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12-05-21, 06:27
...just spread those legs wide and you are all set.Just tried it and it worked well. LOL But by any chance that you practice yoga?

12-05-21, 14:16
You're not doing it right. Sending a woman money before you've met her is not a good idea. Paying for an expensive, nonrefundable plane ticket before you meet is not a good idea.

I saw a SB in another city a few times, we clicked really well, so I paid for a ticket for her to a destination in the Caribbean. She ghosted, and I would have been out the price of the ticket if her flight hadn't been delayed, which allowed me to cancel with no penalty. That's not going to happen to me again.Better to go to her home town and then fly with her from there.

Steve 9696
12-05-21, 16:07
Just tried it and it worked well. LOL But by any chance that you practice yoga?Isn't fingering pussy while being blown just magical?

Yoga? No I benefit more simply from the flexibility that fucking young hotties in creative positions provides. I study at the Church of the Hot Twenty-something. Namaste!

PS I strongly recommend the Steve 1 as well. Has so many nice benefits:

Fuck forever and never tire
Watch the in and out action
Great leverage when grabbing legs
Highly dominant
Make out when u want to
Girls seem to absolutely adore it (heavy gspot banging if u have an upswing)

12-06-21, 01:44
This belongs here. LOL.

My wife and side girl Pt 1

12-06-21, 03:53
I am not aware of anyone who thinks they need to pay 1500 in Canada. The Canadian mongers that I know, know the Canadian rates very well. Even the novice mongers. This is because the mongering scene in Canada is pretty well known and established. I used SA in Canada with pretty good success. I hate to generalize, but I think using SA in Canada is easier than using SA in the states. And yes, 300 CAD was a typical rate, but it could get up to 400 or 500 CAD.

Have you guys seen the rates for seeking arrangement?


It says 300 CAD for a date on seeking arrangement.

It actually could be 300-400 CAD.

On a standard seeking arrangement date you may meet the girl in your apartment get to know each other for 30 minutes then possibly have sex if both parties agree and then talk again for another 30 minutes. So you could expect 2 to 3 hours.

I'm just trying to slowly demonstrate to you guys that it's not always necessary to pay 1500 for 4 hours.


12-06-21, 04:02
Will try it. But I wonder if it will beat my current favorite way of getting a BBBJ, which is sitting on the bed with my back against the headboard or wall, and letting them suck me while I am drinking a beer with my left hand and caressing their hair with my right hand. Sometimes I will watch TV too.

Steve 9696
12-06-21, 04:22
Will try it. But I wonder if it will beat my current favorite way of getting a BBBJ, which is sitting on the bed with my back against the headboard or wall, and letting them suck me while I am drinking a beer with my left hand and caressing their hair with my right hand. Sometimes I will watch TV too.Haha love it. Will call that one the Midwestern. I do think I will have to try it! It should be noted however that since the Steve 2 is an upright position it should be very possible to have two fingers in her pussy and two fingers of whiskey in a glass in your other hand! The Midwestern Steve 2? I might have to try that too!

Oh wait I kinda did the Midwestern with Alexa. Sat in a chair on the balcony and had my drink while she blew me. This was one of the most amazing experiences ever. Cuz she just wanted to chat while she blew me. How did I lose my virginity. Favorite blowjob technique. First kiss. It was amazing to just chat while she blew me and we kept on drinking. This was literally a 30 minute BJ. Will remember that a long time!

Steve 9696
12-06-21, 04:34
I realize that when I have regulars I miss all the searching and seduction. Worth it of course but I do miss it. Well luck would have it that Uma is moving back to the Midwest after her semester here in town and I am on the prowl.

Reengaged with Sarah. She's from nearly a year back — long story we had a great date but no time for hotel due to drama with her Ex. And have stayed in touch on and off but no second meetup. Now trying to figure it out But she works full time and has a two year old and lives 45 minutes away. These factors make it a super long shot. Normally I'the rock on but she is a legit 9+ Cambodian mix. OMG she slays me.

My new excitement is Mattie. Wow this girl is so cute and so hot and genuinely engaging and interesting. We've been chatting a few days. Her Platonic tag was obviously a big red flag but she read my profile which said pretty clearly what I want. Anyhow been having great light chat and got down to meetup chat and we got pretty serious. She s had sexual trauma in the past and not sure she can go there. But I like the challenge of the seduction and showing her that not all men are pigs. So we had a very honest conversation and agreed we will meet up. And it could fizzle or it could sizzle but we are going in eyes wide open having talked it thru. I give it a 100% chance of being fun and being friends and 20% chance of seduction. But I've had a handful of first timers and made magic from it — so let's roll the dice and let it happen. I'll keep you posted.

12-07-21, 00:53
Hi guys,

I am new to seeking but would like to try it in Rio and SP Brazil. It will be my second trip to Brazil and I speak a little Portuguese and Spanish.

I couldn't find any recent reports for Brazil. Does anyone have experience with SA in Brazil? What is usually expected regarding price, is PPM the best way to go?

Would love to have some tips before I got stung by Brazilian killer bees kkkk.

Thanks in advance guys.

Elvis 2008
12-07-21, 19:14
Her Platonic tag was obviously a big red flag but she read my profile which said pretty clearly what I want. Anyhow been having great light chat and got down to meetup chat and we got pretty serious. She s had sexual trauma in the past and not sure she can go there. But I like the challenge of the seduction and showing her that not all men are pigs. So we had a very honest conversation and agreed we will meet up. And it could fizzle or it could sizzle but we are going in eyes wide open having talked it thru. I give it a 100% chance of being fun and being friends and 20% chance of seduction. But I've had a handful of first timers and made magic from it so let's roll the dice and let it happen. I'll keep you posted.LOL. That is quite the challenge. I had a married SB who had been raped, and I think was afraid of meeting men other than me. The sex life she had with her husband was awful. I would be hard pressed to say any other SB I had liked sex more than this one. She was so into the sex. In fact, one time she told me the night before she had a dream about my dick. She asked me, "Is that weird?

I do not think I ever hit gold with someone with the platonic tag, but I did bed a woman who was asking for $10,000 a month and paid her $300. She was a great fuck. Thing is that she put that high price out there to keep away the pretenders but it kept most every guy away.

Steve 9696
12-09-21, 19:33
So of the many many many girls I've seen, I have the most ridiculous attraction to Alexa physically, chemically, and as a person. Just a total gem of a girl. But I recently started a "best of the best" list where I put 3-4 girls in each category:

Best BJ.

Best Sex.

Best Passion.

Best Tits.

Best Ass.

Best Eyes.

Best Mouth.

Best Overall Girlfriend Vibe.

And it's interesting that there are a pile of girls that show up in one or two categories. Only three show up in three or more: Krystal 3/8. Kayla 4/8. And Alexa 6/8. So amazingly the quants for Alexa line up with my gut. It's of course possible I am coloring my view because I like her so much. But I did it independently and it just showed up. Anyhow going to try to figure out how to see her again. She's down. And of course super happy Kayla with 50% is still actively my girl!

What about you guys. If you lay it out like this does one girl check a lot of boxes or do you find them all over the map like I did (other than Alexa)?

Elvis 2008
12-10-21, 21:44
So of the many many many girls I've seen, I have the most ridiculous attraction to Alexa physically, chemically, and as a person. Just a total gem of a girl. But I recently started a "best of the best" list where I put 3-4 girls in each category:

Best BJ.

Best Sex.

Best Passion.

Best Tits.

Best Ass.

Best Eyes.

Best Mouth.

Best Overall Girlfriend Vibe.

And it's interesting that there are a pile of girls that show up in one or two categories. Only three show up in three or more: Krystal 3/8. Kayla 4/8. And Alexa 6/8. So amazingly the quants for Alexa line up with my gut. It's of course possible I am coloring my view because I like her so much. But I did it independently and it just showed up. Anyhow going to try to figure out how to see her again. She's down. And of course super happy Kayla with 50% is still actively my girl!

What about you guys. If you lay it out like this does one girl check a lot of boxes or do you find them all over the map like I did (other than Alexa)?I am not sure about putting them in top 3. To me, it is like how does she kiss, suck, fuck, behave, and act GF like? My first real SB was stunning, gave the best head I have ever had, and I enjoyed being around her. However, the sex was good not great and in my mind, the fact that she had a BF and we became more like friends got in the way of things which I have not had happen before. I could not get too turned on because I felt like I was doing a friend.

My second real SB checked all the boxes looks and sex wise but I always felt like at the end of the day it was transactional.

Then you have other stuff that creeps in there: mental illness, selfishness, or BSC personality. At best, a woman with those qualities can only be taken in doses.

With you and Alexa, I am not sure the fight will be with her talent as much as the Coolidge effect: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coolidge_effect.

Will the temptation or need to see someone new trump the better but boring and reliable?

What I found is that if I rotated my women and saw them only every week or two, it kept things fresh and the Coolidge effect could be kept at bay. The issue with me going forward will be when I see my gal longer than for a few days every 2 weeks. Will the passion still be there? Chris Rock did a great bit on this: commitment v new pussy.


It is funny how this whole competition keeps up, and you are always looking for better, but I am not sure in the long run if that is what matters. I was talking to my brother and saying I finally found someone who made me happy. When we were talking, she filled my drink and cooked me lunch, and I told him that. That was a huge turn on.

Then without even asking, she is cleaning dirt off my shoes. I told my other brother about that and he says his American woman would be bitching at him, "Why aren't you cleaning MY shoes?

So yeah, I go for the looks and sex up front, but I think it is personality, commitment, and character that win out in the end. We are always looking for better, but I am not sure if we really want to be.

Steve 9696
12-11-21, 18:52
I realize that when I have regulars I miss all the searching and seduction. Worth it of course but I do miss it. Well luck would have it that Uma is moving back to the Midwest after her semester here in town and I am on the prowl.

Reengaged with Sarah. She's from nearly a year back long story we had a great date but no time for hotel due to drama with her Ex. And have stayed in touch on and off but no second meetup. Now trying to figure it out But she works full time and has a two year old and lives 45 minutes away. These factors make it a super long shot. Normally I'the rock on but she is a legit 9+ Cambodian mix. OMG she slays me.

My new excitement is Mattie. Wow this girl is so cute and so hot and genuinely engaging and interesting. We've been chatting a few days. Her Platonic tag was obviously a big red flag but she read my profile which said pretty clearly what I want. Anyhow been having great light chat and got down to meetup chat and we got pretty serious. She s had sexual trauma in the past and not sure she can go there. But I like the challenge of the seduction and showing her that not all men are pigs. So we had a very honest conversation and agreed we will meet up. And it could fizzle or it could sizzle but we are going in eyes wide open having talked it thru. I give it a 100% chance of being fun and being friends and 20% chance of seduction. But I've had a handful of first timers and made magic from it so let's roll the dice and let it happen. I'll keep you posted.So planning a date with Sarah she asks if we can take it slow — as in another platonic date. I don't generally have a problem with this but I was having to do some schedule magic to work her in and it's just not worth that for a platonic date. So I said fine but we need to reschedule and instead Uma texted wanting to see me so we had a super nice date instead. With all the trimmings of course.

Meanwhile Mattie's gone a bit quiet but Jay ha totally taken over my mind space. Jay was a long shot and our initial conversation a bit off (English is her second language) but eventually we got a groove on text. Now she texts me every morning and night with cute little selfies of what she is up to. OMG she is so cute and hot. But mostly it's the girlfriendy thing! Mattie and Sarah are more my type but having this GND hottie checking on me everyday and sending selfies is soooo my vibe. I'm truly excited to meet her (soon!) I am really as much about how she treats me as anything — I love affection and attentiveness — as long as she crosses the attraction bar. And Jay has totally exceeded that.

12-11-21, 19:58
My second weekend trim to M. City is off to amazing start. I arrive yesterday at 5 pm, Uber issues, so I was running a late. The main girl I was going to cancel, but I had setup a meeting at 5;30 for drinks. We meet at 6 pm, my phone is blowing up with work issues and problems at my apartment. Things calm down. We are talking and drinking. I was not totally into her, but was decent. She says she is bi-sexual. What the Hell, lets make the night work. I say call one of your friends. She does, and the girl is over 1 hour late. We are drinking and smoking shisha. Music is great food and music.

The girls were ready to go back to my place, we finally get an Uber, total pain in the ass, it was only a 2 minute walk, but I did not to make the girls walk. We get back to my palace and the rest is History. Expensive night, but what the hell.

The next morning I had another threesome setup, now these two are super cute and fun. Total craziness for 90 minutes. This was all done in 18 hours. I have 2 more meetings Saturday. I am totally loving M. City.

12-13-21, 03:35
So planning a date with Sarah she asks if we can take it slow as in another platonic date. I don't generally have a problem with this but I was having to do some schedule magic to work her in and it's just not worth that for a platonic date. Even when I am dating regularly, I have a 3 date rule. If sex does not happen by the third date, then I think there's a 99 percent chance that it will never happen, and so I just cut bait. So, I totally agree with your stance on Sarah.

12-13-21, 06:52
My second weekend trim to M. City is off to amazing start.
The girls were ready to go back to my place, we finally get an Uber, total pain in the ass, it was only a 2 minute walk, but I did not to make the girls walk. We get back to my palace and the rest is History. Expensive night, but what the hell.

The next morning I had another threesome setup, now these two are super cute and fun. Total craziness for 90 minutes. This was all done in 18 hours. I have 2 more meetings Saturday. I am totally loving M. City.I have hit a dry spell. Only got laid once in the past month, and that was with a WG. For some reason, a couple of my regulars are no longer into meetups. Maybe I am doing something wrong.

Meanwhile, I love strange, but man, it is really hard to find new gals. A couple of days ago, I was getting a veggie massage and I thought my masseause was cute and so I asked for her WeChat and she said no. Dang!

12-13-21, 07:24
I am not sure about putting them in top 3. To me, it is like how does she kiss, suck, fuck, behave, and act GF like? My first real SB was stunning, gave the best head I have ever had, and I enjoyed being around her. However, the sex was good not great and in my mind, the fact that she had a BF and we became more like friends got in the way of things which I have not had happen before. I could not get too turned on because I felt like I was doing a friend.My main criteria these days is if she is willing to do bareback. I will choose to fuck a 5 bareback over an 8 covered. I might even happily fuck a 3 if it is bareback.

Elvis 2008
12-13-21, 19:11
My main criteria these days is if she is willing to do bareback. I will choose to fuck a 5 bareback over an 8 covered. I might even happily fuck a 3 if it is bareback.There is a guy in the Sao Paulo thread, think his name is Anaggie, who says that having a recent AIDS test helps him get bareback. I have had two women who saw my test and they were cool with bareback after I showed it to them.

Elvis 2008
12-13-21, 19:46
The next morning I had another threesome setup, now these two are super cute and fun. Total craziness for 90 minutes. This was all done in 18 hours. I have 2 more meetings Saturday. I am totally loving M. City.I am glad you are having a great time. Thing is that the average income in Mexico City is the same as a lot of the USA. What that means is not only are there a lot of hot and worldly women, they are often in high demand because there are so many men with money.

Of the four tens I met in CDMX, I followed them on Instagram. Three of the four moved sideways after meeting me (and that is not typical with the SBs I have had), and one hit the absolute jackpot.

My point is that you have to lock them down much more quickly in CDMX than other Mexican cities or in Colombia. I do not think there is a woman I met in MTY or Colombia I could not call up and see again, but I think I would be given the cold shoulder if I approached any of these four. They are taken.

