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04-06-12, 22:47
Nice report Max! Made for a very interesting read.Thanks man, just trying to help back to the community with feedback.

It's really not easy dealing with all the WGs but definitely an experience.

More reports to follow which I will write in the coming days.


Double Shooter
04-07-12, 06:16
The Shooter visited the "legit" Fili massage joint in Karama. However, as it was Good Friday, it was shut. Plan B was self-evident: 5 meters away is another joint, with Thai, Fili and Chinese staff. Dh150 for a 1-hour oily.

The Shooter was allocated a Thai lady, Mimi, plump and jolly. She stayed in the room while the Shooter disrobed. Good sign. This was his first visit so the question of extras was moot. No silly shorts in this joint. Just a towel, which was discarded after 5 minutes.

So this was a Thai massage reminiscent of Thailand. Bollock naked and no shame in it. A welcome change to the ridiculous shorts that are now de rigueur in most establishments.

Mimi was very cheerful & chatty, it was easy to build a sanuk atmosphere. Massage was OK but noting special.

On the turnover, the Shooter's staff was naturally at attention, swinging free without encumbrance. The question of extras was quickly popped. No haggling for a price. Nice touch. Just a coy request for a "present". A nice slow HJ followed. The Thai girls know how to do it.

The Shooter copped a feel under her baggy T-shirt and was surprised to find ginormous boobies, rock-firm with erect nipples. He studied her closely: while you wouldn't look twice at her today. 10 years ago she would have been a beauty. Perhaps a bar girl in a previous career path?

The Shooter shot his bolt in satisfactory manner and tipped dh100. From the look on her face that was above the normal compensation.

04-07-12, 07:17
Hey guys,

Have on this forum for sometime. Reading up stuff. Without actually partaking!

Wifey was out of town so finally decided to take the plunge. Hit Ratsky, Jockeys, Imperial and Kubu last week. Somehow haven't had the confidence to talk and do anything about this.

Yesterday, I figures that it was high time I dipped into an experience. Went to Regal at 10. 30pm. Place was half full with a ratio of 1:1. Liked a Turkish babe. Wanted 1000 AED for a whole nite. Decided to keep her as backup. Decided to drop in at York and see the scene. A lot of blacks and a few PRC. Nothing caught my eye. So left and went to Kubu. Classy place. But seemed very expensive. Saw a couple of Arab / CIS types who seemed very interesting. But too many Arabs and others hitting on them. So gave it a pass.

Came back to Regal to close the deal with the Turkish babe. But alas she had disappeared.

Was bored and disappointed by then and decided to go home. On the way decided to stop off at Fairmont and have a look. Reached the entrance of Cavalli Club and saw a Chinese Ch* Ch* who I had seen a few times at Jockeys. Spoke to her. Closed the deal at AED 1100- for the night.

Took her back to the room and did the act.

She rushed thru some. Which wasn't very good. Didn't want to continue after round 1 so let her go.

All in all an average experience.

Face: 6/10.

Effort: 6/10.

Overall: 6/10

Expat F
04-08-12, 02:46

Started out by taking a taxi to my usual joint. York. Arrived there around 1015pm (Saturday). Handshake from the doorman. No entry fee. Going in to the place I found it to be less busy than I was used to, probably due to the hour. There were at least 40-50 girls, mostly Africans (Ethiopia mostly?) , followed by a smaller group of 10 PRC's. Not many PI, had a hard time spotting them. Quality for PRC was 6-7/10 with an exception of here and there with higher marks. Surprised to see a handful CIS, mostly nothing to write home about. Had some drinks, spoke to one of my previous conquests named Ch* Ch*. Not too bad looking girl 7/10 but did not impress in bed last time. Perhaps same girl as mentioned in the post below. She tried to talk me up to taking her back to my hotel, but even reminding her that she had not a good time last time (pain in her belly, want me to cum within 30 seconds) did not stop her from trying to make a buck. Told her, maybe other time. In the mean time I laid my eyes on a few interesting ladies passing by but had difficulty finding out where they went. Saw a pretty tall Asian woman, standing near the PRC group in the middle. Had a face that was not 100% Chinese / but had some Thai / Malaysian looks. Made a mental note. This girl looked sexy and dressed nicely. Decided to take my self to another place Holiday In Bur Dubai with the club named Ratsky.

Holiday Inn / Ratsky

My usual PI crew had informed me that they were no longer doing York but moved to this new location (too many Africans according to them). Around 11pm I arrived and found a smallish club with a PI band playing. Had to pay 50DHR to get in, including free drink. The place was pretty empty. I was told that Thursday / Friday it's packed. After talking to my PI crew I moved out. I basically got bored there. Saw a few (3?) PRC sitting, but unfortunately they were past their prime. Also noted a couple of CIS- nothing to write home about. Left at midnight.

Seaview Hotel

Had read on this forum that there would be PI and PRC ladies walking around so was keen to find out what the quality was. After being guided through the hotel I found the club up the stairs. This place reminds me of Nairobi. Dark, crowded.a few African ladies, maybe 15 PI's and a handful older PRC's. Noted a few interesting PI girls, some of them left with guys. Noted BTW that a significant part of the male clientele appeared to be 55 plus. Quite a few African grabbed me and they all appeared to come from Ghana. Quite different than in York. Much more to my liking (made a mental note). After deciding it was not my crowd- I moved outside and took a taxi. Payed 50 Dhrs entree, including 1 drink.

Panorama Hotel

Had heard some good things from this place from the taxi drivers. They said it was much better than york. Payed 50 Dhrs, got in and noted that I had landed in Africa. Small club. Walked around. Walked out and asked if there were any other clubs in this hotel. Very disappointed. There were like 3 Indian clubs- had a look and decided to run away from this place.

York / again

Getting a taxi from Panorama to York is quick and cheap 7DHRs- tipped the driver for his effort. Got in, doorman shook my hand, and let me through without paying an entry fee. Opened the door- the place was pretty busy! Around this time it was 1am. Walked around a bit.and saw quite a few PI girls / interesting and for further investigation. Ch*Ch* was there again and she mentioned that she had been waiting for me. Me not for her. After chit chat I walked around abit and saw that special Asian lady again. This time I asked her. Are you from China? She mentioned that she was mixed Chinese / South East Asia. Would rate her 8/10. Got talking. Appeared to be a nice person- while not feeling directly attracted. She made a move withing 2 minutes to let her join me to my hotel. Quite a bit too fast for me and usually a bad sign. Rate offered was 800, but mentioned that she would usually ask for 1000. Kept talking to her, offered her a drink and asked her what she enjoyed doing at my hotel. She told me couple of things including something that sounded like SM. Her English was not very great and my hearing disability (listened too much to PI bands. Killing for you ears) also did not help. Was even so bad that I thought she said she went to the bathroom but got her coat and bag. I was thinking weird to get dressed. She had actually understood that I was talking her to my hotel! Anyways. I liked this girl so we did leave. Miss Ch*Ch* looking not so happy. She had been watching us talk.

Back in my hotel

Rotana / green as an be. Had to make a copy of her identity card. Went up to the room, chatted, took a shower, handed over the money. While she did not ask, but seemed happy that I gave her 1000, including taxi and tip. Was a try to see if she would get more motivated to do the job. Anyway on the bed, mutual massage, she playing, offering to BJ with cd, me refusing. Got her massaged DATY and then started doing the big one- nicely enthusiastic great body / face. After a couple of positions she did some BJ's and went back to some doggy style. Nice effort, nothing super / nothing bad. Had a hard time coming so she tried of BJ and HJ's. In the end she was on her back playing with herself and talking dirty while I assisted myself. Was very happy with her performance. Even though it took a long time for me to cum. She said that she just wanted to make me happy. Good job done! Is probably a repeat.

Now time to sleep. Pickup for work is in 2. 45mins.

04-08-12, 06:42
Went to a new place in Al Barsha last Wednesday. 3 Chinese girls available. Full service was 300 AED. Good attitude. Not asking for tips.

Can only recommend this place. It's next to Lulu Hypermarket behind Emirates mall.

Contact details only via PM.

04-08-12, 09:20

1100 for a Chinese girl whom you rate 6?

I think you overpaid which is befuddling if you are an ardent reader of this forum as you said.

Global Surfer
04-09-12, 01:06
Hey guys,

Was bored and disappointed by then and decided to go home. On the way decided to stop off at Fairmont and have a look. Reached the entrance of Cavalli Club and saw a Chinese Ch* Ch* who I had seen a few times at Jockeys. Spoke to her. Closed the deal at AED 1100- for the night.

Took her back to the room and did the act.

She rushed thru some. Which wasn't very good. Didn't want to continue after round 1 so let her go.

All in all an average experience.

Face: 6/10.

Effort: 6/10.

Overall: 6/10I think you could have took her form Jockeys for AED 200. AED 300 ST

Wilts Boy
04-09-12, 10:05
Decided to venture out on Saturday evening as it was my last night after 2 weeks in Dubai, and fancied a bit of blonde CIS, so headed off to Moscow Hotel where I had eyed up few potentials targets earlier in the week. Knew Saturday was going to be a reasonable quiet night, but still a good chance there would be a good selection.

Got to Moscow, looked a bit quiet outside but nothing unusual, nothing said as I paid the entrance fee (despite trying to sweet talk the little blonde cutie on the door) , and entered. WTF. Club was pretty empty, maybe only 7-8 girls and about 20 guys (this was at midnight). Had a quick look around nothing of interest, so decided to cut my losses and move on to somewhere else immediately. Headed off to Kubu as thought might be better. Had to pay the entrance fee there also, and as entered there it looked a bit more promising, however on closer inepection there were only about 20-25 girls there and the only blonde CIS acion already had company. Well so far I had paid Dh200 in fees, so decided to at least have a couple of beers and wait to see if things improved. They didn't. Steadily all the girls started to leave which by the time I deciced to leave there could not have beeen more than 10-12 girls there, and certainly nothing worth a further outlay of money. By this time it was around 1. 40am and was now a bit pissed off, so thought as I could still get back into Moscow would give it one last check before heading back to the hotel. Well when I got there, there was actually NO girls in the club at all but still around 30 guys. It was quick about turn and head home empty handed.

I can only put it down to the all the girls being tipped off the LE were out and about (maybe even in both bars) , and there was certainly a couple of police roadside activity on way back to hotel. Bastards!

All in all a sad end to a great 2 weeks, some more postive reports to follow shortly. I do still miss Rattkesnake though

04-09-12, 16:17

1100 for a Chinese girl whom you rate 6?

I think you overpaid which is befuddling if you are an ardent reader of this forum as you said.I agree. I guess I overpaid. First time about in town. And wasnt really confident of going thru it. So kinda lucked out.

I guess. There is many a difference between reading up and actually practising!

04-09-12, 18:18
I will be in Dubai middle April 2012 want to meet with fellow mongers Pleas.

Is there anybody that will share contact detail of great Russian girls with great bodys and small tits please.

Greetings out of South Africa.

PieterJa it is me again and to some of the older members please catch a wake up and realise that the purpose of thus forum is to share info to fellow friends that is looking for girls. Some of us only visit Dubai for 10 days a year and can to with good advice from other members and please you did not do all the research for the forum you have done it for sex for yourself by the way I will be in Dubai from 14 April to 20 April and will like to meet friends in Dubai that is like me. Looking for girls



Be Wilder
04-09-12, 18:59
Reading Wilts Boy's post think Moscow was raided on Friday by LE and all the girls without valid visas deported. Can't be sure but like him, I was out and about on Sat night looking for a blonde CIS. Picked one up at the Hyatt Regency (which was also quieter than usual but may be normal for a Saturday as I usually go on Friday) and that is what she told me.

04-10-12, 05:52
Reading Wilts Boy's post think Moscow was raided on Friday by LE and all the girls without valid visas deported. Can't be sure but like him, I was out and about on Sat night looking for a blonde CIS. Picked one up at the Hyatt Regency (which was also quieter than usual but may be normal for a Saturday as I usually go on Friday) and that is what she told me.Went there Saturday night quite early. At about 10 pm. Paid the 100 and walked in. The place was dead. 3 girls in white doing a 3rd rate dance routine on the stage and the rest blokes and waitresses. Asked one of the waitresses and she responded that it was a couples night! But the bouncer winked and said don't waste your time tonight it won't get better.

So I also headed to Kubu and it was slim pickings. I didn't waste much time being picky as it looked like it wasn't going getting any better with time and grabbed myself a juicy looking Ethiopian with a nice rack and an apple bottom in the first 15 minutes and went to her place! Honestly I had planned a much better night, it being the first night of two week of freedom. But it ended up at best to be mediocre, which is usually he case when you go to her place.

To sum it up:

Face: 8/10.

Body: 8/10.

Effort: 5/10!

Overall: 6/10.

Did anyone check out Moscow last night? Are things back to normal?

The big question is where to go tonight? Any advice? Given that the golden triangle is not an option for me.

I would appreciate your input.

04-10-12, 09:27
Is radisson royal hotel Green? Going through the hotel website, it seems that they are not GF, but then I could be wrong. Their night club Movida, is it worth visiting for pickups? The forum is rather silent on Movida. Appreciate your valuable comments as I will be there for 3 days in April 3rd week.

04-10-12, 12:12
Does anyone know of an AMP in Deira that has black girls? And which offer a decent massage beside the extras?

So far I have been to :
- Dreamworks gold souk and Marina : excellent massage but not always extra on offer
- Marina massage : thai girls with good massage and extras including full body
- Sun&Sands hotel Deira close to clock tower : good massage and extras but not very good looking girls (mix of chinese and fili)
- Eureka hotel deira : almost no massage but everything available else, chinese girls only
- Sun&Sands hotel Deira (dont remember the address but parallel to Al Maktoum) : bad massage, extra but not taken as TOO much noise (massage lady kept shouting in Chinese to the mamasan)

04-10-12, 13:36
Does anyone know of an AMP in Deira that has black girls? And which offer a decent massage beside the extras?

So far I have been to :

- Dreamworks gold souk and Marina : excellent massage but not always extra on offer.

- Marina massage : thai girls with good massage and extras including full body.

- Sun&Sands hotel Deira close to clock tower : good massage and extras but not very good looking girls (mix of Chinese and fili)

- Eureka hotel deira : almost no massage but everything available else, Chinese girls only.

- Sun&Sands hotel Deira (don't remember the address but parallel to Al Maktoum) : bad massage, extra but not taken as TOO much noise (massage lady kept shouting in Chinese to the mamasan) Try manhattan hotel in bur Dubai just past the dhow palace at the corner. Had ethiopian girls. Decent massage with standard extras.

04-10-12, 18:30
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

04-10-12, 20:18
Just got confirmed about my trip to DXB. Its my third trip to DXB and ISG had helped me a lot during my last trip.

I'll be there this time for 4 - 5 days from 19 April and wud like to catch up with some fellow members to know more about DXB scene, some potential contacts and tips if possible. Just a request as a Jr. ISG member. Reports assured. May be we cud some bar hopping as well. Please PM me if interested.



04-10-12, 23:45
Does this mean that Spinney's stock and sell booze?

What is booze license?

Sorry if my questions sound stupid. I do not live in Dubai. Just a very frequent 'visitor'Check list:


From the longer:


Yes, these are OLD, but amazing how they stand the test of time. I spent years in dxb without a liquor license. Visa runs sufficient for making use of the Arrivals Duty free, and if I wanted anything, had a number of regulars making visa runs who would pick me up anything I was short of. When I finally left, gave 4 cardboard boxes of partially drunk alcohol to my office.

Point is, easier to do a little pre-planning and pick it up on ARRIVAL. Besides, you have to do something while waiting for your bags.

04-11-12, 00:30
Ja it is me again and to some of the older members please catch a wake up and realise that the purpose of thus forum is to share info to fellow friends that is looking for girls. Some of us only visit Dubai for 10 days a year and can to with good advice from other members and please you did not do all the research for the forum you have done it for sex for yourself by the way I will be in Dubai from 14 April to 20 April and will like to meet friends in Dubai that is like me. Looking for girlsWe've been woken up by these types of requests for God knows how long. So now that I'm awake:

Yes, the purpose of this forum is to share, but sharing is a TWO way street. I will agree with you that I researched for my own pleasure. NO doubt about that. But I DID make the TIME and EFFORT to post FR's as a way to CONTRIBUTE to the knowledge base here, SHARING lessons learned and all that.

Pieter (and all those others who ask) , nobody is going to share information on contacts on this forum, unless the person requesting the information has a proven track record of providing information on this forum and is a reliable source. The reason for not sharing information can mainly be split into 2 reasons, firstly as a nrecomer to ISG how do we know you are not the LE posing as a punter to get information on girls, hence putting the girls in serious danger. And secondly, us regular visitors to Dubai and those who live here, have put in numerous hours of hard work, and late nights to build up our list of contacts, which has also involved a lot of monetry outlay and a few very poor experiences along the way. All we can do is give advise on what places to go for CIS girls such as Premiere at Hyatt Regency, Kubu at Raddison, Red Square at Moscow, Jules Bar at Le Meridien, and from my recent expeditions, it seems a number of the ex Rattlesnake girls now frequent the Grand Habtoor, Dubai Marina and Blends at Address Hotel, Dubai Marina.While I agree with Wilts Boy, I was never concerned that much that a requester was LE. Any girl I knew, when asked if I could share her contact info, would say "Is he like you?" Given I could not answer that question... I didn't want any bad experience (by her, NOT from) blowing back to me.

Here's a hint on how its done:

Salutes to Setanta1


Expat F




Big Daddy 1906


10 days in dxb seems like plenty of time to do some recon, make some contacts, and have some experiences. Hit a couple of the oft mentioned clubs, grab a few phone numbers of potentials, then pick one, based on PERSONAL chemistry, and enjoy. After 3 days, if your phone is not full of contacts, then there is really something wrong.

BTW: a friend runs rabbits, eats sh*t, and barks at the moon.

Global Surfer
04-11-12, 01:22
Check list:


From the longer:


Yes, these are OLD, but amazing how they stand the test of time. I spent years in dxb without a liquor license. Visa runs sufficient for making use of the Arrivals Duty free, and if I wanted anything, had a number of regulars making visa runs who would pick me up anything I was short of. When I finally left, gave 4 cardboard boxes of partially drunk alcohol to my office.

Point is, easier to do a little pre-planning and pick it up on ARRIVAL. Besides, you have to do something while waiting for your bags.Thanks for the information.

My question was just out of curiosity.

I only stay 1 to 2 days in Dubai and always bring it with me.

04-11-12, 04:18
Thanks for the information.

My question was just out of curiosity.

I only stay 1 to 2 days in Dubai and always bring it with me.Understand, just posted for general info.

It used to be, maybe still is, that certain other emerates (Ajman I believe) could / did sell liquor without one needing a license. But it's ILLEGAL to bring to another emerate (as in Dubai). Have been posts here about shakedowns from local civilians after border crossed, forcing car to stop, then threatening unless bribe paid / liquor handed over. After all, not like you could call LE. No personal experience, but did believe the reports.

By letter of the law, it was illegal for me to have alcohol in my condo, but like so many things in dxb, as long as you're discreet, no one will bother you. While alcohol consumption (for non-muslims) is allowed, public drunkeness is NOT, nor is DUI (driving under the influence).

One other thing: VERY illegal to provide alcohol to a muslim. AND you are responsible for any trouble they get into.

Run afoul of the law, and your stay in the uae will be extended...

04-11-12, 06:50
It used to be, maybe still is, that certain other emerates (Ajman I believe) could / did sell liquor without one needing a license.You can still buy booze in Um Al Quwain. Baracuda resort has the best "off license" in the UAE (IMO) without a alcohol license but as mentioned it's illegal to bring it back through Sharjah without one.

I've been here 5 years and do it regularly and have never been stopped.

04-11-12, 16:36
Does anyone know of an AMP in Deira that has black girls? And which offer a decent massage beside the extras?

So far I have been to :

- Dreamworks gold souk and Marina : excellent massage but not always extra on offer.

- Marina massage : thai girls with good massage and extras including full body.

- Sun&Sands hotel Deira close to clock tower : good massage and extras but not very good looking girls (mix of Chinese and fili)

- Eureka hotel deira : almost no massage but everything available else, Chinese girls only.

- Sun&Sands hotel Deira (don't remember the address but parallel to Al Maktoum) : bad massage, extra but not taken as TOO much noise (massage lady kept shouting in Chinese to the mamasan) Hey Fredo 24.

Thanks for sharing your AMP insights mate.

I have quick question you have mentioned sun & sands twice. Is it the same place or different branches?

Also Marina massage mate, is it the one thats one level up from ground level in a certain buikding complex at JBR?

All these places we talking standard 100 aed tip for extras. I have only ever seemed to get HJ for 100 aed.



04-11-12, 18:34
Tried this girl out a couple of nights ago. Photos are genuine she even was had the same clothes on when I got there. I think images are a little photo shopped as I had the one with the big tits. She is smaller and a little bit more plump than in the photo.

When I got to the apartment which is very easy to find I was met by her mamasan at the door. She had huge tits and I got a hard on the second I saw them. She pointed out the girl from photo who was showing lots of cleavage due to the push up bra. Had an ok session with her. No kissing and didn't get a BJ from her but then again I didn't ask for one either. Am still thinking about the mamasans huge tits though. I bet she gives an amazing titfuck its a pity she looked very overweight which was hidden behind lots of loose clothes. Was young though in early 30's. Here is the link. http://massagerepublic.com/escort-in-dubai/yuko-minako-1171.html

P. S. If anyone comes across any girls with hugh boobs then please send me the info.

04-11-12, 19:04
Don't let my lack of posting fool you. Yes, it's my first report but I've been doing recon on this site for the last 18 months. As I am sometimes happily / sometimes unhappily attached I've only been hitting the massage scene "to blow off some steam" and some jizz along with it. I've utilised others' research on numerous occasions and have hit up numerous legit MP establishments.

One of my first found establishments is in the Jumeria 1 area and still my favourite. I head there the most regularly and surprisingly it has never been mentioned on this site. This is not an AMP, one can easily walk in off the street and head straight for a massage. The place is staffed by a Filipina secretary although all the girls are Chinese. Upon my first visit the masseuse, a trashy looking PRC (in a good way) , stayed with her eyes fixed on me while I undressed, I knew this was a good sign. Then under the towel where she goes through the usual routine of starting with the back and shoulders. Once she starts the lower half is when the fun begins. Massaging the legs with lots of long reaching strokes all all the way up to the ass and delicately and skilfully touching of my member on the her down-stroke. This is done to perfection for the next few minutes until my member is at FULL attention. Then it's over to the front where the usual question is asked nonchalantly,"Massage this one?" To which it's always the same reply. However, this time it was different as BBBJ was on the cards, to which she proceeded like a true pro. She had my throbbing member finely poised with some excellent hand and tongue work, even talking dirty to it saying,"Fuck you" in the most trashy way possible while I unloaded the sperm bank. Then there was the obligatory absence while she hocks whatever is in her mouth up (my most hated of all Chinese attributes) and then gargles whatever cheap Listerene Chinese substitute they have before returning to finish off the massage. This is where the place falls down somewhat in my opinion as their heart is definitely not it once your load has been blown and they know how much is coming to them. The massage is around 200AED for the 1 hour traditional Chinese massage, the cheapest oil massage by the way. The extras come at a price, it's 200AED for a BBBJ and 100AED for a HJ which I got once and the masseuse was not happy at the opportunity cost as it was a busy Thursday evening around there.

I've been there probably about 10 times with about 4-5 different masseuses, can't remember exactly as it has been spread out over an 18 month period. One thing that I don't forget is that no matter the masseuse the massage is almost always the same even the exact same way they get the little guy so excited. BBBJ is always outstanding and to get the most out of my massage I usually go for two pops which the lucky girl is enlightened before the massage so she can get straight to the good stuff and also finish on a climax; this also ensures that her heart is in it throughout the massage. The damage for that is 250AED. Haven't tried bargaining down too much as they are shrewd operators and seem to have a set price cieling.

Yes, it's much more expensive than your usual Bur Dubai establishments where it's 100-120AED massage + 100 HJ usually while wearing those shitty disposable shorts. But the reason I keep coming back is that I've yet to find a walk in place like it. You have your own room so you won't here anyone bartering or moaning in the vicinity and you always get top quality extras. After typing this report I feel I'm overdue a visit. I realise that there are FS joints like the infamous "Lucy's" where you'll get more for the same price or cheaper but if you're looking for a "legit" place, well relatively speaking you can end your session happily.

I will be reviewing other MPs around Dubai in the near future; said I'd start with the best. I have PM set-up so if you're an experienced user I will share details if interested.

04-11-12, 19:15
We've been woken up by these types of requests for God knows how long. So now that I'm awake:

Yes, the purpose of this forum is to share, but sharing is a TWO Way street. I will agree with you that I researched for my own pleasure. NO doubt about that. But I DID make the TIME and EFFORT to post FR's As a way to CONTRIBUTE to the knowledge base here, SHARING lessons learned and all that.

While I agree with Wilts Boy, I was never concerned that much that a requester Was LE. Any girl I knew, when asked if I could share her contact info, would say "Is he like you?" Given I could not answer that question. I didn't want any bad experience (by her, NOT from) blowing back to me.

Here's a hint on how its done:

Salutes to Setanta1


Expat F




Big Daddy 1906


10 days in dxb seems like plenty of time to do some recon, make some contacts, and have some experiences. Hit a couple of the oft mentioned clubs, grab a few phone numbers of potentials, then pick one, based on PERSONAL chemistry, and enjoy. After 3 days, if your phone is not full of contacts, then there is really something wrong.

BTW: a friend runs rabbits, eats sh*t, and barks at the moon.My post was completely out of line. I apologise and you are completely right with your comment about friends.


Rich Gossage
04-11-12, 19:41
Hi All,

Have been indulging in the hobby for a while in London mostly. All agencies where it is very clear (usually!) what you are going to get. Will be in Dubai in a week or so for a few days. Excited to experience it!

I have read a lot of the FF. Before anyone says anything. And do have a question. I am interested in the conversation with the WGs in the bar. I have an idea of pricing (ST = up to 2 hrs) (LT more than that) but what I am interested in is to know how "forward" you can be when negotiating services. I have this horror vision of me chatting to some tall, classy, CIS at Premier, the blurting out "So, do you take it up the a*". Only to be slapped into oblivion. .

How blatant and open is that conversation? Do you let the WG list services and ask leading questions? Or just ask direct? Do they understand all terminology?

Some advice appreciated!

And I know there is a big culture on the Forum for give and take. Well obviously I have nothing to report yet. But as a little contribution see below for some of the bar names with action I have come across quite a bit. I have also completed which hotels the bars belong to (as that had me a bit confused). Best I can do but hopefully will convince the senior members to cut me some slack!

Those with asterisks seem to be more "high end".

Cavalli at Fairmont *

Cin-Cin at Fairmont *

Premier in Hyatt Regency *

Kubu in Radison Blu Deira SAS *

York at York International Hotel.

Stayin Alive at Imperial Suites Hotel.

Marina at Seaview.

Ramada and Majestic nr Panorama.

Red Square at Moscow.

Jockeys at panorama.


Ratskys at karama Hotel.

Jules at Le Meridien.

Rockafellas at Regal Plaza.

TGIF at Astoria

04-11-12, 22:10
Hey Fredo 24.

Thanks for sharing your AMP insights mate.

I have quick question you have mentioned sun & sands twice. Is it the same place or different branches?

Also Marina massage mate, is it the one thats one level up from ground level in a certain buikding complex at JBR?

All these places we talking standard 100 aed tip for extras. I have only ever seemed to get HJ for 100 aed.


ArrabistaSun and sands has different branches. I mentioned the location pf each.

No the marina one is called marina massage and is close to yacht club.

100 aed is pretty standard indeed.

I forgot I have also been to :

- Sheika massage on al maktoum : good massage but extras were average.

- apple massage also on maktoum next to iranian restaurant : average on both counts as well.

Both sheika and app, e had a thai girl, which I like much better than a Chinese one. Having said that, best HJ I have had so far is probably by a Chinese girl in the sun and sands near clock tower I mentioned above.

Not many black girls doing massages it seems. What about young fili girls? I am not into 40 plus fili ladies for this.

Global Surfer
04-12-12, 01:05
Understand, just posted for general info.

It used to be, maybe still is, that certain other emerates (Ajman I believe) could / did sell liquor without one needing a license. But it's ILLEGAL to bring to another emerate (as in Dubai). Have been posts here about shakedowns from local civilians after border crossed, forcing car to stop, then threatening unless bribe paid / liquor handed over. After all, not like you could call LE. No personal experience, but did believe the reports.

By letter of the law, it was illegal for me to have alcohol in my condo, but like so many things in dxb, as long as you're discreet, no one will bother you. While alcohol consumption (for non-muslims) is allowed, public drunkeness is NOT, nor is DUI (driving under the influence).

One other thing: VERY illegal to provide alcohol to a muslim. AND you Are responsible for any trouble they Get into.

Run afoul of the law, and your stay in the uae will be extended.It is interesting that supplying alcohol to muslims is illegal. I think substantial (probably 50%) of customers in the bars are muslim and I assume 99. 99% of local arabs are muslim.

There is also issue of policing. How you know that someone is muslim?

04-12-12, 06:53
I have read a lot of the FF. Before anyone says anything. And do have a question. I am interested in the conversation with the WGs in the bar. I have an idea of pricing (ST = up to 2 hrs) (LT more than that) but what I am interested in is to know how "forward" you can be when negotiating services. I have this horror vision of me chatting to some tall, classy, CIS at Premier, the blurting out "So, do you take it up the a*". Only to be slapped into oblivion. .

How blatant and open is that conversation? Do you let the WG list services and ask leading questions? Or just ask direct? Do they understand all terminology?My advice: Don't be shy. They've heard it all before. Consider it works out for both of you: you know what is / isn't on the menu, she knows what the job requirements are. Nothing that generates problems faster (which you BOTH want to avoid) than misunderstandings and disappointments. Time IS money to her, and that's a problem when suddenly the punter is cutting the agreed upon price because something NOT specified is not on the menu. Can be a different story if something is not being delivered, but you can reduce the chances of that by being direct (in a light hearted manner).

Check out this OLD FR. Yes, some of the venues have changed (RIP Cyclone) , prices have gone up, but the methodology stands the test of time.


Yes, it's long, but, I think, anyway, informative.

A short example:

Some initial chit-chat, all the "Where you come from, how long you stay Dubai, where you stay, etc." Assuming I'm interested, :

"You go long time?" [initial cull, given I wanted an overnight guest]

I like a BBBJ, not a CBJ. So:

"You suck?" [depending on answer] "Suck no condom?" [depending on answer] "Finish in mouth?" [Now she and I both know]

"Tonight, 2 times; suck 1 time, f*ck 1 time [or more, depends on you], f*ck with condom [just so there's no misunderstanding]. Tomorrow morning, suck or f*uck, up to you." [morning wakeup]

Then, MY MO, I'll ask for a price quote: "How much I give you?" This is NOT saying I'll pay her 1st price, but as least I know if she's in fantasy land, or there's some reality there. Then I'll start negotiations (unless she comes in with a reasonable price) , throwing in taxi fare as an extra at the end to seal the deal.

