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08-11-08, 04:02
Fellow Mongers

My first posting in this forum is an example for making any possible mistake in the mongering-business.

I am a 48 year old mongerer from Germany and arrived today at 12am in Dubai/Metropolitan Hotel Sheik Zahed Road.

Took a shower and went to the Rattlesnake (I read the UAE forum for some time and know the business from the reports and from two visits in May this year).

Right after entering the Disco I had eye-contact with an Arabic looking girl. After some minutes she came to me and asked the "normal" things (where are you from, your name, and so on.).

She promised me almost everything but I told her that I need some more time. She left me alone, and after some more minutes a (older) blonde Russian girl came to me and asked the "normal" things and even touched my ass and.

I told her, that I don't like her and she went away.

Then I had eye-contact with a cute small girl, maybe a Pilipina.

She came over and I did not understand her, because of her (and my) bad English and the loud band. I think she tried to recommend her girlfriend to me, or both two girls.

Both girls stood some minutes beneath me but they didn't talk any more.

After a while I went upstairs to the pool table. The Arabic/Lebanese girl (shams was her name) followed soon.

Again she promised me almost every sexual-techniques a man can imagine.

I asked for the price and she said 1500dhs Lt. It's much too much, I told her. I told her, that I have not so much dhs with me, only euro.

No problem, she said.

To cut a long story short, after 1000 times of: "I am the best. I am Arabic not Chinese, or Russian, I make good sex, I do the best Arabic massage, trust me. " I agreed and we went to the Hotel room.

She gave passport copy to the hotel-security (she called him Chocolate); he asked for my room number and let us go.

In the Room she asked me to give her the money before sex. I didn't agree but she told me something about her "manager" and that he advised her to do so.

I gave her 200 Euro plus 100Dhs for the taxi. (1st mistake)

She was happy, undressed and took a condom out of her bag.

I told her that I would prefer a slow action because of the long flight and much too much alcohol at a Pizza-party yesterday in Germany.

She said, she wants the first act, fast and strong. OK, . Let's go.

Suddenly she stopped, and asked for an other 500Dhs. Why? Because for that extra 500Dhs she will do BBBJ, ass-fuck and so on.

OK, I gave her 500Dhs (almost every Dhs I changed at the airport and 2nd Mistake). She began with the BBBJ but after 30sec she wanted me to take her doggy-style (she on the bed and I in front of it).

I did so and "Shams" (the Arabic name for sun, she said) shouted: come, come, try to come fast, I need it.

After some two or three minutes of "ramming" that, very dry, pussy I stopped and asked her to do some other positions.

She hopped off the bed and told me, that she has forgotten something in the disco and she will be back in 5 or 10 minutes.

I told her, that I will make problems to her, if she doesn't come back.

She answered, nobody will ever make her problems, because her friend is a policeman, but I can trust her and she will be back in any case.

OK, that was at 2:40pm and now (04:40pm) I am still alone in my room.

Shame, shame, what a shame for an old mongerer like me.

It's my first night (of 8) in Dubai and I am 100% tricked.

I apologize for my bad English and that's also the reason that I did not write reports of my 2 stays in Dubai in may this year (me and Arabic girl Linda from the Rockafellas-Club was a much better love-story! ), but today I "had to" report my "experience" to this forum.

Warning! Don't ever trust the Lebanese-Girl "Shams" from the Rattlesnake-Club!


Captain B

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

(Tomorrow I will try some PRC or PI-Girl)

Don’t pay first and if she can’t accept that tell her to bounce. The girls do that so they can offer poor performance. When you get your car fixed do you pay the mechanic first? Or offer half now and the rest after the deal is done.

For all the beginners to Dubai I recommend the Filipinas and the Africans. You need to build up your repertoire. These girls from these other countries to me are like “advanced” mongering if you will. I have been mongering in Dubai since 2005 and in all these cases I have not had one Filipina or African try to leave early or rip me off. Had one African renege on a prepostitioned BBBJ but nothing major. Now as for the EE/Chinese girls that’s another story.

Guys be careful and never trust a hooker

Fiend Devil
08-11-08, 13:27
After being KO'd most of the day from the previous night of boozing me friend and I got some grub in the nice Chinese restaurant beside York. It's very cheap in there, very quick service (less than 10 minutes for all the dishes) and good quality.

We got a taxi over to Seaview. I had to check out the band after reading some of Steve Dubai posts.

Took a while to find it as we were in the front of the hotel and there is no directions but I remember reading it was out the back so we figured it out. It's looks really dodgy walking out to the club but once in its ok. We arrived about 9pm. Nothing really happening. Mostly PRC's, maybe about 30 girls in total and 10 guys in the bar.

The band came on at 10. My friend and I listend and drank for an hour. They are quite entertaining. Good cover versions of Queen's Somebody to Love and Gimme all your loving. I wasn't totally blown away though. I've seen better in SE-Asia in most bars.

My friend and I were in the corner avoiding watching WG eyes so we went up to the bar to have a better view of the talent. Double Vodka's and Red Bull were flowing. The little filipino waitress thought we were mad as we were drinking the glasses in one go. We needed a kick though.

I spotted a quite nice looking PRC in a long red dress at the bar. Looked more of a normal girl than a ho. That is what attracted me. Asked how much for LT in mandarin. She was floored by the chinese. I knew instant GFE here. She thought about it and went for 700.

I try to tell her in chinese that my friend wants a Russian girl tonight and that I want her to come with me and him to Regal. She doesn't get it initially but understands what I meant eventually. She's only been in Dubai 1 month and really has no english at all. Exactly what I like. She claims '25' years old. I guess 30 at that time.

We hit Regal. Mojito's are amazing in there and dead cheap. I recommend them to everybody. Me and my PRC engage in some dancing while my friend mongers. My friend eventually finds a Russian. She wants 1500 initally. He gets it down to 1000.

The irish blood in me and my pal mean that we still need more booze so we go to York with the girls. Once in my PRC is starting to fall in love I think. She tells me no man ever pay for her to go into a club before.

After some drinks we head back to Sheraton. No problem again at reception. Bell boy shakes my hand and gives me the wink.

Inside the lift PRC is all over me. I rip off the nice dress she had on and we get to the action. Great DFK, BBBJ and FS. I get a nice CIM after a long long session. As I am shagging her I think the girl seems too nice for the business she is in.

Later she tells me that her friend cheat her to come to Dubai. Her friend in Dubai told her lots of work in Dubai and she come to find work but can't find any as she doesnt speak any english. She lives with 10 other PRC's in 2 bedrooms. She told me she pays 3000 a month to mamasan for accommodation. She says she wishes to meet a man like me every night who treat her not a like a hooker but like a normal woman.

I wake up at about 9 am to have her sucking on my cock. I drop the hand and she is dripping wet. LoL. Good FS. She was very skinny which I like so it was easy throw her about the room.

I give her the money plus some tip the next day. She calls her mobile phone from mine to get my number.

Since then she has called me twice just to chat. She knows I am outside Dubai now but still called me yesterday. She says that she need friend who treat her like a friend.

My friend and his CIS girl got on ok. While we were in York with her she was very depressed and no facial expression from her. Definately no GFE from her. My friend says she was good FS and DFK but a little strange.

I'll get to mongering night 3 later.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Luper Calia
08-11-08, 17:04
Fellow Mongers

My first posting in this forum is an example for making any possible mistake in the mongering-business...........................
.........................I did so and "Shams" (the Arabic name for sun, she said) ......................................
Warning! Don't ever trust the Lebanese-Girl "Shams" from the Rattlesnake-Club!

At least she is not entirely untruthful. Shams does mean "Sun"! However, I would guess that she is from Azerbaijan or some other former Soviet state rather than any arabic country. Did you notice her nationbality on her passport?

I notice another suggestion is that you will find African or PI girls more reliable whilst PRC and EE girls are harder work. I disagree to the extent that some of the worst rip offs tried on me have been from Africans whilst PRCs have always been good to me. My suggestion is that you take your time talking to the girl in the bar and trust your instincts. And don't pay up front - it is always a short cut to disaster.

Take care and you will find good experiences here. Steve Dubai's recent reports show just how good it can get with PRCs.

08-11-08, 19:31
I notice another suggestion is that you will find African or PI girls more reliable whilst PRC and EE girls are harder work. I disagree to the extent that some of the worst rip offs tried on me have been from Africans whilst PRCs have always been good to me. My suggestion is that you take your time talking to the girl in the bar and trust your instincts.

I quite agree. In my experience African and CIS can be more problematic but YMMV.

I tend to stick to PRC and Filipinas who are both generally very GFE, though there too have a had the odd night not up to scratch (but rare).

On the whole very difficult to generalise on nationalities, but the grabby africans I find a real turn off (does that tactic ever work?).

My golden rule for a great GFE is give a BFE back. Spend some time talking in the bar before moving off, show interest in her - not just what she has between her legs or under her bra - that is treat the girl the same way you would a regular date. That way you win some trust as a "nice guy" and are less likely to get money demands up front. It hardly ever fails for me.

UPDATE: not just me either, read Fiend Irl's excellent reports on this thread.

Be careful out there.


08-12-08, 03:55
I quite agree. In my experience African and CIS can be more problematic but YMMV.

I tend to stick to PRC and Filipinas who are both generally very GFE, though there too have a had the odd night not up to scratch (but rare).

On the whole very difficult to generalise on nationalities, but the grabby africans I find a real turn off (does that tactic ever work?).

My golden rule for a great GFE is give a BFE back. Spend some time talking in the bar before moving off, show interest in her - not just what she has between her legs or under her bra - that is treat the girl the same way you would a regular date. That way you win some trust as a "nice guy" and are less likely to get money demands up front. It hardly ever fails for me.

Be careful out there.


Don't like to generalize I am into details. We have all had different experiences with different girls. Could my race or outward appearance be a factor in the experiences with the girls who knows? I am always the "nice guy" unless I feel they are trying to pull a fast one like charging too much bread.

Luper Calia
08-12-08, 12:29
Good report.

We got a taxi over to Seaview. I had to check out the band after reading some of Steve Dubai posts.

Took a while to find it as we were in the front of the hotel and there is no directions but I remember reading it was out the back so we figured it out. It's looks really dodgy walking out to the club but once in its ok.

From the front door of Seaview, go to the back left of the lobby and through a door. Down the corridor and through another door and you are outside at the back. Turn right and then hard left when you see the man at the desk in front of you.

I spotted a quite nice looking PRC in a long red dress at the bar. Looked more of a normal girl than a ho. That is what attracted me. Asked how much for LT in mandarin. She was floored by the chinese. I knew instant GFE here. She thought about it and went for 700.

Most are "normal" girls and you found this out by treating her right. The price is right as well.

She says she wishes to meet a man like me every night who treat her not a like a hooker but like a normal woman.

'Nuff said

Fiend Devil
08-12-08, 12:35
Third day of Mongering.

My and my friend take the Dune Bashing tour from Sheraton which cost 275. Quite cheap. The tour is good fun although a little boring when we got to the camp. Not really much to do there. Was good enough for the price though. We were back in the Hotel at 10 exactly. I was thinking about hitting Seaview again and repeating the girl from the previous night bu my friend convinced my variety was the key. A quick call to get the girlfriend out of the way and we are off to York. Not as busy in York as the night before. Very open. I spot the girl from the first night, she attempts to chat but I just say 'nice to see you again'.

The band is quite good in York. Playing some classic Dire Straits numbers along with Santana. We buy a bottle of vodka as we worked out it was cheaper than buying double rounds all the time. The purchasing of the bottle was like a magnet to the praying eyes of the PRCs. My friend is on the look out for some Black Ass tonight. He doesn't really dig the PRCs at all.

I notice a PRC listening to the music in a black dress. Seems very thin (I like that) but the face isn't so good. I spot her later looking depressed as an Indian man tries to get her for ST. She goes with him after 20 minutes sitting at the bar. Looks very depressed with her life.

While doing the rounds I notice a nice looking girl just walking around. I approach her and speak some Chinese. Her eyes wander a little as if she doesnt want to be in York or in the conversation with me. I ask her how much. She says 800, I say fine.

I offer to buy her some drink and she says no drink. She looks very uneasy and scared to be honest. I decide then to offer her 1000 if she has 2 drinks. She is suprised by this and decides that I am ok. My friend and I are possibly the youngest guys in York so we probably look decent enough (both of us are 24). So I get her a double vodka and orange. She drinks it. My friend asks if she has any nice friends but the friend she brings back, her roommate is not good. Her roommate is impressed at the young guy she found tonight.

I tell her that my friend wants to go Regal to find some CIS or Black. She wants to get a taxi but that seems a bit ridiculous. We hit Regal. On the way my PRC wants to walk behind me and not side by side. I tell her don't be ridiculous as her visa is ok. I demand she walk side by side as I don't like this women walk behind thing.

Get the lovely Mojito's again while we are in the tour. This is my PRC girls first time in Regal. She likes that I payed the entrance fee. After this drink she totally changes attitude and is now all over me. It starts to come alsmot BFE + GFE. We get another mojito just before we head back to York. My friend couldn't find what he was looking for in Regal.

Back in York I get a round of sex on the beach for all of us. Very nicely made in York I have to say. PRC is now pissed. She sits on a chair as she can't stand too good now. Holds onto me, hugs me, kisses me. Security says something to me about 'no touching'. I nearly loose it with him but I keep my cool.

My friend picks up a black girl. We actually saw her on the first night in York and she remembered that we are alcoholics. We are irish after all. I am starting to feel quite drunk now. Half bottle of vodka, lots of red bull and cocktails are starting to take effect.

I decide to head back to Sheraton. I loose my friend in the progress. Later I learn he's gone for 2 black girls tonight. My PRC girl hits the open air outside York and nearly passes out. She's feeling very sick and nearly throws up in a bin but she holds it together. By now I am piggy backing her half the way to Sheraton. No problems as usual in the Sheraton. Bell boy doesnt ask for passport as he knows me now. Usual smiles.

We get in the life and PRC is asleep standing up. LOL. We get in the room and I go for a [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140). When I come back she is asleep and drunk in bed. I decide to have a shower. When I come back she's feeling rather horny and attacks me. I drop the hand and its incredibly wet down there. We go for DFK, BBBJ. I think about Daty but decide not too. We got through about 4 condoms. My friend knocks my door looking for more. He's having fun pounding his two black bitches. The sex is good but not great because of the drunken state between us. I set the alarm to 7am to wake me up for morning shag. I wake up and attempt to see whats on offer, she responds and sits on me. Her pussy is unbelievably wet again and she messages my balls with her juice. Amazing session unfolds. I have her against the window at one stage driving it in. Alcohol still having an effect so I take some Alcaseltzer to save me. Round 2 happens fairly quick after the first one as I am horny as hell with the help of red bull.

About 11 now so we have a sleep. I order some breakfeast for 12. I just want the orange juice so I offer her the rest. She eats some while on my shoulder. Now she starts crying and saying 'You are too nice, I don't meet nice man'. That clears up in 2 minutes and we are in Round 3. Round 3 is really crazy and one of the best sessions I've ever had. I have to checkout at 3pm so I get up at 2 to pack my things. She helps me pack all my stuff. I can't find my wallet in all the madness but she helps and finds it for me.

We go to my friends room and he is in quite a state. His room is a mess of condoms and cigaretts. He had a bath with the two black girls. He went for DFK, brief BBBJ but mostly CBJ and DATY. He says they were strange as hell but he is happy enough. One was GFE but the other was a complete weirdo from Ethiopia

I see the girl down the lift and outside the hotel to a taxi. I have no problems with walk of shames as I really don't care what people think about anything. She gets emotional in the lift and gives me a long long hug. I gave her money in the lobby. She had forgotten about this. I gave her 1200. That will ensure its even better next time.

Since then the PRC sends me about 10 sms a day. She add me on yahoo and skype. She seems a nice girl caught up in a poor situation. I am strongly thinking about meeting her up at the end of August for a couple of nights for some sessions. At the current rate of SMS I don't think I will even have to pay.

Next WG sessions might be tomorrow in Bahrain or later in the month back in Dubai.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

08-12-08, 21:55

It's me again, the old German Dubai-novice.

I just came back (its Tuesday 4am) to my hotel without a girl.

Why without?

Not only my wallet and my ego got wounded while my Sunday "meeting" with Lebanese (or Azerbaijan) girl "Shams", but also my "little Captain" suffered an abrasion from the short and raw action.

No (big) problem, . I think tomorrow or on Wednesday I will be back to "business".

Therefore today I did a club-tour to scan the scene.

Thanks to my just bought Garmin "City-Navigator Middle-East" for my (sailing, fishing, outdoor, mountain-biking and driving in unknown cities) handheld GPS-Map 60C it was quite easy for me to find the right spots with my rental-car. Under the menu-point "Entertainment", most of the Clubs are listed.

Because I have read all of Steve Dubai's reports, my first stop was at the Sea View-Hotel.

At first try, I almost missed my target (found me in 1st floor in front of an Arabic-Nightclub), but the doorman finally showed me the (not easy) way to the Club.

Marines (9:30pm):

As a (hobby) captain, I felt "like home" in the Marines-Club.

First impression was the smallest ever waitress, second impression was the very good band with the beautiful front-singers and the (female) bass-player with the big voice.

After 30sec. The first PRC-Girl came over. She was one of the "better-quality" girls. We had a short Smalltalk but I did not understand very much of her (pitchin) English. I told her, that I was on a "club-tour" without taking girls with me today and she left. Same with the second (not so good looking) girl.

The third girl was different. Good looking, better English, more "educated" and dressed more "normal".

We exchanged phone numbers and I left the club to the Premier in Hyatt-Hotel.

Premiere (11pm):

Valet parking 40Dhs, admission 95Dhs.

The club is great. A real modern and clean disco with higher-quality girls.

Some of the girls are very handsome and very young. Maybe too young for the old captain.

A small, cute and very handsome (I guessed 20, she said 30, . Ha-ha) PRC "sunshine" talked to me and, without my "wounding", I would have taken her immediately to my Hotel.

Good English, open minded, eloquent, nice, little bit drunk and a dance-maniac (she tried to get me on the dance floor, but didn't succeed).

We exchanged phone numbers and she is my target Nr2 for the next days.

On my way out, I was stopped by two African girls (one from Djibouti, the other? ). Smalltalk was very good and also these two girls are on my (virtual) list now.

Went to Rockafellas 12:30am:

Lots of CIS in the "higher" weight categories with somewhat "harder" facial features. (Not those model types like the Ukrainian, Belarus, Russian or Baltic cuties witch I use to date in our German FKK-Clubs)

Even the (Russian singing) "Girl-Group" obviously came from more easterly or south-easterly CIS-Countries.

On the dance floor only "Borat" and his cousins.

After the Disco-Break, "Jackson Five" (six young black boys and a black girl) on stage. Not bad!

I left Rockafellas without exchanging any phone number.

York Hotel (2am):

Lots of African and PRC-Girls. Lots of grabbing on me and strong arguing Nice conversation with two PRC-Girls. I liked one. I would call her "miss wide grin". She was very funny, touched my skin, touched my muscles, giggled about my long nose and guessed that my dick will also be long. At closing time she showed a zero with thumb and forefinger and said: "today I got a zero". We exchanged phone numbers.

Downstairs I had to "swim" through a basin full of piranhas, to reach my car. They pounced on me and even fought about me.

One black beauty succeeded in involving me into a conversation.

In a German FKK-Club I would immediately have booked her.

But the thought, to take her (very young, horny and in a "fuck me" outfit) to my Family Beach-Hotel at Jumeirah Beach made me afraid.

We exchanged phone numbers.


I like the Premiere-club the best.

I find the band in the Marines-Club the best.

York is crazy but interesting and I will take Rockafellas off my list.

In the next days I will try to get in contact with the PRC-Girls from the Marines- and the Premiere-Club.

Hard to go home without a girl but very "educational" (normally I just had taken the first one from the Marines).

At this stay in Dubai I will try out the PRC (never had one).

I try African (had an outstanding date with a Kenyan girl four weeks ago in Berlin) and CIS-Girls (had many in my career) later this year while my next visit in Dubai.


Captain B. (maybe Captain D. Soon)

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

08-12-08, 22:05
Friendly Irishman a word of advice in Dubai. The country is non democratic, they can do what they want. So basically what I'm saying is don't fuck around with bouncers the wrong people, and don't make a huge deal on girls following a few steps behind you visa or no visa. Especially with recient lewdness displayed by expats, and the run up to ramadan. There is bound to be a clamp down very soon! Besides. Its all for saftey of everyone after all, so that our games may continue!

Aside from that. Definitly enjoyed reading about your antics! Keep them coming!

Takecare and Stay Safe!

Horny G
08-13-08, 13:38
i think most men would agree that having a threesome is a truly awesome experience!

i mean the very idea just makes sense, we all like pussy so why not have more of it at the same time!

this was a plan that my dick had its heart on for quite some time so i wanted to treat it with something truly special.

the last time i had a threesome i didn’t have to pay, and because of this it only ended up a mediocre experience; with one chick getting most of the banging and the other only half interested. good all the same, though i felt slightly disenchanted with the whole idea.

almost 2 years later i find myself in dubai with a colleague of mine (fiend irl) who can monger with the best of 'them. if ever i seen a man obsessed with prc then this is the guy. he thrives off it, its like

he hits a switch in his brain when he's out and turns into some sort of sick prc starved animal!

its 11pm so we decide to hit york, a place which has reported potential and has been mentioned numerous times on isg. initially i'm not overly impressed, there are barley any cis (who are my personal favourite flavour) and the quality of the prc is few and far between. however i never really even considered black chicks before, just something i haven’t been interested in. that was all about to


i noticed a group of 2 or 3, and they were smoking hot! slender frames, beautiful faces, large tits, curvy in all the right places and an ass that said pow! it wasn’t what i had in mind but my dick had other intentions.

having mongered the previous 2 nites i knew to list my requirements before accepting any offer they suggested. their enthusiastic approach and bubbly nature got me going. i had a cold russian the night before from regal, and she only started to warm after i shagged the life back into her! twice!

these girls on the other hand were alot of fun to be around, and i would nearly consider friendship if i didn’t want to fuck the living shit out of their tight bods!

not rushing into anything i decide to get completely steaming with my mate first and check out the other surrounding talent. after a bottle of vodka between us i get the signal from my dick that i need to start making a move. i check my friend who has got a lovely prc chick, very delicate and innocent looking. i nearly considering dp'ing her with my friend but i made a promise earlier so back on the prowl i go.

i notice that the 3 hottie black chicks are getting swooped up pretty quick so i make a dash and target the one with the best legs. really nice firm young skin. i quickly get down to business, proposing that

i need a freak! i tell her i've got a lush pad, and i want to video a threesome with her and one of her lovely mates! mustn’t be shy, must like to do girls, must like group sex and must love the cock!

as i aint having a disappointing threesome again! she agrees to all of the above with fervour! oh yeah things start to look good.

with a glint in my eye i ask her to get one of her mates while i return to my mate for some more drinking. at this stage i'm completely fucked!

i see my ***** return however her friend that i had intended to fuck also has already agreed to screw some chinese pointdexter! he has paid a substantial amount of money up front so i can't really argue.

slowly the dream seems to fade, disappointed that the bar is shutting and i only have one unreal ***** to screw i begin to make my way to the exit.

out of nowhere another black girl appears with huge tits, i don’t have time for her to fill out my questionnaire. so in my drunken stupor i quickly ask if she's up for a threesome! she says yes i say lets go!

with a spring in my step i'm back at the hotel (radisson 4 point) in no time. past the security with no problems, they don't even attempt to stop me and my entourage.

i usher the girls into the lift as they gaze at the lights going all the way up to the executive floor, i think they realise that something magical is about to happen.

in the room i ask the girls to get on the bed and start getting kinky with each other. while this is happening i bring out a bottle of champagne and start to fill the hot tub. filling the bath with all sorts

of aromatic oils and bubble producing liquids. i poise the camera at an ideal viewing angle. everything seems to be falling into place.

they both come in naked and i'm not dissapointed, my dick is like a rocket at this stage! thanking the pussy god for its generosity this fine night. one gets in and starts splashing the water on her tits the other girl who i just met before i left york doesn’t like the camera. this is incredibly frustrating but i guess this is what happens when choosing in a rush. after a while of convincing her to play, she

waits till i'm in the bath and getting sucked by the other girl before removing the camera from the bathroom (i didn’t realise this till after when looking back at the vid). to be honest i don't think id care as i was getting the best double head in my life!

what happens next is like some barbaric [CodeWord125] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord125) scene where furious and rampant sex was had every which way possible! i didn't think i had the creativity and manoeuvrability to twist and contort these two ladies to my every desire! there was rarely a second where tits, pussy, or ass wasnt in someone’s face or bouncing on my gleeful dick! the highlight had to be when i was fucking one of the chicks from behind

while the other was eating my ass! thats right eating my ass! i've never been fortunate to have a rimming before, let alone with 2 girls in a bath tub! this was quite an experience. after fucking about 2 or

3 times non stop back to back and getting sucked in between for good measure i decide to take it to the bedroom. i don't know what was wrong with me but i was like a man possessed, their was no slowing down the beast i had unleashed within. i had shagged for about an hour and a half straight, still with no signs of fading. (could have been the pimp scenario i created which has to be one of the coolest things

i've done ever! and or the fact that i had enough vodka redbull in my system that my dick had grew horns! )

not to drag the rest of the night out further, but a number of hours were had fucking and filming, when one girl wasnt getting pummelled she was videoing or sucking my balls! occasionally resting. the 2nd girl with the tits started acting a little strange and wanted me to go back with her to her apartment and ignore the other chick. i think she was fishing for more cash, i told her to get the fuck out! as id just after giving her 1000 and some incredible sex. she started acting weirder and clearly didn't want to leave without me, she started playin about with the camera, deleting some priceless scenes that i will

never get back! at this point i told her her time was up, i didn't want her to stay over anymore. again this is what happens when choosing in a rush, it would have been so much better if the girls knew each other and didn't go into competition or end up being a complete looper!

the remainder of the night was spent shagging the other chick, who left gracefully the next day. as graceful as one can after sucking dick and eating ass all night haha; p

all in all a delightful experience and one that stacked my mojo ten fold! i highly recommend trying a threesome out in dubai for anybody considering it. however one important guideline i cannot stress

enough, is to make sure that the 2 girls know each other and get along or it could get ugly and possibly ruin the experience. i'm fortunate that i chucked the crazy ***** from my room at half time. she ended

up coming back to the hotel in the morning and asking reception to phone my room; claiming that she had lost her keys! i had just finished packing my stuff and there was no sign of any keys! my paranoia

kicked in and i imagined she wanted more money and was jealous of the other ho getting the vip treatment, my mind entertained thoughts of her trying to stab the both of us if i let her back up again. stupid

i know but dta, especially in the unknown. a quick call to the front desk security and the problem was removed and i was off to my next destination where no doubt more mongering tales continue.

i know it don't rain too often in the middle east but horny g's gotta handful of stacks ladies. so better bring your umbrella!

editor's note: i would suggest that the author or another forum member consider posting a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

08-13-08, 15:34
Hi to all the Dubai experts, sorry to ask something which maybe obvious to some, I have only got a 1 night stop over in Dubai on my way back from Pakistan, as you can imagine I am now pretty desperate.
I will be arriving in Dubai at 23:30 friday night and staying at the sheraton 4 points on bank st as recommended on the forum. I love blitz in Abu Dhabi, so you know I am a low end of the market kind of guy, I also like the reliable Chinese service, what is the best venue similar to Blitz for my stopover in Dubai.

In past years I have visited Cyclone, York, Imperial suites Arif castle and a few others, I want to have a Chinese walking funny by Saturday morning!

May the force be with you.

08-13-08, 17:47
After going back several pages it looks like I will be heading for the York, it will be interesting to see how it has changed over the years.
It seems prices have gone up, in Abu Dhabi I pay 300aed in Blitz and never go over 500 anywhere, I have had threesomes for 500, are the prices really more expensive in Dubai or is this a change since february my last visit to AD.

Can't wait to take my vitamin V on Friday night, washed down with a nice cool beer, no beer here in Pakifistan.

May the force be with you and me.

French Canadia
08-14-08, 07:00
After going back several pages it looks like I will be heading for the York, it will be interesting to see how it has changed over the years.
It seems prices have gone up, in Abu Dhabi I pay 300aed in Blitz and never go over 500 anywhere, I have had threesomes for 500, are the prices really more expensive in Dubai or is this a change since february my last visit to AD.

Can't wait to take my vitamin V on Friday night, washed down with a nice cool beer, no beer here in Pakifistan.

May the force be with you and me.

Considering your flight time 23:30, by the time you thru Passport control, taxi and to the hotel, then change, you should be at the York around one AM so in the low end of the market you might be able to get someone for your price. But to answer your question prices have going up steadly for the last few months but if you are a good negociator will be fine.

Take Care


08-14-08, 14:49
Sd: Hats off to you for the detailed postings. Good work must be appreciated. I have gone through your FR twice & really liked the way you presented. But one thing that is apparent is that you are damn scared of your wife. But anyway who is not? But ensure to delete the WGs numbers from your mobile before your wife is back.

I remember once my wife had handed over my mobile that an sms was recd & my goodness, it was from a GF who had missed her periods. Then I "LOST" my mobile the very next day & got a new SIM. Good Heavens, I escaped a divorce but may not be lucky again.

08-14-08, 14:54
Friends: As long as I stayed in hotels there was no problem in getting a WG but now I have shifted to an apartment & problems started. The watchment told the owner that NO GIRLS ALLOWED in building. That bugger is sitting there all the time & there is no way I can smuggle a someone out backdoor. The watchman only understands arabic which means I can't befridn him or tip him. Any suggestings? What is your exp?

08-14-08, 21:58
That bugger is sitting there all the time & there is no way I can smuggle a someone out backdoor. The watchman only understands arabic which means I can't befridn him or tip him. Any suggestings? What is your exp?My experience: I stayed in a PRC girl's apartment earlier this year for two weeks. Was not a WGs house, normal living area, mostly Indian families in there. The watchman was from Bangladesh, I think. PRC girl suggested to buy him some kind of present. We took him to a nearby electronics store, bought him a TV sat receiver for AED 350 or so and he will be my friend for the rest of my life.

