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01-01-06, 01:00
Thread Starter.

Tercar 66
01-01-06, 17:48
I wish all you mongers the best for 2006 , keep posting your experiences.

Cool Sinbad
01-02-06, 03:58
El Suave,

Actually the silent majority would probably want it the other way around - you left and JSF stayed !!!Your negative comments are a pain to read and most of us could do without.

Happy New Year to everyone, let's hope it's a better year than 2005.


Cool Sinbad

01-03-06, 19:03
I'm another person from the Silent Majority. And I disagree with El Suave or whatever he called. JSF we are sad to see you go. Your work helped all of us despite we didn't participate as you did. JSF gave his time to give us tips and help us and he deserves all respect and thanks from all the Silent majority. Sadly I was planning in meeting the big guys when I start to contribute like JSF and Piper and others. I'm only one month in Dubai now and didn't get internet connection in my home and that is why I'm not contributing.

Anyway, hopfull I'll be active reporter in the comming months and will be glad to meet the real heros and i'm sure we will throw JSF a huge party when he is back to Dubai as a visitor.

Cheers all fellow mongers

01-04-06, 09:27
Sheikh Maktoum died this morning in Australia. Seven day mourning period for government institutions. Most private industry places will close for a few days.


Fun Dog
01-05-06, 06:06
Dear all,

Good or bad? It is important to note that JSF has been giving his honest opinions including valuable suggestions on locations/girls/prices over the years. I do know JSF personally and he has never asked for anything in return except for good company of enjoying a cold one with friends of similar interest.

no hidden agenda and straight talk all the time. let's not be bitchy on who's king or not but the most important thing is to recognise the fact that Dubai is losing a friendly and helpful fellow monger. Life goes on but let's be fair and just get on with life and not talk bad about fellow mongers.

My 2 cents worth


Denver Sam
01-05-06, 06:53
I'm another person from the Silent Majority. And I disagree with El Suave or whatever he called. JSF we are sad to see you go. Your work helped all of us despite we didn't participate as you did. JSF gave his time to give us tips and help us and he deserves all respect and thanks from all the Silent majority. Sadly I was planning in meeting the big guys when I start to contribute like JSF and Piper and others. I'm only one month in Dubai now and didn't get internet connection in my home and that is why I'm not contributing.

Anyway, hopfull I'll be active reporter in the comming months and will be glad to meet the real heros and i'm sure we will throw JSF a huge party when he is back to Dubai as a visitor.

Cheers all fellow mongersYoksha, I agree with you whole heartedly. There are those that need to be taken seriously because they deserve it and then there are thos that are not worth the time of the day. El Sauve you are really naughty. Spanking is exactly what you probably want but that is what you ain't getting dude.

I have not been to DXB for about 2 years now but I did have the good fortune of having met the King in person and it was a very pleasurable experience. I surely will miss him on this forum that I do follow regularly to find out what is happening in DXB and of course Pipers wonderful skills with the Mongercam.

JSF was great asset to this forum and is really responsible for the popularity of the DXB forum all over the world. I'm sad to see you go but as they say the Show must go on. I do hope to catch up with you in your home country as I'm planning a trip in your back yard this year. Wish y'aa'll a Very Happy and Prosperous Mongering year and El Sauve you too.



01-05-06, 06:54
From Gulf News, Thursday, 5 Jan, page 3 (highlights mine):

The private sector will be closed for three days to mourn the death of Shaikh Maktoum, starting today and will reopen on Sunday, January 8.

Musical events have either been cancelled or postponed at popular nightspots in Dubai as a mark of respect. "We have sent a circular to all live music venues saying that they must close for entertainment, music and dancing until further notice," said Mohammad Khalifa, Deputy Manager for Entertainment and Tourism at the Department of Tourism and Commercial Marketing.

I'm GUESSING that the bars/clubs/discos will be closed until Sunday, reopening then. Whether music will be on the venue is open to question. Again, GUESSING, I'd say drinks probably will be. This would seem to fit the pattern of what happened after Sheik Zayed died.

For the a-listers, it means a 3 night vacation (after Sheik Zayed's death, one a-lister told me she was disappointed that it was only 3 days off).

For the regular masses, it means an unwelcome layoff, no money coming in unless they can drum up some business via the phone. For the York girls, another setback.

Anyone doing business on the street would be foolish indeed.

Hope everyone has some numbers stored away for a rainy day.

My Kapitan
01-05-06, 09:09
Its with great saddness I note the departure of JSF. His reports were both entertaining and informative. He will be missed and I wish him success in his mongering wherever he roams. I too am a member of the often silent majority and consider El sauve's reports offensive, boring and of little value.

On other matters I have been quiet for a long time as I have been unable to get round the server, thanks to Wicked Rodger I'm back in business. I'll be posting reports and pictures again soon.

The Sheiks death will disrupt all activities for a 3 days then we will probably be without music for the 40 day mourning period - we will just have to make our own.

Christmas in Dubai was most entertaining - met Irish Lad in very good form on 23rd in Rockafellas and introduced him to V, hope to see a report soon IL! Regal was very busy on xmas night, Dubai must be one of the only places in the world where you can get a P4P shag on xmas night!!!

New year was quiet (sic), spent the evening in Waxy's with friends then moved to the Regal in 2006. Disaster - full of locals mostly men. One seriously disrespected my l lady and ended up in a fracas, resulting in being escorted out by 5 bouncers. Hope I'm not banned, will try when it reopens next week.

Keep your ends up.

01-05-06, 10:23
... Dubai must be one of the only places in the world where you can get a P4P shag on xmas night!!!

New year was quiet (sic), spent the evening in Waxy's with friends then moved to the Regal in 2006. Disaster - full of locals mostly men.Christmas is NOT a holiday here - it was work as usual.

New Year's was declared a holiday, not only for the public, but also the private sector. Thus, EVERYONE (except us sensible few) was out and about. New Year's Eve is the ONE night I know I am STAYING HOME, out of the madness.

My Kapitan
01-05-06, 15:06
Indeed 11b - I was also working as usual over xmas. However I stand by the statement! Of course Eid on the 9th is a holiday and that has probably been f**ked up by the untimely passing of his nibs. Probably time to phone some druz'ya (friends) and throw a party.

01-05-06, 18:08
Any reccomendations?When someone serves up a floater, you have to swing for the fence:

Just the usual RTFF.


Oops. Seems I might have been to hasty. Just did a search of other posts by Male38 (do like that search function).

Perhaps you should read THE RULES of the forum... requesting info on ts/tv's (which I take to mean transexuals/transvestites) is banned (which I hope you will be soon).

01-05-06, 19:54
I'm GUESSING that the bars/clubs/discos will be closed until Sunday, reopening then.Goes to show how much I know: Miss T just spoke with her roommates; they're at the York office, working. No music. A true tribute: business as usual.

My Kapitan
01-05-06, 20:22
All bars are open but no music. Just been in Jockeys and Alamo. Quiet but working. General view is 3 to 7 days without music. Lets face it they can't afford to delay the shopping festival any more than a week!

Cool Tiger
01-06-06, 03:18
From Gulf News, Thursday, 5 Jan, page 3 (highlights mine):

The private sector will be closed for three days to mourn the death of Shaikh Maktoum, starting today and will reopen on Sunday, January 8.

Hope everyone has some numbers stored away for a [i]rainy day.

In light of the above and of JSF's comments about no feedback/input from some forum members.... here's my inital contribution regarding specific WGs...

A friend of mine recently picked up a gorgous Moldovian, from Regal Plaza. Her name is Olga. He rated her 8 for looks and 9 for services. She comes highly recommended. He cannot recall how much he paid for an overnight but thinks it was between 1,000 and 1,500 (you may have to negotiate). She had been in Dubai for only a few months, so her English was limited, but improving.

Regular members, please PM me should you require her number.

PLEASE NOTE that I will ONLY provide her number to those who are regular contributors on this board and/or are known to other members. Do not waste
your time otherwise. If member is not known to me, I may "vet" them by asking other regular contibutors.

PS If providing info like this in any way jeopardises the WGs, then would regular contributors please let me know and I shall not distribute her number. The girl concerned has consented to her number being given out.

I hope that is fair!

01-08-06, 09:20
He cannot recall how much he paid for an overnight but thinks it was between 1,000 and 1,500 (you may have to negotiate). She had been in Dubai for only a few months, so her English was limited, but improving.Whoa! Negotiate I would indeed. I've never heard of 1500 quoted in Regal, but there's always a first. 1000 starting price often means 500 real price.

01-08-06, 14:14
newbie pointers - experienced punters will be bored

with a couple hours to kill after running errands yesterday afternoon, decided to give a contact number a try. when a man answered...

* pointer 1: when you pass a contact to another forum member, make sure the digits are in the correct order.

thought about calling some numbers i knew for the afternoon, but decided to venture out in the evening instead.

with no early evening traffic, hit jockey's about 8:30. there were 3 all-star candidates for the walk of shame, and i'm talking about just the 20 m from door to my car. mini's so short i doubted they could decently sit, with knee / above the knee boots. if they were wearing a flashing neon sign that said "working girl" could not have been more obvious. all cis, at least one of them a krgie... all very cute, but, not too friendly (at least with me; e.g., one standing next to me not even making eye contact - perhaps she also had x-ray vision of my wallet). no doubt some "sour grapes" on my part, but giving up a massage and staying with an a-rack seemed like a non-winner - no need to do a stevestx [/i]reality check[/i] on any of these. another time, maybe, but tonight...

did have to fend off some africans... the "only want to talk" 1) bs, and 2) waste of both our times.

btw: when did they close off the dirt parking lot close to jockey's? is it closed permanently, or only because some idiot blocked the entrance?

with the correct number, gave the contact a try. this time, correct number.

however, you should know it's a bad sign when the first thing she says is, "i have 2 new girls i want to introduce you to."

* pointer 2: be cautious about someone trying to fob off new girls.

they are new, but, for me, that translates as inexperienced and hesitant, inexperience in this case not being a good thing (if you think you'll be "first", then please contact me - i have the maktoum bridge toll concession to sell). most often it's a case of "they need money to contribute to expenses" so there is a big push to get that income started. i declined. after all, when you go to burger king, you want a whopper, not chicken nuggets.

next, she asked me to come to her house in an hour. i just said i preferred she visit my place. call me paranoid, but... i know who's been sleeping on my sheets my shower is clean i won't be asked to quickly finish and vacate the bedroom for other customers and i don't have to worry about other customers making a scene in the hallway, causing unwanted attention from the neighborsjust remember, my paranoid delusions have kept me safe for years. she demurred.

* pointer 3: only give up the home court advantage if you have to. ladies who want you to visit their house do have a tendency to want to keep the traffic [/i]flowing[/i].

she finally agreed; she'd give me a call back in an hour.

* pointer 4: you are now known as "safety net". this is a sucker's bet. don't wait.

from her point of view, makes perfect business sense (and always remember, it is a business). after all, who do you pay more attention to: the client in your office (now, or later), or the potential one on the phone?

from your point of view, move on. if she does call, then that's another option. otherwise, keep looking.

for me, given i do have my own place, i'm just not inclined to go into "house mode", especially when they don't seem interested in outcalls.

i headed up to imperial suites, now about 9:30. no entrance fee; nice to be remembered at the door, even if it had been a long time. ventured in; sparse, as expected. did spot a cute chinese i was familiar with; fun girl. i went over to say hi. very nice approach; made her pitch. when i declined, pitched her friend. when i declined, she made sure i still had her mobile number, then they moved on. class. no one else really of interest, so, after 1 drink, headed out.

headed towards seaview. no band, but just to check out what action, if any. however, decided i'd hedge my bets, and called up miss sg (bc, the one i disappeared with awhile back). she answered, no bar noise, which did not bode well. however, she was still at home, and unattached. made the appointment; would pick her up in 10 minutes.

5 minutes later, she calls back. asks if i wanted 2 ladies. by past experience, this never works out as you imagine, and, again, by personal experience, when you have a fun girl, another is a drag, not an asset. i declined.

gave her 20 minutes (always the gentleman), then drove over to pick her up. looking in my rear view, saw she and a friend approaching. now a bit irked; after all, i had declined. i've had previous experiences with different girls where they did try and bring a friend along, even when you've declined on the phone, hoping that once there, you wouldn't say no.

to my pleasure, the other girl only wanted a ride to crown plaza, wanted to check it out. i did not recognize her then, but later, after sg mentioned she was a seaview regular, did place her (she actually is on my low-priority to do list). but still, no hesitation on passing up the duo.

later, in talking about the offer, i learned something. should have realized it; just never occurred to me. it had surprised me that sg would suggest 2 girls. seems the other girl had seniority in the room they stayed, so suggested that her junior suggest to the client to take 2. a suggestion that would have been awkward for junior to refuse. senior, understanding the bad business climate, looking for an easy evening. when that didn't pan out, she was off to crown plaza to check it out as a future venue (do admire her work ethic).

anyway, both sg and myself glad it was a single assignment.

* pointer 5: for that gfe, it really is one-on-one.

* pointer 6: it really is difficult to strike out in dxb.


whoa! negotiateagree with piper. she should have no trouble with her number being given out to punters willing to pay that price.

My Kapitan
01-08-06, 18:07
I only visit Jockey’s infrequently now. Members draw night on Mondays and then occasionally. The place has taken a severe dive in the last eight months which was preceded by a slow decline after the departure of Lily; the amazing gorgeous Romanian ex shipyard welder who ran the place with a rod of iron, drunken expats were no challenge to her disciplinary skills! If anyone is interested she now works in the Bahrain Country Club. At least the floor was replaced a few months ago as there was a severe danger of becoming glued to the deck if one stood still for too long! Although I think they tiled around a couple of the regulars!

All the girls there are 3 or below and the influx of Africans has done nothing to revive the place – indeed for me the reverse is true. Nothing aggravates me more than the grabbing technique employed by these girls. If I want a girl I will ask her.

The dirt parking lot is only available to 4wds now as the ramp has been removed, another reason not to visit the place. Ah well at least I have good memories of its former glory.

01-08-06, 18:49
Nothing aggravates me more than the grabbing technique employed by these girls. If I want a girl I will ask her.AGREED!!! Same for the rude York waitresses who interrupt your conversation to ask if you want a drink. As I tell them, "I speak English. If I want one, I'll ask for it."

That's one thing that Cyclone DOES have going for it.

Thanks for the info on the parking. Shame; that used to be a great spot to park for the Golden Triangle.

Per 143
01-09-06, 07:21
Hi All,

First off -- Wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year -- I am new to this forum but active in usa forum. Anyways I am planning for a 2 day trip to dubai arrivin on Jan 14th and it seems I have all the information here I need for mongering :) Thanks a lot for everyone who is actively participating here .. Trying to get confirm two things - Hotel to stay and some good chics info as I am staying for short time I have to very sure of where to go and wat to do :)

Anyways I will be glad if anyone wants to meet up at any mentioned places here in forum (drinks on me when we meet :) ) .. i will be mostly staying near the airport. its midnite where i live but will posting more as I read more in this forum.


01-10-06, 07:21
* Pointer 1: when you pass a contact to another forum member, make sure the digits are in the correct order.
Hope it wasn't one of my numbers that was passed on to you down the line - if ever I pass on a number, I always warn that I often record them in a coded system for extra "security". Some I don't code, if I'm in a hurry. I didn't use my contacts for ages until a few weeks ago, and it took me a while to work out the correct numbers. Finally did, after calling a couple of wrong numbers.

01-10-06, 17:09
Report in Gulf News, DSF is off until next December. Big gesture but I wonder what the practical reality will be.

01-10-06, 20:53
Report in Gulf News, DSF is off until next December. Big gesture but I wonder what the practical reality will be.

Big loss of revenue for a great many traders in the short term. Hopefully the hotels might drop their prices to a more reasonable level. Last year in May I booked a room in the Hilton Dubai Creek and it cost me 660 Dhs per night. This year, just looking at the internet it is likely to cost 1150 Dhs per night. Who the hell do they think they're kidding !
I have so far voted with my feet. I've not ventured South to DXB this year, and don't intend to do so at those prices. I realise that rents have gone up, but this could be a turning point that nails the golden goose. It ain't as worthwhile to seek the bargains like it used to be.
The prophet of doom would say that the bubble is about to burst. Mind you, they've been saying that for many a year. Lets just wait and see.

Your prophetically


01-11-06, 01:23
Hey there,

GOing to be in Dubai for the first time for a couple of days next month after having mongered extensively in Singapore.. questions:

1) How does it compare to Singapore?
2) Brix / Top Ten like night clubs to pick up chicks?
3) Hotel recommendations - girl friendly like Hyatt in Singapore?
4) "High Class" girls / escort recomendations?

Thanks in advance / feel free to send me questions about Singapore.


01-11-06, 03:04
Hey Guys,

I'm going to be in Dubai next month. I want some classy Indian / Middle Eastern girls. I'm willing to spend. Any recomendations?

Thanks In advance

My Kapitan
01-11-06, 05:18
Music will be back on tonight (Wednesday) - source bouncer in Rockbottoms and bouncers in Rockafella's. Thank fuck!

Rockbottoms like a wake last night (appropriately I guess). Rockafella's was busy several new faces including a bevy of slim blondes, my personal weakness. One called Rita was opening at 900 but dropped to 700 after a few select Russian words (try Skolka- How much!). Didn't go for it though as she wasn't bi and did not want a threesome, I was not alone. Shame. Sure with would have gone for the usual 500 if I had been alone. Watched her reject at least 4 locals offering the full fee after I moved away, very picky even for a 7/8.

Shopping Festival canaelled till 20 December. Should be lots of spare hotel capacity so perhaps room rates will fall. Inshalla.

My Kapitan
01-11-06, 05:20
Music will be back on tonight (Wednesday) - source bouncer in Rockbottoms and bouncers in Rockafella's. Thank fuck!

Rockbottoms like a wake last night (appropriately I guess). Rockafella's was busy several new faces including a bevy of slim blondes, my personal weakness. One called Rita was opening at 900 but dropped to 700 after a few select Russian words (try Skolka- How much!). Didn't go for it though as she wasn't bi and did not want a threesome, I was not alone. Shame. Sure she would have gone for the usual 500 if I had been alone. Watched her reject at least 4 locals offering the full fee after I moved away, very picky even for a 7/8.

Shopping Festival canaelled till 20 December. Should be lots of spare hotel capacity so perhaps room rates will fall. Inshalla.

01-11-06, 10:19
Was at Seaview last night. No music, as expected, but waitress said band would be back tonight, Wed. Independent confirmation of My Kapitan's info.

Tercar 66
01-11-06, 10:45
I was as Pancho's yesterday. There was no live music and few new to the pro crop. I picked up my regular , she has her own apt near York. Guys who plan to visit Dubai and want to enjoy in limited budget. I suggest Mamzar apts, they charge Dhs.300.00 per day with one hall ,bedroom and kitchen. This room can be shared by two guys and they have no problem if you get in females. Just inform them that you are expecting company. Piper should check this out too for his regular parties.

01-11-06, 12:34
I was at Rock Bottom also - yep, dead as a doornail. Moved on to Capital Hotel - also quiet, but a few WGs lingering around. No music in either place.

Tercar - can you post more info on Mamzar apartments in the ghotel section please? eg location, contact details. Are prices day prices or per night?



01-11-06, 12:35
Tiesday night I was at Rock Bottom also - yep, dead as a doornail. Moved on to Capital Hotel - also quiet, but a few WGs lingering around. No music in either place.

Tercar - can you post more info on Mamzar apartments in the ghotel section please? eg location, contact details. Are prices day prices or per night?



01-11-06, 12:37
Tuesday night I was at Rock Bottom also - yep, dead as a doornail. Moved on to Capital Hotel - also quiet, but a few WGs lingering around. No music in either place.

Tercar - can you post more info on Mamzar apartments in the hotel section? eg location (I know of Mamzar apts near Ramada in Al Ghusiais - same ones?)Do you have contact details? Are prices day rates or per night?



01-11-06, 14:13
... after having mongered extensively in Singapore...Did a quick scan of your previous posts... you certainly do ask a lot of questions.

Nothing wrong with that. Maybe it's just my socialist tendencies, but I do believe in a bit of quid pro quo: take what you need, contribute what you can. Perhaps all your contributions have been by PM. But without FR postings, you just can't tell, now can you? And judging by the search engines lead-ins to your postings, I just didn't find any.

Thanks in advance / feel free to send me questions about Singapore.Call me picky, but for someone who posts:

Any new clubs?
Hey Folks!

Going to Sing after a while...hows scene? TopTen is gone i head...a big loss...how about Brix? does action continue there?

Any other new "places"? I just wouldn't be contacting you for info.

...Top Ten like night clubs to pick up chicks?But I'm not totally heartless: to answer 1 of your questions: yes, Arif Castle is just like Top Ten.

Conclusion: the usual RTFF
Just make sure you skip the Reports of Distinction links - we just post there to increase clutter.

01-11-06, 14:26
Tuesday night, decided to go out for a cruise. Given that I'd missed Seaview bar earlier in the week, stopped in there a bit after 10. As expected, with no band, sparse. Several good looking Chinese, but they were attached already (or at least were trying to confirm the deals with their targets of choice. At least one arrived, obviously to rendezvous with a previously arranged date. Of course, the girl I had in mind, the dancing Kirgie, was nowhere around. Could have called her, but what fun is that?

BC: I did see Cappy, AND, happy to say, I even recognized her before she was nice enough to come over and say hi. She did ask where my girlfriend was...

Couple of other attractive CIS, and one STRIKING -stani, but she made a beeline for somebody she knew before I even had a chance at an intercept.

Several job interviews, but none that made my criteria for THAT night. One that had potential was being blocked by a pair of dudes; might have been legit players, but looked more like time-wasters to me. She was not moving to untangle herself, so just gave her a smile as I walked out.

Decided to check out Jockey's midnight scene, just to see.

Can say it took me longer to find a parking space than I spent inside Jockeys (TYPICAL dxb; a perfectly good, FUNCTIONAL, dirt parking lot, benefiting a LOT of people (and small truck drivers)... what do they do? Block it off!!!). Anyway, after eventually finding a place to park not too far away, walked into Jockeys just past midnight. Surprising number of punters (maybe I should say drinkers) there; think your local pub. Very few wg's, and those there only just warranted a cursory glance. No Chinese, others a motley mix of CIS and Africans. Made 1 circuit of the place. Even then, grabbed at by 4 Africans. One, mistaking my usual brush off (damn, I wish they knew history), PURSUED me, thinking I wanted to engage in conversation. One would have thought that my brusque behavior, coupled with my back as I walked away, would have been a hint. But she was nipping at my sleeve almost all the way to the door. WHAT can they be thinking?

In my search for parking, had passed Imperial. Seeing a mass of guys moving towards the entrance, I had no thoughts of entering that "last lifeboat leaving" circus. Previously, I would have headed for York after Jockey's, but, for personal reasons, did not want to be seen there. However, normally, that would have been my next stop.

Well, considered just going home. But... given the sparse atmosphere of Seaview, and the equally sparse (wg wise) of Jockey's, decided I take the long way home, swinging by Cyclone. Would check out how many cars parked there.

About 12:30, full almost down to the end of the hospital side (debating with myself if that was good or bad), but, once there, why not?

Paid my dues (75 dhs); typical Cyclone: full price for less (no music). No warning about "no music", but maybe entrance gate security knew I knew (or maybe they just figured that guys REALLY DON'T go there for the music). Whatever the situation, Cyclone is a money mint.

Inside, place teaming!!! The central square, between the small center bar and the largest bar to the right, PACKED. Made a circuit of the small, center bar, enjoying the gauntlet of Chinese a-listers. A number of familiar faces, but my canary was nowhere to be seen.

Got a coke at the bar (25 dhs). MIGHT have been a full can but I have my doubts. It was a small glass.

I'm wondering if, at immigration, girls passports are stamped "valid for Cyclone" based on an assessment of their rack size. If you want to see nice Asian racks, Cyclone is the place to go. I'd almost say the majority of Chinese there are above a-cup size. Did see a few rail-thin ones. One rail, seen there many times, really is a package, ALWAYS stylishly dressed. Given my pocket depth, know I don't have a chance with her... did see her disappearing out the door with a very casually dressed client (just going to show, it's the wallet size, not the clothes, that sets the deal).

Number of familiar faces stopped by to say hi, thinking, as I hadn't been there, had been home for the holidays. Told one I've known for years the truth "I'm just a cheap charlie; don't like paying to get in". Her reply? "Well, you're inside now..."

Having a bit of fun with another new face, telling her it was my first time in dxb, Cyclone 1st time... That got blown when another previous pull stopped by to market. Cute, but, unfortunately, couldn't remember her name (or, more importantly, performance; I do have to work on that portable database). Seeing this, Miss New gave me a caustic look and moved away.

Spotted a tall, cute, nice cleavage across the aisle, but although exchanged smiles, she didn't come over. Lost sight of her. Hadn't seen too many couples leaving, just concerned I wouldn't be able to find her again in the masses. Some other potentials, but, ...

POINT: the bad thing about being known, they know your price range.

Spotted Miss Cleavage again; same, she across the aisle, exchanged smiles, but no come-on. Again, lost sight of her. Another rail thin long-timer, now in bob-cut blonde hair, looking very nice, but, once again, I know my wallet is not that big. Besides, this being Cyclone, I was after the "more than an a-cup".

Miss C back; this time, she did come over. Newly arrived, limited english, but enough for a small conversation. She asked about that evening's potential; I replied "Maybe", just because I was not sure what the price would be. It was funny: several known, and even unknown faces, stopping by to advise me I should take Miss C as she was a nice girl. They do take care of their own...

Stepped in close to ask THE question, "How much for LT?". Her reply of "500" was immediately given the affirmative nod; it fact, I was rather surprised she hadn't tried for the usual 700. She did mention that "too many ladies, and everyone tell me you nice guy".

POINT: the good thing about being known, if you have a good rep, that does count for something.

Especially with the newly arrived. With a seasoned pro, they know the ropes, they've learned to judge character, know they can handle situations, and know they WILL get THEIR price on any given night. But for someone here a month or two, a reasonable salary from a safe bet is worth something, especially in a buyer-friendly market.

Just to be sure our definitions of LT were the same, I did ask what time she wanted to leave in the morning. The "up to you" set the deal, so I finished the last swallow of my drink, and out we went (1:30). No further mention of money, no mention of "Pay before". Again, your rep can stand you in good stead.

Aside: some attractive CIS spotted at Cyclone, but I did not make any circuit of the long bar, their area. And, as often reported, being seen talking to the Chinese immediately enclothes you with the "cloak of invisibility". 2 heifers standing next to me (does ANYONE think the dark lipstick with the black liner attractive?) didn't seem to understand about personal space, until I reminded them of my physical presence.

Nice thing about LT is, there should be NO rush. Sure warning sign when she pushes to get things started. None of that here. Even with the limited english, we did make ourselves understood, and had some laughs, BOTH of us relaxing. Only bad thing was, now 2:30, I was ready to venture to the bedroom. It wasn't that she was hesitant, it was simply the middle of her work day, and she was wide awake.

Close to 5, heard the newspaper being delivered as we finally were ready for some sleep. (Bad news), didn't wake up till after 12, so there went my morning (plus feeling beat for the rest of the day - I just don't handle time shifts that well anymore). Morning wakeup not a problem; slipped her taxi fare, and she was away while I went in search of lunch.

POINT: Cyclone is Cyclone. Yes, it hurts to have to wave bye-bye to 75 (85 on weekends) dhs just for the privilege of walking in. That does up the total cost of entertainment. But there are some beauties there, and, on a favorable market day, you can flash back to years past. Still a fun time, even if expensive.

Per 143
01-11-06, 14:37
A quick question to mongers here:

I see "CIS" in the posts.

What does CIS mean (I am thinkin it shoud be someting for blondes/white females)?

EDITOR'S SUGGESTION: There is a link labeled "Abbreviations" in the menu bar at the top of this page. This will take you to the Forum's Glossary where you will find a chart with most of the Terms & Abbreviations used in the Forum, including "CIS". Thanks!

Double Shooter
01-11-06, 23:04
Good news - music back on.

Started the night as you do at Jockeys. Excellent atmosphere. My kind of music (piped in - 70s and 80s). The birds were a classs or two above that of my previous visit.

On to Seaview. Fucking A Rock n Roll from the live band. Definitely some tasty Chinese and Africans - no CIS. Almost went for a busty little Chinese - Lina.

Finished at Rattlesnake. Not bad but not as good as previous - may take a few days to warm back up.

So it's back to business as usual in Dubai. What a pity I have to leave.

01-12-06, 01:38
CIS stands for Commonwealth of Independent States. An organization of 12 former Soviet Union States created in 1991 to smooth the transition from USSR to new countries. CIS includes - Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbajian, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tadjikistan.


01-12-06, 05:43
CIS is formed for the sole purpose of competing in the olympics just after the break up of Soviet Union. There was no political connection.

Per 143
01-12-06, 06:25
CIS stands for Commonwealth of Independent States. An organization of 12 former Soviet Union States created in 1991 to smooth the transition from USSR to new countries. CIS includes - Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbajian, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tadjikistan.

KosmosThnx for the info Kosmos. Hopefully I will have a good trip based on the info here. I don't have any direct contacts but the places mentioned here shud be a good start.

Toffee 68
01-12-06, 11:18
Will be visiting DXB next week and am staying in the Al Murooj Rotana Hotel. Searched the forums but cant find any mention of the place so don't know if its girl friendly or not. Anyone know? I've heard it has a decent bar called Double Deckers. Is there any WG's in there?

Thanks in advance

01-12-06, 14:45
CIS is a generic term for "former Soviet Union" (FSU) and perhaps that is a better term. As for there being no political ties, that is a touchy one, ask the folks in Dagestan and Chechnya about that ;)

As an aside, I was chatting with a Romanian girl the other day, and I thought I would impress her with my crapulous Russian language skills...
not quite. She was young enough that they no longer had required Russian languange classes in school (I must be getting old, the Berlin wall fell yesterday, for me!) and she knew not a word of Russian!

In general terms, any lady from the FSU who is 25 or older, should understand Russian. YMMV.

01-13-06, 12:03
Popped into York last night with Miss Bodyguard and one of our friends, and played a bit of pool. "Plan A" is to go often until the novelty wears off and she gets bored with the place so I can go alone again. Still managed to chat with a few gals while Missy went out to some of the nearby shops. The place was throbbing last night. Again, mostly African and Chinese, and a few CIS. Saw an old fave - the Amazonian African. Watched her shake her bootie to the band a while then caught her attention and called her over - she was happy to see me and full of hugs. Sadly, had to tell her my wife was coming soon. She was with a gorgeous young tall African gal. I told her I'll call her soon to arrange something daytime at their place.

A Brit who was playing pool was approached by a super-cute young blonde a few times – she had a great teasing attitude and obviously wanted his custom. He told me she was asking 1000. I told him that meant 500, and that if I were free, I’d take her for 500 like a flash. He said he already had a girl set-up – a Chinese stunner from York (he showed me a photo on his cell phone). I asked where she was, and he said she’s home ironing and cleaning. Turns out he paid her 7,000DH for a month (she asked for 10,000). Not a bad deal if you want to do it that way. I prefer shorter-term honeymoons, like one-night.

Later the flirty blonde came back and he was playing her for all he could. I asked him why he’s showing so much interest when he has a girl already for this month. He grinned and said he has to think ahead to next month.

There were some real stunners in the African brigade - a couple of them sitting at the same table as my friend and I as we waited for a game. Miss B came back from the shops and joined us, looking suspiciously at the gals sitting with us. After a while I thought I’d test her, and playfully suggested we take one of them home with us. She just gave me the “you naughty boy” look. We’d had a session before going to York, so she thought I was spent and just kidding, but I could have done with some hot chocolate. Miss Bodyguard rarely has a drink, but I’ll have to get her merry one night and try again. Bad Piper.

Epilogue - just got off the phone with Miss Bodyguard, who shall now revert back to Miss Wildcat, as I said I'm heading out tonight, and she replied that she's not coming as it's too boring for her. Plan A: love it. Too bad I have an early morning at work tomorrow.

01-13-06, 15:10
Monthly leasing... Turns out he paid her 7,000DH for a month (she asked for 10,000). Not a bad deal if you want to do it that way. And, if you consider he's picking up the food bill (I'm assuming), and she has no rent for the month, that's at least another 1500 in her pocket.

Sounds about right, too. ESTIMATING:
500 dhs * 5 nights/week success * 4 weeks = 10,000 dhs/month. But out of that, she has to pay room, board, incidentals. Plus participate in the uncertainty of the bar scene: clients, pay, LE, etc.

A STEADY job with a chance at the contract continuing... sounds like a good deal for both if you want a temporary wife

01-13-06, 15:11
Given that the music has returned, Miss T and I headed up to Seaview Thursday night, arriving around 9:30. The tables of the center section were either occupied or reserved. We found an available one towards the rear. Even at that hour, 5 or 6 Chinese around, couple of nice ones (Lena one of those). Given my attached status, no one came over to say hi. Gave some discreet nods to a few.

Band in good form. Does anyone else, when the bass player switches to drums, on looking at the vocalist playing bass, immediately flash to Robert Palmer's "Addicted to Love", regardless of what song the band is playing?

By the end of the 1st set, place crowded. By the end of the 2nd set (when we left), place very crowded. Mix of civilian couples, couples with the "bring your own" girl (like me), other couples forming as the night progressed. Between sets, nice mix out on the dance floor; Miss T even got me up there for awhile. One couple, I'm thinking civilian, he was definitely flaunting his wealth: she was an extremely stacked (perhaps too shapely to be natural), and in a SHORT mini dress (one of those "can she really sit down"), quite the sight. Security had to drag off some guys who got to close, even though she was obviously attached.

One Chinese girl, an acquaintance of Miss T's, joined us at our table. Miss T busted me later; I was caught staring a bit too much. But who could blame me. She had quite a nice figure, a very nice rack poured into a sun dress. Unfortunately, my explanation of "I was only admiring the tensile strength of the material" was not understood. One of those who didn't have to actively market; just sitting there was enough attraction to draw a parade of potential suitors. No idea of her price floor, but all failed, at least while we were there. But she did smile while exchanging some sms's later, so perhaps she had a sure thing already. But, IF I can remember the face (attractive), another on the to-do list; that dress was just too distracting. IF she'd been there last Tuesday, I would have pulled her in a minute; no need to venture to Cyclone.

