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08-28-17, 22:25
let me put it mildly, '3rd world attitude' of some customers at Sharks especially compared for example to GT. And in addition to that, GT also employs a small army of guys who continuously keep the place looking spotless. Honestly, those toilet guys at GT gives me the creeps. I'd much rather lack toilet paper for 30 min in one of the toilets and having to clean a toilet myself once than having that guy hanging over me. Freak is a mild word for it, and very annoying.

When it comes to customers, time after time I've had annoying 50-60 year olds at GT being obnoxiously rude thinking they own the place just by placing a towel in a chair or sofa. Then to leave for 10 minutes before returning. Twice I wanted to seriously beat up two of these narcissists. Hardly what I call great clientele.

08-28-17, 22:31
I don't think they care about these things, they only invest in optical things, things that look good on a website, like spending thousands and thousands of Euros on the outdoors area. For years the rooms are boiling hot, but what do they do? They buy some cheap ass fans instead of equipping all rooms with good airconditioners. Even in the winter I'm sometimes sweating like a pig in those upstairs rooms, occasionally ruining the experience because I feel sorry for the girl having to put up with my sweating. I told them repeatedly whatever girl was at the reception when she asked 'if all was satisfactory,' only to receive a shrug and a 'roll eyes' look when she informed me that quite a few people complain about this and that management knows about those issues. Obviously the top brass doesn't care and the girl at the desk is helpless and just the messenger.This is why I am careful to avoid Sharks on hot days (or days that are remotely hot, especially during the daytime). I recognize that some of the rooms have air conditioning, like the caves upstairs for example, but the main area of the club simply gets too hot for my comfort during the summer. Who wants to be sweating like a pig when trying to enjoy themselves at a club?

08-28-17, 22:35
And I forgot to say, the last narcissist who did that at GT went on to be rude towards me while trying to project humor towards the girl he was talking to. Saying he would pull is gun and shoot me if I didn't move. Though guy. 55 year old fat rude in my eyes.

Member #4581
08-29-17, 00:32
I think Sharks gets an unfair rap here, in my view. Perhaps I am in the minority here. I think their problem is that they are understaffed. The ones who are on duty are working hard. I have never been ill treated, may be I have been lucky. I feel for the ones on call. Women at the bar, the woman collecting dirty towels in the bath room, the cooks and staff in the kitchen, etc etc. All are over worked. I couldn't last more than half HR if I had to work at that pace.

It seems to me that people project their general feeling about a club to all things in the club. So, if a guy likes the lineup and service in a club, he has a warm feeling about the rest of things in the club and tends to gloss over things even if they are not stellar. Conversely if a guy never has good time in a club, he tends to over scrutinize and criticize the club.

Honestly, I am much more bothered by some clients than staff - like the disgusting animal I described openly uri na $ting in the shower. And yes, I am disappointed that the club didn't kick him out, but then they would say that they didn't see it.

A different note. Kosher K, one word of friendly advice because I liked your report. It appears your identity is already blown because you met a few locals and they know you. Now you admitted to a theft of a club property. It would be in your interest to be careful the next visit, because you declared your intent to repeat. If someone squeals on you, you could be caught red handed as you leave the next time. I know you are a big boy and can take care of yourself. Good luck for your next visit.

08-29-17, 00:56
I think Sharks gets an unfair rap here, in my view. Perhaps I am in the minority here. I think their problem is that they are understaffed. The ones who are on duty are working hard. I have never been ill treated, may be I have been lucky. I feel for the ones on call. Women at the bar, the woman collecting dirty towels in the bath room, the cooks and staff in the kitchen, etc etc. All are over worked. I couldn't last more than half HR if I had to work at that pace.

It seems to me that people project their general feeling about a club to all things in the club. So, if a guy likes the lineup and service in a club, he has a warm feeling about the rest of things in the club and tends to gloss over things even if they are not stellar. Conversely if a guy never has good time in a club, he tends to over scrutinize and criticize the club.

Honestly, I am much more bothered by some clients than staff - like the disgusting animal I described openly uri na $ting in the shower. And yes, I am disappointed that the club didn't kick him out, but then they would say that they didn't see it.

A different note. Kosher K, one word of friendly advice because I liked your report. It appears your identity is already blown because you met a few locals and they know you. Now you admitted to a theft of a club property. It would be in your interest to be careful the next visit, because you declared your intent to repeat. If someone squeals on you, you could be caught red handed as you leave the next time. I know you are a big boy and can take care of yourself.You'd better be careful Kosher. The Germans have no sense of humor. I can just imagine when you go thru immigration next time they ask for the towel. Oh well, what can I say. I love the USA and I love HUMOR. As far as Germany. Nice place to meet hot Romanians and get BBBJ. PEACE OUT! (Laughing LOUD! At the serious and stern Germans). BTW - God bless America and God bless #TheRealDonaldJTrump

08-29-17, 03:14
At jnpr30 - thanks a lot for your empathic point of view concerning the staff in Sharks. I fully agree with you. A lot of guests unfortunately treat them like their personal "slaves" because as a guest you pay for .... for what - attitudes sometimes are strange and don't reflect what has been learnt when being a little boy some decades ago. In the early hours on a weekday it might still look without stress, but I remember a guest trying to break silence at the bar towards one of the bar tenders slicing an enormous number of lemons. The words he selected were rather not appropriate but offensive in a certain way making her feel needled in that moment. It's strange, in sports we ask for respect but in daily life and especially in some locations the behaviour is completely different.

By the way, don't worry too much on towels as a trophy. I suppose it to happen regularly that a piece will find its way into the bag of some guest. That may happen although it might not be necessary.

08-29-17, 06:11
Honestly, those toilet guys at GT gives me the creeps. I'd much rather lack toilet paper for 30 min in one of the toilets and having to clean a toilet myself once than having that guy hanging over me. Freak is a mild word for it, and very annoying.

When it comes to customers, time after time I've had annoying 50-60 year olds at GT being obnoxiously rude thinking they own the place just by placing a towel in a chair or sofa. Then to leave for 10 minutes before returning. Twice I wanted to seriously beat up two of these narcissists. Hardly what I call great clientele.When you see the strong changes that are happening in the recent months concerning the typology of the customers in the clubs less Caucasian guys, this affect the traditional customers base German senior, obviously some of them don't like us.

08-29-17, 09:39
Jnpr. I agree the staff are generally overworked. You will have noticed that I tend to criticise Sharks management: the staff rudeness is a symptom of bad management. And to repeat, some staff are marvellous.In the recently repeated post I unfortunately didn't make the point that I see it as a management issue.

Of course customers I agree are also very rude and uncouth sometimes (in fact quite a few). We can talk about that also, but it doesn't take away from the bad management attitude at Sharks.

My scrutiny of the club disdain for customers does not as you suggest arise from having a bad time at the club. If I have a bad time anywhere I am able to know why, and not project it onto an irrelevant substitute so-called cause.

In the interests of fairness I understand that Oase staff are much ruder :)

For the record I am not rude to staff and always smile and am friendly with them, even if they are unpleasant to me.I have even given a small tip to more than one of the overworked cleaning staff.

Horny Harry
08-29-17, 10:34
When it comes to customers, time after time I've had annoying 50-60 year olds at GT being obnoxiously rude thinking they own the place just by placing a towel in a chair or sofa. Then to leave for 10 minutes before returning. Twice I wanted to seriously beat up two of these narcissists. Hardly what I call great clientele.Could be Dutch or Belgian, but most probably German. 😂 The internet is full with videos of Germans 'claiming' sunbeds at swimming pools during vacation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gm8CB1_Sw3Q Oh well, thank God they're always on the losing end of every war they start, so I guess this is the next best alternative: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mns_DcSf63Q

08-29-17, 11:31
Could be Dutch or Belgian, but most probably German. 😂 The internet is full with videos of Germans 'claiming' sunbeds at swimming pools during vacation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gm8CB1_Sw3Q Oh well, thank God they're always on the losing end of every war they start, so I guess this is the next best alternative: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mns_DcSf63QIndeed, this one is the best though: https://youtu.be/CZ9L8KAjPA8.

Yet, doing it indoors at GT is simply stupid. If I go back to GT, and that is a big IF since the place annoys me, I will throw a bunch of towels on the floor. Silly thing is that this towel things has caught up with the GT girls too. Perhaps not being as meticulous at the German men though.

08-29-17, 12:28
Thanks fort the link Optimist.

Well, I totally agree with you with the above points, but don't you think that it's a vicious circle between management and the customers? I've notice quite a, let me put it mildly, '3rd world attitude' of some customers at Sharks especially compared for example to GT. And in addition to that, GT also employs a small army of guys who continuously keep the place looking spotless. The controversial GT door policy has been discussed here many times over, but IMHO he big problem at Sharks is that they don't seem to even have a door policy. I've never seen any security there and they appear to let just any riffraff in, so long as the pay the E65.

Again, I agree with you, but you honestly think this is limited to Sharks? Just look at the kind of people who run and own these clubs...Just remember, Sharks is a brothel not JW Marriott where the customer satisfaction is guaranteed. For 60 E, what someone should expect? They give entry, clean towels, use of facility, Food, and on top of that they have their expenses and overheads. Expenses in Metro city such as Frankfurt is higher then in USA. The owners also need to make money and profit. These facilities are for mongers, who overlook the service and just go to screw the girls in and out. Also, getting a good service from girls is always a hit and miss. These girls are there to make quick bucks rather being someone's GF or making a regular customer. Someday, some girl may have a bad day, a lot going on in her mind or at back home and maybe cannot give you a full satisfaction.

This will be my first FKK tour and I will just go there without any major expectation. I will just enjoy whatever they have to offer.

Horny Harry
08-29-17, 16:30
Just remember, Sharks is a brothel not JW Marriott where the customer satisfaction is guaranteed. For 60 E, what someone should expect? They give entry, clean towels, use of facility, Food, and on top of that they have their expenses and overheads. Expenses in Metro city such as Frankfurt is higher then in USA. The owners also need to make money and profit. These facilities are for mongers, who overlook the service and just go to screw the girls in and out. Also, getting a good service from girls is always a hit and miss. These girls are there to make quick bucks rather being someone's GF or making a regular customer. Someday, some girl may have a bad day, a lot going on in her mind or at back home and maybe cannot give you a full satisfaction.

This will be my first FKK tour and I will just go there without any major expectation. I will just enjoy whatever they have to offer.Hahaha, does it get any more stupid than this?! You have a major opinion about FKK clubs and what to expect for E60 (FYI, the normal price at Sharks is E65), but then in your last sentence you basically say that you've never been to an FKK club and you don't know what to expect. 🙄.

Indeed, this one is the best though: https://youtu.be/CZ9L8KAjPA8.

Yet, doing it indoors at GT is simply stupid. If I go back to GT, and that is a big IF since the place annoys me, I will throw a bunch of towels on the floor. Silly thing is that this towel things has caught up with the GT girls too. Perhaps not being as meticulous at the German men though.

Thanks for that brilliant video! LMAO!

P.S. About towel blocking I had a recent experience at Sharks where I was sitting at the bar and some chick, without even talking to me, squeezes a towel at the backrest of my chair while I was talking to a girl next to me. I guess she was already 'reserving' my chair once I got up. I suppose these Romanian girls working in Germany have learned from the best, although Sharks is not nearly as bad as Oase where I've noticed towels everywhere, but no girls sitting on them.

08-29-17, 17:07

Sometimes there is bad management and consequences disdainful staff and top hotels. (And of course arrogant rude customers).

I think that as you haven't yet been to an FKK you miss a key point about FKKs in Germany.

A USP of FKKs over cheap incall brothels is the high level of facilities and customer service. Sharks and many FKKS achieve the facilities. Some FKKS fall short on the service. Some achieve brilliant service levels, proving that there is no causative link between "brothel" and "disdain for customers"

I don't see why I should put up with poor service. Anymore than any trading entity should put up with rude or uncouth customers.

I appreciate that you, and others, are trying to put my original comments în context, all making fair points. However they don't invalidate my comments în any way

08-29-17, 19:17
I will have a layover at Frankfurt on Monday night and torn between Sharks vs. Oase. I would appreciate suggestions given it will.

Be Monday evening.Hello Bends2,

From my experience Monday nights in sharks are a lot better: better line-up, and 45 entry fee instead if 70 for Oase. Contact me for 20 euro voucher! I don't need it anymore. (got VIP-gold-card).

08-30-17, 18:02
Was my whole day at Shark (still there), entry 50 euros every Wednesday, extremely strong LU probably 80 to 100 girls, many back from holidays (Brenda, Mandy, Elektra.) some new or girls that I never saw before, really it is for me at least the best LU in any FKK over the last 6 months, nothing to compare with Oase on Saturday or Artemis 1 month back. All type of girls available, some I spoke with are complaining that despite a lot of guy they have few rooms.

08-31-17, 01:05
Who's the older German blonde with wings on her back?

I've had good times with Paloma and Annabelle in the past, but it's been awhile. Can you tell me if either has any identifying marks? Paloma is a thin blonde and Annabelle is a young blond that's mostly what I remember.

Are the reviews for Ada good? She's been around for a while, been on my to-do list.

Any reviews for Bulgarian Asia? Are the sisters Alif and Amalia still around? Is sexy pretty Nastia?

Who's the thin blonde with the black full-torso back tattoo of asa skull and assorted other junk?


08-31-17, 01:26
This will be my first FKK tour and I will just go there without any major expectation. I will just enjoy whatever they have to offer.

Hahaha, does it get any more stupid than this?! You have a major opinion about FKK clubs and what to expect for E60 (FYI, the normal price at Sharks is E65), but then in your last sentence you basically say that you've never been to an FKK club and you don't know what to expect. 🙄..Sounds like a smart attitude for a happy life.

Happy vs Horny! LOL! The names say it all!

08-31-17, 02:26
Who's the older German blonde with wings on her back?

I've had good times with Paloma and Annabelle in the past, but it's been awhile. Can you tell me if either has any identifying marks? Paloma is a thin blonde and Annabelle is a young blond that's mostly what I remember.

Are the reviews for Ada good? She's been around for a while, been on my to-do list.

Any reviews for Bulgarian Asia? Are the sisters Alif and Amalia still around? Is sexy pretty Nastia?

Who's the thin blonde with the black full-torso back tattoo of asa skull and assorted other junk?

Thanks!When working, thin Paloma stay close to ex kino.

If you treat her well, Ada is a nice girl.

No Nastya nor Anja seen since a while.

New long blond hair, German MILF with wings big tattoo in back, like had Kati. De before.

Amalia and Eli were still at Sharks before holidays time.

For some new pretty girls: Lori with very beautiful tits, Eleonor, Jeni and her 2 friends: 1 small skinny dark blond and 1 tall blond with high socks, a long chestnut hair girl, but teeny looks. Not so many woman looks, except Jeje. De and Marina. Lat.

08-31-17, 03:29
Who's the older German blonde with wings on her back?Alex from Austria.

08-31-17, 07:59
Who's the older German blonde with wings on her back?

I've had good times with Paloma and Annabelle in the past, but it's been awhile. Can you tell me if either has any identifying marks? Paloma is a thin blonde and Annabelle is a young blond that's mostly what I remember.

Are the reviews for Ada good? She's been around for a while, been on my to-do list.

Any reviews for Bulgarian Asia? Are the sisters Alif and Amalia still around? Is sexy pretty Nastia?

Who's the thin blonde with the black full-torso back tattoo of asa skull and assorted other junk?

Thanks!Small advice never but never follow any advice or report about a girl go and make your own opinion.

08-31-17, 10:41
One more question, if I masy -- I have as voucher, it says einlosbar mo und di. That means only valid Monday and Sunday? I thought Sunday was already discounted?

Who's the older German blonde with wings on her back?

I've had good times with Paloma and Annabelle in the past, but it's been awhile. Can you tell me if either has any identifying marks? Paloma is a thin blonde and Annabelle is a young blond that's mostly what I remember.

Are the reviews for Ada good? She's been around for a while, been on my to-do list.

Any reviews for Bulgarian Asia? Are the sisters Alif and Amalia still around? Is sexy pretty Nastia?

Who's the thin blonde with the black full-torso back tattoo of asa skull and assorted other junk?


08-31-17, 11:07
One more question, if I masy -- I have as voucher, it says einlosbar mo und di. That means only valid Monday and Sunday? I thought Sunday was already discounted?Monday and Tuesday (Montag und Dienstag).

08-31-17, 11:58
If Megan start her about fourth or fifth 2 weeks tour, Alice at Sharks / Katalina / Kate at Globe didn t tour since March at Globe. Aurelia and Jessika silicon keep on touring. Of course I m happy for Katalina to be better at home, even Globe is not the same without her Moldavian Romanian woman elegance.

Sharks and Globe are not at their best for beauties on 2017, even Megan friend, Misha. Ro is a real beauty for me.

Nick The G
08-31-17, 13:08
Annabelle is a young blond that's mostly what I remember.She is not here at present, haven't seen here for quite a while.

Are the sisters Alif and Amalia still around? Is sexy pretty Nastia?The sisters were not there yesterday, I haven't seen them since middle of August.

Nastia hasn't been in Sharks for many month now!

Who's the thin blonde with the black full-torso back tattoo of asa skull and assorted other junk?Her name is Lara, she is german.

08-31-17, 23:19
Thanks for the guidance, guys. Will have as proper trip report when I'm done.

09-01-17, 10:38
Gents. I am considering going to Sharks today, has Kati (Ro. , curly brown hair) been seen there recently?

Rogue Nation
09-01-17, 15:56
There is a Polish Kathy. Haven't seen Romanian Kathy around lately.

09-01-17, 17:51
Are the sisters Alif and Amalia still around?Amalia and Elif return in the middle of next week.

09-02-17, 01:44
I went to Sharks today, had a good time in 2 sessions:

Brenda (Ro): skinny, brown-haired girl, with huge natural tits (I guess DCup). She was a little sharky (charged +50 for kissing & BLS, which we discussed before going in the room, and I was too enamored with her tits to say no), but the service was pretty good (BJ, BLS, 69, CG). Only distraction was that her tone of voice sounds likes she's yelling at you, no matter what she says. It was by no means a GFE, but I might repeat just for the sake of seeing those great tits again. Rating 6/10.

Marlyn (Philippines) - short hair, thin with a pierced nipple. She said people call her May-Lin, but she goes by Marlyn. Total GFE, spent 90 minutes, +50 for rimming. She spoke very good English, and it was fun talking with her between my 2 climaxes. Rating 8/10, would repeat.

09-02-17, 06:49
I went to Sharks today, had a good time in 2 sessions:

Brenda (Ro): skinny, brown-haired girl, with huge natural tits (I guess DCup). She was a little sharky (charged +50 for kissing & BLS, which we discussed before going in the room, and I was too enamored with her tits to say no), but the service was pretty good (BJ, BLS, 69, CG). Only distraction was that her tone of voice sounds likes she's yelling at you, no matter what she says. It was by no means a GFE, but I might repeat just for the sake of seeing those great tits again. Rating 6/10.

Marlyn (Philippines) - short hair, thin with a pierced nipple. She said people call her May-Lin, but she goes by Marlyn. Total GFE, spent 90 minutes, +50 for rimming. She spoke very good English, and it was fun talking with her between my 2 climaxes. Rating 8/10, would repeat.Brenda told me it is EE, unfortunately natural but quite saggy for such a young girl, but a very nice and friendly girl.

Rogue Nation
09-02-17, 07:26
Brenda (Ro): skinny, brown-haired girl, with huge natural tits (I guess DCup). She was a little sharky (charged +50 for kissing & BLS, which we discussed before going in the room)Keep feeding the sharks and ruining prices.

