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12-15-22, 11:05
Yes, very true Tim Timms, that's why I always espouse repeats with the really good girls when found. ... So fellas, when you hit the jackpot by finding a really nice girl, sweet, patient, etc. Be sure to report here, that way we can all avoid the bad ones. Also, unless you're swimming in cash, and there's verified reviews, maybe don't bother so much with the escorts. There's just too many choices out there in Bangkok in the physical world of line ups, oilies, soapies, gogobars, etc, to be dealing with online escorts.
but I'm so old fashioned, it hurts, there's something about seeing the girl live you know? In a line up, in a bar, in a massage parlor, etc.Well, a small caveat. Obviously, the scammers are to be avoided. But I believe that part of your experience will have to do with the business chemistry between you and the girl. Why, like you, I like the live views. Surveillance radar to separate the wheat from the chaff then target radar to see who is smiling at you, making eye contact. In the bars, who is chatting with you, not merely asking for a lady drink. Yes, you can be fooled but much less likely. From the managers perspective, especially in a popular shop, I understand the use of a tablet for a lineup, how many times can the availables line up, decide, go back, line up, decide, go back, BUT, having said that, I still prefer the live lineup just to see who is interested in business with ME and who is not.

A good report from you (2nd person plural) doesn't mean I'll have a great time with her. Likewise, a bad report doesn't mean I'll have a bad time. EVERYTHING goes into my go / no go decision. As a hypothetical example: it was a CBJ, qucik service, left early. Bad? Well, maybe he was one of those who refused to take a shower before sex, so who can blame her? Or he was abusive .... Sure, those are extremes, and I do weigh the source (as I said in a PM, you did pick some excellent ones). I do keep the good / bad names in mind during a lineup, but it all comes down to how does SHE act with ME. I certainly appreciate all the actionable intel you, and numerous others, provide, even if it's mistakes that remind me to not be so complacent.

And why I like repeats? You know her, she knows you. You don't have to start from zero, but continue ....

12-15-22, 11:33
Thanks 11 Bravo and a few others for also calling out Striker and his 7 k 1 shot fiasco. Your segment before you added my quote shows that you and I are really in agreement. Regarding the post-quote response, I appreciate your self confidence, and I. Like you. Am also fully prepared to walk if a girl actually asks for an egregious amount. I didn't really mean that I was worried about getting a single exorbitant quotation from a BKK WG (thanks, I can handle myself just as you can.). But if 99 out of every 100 start quoting the same with similar expectations, can you continue to move on in the future? I mean this is starting to get out of control. The Thai economy is hardly roaring ahead, and legit wages are hardly on the rise. Why are WG prices on the verge of doubling just after the covid blackout years? Something has changed, and if it doesn't reverse course soon, we'll all be better off getting on trans-pacific flights to Las Vegas for a better bargain. (Yeah, I know that's an exaggeration.) But you get my point that TH may not stay a bargain much longer. Or do you have a different perspective that can ease my mind? I'm not poor, but I don't want to start paying through the roof for just a quick pop or 4 hours of "LT. " Hope all the BKK newcomers (I'm not one, have been going there for decades) can do their research, and I pledge that I'll try to avoid DUMB repeat mistakes.Never doubted that you were not the "thanks, but I'll pass" types on an OTT quote. MY experience, besides wishful thinking, it's another method of indicating she is NOT interested in doing business with you (but if you are dumb enough to agree, well then ...).

Post Covid, with Thailand just really unconditionally opening up, pent up demand, and the wg's are not stupid, astute enough to try and raise prices. Whether they are sustainable or not remains to be seen "post rush". My experience in several countries, prices do tend to stabilize in a market. Seems that the new norm for agogos (strong union) is 3 k /5 k. OK. As prices rise, more, tempted by the hope of those prices, enter the market, especially in the FL venues. Customers visit less and less, and prices drop. You'll always have some that will pay any price, but they are, IMHO, a minority.

Houston Player reported that LT's are still possible with careful selection a few pages back. Granted, he's a resident, but I have no reason to doubt him. Like Vegas, Thailand might be changing (I remember when seeing a falang above Soi 26 was an abnormality, now where DON'T you see them?) into a more "remote work", "traditional holiday", etc. , but there will always be a certain element that I don't see changing. So many owners want to be 'high end", but there will always be places for a variety of ranges. But then again, I'm an optimist: I have hopes Soi 7 Beer Garden will return before the land is turned into another skyscraper.

12-15-22, 12:10
Re 7000 shop girl.

The Glaring blunder I see is paying Superstar prices for a Shop girl.

The Avg shop girl is Soi Pattaya quality.

I know there are exceptions but I haven't seen one yet.

Probably has a Norwegian funding her shop. One of those instances that make less Logic.

If she was Hot why is she tending Shop. One woman shops get No customers.Speaking for myself, the first night was reasonable: as others have fully documented, for 6+ hours of companionship, how is that so much different than one of your touted (5 k + 1 k + lady drinks + your drinks} rainbow girls? I'm sure a player like you doesn't pay retail, but you do have to add in the total cost, e. G. The drinks when you only looked. And that is a rhetorical question as I DON'T care. I judge members by their FR's or lack of them.

One of the best looking women I've ever seen was sitting next to me in the Beer Garden. She looked in her early 20's, said she was a govt office worker. When asked, she was early 30's. BS? I didn't believe the age until she showed me her ID card and her govt office badge. What was SHE doing in the Beer Garden? Not usual, but last week of the month, payday was still 5 days away, and rent was due. Of course, you do have to talk with them, not just gawk.

And maybe you and I shop (myself window shop) in different places. Had to pick something up in Terminal 21, a number of mere shop girls there I thought were very attractive and very nicely attired. Likewise, picking something up in Central Ladprao, any number there.

A Thai friend's daughter is a head-turner. University degree, works in an office, lives in a rented apartment with a GF, has her own car (I'm sure with car payments). Why is she working in an office and not making BIG money in the entertainment industry? That's the trouble with spending all your time in the bars, never going out and seeing other parts of Thailand, having civilian Thai friends. Might be news to you, with your skewed view, but the vast majority DON'T work as active members of the industry and any number of those ARE attractive. Not every hot girl on the sky train is getting off at Nana.

BOTTOM LINE: If you (general you) had fun with her, had a great, memorable time, then the price was right. Myself, I don't remember the prices I paid. What I DO remember is the fun I had. The cynic knows the price of everything, the value of nothing.

I don't hang with the Shop Girl Enthusiasts.As the Thais often say, "same, same but different". I don't hang out with 2nd string JV squad.

12-15-22, 12:40
TIFU and flew halfway across the world for pussy and didn't get it PART 2 We're just having a bit of fun with you at your expense along with trying to pass on a bit of knowledge and experience. Believe me, we all had our false starts:

My FIRST Thai experience, Phuket. Pulled a bar girl.

1. My hotel was out of town, just on the downside of the pass in the hills entering Phuket, some no-name place. Too far to go (mistake #1), so we went to her room.

2. Her room didn't have an in-room shower, so there I was, standing in the hall shower, suddenly remembering that all my clothes, including wallet with ALL my money, was in the room with her. Quickest shower I ever took, panic. Of course, when I got back to the room, thankfully wet as verification I had showered, NOTHING had been disturbed. But my racing heart was not due to the sight of her.

3. As we finished, pulled out, with a BROKEN condom (lesson carry your own). I don't know who was more horrified, she or myself. And as quick as I had returned from the shower, that's how quick she took off for it.

Lessons learned.

Or the time elsewhere: pulled 2 girls from a club, took them back to my hotel. Except the hotel was NOT guest friendly (didn't even think to check), entry denied. Off to another hotel. Except I had neglected to retrieve my passport from the 1st hotel, it was still at the front desk. Luckily, my driver's license was accepted for "how many nights?" "1, but mentally, I'm thinking hours. " The kicker? The next day, checking out of the original hotel, the doorman was regaling me with his night colleague's tale: someone had tried to bring in 2 prostitutes to this FAMILY hotel, the horror, the horror. I'm responding, "Wow, how could they even think like that?"

Or the time I had negotiated a great deal when offered a 2 for 1 price. Yea, until we got back to my place and my definition (2 for 1=1) didn't match theirs (2*1=2 price quoted was for EACH). Now multiplying the price I thought by 2 was NOT a good deal. Stand off. Nothing had happened, so I just started getting dressed saying we should all return to the club and look for other companions (my threshold, once I start to put on my shoes, we ARE leaving). They cut the price to something reasonable, it wasn't a fun time, and I was more than happy to give them taxi money to go back to the club. They were smart enough to NEVER approach me again in that club.

Point is, the disasters make great war stories once they're over and done with. Just learn from the mistakes, and continue to march, and write, as the mistakes of others serve as reminders to all of the potential pitfalls.

12-15-22, 15:31
That's the oldest hustle in the book practiced worldwide. Two chicks tell you the price is $xxx for a threesome. When you get back to the room, they don't ask for the money upfront; instead after the festivities explain that $xxx is for each.

We're just having a bit of fun with you at your expense along with trying to pass on a bit of knowledge and experience. Believe me, we all had our false starts:

My FIRST Thai experience, Phuket. Pulled a bar girl.

1. My hotel was out of town, just on the downside of the pass in the hills entering Phuket, some no-name place. Too far to go (mistake #1), so we went to her room.

2. Her room didn't have an in-room shower, so there I was, standing in the hall shower, suddenly remembering that all my clothes, including wallet with ALL my money, was in the room with her. Quickest shower I ever took, panic. Of course, when I got back to the room, thankfully wet as verification I had showered, NOTHING had been disturbed. But my racing heart was not due to the sight of her.

3. As we finished, pulled out, with a BROKEN condom (lesson carry your own). I don't know who was more horrified, she or myself. And as quick as I had returned from the shower, that's how quick she took off for it.

Lessons learned.

Or the time elsewhere: pulled 2 girls from a club, took them back to my hotel. Except the hotel was NOT guest friendly (didn't even think to check), entry denied. Off to another hotel. Except I had neglected to retrieve my passport from the 1st hotel, it was still at the front desk. Luckily, my driver's license was accepted for "how many nights?" "1, but mentally, I'm thinking hours. " The kicker? The next day, checking out of the original hotel, the doorman was regaling me with his night colleague's tale: someone had tried to bring in 2 prostitutes to this FAMILY hotel, the horror, the horror. I'm responding, "Wow, how could they even think like that?"

Or the time I had negotiated a great deal when offered a 2 for 1 price. Yea, until we got back to my place and my definition (2 for 1=1) didn't match theirs (2*1=2 price quoted was for EACH). Now multiplying the price I thought by 2 was NOT a good deal. Stand off. Nothing had happened, so I just started getting dressed saying we should all return to the club and look for other companions (my threshold, once I start to put on my shoes, we ARE leaving). They cut the price to something reasonable, it wasn't a fun time, and I was more than happy to give them taxi money to go back to the club. They were smart enough to NEVER approach me again in that club.

Point is, the disasters make great war stories once they're over and done with. Just learn from the mistakes, and continue to march, and write, as the mistakes of others serve as reminders to all of the potential pitfalls.

Tim Timms
12-15-22, 16:49
Speaking for myself, the first night was reasonable: as others have fully documented, for 6+ hours of companionship, how is that so much different than one of your touted (5 k + 1 k + lady drinks + your drinks} rainbow girls? I'm sure a player like you doesn't pay retail, but you do have to add in the total cost, e. G. The drinks when you only looked. And that is a rhetorical question as I DON'T care. I judge members by their FR's or lack of them.

One of the best looking women I've ever seen was sitting next to me in the Beer Garden. She looked in her early 20's, said she was a govt office worker. When asked, she was early 30's. BS? I didn't believe the age until she showed me her ID card and her govt office badge. What was SHE doing in the Beer Garden? Not usual, but last week of the month, payday was still 5 days away, and rent was due. Of course, you do have to talk with them, not just gawk.

And maybe you and I shop (myself window shop) in different places. Had to pick something up in Terminal 21, a number of mere shop girls there I thought were very attractive and very nicely attired. Likewise, picking something up in Central Ladprao, any number there.

A Thai friend's daughter is a head-turner. University degree, works in an office, lives in a rented apartment with a GF, has her own car (I'm sure with car payments). Why is she working in an office and not making BIG money in the entertainment industry? That's the trouble with spending all your time in the bars, never going out and seeing other parts of Thailand, having civilian Thai friends. Might be news to you, with your skewed view, but the vast majority DON'T work as active members of the industry and any number of those ARE attractive. Not every hot girl on the sky train is getting off at Nana.

BOTTOM LINE: If you (general you) had fun with her, had a great, memorable time, then the price was right. Myself, I don't remember the prices I paid. What I DO remember is the fun I had. The cynic knows the price of everything, the value of nothing.

As the Thais often say, "same, same but different". I don't hang out with 2nd string JV squad.We need to deal with what happened as written by poster.

If if if. Then then then. But but but.

He choose a Bad girl. Happens. No biggie.

He paid $420 and ended up not a Happy Camper. $420 is not a lot of money. Now if he keeps doing it. Then we will hear more moaning.

12-15-22, 20:52
Not every hot girl on the sky train is getting off at Nana. Well said 11 Bravo. So true. Every time I am in the BTS and seeing beautiful hot chicks inside. 9 out of 10 DON'T get off at Nana or Asok!

Bangkok is full of beautiful girls.

12-15-22, 21:30
Well said 11 Bravo. So true. Every time I am in the BTS and seeing beautiful hot chicks inside. 9 out of 10 DON'T get off at Nana or Asok!

Bangkok is full of beautiful girls.Many of the hotties you see are available, if you are a jai dee respectably dressed and acting falang with a western wallet and have the time to work them. Ask the icons of this board like Tooms if I speak the truth.

However, you are nothing unusual to them. So remember that the whole country is full of beautiful women. Get out of Bangkok. Don't be scared. I speak Thai like a retarded infant and over the years, I've shagged them up and down the Chao Phraya basin and all through Isaan. Be jai dee, be classy and respectful. Be the only single falang in *insert place here*. Hmmm look Poo, falang, maybe rich!

I've got 6 potentials upcountry and I'm not even there yet. My local Burmese sushi girl is already making arrangements for me to meet her "sister" in Chiang Mai.

Don't overthink stuff. Remember that no matter where you are, you can get your cobber gobbled for a few quid.

And guys, it is always same same since the first Thailand message board: "It was better in the old days. Thai girls have no buisness sense. You overpaid. Foodland is great. Its hot".

Giannis Gianni
12-16-22, 01:31
Well said 11 Bravo. So true. Every time I am in the BTS and seeing beautiful hot chicks inside. 9 out of 10 DON'T get off at Nana or Asok!

Bangkok is full of beautiful girls.Hot chicks on BTS is like finding a Gem in Soi 6.

Go to Emporium. Identify 5 Hot Chicks. I guarantee none will be riding the BTS to their final destination.

Giannis Gianni
12-16-22, 01:40
Many of the hotties you see are available, if you are a jai dee respectably dressed and acting falang with a western wallet and have the time to work them. Ask the icons of this board like Tooms if I speak the truth.

However, you are nothing unusual to them. So remember that the whole country is full of beautiful women. Get out of Bangkok. Don't be scared. I speak Thai like a retarded infant and over the years, I've shagged them up and down the Chao Phraya basin and all through Isaan. Be jai dee, be classy and respectful. Be the only single falang in *insert place here*. Hmmm look Poo, falang, maybe rich!

I've got 6 potentials upcountry and I'm not even there yet. My local Burmese sushi girl is already making arrangements for me to meet her "sister" in Chiang Mai.

Don't overthink stuff. Remember that no matter where you are, you can get your cobber gobbled for a few quid.

And guys, it is always same same since the first Thailand message board: "It was better in the old days. Thai girls have no buisness sense. You overpaid. Foodland is great. Its hot".How is this any different than going after a Soi 6 girl. Hahaha.

I wish emojis were enabled. This is funny.

12-16-22, 03:15
I am doing research for my trip. Anyone knows a few OnlyFans Thais that use OF to promote themselves as escorts?

12-16-22, 03:21
I am doing research for my trip. Anyone knows a few OnlyFans Thais that use OF to promote themselves as escorts?There must be rules against that. Several OF Thai girls are upfront about not even asking about meeting.

12-16-22, 16:49
Well said 11 Bravo. So true. Every time I am in the BTS and seeing beautiful hot chicks inside. 9 out of 10 DON'T get off at Nana or Asok!

Bangkok is full of beautiful girls.There's beautiful women all over BKK that are regular civvie non-working girls. Good luck getting them for dating. The dating game seems dead in Thailand for farangs.

12-16-22, 18:27
There's beautiful women all over BKK that are regular civvie non-working girls. Good luck getting them for dating. The dating game seems dead in Thailand for farangs.If your under 35 the scene is alive and well.

Giannis Gianni
12-17-22, 01:38
Hot chicks on BTS is like finding a Gem in Soi 6.

Go to Emporium. Identify 5 Hot Chicks. I guarantee none will be riding the BTS to their final destination.Oops. I meant to say Paragon.

Giannis Gianni
12-17-22, 01:41
There's beautiful women all over BKK that are regular civvie non-working girls. Good luck getting them for dating. The dating game seems dead in Thailand for farangs.They just aren't available to our Demographic.

Don't fool yourselves they are available to the Military Generals, Politicians, etc.

Thai society is just rife with Girls who sell themselves. Girls who are unable to partake wish they could.

12-17-22, 02:44
There's beautiful women all over BKK that are regular civvie non-working girls. Good luck getting them for dating. The dating game seems dead in Thailand for farangs.

If your under 35 the scene is alive and well.It's also alive and well for those over 35, though your chances go way down with women of more than 15-20 years age difference. If you are 55 and she is 40, age is not a problem.

12-17-22, 08:26
It's also alive and well for those over 35, though your chances go way down with women of more than 15-20 years age difference. If you are 55 and she is 40, age is not a problem.I'm mid-50's and have no interest in women 40 or over.

12-17-22, 09:32
Staying at the end of Sukhumvit 11. I couldn't get a single Bolt taxi to come here. It's a 21 minutes' wait regardless of the time of day, then after 10 minutes the ride gets cancelled and a new search shows a 30 minutes' wait with a price five times as high. Not a single meter taxi accepted to use the meter. I bargained down one of them to 100 baht to go to the Makkasan Airport Link. The bastard dropped me in the middle of nowhere (a fish market). I had to pay 350 to a tuk-tuk to get me out of there.

The hotel was supposed to have a shuttle to Nana BTS but surprise surprise, the shuttle is out of order. The hotel has a "transport service" but this service is only adding a further scamming layer (they wanted 2500 Baht for a death trap minivan ride to Hua-Hin). I can get the same death trap minivan at Ekkamai for one tenth of this. I'll have to drag my luggage to Nana, then on the BTS though.

Bought two boxes of Kamagra on Sukhumvit, one box was empty. Red curry shrimp near Nana Plaza, I got 4 shrimps in a sauce, no vegetables whatsoever, a joke, plus a hefty service charge on the bill.

Good Heavens what a shit hole of liars and crooks this city has become (or always was?). I've been here two days and I can't wait to get out.

Giannis Gianni
12-17-22, 11:32
Staying at the end of Sukhumvit 11. I couldn't get a single Bolt taxi to come here. It's a 21 minutes' wait regardless of the time of day, then after 10 minutes the ride gets cancelled and a new search shows a 30 minutes' wait with a price five times as high. Not a single meter taxi accepted to use the meter. I bargained down one of them to 100 baht to go to the Makkasan Airport Link. The bastard dropped me in the middle of nowhere (a fish market). I had to pay 350 to a tuk-tuk to get me out of there.

The hotel was supposed to have a shuttle to Nana BTS but surprise surprise, the shuttle is out of order. The hotel has a "transport service" but this service is only adding a further scamming layer (they wanted 2500 Baht for a death trap minivan ride to Hua-Hin). I can get the same death trap minivan at Ekkamai for one tenth of this. I'll have to drag my luggage to Nana, then on the BTS though.

Bought two boxes of Kamagra on Sukhumvit, one box was empty. Red curry shrimp near Nana Plaza, I got 4 shrimps in a sauce, no vegetables whatsoever, a joke, plus a hefty service charge on the bill.

Good Heavens what a shit hole of liars and crooks this city has become (or always was?). I've been here two days and I can't wait to get out.What's in Hua Him? Miss Jira?

12-17-22, 11:33
Staying at the end of Sukhumvit 11. I couldn't get a single Bolt taxi to come here. It's a 21 minutes' wait regardless of the time of day, then after 10 minutes the ride gets cancelled and a new search shows a 30 minutes' wait with a price five times as high. Not a single meter taxi accepted to use the meter. I bargained down one of them to 100 baht to go to the Makkasan Airport Link. The bastard dropped me in the middle of nowhere (a fish market). I had to pay 350 to a tuk-tuk to get me out of there.

The hotel was supposed to have a shuttle to Nana BTS but surprise surprise, the shuttle is out of order. The hotel has a "transport service" but this service is only adding a further scamming layer (they wanted 2500 Baht for a death trap minivan ride to Hua-Hin). I can get the same death trap minivan at Ekkamai for one tenth of this. I'll have to drag my luggage to Nana, then on the BTS though.

Bought two boxes of Kamagra on Sukhumvit, one box was empty. Red curry shrimp near Nana Plaza, I got 4 shrimps in a sauce, no vegetables whatsoever, a joke, plus a hefty service charge on the bill.

Good Heavens what a shit hole of liars and crooks this city has become (or always was?). I've been here two days and I can't wait to get out.If staying at the end of Soi 11, a walk to the Makkasan ARL is only 15-20 minutes. Going to Nana, then onto BTS will take longer, cost more, with a transfer to MRT and the waiting. Probably 25 minutes to arrive at Phetchaburi and then walk 5 minutes more to Makkasan. You are very near the ARL to the airport if you decide to walk from the back end of Soi 11. Even shorter if you know how to cut through the various hotels. Taxis have to take a longer driving route because of the roads. Just MAP IT and walk it.

Giannis Gianni
12-17-22, 14:07
Never seen so many Hot Girls in one General area in my life. No it's not Soi 6.

Thaniya is fully staffed and then some. Lots of Pretty Girls.

Unfortunately few customers as always.

Banana Boi
12-17-22, 14:36
Staying at the end of Sukhumvit 11. I couldn't get a single Bolt taxi to come here. It's a 21 minutes' wait regardless of the time of day, then after 10 minutes the ride gets cancelled and a new search shows a 30 minutes' wait with a price five times as high.Not sure if you heard but there was a recent crackdown on improperly licensed Bolt drivers which may explain the ride shortage. I found Bolt to be limited availability with long wait times of 10 minutes in Bangkok even before this crackdown. Even longer near Sukhumvit. I ended paying 3-4 x more for Grab in almost all cases.

Sounds like you've had a terrible first 2 days. You'll meet a hot chick tonight and it'll all turn around for you!

There's beautiful women all over BKK that are regular civvie non-working girls. Good luck getting them for dating. The dating game seems dead in Thailand for farangs.

I've always said if you're unable to pick up civvy girls in your home country or along the beaches in Ibiza then what makes you think a Thai girl wants to date you for free? Those days of 19 year old Thai girls truly falling for non Thai visitors over 35 passed 25+ years ago.

12-17-22, 16:14
For several winters I lived about 1/2 way up Soi 8 on opposite side from Soi 11 and never really had a long wait for Bolt. But this Soi has less vehicles and travel congestion overall. However, Soi 11 is filled with hotels, nightlife, and various restaurants and bars. It seems crowded all the time, which may explain your issues with taxis etc. My understanding is most tuk tuk are reluctant to enter Sukhumvit due to traffic. I know on Soi 8 that the apartment and hotel tuktuks will only take you to the end of Soi 8. Then you are on your own. I would recommend for your next visit to try to find a hotel or apartment on less congested Sois in the area. Or walk down to beginning of Soi 11 at the 7/11 and hail a Bolt from there.

I am coming this winter so can't comment directly on the various methods Thais are using to make up for their Covid losses. But traditionally, they are generally shortsighted about how they treat the farang.

If staying at the end of Soi 11, a walk to the Makkasan ARL is only 15-20 minutes. Going to Nana, then onto BTS will take longer, cost more, with a transfer to MRT and the waiting. Probably 25 minutes to arrive at Phetchaburi and then walk 5 minutes more to Makkasan. You are very near the ARL to the airport if you decide to walk from the back end of Soi 11. Even shorter if you know how to cut through the various hotels. Taxis have to take a longer driving route because of the roads. Just MAP IT and walk it.

Giannis Gianni
12-18-22, 02:04
Queen of Pattaya vid released yesterday of Dozo massage.

Pretty Girl. Nice face and looks like nice body. Light skin. I was shocked, might try. Hahaha.

12-18-22, 05:21
Hi Folks!

Is Oakwood hotel sukhumvit 11 girl friendly? Would appreciate your suggestions.


12-18-22, 07:45
Staying at the end of Sukhumvit 11. I couldn't get a single Bolt taxi to come here.If you're staying in the inner sois along Sukhumvit and need a ride out to the main roads (and you're not keen on a motorbike taxi or walking), I would recommend using a Tuk Tuk ridehailing app called Muvmi. It costs around 20-40 baht per person, and you don't have to bargain or risk communication issues with the driver as instructions are already logged in like Bolt or Grab. And the Tuks Tuks are electronic so the ride is fairly quiet.

Some downsides to this are you need to go to designated pickup / drop off points (there are plenty tho), it doesn't go far distance and is really restricted to a few local zones (simply to get you around the neighborhood) and a ride can take some time to get to you (so takes some planning to book like 30 minutes ahead of time). All in all, using this beats getting fleeced for me.

12-18-22, 12:10
Staying at the end of Sukhumvit 11. I couldn't get a single Bolt taxi to come here. It's a 21 minutes' wait regardless of the time of day, then after 10 minutes the ride gets cancelled and a new search shows a 30 minutes' wait with a price five times as high. Not a single meter taxi accepted to use the meter. I bargained down one of them to 100 baht to go to the Makkasan Airport Link. The bastard dropped me in the middle of nowhere (a fish market). I had to pay 350 to a tuk-tuk to get me out of there.

The hotel was supposed to have a shuttle to Nana BTS but surprise surprise, the shuttle is out of order. The hotel has a "transport service" but this service is only adding a further scamming layer (they wanted 2500 Baht for a death trap minivan ride to Hua-Hin). I can get the same death trap minivan at Ekkamai for one tenth of this. I'll have to drag my luggage to Nana, then on the BTS though.

Bought two boxes of Kamagra on Sukhumvit, one box was empty. Red curry shrimp near Nana Plaza, I got 4 shrimps in a sauce, no vegetables whatsoever, a joke, plus a hefty service charge on the bill.

Good Heavens what a shit hole of liars and crooks this city has become (or always was?). I've been here two days and I can't wait to get out.Well, don't stay in the Nana area. Try Phrom Pong, Thonglor, or Ekkamai. You'll have a very different experience. Bangkok is an amazing city, but in my opinion that area is not one of the more amazing parts. Heading in the evenings to have fun, but stay there? Nah, not unless you're doing a five-star like the Sheraton.

Went to eat at a Mexican restaurant I like the other night on Soi Ruamrudee and then decided to walk down Sukhumvit all the way to Asoke. Yikes! Really not a nice experience. Before covid around 60% of the people you saw walking on the streets in that area or tourists, now it's closer to 90% I'm sure and unfortunately the whole mood of the area reflects that. Seems a lot of people who would have stayed on Khaosan are now in the Sukhumvit area. Overall, it's just not a crowd I want to be in.

So glad I live outside of that area, but it's only a 15 minute BTS ride away.

12-18-22, 15:48
I understand and appreciate your sentiments but I enjoy staying in or around lower Suk due to the convenience factor and the proximity to the clubs etc. Yes, you can take a 15 minute BTS earlier in the evening from Ekkamai etc. But the BTS shuts down at midnight. After that, one has to hope for a Bolt or a regular taxi and then face the same delays you can encounter departing from Soi 11 earlier in the evening. Also, it's been my experience that a lot of girls and FL's you might meet in lower Suk don't want to leave lower Suk for another area for a late night liaison. Of course, if one decides to stay further out, like in Ekkamai, there are less tourists and perhaps just as many willing girls who seek your company.

Well, don't stay in the Nana area. Try Phrom Pong, Thonglor, or Ekkamai. You'll have a very different experience. Bangkok is an amazing city, but in my opinion that area is not one of the more amazing parts. Heading in the evenings to have fun, but stay there? Nah, not unless you're doing a five-star like the Sheraton.

Went to eat at a Mexican restaurant I like the other night on Soi Ruamrudee and then decided to walk down Sukhumvit all the way to Asoke. Yikes! Really not a nice experience. Before covid around 60% of the people you saw walking on the streets in that area or tourists, now it's closer to 90% I'm sure and unfortunately the whole mood of the area reflects that. Seems a lot of people who would have stayed on Khaosan are now in the Sukhumvit area. Overall, it's just not a crowd I want to be in.

So glad I live outside of that area, but it's only a 15 minute BTS ride away.

12-18-22, 23:38
I understand and appreciate your sentiments but I enjoy staying in or around lower Suk due to the convenience factor and the proximity to the clubs etc. Yes, you can take a 15 minute BTS earlier in the evening from Ekkamai etc. But the BTS shuts down at midnight. After that, one has to hope for a Bolt or a regular taxi and then face the same delays you can encounter departing from Soi 11 earlier in the evening. Also, it's been my experience that a lot of girls and FL's you might meet in lower Suk don't want to leave lower Suk for another area for a late night liaison. Of course, if one decides to stay further out, like in Ekkamai, there are less tourists and perhaps just as many willing girls who seek your company.Living in the lower Sukhumvit area is not only better if your mongering preference is to take the girls you meet in the bars, clubs or on the stroll back to your own nearby and convenient apartment or condo but I find virtually every recurring visitor I know, friends from USA, Europe etc, tends to stay in hotels right in the heart of the Red Light districts as well. They don't tend to stay in Phrom Phong, On Nut or the Khaosan Road area. So if we want to meet up at a moment's notice for a meal or a bar hop, it's a matter of a few minutes' walk to get together and started.

However, if you are an expat living with a girlfriend or wife, can't bring girls back to your condo and tend to use Short Time rooms, go to the girl's room or just do your thing on the shops' premises, you might as well live a few bts or mrt stations or a longer taxi ride away from that part of town. In fact, for the sake of keeping the peace in your live-in relationship, that would probably be advisable.

Giannis Gianni
12-19-22, 01:52
I understand and appreciate your sentiments but I enjoy staying in or around lower Suk due to the convenience factor and the proximity to the clubs etc. Yes, you can take a 15 minute BTS earlier in the evening from Ekkamai etc. But the BTS shuts down at midnight. After that, one has to hope for a Bolt or a regular taxi and then face the same delays you can encounter departing from Soi 11 earlier in the evening. Also, it's been my experience that a lot of girls and FL's you might meet in lower Suk don't want to leave lower Suk for another area for a late night liaison. Of course, if one decides to stay further out, like in Ekkamai, there are less tourists and perhaps just as many willing girls who seek your company.Stayed in a $95 weekly hotel in Ekkamai area recently. Decent, hot water went out twice, no biggie, staff knew what to do to get it back.


