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04-13-06, 07:35
Off on travels so will watch progress of Piper, MK and everyone else from afar for the next 2 weeks.

Keep hard and horny


Don't tell us you are going to the middle of the dessert! No FR's or photo's from the place(s) you are going to visit the next 2 weeks?

My Kapitan
04-13-06, 08:09
Piper's Pretty Women. Introductory offer only 1,000 DH per hour.

Piper's Pretty Women. You can be Richard Gere for an hour ... PM now!


How many PM's so far Piper and is there a surcharge for the Fantasia?

Wicked Roger
04-13-06, 09:30
Don't tell us you are going to the middle of the dessert! No FR's or photo's from the place(s) you are going to visit the next 2 weeks?
No, the middle of nowhere but just about everywhere Menteng! I start with 16+ hours flying and then just keep going. No FRs as I will likely have no energy after this trip and I promised myself a break.

Have to shag a non P4P lady this afternoon (I know MK...am a dirty bugger, well I hope so :)) - nickname is Miss Palestinian 38D cos she is both. Have to shag is not really the word, want to despite last night's and this morning's strenous breakfast :) After that, pack, go to airport and rest!

But not to worry I will be back at the end of the month and MK and Piper will undoubtedly have some FRs and pictures.


04-13-06, 16:29
Fellow Mongers

Piper did tell us that he thought there were no WGs at Seaview. Piper…there were plenty when MK and I turned up, maybe you got the wrong night (we reckon the night it was closed my friend :) )

Au contraire WR! - I mentioned to Kap that I'd never seen a *Filipino* WG there. Other members have reported here that Seaview is not a full-on WG place. Any time I've been there its full of WGs. Sounds like you guys had a great night!

I'm at Bahrain airport, about to board, so I'll post my report and pics of last night's crazy Thai chick later.

Might make it to Regal tonight if I recover in time. ;)



Wicked Roger
04-13-06, 20:34
Au contraire WR! - I mentioned to Kap that I'd never seen a *Filipino* WG there. Other members have reported here that Seaview is not a full-on WG place. Any time I've been there its full of WGs. Sounds like you guys had a great night!

I'm at Bahrain airport, about to board, so I'll post my report and pics of last night's crazy Thai chick later.

Might make it to Regal tonight if I recover in time. ;)


Next time I'm up we'll go there but we have to let MK get his CIS blonde -cannot have him shagging Asians, that is my domain :) Africans are your yours :) so what does that leave for the rest of the mongers....

OK best get to airport I suppose, look forward to the post, sounds if your cherry was finally popped.

See you soon either here or Dubai.


Big Dick
04-14-06, 13:06
Of course I will not read any replies, because this forum is banned, but it will be really funny if someone comes up to me in the Regal, or York or Cyclone, and says "Are you Mike De Havilland form ISG".

Just a remark, don't know if this is nowadays normal or not: I'm accessing this forum in my hotel room in Dubai, in SAS Radisson, without any difficulties. (Whereas a month ago or so, this site was not accessible from the Sheraton Jumeirah.)


My Kapitan
04-14-06, 13:13
Just a remark, don't know if this is nowadays normal or not: I'm accessing this forum in my hotel room in Dubai, in SAS Radisson, without any difficulties. (Whereas a month ago or so, this site was not accessible from the Sheraton Jumeirah.)

Depends on the server link, anything routed through Dubai media city works - the rest of us use proxy avoidance.

04-15-06, 21:52
I had a nice visit to DXB last month and have been meaning to post some reports and pictures but, well, been a little Bizzie:D

I had misplaced the proxy server info so couldn't log on for a few days, until I switched to another hotel where ISG was not blocked at all! Info is in the hotel section.
Regardless, missed the opportunity to meet a couple of mongers becuase I couldn't contact them in time.
JSF was out of town, couldn't connect with Irish Ladd, planned meeting with Bravo fell victim to the overzealous hospitality of local host, etc. etc.

Thanks to those who provided the numbers of the local madams. Just had to try the "houses", although it was take out. I just wouldn't have enjoyed doing the deed at their place. Went to the two houses to visually inspct the goods and then called for a delivery to my hotel.

Pictures in the picture section are of a petite CIS from Fs place. Short time, average service. She was not into letting loose and enjoying herself at that time becasue she had to 'work' again, and 'enjoying herself will make her lazy'!
I was planning on a 3-some wiht her and F but thought better of it.
Enjoy the pics. More to come.

My Kapitan
04-16-06, 04:02
You people have written the facts the way they are but let me tell you I do not monger like Sporadic or My Kapitan, who think money would BUY them everything. .

Bizzie. Great to see pics posted by persons other than the usual mongateers. Good job.

Reference P shooter above - well Miss K in my bed at the moment sleeping after an inpromptu late night in the regal. NO fee.

She just wanted a safe place to spend the night and I happened to be a trusted monger in the right place at the right time. I'm leaving for work and will return at 10 to see how she is and run her home.

Excellent performance as always by the way.

Listen here, you sad child, you have no idea of what you speak. Your ignorance is monumental.

Absolutly Sporadic - he has no idea how it is in Dubai.

Wicked Roger
04-16-06, 06:48
Bizzie. Great to see pics posted by persons other than the usual mongateers. Good job.

Reference P shooter above - well Miss K in my bed at the moment sleeping after an inpromptu late night in the regal. NO fee.

She just wanted a safe place to spend the night and I happened to be a trusted monger in the right place at the right time. I'm leaving for work and will return at 10 to see how she is and run her home.

Excellent performance as always by the way.

'Safe' place to stay - what with your mongering habits and little Kapitan like a laser guided missle for pussy :) But you are a gentleman MK, despite being as bad a monger as me ;)

Am far away but still reading, amazing how quick when there is no need for different proxy etc.

Seriously though, Miss K comment - does that mean more LE on the streets in Dubai? Jessy and your PRC of the other weekend were very nervous too remember, perhaps a prelude to something?


PS. MK check your email, have some news.

04-16-06, 09:06
Miss K in my bed at the moment sleeping after an inpromptu late night in the regal. NO fee. She just wanted a safe place to spend the night Hey what! Safe place ... I'm sure you were a good security officer, standing to attention all night. ;)

04-16-06, 12:10
I will be flying to Dubai next week.

In most of the fantastis reports i could not find much mention on a good massage parlour witha asian beauties.Any suggestions for action with Filipino or Thai WG's?

Any help?



Steve W
04-16-06, 14:22
I'm forced to stay around here - any of you know if there is any action this part of town?



My Kapitan
04-16-06, 15:01

Seriously though, Miss K comment - does that mean more LE on the streets in Dubai? Jessy and your PRC of the other weekend were very nervous too remember, perhaps a prelude to something?

Big catch outside Regal on Saturday. LE outside picking off girls leaving alone, looking for visa copy. Same as previous week when 4 of K's many room mates were taken.

Miss SB returned to Siberia on Sunday couldn't handle it, shame I liked her - an intelligent graduate. Gave her some phone credit in the afternoon and wished her 'oodachyee fseeva samava kharasheva' - good luck and all the best. She was very apreciative that someone took the time and effort to do so (pay attention P shooter).

Mickey Rooney
04-16-06, 18:13

Miss SB returned to Siberia on Sunday couldn't handle it, shame I liked her - an intelligent graduate. Gave her some phone credit in the afternoon and wished her 'oodachyee fseeva samava kharasheva' - good luck and all the best. She was very apreciative that someone took the time and effort to do so ....

For ever the gentleman in the spirit of a true Muskateer, (or is that Mongateers- I like that better)

Alas I am not able to find time to join you but would not want to miss Miss N's birthday. So how about it WR, any plans yet? I will need plenty of advance notice to be able to 'slip' away!!

....She just wanted a safe place to spend the night and I happened to be a trusted monger in the right place at the right time. I'm leaving for work and will return at 10 to see how she is and run her home.....

Soooo I am not the only one getting freebies... But at least Miss K is an A lister and below 25!.

WRT the 'friendly' sparing with P shooter, we all know what it is about here. Pay them to leave (with respect) works well. I am still getting missed calls from that freebie at the regal. I think I should wire some funds to her and maybe she will leave me alone.

Hoo humm.... still can not get the my head the view of Miss K taking WR from behind and MK in her mouth. Then stopping momenterily for that siliouet in the window...


Mickey Rooney
04-16-06, 18:52
I'm forced to stay around here - any of you know if there is any action this part of town?



Aminsia is an expensive place to go. Another is bar 42 in Dubai Marina. So called because it apparently has 42 kinds of champains.... Also expensive.

Better take a cab to the Golden triangle, stopping off at the Metropolitan (1/2 way) to see what is happening at the rattle snake.... favorate of mine.

Mickey Rooney
04-16-06, 18:55
I will be flying to Dubai next week.

In most of the fantastis reports i could not find much mention on a good massage parlour witha asian beauties.Any suggestions for action with Filipino or Thai WG's?

Any help?



Look in the local paper under beiuty theroapy, better still RTFF.

Or perhaps book into the Fantasia where full body massage comes complementory (extra upgrades for qualified Swiss Massures)

Mike De H
04-16-06, 19:46

Rule number one: Don’t pay too much
Rule number two: Different girl every night
Rule number three: Don’t get involved

These CIS girls working in the UAE have two motives. Some work to get rich, go home, live like queens. They are the processors. Some work in order to live because they have nothing else to do in Dubai and you can stuff going back to Kackistan or wherever it is. The passport Hunters.

I suppose life is a learning curve. Once you think you have got the handle of a place as wonderful, exciting and complex as Dubai, then it turns round and bites you on the backside. What can I say… third trip out, he thinks he is an expert, and the Minger Mongerer once again earns his “Misbegotten title”.

I mean what can one do to fuck up this time? I get the Hotel right, I get the hotel price right (Indian Travel Agents rule!). I get the flight right; I get the venues right and my negotiation skills are down to pat. I learn to recognise the “Processors” and the blatant rip-offs.

Now I learn about the “Hunters.” Oh, and business went OK too. But you don’t really want to hear about that do you?

I started on Tuesday well enough. A quick first time visit to the York Hotel upstairs bar found me once again ducking and diving to avoid the aggressive PRC crowd. I tried “I am deaf”. “I am with someone”. “Go Away”. “Please leave me alone, I am watching the band” (Obvious lie). “My wife is over there and she is a female pro wrestler” and finally “Fuck off you are ugly” (to the more persistent one with the striped trousers at the end.) I guess you want to know what her answer was to that don’t cha? It was, “I tinka yoo rike me yes?” with a slightly insane grin so wide it was cracking the plaster-of-paris caked around her blowjob-hole. When faced with that what can I do? Run.

I mean, I was actually enjoying the waitress service, the view of the fanny, the band was tolerable (some American outfit with a slightly dodgy guitarist doing Nickelback covers) which reminds me of FKK world, nostalgically enough, and the beer was affordable without extending my mortgage at home. As a sidetrack, US and UK bands, have a certain credibility or “cool” about them, even though they are never technically as accomplished as the Philippine bands! Somehow though, an Indonesian with a guitar can look just as cool as a Euro guy, but why do they usually look like geeks? Anyway, this is not racist, just an observation, the good Philippine guitarist in Jules bar is wacky as fuck and top-notch too, so he proves you can be cool and an Asian musician too!

Anyway, I digress. Not having found anything remotely appealing there, I decided to give Fantasia near the Israeli embassy a miss and went over to Rockafellas at the Regal on Tuesday night. [Note: To those non ISG/UAE thread people on other boards, this is a brothel pretending to be a nightclub. There is a fairly good choice, about the level of the Singel at night in Amsterdam or perhaps even NRW sauna clubs. The two top might clubs (Premiere and Cyclone) the choice is top of the line for anywhere, with maybe a hundred girls easy working in each place on a bad night].

Back to the Regal (Rockafellas) the first working Girl I saw was the much-talked-about “Rita” who I controversially described as the girl Hilary Clinton wanted to be.

Some say, she has a webbed bottom. Others say, her earwax tastes of Turkish delight. I say, Kyle and Cartman had it right. “Goddamn what a big fat ass!”. On Tuesday I caught her leaving with a rich fat Arab guy as usual. I found out why she always wears long black dresses too. Very thinning! This night she was wearing a cardigan and black elasticised slacks, like oldsters wear to make it easier to get your pants on. I wouldn’t pay 500 Dhs for her, let alone what some of the stories are. Amazing what seeing someone with different clothes can do.

It didn’t take long really. I was up for the Cyclone, having got absolutely pissed off with the new band. They are better than the oompah loopas with the three CIS girls fronting it, but the Japanese middle aged guitarist “living the dream” made me think that even I could put on a wig and get the old axe out again. As Red Drawf’s Kryton said “Sir, the axe man is back”.

So just as I was on my way out, I saw this beautiful teenager type with long brown / red hair. I said the usual “Hello I am Mike” shit and she said “Hello, my name is L…..”, I reply with the fast blurb to get it over with.. whereareyoufrom?IamfromEngland, she replied with IamfromKyrgistan…. And that was it. No, “What Hotel do you stay at”. No, “Are you looking for company big boy, I love you long time”??? She actually played hard to get. Well, when I say “hard to get”, that is, I had to prompt her with a direct “So how much money are we talking” which did the trick. I must be such a smooth fucker, the way I talk. She said “One thousand” and we were back on track.

“700 Dhirams” came the reply from me. “Well, do you mind if I wait a little bit?” she said. Hmmm, I thought, years of being in business (in the way Gomez Adams runs businesses) gave me the bright Idea “800 if we can go now”. She really saw the lust in my eyes. Three days of Mumbai previously and half a weeks abstinence before that meant I had a case of MSB (a Massive Sperm Build-up) which must have been pushing pheromones out of me that even the Emirates Eu-De-Toilette couldn’t hide.

Anyway, that did the trick and back we went to the Metropolitan in Diera. Confirmed by all in the Photo thread as a definite GF hotel.

It took me quite a while to break her down. Se needed to relax and I realised that “professional” did not describe this girl. I was scared I had got a newbie or a girl that hated the job, when what I was after was just fast, hard PSE. But somehow, just looking at those beautiful eyes and the teenage body made me want her more and more and more. When the moment was right, she threw hersef on the bed and put the tip of her tongue on the edge of her front teeth. All of a sudden I was 18 again and that girl I had eyed up across the pub had come over and started kissing me. I had copped! Yes, I even forgot I was paying her and it was fucking supposed to happen! What followed was better than GFE. That is, most girlfriends I ever had were shit at sex, so this was better. You connect you know? This (after at least two hundred working girls I have fucked) was the first time I ever believed a girl when she said she had an orgasm. (Although I still maintain that when you are paying its only you that counts) and in the morning I was besotted. Stupid fucking dolt that I am.

She refused to get up in the mornings (so I was getting free time, which was great) and at 12pm when she finally got up, I then did the deal, “I need a tour guide for the day today” I wont say how much, but I broke rule number two, Then the really stupid thing, the next night (after the snorkelling at the public beach and the shopping trip round the Emirates mall and the nice meal at the Fish Market [it was bring-a-skank night]) I capped it all by booking her for the next two nights. She was so keen she even refused to collect all her stuff, deliberately leaving her toothbrush and items of clothing and she would not take any money till it was all over. Incredible. Yes, I broke rule number two again, and just to cap it all, as if I wasn’t doing badly enough, I broke rule three too. I must have done, because this is one mean evil witch in the morning. Apparently she had that syndrome where you shout obscenities when you wake up first thing. Thanks goodness I don’t speak Russian.

The sex was incredible. I got, instructions how to make her come, cute little hints like, "terrible these condoms... I hate them" and the dreaded "This isn't all about work I promise you" .... oh, and the best one.... "I think this cum is really sexy. Please, do it all over yourself, I like it, and you can do it all over me too."

Looking back in the cold light of day it was like pantomime and comedy all rolled into one. I apologise to all the hard-faced punters out there, but what can I say, when you get old you get vulnerable and you just have to confess all in Public. Beware Dubai, that’s all I can say.

I am not accusing her of being a passport hunter, but a full time pro she is not, After loosing her real job in the UAE she does it because she has to live. Her friends tell her she does not make nearly enough money either. I hope she gets her job like she says she wants, but hey, if not, she is going to be one of those girls you love or hate in the Job. If she connects she will be fine, if she doesn’t she will drive the Punter mad and be borderline rip-off.

Now I am really annoyed because I promised myself a http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.maria-sharapova-screensaver.com/maria_sharapova_3.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.maria-sharapova-screensaver.com/sexy-maria-sharapova-photos.html&h=600&w=800&sz=80&tbnid=HkZYBJFTlXBBYM:&tbnh=106&tbnw=142&hl=en&start=1&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmaria%2Bsharapova%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26rls%3DGGLD,GGLD:2004-05,GGLD:en%26sa%3DN from cyclone and I got four days of overpaid real girlfriend trials and tribulations and ups and downs. What a waste of a trip in some ways, but what an absolutely brilliant trip with the most mind-blowing sex I have ever had on the other hand.

Would I repeat it? Well, probably, but I am going to monger for two days first before meeting up with her and then if I run into her by accident? Well, what a romantic surprise.

I can’t help it, I am just such a softie. (Photos withheld because they are all clothed – hence boring.

04-16-06, 19:52
Azerty - you cheeky bugger. And why are you doing internet searches for the type of advert you emailed. Nipple tweaking and fishnet stockings indeed.

I'm flooded with work at the moment, so I'm staying in while the world mongers on. Seems this mouse just cannot play while his cat's away. Bad timing.

But Wednesday night's looking good.

04-16-06, 20:00

Rule number one: Don’t pay too much
Rule number two: Different girl every night
Rule number three: Don’t get involved
Would I repeat it? Well, probably ...
(Photos withheld because they are all clothed – hence boring.
C'mon, Mike, admit it. You enjoyed every minute, and would do it again at the drop of a hat (or panties, or bra or ...). If you can afford it, why not? Great story.

Now post those pics. Clothed is not boring.

Nice Guy 99
04-16-06, 23:32
Looking back in the cold light of day it was like pantomime and comedy all rolled into one. I apologise to all the hard-faced punters out there, but what can I say, when you get old you get vulnerable and you just have to confess all in Public. Beware Dubai, that’s all I can say.

I am not accusing her of being a passport hunter, but a full time pro she is not, After loosing her real job in the UAE she does it because she has to live. Her friends tell her she does not make nearly enough money either. I hope she gets her job like she says she wants, but hey, if not, she is going to be one of those girls you love or hate in the Job. If she connects she will be fine, if she doesn’t she will drive the Punter mad and be borderline rip-off.
Mike, just relax and enjoy it ... they'll never catch sophisticated guys like us ...

My Kapitan
04-16-06, 23:49
I think I should wire some funds to her and maybe she will leave me alone.


Just got back from a crawl ooof President filli bar President ruski bar rockbottoms regal seawiew and regal ah=gain. Even thru this haze of women and booze I can say


If you send her money she will NEVER stop calling.

I'm off to bed.

My Kapitan
04-16-06, 23:51
Now post those pics. Clothed is not boring.

Go on post the pics - often more sexy than naked. ......

Mike De H
04-17-06, 01:39
Go on post the pics - often more sexy than naked. ......

Done, but I am not happy about it. Ah well.fuck it. (Oh yes, I did!)

Wicked Roger
04-17-06, 06:31
Alas I am not able to find time to join you but would not want to miss Miss N's birthday. So how about it WR, any plans yet? I will need plenty of advance notice to be able to 'slip' away!!

Hoo humm.... still can not get the my head the view of Miss K taking WR from behind and MK in her mouth. Then stopping momenterily for that siliouet in the window...

Miss N's birthday present will be arranged when she returns, you guys know what she was after and Az you will get plenty of advanced notice.

Nice thought Az that and I was part of it and it was enjoyable :)

Email - have to agree with Piper, he likes that sort of person more than me :)

MK - once you read your last post, it may make sense to you (and me!) but I detect the word Filipina (well filli) in there and my ears (let alone the pork sword) pricked up. Must introduce me to that bar also when I am back in May. By the way Jessy SMS me before I left overseas, she would be a good lady to cuddle too if Miss K is not available :)


04-17-06, 08:31
She needed to relax and I realised that “professional” did not describe this girl... But somehow, just looking at those beautiful eyes and the teenage body made me want her more and more and more... All of a sudden I was 18 again Good for you, you managed to bump into someone who pushes your buttons. It does happen you know. We are programmed for this sort of thing, you just have to find "your type."

Yes, I even forgot I was paying her... What followed was better than GFE... You connect you know? Yes, I know. I have been fortunate enough to enjoy several experiences like that. Enjoy it!

and in the morning I was besotted. Stupid fucking dolt that I am.I suggest the proper term here is normal human being.

I then did the deal...She was so keen she even refused to collect all her stuff, deliberately leaving her toothbrush and items of clothing and she would not take any money till it was all over. Incredible. Why incredible? She gets to enjoy your safe company, and possibly forget or escape from her personal DXB reality.
I apologise to all the hard-faced punters out there, but what can I say,Sounds like you are one lucky guy, enjoying much more than a typical p4p experience. Do be careful though... ;) Keeping everything in context can become a chore.

04-17-06, 14:43
I am headed to DXB in the next couple of weeks. I haven't been there in a couple of years.

What is the going rate for a CIS all night out of the York?

Any help would be appreciated.

My Kapitan
04-17-06, 15:11
My mate is never staying with me again!

Last nights crawl commenced in President Filli bar, 2 bands both equally appalling, several dog ugly WG’s and mamasan walked in at 1030.

Moved on to Rockbottoms where most of HMS Bulwark was in and getting ready for a fight, not a good atmosphere.

Next was the Regal (of course) good crowd. Miss k was installed, of course, at the usual table. She gave me hard looks on arrival, but was happy to talk after a while and reverted to her normal cheerful party girl mode despite last nights freebie. Miss Sv also there and trying to attract my attention, sorry performance not good enough at the party therefore no.

Fell in lust with a gorgeous brunette with a tattoo of a bear above her right breast – interesting. Also a new blonde with near perfect accent less English with whom I embarrassed my self with my school boy Russian. After my usual introduction she said 'Why are you trying to speak in Russian? I speak excellent English - yes'. Oh fuckity fuck.

My friend decided to move on to the Imperial Suites. Years since I have been there. Ruff ruff. Mix of black, older CIS and Chinese wouldn’t touch any of them. In all my time in Dubai I have only ever taken 2 from the suites.

Decided to move on to Seaview however for some reason we ended up passing Jockies (its not enroute) and of course had to try it, very ethnic, 1 beer. Taxi to sea view.

Not too crowded – its now about 0145. Entertaining band my mate chatted to a black girl for a while. Nothing to my taste so I told him I was returning to the Regal. He joined me.

Now around 0215. Excellent thinning out nicely. Miss K looking v bored talking to an English guy when he left for the rest room she told me he offered 1200 (twat), I said it would compensate for last night – she was not amused! He came back and they left with a sweet good bye smile from her and a glare from him.

Had a chat to new accent less blonde – Tatania – opening at 800 dropped to 600 but no further.

Moved on to beautiful brunette and I mean beautiful. A vaguely Arabic type was hassling her – obviously an ex customer trying to get a lower price, she was having none of it. Lost my mate at some stage (he returned to Seaview it later transpired).

Her name started with an L but can’t remember what it was as I was now considerably worse for wear despite changing from beer to water. I tried my luck, opened at 1500 – fuckity fuck. Dropped to 1000 quickly but still out of my price range. Chatted bought her a drink. She spoke to the other girls who were all nodding to each other and her and looking in my direction. Last and final offer was 800. I had to be at work at 0800 so 0630 wake up worked out at 230dhms per hour. Sensible head said no, small Kapitan said YES YES. Sensible head won.

I walked home a happy man having done the right thing. Opened the door to my place to be greeted by the sight of a mans arse doing a missionary on MY sofa. The cheek (excuse the pun).

No offer of group. Fuckity fuck. I retired to fight another day.

Off to Europe then my least favourite ME country all next week, so I will be off radar for a while developing MSB for my return.

Keep your ends up.
ETA Regal 27/0100……

Mike De H
04-17-06, 17:32
Last couple of visits I have been interested in this Girl, but since the environment is a bit "one shot" I thought I would ask if she is a well known WG.

She has "to die for" eyes and I am an eye man.

Maybe this is a case for Pipers Pimpng Service ? Ooops sorry, I mean Pipers pretty Women.

04-17-06, 18:25
Last couple of visits I have been interested in this Girl, but since the environment is a bit "one shot" I thought I would ask if she is a well known WG. She has "to die for" eyes and I am an eye man.

Maybe this is a case for Pipers Pimpng Service ? Ooops sorry, I mean Pipers pretty Women.What a coincidence. I was planning on getting to York/Regal tonight to check out the menu, and if she was there, she would have been a choice meal. But I'm too knackered tonight from too much work and not enough sleep, so I'm staying home. But I might just call her in for home delivery if I "perk up" later tonight. She did offer massage, and that's just what poor little Piper's tensed muscles need right now. :) You're right - she has magic eyes (I'm an eye man also). And a breast man, and a legs man and a ...

Where did you spot her? Double Shooter reported on her around a week or two ago. He found her at Jockeys of all places.

PS - Kap - I thought you said your mate was a "good guy" nowadays. It's always the quiet guys who have secrets. I could see a glint in his eye at Regal. Great report - had me laughing.

Mike De H
04-17-06, 21:22
Where did you spot her? Double Shooter reported on her around a week or two ago. He found her at Jockeys of all places.

She was at Jockeys in late January when Man U played Liverpool (so she had no chance) and she was upstairs in that PRC death trap at the York Hotel last Tuesday.


So you diddled her then? I take it not a rip-off?

04-18-06, 00:42
So you diddled her then? I take it not a rip-off? Mike, I never diddle.

I haven't had the pleasure of Lovath's company in a diddly sort of way - yet. I've chatted with her a couple of times at York, and I called her tonight, but I was in two minds, so I went to Metropolitan instead - only a few minutes from my place, and I'll be going back often. Tonight it was heaven!

So many beauties to choose from (CIS Brunettes and Blondes, African Beyonce-type Honeys, Lovely Chinese). 90% of the girls were good quality. I was amazed - it was very different to last time I popped in there (when I walked straight back out). Tonight I didn't know which girl to choose.

But wait, there's more! They have a mezzanine billiards room :) where you can look down into the crowd and check out the selection. I chose well. She looked up at me and batted those Betty Boop eyelashes, and we instantly fell in love. See photo section.

Mike De H
04-18-06, 08:28
Mike, I never diddle.

I, so I went to Metropolitan instead

OK Bo, no problem, sorry.

If you get to have a good meaningful shag, let me know what its like please?

I am unaware of the Metropolitan, I take it itsnot the Metropolitan in Diera? Oh, I suppose its RTFF time if I want to know more about that place. Please don't send me via the Israeli embassy ;)

Did you take any balcony shots? They would be nice to see.