08-15-08, 01:18
SD ... one thing that is apparent is that you are damn scared of your wife. Steve - what happened to your reports? They ended abruptly. Rumor is you were caught out by your wife - hope not! More reports to come I hope.

08-15-08, 08:43
Steve - what happened to your reports? They ended abruptly. Rumor is you were caught out by your wife - hope not! More reports to come I hope.

Guys I will probably get flamed into next week (I care as much as Russia does right now about the U.S. moaning about poor Georgia.) but I got ask. Why marry if you are still going to monger? Did you decide to monger after marriage or were you doing it before and couldn’t stop I mean what gives? What if you ole lady mongers or steps out will you accept it?

I am currently in a LTR but the rules of engagement have been laid out clearly. I told my ole lady I will monger when I feel like it. She could stay with my stock and never have a want or need or she can get rid of my stock and nab another stock and hope the market is not volatile. I just told her their will be no strings and our personal home will never be invaded physically or mentally by a third party. I told her if she step outs though in any shape or form she steps out of my life.

Double standard? You bet. This world was built on double standards….American forefathers: (All Men Our Created Equal) while they held a race of people under the yoke of slavery).

I am a devout atheist so this question has no religious connotation what so ever and as for emotions they were all but killed a couple of years ago.

Richa Poura
08-15-08, 12:19
Steve - what happened to your reports? They ended abruptly. Rumor is you were caught out by your wife - hope not! More reports to come I hope.

A warning to us all, even if hopefully not true. Always worth remembering that what we write here is open to the world. Women have their own discussion forums lest we forget, many talking about what their men are up to or might be up to. The Dubai ex pat women forum has been discussed on this site before - the ladies make reference to ISG, York, Rattler etc etc !

Women aren't stupid generally and have this inate sixth sense so best not to mention anything that could be linked back - eg how many days left of freedom !! Hopefully Steve isn't his real name, as Richard isn't mine - kind of shortens the odds !


Wicked Roger
08-15-08, 13:59
Fellow Mongers

Had a night in Dubai meeting up with Cons68 (and his lovely PA) and Piper. Later caught up briefly with Puz Hunter (who should be enjoying Filipina delights this weekend ;)) Needed a change of scenery and always good fun with my good mates. Shame Steamer could not join us but I did say to piper that he should really share with another Filipina lover and let me look after his GF while he can’t :D

First off we went to Rockys – band very nice, Cons68 PA’s task next week is to get phone numbers -= cant be suspicious when another Filipina walks up and has a chat can it? Bands Ok, liked the second one better but we all had a good view of some glorious backsides in tight white shorts so was happy regardless of the music :)

Rock Bottoms – a few WGs there also, one nice Filipina already taken with 2 other chubbier and uglier ones – all with 3 punters so at everyone appeared happy. Watched some pool, watched the enthusiastic amateurs strut their stuff as well – some basically mutton dressed as lamb (western expat ladies – how can these young girls get so huge at that age?) – and then decided to go to the Music Room

Big mix of people at Music Room – all sorts. Around the edges some African WGs – one of which Piper knew well and she had the most enormous (inflated) breasts, which made Piper happy ;) Some PRC and Filipina we though, some older ladies as well. But a good mix and I was returning to AD I was not in the pick up mode. Worth a visit again and I liked the space, not as much smoke (or so it seems) so I was much happier. Cute waitress as well (Piper knew her but not in the carnal sense – that was a surprise)

After that drove Cons68 home as on the way. Nice to catch up with old friends again and meet PH as well.

Must go back next week spend more time and get a room :D

Keep hard and horny

08-15-08, 16:02
Double standard? You bet.

Enough said.

Why on earth criticise someone else then?


08-15-08, 17:02
Shame Steamer could not join us but I did say to piper that he should really share with another Filipina lover and let me look after his GF while he can’t :D

It's a noble offer, but one I will have to refuse on behalf of my (as Piper puts it) "super-cute GF". She's doing just fine and I will be seeing her tonight so really no need for you to fret, WR. She's a rarity among Filipinas as well - strictly a one-man woman, so I'll save you the disappointment of getting knocked back! :D

Seriously, we must catch up for a beer or three soon. Will let you and Piper know when I have a little more spare time.

Be careful out there.


08-15-08, 18:16
... but I got ask. Why marry if you are still going to monger? Hey, I'm married, but I'm not dead! ;)

08-15-08, 18:21
Enough said.

Why on earth criticise someone else then?


A mayne did you read what I wrote or you just skimmed through it? I am not criticizing anyone. I am asking a question. How do guys handle this or why do they put themselves through it. It makes no difference to me one way or the other I just want to hear the stories.

Beijing 08 USA! USA!

08-15-08, 18:38
... Big mix of people at Music Room ... some African WGs – one of which Piper knew well and she had the most enormous (inflated) breasts, which made Piper happy ;) Yes I knew her well (in 2005) - several times. :) But I can personally verify that her Triple-D cups are 100% natural! I was a bit worried when she grabbed my hand in the club last night and put it down her deep cleavage with a laugh - you never know who might be watching!

More of her in the photo gallery.

08-15-08, 18:59
Was in Dubai for a few days recently and met Steve D while out and about. He told me that he was with PRC Lisa any nights he was out and didn't feel he had anything new to add to the forum. I also think he has no access to the forum for the next few weeks so maybe that answers the questions.

Wicked Roger
08-15-08, 20:45
It's a noble offer, but one I will have to refuse on behalf of my (as Piper puts it) "super-cute GF". She's doing just fine and I will be seeing her tonight so really no need for you to fret, WR. She's a rarity among Filipinas as well - strictly a one-man woman, so I'll save you the disappointment of getting knocked back! :D

Seriously, we must catch up for a beer or three soon. Will let you and Piper know when I have a little more spare time.

Be careful out there.

Thanks Steamer

But a few hours with me and she will realise that being a one woman man is not as much fun as being 2,3 4...woman man :D As for being knocked back...well I am man enough to take that risk if you care to intorduce me

Maybe she has other super cutie friends

See you soon

PS Piper I saw your hand and am sure she did not pull it there, your hand seemed to have a mind of its own (like other parts of your anatomy :))

08-16-08, 09:59
Arrived in Dubai at 23:40, due to the construction work taking place had a long bus trip to the terminal. I had checked my luggage all the way to the UK so I was travelling light, the immigration was very quiet no queue at all. Headed for the cash machine near the duty free in arrivals for my spending money.

Outside there was a very big queue for the taxis but it moved fairly quickly, I was in the Sheraton 4 points on Bank street by 12:35, I drooped lucky as I was upgraded to a grand room. 12:50 a stroll to the York a small queue to get in but the doorman waved me straight through without paying 50Dhs entry.
Through the doors upstairs to the nether world, at first glance it looked disappointing as the guys out numbered the girls maybe 4 to 1, after a couple of minutes I realised 40% of them were morons and only interested in showing off their over the top dance routines, another 40% were that pissed they didn't know what day it was.

I was targeted by several Chinese girls, what's your name? where you from? I like England man lets go, I bought a beer and looked around. It seems the black contingent from Ethiopia etc are trying to reclaim their turf, they were by far in the Majority and some stunners amongst them. I had set my mind on a Chinese take away and in the past I have found the Africans have BO sometimes.

I almost got greedy and was thinking of taking 2 back to the hotel but it may end up with the hotel stopping them both and I would end with nothing.

Took a 32 year old ex massage parlour worker from Shenzen back with me, this seemed a good CV to me, at the Sheraton she was asked for a passport copy which maybe a new policy after reading previous reports.

Started off with a nice foam bath in the large tub then moved to the bed. Things went downhill a bit as she asked for payment up front (500dhs) no way was I going to fall for this as she would have left after an hour. This was confirmed by her friend calling later asking why she had not come home.

She kept asking for the money which was starting to annoy me, I decided to call her bluff and gave her 20dhs for a taxi and said ok if you want money first you leave. I think she started to realise I wasn't as stupid as the usual punter things improved and she left at 10:00am in the morning with the 500dhs. The session wasn't notable but adequate, all in all things went very very well with the help of the forum. This is what the forum is all about, I have been a member for around 10 years,well before it's current form and it continues to serve me well.

May the force be with you,
ps I forgot to take my vitamin V but after abstinence in Pakistan it certainly wasn't needed.

08-16-08, 13:41
Hey WR

Can you plz tell me where is Rockys.


Xes Nuf
08-16-08, 14:05
Was in Dubai for a few days recently and met Steve D while out and about. He told me that he was with PRC Lisa any nights he was out and didn't feel he had anything new to add to the forum. I also think he has no access to the forum for the next few weeks so maybe that answers the questions.

It’s good to know that Steve D is still having a good time; missed his fine reporting and hope he writes his chronicles again when he has access to the forum.

However, Fiend Irl seems to be doing a good job taking over where Steve left off in the FR department.

Have a good one.
XN out

See Men 2007
08-16-08, 15:23

I'm going to Dubai on August. I'll stay proberbly somewhere near Sharjah. Does anyone have any good recommendation to where I can go and monger? I'm keen on trying some Europeans or Ethiopions. Had too many PRC in Malaysia. :D Advice on the rate expectations as well.


PlagueHey Plague,

I am heading that way too. Do let me know where is the actions around that place. Any heads up from any mongers here would be appreciated. New to Dubai and really need some pointer to get a good time.


08-16-08, 16:00
Started off with a nice foam bath in the large tub then moved to the bed. Things went downhill a bit as she asked for payment up front (500dhs) no way was I going to fall for this as she would have left after an hour. This was confirmed by her friend calling later asking why she had not come home.

She kept asking for the money which was starting to annoy me, I decided to call her bluff and gave her 20dhs for a taxi and said ok if you want money first you leave. I think she started to realise I wasn't as stupid as the usual punter things improved and she left at 10:00am in the morning with the 500dhs. The session wasn't notable but adequate, all in all things went very very well with the help of the forum. This is what the forum is all about, I have been a member for around 10 years,well before it's current form and it continues to serve me well.

The habitual PRC experience :(

Beijing 08 USA! USA!

08-17-08, 15:23
Hi all,

I've been reading the forum for a while now and gained lots of knowledge so decided it was time I submitted a report. Just back from a weekend of fun in Dubai. Fly in Thursday night & stayed at 4 points Sheraton Bur Dubai (as recommended in the forum).

Headed off to Rumors at Ramada hotel just before midnight and managed to talk my way past the security and got in for nothing. Just as well, there were hardly any girls there and about 4 guys for each girl. Gave up quick anbd headed of to York. I didn't have to pay for entrance and one of the girls told me it is a new rule that Westerners don't pay.

York was packed with mongers & girls. Band had the right level of noise and energy. A good atmosphere. I did a couple of laps of the place. Selection was mostly African and PRC with a few others. Wasn't sure what I was in the mood for so chatted to a few girls. That was where the problems started. Girls want AED 1, 500 for night not-negotiable, or they want me to give all the money to the handler up front, or they try to push me onto their friend who can't speak English. I must look gullible.

Eventually chatted to a sexy petite African, Betty, who agreed AED 1, 000 LT payable in the morning and off we went. Got stright down to business. CBJ unenthusiastic (found many Africans don't like to suck) so moved on to mish & doggy-style. Much more enthusiasm. Had a beer break and then on to round 2, mish doggy-style, cowboy. After this I was wasted so wanted to sleep for an hour. Betty started complaining that she couldn't sleep, then was hungry. Hmm I wanted a GFE but not the nagging girlfriend. Eventually she said she wanted to leave so agreed reduced fee of AED 700 and said goodbye.

All in all an ok experience while it lasted but bit disappointing at the end.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

08-17-08, 22:42
Persistence pays.
Hey piper, could you plz tell me where is rocky's philipino club located. Thanx
Hey WR, Can you plz tell me where is Rockys. ThanxRegent Palace Hotel, Bur Dubai (above Rock Bottom Club). Not a WG club, but you could get lucky with a freebie in need of a BF with some spare cash.

Puz Hunter
08-18-08, 11:33
Arrived in Dubai late Thursday night, as per normal, Qatarairways never fail to screw up again.

Meet the boys at Majestic Hotel (WR and Piper 1) for the 1st time, nice fellows, you can count on them.

Brough back a Turkmen young lady from Regal, had three rounds before going to bed, excellent experience, she is still calling me till this morning, WTF.

2nd night, brought a Russian lady back, did her twice before retiring, nice body, but with a silly attitude.

3rd day,

Fillipina delight in the afternoon, 2 rounds of wild sex. Continued with the Turkmen girl which I meet on the 1st night, did another 3 rounds before I had to say goodbye, she stayed the whole time till I checked out at 5AM in the morning, certainly a GF experience, that's why she still calls me.

Arrived home when straight to work after having sleepless 3days of fun, what a Life.


08-18-08, 11:54
Arrived in Dubai late Thursday night, as per normal, Qatarairways never fail to screw up again.
Now I know why you were in such a hurry to get to Regal. Qatar Airways is a nightmare with usually several hours delay for a one-hour flight. I swear I'm thinking of getting a driver to drive me to Qatar next time - would be much faster and less hassle.

Sounds like you made the most of your short trip here (I'm exhausted just reading about it! ;))

Wicked Roger
08-18-08, 12:06
3rd day,

Fillipina delight in the afternoon, 2 rounds of wild sex.
The Filipina girl is still horny and wants more PH :D So she is coming down to AD :)

Well Qatar is a quiet plce for mongers so you needed to expend all your energy here

See you soon

Puz Hunter
08-18-08, 16:16
Gentleman (Piper 1 & WR),

Thanks for the assistance, see you guys soon, by the way, I think my big Yankee friend is in LOVE, good luck to him.


I do not mind having two PI's in one go the next time round, they are good fun, glad that she enjoyed Puz Hunter.

Cheers gents.....


08-19-08, 00:18
3rd day,

Fillipina delight in the afternoon, 2 rounds of wild sex. Continued with the Turkmen girl which I meet on the 1st night, did another 3 rounds before I had to say goodbye, she stayed the whole time till I checked out at 5AM in the morning, certainly a GF experience, that's why she still calls me.

Arrived home when straight to work after having sleepless 3days of fun, what a Life.

PHPuzHunter, where did you find the Philippino girl in the afternoon. I may have to utilize an afternoon session while in Dubai and would appreciate info on where to look. Thanks,


French Canadia
08-19-08, 05:04

I'm visiting 25 to 27th August to Dubai can I have some information about hotel where you stay and girls spacially the turkish one it wil be highly appriciated thanksJust take two minute to even just read the first page there is plenty of info on hotel, and by the way Turkmen = Turkministan not a turkish lady, show's how much you even read just one message

Take Care


Puz Hunter
08-19-08, 15:44
Thanks for the reply mate, try Rocky's for PI guys, you might get lucky.



Urgent Need
08-19-08, 16:30
Back again with another report. Last time I had a terrible time with an ethio girl and this time I was really careful with my choice. The pick up place was the same. The well known york. A 31 year old Chinese, very cute. She told me she landed in Dubai a week ago. Who cares? We agreed for LT. Damage was 600. Last time I got that horrible ethio for 400. Also LT. I was not disappointed by the Chinese. She was well lubricated with a very tight pussy. It was so tight I did not even last 5minutes during the first round. It was very delightful. We did it well the second time around including BJ. Once I was shagging her doggy and she became very vocal. I was really frightened somebody might hear it. She did not want anal though. She was really a lot of fun. Next time I will go for Russian.

08-20-08, 10:57
Persistence pays.Regent Palace Hotel, Bur Dubai (above Rock Bottom Club). Not a WG club, but you could get lucky with a freebie in need of a BF with some spare cash.Thanx piper. will check it out.

08-20-08, 19:34
Went out last night looking for numbers for next month.
Started in Jockey's, same mix and faces, but much smaller crowd, maybe 30. Went to Jules, slightly better quality than Jockey's but I though the place was sterile. Ended up at Regal, and found something nice there for later. The thing I noticed is the smaller numbers at all three. Smaller then last week anyway. It maybe that more ladies are heading off for Ramadan this year.

Love Tactics
08-20-08, 19:57
Lo all,

Last week, the Time Out edition of Dubai had an interesting section on Filipinos living in Dubai. I have never been to these places, just passing on the info. Please find below the favourite restaurants and clubs mentioned in that article:

Bars popular among Filipinos:
Le Meridien - Jules Bar ("it is a really cool Filipino disco bar")
Majestic Hotel - Als Nasr Leisureland
Majestic Hotel - Music Room
Marco Polo - bars
Regents Hotel - if you want to dance

Restaurants requented by many Filipinos:
Marco Polo Hotel - Chopstix
Difayah Street - Mini Chinese
Satwa area - Chowking
Karama Hotel - Ratsky's
Karama area - Tagpuan (next to Karachi Darbar)
Pinoy Grill - Rigga Street, next to Burger King

If you wanna impress your GF, order like she does in a Filipino restaurant:
Adobo: pork or chicken, marinated in vinegar, garlic and soy
Almondigas: Ground pork balls (OOF!) with onion and celery served on a bed of vermicelli
Apritada: Pork or chicken in a tomato-based soup
Balut: a boiled, fertilized duck egg
Champurrado: Rice cooked with chocolate
Guinataan: meat, fish or vegetables cooked in coconut milk
Gulo-gulong kamote: Deep-fried sweet potatoes, served sprinkled with sugar
Kare-kare: Oxtail stew in peanut butter sauce
Lumpiang alimango: Crab egg rolls fried in a wok and served with noodles and a sweet&sour sauce
Pescado al horno: Fish (usually red snapper) sprinkled with bread-crumbs and baked in a thick tomato, onion and pimento sauce
Pinakbet: a melange of pumpkin, string beans, aubergine and okra
Rellenong manok: Chicken stuffed with ham, pork, pepperoni, union and hard boiled eggs
Senigang: cooked meats, fish or vegetables in a sour fruit
Ube: purple yam
Halo halo: frozen ice dessert

and we all know the girls we like are totally into God, so bring your date to:
Saint Mary's Church :-)

Now, i don't know how smart it is to bring a wg to such locations. Chances are she might run into friends and if they don't know her other source of income it could create problems. But hey, we're all big boys so figure it out:-)

Urgent Need
08-20-08, 22:17
Hi Mohsin,

I paid 600AED not dollars.come on 600 dollars for a girl there is too much. I do not know, some might pay it but not me. The rates really depends. U might find a girl for as low as 400 or that might jump to 2000AED. Russians are usually expensive but you can find one for around 1000. Africans are cheap. U can find a lot of ethios some kenyans and some from morroco. I do not know if I spelled it right. I have sticky hands today. Negotiate more but remember the lower the price the less the quality and performance. All those prices are for LT by the way. Closing hours are really good to get great rates. Some of these girls would prefer going for cheap than go home with nothing. Remember pretty much all these girls are from developing countries so 100 dollars or 150dollars goes a long way.

Dubai Dog
08-22-08, 15:09
Just want to know what you guys are paying for AMP services just got back after a long summer went to a well known AMP near Metropolitan hotel and paid (100 house 300 lady) 400 all in. Is this reasonable? Thoughts and comments welcome.

08-23-08, 03:00
Thank you fellows for recommending me the PRC Girls after my bad experience with the Lebanese/Kazakhstani Girl "Shams" in Rattlesnake on Saturday/Sunday.

As my Dubai-Customer send me each time on Wednesday and Thursday to an early morning (8am) meeting to Deira (I stayed in the Habtoor Grand Resort at Jumeira Beach) I wasn’t out on Tuesday and Wednesday.

I knew that Thursday evening is not the best day for mongering, but I "had" to. I was on the fifth day of my 8 day half business half holyday trip to the UAE and I didn’t have a successful session till now.

I went to the Premiere at the Hyatt-Regency to look for PRC "Xi Ga" which I talked to on Monday.

I arrived at 10pm and the club was rather empty and freezing cold.

While I was writing an SMS to PRC "Xi Ga" suddenly somebody touched my arm. Bingo! It was "Xi Ga".

We talked a little bit about this and that and I answered her question what I was intending to do this night: "I was searching for you and I would like to spend the evening and the whole night with you".

She seemed quite pleased and came a little closer.

Now I asked her for the prize. "ST or LT" she asked.

"LT because my Hotel is at least 25km in the south. "

"As you are in the Premiere I am sure you know the prize here on a Thursday evening. It’s 1500Dhs".

"Ohhh, 1500 is much too much" I answered.

"I can pay you 1000".

"No! It’s absolutely not possible on Thursday; it’s the best day of the week. For 1000 I can do the ST and find a second customer afterwards. "

. Said it, turned around and went away.

I got in panic and called after her: "Ok, Ok. I agree, please come back. "

She came back and whispered in my ear: "Now I belong to you the whole night".

We had some nice hours of drinking (Xi Ga, some vodka red bull + x Cocktails, me only Diet-Pepsi), dancing (she is a dance-maniac, I was only watching her), talking and even her girlfriend got one of this awful looking cocktails from me.

Xi Ga was very nice, came nearer and nearer until one of the security-guys stopped our tenderness. Crazy country!

As I did not know exactly whether the Habtoor Grand Resort was GF or not, we left the Premiere-Club at 12:45am. My intention was to enter the Hotel via the "Underground Pub" witch is open until 2am.

Sheik Zahed Rd. Was free and we arrived at 1:15am

In the Habtoor there is only valet parking on the Lobby-Level in front of the main entrance. Self-Parking to the garage is not possible.

I was rather fearful (from my stay in May this year I knew, that the hotel is packed with cameras and the security will sea almost everything).

No problem. We entered the Pub and I proposed to have a drink there before going to my room. But I felt cold, there were plenty of drunk and noisy Englishmen and I did not like the music.

So, we went to the elevator to my room. No problems on the way.

In the room, Xi Ga dropped herself on a chair and pulled me on herself.

We did DFK for a long while till Xi Ga asked me to give her the money in advance.

"No. No way, I never pay before! The money is in the safe and I pay you tomorrow morning before you leave". (Hey, I’ve learned my lessons well! )

She argued a little but finally agreed.

We dropped our clothes and we went on kissing and caressing while taking a shower. At that time I still was very happy. Already now, the date seemed to become much better than my earlier Dubai-dates with both Arab-Girls "Shams" and "Linda". Both girls did not get the sense of taking a shower before having sex. Therefore I abstained doing DATY.

Not today! Back in the room and on the large double bed I began kissing Xi Ga all over and doing a long and intensive DATY. Ohhh, I like it so much to eat such a young and tasty pussy. She also seemed to like what I was doing and her pussy got very, very wet and even made slurping sounds. After a rather long "work" she finally came very strong and noisy (or maybe she played this very well).

Now she did CBJ. My brain understands the reasonability of a covered blowjob but my cock doesn’t. As in the German FKK-Clubs BBBJ's are the standard, "little Captain" can hardly deal with the CBJ. In addition, Xi Ga has a rather "wide" pussy and therefore the whole action was good overall, but not outstanding.

Finally I came while doing a second CBJ.

After taking another shower we fell asleep narrowly embraced.

Next morning at about half past 10 she waked me up with a friendly "good morning" and some tender kisses.

Can’t remember exactly but I did another DATY and we had a rather wild sex-session in any kind of positions with two or three times come.

Finally she gave me a very professional massage with a last come-shot of myself while getting a hand-job.

She asked me what I/we will do the rest of the day.

Xi Ga is a very professional but also very nice Girl and I liked it very much to talk to her.

But she has big (bit hanging) titts (I like it small and tight), she only do CBJ (I like BBBJ and CIM) and she has a "wide" pussy (I like it narrow).

Therefore I did not book her for the rest of the day or the next night.

After she took a final shower she got a phone-call. I myself took a shower and suddenly she came to the bathroom completely dressed and asked for the money. I gave her the 1500Dhs and 200Dhs for the taxi.

Al in all it was a good date with a nice (but also tough) young PRC-"Sunshine" and it was absolutely worth the money.

I was very happy and looked forward to another PRC-GFE on last Friday (15th of August) night.

Thanks again fellow mongers, for your tips.

Tomorrow I will post the report of my second and even better date with another PRC-Girl in Dubai.

Till then

Greetings from the old German Captain B.

(Back in Germany now and even did a super Monger-Session on Wednesday at the "Paradise"-FKK-Club on Stuttgart-Airport. "Monica" from Hungaria and "Maria" from Bulgaria. Both outstanding. If you fellows ever come to Germany, don’t miss to visit a FKK-Club!)

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Urgent Need
08-24-08, 10:44
Well it was my last day in Dubai so I ate my lunch around 1pm and decided to do some souvenir shopping. I was walking in this shopping with my hands in my pocket when I spotted a young beauty walking from the opposite direction. We smiled to each other. I said to myself I can not let this go w/o closer examination and I followed her and started a conversation. She was a 20 year old Russian. Gorgeous with a beautiful smile. Oh men I was basically paralyzed. She was very charming. I invited her lunch and she accepted. I had eaten before so I just ordered for myself soft drink. Her name is Anita. She wanted 2000 for about 6 hrs. The final price came to half of that. Anita was great. Her BJ was unforgettable. I almost came right there. I had to tell her to slow down many times. And that pussy, oh men, her labia majora was so big, it has pretty much covered the entire opening. I ate it like a starving dog. She was moaning like hell. I got her doggy first. She was very wet, dripping wet. Her wettness can irrigate the entire sahara desert. I did not last long. Rested for a while and we came back to it again. This time shagged her in all direction you can imagine and enjoyed every second of it. What a fuck! What a pleasure! Anita was great. Anita was my dream girl.

08-24-08, 14:25
Friday 15th of August 2008. Captain B. Was in high-mood. After "Xi Ga" left, I did a hard Workout at the excellent Hotel-Gym, did a short nap and prepared for the night. I decided to go to the SeaView-Hotel to meet PRC-Shoo, to whom I talked to on Monday.

Came to the Club at about half past 9. Club was pretty full and I got no good place to see the Band. Near the beverage counter for the waiters I fond a place with a view to the band.

Stood there for about 5 minutes, when a small white dressed PRC came over and talked to me.

"Hi, how are u". Et cetera. I almost understood nothing because of the loud music and the "slang" of the young lady.

A security told me (in a friendly manner) that I could not stand there, so I found a place near the tables on the other side of the club.

The PRC followed despite the fact that I almost ignored her (next day she told me, that she explicit had chosen me and never would have herself talked out of it) I felt rather uncomfortable with her on my site, since I was looking for PRC-Shoo.

After a while I looked at her a little more detailed. And? . She was cute! She was very cute! She was the cutest of the whole club!

My mood brightened up and I knew that we both would spend the night together.

I asked her for her name and began the debate about the "financial things". Her name was "Li Ni" but she ignored my request for the price.

Asked once, asked twice, but didn’t get an answer.

I insisted in talking about money but she got a little angry and said: "let’s spend the night together and you decide afterwards". Sounds a bit funny from a WG's mouth but OK, you never know.

I bought some new drinks (She, whiskey-cola. Me, diet-coke). In the pause of the band she danced with a girlfriend and some strange things happened:

An old and pissed PRC-Woman came to me, showed a zero with her thumb and forefinger and pointed on "Li Ni". "She is rubbish, don’t take her, she is not young, she is 43 and she has 3 babies" the old dragon mumbled.

She got more and more excited and finally grabbed quickly another PRC-girl (next day, "Li Ni" told me that it was her room-mate) and pushed her to me. "Take her, she is much better".

For the girl and also for me the situation was very unpleasant.

I fled on the dance floor. "Li Ni" was highly delighted and began a sexy teasing with but-bumping and so on.

While dancing I got a phone call from a workmate (who outed himself as a monger today at the office). To talk to him I went out to the stairway. While talking, the old PRC came again, grasped me tightly and continuously kissed me on my forehead. I only escaped that situation by pushing her back and insulting her with German swearwords.

Very strange!

Little later my mate joined us and he was really impressed by my Chinese beauty. He asked her weather she had a sister to join him. "Li Ni" fetched a mate but my friend didn’t like her. "I thought your twin-sister" he said laughing, but for the girls it was not that funny (as Li Ni told me later).

As it still was 2a. M. We left the club. On our way to my hotel we dropped my mate at the Rattlesnake club on Sheik-Zahed-Rd. And arrived at the Hotel at half past 2.

Underground Pub was closed and we had to take the direction through the Main-Lobby.

I was rather nervous and was totally frightened when a Security Guy came round a corner of the corridor to the elevator.

"Good morning sir"! He said, and continued his way.

Puhhhh, now I was sure that the "Habtoor Grand Resort" is absolutely GF.

(In the elevator the button of the "Pub-level" is labelled with "GF". Means Girlfriend or what? In the room there are plenty of towels, a second bathrobe, second bathing shoes and a box with hygiene-utensils like toothbrush, toothpaste, shower cap, wadding pad, Q-Tips and so on. They even renewed the things which was used by "Xi Ga" the day before)

In the room, "Li Ni" began with DFK and after a while she sent me to have a shower. She took a shower too and I prepared some drinks from the Minibar.

On the bed, we first smooched very tenderly and I did a DATY which was highly appreciated by her. I told her that I prefer the slow and tender sex and she said she also like it slowly.

After her strong orgasm (real or not? . Don’t know) she did an outstanding BBBJ with tongue action while doing (almost) deep throat.

We also had sex in any kind of positions and I felt definitely like in heaven.

"Li Ni" not only is a very attractive and lovely young lady but also an absolute sex-technique pro. After our "session" she felt asleep and I did my e-mails and so on for about one hour.

But I could not concentrate on my work! Again and again I had to watch this sweet "virgin" angel, lying in the white linen.

I had known her only for about six hours but in this moment I already felt something similar like "love"! ? !

To bee continued

Part two of my "Love story" with PRC-"Li Ni" will follow soon.


EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

08-24-08, 21:28
I will be making a trip to Dubai soon. Please advise on the cost of hookers and where they can be found.

1. Street Hookers.

2. Night Club Hookers.

3. Any other places in Dubai.

Thanks. SB.

08-25-08, 02:54
On Saturday (16th of August) I woke up at about 8 a.m.
“Li Ni” was sleeping deep.

At least 1 hour I lied awake and waited for some reactions by “Li Ni”.

“Li Ni” was sleeping like a stone and even my tender kiss on her arm didn’t have any effect on her.