As far as Girls, only good girls in area from what I saw.

12-19-22, 05:56
I understand and appreciate your sentiments but I enjoy staying in or around lower Suk due to the convenience factor and the proximity to the clubs etc. Yes, you can take a 15 minute BTS earlier in the evening from Ekkamai etc. But the BTS shuts down at midnight. After that, one has to hope for a Bolt or a regular taxi and then face the same delays you can encounter departing from Soi 11 earlier in the evening. Also, it's been my experience that a lot of girls and FL's you might meet in lower Suk don't want to leave lower Suk for another area for a late night liaison. Of course, if one decides to stay further out, like in Ekkamai, there are less tourists and perhaps just as many willing girls who seek your company.You could stay between Asoke and Phrom Pong and still avoid the touts, day drunks, and other detritus. Some great little places on 18,20, and 22.

Dan Key
12-19-22, 07:27
Fiw providers all seem to prohibit customers with 'Mo's'. Is this an abhorrence of facial hair, or code for something else?

12-19-22, 11:16
Sukhumvit Soi 11 seems indeed to have been taken over chiefly by the Kao San crowd. However, when you walk the pavement towards Nana, you can barely make headway sometimes due to wave after wave of people I assume to be from India, Sri Lanka or some Arab countries. Are they sex-tourists? You don't see the men with Thai girls. Are they are sex-tourists realising they cannot get laid in Thailand anymore? Their sallow harassed faces would be consistent with the latter. However, many are with whom I assume to be their wives (hideous mamas). Is this place their idea of a holiday? What are they looking for here?

Beggars and touts make progress even more harrowing. You get a fake Rolex shoved in your face every 100 meters. Even the trannies and the shanks seem to have moved elsewhere.

I strolled round Nana Plaza, taking a peep at the line-ups wherever I could. Not in a mood to shell out for the sake of getting an eyeful of girls I won't possibly fuck while my hearing aids amplify the din. Amazingly, some gogos had nearly all seats taken but a customer was hardly ever seen emerging with a girl in tow.

Black Boots
12-19-22, 12:45
"Sukhumvit Soi 11 seems indeed to have been taken over chiefly by the Kao San crowd. However, when you walk the pavement towards Nana, you can barely make headway sometimes due to wave after wave of people I assume to be from India, Sri Lanka or some Arab countries. Are they sex-tourists? You don't see the men with Thai girls. Are they are sex-tourists realising they cannot get laid in Thailand anymore?

Pity me thinks you are finding yourself out of place, past has surely gone. Ha ha.

Giannis Gianni
12-19-22, 14:09
Sukhumvit Soi 11 seems indeed to have been taken over chiefly by the Kao San crowd. However, when you walk the pavement towards Nana, you can barely make headway sometimes due to wave after wave of people I assume to be from India, Sri Lanka or some Arab countries. Are they sex-tourists? You don't see the men with Thai girls. Are they are sex-tourists realising they cannot get laid in Thailand anymore? Their sallow harassed faces would be consistent with the latter. However, many are with whom I assume to be their wives (hideous mamas). Is this place their idea of a holiday? What are they looking for here?

Beggars and touts make progress even more harrowing. You get a fake Rolex shoved in your face every 100 meters. Even the trannies and the shanks seem to have moved elsewhere.

I strolled round Nana Plaza, taking a peep at the line-ups wherever I could. Not in a mood to shell out for the sake of getting an eyeful of girls I won't possibly fuck while my hearing aids amplify the din. Amazingly, some gogos had nearly all seats taken but a customer was hardly ever seen emerging with a girl in tow.Tier 1 and 2 Rainbow girls are being Barfined like there's no Tomorrow.

Mr Scand
12-19-22, 17:33
Hi Folks!

Is Oakwood hotel sukhumvit 11 girl friendly? Would appreciate your suggestions.

Cheers!That is the renamed Grand Swiss if I not misstake. It was very GF, at least before covid and I think all hotels at soi 11 is GF.

But best is to call or mail them.

12-19-22, 22:23
Never seen so many Hot Girls in one General area in my life. No it's not Soi 6.

Thaniya is fully staffed and then some. Lots of Pretty Girls.

Unfortunately few customers as always.I am an old fart but believe I still got game. I'll go to Thaniya on a solo, try to get 5-6 beauties to join me for karaoke.

Forget about age. In general: Is there in Thaniya a chance getting 5-6 girls naked in the room, have drinks and sex?

12-20-22, 01:36
I am an old fart but believe I still got game. I'll go to Thaniya on a solo, try to get 5-6 beauties to join me for karaoke.

Forget about age. In general: Is there in Thaniya a chance getting 5-6 girls naked in the room, have drinks and sex?One of these days I ought to set aside 5000 - 6000 baht to find out how much of a waste of time and money it would be for a Real Sex BBFS+CIP or a Real Blowjob BBBJ+CIM monger like me to choose a girl or more and go into one of those Thaniya Road Karaoke Bars.

I am an old fart too, an old white farang. And when I pass by those places I am always flagged over by cuties in the outside lineups, implored by mamasans and papasans to "take a lady, come inside, have a drink".

Not at all of the clubs, of course. Some lineups are stoic and non responsive when I pass by, training their attention only on whatever old fart Asian men are in the area. But I would say fully half or more of the clubs on that road are more than interested in winning my business.

We are misled by the tuk-tuk touts there who approach us with brochures of other clubs and shops into thinking that all those Thanyia Road clubs are "Japanese customer only. " Not true. They just want to take us old white farang farts to places that will pay them kickback money for delivering us to their clubs instead.

A few years ago, pre Covid, I chatted a bit longer than usual with a particularly aggressive mamasan of one of those Thanyia Road Karaoke Clubs and asked a few questions:

- Can I have sex with a girl I choose?


- Can I take a girl to a nearby hotel for a Short Time?


- How much baht for that?

"Up to you and the girl".

- Are there any girls who will have sex without a condom?

"Do you want to die of HIV"?

Hmm. Not that I expected her to say "Oh Yes, many of our girls will do that for an extra tip" but I was curious how interested in my trade this particularly aggressive mamasan really was, how horrifying such an idea is considered at these venues. A few mamasans in the better known Red Light districts will be helpful on that point.

I should say that question has never stopped her or any of the other mamasans and papasans on that road from approaching me and imploring me to "take a lady, come inside" every other time I passed by.

I don't believe I have ever read a report here and know I have never heard a testimonial from any fellow punter, Asian or not, for anything remotely like "Man, I took a Thanyia Road girl last night and she really rocked my world with great sex. Everything was on the menu, well worth the money"!

However, in all these years I have not ventured into one of those clubs to find out for myself, never did "take a girl, come inside".

Whenever I happened to be in the area I have either had a much better sure thing plan elsewhere for the night or just finished one and had no reason to spend money for nothing. And I guess my image of what I would be in for is no chance in hell of getting anything like Real Sex or a Real Blowjob with one of those girls, stupid expensive drinks, some Isaan song being sung to me on Karaoke and the microphone handed to me to sing "My Way" or whatever. LOL. I ain't Sinatra.

Giannis Gianni
12-20-22, 01:42
I am an old fart but believe I still got game. I'll go to Thaniya on a solo, try to get 5-6 beauties to join me for karaoke.

Forget about age. In general: Is there in Thaniya a chance getting 5-6 girls naked in the room, have drinks and sex?There's always a Chance. Hahaha.

Giannis Gianni
12-20-22, 01:47
So there's 60 girls in Rainbow 5 . The number 60th in term of attractive ness, wears Army Like Boots. Does not accentuate her body at all. Hahaha.

The only thing that consistently looks busy is that open bar right in the middle. Everything else, good days follow by bad days, so inconsistently inconsistent.

12-20-22, 07:58
Sukhumvit Soi 11 seems indeed to have been taken over chiefly by the Kao San crowd. However, when you walk the pavement towards Nana, you can barely make headway sometimes due to wave after wave of people I assume to be from India, Sri Lanka or some Arab countries. Are they sex-tourists? You don't see the men with Thai girls. Are they are sex-tourists realising they cannot get laid in Thailand anymore? Their sallow harassed faces would be consistent with the latter. However, many are with whom I assume to be their wives (hideous mamas). Is this place their idea of a holiday? What are they looking for here?

Beggars and touts make progress even more harrowing. You get a fake Rolex shoved in your face every 100 meters. Even the trannies and the shanks seem to have moved elsewhere.

I strolled round Nana Plaza, taking a peep at the line-ups wherever I could. Not in a mood to shell out for the sake of getting an eyeful of girls I won't possibly fuck while my hearing aids amplify the din. Amazingly, some gogos had nearly all seats taken but a customer was hardly ever seen emerging with a girl in tow.It's a pretty awful experience these days.

Giannis Gianni
12-20-22, 09:25
Pro Tip.

Staying deep in Soi 11. Yes across burger king, taco bell sidewalk does get congested due to street food vendors. Please consider crossing the street to burger king taco bell side. It really isn't wave after wave of Arabs going up and down.

I'm perplexed no one has mentioned that New beet bar area that opened up,. Just another venue for you hard corers.

My hotel is in the area every once in awhile I go eat dessert at that Burger King. A hot Manager for those of you who got game. Hahaha.

12-20-22, 13:18
Hello all,

I hope that I can contribute a little something as I have learned so much reading the boards for my current trip. I have been to Bangkok a few times, but only once for mongering and that was 10 years ago.

Flew in Sunday to Suvarnabhumi and took a public taxi to Dream Hotel (I tried Grab but one driver wanted a tip because he was a "luxury driver" and then other one said he was 45 minutes away even though he was close to the airport). Cost was around 400 by the meter plus 50 and 20 for tolls.

Dream is fine, I like the location close to Nana and Asok but far enough from Sukhumvit to be quiet. I asked for a quiet room and got one on the 8th floor facing a private residence I think. No sounds whatsoever, though I did hear some couples having fun in their room as I walked down the hallway. Little smaller than I thought I was getting, but they assured me I have the correct room. Aircon is cold, shower is strong and hot, bed was hard but they brought me a topper to make it softer. Breakfast is good too and the staff have been great.

Sunday was World Cup so I figured I would check out Nana and Cowboy before I found a place for the game. Cowboy was very quiet around 7 pm when I walked through so went right to Nana. I sat in the middle beer bar to relax and observe. Did not see many lookers coming in, not many punters around either. I was sitting near Blondie and they had some cuties popping in and out. After my beer I toured the 3 floors. It seemed each place had a few girls outside getting their dinner before their shift. I was able to peek into many of the places but they were mostly empty and / or girls dancing looked bored as hell.

Deciding to go to Blondie since one spinner caught my eye earlier. Went in and had a front seat, there were maybe 3-4 guys with a lady in there, along with a couple with two girls opposite me. I did not see anyone leave with a girl though. I ordered a beer and saw to my delight that the spinner was on stage right in front of me. The girls were not into their dancing too much, but occasionally would move it like they meant it, and they were chatting and joking with each other. Spinner came off stage and I invited her for a drink. She ordered Tequila which came as a baby shot, which she then told me she loves drinking (and I thought "no shit, when you have baby shots and some idiot like me paying for them. ") She was flirty but English was low. I was not interested in take-out so did not inquire. I ended up sitting for an hour maybe, bought her 3 drinks and two for me. I should have left sooner, but she was damn cute and a good tease. Her name is Sa for anyone interested in a dark-skin spinner, 20 years old.

Left around 9:30 to find a sports bar to watch the game. I saw plenty of screens around Nana but wanted to find a more quiet place to watch. I walked around for awhile checking several places but everywhere was crowded or was booked solid for the night. I went back to my room and watched the rest first half of the game. Was feeling the urge after the teasing from the spinner at Blondie so decided to checkout Wood Bar for a quick BJ and then back to the game.

The lineup at Wood bar was awful, so I turned right around. No one outside at Annie's but was not interested in that at the moment. I do plan to go back this week as I found a cutie on the website that I like.

I ended up bouncing from bar to bar checking out the game as I still had the urge but was not seeing anything interesting. My sleepiness was beating down the urge pretty well by the time the game went into overtime. I did stop by Southeast Pharmacy earlier in the evening and picked up some Kamagra to try out this week. I am 45 and don't need it (yet) but thought I would give a try for fun. Lots of ladies on Sukhumvit around Therma. Had a few nice looking ones, some ladyboys, and plenty of uninteresting ladies. Saw a few punters chatting them up as I walked by after the game ended.

I think that was it for the night. I hope this was worth a read. If anyone has food recommendations (no seafood) near the Asok-Nana area, please let me know. Cheers, and good luck!

12-20-22, 16:51
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

12-20-22, 18:41
Hello all,

I hope that I can contribute a little something as I have learned so much reading the boards for my current trip. I have been to Bangkok a few times, but only once for mongering and that was 10 years ago.

Flew in Sunday to Suvarnabhumi and took a public taxi to Dream Hotel (I tried Grab but one driver wanted a tip because he was a "luxury driver" and then other one said he was 45 minutes away even though he was close to the airport). Cost was around 400 by the meter plus 50 and 20 for tolls.

Dream is fine, I like the location close to Nana and Asok but far enough from Sukhumvit to be quiet. I asked for a quiet room and got one on the 8th floor facing a private residence I think. No sounds whatsoever, though I did hear some couples having fun in their room as I walked down the hallway. Little smaller than I thought I was getting, but they assured me I have the correct room. Aircon is cold, shower is strong and hot, bed was hard but they brought me a topper to make it softer. Breakfast is good too and the staff have been great.

Sunday was World Cup so I figured I would check out Nana and Cowboy before I found a place for the game. Cowboy was very quiet around 7 pm when I walked through so went right to Nana. I sat in the middle beer bar to relax and observe. Did not see many lookers coming in, not many punters around either. I was sitting near Blondie and they had some cuties popping in and out. After my beer I toured the 3 floors. It seemed each place had a few girls outside getting their dinner before their shift. I was able to peek into many of the places but they were mostly empty and / or girls dancing looked bored as hell..Best food recommendation for that area in my book is the Terminal 21 Food Court. In addition, countless eateries within the mall to choose from, everything is clean and you don't have to worry about getting sick.

How's the mask situation now in Bangkok. Have the Thais finally started removing the masks? I was there last in Oct and 99 percent of Thais were still masked indoors and outdoors. Sucks because you can't see any of the civvie girls.

12-20-22, 19:34
I'm mid-50's and have no interest in women 40 or over.Hell I'm 70 and have no interest in women 35 or over.

Pro Tip.

Staying deep in Soi 11. Yes across burger king, taco bell sidewalk does get congested due to street food vendors. Please consider crossing the street to burger king taco bell side. It really isn't wave after wave of Arabs going up and down.

I'm perplexed no one has mentioned that New beet bar area that opened up,. Just another venue for you hard corers.

My hotel is in the area every once in awhile I go eat dessert at that Burger King. A hot Manager for those of you who got game. Hahaha.Soi 11 is a great place to visit but I would never live live within 2 miles of there.

12-20-22, 20:32
Hello all,

I hope that I can contribute a little something as I have learned so much reading the boards for my current trip. I have been to Bangkok a few times, but only once for mongering and that was 10 years ago.

Flew in Sunday to Suvarnabhumi and took a public taxi to Dream Hotel (I tried Grab but one driver wanted a tip because he was a "luxury driver" and then other one said he was 45 minutes away even though he was close to the airport). Cost was around 400 by the meter plus 50 and 20 for tolls.

Dream is fine, I like the location close to Nana and Asok but far enough from Sukhumvit to be quiet. I asked for a quiet room and got one on the 8th floor facing a private residence I think. No sounds whatsoever, though I did hear some couples having fun in their room as I walked down the hallway. Little smaller than I thought I was getting, but they assured me I have the correct room. Aircon is cold, shower is strong and hot, bed was hard but they brought me a topper to make it softer. Breakfast is good too and the staff have been great.

I think that was it for the night. I hope this was worth a read. If anyone has food recommendations (no seafood) near the Asok-Nana area, please let me know. Cheers, and good luck!Nice report. I will be arriving on Dec 30th for a few months and staying at a hotel on Soi 13. Across from the Dream Hotel is Oskars, a popular dining bistro, that also attracts a fair share of FL's and vetted LB's. It has good food, though not inexpensive, and this restaurant would not be out of place in a major metropolitan Western city. The bar activity picks up considerably later in the evening.

Another restaurant I like is Monsoon in the Adelphi Hotel on Soi 8. It has a nice varied cuisine, Thai and Western, and quite popular. Not really any bar action though there is an outside bar with limited seating. A good pizza place off the first side alley on Soi 8 is Vesuvio. There I also a new club opening up off Soi 8 on a side alley called Velvet. This is in the former location of Kiwis, which regrettably never reopened after Covid. One more spot up about five minutes walk on Soi 8 is Det5. It's been there forever, reasonably priced, and has Thai and Western food with outdoor and indoor dining. On the left as you walk up Soi 8.

12-21-22, 00:48
One of these days I ought to set aside 5000 - 6000 baht to find out how much of a waste of time and money it would be for a Real Sex BBFS+CIP or a Real Blowjob BBBJ+CIM monger like me to choose a girl or more and go into one of those Thaniya Road Karaoke Bars.

I am an old fart too, an old white farang. And when I pass by those places I am always flagged over by cuties in the outside lineups, implored by mamasans and papasans to "take a lady, come inside, have a drink".

Not at all of the clubs, of course. Some lineups are stoic and non responsive when I pass by, training their attention only on whatever old fart Asian men are in the area. But I would say fully half or more of the clubs on that road are more than interested in winning my business.

We are misled by the tuk-tuk touts there who approach us with brochures of other clubs and shops into thinking that all those Thanyia Road clubs are "Japanese customer only. " Not true. They just want to take us old white farang farts to places that will pay them kickback money for delivering us to their clubs instead.

A few years ago, pre Covid, I chatted a bit longer than usual with a particularly aggressive mamasan of one of those Thanyia Road Karaoke Clubs and asked a few questions:

- Can I have sex with a girl I choose?


- Can I take a girl to a nearby hotel for a Short Time?


- How much baht for that?

"Up to you and the girl".

- Are there any girls who will have sex without a condom?

"Do you want to die of HIV"?

Hmm. Not that I expected her to say "Oh Yes, many of our girls will do that for an extra tip" but I was curious how interested in my trade this particularly aggressive mamasan really was, how horrifying such an idea is considered at these venues. A few mamasans in the better known Red Light districts will be helpful on that point.

I should say that question has never stopped her or any of the other mamasans and papasans on that road from approaching me and imploring me to "take a lady, come inside" every other time I passed by.

I don't believe I have ever read a report here and know I have never heard a testimonial from any fellow punter, Asian or not, for anything remotely like "Man, I took a Thanyia Road girl last night and she really rocked my world with great sex. Everything was on the menu, well worth the money"!

However, in all these years I have not ventured into one of those clubs to find out for myself, never did "take a girl, come inside".

Whenever I happened to be in the area I have either had a much better sure thing plan elsewhere for the night or just finished one and had no reason to spend money for nothing. And I guess my image of what I would be in for is no chance in hell of getting anything like Real Sex or a Real Blowjob with one of those girls, stupid expensive drinks, some Isaan song being sung to me on Karaoke and the microphone handed to me to sing "My Way" or whatever. LOL. I ain't Sinatra.Thanks. Seems no one really knows what's going on inside those rooms. Haven't read much about it. I will definitely give it a go as I get to Bkk next.

1) Walk up and down Thaniya stopping where I see at least 5 lookers.

2) Wait for mamasan to tempt me.

3) Peopose. No, not one. But take 4/5/6 girls to room.

4) Go to room, get booze, distribute, get Isaan music started.

5) Once I feel tipsy. Get started with some dancing / singing & get girls going.

6) Get at least some girls undressed, item by item.

7) Have sex with at least three while isaan music playing. On the subject I had three Asian women at the same time a few years back. It was super.

Then tip all quite seriously, leave and enjoy the memories for the rest of my life. Hell, this is Bangkok.

12-21-22, 03:24
Thanks bro.

That is the renamed Grand Swiss if I not misstake. It was very GF, at least before covid and I think all hotels at soi 11 is GF.

But best is to call or mail them.

12-21-22, 03:30
Hi folks!

Does Thailand give multiple entry visa on arrival? I'm asking this as I will visit bkk and then head to siem reap. I have to change airports. Do I need to take a visa once again when I return from siem reap? Appreciate your inputs.

12-21-22, 09:21
Monday. No action.

Tuesday. Felt the urge around 4 pm so decided to hit a BJ bar. Lolitas was the closest to me (and then not much farther was Kasalong as a 2nd option). I got to Lolitas and there 5-6 girls outside. One girl brought me inside where I assumed the girls would come in for a lineup. Instead, this girl must be next in the queue. I asked for a lineup and she opened the door and said take your pick. There was one girl I thought was cute, but she kept pointing to others. There was an older one with some nice looking tits, but the cute one was the only for me. She did smile when I picked her and said something to the rest and they all laughed. She asked if I wanted a drink but I said let's get to it.

Upstairs is a single room with couches and curtains. Someone was already getting serviced when I arrived so she picked the opposite couch and laid down a towel. I stripped while she gathered her supplies. She was wearing a black dress but there was no offer for topless, she just cleaned me up and went to work. She did great, lots of slurping sounds and moans (just the right amount for my taste thankfully). I usually prefer it slow and then build toward the shot. She did a bit of licking and teasing but was going hardcore pretty quick. I tried to reach down and grab some boob which she allowed for a moment, then took my hand and put it on the back of her head. I didn't even apply any extra pressure and she just went into overdrive. I started to push her down and it felt like she really enjoyed a good throat fuck (she took it deep but not all the way down, I am above average size but nowhere near porn star size). She got tired after a while and jerked it and went back to the balls for awhile. I told her I wanted to stand up and she shifted position. Some more throat fucking and that was enough to get me to shoot. She took it like a champ with some eye contact and lots of appreciative sounds. The girl is a great actress or really enjoys her work.

She went to spit and came back to clean me up. She was acting a little weird and kept saying she was sorry. I was clueless if I did something wrong but then she said she had been drinking too much. Then she said something about her head, so I am not sure if she meant she had a headache or hit her head on something.

Anyway, fantastic BJ, one of the best I had in quite awhile. The PSE style is very rare for me so it was an enjoyable change of pace. Will repeat possibly, though I am intrigued by the older one and her big titties. The girl's name was Ma or Maa.


Is there any particular place to find darker skin girls? Or are they around and I just need to stay on the prowl.

Also, if anyone knows a laundry service near Asok / Nana please let me know.

Thanks for the responses to my previous questions. So far, I am a big fan of the shawarma place in Century 21, and the pizza place outside the mall was fantastic.

Cheers, and good luck!

12-21-22, 11:52
How's the mask situation now in Bangkok. Have the Thais finally started removing the masks? I was there last in Oct and 99 percent of Thais were still masked indoors and outdoors. Sucks because you can't see any of the civvie girls.Feels like every Thai still wears a mask, white people not so much. Asians are a mix. Indians, Africans, or Middle Eastern not so much either. Definitely difficult to get a good look at the working girls around the malls and such with the masks.

12-21-22, 14:25
Does Thailand give multiple entry visa on arrival? I'm asking this as I will visit bkk and then head to siem reap. I have to change airports. Do I need to take a visa once again when I return from siem reap? Appreciate your inputs.I would THINK that no, they are all single entry, but can't say for certain. My consulate issued 60 day visa was single entry, and I don't ever recall having a multiple entry visa. They are possible but require a lot more info / requirements. (So much for wanting to encourage tourism. China gives 10 year multiple entry visas, Australia 1 year multiple entry and if you use the Australian ETA app, it's a lot cheaper and easier than filling out the on-line application). Bring some passport photos with you for the application, though at Suvarnabhumi I did see a photo booth if you didn't, but this being Thailand no saying if it's working at any given time. Haven't been to Don Mueang in ages (miss it) so can't say.

If you're staying in the inner sois along Sukhumvit and need a ride out to the main roads (and you're not keen on a motorbike taxi or walking), I would recommend using a Tuk Tuk ridehailing app called Muvmi. It costs around 20-40 baht per person, and you don't have to bargain or risk communication issues with the driver as instructions are already logged in like Bolt or Grab. And the Tuks Tuks are electronic so the ride is fairly quiet.A motorcycle taxi is a MUST, a real E-ticket ride, well, once anyway. Had to take one up on Soi Thonglor during rush hour when there were NO taxis available. The lane splitting wasn't bad, I know to keep my knees in, but the cruising along in the on-coming traffic lane, swerving back into the correct lane at the last moment ... definitely a pucker factor. Due to a misunderstanding, he stopped a couple of blocks early, but fine by me, I didn't mind WALKING the last few hundred meters just to let my heartrate return to normal.

This is a DECADE old, but the Royal President WAS great place to stay on Soi 15. Serviced apartments and a studio apartment was just fine. Far enough from Sukhumvit to be away from THAT noise, but close enough for a very easy walk to Sukhumvit and Nana or Soi Cowboy. AND, taking the rear exit of Thermae would put you directly on Soi 15, part of the way "home". Was guest friendly, simple ID check at the front desk. I don't know how it is now, OR the current clientele, but MIGHT be worth checking out.

Staying deep in Soi 11. ...My hotel is in the area every once in awhile I go eat dessert at that Burger King.

Stayed in a $95 weekly hotel in Ekkamai area recently. $95 WEEKLY? There goes THAT neighborhood, and it used to be so nice. I'm old enough to remember when you might see 1 or 2 falangs on Soi Thonglor or Soi Ekkamai, but never on any of the interior soi's. Now, you can't go ANYWHERE there without seeing any number of falangs, even on the sub-sub sois.

Given your stay at the $95/ weekly ($13.50 USD day), and Soi 11 stay (you do move around), guess the Kao San crowd has spread even further than Soi 11. I would enjoy seeing one of your Rainbow star's eyes when you brought her back to your Ekkamai palace ... but then, when you can mesmerise them, more power to you. Hahaha.

12-21-22, 19:38
Also, if anyone knows a laundry service near Asok / Nana please let me know.I mostly stay on Soi 11. There is an inexpensive laundry in the small alleyway off Soi 11. The alley entrance is across the street from the Mercure Hotel. Laundry is ready the next day.

12-22-22, 02:49
I mostly stay on Soi 11. There is an inexpensive laundry in the small alleyway off Soi 11. The alley entrance is across the street from the Mercure Hotel. Laundry is ready the next day.Also there is one in the basement of Sukhumvit Suites on Soi 13. Another at the corner of Soi 13 and the Soi that goes to Soi 15.

12-22-22, 03:49
I had a busy day, wasn't really feeling the urge until 9 pm. I waffled a bit on whether to go out or not, finally said "fuck it" and went to try Annie's. The lady I have been looking for was busy, and they said I could wait 20-30 minutes. Instead I made an appt for Thursday and struck out for something else. Tried to find Kasalong but I don't know what happened and I could not find it, maybe I was more tired than I thought. Took the train to Phrom Phong as I remembered there were plenty of massage places in the area. Checked out two of the Kiss Massage places and they both had guys waiting. Looked at a few other random massage places but the quality was lacking. Decided to cross the road and check out 7-Heaven. Found it easily but there were two guys already at the counter, and then another came in 10 seconds behind me. Decided to stay and see what was available. There was a girl free so I got in after a few minutes of waiting.

Went upstairs, one large room with partitioned areas, mine had a bed and sink so I assume the others were the same. She gave me a good cleaning though the water was quite cold, then laid down on the bed for the action. She gave a nice tease for several minutes then slowly started the main course. I could hear another girl nearby moaning loudly, not sure what was happening but it added to the atmosphere for me. My girl picked up the pace but was only doing a small amount of mouth and mostly hand. It was good overall but not hitting the right rhythm and not working for me. She kept at it for awhile with some breaks, and followed my instruction to slow down. I was finally getting close but could not reach the summit, so I told here to give me a handy with some ball handling. That she did very well and I was getting close she plunged back into the BJ and made me blast in her mouth, which she took well and continued to clean my pipe thoroughly as I finished. She did her things to clean up while I closed my eyes enjoyed the aftermath. She had a big smile when she got me up to clean, so I hope she felt like she accomplished a difficult mission and was proud of herself. I was proud of her as she could have given up easily when I gave her the chance. Her moans were cute, but seemed too much for a BJ. Her name was Fah, repeat would be a maybe. The longer more relaxed BJ was enjoyable, but Lolitas just felt dirtier (in a good way), so that may be a repeat instead.

I also tried the Kamagra. I had the gel so popped that before I left the hotel at 9. With all of the the walking around and the train ride, I don't think I got to 7-Heaven until 10 ish. I could definitely feel the blood pressure in my head increase and felt hotter than I think should have been. During the session, I felt like I arose really quick, and definitely stayed harder after the orgasm ended. No chance for a second round so I will try it again when I can do multiple shots and see how it goes. The opportunity for MSOG is a very rare occurrence for me, so I think the Kamagra will be helpful as Jr goes to sleep pretty quickly after my typical single pop.

P.S. Thanks for the laundry tips.

Cheers, and good luck out there!

12-22-22, 04:45
If you haven't done so already, if you're going to spend even a few days in BKK, buy a BTS rabbit card and an MRT subway card, 100 baht each. Then add some baht on each to use in the turnstiles, swipe in, travel, swipe out. Spares you from the long lines at the ticket machines or the booths to get change for the machines.

Will repeat possibly, though I am intrigued by the older one and her big titties. Myself, I hate unresolved questions. I'd definitely stop by Lolitas and sample Miss Tits. She might be crap, but at least you'd now know. And always fun to compare and contrast, say Miss Cutie with Miss Tits. More below.

For a fun couple of hours, I'd suggest taking the BTS to Thong Lo, Soi 55. On the far side of Soi 55 (easy to cross at the light), walk up to just before Soi 6, and look for the sign for Sakura Akasuri. Take the salt tapping massage, #8 on the menu, 100 minutes. Afterwards, walk up to Soi 8, the shopping center, enter, take escalator to the basement, walk to Foodland market, and the restaurant, Took Lae Dee. Descent food, both Thai and Western. They make an excellent nam-a-now-soda (lime juice with soda water, very refreshing). Then walk up to Soi 13 (on the other side of Soi 55), and at the corner of Soi 55/ Soi 13, the office building, walk 10 meters inside Soi 13, and look for Ampersand (past the medical supplies store, wine store; large & in the window). Excellent ice cream, and I lived in Italy for 3 years.

Tulip is right at the Thong Lo station, exit to the right (as you are facing away from Asoke), at the street, it's between the corner away from Asoke and the 7/11.