04-18-06, 09:12
I am unaware of the Metropolitan, I take it its not the Metropolitan in Diera?

Rattlesnake Club in Metropolitan Hotel, Sheikh Zayed Road, across from Safa Park (a pleasant traffic-free 5-minute drive from my place). I've popped in a couple of times before, but the selection was sparse and terrible, so I only ever stayed a few minutes. All about good timing - unbelievable selection last night around midnight.

Around 40-50 girls of all nationalities, only a handful were below 7. The rest were 7+. Only about 15 guys (most in their 50s, not making any moves on the girls - just drinking). So I was a spring rooster by comparison, with many chicks to choose from in the coop. And I was there with a purpose - not to drink. Many of the spring chicks sensed this as I did the inspection rounds, so I was getting pecked and grabbed by many of them.

I retreated to the safety of the mezzanine floor to get a birds-eye view of the coop, and that's when I spotted Betty Boop standing alone, sipping her glass of wine. When she looked up and noticed me checking her out, she responded with the Betty Boop cutesie eyelash batting and smiles. I went down to have a chat with her for 10 minutes before inviting her to the boudoir. Very nice.

Interestingly, there were also a few real couples (husbands and wives etc) there as well (at Rattlesnake, not my boudoir), dining and watching the band and the girly circus.

04-18-06, 10:00
Hi Guys,

Have been reading the reports in this forum and I must say I am looking forward to my trip to Dub on the 21st of April and hoping to meeting some of you gentlemen.

Any of you willing to meet up at the regal / York or other hangouts, I would much appreciate it and shall follow the rules from what I have read so far.

Cheers - BOND

04-18-06, 18:16
First off I would like to thank the kings of Dubai, MK and JSF for their help on my great weekend I had in Dubai (Friday through Monday). After reading all the reports here on the forum I pretty much was focused on getting some action at Rockafellas.

Turned up in Dubai on Friday evening at about 9.30, breezed through the airport and checked into the Four points Sheraton. Very good staff and Girl friendly needles to say (as verified by others). Rockafellas is at a walking distance and was there by 11 p.m. Not very happening so stuck around for about an hour and then headed to Cyclone.

Lots of hot women at cyclone but not too friendly, also the price was in the AED 1,200 to 1,500 range (everybody was quoting this price, even the 6’s and 7’s). Went back to Rockafellas at about 1 am and saw a couple of 9’s and a few 7’s and 8’s. Avg price approx 1,000 LT. Saw this very good looking dark haired girl sitting at a table near the DJ counter, called miss D. Not too friendly initially but gradually warmed up. Started at 1,000 but eventually settled at 700. Off we went. Looked much prettier in proper light.

Miss D was young (22) slim (actually skinny), very tall (about 5’ 9”, from Romania, and loads of fun (once you get to know her). Spent about 30 min talking to her before the action started. She was a GFE all the way. Was into everything (BBBJ, DFK etc.). All in all a great time.

Didn’t do anything on Saturday night. Sunday night did the rounds again at cyclone before heading to Rockafellas. Met with another Miss D (she is a blonde about 5’ 6”) and hangs out at the pool tables. Nice to talk to and appeared pretty chilled out. Ended up negotiating LT for 700.

Great experience again, BBBJ, CIM, DFK and anal rimming but not DATY which was a big disappointment. Stayed till 4 after which she left as I had to get to bed.

All in all a great weekend with 2 beautiful girls. Thanks again guys.


04-18-06, 19:13
Is there a big convention or something coming up in Dubai? Getting a spate of PMs from guys visiting Dubai this week.

My Kapitan
04-18-06, 20:21
I am headed to DXB in the next couple of weeks. I haven't been there in a couple of years.

What is the going rate for a CIS all night out of the York?

Any help would be appreciated.

So you have two weeks to rtff

My Kapitan
04-18-06, 20:34
All in all a great weekend with 2 beautiful girls. Thanks again guys.


Now here is a man doing it the right way, he's read the forum knows where to go and knows the priice. Research is all.

Great report.

I've managed to grab back a day between Eurrope and the other place so I will be in town on friday night at the usual haunts.


04-18-06, 20:47
Now here is a man doing it the right way, he's read the forum knows where to go and knows the priice. Research is all.

Great report.

I've managed to grab back a day between Eurrope and the other place so I will be in town on friday night at the usual haunts.

Oops, sorry Sharq, just noticed I didn't answer your PM a couple of weeks ago. I miss some occasionally. Sounds like you had a great time. Was Miss D at the pool table a trim and very toned blonde gal with a few tatts?

Kap - I'm trying to stay home Friday nights due to early morning Saturdays, but of course, I will easily be dragged out.

Just got a missed call from Lovath. It's 1130pm and I have to get up early tomorrow. Maybe I'll see her Friday. Meanwhile, will have to check out Rattlesnake again. I can feel a young blonde coming on.

04-18-06, 22:34
I am headed to DXB in the next couple of weeks. I haven't been there in a couple of years.
What is the going rate for a CIS all night out of the York?
Any help would be appreciated.
I have no idea why some guys refuse to answer simple questions.

I will help you dear one-poster!

I suggest you try Piper´s service (he is a York expert) at 2000dhs. A sure thing.

You could also try the all-inclusive service at the Dubai Fantasia hotel (ask for Ahmed.)

Whatever you do, do NOT try what Sharq did. He foolishly read all about the scene, and even made polite contact with some real experts. I have no idea why he got reasonable pricing, good service, a girl-friendly hotel and had a great time. Must have just been dumb luck I guess.

Seriously, the asking price is sky high nowadays, but my research leads me to conclude that the "old prices" from "a couple" of years ago can still be negotiated.

04-18-06, 22:42
... my research leads me to conclude that the "old prices" from "a couple" of years ago can still be negotiated.Yes indeedy. Miss Metropolitan started at 700ST, but immediately agreed to 300 when I assured her I simply wanted a good massage and a quick round, and she could be back at at Metropolitan by 2am, as I had to get up early. All up less than two hours at home. A short time but a good time.

I might test the market by trying my old strategy of picking up a couple of Chinese gals from York for 400 all-night threesome party including pics. I can only try.

04-19-06, 16:52
First off I would like to thank the kings of Dubai, MK and JSF for their help on my great weekend I had in Dubai (Friday through Monday). After reading all the reports here on the forum I pretty much was focused on getting some action at Rockafellas. You are welcome mate. I could do no less after the numbers you gave me while I was in bombay resulted in my solitary punting experience (exceptional for bombay I must add). Anytime you are in town give me a shout. Pity we could not meet up this time.



04-19-06, 18:03
Given the discussions from awhile back (I do follow my own advice, download the treads, read, and catch up) thought this was appropriate.

BarCrawler writes: Dissatisfied v Satisfied Mongers.

Prompted by 11Bravo's comments to Danwee and having a quiet night in, I did a quick search back through the thread. It started to occurred to me that persons posting on the thread fall into two groups, those who enjoy the experience and those that never seem to get satisfaction.

Characteristics of the unsatisfied monger's posts.
Lots of questions.
Need to find the best looking girls
Money is no object

Characteristics of the satisfied monger's posts.
Freely share information
Look for fun girls with looks a secondary consideration.
Work within a reasonable budget.

We all look for different things but at the end of the day what we all want is a good time. My advice to the dissatisfied, your expectations are too high, lighten up a bit and relax, you become so obsessed with finding perfection that you never have a good time. Try to have a bit of fun and try to find a girl with the stunning attitude, not the stunning looks.

Some comments on questions. The chances are if you don't get an answer it's for one of two reasons;
It's been mentioned in the thread many times before, but in that case chances are you will get a UTFSE reply.

No one knows. This would be the case, particularly regarding hotels as most of the regular posters are residents. 11Bravo did an excellent job of compiling the GF hotel list drawing on more than one forum for the information, but I would hazard to guess, he has never taken a girl to a DXB hotel.

04-19-06, 19:25
Good to see you back Bravo. Those roadworks can be a pain!

I agree with all BC said, except for freely sharing info. I'm sure he would agree a little caution is necessary in our part of the world, but freely share info with people you know.



04-19-06, 23:47
Originally BC, from Bravo´s post
but I would hazard to guess, he has never taken a girl to a DXB hotelJust for the record, actually, Bravo has brought a girl to a hotel in DXB, indeed he brought a young lady to my suite at a well known hotel, where we later left (the four of us, including my "bride for the night") to enjoy a nice dinner (an adventure for two of us anyway) and a night out at the Seaview. He also did spend some time at a st hotel in bur Dubai (yes it was many, many posts ago.)

I have been trying to get him to move out of the labor camp where he now resides, but he insists it is girl-friendly. What can you do?

04-20-06, 05:12
I agree with all BC said, except for freely sharing info. I'm sure he would agree a little caution is necessary in our part of the world, but freely share info with people you know.The share with people you know is a given.

One other cavet: if you have a "special" wg, my experience, she will not take kindly to you sharing her number. The bf/gf illusion cuts both ways.

04-20-06, 11:30
Hi Piper,

There is a large VC conf on the 22nd at the Shangrila Hotel for 2 days, so expect prices to go up with all these money bags running around town chasing anything in skirts.

Let me know if you still wanna meet up.

Cheers - Bond.

04-20-06, 12:45
With Wed night's starting pitcher having moved on to a higher paying team (sigh), out and about Wed night.

Seaview 21:30 - 23:00
Band now starts at 9:45. Very sparse that early. Even later on, still sparse wrt wg's (yes, I understand this is Seaview). But last night looked like last Sunday night (was also there for 1st set). A couple of familiar faces, but nothing that jumped out. Mainly PRC's, some CIS, a few africans. One new PRC, trying hard, "This only 2nd time I come here"; unfortunately, still had that garlic aroma. Nice girl, rough business. Didn't see any "Take me home NOW's".

Group of US Navy? youngsters; however, wg's knew they were on Cinderella liberty, so didn't even bother. Given that there was nothing compelling (for me, YMMV), after 1st set, headed for other venues.
(Ever Ready: nice seeing you again).

York 23:15 - 23:45
Given I was downtown, decided to stay. While waiting to cross street in front of York, saw a graphic depiction of the UGLY side of dxb: taxi waiting for the left turn. A commotion inside caught my attention: at first I thought it was a joke; single passenger asian female in front seat waving arms at driver, the rolling pin, slap fight style. Suddenly, the passenger door opened, and she half fell/pushed out, feet caught inside, hanging on to door with 1 hand, seat (or seatbelt) with other hand, ass close to ground. Hope it was close to, not on, as, by now, realizing it was not a joke, a number of us were moving towards the taxi, so the driver then SPED away, making the left turn. This guy was moving, she hanging on LITERALLY for dear life. If there was any clearance between ground and ass, it was millimeters. Any number of bystanders taking off in pursuit, girl SCREAMING. Thank God he was forced to stop 10 m down the street. Obviously, large crowd of bystanders gathering. Two emeriti’s in native dress, telling people to move on. I asked one if he had called the police; he looked at my ignorant self and said, "I am the police". Girl was sitting in taxi, justifiably hysterical, sobbing (hopefully out of fear rather than injury). I don't know where driver was. Given situation under control, and since I despise lookie-lous, I continued to York. (30 minutes later, ambulance was just pulling away, so hopefully, girl was not hurt that bad). SAD!

Sidebar: Note how fast CID was on scene... obviously there already.

On into York. Yikes! What happened to the neighborhood? York used to be like that pleasant, middle class community. While not the class of the "gated" Cyclone upper income community, York was comfortable and, like buying a house, good value for money, above the "starter" homes of Imperial Suites. Going back after 4, 5 months, felt like I'd walked back into one of those now blighted neighborhoods. You know, what used to be nice, now turned just a slight bit seedy, with more derelict, uncared for houses on the street. Large african contingent, chinese fighting to maintain their neighborhood, with some CIS roaming about.

Saw a couple familiar faces, almost temped by one; just not quite, but nice chatting with her anyway. Several other passable PRC's, but... nothing like 6 months ago. Perhaps a bad night (but it was Wed, a weekend). Not empty, but not packed either; plenty of room to move around, see and be seen. Trouble was, like Seaview, I was not seeing anything "compelling".

Left feeling sorry for the girls I knew still working York, like the homeowner in a deteriorating neighborhood; their "property" values not going up due to the decline, but subject to the same downward spiral. Last night anyway, York had a definite Imperial Suites' air about it (not good).

Plan C:
Depart York. Outside, called a number I'd gotten from TGIT afternoon last week (hadn't been THERE in ages). No answer. Damn, figures.

Just as getting ready to leave for Rattlesnake, my mobile rings. It's plan C calling back; no noise in background. She's home, sleeping... OK, at least she seems to be available. She determines who I am (JUST having a number not sufficient; you need to establish your bonefides), then asks me where I am; "York". Smart girl, she asks, "If you're at York, why no music?" Explain I've just left. She asks if I'm interested; we discuss price (I hate doing that over the phone). She's at 500, I'm at 400 (after all, if she's at home, how good can business be?). We agree that if I want her, it'll be for 500, and I'll swing by "near Astoria" to pick her up. I consider the "unknown" factor, the PARKING/TRAFFIC problems in that area, and decide to head out on the highway for the 'Snake. Can always backtrack.

Rattlesnake 00:00 - 00:45
Crowded, but not overly so. Make my way to bar, FINALLY catching bartenders attention (they are NOT the swiftest). As I don't blend in, he remembers, and brings me my coke ( I learn from other's examples). Best thing about 'Snake, it's 10 dhs. Look around, the "usual" mix: PRC, some CIS, more africans (talk about globalization, except for a few exceptions [Cyclone - no africans, Rockafellas - no chinese], all places looking the same.

Catch the eye of a fetchingly attired PRC over the shoulder of her current prospect. Give her a nod, move off to clear the main "aisle". She strikes out with him (or perhaps just sees a better chance with me), arriving at my side couple minutes later. She's doing some "suspicious" marketing, as in, "Don't worry, I give best massage..." It's like you're driving your car, make a turn, was that REALLY a barely audible grinding noise, or just road noise? I'm leery; those girls that claim to have the best massage don't... but some nice hand's on from her beginning to sway my opinion (MISTAKE #1).

We discuss price... initial quote, the now common 700 (equates to Cyclone's 1000). Sorry, I'm not a FOP (fresh off plane). She asks how much I'll pay; eventually, I counter with 400. She starts with the "weekend" surcharge, entrance fee, drinks overhead...

I weigh my options: back to Seaview, Cyclone (it's just that the 85 dhs fee hurts and drives up an already high cost), Miss Plan C... maybe call the Cyclone girl from last week (good service, although not GFE, but for 500, at Cyclone these days...), or see how much fun this girl is. I ask what time she'll leave in AM; she responds, "up to you", and agrees, reluctantly, to pay after. I'm lazy, go for the bird-in-hand... (I'm my own worst enemy).

Lessons Learned
Back to my place (the BEST news, she shows me how to take the BACK exit from Metropolitan). First thing she does is write down her mobile number (I'm thinking she's certainly optimistic... or perhaps, given my too easy capitulation, I'm tagged as an easy mark).

Now the grousing starts... not pay money now, "I not know you." I tell her that I don't know her either. She's in a rush to hit the bedroom. While photos were OK'd at the 'Snake, now, after 2 clothed, "enough". (That grinding noise becoming more pronounced at EVERY turn).

No problem, on go my shoes, it's only 1am, we'll go back to the bar, "no harm, no foul". The "high pressure" clears the storm front, at least temporarily. However, over the next hour, that storm front continues to threaten, each time only diverted by the stationary high pressure front of RTB (return to base). While effective, it's obvious this will not be "fun". Unfortunately, my inertia continues, so so does she (with the service).

Forget about fantasizing about baseball to slow things down; I'm using whatever to just get it over with as quickly as possible. Well, it's better than self-abuse (I think). Her "best" massage is all of 10 minutes. Given it's just past 2am, I TRY and take a shortcut, offering her 300 and a ride back to the Snake. I'm pimping, "You will find another customer... make MORE money". She's not buying my bs, holding me to the original contract. Around 3, her mobile rings, she's speaking English, I'm "Please God..." She says "Good night" and hangs up; I'm convinced that God has deserted me in my time of need.

She does live up to her word of the "up to me" AM departure, as long as I had in mind a 7am wakeup (I didn't). After the morning wakeup, and another 10 minute massage, I'm really thinking that self-abuse would be better; at least I could sleep in. But like we say, you pay them to leave, and it can't be fast enough. She's asking for a service rating; I am a gentleman, and keep my mouth shut (you know, if you can't say anything good...

I succumb to her "taxi" money whinging for an extra 25; again, worth it to me to have her OUTSIDE SOONER rather than later (I chalk it up to a stupidity tax). I point her in the direction of the main road (short block away); as she disappears around the corner, first time a smile hits my face.

It's like that plastic model kit you bought as a kid; the box cover looks so good. You open up the box, you know all the parts are there, but... They just never quite fit together. Next time, I'll pull my head out of my ass, and go with the ST, option for LT, rather than belatedly try for the opposite.

Hopefully, it's only a temporary decline for the York (ER, you were right), just very sad to see its decline. At least with the Seaview, there is always the band.

My consolations: I know what HER experience is like WITH ME. Makes me appreciate those GFE's all the more Makes me appreciate my luck in so many GFE's There's always tomorrow.

Thursday TGIT 13:00 - 14:00
Given that I was up EARLY, got all my chores done, so, as I was downtown, stopped off at TGIT. Lot of cookie-cutter PRC's, a few CIS (1 decent), and a smattering of africans. Some decent PRC's (for me); another time, I would be tempted for a leisurely afternoon. Some familiar, one a good time from a year ago, now back. Very pleasant, with a legit rack. But decided to hit The Bananas for a pizza (very good), and wait Miss T's arrival this evening.

All in all, you can't win them all. Next game.

04-20-06, 13:41
All in all, you can't win them all. Next game.
Great report Bravo - had me chuckling loud, especially the bit where you were pleading with God that the girl would leave your place soon. Sometimes we really DO pay the gals not for sex, but to leave soon after (ref: Charlie Sheen, circa 1992).

And I agree about York - completely different atmosphere to 2-3 years ago. Also, it used to be a goldmine, now only a few gems.

04-20-06, 15:07
here's another advert from expatriates.com (dubai "services" section). had me laughing for many reasons:

natural herpal massage by professional male, for slimig and if you have a small breast its very effective to enlarge it.


just found another one (i really should do some work but i'm easily distracted today). anny and fanny indeed:

we are 2 belgian girls, 32 years and 25 years old. beautiful blond girls,blue eyes,perfect body and mine, educated , speeking english, french and dutch.we are in dubai on 15th till 22th may, hilton jumeirah. if you want a night full surprises and sensuality, drop us a mail. kisses where you like, anne & fanny.

i just dropped them a line. last time i had a belgian girl i was a teenager. anyone want to go double-dutch? i'll take the 25 yo. :)

04-20-06, 15:45
One last advert from expatriates.com. Hilarious (or is it just me?). My maid returned to her country a few days ago, and I didn't know where to find another one. Now I know:

Dubai Nude Cleaner.

Are you looking for an attractive nude or semi nude female / male / cleaner ? We have attractive cleaners just waiting to visit you in your home and really brighten up your day. Whether you require one cleaner or a pair we can help and all our cleaners are available and open to males & females. Service charges are 3000.Dhs for one female and 1200.Dhs for a male Cleaner!

My Kapitan
04-20-06, 17:37
Two emeriti’s in native dress, telling people to move on. I asked one if he had called the police; he looked at my ignorant self and said, "I am the police". .

LoL They are in numbers outside the regal and the York on weekends now. Girls are nervous which can be made to work to your advantage.

Good post reflecting how things have changed.

Endorse comment re GFE girls not appreciating their number being bandied around - I never give out numbers.

PM me I'll be in Dxb Friday night either Regal or Rattlesnake if you want to have an alcolholic beverage with me ( P1 also of course - goes without saying).

My Kapitan
04-20-06, 17:38
One last advert from expatriates.com. Hilarious (or is it just me?). My maid returned to her country a few days ago, and I didn't know where to find another one. Now I know:

Dubai Nude Cleaner.

Are you looking for an attractive nude or semi nude female / male / cleaner ? We have attractive cleaners just waiting to visit you in your home and really brighten up your day. Whether you require one cleaner or a pair we can help and all our cleaners are available and open to males & females. Service charges are 3000.Dhs for one female and 1200.Dhs for a male Cleaner!

Piper surely you sell yourself short at 1200?

04-20-06, 17:39
Was Miss D at the pool table a trim and very toned blonde gal with a few tatts?She is toned (no tatoo's though), knows the security really well, is from Samara (15 minutes from Moscow). Short blonde hair, very friendly, great in the sack, but does not like DATY. Hope that helps.

My Kapitan
04-20-06, 20:23
We all look for different things but at the end of the day what we all want is a good time. My advice to the dissatisfied, your expectations are too high, lighten up a bit and relax, you become so obsessed with finding perfection that you never have a good time. Try to have a bit of fun and try to find a girl with the stunning attitude, not the stunning looks.


Agreed. I'm mid 40's and I fuck mid 20 y o's just about every night. my permanent attachment is a bi blonde 27yo who thinks the sun shines from my darkest places and accepts ALL I do with grace and good humour and wants to join in. . man I am happy. I love Dubai...

I do not look for stunners, I look for fun girls and have a slant toward blondes.

To me the experience is all.

Last couple of weeks miss SB (Small Blonde) stayed with me without sex (or fee). Mutual enjoyment within the bounds of the situation we find ourselves in. She has gone and I wished her well - price a 25dhm fonecard.. she was happy and grateful as was I for the time we had- just fun/respect not love.

Some guys don't get it and never will.

04-20-06, 23:37
Too many guys out on a Thursday night. Decided to save my mojo for tomorrow night when there's more choice and a fellow trouble-maker is back in town. Trouble brewing. Decided to go on a few missions in case of a party coming up.

Mission 1: Buy a camera. Went to local shopping mall 2230. Camera shops closed. Mission 1 not accomplished. Saw in the window the latest DVD camcorder with snaphot capability. Tomorrow’s mission: buy it, learn how to use it.

Mission 2: Pharmacy for condoms. Extra large please. No, I mean extra large *pack*. Thanks. And one tube of lube. Mission accomplished.

Mission 3: Buy bachelor groceries: three dozen oysters, fresh pizzas, corn chips and salsa (not too spicy), mixer drinks. Also bought some interesting vegetables - some for eating. Large Lebanese cucumbers are interesting. Mission accomplished.

Mission 4: Unexpected mission. Near the corn-chips section I spotted the lingerie section. Works for me. Baby-doll/panty sets on special. Should I buy black or white? Couldn’t decide. Bought both. The Filipina salesgirls were giggling. What’s the problem girls? They’re not for me. Asked them if they sell fish-net stockings. They giggled more and directed me to another section. Holding baby-doll lingerie sets in one hand, rummaging through stockings with the other, Indian shop-guy looking at me suspiciously, Philipino shop-guy smiling at me sweetly. What’s the problem guys? They’re not for me. Could only find black stockings and white gloves. Bought both. Mission partly accomplished. Fishnets tomorrow.

Mission 5: Very close to Rattlesnake, so drove there for a quick reconnas .. recconas … scouting mission for tomorrow night. Beautiful illegal parking near entrance pathway. Strutted towards entry door. Two Kyrgy girls sitting at a table on the entrance verandah watched me strutting towards them and said something to each other. All I could hear was “No, it’s not Brad … anyway isn’t he with Anjelina nowadays?” I entered the club. Crowded. Wild West movie atmosphere. A couple of guys in cowboy hats, one old guy in a Hell’s Angels leather jacket with sleeves cut off, showing a nice splash of sheep’s wool under the armpit area. Looked around for Clint Eastwood. He wasn’t there, but should’ve been.

I went to the bar. The barman looked at me from the side of his eyes and said with a sneer “What’s your poison?” I glared back at him for a moment, flipped a cigarette out of the pack into the air and caught it in my mouth, then rolled it from side to side in my mouth while staring him down. There was a moment of tension between us. I could see a bead of sweat forming on his forehead. I clenched the cigarette between my front teeth and said in a raspy whisper “Gimme a Bravo special. Make it a double.” He looked at me suspiciously, poured two diet cokes and slid them along the bar just a little too fast. I caught one in each hand, threw one down the hatch, slammed the empty glass onto the bar and disappeared into the crowd.

Again, beautiful gals of all nationalities. The band was kicking ass with a rendition of Billy Idol’s “Midnight hour”. Looked at my watch - dead on midnight. Looked around for Betty Boop. Not there. She’d promised me she'd never be known by another man after being known by me. Women - all liars.

After checking the ground floor crowd I went up to the mezzanine billiards floor. I looked down to the crowd below and saw a blonde in a very low-cut top, with the biggest milky hooters this side of the Mississippi. They looked good from the upstairs view. I went down and walked over for a chat and a closer look.

Being the strong silent mysterious type, I didn’t have to say much. I let her do the talking. Within a few minutes she confessed she was from Estonia and does group sex including lesbian depending on the girl, and introduced me to a girl she does lesbian with, a young pretty Latvian brunette, and they would come home for 800 each for the night. She knows and I knows this means 500 each. I took her number, told her I have to go but maybe I’ll call her tomorrow night, maybe I’ll see her same place same time, maybe it’s our destiny. I left her watching me walk away, with a tear in her eye.

Took the Bravo-inspired back-route home, avoiding the highway and shaving several minutes off my journey. Thanks dude. Five minutes later, I’m home sipping a cold Heineken, sucking slippery oysters down my throat, thinking life is good.

04-20-06, 23:44
Ah, Piper. Good one. I think you have a future in pulp fiction. If only they gave out Pulitzers for those. You never replied to my PM about BKK. What gives?


04-21-06, 00:28
Ah, Piper. Good one. I think you have a future in pulp fiction. If only they gave out Pulitzers for those. You never replied to my PM about BKK. What gives?

Crypton - fiction? Only the names have been changed to protect ... Okay, I made up the bits about the barman and the tear in the girl's eye - but they should have happened. ;)

Can't find PM, please re-send. I'll be there from May 23, InshAllah.

04-21-06, 08:08
I agree with all BC said, except for freely sharing info. I'm sure he would agree a little caution is necessary in our part of the world, but freely share info with people you know.What I ment was information - best places, what a bar like on a certain night, scams, GF hotels etc. NOT contacts. I would only pass on a contact to someone I knew well with the girls explicit permission.

04-21-06, 10:43
All I could hear was “No, it’s not Brad … anyway isn’t he with Anjelina nowadays?” My spies tell me they actually said "Lo, it´s so sad... anyway they are all ancient nowadays."