Several other Chinese, a couple with what looked like legit racks, also present, one very fetching in a brown jacket and skirt pulling some nice moves on the dance floor.

Point: It does pay to have a good view of the dance floor between band sets. Girls dancing to enjoy, AND to effectively market.

BC: Please tell Cappy that the outfit she had on Thursday night was "head-turning" stunning!!! That lady, attractive in her own right, certainly knows how to pull together a stylish/class outfit. She was a pleasure to behold out on the dance floor. You are one lucky guy!!!

And, of course, the girl I was looking for, but missed, last Tuesday, Miss Dancing Kirgie, was there. And one striking -stani that also made my to-do list, a sure pull next time I'm free and can spot her.

Did NOT spot too many European CIS. Not saying they weren't there, but it was crowded, and my eyes were distracted in several directions, and unless they are spectacular, they don't register for me, except as clutter.

A good number of Africans, MOST aware of the Seaview decorum, "no grabbing". If they are your thing, there were some nice ones there.

So Seaview is back to form. GREAT rock&roll band. At least last night, plenty of attractive ladies, in most all persuasions available. Certainly many more males than females, but, as usual, a number just there for the music/drink. However, by 1am, a lot of the attractive ones were either attached or trying to confirm the deal with a specific target. Don't delay too long in making your choice.

For 5 beers, 5 cokes, 2 bottles of water, and dinner (a plate of decent spaghetti for me), plus 3 hours of entertainment: 219 dhs, $60, not including tip). Just makes me cringe to remember I paid 100 dhs to Cyclone for no music and ONE SMALL coke.

Seaview, highly recommended for a fun time, whether it's for just the music, a bring your own venue, or pick up one while there.

Note: On occasion, there are some younger ladies (under 25) at the Seaview (Tuesday night, a group of 4 or 5 walked in). However, the norm is late 20's, early 30's. For me, that's perfect. They know the score, are experienced, and, if vetted and a bit of luck, will really try and please you. If you're looking for the 19, 20, 21 year old, don't bother. But if you want to be seen with the "trophy wife", and not the daughter/pervert combo on the walk of shame, Seaview can rock.

Miss T, FLOPPING around in my flip-flops becoming too ludicrous a sight, and having spotted a sale on at Lamcy, stopped there at noon on the way to taking her home. 30 dhs for sandals her size, no big deal.

On descending the escalator, spotted the very nice back of a nicely dressed Chinese, dress and boots, walking in front of us. So nice, I altered course as pursuing on a straight line would not get me a face shot. Another Chinese, also very nice from the back, who'd been sitting on a bench, joined the first. I was trying to encourage the short Miss T to walk faster.

At the revolving door, Miss Boots turned back so I caught her face. Outside, she and her companion slowed, and turned (other one very nice too). Both Cyclone girls, I believe I knew (in the biblical sense) Miss Boots, or, perhaps a better name if it was her, would be Miss "Hot tea and Ice". Hadn't seen her around for awhile, but perhaps time to try and dig out an old number to see if it's still good. Anyway, as both they were active in my mental thoughts (certainly would NOT be sharing those with Miss T), we were no doubt the topic of their conversation, both being very interested in seeing who I was with.

Chinese Superstitions: on the way back to her place from Lamcy, Miss T received a phone call; her roommate saying that lunch was ready. Arriving at her place, she INSISTED she pay me for the shoes. Seems her roommate had told her that if she didn't pay for the shoes HERSELF, rather than accepting them as a gift from me, a SURE sign that we would soon part ways.

01-13-06, 16:20
OK, so you found a fun girl on your last trip; now you want to see her again on this trip. If she's as good as you remember her, don't just assume you can walk into the bar and there she'll be, especially regardless of hour. If you enjoy her company, no doubt, so do others. And to live in dxb, she will have to have a number of others.

If you have a few days here, then, fine, you can call her and it should be a safe assumption that sometime during your visit, next day or 2, you can hook up. But if you're on a quick stopover, then ... She just might have other commitments. And if those are with a regular, they will not be broken (it's just financial common sense).

Yes, those international calls can be expensive (and show up on a phone bill). Perhaps an sms to alert her of your arrival (not sure which countries can inbound sms's) might be an alternative. Surprising her might SOUND good, but the surprise might be on you.

Have seen it happen several times, the most recent early this morning. Miss T receiving a call from the office; punter, just arrived, looking for her. Last night, she wasn't available. Tonight... if he's still in town, hopefully they can hook up. No doubt alternatives around the office last night, but, IF you want a SPECIFIC girl, an arrival notice could pay huge dividends.


Language barrier
With the girl I'd pulled from Cylone earlier this week: at the bar, I did not enquire about menu. Just one of those I was interested in regardless.

In bed, things heating up. Asked if she sucked. She claimed she didn't understand. I said, "You know, suck", pointing my finger at my mouth. This time she replied "No, not do". OK, figured the bbbj was OUT, but certainly a cbj should be possible. So I tried again, "You no suck?" "No". OK, that seemed very definitive; I wouldn't bother breaking out the flavored condoms. But still, I was a bit mystified. After all, Cyclone... she wasn't african... even if she was new, she certainly should know that that menu omission would certainly hurt employment opportunities.

Just then, she elaborated, "No have..." as she made a back and forth brushing motion with her finger with her mouth open. I had to laugh out loud... explained I was NOT talking about brushing teeth. This time, I demonstrated by taking her finger in my mouth... turned out, bbbj not a problem. And she learned a new word (or at least my pronuciation of it).

01-14-06, 21:40
A few games of pool at York with some guys Friday night, and saw a few new gals. Chatted with a cute Kyrgy, but had to dash off briefly – told her I’d catch up with her later. She’d been there for hours so I thought it would be safe to get her number later.

I was chatting with Miss Blonde Freebie and her new BF. I told him I was about to have a walk as I wanted to get the number of a cute Kyrgy I’d seen. He said he’d join me. I reminded him he was with Blondie, but he replied that he could still go window shopping. He asked her permission, she winked at us, and off we went. Of course, Miss Kyrgy was nowhere to be seen. The new guy said she probably went to Regal, as it was 10pm and warm-up time there. For a newcomer he knew his stuff.

I bid my farewells, and was heading out to try Russian Roulette at Regal, when another guy I know (Blondie’s ex-BF from a few weeks ago) converged with me at the exit, and asked me to come to Admiral Plaza with him. Told him I was checking Regal first, and asked him to join me. He’s in love with one of the singers at Admiral, so he had to go there pronto. I said I might join him in an hour.

Checked out Regal – still quiet. Played a bit of pool, but feeling shagged from a big week, and an early morning coming up, I decided to check Admiral quickly on the way home. 50DH entry, I but called my mate and he took me past security. He was dancing drunk and crazy in front of his singing love. He’s letting it all hang out as he’s about to get married in a few weeks – an arranged wedding and he’s not happy. I fell in love with another of the busty blonde singers, but she didn’t reciprocate the feelings. Saddened, I decided to go home. Don't pay 50DH to enter this place - 99% unattractive Chinese.

Big money. Avoiding walk of shame?

While at York, I chatted with a gal I’ve known a few years (but never carnally – just not my type). I helped her out of a couple of tight spots in the past (including prison), and now she’s chummy with me. I half-joked that the gals she was with were old and unattractive, and how could they possibly make a living in this line of work. She pointed to one late-40s dominatrix type friend of hers standing nearby, and said she just came back from ST with a York guy for 1,000 (!!) She pointed out the guy out to me. He’s a good looking young guy who I know from around the pool tables, and he’d have no trouble getting a freebie anywhere. Maybe he misses his mom. Apparently he wanted to avoid being seen with the old gal, so he sneakily took her number, then called her from his car downstairs to avoid the walk of shame. The 1000DH is a shame.

Austin 27
01-15-06, 16:47
Hey Piper,

I was at the York on Friday, was the cute Kyrgy you mentioned the one with light brown hair?

Per 143
01-15-06, 23:36
Thnx for the info Kosmos. Hopefully I will have a good trip based on the info here. I don't have any direct contacts but the places mentioned here shud be a good start.Finally made into Dubai after flight delays and checked in to fourpoints sheraton (left a report of hotel costs and comments on internet connection in hotel infor thread). My day started very crappy as I forgot my cabin baggage at baggage claim and had to waste almost half a day on it in my 2 day trip. Anyway by gods help found my baggague and continued my hoe's search from 2: 00. I was tired by then walking in airport and thought of getting a massage. So called couple of people in local times paper and got into a chinese/korean apt with 5 - 6 women to choose. The best chic in that is 6/10. Picked her up and had good 2 hour session with fs. Next went to york only place I remembered from the board (after the shock of lost baggage forgot everything I read from board) and near to 4 points (hotel charging 80 per day extra for internet: () and have seen only chinese but not able to spot any CIS. And after seeing the way it is going I think it is impossible for me to get a cis in one remaining day of trip. So please if anyone from board can give me any contacts of CIS I will appreciate that. As I said before I can meet you guys anywhere near sheraton 4 points if anyone interested. Please please please. I have taked internet connection for only one hour so I can check only regular mail from york /internet cafe. If anyone willing to help me please mail to [Email Address deleted by Admin].

Thnx a bunch

EDITOR's NOTE: Posting of this report was delayed pending removal of email addresses in the text. To avoid delays in future reports, please do not post email addresses in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system to exchange this information. Thanks!

Mickey Rooney
01-16-06, 17:45
Mongerers, First time posting here in Dubai. Became a batchular for 4 days before my trip out to Dhaka, thought to share my first night home alone.

I decided the use my first night to check out the Snake Pit, a short drive away. I arrived expecting (due to recent news events) the joint to be deserted / quite in more ways than one. Despite the unfortunate death of yet another couple of Sheiks (I am guessing more to come as far a field as Egypt and Oman as they are all of the same age group placed by you know who. – so brace your selves for more flags flying at half masks – not in the trouser division!!)

Anyways this is not the place for airing this type of view point so back to the real issue of my first FR -

The place was heaving! The band was on and disco music to be heard at the taxi rank! No sooner I was united with my beer at 2230, than a lovely Chinese girl (6) came to talk Pitched in at 700aed. I suggested more like 300 for LT at my place, she responded with 500 and I remained at 300. She tried to sell a double act, but taking a fellow mongers (not sure if it was Piper1 or 11Bravo) advice on this board, I declined.

We agreed to think about our positions and they walked away. No great loss, the night was young. Soon I was chatting to another fellow countrywoman who insisted that I open the bidding. Guess what – 300. She wanted 400 and agreed to leave with me for 300. Admittedly she was a (4) but who cares in the dark? She is warm and has a pulse I reasoned!

Now for the gauntlet home! I live on a compound with live in maid – so I sympathise with Steve Dubai and the logistical challenge of getting home unnoticed. Luckily the maid has a room that is outside the main house boundaries, but is close to the garage. Try to explain to a Chinese WG that she needs to duck in her seat as we enter the compound then the garage… hummm.

Anyways managed to get the lady home and into the guest bed room. I was then expecting the automatic undress routine. It did not happen. So thinking that at last I met a woman what actually understands the needs of a man wanting to unwrap his present slooowwlyy.

‘You pay now’ Eh? ‘you pay now’ no dear later…. But then again, I thought this through, why not I reasoned, we are home safe and ready to get on with it, so if she has the cash in the bag then performance may be less distracted. So I wired 300 stright to her bag.

Now back to my present, I start to open it on the bed, and then I am hit with it!

‘no fuck… suck only …. Okay?’ Eh? What Da Fuck… 300 and no fuck what is going on?!

Yep you guest it she is on the red rags... Doh! …. I covered all bases during the initial exchange but forgot to ask about this one. Doh! Now I know why she accepted 300 so easily AND asked for it upfront. Quickly and firmly I ask her to get dressed, demand a FULL refund and run the gauntlet of leaving home… Hoo humm What a night and it is only 2320!

In my negotiations I always use ‘In the morning, I will drop you home’ line. That way I maintain full control of the exit strategy, no need for taxies and kerb side waiting time in front of neighbours. 2330 I am off to town with a bleeding Chinese lady in the passenger seat heading towards the York office. Thought to stop of at the Regis. Busy, Loud, lots of toty, but no WG that I could spot. Perhaps the radar was jammed by the earlier experience.

Arrived at the York – now for some premeditation. Decided allow hotel staff to park the car so there is no risk of the walk of shame! Entered York 50aed to enter – What? This is not turning out to be my night. The place was packed with all sorts. Smokey and noisy, immediately grabbed by two Chinese girls, told them to give me space as I needed to have a look around. Had a coke this time (of the liquid gaseous type – no to drugs and drive) and did a cruse. Wandering whether Piper1 was playing pool. Could not tell as I do not know what he looks like!

Hooked up with another Chinese couple – (5) and (6) talked to (6) and offered 250aed – Hell I had to pay 50 at the door, not my fault! After the usual protracted Aglochinese negotiations, agreed 250 + 50 performance bonus + morning drop off (i.e. no taxi for them to pay) I hear of sieames twins, but not Chinese twins… why o why o why do they always want to offer two girls? Even after the deal was done (6) asked one more time about taking yet another (4) to bed with us.

Downstairs waiting for the car, it was not the walk of shame more like the wait of shame (10min – never again) to get my car back.

Arrived home, usual stuff, duck, open garage, enter home with lights out. Safe! No mention on Money transfer. Slow start, lovely experience, two unloads and one hour later it was time for bed 0400! Up at 0800 for one more round then run the gauntlet 0900 of the home. Here timing is everything as it is daylight. Out heading back you York for the drop off. I was reminded by her that she needs payment – as if I had forgotten, In fact I was searching for a cash machine that was not near the house / flat of any one I know. Gave her the 300, whist she was on the phone. When she hung up, she said ‘thank you’ with a BIG smile. That sort of thing made my morning…. The thank you was really genuine…

So fellow Ms despite there being another official moraning period, the bars atleast are in full swing.

Now for tonight. What will it hold? Not sure, shall I or shall I save my self for Dhaka? Hum, lets see, having to go to IBN BATUTA, may swing by the Snake pit again but avoiding the bleeding chinees this time.

01-16-06, 18:35
Wandering whether Piper1 was playing pool. Could not tell as I do not know what he looks like!Dead easy, think of Mr. Bean crossed with Dame Edith.

Yep you guest it she is on the red rags... Doh! …. I covered all bases during the initial exchange but forgot to ask about this one.Never even crossed my mind, the vast majority either abstain for a couple days or do the patented WG "super tampon stuff and wash routine." several have reported that the punter is never even aware of her "condition" when this is done with alacrity and skill.

why o why o why do they always want to offer two girls?Sharing the rice bowl, sorority, safety in numbers, call it what you will.

Downstairs waiting for the car, it was not the walk of shame more like the wait of shame (10min – never again) to get my car back.The trick here is to order up your car, then step into the dowstairs bar and have a quick beverage while they bring it round.

It would appear that you have found the answer to DXB price inflation, well done.

01-16-06, 22:20
Quote Jeff6077: Wondering whether Piper1 was playing pool. Could not tell as I do not know what he looks like!

Quote Sporadic: Dead easy, think of Mr. Bean crossed with Dame Edith.

Piper responds: Hey! Just look for the 6'3" Brad Pitt look-alike, lots of muscle, exuding an air of confidence, flicking his long mane back, walking with an easy strut, girls dripping off each arm ... Then tell him he owes Piper 13DH for the happy-hour Heineken.


Jeff6077- bad luck, good negotiation, great report. And have fun in Dhaka - more pics of the cute S please.

Had one of those moments today - I saw a female member logged onto ISG yesterday with the same unusual real-life name as one of Miss Wildcat's friends. She was viewing Dubai photos.

Miss W's friend has seen the boudoir in real life, and indeed has slept there with us, platonically of course. This morning she called Miss Wildcat for the first time in months and said she wanted to visit her. Double Gulp. She visited Miss W, nothing happened. All a coincidence, I concluded.

01-16-06, 22:37
Hey Piper,

I was at the York on Friday, was the cute Kyrgy you mentioned the one with light brown hair?
Maybe - I'm color-blind, so most hair looks brown to me. She was young (maybe 20), short, chubby baby-face (verging on Chinese face), nice bod, great rack, long hair, good English, cutesy attitude. Wearing a straight peasant skirt and high boots, and kept doing the rounds. Got her number?

01-17-06, 02:41
Up at Seaview last night for the 1st set. Band is back, but bass player maybe 50%. One thing about Dxb: sick leave? Alien concept. For 3 or more days, the employer REQUIRES a doctor's PERMISSION slip.

Sparse, both in punters and wg's. 5 chinese when I arrived at 10. By 11, several africans had drifted in.

Of course, the one I was looking for, Miss Sun Dress, was not there. Who could blame her? Damn COLD out tonight; 1st time in a LONG time I missed a jacket. Also, as usual when I was looking for her, Miss Dancing Kirgie not there.

But 2 were there on my to-do list: 2 SISTERS (of course it never works out like you imagine). Cute, with a pseudo-friendly, pro feel. The older one was the one who tried to piggyback on her "junior" roommate's appointment with me last week. Given I'd turned her down, she did not come over.

Later on, her sister did. Asked me where my "friend" (Miss T) was. Didn't want to step on any toes. Thought about it, especially given the buyer's market, but they just didn't quite make it over the "go" threshold.

However, even in a sparse environment, IF I'd had a STRONG desire, there were a couple there who could certainly satisfy it.

01-17-06, 14:24
Hi fellow members!

Will be in town from Thursday and will be around in the most common venues.

I would be pleased to offer a drink to any of you, but I do not have the forum badge/pin someone was thinking of, as well I am too serious to wear my underwear over my trousers...
I might have a checked red short sleeves shirt instead... but what if you ask the wrong person? At your risk!

If you want to setup a meeting, of course you can PM me.
(hope the JAP works!)

Cheers, Red

01-17-06, 19:14
Jeff6077, Per 143: 2 members, what different results. Just shows you the WIDE range of possibilities.

I decided the use my first night to check out the Snake PitI'm thinking this is the Rattlesnake at the Metropolitan Hotel? Or someplace else?

Hooked up with another Chinese couple – (5) and (6) talked to (6) and offered 250aed – Hell I had to pay 50 at the door, not my fault! After the usual protracted Aglochinese negotiations, agreed 250 + 50 performance bonus + morning drop off (i.e. no taxi for them to pay) I hear of sieames twins, but not Chinese twins… why o why o why do they always want to offer two girls? Well, she could have said the SAME thing, having to pay 50 dhs to enter while other female nationalities get in free. Not HER fault.

But you certainly, as Sporadic said, held the price inflation in check. The morning ride home offer is very effective in inking the deal. I'll do it if she lives in Bur Dubai. For Diera, I'll take her to a taxi stand and give her 30 dhs.

And will 2nd Sporadic's comments: it's taking care of their own while providing security (both physical and financial [next time, the situation may be reversed]) for themselves.

Downstairs waiting for the car, it was not the walk of shame more like the wait of shame (10min – never again) to get my car back.Sometimes, you just can't win. Depending on the LE situation, girls will not like hanging around outside...

Speaking of not winning:

Next went to york only place I remembered from the board (after the shock of lost baggage forgot everything I read from board)What could be easier than CITY?

But brought back memories of 1st time I was here: The ONLY bar I'd heard of was Cyclone. But I could not remember "Cyclone"; only knew the bar began with a "C". I was asking where Carousel was, unsuccessfully, believe it or not :). ISG (back then, wsg) blocked. Googling for dubai gave too many hits; for dubai + pros*i*u*tion just produced blocked sites. Next time (maybe it stills works), trying googling alt.newsgroups (there's an OLD concept), now called google groups (maybe it'll be blocked if you have to go via google.ae).

Or, you could always write it down...

If anyone willing to help me please mail to [Email Address deleted by Admin].Well, when things go bad... they do go REALLY bad. Look on the bright side: your next visit couldn't be worse. And I'll bet you remember some other club names... along with your hand-carry.

01-17-06, 19:58
Hi fellows,

On my short visit to dxb I check out the scene. I stay in Deira and like to explore a city on foot, so the triangle was a bit far for me. The only place I could remeber was the garage. I first walked into an Indian Club at the end of the alley. A strange experience, but not knowing anything about the scene I thought this was it. But after one beer I did realize the mistake and moved over to the neighbouring bar. Very silent when I arrived (mo 1030) but after a while some wg s. I did like the atmosphere of the place, and had expected a much creepier place. If this is the lower side of the marked, ... curious. I ended up inviting a very nice petite Chinese girl to a drink. The main drawback being the very limited English she spoke. But we took of to my place and had a wonderfull time. And no asking for pay first. Nothing seemed to be a problem. Well, I paid rather well (400). That may have helped. But it turned out to be another 100 to get into the hotel :-(. And a lot of talking for the reception to accept here passport copy. They insisted on the original, that she didnt have with here. It was a very GFE experience. And she was very cooperative in the action. Seemed to enjoy it hereself too.

In a few day I may check out another place. But I would rather not go to my hotel anymore. Any suggestions on how to go about this?

By the way: For travelers to dxb with a permanent internet connection at home: If you arrange so that you can connect to that (I use gotomypc.com) you can serve the net without any restrictions.

Austin 27
01-17-06, 20:40
Maybe - I'm color-blind, so most hair looks brown to me. She was young (maybe 20), short, chubby baby-face (verging on Chinese face), nice bod, great rack, long hair, good English, cutesy attitude. Wearing a straight peasant skirt and high boots, and kept doing the rounds. Got her number?Not the one I saw to be sure...I'd remember someone like that. If I do come across her I'll be sure to keep her number to myself....hahahaha.

There was one older one in the York, likely on the better side of 40 but in really good shape - looks more like a well kept mama san though.

Mickey Rooney
01-18-06, 12:27
Day 2 was too tired to really try anything out

Day 3 Here goes.

On my return from IBN BATUTA I could not resist the car driving it self to the Rattle Snake (sorry not the Snake Pit as mentioned in my previous report, although it does resemble a snake pit down town China Town).

Once inside, greeted by a sea of Chinese faces (to be expected) The ‘no thank you, not tonight dear’ does seem to work. Used a couple of times with the engaging Chinese girls at the door, soon I was left well alone to listen to the band and pick a target at leisure.

Three Kazakhstan girls Tania, Tania and Nadia (8,6,4) joined me near a table. We got talking, they were whining about the yellow sea before them. One of them had a bee in her bonnet and could not stop complaining…Although would have been interested to take one of them out of their misery, decided just to chat. A beer later I left them to it and connected with a super tall dark haired Tajikistani lady – Aieda – I had been making contact for 1 hour before for her to come over, but she would not budge. I took the plunge, said my good byes to the three girls and headed across the room.

Opening 1000 by her for LT, Responded with my customary 300 opening position. 500 by her, tried the move negotiations to 400 + 100 bonus. She would not have it. Used the car trick (see earlier post) but still she insisted on 500. I guess I lost the negotiations to first mover syndrome. If she had come to me may be it would have been different - supply side preasure and all that lark. lHey I guess reading the FRs, 500 is the going rate for CIS, although she had a face more like a Chinese face. Anyway ran the gauntlet home at 0200, Showered, two shots before the morning, drove her home at 1000. Experience… so so.. It my first with a taller woman (and I am 1.82cm. The bed was full, arms and legs everywhere)

So far I have had experience mongering since Nov 2005:

Chinese girl – grade C – been here for a while – looks 6 – cost 500 – hey this was my first time!
Romanian girl – grade D– been here for a while – looks 5 – cost 300 slow night 3am pick up.
Chinese 2 girls at the same time – A+ one girl new to town the other been here for a while – cost 400 for both!
Chinese girl – grade B – see recent FR
Tajikistan girl – grade C – this FR.

All in all, IMHO if you are looking for more bang for buck (not taking looks into account) you are better off with Chinese, (very sad to say that, as I am worried about the greater economy being invaded by them…. They are doing it in all industries, from Bras, to Jeans, From Electronics to Hooky DVDs, Soon they will rule the world).

Although the Chinese may be more mechanical, they do genuinely try to please, and the after cum service is faultless… they even take care of the filled bag and tidy up all the tissue paper as they go along. With the European / CIS girls, you are left to do it on your own – or at least I have been left to my own devises.

Again, as someone else said, each to his own…. But after two experiences with non Chinese I think it is not worth it. After all, if the place is tight, warm wet and willing and she has good attitude, then I would be happy with a 6, no need to go for the 9.

Any chance I could try that Moroccan Piper?…. Are we meeting tonight? Trip postponed for a week due to general strike.

Mickey Rooney
01-18-06, 12:37
Piper responds: Hey! Just look for the 6'3" Brad Pitt look-alike, lots of muscle, exuding an air of confidence, flicking his long mane back, walking with an easy strut, girls dripping off each arm ... Then tell him he owes Piper 13DH for the happy-hour Heineken.


Is that Rimmer of Red Dwarf describing himself ?


01-18-06, 16:04
(Btw, I'll be at York and Rockafellas from 2000 18 JAN until ~0100 19 JAN, wearing black pants, blue sleeved gray shirt, and tan army desert boots, shaved head, black eyeglasses, if anyone from the forum is interested in having a drink)

Last week, I went to York, Rockafellas, and for the first time, Cyclone. This was on the first day they had music (Wednesday?)

York, Rockafellas were both ok. Saw a great looking blonde at York, didn't go up to her (stupid...).

Took a cab to cyclone, mostly because I was curious. AED 100 no drinks to get in.

Three acceptable girls in the whole place, but failed on the interaction test, at least verbally. One, wearing business attire, seemed attached to some guys wearing "Wrecklers" jackets (some football team?). Very into her, and spoke briefly, asked if she was here with anyone (wasn't sure), she said "for business", but wouldn't talk any more.

A short CIS girl wearing long sleeved t-shirt and baggy friends, by the bar overlooking the dance floor. Also more than acceptable, but when I went to buy a drink over top of her, and visibly tip the bartender 20 AED, was happy, but couldn't make any sort of conversation. Watched her wave off a couple other guys too.

Went outside, and observed "parkin lot pimping". I hadn't expected this! Ended up seeing very few acceptable targets, though, although some interesting traffic accidents. Damn africans were even more persistent than when policed inside clubs.

Met a girl with interesting henna tattoos on hands; thought about how that would look as she gave me an HJ. Sold. Asked for AED 1000, went down to AED 500 quickly.

Got back to the 4pts, no problems (waved to security guy, I stay here a lot, never brought a girl back). Got her to room, turned down lights (she said she was shy, but looking at pics, more that she was less attractive in decent lighting).

Sex a few times, was ok. Did the "you take too long!" after 30 minutes, but whatever. Was happy to see her go at the end, but it's like that with almost any girl.

Took 10 photos (no face) with 50mm f/1.4; the correct lens for prostitute photography, indeed.

01-18-06, 16:05
Quote: from Sporadic on 9:13 pm on Jan. 18, 2006
There are probably folks out there who know me who wish they did not!

Piper: Yeah, I'm one of them pal. I still haven't forgiven you for the whipping cream incident.

Quote: from Sporadic on 9:13 pm on Jan. 18, 2006
As for bumping into [a flamer]; why not? It would be a scientific curiosity to see an example of sentient, bipedal human excrement.

Compulsive flamers/internet bullies are a funny breed. I've mentioned before, and most people would know from their own experience, that these guys tend to compensate for their physical, social or emotional inadequacies by internet bullying. I'd bet if you met someone like this they would be completely different in real life.

In Dubai, I think I've met six members over four years. All nice guys except five of them. ;) Ironically, in my first two hours in Bangkok, I met seven BKK members in two different bars. Including one who has been banned for over-the-top flaming, and two who post absolutely wild kick-ass "Don Juan-meets Anjelina Jolie on heat" adventures. You just wouldn't pick the guys. All normal looking and acting, and probably very different from the image we build up from their posts.

01-18-06, 21:29
Hi fellows,

On my short visit to dxb I check out the scene. I stay in Deira and like to explore a city on foot, so the triangle was a bit far for me. The only place I could remeber was the garage. I first walked into an Indian Club at the end of the alley.
Strollguy - I have great memories of Garage (and the Indian and Pakistani clubs downstairs) - thanks for reminding me - will have to visit again. Did you actually make it to Garage? It's upstairs, and there are no Chinese gals there - only African and CIS/Stanis. Sounds like you ended up in "Walk-In" bar downstairs.

As for your question about the hotel problem - you don't mention which one you are staying at. However, if you're okay with short-time, many of the girls in Garage have a place nearby.

Octa - I recognise that towel.

Az - sorry - staying home tonight - big week at work and I'm knackered. Next week is looking okay. Will try the Moroccan girl's number.

01-19-06, 14:19
From today's Gulf News:

Couple jailed for having sex in car

Dubai: A couple from Eastern Europe who were caught half-dressed having sexual intercourse in a small car on Shaikh Zayed Road have been jailed for three months each, and will then be deported.

The Dubai Public Prosecution had charged the 19-year-old female, from Kyrgyzstan, and a 20-year-old male, from Kazakhstan, with having an illicit relationship.

A police patrol suspected one of the cars that was parked for a long time on Shaikh Zayed Road. The officers discovered that the couple were having sexual intercourse. Sources said they were caught in a "very intimate and private situation".


Apparently they will be given separate cells.

01-19-06, 14:51
Piper, -- Yes I did make it to the Garage upstairs. An Yes I did contact this Chinese. Probably one of the best experiences ever.

My hotel is Fortune (near Rigga Rd)

O, and ... What actually happens in these downstairs clubs you mention? I saw little notes being handed over to the gilrs on stage .. The music was very loud, so I didnt want to start a chat with one of the waiters to ask.

Strollguy - I have great memories of Garage (and the Indian and Pakistani clubs downstairs) - thanks for reminding me - will have to visit again. Did you actually make it to Garage? It's upstairs, and there are no Chinese gals there - only African and CIS/Stanis. Sounds like you ended up in "Walk-In" bar downstairs.

As for your question about the hotel problem - you don't mention which one you are staying at. However, if you're okay with short-time, many of the girls in Garage have a place nearby.

Octa - I recognise that towel.

Az - sorry - staying home tonight - big week at work and I'm knackered. Next week is looking okay. Will try the Moroccan girl's number.

01-19-06, 15:12
So I thought Idd check out York, What a madhouse!! Well, it was wednesday which may be a busy night. The Chinese girls litteraly pull your arms to get your attention. I am much to polite in such a situation. I ended up joining two of them (approaching their fourties I realised later) for an ST at their place for 400. They realy kind a rushed through the session. And they kept asking for more money. I felt screwed when I left certainly when I found that they most probably took another hundred from my trousers during the 10 secs I was in the bathroom.

Back to York: I think it is to hectic for me. And what do you sy to get rid of these Chinese without getting rude to them? They dont take "no" for an answer.

I hope to get back with a third experience during my stay here ;-)

01-20-06, 14:12
So I thought Idd check out York, What a madhouse!! Well, it was wednesday which may be a busy night. The Chinese girls litteraly pull your arms to get your attention.
Yep, it's a madhouse on weekends - I can just imagine the look on your face, first time there. Many times I've witnessed guys hanging out in the restroom literally for rest, hyperventilating "oh my god what a place".

The Chinese gals do pull at your arms - just lucky you weren't attacked by the African girls - they don't aim for your arms. :)

I doubt the Chinese gals you brought home took the 100. They're pretty honest on the whole - it's amazing how fast the money goes on little things - but maybe you were unlucky.

Re the little Indian/Pak clubs downstairs from Garage - the notes are basically music requests and tips. I've only been able to crack the p4p scene in an Indian Club once (finally getting a phone number from the manager after several visits to his club). It turned out to be the number for a Mama Rosa (Mama Ruby actually) who obviously mistreats her girls, as recently reported here by another member, so no thanks.

If you have a few more days here, things will be a little more low key, but still busy enough - Wed-Thurs are the crazy nights in Dubai clubs. Have fun.

01-20-06, 14:40
Couple jailed for having sex in car Saw the story. So maybe forking out the 800dhs for the Sheraton 4 points is NOT a bad deal overall, given some of the alternatives.

Remember, folks, you forget this is an Islamic country at your own peril. Sex between unmarried's is a crime, let alone it being done in public.


Did I miss a meeting?

Up at Seaview for the 1st set and a half, Wed. night. I know it was NOT Thursday, but... I was surprised at the lack of customers (band is back in full form). Don't know what I was expecting, but... certainly more than were present (I could easily have mistaken it for a Saturday [local] night). You could have gone bowling down the "aisle" between the bar and the tables. Spotted very few ladies about (I brought my own; with the starting pitcher unavailable, called up one from the bullpen). Lot of civilians out. Given that all of the tables in the center section were either occupied or reserved when we arrived at 9:30, I was surprised at the lack of people overall.

The familiar faces were not around, or, the ones I did recognize, quickly disappeared (perhaps moving on to more favorable venues). 1 chinese that would make my major to-do list, tall and slender, with curly permed hair. Another couple of chinese would make my minor to-do list. Did see the younger Sister; L*; and Miss Posture Perfect Kirgie (she was also accompanied, but we exchanged a discreet smile). Some africans later, a few other CIS.

So perhaps I missed a memo?

01-20-06, 16:28
Hey Piper,

I will be back in Dubai on a short trip in March, then on to Bahrain for 2 days.

Hopefully this time they won't put me at the Al B again, or I'll try to make my own arrangements !

I will be in Dubai for 3-4 days, hopefully we can catch up for a beer or 2....I owe you for the tips last time around!


01-21-06, 14:12
Down with a flu/raspy throat, so what better cure than a couple of brandies. None at home, and booze shop closed, so off to York for a few games of pool and a few glasses of medicine. Not being a spirit drinker, I was very soon feeling naughtier than I should have been, and went on a mission to collect a few numbers in anticipation of my two or three weeks of bachelorhood coming up next month.

Numbers collected included that of a sweet cute Uzbeki gal who I shared my swimming pool and boudoir with several months ago. I'd lost her number since, so it was good to see her again - she has a sweet shy personality and is hot in bed. I also teased a youngish tall black gal from Ghana over a long conversation. I told her she lives in Baraha, and she surprisingly asked how I knew. 90% of Ghanan girlslive there, so it was a safe bet. I checked her services - she said no backside, and no kissing, as Ghanan gal's don't kiss. Turns out she is a friend of Miss Amazon I've taken several times, and I told her Miss Amazon kisses. She started pumping me for info about Miss Amazon's services - eg does she do backside, etc. But Piper doesn't kiss and tell. (Well, I did tell about the kissing but that's all). On the whole. it was a lo-quality night at York, and surprisingly, at Regal also.