Then I ask what time she wants to leave in the morning. If I get an "up to you", I will SPECIFY a "not before xxAM". Then I say I'll pay AFTER. A SPECIFIC statement, with an "OK?" I want her to acknowledge that.

I'll repeat the menu, the departure time, the pay xxx in MORNING, and make sure I get an OK.

If we can agree, fine. If not, I just say "No thank you, good luck", and move on.

Now, I'd recommend throwing in a bit of banter in between the above. On the other hand, this is a business negotiation, so I don't waste hers nor my time. But by her answers, and her demeanor with me, I can get a good Go/No-go feeling. In life, there are always tradeoffs. Just remember, you are not the only game in town; if you think she's attractive, no doubt other punters will be thinking the same.

On the other hand, if she's a "Must do!", I'll skip the menu part (after all, a "must do" is regardless of menu) , but hopefully still throw in the price / departure time / pay AFTER. Just lesses the potential for misunderstandings later.

Some punters like the unknown / romantic / let's see what happens approach, where you just wing it. Fine if that's your thing; it wasn't mine. My MO does make it sound like a business (it is), but once the nitty-gritty out of the way, then BOTH of you can relax and enjoy, knowing what is expected.

When you're in the bar, leverage is with you. Back in your room, leverage is with her (though I did tend to leave early (midnight) just so if there were insurmountable problems back in the room, the "we go back to bar" not a threat but a statement.

Of course, all the above is based on my dealing with mainly PRC (pragmatic FL's) , not CIS (good chance she is controlled, not a truely independent operator).

Like I said, it's a business, so like any good business, she'll want to maximize profit, least work, minimize wear and tear on the merchandise. So I really wouldn't expect her to be offering a full specific menu. Not saying some won't specify, but, my experience, anyway, more a generic mention of "sex; I take care of you; make you happy, etc." I most always specified what I was interested in, just to allow BOTH of us to make an initial cull.

And while it is a business, she'll appreciate a client who makes it fun and enjoyable. Think of your work; there are clients you enjoy, and those that are just for the paycheck. Sad commentary on a lot, but my "good heart" carried a bit of weight...

BTW: anal is most commonly referred to as "backside".


Your bar / hotel list looks accurate. Most of those places will not have that many "civilians" (if any). if in doubt, you can always ask if she's making business tonight before getting menu specific. Greater risk, though still small, is stepping on someone's toes, someone out with "his gf". Those fairly obvious, and if it doubt, just position yourself over his shoulder. If she starts making eye contact, he doesn't have a sealed deal.

Generally speaking, CIS don't cold call (but does depend on economy), Fili's not so much on that either (more of a herd mentality, your job to cut the one you're interested in out of the herd), PRC and Africans will cold call.

One place I wouldn't miss is the Seaview, for the band. They are NOT to be missed, and I always found someone to keep me company there.

Good luck.

04-12-12, 08:57
Yes, it's my first report but I've been doing recon on this site for the last 18 months.Nice FR. Quality always appreciated.

My post was completely out of line. I apologise .This is a forum, give and take. Discussions and differences of opinion welcomed, within the guidelines of the forum. Honestly, I was using your post more as an example for all.

People should remember that posting a question does not guarantee an answer; nobody's getting paid here. Sometimes the "pay" is the chance to have a bit of fun with a post.

I'd say, generally speaking, someone (anyone) asking such generic questions as:

Where are the hottest girls? [it's a cliche but beauty is in the eye of the beholder]. Besides, it's a f*cking desert, EVERYONE'S hot.

Where should I go?

Please give me some contacts.

Asking a question where it's obvious no pre-reading / searching has been done (I've seen questions where the answer had been already provided on the SAME page).

Lets swap contacts.

If you give me some contacts, I'll write an FR. This always baffles me, as why would I be interested of how she is with you? I already KNOW how she is with me, and that's really all I care about. My pet irks, anyway.

And for the newbies: why did Rich Gossage get a reply, and "you" (2nd person plural, not anyone specific) didn't? Because he made it obvious that he had been reading, and he asked a specific question that was appliable to many. Worth it for me to answer, anyway.

I'll stand by my original statement to you, Pieter01: after a couple of days, you should have plenty of contacts. Some will work out, some won't, but that's life. MY experience, I always relied on the chemistry between her and me. Yes, it's a business, but chemistry does play a part. After all, a good looking star fish is still a star fish. And just because she does xxx with me, or yyy with you, doesn't mean they're interchangable. Likewise, the really popular ones, it's not IF they'll have a customer, but WHO. Most all I know won't take unknows unless there's a reference, and they do expect it to be a true "I know him" reference, not we read the same forum.

Dubai is fun, and the hunt makes it so.

04-12-12, 09:15
It is interesting that supplying alcohol to muslims is illegal. I think substantial (probably 50%) of customers in the bars are muslim and I assume 99. 99% of local arabs are muslim.

There is also issue of policing. How you know that someone is muslim?If they excuse themselves to go pray? Or use the term "Infidel dog" more than twice in a conversation?

Seriously, what a bar does is up to them. Theoretically, they shouldn't be serving alcohol to muslims (during Ramadan, they will check I'd [lists religion] of anyone who looks 'the type' (say "tanned"). Locals can get away with it, but then again, it's their country. Some locals are players, a number aren't, and there IS a conservative group who support traditional values, bemoaning the fact of how decadent life has become.

I was speaking more from a personal perspective. Me being a cheap charlie, and given the alcohol prices, I'm NOT buying a drink for some stranger in a bar. I never bought alcohol for someone I didn't know (as in outside the liquor store when asked) , and I made sure I kept my work life separate from my home life. You DON'T want a local co-worker showing up on your doorstep looking for a place to drink, or to use your place as a ST hotel. What would seem to be simple western hospitality "Can I get you a drink?" can have very negative blowback. My point is, you provide a glass of beer, he drives away, gets in an accident, LE will be VERY unhappy you provided alcohol, as in he's not responsible, YOU are.

CyberMike 4
04-12-12, 22:23
I decided to visit Lucy's AMP, thanks to a FM I got the number and got the information about the new location (which BTW, is the same as the old Jumeirah AMP? Or Lucy's is the Jumeirah AMP? Confused now.).

As soon as I was in the villa, there was a selection of 6 asian ladies, all of them 5-7s. I chose a 6 who was smiling at me, thinking that I would have better service, her name was Mae-Mae, petite Chinese girl. While in the room and after paying the 'boss money' (still AED 100) , I realised that I did a mistake by choosing her, she asked for money upfront and quoted ridiculous amounts as well, I wanted 2 pops for which she asked AED 500! Started negotiating and I was getting upset and almost ready to ask for a different girl when she agreed on 300. After a quick shower, she started with BBJ, which was quite good, but she stopped three times to remind me that I cannot finish in her mouth. Main part was ok, fake moans and the usual bs 'you too big' etc. After the 1st pop I was not in the mood to continue so she gave me back 100 and I left. She did try to change my mind but that was too late. Funny part is that she repeated her name and asked me next time to call before to make sure that she will be free for me. Yeah, right! I will probably return to Lucy's (or Jumeirah) AMP but for sure not with Mae-Mae.

Take care,


04-12-12, 22:33
Hi Everyone,

I just had a nice and fun filled 2-3 hour session with Sophie.

You can find her here:


I also posted my report on massage republic.

Excellent service, best massage ever.

Nice body, but the pictures are either old or a bit photoshopped.

Also the english is pretty poor but I am not disappointed and Sophie is making sure you get what you want.

It was just a bit complicated to get her to come to my hotel because of the language barrier.

Face: 7.

Body: 8.

Sex: 9.

Overall: 8.

WIR: I would

Global Surfer
04-13-12, 01:04
If they excuse themselves to go pray? Or use the term "Infidel dog" more than twice in a conversation?

Seriously, what a bar does is up to them. Theoretically, they shouldn't be serving alcohol to muslims (during Ramadan, they will check I'd [lists religion] of anyone who looks 'the type' (say "tanned"). Locals can get away with it, but then again, it's their country. Some locals are players, a number aren't, and there IS a conservative group who support traditional values, bemoaning the fact of how decadent life has become.

I was speaking more from a personal perspective. Me being a cheap charlie, and given the alcohol prices, I'm NOT buying a drink for some stranger in a bar. I never bought alcohol for someone I didn't know (as in outside the liquor store when asked) , and I made sure I kept my work life separate from my home life. You DON'T want a local co-worker showing up on your doorstep looking for a place to drink, or to use your place as a ST hotel. What would seem to be simple western hospitality "Can I get you a drink?" can have very negative blowback. My point is, you provide a glass of beer, he drives away, gets in an accident, LE will be VERY unhappy you provided alcohol, as in he's not responsible, YOU are.I understand your concern. I was just amazed by the 'dobule standards'. Although double standards exists in all countries

04-13-12, 08:09
I would like to meet fellow mongers in Dubai I l be staying at the ramada bur Dubai for 3 nights 13 April to16 April and then at the radisson blue for 2 nights.

Pm me,


CallSign Papa
04-13-12, 09:32
Was heading past International City yesterday and remembered I'd taken a PRC number at the York the weekend before. Girl in question wasn't exactly a stunner but she was quite tall and had a gorgeous ass, so I decided to call on the off-chance. Said she remembered me, but I doubt it.

She's based in the China part (oh the irony). Apartment was pretty run down with the standard crappy double bed and not much else. Anyway, we'd already agreed 400 ST last time we'd spoken which she honoured. We dispensed with the "massage" facade and got straight down to business. Great BBBJ and I was giving serious consideration to just popping there, but decided to don the overcoat and venture in. Cue the standard ooh's and ash's.

Was probably only there 40 minutes, but was a nice stress reliever. Planning on going back for a photo session.

Rich Gossage
04-13-12, 14:43
Big thanks to Mr Bravo for his exceptional reply to my question! I am at your service.

I am used to asking whether girls have "A-Levels". Sounds like I would get a very odd look!

I was browsing a couple of other sites. Massage republic being one. And saw "hardsports" advertised as a service. Seriously! Blimey.

Well thanks to this forum I feel well equipped! If anyone fancies "tag-team" and showing a newcomer to Dubai the ropes, let me know.

Cheers and reports to follow.


04-13-12, 19:32
Hi Everyone,

I just had a nice and fun filled 2-3 hour session with Sophie.

You can find her here:


I also posted my report on massage republic.

Excellent service, best massage ever.

Nice body, but the pictures are either old or a bit photoshopped.

Also the english is pretty poor but I am not disappointed and Sophie is making sure you get what you want.

It was just a bit complicated to get her to come to my hotel because of the language barrier.

Face: 7.

Body: 8.

Sex: 9.

Overall: 8.

WIR: I wouldI forgot to mention the damage: Was quoted 1300 for LT.

I paid her 700 first and told her I would give the rest in the morning.

But I was done with her after a bit more than 2h so I gave her 300.

04-13-12, 21:10
Just went to the York club. Wow. What a meat market. I've never been to such a place.

If you are reeeeeaaaalllly desperate to find someone, juste get there. There was like 50 girls at least tonight. Mostly Africans and Asians, mostly PRC, but I could spot a couple of Jap or Korean.

I didn't find what I wanted (CIS) so I jsut decided it was a night without. Went back to my hotel (HIX Jumeirah)

There was 3 girls seating in front. One was a stunner and I went to ask whether they were working, but I got no answer. True russians, you got to speak the language.

04-13-12, 21:50
Well thanks to this forum I feel well equipped!Dug these translations out from the archives:

Where you come from? - "How big is your wallet?"
Secondary translation: "What is safety risk?"

How long you stay Dubai? - "Can I quote you the tourist price, or do I have to use the resident one?"

Where you stay? - "Will there be problems using your place?"
Also used to gauge size of wallet, potential problems / overhead of going with you, and to figure in charges for travel time.

What's your name? - Better I call you something other than Darling or Habibi.

04-13-12, 23:43
It is interesting that supplying alcohol to muslims is illegal. I think substantial (probably 50%) of customers in the bars are muslim and I assume 99. 99% of local arabs are muslim.

There is also issue of policing. How you know that someone is muslim?If you want to BYOB, best thing is to buy when you arrive at the airport (Dubai Duty Free). Otherwise, you need a "license".

04-14-12, 08:53
Just went to the York club. Wow. What a meat market. I've never been to such a place.
There was 3 girls seating in front. One was a stunner and I went to ask whether they were working, but I got no answer. True russians, you got to speak the language.They were working, just not for you. :) I used to call it the artic freeze; you approach, and the temperature drops 30 degrees.

Basically, any girl in the York is working, especially CIS. The chance of a civilian there is about the same as winning the dxb duty free lottery.

Not criticizing, but next time, if you want to make some progress with her, just mention:

I paid her 700 first and told her I would give the rest in the morning. But I was done with her after a bit more than 2h so I gave her 300.assuming that was 300 MORE. For 1000 for 2 hours, I'm sure the Yorkie's languange skills would have improved instantaneously.

I always figured a girl like that was doing ME a favor. After all, if she was not interested in me in the bar, then I certainly would not expect her attitude to improve at home. Like you said, plenty of willing opportunity at the York.

Tom Travel
04-14-12, 12:42
Brave11. Nice advice / write-up. Great info for new punters. And I pretty much agree with everything.

A few times I've hardly done any chitchat before going into the business in the bar and it's not been very satisfying. You defeintely need to get a sense of whether you'll click before you leave otherwise you just end up unhappy. You may have dropped your load (physically and financially) but if it was a struggle (girl asks for more money. Etc, something not on the menu) sometimes I'd rather I hadn't done anything.

Anwyays some questions:

- do most working girls take it in the ass? I'm sure it depends a bit on the girl, but generally speaking? Which kind (CIS / PRC / Filli / Stani) is most likely to?

- Which kind (CIS / PRC / Filli / Stani) is most likely to do BBBJ and finish in mouth?

I had a stani recently from Rockafella's and it was CBJ only, not even any ball licking, pay at the bar (since she was managed). Altogether a bad deal but the little head won over the bid head.

I had a filly who was quite sweet, did BBBJ, but not too enthousiastic, no CIM, no backside no rimming. She was the only I had.

I had a independent Stani (from Marbles bar in Radison Blu Dubai Creek, same hotel as Kubu) who gave an absofuckinglutely amazing BJ. CCBJ, very sloppy / messy, very deep, licking ballsm, rimming, etc. Honestly I don't know why I even fucked her (descent fucking skills but still). Her BJ skills were so good. Her name was Diana is anybody knows her. I lost touch with her.

I had a few PRC's, usually find them a bit too forced / fake / business.

If you find one that is great, definetely get a phone number. Sometimes you've been out and not finding anything. It's good to have somebody on call that you know you can have a good time with. The girls like it too since they know what to expect (no risk, they know you are nice, etc).

Anyway. The above just shows milage varies from time to time and with different girls.

CyberMike 4
04-14-12, 15:59
Hi guys,

I was in Blends for a drink the other day and I noticed that amount of wg there, has been increased. There was a tall black girl, sexy body with a huge tattoo on her back, but couldn't approach her since she was negotiating with a fm and after that they left together, anybody has tried her?


04-14-12, 21:45
A few times I've hardly done any chitchat before going into the business in the bar and it's not been very satisfying. You defeintely need to get a sense of whether you'll click before you leave otherwise you just end up unhappy.There really IS some chemistry involved, if only that she feels comfortable with you. That's why I ALWAYS preferred the bar scene, and can't quite understand the sight-unseen contact requests, given the [cliche]Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I always preferred to pick my own.

sometimes I'd rather I hadn't done anything.Been there, done that. Sometimes you just have to RE-learn those lessons.

- do most working girls take it in the ass? I'm sure it depends a bit on the girl, but generally speaking? Which kind (CIS / PRC / Filli / Stani) is most likely to?Most girls don't. Individual decision. I know most PRC's don't (always a few exceptions). Wicked Roger seemed to have good luck with Filli's, but that might have been with the girls he knew. That's why always better to ask in the bar if it's on the menu. But I'd make it clear it's not a deal breaker as otherwise you'll be pegged by the wg's and those that don't won't bother with you.

- Which kind (CIS / PRC / Filli / Stani) is most likely to do BBBJ and finish in mouth?Again, individual decision. I had pretty good luck with PRC's, but then again, they were the vast majority of my sample pool. I always asked in the bar if that was on the menu, unless she was a "Must Do", in which case, menu not applicable.

I had a stani recently from Rockafella's and it was CBJ only, not even any ball licking, pay at the bar (since she was managed).I ALWAYS passed on those "pay a 3rd party" offers. I mean, if they didn't trust her, why should I? Just too much chance of something going wrong in non-delivery. I remember reading some FR's here that stuck in my mind where a girl admitted that her controller told her (in native language) to cut it short and bail out as the money was in hand. Not the girl's fault, really, as she catches grief from the boss if she doesn't. CIS / Stani wasn't really my thing, but did know a few who were independent, or at least had enough control that they collected the money themselves, afterwards.

I had a few PRC's, usually find them a bit too forced / fake / business.Not MY experience. Had quite a few PRC GFE's. Would play house for the night. She'd come over early and fix dinner. They'd appreciate being treated as a "normal" girl, and having a relaxed evening in a safe work environment (as you stated).

If you find one that is great, definetely get a phone number. Sometimes you've been out and not finding anything. It's good to have somebody on call that you know you can have a good time with. The girls like it too since they know what to expect (no risk, they know you are nice, etc).And if you call to book early enough, she saves the bar entrance fee. I always had a Miss Thursday as I hated to go out that night, given the crowds. Good for holidays (bar closures) too.

04-15-12, 05:55
Stopped in for a massage at the AMP on Shiek Zeyad road in Dubai Marina last night. It's the one with the bright charturse sign, can't miss it, one block up from Marina Mall. Nice! Clean, meno varied from 200 for Thai Massage to just under 500. Very nice massage with standard HJ happy ending for a 150 tip. Futon on floor. Great way to spend an hour, total cost was 350. I would go again!

Wilts Boy
04-15-12, 21:24
As promised a report from my recent trip.

A couple weeks ago had headed off the Moscow Hotel to try and catch up with a old regular whom I had known for around 3 years and knew was in town. Despite getting there early it soon became apparent after a quick phone call she would not be coming out that night due to illness. Well as I was there and in need to get my fix of blonde CIS action I started surveying suitable candidates. Whilst not the most stunningly beautiful girl and slightly round faced blonde caught my attention (might have had something to do with the huge tits also!). Having made the standard usual small talk and being a bit flirty together I decided not risk loosing the opportunity asked what the damage would be. The usual DH1, 500 quote came back, which got my usual laughing response. We finally agreed on DH1000 for all night, with certain conditions attached to ensure she did stay all night and I got VFM.

Once in the taxi, had a bit off scare as we came to a road block on the Al-Maktoum bridge, luckily the police we turning all cars around, so had to take the detour via al-Garhoud bridge back to the Towers Rotana. Once in the room it soon became clear what I thought was an 8/10 in the club was maybe only 6. 5 or 7 at a push, and those huge tits were not as big in reality. But what the hell, she was friendly, blonde, and CIS so decided to roll with it. And boy what a great decision it was.

Having spend what seemed like an age in the bathroom getting ready, she came baack to the room and what followed has to be one of the best punts I have ever had in Dubai. She sat me down on the chair and proceeded to stick her tongue right down my throat and this continued for around 10 mins, whilst I carressed and fingered here in the process, she then gave me a great BBBJ with a technic which would rival a lot of vacuum cleaners.

Just when I thought it could not get better, she then told me to sit on the edge of the bed, and once in the possition she lifted my legs into the air and started to rim my ass. This rimjob lasted another 10 mins, at which point I told her we needed to have sex. We then had sex in various positions and just before I was about to cum, she said she wanted me to cum in her mouth, which I proceeded to do, and she swallowed the lot. This truely has to be a first with a CIS girl, less than 50% will do BBBJ, and even fewer will allow CIM. But rimming and swallowing is a first from any CIS.

After a 30 min break whilist we chatted we started over again having sex in the baathroom and lounge area of the room, and again culminating with me cumming in her mouth. She did try to get me going for a third sesion, but given it was nearly 5am by this time and I had work the next day, I decided to raise the white flag.

It had to be one of my best nights in Dubai over the past 6 years, so good I repeated it a few nights later with the same results.

Unfortunately Oksana is back in Ukraine at present, however should be back aat the end of April. Just look out for a slightly round fced blonde, around 5'2" with big tits. You will not be dissappointed.


04-15-12, 22:45
day 7.

a female friend was visiting from canada and wanted to go to an actual club. the only place i could think of was chiatthe lodge but wasn't too keen on going there since it catered to a younger crowd. i remember zincatcrowne plaza szr being a decent club. off i went from my hotel and she came from hers. i reached about 20 minutes early and being humid outside i decided to go in and i was told couples only. i went and stood back waiting for my friend. two cis girls approached me and said they will take me in i buy them couple of drinks, i politely declined and had a sense that there could be a mix crowd in there.

my friend arrived and off we went in, the bouncer looks at me and gives me a weird look, now mind you, my friend is originally from zimbabwe so it was 'the look' that bouncers give when leaving a club with a wg. anyways, the atmosphere inside felt like an urban club with no hint of being attacked by wgs and their usual fishing. minutes later we are dancing, and she is lost somewhere in the crowd and so am i we sms each other and turns out she met some locals from her town of zimbabwe and is chatting away with them.

i was hanging by the bar and getting a drink while an arm comes from with 100dhs in hand asking me to buy a drink. i moved away from the bar and told her to go get it herself. i was being rude but i didn't like the way i was asked. i was told 'son of a *' in arabic and i ignored it. she gets her drink and comes to me pointing out the wgs in the club which were handful of them and not in my 6th sense i would imagine them as wg, she also spotted the two cis girls that met me outside zinc.

to find it interesting i strike up convo with her inquiring about her, she claims to be from egypt and working in advertising for emirates. i ask her to come out with me from the club to have a chat, we go sit in the lobby and she goes back to her rudeness and says she pities for guys like me looking for wg and paying for sex. i had to defend the mongers so i blamed it on the all the wgs and did my best. long story short, she asked me how much would i pay and i said about 1000. she says lets go to your house now or her place. i explain to her that i'm with a friend and it won't be appropriate to pull this kind of move. she kept on insisting she is horny etc what not. told her i will take her number and call her back. she said at least to walk her to taxi and drive her off. i took her number for a later time. at the taxi, she and off she went.

i go back into the club and think of approaching the wgs she pointed out to see where it will go, now it was hard as my friend was back with me. i tried the usual eye contact scene, ask to come and it worked on some and some it didn't as it was a clear sign these girls weren't wg. girls here ranged from 1500-2000 particularly from russia. got a chance to talk to one russian in detail and it's basically 1500 for st so in my opinion it's a waste unless these girls offer lt with full gfe menu. some high end africans were available too but i didn't inquire.

the next day i call the egyptian girl to check up on her and just making casual talk. i was about to propose my offer for the night and right before that to my surprise she apologized for the misconduct and said she was just fooling around with me only to discover what a gentleman i was not to take her back and walk her to get a taxi. we ended up being friends. too bad no sign of friends with benefits.

day 7.

i've always passed by york and wanted to avoid going there because of the amount of wgs that go there. i was feeling the itch and decided to go. don't remember the entry details but this place has all kinds, shapes, types of wg. now only if the quality would be slightly higher and i'm certain every hobbyist would be taking one or two for the night.

got tacked by the prc as if i was shopping for knock offs at china town, knock off boobs for sure. but wasn't interested tad bit. you will notice in the club that all sorts of groups hang out around each other. being native arab i have a thing for 'blondes' made an eye contact with one, zarina is her name, get her a drink and the usual inquiry. service seemed so-so, but it's hard to think with the big head as little one is very convincing. 800 lt and deal was sealed. alarms went off when money was asked for up front and separate taxis, i said no and she insisted, i said someone might do that but i won't and i politely declined. it was really hard for me to say no but somehow i managed, that shows how much i love my money. later another fair skin girl with black hair comes and said her friend blew up the deal and i wouldn't have been pleased by her as she'the walk out of the room middle of the night. she claimed she is the opposite and 'satisfucktion guaranteed' impressed by her sales skills, negotiated to 900 from 1500 lt and full menu off we went, her name was urushka from uzbek, whatever with the name. seaview was breeze specially she had uae i'd. and in the room dfk began right away and she unzips my pant to pull out johnny, i said not now and moved to drinks first.

we chat and drink, a lot. she can drink and talk, gives me her history how she got into wg scene as she was working in duty free shop at the airport and one of her friend suggested she joins into this market for quick money, finally had to make a move on her to shut her up and she just digs in with dfk and we move to the shower. in the shower, she starts giving me bbbj and tries to rub my dick on her pussy, not sure if she was testing to see if i'the slide it in, but told her main course on the bed with rubber she said 'i know'. she had a nice pair of ds which felt real and i tried to explore to find whether they were silicones from any angle but fact is they were real. round 1 finished and round 2 didn't take any break, after some hard trying round 2 was a knockout.

early morning she wakes me up feeling my penis, i excuse myself to brush my teeth for some more dfk action upon my return, round 3 was in full swing and she asked me if i was interested in anal. i declined as i rarely partake there. seeing her pleasant personality i offered her to join breakfast with me (big mistake) you really get looks from the families sitting there and thumbs up from the single men.

i walked her out to taxi, she go in, and said she wrote her number on the desk. stupid girl forgot to write down her complete number and i played guessing game of dialing all last numbers from 0-9 and none worked out.

day 8.

so i was explaining to client i was visiting about the partying scene in dubai compared to toronto and this guy invited me to cavalli clubatfairmont. i graciously declined at the beginning but he was very insisting and i accepted. got to cavalli and name was booked on vip, was told that usually single men are not allowed but this time was an exception because of the guest. no idea about that. was escorted to the table and i was like a kid in a candy land not because of the women but the art and decoration of this club. i'the probably write a whole report to describe the club itself. i reach to my table only to find two attractive indian beauties seated on the sofas. i thought i was being placed at the wrong booth but apparently the host was not my client but a friend of his, and these two girls were the hosts' friends.

maya and khusi were their names, they worked as elementary school teachers in dubai, and i can only imagine how horny their students must be when they grow up. all the guests arrived and this place is a restaurant / lounge. it has a nice table setup for people who'the like to eat dinner first and continue their night to a dance off.

it felt boring in the beginning as i had no one to dance one, the girls were all into the host as he seemed like some rich indian dude who was well set in dubai. i venture off to the dance floor by myself and bump into a cute girl, apologized and moved on. i turn around to look she gives smiles back to me, now she was a decent looking girl but i didn't want to mix up with non-wg / wg at this club. about 1am the host and my client decided to branch, the drinks are not even finished. the host advises me that i pull some girls to the table and offer them free drinks as it's already paid for. i listen to his advise and do so.

i was approached by man inquiring my loneliness at such a club, i gave him the scoop and minutes later he had 5 girls sitting on my table from 2 russia, ukraine, brazil and argentina. this guy was the asst. manager at the club and he hooked up the regular girls. finally after some 'professional' chatting, most of the girls worked for 'channel', day time models, mall advertisement girls and finally one of them made a fast move, got down to business which was a shocker to me. 3000 dhs was the price quoted to me. to think about it, these girls maybe worth that money but for men with deep pockets, so deep that when 3000 dhs goes away from the account it doesn't make a difference.

in no position i was able to decline, i didn't even know how to decline, the russians / ukrainian walked away leaving me with the spanish beauties. was told to tag team for 5k again, was in no position to decline and speechless. i pretended i was drunk and didn't want to partake and the girls walked away. seems like those were the only wgs from cavalli and then i noticed the first girl i bumped into at the dance floor, i invited her for a drink, followed by her friends and she was nowhere closer to a wg, to me she seemed like fishing for a rich bf and working as chef at fairmont. i frankly told her that i don't live in uae and that was a mood killer for her. somehow it got awkward and she left.

outside was a whole different scene, girls everywhere, and that i believe was from another bar in fairmont. i tried to spot the euro and spanish girls but nowhere to be scene. approached one from turkey and was quoted 1500 / night. again not worth it imo, too bad gone are the rattlesnake days where outside negotiation was half of what was offered at cavalli.

if you got deep pockets cavalli is the place for you.

day 9.

premier – all the bells and whistles taken care of and right the moment i step in was told hello by saira. a pakistani model who is in town to make quick cash. never had paki wg so decided to go for a spin, but i did tell her that i'the like to fish around more before i take her. she gives me the speech of how other girls are fake etc. told her to stay with me till 2am and off we will go then. she said if i'm taking her i should take care of the time and pay her for it. agreed and i respect that. offered her drink but she said she is muslim so won't drink wtf? and it's ok to work for you as wg. mood killer right there.

but i was still interested in her. lots of different varieties of girls here which didn't interest me and didn't take long for saira to convince me to go back to the room and ready for some action. money upfront was asked, half paid and half later. i drank just by myself where else she was txting on her phone, + + mood killer, was going to tell her take 200 dhs and fuck off. but again little head is hard to control.

she goes to the corner and takes off her clothes, i tell her that i have fun taking off clothes more than sex. she laughs, finally an ice breaker that should have taken place a while back. lfk, tried to squeeze in the tongue but hesitation was felt, another mood killer. i was expecting her to go down, she refuses, i didn't even bother asking for daty and went straight to the hole. mish was the only acceptable position with fake moans and face turned away.

finally after some eruption, she asked for the rest of the money. gave her and kicked her out, she had the nerve to ask for tip and i said instead she should be tipping me.

i have a few more repeats to the above locations but no such successful.

in conclusion i'the like to thank all members for their guidance as it had helped me a lot and one advise from me is to treat all wgs respectfully because they are in this business for a reason. the ones with the greed and scam are different story. always agree on menu before you seal the deal, things can change because at the club there might be loud music. be clear on the currency, dhs vs dollars big difference. tell the wg that you will pay after, they will be very convincing to pay right away and mixture of alcohol and horniness is not a good one.

i will be in dubai in two weeks, if anyone is interested in meeting for few pints i'm game.

04-15-12, 22:58
Dear WB.

Nice report and very nice finding.

CIS=BBBJ with CIM and fully GFE. Which is hard to find here. Imazing.


As promised a report from my recent trip.

A couple weeks ago had headed off the Moscow Hotel to try and catch up with a old regular whom I had known for around 3 years and knew was in town. Despite getting there early it soon became apparent after a quick phone call she would not be coming out that night due to illness. Well as I was there and in need to get my fix of blonde CIS action I started surveying suitable candidates. Whilst not the most stunningly beautiful girl and slightly round faced blonde caught my attention (might have had something to do with the huge tits also!). Having made the standard usual small talk and being a bit flirty together I decided not risk loosing the opportunity asked what the damage would be. The usual DH1, 500 quote came back, which got my usual laughing response. We finally agreed on DH1000 for all night, with certain conditions attached to ensure she did stay all night and I got VFM.

