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03-06-11, 08:58
Anybody interested in exploring Tallin mongering scene with me, just PM me. I'm here this week. I'm an American in my early 40's. Or txt me at [Telephone Number deleted by Admin] (Helsinki no)


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Wild Rover
04-06-11, 22:02
Greetings all, if any fellow mongers are in Nai from April 21 to May 6 please pm. Perhaps a beer or three?

04-13-11, 09:18
Anybody around Nairobi from the 4th May who would like to catch up for a beer? Please PM me. I will most likely stay in Nairobi until the following Monday then travel up to Nakuru etc and Mombassa before flying home on 23 May. This will be my first hunting trip to Kenya. Many thanks to the information providers on this great site. I will return the favour. I was wondering how cold the evening temperatures will be, will I need a light jacket or a heavy one? Cheers Matbro

04-13-11, 09:25
Anybody around Nairobi from the 4th May who would like to catch up for a beer? Please PM me. I will most likely stay in Nairobi until the following Monday then travel up to Nakuru etc and Mombassa before flying home on 23 May. This will be my first hunting trip to Kenya. Many thanks to the information providers on this great site. I will return the favour. I was wondering how cold the evening temperatures will be, will I need a light jacket or a heavy one? Cheers Matbro

04-18-11, 17:32
Greetings all, if any fellow mongers are in Nai from April 21 to May 6 please pm. Perhaps a beer or three?Hey,

I'm in Nairobi this week (starting 4/18) so if you want to catch up for a beer and check out some places, give me a shout. You can PM me or call me at [Telephone Number deleted by Admin].


EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove personal telephone numbers in the text. Please do not post personal telephone numbers in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you for this information directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system. Thanks!

04-18-11, 18:45
I'm an American guy visiting Nairobi this week (week of Apr 18). Anyone interested in having a beer and checking out some of the local action, just PM me.



04-19-11, 19:27
I'm an American guy visiting Nairobi this week (week of Apr 18). Anyone interested in having a beer and checking out some of the local action, just PM me.My name is Tijuana not Tijuana. The site automatically converts it I guess.

05-08-11, 12:00
Be in kenya 4 weeks from 27. 05. Would like meet someone that shares my interest in black women. We could get a drink and maybe monger together. PM me.

05-08-11, 12:19
Be in kenya 4 weeks from 27. 05. Would like meet someone that shares my interest in black women. We could get a drink and maybe monger together. PM me.Got the date wrong here. Of course should be 27. 06. Anyway will stay first in Nairobi, then later go to Mombasa. Been to Kenya one time before, and have had some really nice Kenyan girls. But I'm still relatively new to this and could need some advice on hotels and clubs especially in Nairobi.

Wild Rover
06-05-11, 07:10
Greetings all, if anybody is in Nairobi from end of June please pm me.

Member #4379
06-06-11, 09:54
I will be in Nairobi June 24 to June 28 trying to organize a 4some. 2 girls and 2 guys, even more guys and girls if possible. Am straight but like to orgy scene.

If interested, send me a private message.

06-16-11, 11:10
From 22 June to 29 June in Kahama.

Tiketprice 369 euro. Frankfurt. Mombasa

Tusker baridi?

Andy Pierce
07-08-11, 12:49
I need some help in finding suitable accommodation in Nairobi. I would prefer apartment 1 bedroom is fine. Any ideas. Planning to be there in middle of August for about 7 days. Any suggestions would be appreciated. You can PM me I think or just post to the thread is ok

Sanjay Dutt
07-08-11, 13:23
I need some help in finding suitable accommodation in Nairobi. I would prefer apartment 1 bedroom is fine. Any ideas. Planning to be there in middle of August for about 7 days. Any suggestions would be appreciated. You can PM me I think or just post to the thread is okDear Andy,

I am also plannig to visit nairobi in August. I have plan tp stay in nairobi for few days and then go to mombasa and then return.

Which type of apartment you are looking for.

Andy Pierce
07-08-11, 18:11
Dear Andy,

I am also plannig to visit nairobi in August. I have plan tp stay in nairobi for few days and then go to mombasa and then return.

Which type of apartment you are looking for.I don't have a particular type of venue. I just don't really care for hotels. I, of course will be doing some "entertaining" and I have some contacts looking for me as well. I just thought that, with the wealth of travel experience available here, there might some good tips to check on.

