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09-24-06, 19:48
Hi guyz,

After a long time i have something to contribute here.

first week of september, i arrived in dubai for training. I arrived there 2 days before the training. checked out cyclone, rockfellow etc etc. but seriously i really like stay in live at imperial. anyway first 2 days were lost as i was just checking the market. checked in for training. after 7 restless days, checked in to london crown 2. (guests are allowed after 12:00)

In the nite, i went to stayin alive. in my visits before the training, i have selected a couple of them to whom i will go on. (as usual lot of planning) :) anyways long story short. i went with a girl nick name victoria from romania. I tried to pick her up earlier for 800 but failed. so finally without loosing any time i finalised her for 1000 at 11:00 nite. went to the room, orderred pizza. she went for shower. i kept watching her while she was taking the bath. believe me her body odour made me crazy when she passed me after taking the shower. we had a normal sex. i asked for anal but she refused. anyways 3 rounds in total. in the morning she checked out at 9:00 with a tip of 100.

i was supposed to fly in the afternooon but i called her asking if she can join me at 8:00 so that we can go out for dinner. she agreed. i picked her up from stayin alive. both the time i have been asked to pay in advance and i did.

first we went to jumairah beach there she told me how she reached to dubai and what she is upto. then we went to cinema for watching "My super ex girl friend" (DONT THINK I M FOOL. YOU WILL COME TO KNOW ABOUT IT).

anywayz we came back to hotel with pizza again. but this time she got a call. it was 12:30. she told me that she has to go for sometime as her new friend who came from romania today is waiting outside panorama hotel and she dont know where to go. after a 10 minute verbal fight i allowed her to go and come sooon.

after 20 minutes when she did not come back i went to stayin alive again. her pimp and girls became cautious when they saw me checking for her. finally found her dealling with someone for the nite. jumped in and broke the deal and took her back to the hotel. again oral fight. she admit that normally they do this with those who are leaving next day (i told her when we were at juamirah). finally we started in a bed with a bad mood. atleast i have to encash my money and again i become crazy when i smell her body. and this time she allowed anal. i had 3 rounds again but this time 2 were anal. next day she left at 11.

and i came back to hell (Riyadh)...


Attitude 6/10
Body 8/10
service 7/10
BOdy Odour 9/10 ;)
Born in 1982. I saw her passport copy and she looked like 24.

hope to see her soon in dubai. she will be there till Feb and after that she will go back to romania. (That's what she says).

09-24-06, 20:04
I think getting a good looking girl before 12:00 less than Dhram 1,000 is immpossible now. demand is high and supply is low. :) even in weekdays. can anybody tell me the rates during ramadan. so that i start my planning to visit during ramadan.


My Kapitan
09-25-06, 04:00
I think getting a good looking girl before 12:00 less than Dhram 1,000 is immpossible now. demand is high and supply is low. :) even in weekdays. can anybody tell me the rates during ramadan. so that i start my planning to visit during ramadan.


In my experience prices do drop slightly mid Ramadam and rocket at the end, all down to supply and demand. As for the 1K min I hope to disprove your theory on my return from Kz tomorrow night! ETA Regal 0145hrs 27th.....

09-25-06, 08:16
I think getting a good looking girl before 12:00 less than Dhram 1,000 is immpossible now. ..MKHAu contraire! Despite my first-time blip of paying 1000 last week, that was a special case - girls are still available for about 500 all night (as Kap will prove in two nights from now!)

If you're happy with ST, before 10pm is definitely a good time for reasonable prices, as the girl can leave in time to try her luck again at the clubs.

09-25-06, 08:26
Last two weeks: six LT´s, all between 500-700.

I did have one very optomistic young CIS ask for 1500 at the regal, and one clueless CIs said 1k, st or lt!

1k=Cyclone stunner for me.

09-25-06, 13:05
I think getting a good looking girl before 12:00 less than Dhram 1,000 is immpossible now. I've said it before: Define "good looking".

If a girl can make those prices, more power to her. Certainly over the past number of years, my normal ceiling of 500dhs LT (bar departure before 12am, home departure after 10am) has excluded more and more girls at the top end (e.g. Cyclone - I don't even bother to go these days). But I still don't have any problem in finding girls I find attractive, with a fun attitude.

To each his own, but I certainly would NOT be looking for a repeat of a girl who readily admitted to normally ripping off departing punters, and tried to do so with me. I know it's a business, but I like someone who likes doing business with me. MY type is the one who makes sure I have a last good meal as "airplane food no good", helps with the packing, and then makes sure I can sleep on the plane...

believe me her body odour made me crazy when she passed me after taking the shower. Yea, soap and water - here I always took it for granted...

Born in 1982. I saw her passport copy and she looked like 24.Given this is 2006, seems reasonable.

In my experience prices do drop slightly mid Ramadam and rocket at the end, all down to supply and demand. Lot of regionals come to dxb for Eid looking to party... Hotels and bars jammed. Having regular(s) does tend to damp out any price fluctuations.

09-25-06, 15:20
calm down guyz, i give up. count it as a surcharge tax paid by a saudi visitor :)

but based on my experience, the prices have gone high as compare to my visit in 2005.

but i want to say here that i know the difference of the body odour and the soap odour ;)


Mjolnir 213
09-25-06, 15:20
It would seem that it is very true about girls getting desparate during Ramadan.

Thursday night was a bit unusual for me.

A buddy of mine was in the mood for something Asian so I called a contact from Ratsky's. I asked her to line up a friend for my friend and that I would collect them outside the bar.

Got there and my girl was looking as fine as ever. Her friend though was way below average.

My wing man was obviously not happy so I told them we were not interested in the new girl. "No Problem. Call me in an hour", she said.

With an hour to kill we headed off to Imperial Suites.

Being the las Thursday before Ramadan, the place was packed with guys going wild one last time before the Holy Month.

Not mcuh to choose from and too many agressive Arab guys snapping up anything wiha pair of tits.

Stayed long enough for a couple of beers and then left. Sweaty smelly men just kill my mood.

Called my girl again and she was game but said she did'nt have anyone for my friend.

He decided to give up and just drop me and my lady home.

Feeling bad for the guy, she made a few calls and found someone she thought would e suitable.

This girl was a lot better than the first one, but not really a stunner. Still.. do-able as my buddy put it.

Got back to my place and there was a noticeable lack of chemistry between my friend and hers.

In an attempt to liven things up, we even suggested they join us for a group session "Just to get to know each other". My friend said he would give it a shot going solo.. I said ok, but let me know if you change your mind.

Was in the shower with my tight little playmate when I heard my friend knock on the door and say he was leaving.

I then got an SMS from him 10 minutes later saying "Pay her nothing".

That's just not the way I roll. So being the nice guy that I am I told the other girl I'd pay her what ws promised if she would consider a threesome.

She said it was fine with her.

The next hour and a half was great!

Thes two girls worked really well together and I was actually glad my friend left.

Finally finished in a tangled heap of arams and legsand was looking forward to the customary massage.

Surprise, surprise. On of their phones rang and the nex thing I know they are both getting dressed!

I seriously had an extreme WTF? moment.

Anyway, I don't like arguing with WG's especially after a wild session like that.

I made it clear that I was not happy and that they could no longer count on repeat business from me. Paid them and they left quietly.

Sunday night I called up my girl again since I was in the mood for a massage more than a shag, and her massages alone are worth the money.

She said she was embarrassed and that she thought I was still angry etc. etc..
She said she could never see me again becuase she was too ashamed of her conduct.
Refused to come over so I said fine... No problem, and settled down witha glass of wine and watched some TV.

Last night I get a TXT in the middle of the dy from her saying she was sorry.
I did not reply.

Another one around 6 in the evening saying something about her having lost her house key at my place. Yeah right!

And then it came.

"I need your money!"

That was more like it!

Picked her up and this time she went WAY out of her way to make sure I was happy.

My back feels great too!

Anyway, that's proof i guess that being nice and treating the girls fairly does pay off in the long run.

I just don't uderstand those idiots that think that these girls are sub-human, nd THEN argue ver prices or complain about bad service.

If you're nice to her, she will be extra nice to you.

This one even offered anal, but I told her i was not into that. (But she still ets points for being thoughtful.)

Ramadan Kareem mo-fos!


EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

09-25-06, 15:29
Hey MKH, do not feel too bad, I either have to pay an ugly surcharge or a bald surcharge almost every time! ;)

Girls do have certain expectations, that is where the "where are you from?" question comes from. If they smell money rather than soap or phermones, you know they will ask top dollar. In my case, I wonder if the 1500 non-negotiable quote from the stunner at regal was her way of telling me to [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) off, or that she regularly gets such a sum. Despite my low "Brad Pitt" factor, I would bet she gets her price every night. She was something else.

The 1k ST or LT girl from Imperial was a very clear message... "not with you, baldy, unless you really make it worth my while." Such is life, the orgasm is the same.

Mjolnir 213
09-25-06, 16:45
Since this is the International Sex GUIDE.

And since there is some conversation about LT rates.

Easy to get VERY nice Filipino girls at Ratsky's and President hotel for 500 AED a night.

The service in my opinion is better than most of the CIS girls and for me all of the PRC ladies.

These Filipina girls can give you great GFE and under normal circumstances will not pressure you to "fininsh", or try to rush things.

If you hve nice clean apartment they are more han willin to sleep over nd cook you brekfast the net day and help you clean up.

Once you become a regular and establish some contacts they don't even demand an amount.

They will tell you to pay them wht you like.

I normally offer 500 and will tip an extra 100 to show apprecition if the ervice was good.

Sure beats a lot of the other nationalities who tend to be all business most of the time.

I like being given the choice to pay according to what I think the girl deserves.

That does not men you have a liscense to rip these girls off either.

Pay what you think is fair cos they need the money more than you do.

09-25-06, 18:29
... Ramadan Kareem mo-fos!

Wiseblood - cool report about your Ramadan adventure in Dubai. Shows that things don't always go to plan (we've all had our share of that), and as you wisely show, if you don't get uptight about it, you can still have a good time. Ramadan Kareem to you too, Mofo. ;)

My Kapitan
09-26-06, 23:54
Since this is the International Sex GUIDE.

And since there is some conversation about LT rates.

Easy to get VERY nice Filipino girls at Ratsky's and President hotel for 500 AED a night.

The service in my opinion is better than most of the CIS girls and for me all of the PRC ladies.


Wow couldnt agree more. Didnt get in till 0145 from airport hence too late for regal in ramadam so catching up on forum. Great reports WB.

note to self must explore Filipinos and in particular ratskys more. Went there a couple of weeks ago before the Kz excursion and it was really a couples place- but with that underlying exciting feeling that more goes on then meets the eye. Will go there again.

Anyone tried recently opened majestic hotel?

I have 17 days left in dxb and I want to make each one count!


09-27-06, 04:14
With an hour to kill we headed off to Imperial Suites. ... Sweaty smelly men just kill my mood.Imperial - arrive early, pull early, leave early... Thursday nights always difficult, given everyone has Friday off. Why I like my Miss Thursday's.

Got back to my place and there was a noticeable lack of chemistry between my friend and hers.It may be a business, but still personalities have a lot to do with it, especially for a GFE. I've said it many times before: the primary reason I like to go out to the bars and find my own is just that, to see how well I get along with her.

I then got an SMS from him 10 minutes later saying "Pay her nothing".
That's just not the way I roll. Very nice. At least your friend could have given taxi money, plus a small amount for time/face, especially as it was a friend of a friend. The way bad, and good, reps are made.

Anyway, that's proof i guess that being nice and treating the girls fairly does pay off in the long run.
I just don't uderstand those idiots that think that these girls are sub-human, nd THEN argue ver prices or complain about bad service.
If you're nice to her, she will be extra nice to you.I've said it before, I'll say it again: it's not rocket science. Given the way they do respond to what, for me, is just common decency, I don't want to think of how they're treated on-average.

These Filipina girls can give you great GFE and under normal circumstances will not pressure you to "fininsh", or try to rush things.Why I prefer LT: there SHOULD be no rush. For ST, I understand the attempt to return for another client, which is why I like to pull a ST early (also works for me due to the early alarm setting). But I don't expect to be rushed or hear the dreaded "you come quick." That's a guaranteed no-repeat.

I wonder, given most Filipina's are here with bona fide jobs, if it's "extra cash", and 1 ST/night is OK, unlike full time wg's. I do know several PRC's who moon-light. The downside is an early departure due to having to get home, and ready for the legit job.

Once you become a regular and establish some contacts they don't even demand an amount.
They will tell you to pay them wht you like. ...
I like being given the choice to pay according to what I think the girl deserves. ...
Pay what you think is fair ...Yes, but pay below scale too often, and I'm sure those contacts would dry up.

Your rep does get known in whatever circles you travel. Myself, even though my prices are known, I still like to confirm before leaving the bar, just so there are no misunderstandings over what a fair price is. Some of those "up to you's" really not, and can lead to problems and scenes. I'll take the risk on service; as you said, repeat business, or at least its potential, does count for something.

Sure beats a lot of the other nationalities who tend to be all business most of the time.Certainly agree to that; think everyone has their own preferences/prejudices. I view the CIS as more prone to "business"; I'm sure My Kaptain would differ, thinking PRC's perhaps a bit bland. But a lot can be eliminated by some time in the bar, gauging the chemistry.

Very nice read; nice to see some new inputs.

but i want to say here that i know the difference of the body odour and the soap odour Just wanted to make sure :) Some of the [i]Sandbox guys can get it confused; dosing with perfume is NOT a substitute.

09-27-06, 12:41
I view the CIS as more prone to "business"; I'm sure My Kaptain would differ, thinking PRC's perhaps a bit bland.Bravo (AKA "The Dissector" ;)), I'm not sure I agree CIS are more prone to business than PRC. In my experience and from what I've heard from others, CIS girls tend to get emotionally involved more than Chinese girls. Of course, there are always exceptions on both sides. Just my humble opinion, as I fill in a boring night in sex-prison-land. :(

Mel's kangaroos are looking good.

My Kapitan
09-27-06, 16:30
Bravo (AKA "The Dissector" ;)), I'm not sure I agree CIS are more prone to business than PRC.
Mel's kangaroos are looking good.

think everyone has their own preferences/prejudices. I view the CIS as more prone to "business"; I'm sure My Kaptain would differ, thinking PRC's perhaps a bit bland. But a lot can be eliminated by some time in the bar, gauging the chemistry.

Now thats what you call a jump Piper!

I agree, PRCs are fine to fufill a need, the CIS are more of a challenge as they are ultimately looking for a permanent way out, whereas PRCs want to provide for family and generally want to go home to family at the end of the day.

IMHO the CIS, despite the economic necessity, enjoy the play PRCs just go through the motions and give a massage. Having said that I have had a few attitude prone CIS's that make it no fun at all.

It all comes down to you and your preferences.

I'm a punter for CIS blondes and I don't make any excuses - they do it for me!


Out and about tonight......

09-28-06, 08:37
[QUOTE=My Kapitan]It all comes down to you and your preferences.

I'm a punter for CIS blondes and I don't make any excuses - they do it for me![QUOTE]I agree, I have had 2 PRC's from Dubai, both from cyclone (Iknow I know, but I was on holiday) and both were good fun and great company, the second even more because her friend was with my wingman.

The CIS girls have all been better fucks and as a rule I do find them more attractive, but they take a little longer to warm up, and there is the challenge I like, to get one from a disinterested business transaction to having fun and enjoying hersellf (even if she is only acting, what do I care?).

Whatever rings your bell, but what's the point if your not having a good time. Do your homework and dont take the first offer of work that smiles at you. Otherwise you might as well stay at home with the fist-of-fury.

2 months und counting Mr Bond. Make sure you leave plenty for me fellas. :)

Wicked Roger
09-28-06, 13:51
note to self must explore Filipinos and in particular ratskys more. Went there a couple of weeks ago before the Kz excursion and it was really a couples place- but with that underlying exciting feeling that more goes on then meets the eye. Will go there again.


You have said that before and we both know your little kapitan tends to have a magnetic core that only takes CIS blondes ;) But when I am back how about an excursion with WR into AD's Filipina heaven?? Am sure there is something there you will like....

Will PM when I know I am coming back


09-28-06, 17:55
Hello Fellow Members,

Thank you all for wonderful reports; they surely help new members like me to choose for the best. Just before Ramadan, I stayed at Arabian Park Hotel which is behind Grand Hyatt, near Al Wasl Hospital. The room charge was AED 356 and the standard room was of comfortable size. It is a 7 storeyed building with 318 rooms. The hotel appears to be a 3-star.

I called the girl I know for LT and there was absolutely no problem getting her in. The reception counter girls and restaurant girls are mostly from CIS countries. There is a 24 hour deli place at the entrance and a bar.

Another hotel I stayed in earlier is Panorama in Bur Dubai where they would charge AED 50 for guest if you have booked a single room. If you book a double room no extra charge for guest. Hope this helps the forum mongers.

09-28-06, 19:57
Hope this helps the forum mongers.Excellent report, just too bad it didn't get put in the hotel thread. But welcome to the forum, and hope to read some fr's from you.

Joe Steen
09-28-06, 21:24
I've been glued to this site as a new member since it had so many great stories, but what I read about ramadaan also caused me to cancel a planned trip to Dubai since it seemed the black and whites were out in full force and the action sounded a little subdued. Can't claim to be expert on the subject and my dubai experience is limited to perhaps 1 or 2 trips to kubu at the intercon (landed CSI stunner). Can anyone confirm that picking up chicks during ramadaan won't get you locked up and are there any girls around?

09-29-06, 07:27
I've been glued to this site as a new member since it had so many great stories, but what I read about ramadaan also caused me to cancel a planned trip to Dubai since it seemed the black and whites were out in full force and the action sounded a little subdued. Can't claim to be expert on the subject and my dubai experience is limited to perhaps 1 or 2 trips to kubu at the intercon (landed CSI stunner). Can anyone confirm that picking up chicks during ramadaan won't get you locked up and are there any girls around?

Hi Joe,

I do feel the effect of Ramadan in Dubai (less in AUH) in general and in respect to our interests is much less than in other countries. You will find a more than sufficient supply of girls, you may get much easier a GFE and have less reisk a LT is turned into a ST.

Even the "not eating, smoking, drinking" in public is not widely followed.

The only advise I wish to give is keep a low profile - no touching or kissing outside when in public (anyhow would prevent this during any time in order not to attract LE.

Further you have to live with the no music thing, but after the ear destroying levels you have to get used outside ramadan even this had its attraction. I will got to Dubai during Ramadan and have no fears.

However, last three days may different.

Hope this helps you.


My Kapitan
09-29-06, 15:01
Had a Thursday night out with 50 50.
1st stop Imperial 2220hrs. The main bar is being refurbished so everyone is cramped into the smaller side bar. Usual nonsensical grabbing and pinching by the black girls (does anyone enjoy this?). Loads of PRCs and Africans only a few CIS. However of the CIS there was a pair of stunners, 1 month in Dxb, that I had not seen before. Opening at 1K - no way - although they appeared to be working as a pair could make for an interesting night.

Moved on to York at 2330. Lots of space. An interesting older blonde CIS caught my eye. Dripping with diamonds and gold and as fit as f*ck, I reckon an ex girlfriend of a local now having to work for a living. About to approach but was beaten to it by another guy. Didn't stay to see the outcome.

50/50 had a prior arrangement and departed back to Imperial. He took 2 PRCs for 600 the pair LT. Lucky guy. I'm sure they left with less hair than they arrived with!

I headed for the Regal. Loads of blondes. Most opening at 1K but after 0100 prices began to drop. Ended up with a very fit older natural blonde. Tight body tight pussy, slim (49Kg - I'm hanging around with 50/50 far too much!) and the softest skin I can remember. Opened by asking what I would pay - 300- countered with 700 to which I offered 400, she dropped to 500 and we agreed on 400 plus taxi to Sharjah (30). Very enjoyable and enthusiastic. She very cleverly did the old condom in mouth trick to cover me. No BBBJ only covered which is my only critisism. Very savvy even turned the web cam around to the wall in case it was on. Left at 11am.

Member #1071
09-29-06, 16:40
JAP anonimity program I used in Dubai seems to be blocked German Police.
I would appreciate if anybody could advise how to bypass itisalat firewall in Dubai.
Contacte my "CIS supplier" agreed for two stunners for one full night and day 2000 AED for each. Went to Ras El Khaima Hamra resort along with a friend of mine.
Nobody even noticed the two girls were with us, no questions asked.
On the sand beach, Topless was allowed................I was shocked the least to say. Our two dates obviously took out their bras and enjoyed a topless sunny day.
Sex was great, with lesbian and group sex action, full night till mid-day.
Rested at the beach and afternoon went back to dubai.
If you are into GFE and would like to spend some nice moments, RAK hamra resort is the place.

09-29-06, 20:19
Usual nonsensical grabbing and pinching by the black girls (does anyone enjoy this?).Absolutely not! I have no idea what they can be thinking when doing so; guaranteed to induce a sharp rebuke from me.

Miss Friday reports that business is down at the bars, what with no music. As Miss Friday put it: only drink, talk.

Received a couple of missed calls, some sms's, from previous encounters, looking for some business. Even Miss Friday sms'd at 9:00am this morning, seeking reassurance tonight was on.

Well, 1 week down, 3 to go.

Picked up some TsingTao beer at the dxb arrival duty free - 1st time I've seen that.

Joe Steen
09-30-06, 06:46
[QUOTE=Tom2004]Hi Joe,

I do feel the effect of Ramadan in Dubai (less in AUH) in general and in respect to our interests is much less than in other countries.

Thanks Tom perhaps share 'interests' sometime soon.

French Canadia
09-30-06, 09:29
JAP anonimity program I used in Dubai seems to be blocked German Police.

I would appreciate if anybody could advise how to bypass itisalat firewall in Dubai.
Contacte my "CIS supplier" agreed for two stunners for one full night and day 2000 AED for each. Went to Ras El Khaima Hamra resort along with a friend of mine.
Nobody even noticed the two girls were with us, no questions asked.

On the sand beach, Topless was allowed................I was shocked the least to say. Our two dates obviously took out their bras and enjoyed a topless sunny day.
Sex was great, with lesbian and group sex action, full night till mid-day.

Rested at the beach and afternoon went back to dubai.

If you are into GFE and would like to spend some nice moments, RAK hamra resort is the place.I don't know what your problem is as I'm using it now, maybe you could try to upgrade your version of the program in question.


Mike De H
09-30-06, 18:33
Unfortunately, my longest ever visit of one week combines entirely with mid-Ramadan.

i have been reading the Forum withinteret and dismay. I think I am going to be bored out of my tiny mind.

I suspect with nothing to eat in the day and only booze and no music in the bars at night I am going to be crawling up the walls.

Looks like the only thing will be to organise all day long sex parties in my Hotel.

Even my hotel was reduced by 50%.

Mind you, if I have one or two less drinks in the night, maybe that will pay for the extra girl for a few hours.

As per usual, if anyone is aroun from the 6th, let me know, I have some numbers, although the only regular poster I have met is Bravo, so maybe this time we will get around to an actual meeting.

I wonder if its possible to take a Ghetto Blaster and some booze into the desert with my hire car!

My Kapitan
09-30-06, 19:32
[QUOTE=Mike De H] if anyone is aroun from the 6th, let me know, I have some numbers, although the only regular poster I have met is Bravo, so maybe this time we will get around to an actual meeting.


Depends what you want, if you want music and dancing you are fucked otherwise its business as usual.

You can eat during the day - you just have to do it out of sight and the hotels organise appropriate arrangements.

Just had a superb steak on the free wine offer at Rockbottoms and they were playing CD music loudly. Its all very flexible.

I am in town after the 7th following a shopping trip to the Uk on the 6th. PM me 50/50 is around after the 7th as well, we always enjoy a beer!


My Kapitan
09-30-06, 19:35
I don't know what your problem is as I'm using it now, maybe you could try to upgrade your version of the program in question.


Just type ultrasurf into google - fast and works fine.


Wicked Roger
10-01-06, 04:12
[QUOTE=Mike De H] if anyone is aroun from the 6th, let me know, I have some numbers, although the only regular poster I have met is Bravo, so maybe this time we will get around to an actual meeting.


I am in town after the 7th following a shopping trip to the Uk on the 6th. PM me 50/50 is around after the 7th as well, we always enjoy a beer!


PM me as I am back 4 or 5 Oct. If you are around for a week maybe a trip to AD to help me sample some newbie Filipinas - well someone has to do it ;)

We missed each other last time let's hope we catch up this time.

50.50 will PM you too, MK, see you soon


British Paki
10-01-06, 12:57
That's probaly because of GITEX.

Big IT trade show that happens every year.

All the hotels in Dubi jack up their rates during this period. Ridiculous is right!Hi. Do you know when prices start going up? I am hoping to travel around 6 - 17 Nov (depending upon price and availability). Will I still be OK or shouldn't I bother?

Many thansk

10-01-06, 13:52
...and no music in the bars at night...No music: York - one of the many blessings of Ramadan Imperial - again, a blessing of Ramadan Rattlesnake - yea, yea, so what? Seaview - sorely missed, from a selfish point of view. But I certainly don't begrudge the band a month off, given they perform night after night after night 11 months of the year. Hopefully they return rested, relaxed, 100% healthy, and ready to ROCK Cyclone - they play music?

Had not been out since Ramadan started, so last night, thought I'd take a look.

Of the 2 places I hit, the 2 girls in Seaview, and the one at the Rattlesnake did say hi.

Either that, or

Seaview, 9:30 - 11:30, Saturday, Ramadan

Given I'd been on a regular diet of chinese food (no, really, LITERALLY), headed up to Seaview for a steak. Entering, very sparse, mostly PRC's, I'd say more wg's then guys. Mostly familiar faces. Later on, some africans appeared; did not see any CIS/-stanis.

Easily found a table, ordered food and drink. Next table over, a VERY attractive PRC, sitting with a date couple. Figured she was a friend of the date, marking time, and that it would be easy to get her phone number as she initiated a conversation (even if it was only a "what are YOU doing here?" )

Rogue5 kind enough to come over and introduce himself, and I joined him and a buddy at their table. Still next to the cutie, but no more verbal conversation, although I did get a tongue stuck out at me. Hopefully, I have not destroyed that many brain cells that I'd forget someone like her; I was hoping it was a case of mistaken identity. All a moot point; the threesome left together; lucky guy. On reflection, I'm wondering if it was some number I DID take once upon a time, then never used? Well, as Piper once said: don't count your wg's before they appear in your bed.

Last week's ST arrived, though she appeared, by the look on her face, to be a bit vexed: seems that R5's friend also knew her. Now, we were at the same table. She was perhaps concerned that the situation would be awkward (no problem for us). She was smiling demurely at the table, though, in the end, young and handsome won out, as it usually does.

Having lost out TWICE, decided to head to Rattlesnake. Rogue5 joined me, his friend having better things to do.

Leaving Seaview, did miss the band, but was nice to be able to carry on a conversation without screaming. Pleasant, low key atmosphere. Several job interviews, including one where she had programmed her phone with an english message to make the pitch, overcoming her language shortcomings (rather smart, I thought). Cute... another time... Did score 1 number from a PRC I'd seen around, and was interested in, just because her face reminded me of 1 I had never been able to score, Miss "You have money, I don't, so pay me what I want". So many wg's, so little time. As usual, even with Ramadan, 4, 5 PRC's I could have easily taken home without any remorse afterwards.

Rattlesnake, 11:45 - 00:45, Saturday, Ramadan

Happy to see no have-not-PRC's waiting outside the 'Snake. On the other hand, that would have been difficult: the patio was completely empty, no tables or chairs outside.

Entering, more crowded than Seaview. Much more variety nationality-wise: about an even mix between PRC's, CIS, and Africans. However, I thought there were better lookers at Seaview, at least through these eyes. Several job interviews, but no one that either I or R5 found compelling. Again, with no music, easy to carry on a conversation. One older, cute PRC/-stani in nice white outfit at the bar; given that she was chatting with another obvious CIS, must be a -stani. Given the lateness of the hour, didn't bother to go over and try my luck. Of course, the couple of girls I WAS looking for not around.

Low key, but bit more bustle than Seaview; more people. For me, not worth a trip out of town (e.g., the golden triangle), but as it was on the way home... 2 PRC's, 1 stani I would have no regrets over.

Last night confirms what I'd thought/heard from some wg's: business slow. No music; tradeoff is, you can carry on a normal conversation. "Hands Off" policy more strictly enforced. Sales of alcohol continue unabated - never miss out a chance to sell that infidel dog a $7 beer. Not many customers, a lot of girls MIA. But still enough around for me to debate "Her, or her, or her..."

Mad Hatter
10-01-06, 13:54
Back in town. This time for atleast 3 months.

Flew in on Tuesday. Was booked in the Grosvenor House (by the company) but decided to move for the weekend (sharing the same floor with about 15 of my colleagues).

Avoided mongering on thursday night. The demand is always high on thursday and wanted to avoid the crowds.

So went and checked into Hilton Dubai Creek on friday morning. Hilton is a personal favourite of mine. A classy place - with well designed rooms - great views of the creek and most importantly - Girl Friendly. The place has two entrances so you can always pull up to the back entrance - and access the elevators without having to do the walk of shame. And no passport copy, no extra charges etc.

And the damage - Dhs 540 (incl taxes). Much better to stay here than in many of the 3 and 4 stars in Bur Dubai which only charge about a hundred less.

Started out Friday night with much anticipation.

First called one of the oldest monger buddies (even though we have never met) to finally meet up for a drink. But he was leaving for the home country (permanently) on saturday. It will not be as much FUN without him around.

I had also managed to get a contact for Indian/Paki women. So gave him a call. He told me to come to his apartment in Karama and make my pick (of two).

Ended up in Karama at about 9 and went over to the apartment. There were 2 Paki girls there. The first one was hideous (trying not to be rude) and I refused her outright. He introduced the second one as a "model type". She was model type alright. If your idea of a model is 5ft 2", fat and clad in a lot of cheap bright gold jewelry. (I cringe just thinking about it.) Forget the walk of shame, you don't want to be seen walking with these women anywhere. I walked out without either of them. The funny thing was that he demanded Dhs 1000 for the night. Before I left they tried to take a 50Dhs viewing charge. My response was a laugh in their face.

After my initial disappointment, I went over to Regal. 50Dhs cover charge for 1 drink.

Step in (at around 11) to find that the place was empty (but filling up fast). Soft music - which actually made it more pleasant. Did the rounds and saw a few. 1 stunner got picked up before I could make my move. Saw another one who looked more French than CIS. She was also dressed like a businesswoman - jacket over simple black top and simple jeans with high heels. Looked like one of those models from Fashion TV. Not an ounce of fat on her body. Her name is Tania.

Chatted for a bit and hit it off. Her English was ok, but she was intelligent and was picking up things very quickly. She was drinking Red Bull only (this is important). Came down to the negotiations. She said she needed to be paid first - I said 50-50. And then she quoted Dhs 1000 with a twinkle in her eye. I agreed (read the rest before you laugh at me) - felt right.

Ended up leaving regal by 11:30. Got back to the hotel. Walk of shame be damned - this woman looked more like a girlfriend than a P4P.

Got to the room. Had to leave her in the room while i went back to the car. Got back and nothing was even touched (very surprised). Had some music on, a lot of dancing and foreplay. French kissing etc etc etc.

Went at it for 4 hours (it was 4:30 when we finally went to sleep). spent hours on foreplay (and I myself came twice). Went to sleep entangled and woke up at about 10:30. Ate some breakfast and went at it again. She finally left at 2:00pm.