04-21-06, 11:44
Nyuk nyuk Sporadic - good one. Okay, maybe I made that bit up too. Or maybe I didn't. Only the two Kyrgy gals and I will ever know the truth. (They looked delicious). How long I've lived so close to Rattlesnake and didn't know it was a happening place (with a pool-table!) Damn.
PS - I see in today's paper that Brad made it into the "world's 100 unsexiest list" due to bad hygeine. Tsk tsk.

04-21-06, 13:28

Can any one recommend me where to get Indian / Pakistani girls in Dubai?

Where are the best pick ups etc, . Has any one got any good contacts and numbers etc

Any info on mujra clubs etc.



04-21-06, 14:58
Crypton - fiction? Only the names have been changed to protect ... Okay, I made up the bits about the barman and the tear in the girl's eye - but they should have happened. ;)

Can't find PM, please re-send. I'll be there from May 23, InshAllah.

Nooooo... I am afraid I didn't make myself clear. I did not say what you wrote was fiction - only that you have the requisite talent to write fiction ;). I saw your pics - you are a deadringer for Brad anyhow!

Will send PM today.


04-22-06, 03:16
What I ment was information - best places, what a bar like on a certain night, scams, GF hotels etc. NOT contacts. I would only pass on a contact to someone I knew well with the girls explicit permission.Hey BC - exactly my point. Your post below is 100% my code about being cautious. Some zero posters get pissed at me for not giving them contacts, but so be it. Welcome back to this forum, it's good fun. (So the proxy works!)

Posted By Barcrawler 09-12-05:

I don't exchange contacts. I neither give or receive. I have had offers but I have declined them... If I know a guy well I may pass on a phone number if requested but I will ask the girl first ... A lot of girls are very cautious with good reason...

04-22-06, 06:47
Welcome back to this forum, it's good fun. (So the proxy works!)...I am not in Dubai at the moment but holed up in an oil town deep in the Sahara. Unfettered internet access being one of the few plus points! Proxies are a problem for me in Dubai as I always use a company network and the IT police have banned them.

Now on the the main point

I should make it back next week, so does any one know where I can find Dongans in Dubai? I need a contact for a Dongan girl.

Must be exactly 5ft 5 ins Tall.
34 C Rack and 22 inch waste.
22 Years 6 months old, I am flexable here plus or minus a few days.
No streach marks.
One small tatoo, not more than 5 cm long is permissable but it must be a gerbil.

We can't go to my place, I do not want to go to her place and I don't want to get an hotel room. Phone contact is impossible and I can not meet her in a bar.

I am desperate - Can anyone tell me where I can find this in Dubai

Mickey Rooney
04-22-06, 12:05

Can any one recommend me where to get Indian / Pakistani girls in Dubai?

Where are the best pick ups etc, . Has any one got any good contacts and numbers etc

Any info on mujra clubs etc.



But if you want a dead cert, with a drop dead gourgous Indian lady, try the Fantasia Hotel. I posted about it a while back.

Good luck


Mickey Rooney
04-22-06, 12:20
While completing my mission to buy a camera and fishnet stockings this evening (what's the problem? they're not for me), who should I bump into at the cash counter? The naughty Azertyuk, buying something almost as exotic. I can keep a secret Az. ;) Invited him to join us tonight, but he's flying out early morning. Next time.


Was she what I missed out on?!! damn, damn double damn! Hey Piper, I am getting the itch and need to scratch it. When could we do a double, Amazon style but with Pretty Woman looks?

I will need to do an 'overnight' in Qatar excuse...

04-22-06, 13:13
Was she what I missed out on?!! damn, damn double damn! Hey Piper, I am getting the itch and need to scratch it. When could we do a double, Amazon style but with Pretty Woman looks?

I will need to do an 'overnight' in Qatar excuse...
Az - she was fine, a little unusual looking, moody and it turns out very thin. But overall she was friendly and good wild service. She was happily posing for many lingerie and action shots, even suggesting some poses, then she got a little cranky about the pics, so I stopped, then she wanted more pics later. Work it out. When she was in a cranky moment she threatened to cut badboy off. She was joking of course (umm, I hope). I decided not to let her stay the night. I wouldn't have slept too well.

Kapitan and I met at Rattlesnake just after 11pm. It was Friday night, and the selection was very poor. Mainly PRC and African, and only a few CIS. We headed to Regal and York around midnight. Okay selection, but crowded with way too many guys in both places.

Kapitan had an early morning coming up, so around 130am he used his sensible head and went home. I also had an early morning, but I'm not sensible, plus I'd been holding out for some Friday night fun, so I stayed on.

At York, I spoke to an old fave - a petite Uzbeki girl who briefly had her way with me in the swimming pool one hot night, wrapping her little arms and legs around me and riding me, before I came to my senses and took her up to the boudoir. Took her number and said I might call later. At Regal, I saw a few gals I was interested in. One stunning Hungarian gal. I spoke with her for about 15 minutes trying to break her 1000 LT opening bid down to 500 or 600 ST. In a firm manner, she gave me a long story about how she never goes short time, she lives in a rich part of Jumeirah, she's not cheap, if I want her it's 1000 DH end of story. She lost me when she said "and look at my 2,000 Dirham shoes". My shoes cost 300 Dirhams, so clearly I was out of her league. Not the best attitude, but I'm sure she gets her price.

I was in the mood for a buxom gal, so I don't know why I chose the skinny gal in the pics. Had a chat and she was nice enough and agreed to 350ST plus 100 possible tip. Had a good time and she got the tip. Still itching for a buxom gal.

04-22-06, 18:22
... does any one know where I can find Dongans in Dubai? I need a contact for a Dongan girl.

Must be exactly 5ft 5 ins Tall.
34 C Rack and 22 inch waste.
22 Years 6 months old, I am flexable here plus or minus a few days.
No streach marks.
One small tatoo, not more than 5 cm long is permissable but it must be a gerbil.

We can't go to my place, I do not want to go to her place and I don't want to get an hotel room. Phone contact is impossible and I can not meet her in a bar.

I am desperate - Can anyone tell me where I can find this in DubaiBC - Piper's Pretty Women has exactly the right girl for you. A pretty young thing from Donganstan. She has all your specifications except for one. Her gerbil is not a tattoo - it's the real thing. Only used once.

04-22-06, 20:00
we are 2 belgian girls, 32 years and 25 years old. beautiful blond girls,blue eyes,perfect body and mine, educated , speeking english, french and dutch.we are in dubai on 15th till 22th may, hilton jumeirah. if you want a night full surprises and sensuality, drop us a mail. kisses where you like, anne & fanny.

i just dropped them a line...
i just got an answer. anne is coming without fanny. if i agree to 9,000dh a night, she will send me her photos. seriously.

hmmm. should i? i dunno, i dunno. as barcrawler said on the other forum, she obviously doesn't know the dubai market prices. 9000dh is over 20 dubai gals that you can actually meet and chat to before deciding.

she knows the prices now - here's my reply:


--- anne xxxxxxxxx wrote:

> thanks for your answer [piper]. i will be alone,
> fanny cannot come... maybe i
> tell you the rate first... 9000 aed for a night...
> if you agree i send you
> pictures of me and we can book a night together...
> hope to hear more from
> you. kiss. anne

hi anne, no offence intended, but that is very
expensive by dubai standards. there are thousands of
beautiful young women here for 500 dirhams all night
to 1000 dirhams all night (exquisite).

extra-special women - eg beautiful young western
european women may get 1,500 a night.

anyway, i'm just being honest with you. maybe there
is a niche market for your service. all the best , [piper]

04-22-06, 20:34
I replied to this ad and just got an answer. Anne is coming without Fanny. If I agree to 9,000DH a night, she will send me her photos. Seriously. .She obviously does not RTFF.

Is she worth

30 sessions with Tubbys "Thai" Massage girl.
18 All nighters with a reasonably priced York / Rocafellas girl
9 All nighters with a cyclone A list.

Makes you wonder. I can see asking that sort of cash in Europe - Many London Escorts ask £1500 all night, but in Dubai?? I wonder how much she knows about the place?

Mickey Rooney
04-23-06, 07:23
... then she got a little cranky about the pics, so I stopped, then she wanted more pics later. Work it out. ....

Sounds like that S from the party in AD. Ever the diplomat to get what you wanted. The prefect Mongateer!


Wicked Roger
04-23-06, 13:00
Az - she was fine, a little unusual looking, moody and it turns out very thin. But overall she was friendly and good wild service. She was happily posing for many lingerie and action shots, even suggesting some poses, then she got a little cranky about the pics, so I stopped, then she wanted more pics later. Work it out. When she was in a cranky moment she threatened to cut badboy off. She was joking of course (umm, I hope). I decided not to let her stay the night. I wouldn't have slept too well.


In answer to the PM, am around just very busy ...sometimes I have to work. Back in harness, so to speak next week, MK may visit the capital or I may come and see the Regal, Rattlesnake etc.

Thin - very skinny and not at all what I thought you would like! As for the chopping off badboy, I would like to be a fly on the wall to see that explained to Miss Wildcat :)

Nice pics as always, lets get you down here again to use the new camera!


04-23-06, 17:09
Makes you wonder. I can see asking that sort of cash in Europe - Many London Escorts ask £1500 all night, but in Dubai?? I wonder how much she knows about the place?There is another market segment in DXB that should be considered, the Mak-mobile riding locals will part with serious cash on a whim. I know of two girls who got a gig servicing big wigs on a yacht who were paid that kind of money.

Way out of my league, hope they have fun.

My Kapitan
04-23-06, 17:20
When she was in a cranky moment she threatened to cut badboy off. She was joking of course (umm, I hope). I decided not to let her stay the night. I wouldn't have slept too well.

Phew looks like I had a lucky escape when I took her a couple of years ago! Maybe not so crazy then as she had only just arrived in town.
Still had the scary eyes - definately a beer goggles night - as often said they are paid to leave!

04-23-06, 19:43
Phew looks like I had a lucky escape when I took her a couple of years ago! Maybe not so crazy then as she had only just arrived in town. Still had the scary eyes - definately a beer goggles night - as often said they are paid to leave!ROTFL - seriously. I'm glad I'm not the only one who fell for her sweet and innocent smile. But she's far from innocent. She made me dog tired. ;)

Wicked Roger
04-24-06, 06:13
But she's far from innocent. She made me dog tired. ;)
But she was with Mr Innocent of Dubai who naturally thought that wahtever she did and suggested was wicked, evil, dirty and disgusting :)

As for being dog tired, was that the combination of vodka and painkillers again, out of shape or just lots of shagging Piper! But given how skinny and petite she is, lots of shagging could break a few bones. See you guys soon


04-24-06, 22:42
I promise I won't make a habit of posting ads from expatriates.com. If I do, slap me. But I cannot resist this one:

From: lslapnutz@xxxxx
Date: Friday, April 21, 2006. Category: Men Seeking Women. Region: Dubai

I am lookin for a nice looking lady to slap my face. If u think u can slap me hard, then plz send me an email. I am ready to pay for it. I am sure u will enjoy this as much as I will.

Judging by his email address, I think he wants more than his face slapped.

04-26-06, 00:54
I am not contributor to this forum, but used to live in Dubai and Qatar in the late 70's early 80's. I have travelled back occasionally without knowing about this forum. I may have to travel back in late May early June possibly having to stay at the Royal Mirage. I see there is a club in the Arabian Palace section the ‘Kasbah’, is this good for our hobby? If so I will stay in the AP section. I have searched the forum with no luck on this.

If the RM is no good I will try to switch to another hotel you have mentioned on the Forum possibly were the Jules bar is, again is this place any good?

Thanks for your help/advice.


04-26-06, 08:32

You've travelled this region for 36 years and just discovered ISG?! YOu should have seen this forum in 1970. ;)

Yes there is some (high-price) action at Kasbah, but you'll have to tune-up the WG radar to spot them in between the non-WGs.

RM/Kasbah is at one end of town (near media city), while Jules Bar is way across the other side of town near the airport, and can be an hour's drive away. Since you don't have specific enquiries, I recommend you just read the last 300 pages of the Dubai and hotels thread. But seriously, scan through and you'll get some easy tips. This is my polite way of saying "read the friendly forum".

Ever Ready
04-26-06, 09:45
I can give him the number of my ex-wife, she was pretty damn wicked at it...!

From: lslapnutz@xxxxx
Date: Friday, April 21, 2006. Category: Men Seeking Women. Region: Dubai

I am lookin for a nice looking lady to slap my face. If u think u can slap me hard, then plz send me an email. I am ready to pay for it. I am sure u will enjoy this as much as I will.

04-26-06, 19:27

Thanks for the update I could not find anything in the forum on the Kasbah. In my time The tallest building was the Trade Centre, my office was on the 32 floor. The main bar was the Red Lion in the Metropolitan also well used bar at the Rugby club. Main club was Studio Seven in the International (now the Le Meridien airport). Bars shut at 2pm on Friday opening again at 7pm and you needed a liquor license to get drink at home. We had to go to Sharjah to the Red Rum or Bangkok Celler if you wanted a drink on Friday afternoon. The country Club the main expat club and pool elite membership, yes with a sand golf course the only course in Dubai. The only action in town was a little Lebanese and indian in Karama and one English Girl (Stunner) in the Hilton appartments @ $1000 per hour, with them waiting in car in the parking lot. The Al Burg was the Chicago beach hotel with the village next door to it, hey I must be old I am writing all our yesterdays. You don't know what you have. If I get out it would be good to meet!


Mike De H
04-26-06, 20:01
Alright, I admit it, thisis notreally about Dubai and has no business here. I just want to post in a more active thread than the boring FKK threads on ISG. Hopefully, that flattery will stop too much flaming – so here goes…

Hhhhmmmmmmm, Ahhhhhhhhh. Just the feeling of walking through this friendly little club. You relax, and even more so than the sex, you are looking forward to sinking a few cold ones in the sunny big garden with your feet up AFTER sex. After the sauna and the sweating and the three glasses of Appelsapft, with no mobile phone and still with several hundred Euros in your pocket for your early evening recovery.

You always seem to find someone who speaks English to talk to as well. Unlike World, which can be a little insular unless you bring your friends along with you, GT always seems very congenial. Usually the Girls are not so fluent in English, but those that are give far more than their Frankfurt counterparts once you can establish that quintessential “connection”.

Generally, the more prostitutes I visit, the more I get to know these lovely women, the better I get at sex (and yes, how can you fail to do anything but improve) and the better the sessions are getting. A few hundred girls later and basically its more hit than miss these days. I always was a slow learner though ;-)

Recently I have been writing a lot about Dubai, which is a very different scenario and I recently had my best ever “real” GFE sex. In GT I think this Sunday I had my best ever “simulated” GFE sex.

To explain, the girls in Dubai are often not doing the job as a career choice to earn lots of dosh. Quite often for them, it is simple survival. That can produce some fairly amateurish and unenthusiastic performances. More often than not, however, the true secret of Dubai is that it can produce some very charming, almost rustic, realistic and loving experiences. Until such time of course, that reality brings you down to a bump and you pay your money over and go your separate ways.

In GT you get a shade of this too, but the performances are always very polished and professional since the girls are not passport hunting and are not yet on the bottom rung of the ladder. Some have very good day jobs and as a result the “processors” are just not there in the same numbers as they are in the Frankfurt scene. They are also in it for the fun, the titillation, the extra money, the sex, the company, whatever.

Not all girls at GT of course are proper GFE. Not all kiss. But most do and if you ask, they will be honest about what they supply. This is why I say it is a different shade of GFE than Dubai. When you are with the girl, inside her, kissing her, clinching her, you cannot really tell the difference, except in small ways. Maybe the GT girl is a little more vocal, making all the right noises, maybe she is not looking at you with puppy dog eyes hoping you will invite her for breakfast or pay for her taxi so she can escape the grim reality of her tentative existence in Dubai. Then of course, you never escape the feeling of “fucking on the clock”. Well, two hours with a girl is only €125, so that is plenty of time to get over that one.

The catch at GT? Well, it’s a locals club even though more and more international travellers, Brits, Americans, Dutch especially are coming to GT. The line-up of girls is good, the prices are excellent. The girls are quite often just as naked as they are at the FKK clubs, and of course, the atmosphere simply rocks early evening.

This was my fist totally lonesome trip to GT. Fred had asked to go to GT with me, but when I got the train into Amsterdam and got to the hotel first thing Sunday morning, he cancelled on me. So I got the train down to Eindhoven on my own, which was a very painless journey and picked my car rental up from Eindhoven airport. Now, here’s a tip: The Hertz rental car via the Ryan Air we site is quite cheap, and so is the flight from Eindhoven to London Stanstead. The car from Dusseldorf (Weeze) airport is likewise even cheaper, but you have to go where the flights are being offered. Dusseldorf is really expensive right at the moment and the Easyjet service to Cologne is a bit hit and miss too. So basically its only one hour to GT from Eindhoven, which is also cheaper on petrol. The Etap hotel in Willich is delightfully close, much closer than the one in Dusseldorf I was using and so nice and convenient I see no better place to get your head down. You can book on the net too.

My mission in the club was to wind up Gaston (The Gaffe) by getting some hot tub action and to merely get the most GFE like experience I could (My own current obsession).
Life always surprises and Sunday was no exception. My first choice was a pretty, girl next door type from Bulgaria called “Katjia”, who has only recently in the last few months had a baby and left it in Bulgaria to come and Work in GT.

Like all new girls in GT she was pretty much ignored and on her own. From what I understand from my next choice (Agata from Poland) GT is hard on the Girls as newbies. Palace being the nicest to work as a first-timer and World being a bit frosty also. This was especially true according to Agata twelve months ago, when the Rumanian mafia literally was that, making other East European girls feel very unwelcome at times.

However, I digress. The girl Katjia was intriguing to me. She had no English at all, but sometimes that can be fun. Like playing Charades is fun. A few lightly dragged fingernails scratching the inside of your thigh soon makes you realise there is only one language of lurve baby!

She had bush-baby eyes and thin legs and she just had to go to the Zimmer. I asked in my bad German if she kissed, just to make sure, and off we went.

I have to say the session was great, but not because I got what I wanted. I didn’t. What I got was no GFE at all really. The kissing was light pecks on the lips, the body, when unclothed was truly not good. Her baby really took its toll on her I am afraid. The tits sagged and had that “empty” feeling, the belly still had that saddle-bag of fat and the stretch marks showed definite signs of a stomach underneath them somewhere.

She was great. 20 minutes and straight come inside. Nice recovery time after. She was good, kind angd professional and most of all; she was really pretty in the face. My ejaculatory incompetence is definitely cured now. All that matters is you really fancy the girl and (on the first session at least) provided a little bit of MSB is created beforehand through abstinence (well, it is lent) and the session is good and the girl passionate and patient in her responses.

For the second session I wondered if it was possible for me to go with the same girl twice and repeat the performance. Normally I can’t but I decided to push it. Actually, I tried and althoguht she was just as nice, I couldn’t wuite manage it. Her manual finish though was really good and her hair got sprayd. Still, God bless the girl, she didn’t charge me extra for that. Try getting away with that one at Palace LOL.

After that, the best bit of the night. A glass of complimentary champagne for that happy buzz, then chat with the locals (including some Indian Guys) and sink a few free cold ones from the fridge, followed by sauna and sleep on the sofas outside in the spring sunshine.

The food was not as good as it had been. The queue however, was the highlight as I got talking to a tall cheeky German blonde with excellent English. As I congratulated her by saying her English was much better than my few German words she brought me straight donw to Earth with a “well I certainly hope so!”. Cheeky cow. She looked just like a big Sarah Michelle Gellar too. Same nose. I thought of going with her, but she was too tall to pretty and I thought, stick with the girls that give a good session and don’t go for looks.

At this time, It was into the hot-tub. No girls L. As soon as I got out, the girls got in. I wonder if that tells me something? A little later on in the night, I was thinking about the Gaffe, as an army of hotties stripped off en-masse and raided the hot tub, sitting on every guy in there in site. You know what? It worked. Also, there was a near miss, when a pleasant tall German blonde, who had spoke to me earlier in the night, commiserating with me (or taking the [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140)) about my lack of Deutsche. Shhe stripped off and got in the tub and started deep kissing some fat old German Businesman. How wrong could I be about her services being less than perfect? To cap it all, she saw the young guy next to her looking jealous, so whilst on the old guys knee, she then snogged the young guy and obviously loved it. Dirty AND cheeky cow. That was me with a hard one and it capped her night to see me exit from the tub hiding my manhood. Well, I am still English you know. One has to have standards!

The third session blew me away. Sex, as I said just gets better and better. I chose my professional GFE girl, a slightly chunky built Agata from Poland. Apparently she is quite a hit with the British lads that go to GT, but alas, they will be sad to know, she retired that night. I was her last customer. If you have her number, she may do some private escorting but that’s it.

I have no regrets. It was great PSE come GFE. I ended up fucking her twice and talking away and I did a two hour session. We did everything, and the fun and the passion and the connection between us was unbelievable. Unlike my recent catch in Dubai though, there was no pretence that this was anything but business. Just good clean fun with a girl that gives 100%.

This girl was interesting to talk to. She told me all about working as a new girl in different places, why she chose to work in GT and why Polish guys are ugly (except her brother LOL). If she cones back, give her a visit. Blonde, Stunning face, filthy as fuck! What more can I say.


My Kapitan
04-27-06, 08:57
just returned from our most unfriendly ME country. (bTW ultra surf works fine there).

Arrived 0045hrs a little late however Emirates made up for it with the excellent chauffeur service, that combined with the E card meant I was home for 0130 and in the regal at 0145hrs !

First spotted Miss K. Very very drunk. She was talking to 2 UK guys who were obviously inexperienced at the game and were making the normal immature 'corr look at that I think she loves me cos I'm a real stud' type comments. Yawn.

They stalled on price and Miss k was in no state to negotiate. She turned to me and came over for a very sincere embrace. Talked to her for a while and she drank quite a lot of my beer. Severely pissed. Miss S was looking out for her and cancelled my drink order for Miss k.

I decided to leave her to it. A hard decision, but she would probably not be much use for the first session and I had a MSB to loose off.

Did the tour. Going in at 2am sober is a good plan, girls are both a little drunk and anxious to get business. Most were opening at 500 not 1K. Several new blondes in place but none that grabbed my attention. Until Miss D appeared.

Small - very small, great rack. not that attractive but OK. Usual Kak Zavoots etc (her English was poor) and we got going. Opened at 600 negotiated to 400 all night, photos and a promise/hint of backdoor.

Left with her and was immediately rung (on the stairs) by Miss k. Wait I come with you. Sorry baby I'm busy unless you are up for group sex. Crazy blat!

Miss d was excellent. GFE. Missionary, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, doggie. Break.
BBBJ but too short. more doggie then anal. Got rid of the MSB in the missionary position, unusual for me but hey it had been a week! Great tits and almost blonde!!

Similar moves at 0500 during prayers and again at 1000 before she left. ran her back to new Spinneys. Pics on the pic thread shortly.

WR et al - she is a party girl. Used to live in AD. Up for a party - 3up but no G on G. I reckon she would go for 500 as she would like to see AD again and meet old girlfriends. No boss. Fun.


04-27-06, 12:08
Kap - looks like you found a gem!

I've been eating too many oysters lately. Can only spare a night or two each week for fun, so I've been pent up! Had some fun with three gals over various stages of last night.

First girl was a tiny cute Indian gal (finally!) She's a gem too. Has a full-time job, dabbles on the side. A little too cuddly, but not too bad. Pretty face and cute giggles. Very very affectionate. I want her again tonight, but too much work to do.

After she left at midnight, the second girl resulted from a quick trip to Rattlesnake. Wild and tasty Chinese sweetie with a beautiful face - great bone structure. Sounds cliche, but it's true. Great personality and delicious.

After she left at 230am, third gal resulted from her 9 missed calls while I was romping with the wild Chinese beauty. The calls were from Miss Big Milky Hooters who I met last week. I was hoping the calls would be from Love It who I spoke to earlier in the night. Love It was busy when I called and said she'd call back later. Miss Milky was okay, and great to play with. She left 11am today.

More to the story of the Indian cutie, but I may post about that later. Next time she comes she will be in a sari. Yum.

Hundreds of pics. I've posted a few.

04-27-06, 13:47
I heard from a Gal I am keeping in touch by e-mail that the African girls are banned from the TGIT.
Apparently some of them were standing outside in the street trying to get customers there. The LE did not like it and fined the pub 25,000 dhs.
Now the managers don't let them in any more.
I wonder if that is temporary.
Any advise where this gal should move now?
She and the other TGIT African regular do not know where to go now.


04-27-06, 14:24
I heard from a Gal I ...that the African girls are banned from the TGIT. Any advise where this gal should move now? She and the other TGIT African regular do not know where to go now.RedRB, with all due respect my friend, do they really not know where to go? There are dozens of places in Dubai where they could work. I'm sure they've heard of them. York, Garage ... the list would be very long.

04-27-06, 14:33
RB, with all due respect my friend, do they really not know where to go? There are dozens of places in Dubai where they could work. I'm sure they've heard of them. York, Garage ... the list would be very long.

Hi Piper,
I agree, they surely know. My question was where Africans are well accepted and have more chances for business.

BTW We are all waiting to see how good is your new camera...

04-27-06, 14:44
Hi Piper,
I agree, they surely know. My question was where Africans are well accepted and have more chances for business. Well: York, Garage ... ;)

BTW We are all waiting to see how good is your new camera... Watcha waiting for? A few samples have been posted. Better lighting than the old kodak, but slower reloading.

04-27-06, 18:44
In town for a bit of business and a lot of play. It's been months since I've been here to monger, even though I live nearby. I've aborted a couple of trips before when I ran into a solid wall of full hotels or 4-digit room prices.

I stayed at the Towers Rotana, which I'll report on separately in the hotel section.

Sunday night (Regal and York)

For those of you driving yourselves keep in mind that parking meters don't have to be fed after 9 pm, although there is discussion about changing this. I like to park around the corner from Regal, roughly across the street from Starbucks.

I got to Regal around 10:20. From then until around 11 seemed to be a good window, not too many guys around yet but a good selection of girls. Very few of the girls make any advances, it's up to you to make your move. The better looking ones have definite attitude. I was only in a window shopping mood at this point but I'll definitely aim for this time if I'm looking to close a deal.

By the way it's worth going here just for the band from South Africa

So across to York. There was a pretty good selection I thought, especially among the Chinese, also some Africans. And is there an increased contingent of Turkish women these days? Maybe they've given up on the EU and decided to join the Dubai party? And is it me or is there a lot less of the hard sell than there used to be? I only got groped/followed a couple of times. Maybe I'm getting so ugly that even the WGs are backing off.