Mr Bonin
07-27-11, 19:05
I don't have a particular type of venue. I just don't really care for hotels. I, of course will be doing some "entertaining" and I have some contacts looking for me as well. I just thought that, with the wealth of travel experience available here, there might some good tips to check on.You may want to check out Kenya Comfort Suites. Close to town.

You can get a large studio with kitchen facilities at 4000 for a double. Register as a double. You have no trouble bringing in your lady

Although you probably will need to register her but its no problem. They also have 24 hour restaurant. There are others of course, but for the price its very good.

Nuff Said
08-17-11, 22:42
November 9th-17th

08-25-11, 12:04
For meeting member another forum, Willyboy in Mombasa from 29 aug.

09-20-11, 16:53
Would be happy to meet for a chat and a couple of beers. PM if interested.

Nairobi Oct 28th-30th
Mtwapa Oct 31st-Nov 3rd

And then a lot of traveling around including Nakuru, Kisumu, and Lamu but no fixed dates yet.

10-18-11, 12:55
Willyboy. From 25okt. In Mombasa.

Booking for 349 euro, Frankfurt. Mombasa

10-19-11, 14:35
In Nairobi 25th to 31st October

Sir Van Koff
10-19-11, 20:03
Mombasa. Nov 5th to 14th.

11-06-11, 14:26
Nairobi one night 12th Nov late.

11-10-11, 19:43
Will be I'm Mtwapa from 10th December. Beer anyone?

Also looking for cheap accomodation.

Feel free to pm me.

11-16-11, 12:38
Tickets possible for 419 euro (return). Many possibillitys. Flys possible from now to 3 months up.

I did booking

11-26-11, 19:49
From 7th in kenya (2 citys) Nairobi. Mombasa

11-28-11, 18:36
From 29. November to 13. December in Mombasa (Coast). If somebody wants to meet for a beer. I speak english (bad) and german (good). [Email address deleted by Admin]

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11-29-11, 09:58
Feel free to pm.

11-30-11, 16:10
Here I cum warm Mombasa

12-15-11, 06:07
G'day Gents,

I'm Aussie. 41 years old. I have mongered in most parts but I am a self confessed Africa newbie as.

This is my first trip to the continent.

Will be staying in Nairobi CBD from 5th-8th January so if anyone looking for drinking buddy / wingman.

Give us a yell.


12-19-11, 11:56
G'day Gents,

I'm Aussie. 41 years old. I have mongered in most parts but I am a self confessed Africa newbie as.

This is my first trip to the continent.

Will be staying in Nairobi CBD from 5th-8th January so if anyone looking for drinking buddy / wingman.

Give us a yell.

Cheers.Where you will stay in Nairobi? Hotelname? I will arrivel in Nairobi 6th jan.

Sunny Holly
12-19-11, 19:59
[Non-English text deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was edited to remove text not in English. While I encourage contributions from all volunteers, the Forum is an English-only website. Please do not post reports in any language other than English. If you wish to post text in any language other than English, then please include a full English translation.Thanks!

Sunny Holly
12-19-11, 20:41
I'm there as mentioned.

Would be nice If we could meet (it's really cold in Germany today).

See you

12-20-11, 11:49
Where you will stay in Nairobi? Hotelname? I will arrivel in Nairobi 6th jan.I'm not sure yet Willy. Think I will just check out some when I arrive and go from there. Probably close to the CBD somewhere.

Jazzy Daddy
12-20-11, 21:11
January 24th to February 14th. Anyone in town?

12-27-11, 15:28
In Nairobi now until the 1st.

02-03-12, 18:01
Hi Guys,

Flights and accomodation booked. Shall be arriving the morning of 27th March and shall be on my own until Saturday 31st March when I meet up with relatives. Staying at the 680 Hotel in the city center. Be good to have company of a like minded guy who knows Nairobi.

The Shagmaster

02-16-12, 12:33
4 to 10 March

Sam Suffit
03-31-12, 09:24
Hi everyone, I will be in Nairobi on April 17-19, staying at the Hilton. I am seeking for a pal for a threesome with my girl friend. Joan is a hot Kenyan girl. You can PM me.