09-02-17, 13:18
NF. Thanks for the report. How you spend your money is totally up to you, but I am just horrified that a girl should get 100 for 30 minutes by charging as extras things which are even now part of the basic 50 euros price for many girls.

Just my personal reaction. Not meaning to say you did anything wrong.

I'm afraid I satisfied myself with a chat with Brenda, trying to look her in the face as I spoke:)


09-02-17, 21:44
Is that the one with the huge natural tits on a slim body, saucer eyes, a somewhat fish-like face? I have her on my black list since she so insistently tried to sell me anal as an extra when I sessioned her. I don't do anal, never.

Just back from Sharks. Not too much of a sausage fest considering it's Saturday night. Windowless rooms still stuffy in spite of the cooler weather. Whole FKK is a heat trap. Outdoors room a good option if you can persuade a girl to risk catching a cold.

I had my 3rd session this week with Jamaican Winny. BBW with a big black butt and a narrow waist. A body type that doesn't age well alas.

09-02-17, 23:10
Keep feeding the sharks and ruining prices.Was in Dusseldorf last week and in the room with a nice girl, I asked if she provide Kissing, she said she will with extra! I did ask her how mush and her answer shocked me. She said 500 euro's! I did not answer with a yes or no as it was clear dump value hehehehe. But she stupidly asked if I agree for kissing for 500 ! I said I don't want.

She must be dump to think I might agree, who will?

09-03-17, 01:03
I visited Sharks a few hours ago. I was in room with a 100% German girl at 5 pm, she left the building at 8 pm pretty early. Her name is Sandy (as far as I remember. Ca. 1,70 m (yes I am european), thin, pretty face, good body, A-Cups, blonde and some old healed body-cuts (no borderliner but got some problems with daddy a few years ago she said). Very nice girl, very clever, studying (and yes she really does, I checked it with some questions regarding her studies). I booked 1 hour. BJ 30 min! Wow (I was wondering like "hmm you like suck cock?" - she said she sucks dick till the man gives another order). And fucking her was really good, she is a real fuck-doll, I mean you can give it to her without any regrets she takes it and even looks like having fun. She is a keeper! But I still wondering why she left so early? Going to a party? Having an escort outside the Sharks? 20 minutes before that she was looking for a room with a guy. Didn't find one and then the guy made an offer? Who knows, I am just speculating. However, I fucked her and I had a lot of fun!

Second girl I booked was a very good looking nearly skinny tall blond Romanian with white high heels and cleopatra make-up eyes. Also ca. 1,70 maybe taller. It wasn't good at all. Very good looking girl, but she was too fast with everything, BJ not so good, too fast, put the rubber on very very fast. Ok I came, but I had to focus to cum, she doesn't deserve any credit for making me cum. Her name. Well, I forgot. Very forgettable sex and the girl also.

Germans there I counted 4. Sandy (a reddish-blonde maybe 28-32 years old, a fat blonde one and maybe (not sure) a blonde with little braids.

09-03-17, 06:29
I visited Sharks a few hours ago. I was in room with a 100% German girl at 5 pm, she left the building at 8 pm pretty early. Her name is Sandy (as far as I remember. Ca. 1,70 m (yes I am european), thin, pretty face, good body, A-Cups, blonde and some old healed body-cuts (no borderliner but got some problems with daddy a few years ago she said). Very nice girl, very clever, studying (and yes she really does, I checked it with some questions regarding her studies). I booked 1 hour. BJ 30 min! Wow (I was wondering like "hmm you like suck cock?" - she said she sucks dick till the man gives another order). And fucking her was really good, she is a real fuck-doll, I mean you can give it to her without any regrets she takes it and even looks like having fun. She is a keeper! But I still wondering why she left so early? Going to a party? Having an escort outside the Sharks? 20 minutes before that she was looking for a room with a guy. Didn't find one and then the guy made an offer? Who knows, I am just speculating. However, I fucked her and I had a lot of fun!

Second girl I booked was a very good looking nearly skinny tall blond Romanian with white high heels and cleopatra make-up eyes. Also ca. 1,70 maybe taller. It wasn't good at all. Very good looking girl, but she was too fast with everything, BJ not so good, too fast, put the rubber on very very fast. Ok I came, but I had to focus to cum, she doesn't deserve any credit for making me cum. Her name. Well, I forgot. Very forgettable sex and the girl also.

Germans there I counted 4. Sandy (a reddish-blonde maybe 28-32 years old, a fat blonde one and maybe (not sure) a blonde with little braids.I think the first girl could be Mandy.

09-03-17, 08:23
When they work, blond Germans Sandra and Mandy start at the opening and finish quite early. Usually I prefer Romanian girls than Germans, because they are more GF, more sensual for my tastes, but Sandra and Mandy are also high GFE and services level, reason why they are often busy, when sometimes some pretty girls are not busy. Unfortunately no woman type, natural beauty seen, Jeje. De was silicon, not slim enough and not GFE, but if I could find a GFE natural beauty, I would work hard to make her will to please me for sex "like at home" I enjoy.

Rogue Nation
09-03-17, 09:00
Was in Dusseldorf last week and in the room with a nice girl, I asked if she provide Kissing, she said she will with extra! I did ask her how mush and her answer shocked me. She said 500 euro's! I did not answer with a yes or no as it was clear dump value hehehehe. But she stupidly asked if I agree for kissing for 500 ! I said I don't want.

She must be dump to think I might agree, who will?Guess that was her way of telling you she doesn't kiss. Had that situation with a girl who asked 2.000€ for anal.

09-03-17, 11:21
Was in Dusseldorf last week and in the room with a nice girl, I asked if she provide Kissing, she said she will with extra! I did ask her how mush and her answer shocked me. She said 500 euro's! I did not answer with a yes or no as it was clear dump value hehehehe. But she stupidly asked if I agree for kissing for 500 ! I said I don't want.

She must be dump to think I might agree, who will?In which club in Düsseldorf? Around Düsseldorf, there are Turkish clubs, clubs for locals, and a bit touristic clubs like GT.

09-03-17, 14:16
Stuggi. Maybe the name of the romanian was Diana?

09-03-17, 14:17
XXL. That sounds like Brenda.

09-03-17, 15:39
Stuggi. Maybe the name of the romanian was Diana?Yeah that's possible. I am unfortunately very bad in memorizing fake-stuff (and let's be honest, they got all fake names). My brain only computes real informations. However she is a real eye candy (and was even taller with her white heels) and after I got German Sandy / Sandra for 100+10 tipping, I didn't want to spend the same amount for a rumbul (German phrase for Romanian-Bulgarians). Maybe the service would've been better if I would've spent 100. Or maybe the service would have been pretty much the same shizz, don't know. Some people in the business say don't throw good money after bad. A girl with a Malfunctioning Motivator often doesn't work better with more money (however exceptions prove the rule).

09-03-17, 21:48
If you spend 100 with Diana you still don't get anything special, apart from the looks. I like her but her sex service level meant I've never repeated.

09-04-17, 02:59
I was at Sharks yesterday evening, after spending daytime at Oase. I fell into the cycle of taking too long to take a girl in the room, and then the girls stopped approaching me and my own standards kept getting higher, making it hard to find the 'perfect' girl. Anyway, I had two sessions:

Eleanor (Ro.) - said she had been there for just a few weeks, and had a good attitude but we just didn't have great chemistry. It was a straight-forward session on the red couches by the VIP area (thanks for the tip on that location. It's a nice spot). She was a little uncomfortable being out in the open, but she went with it because I had requested it. Rating 5/10, probably would not repeat.

Loreal (Pol / De) - tall blonde, who was overweight. She's not at all my type, but when she approached me at 4:25 am, I knew it was my last shot at a session on my last day in the country. The VIP area was closed, so we went to the room. She had a good attitude, very willing to do whatever I wanted, but it was just not very enjoyable. She did provide BLS & rimming for no extra charge, and prostate massage for +20 eur. A deal compared to what a lot of the girls there try to charge. The session was just not good, though. Rating 4/10, would not repeat.

Lesson learned, to choose a girl within the first hour, to set my own mood and reputation for fucking, instead of endless searching.

There were two very pretty girls who approached me for a threesome, and I said no because the 2-girl approach is a red flag, but am thinking I should have taken them up on it: they were Lilly (reddish hair & freckles), and Katrin (I think? She had pronounced lips). Lilly seemed very innocent and nice at first, while Katrin just had a face that made me think she would be difficult in the room. Anyway, after their first approach, I changed my mind and decided I wanted Lilly. But she was very difficult to speak with. She would not take a seat with me, and she refused to go upstairs also. It was strange, since she had approached me earlier. I wonder if she only wanted a threesome, or if she changed her mind about me? Anyone have experience with Lilly?

09-04-17, 19:05
I was at Sharks yesterday evening, after spending daytime at Oase. I fell into the cycle of taking too long to take a girl in the room, and then the girls stopped approaching me and my own standards kept getting higher, making it hard to find the 'perfect' girl. Anyway, I had two sessions:

Eleanor (Ro.) - said she had been there for just a few weeks, and had a good attitude but we just didn't have great chemistry. It was a straight-forward session on the red couches by the VIP area (thanks for the tip on that location. It's a nice spot). She was a little uncomfortable being out in the open, but she went with it because I had requested it. Rating 5/10, probably would not repeat.May be it is better to stop to think to much and just go to the room with the girl you like, sex is such a easy thing I will never understand why so many guys are making the things so complicated, I think that in reality they all lack in self confidence, I am always laughing about all those guys who are explaining to me that they negotiate everything before they go to the room like when they purchase a new car, if the girl is not doing that or that what is the problem may be she will do another thing and you will enjoy it a lot. I had so many girls in my life, if you are a great lover you will always get something from any girl you like. In the last days I was with a girl that many of you consider as pro and cold etc. I went with her in the room for several hours and after 2 hours I closed the light and start to try to make her come it took me more than 45 minutes but at the end she came and after she gave me the best BJ of my life telling me she needs to revenge. Everything is possible you just need to invest some money, time and energy but obviously for 50 euros you will probably not get something great.

09-04-17, 19:38
I was at Sharks yesterday evening, after spending daytime at Oase.

Eleanor (Ro.) - said she had been there for just a few weeks, and had a good attitude but we just didn't have great chemistry. It was a straight-forward session on the red couches by the VIP area (thanks for the tip on that location. It's a nice spot). She was a little uncomfortable being out in the open, but she went with it because I had requested it. Rating 5/10, probably would not repeat.Small brunette Eleonor. Ro, 25 or 26 yo, is new at Sharks, started after 15 August. Smiling, friendly, but not really kissing, so not a new GF.

09-04-17, 20:18
I wonder if she only wanted a threesome, or if she changed her mind about me? Anyone have experience with Lilly?My advice: don't waste your time and resources with Lilly (or Lory, even worse). Lilly, with boyfriend or pimp tattooed on her waist, has still the mind of a little teenage girl. She tries to attract guys and when she succeeds she faces the reality of her 'job' in the room. Maybe it works and out of ten guys, she got paid without doing anything. I am surprised she's still there, I thought she would have give up one or two months ago.

Carpe Viam
09-04-17, 21:44
She is Aurelia of 2017.

Not only she is YMMV, but also she needs a time to know well to make good stuff with her customer.

She is very nice and so cute. Give her a second chance.

My advice: don't waste your time and resources with Lilly (or Lory, even worse). Lilly, with boyfriend or pimp tattooed on her waist, has still the mind of a little teenage girl. She tries to attract guys and when she succeeds she faces the reality of her 'job' in the room. Maybe it works and out of ten guys, she got paid without doing anything. I am surprised she's still there, I thought she would have give up one or two months ago.

09-05-17, 06:19
Small brunette Eleonor. Ro, 25 or 26 yo, is new at Sharks, started after 15 August. Smiling, friendly, but not really kissing, so not a new GF.What are names of new girls sitting at the bottom of stairs to rooms? I only spoke with long black hair, pretty face Jeni. Ro but she was so different when walking without heels, a little duck. Also a taller slim fake blond with school black high socks? And a little very skinny dark blond? Both quite pretty, teeny look, but they didn't seem busy, which mean nothing for me because I know most of guys think pretty woman looks can t give good services. Very clever, go to GND and I will keep on going to the prettiest who are my best, because they make me dream when I do the job with them.

09-05-17, 09:00
Is that the one with the huge natural tits on a slim body, saucer eyes, a somewhat fish-like face? I have her on my black list since she so insistently tried to sell me anal as an extra when I sessioned her. Your description of Brenda seems spot on. But I can't imagine she would ever offer anal to any one.

She is literally afraid of her own shadow. If I walk to her from the side and tap her shoulder, she will jump with a startled look. I could imagine the other WGs bullying her for lunch money.

Maybe she has discovered a hidden talent. Many men have complained she gets scared in most normal positions.

09-05-17, 09:15
Your description of Brenda seems spot on. But I can't imagine she would ever offer anal to any one.

She is literally afraid of her own shadow. If I walk to her from the side and tap her shoulder, she will jump with a startled look. I could imagine the other WGs bullying her for lunch money.

Maybe she has discovered a hidden talent. Many men have complained she gets scared in most normal positions.She seemed to lose her black stockings. You should buy her, as I did for Megan who was Francesca when she started at Sharks with her schoolgirl high black socks, like in porn Russian institute. Now a slim blond has same porn Russian institute high black socks.

Last time I saw Madalina, she had very sexy black stockings.

09-05-17, 16:46
Your description of Brenda seems spot on. But I can't imagine she would ever offer anal to any one.What may have happened is since I insisted on doggy straight away she got scared I would do anal without permission, whereupon she would have wanted to prevent this by mentioning anal as an extra. A misunderstanding would have ensued. Just a theory. If I make it to Sharks again I shall take her to the room just to check.

09-05-17, 18:20
Your description of Brenda seems spot on. But I can't imagine she would ever offer anal to any one.

She is literally afraid of her own shadow. If I walk to her from the side and tap her shoulder, she will jump with a startled look. I could imagine the other WGs bullying her for lunch money.

Maybe she has discovered a hidden talent. Many men have complained she gets scared in most normal positions.After so many years of FKK, I can t just tell you that the number of girls who are refusing anal are extremely limited, may be not for the first room but after several long room she will agree / propose just to keep you from going with other girls. Over the years more and more young girls are considering anal like something completely standard.

09-05-17, 18:24
Dessous Tag, but few customers and the girls a little bit to aggressive for my personal taste. Tried a new girl, as usual straight to the room without any negotiation, left the room after 10 minutes, nice girl but 0 GFE, pussy still smelling strawberry coming from the gel means for me no careful wash between 2 customers, clearly a no go for me.

09-05-17, 18:33
She is literally afraid of her own shadow. If I walk to her from the side and tap her shoulder, she will jump with a startled look. I could imagine the other WGs bullying her for lunch money.

Maybe she has discovered a hidden talent. Many men have complained she gets scared in most normal positions.Hahahaha. I told you dude, she's autistic.

09-05-17, 18:38
Your description of Brenda seems spot on. But I can't imagine she would ever offer anal to any one.

She is literally afraid of her own shadow. If I walk to her from the side and tap her shoulder, she will jump with a startled look. I could imagine the other WGs bullying her for lunch money.

Maybe she has discovered a hidden talent. Many men have complained she gets scared in most normal positions.Sorry but I spent 3 hours with her and she is really sweet, very clean girl, why you always need to put fantasies every where just go to Shark and book her for several hours you will may be change your opinion.

09-05-17, 20:16
She seemed to lose her black stockings. You should buy her, as I did for Megan who was Francesca when she started at Sharks with her schoolgirl high black socks, like in porn Russian institute. Now a slim blond has same porn Russian institute high black socks.

Last time I saw Madalina, she had very sexy black stockings.Sounds like you are a fan of "Dessous Tag. ".

09-05-17, 20:23
Gents. I am considering going to Sharks today, has Kati (Ro. , curly brown hair) been seen there recently?The one with black hair like a lion. More than one year I didn't saw this one.

Happy Fkk
09-05-17, 22:07
I think I saw eli 2. O. First I though: what a miss. But after studying I would say she is less elegant and more 'sexual'. She still walk the same.

From my point of point, her body is now well-balanced. Maybe just a little bit oversized.

There was quite a lot of girls I wanted so I stayed a second day. Essentially because they come to me, I finally did only known girls except one who wasn't in the first list. She said duo, katastroph, anaconda. Not good signs between some frequent upsellings. Anyway, it finally was clearly not bad, I would repeat.

As I did not have glasses, the darkness of the big room made difficult to me to identify girls. Finally I can say that I missed two girls who was perfect for my taste. One has a nearly twin body, all blonds. Impossible to catch, only see her a few seconds each time, especially when she left the club.

The second one, I sat at two meters hours long at the entry but she barely looked at me 2 or 3 times. In two days, I maybe saw her going in session only once. She has a rather straight face, rather small, probably 'perfect' body (towel). Lovely smile when talking with some girls. My girls told me she comes from swizerland globe. I was shy, as she looked so young and give at best 5 seconds of talk to men trying to make contact, except one first day. I would resume my thinking: how I could miss her? I did.

5 sessions, 6 hours. Maybe the first was a little bit disappointing, but I connect with her easily. The last was with the name I had in mind for my coming back, but I didn't remind all why. Now I know: 100% repeat.

I must also note that I did a session with a girl I looked so many times at world. First time I have a good session with a girl I 'refuse' during years.

Next trip, I will probably do my priority girl on dusseldorf and try to make sharks again, even '100% repeat' will probably not be there.

09-05-17, 22:18
I am coming for the medica fair and would love to have a personal referal for some compnay to my hotel room. Can you share your dusseldorf girls details?


I think I saw eli 2. O. First I though: what a miss. But after studying I would say she is less elegant and more 'sexual'. She still walk the same.

From my point of point, her body is now well-balanced. Maybe just a little bit oversized.

There was quite a lot of girls I wanted so I stayed a second day. Essentially because they come to me, I finally did only known girls except one who wasn't in the first list. She said duo, katastroph, anaconda. Not good signs between some frequent upsellings. Anyway, it finally was clearly not bad, I would repeat.

As I did not have glasses, the darkness of the big room made difficult to me to identify girls. Finally I can say that I missed two girls who was perfect for my taste. One has a nearly twin body, all blonds. Impossible to catch, only see her a few seconds each time, especially when she left the club..

09-06-17, 01:40
Sounds like you are a fan of "Dessous Tag. ".I'm a lover of beauty. I drive so many kilometers every week end, now 1800 kms to go and back to Hamburg, for Bambi. De, Nadja. Pol, my new Romanian Eve face, beauty and also for her passion when she say: Now I want You do this to me, she seemed to forget her teeth pain for our Sunday room.

But beautiful lingerie can make sexier a girl. When my LR regular had white dessous and stockings, she looked like a just married bride for honeymoon sex and I played to put her off her dessous. She said I was the only one to put her off her stockings, but she always let me do all I wanted to do to her in room. Often I asked her to close her eyes and she trust me.

When Megan put, on November 2015 when just arrived at Sharks, her high low quality black socks, because she had cold feet, she looked like nothing with this, not sexy, so I said to her I would buy her french fashion stockings. She put them on a few times, but I think too sexy for her when she was not 20 yo yet, anyway it was a new game for our rooms.

Some girls know how to look and behave sexy, some are just pretty but not sexy, some are vulgar but not sexy, unfortunately not many only pretty at Sharks or Oase at the moment and since many months, even Sharks casting seem to improve a bit, but mostly with teeny looks. It s also still holidays time in NRW, but fireworks at Wellcum. At or in Hamburg. More numerous pretty woman looks in Hamburg at the moment, for who like real women.

For schoolgirls fans, go to Oase or Sharks.

09-06-17, 07:01
Is Monday Special only applicable to following Mondays or does the discount work towards any day (just not the day you go)?


