-01-08, 23:04
Firstly, happy new year to everyone!

Day 2 of my dubai trip took me to Regal Plaza, have read about this place on the forum but my first visit. Arrived there just after 10.00, and although there were girls there, it was far from full. They had a three girl russian band on at the time, and their singing was not upto much, but boy were they fit.

Generally the girls here were several notches up on Imperial, and frankly I wish I had discovered it earlier in my dubai career. Also, whereas at Imperial the girls tend to be there for about 10.00, aiming for a ST/LT if lucky or ST/ST combo otherwise, the bulk of the (CIS) girls at Regal seem to get there for between 11.30 and 12.30 with a view to 1 LT customer only...and this was also reflected in the prices they quote. The range was very much AED 1 - 1.5K with not much flexibility, there were some T52 types there and although I did not make any enquiries of them I can imagine they maybe < 1K.

After much dithering finally decided to try my luck with a CIS, blonde and very pretty. She spoke decent english and we agreed AED1K for all night, time was around 1.00am. There was a south african band playing by now, who were loud and enthusiastic, so we hung around for another hour or so listening to them, talking and having a few drinks. Got back to the hotel around 3.00 and let nature take its course...yes I fell asleep.

Pleasant evening, the girl (call her J) was only 26 but had a child in russia, so body was ok but obviously not 10/10, she was pretty and very personable and it was a very pleasant evening. Had to wake her up in the morning, although she had told me 8.00/8.30, at some point she obviously switched off her alarm and at 9.30am I had to pull back the curtains to get her moving. Got her in the car and dropped her off at her place in deira.

That evening straight back to Regal, I got there early although J had told me she was not going to be there before 11.30/12.00 and thought I would maybe get a game of pool in. Put my name on the whiteboard and started to wait for my turn; Just coming upto my turn and one of the arab guys decides he's going to rub it off (!)...after some arguing and much gesticulating he got the message that I wasn't just another tourist who was going to shrug my shoulders and walk away and I got my game. Some of those guys are such w#nkers.

South African band was playing again, loud and not too bad. J finally turned up around midnight with some of her friends, so I wandered over to say hello. I had already agreed that I was going to take her again that evening, so we were just hanging around having a few drinks and listening to the music. J seemed to be pretty comfortable with me, you can never tell how much of it is an act, but it seemed genuine enough and we were having a good time.

I had to go to the toilet just before we were planning to leave Regal, around 2.30am, and when I returned I found J in tears with a friend trying to console her!!??! What happened, could not get much from her or her friend beyond the fact that it was not my fault and she kept on apologising to me between sobs. Upshot was that she could not go with me that night and would I drop her and her friend at their apartment, which I agreed to.

On the drive back I got a bit more, but substantially it seemed that one of the other russian girls had made a comment to her along the lines of "...you're still a prostitute..", and that had obviously struck a nerve. Anyway, I had the whole bed to myself that night and the episode also brought home that not all these girls are hardened pro's - in J's case as I was to later find out she had been in Dubai for over a year, yet still easily hurt. Its often repeated but they need to be treated with the same respect and consideration that you would for anyone else, period and with no ulterior motive.

Next morning, had some excess to burn so paid a visit to Broadway where I have had some good experience before. Met a mid 20's Azeri, nice body and good communication so it was a pleasant afternoon; 12.00 to 5.00 for AED1K.

At some point I must have developed a honest face, because I was not once asked for money upfront. Once the amount was agreed, it was just a case of letting them know that I was driving so we would not need a cab, they would grab their bag and off to the car we would go.

Also to point out, and this goes back to the LE crackdown, although they seemed unconcerned about walking with me to my car, none of them carried any condoms with them. This is something that they would point out as soon as they were in the car and the door closed, so maybe thats why they were less bothered about police presence on the roads, i'm speculating.

Part III to follow......

01-02-08, 00:35
Happy New Year to all!
Does any one have any info on mongering activities in the Marina area?

Jimmy K II
01-02-08, 08:46
Greetings to everybody here end best wishes for a happy, healthy and sucessfull New Year 2008.

I hope that i can meet up with the one or the other when i'm in DXB.


01-02-08, 09:21
Fellow Mongerers,

Happy new year to all and here's to kicking things up a notch.


Zing Uk
01-02-08, 13:18
Its often repeated but they need to be treated with the same respect and consideration that you would for anyone else, period and with no ulterior motive.

Say no more, 110%

Zing Uk
01-02-08, 13:34
Because of various holidays and business trips I've not managed to get out over the last month or so other than a flying visit to Metro a few weeks back. So for the first time in ages I had free night last night and decided to hit York. At first nothing much changed, same grabbing Africans, tough looking CIS (although one did smile at me but then I lost her in the crowd) the PRC welcome committee and, of course, the ever attendant bar girls. I think one hit a new record by asking me if I wanted a beer after the second sip!

I was in for an hour or so and gradually started to notice a couple of changes though. Firstly, its a new band since the last time I was there but they are still crap. Secondly, the floor has been redone with what looks like very cheap early 1990's Ikea laminate.....good for mopping vomit I guess. Thirdly and most importantly, the quality of the PRC girls seems to have definately taken a turn for the better. There was still a fair mix of course with a high percentage of cookie cutters but certainly the avarage looks have definitely gone up. Not only that, but a lot of the new girls I spoke to mostly had a decent grasp of English.

It got me thinking that maybe the recent LE purge was more about weeding out some of the rubbish and improving the quality. you know how these Arab guys are into their top quality stuff and always like the best of everything, well maybe the same goes for theri PRC WG's. Maybe the next purge will be the Africans and we'll get rid of the ones who smell of cheap vanilla and refuse to do bbbj or any bj because its against their religion (WTF is that about - like prostitution is fully allowed by their religion?) and we'll end up with a city full of Halle Berry lookalikes......now then I might just change my PRC\African ration from the current 20\1 rate. (CIS don't count as I'm scared of them)

Anyway, I ended up taking back to slighly more mature PRC ladies. Not great lookers or great in the sack but nice girls and get good marks for enthusiasm in bed if not technique. Fun time had but not memorable but not bad for 1000dhs all night

Keep it Cocked,

01-02-08, 16:31
Will clubs open on 9 January since it is the Islamic New Year?

01-03-08, 02:35
Cross posting since Dubai is the home base. Where do I start? I guess at the beginning. I left the VVS watch in a safe in Makati since VVSes can get you killed in the Philippines. Still had the earrings though which drew more attention then I like. The Philippines not a good place to show signs of wealth. The moment of truth had arrived. I was finally going to Angeles after three years of waiting to due to personal conflicts.


Hit the dollhouse about 300pm. This place had the whole black out lights set up big stage lot of girls. My first bar fine in AC came in the form of one of the door girls who politely put her hands on my lap as she came in from outside. She asked could she feel my dick since she said she is aware black guys are packing. After a feel she said ok lets go. We get back to the room and we fuck once then she said I can bar fine her again but she would not be fucking as I “broke her pussy” in her own words. She came off really silly felt like I was dealing with a child most of the time. Had the gall to ask could she keep my 3000 dollars earrings for me until I return. After that sent her packing.

Honey Pot

Picked up a little number who took an instant interest. The Honey Pot is small but most of the girls are fuckable. Chatted it up with her for a while in bar and she convinced me to barfine her. We hit the room and she acted like she didn’t know what do. I thought to myself maybe taking off your dress will give you an idea. Same thing from last time? She wanted me to finish as I was hurting her but said I could fuck her again for free later and took my mobile number. She had a cool vibe and we hit up the SM mall and had some pizza. Told her I was going to come back to see her but I knew and she knew I was bullshiting. First two barfines in the historic AC? Are these girls being fucked? Pussies tight like virgins and very inexperienced. I mean I like tight pussies but damn….


Small place nice girls in the personality department. Lacking about everywhere else.


Nice small line up. Cool girls. Cool staff.

Blue Nile

Set up like the Dollhouse lot of girls ranging from 2-10s loud music. Seen one girl that made my my temperature rise. Requested she be brought to the table. The girl responded she is a cherry girl. In the Philippines this means a virgin or very inexperienced. She told me if I really wanted to fuck her I had to pay about 1700USD. Ha Ha. Nope not interested I rather buy some more diamonds. The manager was an American and seen my baseball cap representing my city in the US and gave me a free drink. Cool.


Funny girls. Lacking in looks. Small line up. Drunk European telling me how much he loves hip hop especially 2pac....

Dollhouse Revisited

Night time. NOW the place is packed lot of punters, Americans, Koreans, and Europeans etc. The big shows going full force many girls on stage and in the crowd. Most are sexy ass hell. Its getting late I have to go back to Manila in the morning. I am looking for something to retire with. First girl told me she never been with black guy and she would not be interested in a bar fine. Ok. Second girl told me she had Korean boyfriend that takes care of her and she doesn’t fuck customers anymore. Ok. Wow in one of the most notorious red light districts in the world I can’t find a date I LIKE. Yes many girls are available but most range in the 2-5 department. She told me had one friend that might be interested. I told her go get her. She brought the girl back and she looked like she had about as many miles on her as a Michael Jordan’s sneakers. She told me “Don’t worry I take good care of you.” I brought her a drink and left.

Bar Name Forgotten

Spotted an 18 year old on stage waist length mane. Slim as a dollar. Requested her presence at my table. Also said she was not interested in bar fine. She is afraid. But her range 2 friend was willing to take her place. Nope paid the tab and bailed. Wow.

Bar Name Forgotten

Nice looking girls. Range 5-8. Spotted another with the long hair I like. Slim as a dollar could have been no more then 80-90 Ibs. Told me she was very inexperienced. Yes she was interested in a bar fine. She was extremely tight I thought I saw tears in her eyes at one point and I was real gentle with her. She took it like champ though with minor complaints and I awarded her accordingly. She was a sweet heart though. Even was game for another round.

The Wrap Up

First trip to Angeles. At this point I really don’t know what to say. At this point I think Thailand is better fuck destination. I will be back in a couple of months. A happy mongering new year to all.

Photos found here http://internationalsexguide.info/forum/fileslist.php

My Kapitan
01-03-08, 06:48
Monday night: Seaview.

Arrived at the door, flashing my VCCs, BHC (Very Cheap Clothes and Bad Haircut) and a Karama knock-off Caspio watch (I thought it said Casio, but what do want for 20Dhs?) The doorman looked me over and let me in without charge, saying "you look like you drink too much, good for bar." So up I went..

Simply brilliant! PMSL.
Happy New Year - look forward to more great posts from you Sporadic.

01-03-08, 07:55
OK after a terrible end/beginning of year (I spent new year's eve working on a proposal) I had some fun.

An old acquaintance, Miss Ya***, whom I did not see for several months had been phoning and smsing me almost every month for the last 6-7 months. I had met her in Panorama a couple of times (she was really pissed off when I took the Kyrgyz girl, she complained to me that "she lost face") and I agreed to take her for dinner. I was too tired to go out but she insisted in coming to my place even though I was very tired. When I said the house was messy she offered to clean it (but I refused).

So, she came around 2100, she remembered the place after all this time. When she came into the flat she started to point all the differences (to the towels!!!) she sure has great memory. After some brief chit-chat she told me she wanted to remove her boots, next thing she is on her underwear kneeling and giving me a bbbj and some rimming.I suggested to go to the bedroom. Several rounds (3-4, I can not remember), several positions. DATY, BBBJ, I also showed her the dildo (she almost went crazy)... she wanted bareback but I refused.

In the morning one more round, then she starts playing and I am doing her sideways bareback... (stop the whining) then another round and we go for breakfast. After breakfast another round (we had to stop to open the door for the girl brining the bread).

Well, the girl was really in the mood. She claims to like me a lot, and that may be true given how persistent she has been.

Great experience with a girl that most of you would probably describe as "so-so"... but the sex was really good. lets hope that 2008 proves to be like that.

01-03-08, 07:58
Nothing beats the sweet smell of sarcasm in the morning... :)

It got me thinking that maybe the recent LE purge was more about weeding out some of the rubbish and improving the quality. you know how these Arab guys are into their top quality stuff and always like the best of everything, well maybe the same goes for theri PRC WG's. Maybe the next purge will be the Africans and we'll get rid of the ones who smell of cheap vanilla and refuse to do bbbj or any bj because its against their religion (WTF is that about - like prostitution is fully allowed by their religion?) and we'll end up with a city full of Halle Berry lookalikes......now then I might just change my PRC\African ration from the current 20\1 rate. (CIS don't count as I'm scared of them)

Fifty Fifty
01-03-08, 08:25
(CIS don't count as I'm scared of them)


What do you mean, you are scared of all of them, that is pretty serious??

Ok some CIS Wg's can be a little more 'Forward' than others , but in general there doesnt seem to be any reason to be so scared.

Take a look at some of the pics I have posted in the Kazakhstan Forum, they are CIS Girls, and none too scary.

Maybe you would benefit from a visit to a CIS country, if you havent already done so - Nothing too scary though!!



01-03-08, 12:11
Fellow mongerers,

Been out and about in Dubai for the past couple of weeks and must say things have really changed around here; anyways, went to Premiere last week and picked up a pint sized but voluptious Georgian for the night. Great time!! Started with 1000 for the night but came down to 700/-. Said she usually hangs around at Dubai Marine Beach Resort & Spa but since business is a bit down, came to Premiere. PM if you need her contact - will be happy to share!

Happy mongering!

Double Shooter
01-03-08, 22:15
The Shooter has noticed a significant diminution of the MP ads in the Gulf News. The remaining establishments even publish landline numbers, an unfortunate sign of legitimate activities. No hand shall touch your Johnson, except accidentally. So it was with some trepidation that he dipped into cellular memory and dialled the notorious Jumeirah MP.

Yes it is open. It has moved office yet again, on a main road near Spinneys. A decent but not outstanding selection was available. The Shooter chose a spinner with a pleasant smile. Claimed to be 22 years old; probably closer to 35 but in mint condition. Extremely bushy in the groin & armpits: a sign of a new arrival.

The usual dh100 for the house followed by 15 minutes negotiation for the lady's compensation package. Prices have apparently inflated enormously since the Shooter's last visit. She reluctantly accepted dh420 only after verifying that this constituted the full content of the Shooter's wallet.

Service when it finally began was satisfactory but not outstanding.

01-04-08, 00:01
Going to keep this brief, because its been a long day at work - anyone else notice how '08 is in fact much like '07, same sh#t different postcode - and do not want to be boring...

Back to Regal again and following the principle of its not broken why fix it.... made a beeline for J again, and thats when it went wrong! Some of these locals really do not like foreigners; an Arab guy who I had also noticed before decides he's going to stake a claim, so starts talking to J. the gist of the conversation was " I am a regular here, been with you before, you go with me tonight or neither I or my friends go with you / your little group again".

Seems it was an offer she could not refuse and left with him after apologising profusely etc. left a bad taste in my mouth but its a free market, could have upped the stakes by offering her more, but lifes too short.

At this point very ticked off, half a mind to just call it a night but then saw this brunette russian standing off to one side. Dressed 'normally', talking to another girl with no marketing at all. After the pleasantries were out of the way asked her the price, AED1500. Ok! I know it was OTT, especially given that the time was around 1.30am, but given my evening so far I just wanted out of there. Got her back to the hotel - actually she made her own way following me in her own car - and wow what a girl.

Great body, conversation, interesting...funny how things can work out sometimes.

And that was pretty much it, there was a further foray to Broadway one morning where I picked up an Armenian girl - great body, ok face, however a smoker who needs to discover some very strong mints - who was quite horny but I struggled with the smokers breath.

And back to wintery London..

If I have not mentioned it already the Hilton is super green, especially if you drive. Go straight to the u/ground carpark, lift brings you out to the side of the lobby and from there a brief walk to the lifts to the rooms. I have never once been challenged or asked to register a girl and absolutely nothing appears on the bill. Downside is that the plumbing at the hotel seems to suffer way too many dodgy moments for the prices they charge and room service after midnight is so-so.

Also, this was my first trip to Dubai over xmas, and although hotel prices are higher due to hol's etc, with expats out of town there seemed to be a lot of girls around with very favourable ratios.

01-04-08, 01:32
Hey guys. Happy new year to all!

Thought it would be useful to all who read this gold mine of information to glean tips on how to navigate a negotiation with WG. Heres my opening gambit.

After RTFF I have noticed a number of poor experiences with WG (mainly CIS) who have abruptly turned a LT into a ST at the drop of a hat. Now the number 1 rule is don't pay up front if you can avoid it. Indeed some senior members have said it is a 'warning' flag when in negotiations if WG insist on this.

IMHO there are 3 main possibilities when WG (Mainly CIS! ) insist on this: 1. They don't want to be conned themselves (previous poor experience with local or other)

2. Are indeed planning on 'screwing u' another way with a quick gettaway following 'their version' of an LT session.

3. Thats the way they work. And you get a good LT service and you both part happily in the morning.

Now as others have said. If they insist on money up front there aint alot you can do. I've tried the half now half later suggestion but that rarely works.

So you can walk away or is there more to it in terms of negotiation. Undoubtedly 'gut instinct' is vital when sizing up a potential WG BUT these con artists (because. Lets face thats what they are) are gifted at going from hot to cold fast without warning and after your wallet is a lot lighter.

Some guys have mentioned a thread with a hall of shame WG name/location list which would help.

This is the risk we dabble with when you want 'something new' apart from your regulars and human nature is human nature. There are the good, the bad and the average ugly!

WhySoSerious. To be a successful monger is to be an expert diplomat.

My Kapitan
01-04-08, 04:50
Cross posting since Dubai is the home base. [/url]

BPd It may be a mute point but if I want to know what is happening in the Philippines I read that forum, indeed as you have posted the same report in the Philippines anyone could do so therefore I guess the only reason you have done so is to up your post count.

Other senior members (including me) manage to post their experiences in other countries on the appropriate thread and make simple refernces to those posts in the Dxb threads.

This certainly is a VVses (Very Very Strange Entry Strategy).

01-04-08, 06:59
BPd It may be a mute point but if I want to know what is happening in the Philippines I read that forum, indeed as you have posted the same report in the Philippines anyone could do so therefore I guess the only reason you have done so is to up your post count.

Other senior members (including me) manage to post their experiences in other countries on the appropriate thread and make simple refernces to those posts in the Dxb threads.

This certainly is a VVses (Very Very Strange Entry Strategy).

How would "upping my post count benefit me? Do I win a free WG or some on the house VVSes? Give me a break. A couple post back a regular on this Dubai forum mentioned an experience in Thailand on this board. Is it that serious Kap?

Zing Uk
01-04-08, 08:30
How would "upping my post count benefit me? Do I win a free WG or some on the house VVSes? Give me a break. A couple post back a regular on this Dubai forum mentioned an experience in Thailand on this board. Is it that serious Kap?

I don't know if its just me but if I put up several posts at one time then they all get the same count number so not a way of upping numbers.

Also, I recently put up post about both London and the Philippines but both were more aimed at general discussion points rather than what general mongering I did when I was there so hoped they would have value to anyone going to these locations over the holiday period as I know they are both popular destinations (as is the Philippines). I generally agree with post what you like though, we can always skip if we don't want to read it and cost nothing.

Either way, glad you enjoyed your trip and Leep it Cocked,

My Kapitan
01-04-08, 09:15
Ok guys its not that serious, just call me old fashioned as I believe the thread titles are there for a reason.

I travel as much as any of you and read the thread for the country I intend to visit in order to get an idea of the scene in advance of arrival.

If I want discussion of the scene in Spain for instance I for one would expect to conduct it on the Spanish threads not the Dxb or any other forum. If I am in Manila and want to post about Manila I have and would do it on that thread etc. Of course you can refer to your trip in another thread but I reckon the detailed post belongs on the apropriate thread. The Dxb thread is widely read by people who have no intention or oportunity to visit and I am sure they actually want to read about Dxb not Manila.

Pretty simple concept and it helps the search engine work properly. Similarly I believe the photo threads should have photos - just have a look at some of the other countries photo threads where they mostly consist of opinion and discussion of pretty much anything other than photos.
The count shown is always your total count BTW.

Finally there is no reward in upping your post count unless you are a regular who wants to go up to senior. I do agree that the freedom to post what you want should be upheld.

01-04-08, 11:25
10.45pm Radisson Deira
After a pleasant night at the Nad Al Sheba races (will be better when the carnival starts in two weeks time when they will run books in England and we can have a punt, but that's another adult game entirely) decided to revisit Radisson after my previous enjoyable evening there last Thursday.

Didn't bother with Kubu, straight into Marbles (lobby bar) and once again the band were on. The three girls looked stunning this week in little white dresses and the whole band seemed better musically.

The best looking singer even gave me a wave and a "nice to see you again" which was as unexpected as it was nice. Next time I'm there I'll try to get a picture of them, they didn't seem to mind tourists taking their pic.

Anyway, sat near the stage as before and scanned the scene. About 15 WGs in all, enough for such a small venue. About four to five PRCs, two African and the rest CIS, some trying to look more Arabesque than others.

Same two bleached blonde tired-looking CIS in attendance again, but rest were different faces to week before.

Few minutes pass then I notice - how could I miss her before! - a stunning rake slim PRC (just my type) sitting at the table next to me - two spare chairs alongside. While waiting for my drink to arrive it became clear she was on her own. Time to move tables when my drink arrives, I'm thinking. Just then her mobile rings. Long conversation. Leaves the money for her drink (hardly touched) on the table and she's off. Damn! Snooze and lose.

Sat sipping my pint and enjoying the band. One very good looking dark CIS, about 30, at the bar looking at me. Beckon her over. Lovely face and body and nicely dressed, not overly WG. Turns out she's from Tajikistan and we get chatting.

Boy, her story nearly broke my heart. Husband shot dead last year, two sons, one with her in Dubai, trying to support the other back home. We talk for a long time about life, tragedy and everything. I was sorely tempted to talk business with her and take her home but in the end my morality gene kicks in and I tell her I feel sorry for her but I have a GF and I can't take a lady. She looks sad and I feel like a bastard now but we chat some more.

Anyway, time for me to move on. She gives me lovely heartfelt kiss on each cheek, thanks me and off I go into the night.

I had a good feeling about this girl. She seemed very genuine (no BS I'm sure), never mentioned money once and I'm sure would have given a good time. Be interested to hear if anyone else knows her. Maybe I'll be tempted back next week (and leave the morality gene at home)! Who knows.

Be careful out there


01-04-08, 11:32
Ok guys its not that serious, just call me old fashioned as I believe the thread titles are there for a reason.Can it be that MK and I agree on something? :) Now, I wish my office desk were as well ordered as this forum, but still, I do try and keep work stuff in piles to the right, personal stuff in piles to the left. Point being, it's very easy to post a link here to a report elsewhere, especially without a full re-post (likewise no need to quote a full post - just the part needed for context).

an Arab guy who I had also noticed before decides he's going to stake a claim, so starts talking to J. the gist of the conversation was " I am a regular here, been with you before, you go with me tonight or neither I or my friends go with you / your little group again". Repeat business does carry a lot of weight, even if used as a threat. About the only thing to do is walk away, or you could try the 'disappear, sms to meet outside' gambit.

If I have not mentioned it already the Hilton is super green, especially if you drive. Go straight to the u/ground carpark, lift brings you out to the side of the lobby and from there a brief walk to the lifts to the rooms. I have never once been challenged or asked to register a girl and absolutely nothing appears on the bill. Good info. Thanks for posting.

Also, this was my first trip to Dubai over xmas, and although hotel prices are higher due to hol's etc, with expats out of town there seemed to be a lot of girls around with very favourable ratios.Given that a lot of the 'preferred' customers (read westerner's) are either out of country on vacation, or busy with family, true statement, my experience anyway.

I don't know if its just me but if I put up several posts at one time then they all get the same count number so not a way of upping numbers.Total count is provided, not incremental. Good way of establishing "weight".

Now the number 1 rule is don't pay up front if you can avoid it. Indeed some senior members have said it is a 'warning' flag when in negotiations if WG insist on this.Depends on if you're "known" or not. If you are, then a "danger Will Robinson" for sure. If not... As you point out, could be from being ripped off herself. When a punter rips off a girl, bad for ALL of us, and I can't blame her for asking 'money up front' from some. If she's working for herself, bad, she's lost a night's salary. If she's working for someone else, REAL bad, as a lot more to lose than just a night's wages... the boss to answer to.

Now as others have said. If they insist on money up front there aint alot you can do. I've tried the half now half later suggestion but that rarely works.

So you can walk away or is there more to it in terms of negotiation. Undoubtedly 'gut instinct' is vital when sizing up a potential WG BUT these con artists (because. Lets face thats what they are) are gifted at going from hot to cold fast without warning and after your wallet is a lot lighter.Myself, because I stick to the same clubs/circles, I don't mention it these days. But WAY back, when I was new here, I always did mention 'pay after' while still in the bar. If she disagreed, then I could consider the risk in the go/no-go decision. Likewise, if she knows your postion, she can also make that assessment before departing; it won't be a surprise to her back home.

And another reason to pull early. If problems arise, easy to return her to the "store" for a replacement. Of course, if you're in a hotel and have registered her, that becomes a bit more of a hassle. The disadvantage of pulling early (besides paying 'prime time' price) is that she does have an opportunity to return to the bar for the double header if she wants to do a 'pump and dump'.

The punter has the advantage in the bar, she at your place. Always a risk, but by not being shy and specifying everything up-front, that can be reduced as no surprises to either party. Of course, if she is a rip, she'll agree to everything with no intention of actually doing. Stereotyping, I'd say the "controlled" girl more prone to such, as it's not always her decision alone - the pressure to maximize income.

Last resort, once you've gotten the LT price, and knowing she wants to be paid first, you could always ask for a ST quote, paying such up front, asking for LT after. But in reality, too much work, for me anyway. I usually just take my chances, and, most times, no problems. If it's a true rip, then I just post her name and office, and move on.

01-04-08, 11:46
Must be the 'hangover' from the holiday season. While all tables taken, not all that crowded, especially for a Thursday night. Plenty of room to move between the bar and tables. Unfortunately, Mr. Pre-mature lyrics has not taken a vacation; his life must be Groundhog Day, the SAME routine EVERY night. At least they get it out of the way early, so he can disappear.

Newest vocalist seems to have established herself, opening up more, having some fun onstage. Band excellent as usual, throwing in some new tunes, at least for me. They do have a wide range.

Some usual faces, some on dates. Other 'regulars' MIA, pre-booked or taking time off, who knows. Wg numbers a bit sparse, but still a couple of PRC and stani's who I could take home, no problem. Worth a miss for a 1st time/ST visitor, better 'stocked' clubs around, but after you've hit those, Seaview certainly worth a visit. Or bring a date from one of the other clubs - there is dancing to a dj between the band's sets. And the bar does have a pretty decent food menu.