Traveller EU
04-03-12, 22:33
Hi everyone, I will be in Nairobi on April 17-19, staying at the Hilton. I am seeking for a pal for a threesome with my girl friend. Joan is a hot Kenyan girl. You can PM me.

SamWill stay in Nairobi 15. 19 April, Stanley. Threesome or foursome?

Sam Suffit
04-05-12, 08:15
Will stay in Nairobi 15. 19 April, Stanley. Threesome or foursome?Threesome. Are you in?

Altered Ego
04-06-12, 12:14
In Nairobi for the next 3 nights if anyone would like to meet up for a beer

Traveller EU
04-06-12, 14:31
Threesome. Are you in?Yes, I am in. Let us meet 17 April 8 pm or 18 April 8 pm at the Hilton;

Let me know your preferred date.

In the little Lobby Cafe, left hand side after hotel entrance.

04-06-12, 16:17
Will be in Mombasa on June. Beer anyone? Feel free to pm me.


Sam Suffit
04-11-12, 22:43
Yes, I am in. Let us meet 17 April 8 pm or 18 April 8 pm at the Hilton;

Let me know your preferred date.

In the little Lobby Cafe, left hand side after hotel entrance.Hey Traveller, sorry but my girlfriend just chickened out. I come back to you if she changes her mind.

Traveller EU
04-12-12, 08:59
Hey Traveller, sorry but my girlfriend just chickened out. I come back to you if she changes her mind.Okay, maybe she changes her mind, let me know. My hotel is just around the corner I am 47, 180, normal weight. My girlfriend does not like threesomes too.

04-27-12, 14:46
From 5 to 14 May, meeting with forum member?

05-02-12, 14:15
What's the current requirement for EU passport holders?

Is it possible to get a tourist visa on arrival at the airport?

05-02-12, 15:50
What's the current requirement for EU passport holders?

Is it possible to get a tourist visa on arrival at the airport?Google. KENYA visa, lot of information.

05-02-12, 17:31
What's the current requirement for EU passport holders?

Is it possible to get a tourist visa on arrival at the airport?You can get a visa at the airport in Mombasa or Nairobi, ca. 40€ only cash payment.

Member #4349
05-06-12, 18:04
You can get a visa at the airport in Mombasa or Nairobi, ca. 40€ only cash payment.Do they take english pounds?

Anyone want to meet Sunday 13th in Nairobi?

05-06-12, 19:13
My gf tells me USD or Euro.

Do they take english pounds?

Anyone want to meet Sunday 13th in Nairobi?

Bareback Jack
05-07-12, 14:43
Do they take english pounds?Yes. 30 pound sterling it is

05-17-12, 05:44
What's a good easy to find location at arrivals at NBO which would be convenient for meeting a friend?

05-17-12, 11:43
What's a good easy to find location at arrivals at NBO which would be convenient for meeting a friend?The Best Meeting point in the Airport Arrivals is the Cafe. There is only one cafe in arrivals so you cannot go wrong. Next to Kenatco taxis office. She can have a couple of Tuscar Baridi while waiting for for you.


05-17-12, 11:49
Am in Nairobi and Mombasa last week June and 3 weeks July. If anyone is interested in meeting for a beer then let me know. I know Nairobi well and like Student type slim pretty girls.

05-17-12, 13:18
Thanks buddy.

The Best Meeting point in the Airport Arrivals is the Cafe. There is only one cafe in arrivals so you cannot go wrong. Next to Kenatco taxis office. She can have a couple of Tuscar Baridi while waiting for for you.


05-23-12, 19:46
I will be in Mombasa from June 5th to the 19th. Anyone want to meet up for a beer?

05-29-12, 17:23
Again, will be there from June 2th till 12th. Feel free to pm me.

07-16-12, 07:45
Arriving on the morning of the 24th. Leaving the morning of the 25th. Would be cool to hook up with someone and arrange a miny orgy for the day. I have one or to ladies to participate already. But if we could get 3-4 gals and 2 guys would be cool.

Member X
07-19-12, 12:38

I will be in Nairobi this week end with a GF of mine, anybody interested in meeting us for some group sessions?

Details if you PM me.

07-31-12, 19:53
Who wants to meet for a tusker feel free to pm.

Member #4379
08-26-12, 15:31
Hi there: I will be in Mombasa October 27 to November 4. Any guys interested in meeting to organize a sex party with some girls send me a private message along with an email address. Once I get there I can email you my local SIM phone number.