In the end I settled on the first girl I saw, a cute, slim 29-year old Chinese named Jenny. But not before I told her to wait a while as I looked around the place. I was tempted by others but eventually came back to her. We settled on 500 all night.

She was a good GFE, groping shower together, nice hand job, blow job and then all kinds of positions. We had agreed on all night but I let her go early at about 3 so I could sleep before the work I had to do that day.

Monday night (Seaview and...well that's as far as I got)

Easy to park out front at about 11. If it hasn't been said here before you get to the bar through a non-descript door at the back left corner of the hotel lobby. There is a small sign saying 'Mariner Bar' or something like that pointing the way. After that you go through another door, turn right and then you'll see the doormen to the bar.

The band here is also good, but they seem a little worn compared to before. They could probably use a little vacation. Also the synthesiser keyboard setup needs a tuneup or something. It was a bit klangy.

Right away when I came in I noticed my idea of an African princess at one of the tables. I decided to hold off on talking to her in the interests of playing the field. But it wasn't long before she came over and broke the ice between us by telling me she was going to eat me. I said I would happily return the favor. So going with her was a foregone conclusion but we stayed around for one set of the band and dancing.

The princess went by the name of Esse, from Ghana. About 5 foot 7 (170 cm), tight body. The only problem was a bit of B.O., something which seems to often plague West Africans. I had to toss her in the shower before any action. Again, we agreed on 500.

Blow job was even better than the Chinese one the night before. Very passionate kind of GFE. This time I kept her all night and for continued morning action. We both went away happy.

A couple of crappy cell phone pics to be posted. Forgot my real camera, dammit.

04-27-06, 19:22
Right away when I came in I noticed my idea of an African princess at one of the tables. I decided to hold off on talking to her in the interests of playing the field. But it wasn't long before she came over and broke the ice between us by telling me she was going to eat me. ... The princess went by the name of Esse, from Ghana. About 5 foot 7 (170 cm), tight body. The only problem was a bit of B.O., something which seems to often plague West Africans. I had to toss her in the shower before any action. Again, we agreed on 500.
Great report Mahku - fun times were had! I remember Esse at Seaview a few weeks ago. She's gorgeous. Gave me a nice backrub as we chatted, and gave me a hard on. It was late and I suggested we go back to her place for a very short time (I had to get home), but it turned out she lives in Baraha, too far away.

Africans and B.O. I had a couple of African gals (students) sharing house when I was a student. They showered every day, but I could still notice an odor. I'm sure they thought the same about this white fella. Different races different odors.

04-27-06, 22:32
Alright, I admit it, thisis notreally about Dubai and has no business here. I just want to post in a more active thread than the boring FKK threads on ISG. Hopefully, that flattery will stop too much flaming – so here goes…Mike, since no-one has commented after all your hard work writing a detailed report, I will. Great report - makes me want to try the FKK clubs one day, but I tend to avoid Western Europe in my travels nowadays. I also posted misadventures from Amsterdam etc here, as Dubai is my home and I missed my forum friends here (sniff), but then they slapped me on the wrist for posting non-Dubai reports (more sniff, but fair enough). Why not post it on the FKK threads? - If they're boring, you'll liven 'em up!

My Kapitan
04-28-06, 00:33

Great report succint. Jennifer ah now theres a name from my past... noted she was still around last time in the York with P1.

other matters...

Was on a 0145 plan tonite followibg last nights gem. disaster. overslept and arrived regal 0235. Full arab - drunk arab. crap.

oh well try agian tonight. Stopped at jockies on way home (desperate or what?) even crapper if that is possible. Weekends suck.

O back in two weeks - save me baby....

04-28-06, 09:38
Hello guys,

Not really a field report, but some stuff I would like to share. I dont really write too many since I don't usually change the girl I go with whenever I visit Dubai.

Well, first thing is about a monger who is the lowest of the low. The girl I usually go with turned up as usual and she was in a bad mood. Reason? She was robbed by a client. She was carrying money for her visa renewal and decided to go with a guy on the last day, left the next day morning and when she reached her house, finds her purse cleaned up. How do you like that? Of course, has no relevance to this section, but just thought you guys would like to know about some people who have no sense of good behaviour.

Now about York. It seems the girls are drifting away from York (unless she is chinese or african, that is) I am talking of russians and istanis. They seem to think regal is a better bet. Is it so? York going downhill? I aint been there for a while now. this was from my regular who used to be at york mostly.

Well, as a tailpiece, I had a two day stay at Dubai. Same girl, excellent GFE as usual. Turns up at 6 evening both days, stays on till 8ish in the morning. No backdoor, but then I dont do that myself either. Name is Z, from tajikistan. I really should get her to pose for some pix, she is the shy type, as far as pix go; otherwise....far from it.

Must say that the scene in dubai is far far better than from Bahrain, where I am based. The GFE aspect in dubai is far better. Yea, they are here for money, but u get some real gems once in a while.

Please dont flame, I just needed to get that off my chest. Will be back next month, will try and write a proper field report then. I have a newbie with me then, might make for some entertaining situations?



Member #1071
04-28-06, 13:07
finally could connect to this forum bypassing itisalat firewall using JAP, althoug the connection tends to be slow.
I heard from F that JSF is back in town, hi mate.
One MP I used to visit was closed don't know the reason, probably has to do with a crack on this place.
Found one new THAI place by calling a phone number in one of the English newspapers, about 12 ladies, three were ok. Total 250 AED.
Just grab the classified part of the newspaper look for the section Men's Interest, make some phone calls and you are on your way.

Mike De H
04-28-06, 19:39
Mike, since no-one has commented after all your hard work writing a detailed report, I will. Great report - makes me want to try the FKK clubs one day,

Thanks. I know however people are busy in offices and so on and this writing style is hard to read, especially if English is not your first Language. I am not the most composed of writers.

I am back there tomorrow night, you really must try it. Then in two weeks back to Heaven. Dubai.

My Kapitan
04-29-06, 21:43
Just got in from the regal. Much improved after the weekend madness.

Friday was as appalling as Thursday if not more so. Full of men and no band playing (neither the Rockets or the Paddington Station announcers). Met a mongering mate in there and he agreed the atmosphere was very very strange, he put it down to it being the end of the month. He was out and about on Wed night at Kasbar and Cyclone where all girls were opening at 2000! There was an investors conference at Shangri la which may explain the price and numbers of daft Brits around.

No sign of Miss d or Miss k on either night. Other friends were there (Lienna Irene etc) but nothing of interest. I had spent the afternoon in Waxys so i wasn't fit for fun anyway.

Tonight much better, fewer men and more girls. I'm not playing tonight - pressure of work et al.. Monday will be my next full outing.

Miss k was in place. Apparently she didn't work Wednesday (see earlier report) slept it off on Thursday and went to an all girl Irainian party last night. Tonight she was back on form. Had a long chat and received a bollocking for not taking her on Wed/thurs morning before her new -very pissed off beau- muscled back in from the rest room and virtually pushed me aside! Manners.. She is sober so the poor/lucky sod won't know what's hit him in the morning ha ha. Sincerely hope he has an early business meeting!


My Kapitan
04-29-06, 22:01
Now about York. It seems the girls are drifting away from York (unless she is chinese or african, that is) I am talking of russians and istanis. They seem to think regal is a better bet. Is it so?

I really should get her to pose for some pix

Please dont flame


Discerning report well written and no need to flame. I agree about York while P1 is the king of York I do not like the grabbing style of the Africans or the persistance of the Chinese. If i want the girl I will make the move.

PM when in town if u want a beer.

Regal is pure CIS with a few Chinese creeping in under the disguise of Stanis.

Yeah - get that camera working - they love it once over the initial shyness barrier.

04-29-06, 22:57
.. I agree about York - while P1 is the king of York I do not like the grabbing style of the Africans or the persistance of the Chinese. Kap and Discerning - I also agree. York went downhill fast about two years ago. I rarely go there anymore, just the occasional quick look. In fact I rarely go anywhere nowadays. Working 16 hours days to meet deadlines limits my nights out, and my mojo! Gotta do something about that. Meanwhile the Regal King is out almost every night - lucky bugger.

2,000 DH at Cyclone. Sheesh.

04-30-06, 08:40
Well, looks like this is becoming a series now. anyway, matter at hand is about the free visa workers (sic) It seems most of the younger crowd among the russian bloc are here sans visas. I am pretty sure it is true, going by the experiences i have had, as well as what I am told by my regular. She is here for a while and she should know.

Just a word of caution to the guys, a friend of mine had the misfortune of getting caught red handed (maybe wrong choice of words) with one such lady. Ok, the girl was pretty, but it seems that wont count if the visa is absent. Anyway, he was left with an empty room and the girl got a ticket back home. Needless to add, he never read the hotel thread.

Back in dubai on 6th May, maybe a field report then. I need to look for new pastures, my regular is getting too cute, she wants to go to the beach, movies etc. Not a great idea, considering the fact that I have to look after my reputation (whatever is left of it, that is)



04-30-06, 09:16
PM when in town if you want a beer.

Yeah - get that camera working - they love it once over the initial shyness barrier.

Hmm, I might take you up on that beer, if I do get out and into regal, thats where u live, going by your reports? lol.

Btw, its not shyness, in my opinion, she is somewhat conservative, and not too happy to have her pictures splashed on the net. Anyway, one can but try.

04-30-06, 14:41
Hi guys,

Got some time today to post some information. Last week a friend was in town and wanted some action. He usually calls up Jameela from E's place. And since she is a regular with him he normally sends her an sms advising her to be available when he arrives. Well seems he did that this time too. But the manager at E's place had some other plans for J and when J protested the manger went balistic. Ego hurt I think. " Why the guy not call the boss direct?
Why he try to book girl on the sly?" Those were the questions thrown at me when I called on his behalf to see if J could make the rendevouz. No luck. The manager would not budge.

So I asked her to send over Daniella. I had seen the girl on my last trip there and was impressed with her looks and attitude although I had not partaken of the goodies on that trip. Had just gone to introduce a friend there.

Daniella arrived at the hotel room around 9 ish and from then until around 10 I and my friend just tried to keep up with her good natured chatter. In between she kept getting off her chair and comin up to me and giving me a hug. Guess my solitary visit to introduce my friend to E's house a couple of weeks back had impressed the girl. Or maybe E walking in when I was leaving and giving me a hug and kisses impressed Daniella about me ;)

The next day morning I got a sms from my buddy telling me he had the most incredible night. The only downside was that the young lady would not go to sleep as she wanted to watch TV when my buddy was not being frisky. Her stance was that if you dont want to utilise the facilities available (herself) she would most certainly do (the tv). My buddy let her have her way and went to sleep around 4. That makes me think. From around 10 to 4 they did not have time to watch TV. :)

My buddy again arrived yesterday on his way back from europe and as usual sent off an sms to Jameela. Yet again the manager refused to send J. He asked me to intervene again. I called and was told in no uncertain terms that calling the girls direct was a No No. I apologised on his behalf and asked the manger to send over Ilyana. She duly arrived. A very pretty young thing. A bit shy in talking as she has not mastered the english language. But according to my friend the Service was equally as good. But given a choice he would pick Daniella over Ilyana only because of her speaking skills.

Both these girls are great in service and on my list. Last night hooked up with Ohio29 at the york. Man this place has certainly gone downhill. Tried to entice Piper to come join us to liven up the situation. But he had his head buried in some reports and could not make it. We both tried to make the best of the situation but it was beyond us. Decided to move on to F's house and Ohio wanted a taste. Went over and surprise surprise. Nana was back. And also an old favourite from the good ole Al Baraha days. Albina was in residence. Brought back some good memories. She has put on some weight and has a couple of love handles. But this girls, Albina, is one of the sweetest natured girls I have come across. She is genuinely good natured. Not like most who are professionally good natured. Dont know what I am trying to say but I hope you guys get my meaning.

Anyways as soonas I got there all the girls wanted me to take Nana and check out the bedding. . I was in two minds. I like Nana a lot. But I also like Albina a lot and was not sure which one to go for. In the end F just grabbed my hand, shoved me into the bedroom and the other girls kicked Nana into the room.

It was a tremendously satisfying session. For both I must add (blush)..

Hope Albina is around the next time I go there.. That one is one of my all time favourites.


04-30-06, 15:45
...york ... Man this place has certainly gone downhill. Tried to entice Piper to come join us to liven up the situation. But he had his head buried in some reports and could not make it. JSF - good to see you're keeping up reports about the "houses". Some of the gals sound very tempting indeedy.

Yep, buried in work lately, but finished a big job 6am this morning, three hours before deadline. Time to reward myself. After a beauty nap, I might hit town late tonight.

05-01-06, 17:57
Hi All,

Just wanted to know if this hotel is GF

Sheraton Jumeirah Beach Resort & Towers
Al Sufouh Road
P.O. Box 53567



05-01-06, 19:22
Just received an email with nude and face pics from the 9,000DH Belgian escort. I didn't expect to hear from her after telling her that her rates are shy-high. I'd put her at 7/10 and 700DH. Should I make an offer?

05-01-06, 22:00
Met up with Kap at Regal last night, saw his new busty blonde (nice). Hadn't slept much the previous few days, to meet a killer deadline, so I wasn't in the mood for a few rounds of sports-shagging. Instead I wanted a good strong massage, so the answer was clear: a couple of Chinese girls from York to give me a good oily massage (and a little extra love and care).

Mission accomplished.

400DH for both, with great oily masage - four hands all over me (and elbows and knees and tongues and tits ...). Then they took advantage of my vulnerability and forced me to do unspeakable things with them. They left at midday today after I slept sandwiched between them. They asked for more money as they left because they ended up staying long-time. I reminded them that it was they who had asked if they could sleep the night with me. Still, I gave 100 tip for the good service.


While checking out Chinatown in York, I was chatting with a mate who was with another guy and two asian girls. I mentioned they look pretty, for York Chinese girls. He told me they were actually Filipinas. Never seen Filipina WGs in York before. They looked more Indonesian, but who knows.

Overall, quality in York still not great. Maybe it was just my lack of mojo. I saw the sexy tiny young Russian blonde who I've been wanting for weeks. She clearly wanted a customer and was giving me "the look", but I couldn't be bothered.

05-01-06, 22:26
Hi All,

Just wanted to know if this hotel is GF

Sheraton Jumeirah Beach Resort & Towers
Al Sufouh Road
P.O. Box 53567



You really should read the reports of distinction forum mate.

Seriously bad form.

05-01-06, 22:29
Just received an email with nude and face pics from the 9,000DH Belgian escort. I didn't expect to hear from her after telling her that her rates are shy-high. I'd put her at 7/10 and 700DH. Should I make an offer?

Well, I suppose there is someone, somewhere who will pay her price. Possibly Prague1 would be interested. Him or good old Zaz99, though I admit she does not look very subcontinental.

05-02-06, 04:29
So, thanks to this board and the great reports, I stayed at Jumeirah Rotana over the weekend and had a good time. I ended up going to Regal on Sunday night, which was packed with guys. I don't know, but the ratio that night wasnt that great (could be the fact that I went around 2am). Anyway, saw a great blonde girl who was rejecting everyone who had come up to her. Asked her for a light for my cig and made fun of the fact that she was rejecting all the drunk guys. That broke the ice. To cut a long story short, she opened with 700, I offered 400, settled on 500. Off to the hotel. Interestingly enough, at the Rotana you can ask the cabbie to go to the underground parking lot, which avoids the whole reception area. Was very convinient. In the room. Ms. Skinny (CIS from Ukraine) turned out to be miss anerexia. Too skinny for my liking. But anyway, started chatting did the deed. Nothing special to report. So the actually event wasnt such a great one. But the what was exciting about the encounter was the novelty of picking someone at a bar in dubai and taking them to a hotel. Now for some PRCs at york for my next interlude. This board has all the info for anyone willing to RTFF. Cheers.


Wicked Roger
05-02-06, 07:43
Met up with Kap at Regal last night, saw his new busty blonde (nice).

Hadn't slept much the previous few days, to meet a killer deadline, so I wasn't in the mood for a few rounds of sports-shagging.

Then they took advantage of my vulnerability and forced me to do unspeakable things with them.

He told me they were actually Filipinas. Never seen Filipina WGs in York before.


You and MK will soon have season tickets at the Regal and the York management will be complaining that you are no longer a regular :)

As for not wanting any shagging, well if that was off the menu what on earth were the unspeakable things you were forced to do? The pics clearly show that the Piper rose to the occasion! I would agree you are a vunerable chap, a virgin amongst all us mongers as the FRs will reveal :)

Filipinas? See very few in AD doing the rounds of 49ers etc, only see them (and I do see a lot at times I know) through private sources. But, you know me and (at least) some of my fetishes re Filipinas...... maybe next time am in Dubai for a weekend...

This weekend in AD, MK visiting for a business function in 49ers and Gauloises. I promised him a look (but no touching as not sure if safe!) of the darker side of AD - where the real ugly ones hang out IMHO but one or two reasonable looking CIS also hang out, as that is one of MK's fetishes (and I like to look after my mates!) :)


05-02-06, 09:24
Regal ... saw a great blonde girl who was rejecting everyone who had come up to her. I ... made fun of the fact that she was rejecting all the drunk guys. That broke the ice. To cut a long story short, she opened with 700, I offered 400, settled on 500. Ms. Skinny (CIS from Ukraine) turned out to be miss anerexia. Too skinny for my liking. AlexAlex, good to see a new reporter on the scene of the crime. Was the blonde on Sunday night very tall (around 6 feet), and standing at the bar behind Miss Skinny? I was tempted by the blonde, but as I mentioned to Kapitan, there was a guy standing with her most of the time (mediterranean looking guy - looked like an Alex to me. ;))

Yep, Miss Skinny was too skinny once the gift-wrapping came off. Still, an interesting experience to say the least.

WR back in the UAE - lock up your Filipina girlfriends!

Mike De H
05-02-06, 10:22
Today I found out why two days after my last report about going "gooey" in dubai, the Gitrl I went nuts about stopped calling - writing.

I just thought she was busy, catch up next time, move on yada yada.

Two days after submitting the report, she got arrested and two weeks in Jail. Now deported to Kyrgiztan (or however you spell it) where she is under arrest at the airport. It is a crininal offence there to be deported and caries a two year jail sentence.

I wonder if its the same girl (Lora) mentioned in Descerning's post.

Of course she can never go back to the UAE now, can she. Hopefully she will escape the two years in Kyrgyz. Why destroy such a young life? She hever hurt anybody.

So all that glitters in the UAE is not gold huh? I am gutted. Just came back from a great mongering trip in Germany too.

05-02-06, 13:37
It seems things are getting more difficult for WG's there.
To add something to Mike's report, see what my african friend wrote me today:

"Dubai is so difficult now, *** has just called me now and told me about the ladies who were caught yesterday. She told me that they are going to start going house to house today. they are going to start from Bur Dubai and end to Deira. All the ladies who were caught yesterday were coming from the York hotel and they were trying to get taxy to their home. Most of them are from Ethiopia and China. There was no lady from our country. They were 27 ladies. *** has just come back from home so she is also scared she does not go out anymore."

Any news in the local press about this? Do you think it is normal?


My Kapitan
05-02-06, 15:08
It seems things are getting more difficult for WG's there.
Any news in the local press about this? Do you think it is normal?


There was a report - copied on the forum a few weeks ago of a clamp down. This is quite normal. I have a little beautiful blonde non working friend in Golden Sands and when picking her up there are often a few SWs around but now they have all disappeared.

As I reported a couple of weeks ago girls were being picked off outside the Regal by the LE looking for valid visa's. can be turned to your advantage of course as the girls are not stopped if they have male company...

You and MK will soon have season tickets at the Regal and the York management will be complaining that you are no longer a regular

Actually I used to have a VIP card for the Regal but it has long since expired and they stopped the scheme. Shame I would be platinum plus by now.

Some other news - The band in the Regal changed last night, sadly the Rockets have been blasted back to South Africa. We will miss the female lead. replacements not nearly as good and tend toward reggie which is not my favorite genre. Think I have seen them before in Rockbottoms.

Quiet night last night, intended to take Miss k but she wouldn't budge under 500 (she still hasn't forgiven me for the freebie) and then she was busy later. Went over to the Seaview but it was really quiet and almost all black - no no no. Phoned a friend but Miss D's phone has been off for 2 days - another LE victim maybe?

05-02-06, 18:05
I wonder if its the same girl (Lora) mentioned in Descerning's post.Maybe maybe, the one I been seeing for a while also has her cell off. I wonder whether another victim? The one I mentioned was from Tajikistan though.

05-02-06, 18:06
Today I found out why two days after my last report about going "gooey" in dubai, the Gitrl I went nuts about stopped calling - writing.
... Now deported to Kyrgiztan (or however you spell it) where she is under arrest at the airport. It is a crininal offence there to be deported and caries a two year jail sentence.

Of course she can never go back to the UAE now, can she. Hopefully she will escape the two years in Kyrgyz. Why destroy such a young life? She hever hurt anybody.

So all that glitters in the UAE is not gold huh? I am gutted. Just came back from a great mongering trip in Germany too.
Mike - I can understand you being gutted as you spent so much time with her doing regular touristy and BF/GF things. If you're still in contact with her and want to help her out, about US$1,000 later she can be out of jail. Unfortunately, she'll probably be back in Dubai within a few weeks, risking the same again. I don't want to sound hard, but she is one of hundreds every month. It's a risky business in many ways.

Mike De H
05-02-06, 18:34
If you're still in contact with her and want to help her out, about US$1,000 later she can be out of jail. Unfortunately, she'll probably be back in Dubai within a few weeks, risking the same again.

I thought she would never be able to get back into the UAE. She will be on file and be blocked at the airport no?

As for the $1000, then yes, but not if she is going to be stupid and risk it again. No way!

05-02-06, 18:43
I thought she would never be able to get back into the UAE. Shewill be on file no?

As for the $1000, then yes, but not if she is going to be stupid and risk it again. No way!The big problem with re-entry is eye-scanning upon deportation (more accurate than finger printing), but a little baksheesh can make files mysteriously disappear.

With two different girls at two different times, I can remember getting desperate phone calls from jail and helped by meeting shady characters to pay "release fees" in dark side-streets at 2 or 3am. One girl took forever to pay my money back, the other one was arrested in exactly the same spot as her first arrest a week later and deported. Khallaas! (Enough!) I'm not a single man any more, so I'm in no position to help anymore. I now also avoid having regulars for obvious reasons.


On a brighter but somewhat contradictory note, I finally arranged a date for Thursday night with non-WG whose partner is overseas, and she knows I'm not single. We both discussed a "discrete relationship" which she cruelly re-interpreted as "a bit on the side". Okay, if you want to put it that way. :) Again, she looks good in the pic and sounds great on the phone. Only downside is when I sent her my pic, her only reaction was: "Not bad".

Or was it "Not Brad".

Will see if we connect. She was laughing a lot at my bad jokes, which is a good start. She also happens to live around the corner from me. Trouble brewin' ...

Wicked Roger
05-02-06, 19:54
She was laughing a lot at my bad jokes, which is a good start. She also happens to live around the corner from me. Trouble brewin' ...

Anyone who laughs at your jokes must be special in your eyes :)

Remember the old saying my friend "never shit on your own doorstep" (or same part of Dubai....)

See you soon, double date? PM me


05-02-06, 20:11

Anyone who laughs at your jokes must be special in your eyes :)

Remember the old saying my friend "never shit on your own doorstep" (or same part of Dubai....)

See you soon, double date? PM me

WR - I always laugh at my own jokes - that makes at least one. ;)

Yep I'm aware of the risk, but I'll take it nice'n'slow (as usual :)).

I haven't heard from the double-date girl for a week. This is a different girl - I received her first email yesterday.

05-03-06, 10:47
It would appear the "sweeps" are a bit more wide-ranging than normal.

An old friend (the way-too GFE Irina) was picked up, only for overstaying, no morals charges, spent two weeks in detention and was deported. Just got a call from Russia, she is home safe.

Another friend was picked up a few days ago, she stepped out of her building to hit the little store on the corner (phone card) and was stopped and asked for papers, guess what, she is now in jail. Her problems are complicated because some fine gentlemen took her passport upon her arrival last year.

Souces suggest she could enjoy up to 6 months in jail until the Russian embassy gets around to repatriating her. Swell.

Neither of these girls were working at the time, so the stories of it not being safe to walk the streets would appear to be true.

Barry D
05-03-06, 12:04
It would appear the "sweeps" are a bit more wide-ranging than normal.Is this just DXB, or AUH as well?

05-03-06, 14:27
Two days after submitting the report, she got arrested and two weeks in Jail. Now deported to Kyrgiztan (or however you spell it) where she is under arrest at the airport. It is a crininal offence there to be deported and caries a two year jail sentence. ... So all that glitters in the UAE is not gold huh? I am gutted. Not the FKK scene, huh? Unfortunately, you're seeing the dark underbelly of the "fun and frolic" nights. When you see her disappearing in the taxi, best to go into "out of sight, out of mind" mode; her reality outside of the "time with you" not fun to think about. As JSF mentioned elsewhere, exploited by all.

Most depressing cases are those of the freshly arrived, nowhere near paying off the debt incurred in getting here. As mentioned by BarCrawler, at least a double whammy - how do you explain to your family exactly "why" you left "the golden streets" of dxb and that well-paying "job"? Then tack on jail time back home... Like a movie set, disillusioning to look behind the facade.

As for the $1000, then yes, but not if she is going to be stupid and risk it again. No way! What choice? I have no real knowledge, but just something about it suggests that debts incurred to originally get here are not forgiven due to extenuating circumstances, especially if borrowed from "certain" people. That $30 USD per MONTH job back home just won't cut it...

She told me that they are going to start going house to house today. they are going to start from Bur Dubai and end to Deira. All the ladies who were caught yesterday were coming from the York hotel and they were trying to get taxy to their home. Most of them are from Ethiopia and China. There was no lady from our country. They were 27 ladies. ... Any news in the local press about this? Do you think it is normal?RB2: did confirm with a York fav that yes, a number of girls picked up other night from York. "Now, too many CID around".

While I don't think there will be a house-to-house search from Bur Dubai to Deira, I also don't believe the census results will ONLY be used for stats. And there are reasons why certain letters get published in newspapers. Cite on other forum from Khaleej Times, 1 May, quoted a police offical saying "more than 1,000 prostitutes were deported recently." I actually don't think that is an exaggeration.

In my years here, this is the most severe crackdown I've seen. Certainly before, there have been others: too many girls behind Imperial... too many girls behind Ramada... behind Spinneys (which just goes to show LE only moved the problem, not stamped it out). Ramadan... DSF (looks bad for the "civilian" visitors...) When this one was announced, in conjunction with "Year of Aids Awareness", I just thought "round up the usual suspects..."

