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07-26-15, 21:52
I have stayed several years in Europe and experienced many times in different FKK clubs in Germany.
But, even if I try to be polite, experienced, gentle, but when a FKK girl approached me, she always start with some boring questions such like where are you from, what you do in Germany etc and not in 5 minutes she asked me to go to the room. This really sucks and destroyed the atmosphere. And make me feel risky that this girl will not give good services in the room (I always talked the services I want previously).
Sometimes I got decent or good services sometimes unsatisfied even terrible performance.
I don't know if it is because I didn't have a western face so the girls thought Asians are easy to manipulate and persuade or I don't get the topics talking with them or because I didn't speak German or I am not very strong and tall or something else.
I really want some advice.It is normal that a FKK girl asks you to go to room with her in 5 minutes. This happens to many other customers too not just to Asians. You just need to be cool and to ask her what kind of service she will provide with smile on your face. I don't speak German either but my explicit discussions with the girl about her services always drive the sharks away and keep the good girls.
I don't pay time to provide massage to a girl and I need massage only for Godzilla, I also don't pay for social time or diner, but I can go many times in a day with same girl if I enjoy with her.Au contrarie monsieur Sirioja.
I never said anything about paying for couch time. That time is free. You need to pay more attention to what I wrote. Often times, I get free couch play when chatting up some girls in conversation and giving her massages. You missed the point of me offering tips to Amspascha without you offering any of your own. So you can tell the girl to massage your "Godzilla", but I bet you have to pay for that in the room. Girls give me free action when they reach down in my robe and give me free smooches. That is the level where I would like my brother Amspascha to reach. It is all part of the game. Instead of being annoyed, you have to turn the tables on the girls and get them interested in you. Girls have even bought me drinks for giving them this service. You have your game and I have mine. Many girls have been lining up to hang out with me. Word of mouth as girls chat with each other.
07-27-15, 01:10
I have stayed several years in Europe and experienced many times in different FKK clubs in Germany.
I am Asian. And I am young, 27 years. Although many girls believe that I am in my 30's years old. I founded a phenomenon which is: when a girl talking o with a western client, generally she is more passive and spend more time (talking) or try to do more effort to convince him; especially if the client is German, the girl could be even like a slave to let the man take her to the room.
But, even if I try to be polite, experienced, gentle, but when a FKK girl approached me, she always start with some boring questions such like where are you from, what you do in Germany etc and not in 5 minutes she asked me to go to the room. This really sucks and destroyed the atmosphere. And make me feel risky that this girl will not give good services in the room (I always talked the services I want previously).
Sometimes I got decent or good services sometimes unsatisfied even terrible performance.
I don't know if it is because I didn't have a western face so the girls thought Asians are easy to manipulate and persuade or I don't get the topics talking with them or because I didn't speak German or I am not very strong and tall or something else.
I really want some advice.It's just normal to ask where are you from when you have an Asian face, and ask you for a room in 5 mins is the very common in fkks (5 mins is actually a quite long time already.). Anyway, for someone knows nothing about you, what do you expect her to talk about? Almost all the conversations start with some self introduction, then things go on, unless you are a regular and all the girls recoginze your face.
Asian clients are considered as easy targets for sure, since most of them are lack of experiences in fkks and language problems, so what you need to do is let them know you know well of fkks and don't want to be treated like tourists. In another word, take control of the meeting, but not the other way; and I assume language is not a problem for you.
And, just a possibility, sometimes people ignore their behaviors, I had once a friend who complained about girls treating him bad, the reason was that he's quite rude in the room, yet he never realized that and is neither willing to admit it even I mentioned that to him. I just bring it up in any case that would help you. If you have some fkks partners, ask them if you've done anything in the wrong way.
I am Asian. And I am young, 27 years. Although many girls believe that I am in my 30's years old. I founded a phenomenon which is: when a girl talking o with a western client, generally she is more passive and spend more time (talking) or try to do more effort to convince him; especially if the client is German, the girl could be even like a slave to let the man take her to the room.
The girls know that they can close the sale on Asians faster. So it's a quicker transition to the room, less time wasted pre-zimmer. Their dream customer will be the Asian that cannot speak English, never fucked a European girl before, and first-time FKKer. Why? Because this type of Asian will be so excited he will cum in two minutes. And if he can't speak English, he won't stay in the room and chat. The other thing is the girls will try to sneak in extras on these men or add-on unofficial extra costs at the money locker.
This is true for foreigner newbies as well. In general, the girls will also like Americans and Italians. I can't tell you how many times, a Romanian girl has pushed me out of the way and yelled over my shoulder-Amoooore mio!! Viene qua!? When you attend the FKK regularly, the girls recognize your face, and they know you are desensitized and harder to please.
Long story short. You have some options, but neither is cheap. Attending regularly is not a realistic option if you live 12 hours away by plane. The girls know that you are not a potential repeat customer. There is no point in them expending extra effort. The best you can do try to plan longer trips. For example if can stay in Frankfurt one week, and you know you will be in Sharks four days over that period, here is what you do when the FKK girl of your dreams asks you to go to the room within the first two minutes:
You: "No, I am tired from my flight. I just wanted to know your name because I will come back to Sharks, tomorrow, Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday. Will you work those days".
At least you don't sound over-eager. You can always choose to find her later in the evening if you change your mind.
Once you develop at least one favorite in the club:
"You can say, I am waiting for my appointment with my favorite, but what is your name? I will look for you later".
Again the point is you don't look over-eager. But this time you let her know that you are the type of customer who is loyal to your favorites.
And the bad news--some girls are just extremely popular. Often, they don't even have time to eat. She may have a customers who pre-booked for 3 pm, 5 pm, 7 pm, 8 pm.
07-27-15, 03:20
I'm curious if he is East Asian or other like Indian or Pakastani or others fall under Asians also. Clubs where international clients are more prevelent, girls have some have experience with them. If you are new to an FKK, the eagerness would readily show. Although my first visit to Oase, I've turned alway lots of girls until I found one I was most interested in. Some girls probably target or accept certain clients over others. Some may go more for older types others of certain nationalies and etc. Probably in prediction of where the most potential for earnings are at if the client is not well known.
I think regulars are two types. Ones that show on fairly regular basis, perhaps once of twice a week. And you have those that show less frequently than that. Of course the weekly regulars are more potential for repeated business. And then I have heard of girls stop going with clients because of how they are treated in the room. Regular or not, how badly they are treated will create some breakups or perhaps even gossips. So I think in this sense a frequenter has some risk which a visitor that shows up few times a year probably won't face. More often you show up, you will start to get known, and reputation builds up.
I would suggest getting names of girls you go with and looking up if their services are generally good or bad. That will give perspective on whether you are getting less services than thers.
Carpe Viam
07-27-15, 09:46
And the bad news--some girls are just extremely popular. Often, they don't even have time to eat. She may have a customers who pre-booked for 3 pm, 5 pm, 7 pm, 8 pm.In this case, even if she sits on the chair alone for a while with annoying air, she cannot accept a proposal from another guy right now.
This is often the case with very beautiful girl. Do not take it as a refusal because of you, and especially not as discrimination.
The rate you pay is the time with the girl. Some girls may try to rush or leave after you finish, but it goes against the time you paid for.Alternatively, you can dismiss the girl before the half hour is over and regard the unused time as a tip. I'm sure the girls regard it as such.
07-29-15, 06:35
Just an OT aside. I made my third trip to the FRA area and FKK clubs a bit over a week ago. Prior trip was in March of same year. I was surprised how many girls from clubs I'd visited remembered me. Not just ones I'd had sessions with, but also one's I'd chatted with but not sessioned. Last trip I spent 2 nights each at Sharks and Oase. At each club at least 3 of the girls I sessioned with remembered me, but also no less than 22-3 girls that I DIDN'T session with also remembered me. Not sure if that's good or bad.
Super crazy good facial memory.
07-29-15, 18:28
Just an OT aside. I made my third trip to the FRA area and FKK clubs a bit over a week ago. Prior trip was in March of same year. I was surprised how many girls from clubs I'd visited remembered me. Not just ones I'd had sessions with, but also one's I'd chatted with but not sessioned. Last trip I spent 2 nights each at Sharks and Oase. At each club at least 3 of the girls I sessioned with remembered me, but also no less than 22-3 girls that I DIDN'T session with also remembered me. Not sure if that's good or bad.
Super crazy good facial memory.Let me reveal the secret you want to hear: you are just super
07-29-15, 19:06
What nationality are you?
Light skinned Japanese gets treated much differently than dark skinned Indonesians.
Both are "Asian".
I have stayed several years in Europe and experienced many times in different FKK clubs in Germany.
I am Asian. And I am young, 27 years. Although many girls believe that I am in my 30's years old. I founded a phenomenon which is: when a girl talking o with a western client, generally she is more passive and spend more time (talking) or try to do more effort to convince him; especially if the client is German, the girl could be even like a slave to let the man take her to the room.
But, even if I try to be polite, experienced, gentle, but when a FKK girl approached me, she always start with some boring questions such like where are you from, what you do in Germany etc and not in 5 minutes she asked me to go to the room. This really sucks and destroyed the atmosphere. And make me feel risky that this girl will not give good services in the room (I always talked the services I want previously).
Sometimes I got decent or good services sometimes unsatisfied even terrible performance.
I don't know if it is because I didn't have a western face so the girls thought Asians are easy to manipulate and persuade or I don't get the topics talking with them or because I didn't speak German or I am not very strong and tall or something else.
I really want some advice.
07-29-15, 19:13
Don't understand half the stuff that you say, but definitely agree with you here.
What's with all the posters talk about giving massages to all these girls?
I don't pay time to provide massage to a girl and I need massage only for Godzilla, I also don't pay for social time or diner, but I can go many times in a day with same girl if I enjoy with her.
07-29-15, 23:12
Don't understand half the stuff that you say, but definitely agree with you here.
What's with all the posters talk about giving massages to all these girls?That's the privilege you'll get when you become a senior member of ISG.
07-30-15, 00:31
That's the privilege you'll get when you become a senior member of ISG.Understanding the French guy or getting the massages?
This is true for foreigner newbies as well. In general, the girls will also like Americans and Italians. I can't tell you how many times, a Romanian girl has pushed me out of the way and yelled over my shoulder-Amoooore mio!! Viene qua!? When you attend the FKK regularly, the girls recognize your face, and they know you are desensitized and harder to please.Italians in general pay a lot more her half hour than they would in a FKK environment even when the FKKs are more expensive in general than the red carpet clubs and AO clubs you find in Germany in similar locales.
So when they hear the prices of what is the going rate in the German clubs it is a good deal and not to be missed or refused.
Amore mio you can hear all over the FKK clubs as the girls scramble to nab the Italian customers.
Member #4674
08-10-15, 01:50
Hello everyone,
I am very sorry for the late response for all your advice or suggestions for me. I was exhausted by my very hard works these days. I am from Singapore. I agree that some regular clients will be treated specially or the girls will be more patient. And short conversation not always means that this lady will not provide good service.
But, I have been in Prague and other countries Europe that I have found that the girls in private apartments or agencies will be more likely to give better services. But in FKKs you have variety to see more girls and chances to get some stunners even if not good attitude or good services. Nowadays in German FKK are almost all dominated by Ro girls. And we all know what they are. Some exceptions or lucky but generally have to be careful about them.
I have been GT or LR in NRW, Artemis in Berlin and Paradise or Sakura in Stuttgart. This autumn a would like to visit sharks in Frankfurt due to some good comments. I will take the benefits of your experiences and many thanks for your helps!
08-13-15, 19:55
I'm going this weekend to Frankfurt for the first time and have a few questions. I land around 8:30 pm Friday and leave around 8 pm Sunday. I'm thinking about checking into my hotel, going to Manhatten Friday night, Saturday morning check out the red light district, Saturday Sharks (looks like they have an event with a porn star going on), Sunday palace, right from palace to the airport.
My questions,
1. Do the clubs normally have cabs out front late at night? Will the speak English enough to get me back to my hotel?
2. I'd like to check out the red light district. Will any be open early morning, say 9-10 am?
3. My bank gave me some large euro bills, 100's. Should I break those or will the girls at the FKK make change? I don't want to get bothered for the full 100 on a 50 session.
4. Will the building in the red light district have signs on them, say T32? I keep hearing about the dreaded bars that I should stay away from. I don't want to wonder in there.
5. I'd like to take some videos while in the red light district. Any idea of what the going rate for the extra cost? Do they normally entertain that idea?
1. No problem with taxis. Clubs will call one if there are none waiting. If you leave at closing time you may be at the back of the queue as the workers will have pre booked.
2 Early morning is not a good time, but even at 10.00 you will find some, and not just the oversized old workers. Probably 10% of rooms will be occupied if you are lucky.
3. Workers will usually give change, but it isn't very often they need to. You run the risk they will just treat it as a tip.If you know you are going to need change make sure you have a worker who speaks decent English, and don't expect change early in the day or just after a girl has started her shift as they may not have any money at all at that point
4 Most buildings have some kind of sign. If it's not one you can walk in and out of, avoid. Avoid bars and lapdance.
5. Videos. Do you mean of sessions?, in which case it's all a matter of money. In the street, personally I wouldn't bother.
BTW, avoid any street workers unless you want a fine and a session with a junkie.
Hello everyone,
I am very sorry for the late response for all your advice or suggestions for me. I was exhausted by my very hard works these days. I am from Singapore. I agree that some regular clients will be treated specially or the girls will be more patient. And short conversation not always means that this lady will not provide good service.
But, I have been in Prague and other countries Europe that I have found that the girls in private apartments or agencies will be more likely to give better services. But in FKKs you have variety to see more girls and chances to get some stunners even if not good attitude or good services. Nowadays in German FKK are almost all dominated by Ro girls. And we all know what they are. Some exceptions or lucky but generally have to be careful about them.
I have been GT or LR in NRW, Artemis in Berlin and Paradise or Sakura in Stuttgart. This autumn a would like to visit sharks in Frankfurt due to some good comments. I will take the benefits of your experiences and many thanks for your helps!
Regards.Many Romanian girls are very honest, very friendly and some are very pretty, a few could compete with Russian escorts.
At Sharks, Moira is a very nice Romanian girl, black hair, slim, small tits.
08-14-15, 02:40
On the subject of change, the girls are not banks. Go to Reception for this. Reception should give you change if they have it to spare. In an ideal world, you would break some of your bills before arriving at the club.
On the subject of videos of your sessions, this is sometimes possible. Better if you know the girl at least a little first. Better still if you've already spent a lot of time with her. Typically, the less you know the girl, the more it will cost you. You will have to negotiate this.
When you are ready to leave, you say to the girl you've been thinking about this and want a souvenir to take home with you for your memories, etc. This would be nice if we could make a nice movie together. She will say no. You say, "Ah, that's too bad, I was going to stay another hour if we could make a movie together. Oh well, I guess I will just go home with no memories. " Start negotiations with simply: you stay longer in exchange for her letting you record part of the session. Then tell her, "Ok, we make movie and if you don't like, you go ahead and delete it. No problem. " If she still says no, then get dressed to leave. While you're getting dressed, try offering her an extra 50 Euros to see if that helps convince her. If that doesn't work, give up and let her counteroffer. I personally wouldn't go over a hundred Euros for this, but that's just me.
I imagine this strategy would likely work better with RLD girls than FKK girls. With FKK girls, you will have a really, really hard time finding any girl who allows this if you're not a regular and if you don't know the girl really well because most of the FKK girls will refuse this unless you're prepared to offer up more cash than I mentioned above.
But try and see what works for you. Then report back here.
I'm going to Germany for the 2nd time in about a month. Last trip I was unsuccessful finding a girl willing to do anal at both Goldentime and Living Room. I'm staying in Dusseldorf and have a rental car so I'm willing to drive.
Is anal just not that common at FKK's or did I go to the wrong ones?
I've read the forum and I see pricing mentioned many times for anal but no actual reports.
Any advice gentlemen?