10-13-12, 11:35
I will be in Mombasa from Dec 1th to the 8th. Anyone want to meet up for a beer? Hit me up.

First timer here.

10-21-12, 22:37
Beer anyone, feel free to pm me.

Bottom Feeder
12-03-12, 19:17
I'd like to share stories. Been to 23 countries. 1st time to Africa! PM me. Want contacts

12-04-12, 01:01
I am arriving as stated with movement withinKenya and to Uganda. May be up for a beer in Mombasa.

12-04-12, 12:52
Will be at the coast from December 24th. 28th, then Kisumu for some days before hitting Uganda.

Will be happy to have a beer and exchange info some afternoon in Mtwapa or very near. PM if interested

01-06-13, 07:04
If any senior members are around and would like to meet, send me a PM.

01-14-13, 21:37
I will be in Kenya for a couple of weeks in early February, am planning a few days in Nairobi then heading to Mombasa but am flexible. If any members want to give me the low down on the local scene in return for a beer drop me a note, happy to do the same about London.


01-21-13, 18:41
I am finally heading to Mombasa tomorrow but can only stay a little over a week; then back to Nairobi for a few days. Looking forward to the coast!

03-24-13, 00:46
I will go to Mombasa / Mtwapa from April 23th until May 13th.

Still looking for an affordable accomodation.


05-09-13, 04:48
I will be in Mombasa from May 29th to June 10th.

PM me if you want to meet for a beer and share stories.

05-21-13, 08:22
I will be coming to Nairobi to visit some dear friends and take in the sights. Will have flexible itinerary so may visit Kisumu. I definitely will visit Mombasa. I may be available for a drink. Undaunted!

05-22-13, 22:17
Will be in Nairobi from may30th and then in mombasa at june5th. Anyone up for a beer?

08-06-13, 19:47

Will be in Mombasa from 30. August till 14. September. If anyone wants a drink, or just hang out, send a message.

Naked Gunz
10-01-13, 09:41
In Nairobi from Oct. 7-21. Am staying in the CBD. Always more fun with a wingman or just have a beer and swap lies. Ngong if your out out there, I want to see what you keep talking about.

10-03-13, 08:06
Hi it's Neddy here, flying in on 9th October maybe we meet for Tusker baridi.

Black booty lover.

11-15-13, 20:58
In nairobi from November 23th and mombasa till December 17th, would be cool to meet someone from here

11-16-13, 10:19
This probably will not work, but I will be in Nairobi from 12 to 17 December.

In nairobi from November 23th and mombasa till December 17th, would be cool to meet someone from here

11-22-13, 14:39
In nairobi from November 23th and mombasa till December 17th, would be cool to meet someone from hereWe can meet when you are I nairobi from a cold beer and if you are interesting and up to the game I can offer you my girlfriend for a 3some or more. Am straight and my chick is bi plus loves it in the ass and pussy. You will like when you come over.

12-11-13, 14:49
Hello fellow ISG'ers.

I will be in NBO from Sat 14 th onwards for a few days. I would rather go partying with fellow ISG'ers than alone if anyone is up for it please let me know.

I am well travelled around Europe and parts of Africa so humbly consider that I am good company and have quiet a few stories to tell and exchange.


Naked Gunz
01-21-14, 02:35
Gunz arriving 29Jan for extended Nairobi tour. Swap some stories over a beer.

AlwaysHorny 2
01-31-14, 19:53
Arriving in the early am on 2/28. Will be in Nairobi at least until Wednesday and then moving the party over to Mombasa. Open to hanging out with other cool mongers.

02-03-14, 09:03
Will be in Kenya for 9 days. Two days in Nairobi (6&7 of February) and a week in Mombasa (8-14 February).

Will be happy to meet any fellow monger!

02-03-14, 11:40
I will be arriving on the 19th and be in Nairobi for a day then to Kisumu and then back to Nairobi for 2 days before flying out.

If you are in Kenya during those days and wants to get a drink or hunt in a pack. Let me know.


04-17-14, 16:27
Hey everybody, back to Nairobbery on 30th April, then Mombasa, then I ll tour the countryside, to look for some unspoiled chicas. Stay around 2. 5 months this time. Plan to visit Dar es Salaam and possibly Uganda, my favourite.