But, for me, this is different. Besides the usual bar locations, houses are being targeted, and not just MP locations. Complaints from neighbors, too many girls seen leaving/arriving by govt "observers"... There ARE knocks on doors (so much for the safety of your own apartment). A-listers not really affected: they can afford the legit 3 year work visas, live in "low density" housing, pick and chose their customers... But the masses don't have those "luxuries". Bars are cautioning wg's to be discreet; at York, girls seen grabbing customers can be made to leave/banned. Seems that gone are the days when the door opened, a male walked in, and there was a large "gravitational" surge towards him... Look what you reported from Astoria... There is fear in the air, and there are reasons why some of the bars look a bit sparser than normal. Just asked a former Miss Wed if she'd like to go out to Seaview for some music/dance. Her answer? "NO, NO, NO; last night, too much police. Just go your house".

From MY view: in 4 previous years, all total, I've known 1, friend of a friend, who was deported. Girls cautious during sweeps, but numbers INSIDE unchanged (even up as some came in from the "heat").

In the 1st 3 months of this year, girl I "personally" knew gone, another "personal" girl just missed being caught up in a sweep (her old room, moved out of 3 weeks before, raided), and a buddy's girl now in jail. Bar numbers down (not zero, but certainly less choice), except perhaps on weekends (the chance of a good payday makes the risk worth it?) Number of girls, not bs'ing/excuses, really ARE "stay at home tonight". Most everyone has a friend sent home "prematurely". For me, it is "same-same, but different."

But the what was exciting about the encounter was the novelty of picking someone at a bar in dubai and taking them to a hotel.Oh, to be young [not jaded] again.

05-03-06, 15:20
I think you're right Bravo (and others). From these reports and news reports, there does seem to be fear in the air for the gals. The two Chinese girls who came back to my place a few nights ago for for short time ended up asking to stay the whole night. I thought they just wanted to get to sleep. When I "ummed and aahed" a bit, they almost begged to stay the night because of "police".

My Kapitan
05-03-06, 15:55
I thought she would never be able to get back into the UAE. She will be on file and be blocked at the airport no?

As for the $1000, then yes, but not if she is going to be stupid and risk it again. No way!

If she can't pay the penalty she will be jailed and deported, retinal scan and min 12 month ban with, in reality, no chance of return ever.

As for $1K forget it. now looking at 12000dhms to escape the scan. Its also essential to have a local contact. Paying this the file is also 'lost'.

If they do the above and avoid the scan it is possible to return. Often the girls make a marriage of convenience 'in home country' to change their passport name. The money in Dxb is still a draw.

Most will take a loan to return - if ever you hear them talk about the 'balance' this is what they are referring to. Its common practice (but illegal) for sponsers to take passports. Average loan is $6K about 6-9 months work and of course by then they are on an overstay and the whole process starts over.

Best not to think about it and just enjoy the kind of young women most men of my age can only fantasize about.

05-03-06, 18:14
Best not to think about it Either that or take up a new hobby. Sounds harsh, but you are actually very correct. We are not dealing with UNICEF types here.

Mike De H
05-03-06, 19:18
[QUOTE=Sporadic]Either that or take up a new hobby. QUOTE]

Hey, whats all this "New Hobby" stuff!!!

There's no need for that kind of language LOL

05-03-06, 19:41
Mike, I simply wanted to point out, that if you are unhappy, or uncomfortable with your hobby, it might be time to look for a new one.

Me? I am the master of denial (ask my mirrors!) No sweat!

Cool Tiger
05-03-06, 19:58
- you enjoy camping in the sand
- you're not surprised to see a goat in passenger seat
- you think the uncut version of "little house on the prairie" is racy
- you serve coffee in a thimble
- you expect the confirmation of your flight reservation to be 'inshahallah"
- you think everyone's first name is al
- you don't expect to eat dinner until 10.30pm
- you need a sweater when it's 80 deg f
- your ideal holiday is anywhere you can eat pork
- you have to write an official apology if your toes are uncovered
- you expect everyone to own a gsm
- your idea of housework is leaving a list for the houseboy
- you think a picnic means pulling over on the side of the road with
your tv and sheeshah
- you think that skis were developed for sand use (not anymore)
- you think speed limits are only advisory
- you expect to see tractors driving at 40kmph on the motorway
- you think black is appropriate day time wear
- you expect to go to jail when a local hits your car from behind
at a stop sign
- you wear a jacket inside and take it off outside
- you think a shopping mall is a covered souq
- you can judge a perfect '10' by her ankles
- you don't question how an id card works for women wearing abayas
- you think carpets belong on the wall
- you think the further you edge into the intersection, the faster the
light will turn green
- you believe that the definition of a nanosecond is the interval between
the time the light turns green and the guy behind you starts blowing
his horn
you give directions by land marks instead of by road names
- you think being liberated is sitting in the family section of a restaurant
- you think a red light means run it
- you think only men should hold hands in public
- you understand that wadi bashing isn't a criminal act
- you make left turns from the far right lane
- you make right turns from the far left lane
- you make u turns from any lane you want
- you know a traffic jam on this side of the road means an
accident on the other side
- you measure time by the prayer calls
- you find everybody thinks they can speak englis'
- you can't figure out if the city's name is djubai or dyubai
- you think a jumeira jane's outlook to life is normal
- having a belly is a sign of being healthy
- it's ok for a woman to have a moustache and sometimes even a beard
- you think the hazard lights are fog warning lights
- you find you've visited all the new malls that mushroom by the minute
- you still buy dubai duty free's lottery tickets when it would have
been cheaper to pay the down payment for the bmw instead
- you know which side of a shawarma to unwrap first
- you look forward to rainy days.

this was recently sent to me and i immediately thought of you guys, lol.

apologies if above appears ot, or has been recycled for the umpteenth time....

05-03-06, 23:11
Haha. No unfortunately that wasnt me. But there was this one blonde short hair with white sweat pants. Who was constantly catching my attention. But then some arab guy came in and swooped in. Next to miss skinny was another brunette. Really pretty and had the attitude down cold. She had a really nice butt. Oh I like bubble butts. Hmm. Maybe on Monday I'll go partake on that. I also heard that the starting prices have come down in the last month. According to miss skinny, girls are no longer quoting 1000 but lower, even at cyclone, starting at 700 or so and will settle for 400 LT. So cheap days are back again? Perhaps because of the increased LE activity.



Alex, good to see a new reporter on the scene of the crime. Was the blonde on Sunday night very tall (around 6 feet), and standing at the bar behind Miss Skinny? I was tempted by the blonde, but as I mentioned to Kapitan, there was a guy standing with her most of the time (mediterranean looking guy - looked like an Alex to me. ;))

Yep, Miss Skinny was too skinny once the gift-wrapping came off. Still, an interesting experience to say the least.

WR back in the UAE - lock up your Filipina girlfriends!

05-03-06, 23:40
I just returned from a short visit to Dubai, and with the help from fellow mongers info, I could find a nice AMP, close to Spinix (? ), shopping, after trying several ads on the press and local info.

The place was said to be Thai massage, and has ads in some plocal press, but basically a house with more than 10 girls, mostly chinese, with a chinese pimp that opens the house door, in a very discreet residential street. Very goog service, 100 for the massage that never was, and 150 for the girl, including anal.

Iwent there 4 times, always with a different girl, and one afternoon I saw a strange movement on the front door -of locals - and via mobile the MADAME told me they could not open door because too many local men at the street. Basically I did find in my quick search, very few thai and philas but mostly chinese and taiwanese.

On the other side, I was staying at the Hyatt and on the business center when trying to acess the forum it was denied by the system.

I could see in my hotel and the others I visited too many Ruskas. But few asian WC. As I could not explore some of the locals mentiond in the forum I could not try all the "delicatessen", but I had a good flavour of the actual scene in Dubai and lucky those who live there.

I presume the good AMP need a very good inside info, so as I will be back in some weeks time, any help is welcomed.



05-04-06, 09:20
I am gutted.Yep, those lows can be low. But, by the same token, when a girl goes back home permanently, enough saved to do what she wants, chance for a good life... A previous Miss T, went back home, back to school, got a legit job... Makes me smile everytime I think about it.

But few asian WC.Why are you looking for asian toilets?

Very goog service, 100 for the massage that never was, and 150 for the girl, including anal. ... I presume the good AMP need a very good inside info, so as I will be back in some weeks time, any help is welcomed.
If you're getting anal for 150 at an AMP, don't think you need any help.

Too Long in DubaiVery funny. Thanks.

My Kapitan
05-04-06, 10:12
Actually not bad last night for a weekend. In early 11pm, I was with a colleauge who wanted to see the 'real' Dubai (so why go in the regal?) anyway he was much amazed especially because by coincidence a lot of the girls I have taken just happened to be in at the same time and all came up to say 'Privet'.

New band a little more on form also Paddington station announcers have been replaced by a much better Russian trio.

My last weekend of being off the leash as my GF will return next week, Miss k very keen to come back with me so I thought what the hell and took her.

500 all night - just took her home at 1230. Picking her up for a night of group sex debauchery with WR at 7pm. Usual Miss K superb athletic service. I don't know how many times we fucked but it was a lot. Pics posted. After I painted her face with cum she couldn't stop laughing - what a great girl. Tentatively suggested she join GF and I for a threesome, we will see...

Incidently WR is at this very moment hurtling from Dxb to AD with not one but two WG's in his car - greedy bugger... Hope you have enough left for tonight WR! Drink some red bull and take the zinc tablets or serogen!

Mike De H
05-04-06, 18:30
New band a little more on form also Paddington station announcers have been replaced by a much better Russian trio.

ha Ha Ha, you remember!

It is not two asian birds caterwalling away with Kojack in the centre? :D

Oops, thats Jules bar isn't it..

Now lets keep it to simple sex huh guys?

05-05-06, 03:35
I'd arranged a date with a gal via the internet for tonight. I picked her up from her place a few minutes drive from my place, and was pleasantly surprised. She's 28, nice looking, dark-skinned - her ass certainly fills her jeans, but just right. We went to a beach restaurant near her place and hit it off well, like we've known each other for ages. Relaxed conversation and laughs. Turns out her fiance in the States is in exactly the same profession as I am.

As the night progressed and we discussed the riddles of the universe, I ended up reminding myself I wanted a girl in the boudoir tonight. I didn't think it would be her (no sex-talk happening, and I didn't push it). It was 1:00am and the clubs close at 3:00am, so I decided it was time to move on. As I drove her home I asked her to come back to my place for a drink, but she paused, said she was tired after a big week at work, and said "okay next time".

We parked outside her place to say goodnight. I went for the "first date" polite kiss on the cheek (I was 17 again). To my surprise she turned her face toward me and her wet tongue was twirling inside my mouth. Damn! I was caught by surprise. I pulled back, looked at her, and we did it again. Then I basically demanded she come back to my place. She laughed and again said "next time". I watched her walk into her place and thought "Yep, next time".

After dropping her off, I went Rattlesnake around 2:00am. Things were looking bad - all the beautiful girls had been taken and at closing time I decided I'd be going home alone.

Or so I thought.

I walked outside and saw there was still possible fun to be had with girls sitting on the verandah. I tried my luck with a couple of aloof but stunning young blondes I'd seen inside earlier. They were now sitting outside, sipping beers and still looking aloof. One was too young and beautiful so I thought she'd be expensive. 500 dirhams later, I'm a satisfied man.

When we got back to my place, we had a couple of beers and she talked my ears off (boy can she talk). She's 20 years old, true-Russian, baby-soft long blonde hair, and works as a salesgirl in one of the big malls. I listened to the story of her bad boyfriend and laughed at her jokes (which were actually funny), then we had good but "porn actress" sex. I knew she would refuse photos, but I asked anyway. No photos. Nyet problyem.

I'll probably call her again when I feel like a young gal, but prefer to work on my tongue-twirling internet gal. She knows how to make a man want more.

Tom Paris
05-05-06, 11:56
Greetings Gentlemen,

Please accept my thanks for all the information you have provided in the UAE-Dubai threads. Also, please accept my apologies if I am posting the below query on the wrong thread.

In a fews weeks I will be in Dubai for a couple of nights and will be staying at the Shangri-la Traders Hotel in Deira. Reading through the reports for this hotel on the other threads, it has been given a Yellow recently and someone mentioned that the manager at the 2nd floor bar had changed and he didn't want WGs hanging around there. Is this hotel GF friendly?

If anyone has any more recent information on the Shangri-la Traders Hotel in Deira, I would be most grateful!

Look forward to hearing form you all and making some contributions of my own after my trip to Dubai! :)

Many Thanks,


My Kapitan
05-05-06, 12:22
Well a serious crackdown is occuring.

Miss K reported 12 of the girls in her place have been lifted in the last week. 6 from outside the Regal and 6 from the Hyatt Regency including one with a valid resident visa. Reason - being a female on the street dressed 'inappropriately' in the early hours of the morning.

WR's Miss J is afraid to walk out alone at night. Interestingly, following a call on the way back from WR's this morning, Miss k reported that the Regal is percieved as safer than the Hyatt Regency. Hence most of the Regency girls went to the regal last night. Umm wonder if they will tonight - I'll just have to check it out.

Trouble is, as any economist will agree, is that while prices may drop initially as girls want caucasian male escorts to get them out of the clubs once the number start to fall the market (supply and demand) will seek higher premiums for services that are in restricted supply.

I hope the crackdown ends soon, they normally have a target or begin and end date strategy. Although from a personal view I am relatively unaffected as I will be back into swinging rather than mongering very soon.


Tom Paris
05-05-06, 12:28
Greetings Gentlemen,

Apologies if this post shows up twice, the first time it didn't seem to show up on the list. Many thanks for all the advice and information provided in these threads - I hope to put it to good use on my trip to Dubai in a couple of weeks.

Does anyone know if the Shangri-la Traders Hotel in Deira is GF? I did check other reports and the most recent one mentioned that the manager at one of the bars in the hotel had changed, and he didn't like having any WG's around.

Any information on taht hotel would be of great help!

Many Thanks,


Wicked Roger
05-05-06, 12:29
I Although from a personal view I am relatively unaffected as I will be back into swinging rather than mongering very soon.

Thats as long as the DNA clean up of your apartment is thorough and successful otherwise one day you could be just a mere reader of ISG due to an unfortunate accident with a knife as we discussed last night LOL!

Thanks for coming down, had a great night!


05-05-06, 18:08
This is a long ramble about a couple of last night's events, not a sex report per se.

At Rattlesnake last night I saw Chalky's wild tiger:

Nice pics of her Chalky, but she's even better looking in person. Last night she was dressed to kill. Thigh-high black leather boots and a wild figure-hugging dress, showing a good-sized rack. What a body. It was late and she was one of the few good-looking gals left, but she was all over a guy in the pool-room, French-kissing to their heart's content. Unusual to see this in a Dubai club - security must have been sleeping.

The guy ended up leaving her in the pool room and went down to watch the band (maybe her price was too high), but a few minutes later she went down and gave him some more wet-tongue work, licking his face and poking her long tongue into his mouth, lots of caresses, rubbing her body against his, lots of smiles and close-up eye-contact and whispers in his ear. The poor guy didn't know what to do and just kept watching the band. Eventually he put his arm around her but still kept watching the band.

I almost got a hard-on just watching her work him over (she knew I was shamelessly watching her from the stairs and gave me a sly wink). I was hoping the guy had forgotten to bring his Viagra to Dubai and would leave her, but in reality I knew she’d hooked him real good (that's why they call WGs "hookers"). They left together soon after. (Chalky, is she as wild in bed as she looks?)


Last night’s young blonde.

Had a few PMs about last night's beautiful young Russian blonde, but I can't give her number out. I don't give numbers to PMers I don't know anyway, but especially can't give this girl's number as she's not a regular WG. She lives in an upmarket new-development suburban house (not in a crowded apartment in the "red-light" areas of Dubai), has a regular job, a dog, and an on-and-off boyfriend. All very "normal". When she asked me if I wanted to see photos of her dog, I was a little worried where her story was going, after what a WG recently told me about her dog (not long after I'd gone down on her). I still gargle listerine everyday as a result. Luckily with young blonde it was just a few cute pics of her pup.

When I approached her and her blonde friend on the verandah after closing time last night, I was seriously expecting to be told to go away - they had that "go away" look about them when other guys talked to them inside, and were still looking very aloof on the verandah. She told me later at home that these guys are young good-looking guys who make a habit of turning up near closing time and "charming" the left-over girls to go home with them for free. She told me the derogatory Russian term for such guys (can't remember it, but it seemed to translate to something like “parasites”).

The other interesting thing when I spoke to them on the verandah, is that the young blonde ignored me the whole time. When I asked if they were working, the friend said "Of course, you want me?" Then I looked at young blonde and asked if she would come home with me. Young blonde didn't respond - she just looked at her friend and said nothing. I assumed she couldn't speak English or that she wanted me to go away. Her friend explained to me that the young blonde isn't really a WG, but I can take her number, then walk to the carpark and call her, as she couldn't be seen leaving with a customer. We eventually agreed to 500DH ST and off to the carpark I went.

At the carpark, I called the girl and she asked me to wait there a minute. After a few minutes, she hadn’t arrived. I thought I was getting the run-around (maybe they were waiting for a higher bid from other customers or something). While waiting in the carpark I was approached by a pretty Ethiopian with similar hair to Chalky's gal in the pic above, but more of an electric-shock look about it. I told the Ethiopian gal I was waiting for someone else, but if she didn't turn up in a few minutes I would take her instead.

Two minutes later my young blonde arrived, and we hopped in a cab. I still assumed she couldn't speak English, so the first few minutes of the ride home I didn't attempt a conversation and we were awkwardly silent. Then she started asking me the usual "Where are you from, how long have you been in Dubai?" questions, and her aloof facade melted instantly into friendly banter. Three hours later she was still happily yabbering away non-stop, in near-perfect English. She explained why we had to do the carpark thing. It was about her on-and-off boyfriend and Dubai being a small place.

She was good fun to chat with, and good in bed, but the moaning and groaning was a little theatrical and over the top. I have to say she was great at DFK – soft wet slow and warm, and she gave the best ever deep-throat blow-job, acting or not. Goddam, just thinking about it makes me want a repeat performance.

My Kapitan
05-05-06, 18:55
Turns out her fiance in the States is in exactly the same profession as I am.

So they have professional mongers in the US as well?

Park I
05-05-06, 18:59
June 06 uk version of tatler mag

Article all about dubai etc etc

But mentions a LOT about york and cyclone and amnesia and prices etc etc and how hypocritical it all is!

My Kapitan
05-05-06, 18:59
All very "normal". When she asked me if I wanted to see photos of her dog, I was a little worried where her story was going, after what a WG recently told me about her dog (not long after I'd gone down on her). I still gargle listerine everyday as a result. Luckily with young blonde it was just a few cute pics of her pup.

ROTFLMFHO I told WR the story even he was shocked.

PMs - yeah same here, how many times? I do not give out numbers, the girls are in the clubs....

05-05-06, 19:22
Originally Posted by Piper1
... Turns out her fiance in the States is in exactly the same profession as I am.

So they have professional mongers in the US as well?Cheeky lad! The day I get paid for it I will call myself professional and quit my day job.

It was bizarre at dinner with the internet sweetie. She answered a call, chatted a minute and finished with "... okay, bye, I love you too". When she told me it was her fiance on the phone I said it was lucky I didn't talk or he would have heard. Then I got the "It's okay, we're in an open-relationship" story. I've always liked that story. Getting SMSs from her today. Will try arrange a "quiet dinner" at my place this week.

My Kapitan
05-05-06, 19:32
She told me the derogatory Russian term for such guys (can't remember it, but it seemed to translate to something like “parasites”).

Pedaraska - very derogatory.

05-05-06, 19:41
Pedaraska - very derogatory.Hey, that was the word - well done. What does it mean literally?

Eu Contractor
05-05-06, 19:43
This is my first posting. I feel kind of like the virgins at Cyclone getting their cherries popped.

I am relatively new at mongering, 3 years old in mongering years, and have been to Dubai maybe 15 times in those same years.

Two weeks ago today I had an epiphany. As a reward for working so hard I can stop in Dubai, for a few days, on my way to Kuwait for some meetings. Then, so I can properly recuperate, I can go back to Dubai for a few more days to relieve the stress such a severe place like Kuwait causes, before returning to work.

Eventually I land at the lovely terminal two in Dubai. What a shithole. Thank god they have a kiosk with tequila.

After checking into my hotel, a two hour bath, several shots of tequila (not necessarily in that order) I am ready to find tonight’s lucky winner. Where to go I think. Cyclone, Premier, York? You see I have become focused on the mission at hand and unable to contemplate trying a new and untested place.

So I am in Champions having a pint and an expresso making my final plans and at ten o’clock I flip a coin. Cyclone is the winner. Yes I know there is a basic logic flaw in my decision making.

Cyclone is not very busy at this early hour so I grab a beer and begin trolling. You understand that in my current job they only let me out once every couple of months so when I say I must have looked hungry, well you get my drift. So I am trolling er… strolling around the EE side of the house ( I’ll have to tell you about my PRC experiences in another post) when something grabs my hook. The eye contact is made, smiles are exchanged. I throw out my chest and check my package, metaphorically speaking of course. Two Russian girls looking quite sexy put the very smooth moves on me with whatsyourname, whathotelyoustayin, howlongyouindubai, etc. One of them is quite attractive, maybe 28, slim, fit, except she has those “all business eyes”. The other was my perfect woman of 23 except two things: 1) usually I end up with smaller tits. Hers, at least seemed, well bigger than I am used to (I didn’t actually count this as a bad thing you understand) & 2) she had really nice soft brown eyes. (perfect would have been green or blue). Dark brown, almost black, hair with a 10 ass.

A perfect Russian specimen almost.

Now as I am fantasizing about ravaging her the alarm bells in my head go off. Uh oh, she is to beautiful to be the kind of fun I am currently looking for. Throwing caution to the wind, geez I am full of…metaphors, we begin negotiations. Miss “all business eyes” says 1500 each take us both. They must have seen my extreme hunger and mistaken it for stupidity. Me being the ultimate negotiator I put on my best poker face and say no way. I will take miss perfect for 1500 and that’s final! Yeah I know not to bright.

Miss perfect and I are back in the hotel making small talk. She is from a town in Siberia yada yada. Not feeling the need to go into the gory details, sex was fabulous. Everything/everyway except anal. She told me she only did anal once with her boyfriend in Siberia. Being the gentleman I am I told her I didn’t mind being second in this case.

Didn’t work.

About 3 am her friend from the bar calls and Miss Perfect asks if she (all business eyes) could come over. Up to you I said (I’ve been in Thailand too) however I don’t want her thinking I will pay her but if she has nothing better to do, sure she is welcome.

Miss Perfect feels the need now to put on her bra and panties out of respect for her friend.

Ok whatever.

The three of us are drinking some tequila and having a pleasant time. I begin undressing Miss Perfect and take her to bed. I motion, halfway kidding, all business eyes over and voile (spelling?) off come the clothes and into bed she hops. Could I be a luckier man tonight I think to myself and grin from ear to ear literally. We were all playing those silly grabby feely giggly games and I am mentally developing my plans for the best tactical approach (and getting quite aroused) when out of no where all business eyes says she wants the cash.

In total disbelief I say excuuuse meee. Talk about an erection killer.

Some words are exchanged. Finally all business eyes says cash or “WE” hit the road. No no no I says. Miss Perfect and I have an arrangement where she will stay until 1100. Case closed.

A bit more discussion and Ok I say, you can leave but I want 1000 dirhams back. You all know how well that went over. Some more discussion, I threatened to call the front desk (not sure why I did that or what I thought to accomplish with such an apparently empty threat. I can only blame it on the tequila) All business eyes has a great idea. Why don’t I fuck her to make up for what Miss Perfect still owes me and we call it even. OK lets try it I say. Into the bed we go. Decent head, nice tits, great ass. Generally it would have been an acceptable performance if I wasn’t semi drunk and if circumstances were different. No way was I going to finish (cum) with this woman so I just kept going. By this time Miss Perfect was in bed next to me, while I’m doing all business eyes doggie. She is staring directly at me and getting angry that I’m fucking her friend. The sweat is burning my eyes but I was looking back at her fantasizing it was her in this doggie like position. After I snap out of it I’m like…what?

We stop and they begin to argue, only the way Russians can, and all business eyes gets dressed and asks me for cab fare. Wow... I give her 50 dirhams and out the door she goes.

Miss perfect looks better than ever at this moment because she is pouting naked on my couch. We talk for a few minutes and things are back to normal.

Now a bit more sex, a bit of sleep and room service at 1100. A bit more sex, showers and at 1400 she goes home.

OMG I think I want to marry this woman (just kidding, you don’t know me well yet). Definitely in the top 5% of my all time favorites.

Can I call you when I come back in a few days? I asked.

Yes sure here is my number (you didn’t really think I’d post it now did you?)
On my way back from Kuwait, I am calling this one back. I make a mental note.

I’ll pick up the story of my return trip in a day or so (If I don’t get flamed for droning on and on in my first post).

I did get a few pics of fairly low quality, crappy camera or possibly me (sorry). I will try and post them if I can figure out how to blur Miss Perfects face even more.

Also I just realized that I provided absolutely no useful monger information in my initial report. Is that a bad thing?

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that somebody will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread.

Wicked Roger
05-05-06, 20:39
Originally Posted by Piper1
... Will try arrange a "quiet dinner" at my place this week.
Quiet dinner followed by moans no doubt, when does Miss Wildct return? Persumably after your visit to the capital.

Have told the ladies here that a professional monger is arriving and so they better be ready for all night shagging and kinky stuff....nothing like me of course ;) See you soon my friend


PS ROTFLMFHO - that would be one description based on what MK mentioned last night about Miss Anorexic.

My Kapitan
05-05-06, 21:28

Lots of good useful stuff here but hey Terminal 2 who da fuck do you work for.....

Good report - keep posting.

My Kapitan
05-05-06, 21:31
hey, that was the word - well done. what does it mean literally?

in english you can say wanker in a hundred different ways but ****file in only one. same same but different!

My Kapitan
05-05-06, 21:38
Regal EMPTY. WTF is going on. All male arabs with just the regular girls and then in small numbers.


Band improved though..

I have never seen such a quiet Friday in terms of girls. Benefit was lower prices. All opening at 500-800.

Miss k Threw herself at me for 300 ... uhhh.

As did big boobs Miss D. Tempting but i have a very important appointment at 7.30am

Spokonoy nochi.

PS jocks full indian/arab male - time to go home my man.

05-05-06, 21:44
This is my first posting. I feel kind of like the virgins at Cyclone getting their cherries popped.