09-06-17, 08:11
I am coming for the medica fair and would love to have a personal referal for some compnay to my hotel room. Can you share your dusseldorf girls details?

Thanks.Most of the girls will not meet you outside the clubs except they know you very well and can trust in you, in the clubs they feel fully secure by the safety staff.

09-06-17, 08:23
I think I saw eli 2. O. First I though: what a miss. But after studying I would say she is less elegant and more 'sexual'. She still walk the same.

From my point of point, her body is now well-balanced. Maybe just a little bit oversized.

There was quite a lot of girls I wanted so I stayed a second day. Essentially because they come to me, I finally did only known girls except one who wasn't in the first list. She said duo, katastroph, anaconda. Not good signs between some frequent upsellings. Anyway, it finally was clearly not bad, I would repeat.

As I did not have glasses, the darkness of the big room made difficult to me to identify girls. Finally I can say that I missed two girls who was perfect for my taste. One has a nearly twin body, all blonds. Impossible to catch, only see her a few seconds each time, especially when she left the club.

The second one, I sat at two meters hours long at the entry but she barely looked at me 2 or 3 times. In two days, I maybe saw her going in session only once. She has a rather straight face, rather small, probably 'perfect' body (towel). Lovely smile when talking with some girls. My girls told me she comes from swizerland globe. I was shy, as she looked so young and give at best 5 seconds of talk to men trying to make contact, except one first day. I would resume my thinking: how I could miss her? I did..The name of the girl coming from Globe is Anika, just worked 5 days at Globe.

09-06-17, 17:41
Is Monday Special only applicable to following Mondays or does the discount work towards any day (just not the day you go)?

Thanks!Discount ticket 20€ given on Monday, can be used also on Tuesday, but then no more 20€ discount, when they give you a new one when You pay only 45 on Monday. If I visit on 25 Mondays, then I save to have Megan for free for 1 h30 in ski hutte at Globe.

Saving make reaching dreams or becoming rich.

09-06-17, 21:32
Is Monday Special only applicable to following Mondays or does the discount work towards any day (just not the day you go)?

Thanks!First you pay the full entry then you get a coupon / flyer that you can use on subsequent Mondays and Tuesdays.

09-07-17, 10:03
This Wednesday being once more in Sharks. Arrival at 11 am. The Filippina May Lin on stage (she's there normally on Wednesdays and Fridays). 156 cm, cup A, hair dressing as usual in "bob", now with red colour in addition, looks great.

We haven't been on the room since a long time. I met her at the bar, she was so glad and smiling on my offer to follow me on the couch in the rear close to the entrance to the new rooms and massage area. No rush, she tells you a lot of private things, that she likes the variety to date always new guys in the room.

On the room a great performance. May Lin is horny, but that's her natural being. Piercings in one of the tits and in the clit. I can't imagine no other woman who is so voracious as she is for soft licking of pussy and tits. Making her come several times is possible. She sucks great, she knows how to play with her tongue and keeping eye contact with you. We left the room after 68 minutes.

No doubt, there are sessions which take at least one hour. May Lin. The synthesis of horniness, open heart, great performance and a perfect mixture of natural behaviour and low illusion.

In the evening another date with Martina who I already know when being in Mainhattan club. DFK, great simultaneous licking of her pussy and sucking of my cock. Polish Bulgarian roots, 28 years old, girl next door, no stunner. You like what you see and you when will have a great time. High performer.

Rogue Nation
09-07-17, 11:47
May Lin has her legend of being the horny wife sent to the club by her husband set up very well. She's a good session, but there's better options around. Like her body. But sometimes she's overdoing it with the role she plays.

09-07-17, 13:12
This Wednesday being once more in Sharks. Arrival at 11 am. The Filippina May Lin on stage (she's there normally on Wednesdays and Fridays). 156 cm, cup A, hair dressing as usual in "bob", now with red colour in addition, looks great.

We haven't been on the room since a long time. I met her at the bar, she was so glad and smiling on my offer to follow me on the couch in the rear close to the entrance to the new rooms and massage area. No rush, she tells you a lot of private things, that she likes the variety to date always new guys in the room.

On the room a great performance. May Lin is horny, but that's her natural being. Piercings in one of the tits and in the clit. I can't imagine no other woman who is so voracious as she is for soft licking of pussy and tits. Making her come several times is possible. She sucks great, she knows how to play with her tongue and keeping eye contact with you. We left the room after 68 minutes..Thanks for the great report.

Will definitely look for Lin and Martina.

Nick The G
09-07-17, 15:38
May Lin has her legend of being the horny wife sent to the club by her husband set up very well.Well, yeah, everyone gets treated by Marlyn on the couch or in the bed with a dose of these "my husband" stories. If the whole package is not true, it is well invented! We all love well told stories! Maybe she is a propaganda expert in the middle of fake FKK land? And Marlyn knows how to talk, talk, talk (one into trance).

The good news (or the next good story?) is, that she will work longer in FKK-land, one more year.

So, let's listen 12 month more to the nice stories told by a charming and experienced "horny" lady and enjoy the great service she offers.

But sometimes she's overdoing it with the role she plays. True!

09-07-17, 23:13
Anyone in the club recently know if Lora (Hungary) and Victoria (Russian, older) are still working? Any sighting of Nicoletta and Dina recently as well?

09-07-17, 23:41
There is a Polish Kathy. Haven't seen Romanian Kathy around lately.Exactly, the Polish edition Katarzyna wearing glasses was also there on Wednesday this week. But Romanian Katy with whom I shared several rooms I personally met last time in June last year.

09-08-17, 00:05
Another new German girl of 24 years starting her career two weeks ago in Sharks. I met her first time on last Wednesday of August. Black hair without special dressing over the shoulders, cup A, size 36 and extremely natural tall - 180 cm. She doesn't has any active relationship with other German women but attracts the guys her way.

A pussy piercing makes me fun on the room. Still in the beginning of P6 and discovering herself. I was delighted being told after successful pussy treatment with tongue and lips that I was kicking off some new unknown feeling when laying and massaging with my fingers the outside top of her venus.

An opportunity for all guys who like taller women in their first days. She is still somewhat shy in public but you should recognize her immeduately. She starts in the afternoon not before 3 pm and told me not to be active so far on weekends. A friend of mine confirmed so far not having seen her on Sunday. By the way, I spent one hour with Liana.

09-08-17, 09:55

Sorry to bug you, which club is better for late Sunday visit? Oase or sharks?

09-08-17, 10:18
Anyone in the club recently know if Lora (Hungary) and Victoria (Russian, older) are still working? Any sighting of Nicoletta and Dina recently as well?On Wednesday a colleague of mine mentioned having seen Russian Victoria (I don't know her). The Hungarian Lora, I don't know. There was one with a tattoo showing a crown red-haired and in the evening Henrietta came in with a black-haired slim other Hungarian with very small tits.

09-08-17, 12:12

Sorry to bug you, which club is better for late Sunday visit? Oase or sharks?Oase. I tend to avoid Sharks on Sundays as it is a discount day, which tends to attract a lot of cheap "wellness" guys but not as many girls as usual. Both clubs are however obviously noticeably slower than their Saturday line-up. Just my personal preference. Others will tell you go to Sharks. Then, what will you do? In any case, you will have fun at either, no matter which you attend on a Sunday, so enjoy, whichever you choose and don't stress too much about whether you made the right decision.

09-08-17, 15:13
Anyone in the club recently know if Lora (Hungary) and Victoria (Russian, older) are still working? Any sighting of Nicoletta and Dina recently as well?Nicoletta and Dina both quit.

09-08-17, 15:37
Oase. I tend to avoid Sharks on Sundays as it is a discount day, which tends to attract a lot of cheap "wellness" guys but not as many girls as usual. Both clubs are however obviously noticeably slower than their Saturday line-up. Just my personal preference. Others will tell you go to Sharks. Then, what will you do? In any case, you will have fun at either, no matter which you attend on a Sunday, so enjoy, whichever you choose and don't stress too much about whether you made the right decision.I always thought Sundays at Sharks were a no-brainer but my recent Sundays at Sharks have been duds. Many girls leave by 10 pm. At least at Oase, the night shift has to stay until close.

09-08-17, 16:15
Had beautiful woman, Jeje. De at about 7 pm on Sunday, not busy because she was too beautiful for average clients who think beautiful women don t give good services, when beautiful women are my best, but not this time. Except cyprine going out of vagina only with caresses, even before starting DATY, and wide opened vagina during DATY, asking for fingers, only pretty, no skill, no sensuality, so far below my many Romanian Eve at Wellcum, Hamburg, around Düsseldorf and in Switzerland. Nevertheless, for me no competition between Sharks where can sometimes find great girls behaving like women, and upselling teeny land Oase where a top girl in Switzerland became a upselling hunter. Oase can only compete for foods until nearly the end and entry rate before 4 pm, even on Sunday.

09-08-17, 20:27
Last Sunday Viktoria was working the late shift, and more than usual available!

09-08-17, 22:49
Spend the past two days at Sharks with generally good results. Firstly, the line up.

Thursday. Was good and definitely a buyer's market as there were not so many men there but a good number of providers and a decently number to choose from for most all tastes. My tastes fell to a regular for me, Ada. I was spend my time with Ada and to me she is just optically great and we get a long well as I have sessioned with her a number of times before.

Friday. Was even better and again, definitely a buyer's market, with more than enough to choose as there were not so many men. I think the first week back from vacation and bills due, there were a lack of men in the club to take advantage of the building number of providers likely due to the coming big auto messe. Upon a recommendation of a fellow ISG'er I sessioned with Mandy. All I can say and think is "WOW". This girl is just something else. Mandy is very hard to get a hold of as she is always in demand but if you get a chance, you should give her a try. I can now say I have been "Mandy'ed".

09-09-17, 05:33
Nevertheless, for me no competition between Sharks where can sometimes find great girls behaving like women, and upselling teeny land Oase where a top girl in Switzerland became a upselling hunter. Oase can only compete for foods until nearly the end and entry rate before 4 pm, even on Sunday.Unfortunately though I find more girls I like at Oase than Sharks I agree to some extent. But more so I feel there are a short few girls at Oase who has too much power over the rest of the girls. Some of us might know who these few girls are. The so called bad apples. Hope they either leave or change their attitudes.

09-09-17, 09:09
Spend the past two days at Sharks with generally good results. Firstly, the line up.

Thursday. Was good and definitely a buyer's market as there were not so many men there but a good number of providers and a decently number to choose from for most all tastes. My tastes fell to a regular for me, Ada. I was spend my time with Ada and to me she is just optically great and we get a long well as I have sessioned with her a number of times before.

Friday. Was even better and again, definitely a buyer's market, with more than enough to choose as there were not so many men. I think the first week back from vacation and bills due, there were a lack of men in the club to take advantage of the building number of providers likely due to the coming big auto messe. Upon a recommendation of a fellow ISG'er I sessioned with Mandy. All I can say and think is "WOW". This girl is just something else. Mandy is very hard to get a hold of as she is always in demand but if you get a chance, you should give her a try. I can now say I have been "Mandy'ed".Was also there and can confirm your report, great LU many men but few in the room, Mandy is a young german woman providing GFE not my cup of tea but there is really nothing to complain about her, she is one of the top booked over the last months. Brenda was also there and not very busy, too many new girls.

09-09-17, 11:24
I am planning a visit next week to Frankfurt.

I am from India and would like to know which is the best club to visit for being friendly to foreigners. Oase, Palace, Sharks?

Any other tips for a first timer?

09-09-17, 20:10
Unfortunately though I find more girls I like at Oase than Sharks I agree to some extent. But more so I feel there are a short few girls at Oase who has too much power over the rest of the girls. Some of us might know who these few girls are. The so called bad apples. Hope they either leave or change their attitudes.For my tastes, some girls at Sharks look like women, even many new look teeny, but for me Oase is really teeny land, even Mady looks like a woman. Michele / Shayen is very friendly at Oase.

Anyway, Hessen is below Wellcum. At, Hamburg, GT and LR for casting.

09-10-17, 05:51
Sharks had a good LU and really liked the LU. If around town check out Sharks. Favorable ratio due to less men this time around and seems like the LU was gathering due to upcoming Messe. Was an ideal time to visit.

09-10-17, 07:04
I am planning a visit next week to Frankfurt.

I am from India and would like to know which is the best club to visit for being friendly to foreigners. Oase, Palace, Sharks?

Any other tips for a first timer?All clubs will welcome you except may be GT, next week will not be the best time because there is a big fair IAA but if no other choice try to arrive as early as possible after 8 PM it will be crowded.

09-10-17, 09:14
..... from India ..... the best club to visit for being friendly to foreigners. Oase, Palace, Sharks?
.... tips for a first timer?First timer, tourist. Doesn't depend where you go because you'll get recognized immediately as a target by the girls. Palace is a nogo for beginners. I think Sharks could be an excellent place as you can move inside the club which is very goid for first timers being nervous. Take your time, don't feel embarassed to follow the first girl talking to you but take your time although horniness might be stronger.

It's an adventure for you. Discover, have fun.

On Tuesday it's lingerie day - good to know in advance in case you want sll girls naked.

09-10-17, 10:02
First timer, tourist. Doesn't depend where you go because you'll get recognized immediately as a target by the girls. Palace is a nogo for beginners. I think Sharks could be an excellent place as you can move inside the club which is very goid for first timers being nervous. Take your time, don't feel embarassed to follow the first girl talking to you but take your time although horniness might be stronger.

It's an adventure for you. Discover, have fun.

On Tuesday it's lingerie day - good to know in advance in case you want sll girls naked.Thanks. Great tips.

I will be there for 4 days. Are you suggesting I don't go to Palace at all? Or just not on the first day?

09-10-17, 11:00
I am planning a visit next week to Frankfurt.

I am from India and would like to know which is the best club to visit for being friendly to foreigners. Oase, Palace, Sharks?

Any other tips for a first timer?As stated in an earlier post, you are advised to do some research, the nationality does not matter in FKKs though some girls may have preferences. It's all money honey and girls are interested in optimizing the same.

I would recommend Sharks and Oase. There's lot of up selling in Palace. Read relevant threads.

Never let the girls know you are a newbie.

09-10-17, 19:32
Sharks had a good LU and really liked the LU. If around town check out Sharks. Favorable ratio due to less men this time around and seems like the LU was gathering due to upcoming Messe.Hey PL,

Did you see Helli there during your recent visit? And also Suzie (ex Sarah/Andrea from FKK World), petite slim dark haired brunette with white skin (a Kate Beckinsale lookalike). I read from LSH some chatter that they might have returned but it's not very clear if that is the case. Any feedback on clarifying this would be great as I will be back there soon.



09-10-17, 21:27

I would recommend Sharks and Oase. There's lot of up selling in Palace. Read relevant threads.

Never let the girls know you are a newbie.I agree that Sharks is still the best club for a newbie due to the number of girls and relatively lower prevalence of Sharkiness, ironic.

Can't agree that there is any more upselling at Palace than Oase. I've never had a girl at Palace straight out refuse a 50 Euro room, while 2 different girls at Oase would not even go into a room for less than 100 E, Claudia and Kim.

That being said, I enjoy Oase more because it has less plastic looking girls. And on a sunny day, Oase is the best club in Germany.

09-10-17, 21:29
Hey PL,

Did you see Helli there during your recent visit? And also Suzie (ex Sarah/Andrea from FKK World), petite slim dark haired brunette with white skin (a Kate Beckinsale lookalike). I read from LSH some chatter that they might have returned but it's not very clear if that is the case. Any feedback on clarifying this would be great as I will be back there soon.


Howie.Helli was there. I don't know who Suzy is.

09-10-17, 22:21
I agree that Sharks is still the best club for a newbie due to the number of girls and relatively lower prevalence of Sharkiness, ironic.

Can't agree that there is any more upselling at Palace than Oase. I've never had a girl at Palace straight out refuse a 50 Euro room, while 2 different girls at Oase would not even go into a room for less than 100 E, Claudia and Kim.

That being said, I enjoy Oase more because it has less plastic looking girls. And on a sunny day, Oase is the best club in Germany.For me, best club to discover FKK land is LR because best average level for girls behavior and services in Germany, the only club who can compete with Switzerland for GFE services. If your first girl experienced is Daria, then you get the top level for starting.

I agree Oase is the best club to play football in the garden.

Nick The G
09-10-17, 22:35
Hey PL,

Did you see Helli there during your recent visit? And also Suzie (ex Sarah/Andrea from FKK World), petite slim dark haired brunette with white skin (a Kate Beckinsale lookalike). Both were there last Wednesday!

09-10-17, 22:41
Nicoletta and Dina both quit.Oh man! Dina was one of my favorites. Did she go to a different club do you know?

09-11-17, 01:40
Seen: Elif, Amalia, Enya, Ruby (ex-Anja), Evita, Lavinia, Esther, Yelliz, Steffi, Estaphanie, Clarissa, Jordan (De, new), Helli, Rebecca, Diana, Aida, Lilly(new), Serena (new), Helen(new), Emma, Madelina, Sidonia, ex-Oceans Sofia(new, dunno her Sharks name).

Didn't see: Sandra, Mandy, Janine, Paloma.

Many more I haven't encountered.

I think currently Evita is at a perfect figure. Last time she looked to put on some pounds, but looks like she lost them, and at an ideal figure.

Esther looks to have slimmed down a bit as well, and doesn't have the appearance of brawnyness I've noticed before. Tall and slim, looks great.

One girl I can't take my eyes off is Sabina despite her reputation, what a looker now with black hair now.

A big surprise I've encountered was ex-Sophia of Oceans now working at Sharks (not sure what her Sharks name is), but holy cow! Her body is perfect for me, definitely a model body(tall, fit, good curves), just can't take my eyes off her. As she is new to the club and due to her stand-out looks, was picked up pretty often.

As much as Ruby (Anja) gets asked more mentioned here, she's was pretty available during my visits.

Service star for my visits was Amalia. She's very likable and fun in the room. For me highly repeatable, her services is very good. I love her attitude and seems to really pay attention to the client to please. I like her tight body, and she has smooth baby skin. LOL. Pretty girl that will not provide anything short of a good time. Highly recommended. I like her A LOT! LOL.

Another top provider is Clarissa. She is very smily, and very easy going to be with. Would recommend.

I also noticed Ruby (Anja) as well. She has a fun personality, and can provide good services in the room. Would recommend.

One girl really stood out in looks was Serena, a new girl. She has a very pretty face, and it was an easy decision to take her, but her services is a bit limited.

Another girl that stood out was Emma. I find her pretty, and is a fun girl in the room. She may look a bit reserved on the floor, but fun gal in the room. I've had good times with her. Would recommend.

Decided to try Steffi although her services seems to be limited. Nice girl, and everything I like about her, but limitations for kissing is a drawback. I admire her honesty.

One girl I've had a disappointing session was with Ada. Can't really recommend her.

Girls are willing to offer more services for 1 HR minimum, and 50 Euros for basic services.

Anybody heard if it's possible to get good services from Enya? I was really interested in her, but I get a feeling I'd come out disappointed.

Sidonia looks more polished now, drew some interest from me. There is a strawberry blonde new girl Lilly by the couches where the money lockers are at looked attractive, but seemed to be a bit of gamble as I've not heard good things about her.

Overall, good times. I could have done more days, but can't wait to visit again.

09-11-17, 04:36
Does super sexy, curvy model look, ex Sofia Oceans, kiss at Sharks? I was said she worked at Globe. There she should kiss, which is very standard at Globe. Some girls provide services according to club where they work.

Is Ruby ex long hair Albanian Anja with big tattoo on top of back?

Rogue Nation
09-11-17, 08:24
Oh man! Dina was one of my favorites. Did she go to a different club do you know?She is out of business. And doesn't plan to return.