Finally I felt asleep again and we both woke up at about 10.

The following morning action was at least as good as yesterday.

Endless very tender kissing and caressing all over her body. Long lasting and intensive DATY with very wet reactions.

Especially her unique BBBJ nearly drove me mad and while doing “Kamasutra-stile” sexual activity I filled two or three condoms.

At about half past 12 I ordered some dishes for lunch. Never had Lunch in a hotel room before. Meal was very good and I felt like on honeymoon.

As both of us didn’t want to leave each other, we decided to go together to town.
I had to do some shopping and “Li Ni” wanted to change her dress.

Jumeira Beach to Deira was a 30min ride but the last kilometre to her flat in the middle of Deira took another 30min. While “Li Ni” was changing cloths in her apartment I drove around the block because I couldn’t find any parking space.
She looked great in her white narrow pants and her black top when she came down her flat.

We went to the Deira-City-Center, walked hand in hand through the Mall, had some ice cream, each of us recharged his/her mobile, I didn’t find a short sleeve shirt (winter-collection in every shop, what????? Where is the winter in Dubai????) She bought some mascara and over all it was a great experience for me.

While in the Mall I got a SMS from PRC-“Xi Ga”. I answered her that I am in the mall with another girl. “Li Ni” got very angry about me, answering the SMS of another girl!!??!!

We drove back to my hotel to prepare for the night and have dinner before going out.

As I didn’t try the Thai Restaurant in the Habtoor Hotel while staying there in May (with my family) we went there and had an excellent dinner.

Habtoor Hotel is great. Everybody treated my little china-girl like a lady and nobody even moved the face when we both walked hand in hand through the corridors along the shops.

At about 11 we went to the Sea-View Hotel. Mariner-Club was not more than half filled. Many Pilipino regular girls with her boyfriends, not so much WG´s. Except my beautiful girl “Li Ni” only PRC-girls below 6.

We found a place on a table with some English guys. “Li Ni” ordered whiskey-cola, me diet-coke. After one or two drinks “Li Ni” tried to get me on the dance floor. The music from the Disco was too slow and not disco-like and so I didn’t want to dance. “Li Ni” searched for her room mate to dance with her, but she didn’t find her.
Finally she danced alone and me, the cool and rational German IT-Guy, stood on a table with five noisy and joyfully Englishmen who boozed one whiskey-soda after the other and clearly had more fun than me.

Next time I go out by taxi and also drink some alcohol!

I thought that the music in a “real Discotheque” would be better and I decided to go to the Premiere-Club in the Hyatt-Regency.

We went there, but this night I didn’t like that club at all. Many south-east CIS-Girls, some PRC, some Africans. No real beauties (except “Li Ni”).

Music was Arabic and on the dance floor lots of pissed Arabic and/or Pakistani men.
My girl ordered whisky, me diet-Pepsi. One of the two girls on the dance-floor was PRC-“Xi Ga”. As I saw her, I got a little sentimental. I think I like her too. She is more the “buddy-type-girl”. I like to talk to her. Dressed she looks better than naked.

Yes, -I like her.

But I “love” my beauty-queen “Li Ni”!

Later I got a SMS from “Xi Ga” with only the two words: “Have fun”.

I wasn’t in the mood for dancing and so “Li Ni” danced alone between the ridiculous Pakistani male dancers.

One of them continuously hopped around “Li Ni” and came closer and closer.
Regardless of the fact, that “Li Ni” tried to escape and gave him to understand that she didn’t like him, I was “boiling with rage” an got very jealous (after 2,5 years of mongering the “old Captain” still didn’t get the difference between the paid-illusions and the reality).

At half past 2 we left the Club and went back to my Hotel.

Now, alone with my “true love” I was very happy again.

“Li Ni” celebrated another “Wedding night” with some extra surprises and I was in 7th Heaven!

Next day we woke up at 11a.m. It was the day of my departure from Dubai.

I had to leave the hotel until noon. Everything went (too) fast now.

She asked me to call for a taxi. Because I had not enough time left to bring her back to town, I did so and now I asked for the prize of our very nice togetherness.

Even now, she didn’t name an exact amount.

“Depends on you, you decide”, she said.

I was very confused. Never ever had such strange behaviour in my whole career as a monger.

(even my favourite girl in my favourite German FKK-Club, to whom I’m “in love” now for 2,5 years gets “big eyes” when it comes to the payment and exactly summarizes the prizes for the time and the additional extras)

I gave “Li Ni” 3000Dhs and 200Dhs for the taxi. No idea whether it was enough or not?

She seemed happy with the money and said: “As I have to do my visa-change tomorrow, I take the money”.

We had a rather fast and cool goodbye at the door of my hotel room and I only realized what had been happened when I was on the plane back to Germany.

I definitely had one of my best experiences of my whole life, while my togetherness with lovely “Li Ni”.
When I think of “Li Ni”, my heart gets week and I get some tears in my eyes.

Never will learn it to take the “business” as it is!

Yesterday, when I surfed on the web-site of my favourite airline, I found a special offer for flying to Dubai after Ramadan.

I booked that flight without thinking twice!

Hope that “Li Ni” will still be there and we can meet again!!!!

Until then

Your old German fellow

Captain B.

(P.S. in fall, the Habtoor Grand Resort costs double the prize of august. Too much for me. Have to search for another Hotel or Apartment. Maybe I ask you for suggestions, - naturally after RTTF!!!)

08-25-08, 03:40
Part two of my "Love story" with PRC-"Li Ni" will follow soon.


thanks again fellow mongers, for your tips.

Tomorrow I will post the report of my second and even better date with another PRC-Girl in Dubai.

Till then

Greetings from the old German Captain B.

Damn two great PRC experiences in one trip wow! Must be an anomaly :) Now all we need is for the US to catch Osama and the earth will tilt on its axis. Nah just kidding Cap I only been with two PRCs over the years have a lot more experience with the Africans if anything if I can remember correctly… damn starting to lose count of the girls I fucked with don’t know if that’s good or bad…:)

08-25-08, 04:01
I will be making a trip to Dubai soon. Please advise on the cost of hookers and where they can be found.

1. Street Hookers.

2. Night Club Hookers.

3. Any other places in Dubai.

Thanks. SB.


Sorry couldn't resist.

08-25-08, 10:20
You’re a funny guy Daddy!

PRC OR Any Lady Hit Or Miss...

But I can agree.

On my next visit to Dubai, right after Ramadan, I promise to try some Africans!!?!
Still talked to a cutie from Nigeria at York Hotel. Have the number.

Besides, some 8 weeks ago I met a girl from Kenya in a German FKK-Club and it was great experience.

Great sexual partner and (even more important for the Captain) great personality.
Second time in my life I saw a female ejaculation.

Till October

Captain B.

08-25-08, 13:09
Had originally put this in general information but thought it more appropriate to put it in Dubai reports.

Had an opportunity to get some R&R in Dubai the last week of July and am now back humping the hills with some good memories. Felt I should at least convey my general impressions especially since many of the senior members had been so kind as to provide me invaluable information prior to my trip.

I stayed 4 nights at the Hilton Dubai. I used a recommendation made by one of the members and reserved a double room. Really was not needed as the hotel was completely girl friendly. They required the requisite scanning of the passport but I was usually able to enter the hotel without even having to do that.

For the most part I confined my mongoring to Jockeys as the selection was good enough for me (granted I had been sex deprived for almost six months). Usually, the mix was about 60 F. 40 M with about 75 percent PRC, and the rest African and Russian. At Jockey's I pretty much kept my selection to the PRC girls as I found them to be the most congenial, polite and provided me the most pleasure in conversation.

I can't remember the names, but was with two girls each night (with the exception of one night that I selected just one girl) all LT term (from about 2000 until morning). I also stayed with the same 5 girls taking two of them twice on different nights. I know it seems weird but I felt guilty if they were at the club and I did not take them. I did not negotiate, nor did they raise the issue of price. I gave each 1000DHM for the night (I know it might have been a little excessive, but I also feel for their plight). I suspect most of them would, if given a real choice, select another way to earn money.

Without exception, the PRC's provided GFE's and were actually fun to be with. Most stayed well past the morning. All were anxious to please, enjoyed spooning and were very responsive throughout the night.

Only exception to a great week was the one night I went to York and went Russian. Was only there about 2 hours so was not in a position to assess the percentage of girls. After about 30 minutes was approached by a Russian. She was attractive and had a great body. I delayed taking her as I wanted to see what developed later in the evening but she was persistent. Unlike the PRC's, I negotiated 800DHM each for her and a friend. Unlike the PRC's, sex with them was very mechanical (was one of those experiences where you realize you would have had a more pleasurable experience masturbating).

Moreover, after about 2 hours one suddenly developed a toothache and they both wanted to leave. I knew it was crap but to be honest after a few hours of mechanical sex, with girls with about as much personality as a rock, I was happy to be rid of them and sleep alone. So I told them to go ahead (despite this turn of events I paid each the promised 800 and gave them another 100 cab fare. I felt they probably needed the money as I can’t envision them getting much repeat business)

So, bottom line. As of the end of July Hilton Dubai was GF. From my perspective, PRC girls are the way to go if you want to increase your chances of having a very good experience. Russian girls are, well Russian.

Finally, thanks to the senior members who helped make the trip enjoyable. I am looking forward to my next break in October.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

08-26-08, 07:40

Yes I have read the F** Feild Reports and gained much information, to which I thank all contributors.

I will be in Dubai from Oct 4th for a week of mongering.

Plans are at least one top draw cutie from Kubu, afternoon or two at Panorama, night ventures to Imperial, Rumours, York, Astoria and seaview.

The question I have is. Has anyone info on Zinc at the Crowne Plaza where I will be based (according to the FR GREEN).

I arrive at hotel around 1:00 am and was hoping try something on the doorstep. If not. Does anyone have any recomendations.

If anyone wants to meet for a drink and monger. PM me. Allways up for a wing man or 3.

Have fun.


Luper Calia
08-26-08, 16:16
Captain B. I am glad that your Dubai experience improved.

I gave “Li Ni” 3000Dhs and 200Dhs for the taxi. No idea whether it was enough or not?
If you talked money up front then she might have settled for AED700 LT and would have been very happy with AED1000 LT. So 2 nights for AED2000 for her would have been good.

On the other hand...........

I definitely had one of my best experiences of my whole life,

Sounds like AED3000 was OK as you are both very happy. I think you can afford it!

Hope that “Li Ni” will still be there and we can meet again!!!!

Let her know you are coming and I guess she will be waiting. As you are a good customer who treats her with respect and pays well.

(P.S. in fall, the Habtoor Grand Resort costs double the prize of august. Too much for me. Have to search for another Hotel or Apartment. Maybe I ask you for suggestions

Hard to say, other than the Habtoor is on the beach and after Ramadan the weather will have cooled so that beach hotels are busier. Prices in business hotels closer to the centre may be more reasonable depending on what is happening in Dubai that week. Sheraton 4 Points in Khalid Bin Waleed St, and Ramada in Mankool Road are both Green (see recent reports by Friend Iri and Steve Dubai) and very close to the action so you might want to check the prices with them. As a Hotel, the Seaview is not regularly commented on, but it has good restaurants and is, I think, Green.

Delhi Friend
08-26-08, 20:59

Yes I have read the F** Feild Reports and gained much information, to which I thank all contributors.

I will be in Dubai from Oct 4th for a week of mongering.

Plans are at least one top draw cutie from Kubu, afternoon or two at Panorama, night ventures to Imperial, Rumours, York, Astoria and seaview.

The question I have is. Has anyone info on Zinc at the Crowne Plaza where I will be based (according to the FR GREEN).Hello friend,

Looking at such a nice plan of action, I would recommend you Radisson Deira.
Zinc is not so good and hardly any mongering is possible. Moreover the hotel Crowne Plaza is not advisory to stay since it is completely out of the mongering areas of bur dubai and deira. You will find it very difficult to hop between the clubs and your room during short intervals. I had a similar experience hence I am suggesting you not to stay at Crowne Plaza aur anywhere near Shiekh Zayed road.


08-27-08, 00:25
... Plans are at least one top draw cutie from Kubu, afternoon or two at Panorama, night ventures to Imperial, Rumours, York, Astoria and seaview.

The question I have is. Has anyone info on Zinc at the Crowne Plaza where I will be based (according to the FR GREEN).

I arrive at hotel around 1:00 am and was hoping try something on the doorstep. If not. Does anyone have any recomendations.

If anyone wants to meet for a drink and monger. PM me. Allways up for a wing man or 3.

Have fun.

SCrowne Plaza is definitely GF. I took my regular Filipina girl there a couple of weeks ago for an afternoon of fun. No need for her ID when she arrived 10 minutes after I settled in. But the day-room rate has gone up from 360AED total to 500AED total, so tomorrow we're meeting at my place instead. Late night may be a different story. At worst, your girl will need her passport copy.

Zinc in Crowne Plaza is a good place to pick up a WG or a non-WG. About 20% working girls in there after midnight, so it's a fun challenge for a monger.

You've done your research and you have a good list of places to visit for hot girls (except Panorama, IMO). Good luck and keep us posted.

08-27-08, 01:29
Thank you Luper Calia for your response.

Dubai currently is great fun for me. And it’s always a business trip (told my wife yesterday, that my damn customer will send me another time to Dubai in October! ? ! )

Flight is booked and for the first 4 nights I stay at the Radisson SAS Deira Creek.

For the second 4 nights the Radisson is too expensive and so I’m still searching.

Would prefer an Apartment at the Harbour Hotel & Residence at Dubai Marina, but despite RTFF couldn’t find out whether it’s GF or not.

Other possible places are:

Towers Rotana, Al Manzil, Metropolitan Dubai City and Four Points by Sheraton Sheikh Zayed Rd. They all are in the direction of my customer’s office. Checked prices and RTFF since 2 days. Suggestions are appreciated.

Ramada in Mankool Road. See recent reports. By Steve Dubai.

Maybe that’s too much like a déjà vu to "Li Ni" because her working name is "Lisa" and my first name is similar to "Steve"! ?


Captain B.

08-27-08, 09:32
Hi CaptainB,

I can recommend Chelsea Towers Appartement. Its green, and there is a possibilty to walk directly from the parking house to your room without going through the lobby. In addition there is a nice kitchen and its fun to ask your PRC friend to prepare DIM Sum for you. I was doing it several times, first shopping together and than we have been cooking together, wearing nothing than a towel.

If you book an apartement you very often get one with 2 sleeping rooms.

I was using that when I had one time a phillipine WG, but she was bringing 2 of her girlfriends. We had big fun, but I only wanted to really sleep with one, as I need the space. So the other 2 where using the other bedroom, and in the morning we had fun all three again.

In addition Al Manzil and Quarmardeen are also nice were you go directly from parking to your room. Towers Rotana is also very green and it has the advantage of the nice large bar in the basement. (From Chelsea Towers you also walk only 3 minutes to Towers Rotana).

Metropolitan in Deira I cannot recommend its green, but to my opinion rooms are not nice. Everything smells a bit sticky (I dont like).

Appartements in the Metropolitan at Sheik Zayed are also good.

I also can recommend the hilton in Deira, its also is very green and has nice rooms and its not far to KuBu.

If you look for something a bit cheaper, you can try the apartments pearls residence (just behind Burjuman center), they also have kitchen, living room and big beds, and good bathroom.


Thank you Luper Calia for your response.

Dubai currently is great fun for me. And it’s always a business trip (told my wife yesterday, that my damn customer will send me another time to Dubai in October! ? ! )

Flight is booked and for the first 4 nights I stay at the Radisson SAS Deira Creek.

For the second 4 nights the Radisson is too expensive and so I’m still searching.

Would prefer an Apartment at the Harbour Hotel & Residence at Dubai Marina, but despite RTFF couldn’t find out whether it’s GF or not.

Other possible places are:

Towers Rotana, Al Manzil, Metropolitan Dubai City and Four Points by Sheraton Sheikh Zayed Rd. They all are in the direction of my customer’s office. Checked prices and RTFF since 2 days. Suggestions are appreciated.

Maybe that’s too much like a déjà vu to "Li Ni" because her working name is "Lisa" and my first name is similar to "Steve"! ?


Captain B.

08-27-08, 14:31
Hope you are well.

Seems that we will be in Dubai around the same time .. send me a PM ..perhaps wew can meet for a beer or 3.


Wicked Roger
08-27-08, 16:00
Towers Rotana, Al Manzil, Metropolitan Dubai City and Four Points by Sheraton Sheikh Zayed Rd. They all are in the direction of my customer’s office. Checked prices and RTFF since 2 days. Suggestions are appreciated.

Captain B.
Would beware of the new 4 Points as the one in Mankhool Road is not GF (girl is asked for ORGINAL passport copy). Khalid bin Wleed St 4 Points is GF

Rotana always good and try the Jumierah Rotana (by Dune Centre) as this has good rates and the Executive rooms are very spacious with a great mirror ;) Towers is GF when I last checked.

08-27-08, 22:28
Other possible places are:

Towers Rotana, Al Manzil, Metropolitan Dubai City and Four Points by Sheraton Sheikh Zayed Rd. They all are in the direction of my customer’s office. Checked prices and RTFF since 2 days. Suggestions are appreciated.Consider Holiday inn downtown. I stayed there not so long ago and was fine, although someone recently advised it has had a change in policy. One simple phonecall should do the trick.

Arabian Courtyard, with a supplement.

Le Meridiens are always great!

08-29-08, 02:42
Thank you Luper Calia, Wicked Roger (I like the picture of your fishing trip with Piper1. I did a fishing trip in May in AD. Was rather boring... with my wife and my little son), Sonic Ray, Disappointed and especially Hunter105 for your recommendations.

I appreciate your response as a warm welcome for a newbie to your forum.

I finally choose the Towers Rotana. Best value. There is more money left for mongering!

See you in the UAE

Captain B.

Joe Coodidge
08-29-08, 14:31
I had asked this in the hotel -information forum but since we are talking about hotels here let me ask...

Does anyone have any experience with MyDubaiStay.com (http://www.mydubaistay.com/default.aspx)? I'm coming out again later this year for a few weeks and I'd like to stay someplace other than a hotel. I'm thinking it might be more GF friendly...

Feel free to PM if you wish



08-29-08, 16:18
I had asked this in the hotel -information forum but since we are talking about hotels here let me ask...

Does anyone have any experience with MyDubaiStay.com (http://www.mydubaistay.com/default.aspx)? I'm coming out again later this year for a few weeks and I'd like to stay someplace other than a hotel. I'm thinking it might be more GF friendly...

Feel free to PM if you wish


JoeYou might also want to check the vacations rental section on expatriates.com - some good options there.

08-29-08, 20:48
Joe. Something else to check on are hotel-apartments. They are much nicer for longer stays. Two I can recommend are across SZ road from the Marina area. Sapphire Hotel Apartments and Legacy Hotel Apartments. On most travel search engines if you use 'hotel apartment' for the name, they will come up. I have spend several weeks in a one bedroom at Sapphire. Serviced, cook if you want, nice. WR has seen it and can attest. Most of the parking is underground and you can go directly to the lift and your floor. Not going past reception. Check them out!

I had asked this in the hotel -information forum but since we are talking about hotels here let me ask...

Does anyone have any experience with MyDubaiStay.com (http://www.mydubaistay.com/default.aspx)? I'm coming out again later this year for a few weeks and I'd like to stay someplace other than a hotel. I'm thinking it might be more GF friendly...

Feel free to PM if you wish



08-30-08, 06:52
i arrived back in dubai mid week and was looking forward to a bit of music before ramadan which is due to start 1st or 2nd of sept depending on moon sightings. i missed the boat however. i “wasted” thursday evening in a convivial meeting with friends in the otherwise tedious “underground” in the habtoor grand so friday i decided to hit bur dubai.

music room 8:30 to 10:10

ordered a beer and waited for my wingman to arrive, no music, wing man arrives we order food, still no music, wing man thinks flip side left a few days ago. ask the waitress, no music until after ramadan – bollox.

there was not much in the way of other distractions either, 3 prc, obviously working, one in a nice mini dress. with a few others on dates.

seaview 10:15 to 10:30

same story, the band has gone, sparse rep001tering of prcs, some reasonable filipinas (i am guessing) but they are accompanied by some european guys. we considered the york, but neither of us was in the mood for the place. my wingman suggests “savage garden” at the capitol hotel.

savage garden – capitol hotel 10:45

closed until after ramadan!

rockwell café – capitol hotel 10:45 to 11:30

no live music, wingman identified some of the band members having a beer. not much going on, two nigerian lfubs trying to drum up some business, not overly aggressive but they did take a little while to get the message we were not interested.

it looks like this may be a reasonable place to hunt “civilian” filipinas.

after that - gave up and went home

my wingman told me he weny hunting for a mexican resturant last week and ended up in pancho villas in the astoria. i have not seen a report on this place for ages. he was surprised to find it was a down market version of the york. nothing changed there then!

Wicked Roger
08-30-08, 07:42
Joe. Something else to check on are hotel-apartments. They are much nicer for longer stays. Two I can recommend are across SZ road from the Marina area. Sapphire Hotel Apartments and Legacy Hotel Apartments. On most travel search engines if you use 'hotel apartment' for the name, they will come up. I have spend several weeks in a one bedroom at Sapphire. Serviced, cook if you want, nice. WR has seen it and can attest. Most of the parking is underground and you can go directly to the lift and your floor. Not going past reception. Check them out!

Yes this is a a nice place, smart rooms, large enough for a party ;)

Also no walk of shame, so easy and looks like good value as long as you do not mind being far from Bur Dubai

Steve Dubai
08-31-08, 11:23
Was in Dubai for a few days recently and met Steve D while out and about. He told me that he was with PRC Lisa any nights he was out and didn't feel he had anything new to add to the forum. I also think he has no access to the forum for the next few weeks so maybe that answers the questions.

Well guys - I'm back - but still out of action - if you know what I mean. (and for me mongering happened after marriage - did not realise I would miss the variety, chat-up and hunt so much!!)

Have managed to save about a dozen numbers for daytime liaisons - which should keep me content until the next bout of bachelor freedom - hoping the new visa rules don't force the girls to leave too soon.

NetViking 2008
09-01-08, 10:41
Well guys - I'm back - but still out of action - if you know what I mean. (and for me mongering happened after marriage - did not realise I would miss the variety, chat-up and hunt so much!!)

Have managed to save about a dozen numbers for daytime liaisons - which should keep me content until the next bout of bachelor freedom - hoping the new visa rules don't force the girls to leave too soon.What do you mean Steve ? I know that with the new rules there are many problems with hotels, but what's happening with VISA?

Might be that girls in Dubai will have to go away?

09-01-08, 18:28
Was in Dubai a few times in recent weeks and stayed at Ramada Bur Dubai. GF as usual and very central for the area. While I have nothing particular useful to add on the forum, I do want to say a big thank you to Wicked Roger who was more than helpful trying to sort out my requests. Visited all the clubs/pubs in the area. York is as reported many times. Regal to me anyway seems to have a much poorer selection than say two years ago: always busy but M/F ratio was 60/40 and the quality was only fair at best. Where have the a listers gone? Was in Panorama a few times and there were a few reasonable lookers but age wise in the older bracket. Only made it to Imperial once and for a short time leaving at 11.30 but as Piper stated recently there certainly was quality to be had.Next time it will get more attention. Seaview a few times and band excellent as always but again felt that quality was thin on the ground with a few lookers but the vast majority falling into the c list. Hit Rumours one night and while it was very quiet there were a few Ukranian ladies that you wouldn't say no to. Price was coming in at 700aed for the night but I had other plans made. As stated thanks WR for your help and as I told you after the event I felt that filipino Jean, who you helped me to meet up with is not giving quality service at the minute and I sensed that her mind was elsewhere.Not one for repeat business at the minute anyway. Maybe lack of quality lookers has something to do with Ramadan being so close and alot had already left Dubai for the month.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

09-01-08, 22:28
I haven't been in Dubai since 2005, but anyone of you could tell me...

1. Is Cyclone still open?

2. Were is the best place for eastern european women?

When I was there Preimere and Cyclone were great.


Wicked Roger
09-02-08, 05:14
As stated thanks WR for your help and as I told you after the event I felt that filipino Jean, who you helped me to meet up with is not giving quality service at the minute and I sensed that her mind was elsewhere.Not one for repeat business at the minute anyway.
EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

So that others know as well, Jean's mind seem to preoccupied (as I found out later) and maybe the fact she has her visa issues resolved she doesn't really care as much now etc. Who knows but certainly it was not the Jean I know and others know (a pale shadow). Menu was discussed and agreed as was price but menu not delivered. Even spoke with J the next day and she was not really focused.

We will see if this trend continues or not as there are others who will take her place if needs be. I hope this is one off and LF just got her at a bad time (we all get those but wish she had told us).

See you you LF

French Canadia
09-02-08, 07:45
I haven't been in Dubai since 2005, but anyone of you could tell me...

1. Is Cyclone still open?

2. Were is the best place for eastern european women?

When I was there Preimere and Cyclone were great.


1. Nope Cyclone been closed for almost 2 years now.

2. Some will say Premier/RattleSnake ( Metropolitan SZ road)/ Regal

Take Care


Steve Dubai
09-02-08, 09:28
but what's happening with VISA?

Might be that girls in Dubai will have to go away?

Confirmed from some work collagues that Visa runs to Kish are still happening. Only difference now is that replacement visa is a one month tourist visa that can be extended once by one month only.

Also a few PRC contacts have done their visa runs in the last two weeks - but still to get the details.

So it would seem that visa runs can be done every two months now, instead of every 3 months. This obviously will push the costs up for the girls - but not as much as initially feared.

Grateful Spread
09-02-08, 11:29
replacement visa is a one month tourist visa that can be extended once by one month only.Another confirmation from African WG friend who has just just returned from Kish with one-month only visa.
So it would seem that visa runs can be done every two months now, instead of every 3 months. If it can only be every two months then it will make it very difficult to stay in the UAE if visa's validity is only one month and only extendable by a further one-month on a one-off basis. The girls will need to have a bloody good sponsor/PRO to make that happen.

Oil Rich
09-02-08, 13:25
Another confirmation from African WG friend who has just just returned from Kish with one-month only visa. If it can only be every two months then it will make it very difficult to stay in the UAE if visa's validity is only one month and only extendable by a further one-month on a one-off basis. The girls will need to have a bloody good sponsor/PRO to make that happen.GS is spot on with regards to the 'one off' one month visa extension, furthermore if they have had several visa renewals in the past, this may go against them when doing the kish run.

09-03-08, 18:27
As the temperatures seemed to have fallen a bit I decided on a stroll along “The Walk” between the Marina and the beach. I thought I would grab a quick pint at “Charlie Parrot’s” in the Oasis Beach Hotel. It appears the hotel has closed already. (I had heard end of September) So that’s the end on another bar with a bit of mongering action. Not a great loss, except it was one of the few places in the area with WG's. It also had a bit more atmosphere than the other places on the strip.

Checked the “Studio One” bar in the Hilton, horrible place IMHO which had not improved since the last time I looked in. I did not stop.

Now This is New to Me!

Earlier I thought I head a female voice calling from a car but thought it was just someone calling someone they knew. The second time there was no mistake, Between the Oasis and the Hilton a car slowed beside me and I was given a definite come on by a Oriental looking lady, may be PRC, maybe ‘Stani, hard to tell. Face looked OK, but could not tell much else. Curiosity was not strong enough to see what the score was.

09-03-08, 23:16
While waiting in front of my hose (around 2100h) a chinese-looking girls stopped her card and offered to take me. Face looked good unfortunately I had a nusiness appointment.

I was also curious...

I hope to become an active poster soon. Came back after a long (and dry) spell in my home country and now I spent my time either in Khartoum or putting the powerpoints for my new venture.
Possibilities are opening, including some fun in LatAm or maybe SriLanka. If the last one happens I think i willneed DrPiper's professional advice for the successful completionof the project :)

As the temperatures seemed to have fallen a bit I decided on a stroll along “The Walk” between the Marina and the beach. I thought I would grab a quick pint at “Charlie Parrot’s” in the Oasis Beach Hotel. It appears the hotel has closed already. (I had heard end of September) So that’s the end on another bar with a bit of mongering action. Not a great loss, except it was one of the few places in the area with WG's. It also had a bit more atmosphere than the other places on the strip.

Checked the “Studio One” bar in the Hilton, horrible place IMHO which had not improved since the last time I looked in. I did not stop.

Now This is New to Me!

Earlier I thought I head a female voice calling from a car but thought it was just someone calling someone they knew. The second time there was no mistake, Between the Oasis and the Hilton a car slowed beside me and I was given a definite come on by a Oriental looking lady, may be PRC, maybe ‘Stani, hard to tell. Face looked OK, but could not tell much else. Curiosity was not strong enough to see what the score was.

09-04-08, 18:54
On a red car? Sounds like its the same girl.

How was Khartoum, I have visited on a couple of occasions and concluded it was not a bundle of laughs, but I have been in worse places!

09-04-08, 19:26
...I thought she stopped because of my great attractive, amazing sexuala prowess and world-known glamnour. Now it seems she stops for anybody.

Man you killed me.

Khartoum is qutie OK, food is good (at a couple of lebanese places including the rotana hotel). You can manage to go through a visit without sufferig a massive loss of water and electrolites thrugh the usual channel and girls are pretty and like to flirt.

Having said that, the cfo of an emirati owned operator there was deported (after spending 1 week in prison ) after being set up by his secretary when he asked to arrange some companionship. one of my guys ws arrested as they suspected him of being a British spy and just in case I instructed my team to have a strict hands-off polic with local girls (and of course guys, goats and camels).

I managed to meet a Brazilian girl at the hotel... I knew she was Brazilian by the way she smiled to me (fake but wonderfully charming). Plenty of Brazilian guys too (and other LatAm).

Agree being in worst, but no reason (besides $) to go there.

Sounds like its the same girl.

How was Khartoum, I have visited on a couple of occasions and concluded it was not a bundle of laughs, but I have been in worse places!

Naked Gunz
09-05-08, 07:06
said that, the cfo of an emirati owned operator there was deported (after
I managed to meet a Brazilian girl at the hotel... I knew she was Brazilian by the way she smiled to me (fake but wonderfully charming). Plenty of Brazilian guys too (and other LatAm).