For a bit of fun, at the Phrom Phong BTS station, walk up to Soi 26, stay on the right hand side of Soi 26, and walk away from Sukhumvit. Wait for the Jill-in-box surprise. Haven't been there for a couple of years, but did have some luck there with Diamond (don't know if she's still there or not). If there's nothing inside on the shop's Soi 26 side, walk through the shop and check out the other side on Soi 24-1, both inside the shop and outside. Soi 24-1 is full of massage shops, makes a nice stroll. If you continue along Soi 26, not too far up on the left, is Don Quixote. POPULAR shop with Koreans, I enjoyed (FR to be written) but it is a bit of assembly line processing. Still some attractions there; no line-up, mamasan uses a tablet.

Down on Soi 22, a bit of the ways in, just past the Marriott, there's a couple of side soi's full of shops, Honey Bee, Passion, etc.

At the far end of Soi Cowboy, Soi 23, turn left when leaving Cowboy, after the first block, on the right, on the next couple of blocks, are a number of massage shops. Over the decades, I've found some good times at various ones. Girls sitting outside. 3 years ago, just at this time of year, found a stunner sitting outside. She was looking to pick up some extra cash for the trip home for New Years (can't arrive back home empty handed). She was a beauty, stayed with missionary just so I could look at her face and rack. Like an idiot, I DIDN'T get her Line, thinking when she returned in a couple of weeks, I'd of course see her. I didn't, and checking the shops (a sad sight, this fool wandering the soi, trying to remember which shop ...) Asked for her using the name she'd given me. No one at the shop recognized the name. MY story, my bad ears must have heard wrong, but she might have used an alias as she was definitely out of place there. I ALWAYS take a stroll there.

Another Foodland at Soi 5, the restaurant (really a lunch counter) a real institution.

I never had any luck at Woods. Both times I was there, the girl I wanted to sample was eating, first lunch, then dinner, so didn't join the lineup. MAYBE bad timing on my part, but methinks if I'd been 40 years younger, she might have been more inclined to sample my meal. But not a problem:

Patpong is dying, maybe dead, BUT ... It's my least favorite place of the 3 (Nana, Cowboy, Patpong). But I tell everyone they should visit because, if they don't, when they get home and say they skipped, all the know-nothings will be saying that they hadn't seen the REAL BKK entertainment. Ah the bliss of ignorance.

Still ...:

4. Rose Bar: 20 years ago, a fun place. 5 years ago, I actually saw ghosts there: 2 old women caretakers, both rail thin, both in long white shifts. This visit, I resisted the gravitational pull of those stairs and memories.

3. Foodland. Yes, another one (they're everywhere, they're everywhere).

2. SOL, aka Star of Light, a real institution, BJ bar. In November, every time I passed the door was blocked by plywood. Another poster said that there were refurbishments going on. Hope so, as the loss of SOL would be a tragedy.

1. Meet the World. Another institution, think it's been there since the Vietnam War. If you're looking for a SYT for a BJ, skip. If you're the type that prefers form over function, skip. But if you want some literally no-holds barred naughty boy fun, there you go. These ladies are skilled. Great place, even in the afternoon, for a beer. Buying a lady drink gets her in her battle dress (aka birthday suit). Maybe not immediately, but you can say something. Otherwise certainly when you move to the couches. Great place to practice your braille reading. If you're shy, a bed with curtain in an alcove (personal experience, works for FS). But the couches do serve a useful purpose. Check my FR's for prices, watch out for being given tourist prices first.

All of the above have a number of detailed FR's. If you're unfamiliar of how to search, some ancient troglodyte, constantly muttering RTFF, UTFSE, wrote a tutorial over on the ROD's (reports of distinction thread).

12-22-22, 07:15
After a lazy day full of foot massages, visiting Jim Thomason's house and just strolling the side streets around Thaniya, I decided to board the BTS and venture out of the Silom / Sathorn neighborhoods and make my way towards Asoke. Terminal 21 was overrun so I ditched my plans for a meal there and went out for a nighttime stroll. As I was walking around I opened up Google Maps and started to look at the various restaurant options in the neighborhood. Lo and behold, One of the entries that I noticed was for Duangporn Haven. I haven't yet experienced this kind of establishment so I decided to stroll by and take a peek.

I might've missed the side street had not been for the fact that as I was walking down the main street, I heard a collection of young voices calling out to me. I double back and walk towards the cacophony of voices. The bar was nestled in about 150 feet in from the main road. Sitting outside was a collection of about six or seven women between the ages of 20 and 35 I'the say. Their outfits consisted of a mix of tight fitting dresses and a few had cut off Jean shorts and little white tops. A woman with a pink T-shirt stood up and approached me and welcomed me to the establishment. I had developed a bit of a thirst and asked if I could have a chain before proceeding. She said "of course" and invited me inside. The front counter had two stools and I sat in one and go up to about half of the bottle of beer at once. She went through the pricing structure, which was 800 for a pop, and that covered 30 minutes. I asked about what would happen if I took a little longer, and she answered that a new cycle of 30 minute charging would just be tacked on. There was a slightly higher rate for full service, but I stopped her midsentence and said that I was really there for the basic service. She asked if I wanted a lineup or if I wanted to go outside and select on my own. I told her that I trusted her and asked her to choose for me.

She went outside and I could hear a brief discussion amongst the ladies. When she came back in two minutes later she was with a young woman named Noy, Who is in her late 20's and stood about 165 cm tall, she was wearing cut off jeans shorts and a button up white shirt that came up to her midriff. She smiled at me and asked if I was ready, and motion that I could bring my beer upstairs with me. Right by the entrance there was a semi circular set of stairs leading up, so I followed her lead.

The room was fairly basic. There was a leather arm chair, as well as a pseudo-sofa / loveseat next to it. Frankly the armchair looks more comfortable. There is also a little sink. The walls did not go up to the ceiling, but rather start about 2 1/2 m tall, which left about a 40 to 50 cm gap from the ceiling. She asked me to remove my pants and hang them on the wall. She led me to the sink where she applied some soap and washed me thoroughly. After drying me she laid out another towel on the arm chair and asked me to sit down. She then knelt in front of me and came pretty close to swallowing me whole.

Now in my older years I can say that the joys of a blow job are growing on me, but a lot of women can be too gentle and leave the experience lacking. This woman applied more than average pressure making the experience pleasurable, but what was really nice was that as we crossed the 10 minute and then the 15 minute mark, she wasn't letting up. Furthermore, she only used her hands minimally, and instead, made sure that I got the full experience of an actual blow job. Occasionally, she would crouch down further and start to lick and lap at my balls. When she did this she would continue to stroke my shaft. Occasionally she would look up at me and smile and then begin to lick my shaft from top to bottom, and also plant butterfly kisses on it. After the 15 minute mark is when I would occasionally put my hand against her neck or the back of her head and guide her down in order to take me in more deeply. There was one moment when she gagged and had to pull up, but she recomposed her self quickly, looked up at me, smiled, and then pushed onward. For the next few minutes we went back-and-forth between sucking my cock and licking my balls, and she reached up and pulled my hand closer to my cock so that I could stroke it well she started to take each ball individually into her mouth. It was during one of these moments that I felt the crest rising, and as a motion to her to take me in her mouth again, or timing was miss matched and instead of coming in her mouth, I finished on her cheek and chin. She stroked me to completion, and then looked up at me and fluttered her eyelashes and smiled.

After letting me look up at the ceiling and relaxing for a minute or two, she pulled me up and proceeded to wash me again. We made our way downstairs, where I asked for a soda water and sat outside with the other ladies and got to know them. I then got up, said my goodbyes and wandered back into the night.



12-22-22, 07:34
Ok, when mongers want a regular girl not to lead on and say they will marry them, but a girl to take clubbing and nice restaurants. Do you have to go to the malls or is Thai friendly enough. I'm assuming Thai friendly and most websites are all hookers.

12-22-22, 10:01
Hi folks!

Does Thailand give multiple entry visa on arrival? I'm asking this as I will visit bkk and then head to siem reap. I have to change airports. Do I need to take a visa once again when I return from siem reap? Appreciate your inputs.No, but if you're American (SFO in the name), you don't need visa on arrival anyway. You can get a free 30 day (45 day until March) visa-exempt entry stamp each time you arrive.

12-22-22, 11:52
I mostly stay on Soi 11. There is an inexpensive laundry in the small alleyway off Soi 11. The alley entrance is across the street from the Mercure Hotel. Laundry is ready the next day.If you want a quick laundry at a reasonable price there is the older lady in the middle of soi 20 (near the Thee Hotel).

If you give her in the morning (even around 11), you'll get it back at 17 without surcharge.

She will try to charge a bit more than others, just tell her the other laundry nearby (on Sukhumvit) is cheaper (150 baht / Kilo with iron), she will adjust her price (she can do by piece or by kilo).

She is an intermediary, she doesn't do the washing and iron herself, someone comes get it and bring it back when ready, but they do a good job, I used her service twice and was satisfied both times.

12-22-22, 13:25
Still had to pack, but I do have my priorities, and I figured I'll complete the circle, end where I started (well close) at Meet the World. Off to Patpong mid-afternoon. Walk in, 4 or 5 ladies there, no mature heavy set bartender (I do enjoy talking to her), and the granny who sits inside at the front tables (I don't enjoy her). I don't see who I'm looking for, ask, and she's outside, something about getting her hair done, but someone will fetch her.

I order a beer, she arrives, a lady drink; the others politely disperse. Lights are dimmed, music started (reminds me of the movie Apocalypse Now, the scene where Big Duke 6 says they start the music about a mile out ..., not Wagner, but some nice 60's-70's tunes). Her dress stays on for now, but I do start to practice my braille reading which she freely accommodates. The door is locked, off to the couch, and the clothes, both of ours, come off, and she proceeds with her skills while I enjoy my beer and the sight of her between my legs. Time passes, the deed is done. We dress, move back to the bar, I still have some beer, and for the last hurrah, order her another lady drink. Bill should be 1200 = 800 BBBJ / CIM, 1 beer 100,2 lady drinks 150 each. Unlike the last time, granny has given me the local prices. I hand her 1500, with the change to be passed to my server. But now there's a problem. Granny doesn't have the change. She's digging around, asks to borrow 100 from the girl (hope she'll get it back), and I'm handed the hopeful plate: 2 100's, 4 20's, and 2 10 coins. Now if it was the thick bartender, I'd have left a 100 tip, but for Granny, Dream on. I scape EVERYTHING off the tray (yes, I am petty), turn and hand it to the server. Granny is bleating "Nothing for me, just 10 for good luck ..., " Like I say, when someone tries to overcharge me (previous visit), like an elephant, I remember. Say goodbye to the server, wish her luck, and BKK is history.

Covid was interesting (even though I caught, I believe the vaccines served their purpose, no hospital admission, no breathing problems, 3 days of feeling unwell). Using 3 Line contacts from 3 years ago, able to hookup (pun intended) with 3 favs. Thanks to Newton York, broke out of my usual routine / places and tried some new ones. Couple of new Line contacts, hopefully useful on next year's visit, and some "been there, done that" experiences. Did miss the SOL, but Meet the World, for me, a more fun replacement. And finally, a new partial crown, milled right there in the dentist's office after using a 3D rendered display, AI to recreate the missing half of a broken tooth, with some CAD for the dentist to smooth the edges before the milling. I had thought a full crown at best, otherwise an implant, but modern technology is well ensconced here.

To repeat myself, always reminds me of the last scene in The Wild Bunch: "It ain't like it used to be, but, uh, it'll do. ".

12-22-22, 15:52
Since Thailand and Philippines have a major issue with ladyboys, would it be prudent for online dating to never agree to meet for more than 500 b and the Philippines equivalent. That way when they show up in the lobby and it's a lb you can give him the 500 baht and say see ya. Do some of you guys do that.

12-22-22, 16:14
Feels like every Thai still wears a mask, white people not so much. Asians are a mix. Indians, Africans, or Middle Eastern not so much either. Definitely difficult to get a good look at the working girls around the malls and such with the masks.Thanks for the reply. The mask wearing killed my experience quite a but in BKK, just makes any potential daygame difficult. Hopefully they ease up on it in the coming months, but I doubt it.

12-22-22, 22:57
.I'm assuming Thai friendly and most websites are all hookers.That is an absolutely false assumption. If you look for hookers, you will find many. If you look for regular girls, you will find many. Occasionally it isnt easy to tell which is which.

Since Thailand and Philippines have a major issue with ladyboys, would it be prudent for online dating to never agree to meet for more than 500 b and the Philippines equivalent. That way when they show up in the lobby and it's a lb you can give him the 500 baht and say see ya. Do some of you guys do that.Why not just tell them you will not give any money to pre-op or post-op ladyboys?

Suggest video chat before meeting anybody from a Thailand dating site. It's easy to be tricked by photos and text messages, not so easy to be tricked during video chat.

I tend to meet many TF ladies starting about 3 months prior to my travel. For my recent entry I did video chat with about 15 candidates, two of which seemed to be ladyboys during video chats, their pictures and text messages seemed truly female.

On a related note, this trip I was looking for non-pro TF ladies and I met two. I hit the jackpot with one lady and spent many days and nights with her. The other lady turned out to be a hooker, though I was half expecting it. She was one of the many who wanted to fake being my girlfriend so I would send monthly money.

12-23-22, 00:34
This is a wise post in a sea of "every woman in thailand can be bought" crap.

My big mistake in thailand is assuming girls I met online at TF were all hookers when some were just lonely or bored or unhappy and were sick of thai men. In a country where education is increasingly valued, there are going to be many thai women who despise the general lazy, mooching, cheating thai male and choose to remain single or seek divorces whilst still independent financially.

Honestly punting has messed with me on many levels including my assumptions why a woman would spend time with me. Think thailand is full of hookers, ergo, every woman is available for the right price, ergo everyone needs to be bought.

I'd give one cash for taxis and chocolates and gifts when she didn't want any of that and would empty it out before she left. She only wanted sex and company.

Women in thailand are smart enough to know most thai men are rotten to the core, but don't fancy meeting foreigners in a club.

That is an absolutely false assumption. If you look for hookers, you will find many. If you look for regular girls, you will find many. Occasionally it isnt easy to tell which is which.


On a related note, this trip I was looking for non-pro TF ladies and I met two. I hit the jackpot with one lady and spent many days and nights with her. The other lady turned out to be a hooker, though I was half expecting it. She was one of the many who wanted to fake being my girlfriend so I would send monthly money.

Tom Thumbbs
12-23-22, 01:21
This is a wise post in a sea of "every woman in Thailand can be bought" crap.

My big mistake in Thailand is assuming girls I met online at TF were all hookers when some were just lonely or bored or unhappy and were sick of thai men. In a country where education is increasingly valued, there are going to be many Thai women who despise the general lazy, mooching, cheating thai male and choose to remain single or seek divorces whilst still independent financially.

Honestly punting has messed with me on many levels including my assumptions why a woman would spend time with me. Think Thailand is full of hookers, ergo, every woman is available for the right price, ergo everyone needs to be bought.

I'd give one cash for taxis and chocolates and gifts when she didn't want any of that and would empty it out before she left. She only wanted sex and company.

Women in Thailand are smart enough to know most Thai men are rotten to the core, but don't fancy meeting foreigners in a club.Most Thai men are not Rotten to the core.

Just the ones we SEe, just the ones on the bottom of the caste system. Think Explorer.

12-23-22, 03:35
It seems hard. When I was on tinder in Medellin every girl was a hooker it seemed. Why does every non hooker in Thailand have to be someone that is looking for a husband. It seems there is no middle ground to just meeting a Thai girl and going on a couple dates. You guys assumed I was going to lie to them and pretend I was in love on date one. Is that what they are used too on date one. Meet the family on date 2.

12-23-22, 04:12
This is a wise post in a sea of "every woman in thailand can be bought" crap.

My big mistake in thailand is assuming girls I met online at TF were all hookers when some were just lonely or bored or unhappy and were sick of thai men. In a country where education is increasingly valued, there are going to be many thai women who despise the general lazy, mooching, cheating thai male and choose to remain single or seek divorces whilst still independent financially.

Honestly punting has messed with me on many levels including my assumptions why a woman would spend time with me. Think thailand is full of hookers, ergo, every woman is available for the right price, ergo everyone needs to be bought.

I'd give one cash for taxis and chocolates and gifts when she didn't want any of that and would empty it out before she left. She only wanted sex and company.

Women in thailand are smart enough to know most thai men are rotten to the core, but don't fancy meeting foreigners in a club.This article says there are around 1. Jillion sex workers in Thailand when you include independents. Maybe we aren't wrong for thinking everyone is a hooker. https://www.thailandredcat.com/the-different-types-and-costs-of-hookers-in-thailand/.

12-23-22, 04:21
Thank you!

No, but if you're American (SFO in the name), you don't need visa on arrival anyway. You can get a free 30 day (45 day until March) visa-exempt entry stamp each time you arrive.

12-23-22, 15:59
This article says there are around 1. Jillion sex workers in Thailand when you include independents. Maybe we aren't wrong for thinking everyone is a hooker. https://www.thailandredcat.com/the-different-types-and-costs-of-hookers-in-thailand/.Your own source says about 1 million are sex workers, that's out of a population of about 70 million. If you get away from the hooker zones you will find a whole different Thailand.

12-24-22, 01:40
This is a wise post in a sea of "every woman in thailand can be bought" crap.

Your own source says about 1 million are sex workers, that's out of a population of about 70 million. If you get away from the hooker zones you will find a whole different Thailand.So right. The trouble is with those whose Thailand is Nana, Soi Cowboy, Patpong, lower Sukhumvit, Soi 24-1, Pattaya, Youtube videos ... They have such a skewed view. Golds recently posted "It's also such a fake society, their kindness, there politeness.. it's one big show." Yea, in certain parts of Thailand, it is. I'd expect the Pattaya 1-hour 18-19-20 year old bgs to be returning what they get. But outside of those areas ... MY experience is the politeness, kindness, their hospitality for a stranger is genuine. You have to understand that just because someone is smiling at you doesn't mean they're happy with you. It's all about "khun ji dee" (good heart) and keeping your outward composure. Even WITHIN those areas, I've found some REALLY NICE people.

MY OPINION: I have NO experience with dating, but it's not a real surprise that a local is not keen on going out on just dates with a stranger due to the expectations / views of some. Are the local women back home keen on dating a foreign visitor who's only going to be there a short time? As in ANYWHERE, they all have their own lives, their own friends. Sure, 20 years ago, when falangs were somewhat of a rarity, especially outside of lower Sukhumvit, there was probably a curiosity factor. But now, where can you go in BKK WITHOUT seeing falangs. Thong Lo, Ekkamai, even on the sub-sub sois, there they are. So meeting a local falang wouldn't be all that difficult via their own friends, so why swipe left / right / whatever with an unknown? And given the risk that the falang's definition of a date might be different than hers .... Plus, Thailand is actually a very conservative country, so there are those Thais who would view a mixed couple as having a certain financial connotation, unless it was with a work colleague. Like I say, no practical experience, just conversations with civilian Thai friends.

There is a certain subset of Thai women that have given up on Thai men for a permanent relationship, IMHO. Those are the single / divorced mothers. One thing I DON'T understand about Thai men, and Asian men in general, is their obsession with blood, not accepting step-. The single moms I've talked with understand that most all Thai men will never accept her kid as theirs. I know one who has given up, deciding to be independent, enjoy life with friends, have some fun, but accepting that she's not going to have a partner. Another I just met, her goal was to go work in a foreign country, hoping to meet a man who would accept her kid as theirs. Like the stereotyped ghetto kid playing basketball, thinking he'll make it in the NBA. Yea, a few do, but most don't. Sad really, because she is a nice, fun person. Believe me, I'm no white knight, no bleeding heart, I'm not a liferaft. But, for me, those are the type that I RESPECT; when things go south, they don't sit on the curb and cry. They make the hard decision to go out and make money to support their family with what they have. My 2 cents.

Tom Thumbbs
12-24-22, 02:22
Your own source says about 1 million are sex workers, that's out of a population of about 70 million. If you get away from the hooker zones you will find a whole different Thailand.No you won't.

What you will find is a vibrant Bargirl Scene. Just without us.

80% of money spent on Bargirls is by Thais. 20% by us.

Tom Thumbbs
12-24-22, 06:23
Lucrativeity of Stripchat, etc.

Thai section. 3 ladies. One has 8 viewers, only one viewer is registered, meaning can spend tokens, aka money.

12-24-22, 15:22
I found this great you tube channel where the guy goes to what seems like every AMP in Bangkok and records the lineup. I was blown away at how beautiful some of these women are. Some were like the Asian playboy mansion with a solid 15 to choose from in their matching outfits. Do you guys recognize this AMP by the gold outfits. It's at the 14:30 mark. The 6th girl from the left is a 10. This place and a few others seem to put the go go bars to shame. I haven't been impressed with the walking videos in the bar area but these AMP seem amazing. Give me an idea How much 1 HR would be for full service at the place I marked at 14:30 and how much to take out for an all nighter. Thanks.


12-24-22, 20:23
I found this great you tube channel where the guy goes to what seems like every AMP in Bangkok and records the lineup. I was blown away at how beautiful some of these women are. Some were like the Asian playboy mansion with a solid 15 to choose from in their matching outfits. Do you guys recognize this AMP by the gold outfits. It's at the 14:30 mark. The 6th girl from the left is a 10. This place and a few others seem to put the go go bars to shame. I haven't been impressed with the walking videos in the bar area but these AMP seem amazing. Give me an idea How much 1 HR would be for full service at the place I marked at 14:30 and how much to take out for an all nighter. Thanks.

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uFsM21idrAMI agree with you. I would like to know too! Over half of the girls are really doable for me.

12-25-22, 00:33
No you won't.

What you will find is a vibrant Bargirl Scene. Just without us.

80% of money spent on Bargirls is by Thais. 20% by us.Care to cite your source?

Not a good start THIS time when your first post is deleted by the admin. But let's see if you can contribute an actual FR with some actual Intel.

Tom Thumbbs
12-25-22, 01:42
Care to cite your source?

Not a good start THIS time when your first post is deleted by the admin. But let's see if you can contribute an actual FR with some actual Intel.Just one of a Jillion example. Mid COVID when BKK was in all essence closed to us. Who were caught partying with Thonglor Bargirls. All over the new s.

Hint. It wasn't Mr Tooms or Goatscrit.

12-25-22, 01:54
I agree with you. I would like to know too! Over half of the girls are really doable for me.Sukhumvit soi 24/1. But video is from 2 yrs ago and quite a few of the shops did not make it through covid. Far fewer gals now and not many lookers. Area across from the soi 24 entrance to the emporium is a bit better.

12-25-22, 02:02
I read the owner of the famous BJ bar committed suicide. Did any of you guys know him. After reading up on all the sex places and watching ytube videos, I have come to the conclusion that Bangkok is one big *****house. Is it even possible for a local Thai guy to ever be faithful to one women. I can't imagine a regular girl trusting any guy local or tourist. I understand why the US will never legalize prostitution nationwide. Women would literally lose all power. Marriage would collapse. For the veterans of Bangkok, at what point does the whole thing get old, and satiety kicks in long term.

12-25-22, 02:13
Sukhumvit soi 24/1. But video is from 2 yrs ago and quite a few of the shops did not make it through covid. Far fewer gals now and not many lookers. Area across from the soi 24 entrance to the emporium is a bit better.What happened to all the tourists. Covid has been over for a while now.

12-25-22, 05:00
That's angel massage Bangkok. I had visited in my last trip few weeks back. The selection depends on time of the day I guess. When I went, there were 8-10 girls but none of them exceptional. Didn't try any.

Prices are around 2 k for 1 hour. I think they start with 30/45 minutes for 1. 5 k /1. 8 k. Other parlours in that area charge similar.

I found this great you tube channel where the guy goes to what seems like every AMP in Bangkok and records the lineup. I was blown away at how beautiful some of these women are. Some were like the Asian playboy mansion with a solid 15 to choose from in their matching outfits. Do you guys recognize this AMP by the gold outfits. It's at the 14:30 mark. The 6th girl from the left is a 10. This place and a few others seem to put the go go bars to shame. I haven't been impressed with the walking videos in the bar area but these AMP seem amazing. Give me an idea How much 1 HR would be for full service at the place I marked at 14:30 and how much to take out for an all nighter. Thanks.


Banana Boi
12-25-22, 07:29
Was there last month and believe me Sukhumvit Soi 24 was not even remotely close to that video posted between 2-3 years ago. All of that guys videos are at least 1-2 years old and who knows if they were even current when they were uploaded.

Having said that I do appreciate his efforts of getting decent quality videos INSIDE massage shops. The YouTubers that some of you guys on here worship and base all your Thailand information on don't have the balls to do that.

12-25-22, 07:51
Was there last month and believe me Sukhumvit Soi 24 was not even remotely close to that video posted between 2-3 years ago. All of that guys videos are at least 1-2 years old and who knows if they were even current when they were uploaded.

Having said that I do appreciate his efforts of getting decent quality videos INSIDE massage shops. The YouTubers that some of you guys on here worship and base all your Thailand information on don't have the balls to do that.What happens if you get caught taping.

12-25-22, 12:48
Was there last month and believe me Sukhumvit Soi 24 was not even remotely close to that video posted between 2-3 years ago. All of that guys videos are at least 1-2 years old and who knows if they were even current when they were uploaded.

Having said that I do appreciate his efforts of getting decent quality videos INSIDE massage shops. The YouTubers that some of you guys on here worship and base all your Thailand information on don't have the balls to do that.I sampled, or at least intended to sample, some Soi 24 shops in late August. It was a f. Cking joke. The ladies outside were all unfit, unattractive milfs (respectfully, but true), and the most attractive ones on offer inside were, to me, 7's (out of 10) at best. Most were 5's and 6's. I just walked out and went to Nana where I was duly satiated. But not sure if it's improved the past few months. I'll be there this coming week and will check it out. But definitely not what it was pre covid.

12-25-22, 15:50
Was there last month and believe me Sukhumvit Soi 24 was not even remotely close to that video posted between 2-3 years ago.I was there twice during the 2nd week of December and there were many pretty girls available, I'd say it was close to the video. Unfortunately, I did not select well and services were mechanical. I'm referring to the "U" shaped alley off Soi 24 very near Sukhumvit.

12-25-22, 16:40
I read the owner of the famous BJ bar committed suicide. Did any of you guys know him. After reading up on all the sex places and watching ytube videos, I have come to the conclusion that Bangkok is one big *****house. Is it even possible for a local Thai guy to ever be faithful to one women. I can't imagine a regular girl trusting any guy local or tourist. I understand why the US will never legalize prostitution nationwide. Women would literally lose all power. Marriage would collapse. For the veterans of Bangkok, at what point does the whole thing get old, and satiety kicks in long term.Reading message Boards and watching You Tube videos is not the way to understand Thailand. And this Board has far more useful information than others with respect to non sex matters, but I personally have never seen anything to reflect the Bangkok is one big brothel.

Let me repeat: its a big country and easy to get around.

12-25-22, 17:04
I read the owner of the famous BJ bar committed suicide. Did any of you guys know him. After reading up on all the sex places and watching ytube videos, I have come to the conclusion that Bangkok is one big *****house. Is it even possible for a local Thai guy to ever be faithful to one women. I can't imagine a regular girl trusting any guy local or tourist. I understand why the US will never legalize prostitution nationwide. Women would literally lose all power. Marriage would collapse. For the veterans of Bangkok, at what point does the whole thing get old, and satiety kicks in long term.My dude, it keeps marriages together in Asia. Thai men marry a certain woman, have kids with them, and take very good care of them, and in a totally separate headspace have women they have sex with and hang out with for fun. One thing we can learn from Asian men is how to compartmentalize. Many of us here have long-term relationships that we're incredibly happy with and extra curricular sex doesn't in any way interfere with that.

12-25-22, 19:53
My dude, it keeps marriages together in Asia. Thai men marry a certain woman, have kids with them, and take very good care of them, and in a totally separate headspace have women they have sex with and hang out with for fun. One thing we can learn from Asian men is how to compartmentalize. Many of us here have long-term relationships that we're incredibly happy with and extra curricular sex doesn't in any way interfere with that.And I would bet that a good healthy percentage of farang married or ltrd with Thai ladies are only moderately socialized in the Thai way and still scratch their heads at certain things. To a cerain extent, the ladies tolerate us.

12-25-22, 23:42
My dude, it keeps marriages together in Asia. Thai men marry a certain woman, have kids with them, and take very good care of them, and in a totally separate headspace have women they have sex with and hang out with for fun. Adding to this, a prior Asian girlfriend once told me that as long as the man has the money to take care of his wife, it is not a problem if he has girlfriends. Another told me that it's the man's job to provide money for the family and it's the woman's job to keep the house, do the meals, care for the children, and provide sex to the husband; again, as long as the man provides enough money, he can have as many girlfriends as he wants. Anything beyond money (and not being a jerk) is just a bonus for the woman.

12-26-22, 00:49
Adding to this, a prior Asian girlfriend once told me that as long as the man has the money to take care of his wife, it is not a problem if he has girlfriends. Another told me that it's the man's job to provide money for the family and it's the woman's job to keep the house, do the meals, care for the children, and provide sex to the husband; again, as long as the man provides enough money, he can have as many girlfriends as he wants. Anything beyond money (and not being a jerk) is just a bonus for the woman.Have been with my Asian partner for 15 years now, no kids and not married. Met her in Aust. She works in middle management and pays her way. She encourages me to travel OS and doesn't ask. I am discrete and don't shove it in her face. If you saw her in a shop you would pick her everytime, not that she would ever work in a shop. I have come to the conclusion that as long as I look after her she will stay. I think its a cultural thing in that as said before as long as you look after the family and come home every night, then blind eyes can be turned. I am in a very very fortunate position which I do not take for granted as I know esp in Aust it is the exception not the rule. Also in my mind many women look for security, be it of any cultural persuasion.


12-26-22, 00:59
Just one of a Jillion example. Mid COVID when BKK was in all essence closed to us. Who were caught partying with Thonglor Bargirls. All over the new s.
Hint. It wasn't Mr Tooms or Goatscrit.Well, I wasn't following the thread back then, so no idea who, but given YOUR NO FR's under any handle, it wasn't you. Just curious, NOT, what do you think you gain by changing handles? You can repaint the facade, but it's still the same empty shell underneath. Most of us keep our handles to build up credibility but obviously that doesn't apply to all. But it is a FREE forum. Hahaha.

Reading message Boards and watching You Tube videos is not the way to understand Thailand. And this Board has far more useful information than others with respect to non sex matters, but I personally have never seen anything to reflect the Bangkok is one big brothel.

Let me repeat: its a big country and easy to get around.Agreed, and it is READILY apparent who has traveled outside of the Nana, Cowboy, Soi 24's, Patpong, Pattaya, Youtube video confines. For me, I have the same attention span in bars as I do Buddha statues, a couple of weeks. But if nothing else, venture out to Ayutthaya and Sukhothai, some of the national parks (you don't have to be a hunter ;{ ), and some of the smaller temples in-between. And getting out into the smaller towns, seeing how people live ... I remember helping during rice harvest season, simply picking up the bundles of rice stalks and throwing them on the thresher's belt. I lasted all of about 10 minutes. Profusely thanked, but, in all honestly, I think they were thanking me for not dying of a heart attack. Gave me a NEW appreciation of rice when eating.