09-11-17, 09:06
Oh man! Dina was one of my favorites. Did she go to a different club do you know?They both retired the FKK scene. Heard they might do some escorting in Budapest but nothing material, not an expert on the Budapest scene but haven't read anything around these forums.

09-11-17, 10:31
Also Brenda and Mayling(or May Lin? May Ling?) was there. Also, there was a tall black girl really dark with a model body seen. Not for shapely body guys.

Also forgot to include Helen (New), very nice, very pretty stood out highly, and good times with her. Would recommend. She may not work at Sharks for long though (seems like she's determined to leave after a bit maybe in another week or two).

Emma and Helen speakers good English. Easy to communicate with. Helen seems pretty smart.

I really liked the LU, nice bodies. :D

Just a warning, Automechanika Messe is this week. Lots of Messe attenders likely and therefore big crowds of men. Prior week probably had some Messe attenders attending the club. Turkish hours around 9PM?

09-11-17, 12:10
Turkish hours around 9PM?Sorry. Didn't quite get that?

09-11-17, 13:33
As much as Ruby (Anja) gets asked more mentioned here, she's was pretty available during my visits.So does Anja go by Ruby now? I think she gets mentioned because she's a throwback to Shark's peak opitics days. She gained some weight but I think she used to be a stunner and can provide good service.

Amalia was hit and miss for me. Had some passionate sessions and a lackluster one. She does try to please though. Half way through our last session, I made it clear that I was not happy, she became concerned of losing a client and turned up her sexy dial to full blast and finished me off, LOL. Will still probably not repeat though. Illusion was lost.

09-11-17, 13:35
Yeah, I belive that is her based on the tats.

09-11-17, 16:54
Does super sexy, curvy model look, ex Sofia Oceans, kiss at Sharks? I was said she worked at Globe. There she should kiss, which is very standard at Globe. Some girls provide services according to club where they work.

Is Ruby ex long hair Albanian Anja with big tattoo on top of back?Both yes, and I find Sophia stunning level. She may kiss depends, but don't expect GFE level. Pleasant girl nonetheless.

09-11-17, 17:27
Both yes, and I find Sophia stunning level. She may kiss depends, but don't expect GFE level. Pleasant girl nonetheless.Really sexy body Sofia said not kissing at Oceans, so I didn't try, like with Andra, Simona and stunning German Emma who became Jana and learned to kiss at LR. Girls kiss at Globe and LR, but not at Oceans, depends on club standard services.

09-11-17, 18:38
Does someone has already room experience with her? I like her body, face and tits. But trying to get in closer contact with her I always get the impression that I'm not the guy she is looking for taking the 50 Euro bills.

09-11-17, 18:42
Does someone has already room experience with her? I like her body, face and tits. But trying to get in closer contact with her I always get the impression that I'm not the guy she is looking for taking the 50 Euro bills.Stop to think and expecting reports from other, go politely to her and tell her you would like to go to the room with her and wait, as simple as that.

09-11-17, 19:04
Does someone has already room experience with her? I like her body, face and tits. But trying to get in closer contact with her I always get the impression that I'm not the guy she is looking for taking the 50 Euro bills.Mediocre even in 1 hour sessions. I actually like her personality, sarcastic and gets witty jokes.

09-11-17, 19:10
Mediocre even in 1 hour sessions. I actually like her personality, sarcastic and gets witty jokes.Sorry but 1 hour session is not the best solution to see if a girl is top or not, if you can book her for 3 hours and then you see. Top girls will give you just basic sex for 100 euros like in many countries. I know that many mongers will over react on that but it is the life.

09-11-17, 19:41
Does someone has already room experience with her? I like her body, face and tits. But trying to get in closer contact with her I always get the impression that I'm not the guy she is looking for taking the 50 Euro bills.Steffi doesn't kiss, which is a big frustration for my way for sex like at home, but she was friendly for our 30 mn room for only 50. It was when she arrived at Sharks on beginning of 2016. For not kisser, her natural beauty and her sweetness worth 50. Often sitting at the bar, not so busy, maybe she is a bit shy to start chatting, but at least she was friendly in room. Of course, she is not passionate as can be some Romanian girls behaving like real GF. A beautiful woman.

09-11-17, 19:53
Also forgot to include Helen (New), very nice, very pretty stood out highly, and good times with her. Would recommend. She may not work at Sharks for long though (seems like she's determined to leave after a bit maybe in another week or two).

Emma and Helen speakers good English. Easy to communicate with. Helen seems pretty smart.

I really liked the LU, nice bodies. :D.What about pretty faces with natural sophisticated woman look? Like EMA at LR.

New pretty girls like long dark hair, small Jeni sitting at the bottom of stairs to rooms, or blond with beautiful tits Lori sitting where sit Megan before, or some other new, are teeny look, not woman look.

I desire women, not schoolgirls. Steffi looks like a woman, even not GFE behavior.

09-11-17, 19:55
Does someone has already room experience with her? I like her body, face and tits. But trying to get in closer contact with her I always get the impression that I'm not the guy she is looking for taking the 50 Euro bills.She should be. Pretty easygoing I think. She has her limitations so you'd have to respect that.

Horny Harry
09-11-17, 21:02
Does someone has already room experience with her? I like her body, face and tits. But trying to get in closer contact with her I always get the impression that I'm not the guy she is looking for taking the 50 Euro bills.

Mediocre even in 1 hour sessions. I actually like her personality, sarcastic and gets witty jokes.Cute girl underneath that towel, but a fairly standard session with mechanical sex. She can be nice, but I think she can also be very moody.

Gave me angry looks when I didn't session with her upon my next visit. When I approached her for a session a few months later, she made up some phone excuse about waiting for a pizza, and then continued chatting with her girlfriends for the next hour without a pizza. Whatever. 😂.

09-12-17, 01:24
Sorry. Didn't quite get that?After 9 pm, Sharks become Turkish crowded like many other clubs. Turkish make now clubs work at night, buying bottles, but they don't make girls get good business in room. They give good business only at Samya, Aca, Magnum or PHG.

09-12-17, 02:02
Both yes, and I find Sophia stunning level. She may kiss depends, but don't expect GFE level. Pleasant girl nonetheless.When many criticize Oceans without even visiting, I'm pretty sure, without even needing to visit Sharks, but from what I saw from my 7 visits since end of September 2016, super sexy, curvy model body Sofia. Ro is one of the sexiest and prettiest at Sharks, looking like a woman, not a schoolgirl. Where does come from Sofia? From Oceans. Bad point is not kissing like a GF. She should be able if she really worked at Globe, because really standard there for 140/30 mn. At least, she is a real pleasure for eyes.

Girls are more woman look in NRW or Hamburg than many at Sharks or Oase.

09-12-17, 02:56

Just out of curiosity does anyone know what's the name of girl with long curly blonde hair, big tits looked like natural and pretty face. I was in Sharks on Sunday and she was constantly busy.

09-12-17, 03:54

Just out of curiosity does anyone know what's the name of girl with long curly blonde hair, big tits looked like natural and pretty face. I was in Sharks on Sunday and she was constantly busy.Elektra? With white skin and not full naked, not so slim, staying at the bar on ex kino side.

09-12-17, 04:24
When many criticize Oceans without even visiting, I'm pretty sure, without even needing to visit Sharks, but from what I saw from my 7 visits since end of September 2016, super sexy, curvy model body Sofia. Ro is one of the sexiest and prettiest at Sharks, looking like a woman, not a schoolgirl. Where does come from Sofia? From Oceans. Bad point is not kissing like a GF. She should be able if she really worked at Globe, because really standard there for 140/30 mn. At least, she is a real pleasure for eyes.A hot girl who doesn't provide top service (no kissing) leaving a club and going to another club does not validate the quality of the club she comes from. Her service might speak something about the original club, but her looks says nothing about the original club. A girl might take some of a club's service culture with her to a new club but it's not like the food that a club feed the girls makes hotter girls, lol.

If anything this just makes Oceans look worse, exporting a girl that doesn't provide kissing.

Girls are more woman look in NRW or Hamburg than many at Sharks or Oase.

Because they are on average 3-5 years older, lol.

Sorry to troll you Siri. It's just easy sometimes. Tropical storms in the southeast United States and I don't have electricity = bored.

09-12-17, 04:37
Aaaaaannnnnd. She left :) :) :)

Because they are on average 3-5 years older, lol.

Sorry to Troll you Siri. It's just easy sometimes. Tropical storms in the southeast United States and I don't have electricity = bored.Be careful in dangerous Texas, not only for guns.

Sofia stayed quite a while at Oceans. Simona. Ro and Andra. Ro were also very pretty. Emma. De was superb. All at Oceans on February, with high casting level for look, unfortunately not kissing girls, so no rooms and no money from me, but Emma becoming Jana at LR was great at LR.

Some girls are very woman at only 23 yo, not so old. Eleonor at Sharks is 27 yo and still little girl. No rule.

09-12-17, 06:56
Elektra? With white skin and not full naked, not so slim, staying at the bar on ex kino side.I didn't see where's she staying, all I see she was non stop busy with local guys some of them waited for her long time. It was crazy, never seen any girl before who has so many regulars.

09-12-17, 07:46
Girls kiss at Globe and LR, but not at Oceans, depends on club standard services.About 35-40% of the Oceans girls kiss. It is a bit low, but not like a complete refusal.

09-12-17, 07:51

Just out of curiosity does anyone know what's the name of girl with long curly blonde hair, big tits looked like natural and pretty face. I was in Sharks on Sunday and she was constantly busy.Elektra from Greece, a bit saggy boobs, but very big and natural, hair extensions, very nice, clean and customer satisfaction focused girl.

09-12-17, 07:54
After 9 pm, Sharks become Turkish crowded like many other clubs. Turkish make now clubs work at night, buying bottles, but they don't make girls get good business in room. They give good business only at Samya, Aca, Magnum or PHG.I have overheard a few of these champagne buying guys sometimes (in various clubs) brag about how they don't need to pay for girls. They get free sex from the girls. Two times I even heard the name of the working girl who gave them free sex being mentioned.

Horny Harry
09-12-17, 09:22

Just out of curiosity does anyone know what's the name of girl with long curly blonde hair, big tits looked like natural and pretty face. I was in Sharks on Sunday and she was constantly busy.

Elektra? With white skin and not full naked, not so slim, staying at the bar on ex kino side.Elektra doesn't have curly hair as far as I know.

09-12-17, 10:47
When many criticize Oceans without even visiting, I'm pretty sure, without even needing to visit Sharks, but from what I saw from my 7 visits since end of September 2016, super sexy, curvy model body Sofia. Ro is one of the sexiest and prettiest at Sharks, looking like a woman, not a schoolgirl. Where does come from Sofia? From Oceans. Bad point is not kissing like a GF. She should be able if she really worked at Globe, because really standard there for 140/30 mn. At least, she is a real pleasure for eyes.

Girls are more woman look in NRW or Hamburg than many at Sharks or Oase.Oceans is a club you can get lucky with a girl of her optical calibur if around, but just see the clientel and It's not a club you'd find regular set of core providers screeming good services(just interact with the girls and you get the vibe). Minorities that provided good services weren't a core part of the LU. It's that kind of club. From what I know of visiting various clubs, management contributes to such experiences in clubs.

09-12-17, 11:03
What about pretty faces with natural sophisticated woman look? Like EMA at LR.

New pretty girls like long dark hair, small Jeni sitting at the bottom of stairs to rooms, or blond with beautiful tits Lori sitting where sit Megan before, or some other new, are teeny look, not woman look.

I desire women, not schoolgirls. Steffi looks like a woman, even not GFE behavior.Plenty of taller types at Sharks if that's a criteria for a woman(as I wouldn't say Megan had womanly looks tall young looking). In comparison to Oase where there is a bit of a polarity in the LU of teeny petites to tall to thick(or the other extreme skinny) as it seems to be more significant there as I can understand your point regarding that. Sharks LU has more of even spectrum of girls with good balance looking figures compared to Oase which seems on the more extreme sides in girl's figures. Didn't like the LU there. Some LT put on some pounds as well.

Food is better at Sharks although people consider food got better at Oase. But in reality quality hasn't.

Regarding Sharks Emma, not a teeny look type or tall womanly looks. Looks good. Pretty intelligent girl. She maybe a bit sharp in her observance.

09-12-17, 12:23
Elektra doesn't have curly hair as far as I know.On my last visit on a Sunday on end of August, Elektra had curly blond hair and fishnet for her big tits. She stayed at the bar between restaurant and ex kino, and was not full busy.

09-12-17, 12:41
Plenty of taller types at Sharks if that's a criteria for a woman(as I wouldn't say Megan had womanly looks tall young looking). In comparison to Oase where there is a bit of a polarity in the LU of teeny petites to tall to thick(or the other extreme skinny) as it seems to be more significant there as I can understand your point regarding that. Sharks LU has more of even spectrum of girls with good balance looking figures compared to Oase which seems on the more extreme sides in girl's figures. Didn't like the LU there. Some LT put on some pounds as well.

Food is better at Sharks although people consider food got better at Oase. But in reality quality hasn't.

Regarding Sharks Emma, not a teeny look type or tall womanly looks. Looks good. Pretty intelligent girl. She maybe a bit sharp in her observance.Woman look, meaning looking like a real woman, not a schoolgirl, have nothing to do with height. Megan was 1,74 but only 19 yo when You went with her at Mainhattan.

Some examples for woman pretty looks: Linda and EMA at LR, Madeleine and Rose at GT, Katea at Samya, Mady at Oase, Steffi at Sharks. Ex Sofia. Ro Oceans also look like a very sexy woman. Hessen and Globe superstar Katalina was not much more than 1.60, but real elegant woman look, with a real aura for only 27 yo, not a teeny look girl. Also a real woman in bed with Moldavian Romanian charm, they are very sweet.

09-12-17, 13:13
Perhaps we have different definitions of what is 'womanly looks'. Sure Oase Ina and a few other girls at Oase has younger looks. But there are petite girls in their upper 20's or younger 30's who has much more womanly looks for me than girls like Megan (sharks / globe) or Kate (Aca / GT). For example Natalie (wellcum nowadays) or Aksena (artemis) and a few others I am sure nobody here knows well falls into that category also. Like Nicole (palace ex wellcum) or kathy (ex wellcum and oceans). Or Meggie (palace), Milli (artemis), Marlyn (sharks), Alexia (sharks), claudia / keicy (oase / lr / bab), Adelina or Lily at aca, meggie (oceans). All have the petite figures, yet to me much more confident and womanly looks than girls like Megan or Kate. But I suppose Sirioja is right in that clubs like Oase and oceans does have slightly skewed lineups towards the youngish look as opposed to the more mature look.

Oase girls like Cheyenne, Laura, Brianna, Adelle (short one), Nicole and sis, Antonia, Carla, Vera, May, Cora etc etc does perhaps have more the pretty or cute look as opposed the more womanly. Denisa and Szanett perhaps falling in between. While womanly girls like Raissa and Sarah are in minority.

09-12-17, 13:40
Elektra doesn't have curly hair as far as I know.She does sometimes. Fitness blonde with pornstar looks and fake tits. Good looks. Service was average. Only optics I felt.

09-12-17, 17:40
Not all currently around, but for Sharks womanly looks for me were:

Milana(Serb), Sandra(DE), Agnes(Pol), Karolina(Pol), Yelliz(Ro), Rebecca(Ro), Clarissa(Ro), Erika(Ro), Crissy(Bul), Enya(Ro), Sophia(Ro), Jordan(DE), a shapely Ru, Tall blonde porny German, etc.. and others. Maybe others I'm forgetting.

09-12-17, 17:47
Fitness blonde with pornstar looks and fake tits. Good looks.No fake tits.

09-12-17, 17:51
She does sometimes. Fitness blonde with pornstar looks and fake tits. Good looks. Service was average. Only optics I felt.Isn't she the one who says she is British? If that's her, maybe the initial poster meant to say wavy hair. They are not tight curls. Boobs are huge.

09-12-17, 18:43
Not all currently around, but for Sharks womanly looks for me were:

Milana(Serb), Sandra(DE), Agnes(Pol), Karolina(Pol), Yelliz(Ro), Rebecca(Ro), Clarissa(Ro), Erika(Ro), Crissy(Bul), Enya(Ro), Sophia(Ro), Jordan(DE), a shapely Ru, Tall blonde porny German, etc.. and others. Maybe others I'm forgetting.I asked for woman looks from your last visits. No more Agnes. Pol, nor Milana. Srb, nor Karolina. Pol. Who are the new pretty faces with woman look? I saw some new pretty on end of August, but mostly teeny look, for Jeni, Lori. Ex Sofia Oceans is super sexy body, but not exceptional face and skin on face.

To Take, I meant I saw on February high casting for beauties at Oceans, when I didn't see a high casting at Sharks since 1 year. I agree girls GFE level is higher at Sharks than not kissing beauties at Oceans, but Sharks is not the best casting for me in Germany, compare to Samya, small Harmony, GT and even LR for few girls. Quantity don't always make many beauties.

09-12-17, 20:04
She does sometimes. Fitness blonde with pornstar looks and fake tits. Good looks. Service was average. Only optics I felt.No and no Elektra has real boob not fake.

09-12-17, 20:09
Not all currently around, but for Sharks womanly looks for me were:

Milana(Serb), Sandra(DE), Agnes(Pol), Karolina(Pol), Yelliz(Ro), Rebecca(Ro), Clarissa(Ro), Erika(Ro), Crissy(Bul), Enya(Ro), Sophia(Ro), Jordan(DE), a shapely Ru, Tall blonde porny German, etc.. and others. Maybe others I'm forgetting.Brunette Jordan from Bavaria was one of my outstanding sessions in Sharks this year.

09-12-17, 20:13
Brunette Jordan from Bavaria was one of my outstanding sessions in Sharks this year.Possible but was she really from Bavaria, top German young girl is Mandy just because I am sure she is German because we speak together many hours and always in German.

09-12-17, 20:40
Brunette Jordan from Bavaria was one of my outstanding sessions in Sharks this year.Wish you'd have opened this can earlier. I have some hope now. :)

Perhaps outstanding water in Bavaria. :D Just in time for Octobeer fest.

09-13-17, 00:44
Isn't she the one who says she is British? If that's her, maybe the initial poster meant to say wavy hair. They are not tight curls. Boobs are huge.She didn't tell me she was British.

09-13-17, 01:04
No fake tits.My bad I think. Could be her body just projects that her tits are fake since she has done that fitness. Lips has injection though right?

09-13-17, 01:54
But I managed 2 good sessions.

Nikki brunette Sedonia brunette.

It was a lame night, I went to relax and eat and the girls were so hungry they came to me.

And kindly emptied my wallet for me, so much so, that I even had to use the ATM and get 500 euro.

Which I believe proceeded to [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) me on the exchange rate.

09-13-17, 02:25
Sharks ATM charges 7 Euros per withdrawal, and maximum amount allowed per withdrawal is 150 Euros. Something to consider.

09-13-17, 02:53
Sharks ATM charges 7 Euros per withdrawal, and maximum amount allowed per withdrawal is 150 Euros. Something to consider.Tonight it presented options.

For different amounts, and I choose 500 because I believe that is the limit on the card and I also saw a conversion of $666 for .75 per euro.

The bloomberg rate is .85 right now, I will have to see my online statement but I know this isn't going to be pretty.

I hope they didn't charge me 10+ % surcharge.

Put your card in and do a dry run.

09-13-17, 02:58
Sharks ATM charges 7 Euros per withdrawal, and maximum amount allowed per withdrawal is 150 Euros. Something to consider.10 50 euro notes, a receipt would have been nice, it seems illegal to do a banking transaction and not even be given a receipt, I don't even know what they "charged" me.