01-04-08, 12:35
Ok guys its not that serious, just call me old fashioned as I believe the thread titles are there for a reason.

I travel as much as any of you and read the thread for the country I intend to visit in order to get an idea of the scene in advance of arrival.

If I want discussion of the scene in Spain for instance I for one would expect to conduct it on the Spanish threads not the Dxb or any other forum. If I am in Manila and want to post about Manila I have and would do it on that thread etc. Of course you can refer to your trip in another thread but I reckon the detailed post belongs on the apropriate thread. The Dxb thread is widely read by people who have no intention or oportunity to visit and I am sure they actually want to read about Dxb not Manila.

Pretty simple concept and it helps the search engine work properly. Similarly I believe the photo threads should have photos - just have a look at some of the other countries photo threads where they mostly consist of opinion and discussion of pretty much anything other than photos.
The count shown is always your total count BTW.

Finally there is no reward in upping your post count unless you are a regular who wants to go up to senior. I do agree that the freedom to post what you want should be upheld.

It was my first trip just thought I would share don't worry I won't make it a habit...

Cheers and take it sleazy

01-04-08, 12:42
The Shooter has noticed a significant diminution of the MP ads in the Gulf News.As widely reported in this forum, and confirmed by your info, LE purge which began at beginning of December has taken its toll. Many AMPs shut, some moved, most not advertising in GN for fear of LE raids.

On a brighter note, LE activity has certainly decreased in recent days according to my sources. But extreme discretion and caution still advised. I had one, unconfirmed, report of two LE cars and one LE van "mopping up" outside York at around 3.30am on New Year's Day - happy bloody new year.

Be careful out there.


Member #1071
01-04-08, 13:08
The usual dh100 for the house followed by 15 minutes negotiation for the lady's compensation package. Prices have apparently inflated enormously since the Shooter's last visit. She reluctantly accepted dh420 only after verifying that this constituted the full content of the Shooter's wallet.

Service when it finally began was satisfactory but not outstanding.

250-300 AED is the max. you have to pay in those PM's. They must have thought you are unfamiliar to the MP scene.

01-05-08, 06:02
If you ever wonder how stereotypes are born, here is an example. Two Stanis, suffering from the "Xmas blues" (less family type punters on the street) accept an offer to accompany two "Arabs" (expats, not Emiratis, but residents.)

They were a little concerned about the deal, but turns out ok, and they spend the night with these two "gents." Said punters, in the morning, tell the girls they want to extend the deal for another day, so all is well.

The next day ends with all four out at a club, having a good time. The boys make a "bathroom break" excuse and pull a runner on the girls, leaving them stranded at this bar, with no payment, and stuck with the bar bill.

Nice guys. Said WG´s then proceed to get read the riot act by their boss for not demanding payment up-front for at least the first night. As it turns out, a day or two later one of the lads does answer his mobile, and boss has a few select words for him, including "police", "publicity", a "visit to your villa" and/or "broken kneecaps." Our heroes now promise to pay up, and that it was all a mistake/misunderstanding. Yeah right.

Boss´ rant was all bluff, obviously, and has not yielded results after two days (can you say "change your phone number?") but illustrates where the "pay before" comes from.

I am semi-reliably informed that this stems from a deep-seated belief held by some ethnic groups that these are are all "fallen women" worthy of disdain at best.

Seaview Thursday: As reported, not too crowded, but almost every table "reserved" very early. You could actually move through the crowd at midnight. Plenty of talent on the ground, but I had brought a date. In a paranoid moment, did ask date to take her head off my shoulder in the taxi back to the hotel. I was not too worried, but while stuck in traffic, I was getting very hard stares (erect stares?) from a HGV driver in the next lane, who was not making positive comparisons to our relative positions at that moment. Can´t say as I blame him. ;)

01-05-08, 07:44
Well, many consultancies will charge Arab clients in advance as they do not seem to have too much problem in not paying an infidel company...
Personally I never had problems, but I was lucky that I met some really good guys. I advise to be very careful when doing business here, not only to the WGs.

The next day ends with all four out at a club, having a good time. The boys make a "bathroom break" excuse and pull a runner on the girls, leaving them stranded at this bar, with no payment, and stuck with the bar bill.

Mad Hatter
01-05-08, 08:18
As mentioned by Cons68 Arab companies do seem to have no problem not paying the infidels their money.

The super profitable, thieving and censoring telecom company over here owes my previous employer, about 3 million.

Nothing one can do about it.

Nico Dub
01-05-08, 14:24
One funny thing with our telecom provider is that they are providing some internet access on mobile withou censorship.

As mentioned by Cons68 Arab companies do seem to have no problem not paying the infidels their money.

The super profitable, thieving and censoring telecom company over here owes my previous employer, about 3 million.

Nothing one can do about it.

01-06-08, 07:53
Just thought I would share a simple story with you all, I sent a message to a few cute looking girls on Friendster asking if they would be interested in some extra cash.

Well I had some great replies, including some very funny ones but the outcome is that I now have 3 regular girls who I meet when we can and have some great fun.

To be honest I did this as I was sick of the clubs and bars here and thsi way I have found three great 'normal' girls.

01-06-08, 10:21
I went to the Fairmont for dinner with the family on New Years Day ie 1st Jan.

Saw two very nice CIS hunnies sitting at the right of the enterance next to the coffee shop.

I took a long bathroom break and walked over to go and have a chat with them. But they already had some locals chatting with them.

Both were stunning 8s. But must have been a slow nite, saw them leaving alone as we left.

Is the Fairmont coffee shop a regular place to pickup CIS?


Zing Uk
01-06-08, 16:48
Following recent posting on my lack of experience with CIS I decided to pop into Jockey's this afternoon as I found myself nearby and know that there are a few who frequent there in the afternoon. I'm not a big fan of Jockey's per se but ok for a cuple of pints. As expected, there were several CIS around and the layout and size of the bar means they are in close proximity.

Trouble struck early on though when a PRC occupied my 6 yard box for the first half hour or so. Not only was I not prospecting from PRC but even if I was she wouldn't have been in my radar. She was a bit slow on taking the hint that she should move on but when a previous client of hers came in off she finally went finally giving me chance to scope out the CIS there. Probably around 15 to 20 there, certainly not A-listers but a few quite acceptable. Made eye contact with a few before Ukrainian step up for an interview, interesting as she wasn't one of the ones I was checking but that fact I was potentially in the market for CIS obviously got me noticed by them which has never really happened before. she had a cute face but body was probably only a 5. A very pleasant girl though and we spent a few minutes chatting before the offer came. I have to say I was surprised, she offered 200 for a single shot or 300 for an hour, not a bad rate at all. Although I was tempted I didn't go in this instance (tired from last night plus early morning business trip tomorrow) but she is noted for a future visit.

I still don't like Jockey's that much but my first contact with CIS proved ok.....let's hope the follow up is as positive.

Keep it Cocked,

Zing Uk
01-06-08, 16:56
Paid a couple of visits to Rattler over the last few days. I haven't been out in DXB much with the holidays etc so it was nice to get back out in the crowds.

The thing that struck me most were the girls seemed to be just a bit keener than before to get the business, I'm guessing the symptom of a slow festive period with reduced potential clients and the recent increased LE activity. Still, not a bad couple of evening chatting with some Africans and, of course the usual PRC crew. The second night I was there with Princess L so obviously any serious mongering was out.

The other thing that I noticed, and I don't know if this was just by chance, but there was almost a mass exodus around 11pm after the first band set. The bar area suddenly cleared of a substantial number of punters almost as if a bell had been struck. Must keep an eye on this but if its a pattern then going after 11 should give you very good play of the field. Ok, so a lot of the A-listers will have been gone but still a good number of prospects around.

Finally, for all the LE activity the numbers of PRC didn't seemed depleted to the point you could notice it. A few new faces around but aren't there always.

In general though, Rattler pretty much same old same old from what I could tell which isn't a bad thing in my book.

Keep it Cocked,

01-06-08, 17:23
I can confirm, but better not make too much noise about this...

One funny thing with our telecom provider is that they are providing some internet access on mobile withou censorship.

01-07-08, 03:16
Hey all! this is a followup report in retrospect from Aug...I am due in dubai soon so I will do a 'current affairs' report at some point!

Anyway I thought this may be of value in that in reading the forum I have gleaned that Buddha bar (BB) has not been covered much...Let me just start off by saying this bar/restaurant is fantastic for an experience/vibe it is where a lot of the beautiful/ rich hang out on a thurs/fri with lambos, ferraris and mercs parked next to Grovesnor house outside.

I was lucky enough to meet a fellow 'drop in' monger who was there on buisness while i stayed at the Royal meridean 'sister' beach hotel to Grovesnor house (met him at the pool bar while we both checked out the 'normal' talent in bikinis of which there were plenty!)...We hit it off immediately. Cool guy Ill call 'Ash' for ananimity's sake. He knew the managers at grovesnor house and invited me to dinner at BB which getting a reservation at is very tough indeed.

The amount of high class WG there was truly astounding. Now this was peak summer but I also dropped by in Nov and talent was still significant. Anyway after enjoying a great dinner we moved to the bar and had a few drinks. By around 11 theplace was busy and by 12 WGs had arrived in numbers...in 2s and 3s dotted about next to bar or just behind on their high bench tables BB has. Pretty much CIS and others (no PRC, Africans). Ash pointed out that a couple of pairs of stunners who were standing next to us were WGs. I couldnt believe it these girls were 10+ tanned beauties dressed in beautiful cocktail dresses and/or clubbing tops...I thought they were 'normal' as they were firstly tanned (ie looked like holiday girls) and very Un-WG like.

Ash chatted to one and at first he seemed like it was normal playful intro/flirting then he beckoned me over and I met these 2 stunners from Europe (Not CIS)...Angelina and Lucy they were named. Ash directed his charms at blonde Lucy and I started chatting to brunette Angelina. She was A danish WG who worked in london and had come to dubai for 1 weeks 'work'...and had met up with some of her normal friends who lived locally...she was a high class escort in London. It made sense really this bar was the rich and powerful's little chillout playground and it seemed global WG were coming in for short term fly in visits.

She asked if I was interested in her or her friend to which I smiled as she felt my crotch discreetly!! (sorry...she was hot!). I asked her opening price...2500 LT...this didnt surprise me in place like BB. Ash signaled to me and we went to get more drinks at which point we compared notes. His was charging the same...I was curious but Ash wasn't saying Yorke bar was a better option being less of a financial drain!! We decided to do some more 'research' at BB before leaving.

As he was staying there the local hotel bar was Bar 44 at the very top of Grovesnor house...sort of a 70s Manhatten bar wannabe...Ash said few CIS were there but were discreet and brought up frequently on certain guests 'wishes'.

We chatted with Lucy and Angelina for a bit as they were chilled out and clearly not in the buisness of selling themselves hard. When other locals circled we allowed them space and moved on. While standing and surveying I made eye contact with another tanned beauty at the bar and she gave me a 'come and get me' smile. She was behind a friend who was chatting a local white sheet up. I circled (Ash was chatting to a normal girl at this point!) and smiled. Arisa was her name. I forgot to point out that as a bet to Ash I was wearing a cowboy stetson which tends to stand out in dubai bars!!...so this made for interesting conversation with both Angelina before and now Arisa.

She wore a open braless cocktail dress with strap heels and was frankly quite juicy. She was from Ukraine and again was in for a flyn visit to BB. I was sorely tempted...I asked her price 2500 LT 700ST...again these figures didnt surprise me. Ash tapped me on the shoulder and asked what the plan was...he wanted to go clubbing with normal chicks he had been chatting up and once i told him my tale of filth he offered me his room in the hotel!

I wasnt in the mood for clubbing and Arisa was making me more horny so I decided on ST in Ash's room while he went clubbing for a civilian 'pull'!! Now this was not a problem as Grovesnor is very discreet...I even saw a middle aged man in Jack Nicholson shades slapping the butts of two blatent Bond esqe WG russians as he entered the lobby entrance with them on either arm...money talks I guess!

ST to Arisa was one shot and any extras I liked...yes guys...even back passage related! So took Ash room card said farewell and whisked Arisa upstairs. She was very polished...straight in room no messing FK then BBBJ. She undressed as she did so and revealed saintly C cup babylons that were quite frankly gorgeous. Rubber on and I took her doggy/standing on the sofa. Lifted her to bed (she wore my hat at this point!!) and U guessed it Cowgirl followed...Yahooo.

She had a pocket vibrator...she was one horny /@#!! So Me, myself and good old pocket rocket took her to O point. Then she rode me to mine shortly after. All in all a bloody good ST. She got dressed got paid and a lovely FK goodbye before she went back to her 'office'.

So BB is a place for expensive but horny WG...atleast in the steamy summer. But as I said I dropped by in Nov and I saw a fair few WG then as well...more subtle then other places but they do somehow get in after hours.

Part II will follow shortly where York bar become Ash and my next playground!!

WhySoSerious - Summer loving a buddha extravaganza

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

01-07-08, 12:05
I have a new job. I am a pussy washer.

Saturday night and fresh off a long, long flight from the far side of the Atlantic, I took a quick trip to Rattlesnake and negotiated with a delightful 22 year young CIS. I lusted after her body from the moment I laid eyes on her. We settled on AED 1, 000 all night plus taxi home. This is more than I generally contribute, but I couldn’t resist. When we reached my residence, the lust was reaching breaking point. I felt like a teenager on his first date. I lit a few candles, played soft romantic music, and opened a bottle of Beaujolais. Unfortunately, she then broke the spell by saying "You ready. I go wash pussy". I offered to assist. Without hesitation she replied "OK, you wash pussy". This is when the fun began. We romped around in the bathroom for a good 20 minutes soaping each other all over. Then we rolled on the bed and had fantastic sex. Maybe I should add pussy washing to my career credentials.

Sunday night and I wanted to cement deals for the next three nights, to include New Years Eve. Past experience on New Years Eve showed an imbalance between WG supply and punter demand. The male species are out in their thousand and the ladies seem to be hibernating or attending private parties. As a result, all night prices skyrocket out of sight. I headed to York. Anyway, my plan did not work. I picked a chorus line PRC for the night and hoped for a return visit if the experience proved to be a success. It was an AED 700 disappointment. She gave me a non inspired mechanical performance and I asked her to leave early.

In the morning I sent a SMS to my Saturday night 22 year young CIS and asked about New Years Eve. She agreed to meet at my apartment close to 1:00 AM as she had a party to attend. This suited my fine as I also had an invite to a New Year party. As 1:00 AM approached I rushed back to my apartment to find her angrily pressing my door buzzer. After a glass of champagne and a sincere apology, I returned to pussy washing. This really is an enjoyable occupation. What a great time we had. I fell in lust, then I fell in love, then we parted.

New Years day and I felt dog tired. I trolled thru my mobile phone data base for long lost contacts. The first four contacts were either ". Not a working number" or ". Switched off or outside the coverage area". I was beginning to panic. Then I managed to contact Miss Kyrgyzstan – an ex Rattlesnake WG. She had abandoned the business in favor of a career in real estate, but visited her old contacts whenever the opportunity arose "in order to supplement my meager salary". Had a very enjoyable 3 hour session – she is a BBBJ specialist.

Wednesday, the first day of work in 2008, and I was eager to explore again. I decided to make the rounds – Jockeys, York, Regal. Nothing appealed in Jockeys. Headed to York – again nothing appealed – I was not in the mood for Chinese or African, so I crossed the road to Regal at around 11:00 PM. Met a tall slim Kyrgyz lady who offered everything I could possibly want all night for AED 900. It must have been a slow night. She claimed she was of Turkish / Kygyz ancestry and a fashion model. We got home, had a quick session, then she proceeded to get dressed, protesting that she needed to visit a friend. What could I do? I get very annoyed with ladies that convert a LT to ST for no apparent reason. But the mood was destroyed. Another confidence trickster. At least I will not consider her again.

The next 3 nights I returned to my 22 year young CIS friend. During discussions, she explained that the debt to her boss was USD 20, 000. Wow. AED 73, 500. She claimed to have paid all but AED 10, 000 in 4 months – and sent money to her family if Russia. I offered to give her the AED 10, 000 in exchange for 12 nights with me. I thought this would be a great deal. Anyway, it was not acceptable – so back round the circuit tonight.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

01-08-08, 01:48
Hey beaver addicts. WSS here with another overlong but quite frankly filthy report.

Carrying on from Part I where Buddha Bar was a fantastic experience (and thats besides the women! ). One tip I wud like to give if you want to go to BB make sure you get there early say 10-11 otherwise the velvet rope snaps and disney world ques form. Guest lists come into force and you have to get an expensive taxi back to deira for action.

The night following BB fun Ash (RTFF about him from Part I) and I decide to go downtown and frankly down the financial drainage level to Yorke bar. This was my first visit there and the place reminded me of a student bar but packed with cocktails of WG and irritating waitresses that I had to bzzzz off every 5th breath. The pushy africans who grab your sleeves, the excitable PRC and the 'detached chimney stack' CIS.

Now the PRC had fine bodies but not my taste and the CIS were of a limited stock but 1 or 2 caught my eye. One being a sweet GNxt door brunette who was a damn good dancer. And shock horror actually had a smile!

She did not speak great english and had a small petit blonde 'controller' who was quite frankly a steel ***** that should be avoided at all costs if you see her (apologies to any monger who is offended. But she is a *****). Anyways the usual 'which hotel are you staying at' questions follow. Ash was a bit of a regular here and pulled me away sharpish saying that controller was trouble (he was acqainted with another controller who always places herself and her posse near the exit/entrance.) She had nothing I liked so I went on a wonder. Saw another brunette CIS with very short hair and a nice 8+ body dancing nervously. She again didn't speak g8 english. It struck me at this point that these were obviously girls 'straight off the boat' and wud be a lousy lay so I gave up.

Ash at this point had 'bagged' his usual blonde CIS (Only a 6+ IMHO) so was sorted. I said farewell to him and decided to pay a visit to the bar. The mood was fading at this point and considered calling it a night. But just then a blonde PRC strokes my shoulder and catches my 'attention' although not my usual taste this girl had an amazing size 8 body and was from Hong Kong. She had noticed me when I came in and showed great keeness to spend the night 'distracting' me (bless these PRC they due have great enthusiasm! ). I asked her rates 600 LT and double if I wanted her equally fine but taller PRC friend as well.

Threesome was tempting but I felt like solo tonight so bargained her to 500 plus taxi ride. Took her back to royal meridean. No probs in walk of shame but being a family Beach hotel was slightly uncomfortable.

Back in room she was very sweet and offered me a massage. She took off her clothes found my stetson beach hat from part I and wore it naked as she took care of my back. She licked my back sexily and turned me over for a BBBJ which was silky smooth. I was in the mood for alternative fun and got out my handy rocket and baby oil and proceeded to put her in a doggy position and drench her pussy with oil and treated her to the rockets vibration setting. She loved it and O point lift off came in oooh about 5 minutes!

She was hooked and wanted me more. So I obliged and pumped her in missionary for a bit then spooned her and finished with a standing number that a mens mag had taught me! She was very GF and didn't want any room service or drinks (a trait some CIS seem to have) we chatted for a bit and then we slept. Got up at 4 ish and went for a shower. She joined me and started another BBBJ. Nice. Took her for another session against the wall (very good for the abs BTW) and finished with a doggie session. She FK after and asked if I wanted her to stay longer. Normally I like 3 shots but that night I felt she had given great service and I paid her and said she cud have a sleep and leave later.

So I had a nice PRC session. I find Yorke bar a fun place but a little light on nice CIS that I like. It turned out that on a later visit the 2 CIS that were 'interesting' me were brand spanking new WG with ball and chain controllers so I dodged that thankfully.

I hope you enjoyed this retrospective 2 parter and as always your comments/criticisms are welcome.

WhySoSerious. Serious as a lemon on stilts

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

01-08-08, 07:24
Went out with the boys last night and we decided to get some quick action before hitting the bars.

The usual AMP, ring the bell and the door opens with no one in sight, red carpet on the floor. Walked in, 6 girl line up, nothing exciting between 4-7 IMHO, however, the mamasan actually looked attractive. Which is quite unusual.

Picked the one with the biggest boobs, walked into the room and she asked to settle the money first, which I guess is ok.

She started to undress me and asked me to lie down on the bed. While she was undressing, I got a call, so I turnaround to pick it up and once I was done she was in her birthday suit.

Now I don't know why I forgot that most, if not all, push-up bras as Made in China. So what looked like Cs turned out to BS.

Next she had a very hairy bush. And worst of all hairy armpits.

Major turnoff. Walked away. Not a good start to the evening.


Richa Poura
01-08-08, 10:47
One funny thing with our telecom provider is that they are providing some internet access on mobile withou censorship.Without wanting to appear to paranoid may be the reason is they actually want people to access unsuitable content. Etisalat have the technology to link the mobile number to the content, and your mobile number is linked to your passport remember! Like many things in Dubai they'll turn a blind eye until it suits them not to. Then the whole book gets thrown at you.


Nico Dub
01-08-08, 22:53
Without wanting to appear to paranoid may be the reason is they actually want people to access unsuitable content. Etisalat have the technology to link the mobile number to the content, and your mobile number is linked to your passport remember! Like many things in Dubai they'll turn a blind eye until it suits them not to. Then the whole book gets thrown at you.

R PI am not sure that they can do this as this service is linked to a Canadian proxy server.

Grateful Spread
01-09-08, 00:40
A few months back I missed the opportunity of a tumble with a pair of very hot Nigerian funsters in Imperial Suites. I was delighted to see that they were there on my return visit last Friday.

On recognising me they resumed where they left off from pinching my nipples and brushing their hands over a John Thomas who was struggling to stay in his pants. I finally left with the taller one as we hit it off the most and besides she was very tasty with long legs, nice jubblies and a beautiful ass.

We got back to her room in Baraha which was curtained off into 3 bed areas. At the back there was a door that led to her boss’s private bedroom. My funster had to disturb her boss to borrow some condoms as neither she nor I had any. She was very hot with a pussy that was continually wet. During our second tumble, her boss passed through the room to use the toilet. Funster was angry that I paused the action because of this so I resumed banging her at full pelt. Her boss was looking at us through the gap in the curtains, which made funster laugh. Big black mama boss retorted with a heartfelt “fuck you”. I felt dirty but very good while my ass was thrusting up and down with big mama checking out the action.

Funster confided that she is horny 24/7 and at 4am, any tiredness I had previously felt evaporated as all I wanted to do was keep shagging. Like some other Africans I have had, she believed that we would be OK bareback provided I didn’t cum in her. As attractive as her proposition was, I went out to the 24-hr supermarket to buy more Johnnies. On my return, her boss demanded two of them in return for those we used – what a piece of work! She also suggested that I had had my money’s worth and should either pay more or go. At this, funster laughed again, which once more resulted in some filthy language from her boss who then returned to her bedroom. Funster encouraged me to do her again and we were soon at it like hammer and tongs. She insisted that we should try not to attract the attention of her boss in light of her departing comments but in the end she was moaning like the ghost of Dartmoor.

I loved this girl: I think she was addicted to sex and admitted to being a nymphomaniac. She told me that the most erotic experience she ever had was when her ex-boyfriend slapped her face during sex and she was both crying and moaning at the same time. Then she mentioned about the birthday party that her friends laid on for her at Imperial: all night she badly needed dick but it would have been impolite to leave her friends.

I lost count of the number of times we tumbled but after a brief snooze I left, never feeling so shagged and dehydrated in my life as I did then.
I have submitted a comment in the Bahrain thread regarding the posting of pictures and an old FR of mine. As there were comments on that post from members here I include the link below for those who are interested.


01-09-08, 07:09
I have been a lurkar in this forum for long.

But todays picture by Tin Tin in the photo gallery prompted me to post this (basically a copy from what I posted on my regular BKK forum)

Good Festive Season!

As the cats (aka "family") was away the mouse had a chance to play during some part of the festive season that just ended.

Decided that the bar scene is too bad for my health (alergic to over exposure to smoke) and hence was working things out using contacts provide by good friend of Abu Dhabi fame of this forum.

Hooked up couple of good filipina contacts that turned out to be really good. Both of them about 7/10 on the looks department with 36 C racks. Excellent service and good GFE.

The GFE turned out to be soo good that I had to repeat these 2 that I could not make newer contacts within the limited time available.

I would say without doubt that those of you who has a flavour for Phillipines, you wouldn't be disappointed. I believe both the girls have regular jobs (waitress in a certain restaurant in SZR) and hence likely to be in Dubai for long (Only negetive point no in calls for these two).

Hope all of you guys had a similarly fruitful festive season!

Happy New Year 2008!

Take Care & Regards


01-09-08, 09:21
Landed back in Dubai with the thought giving the sweet Filipina who rocked my world BPD's work out plan after spending a couple of weeks in the orient Japan/Philippines. Texted her agent early who hooked us up in Seaview a couple of weeks ago since Ms Filipina was not responding. Had a friendly digital convo.

Hit the gold Souk again. Made some Jewelers smile once again. Attended A company meeting and met with Ms. Filipina in Karama at one of the Filipino restaurants in the area. I had a tag along from my company who wanted to hang out. Middle age gentlemen who didnt share my taste for fine clothes and jewelry. At any rate she brought a friend and we planned on hitting Seaview.

Turned out because of the Islamic new year every damn thing was closed. Also a lot of short time hotels were not accepting a young black covered in diamonds and platinum and filipina covered in make up. After beating around town for a room for the night I told her I will catch her later. What happened next I never expected. Niagara Falls. "I like you I want to spend time with you."
"You make me cry." "Can I come to you hotel just one hour please." Nope I explained if you come to my hotel no more diamonds and platinum for me back to the US I go. I told her time is getting short. You don't have a place we can use, I don't have place.. until next time. Went to the York since most of these ladies have their own crib, closed also. I thought the York was like the US postal service. Always delivers.

A wasted night.

Take it Sleazy

01-09-08, 12:50
Turned out because of the Islamic new year every damn thing was closed.Ah, THAT explains the sms's from several acquaintances enquiring about how I was spending my evening.

Also a lot of short time hotels were not accepting a young black covered in diamonds and platinumWhat?!? Even they have dress codes? :)

Met a tall slim Kyrgyz lady who offered everything I could possibly want all night for AED 900. It must have been a slow night. She claimed she was of Turkish / Kygyz ancestry and a fashion model. We got home, had a quick session, then she proceeded to get dressed, protesting that she needed to visit a friend. What could I do? I get very annoyed with ladies that convert a LT to ST for no apparent reason. But the mood was destroyed. Another confidence trickster. At least I will not consider her again.In such a rip-off as this, you might want to post her name, so other punters can add an additional risk factor into their decisions. Certainly, she might share a name with others, but at least it's a head's up when talking to a girl named "???".

