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My Kapitan
10-30-06, 15:16
as mongerer’s we can hardly seek the higher moral ground and say how bad things are for the girls. it is us who are keeping the mamasan’s in business. as long as we and the hundreds of others continue to pay, the system will continue until the le finally crack down effectively. it’s not the oldest profession for no reason.

as ever the chinese will do things their way and i see no opportunity for a ‘review’ of how they conduct their business. wr’s speak to the boss plan is probably the best compromise – i.e. strike a deal, as has 50/50 with miss gem. fining the girl when she is late makes excellent business sense to the mamasan, more revenue for her, more pressure on the girl to go out and work again plus a girl immediately available for phone in customers.
it is unusual for a prc to be looking for a way out via the punter. this is in part due to the relative ease of visa renewal procedure for prcs. they appear to work and then go back to family.

filipino girls are often tricked into coming to non existent jobs and find they have to prostitute themselves. with so many filipino workers in real jobs there is a lot of potential to be seen selling their body and to be black listed at home; therefore they tend to be less visible and less promiscuously dressed in the clubs and certainly will refer to you as their boyfriend if asked by their peers. they will also want to be back in their accommodation early in to avoid embarrassing questions as to where they have been all night. filipino’s don’t ring my bell but i do feel sorry for them (sometimes).

cis work in a completely different manner. almost all the cis have absolutely no doubt whatsoever what they will be expected to do in dxb. most have run up debt and are going to dxb to clear the debt on their backs. most of the one’s i have known have few moral hangups about it either, they just see it as a way to pay the bills and support the family at home. frequently there is a russian mafia connection, although out and out pimping is hardly ever seen in dxb the strings are pulled none the less.

the cis girl is often looking for the knight in shinning armour to rescue her from the situation she is in, once she realizes how bad her situation is. where they go seriously wrong is on the visa issue and this is mainly due to the system the authorities adopt.

a cis under 30 will have great difficulty getting a visit visa through a reputable sponsor. often they end up in the hands of dubious locals, via mafia links, who will illegally retain (at best) or sell (frequently) their passports. result no visa, no passport, no way out other than getting help from a wealthy (relatively) expatriate or surrendering to the le (who often throw them back on the streets anyway).

so they will stay that hour/day longer, they will give you the gfe because they want you to be the bfe that saves them. out of interest the penalty for overstay is 100dhms per day plus a fine. if it runs to over a year (very common – miss k was up to 3 years – i met her in her first week) then a fine is negotiated, typically 12-20000dhms depending on whether the girl gets a ban (12months) or not (miss k’s scottish bfe paid 20k plus flights – she is now working in moscow but did avoid the ban). non payment of fine will result in a few months in sharjah jail, not pleasant but not too bad – at least there is a roof and they feed them!

we pay them to leave, so it comes down to you and how you want to play it. if you are an expat living in dxb go for the new girls as they will just want to work and go (content in the belief they are paying the balance) or indeed a prc. if you are a visitor and want cis it doesn’t matter how long they have been in country because they know you are unlikely to bail them out anyway and you won’t have time to build up a relationship, but you might just get the elusive gfe - especially if you tell them you are just at the start of a contract before moving into your company apartment.

now someone is going to say you shouldn’t lie to the girls.

get real, there is no morality in what we are doing, yes be a nice guy, yes buy them a meal, yes don’t abuse them, but please don’t say we have to be honest with them - after all you are not being honest with your wife!

my 2 cents (or tenge)


10-30-06, 16:27
what brought this on mk?

a fine speech, but probably better in the "morality of prostitution" thread.

way too much ground to cover in this thread.

i respectfully do not agree with some of your statements, based upon 9 years of dxb mongering experience, but certainly agree with some of them.

anyone else want a nice morality discussion (in the right thread?) i will join in.

Wicked Roger
10-30-06, 17:54
Sporadic, MK et al

I tend to agree with Mk but we have spoken on this privately many times and have heard of or seen the experiences MK states - which may be generalities but are fact.

Filipinas - definitely true, 'fine' is Dhms 15,000 now for 2 months after which the girls keep 50%. Greed from mamasan is what drives them so I speak with point out a few ecominic home truths and the girls I go with back me up as being nice, generous, not abusive. Thats why the Filipinas generally tend to focus on westerners for punters. Filipinas swing my boat and are good GFE once they trust you. Miss N is a good example of that.

But the shame of being a WG is what drives them to outcall and why you see so few in the bars (certainly in AD, and I am surprised, but pleasantly with Seaview) as there is a shame factor if other non Filipina WGs see them - its a small world

CIS - I bow to MK he has the knowledge. Miss K is/was known to me and her example is fact also.

Africans - no idea

PRC - these work, IMHO, in teams with someone (mamasan?) doing the visa runs etc. And they are out early. Jessy has to pay Dhms 2,500 - 3,000 a month (rent and visa run) - easy maths and that's why they actually earn cash for the family as they market longer, charge less in general and are reasonable GFE.

One Filipina WG I know would take 9 guys a day to clear her debt (no kidding) - I knew this so never bought from her. She was the exception in the Filipinas

But as someone said elsewhere, we are the lucky ones, we get to choose the WG does not and some MK and I have spoken with have stated they have been abused etc (not westerners).

So whether this should be elsewhere its a good discussion topic that FF raised. He and I will do more dicussion this week on this matter (and I will speak mamsan) when I am back in the UAE assuming he can let go of Miss Gem ;)

My tuppence worth (again!)


10-30-06, 18:33
But the shame of being a WG is what drives them to outcall and why you see so few in the bars Actually, one of the most wonderful WG´s I have ever met never went to a bar in her life. She was strictly word of mouth, and is now back in DXB, running a small string of "friends" only for her "friend-customers." She services highly placed locals, but has never forgotten her gentleman friends, (thank goodness, because I am not minted like our forum-mate Doggus)

JSF, you know who I am talking about.

From her point of view, bars = problems, select customers = a good time all around.

Mike De H
10-30-06, 18:56
With this retained passport thing.

Why not have their birth certificate sent to them (if indeed needed) and just go to the Russian embassy, or Uzbek, or whatever, claim their passport is lost, pay about 50 Euros and get a replacement passport. Then go to the airport and have their visa restamped.

When Visa run out time, skim a bit off the earnings put somewhere safe and buy a return ticket (again if needed) then get the hell out of dodge.

Come back later as an independent, if she wants. If the balance is not paid, you can usually do a deal! The pimps will always want money rather than problems.

But then I am not a semi educated 20 year old in with an intimidating bunch of pricks who are going to blacken your name back home and give you a damned good hiding to teach you the error of your ways if you get too smart. So maybe I answer my own question.

One disagreement with Sporadic is, that despite the fact there is a morality thread, the way the system works should be discussed here. The morality thread is likely to be avoided like the plague and sometimes its good to thrust the issues in peoples faces and make them deal with it.

It is important we know how the system works for our own protection and enjoyment. Opinions on how it works, interestingly, differs also. The girls do not tell the truth all the time, quite obviously. It is also important that all the posts here are not like, "Yeah, got this girl back, gang banged her, got some photos, came all over her face...blah blah blah". Its all part of the experience. If some would rather forget that side of things, then they areboring, boorish shallow uninteresting people.

10-30-06, 19:50
Why not have their birth certificate sent to them (if indeed needed) and just go to the Russian embassy, or Uzbek, or whatever, claim their passport is lost, pay about 50 Euros and get a replacement passport. Then go to the airport and have their visa restamped. When Visa run out time, skim a bit off the earnings put somewhere safe ...As you go on to state, think there would be many problems: where to deliver the paperwork; not like you want dhl showing up at your controlled apt's doorstep. how exactly do you find the time to get to the embassy, several trips you DON'T want your employer to find out what you're up to. I don't think you want to be caught 'skimming' money by these people... and like you say, even if you make it back home, perhaps some unwelcome visitors at your, or your family's door. Even just some 'gossip' spread around...With all due respect, easy if you're a westerner; not so easy if you are of the 'other' types.

Come back later as an independent, if she wants. If the balance is not paid, you can usually do a deal! The pimps will always want money rather than problems.Again, in my ignorance, question this. Like a loan shark, letting someone skip out on ANY balance owed, bad for 'business' in general. I do know that a CIS regular (yes, not totally unknown to me), a FL, her roommate ran afoul of a boss when she had just casually mentioned to a controlled girl that if she did not like her apt, she should find another. That word did get back, the 'boss' thought it was a poaching attempt, and 2 heavies showed up at the apt. door. How do I know? I was asked to escort the girls out of the apt.; they found alternate accomodations for a few days. Either of these guys could have pounded me into the ground with 3 fingers (think chicago linebacker), but, as you say, not worth the grief to cause LE problems when a westerner is 'mugged'.

Filipinas - definitely true, 'fine' is Dhms 15,000 now for 2 months after which the girls keep 50%. Like I posted, 15k is bs, sold into slavery. I'd be guessing that airfare is (rounding up), 2k dhs, visa another 2k (to grease some palms somewhere). 4k total.

I know 1 PRC (yes, different nationality) complaining she'd paid an agent a fee of 3.5k; after arriving here, found it could have been half that.

PRC - these work, IMHO, in teams with someone (mamasan?) doing the visa runs etc. Not really a mamasan. Just a well run support group, often the business who sponsored the visit visa in the 1st place. Anywhere from 800 to 1200 per visa run, all inclusive. It is not controlled as such, just a service offered, like when we take a 'package' tour somewhere.

Fifty Fifty
10-31-06, 09:05
Hi, Folks,

Wow it seems I sparked a somewhat interesting debate here in the Forum. My original post was only meant to give note to what I considered to be poor (mongering) value for money that some of us appear to be getting from the Filipino girls.

As for the request to discuss this elsehwere, in another thread maybe? I fully agree, as most others seem to, with Mike De H. If we started a Morality Thread on this issue it probably would be avoided like the plague, after all it is us mongerers who often do not have any morals when it comes to the girls and the game in general.

Why not discuss it here, after all it is our forum and apart from certain rules, an open one too.

I didn't originally intend for this to become the big moral/money/passport debate but would like to add my 'tuppence' as well.

My knowledge of the PRC system has improved somewhat recently as I have had the pleasure of a fairly long term relationship with Miss Gem. Basically I am covering her expenses to the system and that is all.

In general I find that the PRC's are well organised, live and work together. They do have a 'Mamasan' type character who organises them and keeps them on the right track, but the method of financing is different to all others.

The girls come here knowing exactly what they are to be doing, their passports are removed from them but they are not given a debt or 'balance' to pay off. Basically the sums (in DXB) are as follows:

Each girls pays 1000 Dhms rent and 1100 Dhms Visa money every month. Total 2100 Dhms.

Any other income goes directly into the girls pocket/mouth/family etc.

They live in a 3 bed apartment with 8 to a room, total monthly income from girls 50400 Dhms.

The apartment costs the boss approximately 10000 Dhms per month to rent and run.

Each girl renews Visa every 3 months at a cost of 600 Dhms to the boss (=24 x 200 Dhms/Mnth)

So the bottom line is Income 50000 Dhms Outgoings around 15000 Dhms = Profit 35000 Dhms

Of course there is the cost of air fares etc to outlay initially, pay off to authorities etc etc all eating into the margins.

Not a massive income, certainly does not fund that new Porsche, unless of course you consider operating a few more 'Houses' on this scale.

Filipinos are completely different, they arrive and are given an immediate 15000 Dhm debt to pay off. The girls live 10 together in a 2 bed apartment in Diera.

It is the duty of the mamasan/boss to get the 15000 Dhms back off them asap, therefore the hours restrictions, outcalls etc etc to drive the business. Each girl takes approximatley 2 months to repay the debt, some take less, but once paid she is freelance and finds herself out of the apartment and living elsewhere.

So the bottom line is each Boss has at any time ten girls paying around 7500 Dhms per month giving an income of 75000 Dhms. Outgoings are a lot less in Diera than Bur Dubai where the PRC live.

My argument stands - The Filipino system is set to make more money, the girls are being driven harder and the customer (us) is getting less gash for his cash to put it bluntly.

CIS system is similar to Filipino, but debt is much higher and payback time longer, with it basically being left to the girls to set their own routines.

At the end of the day you pay your money and take your pick, or do it the other way round if you are an experienced monger.

I originally wanted to say that the Filipino system of short-timing the punters to make the girls available for work is not one that I am happy with. We should as WR says approach the Boss and make a stance, talk to them and see if a deal can be arranged.

I know a Pilipina who would be so happy to know that she is going to be with me or other westerners long time rather than suffer the torture that 3 indians gave her on Sunday night. She only went with one from the Seaview but he had 2 mates waiting when they got to his place. The situation became bad for the girl so she called for help, it got worse before the help arrived, then she ended up with no money after all. Outcome: Girl hurt + debt still outstanding = Nobody happy.

Saw her last night and told her that I would have taken her, but the early morning departure routine is not for me, see how that works?

Anyway enough of this serious stuff, lets get the Forum back on track ie - Went out last night, picked up a (lovely) girl for x amount, did this, this and this, here are the pics. End of story.

Or shall we continue?



My Kapitan
10-31-06, 09:18
Mike DH – you answered your own question really.

What brought the rant on? 50 50 started this one not me, I’m glad you and other correspondents support debate on this issue.

UAE is not a free state; it just likes to pretend it is. Women are second class and non western foreign women are well down the hierarchy. Laws are applied at a whim and without consistency.

The lost passport ploy will only work once. Many FSU states do not have diplomatic missions in Dubai. One case I was intimately involved in ended up using an embassy in Turkey to get the ‘lost’ passport back, with literally weeks of correspondence to get a result. A friend went through a similar process with another girl I know and he ended up paying twice as the Arabic ‘lawyer’ did a runner with the money. You have little or no recourse here. The girls simply are not up to doing this alone.

Not paying the balance is a no no. Do you think people won’t be waiting in her country for her? The average balance is 6000USD for a CIS girl – that’s an average year’s income in some of these states. Bodies are found in the desert and beaches on a regular basis, it just doesn’t make the press very often.

Coming back to Dubai – it’s not like us with just a stamp or swipe of the e-card and an automatic 60 day visit visa, the girl’s visa has to be lodged at the airport in advance of arrival. The cost of a visa is 600dhms which has to be paid in country by the sponsor; I know I’ve done it so often and yet it is always a relief when the visa is issued.

It sometimes helps to be aware of the trials the girls endure to give us momentary pleasure.
Food for thought when you quibble over that 50dhm taxi fare ‘home’ or then again maybe not.


10-31-06, 09:47
MK, your overview of the 'business' aspects of a working girl's life abroad especially if she is of FSU origin strikes me as being very accurate - perhaps a bit more extreme in your sunny locale due to 'local' conditions. The recriminations available that you mention for a girl even thinking of skipping or missing out the 'balance' is also accurate in my experience. "Hell hath no fury than a Slavic Brother or Sister scorned or short changed" in these matters. The term I have heard from several girls for the Arranger of these visits is lovely and quaint : "My Empressario". Saying that, for the vast majority it is a matter of keeping your head down, working hard and non one denies it is hard work and hope to return home with several multiples of an annual income to buy an apartment or business after a few working trips. Cash is King and this is one of the few sources of cash for many.

As the 10's of thousands of girls working in the 'business' attest with all its drawbacks and some dangers for most it beats staying at home. They do usually respond well with increased service levels to being treated as ladies and human beings to the advantage of those of us who do so. Thanks for you insight into these matters. Most of us on the purchasing side of the counter give little real thought on how lucky we are by accident of birth and how relatively simple many governmental and life transactions are for us compared to the FSU citizens and many others.

Mike De H
10-31-06, 11:41
Mike DH – you answered your own question really.
Thats what I said! But I needed to know more about the why's and wherefore's.

What brought the rant on? 50 50 started this one not me,
Does not look like a rant to me, just something really worth reading for once with everybody making good points. "You started it, you invaded Poland" is not the point! Like you, I think such a debate is important especially important for all the newbies to research when first coming to Dubai. they al RTFF after all don't they?

UAE is not a free state; it just likes to pretend it is. Women are second class and non western foreign women are well down the hierarchy. Laws are applied at a whim and without consistency. [/quote}
Extremely good point ALWAYS to remember.

[quote]Not paying the balance is a no no. Do you think people won’t be waiting in her country for her?
I know business! Yes I think mostly they will be OK. since money paid is always better than a dead body to explain away. I do know one girl who ran away then got an intermediary to cut a deal / reduced rate. It worked for her. Of course she was then on her own when LE shit hit the fan and back in Uzbekistan, but in reality she always was anyway.

It sometimes helps to be aware of the trials the girls endure to give us momentary pleasure.
Here here!

Food for thought when you quibble over that 50dhm taxi fare ‘home’ or then again maybe not.
Extremely altruistic of you. Nice to see.

But then again I DO quibble over the taxi home, as you must have picked up from my previous posts. Howver I am not on a contractor's extortionate wages and have my own financial problems. That 50 Dhs, times say five for the week, makes a real difference to people like me, who also work very hard.

I must point out though; I have ALWAYS treated these girls with afecction and extreme respect. I do not offer false declarations of love to get the condom off and I do not negotiate directly with the Mamsan, bypassing the girl who has to "do the business", thus treating her like a piece of meat.

10-31-06, 12:22
My observations:

If you have mongered for any length of time you have dipped your... toe; into some sordid waters. Depending upon your personal experiences, and of those who serviced you, you can gain some insight into the beast.

While I personally know of happy, well adjusted, successful working girls, I have also met some real wrecks.

Everyone has a story, some are dead accurate, others fabricated, some scared the shit out of me, others made me yawn (a bad business decision, nothing more.)

I suggest that most of these girls are also operating under extreme ignorance, from "having an abortion wil make you sterile" to "it will cost me 25,000 Dhs for an exit visa."

I think the global "mafia" angle can be a little overblown, this is a technique used to manipulate the naive ones. Local "mafia" style tactics are a fact of life, they are protecting a business.

Most of these (FSU) ladies do face an extreme prejudice when they return to their countries, harassment at the airport (comes in two flavours, first general harassment "you were in DXB, you were a prostitute!" and the always popular "since you were in DXB, you have money, I want some." ) This is also the problem once home, people assume you were a pro, and you get the stares and murmurs of contempt, and then "friends" come out of the woodwork trying to borrow money from the "rich girl."

Other girls tend to notice the smiling, happy, rich-appearing newly returned girl, and consider their own foray to DXB, usually through the good offices of a returnee. It can be a pact of silence, if they tell the truth about DXB, then they must admit their own status.

Since most of them are quite young, they are quite suseptible to manipulation, of all kinds.

My personal mongering ethos is just that, mine. Nobody else cares, nor could I ever foist it upon another. That is just preaching.

The closer I examined the underbelly of the business, the more disgusted and sad I became. I will admit, I ignore as much as I possibly can in order not to spoil my fun. It IS a form of complicity.

10-31-06, 13:14
I suppose people want the numbers right?

That's an understatement!!!

10-31-06, 13:42

I am a silent reader of this forum and found very informative. I would like to know that is there any Thai or any MP with B2B MSG service. I have heard from someone that it is in Hotel located near SH.Zayed road. If anybody knows about it please let me know. You can PM me.

10-31-06, 16:06
Professional detachment is called for, exactly the same as you receive.

Some girls are undoutably duped into the sex trade, but whilst the demand continues it will remain a fact of the business.

Either LE completely bans the practice, or every monger takes the big morality pill and abstains.

Both of which will never happen, so as one who thoroughly enjoys the self indulgence and available excesses of the Dubai scene, and the fact I know and accept my weaknesses (if indeed that is what they are, or is it just part of the male genetic makeup? But that is another debate entirely) I see it as my duty to treat the girls with respect, try to share a good time with them and stick to my part of the bargain.

So to that end 6 of us are decending on DBX on the 30th for the 7's, for two of whom it is the first time, and intend to cover ourselves in vodka flavoured chocolate and stage dive off the bar in the Regal on the first night and see what happens.

10-31-06, 17:18
Quick note on Oxygen Bar.

Popped in there last night after surviving an evening with 1Ball (who was smart enough to go to bed at a reasonable hour to get up for work, unlike me). After dropping off 1Ball at his hotel, the other four of us popped into Oxygen Bar at Al Bustan Rotana for a drink and a bit of fun, midnigght to 2am.

Several WG's there now (but also many non-WGs). The WGs were in the younger (early 20s age-bracket), dressed well and kept low key. The straw in the beer and the way they interacted with the single guys was a dead-givaway. A few lighter-skinned Africans, Moroccans and CIS - all good quality. Worth a look.

... intend to cover ourselves in vodka flavoured chocolate and stage dive off the bar in the Regal on the first night and see what happens.LOL. The Regal girls will eat you alive!

10-31-06, 18:11
I am reading all what you wrote but many things I don't understand like PRC, WG, and I want to know how can I be in contact with you.
Plz help me because I am ganna visit Dubai on November 24th, I need all the help from you.This has GOT to be a send-up..., but what the hell, I'll play along.

1. Above the actual posts, at the top of them, see the line:
Support the Forum with your Subscription. It's only $19.95 per year!

Look above it, there is a small line of links:

Home Forums User CP Rules FAQ Abbreviations New Reports Search Quick Links Logout

Know what "Abbreviations" are? Click on THAT link, and a whole new world opens up.

2. My help? How about RTFF? Obviously you are not reading "all what you wrote". So how about RTFRODT (the last part of THAT abbreviation having something to do with a thread titled Reports of Distinction). Again, reading that thread (actually entails following the links to the actual posts) will again open up a whole new world. I'd HIGHLY recommend reading the 1st actual report there, on page 2, down at the bottom, titled "FAQ's", which has a number of links to things like: FAQ, Venues, Tips, Price Check, etc., etc. Then skim the descriptions looking for keywords like "summary", "reference", "hotel guide", etc. A treasure trove of good, concise info.

If you are still confused, may I suggest you are too young to be indulging in this hobby. Better give it another 5 years, then try again.

3. Be in contact with me? Only if by accident, we are at the airport immigration queue, and you are one of those who DON'T understand about personal space.

10-31-06, 19:33
Hello there,

I am anew person going to Dubai, I am reading all what you wrote but many things I don't understand

FAQ (frequently asked questions)
Posts of distinction thread (here for example)

After having my ass jumped for an innocent post (where are you Doggus?) I am extra sensitive these days ;)

10-31-06, 19:52
Hi Folks,

while I understand those here getting anoid by the repeated question of what to do, I have to stand with those asking too.

I still remember how difficult it was to sort out what is the name of the hotel and the bar and what is one referring to in this forum - it can be difficult for a newbie. It was one of my first trip to Dubai, after RTFF extensively, I jumped into a cab and told the driver to go to "TGIT" - no understanding. I repaeated, I repated slowly"Teee-Geee-I-Tee", no improvement at all, thus I had to translate"Thanks God it's Thursday", again no improvement. What I am doing wrong, that was the name from the RTFF. The magic word to the driver was Astoria Hotel. But difficult to find that out from RTFF.

Why do I post this? Just to raise some understanding for those who may have not the full understanding of the Dubai scenario.

On the other hand posting or PM a "Request numbers" message, is not only lazy, but stupid - sorry folks, that's it.

If I find some spare time I should complete my "Starters Guide to Dubai" (incl. Sporadic translation cards), will see what future brings.

Greetings to all of you,


10-31-06, 19:58

just me again. I do not know if I touch a secret or sensitive topic, but what is about the rumours about EK crews and there availibility for some extra cash?

Forgot the hotel which was mentioned, but I was also told just to give them the business card in flight and ask for a call.

Any experiences here - I was just to shy to approach the nice EK flight attendant. Maybe they try to kick my out of the plane at cruise level?!?

So would appreciate if someone can share its experiences.

Greetings to all of you,


10-31-06, 21:28

In my experience, in-flight, the available ones will make themselves known, this goes for any airline.

Nowadays, I would be shy about thrusting a card and an invite to a stew, it could be interpreted as "an aggressive act" and entail all the fun that comes with it! (detention, questioning etc once on the ground.)

During the late 80´s and all through the 90´s the majority of WG´s I had contact with were stews working as escorts while on layovers.

Quality was wonderful, price not an issue then (love those expense accounts!)