12-14-21, 00:37
I am glad you are having a great time. Thing is that the average income in Mexico City is the same as a lot of the USA. What that means is not only are there a lot of hot and worldly women, they are often in high demand because there are so many men with money.

Of the four tens I met in CDMX, I followed them on Instagram. Three of the four moved sideways after meeting me (and that is not typical with the SBs I have had), and one hit the absolute jackpot.

My point is that you have to lock them down much more quickly in CDMX than other Mexican cities or in Colombia. I do not think there is a woman I met in MTY or Colombia I could not call up and see again, but I think I would be given the cold shoulder if I approached any of these four. They are taken.Yep, 100% true. The girls I am meeting are way more sophisticated in M. City, then MTY.

I do disagree it is way more expensive here then MTY, but also much better and there is Hot Attainable girls everywhere. Girls do want to hang out here, so you get more bang for your buck. If I you want to live like J. Carter that is a different story. You can get by cheap here, but I real doubt the higher end girls will go for that.

At the airport now, heading back to Texas tonight. I will be in MTY to celebrate Christmas Thursday evening with the model, then back to Mexico City.

Life is great!!

Steve 9696
12-14-21, 21:13
So Kayla and I had a great few days together. Our fifth time and getting a bit more coupled up each time. We rented an Airbnb loft so it was more like playing house. There were some minuses. Like we stayed in a lot. She said she doesn't really like to go out. That she only does it because I like to. Boo. That's unfortunate to learn. But some nice pluses too like when she cooked dinner the second night and when she got more lit our third night and gave the best doe eyes BJ and was just really romantic and passionate. It's getting a little too comfortable but damn she still checks pretty much all the boxes.

But my favorite line was this:

"I'd be a great wife. I just want to suck dick and cook. ".

Yep babe. That pretty much describes a great wife! LOL.

Ps and she’s fully serious. She’d love to find some successful guy and just wife up.

12-16-21, 02:27
Just got an email notification I was permanently suspended for soliciting sex in exchange of money. I asked a few girls if they'd like to spend time and during some conversations we talked about becoming more "intimate" in exchange of a gift or compensation. Would that have done it? Or was it a girl I told I would not pay her 400 just for dinner over text and she reported me? I'm bummed, I was finally starting to get some girls to agree to meet. Has anyone been successful at overturning a ban?

Steve 9696
12-16-21, 03:05
Just got an email notification I was permanently suspended for soliciting sex in exchange of money. I asked a few girls if they'd like to spend time and during some conversations we talked about becoming more "intimate" in exchange of a gift or compensation. Would that have done it? Or was it a girl I told I would not pay her 400 just for dinner over text and she reported me? I'm bummed, I was finally starting to get some girls to agree to meet. Has anyone been successful at overturning a ban?Doh! Hasn't everyone and his brother said don't talk that explicitly? I know you didn't say for money but "intimate for compensation" surely comes to close to the fire. You have to take things over to text to discuss more carefully. Though I have never been quite that explicit. It's also a turnoff for most girls.

As far as why you were banned I don't think they can generally monitor conversations but I bet they can read all your stuff if someone reports you. So that likely triggered it.

Only way to get back on would be to VPN from a different device. With different email. Credit card not in your name (like a visa gift card I guess). Basically become a new person.

12-16-21, 03:12
Doh! Hasn't everyone and his brother said don't talk that explicitly? I know you didn't say for money but "intimate for compensation" surely comes to close to the fire. You have to take things over to text to discuss more carefully. Though I have never been quite that explicit. It's also a turnoff for most girls.

As far as why you were banned I don't think they can generally monitor conversations but I bet they can read all your stuff if someone reports you. So that likely triggered it.

Only way to get back on would be to VPN from a different device. With different email. Credit card not in your name (like a visa gift card I guess). Basically become a new person.Oh well. I hope the girls I'm texting with come through in an upcoming trip then. Thanks for the reply.

12-16-21, 21:28
Just got an email notification I was permanently suspended for soliciting sex in exchange of money. I asked a few girls if they'd like to spend time and during some conversations we talked about becoming more "intimate" in exchange of a gift or compensation. Would that have done it? Or was it a girl I told I would not pay her 400 just for dinner over text and she reported me? I'm bummed, I was finally starting to get some girls to agree to meet. Has anyone been successful at overturning a ban?Just open a new email account and signup with that account, new password and login. Register with the new email account.

12-17-21, 08:19
So Kayla and I had a great few days together. Our fifth time and getting a bit more coupled up each time. We rented an Airbnb loft so it was more like playing house. There were some minuses. Like we stayed in a lot. She said she doesn't really like to go out. That she only does it because I like to. Boo. That's unfortunate to learn. But some nice pluses too like when she cooked dinner the second night and when she got more lit our third night and gave the best doe eyes BJ and was just really romantic and passionate. It's getting a little too comfortable but damn she still checks pretty much all the boxes.

But my favorite line was this:.Reminds me of that line from an Eagles song: Every form of refuge has its price.

Sure, that sounds good now, but after a few years, they all let themselves go and the sex becomes less and less. That is the typical route of marriage. There are always exceptions to the rule, but they are rare. There are just some girls that are real nice that like to take care of their man.

Steve 9696
12-17-21, 16:10
Since I wrote my guide early in my journey, I've updated a bit. Plus new readers here. So here's the way I play it.

So how do you do it properly? I suppose this could vary widely depending on what you are after. But I am after a girl who FEELS like a girlfriend. She's affectionate, appreciates an evening above her usual stature in life, and is able to actually enjoy herself with you. She views the allowance / gift (I. E. Money!) as a bonus. Not the only thing she is after. Any girl where I feel money is the primary motivation and she will go with anyone for a high enough price, gets kicked straight to the curb. She's got to be a girlfriend first, and any "benefits" come second.

Knowing that this is the kind of girl I want to attract (and other guys I have talked to also find this persona the most attractive), there is a set of rules you have to play by. Understand that SA is NOT AT ALL like picking up hookers. It is much more like meeting a girl in a bar and seducing her to leave with you. It's just an online bar. Sure you need money, but you also need some texting game and you need to treat her with respect. If you do, you have a chance of closing the deal. However, the moment you disrespect her, she will be gone.

The most important rule when vibing with a girl and getting a meeting set up is: never discuss sex or money. These things will be implied and they will be done offline. Never discuss sex or money on the Seeking Arrangements platform and really never discuss sex at all. As soon as you are that explicit, the kind of girl you are after will feel disrespected and ghost you in no time flat. Plus, it can get you booted from SA for life if you are reported. Don't worry, there are ways to have this conversation properly, explained below.

Start your engagement with a girl with some light chat and flirt. Your opener should be something specific to her that you read in her profile -- not something generic. And ALWAYS end every message with a question. This prompts her to respond. If you don't ask a question, she will not take the initiative and the conversation will just die. You have to drive it; and you drive with questions. Get her to tell you a few things about herself: what she likes to eat, her favorite wine, dog or cat person. It doesn't really matter what you discuss; just something that will get her to engage a bit.

At some point you will establish that you like each other reasonably well and one or the other will suggest taking the conversation off of SA and over to text. If she goes there in the first few exchanges, she is probably a hooker. If she doesn't ask for a pic pretty early on, she is probably a hooker. Often, I am the one to suggest going over to private phone text. You can keep it pretty innocuous, saying you notice she is not on often and it might be easier to connect up by text. But don't do it too early – this spooks the nice girls. Have a conversation over a few days and then take it off SA to texting.

Once you are texting, pick up the thread you had going and continue a little friendly chat. At some point, you will suggest that you think you vibe well and should meet up. Most often she will agree and now its time to establish that you will have sex (without saying it!) and how much is the agreed price (without saying it's a price! Some guys cover the price discussion in person, but I find that awkward and always set it ahead of time.

Once she's said "yeah, lets meetup" I say I want to describe our date to her (this is how I introduce the sex topic without getting explicit.) I usually say something about going out for dinner or drinks and having an epic time, laughing a lot and if the chemistry is right spending some private time (or intimate time or adult time -- insert your favorite euphemism -- but never say SEX!) or on the off chance we don't vibe, we can part after dinner no harm no foul. And ask if that sounds about right to them. Most often, if they are the kind of girl you are after, they will be down with this description and say, sure that sounds good.

This opens the door for the pricing discussion. I usually say something like "Of course I'the want to give you a gift / allowance. Did you have something in mind?" and the negotiation is underway. Never ever say "what's your price" or "how much do you charge for PPM". Always use the approach above, that you want to give them something. Sometimes, she will say she doesn't know and get you to give the first figure (good negotiating tactic on her part, but often they are in fact new). I am OK with this and say "well, what I've done before is 300. I hope that works for you. " (note no $ sign).

As far as what you should pay, I've found a strong correlation between what a pretty hooker charges for an hour (in a given city) to be what an SA girl will take for an evening. I'the say (pre-pandemic) most big US cities $400 is reasonable for a pretty girl (lots will ask more – I just kick them to the curb) with SF and NYC more like $500. In second tier cities, $300 should do it and I've found a few gems at $200 (though more in the 6-7 category). During the pandemic, I've found a lot of these girls are struggling, so if they ask 500, when 400 is more correct, I usually don't push them on it and just go with what they asked.

Once you have the "we are going to have sex, right" -- without saying it -- and money discussion out of the way, you should be good to go. Just keep on with the flirty texts without being too frequent, clingy or annoying and then meet up at the appointed day and time. More often than not, if you are not terribly objectionable looking, have a little bit of charm, and follow the "let's get out of here" model you might use with a regular pickup, you will end up in the room with your girl and have a rocking time.

Having done this alot (more than 30 times in many different cities), I've found that having sex on the first date is super important. The few times I've had a platonic date (especially a non-alcoholic one) to be followed by sex on the second date – it never happens. You have to take the momentum on that first date and take it all the way to the bedroom. Remember girls are submissive and will largely follow your lead – even if that lead is to the hotel room.

Finally, I should note that how much time you spend with her is largely up to her and how well you vibe. It's not something you negotiate, like you would with a hooker. Most times it will probably be 3-4 hours including dinner and sex, after which she might say she needs to get home. But, in my experience, about 50% of girls sleep over. It's not something you discuss. It just happens. You cuddle after sex and next thing you know she's taking off her necklace to the bedside table. Bingo!

Seeking is absolutely the best, if you take the time to find the gems amongst the bullshit and follow the above guide.

12-17-21, 16:31
One thing I'd add. Meet them ASAP once the topic comes up. If you talk to them last night about meeting and confirm a meeting time / place at 10 am the dext day for 8 pm that night you have just given them 10 hours to find someone better looking, willing to pay more, bigger dick, whatever. If the topic of meeting comes up last night then meet her that night. I've been burnt by this a couple times and learned my lesson. I can't believe the quality of girls I'm getting to come over, just beautiful. My house and car are both panty droppers but I never discuss them, I let them see them for themselves and that closes the deal without having to say a thing. I've had girls tell me they don't sleep over but as soon as they walk in will say "I could totally crash here." Freaking brilliant! You do need some money though. You can't fake it with top teir girls.

Price ranges below are accurate as well. Any more than $600 and I'm out.

Since I wrote my guide early in my journey, I've updated a bit. Plus new readers here. So here's the way I play it.

So how do you do it properly? I suppose this could vary widely depending on what you are after. But I am after a girl who FEELS like a girlfriend. She's affectionate, appreciates an evening above her usual stature in life, and is able to actually enjoy herself with you. She views the allowance / gift (I. E. Money!) as a bonus. Not the only thing she is after. Any girl where I feel money is the primary motivation and she will go with anyone for a high enough price, gets kicked straight to the curb. She's got to be a girlfriend first, and any "benefits" come second.

Knowing that this is the kind of girl I want to attract (and other guys I have talked to also find this persona the most attractive), there is a set of rules you have to play by. Understand that SA is NOT AT ALL like picking up hookers. It is much more like meeting a girl in a bar and seducing her to leave with you. It's just an online bar. Sure you need money, but you also need some texting game and you need to treat her with respect. If you do, you have a chance of closing the deal. However, the moment you disrespect her, she will be gone.

The most important rule when vibing with a girl and getting a meeting set up is: never discuss sex or money. These things will be implied and they will be done offline. Never discuss sex or money on the Seeking Arrangements platform and really never discuss sex at all. As soon as you are that explicit, the kind of girl you are after will feel disrespected and ghost you in no time flat..

12-19-21, 07:52
Since I wrote my guide early in my journey, I've updated a bit. Plus new readers here. So here's the way I play it.

So how do you do it properly? I suppose this could vary widely depending on what you are after. But I am after a girl who FEELS like a girlfriend. She's affectionate, appreciates an evening above her usual stature in life, and is able to actually enjoy herself with you. She views the allowance / gift (I. E. Money!) as a bonus. Not the only thing she is after. Any girl where I feel money is the primary motivation and she will go with anyone for a high enough price, gets kicked straight to the curb. She's got to be a girlfriend first, and any "benefits" come second.

Knowing that this is the kind of girl I want to attract (and other guys I have talked to also find this persona the most attractive), there is a set of rules you have to play by. Understand that SA is NOT AT ALL like picking up hookers. It is much more like meeting a girl in a bar and seducing her to leave with you. It's just an online bar. Sure you need money, but you also need some texting game and you need to treat her with respect. If you do, you have a chance of closing the deal. However, the moment you disrespect her, she will be gone.

The most important rule when vibing with a girl and getting a meeting set up is: never discuss sex or money. These things will be implied and they will be done offline. Never discuss sex or money on the Seeking Arrangements platform and really never discuss sex at all. As soon as you are that explicit, the kind of girl you are after will feel disrespected and ghost you in no time flat. Plus, it can get you booted from SA for life if you are reported. Don't worry, there are ways to have this conversation properly, explained below.

Start your engagement with a girl with some light chat and flirt. Your opener should be something specific to her that you read in her profile -- not something generic. And ALWAYS end every message with a question. This prompts her to respond. If you don't ask a question, she will not take the initiative and the conversation will just die. You have to drive it; and you drive with questions. Get her to tell you a few things about herself: what she likes to eat, her favorite wine, dog or cat person. It doesn't really matter what you discuss; just something that will get her to engage a bit.

At some point you will establish that you like each other reasonably well and one or the other will suggest taking the conversation off of SA and over to text. If she goes there in the first few exchanges, she is probably a hooker. If she doesn't ask for a pic pretty early on, she is probably a hooker. Often, I am the one to suggest going over to private phone text. You can keep it pretty innocuous, saying you notice she is not on often and it might be easier to connect up by text. But don't do it too early this spooks the nice girls. Have a conversation over a few days and then take it off SA to texting.

Once you are texting, pick up the thread you had going and continue a little friendly chat. At some point, you will suggest that you think you vibe well and should meet up. Most often she will agree and now its time to establish that you will have sex (without saying it!) and how much is the agreed price (without saying it's a price! Some guys cover the price discussion in person, but I find that awkward and always set it ahead of time.

Once she's said "yeah, lets meetup" I say I want to describe our date to her (this is how I introduce the sex topic without getting explicit.) I usually say something about going out for dinner or drinks and having an epic time, laughing a lot and if the chemistry is right spending some private time (or intimate time or adult time -- insert your favorite euphemism -- but never say SEX!) or on the off chance we don't vibe, we can part after dinner no harm no foul. And ask if that sounds about right to them. Most often, if they are the kind of girl you are after, they will be down with this description and say, sure that sounds good.