Now the payment bit. I didnt end up handing her money before we left. And she never brought it up. I paid her in the afternoon of the day. And she actually went as far as saying (before I paid her) that she normally takes 600-700 and that would do from me as well. Of course me being the gentleman/sucker (depends how you look at it). Gave her the thousand.

So in the end, I am drained - won't be looking at a woman for a few days at the very least.

Ramadan does not hinder business. In fact it makes it easier (low music - gives you a better chance of sussing her out).

Be nice. (no bloody substitute here. Most women would prefer the nice guy paying the market rate than a dickhead willing to pay twice as much)

Talk to them as much as possible before you agree to anything. (lets you know what her personality is like)

Look for the ones who have good body language (there was an above average looker who was just cold to everyone, she just looked listless, soon every punter avoided her like the plague.)

Pick someone who doesn't drink (atleast not too much). This translates to a better time for you (she won't pass out early or raid the mini bar too much)

PAY LATER (or at worst 50-50)


Face: 8
Body: 9.5 (could be considered skinny by some. But to me she was almost perfect - a little meatier than a supermodel)
Personality: 9.5
Language: 4 (she did try hard and basic communication was no problem)

Would I have her again? Of Course I will. In fact, plan to this weekend.

p.s: Her Phone Number is available for select people.

Member #1071
10-01-06, 14:23
For those of you who ask what is the scene in Ramadan:
Breifly, Ramadan is just another month, except music levels are low in the bars, a rather positive advantage. No alcohol of course.
Prices almost the same, less men more women.

My Kapitan
10-01-06, 14:42
For those of you who ask what is the scene in Ramadan:
Breifly, Ramadan is just another month, except music levels are low in the bars, a rather positive advantage. No alcohol of course.
Prices almost the same, less men more women.

Alcohol is available after sunset.

10-01-06, 15:07
The demand is always high on thursday and wanted to avoid the crowds.Given that Ramadan excludes all the locals/regionals, not necessarily crowded.

I had also managed to get a contact for Indian/Paki women. ... Before I left they tried to take a 50Dhs viewing charge.
After my initial disappointment, I went over to Regal. 50Dhs cover charge for 1 drink. LOL. Seems to me, Regal is a better deal. At least you get a drink with the viewing charge. Maybe that's the justification of the Cyclone entrance fee: it's a viewing charge...

Ramadan does not hinder business. In fact it makes it easier (low music - gives you a better chance of sussing her out).

Pick someone who doesn't drink (atleast not too much). This translates to a better time for you (she won't pass out early or raid the mini bar too much)Agree that the no music makes conversation a lot easier (well, in an auditory sense - sometimes that english...). And, personally speaking, I really don't find a passed out drunk all that erotic... Of course, with some of the episodes described here, passed out might have been a blessing...

Mike De H
10-01-06, 16:37
Of course, with some of the episodes described here, passed out might have been a blessing...

You know, the disasters, wierdos, drunks thieves and ripoffs have been some of the most educational, exciting, memorable and, althogh at the time I did not agree, possibly enjoyable in terms of re-telling value that I have had.

At this point, the guys who wanted to meet up with me for some letchering are probably thinking twice. LOL

10-01-06, 18:28
... althogh at the time I did not agree, possibly enjoyable in terms of re-telling value that I have had.Here, I totally agree. It's like I've posted before, even a bad experience is no problem as:

- at least you NOW know your experience with her, instead of wondering

- ALWAYS makes a good story later (However, I prefer my own "good memories" to "good stories" so select accordingly).

10-01-06, 20:46
Maybe I'm just paranoid. For me, bar's neutral territory; I like heading MY direction when pulling. I am VERY loath to give up the home court advantage. In 5 years, I can count, pretty sure on just 1 hand, the number of times I've used HER place.

Called up Miss Mature BBC, she of the "you've been here a long time, you know the prices... 500 ST is fair". Received that price quote in the bar over a month ago; again couple of weeks ago when making a phone enquiry. Passed both times.

This time, figured I'd try again during ramadan. Didn't get as far as prices. I was again invited to visit her. I know the area, and the apts are not too bad. Thing is, with MY place, I KNOW the state of the sheets, towels, shower. And I don't have to be concerned about any unwanted knocks on the door, either from other clients, or LE. After all, with Ramadan, you never know when a neighbor will finally get fed up with the traffic stream next door.

She demurred about travelling my way, "So far. You have car, you come here, no problem with taxi. You want, you stay; can leave anytime you want." That "leave anytime you want" just strikes me the wrong way ... Like I say, maybe I'm just paranoid. If she's successful with in-calls, more power to her, just that I won't be one of them (not yet, anyway).

But that's the nice thing about dxb: so MANY choices.

My Kapitan
10-02-06, 02:27
Lots of posts about Ramadam but it really can be used to a mongers advantage. After 3 poor nights in the Regal with snoty girls holding out for 800 to 1000 a friend and I stopped at the Majestic at 2230 on Sunday. Dead. It has the potential to outdo the Panorama (not hard) due to location but on this performance it has a long way to go.

Moved immediately on to the Imperial. Quiet, but enough wgs to make life interesting. Immediately moved in on by one of the pair I mentioned in an earlier report. 1 month in town - last time asking for 1K. The girl I now KNOW as Tania hurried off to get the babe of a friend Aluna who I now also KNOW.

One beer that was it, brief exchanges in schoolboy Russian established a rate of 500 each, photos, group sex and LT - 0900. The girls made a point of letting all the other WGs know they had clients.

An excellent night - for me at least. I had Miss A man she is hot hot hot. BBBJ , group, doggie, FFM, mish, CIM. Short sleep and return to action doggie, BBBJ and COHF. Played up for the camera as well. Excellent service.

Sadly the night was spoiled by my mate falling out with Miss T. They had moved to another room and I don't know what happened between them. Anyway Miss T joins Miss A and I in our bed but in a distressed state and wants to go home asap - its 0430, which is why I'm filing this report at 0530.

The three of us got on fine, I put on some russian TV on while they waited 30 mins for a taxi and we chatted easily.
Dissapointing early end to the night, but Miss A is a star and I will revisit.


10-02-06, 02:57
Guys - Some nice Ramadan reports (and pics). I'm jealous. The only sex I've seen in the last week is my Dad's frisky Terrier, vigorously humping a Garfield doll. Garfield kept his cheesy grin throughout.

Back in Dubai next Saturday, after a few days stopover in BKK. Yella!

Kap - might be able to catch-up for a farewell drink and a bit of mischief before you leave Dubai.

10-02-06, 04:11
Hey There folks...
planning my first trip to DXB in Nov. I have RTFF. Here are my observations, and a couple of qns.
1) Prices for LT range from AED 500 (Filipinas) to 1000 (for the lookers, CIS types)
2) Not all hotels GF. I was planning on staying at one of the Hyatts - but found confusing reports...some said ok - others said not. What is the status?
3) Typical action around 11pm+

Now a couple of qns.
1) Good looking (expensive ok) Indian babes - any P4P available? Where
2) Whats the most convenient 4-5 star hotel?
I like to just go up to the room after tha pick up rather than take a cab etc.
Thanks in advance!

Member #1071
10-02-06, 15:29
Alcohol is available after sunset.

thanks for info, indeed some of the bars do offer alcohol...

10-02-06, 15:42
[QUOTE=Chacha]Hey There folks...

I'm planning my first trip to DXB in Nov. I have RTFF. Here are my observations, and a couple of questions:

1) Prices for LT range from AED 500 (Filipinas) to 1000 (for the lookers, CIS types)
2) Not all hotels GF. I was planning on staying at one of the Hyatts - but found confusing reports...some said ok - others said not. What is the status?
3) Typical action around 11pm+

The Grand Hyatt is NOT GF. You will need origainl passports and also pay an 80Dhs 'guest' charge.

There is a fabulous 'report of distinction' collating all the GF hotels and their location.
More homework required old son.

Mjolnir 213
10-03-06, 16:48
Lots of posts about Ramadam but it really can be used to a mongers advantage. After 3 poor nights in the Regal with snoty girls holding out for 800 to 1000 a friend and I stopped at the Majestic at 2230 on Sunday. Dead. It has the potential to outdo the Panorama (not hard) due to location but on this performance it has a long way to go.

Moved immediately on to the Imperial. Quiet, but enough wgs to make life interesting. Immediately moved in on by one of the pair I mentioned in an earlier report. 1 month in town - last time asking for 1K. The girl I now KNOW as Tania hurried off to get the babe of a friend Aluna who I now also KNOW.

One beer that was it, brief exchanges in schoolboy Russian established a rate of 500 each, photos, group sex and LT - 0900. The girls made a point of letting all the other WGs know they had clients.

An excellent night - for me at least. I had Miss A man she is hot hot hot. BBBJ , group, doggie, FFM, mish, CIM. Short sleep and return to action doggie, BBBJ and COHF. Played up for the camera as well. Excellent service.

Sadly the night was spoiled by my mate falling out with Miss T. They had moved to another room and I don't know what happened between them. Anyway Miss T joins Miss A and I in our bed but in a distressed state and wants to go home asap - its 0430, which is why I'm filing this report at 0530.

The three of us got on fine, I put on some russian TV on while they waited 30 mins for a taxi and we chatted easily.

Dissapointing early end to the night, but Miss A is a star and I will revisit.


Sounds like a great night.

I hate it when things go wrong because of a friend though.

I've now become more selective of who I hang with becuase I don't need the extra responsibility of playing the role of counsellor in these situations.

Can potentially ruin good time if the guy does'nt know how to play properly.

nice pics too!



Fifty Fifty
10-03-06, 18:25
Sadly the night was spoiled by my mate falling out with Miss T.
MKPoor old MK, we never seem to have any probs mate.

Jus to say, guys it wasnt me, I'm in UK at mo, but back in DXB next week.

Haven't had Internet connection so not posted recently, but have loads to tell.

Miss Gem popped back for a bit last week, she is getting adventurous now, and dare I say FREE!

I am not the one to take advantage, but she is easy to please, drop her 500 aweek or so and thats it.

Had a bit of fun with her at MK's jus before I flew last Saturday, surprised he hasn't told you all lol.

Anyway, I put a few pics of our fruity fun in the gallery for your pleasure.

See you all nxt week and further fun no doubbt.

Cheers FF

10-03-06, 18:58
Hi MH,

Seems you surely had a lovely evening ! I'm reaching dubai tmrw, 4th Oct mrng and plan to be there until the weekend. wud really appreciate if you cus share Tania's contacts ovr PM or if you can send me urs, we can catch up for a bit of mongering together.

All mates'..wud be delighted if any of you wanna catch up ovr a beer n share notes'.. just drop me a line here and wud get bak.

Cheers ! :)

Back in town. This time for atleast 3 months.

Ramadan does not hinder business. In fact it makes it easier (low music - gives you a better chance of sussing her out).

Be nice. (no bloody substitute here. Most women would prefer the nice guy paying the market rate than a dickhead willing to pay twice as much)

Talk to them as much as possible before you agree to anything. (lets you know what her personality is like)

Look for the ones who have good body language (there was an above average looker who was just cold to everyone, she just looked listless, soon every punter avoided her like the plague.)

Pick someone who doesn't drink (atleast not too much). This translates to a better time for you (she won't pass out early or raid the mini bar too much)

PAY LATER (or at worst 50-50)


Face: 8
Body: 9.5 (could be considered skinny by some. But to me she was almost perfect - a little meatier than a supermodel)
Personality: 9.5
Language: 4 (she did try hard and basic communication was no problem)

Would I have her again? Of Course I will. In fact, plan to this weekend.

p.s: Her Phone Number is available for select people.

Mike De H
10-04-06, 10:13
Just a little clarification required please.

Lots of talk recently about"The Imperial Hotel". I do remember going to a Hotel called the "Imperial Suites" on I think Al Rolla street, with the mother of all Lobbys, and a mongering destination downstairs. There was a great fish resteraunt with a view of the creek, called I think, the Fish Market.

If its the same Hotel, then I only found one bar, it was downstairs near the main entrance.

My question is twofold. One, is this the same Hotel, or is there another "Imperial" and, is there another bar there other than the unimpressive little bar I saw (and of course where is it because that Hotel is huge)?

Anyone around the 6th to 13th please PM me and I will arange to meet. Staying in Jumeira

10-04-06, 11:58
Thanks for all the great reports.

I just need a quick favour, I am coming to Dubai on Friday and staying in the Regal Plaza. Is any beer on sale at all, and if not, what clubs sell beer at nights?

Thanks in advance guys

10-04-06, 12:38
Hi folks,

Thanks for all your excellent reports,

Just a quick question for fellow members: I am coming to Dubai on Friday for a week and staying in the Regal Plaza, is there any alcohol on sale? And if not where can I get a beer.

Thanks in advance.

10-04-06, 12:45

The Fish Market restaurant is at Intercontinental Hotel located in Deira - Creek road, new name of the hotel is Radisson SAS. It also has some pubs/bars with some high end SWs. Imperial Suites is in Rolla road, Bur Dubai.

It would be nice to meet up for a drink. I do not have PM facility.



10-04-06, 13:23
Just a little clarification required please.

Lots of talk recently about"The Imperial Hotel". Imperial refers to Imperial Suites Hotel. In the Golden triangle - down from the T junction across the street from the Ramada, walking past the McDonalds. NOWHERE near the creek. Not familiar with a fish resteraunt there.

Looking towards the hotel entrance, 20 feet to the left, wooden door = main bar. 20 feet to the right, wooden door = mexican resteraunt (NOT recommended) and smaller bar. To be clear, easiest access is from the street, outside the hotel lobby.

Always, reports of distinction:

My Kapitan
10-04-06, 16:56
Just a little clarification required please.

My question is twofold. One, is this the same Hotel, or is there another "Imperial" and, is there another bar there other than the unimpressive little bar I saw (and of course where is it because that Hotel is huge)?

Imperial Suites in the Triangle between Panorama and York. Get the taxi driver to take you there he will stop opposite the entrance. The entrance is hard to see. Twiin wooden doors. All the taxis are parked outside and the front of the que is where the entrance is. Just hang back and wait to observe WGs exiting and punters entering. Easy.

Very Indian customer profile with many PRCs and Blacks with a handful of CIS, but a few gems to be found as I have proved over the last few days (especially last night).

thanks for info, indeed some of the bars do offer alcohol...

All bars offer booze after sunset..its their purpose.

Mike De H
10-04-06, 17:33
OK then, my turn to supply some information.

The Hotel I was thinking of, overlooking the creek, with the Fish Market resteraunt and the two expensive bars with CIS stunners is the Intercontinental Suites, but on October 1st changed to the Radisson Hotel. It is actually in Diera.

There is a nice Mongering bar downstaris in the palacial lobby but did not see the other bar.

The Imperial suites is totally different and was entirely my confusion.


My Kapitan
10-04-06, 19:17
Hi My Kapitan,

Nice photos, Like your selection good taste, could you please let me have this girls contact, Would love to spend time wth here.


There are enough details for you to find the girl all by yourself. I never ever give out numbers.

But what really pisses me off are posts on the photo thread without photos - regular contributors excepted. Just look at the state of some of the other photo threads lets not go down that road.

So I am just about to go out to the clubs to actually find another babe/s.

10-04-06, 20:03
...could you please let me have this girls contact, Would love to spend time wth here.
But what really pisses me off are posts on the photo thread without photos - regular contributors excepted.Damn, Kap, you are a hard man. Mr Omarbahar has TWO posts to his credit, both of which ask for contacts. Seems like he's a regular to me. What do you expect him to do? Go out to the specified bar and look for a/the girl? Real players like him don't have time for that nonsense.

Rattlesnake & Seaview, EARLY

Just so happened visited both, tonight, Wednesday, Ramadan. Not really looking to pull, just a look-see while grabbing a meal at Seaview (not a bad menu).

Seaview, 9:30 - 10:00. Like I said, bite to eat. Only PRC's at that hour. Mostly familiar faces, the one I'd gotten the number from on Saturday asking why I hadn't called. Don't know if she'll actually make it from the to-do list to the done list. Another who's around, always a smile, checking the climate, stopped to say hi. Not a wide selection, maybe 10, only a couple of punters. IF I had needed company, 3 or 4 would have qualified, not great, but sufficient.

Rattlesnake, 10:15 - 10:45. Again, just to stick my head in. Can't explain it, but even during Ramadan, PRC's not allowed in without escort. WHAT is that all about, anyway?

The best looking PRC was just leaving, already allocated. Could she have been Miss Mystery from Seaview? Inside, again a mix of PRC's, CIS, africans. And again, not a wide selection, but certainly more than Seaview. AND again, if company was needed, several that would have made the grade. None compelling, but serviceable.

With Ramadan, numbers on both sides of the aisle WAY down, at least early.

In hindsight, should have called one of a couple that really know massage, but not inclined to take an unknown after last night's complete workout.

And with the weekend, just might have to call up a new starting pitcher for some STRONG relief... ;)

Wicked Roger
10-04-06, 21:05
Had a bit of fun with her at MK's jus before I flew last Saturday, surprised he hasn't told you all lol.

Anyway, I put a few pics of our fruity fun in the gallery for your pleasure.

See you all nxt week and further fun no doubbt.

Cheers FF

If MK has not mentioned it already, I will see you next week in AD for some shaved Filipina fun. Am just trying out the ladies over the next few days to make they are good enough, and small and light enough for you. MK and I also like them like that but I know your rules ;)

As it is Ramadan we can start early....


My Kapitan
10-05-06, 06:08
Started in the Regal, same old story - attractive girls holding out for 1K. The place has seriously changed since relaxation of entry policy. After 5 attempts I decided to move on to the Imperial, received a call from a mate who joined me there.

Usual harassment from the African contingency and pestering PRC’s. But I wanted a Russian night probably a 4sum so two required. Interviewed my little blonde from last night who would not go two up. Tried another very attractive dark haired Russian but she had too much of a business attitude ie how long, how much you pay, and an outline of what she would not do (which included pics) so she was rejected.

Then to my surprise a girl who is well known there opened negotiations, she had a fun attitude and thought 2 up would be a laugh. Miss L, regulars will probably recognize her from the pics. Agreed on 400dhms each all night, it was 0100hrs.

Back to my place. Fuck me she was on something! Litterally all night shagging including BBBJ, HJ, doggie, mish, 2up, spit roast, end of round 1. Light refreshments and then back at it. My mate went to bed for an hour while I continued to pound her and ended with CIM after I fucked her while she had a vibrator up herself. He came back as she was blowing me on round 3 and took her from behind.

Away to bed but more 2 up first. My mate went to his room, I drifted to sleep only to be woken in what must have been only 20 mins by a BBBJ. More fucking mish doggie etc. Sleep at last. Woke again at 0700 for a repeat, my mate walked in as I sprayed her face, he then took her.

I’m knackered and have to be at work at 10! She left at 0830hrs but asked for 100dhms for taxi which was outside terms of contract, but as she was such a good girl I gave her 50dhms.

Love Dubai. I’ll miss it.

10-05-06, 09:48
Ended up in Karama at about 9 and went over to the apartment. There were 2 Paki girls there. The first one was hideous (trying not to be rude) and I refused her outright. He introduced the second one as a "model type". She was model type alright. If your idea of a model is 5ft 2", fat and clad in a lot of cheap bright gold jewelry. (I cringe just thinking about it.) Forget the walk of shame, you don't want to be seen walking with these women anywhere. I walked out without either of them. The funny thing was that he demanded Dhs 1000 for the night. Before I left they tried to take a 50Dhs viewing charge. My response was a laugh in their face.

After my initial disappointment, I went over to Regal. 50Dhs cover charge for 1 drink.

Step in (at around 11) to find that the place was empty (but filling up fast). Soft music - which actually made it more pleasant. Did the rounds and saw a few. 1 stunner got picked up before I could make my move. Saw another one who looked more French than CIS. She was also dressed like a businesswoman - jacket over simple black top and simple jeans with high heels. Looked like one of those models from Fashion TV. Not an ounce of fat on her body. Her name is Tania.

p.s: Her Phone Number is available for select people.

Mad Hatter,

I am not surprised at all as I have also had a terrible experience with sub continent women in Dubai. It is just a bad idea to even go in that direction given the vast amount of diverse talent around. This option should only eb exercised if you are in a place where this is the only option. At least you did the smart think of walking out as I have found myself getting trapped and then proceeding on to having the worst experience ever.

Would appreciate Tania's number if you feel that I qualify in your select group.


Ohio 29

10-05-06, 13:54
Nothing in this life is given on a plate for free.Agree, Expatcat; I don't believe in welfare. Thus:

It's never ending, the demands of dxb.

Due to a close proximity LE bust, Miss T spent a couple of days at my place. Funny how those characteristics that don't even register in 12 hours are grounds for justifiable homicide after 72 (I'm sure that cuts BOTH ways). But looks like Miss T will be put on waivers. No problem for her, plenty of other teams looking to pick up that contract. But that's the problem. I don't care where she pitches other days, but when MY game day rolls around, and she takes MY mound, I expect that fastball to be smokin', not just going through the motions. Dxb is the majors; one bad game can get you sent back to the minor leagues.

No problem, scouting trip earlier this week. Miss BBC was legit, and willing to play away, just no discounts for the away game. When you're a major league pro, you can get the salary, though happy to report she did not break my salary cap. Turns out, we had a bit of history: I'd pulled her several years ago from Cyclone. She admitted she snaked me, turning LT into ST, looking for the double header. Bit surprised I didn't remember given her body, but not exactly something a girl would falsely admit. Now, geared to 1 game/night. And what a game: any pitcher that can get 3 home runs in 2 hours out of this old hitter really has that game on. Definitely a shot at the starting rotation. Game 2 tonight.

Miss Friday has all her pitches down pat, always delivered with flair and style.

Then there's the tryouts:
Miss SS, having recovered from her Saturday night embarrassment, sms'ing, enquiring about my health. She's got her prime teams, but certainly good in relief, when primes are playing elsewhere. (No time or energy now).

Miss H, Saturday's collected number, last night at Seaview, wondering if I'd remember her name (dug deep, did), looking for a tryout.

Imperial's Miss B sms'ing, wondering why I'd not set up a tryout yet (time and energy again).

'Snake's Miss Can-Look-You-In-the-Eye wondering if somehow she's offended me, thus no call back lately.

Miss PPMW (previous previous Miss Wednesday) due back next week from home leave, no doubt assuming she'll walk back into the starting lineup. Not saying she won't, BUT not a given.

[HINT: for some real fun, grab a girl JUST back from home. Chances are, she's lived at home with the parents for the last couple of months, no privacy for any extracurricular activities, so can have her own itches to scratch.]

Thinking of the above, with Miss PMW not having called me, but her return overdue, gave her a call today. Phone rang; she's back. Unfortunately no chance for the above "just off the plane"; she's been back a couple of weeks. Her sms did not get delivered (OK, IF sent). However, I'm sure we'll make due somehow this Saturday; each of us knows how to push the other's buttons so well.

Spinner still has a swimsuit at my place... just have to fit her into the schedule somewhere.

Seaview's Mystery Girl certainly deserving some scouting to find her and she how she pitches...

Even a Ramadan Cyclone perhaps worth a visit, certainly before Eid, just to check on pricing in a reduced market...

Work, work, work. With enough energy, every day can be game day. The season just doen't end.

Point being: all of the above were found at the oft mentioned bars. Pick any major P4P bar, go in, look around, and find someone YOU find attractive. Game day!

Funfor Females
10-05-06, 17:36
Dubai has a well earned and justified reputation for a good pool of Chinese / oriental WGs. Many of them are excellent, I know!

But in my view you can't beat the enthusiastic amateur.

There are a small of number of really elegant, beautiful, intelligent and attractive Chinese girls around who have normal jobs and simply love to shag Europeans. They are horny as hell and incredibly good value for the price of two or three Red Bulls.

The Alimo is the spot for them, on ladies night. In particular there is one stunner (Usually with 2 or 3 attractive friends) who MUST have been a professional dancer at some time. She dances like an angel, entirely dominates the dancefloor and always has an audience. This female invariably wears the most incredible long ball gowns and evening dresses, usually in red or black. With long flowing black hair, a classical face and amazing flexibility she is truely amazing. (She regularly bends backwards tilll here head touches the floor whilst standing and back up again).

This girl is not on the game, she is an enthusiastic amateur.

I have fucked most nationalities at one time or another, in many parts of the world, but this girl is incredible.

I have met her 4 times over the last 6 months, invariably I have to wait and watch until the end of the night because she loves to dance so much, but all that is required is a smile and a wave while she is dancing and the deal is done. I generally sit at the bar and wait until she comes to chat between dances. And this girl does not mess about.

On the first occassion we chatted for 15 minutes at the end of the night and she said she had a ong way to go home, did I have a spare room. Well yes I do but she never saw the inside of it. It was back to mine and she could not get my cock out quickly enough. Shagged the life out of me all night.

The second time she was with friends and did not want to make it obvious so she walked past and told me to follow her outside. I did. Spectacular blowjob in my car in the carpark.

The third occassion was very similar to the first, back to my place, with one of her chinese girl friends for a 3 some.

And the last time before she went on vacation to China (Where she will be for another couple of weeks) was amazing. Quick chat in the Alimo, again I follow her out and we walk round the corner to the beach. The most amzing slow, horny fuck of my life on the beach with her ass moving like it was electircally powered. Truely wonderful an dpartially clothed (Always stockings with this girl). Brillliant.

Never a penny spent (apart from red bull) and the best sex in the MIddle East.

Give her a try when she gets back in early November. Well worth the effort.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Funfor Females
10-05-06, 18:16
Anyone got any good leads on the best way to find gem Filipina WGs in Dxb?

All advice gratefully recieved. I am not looking for phone numbers particularly, unless somebody has got some, but maybe places and times.


10-05-06, 20:16

we all have to increase efficiency so do I in respect to the hobby. Again transitting through DXB I have nearly three hours to spend at the EK lounge which I already know to well. Having e-gate access I just consider to do a quick lay.

Have already contacted approved service providers, but few have room available, but can work. Traffic during night should be moderate and no suggestion.

However traditionally I stick to the Bur Dubai area rather than to Deira.

Question to you folks:

- Did one of you try this before and if so did it work?
- Do you think it is a reasonable idea or should I go home now and take a cold shower???
- Any venues you may reccommend?
- Any other idea to spend the time better than hangig around in the lounge at the airport?

Thanks for your help,


P.S.: While writing this lines I received now the second call from a angry guys complaining about a message I sent to there girls friends. Sorry all where approved providers earlier, but back to 2004. If girls change there life, they better change there gsm too (And I will stop to use my old data)

10-06-06, 08:08
Again transitting through DXB I have nearly three hours to spend at the EK lounge which I already know to well. Having e-gate access I just consider to do a quick lay.

P.S.: If girls change there life, they better change there gsm too (And I will stop to use my old data)3 hours might seem a lot, and with an e-card, easy in-and-out. Certainly traffic lighter during Ramadan, at least in early evening hours (might get heavier later on with people socializing).

However, don't forget security - those lines can back up during certain times.

With only "nearly 3 hours", I'd chill in the lounge, have some food and drink and relax. Would be one thing if you had a known contact in a known location; otherwise... For me, anyway, anything else would be stressful and not relaxed. 1 lay just not worth it.

As to changing the phone number: besides her WORKING associates, all her friends also have that number. Would seem to me too much bother to change. Besides, phone numbers are reassigned - using a 2 year old contact just might connect you to a "civilian".


Miss BBC reports (rumor) that 2 PRC houses (read rooms) near Ramada hotel busted by LE, all girls to be deported. She also confirmed the "LE outside Cyclone" story, where LE was questioning/detaining girls leaving "accompanied".


Had to laugh: over on the Kiev thread to see if Sporadic had posted - he had. But who did I find had also visited? Omarbahar - now with 5 posts, all requesting contacts. Do admire his initiative, if nothing else.

Tony #1
10-06-06, 13:24
I have rtff, of course, but whats the best places in and around jumeirah??

10-06-06, 13:57
I have rtff, of course, but whats the best places in and around jumeirah??Just for you Tony (even though you won't send me the *&^%$ PM):

Alamo (now called El Paso), in Dubai Marina, Jumeira 1. Some WGs and some intoxicated western girls.

Rattlesnake on Sheikh Zayed Rd (7 minutes by cab from Jumeira 2).

All the five-star hotels in the New Dubai Marina. Expensive, and fewer to choose from.

Xanadu Club, Capitol Hotel, Satwa (next to Jumeira 1). Turkish and Arabic girls.

That's a start, looking forward to your posts.

10-06-06, 14:55
3 hours might seem a lot, and with an e-card, easy in-and-out. ...
However, don't forget security - those lines can back up during certain times. ...
With only "nearly 3 hours", I'd chill in the lounge,

Thanks for the response, you might got the problem, but while an approved service provider responded - will even pick me up from the airport - I try to do it. I do not know if this extra service is due to ramadan, or not.

But need you guys for some other advice: Last time had nice girl, first night said she loves me (which makes me confused - I main if it was good sex I would appreciate the compliment, but love - seems to quick to me). Anyhow stayed in some loose contact and now contacted me she like to get 3 month visa (from a friend) and just needs 5.000 DHS. Certainly she offered to pay back.

Looks very expensive to me as I know it is a deposit of 5.000 DHS and a fee of 600 DHS to the authorities, but that is what is on offer.

Honestly it looks like a scam to me, on the other side if I can help for a better life deal. Worst case - if not deported - she can work it of in say ten days/nights. Or I will never ever see here as soon as she got the money.

How would the experienced guys comment on this issue? Similar experiences? Warnings?

Sorry for getting slightly of topic, but trust your experience.



Funfor Females
10-06-06, 15:28

With regard to the question from Tom2004 about visas for girls you hardly know, or indeed for anyone.

I know a small handful of guys who have done this without difficulty and have earned an on-tap source of good free sex and gratitude for months to come, I also know of one guy who married the girl and lived happily ever after (Thus far).

However, and I think you know what is coming, for every one of these cases that works out there are probably another ten that do not.

The horror stories are endless (In my limited experience). Be really, very, very careful indeed. I know of one girl who had two separate guys pursuing her visa at the same time in case one of them failed. Both guys were convinced they were in love with her and the entire deal was doomed to failure.

My advice is to think very, very carefully and unless you can find a pressing and real reason to do this the answer has to be "No".

Having said all of this, others may have different experience and have heard different tales. In the end it is up to you.

Good luck.


Thanks for the response, you might got the problem, but while an approved service provider responded - will even pick me up from the airport - I try to do it. I do not know if this extra service is due to ramadan, or not.

But need you guys for some other advice: Last time had nice girl, first night said she loves me (which makes me confused - I main if it was good sex I would appreciate the compliment, but love - seems to quick to me). Anyhow stayed in some loose contact and now contacted me she like to get 3 month visa (from a friend) and just needs 5.000 DHS. Certainly she offered to pay back.

Looks very expensive to me as I know it is a deposit of 5.000 DHS and a fee of 600 DHS to the authorities, but that is what is on offer.

Honestly it looks like a scam to me, on the other side if I can help for a better life deal. Worst case - if not deported - she can work it of in say ten days/nights. Or I will never ever see here as soon as she got the money.

How would the experienced guys comment on this issue? Similar experiences? Warnings?

Sorry for getting slightly of topic, but trust your experience.



Funfor Females
10-06-06, 15:38
Regrding the question from Tony#1 below about Jumiera 1.

1. See my earlier field report dated yesterday at 1136 regarding enthusiastic amateurs at the Alimo. Those Chinese girls are definitely worth a go and they should be back in action about the last week in October onwards, particularly ladies night.