Miss Wildcat had told me as I left for the York not to flirt around with the girls there, as the regulars there (including a few waitresses) know I am married. She jokingly said if I wanted to play around, go somewhere that no-one knows me, like Cyclone.

I took her advice.

I hopped in the cab from Regal at 11:40pm with a long-awaited visit to Cyclone on my mind. Literally took 6 minutes to get there. Went inside and loved the place! "Why?" I hear you ask. Must be the often-stated quality of the girls, huh? Nope. Afraid not. It was because on entry I was greeted by two solid, dark, large, smooth, bright, new... pool tables! (Chinese section).

I hung around there for a while and got caught up in a game of pool, while flirting with some of the Chinese girls. Prettier on the whole than York Chinese girls, and English poorer (indication of "newness"). I would have happily taken a couple of them home if I'd had the chance.

Lost my pool game, then realized I was at Cyclone for the first time in a couple of years, so I really should wander around and check some of the girls instead. Did a few rounds - only about 15-20 CIS, and they were definitely were lower quality on average than in Regal (but I'm sure, more expensive). In fact, not one of them was tempting. And a few were downright grumpy looking uglies.

Can't remember the entry fee, or if I should have got a drink included with it - the brandy and flu had affected me. If it's 100DH without a drink included as previously reported, I won't hurry back. The quality was no better than other places. Maybe just a bad night.



01-21-06, 16:21
Heya folks!

Am going to be in Dubai for 3 days from 28/Jan. Anyone who wants to meet up for a drink (and of course oogle some women) PM me and let me know. Hopefully I'll have some more interesting reports to write than the usual drivel I post in the Africa forums...



01-21-06, 18:21
Early Friday evening:

Went through the info from this thread (thanks guys) for e venue suitable for earlier in the evening. The working week was about to commence, so... Jockeys I ended up at. Hm, dont realy know what to sy about the place. I guess I kind a like the admosphere there. It didnt take long to find myself chatting with a very nice looking Ghanese going by the name of Lilian. Gee, she was hot. Went to her place. Agreed 300 for a 2hr session starting with bath or shower together. I always like this. Al the way she treated me as if she just found the love of here life. After shower massage. Never had a massage like this. Great! She didnt miss a spot. And the action after the massage was excelent as well. She knows how to pretend that she has a good time as well (and I dont mean faking a climax). Or not pretend, who is to say? If I get another chance to go to Jockeys and this group (they were four) is there again I will have a go at who I like to think of as here little sister. Ayone who knows them will know who I mean. Experiences by one of you guys?


01-21-06, 19:31

Nice site.

Excuse me for bad english. I am been already a few time in Dubai and recornice almost everything you talk about. Within 5 days I go for 6 nights to London Crown2. I reserved room for two adults (also girlfrend). Is it girl frendly?


01-21-06, 20:13
This time it happened to a mongering mate of mine. He and I have taken girls to the boudoir a few times for a bit of fun. I’ve taken pics on a few occasions, and I've emailed copies of his action pics to him. He’s currently “courting” one of his favorites to try and develop a freebie relationship with her - an exotic Cleopatra look-alike from Kyrgystan. They were together at York last night after spending the day together at his apartment watching movies over a few drinks. He decided to show her some of their action pics, but accidentally opened up a pic of him and a Chinese girl grunting at the camera in a compromising position (doggy style). She was suitably surprised. He has a bit more courting to do.


Limer – welcome back. We did okay on our separate occasions with the wild and Indianesque Miss J. She recently returned to Dubai, but is working full-time in a coffee shop, and only taking occasional customers. A couple of weeks ago, a fellow forum member arranged to meet her. But when she arrived at his hotel room and he said he would want backside, she said no, so he gave her 100 for her troubles and apologetically sent her away. Sometimes it’s better not to ask, but let things evolve over the night. (Of course, then there’s no guarantee). On our second night together, she was the one who asked for backside action.

As for staying at Al Bustan, why not – you did pretty well at the nearby Iceberg Disco last time - two stunners including the madam!



01-21-06, 23:18
I Just sent the girl home and so I'll post while the memory is fresh.

Below is my take on the quality of the places I visited in Dubai. This is based on one night, Saturday, at the times specified. Please correct me if it much different on different nights or at different times.

Started out at YORK in the York International Hotel at around 10:30 pm. Many Chinese "girls" but nothing of acceptable quality. Almost all were in their 30's or very close to that age. I asked a couple "how old are you" (not really a rude question in China) and they gave me blatent lies saying "22". A couple of nice Africans, but not my taste for this evening.

Moved on to RATTLESNAKE at the Metropolitan Hotel arrivign at perhaps 11:15 pm. There were only 10 or so available Chinese women, but again, mostly old (30ish). One who had a nice face and great tits was apealing to me so I talked with her. We decided we shoudl go back to my hotel and began to negotiate. Thanks to WSG I had a feel for the price and started at 200 Dhs. We negotiated for a while and she offered a 3-some (her and her friend) for 600 Dhs. I offered 300 for her alone and walked away when she refused. After talking to a couple of other girls I stopped to give her one more offer on my way out. She refused 350 Dhs and I left around midnight.

Next to the Cyclone and paid the 75 Dhs cover (no drink). It was immediately clear that the girls were at a whole different level here. Several beautiful girls that are 20 to 22. I immediately began chatting-up a real stunner and she told me 300 USD for short time. She had no interest in anything less and I moved on. The next girl I talked to, not nearly as hot, aslo asked for $300 USD but quickly went down to 600 UAE. With other hotter girls everywhere I moved to another stunner who is 20 yrs old. She quickly accepted 500 Dhs. In my mind, a much better value than what I would have gotten if the girl at the Rattlesnake had accepted my 350 offer.

IN SUMMARY: York and Rattlesnake have older women who may be worth 250. But Cyclone has hot young chicks that, in my mind are worth at least 2X what you get at the other places.

01-22-06, 12:45

The girl you eventually pulled, was she Chinese?

Your experience, IMHO is typical, Cyclone does usually yield the finest offerings, but at a price. That $300 opening line is becoming typical unfortunately. I presume somebody is paying that or they would not even bother to mention that price point.

I think that sometimes the pricing reflects insurance realities. A risk premium if you will for unknown entities. I know several providers who are loath to leave with unknown persons of certain persuasions, incorporating the risk of a bad outcome into the offer. Others just smell money and are hoping for a rube.

If you are at the York, I suggest you pop your head into Rockafellas at the Regal for CIS and usually a few "not Chinese" (ethnic Chinese look-alikes from the -stans.)

Saturday night is probably not the best for talent, the ladies have usually had a busy and or lucrative weekend. I find mid-week to be an excellent balance between crowds and selection.

01-22-06, 14:49
I stay in Deira and like to explore a city on foot, so the triangle was a bit far for me.Do know what you mean by walking, BUT... jumping in a taxi here is pretty easy (as you reported later).

But I would rather not go to my hotel anymore. Any suggestions on how to go about this?Just ask the girl how many ladies stay in her room. If it's only a couple, you can probably use her place. If she's a barracks girl, she'll probably know a place. Can always use the Dallas, but I'd bring my flip-flops (not only for the shower, but for the carpet).

Best bet is to check the "Reports of Distinction thread" for the link to the hotel summary. Next update, I'll add your Fortune experience.

So I thought Idd check out York, What a madhouse!! Well, it was wednesday which may be a busy night. As Piper said, it does get busy on the weekend. But if you think that's a madhouse, check out Imperial Suites on a Thursday night, say midnight (MY advice, don't). Just the entrance to get in. Like I've posted, it's the "last lifeboat leaving" mentality of some.

(Chinese) I felt screwed when I left certainly when I found that they most probably took another hundred from my trousers during the 10 secs I was in the bathroom.As Piper said, I too doubt it. Not saying it can't, and doesn't, happen. But the times I'd thought it happened to me: found the 100 in a shirt pocket. Or, on reflection, realized the 60 dhs I had in my pocket was when I broke the 100 for those last couple of drinks. Given the prices of drinking OUT, VERY easy to go through a couple hundred.

Back to York: I think it is to hectic for me. If you want a more laid back venue, I highly recommend SeaView. Not the best looking girls (though you can find some; well, at least I can). But good music, and less meat market.

I can just imagine the look on your face, first time there.THE shock and awe place is the Cyclone.

And what do you sy to get rid of these Chinese without getting rude to them? They dont take "no" for an answer.
Once inside, greeted by a sea of Chinese faces (to be expected) The ‘no thank you, not tonight dear’ does seem to work.All in the way you say it. Polite yes. But then, don't continue to make eye contact, conversation. Ignore them, look over their heads (that works in most cases; however, the Cyclone girl I pulled awhile back was more European height, and only small heels). It she continues, just tell her she'll "lose time". They're businesswomen; they understand time is money.
Used a couple of times with the engaging Chinese girls at the door, soon I was left well alone to listen to the band and pick a target at leisure.And once you've made your point, you will be left alone. As I've posted before, this can be an advantage or a later hinderance. Sometimes, you can get mis-pegged, if you've turned down too many. The word on the network does get around. In this case, you might have to make the 1st move on a girl that DOES interest you, rather than waiting for the usual first move from her.

Three Kazakhstan girls Tania, Tania and Nadia (8,6,4) joined me near a table. We got talking, they were whining about the yellow sea before them. Even those members who don't care for the chinese should thank them. Offering enough competition, they keep the prices down; that's why the other nationalities don't like them. And why, especially at Cyclone, seen talking to the chinese enclothes you with the "cloak of invisibility" to the CIS.

I had been making contact for 1 hour before for her to come over, but she would not budge. I took the plunge, said my good byes to the three girls and headed across the room. Normal custom, the chinese do the "cold calling". The CIS are passive operators, conserving energy, waiting for you to make the 1st move.

Opening 1000 by her for LT, Responded with my customary 300 opening position. 500 by her, tried the move negotiations to 400 + 100 bonus. She would not have it. Used the car trick (see earlier post) but still she insisted on 500. I guess I lost the negotiations to first mover syndrome. If she had come to me may be it would have been different - supply side preasure and all that lark. The "transportation" offer is good strategy; it can swing a deal as what you are paying is now all profit. But if she was sharp as you imply, then she certainly knows her market potential. Didn't matter if you approached her. I'd be guessing she rarely had to approach anyone. She knows what she can get, and will, from someone. Like I say, all depends on what her experience is worth to you then.

All in all, IMHO if you are looking for more bang for buck (not taking looks into account) you are better off with Chinese, Individual tastes... I see MANY attractive asians, FEW European CIS, less Africans... I'm NOT going to them based on price.

Although the Chinese may be more mechanical, they do genuinely try to please, At least the ones I pull, I would not say mechanical... I worry about the soundproofing on my bedroom walls. I don't complain when the neighbors, 2am on a worknight, carry on a loud departing conversation on the street under my window (you can take them out of the village, but you can't take the village out of them). Spending a bit of time chatting with her in the bar to gauge "playfulness", paying a reasonable price, attention to deal... always a bit of luck, but you can enhance your odds. And few drama queens.

This is based on one night, Saturday, at the times specified. Please correct me if it much different on different nights or at different times.IMHO, it is important to post times in an FR. Just business: offering LT at 11pm - she's got to decide if it's sufficient as that will be all the money she'll make for the remainder of the night. No more potential. Different than an offer at 2:45am (some deals can be had, but some wg's think it's not worth the "wear and tear" on the merchandise. Besides, for me, at my age, a 3am LT doesn't really work out to LT).

As posted by Piper, Thursday is PRIME time, given everyone has Friday off. Surcharges do seem to apply, at least for the popular girls. Wednesday's slightly behind Thursdays. Friday, Saturday usually pretty slow.

Started out at YORK in the York International Hotel at around 10:30 pm. Many Chinese "girls" but nothing of acceptable quality. Almost all were in their 30's or very close to that age. ... they gave me blatent lies saying "22". All depends. For me, the chinese usually look younger than they are. Only thing about age that concerns me is when they are TOO young (under 20).

Moved on to RATTLESNAKE at the Metropolitan Hotel arrivign at perhaps 11:15 pm. ... Thanks to WSG I had a feel for the price and started at 200 Dhs. ... She refused 350 Dhs and I left around midnight.200 dhs... not saying it can't be done, but that's more an afternoon price, not evening prime time. Maybe, if it's in town, ST. Even the days of 300 dhs LT, again, can be done, but rare. Or perhaps I've just gotten jaded, a 100 or 2 not that important when I'm interested.

Next to the Cyclone and paid the 75 Dhs cover (no drink). It was immediately clear that the girls were at a whole different level here.And that's why they can charge 75 dhs, no drink. Rarely is it not crowded. Even works for the girls; the cover serving to cull the cheap charlies like myself.

I immediately began chatting-up a real stunner and she told me 300 USD for short time. She had no interest in anything less and I moved on.And, most nights, she'll get it from someone. And when she says "200", she's not talking dhs :)

Consider yourself treated with respect; some will try a scam, saying 200/300, omitting "dollars". Naive punters think they have a deal (they're thinking dhs)... until they get back to their place (worst case); more likely, the reason she's returning in 5 minutes from the parking lot.

In my mind, a much better value than what I would have gotten if the girl at the Rattlesnake had accepted my 350 offer.All depends. That Cyclone's entrance fee does raise the total cost, and drinking out is NOT cheap here. Myself, guess I'm lucky: whichever bar I decide to hit that night, just about all the time, I can find a girl who interests me.

IN SUMMARY: York and Rattlesnake have older women who may be worth 250. But Cyclone has hot young chicks that, in my mind are worth at least 2X what you get at the other places. No arguement there, but again, I think 250, unless it's ST, is going to be rarely seen, regardless of venue.

01-23-06, 02:47
If I get another chance to go to Jockeys and this group (they were four) is there again I will have a go at who I like to think of as here little sister. Never hurts to get a phone number. Makes it so much easier to hook up for a next time (or just to see where the "gang" is).

01-23-06, 04:47
I was in Dubai just before Eid for two nights, a great two nights. As usual I hooked up with my bud and we headed off to Cyclone to play pool. We dominated tha table for hours to the dismay of other patrons. I had not been there for wuite some time, but immediately noticed the polarization of nationalities. All the Chinese hang on the left near the pool tables and others crwod in groups on the right. The less fortunate in appearance enjoy the darker corners.

It was a good night because it was quiet. I could move around and chat, actually hear the responses. The biggest surprise was that when we left, I finally realized why I had not seen any African ladies inside. They were all in the parking lot and along the road by the taxis, street vendors selling their wares:) As they were budled up to keep warm it was difficult to check out their shapes. I do go black and enjoy that big round booty!

I had been with a colleague who made it inappropriate to hook a girl inside. But I did take the number of one small, cute Chinese and had her meet me at the Ramada Bur Dubai where I stayed. No hassles in the lobby at 2am, not even a request for a passport copy, just straight to the room. She was quite short but a nice change, very tight and a gymnast:)

After two days, back to Qatar and work to get some rest!


01-23-06, 22:12
With nothing better to do, hit Rattlesnake this evening, Monday. Had planned on getting there early, 9:30, but got tied up with work: checking my eyelids for holes. By the time that was finished, it was 10:30 when I walked in the door. Left at 12:30.

Best thing that can be said, the drinks are cheaper, at least soft drinks. 10 dhs for a coke, rather than the 20, 25 at other venues. On the other hand, it is Rattlesnake (I'm not a big fan of their band). Met one fellow countryman; he did not know of the forums, only slightly aquainted with dxb, so I gave him the CITY brief. Saw him disappear out the door just before I left, 2 chinese, $200USD LT for both. Hopefully, his hotel was guest friendly.

Mixture of chinese, african, and some CIS. Two very nice platinum blonde CIS, one quite attractive, 30ish. Quickly hit on. Best looking one disappeared out the door with a client. 30 minutes later, she was back: either she really does know how to process, or the deal fell apart. By midnight, did not see either of them around; they did stand out. Seemed pretty business oriented, so didn't bother to get a number (some regrets there).

Some reasonable attractive africans, if they appeal to you. But again, very off-putting: grabby. Otherwise, Rattlesnake is VERY low key; no unsolicited job interviews. Even takes several of YOUR smiles to have a chinese approach you.

THOUGHT I saw a -stani girl from Seaview there. Took me awhile to place Miss Dancing Kirgie; she's been on my to-do list. But she seems one to enjoy over time, not a rush job. After an hour, she disappeared alone, no doubt seeking greener pastures.

Could have sworn that several of the older chinese there tonight I used to see at Cyclone 3 years ago. Not sure, but they certainly looked familiar. Perhaps this is one place that might be considered a Cyclone graveyard.

One attractive, animated chinese. She caught me smiling at her; after a number of smile exchanges, she came over. The animation was attractive (as opposed to just sitting there), but she did know her ranking. Her "take me, I'm beautiful",... I've had trouble with that before. Enquired about ST; she was a flat rate: 500, ST, LT, didn't matter. First time I've heard that. Like I say, she knew her market-ability. A bit of regret, remembering that 5am alarm, I passed (but did get her number).

Several other chinese potentials. Nothing to write home about, but, on a given night... beats fighting traffic downtown. One tag team, both chinese, with one very non-chinese looking, were a tempting tag team, but, realizing that never quite works out as expected... passed. Again, if I'd spotted them at 11, might have pulled 1. But by midnight, I am a cheap charlie, like getting my money's worth.

One last chinese gave it a good try; tempting, I must say. Not a stunner by any means, but "girl next door" cute if you happen to live in Shanghai. Asking price, she would not give me a quote, wanting me to make the first offer. That brought me back to reality: I wasn't into bargaining this night, at this time. If she'd given a good price, I would have gone ST, but was in no mood to dance, so bade my farewells.

All in all: advantages: cheaper drinks, less traffic to fight to get to (even coming FROM town, traffic is headed other way). Low key, very non-agressive marketing (think Jockey's). Even when the band is playing, can still carry on a conversation.

Disadvantages: Some selection, but no stunners. Consider this down market for most wg's. I'd say similiar selection in Seaview; I prefer there just for the band. Reasonable place for mid-week, just to take the edge off before the weekend. But if I was a visitor, I would not waste my time here; head for the better known venues.

01-24-06, 13:29
Anyone of you has an experience how to get an Indian or Pakistani girl. Checked out various Indian nightclubs but actually have not found out how it works. Thanks for help

01-25-06, 02:31
I had not been there for wuite some time, but immediately noticed the polarization of nationalities. All the Chinese hang on the left near the pool tables and others crwod in groups on the right.This has been inforce for quite some time now, dictated by management. The demarcation line is the area of standup bar tables to the right of the small center bar. Just makes searching easier.


Just wanted to say how nice it was to read some reports through fresh eyes...Bilqa, Strollguy, Jeff6077, Kendo... Appreciated!!!

01-25-06, 05:53
11B - that still the grunt code? Just curious.

01-25-06, 13:49
11B - that still the grunt code? Just curious.Yes. You, by any chance, a swabby?

Piper: it's also known as Mudhound.

01-25-06, 13:54
Having had enough vitamin A (cup) lately, was thinking tonight it's time for a couple shots at (I mean of) vitamin C... All ready to call Sunny, the Cyclone newbie I'd pulled 2 weeks ago. Good price, good service, fun, real potential. Besides, I'd gotten prints made of the photos taken... all ready for her.

Got out my mobile to set up the appointment, no point in either of us having to pay the Cyclone entrance fees. Noticed I had 2 sms's, received EARLY this morning - never checked my phone before pocketing it and leaving for work. Now, looked, not a local number. Didn't recognize the country code. Reading the messages: from Sunny, now back in China, courtesy of the dubai police. Banned for a year. Such a shame; nice girl, felt for her, barracks living, trying to learn english to enable good business. For sure she never made enough to cover expenses here - less than 2 months. 1st time that's happened to a girl I actually knew.

Gave her a call; she was apologizing for not saying goodbye before she left. She can't even get home for New Year... right now, she's staying with a friend, "too cold" (I'm guessing reference to the travel troubles due to snow). Even without the "snow troubles", have heard that all internal flights are booked solid - everyone going home.

Brought me back to reality. I'm sure her "sponsor" did not offer PRO services to govt agencies when problems occurred. The things we take for granted... Just one of those things I don't like to think about...

01-25-06, 17:20
Fuck, what a fortnight! Never worked so many 16 hour days in ages, and now I'm exhausted. But finally getting over the flu. Even if Angelina Jolie turned up at the boudoir right now, wearing a teddy negligee and murmuring how bad she wants me, the best I could manage is to tell her to make me some chicken soup, give me a back-massage then "For god's sake woman, stop pestering me and go home".

Time for some R & R.

Heading Fujaireh-way for the weekend with a few friends and family. I may be able to slink off for some "games of pool" at another hotel.

Any action around Fujairah? I doubt it, but there must be something. I know there are some AMPs, but would prefer something else.

11B: I thought "grunt" might have been something more onamatapoetic.

My Kapitan
01-25-06, 18:10
Fujairah.. time for a story (a true one). About 3 years ago I was working out of Fujairah on a very regular basis, generally staying at the Hilton (points and miles) between ships.

One night I was at the Hilton with mongering colleagues and we were drinking in Fez – the night club by the Hilton, good Pilipino band by the way.

Fez is OK it had all the latest promotions because it is owned by a local sheik and we were getting a pair of sunglasses for every bucket of beer bought. (If anyone wants a pair of yellow framed sunglasses this is the place to patronise and I have at least 8 pairs!). Anyway the sight of locals playing darts, snooker and lifting their skirts in the bog became too much to bear. We had to get some action.

Outside to the taxi – which was held together with sellotape.

Question – “where are all the girls?” Answer “Shigi Hotel”. “Take us there!”

Shigi Hotel is the massive building in the middle of the ‘city’. Bar is downstairs. Populated by a few Pilipino seafarers and local workers. The girls offer massage services etc. but are basically ‘Garage’ (see Piper’s notes on the Garage Dubai) rejects. Rather like Jockeys but worse.

OK 2 beers and out we go. Same taxi and driver outside but more sellotape around wing mirrors now- I don’t know what happened.

Resigned to oblivion and memories of the Regal we asked the taxi driver if there was anywhere else with girls in Fujairah – “you want girls?” “YES!” “Girls?” “YES!” “What kind?” “Russian girls” “Russian girls?” “YES YES YES!” “OK New Meridian Hotel!”

“OK Take us there!” ------ “Open in two years time” ==== Aragghhh.

It’s now open – but not GF !

I'm off to the Regal shortly - maybe see u there!

01-25-06, 18:22

No chance in Fujairah, at least according to my past experience. Only some chinese girls (or better, rejects) and few old philipinos.

No action in Meridien Hotel, Hilton hote, Siji Hotel.

The worst place in UAE!


Time for some R & R.

Heading Fujaireh-way for the weekend with a few friends and family. I may be able to slink off for some "games of pool" at another hotel.

Any action around Fujairah? I doubt it, but there must be something. I know there are some AMPs, but would prefer something else.

11B: I thought "grunt" might have been something more onamatapoetic.[/QUOTE]

01-25-06, 19:21
Fez is OK it had all the latest promotions because it is owned by a local sheikKap - Most of the clubs are.

... and we were getting a pair of sunglasses for every bucket of beer bought.
I still have my Heineken sunglasses (free with every carton), which I use as an excuse to myself if I wake up with an ugly.

I'm off to the Regal shortly - maybe see u there! Damn you, I'm jealous! I want to see the photos.

Hope to see more of your posts - just had a look at your past posts (while you're having a good time at Regal, sniff). Good stuff.



By the way - will check out Shigi Hotel, thanks.

01-26-06, 02:06
Hey Piper and Bravo,
I'll be visiting DXB in Feb. twice. Hope to meet for a drink, if possible.
Any plans for local 'party'.

There must be some problem with PMs but check again.

Other than the hotel spas (too pricey!), where can I find a list of legitimate massage parlors/spas in town? Any website?

Joe D
01-26-06, 07:31

I will be in Dubai next week and was wondering if u guys know of a place where i can have a good massage and some extra - HJ, BJ and why not ST as well. Please advice a good place and what kind of nationalities.


01-27-06, 12:00
Been to York last week soon after 2 am, on Wednesday night
Quite busy, difficult to spot the ladies you like, as before only making few meters you get blocked by the most active. Short story… got a beer and within two minutes was trapped by two Chinese birds which would not leave me go around alone any more.
After all, why not, TonTon is slim (flat) nice face dark-red straight hair, her friend blond curly better rack, we agree 500 for both LT.
Back to 4pts, no problems entering, nobody cares. First time with two girls (had to try that), but would not repeat. BBBJ, 69 and cowgirl with both, just in case they were jealous of each other.
Sleep and another single wake up round. They left at 9:30. Nothing really impressive, but a good start at a bargain price.
Will post a couple of pics in the gallery forum.


01-27-06, 14:02
Just got back from a night of drinking, playing pool, fighting locals and shagging in Fujairah - in that order. Normal Thursday night on the town. Will report on a few venues after my much-needed beauty nap.



PS - I received a bunch of PMs while away - will answer later tonight. A few about the potential "party". Been too busy to arrange something - but maybe, just maybe, early Saturday evening next week.

01-27-06, 15:08
Yes, I have to catch up a bit.

Being advised after previous posts I went to the Mariners Club (Sea View). Quite a nice place. Impressive band playing 70ts and 80ts. Quiet when I came in but it was early (10-ish). Later more wg's, but still moderate number.
I think you could say this is the place to visit for a beer, nice music and just maybe, if you happen to walk into the right girl, but will be ones every 4 nights, a p4p experience. I wouldn't go here if you're definitly after p4p action (I think). No 4th experience at this occasion.

So back to Jockeys next evening. Ghanese Lilian was there again, but here "sister" (see earlier post) was not. As I had a very good experience with here, I decided to go for an encore. Very passionate again. Awsome massage.

Wednesday night. Despite the fact that I have written that this was to hectic for me (2nd) I decided to give this a second try and intended to be a bit more assertive. Worked out well. I had a good time in there and ended with a very nice choice of Chinese. Lily she calls herself. It was allready 2 am, so I guess the prices were dropping. Arranged 300 for all night at here's. Compared to earlier experiences she was more distant, Less passionate. So no WOW this time, but a good experience.

I definitle thought that was this was it for my Dubai time. Next afternoon I had to kill some time, felt like a beer so decided to go the the bar in York downstairs (immediatly right after entering hotel). I was there before, so I knew there was some scene going on there and i like that, also if I don't intend to take part. Mainly Afro. Gor into a chat with Penny. Slim girl, very pretty face. From Kenia. Bought here a drink, after making clear that she shouln't wasste to much time as I was not in for any buisiness. But nice conversation, and as expected she moved on after some time in order to be 'free' for business. She was definitly the prettiest of the gang. And after she ahd a short intro with a guy, she was sitting on here own again, as here gang mates were all involved in conversations with men. Well, this situation, and the fact that this was my very last day, made me give in to my weaknesses. To here place we went. Although perfect body (although maybe to slim and petite for most of you), in terms of passion she comes not even close to Lilian the Ghanese. And I turned out to have run out on stamina because of the evening before and a closing morning session with Lily. I should have kept to my intentions this afternoon.

Wrap up:
With the explicit NOTE that all this only comes from a two week visit so very limitted experience:

The Garage: Little mentioned in this forum, but would certainly visit it more if I were to stay in Dubai again. Quite atmosphere, but this was on a weekday.

York: Only visitted on busy nights. Quite hectic, but if you know how to say NO in a polite way (and I learned this quickly) you can have a hell of a time just looking around and drinking beers. And you will definitely find a gem to your taste here.

York downstairs bar: Very nice afternoon place to have a beer, smoke a sigar, have some pub food and have some short chats with the wg's, maybe more with one of them.

Jockeys (Panorama). Interesting place as well. Much smaller the York or The Garage, so you will not typically "wander around". Interesting place for weekdays when next day is working day and you want to finish off early.

Mariners (Sea View): Very nice place to enjoy some music and chat and drink with friends, with the option (but not intention) of picking up a nice girl.

THANKS to you all for the valuable info that I found in this forum. Especially to Piper and Bravo for their reactions on my posts.


01-27-06, 15:15
Hi JB,

I will be in Dubai next week and was wondering if u guys know of a place where i can have a good massage and some extra - HJ, BJ and why not ST as well. Please advice a good place and what kind of nationalities.
Try going to Jockeys and find Lilian (see my posts). She has those very fine braided hair with red in it. Or ask the other Afro ladies, but ask their name first, or the will suddenly all be called Lilian ;-)

01-27-06, 15:23
Don't go.

End of report.

Okay, if you must, here's a few details. A good place to stay is the Fujairah Beach Motel (at a main roundabout on the corniche as you drive out of Fujairah coming from Dubai). It's GF because you can park outside your room and walk straight in. No gate security. 230DH for a double - better than the 600+ the five stars are asking, and just as nice. The place has three nightclubs - Indian, Pakistani and Arabic. Also has an olympic-sized pool.

Miss Wildcat and I checked the Indian nightclub from 11pm to midnight. Six or seven dancing girls, and I saw one local guy making a deal with one of the girls using hand-signs. By the number of fingers they were holding up, it looked like she was asking 1000 and they agreed on 800.

Next we headed to the Arabic club - a couple of drop-dead gorgeous Moroccan girls, and a few so-so gals of unknown nationality were wobbling to the Arabic music on stage in skin-tight "little-left-for the imagination" lycra dresses. I immediately fell in love with the most gorgeous one and told Miss W that I was filing for divorce tomorrow. A few locals and young Russian tourist guys sitting at the tables but were more interested in the two Russian WGs that a local guy had brought along than the Moroccan dancers.

Too quiet, so we took a cab to Fez nightclub at the Hilton. There was a so-so Filipina Band. No WGs to be seen. About 10 local guys playing pool. I joined in for a doubles-game, while Miss Wildcat was joking around at the table with me and my pool-partner. She was a tad drunk after only one beer and I had to ask her to sit away and stop kidding around the table, as I could sense some tension amongst the local guys, and told her a fight was brewing.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, one guy rushed at another guy and they started pushing each other around. Usual Thursday night display of affection. But it escalated when a few hard punches to the respective faces were exchanged. I called a couple of young guys over who work there and asked them to get security. They told me they were security. They were standing by watching all this and literally biting their nails. They told me there was nothing they could do. By now all I could see was a bunch of guys in crispy white kandoora's tumbling and rumbling in a duststorm. Somehow I ended up in the middle of it while trying to break them up, and Miss Wildcat came and told them all to stop, and they immediately did. She has that effect.

Then the manager came and told me not to worry about it, as the same guys fight every Thursday then kiss and make up. Sure enough, five minutes later they were hugging and calling each other Habibi. Five minutes later they were smashing each other's faces again. I sighed, put down the pool cue and Miss W and I headed back to the motel, stopping in at the Arabic Club so I could check out the Moroccan love of my life again over another drink.

Miss W was half-way through drink number 2 and feeling frisky. She started talking about my Moroccan love a bit too much, repeatedly saying how beautiful she was. She asked if we could buy a lei for her as she is so beautiful (50DH tipping lei). Interesting. Soon Miss W was up on the stage with the dancing girls energetically dancing Turkish and Arabic style. We were both just a bit drunk and having a great laugh. I wasn't sure how to react when the guys in the audience all started whoop-whooping and sending leis on stage for her. She had about six leis around her neck at one point. I forgot to collect the 300Dh when we left. The dancing girls loved it and were cheering her on, dancing around her in a tribal circle-dance and following her dance lead in unison. They got a bit erotic with her - touching and caressing her and thrusting hips etc. Miss W reciprocated. Hmmmmm. She left the stage after some time to the applause.

As we were leaving the club, a couple of local guys invited us to hop in their hummer and come back for a party with some other girls. Because Miss W had been dancing naughtily, and our age difference, they had the wrong impression, and were surprised and apologetic when we explained we were married and heading back to our motel room.

From others' reports, there is some action in Fujairah, but I didn't see much in the few places I went to. The motel is recommended - hopefully there's usually more action in the clubs. When Miss W heads overseas for a few weeks soon, I might even stay there again and explore further.

Great snorkelling by the way, especially 15 minutes further at Khor Fakkan.

Flying Scot
01-27-06, 15:23
Just got back from Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Went to all the usual places includiong, Jules, Regal, York, Cyclone, Premiure etc etc.

Best is still Cyclone (No Loud Music as they screwed up and played musioc after the boy died, so they are now banned for a month or something), there was one doll in there that took my fancy, however she would not budge from 2500 Dirhams. Now... dont think I'm cheap, but 2500 Dirhams for a Celion Dion look alike in my book is still expensive when you could have her just as good looking sister for 600 Dirhams.

Now that I'm back home I'm thinking I probably should have just went for it.

Anyhow, I didnt, I met a great girl in the nightclub in Abu Dhabi at Merridain, all night all action for 600 Dirhams. She was fantastic. Name Olga, light blonde hair and stands at the back near the DJ and Bar.

York is just a meat market, full of China and African, I dont get how guys go with these girls.. All to there own.

Regal had a good mix from CIS. Prices ranging from 400 - 1000.

Jules Bar, very quiet. Maybe 40 girls. used to be many more but I think they are turniong away some at the door. Spoke to alot of the girls in there but didnt partake as I was staying at that hotel and wanted to investigate further afield.

Premiur at the old Hyatt is still a good competitor to Cyclone, beware of the girls right at the door who say they will go for 500. basically you have to pay up front before you even leave the nightclub, she will give you a cig packet that is empty and she tell you to go to the toilet and put the money in there. you then come back and hand the cig's to her. She then goes to the toilet and give the money to her buddy. You will leave together but back in your room, she has no plastic and cant do this and cant do that... Chuck her out of your room and tell her you'll see her tommorow at Premiure for your money back. Soon she will see sense and produce plastic or hand back your money.

As has been said on this forum before and no doubt will be said again. MONEY IN THE MORNING, unless You have been with her before and she like's you, which will mean she trusts you and will not even speak about money to you.

Anyhow, good hunting my friends and be safe.

Flying Scot
01-27-06, 15:33

I will be in Dubai next week and was wondering if u guys know of a place where i can have a good massage and some extra - HJ, BJ and why not ST as well. Please advice a good place and what kind of nationalities.

ThanksLook in the Gulf Times Classified section.

Cool Tiger
01-27-06, 18:26
Don't go.

End of report.

Piper, great report, although on my visits to Dubai I am unliklely to end up in Fujairah.