09-13-17, 04:16
But I managed 2 good sessions.

Nikki brunette Sedonia brunette.

It was a lame night, I went to relax and eat and the girls were so hungry they came to me.

And kindly emptied my wallet for me, so much so, that I even had to use the ATM and get 500 euro.

Which I believe proceeded to me on the exchange rate.Matter of tastes for looks? Or of day? Of course Tuesday may be the slowest day for casting, for sure not the biggest casting compare to discount Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. Monday is also usually not so bad casting at Sharks.

One seem to enjoy the new casting, one don't, each one own eyes and tastes. All is subjective, but I will always prefer only 1 GFE real woman beauty in a club, like I had at Prestige Neunkirchen, World, GT or LR, rather than 100 GND or schoolgirls. I can enjoy and have 3 rooms a day with a same GFE beauty, when I will never go with more than 5 girls in a day, and no GND for me. GND meaning for me: girls out can see at each corner in the street, not much attractive for look.

09-13-17, 04:25
No fake tits.Yes, Elektra big tits, fall as natural, as discovered Newton, under fishnet. Very white skin, not so slim, long blond hair, not straight when saw her. I don t remember for tattoos because not really attractive face for me, so I was not focused on her, but on Jeje. De sophisticated look, even also not so slim and silicon but staying sensitive. Elektra was staying not so far from Steffi and ex Nicoletta sit, at the bar. Pretty sure for Romanian which include all Europe in FKK land.

09-13-17, 07:47
She didn't tell me she was British.She was British when she started at Shark bay, now she is Greek.

09-13-17, 08:26
For fans, Katalina / Kate seems to be back at Globe, since March. Also Aurelia and Megan on tour. Her friend, beautiful Misha for me.

What I call a good casting with really beautiful girls, pleasure for my eyes and brain. Worth to pay for, when 50 is sometimes too expensive for GND behaving like little girls.

09-13-17, 13:04
Tonight it presented options.

For different amounts, and I choose 500 because I believe that is the limit on the card and I also saw a conversion of $666 for .75 per euro.

The bloomberg rate is .85 right now, I will have to see my online statement but I know this isn't going to be pretty.

I hope they didn't charge me 10+ % surcharge.

Put your card in and do a dry run.Ok, maybe it was when I used the ATM, limit was 150. Which was odd. I had an instance for ATMs that limited to 200-300 per transaction(and this isn't due to my bank limit, I have a significant limit I place). And one ATM limited to 480 and I cashed it out(wouldn't withdrawal anymore). Perhaps money was lacking at the time of my withdrawal?

For 150, I was charged $181.41.

That's .826 I think it's really your bank's conversion.

Which is $1.21 per Euro, and the exchange rate is 1.20 currently. So not a ripoff besides some withdrawal fee charged. Will see if my bank reimburses the 7 Euros. Has anybody gotten the Sharks ATM fee reimbursed?

09-13-17, 13:19
She was British when she started at Shark bay, now she is Greek.Now I know who she is. She has Asiatic eyes, blonde. Sits at the non-Romie section by the dining entry.

Good personality, British accent. English is good for chitchats.

Member #4707
09-13-17, 13:31
Not all currently around, but for Sharks womanly looks for me were:

Milana(Serb), Sandra(DE), Agnes(Pol), Karolina(Pol), Yelliz(Ro), Rebecca(Ro), Clarissa(Ro), Erika(Ro), Crissy(Bul), Enya(Ro), Sophia(Ro), Jordan(DE), a shapely Ru, Tall blonde porny German, etc.. and others. Maybe others I'm forgetting.Is Karolina (Pol) back to Sharks?

09-13-17, 13:34
10 50 euro notes, a receipt would have been nice, it seems illegal to do a banking transaction and not even be given a receipt, I don't even know what they "charged" me.I have the same experience as PL with this. Sharks stopped dispensing 500euro to me 6 months ago. Max was 150euro as of August. Don't know why it would be different for CzarNicholas as it is an ATM limit not a card limit.

09-13-17, 13:42
Is Karolina (Pol) back to Sharks?Nope, she's long gone. Some of the girls in the list do not work at Sharks currently. Out of that list, I've seen Clarissa, Yelliz, Rebecca, Enya, Jordan, and Sophia. Sandra probably was just not present on my visits.

I should have been clearer.

09-13-17, 16:27
I heard Eva was spotted in Sharks (little romanian with white skin, perfect round boobs and a slightly long nose), maybe you have seen her?

09-13-17, 17:44
I heard Eva was spotted in Sharks (little romanian with white skin, perfect round boobs and a slightly long nose), maybe you have seen her?It's another Eva.

Rogue Nation
09-13-17, 19:21
According to lustscout Dina is back to Sharks.

09-13-17, 20:42
She was British when she started at Shark bay, now she is Greek.Either way, that goes in o e ear and out the next when she looks 110% Romanian. She even has a face that tells you all her forefathers were Romanians. Sometimes you just cannot lie about origin.

09-14-17, 00:33
I have the same experience as PL with this. Sharks stopped dispensing 500euro to me 6 months ago. Max was 150euro as of August. Don't know why it would be different for CzarNicholas as it is an ATM limit not a card limit.You try to impune the integrity of everyone else's posts (ala projection).

But in lieu of engaging you, I made sure to grab a screenshot tonite!

09-14-17, 00:54
Took a girl to a room, agreed on what I wanted and went up stairs as soon as the door closed she started saying extra prices for each thing, so I laughed and grabbed the door handle to leave and she became very angry yelling saying I couldn't leave.

What a nut case! Her name was Crystal blonde thin tall older face, say late 30's? She tried to physically stop me from leaving! WOWWWWW.

Didn't even get our shoes off, I'm sure she was really angry for blurting all that out "too soon" I'm sure she regrets not waiting til the session had started to change our agreement I said I'm going to reception so I waited for her by the cig machine and she came downstairs and disappeared into the crowd.

Anyone know 2 names for these 2 girls, I was speaking with Esther, then I noticed her hanging all night with a really tall thin blonde, she looks like a twin of Paloma, I swear they could be twins, and another girl very tall medium brown curly hair, with tattoo of some writing above right breast near her clavicle, also with some vertical writing down the side of her left rib cage? They sat on front of the stripper pole all night on the couch, they look so disengaged? Smoking and etc, I didn't approach, not sure what the scene is.

I'm way too tired to keep writing but I have some several more reviews to catch up on!

09-14-17, 01:07
Is Karolina (Pol) back to Sharks?She left at the end of IAA 2015. Sharks was not so crowded during IAA 2015 and girls were complaining about lack of business.

Dina came back for IAA?

09-14-17, 02:51
TAnyone know 2 names for these 2 girls, I was speaking with Esther, then I noticed her hanging all night with a really tall thin blonde, she looks like a twin of Paloma, I swear they could be twins, and another girl very tall medium brown curly hair, with tattoo of some writing above right breast near her clavicle, also with some vertical writing down the side of her left rib cage? They sat on front of the stripper pole all night on the couch, they look so disengaged? Smoking and etc, I didn't approach, not sure what the scene is.

I'm way too tired to keep writing but I have some several more reviews to catch up on!The tall thin blonde is likely Lavinia. The girls that hang around that area are Evita, Lavinia, Esther, Elif, Amalia, and another tall blonde(dunno who that is). When the Asians walk through there, they will get snatched up. LOL.

09-14-17, 03:32
another girl very tall medium brown curly hair, with tattoo of some writing above right breast near her clavicle, also with some vertical writing down the side of her left rib cageThink her name is Evelina.

09-14-17, 05:21
She left at the end of IAA 2015. Sharks was not so crowded during IAA 2015 and girls were complaining about lack of business.

Dina came back for IAA?She came back for the money.

09-14-17, 05:35
The tall thin blonde is likely Lavinia. The girls that hang around that area are Evita, Lavinia, Esther, Elif, Amalia, and another tall blonde(dunno who that is). When the Asians walk through there, they will get snatched up. LOL.Except this one's name, she wasn't Lavinia which was sitting at the bar with her hair up in a ball on top.

This one looks like a clone of Paloma, which was sitting on the couch where she always sits under the tv screen on the other side of the bar, with new hair color, light pink!!

I like to figure out their "business" "rationale" I feel some of them are trying to produce "artificial scarcity / demand" by being primarily disengaged / disinterested in producing income, which in my opinion conversely just leads to "demand destruction".

But I digress, which reminds me of Ockhams Razor.

These poorly educated wgs, are much less complex and just want someone that will overpay, and they will wait all night for one to do so.

Rather than do what it takes to produce and maintain a consistent cash flow.

Best wishes! LOL.

That is a very flawed strategy.

Rogue Nation
09-14-17, 07:20
According to lustscout Dina is back to Sharks.She's not. False information.

09-14-17, 08:40
If you are driving, there is 50 kmph zone when riding down Grafenhauser Str by the intersection of Langener Str (traffic lights before the under-pass coming from highway 5 toward Otto-Rohm Str), I got an alert of a Speed Camera. Just a warning. I don't know what other apps are good for getting warnings of speed cameras, but my TomTom app has warned me of majority of speed cameras (there was 1 that was new I wasn't alerted until updated).

09-14-17, 09:41
If you are driving, there is 50 kmph zone when riding down Grafenhauser Str by the intersection of Langener Str (traffic lights before the under-pass coming from highway 5 toward Otto-Rohm Str), I got an alert of a Speed Camera. Just a warning. I don't know what other apps are good for getting warnings of speed cameras, but my TomTom app has warned me of majority of speed cameras (there was 1 that was new I wasn't alerted until updated).I am not sure this one is for the speed it is more for the guys who not respecting the traffic lights.

09-14-17, 10:48
The girls that hang around that area are Evita, Lavinia, Esther, Elif, Amalia, and another tall blonde(dunno who that is). Could she be Bianca? She sat with Lavinia, Esther and Amalia opposite the pole the last 2 times I was there. Very pretty Nordic look, but I could not stand her upselling.

Since I did not spend more than 50 euros with her, she now ignores me when I walk past. So just to spite her in my last visit, I smiled at her, walked towards her, but switched to Lavinia, who was sitting beside her, at the last second. And that was on a slow day when she did not get much business.

09-14-17, 11:13
Could she be Bianca? She sat with Lavinia, Esther and Amalia opposite the pole the last 2 times I was there. Very pretty Nordic look, but I could not stand her upselling.

Since I did not spend more than 50 euros with her, she now ignores me when I walk past. So just to spite her in my last visit, I smiled at her, walked towards her, but switched to Lavinia, who was sitting beside her, at the last second. And that was on a slow day when she did not get much business.Do you see blond, so sad eyes, looking so bored, Bianca with woman curves under towel always around her ass, looking like twin with too thin Paloma?

Maybe Lavinia with very average face, ex brunette Bianka World, I think to remember.

09-14-17, 11:22
If you are driving, there is 50 kmph zone when riding down Grafenhauser Str by the intersection of Langener Str (traffic lights before the under-pass coming from highway 5 toward Otto-Rohm Str), I got an alert of a Speed Camera. Just a warning. I don't know what other apps are good for getting warnings of speed cameras, but my TomTom app has warned me of majority of speed cameras (there was 1 that was new I wasn't alerted until updated).Radar when arriving from autobahn FRA airport / Basel, just before driving under the bridge, is working since more than 1 year. Overspeed are not expensive in Germany, but when very high overspeed, even without alcohol nor drug, You can be forbidden to drive in Germany, even as a foreigner.

Anyway, 4 lines autobahn between airport and the right curve before Darmstadt is free to clean the left line.

09-14-17, 12:23
Not Bianca, haven't seen her around. I thought she didn't fit the group in terms of her build besides Esther. She had a build of a tall World girl like Alina at world with ponytail.

Unfortunately, what you say is the reality with a portion of the girls at Sharks now a days. I dunno if there were anything positive about Bianca's services.

Within the group I think Esther and Bianca are probably in the low end.

Although I have no idea of Amalia's sister's(Elif) services, I assume Amalia is a reliable service provider. Build and interaction kinda reminds me of Seda who worked at LR(who was a fav of mine), although kissing wasn't so relentless like Seda. LOL. Seda was unique in this regard.

Amalia's body is tight with minimal if any fat like Seda was. True slim.

09-14-17, 14:56
Didn't even get our shoes off, I'm sure she was really angry for blurting all that out "too soon" I'm sure she regrets not waiting til the session had started to change our agreement I said I'm going to reception so I waited for her by the cig machine and she came downstairs and disappeared into the crowd.
Well done, starve the sharks!

Nick The G
09-14-17, 15:05
Not Bianca, haven't seen her around. I thought she didn't fit the group in terms of her build besides Esther. She had a build of a tall World girl like Alina at world with ponytail.Bianca is back at Sharks! Maybe that was slim Mila whom the PussyLiccker had seen.

Back to the club are: Black Magic Woman Grace, Mia, Anja (albanian with big tattoo on back), blonde Patricia, Helli, Ella / Erica, seems summer vacation time is over.

Yesterday there were more than one hundred women there.

Nick The G
09-14-17, 16:21
Maybe that was slim Mila whom the PussyLiccker had seen.Or it was the blonde and pretty slim Ella / Erica, she is back again after many month of absence.

09-14-17, 16:40
She came back for the money.Sure but she is not back working at the club. At least not soon.

09-14-17, 17:45
She came back for the money.Dina was not my type of girl for my way for sex like at home with lots of foreplay, smelling and licking like a dog. She is not able to trust for such way for sex, Romanian girls are the more sensual for this, they are like French women. But if she can afford, I wish her to enjoy a normal woman life, far from fast money business, if she is able. I will just miss when she walked full naked in the garden, with sunglasses, swinging her ass, while my breakfast, like a superstar. Not many superstars now at Sharks.

09-14-17, 17:56
Except this one's name, she wasn't Lavinia which was sitting at the bar with her hair up in a ball on top.

This one looks like a clone of Paloma, which was sitting on the couch where she always sits under the tv screen on the other side of the bar, with new hair color, light pink!!

I like to figure out their "business" "rationale" I feel some of them are trying to produce "artificial scarcity / demand" by being primarily disengaged / disinterested in producing income, which in my opinion conversely just leads to "demand destruction".

But I digress, which reminds me of Ockhams Razor.

These poorly educated wgs, are much less complex and just want someone that will overpay, and they will wait all night for one to do so.

Rather than do what it takes to produce and maintain a consistent cash flow.

Best wishes! LOL.

That is a very flawed strategy.Pink hair? Paloma ex Karina World wants to challenge Ira maybe now at Artemis? I prefer quite sporty Ira body, even never had room with her. I don t like her punk style, not attractive to fuck Sid Viscious.

09-14-17, 19:22
I apologize for treading on the toes of Sharks afficionados but Czar Nicholas's posts sum up why I can't be arsed with Sharks.

09-14-17, 19:32
I believe that it is the first day of the big fair IAA in Frankfurt and despite it the business is quite slow. The girls are all complaining that it might be like 2 years ago when the same fair was not bringing enough customers to compensate the increased number of girls. Still a buyer market with a lot of girls. Let us see what the coming days will be.

09-14-17, 20:39
But in lieu of engaging you, I made sure to grab a screenshot tonite!Where I'm from, the advice is to always DECLINE conversion.

With the Euronet machines you even have to tell them twice to shove their crappy exchange rate.

09-14-17, 21:35
You ain't lying (or wuz drunk) that's for sho. :D Probably has to do with type of Card, your bank. Because like I've said, I got correct rate(different from yours) and limited to 150 Euros. Takedown's probably falls under the same scenario.

Oddly interesting and informative that my card is dependable.

I would have declined that screen immediately! They probably love to give you 500 at that rate, but for us only 150 at the better rate.

Perhaps foreign transaction percentage is accounted for. My bank don't have any.

09-14-17, 22:11
You're paying 8% more in addition to 7 Euro withdrawal charge.

09-14-17, 22:17
She came back for the money.You don't say. I would have thought for a bunch of Os from the LU of model men at Sharks!

Nick The G
09-15-17, 00:09
I apologize for treading on the toes of Sharks afficionados but Czar Nicholas's posts sum up why I can't be arsed with Sharks.No problem. Just tell us when you will be there next time!

09-15-17, 01:12
Think her name is Evelina.A friend did her tonite, no kissing allowed LOL.

He says she was OK but nothing special, especially no kissing.

Tt123 asks if its Bianca, no sir Bianca is many things but was probably never thin in her life hahahaaaa I'm guessing she tore up her mother coming out!!

Just think a clone of Paloma without the scar on her stomach, and without the new light pink hair.

09-15-17, 01:26
Well done, starve the sharks!How "serendipitous they have the Asian buffet for them for real food as well.

That name would be a nice re-brand for Sharks, I walked past her tonite and she yelled idiot haha.

I'm guessing, some form of Tourettes, whilst referring to herself, I mean I know WGs are not Rhodes scholars.

But I also know it isn't neurosurgery either, so how low must your IQ be to have serious issues selling your vagina.

09-15-17, 01:31
Or it was the blonde and pretty slim Ella / Erica, she is back again after many month of absence.It was not Ella / Erika or Mila.

Again just think a clone of Paloma.

In any case she hangs out with nothing but trouble so I'm willing to bet 10000 euro, she's bad news.

09-15-17, 07:08
No problem. Just tell us when you will be there next time!I shall. If you are there I am sure you will lead me to someone interesting.


09-15-17, 08:57
Selina, Romanian, 29 years old, size 34,165 cm, slim wit blond hair reaching the top of her ass. Her skin is rather pale, her eyes look somewhat sad. All in all a natural young woman who in general has its place on the very left side of the bar on level of the coffee machine.

She's back from holiday. We already knew each other sharing a first room on a Sunday evening in June. That day I was in the afternoon with Grace and therefore flashed of that session. Nonetheless I tried with Selina and the session was quite good but not any another kick of the day.

This Thursday she recognized me, some joking (she speaks very good German), let's go to the room area on ground level. The bed covered with sheets, Selina took of her black shoes, we begin to kiss intensively. I miss her tongue and ask for. Well, no problem, now we fight in our mouths. I like her body, her small feet, her boobs are natural, size A-B, not firm, a little bit sluggish but in a perfect shape. Licking her pussy makes fun, not only me. She gets wet, I don't use my fingers and nonetheless I succeed guiding her to the point of no return. She accepts it, I'm surprised and very happy.

Her blowjob is excellent. I tell her the way I like it. Stay away with unnecessary use of your hands but make me happy with your tongue, your lips and give me a warm welcome in your mouth. Yeaah, Selina performs fantastic, makes me crazy. We fuck in missionary and finish in doggy.

My best session with a Romanian woman in Sharks in 2017.

And the reason to repeat on the same level in the evening. An exhausting 30 minutes.

Selina does what others may promise you.

09-15-17, 10:57
Nothing good ever comes from posting too much information.

Five years ago I was in Argentina perusing the girls in the local foros. I found one gem, sessioned with her and proceeded to share that incredible experience with the guys on Argentina Private. She was a rockstar and I wanted to throw the guys a bone. Argentina was quickly drying up, and real gems became harder and harder to find. So when you find a diamond, you want to share with the guys who have shared with you. The problem is, only 1% on mongers contribute to the board. The other 99% of readers are just vultures, picking away at info you have worked so diligently to find. They want to know where the best girls are without having to do any of the footwork. In short order appointments with her became harder and harder until one very prominent member of our board locked her up to a long-term contract. She was now off the market.

Would Jax, errr, the most senior member of the board have found her without me posting my XP? Propably. But it would have taken more than the few weeks I was there, and I could have seen her a few more times. (I have no problem with the way it went down IN THIS CASE, by the way. He's a close personal friend and I think all of us owe a great debt to Jackson for putting this board together, with most info provided for FREE!