Tom Thumbbs
12-26-22, 01:58
Rice Picking needs work permit.

Funny a few members think Prostitution, Mia No, Mia yes, doesn't go on in inner Issan. Always good to wake up to Comdey.

To further. These guys who refer to Married Men having side girlfriends,. More accurate to describe them as Kept women,. Like we pay so do Thai Man.

Why such hate for you tube. I don't think anyone thinks seeing Thailand is the same as getting on a plane and going there.

You can do both.

Tom Thumbbs
12-26-22, 02:03
Reading message Boards and watching You Tube videos is not the way to understand Thailand. And this Board has far more useful information than others with respect to non sex matters, but I personally have never seen anything to reflect the Bangkok is one big brothel.

Let me repeat: its a big country and easy to get around.Lots of Providers come from Issarn. Does that not count? They grow the fish we eat. LOL. They know what's going on.

You don't don't Issarn men get Horny.

12-26-22, 03:43
Rice Picking needs work permit.

Funny a few members think Prostitution, Mia No, Mia yes, doesn't go on in inner Issan. Always good to wake up to Comdey.

To further. These guys who refer to Married Men having side girlfriends,. More accurate to describe them as Kept women,. Like we pay so do Thai Man.

Why such hate for you tube. I don't think anyone thinks seeing Thailand is the same as getting on a plane and going there.

You can do both.Of course Thai men pay. The days of mia nois being the norm for many a Thai man has definitely passed though. Certainly still exists, but a dude has to make a significant amount of money to support one. When I moved here almost a quarter century ago the many of the locals utilized the soapies for entertainment and would go there with groups of their work friends or other friends for a nice meal and a shag. That's no longer the case as the culture has changed and discretion is much more desirable. The online sideline scene is where it's at for the Thai dudes. It's booming. It's inexpensive, there's lots of quality, and it's a very discreet.

Tom Thumbbs
12-26-22, 05:09
Of course Thai men pay. The days of mia nois being the norm for many a Thai man has definitely passed though. Certainly still exists, but a dude has to make a significant amount of money to support one. When I moved here almost a quarter century ago the many of the locals utilized the soapies for entertainment and would go there with groups of their work friends or other friends for a nice meal and a shag. That's no longer the case as the culture has changed and discretion is much more desirable. The online sideline scene is where it's at for the Thai dudes. It's booming. It's inexpensive, there's lots of quality, and it's a very discreet.Thrilled you speak out. Two guys here think only me and you PAY. Hahaha.

One might think I say blue they see red. Kind of thing.

Tom Thumbbs
12-26-22, 06:08
Name That Country.

You are big time drug dealer.

Half the police force is on your side. The other half is not.

Cops are called out to investigate something. Shots are Fired. Are the cops on the side of the drug dealer protecting him or are the cops on the other side are trying to kill him.

This might make some to wake up and start observing things. It's not all Rosy in Kansas Dorothy. Wizard in Oz reference.

12-26-22, 06:08
Dear Friends,

I have a 9 hours stopover in Bangkok in middle of January. In day time it would have been fine. However, my flight lands at 9 PM. Does it make sense to take a Transit Visa and venture out? I so want to try a Nuru, but it seems most establishments (at least good one's) close by 11 PM. That does not leave me enough time to take the Visa and travel to get the Nuru.

Any suggestions please?


Tom Thumbbs
12-26-22, 06:10
Dear Friends,

I have a 9 hours stopover in Bangkok in middle of January. In day time it would have been fine. However, my flight lands at 9 PM. Does it make sense to take a Transit Visa and venture out? I so want to try a Nuru, but it seems most establishments (at least good one's) close by 11 PM. That does not leave me enough time to take the Visa and travel to get the Nuru.

Any suggestions please?

Coold.I don't Hate you.

Anyone who suggests anything but staying in the Airport is insane.

12-26-22, 22:30
Sukhumvit soi 24/1. But video is from 2 yrs ago and quite a few of the shops did not make it through covid. Far fewer gals now and not many lookers. Area across from the soi 24 entrance to the emporium is a bit better.Looks like 24/1 to me as well. I posted about an update a few months ago. Its certainly not like it was pre-covid. Soi 24/1 has like 8-10 MPs there, about 2/3's of them seem to be more cater to asian / japanese clients, but they will take anyone of course. The most famous MP there is the last one down the street is the famous Cherry Massage, which at an earlier time was more PSE type place, but it was hit and miss with looks and performance then, and I'm sure its worse now.

The others there all still are around, there are a lot less girls now and a lot less lookers, this area seems like its not doing too hot right now. There were a couple doable girls sitting outside on 24/1 but in the past you'd walk by and there were tons of doable ones.

12-26-22, 23:28
China is having million covid cases per day. Things are changing rapidly on daily basis.

Next 1-2 weeks will be interesting as we may start seeing tightening of borders and introduction of vaccine certificates, quarantine etc.

12-27-22, 01:12
I don't Hate you.

Anyone who suggests anything but staying in the Airport is insane.Maybe during the day with 12 hours, but not with only 9. Get a foot massage and cheap food. I am sure your airline food sucks.

12-27-22, 03:43
I had a short layover in Bangkok this week and decided to take advantage of it. I landed at 1 pm and was flying out the next day at 8. Around 18-19 hours...... But SOG#12 eventually happened and I just collapsed on top of her.
Dear Friends,

I have a 9 hours stopover in Bangkok in middle of January. In day time it would have been fine. However, my flight lands at 9 PM. Does it make sense to take a Transit Visa and venture out? I so want to try a Nuru, but it seems most establishments (at least good one's) close by 11 PM. That does not leave me enough time to take the Visa and travel to get the Nuru.

Any suggestions please?

Coold.Indy Hundred got 12 SOG in an 18 hour layover, certainly you can get 2 or 3 pops in a 9 hour layover. I believe everything I read on this forum, don't you?

On a more serious note, many things can happen in Bangkok to cause horrible delays. I'd stay in the airport the full 9 hours.

12-27-22, 03:51
Its going to be a long night.

Not sure about nuru but I've often in the past arrived in Bangkok at 830 pm, got through customs and collected luggage and checked in at novotel Suvarnabhumi by 930 and then in a taxi by 945, and at tulip by 1030 pm. Fuck senseless by June or leena for an hour (it was a long time ago, precovid) and then back to hotel room at around 1230 pm.

So your enemy is going to be time to get visa on arrival and the hassle of the immigration dudes.

Don't forget Suvarnabhumi is really full at the moment and flights are often late departing and arriving.

Then the other problem is getting back to the airport late at night or very early.

Of course you might be half my age and be an energiser bunny who can easily go a night without sleep. But at my age after a long flight from Australia I'd prefer a quiet night in the airport hotel.

Any chance to change your connecting flight last minute?

Dear Friends,

I have a 9 hours stopover in Bangkok in middle of January. In day time it would have been fine. However, my flight lands at 9 PM. Does it make sense to take a Transit Visa and venture out? I so want to try a Nuru, but it seems most establishments (at least good one's) close by 11 PM. That does not leave me enough time to take the Visa and travel to get the Nuru.

Any suggestions please?


12-27-22, 08:23
I've only been home less than TWO weeks and I'm daydreaming about another trip to Thailand to do what I missed out.

Also toying with the idea of heading to the Philippines. Flicked thru' some of the boards on the Philippines and it seems pretty quiet over there.

12-27-22, 09:15
Thanks a ton everyone for the sage advice. I was skeptical about the late night anyways. I would have had enough of f* in Manila. So this was more to experience Nuru. Does not seem like anything close to airport anyways. Two months back, I was in Phuket and was out of the airport in exactly 20 minutes. But I guess Bangkok is different and more busy.

Its going to be a long night.

Not sure about nuru but I've often in the past arrived in Bangkok at 830 pm, got through customs and collected luggage and checked in at novotel Suvarnabhumi by 930 and then in a taxi by 945, and at tulip by 1030 pm. Fuck senseless by June or leena for an hour (it was a long time ago, precovid) and then back to hotel room at around 1230 pm.

So your enemy is going to be time to get visa on arrival and the hassle of the immigration dudes.

Don't forget Suvarnabhumi is really full at the moment and flights are often late departing and arriving.

Then the other problem is getting back to the airport late at night or very early.

Of course you might be half my age and be an energiser bunny who can easily go a night without sleep. But at my age after a long flight from Australia I'd prefer a quiet night in the airport hotel.

Any chance to change your connecting flight last minute?

12-27-22, 09:21
Dear Friends,
I have a 9 hours stopover in Bangkok in middle of January. In day time it would have been fine. However, my flight lands at 9 PM. Does it make sense to take a Transit Visa and venture out? I so want to try a Nuru, but it seems most establishments (at least good one's) close by 11 PM. That does not leave me enough time to take the Visa and travel to get the Nuru.
Any suggestions please?
Coold.Have you been to Bangkok before? It sure helps if you know your way around already, but in principle 9 hours should be enough to go into town.
I don't know how much time it will take to get a Transit Visa (don't have any experience with that), but I suppose it won't take more than one hour to get through immigration. Or say 90 minutes from touch down.
Then it will take something between 30 to 60 minutes to get to lower Sukhumvit, either by taxi or the Airport Rail Link and the MRT or BTS. For the way back to the airport you will have to take a taxi, because public transport doesn't start up until 5 or 6 AM. But it won't cost you more than approximately 30 minutes, because traffic is usually low at night.
And let's say you have to be back at the airport at least one hour for departure of your flight.
All in all it leaves you about 5 hours to have some fun.

12-27-22, 11:30
Thanks a ton everyone for the sage advice. I was skeptical about the late night anyways. I would have had enough of f* in Manila. So this was more to experience Nuru. Does not seem like anything close to airport anyways. Two months back, I was in Phuket and was out of the airport in exactly 20 minutes. But I guess Bangkok is different and more busy.It's not just getting OUT of the airport. If you leave, you have to get back in. Early December, from Thong Lor, 4:30 in morning, 30 minutes. Immigration and security, 5:30 morning, I cleared in 20 minutes. But flights start boarding about an hour before departure time. So if you're counting arrival to departure, subtract an hour.

12-27-22, 13:13
Seems like very close to what I am trying to achieve. The only problem is that I am specifically looking for Nuru. Also, are there massage places open at night? My baggage is all checked through to the destination, so that is one less thing to worry about.

Its going to be a long night.

Not sure about nuru but I've often in the past arrived in Bangkok at 830 pm, got through customs and collected luggage and checked in at novotel Suvarnabhumi by 930 and then in a taxi by 945, and at tulip by 1030 pm. Fuck senseless by June or leena for an hour (it was a long time ago, precovid) and then back to hotel room at around 1230 pm.

So your enemy is going to be time to get visa on arrival and the hassle of the immigration dudes.

Don't forget Suvarnabhumi is really full at the moment and flights are often late departing and arriving.

Then the other problem is getting back to the airport late at night or very early.

Of course you might be half my age and be an energiser bunny who can easily go a night without sleep. But at my age after a long flight from Australia I'd prefer a quiet night in the airport hotel.

Any chance to change your connecting flight last minute?

12-27-22, 16:34
This is what I'd do:

Option 1: head to lower Sukhumvit and hit one of the freelancers clubs on Soi 11, get a girl you fancy, take her to a short time hotel and have your fun. Have a great meal on Soi 4 then head back to the airport with a smile on your face. .

Or if you are set on a Nuru, contact a few of the Nuru places and see if they do outcalls and have them send a girl to your room with her mattress. Massage places do offer outcalls, just call and ask. A lot of them, if not all of them, have a Line account, get that and arrange all that through the Line app. .

Last option would be to get a hotel for the night near the airport and either have a freelancer that you've pipelined prior to your trip or an escort come join you for some fun.

So do not despair, when there's a will, there's a way.

Dear Friends,

I have a 9 hours stopover in Bangkok in middle of January. In day time it would have been fine. However, my flight lands at 9 PM. Does it make sense to take a Transit Visa and venture out? I so want to try a Nuru, but it seems most establishments (at least good one's) close by 11 PM. That does not leave me enough time to take the Visa and travel to get the Nuru..

Smokers Rule
12-27-22, 21:45
Leaving for BKK today. I had originally planned on hanging around BKK for new year but now I'm toying with the idea of just heading from the airport to Pattaya. Thoughts on this?

12-28-22, 03:19
Leaving for BKK today. I had originally planned on hanging around BKK for new year but now I'm toying with the idea of just heading from the airport to Pattaya. Thoughts on this?Either place.

AlwaysHorny 2
12-28-22, 04:41
Is there a significant uptick in options on Friday and Saturday compared to the weekdays? I like to go hunting for freelancers and specially semi-pro’s. I assume non-pro is not a thing lol

I'm trying to decide whether or not to spend the weeekend in Bangkok or Phuket?

12-28-22, 05:05
Is there a significant uptick in options on Friday and Saturday compared to the weekdays? I like to go hunting for freelancers and specially semi-pros. I assume non-pro is not a thing lol

I'm trying to decide whether or not to spend the weeekend in Bangkok or Phuket?In Bangkok most certainly yes, much much more freelancers on Fri. And sat nights. From Terminal 21 to Soi 11 they hang out and then all along up Soi 11 as well. The other good spot is Soi 4 of course and Thermae.

12-28-22, 08:04
9 hours from 9 PM means you need to get in back to Airport in less than 6-7 hours. You get out of the airport and on the taxi would be least 30-45 minutes after landing ideally take a metro to Asoke or the next station. Get straight to Sukhumvit book a reasobly cheap hotel, and arrange for a outcall massage, if your are keen on Nuru they will get a bottke of gel and mattress or best is get a oil massage package for 180 minutes from any ood outcall massage place for 1800 Baht and you can then talk to the girl for all that you want from her. So massage +++ will be about 4 hours, once done get a good shower and head back to Airport by metro.

I don't Hate you.

Anyone who suggests anything but staying in the Airport is insane.

12-28-22, 10:23
9 hours from 9 PM means you need to get in back to Airport in less than 6-7 hours. You get out of the airport and on the taxi would be least 30-45 minutes after landing ideally take a metro to Asoke or the next station. Get straight to Sukhumvit book a reasobly cheap hotel, and arrange for a outcall massage, if your are keen on Nuru they will get a bottke of gel and mattress or best is get a oil massage package for 180 minutes from any ood outcall massage place for 1800 Baht and you can then talk to the girl for all that you want from her. So massage +++ will be about 4 hours, once done get a good shower and head back to Airport by metro.A more expensive alternative would be to rent a hotel near the airport and call for an escort. Far less hassles and less worry about getting back to make your flight. Traffic in BKK can be very bad and unpredictable. So why take the chance?

12-28-22, 12:30
A more expensive alternative would be to rent a hotel near the airport and call for an escort. Far less hassles and less worry about getting back to make your flight. Traffic in BKK can be very bad and unpredictable. So why take the chance?Thank you Everyone! You guys really rock! Now, its time to ponder.

There is no Nuru massage in Manila else would have scratched this itch there itself.

12-28-22, 16:02
Leaving for BKK today. I had originally planned on hanging around BKK for new year but now I'm toying with the idea of just heading from the airport to Pattaya. Thoughts on this?I've been in Pattaya for 10 days. It was crazy full of visitors through 26th, so there was a lot of competition for the supply. Seems many girls took a day off after big festivities, and many people left. I noticed a sudden surge in good looking available girls on TF and in beer bars tonight, with fewer customers around. (I've got 2 hotties booked tonight and had to turn others away. Wasn't like that for Christmas). I don't know if there will be many people coming this weekend, but I'd guess there will be good pickings in Pattaya from early next week. Just a guess.

12-28-22, 16:38
Of all the avenues to have sex in Thailand: gogo, massage, freelancers, escort, beer bars, which one will you find more PSE type sessions.

12-28-22, 19:29
Of all the avenues to have sex in Thailand: gogo, massage, freelancers, escort, beer bars, which one will you find more PSE type sessions.Your post got me thinking about my non-existent history of professional Thailand PSE experiences. By PSE I assume you mean things like very hard fucking from weird positions, anal, deep gagging oral, cum on her face, spanking, screaming, and loud moaning. I don't ever remember encountering that type of experience with a Thai sex worker. Maybe the professionals sense that I'm more of a GFE kind of man and that's what they do for me. The only PSE that I've had with a Thai lady has been with unpaid girlfriends and they have done it because they wanted it for themselves.

12-28-22, 22:21
Your post got me thinking about my non-existent history of professional Thailand PSE experiences. By PSE I assume you mean things like very hard fucking from weird positions, anal, deep gagging oral, cum on her face, spanking, screaming, and loud moaning. I don't ever remember encountering that type of experience with a Thai sex worker. Maybe the professionals sense that I'm more of a GFE kind of man and that's what they do for me. The only PSE that I've had with a Thai lady has been with unpaid girlfriends and they have done it because they wanted it for themselves.I agree and have had the same experiences. If you look at some of the Escort sites girls will say they offer PSE and then also say they don't do CIM or anal. So it seems that PSE is ill defined. Where men think of it as a 3-hole girl who is up for anything, the girls think it means hooker heels and a short skirt.

12-28-22, 23:11
In Bangkok most certainly yes, much much more freelancers on Fri. And sat nights. From Terminal 21 to Soi 11 they hang out and then all along up Soi 11 as well. The other good spot is Soi 4 of course and Thermae.What time do these areas start filling up with freelancers? I'm not much of a late night person, hoping to nab something in the late evening or by 10 pm.

12-29-22, 02:18
I have scoured this forum for intel for a while so only fair I give something back by the way of reports. I stayed 1 week in August then another 3 in November / December so this is a summation of the best of both trips. My health held me back a little, but some top class encounters were still had and it was good to see things getting fairly close to the pre pandemic levels.

GoGo bars.

I did not dabble in these as much as I would have liked as the environment was not easy for my health condition, however one night I plucked up the energy to get stuck in. Rainbow 4 and 5 have a cracking selection, I settled in at Rainbow 5 and two cuties on the stage were making eye contact and flirting. One girl (maybe no. 65 or 69) was super fun and sexy, but a lot of tattoos which is a turn off for me but I have no doubt she would be amazing if someone took her. However she kept gesturing that her friend (no. 5) next to her should join me for a drink. I give them both the thumbs up to join me and after their dance they came over. It was only no. 5's first week in the bar. I know many say that, but her general demeanour made it believable as she was more shy and cute rather than sexy. After a drink with both I decided to crank things up with 5 so got her another drink before discussing taking her out, she said I was only her 2nd BF. Can't remember how much the BF was but around 1 k then 3 k to her. Such a sweetie, not the kind of crazy slutty sex you think you might get when looking at some of the girls in there, but really willing and definitely wanted to please, even if her technique was not polished. It was well worth it to have a cute fresh girl to enjoy and looking at that pert body bounce up and down on me in cowgirl was fricking sweet, after enjoying that for 10 minutes we flipped to doggy and the sight of that cute ass meant I could not hold out much longer haha. WIR. Probably. But would depend what else catches my eye if I go back.

I found Soi Cowboy to have less lookers. Though others report it the other way round so I guess it depends on tastes. What I did enjoy about SC was being able to sit outside the bars in the street, people watch and soak up the madness.


Tons along Sukhumvit and Soi 4. On the main road your ladyboy radar needs to be on high alert, but one or two cuties still to be found. On Soi 4 the highest concentration of real women are opposite Nana Plaza and outside Hooters, and a sprinkling more further up from that. Talent not amazing but usually 1 or 2 that are doable between 11 pm-2 am. After 2 am is a good time to hang there as tons of girls come out of Nana too, many sitting in the pop up bars in the street etc and you can approach them there.

I would just do a drive by and scoop up contact details for any decent ones. For me the cutest was a 22 year old spinner named Churly (or something like that), you can usually find her sat at the pop up bar half way between Nana Plaza and the main road, she usually has a music speaker too. She does have a tooth missing half way back, but apart from that I would say she is better looking than many of the girls that come out of Nana and usually dresses in really slutty looking short dresses which is a turn on for me. Spoke to her on the way home a couple of nights in a row then stopped for a drink with her, she is flirty as hell, sat on my lap, grinding me, grabbing my dong etc. I was very sure she would show me a good time in the room so I took her back for a 1. 5 k short time, sure I could have negotiated but saving 200 k is not worth the potential vibe kill in most situations. However the experience was a bit of a let-down given the teasing in the build up. Just very standard, would not let me play with her, no kissing etc. BBBJ was decent and she was definitely fine being pounded in multiple positions. So if you want to a release with a cute fairly young woman at a good price then give her a go. She is really nice person. Just felt a bit rushed and standard when it came to the action. I supposed I had been spoiled a bit by the GFE from online hook ups in recent days (which I will come on to).

Also took another one from near the foot of Soi 13. I was introduced by her to a ladyboy that kept saying Hi every day until we started some small talk, after rejecting her advances several times she said "if you want real lady you should take her" and called over her friend who was really attractive and on close inspection definitely female. She was 23 and said she was fairly new to the game, taller than I usually go for but really intense and passionate in the sack with insanely good DFK. She asked for 3 k but took her down to 2 k. Worth it as looks like her were not easy to find in the street.

Sideline girls.

Thought I would have a dabble with a couple the women I saw on TSG sideline website, I was curious to see if they stack up to the hotness of the photos online. I had fairly low expectations but the price is cheap so why not roll the dice and see. And I was glad I did.

The first one was Modd. Communication super easy and they give you the location then when you arrive the room number. I found the experience all quite exciting, going up to knock on the door and not knowing who will answer. Like opening the door of a horny Christmas calendar. I had tried to book Grace but she was full, so I took Modd. I was expecting a dive hotel but this agency has really nice rooms, like a clean modern condo. The girl was cuter than the pics which I was not expecting at all, her profile said 22, she was actually 25 but looked 19. Really good session with her, lush slow BBBJ, then covered up and started riding me in cowgirl, flipped her into doggy but wasn't loving the tattoo on her back so turned her into mish which she seemed to love. As we built to climax she had her legs and arms wrapped around me as I pounded her, digging her nails in and biting my arm too, sexy as hell. Came really hard and then collapsed on top of her. Well worth the 1. 2 k and I tipped her 200 k on top.

I had a date with someone at Jodd Fairs the next night so I went back to the same agency as their rooms are so nice and also not far from where I had to get to. This time I managed to get a slot with Grace, she is only 20, a bit taller than Modd but beautiful body and such soft skin. Pounding such a cutie was the perfect way to get myself in a great mood before turning up for the date.

I only really scoped these out in the last few days. There were some girls with other agencies who do cosplay outfits etc. They look hot. I did try to book but they were full but with a bit more planning I think there are some bargains to be found here. The girls have poor English so not much by the way of conversation, but they are young and hot.

BJ Bars.

I chose to go to 7-Heaven as I was not impressed with what I saw when I walked past Lolitas or Kasalong. What the hell has happened there? Kasalong had some cuties a few years ago!

I booked Lin based on previous reviews. However I was 20 minutes late so they had given her to someone else (thanks BKK traffic! I decided to take another option as I was keen to get away to watch the world cup so opted for Fah. The photos are heavily photo shopped so reality disappoints a bit. But she had a great attitude and tried really dam hard to get me to pop. It was all a bit vigorous and one paced for my liking though, I prefer a bit of variety and some slow deep bits. But fair play to her she really did go for it, I was just struggling to pop for some reason but it was still enjoyable. For the last 5 minutes I asked her to just massage me which was a nice end. If you like a more frantic BJ then give her a go, attitude is good too. Price was 1. 3 k and I tipped her 100 k for her stellar effort. I think the sideline girls are much much better bang for buck though.

Online hook ups & 1 epic fail.

As per previous reports, many many freelancers on TF usually quoting between 2 k-3 k for ST. Some real lookers too but as I had a bit more time I was more keen to hit the civilian side of things and that was superb fun.

I hooked up with a Thai nurse and after a simple dinner date we hung out a couple of times when she had a day off and spent the entire daytime in bed fucking every hour or so, such a sweetheart but her brutal work schedule (24 and even 36 hour shifts) got in the way of hanging out with her more.

I got chatting with a 23 year old cutie who worked part time at a hospital and also at a beer bar on soi 7. She said she only does drinks and no BF. I went along to her bar for an hour before closing and got her a couple of lady drinks, afterwards we went for food and then back to mine. Total find this one, cuter than any of the other women working in those bars and her glasses and braces just completed the look. Really fun in the sack too. It all started slowly as she was almost too shy to kiss, but once she relaxed it quickly escalated into an intense and passionate session as we pounded all over the room. With anther follow up in the morning too.

I also got chatting with a 20 year old architect student and later that night she said she was at home drinking beer alone, I was also in bed and said it was a shame we were both alone. She asked if she can come round. I did a video call to check it was all as it seemed and told her to come. 30 minutes later she says she is outside my condo so I go down. As I walk into reception a woman approaches me who looked a little similar but a lot rougher, she smiled as I approached and said "nice to meet you". Her deep voice screamed ladyboy so I was immediately thinking it was a weird set up. Wanting to get her away from my condo I suggested going for a beer. So we sit down in the German beer house place, she was steaming drunk and kept asking to go to my room which I kept declining. She told me she was a sex worker. At this point I still think the whole thing is just a set up so I make it clear to her that she will not have me and she should just go to find a customer elsewhere so she then stormed off. An Aussie guy had heard the whole interaction and we had a laugh about it, then had a beer with him for an hour before looking at my phone and seeing about 20 missed calls from her which I just ignored. On getting home she was still messaging me and the conversation went something like.

Her: "why did you do this to me, why did you even say you meet me".

Me: "look, you told me you were a student but it turns out you were a ladyboy hooker, you wasted my time etc".

Her (very upset by now): "wtf, I am not like that, you insult me, I can't believe how you treat me".

Me: "what the hell are you on about, you sat opposite me a couple of hours ago and told me you wanted sex for money".

Her: "What?? I didn't even meet you. I waited outside your place calling you for nearly 2 hours".

At this point I look back at the time of those missed calls and it turns out they were exactly when I was sitting down with that ladyboy in the bar. Fuck!. The penny dropped, I had mistaken the ladyboy who smiled at me nicely in reception with the girl I was supposed to meet. What a fuck up. I then video call her right away to profoundly apologise and try to explain myself, she is in tears and not impressed. How the hell did I go from having a cute student come to mine to doing this to her. FML.

I was 99% sure this one was dead. I would not have held it against her if she said "fuck you" and never wanted to hear from me again. After a few hours of cooling off I messaged her the next night and asked if I could take her out to say sorry in person. She turned up at mine with 12 beers and loved to drink, we had dinner out then back to mine where she insisted we plough through all of them and proceeded to have a wild session with multiple rounds until 6 am then more when we woke up before lunch. Petite and a real wildcat, what a turnaround. We went out a few more times over my stay too but she did quickly try to get very clingy.

On my final night I finally managed to get a really hot woman I had been talking with to come and meet me, she had flaked a couple of times but there was something really intriguing about her that I could not ignore. Bit of a risk as I could have taken a sure thing for my last night. Best decision of my trip. She was amazing, good English and a cheeky fun personality and killer smile. Had such a nice time with her and she came back to mine and was every bit as fun in the sack as her personality suggested, only 5" with braces and the cutest smile. Yeah you get the picture haha. She was such a firecracker, she was on her period but the kissing made us both too horny so we fucked anyway. I will stay in touch and would consider dating her if I can spend more time there early in 2023.

To make my final night even better the girl above wanted to go home around 1 am as she had work early the next morning and wanted to leave me to sleep before my flight. The girl from soi 7 then text me asking what I am doing and wanted to come round when the bar closed at 2 am. I was too knackered for any more action then but we had a nice little morning session before I went to get my flight. Good to say goodbye to Bangkok in style. Got to love the place.

Potential scam / jail bait warning.

Thought this one was worth a mention in case any of you run into her on TF. Matched with a cutie called Emma who's profile said 23. After some chit chat she wanted to meet later that day which I did. I rock up and she is wearing a school uniform and looks super young. Then when she was asking about coming back to my condo within 30 minutes I was on high alert. I asked how old she actually is and she said 18 and got her ID out and flashed it at me. I asked her to let me inspect it more closely and she is 17. She was still a bit pushy about wanting to come back but I obvs sent her home alone. She kept messaging saying she wants sex etc.

I since notice she creates a few profiles on TF all under the name of Emma or Emily. Her whatsapp photo is very explicit etc. I wonder if the whole thing is a bit of a set up to rope someone in and extort money etc. Something about it is dodgy as fuck. Has anyone else spoken to her?


I got the Thai generic brand from the pharmacy next to soi 4. Paid 400 THB for 4 20 MG tabs and it worked great. Though did always make me a touch dizzy for a bit an hour after taking it so I recommend taking it at home before going out.

Tom Thumbbs
12-29-22, 02:34
What time do these areas start filling up with freelancers? I'm not much of a late night person, hoping to nab something in the late evening or by 10 pm.I leave Nana Daily about 10:30 pm heading towards Asok. I do not see a whole lot of Freelancers.

Your Mileage may Vary.

12-29-22, 05:38
My dude, it keeps marriages together in Asia. Thai men marry a certain woman, have kids with them, and take very good care of them, and in a totally separate headspace have women they have sex with and hang out with for fun. One thing we can learn from Asian men is how to compartmentalize. Many of us here have long-term relationships that we're incredibly happy with and extra curricular sex doesn't in any way interfere with that.This describes perfectly the situation for many of us here. Having lived here for over 20 years, my regular serial mongering days are long behind me. I am happily living with my long-term wife and our kids. As long as I take good care of them and treat them well then everyone is happy. This allows me to go out one or two nights a week for terrific sex and hang out for fun with my chosen favorite lady. Everyone is happy with this arrangement, including my "mistress", or " bit on the side" in English parlance, or "Gik" in Thai parlance, who I also treat very well, although I'm not rich enough to take on as a fully fledged "Mia Noi". As GOATSCROT says, it is this arrangement that keeps our marriage, and I'm sure many others, together.

12-29-22, 07:59
Of all the avenues to have sex in Thailand: gogo, massage, freelancers, escort, beer bars, which one will you find more PSE type sessions.Specific "massage" places, most notably Tulip, which are known for PSE. There used to be a few more reliable ones (Snow White, Cherry, Mango, Bamboo), but some have closed and some have watered down their services and much depends on the girl you choose.

12-29-22, 17:32
What a report man! Loved it! Specially the part about the Sidelines and the regular girls. Glad to hear that you were able to salvage things with that regular girl after that ladyboy wasted your time.

I tried contacting some girls from a sideline site here in Chiang Mai but no luck, no reply from them yet. Will try again in BKK.