Am surprised you tried to break the fight up. Most of the time, one ends up getting sucked in.. then blamed for starting/having a fight and ejected from the premises!!

Having apologised to Miss W and yourself and parted, I would have loved to have been fly on the wall and watched their reaction, lol.


01-28-06, 11:59

I am new here, infact this is my inaugural post! I am going to Dubai (and Amman, Beirut) as a tourist in April and staying at Sheraton Deira in Dubai. I have a couple of Qs regarding where to go.

Can anyone help me with address and how to get to Cyclone, York and other pick up places? Do Dubai have any massages possible with BJ, HJ and FS and take out? How many Chinese ladies usually in York and what is the best time to go there? Any pics of these places?

Appreciate if someone can shed a light on me. Any pointer or line would be great!

United man

01-28-06, 13:13
With the explicit NOTE that all this only comes from a two week visit so very limitted experienceA number of us (well, a couple anyway) have always maintained that, with a little work, a dubai novice (not necessarily a P4P novice) can do alright for himself. In fact, dxb is an excellent place for a P4P novice... I don't think it's possible to NOT find someone if you're realistic (no, you will NOT find a model for 200 dhs, LT. THE hottest girl is the one you go and pick YOURSELF). Read the reports of distinction thread, noting the info in the linked reports.

Read the most recent 10, 20 pages from the dubai (or abu dhabi) thread.

Read the general info thread. Easy to scan.

For hotel info, use the Reports of Distinction Link. Then read the most recent 10 pages of the hotel thread.

While in the hotel thread, use the search engine tool to search within the thread for your hotel. No need to enter the full name; better to enter a unique part of the name (e.g. "Sondos", NOT "Le Meridien Dar Al Sondos").

Use the search engine to find pertinent info BEFORE you post questions. Most questions ARE common and have been answered BEFORE. Much more likely to get a "decent" response if you show you've tried yourself.

Without prior planning AND PREPARATION, you will NOT have access to this forum in-country.An hour or 2 of reading, that's all it takes. Not much work.

If nothing else
pick your hotel from the given info

use the Reports of Distinction links to copy and paste the ACTUAL reports to a text file.

download the city thread to your computer as a text file (thread tools->Show Printable Version). Then use the "Show 1000 posts from this thread on one page" link, upper right corner.

Yes, large, but you can left-click once at the top of the page, then shift-click at some arbitrary place below, thus only selecting a part to copy and paste - after all, you don't have to read it alland read on the plane.

Don't know if Strollguy did all of the above, but he certainly did do enough to ensure himself a fun time. And, much to his credit, he posted his experiences, and a summary. Well done. Anyone can do the same.


...I went to the Mariners Club (Sea View). Quite a nice place. Impressive band playing 70ts and 80ts. ... I think you could say this is the place to visit for a beer, nice music and just maybe, if you happen to walk into the right girl... I wouldn't go here if you're definitly after p4p action (I think).Absolutely correct. Music is THE draw, with options, but the options ARE secondary. Every now and then, you can find a gem... Early Jockey's has more options, but just can't beat the Seaview band (at least for someone like myself). Good place (as previously mentioned) to bring a date.

...Despite the fact that I have written that this was to hectic for me (2nd) I decided to give this a second try ... It was allready 2 am, so I guess the prices were dropping. Arranged 300 for all night at here's. Compared to earlier experiences she was more distant, Less passionate. So no WOW this time, but a good experience.Assume this was York. Not saying you get what you pay for, and more money does not always translate into a better experience. However, just like an airline (empty seat on departure is no income), when you pay that economy fare, can't really expect 1st class service, especially when you're not a frequent flier.

Only fault I see is you never made it to Cyclone. That's like going to California without visiting Disneyland. Next trip... not a place to leave off the itinerary.

First time with two girls (had to try that), but would not repeat. In real life, never like your fantasy, or even the movies.

...however she would not budge from 2500 Dirhams.That's the standard "I don't REALLY want to go with you, but if you ARE STUPID enough to pay that, I will" price.

...York is just a meat market, full of China and African, I dont get how guys go with these girlsVery easily... GFE's, all the way. Just have to select carefully.

Premiur at the old Hyatt is still a good competitor to Cyclone, beware of the girls right at the door who say they will go for 500. basically you have to pay up front before you even leave the nightclub, she will give you a cig packet that is empty and she tell you to go to the toilet and put the money in there. you then come back and hand the cig's to her. She then goes to the toilet and give the money to her buddy. You will leave together but back in your room, she has no plastic and cant do this and cant do that... ANYTHING more complicated than: Best case: pay after Worst case: pay before, directly to her, in YOUR hotel roomis a rip-off.

Chuck her out of your room and tell her you'll see her tommorow at Premiure for your money back. Soon she will see sense and produce plastic or hand back your money.LMAO. Money back? No Better Business Bureau here. If you've paid in the bar, she'll just say the money is with her boss. Don't bother with the police (as reported in at least 1 story in the Gulf News, posted here, awhile back)... they might be arresting her, but she will also have company... Once you've given money to a girl, it's hers.

01-28-06, 14:57
Public Holiday on Wednesday for Moslem New Year. Don't know if this means clubs will be closed Tuesday night or Wednesday night, or neither.

01-28-06, 19:12
I am new here, infact this is my inaugural post!Don't worry, I'm sure they will improve.

Can anyone help me with address and how to get to Cyclone, York and other pick up places? That's the problem, those taxi drivers just DON'T know where those places are. In fact, Cyclone is in danger of closing as taxis just can't find the place.

Or, you could drive yourself to Lamcy Plaza, and ask at the information desk, like I did when I 1st got here.

Or, hit yourself in the head, call an ambulance, and ask to be taken to the American Hospital's emergency room. As they pull you out of the ambulance, look up, Cyclone is right there.

Sorry, you'll have to forget the York. No easy landmarks, and taxi's can never find the York Hotel. Again, in danger of closing due to lack of customers as you can readily see by reading here.

Hint: Here, as in other ME countries, there are NO street addresses. Everything is done by landmarks. Cyclone and the York Hotel are NOT some of these.

Do Dubai have any massages possible with BJ, HJ and FS and take out?As you can see by doing a thread search, there are NO MP's here. Closest one is Bangkok, 6.5 hours by jet.

How many Chinese ladies usually in York Only 2, but they went home for Chinese New Year. Told me they would not be back as "No business". Even they had to walk to the place. As I've said, taxi drivers just don't know.

Or, too many for you to f*ck, even in your wildest fantasies, in 1 night.

Pick the answer that gives you the most pleasure.

...and what is the best time to go there?8 AM. Yes, I know, it's strange, but you WILL beat the traffic by arriving at that hour.

Any pointer or line would be great!Just one: the well known: RTFF.

For a pick up line, try this one (it's a dxb brotherhood secret): "I have 2000 dhs; I will give it to you now, in the bar. Here, please take it", as you hand her the 2000. Works EVERY time, or so I've been told.

The Chinese say that what happens on New Year's dictates what will happen the rest of the year. Looks like it will be a good year for me.


I have a couple of Qs regarding where to go.Well, at least I refrained from answering THAT one.

Mike De H
01-28-06, 19:50
oh how easy it is in amsterdam windows and german fkk clubs. how spoiled i have been and how unprepared for the thrill of the chase i was. in countries without the luxury of legal prostitution and german and dutch efficiency, how different it all is.

armed with my quick delve into the india section on isg, plus a wonderful private mail on dubai from twosorefeet of ignatz (before my banning) i thought it would be so easy for an experienced monger such as myself. what i did not realise, is that it is back to the drawing board. dumped back onto the bottom rung flailing about with tongue-tied inadequacy like an adolescent at his first party. negotiating like an eleven year old trying to buy cigarettes for his mum from an intransigent shop owner with an innate hatred of sweet-stealing smelly kids.

oh how the mighty had fallen.

i flew into bombay, confident of my looks, charm, wealthy paunch and most of all my wallet (stuffed as it was by company business expense money) in order to conduct my legitimate business and maybe get a little r&r in the evenings in the manner most guaranteed to de-stress a man in a foreign land.

needless to say i saw nothing at all. none of the information in the india section was of use to me in finding a local lassie. not even a lassie with tan and white fur and a starring role in a disney film. i did, however, through my contacts get offered an up and coming bollywood starlet, who shall remain nameless, but the price to the agent was truly shocking for the night. so much for them all being virgins, as i read in the emirates flight magazine. excuse me while i guffaw loudly.

next time in bombay/mumbai i have been promised some decent partying, but you need to be well connected to get the good action i feel. well, maybe next time.

the queue for check-in at mumbai airport is the only other man made object to be seen from outer space, other than the great wall of china. having braved the two-hour queue for ten whole minutes i bribed the porter to get me right to the front and get some valuable sleep for my undoubted great successes in dubai. a quick two thousand rupees and a lot of balls did the trick! well recommended on that 4 am emirates flight.

barely nourished by the terrible emirates breakfast food i checked into the renowned astoria hotel. mistake numero uno! despite the hypocrisy of letting every annoying chinese bint in dubai ply her high-pressure strutting stuff in tgi-thursdays, when sneaking your choice of the evening upstairs it’s a different story!

that is, assuming, you get a choice of course. my first afternoon beer and food went very badly. the advantage of the oude-kirk in the african section of amsterdam, is that the irritating window tappers are confined to their little prisons. you are safe. in tgi thursdays, these asian tigresses are on the loose. you cant get rid of them. i tried polite…no thankyou. i tried excuses.. i am with my wife, i am gay, i got my dick blown off by a landmine in the sudan. no luck. i tried being rude..”go away…shoo..” or even just ignoring them. nothing, they were relentless, rude and thoroughly obnoxious. this put such a dampener on the whole thing my ardour cooled quicker than the demeanour of a window girl being asked for anal for 35€.

my colleague and i sat down for something to eat from the barely acceptable menu, and the still followed us. i felt like asking, “you want a chip? piece of steak?”. in the end, we had to ask the waiter to stand guard over the table so we could eat in peace. he literally had to push them away and in the end even the white shirted security staff had to stand next to us to keep our table clear. absolute nightmare.

my appetite having failed me, i did not feel like an afternoon takeaway. not even the russians working there tempted me into a doggy-bag. all there was to do was go shopping and get some rest and try the bars and clubs recommended to me by twosorefeet.

my first port of call was jules bar at the hyatt regency. the cabaret band was pleasant and some of the women half acceptable. i found the women hard to “interview” though, because once you have smiled at them, it seems almost like they think you are obligated to take it further. unfortunately, i did not feel like tying myself up so early, even for a “short-time” with my hotel being so far away. i decided to try for an all-nighter. its been so long since i had done that, i was hot for the early morning alarm bj.

on then, we charged to the premiere club. expensive to get in. drink prices more stella than the lager and the music turned down to allow for talking, the place lacked charm or atmosphere. however this is no central london hotspot, it was a meat market with only one purpose for its existence. mongering. now this felt like a place i could do business.

the first thing i noticed is the absence of chinese and the presence of quite a few attractive russians and rumanians. nothing likely to make your jaw drop though, the girls always seemed a little “flawed” somehow. nevertheless, those who know my previous postings, know that sometimes i get my “fat head” on and i can become a bit of a chubby –chaser.

at the end of the night, this came in useful. i saw one stunning moroccan girl who tempted me, and one rumanian who was a looker but seemed to go inexplicably cool on me when i mentioned my hotel room. more of that later. my attention was captivated by a larger lady of about 30 years old with that feline-eyed moscovite look, blonde streaked hair and a marilyn ***roe figure. well, maybe a touch more generous than that, but who cared with time running out and drinks at those prices.

my first negotiation went easy. easy because i just accepted the first price for all-night that was mentioned. what a stupid mistake. her name was julia and she asked for 1000 dhs. i just said “ok” and left for the astoria. this is when the fun started.

the taxi drive was peculiar because she sat as far away from me as she could on the back seat. her english was limited but good enough and eventually before arriving at the hotel she went in for a little adventurous handholding. on arrival, being “smart” i sent her to my room first past reception. i went in behind and got the key. unfortunately the african security guard, who was very apologetic about interrupting “my pleasure” had nabbed the girl and told her to sit down. despite all offers of bribes he forced her down to reception where we had to hand in her passport.

have you noticed how you are two pages into this report and there has not been any sex yet? well now you know how i was feeling by this time. we got to the front desk and, disaster! she only had a photocopy of her passport and the clerk “for your own safety and protection” wanted her full passport held behind the desk until morning when she left.

thinking the game was up i tried to get rid of her, but she insisted i take her home to her place to get her taxi and pick up her passport, then return. having lost all enthusiasm and confidence by this point i just went along with it so i got laid at last.

the taxi ride was 20 mins there and 20 back. her flat, some pokey hole in a high-rise apartment. we got back to the hotel and deposited the passport. she was pretty unhappy by this point. we got to the room and then we negotiated the taxi, which i kept to 16 dhs. she seemed happy enough then we got down to business. i brushed teeth and washed, she got half undressed. i got into bed while she went to the bathroom and did the usual girl stuff that does not concern me (thanks very much – don’t know, don’t want to know). she cam out and did the sexy strip thing with her back to me. ugh! what a sight. even for a chubby chaser that big fat wobbly spotty bottom was a touch on the ample side. nonetheless, i was horny as hell. no sex in bombay, sharing with a male roommate, so no wanking either. no sex yet in dubai, what the hell! she kissed me and i thought…hmmm, almost gfe, this is going to work.

she wasn’t a big moaner, which i like, and things went well, even though my arms couldn’t rest on the bed when i was on top of her. i could work with that. the blowjob was covered, no negotiation, but i can live with that too. the sex started otherwise well and i just got on with the job of satisfying the one person that mattered. me. anyway, after about twenty minutes of apparently ecstatically enjoying herself, she went total starfish on me. no kisses, nothing. i said “what’s wrong?”. she said “why you not come”. oooohhhhhh fuck. another one of these. i nearly said it was because she was ugly and fat and that she should shut the fuck up and let me concentrate, but i didn’t. i just said i like to do it for a long time. well she was evidently not into a long time. no way hose!!! kisses, hugs everything stopped. apparently, my now fading erectile member was persona non grata inside her chubby cha cha, so i did the honourable thing and stopped. she then realised i was on the verge of making an unrealistic, but pesky money-back complaint so she offered a hand job finish. i got off on that ok, well, its less work for me, heaving my 15 stone frame up and down on what amounted to 150 lbs of blubber right?

after my happy finish i showered and thought, well, maybe another round in the morning. hah, when i got back, the ***** was half dressed. what’s going on i asked? “you said till morning!”. she replied “my visa runs outtoday. my “sponsor” read pimp, has to fly me out then back in again. my flight is at 6 o’clock and its four o’clock now. (bulshit i thought). anyway, whats the point in arguing.. put it down to experience. i said “do what the hell you want love” and turned on thetv. realising her potential for repeat business had finally gone to nothing she tried to act all warm and kiss me goodbye. yeah right.

two nights later i went out again to the cyclone. i saw her waiting there for a client with no luck. she recognised me but looked sheepish. right. julia from moscow. medium height, streaked hair, pretty face, wide arse. avoid.

my next opportunity was on saturday night. first i went to watch manchester united vs. liverpool at jockeys at the panorama hotel on al mankool st. nice bar. the match went my way (united won) and only spoiled occasionally by one african girl who insisted on clinging to my leg like a homesick turd, despite all polite remonstrations to [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) off and let me watch the footy in peace. the ghana girl in question though was totally stunning and quite sweet. never got her name, but it was not her name that interested me. i was very tempted, but three out of four african experiences tend to be bad for me, so i did not want to try and beat the odds with only one day left.

i went to cyclone and here my final education began. my jaw literally hit the floor. it was full of top class east european totty. even though there was no music because the sound system broke, even though drinks were so expensive i was tempted to lick the floor for spills and even the mine-sweepers were having lean pickings, even though the girls are not allowed to touch a client in any way, i was in pig-heaven. of course the lack of smooching and music swept away any laughable pretence that this was a real nightclub. this was a meat market. on the left hand side is the sweet and sour chinese collection. enter at your peril. on the right, is the stroganoff and goulash selection. all spicy and hot and ready to go.

this is where i found it difficult. being on your own makes you look like a lone spanner in a toolbox. i was a prime target for the hasslers. then there was the fact some girls did not seem to friendly even though some were aggressively friendly. then i talked to some and got grilled, what do you do, where are you staying. i then realised, hey…these girls are interviewing me. they wantthe best hotels, the richest clients, potential marriage prospects. well, i was certainly not into that. if i wanted to chat a girl up i could do that at home. i just wanted it easy. “how much? what do you o for that and how long for?” followed by “ok, let’s go and have fun. there was also the fact these girls had the strangetactic of standing in groups and hiding the pretty one. that meant to me, hiding the threat to their business. girls in groups are notoriously hard to get into, which led me to think that perhaps some of these girls were legitimate and out in groups for comfort. well, you never know do you? my heart went cold at the thought of propositioning a respectable woman.

nearing the end, my feet were getting sore. a russian girl who’s name i forget had been chasing me all night. she was really cute. she had a great bubby personality and risked all by giving me a neck massage to the annoyance of the morality police in the nightclub.

funnily enough, i am certain you can see this girl under the isg pictures forum posted by piper1 as one of his blonde favourites. he is fucking her and you can just see the black lip liner in the photo.

by this time i was staying in the ambassador hotel. girls are banned….beware! being a clever so and so though, i made friends with the security guys and arranged (for 100 dhs fee) to get any girl of my choice into the hotel.

i took my choice for the night back. she was totally different. hugging up close to me in the taxi, i explained the manoeuvre to get in and she giggled and it felt like we were naughty teenagers sneaking into each other’s rooms.
we got to the hotel and some panicked security guys were there. it didn’t look good. “its no good boss!”. “what, i asked?”. “it’s the wrong guy on the desk. we can’t bribe him, he is totally work, work, work, like tunnel yes?”. “ok, i said, sneak her round the back of the hotel up the service elevators and i will go to the room.” “ok” they said and i went to my room..

i waited and the doorbell rang. it was some security guys looking really apologetic and sweating like pigs. “we can’t do it boss. the head of security is on duty round the back and the check in guy won’t leave the counter for anything.” i cruelly waived the hundred and they went weak at the knees literally groaning at the missed opportunity. then i knew it was genuine. she was not coming up.

i went downstairs and talked to the clerk to try and distract, whilst my russian girl made a brave dash for the elevator. brilliant, brave, but fated. he caught her and said “where are you going” making it look like he was talking to some piece of shit. that really annoyed me. i felt like claiming it was my wife and checking her in. one look at the passport would have blown that though.

what could i do? all i could do was give her the hundred and put her in the taxi. next time, my love, then i will fuck your brains out. my hand took the brunt that night!

that’s my first floundering trip to india and dubai. next time i will know better, research more and get some real long time quality gfe.

plus the ambassador hotel can go fuck itself.

photos of the girl below with piper1 from isg.


01-28-06, 20:03
Only fault I see is you never made it to Cyclone. That's like going to California without visiting Disneyland. Next trip... not a place to leave off the itinerary.Well, I have been to California a few times and never visited Disneyland. And I don't feel that I realy missed something. But about the Cyclone you are probably right. Means I WILL have to visit dxb at least one more time! ;-) And I probably will, as I left it with pain in my heart.

CU, Strollguy

01-29-06, 02:24
Hey Guys
GOing to Dubai - staying at the Burj - wondering if i can get any "extras" there in the Spa - or if there are any massage places for a "quickie" nearby..
Thanks in Advance!

01-29-06, 02:37
How is it, right smack dab in a sea of conservative Islam, the U.A.E. seems to offer debaucheries on the scale of Caligula's court?Moved the discussion here from the Photo Thread.

All joking aside, just don't forget you ARE in an Islamic country. Yes, they MOSTLY turn a blind eye to what happens behind closed doors, BUT... out in public, can be a different matter. Just ask the Italian who paid a 3000 dhs fine for making out with his girlfriend in a taxi at the airport prior to departure.

Sex outside of marriage is ILLEGAL; prostitution IS illegal. Immoral activities are illegal. Punishment does depend on your nationality... Westerners will not be flogged, but can go to jail. Even if it's only a fine, pretty hard to explain the banned stamp to the home office, and why you cannot go visit the customer again.

01-29-06, 02:51
Jade Warrior
How is it, right smack dab in a sea of conservative Islam, the U.A.E. seems to offer debaucheries on the scale of Caligula's court?
You hit the nail on the head forum-mate. Nothing, and I do mean nothing ever happens in DXB unless it is within the moral context of a conservative Islamic nation.

The UAE, and Dubai in particular, are very progressive, and tolerant. They seek to find the perfect balance between a good business climate and respecting traditional values and culture.

As a visitor to Dubai, I am constantly impressed with the world-class facilities, combined with traditional Arab hospitality. My hosts in the UAE have always been welcoming and considerate. They tolerate, with a smile and efficiency, the various visitors to DXB, wherever they come from.

If anything immoral is taking place in DXB, it is an exception, just like you would find in any major city worldwide.

That is my story, and I am sticking to it.


Ps. Like all good humor, (and I do not claim to be capable of even poor humor) there is more than a little truth in what I wrote.

Think about it.

United00: Check the "Posts of distinction" for the answers to all your dreams.
(hey, sounds nicer than RTFF!) Glad to see that Bravo is back on the job!

01-29-06, 15:00
gulf news, 29 jan 06, page 3
man blames scantily-clad women for lewd act

dubai: a salesman who claimed he was tempted by "devilish scenes" was caught on a shopping mall's security camera touching his private parts in a store.

the 24-year-old bangladeshi was charged with gesturing obscenely in public and given a six-month jail sentence.

the dubai court of first instance heard a security guard at a dubai shopping mall noticed the man touching his private parts. he also noticed that he kept walking behind women and looking at them in a suspicious fashion.

he was taken by the guard for questioning. he initially denied the charges but confessed after he was confronted with the video tape. in his statement to the public prosecution, he claimed "devilish scenes" had enticed him.

he said that many women wore revealing clothes and they were virtually in a state of undress.

he will be deported after serving his prison term.

when i read this, my thoughts, in order, were: where is flip wilson ("the devil made me do it") these days?

like it or not, there are reasons why bars/clubs charge an entrance fee.

what exactly is the definition of "looking at them in a suspicious fashion"?

i would have been willing to pay this perv's entrance fee to cyclone. figure it'd be a cartoon sight: eyeballs bugged out of his head, his mouth drooling... only question is: would i be responsible for his heart attack?

like camel boy, i think this guy will have more sex than he ever thought possible in the next 6 months.

can just imagine the jail scene, right out of alice's restaurant: "what are you in for?" ... and the mother rapers, father stabbers, father rapers all moved away ...

what's he going to say when he gets home? "and so, billy ray gungarabi, why exactly did you quit your job in dxb?"

just goes to show, (non) sex education, separate classrooms does have an effect.


info received says that:
public sector holiday on wednesday
private sector holiday on thursday

bars to be closed monday night, reopening tuesday (islamic new year)

01-29-06, 17:11
Gulf News, 29 Jan 06, page 3
[i]Man blames scantily-clad women for lewd act

Dubai: A salesman who claimed he was tempted by "devilish scenes" was caught on a shopping mall's security camera touching his private parts in a store.

The same story comes up every six months or so. Will the guy never learn? ;)

There was an extra bit to the story about other recent "immoral" acts, including a Filipino woman jailed 6 months for wearing a revealing dress. That actually surprised me (depends what she was revealing, I guess). I did a search, but couldn't find the actual story.

01-29-06, 17:26
The 24-year-old Bangladeshi was charged with gesturing obscenely in public and given a six-month jail sentence.

Well I read about that in this forum before. It's not new

I would have been willing to pay this perv's entrance fee to Cyclone. Figure it'd be a sight: eyeballs bugged out of his head, his mouth drooling. Only question is: would I be responsible for his heart attack?

Hahaha. That would be the day. And it does happen btw. You can find crazy people just trying to talk and think they can touch but that's what bouncers are for (wink)

Like Camel Boy, I think this guy will have more sex than he ever thought possible in the next 6 months.

Mmmmm camelboy. Mmm interesting nick, wonder who he is (wink)

LOL. Anyway I'm in dubai now. 2 days ago I went to cyclon. No music as discribed. Was there round 11: 30. Few girls than usual and less number of punters. I liked the fact that there is no music and better light as to take the time to chat with the girls and check them out. I'm very picky and takes me lots of time for some1 to get me interested. Had some chats with some girls like one from Turkey and another 2 from ukrain. But didn't feel any vibes. Standard price 1000 going down to 700.

Finally met a very nice russian girl. 23 years old. Nice body, great face and humor. We chated and settled for 800 and explained that it will be a tiring night (wink)

Back to the hotel. No problem up in the room at 1: 30. Then we started kissing fondling. Getting higher. Cowgirl. But then I didn't feel she was getting along so I asked her and she explained that being on top isn't for her like. She prefers me on top, so that was the key. Finished at 4 am after having 7 sessions using 8 condoms. One used for fingering her ass once. LOL

She cummed 6 times as the first COWgirl didn't work, LOL slept. Woke up at 9. Morning session. Finished and she had to leave as her boss was calling.

Overall experiance acceptable. But not the best I had like the last 2 girls.

Won't repeat as I'm sure there are better talents.

Yesterday went to rockfellas. Not as I expected. I'm only interested in CIS and the selection wasn't to my liking. Besides they were rediculous in price quoring 600-700 for full night. Maybe also because I like to fish early to benefit from their energy all night (wink) LOL

Talked with couple of them. 2 passed the accept meter level. 1 was high score. This one I'd have paid 700 for her but. I didn't trust her. She keeps talking in the mobile. We agreed on 500 full night. That was 1 am. Then she said she wanna go to the toilet. I go out finding her standing there! she sees me she goes to the toilet. Later I don't talk to her, and she doesn't talk either. So I figured out I'm her safety net! an hour later she came asking why I didn't come to her. Ohh yaa! and wanted to go. Mmmm warning signs. But I was still tempted. She was gorgious to ME. But here comes the point the blew up the deal. She wants to be paid upfront in the bar and her boss takes the money. Mmmmmm. Don't think so! so passed.

Went to Zinc at 2. Nice music. Lots of people. Had a drink then went to my hotel.

Problem is today I won't go hunting. I wanted to do that tomorrow. But tomorrow bars are closed! will cyclon be open. Mmmm. Don't think so. So what to do? any suggestions?

Cheers and keep the education going; ) btw. When you find camelboy tell him hi. Whoever he is (wink)

01-29-06, 21:28
Hi Guys,

A number of members have PM'd me about the possible party, plus the fact that a few of them happen to be visiting town in the coming week, and wanted to come along.

Things are very busy at the moment, so I can't organize anything in the next couple of weeks (can't monger in the next couple of weeks either!)

If you want to proceed - simply find a girl who's staying with a few others, and make a deal - eg 300-400 per guy, at least as many girls as guys - keep it to about 4 guys, early evening is best, so you can keep prices down - they will go to the clubs later. I can give the number of the Russian gals I met at Regal a few weeks ago, to known members who are interested in arranging a party.

01-30-06, 06:22

Well couldn't resist the fact that there maybe no today action. So went yesterday to premier Hyatt round 10: 30. Too early in my openion. Paid 80 Dhs. , got in. Very few girls. Started to get full by 11: 30. Lots CIS, romanians and few asians

Prices were really rediculous. Quoting 1500 or 2000. Some were really worth it but not to me. Maybe 1000 as a maximum. There was this tall romanian wanted 2000 all night and 1000 for 2 hours. She had long black hair was very nice. The one I liked best was this russian with golden hair along with a black haired russian girl. Working on a couples deal. Wanting 2000 for both or 1500 for the first girl alone. Won't go for 1000. Anyway. The night was young

Met couple of turkish. One wanting 1000 but not that great to me and the other jumping at me wanting to go now at 800 then at 700 saying she has boss and cannot go below that. But it didn't tick. And I felt the experiance will not be good. Almost gave up and planed to leave by 12: 45 when she came. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Great looking blonde ukranian with hazel eyes and long hair. Great looks. For me an A lister difently. Wanted 1500. We chatted. Laughed. Went to 1000. But I got her scared. LOL. Telling her I won't let her sleep and keep her up all night. Anyway I made a round for 5-10 min. Came back, laghed again. And the chemistry felt right. Finally settled for 800 and leave at 4 as I had work next morning.

Back to the hotel. Great sessions. She couldn't go beyong fifth time. Very GFE. And we really enjoyed the time. Left at 4. But we plan to meet today for dinner as bars are closed and I'm working on tonight to be free (wink) think it will work. We'll see.


01-30-06, 14:12
...I checked into the renowned Astoria Hotel. Mistake numero uno!Renowned? Astoria? Just proves the wisdom of doing a bit of research before arriving (or checking your sources...)

In TGI Thursdays, these Asian Tigresses are on the loose. You cant get rid of them.Yes, some can be persistent. SOMETIMES, it does take a rude answer. But in my personal experience, a sincere "No thank you, you'll just lose time" does work; after all, they are businesswomen.

The taxi drive was peculiar because she sat as far away from me as she could on the back seat. Her English was limited but good enough and eventually before arriving at the Hotel she went in for a little adventurous handholding.As long as it's "only the taxi", I don't have a problem with that. Public displays of affection can attract the unwanted attention of LE. Better to act like a married couple - married for 20 years.

Besides, I figure why rub it in the face of the taxi driver... who is NEVER going to be able to afford her. Think he might get a little resentful of what he sees in his rear-view mirror? Enough to make a complaint to LE? Paranoid? No doubt. But I figure the "lower ranks" do get treated like crap here, and I'm surprised more of them don't just snap.

On arrival, being “smart” I sent her to my room first past reception. I went in behind and got the key. Unfortunately the African security guard, who was very apologetic about interrupting “my pleasure” had nabbed the girl and told her to sit down.Very few hotels allow unaccompanied girls to roam about freely.

She only had a photocopy of her passport and the Clerk “For your own safety and protection” wanted her full passport held behind the desk until morning when she left.Like any good traveller, girls will only carry a copy of the passport. In fact, a number of CIS no longer have their passports, they being in the care of the mamasan (or agent). Again, reading the hotel list can solve a lot of problems.

Easy because I just accepted the first price for all-night that was mentioned. ... and she asked for 1000 Dhs.

... she insisted I take her home to her place to get her taxi and pick up her passport, then return.NOT a spurious correlation of events.

... then we negotiated the taxi, which I kept to 16 Dhs.Who negotiates in coin terms? (the smallest bill here is 5 dhs).

She then realised I was on the verge of making an unrealistic, but pesky money-back complaintLOL. I do admire your writing abilities.

Anyway, whats the point in arguingExcellent point. Just cut your losses, mark it up to educational expenses (and a good story LATER).

... even though drinks were so expensive I was tempted to lick the floor for spills ...As I said, your descriptive phrases are appreciated.

... even though the Girls are not allowed to touch a client in any way... Of course the lack of smooching and music swept away any laughable pretence that this was a real nightclub.It is a land of contrasts. THE reason for cyclone's existence in no doubt, but... the facade of propriety all important. Besides, it does serve to protect the girls from some patrons...

On the left hand side is the sweet and sour Chinese collection. Enter at your peril. On the right, is the Stroganoff and Goulash selection. All spicy and hot and ready to go.To each his own, said the asian studies major. I'd say the left has the "exotic, hot and spicy", the right the "lumpy potatoes".

Being on your own makes you look like a lone spanner in a toolbox. I was a prime target for the hasslers.Well, at least on the left side, after an initial onslaught of job interviews, word is quickly passed, and the interviewees drop off quickly.

Then there was the fact some Girls did not seem to friendly even though some were aggressively friendly.Those that KNOW they will be pulled can afford to be aloof, looking for the PRIME target, not wanting to be boxed in by "chaff". Others, do have to market. Stereotyping: Chinese will cold call (especially if they DON'T know you), CIS will wait for you to make the first move.

Then I talked to some and got grilled, what do you do, where are you staying. I then realised, hey…these girls are interviewing me. They wantthe best hotels, the richest clients, potential marriage prospects.Serves several purposes for them: size of your wallet can they quote "tourist" price, or the dreaded "resident" price? Overhead of transportation costs (unless you'll pay their return trip), and overhead travel time Ease of entrance to your "abode" Finally, safety for themselves. Not unknown to be invited back to someone's apartment, only to find 5, 6 of his friends waiting, with a "1 price for all" offer-she-can't-refuse.

I just wanted it easy. “How much? What do you o for that and how long for?” Followed by “OK, let’s go and have fun.You have spent too long Amsterdam window shopping, FKK clubbing. I find the "question and answer" period to also work to my advantage, giving me time to assess her GFE potential.

Girls in groups are notoriously hard to get into, which led me to think that perhaps some of these girls were legitimate and out in groups for comfort. Well, you never know do you? My heart went cold at the thought of propositioning a respectable woman.Respectable woman in cylcone? That's an oxymoron. RARELY, a tourist couple, or perhaps a couple looking for a 3-some, can be spotted, but EASY to spot. Every lady there is an independent businesswoman. After all, what ELSE does Cyclone have to offer?

By this time I was staying in the Ambassador Hotel. Girls are banned….beware!Again, the importance of doing research ... can really effect your enjoyment of dxb.

He caught her and said “Where are you going” making it look like he was talking to some piece of shit.Man hits wife, wife slaps kid, kid kicks dog. You can always tell when someone has LIMITED authority by the way they wield it.

What could I do?Could always have enquired about the possibility of her place. Or if she knew of a place... See, their enquiries about "where you stay" can prevent BOTH parties from wasting time.

Very enjoyable read. Thanks. Know it takes time and effort to write.

Not intended as a flame to any names mentioned here, but... I'd be skeptical of advice from someone unknown on a thread. Not to say they aren't an EXPERT, just never bothering to post - too much time, effort, why bother? But the value of information found on a public thread is that it has been vetted by others, serving to validate its correctness.

Hint: next time, read the Reports of Distinction thread. AND, lose the "windows/FKK" attitude. One nice thing about dxb, very easy, with a bit of in-bar assessment, to find that all night GFE. It IS the thrill of the chase...

Hope you return soon; can always use the entertainment.