Stunners all, sight unseen, just letting my "fingers do the walking" to decent escort services in European capitals.

They were all interested in making some extra cash, but priced themselves directly into the "travelling businessman" market sector.

With the wide range of EK stews I am sure there are many who seek to supplement their income with trysts, obviously sitting in biz class or first helps in establishing your financial potential, thus success. Obviously, discretion is key here from her point of view.

Interestingly enough, I had ONE (among scores), only one poor experience with a stew (just a little too pro for my liking.)

There was one JAL stew in Frankfurt who spent two days with me after we "hit it off" the first night... Oh to recapture youth... ;)

Ps. What cards? They seem to have vanished! ;)

Wicked Roger
10-31-06, 21:53
In my experience, in-flight, the available ones will make themselves known, this goes for any airline. .

Agreed even if no WG just want come other company apart from crew on lay overs. Had a nice one recently, not P4P but just up for some fun with old fat bastard like me with the moral of Cagligula 

During the late 80´s and all through the 90´s the majority of WG´s I had contact with were stews working as escorts while on layovers. .

Quality was wonderful, price not an issue then (love those expense accounts!)

Stunners all, sight unseen, just letting my "fingers do the walking" to decent escort services in European capitals.

They were all interested in making some extra cash, but priced themselves directly into the "travelling businessman" market sector. [/QUOTE].

I remember those days – marvellous, wonderful

obviously sitting in biz class or first helps in establishing your financial potential, thus success. .

Absolutely, more chance to speak to the crew and the crew to speak with you, especially long haul

Even had a nice tryst with one of the Etihad ground crew from the lounges. CIS mid 20s blonde, I even asked MK for certain Russian words to romantically woo her ;) “Greek” was one of the words ;)


Zaya 25
10-31-06, 22:24

I agree with Sporadic comments. Just don’t shy, most of them accept your business card with smile! And if you seem to be interesting, you’ll be called for sure. But don’t forget this call can be sticky!

I was hunting a lot in this category but I understood after years and years it’s better to pay for everything at the same time to avoid of subsequences and problems! I agree with you also, it’s difficult to offer them cash in first instance but it’s also difficult to go out with them several times and then talk about business!

You can also find them in Zinc, Buda Bar, Pepper Mint (on Fridays) and some other bars but with totally a different looking! They are easy to be detected in bars.

Always there is a chance to fly as a Captain for couple of hours with Crew but in ground!

Wish you happy hunting,

Mike De H
10-31-06, 23:05
You can also find them in Zinc, Buda Bar, Pepper Mint (on Fridays) and some other bars but with totally a different looking! They are easy to be detected in bars.

Oops, got the apostrophie wrong. Never mind.

In Dubai, the bigwig businessmen who are my clients recommended I go to Peppermint to pick up a stewardess. The above is the nickname used. If you act rich, I was told, its easy.

I can confirm limited success in peppermint with an English girl. And thats a fat old git like me with no money!

As my main contact said to me, if you go with them you are too lazy to wank. Personally, I think thats a terrible slur. :)

My Kapitan
11-01-06, 03:45
Sporadic, MDH and Excess, 5050 et al thanks for the interesting debate.

Sporadic in particular hit the spot with clear insight and understanding of the way things are and the how he justifies our habit. It is a habit, despite having the love of a good woman I still crave the excitement of the new and find the scene hard to resist when off or indeed sometimes when still on the leash. Just read the regular guys posts for evidence of the obsession.

I was especially struck by the comments on harassment at the home airport. My non working GF always leaves her jewelry with me when going ‘home’ as although it all has immense sentimental value, it would be taken at her Country’s border.

I hope my comments have not been noted as preaching. That was not my intention when responding to 50’s comments. I will now leave the debate for others should they wish to continue it.


Wicked Roger
11-01-06, 05:43
I will now leave the debate for others should they wish to continue it.


What is happening to you? You depart the mongering shores of UAE and now you write very sensible sentences ;) Methinks you need some more moral guidance counselling from FF and me :)

Have emailed you.


11-01-06, 09:32
Whats the best way to avoid being recognized by lookie lous? My family is well known there. Am I limited to the gulf news classifieds if I dont want to risk being identified and hurting my relatives? Are there indians involved /w the classified girls too?

I dont have anything against Indians. I just dont want to hurt my family.

11-01-06, 09:35
LOL. The Regal girls will eat you alive!Do you have to pay extra for that?

My Kapitan
11-01-06, 14:34
Professional detachment is called for, exactly the same as you receive.So to that end 6 of us are decending on DBX on the 30th for the 7's, for two of whom it is the first time, and intend to cover ourselves in vodka flavoured chocolate and stage dive off the bar in the Regal on the first night and see what happens.

LoL who's going to detach the chocolate from you! I'll be back foir the 7s and this I have to see, brilliant.

11-01-06, 14:42
LoL who's going to detach the chocolate from you! I'll be back foir the 7s and this I have to see, brilliant.We will be the group of 6 fellas in the Cyclone/Regal/Hyatt/Seaview/Jockeys/Imperial grining like wanking japs.

Come and say Hi if you can get past the 4 netball teams we intend to recruit every night, each.

11-01-06, 14:47

just me again. I do not know if I touch a secret or sensitive topic, but what is about the rumours about EK crews and there availibility for some extra cash?

Forgot the hotel which was mentioned, but I was also told just to give them the business card in flight and ask for a call.

Any experiences here - I was just to shy to approach the nice EK flight attendant. Maybe they try to kick my out of the plane at cruise level?!?

So would appreciate if someone can share its experiences.

Greetings to all of you,

TomFlying EK to the 7's so will endevour to do some in flight research and post on the forum.

If you hear a loud screaming followed by a dull thud near the airport on the night of the 29th, the answer is probably no.

11-01-06, 16:08
The magic word to the driver was Astoria Hotel. But difficult to find that out from RTFF.

Just to raise some understanding for those who may have not the full understanding of the Dubai scenario.We were ALL new to dxb once. Believe me, I have NOT forgotten what it's like. When I arrived, the ONLY thing I knew about was some bar in a hotel, began with 'C', but for the life of me, could not remember the full name. Not like you can ask at the front desk. Only a FEW internet cafes in town in those days, out to Satwa via Lonely Planet guide book to find one, wsg blocked (of course). FR's? Try reading alt.sex.prostitution, via 'deja vu', for the desired info (and if you understand THOSE references, then, like me, you have been around for a LONG time). (For the record, Cyclone is NOT in a hotel.)

Then, once access to wsg established (there are ways as discussed elsewhere), some homework, and it was Imperial Suites. An embarrassing long time to discover that there were TWO bars, that the one that could be entered via the lobby was the SMALL one, and that the outside wooden door to the left of the hotel entrance did NOT lead to an INDIAN club (but rather to the LARGE P4P bar).

Seaview? Back then, never mentioned on the forum. WG I'd pull semi-regularly from an afternoon's TGIT did mention that her office was there, it being a small bar. Who needed a small bar with its implied small staff of providers? A suggestion from another punter, EverReady, made me seek it out.

That's why the FAQ Venue:


points to:


which says:
TGIT: Bar inside Astoria Hotel, ground floor. Opposite side of hotel reception. Bur Dubai (Bur Dubai area).


11-01-06, 16:37
I partially agree with you Tom2004. It seems some folks are unneccssarily attacking inexperienced users. Just last week, somebody chewed my head off when I simply asked for an update on a hotel situation.

ON THE OTHER HAND, whoever said "there's no such thing as a stupid question" has clearly never visited this forum. I routinely receive PMs from one-day-old newbies requesting phone numbers. I don't even bother responding to them anymore. And some new users post the DUMBEST questions like: "Hey Sporadic, 11Bravo, Wicked Roger and other veterans, please email me every single WG contact in Dubai along with your home address, mobile number and your first-born child."

Ok, ok, I'm exaggerating, but it's not far from the truth.

IMHO, there is plenty of blame to go around. Newbies need to make an effort to at least read the FAQ and Reports of Distinction.
And veterans need to understand that not everybody has time to go back and sift through 3 years worth of full reports to research a more difficult question that could be answered again (politely) in 3 seconds.

PS: I will be in Dubai in a few weeks if anybody would like to meet over a pint and pummel me in person!

Wicked Roger
11-01-06, 17:05
PS: I will be in Dubai in a few weeks if anybody would like to meet over a pint and pummel me in person!

Thanks good point and some us do actually get that sort of PM!

Just PM nearer the time and we can catch up good to meet another ISG monger.


11-01-06, 18:38
Hi Folks,

what a day....

Okay 11Bravo, you got me, going to the pictures section is maybe not really RTFF and my only argument is it was end of 2003 when I came there. Anyhow, I am not accusing, just to lobby for some mutal understanding. No question, the request for easy contact remain silly, no doubt.

Thank for the comments on the air hostesses - I feeling like a fool.
Yes I am frequently travelling, have the luxery of business class seats, best status at airline and hotel, getting even recognised by cabin crew with remembering a previous trip together (no, no, not becaus of my terrible behavoiur) and......failed to make the thig happened.

Tomorrow morning I will order some business cards with my secret phone and e-mail contact, but not giving out my company card.

In principle I do prefer to "pay for sex" in order to avoid problems, no calls at home, no messages, etc. But the thing with the crews is tempting. I will educate my self.

Well thanks for all the tips, will see what happens next to me. And if it will not work in some of the mentioned venues I can still return to the Golden Triangle for some satisfaction.

Greetings to all of you,
stay safe,

Mike De H
11-01-06, 18:44
A sticky at the top of "General Info" or even some other sort of header, that says

"New to Dubai / UAE? Where do I go, what do I do?".

Then the newbie would have it all on a plate. Culture, where girls hang out, where to eat, then a link to the report of distinction with girl friendly hotels and finally a link to the maps and bar lists. All the abreviations would be spelled out first, kind of like a "Welcome Mat". It would also say in capitals "DO NOT ASK FOR TELEPHONE NUMBERS".

Almost like a "Lonely Planet Guide. Then if people still won't look at that and ask the dumb questions, then flame their arse by all means.

Frankly, the "Reports Of Distinction" list just does not cut it. When I first came back in January, I had no idea what ISG was, nor WSG. How I managed, was on www.ignatzmice.com I had a good record and posted a question "Who knows anything about Dubai" and back came lots of answers, the best of which was a three page essay by "TwoSoreFeet" who told me everything I needed and for four trips I carried a hard copy around!.

But there is no sticky, and no provision to put an Intro Section on the thread.

So this post was wasted.

But I enjoyed writing it. Maybe I should post TwoSoreFeet's answer.

Cool Tiger
11-01-06, 20:22
Tomorrow morning I will order some business cards with my secret phone and e-mail contact, but not giving out my company card.


No doubt, with all this EK Et Al Cabin Crew talk, there will be quite a few posters, myself included, who will now go away and get their alternative business cards printed, lol.

I'm not that creative, so any thoughts on "name" of my company / employer??

11-01-06, 20:22
Then the newbie would have it all on a plate. Culture, where girls hang out, where to eat, then a link to the report of distinction with girl friendly hotels and finally a link to the maps and bar lists. All the abreviations would be spelled out first, kind of like a "Welcome Mat".

No problem: "Support Sporadic with your Subscription. It's only $19.95 per year!"

I will happily answer any and all questions for a small subscription fee! ;)

Seriously, I am all for a new-guy guide, but the bottom line is, it already exists!
Yes, I know it takes a little digging, but can you imagine how much digging it took before there was a P.O.D. thread?

As for the other guy´s guide to DXB, ask him. If he does not mind, by all means post it! Any and all info is welcome, we can ALL learn from the experiences of others, hence a forum.

11-01-06, 20:28
No doubt, with all this EK Et Al Cabin Crew talk, there will be quite a few posters, myself included, who will now go away and get their alternative business cards printed, lol.

I'm not that creative, so any thoughts on "name" of my company / employer??

How about that fine old firm of: "Cool Tiger seeks Hot Pussy Unlimited" ?

11-01-06, 20:32
CT, this could be your chance to "upgrade" yourself for real. How about becoming a Hollywood producer for Universal studios? Bs is BS, go for the BIG lie! ;)

One time on Gulf air from LHR, a stew was convinced I was somebody important, my denials only made her more determined, got an instant upgrade to first from biz, lots of attention... ;) I do feel sorry for whoever she thought I was though, he must be fugly.

Tercar 66
11-02-06, 09:44
I get PM's from some members asking for contacts. I am hesitant as most of them who ask me are junior members. I am not sure if any of those are cops. If these few inhouse and contacts are raided I will have to sit and jerk off as I cannot afford to pick up for 700 & 1000 from night clubs every week.

The inhouse contact that I have is totally safe as the building watchman is also on the take. He gets a weekly allowance from the person who runs the joint. Medcals for HIV is done before the come and they keep changing the girls every month. This is not foolproof, but I take their word for it. Most of them are Russaians.As for this villa for Indonesian and Philipinas , I will give their contact after my second expreince with them but that too only to any senior member, who from their posts I feel do not need my contacts.
I hope you new commers understand. I don't mind giving these numbers to any senior members or the one who regurlarly post.

11-02-06, 10:41
Hey, I have been promoted to a Regular!

That's as good an excuse for a Friday lunchtime pint or three :)

Don't be too harsh fellas, remember newbies might not have the confidence and drive others of us do when it comes to mongering, it does take a few goes to get your mojo working and to stop giving a toss about what you look/sound like and realise the dollar is your real appeal, and realise half the fun is doing your own field research and coming up with your own stable of contacts if that's what you want.

Or they might be completely computer illiterate and unable to work out there are the listings they require clearly labelled in Reports of Distinction.

Or they might be bone idle bastards looking for a quick fix answer or who can't be arsed to do their own digging or post some Field Reports (FR if you hav'nt worked it out yet) for the entertainment of the rest of us and payback to this outstanding repositry of knowledge.

Or they might have genuinely searched for the info they require and struck out and need a helping hand.

However, the PM'ers asking for numbers and contacts are either taking the [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) or so timid they should think of taking up another hobby before they get eaten alive by the girls out there, or LE looking for an easy bust.

I think that about covers it? I guess it is a personal thing about how you are registering on your own altruisitc-o-meter on the day.

Remember all and repeat after me teh mantra "Karma is karma. What goes around comes around. Give ye to the ISG and ye shall receive".

11-02-06, 10:51
CT, this could be your chance to "upgrade" yourself for real. How about becoming a Hollywood producer for Universal studios? Bs is BS, go for the BIG lie! ;)

One time on Gulf air from LHR, a stew was convinced I was somebody important, my denials only made her more determined, got an instant upgrade to first from biz, lots of attention... ;) I do feel sorry for whoever she thought I was though, he must be fugly.We had a couple of nights in Beirut where on one we were the European Management Team for Buddha Bar looking to open there, free drinks in most of the bars and they knew who we were before we got to the door, and another when we were setting up a Model Agency for Leb girls to work in Meditteranean and South American countries. We were beating them off with shitty sticks and ended up in a private apartment partying with 9 Lebanese honeys and 5 of us got laid.

It pays to lie and never use your real name.

Mike De H
11-02-06, 10:52
As for the other guy´s guide to DXB, ask him. If he does not mind, by all means post it! Any and all info is welcome, we can ALL learn from the experiences of others, hence a forum.

Thats the whole point. I can post it, but its lost. The reports of distinction, is, IMHO absolutely useless.

The info here takes too long to dig and is beyond the capacity of most people to search.

If we are really serious about cutting down the number of dumb questions then we would arrange a "sticky" or a Header section with info.

Maybe though, we just like to slap down Newbies who as for help because they do not know the information is there. THIS is why they don't look first, because many forums do not have the depth of information this one has, and so they post without research first. Also many other forums don't mind. (Anything for a bit of action on some threads!).


11-02-06, 11:26
Thats the whole point. I can post it, but its lost. The reports of distinction, is, IMHO absolutely useless.

If we are really serious about cutting down the number of dumb questions then we would arrange a "sticky" or a Header section with info.

Mike I appreciate your point of view, and agree that things could possibly be arranged better for the new guys.

This is not my forum, it is Jackson´s business, his to do with what he likes. We (grandfathered senior members) are allowed to use it free (presumably for the contributions we make to the body of info) but I have no control over the software he uses, nor the administration of the site.

Some people spent quite a bit of time compiling good tidbits of info, and posting them as a sort of guide, clubs, venues, the hotel list for example.

When that unpaid (and unappreciated it would seem by the 1-posters) work goes unread and unheeded... well, I guess some frustration results.

Rather than just whinge about it, I will go grab some of what I would call essential reading, make up a jumbo post, and re-post it at the top of the POD thread.

Reposting it every few weeks should at least make it visible.

Anybody got any other ideas? I am all ears.

11-02-06, 11:38
Anybody got any other ideas? I am all ears.From your FR's we thought you were all cock.

11-02-06, 11:43
I'm with Mike on this one. A sticky with "FAQ" or "beginner's guide" will minimize the number of beginner's questions. I usually don't mind seeing beginner's questions. We were all newbies once, and their questions are often more interesting than the same ole repetitive "RTFF" replies.

Anyway, enough of this boring stuff. How about some more one-handed hot field reports?!!!! Or do I have to bore you with *MY* trolly-dolly story from 10 years ago?

Allrighty. Fade to dream sequence ...

She was a half-Fijian, half-Australian slim stunner. She was off-duty and on her way to New Zealand for a short break. I was on the way to a conference. The plane was half-empty. As I looked for a good seat, I saw there was a seat empty next to her. She smiled at me just a little too long, and I took it as an invitation. She blushed as I sat next to her and gave her my best "Patrick Swayze" look into her eyes and crooked smile. I opened my conference book, accidentally to the page with my photo and title, and made sure it was at an angle that she could read out of the corner of her eye. After a few minutes she struck up a conversation ...

Later that evening in Auckland ... dinner ... shy knowing looks ... laughter ... wine ... hotel room ... more wine ...


Edit in: I just changed my mind about newbie questions, after reading a PM from someone asking me to help them with their mongering in Kiev. RTFF!

Mike De H
11-02-06, 13:11
Later that evening in Auckland ... dinner ... shy knowing looks ... laughter ... wine ... hotel room ... more wine ...

Then she got her pre-op todger out and shagged you up the arse :D ?

11-02-06, 13:14
Mike - you can do better than that! I left that post open for a witty retort. ;)

Hint: "Fade to dream sequence ..."

11-02-06, 13:18
I am hesitant as most of them who ask me are junior members. I am not sure if any of those are cops.I think LE is the LEAST of the worries. They know what's going on where. I'd be more concerned about a group of unknowns showing up on the doorstep, demanding entrance AND service at THEIR price, or else.

Just check out Page 2 of today's Gulf News. Or 50/50's report of the Seaview's Philipina's plight of awhile back (All had to do with 1-on-1's turning into many unwanteds on 1. The Gulf News CIS, besides being beaten up, held captive, escaping to the hotel's front desk for help, now has a court case for prostitution.

Well 11 bravo, you are so senior not to help a person who asked for help but instead you are making jokes.Your questions were answered. If you don't like the form of those answers... as is commonly heard in the bars here, "Up to you."

I am not accusing...Did not take it as such. All I'm saying is, punters with questions should take an hour; follow the links in the Reports of Distinction, starting from the last page forward; and do some reading. That's why that thread is there; reading the 100+ pages of the dubai thread would be a bit daunting, especially while trying to extract some info. (Believe me, I KNOW; how much fun do you think it was parsing the hotel thread to build the hotel list?)

Shame there is no "sticky" for newbiesPoint taken, but a little curiosity (as in "what are those other threads about"), along with some reading, and getting a feel for the UAE threads' layout before posting, goes a long way.

But I will send Jackson a message, suggesting a top-level FAQ thread, which would be exactly that, FAQ's (well, hopefully).

Yes, I know it takes a little digging, but can you imagine how much digging it took before there was a P.O.D. thread? A pain in the ass, the only pleasure being the crafting of a successful search term.

Any and all info is welcome, we can ALL learn from the experiences of others, hence a forum.Agree there. I certainly would have missed Seaview if it had not been for EverReady.

Thats the whole point. I can post it, but its lost. The reports of distinction, is, IMHO absolutely useless. ...
THIS is why they don't look first, because many forums do not have the depth of information this one has, and so they post without research first.I disagree. It might not be the best solution, but like Sporadic says, it's better "now" than "before".

I think just a little common sense is needed, as on any forum, as in, "Hmmmm, that's a common question, I'll bet someone's asked it before, let me look around a bit for the answer."

Reposting it every few weeks should at least make it visible.
Anybody got any other ideas? I am all ears.That was just the "lesser" solution I sent to Jackson. But maybe he will see the benefit of establishing a FAQ thread. That way, ROD's (reports of distinction) can go in the one, true FAQ's in the other. With the current scheme, after reading 6, 7, 8 of those FR's, it seems a number of punters don't continue on to page ">1" to find the "general" info (FAQ's often 1st posted there).

11-02-06, 14:21
This is a bit late, but just saw this promotion from eti*alat:

Register for free before 3rd November for continuous off-peak (rapacious) rates to 1 local and 1 international number between 5 Nov and 4 Dec.

sms to 1010: r fn <local number> <space> <international number>

Make sure to include area codes/country codes:

e.g. r fn 0501234567 0091xxxxxxxxxx

Still have 6 hours...

Tony #1
11-02-06, 17:39
Piper if i ever meet you i'll buy u apint, or a bottle of vodka, for a reward, coz the girl you banged in your picture looks nasty. PIPER i owe you a beer for making me and my friend laugh so much. Heres to Piper HAHA LOL!!

11-02-06, 18:44
Mike - you can do better than that! I left that post open for a witty retort. ;)

Hint: "Fade to dream sequence ..."
I discovered I actually had a penis, then the Nigerian girls said "Mbeckali, bwana, bawana, Ntogo baweelie" (you are my dream, oilfield engineer, sink that shaft!) then I got a raise, and a salary increase! ;)

11-02-06, 19:02
All I'm saying is, punters with questions should take an hour; follow the links in the Reports of Distinction, starting from the last page forward; and do some reading. Bravo, you and I are dinosaurs around here, that is the old school internet attitude (yes Virginia, there WAS an internet before the WWW) It would appear that the instant gratification gene has become dominant.

I read for two weeks to get the feel of the forum before my first post.

But I will send Jackson a message, suggesting a top-level FAQ thread, which would be exactly that, FAQ's (well, hopefully).
Done that same thing a Looong time ago, Mr. J is busy.

I am not being a critic here, Mr. J runs a fine forum that I have gotten tons of great info from (not just DXB stuff) and I do appreciate it, BUT, to expect any real attention to our little community is a little naive. We are only the pimple on the boil on the carbunckle.

So, Bravo has done more than his share, BC put together a nice guidebook, I even did a little "editing", who is the volunteer to spend several hours getting the wheat from the chaff and posting it?

Member #1071
11-02-06, 21:46
Finally was able to connect to the forum. I just moved to the Marina area and subscribed for internet services at Media City and found out there is no blocked sites, unlike Itisalat subscription.
I go regularly to a massage parlor, they keep changing locations and staff every now and then, I guess for security reason.
Almost every time the girls ask me do you want hard or soft massage? I used to opt for the hard massage every time. This time I decided I will ask for a soft massage session. It turned out the soft massage is the sexy massage with nipples running all over you and mild scratches in places you nevery knew existed.
So lesson learned, when asked soft or hard, just ask for the former.

11-03-06, 00:58
Tony - I have no idea which girl you're talking about. Stop being such a Tony, and put your hand back on the keyboard.

Bravo and Sporadic - you're great contributors and originals here, but I'm sorry to say, as I'm sure you know, that 99% of people click onto this site to get info or check pics, not to work out how to use the search engine or to read the "Reports of Distinction". (Sporadic, as you've pointed out a few times, the "I certainly hope someone will post this in the R.O.D." is a bit suss anyway. IMHO, It's an automatic feature).