Many Romanian girls are very honest, very friendly and some are very pretty, a few could compete with Russian escorts.
At Sharks, Moira is a very nice Romanian girl, black hair, slim, small tits.Was at Sharks. Isn't back. As far as I know.
I'm going this weekend to Frankfurt for the first time and have a few questions. I land around 8:30 pm Friday and leave around 8 pm Sunday. I'm thinking about checking into my hotel, going to Manhatten Friday night, Saturday morning check out the red light district, Saturday Sharks (looks like they have an event with a porn star going on), Sunday palace, right from palace to the airport.
My questions,
1. Do the clubs normally have cabs out front late at night? Will the speak English enough to get me back to my hotel?
2. I'd like to check out the red light district. Will any be open early morning, say 9-10 am?
3. My bank gave me some large euro bills, 100's. Should I break those or will the girls at the FKK make change? I don't want to get bothered for the full 100 on a 50 session.
4. Will the building in the red light district have signs on them, say T32? I keep hearing about the dreaded bars that I should stay away from. I don't want to wonder in there.
5. I'd like to take some videos while in the red light district. Any idea of what the going rate for the extra cost? Do they normally entertain that idea?Change your money for 50 at entry desk.
Not sure best choice to discover Sharks for a Party, I would go to Sharks on Friday and Mainhattan on Saturday, party is not best day to have relaxed girls, waiting for rooms.
If you want anal it's a lot easier to go to an apartment (see 6 relax or ladies. De or sexdo. De). Half hour including anal should cost under 100 euros. In a few of the less mainstream FKKs it is included by a very few girls in the session price of 30 euros but they will be clubs where the girls work without a condom unless you ask. In FKKs generally it can cost between 100 and 200 euros total for half hour.
It can be hard finding girls to do anal in most FKKS if you are only making a short visit. I think that GT and LR are not the best for anal, but about other NRW mainstream clubs I'm not sure. There will always be some but they will rarely offer it to a new customer unless you ask.
I look forward to reports of your trip. It's really helpful to get some info on names etc
I'm going this weekend to Frankfurt for the first time and have a few questions.
2. I'd like to check out the red light district. Will any be open early morning, say 9-10 am?
The places in the RLD are open 24/7 but most girls will have their doors closed early in the day. Still, it's an experience in itself to walk up and down the endless stairs in search of the odd room that has an open door and a girl in it. You have to be fit to do that. Having only 100 euro notes is a problem. Even 50 is too much in the RLD since the basic price is often 30 or 40. Why would you want to film in the RLD? It might not be the best place (the junkies/girls/pimps/cops hanging around there may not take kindly to being filmed). You could film inside a room if you agree a price with the girl. The dreaded bars are those with touts on the pavement or those that advertise strip-tease etc. They extend on the ground floor only. The places you want are several-storey places. They have an open entry onto the street with stairs leading up from the entry and from the street you see windows on several floors with reddish lights. You get in and walk up the stairs. Don't enter any place where someone tries to convince you to enter. You won't get beaten or mugged but you will waste your money if you do.
08-14-15, 20:47
Curious about the recording, but has anyone had any luck in a partyreff club recording? Or is that something that the girl would want money for?
Member #4581
08-14-15, 20:59
Why do you say that? Or am I missing something? At the Hessen clubs, particularly Oase, half the girls are upselling with CIM, or anal, etc. If I really wanted anal, not sure there is any girl who would refuse. Ok, may be a few, but most girls I sessioned with would have agreed to anal, that's the feeling I got (or they clearly told me so).
It can be hard finding girls to do anal in most FKKS if you are only making a short visit. I think that GT and LR are not the best for anal, but about other NRW mainstream clubs I'm not sure. There will always be some but they will rarely offer it to a new customer unless you ask.
Why do you say that? Or am I missing something? At the Hessen clubs, particularly Oase, half the girls are upselling with CIM, or anal, etc. If I really wanted anal, not sure there is any girl who would refuse. Ok, may be a few, but most girls I sessioned with would have agreed to anal, that's the feeling I got (or they clearly told me so).Just my experience but maybe I haven't really tried hard enough. If you have different experience then I bow to you. I'm not saying it's not available. I haven't been to Oase for some time. CIM certainly very widely offered.
Cheers. O.
Member #4581
08-14-15, 21:21
Oh not bow worthy. Just seems like so many girls were offering, perhaps because I am not hung like a horse (or is it a donkey?) although I never partook and have no interest whatsoever.
Just my experience but maybe I haven't really tried hard enough. If you have different experience then I bow to you. I'm not saying it's not available. I haven't been to Oase for some time. CIM certainly very widely offered.
Cheers. O.
Trans Atlantic
08-15-15, 05:31
Just my experience but maybe I haven't really tried hard enough. If you have different experience then I bow to you. I'm not saying it's not available. I haven't been to Oase for some time. CIM certainly very widely offered.
Cheers. O.My experience as well. Easier to find anal in Hessen (perhaps it is because it is an extra 100 EUR vs 50 EUR in NRW).
Hi Everybody,
I am interested to know how many girls are usually there during the weekend and how good (or bad) services they offer. The club website is Please advise and thank you very much.
Banana Boi
08-16-15, 12:46
Bfsie, club's thread.
I am contemplating a visit to Germany specifically for FKK. Was split between frankfurt or munich which should you settle down. . which is a better place to FKK. ?
Thanks a lot in advance.
I am contemplating a visit to Germany specifically for FKK. Was split between frankfurt or munich which should you settle down. . which is a better place to FKK. ?
No doubt about it its Frankfurt. There you have the choice of 5 big FKK clubs. In Munich there isn't even one club with this quantity of girls. Munich I go only for football.
09-02-15, 16:01
I am contemplating a visit to Germany specifically for FKK. Was split between frankfurt or munich which should you settle down. . which is a better place to FKK. ?
Thanks a lot in advance.
G.No doubt +10086.
Welcome to frankfurt.
Thanks. . frankfurt it is.
No doubt +10086.
Welcome to frankfurt.
Of course Frankfurt, with many FKKs to choose from AND BBBJ / OWO is common there (but prohibited in Bayern / Munich!
Hello good folks!
I'm new to the FKK scene and will shortly be making my first visit (Artemis).
I have a couple questions, if you don't mind.
-What is the etiquette upon entering the room with the girl? Does she have a routine of putting down towels and wiping off my cock. Or do we start making out right away. How does it normally go?
-Does one wear a towel under the robe? Or just the robe.
-Do the girls clean themselves after *every* session? That seems like it would be a bit much on the skin, especially in the more sensitive areas.
-Finally, I have a bit of a thing for hand jobs. I know this sounds boring. But if the mood strikes, would it be considered weird or lame to ask the girl to just jerk me off instead of doing other things?
Thanks a bunch! I look forward to contributing to the forum.
Member #4581
09-08-15, 03:27
1. There is no etiquette written in stone. You can take charge and do what you want, after the girl spreads the towels or bed sheets on the bed. You can kiss, fondle, pet, go down on her, or get a blow job, whatever the mood strikes. Some girls wipe the dick with a wipe, some don't. Generally the girls who know me well and who I had sessioned with before, don't seem to wipe at all, perhaps they sensed I am fastidious with several showers on my own.
2. Again, no rules. You can wear a robe, towel, robe on a towel, or just walk around au natural.
3. One would hope so. I think they do, but don't have any first hand verification. Neither do most (all) of the guys around here.
4. Sure why not. As far as weird requests go, that would be the least weird. I bet girls would be ecstatic to finish off with a hand job, much less work. Some may demand extra dough if your fluids fall on their skin or even hands, better clarify prior to the job.
Hello good folks!
I'm new to the FKK scene and will shortly be making my first visit (Artemis).
I have a couple questions, if you don't mind.
-What is the etiquette upon entering the room with the girl? Does she have a routine of putting down towels and wiping off my cock. Or do we start making out right away. How does it normally go?
-Does one wear a towel under the robe? Or just the robe.
-Do the girls clean themselves after *every* session? That seems like it would be a bit much on the skin, especially in the more sensitive areas.
-Finally, I have a bit of a thing for hand jobs. I know this sounds boring. But if the mood strikes, would it be considered weird or lame to ask the girl to just jerk me off instead of doing other things?
Thanks a bunch! I look forward to contributing to the forum.
Hello good folks!
I'm new to the FKK scene and will shortly be making my first visit (Artemis).
I have a couple questions, if you don't mind.
-What is the etiquette upon entering the room with the girl? Does she have a routine of putting down towels and wiping off my cock. Or do we start making out right away. How does it normally go?
-Does one wear a towel under the robe? Or just the robe.
-Do the girls clean themselves after *every* session? That seems like it would be a bit much on the skin, especially in the more sensitive areas.
-Finally, I have a bit of a thing for hand jobs. I know this sounds boring. But if the mood strikes, would it be considered weird or lame to ask the girl to just jerk me off instead of doing other things?
Thanks a bunch! I look forward to contributing to the forum.
TBOnly towel or robe, nothing under, no cap, no socks, speak with girls about expectations, services and rates for extra, before room, have a watch for time, show girls respect, it works when touching a woman and want to lead sex, relax and enjoy.
09-08-15, 23:50
-Finally, I have a bit of a thing for hand jobs. I know this sounds boring. But if the mood strikes, would it be considered weird or lame to ask the girl to just jerk me off instead of doing other things?
Thanks a bunch! I look forward to contributing to the forum.
TBIf you want to get a HJ from a pretty girl, you probably should visit E51 of RLD of Frankfurt. You don't need to pay any entry fee and you can get a HJ from a pretty girl for 30 euros.
If you want to get a HJ from a pretty girl, you probably should visit E51 of RLD of Frankfurt. You don't need to pay any entry fee and you can get a HJ from a pretty girl for 30 euros.Well I'm going for the atmosphere as well. I may also want other services, but that would be decided at the time.
(and I don't want to travel from Berlin, where I live, to Frankfurt for a HJ).
Thank you Sirioja and Jnpr30 for your answers.
09-13-15, 15:45
I usually use DT(T-mobile) and get pre-paid data for the sim. It's not a huge amount, but enough for a duration. I believe pre-paid data expires after a month from upping the data. Anybody know how to re-up it without stopping by the T-mobile shop? Preferably done through the website?
09-13-15, 18:40
I usually use DT(T-mobile) and get pre-paid data for the sim. It's not a huge amount, but enough for a duration. I believe pre-paid data expires after a month from upping the data. Anybody know how to re-up it without stopping by the T-mobile shop? Preferably done through the website?When you say "reup it," are you asking how to add more money to your account? You can do that at any gas station. With Deutsche Telekom, you just give them your German phone number and tell them how much you want to add. Or, they can print you an activation receipt with a code you type into your phone to add the credit to your account.
Hi guys,
I will be in Frankfurt only 1 night.
My question is simple. Which FKK in Frankfurt is best for me?
First of all, I want to know the differences of line-up.
(country component ratio of girls, beautiful face, body shape etc).
I prefer no silicone and no tattoos.
Just wondered what the current position is on pricing in NRW clubs. I know a couple of years ago it was 50 for 30 minutes then 25 e every 30 minutes thereafter but that changed when Oceans opened and it became 50 e for every 30 minutes. I think I read somewhere that in one of the clubs it is 40 e for 30 mins? My last few trips have been to Artemis in Berlin at 60 e for every 30 minutes. Would be grateful if anyone could tell me if I have got any of this wrong and if there are different prices in some clubs especially in NRW. Thanks.
Banana Boi
09-14-15, 00:27
Not sure if my info is up to date for Samya and Magnum so someone can correct me.
Samya - 75 per hour.
Magnum - 80 per hour.
ACA - 40 for each 30 min.
Mondial - 30 for 20 min.
There are plenty of smaller budget clubs like Penelope (25 for 20 min) too.
09-14-15, 00:38
Magnum and PHG have same management and the rate has went up from 80/h to 100 with 45 min being 75.
GT and LR is 50 per half.
Extras should be 50 for anal and 25 for CIM, but it's better to confirm. I've done CIM for 25 at Aca recently.
Not sure if my info is up to date for Samya and Magnum so someone can correct me.
Samya - 75 per hour.
Magnum - 80 per hour.
ACA - 40 for each 30 min.
Mondial - 30 for 20 min.
There are plenty of smaller budget clubs like Penelope (25 for 20 min) too.Thanks Banana Boi and PussyLiccker for the speedy answers. In NRW I've only been to LR 2 x before. Liked it though I thought the club was small with a limited line up though I did like the free beers! Did a bit of research last time (think BB helped out then too!) and reported back on a couple of good sessions. Did a week in the Hessen clubs in the summer and was quite disappointed. Much preferred Sharks in 2014 than this year. I know everyone raves about the LU but I found it disappointing. I actually like World the best. Oase I find the girls just want you in and out of the rooms. So my last 3/4 trips have all been to Artemis where I have a number of favourites. I have a 2 day only trip coming up shortly and am thinking of heading back to NRW. I'm not on a budget but asked about prices as I like long (2 or 3 hour sessions) with a really compatible girl with good chemistry. It might be a good thing that the prices are no longer 25 for 30 minutes as I could see myself in those rooms for hours and maybe days! Just wondered what you guys think would be a nice alternative. Oceans? Sounds from the thread like a big nice club but with poor LU. No good in that! ACA? Magnum? Samya? Would appreciate your thoughts. Thanks in advance.
Banana Boi
09-14-15, 01:01
Oceans? Sounds from the thread like a big nice club but with poor LU. No good in that! ACA? Magnum? Samya? Would appreciate your thoughts. Thanks in advance.You can't go too wrong with either ACA or Samya, especially from a Wed to Sat. Magnum is way more of a crap shoot and has poor recent reviews. Samya is small like LR. ACA feels like a larger club.
Note - ACA has 1 hour room limits on weekend nights if it's busy. Keeps the room wait time to a minimum but annoying for guys like us who enjoy long sessions.
You can't go too wrong with either ACA or Samya, especially from a Wed to Sat. Magnum is way more of a crap shoot and has poor recent reviews. Samya is small like LR. ACA feels like a larger club.
Note - ACA has 1 hour room limits on weekend nights if it's busy. Keeps the room wait time to a minimum but annoying for guys like us who enjoy long sessions.What a nuisance! I'd have plumped for ACA but I do not like that one hour limit rule at all. That would not work for me. I've never been to Cologne so I quite fancy trying Samya though I much prefer the bigger clubs to the small ones. I quite like to walk around doing the hunt! The problem with only having a couple of days is that you have to make the most of them. When I have a week I don't mind if a couple of the days are not that great as there is time to return to old favourites if need be. But with only 2 days on this next trip I'm already beginning to think of playing safe and returning to Artemis! It might be the most expensive club and the girls virtually categorise anything other than BBBJ and Fuck as extra. I'm convinced if I wanted them to stroke my leg that would be 50 extra! (not that I'm into leg stroking. Just an example LOL!
Might be ACA is a visit on a midweek trip. Thanks again.
09-14-15, 01:29
What a nuisance! I'd have plumped for ACA but I do not like that one hour limit rule at all. That would not work for me. I've never been to Cologne so I quite fancy trying Samya though I much prefer the bigger clubs to the small ones. I quite like to walk around doing the hunt! The problem with only having a couple of days is that you have to make the most of them. When I have a week I don't mind if a couple of the days are not that great as there is time to return to old favourites if need be. But with only 2 days on this next trip I'm already beginning to think of playing safe and returning to Artemis! It might be the most expensive club and the girls virtually categorise anything other than BBBJ and Fuck as extra. I'm convinced if I wanted them to stroke my leg that would be 50 extra! (not that I'm into leg stroking. Just an example LOL!
