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05-19-06, 14:34
Hey guys,

Its nice to see such a well developed set of reports and lads with clearly alot of experience. I was hoping for some advice on throwing a stag party in Dubai!

To compensate for the lack of strippers I'm looking to fill the room up with CIS hotties to have even more fun with. I would appreciate advice and contacts are also welcome. I heard about E and others.

Been to Dubai before but going to a Cyclone, etc is not ideal for such a big group. I will also provide contacts to members when i develop them!I second Piper's suggestion. You should just walk into a pub, preferably the rockefellas at the Regal plaza in bur dubai, Since you are looking for CIS. Chat with a group of girls and you are set.

About E and others like that. For that you will have to post some reports first before you can get contacts like that. Just checked your posts so far. All requesting some info . I am sure you have some experience in mongering. Why dont you share your experiences first?

Just my 2 cents worth


My Kapitan
05-19-06, 17:01
Bachelor - Just go to a club or two the night or two before the planned party and ask the girls.

Piper is spot on. Suggest the Regal for CIS (as usual). I suggest a 3 days in advance and make sure you visit on the subsequent nights to reinforce the proposal.

be very clear with the girls on what is required. If they are to fuck more than one guy then they will ask for higher compensation. If you want dancing and stripping let them know in advance.

I once took 5 back to my hotel apartment with a friend. One left after 10 mins when she realised we were serious and not just drinking. 2 Stayed till 0530 leaving with my friend, the other 2 stayed with me alone until midday. Of the intial 4 two were not up for swapping. They were actually the two that stayed on with me.

Also had a bumpy ride from the management the next day as I was unaware the pool area was under video surveilllance!

So moral is make sure you get the menu clear. YMMV.

Any chance of an invite?????????????


PS wished i had my camera at Dreamland today - apart from the usual babes an abaya clad girl rolled up her jeans to paddle in the jacuzzi water - I have NEVER seen such hairy legs! Miss O was astounded...

Bachelor Ever
05-20-06, 00:56
Thanks for the input. I appreciate it. JSF, I agree with you about the lack of contribution so far soo i should talk a little over the next few days about my experiences in Dubai. Starting with a taste of Deira!!!:

Having read alot of the posts, clearly I cant dream of adding anything about the Bur Dubai mongering so the other side of the creek shall be my forte.

I havnt seen any mention of the Intercon in deira before. The bar in the ground floor is always packed with some serious hotties. 80% CIS. From my experience they set a high asking price (1500 Dhs) but tend to go for 800-900. you will always find an non-arab in a dishdasha with the 3 or 4 hotter girls. It seems that he can get away with being a pimp easier that way. The atmosphere is not bad although dancing is banned (or maybe just my dancing). I've even met a gypsie there who did some voodo on my doodo.

If you get bored of that atmosphere you can just walk 1 minute away to the carlton. This place doesnt get enough recognition in my opinion. With 4 bars to pick up women, you can switch between bars depending on what nationality you are after. 1.Chinamen (they are quite manky here!) 2. Indian although never taken any home. 3. Turkish/armenian. Some serious gems to be found. For around 700 i have had a few nights not to forget too soon. 4. I was always too drunk to rememberwhat this one contained.

I hope this was of some use. Keep up the feedback please. (JSF, aka, king of dubai) does this meet your approval?

05-20-06, 08:13
Thanks for the input. I appreciate it. JSF, I agree with you about the lack of contribution so far soo i should talk a little over the next few days about my experiences in Dubai. Starting with a taste of Deira!!!:

Having read alot of the posts, clearly I cant dream of adding anything about the Bur Dubai mongering so the other side of the creek shall be my forte.

I havnt seen any mention of the Intercon in deira before. The bar in the ground floor is always packed with some serious hotties. 80% CIS. From my experience they set a high asking price (1500 Dhs) but tend to go for 800-900. you will always find an non-arab in a dishdasha with the 3 or 4 hotter girls. It seems that he can get away with being a pimp easier that way. The atmosphere is not bad although dancing is banned (or maybe just my dancing). I've even met a gypsie there who did some voodo on my doodo.

If you get bored of that atmosphere you can just walk 1 minute away to the carlton. This place doesnt get enough recognition in my opinion. With 4 bars to pick up women, you can switch between bars depending on what nationality you are after. 1.Chinamen (they are quite manky here!) 2. Indian although never taken any home. 3. Turkish/armenian. Some serious gems to be found. For around 700 i have had a few nights not to forget too soon. 4. I was always too drunk to rememberwhat this one contained.

I hope this was of some use. Keep up the feedback please. (JSF, aka, king of dubai) does this meet your approval?Now you are talking mate. Keep this up and you will always get contacts from the cartel.



El Suave
05-20-06, 10:27
El Suave ...(and flattery will get you nowhere!)Of course one must not toot one’s horn and take such “flattery” at face value. A grain of Sault when confronted with feints is always judicious; tooo toot. ;) I’ve seen the pertinent original post along with others, the alteration improved upon the yellowness of the author quite substantially. :D

How do they do them edits without showin’ them edits darn it!

SHEIZE, I no longer carry favor with Sheik Hamad1. :(

05-20-06, 20:58
I haven't been to the clubs in a while (in the far east or Iraq).

Went out tonight, but I'm driving, so no drinking.

1400h: Woke up, went to the airport to pick up my merc.

1600h: Sushi at DIC Yo!; on a saturday, this place still has 10 staff, and 1 patron. The other patron was a sales rep or owner at some health spa, and kind of hot, and lebanese or other arab/turk, but a bit out of my age range (35-40).

Drove by Dubailand..all I can say is wtf.

1730-1930h: Stuck in traffic on 11/311 trying to get to Sharjah. Thought 311 would be faster, but no. Rescheduled meeting to tomorrow, gave up for the night.

2030h: Steak at Manhattan Grill (Grand Hyatt). Excellent. Two ultra-hotties, US/Canadian, at the next table, but assumed to be civilian/girlfriends. Ate my steak and read my book. Probably better than Meat Co at Jumeirah.

2130h: York. Managed to win the parking lottery, too -- in front of Regal/Al Ain works better than on khalid bin walid itself.

Far too many Africans. A few decent CIS, including 2 managers running things. Saw a couple guys playing pool with Iraq shirts, but probably they were KBR and not marines.

I managed to get my "ho dismissing hand" down to a science. Basically when one of the Africans pushily came up to me, I'd look away and block the arc of her face with my hand, while shaking my hand no. This was really the only effective countermeasure -- I've tried being polite, saying "no thanks, just drinking" "you waste time!" etc.

A single chinese worker in the traditional Chinese Spot; presumably they will regrow at some point? Or do they take saturdays off? Or did they migrate elsewhere permanently?

The band has a new "singer" -- Donna, some kind of asian. She spends much of her time playing air guitar, but when she sings, she headbangs 80's style, with long hair, is amusing. And is 90% of the time covering male vocals, since that's what the band plays.

CIS included one cute but slightly too round blonde, and one pretty amazingly hot blonde girl wearing her hair in a ponytail by the pool tables, but as she was sharing a cigarette with one of the pool players, was probably a moderate to long-term girlfriend, and not available for sale or rental. Alas. Also, he was big enough and looked drunk enough that I did not want to take the risk.

Went over to Regal for a bit -- kind of depressing. Basically empty, maybe 20-30 girls total, all mumblestani or CIS, and kind of on the older/portly/etc. side. Maybe 1-2 that I might have not felt ashamed taking through the lobby of my hotel, but only if I walked quickly.

Tried calling a girl's number provided by a helpful forum king, but the girl was kind of paranoid and wants an actual phone call endorsement of me -- I suppose security concerns are heightened.

Hopefully will be back in Dubai tomorrow, otherwise I'll give a report on the RAK monger scene, which probably involves camels by the roadside. If I'm back in Dubai I'd be interested in meeting up with anyone from isg at the clubs, but hopefully I'll figure out some way to get an acceptable cis/stani/asian girl back to my hotel room with my dignity, lungs, and liver intact.

05-21-06, 13:11
Friday Night

Hooked up with Mike de H. As we'd never met, agreed Rattlesnake early good choice.

Rattlesnake, 9:00 - 11:00
Walking through the parking lot towards Rattlesnake, saw a PRC on an intercept course. Bit surprised; had not seen that before. However, it was not what I thought. She needed an escort into the bar; she would pay to get in, handing me 25 dhs (first to admit, I am cheap).

[Note]: A reminder of the Rattlesnake's twisted entrance policy; it is now not sufficient for at least certain PRC's to have to pay; they also need a male escort. I tried to do a "Seaview": she's with me and we both walk in (at Seaview, if a girl is with you, she gets in free). No go; Rattlesnake insisted she (I) pay. And they knew exactly what was happening, making, to me, a rather snide comment. Tacky.

At 9, very sparse, so easy for MDH and myself to hook-up for the 1st time. Other nice thing about the 'Snake is that, at least prior to the band starting at 10pm, you can carry on a decent conversation. Interesting guy. By 9:30, "my" PRC had disappeared; think phone call. 9:30, things started to pick up, number of PRC's, Africans (they're everywhere, they're everywhere). MDH remarked it was nice to not get mobbed by job interviewees.

One thin PRC, looking good in a tight fitting chinese dress (anyone else find those high collars appealing?), was mentoring a "only been dxb 3 days, no english" compatriot. Both cute, but non-compelling. By 10:30 things had picked up, a handful of "nice" PRC's, africans if that's your thing, and some CIS (group out on the dance floor). Was compelled enough to get 1 PRC's phone number which no doubt will slowly filter down to the "never called" area of my address book.

But, unlike the last time I was there looking for action, this time, when not looking, of course, a number of selections. None a keeper, but still, possibilities.

The outside bar area of the 'Snake no longer attractive with the arrival of summer. 11:00pm, walking to the car, sweating like a pig in the heat and humidity. Come on October.

Seaview, 11:15 - 12:45
MDH had never been to the Seaview, which, in my book, is a grevious error, so off we went. Crowded, but not overly so. Had to wait 15 minutes for the [c]rap music to finish while band on break. But once they started, MDH impressed with the bass player (aren't we all?!?). Given the volume level, difficult to converse. One feisty PRC on the dance floor with a group of guys; not a looker as such, but looked tempting given her fun attitude. Someone's date for the night, but worth a mental bookmark to check availability another. One thing I like about the Seaview, besides the band, it is just a fun place (you can usually tell the "civilians").

Number of PRC's around, again with the africans, and some CIS (a few now very familiar). Again, main reason to go to Seaview is the band, but, if you didn't care to go home alone, some possibilities (though for the good looking ones, book quick). I kept meaning to leave, but it was one great number after another, so found myself listening to the last number of their 2nd set, "Sweet Child of Mine", with the bass player on lead. Glad I stayed. Also glad as I had an opportunity to grab a phone number from an older, nicely racked PRC who I'd seen around but never had the chance to meet. Perhaps not a weekender, but fine for a mid-week ST.

05-21-06, 19:17
10pm Sunday and I have the stunning Caramel in my place now. But she brought her cousin along! An unwanted surprise. Why why why!! Lucky I have a spare room for Cuz.

And they want to go clubbing/dancing until the early hours, so I'm checking venues online. I was hoping for an early night of romping. I'm getting too old for this. ;)

Mike De H
05-22-06, 00:07
this mini mongering trip (with some nice excuse-business atached) revealed the good, the bad and the ugly side of the business with ladies of negotiable affection. the clever use of html tags means you an now go to the bits you want. there are amd bits if you want only to read about girls. there are [humour and reflection] bits and so on. your choice dear reader.

not mongering all the time due to pesky work, my first wg choice was from cyclone on wednesday night, where i learned what trafficking of women is really about. boy, if the police in germany honestly think they have a problem, then they are talking out of their arseholes.

[soppy bit you can miss] i would never willingly or knowingly go with a girl with a “boss” if i can avoid it. having said that, you can’t tell always until they are in the taxi with you. by that time it’s too late, you go with them and make them happy as you can or its all the worse for them. although i hate to say it, the service and honesty levels are much higher than with the independents. i will take poor service any day, despite my big moan at the end of this report.

having a boss (i.e. pimp, but more organised than your average druggy with a girlfriend stupid enough to work to feed the habit) is not the same as “trafficked”. that is a really useless word that describes nothing. its one for the elements of the establishment that want to stamp out the worlds most honourable profession instead of really help the girls involved. to me though, if the girl is held under such conditions that she has no choice as to what she is doing and is a virtual slave, then that’s trafficked, because her exit out of a country otherwise difficult to travel from is all arranged, and the “payback” is often horrendous. i still maintain these girls know what they are getting into and work as prostitutes before they are moved out on a commercial scale. forget this romantic idea of innocent girls being kidnapped and sold or told they are going to be nannies and end up being sex slaves in an arab dungeon somewhere. they know what they are going to do, they fly in willingly on modern airliners. often though, the conditions are the problem.

i a country where passport confirep001ion is a problem and it goes right to the top, this is where the problem is. if your visa expires, its your fault, not your sponsor, who has a lot of wasta (influence). if you do not have your passport, its your problem, not your boss, who has it kept safe so you cant leave. cross this with a country that is more likely to throw you in jail for loosing your passport rather than helping you and a consulate full of corrupt idiots (i.e. any asian country) then the girls have nowhere to turn. the corruption runs deep, i don’t like it, and i could get myself killed if i tried to do anything about it. so i will write about the girls and try to engender a consciousness, or awareness to encourage responsible mongering where possible. it may help, its my bit, laugh at me as you may (plenty will scoff). [/soppy bit you can miss]

i don’t like cyclone. the rate of controlled girls is higher, the independents are very expensive and the girls look much better at the premiere in the hyatt regency, which failed to visit this time. to me the latter is the better club for p4p.

the first choice was a hungarian looker, called kate (i think) but she would not budge from 1500 ds. so much for the recent le activity keeping prices down.

second choice just as i was about to quit in despair, was zara from dagistan. think of ally sheedy from the breakfast club meets chrissie hynde from the pretenders. stunning girl if you like a bit of goth in your life! http://members.***********.co.uk/johnrobinson3/scansh/various/chrissy%20hynde.jpg

encouragingly enough, she opened at 1000 ds, and through superb negotiation skills, got it down to 900 ds. [/girl} [[humour and reflection] well, i was tired and hungry, you know. i couldn’t afford a drink and a girl, so i fantasized about my new alcohol recycling machine. you drag it around like a hoover strapped to your backside. it hoovers up the spilled alcohol, strains it, distils it, adds the pure alcohol back the strained fruit juices reclaimed from the carpet. failing this and falling into delirium through lack of beer i decided it had to be a girl. shit or get off the pot, as they say.
[/humour and reflection]

[girl] a soon as she was in the taxi, the phone calls started. “i have to call my boss” i kid you not, every step of the way was monitored. i thought, hey, do these guys not want to fit a tracking bug up her arse? i am sure its cheaper than etiselat. i thought “mistake”. it took a while to get conversation sorted but it happened. at this point i knew it was better for her to continue as normal than abort.
in the room, i got out two 500 notes and asked for change. she said she had none. so i said, well i will give you this by going to reception in the morning to get change. well, the girl went white as a sheet and swallowed hard. i asked what could possibly wrong. she said “i have to tell boss when i have the money”. i aid, tell them you have it. she said that was impossible she had to tell the truth. in the end, i put the 500 ds under the lamp shade on her side of the bed, i said, “when you go at the agreed time of ten, just take the money and we will get change together, i will pay for the taxi.” she looked better and said taxi money wasn’t needed. (well there’s a first!). several phone calls later the sex bit started.

some girls are made to be prostitutes. some are doing it because they want money, like sex, but when it comes own to the bold nitty gritty, they just are not up to scratch. this girl had been here 7 months and this was how she went about undressing. first she asked for a t-shirt. then she got into bed and slid off the bottom of her dress (but not her thing) and then later when warmed up with conversation and a little hindi tv she got the rest off.

the sex was, as per usual mind-blowingly good. she gave real gfe like many of these girls do. she has not learned yet how to be a pro. no blow job offered, (i did not ask) i was so eager for her nice young body.

in the morning i was hung over and not enough sleep. at ten to ten precisely, “boss” rang up and asked for directions. ten minutes later i was shouting down the phone, “tell the thick bastard it’s the one near the clock tower roundabout.” she put the phone down and laughed and said “no-ne likes boss”. no, i thought, i bet we are queuing up for a word. i declined however being undressed and let the poor girl have the whole 1000. of course she couldn’t break it, so she will not get the money. but i am sure it helped er. the sex was great, the body great, she was honest and great company. for one night, i made her happier than she would be otherwise if she failed to get a punter. or got a bad one. just a note about the iq of these girls, she spoke russian, two dialects of dagestanese and in seven months, picked up all her english and quite a lot of hindi by watching bollywood films during the day. amazing, how can you not love these women!

the next afternoon was the wonderful milf maria from armenia who helped sort my head out over the controlled girl zara. maria is an independent and has a heart of gold. always by the door at rockafellas on the left as you walk in. tall, handsome woman, with dark thick hair and an arse that still fits those tight jeans. excellent masseur too. i got a lot of info about the dark side and how it all works from red and white checked head scarfe to complicit local police in the girl’s own countries.

[[humour and reflection] bizarre conversation. that evening dining outside in a lebanese café on al dyafa in jumeirah, a noticeable “brazil” t-shirted, big titted goddess came in with a real wide-boy gimp from the uk. thy sat down and the conversation went something like. “what music do you like” “oh i like music i can dance to”, “i like rock records”, “so do i but i can’t dance to them”. “i can lend you my albums if you like” (embarrassed silence) “no its ok thanks.”.”do you like pink floyd? you know…’hello, is there anybody in there?’” (more embarrassed silence from the girl followed by..) “so if i work for you, what do i have to do?” “suck my cock!” “oh, is that all? when do i start?” [/humour and reflection]

that evening was girl free as i met up with 11bravo from isg and as he reports, we went to see the grooviest little rock chick ever play base, drums, lead guitar behind her head and with her teeth. someone is going to make a lot of money out of her. and i don’t mean in the sack either.

the next and last wg was the nasty little ***** “linda” from odessa in the urane. beware – rip off and theif”. i fell for the “no english” routine big style. mamasan was there negotiating for her. all went slow and i said, “look, if she’s not interested and wont try and speak to me, then forget it”. always follow your instincts. i didn’t. she then agreed 800 for the night. mamsansaid “you give the money to me and she will go with you”. i laughed and said forget it and walked off.

later mamsan comes back full of apology. look, she says, “she only here one month, she didn’t know you that’s why she didn’t want to take the money in the room. she does not know you, you know?” again, i laughed and said it was kind of the nature of the job. at this point, dear reader, you may ask why i even considered it. well the point is, think of wednesday, crossed with morticia adams, crossed with andrea corr. sweet, innocent, irish look. slightly gothic and crusty too. white blouse hardly buttoned up, black skirt, pony tail. think http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.wizzu.com/corrs/andrea6.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.wizzu.com/corrs/andreapics.html&h=337&w=371&sz=16&tbnid=lvaphuysm3nuum:&tbnh=107&tbnw=118&hl=en&start=2&prev=/images%3fq%3dandrea%2bcorr%26svnum%3d10%26hl%3den%26lr%3d%26rls%3dggld,ggld:2004-05,ggld:en%26sa%3dn but younger, and you see why my head was outruled by my dick.

we agreed a normal deal would take place and we got a taxi. there, finger play started and the innocent stuff went on. she explained she had done four months in “arabic clubs” but saturday was her first regal / rockafellas night, she was from ukraine etc. i was buying it.

in the room, no problems, except she wanted to use my mobile to phone somebody which i thought was a security risk but i et it go since it was my dubai sim only. she showered and left her clothes in the bathroom and came back with a towel round her, which came off eagerly. again, no bj and only light kissing but the sex so utterly brilliant and innocent, like two teenagers who just met in a nightclub i just wanted inside her as fast as i could.

the only slight fly at the end was when she asked me to “finish please”.

i did so easily, and i showered, then she showered. whilst in the shower i had the first shock.the cheeky ***** deleted all the call log from my phone including important numbers not in the diary! second shock, she came back dressed, obviously changing long time to short time.

third shock, the english got frighteningly good. “i didn’t mention till morning”. anyway my flight was at 7 am so i didn’t care, i just said, i am not happy that you take lt into st, just go. then the little ***** had the audacity to ask for taxi money.

then it got scary. she would not leave. not without her money. she started one of those “why not” arguments. you answer “because you cheated on time” followed by “no i didn’t’” followed by my explanation followed by “what?” follwed by “why not” in circular arguments. she got more and more heated, showing more willingness to shout than me and cause a scene.

then it got scarier. she could not raise the friend she wanted and i confronted her about the call list. she just said “no, not me”. right. then she picked up the house phone and started to dial out. that was it, i said “put the fucking phone down” at th top of my voice. she stamped her feet and said “no”. so i wen over and put my finger on the receiver ickup to hang it up forceably. then the “what” and “why stuff started again”. i then opened the room door in my underpants and said get out or i get security to come up and throw you out”. then she stomped off finally, me glad to be rid of the scary little fucker.

then the theft. ok, i am careful. money in safe, phones in view, usual stuff, but what did i forget? yes, you experienced mongers have already got it haven’t you. she raided the mini-bar and stole a bottle of vodka. how pathetic, but it justified my treatment of her, the little thieving cow. i found out whilst checking out. the staff behind the counter pulled no punches telling me i was stupid for bringing a girl to my room, and it happens all the time. they loved it. ah well, she got her 32 ds anyway. all i can say, is beware. she is like a little irish girl with white skin and black hair and an older blonde russian minder called lina. avoid at all costs.

i still maintain that if even the thieves and the rip-offs give fantastic sex, this is the best mongering environment for variety, length of time and gfe in the world.

05-22-06, 03:31
I would never willingly or knowingly go with a girl with a “Boss” if I can avoid it. Having said that, you can’t tell always until they are in the taxi with you. By that time it’s too late, you go with them and make them happy as you can or its all the worse for them. Although I hate to say it, the service and honesty levels are much higher than with the independents. I will take poor service any day, despite my big moan at the end of this report.

I am a visitor to DXB like you are, and not an expert. So this is what I have learned over the last few years.
Virtually all of the girs have "bosses", wtih few exceptions. If it's not a mamasan, its a local guy who sponsored her visa.
It's kinda unavoidable so we do the best we can, which is just be nice to them. (OK, most of them:))

Wicked Roger
05-22-06, 07:00
I was hoping for an early night of romping. I'm getting too old for this. ;)

If you are getting too old for it, then what hope is there for part time mongers like me ;)

Best cancel the trip to Thailand Piper in case you come back so worn out that Miss Wildcat gets very suspicious as you can't play with her ;)

Also based on our chats last week, you did remember to DNA the house before you left, hope so otherwise, there is a spare room in AD for you.


Wicked Roger
05-22-06, 07:15
I would never willingly or knowingly go with a girl with a “Boss” if I can avoid it.

In the room, I got out two 500 notes and asked for change. She said she had none.

The next and last WG was the nasty little ***** “Linda” from Odessa in the Urane. BEWARE – RIP OFF AND THEIF”. I fell for the “no English” routine big style. Mamasan was there negotiating for her.

The only slight fly at the end was when she asked me to “finish please”.

I still maintain that ..... this is the best mongering environment for variety, length of time and GFE in the world.
Mike de H

Good report, lots of issues raised. My comments, well......

1. I never go with any WG who can't speak English - will always raise problems later. Even Tintin in AD had a translator device which was fun to use and broke the ice. Mamasans and I rarely get along (all bar one) so I tend to ignore them when they are around.

2. Most WGs have a boss somewhere. Yes there are independents but this is normally after a year or more of being with a boss the the 'debt' repaid. My Filipina ladies in AD all have a boss (we all do don't we?) but they tend not to be a vigilant as the ones you encountered but well done for what you told the boss :) Even the part timers I see have a boss.

3. Always have the right change (sounds like a notice in a London Transport bus!). Then you can give the tip separately (sorry if this sound like teaching someone to suck eggs...).

4. "Finish please" - well when they say that I just tell them I am a horny bastard (or words like that) and continue ;) We are not (well I am not) a machine.....just a monger

5. Sorry I was not in AD when you were in town. Next time, come to AD, I promise it is not as scary as Dubai, we don't have the Cyclone equivalent nor the prices, but we still have a nice crowd, GFE and not as expensive as Dubai (based on your report). And.. you may get a decent BBBJ as well :) And if you want a Filipina well I will see what I can do to help, all raod tested by WR of course!!

Look forward to the next visit Mike, PM when you are here and we will catch up and I can take you on a cultural tour of AD and even find the Marina Hotel that Piper wrote about.


Mike De H
05-22-06, 08:19
Mike de H
Look forward to the next visit Mike, PM when you are here and we will catch up and I can take you on a cultural tour of AD and even find the Marina Hotel that Piper wrote about.


Its a definate! Thanks. No problem yuo missed me the last night was a rush anyway (don't you hate those early flights?).

Anyway, its interesting the boring moral issues have raised more comment than the girl at the end :)

Maybe the tagsworked.


05-22-06, 10:26
Also based on our chats last week, you did remember to DNA the house before you left, hope so otherwise, there is a spare room in AD for you. WRJust woke up (1pm after a verrrry late night) and found that Caramel and Cuz have done 90% of the clean-up for me. Nice girls. Had a great night with them in a few venues last night, then to bed with Caramel - yum! After she fell asleep, off to the other bedroom for a session with Cuz - not as attractive, but much hotter sex.

Will report on the venues later, including Mix at Grand Hyatt - I think it was gay night. Lucky I brought my own gals. ;)

Gotta drop them off for shopping now ...

Irish Lad
05-22-06, 11:03
Hello MDH,

Great report. Where dd you meet Linda?



05-22-06, 11:13
Mike - always a good adventure and always a good read. But something's wrong with my computer - the html tags didn't work. ;)

Mike De H
05-22-06, 11:40
Hello MDH,

Great report. Where dd you meet Linda?



Linda, and older Mamasan Lina work on the right as you walk in the door at Rockafellas at the Regal Plaza.

Avoid, its difficult when you see her though!

Wicked Roger
05-22-06, 11:47
Caramel and Cuz have done 90% of the clean-up for me.

Will report on the venues later, including Mix at Grand Hyatt - I think it was gay night. Lucky I brought my own gals. ;)


Double check that they left no items behind as a memento for you to find later - well in this case Miss Wildcat!! Alos the odd condom wrapper or little bit of is somewhat a giveaway too (my housegirl likes to remind me of this one at times!).

Mix - well thank goodness MK and I were not with you. Three older guys together in search of adventure....would have been very adventurous :)

Enjoy BKK, get some rest or you will feel as energetic as me ;)


05-22-06, 12:51
I'd invited Caramel over for Sunday night to take her out in Dubai. She made the long journey, but brought her cousin along again. A bit disappointing, as three can be a crowd, and cousin wouldn't go all the way in bed with me last time. This time was different.

After a couple of drinks, we went out dancing at a few places until 3am. Again, Caramel was the centre of attention on the dance floor, and a bit too flirty with her admirers. Lucky I'm not the jealous type. ;) At closing time we headed home, and had another drink and a few laughs, then Caramel and I retired to the boudoir for some solid romping. No bj, no matter how much I tried to persuade her (will try for next time, slowly slowly). I started DATY very briefly, but discovered she's had the clitorectomy, so I didn't waste time slurping down there. Still, she was very wet, and I made the best of enjoying her beautiful body and buxom breasts. Hard deep sex in various positions, and deep fisting (both girls have kids).

After we finished, we snuggled a while, then when Caramel was asleep, I went to the other bedroom and gently woke her cousin, who'd been very flirty with me when Caramel wasn't around. My foreplay consisted of a hand on one of her breasts, a kiss, and saying "I want to make love to you". She sleepily asked if Caramel was asleep. I said yes, and she gave me the go-ahead signal with a groan, opening her mouth and giving me her tongue as I kissed her again, and away we went. She's not as attractive as Caramel, but she was much wilder in bed (maybe because she has a clitoris - makes a big difference).

Again, she was enjoying the deep slow fisting, and while I had my fingers inside she started rubbing her clitoris vigorously and moaning. Surprised, I asked her "You haven't been cut down there?" and she moaned "No", so I went down for some rapid-tongue DATY while fisting and she went wild. Again, no bj allowed, but we ended with a deep hard and frantic thrusting session, finishing doggy style. Afterwards (and again this afternoon), she asked me not to tell Caramel what happened. I can keep a secret. Just dropped them off for some Dubai shopping beofre they make the journey home.

Gotta say, those ginseng and royal jelly capsules seem to work. Haven't been this horny or shooting such big loads in ages. I like!

I have a couple of non-sex pics from this afternoon, but proxy server too slow at the moment.

05-22-06, 13:07
Great report, as usual. Appreciate the time it takes to write about the peaks and valleys.

Encouragingly enough, she opened at 1000 Ds, and through superb negotiation skills, got it down to 900 Ds.Anyone that can break the 1000 price barrier with some of these girls, I salute. ;) Next time you hit Cyclone, let me know; there's PRC Miss 1000 who I need help with. Every time I see her, I always think she's giving me the come-hither look and knowing nod. I begin thinking what magic we can make together, the real GFE... the LT lasting days... Once outside, alone, in the clear air, I realize it was just the "hey, get out of the way of the REAL punters, you stupid git" look.

In the room, I got out two 500 notes and asked for change.ROTFLMAO. When I go out scouting for an opening on the pitching roster, I always make sure I have change: not only 100's for those "top-ups", but also 10's for taxis.

For one night, I made her happier than she would be otherwise if she failed to get a punter. Or got a bad one.Mutually beneficial, isn't it.

Just a note about the IQ of these Girls, she spoke Russian, two dialects of dagestanese and in seven months, picked up all her English and quite a lot of Hindi by watching Bollywood films during the day. Amazing, how can you not love these Women!Lack of english should not be confused with stupidity. Granted, I do have to be in the right mood, but struggling to make yourself understood can be fun, and if you take the time and are patient with the girl, you can be amply rewarded, not only that night, but in the future when her english has improved.