Answer to dream sequence: "And then I woke up". (But, Mr. Sporadic, I will check the online translater tomorrow. Swahili is sexy, especially when it comes from the plump lips of an African girl. ;))

11-03-06, 01:09
Went to "The Boudoir" tonight - the number one nightclub for "The Beautiful People" in Dubai. They let me in anyway (thanks to the beautiful people I was with). Dubai really is a small place: I bumped into my flatmate's ex-fiance, and a girl from work who was intimidated by seeing me while she was licking the face of a guy she'd just met (she acts straight at work, and so do I, plus I'm a manager, which didn't help the situation). Also saw a local guy who I'd had trouble with a couple of years ago. None of the above wanted to see me in Boudoir tonight, and I didn't want to see them. Boudoir was full of stunning young model look-alikes going nowhere, showing their beauty then going home alone.

Give me a WG club anyday. Life is more honest there (ie you're gonna get laid if you want to).

Yes, there were a few WG's there - mainly Turkish and Iranian, and they looked high-priced. I'm still on the leash, so didn't enquire about prices.

PS - if you think Regal, York, etc are crowded on a weekend night, avoid meat-markets like Boudoir.

Wicked Roger
11-03-06, 03:51
I'm still on the leash, so didn't enquire about prices.


About time the leash was eased a bit isn't it or are you still paying for the Kamaga jelly affair. Abouit time I met Miss W agian and charmed her again?

Am up tomorrow afternoon for a few hours so if you are free for coffee we can go for a sup or 2 - am sure you know where to go ;)

As for Boudoir, would be interesting to see, I am a beautiful person ;) - well at least my Filipina ladies tell me that and who I am to disbelieve them.

See you soon


11-03-06, 05:50
So, Bravo has done more than his share, BC put together a nice guidebook, I even did a little "editing", who is the volunteer to spend several hours getting the wheat from the chaff and posting it?From personal experience I don’t think you will stop the obvious questions. No matter how easy it is to find the answers some people will just not look.

Others won’t like what they read (you mean I may have to venture outside my hotel!) or they will be convinced there is a bar full of Dongan amputee WGs somewhere and people are just holding back.

Even if you posted the contacts for every WG in Dubai you would be flooded with PM asking “Who is the hottest Jing Jing or Ding Ding” or how has the best rack “Natasha or Marina”.

That is not to say making things easier for those prepared to do a little research is not worth while, but don’t expect miracles.

11-03-06, 08:20
or they will be convinced there is a bar full of Dongan amputee WGs somewhere and people are just holding back.you forgot to mention that they are all contortionists as well! Long live the Fantasia!

Mike De H
11-03-06, 09:23
Others won’t like what they read (you mean I may have to venture outside my hotel!) or they will be convinced there is a bar full of Dongan amputee WGs somewhere and people are just holding back.

Even if you posted the contacts for every WG in Dubai you would be flooded with PM asking “Who is the hottest Jing Jing or Ding Ding” or how has the best rack “Natasha or Marina”.

Because you are right :(

Does anyone remember endless repetitions of: "know where I can get hot, hot Pakistani girls ?" with never any reply. In desperation he was reffered to PIA RAOFL

My IE has a feature, where it pulls up suggestions for you based upon other peoples entries to that text box. When I put it the first "Y" of the title box, up comes "Your Blonde Fave" as a suggestion. Execution too good for 'em, thats what I say.

11-03-06, 09:44
From personal experience I don’t think you will stop the obvious questions. No matter how easy it is to find the answers some people will just not look..Also the regular contributors. Piper, 11B, MK, WR, 50 etc are victims of their own success.

With your combined experience and fearless investgative journalism with no thought for your own personal safety, you have all ended up as a kind of Oracle with this mystic aura, like spiders sitting in the middle of the big web of information and opportunity.

No wonder you are plagued with PM's and numpty questions.

Still, don't go changin' fellas. Life would be all the duller without your contributions and I for one greatly appreciate the entertaining and informative reports. They are a both a real barometer for the climate in arguable the best p4p city in the world and brighten an otherwise often monotonous working day here in Blighty.

Besides, once someone has mongered in DBX once, the mists part and one achieves enlightenment and it all becomes so simple.

All the rest of us mortals can do is offer some type of payback with our more irregular FR's and post any useful info we glean along the way.

Senior members, I salute you.

Dxb Rocks
11-03-06, 13:40
[QUOTE=Slugger]Besides, once someone has mongered in DBX once, the mists part and one achieves enlightenment and it all becomes so simple.

Agree with slugger on this. The first time I was in Dxb I had absolutely no idea where to turn and what to expect. But then. The mist parted and it was actually way to simple but the modus operandi is slightly different and dearer from other mongering heavens like Rio or Bangkok.

No doubt this forum makes things lot easier for junior members if only they try to do some homework. As for me this is a must like Lonelyplanet series before I travel anywhere.

But having said that, I must say that it becomes a bit frustrating at times to dig up a specific info. As the members seem to be tight lipped about it. Recent examples being russian house address or fantasia details. And we all need time to become senior members. But then where there's a will there's always a way. And I will always try and share my info. Beecause thats what we are here for isn't it?

Mike De H
11-03-06, 18:54

I just wanna give areveiw for the medical veiw for sex;

I don't think you have the faintest clue what you are talking about, the post is badly written and the so called "factual" content quite out of step with current medical thinkng.

11-03-06, 19:16
medical warning. Good luck and play it safe. I think the intent is well meant, (and actually I think I know where Mr. Suhail575 is coming from), but there is a thread for these:


This is not a flame by any means. Each of us makes our own personal decisions about risk. Myself, I wouldn't trust any Mamasan's assurance that a girl was "clean" unless she could show me her medical license AND her 10 million dollar stock portfolio made by successfully predicting the stock market's future actions 100% of the time.

But that's just me.

Cool Tiger
11-03-06, 20:09
Also the regular contributors. Piper, 11B, MK, WR, 50 etc are victims of their own success.

Still, don't go changin' fellas. Life would be all the duller without your contributions and I for one greatly appreciate the entertaining and informative reports. They are a both a real barometer for the climate in arguable the best p4p city in the world and brighten an otherwise often monotonous working day here in Blighty.

Besides, once someone has mongered in DBX once, the mists part and one achieves enlightenment and it all becomes so simple.

All the rest of us mortals can do is offer some type of payback with our more irregular FR's and post any useful info we glean along the way.

Senior members, I salute you.

Hear Hear!!

Also not forgetting Sporadic, my CIS Tutor, MK, and My House Tutor, JSF.

You've all opened up our eyes to the full engine of the WG "system", instead of just ..... wham, bang... thank you ma'am FRs (which most boards consist of).

This is the only forum in the ISG board in which I enjoy reading and taking part in, even though my trips to Dubai only amount to 2~3 per year, each not lasting more than a few days.

11-03-06, 21:08
In a spirit of kindness, I will assume you are only trying to help, not some sort of zealot.

1. There Is a thread for this kind of stuff. 11Bravo even posted the link.

2. Several of your points are factually wrong.

3. Anyone who seeks serious medical advice via a monger forum is making a big mistake.

4. Everything in life is a risk. Being informed is a good thing, it helps you make potentially important decisions, but misinformation helps nobody, and indeed can hurt.

11-03-06, 21:23
[QUOTE=Slugger]I must say that it becomes a bit frustrating at times to dig up a specific info. As the members seem to be tight lipped about it. Recent examples being russian house address or fantasia details. And we all need time to become senior members. But then where there's a will there's always a way. And I will always try and share my info. Beecause thats what we are here for isn't it?
I appreciate your point of view.

The so called "tight lips" comes from experience. House numbers are not handed out to anyone not personally met (this is my personal standard anyway) because when they have been passed around in the past, idiots have shown up at the house door and caused general chaos.

There is no real way to parse a post (hard enough to do it with the person in front of you!) to find out if the potential punter is a psycho.

This is not BS, it has happened, and to people I know.

The whole Fantasia thing is not a secret, but it is a case of "if you have to ask, then you don´t need to know." ;)

What actually may seem to be paranoid secrecy is the result of some hard lessons learned.

There are thousands of working girls in DXB, and they can and will be found, indeed they want to be found.

Contacts, while nice if you hit it off with certain girls, or find yourself without a "date" for the evening, are far from needed.

I mongered happily in DXB for 6 years before I read anything about this forum, and while I have found it useful, and met some really excellent people (on both sides of the business) it was not required to have a good time.

Barring the friends, both virtual and "face to face" I have made here, the most personally useful and enjoyable tidbit of info I have ever gleaned from this site was the Seaview. My kind of music.

My 2 fils for the pot.

11-04-06, 06:12
While a prolific contributor on other boards (different handle, Canadian boards), the same can't be said for my contribution here. Nevertheless, I do frequent the forums (as a paid member) to glean valuable info when traveling. I rarely ask questions and when I do, its only to clarify something after I've spent the time doing my own research.

Of the few questions I've asked on this board, all have been answered quickly and politely. The reality is that the regulars here are a wealth of info and run what is undoubtedly one of the best forums on the planet, second to none. I rarely seen a rude response to a newbies question unless it is utterly inane or the question clearly demonstrates laziness on the part of the poster (ie: obviously no attempt to research themselves). That said, looking forward to my 2nd trip to Dubai in Dec. Thanks for all the info.

On another note, and with no intention to flame, I cringe when I see "unsolicited informative" posts such as the one recently by Suhail575. As sporadic pointed out, much of what was listed is factually wrong and likely gleaned from 2nd hand sources, not a medical prof. I happen to be an infectious diseases doc (makes you wonder why I enjoy this hobby!!). I rarely contribute med advice, but occasionally, such as now, take the time to pontificate. I won't go into all the details concerning his post, but suffice it to say the treatment options listed for the management of GC are at least 20 years out of date and likely wouldn't work for the strains we encounter today.

If anyone cares, I'll post a detailed response, otherwise I'll just finish by stating the obvious, don't believe everythinh you read on the net.


11-04-06, 06:24
Last night my "xiao lao po" and I were walking off dinner along the creek in Deira. We decided to look in the SAS Radisson check out the restaurants for future reference and possibly grab a drink. This used to be the Intercontinental. It appears from their website it was taken over in October 2006. I did a search and found no reference to this hotel's GF status (there was a report saying the Radisson at Media City was GF, but this of course is no gaurentee)

We spotted a very sexily dressed woman heading for the Hotel, she was all over a guy she was with and we concluded she was probably a Russian WG. While I may compliment this gentleman on his choice, if you are reading this, carrying on in the street like that is asking for big trouble.

We also spotted three 99% certain CIS WGs in the lobby. The first bar was quiet but the second one we looked in; the “Ku-Bu” must have had at least 20 CIS girls. While I am not a CIS aficionado I was still impressed by the selection. It's worth checking out if you are on that side of the creek.

The Radisson web site says
Our popular DJ from the United Kingdom mixes the latest music every night at one of the most well-known nightclubs in Dubai, Ku-Bu. We promise that this tattoo themes nightclub will sink in and leave you craving for more.We did not stop for a drink as it was not the ambiance we were looking for.

11-04-06, 07:02
the second one we looked in; the “Ku Bar” must have had at least 20 CIS girls. While I am not a CIS aficionado I was still impressed by the selection. It's worth checking out if you are on that side of the creek.Here I was thinking that I had discovered something new. I UTFSE before posting and found no references to this Radisson. (I also tried some alternate spellings). I should have thought laterally. When I searched for “Intercon” I found this bar used to be called Kubu rather than Ku-Bu, and there are a few recent reports that verify my observation that good looking CIS can be had here.

11-04-06, 09:31
Gulf News today, 4 Nov:

Nine women arrested for alleged involvement in prostitution

Dubai: Nine Filipinas have been arrested for alleged involvement in prostitution, following a police complaint filed by Philippine authorities on behalf of three women, who had been tricked into prostitution.

The Philippine Consulate General said the nine, most of them believed to be prostitutes, were arrested at their villa in Rigga on October 30.

Rafael Palencia, assistance to nationals officer at the Philippine Consulate General in Dubai, told Gulf News that the police acted on a complaint filed by the consulate and three women, who had come to the consulate seeking help after escaping their pimps on October 20.

"We are fed up with these pimps and requested the police to take action. Credit should go to the police for their quick action," he said.

"This is a breakthrough and will serve as warning that we will coordinate with authorities."

The consulate has received more than 30 cases since it opened its doors last year.

Palencia said this was the first time the consulate directly informed the police on prostitution cases involving their citizens.

He said the consulate did not take direct action previously. Some of the victims were reluctant to press charges or were "willing victims".

He said consulate officials would discuss the arrests and whether to pursue their own charges against the women if and when they were deported to the Philippines.

The Philippines have stringent anti-[CodeWord908] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord908) laws, with penalties ranging from a lengthy jail sentence to death depending on the severity of the charges.

11-04-06, 09:53
Dubai: Nine Filipinas have been arrested for alleged involvement in prostitution, following a police complaint filed by Philippine authorities on behalf of three women, who had been tricked into prostitution.
There have been several reports about the proactive nature of the PI embassy in this regard. Back in June there was a report in the Gulf News saying that the PI authorities were “controversially recruiting former pimps to act as informants”. I am sure I saw a long article on the lady at the embassy and her role in assisting girls who end up in P4P against their will.

11-04-06, 10:20
Here I was thinking that I had discovered something new. I UTFSE before posting and found no references to this Radisson. (I also tried some alternate spellings). I should have thought laterally. When I searched for “Intercon” I found this bar used to be called Kubu rather than Ku-Bu, and there are a few recent reports that verify my observation that good looking CIS can be had here.It does pay to try not only alternate forms of spelling, but also, as you say, an incomplete spelling. For example, "ku": no hits; "Inter": no hits; "Intercon": 5 hits; "inter*" (* wild card): 100 hits (but undesired, such as interesting, so, "interc*": 18 hits "ku*": 19 hitsAnd the great thing is, 1) you get the first 12-14 lines of the post in the search results so you have a chance to see if it is of interest, AND 2) opening the post in a new window, the search term is highlighted in red on the page, making it easily seen. e.g., "ku*" also returns "kuwait" but given the word is highlighted in red, easily seen (as long as you are not a dog).

Granted, you might have to wait a minute between searches, but gives you time to ponder (or read a specific thread).

The so called "tight lips" comes from experience. House numbers are not handed out to anyone not personally met (this is my personal standard anyway) because when they have been passed around in the past, idiots have shown up at the house door and caused general chaos.Many forget, but immoral activities are illegal here. It's not like the police can be called if there are problems.
Dubai: Three men are being tried for getting drunk and reportedly locking up a suspected sex worker and beating her inside a hotel apartment in Dubai.
...Then she collected her clothes wanting to leave the apartment, but the Saudis stopped her before she reached the elevator and forced her back in after beating her and dragged her by the hair.
...They then threw her on the floor and gave her water. They locked her in one of the rooms. The woman said she got away from the apartment and ran to the hotel reception where she called police. Police rushed to the hotel and caught the three men.
...The woman was charged with prostitution.

LE doesn't even need a reason to deport... given that most girls are on a visitor visa, that status is easily revoked. For those overstayers... as Trink would say, 'Nuff said. They are history. The customers don't even have to gain entry to the apartment to cause problems; make enough noise outside, and for sure the neighbors will complain, which WILL bring unwanted attention from LE.

Now, YOU wouldn't do this. But how do I know? And how do I know you will be as careful with vetting requests for contacts as I am if you are pm'd the contact? As is often stated, hit any of the regular, open bars for 2 hours, and you should have more than enough contacts. Is she beautiful? Only you can answer that. GFE? Past performance with another punter can be an indication that she has that capability, but no guarantee with you. Best bet is to chat with her in the bar, see how she reacts to you.

Barring the friends, both virtual and "face to face" I have made here, the most personally useful and enjoyable tidbit of info I have ever gleaned from this site was the Seaview.As I posted, when I arrived here, no contacts, only knowing some bar that began with a 'C'. Besides the friends met on the forum, the forum has provided me with the names of PLACES: York, Imperial, TGIT (Astoria), Jockeys (Panarama). From there, I took the initiative to go out and find the wg's. If someone as aged and past prime as myself is turning them away, then believe me, not difficult.

I rarely ask questions and when I do, its only to clarify something after I've spent the time doing my own research. ...Of the few questions I've asked on this board, all have been answered quickly and politely. ... I rarely seen a rude response to a newbies question unless it is utterly inane or the question clearly demonstrates laziness on the part of the poster (ie: obviously no attempt to research themselves).When it's obvious that someone has TRIED to find an answer (more than just the "I've read ALL the FR's, but...), then answers more forthcoming. Further, posting history (as long as it's providing info, not just more questions) also gains one merit. Nothing like seeing someone with 15 posts, all of them questions over a 6 month period, with NO FR's. Makes one wonder what ARE they doing with the info. Further, the key issue is IS the question answered, not the form of the answer. Once someone is encouraged to learn how to use the search tools, then... a lot of inane posts can be eliminated.

If anyone cares, I'll post a detailed response, otherwise I'll just finish by stating the obvious, don't believe everythinh you read on the net.Thanks, but believe you've stated it succinctly enough.

There have been several reports about the proactive nature of the PI embassy in this regard.For the involuntary servitude girls, I can only hope more so.

11-04-06, 12:51
Bar Crawler - what a coincidence. I was at Radisson SAS last night also, but not in Deira.

A pal called and invited me out for a roof-top "Brazilian" party at the brand spanking new Radisson SAS, in Media City. Was a crowded affair, 95% party-goers, but lo and behold, my pal was chatting up what he thought was a regular girl (Dutch), dancing away and flirting. Eventually she made it known that she will go home with him - for 2000DH! She said she's not a working girl, but occasionally does a little business mixed with pleasure. Turns out she wasn't the only semi-pro there. The same deal with a sexy German girl. There were also a few obvious WGs, including Romanian and again Turkish. Some stunners in the crowd.

After dropping Wildcat at home, pal and I headed to Rattlesnake about 1am. What's happened to the CIS??? Only a few there. They must have found a new venue/s. There were mainly Chinese and African. My pal picked up a young slim CIS the moment we arrived, and settled in for a drink with her. I took the number of a tall slim girl (I like tall sometimes!) She said she's from Slovenia, and the accent fits. Arranged to call her soon. 400 for an afternoon at her apartment.

Had a chat with Miss Indianesque Madagascar - looking great, and very tempting.

BTW - I did a discrete check with the Radisson front desk. Rack rate is 1200, but I can get a room for 575. As for GF status - someone will have to find out the hard way!

11-05-06, 06:01
As it was a fiend’s last night in town we ventured out to the Seaview. As one would expect for a Saturday it was not that busy. To start off with it was mostly the usual PRC suspects, and a smattering of Africans and ‘Stanis. Then the PI girls started to arrive. Initially I spotted a group of 4, then another group of 5 or 6. Some of the PRC’s found customers and during the second set I got to thinking that the PI girls may out number the PRCs, a quick headcount put the score at 12 all, but then the PI scored a drop goal to steal the game as three more walked in.

Many of the nice looking ‘Stanis who I had seen on my last visit were MIA, but the usual suspects were present.

I was genuinely there just for the music last night, and a bit of window shopping of course, but I did talk to a few PRCs including one very nice one. Said she was working during the day and was looking to supplement her poor salary, she certainly did not come across as a real pro. Later she came back and said she was leaving, but could she get me a drink with here entry token, I said yes and did the decent thing and refunded her the cost.

The cute PRC who uses her phone note pad to communicate came over a couple of time. I had assumed she spoke no English but a quick chat showed she could go beyond the standard phrases, so I think the messages are just a way of communicating over the band.

Miss Psycho (11Bravo, you will know who I mean) came over mentoring a pleasant looking new girl (three days in DXB, no English).

A busty Afro approached “I see you were admiring me” she says. In fact I may have been monetarily distracted by her cleavage but I was watching a very nice Kyrgyz and the group of PI girls behind her. She moved off reasonably quickly once I had said I was just there for the band.

By the end of the second set my friend was getting embroiled with Miss Psycho and her protégé, it was already well past my bed time and I left.

Postscript – My friend pulled Miss protégé and reports he had a good time despite the obvious communication problems.

11-05-06, 12:53
As it was a fiend’s last night in town...Typo, or freudian slip?

11-05-06, 13:11
In my quick emailing, I regularly mistype "busy" as "busty" (the T and Y are next to each other on the keyboard).

I emailed an employee today about a project, adding "I know you are busty". Luckily I checked my email before sending it. Trouble is, she is very busty, so the evidence against me in the sexual harassment case would be, ahem, very weighty.

11-05-06, 13:23
Typo, or freudian slip?A freudian slip no doubt, he was feindishly eyeing up Miss Protégé when I left him.

Joe Banana
11-05-06, 14:20
I'd still like to know, where else Filipinas have been frequenting lately?

11-05-06, 15:00
Trouble is, she is very busty, so the evidence against me in the sexual harassment case would be, ahem, very weighty.Pendulous is the word you are looking for, or will be looking for in ten years ;)

Joe Banana: Sounds like they have set up shop at the seaview.
While I am thrilled at the prospect, some reports of their "controlled" situation is a little offputting. I will have to judge for myself ;)

11-05-06, 15:13
Ratsky or Patsky as the bar in Karama Hotel is known. Wonderful crowd with a good offering of Filipinos on Thursday night. Did not enquire about rates or anything else but definitely in the list of mongerers.


Joe Banana
11-05-06, 16:01
Thanks Kool, I shall try it, will make a change form the usual haunts. Only Thursdays or are other nights worth a visit?

Wicked Roger
11-05-06, 16:19
Ratsky or Patsky as the bar in Karama Hotel is known. Wonderful crowd with a good offering of Filipinos on Thursday night. Did not enquire about rates or anything else but definitely in the list of mongerers.

If the Ratskeys in Dubai is like the one in AD, bugger all mongering as all the Filipinas are there to socialise etc. Many Filipinas will not trade their wares in public with other Filipinas watching. too much 'shame' etc.

At Seaview they are all WGs so that's OK in their eyes. Dubai maybe be different but I bow to those who have the experience. Some nice ones in Seaview though, pleasantly surprised.


11-05-06, 18:44
A freudian slip no doubt, he was feindishly eyeing up Miss Protégé when I left him.Miss Protégé fine, but that Miss Psycho... Yikes!

Well no need to critsize people by saying I know where he is coming from as if you are abloody racism.Well, so much for trying to be nice. English language hint: not all phrases are to be interpreted LITERALLY.

Well most of you are senior member and may be asenior citezen.It is nice to get that Senior Citizen discount... both with the restaurant's menu, and with the after dinner menu ;)

I actually look forward to your future posts - nice to have some spice on the thread... [spice is not written in a racial connotation, but only referring to hot :) ]

Slave Boy
11-05-06, 23:06

Thanks for all the background form the previous/historical posts in the thread. I'm in town next week for 10 days and the Cyclone looks like fun (as do the york, and...). But I have a couple of 'wish list' questions I could not find in the history.

1) Any action in Sharjah? (I doubt it but had to check for convience)

2) Any pro-dominatrix around for us twisted folks who enjoy that?

Thanks for any insight you have and I'll be sure to post a report form my trip,

Slave Boy

11-06-06, 01:27
Yes, by all means, do your worst in Sharja, I suggest this could certainly get you some domination, but it will not be from a lady! It will be in jail.

Sorry, no experience with S&M in DXB, but if you are a real masochist, you could always stay at the Coral Diera or (this one is for you Doggus) the Ibis.

I suggest you check out inet S&M sites as I have run into nothing like that in the UAE (I may just be an innocent!)

Good luck to you.

11-06-06, 02:26
To begin with, I promise this will be the ONLY response I make to this quote. I don't want to get dragged in to a protracted battle on the issue.

Suhail575, I don't know where or from whom you obtained your info, but some of it is way off base. No reputable physician is going to prescribe amoxicillin to treal GC. Depending on where you reside on the planet, 30-95% of strains produce a beta-lactamase (pencillinase) rendering them resistant to amoxicillin. The current treatment of choice is 400 mg cefixime taken orally and has been for years.

The production of Togamycine was halted in most countries years ago because of its adverse effects. I concede that some countries still produce it, particularly Africa and India. It is considered a very last alternative for treament and it must be given as an injection. Only if the patient is allergic to beta-lactam drugs AND if the rates of resistance to the fluoroquinolones are high locally or if the patient cannot tolerate fluoroquinolones (very rare).

Nuff said, no more on the subject. Lets get back to important stuff!


[QUOTE=Suhail575]Well some say its 20 yrs old, other say it has no proof and another consider him self as adoctor in infectiuos disease. Bla bla bla

Well I did my research and was in contact with such people whom concerned with the issue!