Black bootie lover

05-14-14, 18:34
Heading back to Kenya soon. I'll be at Nairobi on the 24th of May then heading to Mombasa on May 28th. June 17th. PM me if you want to meet up for a beer and trade stories.

05-16-14, 04:49

Things getting bad?

05-16-14, 05:27

Things getting bad?The terrorists win. And prices " should " go way down to punters on the ground.

05-16-14, 05:34
The terrorists win. And prices " should " go way down to punters on the ground.Maybe...maybe you could help. Asked a Q earlier regarding hotel massages? Strictly Veggie or...

Not sure if you have visited the area - most posts seem to be FE.

10-10-14, 01:19
Hey there,

I arrive in Nairobi on the 13th Oct. Will be around till the end of the month. Anybody want to meet / have drinks be a wingman? I have been to Kenya before. I know my way around.

11-03-14, 17:58
Will be in mombasa over Christmas and new year.

If you like to meet up for a beer pm me.

12-10-14, 19:38
Will be in Nairobi from 14th till 17th December (Comfort H.): anybody there that time and in for some fun and games together?

01-01-15, 11:15
I will be in Mombasa on the 16th of January until the 25th of January. PM me if you are around and would like to meet for a beer and exchange stories.

03-11-15, 06:59
Anyone there at the moment? Will stay till 28th Mar. PM me.

Naked Gunz
11-12-15, 04:32
The Gunz is breaking out of sex prison. Got my hacksaw today. Arriving in Nai Nov. 22. Finally, this 1 1/2 year nightmare will be over! Celebrate with me!

Naked Gunz
08-03-16, 08:14
Gunz arriving Sat the 6th. Anyone alive in this forum anymore?

08-04-16, 14:27
[Personal message deleted by Admin]



Please communicate personal messages via the PM System

The Open Forum is generally intended for the posting of information that is of interest to all readers.

Please use the Forum's Private Message system to exchange personal information and make personal plans.

Thank You

08-04-16, 18:59

I'm visiting Mombasa for the first time from September 1st. September 14th. Anyone there to join and wingman me?

08-24-16, 17:23

I will be in Nairobi from Sunday onwards for 5 days and it's my 1st Time there. So, any recommendation to get laid and for a great time and fun is highly appreciated. I will stay at Sankara Hotel. What's the best Bar / Spot nearby to pick up girls?

08-28-16, 06:33
Welcome to Nairobi, it was getting lonely few mongers around, you can start with tinder even before you leave your room you will get laid and afterwards you can go to either the infamous black diamond that's if you like pros but if you want a mix of pros and non pros you can check out brew bistro all this are within walking distance of the hotel, Sankara also has a rooftop bar though its pros that frequent it.


I will be in Nairobi from Sunday onwards for 5 days and it's my 1st Time there. So, any recommendation to get laid and for a great time and fun is highly appreciated. I will stay at Sankara Hotel. What's the best Bar / Spot nearby to pick up girls?

05-28-17, 22:23
Hi all,

I am visiting Kenya for the first time at the end of June / early July. Will be spending two days in Nairobi and a little bit over a week in Mombasa. I've started to read up on here and have also signed up for Afronintroductions. The amount of messages you get there are overwhelming, but I have started talking to a nice looking 21 yr old who wants to meet up when I'm there. She says she's a student, but who knows. I'm posting here, because I would love to meet up with a fellow monger who can show me the ropes in Nairobi or Mombasa. I'll arrive in Nairobi on June 30th and will head to Mombasa on the 4th or 5th. Back out on the 13th. Anyone interested in meeting up? Also happy to receive any tips or suggestions.

Will post my experiences once I'm back.

06-17-17, 00:33
I rented an Apartment at the Pam Breeze Apartments the description says that it has 2 more Bedrooms if anybody want to join, the date is 26.10 - 11.11.

07-20-17, 23:18
Am in Mombasa End September / Start October. Would love to meet up with some fellow.

07-21-17, 10:11
I rented an Apartment at the Pam Breeze Apartments the description says that it has 2 more Bedrooms if anybody want to join, the date is 26.10 - 11.11.77 euro / day. Only for tourist with lot of money.

07-25-17, 09:03
Hi anybody around from 28. July to 31. July in NBO? PM me for Kibera Slum Tour.