The next and last WG was the nasty little ***** “Linda” from Odessa in the Urane. BEWARE – RIP OFF AND THEIF”.Always appreciate the rip-off warnings.

Always follow your instincts. I didn’t.If you ever figure out how, please let me know. Sometimes, after the fact, I think it'd be cheaper in the long run to have paid a minder to follow me around, slapping me up the side of the head as I'm taking that wrong turn, always signposted "Wishful Thinking ->".

...this is the best mongering environment for variety, length of time and GFE in the world.I can't speak about the world, but certainly there's a wide variety here, LT is not a problem, and the danger is that the GFE's are so prevalent, when you don't get one, you're thinking WTF?

05-22-06, 13:13
Caramel and Cuz wanted a night of dancing. We went to Malecon Club at Dubai Marina in Jumeira. A bit quiet at 11pm, but we all had a bit of clumsy fun trying our salsa moves to the Cuban band.

Next stop was supposed to be a quick look inside Alamo (also in the Marina complex) before heading for Club Mix. The huge black doorman gave us an unfriendly look and asked if I had a reservation. I said no, and he said we couldn't go in. I asked if it was busy. He said it was getting that way. I could see that it wasn't busy at all. We weren't drunk, and the girls certainly didn't look like hookers (even so, the occasional hookers get into Alamo). I can only assume it was because of the color of their skin (did I mention it's a nice caramel color? ;)). I didn't want to make a big deal of it, and we only intended a quick look, so I said "no probs" and we left.

Next and final stop was Club Mix at Grand Hyatt - my first visit there. Arrived around 1230am, and entry was 89DH each, unlimited drinks until 2am. Quick mental calculation. Hmmm. Okay - let's drink, girls! Paid the 267DH and in we went and started drinking and dancing to the DJ Trance music. I'm sure it was gay night. About 100 people there, 75% of them were guys, and many of them made no secret of being gay. About 25 girls, some with guys, but about 7 or 8 obvious working girls - CIS and Chinese.

Overall a good night. Especially when we got back to my place. ;)


WR - yep, about to complete the DNA clean-up - heavy hoovering needed - long blonde, black, brown and red hairs everywhere! (especially in the other bedroom where Cuz enjoyed some rodeo-style doggy where her hair served as the reins - turned out to be a hair extension -oops!)

Next, pack my bags and hopefully get a few hours sleep on the plane to BKK tonight. Will send a postcard if I get time. :)

05-22-06, 14:46
Mike de H... PM when you are here and we will catch up and I can take you on a cultural tour of AD and even find the Marina Hotel that Piper wrote about.

WRWR - just checked my quickly scrawled note - according to the girls it's the Collosseum Bar in Marina Club. Must be at AD Marina?

Wicked Roger
05-22-06, 15:08
WR - just checked my quickly scrawled note - according to the girls it's the Collosseum Bar in Marina Club. Must be at AD Marina?
Yes it is Piper, enjoy the flight, take the royal jelly and ginseng, I do ever day and look what it has made me ;) That pharmacy lady in AD sure knows her stuff but then again you are a natural monger unlike me :)


Mike De H
05-22-06, 17:58
Lack of english should not be confused with stupidity.

Now if I thought that, I would think that most of you Americans were stupid, which patently isn't true :D

My Kapitan
05-22-06, 20:02
My word the thread is busy. Lots to comment on.

Great report MDH. Most of the girls have bosses its a fact of life. You do get a few part timers with legit jobs but they are few and far between. As a guide ask how long they have been in Dubai - if more than a year they have probably paid the balance and are saving up to pay the exit penalty.

An unfortunate experience with the girl. In 4 years mongering in Dubai I have only been had once - drunk, left my wallet containing credit cards and 5000dhms cash out. Usually used the safe but didn't that night. Woke up hung over at 4am no girl and no cash but all cards still in place. Lesson learnt.

Always have change and of course none take credit cards - where would they swipe them!

Lack of English - I like the challenge but thats just me.

Gay nights - what are you guys up to when I'm away!! Once had the misfortune of a colleauge taking me to the Boston bar one night, all men all shirt lifters from what I could see - colleauge said 'everyones so friendly here!'
I left pronto.. I believe Fibers has taken up the mantle so to speak.

WR - DNA sweep not successful, black long hairs being found on a regular basis, I'm blaming guy who stayed while I was away. More tricky was explaining why a pack of condoms and the bottle of warming love lotion was in my rucksack when she was packing for the beach.. arragh.

Currently in St Petersburg just about have enough dollars left for fun after being ripped off by Moscow taxi drivers, hope to post on SP forum soon.

Keep your ends up!

Wicked Roger
05-22-06, 20:22
WR - DNA sweep not successful, black long hairs being found on a regular basis, I'm blaming guy who stayed while I was away. More tricky was explaining why a pack of condoms and the bottle of warming love lotion was in my rucksack when she was packing for the beach.. arragh.

Keep your ends up!

Well you can't blame the hairs on me given my head :)

But the condoms and love lotion, well tell the lovely O they were for me, bringinging them to AD but forgot and left them in teh rucksack ...or something like that, she knows what I am like and I can keep a straight face when telling the story ;)

Good luck in SP, make sure none have relatives living in Dubai with a neice called O :) Otherwise could be double whammy.

See you when you return, PM me and we can catch up.

I will keep my end up that is for sure :)


Mike De H
05-22-06, 21:30
MK's comment about St. Petersburg reminded me of a real stunner in the Regal.

Does anybody remember her name because I can't.
She has huge black hair, about 6'2 with a killer body and stands near the end of the right side bar.

I asked usual crap, got on OK, but said she does not always go there to work. I asked why. She said.......da dah....

"Because here is all CHEAP!". Oh, "How cheap is CHEAP" I replied. "They ask how much, I say 1500 Ds. Then they say 500 Ds. Then I say, 'you think I should work for free?'.

I said, "I always pay about 800 to 1000 in exceptional crcumstances." She just shrugged.

I wonder if she ever actually gets that? And how often. Anyway, she went to a club called "Alamo" or "Amnesia" where she said the rates were better.

I thought, some people have to work fucking hard for the equivalent of 500 Ds even in the high paid west.

It struck me as an unrealistic way of looking atthe World, but I also accept, get what you can when you can I suppose.

Anyone know the Club or the Girl? I bet the service sucked!

05-22-06, 23:10
Now if I thought that, I would think that most of you Americans were stupid, which patently isn't true :D
Are you from the land of 'proper English' where every young boy can grow up to be the Queen?:D

05-23-06, 04:42
Anyway, she went to a club called "Alamo" or "Amnesia" where she said the rates were better. ...Anyone know the Club or the Girl? I bet the service sucked!Well, I hope the service sucked. ;) I don't know the girl, but please introduce me one night. I think the club would be likely be Amnesia - pricey girls. Alamo is essentially a middle-aged british expats club, with older (30-40 y.o.) non-WG women looking to get picked up, and a few low-key WGs for good measure.

WR - DNA sweep not successful, black long hairs being found on a regular basis, I'm blaming guy who stayed while I was away. I think I'll have the same problem when I get back home. No matter how much I vacuumed, I kept finding long hairs everywhere. The long black hairs are okay - could be Wildcat's. The blonde hairs must also be blamed on your friend staying at my place. ;) Have fun in St Pete!

PS Kap - you can tell the naughty Miss K that her panties have travelled all the way to BKK. I didn't know where to hide them, so I brought them with me. Will be safe under my pillow. ;)

Wicked Roger
05-23-06, 05:32
I think I'll have the same problem when I get back home. No matter how much I vacuumed, I kept finding long hairs everywhere. The long black hairs are okay - could be Wildcat's. The blonde hairs must also be blamed on your friend staying at my place. ;)

PS Kap - you can the naughty Miss K that her panties have travelled all the way to BKK. I didn't know where to hide them, so I brought them with me. Will be safe under my pillow. ;)

I always knew you had a fetish and now I know ;).

Trust/hope the welcome home party when you arrive back does not include an interrogation from Miss Wildcat - would love to be a fly on the wall though to watch ;)


05-23-06, 05:49
Hi Folks,

had a short stop of 30 hrs in DXB. Arrived very early in the morning (03:30 am). When arrived at the hotel no rooms free so had to wait for two hours. Finally I got my rooms and were still confident with all my numbers I even got someone at this time of the day. Unfortunately my text messages remained unanswered, so I tried to wake someone up.

To make it short: Either no response, switched off and worst, a couple of girls became victims of the latest clean up in DXB. Called E but E's manager became upset and shouted on me girls have to sleep, etc. etc. But only after tempting me with the new Filipine girls they have. Sad it does not work.

I am pretty much in the concept of regulars (but like to have sometimes an alternative taste) and so called her. Happy no problem and over with me withing 45 min (and waiting 20 min for a taxi).

While busy around noon I went to Astoria Hotel at 3:00 pm - mostly Chinese, very few Kaukasian (and not to attractive), no African girls. Were not tempted to ask or negotiate.

Remembered about Admiral hotel and went there around 4:30 to 5:00 pm. Only some dudes in the bar, but no girl at all. Either I was to early or Admiral hotel is out of business.

So went back to regular and enjoyed.

Result: I believe there is an severe impact by the recent clean up. Esspecially if you need girls during the morning or the day it becomes difficult. Have to built up numbers again.

I wonder both the Admiral and Astoria Hotel are not frequntly mentioned here. While I am not to much in to it (quality is lower end) I considered at least Astoria as one of the ways to get fun during the afternoon.

Greetings to all,


05-23-06, 07:47
Yesterday got a call from one of my forum buddies asking me if I could hook up for a drink. It had been a while since I ventured out to a pub and so readily agreed.

Arrived there around 8 and the security guys were pretty pleased to see us both. He is a regular there too whenever I go over. The place had the looks of a ghost town.

Very very few afros. Just a handful of CIS. It was easy to spot the best looking CIS in the pub. The place was so deserted we could see all around without our view being interupted. We were just catching up and not really interested although the sexy CIS did interest my friend. He is currently not in the need for p4p since he has got a regular string of freebies lined up. A lot of Filipinas and one european as well. Lucky guy. He says the european is the best of the lot although he has regularly had filipinas who are great. But they keep coming and going so no special ones in the filipina ranks. The european has stuck with him quite a while and it is an easy no strings attached kind of relationship.

Around 9 we were interested to see if the chinese brigade would come and liven up the scene. No luck. Just a solitary chinese girl walked in. This is the pits. The cleanup is really hurting.

The other day I got a pm from a forum member asking for E's number. He is a regular poster and a very obvious punter who enjoys the hobby so I obliged. He called up and was told that they would accept his call only if I called and told them he is a friend. Well he wasted one day in that process, sending me pm and getting a response the next day etc.

I called up E's manager and told her he was harmless and not the axe murderer everyone is talking about.

Wonder if he got in. I am sure he will post his FR if he did try out any of E's girls.

Tom2004. That is interesting bit of news about E's place boasting of filipina talent. Might be worth checking out.

I am wondering if there is any point is visiting the York again in the future. The hotels must be hurting because there were very few guys there to give the pub any real business. As 11b said. "show me a pub which does not have p4p girls and he will show us the pub where he does not order a drink" Too true. All these pubs generate a lot of business because of the availability of p4p girls.

Maybe the pub business is also on the way out with the rapid demise of p4p. Hope some level heads in power take notice of the situation.


05-23-06, 15:47
couple of stories from last couple of weeks gulf news. as they say, "let's be careful out there."

customer service rage
dubal: a man faces up to a month in jail for swearing at a customer services employee. the 31-year-old man is also accused of making offensive hand gestures at the woman, who works for a major property developer. the man was apparently angry that promised work had not been carried out.

back home, there is such a thing as freedom of speech. making rude comments might get you escorted out of the building (except at the airport where the gestapo tsa do not take kindly to any type of criticism), and flipping someone the finger, worst case, can put you on the receiving end of a 9mm round. here... best to control any outbursts (of the verbal nature, anyway). even that lowly security guard, blocking your path to your room, along with friend, could file a complaint if you get 'uppity'.

dubai: a 20-year-old uae national, who was fired on two weeks ago after police caught him kissing his fiance inside his car, was granted bail on monday. the 20-year-old national was arrested with his 21-year-old female compatriot, who was his fiance then, and later became his wife, when a civilian police patrol spotted them kissing inside the car.

the man reportedly began reversing his car as soon as he spotted the police patrol parking in front of him. an unidentified number of law enforcement officers reportedly opened fire on the suspect's car, and the man stopped his vehicle instantly.

around may 3, the couple were detained for questioning at one of the police stations in dubai. the woman was released later and the male remained in custody before the public prosecution released him on bail after depositing his and a sponsor's passport in custody.

the police accused the couple of kissing in public and referred their case to the public prosecution. sources close to the investigation told gulfnews that they confessed to the charge.

uae amazingly tolerant of what goes on behind closed doors, but, out in public, be discreet. you read these stories every now and again (but this is the 1st i can recall where 'shots fired' was heard on the police radio). and these were nationals... doubtful they will be more tolerant to an outsider.

also notice that he was granted bail after his passport and a sponsor's were relinquished to authorities. (how's that for a bad saturday morning: "excuse me boss, but i need to borrow your passport...").


prosecution clears police officers in abuse case
dubai: the public prosecution has dismissed a case against two police officers who were being questioned for physically abusing a suspect, for lack of evidence.

"the public prosecution decided to dismiss the case because of lack of sufficient and uncorroborated evidence. yet the decision remains temporary until the attorney general confirms it or decides otherwise," a source close to the investigation told gulf news yesterday.

the officers denied the 34-year-old gulf national's accusations. sources claimed the incident happened when the officers summoned the detainee who was wanted for possessing stolen items. the suspect was arrested in deira. "he was held for interrogation for three days in one of the police departments and the officers slid a bottle around his rectum. they then held the bottle to his mouth," a source said.

after the alleged abuse, the suspect was taken to a police station for questioning where he reported the incident. a forensic report said he was beaten up and one of the interrogators also confirmed the beating.

brigadier dr jamal al merri, deputy commandant general of dubai police, had told gulf news such incidents did not happen in the force, and confirmed he had not "heard about the alleged incident". he said if any policeman abuses someone and it is proven in court, then "the police will take the required action after the court takes its decision".

what was it sporadic said? bad cop and worse cop? kind of explains why so many suspects confess and name their accomplices.

guess it was not sufficient for one of the interrogators to confirm the beating as his statement could not be independently confirmed?

jsf: thanks for the head's up on york. have not been there in ages; you've saved me a trip (and headache parking). i might suggest seaview, though once the band starts, forget any conversation. but before 9:45, fine for catching up, though the wg's won't start arriving before then.

rattlesnake also, but that is a bit out of town for those living downtown.

tom2004: have never been to admiral plaza.
had not been to tgit afternoon for 6 months, so perhaps a month ago, did stop in from 1:30 - 3:30 on a thursday afternoon. nothing really to rave about, but for an afternoon's st, there were some prc's around. the cis contingent looked too shepherded for me.

would agree that, when out, pick up a few numbers of the ones that are appealing to you and you're getting along with.

05-23-06, 15:53
11B - Wow - they opened fire on the guy?! Scary stuff. Hope the kissing was worth it.

Alas poor York, we knew it well...

Will have to check it out one night when I get back in town. Haven't been there for ages. Hard to believe its sudden death.

(PS - 11B - York has valet parking)

Mike De H
05-23-06, 18:23
i also read in the uae a "warning" to tourists only to bring in restricted medicines and then be able to prove they are prescribed and for personal uses.

apparantly the confirep001ed stuff was all fake komagra from india.

fortunately my ciallis is all on uk prescription, but i shall only bring enough for the trip and then i shall claim its for my next destination not for the uae!

unless you can get the hotel doc to prescribe it in the uae...now theres an idea. could even be cheaper!

Eu Contractor
05-23-06, 19:54
I park my “house” in a friend of mines’ camp. We drink and shoot the shit. Good guy from Louisanna.

He is bringing his son over to experience life in the great middle east for a couple of months, and maybe get some work out of him too.

He knows of some of my Dubai escapades but not the full deal. So he asks me tonight.

Can you take my son to Dubai and get him laid like he has never been before?

The son is 19 or 20 years old. I am somewhat “older” than that (like 20 years) and now I am wondering.

Where is the proper place in Dubai to take a young man to have some fun.

This could be difficult.

I always go to the well known places, Cyclone, Premier, etc.

Can some of you younger mongers out there give some feedback to this old geezer (me) if a better venue exists for someone his age?

Should I take him to the old reliables?

This is way to much responsibility and pressure.

Thanks, EU

My Kapitan
05-24-06, 06:12
where is the proper place in dubai to take a young man to have some fun.

this could be difficult.

i always go to the well known places, cyclone, premier, etc.

can some of you younger mongers out there give some feedback to this old geezer (me) if a better venue exists for someone his age?

should i take him to the old reliables?

this is way to much responsibility and pressure.

thanks, eu

tricky. i'm not a 'young' monger but i can offeer the following.

its very hard as you don't really know what the guys attitude to wg's will be, as a younger man you are full of 'i never pay for it' shit. you just get married and pay for it anyway!

i suggest a club with low key wgs like zinc or mix. music is good and comtemporary and he will feel at home. if he is prewarned that the stunning girl who seems to think he is a god will probably ask for some money to help her out he will be more at ease with the experience.

on the other hand if he is aware that its a wg paradise just go to the cyclone or regal!

beware that most of the girls prefer older guys as we are more reliable payers and tend to respect them more than younger hot shots.

i don't envy your assignment! mongering is a very solitary and secretive sport unless you mix with fellow experienced mongers who know the score. he could actually damage your reputation with both your peers and the girls. handle with care.


Wicked Roger
05-24-06, 07:57
tricky. i'm not a 'young' monger but i can offeer the following.

its very hard as you don't really know what the guys attitude to wg's will be, as a younger man you are full of 'i never pay for it' shit. you just get married and pay for it anyway!

i suggest a club with low key wgs like zinc or mix. music is good and comtemporary and he will feel at home. if he is prewarned that the stunning girl who seems to think he is a god will probably ask for some money to help her out he will be more at ease with the experience.

on the other hand if he is aware that its a wg paradise just go to the cyclone or regal!

beware that most of the girls prefer older guys as we are more reliable payers and tend to respect them more than younger hot shots.

i don't envy your assignment! mongering is a very solitary and secretive sport unless you mix with fellow experienced mongers who know the score. he could actually damage your reputation with both your peers and the girls. handle with care.

good points mk.

eu - you don't say who is paying. i would have thought that you would pay somehow so the young lad does not know (to some degree) that payment is normally required. or you get an 'incall' at a hotel so he be picked up at the bar etc so then its just something that happens.

i have same 'dilema' in the next few years with my godson (yes mk, piper, and az - i have been chosen as a godfather for moral guidance purposes) where the father explicitly selected me and told me that when his boy was 1 i was the man to take him the brothel :) even the mother agreed that i was the right sort of person to do that - is that a compliment?

well, that is a moral dilema for me given my code of conduct ;)

actually i am just doing all this mongering as practice for my godson's big day so i don't stuff it up - well that's my excuse and i am sticking with it. other mongers who know will likely have their own views :)


Mike De H
05-24-06, 08:58
Where is the proper place in Dubai to take a young man to have some fun.

May I suggest something different.

Go to the Peppermint (Fridays) at the Fairmont Hotel. 98% not working.

He may get a semi - pro or a pro or a genuine amature. Either ways, the atmosphere and music are more for the kids who love the place.

You can use your eye to tell him what level of reward she may want. Breakfast, By the hour of by the life (not working). And if really desperate there is always Emirates crew there. Even I nearly copped once.

Then once broken in, remember they may ask for ID at Cyclone. I suggest again, premier, its less hassle from the Girls there and they are better looking and more busines like (which is probably better so he does not fall in love).

A nice assignment I think.

05-24-06, 15:34
Herpes Alert at E's house

Hello guys. got some bad news. One of the girls at E's house has the dreaded herpes. A fellow forum member and a very dear friend was diagnosed with it after his visit here a few days back. He does not indulge in the hobby in any other country. And the only girls he ordered in were from E's house.

Sadly it is confirmed. He will not be mongering again in his life.

Just wanted to let everyone know. Visit E's house at your own rsk for the time being. I am wondering if I should call E and tell her to have all the ladies checked and dismiss those who are carriers of this disease.

Posting this information because, having come to know about it, it is my responsibility to inform fellow punters. Go to that place at your own risk.

Justfun : (

05-24-06, 15:59
JSF - I had a burning desire to visit E's one day, but not literally! Too bad about your pal - did he cover up? (still possible to catch with a condom, and with oral). Whether you inform E or not is your call. Herpes is rife, especially amongst WGs. It's a risk all mongers take, and we can only try to minimize it by covering up.

EU Contractor - it's not rocket science! Bring the lad to any club in Dubai, and he'll get laid. Simple as that. :) If you're concerned the clubs are too heavy for him, go on a quiet night to start - eg week nights at Rattlesnake.

05-24-06, 17:07
Hi Folks,

I was disapointed when I called E's manager last Sunday at early morning to get a girl and she was unfriendly and did not provide. Right now I am so happy about it.

Anyhow it is fair to provide this information here and I suggest to you, JSF, you let E know. She will not be happy about this information, but at least if she is serious in her business she will response appropriately.

And sorry for this little brisk comment: It is only Herpes, it could be worse. So your pal may take it as not too bad.

Just my 2c,

Greetings to all,


05-24-06, 17:19
Piper: Unfortunately he found out after the symptoms were quite eveident and it was confiremd after a visit to the doctor. Herpes, from what I understand, is not curable. Although not deadly like the dreaded A it is still something no one would wish on their friends. And it can be passed on even by the slightest contact with the infected parts. Protection (condom) is useless against it. Kissing an infected WG would be a high risk scenario.

Tom2004. Thanks for your advise. And I am glad you were unable to get anyone from E's house that day. My friend had already been to dubai and gone before you arrived so it is concievable you might have been in danger too if you were unlucky enough to ask for the same girl.

My opinion is that maybe the rest of the girls could also be infected. They do take a puff from each others cigarettes and drink from the same glass; being so close to each other. The best would be to avoid them all.

Hope all those guys who go to that house read this before it is too late for them.


Crime Of Passion
05-24-06, 17:20
JSF - I had a burning desire to visit E's one day, but not literally! Too bad about your pal - did he cover up? (still possible to catch with a condom, and with oral). Whether you inform E or not is your call. Herpes is rife, especially amongst WGs. It's a risk all mongers take, and we can only try to minimize it by covering up.

About the herpes being rife, presumably this is an cautious assumption and not statement of fact? Dare we kiss 'em or do anything with 'em if its this bad?

05-24-06, 17:52
JSF et al:

Common problem with WG´s. The "gift that keeps on giving."

Some facts for the curious: http://www.cdc.gov/std/Herpes/STDFact-Herpes.htm

JSF, If you are loath to contact E, I will call her. PM me the names involved. Trust me, she would want to know.

Not to downlplay any of this, but most infected persons (something like 85%) are unaware and show no symptoms, and to be frank this is not a "house" issue, it is a multiple partner issue, meaning every monger is at risk.

Sharing a smoke will pass the oral version "cold sores" now DATY and BBBJ are another matter. That said, men are less likely to contract, but more likely to spread the infection.

Just my 2 fils.

05-24-06, 18:36
One non-WG I picked up at a conference dinner was honest with me once we got to my hotel room. She admitted she'd had the big H for several years, but that the sporadic (sorry) outbreaks were now down to about once a year and it was currently dormant (no lesions etc). She told me her husband had passed it onto her, and he rarely has sex with her since she contracted it. Appreciating her honesty, and my horniness, I decided to just have sum fun anyway (sorry again). With a few precautions, I brought just a little more happiness into the world that night.

As Sporadic points out - many many people have it. It's not a death sentence, but we could do without it. When I was at a sexual health clinic about a year ago for a check-up, I saw a sign asking for Herpes-infected volunteers to test a supposed new "cure" (no more symptoms) before it hit the market. Maybe it's available now.

Eu Contractor
05-24-06, 19:05
Gentlemen (I use this term loosely),

Thanks for your advice and recommendations.

It seems I have to gather more intel on the “subject” before formulating a plan.

BTW, what is the legal age in Dubai?

I will post again before leaving for any last minute advice.

Maybe someone would like to film this for posterity? (or future income via blackmail!)

Oh and just to be fair, I posted a few pics from a Ramadan visit. Met her in a top floor bar of the Sheraton (I think).

Thanks EU

My Kapitan
05-24-06, 19:22

Anyone with a coldscore has a mild version of H.

You'all sound like those who wouldn'y fly after 911.

Aids is in Dxb if you really want to panic, just not publicised.
My personal belief is that A was only discovered with modern advances in identification of viruses, its actually been around for a long time. who ever heard of peanut allergies 25yrs ago? Having said that I do avoid the Africans for this reason 'illogical Kapitan' - Dr Spock... Notice no one dies of old age anymore, everything has to have an identified cause.

Try using the facedom as well as a condom if it worries you.. a sheet of latex designed to cover the tounge and surrounding area. For those worrying the all body condom may be a solution, and if you put it on her it would solve the problem of all those wrong coloured hairs in your apartments. The safe sex thread is a better place to carry on with this.

I for one will carry on as usual when back in Dxb.


P1 - Probably VALTREX

05-24-06, 20:58
Kap - I like your direct approach. 911 is a good analogy. No need to stop your life in fear - just be careful as usual. I have a couple of "facedoms" at home (had a hard time explaining them to Miss Wildcat when she found them, but I just told the truth - they were given to me at the safe-sex clinic. I actually use them for other purposes - I'll show you my party trick with them one night. I'd like to order a few all-body condoms - do they come in flavors?

Like you, I for one always carry on as usual. Life's too short. ;)

Anyone with a coldscore has a mild version of H.

You'all sound like those who wouldn'y fly after 911.

Aids is in Dxb if you really want to panic, just not publicised.
My personal belief is that A was only discovered with modern advances in identification of viruses, its actually been around for a long time. who ever heard of peanut allergies 25yrs ago? Having said that I do avoid the Africans for this reason 'illogical Kapitan' - Dr Spock... Notice no one dies of old age anymore, everything has to have an identified cause.

Try using the facedom as well as a condom if it worries you.. a sheet of latex designed to cover the tounge and surrounding area. For those worrying the all body condom may be a solution, and if you put it on her it would solve the problem of all those wrong coloured hairs in your apartments. The safe sex thread is a better place to carry on with this.

I for one will carry on as usual when back in Dxb.


P1 - Probably VALTREX

05-24-06, 22:03
Piper, MK,

Are you gents actually saying you are indifferent to picking up an active HSV2 WG?

I agree that this is a "cost of doing business" for mongers, but if there is a WG who is active, I suggest even happy-go-lucky-risky-fun-BB-ATM-orgy guys like you would show a little concern.

Life is short, but does denial lengthen it? (please let me know!) ;)

I agree that this is not a big deal, it IS everywhere (thought I had made that clear, I guess not.)

At all events, none of my business. Make yourselves happy.

Ps. Kap, I was enroute to the US during 911, returned to Europe. Flew to the Gulf 8 days later. Great time to be here, all the doomsayers stayed away, only downside was the number of hotel layoffs (thankfully short lived.) :)

05-24-06, 22:15
Gentlemen (I use this term loosely),
BTW, what is the legal age in Dubai?

Any sex between unmarried persons is illegal. Age notwithstanding.

Whoever was tapping Ms. Campbell at the Burj had better watch out! ;)

05-24-06, 23:38
Piper, MK,

Are you gents actually saying you are indifferent to picking up an active HSV2 WG?

... At all events, none of my business. Make yourselves happy.

Yes, I'll take the risk. I like the idea of burning blisters on my dick.

But seriously, read the posts again. There is no-one more careful than I am. And yes I'm happy. :)

I suggest even happy-go-lucky-risky-fun-BB-ATM-orgy guys like you would show a little concern.
Sporadic - what happened? Anyway, I don't understand all the sex acronyms, and I'm too lazy to look them up. Tell me more!

05-24-06, 23:57
Herpes: cost of getting that could get pretty expensive... when your wife/significant other picks it up, knows that they're monogamous, and decides that YOU are the guilty party for bringing it into the house. Bit more than discovering a condom wrapper...

Certainly there is a risk in doing anything (e.g., driving down SZR during rush hour, or 2am in the fog), but... common sense would seem to dictate that one is careful (didn't say abstain, said careful).

05-25-06, 00:02
Bravo - time for bed. It's 3am and I'm getting cranky now. Let me sleep. And where have you been all night? - you bad man.

My Kapitan
05-25-06, 03:26
Piper, MK,

Are you gents actually saying you are indifferent to picking up an active HSV2 WG?

No, not saying that. Just saying I will take the usual care but it wont stop my life.

Most young people now have multiple partners and take far greater risks than many sex workers.

When I was a young man I took part in many many gang bangs in South America before the big A was 'discovered'. We regarded the chance of syh or gon as an occupational hazard. I survived, I'm more careful now.

I'm not really into anal and ATM is not a priority for me. The risks with anal is high due to the increased chance of breaking the skin from what I have read.

Perhaps someone should publish a full risk assesment of mongering (KPis as well!).

Other matters.. SPB is expensive and not as good as DXB. Did the famous tribune bar last night, not worth the hassle.

MK is looking forward to coming home despite the 'risks'...

Ps. Kap, I was enroute to the US during 911, returned to Europe. Flew to the Gulf 8 days later. Great time to be here, all the doomsayers stayed away, only downside was the number of hotel layoffs (thankfully short lived.) :)

I was in command of a mostly PK/SA manned ship in Kingdom at the time, deafening cheers from most. Very uncomfortable but ultimatley no problem. I have also flown on sept 11th each year subsequently by coincidence. carry on as usual - as P1 says life is too short..

05-27-06, 02:22

Thank you for a wonderful time in Dubai. I will be making my way back shortly and wanted to find out about the current situation in Dubai with the LE crackdown. Has the pace subsided or is the the begining of the end of a era of fantastic P4P.