Once in the taxi, had a bit off scare as we came to a road block on the Al-Maktoum bridge, luckily the police we turning all cars around, so had to take the detour via al-Garhoud bridge back to the Towers Rotana. Once in the room it soon became clear what I thought was an 8/10 in the club was maybe only 6. 5 or 7 at a push, and those huge tits were not as big in reality. But what the hell, she was friendly, blonde, and CIS so decided to roll with it. And boy what a great decision it was.

Having spend what seemed like an age in the bathroom getting ready, she came baack to the room and what followed has to be one of the best punts I have ever had in Dubai. She sat me down on the chair and proceeded to stick her tongue right down my throat and this continued for around 10 mins, whilst I carressed and fingered here in the process, she then gave me a great BBBJ with a technic which would rival a lot of vacuum cleaners.

Just when I thought it could not get better, she then told me to sit on the edge of the bed, and once in the possition she lifted my legs into the air and started to rim my ass. This rimjob lasted another 10 mins, at which point I told her we needed to have sex. We then had sex in various positions and just before I was about to cum, she said she wanted me to cum in her mouth, which I proceeded to do, and she swallowed the lot. This truely has to be a first with a CIS girl, less than 50% will do BBBJ, and even fewer will allow CIM. But rimming and swallowing is a first from any CIS.

After a 30 min break whilist we chatted we started over again having sex in the baathroom and lounge area of the room, and again culminating with me cumming in her mouth. She did try to get me going for a third sesion, but given it was nearly 5am by this time and I had work the next day, I decided to raise the white flag.

It had to be one of my best nights in Dubai over the past 6 years, so good I repeated it a few nights later with the same results.

Unfortunately Oksana is back in Ukraine at present, however should be back aat the end of April. Just look out for a slightly round fced blonde, around 5'2" with big tits. You will not be dissappointed.


04-16-12, 10:53
Hi all,

A two weeks ago and after a long period, thought to check some filli action, so decided to first check room availability, after some research, found Jormand suits hotel appartments rates are resonable. So booked for a night and headed to ratsky, reached there around 1145, the club was packed even it was weekday, saw some new faces and those are looking good specially there was a group of 4 girls and they are A class by look and body but their attitude was too rude, I felt clearly that they are there only for westeners who offer them expensive drinks and pay them a handsome amount, I tried to ask one of hot girl in the group but she rudly quoted 1200- for LT which makes me laugh I said Gudluck. Again I start making selection and decide I will take up after 1am, so short listed some but when I tried to proceed they all gone, unlucky me. Around 2am saw one beauty coming in and straight she went inside near pool table, she was slim with beautiful face, I thought this would be good so I went to her and asked about LT, she quoted 700- I offer her 500- after some negotiation she agreed but asking money upfront. It seems that money upfront is mandatory for all WG, anywayz I felt it won't be bad so I gave her money there, and went outside together, we went to hotel into my car, at reception they asked for I'd unfortunetly she had color copy of passport, they accept it. (Green sign). In the room, some small talking and she initiated first to ask shower I said we can take shower together, then went for shower and to the bed, overall a long and good session and I felt wetness down there seems that she is also enjoyed and finished 2 times in a row. After finish I felt very sleepy. At 6am she woke me up and said she have to go I was thinking about morning session but my mood was gone when she asked for leave I said ok, she went out and I sleep again.

Her name was Wendy she usually came in club after 0130am, overall a good night spend, hotel was also a Green and I beleive its ok if we just want to place to bring WG for a night. (hotel details is in Hotel Thread) I am also in a lust for those 4 beauties I will keep trying to get atleast one of them which has big titts. I observe that new girls are coming every month so it is the best place for filli lovers and one more thing I observe that if you give money upfront to filli the chances are only 2% that she will ditch you to cut ST to LT, usually they leave around 7am in the morning even if you get them at 12am / 2am / 3am.

Over and out.


04-16-12, 11:31
In conclusion I'the like to thank all members for their guidance as it had helped me a lot and one advise from me is to treat all WGs respectfully because they are in this business for a reason. The ones with the greed and scam are different story. Always agree on menu before you seal the deal, things can change because at the club there might be loud music. Be clear on the currency, DHS vs Dollars big difference. Tell the WG that you will pay after, they will be very convincing to pay right away and mixture of alcohol and horniness is not a good one.Good advice long with a great FR about places normally not reported on. Appreciate the time it takes to write. Cheers.

I walked her out to taxi, she go in, and said she wrote her number on the desk. Stupid girl forgot to write down her complete number and I played guessing game of dialing all last numbers from 0-9 and none worked out.I always found that if she was a candidate for the pitching rotation, or relief pitcher, I'd get her phone number just as she was getting ready to depart, that final minute as she's checking she's got everything. Dial it immediately and let her phone ring. That way, both of us could log the number into our phones. You're sure it works, and you don't have to waste time explaining who you are if you call again. Saves time and money so you don't have to return to the bar trying to find her.

04-17-12, 18:52
Fredo 24,

Thank you again for your generosity mate in answering my questions and offering your insights. Much appreciated.

You asked about young Filis in massage places. Only one I have seen was about a year ago at Mona Lisa in Oud Metha. I never took her but she was always friendly and had a nice attitude. I always used to take the thai gals there.

Ok more questions for you. As you truly are a pro at this massage caper!

*whats your favourite place for massage and extras?

*have you tried any places in jumeirah or al barsha that you can recommend?

*preferred place / provider for massage and BBBJ?

I will also throw this out to anyone. I have been driving near discovery gardens and noticed about 3 or 4 places have sprung up back there in Zen clusters. I will go and try one weekend and post my thoughts. Has anyone tried them? They look like pure Chinese.

Thanks again Fredo 24.



Sun and sands has different branches. I mentioned the location pf each.

No the marina one is called marina massage and is close to yacht club.

100 aed is pretty standard indeed.

I forgot I have also been to :

- Sheika massage on al maktoum : good massage but extras were average.

- apple massage also on maktoum next to iranian restaurant : average on both counts as well.

Both sheika and app, e had a thai girl, which I like much better than a Chinese one. Having said that, best HJ I have had so far is probably by a Chinese girl in the sun and sands near clock tower I mentioned above.

Not many black girls doing massages it seems. What about young fili girls? I am not into 40 plus fili ladies for this.

04-17-12, 23:08
Good advice Long with a great FR about places normally not reported on. Appreciate the time it takes to write. Cheers.

I always found that if she was a candidate for the pitching rotation, or relief pitcher, I'd get her phone number just as she was getting ready to depart, that final minute as she's checking she's got everything. Dial it immediately and let her phone ring. That way, both Of us could log the number into our phones. You're sure it works, and you don't have to waste time explaining who you are if you call again. Saves time and money so you don't have to return to the bar trying to find her.Yes, giving back to the community.

I believe if I had left my phone back in the room and didn't remember my UAE number off hand so thats why I had asked her earlier to write down my number.

But good advise for next time.


04-19-12, 07:14
Went the first time yesterday. Nice place, easy to find. Good selection of 6 girls.

Went for one Chinese. 120 AED upfront payment done. When she came back to the room she immediately started to ask how many tips I will give her.

I said 200 AED and she was upset and asking for 600 AED. I said no way since 300 AED is the standard in these places.

She kept on negotiating and I was already getting into a mood where I rather leave this place. Finally she started with a massage and finished me off in a kind of rush. Then she asked again for 300 AED. I gave her 200 AED and left. Not really a good experienence I have to say.

Don't know if the other girls are the same but if that's the case I will avoid this place in the future.

CallSign Papa
04-20-12, 15:50
Don't know if the other girls are the same but if that's the case I will avoid this place in the future.Khundig.

It really does depend on the girl. Seems like the new girls will keep pushing their luck. The last time I was there we agree 200 for the girl with 100 tip if she earned it. She didn't and she didn't get it. The only reason I keep going back there is that (on average) they're cuter than your standard Deira AMP.

04-20-12, 19:05

It really does depend on the girl. Seems like the new girls will keep pushing their luck. The last time I was there we agree 200 for the girl with 100 tip if she earned it. She didn't and she didn't get it. The only reason I keep going back there is that (on average) they're cuter than your standard Deira AMP.I agree. The selection of girls was much better compared to Deira. But in Deira I always get a proper full service with CIM etc. For 300 including 100 tip.

The girl I chosed at Lucy's didn't speak English at all but had a great body I have to admit. But the service was not worth the money and the begging about more money just killed my mood. I might try another one one day but I'm still upset about the situation yesterday to be honest.

04-20-12, 19:10
Fookin great stuff my man, saved me a few weeks of trawling meeself, just arrived in UAE for some serious mongering and living.

All the best.

Here is a summary of venues that is based on a very old report. Every effort has been made to keep the information updated. Please feel free to amend or add your comments.

Premiere, Hyatt Regency, Entry 120.

CIS, PRC, African.

ST 700-1200 LT 1000-2000.

Good quality but poor attitude.

Ku Bu, Radison SAS, Entry Free.

CIS, PRC, Arab, Afrcican.

ST 800-1200 LT 1000-2000.

Good quality, Nice attituce.

Rattlesnake, Metropolitan Hotel, Entry 50.

CIS, PRC, Arab (Lebanese) , African in Parking lot.

ST 500-800 LT 800-1500.

Rockafellas, Regal Hotel.

Entry CIS 75, ST 400-700 LT 500-1000. Attitude may not be nice.

Jules, Hotel Le-meridian Near Airport, Entry 50.

25°14'51. 75"N 55°20'47. 11"E.


ST 400-700 LT 800-1200.

Jockeys, Panarama Hotel, Entry 50, wth One Free Drink

25°15'17. 81"N 55°17'35. 74"E.

CIS, PRC, Africans.

ST 300-500 LT 500-800 Open Afternoon, Average quality, Nice attituce.

Imprial Hotel, Rolla Street, Entry 50 wth One Free Drink.

African, PRC, few CIS, Inidan

ST 300-500 LT 500-1000 Average quality.

York Hotel, Entry 50 wth One Free Drink.

African (recently load of Ethopian / Somalian) , PRC, CIS (Most Central Aisans)

ST 200-400 LT 400-800 Cheap.

Seaview, Seaview Hotel. 25°15'19. 25"N 55°17'6. 24"E.

PRC, Philli, Few CIS, African

ST 400-700 LT 600-800 (suitable for Phili lovers)

Sheraton Diera, Basement.

CIS, Africans.

ST 400-600, LT 500-900 (average to good quality)

Sheraton Diera, Russian Club, First Floor.

CIS, Arabs.

ST 400-600 LT 500-1000

Used to have very good quality Newbie CIS. Now qulaity is poor.

Following is based on Second Hand Information and Forum.

Red Square Moscow Hotel.

CIS, Turkish.

TGIT, Astoria Hotel, Entry 35, 25°15'42. 99"N 55°17'32. 50"E.

CIS, PRC, Africans.

ST 400-500 LT 600-1000 Open in afternoon.

Broadway Coffe Shop, Broadway Hotel, Entry 50.


ST 400-700 LT 700-1000

Most will insist on using Hotel Room, Open in afternoon.

Rumours, Ramada Hotel. 25°15'19. 39"N 55°17'42. 56"E

African, PRC, CIS.

ST 400-700 LT 1000 Mostly waste of time.

Nelson's Bar in Media Rotana Hotel Tecom area


Buddha Bar or Club 44 (both in Grosvenor House in the New Marina.

A+ WG 2000+ LT.

Ramee Royal near Maktoum Street, CIS PRC.

Palm Hotel (Computer Street).

African (Ethiopian, Congolese, Cameroon)

Westin tuesdays, WG's very discree, MILF possible.

Fairmont Hotel, High class wg.

Scarletts, annex Emirates towers

West Europeans 1500+

Marco polo, Russian Club.

Kasbah Club, (One and only Royal Meridien) , Entry 50, few WG

Ratskys, Karama Hotel, PI.

Cin Cin Bar, Hotel Fairmont, A few WGs and epxensive.

Club 400, Hotel Fairmont, A few WGs and epxensive.

Trader vics, Few CIS.

Savage Garden, Capito Hotel, Some Wg.

Rockwells, Capital Hotel, Some Wg.

Music Room, Majestic Hotel

49'rs, Hawthorn Hotel, CIS.

Beagles, Airport Millinium Hotel, CIS.


Boudoir Club Jumeira, Lebanese and Moroccan.

Pomodora Restaurant, Le Meridien Mina Seyahi, Lebanese.

City Star Hotel, Bur Duba, Belley dance, only a few cis.

Zinc, Crowne Plaza, SZR, Few WGs and Discrete

04-20-12, 19:14
Went there yesterday at around 11pm. Good selection of girls but nothing really catching my eye. Than a lady came to the bar. 30 years old and part timer. Looking for a serious job in Dubai. Had a chat with her and off we went to my hotel. Excellent night with that woman. She was really into it since she was a bit shy in the beginning. Had a fantastic night and will call her again next time I'm in Dubai.

04-20-12, 19:44
Got into Dubai about 2300 on Thursday and used the Marahaba diamond meet and greet service. It cost 150 AED and got me past the eye scan and passport control in less than 15 minutes. (Last time was almost 2 hours without the service) Well worth the money spent.

Check into Le Meridian and after a quick shave and shower went to Julies Bar for a pickup. The place was full with a god selection of girls mainly CIS and PRC. I did not even make it once around the floor before I was approached by a drop dead gorgeous girl from PRC. Her name wan Shanna or something like that, we agreed on 1000 AED for LT and went back to my room, total time in the bar less than 10 minutes. She was tall for a Chinese and looked very busty.

Did see first hand the discrimination that has been talked about here before. There was a few ROI guys in the bar and not a one of them was getting any response from the girls and all I did was take my lily white ass in there and had positive eye contact with about a dozen in the first few minutes.

While she did have a nice rack she was a disappointment. Her BJ method was to just make a hole with her mouth and pump away, no tongue or lip action. After coming once CBJ I then tit fucked her and came in her face.

She wanted to leave after that but when I reminded her that we had a deal for a LT she stayed the night, Ha a COB and then a bit of a sleep, work up about 6 AM and had another CBJ and she left. Her massage technique was also abysmal, not even worth having as she obviously did not know the first thing about giving a satisfying massage either.

Not a bad session, just that she was not very skilled or enthusiastic.

Dropped into Julies about 1400 on Friday, the place was full of Filipinas getting some sort of lecture or training on a computer program, there were a couple of girls there who looked pro but as it was a little early for me I decided to go for a jet lag nap and return a little later. Went back 1830 and the only people in the place was a few couples eating outside and inside was a table of Arab dressed men having an animated discussion. No girls working or otherwise in evidence.

Phoned Emma http://www.emmamassageindubai.com/ And asked for Maggie for a 2 hour session. Was quoted 1200 and since I have used Emma in the past and always gotten a great massage decided to go for it. (I like a good massage as much as the sex.)

Don't think it was the same girl as in the photos but she was nice looking, petite and young. She was massage and CBJ very skilled at both. She stayed the full two hours and was worth it as she was much more skilled than the previous one.

Tomorrow I think I'll go for a duo. I've been looking at these two girl http://www.dubaiescortservice.net/escorts/3818 As they advertise on many sites. They are a little pricy for a LT but they look worth the money, anyone got any experience with them?

Krypto Knight
04-21-12, 11:16
On the recently reposted list of mongering bars, the Sheraton in Diera is mentioned as having two clubs, one in the basement and also a first floor "Russian" Club. There are three Sheraton's in Diera. Can anyone give the exact hotel and location?

04-21-12, 11:55
Spent 4 days in DXB tasting the nice girls there. As soon as I landed, rushed to my hotel to freshen up and then on to the fun.

Day 1. Was already late around 1 am and checked out Kubu first but nothing caught my eye so moved on to Premiere. Formalities completed. Bought a beer and went looking around. Liked a paki but she was so busy texting someone that she did not even bother to look up when I stood near her waiting patiently. Looked like a bad pick and moved on. Talked to a few girls and funny thing is that 3 girls said they are Sarah! Saw a CIS girl who I liked a lot but by the time I went near her, she was already approached by another punter and I lost the chance as they fixed a deal and went away. Saw a good looing girl standing at the back of the bar and when I went and asked her, she did not even respond. So I understood she does not like me (for whatever reasons). As I was about to leave at 2 pm saw these couple of girls who had just entered. One of them immediately smiled at me and we started talking. She was a easy going and chatted very comfortably. Started nego and settled on 1000 for LT. Went to my room and had she was totally GFE, flirted, laughed, talked, kissed and overall great fun. Went down on her and she enjoyed it a lot. After a couple of shots in quick succession both of us went to sleep. She was in no hurry to leave and after another round in the morning, said goodbye.

Day 2. Went directly to Premiere early. Talked to a short good looking arabic girl. But she apparently did not speak english and the only word she said was arrbiii when I tried to talk to her. Then saw this exotic looking beauty with a large flower in her hair and nicely dressed. She said she is from morroco and quoted a high price. Tried to nego but she did not budge down. Might have to try her someday. Took a iranian girl for all nighter. Nice face but no boobs at all and she loved to talk dirty.

Day 3. I am hooked to premiere now and become too lazy to explore other venues. Wrong strategy but as long as the booty keeps coming, its all good. Met this attractive girl who has her own car. I remember reading on the forum about this chick and to be alert about her so was a bit wary. She is definitely good looking and after we finalized the rate, I asked her about DFK and she says its unhygeinic to kiss. WTF? And had the nerve then to advise me that even if some other girl in the bar agreed to kiss, I should not because all of them are unhygenic! Said bye and went ahead. Picked up a nice Romanian girl for LT and spent the night with her.

Day 4. Skipped Premiere and went to Kubu. Didn't waste much time as I had to catch a early morning flight. Went for a uzbeki girl. Was ok, just allowed soft lip kissing and no DFK. But overall was co-operative. Let her go after 2 hours as I was tired.

Hope to be back soon and planning to explore other venues.

04-21-12, 16:02
Went to the Golden Moon Spa, it is located at the Moon Valley Apartment Hotel.

Map here.


Go straight through the door, to the elevator and push 'R' Turn left and go straight into the spa entry.

Rate was AED 150 per hour or 250 for two. Took two girls for 2 hours, AED 500.

Place was clean and upscale looking. Newly decorated and overall first impression was good.

They were young Asians, I think Thai but am not sure. They were young and slim, one was kind of busty and the other typical Thai A cups.

Great massage with no pretense about the extra that would be available. After the back rub I turned over and they asked about a tip. Told them that I'the give 500 AED each if they got naked, must have been enough (or too much) because they were out of their clothes in a flash.

Nice 4 handed hand job and then they massaged my chest and legs while I recovered.

Once recovered they started another hand job, since I'm an old fart my second coming can take a while, they were obviously getting tired before I finally came. They were rubbing their tits over my body and in my face.

I'll repeat.

04-21-12, 17:46
Visited again this evening. Picked a plumper busty PRC, name Bo Bo. As usual from the word go its more erotic than therupatic. I love the way these PRCs have a go at the ass and crack. Turn over and the expected offer. I opted for a BBBJ. She was damn good. I had her up and explored her pussy nd rest. Almost ended cim but didn't. Todayi took the mistake of taking up the shower offer. The showers are located outside the spa common to the gym as well. Overall nice. 150msg plus tip 150.

Global Surfer
04-22-12, 01:10
On the recently reposted list of mongering bars, the Sheraton in Diera is mentioned as having two clubs, one in the basement and also a first floor "Russian" Club. There are three Sheraton's in Diera. Can anyone give the exact hotel and location?It is in Diera and also the name of the hotel is 'Sheraton Deira'. I think it is on Al Mateena Street. Please note that in my last visit I was disappointed both by the quanitity and quality.

Hotel may charge a joiner fee.

04-23-12, 16:33
Finally, I got my VPN fixed, overriding the admin rights. Man, you get everything fixed in Dubai for a price! Happy to be back with ISG.

Reached Dubai last weekend. Found some interesting joints new to me. In the past 3 days, at first I visited the usual hotspots like Rockaffelas (75, no drink) , York (60, 1 drink) , Jockeys (60, 1 drink) , Marines Club (60, 1 drink) , Rock Bottom Cafe (100 entry if no food ordered).

Rockafellas had some handful of quality CIS girls, York usually packed wz PRCs and Africans, very few CIS. Marines was a disaster except the good band. In Jockeys, the quality went down than my last visit. Girls were just average. Visited Rockbottom on a weekend and was full by 1 am. Few WGs but some good looking. Good band though.

Scored my first try with a CIS from York on the first day. Great body but the quality was poor, as she was like a dead fish on the bed. Damage was 500 as I picked her up at 3 am. Next day a Nigerian from York with huge tits. It was ok but no DFKs or GFE. Damage was 300 for ST. Third day, I picked up an Iranian from Rockafellas, and what a disaster. She was pissed drunk at first instance and was full of No No's. Just send her back in an hour. Damage was 500. I hope my next nights are fruitful.

For the first time, I visited some good bars like Cin Cin, Zync and the string bars at Madinat Jumeirah. Less WGs but the atmosphere was great and a good chance of MILF. So many single non pro girls and met few of them for drinks. Mostly cabin crews and working in Dubai. Exchanged the numbers and farming for the coming days. No actions occurred from these bars yet.

Keeping the Premiere, Kubu, Joules and other Dubai gems for my later nights. PM me if some one interested in joining fora drink in these coming days. More actions and further FRs to follow.

Thanks guys.

04-25-12, 15:45
Went to the Golden Moon Spa, it is located at the Moon Valley Apartment Hotel.

Map here.


Go straight through the door, to the elevator and push 'R' Turn left and go straight into the spa entry.

Rate was AED 150 per hour or 250 for two. Took two girls for 2 hours, AED 500.

Place was clean and upscale looking. Newly decorated and overall first impression was good.

They were young Asians, I think Thai but am not sure. They were young and slim, one was kind of busty and the other typical Thai A cups.

Great massage with no pretense about the extra that would be available. After the back rub I turned over and they asked about a tip. Told them that I'the give 500 AED each if they got naked, must have been enough (or too much) because they were out of their clothes in a flash.

Nice 4 handed hand job and then they massaged my chest and legs while I recovered.

Once recovered they started another hand job, since I'm an old fart my second coming can take a while, they were obviously getting tired before I finally came. They were rubbing their tits over my body and in my face.

I'll repeat.Snow1998 thank you for the generous post mate.

It seems from your post that you are a bit of an AMP afficianado.

I will definitely try this one down the track. A couple of questions if you don't mind:

# Are the rooms private? Ie do the walls go all the way up to the ceiling? Or is it a cubicle type set up?

# What other AMP's can you recommend that you have visited with good massage and service?

Thank You once again for sharing your experience with us.


04-25-12, 16:15

Gents I just wanted to say a big thank you to all who share their insight on this board.

I would like to thank Fredo 24 and Snow 1998 for sharing some of their experiences.

I am mentioning them because I absolutely love a good massage with extras and these gents have helped me through their info.

Friday Field Trip :

Woke up last Friday wanting a bit of fun and a bloody good massage after a hard week of doing the Dubai to Abu Dhabi work shuffle.

On Fredo's recommendation in an earlier post I went looking for the Marina Massage Spa in Dubai Marina area.


Very easy to find as Fredo24 stated use the Dubai Yacht club as your marker : if you have your back to the yacht club it will be across the road and on the right.

What I will add is is located literally opposite the Byblos hotel with a very pink sign (and next to a fish and chip shop!).

Walked in and and took a 1 hour oil for 150 AED. Receptionist cute and Filipino. Was handed over to a mid 30's Thai lady. Forget the name.

Masseurs all seemed Thai.

Rooms nicely appointed and with futons on the ground. Not massage table type set ups.

Massage good and I was enjoying a bit of Thai banter with her as I have been to Thailand many times. I find if you put them at ease they relax and trust you more. Turned over and she asked if I wanted the little fella massaged and I obliged. She said "you tip me " of course! Tipped 100 AED.

Used shower facility which waas clean and fine. Total damage :250 AED.

Found out the girls get 1000 aed a month wage. So gents. If you get good service. Tip well and support an important profession!

Please share any AMP's that you can recommend with prices and extras so we can build on these posts.



Horny Landoora
04-25-12, 16:35
Report a month late. Was busy since I got back. Was in Dubai for 10 nights. Mixed experience over the stay.

Tried out a MP over the second night of stay as was tired for a relaxation massage with extras. The MP is Asi* Tou*h located in Jumeirah road before Iranian Hospital. Took the 45 minutes option for massage which was around AED 250 and went with a chic named Lily (PRC and refered by my friend) The MP is on the main road and quite nicely made with adequate amenities and a proper spa. Lily was exceptional in massage and knew how to take care of all pressure points. After the massage came the question for extras and she told me 100 AED for HJ and AED 200 for BBBJ. I took the BBBJ and she was good at it. The thing was that she took it slow and steady with a hand massage and handjob before she took it in her mouth. Allowing me to feel her all round I came in about 10 minutes of the service. Lily since then probably has now gone back to Beijing for a break. Would be back in June as she told me. Although there are other girls also at the MP. I saw some tiny spinners there but couldn't get names. You can ask the girl at reception to hook you up as per your preferences or better after seeing the girl!



04-25-12, 20:36
Snow1998 thank you for the generous post mate.

It seems from your post that you are a bit of an AMP afficianado.

I will definitely try this one down the track. A couple of questions if you don't mind:

# Are the rooms private? Ie do the walls go all the way up to the ceiling? Or is it a cubicle type set up?

# What other AMP's can you recommend that you have visited with good massage and service?

Thank You once again for sharing your experience with us.

ArrabistaThe rooms are private walled, not cubicle. No door thick curtain. The draw back is showering facilities located outside the spa sharing with gym. If you get pm facilities could pm phone numbers with more details.

04-27-12, 06:40
The rooms are private walled, not cubicle. No door thick curtain. The draw back is showering facilities located outside the spa sharing with gym. If you get pm facilities could pm phone numbers with more details.Hey Snow1998. I have just paid for my subscription to be able to PM. Once activated I will send you a pm. Thanks again, Arrabista

CallSign Papa
04-27-12, 09:55
Having had a few ho-hum experiences at Lucy's new AMP, I decided to give them more more chance to impress me, and I'm glad I did.

Turned up at 4pm on Wednesday. Lineup of 8 girls, mostly tall and slim, unbelievably 2-3 were 8's. I picked a shorter cute looking girl (Cherry) with a naughty smile and off we went. 120 for the house, we agreed 200 for her, and 100 tip if she was "VERY" good. I made it clear to her that she had to impress me to get the tip, and damn if she didn't try her hardest.

OWO was mind-blowing, this girl knows how to suck. Then the rubber cap went on the old chap and off we went. All ok, but to be honest I was so impressed with her oral skills that we went back to that. Finished in her mouth and she drank every drop. Nice massage after.

Earned her tip. I'm going back to work my way through that lineup.

04-27-12, 10:06
Hey Snow,

Can you please PM me the contact info of this MP, as I will going to Dubai very soon.


The rooms are private walled, not cubicle. No door thick curtain. The draw back is showering facilities located outside the spa sharing with gym. If you get pm facilities could pm phone numbers with more details.

Arabic Ranger
04-27-12, 11:01
Hi Kabul.

I always stay at Le Meridien and your right. Picking up in Jules for a white guy is like falling over. So easy.

I think I have booked these two. Or girls that purport to be these two twice. And got different girls each time. Both sessions were good just not with those girls in the pics. Would be interested if you saw them whether it was the girls from the picture.



Tomorrow I think I'll go for a duo. I've been looking at these two girl.


As they advertise on many sites. They are a little pricy for a LT but they look worth the money, anyone got any experience with them?[/QUOTE]

04-27-12, 18:50
FYI the photos on this are fake. I saw it mentioned on another site.

Hi Kabul.

I always stay at Le Meridien and your right. Picking up in Jules for a white guy is like falling over. So easy.

I think I have booked these two. Or girls that purport to be these two twice. And got different girls each time. Both sessions were good just not with those girls in the pics. Would be interested if you saw them whether it was the girls from the picture.



Tomorrow I think I'll go for a duo. I've been looking at these two girl.


As they advertise on many sites. They are a little pricy for a LT but they look worth the money, anyone got any experience with them?[/QUOTE]

04-28-12, 05:47
It is interesting that supplying alcohol to muslims is illegal. I think substantial (probably 50%) of customers in the bars are muslim and I assume 99. 99% of local arabs are muslim.

There is also issue of policing. How you know that someone is muslim?Local people make something 11? 12? 13 %? Of the population. I am not sure of exact figures but something like that. Half of them women. So maybe 5-6-7 % of the local population is men. So they don't make 50 % of the customers in the bars. Most of the population in Dubai is from Indian region, Indians, neighboring Pakistanis, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, etc. Lot of filippinos, westerners. This is not related to mongering of course. I spend a long time in Dubai but I did not know any local people, probably I saw many of them in shopping centers but I never knew if they were from Dubai or other places from UAE or other Gulf countries. Maybe those people in immigrations are local? So I have talked at least with some local people.

04-28-12, 06:10
Hi all,

I have been reading this forum for some time, I am traveling to Dunai from taxes USA and this will be my first trip to Dubai, I will be staying for 4 nights in one of the following hotels, so please let me know about them either they are green or red.

Atlantis The Palm Dubai

Amwaj Rotana Jumeirah Beach.

Pullman Dubai Mall Of The Emirates Hotel.

Ramada Jumeirah Hotel.

Kempinski Mall Of The Emirates Hotel.

The Address Dubai Mall Hotel.

Also any help for the following would be helpfull.

1) How would you approach a girl or if they approach you here in Dubai, I don't want to create an awkward moments.

2) What are the going rate? I prefer to have company for all night so.

3) Any help or contact to find a girl would be helpful.

I will be getting subscription soon so I can get a PM hopefully.Answer to 1) , how to approach a girl:

"Where are you from"

This is question asked from girl, and that is question girl will ask from you always. After this initiation you can continue with other questions, or girl will ask you more questions, usually what is the name of your hotel. You can tell your real country if you want, girls are not really interested. Very slim changes to find girl who is not working in the places mentioned in this forum, so no need to be afraid of that.

Other questions, Read the forum, don't expect anybody bothering to answer you

04-28-12, 06:35
Local people make something 11? 12? 13 %? Of the population. I am not sure of exact figures but something like that. Half of them women. So maybe 5-6-7 % of the local population is men. So they don't make 50 % of the customers in the bars. Most of the population in Dubai is from Indian region, Indians, neighboring Pakistanis, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, etc. Lot of filippinos, westerners. This is not related to mongering of course. I spend a long time in Dubai but I did not know any local people, probably I saw many of them in shopping centers but I never knew if they were from Dubai or other places from UAE or other Gulf countries. Maybe those people in immigrations are local? So I have talked at least with some local people.Don't underestimate the percentage of Muslims within quite some of the countries you listed above.