07-25-17, 15:16
Hi anybody around from 28. July to 31. July in NBO? PM me for Kibera Slum Tour.

Neddy.There are better places to visit than Kibera.

07-25-17, 17:52
77 euro / day. Only for tourist with lot of money.I booked it for 25€ a night over Booking.com.

07-25-17, 21:36
I booked it for 25 a night over Booking.com.Your dates of visit are inpossibel to book in system bookings.com . How you know the prices? The prices starting from 77 euro till more than 350 euro / night.

07-26-17, 16:51
Hi all,

I am visiting Kenya for the first time at the end of June / early July. Will be spending two days in Nairobi and a little bit over a week in Mombasa. I've started to read up on here and have also signed up for Afronintroductions. The amount of messages you get there are overwhelming, but I have started talking to a nice looking 21 yr old who wants to meet up when I'm there. She says she's a student, but who knows. I'm posting here, because I would love to meet up with a fellow monger who can show me the ropes in Nairobi or Mombasa. I'll arrive in Nairobi on June 30th and will head to Mombasa on the 4th or 5th. Back out on the 13th. Anyone interested in meeting up? Also happy to receive any tips or suggestions.

Will post my experiences once I'm back.So Limulus how did it go for you. Did you meet up with the student? Did she look anything like her pics on Afro? Was she a good fuck? Let us know how the newbie got on on his Kenya trip.

07-26-17, 17:06
Well I got the confirmation. Maybe it was a bargain. I don't remember. But it says 19 Nights 490€.

10-24-17, 19:11
Anybody there. I am in Nairobi. Sometimes my timing seems wrong. Again elections. Who cares.


Who reminisces about his epic trip. And thinks about to take an Uber to Simmers.

10-25-17, 17:31
I'm in Mombasa at the moment anybody who wants to meet?

10-29-17, 01:00
In Kenya for first time IN NBO Nov5-9th then MOM Nov 9-13th. Staying at Royal Orchid Azure Westlands NBO and in Cowrieshells Bamburi mom. If anyone around and wants to hit a few places let me know. As its first time I won't be a fountain of knowledge cheers.

11-02-17, 13:21
I stay at Severin Sea Lodge.

11-03-17, 14:54
I am from 08.11. 2017 – 21.11. 2017 in Mombasa Kenya Bamburi Beach.

I stay at Severin Sea Lodge.

Triple Darknes
03-12-18, 21:47
I'm planing on staying about a month.

Want to hit Mombassa and Dar too.

03-14-18, 04:31
I'll be in Kenya 30 March thru 5 April. Will be staying at the Best Western.

03-28-18, 11:35
Will be visiting Nairobi 29 May to 1 June 2018. Probably staying in Raddison Blu. Any advise.

04-11-18, 23:18
In Nairobi April 19 to may 8th my first time looking forward to it.

11-06-18, 00:53
Am Experienced Mombasa visitor and will arrive in Bamburi Beach the last week of November for 3 weeks. Would love to meet with genuine sane people interested in MMF 3 some and Group Sex.

11-26-18, 20:28
I'm in Nairobi Nov 26th to Dec 4th.

Anybody to join clubbing and find chicks?

Staying in Westland area.


01-01-19, 10:22
Happy new years my colleague. I will be in Mombasa this month I'm from Italy and if some body are there we will have some fun time. Ciao.

01-03-19, 03:03
I arrive in Nairobi Jan. 16 for a week then on to Mombasa looking forward to it.

01-04-19, 17:16
I arrive in Nairobi Jan. 16 for a week then on to Mombasa looking forward to it.Good afternoon my distinguished colleague. I will be in Mombasa and I the like to share some hunting nights or something else. I have some badoo and tagged contacts. Ciao and see you in Mombasa.

06-28-19, 07:53
I ll be landing in Mombasa next week. Hunting black gazelles. Anybody around drop me PM.


12-28-19, 01:33
I arrive Jan. 15 for 3 weeks of fun I will stay in the westlands area.

12-31-19, 14:03
[QUOTE=Neddy69;2340691]I ll be landing in Mombasa next week. Hunting black gazelles. Anybody around drop me PM.


]Karibuni Neddy.
I am now hunting in Eastern for the next two months.

Have a good hunting and a Happy new year.