I am relatively new at mongering, 3 years old in mongering years, and have been to Dubai maybe 15 times in those same years.
... I’ll pick up the story of my return trip in a day or so (If I don’t get flamed for droning on and on in my first post).
Great work EU Contractor - maybe your first report, but you're as much a virgin as your Cyclone gals. ;)

Those melodramas always make the experiences interesting. Looking forward to your next report.

05-05-06, 23:10
Quiet dinner followed by moans no doubtC'mon, my cooking's not that bad. ;) I worked out her fave foods and will be ordering in. Let the seduction begin ...

Have told the ladies here that a professional monger is arriving and so they better be ready for all night shagging and kinky stuff....With 7am starts every day, I think I'll have to resort to calling girls into the hotel early evening - clubs start too late (or maybe I'll just have to go to the clubs and stay up until 7am!)

05-06-06, 08:16
This is my first report here in the UAE section of ISG. I am a regular visitor to Dubai, but must confess not the most experienced as far as mongering in Dubai is concerned.

I have done the trawling at Cyclone, and had a few good and some bad (luckily no ugly) adventures with CIS women and one Chinese woman. One of the CIS (my first pickup from Cyclone) was my regular lay whenever I visited Dubai. Older, beautiful blonde by the name of Julia. Her regular charge was US$200 for overnight. I had to kick her out of the room (I have been very lucky at the Grand Hyatt with this woman, no questions asked) every morning before I left for appointments. I lost contact with her and I don't think she is around any more.

The Chinese has her own place close to the Lamcy Plaza. Lucy, is a very sexy, sex driven woman. Once got lucky with her and a room mate of hers. They proceeded to give me a double massage (sandwich with me providing the meat very readily). Lucy was on the rag so I couldn' fuck her, and the other one wasn't quite my type to fuck. Ended up cumming in her mouth.

Another place I have trawled is Jambase. Awesome talent, especially the Emirates crew. Got lucky once with an Aussie. But of course it is pure luck, and even if you do get lucky, you may end up with future problems with the bird if she gets hooked on you.

More to follow.....

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread.

Tercar 66
05-06-06, 11:19
After visiting ATM in Trade Centre, I decided to check out my regular joint near Deira sheraton. I was suprised to find 5 babes bathed and fresh at noon for customers. I picked up a Russian and she gave me a good message and BJ. For me this is better that picking up a female from TGIT.

05-06-06, 12:38
Well a serious crackdown is occuring.

Miss K reported 12 of the girls in her place have been lifted in the last week. 6 from outside the Regal and 6 from the Hyatt Regency including one with a valid resident visa. Reason - being a female on the street dressed 'inappropriately' in the early hours of the morning.

WR's Miss J is afraid to walk out alone at night. My "sources" report the same: sometimes, it's only CIS and Africans targeted (they seem to be less likely to make the visa runs; PRC's will do the run and incur the cost; several PRC's have reported they only see CIS Mamasans making the visa runs). Other times, it's EVERYBODY, and if unlucky, you're gone, regardless of visa status.

Given the building raids (too many girls seen entering/leaving), even staying in not always a safe strategy. Miss J not alone; BC reported his special "friend" also not going out unescorted.

As posted, I've not seen this intense situation before. Hopefully, it will end sometime soon.

Regal EMPTY. WTF is going on. All male arabs with just the regular girls and then in small numbers.

Strange. Seaview, Friday, 9:30 - 11:30
Can confirm band has picked up new female vocalist. Nice looking, for me, 2nd most attractive. OK voice, but I can't see (hear) that she brings anything to the band that was missing before. In fact, the stage now seems a bit crowded. Perhaps "insurance policy"; if a vocalist gets sick, still have enough to play the sets. Band still the best, IMHO. And with the sound slightly down (or my ears permanently damaged), just right. Still can't carry on a conversation, but can feel the music in your gut. Great music selection, as always. (That's the trouble, my voice feels it next day after a night of sing along).

Now, everyone knows Seaview is not prime real estate for P4P. Secondary there. And it was Friday night (for you non-middle easterners, think Sunday night). But I'm wondering if the girls, due to the LE crackdowns, are doing a bit of risk assessment. If a perceived customer base is NOT there, then it's not worth the risk of going out. Any networks in place are being used; phone calls made to friends back home (in the room) to advise of "good or bad" business.

Unlike Cyclone, where, even at 9pm, you can find some tempting delights (PRC type), did not see the 1st Seaview wg appear until close to 10, and she was meeting a "date" there. Relatively few PRC's, some africans, a few -stanis (one slender but tempting). Anyway, glad I was there for the music (nice to see you, EverReady). Some of the Seaview "regulars" (wg's) nowhere in sight. In fact, I saw only 1 (Dancing Kirgie) I recognized.

Also, pays to remember Seaview is a "mixed" club; certainly some wg's, but also some "civilians" out on a day off. Couple of guys dancing with each other (NOT my culture), then trying to move in on 4 dancing girls. Even in the bleachers, clear that the attention was not welcome. After all, when you get close, and the girls LEAVE the dance floor... ought to be a clue. Finally, when they were the only 2 on the floor, these guys got the clue and sat down.

Maybe there was a wg rush after the 2nd set started, but work commitments prevented me from staying. Even with none, the prospects what they were, I would have headed elsewhere. YMMV.

05-06-06, 15:36
Piper - merci beaucoup for the kind words and you are spot on. The wink would have done me completely.

She had the funniest habit though of taking a long puff on the cigarette before "going down" as our US Cousins like to say. This had me a bit to start with as had visions of having to explain to the HM why there was burn marks down there.

Most certainly she deserves your photographic treatment and look forward to the results in the near future - you wont be disappointed.

My Kapitan
05-06-06, 21:23
Had a night with a friend - Dubai resident. Dinner in Rockbottoms free wine on Saturdays.

President hotel was a laugh. Russiian bar was unbelievable. Little mermaid dress lead singer and five nymphts. All bored. Mermaid was ok but I have never fucked anything with fins and a tail.....

Regal 11pm no repeat NO girls. Filled up from 1110 onwards. Fuckity fuck.

Got busy from 1130 onwards.

Being good now.

05-06-06, 21:36
... Little mermaid dress lead singer and five nymphts. All bored. Mermaid was ok but I have never fucked anything with fins and a tail.....

Being good now.
Sounds a bit fishy to me. ;)

You're being good? Sure, I believe you.

As the Regal girls say about Kapitan: When he's good, he's good; when he's bad, he's better.

05-07-06, 04:38
Rhino - based on your PM, I hope there are more reports to come. Let us know how it goes. I like Belgian women - can I join in? ;)
This is my first report here in the UAE section of ISG ...

Wicked Roger
05-07-06, 06:00
Regal 11pm no repeat NO girls. Filled up from 1110 onwards. Fuckity fuck.

Got busy from 1130 onwards.

Being good now.

Girls probably waiting to see if you arrive with someone in tow-drums are no doubt already beating. Have you told them no approaching, as you have been a very good boy for the last few months as all those pictures prove. I for one have seen nothing untoward in your behaviour, nothing you have done has raised my eyebrows ;)

Good job the LE crackdown has come at this time, an excuse for you not to go to the Regal (as if you needed one)!

As for me... well I am just a dirty mongerer :)


Wicked Roger
05-07-06, 06:43
Piper and Az - as MK is about to go into semi retirement for a while (basically no more mongering but then he will have it every night etc), perhaps we should arrange a wake to mark this occasion. No more FRs, no more pictures of him on the balcony, no more wandering around AD trying to find Miss K, may even not see him in his favourite haunts for a while!

MK is unlikely to attend though, try explaining that one! Probably too late though for MK to attend come to think of it, as MK is being a very good boy, saving his sperm to make sure he shows that he was a good boy the last few months and has an extreme case of MSB :)

MK - enjoy, I know that your semi retirement will be fun ;) but I for one will miss your presence in AD when we go straight mongering. But then.. I know I will still catch up with you at times.

However, best get our stories straight my friend.....

See you guys soon


Mike De H
05-07-06, 12:59
Good job the LE crackdown has come at this time,

NO it ISNT! Just as I discover Dubai, they have this massive crackdown and it carries on.

Miss L is still in the shit in Tashkent. The bribe to get out of the airport was $1500 USD (No, I didn't pay it) Then she went to "see the police" two days ago to "take in some papers" and has not been heard or seen since :(

Ah well, I hope I can still find something the night of the 17th...which is the best bet, Premiere or Cyclone?

05-07-06, 14:00
MK no more mongering ... but then he will have it every night Problem is, when you can have it every night you don't want it every night. ;)

Maybe less mongering, but he'll be a happy swinger.

05-07-06, 14:03
...which is the best bet, Premiere or Cyclone?For what? CIS? Sounds like Regal has a lot of potential. PRC? Cyclone.

Or, do both: 9pm - 11pm Cyclone for PRC's, then head over to Regal at 11:30 if nothing has caught your fancy.

My Kapitan
05-07-06, 15:14
Problem is, when you can have it every night you don't want it every night. ;)

Maybe less mongering, but he'll be a happy swinger.

Not so sure about that. Miss O always says she hates me in the morning! Last 6 months together I would guess we averaged twice a night. When you meet her you will see why.

Keep them well fucked and poorly shod and they will never leave you! Of course I have the added bonus that she sometimes brings her girlfriends around for 'fun'....

Wicked Roger
05-07-06, 19:10
Not so sure about that. Miss O always says she hates me in the morning! Last 6 months together I would guess we averaged twice a night. When you meet her you will see why.

Keep them well fucked and poorly shod and they will never leave you! Of course I have the added bonus that she sometimes brings her girlfriends around for 'fun'....
I can vouch for MK's comment - not the shagging twice a night as I never watch ;)

Perhaps you may need some of my mojo as you may run out of steam....let me know :) See you tomorrow night


PS My 300th FR - time does fly, very quickly!!

Wicked Roger
05-07-06, 19:13
NO it ISNT! Just as I discover Dubai, they have this massive crackdown and it carries on.

Miss L is still in the shit in Tashkent. The bribe to get out of the airport was $1500 USD (No, I didn't pay it) Then she went to "see the police" two days ago to "take in some papers" and has not been heard or seen since :(

Ah well, I hope I can still find something the night of the 17th...which is the best bet, Premiere or Cyclone?
Come to Abu Dhabi Mike, I will show you some nice cultural establishments where you and your mojo can have as much fun as Dubai. Also pricing will be keener, only problem is that many mongers not quite sure where AD is :)


05-07-06, 21:42
My Filipina virginity is going to be taken - in about 12 minutes. Long day at work and didn't feel like noisy clubs, so I ordered in.

She's a 20 y.o. Internet WG who sent me her pic yesterday. She looks nice, not stunning. After many SMS exchanges with me tonight (she didn't want to talk until I agreed on her price of 750), she eventually allowed me to call and speak. After I spoke with her, she agreed to 500. In a bizarre twist, she also lives just a few minutes from me, near my non-WG internet date for tomorrow night. Small world.

After too many SMS exchanges I virtually gave up on her, so during the exchanges, I also SMSd "Miss Baby-soft Young Blonde" (no calls allowed in case she's with BF). She replied "Sorry no - another night". Oh well.

So then I called Love It, and it took 5 minutes to remind her who I am. She couldn't remember, so I reminded her I'm the guy who told her a few weeks ago at York "Look at my pretty face and remember my name when I call you one day". She laughed and said she remembers me. She's settled in at home tonight, which of course turns out to be in Baraha - over 30 minutes by cab from here, so we decided it would be another time.

Better go now - I think I filled in part of the 12 minutes. Must get the tool-kit ready.

(edit in, one hour later):

What a failed monger I am.

Miss Filipina called at 1:15am saying her taxi missed the crucial turn and got lost for 20 minutes. I couldn't give her directions as she had no idea where she was (she's new in town). The cabbie was from Sharjah, so he didn't know where he was either. Gave up - now it's too late, so agreed she will come another night. My place is a 5-minute drive from where she is. Damned roadworks - all the streets are blocked, so I understand getting lost.

I didn't remind her of the fact that I made the first call to her at 11pm, and she finally agreed to the deal around 1230am, and that's why it's now so late. Grrr.

So in the space of two hours, I've been refused by 3 WGs:

- Soft-haired Young Russian Blonde couldn't come for whatever reason.

- African Lovath was settled in at home and I didn't want to wait an hour while she got ready and took the long cab ride.

- Miss Filipina got lost, gave up and went home

- I knew Miss India wouldn't come - I called her yesterday and she asked me to call in a few days when her "time of the month" is finished.

Also, I just spent 10 minutes looking for the scrap of paper with the phone number of Miss Chinese Bushy-Forest (great massage, fun sex). Can't find it.

And I don't remember who the gals are on my secret phone chip.

So, I'm horny but frustrated (damn those oysters), but it's after 2am, been a long day and I really don't feel like hitting the clubs so late. Time for bed.

Looks like Miss Internet date will be the recipient of tonight's and tomorrow's mojo combined when she comes over tomorrow night (well, I can only hope. But the way my luck is going ...)

Wicked Roger
05-08-06, 03:43
So in the space of two hours, I've been refused by 3 WGs:

And I don't remember who the gals are on my secret phone chip.

Looks like Miss Internet date will be the recipient of tonight's and tomorrow's mojo combined when she comes over tomorrow night (well, I can only hope. But the way my luck is going ...)

This must a first, should we make note of this amazing incident in our diaries? If the mojo is fit to burst best put some plastic sheeting down, can't have all that mojo spread over your place (I doubt Miss Internet date will accept all of it by the sound of it!), Miss Wildcat might notice when she returns LOL!

Can't remember a girls name - you not as old as MK or I, so it can't be age, must be the mojo playing with the brain cells.

Enjoy and if Miss Internet lets you down, call us and MK and I will let you know where we are.


05-08-06, 08:37
I am sorry for this late report but just have not had the time. This is a follow up to what JSF also gave in his report.

Arrived in Dubai on Sat afternoon and immediately checked into my hotel which was the Sheraton Deira. Good hotel and especially good location for E's house. It is also extremely GF as girls are not even asked for passport copies or anything but are very politely asked if they have come in for a meal or to meet a "friend" and then are directed to the elevators.

I called up E and as usual after much wasted time of negotiating we agreed to DH 400 per hour. I had heard a lot about Daniella and I cannot remember who but someone even posted a pic of her rack which was titled D from E. Anyway this girl truly lived up to her reputation. She had one of the finest natural racks that I have seen and is extremely GFE. We had a quick drink in the room while she relaxed and after that moved on to the action. She started with a BBBJ which ended up very quickly with a CIM as I had been storing up for this for a few days. After that we just cuddled up and had some mindless chatter for a while before little Johnny started coming back to life. The sex was really good and she was quite willing in every position. By the time she left I was quite drained and I would have really liked to have tipped her but the problem with Emma's high rates is that she does not leave any room for giving the girl a tip.

In the evening moved on to York for a drink with JSF. He calld up Piper to join us but he was busy with some work which was disappointing as I was quite looking forward to meeting the new King of Dubai. Anyway the talent in York was quite sparse to say the least. Just as we were contemplating on making a move I got a call from F on my mobile asking where I was as I had promised to swing by her place in the night. After much cajoling JSF also agreed to join me so we took a quick drive to F's place. I had seen most of the talent before except for a new faces which JSF reported about. I was in need of some major F therapy so decided not to consider any options and went with her. This is one of the few WG's with whom I have been several times and she never fails to disappoint. In fact she is the only WG that I have been with more than once in my life other than my regular in my home country. By the end of this I was completely drained and dropped of JF (who also had a very satisfying outing as he has already reported) and decided to retire for the night.

The next day I had a very busy day which concluded with a nice dinner out in the Lakes with some friends. Had to take the long drive back to the Sheraton Deira which was not a very smart idea as I had consumed a couple of beers and could only imagine the worst case scenario if I was stopped by a LE. Got back to my hotel and decided to investigate the club in the hotel called Star Studios. This place was quite sparsely populated even around midnight and the majority of the talent was from Africa with a few Russians sprinkled around the place. I sat with this really nice looking girl who said she was from some strange country in Africa. She quoted a price of DH 700 for the night but I was only looking for an ST for which she wanted DH 400. Before we had been negotiating I had asked if she would give a BJ and I could see that she said Yes very reluctantly and this could easily turn into a No later on especially if I paid first. Anyway I was not going to take this chance and also pay DH 400 so I said that I can only part with DH 200 which she flatly refused and as I was getting up she added that no african girl in this bar or in Dubai will give a BJ which only confirmed my worst fears. Even the Russians were quite highly priced and since I was feeling quite satisfied from my earlier sojourn I decided to just call it a night. As I was walking out this extremely aggressive Russian approached me and agreed to DH 200 so I figured why not so I took her to my room. ONce she was there she started demanding the money and I said that I will only pay later as I was not very comfortable with her demeanour. At this she got really pissed so I showed her the door and just went to bed.

I have really come to the conclusion that while there is a vast amount of talent available in Dubai, the majority of the club girls are a waste of time as I have learnt from some really bad experiences which has made me wiser. Long live the E and F house for some real good mongering talent in the land of plenty. Now what I really need is a good Chinese contact as this is the one dish which I always tend to miss out on.


05-08-06, 11:49
I have really come to the conclusion that while there is a vast amount of talent available in Dubai, the majority of the club girls are a waste of time Nice report Ohio, but "majority of club girls a waste of time" is a slight overstatement. 25,000 satisfied Dubai mongers every year can't be wrong. ;)

Enjoy and if Miss Internet lets you down, call us and MK and I will let you know where we are.Unfortunately I had to let her down. I just postponed until Thursday due to urgent work commitments tonight. I'd planned a long slow night of seduction with Miss Internet, but it cannot be. Hopefully will find a couple of hours for a ST in-call before I go stir-crazy. Or maybe I'm destined never to monger again?

05-08-06, 13:00
Well, it sure seems this one goes on and on. My regular was mentioning that last week the LE did a raid at York! Turned the lights on, asked the guys to leave, then checked all the girls passports. Ones with nil or expired visas were given a free ride to the jail. It seems jut 5 (yes, 5!) had proper papers. Surprised no one has mentioned it till now. Is this going to be a long run thing, I wonder.

Life goes on as usual though, except that the rates are more flexible these days.

05-08-06, 13:49
So my Indian friends decided to take me out for a cultural experience. And I think this answers Zaz's repeated queries. The place you are looking for is in the Highland Hotel. Its called Dawat. Don't ask me directions. But lots of indian dancing girls. Although quite sleezy, I don't think the girls are P4P. Didnt want to ask infront of the hosts anyway. Cheers.



Can any one recommend me where to get Indian / Pakistani girls in Dubai?

Where are the best pick ups etc, . Has any one got any good contacts and numbers etc

Any info on mujra clubs etc.



Wicked Roger
05-08-06, 15:34
Or maybe I'm destined never to monger again?
Dubai will be closed for business before that happens Piper LOL!!

05-08-06, 16:01
Miss Filipina called at 1:15am saying her taxi missed the crucial turn and got lost for 20 minutes. I couldn't give her directions as she had no idea where she was (she's new in town). The cabbie was from Sharjah, so he didn't know where he was either. Has happened to me; waited 90 minutes for a 15 minute taxi ride (and to add insult to injury, she wasn't worth the wait). That's the b*tch about not having street addresses; everything is given by offsets from landmarks.

As a backup, best if you have an easily found local landmark on a major street where you can meet the taxi. Even if the taxi driver doesn't know, he can stop and ask another driver for landmark's location. Grocery store, mall, fast food place, whatever. Yes, it means you have to get dressed, go out, but beats waiting at home, or trying to guide a marginal english speaker via phone.

My regular was mentioning that last week the LE did a raid at York! Turned the lights on, asked the guys to leave, then checked all the girls passports. Ones with nil or expired visas were given a free ride to the jail. It seems jut 5 (yes, 5!) had proper papers. I had heard 24 girls no longer in residence to entertain... As MK reported, the girls never know if it's "just" no visas, or "wrong place, wrong time", visa state immaterial. A number no longer are eager to go out on the town (e.g., Seaview), but prefer that you stay in.

05-08-06, 17:41
Thanks alexxq

About the hotel you mentioned.

How much is it to get in to se the show, and is it sleazy like the back street ones you get in Amsterdam, or is it sleeazy, in that its one of those underground ones, which could be raided by LE.



Cool Tiger
05-08-06, 18:33
Has happened to me; waited 90 minutes for a 15 minute taxi ride (and to add insult to injury, she wasn't worth the wait). That's the b*tch about not having street addresses; everything is given by offsets from landmarks.

Reminds me of my first use of Sat Nav to get to a WG's Flat:

With the advent of Satellite Navigations for Cars, "getting lost" has now become a thing of the past. Most WG's, when asked to give directions, usually enquire if you have a Sat Nav. Upon saying yes, they simpy provide you with a UK Post Code (US readers, read ZIP Code here). Simply punch this address into your Sat Nav and then there is then no excuse to say that YOU got lost!!

The only downside: Remember to delete her Post Code from "recent destinations" if anyone else uses your Sat Nav!!!!

Mike De H
05-08-06, 18:48
The only downside: Remember to delete her Post Code from "recent destinations" if anyone else uses your Sat Nav!!!!

God forbid if anyone picks up my UK sat nav and looks under favourites!

FKK World, FKK Samya, Goldentime Velo, Oaze Frankfurt, Zandpad Utrecht, FKK Palace Frankfurt, Atremis Berlin, it goes on :\

On the crackdown. By the time I get to Dubai a week tomorrow I am panicking there will be no totty left in the clubs.

Four days business on my own. Nightmare. WR Abu Dabi is looking on! The only reason to stay in Dubai is going to be this illusionary pint that Bravo 11 promised me :)

05-08-06, 18:55
- You know you've been in dubai too long when:To add a few of my own:

While driving down SZR at 120, you're not surprised to see an SUV with Saudi airbags passing you
Saudi airbags = unrestrained kids in front seat, in driver's lap, or standing on console
You've forgotten how to drive on a road that's NOT under construction
When you have to go from one end of the mall to the other, you go back to your car, drive, and re-park (actually not a bad idea at Iban Battuta mall)
When someone asks you where store xyz is at the Mall of the Emirates, you KNOW
You think it's ambient atmosphere when someone's talking on their mobile during the movie at the cinema
You don't even notice the arabic subtitles on tv/at the cinema
You're completely oblivious to the calls to prayer even though you live next door to a mosque
You sing along to the lastest lebanese love song
You think that the Rubensesque (aka FAT) arabic singer (aka wailer) is HOT
On Wednesday's, you immediately flip to the Top 10 India in Gulf News's entertainment section
When you see 2 guys dancing together out on the dance floor at the club, you think, "Damn, they can move; wish I could do that."
You know they play music at Cyclone
You hear Guns N' Roses' "Sweet Child of Mine" on the radio, and think, "Damn, the Seaview band does that so much BETTER..."

05-08-06, 18:59
On the crackdown. By the time I get to Dubai a week tomorrow I am panicking there will be no totty left in the clubs.

The only reason to stay in Dubai is going to be this illusionary pint that Bravo 11 promised me :)Not to worry; plenty left at the top-end bars (e.g. Cyclone; last time there, asked an a-lister; no problem for them). Main targets are the "lesser" places (Astoria, York, Imperial?)

Illusionary HELL!! A promise is a promise, and I take pride in keeping my word (have already been to the atm to make the withdrawal; I don't usually walk around with that much cash on me).

05-08-06, 19:39
Called "Love It" at 930pm for an 11pm in-call. I'm too busy and too lazy to hit the clubs lately. She ummed and aahed about staying home tonight, then she agreed to come. Ten minutes later she called and asked if I could drive over and pick her up.

Defeats the purpose of an in-call, especially a one-hour drive to Baraha and back.

I asked her to take a taxi (which I would pay for). She said there are too many police stopping girls, so she's not getting out of her apartment at night lately.

What does a man have to do to get sex around here?!

I know - I'll call Piper's Pretty Women for that 9,000DH Belgian babe.

My Kapitan
05-08-06, 21:06
What does a man have to do to get sex around here?!

You have to get off your arse man! We (WR & I) were in Regal expecting company!!!

Wicked Roger
05-08-06, 21:09
She said there are too many police stopping girls, so she's not getting out of her apartment at night lately.

What does a man have to do to get sex around here?!

That makes it the fourth WG to turn you down in 2 days...what is happening in the world??? Hope you don't explode with all that MSB Piper, imagine the mess and the explanations to Miss Wildcat.

See you in Abu Dhabia and we will get that Filipna cherry broken for you :)

We missed you in the Regal!


Wicked Roger
05-08-06, 21:12
By the time I get to Dubai a week tomorrow I am panicking there will be no totty left in the clubs.

WR Abu Dabi is looking on!
Might be you and a few other mongers if the crackdown continues! Abu Dhabi is full of totty. Based on the Regal tonight it is definitely quieter than when I was last around.

See you in Abu Dhabi Mike, will PM you shortly


Wicked Roger
05-08-06, 22:50
Ten minutes later she called and asked if I could drive over and pick her up.

Defeats the purpose of an in-call, especially a one-hour drive to Baraha and back.


MK and I have a solution albeit a bit late. You could have called us, we could have picked her up, would have taken more than an hour though and dropped her off at your place nicely warmed up :) No sloppy seconds more like terrible thirds :)


05-08-06, 23:16
You have to get off your arse man! We (WR & I) were in Regal expecting company!!!Well I hope you found better looking company than me. ;)

I did get off my ass, and took it to Rattlesnake. Couldn't handle the pressure any longer - I was getting grumpy! And WR, thanks for the offer of third round, but you know I only take virgin WGs. ;)

Finished my work and emailed it off just before 11:00pm, was at Rattlesnake 11:07. Didn't want to be in a club tonight, so I was on a fast and furious mission to find a cutie very soon and take her to my boudoir. Quick look around and I saw Chalky's Wild Tigress. Yes! She's mine tonight! But then I saw a stunning young gal with a Catherine Zeta-Jones look. Walked past her three times, trying to decide.

Tigress or Zeta? Tigress or Zeta?

My decision was made for me within three minutes. Tigress was taken away by an old guy. He hadn't even spoken to her - he'd asked another girl to go talk to her, Tigress went over to him and they went straight out the door. Lazy Mofo!!

I'd now been in Rattlesnake 10 minutes, which was 10 minutes too long.

I stood in Zeta's peripheral vision waiting for a reaction. She saw me out of the corner of her eye, turned her head and smiled at me. My evil plan had worked! (But she told me later she knew I wanted her). I walked over, she smiled, I melted. Instant love. I asked her to come sit at a booth away from the noisy band. Usual small-talk, then I cut to the chase and asked her to marry me, short time. She asked for 500. I was expecting higher rates so I didn't argue. I made clear short-time was two hours. Good for me, and good for her, as she could be back before 2am to find another customer.