May be amoxacilline is 20 yrs old or more but still very effective and I posted the togamycine injection. Taking avery stonger drugs it will causI like te amore resistence in future while togamycine is very effective.


11-06-06, 05:02
I'd still like to know, where else Filipinas have been frequenting lately?I ran into three in the York back in September. Someone also said they saw some in Jockey’s but I think it’s more likely these were tanned PRCs.

Well no need to critsize people by saying I know where he is coming from as if you are abloody racism.

Suhail575, I think you missed a subtle distinction in the words used. A native English speaker is unlikely to use the phrase “I know where you are coming from” to imply your country of origin. This phrase could be used to say “I know where you started you journey” but would normally mean “I understand your position on this subject”

The phrase “I know where you are from” would indicate you knew the persons country of origin.

Miss Protégé fine, but that Miss Psycho... Yikes!She was on her best behaviour. She is someone I am strangely attracted to after what is obviously too much alcohol. I did have to LOL, she asked when I was going to take her. I said not tonight and she replied, “are you waiting until I am old”.

2) Any pro-dominatrix around for us twisted folks who enjoy that?I did post a while ago about someone telling me a Korean girl was going to be doing “interrogation” sessions at the Fantasia. ;) OR you could just upset Miss Psycho.

11-06-06, 07:36
1) Any action in Sharjah? (I doubt it but had to check for convience) Slave Boy - for Sharjah action, check out the Dubai Grand Hotel in Al Qusais (5-10 minutes drive into central Sharjah). Nearly all the girls working in Dubai Grand live in Sharjah. All nationalities, mainly CIS. Best places there are the nightclub (Iceberg) and cigar bar (Churchills).

2) Any pro-dominatrix around for us twisted folks who enjoy that? I'll PM you. But it's not difficult to train a working girl in S&M, especially once she gets to know you. Start slowly ... you can often tell by the glint in their eye if they will be up for it. ;)

Slave - your PM isn't working. Time to cough up $19.95?

11-06-06, 09:32
Yes I admit, I was surprised too in Seaview. I saw Filipina WGs just before Ramadan. May be they have got more active of late.

In Dubai Grand (Al-Ghusais) I was in a club called BUBBLES last Thursday. Very few girls. The band is good, they are from Sri Lanka. Is ICEBERG a different venue ?


If the Ratskeys in Dubai is like the one in AD, bugger all mongering as all the Filipinas are there to socialise etc. Many Filipinas will not trade their wares in public with other Filipinas watching. too much 'shame' etc.

At Seaview they are all WGs so that's OK in their eyes. Dubai maybe be different but I bow to those who have the experience. Some nice ones in Seaview though, pleasantly surprised.


11-06-06, 10:30
In Dubai Grand (Al-Ghusais) I was in a club called BUBBLES last Thursday. Very few girls. The band is good, they are from Sri Lanka. Is ICEBERG a different venue ?KOOLCould be the same place with new name and new band. A few years ago it was under Russian management, about 18 months ago changed to Philipino management. It's the main downstairs disco from the foyer (many other clubs hidden in the complex). If only a few girls when you were there - may be a matter of timing - I've seen it empty at 11pm, crowded at 1130pm. My fave pick-up place was always Churchill's cigar bar - great girls and cozy atmosphere (plus pool tables!)

11-06-06, 20:22

2) Any pro-dominatrix around for us twisted folks who enjoy that?No Dominatrix, however since you are twisted, why don't you accuse a local of being a fag, he will sodomise you to your hearts content.

Slave Boy
11-06-06, 21:11
Thanks Piper,

Yeah I know that glint in their eyes, sometimes it brings out the 'best'/beast in them!

Yeah, I know I should cough up the $... ;-( The advice is is invaluable.

And Barcrawler, Miss Psyco may be a bit too extreme for me.. unless I really let loose! ;-)

Slave Boy

Slave Boy - for Sharjah action, check out the Dubai Grand Hotel in Al Qusais (5-10 minutes drive into central Sharjah). Nearly all the girls working in Dubai Grand live in Sharjah. All nationalities, mainly CIS. Best places there are the nightclub (Iceberg) and cigar bar (Churchills).

I'll PM you. But it's not difficult to train a working girl in S&M, especially once she gets to know you. Start slowly ... you can often tell by the glint in their eye if they will be up for it. ;)

Slave - your PM isn't working. Time to cough up $19.95?

Slave Boy
11-06-06, 22:14
BTW - Is the Holiday International pro-fem friendly?

Or do I need to find somewhere else to stay?

Thanks agian. Should be fun!

Slave Boy

11-07-06, 01:20
I haven't been to Capitol Hotel for a while, but glad I did tonight. Regular readers would know I'm a fan of cute African girls, and there were a few there. There's three main places there:

1. Henry J Beans (pool bar). I had a few games of pool, and enjoyed the African scenery while Wildcat and her crazy blonde friend flirted with guys in the salsa club next door.

2. Salsa club next door (Savage Garden). As usual, mainly a non P4P place, with lots of people having sex on the dance floor with with their clothes on, but some seriously nice (and lonely) African P4P girls there.

3. Arabic Club (Xanadu) - those incredibly buxom Lebanese and Turkish girls will lead me to divorce one day.

Alas, I'm still on the leash, so I couldn't do anything. Instead, I've come up with devious plans for "work meetings" in nearby Bahrain, and Wicked Roger's Penthouse next week.

11-07-06, 04:38
last night was a complete reversal of saturday’s result. the enhanced chinese team including two powerful prop forwards routed the philippines. (while using the rugby analogy i will refrain from the obvious hooker joke).

i did not count the prc’s but there were more that saturday, and i only saw three of the filipinas. there was a rep001tering of africans including one of questionable gender and the usual ‘satnis. when i arrived 11bravo was chatting to “miss phone”, a very nice prc who’s stock is riding very high at the moment. on the right night she could be the on to tempt me out of my current mono-mongering state.

11-07-06, 06:22
Hey guys,

I just wanted to introduce myself now that I have become a fully fledged member.

Anyway I am from the UK (Manchester) and have been working in the Middeles East for soem 100 years and living in Dubai for the last 4 years.

My work takes me all over the world and this site has been excellent for me so I thought its about time I coughed up and made my donation.

So guys, I look forward to posting and contributing, sharing information.

In the meantime I also look forward to any suggestions and reccomendation you lot may have.

Thanks and take care.

Dxb Rocks
11-07-06, 14:03
Welcome aboard Goater. Hope you will keep everyone updated with your Dirty Deeds Done Cheap (or otherwise)

Cool Tiger
11-07-06, 14:37
Anyway I am from the UK (Manchester) and have been working in the Middeles East for soem 100 years and living in Dubai for the last 4 years.


Welcome to the Dubai Forum. We all look forward to your contributions.

I hope that none of the WGs discriminate you because of your age, lol.

Kz Oralman
11-07-06, 17:10
well i read all or most of your response:

well most of you are senior member and may be asenior citezen. with all respect to all.ehhello, everybody peeps!

i a read very well yours postys to suhale575, e is rite you are abloody racism is it?
everybod noes very well what is this anda very very problem to. as my mother always say ‘it’s the same but different’ init.

now about it if you want' [CodeWord134] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord134) we go stop. no delay! now with infectiuos disease you no go stop and delayit much time passes and sometimes no inside it isn't.
this is time dettol curing with doosing is good when very problem isit. stiff rubbin brushes is needs as well.

i no senior members and all dat, sometimes them speak me i say no good anglish. i knoes what part is of what is i wote is bloody wrong yes.

we done ready for go now with the respecting.

bla bla

11-07-06, 17:30
Jockey's, Monday, 4:30-5:30
Unusual to find myself downtown at such an early hour, but, errand finished, decided to stop in here for a recce. Arriving, maybe 10 non-descript PRC's, equal number of CIS. 1 or 2 Africans. Point being, Jockey's also does an afternoon trade. As my eyes grew accustomed to the dark, and over the next hour, 3, maybe 4 PRC's would have fit the bill if I had been looking for an afternoon's ST. 1 of the CIS MIGHT have been working, and not a madam, but if working, those years HAD to have been HARD. Along about 5:30, a number of girls departing unaccompanied, no doubt going home to dinner before starting the evening shift. Haven't been to TGIT for a long time, so can't compare. 10 dhs/coke.

Seaview, Monday, 9:30-11:15
During MY time there, heavily in favor of the PRC's; I did not see any PI's at that early hour. Bit surprised to see one York office worker there. She said that York had had trouble AGAIN with LE Sunday night, girls picked up, so she was avoiding for awhile.

Certainly several PRC's interesting, including Miss Phone; next available pitching slot. One other PRC looked familiar. Wasn't until she made an inquiry about her photos did I realize she was a 1-of (YMMV), 6 months ago. Basically, the usual suspects, with a new face or two thrown in.

Bass player back in form. Nice 1st set. On arriving, no trouble getting a table, but, 15 minutes later, all full, actually a bit crowded. One punter I had been chatting with last visit to Cyclone stopped by; seems he had taken my advice to check the Seaview out. Certainly nothing to compare to Cyclone's selection, but as often stated, the music is good.

11-07-06, 18:27
ehhello, everybody peeps!

i a read very well yours postys to suhale575, e is rite you are abloody racism is it?
everybod noes very well what is this anda very very problem to. as my mother always say ‘it’s the same but different’ init.

now about it if you want' [CodeWord134] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord134) we go stop. no delay! now with infectiuos disease you no go stop and delayit much time passes and sometimes no inside it isn't.
this is time dettol curing with doosing is good when very problem isit. stiff rubbin brushes is needs as well.

i no senior members and all dat, sometimes them speak me i say no good anglish. i knoes what part is of what is i wote is bloody wrong yes.

we done ready for go now with the respecting.

bla blacongratulations, you are obviously the modern answer to lorem ipsum.

"lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. vestibulum neque quam, fermentum at, vestibulum sit amet, faucibus quis, nulla. aliquam a lectus. etiam ut urna. vivamus sapien eros, auctor at, luctus in, euismod nec, metus. aenean molestie. proin pharetra. vestibulum eros. nunc auctor suscipit libero. nam faucibus. suspendisse dolor. ut nunc. proin aliquet augue. morbi ante tellus, fringilla vel, vestibulum a, vulputate sit amet, sapien. quisque auctor. nulla magna. curabitur eget quam. nullam faucibus semper nunc. maecenas tristique facilisis enim."

what is lorem ipsum?
lorem ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. lorem ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. it has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

new topic: what happened to the pi gals at seaview?

goater: although not always a part of the forum ethos, welcome!
tell us about the nick! way too close to goiter for my liking ;)
being an old goat myself, i worry about these things. ;)

11-07-06, 19:32
Bla BlaBorat!!! Sorry to say, your new movie has been banned here. Waiting for the PRC dvd brigade to offer it door-to-door. But nice of you to drop in to post.

...and have been working in the Middeles East for soem 100 years and living in Dubai for the last 4 years.Welcome. Hopefully in 4 years you've picked up some info to pass along to the masses. Will be interesting to see the scene through another set of older eyes...

What happened to the PI gals at Seaview?Maybe it's seasonal as in 'weekends' prime time, other times not.

11-07-06, 20:22
3. Arabic Club (Xanadu) - those incredibly buxom Lebanese and Turkish girls will lead me to divorce one day.I went last in September.
When Xanadu was busy, My god the talent was incredible. More quality rather than quantity for sure.

But i was only in there for an hour while waiting for a friend staying at the Hotel.
A few quotes scared me however. Around the 1500AED mark at around 12.

What quotes did you get?

Mike De H
11-07-06, 20:30
Borat's Top 10 Tips for Sexytime with CIS Cyclone lady

10. History of retardation in family: It important before make sexy time, to be sure there little or no historys of retardation in her family.

9. Yellow hairs: Everyones, even an Uzbeki, knows that woman has smaller brain than man. Some mens do not know, woman with yellow hairs has smallest brain of all.

8. Get vcr: sexy time womens love look on vcr with videotape cassette tape.

7. Is she shapeshifter? There is clever plastics surgeons in US and A look close on woman's head to checking she have not had remove of jew horns.

6. Erotic physique: If woman do have bosom that is not droop sufficient this can be remedy by attach rocks for 6 month. Miss Kazakhstan Karylgash Atmekova do this and now have beautiful pair that make dangle 1.3 metre.

5. Strong Physique. If you can carry a woman against her will for more than 5 mile she no good and will be too weak for pull plow in winter.

4. Make smell nice: Ladies like very much man who stench attractive. Ensure pungent chram by not wash at least 15 days before datings.

3. Moustache: Ladies like very much big moustache. I wishing mine was more—I was tease about it at school—it did not grow until I was 8 year old.

2. Use Protection: Do not make a sexytime without precaution against disease. A jar of gypsy tears worn around neck will prevent from infect by Herpes and Gonnoreas.

1. Prostitution: Check if woman have ever be a prostitute. It can obvious bring great shame to your family if she have not.

Dxb Rocks
11-08-06, 13:04
will be in dubai for 3-4 days in second week of dec. anyone up for teaming up for some serious mongering. tentative plan is to check out the regular places like broadway (for the first day afternoon before i can lay my hands on those numbers), cyclone and regal at night, may be peek into york and suites. just out of curosity. my fav are cis though i find well endowed labanese or turkish very hard to resist. shall also be checking out premier (hoping to relive mike's sexperience) hard rock cafe, fantasia, rattle snakes, ku bu. am i missing something. oh dear so many places so little time.

11-08-06, 23:05
Had a work dinner tonight at the New Marina with some overseas work visitors and Miss Wildcat. Finished 11pm, then went to the nearby Sheraton to catch up with a shy retiring pal who'd SMS'd me: Wicked Roger.

He'd sent me an SMS during my work dinner, which said "I'm in the Mood ...". Wildcat checked my phone to see what it was all about. The full SMS said "I'm in the Mood Bar at Sheraton Jumeira, come visit when you finish your meeting".

Went to Sheraton, had a couple of drinks with WR, and we discussed how I need to be in Abu Dhabi next Wednesday night and Thursday for business meetings for his company.

Rog - you know I hate driving, so the "business meetings" had better be worth it!

PS Rog - I was sitting in the best chair - there were two blonde Russian girls sitting behind you and Wildcat , who kept making eyes (in case you were wondering why I was so distracted tonight) . ;)

11-09-06, 09:19
PS Rog - I was sitting in the best chair - there were two blonde Russian girls sitting behind you and Wildcat , who kept making eyes (in case you were wondering why I was so distracted tonight) . ;)You boys certainly know how to make a man jelous.

Still, in exactly 3 weeks time I expect to have an A-lister or two crawling all over me for breakfast before we head off to an unfeasably large fry-up at the Irish Village and then on to soak up some rays and some Emitates hosties at the 7's party. FR's will definitely follow, I promise.


Joe Banana
11-09-06, 09:51
I've copied this from a blog called Morally Diminished written by a guy who lives in Bangkok and I just knew that you DXBers would appreciate it! I would have laughed out loud if my wife wasn't around. Go check his blog out too.

Facial Falsehoods

Every male on the planet has, at least once, been guilty of telling girls that semen is good for their skin. And perhaps it actually is. But imagine my total fucking surprise when a few hours ago I stumbled naked, dizzy, spent, and flaccid into my bathroom to discover last night's conquest, stood at the sink, emptying our freshly filled condom into her hands and massaging the contents into her face.

She told me she'd heard it was excellent for her skin, and let me guess, it was some guy that told her this. She's fairly intelligent too, not some street-meat thicko, she's studying dentistry at one of Bangkok's best universities. Guess she's either mega-gullible, or just desperately in need of clean skin.

Best of all, and this bit was totally fucking amazing and marvelous and special, and will keep me smiling for fucking decades: after we fucked again a little later, she took the next condom, knotted it, wrapped it in tissues, and placed it in her counterfeit Louis Vuitton handbag for - get this - "her roommate". Am flabbergasted, overwhelmed, overjoyed, emotionally erect, and literally erect. Thank Allah for men lying to women, especially whichever Thai stud has been dumping his dirty-water on my lickle lady's pretty face.

If only all my spunk was used so wonderfully. If any of you readers require some of my homemade beauty products for your haggard flesh, then be sure to mail me - only fifty Baht per vial.

Mike De H
11-09-06, 10:29
If only all my spunk was used so wonderfully.

And the parental suit will be coming, er exactly in 9 months time?

My Kapitan
11-09-06, 10:36
Will be in Dubai for 3-4 days in second week of dec..

Hi Dxb - I'm in town then, happy to have a beer or 3. Although I will be on Miss O's leash we always like the Regal and are there most nights. 50 50 will tag along I'm sure. PM me.


11-10-06, 06:57
Hi experts,

Can you tell me where can I find daytime girls? If you have any contact for beuatiful filipina or CIS or arab please tell me.



My Kapitan
11-10-06, 08:19
You boys certainly know how to make a man jelous.

Still, in exactly 3 weeks time I expect to have an A-lister or two crawling all over me for breakfast before we head off to an unfeasably large fry-up at the Irish Village and then on to soak up some rays and some Emitates hosties at the 7's party. FR's will definitely follow, I promise.


Forget about irish village - go to Waxy's (ascot hotel) 50dhms breakfast and carvery all you can eat plus 5 drinks and you can buy extra tickets. Lots of emirate girls as well.


11-10-06, 08:24
What was it with the traffic last night! OK it’s always bad BUT! The Index exhibition was kicking out just as we headed off to dinner so that explained part of it but even at 11:30 it was much heavier than normal.

We hit the Seaview for the second set. This is the most crowded I have seen the place. The M/F ratio was poor, but of course a lot of guys just out to have a beer and watch the band (myself included). It must have been one of the only times I have been to the Seaview and not been approached for least one interview. I think there were two reasons, One it was so crowded, and two, I am probably becoming know as a non player. Having a full schedule with my regular I have not pulled there for ages.

I guess readers here will be keen for an update on the PI girls. There were some in there for sure, including a couple of lookers, but given the crowds hard to say how many. I did not stay too long. It was just too manic.

One unusual occurrence was I was grabbed, I turned round to glowered at what I thought was going to be an Afro and saw it was a CIS girl. I am not a "bloody racism "so I still glowered!

A word of warning

The Madagascar / Belgium “she-male” had been coming on to a friend of mine in the Seaview earlier in the week. He was totally convinced it’s a bloke and gave it short shift. All I can say is be very careful or you may get a nasty surprise. I have had both CIS and PRC girls tell me it is male and it tends to pray on those who have had a few too many ales.

Can you tell me where can I find daytime girls? If you have any contact for beuatiful filipina or CIS or arab please tell me.I too am awaiting replies to you question, but for different reasons. LOL

11-10-06, 09:15
Forget about irish village - go to Waxy's (ascot hotel) 50dhms breakfast and carvery all you can eat plus 5 drinks and you can buy extra tickets. Lots of emirate girls as well.

MKTop Tip there mate. Can you sit outside at Waxy's?

The village was always favourite for the fresh air blowing away the previous nights excesses and we always get the additional free cabaret of watching one of our mates completely failing to pull any of the waitresses every year, then one of us nipping in at the end and getting her phone number.

One should embrace life's little pleasures.

11-10-06, 09:20
The Madagascar / Belgium “she-male” had been coming on to a friend of mine in the Seaview earlier in the week. He was totally convinced it’s a bloke and gave it short shift. We had one like that in Damascus. Big hands, protruding adam's apple, knew the offside rule..what a give away.

One poor travelling half-cut business-man was captured one night as we watched in horror. The next day we heard him in the Meridain Hotel Bar bragging to his mates but the give-away was his observation that she had a dry, and strangely short pussy.

Only two of us pissed ourselves laughing.

11-10-06, 09:41
What was it with the traffic last night! OK it’s always bad BUT! ...We hit the Seaview for the second set. This is the most crowded I have seen the place.Some people may wonder about the wisdom of having a Miss T... but I never do.

Can you tell me where can I find daytime girls?In the daytime.

11-10-06, 10:18
In the daytime.Nice one Voltaire.

11-10-06, 11:56
Jockey's, Monday, 4:30-5:30
Unusual to find myself downtown at such an early hour, but, errand finished, decided to stop in here for a recce. Arriving, maybe 10 non-descript PRC's, equal number of CIS. 1 or 2 Africans. Point being, Jockey's also does an afternoon trade. As my eyes grew accustomed to the dark, and over the next hour, 3, maybe 4 PRC's would have fit the bill if I had been looking for an afternoon's ST. 1 of the CIS MIGHT have been working, and not a madam, but if working, those years HAD to have been HARD. Along about 5:30, a number of girls departing unaccompanied, no doubt going home to dinner before starting the evening shift. Haven't been to TGIT for a long time, so can't compare. 10 dhs/coke.

Have to admitt new to me and very nice news. Looks like the non working afternoon could be like
(a) TGIT
(b) Jockeys

and than either a normal night or out to the venue at midnight.

Will check it out later the month.

Just a general comment, it seems those needing to do the afternoonshift additionally are not as nice/beautiful as those working night only, as a rule of the tumb.

Greetings to all of you,


11-10-06, 11:58
Hi experts,

Can you tell me where can I find daytime girls? If you have any contact for beuatiful filipina or CIS or arab please tell me.



Guess you have to ask the seniors here to get you some information regarding Fantasia Hotel, or?!?

11-10-06, 13:00
Hi experts,

Can you tell me where can I find daytime girls? If you have any contact for beuatiful filipina or CIS or arab please tell me.


ZizooHere's how.

Go out the night before, get a bunch of phone numbers of the girls, check that they would be interested in daytime ST, and then call them in the morning.

This way you will have a confirmed list of numbers of girls that match your criteria and will respond. Not rocket science really.

What you consider beautiful is up to you.

One man's beauty is another's mutton dressed as dog.

To become your own expert, just get out of the front door every now and again, either that or sit at home and wait for the charity of others, but don't hold your breath.

Dxb Rocks
11-10-06, 13:37
Hi Kap,

Thanks for the invite. I shall be flying in from frankfurt. Will meet up at your usual place. Shall let you know the details later.

11-10-06, 16:01
Guess you have to ask the seniors here to get you some information regarding Fantasia Hotel, or?!?You will find girls in various hotels (York etc) in the bar - but usually not the absolute stunners.

Have fun.

11-10-06, 17:59
Last week I called a friend who told me he has a number for a couple of young energetic filippino girls who arnt wg's as such but would meet the right man for the right money but they would only come as a pair and hey who am I to argue with that?

So having called and arranged to pick them up from the Mall of the Emirates we went back to my villa just a short 10 minute drive away.

One girl was very cute and very petite whilst the other was a good 6/10 a taller, both spoke good english and both had an infectious giggle.

No sooner than we entered the villa the petite one sat next to me and just started to kiss and tease me whilst the other sat opposite just watching and telling her what to do. This went on for a short while until the 2nd girl came over and joined in.

In no time we were at it everywhere, they really seemed to enjoy what they where doing and had excellent techniques.

I have the numbers for any member who wants to PM me.

11-10-06, 20:22
Here's how.

Go out the night before, get a bunch of phone numbers of the girls, check that they would be interested in daytime ST, and then call them in the morning.
Excellent advice Slugger, but I would add the warning that many of these girls do not stir before 1-2pm.

Now, a 4-5 pm st is ideal for many of them (they can arise at the normal hour, have time to eat and socialize a bit with their flatmates etc.) do the ST with you, and be ready for a normal evening of work. This was how I first got to know a serious A-lister at cyclone a couple of years ago.

A lot of this will depend upon the work ethic. Many CIS will not bother, many Chinese will be pleased with the prospect. YMMV.

Cool Tiger
11-10-06, 21:21
Hi experts,

Can you tell me where can I find daytime girls? If you have any contact for beuatiful filipina or CIS or arab please tell me.



Polite Reply
Here's a quote from HappyGardener, a recent ISG member:

" Again, thanks for your help. I am amazed at how much info was found just by reading back 5 - 10 pages on this site."

There's your answer, Zizoo.

11-11-06, 07:33
Just a general comment, it seems those needing to do the afternoonshift additionally are not as nice/beautiful as those working night only, as a rule of the tumb.As a general rule, yes, but I've been surprised on occasion, seeing an a-list Cyclone girl at an afternoon's TGIT's, for example. All depends on how business was last night, when the rent's due, if they're getting ready to send some money home, going home themselves. I wouldn't COUNT on it,though.