So, you see, I'm reluctant to share information on specific girls, lest they become impossible to book time with because most of you lazy fucks don't like doing your own personal recon; hitting up different clubs during different seasons.

I understand things are not the same here in Germany with the FKKs. Girls move around from club to club. For a few weeks or months, this club is hot, or that club is hot. World used to be my favorite. Then it was Oase, and so on it went. Plus I RARELY remember the names of girls I just "saw"' -- my short-term memory is fried at this point.

So, what does this have to do with Sharks you ask? Ok, I'll share. For my money, the experience I had at Sharks last night was probably the best I have had at any FKK ever. The first session was amazing. The second session was amazing. The third session was amazing. Then I started forgetting shit. My Johnson is damn near ready to fall off this morning and I'm sore as fuck. I never spent more than 2 minutes looking for a girl that filled this or that particular fantasy. The talent was, in my opinion, that good!

I won't provide any personal information of the girls I was with, except to say that I spent at least 10 minutes talking with each them prior to taking them to a room. And each session was a minimum of 1 hour. And they were all freaking incredible. Read between the lines, dummies. Spend more and generally you'll get better service. This is not a cast in stone truth, but it's been true for me. Plus, fortunately, I still have some game left. Meaning, I can still pull girls back home. Problem is those girls back home want you to cuddle and sleep with them after you've finished, and I'm not down with that. After I bust a nut, I'm done. Finished. Basta. Five minutes later I want a shower and a drink. Oh yeah, tip your bartenders a Euro or two. I'm in the service industry, and it goes a long way. And the food was, for an FKK, outrageously good. There was even a Thai curry chicken that was nearly perfect. Hat's off to the new chef.

I'll probably regret this later, but ok you IAA fucks-- here's your bone. Enjoy.

TL: DR Sharks was great last night. Hope I don't regret posting that.

09-15-17, 12:18
Is Amaila and Evita still in the club? Thanks in advance.

09-15-17, 12:25
Nothing good ever comes from posting too much information.

So, what does this have to do with Sharks you ask? Ok, I'll share. For my money, the experience I had at Sharks last night was probably the best I have had at any FKK ever. The first session was amazing. The second session was amazing. The third session was amazing.

I won't provide any personal information of the girls I was with, except to say that I spent at least 10 minutes talking with each them prior to taking them to a room. And each session was a minimum of 1 hour. And they were all freaking incredible. Spend more and generally you'll get better service. I'm in the service industry, and it goes a long way. And the food was, for an FKK, outrageously good. There was even a Thai curry chicken that was nearly perfect. Hat's off to the new chef.

I'll probably regret this later, but ok you IAA fucks-- here's your bone. Enjoy.

TL: DR Sharks was great last night. Hope I don't regret posting that.You do realize that Sharks is one of the clubs that everyone visits when someone goes to Frankfurt, right?

Wow, thanks for letting the cat out of the bag regarding one of the most highly and frequently reviewed clubs on the FKK forums. <- sarcasm.

Since you were so forthcoming in sharing such "valuable" information, I'll let you in on another "secret:" Try Oase next. If you liked Sharks, you'll love Oase as well (I like both Sharks and Oase, but for me, Oase is my personal favorite -- most fans of the big clubs in Hessen prefer one of these two among the Hessen big 5).

And don't worry, you're not doing any harm by advertising these clubs. Any minuscule extra business they enjoy will actually be beneficial to improving their line-ups. These clubs used to be much popular back in the day and are actually down from years past. So, more business would only help to improve these clubs. Only a very small percentage of the clientele read these forums in any case.

How can you be letting the cat out of the bag when everyone who knows about FKKs already knows about Sharks? That's almost like saying, "Hey guys, I'm going to let you in on a big secret: There's these things called FKKs and they're so awesome! (when there's already thousands of posts on this forum and other boards that advertise that same fact). ".

As for the "spend more, get more," that's not exactly rocket science. This is P4P after all. Indeed, you may be overpaying as the "more" is often available from many girls simply by taking one hour sessions. Indeed, the "more" is also available from most girls to those regulars who are taking half hour sessions as well.

Sarcasm aside, thank you for sharing your experiences. It's always refreshing to read a new review that is from someone other than the ten usual posters that fill up the FKK fora.

09-15-17, 13:42
Upon further review (and after a little introspection), I regret my post came across as arrogant and snarky. Let me fix it:

I had a fun time at Sharks last night. Everyone should go. Yay! (ugh, more snark. I can't help myself!

You do realize that Sharks is one of the clubs that everyone visits when someone goes to Frankfurt, right?It is? Oh, for fuck sake. NOW you tell me!

Sarcasm aside, thank you for sharing your experiences. It's always refreshing to read a new review that is from someone other than the ten usual posters that fill up the FKK fora.You're welcome. I'll now crawl in a hole and return the FKK sub its usual crew.


09-15-17, 19:53
I left the club at 8:30 PM but the IAA seems not bringing a lot of business to Shark, may be a bit more Russian guys, at the end too many girls to session still a big buyer market.

Horny Harry
09-16-17, 12:00
Now I know who she is. She has Asiatic eyes, blonde. Sits at the non-Romie section by the dining entry.

Good personality, British accent. English is good for chitchats.I initially would have guessed she is somewhere from Central Asia, but it also wouldn't surprise me if she was born in the UK from Romanian parents. She looks quite similar to that Romanian girl (bit chubby, fake tits, Tina Turner hairstyle) who also has Asiatic eyes.

09-16-17, 12:02
I came across FKK (Artemis) by accident last year. The maximum I have done before that was Strip club visits in US. (so pretty much a newbie).

I was completely overwhelmed by everything. Cultural shock?

Thinking of visiting Sharks next week (during my one day stay). I am hoping to go with bit more knowledge this time.

Here are my (newbie) questions, appreciate any response:

1) Do I need to ask up front about kissing or assume it is included in 30 minute sessions?

2) I see lot of girl's names mentioned. How do you find them there? Through physical description or asking someone?

3) What is the best way to avoid coming too early (any slow down tactics like more foreplay or more talking etc?

4) Any suggestion on how to manage after 1-2 session?

5) I keep reading about new law, does this mean no BBBJ by default in Sharks?

6) Any recommendation for girls who may be better for newbies?

Thanks in advance.

09-16-17, 12:18
I agree completely. I saw Selina on Friday night. Spent a nice hour with her. I would see her again.

Selina, Romanian, 29 years old, size 34,165 cm, slim wit blond hair reaching the top of her ass. Her skin is rather pale, her eyes look somewhat sad. All in all a natural young woman who in general has its place on the very left side of the bar on level of the coffee machine.

She's back from holiday. We already knew each other sharing a first room on a Sunday evening in June. That day I was in the afternoon with Grace and therefore flashed of that session. Nonetheless I tried with Selina and the session was quite good but not any another kick of the day.

This Thursday she recognized me, some joking (she speaks very good German), let's go to the room area on ground level. The bed covered with sheets, Selina took of her black shoes, we begin to kiss intensively. I miss her tongue and ask for. Well, no problem, now we fight in our mouths. I like her body, her small feet, her boobs are natural, size A-B, not firm, a little bit sluggish but in a perfect shape. Licking her pussy makes fun, not only me. She gets wet, I don't use my fingers and nonetheless I succeed guiding her to the point of no return. She accepts it, I'm surprised and very happy.

Her blowjob is excellent. I tell her the way I like it. Stay away with unnecessary use of your hands but make me happy with your tongue, your lips and give me a warm welcome in your mouth. Yeaah, Selina performs fantastic, makes me crazy. We fuck in missionary and finish in doggy.

My best session with a Romanian woman in Sharks in 2017.

And the reason to repeat on the same level in the evening. An exhausting 30 minutes.

Selina does what others may promise you.

09-16-17, 12:31
Your post is not snarky at all. I am one of those 1% that post so I know how you feel.

I do however prefer giving names of good and bad performers. This does help some and hurts none. Like you said, what happened in Argentina is a completely different scenario and all of us are justified in having reservations about sharing info on rare gems we work so hard to find.

I was at Sharks on Friday, 2 PM to 3 AM. I had five one hour sessions and 2 half hour sessions. I obviously did not finish every time. Ha ha.

I saw Brenda, Stefy, Jennifer, Helen (30 minutes), Monica, Selina and Suzy (30 minutes)..

I would repeat all of them except Jennifer. She is beautiful though.

All FKKs can be hit or miss. I was at Sharks last Sunday and last night on a Friday. Friday was much much better. BTW, I spent Tuesday through Thursday in Kiev. That was wonderful as well, but in a very different way.

I don't like Oase as much personally, though I have not been there in a year. Sharks has better lookers in my opinion and slightly younger. Compared to my own age, a 28 yr old is a young woman but in FKK business that is old! By then, naturally, they turn into consumate pros and that does not excite me. I even temporarily stopped going to FKKs for that reason. Mainhatten started having younger ones and now I think Sharks. I am no expert. Just reporting my limited experience. In the above list, Monica (from Spain) is the oldest and said she is 26. Jennifer says she is almost 19. Rest are all around to 20-23. Oh Dios mio, what a day in paradise!

Nothing good ever comes from posting too much information.

Five years ago I was in Argentina perusing the girls in the local foros. I found one gem, sessioned with her and proceeded to share that incredible experience with the guys on Argentina Private. She was a rockstar and I wanted to throw the guys a bone. Argentina was quickly drying up, and real gems became harder and harder to find. So when you find a diamond, you want to share with the guys who have shared with you. The problem is, only 1% on mongers contribute to the board. The other 99% of readers are just vultures, picking away at info you have worked so diligently to find. They want to know where the best girls are without having to do any of the footwork. In short order appointments with her became harder and harder until one very prominent member of our board locked her up to a long-term contract. She was now off the market.

Would Jax, errr, the most senior member of the board have found her without me posting my XP? Propably. But it would have taken more than the few weeks I was there, and I could have seen her a few more times. (I have no problem with the way it went down IN THIS CASE, by the way. He's a close personal friend and I think all of us owe a great debt to Jackson for putting this board together, with most info provided for FREE!

So, you see, I'm reluctant to share information on specific girls, lest they become impossible to book time with because most of you lazy fucks don't like doing your own personal recon; hitting up different clubs during different seasons.

I understand things are not the same here in Germany with the FKKs. Girls move around from club to club. For a few weeks or months, this club is hot, or that club is hot. World used to be my favorite. Then it was Oase, and so on it went. Plus I RARELY remember the names of girls I just "saw"' -- my short-term memory is fried at this point.

So, what does this have to do with Sharks you ask? Ok, I'll share. For my money, the experience I had at Sharks last night was probably the best I have had at any FKK ever. The first session was amazing. The second session was amazing. The third session was amazing. Then I started forgetting shit. My Johnson is damn near ready to fall off this morning and I'm sore as fuck. I never spent more than 2 minutes looking for a girl that filled this or that particular fantasy. The talent was, in my opinion, that good!

I won't provide any personal information of the girls I was with, except to say that I spent at least 10 minutes talking with each them prior to taking them to a room. And each session was a minimum of 1 hour. And they were all freaking incredible. Read between the lines, dummies. Spend more and generally you'll get better service. This is not a cast in stone truth, but it's been true for me. Plus, fortunately, I still have some game left. Meaning, I can still pull girls back home. Problem is those girls back home want you to cuddle and sleep with them after you've finished, and I'm not down with that. After I bust a nut, I'm done. Finished. Basta. Five minutes later I want a shower and a drink. Oh yeah, tip your bartenders a Euro or two. I'm in the service industry, and it goes a long way. And the food was, for an FKK, outrageously good. There was even a Thai curry chicken that was nearly perfect. Hat's off to the new chef.

I'll probably regret this later, but ok you IAA fucks-- here's your bone. Enjoy.

TL: DR Sharks was great last night. Hope I don't regret posting that.

09-16-17, 14:12
Thanks for your post, Vitrea. I guess my experiences are colored by my extensive time spent catting around in Buenos Aires; a massive town can seem very small at times (especially in our little community of hobbiests.) There were some guys who posted reviews of their favorite girls, but most of the vets of the Argentina Private board just kept that info to themselves or shared over dinner at the AP House. I guess it just depends on the situation. Top girls are very hard to find in Buenos Aires, and if you find one after doing the footwork, you're likely to keep that info to yourself. I've had girls ask me to share my XP with the board, so I did as it helped their business. But in doing so you take the chance of losing her to the masses. This is what happened with *Mary*. I posted a glowing review and her business took off. This is NOT an overstatement -- booking an appointment with her became damn near impossible, and eventually became literally impossible. When was the last time Jax, Rock Harders, etc shared info on a specific girl, other than warnings about girls to stay away from? Answer: a long freaking time ago. Nothing against them -- they're just being smart.

Buenos Aires is just a different animal. The mongering scene has completely changed over the past 10 years from a destination town to a town where you go for other reasons and you can do a bit of fucking on the side. Although Harders just posted info about a new club with some stunners, we're talking 3 Bens and up here, plus entrance, the bar fine, etc. Fuck that. BsAs is dead to me as a mongering destination.

The FKKs and this part of Europe are different due to the sheer mass of available stunners who give high-quality service. And that's a distinction that was missing from my post below.

Regarding your experiences at Sharks, we both saw Helen and Suzy. I also saw Mala. Both Suzy and Mala rocked my world. They have completely different body types, but ut I vibed with both of them. And despite their veteran status, they weren't hardened at all. Both were as affectionate as I could have ever hoped for. Little Helen, on the other hand, was, despite her young age, already a hardened pro. And she had way too many rules. But her perfect face, ass and tits made up for it, and it was a fun ride. That said, I wouldn't repeat with her; but for Mala and Suzy I most definitely would. I have nothing but great things to say about both of them. Cheers to you, ladies!

An interesting side note: I spoke briefly with Stella, who caught my eye due to her short pixie hair cut and massive tits. She said she was Turkish and seemed friendly enough. But when I said I wanted to take her for an hour, she said she didn't do full hours, only 30 minutes. Then she listed the extras, like kissing (+50), etc. UGH! I just smiled, thanked her and walked away. I don't know -- maybe her pussy is lined with gold, but I sure as fuck wasn't going take a chance to find out.

The line-up last night at Sharks was great again. But I'm taking the day off today before heading to my next destination. So I'm finished with the FKKs for the time being. Enjoy, fellas!



Your post is not snarky at all. I am one of those 1% that post so I know how you feel.

I do however prefer giving names of good and bad performers. This does help some and hurts none. Like you said, what happened in Argentina is a completely different scenario and all of us are justified in having reservations about sharing info on rare gems we work so hard to find.

I was at Sharks on Friday, 2 PM to 3 AM. I had five one hour sessions and 2 half hour sessions. I obviously did not finish every time. Ha ha.

I saw Brenda, Stefy, Jennifer, Helen (30 minutes), Monica, Selina and Suzy (30 minutes)..

I would repeat all of them except Jennifer. She is beautiful though.

All FKKs can be hit or miss. I was at Sharks last Sunday and last night on a Friday. Friday was much much better. BTW, I spent Tuesday through Thursday in Kiev. That was wonderful as well, but in a very different way.

I don't like Oase as much personally, though I have not been there in a year. Sharks has better lookers in my opinion and slightly younger. Compared to my own age, a 28 yr old is a young woman but in FKK business that is old! By then, naturally, they turn into consumate pros and that does not excite me. I even temporarily stopped going to FKKs for that reason. Mainhatten started having younger ones and now I think Sharks. I am no expert. Just reporting my limited experience. In the above list, Monica (from Spain) is the oldest and said she is 26. Jennifer says she is almost 19. Rest are all around to 20-23. Oh Dios mio, what a day in paradise!

09-16-17, 14:12
Vitrea, I agree. I hope new blonde Helen sticks around. She's quite pretty.

09-16-17, 14:31
Is Amaila and Evita still in the club? Thanks in advance.Both are working today. Elif also. Sandra. De also.

09-16-17, 15:42
Your post is not snarky at all. I am one of those 1% that post so I know how you feel.

I do however prefer giving names of good and bad performers. This does help some and hurts none. Like you said, what happened in Argentina is a completely different scenario and all of us are justified in having reservations about sharing info on rare gems we work so hard to find.

I was at Sharks on Friday, 2 PM to 3 AM. I had five one hour sessions and 2 half hour sessions. I obviously did not finish every time. Ha ha.

I saw Brenda, Stefy, Jennifer, Helen (30 minutes), Monica, Selina and Suzy (30 minutes)..

I would repeat all of them except Jennifer. She is beautiful though.

All FKKs can be hit or miss. I was at Sharks last Sunday and last night on a Friday. Friday was much much better. BTW, I spent Tuesday through Thursday in Kiev. That was wonderful as well, but in a very different way.

I don't like Oase as much personally, though I have not been there in a year. Sharks has better lookers in my opinion and slightly younger. Compared to my own age, a 28 yr old is a young woman but in FKK business that is old! By then, naturally, they turn into consumate pros and that does not excite me. I even temporarily stopped going to FKKs for that reason. Mainhatten started having younger ones and now I think Sharks. I am no expert. Just reporting my limited experience. In the above list, Monica (from Spain) is the oldest and said she is 26. Jennifer says she is almost 19. Rest are all around to 20-23. Oh Dios mio, what a day in paradise!Oase has more girls and also less veteran one than Shark, LU in both club are very strong due to the big IAA fair starting this Thursday and only happening 1 time every 2 years.

09-16-17, 15:46
She looks quite similar to that Romanian girl (bit chubby, fake tits, Tina Turner hairstyle) who also has Asiatic eyes.If you're talking about Samira (Bulgarian or Turkish), also making a mystery about her origin, you are right. Both look similar in a way.

09-16-17, 16:37
I guess there must be 2 Helens. The one I saw was a brunette.

Vitrea, I agree. I hope new blonde Helen sticks around. She's quite pretty.

09-16-17, 16:42
If that is the case, I should have described the Helen I've met. I thought Sharks didn't have duplicate names, but my Helen was fairly new to the club, worked in the Middle East.

She was blonde, light skinned with A-cups, I'd say 165, and wears a dominatrix type black strap around her upper thighs (can't recall exactly what type of garder it was). As soon as you walk in, the end of the bar being 6 o'clock, she sits at about 4 O'clock of the bar.

09-16-17, 19:59
An interesting side note: I spoke briefly with Stella, who caught my eye due to her short pixie hair cut and massive tits. She said she was Turkish and seemed friendly enough. But when I said I wanted to take her for an hour, she said she didn't do full hours, only 30 minutes. Then she listed the extras, like kissing (+50), etc. UGH! I just smiled, thanked her and walked away. I don't know -- maybe her pussy is lined with gold, but I sure as fuck wasn't going take a chance to find out.Chezz.I sessioned Stella last month. She told me she was born in Germany of Turkish parents. I had been seeing her in the club since the start of my visit this year at the beginning of June. She is not my type and I was uninterested but noticed that she was very busy during my visits. I succumbed last month and took her to the room; she was nothing special. I really wonder what these guys see in her.

09-16-17, 20:38
If that is the case, I should have described the Helen I've met. I thought Sharks didn't have duplicate names, but my Helen was fairly new to the club, worked in the Middle East.

She was blonde, light skinned with A-cups, I'd say 165, and wears a dominatrix type black strap around her upper thighs (can't recall exactly what type of garder it was). As soon as you walk in, the end of the bar being 6 o'clock, she sits at about 4 O'clock of the bar.Yes Helen is blonde, about 165 cm and with a model body. Only 19 years old from Romania. She told me two weeks ago that she will soon be moving to the Middle East for more lucrative opportunities as an escort. Very nice girl.

09-16-17, 23:04
I am visiting Sharks for first time and newbie to FKK. (been to Artemis briefly but got overwhelmed).