She's cute, 21, and good fun. She started off quiet, but soon loosened up and became very cheeky. We chatted about the police problems, and she touched wood.

In bed, she was good but not wild. I was in a slow mood anyway and didn't try to work her up. She was just spectacular to look at while slowly shagging.

Deep-throat blow-job. I like, I like! Took a while to convince her for DATY. Missionary was good (beautiful rack and face to kiss and munch). Switched to doggy, but I was nearly finished within 10 minutes, so I stopped and asked for a massage. I wanted the pleasure to last longer. Nice massage, more doggy, then finished inside deep hard and fast, missionary-style, while wet-kissing and playing with those beautiful breasts. Very nice.


Broken Condom!

As soon as I finished inside, she immediately checked my condom - empty! It had broken at the very tip. She ran to the bathroom to rinse, and told me she knew it had broken because she could feel my sperm shooting inside her. I'm not surprised - it had been building up a while - and she turned me on.

Her period is due in a couple of days, so she won't be having my children soon.


After some snuggling and a chat, I went to drive her home, but my house-mate downstairs had returned from overseas while Zeta and I were busy upstairs, and he'd parked his car behind mine, blocking my car in. I had no choice but to ask him to move his car.

He came out to the drive-way, saw my little Zeta and grinned at us. Damn, we all grinned sheepishly. I was proud, because the last time he caught me with a WG she was a 5. Zeta is a 9.

I took her number and will definitely call her when I have the time and energy for an all-nighter so I can work her up. A real gem.

Photos in photo section. No nudes or sex pics. (She said "Your wahf weel keel you!" I said "She won't see". She pouted and said "Ah don' lahk photo no clothes". I said "Okay, if you don't like, no more photos".)

PS - I just went to the loo and found she left me a reminder of what a good deep-throater she is: bits of her chewing gum in my pubes. Bad girl.

Wicked Roger
05-09-06, 06:54
Fellow Mongers

Had a night with MK in Dubai last night, his last as a free monger so to speak but then he will not be short of fun and pleasure and the substitute for not mongering in the Regal is very attractive and sexy so he is a happy bunny (and a lucky bastard as well :))

We went to have a look at what was around but not really to taste the menu. Both of us had long days ahead, I am traveling yet again so a quick check on the talent, see if the LE crackdown is impacting in any way etc.

Also given the impending arrival of MK’s better half so to speak, I was his moral guidance consellor for the night, had to make sure he said ‘No’ each time he saw a cutie and we did see one or two. It also crossed my mind to either take Miss K with me back to MK’s place and shag her senseless while he could hear clearly (and see how long it took before he joined in) or another WG and do the same thing – Miss K would have been doubly cruel. But I did not as MK is a mate and I have some seriously long days and flights to take. Also he has DNAed the place and that would be very annoying incase condoms were found floating around where they shouldn’t be :)


Last time I was there with MK it was dreadful, like Ally Pally with the lights down. This time things have improved albeit slightly. One or two nice ones, I thought. But..given that WGs come in all shapes and sizes as to monger’s tastes there was an enormous WG (CIS I think) in Jockies, later to reappear in the Regal. For enormous think, whale, think blubber of serious proportions. Boy, it was enough to put me off my beer. She was engaged talking with a local but he was not with her later in the Regal.

We only went the Jockies for the weekly draw which MK did not win and we had a good Japanese dinner across the road at the Ramada (has not changed since I first visited it around 20 years ago!). Nice waitress, just did not have the time to start a conversation (Filipina what else!).


MK’s last night in the Regal a free man – well until his lovely lady goes on holiday. 11pm – not that many girls, Miss K was there as always, said hi a few times, warned MK again about letting little kapitan do the talking, and told him my evil plan.. he was both impressed and said it was a bastard thing to do. Overall he liked the idea but knew his moral guidance consellor for the night would behave (I did but I was sorely tempted).

Mix was more varied this time. Miss K said no Asians allowed in but there were Asians and quite a few. When I was there one time it was only Miss A who I enjoyed some serious arse slapping with but this time amore. Perhaps times are changing and the Regal needs the customers.

There was a very energetic Barbie doll look-alike dancing on the floor, around the customer, fake boobs (but I do not mind), nice thong clearly visible underneath a near see through skirt. Very long dyed blonde hair as well. She was attracting attention but no at the time we were there getting any takers, perhaps the walk downstairs etc with a Barbie doll would unsettle some mongers.

Some nice CIS, nice bums on show, MK and I admired quite a few. Miss was there, gave MK a knowing look and me a great view of her D’s, superb, all natural as well. Can see why MK likes her so much. Piper I think the milky tits lady was there – should have told us Rattlesnake we may have changed venue but reading your report you needed it badly :)

Overall, the ration was more men than women. It was a Monday night but the LE crackdown, I think is hitting the place a little. Not sure how many real buyers versus voyeurs but I would reckon more of the later given what I observed. Still some nice ladies there, better quality than Jockies.

MK and I behaved, his place is safe from WR’s arse slapping sounds, floating condoms and the like (though left my shoes there – don’t ask!).

Good night with a good friend. See you soon MK, the Regal girls will miss you contributions to the CIS economy ;)



Hour later

Though tired, I drove back last night, roads empty did my place from MK is 1 hour 20 mins including stop for ice cream (only thing I licked last night!)

Miss J (21 year old Filipina) just SMS me saying she wants me (well something like that, poetic licence etc). And the pork sword certainly needs some TLC despite my tiredness. Perhaps I should go home early have a sleep and then pick up her later. Will be LT and loads of Greek, heels etc. Decisions, what to do? Will give it some thought and likely post the FR tomorrow!!

My body says no (MK will testify I was knackered last night) but the mojo is winning on this.

MK sometimes I am not sure how I do it... but it is great all the same :)

05-09-06, 08:59
Piper ... should have told us Rattlesnake we may have changed venue, but reading your report you needed it badly :)
Hi WR and Kap - it was a spontaneous ball-busting decision to pop into Rattlesnake at 11pm. Like you, I was knackered due to relentless work schedule, but wanted a little reward for all the hard work, and a relatively early night (3am ain't too bad).

Kap - I'm sure we'll see you around again soon! Meanwhile, be good. ;)



Wicked Roger
05-09-06, 09:39
I was knackered due to relentless work schedule, but wanted a little reward for all the hard work,

Kap - I'm sure we'll see you around again soon! Meanwhile, be good. ;)

Agreed Piper, will have a reward tonight, mojo is rising and partially regret not having fun yesterday evening but then MK would have to listen only and that would not be fair on the man ;) Even in the throws of passion, had he entered and asked "can I join? please, pretty please" his moral guidance consellor (for that night) would have had to have answered no as he needs to save the sperm for tonight.

So.... Miss J it will be tonight despite teh ravages of work. Greek, mini skirts, high heels, great BBBJ, very horny and only 21 - how can I resist when she likes the more mature gentleman and clearly needs WR's mojo badly :)

As for Kap being good...pot, kettle and black. But I know he is a one woman man unless she brings one home :)


05-09-06, 15:06
...so a quick check on the talent, see if the LE crackdown is impacting in any way etc.In thinking about it, the latest crackdown seems to be in good part self-induced by the wg's. Judging from reports, the vast majority are being busted on visa violations, NOT morals charges.

A number of PRC's have said they see only other chinese, and russian mamasans, on the visa runs. But it's not exactly the CIS WG's fault. After all, difficult to make a visa run when you don't have your own passport. Passports taken as collateral until their balance is paid. Even worse, taken, then sold while the initial visa still valid to another WG overstayer who wants to go home. Gives the real passport holder something like that balloon payment at the end of your mortgage; when she wants to go home without fines/ban, she has to buy someone else's passport. Extra income for the perpetrators.

05-09-06, 18:01
bingo: i think you are right on the mark bravo. when my friend was picked up, so was her friend (both walking to the corner store for phone cards) her friend has a three year bulletproof visa and she was held for a while until they could get the sponsor on the phone to verify everything (and check the db.)

the comment was "they are being real jerks about everything." it would appear that someone is a little peeved at people who do not respect the immigration laws.

the attitude is, if you are a young (?) woman, walking alone or only with other girls, you will be stopped on general principles. dxb "business climate" exempts those walking with a westerner, to avoid those possibly embarrassing moments (this is no lady, this is is my wife!) that could show up in the papers.

the ladies who demure from going outside in the evening (call it 9pm onward) are being very astute. it would appear there is a free for all (from a le perspective) on anyone "out and about" after that time as there are very, very few legit tourists who are wandering alone past 9pm, they always travel in packs. indeed, a single lady in a taxi is also subject to a traffic stop and document check.

the question would be, is this yet another "phase" or a general change in le?
anyone have any contacts with the answer?

bingo bis: if your passport has been lifted to extricate someone else, your options are quite limited, indeed, you are under no assurance that if you "buy" another girls passport, that it will be from your country of origin!

a girl from st. pete showing up with a doctored passport in tashkent has lept from the frying pan into the fire. no bs, i have heard the horror stories.

the sad human cost of all our "good times" i guess. sometimes life does suck, of course, if you have really thick skin, none of this concerns you.


Eu Contractor
05-09-06, 21:10
Here is a good tip for you late night mongers.

After having a spat with Miss Perfect, we decided to part ways at around 0130. Perfect I thought, still time to find a late night snack at Cyclone. Being the gentleman (sucker) that I am, we took a taxi to the Cyclone (I paid). We entered Cyclone (again I paid).

We order a drink (yeah I paid again).

After chatting for a minute it was 0300. The club was closing and I almost started to panic. Security shuffled everyone outside, through an exit I had never been to, since I had never stayed so late. I am walking out toward the street with tears in my eyes at having wasted a perfectly good night with this crazy *****.

Suddenly there they were… in a herd on the corner. WG’s as far as the eye could see. They were waiting for lost stragglers just like me.

Mostly Africans and PRC.

I have to say that I am/was not a big fan of PRC. Although I find them highly attractive, they have never been a GFE and were all too much business for my taste.
I have, on the other hand, been/am a lover of chocolate. After several unsuccessful negotiations regarding anal and BBBJ with the Africans, I spot this very cute PRC.
It’s late and I figure WTF. 500 until 1200.

What a dynamo. She stayed with me for a couple of nights and days. Truly a great, albeit exhausting, weekend. Sorry no pics.

If you find your still looking at 0300-0400, try outside the Cyclones’ exit.

05-10-06, 05:24
EU Contractor - that's a great tip, especially for insomniacs or nightowls or travellers whose body clocks are still in another timezone. I've found many gems at very good value after closing time. Of course, choice is much more limited at that time, but they can always be found.

Hope you've recovered, ;)

05-10-06, 09:56
In thinking about it, the latest crackdown seems to be in good part self-induced by the wg's. Judging from reports, the vast majority are being busted on visa violations, NOT morals charges.Quite. Its more for cracking down on the visa violations. Like I had poste earlier the LE only picked the ones without valid visas at York. I went out with my girl for dinner on monday, got a few curious looks, but thats all. Probably because they were wondering what a hunk like me is doing with a girl like her. Or maybe, the other way round. Anyway, my friend was stopped when he was leaving regal, his girls passport was checked (unusual??), was left when the papers were found in order.

Shifting to Dubai soon if all goes well, so hope to post more then. I think UAE thread should be voted as best thread if there is a poll. Maybe I am biased?


Eu Contractor
05-10-06, 15:13
EU Contractor - that's a great tip, especially for insomniacs or nightowls or travellers whose body clocks are still in another timezone. I've found many gems at very good value after closing time. Of course, choice is much more limited at that time, but they can always be found.

Hope you've recovered, ;)Yep. Fully recovered.

Unfortunately I am back in "prison" and looking at a multitude of American 3's and 4's.

Considering self gratification in the photos thread.

05-10-06, 15:58
Anyway, my friend was stopped when he was leaving regal, his girls passport was checked (unusual??) Depends. The indelicate question is, where is your friend from?

If he is a whitey from blighty, I suggest it would be very unusual.

Secondary questions: How was your friend´s date dressed? (obvious WG?) Was it very late? Had they been drinking?

05-10-06, 22:18
Depends. The indelicate question is, where is your friend from?

If he is a whitey from blighty, I suggest it would be very unusual.

Secondary questions: How was your friend´s date dressed? (obvious WG?) Was it very late? Had they been drinking?Whitey, not from the blighty.

Drunk? moderate, but that would be relative. not enough to be hauled up, i would say.

Late? dont think 11.30 is late. is it? lol, again it would be relatively speaking.

No, not an obvious WG, one with which you wouldnt have a problem doing the walk of shame.

No, they were not obvious candidates for a Q/A session, but still, just a gentle reminder on the scene.

05-11-06, 06:41
In that case, I suggest it is very unusual, and does show some kind of sea change in LE attitudes.

I presume they did not ask HIM for his passport (that would be a really big change.)

This is the first case like this I have heard of. Of course, walking out of the York vice the Bur Juman center may have had something to do with it, but your warning is timely.

05-11-06, 13:56
My uneducated guess is that much of the visa checking etc may be in relation to current UN pressure to stem the [CodeWord908] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord908) trade, esp. in countries like the UAE. If visas and passports are in order, the WGs cannot officially be categorized as "victims"; if passports not in order, they obviously must be "victims", so action is (sometimes) taken.

05-11-06, 14:05
DXB jail is teeming with overstayers. The ones who are really screwed are the ones from countries who have a "dubious" embassy (or no consulate in DXB at all.)

1. LE is not pushing the morals charges, only overstaying.

2. Jail staff are trying to cope with overcrowding, and from my reports are quite civil.

3. How long you sit in jail depends on two factors. First, if you have documentation (passport) and then how fast your embassy can request the outpass. Second, if you have the cash for a plane ticket.

4. Presuming you have the cash for the ticket, the only waiting time is for the embassy to issue documents and an outpass.

5. If you do not have cash for ticket, you sit there rotting until someone somewhere coughs up the money, or the UAE will ask your embassy to fund your return (this takes quite a while) or eventually, the UAE will front you a ticket (6+ months wait) and ban you for life.

6. Everyone leaving gets the eye scan, 1 year ban for overstaying, lifetime ban for morals charge.

7. Girls need 1-200 dhs per week for phone card (10 minutes daily use max) and other sundries.

8. According to my sources 7 out of 10 "boyfriends" do a runner rather than help financially.

9. BF´s (unless they are possesed of extreme wasta) cannot expidite the process beyond making sure the funds are avaiable.

10. Only "danger" to the girls are the fellow detainees. Theft is rampant.

11. Some seem to be happy to have it all over with (the threat of the sword falling being worse.)

12. Re: Piper´s comment about victims. The detained are not questioned at ALL about how they lost their passport, or if they were "trafficked."
UAE human rights efforts center upon camel jockeys, nothing more.
LE is "ignoring" the no visible means of support issue that points towards prostitution and treating the girls as simple visa overstayers.

I detect an enormous "sweep it under the rug" effort here. Any serious investigation would turn up too many locals involved for the press.
Just MHO.

05-11-06, 15:33
I can feel an amnesty coming up.
DXB jail is teeming with overstayers. ...

I detect an enormous "sweep it under the rug" effort here. Any serious investigation would turn up too many locals involved for the press.
Just MHO.

The Sting
05-11-06, 15:40
Hey all,

Great site and a wealth of info for a new mongerer in town.

Been here a month and in big need of a massage with extras during the day early evening. A have read about the Fantasia but where do I find it? I want to try that fire and ice mix.

05-11-06, 16:29
A have read about the Fantasia but where do I find it?A previous post clearly said it was behind the Israeli embassy. Best way is just to stop any policeman and say that you want to go to the Israeli embassy to renew your passport.

In that case, I suggest it is very unusual, and does show some kind of sea change in LE attitudes. This is the first case like this I have heard of. ... but your warning is timely.Likewise, first time I've heard. Thanks for the head's up.

DXB jail is teeming with overstayers.
12. Re: Piper´s comment about victims. The detained are not questioned at ALL about how they lost their passport, or if they were "trafficked."
UAE human rights efforts center upon camel jockeys, nothing more.
LE is "ignoring" the no visible means of support issue that points towards prostitution and treating the girls as simple visa overstayers.Interesting insights into what a girl has to look forward to if she's "unlucky".

I'd wondered why a girl was not "encouraged" to give up where she'd been staying. Certainly, in a "serious" eradication effort, the chain would be followed all the way to the top:
- busted girl
- bust her housing, thus busting her roommates
- who rented the apt for the girls
- who rented the apt to the girls
- who is their sponser


Best I could understand Miss T, earlier in the week, major hit at York. In her account, this was different from earlier "visa" style stops. Seems CID was out in force, specifically engaged in sting operations (girls makes a deal with "client", off they go, block away, girl in LE custody, client returns to bar to try again). "This happen before last night [Wed]; Chinese girl, Russian girl, African girl. Last night [Wed] no girl go York bar". (Well, perhaps just the ones she knows). But certainly seems LE has put the fear of god into the wg's.

05-11-06, 17:14
I'd wondered why a girl was not "encouraged" to give up where she'd been staying. Certainly, in a "serious" eradication effort, the chain would be followed all the way to the top:
- busted girl
- bust her housing, thus busting her roommates
- who rented the apt for the girls
- who rented the apt to the girls
- who is their sponser

- busted girl
- bust her housing, thus busting her roommates
These two, fine and dandy.

- who rented the apt for the girls
- who rented the apt to the girls
- who is their sponser
I think they would not like to officially know the answer to these questions.

The stings have been going on for a long time, although they may be more frequent now.

The sweeps of someone not soliciting is the new kink here.

05-11-06, 17:34
You know you go to Rattlesnake too often (or that you're going senile) when you hop in the car for the local supermarket with a million things on your mind, and end up at the entrance to nearby Rattlesnake thinking "How the hell did I end up here?"

And with Dubai's complex roads and road closures, taking one wrong turn means an extra 30 minute drive to get back where you intended to go. Grrrr.

I wasn't going to post this, but since I'm cranky (and still can't believe the PM I received) ...

How not to ask for contact numbers:

1. Ensure you don't contribute any posts on ISG.

2. Persistently PM me to ask for contacts, and don't get the point when I either ignore your requests or, (if I'm in a good mood) I politely reply that I don't give contacts to people I don't know.

3. The clinger: PM me yet again and tell me I should give you contact numbers, because "working girls are nothing special anyway" (while asking for the number of a recent "extra-special" cutie). Enough, Sir.

05-11-06, 18:05
Been here a month and in big need of a massage with extras during the day early evening. A have read about the Fantasia but where do I find it?What was John Macenroe's famous phrase, anyone?

C'mon Mr. Sting, you've been in Dubai a month and no luck? Sorry - beyond help.

05-11-06, 18:20
What was John Macenroe's famous phrase, anyone?
"Excuse me kind sir, but I think we may have diverging opinions about where that last shot landed. I do hope you will consider my request to revise your judgement."

...just remember, it was NG99 who started all this! ;)

05-12-06, 12:34
What was John Macenroe's famous phrase, anyone?

C'mon Mr. Sting, you've been in Dubai a month and no luck? Sorry - beyond help.Aww Guys. Give the guy a break. Give him the directions to Fantasia mates.


05-12-06, 12:38
I wasn't going to post this, but since I'm cranky (and still can't believe the PM I received) ...

How not to ask for contact numbers:

3. The clinger: PM me yet again and tell me I should give you contact numbers, because "working girls are nothing special anyway" (while asking for the number of a recent "extra-special" cutie). Enough, Sir.That really takes the cake mate. I dont blame you for not being generous with someone who thinks WGs are nothing special. But perhaps the guy who sent that message at least considers them human?


05-12-06, 14:38
Adding to evidence that York is a bit uncertain for the girls at the moment, I noticed a couple of regular York girls at Rattlesnake last night (including the very buxom "Janet Jackson" that I've taken home a few times in the past). Almost took her, until I saw the even-more buxom blonde in the pics I posted. Spectacular large breasts - I was worried that when I took her bra off, gravity would disappoint me. I wasn't disappointed. Very nice.

Buxom blondie wanted 1000LT, and wouldn't go ST. We settled on 700LT (still too much). She was good, but took a lot of warming up. When I tried kissing her on the sofa, all I got was her cheek or a closed-mouth kiss. After she drank a bottle of wine and we got to bed, things were very different. Wet-tongue-tango and heavy sex. There was no holding her back. Had a second session a few hours later before dropping her off this morning, which was so-so and pretty much a quickie. She was hung-over and I was bushed after no sleep all night.

Off to Abu Dhabi this afternoon for five long work days - early night tonight. I hope that Wicked R lets me get some rest. He already has some wicked plans lined up - I need sleep Rog!

My Kapitan
05-12-06, 14:39
for those guys pm'ing me - I do not give out contact numbers, rtff. Even worse are those who think I have fillipino numbers - I don't gove out numbers and i don't do fillipinas!! I like CIS !!

Actually visited regal late after dinner dance at CP on wednesday night, Miss K miss D miss L etc all as good as gold and kept away as I was with my permanent girl miss O, risky but exciting...

no sign of LE action but reports of lights on in York verified by my female sources.

Busy schedule now miss O is here and i get instructions for SA this week, St Petersburg next week and Bahrain the week after - typical....

05-13-06, 11:17
where is rattlesnake?

05-13-06, 11:37
Rattlesnake: Metropolitan Hotel, Sheikh. Z Road.

05-13-06, 11:38
Why do I get this funny feeling we're about to hear from a voice from the past? Hmmm.

El Suave
05-13-06, 11:51
Amnesia, a Club Review

Next to the Hard Cock Café, and close to 20 minutes outa town you’ve Amnesia, a club in the category of much a do about nothing.

Don’t bother getting there before half past midnight, for you’ll be propositioning the burly doorman till the babes begin arriving. Once in on a weekend night, and after dropping 100 AEDs for the privilege, you’re faced with a red-veloured interior not unlike an uppity Turkish *****house.

I formed the impression that this is a club which caters to Emirati wealthy men who show bizarre interest in each other, well, kinda like only talking with each other, eating with each other, looking at each other, dancing with each other, drinking with each other and puking on each other. Our kinda action plays second fiddle in the bar area, at least from my field of view.

When the babes start rolling in they’re mostly CIS, few Lebanese and some east Europeans. I didn’t see any Orientals or blacks. So on a Thursday night, the selection isn’t too shabby and the going rate is 1000 before negotiations. Nor is the selection particularly unique to Amnesia, the babes are mostly recycled from Cyclone and other CIS joints in town. You do encounter few new faces, with the emphasis on few.

Music? Mostly GCC-orientated tunes for the men who are into each other. And once western music is played, it’s laced with vomit. Faced with such wonderful club machinations, my friend and I decided to put an end to this unbearable bliss, pull early and give the finger to the barkeep et al on the way out.

We zeroed in on two leggy CIS babes who showed interest, the deal was for an all nighter and a swap at will in the midst of said night. However, only one of ‘em did anal, and the total damage was 1500 AED for both plus taxi.

By the way, we discovered as the night progresses, so does the cover charge. For on the way out, the same entrance dude quoted a coupla Brit blokes 400 AEDs to go in, the poor dudes almost passed out after a dazed expression.

The babes were cordial, polite, accommodative, alcoholics, bisexual snorers and docile. They try sitting on your face without permission and look offended, surprised and hurt when you flip them to the ground in a swift Judo maneuver.

For all of Amnesia’s shortcomings, its watered down drinks and stiff prices for ‘em, the babes were more than compensatory and performed a morning farewell lesbo show; only one of ‘em agreed to nude photos however.

So when all is said and done, one best develop Amnesia after visiting Amnesia, not worth the hike outa town, nor the inflated rates; you can get that in town.

05-13-06, 13:10
I wasn't going to post this, but since I'm cranky (and still can't believe the PM I received) ...

for those guys pm'ing me - I do not give out contact numbers, rtff. Seems like a bit of this going around lately. What I [sarcasm on] like [sarcasm off] is the "I've read your posts..." Well, if you've REALLY read MY posts, you know I'm a conservative: I don't believe in welfare. Nothing makes you appreciate the fruits of your labor like a bit of work. The reason I (and others) post in the where/when/what_I_saw style is so that YOU will have an idea about what that venue probably offers when you go there YOURSELF.

I have to drag this out every so often: "I don't have time to go around". Your inability to organize your time effectively is YOUR problem.

"I don't have time to read the forum". See previous.

"I don't want to be seen in a bar". You don't want to be seen in a bar, but want to screw a prost*t*te? Mixed, or hypocritical, morals are your problem.

"I'm travelling with boss/co-workers/friends; I can't go out." Unless you're siamese twins, or a lemming, you CAN excuse yourself from the group. If someone wants to know why, use the standard, "Why do you want to know?"

"I want a good experience; don't want to waste time with a bad one". What, you don't think I want the same. The BEST indicator of a good experience is how she interacts with you in public before you get down to the nasty back home. Understand YMMV.

"I don't want to waste money looking for a good one". As above, you think I do? There are certain overheads in this hobby: possible entrance fees, drink expenses, taxi/gas money, etc., etc.

"Money is no object". I'll readily admit, you're out of my league; I can't help you. But if money REALLY is no object, then you can easily find your own.

"I can't be seen with her at my hotel". Take her number, make an appointment to meet the following day/evening in your hotel room. (Use the reports of distinction thread to find the "Hotel List" post).

"I can't bring her back to my hotel". No problem, just ask to make sure she has her own place. The higher quality girls do.

"I forgot all my info at home". I can actually associate with that. But CITY is a good acronym. If nothing else, remember Cyclone. Or use the Yellow Pages to jog your memory.

First time I was in dxb, all I knew was that famous club, began with a 'C', what was it, the Carrousel. Funny how no one had ever heard of it. Took me a couple of hours digging on the net to rectify my poor memory (and isg was blocked WAY BACK then, too. Desire is a powerful incentive to overcoming problems).

These days, just buy a Time Out Dubai magazine (available everywhere) for 5 dhs. Look in the "Venue Directory" section, NOT the "Bar Review" section. It's 3, 4 pages of 4 pt type; will take you 30 minutes to scan for the tell-tale description of "exceptionally friendly female clientele".

Or ask a taxi driver. True story: "Please take me to the American Hospital". "Where?" "American Hospital". I don't know..." "Go Cyclone." "OK!" Then I just walked across the street.

If you have zero posts, there are no means to vet you.

"I have zero posts because I don't have any experiences to post about. That's why I need contacts." Fine, go to Cyclone or Rockafellas; York or Imperial for down market; TGIT for a gamble, spend an hour or two, and you will have more contacts than you can use.

There is an easy pull down menu, simply by clicking on the user name, that has an option "Find more posts by..." I'd venture to say, most of us use it. Even if you have posts, it is the quality that counts.

Even if you have a number, you will need a reference name (1st questions: who are you, how did you get my number?) Believe me, they will not know the nom de guerre's 11bravo/Piper1/MY/WR/JSF. Unless I know you, I see no reason to introduce myself.