2. Consider also the Boston bar in the Jumeira Rotana hotel. That can be fruitfull at times. I scored a very good and subtle covert HJ in there one night.

3. The Salza dance place on the ground floor of the Capitol hotel can be OK for upmarket classy Chinese girls who are semi pro.

Happy hunting.

I have rtff, of course, but whats the best places in and around jumeirah??

10-06-06, 15:39
Last time had nice girl, first night said she loves me (which makes me confused - I main if it was good sex I would appreciate the compliment, but love - seems to quick to me).I put that in the same category of when she tells me "You hansom man".

Anyhow stayed in some loose contact and now contacted me she like to get 3 month visa (from a friend) and just needs 5.000 DHS. Certainly she offered to pay back. Unless you know this lady very well as in she's a regular for months, my "danger will robinson" alarm would be sounding.

If you do it, consider it a gift. Not saying it wouldn't be paid back, either as cash or work-in-kind, but I wouldn't depend on getting anything back. If you do, consider that a double gift.

10-06-06, 15:59
How would the experienced guys comment on this issue? Similar experiences? Warnings?
Tom, I agree with Bravo, unless she is serious regular, I fear she is just fishing to see if someone will cough up the cash.

Hey, I appreciate your desire to help out, very noble on your part (and no, I am not taking the [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) here) but I wonder if a visa for three more months in DXB is a good gift at the end of the day.

You might suggest that she goes home with your money rather than continue in the grist mill, these days, having a visa means almost nothing, if LE wants you gone (seen in the wrong place or time) you are gone, they could care less what kind of visa you have.

As an example, our old friend Feroza explains to her girls that they should immediately say "I have a balance" when they meet a new punter, to see if they will pony up $300-$500 to "clear her slate" as it were.

They were also instructed to raid the minibar or make phone calls from the hotel if they wanted, but never to take cash, wallet or watches.

About the "I love you" thing. Happened to me many times, in every case bar one (she is STILL deluded to this day, or she really does love me!) it was a blivet, nothing more.

Bottom line, you know her, it is your money, do with it whatever you want, but nobody likes to feel the fool later.

French Canadia
10-06-06, 16:53
Tom, I agree with Bravo, unless she is serious regular, I fear she is just fishing to see if someone will cough up the cash.

Hey, I appreciate your desire to help out, very noble on your part (and no, I am not taking the [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) here) but I wonder if a visa for three more months in DXB is a good gift at the end of the day.

You might suggest that she goes home with your money rather than continue in the grist mill, these days, having a visa means almost nothing, if LE wants you gone (seen in the wrong place or time) you are gone, they could care less what kind of visa you have.

As an example, our old friend Feroza explains to her girls that they should immediately say "I have a balance" when they meet a new punter, to see if they will pony up $300-$500 to "clear her slate" as it were.

They were also instructed to raid the minibar or make phone calls from the hotel if they wanted, but never to take cash, wallet or watches.

About the "I love you" thing. Happened to me many times, in every case bar one (she is STILL deluded to this day, or she really does love me!) it was a blivet, nothing more.

Bottom line, you know her, it is your money, do with it whatever you want, but nobody likes to feel the fool later.I agree with both 11Bravo and Sporadic.

I have done for a CIS girl once, and she saw it a gift nothing else, never saw a full pay back. A couple of good nights after that is was back to being just a customer. Learned my lesson, they are here for buisness so should you.


10-06-06, 17:33
Thanks for the response, you might got the problem, but while an approved service provider responded - will even pick me up from the airport - I try to do it. I do not know if this extra service is due to ramadan, or not.

But need you guys for some other advice: Last time had nice girl, first night said she loves me (which makes me confused - I main if it was good sex I would appreciate the compliment, but love - seems to quick to me). Anyhow stayed in some loose contact and now contacted me she like to get 3 month visa (from a friend) and just needs 5.000 DHS. Certainly she offered to pay back.

Looks very expensive to me as I know it is a deposit of 5.000 DHS and a fee of 600 DHS to the authorities, but that is what is on offer.

Honestly it looks like a scam to me, on the other side if I can help for a better life deal. Worst case - if not deported - she can work it of in say ten days/nights. Or I will never ever see here as soon as she got the money.

How would the experienced guys comment on this issue? Similar experiences? Warnings?

Sorry for getting slightly of topic, but trust your experience.



If you like the girl and 5000 dosn't mean that much to you help her out.

If it's a con so what let her get on with it, but whatever you decide there's no way she loves you after 1 night of paid for sex.

Always makes me smile on here when people use the worl pulled.

10-06-06, 19:38
Thank you all for your responses and I do appreciate your efforts.

My basic rule which I got from a former service provider is:

"Dubai is for business, not for love" and, with the stated exceptions, it is true. I can not say I fully felt in love with the girl, however I got tempted by her sad story and feel sorry if someone is so nice.

However I just went back and did some research (please comment on this if you know better) which revealed there is no such thing as a 90 day visa for the U.A.E., but a 30 day plus 30 day extension visa. Also other service provider go every 30 day out of country, to update visa.

Having the intention to be nice and seeing a scam comming up I decided for the following: I will arrange for her a visit visa (of couse I have to pax for it through my contacts) and she can get the visa if she likes, but no cash money.

If I am wrong, it is sad, if she is honest it gives her what she wants.

Let me change to another topic.....(just little related):

In principle I like the idea of and give preference to regular service providers, it is a little bit you know what you get. On the other side "Variety is the spice of life" - why should I reduce my chances.

The other aspect is with regulars things as discussed above occure.

So I will take advantage of approved service providers but stay away to get it to regular.

Folks, thanks again for your efforts, you make the forum extremly valuable to me (and others I guess).

And hope I can entertain you with my field report of my short transit XXX at DXB.

Greetings to all of you.


My Kapitan
10-06-06, 22:44
The system is confusing.

Written on the visa it clearly states 30 days, however it is in fact a 60 day visa that can be extended to 90 days on further payment.

Prices are 600 (inc 'knowledge' tax and attestation) for initial 30 +30 then an additional 500 for the final 30. However after 60 days the person must leave the country (Kish or similar). The sponsor can be a local or an expat - I have done it. It all cases a refundable security deposit is required - 2000+ at the whim of the clerk.

Thats the legal ones. Black market - 5K seems lite probably for a PRC, CIS are hit for 8000+. Resident visas (3 years) go for 15K - 20K and as an earlier guy said can be revoked if LE have cause or just feel like it.

If you like the girl and can afford it - its your choice only. But be prepared for a runner.

Looking forward to getting back tomorrow......


10-06-06, 22:45
Miss BBC reports (rumor) that 2 PRC houses (read rooms) near Ramada hotel busted by LE, all girls to be deported. She also confirmed the "LE outside Cyclone" story, where LE was questioning/detaining girls leaving "accompanied".When I was there last month, it seemed that things were improving and the LE taking a foot off the gas. Sad to hear they are at it again. Just don't really get what the end goal is.

10-06-06, 22:49
Alamo (now called El Paso), in Dubai Marina, Jumeira 1. Some WGs and some intoxicated western girls.

Rattlesnake on Sheikh Zayed Rd (7 minutes by cab from Jumeira 2).

All the five-star hotels in the New Dubai Marina. Expensive, and fewer to choose from.

Xanadu Club, Capitol Hotel, Satwa (next to Jumeira 1). Turkish and Arabic girls.The Xanadu was a little hit/miss when I went. Reminded me a bit of Rumours. Mind you maybe a few weeks before start of Ramadan wasn't the best time!

10-07-06, 08:51
But need you guys for some other advice: Last time had nice girl, first night said she loves me (which makes me confused - I main if it was good sex I would appreciate the compliment, but love - seems to quick to me). Anyhow stayed in some loose contact and now contacted me she like to get 3 month visa (from a friend) and just needs 5.000 DHS. Certainly she offered to pay back.

As the very experienced seniors here said, tread carefully when you pay them visa money. Just thought it was worthwhile putting in my experience since I was in the same situation sometime earlier.

I did pay, since I knew her for a bit, and i am happy to say that she paid back in full and to this day I do get freebies off an on, whenevr I am in Dubai.

But for you...after meeting for the first time, it doesnt sound so legit. But maybe, love at first sight does exist! :-) Like it has been mentioned before...consider it as a gift, then you wont be TOO disappointed, i guess.

10-07-06, 16:38
Hi fellows,

You are doing a great effort here.

Can anyone send me in private numbers for arab girls or how to contact them?

Also western girls, no asians.

Thanks a lot

Wicked Roger
10-07-06, 18:14
The system is confusing.

Written on the visa it clearly states 30 days, however it is in fact a 60 day visa that can be extended to 90 days on further payment.

Prices are 600 (inc 'knowledge' tax and attestation) for initial 30 +30 then an additional 500 for the final 30. However after 60 days the person must leave the country (Kish or similar). The sponsor can be a local or an expat - I have done it. It all cases a refundable security deposit is required - 2000+ at the whim of the clerk.

Thats the legal ones. Black market - 5K seems lite probably for a PRC, CIS are hit for 8000+. Resident visas (3 years) go for 15K - 20K and as an earlier guy said can be revoked if LE have cause or just feel like it.

If you like the girl and can afford it - its your choice only. But be prepared for a runner.

Looking forward to getting back tomorrow......



Tend to agree with MK as I know the system in Dubai (even though it is different here in AD at least for the time being). If you are Dubai resident do what MK did, use the electronic route, pain in the arse to set up on the PC but can be done and is cheap.

In AD a 2 month visa costs Dhms 1,500 (I know this as I speak with the WGs and mamsans, also I know people who get the visa for that price, or Dhms 3,000 with ticket) hence the WG's Dhms 15,000 'fine' seems to me very hard going for the WG and very greedy from mamasan.

So Dhms 5,000 seems expensive to me. Let her come to AD its cheaper!

Best you say to her that you get visa and you keep her passport and tehn see what she says ;) You maybe surprised ;) But as MK said prepare yourself for a runner especially after 1 night.

Or if you live in Dubai and are a Dubai resident use the e-visa system like MK did, it works and you would defintiely get to keep her passport. But even with that and she still does a runner remember you are then liable for the fine from immigration at roughly Dhms 100 per day but after a long time AWOL this can be 'negotiated'.

Just my bit


10-07-06, 18:40
Can anyone send me in private numbers for arab girls or how to contact them?

Also western girls, no asians.Damn, my mobile's battery just expired, so can't access my address book. Unlike Kap, I'm more than willing to help a 2 poster; make that a 2-any contacts? poster ;)

Best way to meet arab girls is go to a BIG mall (Diera city centre, MOE), stand at the bottom of an escalator, and give any passing girls of interest some pelvic thrusts. Hands in the pocket also work to draw attention to your assets.

That, and RTFF can work wonders.

When I was there last month, it seemed that things were improving and the LE taking a foot off the gas. Sad to hear they are at it again. Just don't really get what the end goal is.Talking to another girl tonight... NOW it's 3 rooms busted. Perhaps it was 1, becoming 2, becoming 3... but certainly increased LE during this 'holy month'. That, plus, I would think, neighbors becoming less tolerant as rents increase...

10-07-06, 20:46
The Xanadu was a little hit/miss when I went. Reminded me a bit of Rumours. Mind you maybe a few weeks before start of Ramadan wasn't the best time!True, Xanadu is hit and miss - need to go well after midnight, or it's almost empty. Funfor mentioned the salsa place; it's called Savage Garden, in the same hotel as Xanadu (Capitol Hotel). Both clubs have semi-pro, pro and non-pro.

Just arrived back from a great one-night stop-over in Bangkok, where I caught up with a couple of wild girls I'd had the pleasure of meeting last visit there. They get better every time.

Time to get back to domestic "bliss" and have a well-deserved rest for a while, as I pick up Wildcat from the airport an hour ...

My Kapitan
10-08-06, 06:12
Surprising night last night. Flew back from Uk and was tired so was not really looking to play. went to regal - again lots of good looking newbies and lots of blondes, but all holding out for 700+ and I really wasn't in the mood either to negotiate or play.

Strolled to Imperial Suites (its on the way home!)at about 0100, lots of girls now getting desperate because 1 only 30mins to go and 2 the rents are due I guess.

Talked to a few regulars I know. Miss L came over, we talked I said I'm tired etc. She made me an offer I could not refuse 300 LT. Ages since I'd had a girl for 300. She was good as gold and fucked me all night so now I am going to work really tired! Loves the camera and the webcam in particular... she just left at 0900.

I need a vacation!

10-08-06, 13:44
Just before ramadan I stayed at the Dubai Grand Hyatt for a few days. Without knowing the scene very good and not much time, I went to the hotel disco MIX one evening. Picked up a very nice Maroc girl (Mona), which was one of my best experiences ever.

We went to my hotel room, before the elvator she had to show her ID (original) to 2 hotel staffs, making copies form it and keeping control that the girls get registered before going up. (On your hotel bill you will find DHR 100 ++ (120) as additional room charge later). The interesting was that she was wearing a scafr on her ID photo, made it for me more exotic to get a muslim girl.

The communication was not so easy, because her english was very little and my french is limited, too. But we managed and after some talking, two very loud phone call dicussions with her boyfriend and mother (she said) in an arabic language, she took a shower. I had my shower while she was at the phone.

I was not sure if I get fouled or if it will be good, but when we fall on the bed she got wild with dep kissing, blow job, ect. Than I started to lick her long and she was very wet. We turned to 69 and I continued to lick and finger fuck her back entry. She got real horny and we started to fuck in several positions till (I think) we both came.

After 3 minutes rest she pushed me down to continue licking and fingering her, after I was hard again I wanted to fuck her again, but we had allready used the only condome we had, so she layed down on the carpet with her legs wide spreaded and feet on the bed and started to finger herself and pointed me to do the same. I sat on the bed, we watched each other and after some time I fired everything on her body from my position. We both enjoyed and laughed. After a shower and cigarette she left, because I had to get up early. She would have stayed if I wanted.

Hit me, but I lost her number. She told me, that she is only there for 1 week about every 4-6 weeks. Just look out at Mix for a maroc loking girl who speaks french, on an entry free evening. She wil not aproach you or make any signs. She sat alone and looks like a "normal" visitor.

My main probem in Dubai was that everything starts very late (11-12 h) and I had to get up at 7 every day. So I didn't try more, just had a look to Cyclone the last night, because it is not far from Grand Hyatt.

Have fun...

10-08-06, 15:32
Batting 750

Up until Saturday evening, I was batting a 1000:

Thursday night, Miss BBC highly impressive with her pro skills. Granted, the massage is crap, but, with her other skills, I can live with that. 1 for 1.

Friday night, Miss Friday, always a pleasure. While some go for the 1-of's, I like my regulars. Even an a-lister can appreciate brand loyalty, and by showing such, she feels it's worth it to put in some extra effort. If nothing else, you don't have the "start from zero" experience. 2 for 2.

Saturday afternoon, Miss PMW comes over. Now, I might not have gotten her off the plane, but it had been 4 months for us, so it was a rockin time. She knows I like a skirt/dress, so arrives dressed accordingly. Besides looking good, provides easy access (of course, the thong provides minimal blockage; it was she moving it out of the way, eventually standing up to step out of it alltogether). Just love it when they make those guttural noises. 3 for 3.

What can I say? Overconfidence. Miss T, saying she had missed me sooooo much after having been replaced on Thursday's mound, had requested another start. In the euphoria of my batting success (all based on proven track records), said OK, would pick her up Saturday night. Should have listened to myself: PROVEN being the key.

Picked her up. Forget the time/aggrevation direct correlation factor (as in 12 vs 72 hours) ; after 15 minutes in the car... Remember the movie Airplane? Ted's seatmates? I certainly felt like 1. She now informs me she's on the monthly injured/disabled list. So why is she wanting to pitch?

Now, her assessment of the situation was correct: if she had told me she was on the rag beforehand, she would not be in the car with me. Certainly she does offer alternatives, but Spinner's and Miss SS's massages order of magnitude better. Spinner has equal oral skills. Need to evaluate Miss SS in an un-rushed environment. And while Miss BBC's massage might be crap, her oral skills alone would almost be worth a starting slot (coupled with her other attractions, 2006 All Star for sure).

Regardless, I appreciate a girl when she's up-front with me (then, it's MY choice). Those later disclosures don't go over well. Fine. By now, home. I told her she was welcome to hang out, but that the "up to you" salary would be directly linked to her "no work" status. Not to be difficult, but the the 11b empoyee benefits package does not include paid sick leave. You play in the majors, you better bring your FULL game. Bit shocked [;) ] when she suddenly didn't miss me so much, and remembered other commitments. I would agree: if nothing else, sitting at home, talking to your roommates in your own language better than watching strange TV in a cool climate.

Point being, sometimes you really want it to work with a specific girl, but it just doesn't. BS does not help; I appreciate a girl being straight with me: other work commitments, health, whatever. I'm a big boy; I understand all of these. But when it becomes apparent that to her you are ONLY a business proposition... time to cut your losses sooner rather than later, find some other pitchers, and keep your hitting streak alive.

Extended weekend: 750.

Dubai Dog
10-08-06, 15:45
For those that want a visual taste of the Cyclone. Enjoy. Not sure if the link will work but here goes.


10-08-06, 18:08
I put hours into the DNA clean-up, including picking up hair strands of every color, length and texture from all corners of the house. I came home from work today and found some bra-straps (still wrapped in plastic) on the bed. When Wildcat got home, she asked who they belonged to. I asked her "They're not yours?" She said no. Gulp - think quick Piper! I confessed I'm a cross-dresser. :) She just gave me "that look" and thanked whoever bought them for her. She's still speaking happily to me. I just cannot work her out.

10-08-06, 22:44
...My main probem in Dubai was that everything starts very late (11-12 h) and I had to get up at 7 every day.

Hi Folks,

I guess Frank made a valid point here, because I do have the same problem. During my last meeting I tried to take a nap late afternoon/early evening, but it did not work to well.

And that is why those of us not being resident in DXB always look for some afternoon activities, but choices (and much more quality) is limited.

Anyone with a great idea how to address the probelm? How are the seniors with the great reports dealing with this?

Greetings to all,


My Kapitan
10-09-06, 01:59
Hi Folks,

I guess Frank made a valid point here, because I do have the same problem. During my last meeting I tried to take a nap late afternoon/early evening, but it did not work to well.

And that is why those of us not being resident in DXB always look for some afternoon activities, but choices (and much more quality) is limited.

Anyone with a great idea how to address the probelm? How are the seniors with the great reports dealing with this?

Greetings to all,


My regieme has always been to sleep after work, ie home at 6 wake at 1030/11 and go out. Its just a state of mind.

Red bull helps but dont take it with vodka! I know 50/50 has red bull and weetabix for breakfast!

10-09-06, 07:45
... red bull and weetabix for breakfast!

Okay, if this is the solution I will give up on my desire. This is real pervert.....UHHHHH ;-)


Wicked Roger
10-09-06, 14:46
I put hours into the DNA clean-up, including picking up hair strands of every color, length and texture from all corners of the house. I came home from work today and found some bra-straps (still wrapped in plastic) on the bed. When Wildcat got home, she asked who they belonged to. I asked her "They're not yours?" She said no. Gulp - think quick Piper! I confessed I'm a cross-dresser. :) She just gave me "that look" and thanked whoever bought them for her. She's still speaking happily to me. I just cannot work her out.Piper,

That's what comes from shagging too long in BKK and not having enough time to DNA. And you are a lucky bugger, not Mongateer's spouse would be so 'generous' in her 'praise'.

As for being a cross dresser - well MK, FF and I am sure don't care what you wear or do for a 'hobby' as long as you don't do that when we are with you. After Red Bull and Weetabix you may seem attractive and thus get a surprise ;)

See you soon with or without Miss W, but definitely not in a bra and g-string :)


10-09-06, 16:55

hope I do not bother you to much, but some may remember the issue with the girl which like to get a visa. I guess it is so predictiba I like to share with you.

Taking the warnings and information I received, thanks again folks, seriously, I offered here a free visa, but no sach money at all. Wonder what happened?

Both has a problem and objects - but not to the 5000 DHS visa. I bet with you next request is to pay for the balance. Anyone willing to bet?

And the lesson learned: "Dubai is for business, not for love!"

Sorry to those who are not interested in this story at all.



10-09-06, 21:02
Short field report:

Rattlesnake, Monday, 9:00 - 10:00
DAMN their NO PRC policy. Had to run a gauntlet on the garden path. 7, 8 PRC's out where the taxis wait, looking for escorts. Had 2 LITERALLY hanging onto me. Had to feel on top of my head to see if there was a lit "taxi" sign up there.

Inside, very few ladies at the early hour. Mostly PRC, maybe 10 CIS, some africans. Saw a friend (Sporadic, Miss L) of Miss PPMW arrive with a guy. Made eye contact (just to say hello), he went to the toilet, she gave me a nod, I back at her. Bit surprised when she came over... No "hello", no "how are you", no "how's Miss PPMW". Just a "I have 2 friends outside; can you escort them in?" Again felt for the taxi sign...

One PRC of mild interest, more for the outfit than anything, but already occupied. Other possibilities, but none compelling; left.

Imperial, Monday, 10:00 - 10:45
Instead of heading home, decided to stick my head in the reduced Imperial. Do like that parking lot behind the place. Inside, quickly picked up by Miss F. Had earlier watched a History Channel program about WWII bombing missions. Well, I was the B-17, she the fighter escort. She stuck close, making sure no hostile fighters came within striking distance. Talk about marking her territory (I wasn't complaining, again seeing nothing compelling [except for her]). Had me laughing when she said she knew EVERY chinese girl. I replied I knew she had 'eyes everywhere'. Finished my drink, left.

Some CIS - saw a couple of brute force madams. Yikes!

Jockeys, Monday, 10:45 - 11:00
Walked in, immediately saw a friendly PRC face I was very familiar with. Her smile - she just beams... Flirted with her, while trying to figure out the logistics of a tryst. She's someone you take your time with and enjoy - no rush jobs there. Time too short; we'll make it this weekend.

So, Ramadan more than 1/2 over. Possibles at each of the venues (the chinese, they're everywhere).

I offered here a free visa, but no sach money at all. Wonder what happened?Like the street beggars back home who need money for food. Of course, when you offer to BUY them a sandwich, they're not interested. Hard cash only.

Well, now you know, and your wallet's not empty.

10-10-06, 01:03

Always little late, but here my FR comes (just short before starting my next trip):

Following an unusual long absence from Dubai I returned recently for five days and, as usual, enjoyed exploring the market. Trip took place second half of September 2006 but shortly prior to Ramadan. The cleaning up activities by CID/LE during mid summer severely impacted and reduced my numbers of girls available for service, however was able to build up some new contacts which hopefully will survive Ramadan.

Day 1

Because of my early morning arrival I contacted one of my semi-regulars. For some reason she comes a little bit the first one I every time call upon arrival and is always willing to serve.

NAME: "Mi"
LOCATION: Dubai, p/u from Regal before.
AGE: said 25
HEIGHT/WEIGHT: appr. 170/57 (HWP)
L/A/S: 9/8/9
DAMAGE: AED 300 ST (2hrs) plus TIP (50), which is the same as first time and I guess will stay for ever.
COMMENT: She finished balance and is now independent, nice proof of it the agreed two hours became nearly three, this did not happen before.
WIR: Yes, next stay, first call ? as usual

In the evening I went to the golden triangle, this time in the mood for some ?dark skinned? girl.

LOCATION: Dubai, p/u from Imperial
AGE: said 24 (but I am not sure if I remember correct)
HEIGHT/WEIGHT: appr. 165/50 (HWP)
L/A/S: 8/8/8
DAMAGE: AED 300 LT (03:00 until 09:00 am) Folks that is true!!1
COMMENT: Absolutely correct, nice attitude
WIR: Yes, she is the one which ensures I will have a nice transit.

Day 2

Luckily finished business meeting at early afternoon took the chance and went over to TGITT ? it was a miss for me, mostly PRC and some Africans. While I had the later on the menu the day before already, I do not favour PRC to much and disappeared on my own. I was just not tempted.

Went to sleep and arrived at Regal around 01:00 am.

LOCATION: Dubai, p/u from Regal.
AGE: said 26
HEIGHT/WEIGHT: appr. 170/5x (HWP)
L/A/S: 8/9/9
DAMAGE: AED 700 LT, went at 07:00 am as agreed.
COMMENT: Said she has an job there what seemed reasonable to me.
WIR: Yes, already tried but she was too tired ? she said.

Day 3

Started business early and had a long day, so before going back on stage needed a quick nap. Did so and showed up at Regal again at around 01:45 am - which was actually later than planned.

NAME: "K & M"
LOCATION: Dubai, p/u from Regal.
AGE: did not want to tell, guess late 20ies or early 30ies
HEIGHT/WEIGHT: appr. 165-170/??? (HWP)
L/A/S: 8/9/8-9
DAMAGE: AED 700 LT (02:30 until 04:00 pm next day, extremely long, plus TIP, AED 100 LT
COMMENT: This was much more party with friends as business, nice experience. Sex was somewhat beyond expectations, but can easily come with M.
WIR: Yes, certainly with M.

Day 4

Thanks god this was an off day would not know to do if I would have to attend meetings. This fortune had been caused by the unreliability of some Arabs ? but am I angry about what my customers do? Never ever shall I.

While the girls from the day before left at 04:00 pm, was the longest stay ever, I used the time for some shopping. Just of topic, do not go to the City Center at early evening with a cap, it last one hour prior you get one to return home.

Because I had to got to AUH next day very early, and due to the incredible traffic situation, I planned to have a ST early only. Showed up at Regal around 09:00 pm, far to early, went over to Imperial, far to early, but found a girl I would love to take just leaving with a male PRC. That was bad, back at Regal at 10:00 pm, still to early.

At 11:00 pm made my decision just wanted to approach my target when she disappeared to the ladies room. Just had to wait. Some minutes later she returned with a nice female companionship, I mad an unusual quick decision and took her.

LOCATION: Dubai, p/u from Regal initially.
AGE: said 29, looks younger to me
HEIGHT/WEIGHT: appr. 165/??? (HWP)
L/A/S: 8/19/9
DAMAGE: AED 800 LT (3hrs) did not want to waste to reduce rate by 100 or 200 because of time pressure.
WIR: Yes, certainly

Despite the fact I strictly try to stick to the rule ?Dubai is for money, not for love? this girl effected me emotionally and I enjoyed another night with her until my departure.

Comments on my rules:

(1) It is a business, treat the service providers, commonly referred to as the ladies, with at least the same respect you would treat any other business partner,
(2) All rates, terms and conditions to be discussed prior leaving the disco ? some of the girl I approached where initially somewhat shocked about the way I handle this, but it is reducing the chance for disappointment significantly,
(3) Never pay before, or do you cash in you money at Carefour prior to selecting the goods? Common argument by the ladies is I do not know you, true, but so do I.
(4) Despite the fact I am paying for a service it must not mean I have to be impolite or unfriendly. When you are looking for GFE try to give BFE to her ? frequently this pays off.
(5) Even when horny, some trink and talk prior to the business is always a further advantage. Some of the girls can be really nice.
(6) My agreed rate always include an taxi money or other expenditure, however a good service is worth a tip ranging between 50 to 200 DHS.


There is a tendency girls are leaving the Bur Dubai area around 01:00 am for other places to escape any LE activities.

Common rate at Regal seems to be between 700 to 800 for new starters (first time business) and/or visitors to DXB and between 500 to 700 for repeaters, Imperial got 300 LT which I found remarkable low.

Market was pretty much crowded assumable due to the present conferences.

I was somehow shocked by the willingness/laziness of working ladies not to use condoms. If the government is wise they should stop to consider the carrying of condoms as an evidence to be a working girl, anyhow I always use my own ones ? good European quality rather than PRC imports. But I easily could get BBS if I tried/insisted and that concerns me.

Viagra & Co

Used Cialis occasionally and found it very nice, especially on the ?long night?. One should not get addicted to it but it can increase pleasure and I will repeat.


No, and honestly not because the girls objected, I was just to lazy to try. Sorry folks and my respect to all those of you having sex and taking pics at the same time.

Hope you enjoy,

Greetings to all of you,


10-10-06, 07:22
I was somehow shocked by the willingness/laziness of working ladies not to use condoms. If the government is wise they should stop to consider the carrying of condoms as an evidence to be a working girl, anyhow I always use my own ones ? good European quality rather than PRC imports. But I easily could get BBS if I tried/insisted and that concerns me. I too have noticed this last trip (and the previous one), it seems every girl I met, PRC or CIS was willing to ignore condom use, indeed, I had to bring it up, this last trip, three shrugged, "you want use condom?, no problem," two said "it´s ok, I like you..."

Some of these ladies are seriously unclear on the concept here, one actually said "it is ok, I am taking the pill" (!)

If this is becoming generalized DXB practice, the hobby will be in for some rough times ahead.

Comments gents?

10-10-06, 12:20
FR/Dubai September 2006Now THAT's an FR!!! You have to be an engineer with all those acronyms...

Agree with your rules. If I run into trouble with a new girl, it's where I've gotten lazy or complacent and didn't follow Rule #2 (All rates, terms and conditions to be discussed prior leaving the disco). As you say, a little respect and kindness goes a LONG way. Myself, the salary offered is exclusive of transportation costs - those I'll take care of myself, either by driving them home, or by kicking in extra for a taxi. Making that clear can swing a deal your way. [Of course, as someone recently found out, when the BS starts flowing... that return trip is on your own dirham...]

So I will take advantage of approved service providers but stay away to get it to regular.With regulars, I never have any trouble - the appreciation of repeat business, brand-loyalty, and a steady cash flow eliminates a lot of the "1-of" scams. Also why I like the FL's. For the spice of life, midweek forays...

Originally Posted by Frank_OS
...My main probem in Dubai was that everything starts very late (11-12 h) and I had to get up at 7 every day.Try getting up at FIVE AM every day... Oh-dark-hundred is no joke.

I'd suggest go out 1 night, collect some numbers, straight out tell them you get up EARLY, so can't pull TONIGHT, but you are free in the afternoons (as in 'tomorrow') if they're willing (most are - what else do they have to do?) Can also include 'Daylight Discounts'.

Wicked Roger
10-10-06, 13:36
I too have noticed this last trip (and the previous one), it seems every girl I met, PRC or CIS was willing to ignore condom use, indeed, I had to bring it up, this last trip, three shrugged, "you want use condom?, no problem," two said "it´s ok, I like you..."

Some of these ladies are seriously unclear on the concept here, one actually said "it is ok, I am taking the pill" (!)

If this is becoming generalized DXB practice, the hobby will be in for some rough times ahead.

Comments gents?

Girls in AD same, "your choice" basically for many. Some of the newbies I meet will insist until they get to know you and the they say "your choice". Others I play with regularly I trust better but again "your choice".

Always will be "your choice" in the end.


10-10-06, 17:59
Always will be "your choice" in the end.


Certainly, but that is what I like to address. In a moment of overhelming feelings, when emotion get controll, in that moment one has to make a decision (in the worst case) about dead or life!

There is the point where the service provider, the girls and ladies, should be more proactive and incorporate the usage of the condome in the foreplay.

Last, but not least, I also would see the Government here in a responsibility to educate on the use of and tollerating the carriying of condomes.

But happy you are seeming to share my concerns here.

Greetings to all of you,

stay and enjoy safe,


10-10-06, 18:53
Always will be "your choice" in the end.
No doubt WR, I understand the concept of free will, but this does strike me as rather risky behavior, particularly for the WG´s.