Are you saying there is lots of Brazilian poontang at Rotana?

09-05-08, 09:42
Nope. There was a Brazilian girl at the Rotana, she was UN. There are a few stunning UN girls staying at the Rotana. A couple of her friends were even better than her.

And there is plenty of Brazilians in Sudan, but they are ex-Army, male and engaged into the number of UN missions there... if you are attracted to uniforms...

So to make it clear. Sudan is not a mongers destination. The local girls are attractive and like to flirt but you may be set up very easily. The foreign girls staying at the Rotana are not P4P, or at least not rental (you may try with a short term lease and you may be lucky).

I did not check the Filipina waitresses at some restaurant because i) I was with customer, ii) the legal implications could be huge and nasty... I rather jerk-off in my room.

I hope this clarifies the issue. (But compared with KSA Sudan is like a candy shop).

Are you saying there is lots of Brazilian poontang at Rotana?

Black Boots
09-05-08, 10:22

Called my usual provider of delights, a new dish on offer, visited the place it was worth the visit, a nice one from a choice of three, paid the usual sum great works, daty, missionary etc, great fun to be with. Would repeat the experience



09-05-08, 10:37
I'm based in Oman and will be over in Dubai tomorrow night. (Business meetings on Sunday) How was the action last night in York, Jockey Club or Rattlesnake? Same number of girls?



Puss Eator
09-05-08, 10:53
Hi Guys,

I will be in Dubai in 3 weeks time. I need some help to find some AMPs and also few African joints.

Pls. help.

Wicked Roger
09-05-08, 12:54

I have searched the FRs in the USA but still cant find any mention of you in Alaska shagging the Republican Party's VP nominee.......despite one of her children being called Piper :D

I think we should be told if you have a secret love child :)

09-05-08, 15:04
I will be in Dubai on a short trip in a couple of weeks and I'm starting to think how to play things. I don't have much time (about a day and a half), and I'm torn between tried and tested and a voyage of discovery. My latest thinking is a bit of both.

I arrive early morning so I plan on a quick sleep and then call a girl I met on a previous visit. Pretty, busty PRC in a previous report (see report 5218). An alternative is Betty, a petite African who I suspect is the very same girl in LustForLife's posting (number 5544). So that's the day sorted, and I'll hit a few bars later for something new.

Anyway, my question. I've been to Dubai in Ramadan and I know York and Imperial pretty well, but I've never been to The Premier at the Hyatt. Could someone on this forum please advise on, a. If it's open during Ramadan, and b. If it's worth a punt on limited time?

I'd be very grateful, and would happily buy a few beers to whoever comes up with a plan and wants to a night out.

09-06-08, 06:54
This will go part way to answering some recent questions.

I hit the York for the first time in ages last night. As I have no recent point of reference it’s hard to say is how Ramadan and visa issues are affection the population. One welcome change was the behavior of the Africans, there was no grabbing and over zealous marketing.

The M/F ratio was 60/40 at best, girls were the usual split of African, PRC and a smattering of CIS. But all in all there was a disappointing selection on offer.

My wingman got approached by a short fat African with an impressive rack, turns out she was fun to talk to but her body shape (rack excluded) appealed to neither of us.

If you like dirty talkers you would have liked the Kenyan girl who approched me and made it quite clear BJs were on the menu.

The Premier at the Hyatt. Could someone on this forum please advise on, a. If it's open during Ramadan..

Apparent not, I got talking the “best of the bunch” PRC and she said she normally works at the Hyatt but it’s closed for Ramadan.

I talked to a few of what 11Bravo termed “cookie cutter” PRC, but none was compelling. I spotted an attractive CIS/Stani but she was being led around by the hand by another harder looking girl and looked dazed and confused. That type of situation always puts me off

09-06-08, 07:51

I have searched the FRs in the USA but still cant find any mention of you in Alaska shagging the Republican Party's VP nominee.......despite one of her children being called Piper :D

I think we should be told if you have a secret love child :)Might be somthing in it - From the Daily Telegraph website.
Sarah Palin affair rumours are false, says John McCain's team
Advisers to John McCain have threatened legal action against the American tabloid “National Enquirer” after it claimed that his vice-presidential running mate Sarah Palin had committed adultery

09-06-08, 11:22
I hit the York for the first time in ages last night. ... One welcome change was the behavior of the Africans, there was no grabbing and over zealous marketing.

My wingman got approached by a short fat African with an impressive rack, turns out she was fun to talk to but her body shape (rack excluded) appealed to neither of us.I thought it was you but wasn't sure, or I would've said hi. Yes, that short fat African with the ginormous bootie was marketing hard last night - she also tried it on with my pal and I as she did her endless rounds. Have to disagree there was no grabbing by the African girls - by the time I left York, my clothes were shredded and my arms and butt were bruised.

Despite the plentiful supply of girls at York, nothing to write home about, so after playing some pool we headed across to Regal. (As a back-up plan, I first took the number of a very pretty PRC in an elegant black dress, and very good English).

Same situation at Regal - no stunners to be seen, and I was going to use some of my phone numbers instead, when suddenly a hot young blonde approached me from a dark corner, smiling away and calling my name. Turns out it was a young and pretty CIS girl with massive hooters, who was one of the first girls I was going to call on my phone list. Must be fate!

I met her at Rattler a couple of times recently, but didn't have the opportunity to take her home. Good looks, fun attitude and she promised to have me screaming for more in bed, as she licked my ear and gave me a bit of tongue in the club. My pal had spent a night with her recently after I gave her number to him, and he said she was good fun and wild in bed. We kidded around about a threesome, and she said 'Why not?", but I preferred a two-some last night. Besides, pal wasn't on the hunt.

Her original offer was 1500AED for four hours, my counter-offer was 700. She finally agreed to 1000 for four hours, because it was Ramadan, and she 'knows me a long time', even though she had a better offer waiting from another guy. She stayed eight hours, and was as good as she promised. A lot of fun and not afraid to experiment with a bit of wild kinky fun as the night went on.

And the Academy Award goes to ... [drum-roll] ... the hot young blonde with the enormous hooters!

At the beginning of the night at home, we played around on the sofa, she was dressed only in one of my t-shirts, and I played with her wonderful big hooters and wet pussy and she fondled me, while she had a long 'angry' phone conversation with a guy who was professing his undying love for her. He's known her two weeks and slept with her three times. She found out he spent the night with one of her friends recently, and she pretended to be a scorned angry woman. He was begging for forgiveness and saying he wants to marry her.

She put the poor guy on speaker phone so I could hear him begging like a sad puppy, while she pretended to be angry, saying she never wants to see him again (while smiling and winking at me, giving me a bit of deep tongue while he talked and we fondled, and she played with my hard-on). She strung him along for ages, saying she could never see him again after what he had done to her, hanging up on him a couple of times. The guy became more and more emotional, angry at times, then begging and promising to save her from her life as a prostitute (she smiled at me and rolled her eyes) and he ended up promising to buy her a house. He also begged to see her straight away, offering to pay her more than the usual 1500 he pays her, just so he could talk to her face-to-face about their 'relationship'. Crazy stuff. She hung up again and put her phone on silent. She knows he will be begging again today, and she will have a good deal. She is an excellent actor.

And damn good in bed - very energetic. Now I want to marry her and buy her a house.

I'll post a few photos of her (dressed in my t-shirt), but they are clumsy photos. She worked me up for ages on the sofa, so by the time we headed to the bedroom I had other things in mind. :) A couple of 'morning after' photos also.

09-06-08, 14:28
while she had a long 'angry' phone conversation with a guy who was professing his undying love for her. He's known her two weeks and slept with her three times. She found out he spent the night with one of her friends recently, and she pretended to be a scorned angry woman. He was begging for forgiveness and saying he wants to marry her.

She put the poor guy on speaker phone so I could hear him begging like a sad puppy, while she pretended to be angry, saying she never wants to see him again (while smiling and winking at me, giving me a bit of deep tongue while he talked and we fondled, and she played with my hard-on). She strung him along for ages, saying she could never see him again after what he had done to her, hanging up on him a couple of times. The guy became more and more emotional, angry at times, then begging and promising to save her from her life as a prostitute (she smiled at me and rolled her eyes) and he ended up promising to buy her a house. He also begged to see her straight away, offering to pay her more than the usual 1500 he pays her, just so he could talk to her face-to-face about their 'relationship'. Crazy stuff. She hung up again and put her phone on silent. She knows he will be begging again today, and she will have a good deal. She is an excellent actor.

after' photos also.

Man some of these damn “clients.” Imagine that…begging a damn WG on the phone in the middle of the night. What the fuck. I told you guys about the one girl during pillow talk who told me some guy paid her $1000 just for a massage after I had went balls deep in her in every position. There are some truly sick men out there. They have a latent desire to be dominated and they just don’t fucking know it.

I am Daddy Warbucks and I approve this message. (Barack's evil twin)

Jimmy K II
09-07-08, 12:35
You’re a funny guy Daddy!

PRC OR Any Lady Hit Or Miss...

But I can agree.

On my next visit to Dubai, right after Ramadan, I promise to try some Africans!!?!
Still talked to a cutie from Nigeria at York Hotel. Have the number.

Besides, some 8 weeks ago I met a girl from Kenya in a German FKK-Club and it was great experience.

Great sexual partner and (even more important for the Captain) great personality.
Second time in my life I saw a female ejaculation.

Till October

Captain B.

Hi Captainb!

from the Lh to the ISG - what a funny way... (just for insiders)

Don't generalize the performance of your german FKK-girl with the africans in DXB.
Of course, you can find reall gems and sex maniacs (see some older FR here)
My experiences were unfortunately in the other direction - the africans are often very lazy and you should do all the work...
But also i have already made some experiences with Kenian twins - both about 180 cm tall and slim and reall hardbodies - and the best girl-girl-action i've ever seen...

Dubai - i'm coming (unfortunately only end of october and only for two nights, but already something...)

CU and cheers!

09-07-08, 13:31
Hi all.

Just want to know about the club adjacent to hard rock café. It was called amnesia before they closed it at that time but now it is reopened again under different name as I hear. The questions are:

1-Why did they closed & reopen again under different name! ?

2-do anyone checked the atmosphere there? Is it as it used before?

3-Does the owner of the former club changed or remained for the new club?

Thanks!This club isn't reopening as the whole place is being demolished soon.

09-07-08, 13:36
some of my phone numbers instead, when suddenly a hot young blonde approached me from a dark corner, smiling away and calling my name. Turns out it was a young and pretty CIS girl with massive hooters, who was one of the first girls I was going to call on my phone list. Must be fate!

I met her at Rattler a couple of times recently.......Hey piper,

She sounds like just my type. Love big hooters. Cant really tell in the pics though. She is normally in Regal or the Rattler? I've never seen anything worth while in the Regal in any of the 4-5times I was there. Last few times in Rattler ( a month ago ) there was also talent to write home about. Is she normally dress in the muslim dress?

09-08-08, 14:11
Apparent not, I got talking the “best of the bunch” PRC and she said she normally works at the Hyatt but it’s closed for Ramadan.If that's the case, and as I don't want to end up moving from bar to bar all over town, it seems I'll stick to the tried and trusted this time around. Imperial and York, maybe throw in an early evening drink at the Panorama.

Thanks for the info.

09-09-08, 00:49
Hi Jimmy K II,

Dubai - I’m coming (unfortunately only end of October and only for two nights, but already something...)Too bad!

I’m in Dubai at the beginning of October.

Until now I only mongered as a „lonesome cowboy“.

But last Thursday I went to the fkk-colosseum in Augsburg/Germany together with my wingman “cracytype” (formerly known as the yellow monster).

Was very great fun! (Especially when WG “Chiara” smoked a Cigarette with her pussy in order to convince us of her "powerful" vagina-muscles!!!!!).

Maybe we both can meet in Augsburg, Stuttgart or Zurich for mongering and have a beer or 3.


Captain B.

Who definitely will fuck one (or 3) of the fascinating east-african beauties on his next trip to Dubai!

Jimmy K II
09-10-08, 11:16
Hi captainb!

ok, may be we can meet somewhere in good old Germany - Augsburg is not my favourite - i prefer Ulm, Stuttgart or Zürich

Have fun and cheers!

09-11-08, 14:36
Drove from Oman. Stayed at Majestic Hotel. Booked on Expedia ($95/night).

Went out with newbie from work. (1st time in Dubai for P4P).

Hit Panorama/Jockey Bar at 7:00. Closed but supposed to open at 7:30. Grabbed some dinner down the street to kill time.

Went to York but it was early (8:00). Chatted with cute Ethiopian cocktail waitresses. (Anyone hit on those girls?)

No girls at 8:00 but they started trickling in over the next hour. By 8:30 it was looking okay. I asked the waitress why no PRC. She told me that were only allowed in after 9:00. (too much competition?)

My semi regular Ethiopian girl found me. Damn, I was hoping for something new but what the hell… Went to toilet and had a cute PRC named Sandy wave at me (had her on a previous night).

My girl had to wait until 10:30 to leave (house rules so the punters buy more drinks). Took taxi to Majestic. 7 AED. Short distance but the girls seem to like it since they don’t have to walk down Mankhool Road in their work clothes.

Security at Majestic elevator asked about single or double occupancy (I had booked for two guests; same price as one). No problems. Up to the room.

Quick shower together. DATY. No BJ (Ethiopian remember). Great sex (Great Sex!)

2 hours, 600 AED

Had to get up early for appointments in Sharjah.

The end.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

09-12-08, 05:57
I asked the waitress why no PRC. She told me that were only allowed in after 9:00. (too much competition?)

So that is still the rule, used to be the case you could set your watch by the 9:00PM influx of PRCs. I was never sure what the management gained by this rule, to me it just makes it less likely punters will pop in for an early drink.

My girl had to wait until 10:30 to leave (house rules so the punters buy more drinks). This is interesting and rather disturbing; presumably she would be able to leave but would get problems from the doorman on her next visit. If this is indeed the rule you can conclude that the a) PRCs have nothing to loose by not being able to enter before nine and b) There is little point in going to the York early.

Has anyone else encountered this rule?

Nice report by the way - a lot of useful info here

Tercar 66
09-14-08, 10:39
I returned after my family holiday in Mauritius. Did not monger there due to certain limitations. I then visited my regular AMP in Al Wasel Jumairah. Different girl and good service. Out of the blue a previous contact give me number in Sharjah. It is near clock towers, there are 2 cute Indonesian babes. Since it was a studio apt. My friend took one in the room and managed to bang the other in the kitchen. Not bad for AED 100.

09-15-08, 13:17
Just got to Dubai and feel sort of bad to start my intro with a question. Will visit the regular pick-up spots when ramadan is over, but at the moment I'm looking for some quick daytime fun. Digging through the forum found the gulf news massage classifieds, before I start cold calling the ones that I think have potential, is there anyone that could send a PM with those that are of interest. [ The Al Wazl ones would be good, close and far enough from where I'm working/living]

Persian Fellow
09-15-08, 18:12
Hi everybody,

Can anyone tell me what the options are during Ramadan?

Any club, bar, etc activity?

Please help!

Funfor Females
09-20-08, 17:20
Hey Ho!

I've been out of town for 18 months but I'm heading back for a meeting on Sunday, tomorrow.

So I did RTFF, as I have advised many others to do in the past. But to no avail.

What is the current state of play with Towers Rotana and Longs Bar? Or Crown Plaza and the Harvester.

These seem to be my 2 hotel options as things stand, and I have no control over this.



09-21-08, 14:32
What is the current state of play with Towers Rotana and Longs Bar? Or Crown Plaza and the Harvester.I was in both places a couple of Fridays ago. Not a sniff in Harvesters, Longs was busy for a Ramadan Friday, the 18AED all night beer promotion helped. Two Africans were probably WGs. There were the usual western expat women and some nice Filipinas - with husbands / boyfriends however. A taxi to the Golden Triangle is my recommendation.

09-21-08, 17:45
Sorry its been a while since I last posted but work schedules have stopped me!

Anyway as some of you know I like to work on normal girls and see how far I can get and recently I have had three more successes, two from friendster and one from using my charm when booking into a Dubai Hotel.


I emailed a few girls on there and soon struck up further conversation on IM, not long before the chat turned to flirting and then to some interesting sexual chats leading them admitting they miss having good sex!

We followed with sms messages and a few phones calls and then I went all out for it and asked one to go out for a few drinks and then come back to mine to chill out by the pool, a great night followed with lost of flirting and then back to mine (family all away) and within seconds of entering the villa she was all over me. What followed was frantic fucking everywhere from the living room to the bedroom and finished in the shower. She stayed the night and I woke up to a great breakfast of getting an awesome blow job finished with a cheeky hand job over her pert little breasts.

Second friendster was simple fun, met her in the car and drove around near her place in Garhoud as she only had and hour free that night - she was going out with friends!

So met her at Choitrams and WOW! she looked hot, very petite and dressed in a sexy little denim skirt and top - looked like she had just turned 18.

Parked up in Um Ramool and chatted before I convinced her to give me a BJ and show me how good she was - and she was good, not great but good, but then she just stopped, crawled over and straddled me in the drivers seat of my Landcruiser - Great.


Booked into a hotel 4 weeks ago (no I am not telling you which one) and the receptionist must have been one of the sexiest birds I have ever seen with a body to die for, I thought I had no chance but what the hell - checked out in the morning and sent her a bunch of flowers that afternoon with my number, nothing else just my number.

After a few days of SMS messages and her telling me she cant date guest we moved on and she started harping n about how bad her BF treats her and how she needs a real man not a young 'stud'.

This went on for two weeks until she called me at about 3am one morning crying and asking me to meet her as she had just broken up with her BF, I said I was in bed but she could come over to mine and relax.

45 minutes later she pulls up in a taxi wearing a little white skirt (she had a night out and broke up in a bar.

It took an hour of her crying and going on and on about her BF before she just turned and asked me to kiss her, well I wasnt going to say no was I.

One kiss lead to more, to my hand under her skirt fingering her pussy and then that was it - down to some licking and my god she was tight and sweet :)

We fucked for the rest of the morning before she went to work promising to call me when she finished, that night we met again and she was like a nympho claiming her BF only wanted BJ's and never did anything to please her - man what an idiot she is perfect, slim and tastes wonderful!

So we meet when we could and all changed last weekend when she asked if I could help by sending some money to her mum - 1000AED urgently!

Well I sent the money and give her the western union ID, her reply was that she would do anything to 'repay' me, well I joked - get another one of your friends and lets have a 3some :)

Her reply - this Saturday night - Exec room at the Intercontinental.

The moral of the story - hard work does pay off :)

09-22-08, 01:52
DAMM that was a lot of work and time, great results. BUT for us visitors passing through we need quick guarantees. But keep on working it, looking forward to part 2. "the threesome".......
Sorry its been a while since I last posted but work schedules have stopped me!

Anyway as some of you know I like to work on normal girls and see how far I can get and recently I have had three more successes, two from friendster and one from using my charm when booking into a Dubai Hotel.

Booked into a hotel 4 weeks ago (no I am not telling you which one) and the receptionist must have been one of the sexiest birds I have ever seen with a body to die for, I thought I had no chance but what the hell - checked out in the morning and sent her a bunch of flowers that afternoon with my number, nothing else just my number.

After a few days of SMS messages and her telling me she cant date guest we moved on and she started harping n about how bad her BF treats her and how she needs a real man not a young 'stud'.

This went on for two weeks until she called me at about 3am one morning crying and asking me to meet her as she had just broken up with her BF, I said I was in bed but she could come over to mine and relax.

45 minutes later she pulls up in a taxi wearing a little white skirt (she had a night out and broke up in a bar.

It took an hour of her crying and going on and on about her BF before she just turned and asked me to kiss her, well I wasnt going to say no was I.

One kiss lead to more, to my hand under her skirt fingering her pussy and then that was it - down to some licking and my god she was tight and sweet :)

We fucked for the rest of the morning before she went to work promising to call me when she finished, that night we met again and she was like a nympho claiming her BF only wanted BJ's and never did anything to please her - man what an idiot she is perfect, slim and tastes wonderful!

So we meet when we could and all changed last weekend when she asked if I could help by sending some money to her mum - 1000AED urgently!

Well I sent the money and give her the western union ID, her reply was that she would do anything to 'repay' me, well I joked - get another one of your friends and lets have a 3some :)

Her reply - this Saturday night - Exec room at the Intercontinental.

The moral of the story - hard work does pay off :)

09-22-08, 18:31
Her reply - this Saturday night - Exec room at the Intercontinental. Thanks for the info - see you there! You bring the condoms, I'll bring the camera. :D

PS - nice report!

09-23-08, 11:28
The moral of the story - hard work does pay off :)Great report.

Would try a hand a friendster.

09-24-08, 06:42
Greetings All

Well its that time of year again so I thought I'd stop by and notify those concerned of the developments regarding everyone's favourite Dubai cover band.

The good news is that the band will be returning after Ramadan for another eleven month stretch. The bad news (depending on who reads this I suppose), is that two members will not be returning, they being Dyna (actually Steamer its Daina, pronounced Day-na, not Dyna as in Dynarod) and Donna, who both left the band at Ramadan having had enough of the ridiculous hours and Gulag-like living/working conditions.

They are being replaced by a new girl, name/looks/talent unknown, and a third male guitarist who happens to be the brother of the bass player, Cherie.

Perhaps more alarming for the general mongering public is the news that for at least the first few months they will not be in the Marines club, which is being closed for refurbishment as per the last intel I received. They will instead move to the After Eight Club on the 7th floor, a rather small venue which I imagine may change the whole concept of the Seaview as a mongering location.

As an aside, Steamer and Groinstrain, Daina very much 'enjoyed' your commentary earlier in the year regarding her phone number and bottles of whiskey, although GS I would suggest that if you did in fact spring for a bottle of Vodka as promised I'd ask for it back. Claims of being able to furnish individuals with band member telephone numbers were greatly exagerated, unless Steamer you happen to be J from Abu Dhabi/Saudi, in which case the girls are somewhat disappointed in you.

Anyway, good luck to all in the post-Ramadan drive to excess! By the way, the DIFC announced last night that Eid will begin on Monday 29th September and that they will be closed Monday through Thursday of that week, which, if taken up by the bars, should make for a great long week next week.

Best wishes to all mongers and watchers alike!


EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

09-24-08, 19:38
The good news is that the band will be returning after Ramadan for another eleven month stretch. The bad news (depending on who reads this I suppose), is that two members will not be returning, they being Dyna (actually Steamer its Daina, pronounced Day-na, not Dyna as in Dynarod) and Donna, who both left the band at Ramadan having had enough of the ridiculous hours and Gulag-like living/working conditions.
I am absolutely gutted that Dyna or Daina or Diana will not be back.

As an aside, Steamer and Groinstrain, Daina very much 'enjoyed' your commentary earlier in the year regarding her phone number and bottles of whiskey, although GS I would suggest that if you did in fact spring for a bottle of Vodka as promised I'd ask for it back. Claims of being able to furnish individuals with band member telephone numbers were greatly exagerated, unless Steamer you happen to be J from Abu Dhabi/Saudi, in which case the girls are somewhat disappointed in you.I never asked for a phone number as knew that the consequences for the girls could seriously shorten their career. I did share the odd hi with Dyna and the odd wave but that all ended when I started visiting with my Ethiopian friend. Dyna promply blanked me from that day on. Oh well she gave me hours of enjoyment and I wish her well wherever she goes next. Please keep us informed or drop me a PM for interests sake.

As for telephone numbers, a friend of mine did obtain one of the girls numbers and briely flirted by text. He gave up though when that was as far as it was ever likely to go.

09-25-08, 03:51
The bad news (depending on who reads this I suppose), is that two members will not be returning, they being Dyna (actually Steamer its Daina, pronounced Day-na, not Dyna as in Dynarod) and Donna, who both left the band at Ramadan having had enough of the ridiculous hours and Gulag-like living/working conditions.No Donna! Thats bad news - Not only were the two departing girls the best lookers but they were the best singers after Joanne left. Lets hope the new girl cuts the mustard in both departments.

Thanks for the info on the change of venue, does not sound too good but this see how it pans out.

09-25-08, 09:23
Claims of being able to furnish individuals with band member telephone numbers were greatly exagerated, unless Steamer you happen to be J from Abu Dhabi/Saudi, in which case the girls are somewhat disappointed in you.

I am not J, whoever that is. But my "claims" as you put them, despite what you say, were genuine and not exaggerated.

Dyna or Daina? You say "tomayto" I say "tomaato".

GS asked for a name, I supplied it - correctly - and he bought me a pint or two, Hardly something to get hung up about.

The rest was a bit of harmless banter anyway as FYI I would never give out any of the band's numbers, even though I do have them.

And I never reveal my sources.

Be careful out there.


09-26-08, 08:27
I popped up in Panorama after a quite uneventful "Iftar for expats" (where I saw nothing of sexual interest).
It was early (around 8PM) and it was mostly Chinese (some old faces but also a few new ones) and Black ladies (roughly 50%). Africans would have been of interest to Mr Piper, especially on yellow shorts that showed beyond her lower back (i.e., her upper ass), sweet and tempting.. It took me some effort not to put my finger between her cheeks and pull the short.

I got the number of a nice Chinese lady that offered me a nice massage and (gasp!) mentioned that she could provide me a very good blow-job... there is no decency in that place.

I may call her when I have some opportunity.

No CIS, or at least nothing I could even be remotely interested.

09-26-08, 12:33
Another 'fact-filled' update from Jenas. The literary style of an Oxford Scholar and the incisive analysis of a John Humphries-style reporter.

Gives me great pleasure therefore to point out that After Eight is on the mezzanine, not the 7th (ok, jealous nit-picking), but more importantly is traditionally as much a mongering location as the Marines bar - just substitute Egyptians-passing-themseves-off-as Moroccan for Chinese-passing-themselves-off-as-Korean.

Anyone care to swap phone numbers?? I can trade Capt'n Premature Lyrics mobile - must be worth Donna's, Daina's, Shk Mo's and the Pope's all in?



Greetings All

Well its that time of year again so I thought I'd stop by and notify those concerned of the developments regarding everyone's favourite Dubai cover band.

The good news is that the band will be returning after Ramadan for another eleven month stretch. The bad news (depending on who reads this I suppose), is that two members will not be returning, they being Dyna (actually Steamer its Daina, pronounced Day-na, not Dyna as in Dynarod) and Donna, who both left the band at Ramadan having had enough of the ridiculous hours and Gulag-like living/working conditions.

They are being replaced by a new girl, name/looks/talent unknown, and a third male guitarist who happens to be the brother of the bass player, Cherie.

Perhaps more alarming for the general mongering public is the news that for at least the first few months they will not be in the Marines club, which is being closed for refurbishment as per the last intel I received. They will instead move to the After Eight Club on the 7th floor, a rather small venue which I imagine may change the whole concept of the Seaview as a mongering location.

As an aside, Steamer and Groinstrain, Daina very much 'enjoyed' your commentary earlier in the year regarding her phone number and bottles of whiskey, although GS I would suggest that if you did in fact spring for a bottle of Vodka as promised I'd ask for it back. Claims of being able to furnish individuals with band member telephone numbers were greatly exagerated, unless Steamer you happen to be J from Abu Dhabi/Saudi, in which case the girls are somewhat disappointed in you.

Anyway, good luck to all in the post-Ramadan drive to excess! By the way, the DIFC announced last night that Eid will begin on Monday 29th September and that they will be closed Monday through Thursday of that week, which, if taken up by the bars, should make for a great long week next week.

Best wishes to all mongers and watchers alike!


EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

09-27-08, 06:24
but more importantly is traditionally as much a mongering location as the Marines bar - just substitute Egyptians-passing-themseves-off-as Moroccan for Chinese-passing-themselves-off-as-Korean.Useful information for the "Where can I find Arabic Girls" brigade, I do not recall seeing "After Eight" mentioned before.

If the PRC move into that environment one can see some major tensions emerging. I guess this may affect the supply of the "500AED, stay all night, all next day and then cook dinner before they leave girls" you could find in the Marines Club.

09-27-08, 22:14

You are a legend as way say in Ireland god.

You must have some Irish in you with all this charm.

Keep up the good work.

I'm going to try out frienster, so wish me luck.

Do you have any tips for me?

Sorry its been a while since I last posted but work schedules have stopped me!

Anyway as some of you know I like to work on normal girls and see how far I can get and recently I have had three more successes, two from friendster and one from using my charm when booking into a Dubai Hotel.


I emailed a few girls on there and soon struck up further conversation on IM, not long before the chat turned to flirting and then to some interesting sexual chats leading them admitting they miss having good sex!

We followed with sms messages and a few phones calls and then I went all out for it and asked one to go out for a few drinks and then come back to mine to chill out by the pool, a great night followed with lost of flirting and then back to mine (family all away) and within seconds of entering the villa she was all over me. What followed was frantic fucking everywhere from the living room to the bedroom and finished in the shower. She stayed the night and I woke up to a great breakfast of getting an awesome blow job finished with a cheeky hand job over her pert little breasts.

Second friendster was simple fun, met her in the car and drove around near her place in Garhoud as she only had and hour free that night - she was going out with friends!

So met her at Choitrams and WOW! she looked hot, very petite and dressed in a sexy little denim skirt and top - looked like she had just turned 18.

Parked up in Um Ramool and chatted before I convinced her to give me a BJ and show me how good she was - and she was good, not great but good, but then she just stopped, crawled over and straddled me in the drivers seat of my Landcruiser - Great.


Booked into a hotel 4 weeks ago (no I am not telling you which one) and the receptionist must have been one of the sexiest birds I have ever seen with a body to die for, I thought I had no chance but what the hell - checked out in the morning and sent her a bunch of flowers that afternoon with my number, nothing else just my number.

After a few days of SMS messages and her telling me she cant date guest we moved on and she started harping n about how bad her BF treats her and how she needs a real man not a young 'stud'.

This went on for two weeks until she called me at about 3am one morning crying and asking me to meet her as she had just broken up with her BF, I said I was in bed but she could come over to mine and relax.

45 minutes later she pulls up in a taxi wearing a little white skirt (she had a night out and broke up in a bar.