05-27-06, 08:29
Went lately to an AMP in jumeirah and had an excellent time there,as i was on the door steps leaving, the girl stuck to me naked and saying '"take me ,take me"" i thought what where the hell should i take her,and then i understood and was laughing like mad, i forgot to give her the tip and in her less than minimalist english ""take me"" is the same as ""give me""

05-27-06, 19:05

Does anyone remember a cathouse that was in the Piano Cafe building behind Regent Plaza hotel in Karama?

I moved away and lost them, but I happened to see one of the girls while in my car near Karama Spinneys.

Does anyone know where they moved?

PM me, please. She was like a favourite of mine.

05-27-06, 21:29
Any new places came up for mongering in Dubai that has come up lately? The same places Cyclone, York, Premier.For a city like Dubai there must be something new.

05-28-06, 09:24
Any new places came up for mongering in Dubai that has come up lately? The same places Cyclone, York, Premier.For a city like Dubai there must be something new.

I do not know what you are interested in - but I am focusing at the girls. Maybe the places are the old ones, but the girls are new, lately.


05-28-06, 12:12
Well, I'm finally back in Dubai after a stint in a country that currently has nuck-you-ler troubles, and I've been quite tame while there. Iranian chicks are hot, but I treasure my family jewels and never took the chance.

So, I'm back in Dubai. My old haunt at the Piano Cafe isnt there anymore. What a shame, there was this short thing there that was a delight to spend an afternoon with. The other day while with the family and all, I spotted her walking towards the Karama spinneys. A lot of things jumped, but unfortunately not me, due to the aforementioned company in the car. I do regret this mistake sorely.

I am willing to trade the few contacts that I have left, theyre not much, considering that I've been away for so long, if someone can give me some information about where they may have moved to. I'm guessing one of the buildings near BurgerKing, or SFC on the Trade Center road.

Also, considering my family ties, I dont get a chance to slip away for an evening tryst with anyone. And as such, chances of me getting any contacts are going to be really slim.

If there is anyone who can give me a couple of russian contacts that would welcome a nooner, I'd appreciate a little help, and promise to repay the favor, with any contacts I have and a report on all the mongering I do.

05-28-06, 12:51

Does anyone remember a cathouse that was in the Piano Cafe building behind Regent Plaza hotel in Karama?

I moved away and lost them, but I happened to see one of the girls while in my car near Karama Spinneys.

Does anyone know where they moved?

PM me, please. She was like a favourite of mine.They moved did they? Shame. Maybe if you had posted about your experiences and perhaps passed on the contact info to some of the members they would know where they have moved.


05-28-06, 14:29
Any new places came up for mongering in Dubai that has come up lately? The same places Cyclone, York, Premier.For a city like Dubai there must be something new.I'm sure there are. All it takes is for someone to spend the time/money to explore and report.

05-29-06, 10:13
In Dubai last week, went to York and Regal, nothing too great, but it was Saturday. York had yet more of the grabby Africans that I hate.

I've had bad experiences with non-Russian CIS from Cyclone before. Yet, I did not learn my lesson.

I looked around for a while. I ignored Chinese for some reason (just got back from Asia, most likely).

I saw nothing which really caught my eye...mostly the fake-blondes wearing clothing which made them look...like prostitutes (heh). No one dancing. The petite ravergirl type cutie from last time I was at Cyclone was not there (I think she was a civilian, actually).

75AED entrance, no drinks included, on a Sunday.

I saw a tall girl at the bar, wearing glasses. "Tall" as in 5'8", so taller than the malnourished others, but not really tall in an objective sense. Wearing slightly more clothing than the others, and dark/plain. Promising, I thought.

She spoke fluent enough english to negotiate the deal. I offered her a drink, she took a non-alcoholic fruit thing at AED 60. I was conspicuously drinking diet coke/water only, as I'd brought my car and was also looking to pull.

She said she was from Albania, but then later said Armenia. I know some Armenians in the US (Fresno being both a major meth center AND probably the biggest Armenian city outside Armenia). Somehow the whole Turkish thing came up. Heh. I guess if politicians are *****s, *****s can be politicians too.

"1200. For you, 1000". "1000 is so much..." "I'll make it very good for you!" "I'll be back, going to look around". Failed to find anything even acceptable, at 0030. So, I went back.

Went out, picked her up in front of the club. "Where are you staying" "Sheraton Creek" . Got interrogated about having a girlfriend/wife/etc. there. I had a bunch of work materials all over my suite so I didn't really want her there, so I said I wanted to go to her place, which is I think where things went bad.

Drove to her place in Deira. Nasty, single bed + couch, quite possibly most nasty bathroom I've ever seen. Paid AED 1000 first.

She immediately took off for the bathroom, and emerged naked. UGH. Huge stomach, which must have been hidden under a girdle, stretch marks.

I get naked, and purposely put my stuff by the door, so I can make a quick getaway. On the nasty bed (with a "fresh" sheet, at least), condom applied, and CBJ. Very bad CBJ, and lasted about 20 seconds. She got on top. She used her hand to prevent deep penetration, or indeed much penetration at all. When I had tried to get BBBJ she said "Russian girls do that, not Armenian girls, and I have a son!" (she's 28, and has a 4 year old child...ugh)

"Why you no come" after 5 minutes.

Switched to doggy, with her still whining about "finish soon!". It had been not very long. She was slightly more tolerable in this position, as I couldn't hear her, but kept using her hand to prevent penetration.

After a while her complaints became more, so I said "finish with mouth" and she said "only one condom!". wtf. And then "my friends come back from club soon, finish!"

She tried handjob, with me helping, but by this time I hated her, and the only thing which really would have made me happy would be the defenestration of deira, so I just wiped off my penis, put my clothes back on, and left. I made a point of recording her address and phone number so I can make sure I never see her again. I wish I'd taken a photo (ideally without permission), in E.S. style, for posting. "Naming and shaming" works not so well as "ID and deport". If LE would just keep culling the bottom 20% of the population every month, without making it too difficult to bring new girls in, I'd be fine paying a 10% Dubai prostitution tax and 10% service charge.

The bad part is I actually really like Cyclone. The little chill-out cafe serves decent food and shisha, and if you sit in the front, you can watch the girls go into the club, and then be amused by the pairings (or more) leaving the club. I've just never picked up a decent girl there.

I think I'm done with pros in UAE. I have discovered a few pools of 20-40 year old au/nz/uk/de women, either tourists, girlfriends/wives, or professionals, and the restaurants/cafes near the venues which they frequent before/after (and are far better pickup locations than clubs, IMO) The problem is a lot of the really cute ones were obviously daughters (!!!), and I am not sure about the relative wasta levels required to extract myself from a situation like that if caught.

I figure AED 1000 for a sure-thing bad night, vs. spending maybe AED 100-200 to have more fun at a club and have a ~50% chance of freebie with somoene who actually speaks English or German, is cute, would be worth taking out to eat, etc. is a much better deal.

The good part about this trip is that E/A, on getting a reference for me, never accepted this reference, and thus I didn't go over there. With the HSV outbreak, I'm really glad I didn't make it over there.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread.

05-29-06, 12:44
get out of work today, step outside, turn on my mobile. get the beep of an incoming sms. who could it be? the persistent miss rattlesnake? an early wind chill on this evening's plans? sporadic? no; it's a message from the dubai courts. wtf!?!

quick review of memory. no, can't recall any (speed trap) flashes while driving. and i do try and keep both hands on the wheel while driving, refraining from critiquing other drivers with hand signals. and i am trying to keep the 'god damn's' down. hmmm.

read the message; it's an announcement that two new notary public offices have opened. geesh!

05-29-06, 12:51
Sunday night

Earlier in the week, had sms'd Miss M (she of the minimalist school) for a Sunday ST booking. After an evening out at Seaview with Sporadic and BarCrawler Saturday, an early evening's out-call was on order. As usual with Miss M, had NOT heard back (like I say, Minimalist). Gave her a call around 7pm to see if she would make the date or not (always dubious). She was cooking dinner. Suddenly, had a case of the dreaded "whatabouts": What about her poor service? With me anyway, YMMV (pleasure to look at, but... What about last night's Miss Spinner? What about Sporadic's exhortations to me earlier that I really SHOULD see Spinner sooner rather than later?I suddenly find myself saying I don't want to interrupt; I'll call back later.

I succumbed to the living room couch's gravitational pull. When I wake up, it's 9:15. Damn, so much for a 9pm teeoff time.

9:18: Still travelling down the road of wishful thinking, call Miss M back. What's she doing? Getting ready for work. She seals my decision with a mediocre "what do you want?" Just calling to say hi. She asks if I'll be out and about. Tell her I was out last night; tonight will just stay in (true statement; the reason for the outcall search). Elapsed time: 48 seconds.

9:19: Now finding myself on the less well known road of reason, call Spinner. Where is she? Cyclone. Of course; the one place with the unwaivable entrance fee. What time did she get there? 9pm. Damn that PRC work ethic and my blackhole couch. Given that her "come on, let's have some fun" tone is evident even over the phone, I say, "I want to see you." "Seaview?", she replies. "No, see you." "Seaview?" OK, english is not her strong suit. "I'll see you at Cyclone." "OK, I wait you."

Jump in the car, off to Cyclone. Driving there, I figure I'll just call her from outside. Certainly have done that any number of times with others who I'd pulled before. But this is my first time with her. Having been burnt last week with an "up to you" price quote, which was accurate only as long as I was above the unannounced reserve price, and only finding this out when we were abed..., well, I do learn from my mistakes. Seaview, I wouldn't have worried; but sometimes Cyclone's rarified atmosphere can skew salary expectations. Given the current climate, I did not want to be discussing price out on the street in front of such a high profile place. And given the english, might prove difficult over the phone. So, gritting my teeth, paid the 75 dhs entrance fee, chalking it up to a procrastination tax.

Cyclone, 9:45 - 9:55
Inside, sparse. 4 or 5 punters, 20 or so PRC's, 1 middle-aged CIS at the middle bar; others at the large bar not registering. The PRC a-list gauntlet along the back of the center bar had not yet formed, several well known and respected faces missing. Passing by, did get a very warm smile and a hello from a very cute, CR (Cyclone Racked) PRC. Side stepped her, only this morning realizing she was the one who'd given me her phone number the last time I was at Cyclone with BC; explains the warm smile.

On the way to the back bar, like a broken field runner heading for the goal posts, avoided a tackle from an advancing PRC at the Chinese column. Given the lack of punters, even my small wallet was causing a gravitational pull on the wg's.

Figuring I might as well blow an even 100, ordered a coke. Before it arrived, a 3rd PRC at my side. Just as I was getting ready to explain I was waiting for someone, I see Spinner and her smile headed my way, but stopping 6 feet short, not wanting to step on a colleague's toes. I explain to Miss PRC#3 I have a date already. She moves on, and Spinner is beaming at my side, same warm, let's-have-some-fun attitude as the previous night.

I don't bother with menu; I'll take my chances. However, getting down to the whole purpose of being inside, I ask for a ST price quote, "How much you want I give you?" [Fear my ability to converse in normal english is LONG gone]. "How much you want give me?" Damn, does everyone answer with a question these days? 300 not a problem for either of us.

About this time, another "CR" PRC appears at my other side. I'm thinking someone who is looking for a "double". No, this one is extolling the virtues of Spinner, "New lady, little english", a friend/mentor coming over to help in any contract negotiations. But in this case, not needed. I explain I am familiar with Spinner, no problem, as I admire the well displayed cleavage. Slight twinge; I am aware Spinner's an a-rack (a sure sign of padding is a girl frequently looking down and "adjusting" herself). But her attitude trumps any minor deficiencies, and she is no slouch in the face/body department. Not a Cyclone a-lister, but certainly fits in there, and she DOESN'T have an a-lister's attitude.

Off we go. A miniority PRC: she likes the beach and has the tan lines to prove it. Only real problem, while I'm recovering from the game's 1st half, she's a bit confused on ST, but NOT the way you think. She asks what time I go to work. I get up 5am. She thinks about that, then asks what time I get home. 4pm. "I stay here, wait for you?", not as a request, but as a bemused question. My "No, I'll take you home tonight" gets a big smile. I do know the building she lives in, just haven't been back there in 2 years. Bit of a relief it's not the same building I've visted twice last week with two different girls. She's a keeper, proof that 'the attitude in the bar is the best indicator of attitude back home'. Now just have to find some place in the pitching rotation.

And Sporadic, you were correct: 40 kgs, exact 27 Great insulation against last week's cold spell and tonight's possible wind chill. Using her pocket translator (a true translator, able to translate sentences, not just words), she specifically thanked me for keeping my word and calling her quickly; can you say 'bonus points'?YMMV, but last night I found any number of inducements for a Cyclone visit, at least for an asian studies major. Given the market conditions, some early deals may be available. Also, with summer's arrival and the corresponding decrease in the number of punters, at least some girls heading home for a 2-month vacation.

I do not know what you are interested in - but I am focusing at the girls. Maybe the places are the old ones, but the girls are new, lately.Proof of your statement at Cyclone last night.

05-29-06, 13:32
Last night hooked up with Sporadic and a friend of his who I have met a couple of times in the past. A pleasure meeting up after a long time.

We all arrived at the Regal plaza around 9 pm. The security, at that time, did not bother to ask us to pay the entrance charges. Was it because of the early hour, a la York? Or has that always been their policy?

The place was absolutely deserted at that time of the day. But witin about half an hour a few CIS walked in. It would be safe to say that each one was better then the last. Sporadic's friend, who had never been there fell in love with the place and the talent available.

But it was still not the same. The number of WGs we saw last night cannot compare with the numbers we are used to. A mere 30-35 % of the usual I would say. There was only one known face there. Marina of the York fame was in attendance. She looked just as yummy as she used to look in the York.

To rate the girls as a whole I would say they would fall in the 6-8 category. A couple of ladies did look a bit out of place in that collection. But hey there is always a market for them else they would not be there.

The M/F ratio was not favourable. 3/2 would be my guess.

We left around 11 pm with a promise that we would be back.

A good outing.


My Kapitan
05-29-06, 16:48
We all arrived at the Regal plaza around 9 pm. The security, at that time, did not bother to ask us to pay the entrance charges. Was it because of the early hour, a la York? Or has that always been their policy?

The place was absolutely deserted at that time of the day. But witin about half an hour a few CIS walked in. It would be safe to say that each one was better then the last. Sporadic's friend, who had never been there fell in love with the place and the talent available.


I was also in the Regal last night, but after 11pm (had a meal in Rockbottoms first with Miss O and a friend - free wine and then free bullfrogs for ladies after 10; several WGs turned up after 10 getting in by being with a token guy).

Excellent night, couldn't agree more with your title, band was rocking, few locals and loads of CIS scenery. Regal only starts after 11pm loads around last night.

Pricing policy depends on doorman. I never pay, just walk on by...


05-29-06, 16:57
just back from 6 days of mischief in bkk. stayed at giotto's (livingstones) lodge. highly recommended - see giotto's lodge thread in thailand section. i'm not a commission, nor did i get discounts - it's just a great place to stay and have fun, or walk down the street or take a short cab ride to exotic adventures.

well i'm suffering pbd (post-bangkok depression - a recognized medical condition). called my therapist, who said the only cure is to find a nice girl to keep me company tonight until the tears dry up. york still sounding poor, so might try elsewhere.

not many reports recently, so things must be quiet around town. must go check it out. ;)

05-29-06, 17:00
Quikee FR on L´s friend, call her S.

L and S showed up on time (indeed called from the taxi to let me know they were on the way, class.)

JSF, sorry to report, but L was better than ever (less stress?) lovely and sweet as always. A real pleasure to see her again. She also sends you her best, I did tell her that if you knew she was coming you would have baked a cake.

On to "S." Right on the borderline of ultra-stunning. Very, very good looking, 21, Dagestani, medium long dark brown hair, killer blue eyes, lovely figure (perfect curves with pronounced hip bone, read curvy but zero fat) including an honest to goodness 36D natural rack. Lovely!

Hotel alert: ensure your hotel is 100% GF as she is an overstayer (3 months.) Though she does have her passport, she cannot for example get into Cyclone anymore as they examine visa status.

No tattoos or stretch marks, typical woman, she says she is "normal" not good looking. FMTT (fiddle me to tears) is she deluded, she is a stunner.

Downside is a tad of general melancholy, not surprising, I doubt I would be thrilled to sleep with me either. I did let her call her Mom via skype (gotta love free/cheapo calls) and she was no more animated with Momma than she was with me so she just may be reserved.

She did warm up a bit after a while showing a nice personality.

Menu was fine (bbbj ok but no BB CIM for ex.) and she does provide some enjoyable eye candy. 3 shots no prob (I was suffering from MSB and she is hot) and we parted on pleasant terms. JSF, it would appear that L has taught her the patent Asian cowgirl. Well executed, and the view is excellent.

Bottom line, if you know L, she has a house (outcall only) with 4 girls. Good service, nice girl. S does not quite live up to L standards on a true GFE (but then, few ever did.)

Her "office" when she does venture out (not often) is the Hyatt. She is afraid of other venues right now.

She did put forth an interesting comment about the current LE push on WG´s.

Her comment was that "everyone knows" that the Dubai "ruler" is gay, and "hates women" and has sent forth LE to eliminate them from the venues.

I have no idea what to make of such comments, but she was convinced (as reported by her local BF.)

Interesting theory. Comments gents?

05-29-06, 17:03
Seaview first set Saturday night.

Nice to meet up with BC and Bravo. No problem getting a good table (9pm arrival, a tad too early) possibly five PRC about, none compelling really.

Band would appear to have lost their keyboard player but soldiered on, I really do miss the old guitar player, a few of the songs were a little rough, but it could have been the MIA keyboard that upset the cart.

By 9:45, not a bad selection of PRC available, a few Africans and one or two CIS (unremarkable.)

Stategically seated, I did spot a cute spinner who really looked Thai but claimed to be PRC.

True to form, I pointed out this cutie to my tablemates and before BC or I could draw a breath, Bravo has beckoned her over and commenced the potential job interview.

My impression was very positive, she seemed both nice and fun, lovely smile, 40Kg, spinner all the way.

There was quite a contingent of Can. forces lads and a couple old geezers who had been visited by the beer fairy.

Shame I had to go after the first set as I am certain the real entertainment of the evening would have been one of the more obnoxious lads being introduced to the staircase by the large, economy sized bouncer.

I would rate the crowd quite good for a weekday, plenty of girls, though I would rate quality as only average. Many York refugees I suspect.

One other funny moment, there was one civilian couple that was standing behind our table and Bravo´s spinner was on the other side of the civ wife. Poor husband was stretching to cartoon proportions in order to look past the wife to eyeball the spinner. I don´t blame him.

05-29-06, 17:09
Glad to hear things went well Mr- Bravo, but I cannot accept kudos on the weight guess, I said 40 I think ( calculated as the weight of one of my legs , you said 40 or 42. ) I did get the age right I think. (You have to love the "edit your post to match reality" feature ;)

Frankly, I am not surprised, she had that fun attitude and dare I say maturity (in a playful sort of way.)

Looks would never be a prob, cute as a button. Ice broken, hopefully you can find her a suitable spot in the rotation (or at least high mobile number placement.)

Last night I hooked up with JSF, always a pleasure. We decided York would not be worth the effort, and I had a friend along who favours CIS, so Regal was the call (my friend had never been there.)

Pretty typical for weeknight, more than sufficient pullables around, though I did not do a price check as I am busy and spoken for this week.

I was VERY impressed by the S.A. Band. Decent musical choice and they played well. No Seaview hard rock, but the music was excellent and just loud enough, not too loud.

Left about 11 or so as the crowd had settled in, no new talent emerging.

As usual, a group of nice ladies did make their way upstairs to "hide" for a while until the mass of punters arrived around 10:45, then able to make a "grand entrance" when the time was ripe.

No charge at the door early, just a friendly wave. They even managed to "unreserve" a table for us.

MK, sorry to have missed you, I was slinking out before the big dogs arrived ;)

Wicked Roger
05-29-06, 20:28
just back from 6 days of mischief in bkk. stayed at giotto's (livingstones) lodge. highly recommended - see giotto's lodge thread in thailand section. i'm not a commission, nor did i get discounts - it's just a great place to stay and have fun, or walk down the street or take a short cab ride to exotic adventures.

well i'm suffering pbd (post-bangkok depression - a recognized medical condition). called my therapist, who said the only cure is to find a nice girl to keep me company tonight until the tears dry up. york still sounding poor, so might try elsewhere.

not many reports recently, so things must be quiet around town. must go check it out. ;)
welcome back piper

thought miss wildcat was back or have you found another reason to keep her out of dubai for a few more days?

am somewhat overworked so thought i would go working in manila for 2 days, private jet and all of course...... but before i go i feel a tad msb and miss j is back for more greek education tomorrow night before the flight.

might try and hook up with miss n while in manila as she promised me a good time in the clubs and would pick the girls for me (only rule is she plays with them as well :))

see you next week unless the leash is reattached ;)


Cool Tiger
05-29-06, 21:13
Spotted an article on the BBC News Website, and one of the examples given for a country where this is common was UAE:


There's probably nothing new for regular readers/users, but still thought I'd post the link. As well as Pornsites (and this site), skype, etc., it also mentions other webistes which cannot be accessed from there. It also mentions a few news websites and UAE blog sites, which may interest some members.

05-29-06, 22:30
Welcome back Piper ... Thought Miss Wildcat was back ...
Am somewhat overworked so thought I would go working in Manila for 2 days ... Thanks WR - turns out I have another few days of bachelorhood. Oh, I've been overworked also. Fon overworked me a few nights, so did Island Girl, Jungle Girl and her friend Pim. Some nights individually, and one night all together. I was outnumbered. Sigh.

Now planning my trip to Moscow in about three weeks. I wish it was bkk again instead, but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.

130am, but it feels like 430am. My body must think it's still in Bangkok. I wish it was! Have fun in PI ...

05-30-06, 04:23
Downside is a tad of general melancholy, not surprising, I doubt I would be thrilled to sleep with me either.

How true:D:D
These girls deserve a medal for putting up with us (some of us) :D
So, L has her own house? was she not with F in the past? I tried to get her for an outcall last year but got the run around for F. May be that's when they were separating?? Just wondering...

05-30-06, 10:30
Hi there,

I have been out for some time in KSA. So glad to be back in DXB, and just realized JSF is back as well: the guy who introduced me to F pleasures, next to Orange supermarket, but as well E, next to Lulu market. Good old times, I miss that! Yesterday went to my regular and favourite place: LIZA. Her girls always provide the same quality service, with same kind of GFE experience. I am quite a regular guy and it’s now been 3 years I dial her! I wish again to thank Kapitan for sharing with me the number at that time, when Liza was still located in GoldenSands. . Because now she is just too far for me on Ittihad road to Sharjah. Next to the Peugeot Showroom.

Just read on the news that there will be a new floating bridge in Maktoum. . Sounds excellent news for me to cross the bridge and reach Liza’s place more often and quicker. ‘cause in fact the only reason why I don’t see her more is just the bloody traffic jams. . Otherwise, I have been meeting a fabulous 3-some place in karama next to sunrise supermarket. . Always laugh a lot with these 2 girls during 90 mn (nimyia and lucy). They do all except kissing each other in front of me and DATY. . Which I always find quite frustating!

Can you believe it: after going in and out of Dxb for more than 4 years, I have never been to any nightclub to pick up a girl. . I have been mongering just through tips from this site and gulf news.

My question:

I was wondering if any of you know a AMP or CIS girls living in Karama / Lamcy Plaza/Cyclone area, near where I work. That would be just great if girl can be available for afternoon sessions. Indeed, I only take afternoon sessions: this is when girls are more relaxed. I will never pick up a girl at night or even late evening.

Afternoon sessions are magic. Don’t you think am right? Bye,


05-30-06, 12:22
Yesterday evening got a call from my indian contact advising me that she was back in dubai. She arrived a couple of weeks back it seems.

She called to thank me. I asked her what for. She said a few of my friends had been in touch with her and she called to thank me for that.

That was news to me since none of my friends had said anything to me about it. I assume they will be posting their FR sometime soon since they have tried the new Indian talent available with my contact.

Looking forward to finding out about them through the FR soon.



05-30-06, 12:46
So, L has her own house? was she not with F in the past? I tried to get her for an outcall last year but got the run around for F. May be that's when they were separating?? Just wondering...

I bet F gave you the runaround, she does not know L.
L started off at E´s house several years ago, then went indie, then "retired."

My sources say she is well entrenched with some boyfriend, and "helps" out her friends when the calls come in.

05-30-06, 15:20
Always nice to see a well written report, regardless of the outcome (small pun intended)
The bad part is I actually really like Cyclone. The little chill-out cafe serves decent food and shisha, and if you sit in the front, you can watch the girls go into the club, and then be amused by the pairings (or more) leaving the club. I've just never picked up a decent girl there.You're right; the food is not bad for a midnight snack, and it is fun watching the arrivals/departures. Perhaps it's because a)I don't go there that often, and b)I don't stay that late, but years past, there would be quite a few girls sitting out, having something to eat, who, if they knew you, would invite you to join them and offer you something to eat. Seemed more sociable back then.

What puts me off now is the increase in entrace fees, 75dhs non-weekend, 85 weekend. That, plus a drink or two (and since I drive, it is only coke), the overhead adds up fast. I can go to Seaview, have dinner, 3 or 4 cokes, and still be under what I'd spend in Cyclone. Obviously, NOT the same talent pool; Cyclone does seem to be a magnet for the well endowed PRC's (like I said, the CR's - Cyclone Racks). Perhaps I've been fortunate to mostly sticking with the PRC's, but my pulling experiences from there are like a bell curve, weighted towards the good side. Not saying it hasn't happened, but I can't remember an experience like yours. Closest is the proverbial "pay first, LT becomes ST" runner, once that I can remember. I leave the 'romance' to later; I do ask what's on the menu and her departure time before leaving the bar. Probably helps that the CIA does have a dossier on me.

05-30-06, 16:52
RE: AMPS in the area. I have used China Emirates in the past and found them to be punctual and on a 7-8 scale. Excellent massages and "more".

I have called and ordered "hotel service" several times and have never been disappointed. Massage starts around $.7 US. It is much less expensive at their facility.

[Telephone Number deleted by Admin]

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove personal telephone numbers in the text. Please do not post personal telephone numbers in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you for this information directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system. Thanks!

05-30-06, 21:22
It would appear that the shopping centers continue to be a pick up spot.

I decided to have some soup at the same place Bravo and I lunched last Friday, a restaurant at a popular shopping center.

Slurping away, magazine on the table, mine eyes were drawn to the glory of two young ladies at the next table, they were both very hot and would seem to be from the Levant (later confirmed.)

They were in scan mode over their salads, getting stared at by most passers-by, and interestingly, they were returning the gazes.

Hmmm. Decided to be less low key with my lecherous staring. They smiled, said hello, and asked how my soup was. Wiping my chin (drool, not soup) we engaged in witty repartee.

We discovered that we spoke a mutual language besides English and this opened up the chance for a semi-private conversation. I was gently asked if I was looking for company. I gently replied "well, that would depend upon..."

Asking price was 3k Dirhams; for one of them; not both. ST (!).

Several waiters immediately rushed over thinking this was a medical emergency, as I suddenly suffered a severe coughing fit preceeded by a near hollywood comedy "spit take" that almost saw the ladies in question covered in momentarily mouth-warmed iced tea.

Gee, I don´t think I look wealthy, so I must have just looked stunningly stupid to them. Note to self: wear the cheap watch next time. Better to appear poor than stupid.

After a short recovery period, I explained that I had work to do this evening but thanks so very much for the kind offer.

Another 10 minutes of super-human self control saw me leave said table and make it 40 or 50 meters away before bursting into uncontrollable laughter.

I consider myself lucky I was not detained by security, as here is this middle-aged guy, walking by himself, suffering fits of unprovoked mirth. I must have been a sight.

I can only presume there ARE people who would pay 3k ST somewhere, but I was certainly not one of them.

I have had many varied experiences in DXB over the years, but this one ranks right at the top of the surreal scale.

Cyclone: Personally, I do not like the place, yes, I grant you you there is some serious eye candy, but the real GFE´s are to be found elswhere I think. It could be that I am just out of my financial league, not to be a cheap Charlie, but I do not like throwing money at a problem when a little leg work will give (possibly) better results. YMMV.

Dany75: I am not sure why, but I felt just a little uncomfortable with your precise location information. I appreciate that the CID knows all about every venue, but my concern is all the "one fisted" members lurking about who may loiter looking for said local, bringing that last little bit of unwanted attention to the places that will push LE over the edge into action.

I could be OTT here, so do not think this is a reproach, just an opinion. I did look at your previous posts, and I know you are not a "dangerous" guy, so please forgive me my paranoid concerns.

Octalgon: Very nice FR. Well written. Thanks. Your post count obviously does not reflect your actual experience level. Good lesson here, new guys can make valuable contributions here, we were all newbies at one time. Quality not quantity, said with a respectful nod towards the guys with 3,000 posts... ;)

05-30-06, 21:50
Octalgon: Very nice FR. Your post count obviously does not reflect your actual experience level. Quality not quantity, said with a respectful nod towards the guys with 3,000 posts.I fully agree with Sporadic - there's nothing more boring than those who make many posts, but keep on saying the same old things over and over again. Big yawn. I too "nod off" when I read them.

Octalgon - as I've said before, you don't post a lot, but when you do, always interesting adventures. Who counts posts anyway?

JSF - I rarely ask for contacts, but I'm thinking about checking out your Indian contact's girls. Will PM you.

Cool Tiger
05-30-06, 23:46
JSF - I rarely ask for contacts, but I'm thinking about checking out your Indian contact's girls. Will PM you.

Somehow, I think JSF will be bombarded with tonnes of PM's, requesting contact details, lol.

05-31-06, 03:44
I decided to have some soup ... here is this middle-aged guy, walking by himself, suffering fits of unprovoked mirth. I must have been a sight.
Sporadic, what was in your soup, man?

I'll have whatever he's having. ;)

05-31-06, 03:49
I fully agree with Sporadic - there's nothing more boring than those who make many posts, but keep on saying the same old things over and over again. Big yawn. I too "nod off" when I read them.
...Who counts posts anyway?