04-28-12, 14:54
Hi guys, whats latest situation on pakistani and indian girls in the clubs.

Are they still haninging round the Seaview and York hotel bars? As heard that in last few months a lot of free lance ones had started to go there.

Also the massage parlors in Karama, are many still working there?

04-28-12, 15:10
Is the imperial still busy with pak and indian girls?

Whats the latest there, hope to come in mid may back to Dubai.

Double Shooter
04-28-12, 21:51
Is the imperial still busy with pak and indian girls?

Whats the latest there, hope to come in mid may back to Dubai.The Shooter visited this historical establishment for the first time in a sextennium. Ostensibly there is a dh100 entry fee but this is typically negotiated into a dh20 bribe to the security guard on exit.

Entered into a large bar with an atypically awful Filipino band. As reported on another forum, there is a sizable contingent of Pakistani babes, looking aloof but ready for business. They give you the 'Lollywood Look' – a disinterested stare then look away. This is an irresistible lure to many of our South Asian friends.

The majority of the 'in-house assets' were from China and Africa.

Unusually, this joint has decent lighting to view the assets and some reasonable quality was in evidence. There is a second bar with pool tables and Russian belly dancers. The hallway between the bar and onto the toilet is extremely bright and relatively quiet so a good place for conducting interviews.

The biggest plus point of this establishment is the "no-hassle" policy. The girls are not allowed at your table unless invited. They stare at you wistfully from a distance, hungrily awaiting your invitation.

The Shooter was accompanied by his good friend the Accountant, who welcomed the opportunity to evaluate scientifically all the candidates. He interviewed several and took phone numbers. No take-outs because a rendezvous had been arranged at the Seaview.

While exiting, there were several last ditch attempts to secure our business. Capitalism at its most vigorous. The Shooter experienced an unusual sales pitch in that he was asked by China girl 'A' to escort China girl 'B' outside, the storyline being that she was feeling unwell but was not allowed to leave early unless accompanied. China girl 'A' offered her number for future use and a discounted price of dh500.

The Shooter as a gentleman of education could not refuse. He escorted the young lady back to her humble lodgings further up Rolla Street. She was a comely wench with a pleasing softcore personality, who claimed to work in the karaoke joint in a nearby hotel. That connected a few dots because the Shooter had heard lubricious tales about the in-room hi-jinks within that particular establishment. The Shooter was tempted but opted to take her number and move on to the Seaview.

In summary, the Staying Alive bar performed above expectation and the Shooter will return.

Tom Travel
04-29-12, 02:34
Hi Kabul.

Tomorrow I think I'll go for a duo. I've been looking at these two girl.


As they advertise on many sites. They are a little pricy for a LT but they look worth the money, anyone got any experience with them?[/QUOTE]To my knowledge there are only few koreans in Dubai and even fewer working ones. For some reason men are very much into korean girls (K-girls) and I can see why. If you're into Chinese / Japanese then Korean girl look even more 'pure'. My few experiences with Korean girls have not been very good though. They seems to be very very expensive and the service is not matching the price.

No particular experience with these 2, but thought I'd throw in my 2 cents anyway.

Tommy Goat
04-29-12, 14:24
I just got back from a long weekend at the Fairmont. Thanks FM for all the great advice on this site. I'm glad to report the Fairmont is still very GREEN.

I didn't get out on my first night (too knackered from travel). But Day 2 proved to be a good warm-up for me! I noticed the lobby was filling up from around 10pm. Some very fit girls walking through leaving little to my poor imagination. I checked out Cin Cin for half an hour or so, but it was smokey and the ratio of guys to girls was not so good. I got offered a couple of girls starting at AED 3000. They must have seen me coming. But it was amazing to see how just saying 'no thanks' was changing their price. They thought I was negotiating!

I went back down to the lobby and followed the general train of girls walking through from front to back, and got a real surpise at the back exit to the hotel. I was surrounded by beautiful girls, each clearly hanging around waiting for action.

I spoke to a few. As a rule I'd say the CIS tend to stick together: it's like we're the lucky ones to even consider them. If this was the attitude at the sale, then I dread to think what they'd be like upstairs.

In the end I went with a very good looking PRC, tall and slim, called Lyn (definite 8. 5). Again she started at AED 3000, but we finally settled on AED 1000. We slipped past the night guard into the elevator and nobody seemed to worry. I thought it was obvious!

Anyway, Lyn was everything she promised to be (and more). Her English wasn't quite as good as I'd thought downstairs, but then I hadn't gone with her for her conversational skills! All in all a 9 for Lyn and I went to sleep a very contented old man.

Roll on Day 3.

04-29-12, 17:20
Al Manzil Hotel.

Red? Green?

04-29-12, 19:23
Called booked for a morracan bath and massage. Inquired about filli and ethiopian was told I could choose on arrival. However on arrival was shown the room and a PRC walked in, I said I asked for the receptionist, she said the ethiopian was busy. So opted for a fili. In comes a really nice looking fili about a 6. 5 at least. But was really sour faced and in a foul mood. She kept complaining I should not have changed my choice she doesn't like doing batn etc etc. I threatened to walk out. The massage was ok and she actually had the cheek to ask if junior needed a massage. I refused flatly and did tell her that with that attitude no way. The bath was mediocre. I have been to so many establishments countless times and this is the first time I have ever come across such a foul faced bad attitude masseuse. Thats one place I won't be visiting again. Needless to say there was no tip parted with.

04-30-12, 09:55
Dear friends,

I will shortly travel to Dubai for business. Do you know if Marina Byblos Hotel (Dubai Marina) is a Green hotel? It has a pub inside but I don't know if something could be found there.

If not, any other ways for some fun at the nearby area?

Many thanks in advance for your help.

04-30-12, 13:02
Hello everyone,

It has been A VERY long time since I added anything here. Unfortunately I had to head back home to the UK for family reasons but thankfully all is good again and back in the UAE and resuming BAU.

Good to see this forum has been kept well and alive and that some senior members are still around and new members too. Great stuff.

Since I got back, I have been reading the forum and it seems with the exception of Rattlesnake, all the usual places are still up and operating.

So to welcome myself back, I went out to test the scenes for myself and not much has changed I must say. Reports to follow.

04-30-12, 16:19
I am writing this in the hope that you will either (a) learn from my recent experience or (be) have a laugh at my expense.

Firstly, I am a novice at this punting lark. I have enjoyed the company of a couple of lovely Chinese ladies from York for an hour or so but I have never indulged in an overnighter, which is my excuse for what happed on my recent visit to Le Meridien.

I was due to fly early last Thursday morning so booked myself into Le Meridien at the airport on Wednesday night. I had a few beers in the bar and headed for Jules at around 11pm. I have never been to Jules before but read some of your reports and thought it was worth checking out. It was mainly full of RPC ladies with a handful of nothing-special CIS and my sensible head was just about to convince me to turn in for the night when I spotted a gorgeous, slim Turkmenistan girl with a stunning figure. I agreed 1, 000 AED for the night, on the basis that I would get 2 or 3 'goes' before leaving to catch my plane the next morning – sleep is for wimps after all!

No problem getting her back to my room – passport logged at reception – but before getting down to business she starts haggling over the price saying we agreed 1, 100. I was too horny to argue so gave her the extra 100. Next problem – and far more serious in my mind. No condoms! What? Seriously? I pay 1, 100 AED and she doesn't bring her own. There's no way I'm going bareback so we make the best of a bad start with some shared oral.

All done in about an hour so quick wash and into bed. I'm thinking: quick recovery before round 2 but Turkmenistan girl asks whether she can leave! I point out that we agreed for an all-nighter but she argues that there was not much point if we can't fuck. This starts a lengthy discussion regarding options, refunds, etc, etc, and eventually I realise that if she did stay I would get a very poor service with a very grumpy lady so I reluctantly conceded and let her go.

So does 1, 100 AED for a one hour with just a BJ to show for my money qualify me as the biggest mug in Dubai punting history?

04-30-12, 19:05
Al Manzil Hotel.

Red? Green?Yes sir your excellency I believe its yellow. I'm sure a more senior member would be able to correctly confirm. If there is anything else we can do for you please don't hesitate to ask.

Double Shooter
04-30-12, 19:56
I am writing this in the hope that you will either (a) learn from my recent experience or (be) have a laugh at my expense.

So does 1, 100 AED for a one hour with just a BJ to show for my money qualify me as the biggest mug in Dubai punting history?A mug yes, but not the biggest as there is very stiff competition in this category.

Many girls do not carry CDs because of potential police harassment. Anyway you are best getting your own in order to guarantee quality (and thinness).

Lessons to be learnt:

1. Missing basic equipment (CDs).

2. Failing to get a cab to 24-hour pharmacy or supermarket to buy the CD's.

3. Failing to be firm with the girl to stay the night. Calm assertiveness will not ruin the mood. You are in the ascendancy while the money is still in your wallet.

4. Failing to negotiate a discount for changing from LT to ST.

Note that some punters deliberately go without CDs as a way to blackmail bareback.

Horny Landoora
04-30-12, 20:11
So does 1, 100 AED for a one hour with just a BJ to show for my money qualify me as the biggest mug in Dubai punting history?Atleast you got a BJ. Some pay more and are conned in return for nothing. Although its an expensive lesson but get your own rubber always!

04-30-12, 21:39
So does 1, 100 AED for a one hour with just a BJ to show for my money qualify me as the biggest mug in Dubai punting history?Don't feel bad. People have paid a lot more for a good BJ. So if it was good and you've also enjoyed a DATY then there is nothing to regret.

The only advice. Don't pay up front.

04-30-12, 21:43
I going to Dubai next week and for the first time I am without family. Looking forward to the various mongering scenes. I think I will stay at Hyatt Regency Deira and start with Premiere unless someone has a better venue for CIS girls? I usually prefer Ukrainians.

I am assuming that I will not have a problem taking a girl from Premier to my hotel room at the Hyatt?

04-30-12, 22:02
I going to Dubai next week and for the first time I am without family. Looking forward to the various mongering scenes. I think I will stay at Hyatt Regency Deira and start with Premiere unless someone has a better venue for CIS girls? I usually prefer Ukrainians.

I am assuming that I will not have a problem taking a girl from Premier to my hotel room at the Hyatt?If you want mongering and want to take girl in your room then don't go for hyatt regency, it is RED you cannot take girl in your room, better choose another hotel in golden triangle, like ramada, four point shereton etc.



04-30-12, 22:44
I going to Dubai next week and for the first time I am without family. Looking forward to the various mongering scenes. I think I will stay at Hyatt Regency Deira and start with Premiere unless someone has a better venue for CIS girls? I usually prefer Ukrainians.

I am assuming that I will not have a problem taking a girl from Premier to my hotel room at the Hyatt?Sorry. But since Jan 2012 Hyatt Regency don't allow any girl guest unless married.

05-01-12, 03:23

Please note that I was checked in at Hayatt Regency in Diera during my visit in Feb this year and they did not allow any girls in the room and they were very strict about it, so please double check on this other wise be prepared to waste your nights there, I would suggest you to change the Hotel.


I going to Dubai next week and for the first time I am without family. Looking forward to the various mongering scenes. I think I will stay at Hyatt Regency Deira and start with Premiere unless someone has a better venue for CIS girls? I usually prefer Ukrainians.

I am assuming that I will not have a problem taking a girl from Premier to my hotel room at the Hyatt?

05-01-12, 09:04

Please note that I was checked in at Hayatt Regency in Diera during my visit in Feb this year and they did not allow any girls in the room and they were very strict about it, so please double check on this other wise be prepared to waste your nights there, I would suggest you to change the Hotel.

Bye, Busybee, band100, & Mizak:

Thank you guys I would have been shit out of luck. It did not even occur to me that the hotel that has Premiere will be Red.

I am arriving late and don't have time to hop from the hotel to Premiere so I think I will stay at Le Meridian by the airport and just go to Jules.

Please confirm that Le Meridian is Green.

Also, any suggestion where I should move from the rest of my stay. I am thinking Moscow and monger at Red Square?

05-01-12, 11:33
This guy was the asst. Manager at the club (Cavelli - Farimont) and he hooked up the regular girls. Finally after some 'professional' chatting, most of the girls worked for 'Channel', day time models, mall advertisement girls and finally one of them made a fast move, got down to business which was a shocker to me. 3000 DHS was the price quoted to me. To think about it, these girls maybe worth that money but for men with deep pockets, so deep that when 3000 dhs goes away from the account it doesn't make a difference.Re "most of the girls worked for 'Channel'". Sorry, but don't you believe it. Most of those girls are just from other clubs. I was in Dubai April. Twice I picked up great lookers from Regal (Rockafellas) for shortime 800 to 1000 aed and then afterwards they asked me to come to Cavelli with them. Both times we caught a taxi back to their place and they changed and wow! You wouldn't recognise them from before. And we went to Cavelli and suddenly they had men around interested and their prices had more than tripled. They gave me a good run down on the truth about Cavelli. They mostly just go there to have a good time and dance. If some sucker agrees to pay them 3000 aed they may think about it. They were quite fun and free girls. Thats what I like about Regal, the girls appear more independant and happy than other clubs. Theres a real odd ball mixture there. Cheers Nickc

05-01-12, 11:47

Yes its very baffling to understand as to why a Hotel would have a club like premiere in there premises and then have policy of "No visitors", can't understand.

Anyhow I guess Le Meridien is green even I have booked the same for my visit in mid of May. I did research on this very site and then decided to book it.

So I guess you will be safe with Meridien.


Busybee, band100, & Mizak:

Thank you guys I would have been shit out of luck. It did not even occur to me that the hotel that has Premiere will be Red.

I am arriving late and don't have time to hop from the hotel to Premiere so I think I will stay at Le Meridian by the airport and just go to Jules.

Please confirm that Le Meridian is Green.

Also, any suggestion where I should move from the rest of my stay. I am thinking Moscow and monger at Red Square?

05-01-12, 11:50

This seems to be a real eye opener. Hey, can you please let me know if you can find girls in the day time also at Regal (Rockafellas) or if you have any other place for day time action, do throw in some light on this.


Re "most of the girls worked for 'Channel'". Sorry, but don't you believe it. Most of those girls are just from other clubs. I was in Dubai April. Twice I picked up great lookers from Regal (Rockafellas) for shortime 800 to 1000 aed and then afterwards they asked me to come to Cavelli with them. Both times we caught a taxi back to their place and they changed and wow! You wouldn't recognise them from before. And we went to Cavelli and suddenly they had men around interested and their prices had more than tripled. They gave me a good run down on the truth about Cavelli. They mostly just go there to have a good time and dance. If some sucker agrees to pay them 3000 aed they may think about it. They were quite fun and free girls. Thats what I like about Regal, the girls appear more independant and happy than other clubs. Theres a real odd ball mixture there. Cheers Nickc

05-01-12, 15:14

Please confirm that Le Meridian is Green.

?Was just there and it is bright green.

Go to Julies Bar in the village behind the hotel. I went there twice and was approached in minutes by working girls, just one walk around the bar and I made eye contact with at least a dozen.

They know their way back to your room better than you do.

05-01-12, 16:14
Please confirm that Le Meridian is Green.There is a report few posts below that confirms Meridien is ok.

The guy did not have much luck, in a way, but that is another story. The girl left the I'd at reception, but as she was available inhouse at Jules, it might be pretty uch normal procedure for her (and surely for the other pick ups from there)

05-01-12, 19:50
Now I know that I must not assume but rather ask about hotels in Dubai.

Is Radisson Blu Deira GREEN?


05-01-12, 20:31
So does 1, 100 AED for a one hour with just a BJ to show for my money qualify me as the biggest mug in Dubai punting history?If it makes you feel any better been there done that. I think double shooter has given you the best points to note.

When I first got into mongering it was actually in London on a work visit and I had an escort come to my room. 1 hr cost £180 plus £20 for taxi and all I had was a CBJ. I was shy and a total newbie I guess so just let it go.

05-02-12, 06:54
Now I know that I must not assume but rather ask about hotels in Dubai.

Is Radisson Blu Deira GREEN?

Thanks.Why has this thread turned into a Dubai hotel info request thread? Please post info about Dubai hotels in the appropriate thread. Jackson can you clean this up a bit.


05-02-12, 10:20
I am writing this in the hope that you will either (a) learn from my recent experience or (be) have a laugh at my expense.

Firstly, I am a novice at this punting lark.We were ALL novices once. It's always nice when someone reports a "lesson's learned" FR. I'd suggest reading the Reports of Distinction thread, even some of the earliest (oldest) reports. That info has stood the test of time.

Yes, it's OLD, but check out the checklist link found within these links:


which is this link:


Most girls don't carry condoms in case they are stopped by LE. No probable cause needed in UAE.

Some of the venues might be dated (Cyclone RIP) but most of the others have stood the test of time. Prices fluctuate a bit. But most of the info there, valid then, valid NOW.

Besides, as I've said before, some of the best stories for "years later" are the MIS-adventure ones.

The Shooter visited this historical establishment for the first time in a sextennium. Ostensibly there is a dh100 entry fee but this is typically negotiated into a dh20 bribe to the security guard on exit.

Entered into a large bar with an atypically awful Filipino band.Nice to hear the Imperial is still the same (including the band). I found a few PRC gems there. Seems Imperial was one of the first places they'd work on arrival, before they branched out when they determined their market price.

I'd stay away on a Thursday night, crowds subject to a "last lifeboat leaving" mentality as far as personal space goes.

Another thing, keep an eye on your wallet. At least in days gone by, pickpockets not unknown there.

Got into Dubai about 2300 on Thursday and used the Marahaba diamond meet and greet service. It cost 150 AED and got me past the eye scan and passport control in less than 15 minutes. (Last time was almost 2 hours without the service) Well worth the money spent.Another not-so-sure way to decrease wait times is to join the economy class line CLOSEST to the diplomatic / business class lines, i. e. the ones closest to the right as you face immigration. Those high-ticket lines get processed faster and empty out; they then begin to process groups from the economy class line.

While she did have a nice rack she was a disappointment. ... Her massage technique was also abysmal, not even worth having as she obviously did not know the first thing about giving a satisfying massage either.I knew some a-listers who delivered, not a GFE, but quality pro service. But I've found, with them, it's not a question of "if" they'll get a customer, but "who". I found that picking 1 class down, from the chorus line, provided a much higher probability of a GFE / great service. Most of these APPRECIATED the business.

Nice FR.

If you want to hear a great band, check out Seaview. My favorite bar, good food (filet steak decent) , and I most always found someone to keep me company for the evening (though I understand your problems). Certainly possible to get a couple of numbers to call later or meet you back "home" in 30 minutes (explain why - she'll understand). At least you know who she is, and she knows who you are. Also, grabbing a couple of club numbers good way to arrange an afternoon's entertainment - the girls are usually bored with nothing to do, and more than ready to jump at a chance to make some money...

05-02-12, 10:49
I am traveling to Dunai from taxes USA and this will be my first trip to Dubai .Hey, I was just in taxes USA last month, on the 17th (normally it's the 15th of every April) (inside joke for US members).

1) How would you approach a girl or if they approach you here in Dubai, I don't want to create an awkward moments.

2) What are the going rate? I prefer to have company for all night so.

3) Any help or contact to find a girl would be helpful.As to your other questions, I'd AGAIN suggest READING the forum BEFORE posting. It's really surprising how many questions have been asked AND answered already:

Only 6 pages back as of today.

And if you follow the links referenced here, there is some GOOD info along with some fun reading:


Check here for translations:


Of course, I understand if you are too busy to read, and are a bit reluctant to have your man-servant collect the info for you. But then a busy fellow like that would be too busy to enjoy all that Dubai has to offer.

Thank you guys I would have been shit out of luck. It did not even occur to me that the hotel that has Premiere will be Red.As far as I remember, Hyatt's been red for almost a decade. They don't want to disturb their civilian clients. York the same. Bit surprised to hear that Seaview and Panorama turned green, but a bit of reading on the HOTEL thread should answer a number of questions.

Pink Water
05-02-12, 14:37
Hi all, I'm new here. I went to Dubai for business last week. So much experience should be shared with you.

I lived in the Bonnington Jumeirah Lakes Towers. It's very quiet and beautiful. The gym in the hotel is so cool. The restaurant is also authentic.

In the first several days, I went to bars to find some targets. But much of them are just so so (Maybe I didn't get the right bars). And then I remebered my friends told me the website http://www.emmamassageindubai.com/. I tried to call Emma. She recommended Maggie for her massage service (I also like massage very much). I asked her 2 hours for 1200 AED. She was very pretty and the massage is great comfortable. I think She was worth it for her skill. This experience maybe the best of my whole journey. And I asked for her 2 times in the later time.

I may go Dubai again 1 month later. Anyone could give me a good bar with beautiful Asain girls?


05-02-12, 17:28
My trip to DXB in April was marked by two inspection visits to Seaview and Mariners with the deliberate intention to score some fresh pussy. I feel comfortable in Mariners club, not just because of the great band, but because of the venue's almost delicious air of seediness.

This particular Monday had a couple of warm up drinks in Krossroads at the Imperial Suites. Very friendly staff. I was served by Deena, a very fetching Ethiopian wench, who went the extra mile by chatting with me some of the time (it wasn't particularly busy). Never got round to broaching the subject of "what was she doing later."

Wandered slowly on foot to the Seaview arriving probably around 10. 30 pm. Band had begun their first set, not many people in, so was an obvious target for some of the more enthusiastic African delegates. After some constant tugging and poking by one enthusiastic player, I turned and said directly WITH MEANINGFUL EYE CONTACT "I don't touch you, and you don't touch me. OK?" It worked. She sloped off. Was then stalked by a not very attractive PRC, so I sat down on the right side of the club, sideways on to the band. It wasn't busy as I say. This did not deter her as she came and sat down beside me. I gestured for her to get up and go. She didn't, so I did, and returned to the bar area.

The band played on and I could relax a bit as the fair sex attention decreased. Seems they get the no hassle now message, if you appear to be firm. The available pickings are looking slim, almost not one doable in the place. I was on the point of phonig one of my occasional providers who usually works out of the York when a few new delegates start to arrive. There are two PRC's in particular, one diminutive and one merely petite. Start exchanging the usual glances with miss petite who is wearing a short dress with high stilettos, longish dark hair, pencilled eyebrows, well made up, but not excessively so. And big expressive eyes. I get the come hither look and move across to the bar where she is standing with her friends. Get the chat going, I can see close up that this is definitely a sexy piece. Lena / Lina is very friendly. Easy to chat with. We continue into negotiations and she says that she has a flat nearby. We settle on 500 Dhs for one hour. I might have argued in other circumstances, but she is hot and it's getting late.

Off we go and indeed Lena's accomodation is indeed only a short walk away. I follow her up as per instruction, signing in for the doorman as Eric Clapton, up to the flat to be received by the usual middle-aged landlady and Lena. We go into the surprisingly well furnished room. Maybe it is her permanent residence, didn't ask. Strip off, go into the bathroom to wash the little guy. Come out and Lena is in her bikini type underwear posing as a porn star. Excellent. We get down to some petting, DFK etc. She seems to like me by the way her nipples are erect and just by her general enthusiasm. BBBJ follows with some expert tongue action and slurping. On with the condom and she wants it doggy style on the bed with the strategically placed mirror above. Who am I to refuse? I enter her from behind and she is looking a picture as I thrust in and out of her watching it all in glorious mirrored technicolour. Into this for a few minutes and then into 69 without the condom. Lena is making soem great gurgling noises, meanwhile slapping my cock with her tongue. Clearly this girl likes her job. I am quite happy with continuing to suck her pussy while feeling the gradualcrescendo rising in me. I cum after maybe 10 minutes of this extremely pleasurable activity. In her mouth. And she swallows. Good girl, that was an unexpected bonus!

She cleans me up afterwards, is happy with payment afterwards, as she could tell that "I was a gentleman." (True. I always take the weight on my elbows) It's now 12. 15am, time to go. We swap tel nos. Lena tells me she had been back in China for New Year and before that had been in DXB for about 4 months. Could be true as I am a fairly frequent visitor to Mariners. I certainly hadn't spotted her before.

Would I repeat. Yes. Lena has a friendly attitude, is a good looking sexy girl, tight body with pert B / C cups, not too business like. And she genuinely likes sex. Was starting to tell me about her sex toys etc.

I shall return.


05-03-12, 09:43
Anyone could give me a good bar with beautiful Asain girls?You're joking, right! RTFF: last 10 pages of this thread (hell, even the PREVIOUS page), taking the time to follow at least some of the cited links, then a couple of pages of the ROD (Reports of Distinction) , again following the links to the actual reports (keyword "list" just might be helpful).

And if you want to increase the odds of having a question like the above answered, write more than:
In the first several days, I went to bars to find some targets. But much of them are just so so (Maybe I didn't get the right bars). Which bars?
What times?
What did you see there?
Did you pull?
Prices - quoted/accepted?

Note: I have noticed of late that the search function is not returning expected results, at least not recent results (as in I just tried searching PRC). Thus, reverted back to my old alternate search method:


That ALWAYS works.

I turned and said directly WITH MEANINGFUL EYE CONTACT "I don't touch you, and you don't touch me. OK?" It worked.Hey, that's my old line, used many a time. And it does work! (I never tolerated the grabbing Africans).

Was then stalked by a not very attractive PRC, so I sat down on the right side of the club, sideways on to the band. It wasn't busy as I say. This did not deter her as she came and sat down beside me. I gestured for her to get up and go. She didn't, so I did, and returned to the bar area. Seems they get the no hassle now message, if you appear to be firm.I found that the PRC's were mostly very pragmatic, and a simple "No thank you" usually sufficed. NO discussion or additional conversation, just the "No thank you", and turn away to search for someone you do find attractive. I never moved from my table; if she sat down, I just turned away, and looked at the band or to "my" side of the room. The "freeze out" would do the job. And you certainly want to have your landing slot free for any circling "birds" as they are hesitant to trespass on another's claim.

LAST option is to go nuclear: tell her if she doesn't leave you alone, you'll speak to management. Not a threat, just a simple statement. Closest I ever came to the mushroom cloud was when I once flagged a waitress to come over. The girl departed mach quick, and I simply ordered my next drink (my reason anyway, can't help if it was misinterpreted). Management will not tolerate harassment of customers, and getting banned from the office is a major game changer.

Nice FR.

05-03-12, 10:56
Originally Posted by Madjock [View Original Post]

I turned and said directly WITH MEANINGFUL EYE CONTACT "I don't touch you, and you don't touch me. OK?" It worked.

(11 Bravo) Hey, that's my old line, used many a time. And it does work! (I never tolerated the grabbing Africans).

I found that the PRC's were mostly very pragmatic, and a simple "No thank you" usually sufficed. NO Discussion or additional conversation, just the "No thank you", and turn away to search for someone you do find attractive. I never moved from my table; if she sat down, I just turned away, and looked at the band or to "my" side of the room. The "freeze out" would do the job. And you certainly want to have your landing slot free for any circling "birds" as they are hesitant to trespass on another's claim. (11 Bravo)

I was conscious of having seen your "line" in a previous forum post. Thanks for that, because I have used it several times with pushy African pussy, and I agree. It DOES work.

Always enjoy your sage advice on the forum.



05-03-12, 14:55
Thanks for the report. I will be back in DXB in late June for another long run. Just finished a 9 week run and this next one will be 11 weeks. Kinda lost count of the total number of trips, something like 9 or 10?

Have to get over to Le Meridian this next time. Sounds interesting!

As always, especially interested in reports for activities in the Dubai Marina / JBR parts of town. How is Habtoor developing? Where have the Snake girls gone?


05-04-12, 06:21
Report a month late. Was busy since I got back. Was in Dubai for 10 nights. Mixed experience over the stay.

Tried out a MP over the second night of stay as was tired for a relaxation massage with extras. The MP is Asi* Tou*h located in Jumeirah road before Iranian Hospital. Took the 45 minutes option for massage which was around AED 250 and went with a chic named Lily (PRC and refered by my friend) The MP is on the main road and quite nicely made with adequate amenities and a proper spa. Lily was exceptional in massage and knew how to take care of all pressure points. After the massage came the question for extras and she told me 100 AED for HJ and AED 200 for BBBJ. I took the BBBJ and she was good at it. The thing was that she took it slow and steady with a hand massage and handjob before she took it in her mouth. Allowing me to feel her all round I came in about 10 minutes of the service. Lily since then probably has now gone back to Beijing for a break. Would be back in June as she told me. Although there are other girls also at the MP. I saw some tiny spinners there but couldn't get names. You can ask the girl at reception to hook you up as per your preferences or better after seeing the girl!


HLThank you for this. 250 dhs though for 45 minute massage is pretty expensive. But you obviously made it worth your while!

Thanks for the info.


05-04-12, 07:28
Gents just a quick note to post a quick TR on Rose lady massage in Oud Metha.

Its been mentioned here a while back. Not far from lamcy plaza. Down from Carribou coffee.

Place is quite a nice set up with mattresses on the floor. And wooden roller blinds for privacy. When I went there I was the only punter.

PRC set up with Filli receptionist.

Had a choice of three PRC ladies. Chose the youngest and bustiest out of the lot, the other two remended me of Chinese buffalos. Angee I think her name was (6/10 in looks).

Opted for oil massage and as soon as I am in I always take my whole gear off (blatantly refusing any hint of wearing and foolish shorts. Note to newbies. If you do this and when they come back in the room and see that you are there lying down with a towel over you and no shorts etc they know that you are a seasoned punter who has played this game before. And they know what you want.)

Massage was ok. Not great. Turn over and quick negotiation for HJ I also hinted that I want those breasts out which was no problem. An average HJ but nice with the fondling factor.

Massage 6/10.

HJ 5/10.

Tip 100 dhs.

I will be tempted to visit again to see if I can go further.

Summary. An ok value place if you are in the area. With extras for sure.


05-04-12, 07:38
Hey guys.

Wifey has been out of town for the last month leaving me free to do my own thing!

So. Went to Regal the other day as I was in the mood to generally hang around women. Not really pick them up! Ended up chatting with this ukrainian babe called Sv*na! Small, thin and foxy! Great eyes. A fairly decent talk up. Not really pushy or aggressive! Was in 2 minds about picking her up! A friend called me up in the meantime so met up with him at Karama for a late dinner.

Once done with dinner, on my way back home, decided to drop in at Regal ince again on a whim too see if she was still around. And there she was. Took her home AED 1000!

Nice bath together. A hard BJ (which I didn't really enjoy). But then a nice missionary and doggie till I came. She liked to cuddle. Woke her up at 6 for another round and then she was off!

All in all a fairly good night! She visits here on 3 month visas. Have her number to share / exchange.


05-04-12, 07:49
I am writing this in the hope that you will either (a) learn from my recent experience or (be) have a laugh at my expense.

Firstly, I am a novice at this punting lark. I have enjoyed the company of a couple of lovely Chinese ladies from York for an hour or so but I have never indulged in an overnighter, which is my excuse for what happed on my recent visit to Le Meridien.