I am not one of those knee-jerk types, I understand the science behind transmission, and also understand the REAL vice hyped risk and consequences.

I was just surprised by the attitudes of the girls.

10-10-06, 19:15
In my last few months of bachelorhood and heavy mongering, I also noticed an increase in risky intentions by the girls. In Dubai, I had to initiate condoms with about 50% of the girls in recent times, otherwise they would have gone bareback in the heat of the moment.

In Bangkok, scarily, nearly ALL the girls I took would've gone bareback (sad when you read the research of how 40% of them get HIV and go back to their villages to "wait to die"). The only Thai girls who initiated condoms were those who worked in Giotto's Lodge - I think they are given regular education sessions.

Even the Brit/Indian/Malay Girl who joined me in Paris a few months ago wondered why I wanted to use condoms, and she's highly educated (and highly promiscuous!).

I had a few PMs with a guy recently who told me he's dying of another disease anyway, so he didn't care if he caught HIV. When I pointed out that maybe he should care about the girls he's been barebacking (including, according to him, his virgin step-neice and his ex-wife), I never heard back from him.

Will B Have
10-10-06, 23:23
Gentlemen - and Ladies, if present:

Thanks a lot! DXB Forum is outstanding to most others in terms of info. I RTFF excessively and enjoyed. Very helpful, as I will be in DXB on transit, arriving Thu midnight. 2 short q's: a) given time, week-day, ramad. - any use still trying to make it somewhere - and where - after checking hotel (Bur area), around 2 a.m.? b) any problem at 1 a.m. as to taxi from airport? Lack of, cheat?

(Still) being one of those spit-at read-but-never-write-guys I rely on your Ramadan-Cleansing-spirit. Your kindness might awake the writer in me. By the way, pleasure if anyone likes to go for a drink. Will be in town till Mon/Tue. Just reached 40, more or less pleasant guy with some world-wide experience gathered when I was young and strong.

PM will only work from this afternoon, I guess. Regards.

Will B Have
10-11-06, 00:22
Hi Gentlemen (and Ladies, if any around here),

Thanks for all the good work. I RTFF extensively and the DXB forum is a gem of ISG. Extremely helpful, as I will have a stop-over from Thu midnight till Mon or Tue. Although I am (still) one of those spit-at read-but-no-write guys so far, I rely on your Ramadan-Cleansing-Spirit for help. May your kindness awake the Bukowski in me.

2 q's: a) airport taxi easy at 1-2a.m. or cheat? b) given time, week-day, rama - does it make sense to go anywhere - where - after a hotel-check-in at approx 2 a.m.? Thanks a lot. If you feel like - would be great to meet up for a drink. Am close to 40 and more or less pleasant with some worldwide experience gathered when I was young and strong. Regards.

Wicked Roger
10-11-06, 05:18
No doubt WR, I understand the concept of free will, but this does strike me as rather risky behavior, particularly for the WG´s.

I am not one of those knee-jerk types, I understand the science behind transmission, and also understand the REAL vice hyped risk and consequences.

I was just surprised by the attitudes of the girls.
Very true Sporadic

The WGs I know mainly have condoms and prefer to use unless you are a LT customer, also the mamsans insist and to a degree educate as a 'sick' Wg is soon known to the otehrs and teh earning capacity is reduced.

But utlimately IMHO the monger decides and some of the girls need the cash so reluctantly agree. I always find out who the girl has played with, nationality especially, as this gives me some indication. Also many of the Filipina WGs I associate with (and thier mamasans) are long term WGs for me so there is a degree of trust and knowledge built up over time. No mamasan that i know would ever send me (or my ISG friends) any 'sick' WG, they know me too well and they want my future custom and referrals.

The PRCs that I have had have generally managed to place the condom over the prok sword using their mouth which is a way of getting the punter to agree regardless- well you are lying there waiting for a BBBJ and suddenly the sword is covered. Good technique.

Unfortunately and ultimately we (the monger) have to decide as many are too shy, scared etc to disagree with a customer and end up being barebacked whether they like it or not.


Fifty Fifty
10-11-06, 15:17
[QUOTE2 q's: a) airport taxi easy at 1-2a.m. or cheat? b) given time, week-day, rama - does it make sense to go anywhere - where - after a hotel-check-in at approx 2 a.m.? Thanks a lot. If you feel like - would be great to meet up for a drink.[/QUOTE]

Hi, in answer to your questions:

1) Airport Taxi - No problem at all and all legal etc. Cost approx 50 Dhms to Bur Dubai (15 mins)

2) Dont bother going anywhere at 2 am in Ramadan, all shut by that time.

3) Both MK and I will be quite happy to meet u for a drink on Thurs/Fri/Sat - PM your reply plse

All the best FF

My Kapitan
10-11-06, 16:57
Gentlemen - and Ladies, if present:
By the way, pleasure if anyone likes to go for a drink. Will be in town till Mon/Tue. Just reached 40, more or less pleasant guy with some world-wide experience gathered when I was young and strong.

PM will only work from this afternoon, I guess. Regards.

Happy to meet fellow monger who actually reads the forum. Taxi no problem but 2am is too late for bars in Ramadam. happy to meet Friday. Either Pm or post in forum.

10-11-06, 18:33
What is closing time in Ramadan? Thaought it is just 30 mins earlier, i. e. 2:30 ????


10-11-06, 22:26
From my experience, closing time in Ramadan is usual closing time (3am). There are a few places that stay open longer (with closed doors).

My Kapitan
10-11-06, 23:12
Regal closes 0200hrs.
Imperial Suites 0130 hrs.

10-12-06, 12:27
Cyclone, Wednesday, 9:30 - 00:30

Arrived 9:30, 75 dhs weeknight fee to enter, no drinks included (as usual). Maybe 5 punters at that early hour, 25 wg's, mostly PRC's, 1 or 2 CIS. Talk about a favorable M/F ratio...

Rogue5 soon arrived. Always a pleasure. We were commiserating with each other over earlier-in-the-week evenings NOT going as planned, while watching the passing parade. Say what you want about Cyclone, but it does attract TOP-NOTCH PRC's; some REAL beauties present. STRIKINGLY attractive (for me, anyway).

[Rant ON] Drink prices just absurd. Diet coke, 25 dhs. Red bull and vodka, 55 dhs ($15 USD).

A bar that does not pass out popcorn and nuts FREELY; you have to ask? There is a PURPOSE in providing SALTY snacks... it's called increased profit. And when you do ask, the portions... you'd think it was lifeboat rations... Compare that to Seaview, where it's literally baskets full; when one empties, another quickly brought.

Couple of PRC's asked me if I'd ask a waiter to bring some popcorn and nuts for me/them. If they asked directly, no deal. What's that about? They've paid to get in, they do drink, and WHY does management think men come to Cyclone? It's not for the music... I wonder if it's a management directive, or staff just exercising some power over those they see as lesser than themselves.[Rant OFF]

Mike de H appeared later, having enjoyed (I think; EAGERLY awaiting FR) an earlier afternoon "double" encounter. Both Rogue5 and Mike de H down to earth, really nice guys, no pretensions. Thanks for the drinks; next time, my shout.

Number of familiar faces around. For Ramadan, those that can't see me are still blind to my presence. Those that come over and say hi, do. Was telling a Brit at the bar that Miss 1000, standing on the other side of him, as soon as he left, she'd be off. He did, she was. Mike pleasantly surprised at the non-pushiness of the PRC's, but correctly deduced he was within range of my cloak of invisibility, aka only 500.

Just after I had finished telling R5 and MDH about Miss Barometer, how I didn't see her, must still be in China, someone grabs my arm; of course, Miss B. 3 years on, she hasn't aged a bit. Typical Miss B. When I asked her how China was, her reply had me LOL: "China still the same; no money, everybody poor." Damn, I should marry her. That is somebody I will be seeing SOON.

Spotted another former pull, Y2. PRC, but one of those who doesn't quite look the typical Chinese; no idea of what ethnicity. 2 years ago, unless business was really good, no problem to pull for 500. Last year, it was 700. Walked over to get a price quote. "This Cyclone. Cyclone lady 1000 dhs." Hey, who organized them?!? The AFL-CIO would be proud; I was wondering who the union rep was. I replied that this was Ramadan... Her reply stopped me cold (LOL): "So what? I'm not muslim..."

One concession to Ramadan; Miss 1000 ACTUALLY flirting with me. Went over to chat. She said she'd seen me at Seaview several times. My head swelled (the UPPER head - come on, guys) - I DID show up on her radar. Asked why she had never come over and said hello there. "I don't go there alone" was her 'should have been obvious' reply. She knows she's TOP a-list, slightly too much taken with herself for me. Again, did a price check. The good news is, I won't have to change her name. "Cyclone beautiful ladies. 1000. You want ugly lady, go outside. Less money." Like I say, she knows her ranking in the market. She did offer to introduce me to her friend, she being "less money" (no doubt newly arrived). Didn't bother - once you've seen the plate of filet mignon, would not be happy eating roast beef, dreaming of that filet.

Another PRC had my head spinning: her dress was 1 of the most striking I've seen in 5 years. Hair up, long neck covered by a black cocktail dress with a large oval opening in the back, bare back from neck to waist, no bra strap... the definition of ELEGANCE and CLASS. No walk of shame with her; a walk of pride. Up close... OK, so the dress added a full 2 points, and it would be coming off, but still... The complete opposite of the standard PRC Cyclone outfit: tank top, low cut jeans...

One PRC disturbingly missing; no sign of Spinner. Sent her an sms Wed night; no reply. Happily, Thusday afternoon, she did. These day, you never know; those Cyclone sweeps have to be picking up somebody. Fun girl and the best massage - she knows enough to hurt you...

Rogue5 reported he'd gotten a 1000 quote down to 700... but he doesn't incur the 'senior citizen', I mean, mature, surcharge that I do. Either that, or the ladies, knowing me, knew I was just price quoting... would not be pulling (full weekend ahead). Rogue5, being the clever guy he is, had a hot standby waiting, so, not finding anything in the value for money range, headed off for that rendezvous.

Watched a couple of regionals; they must have thought they were in the fish market - absolutely SCREAMING at a group of girls, trying to make a deal, "I WANT THIS GIRL, SHE NOT GIVE GOOD PRICE; YOU TELL HER GIVE ME GOOD PRICE..." while shaking a finger in the poor girl's face. And some people wonder while certain groups get a bad rep...

Distracted by the show, looked around, Mike had disappeared. Found him down in CIS territory. Past midnight, number of them, some even attracting my gaze. By midnight, Cyclone lot more crowded, though still a favorable M/F ratio. Miss Barameter still there, along with a number of other usually departed a-listers. Given the number of warm smiles even I received while walking their gauntlet, business was definitely not great. All looking forward to Ramadan's end, getting back to business as usual. Good number of chorus members also clustered around in various groups. Deals probably could be made towards 2am, but it would not be from me. Working hours reduced during Ramadan, but not nonexistent. Left Mike as it was getting late (for me), said a few other goodbyes, and out I went. Noticed there had NOT been a stream of departing couples...

All in all, the Cyclone overhead still pinches, and girls there do demand (and get) top dirham. But still worth the price of admission, every now and again, if nothing else for the eye candy. If I had been willing to splurge, easily 10 girls I'd be ecstatic to walk out the door with.

Think I might be starting my weekend with an Ike and Tina Turner Proud Mary... NO, not beating her up, but starting out with the "nice and easy" Miss PMW, finishing tomorrow with the "nice and rough" Miss BBC. Will see how all our schedules mesh.

Again, Mike and Rogue, nice seeing you.

Fifty Fifty
10-12-06, 12:36
Hi all,

First of all, on from MK & Wr's reports on Monday night in Abu Dhabi, nothing much to add really, except that I agree with WR, given some more time and booze, Miss Gem will probably be open to offers.

Last night (Wednesday):

As Miss Gem was out of my hair for a few days (or so I thought), was able to have an interesting time out with MK last night.

Started at Seaview around 11.30pm.

Strange Door policy prevailed, as regulars we are usually waved through with a smile, but this time we were both stopped and asked for ID, along with questions as to whether we were Christian or Muslim. For a laugh I flashed my Emirates (Blue) Skywards card, which was of course accepted!!!

Entering the bar we were suddenly aware of major differences:

1) Hardly any punters, about 15 or so guys, most of them around the Pool table.

2) Beer prices were well down. (Some places apply Happy Hour prices throughout Ramadan)

3) Music was being played fairly loudly. (Other bars are uncomfortably quiet, perhaps that was why we were screened at the door, they dont want to be reported for the music)

4) Approximately 40 mainly PRC girls were in the bar (Most of them new faces and quite a few 50:50's too - now I was interested)

Settling at one of the many vacant tables, we had a beer and took stock of the situation.

After a while a few of the girls made approaches, but on the whole it was obvious the business had taken a turn for the worse with most of them not even bothering to get our attention. Prices of 300 or so proved the economics of the situation and we could sense the fact that they all seemed to be just waiting for the end of Ramadan.

Suddenly food appeared and we took part in the free Chicken and fries, served by the ever attendant waitress.

I was happy to survey the new PRC's but knew that none of them really flicked MK's switch, until a tall dark CIS grl breezed into the room. It was obvious she was waiting for someone in particular and was totally confident that he would arrive shortly. Nevertheless, we enjoyed the view as she moved around the room, head held high, in a haze of expensive perfume and cigarette smoke.

Interesting to see that some of the PRC girls were closely observing her and also watching us to gauge our reaction to her movements. They laughed when we gave her the thumbs down due to her snotty attitude. Not even MK was interested, probably cos she only fitted 2 of his 3 criteria - Tall and Russian, but not blonde.

The CIS girl got a call and left so after 3 beers it was off to the Suites for us, arriving around 12.20 am

As before, no main room, only side bar.

Completely different scene, fairly full, but with a lot of the usual girls missing in action.

A few PRC's near the door, but the regular crowd were not in attendance. Mk went further and asked a Mamasan where all the Russian girls were, only to be told that they were 'all busy'

Suddenly Miss Gem popped up and attacked me as usual, wanting to know if she could come to my place. I knew she would be happy to go, but I was in a 'something different' mood so I told her 'maybe' and Miss Gem got a bit upset about that, probably cos some of her clothing is still in my possession and I knew she wanted it. Seeing as I dont do arguments (with women) she decided to go home alone instead. (We spoke on the phone later and she told me that she was upset cos she had waited all night to see me and I only said 'maybe' to her - Oh well there is always tonight ha ha)

One beer later and its off to the Regal: (MK needed a CIS girl to flick his switch)

Arriving around 12.45 - Place is very full.

Two beers later and we note that although full, nothing at all of note seemed to be available. MK spotted one 'switch flicker' and made his approach, only to return shortly afterwards laughing. Apparently she had opened at 1100 Dhms and wouldnt budge, the joke was that he had taken her a few days before for only 600 LT, we began to wonder if her memory was bad or he had upset her in some way!!

As the place thinned out we both realised that tiredness and beer were taking over, along with the lack of decent girls of course, so we opted for a Shwarma (kebab) and it was Home James.at 1.30am

An interesting, if somewhat barren night.

Regards FF

PS. Just spoke to MK, as his current DXB days are numbered it looks like its going to be a good one tonight - Talk of doubles etc (BTW that will have nothing to do with my presence as it means at least 2 girls for him)

My Kapitan
10-13-06, 06:49
With only 2 more nights in Dubai and as 50/50 had never been there we decided to go to the Cyclone for look see. In 4 years I have been there only once - this was my 2nd visit.

75 entrance fee. Drinks 33 for a bottle of Becks - outrageous. As reported many times the bars are split along the lines of race with PRCs to the left and CIS to the right as you walk in. Despite the cost you have to admit it does have the A listers in stock. Even I had to admit that some of the Chinese were stunning.

CIS were outnumbered by PRCs, no blacks ( a plus point IMHO). Maybe 75+ WGs at 2300hrs. The PRC definately had the edge on the Russians, but what a meat market. Not my scene at all I like to engage in conversation not just pick a number.

Tried a stunning Blonde. Tall, blonde, athletic, dirty looking and slightly slutty fitting the profile perfectly. Moldovian - if anyone wants advice on Russians always go for a Moldova girl they are simply the best and so much better than Ukrainians. Opened at 1K all night. Had a chat but didn't persue it. Reckon she would of dropped to 700. 50/50 and I having witnessed the Cyclone decided to move on to less expensive venues.

The Suites at 0030hrs. Busy but a distinct lack of Russians. Miss Gem hit on 50/50 on arrival - they have radar I am sure. With 50 sorted for the night I reviewed my options. No Russians, too many pinchy blacks ( by the end of play when they even approached I was just saying 'No Go away' they got the message eventually) therefore PRC was the only choice.

Miss A. Good looking big racked slim PRC. Opened at 600 which I declined. Offered 400 which she declined and we settled on 500. A lot for a PRC however it turned out to be worth it. Menu included photos and cam. All night.

Messy details - round 1 in lounge with cam on BBBJ, mish, doggie, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, BBBJ and COF which I always enjoy. Bed - round 2, Vibrator, BBBJ, mish, doggie to finish. Sleep. 0700 round 3 BBBJ handjob and mish to finish, excellent service and GFE throughout. Highly recommended and I don't often say that of PRCs.

Took her home at 0845hrs. She was shocked that I knew where she lived.
I know she lives with Miss gem and 23 other girls in the apartment, I didn't let on that I had picked up and dropped off Miss Gem there with 50/50 many times. I left her on the curb with a puzzeled look..


10-13-06, 14:50
"The Suites at 0030hrs. Busy but a distinct lack of Russians. Miss Gem hit on 50/50 on arrival - they have radar I am sure. With 50 sorted for the night I reviewed my options. No Russians, too many pinchy blacks ( by the end of play when they even approached I was just saying 'No Go away' they got the message eventually) therefore PRC was the only choice. "

My Kaptain , I wonder what do you have against blacks...my question does not have any racial overtones... I 'am just wondering why do you reject them .....

you answer may help to avoid some pitfalls in the future

My Kapitan
10-13-06, 15:06
I am not racist, some of my friends are black and coloured.

The African WGs are too pushy. Who likes being pinched on the arm or grabbed by the balls when not expecting it? When they approach their attitude is all wrong, if I do not want to speak a polite rebuff simply does not work as they are too persistant. Inevitably one ends up having to be sharp or worse; rude. Chinese use active marketing but know when to stop, these WGs have no idea when to stop persuing the client.

Additionally they do not ring my bell at all. My preference is Russian blondes always.

I have never had a black girl and I never will despite Pipers efforts to get me to do so. Read the forum, they consistantly fail to provide the agreed menu and ask for a tip etc. I only tip if the girl is worth it and as the contract proponent that's my decision and my decision alone.


Wicked Roger
10-13-06, 15:36
I am not racist, some of my friends are black and coloured.

The African WGs are too pushy. Who likes being pinched on the arm or grabbed by the balls when not expecting it? When they approach their attitude is all wrong, if I do not want to speak a polite rebuff simply does not work as they are too persistant. Inevitably one ends up having to be sharp or worse; rude. Chinese use active marketing but know when to stop, these WGs have no idea when to stop persuing the client.

Additionally they do not ring my bell at all. My preference is Russian blondes always.

I have never had a black girl and I never will despite Pipers efforts to get me to do so. Read the forum, they consistantly fail to provide the agreed menu and ask for a tip etc. I only tip if the girl is worth it and as the contract proponent that's my decision and my decision alone.


I agree with MK and we have mongered together for a while.

Africans do not do it for me either and I have also experienced first hand Piper's persuasion techniques but to no avail. Even played with a swing couple I know who liked Africans and still did not do it for me.

Those in the York would always pinch me, same in Ally Pally and there is only a few Africans in that place so it appears to be a consistent practice regardless of geography. Really annoying.

MK is the master of CIS blondes and now he will get even more practice ;) Me, I like Asians - well Filipinas really - and now I am about to hit the bars in Makati for one last night as I am in Manila as I write this :)


Cool Tiger
10-13-06, 19:14
I am not racist, some of my friends are black and coloured.

The African WGs are too pushy. Who likes being pinched on the arm or grabbed by the balls when not expecting it? When they approach their attitude is all wrong, if I do not want to speak a polite rebuff simply does not work as they are too persistant. Inevitably one ends up having to be sharp or worse; rude. Chinese use active marketing but know when to stop, these WGs have no idea when to stop persuing the client.

Additionally they do not ring my bell at all. My preference is Russian blondes always.


I am a British Asian, of Indian origin. On my last visit to Dubai in June, Wicked Roger and My Kapitan in particular, went out of their way to meet up with me.
I spent nearly two hours in MK's company, and manged to learn considerable amount from someone who has majored in Russian Blondes. With the help of Miss O, he even set me up with a girl called Helena. One would not expect this from MK if you classed him as racist.

I agree with MK about the attitude of the African girls. Whilst I do see black and mixed race girls, mainly in the UK, I certainly avoid them in Dubai.

In addition to all the points mentioned by MK, the main services that I look from a WG are hardly ever provided by most African girls in Dubai:

That of Kissing and OWO (or BBBJ).

10-13-06, 19:33
... you'll never go back. ;)

Hey Rog and Kap - I'm innocent! I actually am color-blind, so give me any girl. :)

But seriously, each nationality has it's pros (pardon the pun) and cons (generalizing of course). Yes, many African girls will not BJ or even kiss, but many will. Just a matter of asking up front. When they're good, they're very very good!

Nice Makati report Rog - see you soon.

10-13-06, 19:59
my kaptain , i wonder what do you have against blacks...my question does not have any racial overtones... i 'am just wondering why do you reject them.

you answer may help to avoid some pitfalls in the futuremy defence of my kapitan is that the man prefers russian blondes and that should be respected in its own right.

if you read through the posts, you will find that unfortunately there are quite a few unfavourable reports regarding the black wg's. many have known to ask for more money after 1 round, no matter what you agreed at the bar. then ther is those who insist on their place. nowhere else.

the 1st time i was in dubai was with two black colleagues and even they didnt like the pinching and pulling by the black wg's. unfortunately they are sometimes out of control and some react really badly when you say no!

if you like being pulled away from a girl when trying to strike a deal, your balls grabbed when desperate for a [CodeWord134] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord134) or generally groped all over all the time at the bar.... then they might just be for you ;-)

My Kapitan
10-13-06, 22:33
One would not expect this from MK if you classed him as racist.

Thank you CT. Apreciated. Hope our calendars coincide next time you are in Dubai.

Keep your end up!


10-14-06, 08:38

greetings to all of you.

I guess it is a perfectly right time to add my latest FR when the discussion about individual preferences involving SP?s with dark skin seemingly slightly heating up, especially because a the SP is of said darker skind.

In principle I would share MK?s preferences, but not even limit it on blond ones. I just prefer CIS & FSI girls over both, Africans and PRCs and believe this should not attribute me the stigma of racisms. So I experienced both, Africans and PRCs but still give favour to the CIS & FSU ? not less but not more than my personal sexual preference.

And even without knowing MK personally I share his view and do not feel it?s racism at all, but, again, a sexual preference.

Readers of the forum may find in one of my earlier reports I were toying around with the idea to give ?transit at Dubai? a different meaning, i. e. using the transit time for the hobby (outside the airport of course) rather than hanging around in the airport lounge.

Due to change in my travel I was able to extend the transit time to nearly eight hours and the question was what to do? Hotel room would be somehow waste of money and I gladly accepted the invitation of a black SP to stay at there home. Because I met her only once before I feared a little what I could expect, but found here in a relatively clean 1 room apartment (studio) and alone. Details of the event hereafter, but I had one of my best transits ever.
With a damage of AED 300 plus AED 100 tip (I am normally not that much generous but there were significant evidence she could strike a better deal and in the light of saving hotel cost I found it appropriate) for multiple sex it was a extremely nice experience.

And coming back to my introduction here, even preferring CIS & FSU, it still remains valid:

?Variety is the spice of life!?

The provider itself was covered in my FR of 10 OCT 2006-10-14

LOCATION: Dubai, arranged by phone contact.
AGE: she stated 22, but documents show 29.
HEIGHT/WEIGHT: appr. 165/50 (HWP)
BREAST: 75B (corrected from 80B)
L/A/S: 8/8/8
DAMAGE: AED 300 LT plus AED 400 as TIP
COMMENT: Absolutely correct, nice attitude, keeping her promises. Showed me her medical certificates and I like people (SP?s) taking care about themselves.
WIR: Yes, certainly her own apartment (studio) is an added value if in transit.

When writing this I already left Dubai to my next station and already experienced another great night, but will be back soon.

So, Folks, do not waste to much time on the racisms discussion here, but focus on the common hobby, allowing each of us different preferences and being liberal enough to accept the individual comments about such preferences.

Once again, greeting to all of you,
Stay safe,

Tony #1
10-14-06, 09:22
thank for the info so its still the usual in jumeirah. Suprised no one really mentions amnesia much. CIS onlys in there but some gems to be found(bit pricey).

Tom is bang right if people want to talk racism, go speak to the little indian fellas building dubai, they'll tell you a thing or 2 about racism.

does any one know if there is any action at the royal mirage hotel kasbar maybe??
Be good. and 50/50 next time you go to action with your blades, just pretend her mother is behind you, making sure you do a good job. Piper you know i was only joking about the ...3r.// number. But when i do get one its yours. Mirage any suggestions fella??

Tony #1
10-14-06, 09:25
someone asked wot some1 had against blacks. Every1 has there preferances, i like russians cis and a little bit of chinese. But the blacks arent for me, never had one. some of sticnk of be man. also theyre arent to pretty.
But if beyonce or halle berry was there id bang the shit out of em (so i cant be racist).

Realise prob wot eva yr name was, people have preferances.

10-14-06, 09:26
AGE: she stated 22, but documents show 29.A lot of girls have bogus birth dates in their passport, the older age smoothing the visa process.

Myself, I prefer asians. I find them attractive, others less so. No time/money for africans, CIS. Just like some prefer wiskey, others vodka, others beer, others coke. All a matter of preference and taste.

Tom is bang right if people want to talk racism, go speak to the little indian fellas building dubai, they'll tell you a thing or 2 about racism.Well said. Or ask the PRC's forced to wait outside the Rattlesnake, while CIS and Blacks waltz in...

10-14-06, 10:48
Myself, I prefer asians. I find them attractive, others less so. ... All a matter of preference and taste.

And that is good, guess you all prefer blond Russians!?

First, an incredible price hike would occure
Second, I would not get what I want to get
Third, what would all the other SPs do?

You may find racism all over the world - to the one or other extend - but hope we all agree sexual preference is different to racism.

greetings to all of you,


Tony #1
10-14-06, 11:08
Fellas, does any1 know if there is any action happening in this hotel, and if so wotas the crack?//#?? thanks.

Tony #1
10-14-06, 11:12
I agree that a lot of stunning chinese girls in cyclone. But people are saying its to much money in there. But all the chinese stunners are avialable for 400'500 in there. So for u chinese lovers head to cyclone. prices for chinese are reasonable. Got a lovely one from there called sonia, had her own car and gave the best massage ever

10-14-06, 14:28
... Myself, I prefer asians. I find them attractive, others less so. No time/money for africans, CIS. Just like some prefer wiskey, others vodka, others beer, others coke. All a matter of preference and taste. Variety is the spice ... I try to make sure I have a well-balanced monger's diet, choosing regularly from all food groups.

One night I'm in the mood for beer: Chinese amber-skinned refreshing girl or two, just a little tingly on the palate, and making me feel soothed and relaxed afterwards

Another night I might feel like a White Russian, preferably a double (easy on the vodka, girls, you know you can't handle it). A bit unpredictable, but always a thrill.

Sometimes, a wild African rum and coke. Strong dark and sweet, awakening the animal within.

But lately I've developed a taste for hot and spicy little Thai dishes. ;)

BTW - a new housemaid moved in today. She's a Filipina, new to Dubai and very shy. She bears an uncanny resemblance to Jungle Girl, who I've had the pleasure of meeting in Bangkok. Don't worry, she's safe.

Pardon the cross-post from Bangkok photo section. Jungle Girl (and Bengali Girl):


10-14-06, 15:35
Fellas, does any1 know if there is any action happening in this hotel, and if so wotas the crack?//#?? thanks.No action at all but very girl friendly if you take one back.

10-14-06, 15:52
Kap, I just remembered - this must be your last night or so in Dubai. Had some fun nights out catching up with you, and bumping into you around the usual places (including the African jungle in York, you black-booty lover - kidding!). Have a good time in your new monger-land, but I'm sure we'll see you again in Dubai soon - you're not far away!

My Kapitan
10-14-06, 16:03
Have a good time in your new monger-land, but I'm sure we'll see you again in Dubai soon - you're not far away!

You are right it is the last night but I will still be based here on a 6 weeks in Kz and 3 weeks off basis, so we will be able to catch up in December (+ its the Rugby 7s).

Kz not really a mongering venue but Miss O will be joining me there so hopefully there will be 3 somes and fun a plenty! I'll post from Kz.

Hope to catch up next time my friend, keep your end up (I know you will)!


Dxb Rocks
10-14-06, 17:01
Hi Guys,

I have been reading this forum for a whil and thought its time to contribute as well. I have had my fun in Bangkok, DBX. Three trips in last year. And Rio. But to be honest nothing beats the mix you can find in dbx. Even though as has been pointed out prices are creeping up.

I was there last for just a solitary night last month. On my wway back to UK. Stayed in 4 point right in the centre of action, after checking in jumped in a cab and picked up a cute ukranian from broadway for late afternoon session. Looks 8, attitude 9, damage 300 ST. See I have RTFF.

Night picked up a A lister from regal. Early at about 1130. Was a bit difficult to cut down the deal as she didn't seem much interested to begin with because I'm brit indian but once I treated her like a lady she warmed up. Back to room made her a drink, chatted a bit and then. Brasstacks. Took her in all positions, 69, daty, BBBJ. Looked very hot taking it from behind while sipping on scotch in between. Great attitude but had to drop her back to regal at 130.

Highly recomended. Calls her self. Well tell me My kapitan, piper or any of you guys. If its ok to name the girls here. I don't what to break any rules here.

Well would like to meet up with My Kap, WR, Piper and sporadic on next trip.


Dxb Rocks
10-14-06, 17:15
I have noticed very few mentions of broad way in Diera. Good place to satisfy the hormonal surge in the afternoon. lots of wg. Mostly with managers. Ahem. but good mix. have never tried the rooms in broadway dont expect them to be great but did notice that have mirrored cabinets on one wall. On website photos. anyone with experience of having stayed there at all?

10-14-06, 17:20
BTW - a new housemaid moved in today. She's a Filipina, new to Dubai and very shy. Don't worry, she's safe.


This must be some definition of 'safe' that I've been previously unaware of . . . :)


P.S. I'm off down to Cambodia and Bangkok at the end of the week. I'll think of you. . . but probably not a lot. Cheers

Fifty Fifty
10-14-06, 18:30
Be good. and 50/50 next time you go to action with your blades, just pretend her mother is behind you, making sure you do a good job. I always try to do a good job, and get good results, or so I have been told.

I thought the pics more than show that, but I do have close-ups for those of you who prefer the more gynaelogical stuff.

At the moment I have 3 PRC girls regularly attending the 'Barbers Shop' and a few more showing interest.

The bottom line is, I enjoy it and they seem to as well. After all, fun is the name of the game.

If the girls phone home to mum and say they are having fun, I am sure she would be happy!

BTW I recommend a Mach Three on a gentle setting.