This opens the door for the pricing discussion. I usually say something like "Of course I'the want to give you a gift / allowance. Did you have something in mind?" and the negotiation is underway. Never ever say "what's your price" or "how much do you charge for PPM". Always use the approach above, that you want to give them something. Sometimes, she will say she doesn't know and get you to give the first figure (good negotiating tactic on her part, but often they are in fact new). I am OK with this and say "well, what I've done before is 300. I hope that works for you. " (note no $ sign).

As far as what you should pay, I've found a strong correlation between what a pretty hooker charges for an hour (in a given city) to be what an SA girl will take for an evening. I'the say (pre-pandemic) most big US cities $400 is reasonable for a pretty girl (lots will ask more I just kick them to the curb) with SF and NYC more like $500. In second tier cities, $300 should do it and I've found a few gems at $200 (though more in the 6-7 category). During the pandemic, I've found a lot of these girls are struggling, so if they ask 500, when 400 is more correct, I usually don't push them on it and just go with what they asked.

Once you have the "we are going to have sex, right" -- without saying it -- and money discussion out of the way, you should be good to go. Just keep on with the flirty texts without being too frequent, clingy or annoying and then meet up at the appointed day and time. More often than not, if you are not terribly objectionable looking, have a little bit of charm, and follow the "let's get out of here" model you might use with a regular pickup, you will end up in the room with your girl and have a rocking time.

Having done this alot (more than 30 times in many different cities), I've found that having sex on the first date is super important. The few times I've had a platonic date (especially a non-alcoholic one) to be followed by sex on the second date it never happens. You have to take the momentum on that first date and take it all the way to the bedroom. Remember girls are submissive and will largely follow your lead even if that lead is to the hotel room.

Finally, I should note that how much time you spend with her is largely up to her and how well you vibe. It's not something you negotiate, like you would with a hooker. Most times it will probably be 3-4 hours including dinner and sex, after which she might say she needs to get home. But, in my experience, about 50% of girls sleep over. It's not something you discuss. It just happens. You cuddle after sex and next thing you know she's taking off her necklace to the bedside table. Bingo!

Seeking is absolutely the best, if you take the time to find the gems amongst the bullshit and follow the above guide.This is a great report and has many valuable tips. I have been on SA for a couple of years now and have found a few gems. I use a similar approach and never say sex, ppm, words of wisdom. Use words like gift, allowance for time, compensation, etc.

Steve 9696
12-21-21, 23:20
So some of you may recall Layla from last year. We met in August 2020 and were pretty regular throughout the last year till April. Kinda heavy but that face. OMG. It slays me. Fucking her while she smiles a thousand watt smile and stares deep into your eyes is really legendary.

Anyhow she became gainfully employed and impossibly busy. We've had three failed meetups since April. And frankly I was pretty frustrated. Of course I saw other girls. But circumstances change. Her restaurant shutdown for the winter and I guess that leads to monetary needs! Because guess who's interested in getting regular again? We met up recently and honestly it was awesome. She’s lost weight, she's working hard to please me and she looks dynamite.

Moral of the story? Always keep girls on the roster. A lot don't have the steadiest employment and when that fades you are suddenly the most interesting man in the world! LOL. Anyhow enjoying it while It lasts.

12-22-21, 00:17
Without telling me any more than you need to Steve. Is Kayla a stage name and are you paying or did you negotiate down from a 4 digit ppm ask? A Kayla has her hooks in me tight and it's a double stage name, she's got the profile name, the first meet name, and the real name when consummated. Just wondering if we're the same instrument being played by a master. Mine has no issue going out as she's fairly new to the area so she's not going to run into anyone she knows. But God damn do I want to give her my entire allowance. What an angel of a girl.

So some of you may recall Layla from last year. We met in August 2020 and were pretty regular throughout the last year till April. Kinda heavy but that face. OMG. It slays me. Fucking her while she smiles a thousand watt smile and stares deep into your eyes is really legendary.

Anyhow she became gainfully employed and impossibly busy. We've had three failed meetups since April. And frankly I was pretty frustrated. Of course I saw other girls. But circumstances change. Her restaurant shutdown for the winter and I guess that leads to monetary needs! Because guess who's interested in getting regular again? We met up recently and honestly it was awesome. Shes lost weight, she's working hard to please me and she looks dynamite.

Moral of the story? Always keep girls on the roster. A lot don't have the steadiest employment and when that fades you are suddenly the most interesting man in the world! LOL. Anyhow enjoying it while It lasts.

Steve 9696
12-22-21, 02:15
Without telling me any more than you need to Steve. Is Kayla a stage name and are you paying or did you negotiate down from a 4 digit ppm ask? A Kayla has her hooks in me tight and it's a double stage name, she's got the profile name, the first meet name, and the real name when consummated. Just wondering if we're the same instrument being played by a master. Mine has no issue going out as she's fairly new to the area so she's not going to run into anyone she knows. But God damn do I want to give her my entire allowance. What an angel of a girl.Haha No not same. Kayla isn't even her stage name. When I post on ISG I always make up a name close enough that I will not forget. So Kayla is totally NOT the girl I am seeing. Totally made up that name.

12-22-21, 02:19
Thanks, not sure if that's relief or not. LOL.

Haha No not same. Kayla isn't even her stage name. When I post on ISG I always make up a name close enough that I will not forget. So Kayla is totally NOT the girl I am seeing. Totally made up that name.

12-23-21, 06:57
The cost of a SA membership seems to be constantly rising. I don't think the product is getting better. I have some ideas why it may be happening. But I would like any opinions people want to share.

12-23-21, 21:45
The cost of a SA membership seems to be constantly rising. I don't think the product is getting better. I have some ideas why it may be happening. But I would like any opinions people want to share.Agree. More of the women are not even in the same local. And those in the same local only want to sell pictures, have an online arrangement, or get paid before meeting them- they want to know the man is sincere, their time is worth a lot more than yours, and on and on and on. Last time I subscribed for a month I met one scammer only.

12-24-21, 08:33
ML, I think you need to understand what SA is fighting and what American law is. Prostitution is the exchange of anything of value for sex or the expectation of sex. The goal then should be to offer up money but not directly doing so and try to morph your exchange into something that a potential boyfriend may do with a potential girlfriend. Also, do not offer to fly a woman or pay for travel on the first meet as that could be seen as trafficking.e.Elvis and others: there is a person (I have met her) who uses SA to find SD for selling them dates, taking them along with the girls either she has ino on or girl in your personal SA account. She will send you "Manager Documents" Real name is Hosnellys Stukerman from Venezueals nelly5496@gmail.com.

Elvis and others: there is a person (I have met her) who uses SA to find SD's for selling them on dates, taking them along with the girls either she has info on file or get them from girls in your personal SA account. She asks for your SA account and and password She will send you "Manager Documents" for this info and much more. Real name is Hosnellys Stukerman from Venezuela nelly5496@gmail.com I have her phone (maybe still active) she claims to be an attorney. She has more than one SA account. Currently it's Tmanager she is very good looking and believable. My friend says she is a good kisser. LOL Well she does charge $15/ hour to impersonate you and make dates for you from your SA contacts. Then she will call them herself and pimp them out later on. In some ways all this is ok in Colombia but not calling and destroying my credibility with the many girls I had spent a time talking to before my trip to Medellin. Her advice included things like, "say you will take them on a trip and pay them $600/ day" she also tried to get "investors" for a business doing this. Or other busine to open a tour company. All BS LOL and asked another ISG member for $. In Colombia half the cab drivers are pimps or tour guides so it's not that uncommon or even a big deal when you know what you are getting. . but they don't know how to access SA for girls numbers and leads. Anyone wants her photo or her "contract forms" let me know. This all happened in July & August. A lot more details, like what I gave her (scmed from me) etc. I just found a new account of here so I am posting. Just beware.

12-24-21, 15:46
Agree. More of the women are not even in the same local. And those in the same local only want to sell pictures, have an online arrangement, or get paid before meeting them- they want to know the man is sincere, their time is worth a lot more than yours, and on and on and on. Last time I subscribed for a month I met one scammer only.SA has the marked cornered, so they can do what they want, unfortunately. As far as scams there is a lot in America, but no where as many in Mexico. I usually get a couple of girls from Colombia or Russian writing daily. It is fairly easy to spot now. Instant block for the Colombian Chicas.

I am having the best time of my life thanks to SA, I am heading back to CDMX late Christmas night. I have been there 3 of the last 4 weekends. I am averaging 2-3 sessions daily. I have accomplished this in a short period of time. I am still figuring out the city. I will make CDMX my second home. I will bust ass working in America for 10-12 days, then the 4-5 days in M. City, I can work remotely a few days. The best of both worlds.

Plus I will be flying out of MTY, much cheaper, no covid requirement and I can spend one night with the model. So good.

Dedicated to Elvis, the man in love. I am happy for you unlike some of the other guys. I did invite the model to move to CDMX. I told her I would take care of the apartment and other expenses, plus she would get an allowance, but she had to work. We have been together for over 1.5 years, I do love her and she love me, but we can not cross the finish line. She does have major family issues, very controlling parents. We will see what happens.

12-24-21, 22:20
I am glad you are having a great time. Thing is that the average income in Mexico City is the same as a lot of the USA. What that means is not only are there a lot of hot and worldly women, they are often in high demand because there are so many men with money.

Of the four tens I met in CDMX, I followed them on Instagram. Three of the four moved sideways after meeting me (and that is not typical with the SBs I have had), and one hit the absolute jackpot.

My point is that you have to lock them down much more quickly in CDMX than other Mexican cities or in Colombia. I do not think there is a woman I met in MTY or Colombia I could not call up and see again, but I think I would be given the cold shoulder if I approached any of these four. They are taken.In this country women are more educated and marrying late in life is a possibility. No so in CDMX. Youth and beauty are a perishable commodity. Plus they are in competition with other women. Both the men and women know this. Thus, there is tremendous pressure to marry up early. A young woman is always hunting in those countries. What is true everywhere is dating is fun while marriage means work.

Elvis 2008
12-24-21, 23:50
Dedicated to Elvis, the man in love. I am happy for you unlike some of the other guys. I did invite the model to move to CDMX. I told her I would take care of the apartment and other expenses, plus she would get an allowance, but she had to work. We have been together for over 1.5 years, I do love her and she love me, but we can not cross the finish line. She does have major family issues, very controlling parents. We will see what happens.DF, we set up the apartment in Cartagena to my and her liking. I can tell she is happy to be back there as it is her original home and free from the cold of Bogota.

It is funny what is lacking in Colombia, sheets with Egyptian cotton for one, so I bought some and brought them down. I found a synthetic couch to make up for the lack of leather ones there. It is nice. I found a device so I can watch sports and my shows when I am there. I do not know why anyone has cable with this available: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Octastream-Q1-Pro-Plus-FREE-KEYBOARD-REMOTE-INCLUDED/564178196 I even found a way to make real salsa. Colombian hot sauce is like ketchup.

Last trip was first time I got to know her daughter. [Deleted by Admin] It would not surprise me if she ends up 5 feet 10 like her mother. We are going to be fending off the men like crazy. When asked to do something, I think she said no more often than my son has in his first 22 years on this planet. I have always lived in a house of boys and how I handle things with her will be interesting. But I like her, and she likes me. For now. LOL.

I wrote this for the Tijuana section, but I think it is better that I post it here. I hope things work out with you and your lady.

If you are married or newly divorced, just getting new pussy is great. But having sex with a woman whose clothes are on a second after you climaxed running in shame towards the door? Ugh. I want a woman in my arms after sex happy that she fucked me.

After my engagement broke off, I dove into other foreign lands, upped my game, was doing the sugar baby thing and doing well. Life was great, and I was totally content in the SB world doubtful I would leave it.

It is when you are sure things will never change that they do. What do you do when a 10 type totally falls for you, fucks the shit out of you and asks for nothing? I get part of what Kool Beans is asking. Is this really real? After a while you accept it is, and ask what next? How do you go from SD or john to BF?

For the woman, it is easier. You show the guy your love by not asking him for much money. The guy has to understand the woman hates asking for it, and you are not paying for pussy but to make someone happy. If you pay too little, she may go outside for cash. Give her too much and she is spoiled. Did you notice no one here said that if KB's girl is looking for outside cash, he should give her more?

If you are an American guy, you are no doubt making more than she is, and if you want her available to you, you have to pay for her to not work. You do not have to, but you are not going to see her much if you do not. If she does take on work, she would have to understand (and this may be hard for her) that you count more than her job.

Then there is the family. Sure, they are close, but Nana Maria and Uncle Jose really need money help. You check it out and their needs are legit, and it is not so much, but you're questioning if they are pimping out your woman, and the answer is yeah, they kind of are. That is the price of a close family, and you want them on your side in a conflict. No one in your family will want anything from her which is unfair but that is how it works.

KB does not want to be played, and he is afraid he is missing something but most guys here are going to say he is a fool. What he needs to do is only talk to guys who have had this happen to them or better yet, talk to women. Women will size up his chick and situation better than we ever will.

So why do it? It is not sex. GF sex is way better than ho sex, but sugar baby and GF sex IMO are equal. The answer is your happiness is not based on pleasure from things like sex but other people. If you are with a woman who makes you happy, it is crazy to end it, and you should be with her.

I hear guys talk themselves out of the 10 types all the time. The Barbie doll wants a Ken doll they say. But the 10's themselves are never asked and so many do not want Ken.

Once I was with a courtesan, a true 10 in bed and with looks and got paid as such. We had finished our amazing session. She told me that she was going to go out on the town. I said she was going to see the hunky suave men she really wanted to. She had already been paid, had a waiting list weeks long, and she stopped right there, looked at me dead serious and said "When I go out and try to meet men, I am looking to meet men just like you. " What she said really changed my life. At first, it was just that I was in love with the idea not sure it was true. 10 years later I realized she was telling me the truth and I acted as such.

The surest way to have a 10 not fall for you is to believe it is impossible.

Happy holidays everyone!

The Cane
12-25-21, 23:31
Steve, thanks for sharing your guiding SA principles. I know how much you love the tutes (especially Brazilian ones just like me). But, I've decided to look into SA starting in 2022. One thing I would like to know is this. Typically how many duds do you have to wade through before you find one girl that you vibe well enough with that you end up bedding her? I know this is something we all have to work at, but you seem to enjoy yourself, and you've been successful. So give me a rough number of how many encounters on average for you to find a gem who delivers the kind of experience you're looking for. Is it 10,15, or 20? More? Please keep it real.

Also, I really don't like sending pictures around to people on the internet I don't know. So, how do you think the girls would react if I suggested that we switched to WhatsApp or something like that, and that I would be willing to do a video chat as soon as they were comfortable with that? I think I could have some success with this thing, and I'm tired of waiting for international travel to open up again. I don't look my age (look 10 to 15 years younger), I'm in decent shape, and I get what I like (white college girls) flirting with me all the time. One even called me her "daddy" one time LOL! Probably just angling to get free drinks LOLOLOL!

Oh, and I realize that anal is probably out of the question damn near 100% of the time hahaha! That's OK though, that's OK! Because remember, if I'm drilling that booty hole on the tutes 70% of the time, Im hitting that pussy 100% of the time!

12-26-21, 07:12
Good luck boys. That site was a blast but it's more time than I have (to get the best results) and I would be more than happy to have one of the 3 I have on the line for several years once I finally make a decision.