01-09-08, 14:48
Dear masters,

I will visit Dubai next week and i need some help. I will stay at Crown Plaza Hotel , i want to know how is mongering in Dubai and how about the Hotels? do they welcome your visitors/girlfriends? Last year one of my friend visited Dubai and mentioned about the place Cyclon, is this place still open and is this the right place to meet high quality escorts?

Thank You.

01-09-08, 20:04
Dear masters,

I will visit Dubai next week and i need some help. I will stay at Crown Plaza Hotel , i want to know how is mongering in Dubai and how about the Hotels? do they welcome your visitors/girlfriends? Last year one of my friend visited Dubai and mentioned about the place Cyclon, is this place still open and is this the right place to meet high quality escorts?

Thank You.It's Cyclone and it has been shut for almost a year and is not likely to reopen soon as you will know if you had RTFF. As for your other questions, if you bother to read the ******** forum all the info you ask for has been posted.

Tip: above you will see a menu bar item called search. Just try it.

01-10-08, 01:49
Hey bdp, what are you doing slumming it in the short time places?? Flash some of that cash at any of the 5*****'s and problem solved.

Also a lot of short time hotels were not accepting a young black covered in diamonds and platinum and filipina covered in make up.

Maybe the sparkle they saw was more diamante then diamond...

Joe Coodidge
01-10-08, 04:44
Dear masters,

I will visit Dubai next week and i need some help. I will stay at Crown Plaza Hotel , i want to know how is mongering in Dubai and how about the Hotels? do they welcome your visitors/girlfriends? Last year one of my friend visited Dubai and mentioned about the place Cyclon, is this place still open and is this the right place to meet high quality escorts?

Thank You.I'm going back to Dubai next month and also staying at the Crowne Plaza. The nightclub Zinc in the hotel is pretty hot. Also there is a wine bar on the 4th floor there. Women can take the elevator up to the bar. From there they can get back in the elevator up to the rooms.


01-10-08, 05:01
Hey bdp, what are you doing slumming it in the short time places?? Flash some of that cash at any of the 5*****'s and problem solved.

Maybe the sparkle they saw was more diamante then diamond...

A man don't insult me to think I wear faux shit. You can go talk to my jeweler in Dubai over at Mignas Gold and Diamonds located at the Gold Souk who I saw yesterday bro and ask him about my watch. I had a flight to catch so I was not going to be able to enjoy myself. Though I wear a lot of diamonds by no means am I rich. I thought about paying 200-400 dollars for nice room and a couple of hours of fun with Ms.Filipna before my flight then dumping another 150-200 on her. But then I came to my senses. I wasn't that hard up for it. I just spent a week in PI...Angeles, Boracay, Makati etc. Bro.

I just knew one of you guys was going to post response like this...One last thing if I was rich I damn sure would't be hanging around the Islamic artificial Dubai.

Hope everyone has great a new year

01-10-08, 08:20
One last thing if I was rich I damn sure would't be hanging around the Islamic artificial Dubai.

Did nto you hear that the rich and famous love Duabi? They are all buying properties in Palm....

Oh well, I share your feelings. But at the very least we have to agree that Dubai great food variety. Well, not food really :)

01-10-08, 08:27
...One last thing if I was rich I damn sure would't be hanging around the Islamic artificial Dubai.

Hope everyone has great a new yearGeez man, last week you posted your Phillipines adventure on this thread because, you said, Dubai is your "home base". You sounded like the prodigal son at the time. ;)

Regarding your "wasted night" report: Last week I went to all the effort of finding two "extra special" contact numbers you requested, but then you didn't use them? I feel dismissed and unappreciated. :(

01-10-08, 08:54
Just thought I would share a simple story with you all, I sent a message to a few cute looking girls on Friendster asking if they would be interested in some extra cash.

Well I had some great replies, including some very funny ones but the outcome is that I now have 3 regular girls who I meet when we can and have some great fun.

To be honest I did this as I was sick of the clubs and bars here and thsi way I have found three great 'normal' girls.I've used friendster in the past and found it to be very time-consuming. Most girls there are more interested in on-line chatting or phone-chatting for ages before even agreeing to meet, which I don't have the time for. My best luck on friendster and similar sites was with girls while travelling in Europe, where I hinted at the cash (or kind), by includng in my profile that I am a "generous guy looking for someone special to spend intimate times with". This sorted some of the wheat from the chaff and ended up in some fun nights in return for holiday expenses, clothes etc - same same. However, your direct approach in offering cash (plus a friendly description of yourself, I'm sure), is excellent. I'm sure with the rising rents etc., in Dubai, more and more Filipina non-pros are now considering such supplements to their incomes.

01-10-08, 09:14
Did nto you hear that the rich and famous love Duabi? They are all buying properties in Palm....

Oh well, I share your feelings. But at the very least we have to agree that Dubai great food variety. Well, not food really :)

What rich and famous? The extremely rich American rap stars per say Kanye West for example I know and idolize always diss the place. Everytime I am in Dubai its due to work. I would never come there on my own unless I was shopping for some exquisite jewelry. I mean I am not taking shots at the place its just not my cup of tea. As for the variety I agree with you 100.

Geez man, last week you posted your Phillipines adventure on this thread because, you said, Dubai is your "home base". You sounded like the prodigal son at the time. ;)

Regarding your "wasted night" report: Last week I went to all the effort of finding two "extra special" contact numbers you requested, but then you didn't use them? I feel dismissed and unappreciated. :(

Dubai is my "home base" because its where all my vacations begin from. Due my company using it as a entry and exit point just like they did Taskent, in Uzbekistan before America and Uzbek started the pissing contest.

I will use the numbers Pipe soon enough. You will be the first to hear about it. Are they going to explode and go away like the Mission Impossible messages? Then knowing Dubai probably. Thanks again for being a pal.

Prodigal son of Dubai...

Prodigal has two definitions I guess they both fit me.

01-10-08, 12:22
i want to know how is mongering in Dubai and how about the Hotels? do they welcome your visitors/girlfriends? Last year one of my friend visited Dubai and mentioned about the place Cyclon, is this place still open and is this the right place to meet high quality escorts?Don't listen to the nay sayers. They just want to keep the good places/girls for themselves. They'll direct newbies away from the good places so they can get girls with less competition from fatter wallets.

Jump in a taxi, tell the driver you're an experienced player, you know your way around, and that you want to go to Cyclone for the hot women. He might try and tell you it's closed, but that's only because he wants to take you to a club where he gets a commission for bringing in suckers. DON'T listen to him; I know you know that scam. If you don't like Cyclone, try Amnesia - 200 dhs to get in, but the HIGH class wg's know the entrance fee separates the wheat from the chaff, and keeps the lookie-lou punters out.

And I know you're NOT one of those lookie-lous: almost a year's membership, 9 posts, none an FR. A player like yourself, too busy playing to post, or even read, deserves the best.

The extremely rich American rap stars per say Kanye West for example I know and idolize always diss the place.Who was the rap star that was caught with drugs at the airport, but let go by an official pardon? Seems to me, they'd be extremely grateful how the rulers here take pity on idiots.

01-10-08, 12:57
Who was the rap star that was caught with drugs at the airport, but let go by an official pardon? Seems to me, they'd be extremely grateful how the rulers here take pity on idiots.

Dallas Austin and he was not a rap star but a producer for people like Britney Spears.

01-10-08, 12:58
The other thing that I noticed, and I don't know if this was just by chance, but there was almost a mass exodus around 11pm after the first band set. The bar area suddenly cleared of a substantial number of punters almost as if a bell had been struck. Even though it was a short week, seemed long to me. Wednesday night, considered calling a girl from Jockey's - average looks, but sweet, lovey attitude, and with a skill set to match my laziness.

But, decided to head out to 'Snake, just to see who was around.

Rattlesnake, Wednesday, 10:30-11:30
50 dhs to get in. Not that many punters, but no depth to the wg's either: the usual starting lineup of a-listers, but nothing on the bench. Usual mix of PRC's and Africans, with a few CIS mixed in.

Canary said hi. Asked her about the 'broken leg' girl; yes, she had heard. When I asked her who the girl was, her reply had me laughing (sorry Zing, no disrespect meant), "You think I have such stupid friends?"

Girl I was looking for not around; another on the to-do list might have been, but without her usual outfit, couldn't be certain. Unlike Zing's experience, at 11pm, an INFLUX of punters arrived, flooding the market, and really skewing the M/F ratio. Any hopes of a "good" deal evaporating, decided to move on. Sometimes you just have to cut your losses...

York, Wednesday, 11:45-12:00
York was so crowded, and with a convenient screen of wg's at the entrance, I was able to sidestep the waitress hordes... Not that I mind paying for a drink, but I want to make sure the store has some well stocked shelves first (what I hate about the Rattlesnake entrance fee. At least at Cyclone, you always got your money's worth). Again, the usual mix: heavy on the PRC's and Africans, some mainly hard-bitten CIS around.

One pass - the 2 a-listers I was thinking of weren't around. (Again, could always call, but what's the fun in that - thrill of the hunt and all). Another a-lister was, got the come-on smile and friendly greeting, but knew by the crowd no discounts. I wasn't wrong; on my 2nd loop around, saw she and her friend seal the deal with a couple of punters and disappear out the door.

Stopping to survey the passing hordes, that's when the waitresses pounced. Stationary target and all. Declined, and headed for the door, nothing having breached my selection threshold.

Thought about stopping at the Imperial, but midnight coupled with a no-work next day for all... would give that madhouse a miss. Not in the mood for the 'last lifeboat leaving' mentality of so many patrons there.

Now, I had CAREFULLY maintained my 'Snake band, so decided to head back there, see who was still around, see who had come back from the initial ST. But as I was heading for the car, figured what the hey, stopped in at Jockey's.

Jockey's, Wednesday, 12:05 - 12:07
Packed, but it is a SMALL bar. Within 5 seconds of entering, there's the girl I'd initially thought of calling, running over to say hi. Fate it was, didn't even bother with a drink, and off we went.

Roundabout route home for sure.

LE purges, Chinese New Year coming up, Thursday a holiday - just seemed less PRC's around. Will have to see how the remaining weekend shapes up.

Anyone visiting Dubai now, or within the past month, could easily think what a perfect place to live. The weather has been absolutely FANTASTIC - blue skies, sunshine, low humidity, pleasant to take a stoll in. You just want to be outside. At night, slightly cool, but again, perfect for walking between the bars in the golden triangle. How could anyone not want to live here?

Answer to that is, just wait a couple of months. Then it's the complete OPPOSITE: how could anyone live here, and WTF did they do BEFORE a/c?

01-10-08, 13:04
Dallas Austin and he was not a rap star but a producer for people like Britney Spears.My mistake - I don't keep up on who's who in the music biz.

But unless you have some POWERFUL friends, with A LOT of cash to spread around, DON'T bring drugs in, ANY amount, not even if you are in transit. The authorities have made it a point lately of showing their NO tolerance policy, the latest example being some famous (well, to some) brit dj.

The "just pay a fine" of back home translates to 4 years in jail here.

01-10-08, 13:41
Anyone visiting Dubai now, or within the past month, could easily think what a perfect place to live. The weather has been absolutely FANTASTIC - blue skies, sunshine, low humidity, pleasant to take a stoll in. You just want to be outside. At night, slightly cool, but again, perfect for walking between the bars in the golden triangle. How could anyone not want to live here?When I got back a couple of night ago the taxi driver was complaining about the cold. There is me, just arrived from Europe thinking how pleasant it was. Yesterday I was watching a guy in Jebal Ali, look like he was dressed for the artic!!

There is rain and thunderstorms forcast for this weekend so look out

Zing Uk
01-10-08, 15:33
Canary said hi. Asked her about the 'broken leg' girl; yes, she had heard. When I asked her who the girl was, her reply had me laughing (sorry Zing, no disrespect meant), "You think I have such stupid friends?"

Actually, Princess L's mates are all of the same opinion as in "WTF was she doing?" No disrespect taken

Unlike Zing's experience, at 11pm, an INFLUX of punters arrived, flooding the market, and really skewing the M/F ratio. Any hopes of a "good" deal evaporating, decided to move on. Sometimes you just have to cut your losses...

I was also in Rattler last night sat upstairs but it did seem busier downstairs than my last trip so maybe just one of those things last time. There was a bit of a comical ramy upstairs at the pool table at one point when a 5 foot tall indial looking bloke decided to take on an 8 foot tall Dolph Lundgren look-a-like who had obviously just finished his workout by eating a couple of children on the way to the bar.. He was a seriously mean looking f*cker but fortunately didn't rise to the subcontinental challenge. My money was on Dolph though

Jockey's, Wednesday, 12:05 - 12:07[/b]
Packed, but it is a SMALL bar. Within 5 seconds of entering, there's the girl I'd initially thought of calling, running over to say hi. Fate it was, didn't even bother with a drink, and off we went.

Great when that happens, just feels good

WTF did they do BEFORE a/c?

Slow roasted in their tents?

01-10-08, 15:52
11Bravo and JoeCoodidge,

Thank you for your hints.

01-10-08, 16:35
Dallas Austin and he was not a rap star but a producer for people like Britney Spears.
So, who is the idiot? Dallas Austin? Britney Spears? S. Mo? 11Bravo? or is it another "per say?" ;)

Winter weather is really nice in DXB, I noticed at my last Seaview night out, that it was interesting not to have gone through at least three sweat-dry cycles in two hours. Refreshing to say the least.

Summer? Worse than BKK, 5 showers per day or one for every time you leave the AC bubble. Ditto KL.

One other new DXB phenomenon: Mistaken Identity. In three different stores at the City Centre, I was greeted with "Zdravstvujte" WTF? I obviously need to upgrade my wardrobe because they were certainly not pegging me as an oligarch.

The shopkeepers Russian was worse than mine (if that is even possible) though they certainly understand "Skolka."

01-11-08, 05:29
So, who is the idiot? Dallas Austin? Britney Spears? S. Mo? 11Bravo? or is it another "per say?" ;)

No one. I just used it as my title because it was the word in Brav's post that stood out to me

01-11-08, 10:23
Thursday night, my usual "don't want to go out", so called Miss House Guest (returned home last week) to see if she was busy. "Maybe." What was I doing? "Staying in." She suggested I should go to the bar and see her. Now I understand "safety net", but what she seemed to have forgotten was how I appreciated "home delivery" on a Thursday.

Well, if I had to go out, might as well check some other places first, taking my chances, if required, on her availability "later on". Considered the 'Snake, but after the previous evening's disappointment... In the old days, pre-entrance fee, would have stopped in, had a couple of drinks, surveyed the crowd. But paying 50 dhs for an unknown scene - like I said, it's not the Cylcone. Downtown it was, Golden Triangle, especially with the fantastic weather - enjoy it while you can.

Walking past Jockey's at 23:00, 2 VERY nice PRC's leaving, passed right in front of me. Unfortunately, they were "accompanied". But cute enough they a)got a head turn from me, and b)made a mental note I'd have to check Jockey's earlier rather than later some night.

But not tonight. While Wednesday's pull is fun, not a "double header" type, and I didn't want to have to fend her off. Besides, York was the initial goal.

Walking from Jockey's to York, a "pajama boy" in front of me attracted my attention. First by how he was littering as he went - concept of a trash bin obviously alien to him - but perhaps he was just trying to guarantee work for some of his "brothers" [Many visitors complement dxb on how clean it is - like "Westworld", they rarely see the EARLY morning maintenance crews tidying things up.] Then I had to endure the spectacle of his scratching his ass for 1/2 a block - he was really digging deep - again, the concept of a)being in public, and b)soap and water alien concepts.

Last "gauntlet" was the crossing across Bank street - some people don't seem to understand that it's a 2 person wide choke point - which means 1 person in each direction. As I've said before, the concept of "other" pretty thin here.

Thursday, York, 23:00 - 00:00
Queue to get in, which I sidestepped. Someone tried to tailgate me, but he got stopped by security.

Stepped in the bar, busy, so busy I had to flag a waitress for a drink. Same situation as Wednesday - the 2 a-listers I was looking for were absent; the one on the to-do list was there, but obviously a 'good business' night. The usual choke points on the circular migration trail. Found a good vantage point, and watched the passing masses. Figured I'd give it an hour before heading elsewhere.

Standard mix of PRC's and Africans, slightly more CIS than I'd previously seen, but still lot less than the other major "flavors". Again, a "no thank you" to a PRC and she disappears, while a number of Africans wanted to know why I didn't want to talk to them. Hey, it's business, and you're hampering mine.

A number of tall PRC's around, making a nice change from the spinners. Tempted by several, but still, no one a "must have". Was considering making an offer to the a-lister in residence, when I saw a tall beauty across the aisle. Before I could make eye contact, she was off. Enough gravity that I followed, but she had stopped at a table of punters, marketing. Returned to my vantage point; attractive girl across the gap. Couldn't figure out if she was PRC (massage) or -stani (no massage). Question answered when she joined some obvious PRC's. Some nice smiles exchanged, but before I made a move there, time to check on Miss Tall's marketing progress. Must have been good - the punters gone, so was she. Kicked myself - you snooze, you loose.

Decided to take the long way back, make one circuit before returning to Miss Bookmark. Glad I did; there was Miss Tall, sitting in a chair, watching the passing crowd. Don't often make the same mistake twice: stepped to her side with a "too many people" comment. Got a blank stare in return. Yes, trouble; her "little english" confirming the obvious.

Hmmm. Now the two voices in my head start:
"Best dressed girl here" : "But the clothes come off"
"Cute face" : "But no english"
"Nice rack" : "But she lives in Diera"
"You have to reward the style" : "With limited english, how to ask what's on the menu?"

Waited for her mentor to appear. Didn't. Either she doesn't have one (Yikes), or the mentor had been offered a deal she couldn't refuse, and it didn't include Miss Tall.

The internal debate continued:
"Go for it!" : "Hey, at least get a price first"

Had to use her phone to dial my area code. I was tired, the to-do list too long already, I wasn't in the mood to write her off as a lost opportunity (where is Miss School Girl these days?), and I didn't want to bargain - it really was going to be a go/no go decision.

My 700 yielded a "oh, I not sleep your house" reply. Correct assessment; debate closed:
"Shame" : "She passed on a generous offer; other, more experienced ones around, move on."

Remained where I was, surveying the passing herd. So was she; then she interrupted, "go now?"

"Don't be hasty" : "You've overbid already; get out now"

Took awhile, but confirmed it would be LT. Out we went, for the long walk to the car, she trailing behind. Not too far - she was picking up gawkers as we passed. Had to run interference several times, but eventually we reached the car. I was VERY happy to see that the idiot double parker had just left me enough room to get out - saved me from getting paint on my key.

Miss Tall had me laughing - at the airport, she'd noticed a number of arabs looking at her, so she's thinking, "I'm very beautiful." When she reached her house, she was brought down to earth, "No, an arab will look at ANYTHING female." She'd also been "warned" that westerners liked to make love "long time", unlike her home crowd of "shoot and scoot", so was a bit apprehensive. Nothing to satisfy the ego like those involuntary spasms as she's enjoying...

York, usual mix. Rattlesnake has more a-listers, York has more depth on the bench. 3 or 4 I could easily have taken home, no regrets, couple more that, on another night, just might have made the "go" threshold.

Funfor Females
01-11-08, 14:22

Welcome to Dubai, I am sure you will have a great time, but if you ask for guidance and advice without having your PM turned on you will not have as good a time as you might otherwise.

Turn it on. In the present cirumstances you are likely to get a lot more good information than by simply scanning the boards. (Although the boards are indeed well written and informative.)

Just a word of friendly advice. Or, do an RTFF search on 'Crown Plaza' and see what happens.


01-11-08, 19:09
Firstly thanks to WR Spelman and others for answering my pms.

Night one. Arrived in late and headed straight for York (Thursday night). Way too full so after one drink moved on to Imperial. Nothing special but being first night did'nt want to go home empty handed so did a deal with a PRC late on. Funny thing when I arrived back to my wingman who wasn't looking and pretty full of drink a PRC had attached herself to him and was better looking than my deal.Decided so be it wasn't going back on my deal so the four of us headed to the hotel. Once in my room all things changed with my "date". I have read this forum long enough to know the rights and wrongs for both parties. Price agreed 500 went up to 700, money in the morning went to money up front along with some other important things. Bottom line deal cancelled,"date" sent home and no taxi money. Phoned my mates room asked him what about his date, he wasn't fit to look after her so had him send her to my room, 500 the night reasonable service but alot better than it could have been.

Nights two, three and four was spent with what I would call an 8/10 PRC called Annie from the York, Excellent service and good fun to add. Price 700 night one and 500 next two nights. She even wanted to bring her sister over one afternoon for free but I declined (foolish maybe). I met her on the left hand side in York at the slot machines while I was looking for Lilly as mentioned previously by Zing.

Night five.After stopping for a short while the previous night at Rumours looking for a CIS mentioned by Spelman with no joy and then maybe an hour at Regal (Was impressed by CIS brigade but too crowded) I decided that last night was going to be dedicated to a CIS adventure. Now unfortunately wasn't feeling the best so didn't know how night would turn out. Hit the bar at the Plaza early and went to night club at about 10.30. Too late to get a table but not too crowded. Hung out there till 2 with some fine potential available with opening prices starting at 1000 (with any I spoke to). As mentioned stomach wasn't the best and add to that a fair amount of alcohol by 2 it was going to be home alone for me.

Despite the disappointment of the last night still a very enjoyable trip. Two small points. I am 99% sure I saw Pipers 7 foot blonde CIS entering the hotel lift at 9pm on the last night. Thought I might see her later in the club but no show. In regal I spoke with a blonde MILF whose name I can't remember but she was from Syria. She said she was 41 putting her a few years older than me. If I had been fit I would definately have went for it.Anyone know her ?.

Thanks to all the regular contributors to the Dubai forum who make the trip so easy to enjoy.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Zing Uk
01-12-08, 08:41
I've got some family come over for a couple of days so have had Princess L across while I still have the space before a quiet week. We normally head off to Metro for a couple of hours but the weather was just so crap last night and neither of us could be arsed so we sat watching TV. On Nat Goe channel there was a programme about warplanes. That got me thinking that I had a couple of model planes still not built in the house (sad I know but it can be fun to pass a boring evening) so I got them out.

Princess L was priceless, she really got into this and thought it was great fun. One of the models was an old WW1 bi-plane which she claimed for herself. I gave her a bit of guidance for the first 5 minutes but gave up and let her do it her way. It was amazing to watch, after about 10 minutes from her make up bag out came the small scissors and tweezers (great modelling tools). She had a great time and the model was built (albeit with slightly squint wheels and wings) in about an hour. By that time I had started to paint some bits and pieces from mine. Not one to be left behind she got stuck into painting her which was a laugh. This did concern me a bit though as I didn't fancy getting enamel paint on the sofas so a bit more serious guidance was given. Then we both shut up and concentrated on working on both our models in silence she looking at the paining on the box for the colour scheme. The next thing I knew she presented hers as "finiss". I cracked up, not understanding about decals she had painted everything, the RAF symbols, the plane numbers etc. That was good because it led to me tickling and teasing her and the inevitable fun session rolling around on the (still clean) sofas.

After that she was so into it she wanted another so around 10pm off we trouped to Mall of Emirates to source another one for her!

It was great fun and she loved it. I do really enjoy some of the unexpected pleasure you get with the girls, she was basically like a child and was beaming all night all for about 30dhs. As well as the roll around on the sofa she gave me my second reward when we eventually went to be......I won't tell you the details but I was also beaming.

Keep it Cocked,
Fighter Pilot Zing

01-12-08, 11:27
I decided to have some fun yesterday night. Actually after reading GS report I was in the mood to meet her Nigerian friend, so I headed to Imperial.
Well, little has changed there. It has never been so good as the time 50-50 introduced me to the place, I think since he is not going there quality has gone down. The mix was the usual, CIS or more likely moldovian that look like in a former life where gulag guardians, Chinese that would scare Chuck Norris, and the crowd... OMG. You could make a movie (a horror one) in that place. Still I started looking for the tall girl with a shorter friend. I arrived around 22h and could not find them, i checked a couple of (couples of) girls that could fit the description to no avail. Around 2230 I saw a couple of girls that could be the ones so as soon as they seemed to be free I checked. The taller one did not even look at me, maybe I have written in my forehead that I have a small d* or something like that. Or maybe I should shower more often than biyearly...
Well at least her friend (K) was friendlier, so I started talking. She quoted 800 for Toda La Noche, open to discussion. I also checked her friend name (M) and bingo so and I tried to talk to her. She quoted $1000. Not a typo, she asked 1000 dollars, I laughed and wished her good night. I may have pulled any of them as one was quite impressive and the other was quite fun, but she pìssed me off so much that I simply left. Her friend has been phoning me since 8am today to see if she could come, but honestly I was really pissed off. If she was not interested in my business she could have managed better, the way she did she also screwed her friend. oh well screw her.

So i moved to panorama. First lets start with the bad, terribly bad, news. I invited a colleague fro dinner 2 nights ago and decided to call the Kyrgyz girl from a previous report... She told me ¨"no more work. Gettign married".
This, my friends is a terrible loss as she was quite stunning and even though the night was a little bit bumpy she had great potential and an amazing figure. I was hoping that this would all be a mistake, a joke... but nope. She is out of the game.

So, I was in the mood for something dirty and I was firected towards another Kyrgyz girl (R) I would try to put a picture of her that shows her assets (not a good quality as she was very keen on getting the picture taken using a door as a background that was nto the best idea). Well, I was promised that she wasreally dirty, actually she was not, She made phoney noises that put me off totally. I think she may be good for some other person, but not for me.

To make things worst she overslept until 1PM and then no sex in the morning. Oh well, no repeat business. This may have been a glitch, and again, she may click with some of you as she is young, nice, fun and big breasted. I know that this last factor would never influence any of us as we focus mostly on the character and intellectual charm of the ladies, still I hope I can post the picture.

Regarding this, very nice breasts, very good texture, and you could handle her qutie rough,. She loved being slapped in her ass and breasts during sex.

But the phoney noises really killed it for me. and the no-show at morning time.

So, do not be disappointed by my report as I think in the right hands she could be a gem. but from my description it should be clear to you if she fits the bill. She asked 1000, that she was nto worth tonight for me. Pity as her breasts would be excellent for some nice old-fashioned shibari.

WR my bondage books arrived you may find them interesting :)

01-12-08, 12:47
She quoted $1000. Not a typo, she asked 1000 dollars, I laughed and wished her good night. I may have pulled any of them as one was quite impressive and the other was quite fun, but she pìssed me off so much that I simply left.I don't know, if she'd said 1000 dhs, some might have accepted; $1000 makes it PERFECTLY clear :) The way I always figure, she's doing me a favor by letting me know UP FRONT of the NON-interest. Example of a worst case is what happened to Loxfun the first night. Lucky for him, he had an impotent wingman... [Nice FR, Loxfun.]