10-14-06, 20:23
LOL. Miss PPMW arrived LATE last night, Friday, from China. She's over tonight. Had me LOL: she KNEW I'd been to Cyclone on Wednesday. Thing is, I have no idea who her "eyes" were there. Like living in East Germany in the 70's - ANYONE could be stasi.

The CIA - incredible.

Mike De H
10-15-06, 21:15

Please enjoy this cautionary tale of how hard it is to keep business and love separate in Dubai. This is not a report for those who want instant info and for that I duly apologise. Nor is it for those who want pornographic content, although the section entitled “Barfing for Uganda” might qualify. The locations and stories are accurate and with patience, newcomers and lonely businessmen should be able to follow in my footsteps and recreate my debauchery with ease. During my story of love, lechery, lewdness and [/B]tragedy, only the names have been slightly changed to protect the not-so-innocent. I have illustrated the report with snippets of photos for artistic effect. No nudity or possible identity. The characters referred to, are from ISG, since that message board has the best UAE scene and this report intended primarily for that forum.

Tswanaslut in the Imperial. Chapter 1. Imperial Suites, Saturday.

Well, I am quite impressed with the holy month. I lost 6 lbs in weight and saved money on my women. I am booking next year already. My choice of Hotel was the Jumeira Rotana, totally Girl Friendly with the friendly staff willing to waive visa copies and discuss rates, performances and generally take the [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) when I was too tired to exercise my libido. At a “Ramadan Special” rate of 300 Dh per night advertised on the net, for a room the size of the Jumeira Beach Park, then you can’t really complain can you?

I arrived to late on Friday and too tired to be bothered spending good money on bad pussy, so my first night was spent at the kebab shop outside the York Hotel watching hopeful, or is that hopeless PRC hookers of dubious quality trying to get late night customers I was able to test the waters. And the waters looked full of fish, desperate for fishermen to gobble them all up. Ramadan is the work of the Lord after all I think. A quick shoarma-kebab and I am approached by the first African prostitute on the roadside.

Her predictable opening was, “Hello, how are you?” designed to entice a response playing on the good manners of the western client rather than any concern for my health. A shame really, she had no such manners soliciting whilst I was eating. “No thankyou” I said. “I ask you how you are, not if you want anything”, she said as she leered at me with her spotty chest nearly falling out of its inadequate top. I was tired and in no mood for pushy Africans. “No, you are a prostitute looking for a client and I do not want you”. Normally this would send any girl in the UAE scuttling for cover looking nervously around for CID, but not this one. “Why you not like me? I will make you scream and give you best massage”. “I am not interested so forget it” I reply and bite into the wonderful chicken meat. “Why not, is it because I am black?”. Stunned at the question, I said “No, its because you are rude and particularly ugly. Now push off”. At this the kebab shop owner nearly chopped his own thumb off and the people behind me choked on their food, 7-up spewing from nostrils. A very stunned African girl looked very confused as she slunk into her taxi. I mean, I wouldn’t want anyone to think there was a racist angle. All pussy is the same to me, it just has to be bi-pedal and been around long enough. Pulse preferred, on that note.

So after previously asking the hotel if it was still girl friendly, I arrived back with no trophy. The concierge looked decidedly disappointed.

The second night on Saturday after watching the England Match in Jockey’s (Panorama Hotel) there was nothing to interest me despite the Ł2.00 a pint Fosters Lager, so I went to the Imperial. I turned up at the Imperial Suites. I was impressed. Of course, the first good thing is that, like Jockeys and Regal, you don’t pay unless the bouncers think you are there only to oggle and not to drink. The atmosphere without the band was warm and chatty with the Girls not to pushy. Of course the Peoples Republic will always score first, followed by an approach from the Africans, as if you are just going to go with the first girl you see and walk off. After a few rebuttals I found a stunning Zulu speaking girl from Zimbabwe/Botswana with a silver dress and the slimmest figure you could want and evil eyes. Totally beautiful, and a great conversationalist on the subject of African economics and politics. Buying this girl a drink was a major achievement for her, and for me, it was a great way of getting rid of the uglier, pushy Africans who even outdo the Maoist hordes in this place. Like most African Girls, Miss Botswana was enticed to the UAE for a Job. But when the job was described in Africa it was a bit different to the job it turned out to be in the UAE. “Can you go back?” I asked? “Yes, I still have my passport” she replied. When I said “Why not return then” she said, “Worse problems at home than here”. Not exactly a conscience settler, but I was happy she was here of her own free will. In the end I could not resist. Massive Sperm Build-up won the day and we departed for my Hotel. Price 600 Dhs for all night, leave 9 the next day. On arrival at the Hotel the guys on the desk seemed quite impressed and said “What happened last night Mr De-Havilland, were you too tired for exercise?” With good intentions and a little chagrin I pointed at my quarry (or was I the quarry?) and replied “How could I resist” and passage to the room was assured.

Now everyone says that Africans don’t Kiss, don’t do Blow Jobs, don’t give good service. Of course that is a stereotype, but a stereotype that ran entirely true in this case. Identifying the problems before they were likely to happen I raised the issue early on in the proceedings. After payment and nudity achieved and appreciated (she is an ex-model in Botswana) I asked for a kiss. “We do not do that in Africa”. “You are in Arab-town now girl” I replied, and literally had to give instruction on how to kiss. Well, that was fun but she was still utterly shit. The BBBJ was not much better, but at least I got it. The sex however, like most African Girls was great. This is what they like to do and here she excelled. Nice, clean girl. After we finished she sent me to the shower and within 30 seconds she was dressed. “What happened to all night?” I said. “Well, you know, there is not much point in me staying around”. So, as per normal, I regretting not paying 50% then 50% in the morning and opened the door. “But what about my taxi money you promised?” I replied, “I lied. You lied about the time you would stay, and I lied about the taxi”. She laughed with as good a grace as she could muster and left. I regarded it as gaining good nights sleep and not loosing 30 Dhs for a taxi. Not recommended anyway.

Chapter 2 Lubing up Loopy Luba. Regal, Sunday.

One problem with Ramadan is that Girls do go home. My favourite, Maria from Albania had gone home for a while, although she did ring later on in the week. Missing her, I looked for talent but it was as thin as Islamic sincerity in the Gulf, here. I had done African, still could not get it up for a the sweet or the sour Chinese dishes, but felt in a Pervy mood for MILF. I found it. A complete nutcase of a woman, late thirties Lupy Luba, could not stop laughing and had great curves, blonde hair, nice face and I had to get her back quickly to the Hotel as she was costing me a fortune in raw tequila. My goodness these Russian ladies can drink some. At 500 Dhs for the whole night, kissing and BBBJ negotiated in advance, I was only tempted slightly by a tall girl behind me, who was bored silly by a man who could not stop telling people he was an architect. However, I left her to his devices. “Here Mr Architect” I had to say, “Your drink needs paying for”. Didn’t he realise these girls don’t care what he is, they just want their money out of your wallet and back in their purse. See you, looser.

Luby came back and nearly got in without the dreaded Visa Copy. Unabashed, she asked for the money. I said, 50% in the morning? She assured me it was a waste of time since she was not going to go anywhere, I believed her and paid my 500 Dhs. Again, without embarrassment she stripped off totally and showered in front of me laughing all the way. What a great set of tits this girl had. They were as hard as Silicone but still natural. “No kids” kept her body good but a little too curvy for me. When she lubed up her pussy, like all fat pussies it got a bit rubbery, like a sex doll, but hey, I could handle that. Sex was fun, multi position, and reasonable blowjob. I could not finish however. So she asked “You drink Viagra” or something. I stupidly confessed “I took a little Cialis, because I had sex yesterday” then added “Maybe I took a little too much, sorry.” At which point all hell let loose. “OH MY GOD” she wailed, “YOU WANT TO FUCK ME ALL NIGHT, NOOOO,” Waiving hands in the air. “I GO HOME NOW!”.

At this point you wonder why you do this hobby. I sat her down and after half an hour got her calmed down and explained that it was an accidental over medication and she could go to sleep and yes, I could come if I wanted. To prove the point, I gave her a pearl neclace, which she seemed to love and she promised to go to sleep for round two in the morning. Then the problems started “I forgot my nose drops, and the AC blocks my nose. I can’t sleep”. “Neither can I woth your moaning” I said. “Just close your eyes OK?”. Half an hour later she was nearly in tears and I said, please, just go. “You Angry?”No, just tired, I replied. Door slammed as she went and that 50/50 rule looked pretty good. “Stupid Idiot” I berated myself. Actually, no. I was glad she was gone. Paid to leave also, as the current popular saying goes.

Chapter 3. Number-Collecting Round Town. Monday/Tuesday various bars.

The next two days I hooked up with an African telecomms engineer, I shall call Eddie. We hopped from bar to bar, meeting both days in the imperial. I discovered the sport of prostitute baiting. That is, wind the pushy ones up and waste their time, only to dash off suddenly or even worse, talk to the pretty one whilst their back is turned. Great fun.

Mostly though I visited bars where it was ladies nights (e.g. Sevilles near the Canadian specialist Hospital” and talked to the girls like human beings and tried to get non pay for play. I got close with a Kirgy (Kirgistan) in regal on Tuesday night, and anyway, I collected lots and lots of numbers just in case I wanted an off-peak rate one afternoon. A great way to spend a night in good company getting pissed bar hopping and interviewing tons of girls whilst my body recovered. I F’in love Dubai!!! If I went around asking for phone numbers in the UK, well, last I heard they reintroduced the death penalty for that didn’t they? Along with the smoking ban I think.

We headed over to Regal where I collected more numbers. Guess what Luby Loo was there. This time she comes over and suggests hopefully, "I brought my nose drops?". Yeah well, next time.

Chapter 4. Barfing for Uganda. Tuesday, hotel room.

One of the intriguing things the next day was that as I went through the numbers, two Ugandan girls, Janifer and Jaonna, cousins apparently gave me the big boner. I asked if they did work together. They said not yet but if I wanted it was no problem. So they were called and for 300 Dhs short time I got both of them to come to my room. Jaonna had fan bloody-tastic tits, great eyes, and her cousin was so ugly with no redeeming features, but such an infectious personality it was a great self head-fuck. These girls, like most Africans, are and absolute scream. They are not great professionals, as discussed, but they know how to enjoy life and the CIS girls could learn a LOT from them in my book.

Both turned up on time as expected. Not paid up front even though it was only short time, purely because they did not even ask! We got on the bed and they did a massage start with Jaona stripping to her briefs immediately and Janifer (the less good looker) leaving her underwear on for the moment. Soon, Jaona proved she had some kissing ability, as did Janifer. The great Jaonna stand up titties are here on the right and the little monkey Jaonna is in yellow.


But problems soon happened. They could not take all their clothes off with both in the room as the enormity of what they had done for money hit them. “Please, I go in the bathroom while you finish, then I come back and you fuck me!” this was delicious. I had not paid up front, so I was going to wi. My cruel perverse sadistic side was going to corrupt these little semi pro’s and they would betray themselves with their own Greed. Of course, I won through cajoling and persuasion and they loved it. I penetrated the good looker first whilst the other girl Janifer, hid her head under the pillow. Eventually the looker, whilst getting fucked, started getting really wet. She wanted to be seen. She pulled the pillow off the face of her cousin, who despite herself was fascinated and found herself wanting to look. So I fucked Jaonna until Janifer, looking bored wanted some. I was asked to change condom and wash, so I complied, not wanting to push it too far. Then I fucked Janifer with big-tits watching avidly. Of course there was no interaction. Whilst concentrating on getting my two Ugandan girls to cooperate, I evidently forgot to get vocal enough for Janier. Not having the correct Englich skills to express this properly she said.."Michael, can you cry?". I said "Cry???". she said "Yes!". I said, "Huh, you should see me when Manchester United loose".

When she recovered from that, she rephrased the question using the word "moan", and I refrained from the old joke about "The curtains need changing etc..". Then Janifer asked “Is my pussy different from hers?” No, I said. It feels nearly the same. “How early? What’s different?” Yours is tighter. “Yes, Jaonna said, my pussy very big, like my behind and my boobs” at that everyone collapsed laughing.

Then I decided for more interaction and asked for a double hand job, with both their backsides in my hands. It was nice, until Janifer on the left said “where is his hand?” Jaonna on the right said “my pussy”. “Where?”. “Inside”. “Me too” then the laughter started again as they realised they were being double fingered. They got up and surprisingly the little looker said “I want you to come on my top” pointing at her breasts. You too, I thought? Its getting infectious.

So I got ugly J on the left to grab my balls and with my left hand I grabbed pretty J’s right booby and jerked up all over it. Some went in ugly J’s eye, I don’t know how, some on the bed. Loads of thick white cream went all over pretty J’s body. I mean everywhere. Immediately she choked, then she coughed, hand over mouth as she turned green. Then ran to the bathroom and wretched. Ugly J then heard this and started retching and also ran to the bathroom. I then staggered over in afterglow sticky haze and witnessed the unlikely sight of two African girls, one in my toilet the other in my sink retching away like it was some kind of national competition. Pretty J recovered first and said “She has seen it done but has never had it done to her” pretty J said “sorry, sorry….BLERK… as round two came out.

After we all showered and cleaned up, the pretty J came to me and insisted I took her number separately as a sour breathed kiss came my way. No harm done there then. I didn’t call again, as I was distracted by my next conquest. Or was I her conquest?

Chapter 5. Uber-Girlfriend Experience. Cyclone Wednesday.

So I meet up with Bravo11 on the communist side of the Great Wall of china, that forms orderly without fail every night and divides this expensive little place. All the mercenary little yellow girlies are out in force early, and some very beautiful examples there are too. I was nervous about braving the gauntlet and penetrating the wall to stand on the other side of the great divide, but I was pleasantly surprised. I met Bravo11 and Rougue5, both gentlemen punters and since they are both Peoples Republic of China freaks, I had to stand on the scary side. I was pleasantly surprised though. I was not assaulted, scratched, bitten or even (too badly) propositioned. Also, no, actually meant no. Maybe, as discussed in his earlier post, Bravo11 has a Klingon cloaking device in his belt. The aura cold have at least partially enveloped me. What I realised though is that if you speak to them like Humans and interact with them, they treat you like a Human. Basic really when you think about it. They have an admirable social dynamic, a pecking order, they come to you in turn with the older / most beautiful coming first and the less beautiful / younger coming second to pick up the scraps. Learning a little Chinese also helps. Like I say, the three golden words you must learn for every language when dealing with Women are, “Beautiful, Thankyou and Chocolate.” One utter Stunner called “Juley” not her real Chinese name don’t worry, would have got me, but would not come down less than 1000 Dhs. She was really that nice and even Bravo11 would have broken the bank for that one. Well, almost. Rogue5 is bilingual Chinese so that also meant that conversation flowed a little more logically and the first part of the night passed fast, with Bravo11 finding his most worshipful girl with the elegant backless black dress, looking like the iron butterfly personified. When Bravo was off finding peanuts for the poor CIS girls who get none even though they pay the same price, I was still left alone. Later I was to text “Juley” for the off peak rate. The text back, bizarrely was “Yes, I fine, I miss you, kiss x”. OK, bin that one.

After some time to cut a long story short I walked around trying to find a Russian girl with any sense of life in her. This place had some major beauties. I mean really stunning girls, name an actress and we are talking prettier than that. However, they may as well wear t-shirts with “Fuck Off Unless You Are Rich” stamped on it. They do not look you in the eye at all. One guy, a bit nerdy, but basically OK tried to get two stunners to talk. They blanked him and as soon as he turned away embarrassed they sneered and laughed. Hmm, I thought, they are certainly going to be fun. I never saw anyone give them any business. The place was deserted of guys due to Ramadan anyway, so they “make ka ka” in their own nest as far as I can see.

Eventually, a girl with shoulder length blonde hair and a totally cute, appealing next door face, actually looking like this http://www.rageboy.com/images/lost-in-translation1.jpg but much, much nicer. I noticed her earlier but she was too perfect, she almost put a lump in my throat, guys coming to talk left right and centre, girls round her. Then, almost unbelievably, she stared at me and laughed gently as I noticed she was staring at ME! I came to the bar and talked. She was great. The price was 1000 DHs no discount. (I can start at 1500 and let you knock me down to 1000 if it makes you feel better). I liked the girls Humour and bought a drink. I could not get over her beautiful eyes. In fact here is one of them, to give you the idea of what seduced me. Make no mistake, this girl seduced me….

I will call her Anya, She explained that LT was not possible, but said she would stay long enough that I could finish twice. I asked “Do you kiss?”. My nerves were tingling, my stomach dead, if this impossibly good looking babe from the movies did not kiss, then it was all over. Surely she would not lower herself. “No problem at all” she said. “If I do not kiss, then I cannot finish”. I nearly fell over backwards and my hands started shaking with anticipation. She said” I think some men have the same problem”. “So I believe”. I said. We left. Quickly.

In the end the sex went great. I am not going to tell you what happened. All I will say is that she satisfies herself first, and when the rosy halo appears around her chest and she looks to heaven, she lies back and lets you do what you want to finish yourself. I hate the fact that several times I have mentioned that this girl or that girl was “The best sex ever”. All I can say is; that each time it feels like it. This was no exception, except she was so nice it actually stopped me coming, I did not want to fail the second time.

The second time happened a few hours later, but I did not finish as I was so incredibly tired after being up all night, room service, talking touching caressing. This girl had problems and more sob stories than half of Hollywood put together. Early marriages, beatings, miscarriages and child abductions. Like all these Girls, she craved real affection, understanding, softness. They earn fortunes, they have men falling all over them but they fundamentally fail to understand their own worth. This girl in her early twenties had scars all down her arms marking her perfect little body where she slashed herself a few years ago. Despite her problems though, she was remarkably balanced, funny and focused, on a mission to reclaim her baby from her Muslim husband and his second (yes concurrent) wife. We got on like a house on fire.

It was then I found she had only been here two months. Already she had paid back her balance to her boss of $17000 USD never missing a single night. She tried working in turkey and you don’t want to know what aTurkish jail looked like. Then she left at seven, admitting she never normally stays that long and leaves as soon as possible after sex. I believed here, there were no complaints at $45 USD per hour average and I booked her again the next night.

The next night she arrived and I knew I had made a mistake – I was crossing the boundaries. She lay there after the first round of even better sex (but still curiously no finish) and as I watched her watch the TV I knew I had to end it soon, get her out of the room. I took a photo of the side of her face to remind me what she looked like.


However she did not leave, she asked for another club sandwich. So cute, what could I do. Then she asked “Why do you not finish with me? Is it the condoms? I want to see you finish”. I said “Maybe because I am scared to use you hard enough to come” and she said “You can use me as hard as you like, you are very gentle”. Desperately I said “Maybe also because its business and not from the Heart, touching my breast with the palm of my hand. She laughed, saying “I never stay this long with customer, I charge 1500 and leave as soon as I can. I am doing this for you, with feeling, yes?” We made love, and I ensured I finished for her. Afterwards, she needed another club sandwich. I looked at her face, laughing as she ate, she told me…


Last month a Saudi booked me a week solid, I charged him 1500 every night and 2000 for the whole day. I never stay this long. I said “I am not rich, my company is in trouble, I can not compete”. “Let me tell you something” she said. In my first month I was beaten up. All my Gold taken. I complained to my regular customers and I got three mobiles from them and all my money donated back to me. I have had an offer of marriage already. I will make $40000 Dollars soon and be able to go back to get my baby. But I am tired. A different man every night. I feel bad. You ask me for nothing and you take nothing from me. Your touch is different. I will try to sleep here.” With that she curled up with me and we went to sleep. It was heaven.

The next day, I knew I had to get this romantic sloppy shit out of my head, so I went to Imperial to meet My Kapitan and Fifty Fifty knowing that their depraved antics would soon get me into the mood again.
Chapter 6. A night with the boys

I met up with the guys and not much to say. We met a couple of Mamsans still trying to rip people off by getting money in the club for the Girls. Even My Kapitan got caught up in it saying “That Girl will never work” and we left for an early night. I did not find a girl and I wanted to keep the money down. There was a nice semi pro Kyrgy though, Adia, that we all had a go at. I got her number for a non pay for play date next time.

Chapter 7. back at the ranch.

So Anya rang me after I texted goodbye to her back at the Hotel. She asked if I was on my own. I said I was and that I hoped her customer was treating her well. She said that she was taking her first night off since getting in Dubai. She was too tired and had to rest eventually. She asked if she could come over, that it was OK with me. I said that I had very little money left. She said, best that you keep it to yourself, you need it, I don’t. I said “I can not ask you to come for nothing, I am not like that”. “I know, she said, but even boyfriends pay for fuck when I am working, you know that”. I said, “I know, but you can have what I have”. She turned it down, which is one of the nicest things she could do. I put down the phone, and I hope to God she is gone by the time I get to Dubai next time, and her Dubai mobile cancelled.

As I left for the Airport in the morning, whilst waiting for the taxi, the concierge said "Mr De-havilland, that last one you brought in, superb!" as he kissed his fingers for effect. Yeah, I thought.

10-15-06, 21:55
Mike - great report as usual, and you're still falling in love in Dubai and spending all your money as usual! ;)

The pics of Anya (including the movie pic) bear a strong resemblance to Anya (real name), the Russian ex-girlfriend of one of my pals who left Dubai last year. My pal is an arab, so never admitted to me that she was a dancing girl in Highland Hotel (instead, he told me she's a model. She was happy enough to tell me she was a dancing girl). Anyway, very strong resemblance. Could it be? ... nah ...

Looking forward to your next adventures (PS I liked your Crete adventures also!)

Mike De H
10-15-06, 22:29
Mike - great report as usual, and you're still falling in love in Dubai and spending all your money as usual! ;)

The pics of Anya (including the movie pic) bear a strong resemblance to Anya (real name), the Russian ex-girlfriend of one of my pals who left Dubai last year. My pal is an arab, so never admitted to me that she was a dancing girl in Highland Hotel (instead, he told me she's a model. She was happy enough to tell me she was a dancing girl). Anyway, very strong resemblance. Could it be? ... nah ...

Looking forward to your next adventures (PS I liked your Crete adventures also!)

Nah, not same name and she was shagging in Turkey last year or still in Russia.

As per falling in love, nout you can do about that, but as per the money situation, donations greatfully accepted.

Er, Crete?

Dxb Rocks
10-15-06, 22:33
Great report Mike.

I am in complete agreement with you on the attitude of russian stunners in cyclone. They do make you feel like you are invisible, at times...gives them a definite edge to demand more. But then there are exceptions and they can be quite titillating as well at times.

Last month I met a stunning tall dark haired russian in cyclone. opened up at 1k, but came down to 800 as it was close to 2.00. asked her if she would give BJ and pat came the reply' 'Ofcourse, the question is ...what can you do for me?' I told her I would be quite happy to eat her out and she retorted "but that's my job.....umm... ok we shall both do that and see who is better at it". and ofcourse she emerged a winner hands down.

10-15-06, 23:07
Mike, excellent and entertaining FR.

Methinks "eyes" could be coloured contacts. Great report in any case, where is Mr. J with the "this post should be in the reports of distinction" section?"

10-16-06, 14:37
Mike: I was expecting an excellent FR; you certainly don't disappoint. I appreciate the time/effort it takes to write like that.

I am a bit amazed you could do all that without contacts. Well, you are a senior member.

I could take a few lessons from you. I had Miss PPMW over Saturday night, FRESH off the plane. I stand by my earlier statemnts in that regard. MUTUALLY satisfying reunion. Trouble happened the next morning. I'm up, work day, leave her sleeping. 30 minutes later, I'm in the kitchen having breakfast, I hear rustlings, noises, footsteps... there she is... to see me off... I should have known when she asked, "You're still here?" Took a look around; yes, this was MY place.

Off I go, she heading back to bed, or so I thought. Come home that afternoon, no Miss PPMW. But my place had been cleaned out... My orderly disorder transformed to disorderly order. My stacks of papers: throw away, shred, and file, all merged into one, sorted by SIZE. Same with the magazines: to read, maybe, have read now ordered, again by size. Newspapers: to read, toss, classified sections (the biggest pile) now neatly stacked into 1. My pepper grinder... God only knows... They just can't seem to resist taking care of a bachelor in so MANY ways.

Hope you're out our way again soon.


1 more week of Ramadan, then Eid. Anyone know when the music starts again?

Wicked Roger
10-16-06, 14:43
BTW - a new housemaid moved in today. She's a Filipina, new to Dubai and very shy. She bears an uncanny resemblance to Jungle Girl, who I've had the pleasure of meeting in Bangkok. Don't worry, she's safe.


If she is pretty, sexy and shaved send her to Abu Dhabi, she will never be safe with me but she will not need to clean much ;)

Off to Philippines again this weekend (I am so unlucky my friend) so maybe more Makati fun. Also met Miss N in Manila had 6 very wicked hours and she says she is back next week so best you save some energy ;) - you and other Dubai mongers who are asking me when she is back..


Mike De H
10-16-06, 18:05
Mike: I was expecting an excellent FR; you certainly don't disappoint. I appreciate the time/effort it takes to write like that.

I could take a few lessons from you.

Thanks, but I think I overdid this one. Maybe time to get back down to the brass tacks next time. Hopefully I will be over soon and then "J" 1000 is on the hit list. Got to do a Chinese eventually.

Now, my only tip is, like in the Hotels when I hide the mini bar, you hide the whole fridge, the desk, all your papers, everything. Put locks on the doors. I KNOW the problem, women are terrible and have no idea how busy men are and how we have no time for that shite!

Other than that, I take lessons from everybody and this is like my 6th trip! Funny though - I never get in the reports of distinction. Must be doing something wrong. Miss A has been texting me today, furious I have not texted her on my return. Now the rose coloured spectacles are off though, I can see clearly excellent customer relations at work.

See you shortly.

10-16-06, 20:50

If she is pretty, sexy and shaved send her to Abu Dhabi, she will never be safe with me but she will not need to clean much ;)

Off to Philippines again this weekend ...Hey Rog - I wouldn't describe her as pretty. If you've checked my pics of Jungle Girl, you'll know she's not pretty - she's just wild! She never spoke a word in the two times I've enjoyed her company. Just a lot of hand-gestures, crazy facial expressions and grunts and groans. Pure primitive sex.

As for the maid, you know my self-imposed rules ...

Enjoy the Philippines you lucky man.

I've been a good boy this week, but am starting to think about how to use all the spare time I have now that I've hired others to do much of my work for me. ;)

Mike De H
10-16-06, 23:16
Whilst concentrating on getting my two Ugandan girls to cooperate, I evidently forgot to get vocal enough for Janier. Not having the correct Englich skills to express this properly she said..

"Michael, can you cry?"

I said "Cry???". she said "Yes!".

I said, "Huh, you should see me when Manchester United loose".

10-17-06, 09:10
I never get in the reports of distinction. Your waiting is over brother, and richly deserved.

10-17-06, 11:29
MikeDH, that was a brilliant report. I read it twice and laughed out loud at the story of the barfing Africans. But like a good Hollywood movie, it had a happy ending with your tales of Anya. I nominate it for a report of distinction!

On another topic, I was quite intrigued by the race discussion here. I have to agree that Africans do not do it for me. I have never had a good experience with an African girl (see my old previous FR on being abandoned in a Dubai ghetto by two Africans). I do not bother with them anymore.

My personal preference is for CIS and Latina girls. I'm not sexually attracted to black women or most Asians, but I occasionaly eat Chinese take-away if they are true stunners. And I admit PRC definately seem to provide the best value-for-money in Dubai.

It's nothing about being "racist". It's just a matter of personal preferances. To each his own.

Mike De H
10-17-06, 13:52
MikeDH, that was a brilliant report. I read it twice and laughed out loud at the story of the barfing Africans. But like a good Hollywood movie, it had a happy ending with your tales of Anya. I nominate it for a report of distinction!

On another topic, I was quite intrigued by the race discussion here. I'm not sexually attracted to black women or most Asians,
It's nothing about being "racist". It's just a matter of personal preferances. To each his own.

Thanks for your kind response and it has indeed finally made it to the reports of distinction list. Anya has texted me since, believing me to have forgotten her, and als she reminded me I still owe her for the taxi (with a little humour of course). Hard one to figure out LOL.

I think the problem people have had is that somebody asked a question about race, but it was not a direct accusation of racism. I think more though, its not a problem of racism, but more racial stereotyping. i.e. "You are black so you must be useless, you are chinese so you are going to try to pester me into submission" ec. etc.

Unfortunately the girls by enlarge DO seem to follow those stereotypes and people who think "this time it may be diferent" get stung time and time again until they give up.

Personally I think tis a cultural stereotype. Partly the country and culture they come from (which influences sexual practice) and culture amongst their housemates and community in Dubai. Hence, the girls are "trained" to act certain ways, ask for the money in a way likely to be advantagious and so on.

Therefore, Race is a good indicator of the business transaction likely to follow. If this is racism, then thats for others with more intelligence than me to debate and decide, but everybody accepts that sexual preference is outside racism structure, sine many racists enjoy sex with people they judge to be different or inferior, so it is no judge really.

Junior Punter
10-17-06, 14:57
Although I have only mongered in limited amounts in Dubai (albeit with the famed Wicked Roger, Piper1, and My Kapitan), I have enough knowledge and experience to say that your report was excellent and makes me want to go back to Dubai... perhaps for my stag weekend! :-)

Wicked Roger/Piper - how goes it?

10-17-06, 15:02
Had Miss Barometer from Cyclone over this afternoon for a mid-week tryst. She was saying that at Cyclone last night, not even a nibble. As she put it, "Nobody even ask. When I no work, a lot of girls no work." Might explain the high volume of missed calls and sms's I've received in the past couple of days from, how did the Bangkok Post put it, those "2am economic acquaintances". I'm sure there will be a lot of happy faces after next week.


BB2: Been a long time since an FR from you here. Too long.

Wicked Roger
10-17-06, 15:57
As for the maid, you know my self-imposed rules ...

Enjoy the Philippines you lucky man.

I've been a good boy this week, but am starting to think about how to use all the spare time I have now that I've hired others to do much of my work for me. ;)

Your rules, yes I know and agree, but for your friends... I like wild sex sometimes you know ;)

I will enjoy the Philippines, stay in Makati, no-one in the office asks why I stay there and not the Shangri-La etc.

Am back Monday night so am here for Eid any chance you can ask Miss W to unhook the leash and let you out to play even in Abu Dhabi ;) You know she likes me and trust me unlike MK's O!

FF - have SMS you as well


10-17-06, 18:16
Am back Monday night so am here for Eid any chance you can ask Miss W to unhook the leash and let you out to play even in Abu Dhabi ;) You know she likes me and trust me unlike MK's O! WRWR - the leash is suddenly very tight, thanks to the new maid. Remember about six months ago I went to BKK, and a couple of fellow mongers asked me to bring back Kamagra Jelly for them? They didn't make arrangements to collect it, so I stashed it away (along with some condoms and lube) in a bag behind some work books in my home office, and I forgot all about the secret stash. This morning before work, Wildcat showed it to me and wasn't impressed!

Stupid me - I'd already worked out an excuse with a pal of mine in case any DNA evidence was found (Excuse: he stayed at my place a few days while I was away, so any evidence must belong to him). But Wildcat confronted me with the evidence as I woke at 7am. I was still half-asleep, and I admitted it was mine - even though it actually wasn't mine, and I've never used the stuff!!

This, combined with "that time of the month" (Number plate: PMT666) means I'm in the dog-house tonight. :(

Do you have a spare room?