It took an hour of her crying and going on and on about her BF before she just turned and asked me to kiss her, well I wasnt going to say no was I.

One kiss lead to more, to my hand under her skirt fingering her pussy and then that was it - down to some licking and my god she was tight and sweet :)

We fucked for the rest of the morning before she went to work promising to call me when she finished, that night we met again and she was like a nympho claiming her BF only wanted BJ's and never did anything to please her - man what an idiot she is perfect, slim and tastes wonderful!

So we meet when we could and all changed last weekend when she asked if I could help by sending some money to her mum - 1000AED urgently!

Well I sent the money and give her the western union ID, her reply was that she would do anything to 'repay' me, well I joked - get another one of your friends and lets have a 3some :)

Her reply - this Saturday night - Exec room at the Intercontinental.

The moral of the story - hard work does pay off :)

10-01-08, 16:22
Hi Less Cash,

I will spend 6 days in Dubai and I would like to reserve Panorama Hotel Bur Dubai.

Altogether, did you have a good experience there?

Thank you

10-02-08, 20:39
I will spend 6 days in Dubai and I would like to reserve Panorama Hotel Bur Dubai. Altogether, did you have a good experience there?Panorama has the Jockeys Bar, you will find a lot of both positive and negative comments on the forum. I never stayed overnight in the Panorama Hotel, but acc. to others and also some WGs it is GF. However, a bit worn out. There are persisting rumours that the Panorama will be knocked down soon in order to have something else in the same place. So, the management will not invest too much any more.

10-03-08, 07:30
Well, it woulld appear that our Intrepid News of The World Reporter, Jenas (he observes but does not indulge, allegedly), is not only informed but is also influential.

So the Seaview management have taken his oblique advice and delayed/cancelled the move from Marine's club, rather than disturb the delicate mongering eco-structure.

What a caring, selfless, open-minded and warm-hearted management we have at Seaview - they only have the interests of the interests of customers, staff, mongers, WGs and other other 'stakeholders' at heart!

Toodle Pip!

[QUOTE=Jenas]Greetings All,

Perhaps more alarming for the general mongering public is the news that for at least the first few months they will not be in the Marines club, which is being closed for refurbishment as per the last intel I received. They will instead move to the After Eight Club on the 7th floor, a rather small venue which I imagine may change the whole concept of the Seaview as a mongering location.


10-03-08, 08:05
Was in the golden triangle on legitimate business :P on the way to a social engagement at 10:30pm last night. On the way back to my car (between majestic and ramada) I did a double take at a cartoonist's impression of african lips.

F is a slender kenyan, with what looked like A/B cups, wasp waist and slender legs but with an ass that came and went out of nowhere and soft, succulent, shiny lips that appeared to make up half her otherwise angular face.

I was in no mood to pick her up on a thursday night as her place was in baraha. She kept trying to sweet talk me into a quickie, but I actually get more frustrated if I only pop once.

She asked for a ride to the ascot, and I decided to be a boy scout. She was very mellow and laid back, but I quickly got her pretty fiesty in the car with just wordplay and teasing.

She said she gets away with no head here as she's african. She just feels that oral is more intimate than doggy on the sofa, and hasn't blown anyone in dubai.

I told her head was not negotiable for me. We just need to be up front. I wasn't going to be able to go a second time without her vocal encouragement, nor would I want to. I'd just go with someone else. She said she wouldn't mind with me, coz I made her feel like we were "flirtin in college" and not hagglin on the street whatever that means.

I figured I'd let a drunk tourist overpay her tonight, and go to her place for some leisurely afternoon action on Saturday afternoon. She wasn't big on the idea initially but I quickly managed to convince her of its charms.

250 for 2 hours and atleast 2 pops at her place this sat or next and 300 if she was a really good girl. Grabbed her room-mates number (she's been here 3 weeks) and gave her a ride to regal, after circling around to the ascot and back.

Would GS, Pipe or any other baraha veteran comment on price, and whether we pay the boss extra for room etc? I've never been there.She said she wakes up by noon, but I figure I should go around 4-6 coz I'm less likely to bother the roomies.

I really want to do her standing, with her legs wrapped around my back. she looks light as a feather and I'd love to use that booty for leverage with her itty-bitties in my face.

7-8 others in the same area, split between africans and chinese, but none over a 6. I'd rate F as 7.5-8.

Will report.


P.S. I just need to bite the bullet , bo back to africa, and get the jungle fever out of my system.

10-03-08, 10:01
Poonhound - I was also at Majestic last night, playing a bit of pool. Saw the most gorgeous classy African girl I've ever seen. Well-dressed, slim, and stunning. She smiled at me demurely when I walked past, but the fact that she was sitting in a quiet corner with her back to everyone made me think she was already booked. I asked a waitress who obviously knew her well, and the waitress confirmed she had a boyfriend. Damn.

But to your question - of course the price is good. As for a 'room fee' in Baraha, I've heard of this, but never been asked for it. I'd try and avoid it. And you're right - late afternoon is a much better time than noon, when she just wakes up.


I also ended up at a Filipina bar in Bur Dubai around midnight - a pool-playing pal brought me there. Never been there before, and there was some nice Filipina talent. Next time I speak to him I'll ask the name of the place and post it for Fili lovers.

10-03-08, 10:42
Poonhound - I was also at Majestic last night, playing a bit of pool. Saw the most gorgeous classy African girl I've ever seen. I was also there with miss DJ, I thought it was you but wasn't sure as I could not see a fishing rod. :)

I saw that girl and wondered what the story was, A quiet corner maybe but she was clearly visable to anyone in the main part of the club! Tasty!

Some guy also brought along a stunning Filipina in a SHORT black dress, which cost me a dig in the ribs from Miss DJ when my jaw hit the floor.

Some WG's, both African and PRCs were ibn evidence.

10-03-08, 10:50
I was also there with miss DJ, I thought it was you but wasn't sure as I could not see a fishing rod. :)

I saw that girl and wondered what the story was, A quiet corner maybe but she was clearly visable to anyone in the main part of the club! Tasty!

Some guy also brought along a stunning Filipina in a SHORT black dress, which cost me a dig in the ribs from Miss DJ when my jaw hit the floor.

Some WG's, both African and PRCs were ibn evidence.And I thought I saw you too - we must stop meeting like this! Next time I'll just bite the bullet and say "Hey BC" if I think it's you. Yes, that hottie was sitting with her back to the pool-table guys, but engrossed in the band, and facing the audience from above. I thought she was with one of the band members? I saw her chatting with a few guys later in the night (in a non-P4P sort of way), so couldn't work out who she was with.

PS - fishing rod???

10-04-08, 10:48
PS - fishing rod???

Hah! Fishing rod, from your fishing trip pic with WR


10-04-08, 10:53
Hah! Fishing rod, from your fishing trip pic with WR

:PAh! Thanks for the clarification. (Psst - between you and me, that was a joke photo I lifted from the net - don't tell anyone).

10-04-08, 10:59
Poonhound - I was also at Majestic last night, playing a bit of pool. Saw the most gorgeous classy African girl I've ever seen. Well-dressed, slim, and stunning.

Pipe: On my only trip to Africa, I had rich, gorgeous young women buying me drinks and taking me dancing. I got discounts and preferential treatment practically everywhere I went, while my colleagues were only gettin love from hookers and gold diggers. I'm really looking for an excuse to go back and see if it was a fluke. Have you ever been to the mother lode? I swear the T&A (Tits & Ass) fairy lives in Uganda, although Kenya is rather tempting too.

I also ended up at a Filipina bar in Bur Dubai around midnight - a pool-playing pal brought me there. Never been there before, and there was some nice Filipina talent. Next time I speak to him I'll ask the name of the place and post it for Fili lovers.

Let me know about the pool bar. I miss finnegans. Were you able to get a table or were you relegated to consoling the poor neglected pool widows?

10-04-08, 11:05
Ah! Thanks for the clarification. (Psst - between you and me, that was a joke photo I lifted from the net - don't tell anyone).

I'll be careful with that information. My bro in law runs a tour place across the street from Fantasia. He says fishing trip bookings have gone up threefold since that picture came up.

10-04-08, 15:06
I thought I should post a quick report on a trip through Dubai a few weeks ago, even though it was a pretty short, quiet visit.

I hooked up with a Chinese girl I had met before (and posted on) without recourse to the bars. She called by my hotel and said she was not visiting the bars because she was seeing an Emirates pilot who was in the process of separating from his wife and was getting a monthly allowance from him. Very strange seeing as she was happy to see me - and call him every hour!! His problem not mine - although she did seem a little distracted.

On my second night I stopped by the Imperial which was rather pleasant being non too crowded, and with tables set out. I was enjoying a chat with the staff and a beer and would have liked to just watch life go by but got bogged down with a couple of girls. Both African (Nigerian and Tanzanian) who would not take no for an anwser. The Tanzanian was at least entertaining. She had enormous breasts and started of by asking if I had ever fucked a girls tits. When I said yes she said they were probably not natural and not as big as hers. I have to say she was correct on both counts. When she described what she had in mind I have to say I was momentarily tempted.

On to the York and got talking to a new guy in town and simply hung out for a few beers. On leaving I bumped into an North African girl I had met before. She is short, slim with long hair and was looking very good in a short skirt and tight top (Betty - mentioned in previous reports here I think). Met at the hotel but it was a bit too familiar, boyfriend - girlfriend stuff.

All in all a quiet Ramadan trip. It suited me fine but I'm up for a more wild trip next time round.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

10-04-08, 15:32
Got the services of www.freewebs.com/roselady advertised in the classified section last week. She has 5-6 girls ,all PRCs. You get what you see. The price is 500-600 ST & 800-1000 LT. Tried two of her girls. Good service, 7/10. Both incall/outcall

Big Daddy 1906
10-04-08, 18:42
I'm going to be in Dubai on a 30 hour layover. I need some info on a reasonably priced "friendly" hotel that is in the middle of or close to (ie. small cab ride away) the action. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

10-05-08, 08:27
Dear friends. I am silient reader from 1 year, could anyone advice me where can I find a good massage parlour (not a typical AMP type) with or without happy ending. Looking forward for a reply from my friends around here.


10-05-08, 16:18
Thought I'd check out the live bands now that Ramadan is over. Saturday night is a quiet night in Dubai (as Sunday is the first working day of the week for most people in the UAE).

830pm to 11pm: Majestic Hotel - band was fine. Place was 25% full (or 75% empty if you're a pessimist). Only about 6 WGs - all African.

11pm: Regal Hotel - half full, not crowded. Not a bad selection of CIS, but surprisingly many Rattlesnake girls there - not sure why.

1130pm - York Hotel - reasonably full, busy and crowded. Mostly Afircan girls, not so many PRC as usual.

12:30am Seaview Hotel - asked the doormen about the 'After 8 club", but he insisted it was only a shisha bar, and that it's on 7th floor. I didn't bother checking it out, and went to Marine bar instead. One of Dubai's favorite bands seem to have lost their oomph, and seemed a bit tired (at least last night). Even the WGs seemed bored. One of them sitting next to me just gave me a tired smile, offered me a smoke without a word, then went back to looking at the band again with a bored look.

1:30am - stopped off at el Paso/Alamo in Jumeira 1. Used to be a nice quiet place with some hot CIS girls. Doors locked. Not sure if it's permanently closed, or just closed last night.

7am - alarm clock. Damn.

10-05-08, 16:47
Hi Mizak / Bigdaddy (and any other newbees that can't be bothered to check to forum)

Having only been into Dubai on a handful of occasions in the past coupld of years, I can only recommend the following for a trouble-free and guaranteed happy trip.

Just book yourself into the Four Points Sheraton Bur Dubai.

Walk out of the hotel and turn right.

When your reach the junction/lights, you have 2 of the biggest 'meat-markets' in the world across the road from each other. If you can't get any success from this little bit of advice, you have a problem!

Glad to be of help!

10-05-08, 19:00
12:30am Seaview Hotel. Asked the doormen about the 'After 8 club", but he insisted it was only a shisha bar, and that it's on 7th floor. I didn't bother checking it out, and went to Marine bar instead. One of Dubai's favorite bands seem to have lost their oomph, and seemed a bit tired (at least last night). Even the WGs seemed bored. One of them sitting next to me just gave me a tired smile, offered me a smoke without a word, then went back to looking at the band again with a bored look.

I was in the Marines Club every night since the end of Ramadan. Each night full, good vibes in the club and the Band good as ever, but only with 2 female front-singers (one good singer and good looking, the other ¡*).

Every night many PRC WG's with some good looking. Many PI (don't know if WG or not). One very small and thin talked to me while my "girlfriend" was out and I was shocked. This Girl looked like 15 years old. If I brought her to my Hotel, I would have been instantly thrown into prison.

Saturday Night was rather bad in the Club. Many old PRC. After a huge fight between some of the old PRC, their "Part-time-lovers" and the Security the mood of the audience went to the ground.

Glasses, beer, wine and whiskey flew around and my "Girlfriend's" and my clothing were hit by "flying red wine".

Unlike the other day's I left the club at 2:30 before the End.

I realized once again in what dangerous conditions my "girlfriend" had to live and to work (I myself had been attacked by an old PRC-Mamasan in August).

Today I leave Dubai back home to Germany after an 8 Day's visit with a week heart and I am ashamed of being a monger.

Take care

Captain B.

(Who is even more in love with his PRC-Girlfriend and will come back very soon to Dubai)

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

10-05-08, 19:14
12:30am Seaview Hotel - asked the doormen about the 'After 8 club", but he insisted it was only a shisha bar, and that it's on 7th floor. I didn't bother checking it out, and went to Marine bar instead. One of Dubai's favorite bands seem to have lost their oomph, and seemed a bit tired (at least last night). Even the WGs seemed bored. One of them sitting next to me just gave me a tired smile, offered me a smoke without a word, then went back to looking at the band again with a bored look.
Was in Seaview on Friday night after The Stranglers at the Irish Village. No WGs in evidence at the IV, just plenty of emirates girls and middle aged men trying to relive their youth. Also spotted Mr House of the Rising Sun in the crowd.

Seaview was very quiet for a Friday. Band only have 2 singers now but was advised that 1 more is joining soon. Was also told how much they earn. Almost fell over in shock.

Usual CIS faces with some new PRC and a group of 6 cuteish PI. Had orders to be home not too late so just had a chat with a couple of the PI girls, took a number and left at 2. I think I heard Mr H.O.T.R.S during the evening so he had obviously crept over from the IV. No sign of Mr Premature lyrics thank god.

10-05-08, 19:43
Was in Seaview on Friday night after The Stranglers at the Irish Village. No WGs in evidence at the IV, just plenty of emirates girls and middle aged men trying to relive their youth. Also spotted Mr House of the Rising Sun in the crowd.

Seaview was very quiet for a Friday. Band only have 2 singers now but was advised that 1 more is joining soon. Was also told how much they earn. Almost fell over in shock.

Usual CIS faces with some new PRC and a group of 6 cuteish PI. Had orders to be home not too late so just had a chat with a couple of the PI girls, took a number and left at 2. I think I heard Mr H.O.T.R.S during the evening so he had obviously crept over from the IV. No sign of Mr Premature lyrics thank god.

Mr HOTRS was also in Rocky's on Thursday night. He's getting around. Watch out Dubai!
Be careful out there

10-06-08, 12:13
Saturday Night was rather bad in [Mariners] Club. After a huge fight between some of the old PRC, their "Part-time-lovers" and the Security the mood of the audience went to the ground. Glasses, beer, wine and whiskey flew around and my "Girlfriend's" and my clothing were hit by "flying red wine".Well that explains the very sad atmosphere by the time I arrived, including unhappy looks on the faces of the band members and the WGs.

I thought it must have been because it was a very quiet night. Obviously it was not so quiet! What caused the riot?

Joe Coodidge
10-06-08, 15:03
Dear friends. I am silient reader from 1 year, could anyone advice me where can I find a good massage parlour (not a typical AMP type) with or without happy ending. Looking forward for a reply from my friends around here.


There is a massage spa in the building next to the Crowne Plaza. Don't remember the name but I think it is on the 21st floor. No happy ending (at least not for me) but a good massage...


10-07-08, 11:50

Arrived terminal 1, 11:00 and in room at Crowne plaza by 12:30.

I was in such a rush to get out of the airport didn't realise I picked up the wrong bag. (which brain was in control! ).

Any how after only one phone call with Dnata (who I must say were very helpful and gold star for customer service).

An hour wasted in taxi to the airport and back. Which I must say was not bad timing for Saturday afternoon.

So in the room, checkin my emails as I have been flirting with a few Pis on friendster. I was thinking of taking a taxi up to jockeys when I get and I'm form one of the friendster (Karen). Tel no available on request PM me.

Cut a long story short. Turns out she is a WG. But not Dubai at the me.

Gives me tel no of friend (Lovely). Well being the fat L B Iam. I call Lovely to arrange delivery service to my room. She describes her self as petite, young and good service. So I book.

An hour later I get sms. "I'm out side hotel".

2 mins later I'm giving 50 DH to taxi driver whilst Lovely stand to one side.

Well lovely by name, lovely by looks and lovely by nature. We have one drink in the bar and up to the room.

Absolutely no problem with security or reception.

Well lovely is young she told me 21. Yep she even showed me passport copy, comes form Phili and "works" in a house. She would not disclosewhere.

Says managers fee is 500 (she has a 10, 000 debt).

So taking lessons form other previous posters, I make effort to make her feel comfortable. Suggest shower together.

In the shower. Wash and play. Then to bed. DFK. Lots of touching. She gets very excited. Wonderful BBJ. I reply with DATY till she cum. And boy did she cum. No faking there.

Small and very tight. Glad I took the time to loosen up.

She started with cow girl, reverse cow girl, mish, over the sofa. Over coffee table. Finally shoot my load in doggie. I swear she cam half a dozen times.

We collapse on bed. I start getting dozy. She cuddles up to me. Half hour later I wake up with lovely giving me back massage.

On to round two. Same as earlier. Little slower this time. Lots passion and cumming. Collapse again.

Lovely gets call from manager " where are you? "". She tell me that she had put the mobile on silent whilst I was sleeping and that she mus go now.

So I give her 500 Dh for manager and 300 DH for her. She give me big smile, kiss and cuddle.

Hour later she sms me "thank you for being nice"

Look 9. 0 (if you like pretty, petite, young Pinoys) Service 9. 0

She send me sms asking when will I see her agian. Either tonight or tommorow. Depending on how other ventures work.

More report to follow.

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10-07-08, 12:24
After Lovely left (see previous report). Had another sleep.

Woke up 11:30, hungry and horny. So determined to hit golden triangle.

Too hungry to concentrate, so down stairs to WagaMama. Some lovely food.

I was watching all the crowd going into Zinc. Lots of beauties. I wasnt in the mood for night club yet.

Someting else caught my eye 2-3 PRC's hanging around out side.

Finished food and went out side for a smoke and to be noisey.

Well first PRC comes up to me. "you want massage" I decline, but tell her I like the look of her friend. She call her friend over. Anna her name. Been in Dubai 3 weeks. Very good english actually.

Anna about 30. I know probably older. But very pretty. Good body. No obvious fat. We agree 500DH for massage in my room.

So back up stairs. Again no problem with reception or security.

In the room I tell I suggest shower again. She likes.

We shower, wash, play. Then onto the bed: I was right FIT body, probably see cup. No ounce fat. No sign of children either.

Everything I like in session. DFK. BBJ, lots postions and noises. Maybe faked. But convinsing enough at the time to make me feel like I'm a supa stud LOL.

We finish and I am drained. Anna asks for a drink. (I thought here we go gonna raid the mini bar). Well no. She has a cup of tea. Another massage. This time. I am spark out. I wake up at 4:00 am. Anna still there next to me asleep. She feels me move and wakes. She ask " you want me go? ". I told her she could stay as long as she likes. I'm going back to sleep.

Next thing I know. She warming up next to me. Starts playing with little Ray. Moves on to BBJ. Absolutely wonderful. ON with the jacket and she is riding me cow girl. All the way to her CUM. No fake there. I roll her over and finish with the lovely sight of her arse as I unload in doggie.

Back to sleep. 9:00 am and wake to hear Anna phone ringing. She answer it. Roll over and say to me "time to go" then proceeds to give me BBJCIM.

Into the bath room. Sounds of coughing & spitting.

When she come out. She dressed ready to leave. I offer her 500Dh, expecting her to demand more. She doesnt. So I give another 200 saying thanks for great time. BIG smile

Kiss and she is gone.

Looks 8.0
attitude 9.0
service 9.0

I never got her number .. maybe see her agin one night out side the hotel.

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10-07-08, 12:51
So over the past month I have been mailing and I'm ing a few lovelies from Frienster. Met up with one tonight Lets say L. 30 yo. Nice rack. Very pretty. Works at the Metropolitan Hotel.

Picked her up at the hotel. Went Burj AlArab (I think thats right). Dinner, drinks. Lots of questions from her. Lots of BS from me.

She warmed up to me alot. But was obvious wasnt gonna get any tonight. Dropped her off at staff residence. 12:30. Told the taxi driver. To driver round corner to rattle snake.

Had to pay entrance fee. Can't remenber how much. Told get one free beer.

Went to bar. Ask for pint of? Can't remember. Barman gets pissed when I hand over voucher. Says not for pint. I said a beer is beer. Whats the problem. No only bottle corona. So I take the corona. Tell him to keep the pint.

I wonder around. Full CIS. From FUBs to tall blonde model types. Chat with a few. Check out prices.

Opening at 1500.2000. They think I just get off the plane,

Finish corona. Back at the bar. Order JD and ginger. Bar man trys to stiff me with short measure. I tell him to do it again. He NOT happy. Tough sh*t. I payed my way through Uni doing bar work. I know the tricks.

This tickled the girl sitting next to me. She saying they all cheats. We strike up conversation. Turns out she is turkish a pt wg. Has other job a tour guide. Offers to drive me back to hotel. Its now 2:00 someting I'm drunk. So agree price of 1000DH

Turns out she telling truth. Has car. Front seat full paper work. In hotel again no problem.

Into session DFK. BBJ few postions (bit hazy). I know I finished in Doggie.

Her name is Thelma. 30-35, good body. Had kid. But was very friendly.

Experience 8. 0

Looks 7. 5

Attitude 8. 0

She woke me before leaving a number on bedside cabinet. I sms her next day to thank her for taking care of me. She said she wanna see me again.

We will see.

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10-07-08, 13:15
Monday. Spent morning catching up with work.

Also I'm girl from friendster. She say she have day off (she is nurse). Must come to Fujairah to see her.

What the hell. I grab taxi. 2 hours and 200 Dh later I arrive in Fujairah.

Meet with S. She ok. Pretty but no stunner. (more like your mates wife that you would if she offered).

We go to room. She pulls out bottle of JD. Who am I ti refuse. We chat for a while, drink a far bit. She finally warms up.

Strts with bit kiss and cuddle, she tell me she not had sex in 14 months. I promise to be gentle.

Well this led to a FULL on session, BBJ, DATY sex in different positions.

When she first cum. She cried. Then she just did not stop and did not want me to stop. Two pops is a row (thanks to the Cialis). I swear she cum a dozen times. Sleep for few hours. Then we go dinner, Hilton resort very nice. Wish I could afford to stay there sometime.

Back to her room after food and drinks. More JD. 3 or 4 more sessions. I am completly nackered. Too sore for the morning glory. S did make coffee and say she wann see me again before I leave.

Slept in the cab ride back this morning.

Off to Jockeys for an afternoon punt.

Will report later

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Wicked Roger
10-07-08, 15:42

Says managers fee is 500 (she has a 10, 000 debt).

So I give her 500 Dh for manager and 300 DH for her. She give me big smile, kiss and cuddle.

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Nice FR SR

The way it works is that until she pays her debt (credit) - AED 10k is cheap as now around AED 15k - she gives all the cash to the mamsan so you gave a her a very large tip but thats OK if the service was good

Try a phone card or two as these work wonders as then they can call home

Glad you had fun

10-08-08, 17:01
Well is there really such thing as a free be?

S was great, had some genuine passion and desire.

The cheap B**** I am. Sat down and worked out the costs.

Taxi return Fujairah. 450 AED

Drinks and dinner at the Hilton resort 650 AED

5 hours in a taxi.

4 hours sleep sharing a single bed. Not comfortable.

Was it worth it. Yes. For the pure fun and satisfaction that I cal still BS my way into some woman’s Pu**y.

Would I put that much effort in again. Hell no. I would rather get a couple of ST's

So onto Tuesday.

Caught up with some work after returning from Fujairah.

Slept a couple of hours. Woke up with raging hard on! (lasting effects of the caulis)

So for the fun of it took a cab up to Jockeys. Reached there about 4:30.

Place small and quite dingy (piper I agree. No atmosphere).

Wg to punters 70 /30

Mainly PRC some stanis. But FUB's and 1 Egyptian girl. Very nice but not my type.

Had the usual approaches from the over zealous PRC's. " you want lady. I give you good sex how much you pay"

After two pints g I was about to leave. When in she walked.

Jenny. 5' a very nice b+ cup. Which looked bigger on her small frame. Pretty face, big smile, slim legs.

I actually paid her no attention when she first came in as she was friends with one of the over zealous I had to swat away.

I take a second look at her and she catches me. Immediately walks over, introduces herself.

Good engrish. Good conversation. Starting price of 500AED. We negotiate to 400AED. Finish beer and into taxi.

If you have been following my reports. By now you will know exactly what I like.

DFK, BBJ, lots of positions, lots of participation and noise. Finish with doggie.

Jenny did not disappoint. Went the extra with body wash and massage after.

20 AED tip for the taxi.

Jenny quiete professional. Has no qualms about her "job". Have cell no if.

Would recommend if you like small pretty and enthusiastic.

More to follow

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10-08-08, 17:40
After Jenny had left, showered and had food.

Had a date set up with Friendster no 3. Really didn’t expect much. Hence the afternoon shot with Jenny.

Any how exchange a few sms and agreed to meet me out side my hotel (I am such a LB).

Lets call her D.

Well D is a 32 yo 4’ 8"! Filipino, (I am only 5'6") everything small (T & A) with a vey pretty face and a smile that game me an instant hard on.

I was expecting dinner and chat (like Friendster no 1), " no" she says. Lets just have a drink.

Didn’t fancy Harvester, so we went to Trader Vics. (BTW definite 4-6 wgs CIS at the bar waiting around. Didn’t see any punters approach)

Actually had a really good time, had a good conversation.

Tells me about her job as lawyers assistant, excitement of being in Dubai only 3 months, freedom from her family, good money to send home. Bla, bla.

The usual BS from me, which she lapped up.

3 or 4 cocktails later the band starts and she drags me up dancing. I got to say she was very good dancer. I had a good time.

Cocktails finally take their toll around 12:30. I’ve got presentation to make next morning. She has work.

So I walk her round to front building to get taxi, when she takes me by complete surprise and says " you not feeling sexy then? "

Well does a one legged duck swim in circles. I grab her hand. And its up to the room. Again no problems with security or reception. I think they keeping a tab of how many I get up to my room.

Sex was awesome. Drunken animal sex. Everything that rocks my boat.

Two rounds before we both collapse in heap.

7:00 her alarm goes off. F**k my head hurts. In the bathroom. Bottle water and 4 panadol and crawl back into bed, where D has her mind on breakfast.

Lets just say. I thought my head was going to explode with the pain. But the sight of D reverse cow girl. And the look of delight on her face in the mirror made up for it.

7:30 D is out the door. Didn’t even want taxi money.

That was a lovely freebie.

Tonight. Got to hit the golden triangle. Seeing as I have the taste of Filipino. Gonna start at seaview.

Report to follow.

Last day tomorrow. Out with WR. Piper hope the flu gets better.

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10-08-08, 22:27
Dubai, UAE

I was heading back to Saudi for a 30 day hitch but not without a couple of layovers along the way. First stop was in Dubai, checked into the Ramada in Bur Dubai, $124. 00 for a roomy Jr. Suite. I got settled in and around 9:30 I strolled over to the York, doorman waived the$ 60. 00 Dhs cover charge and motion for me head upstairs. The place was packed with honeys, you couldn’t get to the bar without being groped by all the birds. The Asian gals were in greater attendance but did see a couple CIS, Ethiopians and dark Africans. Talked to a cute little Ethi for about 45 minutes but decided to look around a bit. Then I came across this tight little 24 yr old Shanghai beauty named Lucy. She did not have your typical PRC face, she had a solid 9 body and face. She spoke perfect English and we chatted it up for about 20 minutes when her girlfriend showed up, she had a nice body, perfect English, 25 yr old, cute but I'd give her a 7 face and 8 body. After about 10 minutes they asked me if I would like try both for all night for $1000 Dhs ea. I said, that was too much and we finally agreed for $600 Dhs ea. LT if they were really into each other, they locked into a deep French kiss and when they separated, Lucy asked, if that was enough proof. I motioned to the door and off we went. Although it is only a few blocks, I took a cab back to the hotel. Ramada is very girl friendly, no walk of shame, walked right in and no one said a word, straight to the elevator and to the room. Their English was so good I can’t emphasize enough, the communication was great and atmosphere very relaxed with these two girls. We all had drinks while I was seated between them on the sofa, when reached to kiss Lucy, Yang Yang went into my trouser and proceeded to nurse on my rapidly growing member. Lucy was feeling left out and broke our kiss and started wrestling to have her turn at my meat. After about 5 minutes of total bliss, I stopped them suggesting we move to bed, the girls wanted to shower first so we all undressed and to the bathroom we went. I had one washing my front side while the other worked my back. Once I was clean, I took turns snacking on both their shaved snatches. We toweled off and once on the bed we were locked into a triangle with me changing positions every 5 minutes trying to prolong the inevitable. After 40 minutes, I could take no more with Yang Yang riding my face and Lucy giving a talented BBBJ I lost my load in her hot little mouth. Laying there trying to recover, I watched these two go at each other. Needless to say it did not take long for my interest or anything else to get up again. With condom on Lucy wanted to go reverse cowgirl while Yang Yang helped guide my pole into this little sex pot. I figured I could go quite a while like this but then Yang Yang started sucking on my nuts with Lucy riding me, causing bust another nut. We all took a break and I ordered room service for the girls. We went at twice more before we drifted off to sleep. We woke up at 9 am, laughing, talking and having a great time. I offered them breakfast, they said, they needed be going. I gave them an extra $ 100. 00 for a total of $ 700. 00 Dhs ea. Got their numbers and walked them down, then went to breakfast.