I have scoured this forum for intel for a while so only fair I give something back by the way of reports. I stayed 1 week in August then another 3 in November / December so this is a summation of the best of both trips. My health held me back a little, but some top class encounters were still had and it was good to see things getting fairly close to the pre pandemic levels.

Steve 9696
12-29-22, 18:54
What a report man! Loved it! Specially the part about the Sidelines and the regular girls. Glad to hear that you were able to salvage things with that regular girl after that ladyboy wasted your time.

I tried contacting some girls from a sideline site here in Chiang Mai but no luck, no reply from them yet. Will try again in BKK.Agree. Epic report CW. So fun to read. Esp about recovering after standing that poor girl up and calling her a man-****. The double whammy. Epic save.

12-30-22, 02:43
This describes perfectly the situation for many of us here. Having lived here for over 20 years, my regular serial mongering days are long behind me. I am happily living with my long-term wife and our kids. As long as I take good care of them and treat them well then everyone is happy. This allows me to go out one or two nights a week for terrific sex and hang out for fun with my chosen favorite lady. Everyone is happy with this arrangement, including my "mistress", or " bit on the side" in English parlance, or "Gik" in Thai parlance, who I also treat very well, although I'm not rich enough to take on as a fully fledged "Mia Noi". As GOATSCROT says, it is this arrangement that keeps our marriage, and I'm sure many others, together.It's a pretty awesome way to live, isn't it? Couldn't imagine living back in the West where it's frowned upon. No wonder there's so many divorces.

12-30-22, 04:55
I have scoured this forum for intel for a while so only fair I give something back by the way of reports.Thanks for this amazing report! I hope it gets marked for the "Best Of".

Sideline girls. Thought I would have a dabble with a couple the women I saw on TSG sideline websiteWhat is TSG? Assuming it is sidelinethailand.com, I don't understand some of the acronyms, even with Google Translate. For example, what is "can remove cleavage", does that mean finish on tits? I couldn't find a glossary on this forum, but I am happy to compile one if people are interested and willing to contribute answers.

(ladyboy story) I was 99% sure this one was dead. I would not have held it against her if she said "fuck you" and never wanted to hear from me again. After a few hours of cooling off I messaged her the next night and asked if I could take her out to say sorry in person. She turned up at mine with 12 beers and loved to drink, we had dinner out then back to mine where she insisted we plough through all of them and proceeded to have a wild session with multiple rounds until 6 am then more when we woke up before lunch. Petite and a real wildcat, what a turnaround. We went out a few more times over my stay too but she did quickly try to get very clingy.Only in Thailand, wow!

Potential scam / jail bait warning.

Thought this one was worth a mention in case any of you run into her on TF. Matched with a cutie called Emma who's profile said 23. After some chit chat she wanted to meet later that day which I did. I rock up and she is wearing a school uniform and looks super young. Then when she was asking about coming back to my condo within 30 minutes I was on high alert. I asked how old she actually is and she said 18 and got her ID out and flashed it at me. I asked her to let me inspect it more closely and she is 17. She was still a bit pushy about wanting to come back but I obvs sent her home alone. She kept messaging saying she wants sex etc.

I since notice she creates a few profiles on TF all under the name of Emma or Emily. Her whatsapp photo is very explicit etc. I wonder if the whole thing is a bit of a set up to rope someone in and extort money etc. Something about it is dodgy as fuck. Has anyone else spoken to her?Thanks for the warning! As another caution, I met a deaf girl named Nan on TF who had a rash all around her chest and pelvic region, which made me think she might be a ladyboy.

12-30-22, 05:35
If you wanted to use TF strictly to find non hookers, would putting in the ad NO HOOKERS in the Thai language work. Since there are so many options to get hookers in Thailand having one spot to weed them out sounds good. Will it work.

12-30-22, 08:47
This describes perfectly the situation for many of us here. Having lived here for over 20 years, my regular serial mongering days are long behind me. I am happily living with my long-term wife and our kids. As long as I take good care of them and treat them well then everyone is happy. This allows me to go out one or two nights a week for terrific sex and hang out for fun with my chosen favorite lady. Everyone is happy with this arrangement, including my "mistress", or " bit on the side" in English parlance, or "Gik" in Thai parlance, who I also treat very well, although I'm not rich enough to take on as a fully fledged "Mia Noi". As GOATSCROT says, it is this arrangement that keeps our marriage, and I'm sure many others, together.OK, I get it, but what's the point of having a long-term wife, when you're allowed to have a mistress (or mistresses)? I can understand it if you wanted kids, and fell madly in love with her. But apart from that I don't see the advantage. You go out once or twice a week 'for terrific sex with your chosen favorite lady'. Does this mean that the sex with your wife is not that great anymore, or even non-existent? If so, what's the point of keeping her?

12-30-22, 09:40
OK, I get it, but what's the point of having a long-term wife, when you're allowed to have a mistress (or mistresses)? I can understand it if you wanted kids, and fell madly in love with her. But apart from that I don't see the advantage. You go out once or twice a week 'for terrific sex with your chosen favorite lady'. Does this mean that the sex with your wife is not that great anymore, or even non-existent? If so, what's the point of keeping her?The point is your with someone who is your companion and that you get along well with. You enjoy each other's company, travel together, grow old together, and take care of each other. Sex fades no matter who you are with, and really is nothing to base a relationship on anyway. But a true bond grows. Asians have this figured out. Sex is like riding a roller coaster. You don't want to live at the amusement park.

12-30-22, 11:07
OK, I get it, but what's the point of having a long-term wife, when you're allowed to have a mistress (or mistresses)? I can understand it if you wanted kids, and fell madly in love with her. But apart from that I don't see the advantage. You go out once or twice a week 'for terrific sex with your chosen favorite lady'. Does this mean that the sex with your wife is not that great anymore, or even non-existent? If so, what's the point of keeping her?Like Goatscrot says. Bottom line, best form of long term health care. Asians don't put their family in nursing homes. They're taken care of at home. And if someone goes to the hospital, some family member stays with them all the time. It takes TIME and effort to be accepted as family, and those 19 year 1000 baht airheads aren't signing up for the duration. It's been decades since I've been to Pattaya, but walking along the beach road during the day, seeing the decrepit old coots sitting there, knowing that someday that might be me, made a pack with a buddy, if either of us got to that state, the other would do a favor and terminate said state. Asians think westerners are barbarians when it comes to taking care of parents and spouses.

A friend had a devil of a time, a fellow countryman, declining health, his main squeeze bailed when it got tiresome to roll him over, so those bedsores ... Then admitted to hospital, no visitors ... Finally the hassle of working through the hospital bills, dispose of the body, correspondence between Belgium, the embassy .... You think she's the love of your life, get sick, and see how long THAT lasts WITHOUT being considered FAMILY. She just might be moving YOU to the shed and inviting her boyfriend in to the master bedroom.

Just one more factor, methinks. I know, it won't happen to you. Time's a cruel b*tch, and waits for no man.

12-30-22, 12:44
OK, I get it, but what's the point of having a long-term wife, when you're allowed to have a mistress (or mistresses)? I can understand it if you wanted kids, and fell madly in love with her. But apart from that I don't see the advantage. You go out once or twice a week 'for terrific sex with your chosen favorite lady'. Does this mean that the sex with your wife is not that great anymore, or even non-existent? If so, what's the point of keeping her?I think GOATSCROT has already answered your question perfectly, so not much more I can add, other than to say that irrespective of the quality, or not, of the sex-life there is so much more to a close relationship established over 20 years. In most cases after 20 years together the excitement of sex inevitably fades, but that on its own is no reason to question the "point of keeping her" as you put it. So if that excitement can be had by spending time with a beautiful, young and willing woman elsewhere that need not be seen as a threat to the primary relationship.

Tom Thumbbs
12-30-22, 13:08
Don't fool yourselves fellow esteemed board members. While all this mia this mia that is real, it is not a Win Win for all involved.

Be careful be discreet.

Think the official Wife. Who here wants to be her. No offense.

12-30-22, 16:38
Don't fool yourselves fellow esteemed board members. While all this mia this mia that is real, it is not a Win Win for all involved.

Be careful be discreet.

Think the official Wife. Who here wants to be her. No offense.There's a lot of Thailand Youtubers (Western males) that are married or have serious live in girlfriends. Watching their channels here and there I don't get the impression that their wife / GF is good with them having a gik. I just don't think most women would go for this type if arrangement.

12-30-22, 17:00
He just wants companionship at this point. Any monger on here over 50 understands his post. Sex with a 18 yo is always better than a 60 year old but being the old guy at the club or the old guy in Thailand still doing one night stands in his 60's and 70's is considered pathetic.

I'm starting to tire of the mongering scene now that I'm in my 50's. I want to be in a real relationship now but I can't stand older women. They are awful. I'm really looking to meet a 20 something that isn't a hooker to start settling down with. I just don't know how to go about it. I don't want to be doing this in my 60's.

12-30-22, 19:21
He just wants companionship at this point. Any monger on here over 50 understands his post. Sex with a 18 yo is always better than a 60 year old but being the old guy at the club or the old guy in Thailand still doing one night stands in his 60's and 70's is considered pathetic.

I'm starting to tire of the mongering scene now that I'm in my 50's. I want to be in a real relationship now but I can't stand older women. They are awful. I'm really looking to meet a 20 something that isn't a hooker to start settling down with. I just don't know how to go about it. I don't want to be doing this in my 60's.Why not, its fun.

I like being pathetic.

12-30-22, 20:59
I also got chatting with a 20 year old architect student and later that night she said she was at home drinking beer alone, I was also in bed and said it was a shame we were both alone. She asked if she can come round. I did a video call to check it was all as it seemed and told her to come. 30 minutes later she says she is outside my condo so I go down. As I walk into reception a woman approaches me who looked a little similar but a lot rougher, she smiled as I approached and said "nice to meet you". Her deep voice screamed ladyboy so I was immediately thinking it was a weird set up. Wanting to get her away from my condo I suggested going for a beer. So we sit down in the German beer house place, she was steaming drunk and kept asking to go to my room which I kept declining. She told me she was a sex worker. At this point I still think the whole thing is just a set up so I make it clear to her that she will not have me and she should just go to find a customer elsewhere so she then stormed off. An Aussie guy had heard the whole interaction and we had a laugh about it, then had a beer with him for an hour before looking at my phone and seeing about 20 missed calls from her which I just ignored. On getting home she was still messaging me and the conversation went something like.

Her: "why did you do this to me, why did you even say you meet me".

Me: "look, you told me you were a student but it turns out you were a ladyboy hooker, you wasted my time etc".

Her (very upset by now): "wtf, I am not like that, you insult me, I can't believe how you treat me".

Me: "what the hell are you on about, you sat opposite me a couple of hours ago and told me you wanted sex for money".

Her: "What?? I didn't even meet you. I waited outside your place calling you for nearly 2 hours".

At this point I look back at the time of those missed calls and it turns out they were exactly when I was sitting down with that ladyboy in the bar. Fuck!. The penny dropped, I had mistaken the ladyboy who smiled at me nicely in reception with the girl I was supposed to meet. What a fuck up. I then video call her right away to profoundly apologise and try to explain myself, she is in tears and not impressed. How the hell did I go from having a cute student come to mine to doing this to her. FML.
What a fantastic report and hilarious too. Thanks!

12-31-22, 02:36
Don't fool yourselves fellow esteemed board members. While all this mia this mia that is real, it is not a Win Win for all involved.

Be careful be discreet.

Think the official Wife. Who here wants to be her. No offense.If a tree falls in the woods and there's no one around to hear it, does it make a sound? Methinks not. As long as one understands about respect, about not causing a loss of face, no harm, no foul.

12-31-22, 04:27
The point is your with someone who is your companion and that you get along well with. You enjoy each other's company, travel together, grow old together, and take care of each other. Sex fades no matter who you are with, and really is nothing to base a relationship on anyway. But a true bond grows. Asians have this figured out. Sex is like riding a roller coaster. You don't want to live at the amusement park.I have now reached 60 and the drive is slowly fading, I've realized I am entering a new phase of my life whereby fucking the next SYT is not a priority. I have found someone who I know will look after to me till the day I die, who will ALWAYS be there and who accepts me for who I am. There will come a day for most men when you realize companioship is more important than sex. Sex might bring short term excitement but companionship brings contentment.


12-31-22, 05:56
There's a lot of Thailand Youtubers (Western males) that are married or have serious live in girlfriends. Watching their channels here and there I don't get the impression that their wife / GF is good with them having a gik. I just don't think most women would go for this type if arrangement.You are probably right that most women would not go for this type of arrangement. However, in Thai culture it is more commonly accepted than you might imagine, and I'm not talking about the type of guys who would be posting Youtube videos from Pattaya or Sukhumvit. Of course this arrangement is dependent upon the man having the means to fund it. As 11 BRAVO says the key is to ensure respect for all concerned, treat them well, and ensure to not cause any loss of face.

12-31-22, 07:54
I think GOATSCROT has already answered your question perfectly, so not much more I can add, other than to say that irrespective of the quality, or not, of the sex-life there is so much more to a close relationship established over 20 years. In most cases after 20 years together the excitement of sex inevitably fades, but that on its own is no reason to question the "point of keeping her" as you put it. So if that excitement can be had by spending time with a beautiful, young and willing woman elsewhere that need not be seen as a threat to the primary relationship.And is your wife spending time with handsome, young and willing men elsewhere?

12-31-22, 08:30
Hi guys!

Any recommendation for getting a quick RTPCR test in BKK without getting ripped off?


12-31-22, 08:44
Why not, its fun.

I like being pathetic.I said it's considered pathetic. I'm not saying you are pathetic, but it seems like we should all be done with this when we are 60. LOL.

At least that's what our psychiatrist would be telling us.

12-31-22, 08:59
I had 3 co-workers that I remember ended up doing the mail order bride thing because they were tired of being alone. None were mongers. One was 5'7 350 pounds and a virgin in his 40's, one was 6'7 350 and a great guy but girls just weren't into his type. The third guy was actually dating an older Asian chick at work and she cheated on him with another guy at work. He was so fed up he ordered an Asian bride. They were just tired of being alone and weren't into the hooker lifestyle that we are. Life is a sad lonely place.

12-31-22, 09:04
What a fantastic report and hilarious too. Thanks!Why didn't you ask her name and then verify.

12-31-22, 09:22
And is your wife spending time with handsome, young and willing men elsewhere?As long as it doesn't effect the relationship, I don't see a problem.

12-31-22, 10:41
I have now reached 60 and the drive is slowly fading, I've realized I am entering a new phase of my life whereby fucking the next SYT is not a priority. I have found someone who I know will look after to me till the day I die, who will ALWAYS be there and who accepts me for who I am. There will come a day for most men when you realize companioship is more important than sex. Sex might bring short term excitement but companionship brings contentment.

NI.Agree totally.

I found that with a Thai SYT a few years ago now.

We are still together, with the companionship and the sex equally amazing.

I know I will never leave her, as the companionship is the key.

And more importantly she know, and now believes that to be true.

Best of all, I am still fucking SYT's when I want too.

And I am well past your just reached 60, well up the other end of that decade to be precise.

12-31-22, 10:56
The point is your with someone who is your companion and that you get along well with. You enjoy each other's company, travel together, grow old together, and take care of each other. Sex fades no matter who you are with, and really is nothing to base a relationship on anyway. But a true bond grows. Asians have this figured out. Sex is like riding a roller coaster. You don't want to live at the amusement park.Also agree with yur view Goatscroat.

I will just add that ageism, and jobism biases should be disregarded too.

You can find that forever companion from pretty much anywhere in Thailand.

Thai's have truly figured this out and are very accepting of it.

My companion and I share a business, a shared passion of scuba diving.

A career now for her, and a twilight years second career working opportunity for me for a while.

We are already growing older (her), and younger (me) together.

Sex, and very good sex is still for now a strong enjoyable bond between us.

And will likely remain so for as long as I am able.

Many on here will now "poo poo" the next bit as it doesn't fit their agenda (biases) of Thai women.

So be it, I'm not on here to fix, fight or feud with them about their divergent to mine views.

I will just say there are good Thai women everywhere, like there are in every country.

If you seek them, you will if your are lucky, and worthy, find them.

For the record.

My companion is 40 years younger than me.

And I met her when she was just a starting out bargirl recently arrived from Isaan.

Those things do not define her.

What she has done with her life, growing with me, and yes helped by me, to transform herself do.

Today she is an accomplished professional with a career and business.

That is what defines her.

12-31-22, 12:01
And is your wife spending time with handsome, young and willing men elsewhere?I have known a few men with mistress and only in this situation, but I don't mean this is the only situation. The man is always a wealthy business owner. The mistress is always much younger and hotter than the wife. The mistress is always with the man in social gathering, like dinner, or in KTV mongering. The mistress is like a wingman or personal hostess so to speak. These men always praise their wife publicly and in front of the mistress. The man always has several children with the wife and the wife takes care of kids at home. Strangely, these men are being teased occasionally as afraid of their wife so there is a different dynamic going on and I can see there is a hierarchy. You can also read about children of the wives of some Asian billionaires fighting for inheritance and control in court when they died and they usually have more than 2 wives.

I have asked why they don't monger in Thailand. The reply was they already have endless options where they live, why bother, they only come to Thailand to play golf or sightseeing. When we meet for dinner, they will order one or two hostesses for me from time to time, and I can pick one to go with me afterward, all paid by them.

12-31-22, 16:59
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12-31-22, 19:49
I have now reached 60 and the drive is slowly fading, I've realized I am entering a new phase of my life whereby fucking the next SYT is not a priority. I have found someone who I know will look after to me till the day I die, who will ALWAYS be there and who accepts me for who I am. There will come a day for most men when you realize companioship is more important than sex. Sex might bring short term excitement but companionship brings contentment.

NI.I'm starting to feel this at 40. Mongering is slowly losing its charm for me. I still enjoy it but don't have the drive or obtain the high that I used to. I've only done ST as a monger, never LT, not even an overnight. Maybe I need to start getting into LT to obtain more satisfaction.

12-31-22, 23:16
It's been a few years since I was able to go to Crazy House due to covid and just not being in thailand. It was my favorite place in Bangkok because of the large number of spinners and decent service. I'm wondering what it's like these days. Is it still good?

Also, I will be in town for a conference and I'm a bit concerned about running into someone in a club. I would prefer my exploits be anonymous. Do any places, other than outcall escorts, allow back door entry and picking a girl in private? I'm specifically wondering about crazy house. I'd pay extra to get the privacy and then the girl could meet me at my hotel. I'm wondering if a mamasan could set that up or if there's a way to request it.

01-01-23, 00:53
I'm starting to feel this at 40. Mongering is slowly losing its charm for me. I still enjoy it but don't have the drive or obtain the high that I used to. I've only done ST as a monger, never LT, not even an overnight. Maybe I need to start getting into LT to obtain more satisfaction.Go to Doc and say how you are feeling and ask for test. 40 is too young for this to happen IMO.

01-01-23, 01:07
Go to Doc and say how you are feeling and ask for test. 40 is too young for this to happen IMO.My T levels are low eventhough I eat healthy and exercise. I've thought about jumping on TRT but once you're on it you're on it so I'the prefer to hold off on that until maybe late 40's.

Steve 9696
01-01-23, 03:49
I'm starting to feel this at 40. Mongering is slowly losing its charm for me. I still enjoy it but don't have the drive or obtain the high that I used to. I've only done ST as a monger, never LT, not even an overnight. Maybe I need to start getting into LT to obtain more satisfaction.I am in my fifties (look younger) and have made a progression over the last couple years that I recommend but there's no going back. I was generally an ST guy. Fuck and forget. Worldwide. Just pre-COVID I started doing Seeking Arrangement in the US and a few other international cities. And I started to become addicted to "full dates" where you go to dinner, drinks, and dancing and then if you have some game and some dollars (it's not pure P4 P w the right girls) your going to have a great in room experience with possible sleepover at her discretion. And honestly if intimacy like great DFK is important these non pro girls are sooo into the experience that’s just part of the whole deal cuz they like it too!

Then I started developing longer term things. Where I'the see the same girl a couple times a year when traveling or even more often at home. And then most recently my local SB turned into a mistress. I pay her rent and we are bfgf otherwise. It's absolutely amazing. I still do pay per fuck at clubs etc when I travel but it's distinctly unsatisfactory compared to having "a girlfriend" with all the benefits and none of the drama.

So if the ST life is getting mundane suggest you try out Seeking. There is a whole newsgroup for it under General other Dating Agencies. Happy to provide my getting started guide to anyone interested. Just PM me. Ps a fuck ton of work to find the gems but totally worth it.

Tom Thumbbs
01-01-23, 03:56
Also agree with yur view Goatscroat.

I will just add that ageism, and jobism biases should be disregarded too.

You can find that forever companion from pretty much anywhere in Thailand.

Thai's have truly figured this out and are very accepting of it.

My companion and I share a business, a shared passion of scuba diving.

A career now for her, and a twilight years second career working opportunity for me for a while.

We are already growing older (her), and younger (me) together.

Sex, and very good sex is still for now a strong enjoyable bond between us.

And will likely remain so for as long as I am able.

Many on here will now "poo poo" the next bit as it doesn't fit their agenda (biases) of Thai women.

So be it, I'm not on here to fix, fight or feud with them about their divergent to mine views.

I will just say there are good Thai women everywhere, like there are in every country.

If you seek them, you will if your are lucky, and worthy, find them.

For the record.

My companion is 40 years younger than me.

And I met her when she was just a starting out bargirl recently arrived from Isaan.

Those things do not define her.

What she has done with her life, growing with me, and yes helped by me, to transform herself do.

Today she is an accomplished professional with a career and business.

That is what defines her.You need to go into detail. Greatly appreciated when outlier situation is revealed. No offense but 40 years age difference. ?

Tom Thumbbs
01-01-23, 04:46
Prostate issues. Add pumpkin seeds to your diet.

Not a Cure All. Look into it.

01-01-23, 06:17

I am in my mid 30's and I plan to head to Bangkok in April-May 2023 & will be staying for about 4-5 nights max and return back to my home country. This is my very first time in Thailand and I'm fresh of the boat. I will be staying probably in the Ibis Sukhumvit 4 due to its proximity to Nana Plaza. Plan on hitting the bars in Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy. Probably bang 1-2 girls per night. Will be carrying mostly USD and just enough Baht to pay for the visa on arrival and getting to my hotel by Taxi.

I want some help / pointers on how much money should I carry for a max stay of 5 nights in Bangkok.

-What is the average rate to pay for ST / LT?

-Average Bar fine to pay.

-Which bars to visit in the Nana Plaza & Soi Cowboy Area? (A list of few names of the bars would be appreciated).

-A good money exchange shop to use as I plan on changing USD to THB.

-A few night markets to visit in Bangkok.

-Red flags to watch out for when picking a girl to take back to the room.

-Difference between a regular beer bar to sit and enjoy a drink vs a gogo bar.

Let me know if I missed out on anything. Since its my very first time in Thailand, I just don't want to get ripped off and get into any sort of trouble being far away from my home country with absolutely no family or friends to help me out should things go south.

Hope to hear from fellow mongers.

Thanks in advance and Happy New Year 2023 to everyone reading this.

01-01-23, 06:44
And is your wife spending time with handsome, young and willing men elsewhere?Even if that were the case, I would have no justification to complain. As the proverb says; "What's good for the goose, is good for the gander".

01-01-23, 16:11

I just returned (last night) from a 14+ day trip to Thailand (6 days in BKK and 8 days in Phuket). I will write more about my trip later; however, there is one key change regarding currency conversion that I want to get out to those planning a trip in the near future.

Most of us know that you get the best conversion rate with $100's; however, the rules on accepting $100's have changed significantly. Not only must the $100's bills be clean, no tears or stray markings of any kind; the $100's bills must now be the newest version of the USD note. The new $100's are darker and have a purple stripe that runs perpendicular. I took $1,800 in $100's, with about half of the new version versus the old. Needless to say, I brought back around $800 USDs as they were deemed "unusable". And let me share, this wasn't some "rogue" currency office. I have been traveling to BKK for 20+ years and have learned never to stop at the first "no". I tried to convert the "old" versions of the $100's at numerous places in BKK and in Phuket. Same story.

Please closely inspect your bills for ANY stray markings, cuts or tears as this could easily impact nightly mongering activities.


01-01-23, 18:23

I just returned (last night) from a 14+ day trip to Thailand (6 days in BKK and 8 days in Phuket). I will write more about my trip later; however, there is one key change regarding currency conversion that I want to get out to those planning a trip in the near future.

Most of us know that you get the best conversion rate with $100's; however, the rules on accepting $100's have changed significantly. Not only must the $100's bills be clean, no tears or stray markings of any kind; the $100's bills must now be the newest version of the USD note. The new $100's are darker and have a purple stripe that runs perpendicular. I took $1,800 in $100's, with about half of the new version versus the old. Needless to say, I brought back around $800 USDs as they were deemed "unusable". And let me share, this wasn't some "rogue" currency office. I have been traveling to BKK for 20+ years and have learned never to stop at the first "no". I tried to convert the "old" versions of the $100's at numerous places in BKK and in Phuket. Same story.

Please closely inspect your bills for ANY stray markings, cuts or tears as this could easily impact nightly mongering activities..Can't really say when ever I have seen a Money Exchange anywhere in Thailand take anything other than perfect clean brand new current issue crispies, but bringing thousands in cash is so 70's Patpong anyway. Get Wise if you don't have a Thai account.

01-01-23, 19:23

I just returned (last night) from a 14+ day trip to Thailand (6 days in BKK and 8 days in Phuket). I will write more about my trip later; however, there is one key change regarding currency conversion that I want to get out to those planning a trip in the near future...It has been a long time since I stopped using currency bills, due to the many potential problems, as you mentioned above.

I now use mostly ATM debit cards, and the best one seems to be the Charles Schwab debit card. They even reimburse you the fees. I still carry a small amount of currencies for emergency.

01-01-23, 20:13
You need to go into detail. Greatly appreciated when outlier situation is revealed. No offense but 40 years age difference. ?I am currently seeing a girl who is 36 years my junior. When we first met and once a month, I ask her is she is comfortable with our age gap. Age means nothing to her nor her parents. She likes my maturity, that I deliver on all my promises, and trusts that I can take care of her. BTW, I am in very good physical shape so don't think any ole geezer can pull a SYT.

01-01-23, 20:24
Not only must the $100's bills be clean, no tears or stray markings of any kind; the $100's bills must now be the newest version of the USD note. The new $100's are darker and have a purple stripe that runs perpendicular..

It has been a long time since I stopped using currency bills, due to the many potential problems, as you mentioned above.

I now use mostly ATM debit cards, and the best one seems to be the Charles Schwab debit card. They even reimburse you the fees. I still carry a small amount of currencies for emergency.I'm like Lefeu, I use strictly ATM debit cards. Fidelity is just as good as Charles Schwab. I separately carry a regular bank debit card as backup (e.g., Wells Fargo or PNC or whatever you have). As a second backup, I bring a stack of $100 bills.

The comment about the "newest" version of $100 bills is interesting. Do the money exchange places also check the pink vertical UV-visible security thread that appears just to the left of Ben Franklin's head? I've noticed that those UV security threads degrade with age. But, if the money exchange places only check for the big-bold purple stripe to the right of Ben's head, we might not need to worry about the UV visible security threads.

I recently read on a Facebook travel group that a woman lost her credit card in Thailand and didn't have proper emergency contact information to get her card replaced. Be sure to bring a paper copy of your card numbers, passwords, and emergency phone numbers. Never get too low on cash because it can take 4 to 6 days to get an emergency replacement card delivered to you in Thailand. The "overnight" delivery of replacement cards is just one step of the process, there are multiple other steps and the time adds up.

01-01-23, 20:35
I am in my fifties (look younger) and have made a progression over the last couple years that I recommend but there's no going back. I was generally an ST guy. Fuck and forget. Worldwide. Just pre-COVID I started doing Seeking Arrangement in the US and a few other international cities. And I started to become addicted to "full dates" where you go to dinner, drinks, and dancing and then if you have some game and some dollars (it's not pure P4 P w the right girls) your going to have a great in room experience with possible sleepover at her discretion. And honestly if intimacy like great DFK is important these non pro girls are sooo into the experience thats just part of the whole deal cuz they like it too!

Then I started developing longer term things. Where I'the see the same girl a couple times a year when traveling or even more often at home. And then most recently my local SB turned into a mistress. I pay her rent and we are bfgf otherwise. It's absolutely amazing. I still do pay per fuck at clubs etc when I travel but it's distinctly unsatisfactory compared to having "a girlfriend" with all the benefits and none of the drama.

So if the ST life is getting mundane suggest you try out Seeking. There is a whole newsgroup for it under General other Dating Agencies. Happy to provide my getting started guide to anyone interested. Just PM me. Ps a fuck ton of work to find the gems but totally worth it.Yeah that is what I'm thinking. Next time I go to SEA I will focus more on dating and LT and if it suits me I will start looking into SA and those types of arrangements.

Appreciate the input.

01-01-23, 20:38
It has been a long time since I stopped using currency bills, due to the many potential problems, as you mentioned above.

I now use mostly ATM debit cards, and the best one seems to be the Charles Schwab debit card. They even reimburse you the fees. I still carry a small amount of currencies for emergency.Yeah I'm surprised travellers still exchange money when you can just use a debit card that reimburses ATM fees. So easy and convenient. And you don't have to carry around a lot of cash, just hit the ATM all you want with fees reimbursed.

01-01-23, 20:53

I am in my mid 30's and I plan to head to Bangkok in April-May 2023 & will be staying for about 4-5 nights max and return back to my home country. This is my very first time in Thailand and I'm fresh of the boat. I will be staying probably in the Ibis Sukhumvit 4 due to its proximity to Nana Plaza. Plan on hitting the bars in Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy. Probably bang 1-2 girls per night. Will be carrying mostly USD and just enough Baht to pay for the visa on arrival and getting to my hotel by Taxi.
Hope to hear from fellow mongers.Suggest you set aside 10 minutes per day to read this forum between now and April. All of your questions will be addressed with up to date information.

01-01-23, 21:00
I'm like Lefeu, I use strictly ATM debit cards. Fidelity is just as good as Charles Schwab. I separately carry a regular bank debit card as backup (e.g., Wells Fargo or PNC or whatever you have). I recently read on a Facebook travel group that a woman lost her credit card in Thailand and didn't have proper emergency contact information to get her card replaced. Be sure to bring a paper copy of your card numbers, passwords, and emergency phone numbers. Never get too low on cash because it can take 4 to 6 days to get an emergency replacement card delivered to you in Thailand. The "overnight" delivery of replacement cards is just one step of the process, there are multiple other steps and the time adds up.I would highly recommend a Schwab or Fidelity card that reimburses you for all bank fees. I would not carry a paper copy of emergency phone numbers, etc. Better to email them to yourself to avoid losing the paper. On the day I landed in Thailand last trip some dirtball in Pennsylvania cloned by Chase Bank credit card and the account was shut down by Chase. It took two weeks to get the replacement card delivered to my hotel in Pattaya. Fortunately I had a second credit card with me.