Wicked Roger
10-17-06, 18:24
Remember about six months ago I went to BKK, and a couple of fellow mongers asked me to bring back Kamagra Jelly for them? They didn't make arrangements to collect it,:(

Do you have a spare room? ;)

When you DNA you are thorough, remind me never to use your cleaning services. Could have said it was MKs or mine (I'm used to being blamed for bad DNA clean ups - not sure why but the ladies seem to think I'm a bad boy, bad influence on thier spouse/boyfriend and dirty monger which is entirely (un)true)

I'll take the Kamaga or am one of those mongers who never collected it ;) Save some for me as looks as though you will not have an chance to try it ;)

I have 3 spare rooms, come down tomorrow we can double team Danielle - friend of Mikka and I know you liked Mikka. Tell Wildcat its me, that lovely innocent looking gent from Abu Dhabi she met at Rock Bottoms with that sweet and innocent Filipina with the very short skirt.

Once she knows its me she will let you come for a few hours intellectual discussions won't she ;)


10-17-06, 18:34
WR - If you can arrange this Thursday at the Dubai hotel (you know which one), I'm in!

Wicked Roger
10-17-06, 18:47
WR - If you can arrange this Thursday at the Dubai hotel (you know which one), I'm in!
Piper - I will PM you after I have spoken and shagged her tomorrow night, maybe possible as I am in Dubai to catch an early flight to Manila so why not have some fun before hand :) I need something to tire me out for a 9 hour flight ;) better than one of 1Ball's purple pills by the sound of it!


10-17-06, 19:16
Rog - I'll await your PM.

I must be an insensitive bestard, as I couldn't understand why Wildcat was so upset (she usually turns a blind eye to my mischief).

Then I realized it's because she lost face to our maid (very bad). Our maid also feels bad - she told me feels she's responsible (finding the stash). I told her not to worry about it, it's my fault, and all will be okay in a couple of days. She's new, so she doesn't understand the dynamics of my relationship with Wildcat yet. Still, I feel bad for them both, for different reasons.

Anyway, I'm almost out of the doghouse already - Wildcat is talking to me again. Whew!

Dxb Rocks
10-17-06, 21:52
As mentioned in some reports TGIT is not the only place for afternon fun. I have had some very memorable afternoons which started from broadway. Because I mostly arrive in dubai at arround noon and just cannot wait till midnight to sink in pink.

Ist Trip:

Was staying at Avari dubai and had no clue about venues or this forum. 2: 00 pm found my way to TGIT by word of mouth. Scouted the latent but nothing caught my fancy so decided to talk to seemingly senior punters on the bar. It helped that I am fluent in a few languages. Well broadway was mentioned and as it was close where I was satying I thought. Why not.

Reached by 3: 00 pm. Lo and behold. As I entered the coffe shop in front of the reception. Full of stanis and uzbekis. Mostly with mamasan. The place is actually very smal, full of nicotine and caffiene but I can live with that.

After settling on a table, that would give me a panoromic view of the playfield, I began analysing the talent. Going by the various criterias of looks, eye contact, a responsive smile, body language, rack size, dress sense. Etc. I narrowed down on two stanis on a table easily 8s in their early 20s who looked quite enthusiastic and would smile naturally. Waved one of them. All her Miss Uz. Over shared a smoke with her, after a bit of small talk I politely asked her what the damage would be. 500. Countered with 300. She called ovre her mamsaan and the other. With even sharper features. And labenese. Miss L. Looking also came along. Well just looking at those two I spontaneously offered to take them both for 700 dhm 2 hrs. Agreed. Made it clear that it will be a group thing at least if not lesb.

Back to hotel in a cab. Approached the reception with all th e confidence I could muster and just handed them photo copies. Walk of shame does'nt bother me since then.

Started with Miss you, out of clothes some heavy petting and DFK and motioned Miss L to join but she kept sitting on sofa. When Miss you started giving me some serious BBBJ, L also came over and I started working on her nipples hoping to warm her up a bit. Eureka. They both joined in but insisted on changing condom every time we swapped. Pretty sensible actually.

It was quite mind blowing to have Miss L doggie while Miss you was working on her clit and they were looking at eachother like it was a great turn on for them as well. Bliss. And this was my first threesome.

Well it was one of my memorable afternonns in dubai till date and wasnt too heavy on pocket as well. Broadway is definitely understated in this forum.

Never been to moscow hotel, may be its a similar venue but there's a entrance fee ain'it. So don't know if its on the similar turf or better?

I would like to check out fantasia as well but will probably need some more info on that from some of our senior faculty here. Sporadic are you listening?

Wicked Roger
10-18-06, 03:40
Our maid also feels bad - she told me feels she's responsible (finding the stash).

Anyway, I'm almost out of the doghouse already - Wildcat is talking to me again. Whew!

You should have told the maid that her 'punishment' for finding the stash and and dobbing you into Wilcat was a visit from WR and full use of the stash on her...well I think that's appropriate :)

Even extand the 'punishment' to letting you play as well with the accompanying photos...just an idea, you know I like to be creative ;)

As for Miss W - some mongers will consider you a lucky bestard or bastard!


10-18-06, 07:40
I would like to check out fantasia as well but will probably need some more info on that from some of our senior faculty here. Sporadic are you listening?
Reading actually, but I think you would be a perfect candidate for the Fantasia.
Opinions gents?

10-18-06, 08:48
Was staying at Avari dubai Sporadic are you listening?Great report Dxb, but please can an I ask you for a little clafification on the Avari Hotel? I am staying there in December for the 7's and just want to make sure of the entrance criteria is for 'guests'.

1. Do they insist on ID at the desk?
2. Will photocopies do?
3. Any other issues I need know about?

Much appreciated and I will give the broadway a go. Sounds like a little afternoon jewel. Welll done that man.



Tercar 66
10-18-06, 10:57
My friend has an Indo housemaid. She works for couple of hours a day and is paid on daily basis. After his family migrated, he is alone and has couple of months till he joins them. He tried to get his housemaid blow for him and she ageed for Dhs50.00. Apprently she is staying in a villa with 15 other girls Indos and Philipinas. She has agreed to bring at any evening 7 to 8 girls for Dhs.100 ST. We have planned a jamup with 5 guys and asked for a combination of 2 Indo and 3 Philipinas on Friday night. I'll keep you guys updated.

10-18-06, 12:08
Back in Dubai for about 5 weeks, just before Gitex where it will be crazy time in the city. At last found a AMP in the Karama / Oud Metha Area. Girls are quite nice, all from China. Picked Lina : Gorgeous body. Very pro attitude. Relaxed. She does all you want except anal. Damage is 220 AED + tip for 1 hour. It’s the perfect place to relax in a quite Ramadan afternoon. I think it’s a new place though, went there twice and was never crowded.

10-18-06, 15:53
Reading actually, but I think you would be a perfect candidate for the Fantasia.
Opinions gents?Since I have left dubai, the Fantasia membership is useless for me now. Do you think I could transfer the membership to our friend here?


Dxb Rocks
10-18-06, 16:20
Thanks Sporadic and JSF.

I might be interested in that but. Am not sure if it would be possible for the membership to be transfered. From what I have gathered so far they seem to be quite strict on that. You know card and proof of ID. Secondly I still have no clue as to what the membership entitles one to. Have. Is it just the entrance to the hotel / club. Or does it include stay etc. Am I right in presuming that it would certainly not cover the game.

I actually visit dubai once or twice a year so any thoughts on so called temp membership and the package it covers.

As for Broadway Tom, it is in diera on al rigga. Google it or just ask any cabbie. But few points on this

1. Most of the birds have mamasan to negotiate for them and they tend to ask money up front and you have to insist on half now and half later. Girls always make a call back once they reach your room.

2. You can always bargain by about 25% of first quote.

3. Quite a few of them give you a better rate if you take a room in Bway itself. But I personally have never stayed there. Even though the rooms shown on their website seem to be OK. Ish. The mirrored cabinet on one wall looks tempting though. I have a thing for having big mirrors in the room. Let us know if you happen to check it out.

Feel free to ask any thing else you need help with.

Take care

Cool Nomad
10-18-06, 18:17
Great to see you in this board again! I still reminiscence about the great time we had in DXB. Look forward to hook up with you in Dec - Jan time frame. In the mean time I wish you all the best.


Cool Nomad

10-19-06, 12:15
Secondly I still have no clue as to what the membership entitles one to. A trip to paradise. Of course, those 72 aren't virgins...

Source reports Seaview band will be back 22, 23rd of this month, depending on when Eid starts.

JSF: Greetings. Without you, no house reports. Hope all is well.

10-19-06, 12:27
Does anyone know anything about the Copacabana club at the Sheraton Four Points? Are there WG there or is it a legit club?

And before anybody answers me with a snide remark like 'RTFFF', the search function is not working for me. I keep receiving error messages that says I must wait 60 seconds before my last search (even though I had made no previous searches), or it pulls up 10,000 posts, none of which are related to the search paramaters or forum selected. Anyone else having search problems?

10-19-06, 13:37
[QUOTE=Big Bob II]Does anyone know anything about the Copacabana club at the Sheraton Four Points? Are there WG there or is it a legit club? /QUOTE]Big Bob,

Its a legit club. I have not seen any WGs hovering around that place, at least not when I have been there.


10-19-06, 13:42
Back in Dubai for about 5 weeks, just before Gitex where it will be crazy time in the city. At last found a AMP in the Karama / Oud Metha Area. Girls are quite nice, all from China. Picked Lina : Gorgeous body. Very pro attitude. Relaxed. She does all you want except anal. Damage is 220 AED + tip for 1 hour. It’s the perfect place to relax in a quite Ramadan afternoon. I think it’s a new place though, went there twice and was never crowded.Dany75, I guess AED 220/- plus tip for an hour is somewhat steep. I get the same service for AED 200/- all inclusive which is a standard rate for the chinese all over. So the next time you enjoy this service bargain.


10-19-06, 13:43
[QUOTE=Big Bob II]Does anyone know anything about the Copacabana club at the Sheraton Four Points? Are there WG there or is it a legit club?[QUOTE]Just ran a search fro you in this thread and also in the Hotel Info. thread and it came up with nothing.

I guess we need to rely on someones goodwill.

10-19-06, 14:40
Does anyone know anything about the Copacabana club at the Sheraton Four Points? Are there WG there or is it a legit club?

And before anybody answers me with a snide remark like 'RTFFF', the search function is not working for me. I keep receiving error messages that says I must wait 60 seconds before my last search (even though I had made no previous searches), or it pulls up 10,000 posts, none of which are related to the search paramaters or forum selected. Anyone else having search problems?Bob - It's not a P4P club. Mainly young Indian partygoers.

Re search engine: I agree it's not easy. If I put in a search term (eg Fantasia), and even specify the country thread, it only brings me to the country thread where Fantasia is mentioned, and not to the actual posts where its mentioned. Maybe a search engine expert (you know who you are Br ... ;)) can advise.

Junior Punter
10-19-06, 15:56
Does anyone know anything about the Copacabana club at the Sheraton Four Points? Are there WG there or is it a legit club?

And before anybody answers me with a snide remark like 'RTFFF', the search function is not working for me. I keep receiving error messages that says I must wait 60 seconds before my last search (even though I had made no previous searches), or it pulls up 10,000 posts, none of which are related to the search paramaters or forum selected. Anyone else having search problems?Big Bob II,

I stayed here in June, and as Piper1 points out, it is a legit club full of young Indians/Pakistanis. Being of Indian ethnicity myself, I went in there, but most of them seemed in tightly knit groups and I didn't have much joy. However, it may be worth a try.

10-19-06, 17:23
Re search engine: I agree it's not easy. If I put in a search term (eg Fantasia), and even specify the country thread, it only brings me to the country thread where Fantasia is mentioned, and not to the actual posts where its mentioned. Maybe a search engine expert (you know who you are Br ... ;)) can advise.I don't know, easy enough for me. Think the computer is doing exactly what you tell it to, though perhaps not what you want; they're very good at that.

Patience is a virtue, as is clicking ONCE. You do only get 1 search every minute, even if the search turns up nothing. I found 2 results for "Copacabana": BB2's question and Piper's answer.
Search Tools. Upper right of reports columns, just below Page directory, the "Search This Thread". See search_tools.jpg

Advanced Search. As above, but click on "Advanced Search". Fill out the form.

Search term goes up top.

To get reports, NOT threads:
In lower left section, "Search Options", make sure that "Show Results as Reports" radio button is selected.

In lower right section, "Search in Forum(s), select appropriate thread(s). Multiple threads can be selected by using Ctrl click

Best to use the "Save Search Preferences" , click on Go, to save the "Show Results as Reports" choice. It defaults to Threads, which, I agree, is not useful.

See search_advanced.jpg

Download - Search. See Reports of Distinction thread,
for how to download and search on your own computer, using your own search tools.

10-20-06, 09:20
Bravo, that definately worked well. Thank you for the detailed instructions to this computer illiterate!

10-20-06, 10:29
Bravo, that definately worked well. Thank you for the detailed instructions to this computer illiterate!Where would we be without 11b?

10-20-06, 12:02
Thank you for the detailed instructions to this computer illiterate!All of us had to learn to read at one time or another. Glad it worked.

10-20-06, 12:34
A trip to paradise. Of course, those 72 aren't virgins...

Source reports Seaview band will be back 22, 23rd of this month, depending on when Eid starts.

JSF: Greetings. Without you, no house reports. Hope all is well.Greetings mate. I am still struggling with the withdrawal symptoms. But other wise all ok. Looking forward to making some new contacts here in Mumbai soon. Miss all you guys. But it is good that I can, now, log into the ISG without any hassles. So I can keep in touch with all you guys through the forum.

Anyone coming to mumbai do give me a shout.



10-20-06, 12:49
... Anyone coming to mumbai do give me a shout.


JustfunI'll be there soon for a few days, enroute to BKK and Australia. With family, so I'll have to behave, but let's catch up for that beer.

10-20-06, 13:30
I'll be there soon for a few days, enroute to BKK and Australia. With family, so I'll have to behave, but let's catch up for that beer.Great mate. Look forward to seeing you when you get here.

Regarding houses. Well both the houses are doing great. E's place has something like 15 ladies in attendance. Unfortunately the two who are under the cloud are still there. And I could not get in touch with E as her mobile was constantly switched off. So guys who go over please do avoid those two, just for your own peace of mind. Wonder if she has changed the number yet again. Her personal mobile I mean. The business number still works good.

F arrived back a couple of weeks before I left and I went over to meet Me Crazy at her place. Had some sexy DVDs which I wanted to get rid of before I left. Gifted them to her. She said the ladies could learn something new from the DVDs.

A lot of hugs and kisses and then she invited me to sample the new talent. I had a feeling I had seen the lady before. Perhaps in August. Her name is Natalie. Well once in the room and with the clothes off I was certain I had seen her before. But the lady was adamant that she had arrived just a couple of weeks back and it was impossible I could have seen her in August. Asked her which part of Russia she was from. She said Skope. hmmmmm. That's what she had told me in august too. So identity confirmed.

Great BBBJ and enjoys doggie too. Quite fluent in english. Smallish rack but the bootie, on a. comparitively,narrow waist, would give the afro ladies the shivers. The view from behind, while in doggie position, was worth going miles to see.

Had a great time with her that time and wanted more before I left. So went over the next day again. It was even better if that is possible and then after finishing with her felt like going down the memory lane so invited F herself for some fun and games. She just blew my mind. She has learnt some new tricks and her BBBJ skills have improved if that is possible. Amazing bbbj and then a few positions. Finally asked her to finish me off with a CIM. Man the second round is always the best. So was this one, after my first round with Natalie. It took longer and when I finished in her mouth she did not skip a beat and continued with an intense BBBJ until I was totally drained.

Still getting up the energy to look around for some hot indian babes here now. Maybe in a few days.


10-20-06, 16:14
As for Broadway Tom, it is in diera on al rigga. Google it or just ask any cabbie. But few points on this

1. Most of the birds have mamasan to negotiate for them...
Take care

Thanks, this is a killer argument to me - I am not taking to the butcher if I want a breadroll!

So while on my way back to DXB will dream to get the Fantasi membership for outstanding support to the Dubai business development and years of customership of small businesses (1 girl independent).

Anyhow, thanks for the message.


Mike De H
10-20-06, 18:10
Still getting up the energy to look around for some hot indian babes here now. Maybe in a few days.


I am often in Mumbai.

Any night club is fine for dates, girls will speak to you all the time and swap numbers. However going the extra bit is hard work and they aredamaged goods once you fuck them.

Can I also say, try:

Sea Princess, have a drink at the bar and discretely ask the porters and bar staff about girls. Then book a room there.

Sea rock, can bee good for non P4P

Poison (next to San Yo resteraunt) if still open. Watched big problems there recently.

Finally of course, try the ISG forum. However, be well connected in case you have police problems. Every scam is there, and mongering is not safe unless you are with inlfuential people in the know.


Dxb Rocks
10-21-06, 00:23

I can second JP's report on club in 4pt, absolutely no joy , save your time and energy for better venues which are pretty close anyway. But the hotel is GF and next to groung zero. Last month after touch down I just walked in to check and asked for one of their expensive suites. I was naive enough them if it was allright if my friends can visit me, and the obvious response was " no sir no working girls are allowed here at night" taking the hint, I said its not about working girls, I am talking about my half a dozen russian friends who are here and might visit me from time to time. At this the indian guy behind the reception gave me a big grin and thumbs up.
And it was just a little more half a dozen who came visiting over next couple of days. LOL

My Kapitan
10-21-06, 10:00
And the irony of this post is? LOL

The above is from the photo thread.

No irony intended but just trying to say if you want to talk comment or blog do so on the appropriate thead. Take a look at many of the other forum photo threads and thay are full of talk and no pictures.

The UAE forum is one of the best going and the photo thread has always been an example of how a photo thread should be run. I have nothing against brief comments about the pictures or even daft blacked out pictures of Mrs hand and her five daughters, however this is the place to dicuss other matters - not the photo thread.

I hope others agree.


10-21-06, 10:36
JSF posted one of my old pics as the very first in the then "newly created" photo thread.
Sadly, this thread has degenerated into wanking material for the one handed posters.

Many members do not post photos simply because of LE/privacy issues, and I am one of them... your comment "even daft blacked out pictures" kind of makes my point.

How many of the girls REALLY understand the ramifications of photo publication on this website? Does everyone explain in detail that the Internet is "immortal" and the photos will be posted on a mongering website?

Not a personal attack MK, but an issue that bothers me.

Wicked Roger
10-21-06, 10:54
The above is from the photo thread.

No irony intended but just trying to say if you want to talk comment or blog do so on the appropriate thead. Take a look at many of the other forum photo threads and thay are full of talk and no pictures.

The UAE forum is one of the best going and the photo thread has always been an example of how a photo thread should be run. I have nothing against brief comments about the pictures or even daft blacked out pictures of Mrs hand and her five daughters, however this is the place to dicuss other matters - not the photo thread.

I hope others agree.



I agree. One monger in one of the Asian threads even congratulated the UAE photo gallery for it pictures and lack of crap and discussion. Personally if we want to talk on the photo gallery, Jackson can (as he has done elsewhere) provide a Photo Gallery Chit Chat thread. Personally don’t think we need it as this should ‘discussion’ will stop very soon I hope – when I get back I will post a picture but I don’t carry those pictures on my work laptop ;)

Trust you are nice in warm now……..maybe come and visit am sure O had forgiven me for anything I have ever done or you blamed me for ;)

Take my friend

JSF posted one of my old pics as the very first in the then "newly created" photo thread.
Sadly, this thread has degenerated into wanking material for the one handed posters.

Many members do not post photos simply because of LE/privacy issues, and I am one of them... your comment "even daft blacked out pictures" kind of makes my point.

How many of the girls REALLY understand the ramifications of photo publication on this website? Does everyone explain in detail that the Internet is "immortal" and the photos will be posted on a mongering website?

Not a personal attack MK, but an issue that bothers me.

Fine Sporadic, many don’t post – and then are those who surf ISG asking for more pictures with faces, yes they exist - but those that do like to post also like to keep the Gallery free of discussions.

Very much doubt that many mongers explain what they are/will be doing, I know of one lady who liked it but the monger did not speak of ISG but another web site and she loved it but then she was a tad crazy (especially in the sack).

My tuppence worth :)


My Kapitan
10-21-06, 11:05
Not a personal attack MK, but an issue that bothers me.

Not taken as such.

All the girls i post know the pics will be used on the internet, this is why I sometimes do not post after a 'meeting'.

Some actively want to perform and be photographed. Miss K in particular was always keen and indeed said 'I am famous across the world now!'.

A new development for me has been the use of web cams. Some girls positively relish the thought of being fucked in front of an audience and it makes them hot and very active! Horses for courses but always with consent.

My comments on using the photo thread for inappropriate discussion stands.

Many members do not post photos simply because of LE/privacy issues, and I am one of them... your comment "even daft blacked out pictures" kind of makes my point..

Taken out of context - I was referring to the pointless black square recently posted. I never post faces though due to the LE in the UAE. 'AD liar' being an exception - I don't take kindly to being ripped off.

10-21-06, 13:33
My comments on using the photo thread for inappropriate discussion stands.Define "inappropriate". What may be inappropriate to you may be a humorous thread to others, that, removed from the "appropriate" thread, would lose its context.

I was referring to the pointless black square recently posted.Define "pointless". I was merely responding to your complaint of people posting in the photo gallery sans photo. You didn't mention it had to be a quality photo. Must have forgotten to take the lens cap off.

I never post faces though due to the LE in the UAE.Doesn't necessarily have to be a face to provide positive identification. Tattoos work (ask any porn star), jewelry works.

And it's not necessarily LE in the UAE that is of concern. In the overall scheme of life, I'd imagine a girl might be more worried about somebody back home recognizing them. Yes, everyone understands that a waitress is not sending back a couple of thousand dollars a month in tips. But a big difference between knowing and knowing. Most girls I know don't plan on making this a permanent career, and do intend to have a subsequent life after.

All the girls i post know the pics will be used on the internetAmazing how many girls equate "internet" with e-mail, and ONLY e-mail. They are rather ignorant about web sites and web pages. Agree with Sporadic, don't believe they understand that the internet is forever and you can't just delete something you don't like. Hard to believe in this day and age, but from what I've seen, true.

Further, as any pollster knows, depending on the way the question is asked, easy to direct the answer in the direction you want:

- You are so beautiful and sexy. Can I take this photo and post it on the internet?

- You are so beautiful and sexy. Can I take this photo and post it on the internet on a site that is all about pros*i*ution as you are one of the best pros*i*utes I've met.

Methinks you might get a different answer, but that's just me 'methinking'.

Each poster follows his own personal guidelines about what to post and where. That's sufficient for me.

10-21-06, 14:39
Relax guys - plenty of people are bothered by photos of girls being put on the net, so they simply don't log onto sites like ISG, and they are no longer bothered. Easy as that.

Some girls know I'm posting their pics on the net, and I even go as far as ensuring they understand the pics will be seen by thousands around the world - maybe even at home. If they are okay with that, then so am I. Some have checked my pics before posting, and are happy with them, having a good laugh. A few have asked me to delete certain pics from my camera (usually because they are unflattering, rather than any other reason), and I delete them. Very few refuse photos altogether, but if they prefer no pics, that's fine with me also (unfortunately, it's the stunners who tend to refuse!)

You are so beautiful and sexy. Can I take this photo and post it on the internet on a site that is all about pros*i*ution as you are one of the best pros*i*utes I've met.Bravo - how come you cannot spell prostitution? Don't be so shy. ;)

Now, if anyone wants to complain about pics - go give Asian Rain a hard time about showing his hairy ass and dangling scrotum! Too much information! :D


10-21-06, 16:25
Now, if anyone wants to complain about pics - go give Asian Rain a hard time about showing his hairy ass and dangling scrotum! Too much information! Golly Piper, I had never noticed the D.S. ;)

10-21-06, 17:22
Golly Piper, I had never noticed the D.S. ;)So, you must have been focusing on his hairy ass! ROTF!

Fifty-fifty, please invite AR to Dubai and give him the famous Barber of Dubai treatment.

Geez, all this nonsense. I can feel a photo posting session coming on.

10-21-06, 21:06
So, you must have been focusing on his hairy ass! ROTF!
Entirely too predictable Piper. If I wanted to see a hairy ass I would find a mirror or an old photo of the ex-wife.

10-22-06, 08:27
I am often in Mumbai.

Any night club is fine for dates, girls will speak to you all the time and swap numbers. However going the extra bit is hard work and they aredamaged goods once you fuck them.

Can I also say, try:

Sea Princess, have a drink at the bar and discretely ask the porters and bar staff about girls. Then book a room there.

Sea rock, can bee good for non P4P

Poison (next to San Yo resteraunt) if still open. Watched big problems there recently.

Finally of course, try the ISG forum. However, be well connected in case you have police problems. Every scam is there, and mongering is not safe unless you are with inlfuential people in the know.

MikeAppreciate the heads up mate. Will have a looksie. And I agree about the LE situation. We have to be careful while in India. A lot of guys with a "Holier then Thou" attitude around who are ready to do us mongers dirty. What a bunch of hypocrits. But then they need to do something in their spare time I guess.


Mc Fly XXX
10-22-06, 12:23
Hi fellow members,
Need some piece of advice from you - I am currently considering a 2 day stopover in Dubai for New Years Eve/New Year.

From the forum I learned that some locations/bars have special functions that night. But should still be no problem to find some decent P4P?

By the way - are there any public fire work displays? Last year Hong Kong was disappointing - tons of people out there but no show or fireworks.

Mc Fly

10-22-06, 12:49
Hi Mc Fly,

Not absolutely sure on New Year's eve but fireworks are normally during Dubai Shopping Festival (not sure about this DSF dates) every day around 3 locations and they are spell bounding!



10-22-06, 12:59
From the forum I learned that some locations/bars have special functions that night. But should still be no problem to find some decent P4P? Given that this is market CAPITALISM, just about ALL locations/bars have special functions = jacked up admission rates. WG rates also follow the holiday season (down for Christmas = punters home with family, up for the New Year = punters celebrating).

Given the crowds and my roof top view of fireworks, I always call somebody I know.

As to fireworks, believe the city puts on some by the creek. Certainly the Barj al Arab puts on a display, as do a number of other beach hotels.

Wicked Roger
10-22-06, 13:02
I know this is the Dubai thread but I like to share with my mates ;)



10-22-06, 13:51
WR - sounds good to me (just a matter of timing!)

Also sounds like you're not getting much work done in PI! ;)

10-22-06, 16:56
It's official; Ramadan ends tonight.

From MY perspective, the feasting during Ramadan ends with the fasting during Eid. As I've always said, it is a market economy and Eid brings in the holiday makers looking to break any number of fasts...

Myself, I'm 0 for 3 for tonight. Guess I should have made my reservations for the holidays early. Figured, with some extra days off, tonight I'd try out some of the minor league pitchers I know. Rather than 'out and about', started sms'ing at noon.
Miss BBC. Perfect indicator that those Ramadan deals are finished. Think a done deal with the sms reply of 'OK'. But things fall apart when she asks that I call her. She's back to the 500 ST, looking to keep the option of a double header open with a midnight departure. Pass. Strike 1.

Miss PMW. Since raw performance not available, decide I'll go with responsiveness. She's busy. As a substitute, she offers a young gf, newbie. I pass on anyone sight unseen. Strike 2.

Miss Song&Dance. OK, was thinking about pulling her to rest and relax with after Miss BBC. Move her up on the schedule. Sms her. The typical 'song&dance' sms exchange ensues. Damn, I so much prefer Miss PMW's straightforward "I'm busy" answer. It REALLY is a "yes | no" answer. Having been here for 5 years, I CAN read between the lines (literally). Strike 3.
Leaving the starting lineup for the usual weekend, looks like I'll enjoy one last 'sans music / inducive to conversation' evening out and about, scouting the farm teams.

The bars are open tonight, Sunday, aren't they? Closed tomorrow? Or are they closed tonight? Open tomorrow? Enquiring minds want to know.

Well, if you want to know for sure if the bars are open: Ask SteveSTX: Unfortunately, SteveStx is MIA. Steve - where ARE you?

Ask a Cyclone a-lister. God bless Miss Barometer. Sms'd her. Her reply? "open".
When I sms'd back "Thanks. you are incredible", her response? "yes". LOL

Call a bar. Seaview's open, no music. Dinner is saved.Will ask tonight about the band and post.

Fifty Fifty
10-22-06, 17:48
Hi folks,

Just a quick report on recent activities although things are relatively quiet on the DXB mongering scene for me at the moment. Basically cos of 3 reasons.

1. I am still fairly fixed up with Miss Gem, although I still cant put up with her full time, probably due to old age creeping in and the fact that i do need to have some time to myself.

2. MK has left for a short while and I appear to be lacking in other mongering pals elsewhere.

3 The dreaded R., which, despite what anyone says, makes the clubs without music fairly boring

Last Thursday with Miss Gem away on a visa run I sneaked off to the Seaview for a looksee.

Arrived around 10pm to find it fairly quiet as before, but lots of PRC in attendance and approximately 15 to 20 punters at various tables.

Ordered a beer and got talking to two guys one of whom seemed to be a regular, so we had a fair old chat about the WG scene etc. As we were chatting about the different venues, they told me they had just come from the York and were astonished to note how crap it had really become since their last visit a year or so ago. I personally dont think it is that bad, but then we all have different views.

We were approached by 2 or 3 friendly but not pushy PRC's and my mates appealed to them by buying a round of drinks so the girls were happy. Lots of other girls just standing and looking, ever hopeful to catch an eye and be asked to the table.
One of whom I had often seen, very pretty but an old hand PRC by name of Lucy was as ever smiling and hopeful.

One of the guys asked me if it was possible to get good looking Pilipina here in Dubai, I had to confess that, apart from seeing the odd one or two in the Regal and in Seaview and having tried Ratskys at the Karama Hotel I really didnt know, so if any guys do, please supply the info.

To our surprise 3 pilipina WG's walked in, taking a spot away from the main bar. I had seen them there a few nights earlier, but at that time I wasnt shopping so hadnt taken much interest. However this time I was and I made eye contact with the smallest prettiest one (50:50 rules and all that).

Now if that had been an african I wouldnt have needed to make eye contact as she would have already been pinching and nudging me, a PRC or a CIS would have been over in an instant, however despite my nods and winks the little pilipina refused to move.

My mate spotted what was going on and asked me what I was up to, he refused to believe that she was pilipina and a WG at that. Eventually I went over and brought her back to the table just to prove my point.
As it was my round I bought her a drink and that was that - one girl stuck on arm.

Turned out she was fairly new to DXB, 3 weeks etc and eventually price for all night was discussed and she opened at 700, to which I just laughed and pointed out the 30 or so spare PRCs awaiting my attention, some of whom i had already taken for a pre ramadan 400. I told her that i never pay more than 500 and in ramadan i would give 400 at best.

It would appear the the pilipina work a different system to PRC and some CIS, with the Boss actually on scene in Seaview, so she went off to seek approval at 400. She came back with a nod, but proceeded to tell me that the price was bad cos it meant that she would have no money whatsoever as all of it would go to the boss.

Midnight - Back at my place she made the obligatory text message giving name of hotel and room number etc, real old system stuff. She also seemed very nervous, but was happy when she spotted a new bottle of tequila and some lemons in the fridge. After a few drinks with music and a chat about her situation, told me she had been tricked into coming to dubai to work in a disco etc etc, she loosened up a little. Having been used to playing in the room before retiring to the bedroom I tried the same but was told no, if you want me to undress, lets go to the bedroom.