And I don't feel that I realy missed something. But about the Cyclone you are probably right.You're correct; you really didn't miss anything you didn't find elsewhere. It's just that Cyclone is such an institution... Most conversations about dxb start out, "Could you believe the Cyclone...". Just saves a lot of needless explaining why you never went.

staying at the Burj - wondering if i can get any "extras" there in the SpaThose that can afford the Burj aren't going to be wasting time reading these forums... they can afford anything they want. By your posts, you are obviously a high roller (as you posted, willing to pay 500-1000USD per night 426695). So why are you asking about HJ's? I'm sure any info a pauper like me could provide would be of no use. LOL.

... including a Filipino woman jailed 6 months for wearing a revealing dress.I do remember reading the original story. No real details (Gulf News, after all), just that she was on Rigga or Mankool, in a revealing dress. My imagination, or perhaps there was a mention of it being semi-transparent. I just thought the usual "what can they be thinking?"

You can find crazy people just trying to talk and think they can touch but that's what bouncers are for (wink)You know, I just DON'T understand that attitude... what, they think the girl enjoys the attention? And then someone else wonders, "Gee, I wonder why they don't like my nationality"... The acts of a few do taint the many.

Finished at 4 am after having 7 sessions using 8 condoms.NOW I remember you - Mr. Baseball - always with the game stats.

Nice body, great face and humor. ... She cummed 6 times Definitely on the last.

Won't repeat as I'm sure there are better talents.Her loss, I'm sure.

She was gorgious to ME. But here comes the point the blew up the deal. She wants to be paid upfront in the bar and her boss takes the money. Mmmmmm. Don't think so! so passed. Wise move. When it gets complicated, 3rd parties involved... time to walk, just like you did.

But tomorrow bars are closed! ...So what to do? any suggestions?Now is the time to use those mobile numbers you've collected. Works for you, works for her. So why not call Ms 7/8/6? If nothing else, she will keep you busy.

Member #1071
01-30-06, 14:14
Went to Regal with a friend of mine.
It has been long time since i visited any of the clubs in DXB, i couldn't since my new GF was living with me. I had to give her an excuse of going to Abu Dhabi and shall be back second day. So I Slept overnight at my friends place.
Place was full 50% M 50% F. Some gorgeous CIS could be found.
Ongoing rate 500-1000 DHS, whether it is for a short time or full time is a matter of negotiation skills.
My friend hooked up with a nice Chechnya girl I would say 19-20 years old. Petite, cute face, not my type though (to petite for me).
Had two rounds with her, although she could have stayed all night, my friend was satisfied with the two rounds he had.
Conclusion: Regal should be on your shopping list

01-30-06, 15:32
Excellent post Mike. Good laugh. reminded me when I almost got robbed in the brothels of Pune (200km east of Mumbai).

Good luck next time


Oh how easy it is in Amsterdam windows and German FKK clubs. How spoiled I have been and how unprepared for the thrill of the chase I was. In countries without the luxury of legal prostitution and German and Dutch efficiency, how different it all is.


I took my choice for the night back. She was totally different. Hugging up close to me in the taxi, I explained the manoeuvre to get in and she giggled and it felt like we were naughty teenagers sneaking into each other’s rooms.
We got to the hotel and some panicked security guys were there. It didn’t look good. “Its no good boss!”. “What, I asked?”. “It’s the wrong guy on the desk. We can’t bribe him, he is totally work, work, work, like tunnel yes?”. “OK, I said, sneak her round the back of the hotel up the service elevators and I will go to the room.” “OK” they said and I went to my room..

I waited and the doorbell rang. It was some security guys looking really apologetic and sweating like pigs. “We can’t do it boss. The head of security is on duty round the back and the check in guy won’t leave the counter for anything.” I cruelly waived the hundred and they went weak at the knees literally groaning at the missed opportunity. Then I knew it was genuine. She was not coming up.

I went downstairs and talked to the clerk to try and distract, whilst my Russian girl made a brave dash for the elevator. Brilliant, brave, but fated. He caught her and said “Where are you going” making it look like he was talking to some piece of shit. That really annoyed me. I felt like claiming it was my wife and checking her in. One look at the passport would have blown that though.


01-30-06, 20:47
Hey Guys
GOing to Dubai - staying at the Burj - wondering if i can get any "extras" there in the Spa - or if there are any massage places for a "quickie" nearby..
Thanks in Advance!

Chacha - are you willing to pay?

01-31-06, 06:42
I read last one month reports on the site. I am wondering about the day time options? Does any of the girls advertise whom I can call or are there any standard places visit during the day? Thanks in advance.

Chico Charlie 1
01-31-06, 13:07
Hey mike,

Next time you plan to visit India, contact me. I'll give you the finest details.

Dont bad mouth any place just because you dont have the right contacts or the approach


Mike De H
01-31-06, 20:50
Hey mike,

Dont bad mouth any place just because you dont have the right contacts or the approach

CharlieSorry, I really didnt mean to bad mouth anywhere. I didn't say it was bad, only difficult for the uninformed/unconnected. I wanted to get across the fact that I was having my own difficulties, not that there was no action to be had, or that there was anything wrong there.

Basically - the post was a self derisory one, a mickey-take on myself, hoping to share a laugh with others over my own misfortunes.

I am sorry if that did not come across properly. I don't wantto get off on the wrong foot on a new forum.

02-01-06, 06:47
Hi Guys,

A number of members have PM'd me about the possible party, plus the fact that a few of them happen to be visiting town in the coming week, and wanted to come along.

Things are very busy at the moment, so I can't organize anything in the next couple of weeks (can't monger in the next couple of weeks either!)

If you want to proceed - simply find a girl who's staying with a few others, and make a deal - eg 300-400 per guy, at least as many girls as guys - keep it to about 4 guys, early evening is best, so you can keep prices down - they will go to the clubs later. I can give the number of the Russian gals I met at Regal a few weeks ago, to known members who are interested in arranging a party.

That's a shame! Missed out on an orgy again:(

Piper or Sporadic,
Anyway, will you be able to pass on the contact for E and F. I had it a few months ago (courtesy of an exiled King of DXB!), but misplaced. Never been to the house, but have ordered in from there in the past and may try again.
Thanks a lot.

02-01-06, 08:15
Deciding not to drive into central city and Seaview last night, Tuesday, stopped the car at the Rattlesnake instead. 10:00 to 11:30. Not a big fan of the band, especially their opening set - just how much Jim Croche can one take? (Answer: ZERO!!!). Later on, picked up a bit, but certainly no comparison to Seaview (apples and oranges, yes, I know). Drink prices ARE an attraction.

A number of older chinese, with some newly arrived (or so they informed me - no reason to doubt). Larger CIS presence last night, even a couple of cute ones. And some nice looking africans. But nothing to make me want to make an immediate selection. Looking for Miss Flat Rate from the previous week. At first, didn't spot her, then did, other end of the bar. Exchanged smiles, but, true to her form, she stayed put. Very annimated, as usual.

Another chinese attracted my attention, but she was giving her best to close a deal with another punter. For her time and effort, hope she succeeded. Older CIS, one you'd have no problems with on the "walk of shame", also tempting. Rather than waiting to see what would happen with Miss Closer, figured I'd stick with my original plan and check out Miss Flat Rate. Last time, her Meatloaf impression did not go over well ("What's it going to be boy? Tell me RIGHT now; yes or no").

Walked over to her; she standing out IN Rattlesnake, she can afford the passive marketing. Even she was saying a lot of older chinese girls working Rattlesnake; she didn't go for the "touchy" cold calling. This time, she was a lot less pushy for a decision, doing some nice marketing. After a bit of price discussions, out the door we went.

Hadn't had a massage like hers for a LONG time: 3 minutes back, 1 minute each leg, 1 minute neck. "OK, finished." Checked the clock just to make sure I hadn't dozed off... no, unfortunately not. During the main event, got the this for sure will push you over the edge "You no cum yet?", followed shortly by the equally enticing "Maybe tonight you no cum." Well, at least her fake moans were not over the top. Eventually reached MY destination.

Morning wakeup not a problem; the 6:30 am phone call was (even worse, wrong number or at least no one spoke when she answered). Some nice techniques on the services, but it was VERY clear, they were services.

So, a lost evening? NOT at all. Enquiring minds want to know; now I do.

02-01-06, 08:17
Basically - the post was a self derisory one, a mickey-take on myself, hoping to share a laugh with others over my own misfortunes.
... I am sorry if that did not come across properly. I don't wantto get off on the wrong foot on a new forum.It came across, to me, anyway, as EXACTLY that. I always enjoy someone who can laugh at himself. I've always maintained a bad evening turns into a great story AFTER.

I read last one month reports on the site. I am wondering about the day time options? Does any of the girls advertise whom I can call or are there any standard places visit during the day?One month's reports on which thread? Mike D H, Strollguy certainly found afternoon action, and reported as such. Perhaps the key here is reading comprehension?

And definitely don't search on "afternoon"...

If you've read the Reports of Distinction (there ARE reasons why they are filed there), your questions will be answered.

Note: Does anyone know how to program a function key, say F1, to automatically post: RTFF?

Chacha - are you willing to pay?Piper: he's already stated that he's a HIGH roller, 500-1000 USD/night. So I don't see why he's talking to us peons.

02-01-06, 11:56
Sorry, I really didnt mean to bad mouth anywhere.
I agree with Bravo, you did not badmouth anywhere or anyone. Methinks Chico Chuck knee-jerked.

Bravo:Hadn't had a massage like hers for a LONG time: 3 minutes back, 1 minute each leg, 1 minute neck. "OK, finished." Sadly, that sounds all too familiar. The standard CIS massage.

Bizzie, I will PM it to you.

Member 1071: My friend hooked up with a nice Chechnya girl I would say 19-20 years old. Petite, cute face, not my type though (to petite for me).For me, they are only too petite when they are midgets! (sorry, PC police say "Little people") ;)

Chico Charlie 1
02-01-06, 12:35
Hey mike,

Its OK. Next time you plan to be anywhere in India, PM me for the contacts


Irish Lad
02-01-06, 14:34
Hello all,

Please excuse the delay in filing but I've been travelling around Australia.

Spent Xmas in Dubai at the Meridien. Still friendly.

Met an older version of Pamela Anderson in Jockeys 1 night. Her name is Ilona and she frequents Jockeys and Rockafellas. She's pretty horny looking in a "porn star" kind of way. Agreed OWO, Greek, Rimming and lots of wild sex for 500 for 4 hours. At 12pm I consider 4 hours an all-nighter as I need to sleep at some point and the morning session isn't important to me.

The good news is I got all the services I expected, and to be fair, they were given with enthusiasm. The bad news is she had to return home by 3am to let her babysitter go home. This reduced the time to just over 2 hours. I complained and asked for a partial refund as I was feeling a bit cheated so we agreed on 100 back in anticipation of future business. I would repeat as the sex was pretty awesome and I also recommend her with the above warning.

Irish Lad
02-01-06, 14:42
Met Karina from "near Chechnya" one night in Regal Plaza. She's an attractive girl with dark hair and a "Xena" fringe. She also has a nice sized Ass which is my thing. We agreed 600 for the night to include the usual Greek, OWO and rimming. She was quite good and I would repeat if it weren't for her "slight of hand" in removing a 5 pound note from my room which she thought I hadn't seen.

She approached me the following nights, even when I was "In conversation" with other girls which annoyed me.

I'm back in Dubai the 9th and 10th February and I'll try to be more timely with my reports in future.

02-01-06, 14:48
Plan A is tough work: bringing Miss Wildcat along occasionally so boredom sets in and I can go unguarded occasionally. It worked though; I'll be there on Friday without bodyguard.

Last night York was like a busy Thursday night due to today's public holiday. Barely room to move. When we arrived, I saw Miss Blonde Freebie across the room and she saw me, but she was wearing sunglasses and a new outfit, and had dyed her hair, so I wasn't sure if it was her, and didn't say hi. She was without a BF, looking a bit grumpy, and a few minutes later she deliberately walked over to me and gave me the three cheek kisses in front of Miss W, then went straight back to her spot and looked for Miss W's reaction, which was appropriately miffed. Uh-oh. Luckily Blondie is a regular pool-player. I teased Miss W about it later, and she was sort-of fine.

Over the next hour or so I saw a couple of African gals I'd taken in the past, including the very buxom Janet Jackson, and I hoped they wouldn't see me. Luckily they didn't.

I saw many many new faces - mostly African, and some real stunners. There was also an interesting looking Chinese girl who just stood alone near the pool tables watching the crowd. She wears black thick-rimmed glasses and a weird colorful outfit, including knee-high psychadelic socks. She looks more Japanese than Chinese, and has a stylish demure air about her. She tried to pick up a non-mongering mate of mine a couple of weeks ago, and we exchanged a smile and a wink last night. If I'd had the opportunity, she would have been my choice for the night.

It was way too crowded, so we headed for Highland Hotel for a few quiet games of pool. As we got out of the cab, we heard a happy "What are you doing here?!" It was another pool-playing CIS gal I've known for ages, getting out of her expensive sports car in the carpark. Turns out she was meeting up with a mate of mine (the guy who is courting the Cleopatra look-alike). Interesting. He turned up a minute later as we walked up to the nightclub. I quietly told him he was a bad man (the gal has a steady and rich boyfriend). He assured me with a lying grin that it was all platonic (later in the night after a few drinks he admitted he wanted her in a non-platonic way).

In the club, there were zero people. Only the Russian band, singing sadly to no-one. Worse still, the pool tables had been removed! (Maybe relocated to Cyclone?) So we all left and headed for Rock Bottom. Crazy crowded wild place last night, with a lot of talent, including a nice smattering of CIS and Chinese WGs, but more than enough intoxicated British non-WGs to make one salivate.

I was also a bit merry by then, and had inhaled too many female pheremones at York and Rock Bottom. Miss W had flirted with the Moroccan dancing girls last week at Fujairah, and had since mentioned a few times how silky their skin felt, etc, so I thought I'd push it along a bit. I started hinting to Miss W that it would be fun to bring a girl home. She thought I was teasing and just laughed.

We bid our farewells at closing time and headed back for York to pick up the car from valet parking. As we waited for the car, dozens of beautiful African girls were milling around looking for cabs or customers. Oh to be without bodyguard!

02-01-06, 16:30
Piper: he's already stated that he's a HIGH roller, 500-1000 USD/night. So I don't see why he's talking to us peons.
11B - I was being tongue-in-cheek. All of his posts are looking for info, and all say "willing to pay".

Irish Lad - welcome back. Sounds like fun to be had from Jockeys. But a babysitter? Come to think of it, same happened to me with one of my first ever regulars (from Chechnya). She could only ever stay a few hours (at first), as she had to go home to her baby, but one night she was stopped by the police and from tat night on was too scared to go home until morning, so her STs became my LTs. Lucky me.

02-02-06, 09:31
11B - I was being tongue-in-cheek. All of his posts are looking for info, and all say "willing to pay".Oops... knowing you, should have known to take THAT curve...

Was at Seaview, Wed. night, for all of about 10 minutes. Picked up (the new) Miss W. She arrived with a friend in tow... could I please drop her at Crowne Plaza (so there must be some action there). I was "reluctant" as it was out of our way, and we were already running late, but... Miss W asked, so off we went. As expected, traffic NOT fun. AFTER we dropped the friend off, Miss W explained: we'd been hijacked!

Turns out, as Miss W exited the building, the other girl, a "senior" (been in dxb longer) roommate, had been waiting outside. "Senior" "suggested" I be asked for a ride; "Junior" could not refuse. Now, if I'd realized that, I could easily have said, "Sorry, not possible", and Miss W would have been blameless. Live and learn.

Arriving late at Seaview, after the 1st set had already started, as expected, tables already full. I was looking to have a late dinner there, and without a table... unlike Mr. Big Tipper (who shall remain nameless, S.......), I didn't rate VIP treatment, waitresses only shrugging. After listening to a couple songs, we left.

Thought about stopping at Rattlesnake to try their menu (seriously, anybody ever tried? How is the FOOD menu there?). But passed, and opted for some fast food. Back to my place to eat by 11:30. Somehow, don't know where the time went, but we were not falling asleep until after 3... opposite end of the spectrum from the Rattlesnake pull of Tuesday night...

02-02-06, 11:26
I didn't rate VIP treatment, waitresses only shrugging. After listening to a couple songs, we left.You might have tried one of two things:

1. Told them I was coming later, which means that the shrug you got would have been followed by a "who cares?"

2. Done what I always do. Ask them a day or two ahead of time to reserve a table. Works like a charm. ; )

Highjacked by a senior PRC: This is beneath you Bravo, the new Ms. W must have you under her spell.

02-02-06, 14:36
Just popped into an AMP on the way to work. The girl told me they're all from Thailand. I tested her. She passed the test, but only partly. She did try the 200 *$US* scam. I'm too smart for that ;) and she lost her chance at a tip as a result.

Gotta run, but will report tonight after work.

ChaCha - it's very close to Burj Al Arab. I have the number, address and the smouldering memory. Are you willing to pay? ;)



02-02-06, 14:47
2. Done what I always do. Ask them a day or two ahead of time to reserve a table. Works like a charm. Ah, the old foresight and planning trick... I've heard that it can work wonders... I just might have to try it sometime...

02-02-06, 19:02
I popped into an AMP on the way to work this afternoon for some much needed R&R. Arrived at the villa to be greeted by a line-up of seven Asian lasses, ranging in age from 20ish to late 30s. Chinese, I thought. I went through the slightly awkward moment of choosing one, while they all looked and smiled at me. Difficult to size them up in terms of physical attributes and attitude in such circumstances. Even more awkward because I refused to rush into a decision, and tried a chatting with them, to get an idea of attitude. They smiled a lot but said little.

After a few minutes I chose a youngish pretty gal (looks a bit like the psychadelic gal from York I mentioned recently). It was like choosing the winner of a beauty contest - when I chose her all the others gave her a congratulatory nod and smile, she came and took me by the hand, and they all dissipated.

In the bedroom, she started off with a good-enough massage. She had a sweet giggle but her English was poor. I wasn't there to discuss Shakespeare, so it didn't matter too much.

My time was limited and I was horny as hell, so when she rolled me over onto my back I decided enough massage and asked about extras. Because of her limited English and her quizzical looks when I made my request for extras, I had to resort to "how much suck and fuck?". I hate that - where's the romance?

Anyway, I got the idea across, and she asked for 5. I jokingly replied "5 dirhams - that's good!" The joke fell flat as she just gave me that confused look again. Then she mentioned dollars. I laughed and said for 500 dollars I could have three girls all night, and besides, I only have dirhams. We agreed to 200 then she started kissing me deeply and playing with the lad, but as we progressed she said "please give tip first". I got up, took a couple of 100DH notes from my pocket, and she looked confused and apologetic and said "No - dollar, dollar". I said "No - 200 DH"

(With the 100 "house money" 300DH is already way too much for a massage and a quicky - that's my usual payment for all-night-fun-and games and drinking and dancing and laughs in the boudoir. Oh, and sex.).

Suddenly her English improved greatly and she suggested if she gave good service I will give her an extra 100 tip. I politely replied no, but if she gave good service I will choose her next time I come here. She smiled, agreed, and away we went.

It was good service - passionate kissing, then licking me for quite a while in ticklish places, followed by a great BJ. While she was giving me the deep wet BJ, I slowly worked my finger inside her (only one, and that was a tight fit). I was wondering how long I would last inside her, as she felt so tight. Not long, as she had done such great mouthwork, plus the fact that I hadn't had sex for a few days (I'm in the doghouse due to York and other mischief).

Soon enough, I gave up holding back, and let her know I was coming, so she had the choice take badboy out of her mouth and finish me with a HJ. But no, she finished me with a deep CIM until the last throb, and kept on sucking for a minute after - almost painful. I thought she had swallowed, but she eventually stopped and deposited the swimmers into a kleenex.

Overall a good session, but I wish I'd had time to re-charge and try her tightness. Maybe next time.

Earlier I had asked which part of China she was from, but she said all the girls in the villa are from Thailand. Doubtful, I asked her which part she was from - she said Bangkok (just like all Russian girls are from Moscow, etc). I asked if she knew Pattaya. She said yes, one of the other girls is from Pattaya. I asked if she knows Sukhumvit. She didn't.

I don't know Thai langauage, so I'm still not sure if she is really Thai.



PS - Cha-Cha - the place is very close to Burj Al Arab. I have the number, address and the smouldering memory. Are you willing to pay? ;)

02-02-06, 23:09
Ah, the old foresight and planning trick... I've heard that it can work wonders... I just might have to try it sometime...

With the exception of pre-booking a fav before arrival in DXB a couple of times with Emma or Firoza, the Seaview "book the table" thing is the only example of serious planning I have ever done.

I have always been curious about the "reserved" tables at the various venues and Seaview was the first place I actually tried it. Dead easy, just tell them what day you are coming and they are happy to reserve you one.

For the record, I have never tipped anyone to "reserve" a table. I presume they are happy to have a customer who they know will actually arrive and spend.

NB: This does not apply to Cyclone, where, I am informed, reserved tables come at a price (bottles or Champagne pre-purchased, or a serious high-roller.)

02-03-06, 05:02
From what I've gathered here, the scene is all FSE and Chinese with a smattering of African, and at rather ungodly expat pricing structure.

I'm interested in some local flavor - Syrian, Moroccan, etc etc

are they around and if so where could they be found, general idea of pricing, atttitides, experiences and any other info would be appreciated.

Wicked Roger
02-03-06, 05:33
I was horny as hell

I hate that - where's the romance?

Not long, as she had done such great mouthwork, plus the fact that I hadn't had sex for a few days (I'm in the doghouse due to York and other mischief).


Aren't we all horny as hell? Well I am. If Miss Wildcat is trying to keep you celibate and punish you for misdemeanours, she has little chance of success in Dubai as you have just shown!

Romance? What's that? A full mouth after CIM? Perhaps.......

How about a trip to the to the capital. Am sure Miss W thinks bugger all happens here (read the AD forum) and I could be your moral guidance counsellor........ or Miss N could and she has such great morals and everything else. LOL!!


02-03-06, 15:32
Dead easy, just tell them what day you are coming and they are happy to reserve you one. But that's the problem, more likely a last minute decision - do I want to go out and listen, or just relax at my humble abode... while I sample her cooking...

02-03-06, 22:18
Just back from York and Regal, feeling a bit under the weather with the relentless flu. I asked a Russian York cutie for her number - she told me I already have it, as I met her at Regal a few weeks ago. Turns out she was one of the four I wanted to party with. I suddenly remembered her, realized I must be a bit drunk.

Chatted to Miss Blonde Freebie. Starting to like her more. She three-cheek-kissed me goodbye and I had another beer. Discussed the riddles of the universe with a few fellow pool-players. They made less sense than me.

I headed across the road to Regal. It was almost empty. Who should I see? Miss Blondie sitting at a video-game. She came and joined me to play a game of pool. I lost, she smiled that smile. I watched her play the next guys and decided I wanted to see her again in that sort of way.

Work tomorrow, and flu still has a grip, so I went home. Read a few PMs - sorry guys, no posts, no info.

Captain America
02-04-06, 11:18
Wow, so now that I've read so much about Cyclone I had to spend my one night in Dubai checking it out. Arrived shortly past midnight and was impressed with all the talent. Chinese on left, CIS on right, but nothing in between. Much larger range of talent than I had anticipated, some real stunners (mostly CIS), but also quite a few that I wouldn't touch as a freebie. To each his own, I guess.
What took my breath away was the prices these gals were asking. I've been around a few blocks before, but the stunners were asking 1500 DHM and were very non-committal about that being ST or LT. Even the mediocre ones (both PRC an CIS) were asking 300USD, going down to 200 only with considerable hesitation.
Found a PRC cutie that was willing to do 150USD and the clincher was she was bringing her friend that had just come in from the PRC the day before. Training on the job, I suppose.
as we left, what took me by surprise was the large number of african ladies outside at the taxi stand. One took my hand and emplored me to let her join the threesome "for variety", at 150DHM no less. If i had noticed them earlier, I would've just grabbed one on my way out and called it a night but my PRC girls would have none of it and I was creating quite a commotion, so tore myself away and left with the PRC.
Back to the hotel, then they asked for money up front. Much haggeling, she was prepared to leave if I didn't pay and so, against better judgement, I paid up. That, surprisingly, improved things and we had a very nice threesome finishing in missinary with the amazingly tight "new" pussy.
I think next time I'll try some other venues or just cruise by with a taxi and pick up an african girl. I'm used to teh CIS stunner from the German FKK's, but at a fraction of the cost. Or maybe I'll get more detailed party advice from the expert on this forum, who, by the way, do a great job and whose reports I really enjoyed reading.

Captain America
02-04-06, 11:21
before i forget, peeked into the mix before the cyclone visit and saw quite a few girls that looked "pro". one of my mates that didn't go with us to cyclone actauly pulled what he described as a cis stunner for $350 per night. after hearing the prices at cyclone, this may seem a cheaper venue in a more upscale environment.

02-04-06, 14:23
... but the stunners were asking 1500 DHM and were very non-committal about that being ST or LT.Whatever the market will bear ($400 USD).

Even the mediocre ones (both PRC an CIS) were asking 300USD, going down to 200 only with considerable hesitation.In local terms, 1000 dhs asking price, dropping to 700 dhs... unfortunately, now somewhat standard unless...

Found a PRC cutie that was willing to do 150USD In local terms, 500 dhs, which is a figure fast receding into history these days.

Note: if she's quoting prices in USD's, she's thinking you're a tourist. As reported here, if her quotes are low, as in 300... then she's speaking USD's. Advice, get prices in dirhams, and always make sure you know the currency being quoted.

...and the clincher was she was bringing her friend that had just come in from the PRC the day before. Training on the job, I suppose. No supposing about it. I've been a recipient of an OJT duo myself.

...the large number of african ladies outside ... emplored me to let her join the threesome "for variety", at 150DHM no less. Call me the skeptic, but I'd be thinking THAT service would be QUICK and BASIC.

Back to the hotel, then they asked for money up front. Much haggeling, she was prepared to leave if I didn't pay and so, against better judgement, I paid up. That, surprisingly, improved things ...Well, it WAS OJT... I've found MOST girls do deliver what's been promised; pay after just "insurance". Certainly, once you're known, pay after is a given.

I'm used to teh CIS stunner from the German FKK's, but at a fraction of the cost. VERY interesting. I've just been doing a bit of reading about FKK's, looking for other work by Mike De H. Maybe I should SIT DOWN and do the math, but when numbers such as 40E entrance, 30E/girl (shot) 30 minute time limits... that can add up. Say 130E... what's that, 500-600 dhs? Maybe I'm just SHY? Well, considering the LOCATION HERE... 500 dhs doesn't seem outlandish. Remember, this is the Middle East. (Eric - tearing your hair out?) I always say, send someone to KSA for 6 weeks, THEN... see how much they complain (not that you were complaining, Capt. America).

Maybe not at Cyclone, but perhaps you might have better luck at Rockafellas, price wise.

Nice FR, bit of fun reading.

Mike De H
02-04-06, 15:19
VERY interesting. I've just been doing a bit of reading about FKK's, looking for other work by Mike De H. Maybe I should SIT DOWN and do the mathOf course we are comparing Apples to Oranges here, but those prices are at the cheap sauna club end.

If you take FKK World and suggest that you can make love to three girls between say, four O'Clock in the afternoon till Four or five O'Clock the next morning then hey, its about the same as an all night GFE with one girl with multiple shots.

Assuming then at FKK World, (about Cyclone equivalent of girls, maybe better quality but less girls) the entrance is €65 and each half hour €50 thats €215.

Assume in Cyclone you can get a looker for 1000 D. Then thats €226 Euros. Maybe the FKK wins because all the girls are naked and there is free food all day (beer cheaper than UAE but also some places free) and its all low hassle and legal. Plus you get choice. Plus the flights are cheap to virtually free, plus hotels are likewise, virtually free (39 Euros no problem in germany).

HOWEVER, in Dubai, you get the thrill of the chase, more choice, more locations, cheaper transport, a more natural "meet and fuck" one night stand experience; finally, better hotel rooms with more comfort for lovemaking and better privacy.

Compared to the UK for instance where a top looker costs Ł1000 POUNDS STERLING to Ł1500 POUNDS STERLING for the whole night, and thats in the cheaper areas too, then the UAE is Harrod's merchandise with Wolworth's prices!

Can't wait to get out there, learn from my experiences and have another crack! thanks for all the positive comments guys, hope this helps.

Mike De-havilland

Tom Sorenson
02-04-06, 19:59
I was heading out of the country for a couple of weeks and had an early morning flight. Took advantage to see one of the chinese I see from time to time who has her own place in Deira.

I had called her the day before to say I was coming and to book me in. I have always had a good time with her the times I have seen her over the last 1 1/2 years or so and was lookinf forward to about 5 hours of fun.

We got to her place and proceeded to the usual - DFK, BBBJ DATY, straddle, mish,.... and ended up with CIM. Needed some sleep so we lay down for a few hours and woke up for another round - also CIM to finish.

All in all it was ok, but for the first time with her the "spark" was gone. I had reached my saturation point with her and think that will probably be the last time I call her.

It was nice while it lasted but time to move on and find another one who will keep me happy on my infrequent opportunites to indulge. I still have a few others on the rotation that I am quite happy with, but have a new spot open.

02-04-06, 20:00
Forgot to mention - York was much quieter than usual even for a Friday night (I left about 1015pm). Regal was especially quiet, even when I left just after midnight. Where were all the girls?

Mike De H
02-05-06, 13:33
Don't go.

End of report.Sorry P. I have to go. I will give the Motel a call and book first. Thanks for that, its exactly the sort of information one needs.

Action wise, I presume taking your own entertainment along with you would be prohibitively expensive? In your experience are "bulk deals" possible?

Finally (yes I know, its all "take, take, take" from me) what is the best way to get out there from dubai. Scratch that... I suppose the best way is by private helicopter, but mine is in the shop; so would you drive (well you did) is it hard (daft question of course it is) and are there cheap shuttle planes (easyjet style).

When I come back I will share any info or knowledge I get from there.



02-05-06, 23:19
Sorry P. I have to go. I will give the Motel a call and book first. Thanks for that, its exactly the sort of information one needs.

Action wise, I presume taking your own entertainment along with you would be prohibitively expensive? In your experience are "bulk deals" possible?

Finally (yes I know, its all "take, take, take" from me) what is the best way to get out there from dubai. Scratch that... I suppose the best way is by private helicopter, but mine is in the shop; so would you drive (well you did) is it hard (daft question of course it is) and are there cheap shuttle planes (easyjet style).

When I come back I will share any info or knowledge I get from there.



Mike - I answered some of your questions in the General Info section before I saw your other questions here.

Yes, I would recommend the Motel. I was with my wife, so I couldn't check the mongering scene properly (and remember, I was only there one night). If anything, the Indian Club at the Motel looks like a goer, albeit expensive for a gal (800). Previous reports say that some Filipina action is to be had around town. Check it out and let us know.

Directions to Fujairah? You're asking the wrong guy. It should take about 90 minutes from Dubai. It took me six hours. I went in the diametrically-opposed direction by mistake and we spent a couple of hours in Hatta - never again. Then I drove through the craggy mountains for two hours to get to Fujairah. There's almost no signage anywhere. Would've been faster to drive to Iran.

I hear the most direct way to Fujairah is to drive from Dubai through Sharjah (I got lost inside there also:( !), and keep driving straight. About 90 minutes later, you'll hit Fuj.

I'll try again in a couple of weeks and report back.



PS - yes, as a bachelor I would bring my own entertainment next time (but would still scout the scene anyway). WGs like to have a weekend away also, but of course, need to be compensated for their time.

02-06-06, 00:46
Oh how easy it is in Amsterdam windows and German FKK clubs. Photos of the girl below with Piper1 from ISG.

Mike - after responding to your questions I did a quick search on your posts (usually I do it the other way around), and I came across your lengthy report of India and Dubai. Great read.

Now I remember your PM to me (did I reply?). I don't know if it's the same gal - it might be - who knows?

Now I have to go check ignatz.

As an afterthought - if you're accustomed to Amst and the FKKs, you'll die a slow and painful death in Fujairah (unless you're getting old ;)).



Mike De H
02-06-06, 01:04
Now I have to go check ignatz.

As an afterthought - if you're accustomed to Amst and the FKKs, you'll die a slow and painful death in Fujairah (unless you're getting old ;)).


Yes I am almost sure its the same girl, but I forgot her working first name. You never PM'd it to me just to confirm. She is an ex Nurse I remember. I did not fuck her though - she got unlucky and she did not know the Ambassador had banned Girls recently either. They used to allow it until recently they told me.

Ignatz is down but posts are under MikeDeHavilland and Olivia is my ex-wife. I divorced her because she was not up tomy standards.

Yes I am getting old. I am off to FKK World on the 16th and I can't wait, even though I can barely manage three girls a night these days. Wim, who posts on Hookers as Goodbar (moderator) and Wim here and on Ignatz is 61 and he can do more girls in a night than I can for goodness sakes.

I just hope Maria from Bulgaria does not jump on me the moment I get in. she knows I am a soft touch. International top class totty that she is though. Maybe see you there? Theres a few of us going from the various BB's so if you fancy it - see you in Giessen.

Anyway, I shall look into doing the drive to Fujairah in style if finances permit. Maybe get a taxi to do a deal or hire a driver and car. Maybe get a girl too, depending on how luck goes, but if my VC investor is with me then - NO MONGERING anyway. Or at least I will sneak a local one in when he is not looking.

I am having trouble convincing the FKK crowd that Dubai is worth a trip. I see great potential in the place (after all - living in the UK stinks) both as a lifestyle and for P4P all night GFE, trips, and so on. Not to mention the weather of course.

Regards and thanks for all the info.,


02-06-06, 01:23
Yes I am almost sure its the same girl, but I forgot her working first name. You never PM'd it to me just to confirm.
Sorry - will PM you her name (from memory, it's her real name). She's good fun.

Anyway, I shall look into doing the drive to Fujairah in style if finances permit. Maybe get a taxi to do a deal or hire a driver and car. Take a hire car - 80DH a day and gas is cheaper than water here - literally.

My Kapitan
02-07-06, 02:02
If you really must go to the end of the world as we know it use the Emirates road vai defence roundabout or by Terminal 1. Believe me you will get lost going via Sharjah..

As a guide a Nissan Cloudy or Toyota Cockroach car hire will cost about 80dhms per day but you are best in something with more metal around you on the road to Fujairah. Beware killing a camel in a collision will cost about 10000dhms in fines. A driver - we use Kanoo- will cost about 1500dhms per day or 800 each way inc driver.