Go out the night before, get a bunch of phone numbers of the girls, check that they would be interested in daytime ST, and then call them in the morning.

This way you will have a confirmed list of numbers of girls that match your criteria and will respond. Not rocket science really.Hmmm, that advice sounds familiar... As Cool Tiger says... a wealth of information.

Will concur with Sporadic; best way to do it. Otherwise, it's pot-luck. Certainly has always worked for me.

Or you could always search the thread for "afternoon".

... I would add the warning that many of these girls do not stir before 1-2pm. Now, a 4-5 pm st is ideal for many of them (they can arise at the normal hour, have time to eat and socialize a bit with their flatmates etc.) do the ST with you, and be ready for a normal evening of work. This was how I first got to know a serious A-lister at cyclone a couple of years ago.Still works for her.

11-11-06, 08:11
Zizoo, while everyone is being nice let me point out another alternative. Get a copy of The Gulf News and call up one of the MPs advertising in the classifieds? They are not my scene but YMMV.

You won’t get the choice a visit to the bars would give you, but beggars can’t be choosers.

I can’t be bothered to search for you but you will find a number of usually favourable reports on MPs if you search the thread.

11-11-06, 11:56
i just heard through the grapevine that there was a le raid at the cyclone last night. stories of girls running away leaving their shoes behind and “a lot” of girls caught.

i had heard from a different source about a raid on the york last week it seems crackdowns continue.

11-11-06, 18:02
Phone numbers
All eyes suddenly here. Sorry. Just a reminder. From 15 December onwards, all stored mobile numbers must have the 050 prefix, even if mobile to mobile (someday, UAE will get a 2nd, non-competitive phone company; the 050 will serve to distinguish et*s*lat phone numbers from du). If prefix is not there, number won't connect. So, if you're flying in from abroad, she still could be in town, you just won't be able to connect without the prefix.

Site Survey

Seaview, 9:30 - 10:45, Friday
No problem getting a table. However, the early arrival PRC's weren't in attendence. Eventually spotted Miss Phone, who I was looking for. My bad luck, someone else's good, she informed me she was already allocated for the evening. So much for not pre-booking. Might be a slack period, but the ONE flight you want to take still might be booked. Strike 1.

Looked around, sparse crowd, and, more important, sparse wg's. While some familiar faces present, a number were MIA. Not worth hanging around to see if situation improved. One of the few times I'll say, targets of opportunity missing. No PI's at that early hour. Perhaps "exhibition" season has already started.

Imperial, 11:00 - 12:00, Friday
Refraining from calling Miss BBC immediately, over to Imperial. Miss Burberry there, but, again, no pre-booking. When I arrived, exchanged some smiles and nods, but she was already in pre-boarding with a potential passenger. Not being my style to cut in, I simply waited to see how it turned out, meanwhile surveying the other attractions. Boarding call was announced, and that flight took off, sans moi. Again, so much for trying to fly standby AND arriving at the airport late. Strike 2.

Decided to see what Miss BBC was up to. However, at that moment, a fighter escort arrived on station. Had seen 1 of Miss Friday's gf's on her mobile while waving at me. The scramble alert given to the airbase, here comes Miss F, full afterburner, ready to shoot down any intruding aircraft.

What the hell, full loop, long way home, still wind up with the mighty fine Miss F. No complaints.

TGIT, Astoria, 2:30 - 3:15, Saturday
Needing to run some errands downtown, get a headstart on the week, headed out. Unfortunately, errands fruitless. But did take the opportunity to stop in, after a LONG time, to an afternoon's TGIT.

There were more targets there, at least for me, anyway, than at Seaview the previous night. 3 PRC's, I won't call them a-listers, but they could have filled a slot in the Cyclone's chorus with no problem. Believe I have seen one, always escorted, at Seaview.

Number of familiar faces; one, JSF, you'll remember, always a smile. She is one of the FEW that I will buy a drink for, just because she is so sweet. I'm surprised she's still here, but she obviously found her niche.

Did re-acquire 2 phone numbers; easier to say lost my mobile than they had been deleted due to couldn't remember who they were. Maybe someday.

Not too many CIS around, certainly not like the "old" days with swarms of them. Perhaps the PRC competition has them overwhelmed? Did see at least one mamasan in residence (God, I HOPE she was a mamasan).

For me, a better selection than last week's afternoon Jockey's, and certainly 5, 6 I could easily have taken home. YMMV considerably.

Barcrawler: Did hear about Cyclone LE action (s) via my own sources. Both reported OK, one just missing the bust by 10 minutes.

Mike De H
11-11-06, 20:14
Just some quick info from "Anya" from the huge trip report.

As a well conected SP, she was tipped off not to work all last week, and stayed at home.

As a result she missed Cyclone last night. then again, she did not confirm it had happened, she was just told to keep her head down.

Sounds like something is kicking off again. Any more info?

Cool Tiger
11-11-06, 20:36
Phone numbers
All eyes suddenly here. Sorry. Just a reminder. From 15 December onwards, all stored mobile numbers must have the 050 prefix, even if mobile to mobile (someday, UAE will get a 2nd, non-competitive phone company; the 050 will serve to distinguish et*s*lat phone numbers from du). If prefix is not there, number won't connect. So, if you're flying in from abroad, she still could be in town, you just won't be able to connect without the prefix.

Thanks for the update, 11B. Have amended some of my contact numbers which did not begin with 050.

Talking of contact numbers, whilst updating, I just calculated that I have amassed 20 Dubai contact numbers in the past two years (together with 4 of fellow Mongers from this board). Majority of these numbers were obtained directly from the girls following GOOD sessions with them. Countless were deleted if a good time was not had.

This proves what 11B has said all along. There is no need to repeatedly ask for contact numbers on this board. Even if you are given any, you may not necessarily click with that girl, even though the number provider probably did.

Numbers are relatively easy to collect inside clubs, especially if you HAND OVER your mobile phone to them. This tends to prove to experienced girls that you are NOT just collecting THEIR numbers. You are also proving that you are genuine, when you provide your own number to them. As for subsequently receiving cold calls on your mobiles from these girls... well, that's a different story altogether, lol.

11-12-06, 05:38
Numbers are relatively easy to collect inside clubs, especially if you HAND OVER your mobile phone to them. This tends to prove to experienced girls that you are NOT just collecting THEIR numbers. You are also proving that you are genuine, when you provide your own number to them. As for subsequently receiving cold calls on your mobiles from these girls... well, that's a different story altogether, lol.Total agreement here, I always exchange numbers. I have not had too many problems as a result of this. Some guys keep a second phone or sim card if they need to ne more discrete.

11-12-06, 14:00
Talking of contact numbers, whilst updating, I just calculated that I have amassed 20 Dubai contact numbers in the past two years (together with 4 of fellow Mongers from this board). Majority of these numbers were obtained directly from the girls following GOOD sessions with them. Countless were deleted if a good time was not had.

... Even if you are given any, you may not necessarily click with that girl, even though the number provider probably did.

Numbers are relatively easy to collect inside clubs, especially if you HAND OVER your mobile phone to them.As far as adding the prefix, I'm up to the M's myself. Good excuse to cull some numbers where I can't remember who she is or I haven't called in a long time.

As you say, and demonstrated during 45 minutes at TGIT yesterday, EASY to collect numbers. Other than the 2 I did re-acquire, I could have easily collected 3 more, from the Cyclone chorus contingent, but I'm also aware of time limitations, so didn't bother. The to-do list is long enough already, and little progress being made.

Was a little confusing to me at first, but re-reading, what Cool Tiger is saying is to also give her your mobile number (not physically hand over your mobile, which I often do, so they can enter their own number). I always immediately give them a missed call to a)verify her number, and b)so she has mine and knows we have met. A number of girls reticent to respond to a "cold" call.

Unlike you, I always keep my disaster numbers, for 2 reasons. So I can identify their incoming calls.

To pass out to those punters who don't read the forum and just nag for contacts. After all, I don't believe I have any right to deny someone work. My disasters must get along with some punters; he just might be one of them. Besides, it's like that street beggar who asks "Got any spare change?" "Yes, as a matter of fact I do", digging into my mobile's address book's disaster category, "435..." No worry about posting this fact; these posters never read past history.

Sounds like something is kicking off again. Any more info? What baffles the girls, and me, are the inconsistencies; there's no standards. York hit hard, Cyclone too, but not Imperial or Regal. Sometimes it's girls leaving accompanied; other times, girls leaving alone. Sometimes it's close of business (I always view these as 'culling the overstock'), other times 1am. Sometimes any type of valid visa gets you a pass; other times, a valid visa with too many renewals and it's 'bye-bye'. Seems to be at the whim of the checkpoint.

To me, York has been eviscerated. First time back there, couple of weeks ago, it was a shell of a year ago. Given all of it's LE attention, a girl would have to be crazy to work there. Cyclone is Cyclone; no matter how many police checks, girls will still be found there. Strictly financial: if a girl can earn a month's salary back home there in 1 night, how are you going to stop it unless you close the place? [Again: if you've never been there, go. At least once. It is something to behold.]

My Kapitan
11-13-06, 04:30
Top Tip there mate. Can you sit outside at Waxy's?
One should embrace life's little pleasures.

Always keen to embrace little pleasures - especially blonde ones.

No outside area in Waxy's but after 5 drinks at 10dhms each you don't care anyway! Brunch starts at 12 but best to get in by 2pm if you want a seat. Breakfast from 1230 and cavery from 3pm. Dining are upstairs, main bar downstairs. By 6pm everyone completely pissed inc the girls, sometimes worth going in sober at 5-6pm, brunch offer ends at 7pm.

11-13-06, 10:24
What baffles the girls, and me, are the inconsistencies; there's no standards. It is more likely down to the standard bribes and 'protection' not being paid by the establishments, or just a gentle reminder of what can happen if you are late with your tributes. Can you imagine the York or the Cyclone surviving WITHOUT the WG's in attendance?

And/Or and a chance for LE to save some face, keep teh boys busy filling in paperwork and be seen to be winning the war against the henous sin of prostitution to prevent the anarchy, cats and dogs living together and civil war meltdown that constantly threatens the cornerstones of our society without the noble and selfless intervention of Dubai's constabulary.

And/Or the opportunity to pack the mingers off back home and maintain a certain standard amongst the stock. Although somehow I can't help feeling that despite this option oviously being the most important an ideally the primary driver, it more likely falls between the first two.

As the great man with sponge in his cheeks said " I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse".

11-13-06, 11:00
Always keen to embrace little pleasures - especially blonde ones.

No outside area in Waxy's but after 5 drinks at 10dhms each you don't care anyway! Brunch starts at 12 but best to get in by 2pm if you want a seat. Breakfast from 1230 and cavery from 3pm. Dining are upstairs, main bar downstairs. By 6pm everyone completely pissed inc the girls, sometimes worth going in sober at 5-6pm, brunch offer ends at 7pm.Forgive my shite Dubai geography, but is that near the port? And so near to TGIT and Imperial? Just for reference you understand, and blonde pleasures.

Tony #1
11-13-06, 14:25
Back in dubai next week, this LE action is a bit scary. Has cyclone been affected badly and premiere?/

11-13-06, 15:47
Tony, IMHO this kind of thing ALWAYS happens, you just do not always hear about it. There was a report about human rights that came out last week (with preview to the Govt.) and lo and behold; new proposals to "protect" guest workers etc.

After many years of "watch out, LE is on the move" I can confidently say that this is business as usual, like the tide, unstoppable. High tide, low tide, no matter.

Member #1071
11-13-06, 16:22
Regarding LE crackdowns, and as mentioned by Sporadic is like a tide: Sometimes hi sometimes lo.
I knew a Romanian girl who was drunk and leaving Regal. As soon as she left the hotel she was stopped by a police patrol.
When they asked her about her visa she told them in her drunken manner: What does visa means?
The two officeres laughed heavily and left her alone.
Two months later she was not that lucky, she was caught drunk and deported.

Cool Tiger
11-13-06, 23:39
Was a little confusing to me at first, but re-reading, what Cool Tiger is saying is to also give her your mobile number (not physically hand over your mobile, which I often do, so they can enter their own number). I always immediately give them a missed call to a)verify her number, and b)so she has mine and knows we have met. A number of girls reticent to respond to a "cold" call.

Unlike you, I always keep my disaster numbers, for 2 reasons. So I can identify their incoming calls.

To pass out to those punters who don't read the forum and just nag for contacts. After all, I don't believe I have any right to deny someone work. My disasters must get along with some punters; he just might be one of them. Besides, it's like that street beggar who asks "Got any spare change?" "Yes, as a matter of fact I do", digging into my mobile's address book's disaster category, "435..." No worry about posting this fact; these posters never read past history.

Majority of the time, I tend to physicall hand over my mobile, for the girl to enter and then dial her number from it. This way, language barrier and shouting out in clubs is avoided. It also ensures that she has dialled HER number correctly, avoiding any wrong numbers. On a few occassions in the past, I have been given an incorrect number, either intentionally or through mis-hearing.

For your 2nd reason, a case of new lesson learnt for the day. I will make the point of retaining Disaster numbers in future, mainly for passing on to non-posting punters (I have already received 3 PMs requesting Contact Numbers, lol).

Thanks for the tip 11B.

11-14-06, 09:46
Forgive my shite Dubai geography, but is that near the port? And so near to TGIT and Imperial? Just for reference you understand, and blonde pleasures.At the risk of answering my own question, this website has interactive maps of the Dubai area and the majority of the hotels that might interest this forum there in, so for us geographically challenged is a godsend when it comes to event planning


So no-one needs to ask where things are anymore, right? Hah!

Party Peter
11-14-06, 11:00
Having read the recent reports about increased LE action I too am now concerned - I have booked to stay at the 4point on the basis that WG action can be found locally - Reports here say that York is now off the menu so where shall I go to find WG's. I arrive late Thursday night and would like to see immediate action! Cyclone? where else? Ta.

Tony #1
11-14-06, 11:14
thanks for the info, i thought is was just the usual.

11-14-06, 17:10
Today's afternoon delight mentioned that besides the bust at York, according to her, 2, 3 nights ago, somewhere between 2-3am, 2 LE buses pulled up to Cyclone. Departing girls culled, many taken. She also mentioned that a friend of hers, 3 year work/residence visa in force, had her stay shortened to time she'd already been here. Even that magic charm no guarantee of waltzing through a visa check.

Party Peter: I wouldn't worry, there will still be 2 or 3 wg's around ;)

York is not quite off the menu, but a shell of its former glory. Still Cyclone, Imperial Suites, Hyatt Premiere, Rockafellas, Rattlesnake, Seaview, Astoria, Panarama (Jockeys), ... etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

11-14-06, 18:21
Just found this forum its brill!

Been to Dubai a few times, going back end of Nov. Is there any decent action around Dubai Marina? As I will be staying there.


Naked Gunz
11-14-06, 18:26
York is not quite off the menu, but a shell of its former glory. Still Cyclone, Imperial Suites, Hyatt Premiere, Rockafellas, Rattlesnake, Seaview, Astoria, Panarama (Jockeys), ... etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

Pls keep us informed of where the African girls go now..Although I won't be in UAE until Feb. ,hopefully things will settle down and York will be swingin again.

York hotel is extremley girl unfriendly anyway. As I got out of my cab to check in..the front desk clerk shouts to me "NO GIRLS IN YOUR ROOM!"

11-14-06, 20:46
Pls keep us informed of where the African girls go now..Although I won't be in UAE until Feb. ,hopefully things will settle down and York will be swingin again.If you want to find African girls, just follow me around. Like moths to a candle.

York hotel is extremley girl unfriendly anyway. As I got out of my cab to check in..the front desk clerk shouts to me "NO GIRLS IN YOUR ROOM!"Class place, I would expect that sort of thing from them. ;)
I sat in on a conversation with the GM of a seriously non-GF hotel, and when it came down to brass tacks, he caved, and said "you guys can bring in anyone you want."

I set him up, when good old JSF was headed over to see me, I asked the lead bellhop if my guest could join me in my room, he displayed the same kind of class as the York guys, flailing his arms and shouting no, no, no guests.

Later, with the GM, I simply asked why my middle aged, male business associate could not attend a meeting in my room?

Can you say backpaddle? Then my associate said, and we have female reps as well!

Suffice it to say, problem solved for that trip anyway. ;)

We still got evil looks though. Never went back there again.

Forgive me Mr.Cuddles, but your nick creeps me out somehow.

Naked Gunz
11-14-06, 22:31
Forgive me Mr.Cuddles, but your nick creeps me out somehow.
Your forgiven-lol .....I used on legit dating sites. Got tired of tryin to remember who I am all over the web. So I'm he EVERYWHERE now.You can call MrC

or u can call me ray, or u can call me jay. or u can call me rayjay, or u can.......

am frantically emailing my one remaining contact in Dubai b4 LE runs them all from the country.

Cool Nomad
11-15-06, 04:03
Hello Resident Gentlemen & Senior Members:

Any resolution of the problem at E's place? Planning a visit in Dec. and appreciate the feedback.

Cool Nomad

Wicked Roger
11-15-06, 05:47
If you want to find African girls, just follow me around. Like moths to a candle.

Add Piper to that list to follow around Mr Cuddles, they seem to like him and I have first hand experience of him liking African girls ;)


11-15-06, 07:29
or u can call me ray, or u can call me jay. or u can call me rayjay, or u can....
But ya doesn´t have to call me Johnson.

11-15-06, 09:02

I was recently on a Lufthansa flight and was fortunate enough to get on very well with one of the stewardessess.

Now lets get something straight, she wasnt the dreamy image of a trolly dolly we all have but she was very attractive (maybe 7/10) and more importantly to me was how nice and pleasant she was.

Anyway, we got chatting and I got o some serious flirting that ended up with the inevitable invitation for take her out one night.

This is where it started to get interesting!

Not only does she agree to go out and we exchange numbers but then on my first night out wth her in Dubai she tells me that she and her friends do some occassional escorting to help out with bills and shopping habits.

Anyway, we ended up having an excellent night together that didnt feel like I was with an escort at all.

So, the final thing is that she and her friends make monthly stops in Dubai and although they are very picky who they meet, she has told me that she is happy to discuss meeting with people I can reccomend, if interested PM me and I will send you her email address as she will sort everything my email on MSN.

Thanks guys.

11-15-06, 09:56
York hotel is extremley girl unfriendly anyway. It's the pinnacle of absurdity and double standards isn't it?

Just who are they trying to kid?

This is how there website describes the Disco:

"Welcome to the longest bar in Dubai It is definitely the best club in the middle east our resident UK band "Age of Reason" plays live all you favorite tunes everyday except sundays and our DJ Glendville entertains you every night with the latest dance hits. The spectacular long bar and our friendly bartenders serve all our customers from across the five continents. "

Well, I am sure that was the original intention, althought the definition of 'service' appears to ahve changed somewhat.

Fifty Fifty
11-15-06, 15:46
Hi folks,

Sorry about the lack of posts recently, although I have been reading with interest.

Had a good couple of weeks with short stop-over guys who stayed at MK's and wanted to do the Triangle Tour etc.

Seem to have been good for the girls too as lots of them keep asking 'where is your friend' blah blah blah.

Miss Gem is still on the scene, although she has been having a few lady probs recently, the lack of earnings on her part has not been good for her, but at least it let me get out n about to try a few more new samples.

Usual haunts still come up trumps, with a new mega-rack PRC from Imperial last week proving to be the winner so far.

Pilipina babes at the Seaview come a close second, they are in there from around 11pm onwards, but only if it is worth the journey from Diera so I am told.

With regard to the LE activity I have been told that there is a fair bit of it around the PRC houses behind Panarama area, with Police sitting outside and nabbing the girls at random. Problem is that when you put 24 PRC into a 3 bed apartment, obviously some of the neighbours are going to object and complaints have to be acted on and all that.

It was so bad last night that even Miss Gem, now better, refused to leave her house to come over to my place and she told me that 21 of her 'sisters' stayed put as well.

Just out of interest I decided to go on a recce at around 23.30 to see what the score was. Regal was fairly empty, M/F ratio around 4:1 (girls all CIS) with me being one of 3 westerners in the place. .

York, similar but with a lot WG’s of African origin and virtually no CIS, around half the PRC missing

Imp was packed but M/F ratio again around 4:1 with around 4 westerners and the rest locals, but a great deal of the regular PRC and CIS absent.

Maybe it was the day of the week, but I sense a distinct lack of WG’s around, usually during weekdays they outnumber punters, but not last night.

Will find out at the weekend what the real story is.

Thats it for now folks,


EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

11-15-06, 17:11
Had an argument last night with Wildcat, who was in the mood for a fight, so to prevent it from escalating, I did what a good husband should do - hopped in a cab and went to a bar to cool down. :) Rattlesnake was pretty quiet at midnight, but I was soon approached by a new young baby-faced Russian blonde. Very pretty, and I was horny as hell. I considered going back to her apartment, but the long drive to Deira put me off. She soon found a willing customer, and I didn't have the sense to ask for her number. Maybe next time.

Next I dabbled with the idea of heading home to Korean-Chinese Sisi's place (she was clinging to me much of the night). She gives great GFE service and I miss her killer "walk all over me" massage.

There were a few regulars and a few new faces at Rattler. I came to my senses and left the club, but the fire had been stoked. I took the heat home, and Wildcat likes me again. :D

Plans have fallen through for an Abu Dhabi rumble tonight due to Wicked Roger's and my work commitments - maybe next week. I'm hangin' for a wild weekend with a wild girl - preferably a primal African. The 500DH one-hour flight to Bahrain is also looking very tempting.

Cool Tiger
11-15-06, 18:14
This is where it started to get interesting!

... if interested PM me and I will send you her email address as she will sort everything my email on MSN.

Thanks guys.

I hope you have cleared out your Inbox, ready for loads of PMs from Non-posters, lol.

11-15-06, 18:29
Amazing how many of these gals play for pay on the side. In Australia many of the escorts/brothel-girls in one city, are air-hostesses on overnight stays from another city. Wouldn't be surprised if some Emirates girls are also in for some paid fun. Scarlett's Club is a major hangout for Emirates crew. When I was single, I managed to get lucky a few times. Ah those were the days.

A lot of Dubai Duty Free Girls go there also. Speaking of which, I was mesmerized by one of the most stunning and friendly girls I've ever seen, at Dubai Duty Free on my last trip to BKK. She looked Iranian, and like a desperado, I went back twice before my flight to buy things I didn't need, just to build up the nerve to ask her for her number. Too many people waiting in line.

11-15-06, 19:55
As mentioned before, during a six year period (yes it WAS a while ago) all my mongering was with stew/escorts in European capitals. Nothing new here, they have always been a source of fresh trim (and we fresh cash.)

During this time I "collected" most major airlines. ;) (the best, no contest, was JAL.)

They work for the travel benefits, and an extra cash injection (sorry!) is most welcome. Not all certainly, but a good 30-40% of them will welcome p4p adventures.

11-15-06, 20:49
I arrive tomorrow at the Park Hyatt.

I phone to know if is friendly but they didn't answer really.

So I am still crossing the fingers.

For top CIS ,i suppose cyclone is still the only place?

What about the raid of LE?

There are still enough girls to find at Cyclone?

11-15-06, 22:44

greetings, need your help seriously for an off topic issue. Some may know I am comming to Dubai frequently, enjoy the hobby and (report and) return.
Now I mega catas****e is approaching Dubai (or myself).

My dear wife, together with my brother and sister in law, just decided to intercept me on my next business trip to Dubai and do expect to be entertained. They just want to see all the places I go with my business partners. Well, I neither want them to show the places nor the business partners. But I have no idea where to go with familly.

Can I please get some ideas about bars, good restaurants, etc. to show around my familly for five days. Shopping is good and I can drop the at Bur Juman center or Emirates Mall, but will be out of money after one day.

So seriously, I need some ideas from you how to manager that, otherwise I will be in serious trouble. Any help is more than welcome.

Sorry to all anoyed by this post.


11-15-06, 22:58

I feel your pain. But it is really not a problem.