Well, I was promised that she was really dirty, actually she was not, She made phoney noises that put me off totally.Who promised? She? 3rd party?

I agree, the fake moaning serves the same function as the "you come quick" request - has just the opposite effect. I always find it amusing that SHE'S moaning while giving ME a bj... Sure, I believe...

To make things worst she overslept until 1PM and then no sex in the morning. Oh well, no repeat business.Yes, that no morning wakeup does equate to a "1 of". What irks me in that situation is that you've been a nice guy, letting her sleep in in a safe, comfortable environment. Like you, I don't get upset, it's just no return match.

This may have been a glitch, and again, she may click with some of you as she is young, nice, fun and big breasted.Well said - we're all individuals, and sometimes you click, sometimes you don't. It's exactly why I like to go out to the bars and judge for myself.

I do really enjoy some of the unexpected pleasure you get with the girls, she was basically like a child and was beaming all night all for about 30dhs.Nice FR. Got a BIG smile about the non-knowledge of decals; painting everything. Know exactly what you mean - mine cost an "extra" 44 dhs. Taking her home this morning, she asked if we could stop at McDonald's. Her turn to cook, and she was running late (mea culpa). She pulled out a 100, offering to pay, but I told her 'be serious'. She was just beaming.

01-12-08, 13:32
Who promised? She? 3rd party?

I got references form a trusted 3rd party. That is why I think she may be big fun for the right guy... but no repeat with me.

Yes, that no morning wakeup does equate to a "1 of". What irks me in that situation is that yo..u've been a nice guy, letting her sleep in in a safe, comfortable environment.

Funnily enough she complained that her place is not good at all and sleeping is very hard... if I wanted to run a hotel I would charge the guests not the other way around.

Like you, I don't get upset, it's just no return match.

Well, I am upset :) I simply do not express that. If she wants feedback (i.e., valuable customer insights) she should pay for it as it would be of no benefit to me. Here it is different, I share my experiences and other people share back.

I don't know, if she'd said 1000 dhs, some might have accepted; $1000 makes it PERFECTLY clear :) The way I always figure, she's doing me a favor by letting me know UP FRONT of the NON-interest.
Well, her friend keeps calling me and offering her, herself, and both at a "name your price". Honestly if I wanted enigmas I would talk to my wife or my ex-girlfriend. If I am paying it is because I do nto want to deal with any of the idiosyncrasies of women. Maybe I should turn to sheep... they are so furry and sweet.

01-12-08, 14:19
I got references form a trusted 3rd party. That is why I think she may be big fun for the right guy... but no repeat with me.Any 3rd party recommendations of "extras" I always consider "doubtful", as they are oftentimes dependent on the individuals. Not saying if she does xxx with Punter A she won't with Punter B, I just never assume such.

if I wanted to run a hotel I would charge the guests not the other way around.Like Sporadic recently posted, I too take pleasure in letting them sleep. Some are appreciative, others not. Night before, I TRY to remember to let them know that if I wake up first, they can continue to sleep, but they should let me know before they get up. Sometimes that works, sometimes not. Key for me is if I've specified when pulling that a morning wakeup is included. You'd think most would assume it is on a LT (I'm not afraid of the dark and sleeping alone, and I don't need another pillow), but some will take advantage of the "non-statement".

And you never know. My all time fav, 1st time I pulled her, "overslept", then had to dash out as "girlfriends waiting at my apt door to go shopping." Yea, right, and so she was a non-repeat. Later on, gave her the benefit of the doubt, pulled again, and yes, that was a true statement and the event an aberration.

Well, her friend keeps calling me and offering her, herself, and both at a "name your price". Honestly if I wanted enigmas I would talk to my wife or my ex-girlfriend. If I am paying it is because I do nto want to deal with any of the idiosyncrasies of women. Again, I'm always a bit skeptical of a 3rd party speaking for another. She better convince me HERSELF it was all a horrible mistake... There's just too many choices to be bothered about one...

I hear you there; I want the gfE, not the gf. There's a reason I open my wallet in the morning :)

01-12-08, 16:57
Any exact address / directions prices.

Thks yr support

Went out with the boys last night and we decided to get some quick action before hitting the bars.

The usual AMP, ring the bell and the door opens with no one in sight, red carpet on the floor. Walked in, 6 girl line up, nothing exciting between 4-7 IMHO, however, the mamasan actually looked attractive. Which is quite unusual.

Picked the one with the biggest boobs, walked into the room and she asked to settle the money first, which I guess is ok.

She started to undress me and asked me to lie down on the bed. While she was undressing, I got a call, so I turnaround to pick it up and once I was done she was in her birthday suit.

Now I don't know why I forgot that most, if not all, push-up bras as Made in China. So what looked like Cs turned out to BS.

Next she had a very hairy bush. And worst of all hairy armpits.

Major turnoff. Walked away. Not a good start to the evening.


01-12-08, 21:56
After enduring some dry months in Saudi, I returned to Dubai last weekend on business trip. Dubai went through lots of changes and seems like each and every premium hotel is trying to outdo each other. Me and my colleague Were greeted by Le Meridien [the one opporsite airport] staff at the airport on Wednesday evening and transported to the hotel by Merc S-class, didn't take notice of the exact model.

We were subsequently ushered into our upgraded rooms by two sweet guest relation officer. No action for the evening except meeting up with Dubai collegues for dinner at Le Meridien's Japanese restaurant. Meetings and discussion dominated the next day eventhough it was a UAE public holiday.

Life springed back to its coloful side when we called it a day, wanted to visit the infamous Rattlesnake but local host had other idea and already arranged for the night. We ended up at Ramada Continental Hotel, went straight to the rooftop joint called Silla, a rather small scale oriental-themed kara-oke joint.

Not sure whether there is any other flavour available but from what we can see and paraded, PRC is only only way to go. Was eyeing a rather cute and young chick but was snapped up by my travelling partner and had to go after another 23-years old Lan Lan.

Left and went back to Le Meridien around 1 am, no trouble bringing in my girl and no ID checking as some had reported. Showered and go on with the usual business; as I can converse in Mandarin, there were great GFE but experienced rather lousy services, the girl was a bit lazy. Damage was 700.

Not a very enjoying trip but then again this is just a business trip. Will definitely arrange for my own pleasure visit.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

01-13-08, 02:51
Thks yr support20 posts since 2004, 90% questions. Do you provide any support for others?

Tercar 66
01-13-08, 11:24
I finally got a call from my inhouse joint in Karama that it is okay now and all joints are opertating in full swing. I thought I'd give my Al Wasl joint a try first. I called them and they told me to visit them. 8 good looking girls all new, took one of them who claims that she is Thai but sounded like Chinese. One hour 2 pops including a good massage.

Nice to know that things are back to normal.

01-13-08, 16:12
For people like me living in Marina is not so good. We will be cut from the triangle of fun and even if we can make it now and return with the prey she will probably not be able to return tomorrow...
I tried calling several offices (using my arab speaker employee) like Police and Road and Transport Authority.
Nobody knows anything about timings or anything. I am not even sure if people will be able to make to/from the airport. At one place we were told that traffic would not be allowed to all.
So, if you are flying tomorrow good luck.

Dear Friends,

it is not on me to discuss politics here, but I believe most of you will believe, at least for a small part of a second, G. W. Bush is a great guy, as his visit brings you an addtional day off. When he came over to my home country we faced similar problems, but had to make sure we make our way to work.

So have another great night out today, enjoy it and report it. Because I am fare away and punching numbers only .....

Here the quote:

Public holiday announced for Monday
by Joel Bowman on Sunday, 13 January 2008

A public holiday has been declared for all businesses in Dubai on Monday as security clamps down for US president George W Bush’s visit.

All ministries, government departments, schools and private companies in Dubai will be closed for the president’s arrival.

Sources close to the matter announced that Sheikh Zayed Road will be closed from 6pm on Sunday night.


P.S.: ...well you might be correct when intending to respond the real great guy it the leader in DXB, and you are certainly correct - but I wanted to be positive, at least once in life time.

Wicked Roger
01-13-08, 16:57
WR my bondage books arrived you may find them interesting :)
I will be up at the weekend :) Shame Miss A and Miss N are not around to be the recipients of such education...but shortly :D

Luper Calia
01-13-08, 16:59
For people like me living in Marina is not so good. We will be cut from the triangle of fun and even if we can make it now and return with the prey she will probably not be able to return tomorrow...

So keep her until the evening and celebrate National Bush Day in style!

01-13-08, 17:36
Public holiday announced for Monday.One way to solve the traffic problems for the news crew cameras... Wouldn't want the world to see how bad it is; they might think ill of the RTA. And all that underpaid, overworked, semi-slave labor... better to keep THEM in their camps, away from prying reporters...

01-13-08, 18:10
So keep her until the evening and celebrate National Bush Day in style!

If only, but even leaving Marina now would probably be a hard to accomplish mission (I would need to call a taxi). Well, in any case my pal has decided to stay with me better than risk the trip to his hotel as it is dubious by which time he would be able to come back to keep working... so I am here in Marina with a very ugly guy and I think a couple of nice girls could be an interesting addition.

Can any of you gentlemen provide me with some contact for girls in the area? Of course it would be great if they had their own car :)

Truly desperate

01-14-08, 07:46
Two nights ago I decided to call K, the nigerian from IS, for a ST as I did not want her to be in the morning when my business partners and employee arrived home to work on a proposal...

She promised she would be home between 17 and 18h (I did not believe it). So at 1730 I get a phone call stating that she is in a taxi. Good. She kept calling me evry 30 minutes to update on the advance.... she arrived home at 2005... of course the driver was a moron, when told to go to the grosvenor house he decided to go to the Hilton and then demanded that I explain him how to reach my place. Question, why is that they have so much problem finding my place once the meter is running but fiond it with no problem when I call them????

So she arrived late but, she managed the process very professionally. She gave me visibility and kept me informed. maybe some (big) companies out there could hire her to manage their customer care department. She scored really high on profesionalism, that I see as respect for his client (me)

She came dressed quite normally, some wine and straight into action. Very nice body, her ass is splendid for my taste, small breasts and very nicely shaped legs. Breasts could be nicer, but hey... qutie good overall. And young, 19yo.

So we started, DATY and BJ. Bad point, BJ with condom. But very good technique. Well, we move to the main dish, doggy... well I have complained about some technical issues. WR is my witness that even with Miss N I did nto finish... this girl made me finish ein less than 20 minutes. She knows how to move. I was shocked. She wanted a 2nd round so we spent some timetalking and had another go.

So yesterday night my partner decided to stay in my place as venturing to the hotel was not very clear. He asked me to bring some entertainment and I decided tocall this gril again. She came in less than 20 minutes (traffic was good coming into Marina) and arrived around midnight.

My friend had two rounds with her and he was happy. She was even happier as I had to give her 1000 as I had nothing smaller and the taxi had no change... oh well she promised she would make up for me next time staying LT for a ST. Usually I would discount, but this girl may do it as she has spotted a good commercial opportunity.

So overall:
-Very nice body
-Very good attitude
-Excellent performance (but covered BJ)
-Funny and willing to please

But I do nto like her :)
No click with me but I would recomend to anybody interested.

Take care

01-14-08, 08:28
Sheikh Zayed gridlocked tonight. 20 min journey home took two hours. I thought the SZR gridlock yesterday evening was more to do with the weather and the resulting accidents, but the preparations for the road closures were not helping!

I over look one of the busier sections of Sheik Zyed Road and by 9:30 the traffic had subsided to lower than normal levels and I decided to hit the Seaview, even a taxi was reasonably easy to come by.

Seaview 10:10 to 02:40

Initially very quiet, it picked up a bit later but was never crowded. The band seemd a bit subdued early on but got going towards the end of the first set. Donna was looking particularly hot.

There were a dozen or so PRC, mostly familiar faces, a few ‘Stanis and a heard of Filipinas. There was certainly two or three potential candidates if I had been looking to pull. It was a slow night for the girls, most were still around near the end.

Going home there were taxis waiting out front, almost unheard of!

I woke this morning, something was strange, well it was light for a start, but it was the silence! Later, looking out the window I saw some cop pull over a car that had “strayed” onto SZR!

01-14-08, 12:39
For anyone who needs to know SZR is now open again (as of 3:20 PM)

01-14-08, 12:45
Tomorrow From Salik to Salik will be shut from 6am to 6pm. THANKS, Steamer! Woke up this morning, O'dark hundred as usual, looked for any new posts to download and read at work, saw yours, so made sure I was on SZR by 5:45am. Not quite Will Smith/I Am Legend, but close to. I was heading out of town; coming in, they had already closed SZR at MOE. Given the WEATHER, nice there was so little traffic.

01-14-08, 16:02
For anyone who needs to know SZR is now open again (as of 3:20 PM)All roads now back open. What a pleasant drive home tonight! Thanks George.


01-14-08, 19:01
Seaview 10:10 to 02:40

Initially very quiet, it picked up a bit later but was never crowded. The band seemd a bit subdued early on but got going towards the end of the first set. Donna was looking particularly hot.Is Donna the one who sings basket case on the Youtube video? I have been madly in lust with her since before Christmas and nearly coughed my beer up when I was in there a couple of weeks ago and she asked my name in passing. I just had time to respond before she was off on the break. I then had to get off home due to her indoors and have only been back once last Thursday but with another g/f so couldn't get to speak basket case girl again. If you do know her name please let me know or pm me.


A bit sad I know but at least nothing to do with airfix models.

01-14-08, 23:01
Without subjecting me to the usual RTFF replies would some of the regulars mind posting their favourite locations on any given night.

For example "I often find Regal is good on Thursdays because the band is good, there is a high content of CIS etc.

If all places are the same every night then fair enough but I imagine there must be some pecking order.

Also would someone mind posting the very latest top 5 CIS locations.

From reading the Forum my understanding is that it is

1. Premiere
2. Regal
3. Radisson
4 York
5 Seaview.

Finally could anyone throw any light on the ladies at the Fairmont. We will be having dinner there one night and the last night I was there there at least 30 girls working of various standard. There seemed a good vibe there to be honest and I put it on my list for next time

Thanks in advance

Zing Uk
01-15-08, 14:31
Without subjecting me to the usual RTFF replies would some of the regulars mind posting their favourite locations on any given night.

For example "I often find Regal is good on Thursdays because the band is good, there is a high content of CIS etc.

If all places are the same every night then fair enough but I imagine there must be some pecking order.

Also would someone mind posting the very latest top 5 CIS locations.

From reading the Forum my understanding is that it is

1. Premiere
2. Regal
3. Radisson
4 York
5 Seaview.

Finally could anyone throw any light on the ladies at the Fairmont. We will be having dinner there one night and the last night I was there there at least 30 girls working of various standard. There seemed a good vibe there to be honest and I put it on my list for next time

Thanks in advance

I think you may well get different answers from each person depending on our own likes and dislikes. I'm not hot on CIS so my opinion probably not worth having.

Re Fairmont, are you sure it was this hotel? I havenever seen WG's there and would be amazed if they even got over the door......just not that type of place.

Keep it Cocked,

Zing Uk
01-15-08, 14:35
A bit sad I know but at least nothing to do with airfix models.

Lol, nothing wrong with Airfix, got me one of my top 5 bbbj\cim combo's in Dubai :-)

01-15-08, 14:55
Rain, George, flooded roads, internet down for two days, TV not working = stayed home and got a week's work done in two days. Reward: had a few drinks and soaked up some pheremones at Rattler last night. The new year models have arrived - many new faces since I was there a few weeks ago. Still the same mix, but more and more CIS.

An African girl was sitting behind me as I stood watching the band from the rail of the mezzanine floor. Without a word she remained seated at her table behind me and started groping and rubbing me you-know-where as she gave me a cheeky smile. I let her continue as I watched the band without a word, wondering how long it would take until she gave up. I was determined to out-last her. Damn, she didn't give up - she just kept rubbing and squeezing with a bigger and bigger smile for about 7 minutes - the full length of the Joe Cocker version of the song 'I get by with a little help from my friends'. Too bad the band wasn't playing 'Bohemian Rhapsody'. ;) She still didn't stop, and I eventually had to limp away (maybe 'limp' is he wrong word, but it was tricky walking. ;)) Lucky I was wearing a long loose shirt, which concealed my, ahem, condition.

Primed up from the cheap thrill, chatted to a few of the new girls. Prices still ranging from 500 to 1500. Will return in a few nights to arrange a night of fun. Been a while since I had a wild black magic woman.

01-15-08, 15:23
Is Donna the one who sings basket case on the Youtube video? No, Donna is the one who occasionally plays the keyboards, Cherry is the bass player. Joanne is (was) the one that left, Any one know what the others are called?

01-15-08, 18:35
Lol, nothing wrong with Airfix, got me one of my top 5 bbbj\cim combo's in Dubai :-)Don't worry the comment was borne purely out of jealousy as I remember the pics of your girl. Very nice I must say. And there is me sat at home and only able to escape from the marital home for the occasional bur dubai dabble.

If you ever decide to invite any of your girlfriends best looking mates round for an airfix party please drop me an invite. Especially if she knows any Zhang Ziyi lookalikes. Failing that a bbbj/cim expert would do.

01-16-08, 00:10
... would some of the regulars mind posting their favourite locations on any given night.

For example "I often find Regal is good on Thursdays because the band is good, there is a high content of CIS etc.Thursdays are bad at EVERY bar/club, given that everyone is off Friday. And because of the demand, prices are the highest.

Other than that, wg's work every day.

01-16-08, 05:08

I've been approached both in the lobby and at the coffeeshop by discrete upmarket wgs, especially after large conferences across the street (gitex/cityscape etc).

They didnt go person to person but they did make and hold eye contact, smile, and come over.

The people I saw them approach all had conservative suits , and conference attendee badges. I've never seen em when there wasnt a big ticket conference.

Fairmont is also the preferred call in location for several of my married buddies who monger.

2 cents.

Re Fairmont, are you sure it was this hotel? I havenever seen WG's there and would be amazed if they even got over the door......just not that type of place.

Keep it Cocked,

01-16-08, 12:08
would some of the regulars mind posting their favourite locations on any given night. I agree with 11Bravo, Thursdays are best avoided. But, in general, saturdays are the quietest in my experience, CIS numbers in particulary tend to be lower. Probably as there are a lot of people (both girls and punters) recovering from the weekend. With Jockey's full of blokes watching football the CIS that do turn up tend to do so later. most PRC's turn up as usual.

As for the Fairmont, it's news to me, which bar? The 400 club has a seperate entrance and I have certainly seen some attractive women queuing up to get in, but usually accompanied and I marked them as regular clubbers.

It looks like the place has an eleitist entry policy.

01-16-08, 19:33
No, Donna is the one who occasionally plays the keyboards, Cherry is the bass player. Joanne is (was) the one that left, Any one know what the others are called?2 free pints for the name of the basket case singer and a bottle of scotch for her phone number.

Zing Uk
01-16-08, 20:44
If you ever decide to invite any of your girlfriends best looking mates round for an airfix party please drop me an invite. Especially if she knows any Zhang Ziyi lookalikes. Failing that a bbbj/cim expert would do.

I actually had one of her mates stay over the other night and tried to talk them into a little bbbj double fun or even hj double fun but they wouldn't budge sadly. shame, her mate is a cracker but they won't touch me. Happy to do an intro in Rattler one night though

Keep it Cocked,

01-16-08, 22:51
The bar beside the Steak House. I assume this is thw main Bar in the place. Its on the 2nd floor.

01-17-08, 07:24
No, this is not a handjob report, you dirty pervs.

My mate has spent the week here, even sleeping at my place thanks to our honored visitor arrival. He asked me for some fun so I obliged (I was not myself in the mood).

All action happened at my place as neither of us nor the girls knew about his hotel position.
First visist I called Ms Y to provide him witha kyrgyz girl. We were disappointed with the choice as I explained. The girls were truly below par when compared to Miss Y.

So this time I called my recent Nigerian acquaitance and that was somehow a better experience.

For his last night we called the big breasted chinese from Seaview (another Miss Y), a well known value (ask Mr 50/50 who kindly introduced her to me).
Accordign to my friend (and just by looking as how much he moved my sofa this was the best experience).

It was kind of weird asking some gilrs I have previously banged to come and do my friend... but they took it quit nicely. I am not sure if Miss Y would have come for doubles... she seemed to be very happy.

Both girls looked very happy about getting referrals i think. I will have Miss Y myself today as I miss her nice, big, soft breasts.

The Nigerian girl has been pestering me with calls by the way.

Oh well, chinese reliability, once again, has conquered the market.


01-17-08, 12:27
I found myself in my local pub (Rattler) last night on the way home from work around midnight. Amongst others, I chatted to a pint-sized and pretty PRC who says she's from Shanghai and new in Dubai. Very good English and a bit cheeky. Turns out she lives in a villa in near my place with about 30 girls. She introduced me to some of her housemates, all standing nearby. Not too bad at all, considering PRC are not my usual first-choice. Phone numbers were taken, and a possible party at the house arranged for next week after I meet a work deadline.

Has anyone been to the villa? (Jumeira 1)

Business is slow for the girls. Lots of high-pressure marketing at the moment. I'm sure prices are pretty negotiable.

Member #1071
01-17-08, 13:23
Have been visiting FKK clubs in Franfkfurt for quite a few years. Last time being a week ago.
A quick price/service comparison:
Most girls are model type european and Latinas mainly.
Service most of the time is good-excellent
Price per pop (20-30 minutes) 50 Euros equivalent to 250 AED.

Now a simple mathematical calculation reveals that paying 400-500 AED in Dubai for ST is not what we call competitive rates...

01-17-08, 14:26
While I appreciate your comments, I would point out a couple key differences:

1. If all you want is 30 minutes, fine. I like LT for 700dhs.

2. Remember where you are.

3. Variety. In most EU clubs, there is only one type of girl (immigrant of the week) where in DXB you have a virtual UN available.

4. European brothels/clubs seldom offer a GFE.

5. DXB is Looong way away from where my wife is and has spies. ;)

01-17-08, 16:38
Price per pop (20-30 minutes) 50 Euros equivalent to 250 AED.

Now a simple mathematical calculation reveals that paying 400-500 AED in Dubai for ST is not what we call competitive rates...ST in Dubai, in my experience (YMMV), usually means at least an hour, sometimes more, then you have to factor in the travel time (bar to your place and back). For the girl she is probably out of circulation for the best part of two hours.

DXB main attraction however is the LT.

Zing Uk
01-17-08, 16:58
Very good English and a bit cheeky. (Jumeira 1)

I've noticed that the standard of Chinglish among the newer girls post Christmas is definitely on the up and up, is someone vetting them?

Zing Uk
01-17-08, 17:03
Princess L has spent quite a bit of time on the phone today toalking to her housemates as one of them is stuck in Ras al Khaima after the visa run. Apparently the rules have been changed the there may be a need to pay a 7000dhs bond now when coming into the country. I know that hotels already demand this for visitors for non-GCC Arabic countries. The Chinese agency that sponsors the firls needless to say is not about to stump up 7000 bond for each of them so has pulled out the market. This means that the girls will need to find a local sponsor and presumably this will severely limit the numbers. On the good side, they will be able to get 3 month visas but, if true, I can see the numbers of PRC's dropping severely within 4 weeks!

Keep it Cocked,

Better Alone
01-17-08, 20:18
It was two days ago, 15th of January, around 24:15, I've been to Premier. It was my best Premier experience because I usually find that place over packed, but I guess because of the rain it wasnt crowded. I mean it wasnt crowded by man wise, all wg's were there but much lesser man than usuall. In my first tour I spotted few girls but I decided to eliminate the one that I liked most because I was sure she will ask for 2000dhs for night. After spending half an hour watching arround I decided to make my move. Within a minute I was talking with the one I liked most (I couldn't stoped myself) and as I suppose she asked for 2000. Because there was less potential customers in bar, someone with an intermediate negotiation skills could take for 1000 I guess but because my negotiation ability only helps me not to give more than I have in my pocket or my watch. But luckily I had only 1500 so we settled for 1500 plus my mobile (no, no just joking! ) She was a blonde Romanian with blue eyes. She was slim (not very very slim) and tall (arround 180cm) It was a pleasant night but she told her "all night" finishes at 6 o'clock. That was pitty because I like sleeping together. We a few rounds first one took less than five minutes (I must tell that it wasnt because her skills are so good it was just because I was horny) At the end I enjoyed and I will call her again. And I think I could get a better price next time.

Richa Poura
01-17-08, 23:06
Being a regular visitor to China I'm amazed how many people are learning English. The Olympic games is just one catalyst for this. Without doubt we'll see English standards improving month on month. From my experience many of the PRC WG's are bright girls who've been to college, got married, had a child then been left in the lurch after a messy divorce. No social security in China and no maintenance either!


I've noticed that the standard of Chinglish among the newer girls post Christmas is definitely on the up and up, is someone vetting them?

Richa Poura
01-17-08, 23:12
I can confirm a similar story. My PRC GF has been trying for over 10 days to get a 1 month visa for a friend in China. It normally takes 3 days. She has now resorted to getting a 3 month visa and paying a hefty bond.

Someone out there is doing some rationing!

I can see where they're coming from. If they want to reduce the numbers then better to stop them coming into the country in the first place rather than raiding apartments, AMP's etc


Princess L has spent quite a bit of time on the phone today toalking to her housemates as one of them is stuck in Ras al Khaima after the visa run. Apparently the rules have been changed the there may be a need to pay a 7000dhs bond now when coming into the country. I know that hotels already demand this for visitors for non-GCC Arabic countries. The Chinese agency that sponsors the firls needless to say is not about to stump up 7000 bond for each of them so has pulled out the market. This means that the girls will need to find a local sponsor and presumably this will severely limit the numbers. On the good side, they will be able to get 3 month visas but, if true, I can see the numbers of PRC's dropping severely within 4 weeks!

Keep it Cocked,

01-18-08, 01:39
spent a few days in dubai, did some research before i departed and had a few e mails with suggestions, it was all for not!
hilton creek, checked in, signed up high speed internt, attempted to go to this site, i received a message that it was forbidden, thus i relied on memory.
walked to the broadway cafe, found a cis lady who agreed to 600 dlt for one hour, 2 sessions. she immediately wanted cash and was in a big hurry to leave. the session was rushed and a total turn off.

that evening i went to rattlesnake, found the prc ladies very friendly, took one back with me, her name was lily. 5'6" tall, 36c clean shaved, she was there to please. cbj, fs, positions, massage between rounds, cost 600 dlt, she offered to stay overnight for an extra 200 dlt, i was too tired.

a few days later i returned and stayed at the sheraton deria, it is a very old hotel, i would not recommend it. again i was unable to access this site as i received the forbidden message. i did not attem[pt to bring anyone to my room, there was a uniformed guard at the elevator, and i saw another one patroling the 2nd and 3rd floors. went next door to stars, lots of tallent, but the guards were a deterent.