Best advice - go to the Regal in Dubai, find a girl for the night and suggest a trip. Hire a car and take her with you and go via Dibba, take supplies and have a bbq on sandy beach at Khorfa Khan, then spend the night in the Hilton Fujairah - if she has a passport copy you will be OK- fantastic cooled/heated constant temp pool and a good bar and grill, the Fez is next door where you can witness the locals playing darts and 8 ball pool. The girl will love you forever, tell all her friends and you will have endless credibility in Rockafellas.

Mongering is available at the Shigi Fujairah with ugly flips but I wouldn't touch them with yours!

Have fun.

02-07-06, 13:14
... the Fez is next door where you can witness the locals playing darts and 8 ball pool.
Have fun.
And beating each other up when there is disagreement in the game! LOL (see my Fuj report).

Great advice MyKap - I hope to do almost exactly that soon (but the Fujeira Beach Motel is a nice place - like a resort, and only 230DH. Hilton is about 700).

Mike De H
02-07-06, 14:25
(but the Fujeira Beach Motel is a nice place - like a resort, and only 230DH. Hilton is about 700).

That sounds like the perfect mongering trip.

I sort of fancy setting up a Fibreglassing/laminating shop there. Its easy, cheap and always in demand.

Anyway, I shall book the Motel or the Hilton, depends on location as much as price, but probably price, being such a miserable miserly bastard. I could not find the Beach Motel, but did find the "sandy beach motel resort" on the Internet, top of google. Is that the place P?

Hmmm, Barbaque with a babe..sound good.... only problem is, if you wake up the next morning and you have to chew your arm off when you see her in daylight. (In case you wake her up and actually have to take her.) then she may get the hand fingerprinted and track you down.

02-07-06, 15:17
Gulf News, 7 Feb 2006, page 1
Dubai cracks down on prostitution

Dubai: Police will clamp down on prostitution as part of efforts being taken to prevent AIDS, Dubai Police Chief said yesterday.

"As a body entrusted with ensuring security, we will fight anything that will impact negatively on society," Lieutenant General Dahi Khalfan Tamim said.

Responding to a query on nightclubs, Lieutenant General Dahi said the matter is not merely about nightclubs, but about immoral relations that may spread deadly diseases such as AIDS through society.

"We are determined to prevent this disease," Lt Gen Dahi said.

Short news item on today's Gulf News front page: police to crack down on prostitution. This time, it's in conjunction with an Aids awareness campaign. Article mentioned it was not merely about nightclubs, but immoral relations...

Articles like these appear periodically. Given the money involved, things are not going to go away anytime soon. However, given this is tied to a public health campaign, rather than a morality campaign...

Haven't passed by there for awhile, but certainly seems street action is VERY low key, if at all up from the York. Long gone are the nights where girls could be seen waving at passing vehicles from the center strip between ShoeMart and AlAin Center. Loitering girls in the GS area also seem to be a thing of the past. Maybe it's moved elsewhere, but the "roving bands" / parking lot gauntlet days seem to have been left behind.

As posted by Captain America, seems there are a large number of africans OUTSIDE Cyclone, eager for business. Those public markets certainly do make easy targets.

Now, the chances of a fav of yours getting busted, overall, is limited, unless she is a member of one of the above high risk groups. Certainly the possibility of a sting in a bar. But given the number of bars, number of girls, number of police... odds of a specific girl getting busted very small.

However, with any crackdown, there are certain chokepoints Bar closing time. Given the mass exodus of milling crowds, trying to score last minute deals while heading for the long lines of taxis... LE has been known to place a bus at the end of the Cyclone road, stopping all females (and perhaps some males), checking documents. Certainly would be very easy to ratchet up the "keep" criteria a couple of notches, to detain not only those that have expired papers, but other questionable visitors as well. No doubt I'm a cynic, but I also consider these raids an attempt by the govt to control the market, culling excess capacity.

Homes. No, not the obvious houses (more bang for the buck when raiding those, pun intended; those obviously fair game). But where the girls live. It's not only the MALE southwest asian workers that live in barracks style accomodations. A number of girls do too. CIS with the traditional pimp/madam to the Chinese with a house boss (a supervisor of the accomodations, not the girls). Anywhere from 10 to over 20 girls per apt, bunk beds. Obviously, neighbors aware (especially irate housewives, as demonstrated by the occasional irate PUBLISHED letter to the editor). Easy target. I know one girl concerned about the LE SUV usually parked outside her building. I believe Miss Cyclone-Newbie fell prey to this. Even keeping a low profile doesn't help.

Call me a soft-heart; yes, I do get concerned for certain favorites I know. But I'm also an economist: basic market behavior: supply down, prices up. Higher risk, higher demand for a quick return on investments.

What I like? When the newspapers are QUIET on the subject. When a police official announces a crackdown, obviously will require several busts fit to be published to show the success of said statement.

02-07-06, 15:22
what is the best way to get out there from dubai? ... Maybe get a taxi to do a deal or hire a driver and car.
Take a hire car... I hear the most direct way to Fujairah is to drive from Dubai through Sharjah (I got lost inside there also !), and keep driving straight. About 90 minutes later, you'll hit Fuj.
If you really must go to the end of the world as we know it use the Emirates road vai defence roundabout or by Terminal 1. Believe me you will get lost going via Sharjah.. As posted by Piper1 and My Kapitan: forget the hired taxi or "car with driver". Just get a rental car.

Reminder: there are no street addresses here. So you can't say, "In the 800 block, take the major junction..." Everything is done by landmarks, ala My Kapitan's "Emirates road via defense roundabout". Every resident knows where "defense roundabout" is, just like we all know where "fish roundabout" is (although it took me 3 years to find THAT one (name OBVIOUS once you realize where you are... [fish sculpture in the middle]). Contrary to reports of OLD, doesn't appear to be that much action in the vicinity (but that was NOT why I was looking for "the fish"...). Roads are poorly sign posted; even if they are, they all have "local" names, e.g., Khalid Bin Al Waleed street is commonly known as Bank street.

Directions are usually given from some basic landmark; could be one of the bridges over the creek, a major mall, a hotel, etc. Then it's like your wife/gf giving instructions: at the big white building, turn right, go straight to the 2nd petrol station, turn left, then on to the supermarket with the green sign on top, make a U, and you are there. Such fun... try having your goods delivered, or even start a newspaper subscription... common to make a map to your house, then print it out 50 times so you can just hand to whoever.

When you get your rental car, ask for a map of the country. These are NOT commonly sold in petrol stations as they are in Europe/USA. There is a half-decent one: northern part of country (abu dhabi and north) on 1 side, inserts of various cities on the other. Country map shows the major roads; not all that many between cities. After all, this is the desert. City maps give you a general idea.

There is also a Lonely Planet guide to Oman and UAE that has some maps. Not a bad read. Or, if you're cheap, go to the library and copy the maps (reasonable city maps).

Finally, at the airport, in the cities, and sometimes at an Emirate's border, there are tourist offices, although if they will be open when it's convenient for you is debatable. These too have maps (e.g., got a map of Fujairah at the Fujairah office).

Looking at these, you make your own directions to follow. When I went to Furairah, it was via Sharjah (as I had some LP maps). It was something like (just an example, not "exact" instructions - it was 4 years ago and I've never felt the need to return): cross the Garhoud bridge, then after a couple of klicks, after crossing over a major inlet, follow signs to airport (but don't go there), [some number of roundabouts], then, a star intersection. First arm goes to airport, take the 2nd, look for signs to the "museums" (Sharjah has a "typical" local (mental) complex - desire of bragging rights to something "most of" in the world; here, something like the most museums in one area). Once past the museums, you're on the way to Furairah. Once on this road, impossible to get lost; only 1 road. (And yes, I did have to circle the star intersection a couple of times).

As a guide a Nissan Cloudy or Toyota Cockroach car hire will cost about 80dhms per day but you are best in something with more metal around you on the road to Fujairah. Beware killing a camel in a collision will cost about 10000dhms in fines.Yes, given the driving abilities here, you do want some protection. Especially on some of the smaller "connecting" roads (unlike the abu dhabi - dubai which is 8 lane divided highway). But, at least 4 years ago, the road to Fujairah was a lot of 2 lane road - single lane each way. Getting stuck behind a 40kph truck, waiting to pass... besides watching for on-coming traffic, make sure you watch your rearview mirror for "queue" jumpers...

And if you hit a camel while driving... a 10000 dhs fine is the least of your worries. It's like American football: hit a player in his lower legs, he falls over... Same with that 10 foot camel, only his couple of tons is coming through your windshield (windscreen for you foreign born sorts...)

Action wise, I presume taking your own entertainment along with you would be prohibitively expensive? In your experience are "bulk deals" possible?
WGs like to have a weekend away also, but of course, need to be compensated for their time.
Best advice - go to the Regal in Dubai, find a girl for the night and suggest a trip.A lot easier for Westerners. Besides the "weekend" away, it's a couple of days (whatever) of not having to hit the bar "zoo" and its market uncertainties. A-listers (guaranteed at least 1 salary package per night) will require a bit more compensation than the 1-tier down wg. I'd certainly want to be familiar with the girl BEFORE going on a weekend away. It's one thing, if trouble hits, when her home is just a cross-town taxi trip... Though I do know girls who have taken cross-Emirates bus trips home after a working holiday elsewhere.

I am having trouble convincing the FKK crowd that Dubai is worth a trip. I see great potential in the place (after all - living in the UK stinks) both as a lifestyle and for P4P all night GFE, trips, and so on. Not to mention the weather of course.I've always maintained that coming here solely for P4P is not worth it. Yes, it is nice it's available for residents and visiting businessmen, but I think there's better value for money, better "ambiance" elsewhere (e.g., Asia) if you're on holiday. As you've seen, it's not exactly cheap here, especially when you consider hotel prices, food costs, DRINKING costs, etc. But when the company is picking up some of that...

Though I will say, as you do, the number of potentials from a variety of nationalities to search, and the actual LT GFE is quite nice.

As to the weather... see you in August...

02-07-06, 17:45
That sounds like the perfect mongering trip.

I sort of fancy setting up a Fibreglassing/laminating shop there. Its easy, cheap and always in demand.

I could not find the Beach Motel, but did find the "sandy beach motel resort" on the Internet, top of google. Is that the place P?

Suddenly so much interest in Fujairah - I'd better open a Hotel/Pool Hall/Nightclub there soon. Seriously, Dubai is oversaturated, so some of the smaller towns are good for business opportunities, and as mentioned, there's a lot of development going on - boomtown. A good time to get in.

Sandy Beach Hotel is quite well known, and will cost 600+ for a double (I checked all the Hotels before going). Fujairah Beach Motel has chalets and a nice atmosphere. Mainly Filipino and Arabic clientele.

Fujairah Beach Motel Tel : 971 9 2228111 Fax : 971 9 2228054 (send 50DH to me via Piperpal when booking).

I can't find their website (google gives 486 hits and my server is too slow to check them all). This website will give you some idea of the area, accommodations and facilities (including travellers' reports). You need to join the website address together:





02-07-06, 20:46

I am responding to 11Bravo's comments on the GN article of today.

It is not the right forum here at all, but I have to say I was slightly shocked in the past month how easy one may get uncovered intercourse thus, I believe it is a value to reiterate on the associated risk. Not only to the customers but the (young) providers too.

Further I do believe, while enjoying the hobby, we all must never ever ignore or forget this is a muslim country, even when leaving the nightclub along with an intoxicated local. Play the game, enjoy it, but stick to the rules - and those are not to difficult. It is not Europe, it is U.A.E. - but it is nice anyhow.

Honestly I do believe it is valuable to be reminded about the before and I still wonder there is no medical test for the tourist (visa) as I do believe the potential risk is much higher there.

Anyhow, enjoy the hobby and stay safe,

greetings from the cold,


P.S.: For those of you who recently provided me with updated contact and have not yet seen my reports, I am awfully sorry but have to admitt being very busy these days. I still have some pics and reports and will post them in due course. It is my promise.

Wicked Roger
02-07-06, 20:51
Best advice - go to the Regal in Dubai, find a girl for the night and suggest a trip. Hire a car and take her with you and go via Dibba, take supplies and have a bbq on sandy beach at Khorfa Khan, then spend the night in the Hilton Fujairah - if she has a passport copy you will be OK- fantastic cooled/heated constant temp pool and a good bar and grill, the Fez is next door where you can witness the locals playing darts and 8 ball pool. The girl will love you forever, tell all her friends and you will have endless credibility in Rockafellas.

Sounds like a good idea for a weekend away from mongering in Abu Dhabi MK(well I am likely the last one left in AD, so might as well have a change of scene). Email when you are back and we could do a foursome!! As long as you steer me clear of the ugly ones...and am sure you which ones they are! LOL!!


02-07-06, 21:35
I don't live in Dubai but I would guess the best way to go would be to take the Emirates Highway (311?) going towards Sharjah. Take the exit going to Sharjah Airport. Then take this highway all the way to a town called Dhaid. Go left at the roundabout you come to there. Then go right at the next roundabout. After that you'll definitely have signs to follow. There's one more right turn to make when you get to a roundabout at Masafi.

The roads have been improved a lot in recent years. Unless there's roadwork it's all dual carriageway (four-lane).

Also, just want it made clear that Sandy Beach Motel is not at all close to Fujairah Town. It's past Khor Fakkan almost to Dibba on the Oman border, a good 30-40 minute drive. However, it does have nice grounds and a good dive shop. There's an island in front of the beach that's a great snorkeling spot. The flash Meridien Al Aqa is right nearby also.

Sometimes at these northern emirates places you'll get lucky and see air hostesses or office girls from Dubai on a weekend getaway. Other times it will be all families and screaming kids. Best of luck to you.

02-08-06, 12:41
Hello to all my mates. Good to see posts from my friends in dubai. I miss dubai already but reading your posts brings back so many good memories.

I remember having spent 3 nights at the fujairah beach motel about 25 years back. From the layout that Piper has mentioned it seems it is still the same old place. I and a buddy had taken up a chalet and spent most of the afternoons by the poolside sipping pinacoladas. Once we saw a european couple going at it in the swimming pool. The poolside was deserted except for myself and my buddy and the couple probably got frisky and started right there figuring we would not nitice what was going on under water. Only their heads were above water. But there was little they could do about the telltale waves they were creating ;)

My friend and I got a nice free show. I did not know the place still existed. But it does bring back some good memories.



02-08-06, 18:34
You need to join the website address together:



Hotels_and_Accommodations-Al_Fujayrah_Region-BR-1.htmlWhen you have a long web address to enter, go to:


insert the long one, and out comes a short one (kind of what she did to me last night).

The above becomes: http://*******.com/8cdjj

02-09-06, 12:07
When you have a long web address to enter, go to: ...

insert the long one, and out comes a short one (kind of what she did to me last night).

LOL Bravo.

I remember having spent 3 nights at the fujairah beach motel about 25 years back. From the layout that Piper has mentioned it seems it is still the same old place. ... Once we saw a european couple going at it in the swimming pool... My friend and I got a nice free show.
Hi JSF - 25 years ago? You're showing your age! 25 years ago I was in nappies. (I was a teenager at the time, but it just felt nice).

Swimming pool romps can be fun, but a bit bit risky in a motel pool, especially in Fujeira. In the apartment block I lived in previously, they put a night-curfew on the roof-top pool. I asked the whiskey-swilling security guy why, and he said a group was caught having a drunken orgy there at midnight. I was a bit miffed, as I like the occasional night-swim (and because I wasn't invited).

While at Fujeira motel, I took a walk alone at night past the pool and immediately a security guy called me back - apparently the staff housing is just behind the pool (yes, I was curious as to where the groups of cute and giggling Filipina girls were going).



Tercar 66
02-10-06, 09:34
Having taken a couple of days break from mongering, I decided to go for a massage. The last time I tried was 3 years ago, when the Chinese massage parlour was in Riga street. Tired from work and 6 day week workout, I finally contacted them. They have now shifted behind Sea View hotel. The rates were the same 100 for massage and 50 for BJ. Clean room and good service, 8 girls.

Joe D
02-11-06, 10:32
Went to an MP place in Dubai. paid 100 for the room + 100 as tip. Good massage and good sex. perfect service and she was very nice but poor english. The place is behind petro station across Ramada hotel. I will definit re-visit place next time i will be in dubai in 2 weeks :)

Would any one of you have contacts of a good indian/srilankan girl, i have never did an indian or Srilankan girl, i would love 2. Please PM

02-11-06, 15:23

[edit - it was actually Friday night, now that I think about it - whatever, it was a heavy one] ...

Keep away from Imperial Suites on a Friday night (and any night based on my visits ages ago). Still the same, but this time only Chinese and African action, with a smattering of CIS - all 4s and 5s max. When I arrived, there was a fight happening with about six bouncers dragging guys out. I went in and bought a beer with my enrty ticket, looked around the rooms about 5 minutes, put my almost full beer down (sacrilege!) and left.

Wandered down to Panorama and checked Jockeys and the upstairs bar - very quiet, few few girls. Just a lot of guys glued to the sports screen.

After playing some pool at York earlier, I went across to Rush Inn, as they have a new Russian bar there (with a new pool table of course). The variety show was good (belly dancers, singers etc all taking turns - and cute), but little action as the place has only just opened in its new format.

Regal was okay, but quality lacking.

York has some cute new talent. A stunning tall model-like gal with a sheath of very long black hair. I wanted to get her number, but she was constantly surrounded by guys. As I left for Rush Inn, I saw her leave with a customer. When I returned to York a couple of hours later she was back again, looking for more business.

A mate and I were chatted up near closing time by a couple of gorgeous Eritrean gals, and, being a bit merry, we decided to go back to their place for a ST with them. Lo and behold, they decided to bring a third, young and new gal with them (living together). This was looking good, I thought, as I was squeezed between them in the back of the cab.

Alas, my ATM card wouldn't work in all three machines I tried! So we paid them taxi money and headed home. Probably just as well, or it would have been a very late night.

02-11-06, 20:27
Keep away from Imperial Suites on a Thursday night (and any night based on my visits ages ago). Yes, as I've posted before, a number of Imperial patrons have that "last lifeboat leaving" attitude, ESPECIALLY on a Thursday. High class it is not (prices tend to follow suit).

However, you can find some gems in there. It can be popular for newly arrived girls, those that don't know much english, like a lot of the patrons who mostly have the "slam, bam, thank you mam attitude" (which makes you look really great when you show a minimum of respect).

It's not a place I frequently visit, and on MY scale, ranks maybe 4th. But it does make an interesting change EARLY on a WEEKNIGHT.

That said, if I was a visitor, I wouldn't waste my time. For residents, or someone here tired of the more upscale venues, OK.

Truth be told, I feel sorry for the girls that work there.

From Gulf News, 11 Feb 2006, page 1, excerpted from a story about "Little rhyme or reason behind hit songs". Bold my highlighting for emphasis:

While people do genuinely seem to like some songs better than others, their preferences change once they know what other people like, Watts and colleagues found.

"The popular things become more popular and the less-popular things get less popular," Watts said.

People, it seems, do not entirely trust their own taste when it comes to music. The same may hold true for books and movies and may explain why top sellers vastly outsell the rest, the researchers concluded in their report, published in the journal Science.

IF this can be extrapolated to wg's (besides songs, books, movies), then perhaps it explains the posts requesting "contacts".

Eric T
02-11-06, 22:38
People, it seems, do not entirely trust their own taste when it comes to music. The same may hold true for books and movies and may explain why top sellers vastly outsell the rest, the researchers concluded in their report, published in the journal Science.

IF this can be extrapolated to wg's (besides songs, books, movies), then perhaps it explains the posts requesting "contacts".

Mate, you're on to something here. I fully agree with the parallel you've pulled. This definitely explains it. There are other factors involved (e.g. laziness, desparation, shortness of time, etc) but this one is a major factor.



Mike De H
02-12-06, 12:49
There are other factors involved (e.g. laziness, desparation, shortness of time, etc) but this one is a major factor.



Don't forget the biggest factor when people are new to a scene, or are only there for a short time.

They want to avoid rip-offs!! Having contacts avods this.

In Germany, I go every month and do ten girls in a trip. I know mostly who is good, who is bad, and with the new Girls I get better than 50% extremely good service, maybe one in ten is a ripoff.

When in Dubai, if you read my post, not knowing the culture and being unable to read the tell-tale signs, I picked one bad one, one good one. A bit of hand-holding would have avoided a lot of pain, and yes I did do my research first. Probably more than most do. (But not on this site).

I have however noticed something important about punters behaviour. This definately IS cultural. Many guys I know in the hobby, prefer to go with girls they know, or girls other guys know. They will que up all night to go with a "superstar" at FKK Palace, rather than go with a new girl. This, I have to say is Internet driven and a very USA trait.

So in short, I agree it is very much like pop records. In Dubai, what's the equivalent, is it Miss N? Miss Wildcat?

In Alkaar (great cheap scene in Holland) its all Miss Mickey and Minnie, Miss this, Miss that, and everyone wants those girls, whilst the unknown gems sit there waiting to be discovered.

02-12-06, 15:25
Does anyone have knowledge or experience with Dubai hotel massage services? Specifically, I wonder about the likelihood of a "happy ending" on offer.

Thanks for the help.

Irish Lad
02-12-06, 18:32
Hello guys,

Spent Thursday night in Rockafellas. The ratio was very unfavourable ( 4:! )and a lot of people there. I felt the quality had lowered since my last visit but I was in bad form as a drunk had felt it was funny to grab my money out of my hand while I was paying for a drink and throw it away.

I "stalked" Pauli, a blond with exceptional looking breasts but she was busy. It later turned out that she was free and we swopped numbers outside.

Friday night I ended up in York for a look as I was in the mood for something different than the usual Regal CIS girls. I can confirm that I really don't like this place. Too much hassle for my liking from both the drinks girls pestering you to buy more drinks even when you have a half full glass to the heavy marketing from the working girls. I left for a flyby through Rockafellas on my way to Premiere........Big mistake. Prices here have skyrocketed with all girls asking for 1,000 and some asking for 1,500. Maybe the tennis is fueling this as my hotel was at full price too compared to other times.

I wasn't too bothered as I had spent 3 days in Bangkok on my way here and was happy to take a rest.

02-12-06, 18:57
Spent Thursday night in Rockafellas ... but I was in bad form as a drunk had felt it was funny to grab my money out of my hand ... That was me! No wait, I was there Friday night, so it must have been some other drunk.

Friday night I ended up in York ... I was there also Friday night - sorry we didn't get to catch up - I forgot you would be in town.

Regal ... Prices here have skyrocketed with all girls asking for 1,000 and some asking for 1,500. Well they can only ask. I hope it's a blip and not a trend. The same night, a mate and I had three gals in the cab who agreed to 200DH each (admittedly, it was near closing time, and they were African, so less expensive, but all beautiful with good attitude). Too bad about my ATM card. I haven't checked it since - still wondering if the card was the problem, or if the problem was a very merry me.

I wasn't too bothered as I had spent 3 days in Bangkok on my way here and was happy to take a rest. I can imagine! I'm planning my next work trip there already.

Wicked Roger
02-12-06, 19:35
So in short, I agree it is very much like pop records. In Dubai, what's the equivalent, is it Miss N? Miss Wildcat?

Mike de H

Do you mean Nice Guy's Miss with whom he is blissfully retired, my Miss N in Abu Dhabi or likely one of Piper's Miss N's in Dubai.

God, it is so confusing!!

OK, back to work in another foreign country where I am told the pussies are hairy (yuk!!). Thank goodness I am back in the UAE Wednesday night, if only because I have to meet Miss N again for some destressing and shaved pussy!!


My Kapitan
02-12-06, 20:43
Originally Posted by Irish Lad
Spent Thursday night in Rockafellas ... but I was in bad form as a drunk had felt it was funny to grab my money out of my hand ...

That was me! No wait, I was there Friday night, so it must have been some other drunk.

The other drunk...
I thought it was me, oh hold on it was Thursday! - I was there with the lovely O (who has just departed for a rest at home for a few weeks, I miss my bi blonde already...will just have to find solace in the arms of others, so more reports and pics to follow.

PS Irish lad didn't look too bad when he said hello to us!

02-13-06, 05:27
The other drunk...
I was there with the lovely O (who has just departed for a rest at home for a few weeks, I miss my bi blonde already...Hey Kap - what letter comes after "O" in her first name? Just curious - a bi blonde from Regal, name starting with O... Could be a small world ...

02-13-06, 13:51
Many guys I know in the hobby, prefer to go with girls they know, or girls other guys know.Myself, guilty of the former, innocent of the latter. Certainly on Thursdays, I like having a Miss Thursday who takes a taxi over; I just don't like going out THAT night.
With a good one, it just gets better: she's more relaxed and comfortable with you, you each know what the other likes...
There's a history of conversation, experiences, etc. you can build on, not always having to start from zero...While I might consider another punter's opinion, he, by definition, is describing his experience with her. As they say, YMMV. I've had some good experiences with others' recommendations; however, the most memorable have been for their Negative (cap not a typo) experiences. Tastes vary, as do preferences (e.g., one punter's good time being a nice ST at her place is not MY definition of a good time). Perhaps if you're just interested in, to quote Sporadic, "renting a vagina", then a rapport might not be so important. But for the GFE, for me, it is (or maybe I just know some damn good actresses).

What's nice about dxb is that a number of places are me[e|a]t markets. Nothing but. So to be able to go there, find a number that you find attractive in some way, being able to interview them for the job, in MY experience, is the best way to separate the wheat from the chaff. Case in point: the 'snake girl I reported on awhile back; by her usual business marketing, I should have known she would provide a service, and minimal at that; it's business. As compared to the Cyclone girl (also reported awhile back) who was willing to spend some time, flirt, etc. who did provide the GFE.

They want to avoid rip-offs!! Having contacts avods this.MY experience, and I think echoed by others (a lack of rip-off posts), is that very few girls are true rip-offs. The vast majority do provide the services agreed to for the agreed upon price.
Most common: The "it's [just] a service" experience. Now, I've never window shopped in Europe, nor been to any FKK clubs. But there, everything seems very time oriented (your 30 minutes of fame). Here, with some girls, it's the same, and, funnily enough, at either end of the spectrum: the a-listers at 1 end, and the "1 shot/100dhs" wg's at the other. But I'd say, to most of the bar girls in the middle, even a ST is 90 minutes, and most will take a LT (if she doesn't, then ask yourself why).

But the "service experience" goes with the territory. Just because one punter had a GFE, doesn't mean every punter will. Best way to avoid this is stated above. I certainly don't expect her to spend an hour with me, marketing herself. But I do expect more than a Meatloaf impression, "I want to know RIGHT now, what's it going to be, boy, yes or no".

I'd say the most common actual rip-off is the "pay before, LT becomes ST" ploy.
Easily overcome by using "pay AFTER".
If "pay after" not possible, then, before "paying before", is she in a rush to get the action started? That's a red flag for me; if it's LT, then what's the rush?
Pulling early does give you options, as in "let's go back to the bar so each of us can find someone else".
Another strategy is to take her for ST, with a LT option (I probably should use this more, but I really don't).

Reneging on agreed to services. Classic is, yes, she does oral until she gets to your place (I've heard this is more common among africans, but don't know by personal experience). Or the bbbj is now a cbj, etc., etc.
While this can't be eliminated, like the above, pay AFTER goes a long way.
Also, be specific about any required services; not fair to complain if you just "assumed" she did such-and-such because "most" girls do. Most girls do want to avoid the "unhappy" customer scene.

Most of the time, I do specify the menu I'm interested in. But, with some girls, their experience, whatever it is, is what I'm in the mood for.

Unspecified currency ploy. That "ST, 300.{period, end of statement}" Is that 300dhs, or 300usd? BIG difference. Easily overcome by YOU specifying which currency your bid is in. And if she's quoting you USD's, she's labeled you as a tourist who just MIGHT pay tourist prices.

Definition of LT difference. Really limited to a-listers, her definition being "until you fall asleep". If in doubt, ask what time she'll be leaving in the morning. My experience, they're honest, and will tell you.

Bait and Switch. Not too prevalent, but, if you think about it, not difficult to do when you've never met her. One Miss W once told me when somebody was enquiring about a meeting, "I'll just send my friend, she can say she's me".

Another twist of this is "Yes, come on over" (to her place) or "I'll meet you somewhere". When you get there, she's unavailable; instead, a (newly arrived) substitute is ready for you. This HAS happened to me several times. I've felt sorry for the substitute; she's just told to be at a certain place for an "eager" punter, to make some money. Not really her fault.

Based on some memorable posts a LONG time back, more common with newbies, are the:
Out-an-out rip-off. You pay in the bar, either to her or to a 3rd party. Then, she either just doesn't go, or else, once at your place, skips off QUICK. This is easy to avoid: NEVER pay money to a 3rd person; never pay her in the bar. If she doesn't trust you, or her pimp (let's call them what they are) doesn't trust HER, then what does that say? And don't, as some fool did, go to the police and report the rip-off (on the other hand, you might be having more sex than you thought possible for the next month or two).

No change scam. Mod of the above; you've paid in the bar with some big bills, no change (small bills) available, but the girl will give you the change later, after you return to the bar. Yea, right (as I remember, the newbie gave 2 500's for a 700 LT to the pimp; wg bailed out, saying he could get 500 back by returning to the bar). If you don't have change, the bar/bar's hotel will. If nothing else, buy another drink. The waitress might complain, but she WILL find change. Wg's are not a bank. Consider ANY money you give them GONE.

...I ended up in York for a look as I was in the mood for something different than the usual Regal CIS girls. I can confirm that I really don't like this place. Too much hassle for my liking from both the drinks girls pestering you to buy more drinks even when you have a half full glass to the heavy marketing from the working girls.Annoying Waitresses: Ask her if she speaks English; reply is always "yes" (obviously). Then tell her so do you, it's your mother tongue, so you will tell her when you need a drink. It NEVER works, but I do enjoy it. The next time, just ask her to have the manager come over (he will). Explain the problem; word will get around quick. Should work for about a week.

Annoying wg's: With a bit of patience (and luck), word will get spead across the CIA net that you are not interested. A polite "only here to drink" works for me. For the africans, I tell them I'm from Rhodesia. They never understand the implicit message that is delivering, but, again, I do enjoy it. Blow up at a couple of africans ("I don't touch you, don't touch me"), and they too, or most of them, will get the message.My experience anyway.

My Kapitan
02-13-06, 17:00
LoL Dxb is a small town. Check your PMs Piper 1..

02-14-06, 08:31
I’ve been a long time lurker, and decided to give back a little from this great resource. This is my fourth trip to Dubai. I really love this city. I work and live in Doha, so I can say first hand that if you can’t find what you want in Dubai, you are not doing your research and using this forum for its intended purpose. Just take a look at the Doha thread, and you’ll soon learn that the only WG’s there are Chinese that couldn’t make a living in Dubai’s market. Anyways on with the report…

Day 1

I usually stay in Deira, as opposed to Bur Dubai. The hotel is not as nice, and it is a little more expensive, but there are never any questions, not even to ask for the girl’s passport copy. This trip I stayed at the Broadway Hotel, and paid 500 Dirhams (~$135 US) per night. It has everything I need, a clean bed, a hot shower, and plenty of talent downstairs to pull from. Across the street is a small Turkish/Arabic café called Wejdan’s. I recommend the Arabic Shwarma. Also, within 50 meters of the Hotel there is a small family store, and a Pic-n-Save. You can pick up a couple liters of OJ, bottled water, condoms, etc etc. You can get a sim chip at the Pic-n-Save. My last trip I had stayed at the Holiday Inn Downtown, which was not a problem for me, but my mongering partner has a craving for the Chinese from Cyclone. The management at Holiday Inn would not allow his girl up, but didn’t have a problem with the Ukrainian stunner I had pulled. YMMV.

I flew into Dubai after work on Thursday afternoon, and knowing that this is the start of the weekend, I had made reservations with the Hotel a couple weeks prior to my arrival. No problems with the room, which I was worried about, even with confirmed reservations. I took the boards advice, cleaned out the mini bar, and put everything into the room safe. There was still plenty of room for my valuables. After restocking the bar with my purchases from the small family market, I headed down to scope out the pool of talent. There were a lot of white robe’s in the coffee shop, and the Russian singers in the bar were just getting started with their program. The coffee shop was packed, so couldn’t get a table, but did get a good look at the girls. As usual there were a lot Turk’s, -stani’s and the smattering of CIS. There were also quite a few Ninjas, which I have this thing for.

I started sipping on a Bailey’s just getting my feel for the place, and kept making eye contact with one of the Ninjas. After finishing my drink, I headed out to the latrine, and she followed, on que. I get a better look at her, sculpted eyebrows, slightly pouting lips and a nice rack. The rest of her body and hair is hidden by the black robes. Made small talk for a couple minutes, she’s Iranian, I’m thinking she’s probably Turk, but it is just part of the game, named Noora. She’s been in Dubai five months, etc. I ask her prices for short time, she opens with 300 Dirhams. I don’t feel the need to negotiate down, as my limits are 300 and 500, Short-time/Long-time. She asks for my room number, as she has to go get a condom, and will meet me there.

Once she arrives, I can finally get a good look at her in decent lighting, beautiful light brown/hazel eyes, and she definitely has the Persian nose, wherever she is from. Probably 5’5”, 130lbs, gorgeous face, but her body is starting to go. Overall appearance would rate a borderline 6-7. Started with DFK, then she moved down to CBJ. More DFK, then DATY, then cowgirl for about 15 minutes. I mounted her missionary, and after the Drought of Doha, couldn’t last more than 10 minutes before I blew my load. Her performance would be around a 7. An overall good experience, and I love the whole banging a Ninja thing, even if it is just appearances.

I will try and get the first report posted today if I can find a connection where I can use the software from the proxy thread. If not, I’ll post a complete report from Moldova, on Monday or Tuesday.

Day 2

Slept in late, then did a little shopping for some cold weather clothes. I got back to the hotel around 5 or 6 pm. Cleaned up, then headed down to the coffee shop again. There were way too many white robes and drunkards, and too few quality providers, so opted for the AMP on the rooftop. I had planned on a good massage at some point during my stay in Dubai, as there are only man to man massages available at the parlors in Doha. When I got to the AMP, I found out that they will send the masseuse to your room if you would like. I opted for this, and they sent down a tall Chinese, decent face, but an amazing rack. I would rate her face a 5, but her tight body would easily be an 8. Excellent massage, followed with negotiations on the extras. Nothing exciting to report from this experience, average in every way, except her rack was amazing. Ask for Mimi.