Might be ACA is a visit on a midweek trip. Thanks again.If that's your experience at Artemis, NRW is your best bet. I rarely get any upselling at the NRW because the extras are half the price of Hessen. I personally prefer Aca over Samya. I tend to find good GFE there although I could understand it maybe difficult to get a sense of the girls since girls are sitting the couch mostly. Although it's a bigger club than Samya, when it comes to walking around and meeting girls, don't expect it to be like Hessen clubs. Most of the walking around will be in the main lounge where girls are sitting on the couches. They will not be walking around the club unless going up for smoke break or walking up the dining area or getting a drink at the bar. If you are used to approach club like Artemis, it will be different from what you are used to. Since girls are sitting on the couches, you'd have to walk over to scope them out, and it will feel a bit weird the first time around. But, the girls are in the couch just waiting for the punter to come and sit, talk, and take them to the room. It's a pay for sex club like anywhere else. Samya is probably more for you if you prefer more of an approach club.
If that's your experience at Artemis, NRW is your best bet. I rarely get any upselling at the NRW because the extras are half the price of Hessen. I personally prefer Aca over Samya. I tend to find good GFE there although I could understand it maybe difficult to get a sense of the girls since girls are sitting the couch mostly. Although it's a bigger club than Samya, when it comes to walking around and meeting girls, don't expect it to be like Hessen clubs. Most of the walking around will be in the main lounge where girls are sitting on the couches. They will not be walking around the club unless going up for smoke break or walking up the dining area or getting a drink at the bar. If you are used to approach club like Artemis, it will be different from what you are used to. Since girls are sitting on the couches, you'd have to walk over to scope them out, and it will feel a bit weird the first time around. But, the girls are in the couch just waiting for the punter to come and sit, talk, and take them to the room. It's a pay for sex club like anywhere else. Samya is probably more for you if you prefer more of an approach club.Cheers. I don't mind going up and it would be nice not to be preyed upon like in Artemis though over the years, like most experienced mongers I've developed 2 or 3 lines which politely get me out of approaches I don't want. I prefer the larger clubs but I don't like the sound of this one hour max rule on weekends. That would not suit my taste at all. I think ACA sound like good clubs to hit midweek.
09-14-15, 01:46
Cheers. I don't mind going up and it would be nice not to be preyed upon like in Artemis though over the years, like most experienced mongers I've developed 2 or 3 lines which politely get me out of approaches I don't want. I prefer the larger clubs but I don't like the sound of this one hour max rule on weekends. That would not suit my taste at all. I think ACA sound like good clubs to hit midweek.That's good, you definitely won't be find aggressive girls or run into any pestering, quite the opposite. To see the complete LU, I would suggest you stick around the hours from 6-9 to see the night time LU. I usually show up around 9 so I see the girls that start during the day and night.
Banana Boi
09-14-15, 01:57
I prefer the larger clubs but I don't like the sound of this one hour max rule on weekends. It only applies when the club gets busy. There are a ton of rooms at ACA and some guys who have gone on weekends don't experience it. It's not really a bad thing. You use the 5-10 minutes max to go to the washroom, grab some drinks and food to take back to the room while the girl waits for a new key. Gives the girl a chance to have a quick smoke too. Sure beats long room waits in some smaller clubs.
It only applies when the club gets busy. There are a ton of rooms at ACA and some guys who have gone on weekends don't experience it. It's not really a bad thing. You use the 5-10 minutes max to go to the washroom, grab some drinks and food to take back to the room while the girl waits for a new key. Gives the girl a chance to have a quick smoke too. Sure beats long room waits in some smaller clubs.Combination of this and the info from PussyLiccker means I think this is worth a punt. I quite like experiencing new clubs. I don't drive between clubs as I like to have a few beers. So I'll do ACA on the Friday and maybe back to LR on the Saturday. I have a bit of yearning to go to Oceans if only to see what all the fuss is about at the club so I'm thinking ACA Friday evening (following PL's advice) and then early visit to Oceans and after to LR on the Saturday. Appreciate the help from you guys.
Combination of this and the info from PussyLiccker means I think this is worth a punt. I quite like experiencing new clubs. I don't drive between clubs as I like to have a few beers. So I'll do ACA on the Friday and maybe back to LR on the Saturday. I have a bit of yearning to go to Oceans if only to see what all the fuss is about at the club so I'm thinking ACA Friday evening (following PL's advice) and then early visit to Oceans and after to LR on the Saturday. Appreciate the help from you guys.Though I've just Google mapped this and didn't realise ACA was so far out of Dusseldorf. Don't mind getting a train there. But how much would a taxi cost to return to Dusseldorf airport?
Though I've just Google mapped this and didn't realise ACA was so far out of Dusseldorf. Don't mind getting a train there. But how much would a taxi cost to return to Dusseldorf airport?You would need a train, then s bahn, then bus to get to aca.
I think it would be quite expensive to get back to Duss airport by taxi, about 20 minutes.
You would need a train, then s bahn, then bus to get to aca.
I think it would be quite expensive to get back to Duss airport by taxi, about 20 minutes.Don't mind getting a train and a taxi if that keeps it down. Train to where? I often get a taxi from Sharks or Oase back to Frankfurt. About 15-20 minutes and 60 euros but ACA to Duss Airport looks longer to me on Google maps. Will post also in Duss threads and see if someone has made that trip / cost. Thanks.
Banana Boi
09-15-15, 00:16
PM Finnish Fucker since he's done ACA by public transit.
As for the possible added cost for taxi, ACA entry is 25 euro cheaper than Oceans and 20 euro cheaper than LR. Sessions are also 10 euro cheaper per half hour. If you room for 3 hours at ACA you're 85 euro ahead of Oceans.
Maybe post on travel announcements when you're going and an ISG member can drive you back to the city or split a taxi.
47 euro from Velbert to Ratingen. 75 euro Velbert to Dusseldorf. Enter specific addresses for more accurate price.
09-15-15, 02:32
Here are couple reports from Tommyville, but the one about public transport is a bit old. You're going to have to do some research to figure out what works best for you. I guess you can do what punters do to get to Oase or World. Take the train to the nearest city (Velbert) that is shortest and quickest, and either cab it or bus it to save a bit. PT to save a bit on cab fare will cost you time of course. That's the trade off. Depending on if the cabs are available on the journey at the transfer stations along the way there are different ways to go about combining train and cab to see which is most optimal, time, price wise.
If you are used to driving on the wrong(to Germans) side of the road, it's dangerous to rent, but perhaps it could be the wisest option time and price wise. Rental is an option. You can club hop!! Freedom baby!
09-15-15, 06:34
Use bahn. De or vrr. De, it's not that hard and not that long to go to Aca from Dusseldorf by public transportation.
09-15-15, 07:37
Use bahn. De or vrr. De, it's not that hard and not that long to go to Aca from Dusseldorf by public transportation.Yeah, if he puts destination as Harkortstraße, Velbert on Bahn. De the routes should come up. There is bus Bus OV7 in Velbert that has a route that goes to Harkortstraße where Aca is at. From Duss HBF it's about 1:10 HR so it's not too bad.
It has been a while, but I'll give it a shot.
I always used to take a train to Essen, where you switch to the S-bahn (forgot the number).
This S bahn calls at Velbert Nierenhof and Velbert Langenberg. Both stations have a bus that leads you almost to the doorstep of the club. Thing is (or used to be) that each s bahn has a good connection with only one of the 2 busses. So once you know which train you caught (as in departure time), you can check whether you should go to Niernhof or Langenberg.
Langenberg is the bigger station, so you could just go there and get a cab to the club (should be around 10 euros).
09-15-15, 19:36
Beware, according to a post on the french speaking board, there is now only one bus line for Aca.
Nille Copenhagen
09-15-15, 22:34
. Samya is small like LR. ACA feels like a larger club.
Note - ACA has 1 hour room limits on weekend nights if it's busy. Keeps the room wait time to a minimum but annoying for guys like us who enjoy long sessions.Samya is bigger than LR and has more room.
I never had this 1 hour limitation with the girls, I was at Aca on many Saturdays. Maye the rule was just for you LOL.
09-16-15, 00:38
Beware, according to a post on the french speaking board, there is now only one bus line for Aca.No, there is still two according to Bahn. De So, Tommyseville's reports still applies.
Both of the buses, OV7 and OV8 goes to Eintrachtstraße, and only OV7 goes to Harkortstraße. So basically, which ever station you arrive at Velbert like FD says.
So, from Nierenhof station you can only take OV8 to Eintrachtstraße. From Langenberg station, you can only take OV7 to either Eintrachtstraße or Harkortstraße.
It should be pretty clear if looking at this map. It's funny how Saunaclub Acapulco is like the only building named or labeled in the area. LOL. 34997/7. 07891. 35113/7. 07935.
09-16-15, 01:16
My only visit to this club was on December 26, 2012. Took train from Cologne Hbf and got off at Velbert-Langenbergn station. This is the only train station I had trouble finding a taxi. I had to walk a bit to find the taxi stand and waited for a while to get one. Got to the club at 14:30. Paid 35E entrance fee.
Romanian, blonde. 20y. 165cm height, B cup.
She is very pretty but I had hard time communicating with her in the room. Service was mechanical.
Time spent: 0. 5 hr. Cost: 40E. Repeat: NO.A bit older report from 2012, but Lalabo had some trouble with taxi at this station, but may have changed now. I wonder if I was with Irina? My first visit to Aca around the same time, I was shocked when I met this blond Ro. Holy Moly! Good series of visits.
These days? Or parts thereof (days that is. Not girls).
Member #4674
10-11-15, 08:55
As we all know, for the politic reason Ukraine (And Ru) is suffering with economic problems, so, I am thinking, what time do these nice girls will come to Germany, to replace "a little bit" the "One--nationality" or "RO-BU-HU union" situation in the FKK clubs?
We warmly welcome to them.
If anyone have some opinions?
Banana Boi
10-11-15, 17:35
Sadly there appears to be more Ukranians in Thailand than in Germany.
As we all know, for the politic reason Ukraine (And Ru) is suffering with economic problems, so, I am thinking, what time do these nice girls will come to Germany, to replace "a little bit" the "One--nationality" or "RO-BU-HU union" situation in the FKK clubs?
We warmly welcome to them.
If anyone have some opinions?Ukrainian girls are mostly providing escorting in Western European countries, Dubai , Malaysia. Some claim to be Ukrainian in FKK but most are not, like pretty Andrea at Sharks, who is Bulgarian, but very pretty girl.
10-11-15, 21:19
These days? Or parts thereof (days that is. Not girls).Some NRW clubs have semi-nude girls, but NRW clubs don't have totally nude girls.
Some NRW clubs have semi-nude girls, but NRW clubs don't have totally nude girls.Please don't post if you don't have a clue.
Real FKK clubs in NRW (for the umpteeth time):
- Great Palace.
- Luder Lounge.
- Babylon.
- Bernds.
- Annabella.
- Villa Venus.
- Grimberg.
- Freude.
- Arabella.
- Verena.
- Romantika.
I might be missing some and a few other clubs have the occasional FKK day.
Trans Atlantic
10-13-15, 03:06
As we all know, for the politic reason Ukraine (And Ru) is suffering with economic problems, so, I am thinking, what time do these nice girls will come to Germany, to replace "a little bit" the "One--nationality" or "RO-BU-HU union" situation in the FKK clubs?
We warmly welcome to them.
If anyone have some opinions?Don't hold your breath. They are not coming to FKKs.
I like Romanian girls.I was lucky to meet an exceptional Romanian woman, and more than 20 very friendly with most GFE. Some can be sensual. We are lucky to have Romanian girls in FKK, some could compete with Russian escorts for beauty and services, for half price.
Do any of you know about the FKK club organization orgy concerts.
Not gangbang.
10-13-15, 20:15
Do any of you know about the FKK club organization orgy concerts.
Not gangbang.AFAIK, there is no orgy in Hessen FKK clubs. The rule is that one man can take two girls in Hessen FKK clubs but two men can NOT fuck one girl at the same time in FKK clubs. Please ask Free Dude for the info in NRW FKK clubs. LOL.
AFAIK, there is no orgy in Hessen FKK clubs. The rule is that one man can take two girls in Hessen FKK clubs but two men can NOT fuck one girl at the same time in FKK clubs. Please ask Free Dude for the info in NRW FKK clubs. LOL.I did see two men take one girl at GT several years back but they were forced to take another girl in the room with them, not sure how they paid each of the girls. I know you can pretty much take as many girls as you want to the room, didn't know there was a rule forbidding more than one man in that group.
AFAIK, there is no orgy in Hessen FKK clubs. The rule is that one man can take two girls in Hessen FKK clubs but two men can NOT fuck one girl at the same time in FKK clubs.Of course a club girl in Hessen FKK clubs can go with two or even more guys in room. I know club girls offering sandwich with two guys. Also quite common two girls and two guys in one room.
Carpe Viam
10-13-15, 21:12
Of course a club girl in Hessen FKK clubs can go with two or even more guys in room. I know club girls offering sandwich with two guys. Also quite common two girls and two guys in one room.Sylvana at Sharks with two smart German boys (first time in FKK). They were all happy when they came out from a zimmer.
10-13-15, 21:32
I know club girls offering sandwich with two guys. Which club are you talking about? AFAIK, this is forbidden in Oase and Sharks.
Of course a club girl in Hessen FKK clubs can go with two or even more guys in room. Or do it publicly. At least that it was I observed outside in a Hessen garden a couple of times earlier this summer. Once two guys one girl, the other time three guys on one girl. If there is a rule against it then it must be pretty new or nobody cares.
10-13-15, 21:58
Which club are you talking about? AFAIK, this is forbidden in Oase and Sharks.At least I've witnessed few times in oase.
Hessen Bub
10-13-15, 22:23
Which club are you talking about? AFAIK, this is forbidden in Oase and Sharks.It's not forbidden. Why should it be? Girls may not do it with all the guys.
10-14-15, 02:46
Which club are you talking about? AFAIK, this is forbidden in Oase and Sharks.I have seen this several times in Oase. Of course, the girl will be expected to be paid by each man for the time. So, 1 hour with 2 guys = 200 Euros (plus any extras).
10-14-15, 05:18
Long ago at Oase, I got asked by some random dude to partner up to bang couple girls which I declined. He was willing to pay for it too. He asked the next guy who was happy to oblige. There is a large room at Oase for gangbangs. Sometimes I end up using the gang-bang rooms at various clubs. At Aca there is the gangbang room down at the end on the left side. Mirrors on the walls and ceiling, brightly lit, which I think is the best room in the house. GT I've used the gangbang room too. Matter a fact, my first visit to GT, a girl told me she was in gangbang the night before with two guys. At Palace I saw public gangbang action (two dudes and two gals). At Artemis there were two brothers that took girls up for gang-bangs.
Room 6 at Aca, just large enough for me and my girl "pour jouer à chat".
While we are at the subject of gangbangs in FKK, and I hope I'm not breaking any rules here, has anyone seen / done an MFM (non-sexual contact between men) with DP done in FKK? You see it done in porn all the time, and I might make this a chance to cross that out from my bucket list.
While we are at the subject of gangbangs in FKK, and I hope I'm not breaking any rules here, has anyone seen / done an MFM (non-sexual contact between men) with DP done in FKK? You see it done in porn all the time, and I might make this a chance to cross that out from my bucket list.I haven't seen this in public area in a FKK club but I've seen quite often two guys with a girl going to room. And I know for sure some girls doing DP or sandwich. An Ex fav. Of me at Sharks liked it means 300 Euro in 30 minutes. Actual I know at Mainhattan Rosalyn doing sandwich with two guys. Maybe it isn't easy finding a girl doing this but I'm sure you'll find a girl for this, you need only enough money. Also difficult finding the second guy, best chance if you invite one and pay the whole bill.
Banana Boi
10-15-15, 17:34
Land 11 am, departure 10 pm. Would give me realistic club time from 12:30-7:00 pm. Which club would have the better mid-week daytime lineup, Sharks or Oase (dessous is irrelevant to me)?
Unless the girl is a supermodel I'm only looking for under 25, fairly slim (not anorexic), and preferably nice tits. I am a face guy first and an optificker. DFK is a must.
Land 11 am, departure 10 pm. Would give me realistic club time from 12:30-7:00 pm. Which club would have the better mid-week daytime lineup, Sharks or Oase (dessous is irrelevant to me)?