01-18-08, 01:50
spent a few days in dubai, did some research before i departed and had a few e mails with suggestions, it was all for not!
hilton creek, checked in, signed up high speed internt, attempted to go to this site, i received a message that it was forbidden, thus i relied on memory.
walked to the broadway cafe, found a cis lady who agreed to 600 dlt for one hour, 2 sessions. she immediately wasnte cash and was in a big hurry to leave. the session was rushed and a total turn off.

that evening i went to rattlesnake, found the prc ladies very friendly, took one back with me, her name was lily. 5'6" tall, 36c clean shaved, she was there to please. cbj, fs, positions, massage between rounds, cost 600 dlt, she offered to stay overnight for an extra 200 dlt, i was too tired.

a few days later i returned and stayed at the sheraton deria, it is a very old hotel, i would not recommend it. again i was unable to acess this site as i received the forbidden message. i did not attem[pt to bring anyone to my room, there was a uniformed guard at the elevator, and i saw another one patroling the 2nd and 3rd floors. went next door to stars, lots of tallent, but the guards were a deterent.

john - you need to use a proxy service when you are in uae - that fucking hypocritical country. you can try a free proxy service like youhide.com. the service in dubai is pretty predatory unless you spend the time needed to find a nice one with some chemistry. cheers.

Fifty Fifty
01-18-08, 05:49
Oh well, chinese reliability, once again, has conquered the market.

And soon will conquer the world - Maybe!

Nice to hear Miss Y (AKA The Big Boobed Baby) is still doing well. I am considering a couple of weeks in DXB for vacation shortly and seeing as I got an SMS from a long term fave saying ''Police take me go China'' it looks like some time with Y may well be on the cards.

Cheers, FF

01-18-08, 07:44
Eventhough getting the work visa for Miss A is a nightmare (waiting list for office space....) a temporary visa took just one morning and 2000 dhms deposit (that I will get back later)

So it seems the target is really the chinese "overpopulation"... you have to love their attempts to social engineering.

I can confirm a similar story. My PRC GF has been trying for over 10 days to get a 1 month visa for a friend in China. It normally takes 3 days. She has now resorted to getting a 3 month visa and paying a hefty bond.

Someone out there is doing some rationing!

I can see where they're coming from. If they want to reduce the numbers then better to stop them coming into the country in the first place rather than raiding apartments, AMP's etc


01-18-08, 07:45
I am glad to swap apartments... if you include some of the nice girls you have posted in the Kazakh photo section.

And soon will conquer the world - Maybe!

Nice to hear Miss Y (AKA The Big Boobed Baby) is still doing well. I am considering a couple of weeks in DXB for vacation shortly and seeing as I got an SMS from a long term fave saying ''Police take me go China'' it looks like some time with Y may well be on the cards.

Cheers, FF

Richa Poura
01-18-08, 09:33
Immigration are now turning down many requests from PRC ladies for 3 year residence visas. Particularly if they have lots of 1 month visit visas in their passport. As is the norm with this country they don't need to justify their decision!


Eventhough getting the work visa for Miss A is a nightmare (waiting list for office space....) a temporary visa took just one morning and 2000 dhms deposit (that I will get back later)

So it seems the target is really the chinese "overpopulation"... you have to love their attempts to social engineering.

01-18-08, 10:53
First stop, Boston Bar in the Rotana Jumerah. Not a mongering venue for sure but there was one ‘Stani sitting alone at the bar paying too much attention to the middle aged gents drinking around her. 90% sure she was a WG. There were also some Filipinas who were possibles, one was certainly looking to get picked up. The DJ was playing Rock and that, on top of the beers, put us in the mood for the Seaview.

Seaview 12:00 to 01:20

It’s Thursday, what to you expect! There seemed to be a large bachelor party in there which added to the crowding. The usual PRC contingent were there supplemented by a couple of new faces. My mate pulled one, pretty, not been here long and she spoke very little English. Initially she would only go if her friend went as well, but he has a good reputation and the girls trust him so he took her alone in the end.

I was talking to a newish PRC at one stage and one of the long timers came and said something to her. One of my mates got the lowdown from a girl he know. They were warning her I never take a girl, so don’t waste too much time. It seems to be well know I have a PRC "GF" even though she never goes there. I've probably got my mate to thank for that.

The Filipina herd was the largest I have seen for a while and included two fit looking spinners, ideal for those in non GF accommodation, just slip them in you pocket and walk in. :)

There were also a lot of ‘Stanis and we got subjected to some aggressive marketing (sort of African style) by two Kyrgyz. However they seemed to be more interested in scoring drinks and seem to have had plenty already. Potential trouble IMHO.

All in all the MF ratio was poor, but few girls were doing any business. I am sure there were good deals to be had.

01-18-08, 10:55
At the end I enjoyed and I will call her again. And I think I could get a better price next time.
It is my experience that the first price is the price you will pay always, good luck on getting a discount.

More likely, she would agree to stay longer, but I think you have already set the price floor.

Thanks for the FR.

01-18-08, 11:09
Being a regular visitor to China I'm amazed how many people are learning English...
I have always been surprised by the level of English many of them master in very little time. Work ethic? Certainly.

At all events their English is much better than my Chinese.

There were also a lot of ‘Stanis and we got subjected to some aggressive marketing (sort of African style) by two Kyrgyz. However they seemed to be more interested in scoring drinks and seem to have had plenty already. Potential trouble IMHO. Yikes! My Kyrgyz has two glasses of white wine, or one beer, nothing else (well, at new years she got half a bag on) this is not a good development.

So it seems the target is really the chinese "overpopulation"... you have to love their attempts to social engineering.
I read in the paper last month that DRND were targeting specifically people who listed "business" on their (repeat) visa applications. They said they were going to ask them what "business" they were going to conduct, and with which companies.

I wonder if this is why most fly out of Sharja?

Fifty Fifty
01-18-08, 14:34
I am glad to swap apartments... if you include some of the nice girls you have posted in the Kazakh photo section.

Hi, yes nice idea, but difficult to achieve here. Immigration laws are impossible.

Soz for lack of pix recently but was shacked up with a possible marriage job and couldnt post stuff I might regret, so didnt bother LOL.

Had a few recent repeats of last yrs grls coming back for a second round. Even an amazing incident last week where one from last August contacted me out of the blue and asked me to lend her boss $1000 to get him out of jail or something??

I had a think about it, she offered to lodge her passport etc with me as security and to shag me again, so it was hard to refuse. She popped over for the cash and delivered the goods, I dont normally go for short time, but as i was meeting MK and friends for a few beers it was all we could do.

Four days later later she returns with $1050 as a payback and shags me again.
Now I would like to say its the first time I have been paid to have sex, but when I was in DXB last yr, one girl gave me 2 Dhms and free sex for returning her Translation Computer she left at my place LOL.

Before you all bite, I know this isnt really a DXB story, but its relative to one.

Cheers, FF

Zing Uk
01-18-08, 14:52
I have a visitor across at the moment and we were planning a trip to Barrasti last night but once on the way I changed my mind and decided to go to Seaview for my first ever trip there as my visitor plays in a band back and I've obviously heard a lot about the Seaview frontline.

First pleasant surprise was the drive across was pretty traffic free, I guess that the bad weather has been keeping a lot of people home so that was a bonus.

The 50dhs fee was steep but least you get a drink so makes it a reasonable 25dhs in real terms. A bit too many many guys for my liking inside but still some pleasant WG's around to chat with. Apart from looking good I didn't think that the band were all that (sorry - I know that many of you are fans) but my visitor fell in love with the base player and has been annoying me all day to take him back tonight lol.

Being a Rattler and York man the Philipina herd was a new experience for me so while visitor lusted over Suzie-Q lookalike I wandered over to the heard. Another surprise lay in store there, the only people paying any attention to them at that time where some fairly questionable indian dudes. The girls were happy to take a drink from them but you could see there was not a lot of serious interest. I don't know if this made it easy to chat to them as I know some of you in here find it hard to seperate them but I had no problem. Because of said visitor I wasn't in the market for a girl last night and anyway Princess L was back at base so would have had to be a short time which I'm not so into really. I did take a couple of note though and plan a visit mid next week when I fully intend to have some more fun.

Overall my rating are:

Venue - 6\10 (carpet on the way in has to be seen to be believed)
M\F ratio - 4\10
Quality of girls - 6\10
Friendliness of girls - 8\10
Band looks - 9\10
Band quality - 7\10
Annoy factor of being asked if I want a drink every 17 seconds even although my glass was still full - 10\10

An ok venue and good for occassional visit but won't replace Rattler for me

Keep it Cocked,

01-18-08, 14:55
I rarely go to MPs, but with this chilly weather I'm tempted to try a good sauna/steamy or soapy with a girl, followed by a bit of fun of course. Any recommendations - please PM me.

01-18-08, 15:07
Many thanks for this board and the authors, it has even some unthought benefits to me as I like it very much to improve my English knowledges in reading those (sometimes lyric-ironical) reports here. If my english textbooks at school had some of the spirit and themes found here I would have been more motivated for sure.
Besides all the very interesting infos about WGs and Dubai in general.

So here is my 1st contribution:

My 1st contact with Chinese WG (in the sense of real working) was in a supermarket that had a special offer for massage hammers specially marketed by a Chinese young lady. She applied some seconds to my back and I could no more resist (to buy the hammer).

It later showed up to be a strategic weapon for repeated arrangements when talking about contractual terms like time intervall and price reductions. And I myself enjoy always to massage the girls (in case of home delivery, the metal detector in York would explode if you tried to bring it in), and they do, too.

Consumption of the last 3 weeks:

All with condoms ( I do prefer safety first and have no problems with it)
(venue, 1st letter of name, face, body, performance, last tel digit, initial price, contractual priceLT/ST)

- An Armenian girl with very poor performance ("please come" after only 5 minutes, she did not seem to know how to handle a condom as she tried to stretch it somehow and not to simplY roll it down, but she was not new in business), 2 times before sleeping, 1 time in the morning after waking up,

(premiere, A, 7, 9, 2, tel 2, 1500, 700LT)

- A chinese girl that used a special antiseptic fluid , (although condoms were used and I do look normal and not sick/ill, but perhaps I m working too much here), with more mechanical attitude when doing a handjob, and she wanted additional 100 dhs when giving the money for the appartment, but did not mention it before although I do always ask for the total costs, but I did not want to start a longer discussion.
(Astoria TGIT, S, 5, 8, 5, tel 7, 600, 400+100 2 hours)

- A slim Eritrean

(Imperial, S, 8, 8, 6, tel 4, 800, 500 1 hour )

- Another slim Eritrean, very nice face and body, smokes waterpipe,

(York, A, 9, 9, 8, tel 2, 700, 400 2 hours)

- My statistic analyzes says there must have been another girl, but I do no more remember who she was nor any other informations (as I did not notice name, tel number etc. maybe I really do work too much and/or it seems to be an indication for poor performance).

All of the girls (except the Chinese one S) seem to know nothing or nearly nothing about the raids, they are very careless regarding leaving the venue together, taking a taxi together even if the driver can be easily detected to be a moslem, making unnecessary noise with high heels in their appartement halls etc.

Sometimes I felt like a missionar in telling a girl about the dangers of her business.
It really seems to be a buyers market now, what is the reason for it?

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

01-18-08, 15:31
As a search within this forum nor with google helped:

Is it all the same bar or is Rattle not identical to Rattle Snake?

Grateful Spread
01-18-08, 15:45
I decided to have some fun yesterday night. Actually after reading GS report I was in the mood to meet her Nigerian friend

The taller one did not even look at me, maybe I have written in my forehead that I have a small d* or something like that. Or maybe I should shower more often than biyearly...
Well at least her friend (K) was friendlier, so I started talking. She quoted 800 for Toda La Noche, open to discussion. I also checked her friend name (M) and bingo so and I tried to talk to her. She quoted $1000. Not a typo, she asked 1000 dollars, I laughed and wished her good night. Sorry it didn’t work out with the taller funster Cons. Who knows what makes a WG tick: why she would charge dhs400 one night then USD1000 another? Maybe she was just going through a rough patch.

Actually, since that FR several members have PM’d me about her. Wishing to learn lessons from some of the crap that I recently landed myself in, may I advise anyone else thinking of sending me a PM on this subject, not to ask for mobile numbers or pictures (Cons sensibly avoided these questions and used his own initiative). In the case of the Nigerian funster I didn’t take her number anyway. I’ve stopped taking them to ward off the deluge of calls and texts that continue to disturb the non-mongering side of my life. I prefer these days to take my chances each time.

Suffice to say, that from around midnight, Imperial Suites becomes infused with enough taxi-loads of attractive African honeys to make unnecessary the need to ask for numbers.

01-18-08, 15:50
Apparently the rules have been changed ...if true, I can see the numbers of PRC's dropping severely within 4 weeks!That would be SERIOUS.

If they want to reduce the numbers then better to stop them coming into the country in the first place rather than raiding apartments, AMP's etcWhen they REALLY start restricting visas, then that's the time to worry. Every now and again, they change the visa requirements (you remember the mass exodus in 2004 due to new 'requirements'), but they've never REALLY had an effect on the flow.

However, Fav's sister was just saying it took her several months to get Miss Fav a visa to return, where previously, it had been easy.

Time will tell, but will have to monitor several favorites' visa runs, just to make sure they return.

From my experience many of the PRC WG's are bright girls who've been to college, got married, had a child then been left in the lurch after a messy divorce. No social security in China and no maintenance either!Likewise, my experience. They're not looking to make a career out of the dxb experience, just supporting the family back home.

I wonder if this is why most fly out of Sharja?-Stanis use Sharajah, the trip to RAK much more popular with the PRC's, my experience anyway. Was told the harrowing tale of some poor girl who made a visa run during the great downpour... visa renewed, no problem, but the return trip from RAK to DXB, with the rain/roads/drivers... Could be a Hollywood horror movie for sure.

Likewise, Bush's visit... one "friend" reported as to how she could not find a taxi and had to walk home.

I've noticed that the standard of Chinglish among the newer girls post Christmas is definitely on the up and up, is someone vetting them?Glad to see the 11B "Basic English" school is having a noticeable effect :)

01-18-08, 16:03
and i think i could get a better price next time.i'll agree with sporadic - once you've established that base price, difficult to change it, unless it was way over the top (and you have the potential to be a regular). after all, you paid it once...

best to have an idea (like reading here) of what the going rates are, so when you ask her 'price', you'll know if it's reasonable or not. then balance the "market" with what she's worth to you that night.

one caution: if you do pull her again, better to make sure of the price. otherwise the assumption will be "same".

spent a few days in dubai, did some research before i departed and had a few e mails with suggestions, it was all for not!
hilton creek, checked in, signed up high speed internt, attempted to go to this site, i received a message that it was forbidden, thus i relied on memory.excuse me, but well known fact, and i'd say common sense, that this site is blocked. as posted, ways around it, but you need to do some setup before arriving.

and why spelman's list is so great - easy download for later reference.

i did not attem[pt to bring anyone to my room, there was a uniformed guard at the elevator, and i saw another one patroling the 2nd and 3rd floors. went next door to stars, lots of tallent, but the guards were a deterent.every hotel has security. just search for the gf hotel list on the hotel thread - it's back there somewhere, then search on the name of your hotel for recent reports. i think the biggest deterrent in most hotels (that are not red), is the punter's own mind.

01-18-08, 16:18
The 50dhs fee was steep but least you get a drink so makes it a reasonable 25dhs in real terms.Reasonable, but... maybe it's only regulars they don't charge.

A bit too many many guys for my liking inside but still some pleasant WG's around to chat with.My experience, there usually seems to be an overabundance of males, but a lot seem to be there simply for the music with their mates.

Apart from looking good I didn't think that the band were all that To each his own, but certainly better than the York's or 'Snake's bands...

Venue - 6\10 (carpet on the way in has to be seen to be believed)
But certainly beats the steel stairs of old...

M\F ratio - 4\10
As mentioned, this can be misleading.

Quality of girls - 6\10
To each his own, but the Seaview has never been known for "top end" girls. It's the combination of band, small bar, wg's that provides the winning combination.

Annoy factor of being asked if I want a drink every 17 seconds even although my glass was still full - 10\10
That's a NEW one for me. I've never been bothered; I find the staff attentive, but not overly so (York it's NOT).

My biggest complaint about the Seaview is their restrictive entrance policy on "new" PRC's. Certainly enough from the resident selection that I never have a problem, but there is the risk of it getting stale (and why the York and 'Snake still have my business on occasion).

MY view: if you're looking for a wg venue - there are better. Seaview is small. But the combination of music (rock my style), friendly atmosphere, enough wg's, and even a good food menu, makes it my first choice when I want to have a nice evening out, knowing I'll have company back home.

Also a nice place to take a "date" from another bar - mixed company not a problem, and there is dancing to a dj between the band's sets.

Luper Calia
01-18-08, 16:26
Princess L has spent quite a bit of time on the phone today toalking to her housemates as one of them is stuck in Ras al Khaima after the visa run. Apparently the rules have been changed the there may be a need to pay a 7000dhs bond now when coming into the country. I know that hotels already demand this for visitors for non-GCC Arabic countries. The Chinese agency that sponsors the firls needless to say is not about to stump up 7000 bond for each of them so has pulled out the market. This means that the girls will need to find a local sponsor and presumably this will severely limit the numbers. On the good side, they will be able to get 3 month visas but, if true, I can see the numbers of PRC's dropping severely within 4 weeks!

Keep it Cocked,

Last week was always going to be difficult with visas as it started with a three day weekend. Then the day off for Bush caused runs to be cancelled (although it was not a holiday in RAK and some went successfully). Finally the weather caused at least some flight cancellations. Additionally, girls doing the run only to come back to RAK and finding no visa waiting for them seems to be happening more frequently.

However, it seems that some other dynamic has changed. My GF has been to RAK twice this week and still no visa. The problem sems to be up-front. I understand that at least 40 girls were unable even to get into the airport. I think that this might confirm that some sort of bond is being requested and some of the travel companies are unable / unwilling to pay. My GF is trying to change travel company otherwise she may have to go home for a holiday and a three month visa return.

Grateful for any more info on this - by PM if you think it prudent.

Member #1071
01-18-08, 17:04
Have been contacted several times lately by my MP lady, she says it is safe now to visit their premises. However I am still not sure how safe it is.
Any feedback from fellows visiting MP's regularly?

01-18-08, 17:15
Price per pop (20-30 minutes) 50 Euros equivalent to 250 AED.
Now a simple mathematical calculation reveals that paying 400-500 AED in Dubai for ST is not what we call competitive rates... Many tend to forget that dxb is not europe south, or thailand west. It's the Middle East. Sometimes I'm still amazed that it exists here. Go spend a couple of months in KSA to provide a real comparison... Certainly if the price you're paying is to 'rent a vagina', then the FKK clubs might be the better deal. But for the overall experience... even a business a-lister's 500 ST, she promises 2 hours, and delivers. Not exactly a GFE, but not a pump and dump by any means. By your calculations, FKK's 1 shot/30 minutes = 250 dhs basically the same as dxb's 2 shots/2 hours for 500dhs. Will agree with Sporadic and BC - the LT is the real benefit here. 500-700, all night, she cooks breakfast in the morning, cleans the place...

The service in Dubai is pretty predatory unless you spend the time needed to find a nice one with some chemistry. Maybe I've just been lucky over the years, but I've found the majority NOT to be predatory. Certainly some are, and like you say, chemistry matters, but most I've pulled have been nice, with a lot of greats. Granted, it's not Thailand, but still... As someone told me years ago, "Yes, Thailand is great for sanuk, but you can't beat the variety in dxb."

Business is slow for the girls. Lots of high-pressure marketing at the moment. I'm sure prices are pretty negotiable.Got an sms from a fav last night, asking if I was headed to Seaview. Reason? The number of "preferred" clients down at Jockey's, so she was looking for another venue, but had heard of the Seaview's entrance policy (which is ironic, given she started there a couple of years ago). So was wondering if I could be an escort.

No. I had plans, last week's Miss York's performance good enough to warrent an encore. But when I sms'd to confirm, she called back - on her period ("no sex 4 days, blood come"), but said she'd be OK for Friday. Truth and wishful thinking or just "busy". I'll say the former, but a moot point.

So call Miss Jockey, she's already at work (talk about a work ethic); yes a night at Chez Bravo just fine. She asks if I'll pick her up or should she take a taxi? It's after rush hour - I'll be gallant and pick her up. IDIOT. Took me 40
minutes(usual 20) to get there - solid traffic from my place to Shindagga.

Returning her home at noon, hit the dubai marathon. If it's not one thing, it's another.

700dhs, GFE all the way.

... may I advise anyone else thinking of sending me a PM on this subject, not to ask for mobile numbers or pictures (Cons sensibly avoided these questions and used his own initiative). ... I prefer these days to take my chances each time.With a description like you provided, easy to keep a lookout for.

And I agree, going out on the hunt is fun, easier to gauge her attitude with YOU. Once you know her, certainly the mobile call worthwhile, but there's just something about "head out on the highway, looking for adventure"...

01-18-08, 18:00
2 free pints for the name of the basket case singer and a bottle of scotch for her phone number.Seaview band: Cherie Garcia is the bass player, the three original singers are Donna, Dyna (IMHO the best looking) and Michelle. Don't know the name of the one who replaced Joanne, yet. The guitarist is Martin and I don't know the keyboard player or drummer.

And there's hope for you yet GS, I know a Filipina who is good friends with the band and told me last night that all the girls are single at the moment!
Where can I collect my pints?

btw: Search YouTube for Cherie Garcia and see Cherie's promo solo video of Hot Stuff. There are also some videos of the band taken inside Seaview on YouTube too. Enjoy.


01-18-08, 18:56
Finally got my visit to Seaview earlier this week, first time in ages. Did some recon and picked up some numbers from the cutest members of the Filipina herd.

My GF's been back home for nearly two months now and my resolve to be a good boy finally broke. Couldn't resist a real tiny cute Filipina who seemed a lot of fun so arranged to pick her up early last night. Back to mine for drinks and first round. Professed to be shy, but it didn't last long. Everything was available and most was availed of, and by everything I mean everything. Finished with a great CIM.

Couple more drinks a shower and a taxi off to the Majestic with said Filipina on my arm. She was in the mood for music and drinking, and giving me a GFE, so why not?

Music Room 11pm was busy but still found a table, my girl knew a few other Filipinas in there and was introduced to some. Plenty of PRC WGs about, no A-listers and luckily none who know my GF! Some Stanis and CIS, but not attractive, to me anyway. Most of the crowd civilians. Never got to assess the pool table area. Band are OK, guitarist's good but the girls are not a patch on Seaview band or Marbles band at Radisson, looks wise.

Couple of drinks and off to Seaview around midnight. From reading the earlier reports it must have been like an ISG boys night out, plenty of fellow forum mongers were there, apparently, as I don't know any personally.

Like all previous visits, no entry fee charged. (You must have been unlucky Zing, normally there I have only ever seen Indian/Subcontinentals getting charged. Theory: white guys drink plenty, Indians don't).

Pretty busy inside, talk to her mates. Plenty to drink. Band as good as always.

Dance with my companion between band sets, when suddenly I feel something hit my chest and head. One of the more sultry sexy, but now jealous, CIS chicks who I talked on previous visit to Seaview is throwing peanuts at me to grab my attention! When my girl went to bathroom the CIS was over like a shot: "Why you with her not me. Don't go with her. Buy me drink. I give you good time. " etc etc. Shook her off with some well placed words (I'm BUSY tonight. I don't disturb you when YOU'RE busy. Understand? ) and scanned the room.

Plenty of WGs and unusually for Seaview in my recollection a few Africans. Some hideous T42s and the occasional PRC cutie, nothing outstanding though.

Left after a couple of hours and back home for round two. One problem, Filipina is now steaming drunk. Carry her from cab, put her in bed and make sure she's all right. She's out like a light. No problem, I needed an early night.

Cuddled all night, which I like and despite her hangover she was very much up for round two in the morning, so like the gentleman I am I obliged, finishing on her ample (for a tiny girl) breasts and cute face which had her in fits of giggles for some reason!

She was great fun, good company, slightly crazy but gave a great GFE all night and stayed till 1pm today. She never mentioned price or money at all

I took her home to her front door and she went to get out of the car. I pulled her back and popped a 500 in her hand. She seemed very pleased.

So was I. Bargain.

Be careful out there,


EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

01-19-08, 05:15
My sources say that the bond requirement for PRC nationals has always been there, but like many UAE laws it may be selectively applied. There are also financial penalties for tour operators if the visitors under their sponsorship overstay or are arrested.

I am speculating but another issue could be some of the operators have been fined following the recent purge and are being more cautious?

At the same time the PRC tourist sector is becoming a money spinner for Dubai. It is not unknown for individuals to spend tens of thousands of dollars here on a short visit.

01-19-08, 05:43
Like all previous visits, no entry fee charged. (You must have been unlucky ZingI have never been charged, but me and my associates are probably know to spend a bit when we are in there.

Seaview band: Cherie Garcia is the bass player, the three original singers are Donna, Dyna (IMHO the best looking) and Michelle. Don't know the name of the one who replaced Joanne, yet. The guitarist is Martin and I don't know the keyboard player or drummer. The keyboard player is called Ching. I assume the “basket case” girl who also plays Bass on “Cocaine” is Dyna and the heavier one is Michelle (but she seems to have lost a bit of weight recently)? Donna remains my firm favorite, but the new girl is a looker too.

01-19-08, 05:51
As a search within this forum nor with google helped:

Is it all the same bar or is Rattle not identical to Rattle Snake?Same place, also refered to as "the snake pit" or just the "snake" and occasionaly the "Metro". PRCs often refer to it as "the Snake Bar".

Offically the Rattlesnake (one word) at the Metropolatain Hotel on Sheik Zyed Road, (not to be confused with the Metropolatan, Deria)

01-19-08, 06:38
Seaview band: Cherie Garcia is the bass player, the three original singers are Donna, Dyna (IMHO the best looking) and Michelle. Don't know the name of the one who replaced Joanne, yet. The guitarist is Martin and I don't know the keyboard player or drummer.

And there's hope for you yet GS, I know a Filipina who is good friends with the band and told me last night that all the girls are single at the moment!
Where can I collect my pints?

btw: Search YouTube for Cherie Garcia and see Cherie's promo solo video of Hot Stuff. There are also some videos of the band taken inside Seaview on YouTube too. Enjoy.