One of the virtues of DXB is the range of venues and the "lace curtain," if you will, between the sordid nightlife and the "tourist friendly" nightlife.

Take them to Wafi Center, the pyramid place, Carter´s restaurant (only WG´s about are on a date) and they serve a decent steak.

You can really take them anywhere OUTSIDE the golden triangle and everything will be fine. Skip Bur Juman (too close to the triangle) and take them to the Mall of the Emirates or the City Centre.

Stop by the Renaissance for the buffet dinner (100% civilian) and a drink in Harry´s place.

Do the dinner cruise thing.

The concierge in any hotel will have 1000 options, none of which (if you need to explain the situation) will seem even slightly naughty.

Good luck to you, but I honestly think you will have no problems. I have entertained civilians dozens of times in DXB without a hint of the dark side.

Silent Bob
11-16-06, 17:30

Don't worry there are planty of things to do. Sporadic mentioned already a couple of things.

Souk Mandinat on a late afternoon and for the evening a nice dinner. After the dinner a Shisa on the roof. They will have a fantastic view on the Burj Al Arab. A desert safari is nice. The gold souk is a must for tourists. Think about the afternoon tea in the Burj (I don't like the Burj but a lot of tourists want to see it once), if yes you have to book a table in advance.

Cho Cho's in the Dubai Marine is also nice for an evening.

Don't worry, be happy


Silent Bob

Fifty Fifty
11-16-06, 18:35
Hi Folks,

Got news last night from a little PRC reporter that Astoria TGIT had been closed down. Apparently there was fight, involving bad injuries, poss fatality. All unconfirmed so far - anyone able to update?

Regards FF

11-16-06, 20:14
Can I please get some ideas about bars, good restaurants, etc. to show around my familly for five days. Buy a copy of current week's Time Out Dubai, 5 dhs, available just about everywhere. PAGES and PAGES of bars, restaurants, clubs, things to do. Have also heard the new Marina is good for a stroll, especially now the weather is turning bearable.

11-17-06, 04:41
Can I please get some ideas about bars, good restaurants, etc. to show around my familly for five days.TomThe trouble with Time Out is the last time I looked TGIT was described as an American theme FAMILY restaurant popular with children and parents! But I guess you know the places to avoid!

Some suggestions.

Scarlet's - Emirates Towers. Lots of business types, Emirates Stews, lively atmosphere and no P4P. Tuesdays you wife and sister inlaw will get two free drinks each (ladies night)

VU's Bar - Emirates Towers 54th(?). Not been personally but famed for its View and expensive drinks so I would suggest a quick one there at sunset, then down to Scarlet's for happy hour.

There is a good Buffet restaurant in the Jumeria Beach hotel (includes food cooked in a wok front of you). I can't remember the name but it has exceptional views of the Burj.

Fibber McGees is a good Irish Pub off SZR. Not easy to find but you won't get in trouble there.

Also try the Madinat Jumeria, many restaurants and bars with lots of Alfresco dining.

The Bannana Lagoon in the Marriot Hotel in Deria looked like it had an excellet all you can eat seafood night (we were just grabbing a couple drinks at the bar) and Maroi / south seas dance troop for entertainment.

Near the Airport try Irish Village and I have been told that "The Fish Market" resturant at the Meridian is excellent.

In the Bur Dubai area. Old Vic in the Ramada, Rock Bottom, Waxy O'conners, Aussie Legends should all provide a P4P free environment. The Music Room in the new Majestic Hotel could be a possibility but if you wife is Asian or Black it sounds that there is a chance that she may attract the attention of the heavies on suspicion of being P4P, such is the drive to keep the place P4P free.

Or get the hell out of dodge, Assuming you have the time - One night in Fujerah on the Indian Ocean or Al Ain (there is a great Meridan(?) hotel 4000ft up on the Jebal) would make an interesting side trip. Then there is always the ubiquitous desert safari.

11-17-06, 07:50
As mentioned before, during a six year period (yes it WAS a while ago) all my mongering was with stew/escorts in European capitals. Nothing new here, they have always been a source of fresh trim (and we fresh cash.)

During this time I "collected" most major airlines. ;) (the best, no contest, was JAL.)

They work for the travel benefits, and an extra cash injection (sorry!) is most welcome. Not all certainly, but a good 30-40% of them will welcome p4p adventures.I am amused that Emirates actually has "do not engage in prostitution" as one of their employee handbook rules! Apparently it was a big problem a few years back, involving crew accomodations.

From now on, whenever I hire anyone (especially 50+ year old men, land trolls, etc.), I'm going to spend 5 minutes making sure he knows he's not allowed to prostitute himself on the side; any such revenues belong to the company. Heh.

I think you'd be better off focusing on the non-locally-based crew on layovers for p4p; EK girls are more like normal "buy them drinks and trinkets in exchange for sex" "girlfriends".

11-17-06, 08:14
The trouble with Time Out is the last time I looked TGIT was described as an American theme FAMILY restaurant popular with children and parents!That's the TGIF (or TGIT) on sheik zayed road, near the Crown Plaza. Think Tom can easily distinguish. (My favorite review is of Cyclone: "A whirlwind of mayhem with an exceptionally friendly female clientele.")

Time Out does offer a day by day (or should that be night by night) "offering" calendar of a number of non-P4P places, along with their bar guide. Plus pages of "things to do".

...that Astoria TGIT had been closed down. Apparently there was fight, involving bad injuries, poss fatality. Something happened, don't know exactly what. Rumor I heard last night from Miss T was that 3 PRC's, 3 guys left, 3 PRC's dead. Obviously some, "base", originally true story has been "enhanced" and exaggerated at each retelling. I've heard it will be closed for several days.

11-17-06, 09:35
Why is Moby Dick the best thing you can catch at Seaview nowadays?

11-17-06, 09:59
Hi Folks,

thanks for support and participating with my recent problem.

Good news first - due to peak season and high rates it seems to be I was able to shift them to Ras al Khaimah, which I do consider as an advantage. While my dear wife was somewhat insisting in Dubai, I made clear this trip is at a fixed budget, which she either can spend for shopping aor accommodation. This seemed to be working.

I am plannning one day trip to Fujeirai,because I had never been there and remember the comments from P1 and others about the beauty of nature. Another should bring us to AUH and the Emirates & Ibn Butta malls, some cultural activities and I have to look for some dining.

Tomorrow I am flying back to Dubai on my own and I do remember there was allways a copy of Time Out at the room - the girls took it somtimes. Will do my planning carefully.

It is a little shame I have to admit, despite so many times being there not to have gained some real knowledge about the city - but aim to change this now.

Thanks again and greetings to you,


11-17-06, 14:07
Scarlet's - Emirates Towers. Lots of business types, Emirates Stews, lively atmosphere and no P4P.Almost correct! Scarlett's girls are about 95% non-WGs.

Years ago when I was an innocent non-monger and new to Dubai, I'd been lucky with non-P4Ps, including a few times in Scarletts. One night I picked up a girl there after lots of chatting, charming and feeding her several leg-openers (champagne, from memory). Eventually she invited me to her apartment.


Got to her apartment after some shnogging in the taxi. We walked in, and she immediately locked the door from the inside and hid the key, took off her jeans and asked me how much I was going to pay her.


A bit green, a bit drunk and a bit stunned, I didn't know what to do. I almost considered paying (but she was not really worth paying for). Then I heard noises from the only bedroom, and she mentioned that we would have to wait until her friend was finished with her customer so we could use the bed. I told her I had to leave. She said no. I said I had to leave as I wasn't feeling well. She gave me a sly knowing smile and unlocked the door, even giving me a kiss on the way out.

Funny part was going back to Scarletts the following week with my pal, and watching from a safe distance as my pal (a die-hard non-monger) fell into the same trap with the same girl. He thought he was prince charming, as it was so easy chatting her up. I eventually called him on his mobile and told him she was a WG, and that I was behind him in the crowd. He looked around at me, and she saw me at the same time and winked. A minute later he bid his farewells to his "almost-conquest" and came over to me. He told me that he didn't realize she was a WG, but after I called him she told him I was at her apartment last week. So much for discretion! I explained my faux pas, but he didn't believe me.

Several visits to Scarlett's later, my pal and I got to the point where if we were were having too much success in chatting up girls, we started asking strategic questions about their work, visas etc, as a polite way of asking "are you a working girl?"

A few times they were.

11-17-06, 14:23
Today's Gulf News:

Dubai: A Briton who secretly filmed up women's skirts while in a hypermarket has landed in prison for six months, and will then be deported ...

Try explaining that to your family, boss, etc. New career needed. Maybe porn producer?

Fifty Fifty
11-17-06, 14:26
Hi folks,

Had a crackin night at Seaview last night. Arranged to meet a few guys from work there, one of them took his wife too (fool). I arranged to meet then went over with Miss Gem just to give em all a little surprise. She was, of course, in her element loving the attention.

Band were superb, so good that we all stayed for all 3 sets, despite the guys saying they were not planning a late night of it.

The place was fairly full, when we arrived just after 10 pm.

Mostly PRC with a few African and only 2 PI, prob not WG's as they were accompanied by PI Guys too. PRC were as usual, attentive but respectful of wifey and Miss Gem, nice to watch them working out who is worth trying for.

Several PRC regulars with there usual blokes dotted around the tables - but a few newbies too.

I got a few SMS from regular PI crowd, although I ignored them, one of the girls said she knew i was in Seaview and was coming over.

Several PI arrived just before midnight and one of my mates was interested so I took him over for a looksee/intro etc.

My fave PI was not in a good mood, apparently she had been having a fairly blank night at the Highland (Note lots of PI there at mo folks)

Now she had come to the Seaview to find that her Thursday man (me) was out with his Chinese GF as she referred to Miss G.

We all enjoyed a great night, one of my mates got an approach from a PRC, probably his first cos he didnt know what to do.

She had offered Long Time for 300 and he had no idea what she was talking about- soon explained and deal done. Quite a nice PRC but alas no 50:50

Well at the end of the night, we all went our seperate ways. I dropped into MK's place (thanks mate) cos couldnt be arsed to go back to mine and his is so damn handy too.

Too drunk to bother with the Queensize Gym, had a sleep and then morning fun.

Followed by another quick kip, which brought on a severe case of the fu*kits re work.

WR called at 2 pm today and as we were chatting I reached over and checked Miss Gems stubble - well WR likes to know too.

Time to get up and get her off to the Barbers - pics in gallery of Miss G doing it herself this time.

Bad news, Miss Gem goes back to PRC tomorrow, family illness probs.
She wants to return to DXB asap, prob in a month or so- and I cant wait. She has promised to let one of her 'sisters' look after me for the month - but I dont know whether there ever can be a substitute.

I will , of course keep you all posted as to how things with the new Gem go.
Meanwhile the 50:50 hunt resumes.

Thats all folks,


EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

11-17-06, 14:37
He was only identified as "P.S."
Could this be "Piper suave?" :)

11-17-06, 14:49
Not me. That would make me only an after-thought. ;)

However, latest update: Picked Soger just called me from the lock-up, using his only allowed phone-call. Said something about wanting me to collect some vids and uploading them to ISG. That was the last thing I heard before I heard a guy in the background introducing himself as Ben Dover. Then the phone went dead. :D

11-17-06, 15:13
Today's Gulf News:

Dubai: A Briton who secretly filmed up women's skirts while in a hypermarket has landed in prison for six months, and will then be deported ...

Try explaining that to your family, boss, etc. New career needed. Maybe porn producer?

.... the Monger who was arrested in one of the area's leading night time venues on a charge of "Assault with a dead Weapon" - Oh, the Shame....

11-17-06, 16:04
Today's Gulf News:

Dubai: A Briton who secretly filmed up women's skirts while in a hypermarket has landed in prison for six months, and will then be deported ...

Try explaining that to your family, boss, etc. New career needed. Maybe porn producer?How do you 'secretly' film up womens skirts? Disguise yourself as a floor tile?

Obviously not that secret at it either.

11-17-06, 18:10
That's the TGIF (or TGIT) on sheik zayed road, near the Crown Plaza. .Guilty as charged - I was posting bollox. I knew I read it somewhere but it was not time out. It's the Astoria's own web site.

TGI Thursday’s
A unique American hang-out with a casual weekend attitude. This versatile Yankee-style hang-out offers you anything from a snack to a three course meal from its wide ranging food and desserts menu. Or you could simply chill-out with your drink at the Bar.

When in Dubai, you’ve got to thank God Its thursday for weekends. Whereas in TGI Thursday’s, everyday feels like a weekend. This versatile Yankee-American-style hang-out offers you anything from a snack to a three course meal from its wide ranging food and desserts menu.

Enjoy the service of the friendly staff and sample dishes that range from:

Soups and Salads
Sandwiches and Burgers
Delicous Desserts
Pizzas and Pastas
A Special Kids' Menu

or simply enjoy a refreshing cocktail from a wide selection at the Bar

11-17-06, 19:22
How do you 'secretly' film up womens skirts? Disguise yourself as a floor tile?

Obviously not that secret at it either.
Shiny shoes are a virtue young one!

11-17-06, 23:59

I was recently on a Lufthansa flight and was fortunate enough to get on very well with one of the stewardessess.

...Not only does she agree to go out and we exchange numbers but then on my first night out wth her in Dubai she tells me that she and her friends do some occassional escorting to help out with bills and shopping habits.

For sure folks the dude got my response, however it may not surprise I am still waiting for his response.

Anyhow, today I found one pack of these "do it on your laser printer" business cards, I bought them years ago in the U.S. when my boss went out of business cards but we used a few only.

Guess what, it is simple. Name & Phone (the dirty secret one) & e-mail. Hope this will be the ingredients of my success. Hope I find chances to distribute them. I fear I am to shy at the right moment, but at least I am prepared now.

Wait for my reports, anyhow worst case I will share my frustration with you. Any last minute advises are more than welcome.

Greetings (and I will be blocked of for the net ten days thanks eti & co)


P.S.: Family at Ras a. K., I am so lucky.

11-18-06, 06:35
This friday night was a real pity at the cyclone.

Never seen so few girls.

And those there were not very nice.

After, I went in Jules bar, full but no pretty ones.

Any good idea for today late afternoon or evening?

I am looking for top-CIS.

For the information ,Park Hyatt hotel is half-GF.

Pay a extra and they want photocopy of the passeport.

Thanks in advance.

Crime Of Passion
11-18-06, 07:11
How do you 'secretly' film up womens skirts? Disguise yourself as a floor tile?

Obviously not that secret at it either.

There have been a couple of cases UK side about this. One guy had a camera looking up out of a shopping bag, the other had a 'shoe cam'. The latter was a micro video camera in the top of the shoe (or something like similar). Idea something along the lines of girl stands in a queue and bag or shoe is placed beneath skirt...

11-18-06, 07:22

I was recently on a Lufthansa flight and was fortunate enough to get on very well with one of the stewardessess.


Is it true that "Lufthansa" stands for 'Let Us F**k The Hosties And Not Say Anything' ?


11-18-06, 10:12
Hi Folks,

After having reviewed approx. 6 month’s pages of this forum before I moved from Germany to Dubai mid of September and I think I was quite well prepared regarding price levels, locations etc. Thanks you all so much!

I took quite a while, but now I installed TOR and Etisalat’s blocking is no problem any more, thanks again to related advisors in the forum.

Having checked out many of the location which have been mentioned here I currency can conclude as follows (please note that I only look for CIS girls):

Music varies. But guaranteed that more than one slim CIS A-looker will appear during the night. Problem is the prices are stupid, many A-lookers are not willing to negotiate at all. And especially at Cyclone girls service and hours should be explicitly discussed in advance as otherwise disappointment may occurs (no fresh kissing; staying night defined as 3 hours).

Club, male visitor’s and music too Arabic for me, high price level, many CIS girls, but when I were there no slim CIS A-looker (but this must have been an exception, as many A-lookers I have picked at other locations stated they are also in Amnesia from time to time). But I don’t fell comfortable there, just too Arabic, sitting there on the tables.

Like Atmosphere in club more than in Cyclone, quality of the girls unfortunately as good as Cyclone, rather high price level, when I were there no slim CIS A-looker

Only CIS – yes! Prices moderate, but must be a lucky night to find more than one a slim A-looker there.

Mosow Hotel
100 entry fee, nice band/music, girls mid-quality looking.

York and Imperial Suites
Low end, forget it

Guys, I also would appreciate some advice from you for the following:

My favorite girl unfortunately got recently deported back to Russia. Any possibilities to get her back into Dubai again?

I would not have a problem sponsoring her a visit visa, but I think the main problem is the eye scan at the airport.

May be I did’t recognize it, but at Terminal 1 I have not seen such scan procedures being used there (and many Indians arrive there).

How is it decided who is eye scanned and who not [nationality?, kind of visa?, Arrival Terminal? (is there a difference between handling in Terminal 1 and Terminal 2, as planes from CIS arrive at Terminal 2)]

Any comments, suggestions? What about entering UAE via land boarder Oman? Please drop me a PM if you have useful suggestions.

Thanks in advance.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

11-18-06, 12:36
Seaview, Friday night, 10:30 - 11:30
Arrived bit later than normal, but, luckily enough, just as I arrived, a table opened up. Crowded, very unfavorable M/F ratio, but, as usual here, that is often misleading.

I had tentatively pre-booked; glad I had. Hooked up, listened to the last few songs of the 1st set. A number of the usual faces missing, a couple of new ones, but no chance to talk to. During the break, a few girls took to the dance floor, then slowly dissolved back to the tables. No philipinas visible. From what I saw, I could easily believe a number of girls taking a "holiday". Either that, or Gitex was in town already.

My Kapitan
11-18-06, 13:59
Hi folks,
We all enjoyed a great night, one of my mates got an approach from a PRC, probably his first cos he didnt know what to do.

She had offered Long Time for 300 and he had no idea what she was talking about- soon explained and deal done. Quite a nice PRC but alas no 50:50

Well at the end of the night, we all went our seperate ways. I dropped into MK's place (thanks mate) cos couldnt be arsed to go back to mine and his is so damn handy too.

Too drunk to bother with the Queensize Gym, had a sleep and then morning fun.

FF you will have to email me as to who that colleauge was!

Glad to see the apartment put to good use from the pictures, at least I will have no trouble explaining black hairs to Miss O !


Wicked Roger
11-18-06, 15:05
FF you will have to email me as to who that colleauge was!

Glad to see the apartment put to good use from the pictures, at least I will have no trouble explaining black hairs to Miss O !


Nice to see you are still alive if not mongering. Am sure there is no MSB due to presence of Miss O but FF and I know you are itching to do some mongering - old habits die hard.

BTW, the 'mate' was not me. Am too busy with Miss N - see the last picture I have posted, keeping me a happy camper, lots of greek and BBBJ - you remember her BBBJ.

Remember when you are back we need to hook up with the ladies for a foursome - N is very keen. Of course this assumes O has forgiven me by now ;)


Fifty Fifty
11-18-06, 19:36
Glad to see the apartment put to good use from the pictures, at least I will have no trouble explaining black hairs to Miss O ! MKAha, firstly as you can see from the pics, all the 'short black ones' went down the plughole mate.

Secondly, I know you are into Tall, Blonde & Russian , but not necessarily tall, blonde or dark haired?

Also I have you down as not liking the Dark (haired) ones, recall the 'Racist' accusations of not so long ago?

Looking forward to your return mate, the cheap Hoover is still working so no Black Hairs to explain away your indiscretions to Miss O - Unless, of course I get lucky tonight.

Miss G is off to the airport, I am off to the Suites lol.

Report to follow.

Cya, FF

11-18-06, 20:24
Any good idea for today late afternoon or evening?
Use your "saved for a rainy day" collection of phone numbers that you collected when the weather was sunny.

Music varies.They play music? Damn, learn something new everyday. Guess I always had my senses focused on other things. ;)

Problem is the prices are stupid, many A-lookers are not willing to negotiate at all. And especially at Cyclone girls service and hours should be explicitly discussed in advance as otherwise disappointment may occurs (no fresh kissing; staying night defined as 3 hours). Free market; somebody IS paying the requested amounts.

Known fact: unless you are very careful, her definition of LT is when you fall asleep. Better question is to ask her when she will leave in the morning.

May be I did’t recognize it, but at Terminal 1 I have not seen such scan procedures being used there (and many Indians arrive there).I'm taking a guess, but I'm thinking they don't do it in public when you're being deported. From experience with a Miss T, girls being deported are brought in a back way, processed at a "special" immigration desk, and only then let loose in the departure lounge to wait for their flight home.

On arrivals, I'd think you'd be "escorted" into a "special" room IF immigration was suspicious of your status. Otherwise, it upsets the desired tourists that there could be problems in paradise.

From the Gulf News, think last week, "special" attention being paid to land arrivals from Oman.

My suggestion: unless she can afford a QUICK round trip, i.e. deportation on arrival, AND the questions why back in the home country, I'd say look elsewhere. Yes, she might have been THE one, but there's always another THE, you just have to keep looking.

Otherwise, visit her at home, or in a neutral country.

11-18-06, 22:27
CIS flights are treated differently than others, indeed, many fly out of Sharja rather than T2 DXB.

Standard deportation entry ban is 1 year (presuming no actual charges beyond overstaying.)

The eye scan is to enforce this. One report I heard was that if you return (should say attempt to return) before the ban is over, you will be returned to immigration jail, vice turned around at the airport. This may have just been a scare tactic.

Land border crossings may not use the scan, but it would need a "new" passport and identity.

My suggestion? Meet her in the Ukraine, no visa required for US/EU folks, nor for Russians (they csan travel there on their "internal" passports.)
Besides, Odessa and Kiev are quite nice. :)

Different subject: Rumor control suggests that the famous Feroza (both her and her house) were busted recently. No confirmation of this as of yet.

11-18-06, 22:35
I bring some good news.

Some good ambiance at the Red Square but i have never seen such a lot of ugly girls.

New discover for me is THE PREMIERE :nice girls but i was there too early.

But 3 girls for 1 man.

Jules Bar was allways the same /not to good ,but not too bad.

But the surprise came from the Ku-Bu at the radisson deira.

Some top CIS ,quite expensive but top.

And the Park Hyatt hotel is definitively GF.

To be continued tomorrow.

11-19-06, 01:02
Zerodancer, great first report. Wish more "newbies" were as articulate and informed before posting.

After almost a year absence, I am returning to Dubai next week (Tuesday). My damned red-eye lands at 7am which means I will be sitting around the hotel lobby of the Sheraton Four Points for several hours until they let me into my room.

Sad to hear that TGIT is closed for now. If anyone has any advice on new options for afternoon delights, I'm all ears. And if anyone is interested in a beer, I'll be either at Cyclone or Rockafellas. I'll be the guy drooling over tall blonde Russian CIS also!

11-19-06, 04:33
No offence intended here, we all have our own tastes and reasons for our hobby but two new posters are posting about the rarity of "top girls". My standards for defining top girl are different, I of course would say higher and paradoxically there are a lot more of them about and you are more likley to find them in "down market" locations

Yes, I must fined the girl attractive, but for me that can cover quite a broad spectrum, particularly with Asians but ATTITUDE and GFE are paramount.

You will have no idea you have a potential "Top Girl" until you have talked to her

And in my view you will have no idea if you have had a Top Girl until the morning after.

Relax and enjoy.

11-19-06, 06:20
I've been going to GITEX for the first time, and I've noticed that the "booth babes" are even more transparently eye candy (vs. being able to at least pretend to know about the products, or direct visitors to the appropriate sales person at a minimum).

And, I think I've recognized some of them from Cyclone!

I know there are "model" agencies which recruit off-duty stewardesses, etc. to show up at such events, but I'm sure plenty of "receptionists" from CIS are also in that scene, and now are at GITEX.

So, I predict Regal, Cyclone, Premiere will be full of girls who worked all day at GITEX.

(also, just got back from Bahrain, will post a report there.)

My Kapitan
11-19-06, 06:40
My favorite girl unfortunately got recently deported back to Russia. Any possibilities to get her back into Dubai again?

I would not have a problem sponsoring her a visit visa, but I think the main problem is the eye scan at the airport.

May be I did’t recognize it, but at Terminal 1 I have not seen such scan procedures being used there (and many Indians arrive there).