I was due to fly early last Thursday morning so booked myself into Le Meridien at the airport on Wednesday night. I had a few beers in the bar and headed for Jules at around 11pm. I have never been to Jules before but read some of your reports and thought it was worth checking out. It was mainly full of RPC ladies with a handful of nothing-special CIS and my sensible head was just about to convince me to turn in for the night when I spotted a gorgeous, slim Turkmenistan girl with a stunning figure. I agreed 1, 000 AED for the night, on the basis that I would get 2 or 3 'goes' before leaving to catch my plane the next morning – sleep is for wimps after all!

No problem getting her back to my room – passport logged at reception – but before getting down to business she starts haggling over the price saying we agreed 1, 100. I was too horny to argue so gave her the extra 100. Next problem – and far more serious in my mind. No condoms! What? Seriously? I pay 1, 100 AED and she doesn't bring her own. There's no way I'm going bareback so we make the best of a bad start with some shared oral.

All done in about an hour so quick wash and into bed. I'm thinking: quick recovery before round 2 but Turkmenistan girl asks whether she can leave! I point out that we agreed for an all-nighter but she argues that there was not much point if we can't fuck. This starts a lengthy discussion regarding options, refunds, etc, etc, and eventually I realise that if she did stay I would get a very poor service with a very grumpy lady so I reluctantly conceded and let her go.

So does 1, 100 AED for a one hour with just a BJ to show for my money qualify me as the biggest mug in Dubai punting history?Kinda tough I gues. But been there done that buddy! All in the process of learning. .


05-04-12, 11:40
Hi all, I'm new here. I went to Dubai for business last week. So much experience should be shared with you.

I lived in the Bonnington Jumeirah Lakes Towers. It's very quiet and beautiful. The gym in the hotel is so cool. The restaurant is also authentic.

In the first several days, I went to bars to find some targets. But much of them are just so so (Maybe I didn't get the right bars). And then I remebered my friends told me the website.


I tried to call Emma. She recommended Maggie for her massage service (I also like massage very much). I asked her 2 hours for 1200 AED. She was very pretty and the massage is great comfortable. I think She was worth it for her skill. This experience maybe the best of my whole journey. And I asked for her 2 times in the later time.

I may go Dubai again 1 month later. Anyone could give me a good bar with beautiful Asain girls?

Thanks!Is this some kinda advert. Been seeing this message or something similar some posts back as well!

Tommy Goat
05-04-12, 13:23
Given my experience last night, I was now in confident mood that every is GREEN here at the Fairmont. It was nearing the end of the weekend, so I needed a big score!

Come 9:30pm the lobby was getting busier by the minute. I watched some footie in the Sports Bar (which was fairly boring) but couldn't help notice the cleavage of a young lady off to my right. It was obvious she was on the game. Talking to an older guy with a big weight problem. But keen for him to either close the deal or to move on. She kept catching my eye with a knowing look, and I was sure the hem of her dress was riding higher each time.

Finally her big guy left and she came over straight to me. She was Lebanese and every bit as lovely as I'd imagined. But I'd made a fatal mistake! She knew she was on to a good thing and so she got greedy. She asked for AED 3000 and wouldn't go below 2000. So reluctantly I had to leave her to someone else.

Cin Cin was on fire, but again the ratio was not good. Some 10 guys for every girl. I spoke to a couple of girls, but it felt like I was in a queue. A "vendors market" I guess you'd call it.

Finally I settled for a beautiful PRC called Susie from beijing. She was tall, slim and pretty with huge long eye-lashes. We closed the deal at AED 800 and riding the elevator I wondered if I'd made a mistake as she seemed a little shy and nervous. However much to my relief as soon as we were in the room she was unable to hold back. We took a shower together and then slipped under my covers for one of the best nights I can remember.

I will return to the Fairmont for another long weekend sometime in July. Can someone tell me if Ramadan stops the action out here?

05-04-12, 15:20
Hello, my first post here.

I am not into Asians but after reading the reports here and with the hope to find some CIS I went, in the course of last week, a couple of times to Jules.

The place is about full of Philis. The first time among them there were 5 or 6 CIS of which only one I must admit was stunning, but by the time I decided to go and talk to her she had already been taken. The rest of them was from average to a lot below it (I recall to have seen 3 of them at the Snake before. It would be nice to know where most of those from the Snake went now).

The second time there was not a single CIS. All the girls were Phili or PRC. Even though as I said I am not into them maybe 2 could have been picked up. I must admit that the quality is quite poor, but maybe it was not the right night.

Also paid a visit at Cin Cin. Some attractive girls there, approximately 10, but they were all busy with potential pickers.

Regal is one of my favorite ones, even though at times it is difficult to find a proper deal. I do not like LT and live on the other side of town, and in a few cases they (understandably) do not want to trade a LT with a deal that may make them waste the whole night.

I have had some girls from there and will try to share the experience with those who seem to be there on a regular basis. The tall standing on the right side from the entrance (about 30+) just before the billiard side is quite good, not passive and pleasant. Quite good English as well. One of those right at the entrance (from Moldova) , slightly over 20 is also good. I recently met one named Irina who is there on a random basis, as she does it to cover the costs of her purchased house here. This is very good but difficult to find at the same time, even over the phone.

Recently there are a couple of girls easy to spot, one is a blonde, very short hair and usually works with another Asian, very tall (compared to average) , slim and very good looking, but I did not have a chance to approach them yet. Will keep you posted.

05-04-12, 15:28
Hello, my first post here.

I am not into Asians but after reading the reports here and with the hope to find some CIS I went, in the course of last week, a couple of times to Jules.

The place is about full of Philis. The first time among them there were 5 or 6 CIS of which only one I must admit was stunning, but by the time I decided to go and talk to her she had already been taken. The rest of them was from average to a lot below it (I recall to have seen 3 of them at the Snake before. It would be nice to know where most of those from the Snake went now).

The second time there was not a single CIS. All the girls were Phili or PRC. Even though as I said I am not into them maybe 2 could have been picked up. I must admit that the quality is quite poor, but maybe it was not the right night.

Also paid a visit at Cin Cin. Some attractive girls there, approximately 10, but they were all busy with potential pickers.

Regal is one of my favorite ones, even though at times it is difficult to find a proper deal. I do not like LT and live on the other side of town, and in a few cases they (understandably) do not want to trade a LT with a deal that may make them waste the whole night.

I have had some girls from there and will try to share the experience with those who seem to be there on a regular basis. The tall standing on the right side from the entrance (about 30+) just before the billiard side is quite good, not passive and pleasant. Quite good English as well. One of those right at the entrance (from Moldova) , slightly over 20 is also good. I recently met one named Irina who is there on a random basis, as she does it to cover the costs of her purchased house here. This is very good but difficult to find at the same time, even over the phone.

Recently there are a couple of girls easy to spot, one is a blonde, very short hair and usually works with another Asian, very tall (compared to average) , slim and very good looking, but I did not have a chance to approach them yet. Will keep you posted when I manage to meet them.

Horny Landoora
05-04-12, 21:34
Can someone tell me if Ramadan stops the action out here?During Ramadan everything goes for a toss. It is a holy month for the Arabs and authorities want to ensure there is no hanky pank anywhere. Some places do open generally with alternative arrangements but it is very very slow and you would find it difficult to see WGs which you do otherwise normally. Best bet is to keep a list of your favorites and call them direct to your place. Rates also tend to be low and availability high being a low season!

05-05-12, 02:52
It's 5:30am and I can't get any sleep, not because I'm with a WG enjoying myself but because I'm worried sick. This is my story:

I've been following this site for more than 12 full years and my mongering has taken me across the globe. Now I do it exclusively in Dubai. I've never posted or made a comment on this site but now I feel I have to.

I'm still in Dubai, and have been her for a few days. My first night I picked-up a girl and had a good time, the next day my body temperature didn't feel right but I still got the same girl back for the night. She didn't stay the night this second time as I wasn't feeling well. I got shivers while sleeping to the point where I had to call the hotel doctor and check me out. Gave me a temperature controlling shot and an anti-biotic. Next night picked-up a girl from Moldova. While having rough sex the condom broke totally while I was completely inside her for a deep thrust. I immediately pulled out and replaced the condom and merely continued. Horny me wasn't thinking of the consequences as I think all addicts to this "hobby" sometimes do. Last night I got two girls for a threesome. It was a porn-star session and everything was permitted. One of the girls looks at me and says "f_ck her without the condom, see'mon, let's play some Russian Roulette". I refused of course but when they left the "Russian Roulette" comment completely freaked me out. I remembered my condom also broke and the tip of my penis was exposed for a split second inside a girl's ass. This was a few weeks ago. I've had tract infections twice just from BBBJ here in Dubai (across the years). Both times cured by shots and an anti-biotic. Yes, I know, TWICE infected and I haven't learned my lesson.

Now, I can't sleep. I'm worried sick."Russian Roulette". What did she mean? Have I caught anything from the condom breaking on that session with the Moldovan? I'm freaking out! I have a family now and kids. I can't get near my wife until I get tested. I have the 'Russian Roulette' game hanging over my head on "pause" until I get tested in a few weeks to find out if I threw my health away just to satisfy an addictive urge. I'm ashamed.

I feel obliged to share this with everyone here to get comments from anyone who's faced this. Are there any horror stories out there? I've never read this sort thing being discussed on this forum as important as it is. If my comments make one of you be more careful and avoid a BBBJ or just re-think this "hobby" and avoid a certain unknown risk then I will feel more of a decent and caring human-being than I feel now for risky exposure I caused myself and my family. What are the chances of contracting something serious here? All the girls were from Premier. How "safe" are these girls there?

Please Editor don't remove this comment if you find it inappropriate to this forum. Maybe it will make someone more careful and save their precious health.

05-05-12, 09:14
It's 5:30am and I can't get any sleep, not because I'm with a WG enjoying myself but because I'm worried sick. This is my story:

My first night I picked-up a girl and had a good time, the next day my body temperature didn't feel right but I still got the same girl back for the night.

Next night picked-up a girl from Moldova.

Last night I got two girls for a threesome.

I remembered my condom also broke and the tip of my penis was exposed for a split second inside a girl's ass. This was a few weeks ago.

Are there any horror stories out there?

Then I will feel more of a decent and caring human-being than I feel now for risky exposure I caused myself and my family. What are the chances of contracting something serious here? All the girls were from Premier. How "safe" are these girls there?Your post has been shortened slightly, but otherwise not modified in the above quote, just to aid my count.

Let me get this straight: You pull a girl, then feel sick. So, caring you go out the next night, take her again. Going out the next night, you pull another girl. Still not feeling 100% the following night, you go pull 2 girls. Then you remember you were exposed a couple of weeks ago in another instance.

So, you've either exposed 3 girls to your first night's illness, or 4 girls to your ass exposure instance. And NOW you're worried about YOURSELF and your family. No mention of the others you've exposed DIRECTLY (the girls) , and all the others (us) you've indirectly exposed (their subsequent customers). Yes, you truly are a CARING PRINCE among men.

But not to worry. Just be on the lookout for any large black SUV's with heavily tinted windows. Those belong to a joint organization of CID / Health Dept. Don't use any public toilets: there are hidden cameras at the urinals and in the stalls with automated facial recognition software, looking for faces seen grimacing while [CodeWord112] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord112). Those are time and geo stamped, with the face sent to the closest police station. Those SUV's cruise around with a number of the "wanted" pictures. These units also know to visit the "scene of the crimes", as in bars, and hotel lobbies.

The UAE has an agreement with Bahrain for some of the uninhabited islands between Bahrain and Qatar (all the GCC countries do). Any male caught with an STD in-country is shipped off there (off-site work is the excuse used). There they remain until cured. However, if it's the dreaded Black Syph, with no known cure, then it's a permanent assignment. It's only rumor, but I've heard those that voluntarily turn themselves in get better housing on the island as they are not branded as social misfits (I don't think that's an ACTUAL branding.) No actual experience MYSELF, but did know 1 colleague who disappeared for a couple of months. Never came back to work, and his apartment was packed up and just gone by someone. He liked the high class places, whatever that club is in the Hyatt. At least he'd always talk about it at work.

Oh, and the spouse is held and govt tested just to make sure nothing spreads. But don't worry, they fully explain why they are detaining her.

Girls are just as safe as all their previous customers are, and given your example, that's not much. Good luck.

05-05-12, 09:25
Is this some kinda advert. Been seeing this message or something similar some posts back as well!Some of the newbees don't seem to understand that their posts are delayed a bit to be vetted. The GOAL is under 6 hours, but you know how actual work goes (delay time USUALLY meets that goal, but not always) , and how excited those unfettered young lads can be. Think the medical term is premature expositions.

05-05-12, 09:43
Can someone tell me if Ramadan stops the action out here?Two views on Ramadan, both, IMHO, worth a read (yes, they're old, but given Ramadan doesn't change, neither does the scene) :

(myself, I'd read BOTH) :



Note: you can always search for a word, e. G. Ramadan, but at least for me, that only seems to pull up older reports. Here's a link for a search method guaranteed to find everything:


05-05-12, 09:51
I never said I have or have contracted anything. I get tested twice a year regardless and so far I'm perfectly fine. My temperature could be caused by the common flu (that's what the doctor said). Keep in mind I'm the one trying to be safe here. I'm just questioning some of these girl's attitude towards risk, she actually asked me to do it without protection and I'm sure she does the same with others. This is dangerous. I blatantly refused. I also question the safety of BBBJ for all to consider. I had an exposure like I explained, I will get tested in a few weeks, meanwhile I'm "out-of-service" (I'm leaving Dubai soon). You're telling me no one has ever had a condom failure here? I wanted to know if anyone else had this sort of exposure and what steps they took, was all fine? What are the chances of contracting anything given the circumstances? Any doctors on this forum that can give sound advice? I think this discussion is necessary so all can take a step back and just be more careful. I didn't purposefully put myself in danger directly nor do I want to put anyone else in danger nor do I know that I contracted anything! Would you rather I keep this a total secret and the others on this forum not know that these sort of things happen?

PS. The condoms were Durex Featherlite. Stay away from these as it seems they tend to break easily.

Your post has been shortened slightly, but otherwise not modified in the above quote, just to aid my count.

Let me get this straight: You pull a girl, then feel sick. So, caring you go out the next night, take her again. Going out the next night, you pull another girl. Still not feeling 100% the following night, you go pull 2 Girls. Then you remember you were exposed a couple of weeks ago in another instance.

So, you've either exposed 3 girls to your first night's illness, or 4 girls to your ass exposure Instance. And NOW you're worried about YOURSELF and your family. No mention of the others you've exposed DIRECTLY (the girls) , and all the others (us) you've indirectly exposed (their subsequent customers). Yes, you truly are a CARING PRINCE among men.

But not to worry. Just be on the lookout for any large black SUV's with heavily tinted windows. Those belong to a joint organization of CID / Health Dept. The UAE has an agreement with Bahrain for some of the uninhabited Islands between Bahrain and Qatar (all the GCC countries do). Any male caught with an STD in-country is shipped off there (off-site work is the excuse used). There they remain until cured. However, if it's the dreaded Black Syph, with no known cure, then it's a permanent Assignment. It's only rumor, but I've heard those that voluntarily Turn themselves in get better housing on the island as they are not branded as social misfits (I don't think that's an ACTUAL branding.) No actual experience MYSELF, but did know 1 colleague who disappeared for a couple of months. Never came back to work, and his apartment was packed up and just gone by someone. He liked the high class places, whatever that club is in the Hyatt. At least he'd always talk about it at work.

Oh, and the spouse is held and govt tested just to make sure nothing spreads. But don't worry, they fully explain why they are detaining her.

Girls are just as safe as all their previous customers are, and given your example, that's not much. Good luck.

Horny Landoora
05-05-12, 10:38
The UAE has an agreement with Bahrain for some of the uninhabited islands between Bahrain and Qatar (all the GCC countries do). Any male caught with an STD in-country is shipped off there (off-site work is the excuse used). There they remain until cured. However, if it's the dreaded Black Syph, with no known cure, then it's a permanent assignment. It's only rumor, but I've heard those that voluntarily turn themselves in get better housing on the island as they are not branded as social misfits (I don't think that's an ACTUAL branding.) No actual experience MYSELF, but did know 1 colleague who disappeared for a couple of months. Never came back to work, and his apartment was packed up and just gone by someone. He liked the high class places, whatever that club is in the Hyatt. At least he'd always talk about it at work.Geez! Seriously? I always thought they shipped them to Saudi Arabia for execution or sacrifice to save the rest?

Happy Chappy
05-05-12, 11:25
In Dubai recently for a few nights and focused on York. I can vouch for other posts that it is a meat market! Tip is try to go to the pool tables on the left if you do not feel like being propositioned by a different girl every minute. Elsa from Kenya kept smiling at me and came over. She offered 1000 AED, I asked if that was long time she said yes. I said not yet I just want to relax with a beer for awhile. Later she came back to me I countered 600 AED LT and eventually we settled 700 AED. Maybe a 7/10 looks wise. She was a fairly plain performer but sweet enough and tried hard the next morning also. Good for the price.

Next night a cute Chinese girl named chi chi kept smiling and approached me, once again I had only been there a couple of minutes and was only 10pm so I said I wanted to chil a bit first. But she kept eyeing me, similar bargaining process as the night before but I settled at 800 AED LT. Now I implemented my usual defence mechanisim, by repeating 4 times that it was 800 AED LONG TIME I PAY ONLY NEXT MORNING ABOUT 8AM NO MONEY ANY EARLIER. Guess what happens when I start undressing in the room." You give me money first honey, man always give money first, this is how always happend in Dubai for every girl" blah blah blah. I continue to remind her what I told her before. So after what felt like half an hour getting nowhere with this debate I break my rule. But I pay her 500 AED for first pop and say I will pay the other 300 AED in the morning. Of course after the first pop she starts demanding the next installment straight away. I was now tired and just advised her she should leave and be happy with 500 AED and go back to York now and advised her to be careful playing this game of promising LT and then trying to sneak out after an hour or two as she may run into the wrong man who does not take kindly to this, as opposed to me who let her leave without raising my voice or getting aggressive.

I think I read on this thread a few pages back a Chi Chi from York trying this on with someone else so punters BEWARE! Overall I like the variety and number of options at York although admittedly I wouldn't say there are heaps of stunners but enough to find someone to your liking.

CallSign Papa
05-05-12, 11:38
I've been following this site for more than 12 full years and my mongering has taken me across the globe. Now I do it exclusively in Dubai. I've never posted or made a comment on this site but now I feel I have to.Just to be clear then, you've used the information and resources on this site for "more than 12 years", and not once contributed a post on any of your mongering across the globe, BUT now you want reassurance / information, you decided to grace us all with a contribution.

What a charm you are.

Any by the way, your assertion that a WG urged you to go bareback mid-session is total bullish*t.

05-05-12, 16:44
Some of the newbees don't seem to understand that their posts are delayed a bit to be vetted. The GOAL is under 6 hours, but you know how actual work goes (delay time USUALLY meets that goal, but not always) , and how excited those unfettered young lads can be. Think the medical term is premature expositions.Young lad! Haven't been called that in a long time. But surely don't mind.


05-05-12, 20:08
I never said I have or have contracted anything. I get tested twice a year regardless and so far I'm perfectly fine.

PS. The condoms were Durex Featherlite. Stay away from these as it seems they tend to break easily.What you richly deserve is the real Russian roulette and not the HIV version. You story is all horseshit no monger worth his salt been at it for so many years would not know about the WGs roulette. You walked right into it and with that attitude of yours you deserve all the suffering you are going to endure.

05-05-12, 23:13
Hi Guys,

I have not travelled to Dubai since November of last year when I went tot he Moscow Hotel and picked up an attractive blobusty blonde. The experience was so so nothing to report about. I am getting there this Friday night around 1am (early Saturday morning) By the time I reach my hotel it will be almost 2. Where do you guys recommend I go that late at night to pick up talent? I am staying at Deira.

Member #4730
05-06-12, 00:11
I went to Zinc at Crowne and that place had no talent that I could see. The cover was 50 aed and 45 aed for my beer. I hung out for 10-15 minutes and went to my tried and true "York Club". As soon as I stepped in some old Chinese lady tried to get friendly, but gave her the usual cold shoulder trying to see if she got the hint, but had to eventually walk away from the situation. The cover was 60aed which includes 1 free drink. I walked around and a set of Turkish twins grabbed my arm and tried to get me to go for 1000 aed, but I passed. I was looking for something around 500 aed as I just got off a flight from the USA I found a younger Chinese lady and then an older one immediately came into the conversation trying to get a 2 some for 1000 aed. I passed and told the younger 1 I wanted 500 aed and at her place. She countered with 800, but I stood firm at 500, and then she tried for 700 aed. I went with her with 500 in mind, but when we got to her "rented" pad, it was 500 for her up front and then she said 200 for house fee. I should have objected, but being in the moment, didn't want to kill the mood. She probably needs the money more than I do. We got down to business, DATY, mish, CG, K9. It was nice being with a 24 why / o Chinese lady from around Xi'an. She said her name was Bimbim or something along those lines. She was skinny and while riding CG her pelvic bone kept brutalizing my hips. She did some DFK and I loved her natural B / C. I would repeat, but won't be back in town for another 4-6 months. She said she just got in town and leaving in 2 months. That must be there rotation as the Ethiopians I've met stated 3 month rotation. Have fun!

05-06-12, 03:10
Guess what happens when I start undressing in the room. "You give me money first honey, man always give money first, this is how always happend in Dubai for every girl" blah blah blah. I was now tired and just advised her she should leave and be happy with 500 AED and go back to York.Always nice to see a head's up FR.

What I found to be very effective is to just start getting dressed yourself, saying you'll BOTH go back to the club. Her first response was usually "Don't be angry." I'd just say I wasn't angry; she could find another man, I'd find another lady. No bluff, but don't delay, sitting there arguing. Time's a-wasting. If she changes her mind and wants to stay, fine. If not, back you both go. My rule was if I got my shoes on, we were returning to the club, regardless. Don't commit to any taxi money, just say let's go.

I'd suggest you walk a bit away from the front of the hotel before hailing a taxi, just so she doesn't make a scene in front of the hotel when she find's out she's NOT riding with you.

. and advised her to be careful playing this game of promising LT and then trying to sneak out after an hour or two as she may run into the wrong man who does not take kindly to this, as opposed to me who let her leave without raising my voice or getting aggressive.You might consider that last part. Just ask the 9 terminated US secret service agents.

My perspective was I let her stay; she was ALWAYS free to leave anytime. My FIRST rule is ALWAYS keep a LOW profile.

05-06-12, 03:20
Geez! Seriously? I always thought they shipped them to Saudi Arabia for execution or sacrifice to save the rest?They used to, but grew concerned about other countries making noise about their missing nationals. Island the better solution. Very close partnership as can be seen by the Saudi assistance during the Bahrain demonstrations.

My temperature could be caused by the common flu (that's what the doctor said).So you're just content to spread the flu to everyone. Considerate. At least MY sick leave is paid (hers isn't) , but is cut from my vacation time.

I call bullish*t. Just to be clear then, you've used the information and resources on this site for "more than 12 years", and not once contributed a post on any of your mongering across the globe, BUT now you want reassurance / information, you decided to grace us all with a contribution.Of course it's bs. I do miss the "Date Joined" info on the member profile. Anyone who'd admit to taking for 12 years, then suddenly posting these pearls of wisdom and concern for us all is simply a leech. Personally, I'm always happy to see a leech burned.

05-06-12, 08:25
but when we got to her "rented" pad, it was 500 for her up front and then she said 200 for house fee. I should have objected, but being in the moment, didn't want to kill the mood.SOP in dxb that the customer pays any housing fee, which is over and above her personal fee. This is not a rip-off. Any price you negotiate will be ALL for her, unless you EXPLICITLY agree BEFOREHAND on any extras to be included, and that's NOT just menu.

Are you even sure it was her place? It could have been a ST facility used by barracks girls (those that live with 10/20 others).

Like you said, not a big deal, just wanted to clarify for others. Best not to assume anything included in price unless explicitly agreed to. Otherwise, you take your chances. And one way to help close a deal is to offer her taxi money home (be that back to the bar, or back to her place). A simple 20 or 30 dhs can swing the deal for you.

She said she just got in town and leaving in 2 months. That must be there rotation as the Ethiopians I've met stated 3 month rotation.Sounds like visit visas still the same: 2 months, with a 1 month extension:

Visit Visa
The Visit Visa applies to tourists who wish to spend more than 14 days in UAE, those coming for family visits as well as those on long-term business visits. It requires the sponsorship of any UAE resident or any company or hotel licensed to operate within the UAE. A refundable AED 2,000 guarantee from expatriates who wish to sponsor distant relatives is imposed.

This visa is valid for entry within two months from its date of issue.

The Visit Visa is valid for 60 days and is renewable for a total stay of up to 90 days. A fee of AED 500 is charged for this renewal.

05-06-12, 17:31
Anyone run across this girl? She recently made the papers, she was involved in a scandal.

CallSign Papa
05-06-12, 19:01
Anyone run across this girl? She recently made the papers, she was involved in a scandal.She came here for a few days after the scandal broke but she's back in Colombia now, she was at a TV interview there the other day.

$800 a night, dream on baby.

05-07-12, 00:28
but could not find anything interesting. As written in my previous post I am not into Asians but I believe that last night even their fans would have been disappointed. Not too many of them and not those beauties around, less than ever the CIS, must have 4 or 5 and not attractive.

After half an hour I left the place and decided to give a try to this:


Even though I had asked to confirmed that the photos were 200% genuine and she said so, I went to her hotel and found somebody surely pleasant but definitely the photos were not hers, and if they were they must have been taken 6 or 7 years ago. Apart from this I discovered that she was a total rip off when she took out the cover even before touching the bed. I was at least expecting a BBBJ but she said that was a definite no-no and I started to be intimately upset. At the moment of change of position another surprise. Her period had just started, which in this case it is a no-no for me. She insisted in carrying on, which I turned down, and put another cover in her mouth. When I denied she tried to give me hand job, to which I replied that had I wanted a hand job I would have done it myself.

End of story, after her apparent disappointment (which could have been genuine, but I do not care) I decided to leave and she offered to go back another time for free. I just said "thank you and forget it".

Global Surfer
05-07-12, 01:38
I never said I have or have contracted anything. I get tested twice a year regardless and so far I'm perfectly fine. My temperature could be caused by the common flu (that's what the doctor said). Keep in mind I'm the one trying to be safe here. I'm just questioning some of these girl's attitude towards risk, she actually asked me to do it without protection and I'm sure she does the same with others. This is dangerous. I blatantly refused. I also question the safety of BBBJ for all to consider. I had an exposure like I explained, I will get tested in a few weeks, meanwhile I'm "out-of-service" (I'm leaving Dubai soon). You're telling me no one has ever had a condom failure here? I wanted to know if anyone else had this sort of exposure and what steps they took, was all fine? What are the chances of contracting anything given the circumstances? Any doctors on this forum that can give sound advice? I think this discussion is necessary so all can take a step back and just be more careful. I didn't purposefully put myself in danger directly nor do I want to put anyone else in danger nor do I know that I contracted anything! Would you rather I keep this a total secret and the others on this forum not know that these sort of things happen?

PS. The condoms were Durex Featherlite. Stay away from these as it seems they tend to break easily.Chance of breakage varies from 0. 5% to 2. 1% and chance of slippage from 0. 6% to 1. 3. So it is not as rare as you think. Failure followed by fever need to be taken serioulsy, although it may be a concidence.

How to test?

It depends on which country you are in and what resources are available.

Generally they test anitobides produced by the body against the viurs. It takes time as the body need to recognineze the foriegn antigen, process the information and start producing antibodes. Generally it takes three weeks to three months to get HIV positive. In some cases it may take as long as six months.

Now there are a few early screening tests availabe that may reduce the detection time to 12 to 16 days.

I am not aware of special treatment these people receive in the UAE. If, your are worried about this you may prefer to test your self elsewhere.

I would suggest, please refrain from exposing others to the risk untill you get clean bill of health. Remember the failure rate work both ways.

05-07-12, 11:18
Where would be a good place to find Russian and arab girls in the afternoon? Bars / Pubs

05-07-12, 16:54
The Seaview / Mariners club has, over the last year, and especially in recent months been my favourite prowling venue. My last trip to DXB in April was marked by two pulls. One was Lena, mentioned in recent report of mine; and the other was a regular to the club, another PRC who goes by her given Chinese name (Jin). I'd noticed this particular PRC over the past year who sits in one or two regular places in the club with her friends. Doesen't seem to put herself out much for custom. Got talking to her one busy Thursday night about three weeks ago when in with one or two business colleagues. Couldn't do much in other company, so arranged to see her in the club the following night. Friday, which was the last night of my trip and I would be staying at the conveniently located Dar Al Sondos in Al Rolla street.

Checked into Dar Al Sondos late afternoon for my overnight stay, prior to my early morning run to the airport the following morning. Met a colleague in the evening for dinner downtown, we bade our temporary farewells, and then back to DAS to change. Out by 10. 30pm heading for the Seaview. Upstairs to Mariners, busy enough for a Friday, listened to the band with a drink for a while. Was getting a few occasional hopefuls coming up and standing next to me, but no hassle to speak of. Spotted Lena, the BJ queen, when I was circulating, stopped to pass the time of evening with her. She had that "repeat business" glint in her eyes, but I was looking for new pussy!

Circulated a bit more, passed by the bar where Jin (let's call her Jinty) was now sitting with one or two of her PRC friends. Lena was now perched on a high stool at a nearby table. Definitely on show. Jinty gestures to me on my way past. "you leaving?" I reassure her that I'm not leaving, merely heading for a Lillian Gish, be back in a shake or two of the old John Thomas. Arrive back at the bar and engage Jinty in conversation. Her English appears to be somewhat stilted, but OK to strike up reasonable conversation. Move in closer to her sitting at the bar, put my arm around her waist and slightly lower, and can feel the thong beneath the black and white print mini dress she has on. She has noticed me on my previous vsits she says. She also says that she only works there Thursday and Friday, and spends the rest of her time "at home" improving her English (Yeah. Right!). Jinty has other Asian blood I would say. A full mouth, slim build, but with pronounced shoulders, smallish tits, not a traditional PRC look, but a good looking woman. 32 years old she says. Friendly personna, maybe a bit on the shy side, but we hit it off. Buy her a drink, we share a couple of cigarettes and negotiate 500 Dhs for an audience back at DAS apartments."More if you are good".

We depart, Jinty has produced a dark pacamac type raincoat from her handbag and looks quite demure. Into a taxi for the short journey back to Dar Al Sondos. We alight from the taxi and there is a minibus of possibly Indian guests just arriving at the hotel. Staff are busy disgorging this mass of humanity, so we walk in to the foyer hand in hand straight to the lifts and are upstairs within a minute. Great, but I hadn't expected any problems anyway. Jinty had her copy passport with her, which suffices at DAS.