I assume the “basket case” girl who also plays Bass on “Cocaine” is DynaYou assume correctly. Basket Case singer is Dyna. Now GS, if I supply her phone number can you make it a bottle of vodka instead!?


01-19-08, 06:53
My sources say that the bond requirement for PRC nationals has always been there, but like many UAE laws it may be selectively applied. There are also financial penalties for tour operators if the visitors under their sponsorship overstay or are arrested.

I am speculating but another issue could be some of the operators have been fined following the recent purge and are being more cautious?

At the same time the PRC tourist sector is becoming a money spinner for Dubai. It is not unknown for individuals to spend tens of thousands of dollars here on a short visit.My own PRC GF went home a while back and is planning to return after Chinese New Year, she is in the process of getting her visa now. I'll post as to whether she has any problems.


Zing Uk
01-19-08, 09:02
Like all previous visits, no entry fee charged. (You must have been unlucky Zing, normally there I have only ever seen Indian/Subcontinentals getting charged. Theory: white guys drink plenty, Indians don't).

I actually stopped and offered to pay, being my first visit I was sure what the form was but thanks for letting me knoe. I'll put it down to experience and swan right on in next time.

Keep it Cocked,

Zing Uk
01-19-08, 09:12
Venue - 6\10 (carpet on the way in has to be seen to be believed)
But certainly beats the steel stairs of old...

M\F ratio - 4\10
As mentioned, this can be misleading.

Quality of girls - 6\10
To each his own, but the Seaview has never been known for "top end" girls. It's the combination of band, small bar, wg's that provides the winning combination.

Annoy factor of being asked if I want a drink every 17 seconds even although my glass was still full - 10\10
That's a NEW one for me. I've never been bothered; I find the staff attentive, but not overly so (York it's NOT).

My biggest complaint about the Seaview is their restrictive entrance policy on "new" PRC's. Certainly enough from the resident selection that I never have a problem, but there is the risk of it getting stale (and why the York and 'Snake still have my business on occasion).

MY view: if you're looking for a wg venue - there are better. Seaview is small. But the combination of music (rock my style), friendly atmosphere, enough wg's, and even a good food menu, makes it my first choice when I want to have a nice evening out, knowing I'll have company back home.

Also a nice place to take a "date" from another bar - mixed company not a problem, and there is dancing to a dj between the band's sets.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking Seaview, I actually had a very pleasant night. I agree that its not top mongering venue but IMHO it certainly has a place in the weekly calendar as you suggest maybe for a more relaxed night. The biggest plus point for me was having Philipina's, not a group I'm used to so some new areas to explore.

The bar staff I actually found worse than York but I'm sure quick word with them can sort that out easily enough. It won't become my number one venue for a variety or reasons but, as the big man said, "I'll be back".

Keep it Cocked,

Zing Uk
01-19-08, 09:16
Maybe I've just been lucky over the years, but I've found the majority NOT to be predatory.

Couldn't agree more, I've found good to excellent experiences almost every time. I think the main difference here is that you get a chance to speak to the girls up front and make a judgement call based on a bit of chemistry in the bar, certainly worth spending half an hour or so with them and buying them the odd drink. My less than excellent experiences tend to have more to do with them being a bit crap in bed rather than poor attitude, they still make the bed and do the dishes in the morning :-)

I've only ever been out and out preyed on once that I can think of.

Have fun out there,

01-19-08, 10:07
Couldn't agree more, I've found good to excellent experiences almost every time. I think the main difference here is that you get a chance to speak to the girls up front and make a judgement call based on a bit of chemistry in the barAbsolutely! The interviews and selection process are great fun too. The few times it has not worked out have been when I have abandoned the field craft, and either drunk too much, or focused on a girls looks and ignored warning signs in the negotiation.

I think a lot of guys monger here who would probably not do so back in their home countries. For one thing it feels no where near as seedy as going to MP, brothel, RLD window girl, sex club etc.

01-19-08, 10:54
I think a lot of guys monger here who would probably not do so back in their home countries. For one thing it feels no where near as seedy as going to MP, brothel, RLD window girl, sex club etc.

Very true, it is actually quite civilized in DXB monger-wise, perhaps shared fear has its place.

One caveat though, don´t dig too deep into the ladies situation, you can see a sordid underbelly you might prefer not to know about.

01-19-08, 15:29

Welcome to Dubai, I am sure you will have a great time, but if you ask for guidance and advice without having your PM turned on you will not have as good a time as you might otherwise.

Turn it on. In the present cirumstances you are likely to get a lot more good information than by simply scanning the boards. (Although the boards are indeed well written and informative.)

Just a word of friendly advice. Or, do an RTFF search on 'Crown Plaza' and see what happens.

CheersMy friend you were right, last week I was in town and saw that Cylone and Amnesia are both closed. An expat friend of mine helped me and I went to KUBU at Radisson.

01-19-08, 16:03
Mine was from Tanzania and I don't really care for Black Women. Asian make my temperture rise but in City Center Mall in Carre Four there she was. About as perfect as a female could be. I chatted her a bit found she was a studying in London and comes to Dubai regularly as a tourist.

Ok guys....

01-19-08, 16:32
My sources say that the bond requirement for PRC nationals has always been there, but like many UAE laws it may be selectively applied. There are also financial penalties for tour operators if the visitors under their sponsorship overstay or are arrested.

I am speculating but another issue could be some of the operators have been fined following the recent purge and are being more cautious?

At the same time the PRC tourist sector is becoming a money spinner for Dubai. It is not unknown for individuals to spend tens of thousands of dollars here on a short visit.I spoke to my own PRC GF today who is back in her homeland and told her about visa problems. She says it happens all the time, girls being held in airport in RAK for days. Seemed totally unfazed by the news, like it was a normal occurrence. Maybe it is and we just have happened to hear about it at the moment.

Or it could be some unscrupulous agents at work. One prominent Chinese travel agent which was operating as an illegal foreign exchange house in Nassau Square did a runner four months ago with Dh10 million of money earned here which was supposed to be sent to China. It was in Gulf News at the time. http://archive.gulfnews.com/articles/07/10/22/10161973.html

She is sorting out her own visa at the moment to return next month. I'll post as to whether she has any problems or not. She doesn't think she will. China is a growing and vital trade market for the UAE and they do not want to discourage visitors from there, many who spend plenty in the malls and souks while they are here.

Be careful out there.


01-19-08, 17:46
You assume correctly. Basket Case singer is Dyna. Now GS, if I supply her phone number can you make it a bottle of vodka instead! ?

Steamer33Thanks for the name. Is it pronounced Dyna as in Dyna rod or deena?

If she is still single in June when my missus goes on hols I will make it a bottle of vodka for her number. That is if I haven't got it from her myself by that time.

As for collecting the pints I will pm you contact details. Do you know wicked roger by any chance?

01-19-08, 17:52
shame, her mate is a cracker but they won't touch me. Happy to do an intro in Rattler one night though

Keep it Cocked,

ZingI will take you up on the offer if 'basket case' girl doesn't work out. Trouble is my old regular prc still frequents rattler. Haven't seen her for a while so she may have forgotten me. Either that or we meet on a Tuesday which I think is her Majong night.

01-20-08, 06:09
One prominent Chinese travel agent which was operating as an illegal foreign exchange house in Nassau Square did a runner four months ago with Dh10 million of money earned here which was supposed to be sent to China. One disturbing aspect of that case, at least according to the stories I have heard, was the boss set up a new and niave female employee to carry the can while he ran off to China with the cash. Last I heard she was still in jail and DXB LE were trying to get the manager sent back here.

01-20-08, 06:18

too bad you didn't take advantage of deira club stars, guards are always there at that hotel and typically they just ask your room number. i have used the 2nd entrance past the main door to hotel and no problems. gaurds wandering different floors have offered to arrange girls for me. next time ask the girl of your choosing if the hotel is ok, won't be a problem.

spent a few days in dubai, did some research before i departed and had a few e mails with suggestions, it was all for not!

hilton creek, checked in, signed up high speed internt, attempted to go to this site, i received a message that it was forbidden, thus i relied on memory.

walked to the broadway cafe, found a cis lady who agreed to 600 dlt for one hour, 2 sessions. she immediately wanted cash and was in a big hurry to leave. the session was rushed and a total turn off.

that evening i went to rattlesnake, found the prc ladies very friendly, took one back with me, her name was lily. 5'6" tall, 36c clean shaved, she was there to please. cbj, fs, positions, massage between rounds, cost 600 dlt, she offered to stay overnight for an extra 200 dlt, i was too tired.

a few days later i returned and stayed at the sheraton deria, it is a very old hotel, i would not recommend it. again i was unable to access this site as i received the forbidden message. i did not attem[pt to bring anyone to my room, there was a uniformed guard at the elevator, and i saw another one patroling the 2nd and 3rd floors. went next door to stars, lots of tallent, but the guards were a deterent.

01-20-08, 06:29
Thanks for the name. Is it pronounced Dyna as in Dyna rod or deena? The former.


01-20-08, 06:58
I spent Saturday doing paperwork at home, so come evening time I really needed to get out. Plan was a couple of beers and home before 11, It did not work out.

Seems I must have missed Piper on a number of occasions!

Jockey’s 8:40 to 9:10

CIS numbers seem to be down, but the usual T54’s were sat at the bar. What surprised me was the number of PRCs, the lights were up and there were several who did not need to hide in the shadows. There were also a few Africans, including a couple of good looking ones.

Music Room 9:10 – 10:15

Cheap beer – 17 AED a pint, both bands on reasonable form but little in the way of P4P, two inebriated Russian (I am guessing) standing at the bar were probably up for it , but you would have needed to be desperate. There were a few Filipimas, probably civilian, and a couple of Africans.

York 10: 30 to 11:30

I decided to have a further scout and flirt with a few girls.

Not at all crowded. CIS selection contained nothing that floated my boat. There were quite a few PRC but I would say a there was better selection in Jockey’s earlier. Also there were no Africans to match the ones I saw in Jockey’s earlier either. Having said that there were some nice PRC’s, the best occupied and I chatted to an African claiming to be from Madagascar who was quite pleasant. A number of PRC’s who stopped by were keen to offer their place, indicative of wanting a fast turnaround.

Rockafellas 11:30 – 12:40

I had not been here for a long time. I avoided the entry fee.

I must say that when it comes to dressing the CIS girls here make the effort, there were a lot in nice outfits, from the overtly sexy leather mini skirts and boots to the more elegant. I chatted to one good looking Kyrgyz girl, of occidental rather than oriental appearance, good English and a potential GFE, I did not go as far as a price quote, a dark haired girl in shorts an white boots had caught me eye, however I was totally invisible to her. One 'Stani, was a Bai Ling look alike, very oriental, but she was busy. I spotted a big, blond acquaintance from a few years back, still in her usual place at the end of the bar.

By 12:30 it was getting crowded, and I seriously need to get home for some sleep.


Jockey’s – Looking up
York – Looking down
Rockafellas – Remains a good location to hunt CIS

Wicked Roger
01-20-08, 14:02
Thanks for the name. Is it pronounced Dyna as in Dyna rod or deena?

If she is still single in June when my missus goes on hols I will make it a bottle of vodka for her number. That is if I haven't got it from her myself by that time.

As for collecting the pints I will pm you contact details. Do you know wicked roger by any chance?
As he would also like her number as well and maybe persaude her for a threesome GS :D

01-20-08, 15:15
York 10: 30 to 11:30
I decided to have a further scout and flirt with a few girls.
Not at all crowded....I chatted to an African claiming to be from Madagascar who was quite pleasant. I thought it was you, but wasn't 100% sure, so I didn't interrupt. Besides, you looked deep in conversation. ;)

Rockafellas 11:30 – 12:40
I had not been here for a long time. I avoided the entry fee.Same here, but my Asian-looking American pal had to pay, despite my protests that he was my guest. Works sometimes.

I spotted a big, blond acquaintance from a few years back, still in her usual place at the end of the bar.If you're talking about the solid 6'2" bleached blonde at the entrance-end of the bar, you're a brave man! But I guess she's the white equivalent of the 6'2" African Amazon we both know and love. BTW, can I have my ladder back please. :D

Jockey’s – Looking up
York – Looking down
Rockafellas – Remains a good location to hunt CISInteresting how opinions can vary. For me, York was looking up. Some real stunners there - mainly African, and none of the girls in Regal were love at first sight. In the end, I took my camera, condoms and half-cialis to Seaview (it's been a hard week ;)), then home around 2:30am.

PS - there were a few Filipinas at York, as well as at Rockbottom and Majestic.

01-20-08, 16:24
Damn I guess my question wasn't a crowd pleaser. Well it was on my mind thought I would ask.

01-20-08, 17:13
If you're talking about the solid 6'2" bleached blonde at the entrance-end of the bar, you're a brave man! But I guess she's the white equivalent of the 6'2" African Amazon we both know and love. .That’s the one! It was a long time ago but I was interested in her friend but we ended up in a three some because we had to go to the big girls flat. It turned out the big girl was by far the best and I went back for more on a couple of occasions. Like our African friend, she was solid, not at all flabby. A great girl and a lot of fun if you are not intimadated by her size.

Interesting how opinions can vary. As always YMMV, or maybe we should say YMWV (your mileage will vary) I did not specifically mean the York was bad, just not as good as the last time I visited.

01-20-08, 17:27
Mine was from Tanzania and I don't really care for Black Women. ... I chatted her a bit found she was a studying in London and comes to Dubai regularly as a tourist.

Ok guys....Difficult if not impossible to answer. There are so many beautiful girls here!

A Tanzanian girl studying in London, coming to Dubai regularly as a tourist? Hmmm. Not saying she's lying, but Dubai is not a place for regular tourism, especially when Europe is a much better destination for her - so close to London, and 'regular' black girls are not automatically seen as hookers in Europe, as they usually are in Dubai.

Regular trips to Dubai. A girl has to pay for her studies, if you know what I mean.

BC - the big bleached blonde is hot in a certain type of way, and maybe worth the climb. ;) I might be tempted one night.

Luper Calia
01-20-08, 18:36
My GF is trying to change travel company otherwise she may have to go home for a holiday and a three month visa return.

Change of company successful and she got her visa today. But still lots of others having trouble.

01-20-08, 18:41
Thanks, there was no shortage of tallent, but the uniformed guards were a deteriorant. I read about the LE activity from the past two weeks and was reluctant to attempt anything at the Sheraton. Overall., the Hilton Creek was a much better hotel, in all aspects, room, resturants, etc.


Too bad you didn't take advantage of Deira club Stars, guards are always there at that hotel and typically they just ask your room number. I have used the 2nd entrance past the main door to hotel and no problems. Gaurds wandering different floors have offered to arrange girls for me. Next time ask the girl of your choosing if the hotel is OK, won't be a problem.

01-20-08, 19:16
Now guys, I have been inundated with PMs (some from members with as little as one and three posts) asking for phone numbers for the girls in the band. Nice try. I am not going to give out anybody's phone numbers to someone I do not know personally and trust. This is a band we are talking about not a group of WGs. So please stop.

At least Groinstrain is going to buy me a couple of pints, just for a name!

BTW GS it is pronounced Dyna as in Dyna rod, as you put it. Not Deena.

Be careful out there.


Grateful Spread
01-20-08, 20:38
Damn I guess my question wasn't a crowd pleaser. Well it was on my mind thought I would ask.Interesting question BPD but as Piper says, it’s not an easy one to answer. I fall in love every time I walk into a shopping mall – the UAE is the melting pot for the exotic and the beautiful.

It didn’t really work out with me and Scarlett Johansonn anyway so besides areas of beauty, it’s the little imperfections in the one’s that I finally end up with that can attract as much as anything.

Joe Coodidge
01-20-08, 23:23

I'm planning on visiting Dubai next month and I was wondering if it makes sense to rent a car rather than take taxi's everywhere. My goal is to visit many of the spots mentioned on this site and I'm thinking having a car might help. The last time I was there it was very tough to get cabs.



Member #1071
01-21-08, 07:54

I'm planning on visiting Dubai next month and I was wondering if it makes sense to rent a car rather than take taxi's everywhere. My goal is to visit many of the spots mentioned on this site and I'm thinking having a car might help. The last time I was there it was very tough to get cabs.


You are right, renting a car might come handy. The only porblem would be the directions. You would need some time to know which road to take and when, to avoid Dubai's famous traffic. Of course night time you may not encounter this problem.

01-21-08, 08:13
I'm thinking having a car might help. The last time I was there it was very tough to get cabs.Not long ago I would have said absolutly not but the taxi shortage is getting such that I can understand why you may want to consider it. However it will certainly be a more expensive unless you are staying way out of town, driving in Dubai is not a lot of fun and parking in the Golden triangle area is a pain too.

If you stay central - somewhere like the Old 4Pts all the places in the Golden Triangle are in walking distance except at the height of summer. You can even walk to the Arba station and take the ferry across the creek to the Raddison if you want to visit Kubu. Later in the evening taxis to get home should not be a issue.

And whatever else you do don't drink and drive, not even one small beer.

01-21-08, 08:18

I'm planning on visiting Dubai next month and I was wondering if it makes sense to rent a car rather than take taxi's everywhere. My goal is to visit many of the spots mentioned on this site and I'm thinking having a car might help. The last time I was there it was very tough to get cabs.


JoeIf you're only here on a visit for a week or two, forget the car. Taxis are cheap, parking is a nightmare, and navigating yourself around town will be a major hassle. If you want a drink or three at a club, then you have to leave your car behind anyway. In the Golden Triangle area (York, Regal, Jockeys, Imperial etc), you can walk between the clubs. A long run would be from the Golden Triangle to Rattlesnake or to Premiere (about 20-25 minutes for 25 Dirhams or US$7 by cab).

EDIT IN: BC posted same time as my post - he's right, there is a taxi shortage, but I've never had problems downtown. (Incidentally I saw an ad in the newspaper yesterday, where a major cab company is recruiting 3,000 new drivers - so that might help the situation).

01-21-08, 08:26
Now guys, I have been inundated with PMs (some from members with as little as one and three posts) asking for phone numbers for the girls in the band. Pure coincidence, I'm sure. :D

BTW - I simply ignore zero posters who PM for contact numbers.

Zing Uk
01-21-08, 09:40
I wandered down to Rattler for a couple last night and was shocked to find that the entrance fee has now gone up to 50dhs every night. I would have been pissed off but I got there at 2055. The way I look at it is if I go 5 minutes before rip off time then I get a couple of free beers :-) Still, I'm sure that this will translate thorugh to the girls trying to get an extra 100!

I was only in for about an hour and half but the m\f ration was very favourable I'd say at about 3:1. May have changed later on but I suspect it must be getting difficult for some of the girls in there now. I know a few of PRC are exploring other venues such as Crowne Plaza.

I was there with Princess L and agreed with her that we would take 15 minutes each just to scout around. I went off to the bar area where I was quickly engaged by a friendly girl only to be surrounded within about 30 seconds by Princess L's mates. Oh well, looks like I'll be visiting Seaview a bit more regularly.

Keep it Cocked,

01-21-08, 10:54
I wandered down to Rattler for a couple last night and was shocked to find that the entrance fee has now gone up to 50dhs every night. I would have been pissed off but I got there at 2055. The way I look at it is if I go 5 minutes before rip off time then I get a couple of free beers Do you mean two drinks included before 9 PM ? Or is it no charge before 9?

Now guys, I have been inundated with PMs (some from members with as little as one and three posts) asking for phone numbers for the girls in the band. Nice try. I am not going to give out anybody's phone numbers to someone I do not know personally and trust. This is a band we are talking about not a group of WGs. So please stop. It’s also worrying how people take a little light hearted banter so seriously. BTW I have heard of people being ejected for inappropriate remarks to the band.

Tin Tin
01-21-08, 13:38
Since we have music lovers also in this forum, i would like to give a fr about another filipino joint - Manila 365 at Ramee Guestline - Deira located at the end of Rigga Road.

They have two bands playing there. Light & Shadow and Prime Pitch. In my opinion, both are good, Plays a variety of genere.

Occasional spotting of filipina WG(also seen in another prominent club) is confirmed but mostly this place seems to be another normal filipino joint.


Tin Tin

Zing Uk
01-21-08, 17:51
Do you mean two drinks included before 9 PM ? Or is it no charge before 9?

I mean by not paying the 50dhs entry fee I have an extra 50 in my pocket which buys me a couple of beers. The entrance is free before 9pm except on Thursdays when its 8pm

01-21-08, 18:00
Finding a cab if your hotel is away from the action is indeed starting to be a royal pain.

One albeit illegal option you have is to arrange for a couple private taxi people to be on call or rent a car and hire a driver. Ask a taxi driver or rental car company about pricing or contacts.

The RTA does crack down on brown people giving each other rides but leaves westerners** alone. (**= assumption alert)

You could alternatively bribe a resident monger with booze and companionship (not yours, no offense :P ) to take you on safari.

Enjoy your stay, have a blast, and be a little careful.



I'm planning on visiting Dubai next month and I was wondering if it makes sense to rent a car rather than take taxi's everywhere. My goal is to visit many of the spots mentioned on this site and I'm thinking having a car might help. The last time I was there it was very tough to get cabs.



01-21-08, 18:25
BTW - I simply ignore zero posters who PM for contact numbers.I gave these guys courtesy of a reply but that's good advice I'll follow in future.

Cheers Piper


Joe Coodidge
01-21-08, 18:26
Finding a cab if your hotel is away from the action is indeed starting to be a royal pain.

One albeit illegal option you have is to arrange for a couple private taxi people to be on call or rent a car and hire a driver. Ask a taxi driver or rental car company about pricing or contacts.

The RTA does crack down on brown people giving each other rides but leaves westerners** alone. (**= assumption alert)

You could alternatively bribe a resident monger with booze and companionship (not yours, no offense :P ) to take you on safari.

Enjoy your stay, have a blast, and be a little careful.

-PHThanks everyone for the tips. Good idea on the taxi driver rental. It sucks that it is not wise to drink and drive so this is a good option.

On the other hand, if any resident mongers want to hang out, the drinks are on me! I will be staying at the Crowne Plaza.


01-21-08, 18:42
Mine was from Tanzania and I don't really care for Black Women. Asian make my temperture rise but in City Center Mall in Carre Four there she was. About as perfect as a female could be. I chatted her a bit found she was a studying in London and comes to Dubai regularly as a tourist.

Ok guys....So so difficult to answer. Like others I have seen too many. Therefore, I am going to have to be sentimental and say that, judging by the amount of heads that turn when we are out together (and I assume they are not looking at me unless they are both blind and gay), my PRC GF! (I can hear the boos now!)

Be careful out there


01-22-08, 06:59
Finding a cab if your hotel is away from the action is indeed starting to be a royal pain.

One albeit illegal option you have is to arrange for a couple private taxi people to be on call Taxi situation normally improves after 9 PM and in general it’s better in Bur Dubai, worse in Deira. The worst time seems to be 6 – 9 PM, it’s the highest demand, a lot of drivers are praying or taking their meals and the traffic is at it’s worst. I would be careful using unlicensed taxis, my one and only experience was hair-raising to say the least! A lot of PRC’s will use the illegal “Chinese Taxis” but Miss DJ avoids them as she considers them to be dangerous and unreliable and have the added risk of being caught up if the driver is busted. She does however speak good English, is well traveled and has a regular job so her considerations are different to many of the girls.

I mean by not paying the 50dhs entry fee I have an extra 50 in my pocket which buys me a couple of beers. The entrance is free before 9pm except on Thursdays when its 8pm Thanks for the clarification. 50AED just to step over the threshold is probably not going to discourage the occasional visit but will discourage regular visits. What’s the betting they increase the weekend entry fee too?

For me, taxi fares are similar to Bur Dubai or the Snake so if I visit a couple of bars in the Golden Triangle, get one or two happy hour drinks in (most places 17 or 18 AED before 10) an one or two after my cost are around half of what they would be going to the ‘Snake.

01-22-08, 09:44

York, The best girl was a n Ethipian girl, really beautiful but she was with one of my colleagues so I could not take her. I will need to wait until his infatuation is gone. I took some really glamorous pictures of her at the Christmas party (but I will not post them because they are private ones and there is no nudity involved)

Cons68, I would request you to post the picture of that Ethiopian girl. I been there 3 times and couldnt trace her. If she really worth i dont mind to make regular visits.

Thanking you in advance.


Luper Calia
01-22-08, 10:06
Thanks for the name. Is it pronounced Dyna as in Dyna rod or deena?

Went to Seaview last night and the bank played happy birthday to Dyna at about 00.30 - so I guess it's today. Maybe you should roll up with a present tonight GS!

Delhi Friend
01-22-08, 15:32
I am visiting Dubai on 24th jan for 4 nights for the third time.

I have had a thorough study of the forums being new to this site.

I would like to share my past experiences before the latest

Last year I stayed in Hyatt Regency. I have gone through couple of reports mentioning some 'Diana' who is very unfriendly. Well guys, I think I also met this girl around that time too and to cut short, my experience was very similar. Wonder if she was the same one

Regarding the hotel, I read a report dated around that time on hotel information where there is a guy monitoring the elevators entry, gives you a smile, asks your room no. (for billing later, AED120 as room supplement), gets the passport copy of the girl everything was which I went through.

I remembered his name also for quite some time as he was from India.

I enjoyed my 2 out of 3 nights at Premiere itself. One was at cyclone which was open that time (March). I remember the CIS which I took from there bit my lips so hard to get them bluish the whole next couple of days.

All three nights I got CIS of good quality. I was pretty relaxed when having to pay extra as "room supplement" at hyatt regency after which I always felt safe.

This time, after getting to know so much from the reports on this site from fellow mongers, I have decided to stay on different hotels for couple of nights each. Crown Plaza to enjoy Zinc, Rattlesnake one night and golden triangle in bur Dubai the second night, then Raddisson SAS to enjoy Kubu and Premiere.

I have posted a briefing regarding hotels on hotel information forum where I have got some nice idea to try out a new place 'marbles' which I am not aware of at Raddisson from STEAMER33. THANKS MAITE

I would like to know any other suggession from anybody by which I might get to enjoy as per my schedule:

24th jan to 28th jan

Crown plaza 2 nights

Radisson 2 nights.


Tony #1
01-22-08, 18:12
Good afternnon fellas,

Hope all is well in Dubai, and I'm looking forward to my next visit its been almost a year and miss the old place, the UK doesnt compare. Any way last time I was there March 2007, just after cyclone closed down, I could see the cyclone was not what it once was, and I'm sure others can vouch for me that cyclone had to be one of the best punters paradise (with a smile) in the workd.