Steve, thanks for sharing your guiding SA principles. I know how much you love the tutes (especially Brazilian ones just like me). But, I've decided to look into SA starting in 2022. One thing I would like to know is this. Typically how many duds do you have to wade through before you find one girl that you vibe well enough with that you end up bedding her? I know this is something we all have to work at, but you seem to enjoy yourself, and you've been successful. So give me a rough number of how many encounters on average for you to find a gem who delivers the kind of experience you're looking for. Is it 10,15, or 20? More? Please keep it real.

Also, I really don't like sending pictures around to people on the internet I don't know. So, how do you think the girls would react if I suggested that we switched to WhatsApp or something like that, and that I would be willing to do a video chat as soon as they were comfortable with that? I think I could have some success with this thing, and I'm tired of waiting for international travel to open up again. I don't look my age (look 10 to 15 years younger), I'm in decent shape, and I get what I like (white college girls) flirting with me all the time. One even called me her "daddy" one time LOL! Probably just angling to get free drinks LOLOLOL!

Oh, and I realize that anal is probably out of the question damn near 100% of the time hahaha! That's OK though, that's OK! Because remember, if I'm drilling that booty hole on the tutes 70% of the time, Im hitting that pussy 100% of the time!

Steve 9696
12-26-21, 13:46
Steve, thanks for sharing your guiding SA principles. I know how much you love the tutes (especially Brazilian ones just like me). But, I've decided to look into SA starting in 2022. One thing I would like to know is this. Typically how many duds do you have to wade through before you find one girl that you vibe well enough with that you end up bedding her? I know this is something we all have to work at, but you seem to enjoy yourself, and you've been successful. So give me a rough number of how many encounters on average for you to find a gem who delivers the kind of experience you're looking for. Is it 10,15, or 20? More? Please keep it real.

Also, I really don't like sending pictures around to people on the internet I don't know. So, how do you think the girls would react if I suggested that we switched to WhatsApp or something like that, and that I would be willing to do a video chat as soon as they were comfortable with that? I think I could have some success with this thing, and I'm tired of waiting for international travel to open up again. I don't look my age (look 10 to 15 years younger), I'm in decent shape, and I get what I like (white college girls) flirting with me all the time. One even called me her "daddy" one time LOL! Probably just angling to get free drinks LOLOLOL!

Oh, and I realize that anal is probably out of the question damn near 100% of the time hahaha! That's OK though, that's OK! Because remember, if I'm drilling that booty hole on the tutes 70% of the time, Im hitting that pussy 100% of the time!I believe you are asking my stats for when I have them out on the town. So success is very very good for evening dates. Havent done the math but something like 85% success for sex once out on the date. But most importantly it's because of how I pick them in the first place. There has to be fun texting with real engagement on her part. There is that dialog where I put sex on the table without saying it. And we have a set price so no surprise. All this leadup is key.

Once the date is on, I've found dinner and drinks and sex the first night to be the thing that works for me. I'm only 1 for 4 in coffee and lunch dates (tho the one was Layla) but 27 for 31 having sex from a night date with all but two of these full sex the first night (one I eked out a BJ she was not expecting to end up In a hotel room LOL and one a passionate kiss first date and bareback sex on second date).

Obviously ymmv and recall I do not like white girls so much as you do so my pool is deeper. But I am sure you will have success. It's as much about charm and laughter at the dinner table as it is being good looking.

Here is my ethnicity and occupations scorecard a few dates old but close enough.

Blackish 8.

Latina 11.

Asian 4.

White 4.

Middle Eastern 2.

College student Waitress Stripper Cust Service Yoga Instructor Office Manager Receptionist Care Giver Maid.

Ps Yes fine to go over to text to exchange pics. That’s what I do. I’d say only about 10% of girls have WhatsApp tho. Gonna more likely be vanilla text.

12-26-21, 15:43
Lot of inspiration reading your posts. Now I am thinking of signing up for SA membership. I am new to the SA and planning a trip to CDMX in Jan. Or Feb. If it clicks, I may travel frequently.

I am 50 year and average looking Asian Indian guy.

Is cdmx is easy to score on SA? I am only into 18 to 22 year olds with no kids petite etc.

Any tops and suggestions?

SA has the marked cornered, so they can do what they want, unfortunately. As far as scams there is a lot in America, but no where as many in Mexico. I usually get a couple of girls from Colombia or Russian writing daily. It is fairly easy to spot now. Instant block for the Colombian Chicas.

I am having the best time of my life thanks to SA, I am heading back to CDMX late Christmas night. I have been there 3 of the last 4 weekends. I am averaging 2-3 sessions daily. I have accomplished this in a short period of time. I am still figuring out the city. I will make CDMX my second home. I will bust ass working in America for 10-12 days, then the 4-5 days in M. City, I can work remotely a few days. The best of both worlds.

Plus I will be flying out of MTY, much cheaper, no covid requirement and I can spend one night with the model. So good..

12-26-21, 16:21
It's addressed to Steve who admittedly has more experience but I want to contribute to this.

SA is a colossal waste of time as with most efforts that involve high value results, diamond / asteroid / gold mining, those sand pictures that Tibetan monks make, Trump's wall, etc.

That said, the results have been inarguable for me and I am now a believer. Will not consider anything less than a 9; my time, my money, my fantasy. I'll drop to an 8 mongering in any corner of the planet but when I'm at home it's the best or nothing. I'm not desperate so I'll hold out for what I want.

Had two 1 month stints one year apart. First was normal membership, second was diamond. Normal membership was a complete waste of time. Met 3 in person, none of whom looked like their profile pics, had an arrangement with 1 for about 3 months but nothing spectacular more about the novelty. To get to those 3 I sifted through hours and hours of profiles, fakers, being stood up, etc. Massive time waste and I'm a fairly busy person. Almost no one contacted me, I had to initiate almost always with negative results.

Second was far more interesting. 1 mo diamond membership. I had 50+ a day come to me for the first two weeks then slowed quite a bit. I literally spent 4-5 hrs / day going through them and communicating. Most were garbage profiles from pick a poor country on the planet or "rich" US cities but were easy to spot and block. I was sniped fairly regularly by really attractive college aged girls who don't allow their profiles to be found but they'll contact you when something catches their eye. Frankly I was and still am shocked at the quality of girls that I've found, in the best way possible. Cute, girl next door, can have anyone she wants and knows it but is sitting in my house telling me how great it would be to hang out there for several hours a few times a month.

Your Questions:

Duds. Tons, 90% Or, I'd have an otherwise great conversation for 30 min, not say anything remotely controversial or piss her off and she disappeared never to be seen again. These are the worst because they take up the most time. So of the 700 girls I contacted or contacted me. Maybe 10-15 turned into real actionable conversations where a meeting was discussed let alone sex. Again, 9+ for me and these girls are not prostitutes so you may need to meet them twice before you see anything interesting and I wouldn't pay anything until that time. I'm fine with this because I want a mental connection, real or not I don't care but getting my rocks off in an hour or two does not interest me (especially at SA prices!) Too many other cheaper and more convenient ways to do that if I that's the goal. These college girls are charming, ambitious, and driven. Also really independent. I've met 6 in person so far and they all have those traits in common. A flashy car is not enough to get their attention, also they don't really care about gifts. They have goals and those goals need to be funded. I meet the 7th today (a 20's Dr according to her, chemistry has been incredible chatting; we chatted for almost 3 hrs yesterday and yes, I believe she is a Dr as I have an advanced degree and it's hard to hold my attention that long on a fuckin phone). 4 in my home town. 3 in other countries. They are all gorgeous and total GF material but I am not a juggler, I'm looking for 1 with incredible chemistry but haven't had sex with all yet to make a decision. The 3 in other countries are a different situation so it's less about the long game but I was up front about it and it hasn't been a problem. I met one in a foreign country for what was supposed to be dinner and extras but she ended up going home after 12 hours the next morning. * She curled up next to me after about 2. 5 straight hours of going through my whole playbook and I was in heaven. My lips were sore all next day because she couldn't suck on my lips enough. I'd pull away and she'd come right back at me for hours.

Pics. Going to change this topic slightly. So what was the difference between my first stint and my second stint? Diamond makes a difference. If I were a girl looking for reliable funds I wouldn't give someone the time of day with the cheapest profile type. A fast food worker can afford standard. Also I used real pics that were unhidden. Shows them I'm not playing games. Yes it's personally risky but I wanted results and I got them in spades. Also, my profile was extremely detailed. I put what I wanted, what was important to me, what I was willing to do as far as specific situations I was willing to assist with (not actual numbers) and what she needed to look like. I got tons of feedback telling me how they appreciated how easy it was to figure out if they were a match with me due to the level of detail I put out there. As far as moving to another app, if that doesn't come up in the first 10 lines she's probably a time waster. The serious ones are ready to move forward immediately. The lag on that stupid app is frustrating as hell when you're trying to text real time and you can't discuss specifics without risking being banned. So move forward, if she won't give you her number or ID for whatever app you're using. Move on. I had no issue giving my real number to anyone and I've got pages of sms texts and pictures to show for it.

My dating life has been insane the last month. I have enough contacts and backup contacts I can mine for several months so I let my account lapse and deleted it already. Overall I'm really happy with how I played it and the results I got.

Also this might help. There are 5 types of agenda on that site.

Party girls. Looking for a good time "luxury lifestyle" and a bunch of overpriced shit in their closet.

Desperate girls. Drug addicts & single moms.

Time wasters. Their "friend" told them about the site and they're "trying it out".

Delusional girls. Expect someone to "keep" them.

Goal driven - (my fav) college costs x, rent is why, I make a, and I need be. I have no issue at all helping girls like this. I don't think it's reasonable to expect something tangible not change hands in a relationship where the parties are so far off from an economic perspective. If you're looking to get laid for the cheapest price this really isn't the place. There are exceptions to everything so don't tell me how you got a 10 for a bag of pasta and a can of tomato sauce. I don't care. But I've found some real legit wife material here. Just girls without the means and no help from family. There's nothing wrong in my book using what you've got to get what you want and I admire them for their courage.

Good luck boys. That site was a blast but it's more time than I have (to get the best results) and I would be more than happy to have one of the 3 I have on the line for several years once I finally make a decision. They are all stunner trophy material.

Steve, thanks for sharing your guiding SA principles. I know how much you love the tutes (especially Brazilian ones just like me). But, I've decided to look into SA starting in 2022. One thing I would like to know is this. Typically how many duds do you have to wade through before you find one girl that you vibe well enough with that you end up bedding her? I know this is something we all have to work at, but you seem to enjoy yourself, and you've been successful. So give me a rough number of how many encounters on average for you to find a gem who delivers the kind of experience you're looking for. Is it 10,15, or 20? More? Please keep it real.

Also, I really don't like sending pictures around to people on the internet I don't know. So, how do you think the girls would react if I suggested that we switched to WhatsApp or something like that, and that I would be willing to do a video chat as soon as they were comfortable with that? I think I could have some success with this thing, and I'm tired of waiting for international travel to open up again.

12-26-21, 19:29
Hello seniors,

Just made an account and logged in to ask you experienced folk the correct price and acceptable deviations for some arrangements I seek to make on the seeking website.

1. Monthly live in girlfriend arrangement in Medellin (leased car situation).

2. Monthly live in girlfriend arrangement in Bogota.

3. Monthly live in girlfriend arrangement in Sao paolo.

4. Monthly live in girlfriend arrangement in Rio.

5. Monthly live in girlfriend arrangement in CIS region.

6. Correct amount to pay a travelling companion.

Background- am a 38 yo small businessman, on a break for an year. I will be travelling parts of South America and Europe and I intend to "monger" as people seem to call it here. I do not like one night stands but instead prefer to get a relationship feel by hiring talent on a monthly basis, and retaining or letting go on basis of performance. I keep semi-pros in a live in situation. It has worked for me in my country and I hope it would work in these countries too considering that they are much more sexually liberated.

I am currently in Bogota and have contacted several girls who have asked amounts in vicinity of 10000 Usd a month. While I am open to paying that sum if it guarantees a good GF experience, I do not like being ripped off / feeling ripped off / ruining the market.

So I would request the more experienced gentlemen to post their experiences and correct valuations.

12-27-21, 00:38
I am on my 4th visit to CDMX since Thanksgiving. I love it here, stay in Polanco and you can walk everywhere another plus. The food, style, culture, service and the girls are amazing.

I am busy trying to learn as much about the city and meet as much girls as possible before I get busy at work again. I will be here ever 2nd weekend, but I will be working a lot then, but no complaints, just a totally cool place. Not cheap, but that keeps a lot of the S. Tourists out, so that is a huge advantage.

I have had way more cancelations and no-shows then MTY, but that is OK, I am learning from my mistakes.

I had a crazy experience today. I am scheduled to meet a girl at 3 pm, I text her a 2:45 she says that she is already at the restaurant and has already ordered food. Ok, weird, but not a big deal, but my guard definitely went up. I was a little mad, but it is the Holidays and I am in CDMX. I show up and she has been there for awhile, I ask her how long to response, at that point I almost walked off. I calm down, and order some food. Conversation was ok, but she was an artist, this is Huge Red Flag for me. Any way we finish lunch, I ask her about SA, but she blows off the question and says she like Older Guys. I suggested going for a walk and that point she say she wants to go home with me, I said ok, but then I thought twice and said, no. I offered to pay for the cab, but she refused. We said good bye, I am pretty sure she blocked me immediately and I did the same.

I am meeting a girl tonight for the 3rd time. College student and works in Law Firm. Beautiful, smart and fun, I love it here, a new home.

12-27-21, 00:45
DF, we set up the apartment in Cartagena to my and her liking. I can tell she is happy to be back there as it is her original home and free from the cold of Bogota.

It is funny what is lacking in Colombia, sheets with Egyptian cotton for one, so I bought some and brought them down. I found a synthetic couch to make up for the lack of leather ones there. It is nice. I found a device so I can watch sports and my shows when I am there. I do not know why anyone has cable with this available: I even found a way to make real salsa. Colombian hot sauce is like ketchup.

Last trip was first time I got to know her daughter. ] It would not surprise me if she ends up 5 feet 10 like her mother. We are going to be fending off the men like crazy. When asked to do something, I think she said no more often than my son has in his first 22 years on this planet. I have always lived in a house of boys and how I handle things with her will be interesting. But I like her, and she likes me. For now. LOL.

I wrote this for the Tijuana section, but I think it is better that I post it here. I hope things work out with you and your lady.

If you are married or newly divorced, just getting new pussy is great. But having sex with a woman whose clothes are on a second after you climaxed running in shame towards the door? Ugh. I want a woman in my arms after sex happy that she fucked me.

After my engagement broke off, I dove into other foreign lands, upped my game, was doing the sugar baby thing and doing well. Life was great, and I was totally content in the SB world doubtful I would leave it.

It is when you are sure things will never change that they do. What do you do when a 10 type totally falls for you, fucks the shit out of you and asks for nothing? I get part of what Kool Beans is asking. Is this really real? After a while you accept it is, and ask what next? How do you go from SD or john to BF?

For the woman, it is easier. You show the guy your love by not asking him for much money. The guy has to understand the woman hates asking for it, and you are not paying for pussy but to make someone happy. If you pay too little, she may go outside for cash. Give her too much and she is spoiled. Did you notice no one here said that if KB's girl is looking for outside cash, he should give her more?