Into the studio apartment, which Jinty likes. DAS apartments are well appointed and I like staying there. I have stayed in some real shithole apartments in Bur Dubai over the past few years. Anyway, into some kissing straight away, she's good with her tongue, she undoes my belt and goes straight for my cock with her fingers- nice sensitive touch. Off with her dress and bra, which I suspect is slightly padded. B cups at the most, but fine, enough to get hold off. Now naked on the bed, we're rolling around like love's young dream, Jinty is very affectionate. I could feel the urge after a few minutes to get inside her as I am hard and ready. Resisting a strong temptation to just get inside her bareback, and she is wanting it as well, I mutter condoms and dive across to retrieve my "rough riders" (that's what it says on the pack anyway). I put the rubber on and she gives me quite a reasonable CBJ, but what I also enjoy is the sight of her full lips going up and dpwn my nob. It's at these moments you think that life is so good sometimes. Jinty then sits astride me cowgirl and starts riding me, bending forward to to exchange some more DFK. I let her do most of the work and then start thrusting back at her and bring myself to completion. It's now after 2am and I have to be up at just after 5am, so call it a night and try and get around 3 hours rest.

Up in the morning, shower and get my stuff ready, Jinty has a shower as well. Nice touch, she even has her tooth brush in her handbag! Give her 600 Dhs plus 50 for a taxi back to Deira where she stays. It's just a pity I was leaving that morning so early, otherwise I would have given her a good shagging missionary style at least. And I shall. We exchanged mbl nos, so I will see her again. A GFE, pleasant girl, sexy looks and good body. Just didn't have the time available to experience her full range of charms. One to cultivate for the future.

Keep it up guys.


Global Surfer
05-08-12, 01:40
Where would be a good place to find Russian and arab girls in the afternoon? Bars / PubsYou may find CIS and PRC in.

Jockeys in Panorama.

TGT in Asotoria.

Broadway coffe shop in Diera.

Arabs are very difficult to find. Only place I have seen them was Rattlesnake and Sheraton Diera (Not durring day time)

05-08-12, 21:51
I went to Zinc at Crowne and that place had no talent that I could see. The cover was 50 aed and 45 aed for my beer. I hung out for 10-15 minutes and went to my tried and true "York Club". As soon as I stepped in some old Chinese lady tried to get friendly, but gave her the usual cold shoulder trying to see if she got the hint, but had to eventually walk away from the situation. The cover was 60aed which includes 1 free drink. I walked around and a set of Turkish twins grabbed my arm and tried to get me to go for 1000 aed, but I passed. I was looking for something around 500 aed as I just got off a flight from the USA I found a younger Chinese lady and then an older one immediately came into the conversation trying to get a 2 some for 1000 aed. I passed and told the younger 1 I wanted 500 aed and at her place. She countered with 800, but I stood firm at 500, and then she tried for 700 aed. I went with her with 500 in mind, but when we got to her "rented" pad, it was 500 for her up front and then she said 200 for house fee. I should have objected, but being in the moment, didn't want to kill the mood. She probably needs the money more than I do. We got down to business, DATY, mish, CG, K9. It was nice being with a 24 why / o Chinese lady from around Xi'an. She said her name was Bimbim or something along those lines. She was skinny and while riding CG her pelvic bone kept brutalizing my hips. She did some DFK and I loved her natural B / C. I would repeat, but won't be back in town for another 4-6 months. She said she just got in town and leaving in 2 months. That must be there rotation as the Ethiopians I've met stated 3 month rotation. Have fun!I think this may be a girl I took from York once too, the name Bimbim rings a bell. She tried to pull the same surprise 'house fee' trick on me too, which like you not wanting to ruin the mood (and being new to the whole mongering thing) I paid. If it is the same girl she's very pretty IMHO, with nice body and plentiful tits. She also seemed obsessed with what guys from different countries would grunt during sex. Strange.

05-08-12, 21:55
but could not find anything interesting. As written in my previous post I am not into Asians but I believe that last night even their fans would have been disappointed. Not too many of them and not those beauties around, less than ever the CIS, must have 4 or 5 and not attractive.

After half an hour I left the place and decided to give a try to this:


Even though I had asked to confirmed that the photos were 200% genuine and she said so, I went to her hotel and found somebody surely pleasant but definitely the photos were not hers, and if they were they must have been taken 6 or 7 years ago. Apart from this I discovered that she was a total rip off when she took out the cover even before touching the bed. I was at least expecting a BBBJ but she said that was a definite no-no and I started to be intimately upset. At the moment of change of position another surprise. Her period had just started, which in this case it is a no-no for me. She insisted in carrying on, which I turned down, and put another cover in her mouth. When I denied she tried to give me hand job, to which I replied that had I wanted a hand job I would have done it myself.

End of story, after her apparent disappointment (which could have been genuine, but I do not care) I decided to leave and she offered to go back another time for free. I just said "thank you and forget it".Hey, really surprised you didn't see anything worthwhile in Jules on your visits, I was there recently and found it to have a good amount of girls, many of them I would have gladly taken. Although I do have a thing for Asians and maybe my standards are a little lower than yours :P Agree on the CIS front in there though, all old and not very attractive.

Horny Landoora
05-09-12, 07:10
You may find CIS and PRC in.

TGT in Asotoria.TGIT is very active during the day before 3pm. The girls although are mainly PRC, Some Filipina and low end Indians! PRCs are of a mixed variety! Did not see CIS few times I was there last!

05-09-12, 14:59
Hey, really surprised you didn't see anything worthwhile in Jules on your visits, I was there recently and found it to have a good amount of girls, many of them I would have gladly taken. Although I do have a thing for Asians and maybe my standards are a little lower than yours :P Agree on the CIS front in there though, all old and not very attractive.I do admit that I just do not feel attracted by them, even if they have a good / great look.

Last week, while going up to visit the disappointing one at the Monarch hotel I have seen coming out of the apartment entrance 3 typical stunning CIS models (not alone) from the apartments entrance, that anyway is linked to the main lobby. Supposedly they were on the way out from the disco next to the Chris Ruth steakhouse. Does anybody know if it is worth a visit?

Krypto Knight
05-09-12, 16:14
Originally Posted by Madjock [View Original Post]

I turned and said directly WITH MEANINGFUL EYE CONTACT "I don't touch you, and you don't touch me. OK?" It worked.

(11 Bravo) Hey, that's my old line, used many a time. And it does work! (I never tolerated the grabbing Africans).

MJI've gotten so tired of the Africans doing this at York I have turned it around in my favor. If it is a particularly attractive one grabbing me, I stop walking, stand next to them, and let my my hands explore a bit.

They started the inappropriate touching so I have no shame in returning the favor a bit. I figure what is good for them is good for me and it's good for 5 minutes of cheap fun until they catch on that it's going no where.

Funny next time I see them they don't grab me.

George 6969
05-09-12, 19:44
Have not been to Dubai for quite a while and know a lot of the old mongering places from my various visits. My favourite place had been Rattllesnake in the past and I learned from other posts that Rattlesnake had been closed.

Simple question, someone know, where the majority of the girls are now working, because normally they come in groups and would change together to other alternatives.

Thank you in advance.

05-09-12, 23:03
Have not been to Dubai for quite a while and know a lot of the old mongering places from my various visits. My favourite place had been Rattllesnake in the past and I learned from other posts that Rattlesnake had been closed.

Simple question, someone know, where the majority of the girls are now working, because normally they come in groups and would change together to other alternatives.

Thank you in advance.I have been looking for someone to post an answer to the "where did the RS girls all go" question. I saw that somebody posted that the Habtoor was one possible spot, but I am sure there will be a new hot spot pop up one of these days.

05-10-12, 06:54
I've gotten so tired of the Africans doing this at York I have turned it around in my favor. If it is a particularly attractive one grabbing me, I stop walking, stand next to them, and let my my hands explore a bit.

They started the inappropriate touching so I have no shame in returning the favor a bit. I figure what is good for them is good for me and it's good for 5 minutes of cheap fun until they catch on that it's going no where.

Funny next time I see them they don't grab me.I was in york last night around 1am. And was grabbed by africans as per usual. Your technique gave me a good laugh and will be implemented on future visits. BTW nothing to write home about in york. Left after about 20mins.

05-10-12, 11:18

I will be coming to Dubai for first time and my employers booked me into kempinsky. Is that girl friendly? Else where are places from where I can pich up good stuff. Either to bring back to hotel if possible of just do something in the place itself or somewhere else.

05-10-12, 12:05
May 7:

Arrived to DXB around 10pm, used 'Marhaba Diamond Meet' based on the recommendation of a fellow ISG member, and breezed through custom.

Checked into the Meridian, took a shower, changed, and off to Jules arriving around 11:15pm. The place was not busy with about 25 PRC girls. 3 Africans, and 5 ugly CIS girls who were busy with customers. I sat by the side and ordered some dinner while chatting with a very aggressive African girl but I am not interested. The selection was not very good and there were just a couple of girls that would meet my expectation. I chatted with both of them and settled for a tall PRC girl (170cm) that appears to have a killer body but deferred my judgment till she takes her cloth off since I've been burned so many times with silicon, stretches. Etc.

She asked for 1, 500 LT and settled for 1, 000 and will stay till 8:30 am. Chatted a little longer at Jules and she seems very nice and eager then off to the room around 1:30am. Cloths are off and she actually has a killer body that will pass for a Chinese Supper Model at any of Macau Sauna; nice firm B-Cup with great ass to go with it and her length is an advantage. Perfect service with a smile DFK, BBBJ, DATY, all position till we both came but she was not yet satisfied and we started the second round till she came but I was too tiered so I saved myself for the morning. Wake up call at 8am, we jumped into the shower together then she started a long BBBJ with ball and ass licking and I had no power to stop her till CIM and It was a great ending to fantastic night.

Paid her the money and let her go before heading to the airport for my trip to Doha where I had a very busy 36 hours of business with no pleasure.

May 9:

Arrived to Dubai around 4pm and made a big mistake by not booking 'Marhaba' service as it took 1. 5 hours to clear custom and immigration but it is a mistake that I will not make again.

Arrived to JW Marriott Deira just a shade before 6pm and confirmed with the reception that I can bring a girl friend at night without a problem. Relaxed for a couple of hours then had dinner at their Bamboo Lagoon restaurant (very good) then off to Premier at the Hyatt Regency where I had my mind set to take CIS girl. Arrived around 11pm and paid the entry fee of 150 which is excessive. The place was rocking with girls from all nationalities but the boys outnumbered the girls 2-1 and all Arab boys. There was a killer CIS girl standing at the bar immediately as you enter and if she is not a perfect 10 then she is 9. 9. After making a couple of rounds and trying to make eye contact, I approached her and then realized how tall she is, she must be at least 190cm with low heels. She is from Russia, has been in Dubai for 1 year, she acted cold, and I knew there will be no chance for GFE but I thought looking at her naked in bed will be good enough. She wanted 2, 000 but need to leave at 6am which does not work for me since I will be too tiered for a 6am morning session so I asked her to stay till 10 and she countered with 3, 000 which drew the usual laugh and I offered 1, 500 then 2, 000 but she would not budge and cruelly rejected my offers. I guess she is pretty enough to get it so I walked away.

Made a couple of more round and could only spot another CIS worth talking too. She is from Ukraine and asked for 1, 500 till 6am and she will not even entertain staying loner as she does not sleep at client places; she smokes but does not drink and I am the opposite and I don't want to drink alone so I passed. Walked around some more while being hunted by a funny Ukrainian MLF but I was not interested.

I have not seen so many ugly CIS girls as I've seen at Jules and Premiere and they were still in high demand. Go figure.

It was too late to go somewhere else so I turned my attention to PRC girls and there were 5 or 6 worth talking too but most were too professional and too cold. Finally settled for pretty and friendly PRC girl from Guangzhou (Chen) who started with 1500 and we settled for 1, 000 till 10am.

Arrived to JW Marriott around 1:30 and there were 3 people to greet us at the door but I just made my way to the elevator and there were no questions asked and the girl did not have to give any papers. So confirmed that JW is Green.

Once in the room Chen tried to sell me on a duo with her friend for an additional 700 but I passed and here comes trouble; Chen will not take her cloth off till she gets paid and I am very hesitant based on the recommendation of ISG members and we finally make a deal that I pay her but I keep her bag which I thought was a fair deal so opened the safe paid her and placed her purse inside.

She took off her cloth and was not as good as with cloths but was nice enough. Showered separately, reluctant DFK, light DATY but I was already hard so off to fucking and I came in a few minutes but what came next was very nice as she laid me on my face after we both took showers and started a slow massage. She was really good and half an hour massage was perfect to recover my strength and get aroused; I returned the favor with a quick massage and when I reached for her pussy, she was really wet so we started again doggy style and she loves it but was too wet for good feeling so I tried Anal but there was no go so I requested BJ. I was disappointed when she removed the condom, placed another, and proceeded with CBJ for a few more minutes; I was not satisfied but too Horney so I moved back to the pussy till I came and she claimed that she came twice too.

Slept well and woke up at 9:30 for another quick session and she left at 10:30.

I did not like the attitude of the Girls at Premiere and will probably not go there again.

05-10-12, 15:46
She tried to pull the same surprise 'house fee' trick on me too, which like you not wanting to ruin the mood (and being new to the whole mongering thing) I paid.As I posted before, this is not a rip-off trick, it's standard practice, except for certain a-listers (who are successful enough to have their own places). If you can't provide a place, then you still will by paying for the ST room she uses. Just ask how many girls she lives with. If it's more than a couple, then you'll be paying the rent on a rented room. Even if she has just a couple of roommates, a number will not want to take you to their place just to eliminate traffic that might disturb the civilian neighbors.

Where would be a good place to find Russian and arab girls in the afternoon? Bars / PubsI agree with French Canadia who responded to your duplicate post on the General Info thread.

The best way to find a girl for an afternoon meeting is to get her number the previous night. Explain you're looking for an afternoon get-together, and see if she's willing.

TGIT is very active during the day before 3pm. The girls although are mainly PRC, Some Filipina and low end Indians! PRCs are of a mixed variety! Did not see CIS few times I was there last!You can occasionally find a gem at either Jockeys or TGIT, a girl looking to supplement her income, especially if she's falling behind. But a lot of charmers won't want to take the risk and hassle for just a possible payday. However, if they know you (as in from a meeting a previous NIGHT) , then they eliminate the bar scene for a sure thing. Just expect it to be late afternoon, say after 3pm, and she'll want to depart by 6pm to get ready for the regular office shift.

She also says that she only works there Thursday and Friday, and spends the rest of her time "at home" improving her English (Yeah. Right!).

We depart, Jinty has produced a dark pacamac type raincoat from her handbag and looks quite demure.

Nice touch, she even has her tooth brush in her handbag!Nice FR. Not impossible that she works the weekend only. Could be somebody's supported friend. Tradeoff for both: she only works the high profit nights, a regular monthly stipend covers the weekday losses, with less risk and less wear and tear on the merchandise. If nothing else, keeps herself in the game in case the support dries up. He doesn't have to cover the high income loss of the weekend nights if she stayed in.

Most girls do carry a covering, especially if they're dressed for work.

My experience, most will carry a toothbrush if they really do STAY the night with the client.

Member #4341
05-10-12, 16:13
I will come in 1 week to Dhow Palace Hotel. To stay there for 3 nights! Any recomenditation for the girls around this this hotel?


05-10-12, 16:16
Arrived around 11pm and paid the entry fee of 150 which is excessive.Agreed. It's a triple whammy: you pay to get in, you pay an increased fee as she has to cover her entrance fee, and she knows that if you can afford that entry fee then you're deep pockets. That's why girls like those types of places: not too many lookie-lous around.

She wanted 2, 000 but need to leave at 6am which does not work for me since I will be too tiered for a 6am morning session so I asked her to stay till 10 and she countered with 3, 000 which drew the usual laugh and I offered 1, 500 then 2, 000 but she would not budge and cruelly rejected my offers. I guess she is pretty enough to get it so I walked away.As I've always said, with an a-lister, it's not a question of IF she'll have a customer, but who. Given you know it won't be a GFE, and the body is a must see, you might ask if she's willing to meet for an afternoon matinee, with a chance for a reduced ticket price.

Made a couple of more round and could only spot another CIS worth talking too. She is from Ukraine and asked for 1, 500 till 6am and she will not even entertain staying loner as she does not sleep at client placesA-lister I knew explained the rationale: would not allow her a daily routine, as she'd never know if she had to get up and be gone by 6am, or if it would be 10am. Given she'd have to wake up, get dressed, go home, have breakfast, unwind, then fall BACK asleep, too difficult. Easier to "all night is until YOU fall asleep", then go home herself.

I have not seen so many ugly CIS girls as I've seen at Jules and Premiere and they were still in high demand. Go figure.They're only there because they're making money, if not from you, then others. What I liked about dxb. Such a wide selection for most all tastes.

and here comes trouble; Chen will not take her cloth off till she gets paid and I am very hesitant based on the recommendation of ISG members and we finally make a deal that I pay her but I keep her bag which I thought was a fair deal so opened the safe paid her and placed her purse inside.Good solution, acceptable to both.

I knew a little spinner named Chen who, for such a small girl, had the strongest hands, and she really did know massage. She was a fun date, with a killer smile.

I did not like the attitude of the Girls at Premiere and will probably not go there again.In my years in dxb, went there once. Why bother when there are better places around. For ME, looks do NOT trump attitude. I'd rather take a chorus line girl with a great attitude than the opera star with an attitude.

Horny Landoora
05-10-12, 18:30
I will come in 1 week to Dhow Palace Hotel. To stay there for 3 nights! Any recomenditation for the girls around this this hotel?

ThanksYou are going to be near to the golden triangle! You can try lots of places nearby in Imperial, York, Astoria, Seaview, etc. There is lot of information on these areas near to Bur Dubai and you can search for it! Although not too sure if Dhow Palace is GF!

05-11-12, 06:18
May 7:

Arrived to DXB around 10pm, used 'Marhaba Diamond Meet' based on the recommendation of a fellow ISG member, and breezed through custom.Thanks for the great report! I have never used the Marhaba services, do they get you a special customs line that is quicker? My experience is that the longest holdup is those darn passport control lines. I have been standing there for as long as 3 hours, ugh!

I usually am in DXB for extended periods, typically 2 to 4 months, so glad I don't have to manage my time so tightly. Sure looking forward to getting back though, even though this trip is my first Ramadan in about 5 years, and last time I was Abu Dhabi based and I will be in Dubai for this one.

05-11-12, 06:42
In my years in dxb, went there once. Why bother when there are better places around. For ME, looks do NOT trump attitude. I'd rather take a chorus line girl with a great attitude than the opera star with an attitude.And never a truer observation 11Bravo. Mate I am 100 percent behind you on this. Its all about the attitude! Great attitude always trumps great looks for me.

French Canadia
05-11-12, 08:59
In my years in dxb, went there once. Why bother when there are better places around. For ME, looks do NOT trump attitude. I'd rather take a chorus line girl with a great attitude than the opera star with an attitude.11Bravo, I just loved your comment because I feel the same way.

Take Care.


05-11-12, 09:57
You guys are absolutely right! I agree!

11Bravo, I just loved your comment because I feel the same way.

Take Care.


05-11-12, 10:53
Else where are places from where I can pich up good stuff. Either to bring back to hotel if possible of just do something in the place itself or somewhere else.Sorry to say, there's just not that much information on this thread that would answer your questions. It certainly would be a waste of time to read all those useless FR's (30 pages+ this year) that detail nothing but fruitless wanderings, looking for a place, looking for the good stuff. After all, your time is valuable, unlike the fools who post those meaningless, useless FR's detailing their unsuccessful searches.

And don't even bother with the reports of distinction thread; certainly no maps, no geo coordinates, no how-to's, no where-to's there. Though I do remember ONE report, years back, where some lucky guy got a hand job on the beach, though he did spend a couple months in prison for it. But it was so unusual, it sticks in my mind.

But what do you expect? After all, dxb is a DESERT, EVERYTHING is a mirage and wishful thinking. It's all just police stings, looking to increase revenue by hefty fines.

05-11-12, 10:59
French Canadia, LoverboyJerico, cheers. It's why I smile at all the "where are the best?" posts, and why I really enjoyed the bar scene. Granted, there are a couple of prerequisites: Not be afraid to talk with a girl As my good friend Sporadic once said, be able to change oxygen into carbon dioxide (as in breathing) . But with those 2, in the bar, a real chance to discern HER attitude to YOU. Not 100% foolproof, for sure, but a lot better than a knock on the door.

05-11-12, 11:42
atNickc: "Frankfurt RLD girls work from Hotels not on the street."

Nearly all of them work in special brothel`s (Laufhaus) , definitely not in Hotels. They are street hookers anyway.

"I've had great service there with some stunning girls"

Well, good for you, I go green with envy.

"Those VIP ladies are just the same in a fancy dress"

Nonsense, German Street Hookers are German Street Hookers, Night-Club Girls in Dubai are another story.

You know as much about prostitution in Germany as the man in the moon, Any further discussion with you about this subject is a utterly useless waste of time- EODCheers Densebtribe. Note well, A Laufhaus (plural = Laufhäuser) is a building like a hotel but with nothing but hookers in each room.

I never saw any German street hookers, I just saw the girls in the Laufhauser hotels. Some of them would make you green with envy. I was just in both Frankfurt and Dubai in April. Some of the girls I saw in the Frankfurt RLD are the equal of anything I saw in Dubai. I think the poster below was going to the same girls as me) cheers Nickc

P. S. My latest Dubai trip was the best ever, it took a lot of running around but I struck gold 11 nights out of 12. It will be hard to ever better that trip, but try i must )

After returning from Oase, I decided to walk through the RLD near the train station. I walked into one of the Eros Centers, basically an apartment building where each floor has girls, priced from 30 euros. I was surprised to see a few stunners at*36 Taunusstr NY City bar. On the 3rd floor there was a stunning blonde from Romania, said she had been in Frankfurt for a week. She easily could have been in any magazine, with a slim body, natural tits, and very beautiful face. Seemed like a bargain for 30 euro, so decided why not. Standard covered service, tried a few different positions. She got tired on top so I finished in doggy with her giving me a smile looking in the mirror. May repeat again tonight but first want to explore a few other places.

05-11-12, 14:04
Cheers Densebtribe. Note well, A Laufhaus (plural = Laufhäuser) is a building like a hotel but with nothing but hookers in each room. )Technically and legally the brothel industry in Germany is run as "hotellerie", ie hotels. German can elaborate better.
Similar to Belgium RLD where they have the windows shopping. Technically and legally they are bars. All have a counter where the (only) lady working there is supposed to serve you drinks.
Incidentally, behind a curtain in the same room there is a large bed :)
I LMAO when I read signs in the windows saying "demande serveuse", ie "bar tender wanted": I don't think they expect much elaborated skills on drink and cocktail preparation, but "drinking" skills are surely a plus.

05-11-12, 14:32
May 7:

Arrived to JW Marriott Deira just a shade before 6pm and confirmed with the reception that I can bring a girl friend at night without a problem. Relaxed for a couple of hours then had dinner at their Bamboo Lagoon restaurant (very good) then off to Premier at the Hyatt Regency where I had my mind set to take CIS girl. Arrived around 11pm and paid the entry fee of 150 which is excessive. The place was rocking with girls from all nationalities but the boys outnumbered the girls 2-1 and all Arab boys. There was a killer CIS girl standing at the bar immediately as you enter and if she is not a perfect 10 then she is 9. 9. After making a couple of rounds and trying to make eye contact, I approached her and then realized how tall she is, she must be at least 190cm with low heels. She is from Russia, has been in Dubai for 1 year, she acted cold, and I knew there will be no chance for GFE but I thought looking at her naked in bed will be good enough. She wanted 2, 000 but need to leave at 6am which does not work for me since I will be too tiered for a 6am morning session so I asked her to stay till 10 and she countered with 3, 000 which drew the usual laugh and I offered 1, 500 then 2, 000 but she would not budge and cruelly rejected my offers. I guess she is pretty enough to get it so I walked away.What I have also observed during my escapades is that the girl may drop her price if she really likes you. She won't offer it free or reduce the price drastically but atleast 20. 25 % less if you are persistent and woo her a bit. One time last year in Rattlesnake, I really liked a girl from Kazak. She was short but absolutely stunning and young. She wouldn't budge her price for LT below 2000 and men would still throng around her. We joked around a bit on the first night and I tried to bring her down to 1000, but she wouldn't even go to 1900. I went and stood near the bar and we kept flirting with each other. But some guy accepted her offer and went with her. Next night I again went and waited for her and she did come straight to me saying. Why didn't you take me last night? And the game started again. Today she was more friendly and I bought a couple of drinks for her and her friend. After which she still started insisting on 2000 but it was half hearted. Her friend told me quickly that she will come with me and not to pay more. She actually came with me for 1000 and stayed full night. Plus the experience was out of the world. So good infact that I called her directly to my room next night.

05-11-12, 16:43
Sorry to say, there's just not that much information on this thread that would answer your questions. It certainly would be a waste of time to read all Those useless FR's (30 pages+ this year) that detail nothing but fruitless wanderings, looking for a place, looking for the good stuff. After all, your time is valuable, unlike the fools who post those meaningless, useless FR's detailing their unsuccessful searches.

And don't even bother with the reports of distinction thread; certainly no maps, no geo coordinates, no how-to's, no where-to's there. Though I do remember ONE report, years back, where some lucky guy got a hand job on the beach, though he did spend a couple months in prison for it. But it was so unusual, it sticks in my mind.

But what do you expect? After all, dxb is a DESERT, EVERYTHING is a mirage and wishful thinking. It's all just police stings, looking to increase revenue by hefty fines.Sorry to have hurt your emotions. Maybe I was not 100% clear in what I was asking for. Let me take another crack at it.

First thing I asked - is Kempinsky GF? Asked it in both hotel forum as well as here. Did not read anything about that hotel anywhere. And thats the critical question for me. Please advise if you have any info.

If the hotel is GF, then this forum gives me enough info to do what a mongerer does. If its not, then Dubai did not seem to me like a place where I can find a FKK or a Centro Casa, or a hotel Venus (in Panama) , or a BJ bar like in vietnam or a thy massage parlor or an RLD like amsterdam or even good old sfredbook type websites like in san francisco. If the hotel is not GF, then I wd really love to know about a place which has incall facilities, even if its not for hardcore stuff, but maybe just some privacy for a BJ or maybe a room attached. Taking a girl from a club like jules or any such other place and then going with her to her hotel is too much of hassle. I may end up doing it when I am there and guided by the brain between my legs. But wd rather not want it to happen.

So again, no offences meant, here are my questions in simplified form.

Is kempinsky GF?

If no, then any places / clubs that have incall facilities or any massage parlors that offer addditional services. ?

05-11-12, 18:00
Thanks for the great report! I have never used the Marhaba services, do they get you a special customs line that is quicker? My experience is that the longest holdup is those darn passport control lines. I have been standing there for as long as 3 hours, ugh!

I usually am in DXB for extended periods, typically 2 to 4 months, so glad I don't have to manage my time so tightly. Sure looking forward to getting back though, even though this trip is my first Ramadan in about 5 years, and last time I was Abu Dhabi based and I will be in Dubai for this one.They do have a special custom line and I was alone. Out of the airport in 20 minutes including exchanging money, buying alcohol, and buying condoms.

05-11-12, 22:32
They do have a special custom line and I was alone. Out of the airport in 20 minutes including exchanging money, buying alcohol, and buying condoms.I will check into it for my June trip, thanks! Was it prearranged or was it a walk up when you got there thing? Reasonably priced?

Thanks for the info!

05-12-12, 10:10
I will check into it for my June trip, thanks! Was it prearranged or was it a walk up when you got there thing? Reasonably priced?

Thanks for the info!It was per-arranged via the internet and the service cost $41 for terminal 3. http://www.marhabaservices.com/

05-12-12, 10:19
What I have also observed during my escapades is that the girl may drop her price if she really likes you. She won't offer it free or reduce the price drastically but atleast 20. 25 % less if you are persistent and woo her a bit. One time last year in Rattlesnake, I really liked a girl from Kazak. She was short but absolutely stunning and young. She wouldn't budge her price for LT below 2000 and men would still throng around her. We joked around a bit on the first night and I tried to bring her down to 1000, but she wouldn't even go to 1900. I went and stood near the bar and we kept flirting with each other. But some guy accepted her offer and went with her. Next night I again went and waited for her and she did come straight to me saying. Why didn't you take me last night? And the game started again. Today she was more friendly and I bought a couple of drinks for her and her friend. After which she still started insisting on 2000 but it was half hearted. Her friend told me quickly that she will come with me and not to pay more. She actually came with me for 1000 and stayed full night. Plus the experience was out of the world. So good infact that I called her directly to my room next night.I joked and flirted with her but she was somewhat responsive especially after she knew that I am from the US; I did not like the 6am issue and I suspect that she would have dropped her prices a bit if I had agreed but I insisted on 10am.

05-12-12, 10:28
As I've always said, with an a-lister, it's not a question of IF she'll have a customer, but who. Given you know it won't be a GFE, and the body is a must see, you might ask if she's willing to meet for an afternoon matinee, with a chance for a reduced ticket price.That's a good idea that I will try next time if I am staying till the next day.

I knew a little spinner named Chen who, for such a small girl, had the strongest hands, and she really did know massage. She was a fun date, with a killer smile.That might be the same girl.

In my years in dxb, went there once. Why bother when there are better places around. For ME, looks do NOT trump attitude. I'd rather take a chorus line girl with a great attitude than the opera star with an attitude.I will be in Dubai again in a couple of weeks. What other places do you recommend for good CIS action?

Horny Landoora
05-12-12, 11:43
It was per-arranged via the internet and the service cost $41 for terminal 3.

http://www.marhabaservices.com/They do also have a standard greet service which also gets you out fasteratUS$26 if am not wrong. The only thing that you go to Marhaba Counter and they take it from there on!

05-13-12, 04:58
Had a last minute cancellation by the star of this afternoon's matinee performance.

Too bad as I'd taken leave and arranged the room already.

Does anybody have any experience with Natalya and her crew of 3 CIS at the panorama entrance?

N says Tall blond has no english but slim brunette does.

Any other nooner recommendations on short notice?

Reply preferably via PM.



05-13-12, 08:16

Any suggestions where can I get a room for a nooner or short time interaction for few hours?



05-13-12, 09:03
Back in blighty after another Dubai trip, here's the report for those interested;

Stayed at the InterCon festival city and as usual no issues with the hotel and bringing back of guests at any time of the day or night.