After cyclone We were mainly going to regal and the golden triangle area, but my question is if you could help me where are all the cis cyclone stunners these days. In novemeber I was frequenting premiere a lot as I like the whole club scence size etc and noticed a lot of ex cycloness there.

Any help on where the top cis talent is and the Chinese stunners would be appreciated.

Can't wait till the next trip.

Also fairmont, and the one and only arabian court, both very gf. Grand hyatt friendly but want a 100dhs to take a girl up. ALso very quickly if you know a girl and want to just go out with her for a meal dance and get away from the whole 'seedy' side the club mix in grand hyatt on a Sunday have a pilot night you pay an entrance fee and then all drinks free. Good value and there are some cis there but seem expensive.

Thanks fellas.

01-22-08, 19:19
I have posted a briefing regarding hotels on hotel information forum where I have got some nice idea to try out a new place 'marbles' which I am not aware of at Raddisson from STEAMER33. THANKS MAITEMy pleasure. As I have previously posted, don't expect too much quantity in Marbles which is the bar in the lobby where the cabs drop you off (normally between 10 and 20 WGs) but there is the occasional stunner.

But the three girls in the band are pretty cute (note: band plays every night but Saturdays) and if there's nothing doing its only a short walk up the from the lobby to Kubu.

Enjoy and be careful out there.


01-22-08, 21:42
... 50AED just to step over the threshold is probably not going to discourage the occasional visit but will discourage regular visits.I wish the 50DH would discourage me, but Rattlesnake is just too convenient to my home. A few work pals and I went out to celebrate the end of a project last night, and we were determined to have a party and get laid at the apartment of some WGs. But it was not to be. We ended up at Rattler, celebrating too much (translation: we all bullshitted laughed and drank too much all night). Last thing I remember was a pushy blonde CIS trying to hook me as Rattler closed. She'd had a few too many drinks, lost her patience with me when I refused to be tempted and shouted "DO YOU WANT ME OR NOT?!!"

My answer: "Not."

Indian Girls?
The photos of the Indian girl have encouraged me to finally try an Indian WG. I'll make a few calls tomorrow, but will keep my expectations low. I had two Indian non-WG girlfriends in my bachelor days (well, one was Sri Lankan), and they were hot hot hot in bed. But I hear Indian WGs are not that great.

Blonde Ambition
Meanwhile, I've almost tempted a very attractive and very buxom late-20s European blonde to join me on my one-week trip to Jordan and Egypt in a couple of weeks. Met her on a well-known networking website. She works as a manager of a fashion shop in Dubai. She knows the deal: travel expenses paid, travelling with a married man, seeing the sights, wining and dining, staying in a hotel room together over several nights, one thing led to another ... etc etc. Wish me luck.

01-23-08, 09:53
As one of my mates is currently in love with her I will not post any picture of hers. She may not even in York anymore as they may marry or somethign like that.

WR will see them in my place (and myabe Piper) but no public exhibition.


York, The best girl was a n Ethipian girl, really beautiful but she was with one of my colleagues so I could not take her. I will need to wait until his infatuation is gone. I took some really glamorous pictures of her at the Christmas party (but I will not post them because they are private ones and there is no nudity involved)

Cons68, I would request you to post the picture of that Ethiopian girl. I been there 3 times and couldnt trace her. If she really worth i dont mind to make regular visits.

Thanking you in advance.


Active Traveller
01-23-08, 17:42
Hi Guys,

I have been a member for over a year and have been a great admirer of the regulars and the stars of UAE ISG.

With your reports, knowledge and information, I have enjoyed a couple of good instances at times when the cat is away..

Thanks a lot for the information and for your guides.

However after I read one of the Rustam's old report on buying and using females, I am rather shocked that this culture still exists in the modern world.

I don't think I have even the worst words to describe this so called in-human treatment.

01-23-08, 18:39
Went to Seaview last night and the bank played happy birthday to Dyna at about 00.30 - so I guess it's today. Maybe you should roll up with a present tonight GS!Shit. Just logged on before bed and see I've missed my potential future 2nd wife's birthday. If i wasn't so tired due to watching that boring old fat queen playing in Abu Dhabi last night I would have been tempted to head on up the seaview.

01-24-08, 01:15
...it’s only SM if it consensual, safe and sane!.When I play S&M with a girl, we have a code-word which means "Please stop". Using the actual word 'stop' during the sessions is useless, as begging each other to stop is part of the frantic fun, so we use a code-word instead. I usually recommend the stop-word is 'yellow'.

I remember one night a girl crying out "Green! Ouch! ... I mean Orange! Owww! ... Blue! Ouch! ... What color was it again? Ouch!!!"


01-24-08, 06:43
Anyone heard recently of a MP located nearby Bank Street at the Burjaman Center junction?
Have a biz card with full address and was wondering whether it is purely legitimate or go the extra mile at least to a HE or more.

Wicked Roger
01-24-08, 15:33
Shit. Just logged on before bed and see I've missed my potential future 2nd wife's birthday. If i wasn't so tired due to watching that boring old fat queen playing in Abu Dhabi last night I would have been tempted to head on up the seaview.

And you admit in this forum as well...brave man :D

Also you are in AD and you did not call your good mate as he could have found you some company...but I suppose wifey may not be happy :)) and then would need to expalin who I am ....bit difficult

Member #3432
01-24-08, 17:01
Hi Dubai Guys,

I Hope all is well with you right now, I am in Bahrain on holiday right now 4th visit here worked here last year for 6 months and desperate to come back from good old boring dull expensive UK.

Well into the mongering scene here in Bahrain and never been too dissapointed
Now then !!!!! i have the opportunity to come to Dubai to work as a project manager on the new Dubai Mall but I am worried about cost of rental places over there and the general cost of living can some one advise me accordingly and what areas i should be looking at to live.

Having a look at the forum it would seem to be a more than healthy place in terms of availability of women and W/G's and everyone one says its the best place in the world to live right now come on guys convince or put me straight.

Any volunteers who gets to tell the girlfriend in the UK.

Enjoy your week-end.

Thanks John.

PM's most welcome Cheers

01-24-08, 18:20
Last Thursday had sms'd Miss York, the girl from the previous Thursday, she good enough to be awarded an encore.

Bad luck: Foiled by her monthly appointment. Postponed until this week.

Good luck: Miss HSSH (high school sweetheart) had also sms'd, wondering if I was headed to Seaview. The customer demographics at her regular office rather short on the preferred types, so she was looking for the cliched 'greener pastures'. She was aware of the Seaview's restrictive entrance policy, which was rather ironic, given she'd started there a couple of years ago. Tonight, she was looking for an escort. [She's a prime example that if you're nice to a newbie, she WILL remember.]

It being a Thursday, passed on going out, but she was more than welcome to come on over.

Bad luck: Unfortunately, I played Mr. Gallant and said I'd pick her up, rather than have her take a taxi. It was going on 9pm... BIG mistake - traffic solid from my place to downtown. The normal 20 minutes became 40.

Good luck: she has a way of making me forget the bad...

Friday, had an appointment with another HSSH, but after Thursday night, was feeling rather dehydrated, and wasn't sure if I could do justice to her full range of pleasures (another big on MUTUAL enjoyment - the obligations, the obligations...). Besides, after reading Zing's Seaview report, feeling a bit nostalgic, given I hadn't been there for a long time (well, a week anyway). So Seaview it was.

Seaview, Friday, 21:45 - 00:00
Initially sparse for a weekend. Tables filled, but the "highway" between the bar and the back row of tables was like George Bush's SZR - EMPTY.

Really didn't fill up until the 1st set was about over. Usual faces (nice to see familiar ones, but miss new faces...) Thought I might break my usual chinese menu, especially when a very nice -Stani stopped by to say hi (one day, Sporadic, one day). However, those plans eclipsed when Miss PRC reeled me in with her tractor-beam smile. No chance to escape THAT...

Enjoyed the music - again, some new songs FOR ME. At the break, a number of girls dancing. By then, had filled with the usual mix: some nice PRC's, 1 VERY stylishly attired - do appreciate when they make the effort; some nice -Stanis; a couple CIS. No africans. A few philipinas, but very run-of-the-mill. Several guys with "dates".

Summary: the attraction is the MIX of company AND music. For "company", better places to go, but... the Seaview does have it's attractions.

01-24-08, 18:21
Given a RARE late start time Tuesday, perfect chance for a Monday ST. Called 'Snake's Miss Smoker. Bit leary as she and I had had some "problems" the last time - she turning LT to ST. No real harm (more disappointment), as she let me know before we started. As posted several months back, easy decision: she was shown the door, sans taxi money, before anything happened. When I'd seen her at the 'Snake, climate a bit "chilly".

But now, she certainly seemed agreeable to a meet, especially ST (no doubt a comment on the business climate). Arranged to meet at the 'Snake. Again, using Zing as a source, got there at 8:45.

Rattlesnake, Monday, 20:45 - 21:20
Girls lined up to pay the entrance fee, get their "hospital" wrist bands, but given I was not planning multiple entry/exits, I didn't need the "visa", so bypassed the line.

Inside, it reminded me nothing so much as arriving early for a symphonic concert, where the musicians are milling around on stage, tuning their instruments, getting settled in. Like the early "concert", no 1st chair "violins" or maestros around yet, but 10-12 2nd/3rd chair PRC's, a couple of CIS (older, tuba player types), and 4-5 africans. 6-8 punters.

Pleasantly surprised when Smoker arrived soon after - an early tee-off time good for both of us. Great time, definitely another mid-week encore due.

Summary: If you actually leave early, then it is cost effective to get there before the entrance fee goes into effect (9pm weekdays, 8pm weekends?). However, if you're like me, and don't just want to stand around, empty handed, the increased time/drink consumption probably evens out. But fun to see the orchestra get ready for that night's concert, even if the 1st chairs wouldn't arrive for another hour or 2.

I'd say more a-listers there than at York on any given night, but the York has the space and numbers. Or did - talked to another mid-week pulled Yorkie who said that girls, given the LE induced fear, had been looking to branch out, but the question was where.

Again, will recommend that when you go out, make the maximum use of your time. Besides a girl (or 2) to take home THAT night, get another's phone number for future use. Sometimes, you just don't want to go out into the night...

Zing Uk
01-24-08, 21:10
Hey come on Zing, give the bloke a break, he is Swedish, and he is called Garbriel.

True or perhaps he is just intoxicated by the exhureance of his own verbosity :-)

01-25-08, 04:11
I ended up in Rattlesnake as usual on a Thursday night for after-work drinks with a couple of pals. The good news is that there were about 20 CIS girls at Rattler. One Russian girl was a true doll - Playboy material. But she wanted 2,000 for the night. I told her she was beautiful, but if she wanted those prices she should go to Premiere or Buddha Bar. She sighed said she usually does go to those places. Chatting more, I found she lives alone in an apartment block that I know well (near Rock Bottom, above a Chinese restaurant). I asked about an afternoon session, and she said 1,000. Took her number. Might call her and try for 600.

A few minutes later I was chatting to a part-Eritrean girl. She fits my fetish, as she looks 100% Indian. (My pals thought she was Indian). She's more likely to agree to photos than the Russian doll. Since I have a bad memory, I like to take photos for those Kodak moments, so I'll try her this week.

It's been a few weeks since I had a girl outside. I'm getting itchy.

Wicked Roger
01-25-08, 05:00
I ended up in Rattlesnake as usual on a Thursday night for after-work drinks with a couple of pals. The good news is that there were about 20 CIS girls at Rattler. One Russian girl was a true doll - Playboy material. But she wanted 2,000 for the night. I told her she was beautiful and she knew it, butif she wanted those prices she should go to Premiere or Buddha Bar. She sighed said she usually does go to those places. Chatting more, I found she lives alone in an apartment block that I know well (near Rock Bottom). I asked about an afternoon session, and she said 1,000. Took her number. Will call her and try for 600.

A few minutes later I was chatting to a part-Eritrean girl. She fits my fetish, as she looks 100% Indian. (My pals thought she was Indian). She's more likely to agree to photos than the Russian doll. Since I have a bad memory, I like to take photos for those Kodak moments, so I'll try her this week.

It's been a few weeks since I had a girl outside. I'm getting itchy.
So that is why you never called back :D

As for fetish.....am sure that is not the only one my friend :D

Zing Uk
01-25-08, 11:33
Wendesday night was my last evening in DXB for a couple of weeks before a business trip to UK\US so decided to make the most of it. I couldn't go to Rattler as Princess L and all her mates were in the house so would cramp my stlye.

I started off by going to Seaview around 9ish. Fairly quiet, a few WG's mostly PRC but a couple of CIS and Filipina's in the house although nothing stunning. Hung around for a couple of beers though enjoying the relaxed atmosphere, chatting to couple of the girls. I have to say they are very pleasant in Seaview, not quite the same aggression as in other venues. After the while the band struck up and I got my first taste of Mr Premature Lyrics, what a t*ss p*t! Still, he did make me laugh which is always a positive thing. It was also a lot quieter being a week day night than my last visit which was a weekend and the bar staff were much more accomodating. all-in-all a nice little trip to start the evening although nothing to take my fancy.

Around 11pm now so made my way up to Panaoram, I clocked the Imperial Suites on the way past. I've never been there before so its now on my list for a visit in the next month. When I got there Jockey's was jumping with a good mix of the usual suspects. Chatted to couple of PRC before a being cornered by an African girls claiming to be Ghanian. Not usually my first choice but she was very sweet and I was sorely tempted but still wanted to enjoy a bit more of the night so got her number for "another time" then headed out to York.

12pm in York and it was going full swing but not weekend busy so still able to do the circuit comfortably. I had a few cenjoyable chats mostly with previous aquaintences so was feeling very relaxed when I noticed a cute little PRC giving me the eye. When I went over to check her out realised that I had met her in Rattler about 3 months ago and although I got her number and we swapped a number of text the timing just never seemed to work for a get together. I remeber her being a bit of a livewire in Rattler. From there the rest of my evening was settled. I offer her 500 for LT and was amazed when she immediatley countered with "you offered me 700 in Rattler"......it was over 3 months ago and how many offers must they get? There is obviously an in-built mechanisim that records faces with numbers for them. Anyway, I just said "that was Rattler and this is York and its later". She didn't argue and we agreed on 500LT. She knew I was leaving early for a flight in the morning so was quite happy with the deal.

Turns out she goes by the name of Cat. About 5 foot tall, spinner body although a bit older, early 40's I guess but very cute looks for me. She had a tiger tattoo on her stomach (fake) but promied more pussy when we got home! She is a god lively girl at night and we had a good session at home. Fuck very well but bbbj a bit too much tissue happening for my liking but after a couple of shots I was happy enough. In the morning she was a totally different story and really p!ssed me off. Even trying to get anything basic from her was a disaster and she just didn't want to know. In effect she turned an LT into an ST by the morning refusal. I got a bit annoyed with her and made her get up get dressed and get out, I had to go to the airport anyway but the extra half hour relaxing would have made the flight so much better. I think if I had been able to hang around a bit longer she may have warmed up a bit to be fair but she spoilt it for me by her morning behavious which was ashame as she was a decent GFE the night before. I may try again sometime, if anyone has any expreience of her PM to swap notes.

Keep it Cocked,

Zing Uk
01-25-08, 11:38
Again, using Zing as a source, got there at 8:45.

Inside, it reminded me nothing so much as arriving early for a symphonic concert, where the musicians are milling around on stage, tuning their instruments, getting settled in. Like the early "concert", no 1st chair "violins" or maestros around yet, but 10-12 2nd/3rd chair PRC's, a couple of CIS (older, tuba player types), and 4-5 africans. 6-8 punters.

Pleasantly surprised when Smoker arrived soon after - an early tee-off time good for both of us. Great time, definitely another mid-week encore due.

Summary: If you actually leave early, then it is cost effective to get there before the entrance fee goes into effect (9pm weekdays, 8pm weekends?). However, if you're like me, and don't just want to stand around, empty handed, the increased time/drink consumption probably evens out.

I actually quite like the quiet time between 9pm and 10pm. There are always plenty of girls around and it gives you a chance to talk to them properly. I tend to leave around 1130ish so a good balance between chatting and enjoying the music but I do know what you mean about the first 20 to 30 minutes though, it can be a bit quiet.

01-25-08, 12:22
I have to say they are very pleasant in Seaview, not quite the same aggression as in other venues. Very True. Of course the PI and CIS are not much into active marketing, but the Seaview PRC's are for the most part quite laid back girl next door, GFE types, A good many of them have been back to my place with my flat mate so most know about or have met Miss DJ so they seldom waste there time on me.

They seem quite content to sit in the bar with him, leave near the end, stick around till early evening next day and some times even cook dinner.

01-25-08, 14:12
I couldn't go to Rattler as Princess L and all her mates were in the house so would cramp my stlye.Know how that is - it's Seaview for me, where EVERYONE knows who your gf is, and respects that... whether you want them to or not :)

And I do like the "non-aggressive" mode of the Seaview - a combination of management letting it be known that aggressive marketing is not appreciated, and the restrictive entrance policy does have the effect of making it a "Cheers" style bar.

After the while the band struck up and I got my first taste of Mr Premature Lyrics, what a t*ss p*t! Still, he did make me laugh which is always a positive thing.First time, "interesting". 2nd time, tolerable. 3rd time, enough... But EVERY night? SAME routine? Sad, really.

I've never been there before so its now on my list for a visit in the next month.Can be worth a visit EARLY, and NOT on a Thursday night. If they give you the "entrance charge", just say "Looks like York", and head for the door. While I might accept a 50 dhs/2 drink charge, any "surcharge" for visiting Imperial, no. (I have never had to pay, using the afore mentioned - and I have gone to the York rather than pay - it's a statement, not a threat).

Smaller than York, bigger (what isn't) than Seaview. Similiar floorplan (main bar) to 'Snake - the large dance floor in the middle, tables around the edges. Better floorplan than Snake, given the bigger area beteen bar and dance floor. Most "single" girls tend to congregate in this area, rather than "disappear" down the deadend side "aisles".

There are several satellite bars to the main one: Main: past the "entrance" desk a few steps, have to turn left, then a couple of stairs down to the main bar on the right.

Sat 1: 1 entrance just to left of entrance desk. Another entrance is past the main bar entrance (on the right), the 2nd entrance is down the hall to the left (toilets straight on, then right).

Sat 2: A DIFFERENT entrance - main bar's entrance is to the left of the hotel doors, as you face the hotel. 2nd Sat (acutally a "mexican" cafe - DON'T eat there), is to the right of the hotel entrance.

When I first visited Imperial, I made the mistake of thinking Sat 2 was the main bar - couldn't see what all the excitement was about. Did try the food - ONLY ONCE, though. Some girls do hang in the Sat 2 (or in Sat 1), just to get away from the noise/crowds of the main bar.

Heavy on the PRC's - it's an "entrance" level venue, where a new arrival goes while she learns the ropes, estabilishing her "market value". The good ones tend to move on, but there are always a few who do prefer to be tops at a venue - I've met several Miss Thursdays/Fridays there.

2nd most populus are the Africans - with the usual grabbing, not taking a hint. Some CIS/-Stanis, but most, to me anyway, look pretty hard and doubt there are any CIS FL's there.

Gems to be found, if you're lucky, but FOR ME, has always been 3rd tier: Rattlesnake (or Cyclone in its day), then York, then Imperial.

There is obviously an in-built mechanisim that records faces with numbers for them.Their mental databases are amazing. A midweek Yorkie I had over this week, I THOUGHT I had met her at 'Snake, last year. Talking about her 3 roommates, who I had independently met over the years (Cyclone, York), she informed me I had pulled her from the Cyclone 5 years ago. She'd bailed out early, wanting to return for a double header, I'd gotten upset, saying no repeat business. I'd forgotten, but she remembered exactly.

Post awhile back from someone hoping to get a reduced price from a CIS - given that all the girls have such databases, as posted, good luck.

In the morning she was a totally different story and really p!ssed me off. Even trying to get anything basic from her was a disaster and she just didn't want to know. In effect she turned an LT into an ST by the morning refusal. I don't know what the mentality is - she thinks I'm afraid to sleep alone? I need a human pillow? I might not want to drive her home late at night, but there is always a taxi.

For me, it's just understood that LT, sleeping over, implies a morning wakeup. I can understand if she doesn't want to put the effort into getting into the mood HERSELF, for her own enjoyment, so a simple bj just fine, doesn't have to be FS. But the "I go home now", jumping up and getting dressed? That's a "no repeat", for sure.

To avoid any "misunderstandings", 1st time I pull a girl, I will specifically mention a morning wakeup. I've certainly had them renege, but that only happens once :)

I actually quite like the quiet time between 9pm and 10pm. There are always plenty of girls around and it gives you a chance to talk to them properly. I tend to leave around 1130ish so a good balance between chatting and enjoying the music but I do know what you mean about the first 20 to 30 minutes though, it can be a bit quiet.I do the same, enjoying the 1st quiet hour, seeing who's around, having a chance to chat with "friends" as they arrive, before they go into "work" mode. And given my O'dark hundred alarm, I'll leave around the same time. Or, if it's a weekend, I'll pay the prime time surcharge as I do like to leave before midnight - much more "entertainment" to be enjoyed at home rather than the bar.

01-25-08, 16:31
So that is why you never called back :D

As for fetish.....am sure that is not the only one my friend :DSorry Rog - meant to call back once I was in Rattler, but it was crowded and noisy, then I got disracted by the Playboy Bunny (she was actually wearing a bodice, accentuating her ample features). I still cannot get over her perfect face - she almost looked airbrushed. To bad about her expensive attitude.

But I digress - will call you tonight. Maybe a trip to AD coming up soon. Too many 'beginning of year' celebrations happening recently - cramping time for my favorite hobby into oblivion. That has to change.

01-25-08, 18:18

And you admit in this forum as well...brave man :D

Also you are in AD and you did not call your good mate as he could have found you some company...but I suppose wifey may not be happy :)) and then would need to expalin who I am ....bit difficultIt takes a brave man to admit his mistakes. What is worse is that it was Dhs 590 down the drain which could have been spent in much better ways.

Would have given you call but missus was in tow so bit tricky. Only 5 months to go until the start of the summer holidays though. Not that I'm counting or anything!!

01-25-08, 19:04
Managed to get a pass for the night so arranged to meet some work colleagues for a few beers. After a few beers we decided to head over to watch the Seaview band as 2 of the lads were new to Dubai and needed corrupting. Arrived just before 11 so missed the 1st set. Some nice looking PRC and the usual filipinas. Also some CIS who frankly scare me. Especially the big girl who always seems to be in there.

Had texted Steamer33 earlier so I could buy him his beers and met up when he turned up. The band were excellent as usual and Dyna was looking especially hot. No sign of Mr premature lyrics. Hopefully he has been deported for cimes against music. No sign of Mr red shirted house of rising sun man. And there was me thinking he lived there.

For some reason we decided to take the new guys to visit rattler. Must have been about 1.30ish when we got there. Exact timing a bi of a beer induced blur. What a massive mistake. We should have stayed in Seaview. Rattler was absolutely mobbed with guys. Totally uncomfortable and even verging on the dangerous at times. Most of the best looking girls absent, probably already taken I suppose. My regular PRC from last year also absent as were all her mates so will have to check if she was caught up in the recent clear-out.

Managed to get a drink after ages at the bar only to be threatened with violence by some guy i accidently nudged against. 20 minutes later and another guy starts getting shirty and trying to pick a fight over incursions into his personal space. These incursions being unavoidable due to the volume of people. Probably coincidence but both guys threatening violence were scottish. More space back home I suppose.

Band were the same crap as usual. All in all a thoroughly horrible experience. I must remember never to go there on a Thursday again.

Got home maybe 3ish and managed not to wake the missus up so she was blissfully unaware of the time. I also managed to get out of the rattler without a big lipstick mark on my shirt like I had got the last time I was there before Christmas. The missus had spotted this first thing in the morning and interrogated me for hours.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

01-25-08, 22:07
Having picked up Miss Friday, chatting with her on the way back to my place. She'd just spent 3 days at the airport, waiting for her visa. Not too bad considering her roommate: 8 (EIGHT) DAYS waiting. At the airport. No bed, eating airport food...

And I'm thinking the authorities can't be too pleased to have a bunch of independent businesswomen camped out, waiting for visas.

Wicked Roger
01-26-08, 07:01
It takes a brave man to admit his mistakes. What is worse is that it was Dhs 590 down the drain which could have been spent in much better ways.

Would have given you call but missus was in tow so bit tricky. Only 5 months to go until the start of the summer holidays though. Not that I'm counting or anything!!
Fully understand GS, but I have met Piper's wife and she thinks I am a harmless but sweet old man......which is is the truth.

Was near your area yesterday having a very nice time with one of your favourites and then went back to Abu Dhabi for more with another one of my part timers. Greek day basically and so much fun...not that I would ever make you jealous.

01-26-08, 08:42
Arrived just before 11 so missed the 1st set. ... No sign of Mr premature lyrics. Hopefully he has been deported for cimes against music. No sign of Mr red shirted house of rising sun man.1st song, 1st set is Mr Premature's - EVERYONE likes to get the pain out of the way. Then he stumbles off elsewhere (hopefully).

Mr. House, though I don't know personally, seems a nice enough guy - singing WITH the band, and with a decent voice.

Same idea - opposite ends of the spectrum.

I must remember never to go there on a Thursday again.Thursday's a zoo at most places. If I have to go out, it's early, with a Cinderella departure for home.


Dropped off Miss Friday at home - I don't know what the problem was, but the traffic, around 11am, horrible downtown Bur Dubai. Finally made it out, back to SZR. Thought about having lunch at Applebees ... Like I said, thought... another place where the parking has been usurped by construction. That's Dubai - plenty of buildings, no parking.


Ah fame, so fleeting...
Thanks, Jackson, for doing some housecleaning...

01-26-08, 10:44
For some reason we decided to take the new guys to visit rattler. Must have been about 1.30ish when we got there. Exact timing a bi of a beer induced blur. What a massive mistake. Rattler was absolutely mobbed with guys. Totally uncomfortable and even verging on the dangerous at times. Most of the best looking girls absent, probably already taken I suppose.

Managed to get a drink after ages at the bar only to be threatened with violence by some guy i accidently nudged against. 20 minutes later and another guy starts getting shirty and trying to pick a fight over incursions into his personal space. These incursions being unavoidable due to the volume of people. Probably coincidence but both guys threatening violence were scottish. More space back home I suppose.

Band were the same crap as usual. All in all a thoroughly horrible experience. I must remember never to go there on a Thursday again.I agree - Rattler should be avoided on a Thursday night. But I ended up there around the same time as you (130am to 3am) as I was in a cab on the way home from Finnegans, and my pals decided we should stop on the way home to check it out. At first I refused, but I'm a pushover, so in we went.