Pute Nut
01-01-23, 21:37
I am in my fifties (look younger)We all do. ISG average is about 10 years. Mongers have good genes, well worth spreading like Djinghis Khan.

01-01-23, 23:38
My T levels are low eventhough I eat healthy and exercise. I've thought about jumping on TRT but once you're on it you're on it so I'the prefer to hold off on that until maybe late 40's.I tried TRT with patches and didn't notice any real change but that was just through my GP who didn't really care that much.

New doc sent me to Endocrinologist. Put me on drug that stimulates testosterone production in body naturally. Its called clomiphene citrate.

Over about 6 months my T count went from 5 (very low) to 17 which is average. Doc says raving 18 yo is 31).

For me no side effects, helped with my moods too, more energy and stronger at gym (but not steroid type improvement).

I am a healthy 60 yo, very very fit, non drinker, non smoker and have a good diet. My downfall was stress and issues in childhood.

It worked for me.


01-02-23, 01:41
Can't really say when ever I have seen a Money Exchange anywhere in Thailand take anything other than perfect clean brand new current issue crispies, but bringing thousands in cash is so 70's Patpong anyway. Get Wise if you don't have a Thai account.I'd be careful of Wise. I do use it frequently to transfer money between bank accounts in various countries, but I think there are some severe limitations on how much per day you can take out on the card itself. Fine if you have a bank account in Thailand (or elsewhere), but money "on the card" doesn't seem so readily accessible. All I can say is, research BEFORE you depend on.

From early November 2022 to early December 2022, various times of day and early evening, I'd be at Asoke BTS station. The SuperRich exchange counter in the BTS station was ALWAYS crowded, and by crowded, the line always stretched back on the ramp to Terminal 21's doors, almost to the doors themselves. Sometime back, there was a discussion of better places to exchange cash. Searching Exchange might help find it. But if you enjoy queues, Asoke's SuperRich might be the place.

It has been a long time since I stopped using currency bills, due to the many potential problems, as you mentioned above.

I now use mostly ATM debit cards, and the best one seems to be the Charles Schwab debit card. They even reimburse you the fees. I still carry a small amount of currencies for emergency.Agreed. My bank charges $3 for an external transfer, e. G. , from bank to Schwab account, takes 3 days. Schwab transfer in, from my bank to Schwab, is FREE, and takes 4 days to clear. No brainer. Schwab usually catches the ATM fees for reimbursement at the end of the month. Still, best to keep those receipts, and as suggested earlier here by someone, take a picture of each on your phone in case those small slips get misplaced. If Schwab hasn't caught the fees, submit, and be reimbursed. Best deal going, but believe it is restricted to US.

As stated, carry one or two backup ATM bank cards just in case anything goes south (see below).

I'm so old I remember AMEX traveler's checks fondly. But cash? I do carry some but, as you say, spending some time in my wallet, they end up creased and that can cause problems. I've used the Charles Schwab card for a number of years, in a number of countries, without a problem.

Well one. In China, I didn't realize that the decreasing number on the ATM, counting down, was a timeout timer, and since I was trying to figure out why the ATM was not taking my PIN, it reached zero. ATM ate my card. Saturday, 17:00, September 30, with the MAJOR holiday starting the next day. Had train tickets and hotel reservations in another city, leaving that night on an overnight train. At that time of year, train tickets and hotel reservations, if you don't have, you won't get. Went into the bank, ready to close, my PRC companion explained the problem. Manager called. Explained that policy was not to open the ATM until it was scheduled to be restocked with cash. But ... she made an exception, excused herself, came back 10 minutes later with my card. Showed her my passport, card returned. Never used that banks' ATM's again, but I do owe that manager a debt of gratitude. Carry a backup (I always did, even if it has non-reimbursable fees), and if you ever see a counter counting down on an ATM, hit the return card before it reaches zero.

Tom Thumbbs
01-02-23, 01:49
I am currently seeing a girl who is 36 years my junior. When we first met and once a month, I ask her is she is comfortable with our age gap. Age means nothing to her nor her parents. She likes my maturity, that I deliver on all my promises, and trusts that I can take care of her. BTW, I am in very good physical shape so don't think any ole geezer can pull a SYT.There ya go.

You can be 159 as long as the you take care of her is there. Win win win.

01-02-23, 02:38
I am in my mid 30's and I plan to head to Bangkok in April-May 2023 & will be staying for about 4-5 nights max and return back to my home country. This is my very first time in Thailand and I'm fresh of the boat. ...
Let me know if I missed out on anything. Since its my very first time in Thailand, I just don't want to get ripped off and get into any sort of trouble being far away from my home country with absolutely no family or friends to help me out should things go south.

Thanks in advance and Happy New Year 2023 to everyone reading this.Oh, if ONLY there was a place where people like Blue Nose, Newton York, ChillWinston88, PublicInterest, ThorJohnson and so many more, posted FR's of their experiences in BKK, good and bad, prices paid, lessons learned ... And those posts didn't disappear ... And what if there was a thread where the best reports are referenced, something like a ROD (Reports of Distinction)... Wouldn't that be a WONDERFUL world.

There is more here than the CURRENT page, and while it might take a bit of work to separate the wheat from the chaff, many do so successfully. Takes time, but certainly you have that.

Full disclosure: I'm known for my RTFF, because the info IS here. And you are known by your posts, and unlike you, many members here actually post actionable intel, rather than asking for contacts, asking questions, complaining about medical problems, pranking WG's, etc. , etc. And I wouldn't even think about taking a service here and not paying, that's a direct road to trouble (granted you did pay), but there are reasons why certain nationalities are looked on suspiciously in BKK, Yea, I'm also very good at UTFSE.

EVERYONE here had a "first time" in BKK, and any number come without the benefit of the knowledge here and, GASP, survive. You will get ripped off, overpay, etc. , but if you're worried about 500,1000 baht, maybe you should change your plans. Everyone has disasters (my first pull, broken condom), they just make great war stories (as I've posted before: Difference between a fairy tale and a war story: a fairy tale starts out "Once upon a time ..., a war story "Shit, I was there"...) No offense, behave yourself, remember you're a guest in their country, and you'll have no problems. IMHO, if you're 30 years old, you should be able to take care of yourself on your own in a foreign country; otherwise, join a tour group.

So, I'd read some ROD's, and even how to search there. If parsing vast amounts of data, I've found that the "Searching at Your Leisure" method is very effective. And yes, I'm an acolyte of Professor Kingsfield; do the required reading before coming to class.

And enjoy, Thailand is a great place, and your first time will always be memorable.

01-02-23, 04:58
You need to go into detail. Greatly appreciated when outlier situation is revealed. No offense but 40 years age difference. ?Thanks TomThumb.

Detail would be lost here on the naysayers, and they'd likely pipe up "with wait a bit, it will still happen to you".

And honestly, they could be right, and it might eventually happen.

But if it does, it will be because we drifted apart, which can happen with any relationship, and nationality, cultural, or age differences.

After 5 years together, you learn a lot about each other, and grow together.

As to 40 years age difference, yeah, it was a huge impediment to me too, early on.

But not too her.

When asked how old we were, we added 5 years to her and took of 5-10 from me, mainly to limit peoples shock response.

And this was done for the farangs, not the Thais, as the Thais never had any issue or concerns with it.

Also, I am still vert active, easily pass for early 50's, and am not a heavy drinker, party animal, or medically challenged retiree.

Instead I still actively run and work in a somewhat demanding business, scuba diving, as an instructor.

One she now works in, professionally too, and is very good at.

A sketchy detail for you.

She saw me the first day she came from Isaan, and ever worked in her "extended families' bar.

She liked, she will say, loved me from that day.

And she was warned that I was one of the biggest, nicest, naughtiest, butterflies around there.

Which I was.

I didn't get around to noticing her, or at least being with her, for a week or so.

But from that overnight session until we moved in together, about 3 months later, I was her biggest customer.

In fact, she would have spent more overnight sessions with me than all her other customers combined.

Yet, I was still partying then pretty much every night with other local bargirls.

But, eventually I came to realise, accept as fact, that none of them gave me the enjoyment I had with her.

Let me also add that sexually, she was a 9. 5 out of 10 match for me.

In pretty much any activity of a sexual nature we enjoyed together, she would be in my top 10 ever women at it.

And that remains true 5 years down the track, so I haven't had to compromise there.

Add to that that we are 9 out of 10 sympatico on thoughts, feelings, aspirations, desires.

So, we just click.

I hope that is enough detail TomThumbs.

And for you naysayers who don't believe it, well I feel sorry for you.

There are at least half a dozen long term posters on here who have met me, and both of us, who can corroborate my fantasy, my delusion, as you would likely put it.

01-02-23, 05:12
I am currently seeing a girl who is 36 years my junior. When we first met and once a month, I ask her is she is comfortable with our age gap. Age means nothing to her nor her parents. She likes my maturity, that I deliver on all my promises, and trusts that I can take care of her. BTW, I am in very good physical shape so don't think any ole geezer can pull a SYT.Thanks Vendelo for joining the conversation.

So others know, we have met, and chatted online since then so so so much on this topic.

You are not some deluded type (liek me LOL) living in a fantasy that will come crashing down around you.

You are on a journey "eyes wide open", hopefully progressing a life long companionship, and more.

What I find so striking is our journeys similarities.

We are similar enough.

Our girls as partners are similar enough.

Our experiences, our approaches to them, and our partners approaches back are similar enough too.

We are not talking about having hooked up with hardened, wisened many year bargirls.

What I would consider a recipe for failure, just waiting for the axe to drop.

We didn't pick up in Bangkok, Pattaya, etc, or on Thai Friendly where games are often played.

We both somehow found, liked, and eventually chose, Phuket based newly arrived women.

Ones seeking a dream life, filled with true love, companionship long time, not just short term aspirations based on money.

For me it evolved slowly, and worked.

For you, well you're still on the hardest part, the first year journey.

01-02-23, 06:00
Hi, I want some help / pointers on how much money should I carry for a max stay of 5 nights in Bangkok.Sky is the limit, but a rough estimate is about 4 K-5 K Baht a day. You mention a couple shots on goal, so I'd say 6-7 K a day.

-What is the average rate to pay for ST / LT?Since I'm not on the ground, I'll defer to the seniors / regulars on this. But my understanding is that 2-3 K ST and 5 K upwards for LT.

-Average Bar fine to pay.Again, differing reports, but bar fines at Gogos are in the region of 1-1. 5 K.

-Which bars to visit in the Nana Plaza & Soi Cowboy Area? (A list of few names of the bars would be appreciated).Nana: Reports indicate that Spankys, Twister, Rainbow 5, and Billboard are the pick of the litter.

SC: Reports indicate that the girls are generally older and not as good looking. Crazy House gets mention.

Note though that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.

-A good money exchange shop to use as I plan on changing USD to THB.I guess you would've read the reports below. It's not making much sense carrying currency. So maybe bring $1000 in new crisp notes and use your debit card for drawing on site.

-A few night markets to visit in Bangkok.Sorry. Can't help here.

-Red flags to watch out for when picking a girl to take back to the room.Play it by ear and don't overthink it.

If something feels off, walk away. There are literally hundreds of other girls.

Keep your belongings close to you.

Think twice before choosing LT.


-Difference between a regular beer bar to sit and enjoy a drink vs a gogo bar.Gogos have closed doors and many a time the girls are 'dancing' topless / nude (though this should not be expected).

Beer bars: It's as the name suggests. A bar where you're sipping on beers while being surrounded by pretty women who want your attention. Bar fines are lower and in many of them, you get food too.

Hope this helps. Enjoy and do let us know how your first trip went.

Bill Buxton
01-02-23, 12:09
I will be traveling over for Dental work in 3 weeks. Anyone know if in fact the dental work at the Dental Hospital is as good as they say it is?

Also Can I walk in and buy the local Viagra in most pharmacy's? I don't have a prescription I know some have talked about this here just want to know for sure. I think its called SIDEGRA, does it waro as well as the brand name Viagra?

01-02-23, 14:39
I tried TRT with patches and didn't notice any real change but that was just through my GP who didn't really care that much.

New doc sent me to Endocrinologist. Put me on drug that stimulates testosterone production in body naturally. Its called clomiphene citrate.

Over about 6 months my T count went from 5 (very low) to 17 which is average. Doc says raving 18 yo is 31).

For me no side effects, helped with my moods too, more energy and stronger at gym (but not steroid type improvement).

I am a healthy 60 yo, very very fit, non drinker, non smoker and have a good diet. My downfall was stress and issues in childhood..Clomiphene citrate. I've heard good things about this drug and I like the concept of stimulating your natural T as opposed to synthetically injecting it.

I may give it a try.

01-02-23, 14:57
I'd be careful of Wise. I do use it frequently to transfer money between bank accounts in various countries, but I think there are some severe limitations on how much per day you can take out on the card itself. Fine if you have a bank account in Thailand (or elsewhere), but money "on the card" doesn't seem so readily accessible. All I can say is, research BEFORE you depend on.........Research is done, I for one have a severe limit of $4000 USD per month on my Wise card. That's the max. I can stand in front of the ATM and if my Wise account is empty, it gets filled in 30 seconds. Its the easiest way to get cash for those who have gnarly fee cards. If you are running a Schwab, use that. I don't use mine since I have a Thai bank.

But I always have a USA card backup and my Thai account which is usually what I use.

Now that that's settled, any real reports recently on clubs etc from guys on the ground? I arrive 1/16.

01-02-23, 17:24
I'm like Lefeu, I use strictly ATM debit cards. Fidelity is just as good as Charles Schwab. I separately carry a regular bank debit card as backup (e.g., Wells Fargo or PNC or whatever you have). As a second backup, I bring a stack of $100 bills.

The comment about the "newest" version of $100 bills is interesting. Do the money exchange places also check the pink vertical UV-visible security thread that appears just to the left of Ben Franklin's head? I've noticed that those UV security threads degrade with age. But, if the money exchange places only check for the big-bold purple stripe to the right of Ben's head, we might not need to worry about the UV visible security threads.

I recently read on a Facebook travel group that a woman lost her credit card in Thailand and didn't have proper emergency contact information to get her card replaced. Be sure to bring a paper copy of your card numbers, passwords, and emergency phone numbers. Never get too low on cash because it can take 4 to 6 days to get an emergency replacement card delivered to you in Thailand. The "overnight" delivery of replacement cards is just one step of the process, there are multiple other steps and the time adds up.I have a Chas Schwab account as well and use it for intl travel only and is my primary source of baht. However, I also carry a "cash" backup. For whatever reason, I seem to spend more than I budget.

If I may make a suggestion. I use Google Keep as a virtual "wallet" that contains pics of my driver's license, Passport, credit cards, etc. It's designed for note-taking; however, it has the capability to upload / attach pics which is perfect for such.

01-02-23, 17:52
If I may make a suggestion. I use Google Keep as a virtual "wallet" that contains pics of my driver's license, Passport, credit cards, etc. It's designed for note-taking; however, it has the capability to upload / attach pics which is perfect for such.Sounds like a good one to consider. If everything we have is lost or stolen, we need access to our data.

I've been using iCloud for that, but it's far from perfect because it requires dual authentication. If my iPhone is gone, I sometimes cannot access iCloud. Does Google Keep require dual authentication when you are on a new device?

01-02-23, 18:41
Sounds like a good one to consider. If everything we have is lost or stolen, we need access to our data.

I've been using iCloud for that, but it's far from perfect because it requires dual authentication. If my iPhone is gone, I sometimes cannot access iCloud. Does Google Keep require dual authentication when you are on a new device?Google Keep does not require Two Factor Authorization (2 FA) to access / operate. It is available on ALL platforms, very easy to use, and lastly, it's free. I use it as an "extra brain" as I have pics of my vehicle insurance, vehicle registration, health insurance cards, passports, and other notes that I want to keep at the ready. Too often, I'm on the phone or in line with a Customer Rep and need a "number" or a piece of info and do not have the card / info with me. Google Keep has saved my ass numerous times. Hell, I even have pics of the make / model of my kitchen appliances loaded. I was at HD a few weeks ago and needed the model # of my dishwasher for a part I was buying and luckily, I was able to access it via Google Keep.


01-02-23, 18:43
Clomiphene citrate. I've heard good things about this drug and I like the concept of stimulating your natural T as opposed to synthetically injecting it.

I may give it a try.That stuff made me moody af. The injectable TRT with proviron is the way to go.

Low dosages so very few, if any side effects.

01-02-23, 18:47
Research is done, I for one have a severe limit of $4000 USD per month on my Wise card. That's the max. I can stand in front of the ATM and if my Wise account is empty, it gets filled in 30 seconds. Its the easiest way to get cash for those who have gnarly fee cards. If you are running a Schwab, use that. I don't use mine since I have a Thai bank.

But I always have a USA card backup and my Thai account which is usually what I use.

Now that that's settled, any real reports recently on clubs etc from guys on the ground? I arrive 1/16.As I mentioned earlier, I literally just got back from a 16 days trip to BKK / Phuket. Give me a few days and I will post some key nuggets for you. Let me share that I spent most of my BKK time at Nana. While business is a bit down, the girls are hungry. More later.

RE: Thai Bank. If I may ask, which do you use and are there any established relationships with US banks?


01-02-23, 20:04

There are at least half a dozen long term posters on here who have met me, and both of us, who can corroborate my fantasy, my delusion, as you would likely put it.I am one of those half dozen that have met TGT. I consider him a trusted friend who has taken the time to mentor me.

I had a long term and long distance relationship with a Hong Kong girl that ended a few years ago. I am Asian. But Thai culture is a different animal. And with TGT's coaching, I am working on a relationship with a wonderful young mother in Isaan. A goal I've had for a while.

01-02-23, 20:04
Sidegra works fine. Readily available at most pharmacies. 200 THB for 4 100 MG tablets at Foodland pharmacy on Suk Soi 5.


Also Can I walk in and buy the local Viagra in most pharmacy's? I don't have a prescription I know some have talked about this here just want to know for sure. I think its called SIDEGRA, does it waro as well as the brand name Viagra?

Mark Z
01-02-23, 22:31
Last 3 night checking out nana and soi cowboy_.

Nana I went into 8 + bars few times I bought girls drinks other times I just talked to the manager.

And said no drinks how much for that girl_.

3 bars ripped me off on drinks, put 3 drinks on from another girl and another charged 1500 baht for 1 girls coke and vodka.

--Extortion at its all time high, Not friendly, Not nice more pushy and condescending and only after the mans WALLETT_.

2 bars said I had to buy drinks 1st to even discuss prices I continued to ask 3 time to no avail.

Not one bar said they have rooms, I had to supply the hotel and only 1 girl mentioned a hotel right down the street for 1 hour.

Of the girls that said yes to boom boom all of them quoted me 4000 baht + hotel room + bar fee of 1000 baht. Total they were seeking 5400 baht.

I countered with 1500 . Then just a little bit more. Nope. Girls would rather make Zero than great cash. Sad.

So that's 150 us / canadian. Hell No.

Years ago I went to Costa Rica and the girls were 100-200 the same as back home in a country where people only make.

$5 dollars a day.

So no I aint paying usa / Canada rates when traveling to 3rd world countries.

Soi Cowboy.

5 bars 1 house madamme said no boom boom here, another bar I went into I said no drinks just boom boom she kept saying you buy drinks first.

So I left, next bar had 3 older worn down ladies working I left right away-Another bar I went into I pick girl buy her drink when the drinks came another girl scooted in too and already had the bartender make her one too.

Rude, disrespectful and they think this shit is funny or suppose to be a turn on. Damn cockroaches-.

I continued to talk to the 2 girls they both said yes to boom boom 3500 baht + hotel + 1000 bar fee. I paid the drinks and left.

Very disappointed over and over I heard read forums posts and videos and talked to over 5 guys saying thailand Bangkok was the place to go.

Boom boom around 1000-1500 baht everywhere. And when I get here its more than triple. If I would of know this I would of stayed home_.

Another thing that's so damn annoying is these women in Bangkok can't even translate their own language, I've handed them google translate.

Over and over and over and they still can't understand their own words. They speak into the phone and its all a jumble of mess. 1 x it came out The mechanic is on the roof. Wtf? At least in Medellin, Mexico, Costa Rica the girls try to speak english and use google translate.

They speak into the phone and its all a jumble of mess.

Hey everyone, Let Me know any bars or massage centers for boom boom with the rates of 1000-1500 baht please.

I'm looking for ones like Medellin, Aruba, Curacao you walk in their is line up, you choose, you pay $50 us / Canadian for 30 minutes.

Its honest, simple, fun and respectful. Theres no lying, cheating a man out of drinks and each girl pitching escalated Porn Rates.

Ill be traveling to Pattaya and a few other cities like Phuket and Chiang Mai in the next few weeks.

01-02-23, 23:22
Can I walk in and buy the local Viagra in most pharmacy's? I don't have a prescription I know some have talked about this here just want to know for sure. I think its called SIDEGRA, does it waro as well as the brand name Viagra?You might have to try a few pharmacies before you find Sidegra. Try the small indie shops instead of Boots or Watson. Why? Profit margin: genuine Viagra is about 3,000 baht for 4, where as the generic is 200 baht for 4. Yes without a prescription. Yes it works fine.

You will also see plenty of street vendors selling ED meds. Pro tip: don't buy pharmaceuticals from street vendors. Just don't.


01-03-23, 00:48
As I mentioned earlier, I literally just got back from a 16 days trip to BKK / Phuket. Give me a few days and I will post some key nuggets for you. Let me share that I spent most of my BKK time at Nana. While business is a bit down, the girls are hungry. More later.

RE: Thai Bank. If I may ask, which do you use and are there any established relationships with US banks?

N_R.I use Krungsri. Its a Japanes bank I think.

01-03-23, 01:19
Anyone with info on the ST and LT rates in Thermae Cafe and if all girls go with European men.

Tom Thumbbs
01-03-23, 01:39
You might have to try a few pharmacies before you find Sidegra. Try the small indie shops instead of Boots or Watson. Why? Profit margin: genuine Viagra is about 3,000 baht for 4, where as the generic is 200 baht for 4. Yes without a prescription. Yes it works fine.

You will also see plenty of street vendors selling ED meds. Pro tip: don't buy pharmaceuticals from street vendors. Just don't.

SL.Sunday I saw a Hippie looking character buy from a Street Vendor.

I told him don't just please don't. E telepathically of course.

Tom Thumbbs
01-03-23, 01:52
New years day or eve.

Rainbow 4 had one Motosai on stage.

Rainbow 5 had 2 Motosai on stage.

A sweet cocktail server who will not go BOom Boom with customers said it was a Raffle. Ok but I was unable the To get the logistics of the Waffle. Language and all that.

Any knew what was going on.

What tourist would want to deal with winning one. Hahaha. If I won I would just give keys to Waitress who don't go Boom. Boom.

01-03-23, 03:37
Last 3 night checking out nana and soi cowboy_.

Nana I went into 8 + bars few times I bought girls drinks other times I just talked to the manager.

And said no drinks how much for that girl_.

3 bars ripped me off on drinks, put 3 drinks on from another girl and another charged 1500 baht for 1 girls coke and vodka.

--Extortion at its all time high, Not friendly, Not nice more pushy and condescending and only after the mans WALLETT_.

2 bars said I had to buy drinks 1st to even discuss prices I continued to ask 3 time to no avail.

Not one bar said they have rooms, I had to supply the hotel and only 1 girl mentioned a hotel right down the street for 1 hour.

Of the girls that said yes to boom boom all of them quoted me 4000 baht + hotel room + bar fee of 1000 baht. Total they were seeking 5400 baht.

I countered with 1500 . Then just a little bit more. Nope. Girls would rather make Zero than great cash. Sad.

So that's 150 us / canadian. Hell No.

Years ago I went to Costa Rica and the girls were 100-200 the same as back home in a country where people only make.

$5 dollars a day.

So no I aint paying usa / Canada rates when traveling to 3rd world countries.

Soi Cowboy.

5 bars 1 house madamme said no boom boom here, another bar I went into I said no drinks just boom boom she kept saying you buy drinks first.

So I left, next bar had 3 older worn down ladies working I left right away-Another bar I went into I pick girl buy her drink when the drinks came another girl scooted in too and already had the bartender make her one too.

Rude, disrespectful and they think this shit is funny or suppose to be a turn on. Damn cockroaches-.

I continued to talk to the 2 girls they both said yes to boom boom 3500 baht + hotel + 1000 bar fee. I paid the drinks and left.

Very disappointed over and over I heard read forums posts and videos and talked to over 5 guys saying thailand Bangkok was the place to go.

Boom boom around 1000-1500 baht everywhere. And when I get here its more than triple. If I would of know this I would of stayed home_.

Another thing that's so damn annoying is these women in Bangkok can't even translate their own language, I've handed them google translate.

Over and over and over and they still can't understand their own words. They speak into the phone and its all a jumble of mess. 1 x it came out The mechanic is on the roof. Wtf? At least in Medellin, Mexico, Costa Rica the girls try to speak english and use google translate.

They speak into the phone and its all a jumble of mess.

Hey everyone, Let Me know any bars or massage centers for boom boom with the rates of 1000-1500 baht please.

I'm looking for ones like Medellin, Aruba, Curacao you walk in their is line up, you choose, you pay $50 us / Canadian for 30 minutes.

Its honest, simple, fun and respectful. Theres no lying, cheating a man out of drinks and each girl pitching escalated Porn Rates.

Ill be traveling to Pattaya and a few other cities like Phuket and Chiang Mai in the next few weeks.I was in Thailand for a few months before high season and found rates in BKK to be exhorbitant. Having said that, TF on avg. Was 1,500 to 2,500.

To me the rates even for TF were high, so I spent more time in Pattaya where the rates are more reasonable and obviously much more options, I also like being near water.

Overall, you have to pay a premium in BkK compared to Pattaya, imo.

Tom Thumbbs
01-03-23, 04:33
Last 3 night checking out nana and soi cowboy_.

Nana I went into 8 + bars few times I bought girls drinks other times I just talked to the manager.

And said no drinks how much for that girl_.

3 bars ripped me off on drinks, put 3 drinks on from another girl and another charged 1500 baht for 1 girls coke and vodka.

--Extortion at its all time high, Not friendly, Not nice more pushy and condescending and only after the mans WALLETT_.

2 bars said I had to buy drinks 1st to even discuss prices I continued to ask 3 time to no avail.

Not one bar said they have rooms, I had to supply the hotel and only 1 girl mentioned a hotel right down the street for 1 hour.

Of the girls that said yes to boom boom all of them quoted me 4000 baht + hotel room + bar fee of 1000 baht. Total they were seeking 5400 baht.

I countered with 1500 . Then just a little bit more. Nope. Girls would rather make Zero than great cash. Sad.

So that's 150 us / canadian. Hell No.

Years ago I went to Costa Rica and the girls were 100-200 the same as back home in a country where people only make.

$5 dollars a day.

So no I aint paying usa / Canada rates when traveling to 3rd world countries.

Soi Cowboy.

5 bars 1 house madamme said no boom boom here, another bar I went into I said no drinks just boom boom she kept saying you buy drinks first.

So I left, next bar had 3 older worn down ladies working I left right away-Another bar I went into I pick girl buy her drink when the drinks came another girl scooted in too and already had the bartender make her one too.

Rude, disrespectful and they think this shit is funny or suppose to be a turn on. Damn cockroaches-.

I continued to talk to the 2 girls they both said yes to boom boom 3500 baht + hotel + 1000 bar fee. I paid the drinks and left.

Very disappointed over and over I heard read forums posts and videos and talked to over 5 guys saying thailand Bangkok was the place to go.

Boom boom around 1000-1500 baht everywhere. And when I get here its more than triple. If I would of know this I would of stayed home_.

Another thing that's so damn annoying is these women in Bangkok can't even translate their own language, I've handed them google translate.

Over and over and over and they still can't understand their own words. They speak into the phone and its all a jumble of mess. 1 x it came out The mechanic is on the roof. Wtf? At least in Medellin, Mexico, Costa Rica the girls try to speak english and use google translate.

They speak into the phone and its all a jumble of mess.

Hey everyone, Let Me know any bars or massage centers for boom boom with the rates of 1000-1500 baht please.

I'm looking for ones like Medellin, Aruba, Curacao you walk in their is line up, you choose, you pay $50 us / Canadian for 30 minutes.

Its honest, simple, fun and respectful. Theres no lying, cheating a man out of drinks and each girl pitching escalated Porn Rates.

Ill be traveling to Pattaya and a few other cities like Phuket and Chiang Mai in the next few weeks.One issue I'll cover.

Nana Plaza short time rooms.

If you read back since June 2022 I covered this issue. Hahaha.

In a nutshell, no change going into 2024.

Lose lose lose, all around.

01-03-23, 04:34
I will be traveling over for Dental work in 3 weeks. Anyone know if in fact the dental work at the Dental Hospital is as good as they say it is?

Also Can I walk in and buy the local Viagra in most pharmacy's? I don't have a prescription I know some have talked about this here just want to know for sure. I think its called SIDEGRA, does it waro as well as the brand name Viagra?I can personally vouch for dental work from Asavanant, Soi 55, Thong Lor, 148 front of Soi Thong Lo 4, Market Place 5th floor, Sukhumvit. Building is still under construction, but dental office is open. They recently moved from the corner of Sukhumvit and Soi 55. Have been using them for all my dental work for a number of years. A number of molar crowns and one recommended porcelain for a tooth that would show when smiling (not into rap). Just this past November, had a broken molar, half gone. I was hoping for a crown, not an implant. Dentist suggested a partial crown. X-rays taken, 3D Image generated, CAD and AI used to generate the missing part, dentist smoothed edges and surfaces, then had the partial milled right there from a small cube of material. I was very surprised and pleased with the advances in technology. Perhaps not the cheapest, but I've always been satisfied. PLUS, the waiting room is very calming, more hotel lobby than waiting room (dentists scare me, Marathon Man was a horror movie for me), but everything and everyone there is calming.

I use Southeast Pharmacy, Sukhumvit just below Soi 15 for ALL my pharmacutical needs. I prefer Cialis, but Thailand assumes if you're an adult, any non-narcotic is fine without a prescription. For ME, anything I take is genuine and from a pharmacy. Have used them (the pharmacy, not Cialis) for decades.

01-03-23, 04:44
Research is done, I for one have a severe limit of $4000 USD per month on my Wise card. That's the max. I can stand in front of the ATM and if my Wise account is empty, it gets filled in 30 seconds. Its the easiest way to get cash for those who have gnarly fee cards. If you are running a Schwab, use that. I don't use mine since I have a Thai bank.

But I always have a USA card backup and my Thai account which is usually what I use.

Now that that's settled, any real reports recently on clubs etc from guys on the ground? I arrive 1/16.I'm a bit baffled. For the Wise website:

Get free ATM withdrawals.