First stop Broadway. Got there around 3pm and the place was reasonably full with women outnumbering punters by around 2 to 3 to 1 (It was Wednesday). I have always found broadway to have something for most tastes and for the most part still the case. Ended up with a Moldovan lady called Irina, body was ok, seen better days. However she was very enthusiastic and provided monies worth and spent a good 4 hours with her back at the hotel. Her manager (short lady called Mona) wanted the money in the bar upfront which I refused before finally agreeing to pay her 50% in the bar and the balance to Irina in the room. Total damage was AED1200

That evening decided to go along to Imperial suites to check out the South Asian 'talent' for myself. their was maybe one and at a push to girls worth doing ... place was poor. The one do'able I think was already taken for, when I approached I got a brush off. Long story short, I had already had 4 hours with irina that day and cutting my losses decided to get back to the hotel and get some sleep. Overall impression of Imperial is that it has gone downhill over the last 5 or 6 years and the trend does not seem to have reversed. On the plus side popped my head into the belly dancing bar, some of the talent on the stage their is something else. the pool tables were also available and I managed to get a best of 3 in with one of the guys in the bar which was good. don't think its a place I will be returning to unless the reports start highlighting an increase in quality. on the way out I did see others who had left the bar with crossing the road and walking straight into rolla residence, didnt hang around to see if they made it past reception and into the elevators, but would seem to be a convenient accomodation option

After a good nights sleep back to Broadway again. Fixed in on a tall slim Kazakh in a red dress, thought I was done for the afternoon when she dropped the news that she would entertain at the broadway only. WTF?? told her I was not really in the biz of slumming it etc but she was very polite and clear that she would only stay at the hotel and I should find another girl. first time I have had that at Broadway.

Eventually agreed to leave with a romanian girl called Julie. she seemed like a bit of a cold fish in the bar but warmed up during the drive and after we had a bit of food and drink back at the room, was a very GFE. total damage AED1k which we had agreed for 3 hours. she stayed for 5 and I dropped her off back at Broadway just after 9pm. nice girl - and fit as well

Last night and off to Premiere - place has decent talent. had a CIS latch onto me - nice lady, spoke good english and vey well presented, but slightly older then I was looking for - she was insistent that she wanted to come back with me and that we would both have fun. Did not go with her but am typing this wondering what could have been, an evening with a desperate CIS cougar/MILF, mind boggles.

The problem with premiere is like being in a candy shop and not knowing what to go for ; do you go for the platinum bond or the 6ft russian with legs upto her chin..most of the other places you can quickly narrow down options, not here. Was trying to get in at the bar to get a drink and had another CIS who was at the bar make a comment about it being busy and made some space for me. started to talk - again, very good english - mid 20's with a good figure and from belarus. very russian and a strong supporter of putin, always interesting to get an alternative view - her view was that yes he has enriched himself but the all politicians would, difference being that he makes promises and delivers whereas others do not.

although she was not a stand out by any means decided to head back with her as we were comfortable talking. AED2k for the night, she said she would leave when I kicked her out - I asked her what that meant and went back and forth on that with me trying to pin her down on time. Went back to the room, few more drinks, some rolling around, she ran the jacuzzi / bath and was dragged into that with her (v nice) - the sport finally ended at around 7am when I needed a bed and she saw herself out of the room. a bit of drama at the end where she thought I had been laughing after we had done the deed and was upset at that .. but not so upset not to leave me her number eventually. she was a free lancer and was also in employment, interesting

05-13-12, 10:20
Had to step away before completing and can't get back and edit. Not much more to add apart from say that at premiere after we agreed the price the girl did not ask for the money or mention it again, even when we got to the room. As is my way I normally take the agreed amount, stick it in an envelope and pop it into their handbag which is what I did on this occasion also. No requests for taxi money etc either.

Finally and in response to some of the mails that talk about discrimination etc, I am a middle aged south asian and had zero issues with the girls at premiere. In fact the opposite, I had one (who I have been with previously) asking me if I had seen a particular Indian film and that she quite enjoyed it,"better then hollywood". Told her I had not and was not big into bollywood anyway. Had another one asking me about if I had been to any Indian club nights. Point being that they were marketing. So guys if you think you're getting the cold shoulder, before jumping to conclusions on the girls attitude, maybe pause for thought and see if its something you are doing / saying and how you are engaging them. If you approach with a chip on your shoulder and uncomfortable speaking to them, that will show. Also feel free to shave, shower and get the deodorant on as well. No offence meant to anyone.

Thats all from this trip and until the next one.

05-13-12, 15:51
No luck at panorama. The brunette I had in mind was very drunk and pink and left with the sponsoring paramour.

Had a bite and left the star wars cantina.

Had a last minute cancellation by the star of this afternoon's matinee performance.

Too bad as I'd taken leave and arranged the room already.

Does anybody have any experience with Natalya and her crew of 3 CIS at the panorama entrance?

N says Tall blond has no english but slim brunette does.

Any other nooner recommendations on short notice?

Reply preferably via PM.



05-13-12, 19:56
Any suggestions where can I get a room for a nooner or short time interaction for few hours?Find a girl; if she's interested, she'll know where to get a room. But if she provides, you'll be expected to pay the house fee for it.

05-13-12, 21:01
Sorry to have hurt your emotions.You didn't.

Please advise if you have any info.I don't. I was a resident, so didn't need hotels. I created the hotel list by culling through the hotel thread and extracting info. But if no visitors reported, then it was unknown.

If its not, then Dubai did not seem to me like a place where I can find a FKK or a Centro Casa, or a hotel Venus (in Panama) , or a BJ bar like in vietnam or a thy massage parlor or an RLD like amsterdam or even good old sfredbook type websites like in san francisco.You're correct, no FKK's or BJ bars. Searching for massage (hint, try a text search for AMP or MP) does return a number of hits, some for massage parlors, though not all offer additional services. The good ones keep a very LOW profile; you need a phone number. Which means reading, either here or in the Gulf News classifieds, those with just a phone number. You call, they give you directions. Was always too much work for me, given there are NO street addresses in Dubai. Everything is by direction from known reference points.

If the hotel is not GF, then I wd really love to know about a place which has incall facilities, even if its not for hardcore stuff, but maybe just some privacy for a BJ or maybe a room attached.Again, those places are VERY low profile; you really need a contact. From what I've seen here, they are not freely given out; one needs street cred to receive.

There are some hotels in Diera that have girls in rooms, though which hotels not widely reported here. They tend to serve a lower class clientele than you generally find on this forum.

So again, no offences meant, here are my questions in simplified form.Here are my answers in simplified form:

Is kempinsky GF? Unknown by me.

If no, then any places / clubs that have incall facilities or any massage parlors that offer addditional services? Places yes; clubs no, mp's yes. Now WHERE they are requires a bit of searching / reading.

Taking a girl from a club like jules or any such other place and then going with her to her hotel is too much of hassle.You know, that's the thing, it's not. That is the EASIEST way by far. And the girls know which main hotels are friendly or not.

But if all else fails, you can read here:


Global Surfer
05-14-12, 01:17
Had a last minute cancellation by the star of this afternoon's matinee performance.

Too bad as I'd taken leave and arranged the room already.

Does anybody have any experience with Natalya and her crew of 3 CIS at the panorama entrance?

N says Tall blond has no english but slim brunette does.

Any other nooner recommendations on short notice?

Reply preferably via PM.


-pHN = Tall blond is excellent. Please note that indiviuals chemistry does matter and GFE is bilateral. Enjoy

05-14-12, 08:17
Hi All,

I'm planning a visit to Dubai over the next few days and after reading all the reports can't wait to go check out the Indian / Pakistanis at Imperial or the MP's and some of the other CIS Hot Spots.

Anyone interested in meeting up and checking out the spots together?

If so PM me.

05-14-12, 08:20
Hi All,

I'm planning a visit to Dubai over the next few days and after reading all the reports can't wait to go check out the Indian / Pakistanis at Imperial or the MP's and some of the other CIS Hot Spots.

Anyone interested in meeting up and checking out the spots together?

If so PM me.

I am still trying to figure out how to get Cocoon working so not sure I will be able to access ISG from there.

05-14-12, 08:47
Is anyone else having issues with the forum. When you click on a link to a thread the forum sends you to the very start of the thread which in some cases can be years back. Another example of this is if you go to links to reports of distinction. Click on the lick to any post there and it fires you off to some random place. I have reported this to Jackson. Is anyone else noticing this? It is a bit bad for us to compalin to newbies about reading and searching the forum before asking us questions if the search is broken.

05-14-12, 10:14
So guys if you think you're getting the cold shoulder, before jumping to conclusions on the girls attitude, maybe pause for thought and see if its something you are doing / saying and how you are engaging them. If you approach with a chip on your shoulder and uncomfortable speaking to them, that will show. Also feel free to shave, shower and get the deodorant on as well. No offence meant to anyoneWell said. You get what you give. I'm always respectful with these girls, even with A-listers I can get a good response. Its a matter of breaking the ice. Often humour works well. My classic line is I say "I've never done this before" and they know I'm lying but they just play along all night with the fun of it anyway. Cheers Nickc

05-14-12, 10:44
This report should serve well for those that just keep asking for info without bothering to do any research themselves.

Yesterday decided to try out the mp in marina with the big neon sign. Report on forum from another member as well. Selected a Thai MSG for 200. A nice but very young fili was sent to me, and I had one of the most hardest Thai massages I've ever had. At one point I had to Tel her to go easy due to pain and after that stretching I must have elongated a few cms! No extras offered or requested. Junior still was not happy so after lunch (this is the part for new members) looked up the KT classifieds under Dubai, Beauty section online just one advert fir Chinese mp. Called up and told located behind new gold souq burdubai. From the conversation I realized tis was an AMP. Arrived and with little difficulty found the building. Well was I surprised, there was 1 PRC 1 Indonesian and 2 Bangladeshi! The PRC looked the most attractive, so off to the room. 200 boss money then stripped and proceeded with massage had a really good rimming then excellent CBJ (I opted for CBJ). Did missionary and ended up doggie. Nice GFE attitude.

Looks 5.

Boobs 3

Attitude 8

05-14-12, 13:08
I will come in 1 week to Dhow Palace Hotel. To stay there for 3 nights! Any recomenditation for the girls around this this hotel?

ThanksDhow Palace is not girl friendly (Green on 11Bravo's list)

If anything it is Yellow or maybe even Red.

About 5-6 years it was Green then starting about 2-3 years ago they required you to provide the name and passport of the girl who would be staying with you at time of check-in.

In that area the Le Meridien Suites on Rolla St. Is Green. Also has a handy basement car park entrance.


05-15-12, 19:30
This report should serve well for those that just keep asking for info without bothering to do any research themselves.

Yesterday decided to try out the mp in marina with the big neon sign. Report on forum from another member as well. Selected a Thai MSG for 200. A nice but very young fili was sent to me, and I had one of the most hardest Thai massages I've ever had. At one point I had to Tel her to go easy due to pain and after that stretching I must have elongated a few cms! No extras offered or requested. Junior still was not happy so after lunch (this is the part for new members) looked up the KT classifieds under Dubai, Beauty section online just one advert fir Chinese mp. Called up and told located behind new gold souq burdubai. From the conversation I realized tis was an AMP. Arrived and with little difficulty found the building. Well was I surprised, there was 1 PRC 1 Indonesian and 2 Bangladeshi! The PRC looked the most attractive, so off to the room. 200 boss money then stripped and proceeded with massage had a really good rimming then excellent CBJ (I opted for CBJ). Did missionary and ended up doggie. Nice GFE attitude.

Looks 5.

Boobs 3

Attitude 8Snow1998 you are incredible I love your adventurous spirit! 2 massages in one day. You almost love exploring a new MP as much as I do. Keep the good work up. I will take a page from your book and try some new ones. Its always fun turning up and seeing how far you can go with the girls.

Thanks for the post.


05-15-12, 21:11
This report should serve well for those that just keep asking for info without bothering to do any research themselves.

Yesterday decided to try out the mp in marina with the big neon sign. Report on forum from another member as well. Selected a Thai MSG for 200. A nice but very young fili was sent to me, and I had one of the most hardest Thai massages I've ever had. At one point I had to Tel her to go easy due to pain and after that stretching I must have elongated a few cms! No extras offered or requested. Junior still was not happy so after lunch (this is the part for new members) looked up the KT classifieds under Dubai, Beauty section online just one advert fir Chinese mp. Called up and told located behind new gold souq burdubai. From the conversation I realized tis was an AMP. Arrived and with little difficulty found the building. Well was I surprised, there was 1 PRC 1 Indonesian and 2 Bangladeshi! The PRC looked the most attractive, so off to the room. 200 boss money then stripped and proceeded with massage had a really good rimming then excellent CBJ (I opted for CBJ). Did missionary and ended up doggie. Nice GFE attitude.

Looks 5.

Boobs 3

Attitude 8Hey. Was the MP in Marina 'Dr*mw*ks'? Thats a over the board one I believe. There is another one 'Ma*' which is at the base of the bridge just off Marina Walk which is a AMP. Basically with Happy endings.

05-16-12, 02:24
Can anyone tell me where the Broadway bar is?

05-16-12, 11:43
Is anyone else having issues with the forum. When you click on a link to a thread the forum sends you to the very start of the thread which in some cases can be years back.Links work for me. Using firefox and right click to open link in new tab. What I've noticed is that the search feature does what you report. Not searching the current posts, but starting way back.

One solution you might try is to force reload the page you're on, then try a link (in firefox, it's shift reload). That seemed to help. I was wondering if it had something to do with the browser caching.

Well said. You get what you give. I'm always respectful with these girls, even with A-listers I can get a good response.Agreed. Yes, it's a business, but you both can have fun with it. I was amazed at what being nice could engender (sad commentary on some punters' attitudes). Just consider your job. Some clients are a PITA, but others are a pleasure to serve. No different for the wg's.

Rogue5Cheers. Been too long.

Horny Landoora
05-16-12, 12:10
Is anyone else having issues with the forum. When you click on a link to a thread the forum sends you to the very start of the thread which in some cases can be years back. Another example of this is if you go to links to reports of distinction. Click on the lick to any post there and it fires you off to some random place. I have reported this to Jackson. Is anyone else noticing this? It is a bit bad for us to compalin to newbies about reading and searching the forum before asking us questions if the search is broken.I have the same problem. Its a forum issue not a browser issue. Apparently the sub forum names are also changed and the post count of some people is also increased dramatically.

05-16-12, 19:03
Two weeks ago I was fortunate to go to Dubai for the Bike Festival. I posted this information a week or so earlier and had a reply back from an old friend Wicked Roger. I met him last year in Abu Dhabi and he arranged a very, very cute Fili for one night. On hearing that I would be in DXB, he very generously forwarded the numbers of two Filis for my perusal.

Not being greedy, I chose one, Jackie and sms'ed her to say where I would be and when. Not wanting to compromise my choice when I stayed in the Karama Hotel (Ratskys) I waited until I was on the company account in the Crowne Plaza Festival City. This hotel is totally green BTW with the lifts right next to the doors on the left. The reception is on the right so no walk of shame.

On the night of the Nickelback concert I received an sms from Jackie about when the concert would end. Nice touch. When it finished, I texted her back with my room number as I went up to the room. No problem, she would be there in about 20 minutes. So I opened the bottle of white that I brought in from Duty Free and waited. And waited. About half an hour after the initial text I recieved another text that she was having trouble with the security guard. Ok, I hadn't got changed so I wandered downstairs to look for her. Not there. Phoned to see where she might have got to. Slight problem, she had gone to the wrong Crowne Plaza. No wonder the security wouldn't let her up to the room, the CP on Sh Zayed Road probably didn't even have a room of that number! Problem sorted she was coming over to the right hotel and would be there in about 20 minutes. I went back upstairs for another glass of white.

Sure enough. 20 minutes later there was a knock on the door and there was Jackie. Very tasty indeed. WR, you have good taste in Filis. Apologetic about the mix up of hotels she accepted the glass of white offered. What followed was very, very GFE. Jackie has great conversation and a dynamic bod. She changed in the bathroom and had a shower, followed by me showering as well. On WR's insistance I had asked if she could bring a miniskirt and high heels. She didn't manage those, but did bring a sheer slip that hugged her tight body in the best ways. She had absolutely no problems getting into the Crowne Plaza Festival City as the lifts are right next to the front door on the left with no walk of shame. The reception is on the right on the way to the Belgian Beer bar. No need to go past them to get to the room. The hotel is, in my mind, totally green. Jackie had no interference getting to the room, probably since she was dressed smartly and not tartily.

After the wine and the shower we talked a while about the Philippines and the problems with the massacre last year on the same island that she came from and then I took to stroking and kissing her neck. She reciprocated and along with some DATY she began to relax and get hot. This time round there wasn't much of a BJ, but after the DATY she just wanted to fuck. Started mish, then her on top and finally doggy. Her arse is absolutely delightful. Toned legs and a peach of a bum. Her tits are a little small, but the nipples are sensitive and reaching around to play with her clit while banging doggy was fabulous. Came in the condom that she fitted before we started and after a quick wash, came back to bed to sleep.

Around five in the morning I woke up with a stiffy and started stroking Jackie awake for a second round. Twenty minutes later I was still at it with a raging hard on but no desire to come. Not sure why, maybe too tired or too liquored up that evening so I called it a day. She rode me like a champion and was concerned that I didn't finish.

I made up for it later on at around nine. Back on board for a third session to completion missionary this time.

Without a doubt, I could get to like Filis. Just as good in bed as PRC or Thai, but with better conversation skills. This is important to me on some occasions. On others I just like to find fuck and forget. A very good GFE experience, thanks to WR. If I am back in DXB, I will probably repeat, though the idea of the other Fili recommended by WR is still very appealing. Variety being the spice of life. I'm certain that, for the right person, WR will give out the contact details.

All I can say is thanks to WR for the introduction and that Jackie is definitely a hot lass and well worth the 1000 AED paid. Apparently she has a 'manager' who takes the lions share at the moment (until she pays off the 'balance') and cannot put out for less. It turned out to be a grand weekend. I didn't bother with the following night since I was traveling out early in the morning.

One starfish was made up for by Jackie.


ExpatcatI'm new to the forums but this post is exactly what I was looking for. I travel to Dubai 3 times a year and just got notified that the Crowne Plaza Festival City is my new hotel (Really happy to see its considered Green and with the lifts so close to the door). I will post a current report as soon as I get back. If anyone has any info or recommendations on this hotel please let me know.


05-16-12, 19:46
Well I was in Athens for a week on business and since I connected via Dubai, I decided to stay from Fri night and leave Monday morning. Got through immigration fast using Fast Track and a Emirates car whisked me to my hotel (4 points Sheraton in Bur Dubai. Very Girl Friendly). Got to the hotel around 11:00 and headed to my first destination, Ratskys in the Kamara Hotel. I had heard about the club and that it is full of Filipinas. I'm a Filipino American so I was curious to see if I would get the same action as I do in Manila (I'm based there). Speaking from personal tastes, the Filipinas were a mix of very pretty and not so pretty girls. They were also not very aggressive (as the other clubs are to me like York). I saw a lovely girl and told her I wanted to take her back to my hotel. She said it would have to be a packaged deal with her and her gf. I tried my darndest, but she wouldn't budge. So I left and went to York where I saw a PRC that I had last time. It was late so I decided to take her back to my hotel (which is very girl friendly by the way). She stayed until the afternoon and I paid her 800 (we had agreed on 500 a night but I really wanted to try someone new so I paid the premium. After spending the afternoon / early evening at the Dubai Mall, I got ready for night #2.

Night #2 was a disaster. I went back to Ratskys in Kamara and could not find a girl I liked or liked me. I left and went to Panorama but very few girls there. I then went to Ratskys in the HOliday inn. Also very few girls. At the suggestion of the hotel doorman, I went to Club 7 at the St. Regis. Guys, if you have a girl and want to take them to a classy place with a show, dancing and dinner, take them there. But don't go there solo. There weren't any single girls to be had. I actually went back to Karamara but still didn't find anyone so I had to go home. Alone. Like I said it was a disaster. I couldn't go to York because that PRC girl would have been waiting for me and she would have given me a hard time and it was a little late to go to the Premier club at the Hyatt Regency.

Spent the afternoon at the Emirates Mall and bought a few things and had dinner there. Night #3 was my last chance for romance.

Night #3 I knew I was going to be heading to the airport at 7:00 a. M. So I didn't want to take any chances. I went to Premiere, althought I hate paying the 150 AED to get in. I floated the idea of paying AED500 to some of the girls but they were like a Union and wouldn't take any concessions. I met a nice girl who looked very European but was actually A blonde PRC from MAcau. Well she was mixed with Portugese which explained here exotic looks. We settled for 800 and we went back to the hotel. We have a great time and she stayed until I got packed and got ready to go to the airport. She was very fuckable and we enjoyed a lot of foreplay and cuddling afterwards. I'll be going back to Dubai in July so I will definitely call her and see if we could reconvene.

So my lesson learned is if you are Filipino or a Filipino American like me, don't go to Filipino clubs in Dubai. You dn't get any special privileges being of the same race. To me, York is the best all around club to meet girls from many countries and get a decent AED500 nighttime fee. AS for me now, I feel like a King again in Manila! Theres no place like home.

Happy Hunting Gents!

05-16-12, 20:35
Hey. Was the MP in Marina 'Dr*mw*ks'? Thats a over the board one I believe. There is another one 'Ma*' which is at the base of the bridge just off Marina Walk which is a AMP. Basically with Happy endings.Yes, coming from JBR area, over the bridge, immediately on the right there is a spa named "Marijia's Relaxation." or something like that. Highly recommended. In room showers. Try "Sali or Sahlee", or however that name is to be spelled.

05-17-12, 02:18
HI guys,

Who is up for meeting up and checking out a few night spots on Sunday night?

I would really like to check out the indian ladiesatimperial and I am open to visit anywhere else.

PM me.

05-18-12, 00:21
Yes, coming from JBR area, over the bridge, immediately on the right there is a spa named "Marijia's Relaxation." or something like that. Highly recommended. In room showers. Try "Sali or Sahlee", or however that name is to be spelled.Hi any idea of prices and tips given?

05-19-12, 02:40
I found this web page.


Don't know how accurate and complete the descriptions are but a lot of the map locations are wrong, you will have to Google the addresses to get the correct map location.

Has anyone been to the Cavalli Club at the Fairmount lately? If so is it as per the recent review posted on the link?

05-19-12, 05:56
Can anyone tell me where the Broadway bar is?Easiest way there is to tell a cab: Broadway hotel is behind the pic and save off maqtoum road.

Check the hotel thread. It might be on multiple maps.


05-19-12, 06:00
Is The Broadway hotel Green?

05-19-12, 12:40
This is my first report so please excuse any errors I may be making.

I was in Dubai a few weeks ago and the first thing I tried after checking into my Hotel Room was to log on to ISG. However, due to the strict islamic laws, sites like ISG will not open. So without the valuable intel from the Forum. It was either give up or go lonewolf. At my first business meeting a Crazy Old Man, who was sitting next to me at lunch, told me about Al Rigga Street "the other Dubai" as I call it now. So that afternoon I took a cab to the Clock Tower which is where Al Rigga Street and Abu Baker Al Siddique Road meet. I walked up Al Rigga with my Spidey sense on high alert. It is the crappy part of Dubai, you should know. Still safer than Philadelphia though. Lots of Asian girls, most of them not worth approaching but it was interesting to see this part of Dubai. There is no need to go further once you see some sort of a gigantic playground / permanent carnival area. I walked back Al Rigga thinking I just wasted my time. As I got closer to the Al Rigga Metro Station a pretty young Asian caught my eye but I decided that I will try some of the other places suggested by the Crazy Old Man. I took a cab back to my Hotel in the DIFC area and around 10pm went to the Cin Cin Bar at the Fairmont Hotel. Lots of beautiful girls, fancy atmosphere, but I was scared off by a friend who told me the chicks at Cin Cin will ask for 4000 AED for a night. So still thinking about the pretty young Asian on Al Rigga. I jumped into a cab and found a great Asian girl on Al Rigga / 23rd Street. Her name was YaYa and we spent 3 great hours at my Hotel. We began by chatting and drinking some white wine with some kisses in between. I took her to the shower and undressed her and we made out in the shower. We jumped into bed still wet and began the mambo, she was amazingly tight. I have been mongering for 20 years and she took 2 place overall. She was just sweet, sexy, and seemed really into it. She gave me a great GFE for 1000 AED. I would rate her: Body 8. 5, Face 7. 5, Performance 9. She is great if you like Asian girls.

Misha Rastov
05-19-12, 14:40
They do also have a standard greet service which also gets you out fasteratUS$26 if am not wrong. The only thing that you go to Marhaba Counter and they take it from there on!Apart from the MARHABA service if you're going to come to Dubai quite often I thoroughly recommend the E Gate card. Card issued by Dubai government for 200 Aed which you use at the electronic gates both in and out of the country. More info at this site http://www.definitelydubai.com/i-live-here/getting-started/visas-residency/e-gate-card

Misha Rastov
05-19-12, 15:35
They do also have a standard greet service which also gets you out fasteratUS$26 if am not wrong. The only thing that you go to Marhaba Counter and they take it from there on!If you're a frequent visitor an E Gate pass will save you time & money. 200 UAD for 2 years.



05-19-12, 18:10
E-Gate cards are for residents only.

If you're a frequent visitor an E Gate pass will save you time & money. 200 UAD for 2 years.



Misha Rastov
05-19-12, 19:05
E-Gate cards are for residents only.Update here. http://www.expatwoman.com/dubai/monthly_faqs_egate_5072.aspx

Mr Doody
05-19-12, 20:58
Rumour has it the Rattlesnake is closed. If so is there a replacement nearby?

Wicked Roger
05-19-12, 23:44
Update here.

http://www.expatwoman.com/dubai/monthly_faqs_egate_5072.aspxEven Gold frequent flier members of Emirates can get one Blackwhite99 and I will soon renew mine again and I am not resident of the UAE.

Global Surfer
05-20-12, 02:10
This is my first report so please excuse any errors I may be making.

I was in Dubai a few weeks ago and the first thing I tried after checking into my Hotel Room was to log on to ISG. However, due to the strict islamic laws, sites like ISG will not open. So without the valuable intel from the Forum. It was either give up or go lonewolf. At my first business meeting a Crazy Old Man, who was sitting next to me at lunch, told me about Al Rigga Street "the other Dubai" as I call it now. So that afternoon I took a cab to the Clock Tower which is where Al Rigga Street and Abu Baker Al Siddique Road meet. I walked up Al Rigga with my Spidey sense on high alert. It is the crappy part of Dubai, you should know. Still safer than Philadelphia though. Lots of Asian girls, most of them not worth approaching but it was interesting to see this part of Dubai. There is no need to go further once you see some sort of a gigantic playground / permanent carnival area. I walked back Al Rigga thinking I just wasted my time. As I got closer to the Al Rigga Metro Station a pretty young Asian caught my eye but I decided that I will try some of the other places suggested by the Crazy Old Man. I took a cab back to my Hotel in the DIFC area and around 10pm went to the Cin Cin Bar at the Fairmont Hotel. Lots of beautiful girls, fancy atmosphere, but I was scared off by a friend who told me the chicks at Cin Cin will ask for 4000 AED for a night. So still thinking about the pretty young Asian on Al Rigga. I jumped into a cab and found a great Asian girl on Al Rigga / 23rd Street. Her name was YaYa and we spent 3 great hours at my Hotel. We began by chatting and drinking some white wine with some kisses in between. I took her to the shower and undressed her and we made out in the shower. We jumped into bed still wet and began the mambo, she was amazingly tight. I have been mongering for 20 years and she took 2 place overall. She was just sweet, sexy, and seemed really into it. She gave me a great GFE for 1000 AED. I would rate her: Body 8. 5, Face 7. 5, Performance 9. She is great if you like Asian girls.I understand your likeness and your quality time but I think in Al Rigga street they do not expect more than 200-400 for ST

05-20-12, 02:43
This is my first report so please excuse any errors I may be making.Nice FR on a location not often reported on.

I can certainly associate with your plight. Happened to me my 1st time there, WAY back when. Internet cafes not that common. But once I found one, used an on-line archive of a newsgroup to find locations (news groups? Just dated myself).

So, pays to do your research BEFORE you reach Dubai. Otherwise you will pay there. Whole thread on beating the blocks:


But does take some prior prep, at least in knowing what's possible, if not finding a VPN.

Here's another way to grab a lot of info to read while waiting for your flight, on the plane, or at your hotel while you're waiting to go out:


Just save the (long) page and read at your leisure.

Best to find some maps and venue lists (using ROD. Reports of distinction thread) , save those away before arriving.

Told me about Al Rigga Street "the other Dubai" as I call it now. It is the crappy part of Dubai, you should know.Yes, certainly. Actually known as Deira, with the "modern" side of the creek known as Bur Dubai. But a lot of girls live in the area, as accommodations are cheap and available. Just be a bit careful, not for crime as such, but for ire. As in some of the other typical residents (as in civilians) might not like the idea of the better off enjoying themselves on their turf, or for religious reasons. I remember I was with a girl who had an apartment in the area, and we were actually followed into her building by some yahoos demanding to know where we were going and what we were doing. Funny thing to see them turn and run when she started back the stairs after them, threatening to call LE.

Also, especially during Ramadan, be careful about approaching a girl on the street. Certainly is done (have done many times myself) , but much less tolerance for that going on then.

and she took 2 place overall. She was just sweet, sexy, and seemed really into it. She gave me a great GFE for 1000 AED. I would rate her: Body 8. 5, Face 7. 5, Performance 9.I would hope she'd be enthusiastic for that price (like I said, you will pay if you don't prep). Like Global Surfer said, street girls are of a lower ranking than bar girls. But as I've always said, a good price is what she is worth to you that night.

Hit York or Seaview and offer that price for LT and you will be very popular. You might have a chance with that price for LT at the Regal or Premiere on a slow night.

I couldn't go to York because that PRC girl would have been waiting for me and she would have given me a hard timeWell, she might have been disappointed she was missing out on a good payday, but I've always found the PRC's to be very pragmatic once you make yourself clear. No need to be rude (in most cases), just a "No thank you, not tonight. I find someone new." Then turn away. DON'T engage in a discussion about go/no-go; you've made your decision. Now you MIGHT not get a GFE the next time you pull her, but... always tradeoffs. PRC's I knew understood.

05-20-12, 14:10
I'm new to the forums but this post is exactly what I was looking for. I travel to Dubai 3 times a year and just got notified that the Crowne Plaza Festival City is my new hotel (Really happy to see its considered Green and with the lifts so close to the door). I will post a current report as soon as I get back. If anyone has any info or recommendations on this hotel please let me know.

Thanks!Well done AlpineClimbr,

Nice to see someone who has taken the time to RTFF, or at the very least use the Search function. That report is at least two years old if its a day, tucked back in the 230 range of pages.

It brought back some very nice memories. .



Romello Skuggs
05-21-12, 16:34
Was in Dubai recently but stayed on the new / bur Dubai side of the creek.


Out past bur Dubai jumeriah / marina etc is a waste of time.

Jockeysatpanorama had girls but is very small and crowded and you may not get a seat. Probably would not go there again.

Seaview is ok and the band was good.

Imo if you are serious about picking up a girl and having a decent amount to chose from I would go straight to stayin alive to the side of imperial (not inside the hotel lobby) or even better york. The rest over this side of the river were a waste of time imo unless you happen to see some stunners working a venue where people traditionally head after Friday brunch or something but don't expect them to be there any other time.