BTW - that was me putting on a Scottish accent and threatening you for rubbing up against me. ;) But seriously, I also saw a few aggro drunks. My strategy when squeezing past them is to first give a very loud "Sorry mate!", and when they turn to look at me, I put on a helpless look which says "I can't help it if it's so crowded", and they usually move aside and let me get to the bar.

I also agree there were not to many good lookers (it was late after all), but surely you couldn't have missed the new love of my life - the tall young buxom Russian brunette in the bodice, tucked into the corner of the bar near the entrance.
Fully understand GS, but I have met Piper's wife and she thinks I am a harmless but sweet old man......which is is the truth. True, GS - you don't have to ever worry about WR meeting your wife. He manages to act like a perfect gentleman (somehow) ;).

Ah fame, so fleeting...
Thanks, Jackson, for doing some housecleaning...Agreed. Rushtam was a waste of space. Better to go to a fantasy fiction website.

Zing Uk
01-26-08, 11:41
Also some CIS who frankly scare me.

Ditto but I have promised to try one so it my mission when I get back to DXB next month

For some reason we decided to take the new guys to visit rattler.

Yup, Always a bad move on a Thursday

Probably coincidence but both guys threatening violence were scottish. More space back home I suppose.

Probably not, it was only after I had left Scotalnd a while I suddenly realised that I hadn't seen a pub fight in 6 months. I don't know what its like there now as I left many years ago but certainly on any given Friday or Saturday night on the town seeing two or three punch ups wasn't uncommom and you were always guaranteed at least one. I don't know what it is about us and drink as we are generally nice if uniltelligble the rest of the time. BTW, it wasn't me, I was out of town, anyway I just focus on the women

Band were the same crap as usual.

Have to disagree on this one, I think the band in Rattler is better than the Seaview band although I do realise I'm going to get sledged for that! Seaview look better though

Keep it Cocked,

01-26-08, 12:31
Have to disagree on this one, I think the band in Rattler is better than the Seaview band although I do realise I'm going to get sledged for that! Seaview look better thoughNow that is fighting talk! LoL.

I have not seen the Rattler band for a while, I think the last time I was there was in Ramadan. Prior to that I noticed they girls had got quite “frumpy” maybe to set an example given ladies dress code posted at the door?

A lot may depend on your taste in music. I recently put together a "Seaview" playlist for my iPod and found that a good 75% of the songs were already in my music collection; the same could not be said for the Soundsations repertoire.

And “Mr Prancy” does have a good voice, but he brings out my homophobic side!

01-26-08, 16:25
I think the band in Rattler is better than the Seaview band although I do realise I'm going to get sledged for that! Seaview look better 'Snake is one of the few places where I prefer the dj to the band... :)

01-27-08, 18:22
'Snake is one of the few places where I prefer the dj to the band... :)On the subject of fat, ageing, boring queens even Elton John was better than the prat with the hat in the snake band. And he was absolute shite!!

However, tomorrow night may be either a Seaview or Rattler night dependant on how long I can be bothered to sit in a cab. At least the bonus for getting in early as pointed out by Zing is no entrance fee plus the band will not have started. That's if the missus lets me out anyway.

01-27-08, 18:24
No sign of Mr premature lyrics. Hopefully he has been deported for cimes against music. GS, I went back to Seaview on Friday and Saturday night with my Filipina. A full FR to follow when I get time.

Good news: Got to talk to some of the band members between sets including your goddess. She waved to me when I arrived on Saturday! Helped that I was with the band's friends to break down some barriers.

Bad news 1: Mr Premature lyrics there both night. Saturday's performance was horrific. Annhilated American Pie. Everybody was cringing. How Cherie didn't whack him with her bass I don't know. She looked mortified even though she's seen it all before.

Bad news 2: Heard that the reason Joanne was "sent back" to the Philippines by the band and replaced was because she got involved with a punter. Not verified the story yet. But it seems that the band have a strict code of conduct among themselves regarding such things and if anyone breaks it they are out. Like I say, trying to get confirmation.

Full report on "three nights in Seaview" to follow when I get a chance.

And thanks for the beer. Let's do it again sometime.

Be careful out there.


01-28-08, 00:11
With the hint of the hotel concierge I ended up at a (chinese) MP located in a side street, a couple of hundred yards from Burjaman Center.
Clearly visible when walking to the building, a door located at the ground floor at your left, let you in a small reception area with a couch in case you have to wait.
A chinese guy shows you the price list, going from 100Dh for an hour of massage up to more for more.
They have about 6 girls working there, all with her own room, clean and tidy, a bit more than a cubicle with dimmed light.
There is the possibility to have a look at the (free) girls in their rooms to chose.

Pay the guy the 100Dh and picked up Lisa (or Lisha), about 25yo, not slim, but not chubby, from Bejing.
A 6 in her look, a 6-7 in her massage skills (improved to an 8 when she handled the head/face toward the end of the session). 3 months in service there.

Off your clothes, she stays fully dressed (with tight pants and a large top) while she gets into the job with oil.
At some point she starts fondling you quite clearly and when you turn she goes to the HJ without much need of an encouragement. Bit more complicate to have her allowing you to browse under her clothing, but a bit can be achieved.
The happy (hand) ending eventually comes to an end and she thouroughly clean you and after she wash her hands in the nearby washroom, she then continue the massage till the hour is gone.
Tipped her 100Dh, she did not seem happy (what a wonder!) but was already meaning to add another 20 for the nice (upper) head massage. That put a smile on her face and she ventured in a sincere hug.
A 6 to 7 in her HJ rate.

Went again the day after to see if, getting Lisa again, would have seen more availabilty from the girl to test the waters for their limit.
I was told by a friend that a FS is out of question, and the HJ is not for all. With the bit of racism one encounters in some of the asian, dark skinned people (or even locals) do not even get close to the HJ!
Lisha seemed off, so I was recommended (as probably the only one available) Nini.
From the Bejing's province, Nini is 30, a 7 in her look (if only could see her body in ful, maybe a 8), a 7 in her massage skills and a good 8 in her HJ activity. She has two twins of 4 back home, and is in DXB since 3 years. Seems quite happy of the money she makes. Dressed casually with loose trousers, very nice long black hair, she shows great attitude and knows how to laugh and entertain some conversation even about the activity there. Her english is basic but sufficient, she even handles some arabic words.
She started with no oil massage on the back, but then, when switched to oil she dedicated quite some time to the area of my john. She asked how much I was ready to give her to carry on the HJ and upon confirmation I was ready to give the standard rate she happily proceeded with attention, care and good dedication.
She let me wander my hand on her upper body without a problem (lower parts were clearly unreachable due to the pants) and could feel her nipple reacting to the fondling
She knows how to please the man and make good use of her hands and some oil to increase the pleasure and she milks away till the last drop.
The usual cleaning and second part of the massage lead to the end of the time.
Was the last night for me in DBX and decided to be nice to a nice job (even if basic as a HJ) so after giving her the customary 100Dh I made her understand a tip was coming up and her smile was from ear to ear when she saw a 50Dh note coming up.
She was over the top and thanked me twice and kissed me.

Overpaid? maybe, but what's 10€ extra....at the end of the day?

MP map available on request, just PM me.


01-28-08, 05:17
But it seems that the band have a strict code of conduct among themselves regarding such things and if anyone breaks it they are out. That seems perfectly plausible. Apparently the band's owner / manager is an Emirati and he is likely to be the one that imposes the rules.

I did also see a TV documentary on Dubai entertainment a year of two back that showed a P.I. band in a 5 star and it was mentioned that the girls were forbidden from “fraternizing” with customers.

As I mentioned before I have heard guys have been ejected for making “inappropriate comments” to the band members.

01-28-08, 13:22
I visited a Chinese MP in a building located near Spinneys on Al-Mankhool Road. The place is quite large and clean but only had about 7 workers there. All of them were average in looks and as I dont know who would be better, choose the one who is similing the most. In my case this is Julie. Entrance fee is 100 Dh for an hour.

I was taken to a small room (massage bed and a recliner), asked to strip down and wear one of their loose shorts. The girl herself continues wearing clothes including a blouse that is buttoned up real high so no chance of roaming hands. About half way through a decent massage she has her hands in all the right areas. She then puts one finger on her lips (basically telling me to stay quite) and proceeds to give me a HJ. There is no mention of any money at all. After the deed is done, she cleans up with a hot towel and proceeds with the massage. When the hour is over, I change and give her a 70 Dh tip. SHe is quite happy and tells me to ask for her the next time I am there.

I am not sure if the girl is doing this on the side or this is just the way the outfil operates. However, for 170 Dh you get a good massage with a happy ending.

01-28-08, 17:48
Guys..any help where to pick up some WG's during the day..

01-28-08, 18:31
Guys..any help where to pick up some WG's during the day..

Before Noon: Near Spinneys Karama

Afternoon: Golden Triangle

Recommended: Go out one evening, smile, talk, and collect numbers**.

G'luck. (all the snappy signoffs are taken)


** = (at a wg bar, unless you enjoy getting to know your cellmates)

01-28-08, 18:57
Guys..any help where to pick up some WG's during the day..Broadway Hotel Coffee Shop, TGIT - Astoria Hotel. See Speilmans bar listing in the reports of distinction for details and search.

The George Hotel (??) in Deira has also been mentioned as a source of daytime action.

BUT Poonhound's suggestion of going out one evening and collecting some numbers is the best solution.

01-29-08, 00:46
I visited a Chinese MP in a building located near Spinneys on Al-Mankhool Road. The place is quite large and clean but only had about 7 workers there. All of them were average in looks and as I dont know who would be better, choose the one who is similing the most. In my case this is Julie. Entrance fee is 100 Dh for an hour.
I was taken to a small room (massage bed and a recliner), asked to strip down and wear one of their loose shorts. The girl herself continues wearing clothes including a blouse that is buttoned up real high so no chance of roaming hands. About half way through a decent massage she has her hands in all the right areas. She then puts one finger on her lips (basically telling me to stay quite) and proceeds to give me a HJ. There is no mention of any money at all. After the deed is done, she cleans up with a hot towel and proceeds with the massage. When the hour is over, I change and give her a 70 Dh tip. SHe is quite happy and tells me to ask for her the next time I am there.
I am not sure if the girl is doing this on the side or this is just the way the outfil operates. However, for 170 Dh you get a good massage with a happy ending.

I think we have been to the same place:)
Is the entrance from the lobby of what appears to be a residential or office building?
I just tipped the ladies more, lol, but I had the chance to browse around the upper parts of one and above the clothing of the other one.
I do not think the management is unaware, they simply close their eyes.

01-29-08, 11:39
I think we have been to the same place:)
Is the entrance from the lobby of what appears to be a residential or office building?
I just tipped the ladies more, lol, but I had the chance to browse around the upper parts of one and above the clothing of the other one.
I do not think the management is unaware, they simply close their eyes.

The place is on the second floor of the building next to lots of legit offices.

01-29-08, 15:16
Can somebody please tell me - what exactly is the Golden Triangle?


01-29-08, 16:53
Before Noon: Near Spinneys Karama

Afternoon: Golden Triangle

Recommended: Go out one evening, smile, talk, and collect numbers**.

G'luck. (all the snappy signoffs are taken)


** = (at a wg bar, unless you enjoy getting to know your cellmates)

Thanks mate...will be a short trip so i wonder how many numbers i can collect for the next day :) But thanks anyways mate...appreciate ur help

But the good part is i'm stayin in Bur dubai so should have plenty of options...previous 2 trips parked my ass at frds place..so was easy to have locals around..unfortunately he moved back...Btw any idea how girlfriendly is this Admiral Plaza Hotel?

Adios ;)

Punter 101
01-29-08, 18:31
Not to spoil anyone's party. I've seen and heard alot of our fellow mongers going bareback in Dubai. This is just a reminder to show the risk of the hobby. Dubai isn't as clean and safe as everyone presumes. Be safe, have fun!


650 cases of sexually-transmitted diseases reported in Dubai in 16 months

By Nina Muslim, Staff Reporter
Published: January 27, 2008, 17:24

Dubai: Almost 650 cases of sexually-transmitted diseases were reported in the emirate in the span of 16 months, mostly among young women who caught it from their husbands.

From May 2006 to September 2007, 647 cases were seen at Al Badaa Health Centre, which is where the government-run sexually-transmitted disease (STD) clinic is located.

STD cases have also almost doubled in the four-year period between 2000 and 2003, comprising 3.64 per cent of overall medical cases in 2000 to 5.15 per cent in 2003, the latest analysis available.

The Department of Health and Medical Services (Dohms) released the statistics in the lead up to next week's conference of the International Union against Sexually Transmitted Infections and the Annual International Infectious Disease Congress.
Click Here!

Dr Kamal Faour, head of obstetrics and gynaecology at Maktoum Hospital, and co-chair of the conference, told the press the cases mostly comprised Emirati women in their early 30s.

"I can say the women are victims because they caught the disease from their husbands," he said.

He also said Emirati women comprised the bulk of cases because the statistics only reflected visits to public health facilities, which tend to see more locals than expatriates. The actual figure for STDs in Dubai is unknown.

"The (real) number is more because cases at private clinics and hospitals are not being reported. They are underreported because of the stigma," he said.
Dr. Faour blamed the increase of STDs, most of which are genital warts, genital herpes and gonorrhea, on ignorance and globalisation.

"People do not have awareness of the diseases because STDs are a taboo subject," he said.

"That is why we are holding the conference, to show how serious and dangerous these diseases are so that we can decrease the complications and costs of the disease."

Health complications and consequences of STDs include cancer and infertility, and could cause disability to newborns during delivery. Having an STD also increases one's chances of contracting HIV, the virus which causes AIDS.

The congress will discuss STD rapid diagnostic tests and the ethics of STD reporting. Speakers include officials from World Health Organisation and U.S.-based Centres for Disease Control.

Delhi Friend
01-29-08, 19:44
Targets ACHIEVED GUYSSSS, I am back to India after my 4 days trip.

I am COMPLETELY EXHAUSTED guys as my trip was full of FUN FUN & FUN.

Had 8 girls in bed in 4 days. I enjoyed with my friend staying there. This is how I enjoyed every bit of my stay in Dubai.

I reached Dubai in afternoon 24th Jan and checked in at crowne Plaza, shiekh zayed road. I slept for 4-5 hours. My friend came to the hotel in evening and we went to Harvesters right away for some evening fun. Saw a couple of PRCs. Just a drink and I moved out as I had set some targets to achieve on this Leisure trip of mine. I wanted to enjoy every bit of ISG besides my experience from last two trips. I had to reach Rattlesnake before 8pm on Thursday as I read Zing UK here posted in a report very recently, saying that on Thursday there is entry after 8pm. It was empty with only 4-5 guys sitting at the bar. I knew my plan so I hung there with my friend and we had a Red Bull each. At 8:30pm the girls started to enter. One by one. Africans, PRCs. A normal place which I liked however the girls were not of my choice. My friend left at 9:45 since he has a night shift job in hand and I took a taxi for The Mix at Grand Hyatt. I reached at 10. It was closed. Learnt that it will open at 10: 30. I took an opportunity to have my dinner there at the hotel restaurant. At 10: 30 the club opened and very soon I learnt that it was a very good quality pub to enjoy your drinks and dance. Not for mongering. I left at 11 and thought of going to Premiere. I changed my mind (since I knew premiere from last trip when I stayed at Hyatt regency) and thought of checking out the other clubs. Being in deira that time of the night, I went to Moscow hotel. I had it in my list from ISG reports. Hmmmm good CIS crowd of medium range. I ordered for a red bull & decided to take my first girl there. Started talking. All 1500-1000 LT. Without wasting much time, I finalized a CIS for 1000 full night.

She asked me to reach my hotel and she will reach directly to my room. Hmmmm very comfortable for me. She came fully covered in Black gown which I cud easily understand the reason for. I did not bother to ask how she came, did anybody stopped etc. Excellent company she was totally GFE rather I must say she was wifely experience. I was lucky. NO BJ but guys I must say I never missed a BJ. She was awesome in bed. Had 3 shots and a long message session with oil. I carried a bottle of baby oil with me from India I sent her at 4 am as I always like to sleep alone and hard.

I slept till 9 in the morning, had my lovely buffet breakfast, then came up to my room and slept again at 10 till I got up at 3pm.

To keep this report short and simple for a one time reader, I will continue with DAY 2, 25th January in next report.

I am very tired as I had to catch up with my work here the first day I reached India. I will write my DAY 2 report tomorow. Take care guys.

01-29-08, 20:15

Bad news 1: Mr Premature lyrics there both night. Saturday's performance was horrific. Annhilated American Pie.As I posted, 1st set, 1st song is always American Pie so everyone can get the pain out of the way.

Been a long time since I've heard "Sweet Child of Mine" - which set is that in these days?

...will be a short trip so i wonder how many numbers i can collect for the next day Question is, how many do you want to collect? It is so easy... I have no trouble getting a couple in 20/30 minutes - the trouble is, having the time, and the memory of who she was, to use them.

Btw any idea how girlfriendly is this Admiral Plaza Hotel?
YEARS ago, was girl friendly. However, couple of years back, reports said they "went family", so not. About the same time, they did away with the bar where girls used to go when TGIT closed in the afternoon. Have not read any reports for a long time about the AP, so... up to you.

01-29-08, 22:24
Hey there guys. Finally I get to do a 'current affairs' report as I'm just back from a fluid draining hol in Dubai.

Cutting the crap as others know who have read my previous reports I like grade A 8+ rated ass. So I love to hunt around the lovely bars of fair Dubai. For this trip I distilled it down to a potent list of girl next door heaven hangouts. Good old favourite Premiere (Hyatt regency), small but perfectly formed Kubu (Radisson RAC), and the outrageously cheezy Rockafellas (regal).

Now this triad of sin is potent grade A CIS centrals (moscow bar is a joke BTW). I arrive on sat mane at my monger friendly Fairmont shag office and sleep well for the night.

Sat sun pass with holiday ease but mon is hunting season. I decide to try Rockafellas for the first time. 75 DHS entrance at 11. 30 and the place is filling nicely. First impression is an upmarket yorke setup but with the cheeze factor cranked up. The band (2 phillapina man kids with white ghetto clothes obsessions) are not bad and the DJ plays decent house music in between 20 min band sets. I circle the you shaped room with its reserved tables and increasing WG. The inderpendants seem to stand near the entrance, the controller managed girls stand to the left near one bar facing the dance floore, the right side seems to be some VIP WG arena wear snobby CIS chainsmoke and text on cheap Dolche gabbana knock offs. I rear to the left side and see a sweet 16 looking CIS in summer knee rolled up jeans and tight top. Karina is her name looks like a russian gymnast who got dropped from the national team for being too curvy! Some desperate middle aged man nabs in as I'm chatting to close a deal. Karina smiles at me and says sorry she charges him 1000 LT but 2 min earlier was telling me 700! I feel flattered but she leaves after much fuss between the punter and her big middleaged blonde controller.

One for later in the week me thinks and I carry on. By 12 the place is packed and people constantly brush past you as you try to enjoy the band (very irritating). Then I see a CIS sex machine. Long curly blonde hair skinny but oh my god has to have the finest torso and ass in the place! 9+ body face ok but not equal to the rest. She is texting and she smiles at me. Walk up near the dance floore her name is Milano but she is already 'booked' for a couple of days as she texts some punter over the phone. Don't bother to get her number. She is what I call a 'saturated WG' (won't be interested due to her demand). Shame as she gives me a hard on as she dances with her kasikstan friend and other token ugly CIS hanger on.

I monitor the right wing of the bar. There seem to be a few very fit girls who seem WG but banter with each other and go on the dance floore frequently. My impression is of 'selective WG' who only go with high flyers or men they like the look of.

At this point I see a friend of Christina (RTFF from my previous reports) she shagged me to death in NOV 07. She gives me christinas number which I previously lost and her own (naturally. Wink). So I have my regular back in the phone for later in the week my mood improves as my hunt continues. I decide to buzz down to premieire at 1 am and check out the juicy.

The choice is disappointing maybe the good ones have gone or maybe mon is an off night. Decide to call it quits and go back to hotel.

The next day I ring christina (blonde size 8 aged 35 but looks 25) who flatters me with I missed you stuff. She agrees to meet me in Mai tai bar in crowne plaza. She is as I remember her a fluid draining moscow special. This girl knows how to dress. She is as I've mentioned before an escort like WG with GFE rolled in. She gets very drunk and we go back to fairmont (these guys are class. A smile, a nod, I even think they will shake my hand for my nights catch! )

Back in my room Christina is even more revenous then before I think the 3 bowl filled vodka puka puka cocktails have something to do with it. She rips my shirt off and launches me to the bed where BBBJ, BL, BLS get me a bit excited! She gets up does her legendary strip routine (RTFF reports) places an open gown on with nothing else and proceeds to use the pocket rocket I gave her to get all well moist! I watch as she FIVs to O point. Then comes over to DFK me.

At this point I should point out It turns out she is now a selective WG only working certain days she wishes for regulars charging up to 6000 Dhs but as she knows me the standard 1200 applies just like when we first met. Apprently she now works for herself after paying off the operation she needed to get for a close relative.

She is worth it. Cow girl, reverse, DS, DT, standing, and even FUTB man I should of got her drunk last time too. She even wanted me dildo her GS with the rocket in missionary. It was you guesed it another fluid draining night. Wow brains and she shagged mine out come to mind alot!

Anyway Part II of my overlong reprts will be up soon where I meet a very different type of girl and talk to a guy about her that just maybe on this forum. Maybe Hope you enjoyed the read part II is more intriguing.

WhySoSerious. Seriously I had no body fluids left guys. Water water!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

01-30-08, 00:27
The place is on the second floor of the building next to lots of legit offices.
ehmm... so it is another one. Do you mind exchanging the biz card in PM?

01-30-08, 01:35
Hi there. I am going to be passing through Dubai in a couple of weeks' time. I have ever been out and about there before. I have an 8 hr layover and I understand you can get out of the airport if you wish. Anyway, the only reason I would want to is for some action. Only problem is that I am there from around midnight to 7am local time.

Can you please advise if there is any action to be had at that time and what costs I am looking at? It is a Sat night by the way. Also, I will need a girl friendly room to go to. Do the girls have this under control? Is it safe?

Any help would be appreciated.



01-30-08, 02:55
Can somebody please tell me - what exactly is the Golden Triangle?Area between York, Rockafellas (Regal Plaza), and say Jockey's (Panarama Hotel), including Imperial Suites and the Ramada.


01-30-08, 05:25
Can you please advise if there is any action to be had at that time and what costs I am looking at? It is a Sat night by the way. Also, I will need a girl friendly room to go to. Do the girls have this under control? Is it safe?.Bars close at 2 AM. My advice. Get a taxi to the York Hotel in Bur Dubai. A quick seach of the thread for YORK will fill you in on what to expect, recent price reports etc.

Why the York? The last few times I was there several of the PRC girls I talked to were very keen to offer "their place", the same with Africans. In my experience CIS are less likley to have a place where you can go. It's not the palce for A list stunners but there are always a lot of girls there and unless you are very fussy you will find one you like.

What will "her place" be like? - Clarify where you are going before you seal the deal. I have no recent experience but in a some of cases it will be an appartment where rooms are rented out by the hour. In this case you may have to pay for the room, and she may neglect to mention that if you don't ask. Some girls have reasonable appartments where thay can take guys, but many will live in barracks type accomodation, 8 to a room. They are a real eyeopener! - Ask how may people in her appartment!

Is it Safe Chances of getting robbed are low. LE activity would be my main concern. There was a big purge at the end of last year where appartments and incall "MP" type establishments were being raided, this seems to have died down a bit now.

01-30-08, 11:58
Anybody know anything about this hotel? Is there a scene. Is it GF?

If not any good places nearby.

Thank you.

Delhi Friend
01-30-08, 13:31
Hi guys, heres my second day of the trip at crowne plaza.

Went to emirates mall for some shopping in daytime with my friend who left in the evening. Reached back to my hotel got freshened up and straight away hit the Zinc at the lobby of the hotel. It was quite with not much of mongering activity. Only couples were allowed to get in. I liked the place however with its good area & ambiance inside. Did not stay for much long and went to the Premiere Club as I did not want to waste my time like last night going around places. I knew where to get my 8-10 rating girls and to have the best use of my holidays. 95 dhs entry fee at 11. 30 pm. I had a sigh of relief when I entered as I felt relaxed after getting back to the place again after 10 months and found my choice of girls. Off with my glass of Red Bull and started going round the dance floor area. Keeping in mind my motive of coming to Dubai for short holiday trip, I decided to stick around to the ST mark.

Had a word with a nice CIS and finalised on 600 ST. Went straight away to my hotel. It was good session of one shot with the lady being very supportive. Finished with her around 1:30am. She was to back to premiere and me too. Instead of giving her taxi fare (which she was asking for) I decided to take her along with me. I went inside again (had the entry stamped on my wrist) and knowing I had time to pick one more for the LT till 3am, I took a red bull and started looking off again. Around 2:30, I finalized a stunner CIS 6'2" tall for 1000 LT. Went back to hotel and enjoyed with her till 5 am. Had a couple of rounds with her. She was not much GFE but yes she was ok for which she was being paid.

Slept after a satisfactory day 2.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

01-30-08, 14:04
Bars close at 2 AM.

Ask how may people in her appartment!
Did they change the hours? I thought they closed at 3am, with lights on about 2:30-2:45. I personally wouldn't know, being the Cinderella type myself.

That's the best way to determine if she'll use a 3rd party's apt, or her own. As BC says, do expect to pay for the room, 50 to 100 dhs extra.

01-30-08, 20:57
Did they change the hours? I thought they closed at 3am, with lights on about 2:30-2:45. I personally wouldn't know, being the Cinderella type myself.

That's the best way to determine if she'll use a 3rd party's apt, or her own. As BC says, do expect to pay for the room, 50 to 100 dhs extra.You're right 11B. Bars close 3am with last orders/lights up about 2.30, sometimes a touch later. York probably best if you're looking for her place as many live in the Bur Dubai area so only a short cab ride. Just ask before you seal the deal whether price includes "house money".

After chucking out time between 3am-4am many WGs hang around Bank Street near to York - mainly PRC and Africans. In the distant past found the odd jewel in the crown there. I happened to go that way home in cab at that time after Seaview last Thursday and the crowd was still there, looked like plenty of choice. But you must be discreet if you pick up on the street as LE often about, though their activity has definitely quietened down in past couple of weeks, according to my sources and my own observations.

Safe method: Pick one you like, do the negotiations quietly and quickly then walk away from the throng a little way before hailing a cab. Don't hold hands with her in the street, don't exchange any cash in the street or in the cab and you'll be OK.

Be careful out there.