Golly, sorry Piper, but I was talking about YOU here!

Just kidding! ;)

Ps. My soup almost had my iced tea in it.

05-31-06, 08:42
Thanks Pashto, but beware you should not write such detailed contacts in your mesages. You might kill their business. Please behave next time , and share only contact details to people you know by PM.

RE: AMPS in the area. I have used China Emirates in the past and found them to be punctual and on a 7-8 scale. Excellent massages and "more".

I have called and ordered "hotel service" several times and have never been disappointed. Massage starts around $.7 US. It is much less expensive at their facility.

05-31-06, 09:28
Thanks for your comment. Your absolutely right about the location which may seem to precise, but let me reassure you: these are just approximate locations just to give an idea of the neighbourhoud. It's just impossible to point out the exact place from the info I gave.

Take care,


Dany75: I am not sure why, but I felt just a little uncomfortable with your precise location information. I appreciate that the CID knows all about every venue, but my concern is all the "one fisted" members lurking about who may loiter looking for said local, bringing that last little bit of unwanted attention to the places that will push LE over the edge into action.

05-31-06, 11:20
Hi Dan,


Can you believe it: after going in and out of Dxb for more than 4 years, I have never been to any nightclub to pick up a girl. . I have been mongering just through tips from this site and gulf news.

sounds really unbelivebale to me - anyhow, are you sure you did not miss something?

While I like the comfort to get someone comming to meet me (at my hotel), I feel it is always be worth to be back "on stage" (to the clubs), even to update your collected numbers.

And this could be the answer to your question:

My question:
I was wondering if any of you know a AMP or CIS girls living in Karama / Lamcy Plaza/Cyclone area, near where I work. That would be just great if girl can be available for afternoon sessions. Indeed, I only take afternoon sessions: this is when girls are more relaxed. I will never pick up a girl at night or even late evening.

...I always try to collect numbers, at least from them I had a session with and I wish to repeat, but also from girls I do not strike a deal with, but may favour at a later stage. Unfortunately I am not yet so sophisticated that I ask for the place (which sometimes may change quickly), but I am sure if you check out the DXB nightlife you will get both: experience and numbers.

Even when numbers are exchanged here at the forum (via PM) - there are only few posters with real good contacts. The most is (can be) grap.

Anyhow, whatever you do - enjoy, have fun and stay safe,



05-31-06, 13:53
PN 050Most punters know how to use the PM function and to not post numbers in the clear (and I don't care if it's in the GulfNews).

Cyclone: Personally, I do not like the place, yes, I grant you you there is some serious eye candy, but the real GFE´s are to be found elswhere I think. It could be that I am just out of my financial league, not to be a cheap Charlie, but I do not like throwing money at a problem when a little leg work will give (possibly) better results. YMMV.I too like other places better, not least of which the cheaper entrance fees. Certainly there are larger numbers of girls with attitude (and not the good kind) at Cyclone as compared to other places. And just as there are more a-list girls at Cyclone, there are also a lot more of the next level down present. If you skip the top elite, and concentrate on the next level down, you can find some gems (especially from the newly arrived). As to prices? Heavily dependent on market conditions, but I can mostly live with what I figure to be a 100dhs Cyclone surcharge.

Dany75: I am not sure why, but I felt just a little uncomfortable with your precise location information. I appreciate that the CID knows all about every venue, but my concern is all the "one fisted" members lurking about who may loiter looking for said local, bringing that last little bit of unwanted attention to the places that will push LE over the edge into action.Yes, I share Sporadic's opinion. Just a bit too much irrelevant geographic information, not pertinent to the message. Location lurkers also push neighbors over the edge and prompt complaints about their neighbors. If you are trying to establish your bonefides, there are better ways to do it.

My question: I was wondering if any of you know a AMP or CIS girls living in Karama / Lamcy Plaza/Cyclone area, near where I work. That would be just great if girl can be available for afternoon sessions.Yes, I do know.

How can you find them? Same way I did. Go to the clubs/bars, chat them up, find out where they live, get a phone number, see if they are interested in an afternoon session. QED.

sounds really unbelivebale to me - anyhow, are you sure you did not miss something?Here, here!! Anybody who has not taken the opportunity to walk into Cyclone and seen all there is to offer (buying another question), but the quantity and quality... is really missing a highlight of any Middle East trip. There is nothing like that FIRST time; unbelievable.

05-31-06, 13:58
better to appear poor than stupid. sporadic's experience, and a recent one of my own, reminds me of the many types of variety we have here. usually, when i think of variety, national origin comes to mind. however, there is also price variety, attitude variety, and convience variety, amongst others. therefore, i give you:

eating out in dubai

one thing dubai has going for itself is the variety of restaurants here. i'd say 3 main ethnic categories, but certainly others can be found. you have the high priced, elegant establishments along cyclone street all the way down to the fast food places rep001tered around town. leisurely dinners to quick snacks. well established, popular, to the unknown. all types for most all tastes.

recently, i'd heard of a restaurant offering a great buffet in an elegant dining room. i cruised the neighborhood until i found the place. only problem was, being popular, a reservation bit difficult to come by, but eventually i made one. one of those places where the prices are never really discussed, just hinted at, and even the menu a bit non-specific as to what would be included. arriving for dinner, i quickly found that instead of being seated in the dining room, it was the small table in the alcove next to the kitchen. obviously not a preferred customer. and it was one of those snooty french (no digs, writer's license) chefs, you know the type if you've ever been to paris. and instead of a buffet, it was a limited set course, chef's pick.

i knew exactly what the meal would be. one of those nouveau cuisine dishes, you know, with 8 peas, a carrot stick, a dab of potatoes, and a piece of meat no bigger than a bacon strip. might be decoratively arranged, but something that would not quench a hearty appetite. so i asked for the menu, the one with the price on it for the set course. turned out, it was one of those where the base price was ok, but there were any number of obligatory additions: service charge would be added, charge for water, table setting, flowers, etc., etc., jacking the price up. not saying i couldn't afford it, but why would i want to? obviously, i was in the wrong place.

reservation was a mistake; me for making it, the restaurant for taking it. a lose-lose situation, but that's life. given that the meal hadn't started, i just pushed back from the table, stated that a mistake had been made, no offense, and i'd just leave. snooty chef says, "fine sir, here is your bill." excuse me, i haven't eaten anything. "no matter sir, you made the reservation, occupied the table, and now it's too late to get another customer. no charge for food, but we have included a 'table' charge."

again, it was the principle of the thing. i could see the restaurant's point. but i could also see my own; it was late, and i would be going home hungry. we had both wasted the other's time. granted, both sides could take to the phones, me trying to find an open restaurant at that hour; the restaurant trying to find a preferred customer. but a bit of a bother for both. the chef was insistant... perhaps if the chef just hadn't been so arrogant and pushy...

i suggested a compromise. just fix me a burger and fries. not the relaxed stylish meal i wanted or expected, but it would soothe the hunger. restaurant not happy, but... agreed.

got the burger, but, of course, no fries. fine. paid the base price (way more than fair, given the meal offered), but i didn't include any extras. bad experience, but now i know that restaurant's experience for me: unsatisfying.

next week, cruising same neighborhood. obviously, the chef and i did not exchange any greetings. but right next door, a new bistro. perhaps not as elegant, but certainly looked warm and inviting. talked to the proprietor; was made to feel like an old friend, appreciated and well respected. once again, did not ask for a menu. by the friendly atmosphere, just knew it would be fine, so made a reservation (did check price). given the bistro had just opened, no problem with congestion (i hate waiting in lines).

when i arrived at the appointed time, ushered to the head of the table. incredible appetizers, 1st course delicious, 2nd even better, all served cheerfully. so much better when the proprietor joins in on the fun (german beer hall, everyone singing). cheerfully paid the bill, and a tip besides. next day, proprietor sms's me, saying hoped i had enjoyed the meal, and that i'd return soon, even offering to reserve a table for me tonight. attitude, service, convience... for sure i will.

but not tonight. returning to a well known establishment, recently reopened. great decor, excellent food, and where the chef seems genuinely hurt when you say you're full; "what, you don't like my cooking anymore?"

like i say, in dubai, so many restaurants... easy to get a good meal at a reasonable price.

Mike De H
05-31-06, 18:30
But not tonight. Returning to a well known establishment, recently reopened.

You know me... I never ask for PMs on girls because I am not too lazy to find my wn, but I may just make an exception with eateries... I am always looking for good ones, so perhaps you could pm or post on the general info thread?

It is relevant to shagging because you can't go mongering on an empty stomach can you?

05-31-06, 19:26
Well, good ol' JSF passed me the contact number for Indian/Pakistani girls, as well as the "secret code" phrase to use when calling, to let her know that I'm a pal of JSF's and can be trusted.

I called, and it felt a bit funny using the phrase as my opening line, but she immediately became comfortable discussing business with me. I also asked her if the phrase was actually true, and she laughed.

Prices quoted from 600 all-night to 1500 all-night, depending on the girl. I might try tomorrow, as it's too late to take advantage of an all-nighter right now, and I'm still at the office near 11pm. If I get time, might pop into Rattlesnake on the way home.

05-31-06, 21:05
Hi all,

I'll be in town Saturday and Sunday nights. I'm looking at going to maybe Rattlesnake, Seaview, Regal....I'll be spending 6 months in Asia and South America so I guess the priority this time will be CIS and Africans.

Hope to see some of you guys for a drink or three.

05-31-06, 21:25
Hi all,

I'll be in town Saturday and Sunday nights. I'm looking at going to maybe Rattlesnake, Seaview, Regal....I'll be spending 6 months in Asia and South America so I guess the priority this time will be CIS and Africans.

Hope to see some of you guys for a drink or three.Mahku, since we've been trying to hook up for ages, and you're about to go on to greener pastures, I'll buy you a farewell drink on Saturday night, if after 11pm isn't too late for you (I have other commitments until then). Rattlesnake will be poor pickin's on a Saturday, so how about Regal (for CIS) and York (for African)? Perfect itinerary for your "goodbye to Dubai" tour. ;)

About to head off to Rattlesnake now. I wanted to call in Miss Zeta-Jones from Rattle tonight, but I left my monger-phone in my office.

05-31-06, 23:27
...but let me reassure you: these are just approximate locations just to give an idea of the neighbourhoud. They certainly sounded very specific to me: "Next to the Peugeot Showroom", "next to sunrise supermarket", etc. Who cares what building in the neighborhood? Well, maybe if you're planning to walk, but most of us either drive or take taxis. Like I said, detailed geographic info irrelevant, so why post? Closest I give is Deira, Dubai, or Sharajh.

Thanks Pashto, but beware you should not write such detailed contacts in your mesages.And so you quote the FULL post, including the number?

Wicked Roger
06-01-06, 04:00
Am in Manila for 2 days behaving myself in my own special way. Thanks to MK for his directions and hints plus the Philippine FRs I have managed to avoid all temptations put before me in terms of food and alcohol. In have only have one main vice and it does not involve drugs, smoke of\r booze. But to prov I am being a good boy in Manila/Makati (district of Manila) he is the evidence.

Piper, I think you would like it her too, MK, well…I know you like it. Az..where are you, no word at all, is the missus keeping you busy and on the same leash that Piper has at times :)


Only one long night left in this place, what will I do, Miss N is coming from the provinces to help me behave myself with 2 girls ;) Piper, I can only learn from you in Thailand, never having done such things before.

See you soon


06-02-06, 02:32
Golly, sorry Piper, but I was talking about YOU here!Yep, I knew that. No problems. All good fun.

Rattlesnake again tonight (too close to my place - what can I do?) To cut a long story short, I tried to get an old Madagascaran fave who used to work at York - even though she's put on some weight since two years ago, she's still lovely. But already taken tonight.

Ended up taking the equally lovely Miss Zeta-Jones. She looked a bit moody when I first saw her, and I asked her what was wrong. She denied anything was wrong (as all moody women do), until we got home and she spilled the story of what happened today. They have a tough time sometimes at work, like we all do. A long Piper massage helped just a little bit, I hope.

06-03-06, 08:09
Hi to JSF,

Sorry for no response for a long time.

As I'm not in Dubai I visit evrey year once. I just follow your FR.

Did any of you Kings of Dubai hear of a new hotel in Dubai?

I was told it have a very nice club.

Tercar 66
06-03-06, 10:57
After 4 days mongering trip in Tanzania, I decided to check out my regular joint behind Deira Sheration. Accompanied by 2 of my office buddies first went to Fox and Hound bar in Marco Polo hotel to have a drink. Not an ideal place to hang out for mongering but the Russain band there is excellent. Since I had not visited my regular joint for almost a month, I could see all new faces. 10 Russians 2 from Bangladesh and 1 from Philippines. Since my friend had never checked out a Philipina, he took her. I and my other friend settled down with the Russains. Since it is a 3 bedroom furnished appartment, at times we have to wait on a weekend if there are other customers. My friend managed to get the Philipina's contact number. I wanted to check her out as she was cute and had good attitude. I called her later on and guess what? she lives in Sharjah very close to my house.

06-03-06, 11:49
This is my first report. I can’t compete with the flood of great material from the usual suspects on this great Forum, but I believe that the concept of sharing must be nourished more and more so we can all contribute to in the writing of the chapters of the explorer’s book.

Enough Tolken talk and straight to the point.

I think that many of you are missing a certain source of excitement in this land. Simply open the Gulf news classified section and go to the Beauty and fitness section. You will find a number of names with only mobile numbers. Call any of them and you are for a treat. In general they are Chinese driven, but there are some Thai and even Koreans.

Good luck to all.

06-03-06, 18:33
My own fault. Late afternoon, early evening with a new acquaintance yesterday. After the festivities were complete, getting ready to run her home, had to take care of some business phone calls that could not wait. So I left her alone in the living room for 15 minutes. Should have known better.

She had taken my known disorder, and rearranged it into an unknown order: coffee table, magazine table, 'drop everything on cabinet top' cabinet, etc. now all neat and tidy, even dusted. But this morning, couldn't find a damn thing while getting ready for work - had to rummage around for everything. Like I say, it was only disordered to an outsider.

Will have to keep an eye out for that "domestic" trait.

Mike De H
06-03-06, 20:37
So I left her alone in the living room for 15 minutes. Should have known better.

Now, I am not used to escorts so I have an excuse when my little minx stole from the Mini bar. however, to do THAT in your own home is disgusting. I mean, what are we single for?

Anyway, shame on you 11B, you should have known beter.

Don't you think though, its time to "Name and Shame" so we can all avoid this loony in the future LOL ?

06-04-06, 05:34
Well, it looks like another trip to DXB is on the cards for this weekend. Mary J. Blige is playing so I'm coming down for a quick visit. Ligging, of course. Looking at the Reports of Distinction regarding hotels in Dubai (copied onto my PDA) the Shangri La (Sh Zayed rd) seems to charge for 'guests'. Does anyone have any up-to-date info regarding this hotel?

I look forward to having a drink with anyone from the forum during my stay. I should be arriving around 9pm on Wednesday. Unfortunately, the 'trouble' may be arriving the next day and leaving Friday aft. This could put a severe dent in my activities. Rattlesnake is one bar I haven't tried yet, mind you I haven't looked at the bar scene in the Shangri La. Any info on this ? The forum suggested that CIS and a few others may be lurking. Does anyone have more current info?

I'll be leaving on Saturday evening since I have to get to Abu Dhabi on Saturday morning for business. BTW, approx how much would a taxi charge from Dubai to Abu Dhabi ? I've been told that the journey is around two hours. Would that be correct? If somenone could PM me with the relevant information I'd be grateful, especially since some of this is off-topic for this forum.

Looking forward to the weekend. I'll be even more pleased if the 'trouble' decides not to come. Here's wishing.



06-04-06, 08:17
Hi to JSF,

Sorry for no response for a long time.

As I'm not in Dubai I visit evrey year once. I just follow your FR.

Did any of you Kings of Dubai hear of a new hotel in Dubai?

I was told it have a very nice club.Hello mate. Good to hear from you. Long time since we met.

Not posting much now a days because busy with some personal things. No time to play. Will post when I get a chance to get out. I do browse the forum almost everyday but since I dont have anything new to contribute I dont post.

By the way got information about a hot blonde from the Grand Hyatt. A bit pricey but looks real nice in the pictures my friend sent to me.



06-04-06, 14:41
Met up with Mahku on his farewell tour last night, along with WR, Kapitan and his stunning Miss O. I'd gone directly to Regal after a late night at the office, and got almost drunk on one pint after barely eating all day. There was a good crowd of girls by midnight. Saw a beautiful slim young blonde in a pony-tail and "girl next door" clothing. Very tempting, but the night was young, and she was taken soon enough.

As Mahku was interested in an African Adventure, he and I popped over to York around 1am. Not a bad crowd, despite recent reports, especially for a Saturday night. Soon enough Mahku found better looking company than me (an athletic young Ethiopian), and I wished him well on his upcoming world tour (lucky bugger) and bid farewell.

I wandered back to Regal around 2am and by now the Heinekens had really kicked in despite a quick snack earlier. Played a game of pool, all the while getting some attention from a tall young Ukranian blonde (long soft natural blonde hair - nice). Very pretty face and nice rack, but slightly heavy build. I've seen her at Regal a few times before, but preferred slimmer girls on the nights. This time the Heineken and friendly chatter won over.

She took the risk of refusing propositions from other guys and kept me in her target instead, even though I hadn't hinted that I would take her. My fragile male ego took over and and I took her home (500 all night). Great service. We had a long hot shower, where I let her shampoo me and give me a good long soaping up. Followed by a long and strong massage. She was built for heavy sex, so I complied. Usual positions, great BJ. No anal (long time since I've asked a girl to try).


As Miss Ukraine and I wandered to the ATM near Regal, I heard screaming, looked around and saw a guy apparently beating up a girl - she was lying on the ground screaming and kicking like she was getting murdered while he was grabbing at her. I shouted loudly "Hey!", but Miss Ukraine grabbed my arm and dragged me away, telling me it was police, and to keep walking. I looked around and saw about five young guys in nighclub clothing running after or grabbing African girls who'd been on the street and dragging them to an unmarked prison mini-bus. Lucky that Miss Ukraine had been so cool and dragged me away. As she said, I could easily have been spending some time in the cells also. Unfortunately, not with the African girls.

I asked her why she wasn't worried about the police, and she said she was safe because she was walking arm-in-arm with a "European" man, plus she was on a three-year residence visa. She felt no pity for the African girls, saying they knew the police were targeting African street girls lately, but they still took the risk. She said inside Regal was safe.

Gotta admit, seeing that girl screaming and kicking like she was going to die had shaken me up a bit. Miss Ukraine's long soapy shower and oily massage followed by wild unrestrained sex was just what the doctor ordered.

06-04-06, 15:45
Friday night I went to pick up my car at Rattlesnake after a good Thursday night with Miss Zeta-Jones. Popped in for a quick look and saw a stunnning tall very black and shiney Naomi Campbell look-alike. She had a couple of very drunk guys hovering around her, but after they went away I walked over and struck up a conversation. Was only planning on getting her number for another night.

Naomi was nice enough to talk to, but was playing a silly game pretending that she was not a working girl, but hinting that for a very high price she might be swayed. She was wearing expensive-looking clothes and drinking wine from a bottle in a chiller, being all "classy". She told me she's bee in Dubai two weeks and staying in an expensive hotel with her brother while they set up a business. Naomi pretended to be offended when I asked her how much she charged for short time, and never answered the question, but later she asked how much I pay girls here for their services.

She later asked me for my phone number to discuss a "business proposition" related to my profession. What the heck, gave her my monger phone number. A bit frustrated at her game playing, I decided to try and get her home, but again she said she wasn't working, so I ended up going for a walk around. I'd been watching Tiger Girl doing her sexy stuff on the dance floor, but was still in two minds about taking a girl - it's been a shag-heavy couple of weeks.

After doing another round, I went to watch Tiger Girl dance again, but she wasn't there. Oh well, time to go home. Suddenly someone grabbed my ass from behind - it was Tiger Girl. She got straight to the point, licked my face and asked if I wanted her tonight. Instant hard-on. I said "maybe", and she spent the next 15 minutes working me over with her wet tongue and rubbing up against me as she danced. I've seen her do this with another guy a few weeks ago, and now it was my turn for free foreplay.

She took me to sit down near Naomi, and it turns out they know each other. We all chatted for a while. When Tiger had gone to the toilet, Naomi asked if I was taking Tiger home. At closing time Tiger Girl and I left, and I saw Naomi outside negotiating with one of the drunk guys from earlier. (Interestingly I found a 3:30am missed call from her on my phone the next day, so it look slike she went home alone).

At home, Tiger Girl was an instant Tiger. Clothes off within 30 seconds and she went into a sexy contortionist pose with her ass in the air. I said "stay like that, I'll take a photo", and away we went on a sex photo shoot. She seriously loved the camera, and I ended up asking her to stop posing and concentrate on the sex!

I asked her to come to bed and she said she preferred sex on the carpet, and who was I to argue?

Had to tell her to stop biting me so hard (all over my chest, stomach, balls and dick), as she would leave bruises. She did her famous "smokin' blowjob that Chalky26 had mentioned, as well as a weird wet African lip wobble all over the head of BadBoy. She's wild, but her sweetie side shines through. Very good English and talked just a bit too much, then snuggled up to me for a good night's sleep.

She told me about Naomi and her "high class" act with her chilled wine etc, and said that she actually lives in a shared flat in Baraha. Naomi's been SMSing me, so I might giver her a call now - maybe arrange an early drop-in to my place on her way to Rattle.

My Kapitan
06-04-06, 18:03
Interesting night at the Regal (Sat). In the company of P1 WR and of course accompanied by Miss O. Met Mahku - a pleasure- but no sign of Sharq who said he would be there, searched by bluetooth many times but no sign of him.

At the bar there was a large fat twat making trouble by grabbing passing girls asses, was being addressed by a bouncer as I paid for my drinks with a 500 note.

The staff were distracted. In exchange for the 500 received 4 drinks and 5 x 100 notes excellent service! Only bettered later by the use of two ladies drinks vouchers (that happened to come into my pocession) marked juice to purchase beer, even better was the fact the girl brought the beers and 50dhms change!

A good night was had by all, highlight for me was watching Miss O dancing with the singer from the band - Bridgette.

A little off topic I know but hopfully reporting from Bahrain over the next couple of days.

Keep your ends up


06-04-06, 18:16
At the bar there was a large fat twat making trouble by grabbing passing girls asses, was being addressed by a bouncer as I paid for my drinks with a 500 note.

... even better was the fact the girl brought the beers and 50dhms change!

Kap - I had the same trouble with the huge guy - the bouncers were actually getting a bit rough with him and telling him to leave, but he refused. But I was stuck between them all waiting for my change, thinking a fight was about to flare up.

Speaking of change - that 50DH was from me! - I thought you'd paid for drinks when it was my turn to buy. Don't leave the country until you've paid my 50DH back. ;)

My Kapitan
06-04-06, 18:26
Speaking of change - that 50DH was from me! - I thought you'd paid for drinks when it was my turn to buy.

Ah an honourable man, unlike some...what time's that flight!

Wicked Roger
06-04-06, 18:33
Good to catch up yesterday, first time to meet Mahku nice fellow, am sure he was safe in Piper's hands (not literally Piper). That big guys looked a real pain in the ase, did he grab your Piper or were you too drunk to notice ;)

MK - will PM you. Say hi to Miss O from me, looked lovely as ever you lucky bastard!!!! But then I like Filipina adventures.....

Az and Piper - emails received and advice noted

Sad about the LEs but such is life I suppose but still not nice to witness and good job the Ukrainian pulled you away.

See you soon


06-04-06, 20:04
The staff were distracted. In exchange for the 500 received 4 drinks and 5 x 100 notes excellent service! And who do you think makes up that shortage when they balance the cash register? Not the bar, but some poor waitress making 1000 dhs/month.

I don't know how much my integrity is worth, but I would hope it'd be more than 500 dhs.

(actually, 4 drinks; 30 x 4 = 120 dhs)

06-04-06, 22:16
Have to agree with Bravo here. I fear the "lost" money will come out of the wait staff pocket, not the owner´s.

Hardly in keeping with the gentleman-monger ethos IMHO. You blew a wonderful opportunity to become a real VIP at the Regal simply by doing the right thing.

To each their own.

06-05-06, 00:25
Bravo and Sporadic -

I'll stick my nose in here. I'm sure Kapitan will have a comment when he finds he's suddenly being painted as un-gentlemanly little guy with little integrity. A bit rough methinks. What's up guys?

Knowing Kapitan, the last thing he would want to do is dud a waitress for beer money out of her own pocket. He is indeed a gentleman, and indeed a VIP with the Regal waitresses and WG's because of this. He also tips the waitresses generously, which doesn't quite fit with your comments.

BTW - waitresses are not usually docked for a couple of missing beers out of the hundreds they serve all night, unless they make mistakes often.

My Kapitan
06-05-06, 02:57
(actually, 4 drinks; 30 x 4 = 120 dhs)

Ouch Ouch!

My integrity is intact and I do not have pretentions of being a gentleman monger - just a monger. My status in the Regal VIP or otherwise has already been established over the years.

500 was from male bar staff not waitresses. The bar staff rip mongers off so much that the 100 will go unnoticed. A regular regal scam is to give change in 20's which are identical to 10's in poor light, result mongers hand over 2 x 20 instead of 2 x 10 for the next beer.

Yes the 50 from the waitress concerned me yesterday when I sobered up, I would have repaid her on the next visit (she would have suffered for a day or two which would make the repayment more welcome hence greater kudos). However that has now been explained by P1.

I'll put 100 in the 'Your pity is not enough' box in the lobby. My Conscience is clear. Ah the humanity of it.

(actually bottled beer is 20 therefore 20 x 4 = 80 dhs little little little)

06-05-06, 05:11
I'll stick my nose in here.
Knowing Kapitan, the last thing he would want to do is dud a waitress for beer money out of her own pocket. He is indeed a gentleman, and indeed a VIP with the Regal waitresses and WG's because of this. He also tips the waitresses generously, which doesn't quite fit with your comments.

I based my comment on the post, bragging about the "excellent service."

I was not impressed. If I somehow misunderstood, then sorry. Not my problem in any case.

Ps. I am glad you only stuck your nose in Piper! ;)

06-05-06, 15:13

I would be grateful for any contacy#t numbers.



Well, good ol' JSF passed me the contact number for Indian/Pakistani girls, as well as the "secret code" phrase to use when calling, to let her know that I'm a pal of JSF's and can be trusted.

I called, and it felt a bit funny using the phrase as my opening line, but she immediately became comfortable discussing business with me. I also asked her if the phrase was actually true, and she laughed.

Prices quoted from 600 all-night to 1500 all-night, depending on the girl. I might try tomorrow, as it's too late to take advantage of an all-nighter right now, and I'm still at the office near 11pm. If I get time, might pop into Rattlesnake on the way home.

Wicked Roger
06-05-06, 19:40

I would be grateful for any contacy#t numbers.



How many times have you asked this question on the board? And how many times have you been advised by the Dubai members. I am ignoring the PMs of course but am guessing there is a few of them in cyberspace as well.

RTFF, develop your own, post some FRs and then you might, just might, get a reasonable response.

OK, off the soap box...


06-05-06, 19:44

How many times have you asked this question on the board? And how many times have you been advised by the Dubai members. I am ignoring the PMs
I was about to answer the question: 18 times out of 20 posts (seriously), and the other 2 posts are just variations. I ignore Zaz's ongoing PMs too. Enough already Zaz!

06-05-06, 19:53
Naomi Campbell lookalike has been calling every day (she wants to meet me to discuss a legitimate business proposition). But instead I ended up making another date (dinner at my place) with my internet gal whom I first met a few weeks ago, and have kept in contact with.

Funny thought is - I'm pretty sure I'm going to get laid with Miss Internet date tomorrow night (who is not a WG), but I'm not sure if the same would be true of Naomi, who is a WG. Bizarre.

Having said that, I've agreed to meet up with Naomi the following night. Will see how it goes.

06-06-06, 04:48
6 years in the Emirates fast coming to an end. Before I go into box taping mode I took advantage of a day of business in Dubai to get 2 nights out on Saturday and Sunday. Love those 2 for 1 deals.

Since a long trip to Asia and South America is looming the mission these nights was to find Africans and/or CIS. The mission was accomplished, even satisfying my picky tastes.

This time I had the honor of meeting Piper, My Kapitan and Wicked Roger as well as two lovely lady companions at Regal. Big regrets for not meeting these guys sooner. The ladies were with Kapitan and Roger, so Piper and I went foraging for our own. Thanks Piper for the drinks.

Regal on Saturday night: Parked the car in the usual spot just around the corner from Regal. 10:30ish was pretty empty as before. Good lookers just beginning to arrive. If you’re in a hurry it’s a good time to strike a deal and get out before it crowds up. Although this night it never got that bad and there was even space on the rail next to the dance floor. A couple of rarities happened this night. First there were a couple of Filipinas in the crowd. Not sure if they were WGs or not but one was very nice to look at indeed. If I didn’t have 2 months planned in the PI (July to September) I would have been on that. The other rarity was a little aggressive marketing from CIS girls. Usually they hang back more and let guys come to them. Piper and I did a few rounds of the place, were tempted, but decided to have a look elsewhere.

So we headed over to York. Not a bad crowd here. Quite a number of good lookers to choose from. As I saw in my last time here in April the girls aren’t doing the hard sell. The grabbing and hanging on wasn’t happening like before. Could be a part of all this crackdown business. Some African girls started catching our eyes. There was one in this tiger tighty print outfit that I wish I hadn’t let get away. But a good second choice was Penny from Kenya. Piper wanted to head back to York. So I traded Piper for Penny. When I get around to posting the pic (not of Piper) I think you’ll see I made a good trade. Although I hope we can hang out again some time.

So Penny and I went back to the Rihab Rotana (a little on that in the hotel section). She was teasing, joking, good fun and good company. We agreed on 500 for all night. But since I had work the next day I would let her go early. She did a good (covered) BJ and lots of sex in all positions. And I loved her slim but shapely body. Though she was from Kenya she had a more Somali/Ethiopian look to her.