05-21-12, 19:02
Hi Guys,

Well I am just back from my trip to St. Petersburg and Dubai and I had a great time at both the places, especially in Dubai. Well I also learnt some important lessons will post all my experiences shortly.


05-22-12, 13:37
Spur of the moment decided to have a go at Marijias tranq spa in Marina area as I was driving past it. An ok looking PRC I got and started with a lot og oil and smooth strokes. Went down to the lower area promptly removed the paper shorts and continued with the stroking and rubbing. Her hands did not avoid the sensitive areas and I was looking forward to an enjoyable ending. As she moved around I would stroke gently any area of her within reach including her back under the top. Finally finished the massage and pointed to the in room shower. WTF! I did try and indicate I wanted some relief but she refused, so rather unhappily had the shower and then while dressing she asks for a tip, actually asked me. I said next time if I get a special massage. She still tried asking and had the bloody cheek to say 100dhs! No effing way. Got home browsed the net found a number for a jap girl FS dhs500 going there shortly (barsha) will report on return.

05-22-12, 18:53
Spur of the moment decided to have a go at Marijias tranq spa in Marina area as I was driving past it. An ok looking PRC I got and started with a lot og oil and smooth strokes. Went down to the lower area promptly removed the paper shorts and continued with the stroking and rubbing. Her hands did not avoid the sensitive areas and I was looking forward to an enjoyable ending. As she moved around I would stroke gently any area of her within reach including her back under the top. Finally finished the massage and pointed to the in room shower. WTF! I did try and indicate I wanted some relief but she refused, so rather unhappily had the shower and then while dressing she asks for a tip, actually asked me. I said next time if I get a special massage. She still tried asking and had the bloody cheek to say 100dhs! No effing way. Got home browsed the net found a number for a jap girl FS dhs500 going there shortly (barsha) will report on return.100dhs with no happy ending of any sort is a bit much. What was the base cost?

Looking forward to the report on the barsha gal soon!

05-22-12, 20:31
Spur of the moment decided to have a go at Marijias tranq spa in Marina area as I was driving past it. An ok looking PRC I got and started with a lot og oil and smooth strokes. Went down to the lower area promptly removed the paper shorts and continued with the stroking and rubbing. Her hands did not avoid the sensitive areas and I was looking forward to an enjoyable ending. As she moved around I would stroke gently any area of her within reach including her back under the top. Finally finished the massage and pointed to the in room shower. WTF! I did try and indicate I wanted some relief but she refused, so rather unhappily had the shower and then while dressing she asks for a tip, actually asked me. I said next time if I get a special massage. She still tried asking and had the bloody cheek to say 100dhs! No effing way. Got home browsed the net found a number for a jap girl FS dhs500 going there shortly (barsha) will report on return.Waiting for your report bro, always wanted to try a japanese!

Krypto Knight
05-22-12, 22:50
Is The Broadway hotel Green?Is the Broadway hotel green?

You should have asked, is it a hotel?

In reality it's pretty much a brothel.

So that would be yes.


Member #1263
05-22-12, 23:01
Hello fellow hunters. Pretty hot weather. Anyways wanted to share, met up recently with a Morrocon babe charging 3000 to 4000. Have any of you come across this kinda high rate. Cheers

05-23-12, 01:28
Hello fellow hunters. Pretty hot weather. Anyways wanted to share, met up recently with a Morrocon babe charging 3000 to 4000. Have any of you come across this kinda high rate. CheersYes, hot humid sticky weather in Dubai.

Picked up a Moroccan girl last night from premier, sealed the deal for 1000 LT. Was kind of semi GFE, report to follow in few days. Will be going back again tomorrow to survey the market.

Global Surfer
05-23-12, 01:41
Was in Dubai recently but stayed on the new / bur Dubai side of the creek.


Imo if you are serious about picking up a girl and having a decent amount to chose from I would go straight to stayin alive to the side of imperial (not inside the hotel lobby) or even better york. The rest over this side of the river were a waste of time imo unless you happen to see some stunners working a venue where people traditionally head after Friday brunch or something but don't expect them to be there any other time.

LaterNice to hear that Imperial has improved. My last few visits were waste of time

Global Surfer
05-23-12, 01:44
Hello fellow hunters. Pretty hot weather. Anyways wanted to share, met up recently with a Morrocon babe charging 3000 to 4000. Have any of you come across this kinda high rate. CheersI have heard people saying that locals think that Morocans are great and willing to pay accordingly. Please note that there is no guarantee that this statement is correct. For that sort of money you can get a stunner anywhere in the world.

In some cases they ask ridiculous prices if they don't like the guy or may be just bluffing

Global Surfer
05-23-12, 01:46
Hi Guys,

Well I am just back from my trip to St. Petersburg and Dubai and I had a great time at both the places, especially in Dubai. Well I also learnt some important lessons will post all my experiences shortly.

Thanks, Comparing St Petersburg (city of three great revolutions) with Dubai? I think girls from St Petersburg are in hot demand in Dubai.

05-23-12, 09:27
The base cost in the M spa reported before was 200.

Now with the other AMP, was told to call from behind the ramada in barsh 1, and was told wait a few minutes which turned into a good 20mts. I hate having to sit around in the car waiting. Anyway a PRC turned up at the car and directed to a building closeby. She took me to an aprt and then the girl arrived. She didn't look jap, turned out to be korean. I questioned the PRC provider and it was a a major comm error. Anyway the korean looked good so decided to go with it. Attitude was ok though not great GFE. (I guess m comparing to fili GFE which is hard to match). Started with a body cream massage and her massage skills seriously need practice so we just abandoned that and went for the works. Started off with a BBBJ and she lubed up her fingers and teased the little sphincter pretty good. This really gets me going and I got the rubber on and started with miss ending with doggie. She wasnt into dfk which was a disappointment. Overall for 500chips not a bad experience. Will make sure to try the jap girl soon. Shower facilities in room.

05-23-12, 09:35
Jockeysatpanorama had girls but is very small and crowded and you may not get a seat.Jockeys is a good place to start out or meet your friends. Earlier in the evening (8:30, 9:00 pm), not so crowded that you can't see who's there, or at least able to move about in the small room and so find your mates, before moving on to prime pastures. Not so of the York or Imperial. Have a drink, hook up with your buddies, and while waiting, chat with some of the talent, perhaps getting a phone number or 2 for future use.

Used to be, some girls would also start out there, gathering to wait until opening hours of their main office, perhaps able to pick up a ST early on. Also can be the refuge of last resort, if you haven't found anyone at York or Imperial, worth sticking your head in, see what regulars are left there (but not if there's an entrance fee at the late hour). Won't be a-listers, but did know some nice chorus line from there.

Imo if you are serious about picking up a girl and having a decent amount to chose from I would go straight to stayin alive to the side of imperial (not inside the hotel lobby)Ah yes, fond memories of the confusing layout. 2 bars. 1 with its OUTSIDE entrance to the LEFT of the hotel's front door (main bar) , and another bar / small restaurant with its OUTSIDE door to the RIGHT of the hotel's front door. I first visited the right bar, and wondered what all the fuss was about. Took me several visits to figure out there was another PUBLIC bar, not some private club, over on the left. Some wg's do take refuge in the small bar to escape the masses of the main bar, but certainly not a major attraction (on the other hand, if you can't find her in the LEFT bar, can be worthwhile to see if she's taking a break in the right one).

In some cases they ask ridiculous prices if they don't like the guy or may be just bluffingI always took those prices to be "I really don't want your business, but if you're stupid enough to agree, then why not?" But usually over the top prices are a great indication to move on.

Well Done! (or. How to use the search function)Agreed, nice to see some self-initiative. Hope all is well with you, ExpatCat.

05-23-12, 09:45
Base cost for the M spa reported earlier 200dhs.

Now for the AMP barsh 1, was told to call from behind the ramada. When I called was told to wait a few minutes which turned out to be a good 20mts, hate those. Finally after a few repeated calls and many apologies the PRC provider turned up at my car and directed me to a building. Took me to an aprt and the girl turned up. Didn't look like the jap in the pictures, turned out she is korean. First I thought it was a bait and switch but it seems a major comm error. The korean is featured in the ad as well. She looked ok so decided to run with it. Started off with a body cream massage but she seriously needs to practice that so abandoned that and went for the works. BBBJ and she lubed her fingers and teased little sphincter pretty good, really gets me going with that. So on with the rubber and started with miss ending with doggie. She was not into DFK which was disappointing, however her attitude was ok though not great GFE (I'm comparing to Fili GFE which is hard to beat). In room shower facilities. Now the provider said it was a new place just rented. To me it looks like they don't live there just used for the activities. I think the waiting was while she got the girl to come from wherever she is located. Anyway for 500chips it was an ok exp. Really need to try the jap next time.

05-23-12, 20:27
Base cost for the M spa reported earlier 200dhs.

Now for the AMP barsh 1, was told to call from be.Apologies for the double post. Was working off the iPad and after writing the first time and hit submit I got the du safe surf warning realized the VPN had gone off. Got back into the site had no idea the earlier post had gone through so wrote up again with a little more detail. Normally when writing on forums I always copy the writeup to clipboard just for this reason. But forgot this time.

05-23-12, 22:31
Hi guys,

Visited Dubai a few weeks back and could not get time to report. Was there for a short visit for two nights and checked into Crown Plaza, SZ Road. On the day of arrival, I was too tired to go hunting and called my fili contact Ms. L. I was not sure if she would pick my call as it was very late. She did pick up and was in my room within an hour. As usual, had a great time and she is the perfect GF experience.

The second day I was checking the local scene in CP and could spot quite a few chicks hanging around the entrance. Couple of very good looking ones headed straight into the club but not sure if they were WGs. But looks like the club is a good ground for picking non-WGs. But a lot of action seems to be going on at the rear and shopping entrances of the hotel. Couple of nice MILFs approached me beside some fairly young chicks. They looked to be of Arab origin. I was not looking for a long encounter after a busy first night. I fancied a particular MILF with great tits and curvy body. Wanted to try and asked for a price. The quote was for 500 st. I did not show interest and she persisted and countered for 400. Just to end the conversation I said 200, stepping away as I was expecting to draw wild looks. She agreed instantly! Now I was not willing to let that go because she looked worth it and more. Taking her to the room was a breeze. A bit of nice talk for starters and she took off her dress and surely, she looked much better now. She gave a BBBJ and some DFK as I was getting ready to do the honors. Took her missionary and doggy before I did the deed and sent her away. Not a bad deal at all for 200 bucks. Would like to know if anyone else had a similar experience.

The next day as I was waiting for my car near the valet parking, along with other suited executives, when a really tall and sexy lady walked past all of us. She was wearing a VERY short green dress that barely reached her hips, showing off her long legs. But the eye popper was her front which showed her ample cleavage. The dress was barely covering her nipples and she drove off in her black BMW. As she sat in the drivers seat, one could see a clear side view of her boobs. A lot of eyes were on her as she drove off and perhaps the bell boy even had a chance to see her panties as he helped her close the door. I felt she was perhaps a WG, one of the high end ones possibly. Her BMW was quite an old one and surely she would not be going for a business meeting with that dress. Maybe others have seen her as well.

05-24-12, 07:36
Hi all,

Will be in Dubai last 3 nights of May.

Interested in some Indian / Pakistani and Arab action.

Any pointers for either locations or incall / outcall would be really appreciated. Contact numbers of providers or independents (if possible) can be sent by PM.

Thanks in advance.


Horny Landoora
05-24-12, 08:32
They looked to be of Arab origin. I was not looking for a long encounter after a busy first night. I fancied a particular MILF with great tits and curvy body. Wanted to try and asked for a price. The quote was for 500 st. I did not show interest and she persisted and countered for 400. Just to end the conversation I said 200, stepping away as I was expecting to draw wild looks. She agreed instantly!Seriously 200 bucks? You sure you were in Dubai? That too an Arabian MILF? You lucky dog going by your report you did strike an awesome deal! Never heard anyone having ST for 200 bucks except for ugly chicks who used to ply AlRigga at one point of time!

Classic Action
05-24-12, 10:24
I have been trying to call Lucy's AMP which was lately on AlWasl road but all the numbers are suddenly off for the last one week. Anyone has any information. Have they moved or stopped or raided?


05-24-12, 11:46
Is the Broadway hotel green?

You should have asked, is it a hotel?

In reality it's pretty much a brothel.

So that would be yes.


In part I feel partly responsible for the downfall of Paranormal. I wrote many comments on the going on's in that Hotel. It's red now so I guess I can add this to, but twice going through customs I was asked "what hotel are you staying in?" I tried to play dumb both times but eventually had to cough up Panorama and both times they gave a short snigger and rolled their eyes. They know full well exactly which hotels are which.

They know who's staying at which Hotel and it wouldn't surprise me if that kept a list of the photocopied I'd's of our "guests".
One of the negatives of the computer age. Bring back the abacus.

Does anyone know what happened to the Rattlesnake girls or did they just vanish into thin air) cheers Nickc

Mr Doody
05-24-12, 16:24
I just arrive home form a short but intense work trip to Dubai. Its been a while since I mongered in Dubai and now in a hotel not my friends villa.

After reading the forums I booked into the CityMax Bur Dubai, yes totally green, I was even told when I was checking in to please register all 'visitors'.

I booked Tatiana an old regular from Rattlesnake days, Who has now stopped working (so she says) and has a 'friend' that takes care of her. Tatiana is a bit of a flake she told me she wanted to see me because our star signs matched. What ever. She stayed to 9am. Damage 1200.

After a morning of meetings I had a few hours of to off so it was off to the Broadway Hotel. It was surprisingly busy, mostly 4-7's picked one stunner slim and tall Romanian. Carmen, good english and friendly, her 'Agent' another CIS woman called Tanya did the negations. 700 for 2 hours. Back to the hotel what a gem Carmen was. She cum within 10 minutes and several times until the time was up and I got off 3 shots. Packed her off in a cab and had a nap. (will post photos in the photo section)

Later that night met up with some clients at the Radisson Dubai Creek. The bar there was very 'thin' on the ground mostly 5-8's. I ended booking a dark haired CIS. 700 for ST. Nothing exciting but I was flying back in the morning so better than nothing.

05-24-12, 19:59
Hello Everyone,

I would like to share my experience at Dubai when I was there for 3 nights last week, I am from India but I was coming to Dubai from St. Petersburg and since the flight landed late at night around 12:30 I had very little time and so I had already booked the Marhaba Meet and Greet service and it really worked well, I was out of Airport in approximately 15 mins, they really do great job.

After checking in the Hotel which incidentally took more time than getting out of Airport me and my friend quickly took the cab and off we went to Premiere our favorite place, we reached premiere by 2:15 and was informed that it was very soon the closing time but we went in and was really disappointed by the quality I guess the best ones had been picked up by now, but anyhow we kept looking hoping to find someone interesting and very soon I spotted a gem, I remember that girl used to be there in the Kubu at Radisson when I last visited Dubai but at that time I was not able to approach her and this time as I saw her I immediately made by move and asked her if she was the one who used to be present in the Kubu and she was surprised and that did the trick and I had her in my room within next hour. Although I had to admit that my excitement was quickly washed away when I saw her body and it was nothing like the way she looked from outside further to add to my disappointment she told me she has a 6 year old kid, really I don't like moms. Anyhow I passed that night but the next day I and my friend were at the Premiere at around 11:00 clock which I would say is the best time to enter because you have enough time to gauge all the talent and also the best ones tend to enter the club at around 12:00 so you are well positioned to eye the best ones when they enter.

Very soon I spotted a very elegant and beautiful looking Belarusian girl, I inquired if she was a mother and got the reply in negative which was very good and than the price was negotiated to 1600 Dhs for full night and I was happy and took her back to hotel and what a night it was, it was one of the best nights that I had in Dubai, worth every single moment.

Next day I asked the same girl to come down and we had very good Dinner and enjoyed the bottel of wine and again a great night, actually I like her way too much and next day it was back at Premiere, in my view it is still the best place because you get all the types, CIS, PRC, Filli, African and many more and you have wide range of prices also. Picked up a Ukrainian and again the perfect gril and had my money's worth with this it was now time to go back but this visit was special because of this Belarus girl, I still cannot get her out of my mind and would surely like to visit Dubai very soon to have few more encounters with her.


Jimmy K II
05-24-12, 21:32
Hi guys,

After quite a while I had the chance to be sent to Dubai from my boss again and I immediately accepted.

Was staying at Le Meridien next to the airport and had no problem to bring back a visitor (hotel is green)

First night I arrived very late and gave my former regular uzbek girlfiend and call to come over.

So she did and we spent a wonderul passionate night always between GFE and pure PSE. For me she's one of my all time favourites.

I know her since three years and during my more often visits (6-8 times / year) I didn't go with any other girl, because I was a love fool with her.

We're still the contact upright and as we really know each other very well over the time, our sessions are always great.

Please don't ask for her contacts as she's now working in a regular job and doesn't go out to the bars anymore.

The moment she agrees to give out her contacts, I'll inform you accordingly on this forum.

Second night I had business until 01 am and was already pretty much tired, but when in Dubai, I don't want to go to bed alone if there's girls to be done right next door.

So I went to Jules Bar to check out the menues.

The selection at this late hour was already quite picked, but there was still some talent.

Mostly PRC and CIS, the two big butt Ethiopian chics were also still there.

I haven't even ordered my beer and was immediately chatted up ba a PRC offering her and her friend for threesome.

First of all I wasn't in the mood for a threesome, second I wasn't in the mood to check out her "massaaaashe" skills and third she wasn't good looking.

She didn't even leave after I saod "NO" so I had to change my position and strolled around the bar.

Then I saw a very slim (almost skinny) girl that was smiling really friendly and nice to me.

Approached her and started the normal ST: hi, how are you? Where are you from? First time in Dubai? Etc.

She was a kyrgyz girl and 32 why / o, named miss "S". As she was a nice person, we settled the deal at 800AED for LT and went back to my room.

The night was really a very good session with DFK, DATY and several positions all over the room.

Was waked by her giving me a very deep BBBJ in the morning followed by a quite sporty morning session.

Good girl, but she has already left Dubai for visa renewal. Said to be back in September.

Third night came back again late and decided to visit Jules again.

Same line up like the day before with some new faces.

Finally settled the deal with a Russian girl. 28 why / o, named "L".

Blond, not too tall, good hardbody with firm tits.

Small talk was very funny and she had a good attitude. So fixed the deal for 1000AED LT until next morning.

Back to the room we first had some Whiskey and then started the session.

She said, that normally she doesn't kiss, but with me (I'm such a nice guy.) she makes an exception.

She was very much caring about safety and so there was only CBJ and she didn't like DATY.

Put some gel on my finger and forced me to play with her clit, but no entering inside!

Fucking her was quite good as she had a very firm and tight pussy and liked doggy in several positions.

After more than one hour of pure shagging (I had some Whiskey before) I finally came in a huge load and was really knocked out after.

So we slept like an old couple (ass to ass) until next morning.

There another really good doggy style action started and was also highly appreciated by me.

Filled the Durex again and off she went.

Unfortunately I had to take the flight back home this day evening after all day business, because I started enjoying Dubai again.

Time was too short this time to check out some other places.

Only the weather was really hot, humid, sticky and dusty, but inside the bars and hotels it's quite comfortable.

I'll not visit Dubai again before October and hope to find again some talents then.

Take care of you guys and have a good time.



05-25-12, 00:54
Thanks for the quick feedback and note on my PM not working.

Have sent you a PM. Do respond if you receive.


Try Regal bar or yorks both are gud!

Your pm service doesn't work!

U got any contacts?

Global Surfer
05-25-12, 01:34
Hi all,

Will be in Dubai last 3 nights of May.

Interested in some Indian / Pakistani and Arab action.

Any pointers for either locations or incall / outcall would be really appreciated. Contact numbers of providers or independents (if possible) can be sent by PM.

Thanks in advance.

CheerioTry Imperial on Rolla Street in Bur Dubai but both quality and service are poor.

I have heard that there are 3/4 clubs in Royal Ascot on Bank Street (A little futher from York). You may find some there.

This information was from a CIS 'friend'.

05-25-12, 11:55
Thanks Global Surfer,

Will try out the clubs at Royal Ascot. If the quality and service is poor at Imeprial, then better to stay away.

Will definitely post feedback (FR) post my trip.


Try Imperial on Rolla Street in Bur Dubai but both quality and service are poor.

I have heard that there are 3/4 clubs in Royal Ascot on Bank Street (A little futher from York). You may find some there.

This information was from a CIS 'friend'.

Krypto Knight
05-25-12, 20:23
I have heard that there are 3/4 clubs in Royal Ascot on Bank Street (A little futher from York). You may find some there.

This information was from a CIS 'friend'.Are you saying there are hooker bars in Royal Ascot? If yes what are the names that's news to me.

Krypto Knight
05-25-12, 20:33
Seriously 200 bucks? You sure you were in Dubai? That too an Arabian MILF? You lucky dog going by your report you did strike an awesome deal! Never heard anyone having ST for 200 bucks except for ugly chicks who used to ply AlRigga at one point of time!Are you serious dude? If you have any clue what you are doing then 500AED ($125) is STANDARD. In York 300AED is STANDARD. Yes York is full of dogs but there is the diamond in the rough to be found if you look carefully.

Let's face it, some people don't know how to play the game and they are just driving the price up for everyone else unfortunately.

05-25-12, 21:17
Are you serious dude? If you have any clue what you are doing then 500AED ($125) is STANDARD. In York 300AED is STANDARD. Yes York is full of dogs but there is the diamond in the rough to be found if you look carefully.

Let's face it, some people don't know how to play the game and they are just driving the price up for everyone else unfortunately.Funny you should say that. 500d LT and 300d ST is indeed the price point that I work to there at York. I will sometimes pay somewhat more, maxing out at about 800LT at York, if it's a real stunner. The usual starting point of the bargaining is 1000d LT and I *always* say NO to that.

Seaview same-same.

Global Surfer
05-26-12, 01:32
Are you saying there are hooker bars in Royal Ascot? If yes what are the names that's news to me.One 'Georgian frend' who regularly goes to Panorama, York and Zinc told me that she also goes to Royal Ascot. There is no harm in trying.

Global Surfer
05-26-12, 01:33
Thanks Global Surfer,

Will try out the clubs at Royal Ascot. If the quality and service is poor at Imeprial, then better to stay away.

Will definitely post feedback (FR) post my trip.

CheerioFrom quality and service I mean, quality and service of Indians and Pakistanis.

In Imperial you will usually find Africans and PRCs and sometimes some CIS. I was not talking about their service.

One 'Georgian frend' who regularly goes to Panorama, York and Zinc told me that she also goes to Royal Ascot. There is no harm in trying.

05-26-12, 06:41
Dear Freinds,

I have to inform you that during my recent visit to Dubai I went to CIN CIN to check the quality as I heard a lot about it and went to check the quality of girls there, on reaching I found that the ratio was not good and even the quality was marginally better, but then after some time real beauties started coming in, I had my eye on one very hot looking Russian and kept eyeing her to see if she gives some indication or shows some interest but did not get any indications only some eye contacts and then I decided it was enough and went ahead introduced myself and asked her about the rates. She straightaway told me it was 3000 and I asked her about the time and she did not give me any reply and told me that it will depend on me as to how much time I wanted.

Well I knew I was falling in her trap but her beauty was so intoxicating that I was willingly becoming her prey, after many times of asking she still did not gave any firm reply about the time and told me that if you want me for the full night it will be 4000, I told her that she is out of her mind to be asking for that much of price, then she told me OK then give me 3000, at the same time 2 of her friends arrived and I tell one was the most beatiful Kenyan I have ever seen in any part of world, she was straight out of FTV, looked better than Naomi Campbell, but the strange thing is that these girls only want white men and they rarely show any interest in the Colored Man at CIN CIN, which is the fucking shit thing about this place. For your information I am from India.

Anyhow I decided to go with the Russian for 3000 with no clarification about the time, as soon as I reached Hotel in Taxi, she came in her Car, she had her own car and flat in Bur Dubai. Once in the Room, she wanted to get straight into the action, when I told her this is not my way, lets have some drinks do some talk and then we start, but she was having nothing of it and had already stripped down in 5 mins.

She had the perfect body, every part of her Body was perfect and to add to that the killer face and smile and we went to action after about 20 mins the first session was over, she suddenly started getting dressed and told me that she had to go as there was some urgent work that come and she cannot stay any longer, I was like what the fuck I paid you 3000 for a single session of 120 mins and now you say that you have to go, she was so cold and showed no emotion and told we she cannot stay, I told her to get out of the room immediately and never cheat people like this, what a shame that we can find people like her in one of the most famous bars in the high end hotel. I got ripped off by her beauty.

Anyhow the lesson learnt is that the places like Premiere are still the best as most of the girls there have very freindly attitude and there charges are still between 1500 to 2000 and they are true to there word. I mean picked up 3 girls from Premiere in 3 nights and each had a amazing attitude they were ready to drink, talk and enjoy the time and never ever went by the clock. If you be nice to them then you obviously get special service from them. That is why I love premiere.

So anyone going to CIN CIN if you are not white please beware the place is only for the people who want to blow there money and get nothing in return.


Horny Landoora
05-26-12, 06:45
Are you serious dude? If you have any clue what you are doing then 500AED ($125) is STANDARD. In York 300AED is STANDARD. Yes York is full of dogs but there is the diamond in the rough to be found if you look carefully.Which Arabian MILF as he described originally in his post have you had for the standard rates you are highlighting? As far as my experience goes you cannot get hold of Emirati or Lebanese girls for those rates he described! The standard rates might be applying at York or other places but it is mainly for PRCS and African ladies!

Horny Landoora
05-26-12, 06:47
Are you saying there are hooker bars in Royal Ascot? If yes what are the names that's news to me.It sure was very active when Elegante was doing well. Specially for Indo Pak ladies! There are still some crumbs you can pickup from time to time although as someone said earlier quality remains debatable! Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder!

05-26-12, 07:45
Next day I asked the same girl to come down and we had very good Dinner and enjoyed the bottel of wine and again a great night, actually I like her way too much and next day it was back at Premiere, in my view it is still the best place because you get all the types, CIS, PRC, Filli, African and many more and you have wide range of prices also. Picked up a Ukrainian and again the perfect gril and had my money's worth with this it was now time to go back but this visit was special because of this Belarus girl, I still cannot get her out of my mind and would surely like to visit Dubai very soon to have few more encounters with her.

Cheers, I can understand how you feel. I had similar experience with a girl in Dubai and another one in KL. But a word of advice. Make the visit as soon as possible. By the time you actually visit next time the girl would have moved on to another club or city and / or changed her phone. So it will become almost impossible to find her. And you will be left with a feeling of loss, hoping you should have visited sooner.

05-26-12, 09:32
Hello Everyone,

I had already booked the Marhaba Meet and Greet service and it really worked well, I was out of Airport in approximately 15 mins, they really do great job.Did you book the Diamond or standard service?

05-26-12, 10:14
Yes I used the Diamond service and it was worth it, and next time I will use the same.


Did you book the Diamond or standard service?

05-26-12, 19:44
Just registered to reply this message (although reading forum for 2-3 years). Thanks Kabul for your very accurate information.

Went there today (very close to Khalid bin Al Waleed metro station burjuman side).

Paid 150 to reception, choose the girl (young and slim girls and nice attitude). Very nice messsage (it is clear that extras are available from the message.) , english is poor.

After back message I give her 100 and said 100 more after. She gets naked instantly (&305; think they usually get 100 only) , service is good handjob / footjob, some kissing and also blowjob (not deep). After that she took me to the shower, it is not in the room but near the gym. Then when I am wear&305; ng my clothes she asked don't want more massage (maybe second time is also possible but enough for me, so I left).

Note that this is my first first "punting" experience in Dubai and also first with asians so I might be biased. I had previous exp. With only Russian / ukranians, but rarely see this nice attitude.

Went to the Golden Moon Spa, it is located at the Moon Valley Apartment Hotel.

Map here.


Go straight through the door, to the elevator and push 'R' Turn left and go straight into the spa entry.

Rate was AED 150 per hour or 250 for two. Took two girls for 2 hours, AED 500.

Place was clean and upscale looking. Newly decorated and overall first impression was good.

They were young Asians, I think Thai but am not sure. They were young and slim, one was kind of busty and the other typical Thai A cups.

Great massage with no pretense about the extra that would be available. After the back rub I turned over and they asked about a tip. Told them that I'the give 500 AED each if they got naked, must have been enough (or too much) because they were out of their clothes in a flash.

Nice 4 handed hand job and then they massaged my chest and legs while I recovered.

Once recovered they started another hand job, since I'm an old fart my second coming can take a while, they were obviously getting tired before I finally came. They were rubbing their tits over my body and in my face.

I'll repeat.

05-27-12, 00:32
Thanks for the warning. I am from Pakistan and have a thing for CIS and will happily pay the 1500/2000 that they ask at Premiere, but for that I know that I have the night and never really had an issue. There are some there who will not stay over, but in my experience they always tell that upfront so no room for misunderstanding.

AED 3k for 2 hours is pretty screwed up, especially as you seem to have agreed the night, and I am assuming that you are well presented and staying at a decent place if you have the means to drop $750 on a girl for the night. Maybe it was just the girl. And you got a bad one.

What was the name / nationality of the girl so that she can be avoided. Someone should (maybe I will if I can figure it out.) a section holding details for girls to be avoided.

Dear Freinds,

So anyone going to CIN CIN if you are not white please beware the place is only for the people who want to blow there money and get nothing in return.

ThanksI know many CIS over a number of years now and they appreciate that South Asians have plenty to offer and they play for it. Read my last trip report. If interested PM me and I will send you the number for a Russian who is hot as they come, normally hangs out at Sanctuary (Atlantis) and will give you the time of your life. She's in your budget (AED2k) , does not stay overnight, but will be there as long as you are awake and 'willing'. My last encounter with her, I ran out of energy around 5am and frankly at that time I was more then happy to be able to go to bed while she headed out of the door after an energetic 4 hours

05-27-12, 00:33
Just registered to reply this message (although reading forum for 2-3 years). Thanks Kabul for your very accurate information.

Went there today (very close to Khalid bin Al Waleed metro station burjuman side).

Paid 150 to reception, choose the girl (young and slim girls and nice attitude). Very nice messsage (it is clear that extras are available from the message.) , english is poor.

After back message I give her 100 and said 100 more after. She gets naked instantly (&305; think they usually get 100 only) , service is good handjob / footjob, some kissing and also blowjob (not deep). After that she took me to the shower, it is not in the room but near the gym. Then when I am wear&305; ng my clothes she asked don't want more massage (maybe second time is also possible but enough for me, so I left).

Note that this is my first first "punting" experience in Dubai and also first with asians so I might be biased. I had previous exp. With only Russian / ukranians, but rarely see this nice attitude.Nice update, I got to go give this place a try!