If you are an American guy, you are no doubt making more than she is, and if you want her available to you, you have to pay for her to not work. You do not have to, but you are not going to see her much if you do not. If she does take on work, she would have to understand (and this may be hard for her) that you count more than her job.

Then there is the family. Sure, they are close, but Nana Maria and Uncle Jose really need money help. You check it out and their needs are legit, and it is not so much, but you're questioning if they are pimping out your woman, and the answer is yeah, they kind of are. That is the price of a close family, and you want them on your side in a conflict. No one in your family will want anything from her which is unfair but that is how it works.

KB does not want to be played, and he is afraid he is missing something but most guys here are going to say he is a fool. What he needs to do is only talk to guys who have had this happen to them or better yet, talk to women. Women will size up his chick and situation better than we ever will.

So why do it? It is not sex. GF sex is way better than ho sex, but sugar baby and GF sex IMO are equal. The answer is your happiness is not based on pleasure from things like sex but other people. If you are with a woman who makes you happy, it is crazy to end it, and you should be with her.

I hear guys talk themselves out of the 10 types all the time. The Barbie doll wants a Ken doll they say. But the 10's themselves are never asked and so many do not want Ken.

Once I was with a courtesan, a true 10 in bed and with looks and got paid as such. We had finished our amazing session. She told me that she was going to go out on the town. I said she was going to see the hunky suave men she really wanted to. She had already been paid, had a waiting list weeks long, and she stopped right there, looked at me dead serious and said "When I go out and try to meet men, I am looking to meet men just like you. " What she said really changed my life. At first, it was just that I was in love with the idea not sure it was true. 10 years later I realized she was telling me the truth and I acted as such.

The surest way to have a 10 not fall for you is to believe it is impossible.

Happy holidays everyone.

My girl is amazing, but her family situation is complicated. Her family does not need money, in fact her dad is kind of famous in the Science Community. We will see what happens.

I which the best for you and your girlfriend. It is very sad that there is a handful of guys actively routing for guys to fail. KB is different story, I am out of that love story. All I can say is my girl is no drama at all, in fact she is the opposite. Time will tell. I think we will remain life long friends no matter what happens.

12-27-21, 06:38
Yo Cane,

I know you were asking Steve, but I hope my stats on SA are another helpful data point.

When I was active on SA in the USA, I spent at least 20 hours each week on the website. No exaggeration. During a 20 month period, I probably contacted five to ten thousand gals, conversed with one or two thousand on the site or on text, and met about a hundred in-person. I eventually had relations with about two dozen SBs.

So, yeah, if one is looking for a quick hookup, then SA in the USA may be a waste of time. BUT, if you ENJOY the search, and are patient, then it can be fun and you can find some gems. For me, having one gem per month, despite over a hundred hours of work per month, was worth it, but at that time. I think I really enjoyed the novelty at the time. Would I do it again today? Not sure.

BTW, I agree with 99% of what Steve says and recommends. But one main difference between me and him, when it comes to SA, is that I don't text the girls that much. There were too many occasions where we had great chemistry on text, but not in person. And so, my strategy was to text a few times only and then suggest a meetup. Some of them wanted to keep texting, but I told them that chemistry is everything to me, and I can only tell if there's chemistry by meeting in-person. Of course, I lost a lot of girls' interests this way, but so be it.

Steve, thanks for sharing your guiding SA principles. I know how much you love the tutes (especially Brazilian ones just like me). But, I've decided to look into SA starting in 2022. One thing I would like to know is this. Typically how many duds do you have to wade through before you find one girl that you vibe well enough with that you end up bedding her? I know this is something we all have to work at, but you seem to enjoy yourself, and you've been successful. So give me a rough number of how many encounters on average for you to find a gem who delivers the kind of experience you're looking for. Is it 10,15, or 20? More? Please keep it real.

Also, I really don't like sending pictures around to people on the internet I don't know. So, how do you think the girls would react if I suggested that we switched to WhatsApp or something like that, and that I would be willing to do a video chat as soon as they were comfortable with that? I think I could have some success with this thing, and I'm tired of waiting for international travel to open up again. I don't look my age (look 10 to 15 years younger), I'm in decent shape, and I get what I like (white college girls) flirting with me all the time. One even called me her "daddy" one time LOL! Probably just angling to get free drinks LOLOLOL!

Oh, and I realize that anal is probably out of the question damn near 100% of the time hahaha! That's OK though, that's OK! Because remember, if I'm drilling that booty hole on the tutes 70% of the time, Im hitting that pussy 100% of the time!

12-27-21, 07:47
Those numbers pretty much match my experience in the one month I had patience for that shit. I'm simply not desperate / enjoy the hunt enough to spend that kind of time for am extended period of time. But as I said a few posts back, the work did pay off it was just a hell of a lot of work. I also want a quality "commitment" fake or not if she's a good liar I don't care but I don't see anyone only willing to meet for an hour or two. If they're not willing to at least consider spending the night I move on.

Afa chatting, you do what it takes. I chatted a girl up for a week probably 1-2 hrs / day. If there was no chemistry there's no way that would have been possible. When we met it was like we were old friends. The ones where we chat for am hour and they disappear are by far the most frustrating and a major turn off for me.

Yo Cane,

I know you were asking Steve, but I hope my stats on SA are another helpful data point.

When I was active on SA in the USA, I spent at least 20 hours each week on the website. No exaggeration. During a 20 month period, I probably contacted five to ten thousand gals, conversed with one or two thousand on the site or on text, and met about a hundred in-person. I eventually had relations with about two dozen SBs.

So, yeah, if one is looking for a quick hookup, then SA in the USA may be a waste of time. BUT, if you ENJOY the search, and are patient, then it can be fun and you can find some gems. For me, having one gem per month, despite over a hundred hours of work per month, was worth it, but at that time. I think I really enjoyed the novelty at the time. Would I do it again today? Not sure.

BTW, I agree with 99% of what Steve says and recommends. But one main difference between me and him, when it comes to SA, is that I don't text the girls that much. There were too many occasions where we had great chemistry on text, but not in person. And so, my strategy was to text a few times only and then suggest a meetup. Some of them wanted to keep texting, but I told them that chemistry is everything to me, and I can only tell if there's chemistry by meeting in-person. Of course, I lost a lot of girls' interests this way, but so be it.

The Cane
12-27-21, 08:18
Thanks guys for all of the detailed and helpful responses! Anyway you cut it, this thing sounds like a lot of work. But few things worth having come easy do they? I thought about the Diamond membership, but I'm not comfortable providing my personal details for the verification process. Not to a dating site that could get hacked or something. Besides, other people present different views regarding upgrading to Diamond status, with even one SB saying that she sees it as a negative sign that a SD has become addicted to the site (shrug). I'm going to start out slow. Get a free membership and just see what's out there in my area (not interested in foreign girls for sugaring). If I see enough cuties to keep my attention, then I will upgrade to premium and go from there. I realize that I won't get as many responses as I would from having Diamond, but I don't want to be swamped with more inquiries than I have time for anyway. I think a couple of hours a day on there would be enough for me. I see that SA has video and audio chat now. Has anybody used those, and if so, how well did they work? I would think that if a girl is serious, once she's comfortable enough, then she should have no problem with a video chat, unless the person on the other end is hiding something. Thanks again for the tips!

12-27-21, 16:17
You don't need to verify or do anything else. Just pay for diamond and you're now diamond. I would not have done that for much of the same reasons you stated but getting verified was not part of the process. If a girl believes the income and net worth someone states on that site they are dumber than a box or rocks and deserve to get taken advantage of. Same for the verification, it means nothing. Same as a guy thinking he's anything more than 1 in a long line of other guys she's talking to. It's part of the game and you're a fool to not know the rules or be willing to learn them very quickly.

Also, it's none of my business but if part of the reason you don't get diamond is financial this probably isn't the best way to go about getting girls. Depending on what you're looking for, you'll need money to play and sometimes a lot of it. If you go to AMPS or live near a place prostitution is legal and / or tolerated, add a zero to whatever you're paying and you'll be in the ballpark.

There are plenty of skanks and pros there but I can't comment on that because I wasn't looking for it. If you need some help; if they call you "baby" they are a prostitute. You're welcome.

Thanks guys for all of the detailed and helpful responses! Anyway you cut it, this thing sounds like a lot of work. But few things worth having come easy do they? I thought about the Diamond membership, but I'm not comfortable providing my personal details for the verification process. Not to a dating site that could get hacked or something. Besides, other people present different views regarding upgrading to Diamond status, with even one SB saying that she sees it as a negative sign that a SD has become addicted to the site (shrug). I'm going to start out slow. Get a free membership and just see what's out there in my area (not interested in foreign girls for sugaring). If I see enough cuties to keep my attention, then I will upgrade to premium and go from there. I realize that I won't get as many responses as I would from having Diamond, but I don't want to be swamped with more inquiries than I have time for anyway. I think a couple of hours a day on there would be enough for me. I see that SA has video and audio chat now. Has anybody used those, and if so, how well did they work? I would think that if a girl is serious, once she's comfortable enough, then she should have no problem with a video chat, unless the person on the other end is hiding something. Thanks again for the tips!

12-27-21, 20:35
Thanks guys for all of the detailed and helpful responses! Anyway you cut it, this thing sounds like a lot of work. But few things worth having come easy do they? I thought about the Diamond membership, but I'm not comfortable providing my personal details for the verification process. Not to a dating site that could get hacked or something. Besides, other people present different views regarding upgrading to Diamond status, with even one SB saying that she sees it as a negative sign that a SD has become addicted to the site (shrug). I'm going to start out slow. Get a free membership and just see what's out there in my area (not interested in foreign girls for sugaring). If I see enough cuties to keep my attention, then I will upgrade to premium and go from there. I realize that I won't get as many responses as I would from having Diamond, but I don't want to be swamped with more inquiries than I have time for anyway. I think a couple of hours a day on there would be enough for me. I see that SA has video and audio chat now. Has anybody used those, and if so, how well did they work? I would think that if a girl is serious, once she's comfortable enough, then she should have no problem with a video chat, unless the person on the other end is hiding something. Thanks again for the tips!Save your money, just buy a standard membership and put it toward some trips Mexico. MTY and CDMX are great. It does take some work, but it will definitely pay off.

The Cane
12-27-21, 23:20
You don't need to verify or do anything else. Just pay for diamond and you're now diamond. I would not have done that for much of the same reasons you stated but getting verified was not part of the process. If a girl believes the income and net worth someone states on that site they are dumber than a box or rocks and deserve to get taken advantage of. Same for the verification, it means nothing. Same as a guy thinking he's anything more than 1 in a long line of other guys she's talking to. It's part of the game and you're a fool to not know the rules or be willing to learn them very quickly.

Also, it's none of my business but if part of the reason you don't get diamond is financial this probably isn't the best way to go about getting girls. Depending on what you're looking for, you'll need money to play and sometimes a lot of it. If you go to AMPS or live near a place prostitution is legal and / or tolerated, add a zero to whatever you're paying and you'll be in the ballpark.

There are plenty of skanks and pros there but I can't comment on that because I wasn't looking for it. If you need some help; if they call you "baby" they are a prostitute. You're welcome.Thanks for the clarification. I thought that verification was a required process for holding a Diamond membership. If it isn't, then I will certainly consider it if I find that there is some serious potential in the site for me in my metro area. I can easily afford the Diamond membership cost bro. I travel around the world remember? Well before COVID anyway LOL! That said, I'm not interested in throwing money down a pit in exchange for nothing but wasted time and frustration. And again, as DramaFree’s post shows, there are differing views on whether Diamond is worth it. We shall see!

12-28-21, 02:15
I am trying to use vanilla visa prepaid gift card to buy the SA subscription. Card keep getting declined. I don't want to use my credit card for privacy reasons.

Any suggested card to by the subscription and stay anonymous?

12-28-21, 03:15
Thanks for the clarification. I thought that verification was a required process for holding a Diamond membership.SA is a lot of work but usually within the first 20 minutes of texting you would know whether it will click, I thought SA and Escorts in Europe were the most GFE and happy meeting I had, though it is more expensive I am more into quality and good feeling than quantity. I also cook for my SA girls and give them cases of beer or wine when they leave me so it sort of helps but it is expensive compared to FB in MDE for sure.

12-28-21, 03:47
I am trying to use vanilla visa prepaid gift card to buy the SA subscription. Card keep getting declined. I don't want to use my credit card for privacy reasons.

Any suggested card to by the subscription and stay anonymous?Prepaid Visa or Mastercard: These function like gift cards and can be purchased at most major retailers with cash or credit cards.

Google Play payments via Android app: SA has an Android app that allows you to pay via Google Play. Additionally, there are usually Google Play gift cards available in most grocery stores that you can load your account with.

12-28-21, 04:42
It's addressed to Steve who admittedly has more experience but I want to contribute to this.

SA is a colossal waste of time as with most efforts that involve high value results, diamond / asteroid / gold mining, those sand pictures that Tibetan monks make, Trump's wall, etc.

That said, the results have been inarguable for me and I am now a believer. Will not consider anything less than a 9; my time, my money, my fantasy. I'll drop to an 8 mongering in any corner of the planet but when I'm at home it's the best or nothing. I'm not desperate so I'll hold out for what I want.

Had two 1 month stints one year apart. First was normal membership, second was diamond. Normal membership was a complete waste of time. Met 3 in person, none of whom looked like their profile pics, had an arrangement with 1 for about 3 months but nothing spectacular more about the novelty. To get to those 3 I sifted through hours and hours of profiles, fakers, being stood up, etc. Massive time waste and I'm a fairly busy person. Almost no one contacted me, I had to initiate almost always with negative results.

Second was far more interesting. 1 mo diamond membership. I had 50+ a day come to me for the first two weeks then slowed quite a bit. I literally spent 4-5 hrs / day going through them and communicating. Most were garbage profiles from pick a poor country on the planet or "rich" US cities but were easy to spot and block. I was sniped fairly regularly by really attractive college aged girls who don't allow their profiles to be found but they'll contact you when something catches their eye. Frankly I was and still am shocked at the quality of girls that I've found, in the best way possible. Cute, girl next door, can have anyone she wants and knows it but is sitting in my house telling me how great it would be to hang out there for several hours a few times a month.

Your Questions:

Duds. Tons, 90% Or, I'd have an otherwise great conversation for 30 min, not say anything remotely controversial or piss her off and she disappeared never to be seen again. These are the worst because they take up the most time. So of the 700 girls I contacted or contacted me. Maybe 10-15 turned into real actionable conversations where a meeting was discussed let alone sex. Again, 9+ for me and these girls are not prostitutes so you may need to meet them twice before you see anything interesting and I wouldn't pay anything until that time. I'm fine with this because I want a mental connection, real or not I don't care but getting my rocks off in an hour or two does not interest me (especially at SA prices!) Too many other cheaper and more convenient ways to do that if I that's the goal. These college girls are charming, ambitious, and driven. Also really independent. I've met 6 in person so far and they all have those traits in common. A flashy car is not enough to get their attention, also they don't really care about gifts. They have goals and those goals need to be funded. I meet the 7th today (a 20's Dr according to her, chemistry has been incredible chatting; we chatted for almost 3 hrs yesterday and yes, I believe she is a Dr as I have an advanced degree and it's hard to hold my attention that long on a fuckin phone). 4 in my home town. 3 in other countries. They are all gorgeous and total GF material but I am not a juggler, I'm looking for 1 with incredible chemistry but haven't had sex with all yet to make a decision. The 3 in other countries are a different situation so it's less about the long game but I was up front about it and it hasn't been a problem. I met one in a foreign country for what was supposed to be dinner and extras but she ended up going home after 12 hours the next morning. * She curled up next to me after about 2. 5 straight hours of going through my whole playbook and I was in heaven. My lips were sore all next day because she couldn't suck on my lips enough. I'd pull away and she'd come right back at me for hours.