Yesterday I typed a long version but that got lost somewhere in the forum.

Here is the short version of questions (appreciate your responses).

1) Should I ask about kissing or assume it is default?

2) Any suggestion on slowing down things (not coming early) in this setup.

3) How to find the girls mentioned in this forum? Talk to front desk or some other means?

Thanks in advance.

09-17-17, 00:00
Bingo! That is her. Session was fantastic. High energy and fun. She is a sexy dancer too.

If that is the case, I should have described the Helen I've met. I thought Sharks didn't have duplicate names, but my Helen was fairly new to the club, worked in the Middle East.

She was blonde, light skinned with A-cups, I'd say 165, and wears a dominatrix type black strap around her upper thighs (can't recall exactly what type of garder it was). As soon as you walk in, the end of the bar being 6 o'clock, she sits at about 4 O'clock of the bar.

09-17-17, 05:55
Brief visit to Sharks.

Slow session with "nurse" Aphrodite who got me to the line after 2 hours of "torture".

Favorite Hana was pre booked all night. I paid for an ambulance to take the guy home at 2 am.

Other notables in an excellent line up.

New girl Miki from Ro, blonde, excellent body, nice.

Melanie, tall slim Ro with nice manners.

Food better than before and actually very good. Agree with comment on green thai curry chicken -.

09-17-17, 12:55
Yes Helen is blonde, about 165 cm and with a model body. Only 19 years old from Romania. She told me two weeks ago that she will soon be moving to the Middle East for more lucrative opportunities as an escort. Very nice girl.Didn't know she was that young, didn't seem like it, I thought at least 21-22, seemed more mature. Yes, she's a pretty friendly gal, easy going personality. She has a persona to be a fitting escort. Pretty available on one night, and then in another her she was occupied by more clients. Yes, more lucrative, although I'd like her around, it isn't likely.

On another note, girls have taken me to the new sets of rooms on the back corner area. VIP rooms also gets used when rooms are occupied upstairs(the area is open).

09-17-17, 12:58
I am visiting Sharks for first time and newbie to FKK. (been to Artemis briefly but got overwhelmed).

Yesterday I typed a long version but that got lost somewhere in the forum.

Here is the short version of questions (appreciate your responses).

1) Should I ask about kissing or assume it is default?

2) Any suggestion on slowing down things (not coming early) in this setup.

3) How to find the girls mentioned in this forum? Talk to front desk or some other means?

Thanks in advance.1. Probably best to ask. I prefer not to ask, but that was not very successful for me at Sharks.

2. You are in charge. Pace the session how you want.

3. Front desk is in my experience unhelpful on this. The problem with fixing on a list is that they may well be busy, or not there, or not appeal to you. I prefer to go with my own instinct. You could sit on the sofas at the bottom of the stairs and ask the guys there: often they will be helpful regulars.

Horny Harry
09-17-17, 13:10
Yes Helen is blonde, about 165 cm and with a model body. Only 19 years old from Romania. She told me two weeks ago that she will soon be moving to the Middle East for more lucrative opportunities as an escort. Very nice girl.She told me the same about 2 month ago. At times she seemed nice, but she wouldn't stop complaining about 'how bad the money was' at Sharks, basically ruining the session for me.

I think she just tries build a client base by creating some level of exclusivity ('hurry up and pay / tip me well, otherwise I might be gone next week') around herself, in a similar way they use "False Time Constraints" in The Pickup Artist. http://www.bestpuatraining.com/false-time-constraints

Anyway, I didn't fall for her bullshit, I won't repeat her, and I'm not surprised she's still there. 🙄.

09-17-17, 13:42
And for the kissing, be really clear that you want it no matter how long the session is.

09-17-17, 14:59
How is the club with messe around. What is the ratio for men / girls. I might visit this month 20-23 . Or should i delay it to October for better ratio and less crowd ?. Thoughts.

09-17-17, 15:16
She told me the same about 2 month ago. At times she seemed nice, but she wouldn't stop complaining about 'how bad the money was' at Sharks, basically ruining the session for me.

I think she just tries build a client base by creating some level of exclusivity ('hurry up and pay / tip me well, otherwise I might be gone next week') around herself, in a similar way they use "False Time Constraints" in The Pickup Artist. http://www.bestpuatraining.com/false-time-constraints

Anyway, I didn't fall for her bullshit, I won't repeat her, and I'm not surprised she's still there. 🙄.Horny, are you certain it is the same girl? Has she been around that long? What you experienced is likely as a result of initial disappointments from prior work experiences, but as over time leveled off, which can create difference experiences. As we know when we take a particular girl can cause differences in experiences.

I had an instance meeting an ex-Sharks girl that complained about the less 10 Euro rates at Aca awhile back, but was still a performer in the room that I looked for her at Sharks. If you know girls, they like to express their situations. :D

09-17-17, 15:25
She told me the same about 2 month ago. At times she seemed nice, but she wouldn't stop complaining about 'how bad the money was' at Sharks, basically ruining the session for me.

I think she just tries build a client base by creating some level of exclusivity ('hurry up and pay / tip me well, otherwise I might be gone next week') around herself, in a similar way they use "False Time Constraints" in The Pickup Artist. http://www.bestpuatraining.com/false-time-constraints

Anyway, I didn't fall for her bullshit, I won't repeat her, and I'm not surprised she's still there. 🙄.HH. Your link led me to another quote "Pickup has a mature set of ethics based on informed consent and leaving the women you interact with better off than how you found them, by virtue of always acting with integrity". Excellent advice I try to follow:the better they feel about themselves with me, the better for me. Doesn't mean we need to believe all they tell us..

PL.Nice comment Often a girl may tell us something which appears to be untrue but can just be the result of change in circumstances or them explaining their passing thoughts about their situations

09-17-17, 15:35
If it was really a big scam I doubt that she'd go as far as to express her feelings to such degree, which sounds to me like it interfered greatly of the session. You can really see it in the girl that others cannot get an idea from mere words here.

Horny Harry
09-17-17, 17:38
If it was really a big scam I doubt that she'd go as far as to express her feelings to such degree, which sounds to me like it interfered greatly of the session. You can really see it in the girl that others cannot get an idea from mere words here.I'm not saying its a big scam, just that it might be her tactic to build a client base by creating an illusion of scarcity, exclusivity and 'limited availability.' You see the same in advertising all the time, maybe she's also a marketing pro. 😂

Horny, are you certain it is the same girl? Has she been around that long? What you experienced is likely as a result of initial disappointments from prior work experiences, but as over time leveled off, which can create difference experiences. I'm pretty sure its the same girl, she was brand new at the time and she perfectly fits the profile described by yourself and Oregon97 pasted below; young, blonde, Romanian, thin, wearing garter belt + stockings, Middle Eastern escort angle. She also seemed quite experienced despite her young age, so I guess you could be right about the "initial disappointments from prior work experiences" bit, or maybe I caught her at a bad day.

Yes Helen is blonde, about 165 cm and with a model body. Only 19 years old from Romania. She told me two weeks ago that she will soon be moving to the Middle East for more lucrative opportunities as an escort. Very nice girl.

If that is the case, I should have described the Helen I've met. I thought Sharks didn't have duplicate names, but my Helen was fairly new to the club, worked in the Middle East.

She was blonde, light skinned with A-cups, I'd say 165, and wears a dominatrix type black strap around her upper thighs (can't recall exactly what type of garder it was). As soon as you walk in, the end of the bar being 6 o'clock, she sits at about 4 O'clock of the bar.

09-17-17, 17:39
Is Amaila and Evita still in the club? Thanks in advance.Yes, both are in the club. Just saw Evita on Friday and had an amazing session with her. She lost some weight and seems in perfect shape.

09-17-17, 18:49
For me personally, I'm hoping it was a marketing ploy and Middle East thing is just hogwash and she didn't go back. She can be from the UK as well if she wants. :)

Horny Harry
09-17-17, 19:50
For me personally, I'm hoping it was a marketing ploy and Middle East thing is just hogwash and she didn't go back. She can be from the UK as well if she wants. :)See? You're already 'hoping that she won't go back,' so the marketing has obviously kicked in. 😉 😃. (tongue in cheek)

I just remembered another detail about her. She was extremely rude and aggressive towards another WG when we walked up the stairs and the two girls refused to give way to each other. She aggressively bumped into the other girl (tall, sexy brunette, silicone, quite sharky / aggressive approaches, sometimes offering threesomes with her 'sister') by butting her shoulder into her, and what followed was a bunch of bitchy Romanian expletives being thrown back and forth. For a moment I thought that a cat fight was going to break out and that they were going to rip each other's hair out on the stairs, and I also remembered thinking: " wow, that's a pretty gutsy move from a skinny girl who is brand-new in this club and probably doesn't have too many friends here yet. "
Then I thought to myself: "damn, I wonder how this will work out in the room," but after the little run-in with her co-worker, she just shrugged her shoulders and her personality changed 180 degrees into the 'nice mode' again. The session itself was quite routine and professional (no kissing, covered BJ, no fingers in pussy) whereby she was also courteous and reasonably pleasant, but as I previously mentioned she was also constantly moaning about 'that the money at Sharks sucks' and that 'she deserved more money' which for me was quite a big turn-off.

Overall it was a very interesting experience; her model optics and fairly decent service on one hand, and her aggressive behaviour about money and towards her co-worker on the other hand.

09-17-17, 20:46
Horny, maybe we can talk about this over some beer if we run into each other. :)

09-17-17, 21:20
How is the club with messe around. What is the ratio for men / girls. I might visit this month 20-23 . Or should i delay it to October for better ratio and less crowd ?. Thoughts.Many girls on this Saturday 16 September, after 3 pm, but average casting for pretty faces with woman look, too many teeny little girls look. Not crowded in the afternoon, a bit on evening with a bit of wait for room, but no problem to get girls, most were not so busy, some worked for long time until very late, like Amalia and Elif. Missing on this Saturday: Mandy, tall blond Erika, Violetta ex Larissa LR. Maybe last day for Helli silicon, a pity for her tits, beautiful nature before, apples now, less pretty look now for me, even never went with her I saw so many times on 2015 and 2016. Arabella. Pol and Aylin. At are back. Jeje. De worked for IAA but as I said to her: I didn't forget and no repeat for me, when she asked what we do? Smiling, but at least a woman for look, even not sensual nor so generous for sex.

Great breakfast, diner was OK, sun in the garden in the afternoon, arrived at 11.30 am, had 3 girls I wanted, working hard to find 2 last. Last room at 4.30 am with pretty Lora. Hu, fun girl with woman look even not a top GFE, so, worth 50 , smiling, friendly, generous for BJ, very sensitive for sex even very late at night. My ex wet tornado went to me when she saw me, when starting her day, she lost weight and looks better, but unfortunately she lost also wet fire inside of her, playing too much actress now, too fake, not interesting, first room was great level, so wet. Second room, she couldn't follow for sport, but it was late at night. On this time, even still sensitive and generous for sex, but too fake, 1 hour was enough versus 2 1 h30 for 2 first chalets rooms. Tia. De was my type for sweet GF, but not so passionate than some of my Romanian GF in other clubs. No upselling, my 3 girls were honest about rate, friendly for behavior, but lack of dreams and passion, compare to some top girls we can have in Germany, or Switzerland or one at Wellcum.

Quantity at Sharks, but only a very few girls for my tastes. Just a good day for sex, not more, no dreamed girl.

Selina is too average face to be attractive for me, even friendly behavior. Same for Amalia, Elif, Brenda, Rebeka, only bodies, but average faces, not my types. 1 short chestnut hair, small girl, with 1 tits, her left, bigger than the other one, with turkish tattoos in back, had cute look.

Some girls: Sandra, Marina, Kaira. Srb, Stefi, Selina, Branda, Jellis, Rebeka, Ada, Diana, Ester, Bianka, Lavinia, blond Patricia silicon, Paloma with new look, Madalina, Melani, some black girls, a fat Asian I think ex World. Sade ex Bab, Jeje. De. Friendly but silicon, small Polina. Bu. Pretty, small, very skinny MonaLisa. Russian, silicon, MILF Viktoria, but average look for Russian. Evita, not busy on early afternoon.

For those who knew a bit Sharks, Ada was not busy at all on 2015 and beginning of 2016 , even nice behavior for our room, so she left for History, maybe she improved to History Basel Liestal, because she is busier now. That s new Sharks, no more top beauties, better for some others, now.

09-18-17, 05:56
Also Anja. Alb with new tattoo on belly, working on this Saturday. Not so slim, but still friendly when she saw me, before a German arrived, I wish her the best to come for 2018. Many Romanian girls change behavior when he arrives, but his behavior doesn't work with German girls or Hungarians. If my favorites are usually Romanian and had many at Sharks, with more than 30 rooms, only at Sharks, without Mainhattan or Globe, with Megan, usually 1 h30 rooms, but Romanian girls now at Sharks are not my type for face and lack of woman looks. Only Stefi and Madalina look like my type for women. My 3 girls on this Saturday were not Romanian, when my 5 girls over 30 rooms are all Romanian.

I chose to visit Sharks on a important Messe Saturday, to see the full casting, except Mandy, but I know Mandy level. Many girls for choice. I think most numerous casting in Germany, but not highest level. At History or Harmony, I could go with 5 girls among less than 20 working. Couldn't find 5 girls to go with at Sharks among maybe 100 girls and not more than 10 quite pretty, like Jeni, 5 other teeny looks girls.

Only good point is no upselling for me, compare to many at Oase.

Bad point was some guys preferring to watch Bundesliga 2 rather than Singapore Formula 1 tries, could watch only P3. They didn't even know Vettel is Singapore specialist, even he made mistake for start accident, not Verstappen fault on this time, but it s race risks.

Happy after to watch my little Borussia competing at Leipzig.

For Evita, I only wrote I didn't believe what she said when she came to me on January 2015 , from my many Russian escorts experiences in Western Europe or Dubai, they wouldn't work in brothels, and she is clever enough to feel who she can lead or not. I did appreciate Megan for how she introduced herself, coming from far deep Romania, and 2 years later, I know how she still stays close to her Romanian life. Asian business specialists, and still on this Saturday, can be noticed by anybody able to open eyes. Clever easy business, like guys who pay girls for time to speak about other guys, or some guys who massage girls in room, rather than fucking. WGs are so talkative about clients. But to be fair with her, I know some not Asian guys who said to me about her and how they like her, so she may be good for them. No negative opinion, I just don t like lies and bullshit, but she knows better than me. As I said to Karin who was claiming to be Spanish from Valencia, I answered: bad luck You are not Romanian, because I m not so attracted by Spanish, but I like Romanians and You are pretty like a Romanian girl. Then she became Romanian born, a real woman look on 2015 until Easter 2016 .

Unfortunately, no more Karin looks at Sharks now.

09-18-17, 09:05
I am visiting Sharks for first time and newbie to FKK. (been to Artemis briefly but got overwhelmed).

Yesterday I typed a long version but that got lost somewhere in the forum.

Here is the short version of questions (appreciate your responses).

1) Should I ask about kissing or assume it is default?

2) Any suggestion on slowing down things (not coming early) in this setup.

3) How to find the girls mentioned in this forum? Talk to front desk or some other means?

Thanks in advance.Go to girls who attract you, not others list girls. Each one own eyes and tastes.

I can just say many big natural tits at Sharks, not only Brenda staying at the bar on entry side, but also too many average faces not attractive to kiss.

Speak with girls, ask them about what you like, before going to room. Most of girls are not so busy and look for business, even on a Saturday during IAA messe. I saw often written about on this forum girls working from 2 pm to 4 am, often turning around the lounge. Helli now silicon and Evita were busy at night but not on afternoon.

Most of German girls stay on the wall to restaurant or at the bar usually on this side, same for Hungarians. Only Sandra can sit on the other side on early day, before Romanians wake up.

Many girls, so, many choices. 1 real model look, slim black girl, what a body. Some black girls, a few Asian types.

I forgot Nela also working on Saturday. Also Bianka, Lavinia and Ester.

09-18-17, 09:24
The trip report to the FKK land so far. I have filed this under Sharks as this was my first visit.

Sept. 16.

Landed at Frankfurt that afternoon, checked into a hotel in Darmstadt, met up with another ISGer, and headed to Sharks. As usual, parking was full there, and we had to find a free parking spot in the next building. Not a big issue except for that annoyance of having to walk under the light rain. Things had changed quite a bit since my visit last year in July.

The Good:

Food selection and quality have improved significantly. I was pleasantly surprised by their buffet selection. They had more masseurs on location this time and they were assigned dedicated rooms. I always like to get a full body massage before anything else, especially after such a long flight across the pond. Had a Thai-style massage from a Thai lady, and she was surprisingly strong and it was very good.

The Bad:

If points are awarded solely on optics, the lineup that night was better that I last remembered. Unfortunately, the girls has turned up to be much sharkier. Since the new July law, the girls were now demanding extras for BBBJ, and with most of them kissing too. This level of "Sharkiness" no doubt killed my mood.

There were certainly quite a lot of turnovers among the working girls there, since I did not recognize any of them, except for one. I bumped into a relatively short and petite Romanian blonde, Sonya, and she remembered me immediately from my last visit. It was easy to remember her too since she's the only Romanian that I could recall from Transylvania, Land of Dracula, haha. We chatted up and warmed up to each other before heading up to the room upstairs. Sonya provided a very GFE service, and we certainly made the fullest use of the Jacuzzi in the room. I had certainly enjoyed her services a lot, and without a doubt spent a significant chunk of my time with her that night.

The next day, I was off to NRW and spent my time at Golden Time and Living Room. Guess that will be a report for me to write up next in that section of the forum.

Kosher Kowboy
09-18-17, 10:25
Not too much to report here, only did one girl the other day as a friend and I took off for Dietzenbach. I did the first girl who talked to me (about 2 min after I sat down she said Hello,) but first I enjoyed the wellness opportunities and some lunch. I also ' interviewed' several others prior to the session and the upselling started before the room with girls asking ' why just 30 min? Why don't you want cum in my mouth and so on. I chose the first girl as she was not aggressive and about 3-4 times passed me and very simply told me ' I hope you want to see me let me know if and when you are ready'; her attitude was superb. I found her approach night and day relative to the others. Not knowing if she would rush me or not I observed her for a while and let her do a few rooms prior. She was up in the room 2 X for a full 30 min and once for a full hour. That was enough to sell me on her, we did a 50 E session.

She claimed to be Greek, said she was young 30's, I estimate about 32-35, I could be wrong but over 30 without doubt. Dark black hair, very bright red / pink lipstick and medium figured with large breasts. I don't care where they are from to me it is about the service / looks balance. However, I do remember the Greek alphabet as I had to memorize it forwards and backwards in my college days in fraternity so I decided to test her. I do think she was genuinely Greek or she did her homework very well to fake it. I started saying the alphabet and she took over after Epsilon I believe and whizzed thru the alphabet herself in about 10 seconds. After ensuring she would give me an enjoyable blowjob we went to the room upstairs. I'm terrible with names but she was either Katherine, Katarina, Katrina something along those lines. Just below her cleavage and around her belly button she had a very large tattoo, can't miss her. Very pretty eyes.

She delivered a very good session. I laid on my back and she gave me light kisses, not deep tongue just little ' pecks on the lips' and best way to describe it some ' light tongue' as well while she used her hand to get me hard. Once I got hard she gave me a very good, relaxing, deep and pleasurable blowjob. She than did me in cowgirl until she asked to switch saying ' you fuck me now. ' She was a tad mechanical while we did missionary with the moans, ' fuck me baby', ' I like America' blah blah. She started grabbing my nipples and playing with them a clear indicator of ' hurry up and cum' but in a nice way. I just couldn't bust in the rubber. I told her just to finish me off with her hand. She did ask if I wanted a mouth finish and told her just the hand is fine. To me it isn't worth the extra 50 E. No upsell pressure like some with the ' it's only 50 E more' or ' I give great cum in mouth' blah blah. She just stroked me till I busted my nutz.