Unless the girl is a supermodel I'm only looking for under 25, fairly slim (not anorexic), and preferably nice tits. I am a face guy first and an optificker. DFK is a must.Maybe Sharks day time line up slightly better. Was this week at Sharks but can't confirm what I've read in one german board about the best LU maybe in Germany. Was ok but nothing really impressive. But during day shift Sharks or Oase are best option in Frankfurt. Either you decide for Sharks or Oase in any case plan room ressources for after 5 pm Line up in both clubs than better.
10-15-15, 20:01
While we are at the subject of gangbangs in FKK, and I hope I'm not breaking any rules here, has anyone seen / done an MFM (non-sexual contact between men) with DP done in FKK? You see it done in porn all the time, and I might make this a chance to cross that out from my bucket list.Three years ago, I saw DP everyday in ERW gangbang club of Berlin. I have never seen DP in any FKK clubs so far.
While we are at the subject of gangbangs in FKK, and I hope I'm not breaking any rules here, has anyone seen / done an MFM (non-sexual contact between men) with DP done in FKK? You see it done in porn all the time, and I might make this a chance to cross that out from my bucket list.Unlikely to happen in an FKK club. You might want to ask around in the Partytreff forum, maybe look for a club that has a party and hires a porn star who might go for that.
10-15-15, 23:00
While we are at the subject of gangbangs in FKK, and I hope I'm not breaking any rules here, has anyone seen / done an MFM (non-sexual contact between men) with DP done in FKK? You see it done in porn all the time, and I might make this a chance to cross that out from my bucket list.Janna in Artemis is frequently responding to questions on her page at the Artemis web page. I saw one guy asking about DP and she responded that she does it.
I will visit the club on Sunday, any ideas what will be the nicest for a 1st time visit?
10 x.
I will visit the club on Sunday, any ideas what will be the nicest for a 1st time visit?
10 x.Which club? Between Fra and Dortmund you have Oase and World. Then very little till you get to Dortmund, where you have Applerbeck and Luder Lounge.
Banana Boi
10-16-15, 22:36
I will visit the club on Sunday, any ideas what will be the nicest for a 1st time visit?Best Sunday clubs are likely Sharks and GT but neither of those are on your route. ACA has had some good recent Sunday reviews and it's in the general vicinity of Dortmund. 50 km.
Thank you for interesting discussions and friendlyness. I am new here, and I am a newbie in the FKK world. I 4 some questions I guess are a bit funny for det experienced traveler.
How different are the FKK sauna clubs? I would prefer a large club, so I can move around and be a bit in the background when I get used to being there. I want to see a place with all nude girls. Visible sex in public areas will also be appreciated. Where should I go?
How pushy will the girls be? As a newbie I would like to have time to sit down, see and think. Not being aggressively approached the first minute.
I will wear robe or towel. Since I know I will be erected immediately at arrival, this is massively exciting for a first-timer, my erection will be visible under the robe / towel. Is that common? If I go to the pool I will necessarily be naked and flash hard-on. Will it be OK? Will it draw attention and make girls very pushy in their approaches?
I speak German not so good, will it be a problem? Will language problems give me less service? (But I am Scandinavian, polite, friendly, tall and well built.).
Delta Indigo
10-18-15, 15:56
Thank you for interesting discussions and friendlyness. I am new here, and I am a newbie in the FKK world. I 4 some questions I guess are a bit funny for det experienced traveler.
How different are the FKK sauna clubs? I would prefer a large club, so I can move around and be a bit in the background when I get used to being there. I want to see a place with all nude girls. Visible sex in public areas will also be appreciated. Where should I go?
How pushy will the girls be? As a newbie I would like to have time to sit down, see and think. Not being aggressively approached the first minute.
I will wear robe or towel. Since I know I will be erected immediately at arrival, this is massively exciting for a first-timer, my erection will be visible under the robe / towel. Is that common? If I go to the pool I will necessarily be naked and flash hard-on. Will it be OK? Will it draw attention and make girls very pushy in their approaches?
I speak German not so good, will it be a problem? Will language problems give me less service? (But I am Scandinavian, polite, friendly, tall and well built.).First of all Language is not an issue, most of the girls speak better English than German, a lot of the girls are from Romania. And quite frankly you will be able to communicate better in English, I have heard a lot of German guys speak English to the girls.
About the Robe or Towel, I prefer Robes, you will get excited, few people are more horny than me, but that you won't break out in random sporadic erections unless you are a total virgin, just kidding. I am pretty horny, the erection is not easily visible under the robe since it is a heavy robe and I am relatively large.
I prefer fully nude FKK clubs instead of Sauna clubs since I love ass and I like to see naked girls walking around with their cute asses.
It seems to me from your questions you want a good service club and / or a no approach club.
Acapulco in Velbert, near Cologne is a strict no approach club which has a very good lineup, if you scandinavian, then the only problem is that they have a 4 drink maximum and that is my only real problem with the place the girls are not fully nude it is a Sauna club.
But it is a solid no approach place. I have not been to the mega clubs around Frankfurt yet. But from reading the descriptions they tend to have more aggressive and sharky girls, especially Palace. People also say this about Artemis in Berlin, that that is fine for me. Artemis is not that sharky in my opinion, but it has some notable sharks, there is one middle eastern girl there who is particularly annoying. I forget her name.
A lot of clubs are reputable for good service, Living Room in Kaarst near Dusseldorf. I personally think the service at Samya in Cologne is pretty good, that is a nice club where you can drink to your heart's content.
I like Babylon in Elsdorf, the line up is not as good as Samya, but the girls are fully nude and a lot of them offer rimming and anal, and anal sex, which I know many Swedes love, is much cheaper in the Dusseldorf. Cologne area than in Hessen, Frankfurt. It is 50 Euros extra instead of 100 extra.
The service in Babylon is also quite good and if you are into black girls, they have a few stunners here.
Based upon your questions and concerns I think starting around Dusseldorf / Cologne is better for you than Frankfurt.
For me, I do like fully nude girls and I have enough experience in FKKs to deal with sharkiness and identify good service providers, so my next trip will be to the mega clubs around Frankfurt.
Lastly if you are good lucking and charming, in my opinion and experience here you get better service as long as you are nice to the girls and by nice I don't mean innocent.
Have a good time and tell us how it goes. The only sharky club in North Rhine Westphalia I have ever been to is Dolce Vita in Dusseldorf, but I sill had good times there and the beer is free and unlimited, which I know you would like.
Samya is better than Dolce Vita though. Whatever you do you probably want to avoid Munich and Hamburg from what I have read, higher prices and BBBJ is not standard.
Hi everyone,
I'm also new here and had a couple kind of embarrassing questions I'm worried about before going to one of these clubs for the first time.
I'm a bit on the heavy side. I read through the last several pages of this thread and from what I've gathered the girls won't care about this as long as I'm polite / clean etc, but my concern is with the towels / robes. Specifically, how large are they? It would be pretty embarrassing to get there and find out the robe doesn't cover everything. I'm not enormous but I do find a standard size bath towel to be a little tight.
I think I'd definitely prefer a no-approach club (I'm in Heidelberg so I think I'll either have to go to Frankfurt or go over to Stuttgart) as I'm kind of shy. Will the other guys leave you alone too though or do they like to socialize with other guys they don't know? What are the showers like in terms of how crowded they usually are? I guess it's a bit prude-ish but I've never really been comfortable with nudity around other guys.
I guess overall I'm nervous of being nervous, especially with the first girl I try, if that makes sense. I had some bad experiences with some brothel-style clubs in Switzerland where the girls get a bit impatient when they have to take the lead more on things.
Finally, in terms of money matters, do most people just bring only 50's (as opposed to 100's for example)? I could imagine some girls might not like being asked for change but I might be overthinking it.
Thanks and hopefully I'll be able to report back soon wherever I choose to go.
I guess a non-approach setting will be wrong too. I think I would like some approaching, also some teasing. But it is the aggressively sharky stuff I don't like. And. I definitely will have a constant boner. I have had a lot of sex, I am in my late 40's but these places turn me on.
Thank you for interesting discussions and friendlyness. I am new here, and I am a newbie in the FKK world. I 4 some questions I guess are a bit funny for det experienced traveler.
How different are the FKK sauna clubs? I would prefer a large club, so I can move around and be a bit in the background when I get used to being there. I want to see a place with all nude girls. Visible sex in public areas will also be appreciated. Where should I go?
How pushy will the girls be? As a newbie I would like to have time to sit down, see and think. Not being aggressively approached the first minute.
I think you with the large club is describing Sharks in Darmstadt. Girls will approach you but if you treat them and reject them in a respectful manner it will be no problem. In some places in Sharks you can sit quite privately and just watch girls and what is going on.
Regarding pushy girls. My first time at FKK I was at Mainhattan which is a smaller club. With not being used to girls approaching I didn't have the best of time. Nothing wrong with Mainhattan now though but maybe not as a first timer. For a first timer in the Frankfurt area I would say 1. World or 2. Sharks.
Banana Boi
10-19-15, 02:58
The towels are quite large and there are many large men in FKK's with no towel issues. You may want to learn how to tie a towel properly. My buddy is 6' and maybe 270+ pounds, much of it in his belly. He had no issues with towels after I taught him how to tie it.
If you want no approach clubs those are only in NRW AFAIK. Acapulco is the most strict about no approach and has a good lineup. Showers are never crowded in most clubs. GT is the most crowded. Some clubs like Mondial and Magnum have private showers. Most clubs have at least 1 room with a shower.
The FKK girls are in general very nice girls who will make you feel at ease. Try not going with the first girl who attacks you unless she seems genuinely nice.
Bring a combination of 50's and some 10's and 20's if you plan on tipping or going to a club like ACA that charges 40/ hh. No girl minds getting you change. Very few girls rush you as long as you make them feel comfortable and don't bore them to tears.
10-19-15, 03:22
No reason feel prudish. It's just like a gym locker room, nobody cares. All the guys there for the same goal, find nice girls they can spend fun time with. Guys keep to themselves. You will see all types in the clubs. Different ages, mostly middle to older. Some bigger guys. Your first visit maybe a bit of sensory overload if you are not used this type of scene, but over time it's something that you will get used to. Many nude hotties in a big area you can choose from. Not bad.
You just need to find a nice friendly girl with a good attitude. They will take care of you. Lots of nice girls around, just need to get a good sense of them to pick them out. There is a chance you may run into difficult ones, and you can do a search on the threads and look for girls have good reviews. That should help.
Thanks guys, all that information is appreciated and reassuring.
I guess I don't mind some approach by the girls as long as they aren't overly pushy. I'm mostly used to the strip clubs in the US where things are a bit extreme (and you don't even get to have sex, at least not with the girls worth paying for). I've had a girl in one of those have the bouncer come over and threaten to throw me out if I didn't buy a dance from her and this was within 5 minutes of me sitting down. So maybe I'm a little paranoid. Anyway I'm sure it varies from girl to girl and club to club and there will be girls who make me uncomfortable and probably more who don't.
One more question that I forgot about. On some club websites I either see slot machines / etc in the background or the club mentions it has a casino. Do those basically just consist of time-wasters / money drains like slot machines or do some clubs have more extensive ones with, for example, live card games like poker or blackjack? I guess it's missing the point of being at a club like that but I could imagine it might be nice (although expensive) to pass some time between sessions doing something like that.
Hi everyone,
I'm also new here and had a couple kind of embarrassing questions I'm worried about before going to one of these clubs for the first time.
I'm a bit on the heavy side. I read through the last several pages of this thread and from what I've gathered the girls won't care about this as long as I'm polite / clean etc, but my concern is with the towels / robes. Specifically, how large are they? It would be pretty embarrassing to get there and find out the robe doesn't cover everything. I'm not enormous but I do find a standard size bath towel to be a little tight.
I think I'd definitely prefer a no-approach club (I'm in Heidelberg so I think I'll either have to go to Frankfurt or go over to Stuttgart) as I'm kind of shy. Will the other guys leave you alone too though or do they like to socialize with other guys they don't know?.If you live in Heidelberg, best club for distance, girls look and behavior is Sharks on Wednesday for 50 , or Friday, or Sunday before 2 pm for 45 . They have different size for robe and you can also put towel under. When You will see men who visit FKK, don t be afraid of anything, but if you prefer You will find larger showers when You walk over the bar, on the right side to stairs up to jacuzzi, close to sauna. Large showers and not many men there. About girls, most are friendly at Sharks, don t say it s your first visit, if You are not ready or not attracted, answer You have appointment with other girl and the girl will leave, when You are attracted, speak with girl before going to room, ask her if she is Ok for what You like. Most of girls prefer easy clients than iron sport man, because they can keep control and are less tired. Avoid Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, to start, because less men, good for me, but girls are more sharky then. Many locals on Wednesday and Sunday. Try to find real angels like blond Sandra. De, blond Patricia. Mold, blond Kati. De, blond Lisa. De, then relax, they are just sweet candies and enjoy your pleasure with such friendly girls. 50/30 mn out of CIM or anal, DFK and BBBJ included.
Thanks guys, all that information is appreciated and reassuring.
I guess I don't mind some approach by the girls as long as they aren't overly pushy. I'm mostly used to the strip clubs in the US where things are a bit extreme (and you don't even get to have sex, at least not with the girls worth paying for). I've had a girl in one of those have the bouncer come over and threaten to throw me out if I didn't buy a dance from her and this was within 5 minutes of me sitting down. So maybe I'm a little paranoid. Anyway I'm sure it varies from girl to girl and club to club and there will be girls who make me uncomfortable and probably more who don't.
One more question that I forgot about. On some club websites I either see slot machines / etc in the background or the club mentions it has a casino. Do those basically just consist of time-wasters / money drains like slot machines or do some clubs have more extensive ones with, for example, live card games like poker or blackjack? I guess it's missing the point of being at a club like that but I could imagine it might be nice (although expensive) to pass some time between sessions doing something like that.Usually just a couple of slots, although not in every club. I've never seen live games, and I doubt there are any.
With reference to your initial questions, the key is to take your time. Girls will approach you, but they are not generally too pushy. They are used to being told no. Just tell them that you want to relax for a while. Make a deal with yourself not to take any girl for the first few hours. Relax, eat, sauna, get used to the scene.
I disagree with Sirioja and think the quiet days are quite good for a newbie. But just my opinion. In my early visits, I preferred it when there were not too many men around. The girls might come looking for work, but they are also not in so much of a hurry.
Regarding your size. Punters come in all shapes and ages. Other men will take no interest in you, there is something else on their mind. And girls just want a guy to be clean, polite and respectful. I am also quite shy, but find myself much more liberated in an FKK club. Just give it a go!
Member #4581
10-19-15, 23:45
If all or most of your experience is from the US strip clubs, you are in for a treat. Its night and day, not even close. I don't know which strip clubs you are used to, but I have visited many of the big names ones in Vegas, LA, SF, NYC, Tampa and Miami, and a few others like Austin and Baltimore, etc. I used to spend hundreds of dollars on a few lap dance songs, with a little bit of tit rubbing in my face, and some fake heavy breathing in my ears, and that's it. Although, the seedy clubs in San Fran do provide a bit more, but nothing ever comes close to the fkks. While the FKK girls do ask you politely and some may approach you a couple of times, but none are even close to the strip club scam girls, in terms of pestering you for a session. And no, you don't find no-neck gorilla bouncers scowling and trying to break your arm either.
After I discovered fkks, I don't even visit the useless strip clubs anymore. Why bother? Save up all those hundred and thousands of dollars for my next FKK visit.
Btw, I used to be shy as well, perhaps still am. But on my very first fkk visit in Oase, in the first hour I wrapped the robe tightly around me out of shyness, but before the end of the night, I was fucking this girl openly in the kino. No one cared. And that was the thrill of it.
Thanks guys, all that information is appreciated and reassuring.