Pics. Going to change this topic slightly. So what was the difference between my first stint and my second stint? Diamond makes a difference. If I were a girl looking for reliable funds I wouldn't give someone the time of day with the cheapest profile type. A fast food worker can afford standard. Also I used real pics that were unhidden. Shows them I'm not playing games. Yes it's personally risky but I wanted results and I got them in spades. Also, my profile was extremely detailed. I put what I wanted, what was important to me, what I was willing to do as far as specific situations I was willing to assist with (not actual numbers) and what she needed to look like. I got tons of feedback telling me how they appreciated how easy it was to figure out if they were a match with me due to the level of detail I put out there. As far as moving to another app, if that doesn't come up in the first 10 lines she's probably a time waster. The serious ones are ready to move forward immediately. The lag on that stupid app is frustrating as hell when you're trying to text real time and you can't discuss specifics without risking being banned. So move forward, if she won't give you her number or ID for whatever app you're using. Move on. I had no issue giving my real number to anyone and I've got pages of sms texts and pictures to show for it.

My dating life has been insane the last month. I have enough contacts and backup contacts I can mine for several months so I let my account lapse and deleted it already. Overall I'm really happy with how I played it and the results I got.

Also this might help. There are 5 types of agenda on that site.

Party girls. Looking for a good time "luxury lifestyle" and a bunch of overpriced shit in their closet.

Desperate girls. Drug addicts & single moms.

Time wasters. Their "friend" told them about the site and they're "trying it out".

Delusional girls. Expect someone to "keep" them.

Goal driven - (my fav) college costs x, rent is why, I make a, and I need be. I have no issue at all helping girls like this. I don't think it's reasonable to expect something tangible not change hands in a relationship where the parties are so far off from an economic perspective. If you're looking to get laid for the cheapest price this really isn't the place. There are exceptions to everything so don't tell me how you got a 10 for a bag of pasta and a can of tomato sauce. I don't care. But I've found some real legit wife material here. Just girls without the means and no help from family. There's nothing wrong in my book using what you've got to get what you want and I admire them for their courage.

Good luck boys. That site was a blast but it's more time than I have (to get the best results) and I would be more than happy to have one of the 3 I have on the line for several years once I finally make a decision. They are all stunner trophy material.Damn dude, great insights here. I enjoyed reading this a lot. I joined the site and spent a lot of time on it for the 2 months I was able to keep a standard premium subscription active before getting banned. I made some mistakes but that's water under the bridge now. Anyhow, I spent significant time texting with a couple of girls in Montreal, and met one last week, my first SA experience.

We had great chemistry over text, exchanged pics and she sent me the casual pic or video to keep my interest, nothing naked though so that gave me hope this wasn't a pro. Standard story about being a student, with an office job and looking to supplement income for rent and stuff. Was ok with meeting for dinner and drink first then maybe more. Kept in touch and agreed to a FaceTime call 2 days prior to my trip, it went fine and she looked good close to her pics minus make up which to me was a positive.

I arrived, and the next day we agreed to meet at a place near my hotel. I get there first and she shows up looking very attractive and met my expectations. Very casual restaurant but she was well dressed, beautiful black lady with a wonderful body and piercing eyes. Dinner went good, not a lot of physical contact but after a couple of drinks we get more relaxed and head to the hotel for another drink. We finally decide to head to my room, and once inside we finally kissed, and then she starts to bring up her gift before doing business she said. I get pro vibes. We keep going and get undressed, prior to her giving me a blowjob she mentions the gift again, so pour her a drink, and place the gift on the side, apparently that bothers her because it's something escorts get? So idk at this point LOL. But then she gets naked and she looks better than I expected so we proceed.

Her skills are good, too good for a non pro. She tastes wonderful, and gives amazing service. Now, I admit I've seen a lot of pro action in recent months, so I'm very in tune to pros, and this girl never seemed nervous or missed a beat during the action. So who knows, but I think she's been or still is a pro. Then after I finish we hang out and suddenly she wants me to call her an Uber to go home.

She messaged when she arrived home to wish me good night, and we spent about 5 hours together so I have no complaints. But, was the time invested prior worth the experience? I don't know. I've since fucked another 7 girls here, and honestly I'm not sure I'll remember this experience more than the others, but maybe I just had a bad date. The cost was only about 2 hours worth with a pro here in Montreal, and she looked about a solid 8.

Anyhow, if I was still on the site maybe I would try my luck again, but I'm not sure the juice is worth the squeeze, at least I can't say that yet. Or maybe I just fuck too many pros and can't appreciate a normal girl because of it LOL.

12-28-21, 06:44
So you've just summarized the moral of every monger's story. Doesn't matter how much due diligence you do, how much you or she lie, how much you pay, where you do it what language you speak, or where you're each from. If there's no chemistry or a questionable vibe when the clothes are off then you've probably wasted your time and money. And you never know for sure until then.

Interestingly enough, in my considerable mongering life, the best sex I've ever had was with girls that didn't speak my language and I did not or barely spoke theirs.

I think you're right about her being a pro too. The good ones are exceptionally good at small talk and sinking the hook but it's hard to fake real enjoyment; that's usually when you can make them.

I have the discussion one time about money at the meet & greet. I tell her that when we're together she should leave her purse somewhere obvious and sometime during the liaison I will sneak the money inside and we will never talk about it after that. They have all been fine with that but I give a pass at the first consummation. If they want to see kt, count it, etc I'm fine with it. She doesn't know me at that point and it's not an insult, she's just protecting her interests.

Damn dude, great insights here. I enjoyed reading this a lot. I joined the site and spent a lot of time on it for the 2 months I was able to keep a standard premium subscription active before getting banned. I made some mistakes but that's water under the bridge now. Anyhow, I spent significant time texting with a couple of girls in Montreal, and met one last week, my first SA experience.

We had great chemistry over text, exchanged pics and she sent me the casual pic or video to keep my interest, nothing naked though so that gave me hope this wasn't a pro. Standard story about being a student, with an office job and looking to supplement income for rent and stuff. Was ok with meeting for dinner and drink first then maybe more. Kept in touch and agreed to a FaceTime call 2 days prior to my trip, it went fine and she looked good close to her pics minus make up which to me was a positive..

Rafi Xo
12-28-21, 11:15
Damn dude, great insights here. I enjoyed reading this a lot. I joined the site and spent a lot of time on it for the 2 months I was able to keep a standard premium subscription active before getting banned. I made some mistakes but that's water under the bridge now. Anyhow, I spent significant time texting with a couple of girls in Montreal, and met one last week, my first SA experience.

We had great chemistry over text, exchanged pics and she sent me the casual pic or video to keep my interest, nothing naked though so that gave me hope this wasn't a pro. Standard story about being a student, with an office job and looking to supplement income for rent and stuff. Was ok with meeting for dinner and drink first then maybe more. Kept in touch and agreed to a FaceTime call 2 days prior to my trip, it went fine and she looked good close to her pics minus make up which to me was a positive.

I arrived, and the next day we agreed to meet at a place near my hotel. I get there first and she shows up looking very attractive and met my expectations. Very casual restaurant but she was well dressed, beautiful black lady with a wonderful body and piercing eyes. Dinner went good, not a lot of physical contact but after a couple of drinks we get more relaxed and head to the hotel for another drink. We finally decide to head to my room, and once inside we finally kissed, and then she starts to bring up her gift before doing business she said. I get pro vibes. We keep going and get undressed, prior to her giving me a blowjob she mentions the gift again, so pour her a drink, and place the gift on the side, apparently that bothers her because it's something escorts get? So idk at this point LOL. But then she gets naked and she looks better than I expected so we proceed..I live in Montreal and occasionally use SA. Your story is similar to many others and I could conclude that she is a PRO. Most girls you see in SA here actually also works for escort agencies or massage parlors. They are low volume providers and find SA job more easier (due to the privilege of choosing their ideal client who is willing to pay at least $500 per encounter). From my experience, finding a gem through SA here will take lots of your time and money. If you are just visiting Montreal, it is better to stick with reputable escort agencies and massage parlors.

12-28-21, 22:04
I've been on SA for about a year and I must say, it has changed my life. I'm banging higher quantity and quality than I have at any other point in my adult life. I've been doing almost monthly trips to Tijuana and to Bogota. In a workweek, I try to bang 2-3 chicks per day and I've been doing a healthy mix of new girls and repeats with favorites. I've got my script down so I am upfront that I'm looking for "friends with benefits" and that I expect our relations to be natural. That selects out a decent percentage of girls but I've built a pretty extensive database of girls who are down.

That said, I'd like to ask for some guidance. I'd like to try another city (within a reasonable flight from the east coast of the US). I LOVE skinny girls (under 100 lbs) under 25 years old. What is a good, fertile place for me to hit?

12-29-21, 01:37
That said, I'd like to ask for some guidance. I'd like to try another city (within a reasonable flight from the east coast of the US). I LOVE skinny girls (under 100 lbs) under 25 years old. What is a good, fertile place for me to hit?Short flight from the East Coast of the USA? You might try either the. Are. Or Panama. I have a friend that loves to monger, and he loves both of these places. But that is just one person's opinion. Maybe check out their forums to get a feel for the places.

12-29-21, 01:47
For the USA market, I admit that it was tough finding gems. But to get one, you have to be a gem too. Luckily, it only requires three things IMHO.

First, you cannot be physically hideous.

Second, you cannot be an asshole (and on a related note, you do not want to do super bizarre weird sh! T in bed).

Third, you are in it for more than the sex. Like, you will actually hang out with her.

If you just want great sex with a hottie, then do not waste you time on SA in the USA. Instead, just go with a pro.

12-29-21, 01:55
These days, I am just visiting MP gals (at their homes) before their shift starts. Otherwise, I have not been that active. It's cold where I live. Everyone is bundled up. Without seeing some flesh, I have lost my horniness. I need the skirts to come back. LOL.

12-29-21, 02:20
What's "reasonable" to you for a flight? Time / distance, cost? Skinny under 25 girls are all over the planet so then you need to ask yourself what you like. White, black, Latina. Latinas tend to plump up fast so as a numbers guy I'd say that wouldn't be my first choice. If it were me I'd pick a large wealthy city in a first world country for the best chance of getting what I want from my post a few back. We are on the SA board so if you want a legit SB that's the way AFAIK. If you just want to bang a hot young girl and forget her name walking back to your car, pick a place where prostitution is legal or tolerated e. G. Deutschland.

I've been on SA for about a year and I must say, it has changed my life. I'm banging higher quantity and quality than I have at any other point in my adult life. I've been doing almost monthly trips to Tijuana and to Bogota. In a workweek, I try to bang 2-3 chicks per day and I've been doing a healthy mix of new girls and repeats with favorites. I've got my script down so I am upfront that I'm looking for "friends with benefits" and that I expect our relations to be natural. That selects out a decent percentage of girls but I've built a pretty extensive database of girls who are down.

That said, I'd like to ask for some guidance. I'd like to try another city (within a reasonable flight from the east coast of the US). I LOVE skinny girls (under 100 lbs) under 25 years old. What is a good, fertile place for me to hit?

12-29-21, 02:26
At their home? Don't they live there (at least the AMPS)? That's a whole new level of game for me. Congrats. If you need a padawan I'm willing to polish your lightsaber in exchange for training in that side of the force.

These days, I am just visiting MP gals (at their homes) before their shift starts. Otherwise, I have not been that active. It's cold where I live. Everyone is bundled up. Without seeing some flesh, I have lost my horniness. I need the skirts to come back. LOL.

12-29-21, 03:02
Interestingly enough, in my considerable mongering life, the best sex I've ever had was with girls that didn't speak my language and I did not or barely spoke theirs.

I agree. But I cannot put a finger on why this is the case. Is it because we cannot argue, or is it because they are uninteresting out of bed, or is it because of something else?

12-29-21, 04:04
My friend, I can't explain it either. I'm talking about a girl in an MP (proper Asian, in Asia, not AMP with imported product) who will come in on her day off to see you. Or the girl who spent the whole day me after she told me she'd be fired (she inspired me to start learning her language BTW). Or the girl who desperately tries to have a conversation with me before or after the act even though she knows damn well I don't speak hers and she speaks even less of mine. They like what they l like when they like it. Had I been a day later or an hour earlier before some a-hole customer who the hell knows what the result would have been but thank God the stars aligned the way they did. I will never forget any of those girls. Total magic.

I agree. But I cannot put a finger on why this is the case. Is it because we cannot argue, or is it because they are uninteresting out of bed, or is it because of something else?

12-29-21, 06:46
YES! That is exactly how I feel about some of the MP gals that I hooked up with in Shanghai. There is this one gal that I have known for several years now. We can barely say a few sentences to each other. And yet, she has now traveled with me to Beijing (or met me there) on over a half dozen occasions, and we just genuinely like each other. The day that I met her, if I had arrived 10 minutes later, then we probably never would have had met and had our great relationship. Yeah, yeah, maybe the other gal that I would have met that day would have been great as well. But who knows? But overall, I too feel pretty lucky with some of the MP gals that I have met over the years, and can barely have a conversation with. In fact, I saw an MP gal yesterday morning before her shift. I have known this gal for several years too. We have known each other for so long, that we now bareback. The sex is passionate, and she often orgasms. We can connect so well, but we can barely communicate. And so, every once in a while, I just go to new MPs, hoping to find the next great GF, but 9 out of 10 times, it is a failure. Oh well. I know that if I want more than just a session with a pro, then I will have to pay some dues.

My friend, I can't explain it either. I'm talking about a girl in an MP (proper Asian, in Asia, not AMP with imported product) who will come in on her day off to see you. Or the girl who spent the whole day me after she told me she'd be fired (she inspired me to start learning her language BTW). Or the girl who desperately tries to have a conversation with me before or after the act even though she knows damn well I don't speak hers and she speaks even less of mine. They like what they l like when they like it. Had I been a day later or an hour earlier before some a-hole customer who the hell knows what the result would have been but thank God the stars aligned the way they did. I will never forget any of those girls. Total magic.

12-29-21, 06:56
At their home? Don't they live there (at least the AMPS)? That's a whole new level of game for me. Congrats. If you need a padawan I'm willing to polish your lightsaber in exchange for training in that side of the force.In China, from what I understand, the girls are no longer allowed to live in the MPs. But almost all of them (maybe about 80-90 percent) live in a dorm that is provided by the MP. Rent is like $150 per month. Obviously, I cannot visit them at the dorm. However, some of gals hate living in those dorms, and will either find a roommate and rent a place, or live by themselves in a tiny studio apartment. The kinds of MP gals that rent on their own usually have a little bit too much pride to live in the dorm. These girls that have their own place still want to enjoy life a little bit, by going out with their friends, or having out-of-town friends visit them. They also take a day off from work every week or so. The ones that live in the dorms are strictly about making a living, and so they do almost nothing but work and sleep every day. Whenever I meet an MP gal that I like, I get their WeChat contact. If you really want to know more, then let me know.