You have 2 free withdrawals every month up to the following amounts, depending on where your card is issued. You can track your limits in the app or website.

Cards issued in Europe or the UK 200 GBP / EUR.

Cards issued in Australia, New Zealand and Singapore 350 AUD / NZD / SGD.

Cards issued in Japan 30,000 JPY.

Cards issued in the US 100 USD.

Cards issued in Malaysia 1,000 MYR.

Cards issued in Canada 350 CAD equivalent (note that due to local regulations, you won't be able to withdraw money from ATMs within Canadian borders using a Canadian card.).

Cards issued in Brazil 1,400 BRL.

If the ATM asks you for a 6-digit PIN, always use your 4-digit PIN as you normally would.

Seems pretty limited to me but maybe I'm just missing something. Education welcomed.

01-03-23, 04:45
Anyone with info on the ST and LT rates in Thermae Cafe and if all girls go with European men.I went there a few months ago and sat and had one drink, maybe I was invisible, but not one girl talked to me or hardly even looked at me, but a steady stream of Japanese guys walked in, were immediately confronted by the girls and left with them within 5 minutes of entering;.

01-03-23, 05:00
Hey everyone, Let Me know any bars or massage centers for boom boom with the rates of 1000-1500 baht please. Ill be traveling to Pattaya and a few other cities like Phuket and Chiang Mai in the next few weeks.I doubt you'll get it from any GoGos in Thailand, but you'll find what you want in Pattaya Soi 6 - please read through the extensive reporting on the Pattaya forum. Added bonus for you is that most bars have rooms on the upper floor (though it'll cost you 400-500 B for an hour).

01-03-23, 05:03
I went there a few months ago and sat and had one drink, maybe I was invisible, but not one girl talked to me or hardly even looked at me, but a steady stream of Japanese guys walked in, were immediately confronted by the girls and left with them within 5 minutes of entering;.This has been my experience at Thermae every single time! The totem pole appears to be all Japanese. I don't waste my time there any longer. Little better chances with FLs right outside Thermae from what I've read.

01-03-23, 05:06
Google Keep does not require Two Factor Authorization (2 FA) to access / operate. It is available on ALL platforms, very easy to use, and lastly, it's free. I use it as an "extra brain" as I have pics of my vehicle insurance, vehicle registration, health insurance cards, passports, and other notes that I want to keep at the ready. Too often, I'm on the phone or in line with a Customer Rep and need a "number" or a piece of info and do not have the card / info with me. Google Keep has saved my ass numerous times. Hell, I even have pics of the make / model of my kitchen appliances loaded. I was at HD a few weeks ago and needed the model # of my dishwasher for a part I was buying and luckily, I was able to access it via Google Keep.

N_R.I have Keep, but don't see any way to restrict access. On my Android mobile, I use Vault (Wafer co.) free app, for restricted access to photos and videos. On my laptop, Veracrypt for an encrypted zip file.

Mark Z
01-03-23, 07:40
Last 4 nights nana and cowboy.


Overcharged for drinks, managers added BS drinks not mine.

Pushy disrespectful and girls kept grabbing my dick.

All dancers I talked to quoted 4000 baht with bar 1000 and hotel 300.

I countered with 1/2 those rates. No takers.

After 1st night of being scammed over and over like 1600 baht vodka / coke 1 girl drink.

I just go in the bars pick girl and say I'm not interested in drinks just boom boom.

The Most friendly bar was the boy bar I accidentally went into spoke english friendly and nice.

I don't travel to different countries to pay the Canada / us rates especially when.

People only make $5 a day.

Last time I was in Costa Rica it was $100-150. Ummm I can get that back home.

Soi cowboy.

5 clubs rude pushy and no one speaks english.

Google translate can't even translate what they say. Ridiculous unfriendly disrespectful.

1 bar had older women in there had to leave, another bar kept saying drink drink.

They refused to tell me prices unless I bought girl drink first.

Another bar I walk in buy my drink and manager charged me for 2 drinks as a girl comes up and.

Sits next to me. Extortion at its best here. They want to make you smile. Nooooo Just want a mans wallet.

Clueless on customer service and google translate to make a welcoming experience.

For over a year now I've been talking to people getting in the forums watching videos of guys saying Bangkok.

Is 1500 baht everywhere. Definitely Not True.

In dr, curacao, st martin, medellin, bogata, Costa Rica, jaco, toronto these casas you go in pick girl pay 1 flat fee for 30 minutes.

No lies, no scams, no gold diggers no cheats just honest fun sensual time.

Where are the places you can just walk choose girl and pay 1 set price in Bangkok??

Blue Nose
01-03-23, 09:37
Last 3 night checking out nana and soi cowboy_.

Nana I went into 8 + bars few times I bought girls drinks other times I just talked to the manager.

And said no drinks how much for that girl_.

3 bars ripped me off on drinks, put 3 drinks on from another girl and another charged 1500 baht for 1 girls coke and vodka.

--Extortion at its all time high, Not friendly, Not nice more pushy and condescending and only after the mans WALLETT_.

2 bars said I had to buy drinks 1st to even discuss prices I continued to ask 3 time to no avail.

Not one bar said they have rooms, I had to supply the hotel and only 1 girl mentioned a hotel right down the street for 1 hour.

Of the girls that said yes to boom boom all of them quoted me 4000 baht + hotel room + bar fee of 1000 baht. Total they were seeking 5400 baht.

I countered with 1500 . Then just a little bit more. Nope. Girls would rather make Zero than great cash. Sad.

So that's 150 us / canadian. Hell No.

Years ago I went to Costa Rica and the girls were 100-200 the same as back home in a country where people only make.

$5 dollars a day.

So no I aint paying usa / Canada rates when traveling to 3rd world countries.

Soi Cowboy.

5 bars 1 house madamme said no boom boom here, another bar I went into I said no drinks just boom boom she kept saying you buy drinks first.

So I left, next bar had 3 older worn down ladies working I left right away-Another bar I went into I pick girl buy her drink when the drinks came another girl scooted in too and already had the bartender make her one too.

Rude, disrespectful and they think this shit is funny or suppose to be a turn on. Damn cockroaches-.

I continued to talk to the 2 girls they both said yes to boom boom 3500 baht + hotel + 1000 bar fee. I paid the drinks and left.

Very disappointed over and over I heard read forums posts and videos and talked to over 5 guys saying thailand Bangkok was the place to go.

Boom boom around 1000-1500 baht everywhere. And when I get here its more than triple. If I would of know this I would of stayed home_.

Another thing that's so damn annoying is these women in Bangkok can't even translate their own language, I've handed them google translate.

Over and over and over and they still can't understand their own words. They speak into the phone and its all a jumble of mess. 1 x it came out The mechanic is on the roof. Wtf? At least in Medellin, Mexico, Costa Rica the girls try to speak english and use google translate.

They speak into the phone and its all a jumble of mess.

Hey everyone, Let Me know any bars or massage centers for boom boom with the rates of 1000-1500 baht please.

I'm looking for ones like Medellin, Aruba, Curacao you walk in their is line up, you choose, you pay $50 us / Canadian for 30 minutes.

Its honest, simple, fun and respectful. Theres no lying, cheating a man out of drinks and each girl pitching escalated Porn Rates.

Ill be traveling to Pattaya and a few other cities like Phuket and Chiang Mai in the next few weeks.Sorry to hear that your trip got off to a lousy start here in Bangkok.

After reading your post, I think perhaps there are a couple of things going on. The first is that you arrived at the absolute peak of high tourist season. So, there are plenty of tourists around but a lot of Thai people, including working girls, go to visit their families over the new year holiday. So, increased demand meets reduced supply. Secondly, after reading the forums I do believe you may be conflating standard street / BG prices with gogo prices. Generally, the girls in the gogo bars can command the highest prices. While pricing has definitely gotten out of hand post-Covid, I don't think it's realistic to expect to pull from a gogo for 1,000 - 1,500 THB. The way the industry seems to moving, post-Covid, is that this amount would (maybe) cover the barfinee. The price of the girl would then be 2-3 x more, depending on the particulars.

So, my advice would be to stay out of the gogo bars in Nana, Cowboy, and Walking Street (in Pattaya). Instead, plan to venture a bit further afield. There are plenty of ladies working in the Beer Bars surrounding these areas who are available for these rates, and the bar fines are generally much more reasonable than at gogo bars. So, just do the stroll until you see something you like. Then enter the bar, order a drink, and go from there. In terms of freelancers, there are plenty to be had up and down Soi 4. They tend to appear more under the cover of darkness, but you'll see them not only standing around Nana Hotel and Hooters but also strolling up and down the soi. You can go park yourself at one of bars, taking a street-view seat, and see what goes by. If you see someone you like, call her over. The Hillary 2 Bar on Soi 4, which normally has a live band starting at 7 pm, is also well known for freelancers.

Another good place to check out is Soi 7. There is a large beer bar complex on the left as you walk away from Sukhumvit. Somewhat overlooked are the pop-up bars on the opposite side of the soi. At these, one can order a large bottle of beer very inexpensively and sit and enjoy the view on the soi (both in the adjacent beer bars and the pedeistrian traffic up and down the soi). If you walk into the complex itself, perhaps to use to 10-Baht restroom, you will notice it is quite large and there are a lot of smaller bars. Virtually all of them have BGs available for a barfine, and there are short-time hotel options on Soi 7/1, a 3-minute walk. Finally, Beer Garden (a veritable institution here in Bangkok) is located a bit further up Soi 7 on the left. This place has the reputation of being a freelance bar for MILFs and their customers, but I've always found it is worth a look.

If that still doesn't work for you then just do the stroll between Nana and Asoke. In the evening, there will be enough FLs about that you should be able to find somebody you like who is within your stated price range. Don't be afraid to negotiate on prices as it's past the new year now and peak season is behind us.

Once you get to Pattaya, my advice is to stick with bars on Soi Buakhow and adjacent sois (like Soi Pothole) and Soi 6. Many (most) of these bars have short-time rooms and the price for girls is generally 1,000 - 1,5000 THB. If you venture to LK Metro, you will pay more and you will be quoted ridiculous prices on Walking Street.

01-03-23, 10:03
Sidegra works fine. Readily available at most pharmacies. 200 THB for 4 100 MG tablets at Foodland pharmacy on Suk Soi 5.


Also Can I walk in and buy the local Viagra in most pharmacy's? I don't have a prescription I know some have talked about this here just want to know for sure. I think its called SIDEGRA, does it waro as well as the brand name Viagra?Foodland pharmacy on soi 5 was closed for renovation in early December and didn't look like it was going to reopen anytime soon.

Sidegra works great, as Kamagra gold.

01-03-23, 10:03
I'll be landing in Bangkok on the 5th and looking forward, but recent reports of over priced and non friendly attitude got me little down. Plus with recent travel restriction lift from China got me little worried as well. Looks like I will have to come up with some other creative way to fill my time in land of smiles or even cut my time short. I hope this is not the case. Either way I'm looking forward to having a cold one in Bangkok.

01-03-23, 11:01
Anyone with info on the ST and LT rates in Thermae Cafe and if all girls go with European men.All girls go with anyone willing to pay. Thats how thailand works. Never ever think otherwise. I don't remember the usual rates, but they aren't wild, these girls are all freelancers that are down in thermae right then, maybe they are on the street another night. You just find one you like and go talk to her. Thermae will be filled with girls standing around there next to each other just waiting to see who is going to do them. Take a lap around and find one you like and that's all that needs to be done. Or if you don't like any, walk out. When you go in you have to buy a drink for like 100 baht is all.

01-03-23, 11:06
Last 3 night checking out nana and soi cowboy_.

Hey everyone, Let Me know any bars or massage centers for boom boom with the rates of 1000-1500 baht please.

Ill be traveling to Pattaya and a few other cities like Phuket and Chiang Mai in the next few weeks.Pattaya Soi 6 is 1500 baht. Thats about the lowest you're going to find. The quality of girls on Soi 6 is. Not great, but there will be literally hundreds of girls, so you'll find one you want. They will try to ask for a higher price, of course they will, but the price is 1500 which includes the room upstairs, just say it and they will say OK. No need to buy them lady drinks or anything, if you see one you like just talk to her and you're all set.

My guess is you can snag a FL in Pattaya Beach road at 1500 as well. Rarely a FL in Bangkok at that rate... it won't happen but I'm sure someone has a story that they got that price once in BKK.

01-03-23, 11:15
Sunday I saw a Hippie looking character buy from a Street Vendor.

I told him don't just please don't. E telepathically of course.Contrary to your view.

The kamagra products sold by the street vendors on Sukhumvit are Class A OK.

They all come from the same supplier and are legit.

It is the same supplier that sells them to the pharmacy shops where you happily pay inflated prices.

I know as I have privately sourced them from there for years, and nowadays I even run a successful export business off their product supply.

01-03-23, 11:31
First and foremost, Mr. Blue Nose gives some excellent advice. You might check out his other posts; simply click on his handle to the left of one of his posts, and in the pop-up, click on View Forum Posts. Good info there. Also check out the ROD's (reports of distinction) thread and good info there. Some of my own pointers:

3 bars ripped me off on drinks, put 3 drinks on from another girl and another charged 1500 baht for 1 girls coke and vodka.Whenever I order a drink, I ask the price first, and I expect the chit to be dropped in that little cup sitting in front of me. I always check to see that the bill is what I expect, and when I say "check bin", I've already done the mental math, with a mental accounting of everything I've had (and it's never all that much). Any discrepancies, "Get the Mamasan". An old school trick: initial each chit, and if the total is greater than what you expect, ask for each chit back for proof.

Likewise, I DON'T buy all that many lady drinks, solar eclipse, lunar eclipse, etc. BEFORE I do, I ask the price, what it is, and specify THAT when saying OK. Once again, I check the chit. And again, any discrepancies, "Mamasan". Besides RTFF, UTFSE, I have NO hesitation of calling "BS".

The rip-offs assume a mark will be quiet; quiet I'm not. I don't get angry, just a matter of fact, "NO. " Also, "MY oww" (the last is what you say when you hurt yourself), which gets translated as "No, I don't want". I'm sure someone can provide a better translation, but it works for me. Speak quickly, silence signals acceptance.

2 bars said I had to buy drinks 1st to even discuss prices I continued to ask 3 time to no avail.I don't find fault of a bar asking a customer to buy one drink; it's a bar, not a brothel. But any more than that, and those are the bars I say "My Oww, thank you" and leave.

Not one bar said they have rooms, I had to supply the hotel and only 1 girl mentioned a hotel right down the street for 1 hour.
Of the girls that said yes to boom boom all of them quoted me 4000 baht + hotel room + bar fee of 1000 baht. Total they were seeking 5400 baht.
I countered with 1500 . Then just a little bit more. Nope. Girls would rather make Zero than great cash. Sad.
So no I aint paying usa / Canada rates when traveling to 3rd world countries.First, in 30 years, I've never known any bar in Nana to have rooms. Now I haven't been in every one, but .... Second, now I know plenty of Nana bars where 1500 works. Plenty. Only trouble is, you need to find Mr. Peabody, his boy Sherman, and set the Wayback machine to 1996. Third, it sounds TO ME like you are mixing up Pattaya's airhead bars with Nana (and Cowboy) agogo's, Night and day. Finally, it's capitalism. What's sad is that you're upset that they aren't charging you the price YOU want rather than the price THEY want. That's 1st world arrogance. Might be great cash to you but not to them. Obviously they think they can do better, and, if not, you (general you) are not worth it.

Soi Cowboy.
5 bars 1 house madamme said no boom boom here, another bar I went into I said no drinks just boom boom she kept saying you buy drinks first.As I said above, it's not Pattaya, and it's not a brothel. My MO: quick glance to see what the vibe is, the girls on stage look like (yes, it's one shift) but it works as a sample. If OK, I buy a beer. If not, walk. I don't come to the bars to drink, I come to find an evening's entertainment.

Another bar I went into I pick girl buy her drink when the drinks came another girl scooted in too and already had the bartender make her one too.
Rude, disrespectful and they think this shit is funny or suppose to be a turn on. Damn cockroaches-.ONE simple word, "NO", or, in Thai, "MY". Now, I can NEVER get the tone right, but by my expression, EVERYONE knows I'm saying NO, not "new".

Very disappointed over and over I heard read forums posts and videos and talked to over 5 guys saying thailand Bangkok was the place to go.
Boom boom around 1000-1500 baht everywhere. And when I get here its more than triple. If I would of know this I would of stayed home_.AGAIN, check the thread, BIG difference between Bangkok and Pattaya. I can recall plenty of Pattaya posts of 1000/1500, but I can't recall ANY in a Bangkok club.

Another thing that's so damn annoying is these women in Bangkok can't even translate their own language, I've handed them google translate.

Over and over and over and they still can't understand their own words. They speak into the phone and its all a jumble of mess. 1 x it came out The mechanic is on the roof. Wtf? At least in Medellin, Mexico, Costa Rica the girls try to speak english and use google translate.

They speak into the phone and its all a jumble of mess.It's THAIland, Thai is THE language. Why can't you speak it? I'd say your problem is with google translate, NOT with the girl, and there ARE dialects here, I wouldn't expect Google to handle everything. AND Thai is TONAL (5 tones, MY is NO and new depending on the tone). And tones are relative to the individual, my tones will be different than yours. Why it sounds so sing-song. Spanish is not tonal.

Some of the best times I've had are with those where the language difference was large; just make it fun in trying to communicate. I'm always thankful I can't speak Thai; otherwise I'd be hearing her saying "WTF is this IDIOT trying to say?"

Hey everyone, Let Me know any bars or massage centers for boom boom with the rates of 1000-1500 baht please.Glad to help out. Pattaya, and look for Mr. Peabody ....

I'm looking for ones like Medellin, Aruba, Curacao you walk in their is line up, you choose, you pay $50 us / Canadian for 30 minutes.

Its honest, simple, fun and respectful. Theres no lying, cheating a man out of drinks and each girl pitching escalated Porn Rates.Then catch a flight there. One thing I've learned in 30 years as an ex-pat, I NEVER compare Place A with Place B. They are different, and happy they are, otherwise, it'd be boring. And one thing I don't compare is prices. A box of Frosty Flakes is $3 at home, $10 someplace else, but if I want Frosty Flakes, I pay. Otherwise, you just wind up unhappy.

The other thing I strongly suggest is a change of attitude. The girls are very astute, the ones I know, anyway. You come in with an arrogant, condescending attitude, they readily pick up on that. There was an interesting post on the Pattaya thread about an American bidding on a girl like cattle, and he didn't place the winning bid. But another, who treated her as a person, did, at a lot lower.

Don't allow yourself to be a mark. If you're being ripped off, say something. From what Stick says, in some Cowboy bars, it's become a thing. But others, not. The Arab's bars there do have a rep.

And there used to be a very descent short time hotel on Soi 7/1, to the left, fairly close to Sukhumvit. I used to use from Beer Garden pulls, legit hotel with ST rooms. Beer Garten, at least in November, afternoons, was a SAD affair; hopefully it will pick up.

There are MANY who have fun in Thailand, some won't. Personally, as I've said again and again, I just ask myself what is HER experience worth to me THAT night. If she says yes, off we go. If no, then I move on. But if you're CONSTANTLY being turned down, then it might be time to reevaluate your pricing structure / expectations. TIT.

01-03-23, 11:38
I am one of those half dozen that have met TGT. I consider him a trusted friend who has taken the time to mentor me.

I had a long term and long distance relationship with a Hong Kong girl that ended a few years ago. I am Asian. But Thai culture is a different animal. And with TGT's coaching, I am working on a relationship with a wonderful young mother in Isaan. A goal I've had for a while.Thanks Vendelho.

01-03-23, 11:42
First and foremost, Mr. Blue Nose gives some excellent advice. You might check out his other posts; simply click on his handle to the left of one of his posts, and in the pop-up, click on View Forum Posts. Good info there. Also check out the ROD's (reports of distinction) thread and good info there. Some of my own pointers:

Whenever I order a drink, I ask the price first, and I expect the chit to be dropped in that little cup sitting in front of me. I always check to see that the bill is what I expect, and when I say "check bin", I've already done the mental math, with a mental accounting of everything I've had (and it's never all that much). Any discrepancies, "Get the Mamasan". An old school trick: initial each chit, and if the total is greater than what you expect, ask for each chit back for proof.

Likewise, I DON'T buy all that many lady drinks, solar eclipse, lunar eclipse, etc. BEFORE I do, I ask the price, what it is, and specify THAT when saying OK. Once again, I check the chit. And again, any discrepancies, "Mamasan". Besides RTFF, UTFSE, I have NO hesitation of calling "BS".

The rip-offs assume a mark will be quiet; quiet I'm not. I don't get angry, just a matter of fact, "NO. " Also, "MY oww" (the last is what you say when you hurt yourself), which gets translated as "No, I don't want". I'm sure someone can provide a better translation, but it works for me. Speak quickly, silence signals acceptance.

I don't find fault of a bar asking a customer to buy one drink; it's a bar, not a brothel. But any more than that, and those are the bars I say "My Oww, thank you" and leave.

First, in 30 years, I've never known any bar in Nana to have rooms. Now I haven't been in every one, but .... Second, now I know plenty of Nana bars where 1500 works. Plenty. Only trouble is, you need to find Mr. Peabody, his boy Sherman, and set the Wayback machine to 1996. Third, it sounds TO ME like you are mixing up Pattaya's airhead bars with Nana (and Cowboy) agogo's, Night and day. Finally, it's capitalism. What's sad is that you're upset that they aren't charging you the price YOU want rather than the price THEY want. That's 1st world arrogance.

As I said above, it's not Pattaya, and it's not a brothel. My MO: quick glance to see what the vibe is, the girls on stage look like (yes, it's one shift) but it works as a sample. If OK, I buy a beer. If not, walk. I don't come to the bars to drink, I come to find an evening's entertainment.

ONE simple word, "NO", or, in Thai, "MY". Now, I can NEVER get the tone right, but by my expression, EVERYONE knows I'm saying NO, not "new".

AGAIN, check the thread, BIG difference between Bangkok and Pattaya. I can recall plenty of Pattaya posts of 1000/1500, but I can't recall ANY in a Bangkok club.

It's THAIland, Thai is THE language. Why can't you speak it? I'd say your problem is with google translate, NOT with the girl, and there ARE dialects here, I wouldn't expect Google to handle everything. And some of the best times I've had are with those where the language difference was large; just make it fun in trying to communicate. I'm always thankful I can't speak Thai; otherwise I'd be hearing her saying "WTF is this IDIOT trying to say?"

Glad to help out. Pattaya, and look for Mr. Peabody ....

Then catch a flight there. One thing I've learned in 30 years as an ex-pat, I NEVER compare Place A with Place B. They are different, and happy they are, otherwise, it'd be boring. And one thing I don't compare is prices. A box of Frosty Flakes is $3 at home, $10 someplace else, but if I want Frosty Flakes, I pay. Otherwise, you just wind up unhappy.

The other thing I strongly suggest is a change of attitude. The girls are very astute, the ones I know, anyway. You come in with an arrogant, condescending attitude, they readily pick up on that. There was an interesting post on the Pattaya thread about an American bidding on a girl like cattle, and he didn't place the winning bid. But another, who treated her as a person, did, at a lot lower.

Don't allow yourself to be a mark. If you're being ripped off, say something. From what Stick says, in some Cowboy bars, it's become a thing. But others, not. The Arab's bars there do have a rep.

And there used to be a very descent short time hotel on Soi 7/1, to the left, fairly close to Sukhumvit. I used to use from Beer Garden pulls, legit hotel with ST rooms. Beer Garten, at least in November, afternoons, was a SAD affair; hopefully it will pick up.

There are MANY who have fun in Thailand, some won't. Personally, as I've said again and again, I just ask myself what is HER experience worth to me THAT night. If she says yes, off we go. If no, then I move on. But if you're CONSTANTLY being turned down, then it might be time to reevaluate your pricing structure / expectations. TIT.Nice and succinctly said. Bravo (11). !

01-03-23, 14:32
11Bravo: First, in 30 years, I've never known any bar in Nana to have rooms.Maybe the OP was thinking about the short time rooms in 2-3 places on the premises of Nana Plaza, which are still there but have not reopened since the initial Covid closures.

They are not inside any Nana Plaza go-go bar but either down a few doors or upstairs on the next level, 2nd or 3rd level of Nana Plaza. Girls in the bars who wanted their customer to do a quick ST with them would sometimes point up to the next level and say "go to room."

But in no case that I am aware of was the room included in the deal unless the 350 baht or so cost was simply factored into the negotiation. But somebody, either the girl or the customer, was going to have to fork over 350 baht to the clerk at the desk before going into a room.

1-2 of the places inside Nana Plaza had decent rooms. The third one closer to the Mandarin side as I recall was abysmal.

01-03-23, 14:55
I'm a bit baffled. For the Wise website:

[I]Get free ATM withdrawals.

You have 2 free withdrawals every month up to the following amounts, depending on where your card is issued. You can track your limits in the app or website.

Cards issued in Europe or the UK 200 GBP / EUR.

Cards issued in Australia, New Zealand and Singapore 350 AUD / NZD / SGD.

Cards issued in Japan 30,000 JPY.

Cards issued in the US 100 USD.

Cards issued in Malaysia 1,000 MYR.

Cards issued in Canada 350 CAD equivalent (note that due to local regulations, you won't be able to withdraw money from ATMs within Canadian borders using a Canadian card.).

Cards issued in Brazil 1,400 BRL..You have a Wise card with your account? If you did, would know that your max limit is 4 K per month. You are referring to fees, not max withdrawals. Is it necessary for me to load a screenshot?

Absent a Schwab or the like, Wise is the best way to get baht in Thailand at the best rates.

Glad I can help you out.

Bill Buxton
01-03-23, 15:55
After doing some reading here it sounds like the girls are happy with lots of other Asian men. This is typical in the Philippines with Korean tourists and they seem to throw money away and the girls know it.

We always caked it 3-3-3, three inches, three minutes, three thousand pesos. Well think at it like a business, the time is quick, the rooster is small not like a wrecking hammer and the coin is much. I hope I will be a well received American is all I know. I do know if you see what you like you better capitalize on the moment and don't hesitate or you will loose out. I have seen this happen time and time again so don't be bashful and get it done don't snooze.

01-03-23, 15:58
Where are the places you can just walk choose girl and pay 1 set price in Bangkok??Go have a look at the Bangkok massage thread, these places have been discussed over there but prices are more like 2000 baht for 1 hour.

Tom Thumbbs
01-03-23, 16:01
The Exodus of people, including Nana Plaza boom boom workers, over Christmas and New Years is real.

While there were enough workers to cover the holidays the last 2 night have been abysmal.

Couldn't even Stomach Rainbow 5. Did not partake. Rainbow 4 isn't any better but I went, had to choose 1.

Pretty sure by Chinese New Year they should back.

01-03-23, 16:10
Another thing that's so damn annoying is these women in Bangkok can't even translate their own language, I've handed them google translate.

Over and over and over and they still can't understand their own words. They speak into the phone and its all a jumble of mess.This post can't be real.

You go in their country and you complain they don't speak your language?

01-03-23, 19:02
Question about go go bars vs gentlemen's clubs. When you go in a gogo bar are they like a US strip club? Are All the girls in bikinis and a bunch of girls dancing topless. What's the setup like. Can you get lap dances on the couch if you buy a drink for her. Are gentlemen's clubs just a higher end gogo bar.

01-04-23, 01:08
This may be a stupid question but hear me out. This involves smooci.com. If a lady is listed there and it indicates she "likes".

Likes A-Level CIM, etc.

And on her agency Web page she has the same list with under rates they say.

A-level (anal) + ฿2000.

And CIM +฿1000.

What would I expect to pay for all her services when smooci.com just lists.

2 h ฿ 4,000 2 shots.

01-04-23, 01:17
Nice and succinctly said. Bravo (11). !Well, I don't know about succinct ... But I do enjoy a good "slice and dice".

I don't travel to different countries to pay the Canada / us rates especially when.
People only make $5 a day.And that's why Thai's come to BKK, to make more than $5/ day.

I always flip the coin, look on the other side, if the situation was reversed. I wonder how Mark would feel, back home, a customer comes in, says I want this job done for this price. Mark says, no, price will be this. Customer says he can get a better price in x,y, z places, storms out. Think Mark would be saying he, Mark, was wrong, should have taken the low price? Or would he be saying, about the customer, what an as*hole. I KNOW what I'd be saying.

And how many bars back home can you walk in, sit down, and say I'm not buying any drinks, I'm just here for the live music, want to talk to the band about a future gig?

For over a year now I've been talking to people getting in the forums watching videos of guys saying Bangkok.Then please cite sources HERE on BKK thread that talk about 1000/1500 Nana / Cowboy prices. I again think you really need to get out a map and understand basic differences in physical locations and venue types.

Clueless on customer service and google translate to make a welcoming experience.MY experience, the FEW places that I've felt disrespected, I've QUICKLY left, as in mach snell. But then again, I understand the difference between a bar and a brothel. (and an MP).

In dr, curacao, st martin, medellin, bogata, Costa Rica, jaco, toronto these casas you go in pick girl pay 1 flat fee for 30 minutes.
No lies, no scams, no gold diggers no cheats just honest fun sensual time.
Where are the places you can just walk choose girl and pay 1 set price in Bangkok??Well, agogo's are NOT the place. BUT there are any number of places; they're called massage parlors. Instead of Nana or Cowboy, take a stroll along Soi 23, the soi that Cowboy ends in. Or Soi 22, Soi 24, Soi 24-1, Soi 26 (can you say "Jill-in-the-box").

In re-reading, couple of things come to mind:

I'm looking for ones like Medellin, Aruba, Curacao you walk in their is line up, you choose, you pay $50 us / Canadian for 30 minutes.$50 US = 1500 baht. Wouldn't the FS option at Wood's Bar on Soi 7/1 meet that criteria? Now, the lineup might not be chock full of beauties, but, my understanding, price point would be met (can't say personally).

Or, a bit of math: 2*(50 US = 1500 baht, 30 minutes) = $100 US = 3000 baht, 60 minutes. I'd think just about any MP on soi 24/1, Soi 24, the shops along Soi 23 above Cowboy, would meet that criteria. And I think one MP (Angels?) on Soi 24/1 might run a quick 40 minute service, but can't say if that's a FS.

Pushy disrespectful and girls kept grabbing my dick.Here we have a truly different perspective: disrespectful / grabbing my dick ARE, IMHO, mutually exclusive. And I can think of several bars, mentioned by Blue Nose and myself, that he should definitely stay out of if THAT is disrespectful.

01-04-23, 01:45
You have a Wise card with your account? If you did, would know that your max limit is 4 K per month. You are referring to fees, not max withdrawals. Is it necessary for me to load a screenshot?

Absent a Schwab or the like, Wise is the best way to get baht in Thailand at the best rates.