After a brief night’s sleep and an also brief day of work I was ready for another night out. First I had a look at Rattlesnake. It ended up not really being worth the drive. I was approached by one decent looking Chinese girl. But since I have contacts lined up in Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Beijing next month I decided to pass. There wasn’t much else to be seen so I headed back out.

Since I was really looking for quality and not caring much about price I figured there would be no better place than Cyclone. Cover charge was 75. With all the money this place makes why can’t they afford to pave the parking lots? I mean, they want you to wear nice shoes, no flip flops or sandals allowed. But then they make you muss up those nice shoes in their dusty parking lots.

Anyway, inside the place was packed with talent. Mobs of gorgeous Chinese girls. Walking the gauntlet it felt like I could get piled on at any time. I was really heartbroken not to go for one of the Chinese girls. But I was focused and determined about finding a CIS. The CIS side was also filled out well, but not quite as much as the Chinese. There were also pockets from other Arab countries, Turkish and Caucasus CIS (Azerbaijan, Georgia, etc.). I wasn’t long in finding what I was looking for, which was a good thing since each small bottle of Heineken costs 35.

In one of the alcoves to the right of the entrance I found Galena (I think). She said her name to me several times and that’s about as close as I could make out. She’s slim (what else?), about 165 cm, from Moskva. Fine, long, straight reddish blond hair, blue eyes, captivating smile. She was outgoing for a CIS girl here. After some negotiating we agreed on 900 for all night. Hey, it’s Cyclone.

Back at the room it was mostly good. But she did alternate between good service and indifference. She started off bad by sitting in the one person chair (not the couch next to it) and going for the TV remote. But the good thing that happened here was the movie Gladiator being on. Russel Crowe and all the the gory fight scenes seemed to turn on my little Cossack girl. She was good at pushing all my buttons, very acrobatic, explorative…I had a very good time. Good GFE most of the time. Her English was just so so. So there wasn’t much conversation to be done, just body talking.

I kept her all night. It was ok sleeping in since in these last days at the job I have looser ideas about working hours. We had another round in the morning before I let her go.

The traffic and the heat take some getting used to. And I never get used to the prices. But I’ll miss Dubai. There’s great variety of women, lots of expat characters and plenty of non-mongering things to do. I’ll hope to get back here in the near future.

06-06-06, 06:53
Hey Guys,

Just wanted to check if there has been any recent developments regarding the "H" problem at E's house. Has someone even informed her about it because it would be a bloody shame to lose that place. There is no way in hell I am going to contact those girls unless there is some solid proof that E knows about the problem and has done something to tackle it. I really freaked out when I read JSF's report as I had been with one of those girls around that same time.

Piper, do report on your exprience with the Indian contact of JSF as I am yet to have a good experience through her. In fact the last one was so bad that I swore that this is the last time I ever call her.


06-06-06, 07:47
Hey Guys,

Just wanted to check if there has been any recent developments regarding the "H" problem at E's house. Has someone even informed her about it because it would be a bloody shame to lose that place. There is no way in hell I am going to contact those girls unless there is some solid proof that E knows about the problem and has done something to tackle it. I really freaked out when I read JSF's report as I had been with one of those girls around that same time.

Piper, do report on your exprience with the Indian contact of JSF as I am yet to have a good experience through her. In fact the last one was so bad that I swore that this is the last time I ever call her.

Ohio29.Seems like it might be spreading. I tried to get hold of E and inform her about it. But either her phone is permanently in silent mode or she is not picking my call because she does not have my number saved on her new number. So could be she does not answer calls from strange numbers. I have left messages with the manager. Not much hope of getting a call back from E, seeing how the manager needs a lot of CS lessons.

If any of you guys bump into E, hope you are well padded in the back side when you bump into her and crash to the floor, please do inform her about this problem. I know a lot of the forum guys, who took number from me in the past, are still visiting that place.

About the Indian contact. Mate that problem is long gone. I guess you were perhaps the only forum member who got that tasty dish ;) When the indian madame came back I told her not to introduce any of my friends to that girl. she informed me that the girl is long gone. So no worries on that score. Ofcourse since I have never laid eyes on her new brood I cannot recommend/trash any of them offhand.


06-06-06, 10:20
Mahku - great to meet you - happy travels next six months (I'm still jealous). Will try and follow your reports around the world.

F's house is still going strong. I passed her number yesterday to a member I know well, who rarely posts (Mr D of our threesone with his non-WG girlfriend last year). F called me last night for verification, while Mr D was on the other line. I reminded her about the little party at her apartment with Dubai Sleuth and LuvBug, where JSF made a guest appearance, and she remembered. She asked me to pop by one day, and I just might (another senior member here wants me to give her a little present ;)). Anyway, just called Mr D, and he was happy with the girl who turned up at his hotel last night.

Piper, do report on your exprience with the Indian contact of JSF as I am yet to have a good experience through her. Ohio, I haven't had the chance to check out her girls yet, but am very tempted. Only problem is she has different categories from "Nice Indian girls" with little English (600DH), through to Stunning Pakistani Girls with perfect English (1500). Decisions decisions. The girls do not work from a house, but have other jobs in Dubai and moonlight part-time. They do outcalls only.

06-06-06, 12:19
Quoting Bar Crawler: "Naomi Campbell look-alike seems weird ... maybe as unstable as the real one".

BC - Naomi definitely is a little, ahem, different in attitude. In her phone calls and voicemail messages she is trying her best to put on an upper class accent, and is overly polite and well-enunciated in her conversations. Dammit, I don't want to have to spend time breaking down pretensions with her.

That's the point I was trying to make in my musings yesterday: Tonight's internet date is also African, she's a professional in a good regular job, but with a fiance in the US, so a little lonely. Unlike Naomi, she has no pretensions. We both know why we're having dinner at my place instead of a restaurant tonight, and why she's taking the day off work tomorrow (unless I'm completely misreading her).

Regardless, the Enigma CD is set up, the Australian Chardonnay is chilled, the scented candles are ready to be lit, her favorite Belgian chocolates are ready for me to place in her mouth, and the aromatic massage oil is by the bed. Who says I'm not romantic?

06-06-06, 16:02
Sunday: Couch vs 11bravo
What with the usual weekend entertainment, plus an early evening game on Friday AND another Saturday afternoon, Couch was an odds on favorite to easily knockout 11b. For most of the fight, no contest, Couch way ahead on points. Last round, Couch was looking for that knockout punch, 11b reeling in its clutches. However, final round, Stomach made a loud rumble, then a flurry, and 11b escaped Couch's clinch. It was close, but Stomach could not be denied.

Winner, split decision: 11bravo

Sunday: Refrigerator vs 11bravo
This early in the week, again, Refrigerator would be HEAVILY favored. Plenty of reserves from the usual domestic bliss of Miss Thursday. Plus, Wednesday had seen a dinner party with Miss PPMW (previous previous miss wed), her sister, and another punter; thus, even more leftovers.

However, early on, Refrigerator had sustained several injuries. First, Friday, Spinner, after the entertainment, had said she was hungry (note to self: when she says she's just woken up, and can be ready in 30 minutes, don't be so eager. Make it an hour and 30 minutes so she has a chance to eat). Luckily enough, the leftovers were all PRC, so no problem depleting Refrigerator's reserves, along with the assistance of Mr. Microwave. As a 2nd blow, Miss Friday left no time for the usual grocery store replenishment run.

The crippling blow was struck Saturday, when Miss PMW (previous miss wed) sms'd she'd be able to show up for a couple of innings as a relief pitcher. Given her hall of fame pitching with those smokin' hummers, amazing curves, and all-star status, that game HAD to be played. Once again, no time for the supermarket run. 11b reduced to eating POP-TOP CANNED ravioli for dinner Saturday night.

Beginning the match, Refrigerator had NOTHING to offer, just an empty shell. One punch thrown: some leftover chili. However, Refrigerator disqualified for a low blow (note to self: plain chili in the frig, OK. Chili with cheese on top: only if the purpose is to culture some interesting blue grey somethings on top).

Winner, unanimous decision: 11bravo
INFO ON: Rattlesnake, 9:15 - 10:15 Sunday

Off to Rattlesnake. Early, but still 4, 5 PRC's inside, including the girl I'd escorted inside last visit. However, tonight, no recognition of my chivalry. Another one, a previous pull, now, at 9:15, rather than 12:30, only invoked the overpowering feeling of what was I thinking?!?

Sparse crowd. 9:30, a wave of PRC's arriving, couple of africans. One petite and elegant african (2 adjectives I don't usually use to modify the african noun) flitting around. But nothing compelling in my current state.

Ordered a tostada. For me, it typified the typical woman at Rattlesnake: all the ingredients present, just not put together quite right. Above a fast food street walker, but way short of a Cyclone delicacy. Oh well, like a 'Snake wg, enough to satiate the appetite for now.

Band started; first 3 songs did NOT appeal to me at all (something that will NOT happen at Seaview), Mr. Prancy starting his routine, female vocalists demurely attired, number of civilian couples arriving, and only one wg mildly appealing, easy to head home and savor victory over Couch.

Monday: Couch vs 11bravo
Couch regains advantage, punching hard, 11b only managing to escape Couch's deadly clinch by exchanging some sms's with Spinner. However, she's non-committal as to this evening, sms exchange peters out, so things looking grim. However, with still no food run performed, 11b able to dance away. Not a good fight, but title remains with 11b, crowd booing. Besides, BC said he might be up at Seaview for a first set.

INFO ON: Seaview, 9:15 - 11:00 Monday

Some accident on the coast road, so takes 15 minutes to travel the last 50 yards to the turnoff to the Seaview. Yikes! Arriving Seaview 9:15, BC present, no wg's in sight (no correlation). We order dinner and catch up on world events. Just before 9:30, the first wg, a PRC (surprise, surprise) is sighted. Band arrives soon after (again, no correlation). Number of other wg's arriving, mainly PRC's at this early hour. Place is very empty; I feel sorry for the wg's.

I turn around and who do I see? Spinner approaching with a shy grin. Turns out, language barrier led to a confusion of intentions via the sms's. No problem now. BC somewhat ignored (sorry about that) as Spinner is totally engaging. We all stay for the band's first set. Near the end of the set, Seaview starts to fill up, but still, not crowded. PRC's (some familiar faces; others, not, but some worth considering for a mid-week pull), a few africans. I did not see any CIS, but, like last time, I was rather distracted by present company.

Band expanding out into some new songs; rather surprised I found myself liking their Cool and the Gang song. Actually, quite a number of new numbers (or at least ones I hadn't heard them do before). Once again, hoarse this morning from singing along (and lack of sleep). Damn you Sporadic, your good eyes, and accurate judgement of attitude.

Rattlesnake convient (for me, anyway), but always just something not quite in sync.

Seaview fun. Last song of the 1st set: couldn't decide who to watch: Muppet's Animal (bass player on drums), or tall vocalist on bass (no matter what song they sing, when she's playing bass, I always think Robert Palmer's 'Addicted to Love').

Wicked Roger
06-06-06, 16:16
Naomi Campbell lookalike has been calling every day (she wants to meet me to discuss a legitimate business proposition). But instead I ended up making another date (dinner at my place) with my internet gal whom I first met a few weeks ago, and have kept in contact with.

Funny thought is - I'm pretty sure I'm going to get laid with Miss Internet date tomorrow night (who is not a WG), but I'm not sure if the same would be true of Naomi, who is a WG. Bizarre.

Having said that, I've agreed to meet up with Naomi the following night. Will see how it goes.

So when does Miss Wildcat return? - is this frantic activity as a result of the imminent return of the Wild One? Based on your FRs and pictures (which put my activities into shame compared with yours!) the house will need double DNA cleaning ;)

Also save some mojo for the birthday present (Az says 17-21) so see if you can sort a business trip please...can't let the lady down ;)


Wicked Roger
06-06-06, 16:25
Regardless, the Enigma CD is set up, the Australian Chardonnay is chilled, the scented candles are ready to be lit, her favorite Belgian chocolates are ready for me to place in her mouth, and the aromatic massage oil is by the bed. Who says I'm not romantic?

You are a dirty minded monger as I can testify (as can many others). WGs bring condoms and lube while Piper et al use Belgian chocolates, Chardonnay (best be a good one please) and aromatic oil. Enigma CD? Ok I pass on that but these are tools of the trade so to speak.

Enjoy yourself as I am sure you will. Thinks of little lonley me in AD is not mongering tonight - well Miss N is busy tonight but I may go for a wander with my chocolate stick ;)


06-06-06, 19:25
Well, I got home from work 10pm, and checked my messages to find Miss Internet Date can't make it for our date tonight. I called her and she said her friend had a minor car accident, so can we postpone to Thursday night. I said no problems (even though I nearly killed myself at work to leave on time. Grrrr).

Do I believe her? Maybe. Should I sit here alone feeling sorry for myself, drink my two bottles of chardonnay, stuff myself with Belgian chocolates, and use the massage oil alone? Probably. But I won't. As WR points out, my bachelor days are coming to an end, so I want to make the most of it.

I just called Naomi Campbell (Dubai version), and invited her to my place tonight for our "business meeting" originally planned for tomorrow night. She asked for some time to think it over and call me back. I said "No hurry, take your time". She called back 30 seconds later and is on her way.

Could be an interesting night of intellectual conversation, chardonnay, chocolates and oil. Or maybe not.

How on earth does a guy seduce a WG who's pretending hard not to be a WG? And how should I offer money for honey? Maybe as down-payment on our "business deal".

My Kapitan
06-06-06, 22:29
Could be an interesting night of intellectual conversation, chardonnay, chocolates and oil.

In that case probably a wise choice to forget the Enigma CD!


06-06-06, 22:36
Here's another real-time report. ;) I love this hobby.

Naomi is playing me real good, but not good enough.

Naomi arrived just after 11pm, and she just left my place (at 1am). She played it straight all the way. She drank only a half a glass of wine in the two hours (even though she drinks a full bottle plus more at the club). We discussed "business", but she couldn't be specific, so I tried my best to help her save face and kept in listening mode. She also mentioned the cab cost her 90DH from Bur Dubai. Uh huh. Sure. Costs me 25DH maximum.

What does she do in Dubai in her spare time? Shopping in malls. I asked if she lives near BurJuman Mall. She's never heard of BurJuman (the centre of the universe of all shopping malls in Bur Dubai). Naomi says she lives in Hyatt Regency Hotel in Bur Dubai (Hyatt is not in Bur Dubai, but just across the creek in Deira). Unfortunately for me, I pointed this out, and she said she never goes to shopping malls. BC was right - she has a problem.

She asked a few questions about my business, and asked me if I have bank accounts in Dubai. Suddenly I thought about Nigerian email scams.

At some point I made clear my romantic intentions, pointing out she should be a model blah blah blah, and she smiled, but she was still playing very straight. Stroked her arm at one point, and she said "what are you doing!?", so I backed off.

She's either playing "hard to get" or she's not interested in me. Just before 1am she said she should leave soon, as she had to go home to see her brother. I politely (and happily) agreed and called her a cab.

I asked her for a "polite kiss goodnight", and only got a couple of kisses on the cheek. Too polite.

As she was leaving, Naomi asked me when I'm going to Rattlesnake again. I told her maybe next week, and that tonight I'm going straight to bed as I'm tired. (I suspect she's going to Rattlesnake and was checking if I'd go there tonight).

I saw her to the cab, and have just called a cab for myself. I'm off to Rattlesnake. I wonder if I'll meet anyone interesting there?

I actually like Naomi - she's trying her best, but doing it the hard way.

BTW - she asked me for her cab fares and I happily obliged.

PS Kap - Enigma is the best slow-bonking music - girls love it! :)

06-06-06, 23:42
Piper, good luck at Rattlesnake, hope the oil and chocolates don't go to waste........
didn't you say the next few weeks were going to sort of quiet for you? ;)

06-07-06, 14:41
Miss Thursday, who I met 11 months ago TODAY, and have seen every Thursday since, now on her way home. Valid visa, now cancelled. Wrong place, wrong time: earlier this week, York, closing. "Too many CID outside".

You might want to warn any regulars.

Mike De H
06-07-06, 17:52
Miss Thursday, who I met 11 months ago TODAY, and have seen every Thursday since, now on her way home. Valid visa, now cancelled. Wrong place, wrong time: earlier this week, York, closing. "Too many CID outside".

You might want to warn any regulars.

I dont know if its too little too late, but could you offer her a "job" as a houskeeper so she can continue to stay?

She could claim being at York for a drink with freinds?

Sorry if this sounds a bit naiive.

Wicked Roger
06-07-06, 18:11
I asked her for a "polite kiss goodnight", and only got a couple of kisses on the cheek. Too polite.

PS Kap - Enigma is the best slow-bonking music - girls love it! :)

Two girls in one night turn you down! Beware this maybe contagious :)

Enigma would send me to sleep, I just have porno playing - my ladies seem to like that ;)


PS Any more news on birthday party dates?

06-07-06, 18:48
Interesting night at the Regal (Sat). In the company of P1 WR and of course accompanied by Miss O. Met Mahku - a pleasure- but no sign of Sharq who said he would be there, searched by bluetooth many times but no sign of him.


The worst possible thing happened. Turned up in DXB early morning on Saturday and worked all day. I think the heat got to me. Lay down in the evening at the hotel and next thing i know got up at 4.30 am. Bummer. A wasted trip to paradise. Will PM you the next time i am around. Hopefully will meet up with you, P1.



06-07-06, 18:49
Thinking about my strange date with Naomi Campbell last night, I actually think she was sussing me out as a victim for the Nigerian email scam, but in real-life instead of by email (ie she told me her father died, left a lot of money to her and her brother, they need a trusted person to help them invest it, do I have bank accounts in the UAE yada yada ...). I might pop into Rattle again to continue our role-play. But she's such a poor liar with so many inconsistencies in her story taht it's not that much fun anymore.

After the date fizzled, I popped into my local pub Rattlesnake. Due to taxi problem, I arrived at 230am. Only a few people left, including my old-flame Indianesque Madagascar beauty. Two years since I've had her as a regular. She and I used to live close to each other in Bur dubai, and I would often call on the spur of the moment and five minutes later she would be at my place. Still sweet by nature, but she's hardened a bit in terms of business. She's changed her service offerings drastically. No more BJ or DFK anymore. She says she never did, but I remember her BJs vividly including her terrific twisting technique. I wouldn't have had her as a regular if she didn't BJ. Had two fingers inside her ass which she loved, so I tried for anal, but she said no.

She used to be 300 all night for me two years ago, but last night it was 500. She says she never usually goes for under 800 anymore, and often takes 1000 at Amnesia. She was in a bit of a bad mood that guys had only been offering small money all night and she'd been refusing them. When I asked how much is small money, she said 500. Times have certainly changed.

There was also a sultry young blonde at Rattle (Kirsten Dunst look), but she refused to budge under 700 from a start price of 1200 and her attitude was a disdainful "take it or leave it". I left it.

06-07-06, 19:02
Miss Thursday, who I met 11 months ago TODAY, and have seen every Thursday since, now on her way home. ... "Too many CID outside". Bravo - sorry to hear the bad news. Together every week for nearly a year - she must have been special for you. Hope things work out okay for her.

Two girls in one night turn you down! Beware this maybe contagious :)Happens to me all the time. :( Miss Internet called me today to try and meet up tonight, but I said tomorrow night is better (late night at work tonight).

PS Any more news on birthday party dates? Will PM you - I think I can make one of those days.

06-08-06, 05:48
Did any of you read the vanity fair writeup on Dubai? - June '06

They talked about Cylcone, York, and Amnesia.

They cited Dh 500 for Cyclone and York, and said that wouldnt get you a second look at Amnesia.

Apparently had a rich paki girl scope out the talent at the cyclone and she was offered Dh 500 pretty consistently, and the same for the journalist to tag along as well.

Has the clampdown hurt cyclone that bad, or was the paki really hot?

I thought the Cyloners usually had good visas.

She used to be 300 all night for me two years ago, but last night it was 500. She says she never usually goes for under 800 anymore, and often takes 1000 at Amnesia. She was in a bit of a bad mood that guys had only been offering small money all night and she'd been refusing them. When I asked how much is small money, she said 500. Times have certainly changed.

There was also a sultry young blonde at Rattle (Kirsten Dunst look), but she refused to budge under 700 from a start price of 1200 and her attitude was a disdainful "take it or leave it". I left it.

06-08-06, 08:11
Been reading a few reports from the regular posters and the general trend seems to be that prices are going up.

Personally I do not think it is that drastic. There are high quotes and then there are astronomic quotes. But that is purely on the time and on the girl. I know for a fact that my regular quotes 800 and upwards, I laughed when she told me(bad form, got a punch for that). I was not laughing when she said people pay that sometimes (say 1 in 2).

I trolled Cyclone and Regal and did notice that the prices quoted are on the higher side now, BUT, known faces do quote the normal figures.

So, I guess, it is still the same. Like Bravo said sometime back, it helps if you are a known face. Else, keep looking till you find something cheaper.
Another thing to note is that even if you pay high and have a good rep with a girl, you certainly can get discounts in future business meetings. ;-)

Try and avoid York, if you can, there is regular LE action there off and on. They come by after 1, close the doors, ask the men to leave and check the girls passports. Believe me, it happens more often than you think. Somehow York is targetted, dunno why. I was there when it happened once. They do not hassle the guys, just ask you to leave. But, leaves a bad taste in the mouth. Haven't heard of that in the other joints. Even if there is no LE activity, might not be a good idea to leave with the girl from the club, pick her up elsewhere after finalising the deal.

Just my views, I am sure others have quite a bit to say on that anyway.

By the way, I ran into a girl who was deported sometime back. She is back in Dubai, with no visa, seems that they come by boat from Iran someplace..illegally, of course. Unless the hotel is really GF, that might be an issue. Just a little something to keep in mind!



06-08-06, 17:12
Long lazy post with a happy ending and surprise twist.

After a late finish at work Wednesday night 11pm, I popped into my local pub yet again (Rattlesnake). Some true beauties, including a number of Regal regulars (one of them being Azerty's Freebie - she remembered me and said hi). I was pretty knackered from a week of intense work and shagging, so decided to have a relaxed game of pool and a couple of drinks and that's about all. After losing at pool, I found myself a table near the side of the band and watched the very wild Tiger Girl do her very sexy dance moves on the floor. She'd given me a missed call ealier in the day which I didn't reply to, so was expecting her to come and ask why, but she didn't see me.

A little later, Sisi, a Chinese/Korean girl with dreamy eyes I'd taken about a month ago came and said hello and asked why I hadn't called her. She asked if she could join me at the table, and I said sure, but explained I wasn't taking a girl home tonight as I was tired. She started the hand-holding and leg-rubbing, and again I mentioned I didn't want a girl (giving her the "out" so she could go and find a customer instead of wasting her time with me). She said "no problem", and that she just wanted to sit and chat, and she might go home soon also. We chatted a while. She's quite bright and her English is good. She says she was a switchboard operator in a Shanghai Hotel before arriving in Dubai three months ago.

In the end, she won. I agreed to take her home for the night, later on, so we just relaxed, had a few drinks and chatted and watched the great band. I was waiting for little gay "Mr Prancy" (as Bravo calls him) to belt out his kick-ass Joe Cocker version of "I get by with a little help from my friends", but ended up writing my request down and gave it to a waiter to pass to Mr Prancy, who acknowledged my request. It came up soon as the last song of the night, and by the end of the song a bunch of drunk Brits were screaming along with the song, squirming on their backs on the ground screaming out the grand finale along with Mr Prancy. Great finish.

Sisi and I left, and on the way home we stopped in a late-night shop to buy a few supplies so she could cook some Chinese food for us. I also bought her a small Bonsai plant as a gift and she seriously nearly cried. She didn't stop talking about it. 40DH ($11) goes a long way.

We arrived home, ate some of her yum cooking, watched a scary movie and relaxed on the sofa. I told her "Sorry, no sex tonight", and she wasn't too disappointed. ;) She said it's nice to sit relax and talk with someone. I ended up drifting off to sleep about 530am with my head on her lap as she massaged my head. Nice end to a long week.

This afternoon, I was in two minds whether to have sex with Sisi or not, as I have my internet date coming for dinner and seduction at 9pm, and wanted to save my mojo. Then I thought "What if I don't get lucky tonight?", so I went to Sisi, who'd just had a shower and put on her make-up, and was half-dressed (see photo section for a few lazy pics this afternoon), and I started kissing her. She laughed and asked what I wanted. I took her to the bedroom and motioned her for a BJ. She asked for a condom but I asked for BJ without condom. She says she never does that. I gave a doey-eyed "pleeeeease", and she did. Finished in her mouth, and she kept sucking until after I stopped coming, but then she spat it out on my stomach saying she's never done that before.

About 4pm, Sisi and I hopped in a cab towards Bur Dubai and I got out at Mercato Mall to buy a few things. On the way home I noticed a missed call from Mr D (of threesome-with-his-girlfriend fame). I called him and he said he was just wanted to say thanks for giving him the number of a fantastic Chinese girl he had two nights ago. (Like me, Mr D doesn't often go for Chinese unless they're special - in our own opinions of course). I asked him which Chinese girl, and he said Sisi. I laughed and told him I'd just spent the night and today with her and left her in a cab an hour ago. Small world. We agreed she's a very sweet girl with a beautiful face (as I said - dreamy eyes), gives a great massage, and GFE service. Mr D asked if Sisi had mentioned him, and I said no, but she probably didn’t make the connection between the three of us. He said she would have, because he used my name as the reference when he called her.

I've already asked her about threesomes - she said she's only done it once before with a girl she lives with, but would like to try again.

Well, have to go pick up my internet date in an hour. I’ve had dinner with her once, but have been busy traveling working and mongering since then, so it’s been over a month since that date. But I remember the slurpy goodnight kiss she gave me when I dropped her home last time. Hopefully we can move that up a few levels tonight. :) Time to get ready.

06-09-06, 06:08
Will probably be in DXB briefly end of July or beginning of August.

Having grown up there, I know my way around pretty well.

Unfortunately my family is tabloid fodder for a lot of the lookie lou types, so discretion is everything.

I definitely plan to avoid the golden triangle. Does the cover keep the lookie lous out of cyclone? I've seen em hanging outside around 3am.

Amnesia sounds too rich and snobby for my blood. How is the Rattler in terms of lookies?

The friends I grew up with are pretty connected, but stick to the amnesia priced end of things and lose all discretion after a couple of drinks.

I cant afford too many trips to cyclone. I hear the spinneys area is now off limits. Right now my plan is to charm the skirts off semi pro's at savage garden. Being young but not pretty, it should make for an interesting challenge.

You know, for being the bible belt, the place I'm in aint too bad. At least people stay outta your business.


06-09-06, 20:28
a few hours after getting a goodbye bbbj from sisi, i picked up my internet date, and all went predictably to plan. enjoyed some food and wine, engaged in intellectual conversation for a couple of hours on the sofa. then there was a moment of awkward silence when we just looked at each other and the silence was broken by passionate kissing then my hand inside her bra. i asked her to come to bed, and she said "on one condition - i have to go home tonight, or the girls at home will know what i've been up to". no problems.

the whole session lasted about 30 minutes. in typical african style she just wanted to go straight into bonking, but i went down on her and lucky for me and her, she hadn't had a clitorectomy. no bj to be had, so went into a bit of missionary work followed by doggy to finish. she kept saying she's not a good lover, and i kept telling her she was beautiful, great etc, and made her watch the doggy action in the full-length mirror as i told her how beautiful she was. made her even wilder. she says she hasn't had sex for 6 months, and wants to come back for more. alas, my bachelor days end tonight, and i woke too late today to confirm our plan to meet tonight. besides, don't know if i have time or energy for a grand finale tonight.

i hopped in a taxi and escorted miss internet home. unfortunately for me, she lives a few minutes form rattlesnake, so after the goodnight kiss outside the cab, i headed there.

as i walked in i saw an absolutely stunning classy-looking dark-skinned woman sitting at the entrance. she didn't look african, and not quite indian, maybe arabian. i actually did a u-turn and went back to look at her, and she noticed but kept talking on her phone. went inside and there were about 150 guys and 30 girls. i saw miss madagascar and miss zeta, but wasn't planning to pull as i'd just had sex an hour earlier.

i went out to look for miss arabia to get her number, but she was no longer there. later i was near the door and saw her leaving with a guy. as he headed out the door i asked f she was busy. she smiled and said "i think so", and i asked for her number. i may call her tonight to see if she's available.

i also saw the very tall amazon ghanan regular from york sitting on the balcony outside. she told me they wouldn't let her in, so i said "come with me", paid her 50dh and got her in. i gave her one of the drink vouchers. she stood the whole night next to the ladies restroom, and i kept telling her she wouldn't get a customer there, away from the crowd, but she stayed put.

cut a long story short, my mojo came back a couple of hours later under the influence of a few drinks, and i spoke to the very buxom kim basinger-esque blonde i'd taken a month ago. i asked her to come home, but only if she allowed photos this time. she said no problems. got home, drank more (trying to keep up with her), and we had very wild drunken sex all night. hate to admit it, but we went into a [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) role-play, which i'll leave to your imagination. after we finished we went back to friendly chatter, drank even more and had more sex again. bizarre.

i remember asking her to come with me to russia in a couple of weeks, and she said she has to stay in dubai and work, but might have a friend who will want to come with me.

the next thing i remember is waking up at 8pm today, she was gone, and i feel like i'd been drugged, but i think it was from mixing to many different drinks all night. i picked up my monger phone to find it wasn't working, and looks like it was immersed in water, as there's water inside the lcd screen. i don't know why she would have done that, as i didn't have her number anyway. bottle of vodka is gone, so she helped herself to that. worse still, my camera isn't working. no sign of water. hopefully just a flat battery.

will post some nudie pics if i can get my camera to work.

06-09-06, 20:56
Arrived 9pm; surprised when I was asked to pay 30 dhs entrance (1 drink included). Seaview is showing World Cup matches, so charge applies while they are on. No problem. Joined soon after by ExpatCat and BarCrawler. Very sparse crowd while match was on.