12-29-21, 14:38
Nah, I was thinking you were banging them in the shop before opening hours. I'm a little less impressed knowing they have their own place Cheers bud.

In China, from what I understand, the girls are no longer allowed to live in the MPs. But almost all of them (maybe about 80-90 percent) live in a dorm that is provided by the MP. Rent is like $150 per month. Obviously, I cannot visit them at the dorm. However, some of gals hate living in those dorms, and will either find a roommate and rent a place, or live by themselves in a tiny studio apartment. The kinds of MP gals that rent on their own usually have a little bit too much pride to live in the dorm. These girls that have their own place still want to enjoy life a little bit, by going out with their friends, or having out-of-town friends visit them. They also take a day off from work every week or so. The ones that live in the dorms are strictly about making a living, and so they do almost nothing but work and sleep every day. Whenever I meet an MP gal that I like, I get their WeChat contact. If you really want to know more, then let me know.

Steve 9696
12-29-21, 15:30
Damn dude, great insights here. I enjoyed reading this a lot. I joined the site and spent a lot of time on it for the 2 months I was able to keep a standard premium subscription active before getting banned. I made some mistakes but that's water under the bridge now. Anyhow, I spent significant time texting with

She messaged when she arrived home to wish me good night, and we spent about 5 hours together so I have no complaints. But, was the time invested prior worth the experience? I don't know. I've since fucked another 7 girls here, and honestly I'm not sure I'll remember this experience more than the others, but maybe I just had a bad date. The cost was only about 2 hours worth with a pro here in Montreal, and she looked about a solid 8.

Anyhow, if I was still on the site maybe I would try my luck again, but I'm not sure the juice is worth the squeeze, at least I can't say that yet. Or maybe I just fuck too many pros and can't appreciate a normal girl because of it LOL.Great report. Thanks for the view from Montreal. I think so much of the world is about expectations. Like if you book a pro and you show and she says let's have dinner first. You would be like WTF. I'm here to fuck. And the opposite is true also. You look on SA for something more authentic. So even those this had all the elements it didn't meet your expectation for a "real girl". And that's where it's off because it sounds pretty good otherwise!

I totally get this. Kayla has become a bit more of a homebody. She presented as a party girl (went to strip club and sex club together) but now all our dates are Netflix and chill (and still amazing bareback sex) so I am casually looking around for someone more fun on the town and it's def a slog. And I get girls who are like "let's skip dinner and just go to your hotel" and it's so funny because I am not so interested. She's saying "I just want to have sex for money" and my SA brain is saying don't settle for that. So I keep working SA and hope to turn up the real deal. But have these pros in back pocket.

And of course even tho Kayla has become more wifey we are super comfortable (too comfortable?) and sex remains mind blowing so I am careful not to accidentally kill this off.

Anyhow point is it's all in what you expect. Expect a true SA girlfriend and get a pro. disappointed. Expect to show up and fuck and get a dinner invite. Disappointed. True in all aspects of life.

Steve 9696
12-29-21, 16:21
So I've been low key trying to hook up a date tonight but I am getting pros or we can't work timing or whatever. I'm now going to go on a SA mission. I'm going to hit it hard, find a girl, chat her up and meetup tonight. Wish me luck!

Ps in the WTF dept: Aftet wonderful chats and plans to meetup, I’ve had one girl ask $1000 ppm and another $5000/mo allowance. I mean WTF really?

12-29-21, 16:59
Ps in the WTF dept: Aftet wonderful chats and plans to meetup, Ive had one girl ask $1000 ppm and another $5000/mo allowance. I mean WTF really?One girl did start with 1000 but came down a bit and she was the best SB I ever had Still talk to her every week and if I am in her town we continue. I moved states so am far away now.

12-29-21, 17:14
I've been asked outright for 1 k twice. Paid it once and still considering it for the other. As you clearly state, it's about expectations. Paying that at a $60 AMP makes no sense but the goal and circumstances are different. Paying that to get a no kidding GFE where she now knows my money is where my mouth is and there's no BS; I've now moved up in her priority queue (hopefully) which is what I want over time (hopefully if she's not a starfish or can't hold a conversation with me).

The more I've done SA the more I look at it like a poker game. You need to make the best decisions you can with bits and pieces of info that come in all different forms (words, actions, etc). When I'm playing poker I need to ante to be in the game. I may lose 10 antes before I have a hand I want to play. Price of doing business. If I need to blow 1 k to find out she's a dud that's fine because if she's not a dud I may be happier than a pig in shit that I'm getting her so "cheap" you just don't know. To be clear, we're way past talking about blowing your load in some hot girl. We're taking about, all things being equal, one might actually consider marrying because they literally check every box.

I easily believe 5 k. My first arrangement had a guy with a several thousand person company overseas. He'd write her a check for 5 k every month. It happens. It's the holy grail for some girls but fortunately for the masses (of the rest of us guys) those guys are few and far between.

Don't ever forget, they are there to cover expenses. Rent. X, college. Why, living expenses. Z, income from her job. A, shortfall. Be (that's where you come in). In a large expensive coastal city like mine 3-5 k a month sounds like a pretty honest answer. 10 k would be a little nuts. BTW there's nothing that says you need to be her only source. As long as you're not the jealous type accept you're one of a couple other guys and reserve yourself to the line. If she's that good then her part of the time is still probably better than her none of the time.

So I've been low key trying to hook up a date tonight but I am getting pros or we can't work timing or whatever. I'm now going to go on a SA mission. I'm going to hit it hard, find a girl, chat her up and meetup tonight. Wish me luck!

Ps in the WTF dept: Aftet wonderful chats and plans to meetup, Ive had one girl ask $1000 ppm and another $5000/mo allowance. I mean WTF really?

12-29-21, 17:19
I've been on SA for about a year and I must say, it has changed my life. I'm banging higher quantity and quality than I have at any other point in my adult life. I've been doing almost monthly trips to Tijuana and to Bogota. In a workweek, I try to bang 2-3 chicks per day and I've been doing a healthy mix of new girls and repeats with favorites. I've got my script down so I am upfront that I'm looking for "friends with benefits" and that I expect our relations to be natural. That selects out a decent percentage of girls but I've built a pretty extensive database of girls who are down.

That said, I'd like to ask for some guidance. I'd like to try another city (within a reasonable flight from the east coast of the US). I LOVE skinny girls (under 100 lbs) under 25 years old. What is a good, fertile place for me to hit?Such a good report, very similar to my experiences. You might want to try CDMX, more of a long term game, but the sky is the limit here. I was spending a lot of time iin MTY definitely easier there, but it can get a little boring. I also love the Skinny girls.

The Cane
12-30-21, 13:36
The more I've done SA the more I look at it like a poker game. You need to make the best decisions you can with bits and pieces of info that come in all different forms (words, actions, etc). When I'm playing poker I need to ante to be in the game. I may lose 10 antes before I have a hand I want to play. Price of doing business. If I need to blow 1 k to find out she's a dud that's fine because if she's not a dud I may be happier than a pig in shit that I'm getting her so "cheap" you just don't know. To be clear, we're way past talking about blowing your load in some hot girl. We're taking about, all things being equal, one might actually consider marrying because they literally check every box.

Don't ever forget, they are there to cover expenses. Rent. X, college. Why, living expenses. Z, income from her job. A, shortfall. Be (that's where you come in). In a large expensive coastal city like mine 3-5 k a month sounds like a pretty honest answer. 10 k would be a little nuts. BTW there's nothing that says you need to be her only source. As long as you're not the jealous type accept you're one of a couple other guys and reserve yourself to the line. If she's that good then her part of the time is still probably better than her none of the time.I'm just curious what age range you look for? For me it's 20-29, which includes girls I would not consider for marriage (too young), but for sexual liaisons hell yes! And there's not a jealous bone in my body. I mean after all, the 20 somethings I've been fucking over all of these years been getting fucked by plenty of other guys too LOL! Mongering is not for the jealous! It's like oil and water. They just don't mix successful mongering and jealousy. So sugar babies with multiple daddies doesn't bother me one iota hahaha! Mongering has prepared me for that. And I'm not in this to find a wife.

By the way, I signed up for a free account on SA and have been doing some looking. So far, I've identified 70 profiles that peak my interest, all of them local. I knew the pickings would be fertile. I eliminated anybody who said they were only interested in platonic, non-sexual, online only, long-distance or anything that gave a clue right off that bat that her underwear will never come down. But I got to tell you, if any of those girls are steady hooking, you would never know it from their profiles! But, I suppose that's how it's got to be right? Figure out who's who!

So at this point, I'm convinced to go ahead and get a paid account. But, I'm still concerned about throwing money down a pit without a good return, so still have to decide what tier. I know this much. I won't be putting $1,000 a meet into any of their giddy little hands! I know that much! I've set my max per meet at $500. If I can go lower, then of course I will. We shall see what happens. We shall see.

Steve 9696
12-30-21, 16:29
I've been asked outright for 1 k twice. Paid it once and still considering it for the other. As you clearly state, it's about expectations. Paying that at a $60 AMP makes no sense but the goal and circumstances are different. Paying that to get a no kidding GFE where she now knows my money is where my mouth is and there's no BS; I've now moved up in her priority queue (hopefully) which is what I want over time (hopefully if she's not a starfish or can't hold a conversation with me).

The more I've done SA the more I look at it like a poker game. You need to make the best decisions you can with bits and pieces of info that come in all different forms (words, actions, etc). When I'm playing poker I need to ante to be in the game. I may lose 10 antes before I have a hand I want to play. Price of doing business. If I need to blow 1 k to find out she's a dud that's fine because if she's not a dud I may be happier than a pig in shit that I'm getting her so "cheap" you just don't know. To be clear, we're way past talking about blowing your load in some hot girl. We're taking about, all things being equal, one might actually consider marrying because they literally check every box.

I easily believe 5 k. My first arrangement had a guy with a several thousand person company overseas. He'd write her a check for 5 k every month. It happens. It's the holy grail for some girls but fortunately for the masses (of the rest of us guys) those guys are few and far between.

Don't ever forget, they are there to cover expenses. Rent. X, college. Why, living expenses. Z, income from her job. A, shortfall. Be (that's where you come in). In a large expensive coastal city like mine 3-5 k a month sounds like a pretty honest answer. 10 k would be a little nuts. BTW there's nothing that says you need to be her only source. As long as you're not the jealous type accept you're one of a couple other guys and reserve yourself to the line. If she's that good then her part of the time is still probably better than her none of the time.It is interesting to hear you think a $1000 girl is worth it. I am just sorta morally opposed to more than $500. Took me a while to even move from 400 to 500. I think it's also partly any girl who thinks she's worth 1000 has an ego bigger than I want to deal with. But maybe I just need to try it. It's the multiple days that will kill me. I budget about $2 K / month for girls — which I know a lot of folks think is a lot. But damn if I just do a three day trip at $1000/ day I've already blown it.

Will keep weeding and feeding but thanks for the perspective.

12-30-21, 16:33
It is interesting to hear you think a $1000 girl is worth it. I am just sorta morally opposed to more than $500. Took me a while to even move from 400 to 500. I think it's also partly any girl who thinks she's worth 1000 has an ego bigger than I want to deal with. But maybe I just need to try it. It's the multiple days that will kill me. I budget about $2 K / month for girls which I know a lot of folks think is a lot. But damn if I just do a three day trip at $1000/ day I've already blown it.

Will keep weeding and feeding but thanks for the perspective.Yep, I can do $400-500, but that is my cutoff. Time you pay Uber and dinner you are at $600-800. That is my limit.

Less then $2000 I can go to Mxico and have sex all weekend, with multiple partners.

Steve 9696
12-30-21, 16:46
So close and yet so far.

Had a few girls engaged in my quest for an evening meetup. At lunch the only sure one was a Thai hooker who "didn't have time" for dinner and drinks but would come to my room for 400. So that was the backup plan.

At about 2 PM I snagged my date for the night. A very pretty PR and Italian mix but a bit heavy on the backside. With massive tits to match at least. No figure discussed. She seemed more about meeting up than the $$ but figured I would just play by ear. She was very down to meet and when I said I didn't know how it would work with my hotel and hour away from her she said she'the come to me. So she both put skin in the game and acknowledged hotel location was important. So far so good.

Honestly it was a great date right up to a few minutes before the end. We went out for Italian at a restaurant of her choice. She's late 20's and a pretty accomplished middle manager so not as submissive as the young 20's girls. But we had a really great dinner. And I wasn't ready to just rush to the room so she followed me (20 min drive) to the speakeasy near my hotel. We parked in hotel parking so it def seemed very on.

She loves speakeasies and the vibe was great. I was doing plenty of light touching and lean ins and the chemistry was there. Walked to the hotel hand in hand. Ninths room it was very comfortable and a bit playful. We end up on the bed and while we're chatting I softly play with her tits. We kiss some. Just letting it develop. Eventually I am pulling her lacy bra down and working her nipples which are super big and get nice and hard. She is clearly enjoying herself. We even get her dress mostly off. Licking at her waistline I move down to her thigh gap and get a "not ready for that yet". Boo. We do kiss some more and some more tit play but she is adamant no sex on first date. Damn 28 year olds!

Well obviously I am disappointed and she is surprised I would expect sex on first date. So a bit of a light verbal scuffle there.

I am a bit torn about seeing her again. When she was putting on her heels she said it was the best date of her life. And she really wants to see me again. Not sure if this is just going to be a "freebie" kind of arrangement but expect the $$ asks to come at some point and not sure if she will be worth that. (Don’t know cuz we didn’t have sex!) The PG date was very nice. And free other than dinner cost. And she maybe a bit too dominant / controlling for me (she is def more put together than most girls I date.).

Ps Definitely reinforced my belief that early 20s are much more DTF and late 20s+ more inclined to feel things out first.

The Cane
12-30-21, 17:00
So close and yet so far. Honestly it was a great date right up to a few minutes before the end. We went out for Italian at a restaurant of her choice. She's late 20's and a pretty accomplished middle manager so not as submissive as the young 20's girls. But we had a really great dinner. And I wasn't ready to just rush to the room so she followed me (20 min drive) to the speakeasy near my hotel. We parked in hotel parking so it def seemed very on.

She loves speakeasies and the vibe was great. I was doing plenty of light touching and lean ins and the chemistry was there. Walked to the hotel hand in hand. Ninths room it was very comfortable and a bit playful. We end up on the bed and while we're chatting I softly play with her tits. We kiss some. Just letting it develop. Eventually I am pulling her lacy bra down and working her nipples which are super big and get nice and hard. She is clearly enjoying herself. We even get her dress mostly off. Licking at her waistline I move down to her thigh gap and get a "not ready for that yet". Boo. We do kiss some more and some more tit play but she is adamant no sex on first date. Damn 28 year olds!

Well obviously I am disappointed and she is surprised I would expect sex on first date. So a bit of a light verbal scuffle there.To me, what she did was totally a foul. If you're not going to have sex on the first date and you know it, then you (she) doesn't let it go that far. That's nothing but teasing, she knows it, and I don't have time for that. If a lady decides not to do it on the first date and makes that clear upfront, then you know I don't have a problem with that. But, don't play with me! Now if it was me, I'd be done with her, especially if she offered nothing else to really want me to stay involved with her. You've got to be transparent about being in out regarding the old "in and out". No half-stepping! Don't waste your time (and money) Steve! Too many other options to pursue. I say move on. It was the bet date she ever had? Well, if you believe her, OK. But what about you? There's two parts to the equation, and she played a game with you man. One I personally don't like. Women man! I do like my straight up tutes LOLOLOL!