12-31-19, 14:57
I ll be landing in Mombasa next week. Hunting black gazelles. Anybody around drop me PM.

Karibuni Neddy.
I am now hunting in Eastern for the next two months.

Have a good hunting and a Happy new year.Where? Eastern? Machakos?

Asante sana.

Lover Africa
03-15-20, 19:55

10-19-20, 12:05
I am hunting from 10/20/20 on black beauties, if anyone wants to accompain send a PM.

12-24-20, 00:00
Going to be there in a week unless rules change. As usual which beauty to meet. If anyone want to grab a beer let me know.

01-28-21, 13:05
I'm going to Mombasa (Mtwapa) for the first time 11 to 27. February.

I'm German. Maybe there is someone who is also there and wants to drink a Beer.

08-22-21, 15:51
Hi all,

I'll be arriving in Nairobi on the 4th September, Mtwapa on the 8th September and then down to Nyali on the 11th to the 17th.

English guy and happy to grab a beer if anyone is in town.

08-23-21, 14:13
Hi all,

I'll be arriving in Nairobi on the 4th September, Mtwapa on the 8th September and then down to Nyali on the 11th to the 17th.

English guy and happy to grab a beer if anyone is in town.You are not arriving into Kenya from UK I take it?

09-19-21, 21:30
I arrive in Nairobi on Sept. 22 2021 maybe spend a week there. I will take the train to Mombasa spend a month in mtwapa wish me luck.

11-09-21, 13:27
I'll be in Bamburi from Nov 23rd until early Dec. If someone else is around PM me.

11-11-21, 06:09
I'll be in Bamburi from Nov 23rd until early Dec. If someone else is around PM me.Yes. Would enjoy meeting a fellow traveller.

Will be in Bamburi Beach from 27 Nov.

01-20-22, 00:37
I arrive in Nairobi Jan. 27 2022 spend a week then on to Mtwapa hope to meet another board member this trip.

03-23-22, 08:37
From the Kenya Airways Website:

PCR Not Required.

Passengers aged 18 years and older must hold digital proof that they are fully vaccinated against Covid-19 obtained.

Go to the website and read the exceptions.

Passengers must hold a QR code in digital or paper format showing they have completed a Travelers Health Surveillance Form online prior to departure. This is completed by downloading the 'Jitenge MoH Kenya' app on iOS or Android.


04-30-22, 09:16
Anyone in Mombasa around may or June who'd like to meet up for a beer and share some experience?

05-07-22, 09:05
In town anyone want to meet for a drink.

06-01-22, 23:03
Anyone in Mombasa around may or June who'd like to meet up for a beer and share some experience?Planning to hit Mombasa on July 1st. A cuties is flying from Kimusu to stay with me. Would be in Mombasa in July?

Manish 87
06-02-22, 02:23
Will be relocating to Luxembourg by end of June 2022.

Really looking forward to meet some seniors in this forum and of course explore the best candies in Lux and around.

06-03-22, 09:44
Will be relocating to Luxembourg by end of June 2022.

Really looking forward to meet some seniors in this forum and of course explore the best candies in Lux and around.I am not sure any Kenya mongers will be going to Luxembourg anytime?

07-26-22, 18:00
I arrive Aug. 23 I will be in naiorbi and mtwapa for 6 weeks anyone around lets meet for a beer.

07-27-22, 16:32
I arrive Aug. 23 I will be in naiorbi and mtwapa for 6 weeks anyone around lets meet for a beer.Enjoy. I will hit Mombasa Aug 26th for 2-3 weeks.

Minty Polo
08-20-22, 07:58
I'll be in Mombasa from 30th August for a week before heading to Nairobi for a couple days. Happy to meet for a drink or people to join looking for talent.

08-26-22, 07:45
Arrive Aug. 23 feels good to be back the dollar is 122 to the shilling the best rate I ever receive anyone want to meet fro a drink.

03-11-23, 23:27
I arrive in nairobi March 15 for a week then I will take the sgr to mombasa anyone around who would like to meet for a drink.

Reiner Otto
08-19-23, 07:39
Will be there first time; staying in Bamburi.

Happy to spend first beer in some small talk.

Reiner Otto
05-03-24, 16:16
Anybody around for some stories and drinks?

King Amir
05-04-24, 14:34
Someone is in Nairobi in July 1st and wants to hangout in the night clubs?