Glad I can help you out.I don't know what is meant by "account", guess I'm just dense. I have Wise, a sign in account, which I use to transfer money from Bank A to Bank B, Bank C, in several countries. I don't see any limits on what I can transfer. Wise just removes the specified amount from my bank account and sends it to the bank account I designate.

But I don't have a Wise card because I obviously don't understand the fee structure, and I don't care to load a card with money I can't readily access. Like I say, I don't understand what the website is referencing.

But given what they state on their website, 2 FREE withdrawals per month, with "up to the following amount", $100 USD. Is that a limit on the ATM FEES per month that you will be liable for? Is that the local fees charged? Are those included? Is that a limit of $100 ATM FEES per month, and what happens after that? I was charged a "local fee" of 220 baht per withdrawal. So will I be liable for the first $100 of local fees? Or do they pay the first $100 in ATM fees, and it's on you after that? It confuses me when they say "2 FREE withdrawals per month", then list limits? What are the limits? On what YOU'LL pay, or what THEY'LL reimburse?

No screen shot needed, I believe it works for you. Myself, I'll stick with Schwab. Previously, I could get a temp raise on the maximum daily amount, but this time, was declined. Oh well, 1 K / day, I can just go the next day if I need to stock up, and ALL ATM fees are FULLY reimbursed, no limits anywhere. AND a real PLUS: Schwab's phone reps are all in the US, so language is not a problem. But thanks for the info.

01-04-23, 02:00
This post can't be real.
You go in their country and you complain they don't speak your language?He just ddin't supply the proper initial settings: "Do . . . You . . . Speak. . . English...?", allowing her to set the correct vocal parameters.

Couldn't even Stomach Rainbow 5. Did not partake. Rainbow 4 isn't any better but I went, had to choose 1.And to be a USEFUL FR, especially for people like Mark, you should have included: bar fine, asking price, accepted price, duration. What you did, for all I know, simple eye contact and oogling, in the room, I couldn't care less. But otherwise, no actionable intel. "Yes, Captain, I had contact". Very good private, where is the actionable intel? Private, private ....

And Mark, Mr. BS did not pay 1000/1500.

I'll be landing in Bangkok on the 5th and looking forward, but recent reports of over priced and non friendly attitude got me little down. Plus with recent travel restriction lift from China got me little worried as well. Looks like I will have to come up with some other creative way to fill my time in land of smiles or even cut my time short. I hope this is not the case. Either way I'm looking forward to having a cold one in Bangkok.I wouldn't worry, any number of punters, EVERY punter is not a member here, and EVERY member does not write FR's, so MANY are having a great time in BKK. I certainly did. Just do some reading, know the going prices in the various venues, be friendly, and it will be returned.

PS: hey, pre-any-China influx, I caught Covid in BKK and I was FULLY vaccinated, and MOSTLY masked. Shit happens, 3 days feeling poor, week's isolation, though Doctor said I was being overly cautious. FR's written.

They want to make you smile. Nooooo Just want a mans wallet.MY experience, the two are NOT mutually exclusive. My suggestion: an attitude adjustment on your part. If you want fun, be fun. DON'T be a mark, don't be run over, don't be taken advantage of. IMMEDIATELY SAY NO. SET LIMITS, as in lady drinks, charges, etc. But be fun. Agogos are not brothels. The lineup is on stage. The entrance fee is you buying a drink for YOURSELF. Enjoy the differences, language, part of the world, etc. For me, the girls are like mirrors, they return what they see. When I get quoted a high price, I just grab my chest, make a face, "heart attack, heart attack". No, it might not work, but I enjoy it. SOMETIMES, it even gets a smile, and that's THE point.

In you description of other countries, sounds like what you want are MP's. Lineup, pick a girl, pay money, enjoy.

Nana and cowboy dismal dissapointment Disappointment: the difference between your fantasy and reality.

Tom Thumbbs
01-04-23, 04:27
Contrary to your view.

The kamagra products sold by the street vendors on Sukhumvit are Class A OK.

They all come from the same supplier and are legit.

It is the same supplier that sells them to the pharmacy shops where you happily pay inflated prices.

I know as I have privately sourced them from there for years, and nowadays I even run a successful export business off their product supply.Just looking at the Boxes you can tell the product is Suspect.

Kind of like Beer garden girls.

01-04-23, 04:31
I've found that the "Searching at Your Leisure" method is very effective. And yes, I'm an acolyte of Professor Kingsfield. Do the required reading before coming to class. Don't get me wrong. I love Professor Kingsfield, especially when he's abusing the unprepared 1-Ls. "Here's a dime. Call your parents and tell them you'll never be a lawyer. "

But I respectfully submit Mr. Bravo is in another class when he schools those who wander into this forum and admit to all and sundry that they're too lazy to read previous posts. To me, Mr. Bravo is a MASTER, much like the old blind dude who tutored Kung Fu in the Seventies.

The Kaiser
01-04-23, 05:19
* Nov 28 - Smooci. Molly.

Very cute, she looked very similar to her pictures. Pretty good conversationalist too. I wrote a more detailed review on Smooci, but I can't access it because they don't want to take my money. Smooci is pretty simple to use too. They call to confirm the booking and the hotel calls you once she shows up. They even have tracking.

* Nov 29 - Pretty Massage. Ping Ping.

Had a look at the line up before talking to the mamasan. Mamasan's English wasn't great, so one of the girls kept popping her head out to translate. Ping ping was great, not too much English. Great BJ, and riding. CIM cost 500 extra and she didn't like it going up her nose. A second round with another CIM finish was 1 k extra. She was very playful and attentive though. It was raining when I left and she even gave me her umbrella.

* Nov 30 - Smooci. Sofa.

Very talkative and good service. She was hungry, which made her want to leave soon. Her mustache was a bit of a turn off, but worse was how concerned she was not to mess up her make up and hair.

* Nov 30 - 7 Heaven.

Showed up and a very rude mamasan refused to show me a line up and just shoved the pictures in my face. If she didn't want my patronage, I was more than happy to oblige. Fortunately there was a really nice barbecue place opposite where I decided to grab a bite.

* Dec 1 - Angel 26.

The most dizzying selection I had seen with maybe 30 or more girls, which made for a hard decision. I forgot the name of the girl I picked, but she was stellar. Those little red skirts walking up the stairs in front of you is a great appetizer. A pretty firm massage before the fun. She wanted 1 k for CIM, but I thought that was a tad high so I refused.

* Dec 1 - Kiss Massage - 4 hands.

I wasn't very satisfied when I returned to my hotel room and I figured I had enough time for an encore performance, so I jauntied down to Kiss Massage. The line up was decent and 2 girls caught my eye and while deciding between the 2, the mamasan sneakily upsold me for the 4 hands massage and a pint of beer. One of the girls had a fully tattooed back and had her nickname tattooed on her surgically enhanced left breast (don't remember it though), the other was natural and just had the more common Yak Sant tattoos. We started in the jacuzzi, where one of the girls was my backrest and the other teased me from the front. The massage was alright, but I never understood the appeal of B2 be personally. The tattooed girl was definitely a performer, but complained about my size (I think it was late and she may have been hungry or something). The other girl was a lot cuter. Overall having 2 girls at a time wasn't optimal imo. Your attention is divided and a lot of the fun position switches aren't available since you have to change condoms when you switch between the girls. The girls weren't happy with how long it was taking me to finish and were starting to get tired, when the cuter girl managed to get me to the finish line with her hands. I wanted the tattooed girl's mouth, but the translation took too long sadly.

-End of First Trip-.

To Be Continued.

01-04-23, 05:24
Question about go go bars vs gentlemen's clubs. When you go in a gogo bar are they like a US strip club? Are All the girls in bikinis and a bunch of girls dancing topless. What's the setup like. Can you get lap dances on the couch if you buy a drink for her. Are gentlemen's clubs just a higher end gogo bar.Gentlemen's clubs. Can't say, never been in one, but I'm not a gentleman.

Have only been in a US strip club once, buddy's party, and having been to BKK, all I could think of was how stupid and such a waste of time. Look, but don't touch, or perhaps limited touching. Maybe just my limited experience, but can't see the purpose of a strip club, the "where's the beef" tagline.

Lap dance? My only thought is why? To what purpose?

Now, my VIEW of bkk agogo's, and the MAJOR difference between BKK and US clubs: there is (with one noted exception) the REAL POSSIBILITY of taking home any of the dancers (or staff) there. The exception is Coyotes. These are girls from an outside agency brought in for quality and quantity, to fill out the agogos ranks. Most Coyotes will not go with customers, or are exorbitantly priced, at least for me, but I'm not a hansum man. I hate coyotes; they're clutter, chaff that masks TRUE POTENTIAL targets.

Some agogos, girls wear bikinis. Others, crop tops, micro skirts, no panties. Any number of permutations of sexy attire. Some girls dance topless, others nude (less clothes, higher pay). Depends on the agogo and the girl.

Been a LONG time, but I think Crazy House bar, Soi Cowboy, SOME girls will circulate naked, sitting with customers, even on laps, but lady drinks are expected, and those lady drinks are outrageously (IMHO) expensive (300,400,500 baht?, maybe someone who KNOWS can say for sure). I've never bought, so can't say. Again, why? Why pay lady drinks to fondle a girl, when there is the potential of some private entertainment at home?

And that's my view. I don't view agogos as entertainment destinations THEMSELVES. They are an ends to a mean. I buy a beer, or two, for myself, as the price of admission to see the lineup, various shifts of dancers. When one catches my eye, I invite her over. An instant request for a lady drink is a rejection. But if she sits, has some nice banter, then I just might, FIRST asking the price of a lady drink and ordering THAT ONE for HER. But not as a matter of course. I understand the push for lady drinks as income for her, but I'm more interested in a direct monetary investment for her future. The goal is to sign an entertainment contract for the evening, setting menu, time of departure, price / pay after, and, if mutually agreeable, pay the bar fine, and while she goes and changes into street clothes, pay my check bin. Yes, if she's particularly charming, even if the language barrier is severe, but at least we're having a good time, then a lady drink might be forthcoming, but that's a bonus, not a requisite.

The purpose of a agogo FOR ME is to provide a potential selection of company. I don't hang around once an agreement has been reached. Better to RTB and enjoy some private entertainment. But that's just me.

The exception, again for me, is certain non-agogo bars, BJ bars. Yes, I will buy a lady drink, but that's not JUST for a lap dance. That's to get her naked. And I don't stop there. For an additional 800 baht, a BBBJ / CIM. For 1200, FS. Now, first to admit, they aren't lookers, but they DO have certain talents that are exceptional, and A LOT OF FUN, for me, anyway, but like I initially said, I'm not a gentleman, and form over function is not a positive for me. YMMV.

Don't get me wrong. I love Professor Kingsfield, especially he's abusing the unprepared 1-Ls. "Here's a dime. Call you parents and tell them you'll never be a lawyer. "

But I respectfully submit Mr. Bravo is in another class when he schools those who wander into this forum and admit to all and sundry that they're too lazy to read previous posts. To me, Mr. Bravo is a MASTER, much like the old blind dude who tutored Kung Fu in the Seventies.Thanks.

For me, I APPRECIATE all the time and effort it takes to write INFORMATIVE FR'S, and so one should avail themselves of those resources FIRST.

Charles W. Kingsfield Jr.: Mr. Hart, here's a dime. Call your mother, and tell her there is serious doubt about you becoming a lawyer.

James T. Hart: (pause, as he is leaving the room} You... are a son of a bit*ch, Kingsfield!

Charles W. Kingsfield Jr.: Mr. Hart! That is the most intelligent thing you've said today. You may take your seat.

Priceless, one of my all time favorite scenes.


To MISQUOTE Charles W. Kingsfield Jr. : You come in here with a skull full of mush; you leave thinking like a punter.

But it does require reading, making use of the good / bad examples so you succeed, and don't make the same mistakes. Though you will, we all do. But that's what makes it fun. It's punting; you kick, you just don't know how the ball (s) will land.

Hopefully, I'm not blind, but in thinking back to some of my pulls, I just might have been, and in certain bars, it does pay to be a bit. And these days, that photo just might be the way a lot of the bg's see me, unfortunately, I'm the one in the foreground ....


The Kaiser
01-04-23, 05:25
This may be a stupid question but hear me out. This involves smooci.com. If a lady is listed there and it indicates she "likes".

Likes A-Level CIM, etc.

And on her agency Web page she has the same list with under rates they say.

A-level (anal) + ฿2000.

And CIM +฿1000.

What would I expect to pay for all her services when smooci.com just lists.

2 h ฿ 4,000 2 shots.I had a girl from Smooci who included CIM. The Smooci price was inclusive of that. I never compared the agency website though.

The Kaiser
01-04-23, 05:30
The Exodus of people, including Nana Plaza boom boom workers, over Christmas and New Years is real.

While there were enough workers to cover the holidays the last 2 night have been abysmal.

Couldn't even Stomach Rainbow 5. Did not partake. Rainbow 4 isn't any better but I went, had to choose 1.

Pretty sure by Chinese New Year they should back.Yeah, both massage parlors I tried yesterday and the day before had slim pickings. Everyone I was trying on Sideline wasn't working either. Some places are even shut till the 6th.

Tom Thumbbs
01-04-23, 05:49
This may be a stupid question but hear me out. This involves smooci.com. If a lady is listed there and it indicates she "likes".

Likes A-Level CIM, etc.

And on her agency Web page she has the same list with under rates they say.

A-level (anal) + ฿2000.

And CIM +฿1000.

What would I expect to pay for all her services when smooci.com just lists.

2 h ฿ 4,000 2 shots.7,000. Or 7000.

01-04-23, 08:12
This may be a stupid question but hear me out. This involves smooci.com. If a lady is listed there and it indicates she "likes".

Likes A-Level CIM, etc.

And on her agency Web page she has the same list with under rates they say.

A-level (anal) + ฿2000.

And CIM +฿1000.

What would I expect to pay for all her services when smooci.com just lists.

2 h ฿ 4,000 2 shots.For Anal you'll have to pay the 2000 baht surcharge, for other services (if the girl really perform them once in your room) you will not have to pay more.

01-04-23, 08:57
Quick report. I stopped by Nana each of 3 nights at the end of November. Especially that first night, it was as bustling as it ever was in olden days (prev visit was more than 12 years prior LOL).

Lots of scene on the street (except when it was raining), after Nana closes at 2 ish, especially fun if you're a bargain hunter.

I was quoted standard 1500ST mostly, though you can bargain lower. A mix of freelancers, cast-offs, lady-boys. There was a contingent of deaf girls if that's your thing. Variety is the spice of life.

Most of the girls off-shift from Nana itself are done with work and just looking to go home, but you can tell who's still available. Check the parking lot (still the place), also check the convenience store (gas station) at the corner with Sukhumvit.

I spent less time inside Nana than on the street. It's sort of overwhelming choice. Which of the five rainbows do you go to? How many places to check before making a choice? Or just get a drink and hang out in the middle food court? But beer messes with my performance and booze messes with my focus. Yikes. Anyway I find it challenging when there's one or several girls I'd take at each place, and I don't want to pick from the first place so I keep looking and looking. It helps to go late (after 1 am), things are calmer and no pushiness. Think of it like going to the club back home at closing time to see who hasn't hooked up yet. It's a vibe.

For the record there were only a few girls on stage at most of the places I checked that late (between 2 and 7 each place), but there was at least one I'd do at every spot.

Good people watching and street food options too. If Thai street food isn't your thing, head north of Sukhumvit and there's a bunch of places open late within a half kilometer including some middle-eastern restaurants.

I love Bangkok at night.

Tom Thumbbs
01-04-23, 09:37
Getting a companion at 4 AM in Bangkok yesterday. Letting them choose you. What can go wrong?


SCROLL ahead to 2:28:15 You won't be SORRY. Pro Tip. Pay attention to chat. Adds to the fun.

Tom Thumbbs
01-04-23, 09:38
Quick report. I stopped by Nana each of 3 nights at the end of November. Especially that first night, it was as bustling as it ever was in olden days (prev visit was more than 12 years prior LOL).

Lots of scene on the street (except when it was raining), after Nana closes at 2 ish, especially fun if you're a bargain hunter.

I was quoted standard 1500ST mostly, though you can bargain lower. A mix of freelancers, cast-offs, lady-boys. There was a contingent of deaf girls if that's your thing. Variety is the spice of life.

Most of the girls off-shift from Nana itself are done with work and just looking to go home, but you can tell who's still available. Check the parking lot (still the place), also check the convenience store (gas station) at the corner with Sukhumvit.

I spent less time inside Nana than on the street. It's sort of overwhelming choice. Which of the five rainbows do you go to? How many places to check before making a choice? Or just get a drink and hang out in the middle food court? But beer messes with my performance and booze messes with my focus. Yikes. Anyway I find it challenging when there's one or several girls I'd take at each place, and I don't want to pick from the first place so I keep looking and looking. It helps to go late (after 1 am), things are calmer and no pushiness. Think of it like going to the club back home at closing time to see who hasn't hooked up yet. It's a vibe.

For the record there were only a few girls on stage at most of the places I checked that late (between 2 and 7 each place), but there was at least one I'd do at every spot.

Good people watching and street food options too. If Thai street food isn't your thing, head north of Sukhumvit and there's a bunch of places open late within a half kilometer including some middle-eastern restaurants.

I love Bangkok at night.No actionable info BRO. Hahahaha.

Blue Nose
01-04-23, 10:45
Question about go go bars vs gentlemen's clubs. When you go in a gogo bar are they like a US strip club? Are All the girls in bikinis and a bunch of girls dancing topless. What's the setup like. Can you get lap dances on the couch if you buy a drink for her. Are gentlemen's clubs just a higher end gogo bar.Others have chimed in, but I'll give you my read: US strip clubs make their money by having horny guys buy themselves (and sometimes ladies) overpriced drinks, in return for the visual satisfaction of watching scantily clad women dance. If a guy wants a lap / couch dance then that's (quite a bit) extra and there's no real prospect of getting one of the girl s to leave with you.

Most Thai gogo bars, on the other hand, are best thought of as an "in-person" (as opposed to online) distribution channel for some of the youngest / hottest P4 P girls. In other words, they're set up with the idea that you, as a customer, will go there to select a woman whom you will barfine and take (for either short-time or long-time activities). The clubs make money on customer drinks, higher-margin lady drinks, and barfines. The visual aspect of girls on stage serves only as a promotional campaign to get you to buy her drinks / barfine her. There really is no such thing as a lap / couch dance. You buy the girl a drink and then you can generally perform the squeeze test when she joins you at your seat. The degree of nudity depends on the gogo and some do have fun shows that they put on. Once you arrive at Nana / Cowboy / Pattaya the selection of gogos can be overwhelming so it's best to research and find the names of a few places in each area that sound fun to you before you go.

I don't pull from gogo bars so I don't really spend a lot of time in them. However, I'll give a shoutout to a few places in Pattaya that I think are at least worth a look, even if you don't plan on pulling. The Windmill Club has a two-model system going. They have girls doing the traditional gogo thing at the front of the club, and customers who barfine them, while at the back of the club they have the raunchy girls. These girls get totally nude and then interact with customers for tips. What kind of "interaction"? Well, I'll let you go take a look. Likewise, Kink on LK Metro has a lot of girls downstairs, for whom you can buy drinks and freely grope, and a raunch room upstairs. There are many others, but these two are generally the most hands-on and raunchiest for in-club fun.

Gentlemen's clubs that exist in Bangkok generally cater to Thai / Asian clientele. There aren't any really well-known ones, at least that I can think of, that cater mainly to farang. Most of the GCs that cater to foreigners are located in Pattaya. These are really best thought of as "indoor" bars. They're behind closed (and often locked) doors, they usually have a bar area where you can sit, and then a couch area where you can get more comfortable. Finally, most are equipped with rooms upstairs you can rent for an hour or so. Many GCs serve food and will often provide snacks etc free of charge. Overall, these clubs have a much more laid back, not to mention quieter, vibe than gogo bars, which is one reason they are hugely popular with local expats. You can buy yourself and your new lady friend(s) a drink before moving to the couch. How raunchy it gets depends on the club. At some, like Bar La Poste, her top is removed when you buy her a drink (house policy). Then, if you want more services, you can choose to receive them on either the couch or in the room (usually the room is nominally more, like 100 THB more, than service on the couch, so it's worth it). Prices are much more reasonable than gogo bars and on my recent trip the highest price I was quoted from a girl was 1,500 THB (and I never actually paid more than 1,000 THB + tip + couch / room fee, which is generally 200 - 400 THB).

So, there's a vibe difference, a pricing difference, and then a logistical difference (incall versus outcall) as well. Given all that, you can see why GCs are more popular with expats (many of whom are married or otherwise in LTRs) and gogos are mainly geared towards tourists who are generally less price sensitive and usually have a nearby hotel room.

In closing, I'll note that a lot of "bars" in Pattaya are adopting more of a GC vibe, like a club you would find on Soi Boomerang. This is a significant trend on Soi Honey (as older massage shops get renovated and opened as indoor bars) and in particular on Soi Pothole, where a place like Dive Bar could easily brand itself as "Dive Bar and GC" given its layout and pricing structure.

01-04-23, 13:16
So basically there is no Honk Kong type club in Thailand where there are 50 to 100 girls running around in bikinis dancing and walking around that are all bar fineable without all the male waiter issues Tijuana has. I want a place where I don't have to use their mast room and can take them to my hotel but also be able to party a little bit in the club with some topless girls without being harassed by server's pushing drinks every second.

01-04-23, 16:47
Getting a companion at 4 AM in Bangkok yesterday. Letting them choose you. What can go wrong?


SCROLL ahead to 2:28:15 You won't be SORRY. Pro Tip. Pay attention to chat. Adds to the fun.Thanks for recommending a worthless minute I will never get back. If that Dude is the new age expert on Thailand, folks that rely on You Tube are lost.

01-04-23, 16:56
Good people watching and street food options too. If Thai street food isn't your thing, head north of Sukhumvit and there's a bunch of places open late within a half kilometer including some middle-eastern restaurants.

I love Bangkok at night.That would be the Bamboo across from the Grace, formerly a fab late night hunting ground for CIS girls. Try the Uzbek bread. I eat there a lot.

01-04-23, 19:01
So basically there is no Honk Kong type club in Thailand where there are 50 to 100 girls running around in bikinis dancing and walking around that are all bar fineable without all the male waiter issues Tijuana has. I want a place where I don't have to use their mast room and can take them to my hotel but also be able to party a little bit in the club with some topless girls without being harassed by server's pushing drinks every second.Crazy House is the closest to the Hong Kong bar.

01-04-23, 19:02
I will be traveling over for Dental work in 3 weeks. Anyone know if in fact the dental work at the Dental Hospital is as good as they say it is?I got work there a few years back and have been very happy with it. I started the work at the old facility and finished at their new one. I got a consult at four or five different places before choosing them. They weren't the most expensive nor the cheapest. It's extremely convenient though. I particularly liked that the crowns were made in house. I had a tricky color matching issue and after the crown was placed, I saw a subtle gradient issue that only showed under particular lighting and angles. The dentist saw it too and had the tech come to the room. The tech saw the same thing I was seeing and was able to go back to his floor, re-shade the crown perfectly, and the crown was on the implant an hour or two later.

They were also pushy for the right reasons. I had old trauma that led to my needing the implant and first the bone graft wasn't as solid as they liked. Sure they could have slapped a crown on there but the implant would have probably failed a couple years later. The dentists also noted that the adjacent tooth (which also had a root canal) should have probably been replaced with a crown and implant too (see afore mentioned color issue). They didn't push the issue though when I declined it.

On a not-surprising yet surprising side note, the most expensive place had one of the best experiences. The dentist at Bumrungrad International Hospital was amazing and even told me that they could do the work but it was going to be expensive and that I probably shouldn't get the work done there.

01-04-23, 22:24
I have Keep, but don't see any way to restrict access. On my Android mobile, I use Vault (Wafer co.) free app, for restricted access to photos and videos. On my laptop, Veracrypt for an encrypted zip file.You are 100% as I haven't seen that capability on Keep. Let me share that I use the app strictly for more innocuous / mundane purposes, not for play.

01-04-23, 22:50
Thanks for recommending a worthless minute I will never get back. If that Dude is the new age expert on Thailand, folks that rely on You Tube are lost.You should have exited. Is is me or does someone who wear their hat on backwards scream wanker at you?

Maybe I'm just predudicial?

01-04-23, 23:40
So basically there is no Honk Kong type club in Thailand where there are 50 to 100 girls running around in bikinis dancing and walking around that are all bar fineable without all the male waiter issues Tijuana has. I want a place where I don't have to use their mast room and can take them to my hotel but also be able to party a little bit in the club with some topless girls without being harassed by server's pushing drinks every second.IMHO, the go go bars in Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy are close to what you want. Hong Kong is a huge club and I don't think any single club in Nana or Cowboy is that large. The go go places are loaded with dancing girls in bikinis, they don't roam the crowd the same as in Hong Kong but they are easily available to sit with you for drinks. I've heard reports that some girls will not do a bar fine, so far that's been a non-problem for me. You can either take them to your hotel or to a nearby short term room, typically the girls have encouraged us to go to my hotel. A few of the Bangkok go go places have girls topless, more typically they are dancing in bikinis. The servers at go go places do not push drinks nearly as hard as the Hong Kong servers. I haven't yet found anything in Thailand that is comparable to the Hong Kong shaving cream shows with two girls playing with each other and sex toys such as the dildos mounted to a reciprocating saw. Hong Kong has some isolated or semi-isolated places within the bar, that is not typical for Bangkok go go places. The biggest difference is the girls themselves (Asian bodies and Asian personalities versus Hispanic bodies and personalities).

01-05-23, 00:52
You should have exited. Is is me or does someone who wear their hat on backwards scream wanker at you?

Maybe I'm just predudicial?Ah mate, I had to give him the benefit of the doubt for 15 seconds because I wear a backwards hat (say while photoing), and many of us Yanks do, but because I'm a bit hard of hearing it took me another 20 seconds to give him, as you would put it, a maximum wanker score.

In fact, I moved him from mere wanker to t*at in the next five seconds, then felt the shame and revulsion that he is a fellow Yank, then a few seconds flush with triumph that any girl who I chose shall be mine even if he was waving a fan of thousand be notes, then and finally another five seconds to exit.

The bad thing about video is the egotistical acting experts who know nothing. Its better to rely on the written word you find here.

01-05-23, 00:56
IMHO, the go go bars in Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy are close to what you want. Hong Kong is a huge club and I don't think any single club in Nana or Cowboy is that large. The go go places are loaded with dancing girls in bikinis, they don't roam the crowd the same as in Hong Kong but they are easily available to sit with you for drinks. I've heard reports that some girls will not do a bar fine, so far that's been a non-problem for me. You can either take them to your hotel or to a nearby short term room, typically the girls have encouraged us to go to my hotel. A few of the Bangkok go go places have girls topless, more typically they are dancing in bikinis. The servers at go go places do not push drinks nearly as hard as the Hong Kong servers. I haven't yet found anything in Thailand that is comparable to the Hong Kong shaving cream shows with two girls playing with each other and sex toys such as the dildos mounted to a reciprocating saw. Hong Kong has some isolated or semi-isolated places within the bar, that is not typical for Bangkok go go places. The biggest difference is the girls themselves (Asian bodies and Asian personalities versus Hispanic bodies and personalities).As someone who goes to Hong Kong often with hundreds of visits over the years this is a great post, but thought I'd add a bit more. I started going there when it was one small room with 1 balcony in the back before they expanded like 10 x into the massive venue it is now, and yeah there is no place that I know of exactly like it in Thailand. I prefer Thai girls to the big titted / big silicone ass latinas though, but that's just me. Plus it's the incredible variety of establishments in Bangkok and Pattaya that I find so appealing over the sort of sameness of Zona Norte in Tijuana. I just wish Thailand were a 30 minute trolley ride away like Tijuana is!

In any go-go or P4 P bar every girl is available. I've heard girls turn guys down, but I'm nothing special and it's never happened to me. In Bangkok clubs the girl may be available as I think there's much more of a gray area non working girl and P4 P in Thailand than in other countries, you just need to have some game. But any go-go is similar to Tijuana. And yeah there may be no one bar like Hong Kong, but I sort of put together all of Nana Plaza or even all of Soi Nana or all of Cowboy, it's really easy to walk out of one bar and right into the one next door. I think HK may have more like 200 girls on a busy night but some big go-gos like in Pattaya come close, and again there are many of them. Sadly the big ones are on Walking Street which I rarely visit anymore, but that's a (worn out) Pattaya topic.

And yeah the maseros in the Tijuana bars can be really annoying, and can try to short change customers or play that stupid hide the stacks of peso coins on the edges of the round tray trick. But also in Thailand need to keep track of the bin especially if buying a lot of drinks over a long period of time. So similarities there on getting scammed on the negative side.

As for shows, pre COVID at least there were sleazier shows in parts of Thailand than in Hong Kong even with the dildos and shaving cream and occasional pussy eating. But the ones I can think of were in Pattaya (Windmill, X-Zone from the past) more so than Bangkok. But some small bars even on Soi Cowboy can be sleazier than anything in Hong Kong, like getting a BJ behind the bar more or less out in the open or even having a girl sit on your dick right in the bar.

I guess what I'm getting at is of course Thailand / Bangkok is different than Tijuana. I love both places though and I think there are a lot of similarities mostly because of the vast variety of types of places in Thailand, some of which come very close to that Honk Kong experience. Just maybe not under 1 roof.

Reiner Otto
01-05-23, 04:49
I will be traveling over for Dental work in 3 weeks. Anyone know if in fact the dental work at the Dental Hospital is as good as they say it is?
As an alternative, I recommend dental work to be done in Vietnam. This one I can personally recommend: nhakhoaviethan. Vn.

Direct, cheap flights from DMK to Nha Trang.

01-05-23, 05:39
Gentlemen's clubs that exist in Bangkok generally cater to Thai / Asian clientele. There aren't any really well-known ones, at least that I can think of, that cater mainly to farang.
So, there's a vibe difference, a pricing difference, and then a logistical difference (incall versus outcall) as well. Given all that, you can see why GCs are more popular with expats (many of whom are married or otherwise in LTRs) and gogos are mainly geared towards tourists who are generally less price sensitive and usually have a nearby hotel room.Where are the Gentlemen's clubs in BKK? I've been to gogo's and soapies and found girls on TF, but never heard of these Gentlemen's clubs that cater to locals / Asians in BKK.

Lucky Nuts
01-05-23, 06:09
I've heard reports that some girls will not do a bar fine, so far that's been a non-problem for me.I am often refused BF in gogos. Admittedly I'm usually asking one of the 3 or 4 hottest girls in the club. I've seen some super hot girls that never appeared to leave with anyone and only agree to have drinks with customers. And then I've seen other hotties that were happy to go with old Asian guys after saying no to me. Just curious are you of Asian ethnicity? Or do you let the girl pick you in the gogo? I realize that the vast majority of girls are available to be bar fined but in my experience not the hot ones. Especially with non-Asian guys.