Day 3

An early phone call from work ruined the day’s activities I had planned. I spent most of the day on the phone or e-mails trying to keep some peoples jobs. At the end of the day, I just simply didn’t feel up to trying to negotiate with a provider, after having spent the entire day doing the same thing. This would end up being a huge mistake, as I would find out the next day.

Day 4

After yesterday’s problems, my scheduling had gotten messed up, so again spent the morning picking up some last minute items before I head out to Moldova. I dropped by the coffee shop around noon for a cup of coffee, and to see who was available for my last afternoon and evening in Dubai. I quickly noticed a lot of unfamiliar female faces sitting around the tables. After about 15 minutes, a 30 something year old female sat down at my table and started some small talk. It ends up she is the local manager for the girls at Broadway. Yesterday, she had gotten 15 new girls in from Moscow and Armenia. She asked what I was looking for and in about 10 minutes had paired me up with an amazing Russian named Diana. She’s 19, and one of the just arrived crew. She’s around 5’5”, maybe 120 lbs. I would guess a B cup. We all 3 went up to my room to negotiate, with the manager claiming she needs to interpret for us. I speak enough Russian to understand when the manager is telling her to cut and run early if she can, as she wants her to go to the Hyatt Plaza tonight. I just continue to play the “Dumb American”, and explain that I want to take her for full night, even though I have to go to the airport around midnight. The manager asks for 1500 Dirhams for full night. I tell her my limit for full night is 500, and she counters that Diana is new to Dubai, and will be an excellent companion for the evening, but she could go as low as 1000. Another round of negotiations, I end up breaking my limit, and settle for 800, 500 up front, and 300 to Diana when I leave for the airport at midnight.

The manager leaves, and I start off the conversation with Diana in Russian. I tell her I understood everything in the elevator, and she responds to me in passable English that the manager is an idiot, and she will keep her part of our arrangements. We just relax and talk for about an hour or so. Getting to know each other and treating the providers with genuine respect has always worked for me in getting a decent GFE. That is exactly what Diana gave. The sex was great, but the experience of just hanging out with an absolutely beautiful woman is always what keeps me coming back to Dubai. She was the total package, after 2 rounds of great sex and a dinner of grilled prawns at the café across the street, I told her she should take off since I had to get ready to leave for the airport.

02-14-06, 21:30

Excellent FR, and from a "one poster!"

Sounds like you found your very own stomping grounds without having to resort to the clubs. Good on you.

02-15-06, 01:16
Qatarcorp - great report. There's a lot of action in and around Deira that we don't hear about on this thread (most Dubai posters live or play in the less exotic, more westernized side of the creek, so that's what we hear about 90% of the time). In fact, there's a lot more fun to be had in Deira. I lived there my first couple of years in Dubai (when I was single, and before I knew of ISG), and I can attest it's a great place for mongering - very exotic gals (Iranian, Chechnyan, Arabic, etc. It's like living in a different country to Bur Dubai - and a different economy). If it weren't for the traffic and being married now, I'd explore there even more. In fact, when my bachelor days come up soon, I think I will explore Deira more.

Have fun in Moldovia.



02-15-06, 10:51
Valentine and I dined at Metropolitan Hotel for a romantic evening last night. No, you bad, bad men, not at Rattlesnake, but at a nice restaurant in the same complex.

Later, checked out other fine establishments in the same hotel. Whatever happened to the enormous Venice-themed restaurant with actual canals and bridges between the tables, and gondolas full of tourists wafting past as you enjoy the tasty pizza. I'm sure the metroplex cinema is now in the same place.

Of course, I had to check out Rattlesnake. About 30 lonely looking guys, aged 50-something to near-death, not talking to anyone except their pints, perhaps musing over past or present Valentines in their lives. There were about eight Chinese WGs, also mature-aged, also standing quietly and gazing into the distance. Despite the uneven ratio of punters to WGs, the girls were not inundated with interest, even at 11pm. In fact, it was as if everyone was wearing a cloak of invisibility. Four minutes of this place was enough, so off to Emirates Towers we went.

Vu's Bar, 51st floor of the towers. Nice view outside, and some nice scenery inside also. Very classy looking gals, including some delectable Emirates Airlines gals of different nationality, still in uniform. As for WGs - a few possibles, sitting alone sipping cocktails. If WGs, very nice and, I'm sure, very expensive.

After the obligatory mile-high cocktail on 51st floor, it was time to get back to earth, so the next visit was Savage Garden, with its the excellent and energetic Columbian band. Those singers/dancers were sizzling hot, and the crowd of salsa dancers was sweating and wildly gyrating and grinding each other on the dance-floor, having sex with their clothes on. WG action to be had? Yes indeed - about six Chinese and five African at final count, all delicious.

02-15-06, 13:08
I work and live in Doha, so I can say first hand that if you can’t find what you want in Dubai, you are not doing your research and using this forum for its intended purpose.If someone read ONLY your post, he'd have enough info to be successful here: hotel, preparation, location, price, cautions...

And like Sporadic said, you demonstrated that there are more than just clubs, or that contacts are required. You certainly were successful using neither. You can read all the books you want about riding a bicycle, question any number of people about this model or that, but the only real way is to get out, find one that fits your needs, get on, and ride YOURSELF.

And to those that say they can't find their bicycle here, perhaps they should spend a couple weeks in Doha, to gain a proper perspective of things.

I don’t feel the need to negotiate down, as my limits are 300 and 500, Short-time/Long-time.

I speak enough Russian to understand when the manager is telling her to cut and run early if she can...

...and settle for 800, 500 up front, and 300 to Diana when I leave for the airport at midnight.I can associate with the first.

The 2nd is certainly something you have to be careful with, especially with the controlled girls (and one of the reasons I avoid them).

3rd is an EXCELLENT way to prevent the 2nd from happening; the girl has an incentive to stick around.

Getting to know each other and treating the providers with genuine respect has always worked for me in getting a decent GFE.Again, EXCELLENT advice. Might not always work, but certainly highly increases your chances of success. With the girl's comments about her pimp (let's call them what they are), she certainly appreciated it.

Well done.

02-16-06, 10:49
*skip if you're bored by long, graphic reports*

so another whirlwind trip to dubai – landed early morning on tuesday (yes the wife wasn’t amused but this was a genuine emergency) and out again the wednesday by lunchtime.

only one night so i had to make the most of it. unfortunately it had to be the night. valentine’s day. everything more expensive- chocolates, roses, dinner, women…

anyhow severely “educated” by my last trip here when i was denied access to my hotel with my lovely cis babe i decided to do some research before i booked. so i happily went through the forum and made a little list (no time to go through all of them, you see…) of 5 or 6 places which sounded promising judging from comments left by fellow members. and then another nasty dubai surprise ™. all hotels full. yep every single one of them. of course there were a couple of “yes sir we have available superior suite only usd1500++ per night). “++”? what the hell is ++? i’m starting to understand this happens a lot in dubai. too many visitors, nowhere near enough hotel beds. become a chronic problem here like the crazy traffic.

not being endowed with an amex platinum card ($1500 suites out of the question therefore) i managed to get one of my friends, a resident of dubai and uber-mongerer extraordinaire to get me a villa in springs for the night. springs because he lives there and also close to work in jebel ali. he also managed to bribe his company driver to take me around after hours (in the company 4x4 no less) so the distance wasn’t an issue. what a chivalrous lad. few left in this world. hotel security was obviously a non-issue now. as a bonus i could pose as a local, too and get discounted resident rates from the girls.

so after a busy day the evening rolls around pretty quickly and i meet up with afore mentioned supermonger for dinner. where to have dinner now? all our usual joints were jam packed with icky lovey-dovey couples. fuck it -we decided to just grab a steak at the pub below rockafella’s at the regal. it was fairly empty still took us an hour to get our meal. maybe the chef was on a date or something.

after dinner we headed (obviously) upstairs. supermonger just waltzes past the big black security dude as if he owns the place and i get stopped- 50 dhs please. damn. anyway once inside the selection didn’t disappoint. the place was packed with the usual population of cis. some very, very beautiful model-like. we grab a couple of drinks and start scouting. it’s still early so we just get indicative quote. i ask. 1000. buddy asks. 1000. but if she doesn’t find someone by end of the night she’ll go for 700. oh yeah great we’ll just hang around and wait then shall we? it’s almost 12:30 by now and more and more men are pouring in. so we decided to check out a couple of other places and if we didn’t find anything interesting we’d just come back.

so against better judgement we leave and head for jockey’s. waste of time. entrance fee (i don’t remember how much it was it was – buddy paid for it). inside a smattering of girls – the best one no more than a 7 in my books. a bunch of bored chinese, africans and worn-out cis. not my scene. after finishing the obligatory one-drink we head out. where next? rattlesnake. nearer to home, too.

now apparently the new management at rattlesnake charges girls to get in! what an ass-backward policy! helloooooo someone please explain to them that the women bring in the men who spend the money. no girls. no men. no money. or maybe it works different in dubai. anyhow inside as expected (once i learned of the new “system”) it was pretty dry. noisy band, a few cis, one or two chinese and a bunch of africans. so we do a few rounds by now it’s beginning to look desparate and we may head back to regal after all. by 1:30am things start to pick up and the selection started to improve. so we start getting prices from some of the better looking ones. again- 1000dhs. plus terrible attitude. what’s going on?! valentine’s day, you know. by now i’m beginning to get fed up when far away seated on the tables in the distance behind the band saw a chinese-looking gal with a very nice body and a pretty face. she looked alone and bored and i gambled that she’d be willing to go cheap. so i go over and ask- 500dhs ++.. ++? yeah. taxi. oh ok. i haggle a bit and we settle for 400 dhs all inclusive (city levy, catering charges, luxury tax whatever).

turns out she’s not chinese but from kyrgyzstan. we left straight away and she seemed a very nervous and shy. i was hoping she’d warm up once we got home. meanwhile buddy picked himself up an ethiopian and disappeared outta sight. later i found out he’d settled for a handjob under the table somewhere upstairs! hmm sounds dangerous. anyhow. like i said. ubermongerer.

once we got home she started to loosen up. i got her a couple of drinks and we start talking. she tells me she’s new in dubai (aren’t they all?) by now it’s 4:00am and i think shit i need to be up in the morning by 10:00 to make my flight on time. so i lead her upstairs to the bedroom. she excuses herself to the bathroom and i can hear the shower so i decide take my usual sneak-peak inside her purse. you can learn all kinds of things from what they store in these little bags. nothing inside this one of note, though. no condoms, no make-up. just 50dhs cash, a comb and an original passport. wow. i flip through it and it’s clean. no stamps except the kyrgyzstan exit stamp and uae entrance stamp. dated 13 feb. wow this girl wasn’t kidding. she’s *brand new* - just came in yesterday. within a few minutes she comes out of the shower wrapped in nothing but a towel. now i look at her differently. i’m probably her first customer other than the obligatory pimp-[CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) i guess). she’s cute- nice body. flat tummy devoid of "baby damage", firm medium sized breasts and nice long legs. smooth skin- no scars, burns, scratches, tattoos, piercing etc etc

not wanting to waste time i strip and shower quickly not forgetting to brush my teeth (nobody likes dragon breath) and join her in bed. by now i’ve noticed she’s not had any phone calls. no messages, nothing. cool. i get irritated when they start getting those non-stop “where are you calls” starting 4:00am. not this one, though.

by now her shyness is gone and she’s all over me. all natural. kissing, lubrication, noises, breathing. nothing seemed faked. a gfe to top my south african experience. our rhythm was broken trying to put on my (one and only) condom but we quickly got back into it. anyhow as expected i didn’t last very long but to my surprise (and her delight) i didn’t go soft. was a little puzzled then i remember the pill i popped back at regal during dinner. “to be taken 2-3 hours before anticipated sexual activity”. hmm good stuff that little yellow tablet. one problem, though. no rubbers left. i didn’t mention anything to her though and we continue the frantic kissing and when she jumps on top of me and she’s so wet i slide right in. yep. bareback. i panic and want to pull out but she doesn’t let me. deceptively strong girl. ok not really i didn’t put up much of a fight. i’m having so much fun now i couldn’t care less. i guess i figured she was new so what the heck. we both fall asleep soon after and i get woken up by my alarm clock at 10:00. i look over – yep, still sleeping and still pretty even in harsh daylight. i decide to have some fun and start to suck on her nipples. she’s still “sleeping” and i work my way down her body to her pussy and start to lick. it was soaking before i even got there and that encouraged me more. gave her a good tongue lashing for a while and finally when she couldn’t take it any more climbed back up and entered her missionary. man was ever hot, wet and tight. again, bareback. this time lasted reasonably long (in my opinion anyway). and again pulled out just in time. not that “just in time” is acceptable by any standard but anyway… by now the bedsheets are soaked through with bodily fluids. pity the cleaning lady. anyhow more kissing later i realize it’s 11:30. eeek! i need to be at the airport at 12:30!! time to stop!

we shower together and she starts playing with me again. again. this girl is a fuck-machine. she wants it from behind. standing up. not anal-that’s not my scene. again a very slippery and fun session in the shower. while we’re drying off we start talking and she tells me she’s not had sex for nearly 4 months. given the fact that she’s told the apparent truth so far it makes me feel good.

anyway finally it’s time for her to go (or else i’d miss my flight) -- i give her 500 and tell my driver to drop her wherever she wants. what an awesome gfe!

the emirates airline limo-pickup-thingy arrives seconds after she leaves and i pile in my haphazardly packed suitcases into the car. no time for the pre-flight checks (left over lipstick, lingerie etc). i’d have to screen my bags on arrival. on the way to the airport while we’re sitting in the traffic near grand hyatt my driver explains to me that they’re planning to demolish the gharroud bridge and build a new one. only problem is that the other bridge they’re currently building won’t be ready in time. wonderful. dubai will come to a standstill. budget 2 hours to go to the airport from anywhere in bur dubai.

a great trip overall. i think i’ll stay away from hotels and stick with a villa or apartment rental thing for next time. this way hotel security and visitor policy becomes irrelevant.

peace all!


02-16-06, 11:57
Auaind - wow, a rollercoaster night! Rattlesnake must pick up late - at 11pm Tuesday it was a sad place (and the band must have been on a break). I nearly popped in again late last night when I went to collect my car from valet parking, but didn't think it would be worth it. The place is literally 7 minutes by cab from home, so I might try again one night after midnight. Handjobs upstairs - I remember hearing that used to happen at Cyclone (headjobs also).

Wondering why you need to sneak a look inside WGs purses when they're in the shower.

02-16-06, 12:50
Wondering why you need to sneak a look inside WGs purses when they're in the shower.

Research! The quest for knowledge.

Also I can sometimes tell how professional they are by what they carry in there. And how "active". A variety of different condoms usually means multiple partners who each contributed to the collection. Wads of cash (no I have enough of my own!) means I'm probably the n-th customer for the day...

Au "the hoe detective"

02-17-06, 10:53
Research! The quest for knowledge.

Au "the hoe detective"

I think this is despicable. These providers give up more than enough intimacy without having some shmuck pawing through their personal belongings.

What would have been your reaction if you had found a photo of her young child, or family?

What would be your reaction if you found her looking through your wallet or suitcase?

The only word that comes to mind is scumbag. I suggest you get over your little power trip, even if you do not respect the providers enough not to snoop, how about respecting yourself enough not to snoop.

Just my ethical 2 Fils.

BTW: ++ refers to the service charge and municipal tax (10% and 10%.)

02-17-06, 11:17
Wed. night, the PLAN was to pick up Miss W, head over to Seaview, catch a couple of sets of the band, then back home to catch a couple of sets of Miss W. Entertainment going and coming (pun intended). However, was disappointed to get an sms from Miss W in the afternoon. Seems my plans did not coincide with her timings.

Weighed my options. Could still head to Seaview, catch the band, see if any of the to-do list were present. But heart not in it. As I was willing to splurge to feed Miss W's prolific drinking habits (all of 2, maybe 3 OJ's), I figured I'd just apply that already allocated money to the Cyclone's entrance fees.

Ha! 3 OJ's at Seaview: 60 dhs. Wed night's entrance fee at Cyclone: 85 dhs (as often stated, no drinks included). Walked in just after 11pm. Place full, but not packed. As is my wont, turned left.

Long story short:
In a very FAVORABLE buyer's market: 1st quoted price (standard) : 1000 dhs / $300 (and I LIVE here)

Bottom price: 700 dhs / $200

Some went home alone. One top-level I knew, saw her pull on her jacket, join 3 friends, heading for the door. I caught up, asking her where she was going. "I go home". {period} There wasn't any "... unless you...".

I did manage to pull for 500 dhs, LT, at 2:15, punters and wg's dwindling by the minute. OK service, some nice massage touches (plural intended; she did have a nice rack), but GFE it was NOT ("Gee, if you're really turned on, then why are you reaching for the ky..." ). Both of us were cutting our losses...My point has always been: when most girls accepts your 1st offer, it's too high. When most girls refuse your last offer, it's too low.

I've been priced out of Cyclone.

02-17-06, 11:29
Surprised this was not reported here, so will post for general info, giving credit where credit is due.

Today's 7Days:

Crackdown on vice
Thursday, 16 February 2006
Dubai police will triple the number of sting operations they run in a bid to clamp down on prostitution, according to a senior official.

“We will step up our efforts by increasing sting operations from two per day to about six and that requires added effort and resources,” Colonel Kamees Al Mazena told 7DAYS.

Al Mazena said most arrests are made by undercover agents who pose as customers and offer the women money in exchange for sex.

“Few times we would monitor suspects over a long period of time but the number one method is sting operations, and if a woman accepts the money then it’s safe to assume she is a prostitute.

“It’s that simple,” he added. Men caught soliciting prostitutes are asked to sign a statement promising not to repeat the act, Al Mazena said.

If they are caught again they could be referred to prosecutors, although Al Mazena admits that a man has never been prosecuted in Dubai for soliciting a prostitute.

Although he was unable to provide figures, Al Mazena said he believes the number of prostitutes operating in the city is declining. However battling the trade is not as simple as rounding up women, he said.

“We don’t want to invade people’s privacy, and we can’t just arrest every woman standing at a street corner. “After all this a diverse city and couples are not required to carry marriage documents at all times.

So it sounds like there's no problem....Mentioned this to Miss T... girls are aware of the dangers.

So, if you're not a westerner, or you're not known, you might have a bit more difficult time these days. Yes, for the girl, it is lost income, BUT, a sparse week/month, whatever, is better than termination anyday.

02-17-06, 11:52
She excuses herself to the bathroom and I can hear the shower so I decide take my usual sneak-peak inside her purse.When I read this, it definitely creeped me out, especially given the use of the word: "usual"...

I'm sure you're the type who, when over at somebody's house, using their toilet, feels compelled to take a look in their medicine cabinet... just because it's there, and you can...

Research! The quest for knowledge.And do you believe in equality? Reciprocity? I'm sure SHE could say the same thing, justifying her going through your wallet, seeing what you have on your computer, looking around your abode... NOT talking about potential theft, just HER "curiosity"... after all, she has HER OWN SAFETY to consider... clearly obvious, there are any number of creeps out there.

MY experience: girls understand about privacy. I live in a big place, but a girl knows she just doesn't wander around while I'm in the shower. In the morning, I'm in the shower, she's waits in the bedroom even though her clothes are downstairs in the living room. I don't even have to say anything... it's just NOT done. Even "repeat" girls... where I've told them, "no problem"... won't do it.

Also I can sometimes tell how professional they are by what they carry in there. And how "active". A variety of different condoms usually means multiple partners who each contributed to the collection. Wads of cash (no I have enough of my own!) means I'm probably the n-th customer for the day...So, after these 'ASTOUNDING' finds, do you alter your behavior? "Oh, too many condoms... sorry, dear, you're too pro..." "Sorry dear, too much money, come back when I'll be the 1st of the day"Do you ever have the stones to tell the girl what you've done?

Amazes me, the arrogance of some people.

BTW: my experience, a girl will carry a few, same brand condoms. If she uses yours, she doesn't "help herself" to extras... but, with you, I'd say she SHOULD make an exception.

02-17-06, 12:33
Wow! Strong feelings coming from people who regularly indulge in an activity which in almost all cultures and by nearly all standards is considered unethical, degrading, illegal and immoral.

I'm no philospher but obviously immorality has clearly defined "levels" and I must belong to the lower levels compared to my elevated co-members.

Perhaps semi-forced anal sex (take a poll- how many WOMEN enjoy it?) with a poor girl who just does it just because wants to earn enough money to stop being exploited by just about everyone is somehow far better than what I do. I dunno- I guess I'm not qualified enough to tell. Please enlighten me: how do I go about having ETHICALLY/MORALLY [read: non-creepy] illicit sex with (mostly) illegal immigrants behind my partner's back?

Anyhow opinions are just that- opinions.


When I read this, it definitely creeped me out, especially given the use of the word: "usual"...

I'm sure you're the type who, when over at somebody's house, using their toilet, feels compelled to take a look in their medicine cabinet... just because it's there, and you can...

And do you believe in equality? Reciprocity? I'm sure SHE could say the same thing, justifying her going through your wallet, seeing what you have on your computer, looking around your abode... NOT talking about potential theft, just HER "curiosity"... after all, she has HER OWN SAFETY to consider... clearly obvious, there are any number of creeps out there.

MY experience: girls understand about privacy. I live in a big place, but a girl knows she just doesn't wander around while I'm in the shower. In the morning, I'm in the shower, she's waits in the bedroom even though her clothes are downstairs in the living room. I don't even have to say anything... it's just NOT done. Even "repeat" girls... where I've told them, "no problem"... won't do it.

So, after these 'ASTOUNDING' finds, do you alter your behavior? "Oh, too many condoms... sorry, dear, you're too pro..." "Sorry dear, too much money, come back when I'll be the 1st of the day"Do you ever have the stones to tell the girl what you've done?

Amazes me, the arrogance of some people.

BTW: my experience, a girl will carry a few, same brand condoms. If she uses yours, she doesn't "help herself" to extras... but, with you, I'd say she SHOULD make an exception.

02-17-06, 12:44
I always tell the girls if they are new in dxb, make sure where are you going to, try to remember the plate number of the car their are riding with, and so on, now I will have to tell them to take all their belongings with them when they take a shower or using the bathroom. I m always surprised how trustful those girls are with strangers, with little protection there is for them.

02-17-06, 12:55
We all know a lot of girls are abused, will get abused at time, they may have a choice to participate or not, however, it does not give you an excuse to exploit or disrespect them, only because you assume others do it.

02-17-06, 12:59
Yes I'm a scumbag, I admit it. I pay women for sex. I will probably burn in hell for what I do. See you guys there!


I think this is despicable. These providers give up more than enough intimacy without having some shmuck pawing through their personal belongings.

What would have been your reaction if you had found a photo of her young child, or family?

What would be your reaction if you found her looking through your wallet or suitcase?

The only word that comes to mind is scumbag. I suggest you get over your little power trip, even if you do not respect the providers enough not to snoop, how about respecting yourself enough not to snoop.

Just my ethical 2 Fils.

BTW: ++ refers to the service charge and municipal tax (10% and 10%.)

02-17-06, 13:09
Wow! Please enlighten me: how do I go about having ETHICALLY/MORALLY [read: non-creepy] illicit sex with (mostly) illegal immigrants behind my partner's back?
AuNormally, I suggest you find a partner, disrobe and let nature take its course. Or if you really find it so distressing, I suggest a different hobby.

As for the rest, there is a long "morality of prostitution" thread on this forum if you wish to debate that aspect.

I am also curious how immigration status (other than the practical hotel issues) has anything to do with it? Are they lesser human beings?

Cheating on your significant other is another issue only you can address.

My point was, and is, that it would appear that you feel entitled to rummage through personal belongings, rather than just partake of the agreed upon services. I agree with Bravo, that is creepy.

I get the impression that since you are already doing something "bad" that you think there are no limits. I guess I disagree.

02-17-06, 13:24
Yes I'm a scumbag, I admit it. I pay women for sex. I will probably burn in hell for what I do. See you guys there!Au
Get in line, Auaind, I've already made a reservation. I'm not saying that paying for sex is moral, but clearly snooping through belongings is another issue and is, well, wrong. Out of 100s of WGs, I've only ever discovered two doing this to me (one in Dubai), and I wasn't happy about it. Would you be?

BTW - horror of horrors, the non-Dubai WG actually stole my laptop, with many years work on it. I got it back a week later, after a bit of detective work on my part, and some scary events. It had been sold three times since, and ended up with a heroin dealer in a casino who bought it (for $50!!!) for his kid to play computer games on. The WG (who obviously turned out to be a junkie) told me later she was shit-scared when I found her and I quietly told her I really, really, really, needed my laptop back. She told me later she thought I was going to "bash her brains in", but because I kept my cool, and told her there would be no trouble if I got it back, but would be big trouble if I didn't, she helped me track it down. I got it back from the dealer for $50 (after exlaining the importance of the laptop to me - work, family pics etc). I deleted the freshly loaded computer games. (Yes, ever since then, I back-up my work in 43 different places).

Stream of consciousness writing here: when I get time, I'll write a report on the girl involved - a complete "victim" case - she willingly came back to my place when I found her a couple nights later, thinking I was going to beat her up (as her boyfriend did on a daily basis). Because I didn't beat her, but instead worked on a plan with her for getting the laptop back, she thought I was a good guy, and kept telling her shady friends this when we were in dark places. Is there a thread for "the psychology of prostitutes"?

02-17-06, 13:35
Wow! Strong feelings coming from people who regularly indulge in an activity which in almost all cultures and by nearly all standards is considered unethical, degrading, illegal and immoral.

I'm no philospher but obviously immorality has clearly defined "levels" and I must belong to the lower levels compared to my elevated co-members. The definition of consent (from www.dictionary.com):
Function: noun
1 a : compliance in or approval of what is done or proposed by another; specifically : the voluntary agreement or acquiescence by a person of age or with requisite mental capacity who is not under duress or coercion and usually who has knowledge or understanding
2 : agreement as to action or opinion

MY opinion: Just because she has consented to having sex with someone for money (a mutual agreement), does NOT mean she has consented to other things, such as having her belongings gone through.

But, I'm curious (seriously). Do you believe that when one is indulging in "immoral" activities, then moral behavior is "optional"? That is, is it only when one is engaging in P4P that one can snoop through other's belongings? Or would you feel it's OK to snoop through purses when "legit" visitors are at your place, such as some co-workers over for a BBQ?

02-17-06, 14:50
Get in line, Auaind, I've already made a reservation.Was the rate net or ++? Is it girl friendly? They actually have space during DSF or the Airshow? What date did you reserve?

Auaind:I'm no philospher but obviously immorality has clearly defined "levels" and I must belong to the lower levels compared to my elevated co-members.I gathered that you are not a Philosopher. By the way, that is "erect" co-members, not "elevated."

Eric T
02-17-06, 14:56

Don't take this as a blow to your ego. We're all adults here and in a forum where too much formality isnt the norm.

You very well know that what you do isnt acceptable (despite acceptable being relative), but you're irritable because of being called scumbag, creepy etc before told why what you did is wrong. Dont be.

At the end of the day, you can either accept that your practice of profiling WGs (theire are other ways, attitude in the bar, body language, etc as posted in the forum) by checking out their purse is isnt right and discontinue it OR as no one is really checking up on you, you continue to do so knowing where it stands.



Wow! Strong feelings coming from people who regularly indulge in an activity which in almost all cultures and by nearly all standards is considered unethical, degrading, illegal and immoral.<snip>

02-17-06, 15:05
But, I'm curious (seriously). Do you believe that when one is indulging in "immoral" activities, then moral behavior is "optional"? That is, is it only when one is engaging in P4P that one can snoop through other's belongings? Or would you feel it's OK to snoop through purses when "legit" visitors are at your place, such as some co-workers over for a BBQ?

Moral behaviour isn't ever optional. I'm sure there are far better debaters than me (especially in the Morality thread) who can argue this forever. I won't even go there.

In this case suppose she had lied to me told me she was 21 and her passport/id docs showed her as being 16, then I let her go would what I had done been immoral? Or suppose I'd found drugs (which is quite common here in Tanzania where I live) or something else illegal and I ask her to leave. Or perhaps found something that belonged to me (happens often here again)- Then?

Everyone on this board has their own way of justifying what they do (none of it being either moral or legal). I have my own and believe it or not I do have limits- I do what I do so that I'm comfortable that I'm dealing with someone [relatively] normal. If you guys are instantly comfortable with the the girls you take then, or have other ways of figuring them out, well, that's great for you!!

You may find what I do strange but then again many people feel the same way about our common hobby- paying for sex. Just stop anyone on the street and ask. No, the girls around Astoria don't count!

Lighten up guys! I'll make sure I'll get permission to examine contents from the next WG I hook up with (and include this statement in the next FR)...

(it was a good FR otherwise, no?)


02-17-06, 15:16
Unrelated question- do hotels in Dubai cartel? Sure sounds like it since they always have "one last room available" during peak seasons. How can they all have one last room all the time. Wouldn't that imply an infinite number of rooms?


Piper:Was the rate net or ++? Is it girl friendly? They actually have space during DSF or the Airshow? What date did you reserve?
I gathered that you are not a Philosopher. By the way, that is "erect" co-members, not "elevated."

02-17-06, 16:31
Don´t bother to dodge that arrow, it will never arrive.

Hotels could potentially be "fully booked" and indeed not have one single room available (at any price) but I think this is a very rare situation. (SteveSTX, any comments?)

Moral behaviour isn't ever optional.Since when? Ask Pascal.

In this case suppose she had lied to meShe did. She slept with you.

I'll make sure I'll get permission to examine contents from the next WG I hook up withProblem solved. If you are concerned about issues, and ask her to show you the contents of her purse, you are being prudent, not creepy.

(it was a good FR otherwise, no?)Fishing for compliments? ;)

I never termed you a scumbag, I only related a word that popped into my head while contemplating your "despicable" behaviour. Hate the sin, not the sinner. That is if you accept the concept of sin. ;)

02-17-06, 16:37
in this case suppose she had lied to me told me she was 21 and her passport/id docs showed her as being 16, then i let her go would what i had done been immoral? or suppose i'd found drugs (which is quite common here in tanzania where i live) or something else illegal and i ask her to leave. or perhaps found something that belonged to me (happens often here again)- then?1. this is not [elsewhere], it's here; any comparison to somewhere else is comparing the cliched "apples to oranges".

2. since you live in tanzania where drugs are prevalent, shouldn't she also be searching you? after all, when push comes to shove, who will le believe brought the drugs: an upstanding businessman, or an obvious prostitute?

3. for age, clubs will have checked id (another reason i like the bars). authorities really frown on ****s in bars. not saying papers can't be faked; i know some are (most common, a 19, 20 year old listed as 30 to make the visa process easier). but there is a big economic incentive for a bar to avoid fines...

and another reason to be patronizing fl's, rather than controlled girls.

basically, any justification you come up with can be turned around and stated from her point of view. such as:
africa is rampant with aids. you come from africa. aids tests are not required for visitors. shouldn't she be searching your bags for aids drugs?

added note: it seems that in today's world, most any action can be justified by invoking the litany of "security/protection"; just ask george bush, dick cheney, or the next tsa gestapo agent at any american airport. however, i do find actions like these reprehensible.

(it was a good fr otherwise, no?)yes, it was, shame it was spoiled by your actions.

sure sounds like it since they always have "one last room available" during peak seasons. every hotel has 1 last room available. whether that room is offered to you or not is determined by how much wasta you have.

i always tell the girls if they are new in dxb, make sure where are you going to, try to remember the plate number of the car their are riding with, and so on, now i will have to tell them to take all their belongings with them when they take a shower or using the bathroom.lol. what's the old saying (no disrepect here): "out of the mouth of babes..." 2 posts, both excellent.

i m always surprised how trustful those girls are with strangers, with little protection there is for them.isn't that the truth!!! it would seem that they can be trusted more than some "straights".

02-17-06, 16:49
And another reason to be patronizing FL's, rather than controlled girls.

How can you tell who controlled and who isn't? Besides asking I suppose.


02-17-06, 16:51
How can you tell who controlled and who isn't? If you pay money to a 3rd person (as in "in the bar"), she's controlled.

If her translator is a big fat woman, she's controlled.

If she has to check with someone before making the deal, she's controlled.

If you call someone on the phone to arrange for a girl, she's controlled.

02-17-06, 17:00
If you pay money to a 3rd person (as in "in the bar"), she's controlled.

Hmm the girl I was with told me that every day she has to report to her "boss" with the day's takings. Apparently she lives in a room with five or six other girls in the same situation. If she doesn't report she gets in trouble. The boss tells her what bars to go to, what to wear, how much to charge, what to eat, etc. According to her she needs to bring in a certain minimum each night- didn't say how much.

As she was new she had been given the a full briefing the day before.

I suppose this is a type of -controlled- too but much harder to detect.


02-17-06, 17:03
I suppose this is a type of -controlled- too but much harder to detect.I was being (or trying to be) a bit facetious. I will assume you are too.

02-17-06, 21:22
Just got back from the regular Friday night pool at York. Lost again. But I finally met up with the very very Wicked Roger, at York, which was a highlight. Nice to put a name to a face. He's much better looking than his pics (don't hit me Rog! ;)). He's an energetic dude and just doesn't stop walking talking and planning his next adventures - I just couldn't keep up. He's off mongering overseas again early tomorrow. We had a few laughs and shared a few tales. I'll be getting to Abu Dhabi in the next few weeks hopefully - there's one of his faves I cannot forget.

We were chatting away for ages until I saw one of the most beautiful sweet young faces on an African gal that I've seen in a long time. I beckoned her over with a subtle wave of my hand, and over she came. I'm not sure of her real name, but phonetically it sounded like "Love it". I made the expected joke with her about her name, thinking she'd heard it a million times, but she didn't click. After chatting a few minutes, I handed her my phone and asked her to punch her number in. Just then, about six guys shouted my name and called me over urgently - it was my turn to play pool, and that comes first. I took my phone back from "Love it" before she had the chance to punch her number, told her I was busy and would see her soon, then had a brainstorm and asked Rog to take her number as I raced off, which he kindly did.