I might have over paid but these two gave the ultimate GFE and PSE. Not to mention they were incredibly skilled for such young girls with great attitudes. Day 2 report will be posted in the Bahrain forum.

Steve Dubai
10-09-08, 07:56
Dubai, UAE

I they locked into a deep French kiss and when they separated, Lucy asked, if that was enough proof. I motioned to the door and off we went.

You seem to have found a perfect night, and in the years I have been here never come accross PRC girls who are truely "into each other" - so excuse me if I sound a bit sceptical. Not too sure how they got away with the kiss in the York - bouncers are throwing girls out for just putting their arms around a guys waist!!

Dhs 600 price is about right though


10-09-08, 15:22

I was feeling so nackered.

In the morning. , worked, slept.

Afternoon ate, slept, ate, slept.

About 10: 30 pm finnaly woke up. Body stiil not fit for another night of booze, sex and little sleep. But head finally clear after drinking about 10 ltrs of water. Had resigned my self to a night off. Put the TV and was comfy on the bed.

Lovely send me text " where are you? " I tell her that I had resolved my self to early night. Next text. "you want some company? "

Cut a long story short. She was on her way back to her work house after shopping. Had convinced her "manager " that I would be regular punter and was staying with me over night.

Lovely showed up looking so dam H. O. T. I immediatly started getting horny.

All Lovely wanted to do was " look after" me. She asked why I felt so bad. I told her about too much booze and lack of sleep over previous nights.

Lovely boils the kettle and produces some herb fom her shopping bag. Instruct me to drink. It wasnt good. But it wasnt bad either.

Next thing she in the bath room, running bath. Pours some oils in the water. I soak in bath for about 15 min. Lovely finally calls me to come out. On reaching the bedroom I find that lovely has laid out towels on the bed. She tells me to lie down for massage.

What followed was the most sensious massage I have ever had. I usually love deep tissue. But those tiny fingers over my body really did wonders. Not fogetting the sight of a naked 21 yo with beautiful looks, pert tits and arse.

The sex to follow was out of this world, slow, sensious, hot, passionate, dirty. Sweaty.

Half way through she mounts me in cow girl and says "I'm in charge now! "

We were both starving after. So called room service and have quck shower waiting for delivery.

Back to bed after food. This time Lovely cuddles up and starts to kiss me ever so softly all over. Resulting in round 2.

I then have the sleep of a contented man.

Wake up Thursday morning to sound of Lovely phone ringing. Her manager. WE have quick kiss and cuddle. I tell her it ok to go.

Lovely has quick shower. I was getting a hard on watching her drying and dressing. But decided to not get her in trouble.

Gave her 1000 AED. And she was gone.

I actually felt physically very good.

Metting up with WR for last night in town.

Final report to follow.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Matteo Conti
10-09-08, 16:46
Dubai, UAE

I was heading back to Saudi for a 30 day hitch but not without a couple of layovers along the way. First stop was in Dubai, checked into the Ramada in Bur Dubai, $124. 00 for a roomy Jr. Suite. I got settled in and around 9:30 I strolled over to the York, doorman waived the$ 60. 00 Dhs cover charge and motion for me head upstairs. The place was packed with honeys, you couldn’t get to the bar without being groped by all the birds. The Asian gals were in greater attendance but did see a couple CIS, Ethiopians and dark Africans. Talked to a cute little Ethi for about 45 minutes but decided to look around a bit. Then I came across this tight little 24 yr old Shanghai beauty named Lucy. She did not have your typical PRC face, she had a solid 9 body and face. She spoke perfect English and we chatted it up for about 20 minutes when her girlfriend showed up, she had a nice body, perfect English, 25 yr old, cute but I'd give her a 7 face and 8 body. After about 10 minutes they asked me if I would like try both for all night for $1000 Dhs ea. I said, that was too much and we finally agreed for $600 Dhs ea. LT if they were really into each other, they locked into a deep French kiss and when they separated, Lucy asked, if that was enough proof. I motioned to the door and off we went. Although it is only a few blocks, I took a cab back to the hotel. Ramada is very girl friendly, no walk of shame, walked right in and no one said a word, straight to the elevator and to the room. Their English was so good I can’t emphasize enough, the communication was great and atmosphere very relaxed with these two girls. We all had drinks while I was seated between them on the sofa, when reached to kiss Lucy, Yang Yang went into my trouser and proceeded to nurse on my rapidly growing member. Lucy was feeling left out and broke our kiss and started wrestling to have her turn at my meat. After about 5 minutes of total bliss, I stopped them suggesting we move to bed, the girls wanted to shower first so we all undressed and to the bathroom we went. I had one washing my front side while the other worked my back. Once I was clean, I took turns snacking on both their shaved snatches. We toweled off and once on the bed we were locked into a triangle with me changing positions every 5 minutes trying to prolong the inevitable. After 40 minutes, I could take no more with Yang Yang riding my face and Lucy giving a talented BBBJ I lost my load in her hot little mouth. Laying there trying to recover, I watched these two go at each other. Needless to say it did not take long for my interest or anything else to get up again. With condom on Lucy wanted to go reverse cowgirl while Yang Yang helped guide my pole into this little sex pot. I figured I could go quite a while like this but then Yang Yang started sucking on my nuts with Lucy riding me, causing bust another nut. We all took a break and I ordered room service for the girls. We went at twice more before we drifted off to sleep. We woke up at 9 am, laughing, talking and having a great time. I offered them breakfast, they said, they needed be going. I gave them an extra $ 100. 00 for a total of $ 700. 00 Dhs ea. Got their numbers and walked them down, then went to breakfast.

I might have over paid but these two gave the ultimate GFE and PSE. Not to mention they were incredibly skilled for such young girls with great attitudes. Day 2 report will be posted in the Bahrain forum.Hi

I'm plannig to go to ramada too, but I checked the price and it's 250 USD.

Would you please tell me how you get to pay only 124?


Wicked Roger
10-10-08, 04:26
Fellow Mongers

Well I have met with a few new mongers recently and last night was no exception.

Apart from meeting up with the ubiquitous Piper who was on good form (ie he lost again at pool) I also met Sonic Ray and 1Ball. Both nice guys full of energy, not as handsome as me but then who is :) Also did not get chance to meet up with Fly Guy II this time but we spoke and will catch up next time FG is through. But he did have a good time with Joy I know

SR has had some fun here in Dubai but unfortunately his last night was not as expected with Anne – apologies for that SR, am not used to failure with the girls I know

1Ball is not like Giotto from the Thailand thread has described him. Giotto – 1Ball is a man of sophistication, humour, wit and intelligence, a great conversationalist and fun to be with. Are you sure this is the same 1Ball you have warned me of? :)

He also managed to talk business with 2 Filipinas (well that was his excuse) past midnight. A good man always putting his work first. Piper was engaged with Sade an African when I left, better chance with her than winning at pool I think!

Went to Capitol Hotel – Rockwells and met the guys. Traffic being snarled everywhere we stayed there until I took SR and Anne back to the Crowne Plaza for his night (well few hours) of limited fun :). Not been in Rockwells for a long time and it has changed to a Filipino bar, 2 bands playing, lots of regular workers in the bar but a few WGs with customers and some with their western boyfriends. Good mix and a nice night seeing the guys.

An interesting (?) note is that when SR and I were waiting for valet parking at the Crown Plaza a Rolls Royce pulls up, the 2 guys get out and waiting for them were 2 girls – not the best lookers or the best figure – but a change from the normal valet parking.

Also while waiting for SR in the lobby a very good African passed by. Now I am not an African fancier but I could with this one, slim, high heels, nice everything a 9 in my book but she asked concierge a quick question and then went down the escalators again. But still a nice African

Am seeing the receptionist from a doctors surgery tonight, not P4P but I know I will have as she is a cute Filipina ;) Lovely jubbly.

Keep hard and horny

10-10-08, 07:34
You are correct about the $240.00, I was told the next day the rate would double. Different rates for different days, do not know why but I got that rate for a Saturday. If I had stayed on Sunday $240.00, I was on my way to Bahrain so it did not matter. Hope that helps.


I'm plannig to go to ramada too, but I checked the price and it's 250 USD.

Would you please tell me how you get to pay only 124?


10-10-08, 08:34

I'm plannig to go to ramada too, but I checked the price and it's 250 USD.

Would you please tell me how you get to pay only 124?


Probably because it was during Ramadan/Eid.
4 points for example was available online for Dh400 throughout that time (110 dollars) and I even got a 3am walk-in with my Filipina GF for Dh420.
Now they want at least $275 since the conference season kicked off.

From now till December there is huge demand for hotel rooms as conference after conference and expo after expo rolls through town. It's the law of supply and demand.

Same applies in AD too at the moment.

Early December sees many holidays (National Day, Eid Al Adha etc) so there will be little business traffic and prices will fall again - until Christmas/new Year.

So early December is next opportunity for cheap hotel rooms. Though you can find some weekend (Fri/sat) deals online occasionally. Midweek will be pretty much straight rack rates till then.

Be careful out there

10-10-08, 13:08
Met a few guys ...1Ball is not like Giotto from the Thailand thread has described him. He also managed to talk business with 2 Filipinas (well that was his excuse) past midnight. It was a great night. 1Ball and I started at Capitol Hotel. First stop: Savage Garden Salsa Club, enjoying the Cuban band and dancers while eating some good grub over a drink. Then into Rockwell's club - now a mainly Filipino Bar. WR and SR joined us there soon after, with a shy looking Filipina in tow for SR.

There were a few young and chubby African WGs near the bar. No intention of taking them, and they knew it, but they were very playful and good fun.

Sade' - hot hot hot!
I was interested in (well, in love with) another African girl sitting alone, not talking to anyone, also looking nervous. She's a shorter version of Sade' - 21 y.o., very hot bod, beautiful sultry face and come-to bed eyes. I walked past her a few times over an hour or so to go to the pool table, and while she knew I was interested in her, she made a point of avoiding eye contact with me. I decided to stop and have a chat with her. She still wasn't showing any interest, so I bid my farewell and went to play a game of pool. Lo and behold, 10 minutes later she was standing at the bar near the pool table watching me play. I joined her after the game, had a long conversation, and found out she's 21, and not a WG. She works full-time in a well-known fashion shop in a mega-mall not far from my place.

She told me it was her first time in the club, and she hated it there because she didn't want to be mistaken as a working girl. One of the other girls in the club lives in the same floor of the apartment block and invited her along for the night because she has no friends in Dubai, then went dancing and left her alone. I managed to cheer her up and make her comfortable and laughing over an hour or so, got her number and a promise from her to go out one night soon.

1Ball and four hot Filipinas
As WR said, 1Ball is a smooth talker and knows how to make the girls laugh. There was a group of four Filipina near the pool table, with an arab guy. When the guy went to the men's room I jokingly asked the girls why such beautiful girls were with that ugly guy. That got a laugh, then 1Ball joined in and had them in conversation for the rest of the night. Not working girls, but working profesionals of interest to 1Ball's business, so he mixed business with pleasure the rest of the night. They had a wild time next to Sade and I at the bar, dancing and flirting around.

Cut a long story short, 1Ball cancelled his booking for his 90 minute taxi trip to Abu Dhabi airport for today. Instead the four hot Filipinas came to my place with big smiles and giggles to pick him up in their (expensive) car. 1Ball got into their car with the biggest smile on his face I've ever seen. A kid in a candy store. I waved goodbye from the street with a tear in my eye - not because 1Ball was leaving, but because he was in that car with four hot fun girls, and I wasn't. Grrrr.

He just SMSd me on the way to AD - he's having a fucking ball with four singing giggling flirting girls. My guess is he will be coming back to Dubai as soon as he can to follow through with them.

Then again, I have one of their phone numbers, so maybe it will be too late for him by then. :D

10-10-08, 14:22
Staying at piper's house, which is always interesting. Wildcat, wildkitten, the hot horny maid, Piper's magic tricks, it is like a really crazy 3 ring circus.

So Piper and I decide to hit York, but Thursday night traffic means it is at least 75 minutes away, so a quick U turn brings us to the Capitol hotel, which BTW, is a perfect location, what with several bars inside the hotel, and is 100% GF, so Piper tells me. (I wonder how he knows this). after we are there 30 minutes, WR and Sonic Ray walk in, with a hot little Phils, looking very nervous, glued to WR.

There is a great Phils band playing, very energetic, good songs, until they decide to do celebrity impersonations. It is then an absolute hoot. Tina Turner, and the lead singer did a GREAT Michael Jackson, down to grabbing himself with the glove. Probably 10 to 15 WGs in all sizes and color, and in all varying degree of aggressiveness. I spot a group of 4 Philippine girls, who are obviously NOT WGs, just out for some fun. Piper zeroes in on "Sade" the singer's twin sister. She was smoki'n.

I spend the evening talking to my Phils group, it turns out we work sort of in the same industry, what I mean by that is I sell stuff they need. I get numbers, I really like the dark one, but she is not giving off the right signals. so I concentrate on another one . good choice. After we leave, she spends the next 2 hours sending me more and more provocative sms.

anyway, Piper is falling in love by the millisecond, can't say I blame him, this girl is gorgeous, trying to get her feet wet in the biz, and who better than Piper to train her, and I am making plans to go to Abu Dhabi with these girls, as my flight leaves from there, and they are planning on going there to hang out.

At 1.30, I tell my wingman time to leave, he tries to drag me into the third club attached to this hotel, but his charm is falling on the 160 kg bouncer's deaf ears. we are not going in. So we head on home.

Next day, the girls swing by Piper's house to pick me up, and it is obvious the seating arrangements have been well thought out. I am in the back, behind the driver, sitting next to the girl who likes me a lot (Still can't figure out what she sees in me, must be my fashionable hair do, and my wash board abs. gets them every time). We drive off, and i didnt even think of waving goodbye to piper, he was already a faded memory

we stop for lunch, and once that is over, "my girl spends the next 60 minutes cuddling next to me, with her hand up my thankfully very baggy shorts. we are all singing along to Phils music (the Eagles in Tagalog), and my voice rises a few bars above norm, depending on where her hand is at the time.

No sooner am I comfortably ensconced in the business class lounge at AUH airport, but I get a SMS from WR asking for their contact. WR, we are in love, this is pure, and you want to sully this beautiful feeling we have, shame on you.

she has sms me 4 times since I got out of the car, she is in love, and frankly why shouldn't she be ? ;)

Wicked Roger
10-10-08, 15:04
No sooner am I comfortably ensconced in the business class lounge at AUH airport, but I get a SMS from WR asking for their contact. WR, we are in love, this is pure, and you want to sully this beautiful feeling we have, shame on you.

she has sms me 4 times since I got out of the car, she is in love, and frankly why shouldn't she be ? ;)
Well am a wicked man and have no shame 1Ball :D Piper knows that :)

And as you are not here for a long time they have to be looked after even if slightly older than I normally like so I am voluteering a mentor/teacher/guardian role.........

Safe travel good to meet up

10-10-08, 15:32
Staying at piper's house, which is always interesting. Wildcat, wildkitten, the hot horny maid, Piper's magic tricks, it is like a really crazy 3 ring circus.Man, that's an understatement, but yes, it is a crazy place (except for me of course). ;) Sorry I couldn't give you my magic trick props despite you begging. Firstly, they keep Wildkitten entertained and amazed at my supernatural powers. Secondly, they are great for picking up girls, making me an instant man of mystery.

Next day, the girls swing by Piper's house to pick me up, ... my girl spends the next 60 minutes cuddling next to me, with her hand up my thankfully very baggy shorts ... we are all singing along to Phils music and my voice rises a few bars above norm, depending on where her hand is at the time.That's fucking funny. I needed the laugh. :)

It was a pleasure as usual 1Ball - you cheered me up after some particularly nasty events the past few days, including someone in my care being jailed and deported for a minor (and unproven) charge.

10-11-08, 10:35
Monger Date 9 Oct 08

Had this Dubai thing all planned out. I planned to spend three nights in Dubai then hit Thailand for a week then off to my home planet PI then off to Jakarta. As they say the plans of men and mice often go astray. Also was supposed to meet master monger Piper.

Flight Cancellation:

My flight got cancelled on the first day turning my three day stay into a two day stay. My flight got canceled again turning my two day stay into a one day stay. My flight got canceled again turning my one day stay into a matter of hours stay.

Ok no problem for DW just will cut into my mongering time.

Mission Objectives: Must be accomplished in 12 hours.
Gold Souk
Armani Boutique
Pussy Store: York/Regal/Etc…

Hit the Emirates mall to kill two birds with one stone since traffic reminded me of New York must be holiday season or something not to mention it was the weekend.

Armani boutique small lineup compared to what I have seen in Tokyo but was still able to cop some nice threads. Dubai never disappoints in jewelry department.


Stayed at the four points Sheraton on Zayad Road. Place was posh best hotel I have lodged at in Dubai. Fit for a king nah that’s an understatement fit for a SOF.

Pussy Store: York

Hit the York looking and filling like million Dirhim LOL. After the disastrous beginning to this epic mongering odyssey. Was expecting some white guy (Piper) to walk up asking was I DW (Sorry my man couldn’t access the forum while I was there so no PM.) The place was packed you could barely move. Walked around the place until two Djiboutians locked on. They were both cute but one was cuter. They followed me around the York for about 30 mins holding my hand rubbing my abs grinding me promising me a wild night. I could see in their eyes they were hungry and not just for my Dirham. They even said 80 bucks for the night. It was clearly not about the money. While there a fight broke out between an Indian guy and some white guy. Heard the big white guy shout “You Fucking Indian” I got the hell out of the kill zone.

Fuck Up:

I have been gunning for something Slavic last few trips so I told them I will take a rain check.


Paid the excessive entrance fee 100 Dirham. The place was mirror image of the York packed. Barely could move. Lot white girls Slavics, CIS, etc… Not many stunners but some lookers. Seen one Slavic looking piece. Big tits, nice ass, fake blond hair.

Joked around with her told her to stop looking so mean I was an American and asked dig she dig dark meat. She said yeah. So I asked her for a price. 1500 Dirhim. After hearing that I thought my Platinum necklace had just melted.

I had just spent a couple of Gs (Gs a g is a grand $1000 for the slang impaired) at the mall so I wasn’t cool with spending that amount on what might or might not be a good night got a lot of vacation time left.

The York Revisited:

I dashed back over to the York to find the two Djiboutians that promised me a wild night for the cheap and they wasn’t bad looking at all. One named honey had the cutest brown wide eyes.

I think it was Asian Rain that said if you vibe with chick grab her right away she won’t be there when you get back. No trace of them nowhere. The night was getting old and my time was running out. Settled on this Ethiopian that was thick ass/tits and had a light-skin Beyonce-esque complexion.

Ethiopian Broad:

Talked to got-damn much. Was full of shit. I could smell it on her. Money hungry. I just wanted to fuck her thick as body. Wish I could remove her brain from her body cannot.

Sheraton Revisited:

We arrived I am dreaming of a couple of good sessions and some sleep before my flight to Bangkok.


Hotel security said she needs to check in and needs original ID or Passport. I am pissed time is running the fuck out. One mind tells me let her go and go the fuck to sleep. Another mind still wants to fuck.

Fuck mind wins.

Slum Area Accommodations:

We go back to her place one of those slum areas I visited many times with various working girls. I know this is Dubai and Dubai is safe. But I always have some aversion about these places since I am always wearing some guys in the States yearly salary in jewelry.

Back at her place I am pissed at the hotel rejection but this not the time to worry ass and tits is in my face. I reach out to try to fuck around with her when she pushes me back and says money first. That just fucking killed my damn mood. I started to put my jewelry back on and get dressed. She said what what’s wrong. I told her never mind and hit the damn door. She got pissed talking about “You owe me money you waste my time” I said we didn’t fuck. I anit paying you shit. Went back to telly and got some rest for my flight to LOS.

Negatives: Dumb move at the York. Not enough time to do shit. Think prices have risen astronomically over the years. Woe is he of little wallet. Could be a positive though high prices reduces the riff-raff.

Positives: York has a lot of new faces/girls.
Starting to see a lot more black faces in the work force of Dubai. That gives me hope for this fucked up planet.

Warbucks Now in Bangkok

Gone In 60 Seconds….

10-11-08, 18:24
Interesting report DW - investing precious time into versace and platinum instead of a quality love affair for the night! ;)

But no, I wasn't at York Thurs night - got as far as Capitol Hotel before I gave up on the worse-than usual traffic on the way to York (traffic snarl was due to a major conference in town). It was a good move. (See report below where I met the new love of my life, the sultry Sade').

Friday night, I intended just having a few relaxing games of pool at Capitol Hotel again. A pal turned up there, and we found ourselves at Rattler on the way home. Cut a long story short, we ended up at his place with two hot Russian blondes. One of them turned out to be a bit crazy and in a bad mood because her phone had been stolen that day. For some reason, this meant she had to shout at the other three of us. I managed to console her after her first rant, but later she went crazy again, then my pal started shouting at her in return. Not looking good, so I gave her 100AED for her time, her entertaining temper and her taxi fare, and sent her on her way.

This left us with no choice but to ask the remaining girl if she would be in for some double-banging action, 700AED from each of us. Not only did she agree, but she loved every minute of it. I'm not into MMF much anymore, but she really loved the good working over, and gave back as good as she got, the little screamer. It was a wild session.

10-12-08, 05:38
I have not been to the Rattlesnake for a very long time. I met a friend in the Red Lion where he had been watching England beat Kazakhstan at soccer. He then suggested we move on to the Snake-pit. OK some times you know its stupid but you just have to put you finger in the fan to see what happens.

Entrance fee 50 AED including a beer. I go in, order two pints go to hand over the tickets and are told, you have to pay for these, the tickets are only valid for a bottle of Mexican P$%$ water. The beers are 35AED each.

It was never the Ritz but the place as gone down hill! The closest thing to a refurbishment was some gold colored seat covers which looked tacky

WGs were 100% CIS with high proportion of T54s (and I swear one was a T34 dating right back to the Great Patriotic War.) Normally you can count on CIS to dress a bit better but not in the ‘Snakepit it seems.

There were some younger and more attractive girls among the T54s. Best of the bunch for me were a couple of oriental ‘Stanis, one of which looked very Chinese. If you are into blonds there were two that wouldn’t give you nightmares. If you are into lookalikes there was, Maria Carey but with twice BMI.

The band has lost a female singer, Mr Prancy is still there, and fortunately he was wearing a suit in place of the fishnet vest. At least one thing has improved. In fairness they are not a bad band, they just play a lot of bad songs – YMMV

The farcical situation of the reserved space around the tables continues. There is now a 500AED minimum charge per table to be in the area. Nobody was sitting at any of the tables of course and the whole space was occupied by group of well lubricated guys who had obviously run a bill in excess of the 500AED.

Come midnight the band had gone off and there was a bunch of guys dancing with each other to the DJ. We left and on the way to get a taxi we were accosted by a couple of African girls who jumped out the bushes at us; they were probably the best looking girls we saw all night. The bizarre thing about this is they did it right in front a police car. We brushed them very rapidly! Fortunately for them the Old Bill seemed more intent on issuing parking tickets.

Fly Guy II
10-12-08, 09:21
Hi All,
A short report to place on record my thanks to WR who help me meet a wonderful young new friend. My report will follow, so WR thanks a million and I owe you and fully intend to pay.... The experience was refreshing.
Regards and thanks mate...

Oil Rich
10-12-08, 13:52
Firstly thanks to Piper for the contact details!

A few weeks ago I went over to the well known AMP in Al Wasl.
Called the number, a lady answered saying 'closed for one month' somehow i managed to convince her that I had been to her place! At which point she said ' when you at Spinneys' give me a call!

Which of course I did, I was directed to the house, and greeted by a rather butch looking Chinese fella!

Was introduced to a few ladies, all fairly cute but none were really my type, but i thought with my 'd..k'

Picked a cute girl called Sadi, she took me upstairs, told me 100 for the house and she wanted 400, I told her 200, settled for 300!

She gave me a nice but firm massage, onto some rimming and then lots of BBBJ, which was nice slow and wet, a bit of cow girl, doggie to finish!

She cleaned me up; more massage; another round of BBBJ, shot my load over her tits! Again she me cleaned up with some baby wipes!

She is really into her hygiene; which is good thing!

Gave her another 50 AED, she was happy; peck on the cheek and off i went!

As i was leaving She told me there was another girl (Amy) who was busy and that she was my type of girl; which i though was a nice touch but found it strange that she would recomend another girl (maybe her best mate or relative etc)

Anyone seen AMY?

Anyways a good punt!

Love Tactics
10-13-08, 01:59
at the suggestion of wicked roger i visited the golden triangle in dubai after some 6 years. man, did this place change!

for one thing: the last time in a dubai club, it was packed with whites, but now? it felt i was the only white guy in the room every time. not a problem or anything, but it sure made me popular with the ladies.

or with the doormen for that matter: york charges a 60 dirham fee, but not for me. in front of me, two pakistanis had to pay 60 dirham each. the security guard winked at me, god knows what about, but ok, i waited. sure enough, after the pakistanis were inside, i was waived through without paying any fee. they must have thought i would spend it on booz anyway. and yes, they would be right, but somehow this blatant racism doesn't sit well.

anyway, york was perhaps half full on this sunday night and most of them were women. i remember york to be completely different? any old-timer around to please please please proof i'm not crazy?

the band in york was somewhat decent and the ladies certainly less: that 's the way, ah-hah, ah-hah, i like it! the moment you enter york, you have ladies groping you. too bad it's always the ugly ones who resort to these kind of tactics, but hey.

the quality of york was a bit of a mix. while the african ladies were somewhat ok, the prc were truly below standard. not one single 8+

on to the next club: regal. total rip-off: they charge you 100 dirham without any drinks! i asked the guard how busy it was and he said it was ok busy. so i asked for a quick peek before deciding to cough up the 100 dirham and he refused. his loss as i would have easily spend this amount in drinks.

next club was ramada. interesting foot note: you pass a 24 hours open pharmacy going to ramada so no worries about having our little blue friend around!

ramada was the same thing: 40 dirham entry fee, no drink and no looks. why would people spend so much money in the blind? beyond me! after some talking back and forth, i decided to leave and go for panorama, a club strongly recommended against by wicked roger because it sucked.

and yeah, he was right: panorama sucked, but that's just how we like it, no? already from the entrance you feel that this place is just too cramped and too restricted to be anything good. but hey, lower end of market is what's attractive so panorame somehow fit the bill perfectly!

after i walked up to the bar to get my free drink that came with the 40 dirham entrance fee (no draft beers, only bottle), a prc lady came on to me and since she was sufficiently ugly, she was a good match for the desolute feeling of panorama.

so i was sitting with this prc, holding her hand and she rubbing me all over. felt kinda ok, actually, but then i noticed some african ladies who actually looked very good.

and here's something i am not really proud of. in fact, if anyone would consider me a nice guy. welll. no longer! so while she was rubbing me, this african hottie was intensely looking at me. and i was looking back!

before we knew it, we were having this 'secret' conversation while the prc was completely clueless. and boy, this african beauty went far and had a good sense of humor: when i was rubbing the back of the prc, the african lady would faint an orgasm! it was really funny! she cracked me up!

she was sitting right next to the prc, so while i was holding her, my hands would reach out and touch the naked belly/back of the african lady. all the while, the kenian lady would look and smile at me while the prc had no clue what was going on!

damn hot! felt like cheating on a *****!

after a while, i gave her a sign that i would call her with my finger. the prc didn't' notice anyting and the african was mouthing back her number. that proved to be too cumbersome, so the african lady simply told her her number while the prc was still thinking she would get lucky.

so here we were: the prc completely entangled into me and giving me a back, front and even a penis massage (she really was desperate, up to the point she started rubbing my penis! ), while the african lady was trying to mouth her cell phone.

clearly, this didn't go anywhere, so i told the prc i had to go to the toilet. i made sure the african heard me; well, in fact she was staring right at me so it felt i was talking to her. since she was sitting next to the prc and somehow blocking the road, i had to pass by the african. obvioulsy, i made sure to fondle her up, while looking back at the prc and telling her i needed to go to the toilet. man, i tell you, this was fucked up!

sure enough, the african lady follows me to the toilet, which is outside the pub area at panorama. so we were able to talk a bit in the hallway. i told her she was really beautiful but that i was already stuck with the prc and that i was a nice guy, so i couldn't dump the prc. blah. blah. blah.

she said she understood, and we both went back inside: me first, she followed a bit later to avoid any suspicion.

at closing time, however, all gloves were off: i didn't' wanna go with the prc who wasn't that pretty. so while i was trying to make up excuses, the african lady was literally saying "let's go" to me. sure enough, the prc heard this so she became a bit agitated and said something to the effect that she would have me tonight while the african lady could have her tomorrow.

while she was saying this, the african lady was still mouthing me to let's go! it didn't help that my arm was around the prc while my fingers were feeling up the african lady sitting right next to her. just bizar! i totally felt not-nice to the prc, but how can you "dump" someone, you know?

eventually, i didn't go with either because i was really too drunk and the prc just not my type. i wouldn't' have mind the african, but well, again i was too drunk + the africans have a lousy reputation. still, panorama have quite a few good looking kenyians and i might go back there. only problem is, how to deal with that prc when i walk back into panorama?

editor's note: i would suggest that the author or another forum member consider posting a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Classic Action
10-13-08, 05:36
Hi friends,

I have been going through the forum for almost 2 years and live in Dubai.

Just took up the subsription and would highly appreciate if Piper would help me too. I need contacts of AMP at Al wasel and you can pm me.

I earlier used to visit Dubai and had several phone nos of AMPs and frequently visited them but since a few months nobody seems to respond. Nobody from Gulfnews classified seems to provide extra services. I was in Berlin a week back and visited FKK Artemis. It's a fantastic place. One of the in Germany In my view.

I will now regularly contribute to the forum. I will look forward to hear about AMPs in Dubai. Jumierah area suits me best.