Spinner arrived downstairs; per arrangement, gave me a call. Got her in free; match only had 20 minutes to go.

After the match, band started (just after 10, rather than 9:45). I left at 11 just as they went on break and 2nd match started; don't know if they will play during matches.

Number of PRC's around; ExpatCat pulled quite an attractive one. A very attractive -stani in a very fetching dress sitting behind us. Not a large selection of choices, but certainly some if you did not care to go home alone

06-09-06, 21:10
Postscript to a bizarre night.

Popped the monger chip into my other phone - I did have Russian drinking girl's number after all. The plot thickens. Called her, but phone switched off.

Just called the stunning Miss Arabia, turns out she is Miss Ethiopia. She doesn't look it, and she has an Arabic working name. She was on her way to Rattler when I called. Asked her to come to my place 1am, but she doesn't have change from 1000DH, so we've arranged for me to meet her at Rattler at 1am. Hope she doesn't get a better offer before I arrive.

06-10-06, 01:57
My first report, although I have been a reader for quite a time.

Decided to try RattleSnake today, as it is of close distance to me so no hassel to go to the other parts of the town after the day before tour which I will write about later.

Today I arrived around 12, some nice girls. Mix of Blacks, Russkies, and PRC. I would rate the majority from 5-7, couple of 8s. May be one 8+ but not more.

When I entered I spoted the "Tigeress" with her fluffy hair and I have to admit, she looks better than on the photos, but still is not what I'm looking for. The band is really nice and entertaining, spotted couple of potential targets for the night.

After an hour, some marketing started, and I saw the tiger dancing and she really got a very fine body and tattoo above da ass. A black gurl, with partly red hair, from Djibouti captured my attention, but she asked for 800 and there were alot of guys talking to her and she didn't want to go cheaper so I said OK, what the hell, she would be my first black bread ever. Anyway, we were on the way to go, she told me she doesn't do BJ, so I used it as excuse to cancel the deal. I wanted to do that before, but didn't want to be man who say no after saying yes.

Around 1: 30-2: 00 I went out, had a couple of yummy sandwitches and. The doors opened and the tiger was being kicked out by the tall black bouncer "not real one" but one of the stuff. Alot of swearing going around, couple of insults and doors open again with her other girl friend thrown out. The guy from the Staff was furious and insisted to call the police. The tiger again kept trying to run inside, with no luck and it got very physical. A Big guy rushed from the door with his head bleeding and some other ladies and guys.

Don't know exactly why happend, but it seems she was dancing and her breasts were showing and this guy tried to grab her titts so she "putt off" the ciggeratte on his arms and don't know what happened that but the guy ended up with a bottle or a glass was smashed on his head, and other guy came out with blood on his shirt.

Anyway, police came, her other girl friend ran inside, and hide in the bathroom and they couldn't go in to get her, and a couple of guys "I Guess they are from the forum" one with Germany T-shirt and shorts, the other with blue shirt (any of you guys) were talking with the police and with the staff and the manager trying to smooth the situation and let her go.

Another round inside, a very nice russian maximum 21 y. O with her very tall sister, but I didn't take a move as I was started to loose intrest.

I didn't complete the rumble and left as I needed to catch Amnesia ladies coming out.

Check the indian bar "Thanks Piper for the tip" then around 3: 10 gurls started to roll out from Amnesia.

BTW, I was wondering if the inidan gurls can be taken or not? My first time to see indian appeal to me.

Anyway, back to the exist of Amnesia, couple or really 9 arabian gurls, but attitude was bad and very drunk so I passed and didn't bother to ask the price. Gurls started to roll out, Turkish, Moroccon, Tunisian, couple of russians and couple of PRC.

I didn't find anything that would appeal to me as I was already loosing interest so I head back home.

May be good luck next time.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread.

06-10-06, 09:26
Well, many will breathe a huge sigh of relief, as my bachelor nights in Dubai came to a (very pleasant) end last night.

Went to Rattlesnake to collect my "Arabian" Ethiopian stunner, working name Reem. I was 30 minutes late due to taxi problem, and luckily she waited for me, instead of going with a guy who'd tried taking her in the short period she was there.

Saw Miss Amazon again - she was now standing at the door, closer to the crowd. She really stands out. She told me York has been raided three times in the past couple of weeks.

After 10 minutes, I took Reem home, and despite her beauty, she is a modest sweetie. I was pretty much shagged out, but had to take her as it was my final night and she was so hot. Glad I did. We had a long slow night together and I converted from ST arrangement to LT. Very GFE. Luckily she lives alone in her apartment, and has invited me to visit whenever I can to try her home-ground Ethiopian coffee. I think I'll take up the offer. ;)

Just had a PM from Yoksha, who had a night with Reem recently and has just posted a report - due to appear soon as he's a Regular member (yep Yorksha - same girl). He also thought she may be Arabic.

Well, my camera was sabotaged by Miss Russia Drinking Girl. I can preview my pics, but the lens doesn't work. Will post a few pics when I get the chance to pop the memory card into another camera.

Tercar 66
06-10-06, 11:26
Went to cyclone on Thursday night, found some real good lookers. Strangely found Russians hanging around in one corner and chinese in another. May be they have thier own market inside the nightclub. There were few Indians but not that good lookers. Since I see a lot of messages looking for Indian babes, they should check it out. There were few Iranian babes as well. That reminds me, there used to be a Iranian night club in St. Georges Hotel in Deira , where a lot of Iranian females used to hang out. Has any one checked that out recently?

Wicked Roger
06-10-06, 11:51
Well, many will breathe a huge sigh of relief, as my bachelor nights in Dubai came to a (very pleasant) end last night.


Am sure this does mean the end, just a temporary halt to proceedings - received the PM and we are certain the birthday present can be organised.

Bit tight Miss Wildcat returning today and the DNA house clean a few hours before. Check to see of the Russian saboteur has not left anything else behind!

Am trying to cut back my mongering too ;) and so I appreciate what you are going through!

See you soon in the York!


PS Claire called me and just offered me a nice exotic 18 year old...i wonder what I should do ;)

My Kapitan
06-10-06, 17:41
A friend informed me the York was hit yet again on Saturday. alledgedly lights on at 2am, 3 buses waiting outside. All girls without visas and those with valid visit visas given free accomodation and transport to country of origin. Only resident visas survived. Can anyone confirm this?

Verbal report was from a well established monger but non forum member.

06-10-06, 20:04
This weekend, i was checking some bars for nice quality low priced gurls (400-600) but it seems it was really not going ok.

I started by checking Regal, boys doubled or tripled the ladies, and the ladies were mostly ranged from 5-7 if i'm generous with the rating.

Checked all around, nothing caught my attention. Decided to move out insted of ruining the night. Well for a Guranteed quality, Cyclone is the answer.

Well, thought to check on Jules Bar as i never been there. I was greeted on the door with enterance fees with 2 drinks.. I think it was around 50.

Well, smaller collection than Regal, but with couple of good lookers, but still, wouldn't satisfy my picky taste for the night, as my horniness indicator didn't hit the red bar yet. So couple of drinks and it was approaching 1 am.

Back to regal (i paid before so what the hell, another look) and the collection became better and some good lookers appeared.

I didn't like regal as it is hard to spot the ladies and check for the details that makes difference to me.

Anyway, more drinks, more drowsy... Lets go home and home alone.

Morale of the story. For a guranteed quality, Cyclone is the answer. Also, Weekend is not good day to Monger.


06-10-06, 20:07
Well, My Kaptian, from the regular gurls i usually take (once i take on i don't like to change except after a while, month or two, so we talk alot and become friends ) I heared there were alot of raids recently. I can't confirm the York raid with the 3 buses plot.

Heared about gurls were caught, so keeping low profile they hang out in smaller bars. So overall it is good for us as prices go down and if you are familier face you would be a safe bet.

Just check small bars in hotels, you may catch a good night desert.


06-10-06, 20:19

The gurl who spoiled your cam is right in RattleSnake. The night you took Reem she was my next choice. She is little old but up to my taste.

Glad that you warned about her, so next time I will take her, I'll make sure to wake before her to minimize the damage.


06-10-06, 22:42
You think the vanity fair article talking about the metal detector and the prc hookers caused a fuss, or did the club owners [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) someone off?

A friend informed me the York was hit yet again on Saturday. alledgedly lights on at 2am, 3 buses waiting outside. All girls without visas and those with valid visit visas given free accomodation and transport to country of origin. Only resident visas survived. Can anyone confirm this?

Verbal report was from a well established monger but non forum member.

06-11-06, 09:53
simple answer. all of them do. but the price varies considerably. from aed 2000 to 20,000!! for the day for the best. daytime only. evenings they have to do the show. or accompanying them on in/out visa trips to murep001, etc. and they are not available immmediately on demand. you have to become a regular punter at the clubs, spend upwards of a couple of thousand on tip cards. spend a week or so and then approach the 'naika' (male or female). remember some of the best indian dancing girls are almost bollywood material. the best hardly go out more than 2 or 3 times a month. at monthly salaries (just for dancing) of aed 14,000 (all expenses paid) and a couple of days out for paid fun the best of them can net up to aed 90,000 for their typical 90 days trip in dubai.

if you are into this wild and expensive side of classy indian trip email me.

06-11-06, 10:02
WR and Kap - looks like you've been up to no good as usual. ;) and more to come - sorry I can't join in the birthday celebration next week. Too much happening at home and office right now.

I almost survived the DNA clean-up - Wildcat found a few party masks I'd taken to Bangkok for photo purposes, but I explained them away as being bought well over a year ago for a party we had at home, and since forgotten. She also asked why there were over 20 condoms in the bedside drawer when she counted 8 before she left (sneaky devil, but I expected that). Again, easy to explain - found them in various drawers as I was tidying up.

So far I've managed to hide the deep cat-scratches down my arm from Drunk Russian Girl's crazy episode, by wearing long sleeves.

My car has been in for repair for several days and I have a regular cabbie for most trips. He took me to the airport last night to pick up Wildcat, and he couldn't stop laughing as we passed Metropolitan Hotel and I started crying loudly and waving goodbye to Rattlesnake.

06-11-06, 10:10
Rattlesnake ... The doors opened and the tiger was being kicked out by the tall black bouncer ...

... Check the indian bar "Thanks Piper for the tip" then around 3: 10 gurls started to roll out from Amnesia.

BTW, I was wondering if the inidan gurls can be taken or not? My first time to see indian appeal to me.

I can just imagine Tiger rumbling at Rattle. She's a great girl, but just a little on the crazy side, and very spirited. She also has dangerous friends.

As for Indian girls from the club next to Amnesia - I tried a number of times, but no luck. In the end the manager of the club trusted me enough to give me a contact number for Indian girls elsewhere. Turned out to be the same contact that JSF recently gave me. She's obviously well-known in town.

06-11-06, 17:31
A friend informed me the York was hit yet again on Saturday. alledgedly lights on at 2am, 3 buses waiting outside. All girls without visas and those with valid visit visas given free accomodation and transport to country of origin. Only resident visas survived. Can anyone confirm this?Received a similiar report from the other side of the fence, as it were. Saw Miss PMW this afternoon. We were talking about the changes in the weather. She mentioned that "last night, 200 ladies taken from York." {My experience, the number 200 used not as an exact count, but to represent a large number.}

Good news, bad news: Good news: some of the York ladies have moved over to the Imperial.

Bad news: Miss PMW, on her way to Imperial later on last night, was called by a gf with a head's up: police outside, stay away. Same warning around Jockeys.

Curiously, she also mentioned that while resident ladies were safe, if caught with a client, it could be even worse for them.

Could it be that the Golden triangle is turning into the Iron triangle?

Try and avoid York, if you can, there is regular LE action there off and on. They come by after 1, close the doors, ask the men to leave and check the girls passports.Miss PPMW (different source): When told that a girl had been caught closing time York, she stated that LE goes inside York to catch wg's (not that Discerning's post needed confirmation...). But certainly a known fact amongst the wg's. While previously having a current visitor visa was sufficient to be allowed to leave, this seems to be no longer the case.

On leaving Astoria last week about 8:30pm, she had seen a number of policecars already lined up just up the street.

Remarked that LE was even catching girls outside of Cyclone. For me, when they go after Cyclone girls... it MUST be serious.

She also stated some PRC's were re-evaluating making visa runs, given that a proper visitor visa now no longer seems to matter. Some are adopting the CIS position: don't renew (saving the money for overstay fines), and if caught, then, caught.Spinner also remarked that one of her friends had been caught leaving Cyclone within the last couple of weeks.

Besides the summer client doldrums, this push further encouraging a number of girls to leave on summer vacation.

06-11-06, 18:34
On whether Indian Dancing Girls Go out: Simple answer. All of them do. But the price varies considerably. From AED 2000 to 20,000!! Interesting! Expect at least one PM. Not from me, but from Zazzzzzzz. ;)

Wicked Roger
06-11-06, 19:22
WR and Kap - looks like you've been up to no good as usual. ;) and more to come - sorry I can't join in the birthday celebration next week.

I almost survived the DNA clean-up - Wildcat found a few party masks I'd taken to Bangkok for photo purposes, but I explained them away as being bought well over a year ago for a party we had at home, and since forgotten. She also asked why there were over 20 condoms in the bedside drawer when she counted 8 before she left (sneaky devil, but I expected that). Again, easy to explain - found them in various drawers as I was tidying up.

So far I've managed to hide the deep cat-scratches down my arm from Drunk Russian Girl's crazy episode, by wearing long sleeves.

My car has been in for repair for several days and I have a regular cabbie for most trips. He took me to the airport last night to pick up Wildcat, and he couldn't stop laughing as we passed Metropolitan Hotel and I started crying loudly and waving goodbye to Rattlesnake.

What do you mean by "as usual" - you know I am the occasional monger of good standing in the AD community and it is just that dirty minded MK who corrupts my morals when he visits with his beautiful O ;)

Glad to see Miss W has not chopped off the todger though how you can get away with having 20 condoms around the house at any one time when she knew there were only 8 is a feat of verbal dexterity - well done!

As for the birthday, it looks likely to be postponed, Miss N rang and said she sees the dentist next Saturday (Az/MK please note) and so maybe a weeks delay so her mouth can recover ;).

As I must spend a weekend in Ruwais this weekend coming am thinking of 'barfining' her from mamasan for the whole weekend to make sure my stay at the close by 5 star hotel is fun - it does have a great restaurant but after that I need dessert ;)


06-11-06, 20:49

The gurl who spoiled your cam is right in RattleSnake. The night you took Reem she was my next choice. She is little old but up to my taste.

Glad that you warned about her, so next time I will take her, I'll make sure to wake before her to minimize the damage.

CIAODrinking blonde is older - mid 30s. I wouldn't recommend her. Take it from a slow learner like me. But if you do take her, she will drink your place dry then force you to have crazy wild violent sex. Oh, she loves fisting. You have been warned. ;)

Rog - In my wife's culture they always talk hyperbole/exaggerate. "20 condoms" means "more condoms than when I left". I'm a bit slow, but not slow enough to leave 20. ;) I'm pretty sure I left the right number.

My explanation of the scratches on my arm went down fine: "Looking for the hidden spare house key amongst the shrubs after a few drinks."

06-11-06, 21:42
In a possibly bizarre coincidence (I swear I'm not a fiction writer), I just received an email in response to an internet advert I placed six weeks ago, asking for a discrete adventurous woman to have an affair with a married man. It's from a girl who claims she's 21, and wants a sponsor for her university fees in return for her, ahem, company. In her photo she's blacked out most of her face, but she looks remarkably like Nigerian mail-scam Naomi Campbell.

If only she'd emailed me weeks ago.

Wicked Roger
06-12-06, 05:39
Rog - In my wife's culture they always talk hyperbole/exaggerate. "20 condoms" means "more condoms than when I left". I'm a bit slow, but not slow enough to leave 20. ;) I'm pretty sure I left the right number.

My explanation of the scratches on my arm went down fine: "Looking for the hidden spare house key amongst the shrubs after a few drinks."

You are still the master of verbal dexerity.....am sure you are considered an innocent man by Miss W regardless of my knowledge about of your activities ;)


06-13-06, 08:07
The other day I was out shopping at the Lulu Supermarket in Karama and I thought of F and how long it had been since I spoke with her. She had called a week or so back but I was not in a position to reply to her at that time. I thought it was only polite to call her and apologize for not picking her call that day.

She was happy to hear from me and told me the reason she had called the other day was that she had a new young blonde at her place and wanted me to try her out. I called home and informed the missus there was a national emergency and I would be delayed for a couple of hours. She got a bit suspicious and wanted to know more. I fumed and blustered and finally managed to half convince her that it was indeed an emergency and I had to go.

F's place was a mess when I arrived. Girls all around sweeping up and polishing furnishings etc. They had just got up and this was their morning ritual as I have learnt because of my numerous early afternoon visits. F came and sat with me for a minute or two and then rushed away to take care of soemthing that was cooking in the oven. Nice homely atmosphere.

N took a breather from what she was doing and came and sat in my lap. Az ran around doing something or the other.

I noticed Julia also in that melee (the pretty woman) and one rather stocky, pretty young girl with glasses. That must be the new one that F wanted me to try. This girl seemed just on the verge of getting kicked out of her teens. Cute face, smallish looking rack, thick tree trunk like thighs (grrr) and a little tummy. All baby fat which she is likely to lose pretty fast if she keeps cleaning up F's place like she was busy doing at that time.

After my customary glass of chilled drink (normally a drink is shoved into my hand the moment I sit down) I looked over at the young cutie Taya. Taya is a unfamilar name. Never heard it before. Anyways she came with me to the bedroom and we started getting acquainted. Her rack is small, just as I thought, but nice and firm globes with small pert nips. She likes them sucked. She avoided DFK so I thought I would kiss the other lips. Slowly moved down her body, kissing here and licking there and I could hear her breathing getting louder and louder as she started getting excited in anticipation. Well after a lot of teasing I got down to the job at hand. She loves it. I put one finger in her. She was already wet and dripping. Put in another finger with ease and started exploring the warm insides. She seemed to enjoy that and her breathing was getting decidedly laboured. She came with a judder and almost dislocated my two fingers inside her.

It took her a minute or so to get her breathe back. Then she started on a BBBJ. for a second I wondered what was going on. I could feel nothing. Then I looked in the mirror and saw that she was opening her mouth real wide and that is why I could not feel anything. I stopped her and told her how to go about it. She is a quick learner and within a few minutes had me on the edge. I kept rubbing her clit while she was busy with the bbbj and she was still turned on. Decided I had enough of BJ and asked for condom. She eagerly put it on and I got on top in Mish. She was horny. and ground her hips into me with some force. A few minutes of that I blew my load. I am not sure but I could feel her insides squeeze me. The sensation was nice.

Another non-stunner who has found a spot on my fav list.


06-13-06, 23:19
Azerty and EzFeelin - good to see some dialogue here between master mongers.

EZ - I saw your massage lady in your Dhaka posts (very nice, as all your ladies are). I'm still planning on a December visit to Dhaka, so hope to meet you then.

So many girls want to work in Dubai - I will see what I can do. I like to help, sex or not.

Meanwhile, I've been seriously caught out. Despite my DNA clean-up, Wildcat found a woolly hairband full of long blonde hairs in my car yesterday. Result? Lots of wild jealous sex last night. What can I do?

Even more, today, she caught up with some friends in Bur Dubai and says she has eye-witness accounts of me leaving a club with a girl. What can I do? As I write, Wildcat is asking me to come to bed.

Women are funny sometimes.

Wicked Roger
06-14-06, 12:22
Meanwhile, I've been seriously caught out. Despite my DNA clean-up, Wildcat found a woolly hairband full of long blonde hairs in my car yesterday. Result? Lots of wild jealous sex last night. What can I do?

Even more, today, she caught up with some friends in Bur Dubai and says she has eye-witness accounts of me leaving a club with a girl. What can I do? As I write, Wildcat is asking me to come to bed.

Women are funny sometimes.

You are a lucky man though if Miss Wildcat wants wild sex she may have an ulterior motive....... Also when you sleep are you sure she no access to sharp implements ;)

Am sure you have a twin/lookalike - we all do, and Miss W's friend was obviously mistaking you for someone far more handsome like me ;)

Hope we catch up soon, working life so boring, thank goodness that Miss N is back to help the stress levels (if not the wallet!)


06-14-06, 13:21
Thanks to the friend from the forum (you know) for the recent contacts, sent you an e-mail on yahoo....

Next time I'm around in Dubai, a lager on me !

Cheers !


06-14-06, 13:23
Confirmed by a very reliable source. This crackdown is not national in scale, it is DXB only and pushed by the DXB authorities.

1. General clean-up.

2. If you have a visa (any visa) and it is valid, they are ok.

3. Do NOT wait until the last minute to make your visa run (particularly if they have made several obvious 1 day visa runs in the past.)

4. They are hitting "soft targets" (the obvious venues) but with a certain lack of malice. Overstaying fines are being waived (just ship them out if they can get a plane ticket) but retinal scans are mandatory. 1 year ban (min) for overstaying.

5. They are not "following the trail" (getting house address´ from detainees.)

6. Phase one was known residences, phase two was anyone "on the street" at a late hour (call it 9pm onwards.) Phase three is the venue sweeps.

7. No particular targeting of nationalities, but PRC and African can be "easier" to spot in a crowd than conservatively dressed CIS, they are also not keen on stopping "couples" particularly with western biz-gents.

This was from a high up CID guy. I guess that explains it. I think.

06-14-06, 13:35
What a coincidence - I sampled two ladies last week, and both are reported on just few posts down. Piper hooked me up with Miss F, and I dropped in to her place around 11pm. As Piper knows, I like them slim, and F looked just like my type, but unfortunately, was not available. Neither was S, her cousin. In the end, I picked the newcomer JustSumFun reported on - Tyla. Pretty much same experience as his, but I doubt I will ever see her again, she's just too chubby for me.

Next day I was in mood for a tight Chinese, and got lucky - Piper hooked me up with SiSi, delightful little Chinese-Korean. Just as he reported, she is very much GFE and a lot of fun. I took her for few hours, but ended up spending all night and half the following day with her. Other than anal, she was game for everything, and always with smile. Great massages too. Highly recommended if you like petite Asians.

Unfortunately, my mongering days are over again - next day I hooked up with a chat friend and after spending few days with her, we are now an 'item'. Back to freebies for me!

Special thanks to Master Monger Piper for putting me in touch with these nice ladies.

06-14-06, 17:43
Seaview, 9:00 - 11:15, Tuesday

No trouble finding a table of choice at 9pm. Sporadic already there; BC off on other errands. Football match on. However, the projector tv's, fine for movies, VERY poor for watching football. Once you've seen the Cyclone displays... well, that can be said about any display at Cyclone.

First wg's arrived 9:30, PRC of course. In the next hour, PRC contingent increased significantly, number of africans also arriving. FEW CIS, but, as usual with them, we departed early.

Recognized some ladies from the York office, roommates of the deported Miss T. Usual CIA proficiency: they knew I had gone to the airport the night before for Miss T's departure.

As usual with Seaview, the visual M/F ratio poor, many more males, but, in actuality, favorable as a number there only for drinks, music, and matches. However, if a desirable one spotted, best to book early to avoid disappointment. Varied selection by the band, as usual. Even finishing with 'Purple Haze'; first time I've heard them do any Hendrix.

Fun time as always. If you wanted some entertainment, certainly available. Not Cyclone quality, but not the Cyclone attitude (mercenary) either.


CIA amazing. Even more impressed.

Miss T, on her initial detention, must have called her sister. Sister got word to her roommates, and within 48 hours, while she was being held in dxb, the CIA packed her bags, and delivered bags, passport, and return ticket to the dxb detention center. After 2 days in dxb, she was transported to RAK to cancel her visa (RAK issued). On the way to RAK was when she had called me to let me know "I go home China now".

5 days in RAK detention (perhaps due to her airline departure date). Incommunicado while there; she later told me she was not given time on the phone, too many other people. I was beginning to worry; should have taken the hint from the CIA: everyone I talked with said not to worry, she'd simply be sent home.

Monday evening, received a call from her; now in a LE van being driven from RAK to dxb airport, 7 days after being picked up. I immediately put Plan A into operation: went home, grabbed some gifts and travelling money for her, to the airport, and staked out the baggage x-ray check entrance for the flight to Beijing. Again, need lessons from the CIA.

Deportees are NOT taken in via the airport's front entrance (makes sense; no chance for a mad dash to freedom). They use a backdoor. Deportees check their bags (hindsight: should have bluffed my way past the x-ray security into the check-in counter area, but no guarantee they are taken to these check-in counters and NOT some special area). They are escorted through immigration. Once stamped out, they (or at least she [see below]) are set free in the departure area. She let me know where she was, but, she being on one side of immigration, me on the other, no chance to meet.

She being caught was less severe than I had originally thought. ALL unescorted girls (one girl did call a bf; he walked her out, no problem) leaving the York at 3am were subject to a document check. Any that had valid visas (any type) were not detained. Miss T ran afoul as she was due to make a visa run that very afternoon, her visa expiring at midnight. LE told her, "You've done this [renew visit visa] too many times...". Others were detained for no visas; her detention was more of a "guaranteed NO visa renewal". I believe that if her visa had had a bit more longevity to it, she would have been let go.

As she had not broken any laws (her visa was still valid, and she had her passport), her detention might have been less strict than others. She was allowed to use her own mobile while being transported, although not inside the detention center; and she was not physically "put on the plane".

She was free to wander in the departure area. While talking to me, she was looking for some gifts for her family back home. Her comment: "things very expensive"; yes, dxb duty free is not Karama. Gifts obligatory when returning home; voluntary departures can leisurely shop wherever they want, involuntary not. We were both a bit upset about not being able to have a proper goodbye. Again, BIG difference between voluntary and involuntary departures.

They did do a retina scan, but I don't think she received a ban. Immaterial; in her words, "I no come back dxb."

She did say that her plans on arriving china were to: Take a shower Get something to eat. She was very hungry, having eaten little in the past week. Seems like the detention center's kitchen did not cater to chinese tastes. After that, a visit to a hospital for a blood test; she always was prudent.I did talk with her after she had arrived in China. No more needs to be said than her comment of "As the plane descended to land, and I saw my country, I started to cry; I don't know why, I was so HAPPY to be home."

06-14-06, 19:04
Special thanks to Master Monger Piper for putting me in touch with these nice ladies.Hey Dan -that's "ex" monger Piper, now in domestic bliss. ;) It was a pleasure to help out, and I still have hot memories of our threesomes with your insatiable Miss B.

Milyon - also a pleasure to help, looks like you're busy mongering the alphabet - Azerbaijan, Belgium ... Next should be China. :)

I'm sad and blue as my CEO asked me to cancel my Russia trip due to urgent work commitments coming up (so he says. He knows me too well). I told him it was a big problem, as now I have to break the bad news to Svetlana, Olga, Katya ... he laughed, but only a little). Now I'm researching other possibilities for a later in the year, such as Brazil, or something different - Japan.

Meanwhile, I'm keeping in touch with Miss Ethiopia for whenever I get the chance to try her home ground coffee at her apartment. Not the only grinding I have in mind. :)

WR - Wildcat did threaten to chop it off, but she wants more kids, so it's not in her interests to make me a choir boy just yet (I should sneak off and have that little snip operation ;)). Besides, my excuses are still in the realms of deniable plausibility, and I'm treating her "eye-witness account" as a bluff. Me no silly.

Wicked Roger
06-15-06, 06:32
Hey Dan -that's "ex" monger Piper, now in domestic bliss. ;)

WR - Wildcat did threaten to chop it off, but she wants more kids, so it's not in her interests to make me a choir boy just yet (I should sneak off and have that little snip operation ;)). Besides, my excuses are still in the realms of deniable plausibility, and I'm treating her "eye-witness account" as a bluff. Me no silly.

The forum is about facts and truth - well most of it.... ex monger indeed ;)

I will remind of that when you turn up for the birthday party and I picture you taking Miss N doggy style - excellent position, she loves that one :)

Think you should have the snip - would be easier, but then explaining to Miss W why your testicles are tender and an odd colour (well my mates who have had the snip say theirs were all sorts of rainbow colours!), would be another example of your verbal dexterity.

Should be up next week so hopefully you and a few others are around for a drink but nothing else as you are an ex monger....

Not off Ruwais now, sudden change of work plans but have booked Miss N for the weekend. Am a gentleman so I suppose I had better not let the young lady down - the things we mongers have to do to keep women happy ;)


06-15-06, 11:50

I actually hadn't thought of the ABC's... but now that's a thought. Let's see the alphabets done....

A = Azerbaijan
B = Belgium
E= Ethiopia
G = Germany, Greece
R = Romania
S = Switzerland
T = Thailand (When I went to do my "dive" certification, way back 2001)
U = UAE + Uzbekistan

Will be doing a round of the stan's in October for work (Khazak + Turkmen + Krygiz) so I'll add another alphabet since the T is already covered and it'll be
a double K !

Right now planning a special monger visit with a couple of friends to Bucharest + Turkey later in the summer, let's see how that works out...

Cheers !


06-15-06, 12:11
Skip if you are looking for hard info (sorry!)

After having lost 2.5 (don´t ask!) GF´s in the last eight months (home returns, LE sweeps etc) I was really looking to fill in the "pitching rotation" as 11B would say.

I looked around, tried five different ladies in two weeks and then it suddenly hit me.

The comment made by another member was "you have got to catch them EARLY in their stay in DXB." Sounds simple, but quite elusive in the end (sorry again!)

How very true, all my real GFE´s (the kind that make them a GF, not just the fantasy) were with ladies who were in "change" either really new (days) or who were bailing out of a bad situation. Both types allowed little old me to appear in a particularly good light, leading to the exceptional GFE (and in one case the way-too-GFE.)

I saw ladies who had been in DXB (and environs) for between 6 weeks and 6 months. Not in that window of opportunity. Miss 6 weeks was astute enough to already have a nice stable of middle aged Euro-studs on the string, and though she was great fun and stunning, she had already sussed to her market value, and adjusted her expectations and goals to match.

Several CIS possibilities were also quashed for basically the same reason, just a little too acclimatised.