After losing my games (as usual, dammit), Rog and I headed over to Regal - still quiet at 10pm, but some cuties trickling in by 11. Later Rog got a call from one of his harem girls. She was obviously more important than me, so he had to leave and bid his farewells. I had another game of pool at Regal, saw a few nice blondes, but decided if I stayed for another beer, I'd stay until the early hours and maybe find myself in a taxi with one of them. So I surprised wildcat by getting home before midnight (I need the brownie points). Noticed she was on my laptop online-chatting in Turkish and ribbed her about it (as she went bright red with a cheesy grin), and all is well.

Relaxed night. Waiting for bachelorhood end of this month.

02-17-06, 22:11

I am seriously let down. You and WR within the same room (any room) and the two biggest shrinking violets on the forum did not take any pictures?

Shame, I expected at least you two, six girls, a camel, a neon butt-plug and a 14¨ hairy dildo!

Your legions of fans will be crushed!

You must be getting old. ;)

02-17-06, 22:25
Piper, I am seriously let down. You and WR within the same room (any room) and the two biggest shrinking violets on the forum did not take any pictures?

Shame, I expected at least you two, six girls, a camel, a neon butt-plug and a 14¨ hairy dildo!

Hey! Who says I didn't take any pics?! I know I'll regret this in the morning (I didn't black out her face) - but just for you. :)

She was a good hump. The eyes always get me.

02-18-06, 03:02
...But I finally met up with the very very Wicked Roger...
We were chatting away for ages until I saw one of the most beautiful sweet young faces on an African gal that I've seen in a long time. ...I took my phone back from "Love it" before she had the chance to punch her number...WHERE are your priorities?!?

Wicked Roger
02-18-06, 09:28
But I finally met up with the very very Wicked Roger, at York, which was a highlight. Nice to put a name to a face. He's much better looking than his pics (don't hit me Rog! ;)). He's an energetic dude and just doesn't stop walking talking and planning his next adventures - I just couldn't keep up. He's off mongering overseas again early tomorrow.

Later Rog got a call from one of his harem girls. She was obviously more important than me, so he had to leave and bid his farewells.

Good to catch up too Piper!

I could makes jokes about how you handle your stick but I wont..... As you lost so therefore it could be construed by some mongers that you don't handle it well (but then you have others who do it for you...LOL!)

As for harem girl...well not really a girl, more of a couple or three, bit of fun and games (swinging) that was starting (but not finishing) before my flight so I thought why not go and play a bit, get on the flight all relaxed and then sleep - I always sleep well after a good rogering!

Look forward to welcoming you to AD when Miss Widlcat leaves you on your own (I reckon I should be the baby sitter!).

Was interesting seeing the York and Regal, not being a monger in Dubai, nice to have a change. As MK and I were discussing Thursday night, the quality in AD is sometimes lacking when you see the Regal and Cyclone (but why go to Cyclone and pay tourist prices if you happy elsewhere). Must do it again soon and I promise there will not be an orgy happening ...well if there is I will get you an invite!


Wicked Roger
02-18-06, 09:33

I am seriously let down. You and WR within the same room (any room) and the two biggest shrinking violets on the forum did not take any pictures?

Shame, I expected at least you two, six girls, a camel, a neon butt-plug and a 14¨ hairy dildo!

Your legions of fans will be crushed!

You must be getting old. ;)

Don't worry Sporadic. Will posting a serious amount of pics soon, as will MK from our enjoyable evening with Miss N.

As for no pics of the meeting, well we like to keep our army of fans and admirers gagging first before we provide the dirty evidence LOL!!

When we monger together, and assuming the leash for Piper has been increased, am sure we will manage to odd one or 20!

Old? Definitely not..I feel younger each day (well the girl I feel is definitely younger than me!)


02-18-06, 09:56
As for harem girl...well not really a girl, more of a couple or three, bit of fun and games (swinging) that was starting (but not finishing) before my flight ...Wicked Rog - I now dub thee "Sneaky Rog". I could see you had a twinkle in your eye as you took the call and departed. And the party was close to my house!

WHERE are your priorities?!?What could I do? I had a 747 but nowhere to land! ;) Have to keep circling another 10 days before I jettison excess fuel then go in for a landing. Meanwhile, Sporadic's gal is mine - ALL MINE! (evil laughter!)

02-18-06, 11:50
While doing some research on whether clitorectomy is widely practiced in Ghana (Miss "Love it" at York last night was damned cute), I came across an academic sexology site that reports on sexual practices in countries around the world. Many pages of interesting reading. Here's a link to some extracts I posted about Bahrain (no studies in the UAE, so that'll have to do - many similarites).

Oh, since you're interested - some areas of Ghana still practice clitorectomy, so I'm not sure about Miss Love It. Will have to do my own research with her soon.

If you want to read more, just google a phrase in the extracts and you should find the site.


Now, back to my research ...

Wicked Roger
02-18-06, 14:22

I am seriously let down. You and WR within the same room (any room) and the two biggest shrinking violets on the forum did not take any pictures?

Shame, I expected at least you two, six girls, a camel, a neon butt-plug and a 14¨ hairy dildo!

Your legions of fans will be crushed!

You must be getting old. ;)

The upside (if there is one to this tale) is that I finally managed to put a face to the bum and bum hole that we sometimes see on this board. LOL!!


Wicked Roger
02-18-06, 14:25
Wicked Rog - I now dub thee "Sneaky Rog". I could see you had a twinkle in your eye as you took the call and departed. And the party was close to my house!


Now, I could have invited you but I knew the leash was short that night and you could not accept. Did not want you to know what I doing and where I was going as I could not bear to see the disappointment in your face....

Also smelling of smoke when you return to Miss Wildcat is one thing, but smelling of pussy and shagging is another and I could never get a monger like you into that sort of trouble (mainly because you likely do a good job of it yourself!! LOL!)


Joe D
02-18-06, 14:57
Hi All,

Do you know where i can find Indian or African girls. I would appreciate if anyone can PM some tel# as I will only be in Dubai for 24 hours and will not have time to go to a lot of clubs.



Joe D
02-18-06, 15:11
Is there any Indian MP in Dubai?

02-18-06, 16:09
Now, I could have invited you but I knew the leash was short that night and you could not accept ... True true - I couldn't. As for my pics - I've never posted any with that view - too much info! Girls - yes!

Fly Guy 66
02-18-06, 18:39
Fed up with the traffic and trying to get into the golden triangle from Jumeirah i tried Amnesia last saturday night (next to Hard Rock Cafe).

I was not to be disappointed!

There were plenty of high class girls to choose from but (as warned earlier) the asking price is higher; starting from Dhs 1000, coupled with a Dhs100 entry fee.
However, as change it was nice not to get pulled in all directions from the moment you walk in the door (a la York!)

Good mix of CIS, Turkish & Lebanese ladies.

Worth a trip out if you feel flush and want a change!

02-19-06, 00:03
Is there any Indian MP in Dubai?Yes. there "is" any Indian MP in Dubai.

Do you know where i can find Indian or African girlsShort answer: Yes.

Slightly longer answer: You may want to try India or Africa.

Seriously Joe D, did you even try reading the forum? Indian is slightly more complicated, but you will literally trip over Africans at any of the CITY venues.

Come on guy, make an effort.

Joe D
02-19-06, 13:17
Yes. there "is" any Indian MP in Dubai.
Short answer: Yes.

Slightly longer answer: You may want to try India or Africa.

Seriously Joe D, did you even try reading the forum? Indian is slightly more complicated, but you will literally trip over Africans at any of the CITY venues.

Come on guy, make an effort.Sporadic,

I did do some reading and u dont have to be so agressive, i was just asking for advice. I did a lot of reading but could not find specific Indian MP. Thanks for ur help anyway.


02-19-06, 18:48
Joe - one of the reasons I ventured to Imperial Suites last week was because I'd heard rumours that there were a few Indian girls there nowadays. None on the night I went, but try your luck.

African - many places. e.g., York.

Other side of Creek - Garage Club in Ramee International Hotel Deira (behind KFC).

I'm sure there's an active Indian scene for Indians (e.g., in Karama, but my respectable Indian friends won't open up about it). They think I'm respectable. ;)

02-20-06, 00:28
Sunday night - Xanadu Club at Capitol Hotel, near Jumeira 1. Absolutely beautiful Arabic Girls (Moroccan and Lebanese - mostly Moroccan), thrusting their hips to the Arabic beat). What a place.

Next week.

02-20-06, 05:22
Ran into a couple of Indians at Regal the other day. At first I thought they were indanesque-CIS but once I went over and had a word found they were definitely Indian. Both were realtively tall and quite dark skinned- one was a little "fuller figured" and the other was, well, average. Wore jeans and Tshirts.

Never seen them before and they looked a little out of place. Maybe just visiting but had a real snooty attitude.

Some of the cabbies know where to find Indian MPs- try and ask!


Joe - one of the reasons I ventured to Imperial Suites last week was because I'd heard rumours that there were a few Indian girls there nowadays. None on the night I went, but try your luck.

African - many places. e.g., York.

Other side of Creek - Garage Club in Ramee International Hotel Deira (behind KFC).

I'm sure there's an active Indian scene for Indians (e.g., in Karama, but my respectable Indian friends won't open up about it). They think I'm respectable. ;)

02-20-06, 05:44
Hi guys,

I'm new here but one of you guys love venturing out to places unknown and experience.

I used to visit this massage palour run by some philipinos at Oasis Hotel but now they have shut down. They use to provide full service with half hour massage and then all the other jazz that goes with it. Came out completly relaxed and ready to monger again: -). Any way now when I went last week that place had shut down do you guys know any such good place? Pls HELP love massages in a clean place with full service.

Thanks in advance

Tercar 66
02-20-06, 11:07
To my knowledge there are no Indian MP's in Dubai. There are a few pro's that hang around at times in York and Jules. There is a female called Gina, she hangs around in Rockafellas slipping her mobile number claiming that she is an Indian and gives a good massage. She is actually a Srilankan, good tits though. There are some brothels in Naif road that cater to Indian *****s, but it is not worth it. My friend took me to Season Hotel ( near Garage)last month. There are a lot of young Indian *****s. If you take my advise it is not worth even visiting.
If you are really serious about scoring Indian Babes, try the Murja babes in Ajman.I am not too sure, may be the hotel guys can crack the deal.

02-20-06, 15:46
More to the Xanadu story (I wrote the previous bit at 3:30am, and under the influence).

Wildcat and I had actually been at Rock Bottom, and on the way home we popped in to Capitol Hotel to check out the salsa at Savage Garden - very quiet at 130am, so we popped into Xanadu. Lo and behold, there were a couple of guys there I know from Rock Bottom.

They plied us with their Arabic generosity (in the form of white wine and Heineken). Some dancing was had, and I lusted over probably the most beautiful woman I have seen in Dubai, as she Arabic danced sensually with her female friends in her low-cut, split-leg dress. Fairly sure she was a WG - Xanadu is a challenging mix of p4p and non-p4p.

Someone PMd me today asking the going rate. Obviously I didn't ask the gals, but I'm sure it would be a pretty penny. There were a few sitting at the bar who were nice enough and probably in the 700 range.


Auaind - good advice re Indian girls - taxi drivers are the first I ask for "inside info" in any city I visit - they know everything. But Dubai seems a bit different - not sure why. The cabbies tend to know more about Filipino gals.

Tercar - what's a Murja babe?

So there are a few Indian girls in the regular haunts - they must go early. I'm sure there's action to be had from some of the dark little hotels in the nooks and crannies in the middle of Deira, but takes time to build trust.

02-20-06, 19:18
There were some Indians available through a mamasan.
I tried one about 10 months ago. 5-6 for looks, 10 for service.

Any way, rumors also has some bad rep for the mamasan, and no I dont have her number!
Others (Sporadic, Piper) may be able to shed some light??

02-20-06, 19:29
There were some Indians available through a mamasan.
I tried one about 10 months ago. 5-6 for looks, 10 for service.

Any way, rumors also has some bad rep for the mamasan, and no I dont have her number!
Others (Sporadic, Piper) may be able to shed some light??Ruby AKA other names, behind Four Point Sheraton. I have her number, but don't want to giver her custom. Someone posted a bad experience he had with one of her girls a couple of months ago (she obviously mistreated the girl). Just so happened that a couple of days earlier I had called her, but after chatting a minute I told her no thanks. She gives bad vibes.

S Titmus
02-20-06, 21:03
Gulf News, 7 Feb 2006, page 1

Dubai cracks down on prostitution

Now, the chances of a fav of yours getting busted, overall, is limited, unless she is a member of one of the above [i]high risk groups. Certainly the possibility of a sting in a bar. But given the number of bars, number of girls, number of police... odds of a specific girl getting busted very small.

What I like? When the newspapers are QUIET on the subject. When a police official announces a crackdown, obviously will require several busts fit to be published to show the success of said statement.I do have a favourite in Dubai, although I live in the UK. I keep in regular contact with her. According to her, she has not been able to work for some weeks, initially because of the passing away of the Emir and now because of the police crackdown.

02-20-06, 22:26
My pal JSF was going to hook me up with Indian providers over the last couple years, and he did not bother. He was concerned about quality and service (like Piper´s "vibes" I suggest.)

If JSF, who was one of the most well connected hobbyists I have known could not in good faith make a suggestion, then the situation is grim.

My sense (from many sources) is that the Indians are very stratified, you have a very, very low end (read sex slave) servicing the labor force then a very high end provider who works in a closed little world of the powerhouse Indians in DXB.
There would appear to be very little in between.

In eight years, I have seen possibly three bonafide Indian providers (two of those at Cyclone circa 1999.)

I have seen none in the last 4 years.


My Kapitan
02-21-06, 10:12
Monday night Dubai. Went to the members draw in Jockeys, no luck after last weeks irony of winning a meal for two just after Miss O had left for Moldova. Jocks really has gone down, nothing that caught my eye and too many arm pinching blacks. All the CIS were fat ugly old or a combination of all 3.

I had a free ticket for a beer in Rumours (Ramada disco) donated by a colleague who had stayed there a few nights ago. I never have liked the place, small, expensive beer and bored hookers, although as I left an 8 blonde walked in. Place is populated by balding middle aged business men staying at the hotel and thinking they’ve found a hot spot – guys walk 100m down the road to the Regal. Which is exactly what I did.

I wasn’t really looking for action, just a few beers and a look to see who was around. Funny how things turn out. I like Mondays, its quiet not too many locals and prices are always lower.

It seemed all the old favorites were in and with me being alone and away from O I was a tempting target. First was Katrina, black hair Arabic looks and probably one of the best fucks ever, seriously enjoys her work. Next up a big surprise Natali No4 haven’t seen her for ages, blonde small and an average fuck. Apparently she had been living with a guy in Sharjah and had broken up hence working again. Looking for 700 all night uh uh. Irene was there, pleased to see me alone. Irene is great fun, blonde (natural) fine rack good body even though she is 30+. Main drawback (excuse the pun) is she will not blow without a condom and the only way to stop her talking is to put your dick in her mouth.

My main target however was not there, the little long haired athletic blonde who I have been eying for some time ref my report on the AD forum. Shame.

Talked to all the girls and decided to call it a night at 0015hrs just before the dreaded crap Russian band comes on. Walked out and at the bottom of the stairs was Katrina with that ‘You are going to fuck me’ look in her eyes. Now I wasn’t expecting this and feined lack of funds. We settled at 400 dhms for an all nighter.

Back to my place. Drinks then to business. She is very fit – see photo page- BBBJ and DATY. Then a covered doggie on the sofa and more BBBJ. Break for drinks. Out with the small vibrator to please her more. I got revenge on my noisy furniture moving neighbors! This girl is a screamer.

She continued to wank and suck me as I used the machine on her pussy. Then fingered her pussy and massaged her anus. Also rubbed that small piece of flesh between the pussy and backdoor, always gets them on. Time for the love lotion, red strawberry flavoured stuff that gets hot when blown on, good for both you and her.

We went to the bedroom. Every position in the book. Doggie, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, missionary and 69 culminating in anal and ATM. Ended up BBBJ with her rubbing my balls and finishing all over her face. Excellent!

Sleep then a fuck at 6am followed by another extended session at 9am I ran her back to her place at 11am and came home to write it up.

I called in sick of course - exhaustion! Not very often I do that but I wanted more of her. Photos and video all night - a selection is being posted. Enjoy.

Tercar 66
02-21-06, 11:23
Tercar - what's a Murja babe?

Mujra babes are the ones who dance in Indian nightclubs on Indian film songs

02-21-06, 12:22
Katrina, black hair Arabic looks and probably one of the best fucks ever, seriously enjoys her work. .She looks good - will have to see if I can find her there.

My main target however was not there, the little long haired athletic blonde who I have been eying for some time ref my report on the AD forum. Shame. Is she the one with the very petite but muscly build? (looks like she works out). Peroxide hair, pale face and a lot of make-up? Often wears army pants. If it's the same girl - she's sometimes at York also. A friend of Miss Blondie.

I called in sick of course - exhaustion! I wonder why! I'm knackered just reading everything you got up to. ;)

My Kapitan
02-21-06, 16:10
never forget where you are in the world. an acquaintance, non resident, decided to get way too drunk in dubai. took a taxi to the next club and decided the driver wasn’t taking the best route started an argument and pulled on the handbrake. taxi then spun and hit another car and a bollard. that was 3 weeks ago. ok stupid but here the result was 5 days in jail, only bailed because a business colleague assisted. passport confirep001ed until court case settled.

jail was fun - 35 men in a large cell during the day, inmates included 2 murderers and 3 [CodeWord127] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord127), yes it does happen here. night was limited to 4 to a room; one took a fancy to our unfortunate friend. as said previously in another post ‘all the sex you can handle but never wanted!’. also had to take the general hostility shown to americans by some elements of society here, obviously at this social level it’s worse.

now he’s wondering how to pay the ever increasing hotel bill. be careful out there, i am fully aware of how lucky i was fighting in the regal at new year.

heed the warning and stay cool.

My Kapitan
02-21-06, 16:17

Miss K always sits on the table (OK on a chair at the table) on your left as you enter Rockafella's. Tends to be there from 11pm and is normally busy by midnight. Don't mention the pics!

Don't think the blonde is the one you mention.

My Kapitan
02-21-06, 16:30
I am being bombarded with PMs asking for Miss K's contact number.

I do NOT give out numbers, she's in the club if she likes your look she will entertain you, get off your butts.

As for those asking the fee RTFF (especially you JoeD come on man) and YMMV.

I've known her for a couple of years and she knows I pay, I don't do anything she objects to and don't hurt her. She also knows I respect her and treat her like a lady as I do with all my girls (and thats a lot LoL).

Civility and a meal out away from Bur Dubai gives endless Kudos. This one lives in a 3 room apartment with 21 - yes 21 - other girls and a baby. Show them a good time and you will have no problems getting referals and numbers.

02-21-06, 21:16
Kap - thanks for adding a bit of rough and tumble to the thread - needs it.

K lives with 21 other girls? I'm gonna use up all my free PMs to get K's number from you. If you refuse, can you at least give me the address of that place with 35 people?

You obviously know how to treat a gal - not the first time you've mentioned taking a WG out of town, away from the usual scene, and treating her to something special.

Considering the constant battering of their self-esteem - showing some respect and then that bit more, I know they would think of you as a white-knight. Good for you Kap.

Wicked Roger
02-21-06, 22:20
Kap - thanks for adding a bit of rough and tumble to the thread - needs it! :)

K lives with 21 other girls?! I'm gonna use up all my free PMs to get K's number from you. If you refuse, can you at least give me the address of that place with 35 people?

You obviously know how to treat a gal - not the first time you've mentioned taking a WG out of town, away from the usual scene, and treating her to something special.

Considering the constant battering of their self-esteem - showing some respect and then that bit more, I know they would think of you as a white-knight. Good for you Kap.

Good for you MK!! Have always suggested civility and respect - I take Miss N out at times (like last night), had a great time, meal etc and she is so appreciative (as you know you dirty bugger!)

By the way, does Miss K know Miss O - and if so, you know there is a bed here if you like and I will try and fill it with Miss N plus Greek this time!!


My Kapitan
02-22-06, 23:57
I’m slipping back into my old ways. Cant believe I’m writing this at 2.35 am.

Got home from work at 1800 watched the news then went to bed. When I was seriously mongering a couple of years ago it was the only way to survive. The girls sleep all day hence their ability to keep going all night and the source of the famous expression ‘ladies of the night’. I just pretend I’m on watches!

Got up at 2200 reported in to the lovely Miss O. Wondered how best to keep the small Kapitan entertained, having been fed fresh meat on Thursday and Monday he is now expecting regular refreshment! Nothing on the forum to amuse – come on guys FRs and pics pleassse.

Didn’t fancy the Regal again, weekends are crap too many people and in particular too many locals disrespecting the girls. By the way, small athletic blonde pissed me off last night with an opening offer of 700dhms and no negotiation, at least I now know her name – Dasha. I’ll get her on a quiet weekday, Miss K talked to her after my approach but I was too miffed to continue the game and went home alone araghhhhhh. Mondays are favorite and it will come for less than 500!

Sober so got in the car and went to Double Decker in the Al Marooj complex. Heard there are lots of opportunities with drunk Brits/western girls after midnight. Well drunk girls there are, but none interested in a middle aged graying Brit – man I need my 27 yo bisexual blonde back and soon!

This life and Dubai can trick you into losing your grip on reality, most 25 year olds have little time for my age group – unless seriously loaded and I must admit plump western girls in overtight jeans and sparkly tops (cause it’s the weekend) don’t do it for me.

So return the car home, cruised Golden Sands to look for SW’s – nothing doing the latest LE catch must be working, not that I go for SWs anyway just curious.

Walk to Jocks (10mins and good exercise) to see the after midnight scene. Not bad but again too many blacks. Dubai has a problem with this. CIS blondes were tanks. Changed a 500 note for 1 beer as I always get correct change in Jocks unlike the Regal - look out for those 20's they give change for 10.

As I was in the vicinity left for Regal against my better judgement. Now I knew it was Wednesday – weekend- so why bother? Anyway it was totally as expected. Only one ‘interesting’ blonde the rest were just out for the money. By this I mean gems are often hidden till they get used to the game. This one was about 21, surrounded by other girls and not well dressed obviously a newbie, plain looking to the uneducated but in my eyes obviously hot and new.

Approached and was intercepted by the not so good looking friend. Jealously has a role here.

‘You want lady?’ ‘Da’ ‘This lady new’ ‘ I know’ ‘Ah I see you before with lady all time’ ‘She is home’ ‘ Karasho – 2000’ ‘ No I speak to her’ ‘ Niet you speak me’ ‘ Ok no deal’. Walk away. Too much Arab ‘money no object’ competition on a weekend.

Taxi to Seaview. Fuck me more blacks what is going on? CIS’s were too fat. Fuck it walk home.

You see even MMMV!

More reports guys please. Good night.

02-23-06, 00:06
I wasn't at the Regal Plaza on Monday as I was accosted to the Global Village by a local (respectable) friend who had to show me "Dubai":(

I was there on Sunday and I am nearly 100% sure (or as sure as one can be from edited pictures) that I saw her on the left side of the bar.
Having seen your pictures/review, I am full of regret for my reluctance in talking to her. No, I dont need her number ;)

There were bunch of American/British tourists behaving badly. On Sunday the place was 'packed'. There was a tall, fit looking girl from Ukraine , standing alone by the bar. She wanted 1000, then 800, but had to leave by 5-6 AM for 'visa run'. Looked great except on closer inspection had the ususal yellow/brown smokers teeth (yuck:(). I passed.

Anyway I did manage a 21 year old Kyrgy. 500 for night. Report/pictures pending.

My Kapitan
02-23-06, 00:54
Bizzie go for her, she has the attitude that says I have no boyfriends only customers....

YMMV but she is worth it. Just watch she dosent jump on you sans condom in the morning... she has done this with me a few times....

If I was a ***** I would be her!

Chris 611
02-23-06, 10:22
Another business trip to Dubai was needed from my office on short notice, and as always I was quick to volunteer. I barely had time to contact one regular before I boarded the flight from Amsterdam.

A late arrival and a slow progress through immigrations, but all that forgotten when I was met by my regular at check-in to the hotel and we had a nice session before catching some hours sleep. A long day at work and decided to check out Rockefellas in the following evening. It has been about 6 months since my last visit there and generally I found the selection better at this time, even without “beer goggles”. After some scouting, I ended up talking with a tall, dark haired, slim girl from Grozny... She had a very sexy look, but seemed a bit moody and I should have recognised that the "starfish alarm" went off. In stead I ended up negotiating 700 for LT as the menu was promising. I always prefer to guarantee a minimum fee and then propose a generous bonus if service is good, but she refused blankly my offer of 500 plus 200 bonus. We went back to my hotel where she insisted payment up front. Also this is against my principles, but she started to make a big fuss and I ended up giver her the money. At this stage I know that the session was not going to be much to write about and it wasnt.... She was a complete starfish and a big disappointment. Even the agreed menu was not longer available and then her bloody phone kept ringing. I asked for her to switch is off but she insisted of talking with her friend while I was fucking her. A real turnoff... well as you can imagine, she turned the LT to ST because of "friend in trouble" and I was basically just happy to kick her out and accept the losses. She even had the nerve to ask for taxi money, which I blankly refused. All in all a bad experience, and the lesson learnt (again) is to listen to the "starfish alarm".

The next afternoon I called up another contact, a sweet Chinese at 22 that I met at York on my last trip. Her looks is not the best, but she is sweet and has a great attitude and a good body. The session was mind-blowing and I was really wasted after a 2 hours session. She was into everything but anal, and definitely deserved her bonus!

In the evening, I had not planned much since I was now quite tired and had an early am flight back to Europe. However after having dinner with some guys from office, I decided to have a last beer at Imperial Suites as I hadn’t been there for a while. The quantity and selection there was not very impressive, and I was just about to leave when I walked into a stunning beautiful Ethiopian. Her English was good, she was sweet and nice and had a gorgeous slim body. We immediately "clicked" and it didn’t take long before I forgot all about my plans of not pulling. She made it clear that the menu did not include BJ (few Ethiopians does this for some reason…), and that payment was “up to you” which I have not heard very often in Dubai. To avoid any misunderstandings, I offered her 300 for ST and a bonus of 100 for performance which she immediately accepted. We left for her place nearby, as time was running short. She lived alone in a small but nice and clean room. She told she had a daytime office job, and only went for the “nightshift” a few times a month to improve her income. True or not, I don’t care, but she gave a long great GFE session where little was untried (except BJ) when we finished very late and I had to rush for the airport for the flight back to Europe. Ended up giving her a triple bonus which she truly deserved, and which made her very happy. Definitely worth it for me too! She has clearly GF potential, and I will definately contact her again .

All in all three good sessions and one bad during a three day visit… not bad, and I am already looking forward to the next trip.

02-23-06, 12:34
I’m slipping back into my old ways. Cant believe I’m writing this at 2.35 am.Best mongering sleep pattern. I've tried adjusting my body clock for years, but have to live with the fact I must have been a vampire in my previous life.

...went to Double Decker in the Al Marooj complex. Heard there are lots of opportunities with drunk Brits/western girls after midnight. ...This life and Dubai can trick you into losing your grip on reality, most 25 year olds have little time for my age group.Where is Al Marooj? The drunk Western gals sounds like fun. 25 yo nonWGs are too young for me also. I always go for the 26 year olds. ;) But seriously, late 20s is a good demographic - biological clock ticking loud and urgently.

More reports guys please. Nothing to report at the moment, except as an observer in various venues (but that's boring even me now).

Ok - a quick mention: Henry J Beans on Tuesday night - a few CIS WGs interespersed amongst the non-WGs and their drunk boyfriends. Something interesting happening in the hidden-away upstairs bar - a couple of guys and a three nice blonde CIS - the guys came and stood near me, away from the gals, and discussed their strategy. (You take the tall one ... no YOU take the tall one ... 500DH ...). Later when I was down in the main bar, I saw them all come down the strairs and leave together - the guys had hopeful grins on their faces.

Anyway I did manage a 21 year old Kyrgy. 500 for night. Report/pictures pending.Bizzie: yellah yellah! ;)

02-23-06, 13:00
From today's Khaleej Times:

DUBAI — A recent study ... revealed that more than 50 per cent of men above the age of 40 in the UAE suffer from some degree of impotence.

According to the study, stress, depression, damage to nerves and arteries, lifestyle choices such as smoking, obesity and avoiding exercise are some of the causes for erectile dysfunction...

My Kapitan
02-23-06, 14:39
Where is Al Marooj? The drunk Western gals sounds like fun. 25 yo nonWGs are too young for me also. I always go for the 26 year olds. ;) But seriously, late 20s is a good demographic - biological clock ticking loud and urgently.

The Al Marooj complex is off Defense roundabout opposite the Burj Dubai site. Take the left at the lights and U turn back to the hotel. Double decker is entered from ground floor and is indeed a double decker. Good beer promotions - look for the boards. Strictly non P4P bar full of the worst kind of expat professionals bitching about the incompetence of the itinerent car washers. Rather like Longs bar with an attitude.

Went to TGiTs at lunch time - reminded myself of why I don't go there! If you're into ugly old Chinese this is the place my man.

02-23-06, 19:41
After long time back to Dubai..after a week of PK (incl.Lahore rumours) I really expected excitong weekend (17-19/02) first noon I end up at TGIT, some (more or less) acceptable food (it gives you the privilege to sit down while most of the others has to stand up or wlak around) and a attentive look around, after some time (and mainly really below average quality girls) a tall and (for my taste) sexy looking black girl walked by, Sofia...wow, she's the one, it was my long time wish to catch a hot black girl, and Sifia seems to be the one, some chat, sweet eyes, she sit down beside me (very beside) - down to business she requested 600 Dirham for special massage until early evening, after some negotiations 300 was ok too, pay after ok, off we went, well....after som massage (after about one hour) I wanted to become concrete, so immagine she told me.....no way for sex, we agreed massage only.....you may immagine that I kicked her out and send her to th place she came from...this to advise you avoid SOFIA !!!

02-23-06, 22:52
well....after som massage (after about one hour) I wanted to become concrete, so immagine she told me.....no way for sex, we agreed massage only.....you may immagine that I kicked her out and send her to th place she came from...this to advise you avoid SOFIA !!!
It's not very romantic but have "learned" to be blunt ask whether she'll suck or fuck and for how long and for how much.
A read of the pages may have given you a clue about the general bad reputation of the africans.
Anyway, consider Sofia your teacher, and better luck next time.

02-23-06, 23:47
Just home from a big night out (maybe too big),

Oetziboy - are you more intoxicated than I am? I can't understand your report - maybe it's just me. Sofia snuggled up then gave you only a massage only for 300? That's a first.

I just read it again. You kicked Sofia out. Good man. But you kicked her out AFTER you paid her. She laughed all the way home. Good Sofia.

02-24-06, 01:19
Just back home after a big night out. What a night. I'll get into big trouble one day.

A quick scan of Oetziboy's past posts shows he's pretty experienced around the world. Oetz - what happened? You can do better than that. Massage only for 300? Did you pay her?
It's not very romantic but have "learned" to be blunt ask whether she'll suck or fuck and for how long and for how much.
A read of the pages may have given you a clue about the general bad reputation of the africans.
Anyway, consider Sofia your teacher, and better luck next time.

My Kapitan
02-24-06, 07:13
Had my evening siesta got up at 2230hrs and decided to give Savage Garden a go. Piper had said he thought he recognized an old redhead friend there so I thought I would check it out (posted the pic for reference).

Having negotiated the flooded forecourt of the Capitol Hotel got round the back and walked to the door. Indian manager type stopped me and asked for 50dhms entrance which included a ‘free’ drink. Well I’m sorry I just don’t pay to enter clubs, Zinc being the only and infrequent exception. I declined the drink, considered going to the Rattlesnake but given the volume of traffic decided to return the car home and visit the usual haunts.

Arrived in Jocks at 0030hrs. Mostly men and a few dogs. Remarkably few Africans, must have all been ‘busy’! Nothing for me there so wandered across to the Regal, luckily there was a break in the rain.

Straight past the queue of guys dying to hand over their 50dhms entrance with a friendly wave and knowing grin from the big bouncer.

Busy. Very busy. Russian band was on singing requests. It’s a constant mystery to me is how popular these 3 girls are and why oh why do Arab men request Russian songs and go and dance with their male pals to the music?

Quite a few girls. Miss K nowhere to be seen – ‘busy’. Tried Dasha again who was looking stunning in tight white jeans and little top.

‘Ah Mr ****** Privet’
‘Privet Kak dela?’
‘karashoo et Va’
‘Of course’
‘Skolka all night?’
‘1000 you know this’
‘You spoke to Miss k you know I won’t go 1000’
‘Then we don’t go!’
‘Try 500’
‘Niet 1000’

She wouldn’t budge. This will actually make taking her for 500 much more enjoyable when she eventually cracks! It was about 1:30 with her prospects rapidly decreasing, most of her colleagues were already busy yet she continued to hold out for the grand. Amazing. She was still there when I left with Liena…..

Considered the blondes to the right of the entrance. One was dancing (well) but was a little too plump. I don’t pay by the kilo. One brunette was catching my eye. She was fit, not a stunner maybe a 6. Being pretty much ignored due to the blonde competition.

So weighing up the odds. Against: it’s not blonde, it’s only a 6. For: she’s not busy and getting no contacts, its getting late and she needs to work, great ass and I need a fuck!!!

Opening bid was 800. but soon moved to 600. Employed the usual charm – ha fucking ha! Talked for a while and established that I was not a tourist. Ended up at 500 all night with an agreed departure of 0900 and I said I would run her back to Deira (saves her the taxi fare).

Usual stuff showers first then BBBJ and handjob on sofa then DATY on sofa. Now this girl gets wet and like DATY fortunately so do I. She was much amazed by the love lotion – warming strawberry flavored lubricant that gets hot when blowed on. She enjoyed having her anus fingered but no backdoor. Pictures OK but no sucking or penetration pics.

To the bedroom, BBBJ, missionary, DATY, doggie. Happy to lie in my arms afterwards and through the night. Didn’t finish. Small Kapitan woke me up at 0730 for round 2. Missionary, CG, doggie. Refusal to blow – only night time (I’ve had this before with some girls) not impressed. Didn’t finish.

Coffee, move to lounge (now 0830) handjob on sofa and finally made it. She watched the end of that Brazilian soap dubbed in Russian that they all seem to love. Ran her home and came back to file report.

Conclusion not a GFE, clean and attractive but lack of BJ in morning a real pisser.

WR I did mention prospect of a foursome with her but I feel she isn’t a good enough GFE.