10-13-08, 05:47
Interesting report DW - investing precious time into versace and platinum instead of a quality love affair for the night! ;)

But no, I wasn't at York Thurs night - got as far as Capitol Hotel before I gave up on the worse-than usual traffic on the way to York (traffic snarl was due to a major conference in town). It was a good move. (See report below where I met the new love of my life, the sultry Sade').

Hey man, check your PM.

Steve Dubai
10-13-08, 06:42
Found myself at the Bur Juman around lunchtime yesterday with a couple of hours to spare, so thought I would check out TGI Thursdays to see if the new visa rules have impacted the P4P market.

After a quick meal at McDonald’s at the Spinney’s centre, I took the back streets to make my way down to the Astoria - could not see any SW’s in the streets behind.

Down to TGI Thursday’s – 2pm - car park packed as usual. Inside and the place was empty. :( Must have been about 10 PRC, 3 CIS and 3 guys. Two reasonable PRC’s (rate them about 6 or 7), the rest do not figure on my sober radar! The last time I came here in Feb / Mar 2008 the place had about 50 or so girls.

Of course as I walked in, all 10 PRC’s jumped up and made a sprint for a spot next to me at the bar. :eek: The 3 girls who got there first decided they would stay close and try to pitch for business. I tried to catch the eye of a girl that was of interest, but as I had already been surrounded, she quickly took the opportunity to sit next to another guy who had been left alone.

Chatted to the girls, whose personalities were quite amusing. One had just returned back after a 6 month stint back in China, but she says with the new visa rules, she will stay the two months and probably not come back again – which is what most girls are doing now. Once they knew I’d lived here for a while, they starting quizzing me about the bars in Abu Dhabi.

What was interesting was the girls opening asking price was Dhs500 and quickly fell to Dhs 400. I did not negotiate as I was not interested, but you could have gone down to Dhs 300.

It would seem the new visa rules have had a huge impact on “lower” end of the P4P market (given reports that York is still busy), however asking prices are not any higher – less supply and maybe less demand. I tried to enquire about other lunchtime venues the girls new about, but they did not know (or did not want to tell).

Overall a very disappointing visit – and depressing situation. :(

10-13-08, 07:04
After I walked up to the bar to get my free drink that came with the 40 dirham entrance fee (no draft beers, only bottle),WTF - 40 AED to get into the Panorama!!! While I can see why the clubs sell drink vouchers for entry to keep out the lookie lous, I like to choose what I drink. Still you seemed to enjoy your visit, but under normal circumstances I would not consider the Panorama worth the markup.

I have not been there for ages, the it used to be OK early evening but even in its hey day it was rough after 10 PM. The better girls used to move on to their main offices.

You are right about the demographic change in Bur Dubai

10-13-08, 07:18
Hey man, check your PM.Sorry Biz - missed it. See you in a few days - after all, I owe you a few Rio drinks!

10-13-08, 09:09
Interesting report DW - investing precious time into versace and platinum instead of a quality love affair for the night! ;)

Bt no, I wasn't at York Thurs night - got as far as Capitol Hotel before I gave up on the worse-than usual traffic on the way to York (traffic snarl was due to a major conference in town). It was a good move. (See report below where I met the new love of my life, the sultry Sade').

Tell me about it bruh bad move at the York. Bangkok is making up for my misfortune. :D

Tercar 66
10-13-08, 10:30
I thought of posting this message as it could be useful for someone who are in need of Iranian babes. I was in JW Marriott last Thursday for October Fest, sponsored by Lufthansa. Around 12 midnight I moved out , while waiting fo a taxi, a guy stopped his car and proposed to drop me and my collegue to a place where taxis are easily available. He had a Iranian girl with him and asked us that he could arrange a room for us for 100 aed and ST would be 500. Full night would be 800. As I was already relieved the same day, I took his contact number. He claims he has all kinds of girls. Iranain , Egyptian, Syrian, Moroccan including Russians and Filipinas. He then dropped us at Emirates Concorde hotel in Deira. I saw a couple a Irananin babes hanging around the car park waiting to be picked up. So any guys wanting Iranian babes try outside Emirates Concarde hotel between 12.00 and 1.00, maybe they will get lucky. Any senior member serious takers, pls PM me I will give you his contact number.

Love Tactics
10-14-08, 07:58
Just in case someone is interested: I noticed quite a few girls working the street right next to the Ramada hotel, on the street leading towards Panorama in the Bur Dubai area. There's a little parallel street next to the main street which was had some 10 girls. Cars know about it since there was a constant flow of people stopping and talking to the girls.

The girls themselves were not really all that great looking, but it might be convenient to have a drive-thru option at hand. But you might wanna be careful, though, since the police could decide to crack down on them (and you!) since it was pretty obvious what these girls were doing there.

10-14-08, 18:49
Hi people,

It would be grateful if some could help me out. I would be arriving in Dubai on the 16th October 2008 for 5 nights with a friend. After hearing so much about Dubai WG we have decide to give it a go ourself. First thing is Golden Sands 3 GF Friendly if not any reccomendation in that budget? Where is the best location for Friday or Saturday to get hold of the WG and also at what budget am I looking at for either SH or LH per WG? Is really safe to get hold of WG in Dubai people? Also would be great to have contacts number of WG who people have had excellent experience with and what service are they offering to provide if willing to share (please PM) Sorry to ask for so much just going out there for the first time and what everything to go good. Will post review once back in the UK. Thank you and hope to hear from you at your earliast.



Urban Monk
10-14-08, 21:56
I thought of posting this message as it could be useful for someone who are in need of Iranian babes. I was in JW Marriott last Thursday for October Fest, sponsored by Lufthansa. Around 12 midnight I moved out , while waiting fo a taxi, a guy stopped his car and proposed to drop me and my collegue to a place where taxis are easily available. He had a Iranian girl with him and asked us that he could arrange a room for us for 100 aed and ST would be 500. Full night would be 800. As I was already relieved the same day, I took his contact number. He claims he has all kinds of girls. Iranain , Egyptian, Syrian, Moroccan including Russians and Filipinas. He then dropped us at Emirates Concorde hotel in Deira. I saw a couple a Irananin babes hanging around the car park waiting to be picked up. So any guys wanting Iranian babes try outside Emirates Concarde hotel between 12.00 and 1.00, maybe they will get lucky. Any senior member serious takers, pls PM me I will give you his contact number.I just signed up fella so do not know if this will be posted or if you will get my PM but my Cuz is out there and so would happily pass on the info to him if you could reply back viz Pm.


Mjolnir 213
10-15-08, 02:16
So I’ve been quiet for a while.

Reason being is I was naively playing Captain Save a ***** for the last year and a half.

I left my fiancé of 5 years for a gorgeous, bright, loving Filipina who I completely fell in love with. Hook. Line and Motherfucking SINKER!

The first 6 months were your typical ones. Shagged a lot of WG’s, she being my favorite.

Everything cool. Screwing like dog in heat. Many 3Somes with her friends and all of that.

Then. Things start to get serious. I LOVE YOU BABY KO!

Decided I would forget my mongering ways and dedicate myself to her because I foolishly believed she was THE ONE.

Fast forward past lots of visa changes and me funding her 6 brothers and several cousins to come to Dubai in order to seek gainful employment. I thought it was the right thing to do. The rationale was. If they don’t need to depend on her for sustenance. She will not be pressured to do the evil things she did in her shady past. WRONG fellow mongers!

What followed was the next stage in what I know refer to as ***** love.

She cheated on me several times. The justification being. "I need money and I feel shy to ask you! " WTF? !

Turned out she had been arrested a year and a half ago for prostitution and had the dreaded EYESCAN issue.

Visa changes to Buraimi became adventures and I would drive over every weekend just to be with her whilst she was "stranded".

I still felt I was doing the right thing thing.

Fast forward to two moths ago.

We found a way for her to get her record expunged and to get her a 3 year employment visa.

It cost me a pretty penny but it was for the right reasons.

The guy who was "helping" tried to milk me as if I was the fattest cash cow he had ever come across in all of Pakistan.

I sensed danger.

Nevertheless. I persevered.

Drama. Drama. And more Dramatics followed.

3 Days ago, she arrived at Dubai airport in one piece.

The first 2 days were the usual. I LOVE YOU BABY KO!

This morning I type this as a warning to al you mongers with a conscience.

She left the house sometime this afternoon. Text messages telling me that she has to "fuck around". Told her that if she was’nt happy she was free to leave.

Several calls from some bar where I had to go through the torture of hearing her with other men.

No biggie yet. Been there before.

Then. 3 AM. I am fast asleep.

Door bell ringing and pounding on the door. I knew it was her.

Opened the door and was hit by insane Filipina Fury.

Gentlemen. My house is in ruins. She broke everything she could get her tiny hands on. My ankle is bleeding and only vodka and a band aid are keeping me from bleeding out.

Her reason. She claimed that she was sure that I was "fucking around". I see it as a way out for her. And I’m glad shes gone.

I will clean up tomorrow.

And life will move along as it did before. Somewhat damaged, but a great sense of relief.

WB is back in business!

Game on!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Fly Guy II
10-15-08, 04:15
Hi All,
I was recently in Dubai for a very short trip, however with the help of WR it turned out to be a very enjoyable evening.....

I arrived late and called WR to ask for a raincheck on drinks because I needed to leave extra early the next day. The gentlemanly WR kindly gave me a chance to to meet a new arrival in Dubai. A few phone calls and about 45 minutes later i had a new young friend...

I had some extra dinner around so share a quick meal with her. We then moved to the couch and started to get to know each other. A little info about her....
She is 23, just arrived in Dubai and wanted to please and she did. Great deep kisses and truly worked at making me a happy camper.

After a while we moved into the bedroom for further fun. She never complained and was open to suggestions except "A levels", not that I was keen but wanted to see how far she would go. Finished off rested then more of the same which at my age is an saying something.

Without a doubt I would have kept her overnight except I needed to work very early the next day.
She says she is there for a month and I hope I make it back before she leaves or becomes jaded.

Again many thanks to WR and I owe you 1 mate

Details forthcoming with WR approval.

Mjolnir 213
10-15-08, 14:51
Don't really know why I am sharing on this forum but I suspect that its becuase I can't really expect NORMAL folk to understand.

So. She took my phone last night.

THis morning after about 2 hours sleep I had to head over to the Fairmont to train 15 promoters for GITEX.

Surprisingly. I did very well! All things considered.

In the meantime. Work people are trying to call me. And she tells almost all of them that when I come home this evening she will "Cut off my penis"

So Anyways.

Back home now and taking stock.

1 broken Bar stool
2 Broken Bedside Table lamps
1 broken side table lamp from the living room
1 Broken bedroom dresser mirror
1 Broken bottle of Glenmorangie... (Such a shame really!)
Lots of sticky stuff, blood and glass all over the floor.

Contents of my closet are now on the bedroom floor.

Other random small items strwen about the mess.

Looks like a gang murder occurred here last night.


Still dealing with the cut up ankle.

Various cuts and bruises on my arms.

A strange throbbing in my lower back and the taste of acid in my mouth.

Not too bad huh?

I think I got off easy.. she could have gone for my Balisong knife collection and then things could be quite worse!!!

Funny thing is...

Her brother sends me a message saying that I should not try to hurt his family.

Told him not to worry and makes sure that she stays the hell away from me.

The upside is I bought a new phone. The old one was starting to [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) me off.

I feel like I've been through hell and back. The fact that I am in one piece is some sort of sick consolation prize.

Looking forward to the weekend.

I think I will need some TLC.


Your friendly neighbourhood WB!

10-15-08, 14:59
Hi guys,

This is my first report. As my bachelor days started I've planned to visit every mongering place which I know.

14-10-2008:11pm to 1:30am:

Visited imperial suites, arrived at 11pm, cover charges 75aed with 1 drink. The belly dancer in bar immediatly after entrace, is awesome very nice body and busty. In the main hall there is huge rush 60% M/ 40% F, majority PRC, very few CIS, I would rate them 5 out of 10, there is 1 CIS very nice rack and busty and big attitude, 500 for 1 pop but asking money upfront I said I will give you after work she said no, money now and I said bye bye, also there was a group of 3 CIS which I thought they new to imperial, specially 2 of them are awesome, little bit chit chat she was asking 1500 a night, or 600 for 1 hr in their house I offer her 500 but not accepted, the best thing is she has no additude and very soft spoken with smile.

All in all a good time pass.


Puz Hunter
10-15-08, 20:19
Hi Wiseblood123

I have a lady friend from Dubai too, a working girl of course, she too had an eye scan, and said that it was a standard operational procedure when applying for a 3 years visa, is that true, or was the reason for the eyescan was because of : She was busted for whoring the last time, please advise, so the other like myself and the other forum members would be more enlighten in the future so, we do not fall into the same trap. Thanks for the head's up buddy.


Mjolnir 213
10-15-08, 20:29
Hi Wiseblood123

I have a lady friend from Dubai too, a working girl of course, she too had an eye scan, and said that it was a standard operational procedure when applying for a 3 years visa, is that true, or was the reason for the eyescan was because of : She was busted for whoring the last time, please advise, so the other like myself and the other forum members would be more enlighten in the future so, we do not fall into the same trap. Thanks for the head's up buddy.

PHFrom what I know, an eye scan is done at random at Dubai airport upon re-entry.

If she has a police record and was deported before, chances are she is probably blacklisted.

This means she cannot enter the UAE forever.

It is hard to remove this and you need to know someone with contacts in the police to get a release. In the imigration to remove her from the black list and labour deprtment to approve an employment visa.

This is highly illegal as it involves bribing officials.

The UAE is getting strict with this sort of thing nowadays and they are cracking down on corruption within government agencies.

I had to pay around AED 10K to fix this and even then. I believe I was lucky. There is no guarnateed way for this to work and you need to be careful of the people you are dealing with.

My honest opinion is that its not worth the risk unless you really feel you can trust her.

Even then. Its a long shot.

Walk away if you can.


10-16-08, 01:25
So I’ve been quiet for a while.

Reason being is I was naively playing Captain Save a ***** for the last year and a half.

I left my fiancé of 5 years for a gorgeous, bright, loving Filipina who I completely fell in love with. Hook. Line and Motherfucking SINKER!

The first 6 months were your typical ones. Shagged a lot of WG’s, she being my favorite.

Everything cool. Screwing like dog in heat. Many 3Somes with her friends and all of that.

Then. Things start to get serious. I LOVE YOU BABY KO!

Decided I would forget my mongering ways and dedicate myself to her because I foolishly believed she was THE ONE.

Fast forward past lots of visa changes and me funding her 6 brothers and several cousins to come to Dubai in order to seek gainful employment. I thought it was the right thing to do. The rationale was. If they don’t need to depend on her for sustenance. She will not be pressured to do the evil things she did in her shady past. WRONG fellow mongers!

What followed was the next stage in what I know refer to as ***** love.

She cheated on me several times. The justification being. "I need money and I feel shy to ask you! " WTF? !

Turned out she had been arrested a year and a half ago for prostitution and had the dreaded EYESCAN issue.

Visa changes to Buraimi became adventures and I would drive over every weekend just to be with her whilst she was "stranded".

I still felt I was doing the right thing thing.

Fast forward to two moths ago.

We found a way for her to get her record expunged and to get her a 3 year employment visa.

It cost me a pretty penny but it was for the right reasons.

The guy who was "helping" tried to milk me as if I was the fattest cash cow he had ever come across in all of Pakistan.

I sensed danger.

Nevertheless. I persevered.

Drama. Drama. And more Dramatics followed.

3 Days ago, she arrived at Dubai airport in one piece.

The first 2 days were the usual. I LOVE YOU BABY KO!

This morning I type this as a warning to al you mongers with a conscience.

She left the house sometime this afternoon. Text messages telling me that she has to "fuck around". Told her that if she was’nt happy she was free to leave.

Several calls from some bar where I had to go through the torture of hearing her with other men.

No biggie yet. Been there before.

Then. 3 AM. I am fast asleep.

Door bell ringing and pounding on the door. I knew it was her.

Opened the door and was hit by insane Filipina Fury.

Gentlemen. My house is in ruins. She broke everything she could get her tiny hands on. My ankle is bleeding and only vodka and a band aid are keeping me from bleeding out.

Her reason. She claimed that she was sure that I was "fucking around". I see it as a way out for her. And I’m glad shes gone.

I will clean up tomorrow.

And life will move along as it did before. Somewhat damaged, but a great sense of relief.

WB is back in business!

Game on!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Welcome to the wonderful world of Filipinas. Filipinas are great in the beginning but if things start to sour be prepared for war.

Welcome back to mongering.....I have all but given up on relationships with the "fair sex."

10-16-08, 02:22

Is there some hot places in the Jumeirah sector?

I never read something about in this forum.

10-16-08, 04:39
Sorry Biz - missed it. See you in a few days - after all, I owe you a few Rio drinks!
See you there. Sent you PM.
I uploaded a few pics of Rio for you!

10-16-08, 09:11
You can go to Madinat Jumeira (you will find a BAR there with some WG´s, forget the name) or to Buddha Bar at Grossvenor House Hotel or Club 44 in Grossvenor House.

In all this places WG´s are high level and expensive.



Is there some hot places in the Jumeirah sector?

I never read something about in this forum.

10-16-08, 12:47
Hi Tercar,

Just created (another) new username as I mysteriously can never get a transaction approved to become a full member. Haven't posted much on here for personal reasons but would love that number! Admin/Mod people how else can I become a member.

Been here for 4 months now. Have some good photos but don't want to post them in case need a new logon.

Anyway. Would sell my love that number. Going through a 'phase' at the moment of nationalities a little closer to home. LOL

Cheers boys.


I thought of posting this message as it could be useful for someone who are in need of Iranian babes. I was in JW Marriott last Thursday for October Fest, sponsored by Lufthansa. Around 12 midnight I moved out , while waiting fo a taxi, a guy stopped his car and proposed to drop me and my collegue to a place where taxis are easily available. He had a Iranian girl with him and asked us that he could arrange a room for us for 100 aed and ST would be 500. Full night would be 800. As I was already relieved the same day, I took his contact number. He claims he has all kinds of girls. Iranain , Egyptian, Syrian, Moroccan including Russians and Filipinas. He then dropped us at Emirates Concorde hotel in Deira. I saw a couple a Irananin babes hanging around the car park waiting to be picked up. So any guys wanting Iranian babes try outside Emirates Concarde hotel between 12.00 and 1.00, maybe they will get lucky. Any senior member serious takers, pls PM me I will give you his contact number.

Luper Calia
10-16-08, 14:20
From what I know, an eye scan is done at random at Dubai airport upon re-entry.

Not at random. The eyescan is universally applied to a number of Asian and African nationalities. Not just Dubai, I think all international airports. RAK has it for the visa runs.

If she has a police record and was deported before, chances are she is probably blacklisted.

This means she cannot enter the UAE forever.

If you are deported for prostitution then they would certainly blacklist you and catch you with eyescan when you come back. The only way i have heard around this is to bribe someone before you come back. Usually this does not remove the ban but gets you through the airport and into the country with no visa. The only good this about no visa is that you don't need to do a visa run!

To go home, you need to pay again.

Not sure, but I don't think the ban lasts forever.

Have a great weekend!

10-16-08, 16:04
You've earned the weekend TLC mate. Sorry you're goin through this shit.

Please tell me you've changed your locks. Do you have an expensive car?
Have you locked the sim she has, so that she stops getting your work calls?

Be careful.

Do unto others before......


Looking forward to the weekend.

I think I will need some TLC.


Your friendly neighbourhood WB!

10-17-08, 02:18

Is there some action near dubai marina?

Thanks in advance

10-17-08, 08:54

Is there some action near dubai marina?

Thanks in advanceYou question was answered by Hunter 105. Jumerah area includes the Marina

Mjolnir 213
10-17-08, 10:12
You've earned the weekend TLC mate. Sorry you're goin through this shit.

Please tell me you've changed your locks. Do you have an expensive car?
Have you locked the sim she has, so that she stops getting your work calls?

Be careful.

Do unto others before.

-PHThanks for the advice PH.

Yes the first thing I did was block my SIM card.

She left her key here, but I will change the lock tomorrow just in case.

My car is'nt ver expensive, but I do love it.

We have CCTV in the building and in the car park so if she tries to pull any more nonsense she will be in trouble.

Was too wrecked to venture out last night.

Tomorrow is the first day of GITEX so I need to stay sharp.

Think I will head out tomorrow night once the Exhibition closes.

Or perhaps just order in. Good thing I kept all my contact numbers safe. Hopefully some of the good ones are still active.


10-19-08, 04:44
Will be in Dubai tonight and looking for wingman to hit up some CIS babes with. If anyone wants to join the revelery, please pm me.


10-20-08, 06:41
Dear fellow mongers,

Greetings! I am from a nearby muslim state and have been to Dubai probably more than a couple of hundred times in the past few years, but, mostly day trips for meetings e. T. C. Used to monger around in Dubai almost 5 yrs ago and was into the scene, but, then started focusing more on the mongering scene in Thailand, Colombo, China e. T. C. So been out of touch of Dubai scene for almost 5 yrs.

I am planning to go to Dubai on 23/10 for 2 nights only for mongering! Anyone would like to join in? I will be lookin for P4P specially. If anyone would like to join in, please. PM me!

Also, can you recommend a few hotels which are GF and not too expensive? How is Cyclone doing? Has any place come up which is better than Cyclone? Which are good places to be at where one can get good class of WGs? I am through with the far-eastern faces. Would want russians, uzbek, european e. T. C.

This forum for years has helped me and am grateful to every member of the ISG forum.


Classic Action
10-20-08, 08:18
Thanks to Oil Rich, visited the Amp on Alwasel on Saturday.

Got a new girl called Sani and was pretty good with bbbj and sex.

Initially started asking for AED 1000 and finally paid 200 besides the i100.

For boss. Usually Saturdays used to be very busy but this time it was only

Any other good Amp that can be recommended?

Jimmy K II
10-21-08, 17:03
Hi Guys,

i'll be in Dubai shortly (only for 2 nights) and hope to find some time to monger.
Can there be found any latinas (e.g. Brazil or Argentina)?

If so, can you recommend one special venue?

Thanks guys and have fun!

10-21-08, 19:45
Dear fellow mongers,

Greetings! I am from a nearby muslim state and have been to Dubai probably more than a couple of hundred times in the past few years, but, mostly day trips for meetings e. T. C. Used to monger around in Dubai almost 5 yrs ago and was into the scene, but, then started focusing more on the mongering scene in Thailand, Colombo, China e. T. C. So been out of touch of Dubai scene for almost 5 yrs.

I am planning to go to Dubai on 23/10 for 2 nights only for mongering! Anyone would like to join in? I will be lookin for P4P specially. If anyone would like to join in, please. PM me!

Also, can you recommend a few hotels which are GF and not too expensive? How is Cyclone doing? Has any place come up which is better than Cyclone? Which are good places to be at where one can get good class of WGs? I am through with the far-eastern faces. Would want russians, uzbek, european e. T. C.

This forum for years has helped me and am grateful to every member of the ISG forum.

ThanksCyclone closed down about 20 months ago I would recommend St George Hotel in the Al-Ras area of Diera. A lot Uzbeks in side the Tivoli restaurant and some are about 8 mostly 4 to 5 on a scale of 0 to 10.Had one for a single shot for about 300 Dh. Full night quotation was about 1000 to 1500 Dh.

Went to York, Bur Dubai and picked one for full night a Russian blonde named Katrina weighing about 40Kgs very small frame and no rack but seemed like an 19 year old teen. After one shot she dressed up and left after a call from her mafia boss. Total disappointment as it was first time in my life somebody had made a run with full payment like a common thief.I would be careful of the Russians in Dubai.

Most pussys in Dubai seemed to have done a good milage and would recomend that a visit to Dar-es-Salaam, Mombasa or Nairobi for a tight pussy as most are in their early 20's and are fit though they are black but nice bubble asses and firm tits.


Mad Hatter
10-21-08, 21:27
Don't really know why I am sharing on this forum but I suspect that its becuase I can't really expect NORMAL folk to understand.

So. She took my phone last night.

THis morning after about 2 hours sleep I had to head over to the Fairmont to train 15 promoters for GITEX.

Surprisingly. I did very well! All things considered.

In the meantime. Work people are trying to call me. And she tells almost all of them that when I come home this evening she will "Cut off my penis"

So Anyways.

Back home now and taking stock.

1 broken Bar stool
2 Broken Bedside Table lamps
1 broken side table lamp from the living room
1 Broken bedroom dresser mirror
1 Broken bottle of Glenmorangie... (Such a shame really!)
Lots of sticky stuff, blood and glass all over the floor.

Contents of my closet are now on the bedroom floor.

Other random small items strwen about the mess.

Looks like a gang murder occurred here last night.


Still dealing with the cut up ankle.

Various cuts and bruises on my arms.

A strange throbbing in my lower back and the taste of acid in my mouth.

Not too bad huh?

I think I got off easy.. she could have gone for my Balisong knife collection and then things could be quite worse!!!

Funny thing is...

Her brother sends me a message saying that I should not try to hurt his family.

Told him not to worry and makes sure that she stays the hell away from me.

The upside is I bought a new phone. The old one was starting to [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) me off.

I feel like I've been through hell and back. The fact that I am in one piece is some sort of sick consolation prize.

Looking forward to the weekend.

I think I will need some TLC.


Your friendly neighbourhood WB!

Wow. Seriously. Wow.

As long as you are fine now... chalk this up and be a bit more cynical in the future.

From my experience - WGs are damaged goods. Yes, you do find the occassional gem, but most are damaged. If they end up "in love" with you it is mostly because they want something and you are their way out.

Looks like, she is using her violence as an excuse - she got what she wanted (visa, her family coming over etc etc). Now she doesn't need you - gets all violent - you dump her and she goes back to what she knows is the best and easiest way to make money.

Hope you are hitting the parties hard in gitex and meeting some normal women.

Mjolnir 213
10-22-08, 07:17
Wow. Seriously. Wow.

As long as you are fine now... chalk this up and be a bit more cynical in the future.

From my experience - WGs are damaged goods. Yes, you do find the occassional gem, but most are damaged. If they end up "in love" with you it is mostly because they want something and you are their way out.

Looks like, she is using her violence as an excuse - she got what she wanted (visa, her family coming over etc etc). Now she doesn't need you - gets all violent - you dump her and she goes back to what she knows is the best and easiest way to make money.

Hope you are hitting the parties hard in gitex and meeting some normal women.UPDATE: She would'nt stop calling and begging me to take her back.
I ignored all of it.

Yesterday, I got a message saying "You win. I am in jail."

Turned out the Immigration asked her sponsor to bring her in yesterday.
Record still there.

She is being deported now.

Sad in a way becuase all of a sudden she needs me again and is asking for money to pay for her ticket back.

Still ignored it, but it was hard to do.

GITEX? Yes. hitting the parties hard.

Met a very nice german girl who is a promoter on our stand.

Super cute. Asked her if she would be interested in going out sometime and she said sure. Got her number and said I would give her a call after the show closes.

Lets see.

Still have'nt had any time to do any mongering, but hit sea view a couple of nights ago. Not really liking the new band lineup all that much, but nice to meet up with some old aquaintances.

I think I will stay away from the mongering side of things for a while. I'm not feeling the need yet.


Loves Dem Ladies
10-22-08, 10:29
Good morning gents

I've just taken on a new job which will involve some business travel to Dubai.

I stayed in the Rotana Hotel on Shk Zayed Road a few weeks ago, but there was no action in there at at all. As that was my first trip to Dubai, I had no idea on where to go and find some WG action

I will be in Dubai again next week, staying in the same hotel (no choice as work have got a great deal there...AED550/night). I've read the forum and can see that there are lots of clubs where WGs can be found

I suppose my questions is, which are the closest in proximitey to the Ramada on Shk Zayed Road as my knowledge of Dubai geography is pretty sketchy at best?

Thanks for your help

Tercar 66
10-22-08, 10:44
Thr Savage Garden in Capitol Hotel, you might get lucky

Hi Guys,

i'll be in Dubai shortly (only for 2 nights) and hope to find some time to monger.
Can there be found any latinas (e.g. Brazil or Argentina)?

If so, can you recommend one special venue?

Thanks guys and have fun!

Jimmy K II
10-22-08, 18:22
@ Tercar: thanks for the advise of Savage Garden

As i wrote, i hope to find the time to check this venue out!


10-23-08, 03:32
Good morning gents

...staying in the same hotel (no choice as work have got a great deal there...AED550/night)....

Thanks for your helpSheraton on khalid bin waleed road would be a better option for you since it is much central, much GF, plus I booked it at AED400++.

Loves Dem Ladies
10-23-08, 10:17
Sheraton on khalid bin waleed road would be a better option for you since it is much central, much GF, plus I booked it at AED400++.

Thanks Tuffy

I'll see what I can get at the Sheraton, and will post a report on successes


10-24-08, 04:48
(tried to pm you but it wouldn't go)

The little time I spent at Gitex was mostly at the German stands. I liked the cute little thing (V) from the German Pavillion. I'm happy for you.

I hope your new friends help you get your old friend completely out of your system soon.


UPDATE: She would'nt stop calling and begging me to take her back.

Super cute. Asked her if she would be interested in going out sometime and she said sure. Got her number and said I would give her a call after the show closes.

Lets see.

Still have'nt had any time to do any mongering, but hit sea view a couple of nights ago. Not really liking the new band lineup all that much, but nice to meet up with some old aquaintances.


10-24-08, 04:51
Try tuesday n friday nights. Any latinas usually hang out with the band members in the corner right next to the stage. This is not a P4P venue so a lil charm goes a long way.

@ Tercar: thanks for the advise of Savage Garden

As i wrote, i hope to find the time to check this venue out!


10-24-08, 07:02
Wow. Seriously. Wow.

As long as you are fine now... chalk this up and be a bit more cynical in the future.

From my experience - WGs are damaged goods. Yes, you do find the occassional gem, but most are damaged. If they end up "in love" with you it is mostly because they want something and you are their way out.

Looks like, she is using her violence as an excuse - she got what she wanted (visa, her family coming over etc etc). Now she doesn't need you - gets all violent - you dump her and she goes back to what she knows is the best and easiest way to make money.

Hope you are hitting the parties hard in gitex and meeting some normal women.