I guess I don't mind some approach by the girls as long as they aren't overly pushy. I'm mostly used to the strip clubs in the US where things are a bit extreme (and you don't even get to have sex, at least not with the girls worth paying for). I've had a girl in one of those have the bouncer come over and threaten to throw me out if I didn't buy a dance from her and this was within 5 minutes of me sitting down. So maybe I'm a little paranoid. Anyway I'm sure it varies from girl to girl and club to club and there will be girls who make me uncomfortable and probably more who don't.
One more question that I forgot about. On some club websites I either see slot machines / etc in the background or the club mentions it has a casino. Do those basically just consist of time-wasters / money drains like slot machines or do some clubs have more extensive ones with, for example, live card games like poker or blackjack? I guess it's missing the point of being at a club like that but I could imagine it might be nice (although expensive) to pass some time between sessions doing something like that.
10-20-15, 00:46
Hi everyone,
I'm also new here
I'm a bit on the heavy side. I read through the last several pages of this thread and from what I've gathered the girls won't care about this as long as I'm polite / clean etc, but my concern is with the towels / robes. Specifically, how large are they? It would be pretty embarrassing to get there and find out the robe doesn't cover everything. I'm not enormous but I do find a standard size bath towel to be a little tight.
I think I'd definitely prefer a no-approach club (I'm in Heidelberg so I think I'll either have to go to Frankfurt or go over to Stuttgart) as I'm kind of shy. Will the other guys leave you alone too though or do they like to socialize with other guys they don't know? What are the showers like in terms of how crowded they usually are? I guess it's a bit prude-ish but I've never really been comfortable with nudity around other guys.
Finally, in terms of money matters, do most people just bring only 50's (as opposed to 100's for example)? I could imagine some girls might not like being asked for change but I might be overthinking it.
Thanks and hopefully I'll be able to report back soon wherever I choose to go.Plenty of quite large men visiting FKKs. The clubs have XXL robes that will fit you no problem. The towels at most clubs are quite large as well. Large men need sex too! So, you won't be alone by any stretch. More important than your size is how fat your wallet is.
I would not recommend limiting yourself to a no-approach club. But stay away from Palace. The girls there will truly annoy the shit out of you. You will be able to turn down girls begging you for sex no problem at most clubs. Just always be polite and friendly. You can pick a girl when you are relaxed and ready to choose one. Just make you are the one choosing the girl and not the other way around.
Yes, most people bring 50's. You don't ask a girl for change. You get change from Reception if needed. The girls generally aren't carrying money on them. Like you, their money is in their locker. They aren't going to want to go all the way to their locker to make change for you. The girls aren't banks. In short, make sure you have change from Reception ahead of time. Most ATMs dispense in 50's anyways.
Be prepared to have lots of amazing fun!
P.S. I also recommend paying the $20 for the membership on this forum. Otherwise, you will miss out on PMs.
Hello fellow enthusiasts.
I haven't frequented many German FKKs but would like to know.
Does anyone have an opinion on the best therapeutic massage offered at a German FKK.
It would be nice to pay for a real massage in order to loosen up and lessen the jet leg after a long day of travel.
Hello fellow enthusiasts.
I haven't frequented many German FKKs but would like to know.
Does anyone have an opinion on the best therapeutic massage offered at a German FKK.
It would be nice to pay for a real massage in order to loosen up and lessen the jet leg after a long day of travel.
My tip for FKK masseur would be Gunther at World, or the Thai lady at Oase. Even one of the guy in Artemis is good, don't remember his name.
My tip for FKK masseur would be Gunther at World, or the Thai lady at Oase. Even one of the guy in Artemis is good, don't remember his name.Thanks brother.
Hello fellow enthusiasts.
I haven't frequented many German FKKs but would like to know.
Does anyone have an opinion on the best therapeutic massage offered at a German FKK.
It would be nice to pay for a real massage in order to loosen up and lessen the jet leg after a long day of travel.
Thanks!Sakura have two masseuses (females). One is Thai and I assume she specializes in traditional Thai massage. I've never tested any of theses massages.
Hessen Bub
11-07-15, 10:46
Even one of the guy in Artemis is good, don't remember his name.Thomas. I've heard differing opinions about Günter at World, some guys like his massage, some don't. All bigger clubs do have therapeutic massage, some do have more than one masseur.
The masseur at World is excellent. The only massage that makes it a difficult decision whether to spend time fucking one or two young women, or to be rubbed down by a man.
Hello fellow enthusiasts.
I haven't frequented many German FKKs but would like to know.
Does anyone have an opinion on the best therapeutic massage offered at a German FKK.
It would be nice to pay for a real massage in order to loosen up and lessen the jet leg after a long day of travel.
Nille Copenhagen
11-08-15, 08:46
The masseur at World is excellent. The only massage that makes it a difficult decision whether to spend time fucking one or two young women, or to be rubbed down by a man.Last time I got massage at World was from a woman.
Never been to FKK and I'm doing my homework.
I assume the price for a 30 m session is for 1 pop?
11-08-15, 11:54
Hi all,
I will be in Frankfurt, Germany on Thursday 19th Friday 20th and Saturday 21. Please I need advise on how to plan the visit, I'm looking at Sharks for Thursday ** Oases Friday ** and Mainhattan on Saturday. I will be flying out on Sunday morning so no time to spend in FKK.
Before flight as I usually do before leaving Frankfurt.
I read from reviews that Sharks is best at Sunday and Oases on Saturdays but surely I'm sure there's fun to be had if I visit this 3 clubs on other days without having to change my flight and hotel booking which I'm tempted to make after reading some of the reviews.
I also plan to book a hotel close to sharks instead of the long taxi drive back to Frankfurt which equals the price of a hotel locally.
I've booked Hotel Mecure for Friday, but need some help as to which hotel is close to Sharks not fuzzy as it's just for a few minutes stay.
Also I thought its best to skip Palace this time, love the place but it can be a bit of a challenge sometimes as some of the girl's can be.
Business like which kills the mode. I'm tempted but I'm looking to explore further.
I hope to get feedback shortly. Many thanks in advance guys.
11-10-15, 20:39
I normally stay at the cheap and clean hotel ibis budget Darmstadt city as its close to sharks just 10 euro by cab.
Hessen Bub
11-10-15, 20:54
I assume the price for a 30 m session is for 1 pop?
ThanksUnless you negotiate otherwise upfront. Yes.
11-10-15, 20:58
I booked a reservation with " Hotel Atlanta " it's about 4 min from Sharks I'm assuming this will be about £10 or less for taxi or a walking distance.
I normally stay at the cheap and clean hotel ibis budget Darmstadt city as its close to sharks just 10 euro by cab.
I normally stay at the cheap and clean hotel ibis budget Darmstadt city as its close to sharks just 10 euro by cab.Ibis budget is 20 mn walking, Contel hôtel, more expensive, is 300 meters from Sharks. Possible to leave Sharks and return, just ask theke.
How to deal with FKK addiction?
Being someone who is new to the FKK scene (recently moved to Germany last week). I wasted no time and the first weekend here I hit up FKK Sharks on Friday night and Sunday all day. I had been tracking this forum and reading up / doing research since August.
Like most others I do work normally Monday through Friday, but even now the music from the club is playing in my ears and I am seeing naked gorgeous girls strutting in my head. It's like all week long my mind is in cloud 9 and cannot really focus on other stuff in real life!
Not sure if this kind of lifestyle is sustainable! Dropping 300-400 Euros every week at the club! And then thinking about being there for the rest of the week the:
Any one else or experienced punters / mongers have ways to cope / deal with this?
Time will cure you. Your reaction is normal for a first timer.
If you are thinking about it all week, then stop. What you think about is a choice and you can work out ways to remind yourself to stop.
Maybe try to think exactly what it is you are searching for in FKK.
Good luck.
How to deal with FKK addiction?
Being someone who is new to the FKK scene (recently moved to Germany last week). I wasted no time and the first weekend here I hit up FKK Sharks on Friday night and Sunday all day. I had been tracking this forum and reading up / doing research since August.
Like most others I do work normally Monday through Friday, but even now the music from the club is playing in my ears and I am seeing naked gorgeous girls strutting in my head. It's like all week long my mind is in cloud 9 and cannot really focus on other stuff in real life!
Not sure if this kind of lifestyle is sustainable! Dropping 300-400 Euros every week at the club! And then thinking about being there for the rest of the week the:
Any one else or experienced punters / mongers have ways to cope / deal with this?You started with best casting club and 2 high level girls. Not each time so enjoyable, no truth, sometimes You win, sometimes You loose in FKK. Close to You, FKK Prestige can be good. In FRA, Sharks is easier for newbie than upselling Oase. Don t forget, it s only paid sex business, better to find a nice girlfriend and take care of her, then she will ask you for sex.
11-11-15, 04:26
The most memorable times were the first couple years. It partially has to do with the experience being fresh and not knowing what's to come. Looking back, as a newbie I was more complacent, and didn't have the experience to gauge my experience which made it more fun and exciting times as I run into better and better session. It's still fun, but not on the same level as when I was a newbie getting all giddy as I step foot in Germany thinking at last I'm here! It's like going to Disneyland. Oh the depressing feeling on the last night, and the withdraws after meeting a really addictive girl knowing I won't be able to make the trip for awhile. Unfortunate some would disappear on my trip back to DE. It would be fun to be a newbie again. I don't know about others, but I think after get over an excitement hump, it won't be that big of a deal anymore.
Giddy like this.
Maybe try to think exactly what it is you are searching for in FKK.
Good luck.I don't think I have any deep emotional or psychological void that needs to be filled by experiencing FKKs.
I think I am just more in the desire to try different experiences with different girls at this point in life without all the strings that are attached to a relationship.
I think maybe that is the magic in Germany FKKs, you can go to the club flirt and sex with whichever girl you want and no one cares and there is always more girls up for it. As long as you can manage your budget. It is truly a unique environment in the world.
Citizen Kane
11-11-15, 18:25
How to deal with FKK addiction?Just go to Palace a couple of times. After spending a few hours there you'll wish you were gay.
Just go to Palace a couple of times. After spending a few hours there you'll wish you were gay.I was actually considering going to Palace sometime soon, since it seems some members have had good experiences there. What is it about palace that would make you reflect this opinion?
I was actually considering going to Palace sometime soon, since it seems some members have had good experiences there. What is it about palace that would make you reflect this opinion?If you go to Palace, you saw me, I saw you, girls will fuck you as newbie and tourist because of where you come from.
Citizen Kane
11-11-15, 23:49
I was actually considering going to Palace sometime soon, since it seems some members have had good experiences there. What is it about palace that would make you reflect this opinion?Most of the girls working there do so purely to rip off tourists. Sure, there are probably still a few girls there that provide decent service but I bet you could count them on the fingers of one hand. The rest of them are basically scammers and the management couldn't care less.
There are lots of other clubs in the same area where getting decent service is like shooting fish in a barrel. At Palace most of the time it feels like you're going into combat. Been there, done that, not interested.
Thanks HB.
Unless you negotiate otherwise upfront. Yes.
11-12-15, 02:02
Hi everyone,
I am a newbie, heading to Germany in mid-December. Have been reading the forum to get familiar with all that FKK clubs have to offer and I can't wait to go! Although I am going to Frankfurt, I am willing to travel to another city to make the best out of my trip.
Delta Indigo mentioned hot black girls at Babylon and that is exactly what I am looking for! I have seen some great photos on their website.
Are there any other FKKs where I have a good chance of finding black girls, whether in Frankfurt or elsewhere?
Thanks for the help.
If you go to Palace, you saw me, I saw you, girls will fuck you as newbie and tourist because of where you come from.I think after all the reading on these boards, Sharks is going to be my club for now. I really enjoy it there. I've had 3 sessions so far with different girls and all were pretty good- and it seems it has the best LU / Service so far based on opinions of the regulars. One benefit is that it is actually the closest to me out of the Frankfurt Big 5, just slightly over one hour drive time.
I will probably sneak in a visit to Oase sometime over the next 2 months, but I really don't want to go to the club more than once a week (don't want to burn all my cash).
11-15-15, 21:54
Ibis budget is 20 mn walking, Contel htel, more expensive, is 300 meters from Sharks. Possible to leave Sharks and return, just ask theke.I booked Contel hotel, as it's closer to Sharks. The cost is slightly more but hopefully better than taking a cab back to Frankfurt or to a different hotel far from Sharks.
Any idea how much cabs will cost from Sharks to Contel hotel? If walking how safe is the area at night?
11-16-15, 07:50
I booked Contel hotel, as it's closer to Sharks. The cost is slightly more but hopefully better than taking a cab back to Frankfurt or to a different hotel far from Sharks.
Any idea how much cabs will cost from Sharks to Contel hotel? If walking how safe is the area at night?It is maybe 500 meter walk. I think the meter would barely move in taxi. I am not sure the minimum fare though.
I would definitely walk. It is an industrial area and you won't see anybody in the area at night besides guys and girls coming and going to Sharks. So safety. I would say absolutely. Nothing like walking around Frankfurt RLD with people openly shooting up drugs and drunks, trannys, etc.
11-16-15, 08:58
Any idea how much cabs will cost from Sharks to Contel hotel? If walking how safe is the area at night?It is only 8 minute walk in a safe wide road with buildings set back quite far from the road. No need to take taxi. With taxi, it will probably be not much more than the flag down rate of 3 Euros I think.
Taxi from Darmstadt station to Contel is about 11 euros. It used to be cheaper before the endless roadworks. Unlike taxi drivers in other cities that recklessly try to beat red lights, here the taxi drivers seem to try their best to slow down to try to get a red light at every junction. I suspect it is either because the meter runs up rapidly at junctions here, or they do not get enough customers so it is better to maximise each taxi fare.
I always stay at Contel as the rooms are large and I can just stumble back at night.
Hi everyone,
I am a newbie, heading to Germany in mid-December. Have been reading the forum to get familiar with all that FKK clubs have to offer and I can't wait to go! Although I am going to Frankfurt, I am willing to travel to another city to make the best out of my trip.
Delta Indigo mentioned hot black girls at Babylon and that is exactly what I am looking for! I have seen some great photos on their website.
Are there any other FKKs where I have a good chance of finding black girls, whether in Frankfurt or elsewhere?
Thanks for the help.I've not been to Babylon, but my favourite club for black girls is artemis Berlin. Particularly if valeska is working. It's a risk to travel specially for that as there are not many, and it depends on if two or three girls are working.
I booked Contel hotel, as it's closer to Sharks. The cost is slightly more but hopefully better than taking a cab back to Frankfurt or to a different hotel far from Sharks.
Any idea how much cabs will cost from Sharks to Contel hotel? If walking how safe is the area at night?I would agree that darmstadt close to sharks feels very safe at night.
I booked Contel hotel, as it's closer to Sharks. The cost is slightly more but hopefully better than taking a cab back to Frankfurt or to a different hotel far from Sharks.
Any idea how much cabs will cost from Sharks to Contel hotel? If walking how safe is the area at night?A man who is able to walk, walk 1 kilometer for 10 minutes, so You have 3 or 4 minutes walking between Sharks and Contel, place is very safe, Damstadt is not Paris, no human bomb, so You need a taxi? If You are too drunk, they will not take You. Staying at Contel, You can leave Sharks if You need to return to your hôtel and return to Sharks later, just say it to theke. You can also walk from Darmstadt station to Contel or Sharks, about 2 kilometers, 20 minutes walking, to be stronger to fuck girls. How can you fuck girls if not able to walk to make your blood move.
A man who is able to walk, walk 1 kilometer for 10 minutes, so You have 3 or 4 minutes walking between Sharks and Contel, place is very safe, Damstadt is not Paris, no human bomb, so You need a taxi?.Sorry but this comparison between Darmstadt and Paris is completely tasteless.
I wouldn't call it dangerous but very late at night I feel never comfortable walking alone through an (empty) industrial area in a larger city in Germany, France or in many other countries.
Hessen Bub
11-16-15, 18:22
It's a well lit main road with broad sidewalks. I'd say it's save to walk from the hotel to the club.
11-16-15, 18:23
Sorry but this comparison between Darmstadt and Paris is completely tasteless.