"They want the business". No, what they want is good money in a SAFE environment with a nice guy. Why should I risk my rep by referring someone I don't know?

"You just want to keep them for yourself". I have neither the means nor the inclination to be her/their sole support. I want them to be successful, so they stick around. So see the "business" answer above.

"What's the big deal? It's just a wg's number; I can get plenty of them". Then do so.

"Member xyz would give me his contacts". Then pm him.

"In my country, we exchange contacts.". Good; this is not your country. And if it is, and you think you need contacts, you should re-evaluate your maturity to indulge in P4P.

"I know you get a lot of pm's asking for contacts, but I'm different". No you're not.

"You're prejudiced against people from my country". No, I dislike most everybody; it's my nature.

"Don't be like those other selfish forum members; be cool". If you ever saw me, you would know I have no ambition to impress the masses.

"I'll trade my good contacts for yours". I gave up baseball cards a long time ago.

"If you help me now, I'll help you later". Sorry, I've paid my dues. I don't have to go to any more sh*tholes. That's why God created subordinates (cue evil laugh).

Contacts are easy to get. Walk into any of the commonly referenced bars, spend an hour or two, and you will have plenty that appeal to you. Or look in the Gulf News classifieds, under Health. Call a few of the "For Men Only" numbers.

If you really want contacts, then include your personal details (full name, nationality, dates in town, phone number, hotel name/room or location), and perhaps a local member will print/pass on to some of the girls he sees.

But believe me, there is NO secret cabal that is having all the fun, keeping all the good contacts to themselves.

Note: The secret cabal will meet at the Fantasia Hotel, Basket Trick Room, 22:00 tonight, to update the Quality Number database, the Honorable JSF presiding. Entertainment will be provided.

Eu Contractor
05-13-06, 20:11
Amnesia, a Club Review

Next to the Hard Cock Café, and close to 20 minutes outa town you’ve Amnesia, a club in the category of much a do about nothing.

Don’t bother getting there before half past midnight, for you’ll be propositioning the burly doorman till the babes begin arriving. Once in on a weekend night, and after dropping 100 AEDs for the privilege, you’re faced with a red-veloured interior not unlike an uppity Turkish *****house.

I formed the impression that this is a club which caters to Emirati wealthy men who show bizarre interest in each other, well, kinda like only talking with each other, eating with each other, looking at each other, dancing with each other, drinking with each other and puking on each other. Our kinda action plays second fiddle in the bar area, at least from my field of view.

When the babes start rolling in they’re mostly CIS, few Lebanese and some east Europeans. I didn’t see any Orientals or blacks. So on a Thursday night, the selection isn’t too shabby and the going rate is 1000 before negotiations. Nor is the selection particularly unique to Amnesia, the babes are mostly recycled from Cyclone and other CIS joints in town. You do encounter few new faces, with the emphasis on few.

Music? Mostly GCC-orientated tunes for the men who are into each other. And once western music is played, it’s laced with vomit. Faced with such wonderful club machinations, my friend and I decided to put an end to this unbearable bliss, pull early and give the finger to the barkeep et al on the way out.

We zeroed in on two leggy CIS babes who showed interest, the deal was for an all nighter and a swap at will in the midst of said night. However, only one of ‘em did anal, and the total damage was 1500 AED for both plus taxi.

By the way, we discovered as the night progresses, so does the cover charge. For on the way out, the same entrance dude quoted a coupla Brit blokes 400 AEDs to go in, the poor dudes almost passed out after a dazed expression.

The babes were cordial, polite, accommodative, alcoholics, bisexual snorers and docile. They try sitting on your face without permission and look offended, surprised and hurt when you flip them to the ground in a swift Judo maneuver.

For all of Amnesia’s shortcomings, its watered down drinks and stiff prices for ‘em, the babes were more than compensatory and performed a morning farewell lesbo show; only one of ‘em agreed to nude photos however.

So when all is said and done, one best develop Amnesia after visiting Amnesia, not worth the hike outa town, nor the inflated rates; you can get that in town.Nice report. Thanks for saving me a trip. I was there about 18 months ago but couldn't be bothered to hang around. I'll mark that one off my mental todo list.

El Suave
05-13-06, 20:30
I wasn't going to post this, but since I'm cranky (and still can't believe the PM I received) ...

How not to ask for contact numbers:

1. Ensure you don't contribute any posts on ISG.

2. Persistently PM me to ask for contacts, and don't get the point when I either ignore your requests or, (if I'm in a good mood) I politely reply that I don't give contacts to people I don't know.

3. The clinger: PM me yet again and tell me I should give you contact numbers, because "working girls are nothing special anyway" (while asking for the number of a recent "extra-special" cutie). Enough, Sir.But come on man! While measuring the longitude of an Armenian floozy’s pussy with my Palm Pilot’s utility, her volcanic, raging muff gulped the PDA and belched blistering goo on my left foot. With such loss and a debilitating podiatric wound, ventures outa my hotel have been rendered temporarily not possible.

Umm, Piper1? You humane very, yaa? You me give number because tragedy, non? Me hear Piper evaluate case by case volcano victims, da? If Piper1 no me give number, at least Piper1 come my hotel console with hand job? Piper ist number 1. Danke Piper1. :)

El Suave
05-13-06, 21:57
seems like a bit of this going around lately. what i [sarcasm on] like [sarcasm off] is the "i've read your posts..." well, if you've really read my posts, you know i'm a conservative: i don't believe in welfare. nothing makes you appreciate the fruits of your labor like a bit of work. the reason i (and others) post in the where/when/what_i_saw style is so that you will have an idea about what that venue probably offers when you go there yourself.ahh, conservatism and the disdain for supply side whoring. a stance which flies in the face of modern hooker-acquisition conservatism, for today’s conservatives are self reliant go getters in every aspect but that of whoring.

“welfare” in the context of whoring is what today’s conservatives preach, advocate and practice. just ask embattled conservative congressmen, catholic priests, and ousted senior cia officers. they’ll all tell ya hookers must be supplied through pms, surreptitious channels, piper1, sporadic, 11bravo and anonymity. physical and public exposure of the whoring conservative is tantamount to suicide in the book of “conservatism and the virtues of prostitution.”

don’t be tuff on, and disdainful of the liberal bones seekers. they’re only aspiring to adopt the conservative style of whoring your ilk espouses and which you so treacherously disavowed. if there’s higher conservative whoring justice out there, 11bravo shall be adjudicated by judge and jury of his betrayed peers. his day of reckoning will be akin to those dispensed by medieval spain and its inquisition.

i could very well be wrong, but the “don’t ever ask me for a fuckin’ number” directive was issued with “sarcasm off." and if so, the directive reeks of elitism, scurrilousness and stratospheric condescension rather than conservatism.

can’t we all get along? why project such contempt, mockery and indifference on the have nots? because you have? (melancholic vivaldi in background...).

you have all these beautiful contacts, these beautiful hookers, yet that’s not enough, you’ve to stomp the have and know nots with a big babouj. that hurts damn it, that hurts.:(

05-13-06, 22:06
Such was written on an exam paper from one of the womens colleges in the college system where I teach. From the mouths of babes...

What does it all mean? Is one of our fellow members here indoctrinating the innocent local lasses? Is a frenzy of immorality about to erupt from the local female population? Armageddon could be at hand...

Meanwhile watch those p's and b's.

05-13-06, 23:00
LOL - good one Mahku. :)
Dubai is a big pussiness city.
Such was written on an exam paper from one of the womens colleges in the college system where I teach. From the mouths of babes...

05-14-06, 01:35
Amnesia, a Club Review

Next to the Hard Cock Café, and close to 20 minutes outa town you’ve Amnesia, a club in the category of much a do about nothing.
El Suave - Welcome back. Great but slightly cynical report on an under-reported venue.

I remember you have a thing for Arabic girls, so why did you go for Russkies when there are so many Arabic/Turkish gals in Amnesia? I like the type of gals in Amnesia, I just don't like the 100DH cover charge.

My tip: have a fun night playing pool in the Irish Bar next door, or a laugh in the Indian club behind, then walk to Amnesia entrance about closing time and take a Middle-Eastern sweetie as she leaves the club.

My Kapitan
05-14-06, 04:05
Amnesia, a Club Review

Next to the Hard Cock Café, and close to 20 minutes outa town you’ve Amnesia, a club in the category of much a do about nothing.

Don’t bother getting there
So when all is said and done, one best develop Amnesia after visiting Amnesia, not worth the hike outa town, nor the inflated rates; you can get that in town.

The clubs' name says it all.

Interesting that you are back as a regular member - is that why you are posting pics on this thread? If you can afford the entry fee at Amnesia surely you can afford the 20 bucks for Jackson! Good report.

Shame you opted to show faces in the current LE climate. A little thought and respect dosn't cost much.

Wicked Roger
05-14-06, 05:57
I don't gove out numbers and i don't do fillipinas!! I like CIS !!

Actually visited regal late after dinner dance at CP on wednesday night, Miss K miss D miss L etc all as good as gold and kept away as I was with my permanent girl miss O, risky but exciting...

Well only when you and I are together do you enjoy Filipinas MK!

Risky but exciting...depends on where the risk stops and the fun begins. Good to know that Misses K, L and D are being coy and stand-offish but beware MK. Perhaps we should go to the Regal with Miss O and I will look after them for you, I know you won't be jealous but you may be thankful ;)

See you soon - my mojo needs releasing again, perhaps a foursome?


Wicked Roger
05-14-06, 06:04
The clubs' name says it all.

Interesting that you are back as a regular member - is that why you are posting pics on this thread? If you can afford the entry fee at Amnesia surely you can afford the 20 bucks for Jackson! Good report.

Shame you opted to show faces in the current LE climate. A little thought and respect dosn't cost much.
Agree with MK, if you are to rejoin the thread etc best respect the 'rules' - no face pics, if you had read the other reports of the LE crackdown you would knopw how daft a thing you have done - even more daft than not posting the pictures in the correct area.


Wicked Roger
05-14-06, 07:55
But come on man! While measuring the longitude of an Armenian floozy’s pussy with my Palm Pilot’s utility, her volcanic, raging muff gulped the PDA and belched blistering goo on my left foot. With such loss and a debilitating podiatric wound, ventures outa my hotel have been rendered temporarily not possible.

Umm, Piper1? You humane very, yaa? You me give number because tragedy, non? Me hear Piper evaluate case by case volcano victims, da? If Piper1 no me give number, at least Piper1 come my hotel console with hand job? Piper ist number 1. Danke Piper1. :)
Can someone explain the meaning of this FR - well not an FR for me more of a load of gobbledigook. Perhaps I am tired after a night with the PRC cutie in Abu Dhabi and my brain is not functioning but what on earth does this mean?

What have Palm Pilots got to with blistering goo and volcanoes.

As for Piper being humane, he is, and if he does gives HJ to other mongers, best I stay a discrete distance from him next time we are in an orgy together :) Who cares if we are number 1, 2 or whatever, you are judged on the FRs, the contributions and not the crap.


05-14-06, 08:23
Umm, Piper1? You humane very, yaa? You me give number because tragedy, non? Me hear Piper evaluate case by case volcano victims, da? If Piper1 no me give number, at least Piper1 come my hotel console with hand job? Piper ist number 1. Danke Piper1. :)El Suave - yes, I have evaluated your tragic case. The prognosis is not looking too good. Your hand job must be self-adminstered yet again, but go easy until the bruises and blisters are healed.

Dr. Piper.

El Suave
05-14-06, 10:23
El Suave - Welcome back. Great but slightly cynical report on an under-reported venue.

I remember you have a thing for Arabic girls, so why did you go for Russkies when there are so many Arabic/Turkish gals in Amnesia? I like the type of gals in Amnesia, I just don't like the 100DH cover charge.

My tip: have a fun night playing pool in the Irish Bar next door, or a laugh in the Indian club behind, then walk to Amnesia entrance about closing time and take a Middle-Eastern sweetie as she leaves the club.Sure Piper, I like your program. But on that particular Amnesia night, the Arab pickings were slim and non distinct, the one promising Lebanese operative looked 30esh and was constantly negotiating and eating that Arabic shit.

Besides, something about Arab hookers operating in the Emirates turns me off, they believe they’re the heavens’ gift to mongers. Especially western mongers that is, for they know they’re in demand, and when engaged, they ask for big paydays based on average looks and poor menus.

I’ve been traveling the Mid East throughout my professional life, last month I was in Damascus and had a plethora of beautiful Syrian white and slightly dark pro goddesses for no more than $150 for nights full of passion. No attitude, no presumptions and hardly any cellulite. They’re all over the place, like at Le Meridien and Four Seasons Damascus, for example.

On the way out through Beirut, had some of that too. A Christian Lebanese stunner @ the Casino du Liban, $250 for that overnight stay & screw. Nothing beats Black Jack, Black Label, foreign pussy then that big bird home. Of course if one speaks Laundry Head it does help negotiations and chemistry.

Them Emirates Arab pros won’t impress if one runs in circles around the Arab “pussiness” world.

Of course when it comes to “pussiness” expertise, Piper1 remains the undisputed dean expat and champion of the world. I’ll never forget your FR whereby you described your “double penetration” séance with that hot nympho who wanted to be tapped from both ends. :D

El Suave
05-14-06, 10:58
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because it contributed nothing of value and in fact constituted a complete waste of bandwidth.

The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange if information between men on the subject of finding women for sex. Let's stick to the subject.

El Suave
05-14-06, 13:29
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted in accordance with the ISG Forum's Zero Tolerance policy regarding reports containing any personal attacks or derogatory comments directed towards another forum member.

Please be advised that Forum Members who succeed in having three or more of their reports deleted for personal attacks against other forum members will be banned under the Forum's Serial Antagonist Policy.

1 down, 2 to go

Will somebody please report this guy's next personal attack to me via the "Report this post to a moderator" link, and be sure to note that it will be his 2nd violation.



05-14-06, 20:57
1 down, 2 to go

Will somebody please report this guy's next personal attack to me via the "Report this post to a moderator" link, and be sure to note that it will be his 2nd violation.


JacksonGeez Jackson, at least give us a chance to read them first. ;)

El Suave - three strikes?

My Kapitan
05-15-06, 04:09
Rattlesnake at 11pm last night. Quiet but lots of WG's. Mostly African and Chinese but 2 or 3 CIS blondes all in the 5-7 range. I was with O so did not negotiate.

Band was unusually boring playing ballads from the 80's mainly because the clientele had an average age profile of 55+ including one guy with a zimmer frame - not my kind of place but if you like African or chinese and have no musical taste its for you. Beer expensive at 22dhms for a bottle of becks and no free drinks for the girls.

one point of note was security turning away unaccompanied girls without visa copies, many girls outside upset and angry - potential there for a cheap pickup?

Other business - for once I cannot agree with you Piper. Full marks to Jackson for stamping on El Suave, I for one remember the drivel and abuse he handed out last year and have no wish to read more. Well done Mr J excellent proactive moderation - one of the reasons this site is so good.

Out of country in Kingdom for the next few days.

Keep your ends up...

05-15-06, 10:12

where is Amnesia and rattlesnake?


El Suave
05-15-06, 11:36
Jules Revisited

For Deira based hotels and punters, Le Meridien’s Jules still offers a sensible option, especially should players choose not to commute across the bridge on a mongering night.

It’s no big secret that within the circle of Dubai’s hobby aces Jules is branded as a bar worked by over the hill, old hags. However, and as discovered lately, this needn’t be so.

What’s Special About Tuesday Night Anyways
Now the following may or may not be indicative of a pattern, but reporting what was observed couldn’t hurt since one never pays a cover charge going into Jules. It happened by coincidence that some fellow mongers and I visited this bar on two consecutive Tuesday nights, and on both occasions, what do you know, a bunch of young, attractive and talented babes were applying the trade there.

Are young babes wired amongst themselves to do Jules every Tuesday I asked the sweet thing below, she answered yes. Is she lying? Dunno. But to test the Tuesday theory, we took a look-see again on a Wednesday night, and poof, gone, no young talent.

Chou like Mejicano, Do Chou?
What gives Jules that extra push, at least for moi, is that it serves excellent Mexican munchies. With all that sultry Jalapeno quoting your lips and tongue, you’ll be sure to set your pros’ muff on fire via that fine cunninlingus you aim to perform that night.

Add to the Jalapeno and yummy munchies NO cover charge, reasonably priced drinks, even some porkable hags, and you’re presented with a bar-restaurant combo that may yet cook. Nor will the young babes break that piggy bank, @ 600 – 650 AED a piece for all nighters, none of us were complaining.

Ya, I hear ya, the band does suck, but which band in Dubai doesn’t (Sea View dudes bolted). At least this Jules band doesn’t play ear drum-piercing, deafening music. Our party carried comfortable conversations, comfortable negotiations, wolfed jalapenos, slurped Tequila worms and rammed young fiery pussy.

Los Babes
With the sure stipulation that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, them two Jules moonlighters were damn cute and came @ a huge discount compared to where I come from. They sliced, diced, performed with all the trimmings and never complained. Maybe some of you done them too.

El Suave - three strikes?Gee Piper, Admin is damn serious, I believe I’ll go on a “strikes” diet dude. A diet laced with ample subtlety from now on. Seems last year’s Leeway’s pointin’ Highway. ;)

05-15-06, 12:04
Rattlesnake at 11pm last night. Quiet but lots of WG's. Mostly African and Chinese but 2 or 3 CIS blondes all in the 5-7 range. ...Yep, it can be hit and miss. When we met up there a couple of weeks ago, I think we lasted 5 minutes before heading for Regal. Terrible. But some nights it's great.

Band was unusually boring playing ballads from the 80's mainly because the clientele had an average age profile of 55+ including one guy with a zimmer frame ... A few nights back when I picked up Blonde Fisty St Pete gal, I was intending on rushing her home, but the band suddenly went into a kick-ass gut-wrenching Joe Cocker version of "I get by with a little help from my friends". The singer sounded more like Joe Cocker than even Joe Cocker could, if you know what I mean. Had to stay for the end of the song. But you're right - some nights it looks, sounds and feels like a retirement home.

Other business - for once I cannot agree with you Piper. Full marks to Jackson for stamping on El Suave, I for one remember the drivel and abuse he handed out last year and have no wish to read more. El Suave doesn't worry me - I wasn't reading or posting on ISG around the time he stirred up a flame-war. From the few exchanges I've read, he knows how to rattle cages. As I've said before, he's just a naughty boy who wants a good spanking, or maybe a hug. ;) The spanking can be arranged for a small fee.

Kap - before heading to Saudi - come and help me out in AD please. Long and tricky days doing my performing act here, then I get back to the hotel knackered, prep for the next day, then that over-active WR wants me to perform too. The pressure! The pressure! Help!

05-15-06, 12:14

where is Amnesia and rattlesnake?

Boofer - don't make me say RT... I'm way to polite. ;) Check back one page. Already answered.

El Suave
05-15-06, 13:57
The Porkable and Should Be Goners

As an addendum to the Jules post, attached is a sample of a porkable hag. And to placate the hypersensitive and gasket blowers, she’s squinting as to camouflage a full facial.

Should Be Goners

Shame, shame, shame, say they. Shame El Suave, the daftness you committed shocks, shocks. Why full facials in a tuff environment? Shame El Suave.

Yet El Suave isn’t committing an act of randomness, behind these so called daft, shameful acts and exposures lies a mongering crusade, a form of deliberate “stale pussy cleansing campaign.”

El Suave doesn’t appreciate going back to Dubai year after year and encountering the same pros he porked on prior trips. New blood is essential to the monger, it’s what revives his stamina, gives rise to his penis and illuminates his soul. The monger must be cruel to be kind to the hobby as a whole.

In essence El Suave is messaging the already porked, the message is if I done you, I don’t mind you NOT returning to Dodge in the ensuing cycle. In fact you should leave Dodge, lighten the visa’s quota constraints and give your neighbor a shot at fuckey suckey wockey in the Emirates.

Breakin’ Da Mold

The exposure of the stale will be imperative to insure vivacious mongering. Dubai will no longer be facial special, it will have to fall in line with the globe’s mongering boards, fully exposed for the mongers to feast and revive. Nay sayers may have to turn blue in the face and discover the choice is no longer theirs. The Gene is outa the bottle and must head back home. :D

05-15-06, 15:10
the title says it all.

Then again, i should never check this forum on a pda.

thanks piper

El Suave
05-15-06, 16:43
El Suave doesn't worry me.... As I've said before, he's just a naughty boy who wants a good spanking, or maybe a hug. ;) The spanking can be arranged for a small feeGents like Piper1 are the stuff of mongering legends. If the mongering populace possessed Piper’s penile prowess, intellect, cool head and acquiescence, the powers that be would be thinkin’ global hobby legalization.

Umm… can I choose both menu items? Thpankin’ and huggin’? ;) It’s not like I’m destitute, name your price Piper1 Iceman. And in the words of another legend, good ole Clint Dirty Harry Eastwood, “Go Ahead, Make Me Gay!” :)

05-16-06, 00:06
El Suave - stop the flaming and you'll have more fun here (and flattery will get you nowhere!)

Had a great night in AD tonight - thanks a naughty photogenic redhead. Will post pics in a few days.

Cool Tiger
05-16-06, 00:43
My friend and I have just received a text from Olga, the Moldovian babe (see my previous report on her back in Jan), enquiring how we are? when we are going back to Dubai? and that she really misses us, lol.

It's the first time we have heard from her since Oct-05, possibly suggesting that trade may be down (in light of all the LE activity being reported). Spoke to her briefly this evening. On the plus side... at least she is still in Dubai.

Wicked Roger
05-16-06, 09:21
Kap - before heading to Saudi - come and help me out in AD please. Long and tricky days doing my performing act here, then I get back to the hotel knackered, prep for the next day, then that over-active WR wants me to perform too. The pressure! The pressure! Help!

Me overactive.?? MK knows me well and am sure he would never use that verb. I have always thought he was a more active monger than yours truly :) ...well at least until the delightful Miss O returned. Now he is active I am certain, even more than me ;) mongering, no.

Piper - am sure your performing act yesterday evening was more in keeping with the the sort of performance you like to to do each day. As we discussed over dinner, a good shag destresses the system - well it does mine :)


05-18-06, 16:11
First off wanted to apologize for not posting this earlier. I was in Dubai couple of weekends ago and had a great time.

Gave E a call (thanks JSF) and basically asked about Daniella, but she wasn’t in. E said that I could drop by and meet the other girls and decide who I wanted to head off with. When I did land up at her place, it took me all of 30 seconds to decide on iIeyana / Lena (the red head with glasses). Lena is 22, from Siberia, a bit on the quieter side, great bod (nice rack) and quite pretty.

Once back in the room, got talking to her, and once she was a bit more relaxed, moved on to having a shower and going at it. She was bit shy initially but once things got going, no stopping her. Went 2 rounds over 2 hours (cost me 500), well worth it. Did not take any pics guys, sorry.

Again, thank you JSF, for yet another great introduction.


05-18-06, 23:33
Continued from the Abu Dhabi thread, where the adventure began.

Warning - this tale isn't as hot as the title suggests. No sex. And I'll mention now that these girls are technically not Emirati nationals).

So, I was driving the three girls home from Abu Dhabi, and as we approached Dubai, I'd asked the tall and georgous Caramel to come to a club with me tonight for some dancing (she's dance-crazy). She told me she couldn't tonight as her family was expecting her, so we arranged to meet Sunday night.

I wasn't going to give up too easily for tonight, so as we reached Dubai, I mentioned I had to briefly stop at my place and pick something up before taking them further. They said no problem, and 10 minutes later the four of us were in my villa, sipping bacardi breezers they had brought along, and trying to understand each other's jokes. I managed a quick kiss with Caramel while the others were in the loo or kitchen.

I kidded around with her, trying to get her to stay the night, but she couldn't, so an hour later we all hopped in the car and I took them near the border of their conservative emirate to take a taxi home. (We'd all agreed it wouldn't be a good idea for us to be in the same car together in their emirate. If the police saw a western guy and three girls in abayas together in a car - big trouble).

As usual, traffic was a killer, and I got back home after midnight. Too late and a bit too weary to check out the clubs. Caramel called when I got home, to check I'd made it back okay. She must love me. ;)

She's a real sweetie, with a magnificent body and great face, and if I'd met her ages ago I probably would've spent many nights with her. We've planned to meet this Sunday night, and that will probably be the last I see of her for a long while, as I'll be in Bangkok from Monday night, and when I return to Dubai a week later, my bachelor days are over for a while.

Wicked Roger
05-18-06, 23:39
when I return to Dubai a week later, my bachelor days are over for a while.
Am sure the mojo will be satisfied in BKK but you best save some for
Miss Wildcat my friend. With you not being in Abu Dhabi, I suppose I had better take up the mantle again when I return ;)

Am certain I have Caramel there before, was she sitting around the tables at the back of Gauloises? When we were there together last time, I think she was there then as well as when MK and I went there a couple of weeks ago with Jessy and Miss K.

Enjoy your last week or so of bachelordom Piper, rest assured I will try my best to keep the AD ladies happy in your absence....:)


05-19-06, 00:21
Am sure the mojo will be satisfied in BKK ... WR - If you check the "Livingstone's/Giotto's Lodge" thread in the Thailand section, you'll see they're planning big mischief next week. I keep telling them I'm coming there to rest, and I'll be in bed early every night with a good novel and a glass of warm milk.

Am certain I have seen Caramel there at Gauloises before... When we were there together last time, I think she was there I didn't notice her that night - I was out of it on painkillers after being tortured for two hours of root-canal work, so I didn't notice much of anything. I'm sure if I'd seen her I would have fallen in lust immediately! But it makes sense - from what I could work out she travels far to Abu Dhabi every couple of weeks or so to make some much-needed cash.

Yes WR, you'd better pick up the baton - the AD economy is suffering and the AD girls are lonely. ;)

Bachelor Ever
05-19-06, 02:39
Hey guys,

Its nice to see such a well developed set of reports and lads with clearly alot of experience. I was hoping for some advice on throwing a stag party in Dubai!

To compensate for the lack of strippers I'm looking to fill the room up with CIS hotties to have even more fun with. I would appreciate advice and contacts are also welcome. I heard about E and others.

Been to Dubai before but going to a Cyclone, etc is not ideal for such a big group. I will also provide contacts to members when i develop them!

05-19-06, 14:25
Hey guys, I was hoping for some advice on throwing a stag party in Dubai! ...To compensate for the lack of strippers I'm looking to fill the room up with CIS hotties to have even more fun with.
Bachelor - Just go to a club or two the night or two before the planned party and ask the girls. Best to find girls standing around in groups, as they're more likely to participate in a party session if they know each other.