Kind of a shame, it seems the new ones are either plucked (by someone looking for that elusive GFE) or spoiled by borderline abusive punters who help her create a shell in very short order.

Oh well, back to the old drawing board. ;)


06-15-06, 14:13
Milyon - let me know how Zambia is. ;) (so far, I made it to Y for Yemen - "kissin' Caramello cousins" a month ago in AD then my boudoir - very nice).

JP - got your PM - but I'm on a very short leash at the moment. Maybe on your next visit. Will PM you when I'm back in the office on Saturday - proxy is cutting out often, taking ages to make a post.

WR - maybe next week, but I'll have to use the pool table alibi again, so start practicing!

Sporadic - interesting points re true GFE.

06-15-06, 14:20
Skip if you are looking for hard info (sorry!)


Hi Sporadic,

I encountered both, the heaven of GFE and being fooled, however once a girl did the statement: "Dubai is for money, not for love!"

...and I do believe she is pretty much precise with this statement for the most of the girls. Most of them comming to DXB for the money, actually povety forces them to go there. As long as you can not give them the possibility to escape (and that means it will be binding and expensive for you) there interest in you might be limited.

Anyhow, I love the idea of regulars with some GFE experience. If you might be comfortable with this arragnement there should be possibilities.

I cross my thumbs for you.



06-15-06, 21:12
Interesting points that Sporadic raised. I think it comes down to little things.

I don't know quite what is it, but for me I get a great GFE when the girl shows true appreciation for something small (and I don't mean little Badboy Piper!). I've already mentioned the Bonsai plant for Korean/Chinese Sisi. She stayed with me the next day and relaxed with me. Nice. I took Island Girl in Bangkok to get medicine for her infected toe. She stayed with me the next two days, no mention of money (but of course I gave when we parted ways). Nice. I took Miss Arabesque-Ethiopia for short time and just chatted without wanting sex (I was bushed but wanted to make the connection with her on my last night of freedom). She gave me great sex anyway, stayed much of the next day and has been calling me for a chat ever since. Nice.

End of next month I'll be off to Paris for a week, and I want a GFE there, which I know I won't get with a Parisian WG. So I'm thinking of asking Island Girl or Miss Arabesque-Ethiopia along with me.

Anyone know of the visa issues for Ethiopians to Paris?

06-15-06, 22:13
Followed this forum quite some time but never partizipated since left it up to the regulars here since everything was said anyway :-)

However, today one comment to Sporadic:

Was travelling to Dubai for 5 years, knowing the scene quite well (at least the scene I like). Since this year I am living here. Had for over two years 2 or 3 regulars here which was even better since I moved here.

What you are describing is also my view. The new ones are totally different than the former ones (2 of 3 left in the meantime). Finding new decent ones is difficult because prices went crazy (because less are here after the cleaning?) and what is more important most of the new ones are rather a 3 than a 5 not to speak from a 8 or higher which I used to know. So the scene is starting to change dramatically, at least my observations of the last two weeks.

My Kapitan
06-16-06, 04:19
I encountered both, the heaven of GFE and being fooled, however once a girl did the statement: "Dubai is for money, not for love!"


I agree with some of the sentiments of the last few postings but not all.

Catch them early in their stay - yes it helps but it is not essential. Early catches for me were Miss K (1 week in) Victoria (1st night in) Natali No1 (10 days in) and Natali no5 (2 weeks in). All gave GFEs.

However I have had GFE's from long stayers such as Nellie (although also known as the antichrist), Miss D and Irene. Of course there have been a few bad experiences as well - Miss L for example no BJ in the morning.

Miss K who is currently having 'very problem with visa' always says 'it's all about the money' but still keeps up the GFE.

What the girls really want is a BFE. Treat them well and they will revert with the same. Victoria used to get fed at the Winchester with me I vitually had a standing order with Pizza hut and Nefertiti, cost 40dhms - Kudos priceless.

Take themout for a meal or the cinema if a GFE is what you seek - in other words do what you would do with a girlfriend!

OK prices are up and LE are being a PITA. Miss D was new for me and had been in town for several months but we still had a GFE and she looks at me longingly for a repeat everytime I hit the Regal. We didn't dine out or anything I just took her home and treated her well. It all depends on YOUR attitude to them.

Interestingly I was in Ciro Pomodoro's (Le Meridian Mina Seyahi) last night having dinner with friends and in walked a WG ex Regal ex Rattlesnake with an older guy for a meal for two (P1 I pointed her out in Rattlesnake - tall severe looking, big rack, used to wear fishnets in Jockies). The couple had a great time, there was a flash of recognition from her to me but that was it as we both respected our different situations. He was doing it the right way and would have had a great GFE that night I am sure + a good whipping if that's what he wants....

PS Off topic - Pomodoros is a great place to watch the football, not too loud not too busy and Mari ex Jockies waitress is there - worth going just to see her! But 25dhms for a bottle of beer and 250dhms for a bottle of wine - I'll stick to the regal!


06-16-06, 07:03
Agree with the BFE comments, you get what you give, and I have friendships with long time WG´s that are very enjoyable. The problem is the shell.

EVERYONE goes to DXB for money, this is clear, and if you are not in a position to offer them marriage (dubious prospect in and of itself) then "true love" could never really blossom.

I refer to the handful who are willling to make the most of what you CAN have.

I maintain that grabbing them early is essential. Everyone deludes themselves to a certain extent, no harm done providing that you are upfront with your situation and intentions. Some wg´s have grown their shell after having been strung along and given false hopes about where the relationship was going.

Hanging is too good for those guys.

It is not hard to manipulate (or be manipulated) but it is not very nice.

06-16-06, 09:50
Anyone know of the visa issues for Ethiopians to Paris?


at least once in life I can assist you: They need what is called a Schengen Visa, which allows free travel within the Schengen Countries, and have to be applied for at there residence country, i. e. as long has she has not resident visa for the U. A. E. she can not apply in AUH with the German Embassy. Even more complex, what is called a sponsor in the U. A. E. is a person (or organisation) in the Country where the Schengen Visa is applied for to grant for the cost of any medical treatment or her return.

This can be achieved by an insurance too, but I have not idea of that. Anyhow, assuming the French would not be much quicker than the Germans (at least in issuing Visa) one month is a short period anyhow.

Sorry, but these are the facts,


06-16-06, 11:33
my experience regarding my last dubail visit is ! its really a case of hit or miss as we mongers usually look for girl friends in working girls and at times are turned off at their professional attitude where as for them its a routine to be with new customers every night or many time a day and where as we expect them to give us royal treatment as is supposed to be given to their man.

i went to regal only once and as i was staying at ramada so it was a must to peep in rumours disco and sorry to say always all the four nights disaapointed me.

at regal good crowd of cis babes was there but mostly were askin upfront money and were guarded by their mamasans and bosses.

at cyclone one night i got cis babe named marria and i treated her royally and took her to chinese restaurent at ramada and had good food and wine with her but in bed she was just lousy so had to discontinue sex in middle and had to sleep and even gave her money before sleeping and she left next morning at about 6.

then next night had a chinese babe called wei wei she was though not of my taste but still by chinese standards was a good looking girl with medium sized origonal boobs. she was a good girl had good sex and cim and so next night i again kept her as was in no mood to go fishing and she brought a very nice chinese cooked food from her house for me which enjoyed and had good time with her. demage both nights was 700 dirhams each night and cis babe 1200 dirhams

06-16-06, 11:42
They (France) can issue a visa (Schengen) for short stays (1-30 days) at a cost of under $20 US, but these must be applied for at the French embassy and can take up 28 days to issue. These "short" visas are intended for personal visits and include single entry and exit.

06-16-06, 13:03
... He was doing it the right way and would have had a great GFE that night I am sure + a good whipping if that's what he wants....
Kap - can I have her phone number please? ;)

Re visas - Thanks Tom, Sporadic and PM'ers. Looks like it may be too time-consuming or impossible for me to arrange, but I'll give it a try. Miss Arabesque-Ethiopia has a full-time sales-girl job and a UAE resident visa, and is due to get a US greencard soon, sponsored by one of her American "admirers". I'll call her tomorrow to see if she's interested in the trip and if she can arrange something. She's just started annual leave and is spending a week in Ethiopia starting next week, so will be in a good position to arrange a visa if she wants to.

I've also emailed crazy young student who lives in Paris and stayed with me in Amsterdam. Also a GFE - little cash involved. My main expense with her was time spent in fashion stores while she modelled various outfits and made me choose one for her. I'll also send off a few emails to Parisian girls on the "friendship" site friendster.com.

Or I might just cut my Paris trip short and sneak back to BKK for a few days. :)

Tony #1
06-16-06, 14:38
Hello, to all,

JSF BRAVO MK, and the rest where would we be without you guys. I am back in Dubai July. and am staying at the hilton jumeirah, the hotel say they except guests. But i was wondering will the girls be alright to travel there bcoz of the distance (city to jumeira)?? Also wot is the going rate for all night, last august i was paying around 700-800 for cis beuties in cyclone and a bit less for chinese.

Your help is appreciated thanks alot long liVe the dubai Kings. You know who you are.

PS - I remember a girl call anna from amenia small girl but sexy as f**k, and sees her tell her to bend over and remember the good times. WOOO Thanks again.

Or and before i forget some one earlier asked about the Grand Hyatt. They are girl friendly, but they charge you to take a girl i think it was either 100 or 150 Dh.

Wicked Roger
06-16-06, 19:54
My tuppence worth

MK and both agree that little things count and he knows that with my favourite (Miss N) I do dinner with her, take her to clubs on LTs rather than stay and shag her all night in the apartment. Even paid Dhms 200 last week for her dental as she did not have the cash yet as she was only back for a week. She said she would pay me back but am not fussed, I can afford it and you only realise how little they have when things like that happen.

So dental bills, pizza, the odd duty free perfume are serious brownie points for me. Am also BFE I like to think, (like MK has been with WGs in the past, like Piper is) and this also helps.

A bit of respect and dignity, showing the girl that whatever she does for a job she is still treated properly, really helps the way we are treated. Also the word spreads that you are a good guy and you get referrals, and sometimes a freebie or discount.

OK, off the soap box, best post some pictures and FR from latest Miss N adventure....


06-17-06, 12:47

I think your Ethiopian friend will fall under the "high risk" catagory for the schengen visa (i.e. young and single - potential to stay back illegally)

The German consulate in Dubai is a better bet for the schengen now as the world cup is on, but be warned she will have to submit some or all of the below

a) copy of confirmed pre-paid hotel booking in germany
b) mandatory travel insurance
c) pre-paid return travel tickets
d) noc letter from her current employer ( most times they are on waitress - housemaid visa's - which is a no go for the consulates)
e) bank statement last 6 months showing her "salary" from her " regular"
job in uae

my last experience trying to do similar for a real nice GFE to come along just coulden't get past d & e

However I do reccomend a visit to Addis Ababa ( 2 choice of flights EK or Ethiopian) , it's a green capital, set amongst rolling green hills ( like Scotland)
and the Sheraton Addis is a hotel that seems out of place in the country - pure luxury, butler with every room ( and I'm not talking executive rooms)

Mongering is great ( Sheraton own nightclub - Gaslight) + other digs around town, but must take extreme care because of the dreaded A disease as you are now on the continent. US$ 100 goes a long way in Addis.

Slighly less expensive is the Hilton, but just for the experience of luxury a stay at the Sheration Addis unbeatable.

My 2 bits !



PS Ethiopian Consulate for your visa right next to the golden triangle, opposite the Ramada Hotel in the same buildng as the travel agency.

06-17-06, 14:30
Hi Guys - thanks for all the info on visas. No more please - I can't keep up! Just spoke to sexy Arabesque Reem, and she's looking into it. We'll see how it goes.

PS - Chalky - I know what you got up to a few nights ago in JBH. I have a tinge of jealousy! Looking forward to your report/s (bestard!)

Eu Contractor
06-17-06, 19:27

I am breaking out of here in a week or so and sneaking a trip to Dubai for four or five days.

Anyone up for a beer?


My Kapitan
06-19-06, 16:58
demage both nights was 700 Dirhams each night and CIS babe 1200 dirhams

A good report and I completely agree that Rumours is crap, however I didn't realise the Cyclone has glass doors..................

My Kapitan
06-19-06, 19:43
Also wot is the going rate for all night, last august i was paying around 700-800 for cis beuties in cyclone and a bit less for chinese.

Sounds about right if you are not a regular. IMHO you should get PRC's for under 500 everywhere.

As for travel the girl will expect the taxi on top of her fee - so add 50-80 for the fare cause she will exaggerate it, alternatively sort it out when you arrive ie if it cost you 60 from the Triangle at evening peak rates it will be less in the morning.


Cool Tiger
06-20-06, 01:19
My manager, who usually comes out to Dubai for all our company work, is unable to make it for the next trip.

Short straw was drawn and I am "one of two"!! So there is a chance that I may be in Dubai in two days time, for approx 3~4 days.

Should any of the regular contributors wish to meet up for a drink or two (on me of course) or a game of pool (Mr P!!) then please let me know. Time permitting, hope to put a few faces to some of the well known dubai contributors.

Hoping that I am the "the chosen one".

Wicked Roger
06-20-06, 05:34
I was thinking of taking her to Abu Dhabi, but then Wicked Roger would have hit mitts and other bits all over her! ;)


How dare you ruin my reputation on the board :) I certainly would not have my hands all over her, just the other bits ;)

Also, does she do girl/girl as I could introduce to her Miss N and then she could have her mitts all over her as well...... Methinks AD is a fun place to be and you know I have the room and I promise I would not wander at night ;)

Friendsters - is your picture there or some fake one showing how handsome and young you are. Trust Miss Wildcat is not a subscriber to the web site, don't want to see your body parts strewn over Dubai like someone else's may be if he and Jackson cannot delete the postings before wifey finds them!


Wicked Roger
06-20-06, 05:43
My manager, who usually comes out to Dubai for all our company work, is unable to make it for the next trip.

Short straw was drawn and I am "one of two"!! So there is a chance that I may be in Dubai in two days time, for approx 3~4 days.

Should any of the regular contributors wish to meet up for a drink or two (on me of course) or a game of pool (Mr P!!) then please let me know. Time permitting, hope to put a few faces to some of the well known dubai contributors.

Hoping that I am the "the chosen one".
Cool Tiger

Check your PM please.


Tony #1
06-20-06, 13:55
Thanks for yor help, much appreciated. I am from England so I guess these women can tell I'm from out of town. Are you suggesting i can get it for cheaper? Also wot are PRC's? Cheers

Anyway for any1 that reads this forum, believe me if you like the cis, Cyclone is the place. More expensive than others and then regal i would say. Also to the fellow dubai kings, is there any new clubs opened up that i should know about ( and anything in Jumeirah).

Who ever said to treat the girls with respect is bang on, be nice and it goes a long way.

And is the Hilton Jumeirah girl friendly. Thanks again.

06-21-06, 04:19
After looking at some of the Dubai pics, this place looks like Rio of the middle east. I would love to go there, but as a US Citizen, I dont think I am allowed to visit the UAE.

Wicked Roger
06-21-06, 05:18
After looking at some of the Dubai pics, this place looks like Rio of the middle east. I would love to go there, but as a US Citizen, I dont think I am allowed to visit the UAE.

You can visit anywhere, you are an American ;)

Seriously, of course you can loads of US citizens here, some actually born in America as well (;)), just don't go futher east to Iran at the moment and going north to Iraq may scare you.

DFW=Dallas? Nice city, one of my favourites, had a very cute girlfriend who worked at Hyatt, blonde, petitie, nick rack, lovely arse, very much into experimenting....oh such memories! Her boyfriend was not happy though when he found out she was being shagged by a Limey :)


06-21-06, 08:07
After looking at some of the Dubai pics, this place looks like Rio of the middle east. I would love to go there, but as a US Citizen, I dont think I am allowed to visit the UAE.Why would you not be allowed? Do you mean by your work, due to travel warnings? Dubai is safer than most US cities.

06-21-06, 11:26
Remember Miss Belgium who visited Dubai a few months ago and wanted ridiculously big money for her service (5,000/hour from memory?). I emailed her at the time to suggest she does some market research. She emailed me again - visiting Dubai again in August, and now her rate is 2,000/hour and 4,000 LOng time. Still too much, but good to see she's negotiable.

She also said if I'm ever visiting Europe, to let her know. I just emailed her to let her know I am visiting Paris in a couple of weeks. Maybe we can work something out for mutual benefit. ;)

Here's the lates pics she sent me.

Mike De H
06-21-06, 11:31
After looking at some of the Dubai pics, this place looks like Rio of the middle east. I would love to go there, but as a US Citizen, I dont think I am allowed to visit the UAE.

Don't listen to them, they are winding you up.

The UAE is NOT safe to visit for American citizens. You will likely have your visa refused on entry to the country if you are lucky. If you are unlucky they let you in and the place is overrun by Al Quaida sympathisers running about on camels with AK47's on their backs.

They also ask if you voted for George Bush on the landing card (which is three pages long, and required in addition to your Visa) and if you are brave enough to come, then heres a tip - don't answer yes to that question (its a trick question).

One of the biggest obsticles is of course, you need a passport.

Finally the UAE is right next door to Eyerak too, so it makes it especially dangerous, so take care.

06-21-06, 12:08
I just emailed her to let her know I am visiting Paris in a couple of weeks. Maybe we can work something out for mutual benefit. ;)Beware, she has a paddle in one pic. Yeah, she also has a ball in the other. Still, be careful, in case she forgets the ball and needs a replacement ;-) You wouldnt want to live up to your nic Piper1 too literally?

06-21-06, 12:12
You will likely have your visa refused on entry to the country if you are lucky. If you are unlucky they let you in and the place is overrun by Al Quaida sympathisers running about on camels with AK47's on their backs.

They also ask if you voted for George Bush on the landing card (which is three pages long, and required in addition to your Visa) and if you are brave enough to come, then heres a tip - don't answer yes to that question (its a trick question).

Finally the UAE is right next door to Eyerak too, so it makes it especially dangerous, so take care.1. They have upgraded from camels to rangerovers I think.

2. I understand they have changed the trick question. Now, they show you pictures of Bush and some other well known personalities and ask you to ID.

3. EYErak indeed. Nice touch that, Mike.

06-21-06, 12:19
Just when I thought that the sweeps are over, I hear that it is still in force, albeit at a lesser scale. I do not have a first hand report, but I am told that it is going to be going on till end June.

It has scaled up to house sweeps now. My regular had called up saying she is staying in Sharjah till month end because there have been instances of LE going to rented apartments where the girls stay (in dubai only). She got a visa to Bahrain anyway so that I can offer her a shoulder to cry on till things get back to normal. I help any way I can ;-) Nah, it is her usual visa run, just using it to mutual advantage.

Maybe the more active friends in this forum would know better on the truth of this new revamped and overactive LE or if it is just normal business?

06-22-06, 08:18
After looking at some of the Dubai pics, this place looks like Rio of the middle east. I would love to go there, but as a US Citizen, I dont think I am allowed to visit the UAE.


I am surprised as an American you are asking to visit a country in the ME - recent experiences shows you are just invading, or did someone ask if they would be allowed to enter Irak...?

Do not worry, I am just kidding. You would see many of the people in the UAE (and ME) like American products and somehow even the American way of life. Stay away from any political discussions and you would be comfortable. US and UK citizens are the backbone of the economical development of the country (well at least intellectuell).

Pack your back, enjoy the Rio of the ME, but do not spoil the rates by overpaying,



06-22-06, 14:45
Beware, she has a paddle in one pic. Yep I saw that - why do you think I emailed her? ;) She just emailed and said she will be in Dubai July 1 to July 14 (so she will be in Dubai while I am in Paris as it turns out), and asked to meet me before I go. She will be staying in a hotel a few minutes drive from my place. If I can get a reasonable offer from her I might just visit for something a bit different, or maybe just for a quick drink and chat. Turns out we have one of those "six degrees of separation" connections that has spiked her interest (and mine) in meeting up.

06-22-06, 15:15

I am surprised as an American you are asking to visit a country in the ME - recent experiences shows you are just invading, or did someone ask if they would be allowed to enter Irak...?

Do not worry, I am just kidding. You would see many of the people in the UAE (and ME) like American products and somehow even the American way of life. Stay away from any political discussions and you would be comfortable. US and UK citizens are the backbone of the economical development of the country (well at least intellectuell).

Pack your back, enjoy the Rio of the ME, but do not spoil the rates by overpaying,




Believe it or not there are a lot of US citizens that are not like our government. Personally I thing Bush is a liar, a slime ball, and the worst president the world has ever seen. I cannot wait till 2008! That said, there are times I am embarrassed to say I live in the United States.

06-22-06, 15:48
Miss Internet date and I are trying to work out how to meet again. After average sex on our first date at my place a couple of weeks ago, we need to find somewhere for our trysts. She stays in a villa near my place, but it's converted to women's dorms, and no male visitors allowed. Any ideas guys? Preferably Jumeira area. Not a hotel -to be honest, I'd prefer to spend that money on an adventurous no-strings attached WG.

06-22-06, 17:15
there are times I am embarrassed to say I live in the United States.Vote with your feet, move. It is not nice to sh*t where you eat.

Try Denmark, they are quite popular nowadays ;)

Member #1071
06-22-06, 17:22
Don't listen to them, they are winding you up.

The UAE is NOT safe to visit for American citizens. You will likely have your visa refused on entry to the country if you are lucky. If you are unlucky they let you in and the place is overrun by Al Quaida sympathisers running about on camels with AK47's on their backs.

They also ask if you voted for George Bush on the landing card (which is three pages long, and required in addition to your Visa) and if you are brave enough to come, then heres a tip - don't answer yes to that question (its a trick question).

One of the biggest obsticles is of course, you need a passport.

Finally the UAE is right next door to Eyerak too, so it makes it especially dangerous, so take care.

Simply naive (not to say stupid)

06-23-06, 08:06
Out of the UAE now and in Bangkok on Day 2 of a round the world trip.

The last few days of moving out of the house and closing up all my UAE business were hectic and had a little drama so I just wanted to post a little warning for guys still living there.

Now I know that saying that used car dealers are shady isn't exactly breaking news but I want to talk about one in particular, 4x4 near the airport.

They gave me all kinds of misinformation about procedures needed to transfer the title of my Jeep. It was going to cost hundreds of dirhams more and take lots of time because of moving the title from one emirate to another. They knew this beforehand and didn't bother to let me know. I signed a tentative agreement with them and they gave me a 2000 dirham deposit.

I got back to my emirate and found out how much of a chore all of the bureacracy was going to be. At this point I called in my local police and army contacts and got the car sold locally for a better price than 4x4. I know I should have done this in the first place but I hate using wasta. Anyway, these guys only needed about 5 minutes at the traffic police to get things done. You can see how things work by connections here.

So on the way to the airport to leave the country I dropped into 4x4 to return their deposit. The rather bellicose Brit manager (sorry Roger and other limeys out there) threatened to throw me in jail for breach of contract. This was rubbish since nothing like that was written on the paper and returning the deposit is a way of keeping the deal. I just told the guy that I would get back with him later, chuckling to myself that I was hours away from being out of the country for good. I called a trusted friend of mine to give the 2000 dirhams and ask him to keep trying to return the deposit. I hope they take it because I don't want to rip people off. But all the same I wouldn't mind if my friend just parties with the money. I was soon in a biz class seat with a glass of champagne toasting the end of a great 6 years here.

So, a word of warning (if one was ever needed) about messing around with these car dealers. It's better just to work a deal with friends or associates when you're selling your things to leave the country.

Anyway, I'm clear of all this and my monogamous relationship in my emirate has now become a long distance one. I'll concentrate on having fun in Bangkok and elsewhere.

Wicked Roger
06-23-06, 08:21
Out of the UAE now and in Bangkok on Day 2 of a round the world trip.

The last few days of moving out of the house and closing up all my UAE business were hectic and had a little drama so I just wanted to post a little warning for guys still living there.

Now I know that saying that used car dealers are shady isn't exactly breaking news but I want to talk about one in particular, 4x4 near the airport.

They gave me all kinds of misinformation about procedures needed to transfer the title of my Jeep. It was going to cost hundreds of dirhams more and take lots of time because of moving the title from one emirate to another. They knew this beforehand and didn't bother to let me know. I signed a tentative agreement with them and they gave me a 2000 dirham deposit.

I got back to my emirate and found out how much of a chore all of the bureacracy was going to be. At this point I called in my local police and army contacts and got the car sold locally for a better price than 4x4. I know I should have done this in the first place but I hate using wasta. Anyway, these guys only needed about 5 minutes at the traffic police to get things done. You can see how things work by connections here.

So on the way to the airport to leave the country I dropped into 4x4 to return their deposit. The rather bellicose Brit manager (sorry Roger and other limeys out there) threatened to throw me in jail for breach of contract. This was rubbish since nothing like that was written on the paper and returning the deposit is a way of keeping the deal. I just told the guy that I would get back with him later, chuckling to myself that I was hours away from being out of the country for good. I called a trusted friend of mine to give the 2000 dirhams and ask him to keep trying to return the deposit. I hope they take it because I don't want to rip people off. But all the same I wouldn't mind if my friend just parties with the money. I was soon in a biz class seat with a glass of champagne toasting the end of a great 6 years here.

So, a word of warning (if one was ever needed) about messing around with these car dealers. It's better just to work a deal with friends or associates when you're selling your things to leave the country.

Anyway, I'm clear of all this and my monogamous relationship in my emirate has now become a long distance one. I'll concentrate on having fun in Bangkok and elsewhere.
Safe travels Mahku and enjoy yourself

When in BKK make sure you show Island Girl what a real towel rail/pole is ;)

Keep in touch!


Wicked Roger
06-23-06, 09:14
Fellow Mongers

Just a quick report as Junior Punter will be posting the FR of him, me and Miss N in Dubai last night. All I will say is look at the photos and make your own mind up :)

Met up with Piper in Rock Bottoms – still losing at pool. Miss Wildcat was there but was very tame and cute but we both agreed the quieter and cuter they are the more wild they can be when aroused or annoyed. She is lovely Piper but try and get away for the birthday present please, we will miss you otherwise.

Then to Regal to meet My Kap and O. Missed out on catching up with Cool Tiger – sorry CT, had to go. Next time – you have the email address.

Regal very busy. JP was starting his search…these younger guys, spend 90 minutes enjoying Miss N and still wants more (sounds like me ;))

Miss N had not worn any panties (well her WW g-strings are not panties more like dental floss but even she did not wear them either last night). JP and I had a great time touching her as did Miss O I think (My Kap – we should have stayed, O was getting frisky and Miss N sort of regretted not staying but the smoke was getting to her). O and N could have had a joint birthday present and we could have watched :)

Drive back to AD was fun, she was playing with her pussy some of the time. Stopped to get an ice cream and as she was wearing a very short mini skirt, there were many gaping mouths and stares as she wandered into the service station. Think I saw some bum cheek as she went to the ladies..she is definitely making me less of an innocent man ;)

Morning we wake early – well so would you when the pork sword is throbbing! But that report is in the AD thread.

JP – good to meet up, enjoy your adventures and keep in touch when you can.

CT, next time I promise.

EU Contractor – thought you may be around.

Piper – have emailed you regarding our discussion.


My Kapitan
06-23-06, 12:05
Simply naive (not to say stupid)

I think the irony was missed..

Any way a good night in the Regal was had by all last night. Met WR Miss N and Junior Punter in the lobby. The usual crap was displayed by security who insisted on entry fees for some members of my party (not me though) and only one free drink for each of the ladies.

Both Miss N and O were in mini skirts. Miss O had been on her feet all day but as usual rose to the occasion and was very very lively, fortunately she didn't take WR's or my cock out in public this time (see AH report from a couple of weeks ago), but I think she was playing with Miss N's pussy! WR any update?

JP is a great guy and was on the look out for more pussy even after having Miss N earlier, look forward to the report. WR have you got a way of minimising groups of photo's? Must have taken ages to load so many up to the thread. email me.

WR and Miss N left, shame - you should have come back for a foursome guys. JP dissappeared and then we decided to leave, got in the taxi and Cool tiger called. So out of taxi and back upstairs! Another great guy, so good to put faces to handles.

We had a chat and I introduced him to Helena (blonde, tall and IMHO drop dead gorgeous). Got a knowing look off O 'you know this lady?' but I think maybe she was also weighing her up for a 3some.

I know from an SMS that CT offered 1100dhms but inexplicibly she did a runner by going to the rest room and not returning. Who knows what goes on in their heads..

Anyway I left with the very very horny Miss O for fun at home. Then trouble - Miss K started SMSing, had seen her leave with a punter earlier and waved goodbye. Note to self - Must leave the social phone on mute at night. Fuckity Fuck.


My Kapitan
06-23-06, 12:25
I know we all have differing tastes but I've noticed that the vast majority of photos on here of mingers.

I don't understand, minging and therefore minger is a derogative term. Are you saying the majority of girls pictured are ugly?

The picture in question is a woof woof though!

Moved this here as the photo thread is for photo's.


Wicked Roger
06-23-06, 12:38
Both Miss N and O were in mini skirts. Miss O had been on her feet all day but as usual rose to the occasion and was very very lively, fortunately she didn't take WR's or my cock out in public this time (see AH report from a couple of weeks ago), but I think she was playing with Miss N's pussy! WR any update?

WR have you got a way of minimising groups of photo's? Must have taken ages to load so many up to the thread. email me.

WR and Miss N left, shame - you should have come back for a foursome guys.

I know from an SMS that CT offered 1100dhms but inexplicibly she did a runner by going to the rest room and not returning. Who knows what goes on in their heads..

Then trouble - Miss K started SMSing, had seen her leave with a punter earlier and waved goodbye. Note to self - Must leave the social phone on mute at night. Fuckity Fuck.


She did indeed feel Miss N - both thought it was great fun. Wish we had seen more but thankfully neither of our todgers was on display in the Regal last night though when O started the nipple pinching I had memories of 49ers :)

Photos - I just minimise via the Edit function on the Microsoft Picture software and save again. That way it goes from 130+KB to 30+KB. Am sure there is an easier way (Mickey Rooney may know how). Took around 30 minutes to load up as proxy a bit slow but otherwise well worth the wait I say.