I wouldn't call it dangerous but very late at night I feel never comfortable walking alone through an (empty) industrial area in a larger city in Germany, France or in many other countries.I always walk to Darmstadt Hbf if flying out in the morning. The AIR bus leaves on the 14 and 44's so if staying until close you'll miss the 14 after bus. Walking gets you there with good timing for the 44 after bus.
Sometimes the Stans can be dangerous. Especially Afghanistan and Pakistan. There even driving isn't safe. Monterrey Mexico scared me enough to take a taxi if after dark.
Everything be leaving sharks turns left and passes the Contel. Maybe ask someone to drop you off the 450 meters down the street and problem is solved. Most people at club seem friendly as everyone is having good time with pretty girls all night.
Sorry but this comparison between Darmstadt and Paris is completely tasteless.
I wouldn't call it dangerous but very late at night I feel never comfortable walking alone through an (empty) industrial area in a larger city in Germany, France or in many other countries.Only 3 minutes to walk with lights in the street from Sharks to Contel. I m french and live in Paris since I was born, so I know a little bit about Paris which is much more dangerous for tourists than Darmstadt, even out of human bombs. Even for american who are afraid of their shadow, Germany is a very safe country, FKK are very safe with condom, out of east part of Germany or some Hamburg or Berlin parts. For those who are afraid in Germany, don't come to walk in Paris and never go to Marseille, north part is nearly like Miami downtown, but not with Latina.
It's a well lit main road with broad sidewalks. I'd say it's save to walk from the hotel to the club.
HB.To Contel hotel I would definitely walk but I have for the last time walked from Sharks to Darmstadt Hbf through that industrial area. Not going to do that again.
11-16-15, 23:51
You have 3 or 4 minutes walking between Sharks and Contel, Don't talk rubbish (as usual) when you have obviously not timed this walk before. Just like you keep repeating wrong comments on who was present in World on a day when you yourself admitted that you were not there!
11-17-15, 04:08
I've not been to Babylon, but my favourite club for black girls is artemis Berlin. Particularly if valeska is working. It's a risk to travel specially for that as there are not many, and it depends on if two or three girls are working.Thanks Frozty.
Don't talk rubbish (as usual) when you have obviously not timed this walk before. Just like you keep repeating wrong comments on who was present in World on a day when you yourself admitted that you were not there!When I was only 15,1 kilometer was 3 minutes running, still the same now, so I think I can try to go to Contel below 8 minutes for only 300/400 meters from Sharks, walking on hands, each one his sport, same with girls, to be fit help.
Citizen Kane
11-17-15, 18:34
It took me under 10 minutes to walk from the Contel the very first time I went to Sharks but 1) I didn't know precisely where I was going and 2) I couldn't see much as it was during a blizzard.
11-17-15, 22:44
When I was only 15,1 kilometer was 3 minutes running, still the same now, so I think I can try to go to Contel below 8 minutes for only 300/400 meters from Sharks, walking on hands.Even more rubbish, as usual, on things you do not know about. Contel rear entrance is 650m from Sharks entrance according to Google Maps.
Even more rubbish on things you do not know about. Contel rear entrance is 650m from Sharks entrance.Each time = every week end at the moment, I drive to Sharks, I just drive in the street to enter Contel parking and I see entrance, next time I park there and walk on 1 hand to Sharks and when I return, I will train triple jump. You should less bullshit with your favs and walk faster to be more powerful.
Sorry but this comparison between Darmstadt and Paris is completely tasteless .For those who love women like me, now even human bomb woman in Paris, she could be our mother, but she was not afraid to die this morning. I m sad for her to be under Daech control, she deserved better life, to have children.
11-19-15, 07:41
For those who love women like me, now even human bomb woman in Paris, she could be our mother, but she was not afraid to die this morning. I m sad for her to be under Daech control, she deserved better life, to have children.She made her own choice. Her being female carries with it no special forgiveness. She got exactly what she deserved.
She made her own choice. Her being female carries with it no special forgiveness. She got exactly what she deserved.Not so sure, about her own choice, men are not afraid to die, when I ski free ride or push the speed limit far over 300 on autobahn, I try to be careful, but I don't care, not the same for women who are to give life. But for sure, she was under control from what is not a real religion, just terrorism, she was the first human bomb woman in Europe, in my town. Even already happened in Israel, I don't think she deserved this, not for a woman, they lie to her.
Hessen Bub
11-19-15, 11:25
Could we keep politics out of the board or at least the German FKK section? Thanks.
11-19-15, 11:36
Could we keep politics out of the board or at least the German FKK section? Thanks.
It is depressing. Better to talk about beautiful women.
11-19-15, 22:14
Could we keep politics out of the board or at least the German FKK section? Thanks.
HB.It's my preference too, and I'll never be the one to start off topic debates. But if someone says something really offensive, they should expect some pushback. And right now a post minimizing slaughter seems pretty offensive to me.
Hessen Bub
11-19-15, 23:18
That's why I reported S. Post as derogatory.
Banana Boi
11-20-15, 15:43
That's why I reported S. Post as derogatory.
HB.Unfortunately, reporting his posts doesn't make him go away!
11-21-15, 18:44
Does anyone know what is the situation at Palace and Mainhattan for leaving the club for a few hours and returning without paying double entrance fee? If it's possible, any time limit? I know it's possible at Artemis.
Also, has anyone got any experience of bringing a cabin baggage to Palace or Mainhattan, would they accept to store it?
Hessen Bub
11-21-15, 18:49
Does anyone know what is the situation at Palace and Mainhattan for leaving the club for a few hours and returning without paying double entrance fee? If it's possible, any time limit? I know it's possible at Artemis.
Also, has anyone got any experience of bringing a cabin baggage to Palace or Mainhattan, would they accept to store it?Yes: It is possible to leave Mainhattan and Palace and to return without paying twice.
Yes: Both clubs will store your luggage.
11-21-15, 18:53
Yes: It is possible to leave Mainhattan and Palace and to return without paying twice.
Yes: Both clubs will store your luggage.
Would seem like a reasonable way to kill some time in the morning before hotel check-in. Can't think of a lot to do early on a weekday in Frankfurt in December.
Hessen Bub
11-21-15, 19:10
Both clubs will not be buzzing with girls early in the morning but lineup will be okay. And there's always the breakfast and the sauna (good at both clubs).
11-21-15, 19:24
Yeah, I will probably go there for a few hours just to pass some time, having breakfast and relaxing. Will not really expect to find someone good to session with in the morning. I have heard that Palace is very calm early on. Make a leave for a few hours to check-in at hotel and maybe a quick look in the RLD. Then return to Palace to have some action.
11-25-15, 15:39
Sakura have two masseuses (females). One is Thai and I assume she specializes in traditional Thai massage. I've never tested any of theses massages.The other is usually Eastern European / Russian. The Thai woman doesn't really give an authentic Thai massage, mostly just traditional Swedish, but they are both very good and book up quickly. Best advice is to sign up for a time immediately upon arriving.
Would seem like a reasonable way to kill some time in the morning before hotel check-in. Can't think of a lot to do early on a weekday in Frankfurt in December.At Oase, 2 top girls start at 10/11 am, one is in day off on Thursday. At Sharks, girls like Sandra. De, Dina. Hu, Agnes. Pol start at 11 am.
Member #4581
11-25-15, 22:48
Given that the clubs allow you to store your bags, they should take the next step and allow the male visitors to sleep over as well. I rent a hotel nearby but hardly use it other than sleeping for a few hrs. I usually stay in the club till 3 Am and sometimes till closing time, and then back in the club by next afternoon 4 or 5 PM. I end up paying 80 to 100 euros for the hotel room, not to mention back and forth taxi. Would be pretty convenient to let me just crash somewhere. Perhaps one of the rooms even, since the club is closed after 5 AM? Obviously, they have some facilities for lodging the girls, they can do the same with guys. I would be happy to pay 50 to 60 euros for it, given my room+taxi is costing nearly a hundred.
The philosophy of American businesses (or any good business, for that matter) is don't let your customer walk. Once the customer comes in, hold onto him, like a leech. Here, the club is letting the customer walk away every day, even when some of them may want to sleep and come back the next day. What if I spend the day at Sharks, go to my hotel at close, change my mind after I wake up and go to Oase or Palace the next day? Would not the club be better off not letting me go?
I should caveat by saying I have no idea if there are local regulations and zoning laws which don't permit them from implementing this. But in the days of Airbnb, I wonder...
Given that the clubs allow you to store your bags, they should take the next step and allow the male visitors to sleep over as well. I rent a hotel nearby but hardly use it other than sleeping for a few hrs. I usually stay in the club till 3 Am and sometimes till closing time, and then back in the club by next afternoon 4 or 5 PM. I end up paying 80 to 100 euros for the hotel room, not to mention back and forth taxi. Would be pretty convenient to let me just crash somewhere. Perhaps one of the rooms even, since the club is closed after 5 AM? Obviously, they have some facilities for lodging the girls, they can do the same with guys. I would be happy to pay 50 to 60 euros for it, given my room+taxi is costing nearly a hundred.
The philosophy of American businesses (or any good business, for that matter) is don't let your customer walk. Once the customer comes in, hold onto him, like a leech. Here, the club is letting the customer walk away every day, even when some of them may want to sleep and come back the next day. What if I spend the day at Sharks, go to my hotel at close, change my mind after I wake up and go to Oase or Palace the next day? Would not the club be better off not letting me go?
I should caveat by saying I have no idea if there are local regulations and zoning laws which don't permit them from implementing this. But in the days of Airbnb, I wonder...This is possible (at a fee) in some clubs. At the moment I believe: World, Villa Vertigo and Babylon has added this option as well.
Member #4581
11-26-15, 02:24
Thanks. I was not aware World has beds available for sleeping on a rental basis. I have never visited that club, mostly because reviews have not been favorable for a while, and also have this vague recollection reading that hotels were not plentiful or nearby. Having inhouse beds makes a big difference in terms of convenience.
What a club like Sharks should do is sell a 24 hour ticket, including the bed or a small room for sleeping for may be 115 Euro. Or better yet, sell 3 day and 5 day packages for say 325 and 525 Euros. And start the breakfast hour at 10 Am, at least some simple things like donuts and bagels. That way, they can start each day with 10 to 20 guests already booked. Initial demand may be slow but once the concept catches on, demand can be substantial, given that non locals are a meaningful percent of the total clientele.
I would also suggest selling a good signal wifi package, for say 5 to 10 euro per day. The free wifi some clubs provide sucks anyway, and in general, I find wifi in most European hotels is lousy. DT ceo keeps bragging about his fiber rollout and magenta eins, it can't be that difficult for a club to partner with the telco and sell a good wifi. If you think about it, there should be plenty of demand if you sell good food, good wifi and good sex to a middle aged sex tourist, lol.
Thanks. I was not aware World has beds available for sleeping on a rental basis. I have never visited that club, mostly because reviews have not been favorable for a while, and also have this vague recollection reading that hotels were not plentiful or nearby. Having inhouse beds makes a big difference in terms of convenience.
What a club like Sharks should do is sell a 24 hour ticket, including the bed or a small room for sleeping for may be 115 Euro. Or better yet, sell 3 day and 5 day packages for say 325 and 525 Euros. And start the breakfast hour at 10 Am, at least some simple things like donuts and bagels. That way, they can start each day with 10 to 20 guests already booked. Initial demand may be slow but once the concept catches on, demand can be substantial, given that non locals are a meaningful percent of the total clientele.
I would also suggest selling a good signal wifi package, for say 5 to 10 euro per day. The free wifi some clubs provide sucks anyway, and in general, I find wifi in most European hotels is lousy. DT ceo keeps bragging about his fiber rollout and magenta eins, it can't be that difficult for a club to partner with the telco and sell a good wifi. If you think about it, there should be plenty of demand if you sell good food, good wifi and good sex to a middle aged sex tourist, lol.A dormitory might work, but otherwise there just isn't enough room in the clubs. I assume clubs make more money by having more rooms for sex; increasing the capacity for girls and punters.
This is possible (at a fee) in some clubs. At the moment I believe: World, Villa Vertigo and Babylon has added this option as well.Real hotel rooms with the desk and decent WiFi available in FKK Harem (Padeborn). They provide breakfast any time. They ask for desirable breakfast time at the checking in. It is 89 Euros per night on top of entry fee, which is another 65 EU.
Food there is decent. It is coocked for order like in Das 5, PSR, Magnum or Oceans.
The only cons is shared bathroom. You get a key.
I always stay there when attend trade show in Hannover. It is much better than ridiculously overpriced and overfilled hotels around Messe place.
Lineup and service level is so-so, but IMHO even weak LU is better than staying alone in overcrowded hotel.
The most remarcable thing in LU is the highest persentage of the black girls I ever seen.
Member #4581
11-26-15, 04:57
Preliminarily, I was indeed thinking a dorm type facility; or perhaps a time share situation could work. I was thinking of my own situation where I was trudging up to my hotel at 4 Am, get some sleep, wake up at 2 pM, shower and get back to Sharks. In such a situation, inhouse dorm could be a workable alternative; allowing to sleep in one of the regular rooms from club close to till 11 AM or noon also works, given there are still very few guests.
A dormitory might work, but otherwise there just isn't enough room in the clubs. I assume clubs make more money by having more rooms for sex; increasing the capacity for girls and punters.
Sharks is sex factory, not hotel / restaurant. Can sleep at World, 2 rooms, for 100, from 3 am until noon, I don't know if breakfast is included.
11-26-15, 22:00
I stayed at Hotel Contel, which is a short walk to Sharks. I recommend this option if your looking for a stay over as oppose to traveling back to Frankfurt.
I would like to visit FKK when the outdoor area is sure to be open and the weather is not too cold. But I have heard that August can be slow with fewer ladies due to holidays. So what is the best month of the year to visit?
Thank you.
Hessen Bub
12-02-15, 19:14
I would like to visit FKK when the outdoor area is sure to be open and the weather is not too cold. But I have heard that August can be slow with fewer ladies due to holidays. So what is the best month of the year to visit?
Thank you.June to September.
12-19-15, 20:16
I'm looking to visit World and Sharks in January. Please advise which day is best to visit both clubs a I plan on visiting Saturday and Friday.
Which of the clubs is best to visit on a Friday and the other on a Saturday?
The last time I visited Sharks on a Thursday was a nightmare for me as there was few girls and lots regulars, so wasn't a good experience.
Also I plan on a sleep over so an advise on a hotel closer to World will be great.
Sharks is sorted as Hotel Contel is closer, I stayed there last time.
I'll be visiting Dusseldorf / Cologne in early January. What is must see FKK in the NRW region?
Vito Corleone
12-23-15, 01:23
I'll be visiting Dusseldorf / Cologne in early January. What is must see FKK in the NRW region?Nice handle. Unlike the past 4 yrs there's nothing to look forward to on Sundays anymore.
Koln samya.
Dusseldorf Dolce vita.
GT LR & ACA are also places to visit.
12-23-15, 06:29
I'll be visiting Dusseldorf / Cologne in early January. What is must see FKK in the NRW region?
I highly recommend GoldenTime in Bruggen close to the NL/DE boarder. Public transport is tricky and time consuming. So, driving is recommended. Days recommended from Weds to Sun.
Living Room is a sister club of GoldenTime, and worth checking out also. GT will give you a discount entry to LR to reduce your entry to 35 Euros if attending both clubs on the same day. Recommended as LR closes later than GT.
Acapulco in Velbert is a discount club with good lineup of young Romanian girls. What is enticing is the low entry (30-40 Euros) and the rate being 40 per half hour with the ladies (others are 50).
SixSens in the NL/DE boarder.
Yin Yang in the NL/DE boarder about half hour from GT. Not worth visiting on a weekend night, save it for a week day visit if doing evening.
Samya in Cologne is another club worth checking out. Make sure to stick around til later at night as it's a night club. 75 per hour with the ladies(50 for first half).
Check the websites for entry rates, and any discounts offering for happy hours. I recommend a car to get around most of the above clubs.