How is it decided who is eye scanned and who not [nationality?, kind of visa?, Arrival Terminal? (is there a difference between handling in Terminal 1 and Terminal 2, as planes from CIS arrive at Terminal 2)]

Any comments, suggestions? What about entering UAE via land boarder Oman? Please drop me a PM if you have useful suggestions.

Thanks in advance.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Excellent report Zero.

Two words 'No Chance'.

The ban is a ban is a ban.
The girl MUST negotiate a ‘no ban’ on deportation, basically a bribe.

Some words of advice and caution. Only sponsor the girl if she is squeaky clean without a LE history otherwise the powers that be will start to look at YOU more closely, don’t forget they have a huge range of laws they can use against you at their whim. EG Being in the same apartment/villa with a member of the opposite sex not related to you and not your maid. Drinking in a bar without an alcohol license if you are a resident etc etc.

Unless you run a business here sponsoring a girl is a bureaucratic nightmare and it’s very expensive.

The scans have stopped the old practice of changing name and then passport in the CIS and returning. The scan is pretty much infallible and if it defaults then it defaults to sending the girl home. Terminal 1 scanning area is the frosted glass zone by the visa waiting area just before the escalators up to passport control. Terminal 2 it’s inside the arrival area, believe me – avoid T2.

Almost all CIS girls under 30 are scanned. Attempt to return during the 1 year ban then look forward to detention in Mr M’s zero star hotel in Sharjah prior to a flight home at your expense.

Land borders – you are kidding right? Get her an Omani visa then bring her into the UAE without a visa come on get real. You will both be locked up while the LE do their research. Don’t forget YOU risk losing everything in the UAE if you break the law here.

My advice – See her in Russia.
If you love her marry her and negotiate a legal entry – costly but possible - if she is a WG why bother, there are plenty more around.

Fibber McGees is a good Irish Pub off SZR. Not easy to find but you won't get in trouble there.

That's because its a gay bar IMAO !


Wicked Roger
11-19-06, 10:23
Fellow Mongers

I don’t normally post FRs in the Dubai section as I play a lot in AD and when I come to Dubai, FF, Piper and others lead me astray to the extent that writing FRs is the last thing on my mind ;)

But just a short one, not too much ‘porno’ but enough for those who do like the genre.

Also it does involve Miss N (naturally) but also will mention another couple non P4P who we also played with – to show the benefits of a great GFE relationship and the trust I have with some WGs, who are willing to play in group sex just for the fun of it (well to a degree).

As normal, now she is back, took her the whole weekend, need distressing big time due to work load. Decided we would enjoy AD, the beach, shag everywhere, she wearing assorted ‘clothes’ with heels and stockings plus using the range of accessories I have in the apartment.

But..got a call from a couple I know through swingers websites and said to Miss N would she like to participate in a foursome. Now she does like group sex, really gets her horny and wet, she has played before with other ISG mongers (EU, MK and his delightful O) so I know she was OK. All she asked was “are they westerners?”. When I said “yes” we were in the car driving to Jumeira (yes Piper, very close to you).

Visited the Grosvenor first, Bar 44. Nice place, my first time a few WGs, Miss N pointed out a few others I did not spot, but all very nice and tasty, but I reckon the price would be high. N got her normal looks – well she had a micro mini and heels plus a tube top that showed her assets to a degree (well it is a public place).

Drinks, talk, nibbles and back to Jumeira for a really good foursome, lots of girl/girl, BBBJ, shagging all positions, more girl/girl (N really liked the lady and you could tell). After a while we went home, her playing with the pork sword while I drove the car – she did to make sure I stayed awake (it was very late, early morning) and I think that technique is better than having the window open or the AC on super-cold ;)

Good night, goes to show what can be achieved with ladies who you are good too – and I know she does like group, but still her choice and for no real extra cash (ie not a serious mark up) as she was not playing in her official capacity, more for fun and to enjoy the experience with WR.

Great night again, she is a real gem is Miss N.

Mickey Rooney and Piper – please let’s get the act together, she really is gagging to see you as I said in the emails…

Keep hard and horny


PS MK - how do you know Fibbers is gay - something you wish to share with FF and me???

My Kapitan
11-19-06, 10:54
PS MK - how do you know Fibbers is gay - something you wish to share with FF and me???

I can assure you it's not from personal experience! Why would you and FF want to know anyway????? - I'm sure it's so you know to stay away..LoL.

The bar never has any women other than skanky fat expat wifeys or expat office staff during the early evening.

The favoured music is 80's new romantic crap and in particular Culture Club and that squeaky Scottish bunch whoose name escapes me.

The bar was shut down for a year -3 years ago?- for having a transvestite night during Ramadam (although the owners kept going with the Bunker until that was closed down also for similar reasons and development of the real estate).

Just look at the amount of pink shirts and arm in arm guys in there next time you visit and note the view from all angles toilet stalls with mirrors in inappropriate places.

No; not my scene.

A work mate took me in there in my early days in Dxb and told me "everyone is so friendly in here!" Yeah right I should say so - where's the door..

Before I get accused of being a Scot hating, pop music hating, homophobic (rather than a racist) I will state that I have nothing against shirt lifters as long as they keep their desires and preferences to themselves and don't force their chosen sicko lifestyle on me as acceptable normal behaviour.
It isn't.
My arse has a non return valve - exit only! As for the music and Jocks well thats another matter!

Oh dear I'll wait for the avalanche..... meanwhile back in Kazakhstan........

11-19-06, 13:50
You are right Justsumfun.

Everyone has his image of "top" girls.

For me it depends the country I visit.

In 10 days I will be in Singapore for mongering.

My choice there ,like usual when I go in Singapore in to go at Orchard Towers to find some cute, small and nice thais.

When I come to Dubai, I want to find CIS, mannequin-type, tall and blonde.

I used to find them before at the Cyclone. But not this week.

Yesterday ,the russian i found in ku-bu,was 182 cm, gorgeous, ex-mannequin, spoke 4 languages, specially french which is my language.

She was so classy dressed than at the park hyatt ,they didn't ask anything because she could have the look of my wife.

11-19-06, 15:53
Oh dear I'll wait for the avalanche..... meanwhile back in Kazakhstan........´Watch out for that Borat guy, though his blonde sister (the 4th best prostitute in the village) might be of interest. ;)

Wicked Roger
11-19-06, 18:24
I can assure you it's not from personal experience! Why would you and FF want to know anyway????? - I'm sure it's so you know to stay away..LoL..

FF and I would never go anywhere near a gay bar, don’t want them to think we are friends of yours MK…Also if the clientele is not slim Asians neither FF or I would bother ;)

Just look at the amount of pink .

But I have pink shirts :)

Before I get accused of being a Scot hating, pop music hating, homophobic (rather than a racist)

My arse has a non return valve - exit only! As for the music and Jocks well that’s another matter!

No-one who knows you would ever think of you as hating the Scots or pop music….

Good to hear about your arse valve, sort of intellectual stuff I appreciate on this forum. Also next time we enjoy group sex with O and N at least I know I am safe ;)


11-19-06, 19:18
You are right Justsumfun.

Everyone has his image of "top" girls...

Yep, well-said JSF.


11-19-06, 19:31
Yep, well-said JSF.

Parden his French. ;)

Member #1071
11-19-06, 21:25
It is certain that trying to ensure a visa for an eye scanned lady would get you into serious questioning. I personally have been in this situation. The only choice is to visit her in her country.
During my five years visit/stay in Dubai, I found out that Chinese MP's are most practical when all resources are not at their upper limits (time, money, hotel, etc...).
Occasionally gems could be found there, and they would appreciate two things: Being clean, and a big d--k is welcomed.

11-20-06, 13:20
Sad to hear that TGIT is closed for now. If anyone has any advice on new options for afternoon delights, I'm all ears.You'll need more than ears to make use of it, but Jockey's now has an afternoon contingent. Don't know what time they start to arrive, but at 4pm last week, some already in residence. Quality can vary widely.

11-20-06, 20:54
Had a scheduled assignation with Miss High School Sweatheart this afternoon.

Following are sms's from my mobile:
1:30pm: "Darling, so sorry. Cannot see you today. Have cold and headache."
Translation: scored big time last night with one of those Gitex tourists, still at his hotel. High hopes he'll take the option for tonight. BIG money.

3:00pm: "Darling, are you busy? If you have time, I want see you."
Translation: Although we slept in late, and had a 'nooner', he didn't take tonight's option, so I do have time...

Either that, or China has discovered a cure for the common cold.


Miss HSS was saying a gf had been pulled by a punter from a club last night. Because of the increased LE scrutiny, before leaving the club, she had told him she was going to take a separate taxi and would meet him at his hotel. Good thing. As she was getting in the taxi alone, 4 guys suddenly appeared, all dressed as Indians (to blend in with the masses), produced CID ID, and asked for her papers. They were in order and she was let go. However, the thinking is, if she was getting in a taxi with an unrelated male, the outcome might have been different.

Mike De H
11-20-06, 21:58
Miss HSS was saying a gf had been pulled by a punter from a club last night.

Did she say which club out of interest?

Also, did you reply to HSS "Sorry - do not want to catch a cold right now?" or did you go soft?

My Kapitan
11-21-06, 04:27
Miss HSS was saying a gf had been pulled by a punter from a club last night. Because of the increased LE scrutiny, before leaving the club, she had told him she was going to take a separate taxi and would meet him at his hotel. Good thing. As she was getting in the taxi alone, 4 guys suddenly appeared, all dressed as Indians (to blend in with the masses), produced CID ID, and asked for her papers. They were in order and she was let go. However, the thinking is, if she was getting in a taxi with an unrelated male, the outcome might have been different.

A friend of mine had a very sticky experience leaving the Regal a few nights ago. He was there in the downstairs sports bar with his wife, they had a long drinking session and left at about 0130hrs. As regulars will know you leave the fairly respectable sports bar via the main doors – same as you would if you were leaving Rockafellas.

As they went to get in a taxi CID in local dress stopped them and demanded papers. She has a full resident visa, driving license medical card etc etc. Even so they were held up for about 5 minutes.

I seem to recall LE action is always increased during Gittex and the other big conferences but this seems a little OTT.

11-21-06, 13:09
Did she say which club out of interest?

Also, did you reply to HSS "Sorry - do not want to catch a cold right now?" or did you go soft? Believe it was the Premiere, but it could have been Cyclone.

Soft after a couple of hours. Of course, I woke up this morning with a headache and sore throat...So maybe the Chinese have developed germ warfare...

I seem to recall LE action is always increased during Gittex and the other big conferences but this seems a little OTT.As Sporadic said, opinion is it's in reaction to a negative rating in a human rights report. You know how "they" are when any unfavorable mention is made in the world press...

11-22-06, 09:21
Shiny shoes are a virtue young one!I forgot about the force Obi-Wan.

"You don't need to see her underwear.
These aren't the girls your'e looking for.
You can go about your business."

"Who do you think you are waving your hands around like some kind of Jedi, I am PRC/CIS, mind games don't work on me, only moneyyyyyy".

11-22-06, 11:15
Here is our plan of attack for the 7's weekend. It is copywrited so no purgery please.

1. Wednesday night/Thursday morning arrival:

No brainer. Cyclone - A lister - hotel - hold your hands up in the air and party hearty like you just don't care etc.

2. Thursday - Irish Village around 11 for breakfast - Rugby 7's - soak up some rays - head off about 4-ish before the crowds?

THEN, ho !, we have options

Victory Pub – Admiral Plaza, Bur Dubai (4pm +)

TGIT – Astoria Hotel, Bur Dubai (6pm +) if its open by then
for a possible ST'mer
then either keep going, or more likely back to Hotel at around 6 ish for a power nap, shower and out at 8.30 for a stylish start followed by a seedy finish...


Sushi Sushi – outdoor restaurant at the Irish Village Diera (V close Avari, next to Creek golf club) , then cocktails at Traiteur Bar, Park Hyatt Hotel, Diera "If Dubai had a design award, Traiteur would win top prize for being the best-looking bar in the city. It’s simply stunning to look at with its beautifully crafted (and for once, immensely comfortable) bar stools and modern art pieces."


Sushi in Emirates Towers, Shk Zaid Road, then cocktails in Bar Dada – Ibis Hotel, Shk Zaid Rd ( for the mature night clubber looking for an intelligent surrounding so it says in Time Out, somewhere new anyway)


Jockeys , Panorama Hotel, Bur Dubai (just over the Creek)– (7pm – 10.30 pm) and or York (probably not worth it anymore) or Imperial Suites, all within walking distance


Rattlesnake – Metropolitan Hotel, Shk Zaid Rd,
for the double Chinese takeaway

3. Friday

Sod the rugby, hotel pool, then Burj-al-Arab for a high-altitude brunch (got to do it once) then Wild Wadi water park for bikini action, lounging and tanning.

Back to hotel about 5 ish, power nap, out for 8ish, then Koubba – Madinat Jumeira Beach - supposed to be a stunning bar with lovely views for a few cocktails and a bite to eat "Outdoor drinking venues don’t get more stylish than this. Perched on the swankiest corner of the Madinat, Koubba’s jaw-flooring views across the Gulf are worth the trip alone. Surprisingly it’s a bar that remains relatively unknown to a lot of locals, which at least ensures a relaxed, unhurried ambience that’s less pints and pork scratchings and more champagne cocktails and crudités. Try the fabulous espresso martini for the finest pick-me up your dirhams can buy"


El Paso – Dubai Marine Beach Resort - Jumeira, just up the road, Tex Mex Bar mixture of p4p and girls who just wanna have fu-un.. "A Tex-Mex bar with big food and a lively crowd"

then the serious Russian A-lister action at

Rockefellers – Regal Plaza (on the way to, so and/or)

Premiere – Hyatt Regency (supposed to equal the Cyclone for quality, and probably prices).

Then back to Blighty in time for tea and medals and a full FR for you chaps.

I think that about covers it all.

Can't wait.

Was thinking about setting up my own tour company, e-p4p-bookers, do you tink it would catch on?

11-22-06, 20:29

Don´t you want to try the Russian Sushi, imported from London? ;)

11-22-06, 22:50
After an overnight flight from Europe, I landed in Dubai at 10am Monday, and after what seemed like an hour in traffic, finally arrived at the Sheraton Four Points in the Golden Triangle. Excellent hotel and location, but the price was absolutely ridiculous. They charged 990AED compared to their usual rate of 500, thanks to Gitex. But the room was large, big comfy bed and huge shower/tub that my girls made use of! Even though I arrived well before the 3pm check-in time, they had a room available for me already.

Took a quick nap and then walked to Astoria Hotel for lunch at TGIT. About two dozen girls, most of which were annoying Chinese girls. And those of you who know me know that I am a CIS man all the way. And wouldn't you know it, the ugliest, snaggle-tooth, haggard woman who looked like an alien from the Star Wars cantina scene (to stay on the Star Wars topic) hung on to me like fly on shit. She parked her bum in my booth and watched me eat, even after I repeatedly told her I was not interested. I gathered my check and walked to the back bar.

While I was there enjoying my Heinken, a petite brunette got my attention and had a nice conversation on our mutual disdain for touchy/grabby PRC girls, and her dislike of "cheap" Arab men. I also got the low-down on last week's raid at TGIT. It turns out that too many of the Chinese girls were hanging around the outside entrance and the inside hallway next to the Astoria check-in desk, causing a scene and bringing unwanted attention. She said the restaurant was closed early one day but it did not close down completely, but when it reopened the next day, police were checking papers. She said there was a raid at Cyclone a few weeks ago as well.

Anyway this girl's name was Layla. "Like the Eric Clapton song," she said helpfully. I had such a nice conversation with her that I decided to take her, even though she's not my usual cup of tea. She was Turkish, older about 30 years old, long brown hair and petite, quite cute, 7/10. She charged 300 for short-time. The moment we got inside the hotel, she turned into a wild woman and demanded I go down on her. I spent about 30 minutes licking her bald cooter until she she orgasmed, all the while yelling, "Yes, my love! Yes my love!" Finished with cowgirl. Sadly she wold not let me take photos but I do have her number. Highly recommended, especially if you are a DATY fan.

Took another nap and had dinner at the Viceroy, a fine British pub at the Sheraton. I thought about trying an in-call CIS place using a number kindly shared by a fellow monger. But the guy on the other end of the line demanded to meet me in a back alley of a grocery store and said I would be met by two of his "friends" to take me to a "secret" location. The whole situation sounded too dodgy so I bagged it.

About 9pm I walked over to the Regal Plaza to Rockafellas. It was completely dead except for three other guys and a band starring two russian blonde hotties and one chubby brunette. They were quite good but I was so bored I went over the York at 10pm. Was shocked to find the York packed. I've never been a big fan of the York and now I remember why. Pushy PRC and Africans. The makeup was about 2-1 guys/girls, of which the girls were 45% Chinese, 45% Eithiopian and 5% rude surly Russian girls. I was immediately smitten for one tall Russian girl who spoke not a word of English. Her chubby friend translated but the girl insisted on being paid on the spot. Same scene with two other girls I tried. One was so rude, she turned around and walked away as soon as I suggested paying at the hotel. But I figured if she had that kind of attitude, I would not want her in my room anyway.

About midnight decided to make another visit to Rockafellas. Suddenly the place was packed, mostly with Russian & CIS girls, including a few 8s and 9s. Now this was more like it! But once again I encountered the snobby Russian attitude. One 9-plus girl I approached looked at me as if I had just asked her to go bugger her dog before she said "I'm busy" and walked away. I was now getting depressed, and desperate.

But then I saw her....one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen in my life. She looked like the supermodel Gemma Ward: Tall beautiful, long straight blonde hair, thin figure but firm boobs, good English and great personality. Extremely beautiful women scare the shit out for some reason, so I watched from afar as she sat with a group of other girls, and one guy after another was shot down. I had to find out why. So after a little bit of help from some more beer, I gathered the nerve to go talk to her. We made some chit-chat and I made her smile. Then I asked her if she was working, she answered, "Yes maybe but I must tell you my love, I am VERY expensive. 1,500 Dirhams for all night, or 1,000 for three hours." She absolutely refused to budge on her price. I wanted her. BAD! Price was no longer an issue; life is too short to spend it on ugly girls! But it was now 1am and I had to be up at 4am the next morning for an early flight to an undisclosed country and it would have been a waste. So we chatted some more and she said, "next time call me at 5pm and I will come to your hotel and stay all night." She gave me her name (Roxy) and her number and I promised to call her when I get back into town. I'm counting down the days!

But I didn't want to go to bed without at least one quickie. So I went back to York and immediately was overrun by Africans and grabby Chinese. It was now almost 2am and by now the beer goggles and desparation had taken full effect. Despite my disdain for pushy PRC, I settled on TWO Chinese girls. One was 6/10, the other was 5/10. Price: 800 for two, all night. They refused to do any girl/girl action (though they had promised at the York), but we still had a fun time shagging in a threesome twist of bodies. But then when we were finished, the girls kept trying to get more money out of me, claiming I had promised them an extra 100 each. At that point, I was tired, had to be up in soon and I was just sick of their bullshit, so I threw them out after just two hours. Their names are Helen and Zhen Zhen. Stay away from them, especially Zhen Zhen because she gives toothy blowjobs. Photos of Helen on the photo forum.

Mike De H
11-23-06, 10:04
I was immediately smitten for one tall Russian girl who spoke not a word of English. Her chubby friend translated but the girl insisted on being paid on the spot. Same scene with two other girls I tried. One was so rude, she turned around and walked away as soon as I suggested paying at the hotel. But I figured if she had that kind of attitude, I would not want her in my room anyway.

Hmm, yes, this woman is really annoying. Her girls are thieves too, and her photo is on the photo thread somewhere.

You were right to avoid.

Dxb Rocks
11-23-06, 10:51
Great report BB. Glad to see you putting your time to good use.

Mike I thought you were "so out of touch". I am refering to premier?

11-23-06, 11:38
Yikers. Strange times in Dubai last night.

5 of the 6 girls I talked to were Romanians, never encountered them there before. ALways been Russians.
All the girls were asking for a non-negotiable 1500 LT. WTF eh? Please tell me this will go away once GITEX ends? My friend and I both passed on any action as the attitudes were just horrible!

Apparently back open, heard from some girls I know that work there.

Pretty crowded, nice seletion of girls. Bloody horrible music.
Picked up Deana, a cute little Kazakh with a good attitude. She insisted we take a cab back to Sheraton Four Points, all of two blocks. Apparently very afraid of LE and mentioned it has stopped her from going to Cyclone. No BBBJ but a good energetic (and loud) screw. 800 LT

Sheraton Four Points:
The night security guy stopped the girl and I as we were walking in and wanted to get a copy of her passport. I was a bit peaved from some other things that had gone on during the night and pretty forcefully said that the reason I stay there is that there aren't any girl hassles. He let us go on. Still, I was really suprised to get stopped at the four points.

11-23-06, 11:47
5 of the 6 girls I talked to were Romanians, never encountered them there before. ALways been Russians.
They are all over the continent and there will be more once they enter the EU. Usually cute though. I have been wondering when they would hit DXB.

Sheraton Four Points:
The night security guy stopped the girl and I as we were walking in and wanted to get a copy of her passport... Still, I was really suprised to get stopped at the four points.What time of night was this? I too am surprised.
Could have just been one prickly desk clerk or security guy starting a personal crusade. I hope!

11-23-06, 11:49
I was a bit peaved from some other things that had gone on during the night and pretty forcefully said that the reason I stay there is that there aren't any girl hassles. He let us go on. StillGood work fellah. No-one needs that thin-end-of-the-wedge shit creeping in.

The Cylcone CIS and CIS loolalikes need a lesson and to be boycotted for a week or so rate negotiations can begin again. It will never happen, but a nice idea.

11-23-06, 12:22
There have been several Romanians I've come across ;) over the years in Dubai. Found them in various clubs, including Regal, Alamo, and most recently Imperial (skinny bleached blonde with impossibly big hooters is still there).

They usually give a great time and get carried away. I've read others' reports here that Romanian girls wont give a blowjob because it's against their culture. Not true! (speaking from experience :)). But if you find a Romanian girl, best to ask before closing the deal.

11-23-06, 12:29
You are right Justsumfun.

Everyone has his image of "top" girls.

For me it depends the country I visit.

.I am confused .

Justfun :(

My Kapitan
11-23-06, 14:08
There have been several Romanians I've come across ;) over the years in Dubai.
They usually give a great time and get carried away. I've read others' reports here that Romanian girls wont give a blowjob because it's against their culture. Not true! (speaking from experience :)). But if you find a Romanian girl, best to ask before closing the deal.

See my FR and pics of the suites romanian - confirmation of rack and BBBJs!

11-23-06, 14:32
Boka D, did you read my FR below yours? I mentioned the TGIT scene.

As for Four Points, that's very disappointing to hear about your experience. I was there on Tuesday night and nobody bothered me. In fact, every girl I brought back could not stop talking about how impressed they were with the fact that the Four Points did not hassle them or ask for a copy of their passport. My girls also insisted on taking cabs from Rockafellas to Four Points! The driver had to take a round-about way that I could have walked there and back twice in the time it took to take a taxi!

11-23-06, 16:58
See my FR and pics of the suites romanian - confirmation of rack and BBBJs!
Kap - I checked the pics - is it Aimee? If so, who says masking pics doesn't hide identity? Aimee's face is still imprinted on my brain. If it's the same girl, even I couldn't pick her from your pics.

Party Peter
11-23-06, 18:03
Last week I was in Dubai for the first time in 8 years this is my first ever report. Hope you find it enlightening.