I agree completely with your comments. I tried a relationship with a (Slavic) Dubai working girl from a Stan and it turned out ugly and emotionally draining.
I was motivated part by benevolence and part by greed (she was smokin hot and was great arm candy) but I realized that I can't save her nor the world.

i think its best to be pleaseant, nice, and respectful to hookers but to not get involved in any aspect of their personal lives...keep it strictly a working relationship--albeit a fun one.

Mjolnir 213
10-24-08, 08:55
(tried to pm you but it wouldn't go)

The little time I spent at Gitex was mostly at the German stands. I liked the cute little thing (V) from the German Pavillion. I'm happy for you.

I hope your new friends help you get your old friend completely out of your system soon.

-PHSeems like I cant recieve PMs becuase my subscription has expired.

I also cant figure out how to renew it because when I try to do so, it gets to the shopping cart page and then when I click on check out, nothing happens.

Tried this a few times with no success.

Could be becuase of the proxy bypass method I am using.

If anyone has any ideas on how to renew my subscription, do tell.


Addicted Person
10-25-08, 11:46
The first night I arrived in Dubai to attend Gitex, I was too tired to go out and hunt, so decided to have home delivery through Roselady, who has advertised in the Classifieds section of this site. I called her up and said I would like a tallish girl.

The girl who arrived was very pretty and height was tall for a Chinese. She spoke very little English, but enough to have a conversation. We spent the night having fun and she left in the morning. The total damage was Dhs 1000 and it was well worth it.

Might check out York and Regal over the next few days while I am here. I would really like a CIS girl, but reading through the forums, the general consensus seems to be that their service is not that good and they cost a lot more. With thre weak Australian dollar, I can't really afford too much.

Cheers and keep on mongering.

10-26-08, 22:09
Might check out York and Regal over the next few days while I am here. I would really like a CIS girl, but reading through the forums, the general consensus seems to be that their service is not that good and they cost a lot more. With thre weak Australian dollar, I can't really afford too much.

Cheers and keep on mongering.You will find plenty cheaper in both places than what you paid for the Roselady girl.

I had had great experiences in Regal for only 700dh. Regal Plaza is a great venue and if you treat the CIS lady nicely in the bar you could be in for a hell of a night.

Steve Dubai
10-27-08, 11:29
Can there be found any latinas (e.g. Brazil or Argentina)?

If so, can you recommend one special venue?

Thanks guys and have fun!

Found this website - not cheap though!!


10-27-08, 22:49
Popped into Capitol Hotel tonight on the way home from Al Ain. More African ladies than ever at Rockwells - some hot.

After midnight I wandered into Savage Garden with a few friends - about 25 people in there - some cute girls (mainly non-WGs). A couple of them could pass for Latinas.

10-28-08, 02:51
Hey mongers whysoserious back in for a jolt in Dubai.

I'm due in in mid nov. What is the season like? I mean is it convention time or is it just expensive throughout the year now. Back in July CIS were lowering thier price but warned me about convention season. Whats the word a heads up wud be appreciated senior members!

Jimmy K II
10-28-08, 12:27
Found this website - not cheap though!!


OMG - at these rates i can fly to south america and fuck the brain out of my head for days... (or spend a year in Thailand or the Phillies...)

Not my piece of cake to monger in such price regions

btw: who is willing to pay such a lot of money in DXB (if you don't have an oil source in your garden)?

Have fun!

Jimmy K II
10-28-08, 12:42
Popped into Capitol Hotel tonight on the way home from Al Ain. More African ladies than ever at Rockwells - some hot.

After midnight I wandered into Savage Garden with a few friends - about 25 people in there - some cute girls (mainly non-WGs). A couple of them could pass for Latinas.

If i had known, that you're into Savage Garden, it would have been a great possibility to meet you personnally.

Here's my short DXB-report (i was there just for a two nighter)

night one: had a PRC toy from Jules Bar (was there near closing time and paid only 500 AED)
service level was not the best (only CBJ, hardly kissing, no anal), but body was ok and we had nice three hours before i kicked her out at 06.00 am

night two: checked out Savage Garden, because i wanted to have some south american temperament, but the place was nearly empty (on saturday evening around midnight)
The ladies there were all asians besides the two singers. Some couples dancing, but not one single lady free for me...

So i left the venue after maybe 30 minutes and headed to KUBU (Radison SAS)
This place was very much crowded - it was nearly impossible to check out all the place.
Ladies were mainly CIS, some of them in my taste, but due to the fact, that it was terribly loud and also crowded i decided to leave and check out Jules again.
There i entered about 2.00 am and did not find what my taste was this night.
Had to be at the airport at 05.00h am and left without lady - bad luck for me.

As a result i have had the impression, that the service level and quality of the girls is gowing down, while prices are increasing more and more.
Can you regulars confirm?
When i started mongering in DXB about 10 years ago, it was an exotic paradise - today it nothing special in my eyes.

Nevertherless i will certainly come back to DXB (if my boss sends me again) and hope not to return as disappointed as i am at the moment.

Have fun and "happy hunting"

Jimmy K II
10-28-08, 12:45
Hi Guys,

do you know what is going on at ALPHA Club in the Meridien Village next to the airport ?

I just had a short look inside, but it was already closing time.
Nicely made Music-Club with DJ-Music (very loud).

I don't know if there are WG's during regular opening times.
At Jules bar next door there's still some talents working, but very low quality this time.

Would apreciate to get to know something about this for me new club.

Thanks and have fun!

10-28-08, 15:21
Jimmy K II, as a response to your question whats going on in Alpha Club, see below.

Alpha CLub in the Meridien hotel next to the airport is a high end, at the moment very popular clubbing hotspot in Dubai. Its packed with people on thursdays and fridays, couples only entry policy(to ensure its 50% guys and girls). The cover charge is about 150 dhs if my memory serves me correctly.

The crowd consists of beautiful women and a lot of posers and the only seating downstairs is bottle service. During the few times i have been there i spotted no talent or Wg's. hope this can be of help.

10-28-08, 20:38
Hi Fellas,
I'm new to the scene in Dubai. I'm headed there November 21st through 25th. I'm seeing there are a lot of clubs/ bars. Is there any that is hands down the best? Since I won't be there that long I want to make sure I go to the top ones. Look forward to hearing everyone top lists.

10-29-08, 02:49
Marine’s Bar at Sea View Hotel:

Was there last Thursday night with my PRC Girlfriend.

Band has a new (talented) Singer (now 3 Girls) and was as good as ever. Place was nearly full.

80% PRC WG's 20% PI. Average to lower quality with some handsome and cute (again the 15year old looking PI's).

First I enjoyed the band and danced like crazy during the bands brakes. Later I became more and more angry and at the end I got very mad about the whole scenery.

One of the securities urged me and my girl at least 10 times to not kiss, not touch and not dance tightly. I know that it’s a Muslim country but there was no single Arab in the club! ? !

Later the mood in the club became more and more aggressive, because of some totally pissed guys who permanently tried to fight each other (security had a hard work).

Actually there was no one (except me) who was not totally drunk (including my PRC-girl).

I hated it and dragged my girl out of this "pandemonium" long before closing time.

Next night we went to the "Crowne Plaza Hotel" at SZR. :

The former called "Zinc"-Club is now "Neo".

The security asked for my Girl’s ID as she looks rather young. I insisted that she is my wife and over 30 (wife – not true until now; over 30 – true).

He discussed it with a guy in a Hawaiian-style-shirt (maybe an undercover policeman) and finally let us in without ID.

At 10: 30pm the place was rather empty and very cool (both, look and temperature). As we came down SZR (from Chelsea-Tower) on foot, I "prepared" for a long dancing night with some vodka-bull.

The place filled up fast and from midnight on was full of dancing and partying stylish hipsters.

Many Arab Guys (maybe Emirati’s or Lebanese? ) with CIS-Girls. – No single Arab girl. Some PRC, some PI, some English. No WG's or maybe some WG's on "holidays" (esp. The CIS).

I mentioned none of the typical "mongering guys".

Music was techno all night long and almost everybody was dancing and hopping around.

Probably I was the oldest guy in the club but nevertheless I danced like there was no tomorrow.

At this club nobody cared about our rather loose and erotic dancing style.

We were very happy at this place and danced till the end at 3am.

At our way home to the hotel we were both totally overexcited and only a huge accident on SZR (four cars overtook, one was burning) finally got us down to earth. – Crazy country!

Again Dubai was a real adventure for me.

See you very soon in Dubai

Captain B.

(Who still is desperately in love with his PRC girl)

P.S. Thank you "Hunter105" for your help at Gitex and thank you "Jimmy K II" for calling me on Sunday (I spend 2 hours in traffic jam at SZR while driving my Girl back from Al Barsha to Deira). Maybe we can meet in Dubai next time.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Jimmy K II
10-29-08, 13:28
@ Jay:


i'm not a Dubai resident or pro, but i think, i already know some venues.
Which one is best, depends on your expectations and preferences (small, tall, chubby or skinny, black or white, PRC, CIS, African...).

The bar in the Grand Hyat Regency is certainly one of the venues, where top looking CIS ladies can be found (at going rates from 1500 AED and more)

At York hotel you find the more or less opposite: lots of PRC and Africans, not the very best looking, but huge choice at lower prices (500 - 1000 AED)

When you check out the forum esp. the reports of distinction (ROD), you will find out the right venues suiting for you.


With this you should be able to manage yourself in a very good way.

Have fun and keep on posting!

10-29-08, 20:16
Hi all,

I am new to this forum but have been on the USA site for awhile now. I need names and numbers of Korean AMP's in Dubai. I have a friend who is interested and wants to contact them before she arrives. Location and name not really important at this time but she would like to speak to someone there to get an idea of how things are run there. Or maybe even info on a site that has their ads or information. Thanks. I hope to get some information soon.

Luper Calia
10-31-08, 08:53
Marine’s Bar at Sea View Hotel:

One of the securities urged me and my girl at least 10 times to not kiss, not touch and not dance tightly. I know that it’s a Muslim country but there was no single Arab in the club! ? !

Later the mood in the club became more and more aggressive, because of some totally pissed guys who permanently tried to fight each other (security had a hard work).

Actually there was no one (except me) who was not totally drunk (including my PRC-girl).

I hated it and dragged my girl out of this "pandemonium" long before closing time.

Captain B. Kissing is not allowed anywhere public. You then draw attention to yourself and the security are more likely to have a word if you are dancing closely etc. Non-WG bars may be a little more lenient, but the police pressures on them are not so high. WG venues have to be seen to keep it clean.

I was in Seaview all that evening from 10 to 2.40 and I certainly was not totally drunk!!!! Didn't see any of the fighting that you mention either. It was packed though.

Anybody near me wants to start fighting (and compared to UK this is rare) then I just move somewhere else in the bar. It's a small venue, but the
experience can be different only 5 metres away.

I'm glad you are still enjoying the Chinese experience. Xiao xin.

Big Daddy 1906
10-31-08, 13:29
Headed to Dubai for a 30 hour layover. Have already book the Sheraton 4 points and have plans to hit the York in the evening. My question is, where can one go for daytime action near the 4 points? I'm arriving early in the morning and hoping for something to take the edge off.

Thanks in advance.

Lior 52
10-31-08, 15:31

Anyone experience with this girl?

Thanks Lior

Double Shooter
10-31-08, 16:14
Piper kindly sent me the number of this enterprise. Checked it out one fine afternoon and was pleased to be let into the villa by a bikini-clad babe.

The line-up was quality, all Chinese, all looked artificially enhanced.

The Shooter selected the bikini-clad babe. Nice room with en suite facilities. Half-assed massage followed by good service. Pricey at dh100 for the house plus dh400 for the girl. At least 10 mins spent negotiating. With a raging stiffy and his balls in her hands, the Shooter was at somewhat of a disadvantage!

Peter Funduro
10-31-08, 19:07
Hi fellow mongers,

I've been living in Dubai for a few months and did all the knows place.

I also read about AMP's on this forum, but cannot seem to find the locations.

Can somebody PM me where to find the Al Wasl and Al Quoz one?

Cheers & Thx!

11-01-08, 00:37
Hi fellow Luper Calia,

first of all I want to thank you for taking notice of my Report among the many SMS-Style outputs and questions.

Captain B. Kissing is not allowed anywhere public Yes, I know! And I’m sure that I get in prison for that sometime. But I “must” kiss my beloved PRC-Girl at least 2000 times a day!

I was in Seaview all that evening from 10 to 2.40 and I certainly was not totally drunk!!!!I apologize! But that was my perception this night. You know:

“the experience can be different only 5 metres away”

Didn't see any of the fighting that you mention eitherIt happened near and/or on the dance floor. I worried about my “girlfriend”, and even prepared (mentally and physically) for defending her against those primitive people.

I'm glad you are still enjoying the Chinese experience. Xiao xin.On one hand it’s one of my strongest emotional experiences of my life but on the other hand it’s also a very big “problem” for me now!

I was in Seaview all that evening from 10 to 2.40Too bad, that we didn’t take notice of each other! I would appreciate it to meet some fellow mongers for having some “bilateral” conversation about our “hobby”. (met “Hunter105” at Gitex but didn’t talk much about mongering).

Maybe next time.

But in November I do only a “touchdown” in Dubai on my way to china for picking up my girlfriend.

On the way back (without my girl) I stay in Dubai only for some hours but I (virtually) signed a “Commitment of non-mongering” while my girlfriend is not in Dubai.

Maybe we can have lunch together or meet for a “coffee klatsch”.

Till then


Captain B.

French Canadia
11-01-08, 08:09
Headed to Dubai for a 30 hour layover. Have already book the Sheraton 4 points and have plans to hit the York in the evening. My question is, where can one go for daytime action near the 4 points? I'm arriving early in the morning and hoping for something to take the edge off.

Thanks in advance.

TGIT at the Astoria Hotel, and Jockey's at the Panorama Hotel in the Bur Dubai part of town. Mostly low end, but you never know. And the coffee shop at the Broadway Hotel on the Deria side of town.

Take Care

11-01-08, 09:41
I've been living in Dubai for a few months and did all the knows place.

I also read about AMP's on this forum, but cannot seem to find the locations.

Can somebody PM me where to find the Al Wasl and Al Quoz one?I can see during your months in dxb/membership here how you've given back to the membership with reports of what you've seen when you were out at all the known places. But I'm sure you will be posting all about amps as soon as someone provides you with the info.

Regular Member
Reports: 1
Member Join Date: 05-21-08
Total Posts: 1 (0.01 posts per day)

Yes, I know! And I’m sure that I get in prison for that sometime. But I “must” kiss my beloved PRC-Girl at least 2000 times a day! If you REALLY care about her, you'll do it in private. Unless you're 3rd world yourself, you'll just get a fine. But her? - she will go to jail, eye scan, and a request that she avoid dxb for a long time. It is rather amazing - a simple kiss can be such a life altering thing - such is the disneyland of dxb.

Best advice: stay home on a Thursday for the very reasons you mentioned.

11-01-08, 10:57
I am staying at the Grand Hyatt (not Hyatt Regency) for the next few days. Can someone pls advise on where I can find some action?


11-01-08, 11:14
Unless you're 3rd world yourselfI’m from Bavaria (Germany)! Some (from other parts of Germany) would rate especially the small Bavarian mountain-villages as 3rd world!?!

Just kidding!

Let’s get serious:

she will go to jail, eye scan, and a request that she avoid dxb for a long timeThat’s what I wish my girlfriend least of all!!!!

In the past, I really didn’t care about the religious regulations in the UAE.
Maybe this was wrong and also very irresponsible against my girl!?!

In any case, I will reconsider my behaviour and also discuss that matter with my Girlfriend. I think your right and in the future we should be more cautious.

Best advice: stay home on a Thursday for the very reasons you mentionedI first thought the same as in Germany I never go to such places.
But now, I take it as a real adventure and an exciting alternation to the boring rest of my life!?

Have fun

Captain B.

Lior 52
11-01-08, 17:49

Anyone experience with this girl?

Thanks LiorCome on guys maybe this will help.

Balu Dxb
11-02-08, 07:01
Come on guys maybe this will help.Hi Guys,

I am living here in Dubai since 2 years and I know all the places - from York to CUBO and back. I met Gabriella and since I met her first I try to see her as often as possible. Do I have to tell more?

The pics are hers and she is great.

So enjoy!

French Canadia
11-02-08, 07:10

Anyone experience with this girl?

Thanks Lior


The majority (not all) of ISG members from Dubai do not use the services of girls on the expat site, simply because most of them are over priced and what you see is not necessarily what you get. I hope you get your answer but I would not hold my breath.

Take Care

Grateful Spread
11-02-08, 09:45
Best advice: stay home on a Thursday for the very reasons you mentioned.God I've missed you;)

11-02-08, 10:41
I’m from Bavaria (Germany)!I guessed you were west european, and thus my comment. There are rules of law in the uae, but just like the social strata, so there is a legal strata. Consider the 2 idiot Brits who made the headlines this summer - you thing a cop would have given a 3rd worlder a warning?

In the past, I really didn’t care about the religious regulations in the UAE.You should ALWAYS care. That's how people get into trouble, forgetting that it has different rules, which are not always apparent.

I always found the authorities to be very accomodating (as in I gave them no reason to bother me, so they didn't). But they do take offense when you don't show their country respect. How would you feel if a bunch of foreigners came to your village and started carrying on in "unacceptable" ways (e.g., goosestepping down the steet, fascist saluting passers by, making the "locals" uncomfortable; or firing up a lawnmower on a Sunday morning :) )?

I expect people to obey the laws/norms in my country; I think they have a right to expect I'll do the same in theirs.

Besides, even if you don't go to jail, 3000 dhs for a kiss (fine for a guy who kissed his "gf" goodbye in the taxi at the airport, where a cop took offense). Myself, I had better things to do with 3000... Besides, how to explain to the company back home why you'll be needing to extend your vacation for awhile... Might be a joke around the watercooler, but corporate, at least "my" corporate, always took a dim view of someone stupid enough to get caught breaking another country's laws... poor judgement not condusive to promotion...

Maybe this was wrong and also very irresponsible against my girl!?!Just a suggestion based on my experience. It is she that would bear the "higher" price of any legal run-ins. Even if all her papers were "in order", LE doesn't need any reason to detain and deport a 3rd worlder. Unlike "us", no risk there of bad publicity back home.

I first thought the same as in Germany I never go to such places.I enjoyed the social life in dxb, just not on a THURSDAY, thus my series of "Miss Thursdays" who would come over to my place for an evening IN. Any other night was no problem.

11-02-08, 14:11
I guessed you were west european, and thus my comment. There are rules of law in the uae, but just like the social strata, so there is a legal strata. Consider the 2 idiot Brits who made the headlines this summer - you thing a cop would have given a 3rd worlder a warning?

You should ALWAYS care. That's how people get into trouble, forgetting that it has different rules, which are not always apparent.

I always found the authorities to be very accomodating (as in I gave them no reason to bother me, so they didn't). But they do take offense when you don't show their country respect. How would you feel if a bunch of foreigners came to your village and started carrying on in "unacceptable" ways (e.g., goosestepping down the steet, fascist saluting passers by, making the "locals" uncomfortable; or firing up a lawnmower on a Sunday morning :) )?

I expect people to obey the laws/norms in my country; I think they have a right to expect I'll do the same in theirs.

Besides, even if you don't go to jail, 3000 dhs for a kiss (fine for a guy who kissed his "gf" goodbye in the taxi at the airport, where a cop took offense). Myself, I had better things to do with 3000... Besides, how to explain to the company back home why you'll be needing to extend your vacation for awhile... Might be a joke around the watercooler, but corporate, at least "my" corporate, always took a dim view of someone stupid enough to get caught breaking another country's laws... poor judgement not condusive to promotion...
Just a suggestion based on my experience. It is she that would bear the "higher" price of any legal run-ins. Even if all her papers were "in order", LE doesn't need any reason to detain and deport a 3rd worlder. Unlike "us", no risk there of bad publicity back home.

I enjoyed the social life in dxb, just not on a THURSDAY, thus my series of "Miss Thursdays" who would come over to my place for an evening IN. Any other night was no problem.

Hes back....

11-03-08, 08:10
Yesterday went to Rockafellas Regal plaza hotel, reached at 11pm Entry fee 75/- without drink. The place was not fully packed, at 12 place was fully packed with 50%M / 50%F ratio, full of CIS babes some are Gems, this place is best for those who want CIS babes with reasonable rates, I must say this is second place for CIS after Premier night club.


11-03-08, 19:32


AKA Gabrielle :D

Be careful out there.


Black Boots
11-03-08, 20:21
Hi All,

Wanted to try the expatriates advts, called up one showing up as juicy ebony well got directions from the provider and checked in a 5***** hotel in dxb the first warning bell the chica was not the same as on the internet advt, understandable that identity issue. Switch and bait maybe.

Well coughed up the cash the performance was the usual commercial provider fake moans etc, menu was daty, bbj, went in for the main course, no sooner the deed was done which was about 30 mts the usual song and dance of expecting a visitor. Etc. Change of attitude etc, pointed out the deal was for an hour and pops as many one could manage. Again a barrage of excuses

I guess as an rule avoid the expatriates scammers, the ebonies, etc, maybe if you have lot of dough to burn, etc.

11-04-08, 05:12
I was in DXB for business right in the middle of the fucking Gitex. Big mistake:(
Expensive hotels, crowded, traffic.
Do NOT go to DXB when there is a convention in town.
I only had nights there. Tried to connect Piper but my hotel's internet would not allow access to the forum, so couldn't access the PMs etc.

1st night wasted with friends/families, so no mongering.

2nd night, headed straight for Premiere at about midnight. The place was PACKED.
I hate that because you can’t really see the girls bodies very well.
Anyway loitered around for 2-3 hours, a few hot CIS that had the mongers bouncing off them. I learned that some were asking AED 3000!
Ran into a middle eastern who spoke English well (said he was Saudi), lived in Portland for a few years. I think he was bullshit artist.
I excused myself and went on my rounds a few times.
Before I knew it, the closing time was upon us. WTF, closing at 3 AM. I must have gotten used to Rio closing time at 5-6 AM.

As the herd of mongers and WGs slowly headed for the door, there were several frenzied negotiations all around with lights finally turned all the way up.
I saw this slim, above average (7?) CIS who looked kinda nice. She said she was from Moscow. She wanted me to take her and my "friend" the saudi (who had re-appeared somehow) taker her friend. The saudi fucker wanted to take the other CIS to 'my' hotel room. I told him to fuck off.
She wanted AED 1000 and insisted to come separately to my hotel since she was afraid of LE outside Premiere. We exchanged phone numbers, gave her my real name (mistake?) and left the place in separate taxis, and wanted me to wait for her in the hotel lobby.
Too damn clandestine;) Who did she think she was, Nikita of KGB?
Anyway, all this happened in the last 15 minutes!

So here I was at 3:45 am in the hotel lobby, with a couple of hotel staff, just waiting when Miss Moscow arrived.

She was kinda sweet like GFE at times and into sex (but not hard core PSE kinda sex). But a pro at trying to extort money for BBBJ etc. She wanted 500 while I had my dick in her mouth. I too am a pro and tried to shame her into submission by pointing out her poor business practices :D and told her only if I can come in her mouth for the 500. She kind agreed, but....

Fucked her in all positions, all over all of the furniture. She actually made me fuck her a second time!
Had she not persisted, I would have probably let her go by 6 AM.
I think I must have shamed her into providing better service, (plus my charms may have done the trick).

So yes, CIM , she gagged/choked and said "see I am a regular girl". I brought her the towel:)

And yes a whole bunch of pics and short videos, just for you fuckers.
(she agreed to pics after I told her that I would jack off to her pictures back home)!
Will post the pics when not too Bizzie!

I wasted my 3rd night. Went to Regal first, big mistake. Crowded, poor talent, so left for Premiere again, by 1 am. I had an early flight so didn't wanna take someone for 2 hours, so came back to hotel, packed for the airport.

Lior 52
11-04-08, 20:50
AKA Gabrielle :D

Be careful out there.

Steamer33Who are you calling Gabrielle?


Double Shooter
11-04-08, 21:10
The Shooter had a short period to enjoy Dubai before jetting off to a less salubrious location.

So no time for experimentation, started off at Majestic at 9:30pm. Before entering, startled by Chinese cutie sitting outside in a dark corner. Ticked all the boxes but what the f**k was she doing there. Too risky to pursue so onwards & upwards.

The waitresses in the Majestic have improved since the Shooter's last visit. Small but cute and feisty. Mental note: hit the joint early say 6pm when flirting is possible and see how it pans out.

Majestic is not an out-and-out P4P joint but resources are normally available. Smattering of Chinese and African around the bar. Very acceptable quality. Some Filipinas in their usual position. The Accountant unexpectedly turned up and quickly picked up a Fili spinner with the girl-next-door look. He subsequently reported a highly satisfactory session combining demureness and technical expertise.

Nothing tickled the Shooter's fancy so onwards & upwards to the Seaview. Monday night: great F2M ratio. Chinese, Fili, plus a few 'Stani. A cornucopia of cleavage so one assumes that the Chinese in particular have been reinvesting their business proceeds into fixed asset improvements, courtesy of the bourgeoning plastic surgery industry.

One Chinese bint was tempting so invited her over for negotiations. Wouldn't budge from dh600 ST, obviously ignoring the supply-demand ratio on this particular evening. The Shooter quickly tired of the same old same old nego tactics so just dropped her and wandered over to the newly arrived Fili contingent. F**k you darling kindly respect the business reality and hope the next guy reaps the benefits.

Was surprised to see an old flame Janet who unfortunately has promoted herself to mamasan and quickly diverted the Shooter's lascivious gaze to a new arrival. As she was wearing an exceptionally fetching dress and had a bubbly personality the Shooter was immediately hooked and rapidly disembarked to his temporary lair at a 5-star Deira hotel.

Young Marie gave a champion performance, not quite GFE but a very acceptable verisimilitude. A repeat performance is highly likely. Approx 90 minutes later, she departed dh400 the richer while the Shooter zipped over to the airport. Note that the fee was not agreed in advance and was donated at the Shooter's discretion. Another successful mission.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

11-04-08, 21:23
11Bravo - Good to see you back, now that you have settled in back home far from Dubai. I look forward to your posts about Dubai from afar. Time and distance gives perspective.

Bizzie - I still owe you a few drinks from Rio, and I cannot sleep at night because of that. Glad you had a fun time in your short visit here

Meanwhile, I'm in Cairo and (almost) having a blast. :)

Run Marathon
11-05-08, 12:07
I want to book a hotel with a nice beach.

I will go with my family there, so GF is no objective.

Any recomandations?

Mjolnir 213
11-05-08, 18:43
So after lots of self doubt and wrestling with my conscience, I'm well and truly over my trauma.

So I was in the local Hypermarket. Doing a bit of food shopping.

Noticed some of the check out girls there. A few cute ones.

Went to the cutest one of them all. Great smile and a tight bod.

Joked around a bit as she was totalling my bill. She giggled when pricing the lube and Durex XL rubbers.

Told her I thought she was very pretty. Asked her if she would like to come over to my place for a drink after work. (I know their accomodation building is very close to mine)

She said ok. Also told me shes seen me around before. (Duh. We're practically neighbours! )

She wrote her number down shyly on a piece of paper.

Texted her later. Got a reply. Be there at 12.


She seems game. And looks like she has a naughty streak in her too.

Always a good sign.

The basic tagalog I know seemed to help loosen her up as well.

Will let you know how it went.

I need this one tonight!


11-05-08, 20:44
I want to book a hotel with a nice beach.

I will go with my family there, so GF is no objective.

Any recomandations?

Answer in hotel thread, where this post also (correctly) appears. Please don't post same request in multiple threads in future.


Be careful out there.


11-05-08, 20:49
Who are you calling Gabrielle?


The mysterious Balu (living here two years, one post, one recommendation for Gabrielle, wtf, very suspicious), not you Lior of course. :)

Be careful out there.


Mjolnir 213
11-05-08, 23:55
So after lots of self doubt and wrestling with my conscience, I'm well and truly over my trauma.

So I was in the local Hypermarket. Doing a bit of food shopping.

Noticed some of the check out girls there. A few cute ones.

Went to the cutest one of them all. Great smile and a tight bod.

Joked around a bit as she was totalling my bill. She giggled when pricing the lube and Durex XL rubbers.

Told her I thought she was very pretty. Asked her if she would like to come over to my place for a drink after work. (I know their accomodation building is very close to mine)

She said ok. Also told me shes seen me around before. (Duh. We're practically neighbours! )

She wrote her number down shyly on a piece of paper.

Texted her later. Got a reply. Be there at 12.


She seems game. And looks like she has a naughty streak in her too.

Always a good sign.

The basic tagalog I know seemed to help loosen her up as well.

Will let you know how it went.

I need this one tonight!



Enough said.

Details and perhaps pics to follow...

Depends on how she wakes up tomorrow.

Either way.. so far so good.
She came twice. Now fast asleep in a very very cute pose. Burnt out I guess.

I have the morning to catch up!

11-06-08, 17:22
Just a stopover visit to Dubai and a relatively early flight the following day, so headed out around 9:30 and went straight to The York. I did a quick circuit and there were one or two promising girls, in particular a pretty PRC with a nice outfit and cleavage. She was talking to a guy so I headed to the bar.

I watched the place fill up. One African chick with a huge ass in a tight red skirt (who showed it off on the dancefloor) would have been a lot of fun for someone braver than I. There were also a number of attractive PRC's coming in, and 4 or 5 of them were very well dressed. More dresses these days it seems, rather than the jeans and T-shirt. If it was closing time I could have taken any one of them so I decided that I should take my pick whilst I could and head off otherwise I'd be there until the early hours, possible with regrets. So which one to choose? As the old joke goes, "The one with the biggest tits".

Actually I started talking to the girl I had seen when I first arrived. She was wearing a nice dark tight dress, and had a cracking figure. She was also pretty relaxed and not at all pushy. So to the hotel then.

Jing was her name and I can recommend her. Lots of kissing whilst she was still dressed, and then off they came. Great body. Top BJ (covered) and very enthusiastic sex.

I was thinking about an African when I went out but with just one short night in town PRCs always seem a better bet.