Check the threads here(SixSens and Yin Yang thread here for additional info, and check out the forums below.
I would like to visit FKK when the outdoor area is sure to be open and the weather is not too cold. But I have heard that August can be slow with fewer ladies due to holidays. So what is the best month of the year to visit?
Thank you.June and before 20 July and after 15 September, but August is not so slow in clubs like Sharks or Mainhattan.
In NRW, for my tastes for fresh look, Aca is far higher others at the moment and never been asked for upsell or tip. Just 40€/30 mn with some very good GFE girls like Jaylon. Tu, new Lora. Ro.
Hi there!
I have read somewhere on the forum that some FKK clubs in Germany offer a rates like 120 euro a day where you can have sex all day long with different woman. I will be traveling in the west Germany like cologne, Munich, Düsseldorf at the beginning of February. Can you give me some recommendations of places that offer this option?
Banana Boi
01-18-16, 04:48
Do your research here in the Partytreff section.
There are clubs like Totalclub Osnabruck.
I will be in the Frankfurt area this weekend and will probably visit Oase Friday night. I have been several times before and usually change USD for EUR in the FRA airport. However, I figure there must be a better place to exchange money with much lower fees. I know ATM is better and I do use ATM for some cash but my bank has a maximum limit which won't be enough for someone who has been away from FKK land for a year.
Does anyone have a good recommendation for where to change money either near the airport or possibly near the main Frankfurt Hbf? I will not have a car if that makes any difference.
I shall be visiting Frankfurt and would be trying the top 5 FKK's. I was planning to visit oase, sharks, Manhattan and world. I am staying in Frankfurt am main area.
You think it will be safe to come back from these FKK's late in the night. Should I take taxi back? Do they have uber facility?
Hessen Bub
01-18-16, 11:32
No uber. Frankfurt is safe as long as you avoid dark side streets.
But are there late night taxi's available in these FKK's?
01-18-16, 13:31
Frankfurt is safe as long as you avoid dark side streets.Am wondering where dark side streets are. Thanks, HB.
Hi there!
I have read somewhere on the forum that some FKK clubs in Germany offer a rates like 120 euro a day where you can have sex all day long with different woman. I will be traveling in the west Germany like cologne, Munich, Dsseldorf at the beginning of February. Can you give me some recommendations of places that offer this option?
Thanks!In those areas: Pauschalclub Bochum, Munster or Dortmund (all a bit east of Dusseldorf). I guess those are the best choices for the all you can fuck type of thing.
In those areas: Pauschalclub Bochum, Munster or Dortmund (all a bit east of Dusseldorf). I guess those are the best choices for the all you can fuck type of thing.Really? Is there such a place in Germany where you can fuck all day long, end number of girls end number of times in just 120€ wow! That does not sound like a bad deal then!
01-18-16, 20:07
Really? Is there such a place in Germany where you can fuck all day long, end number of girls end number of times in just 120 wow! That does not sound like a bad deal then!Yes, that's what they mean with "Pauschalclub" which you can translate as "Lumpsum price club". One payment gets you in the club and there is no limit (other than your own physical limit) put upon the number of times you can take a woman there.
However, most of the time there is a catch: the women are generally less young and less "beautiful" (for any reasonabe definition of "beautiful") than in an FKK. In some of these clubs there are also no separate rooms and sex happens then in a common or open room.
The sex is usually not very inspired and sessions rarely last longer than 20 minutes. However in these clubs there may be some "diamonds in the rough", for example I have had good sessions in Xantener Partytreff with one of their African girls.
Not everyone's cup of tea I can imagine, so think twice before you go there.
Banana Boi
01-18-16, 20:21
Jooey, see my link below for the right forum for Partytreffs.
Be warned that there have been posts (not recently) on ISG that people of color have been turned away from one of the the pauschalclub chains who has places in Dortmund, Bochum, and Munster.
But are there late night taxi's available in these FKK's?Yes there are.
01-19-16, 12:08
I shall be visiting frankfurt and would be trying the top 5 FKK's. I was planning to visit oase, sharks, manhattan and world. I am staying in frankfurt am main area.
You think it will be safe to come back from these FKK's late in the night. Should I take taxi back? Do they have uber facility?Uber has problems in Frankfurt. You can only get a taxi with Uber at the Airport. I find it easy to get a taxi outside FKK clubs at night but you can download the My Taxi App it works just like Uber you can select to pay via PayPal or Cash.
Also I noticed that there's no Taxi outside World compared to other clubs. Another tip is that if you have data issues with your mobile network you can use the club WIFI to call the Cab.
Vito Corleone
01-20-16, 10:54
Does anyone have a good recommendation for where to change money either near the airport or possibly near the main Frankfurt Hbf? I will not have a car if that makes any difference.
Thanks!The airport & main train station will have places to exchange money. Once you depart the exit at airport there's many places to choose from.
01-21-16, 02:49
I am from India. And am planning to visit Palace FKK. Is there any racial discrimination for entry into the club?
Vito Corleone
01-21-16, 06:59
I am from India. And am planning to visit Palace FKK. Is there any racial discrimination for entry into the club?No. I've seen many people from India there.
Hessen Bub
01-21-16, 08:40
No. Plenty of guys from India during exhibition times.
Does anyone have a good recommendation for where to change money either near the airport or possibly near the main Frankfurt Hbf? I will not have a car if that makes any difference.
Thanks!When I change money in Frankfurt, I go to Exchange AG Deutschland. Corner of Kaiserstraße and Moselstraße. A block from the train station. Normal rate is a 10 cent spread on buy / sell with the market rate in the middle, but they will cut the rate a penny or two for $1000.
01-23-16, 01:44
Hi friends,
Anyone any idea about FKK at Wurzburg?
Alright fellow Mongers. My time for FKK has arrived finally. I have been doing some serious RTFF over the last few days in anticipation to come up with my plan. I am landing at Frankfurt around 9 AM in 2 weeks from now. My outbound flight to Krakow is at 930 PM the same day. So here is my plan, seniors please comment.
1. I plan to clean up at the Lufthansa club in the airport, get to eat some food and liquor up a little, hey it is about 3 AM in my home!
2. Come out of the airport and change money at one of the money Exchange. Is it better to use a standard ATM?
3. Standard Taxi, car rental or Uber? - Planning for Uber.
4. I plan to go only to Oase and spend time till 6 PM possibly. Question Should I try other clubs?
5. So just to confirm One time entry fee is 70 Euros. Each 30 minute session is 50 Euro and includes BBBJ, DATY, Multi position CFS to completion. Any CIM, facial is additional 50 euro? If I decide on 2 girls is it 50 e each?
6. Tipping at the bar is not needed.
7. Plan to take a Taxi back to the airport around 6 PM. I hope I will have ample time.
Little bit about me:
East Asian residing in US. I have traveled and mongered at quite a few places, so it won't be first time for me to get some Euro pussy. I plan to use Google Translator to chat.
I drive in places like NYC, LOS Angeles, Toronto etc. This will be my first time in Germany. Can I rent a car?
Can anyone do a very high level comparison of experience in FKK to Tijuana places like Adelitas / Hong Kong?
Thanks for your inputs in advance. Trying to get in shape. Before the big day.
Banana Boi
01-23-16, 04:30
liquor up a little,
This will be my first time in Germany. Can I rent a car?Not a recommended combination. Even if you taxi, drunkedness is looked at VERY poorly by FKK girls. Driving will be much cheaper than round trip taxi.
Be warned the club will not have anything close to the optimal lineup until around 5 pm but if this is your first FKK I'm sure you will find something. The other option is Sharks. Traffic can be horrible from Sharks as I found out when trying to make it back to the airport for a night flight.
Your pricing is correct. Some girls may try charging 50 euro for each girl for lesbian and CIM.
Since you're only talking 500 euro or so why not change money at home before arriving in Germany, to save a bit of time.
01-23-16, 09:16
I don't see any reason they'd like drunken breath, but there were exceptions. I remember a girl from Oase on a cocktail night long ago. I was drunk out of my mind having had 3-4 of them. I bumped into her, went to the room, and we DFK'd in the room. I must have smelled pretty heavy of alc. Same for some German chick from Oase. Better times back in the days on cocktail nights.
Another time was when I was a newb at Paradise. I was again drunk out of my mind. I recall a girl pulled me to the couch, and immediately DFK'd on the couch. Good times. Haha.
01-23-16, 10:01
I drive in places like NYC, LOS Angeles, Toronto etc. This will be my first time in Germany. Can I rent a car?Of course you can rent a car. That is just a matter of having money and a driver's license that is valid in Germany. I think you will need an international driver's license at the least.
But tired (or jetlagged) + alcohol + unknown area + night is a recipe for disaster. Better take a taxi.
Hessen Bub
01-23-16, 12:25
Hi friends,
Anyone any idea about FKK at Wurzburg?Google gives you these, no idea if they are any good:
Member #4581
01-23-16, 14:40
If you drive in the US, and assuming you have a license from a state here, you should be ok with driving in Germany, no international license needed. Be careful with the drinking and driving combo, it is as illegal there as it is in the US. If you have a good GPS, you should be ok. I have driven in multiple countries in Europe armed with just a GPS and speaking nothing but English. Don't bother with money exchanges, they are a rip off. Use your ATM card, much better. Make sure you inform your banks ahead of time that you will be traveling or else they may block transactions, since banks are so paranoid about security breaches these days.
Hessen Bub
01-23-16, 14:46
Be careful with the drinking and driving combo, it is as illegal there as it is in the US. Germany: 0. 03% in conjunction with any other traffic offense or accident; 0. 05% without evidence of alcoholic impact.
3. Standard Taxi, car rental or Uber? - Planning for Uber.
I would stick with taxi considering you have already prepared to pay for it. As you are arriving early, consider public transport / taxi combo going to the club and taxi back to airport.
I plan to use Google Translator to chat.
Not really necessary, most girls speak English. Also some clubs don't allow phones inside.
I drive in places like NYC, LOS Angeles, Toronto etc. This will be my first time in Germany. Can I rent a car?
Yes, you can rent car with US license. There is no problem driving in Germany if you are used to driving in US as long as one has a GPS with latest maps.
As for as you renting car for a short 10 HR period, I would say no. Stick with taxi (add public transport if you like), have a drink or two and enjoy your time there.
Can anyone do a very high level comparison of experience in FKK to Tijuana places like Adelitas / Hong Kong?
I have been to those places. It is like comparing Motel 6 to a 4-5 star hotel, totally different experience.
When I change money in Frankfurt, I go to Exchange AG Deutschland. Corner of Kaiserstrae and Moselstrae. A block from the train station. Normal rate is a 10 cent spread on buy / sell with the market rate in the middle, but they will cut the rate a penny or two for $1000.Katinka many thanks for the recommendation on money exchange. I believe I found the same place which was a jewelry store also with money exchange at Kaiserstrasse and Moselstrasse. This was well worth the trip away from the airport to exchange money and it was easy to find just 1 block from Frankfurt Hbf. I highly recommend this place for anyone needing to exchange money for your FKK holiday. I received 0. 88 EUR per 1 USD which included the exchange difference of 1 EUR = 1. 08 USD. This was much better than changing money at the airport. Much better to have EUR in your pocket for FKK then giving away in money exchange fees and commission.
Any recommendations for top 5 NRW FKK's? Which ones shld be visited?
01-23-16, 18:37
GT, LR, SixSens, Aca, Samya (perhaps add YY in a weekday visit, avoid weekend night). There are others around the region too, including RTC-Service clubs. My personal favs are GT, Aca, and SixSens. SixSens fits everything well, some nice girls, interaction with the girls, ambiance, food, facilities. GT is mainly optiks for me (like the mix of girls there), and of course I like the charm of the club (the summer garden, foods, the cabins, the uniqueness of the club). Aca has lots of Romies working with the Hungarian corner, tend to draw newish girls that hasn't been in Germany too long, and therefore the girls tend to be young aged. Some good looking young girls can be found. No approach, so at initial glance girls may seem cold, and you will not get multiple girls approach like in Hessen, but the advantage is girls being available, no sharkiness, not many pro types, no divas, simple 40 for session. On the other hand, LR is more toward an approach club without the extremities of a full-on impersonal approaches. No pressures, girls are friendly, couch time is more common, and most reliable club in terms of services. Samya, similar to Aca, but with a party atmosphere later at night, girls dancing to music, worth seeing IMO. 1 HR rate is 75. Otherwise, it's 50 elsewhere with extras half of Hessen. 25 for CIM, and 50 for Anal. Percentage of girls doing extras is lower due to the pricing being lower.
Specials at these cubs:
GT to LR combo on the same day, GT will give you a card for 25 Euros off to LR. LR closes later than GT. That's 95 for two clubs on the same day.
SixSens: 40 Euros before 2 pm and after 10 pm.
Aca: Sun - Thurs, before 1 pm and after 9 pm, 30 Euros entry. Otherwise 40 Euros.
Samya is 50 Euros entry.
That's a good explanation PL on the clubs in NRW just one question when you say "No Divas" do you mean, attitude wise or looks wise?
01-24-16, 08:38
Attitude wise.
For my experience, Aca and Samya are not similar at all, girls look is much higher at Aca with girls like Nicoletta, Lora, Kate, Misha silicon. I never saw such fresh look girls at Samya out of Rafaella, now Aurelia at Sharks or Vali ex Ilona Aca. Aca girls have friendly behavior, out of a few.
Hi, any recent info of clubs with options of mature SPs? (40+) I know GT used to have a few, but even there policy seems to have changed for whatever reason.
Hi, any recent info of clubs with options of mature SPs? (40+) I know GT used to have a few, but even there policy seems to have changed for whatever reason.
You.I see one or two at every club. Sharks has the infamous (and still popular) Silvana, who I believe is over 60.
Banana Boi
01-24-16, 11:35
Hi, any recent info of clubs with options of mature SPs? (40+) I know GT used to have a few, but even there policy seems to have changed for whatever reason.
You.I think Sixsens has the best MILF ladies. They may not be 40+, rather 35+. One reminds me of Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct. I don't go with them since I go with the younger ones there but if I were into MILF's Sixsens would be my choice.
Magnum has had a few over the years as well. I did go with one damn sexy German one a couple years ago.
Hi, any recent info of clubs with options of mature SPs? (40+) I know GT used to have a few, but even there policy seems to have changed for whatever reason.
You.Some MILF at GT, the blond German who makes cat noises.
01-24-16, 16:57
Hi all,
I was told last year by a client that OWO will be banned in the clubs some time this year. Please advise on when this will take effect?
Also what are your thoughts? Do you think that this will affect business for the girls or lead to a decline in customers?
Hi all,
I was told last year by a client that OWO will be banned in the clubs some time this year. Please advise on when this will take effect?
Also what are your thoughts? Do you think that this will affect business for the girls or lead to a decline in customers?The far reaching proposed changes to prostitution law have yet to start the formal lawmaking process, and it is by no means clear it will ever happen. Excellent explanations have been given by SL and HB amongst others who are more au fait with the political process.
What is happening is the virtual eradication of street prostitution under existing local powers, but that is a different matter.
Hi all,
I was told last year by a client that OWO will be banned in the clubs some time this year. Please advise on when this will take effect?
Also what are your thoughts? Do you think that this will affect business for the girls or lead to a decline in customers?Please read the forums, there is no ban in place as there is no law passed. It has been discussed as part of a proposed law but that's all so far.
Many thanks for the suggestions to BananBoi, HB, PussyLiccker, Jnpr, Wolvenvacht and Lalabo! Here is my updated plan:
1. I plan to clean up at the Lufthansa club in the airport, get to eat some food and have some beer. I will carry some mouthwash. BananaBoi!
2. Withdraw money from a standard ATM. I guess it will be the best approach.
3. Planning to explore the public transportation on way to FKK. I think I will have some time before 11 am so no need to hurry. Hope to reach before noon. Gave up the idea of renting a car due to various factors, although I was hoping to floor the gas pedal on the AutoBahn.