JP will let you have his side of the story when he posts but he and I discussed the matter last night of girls saying no to 'Indians' - when in fact they are westerners, ie born in UK/US, US/UK culture, never been to their parents land of birth, dont speak the language, speaks with US/UK accent (JP is very US). He said last night that Regal very loud so the girls could not hear his voice and said no at times before he could show them he was American/British. Shame, they missed out there as he is a decent fun loving guy, very respectful. Shame Miss K was not there as she does not disciminate and would have said yes as both of us would have recommended him

Speaking of Miss K - perhaps the social number should be dropped for another SIM card? Have that as a special monger number a la Mr Piper? Just a thought..... Other than that, no way for a threesome with Miss O? :) :) Joking my friend...

Methinks we should celebrate O's birthday with a special present MK given last night


Wicked Roger
06-23-06, 12:41
I don't understand, minging and therefore minger is a derogative term. Are you saying the majority of girls pictured are ugly?

The picture in question is a woof woof though!

Moved this here as the photo thread is for photo's.

While her picture says to me that she is undeniably ugly it does not prove that Dubai is full of mingers. Regal last night was excellent, all shapes and sizes so all catered for (even a few Asians and I think some new ones MK).

If you like ugly ones, so be it, I won't stand in your way but think Redster has the wrong end of the stick. He should come here and try out various places and then we will read his FRs and am sure he will not make as bold a statement as he has done.


06-23-06, 15:36
Yes it was a good night. Met up with the young energetic JP and the old lazy WR (kidding - WR is hyperactive), as well as WRs sex-kitten Miss N. Purrrr. I brought along Miss Wildcat and my new housemate who just moved in downstairs.

It was the first time out with my new housemate, who seemed to be a very "proper" young Brit. But after a few drinks and a bit of encouragement from me, he left the pool room and went out to the dance floor. He ended up picking up a rubenesque young Bulgarian freebie, and I haven't seen him since 2am last night when they were all over each other back in the pool room.

I was getting carried away with a few too many B52 shooters and Heinys, and Miss Wildcat was enjoying herself too. We went for a brief dance in the sweaty crowd before heading home at 230am for some domestic chores. ;)

Earlier I'd introduced Wicked Rog and JP to Miss Wildcat. Wicked Rog was being very cheeky, while I pretended to be respectable and in shock at the things he was saying (and doing!) - he had Wildcat giggling uncontrollably at his antics.

WR, Miss N and JP headed off to Regal to meet Kap and his sweetie, but JP returned to Rock Bottom around an hour or so later. As posted already, he didn't have the best time there due to the color of his skin, despite being an American. I mentioned that Dubai is indeed a racist place, but he would have a good chance in Rock Bottom at this time of night, with the alcohol-charged freebie girls (and there many - too bad I'm on a leash). Looking forward to seeing if he got lucky last night. After seeing all the photos of his afternoon session, I don't think he was desperate to get laid. ;)

Mahku - thanks for the tip - I was going to buy a car from 4X4 this week. Now I'll reconsider. Good to see you're enjoying Giotto's Lodge in BKK. Look after Island Girl for me, but not too much!

06-23-06, 15:41
I use "MIHOV Image resizer" - fast, free and easy (like me :)). Do a google and download it in seconds. It will resize dozens of pics in a click.

My Kapitan
06-23-06, 16:50
Mahku - thanks for the tip - I was going to buy a car from 4X4 this week. Now I'll reconsider.

I use mihov and i didn't realise it will do multiple files - never to old to learn!

I know its off topic and I should PM you, but for the sake of resident monger interest we have 4 guys who have bought via 4 x 4 at my place. All say the same - sales facillition excellent - after sales sucks they really are not interested.

Wicked Roger
06-23-06, 20:28
I use "MIHOV Image resizer" - fast, free and easy (like me :)). Do a google and download it in seconds. It will resize dozens of pics in a click.
I use resize2mail - quite good but not being a techie not sure about multiple files.

I presume Mihov it allows upsizing as well Piper ;)

Good see you last night, nice to know Miss W liked me - they all do (eventually) :)

Agree with the comments on Dubai Piper as JP and I had discussed that before we met and during the afterglow of Miss N.

JP - I know you will read this only when back in the real world, Miss N says hi and hopes you had a good time :) Good to catch up, enjoy your next adventure and try and read ISG from where you are if only see what Piper is up to. Me - I think I will try and be celebate ;)

Rolling Stone - got the PM and will email you in the next 24 hours.


06-24-06, 05:36
I use mihov and i didn't realise it will do multiple files - never to old to learn!

I know its off topic and I should PM you, but for the sake of resident monger interest we have 4 guys who have bought via 4 x 4 at my place. All say the same - sales facillition excellent - after sales sucks they really are not interested.

I guess if you really know cars and know what you're about in those places then it's ok. But I think dealing with them is like gambling in a casino: The house always wins.

The manager guy flat out admitted to me that they will say and do anything to make a sale. And they're doing this business every day so they know all the trips. Anyway, maybe you can get by but be very wary.

On the other hand I should point out the NOW is a very good time to buy a used car. You've got tons of people leaving and wanting to get rid of their vehicles. So it's very much a buyer's market. But by about August/September it will shift the other way so it makes sense to get out there and buy something now.

Sorry for the off topic.

06-24-06, 10:56
While her picture says to me that she is undeniably ugly it does not prove that Dubai is full of mingers. Regal last night was excellent, all shapes and sizes so all catered for (even a few Asians and I think some new ones MK).

If you like ugly ones, so be it, I won't stand in your way but think Redster has the wrong end of the stick. He should come here and try out various places and then we will read his FRs and am sure he will not make as bold a statement as he has done.

WRI've visited around a dozen times in the last 18 months and now spend a week each month in Dubai so must have experienced at least 30+ girls.

The main places I use are Cyclone, Amnesia and the club in the Hyatt Regency (Premier?). I stay at either the Grosvenor or Arabian Court at the Royal Mirage and never get problems taking girls back.

I read the forum to guage other peoples feel for the various venues but find the 3 I mentioned to be rarely covered, I have visited the favorite clubs of the board but they seem to attract far lower quality girls and this IMO is reflected in the Photo's.

Perhaps my comments came over a little rude to the regulars, that was not my intention, I was just expecting to see better photo's.

I've not posted any FR's myself as I'm reluctant to post girls photo's and I feel a report without them is of little use.

Ameer Alsahab
06-24-06, 14:33
Hi everyone here,

This is my first post! Thanx to everyone here for the informative posts!

Well, I am a Dubai addict. I know so much about the scence in Dubai. So many of my friends are talking about Rio as the BEST ever in the world. So all of you people who know dubai well, can you give me a good comparision between the two. Which is better in terms of everything (ie: price - quality of girls - girls attitudes - hotels.. )

Thanx in advance for every line written.

Silent Bob
06-24-06, 18:00
Hi Gents,

Is anybody on tour tonight? I'm looking for a wingman to have some fun.


Silent Bob

06-24-06, 21:32
... I have visited the favorite clubs of the board but they seem to attract far lower quality girls and this IMO is reflected in the Photo's.

Perhaps my comments came over a little rude to the regulars, that was not my intention, I was just expecting to see better photo's.
Redster - I won't disagree with you - after all, this isn't a professional porn site. I visited one of your favorite places (Premiere in Hyatt) many times in my early days in Dubai, and took home some absolute super-model stunners. I was a kid in a candy shop. Now I'm more discerning. The girls I take home range from average to stunning (in my eyes), but I can tell you sincerely that 95% of them have been great experiences, and they keep me more than interested in this hobby, even as an amateur. For great photos, visit porn sites.

So many of my friends are talking about Rio as the BEST ever in the world. So all of you people who know dubai well, can you give me a good comparision between the two. Which is better in terms of everything (ie: price - quality of girls - girls attitudes - hotels.. )
Ameer - I've done a little research on Brazil, but have never been there. In terms of GFE, I think they would be about the same (depending on the girl of course). Many absolutely gorgeous girls in Sth America. Prices higher there than Dubai. I hate flying and switching planes, or I would have gone a long time ago. Maybe next year.

My Kapitan
06-25-06, 04:42
The main places I use are Cyclone, Amnesia and the club in the Hyatt Regency (Premier?). I stay at either the Grosvenor or Arabian Court at the Royal Mirage and never get problems taking girls back.

There are reports on all of the venues above. I determine from both your comments and the venues that your taste leans more towards the 'stans than CIS. Anyway each to his own.

Perhaps my comments came over a little rude to the regulars, that was not my intention, I was just expecting to see better photo's.

Well you still look at them and yes your comments were rude.

I've not posted any FR's myself as I'm reluctant to post girls photo's and I feel a report without them is of little use.

Sounds like a poor excuse or a kop out. You boast of 18 months and 30+ girls all reports are welcome even without pictures, tell us where you go and what you pay, service received etc. If you post a photo its a bonus.

The forum is all about shared experiences for the benefit of all readers.

I for one look forward to your FR's.

Keep your end up.


06-25-06, 09:20
I've not posted any FR's myself as I'm reluctant to post girls photo's and I feel a report without them is of little use.And I have never posted pictures, except on Piper's behalf a long time back, so guess my Fr's are of a little use. :(


Wicked Roger
06-25-06, 11:45
Ameer - I've done a little research on Brazil, but have never been there. In terms of GFE, I think they would be about the same (depending on the girl of course). Many absolutely gorgeous girls in Sth America. Prices higher there than Dubai. I hate flying and switching planes, or I would have gone a long time ago. Maybe next year.

Take it from me, you will enjoy Brazil - one of my favourite places. Fortunately I have Brazilian friends so I keep my already low key activities even more low key, but Brazilian girls are fun and very horny :) Many are shaved and many like Greek too as some try to save their pussy for marriage - hence my interest always rises, just like something else ;)

However, methinks BKK is one flight only and Giottos is beckoning before I return to Rio. Perhaps we should arrange a buisness trip to Rio next year....


06-25-06, 15:17
But I think dealing with them is like gambling in a casino: The house always wins. WHAT!?!? You mean there are no consumer protection rights in dxb? Hard to believe... well, maybe not, given that all commercial outlets have a 51% emerati owner. Best way to do things is to know someone, especially if that someone has wasta (as you said).

The main places I use are Cyclone, Amnesia and the club in the Hyatt Regency (Premier?). ... I read the forum to guage other peoples feel for the various venues but find the 3 I mentioned to be rarely coveredThese places have been reported on SO many times. Using the search function, I get a 100 hits on "Cyclone".

Even on well-reported venues, always interesting to see with a fresh pair of eyes. Think that others, like you, might be interested in reading FR's about "under-reported" /any venues to gauge their applicability to their interests?

I've visited around a dozen times in the last 18 months and now spend a week each month in Dubai so must have experienced at least 30+ girls. ... I read the forum to guage other peoples feel for the various venues... I've not posted any FR's myself as I'm reluctant to post girls photo's and I feel a report without them is of little use.
Sounds like a poor excuse or a kop out. You boast of 18 months and 30+ girls all reports are welcome even without pictures, tell us where you go and what you pay, service received etc. Have to agree with MK. Why would you think that photos are required? Day of week, time, entrance fees, ethnic mix, M/F ratio, what worked for you, what didn't, problems, rates quoted, rates accepted, menu... whatever. All add up to provide info as to if the venue is worth a visit for an individual punter or not. Once there, I'm sure he, like myself, can find his own date for the night. (Even with a photo, no guarantee that she'll be there on any given night.)

Think for a lot of readers, it's the time it takes to write an FR that is the hangup.

This is my first post! Thanx to everyone here for the informative posts! Well, I am a Dubai addict. I know so much about the scence in Dubai. Same comment as to Redster - if you know so much about the scene in dxb, why have you not reported on it. Don't want to pass your wisdom along? It certainly seems that you've benefited from the isg, given that you're thanking everyone for the informative posts. How about giving something back? Yes, I know, it does take time...

Cool Tiger
06-26-06, 12:53
Many thanks to numerous Regular Forum Members for the PMs re meeting up.
Ultimately, only ended up seeing MK at the Regal due to work commitments.
Apologies to the rest, esp WR, who was kind enough to call me and keep me updated as to his movements.

I have now returned back, and as usual am snowed under with work, but here goes... Rest of Reports will follow soon.

Day 1

My friend/work colleague and I landed at 7 in the morning, after an 8 hour flight. Checked in at hotel, slept for a few hours before reporting for work. With another early start the following day, there was not much time for mongering so decided to wait a further day. However, this did not stop us checking out Roccafellas at Regal Plaza, for our first ever visit. Turned up at 12.00, paid Dhs50 each, with a voucher for one drink and headed upstairs. It was fairly busy, crowded, with an unfavourable ratio of approx 2:1, maybe 3:1.

Carried out a quick surveillance of the premises. 100~200 clubbers, with an area allocated for reserved(?) tables, and our base for the night: Pool area. Most of the girls appeared to be of EE / Former Soviet Bloc origin. Did not spot any Chinese or African girls. Exchanged our vouchers, headed for the pool area and put our names down for a game. It became apparent that it would be over an hour before we would get a game, so more time to explore the premises. Spotted a blonde, slim girl, early 20s, looks 8/10, wearing a very short, green dress, fishnet stockings, and later found out to be a very good pool player. Gave her name away by putting it on the list: Tanya. Although she came in after us, she knew her way around, talked to some of the regular pool players and managed to jump the queue for the pool table. A couple of guys tried to strike a conversation with her, also explaining that she had jumped the queue. “Why you complain? You get to see my arse when I play!!” Who were we to complain??

As we were not planning to take anyone, did not see the point of chatting to any of the girls, wasting their time or ours. However, wanted to test the water for rates, as it was our first visit to this club. Struck up a conversation with Dana, 5’6””, mid 20s, black hair, medium rack, looks 8/10. Started by enquiring where she was from. She explained that she was “from Russia”. Opening price of 500ST, 1000LT was quoted . Was fully aware that prices had increased substantially since my very first visit in 2000, and since my last visit nearly 1 ½ years ago. Having struck up the conversation, she was friendly so passed my mobile phone to her, requesting that she use it to call her mobile and give it a missed call. She duly obliged. Later, would try to call her on Friday afternoon.

Band from South Africa was playing on stage. The young mixed race female lead singer looked very tempting. We finally managed to get to play pool. I lost my game straight away, whilst my colleague stayed on for nearly an hour by winning his games.

Slightly off-topic: failed to understand some of the house rules(?) for playing pool there. Piper... help me out here!!

Tony #1
06-26-06, 12:54
Some one earlier, was commenting about Dubai being racist to Indians. I think this is untrue when it comes to mongering. Maybe when it comes to work but not when shagging.

This is the problem and this is why I prefer clubs like Cyclone. If you go to York, Astoria, the Indians in there are a complete [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) take. They're are these little 5 footers jumping up and down grabbing girls and acting like tits, acting like as if they have never been out before.

This is not racist. The Indian guys in clubs like Cyclone present themselves well and have a laugh, and have never seen much of a problem.

A few people might be unhappy but this is not racist.

Rajesh, I'm on to you.

Cool Tiger
06-26-06, 13:16
Part 1
Prior to leaving for Dubai, I had fired a few PM to some of the regular contributors on this Forum, enquiring if they would like to meet up for a drink. JSF had earlier informed me that he would not be able to attend and Sporadic was out of the country. To pardon his expression: “in European Sex Prison”.

Whilst at work, received SMS from WR and My Kapitan and responded to both of them, even managed to talk to WR. P1, Punter Junior, WR and MK were going to be at Regal for 11.15~11.30. I was warned by WR to be very careful and not discuss mongering openly whilst with the group and, even more importantly, not to mention any Forums etc. as they were also with guests who were not aware of their activities or of this Forum.

Our hosts wanted to take us out for dinner, with possibly going on to clubbing thereafter(?). Whilst we managed to get out of the clubbing by explaining that we had loads of work to catch up on, it would have been rude of us to say no to dinner. All we now need was an excuse to leave on time after having had dinner.

Part 2
Being Thursday, some of our clients and suppliers were working half day, so managed to finish work early today, at 5pm!! My friend had a contact for a Chinese MP, where sessions cost Dhs100!! Whilst I was skeptical, he had been there a few times, the last time being 3 weeks ago and he could not for see any problems.

Although I am not a PRC fan, following this session, I can now understand the VFM issue and why other girls hate the Chinese Girls, for keeping low prices.

With the MP being in Deira, I had visions of old run-down flats, curtains hung up to separate rooms and broken springs on bed scratching your back (my last such experience in Deira with a Turkish mamasam running the joint!!).

This MP place turned out to be different. It was near the Airport / Police Headquarters / Inter-Continental Hotel. Building was decent. My friend rang her to say that we were downstairs and she confirmed that it was okay to go to the flat. Upon arrival, we were introduced to a line-up of 5 Chinese girls, ranging from early 20s to mid 30s, looks 5~6/10. No price was quoted, nor did we enquire of it or the available time. I selected Yadia, and we then proceeded to our room. She was 5’2”, average built, in her early 20s, 34c bust (all reasonable guesses). Her English was limited, as I’d expected. She requested something, which later I worked out as “Boss Money”!! I asked how much, and she said Dhs100. I was surprised that it was such low amount. She took the money to her boss and returned, then proceeded to undress me and then undress herself.

One thing I found unacceptable, IMO and a personal preference, was that she had a full unshaven bush. This topic has been discussed at length on this forum, and it was something that I also discussed with my friend and I was fully expecting it. It was for this reason that I was not expecting a GFE. However, I received a GFE of a different nature. I had made up my mind that when asked, would opt for BBBJ and rimming (hence no kissing!!). I was very impressed with her and attitude. A wet wipe was used to clean me before she proceeded with OWO, with plenty of licking of the head, around the base of my penis, my balls, inner thighs and the area up to my bum hole. I don’t think she left out any area. I had never experienced such service before as rimming is always an extra service with a premium price in the UK and not widely available. I finally came, and came all over her hands. CIM was an available option. She must have gone through half a box of tissues by then!!

At this stage, I expected her to get up, put her clothes on and get ready for the next client. Not at this place! She explained that I had a choice of “2 sucks or 2 fucks”, using finger gesture to illustrate! She then enquired if I wanted a massage. I turned over and she proceeded, later asking if it was okay to use baby oil. Whilst it was not a real massage, it still was a good rub down of the entire back and the legs. She even asked me to lift my bum and then proceeded with stroking my balls and penis from behind, whilst I lay in a doggie-like position. Finally, I turned over and she then proceeded with another OWO (she had enquired which 2nd service I required).

It is not that often that I can cum twice within the hour unless I have enjoyed it and had a good time, especially the second time. This turned out to be such occasion. I felt that she had exhausted herself on OWO and that she needed a rest. So I asked her to have a break. She thought I was complaining about her work and kept apologizing, “solly!!”. At this stage she asked if I wanted rimming. Who was I to complain. Again, wet wipes were used to full extent before she commenced a wonderful rimming session. Kissing was definitely out after this. We finally completed a hand job together, where I cam all over her breasts. I had a fantastic session and got up to get dressed. At this point, instead of getting dressed herself, she came over to me and put my clothes on for me. It’s been decades since this was last done, lol. She even put my shoes on for me. It was time for me to leave. Although I had paid the full fee, I felt that it would have been a crime if I did not tip this girl. I was not aware if the mamasan would take a cut from her tip. So I slipped a Dhs100 note to her, making a gesture of putting a finger over my lip, so that she did not say anything to acknowledge it, in case it was heard by anyone. Whilst I have always tipped when I have had a good session, it’s never been as high as 100% of the fees, but this occasion deserved it. Was then led to the main room where I thanked the mamasan and told her that I had a very good time.

Overall: Premises 7/10. Quality of girls 6/10. Yadia 7/10. Service and attitude 11/10 (my first).

06-26-06, 14:49
Dear Piper,

can you advise on dating website for british chicks for travel

best regards

Eu Contractor
06-26-06, 15:27
Ok so I am coming Wednesday for four or five nights of “fun”. In an unprecedented move, I have made some pre arrangements via the web.

1) Maria via expats.com
2) Olga from Moldova via expats.com
3) Ellen non wg (or so it appears)

I did contact a few others but my picture must have scared them off!

I’ve seen the name Olga from Moldova here before. Anyone have current input on her or Maria?


06-26-06, 15:58
... WR, who was kind enough to call me and keep me updated as to his movements.There's an image - WR riding Miss N, camera in one hand, and phone in the other. ;)

Slightly off-topic: failed to understand some of the house rules(?) for playing pool there. Piper... help me out here!! Too many different rules to discuss - main difference is that you have to pot the black ball in the same pocket as your final colored ball.

Boofer - friendster.com

Wicked Roger
06-26-06, 18:02
There's an image - WR riding Miss N, camera in one hand, and phone in the other. ;)

Theres an image Piper - but I have always been a man who can multi task especially when shagging Miss N (you have to be :))


06-26-06, 19:45
Cool Tiger,

Where exactly is this place?

06-27-06, 09:35
Cool Tiger,

Where exactly is this place?


The reason Cool Tiger did not post GPS coordinates to the place is simply because it would bring unwanted attention from LE.

You can understand that, can´t you?

Cool Tiger
06-27-06, 10:55
Ok so I am coming Wednesday for four or five nights of “fun”. In an unprecedented move, I have made some pre arrangements via the web.

2) Olga from Moldova via expats.com

I’ve seen the name Olga from Moldova here before. Anyone have current input on her or Maria?



MK knows of various Olgas from Moldova. I posted about an Olga from Moldova a few months ago.

In my recent trip to Dubai, I had the pleasure of meeting MK. I booked anbd saw an Olga from Moldova: 26Y, 5'5" and a large rack. She never mentioned that she was on a website. The one from expat.com could be the one I saw or perhaps there are numerous Olga's from Moldova.

Wds Iran
06-27-06, 13:33
At this point, instead of getting dressed herself, she came over to me and put my clothes on for me. It’s been decades since this was last done, lol. She even put my shoes on for me. It was time for me to leave. Although I had paid the full fee, I felt that it would have been a crime if I did not tip this girl. I was not aware if the mamasan would take a cut from her tip. So I slipped a Dhs100 note to her, making a gesture of putting a finger over my lip, so that she did not say anything to acknowledge it, in case it was heard by anyone. Whilst I have always tipped when I have had a good session, it’s never been as high as 100% of the fees, but this occasion deserved it. Was then led to the main room where I thanked the mamasan and told her that I had a very good time.

Overall: Premises 7/10. Quality of girls 6/10. Yadia 7/10. Service and attitude 11/10 (my first).[/QUOTE]Cool Tiger,

Good that you tipped her well. The way Chinese/Korean MPs operate in Dubai is that the girls are hired by the mamasan, who usually never lives on the premises but coordinates everything through the mobile phone. The deal between the girls and the mamasan is: Every client they service is charged Dhs.100/- which is the Boss's money for providing a room, marketing & coordination support and the girl ofcourse.

To the girl - the mamasan provides food and a place to live - thats all. The girl has to satisfy the client and earn her tips which is effectively her salary and the mamasan doesn't take any cut on that. All expenses such as medical tests & treatment if they fall ill, visa change charges, travel and any other expenses have to be borne by the girl out of her tips. I am told that the condoms and other service kit items used for other than massage purposes, are to be purchased by the girl (from mamasan who keeps the stock on site).

Whilst most of the CIS are good looking - they are arrogant and poor at service. But majority of PRCs may not be the stunners but certainly good service providers with a good attitude. Best part is - they follow a "fixed price policy" no haggling no cheating....! Tips are purely descretional and gratefully accepted. What more do you need...? So tipping these girls is the least we can do to them. No wonder CIS are jealous and look down upon the PRCs.

In Bur Dubai area there are a few good places to go.. Check out the classified section under the 'Beauty & Fitness' ususally on page 6 or 7.


My Kapitan
06-27-06, 14:27
QUOTE=Cool Tiger]EU,

MK knows [/QUOTE]

LoL,there are lots of Olga's from Moldova and the Volga, Katrina's from Kiev, Mika's from Moscow, Tania's from Taskent and Viktoria's from Vladivostok.

Nice thing is I know them all ;)


ontheedge - good handle but the input needs some work, RTFF and you will know why exact locations are a no no, CT's directions were a little too close to the edge....

Mickey Rooney
06-27-06, 16:55
Nice thing is I know them all ;)


you forgot to mention K from Kagykistan and Sventlana from Ukrain and ... and ..

I guess there are far tooo many to remember.

Yep I am back after being in the dog house for a couple of weeks.

Looking forward to seeing the mongateers together again early July. Piper no drinking too much this time! Need you ready for action.

Mongateer Az

Eu Contractor
06-27-06, 17:53
QUOTE=Cool Tiger]EU,

MK knows LoL, there are lots of Olga's from Moldova and the Volga, Katrina's from Kiev, Mika's from Moscow, Tania's from Taskent and Viktoria's from Vladivostok.

Nice thing is I know them all ;)



I wish you would have told me this as I only allowed one space in my monger address book for Olga.


My Kapitan
06-27-06, 18:30
Whilst most of the CIS are good looking - they are arrogant and poor at service. But majority of PRCs may not be the stunners but certainly good service providers with a good attitude

As had been said many times YMMV.
IMHO and in my experience I find the reverse. Service always excels given the right enviroment (which you have to provide).

To my mind the PRCs are mechanical with a working attitude and provide little GFE (Ok you get a massage but WTF, you will get a better one if you just go for a proper massage).

In my experience the CIS are always a challenge because they do not display the subservience of the PRCs and other FE nations (Korea,Japan,Thai etc). CIS culturally are closer to our traditions and far enough removed from modern UK/USA feminists to keep their men satisfied and happily cared for.

Take a walk around a Dxb shopping mall and look at the amount of fat bas**ds with acquiescent dark haired PRCs hanging on their every word.

The Filipinos are different (and the exception) because of the long exposure to US influence.

BTW I am a fat bas**rd also - but at least blondes have more fun!


Wicked Roger
06-27-06, 19:16
To my mind the PRCs are mechanical with a working attitude and provide little GFE (Ok you get a massage but WTF, you will get a better one if you just go for a proper massage).

In my experience the CIS are always a challenge because they do not display the subservience of the PRCs and other FE nations (Korea,Japan,Thai etc). CIS culturally are closer to our traditions and far enough removed from modern UK/USA feminists to keep their men satisfied and happily cared for.

Take a walk around a Dxb shopping mall and look at the amount of fat bas**ds with acquiescent dark haired PRCs hanging on their every word.

The Filipinos are different (and the exception) because of the long exposure to US influence.

BTW I am a fat bas**rd also - but at least blondes have more fun!


You are not blonde! Well O is but only you know (and a select few others) how much fun she has :)

I am a fat bas**rd too but not as fat as you MK (well its my mirror that counts) and I like Miss N. She is the exception (as you rightly point out about Filipinas) as she has been exposed to US/European culture (even more now that she sees me regularly - I have given her all sorts of new words like porking for instance, and of course that requires a practical demonstration...;))

Quite a few PRC hanging off the arms in AD also - one regualr couple in Spinneys, she is quite a stunner for a PRC but he is well over the top and looks somewhat drunk much of the time.

As for the Miss M from Moscow etc, am sure you don't know that many because if you did Miss O would have fried your pork sword for breakfast by now (that is assuming she finds out).

Looks as if am in Dubai this weekend will email you and the other depraved gentlemen.


My Kapitan
06-27-06, 19:54

As for the Miss M from Moscow etc, am sure you don't know that many because if you did Miss O would have fried your pork sword for breakfast by now (that is assuming she finds out).


Of course I was implying Miss O has more fun.... and Oh but I do know Miss M from Moscow and Miss M (Mila) from Murmansk - I even posted a pic of Miss Murmansk a long time ago, here it is again to remind yo'all. (Long gone so partial face Ok).


06-27-06, 22:23
Some one earlier, was commenting about Dubai being racist to Indians. I think this is untrue when it comes to mongering. Maybe when it comes to work but not when shagging.

This is not racist. The Indian guys in clubs like Cyclone present themselves well and have a laugh, and have never seen much of a problem.

A few people might be unhappy but this is not racist.

Rajesh, I'm on to you.I fully agree, and I dont blame the girls when they cold shoulder some guys in York. But they sometimes do generalise, you know; like all are the same way etc.

Mike De H
06-27-06, 23:09
O I even posted a pic of Miss Murmansk a long time ago, here it is again to remind yo'all. (Long gone so partial face Ok).


I am in love. sooo cute! And I thought you only did mingers (alledgedly ;) )

06-27-06, 23:22

Piper, bring along Miss W again next time am in Dubai, real cutie and if she likes me she must a great lady - albeit one with a temper and a big right hook I suspect ;) WRWR - she liked you, but not that much! LOL. While she's a terrible little flirt she's actually conservative when it comes to the idea of group sex. She sometimes teases me about other guys, but if I bring it up, she gets offended. On the other hand, she's not so shocked about the idea of me and other girls - I'll have to keep working on that idea (like I've said before, women are funny).

Don't worry - no more painkillers for me! That was just bad timing.

Meanwhile, work is crazy-busy again, and I'm spending too much time emailing with a few girls for a possible adventure in Paris. They sound serious about it, but when it comes to the crunch, who knows?

Wds Iran
06-28-06, 15:07
[QUOTE=My Kapitan]As had been said many times YMMV.

IMHO and in my experience I find the reverse. Service always excels given the right enviroment (which you have to provide).

In my experience the CIS are always a challenge because they do not display the subservience of the PRCs and other FE nations (Korea,Japan,Thai etc).

Yes. Different people. Different opinions. Based on their individual experiences. !

To someone like me who always has a problem to find a room for the hobby MPs in dubai take away all the hassles. They provide the room, offer choice. , no walk of shame (if in the hotel), fixed price policy and therefore value for money. ! Having said this, there are instances when I have politely walked out of the facility if I didn't find the right one for me. Even from a collection of 7 - 8 girls. !

The only point I was trying to make was - these girls don't get paid any salaries from their mamasan. So they are dependant only on tips. So tipping them after the service will only demonstrate our human side.