Off we went, she very nervous and sent me to the bathroom while she stripped and hopped into bed, but upon my return she was happy to be fairly active.

Lots of fun, DATY (and no work for the barber of dubai this time) followed by 69 with BBBJ, which I have to say, she was very good at too. MISH followed by a very energetic COWGIRL resulted in a COHF which she seemed happy to accept. Tons of cuddling and GFE etc and I dozed off. She woke me at 6 am telling me that she had to go cos her boss was waiting. A quick f*ck soon sorted that one out, she will know better than to wake me in the morning next time.

Eventually left around 8.30 am with me having give her 400 for the boss and 100 as a tip, plus taxi etc. I felt it was worth it and she seemed very happy too. So happy that she has text me 10 times since and is desperate for a rematch as she says i treated her so nicely.

I fancy a pilpina or two, so if anyone has info on good places to shop, let me know please.

I am writing this recovering from the return of Miss Gem, where we went and used MK's apartment and had a superb time in the deserted pool. Underwater photos will be in the gallery as soon as i can sort them out.

Life here remains good and tonight is last night of R so things can only get better.

Cya and regards,


EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Mickey Rooney
10-22-06, 23:47
Piper, MK, Mongateer and FF will PM you when back re a comment in this FR. Enjoy.

hi WR. Pitty the WOO did not open, perhaps next time. Waiting for that GB with miss N!!!

take care and travel well.


Wicked Roger
10-23-06, 01:44
Turned out she was fairly new to DXB, 3 weeks etc and eventually price for all night was discussed and she opened at 700, to which I just laughed and pointed out the 30 or so spare PRCs awaiting my attention, some of whom i had already taken for a pre ramadan 400. I told her that i never pay more than 500 and in ramadan i would give 400 at best.

It would appear the the pilipina work a different system to PRC and some CIS, with the Boss actually on scene in Seaview, so she went off to seek approval at 400. She came back with a nod, but proceeded to tell me that the price was bad cos it meant that she would have no money whatsoever as all of it would go to the boss.

She also seemed very nervous, but was happy when she spotted a new bottle of tequila and some lemons in the fridge. .

I fancy a pilpina or two, so if anyone has info on good places to shop, let me know please.


EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

About time you enjoyed the delights of a Filipina - you know my fancies! Here with Miss N in Manila, desperately hot night in the sack, should introduce to her when she is back, you would love the BBBJ.

Tequila is a favourite droink of both N and O - they did a bottle one night in AD but that's a different story :)

Nerves - definitely as she is a newbie but if you treat them well and your tip helped she will be asking for more hence the SMS messages! But when i am up and if I am with Miss N maybe see if they will play together, about she learned from a more seasoned WG??

PM FF re the request think I can help ;)

Seriously, the story she told is one I have heard many times and likely true. GFE always great with Filipinas but Miss Gem is a diamond as well for a PRC.

Am back tomorrow so will PM and come and join you for some fun!


Flying Scot
10-24-06, 01:03
This forum is great! I'm flying in on Thursday and will be looking for some great action. Staying at the airport means that for Thursday night I'l be spending in the Al Garhoud area as the flight gets in at 2300hrs ish.

Anyway, I'm going to be in Dubai and Abu Dhabi so if anyone wants to meet up PM me. I go drinking most nights and when not drinking just monger!

Reports will follow....

Take care and keep H A R D.

10-24-06, 06:09
Dear Folks,

attached is a scan from "Gulf Today, Classifieds Sunday, October 22, 2006" with advertisement of MP's at DXB. I feel there is no need to be concerned about the numbers, as they are so widely and easily available to all interested, including LE.

I remember only two or three years ago it started with 2, later three and now 6 - amazing to me in some kind.

However one has to explore what kind of service the individual establishment is providing, hence I do neither indicat nor garantee anything at all.

Hope helpful to you,



Wicked Roger
10-24-06, 06:34
This forum is great! I'm flying in on Thursday and will be looking for some great action. Staying at the airport means that for Thursday night I'l be spending in the Al Garhoud area as the flight gets in at 2300hrs ish.

Anyway, I'm going to be in Dubai and Abu Dhabi so if anyone wants to meet up PM me. I go drinking most nights and when not drinking just monger!

Reports will follow....

Take care and keep H A R D.

You are not receiving PMs as I tried! Can you change as no-one will get a chance to meet up as your settings are set incorrectly. Happy to meet for drink etc as long as we can contact each other before Thursday!


Wicked Roger
10-24-06, 06:48
I know how much we like to share on this forum so here is one from Manila - last day, Miss N being very naughty, slept like a baby on the plane ;)



10-24-06, 13:47
The world is right once again

What a difference a day makes.

Sunday, Seaview, last day of Ramadan, 9:30 - 10:30
Handful of punters, outnumbered by the wg's, just about all PRC. Many empty tables. Everyone bored, even the PRC video game players lackadaisical, just going through the motions.

Stepped outside, having never pulled her, called Miss Burberry. She was at home, didn't want to go out due to LE activities. Given that one of her prime attractions is her working outfits, and she was at home, no doubt casual, didn't try to convince her otherwise. Headed to 'Snake.

More of a crowd, enough that I missed Miss Burberry's return call 30 minutes after mine (have to remember to switch the mobile to vibrate). Seeing that I used to pull her best friend, no doubt she had accessed the CIA dossier on 11B, now interested in some business. An hour later, returning the call, mobile switched off. Either she'd had another offer, or really was staying in and gone to bed.

Pulled an older PRC, fact being she reminded me of another PRC who I could never agree on price with, Miss "You have money, I don't, so pay me MY price" (JSF, Sporadic, remember Lisa from Cyclone?) One thing about the mature ones, they can be responsive.

Monday, Seaview, Ramadan FINISHED, 9:00 - 1:00
Think the band arrived 9:15, even though they didn't start playing until shortly before 10. By 9:30, all tables full. The minutes dragged by, waiting for the band to start. Number of wg's returning, PRC, CIS, African.

Band rocks, happy to say, everyone has returned. Bass player looks slightly out of shape, but she can lay down the licks 1st night back. For the first set, place packed. (3rd number: Californication). Thinned out during the break, filled up again for the 2nd set. After that, I left with the date I'd brought for the evening, Spinner getting the non-weekend pitching start.

Great to have Seaview back in form. ER, nice seeing you; Rogue5, understand.

PS: Thanks, Sporadic. Having done my pre-flight check, knew I had used the last of the condoms Sunday night. Didn't care to stop off at the supermarket on my way to Seaview, so made use of your stash in the guest bathroom. Point being, next time, they aren't there.

10-24-06, 13:57
PS: Thanks, Sporadic. Having done my pre-flight check, knew I had used the last of the condoms Sunday night. Didn't care to stop off at the supermarket on my way to Seaview, so made use of your stash in the guest bathroom. Point being, next time, they aren't there.
I KNEW those would come in handy for somebody, shame it was not me! ;)
Did you like the hiding place? Out of view but right to hand. Hope there was enough.

10-24-06, 14:03
Sporadic - I need your multi-linguistic assistance please. An African girl told me in Swahili something that sounded like:

Matokeo ya Utafutaji kwa!

I don't know what it means, but she had a look of shock and horror on her face. When I asked her again, she had her mouth full, and I couldn't understand the mumbles.

10-24-06, 14:09
I was talking with an african at the 'snake the other night.

I asked, "Ubangi?"

Her reply? "Ubetcha".

Fifty Fifty
10-24-06, 14:42
Hi folks,

A few notes re last night (Monday) at the Seaview.

Got there just after 10pm, the place was packed, somewhat different to the scene during last 4 weeks.

The band were as usual awesome, but there were quite a few differences in the clientele.

Lots of the old regular faces and it would appear that they had brought with them some of their favourite girls as there were quite a few A-Lister bums perched on stools at tables full of drinks.

Usual PRC crowd there, along with Nikki and the Kazahks back in town too, nice to see her and Aika back on form.

The Pilipina corner had swelled from 3 or 4 girsl to over a dozen and most of them qualified on the 50:50 stakes so thats where my interest lay.

A good evening was somewhat marred by the fact that the door policy apears to have changed slightly as the place was populated by a great many locals as well as the usual european visitors.

Problem was the local boys couldnt seem to contain their excitement at being confronted by so many available girls and went a bit mad. As usual they were not buying drinks, but were somehow drunk on the atmosphere, packing out the dance floor in between the bands sets and generally causing a bit of mayhem. I had my drink knocked from my hand twice by the same guy before one of the security stepped in and told him to calm down.

I remained till closing time, generally observing the comings and agood deal of goings, but primarily to see what the score was with the Pilipinas.

They were all obviously new and didnt seem to want to try for business, unlike the PRC's who do their best but I dont find too pushy.

The Pilipinas were in a tightly knit group all night, sitting at two tables near the back and actually enjoying a few beers and girly conversation. It was hard to tell that they were actually working girls.

The Boss and her minder were ever present and eventually at around 1 am the girls were kicked into action, they did a quick tour of the room but all came back together to the tables.

Pretty soon thoe interest started to show and I watched one or two of them being picked off by the odd guy and eventually found myself doing the same. In conversation with a couplse of them I found that it was indeed their first time at the Seaview and that they had only been to the York once as well.

Prices were discussed and the usual opener was 700 Dhms, but if I had bartered hard I could have probably got 500 immediately. I decided to wait and see what happened as it was obvious that some of the girls were not going to do any business at all that night, unless someone like me made them the offer. It was strange, they just didnt seem to have the desire to hook a punter, it was as if they all wanted to stay together.

As the lights came on at 3 am and I saw that the girl I had been chatting to was indeed quite pretty (Beer Goggle adjustment included) I decided to see how low she would go.

As she was making arrangements to get a taxi home with her friends I turned and offered 300 take it or leave it. She said she would leave it and went off to see her mates, but I suspect the price was conveyed to the boss and the nod was given, as she returned shortly afterwards and said '300 plus taxi to Diera is ok'.

With a nod it was off to my place. Not much time for the usual drinks and music etc, but a quick chat revealed the usual story. Tricked into coming to dubai to work ina bar as a hostess etc etc.

Nice active little girl though, good at the BBBJ and still no job for the barber of dubai. Are all the Pilipinas shaved??

Another go at it in the morning and it looked good in the daylight too. Gave her 350 and she left around 9 am.

It was quite obvious that she was new to the game and remained nervous right up until she left.

Off to check out the usual venues tonight, post ramadan and see how things have changed.

Cya FF

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

10-24-06, 17:46
Sporadic - I need your multi-linguistic assistance please. An African girl told me in Swahili something that sounded like:

Matokeo ya Utafutaji kwa!

I don't know what it means, but she had a look of shock and horror on her face. When I asked her again, she had her mouth full, and I couldn't understand the mumbles.

Literally, it means "that is the smallest penis I have ever seen on an adult male."

Had to look it up as I have never heard that phrase before. ;)

Wicked Roger
10-24-06, 19:07
Are all the Pilipinas shaved??

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

IMHO yes. And I have seen a lot of Filipina pussy ;), they actually prefer it shaved for hygene. Even the non WGs that I see here and used to see in Saudi wre/were shaved.

But we can find out more on Thursday - see you soon


10-24-06, 23:20
Short report on Finnegans (Palm Hotel, next to Hard Rock). Tuesday night.

This place is picking up quickly, due to the population increase nearby (rapidly growing area - I'll buy a place there soon).

Mostly guys and gals playing pool and having a bit of fun tonight. A lot of older guys with their young beautiful girlfriends - some serious stunners, but mostly taken.

Working girls, sitting along the bar:

- Three African gals (not bad)
- Two Chinese gals (sorry, but they were bad)
- Two CIS - I wouldn't say no.
- One Chinese girl sitting alone all night at her table - very very nice. Had a chat with her on the way out. She knows she's special. A bit fiery due to lack of customers, and she knew I wasn't a customer tonight. Maybe another time.

Before heading home, I popped into the Indian Club downstairs and had a double-Baileys (no ice), to watch the dancing show. New line-up of sweet Indian dancing girls after Ramadan, but one girl (my favorite) has come back for more. Untouchable.

Sporadic - I feel deflated! ;)

Puss Eator
10-25-06, 05:06

Thank you very much for the MP ad. You saved my bloody time.




Dear Folks,

attached is a scan from "Gulf Today, Classifieds Sunday, October 22, 2006" with advertisement of MP's at DXB. I feel there is no need to be concerned about the numbers, as they are so widely and easily available to all interested, including LE.

I remember only two or three years ago it started with 2, later three and now 6 - amazing to me in some kind.

However one has to explore what kind of service the individual establishment is providing, hence I do neither indicat nor garantee anything at all.

Hope helpful to you,



10-25-06, 08:06
After the Ramadan drought, figured I'd indulge again in the 'sound' oasis that is the Seaview, stopping by to catch the 1st set.

Unlike Monday (a holiday) which was packed, actually pretty sparse last night. Granted, it wasn't a holiday, and it was early. Music was good, but 'pickings' rather slim; glad I had planned on going home alone (and, just in case I wavered, had forgotten my mobile at home, so no chance to call anyone while downtown). During the first set, the M/F ratio was pretty even. At the first break, unlike Monday, there was no surge of people for the dance floor, only the usual group of PRC's taking the opportunity to enjoy and strut their stuff.

Vast majority PRC, a couple of africans (the usual one sitting at the entrance), and as I was getting ready to leave, a few CIS. Some of the better known PRC faces missing. There were a few, some biblically known, others never tried, that would have provided sufficient company if I had REALLY been in the mood, but after the previous night's fillet, roast beef was just not on the menu. Content to catch the 1st set, home alone.

No sign of Monday night's Philipina working brigades. Perhaps trying other hunting grounds.

Sporadic LOL. Thanks, the humor very welcome.


PS: to the general membership: it is possible, even desirable, to edit a quote before using. No need to quote the full post, just the applicable line or two. Just a suggestion.

10-25-06, 10:19
Interesting story on the front page of today's 7 days:


Known facts; just talk to any girl who does go to the open beach.

I found the explanations (end of the story) rather pathetic:

“I regularly stroll around the open beach. I like to see beautiful women but so far have not dared to misbehave with any of them. I only look at them from far and if I really find them attractive, I go near them. There is some sort of satisfaction when I look at them,” said Khan, who has worked as a driver in Dubai for eight years. “The majority of them don’t mind you looking at them provided you don’t stare for too long. You should also be careful to avoid the CID officials here,” Khan said.

Selva 26, was staring at bathers with three friends. “Of course we look at women,” the Indian electrician said. “We hardly find women in such attires in India. Even when some of them come to the beach in Chennai, they are more than half covered. It really feels good to watch these women,” he added.

“Even if we were in India and if we had an opportunity to visit beaches where foreigners come we would not miss it,” said one of Selva’s companions, whose wife is back in India. “The advantage here is that all types of women from Westerners to Filipinos and Chinese and South Asians come to the beach. It’s one of the best places I can ever think of in Dubai,” he said.
Can you imagine what the bars would be like if open access was allowed?

Crime Of Passion
10-25-06, 14:52
Not quite the same but noticed the street WG's who hang around a particular area of AUH often can't get rid of Indian/Pakistani guys who hassle them. Came out of a club a couple of weeks back and 4 guys had a lone distressed PRC surrounded so I waded in to 'save' her. Not touching her, just wouldn't let her pass and she was clearly distressed. Also at hojo's, two Indians kept riding the lift, I'm guessing so they were pressed up close against the girls going up to the club.

Mind you, after a week at home in the cold, rainy UK I think I will be heading to that beach to see what the female form really looks like when I get back!

Wicked Roger
10-25-06, 16:40
the street WG's who hang around a particular area of AUH often can't get rid of Indian/Pakistani guys who hassle them. Came out of a club a couple of weeks back and 4 guys had a lone distressed PRC surrounded so I waded in to 'save' her.

Also at hojo's, two Indians kept riding the lift, I'm guessing so they were pressed up close against the girls going up to the club.


At Howard Johnson always Indian and Pakistanis hanging around outside. Basically a hotel for Indian sub Continent managers but those that live in AD hey know PRCs go there and they do hassle.

Have 'saved' the odd one before, not for myself, as IMHO many of the WGs in Safari Club are plain ugly (except one or two of the CIS singers who at last time of looking were quite tasty). went there one night with Miss N and she complained aboutt hem in the lift very loudly.

See you soon COP.


10-25-06, 16:44
Not quite the same but noticed the street WG's who hang around a particular area of AUH often can't get rid of Indian/Pakistani guys who hassle them.I haven't done any street work in ages, but I know that if you stop to talk with a girl, guaranteed to instantly be surrounded by gawkers, circle forming around you about a meter away in any direction.

Mike De H
10-25-06, 20:04
I find myself in Dubai unexpectedly for one and a half days and I managed to fit in a lightning visit to Premier (Hyatt Regency) last night. A venue hardly reported on, but with excellent choice to rival Cyclone. Many thanks to Wicked Rodger for supplying the spoofing software link to put on my Laptop so I can access the Forum finally.

I got there late at 12:00 expecting the A-listers to be gone, but the place was full of lookers all still opening at only 1000 Dhs.

This is mostly a CIS joint with some Africans and Moroccans. The quality is stunning however. Hopefully door policy will change in the near future to allow more Asian Persuasion into the club, but the clientele certainly does not suffer as it is.

The Atmosphere was great and I suspect many girls not P4P were dancing away with crowds of guys hungrily watching the dance floor. Hoping to cash in on the Good vibe I decided to go for an A-lister. I also noted the trend of many CIS girls to go about in two’s hand in hand and decided to talk to a couple and my goodness I was not disappointed.

Two CIS came along, one absolutely stunning A-lister, taller than me with the face of an Angel was tugging along a smaller dark haired girl, with a cute “girl next door face”. Both girls were worth 1000 each. Of course, I opened by tactfully asking if they were working tonight and the answer came back that they were. Somehow the mental image of the short dark “tug” wanking me off into the face of the beauty gave me an instant hardon and Mini-Mike started to do the talking.

They were frank about the price asking 1000 each including girl on girl. I bargained down by asking for 500 each, no deal, but the tall girl, Miss V, obviously in charge said, “If you pay me 900 you can pay my girlfriend 700. She has just started and I am her boss”. They confirmed to stay the night if I bought breakfast in room service and taxi. So the deal was done, and what a deal it was!

Back through the walk of shame in my favourite Hotel (in Jumeira – you know the place from previous reports) the fun started straight away.

These girls were totally uninhibited. After making sure of their money up front, Miss V ordered her girlfriend Miss S to stand still and stripped her off right in front of me whilst kissing her neck. I could hardly get out of my strides fast enough, feeling like a gawky comedy show actor who is never actually going to get laid.

She then told the girl to stand still and watch, and then we started kissing, with Miss V having to stoop down to kiss me even though she was out of her heels.

She then literally ordered Miss S to suck my cock, like a Dominatrix with her sub. Miss V shoved her finger up my backside whilst Miss S did the business, absolutely incredible.

Then Miss V really shocked me, but that was nothing, she threw miss S onto the bed and sat on her face and ordered me to fuck Miss S. I was so turned on I came in ten minutes flat. Incredible. Miss S moaned and squirmed, obviously enjoying being treated like dirt.

Then, instead of recovering, Miss V said “Client comes too quick, you must be punished”. OK, I thought, time to get Security in, this cow is weird. I started to protest, but Miss S, who had hardly said a word told me it was OK and she liked this, with the most wicked smile ever. Miss V grabbed my belt from out of my trousers and told me to get on all fours. Thinking it was meant for me I nearly freaked, but then Miss S leaned over me from the side and miss V proceeded to leather Miss S good style with about ten good strokes. They were hard and I felt every one through her body.

I was so turned on I needed sex again. Miss V supplied the new condom and I absolutely jumped on her. Whilst fucking her I asked about the fantasy of Miss S wankng me off in her face and she declined but said “You can do it on my top”. I did so in ten minutes flat! I was exhausted.

She then surprised me again by putting her phone number in my mobile and said “W want to go" and I realised i had had enought and I wanted to save money on taxi and breakfast' I was exhausted and could not manage any more and they left.

Totally weird experience.

Now I am flying out I cant ask for a repeat performance. But it left me thinking… what was all that about. I suppose people want the numbers right?

10-25-06, 20:58
I find myself in Dubai unexpectedly for one and a half days and I managed to fit in a lightning visit to Premier (Hyatt Regency) last night. A venue hardly reported on, but with excellent choice to rival Cyclone. Many thanks to Wicked Rodger for supplying the spoofing software link to put on my Laptop so I can access the Forum finally.

I got there late at 12:00 expecting the A-listers to be gone, but the place was full of lookers all still opening at only 1000 Dhs.Hey Mike,

Fantastic post. Another one to add to your impressive portfolio

Totally Agree with you about Premier. My last visit to Dubai was a couple of months ago and I associated myself with an absolute Screamer of a Brunette Ukranian. The premier seems a little under represented recently, but some of the archive stuff mention them.

More emphasis seems to revolve around the triangle. More affordable alternatives close by I guess.

A starting price at 1000 however is very reasonable! most started at 1200 for me, but i did get in earlier.

I will be back in Dubai Late November. And hope to visit the premier more this time. Cyclone has made too much money out of me!

10-25-06, 23:17
Mike! Stop having so much fun in your short trips here - I'm jealous! I'll have to re-visit Premiere - much better than Cyclone, from memory.

All I could manage tonight was a night out with a work pal - a few hours at Palm Hotel, then an hour at Rattlesnake, before I was called home on the short leash at 1:00am. Rattler was 90% new faces tonight (mostly Chinese), but still a few familiar girls, including the young Maria Callas. I'll have to plan a "work trip overseas" very soon (in Dubai ;)).

Funfor Females
10-26-06, 10:52
Excellent news!

Further to my FR dated 5 Oct 06 regarding the incredibly classy / Freebie PRCs at the Alimo (El Paso as now is) who went away for Ramadhan.

THEY ARE BACK! There is a god and he is a monger! Any time between about about ten thirty and midnight is good for them, particularty on ladies nights. The real star of the piece, Miss Z, is a real stunner and an amazing dancer not to mention her outstanding carnal competancies.

What a splendid way to pass those long winter nights. - Highly recommended!

10-26-06, 11:13
Seaview, Wed, 9:00 - 11:00

Hooked up with R5 at Seaview last night, he on a date, myself in one of those mixed modes: target of opportunity or tested and approved. Hadn't decided as I left home, so, in a way, that WAS a decision.

Arrived early to ensure a good table (R5 had already taken care of that, thanks), and time for dinner. By 10, when the band started, not crowded, but did start to fill up later. Unusual, but some of the known -stani faces there early. Still, mostly PRC at that hour, with the usual african door guard in attendence. Band really starting to hit their groove, the bass player especially getting better and better each night - returning to her usual animated self. They closed the 1st set with a great rendition of "Free Bird". My only complaint was they need to get some more coordinated lighting on the dance floor when the lead guitarist takes a stroll while playing. His showmanship rather lost in the dark.

By 11, a number of PRC's (some of the usual faces missing, but perhaps early), the -stani contingent had grown, some legit CIS (some usual faces reappearing), and the odd african or two. The target of opportunity that I found appealing were not THAT appealing to me, so excused myself, went out to the porch and made a reservation with Miss BBC. Said I'd pick her up in 30, 40 minutes.

Back to the table, bade my farewells to R5, and headed towards downtown. Decided to make 2 quick, intermediate stops.

Imperial, Wed, 11:15 - 11:25
Like I said, quick. Just wanted to confirm - the main bar has reopened. In the darkness (in more ways than one), could not discern any real changes. Maybe they just gave it a good scrub? Pretty grim inside, the usual grabby africans. Certainly they cannot consider that endearing? Also noticed the usual door contingent of hard-bitten CIS. Nodded to a couple PRC's I know, but the 2 I am most familiar with were not in residence. Granted, they could have been hidden in a corner, but I made a QUICK circuit, then exited, not even stopping to refuel. I had other places to be.

York, Wed, 11:30 - 11:45
Yes, I actually ventured back into the York after almost a year's absence. Nice to be recognized by the doormen, though, granted, I don't really blend in here :). The problems started even before entering - no convenient parking. That alone (the Imperial's back parking lot) puts it ahead of the York.

Inside, my God!!! I thought Imperial was grim! A few PRC's, some CIS, a LOT of GRABBING africans. They should issue cattle prods to guys on entering. Plenty of room to move around, see what there was to see (not much). For Eid week, not impressed. I'd venture to say their profits must have taken a real hit. I'd rather go to the Rattlesnake than the York, and I am NO big fan of the 'Snake.

I was standing, not near anyone's table, had placed a drink order, started talking with a PRC who had come up. A minute into the conversation (and clear we were in conversation), some black CUTS between us, grabs my arm, "Hi. How are you?" As I don't care to be banned here, I won't repeat my exact words to her, but I did achieve the desired result. She retreated not 1, but 2 tables away. Incredibly rude. And I know, from knowing PRC York wg's, that if THEY complain, it it THEY, not the African, that would be booted.

As I quickly finished my drink (gulp, gulp, gulp), I felt like the cinema's hunter, trapped in the jungle, surrounded by circling savages just waiting for the opportunity to dart in on my blindside and capture me for their cooking pot. All this while I was talking to the PRC; understand, I was not alone. Did have to fend off several assaults (and I mean literal assaults) with some verbal counterpunches.

Made my escape, and hit the assembly point for the rendezvous with Miss BBC. No sympathy for the York; they were the ones who, in effect, chased the PRC's away. Fine with me if they want to become the Garage of Bur Dubai. Just goes to show, you can't go home again.

Seaview: always fun, either with a date or on your own.

Imperial: does get crowded, not favorably (last lifeboat leaving mentality); parking convient; and you can find some diamonds in the coal seams if you're lucky.

York: NOT my scene. YMMV

None of the above are the Cyclone, nor the Premiere. If you want the a-listers, head there (or the Regal). I consider the YIS more pubs for the common folk, not the flash types.

But, thanks to the attention of Miss BBC, a fun evening.

10-26-06, 14:35
Mind you, after a week at home in the cold, rainy UK I think I will be heading to that beach to see what the female form really looks like when I get back!COP - no need to go. I just spent a great afternoon at the beach checking it on your behalf. I can report that the weather was just perfect. ;)

From today's Gulf News:
Landlords offer cheap rooms in return for favours

Dubai: Landlords are offering cheap rooms in return for sexual favours.

Popular expatriate websites carrying adverts for flat shares - including several for one bedroom and studio apartments - are attempting to lure young, single European women with the promise of discount rents in exchange for sex.

One advert, on a well-known Dubai website, says: "If you are looking to have a room at an affordable budget then I have an offer for you: Male expat, 36 years old, nice looking with good manners, is willing to rent a room against casual acquaintance and intimacy. We shall discuss further details if you agree on the main idea." ....

Well, since my flatmate recently got busted for bonking another girl (AND falling in love with her - silly man!), his fiance broke off the engagement, and I'm about to have a few spare rooms downstairs. I wonder what I should do with them? :D

Wicked Roger
10-26-06, 15:24
Well, since my flatmate recently got busted for bonking another girl (AND falling in love with her - silly man!), his fiance broke off the engagement, and I'm about to have a few spare rooms downstairs. I wonder what I should do wth them? :D

You know the answer - ask your boss, am sure Miss W will let you keep young ladies in your abode for sexual favours ;) If not I have the odd spare room if they like a commute ;) Just hope they like Greek lessons :)

Hope we catch up next week as you are leashed tonight. No matter FF and I will go Filipina pussy hunting at Seaview tonight - I also think the band is good.

11B if you read this and are in Seaview try ansd spot who we are :) Clue: am tall bald and fat like most of the punters and I do like Filipinas.


10-26-06, 16:39
11B if you read this and are in Seaview try ansd spot who we are :) Clue: am tall bald and fat like most of the punters and I do like Filipinas.
Well, since everyone except you and Piper are old, short, bald and fat, that should narrow it down to 90% of the clientel, myself included. ;)

I take that back, when JSF was in town, he made the contrast, being tall, muscular and blonde.

10-26-06, 16:55
Last week, actually, the last 4 weeks, everyday, my mobile would have missed calls, voice mail, sms's from certain ladies inquiring about what I was doing, my health, how I was, had I eaten yet, etc., etc. I was really touched by their genuine concern... so many caring women...

Now, this week. Nothing. Well, except for the usual sms's from Misses Thursday and Friday wanting to know what time they should arrive. But all that concern from all those other ladies seems to have disappeared... I can't figure it out. Any ideas?

10-26-06, 19:40
Last week, actually, the last 4 weeks, everyday, my mobile would have missed calls, voice mail, sms's from certain ladies inquiring about what I was doing, my health, how I was, had I eaten yet, etc., etc. I was really touched by their genuine concern... so many caring women...

Now, this week. Nothing. Well, except for the usual sms's from Misses Thursday and Friday wanting to know what time they should arrive. But all that concern from all those other ladies seems to have disappeared. I can't figure it out. Any ideas?You have another 11 months to wait till everyone starts "caring" again,bravo ;-)

10-26-06, 21:03
But all that concern from all those other ladies seems to have disappeared... I can't figure it out. Any ideas?
They probably all experiencied a simultaneous period...

As the old chestnut goes "anything that bleeds once a month and never dies, is not natural."

Wicked Roger
10-27-06, 16:55
Fellow Mongers

Had a great night in Dubai yesterday with FF. Everyone knows I like Filipinas so when FF told me of a bevy of newbie Filipinas at Seaview, that coupled with the excellent band was too much of a temptation. So met up with FF and off we went to the Seaview.

Now FF has already experienced the Filipinas effect and is, I think, becoming converted to those gloriously smoothe tight pussies, small frames and they speak good English unlike most of the PRC I have known bar the odd one…read on.

Get to Seaview, band very good, could shag 2 of the singers (not the bass player, not my type), Miss N (if she was in the UAE) would fancy at least one of them. Slow start to the night, trying to see if 11Bravo was there – trying to guess which bloke he was but many look the same in the half light to me. PRC exclusive to begin wit, a smattering of Africans later and then the Filipinas turn up.

FF and I enjoyed the ban, guitarist great, nice rendition of ‘Free Bird’ and Deep Purple tracks, not as impressed with the U2 covers, maybe it was the singer, the voice who knows.

When we know the Filipinas are around it is like bees to a honey pot (well fro me definitely), new, fresh ones all waiting for a nice man ;) or in our case men. FF had called ahead and his ‘date’ from the pervious night was coming. Despite that we looked and talked. Nice cute Angela looked delicious on the dance floor, a bit shy, obviously not a pro but another forced into it by false promises from other Filipinas (ie the mamasans and agents). She ended up speaking with Indians and Pakistanis but like most of them, they do not that ethnic group so when we left she was alone.

Few more PRC came and said hello, some knew FF from previous expeditions some just testing the water but no use it was a Filipina night..or was it because WR then saw Jessy. Cast your FRs back a long way to this PRC. 25 years old, tall, sweet, cute, shaved lovely figure, wonderful mover. She recognised me, we exchanged SMS first and then she came over. While not 50/50 for FF I think he was tempted, she was looking even better than before, hair longer etc. Kissed, spoke and really though of taking her as I know the menu well. But..she was taken someone at 1am was to call and she was going but not before we swapped more SMS and agreed either tomorrow( (Saturday) or when I am back from Europe. She really is delicious. Do a RTFF and you will find some pictures and FRs of her.

In the meantime and while SMSing Jessy etc up comes Michelle FF’s Filipina conquest from the other night, very fit, petite, sexy and fun. With her is Diane (later to be renamed Dirty Diane – I will FF give you the quotes).