4. Red lot of older posts and seems that Sharks and Palace are also good options. I chose Oase as it had the maximum number of reviews and girls? Any recommendations here is greatly appreciated!
5. Planning for at least 2 session in 6 hours. I have never used Vitamin V before but may be a good idea to have some back up.
6. I assume there is no custom of slipping dollar bills after grabbing tits or squeezing ass in the bar / lounge area. Sorry, I am used to US Strip Clubs and Tijuana Brothels.
7. Is there a dedicated smoking area? I hope I can get some Cubans.
8. I assume BJ is Ok and accepted at the Kino area. Is this also treated as a 50 Euro standard session?
9. Plan to take a regular Taxi back to the airport around 630 PM. I hope I will have ample time for my 930 PM flight.
I have been to those places. It is like comparing Motel 6 to a 4-5 star hotel, totally different experience.I am a big fan of Tijuana, so the comparison of 4 star Vs Motel 6 excites me big time.
Banana Boi
01-24-16, 22:59
3. Gave up the idea of renting a car due to various factors, although I was hoping to floor the gas pedal on the AutoBahn.
8. I assume BJ is Ok and accepted at the Kino area. Is this also treated as a 50 Euro standard session?
3. Way overrated. I've had 2 speeding tickets on the supposedly no speed limit Autobahn.
8. you pay 50 euro for time. It can be BJ, sex, groping, talking. Kino time should not be charged even though 1 girl at World tried charging me for pre-room time. As if!
Hessen Bub
01-24-16, 23:15
Kino time should not be charged even though 1 girl at World tried charging me for pre-room time. As if!If Kino is just a few minutes pre-room: no charge. If you suck and fuck for 30 min: full charge.
01-25-16, 00:23
Many thanks for the suggestions to BananBoi, HB, PussyLiccker, Jnpr, Wolvenvacht and Lalabo! Here is my updated plan:
4. Red lot of older posts and seems that Sharks and Palace are also good options. I chose Oase as it had the maximum number of reviews and girls? Any recommendations here is greatly appreciated!
I just got back from 6 days in FRA / DUS area, and my 4 nights in the FRA area were 3 Sharks / 1 Oase. I personally find the lineup a tad hotter looks wise at Oase, but enjoy the experience at Sharks a bit more. More areas to smoke (whole main area of the club), have had some of my greatest sessions ever there, etc. I like Oase, and will return for sure. As for travel time from the airport, if you taxi, they're about equivalent; sharks is a touch closer.
I would skip Palace. If it's your first FKK experience you probably would have a good time there, but might as well have your first trip to one of the best for experience rather than one of the sharkiest and most procedural clubs.
3. I was hoping to floor the gas pedal on the AutoBahn.
4. Red lot of older posts and seems that Sharks and Palace are also good options. I chose Oase as it had the maximum number of reviews and girls? Any recommendations here is greatly appreciated!
6. I assume there is no custom of slipping dollar bills after grabbing tits or squeezing ass in the bar / lounge area. Sorry, I am used to US Strip Clubs and Tijuana Brothels.
3. Driving on Autobahn is awesome. Imagine driving 140+ mph without worrying about getting tickets (you can only go that fast in no speed limit zones). I recommend doing it during a longer trip and renting a BMW, Audi etc.
4. I didn't suggest any other clubs because you said you have decided to go to Oase. Now that you are open for other options, the only option you should consider is Sharks. Oase is too sharky for my taste. I suggest not to overthink it, pick one a go with it. You can't go wrong with either Oase or Sharks.
6. I suggest you not do any of that strip club stuff in these clubs. If you fancy a girl, take her to room and do all those activities and more, it cost you just 50 E (min).
01-25-16, 02:15
For my experience, Aca and Samya are not similar at all, girls look is much higher at Aca with girls like Nicoletta, Lora, Kate, Misha silicon. I never saw such fresh look girls at Samya out of Rafaella, now Aurelia at Sharks or Vali ex Ilona Aca. Aca girls have friendly behavior, out of a few.No fresh girl? Say it ain't so. Plenty of them at Samya. Samya has always been fresh Ro club. I typically have preferred Aca over Samya, but that's due to me liking the dull Aca atmosphere. LOL. Kidding. Samya has the dancing girls, and also girls change there just like Aca. Young Romies. I think you just have some favs or more familiar with the girls at Aca, but on avg, it's pretty similar. At times one may facy a few girls at Aca or Samya over the other. Just two different clubs/atmospheres. Aca is spacier, and Samya is cosier. I like a bit of space so Aca works better for me. Also, I did more frequent visits to Aca, more sessions there, and have more memorable times there. But, good times with Isabella and Valentina at Samya, again young fresh Ro girls. Haha.
Angie(ex-Oase) I was into who was ex-Samya, and also Lorena at Oase who was also ex-Samya. What was Angie's name at Samya? I was into her, and I did like her more at Samya due to the atmosphere. She is smily, but was lively at Samya with the music goin. Memorable gal.
Both a bit of passerby clubs, so things change at times, and rides on visits.
Member #4581
01-25-16, 04:38
If a girl wanted to strictly enforce the kino time included in the total, would the management back her up? I would think they should / would. I don't know where is the rule that it should not be. Ok, we can all speak about club standard etc etc, but all that the rule says is 30 min 50 euro. Where and when and how that 30 min is consumed, it is up to the punter and the girl, but at the end of the day it is 30 min, and not 30 min in the room with unspecified amount of time in the kino.
I am always mindful of this, and if I estimate that I spent 3,4 min the kino, I end my session at least at the 24th or 25th min, just to be safe.
What I don't know however, is if there is a bit of wait trying to collect the key etc, (after 5 min of blow Job in the kino), and if the girl demands to include that wait time also in the allotted 30 min. I. e does the clock start as soon as she puts the dick in her mouth in the kino.
...... what I don't know however, is if there is a bit of wait trying to collect the key etc, (after 5 min of blow Job in the kino), and if the girl demands to include that wait time also in the allotted 30 min. I. e does the clock start as soon as she puts the dick in her mouth in the kino.Well, times changed within the last ten years. In smaller clubs kissing and blowjob in the public area (couch and cinema) may still be of common use if offered by the woman. In clubs like Oase or Mainhattan or Sharks I didn't check it out in the last years, but rather expect to consider a blowjob in such locations in public as part of the time spent in case it takes more but not only 10 sconds. It also may depend on how good you know rhe woman, if you may have a regular relationship with her on the room e.g.
01-25-16, 07:15
Many thanks for the suggestions to BananBoi, HB, PussyLiccker, Jnpr, Wolvenvacht and Lalabo! Here is my updated plan:
1. I plan to clean up at the Lufthansa club in the airport, get to eat some food and have some beer. I will carry some mouthwash. BananaBoi!
2. Withdraw money from a standard ATM. I guess it will be the best approach.
3. Planning to explore the public transportation on way to FKK. I think I will have some time before 11 am so no need to hurry. Hope to reach before noon. Gave up the idea of renting a car due to various factors, although I was hoping to floor the gas pedal on the AutoBahn.
4. Red lot of older posts and seems that Sharks and Palace are also good options. I chose Oase as it had the maximum number of reviews and girls? Any recommendations here is greatly appreciated!
5. Planning for at least 2 session in 6 hours. I have never used Vitamin V before but may be a good idea to have some back up.
6. I assume there is no custom of slipping dollar bills after grabbing tits or squeezing ass in the bar / lounge area. Sorry, I am used to US Strip Clubs and Tijuana Brothels.
7. Is there a dedicated smoking area? I hope I can get some Cubans.
8. I assume BJ is Ok and accepted at the Kino area. Is this also treated as a 50 Euro standard session?
9. Plan to take a regular Taxi back to the airport around 630 PM. I hope I will have ample time for my 930 PM flight.
I am a big fan of Tijuana, so the comparison of 4 star Vs Motel 6 excites me big time.Save the Autobahn for the bigger tour. I think Autobahn is over-rated too. In the US, we do have some misconceptions about other places, and Germany not an exception. Autobahn has speed limits, and there are speed cameras more concentrated at certain places, but they are hidden. They have no limit speed zones, but other zones have speed limits. I think we are all a bit clueless about how big the P6 industry is in DE. All we commonly know is Amsterdam for smoking weed and prostitution. LOL.
German FKKs are ideal places for long terms visits. There will be meals provided in the club that includes brunch and dinner, all you can eat. Sharks has the better meals of the two. Unlimited soft drinks included in the entry as well, and you can purchase alcoholic beverages in the club.
You can withdrawl at the ATM at the airport.
Oase has a long history so the thread will be longer than Sharks, but doesn't mean a better club.
Once you visit, you will realize it's a different scene from Tijuana.
Oase kino is famous for BBBJ in the kino. I have had BBBJ or kissing time in the kino(but this was long time ago when I used to attend frequently so I dunno how common that is now), and carried over to the room afterwards. Girls has asked me if I want to go to the room. When I used to attend a lot, kino suggestion was a way to get a session. I usually decline if not interested, but a girl will suggest as high prospect of a session. I think this was a common practice at Oase, and it was a unique part of the club.
Like a lot of us will say, take your time when choosing a girl. Look around, and talk to enough girls to get a feel of which one you think has the high prospect of the good session.
You can smoke outside or in the dim lounge where the kino is at, it's zoned for smoking although open to the rest of the lounge. Or outside.
I think the airport is like 20 min away from Oase via car.
Concerning Frankfurt which is the best FKK club there according to quality of girls, the diversity of nationalities and the best facilities? In brief a club like Artemis in Berlin.
Thank you.
Hessen Bub
01-25-16, 14:28
I'd recommend Sharks, Oase, World, Mainhattan. In that order. But as you seem to like Artemis: Go to Palace.
Even average casting on this Sunday, for girls look, for who likes slim, natural look, Sharks is far above other FRA clubs, I was said by FRA locals and regulars, yesterday. Mainhattan don t seem at its best at the moment. About 30 girls, most GND, in an empty World this Saturday night.
01-26-16, 09:00
I have a 9 hour layover in Frankfurt on a Sunday and will be arriving at 9:30 am. I'm debating on going to Sharks or The Palace. I prefer girls who are under 25 years old that provides GFE. Which FKK would be my best bet on a Sunday morning / early afternoon? Also, I'll have my carry on with me. It's a large gym bag, are the lockers big enough to store it or will they hold it for me behind the counter?
Banana Boi
01-26-16, 23:00
Gym bag may fit in Sharks locker if not they will keep it for you. You can also store it at FRA airport for about 10 euro. Sharks will be 40 euro entry til 2 pm on Sunday. Everyone will have a different opinion on which club is better. Read up on the 2 threads and decide which type of girls you like. Will be more girls at Sharks under 25 than Palace. Don't expect a lot so early in the day on a Sunday. These girls worked til late the night before and many will still be sleeping by the time you have to leave.
Hessen Bub
01-26-16, 23:23
Go to Sharks. Period.
Sharks entry is 45 on Sunday before 2 pm. 40 is for 2 last hours before closed or only 2 hours before 4 pm. Opening is 11 am.
For fresh girls, I think Sharks is higher level than Palace, GT, Globe. Ch, Bumsalp. Ch.
Acapulco and Oase open at 10 am. Acapulco is 30 until 1 pm.
01-27-16, 00:29
Go to Sharks. Period.
HB.Agreed. They can hold your bag (will be held in room behind front desk) and the overall experience is much better at Sharks vs Palace.
01-27-16, 00:42
On all the occasions when I went to Sharks during flight layovers, I have not once seen any girls under 25 until they start streaming in at 1.30 pm. As they then change, eat and smoke for another 45 minutes, it will be hard to get a session with a young one till around 2.30pm. Sylvanna, however, will be in action from 11 am sharp.
There are sometimes under-25 girls in Oase by 10.45 am on Sundays as they stay in the dorms there. Also, in Oase (but not in Sharks), all girls who do not want to stay the whole night till closing time have to appear by 11 am; and so, a few more can be in action by 11.30 am as they do not spend time taking breakfast in order to save their one-meal quota for their dinner.
Therefore, if you want more sessions with younger girls in early Sunday, I would recommend Oase. Lockers at Oase are, however, too narrow for gym bags. if you are going by train, cheap lockers are available at the Frankfurt hauptbahnhof.
I will be arriving in Frankfurt on 2nd morning and will be in Germany between 2nd and 4th Feb and was planning to visit Sharks (during daytime on 2nd), Artemis (during nighttime on 3rd) (will be in Berlin), World (during daytime on 4th) and Sharks again (during nighttime on 4th). Need advice two issues.
1. On 2nd, Sharks has Dessous day. Should I go to some other club in FRA area (can only do daytime)?
2. Is it worth going to Sharks again on 4th night, or should I stay in World for the night? I need to be at FRA airport on 5th morning.
My preference is younger non tattooed girls with GFE service.
Hi, I will be arriving in Frankfurt on 2nd morning and will be in Germany between 2nd and 4th Feb and was planning to visit Sharks (during daytime on 2nd), Artemis (during nighttime on 3rd) (will be in Berlin), World (during daytime on 4th) and Sharks again (during nighttime on 4th). Need advice two issues.Another advice, although you didn't ask for it. Avoid Artemis. Fruit Logistica (3/4/5 Feb) will cause a serious crowd, especially during nighttime. It's really not worth a visit at one of those days. - Just my 2 cents.
01-27-16, 07:51
Thanks everyone, I appreciate the helpful advice! I'm going to go to Sharks and hope for the best. I've only been to a FKK twice. My first experience was at Mainhattan and it was horrible. The majority of the girls had bad attitudes. I hated the constant up-selling. I even had one girl quit right before I was about to cum and demand more money to finish. I ended up having a great session with a Moroccan girl, but it wasn't enough for me to give them another chance. My other FKK experience was at Sunshine in Munich and I had a much better time there. The girls were a little older than I like, but at least they had great attitudes. I know timing isn't on my side, but I'm hoping Sharks will be better than my first two FKK experiences.
On 2nd, Sharks has Dessous day. Should I go to some other club in FRA area (can only do daytime)?
ThanksDepends on whether you want to see the girls naked or not. I like looking at girls in lingerie & bikinis, but I much prefer them in the nude. I'm also in the Frankfurt area next Tuesday so I think I'll be heading to Mainhattan.
01-27-16, 22:49
Last time I was at Sharks the lady at reception stored my bag behind the counter in one of the rooms. Also Mainhattan didn't have any problems doing the same. Just ask nicely and it will be done also the Sharks lockers are big so whatever rocks your boat.
Also, I'll have my carry on with me. It's a large gym bag, are the lockers big enough to store it or will they hold it for me behind the counter?
Solo Traveler
01-30-16, 03:58
Well, maybe it's a silly question.
I had a friend that is very over-sized. He's around 180 cm but with 150 kg.
He wants to go to the FKK clubs for the first time.
To be clear, he's worried that there might not be towels or bathrobes that is big enough for him.
And he also worry that the girls might reject him because of his weight.
Is this going to be a problem?
Well, maybe it's a silly question.
I had a friend that is very over-sized. He's around 180 cm but with 150 kg.
He wants to go to the FKK clubs for the first time.
To be clear, he's worried that there might not be towels or bathrobes that is big enough for him.
And he also worry that the girls might reject him because of his weight.
Is this going to be a problem?I have seen people bigger than this.
Some smaller girls may be scared from first sight. But I don't think this is an issue. Just ask your friend to have a nice chat with the girls beforehand to make them feel at ease.
Well, maybe it's a silly question.
I had a friend that is very over-sized. He's around 180 cm but with 150 kg.
He wants to go to the FKK clubs for the first time.
To be clear, he's worried that there might not be towels or bathrobes that is big enough for him.
And he also worry that the girls might reject him because of his weight.
Is this going to be a problem?Ask him to take his own towel he can put under XXL robe given, and no more problem. Not many athletic men in FKK. Say him to breathe deeply and enjoy the view.
01-30-16, 11:32
Some girls told me before that they like having oversized customers because the girl would then be on top in control, and would not get pounded.
One said that the only problem she had was when the tool is shorter than the overhanging flab!
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