We went down to the money box, handed her 50 E, she seemed very appreciative, said thank you and did not ask for a tip or anything only a ' I hope to see you again' and off she went in thru the tart door and off I went to the showers.

Top notch girl, really enjoyed her and highly recommend for exceptional service and attitude for 50 E. She is a tad older than the average if you like the young ones but if you like the younger mature types she is just a great selection and no ' sharkiness' at all.

Happy mongering all.


P.S. I left the club towel-less this time.

09-18-17, 19:17
I'm really sorry but I truly wonder how you can consider this as a good service. For me that's less than average: mechanical, no kissing, "come baby come". Take your car, drive 100 km to Finca Erotica, for 50 you'll have a full service!! Or in NRW, for 40 yesterday in Acapulco Gold I had a sweet young romanian who kissed me like crazy for 40 .
I forgot, if you don't want to drive too far, Bahama Club in Maintal Dornigheim may be a better option.

09-18-17, 20:19
Also Anja. Alb with new tattoo on belly, working on this Saturday. Not so slim, but still friendly when she saw me, before a German arrived, I wish her the best to come for 2018.
I just meant not so slim than before Switzerland, not so model type than 1 year ago, but not fat. Still friendly as soon she saw me, so I can just wish her to return to Switzerland, but not at Bumsalp going down for business, rather than poor 50 € rooms all day.

To a member met on late night, Sharks girls level went down for beauty and woman skill, because Sharks clients level went down, with most of rooms for only 50 €, so Kate is really better at GT where higher clients level. Most of top Sharks girls left, so now, girls like Ada can get business, when she was sitting all along 1 year ago, even she was nice behavior, and left for History Basel Liestal for a while on end of 2016 , when I visited every weekend for Mady and after Lorena T.

For this visit, once more no upselling for my 3 experiences, Tia just wanted to make sure I knew club rate, 100 for 1 sweet hour with her, I loved her so small hands, feet, white skin, and so wet when starting DATY, I could start drinking.

Thanks to my bad German friend, no sharking girls for me, because all Romanian girls are said I m the best writer on internet, so they are too afraid about me to kill their WG career. German or Hungarian girls don't care about him, so I could get the prettiest for my tastes on this Saturday, even not top models, but Lora is prettier than so many Romanian GND. Only small Polina. Bu came many times to ask if I was ready for her, but in friendly way.

Sorry Jo. De, it would have been nice to meet after so long time, but I only chose to go to Sharks on Saturday morning, rather than sex factory business behavior at LR. Even she is my best student as a 24 yo real Romanian woman, I think I really have to find a new fresh GFE potential and work hard to make her become to my standards for sex like at home, because even she is still great in room, but really lack of charm now for her new business.

Also Elektra for big natural tits on this Saturday.

Funny when Lora said: you have a nice dick, when BJ at 4.30 am, not usual to hear. Usually girls say they like my face and eyes when we kiss looking in the eyes, and I caress their face, so they caress back my face on same time.

09-18-17, 20:50
Many girls on this Saturday 16 September, after 3 pm, but average casting for pretty faces with woman look, too many teeny little girls look. Not crowded in the afternoon, a bit on evening with a bit of wait for room, but no problem to get girls, most were not so busy, some worked for long time until very late, like Amalia and Elif. Missing on this Saturday: Mandy, tall blond Erika, Violetta ex Larissa LR. Maybe last day for Helli silicon, a pity for her tits, beautiful nature before, apples now, less pretty look now for me, even never went with her I saw so many times on 2015 and 2016. Arabella. Pol and Aylin. At are back. Jeje. De worked for IAA but as I said to her: I didn't forget and no repeat for me, when she asked what we do? Smiling, but at least a woman for look, even not sensual nor so generous for sex.

Great breakfast, diner was OK, sun in the garden in the afternoon, arrived at 11.30 am, had 3 girls I wanted, working hard to find 2 last. Last room at 4.30 am with pretty Lora. Hu, fun girl with woman look even not a top GFE, so, worth 50 , smiling, friendly, generous for BJ, very sensitive for sex even very late at night. My ex wet tornado went to me when she saw me, when starting her day, she lost weight and looks better, but unfortunately she lost also wet fire inside of her, playing too much actress now, too fake, not interesting, first room was great level, so wet. Second room, she couldn't follow for sport, but it was late at night. On this time, even still sensitive and generous for sex, but too fake, 1 hour was enough versus 2 1 h30 for 2 first chalets rooms. Tia. De was my type for sweet GF, but not so passionate than some of my Romanian GF in other clubs..Thanks for the report, Saturday there were more than 150 girls, most of the girls I spoke with were little bit disappointed by the IAA, many asian guys but only for 50 euros, agree with you too many young girls looking like children when they take off their shoes, a lot of sex but no real feeling, pleasure just sex.

09-18-17, 20:51
Not too much to report here, only did one girl the other day as a friend and I took off for Dietzenbach. I did the first girl who talked to me (about 2 min after I sat down she said Hello,) but first I enjoyed the wellness opportunities and some lunch. I also ' interviewed' several others prior to the session and the upselling started before the room with girls asking ' why just 30 min? Why don't you want cum in my mouth and so on. I chose the first girl as she was not aggressive and about 3-4 times passed me and very simply told me ' I hope you want to see me let me know if and when you are ready'; her attitude was superb. I found her approach night and day relative to the others. Not knowing if she would rush me or not I observed her for a while and let her do a few rooms prior. She was up in the room 2 X for a full 30 min and once for a full hour. That was enough to sell me on her, we did a 50 E session.

She claimed to be Greek, said she was young 30's, I estimate about 32-35, I could be wrong but over 30 without doubt. Dark black hair, very bright red / pink lipstick and medium figured with large breasts. I don't care where they are from to me it is about the service / looks balance. However, I do remember the Greek alphabet as I had to memorize it forwards and backwards in my college days in fraternity so I decided to test her. I do think she was genuinely Greek or she did her homework very well to fake it. I started saying the alphabet and she took over after Epsilon I believe and whizzed thru the alphabet herself in about 10 seconds. After ensuring she would give me an enjoyable blowjob we went to the room upstairs. I'm terrible with names but she was either Katherine, Katarina, Katrina something along those lines. Just below her cleavage and around her belly button she had a very large tattoo, can't miss her. Very pretty eyes.

She delivered a very good session. I laid on my back and she gave me light kisses, not deep tongue just little ' pecks on the lips' and best way to describe it some ' light tongue' as well while she used her hand to get me hard. Once I got hard she gave me a very good, relaxing, deep and pleasurable blowjob. She than did me in cowgirl until she asked to switch saying ' you fuck me now. ' She was a tad mechanical while we did missionary with the moans, ' fuck me baby', ' I like America' blah blah. She started grabbing my nipples and playing with them a clear indicator of ' hurry up and cum' but in a nice way. I just couldn't bust in the rubber. I told her just to finish me off with her hand. She did ask if I wanted a mouth finish and told her just the hand is fine. To me it isn't worth the extra 50 E. No upsell pressure like some with the ' it's only 50 E more' or ' I give great cum in mouth' blah blah. She just stroked me till I busted my nutz.

We went down to the money box, handed her 50 E, she seemed very appreciative, said thank you and did not ask for a tip or anything only a ' I hope to see you again' and off she went in thru the tart door and off I went to the showers.

Top notch girl, really enjoyed her and highly recommend for exceptional service and attitude for 50 E. She is a tad older than the average if you like the young ones but if you like the younger mature types she is just a great selection and no ' sharkiness' at all.

Happy mongering all.


P.S. I left the club towel-less this time.It seems the only greek girl is Elektra, young with extensions and DD or EE bubs.

Kosher Kowboy
09-18-17, 23:53
I'm really sorry but I truly wonder how you can consider this as a good service. For me that's less than average: mechanical, no kissing, "come baby come". Take your car, drive 100 km to Finca Erotica, for 50 you'll have a full service!! Or in NRW, for 40 yesterday in Acapulco Gold I had a sweet young romanian who kissed me like crazy for 40 .
I forgot, if you don't want to drive too far, Bahama Club in Maintal Dornigheim may be a better option.Good for you buddy! Glad you had fun. Makes two of us. Worry about yourself, I'll be just fine. Thanks for the advise though! I don't give a shit about kissing anyway it's on the bottom of my list, just a blowjob and sex is all I really want, and sometimes love to eat pussy. IMHO if one needs to drive 100 km for kisses well, never mind. To each their own.

We're all entitled to our opinions but you're happy, I'm happy that's all that matters. 50 E is like pissing water, ask me if I care that you were kissed like like crazy. Actually don't, you already know the answer.

Enjoy your mongering, I'll do the same.

09-19-17, 17:12
Good for you buddy! Glad you had fun. Makes two of us. Worry about yourself, I'll be just fine. Thanks for the advise though! I don't give a shit about kissing anyway it's on the bottom of my list, just a blowjob and sex is all I really want, and sometimes love to eat pussy. IMHO if one needs to drive 100 km for kisses well, never mind. To each their own.

We're all entitled to our opinions but you're happy, I'm happy that's all that matters. 50 E is like pissing water, ask me if I care that you were kissed like like crazy. Actually don't, you already know the answer.

Enjoy your mongering, I'll do the same.Very good post. I agree with that. People tend to think their way of mongering is the right way but its different for everybody.

09-19-17, 17:24
Very good post. I agree with that. People tend to think their way of mongering is the right way but its different for everybody.Thank god it is different for everybody or we would all be queuing for the same girls.

Having said this I guess there is a vague partial consensus about what good service is, but not everybody wants all the items.

If someone wants kissing some clubs are better than others.

Same with nakedness

And so on

09-19-17, 20:10
Also Anja. Alb with new tattoo on belly, working on this Saturday. Not so slim, but still friendly when she saw me, before a German arrived, I wish her the best to come for 2018.
I meant not so slim than before Switzerland, not so model body, but not fat of course. She came to me as soon she saw me, I just wish her to return to Switzerland in 2018, not at Bumsalp, rather than poor 50 € rooms.

Girls level for beauty now at Sharks is according to clients level now, most of top girls left when most of rooms are only for 50. Roxana is at Wellcum, Katalina and Megan are at Globe. Kate is better at GT where clients are higher level for money.

No upselling for this new experience at Sharks, from my 3 girls, only Tia. De wanted to make sure I knew club rate.

No sharking from girls, but Romanian girls know about my writings, only small Polina. Bu came many times to ask if I was ready for her.

With Jeje. De, but she doesn't worth to repeat, had the 3 most interesting woman types seen on this Sunday. Tia was cute and really sweet, Lora quite pretty, fun for sex and really sensitive at 4.30 am after being quite busy.

Unfortunately, no dreamed top model seen. Big Sharks with many GND can't compete for casting with smaller clubs.

09-19-17, 23:05
I think she just tries build a client base by creating some level of exclusivity ('hurry up and pay / tip me well, otherwise I might be gone next week') around herself, in a similar way they use "False Time Constraints" in The Pickup Artist. http://www.bestpuatraining.com/false-time-constraints
I agree with your assessment of Helen's tactic and the intent behind it, but the definition for FTC, is not that similar to me. As explained in the link, FTC is used in contexts where you are interrupting someone who is minding their own business. Dropping the FTC is a way to drop their guard and make them less annoyed. Knowing that you will leave them alone shortly, makes them drop their guard, and buys time for you to make a sales pitch. It probably also serves to make you NOT look like a clingy, desperate person who doesn't have better things to do.

Helen's tactics are along the lines of the marketing principle of "scarcity". Websites use the labeling "limited time offer". Airline websites use the verbiage "only three seats left". The salesperson knows if the prospect abandons the purchase, they realize that they don't actually need the product or service, and thus the customer never returns, and the salesperson can't convert the lead.

09-20-17, 00:39
Is the outdoor area for Sharks still open in September? I was there in June and it was fantastic as it provides a very different atmosphere and place to relax compared to the inside. If not, is it still worth going to Sharks? I haven't tried Oase or palace yet, but will be back in Germany soon.

09-20-17, 02:28
Is the outdoor area for Sharks still open in September? I was there in June and it was fantastic as it provides a very different atmosphere and place to relax compared to the inside. If not, is it still worth going to Sharks? I haven't tried Oase or palace yet, but will be back in Germany soon.Yes garden is open, but girls don t go when 10 degrees outside. Saturday was a sunny Winter day, so, no chalet with girls.

09-20-17, 23:22
If someone wants kissing some clubs are better than others.

What are the top clubs for kissing? With girls 18- 27.

09-21-17, 01:06
What are the top clubs for kissing? With girls 18- 27.No top club, but some top girls who are queen of kisses. Some girls are really passionate for kissing, coming to kiss You in missionary. Great then to have them breathing faster in your mouth.

09-21-17, 17:51
I agree with your assessment of Helen's tactic and the intent behind it, but the definition for FTC, is not that similar to me. As explained in the link, FTC is used in contexts where you are interrupting someone who is minding their own business. Dropping the FTC is a way to drop their guard and make them less annoyed. Knowing that you will leave them alone shortly, makes them drop their guard, and buys time for you to make a sales pitch. It probably also serves to make you NOT look like a clingy, desperate person who doesn't have better things to do.

Helen's tactics are along the lines of the marketing principle of "scarcity". Websites use the labeling "limited time offer". Airline websites use the verbiage "only three seats left". The salesperson knows if the prospect abandons the purchase, they realize that they don't actually need the product or service, and thus the customer never returns, and the salesperson can't convert the lead.Well stated! She's a con artist for inexperienced mongers, along with her sidekick "lily the thief".

09-21-17, 20:12
Is the outdoor area for Sharks still open in September? I was there in June and it was fantastic as it provides a very different atmosphere and place to relax compared to the inside. If not, is it still worth going to Sharks? I haven't tried Oase or palace yet, but will be back in Germany soon.Open but since 2 weeks the weather is bad so more or less nobody outside.

09-21-17, 20:16
I spent my whole day there, great LU but I am quite surprised that despite the big IAA fair there were very few number of mongers for example at 8 PM there were at least 10 parking places available in front of the main door, the girls are complaining about too slow business as usual.

09-22-17, 21:17
Both are working today. Elif also. Sandra. De also.The question was about Amalia, but you mentioned Elif also. Of course because they are sisters. However during my last two venues I see that Amalia ans Elif do not hang together anymore. Elif has her own gang. Amalia seems has no friends and stays alone most of time. Must be something happened between them. I sessioned with Amalia yesterday but did not ask about the sister. I am wondering if their duo still available or not.

BTW session with Amalia was rather plain. Not bad at all but not comparable with Elif / Amalia duo I experienced earlier.

09-23-17, 01:59
Is the outdoor area for Sharks still open in September? I was there in June and it was fantastic as it provides a very different atmosphere and place to relax compared to the inside. If not, is it still worth going to Sharks? I haven't tried Oase or palace yet, but will be back in Germany soon.I'm a huge fan of FKKs with outdoors areas. I like Oase better than Sharks for outdoors, because Sharks is kind of in an industrial area, and Oase is really in the countryside. That said, when I was last at Oase at the beginning of this month, they had already stopped the outdoor dining. I think if the weather is nice, you can still lounge outdoors at both clubs, but don't expect it to be as great of a scene as during the hotter months. I'd say it's still worth going, if you're there for the girls. If you find them hot when the weather's hot, you'll probably still find them hot when the weather's not.

09-23-17, 09:10
The question was about Amalia, but you mentioned Elif also. Of course because they are sisters. However during my last two venues I see that Amalia ans Elif do not hang together anymore. Elif has her own gang. Amalia seems has no friends and stays alone most of time. Must be something happened between them. I sessioned with Amalia yesterday but did not ask about the sister. I am wondering if their duo still available or not.

BTW session with Amalia was rather plain. Not bad at all but not comparable with Elif / Amalia duo I experienced earlier.I answered both Evita and Amalia are at Sharks. Right, on last Saturday, sisters were working on their own, the older and less blond seemed busier. Average face for both sisters. Had to work hard on last Saturday to find quite pretty faces, Tia, Lora. Monalissa has pretty face, but 35 kgs, Polina is not so bad but too much botox and silicon. A blond with high black socks and her smaller, blond friend, also brunette Jeni, also the short hair with left tits bigger than the other one, are quite pretty face, but not woman type and behavior enough, just looking like schoolgirls, when I love woman types. Sharks is following Oase for new girl's types, but no upselling for me at Sharks, had a quite enjoyable 30 mn room with blond Lora. Hu for only 50 with good BJ and fucking, may repeat if I return and see her again. She was smiling at 5 am when I gave her 50 . Had also 2 1 hour rooms for 100 each, only club rate for my few experiences since 1 year at Sharks, but not anymore weekly regular, because other, even smaller, clubs are higher level for beauties and woman skill and sensuality, for my tastes.

Some girls at LR and a few at GT have Switzerland level, just have to smell who are women for sex. Usually, no upselling for kissing or foreplay with real women because they are used to provide. They also let You enjoy to play with them, and when You succeed to drink their juice, they say thank You and will to please You back, kind of girls I enjoy and look for, worth long drive to them and to pay club rate for them, when my last week Russian escort was a real, blond beauty, what a pretty face, but little girl skill, only good point was when she said: Thank You for orgasm, for 250 € for 1 hour, versus more skillful Romanian girls in FKK land, for 100/ h in Germany. Of course, Switzerland is on escorts rates, even club Swiss Dietikon is 178 CHF / h with fluent DFK and free BBBJ. Just have to find own stars according to our tastes, we are lucky for Romanian girls who make rates being quite cheap, we can fuck real beauties with most of time lovely behavior, for only 40 or 50 . Besides, some Romanian girls are great GF, only in club of course, that s why I love Romanian girls, for their kindness and sweetness, sometimes surprisingly passionate.

09-23-17, 17:48
I'm a huge fan of FKKs with outdoors areas. I like Oase better than Sharks for outdoors, because Sharks is kind of in an industrial area, and Oase is really in the countryside. That said, when I was last at Oase at the beginning of this month, they had already stopped the outdoor dining. I think if the weather is nice, you can still lounge outdoors at both clubs, but don't expect it to be as great of a scene as during the hotter months. I'd say it's still worth going, if you're there for the girls. If you find them hot when the weather's hot, you'll probably still find them hot when the weather's not.No more BBQ, few girls walking outside just because it is the end of the summer. Spoke yesterday with some chinese and french guys they were very upset by the aggressivity of the girls who were complaining about slow business even during IAA and too many 50 euros sessions. I found also the food quality going down, even we are not going for that and the steam sauna is still not working properly for about 3 weeks.

09-23-17, 18:20
I'm a huge fan of FKKs with outdoors areas. I like Oase better than Sharks for outdoors, because Sharks is kind of in an industrial area, and Oase is really in the countryside. That said, when I was last at Oase at the beginning of this month, they had already stopped the outdoor dining. I think if the weather is nice, you can still lounge outdoors at both clubs, but don't expect it to be as great of a scene as during the hotter months. I'd say it's still worth going, if you're there for the girls. If you find them hot when the weather's hot, you'll probably still find them hot when the weather's not.I had a great time at Sharks this past weekend. Lots of natural boobs, nice atmosphere and I really love the high ceilings. Wish I'd returned there the next night.

Oase, however, was smokey, claustrophobic (inside anyway) crowded and (really filthy. Rooms had beds with disgusting stains on them, half drunk bottles of beer and used kleenex all over place. The VIP area was a total sausage party. I went based on recommendations from this board but I doubt I'll be back.