Diane is petite, 24 years old, does mainly outcall on the behest of mamasan. Said she had been in Seaview 7 times but to FF and me she was a newbie as no idea where the toilet is for example. Another one falsely led to believe a job was hers in Dubai etc.

So we talked and drank, Diane drank loads of beer, got more pissed and more dirty. Hands down the jeans (my jeans) front and back, trying to touch Michelle’s rack I was putting my fingers where they should not be going in the middle of bar but they did and we got on well. FF and I enjoying the band and the company. Ladies wanted to dance – horror, oh no. Neither FF and I are dancers (well have you seen us) and neither of us would be agreed to wait until the end of the second set so the ladies could dance before we whisked them off to paradise - weel I think it is paradise mongers.

Now I like the Seaview band a lot and love to hear them but when the mojo is rising you want them to finish on time not do extra numbers! But they did..it was like watching the kettle boil – the more you wished they would stop the more they played on, it was bloody frustrating. FF and I were both eager top start the more carnal type of music (we did tell them we only dance in bed and on the sofa, the floor, in the kitchen…) so eventually FF bravely went to the dance floor and found them and we headed back to our separate places.

Diane, Dirty Diane. When she is drunk/tipsy she is very naughty, when sober (ie the morning) shy. All in all an interesting time for me. Newbie (ish) to the WG profession, trying to like it but really hates it, tries to make sure she avoids locals and keeps to westerners (as “they treat be the best”), with a mamasan saying hurry up your fine is Dhms 15,000 and go shag this local at this hotel. Impossible to keep the emotions in tack.

This emption issue thus shows itself by her getting slightly drunk so she can sort of enjoy what she does and then being very shy but so good in the sack when sober as she realises you are a nice guy, not an abuser and you show respect.

So what happened – well for you mongers who do not like us “porno posters” look away, close your eyes please

Naughty and very Dirty Diane

Lovely rack, shaved all over, did not like pictures (fine but she relented for a few), was shocked when I showed her the rabbit vibrator (I always travel with accessories mongers) but when I put in her very wet pussy and the clit she loved it, could not get enough while she BBBJ me. Great DATY after that, so wet, juicy and tasty. DFK excellent too after the first few goes.

Shagged long time despite the well heard words (for me at least) of “you come now?”, “you finish” – may stock response is no, I am malibog (horny), paraiyot (I fuck a lot) and I’m not like the other short timers with small dicks ;). She was somewhat surprised to hear that as most customers go the first round in 5 minutes – WR does not !

But is was very nice, more BBBJ in between, more DATY and DFK, generally very nice, with the vibro, digits in the backside, lube everywhere (sheets clean though FF I promised MK), and lots of serious shagging. She really goes like an energiser bunny but then….she hits the booze induced wall and just falls off! Yes after a seriously long first time we went to get water (her beer) and before she had opened it she fell asleep. No worries I needed a rest for the more important morning session.

Sober and Shy Diane

Now in the morning, she was very sober, sleepy but a quick feel of the pork sword told her WR was an early riser and she was interested. No vibro, no lube this time. But she did say I was a nice man, I did not hurt her, abuse her etc. She was very relaxed but the same as the evening sessions. Less dirty but, more demur but this were surprisingly sexy and turn on. Not that I need much with pretty young Filipinas in my bed ;)

Same as the evening less intensity, lots of straddling the sword and doggy this time, little mish, some finger probes but this was politely turned down. Great shower afterwards – I even brought my own towels for her and me (what a gent!).

Called FF but he was still going to do another round, I had to head back to AD and rather than take her to Diera I found her a taxi and gave her the taxi fare.

All in all an interesting night with her. Once they know you are kind, they tell you the life story. I like conversation hence I shy away from PRC. As always family to support etc.. heard many times but still I listen and take notes, show appreciation and sadness when required. Basically make them feel wanted and respected for a while, does not take much mongers and it will pay you back later.

FF will post his thoughts etc but I am certain he ie becoming hooked on Filipinas with the exception of Miss Gem who is a gem and one of the finest PRCs I have seen and felt up ;). Jessy is another and FF liked her I am sure despite his rules..

Greta night FF, thanks for the company. Thanks MK for the apartment. Nice to be back in old haunts, making sure the place resounded to the sounds of arse slapping a la WR style – you know those sounds MK ;)

Jessy on Saturday? What decisions I have to make guys, so hard and difficult, especially as Danielle is asking if I can take her again soon….

Keep hard and horny


My Kapitan
10-28-06, 06:37
lube everywhere (sheets clean though FF I promised MK), and lots of serious shagging.

Thanks MK for the apartment. Nice to be back in old haunts, making sure the place resounded to the sounds of arse slapping a la WR style – you know those sounds MK ;)

Glad the apartment is being out to good abuse - I mean use- I knew I could rely on you WR! I can however live without the arse slapping noises....

Glad you had fun. Fun of a different kind here - will report later on the apropriate thread.


Tercar 66
10-28-06, 08:38
As reported in my earlier post that me and my friends planned to jamup with indo and philipina maids last Friday, it did not work out and we met yesterday. Unforunately this time the philipinas could not make it the indo maid mamasan came with 3 other indo maids. One was a goodlooker other 2 we average. The only problem was the language as these girls speak only Indo and Arabic and none of our guys speak these languages though we understand a bit of arabic. There was nothing much to do as we could not converse with them so we took turns with all three and they charged us 100 for every pop and agreed for 50 the next time we called them. We told them to send the Philipinas next time because there will not be any language problem even if there is I speak Tagalog as good as any Philipino.

Wicked Roger
10-28-06, 08:48
Glad the apartment is being out to good abuse - I mean use- I knew I could rely on you WR! I can however live without the arse slapping noises....

Glad you had fun. Fun of a different kind here - will report later on the apropriate thread.


Always rely on me for such abuse ;) Place very clean, no condoms floating in the toilet, no shoes or clothes left behind. Very clean excpet my 'morals of Caligula' mongering behaviour!

Say hi to O, will watch for your FR appropriately, trust you have not visited that shop again?

See you next month


10-28-06, 09:26
Well, since everyone except you and Piper are old, short, bald and fat, that should narrow it down to 90% of the clientel, myself included. ;)

I take that back, when JSF was in town, he made the contrast, being tall, muscular and blonde.:)


Dxb Rocks
10-28-06, 09:58
Apologies for not having been able to access the forum for few days. Well , going through the last few posts I felt really happy 9 ( and jealous of course ) of mike's sexperience in premier. I have been there once in the past. Cant really remember how much was the entrance ..as I was not staying there, but I guess it was in line with cyclone. Lots of talent and most of them opening above 1000-1200 or even more. good selection though. After reading Mike's repost shall definietly be there again, and yes it would really help to have the details of these two maneaters, or shall we call them GHOST and the DARKNESS, if you know what I mean.

10-28-06, 13:46
Seaview, Friday, 9:15 - 11:30

Arrving early, got a table, no problem. Already, 6, 8 PRC's. By the band's start, place had filled up a bit, but still, plenty of room to move. Must say, bit disappointed in the band's first set - nothing wrong with it, just wouldn't be MY selection of songs. Agree bass player seems to be getting over her jet lag; nice to see her getting back to form.

For a weekend night, and the end of the eid holiday, surprisingly sparse, at least for the 1st set. Plenty of room to move around. Several known -stanis in residence, at least for awhile. Not paying attention, couldn't say if they had moved on to greener pastures, or scored an early gig. African door guard was missing; only saw 1 or 2 around. Some attractive PRC's, but they seemed to be, if not taken already, then having enough encouragement from a potential employer that they were sticking with THAT job interview.

Basically, looked like the standard weekday night. I had other plans, so didn't stay late.

Apologies for not having been able to access the forum for few days. Apology accepted.

As reported in my earlier post that me and my friends planned to jamup with indo and philipina maids last Friday, ... so we took turns with all three and they charged us 100 for every pop and agreed for 50 the next time we called them. Just goes to show some ladies have all the luck, having the high rollers to show them a good time.

Joe Banana
10-28-06, 15:54
Good news that Filipinas are now to be had at the Seaview. I have never understood why there are so few to be found in Dubai as WGs when there are so many working in hotels and restaurants there. I've not been to the Seaview for 2 or 3 months so will be sure to try when I am next in Dubai.
Where else can Filipinas be found lately?

Mike De H
10-28-06, 16:31
going through the last few posts I felt really happy 9 ( and jealous of course ) of mike's sexperience in premier.

yes it would really help to have the details of these two maneaters, or shall we call them GHOST and the DARKNESS, if you know what I mean.

It would seem my last post has caused these ladies some problem especially as I gave her number out by PM about ten times.

I mean, Bondage and Sado Masichism, lesbian punishment and stunning women all for under 1600! Where can you normally expect that shit outside of Fantazia of course!

Today she slammed the phone down on me, so watch this space.

10-28-06, 20:23
After running Miss Friday home, lazing around back at my place, watching some tv, when, surprise, surprise, my mobile rings. Actually, it is a surprise; semi-regular from early this year. She's back in dxb. Commented I hadn't seen her in the bars. She replied that since coming back, early September, just couldn't get up the ... I don't know, drive to go conduct business in the bars. "Before, no problem, business every day, but now..." With her looks, she's always been very successful.

Well, to welcome her back, invited her to come over for a few hours. Stipulation was, she had to find my place on her own, no help from me. Hour later, my doorbell was ringing... and it wasn't the PRC dvd saleslady. Besides everything else, she has a good memory [or maybe it's just that I'm so memorable ;)]. Seems that although she doesn't have the drive for the bars, old friends no problem.

As we were talking between heart stress tests, she mentioned that she's now proprietor of a 'knocking shop'. 5 newly arrived girls, no english, servicing chinese residents/visitors (didn't think there were all THAT many, but guess there is) as then language is no problem. Girls pay her a flat fee as rent to live there, everything else up to them. Hopefully, a safe cocoon while they make some money and study english so they can eventually metamorphose into bar girls.

She invited me over to check out the ladies... saying I could be her teaching assistant, helping them with their bar litany. Or she could send a couple over to my place, chinese taxi, for student exams.

Never fancied myself a teacher, but one should always consider his civic duty for the interest of the public...

Where else can Filipinas be found lately?Old joke, but in my exhaustion, couldn't resist:


I have never understood why there are so few to be found in Dubai as WGs when there are so many working in hotels and restaurants there. Maybe because they have legit jobs, and don't want to risk those, especially being in the tourist industry. All it would take would be a careless word from a hotel guest, or a spiteful word from a co-worker...


JSF: Even though not MY thing, your house reports are missed. When I was at York last Wednesday... just isn't the same.

10-29-06, 04:51
Hello felloow mongers,

I'm planning my 2nd trip to Dubai for a few days in Dec. Was there a few years ago and had a great fucking time. OK, now the dumb question. My stay will take me over a Sunday night. I'm guessing Sunday night is business as usual. Just looking for confimation.

Thanks in advance


10-29-06, 08:22
As we were talking between heart stress tests, she mentioned that she's now proprietor of a 'knocking shop'. 5 newly arrived girls, no english, servicing chinese residents/visitors (didn't think there were all THAT many, but guess there is) as then language is no problem. Girls pay her a flat fee as rent to live there, everything else up to them. Hopefully, a safe cocoon while they make some money and study english so they can eventually metamorphose into bar girls.

She invited me over to check out the ladies... saying I could be her teaching assistant, helping them with their bar litany. Or she could send a couple over to my place, chinese taxi, for student exams.

Never fancied myself a teacher, but one should always consider his civic duty for the interest of the public...
Old joke, but in my exhaustion, couldn't resist:

Maybe because they have legit jobs, and don't want to risk those, especially being in the tourist industry. All it would take would be a careless word from a hotel guest, or a spiteful word from a co-worker...


JSF: Even though not MY thing, your house reports are missed. When I was at York last Wednesday... just isn't the same.I miss the houses too mate. Things are so much more simpler there in dubai. Here it is not very easy to find WGs. Of course the usual Red light areas are there but the fare served up there is not appetising.

Wish I was there to help you in your teaching chores. That Chinese knocking shop does appeal to me and as you say it is our civic duty and we should not shy away from it ;)


Fifty Fifty
10-29-06, 09:16
Hi Folks,

Slightly delayed post due to proxy probs here in DXB.

Had another good night out in DXB on thursday. Miss Gem has got the decorators in so i am free of her for a few days once again. I know i shouldnt do it cos she is so good to me, but somehow i just cant resist.

WR read my previous report about a bevy of fairly new Pilipinas that had been in the Seaview over the past week or so and of course he was very interested. We made arrangements to meet up accordingly.

WR came down from AD and stayed in MK's place, met him at around 10 pm and off we went to the Seaview. I had been having Txt msg's all week from a certain Michelle who i had taken the previous thursday and she had been desperate to see me again (Obviously driven by the Boss encouraging her to keep up the business etc etc)

Entering the Seaview, band in action, pretty good crowd with lots of PRC and to WR's dismay no Pilipinas.
Had a beer and surveyed the scene, suddenly phone rings, it is Michelle.

Are you in Seaview (Yes)
Are you with some friend (Yes)
How many friend with you (One)
Ok we are coming now, see you in 15 minutes.

Then four other Pilipinas arrived and WR started to survey the options, very nice they were too. We were both interested in to fairly yng looking girls, both of whom were entirely new to me. I persuaded Wr to wait, saying that Michelle was on her way and to see what she was bringing with her.

We waited and Michelle duly arrived with a lovely little girl called Diane (Later to be known as 'Dirty Diane' by WR's report). Although she claimed to have been in DXB a while it was patently obvious that she was new to the Seaview and the game in general.

Surprisingly the gilrs got stuck into a few beers and we found ourselves having a good old time, the band were excellent and all going well. Quite a few of the PRC known to me (yes biblically) seemed kind of upset that the 'new' Pilipinas had moved in on the territory so quickly.

Things were getting a bit naughty with Diane turning out to be a real live wire, she was making WR very happy anyway - Fingers etc included.

With prices etc agreed, same deal as before was all that Michelle would tell me, I had to cast my mind back - all of a week and think, Oh yes tell the Boss it is 400 then give her 500 + taxi so she makes a bit etc etc.

WR was happy with the deal, apparently he always does the same, if the girl is good he gives extra without the Boss knowing.

Having been round the world in the last few months I am still not too happy with the Boss thing and prefer the PRC way of doing business. More on that subject later.

We were ready to leave, but the girls insisted on staying for a dance, I suspect this was also Boss driven as she kept passing every now and then to keep a check on the progress etc. Neither WR or myself do the dancing stuff - energy has to be reserved for later.

So whist the girls were dancing and WR was re-visiting a nice PRC called Jessy I had a quick chat with little Pilipina that i had taken for 300 late on last monday night / tuesday morning, She told me that she was just having a drink with some friends then going home, but that was not what the 2 local guys who were trying to chat her up thought ho ho ho. She seemed a little upset that i was already occupied, but wished me a good time.

Finally had to drag Michelle and Diane off the dance floor, well after 1 am and Diane was quite drunk, but still well up for some fun.

WR had suggested we try for a 4some, but Michelle was totally against it and not being my scene either, I declined the offer. Dropped WR and Diane at MK's place and carried on to mine.

Repeat of last week, including Tequila etc soon got Michelle telling me she missed me, loved me , blah blah blah.

Good old time in the 6' x 6' gym, what a nice girl, as near to GFE as it gets folks. We went at it till well after 4 am then retired gracefully.

WR called me just after 7, fancy waking a mate up like that. His girl was ready to leave, i told him mine wasnt and I would see him later. Apparently he had a very good time too.

Michelle said she had to go but didnt want to, she explained that she would incur a fine from her Boss of 100 Dhms for every hour after 8 am that she got home.

We had another session or so and she left at 11, worrying about the fine, but telling me she still didnt want to leave me. Fortunately the Boss was still asleep when Michelle got there and has no idea what time she got in, Diane has covered for her so no fine this time.

IMHO this Boss thing is a totally crap way of doing business. If you are going to operate a 'Balance' system where the girls owe so much, then what is wrong with the CIS method of having the girl fix her own price each night and make her own payments off the balance?

The bullshit in the bar where the Boss tries to get the girls to keep you there as long as possible to minimise the time alone together is also a bad move.

After all, if a girl is with a known punter, then the Boss is fairly certain that the money is going to be paid and all will be well, so why try and rip him off even further.

As for fining the girls for every hour that they are late etc is also a bad way to run a business. I like a lie in on Fridays and saturdays and I also enjoy a morning jump or two, the 8 am thing is killing that. After all the girls only go home to sleep.

If I can't have the morning service then I'm off back to PRC land where all is good and time appears to be no problem.

On another note - I had a fone call at midnight last night from the girl I had on monday/tuesday, told me she was at home, not at seaview but wanted to come to my place and see me etc etc.

This was obviously Boss driven as I know a lot of the Pilipina prefer to work off the fone and if they know a westerner the prefer to try for him as well.

The Boss system requires review, the girls are not happy and the punters are getting ripped off when compared to other methods. I have to agree with WR, the Pilpinas are lovely, almost all meet the 50:50 criteria and they speak good english too, but the time in bed per Dhm ratio is poor.

I would appreciate any other views on this one folks.

Regards, FF

Wicked Roger
10-29-06, 17:48

You and I (as well as MK) have discussed the Boss thing you write of. It’s a pain if you are not used to it but unlikely to change as the mamas an wants her cash (Dhms 15,000) and the WG needs to work for the family back home. Bastards – yes, unfair – yes but what can we do?? Well little is really the answer but the WGs (and I mean Filipinas in this term) like westerners as we are n ore gentle, more refined, respectful, treat them better etc so easier for them to take a white face than any other in their opinion.

For me, I speak with the mamas and try politely to point out basic economics – the WG will not work immediately at 8am, if she is looked after by me then she is OK not being abused and mamasan gets a happy WG (well so to speak) and her cash. With Miss N I did this and it worked and Mikka stayed with Loso69 well past closing time and she was OK for the same reason.

Also you will get missed calls from them as they prefer outcall not hanging around the Seaview. Once you like them and have them regularly even easier to speak with mamasan. I also suggest extras and pay but the WG will not tell mamas an. If they like 3somes or want to try then I arrange but they only see me so WG keeps the extra cash. That way you seen as a nice guy.

Next time we are in Seaview lets speak mamasan, she will be surprised but logic dictates you speak with the provider – the real provider. Politeness and manners cost nothing as the WGs prefer us to the Indians etc as they told us so worth a shot.


10-29-06, 17:55
I'm guessing Sunday night is business as usual.EVERY night is business as usual. With the new weekend schedule (Friday, Saturday), think of Sunday as logical Monday.

Cool Tiger
10-29-06, 18:50
I'm guessing Sunday night is business as usual. Just looking for confimation.

From my recollection, most clubs, if not all, are open on Sundays nights. Most destinations I've been to, WGs and the clubs they hang out from tend to be open 7 days a week. That's because those of us who don't think with our brains tend to think of it 24/7, lol.

10-29-06, 20:22
Thanks everyone for the information. Much appreciated.


Will B Have
10-30-06, 00:04
sorry, this newcomer's post is pretty long...


gentlemen, don't expect heavy porn, just 2 nights of recent ramadan impressions, and more general and touristic than just the lady's thing you'll be waiting for. dbx was a white spot on my girl's map; so here i went. me - some 20 years of experience in some 30 countries around the globe. recently more quiet and into freebies, so not a real contributor to the forum - yet.

golden rule: respect the ladies, and they'll respect you. fullstop.

lots of thanks to mk and especially 50/50. i did a lot of rtff but his support made the stay an even better one. great and friendly guide. hope you're doing well, gentlemen. lots of respect to many of the other authors. the thread is one of the most useful worldwide.

day 0: good night and good luck

only 2 1/2 transit days in dxb. so rush by taxi from airport to hotel (4p) by 2.15 a.m!!! clubs? too late!!! if that was not enough: ramadan!!! in short: forget it!!!
or so i thought. but enter - chain of pleasant surprises. airport taxi stops at hotel entrance, in jumps miss china to front seat, turns around, smiles: "hi. yu want massahs?" is that how they welcome their male guests here? love this hotel. being a shy guy, with the cabbie listening and the hotel guys opening the door i just heard myself stutter errr, no, err, thanks, and stumbled out of the car before i could even realize what was going on. taxi went on with her. first reaction: shit, how could i let this bird fly? will it ever get that easy again? perfect start on a day with no score to be expected. second reaction: better like that. grabbing the first one that comes along? nah. didn't even look at her. tired from the flight anyway. up to my room, ready to sleep by 3 a.m. funny: once every half hour some activity outside - peeping through the door revealed each time some girl walking into the elevator. is this bkk/nana or what? thought next time i'll open and say, honey, before you leave, what about another round in here? then again, none of the 2 more to come appeared to be pretty enough. 4 a.m. end of day 0. no score, as expected. and still could have had some 3 girls in that night without even leaving the hotel. amazing city, i guess. and so honestly islamic...

day 1: paradise now

got up much too late, 2 p.m. some ramadan sightseeing in the afternoon heat along the creek and the bazar there. nothing special, but nice. lots of men hanging around, pakistanis or whatever, waiting for sunset. the few poor women i saw - carrying heavy heavy shopping bags for preparing lunch for their hubbies. this place seems to be still in order ;-)

9 p.m. 50/50 and mk meet me at the hotel. off we were. first is. funny ramadan atmosphere, light on, no music, some 50 girls staring as if we were some robbie w. hardly any guys around. first talks surprisingly nice, not too pushy. some cute prcs, although i thought that's not my cup of tea. but - enter miss m, tall, cheeky smile, promising boobs...hey, wake up, man! too early to make decisions! still, she was cute, and within a few minutes we were already in gf mode, hugging, kissing (btw, in 20 years never had a girl which would not kiss or would charge for that, and i don't plan to change that. never quite got the concept described in some postings. if she would not kiss, that's a non-starter). the night too young to make a decision, so did some kind of reservation with miss m. (50/50 assured me she'd be here when - if - we came back later - not too many competitors). amazing city.

within walking distance: regal, york. a few dozen girls in each bar from the 3 main groups. all 5-8. chatting with some cis, nothing special. york actually even a bit better. then 50/50 wants/has to go back to is. okay, we go. no surprise: sweetie still there. by then 1 a.m. or so, so left with her to the hotel. lobby: no w.o.s., just friendly smiles, no stop, no questions asked, hand in hand straight to the elevator. night? great, everything you could ask for, full gfe, main positions and bbbj, 69, massages, whatever, you name it. i was still pretty tired, so no wild action, but as this girl stayed till 2 p.m. next day we had plenty time to go into everything. great attitude, lots of laughter, giggling, smiling, watching tv together, more honeymoon than business. i think i am quite demanding when it comes to looks, but i loved this my first chinese, wtf needs cis? head to toe good shape, no fat, soft but firm skin, lovely round big breasts, 1.70+, sweet smile, 28 (whether that is good or bad). nothing more to ask for. said (and 50/50 confirmed) she just newly arrived, early october.

funny: money not an issue. i knew how much the damage could be (50/50 had said don't pay more than 500), so as i often do in order not to destroy gfe - didn't talk money at all. neither did she mention it. she was already standing in the door on her way out, when i started the topic last minute, and still she played shy and it took a while until she whispered 'up to you', and only on repeated question: '500'. i might have spoilt the prices but had to give her 7, because my first dxb experience put me in a great mood, cause it was just so gf and fun (you know what weird things can happen if you're new to a place). i could marry her (i say these things on a daily basis, so forget it). only downside: language abilities limited, so talk might run out of topics a few years into our marriage.

day 2. monster's ball

after she left, 2 p.m., started to flirt with the receptionist. cutie from kenya. another incredibly sweet smile. in one former posting someone mentioned he got a blowjob by a kenyan reception lady. her? doubt it, there are several cheeky kenyans there. result of our chat: she upgraded me to a super-room. see golden rule above. by the way, 4p left nothing to wish for. not 5 star, but good 4 star, friendly staff, no wrong questions asked and through the internet just 370 (well, ramadan). downside: you get the lousier rooms if you book internet rate, that's why i was asking her for a new room.

went to the beach, some eye-contact with some russians, turned out their local boyfriends were not too far away. relatively boring beach, but sunny, hot, great warm sea. over the days lots of chats with the taxi drivers, all friendly, all either from india or pakistan, so i have an update on the kashmere conflict now. far away from home they don't have problems with each other anyway. another slave-trade still. these guys can fly home to their families only once every half year. tough. well, might not seem a tough perspective for some of you, gentlemen, but that's another story. so let's all step back and thank the lord or whoever for a minute how great our life is, so that we can do the things we do because we're so f.. lucky we were not born in south india or central china or borat's home town. in these 3 days i met lots of people of whom i am pretty sure they're cuter and more intelligent than me, and still they never got the chances i got. let's not forget that and treat them with respect. enough lecturing.

some driving around marina area, all those construction sites. fascinating city, and at the same time weird, artificial, hypocrite. mixed feelings. marina area seems to be great in the evening for finding freebies, if you have the bucks. so is whole dubai.
evening came and contrary to 50/50s advice i thought i'll go for the real stunners - c i s was written all over my face. that now means: cyclone. next golden rule: do the right timing. i didn't. couldn't make up my mind that night. by 10 in cyclone, a bit disappointed. not that much greater than is or york the night before, even many same faces. some talks with friendly prc's (6-7) followed by talks with bad-attitude-i-am-so-cute cis (6-7). one ukrainian stunner, but watching her closer: fake blond, heavy make up, 5-inch stilettos hid under jeans, seemingly huge boobs under a tight pullover. the latter was a warning sign. if ladies have something to show they show. sweaters? don't rely on that there is something under it, even if it looks like that. so the 1,75-blonde red-lips stunner turned into a 1,65 province girl at a closer look. and she gave me the 1500 answer to the magic question. no way. but when i finally decided i should check out other places it was already 1.15.a.m. so rushing to regal and york. uarghh! a real monster's ball. you guys know how ***** places look 5 min before they close. it was a hit and run. cuties long gone, so imagine "dusk till dawn", but after salma's transition. and it was non-attitude-night. a girl pestering me, hey, buy me a beer. no intention to do so, but following golden rule, i did a short circular survey walk and not being other attractions in sight, came back from the other side with a beer for the ethiopian whig queen. i present the free beer; she goes "oh no, wrong beer. want heineken." i love people who are so appreciative of gifts.

york disgusting, so i ran towards regal. well, by then almost 2. and, compared to york, regal at 2 is the return of the zombies. a cis blonde in her mid seventies tried to make a pass on me. shit. stuck. 2nd night was supposed to be even better than night 1. closing time. grrr. in my horror i sent a message to last night's babe: where are u? immediate reply: u want me to come to your hotel? that was quick. then, no, not the same one again. at least check out is first. should have known it: when i came to is she was already out in the street, saw me, waved, smiled. being a kind guy, no way out. off we went. somehow frustrated about this development of night 2. didn't want the same again. but then again - gave us the chance to do positions we hadn't tried the night before. no flaws. tattoo-lady was again 100% sweetieprettysexy.

day 3: farewell my concubine

my flight off dxb being in the night, had to check out by 8 p.m., so i knew nothing would work tonight. waking up at 2 p.m. still with hongkong sweety, kiss bye bye, flirt with the reception lady, brought her some chocolate for the upgrade, tried to get her for dinner - got a shy friendly 'next time'. to the beach and - my god, what a place is this - a blonde cis super-stunner lying there on this almost empty stretch. i mean this is an arab country, and this blondie lying there alone. probably a ramadan only phenomenon. the gorgeous babe was from lithuania. good for her (and somehow bad for me) she was definitely none of the cyclone crowd. perfect english. maybe some luxury wife. so wouldn't join me for dinner, but put it very nicely ("would be great, but can not, for personal reasons, hope you understand blabla") and polite. very rare: ee with nice attitude. don't get me wrong: if you get to know them close, they are even warmer than the rest of the world, it's only that the crowd you meet in places like cyclone are horror, but they have reason to. i am 100% follower of the cis-religion, but in many places, including dxb, it's not the nicest who come. meet them in their towns like charkiv or wolgograd. you'll find the real gems.

met with 50/50 again at 9. showed me places i hadnt seen yet - rattlesnake and seaview. r. better then expected - lots of cute chinese and the occasional cis, could have made a decision already for a huge-breast-nice-smile prc; but my last dbx hour was approaching. and so rushing to s. and there happened what always happens last minute. met the cutie i was long looking for - in this case a kirgis babe, fake blond, of course, but striking was her sweet attitude. 23 years, shy (not acting) and friendly. bad english, i got her sympathy with russian. showed me pictures of her 2yr old son back home and within 20 minutes i got a complete update on her life and cis-girl-trafficking including how much she's making per night, per month, how much she can keep (nothing), what happens if she's sick and things. poor girl. if you come across her, treat her nice, please. btw, tariff seems to be in the 700 region.
off i was. shit. airport. again: bunch of russian girls on their way home. delayed the departure because they came too late from airport shopping on their clack-clack stilettos and with dozens of gucci bags. these cis love to live up to their reputation. one of the most honest 'tribes'. but the last decades have made them - many of them - the most materialistic. pity

epilogue: 2 nights - too short for wild fantasies and weird experiences like in the postings below, sorry. will be back! results? well, impressions:


+ taxi-drivers, receptionists, whoever, all the foreigners who do the work. service-oriented, friendly. thanks, enjoyed your service (doubt they will ever read this)
+ prc-girls. not world-famous and not the highest in the dxb food chain, but seem to be friendly. especially miss m. absolutely great fun
+ ramadan. this handicap in my case turned into an asset: cheaper hotels, cheaper everything, less competitors, less loud music, easier choice, better attitude of girls
+ 50/50, mk. big thanks. good luck.


- whole slavery shit. i'm not naive and know the trade, however: this moron has the girls' passports, cash, everything, their lives. what the girls have is a mattress in a 10-or-so-girls-flat, a tough job and the hope to see their children half a year from now, which they probably won't. even in pattaya business seems more fair to me, not talking about the west. but here all dirhams go into some prick's latest porsche. well, i know, the girls knew that before. still, wish they'd kick the pimps out and take it in their own hands (and mouths). anyway, treat the ladies well. see ya.

editor's note: i certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

10-30-06, 08:56
Great atmospheric report. Good to be reminded of what it's like to be new in Dubai.

New Marina area is an up-and-coming place for play. Yes artificial - no doubt about that. (Two years ago it was a flat sandy desert beach area with no buildings. Now it looks like Gotham city). Very expensive area, so it's ironic that it's easier to get freebies. Lots of girls looking for rich boyfriends hang around there.

Mike De H
10-30-06, 10:00
Apologise not - long is better, just like wide!

seems to be great in the evening for finding freebies, if you have the bucks. So is whole Dubai.

I think that sums non P4P well, don't you? Nice Irony.

Don't get too hung up on the slavery thing. Some of what you are told is a little on the bleaker side, and there are many true independents. However, I often fear the comming revelution and the prick with the porsche is gonna get his, don't you worry.

10-30-06, 12:14
Deserving of a reports of distinction linkAgree with Barry D's comment when he linked to the reports of distinction.

One of the more enjoyable reads of late. Obviously someone who did his homework, knew what to expect, had a fun and successful visit. Might not have worked out perfectly, but obviously entertaining enough for a great time and a great FR.


If I can't have the morning service then I'm off back to PRC land where all is good and time appears to be no problem.Difference between being self-employed, setting your own hours, and working for someone else, having them set your hours for you.

You know it's a rip when the balance is in the 15k range.