Arrived last Thursday 16th Nov. I had intended to stay at the 4point. Having rejected my companies kind offer to put me in Al Qasr Madinat Jumeriah (and wow what a hotel that is). Circumstances changed and my booking was altered with a stay in Renaissance hotel arranged. After the flight from UK I arrived late. 12. 30am and made straight for Harry's Bar in the hotel for a swift pint and was pleasantly surprised. What, WG's in my hotel!. A mix of mostly PRC and a few CIS ladies. Not a great standard but pleasant eye candy after a long flight and with the bar closing in 30 minutes I had time for a couple of pints and went to bed encouraged. Next morning my company called me and requested that I move hotel. Well they were picking up the bill! So I taxied out to Le Meridien Mina Seyahi which was very nice. If you are with your kids and looking for some quality family time. I was not! So I spent Friday afternoon on the beach, catching some winter sun and thinking about what to do later that evening after my business meeting, on my first night alone in Dubai. I called a friend in the UK who had finished working in Dubai only recently and he recommended that I try the Rattlesnake. Yes I went. Maybe it was early in the evening (it was before midnight) or maybe I was feeling vulnerable but watching the band and trying to make eye contact with some fine PRC totty, one or two of whom were truly beautiful, I could not summon the courage to approach and I guess at the back of my mind was my family friendly hotel and it felt difficult. The band was good with a curious mix of Chinese looking guys and 2 PRC singers. So my first evening was over without so much as a flirt. I was hard at work on Saturday at a CIO conference and was not free to do my own thing until after 10pm. I changed at the hotel and again pondered my options. Decided to visit Rockafella. Well guys I must have hit the club at a bad time because it was a very poor show. Good band in fairness but the CIS were not there in good numbers and the quality was very average. I stayed for 2 bottles of overpriced Bud and made my escape. I truly had the intention to get back in a taxi and return alone to the hotel but I thought; hey I am only here for a few more hours why not look in a Cyclone. Wow what a place! As so many of you posters out there have stated here, PRC stand to the left and CIS girl to the right and my lord what choice. I have always really liked CIS girls and so gravitated towards the right (dark) side of the club drank and decided to take a little walk around or 2. Well just while I'm there. And was approached by a couple of PRC WG's friendly yes and quite cute offering me massage and a good time for around 500. I declined their kind offers and wandered back to the middle bar. Over by the mens loo I caught sight of a group of PRC lovelies with one young lady in particular catching my eye and smiling back. Now I was struck by her loveliness but also paralysed with nerves. I really have not done this before in this way. I went to the loo to gain my composure and to tuck my old man back into my underwear but when I emerged two guys had moved in for the kill. Damn. Missed opportunity or what! So I looked for alternatives and indeed there were many possibles but none quite like the PRG I had been smiling at. I looked back and the guys had gone. What was wrong with her? I thought but took the break offered up and wandered over. "Would you like a drink? " what a stupid thing to say I know but it was the only thing I could think of. A young Indian guy appeared at my elbow and I ordered Red Bull expecting to be ripped off horribly but to my pleasant surprise no it was standard pricing. We smiled and made some small talk her name was Mimi and she was hot. She told me that she was good and that she would come with me and the prices 1000 or 1500 for all night. That's a lot! But she was spectacular looking with a lovely figure so I said ok to 1000 and left with her walking just behind me. Incidenatlly, I asked what happened with the other guys and she told me that if she didn't like the look of the guys she said "me no speak english" that made me smile. I got into the taxi and she followed me in and promptly lay down across my lap in the back seat. Apparently LE is getting tough. This made me even more nervous staying at my wonderful family friendly hotel and having to do the" walk of shame". I needn't have worried. After some cuddles and handholding in the taxi we walked in calmly into the hotel lobby and unchallenged took the lift up to my room.

What can I say about the next 3 hours and it really was 3! . After showering and a shared Vodka and Red Bull we had the most wonderful sex session. I am happy to say that I was on particularly good form:.) and apparently have quite a versatile tongue. Sometimes one meet's a woman that touches you or effects you in amazing ways. I have had a lot of sex with a lot of women (WG's included) and this was a special one. I was surprised. Guy's the bad news is that I broke all the rules that I have been reading in the forum. I paid in full up front (oh yes and decided to go for all night at 1500), didn't clearly state and agree what I wanted or what she was happy with etc but. This was like a good night with a new girlfriend. Kissing, bb oral and very very sexy indeed. Oh yes and I gave her the taxi fare home. I am now converted to the delights of PRC girls. This was an amazing experience. My thanks to Dubai and the delights of Cyclone in particular. I am looking forward to a return trip.

Mike De H
11-23-06, 20:50
I've read others' reports here that Romanian girls wont give a blowjob because it's against their culture. Not true! (speaking from experience :)).

I love this "Against my culture". Whereas being a prostitute is not against her culture?

Or maybe Borat has it right... "This my sister. The number 4 prostitute in all of Kazahkstan" (As she lifts her trophy) :D

11-23-06, 21:11
Mike, I agree, it is a BS excuse (culture) for something a girl just may not like doing.

I have had encounters where oral never came up (sorry!) but any WG should understand that this is a mainstream practice. The CBJ vs. BBBJ is another issue, while I will respect the WG´s wishes in this respect, she will not be getting repeat business without bbbj.

I can personally confirm that Romanian girls will provide bbbj (to me at least) indeed they have a 100% track record so far (4 samples.)

What hits me is the FSU girls (particularly Romanian) who do not know any Russian! On one hand, this is good, I am tagging younger girls ;) who never learned it in school, but on the other hand, I have no time to learn 16 FSU dialects :(

Mike De H
11-23-06, 22:32
I can personally confirm that Romanian girls will provide bbbj (to me at least) indeed they have a 100% track record so far (4 samples.)

I have no time to learn 16 FSU dialects :(

I also confirm, that the FKK clubs in germany (where BBBJ is mandatory) are full to brimming with Romanian girls and I must have slept with half of the hookers to have come from that place.

As for the dialects - well, who won the bloody war anyway!

My Kapitan
11-24-06, 04:14
Kap - I checked the pics - is it Aimee? If so, who says masking pics doesn't hide identity? Aimee's face is still imprinted on my brain. If it's the same girl, even I couldn't pick her from your pics.

No Miss A from report #1087.

11-24-06, 09:49
her name was Mimi and she was hotI had her in July. Quality. 1000 all night and liked her greek. She even fed me breakfast in the morning after a BBBJ and a bed bath.

It's a real choice IMHO, find a nice PRC and you won't get a better GFE in Dubai. Find a good CIS and get her warmed up properly and you won't get better sex in Dubai, not off the shelf anyway.

Vive la difference !

11-24-06, 11:46
I popped into Rattler last night, from around 10pm. Miss W was already asleep and I was bored. Not crowded yet - quiet game of pool and too many JW doubles. Pretty tired so the drinks hit hard. Played with Sisi for a while. She's persistent.

A new tall and very buxom blonde was standing at the bar, fending off all approaches. She looked new and bit nervous. I tried to chat to her, but either she has no English at all, or just didn't want to talk to anyone.

Indian Girls: A fellow forum member gave me a number of a woman who arranges "meetings" with lovely young Indian ladies (not regular WGs, but working on the side). I called her yesterday, and she quoted 800 for two hours, plus 200 for the room if needed. She (and the forum pal) assures me the girls are good. I have a work meeting this evening, so might try and arrange a one-hour sampler if I get the time.

11-24-06, 12:15
I have a work meeting this evening, so might try and arrange a one-hour sampler if I get the time.Your selfless and altruistic devotion to information gathering and dispersal on this site is to be commended.

Cool Tiger
11-24-06, 18:18
...My thanks to Dubai and the delights of Cyclone in particular. I am looking forward to a return trip.

Good report PP. Time and time again first timers make similar comments about Cyclone. You cannot go wrong at Cyclone if you are in Dubai for only one or two nights and are willing to pay b/w Dhs.1,000 and Dhs.1500. Hope you don't have to wait for another 8 years for your next trip to Dubai.

11-24-06, 21:25
Your selfless and altruistic devotion to information gathering and dispersal on this site is to be commended.Thanks Slugger - I try my best for the Brotherhood. :) But I've let you down tonight. No nookie for me. (Well not yet - it's only midnight).

Just got back from my business meeting/dinner. I took my New Zealand visitor to Radisson SAS (ex Intercontinental Hotel in Deira), as I've heard a lot about the place. After dining at the Italian restaurant, flirting with a very cheeky Filipina waitress, and talking business, I took the guy to Ku Bu nightclub/bar, as he's on his way to Saudi Arabia, and it's the last time he'll see a woman for a week.

I love Ku Bu and I'll be back! Sweet young Russian and Eurasian girls, yum yum!

Just as we were discussing Malaysian politics, sodomy charges and matresses in the courtroom (you had to be there to understand), a late-20s cute Chinese girl with perfect English came and chatted to us, telling us she was from Malaysia. A few questions later, and I established she actually was Malaysian. I told her she was the first Malaysian girl I've met in Dubai, but she assures me there are many Malaysian girls in Dubai. I need to get to Deira side of town more often.

As we were leaving I told my business pal that he's a strong man for resisting the temptations of Dubai before heading to Saudi for a week. He laughed and said that he'll get in a taxi, go around the block and go back to Ku Bu after I'm gone.

I would.

Wicked Roger
11-25-06, 06:25
No nookie for me. (Well not yet - it's only midnight).

I love Ku Bu and I'll be back! Sweet young Russian and Eurasian girls, yum yum!

He laughed and said that he'll get in a taxi, go around the block and go back to Ku Bu after I'm gone.

I would.

I suppose you did the same thing? Or was Miss W's leash a bit tight yesterday evening.

Methinks you and I should visit the Ku Bu bar, me as your moral guidance counsellor (like I am for MK, have never let him down once, he has always got into trouble ;))

Discussions in the AD thread re TVs at Ally Pally and your presence (started by yours truly of course :)) - you should come and make your own decision all in the best interests of research my friend.

Oh well back to Miss N who is still in my bed (and will be for a quite a while if I have my wicked way ;))


Fifty Fifty
11-25-06, 14:49
It's a real choice IMHO, find a nice PRC and you won't get a better GFE in Dubai.

Vive la difference !I fully agree, Miss Gem has proved this over past fourmonths. I now eagerly await her return around middle of December.


Fifty Fifty
11-25-06, 14:51
Indian Girls: A fellow forum member gave me a number of a woman who arranges "meetings" with lovely young Indian ladies (not regular WGs, but working on the side). I called her yesterday, and she quoted 800 for two hours, plus 200 for the room if needed. She (and the forum pal) assures me the girls are good. I have a work meeting this evening, so might try and arrange a one-hour sampler if I get the time.Piper, even for a rich guy like yourself, that is a ridiculous sum of money to pay.

We should not succomb to the rampant inflation so easily, the days of my 400 all nighter are looking numbered. As for my 2000 all monther, what chance?

Regs FF

11-25-06, 22:10
Piper, even for a rich guy like yourself, that is a ridiculous sum of money to pay.

We should not succomb to the rampant inflation so easily, the days of my 400 all nighter are looking numbered. As for my 2000 all monther, what chance?

Regs FFFF - Yes, I lead a life rich in adventure. ;)

I agree - 1000 is way too much, which is why I haven't partaken (yet). If and when I do, I'll get a more reasonable arrangement. Don't worry, my occasional splash on forbidden fruit won't upset your market prices! I have a thing for Indian Girls, and even though I'm surrounded by hundreds of them at work, I cannot touch. I've started investing a bit of time in the internet freebie arena, but that gets tricky also.

BTW - 400 all-nighters are still easily manageable, especially with Chinese or African girls. My standard for CIS is still 500 (sometimes more if worth it).

11-26-06, 14:29
I was back in Dubai after a very long absence over the weekend. Tried a couple of old numbers, they were switched off.

Headed over to the Sea View, very nice band there indeed. Stayed for a couple of pints and some interesting tunes. Sea View was the usual chinese, africans (some very nice) and very few CIS ( i could see only 3 or 4 of which only 1 was a 5/10).

Anyway, walked over to the Imperial Suites (enterance AED 75) but 2 drinks.....what a rip off. That place is FULL on Thursday evenings, must have been 10 men for each woman. Last time around I had pull all nighter CIS for AED 400 , this time around even 3/10 CIS with mama san was asking for AED 700.....what happened to Dubai , inflation or the rents gone up again ?

Nothing caught my fancy (not at 800 / 1000) at 2 in the morning anyway.

Have not read through all of the forums, but Feroza's place is it still around / has she changed her number ?

Happy to still see the regulars from the old times (Piper !) still around !

Will be back this weekend for the 7's , but then all the usual places will be full and prices high again for the visiting tourists !

Cheers !

11-26-06, 18:01
She told me that she was good and that she would come with me and the prices 1000 or 1500 for all night.

I paid in full up front (oh yes and decided to go for all night at 1500)

What can I say about the next 3 hours and it really was 3!Nice FR. Clearly shows why I stopped hitting Cyclone.

Think if you'd separated it into a few more paragraphs, you'd have been blessed with some blue ink ROD recomendations.

Fifty Fifty
11-26-06, 18:22
Clearly shows why I stopped hitting Cyclone.I fully agree, anyway why bother with the Cyclone when the same girls also go to the Imperial Suites on occasions and can be taken from there at less than half the Cyclone rate.

The previous post which suggested a possible boycott of the Cyclone for a week or so would soon bring the prices there back down to ground level was an excellent idea, but alsl will never happen.



11-26-06, 18:25
Is it true that "Lufthansa" stands for 'Let Us F**k The Hosties And Not Say Anything' ?


Well, I know it as "Let Us Fuck The Hostess As No Steward Available", which is not better either.

11-26-06, 18:32
Okay guys, let me start my apologising as I am still getting to understand some of the unwritten rules of this forum.

Anyway, met a great UK girl today who is staying in Dubai for another 7 days, she is very cute but a curvy size 12.

However she is a horny little cow with some amazing techniques.

I got chatting and she mentioned that she had met some right w*&kers here and I suggested I introduce her to some of my cyber friends, now I dont know if you are all w&*kers (just kidding) but open offer if you want to PM me I will give you her number (UK Mobile).

She is a bit on the pricey side but 1400 for an afternoon of fun was well worth it for me.

Take care guys.

11-26-06, 19:28
I must thank Dany75 for providing phone number of AMP on my personal message. I must add that they do not provide the massage service at their place, but send the girl to your hotel room. The price is AED 200 for one hour of massage plus taxi fare and extra for HJ. No BJ or FJ. The girls are mostly Chinese.


Mike De H
11-26-06, 21:20
Think if you'd separated it into a few more paragraphs, you'd have been blessed with some blue ink ROD recomendations.

And used smaller words LOL

Sebastian My
11-27-06, 10:47
I am coming to Dubai for business and decided to do some research on what activities was on offer. I am based in Beijing, which has a good supply of Russian and “stans” girls. In my conversations with them they indicated that they make more money in Beijing than Dubai, thus i assumed prices in Dubai would be low, allowing me to pursue my Russian hobby. Based on my Russian lady friends comments i expected the price range would be about 183 Dirham ($US50) for ST. However i noticed the price ranges mentioned in this post seems much higher than this.
The standard, un-negotiated price in Beijing, for a bird from Russia (Moscow/St Petersburg normally) or a Russian girl from Uzbekistan is typically 374 Dirham ST & 936 Dirham LT (I have converted from RM to Dirham). A high class and nice Chinese girl typically costs about 468 Dirham for LT and half that for ST. Prices range up and down, but these are typically prices on the high side, so you can be sure of a good experience.
Looking at these posts i seem to see a standard price of 500 Dirham for a Russian ST (or should this be LT), going up to 1000-1500 Dirham for a model type LT. Is this typical?
I know the topic of prices can be rather contentious and everyone has an opinion and there are a lot of cheap charlies who will bonk any ugly horror just to get a cheap root, but i have found most locations will typically have a “standard” price range for an average nice girl, which all pricing is measured against. Are the prices i quoted above the correct standard prices?

Definitions - In case definitions differ between Beijing and Dubai, ST is normally 1 shot taking about 1-2 hours (not including travel time), LT is any number of shots with the girl staying all night and having breakfast with you.

11-27-06, 10:58
Sebastian - in a rush now, but a quick response is that the prices are not that different (esp 1000 LT).

As for the girls saying they would make more money in Beijing - maybe because the cost of living is a lot lower there? Not sure.

11-27-06, 11:02
Lots of variables here.

You can get laid ST for 50 Dirhams if that is your choice. You can also grab a stunner for 1500+ Dirhams if that is your choice.

I have found (for me anyway) attractive CIS and PRC ladies for 500 Dhs LT.

I have been quoted up to 1500Dhs (sort of a more recent trend, the earlier price jump was from 500 to 800, then a 1k asking price) and chose not to indulge.

IMHO, the supermodel types tend to not be available, remember that DXB is full of some seriously wealthy people, and a certain % of them do pay whatever it takes. Certainly out of my league.

Bottom line, in my experience, ST 300, LT 500-800. I would rate the girls at this price level as 7-8. YMMV.

I suggest that the "grass is always greener" effect could have something to do with the "make more money" comments from the ladies.

11-27-06, 12:47

The regular DBX residents have the advantage over the likes of you and I in that they have a lot more time on their hands and have the opportunity to oragnise regulars and repeat business discounts. That an the major bonus of being able to walk away if the prices are not to their liking.

In my humble experience, flying into DBX for 2/3 nights at a time 2-3 times a year and looking to land myself with an A-list stunner with a great GFE attitude, the PRC honeys tend to run between 800-1000 Dhs in the Cyclone, and 400-800 in the venues like Rattlesnake and Seaview etc. and that is with the sweetener of a reasonable looking bloke, duty free champagne in the hotel room, a little home-grown if I bring it and a party for both of us, not just a rut.

CIS will start at around 1500Dhs in the Cyclone and Premier, and open with around 1000DHS in the Regal Plaza. I haven't bothered with CIS from anywhere else as they tend to have a shite attitude and be in the bottom half of the league.

I know I may be paying over the odds compared to the residents, but I am on the clock and on holiday, and if I have found a girl that floats my boat, smiles and laughs at my jokes, goes like a belt-fed mortar and cuts up my breakfast to feed to me in manageable pieces, I am happy with the cost/benefit ratio.

However, to get the upper end of the price scale for either continent, there needs to be a spark there and not just something nice to look at. I have walked away from breath-taking beauties who want 1000 or less just because they are miserable and make no efffoert in trying to enjoy themselves and make the best of their situation.

It's your money, your standards, your time. Just make sure you enjoy old son.

11-27-06, 18:11
and that is with the sweetener of a reasonable looking bloke, duty free champagne in the hotel room, a little home-grown if I bring it Slugger, I will not give you a sermon, but unless you are seriously connected, I think you are taking a huge risk with the "home grown" in the UAE.

To each their own.

11-27-06, 21:06
What are your recommendation for two nights. I mean to save time and money as well. Cyclone, preimer, amensia or York, rattlesnack, rockefellas, TIGIT taking into account that I have 2 nights only.I moved this out of the hotel thread as getting a bit off-topic there.

Saving time AND money are mutually exclusive. My advice is to pick A bar per night (unless in the Golden Triangle area), especially as some of the top bars (Cyclone, Premiere) have mandatory, high, entrance fees. Why waste time and money running around looking for THE one? For me, I can find THE one in just about any bar I visit, and I do have to find her attractive. As BarCrawler posted a couple of pages back, I define attractive as looks AND attitude with me, being the best indicator of a fun time.

If it was me, and you wanted to splurge, I'd say Cyclone 1 night. The other? Hit the Golden Triangle - Jockey's late afternoon, Imperial mid-evening (9:30), then perhaps Rockafellas post 11pm. Trying to do EVERY bar is a hassle. You didn't say what nights, but Thursdays are ALWAYS crowded.

Watch your wallet in Imperial.

Since I will be staying at Panorama I think I will not be charged to enter the Jockeys pub right?This is dxb - comes down to race more than anything. But you should have a reasonable shot. If not, I wouldn't pay to get in unless you were desperate to kill some time.

Moreover do you think 200USD I think thats approx 730AED will get a 7 CIS? Without doubt, the only question is, for how long? :)

I fully agree, anyway why bother with the Cyclone when the same girls also go to the Imperial Suites on occasions and can be taken from there at less than half the Cyclone rate.

The previous post which suggested a possible boycott of the Cyclone for a week or so would soon bring the prices there back down to ground level was an excellent idea, but alsl will never happen.I've even seen a Cyclone a-lister in an afternoon's TGIT on occasion, but I wouldn't count on it. With Cyclone, you KNOW you will find any number of a-listers. With other places (Imperial), maybe, maybe not.

Myself, I'm a hard-core capitalist, believing in the free market. I say, if a girl can get 1000, 1500, more power to her. I know some that do, taking nothing less, and could easily sit out a week, even a month, relishing the "holiday". Now I won't pay that, but obviously some do. And the dream of THOSE punters is what keeps the gristmill fed.

Based on my Russian lady friends comments i expected the price range would be about 183 Dirham ($US50) for ST. However i noticed the price ranges mentioned in this post seems much higher than this.I think you should have your "russian lady friends" put that in writing so you can show the CIS wg's at Cyclone or Rockafellas... :)

The standard, un-negotiated price in Beijing, for a bird from Russia (Moscow/St Petersburg normally) or a Russian girl from Uzbekistan is typically 374 Dirham ST & 936 Dirham LT (I have converted from RM to Dirham). A high class and nice Chinese girl typically costs about 468 Dirham for LT and half that for ST.Sounds like Bejing and dxb similiar in at least some shopping items... though I'd say the top-end PRC's here are a similar 800-1000...

... but i have found most locations will typically have a “standard” price range for an average nice girl, which all pricing is measured against. Are the prices i quoted above the correct standard prices?I'd say there is a "syndicate" at Cyclone that has agreed to keep the prices in the above stated range. Enough customers willing to pay that that they can. But not unreasonable, given the living costs here (and the area of the world... we often forget exactly WHERE we are...)

Definitions - In case definitions differ between Beijing and Dubai, ST is normally 1 shot taking about 1-2 hours (not including travel time), LT is any number of shots with the girl staying all night and having breakfast with you.Obviously an experienced punter, as definitions do differ from place to place. I'd say a ST is negotiable - some will try to make that 1 shot as fast as possible (some of the Cyclone a-listers will say, "we say an hour, but know 45 minutes to get the job done..."). With others, you can negotiate several shots, limited time (say 90 minutes to 2 hours). They will factor in travel time in the price quote.

I have been quoted up to 1500Dhs (sort of a more recent trend, the earlier price jump was from 500 to 800, then a 1k asking price) and chose not to indulge.Definitely has gone up over the past year, and NOW, much less willingness to offer a discount. Given the LE crackdowns, where any time, you can be history, think looking more for the big score, minimize risk, rather than returning to the bar for a chance of a double header as in the old days.

That an the major bonus of being able to walk away if the prices are not to their liking. ... I know I may be paying over the odds compared to the residents, but I am on the clock and on holiday, and if I have found a girl that floats my boat, smiles and laughs at my jokes, goes like a belt-fed mortar and cuts up my breakfast to feed to me in manageable pieces, I am happy with the cost/benefit ratio.Agreed. If you are here for only a few days, do you really want to go home to say, "Well, she just wouldn't budge from 1000 down to my 800, so I slept alone."? How good of a memory/story is THAT?

... the PRC honeys tend to run between 800-1000 Dhs in the Cyclone, and 400-800 in the venues like Rattlesnake and Seaview etc. and that is with the sweetener of a reasonable looking bloke, duty free champagne in the hotel room, a little home-grown if I bring it and a party for both of us, not just a rut.Prices similiar for a past-his-prime, beer in the fridge, nice guy (can confirm by personal experience). After money comes safety in their preferences... The rut is fending off the idiots...

And I agree with Sporadic. You do what you want, but even the american hip-hop artist (don't like that genre so can't remember his name), arriving for Naome Campbell's birthday bash at the Burj, customs found some "no-no" in his bag, and... missed the party, and is CONSIDERABLY LIGHTER in the wallet to buy his way out after several weeks in jail. Also same true for some big-name types, CONNECTED, from India. Maybe you get in, no problem, but if you EVER get popped.... say goodbye to life as you knew it.

11-27-06, 23:09
Dear mate,

Yhanks all for your help and comments. I will be in Dubai on Friday 29/12/2006 till Sunday 31/12/2006. I will arrive hopefully around 5 pm. Do I hit the Cyclone on that day around 10 pm and the next day check as suggested by your good self Tigit, Jockeys, Rockfellas, Imperial Suites.

I thought 730 aed for LT, know that the going rates is now 1000 to 1500 but of course I am aware of your instructions which I read very carefully. No overpayment, no pay to a third person, pay after in your hotel room etc.

In your opinion after the raid on Cyclone should I switch to Preimer or Amensia.

Thanks again guys I will give you my detailed report once I am back.