12-30-21, 17:15
Not saying anyone is worth 1 k. All I'm saying is that these girls are on this site for a reason. Look at the big picture and decide if it's worth it to you, no one can answer that but you. If you would have told me a month ago that I would pay 1 k I'd have said you're crazy. I've since seen a major difference between the girls with goals and the pros or semi-pros. I want to hang out with the goal driven ones and either that sentiment is reciprocated or they are good actors (don't really care honestly as we've never run out of banter and things to talk about). They have lots to say and are engaging company. I wouldn't pay 500 for a pro as there are tons of options where I live for quite a lot less if the goal is to bust a nut but that's not my style unless it's been months.

I can't do multiples in a day, I don't think I could do that in my prime. Honestly an A+ girl 2-3 times per month is all I want. Again, this is what works for me. We're probably going to spend close to the same amount and both get what we want so which one of us is right or wrong?

It is interesting to hear you think a $1000 girl is worth it. I am just sorta morally opposed to more than $500. Took me a while to even move from 400 to 500. I think it's also partly any girl who thinks she's worth 1000 has an ego bigger than I want to deal with. But maybe I just need to try it. It's the multiple days that will kill me. I budget about $2 K / month for girls which I know a lot of folks think is a lot. But damn if I just do a three day trip at $1000/ day I've already blown it.

Will keep weeding and feeding but thanks for the perspective.

12-30-21, 18:18
I think I mentioned in some prior reports that I reengaged with Tinder, took a Platinum membership for a year. So far, the pickings have been slim. Anyway, most girls on Tinder are either on Snap or Insta and consequently I signed up with Instagram as well (with a fake photo). Normally I use FB for all my family / friend social needs like most middle aged people do. Anyway, I got hit with the following message on Insta from a woman this morning:

"How are you doing, I will like to know if you are interested been my sugar baby and I will be paying you $300 for your weekly allowance".

There you have it. I had my roles switched from being a SD to a SB now, LOL. I feel so cheap, objectified, dirty eww haha.

Anyway, I looked up her photos, she is White but out of shape, probably early 40's but looks older due to not being in shape. Unfortunately, I have to pass. Oh well.

I wonder how all the early 20's sugarbabes feel, getting hit up middle aged out of shape dudes. I got a small taste of it now (well, I am not early 20's).

12-30-21, 19:33
Not saying anyone is worth 1 k. All I'm saying is that these girls are on this site for a reason. Look at the big picture and decide if it's worth it to you, no one can answer that but you. If you would have told me a month ago that I would pay 1 k I'd have said you're crazy. I've since seen a major difference between the girls with goals and the pros or semi-pros. I want to hang out with the goal driven ones and either that sentiment is reciprocated or they are good actors (don't really care honestly as we've never run out of banter and things to talk about). They have lots to say and are engaging company. I wouldn't pay 500 for a pro as there are tons of options where I live for quite a lot less if the goal is to bust a nut but that's not my style unless it's been months.

I can't do multiples in a day, I don't think I could do that in my prime. Honestly an A+ girl 2-3 times per month is all I want. Again, this is what works for me. We're probably going to spend close to the same amount and both get what we want so which one of us is right or wrong?Seriously, $1,000 ppm is a total waste. If someone wants to pay that much, their choice of course. Perhaps in San Fran, a top shelf girl may extract that much from a 30 something multi millionaire geek that got rich from selling a new age app company to a megacorp but not where I live; I have rarely exceeded 300 and with sufficient patience, I got the best girls in my area (away from the coasts). When I traveled to the big blue cities of NEast such as Boston I have paid up 350 but rarely 400; I have never ever given more than 400. If they insist, I pass. I don't need to fuck anyone that urgently. I stick to 18-25 White slim girls, occasionally fair skinned Latinos of the same age and body type.

For 2 grand a month, I can pretty much sign up any girl in my city for 5+ sessions a month. That is just the reality where I live.

Prices have declined in general through pandemic. Many girls are hurting. I have been on SA for 5+ years now, soon will complete 6. I don't know how many in this thread have been there that long. I discontinued my paid subscription through pandemic and rejoined a few months ago; otherwise I have been a paying subscriber the entire time. One really pretty 22 year old girl of Ukrainian extraction (she has been brought up in the US) even lamented "too many girls are in trouble, they are lowering the price, also many men have less income now; I never came down below $600 prior to pandemic but now willing to consider $500 level offers" She did a good market analysis and she was very pretty but I passed. Anyway, that is me.

12-30-21, 19:39
So close and yet so far.

Had a few girls engaged in my quest for an evening meetup. At lunch the only sure one was a Thai hooker who "didn't have time" for dinner and drinks but would come to my room for 400. So that was the backup plan.

At about 2 PM I snagged my date for the night. A very pretty PR and Italian mix but a bit heavy on the backside. With massive tits to match at least. No figure discussed. She seemed more about meeting up than the $$ but figured I would just play by ear. She was very down to meet and when I said I didn't know how it would work with my hotel and hour away from her she said she'the come to me. So she both put skin in the game and acknowledged hotel location was important. So far so good.

Honestly it was a great date right up to a few minutes before the end. We went out for Italian at a restaurant of her choice. She's late 20's and a pretty accomplished middle manager so not as submissive as the young 20's girls. But we had a really great dinner. And I wasn't ready to just rush to the room so she followed me (20 min drive) to the speakeasy near my hotel. We parked in hotel parking so it def seemed very on..Too funny. Thank god, I do not have those issues in America. I debating about getting back on SA in San Antonio, but I just do not know. I have met a couple of girls in CDMX that have visa, so I can fly them in.

Steve 9696
12-30-21, 20:18
As long as it ends well it's kinda funny when your personal and date life cross paths. Happened twice during the holidays.

Time one. Driving with the wife and fam past the Hilton, all decked out with amazing lights on the trees outside. My wife comments how beautiful the lights are and I just say "yep". But what I really wanted to say was, "Yeah I thought the same thing this past week when I was fucking Uma and these lights were right outside our hotel room window!" But I restrained myself. LOL.

Time two. Shopping with the wife and fam at the local Athleta when a girl in a mask comes up to me and says "Hi, how are you?" My wife is in another part of the store but my mind is racing. Thought my babies would be smart enough to not engage in public! After a few beats, my panic subsided when I realize it's one of my sons high school friends! OMG. Close one. Not really but it sure felt like it!

The Cane
12-30-21, 23:52
And just like that, I'm done with SA! I had been on there for only a couple of days with a free account. Which means that I was unable to communicate with anybody, and vice versa. There was absolutely nothing inappropriate about my account, and nothing of a sexual nature written in it at all! And then out of the blue I get "account suspended", and they want me to send in a government issued ID. Well fuck them! I'm not sending in my personal details to them! That site has been hacked before, and you end up getting exposed to blackmailers! Not going to happen! If I wanted to do that, then I could just go ahead and get verified, but as I said before, I don't trust releasing that kind of personal info to these dating sites that are full of fraudsters and time wasters anyway. Well, at least I didn't blow one thin dime on SA. I was just on the verge of getting a premium membership. Glad I didn't now. They can bite me LOL! Still independent and free! Happy New Year everybody!

12-31-21, 00:06
I find no fault in anything you said but I guess I haven't made myself clear. What I want and what I pay works for me. I would never expect it to work for you or anyone else. I'm divorced, in decent (non dad-body) shape, have a gorgeous house, car and a little money. A catch really, don't want kids, don't want a family, don't want a girlfriend. I want to see an incredibly gorgeous engaging young lady 2-3 times per month (for an afternoon / evening and possibly sleepover). Note: that means less than once a week. I don't want to juggle girls as I'm happy with one who piques my interest and convinces me she's there for me and not my money (I'm totally open to being lied to BTW).

I don't want 5 sessions a month at any price. I also don't see anything wrong with helping said lady reach her goals in life. It's quite satisfying. I'm not leaving what I have to anyone in particular and I can only own so many pairs of pants and eat so many lobsters. Don't play golf or have have horribly expensive hobbies aside from, as it turns out, trying to make a legitimate connection with a girl I would have had zero chance with when I was in my early 20's.

So with all due respect 1 k is just a number and if you want to call it a waste it's your prerogative. I don't see it that way. I've spent that much on other experiences throughout my life and this has been money relatively well spent. I've spent 1 k on a single dinner before and regretted it. I can't say the same thing about my last 1 k liaison. She is a charmer and the experience lingers for days as it turns into a buildup in anticipation to the next meeting. I'm good with this feeling, might sound like I'm falling for her but having that all the time would lose some magic and I'm well aware of this and my own personality to know that.

Seriously, $1,000 ppm is a total waste. If someone wants to pay that much, their choice of course. Perhaps in San Fran, a top shelf girl may extract that much from a 30 something multi millionaire geek that got rich from selling a new age app company to a megacorp but not where I live; I have rarely exceeded 300 and with sufficient patience, I got the best girls in my area (away from the coasts). When I traveled to the big blue cities of NEast such as Boston I have paid up 350 but rarely 400; I have never ever given more than 400. If they insist, I pass. I don't need to fuck anyone that urgently. I stick to 18-25 White slim girls, occasionally fair skinned Latinos of the same age and body type.

For 2 grand a month, I can pretty much sign up any girl in my city for 5+ sessions a month. That is just the reality where I live.

12-31-21, 01:18
Don't wear the mirror out or pull a muscle flexing tonight.

I think I mentioned in some prior reports that I reengaged with Tinder, took a Platinum membership for a year. So far, the pickings have been slim. Anyway, most girls on Tinder are either on Snap or Insta and consequently I signed up with Instagram as well (with a fake photo). Normally I use FB for all my family / friend social needs like most middle aged people do. Anyway, I got hit with the following message on Insta from a woman this morning:

"How are you doing, I will like to know if you are interested been my sugar baby and I will be paying you $300 for your weekly allowance".

There you have it. I had my roles switched from being a SD to a SB now, LOL. I feel so cheap, objectified, dirty eww haha.

Anyway, I looked up her photos, she is White but out of shape, probably early 40's but looks older due to not being in shape. Unfortunately, I have to pass. Oh well.

I wonder how all the early 20's sugarbabes feel, getting hit up middle aged out of shape dudes. I got a small taste of it now (well, I am not early 20's).

Elvis 2008
12-31-21, 02:17
Too funny. Thank god, I do not have those issues in America. I debating about getting back on SA in San Antonio, but I just do not know. I have met a couple of girls in CDMX that have visa, so I can fly them in.Be careful with that. You need to make sure you establish a really good relationship with a girl before doing that or you could be charged with trafficking. The feds do not even need to charge you with a crime to seize any assets associated with suspected trafficking.

Make sure she says she is your GF when she goes through customs and you have photos confirming the things boyfriends and girlfriends do. She needs to know a lot about you and you about her in case you get called on the phone.

You know what I do for a living and I flew in a Mexican woman who was a lawyer. She dressed kind of provocatively (she always did), and even with what I do for a living and her being a lawyer these customs guys had a field day with her for a few hours. They put her through so much shit she was in tears for an hour after getting out. But she came a total of three times, and the next two times she came in was no problem.

I am not saying do not do it. Just be prepared for the worst. The girl needs to dress down, and you have to get a story where you met that was not SA.

12-31-21, 03:40
Not saying anyone is worth 1 k. All I'm saying is that these girls are on this site for a reason. Look at the big picture and decide if it's worth it to you, no one can answer that but you. If you would have told me a month ago that I would pay 1 k I'd have said you're crazy. I've since seen a major difference between the girls with goals and the pros or semi-pros. I want to hang out with the goal driven ones and either that sentiment is reciprocated or they are good actors (don't really care honestly as we've never run out of banter and things to talk about). They have lots to say and are engaging company. I wouldn't pay 500 for a pro as there are tons of options where I live for quite a lot less if the goal is to bust a nut but that's not my style unless it's been months.

I can't do multiples in a day, I don't think I could do that in my prime. Honestly an A+ girl 2-3 times per month is all I want. Again, this is what works for me. We're probably going to spend close to the same amount and both get what we want so which one of us is right or wrong?A non-pro girl will want someone who can pay for all her expenses so she doesn't have to work. Ideally, it would be with one or two guys. Plus, higher prices tends to weed out the time wasters. No guarantee that higher prices is better, but you probably avoid the pros at that level. If you find a gem, it will be worth it.

12-31-21, 03:46
So close and yet so far.

Had a few girls engaged in my quest for an evening meetup. At lunch the only sure one was a Thai hooker who "didn't have time" for dinner and drinks but would come to my room for 400. So that was the backup plan.

At about 2 PM I snagged my date for the night. A very pretty PR and Italian mix but a bit heavy on the backside. With massive tits to match at least. No figure discussed. She seemed more about meeting up than the $$ but figured I would just play by ear. She was very down to meet and when I said I didn't know how it would work with my hotel and hour away from her she said she'the come to me. So she both put skin in the game and acknowledged hotel location was important. So far so good.

Honestly it was a great date right up to a few minutes before the end. We went out for Italian at a restaurant of her choice. She's late 20's and a pretty accomplished middle manager so not as submissive as the young 20's girls. But we had a really great dinner. And I wasn't ready to just rush to the room so she followed me (20 min drive) to the speakeasy near my hotel. We parked in hotel parking so it def seemed very on.Given how little you invested, it makes sense to play along. She needs the money. If you chase, she just asks more. Because she is not a bombshell, her options are limited. I predict she will be back. No reason to bail so soon.

12-31-21, 05:20
I find no fault in anything you said but I guess I haven't made myself clear. What I want and what I pay works for me. I would never expect it to work for you or anyone else. I'm divorced, in decent (non dad-body) shape, have a gorgeous house, car and a little money. A catch really, don't want kids, don't want a family, don't want a girlfriend. I want to see an incredibly gorgeous engaging young lady 2-3 times per month (for an afternoon / evening and possibly sleepover). Note: that means less than once a week. I don't want to juggle girls as I'm happy with one who piques my interest and convinces me she's there for me and not my money (I'm totally open to being lied to BTW).

I don't want 5 sessions a month at any price. I also don't see anything wrong with helping said lady reach her goals in life. It's quite satisfying. I'm not leaving what I have to anyone in particular and I can only own so many pairs of pants and eat so many lobsters. Don't play golf or have have horribly expensive hobbies aside from, as it turns out, trying to make a legitimate connection with a girl I would have had zero chance with when I was in my early 20's..Yes, I get that and of course it is your money but my point was that the same girl to whom you are giving that $1 K would just as quickly agree to $500 if you held firm. I think $300 is a bit out of norm as my flyover country location is a less expensive place. So, if you held firm she would come around and you could have twice as many sessions, that's my view anyway. But as you said, your intent is actually to help out that girl, that is fine. BTW, didn't mean to insult you at all, hope you didn't take it that way. I was just expressing my views on pricing.

To be honest, much of what you wrote above suggests you are an ideal SD that girls die for. No girl considers me as such. I talk to hundreds of girls literally, and to me they don't trigger any emotions other than hormonal responses. I have a family, this is strictly a physical activity.

Of course, super high end escorts and models that want some money on the side may charge several thousands for a discreet thing. So, $1,000 is reasonable enough by that count. However, on the seeking site, I don't think such girls are registering, simply because their prospective clients are not on seeking. Most girls coming onto seeking expect less.

Also, the really fresh 20-24 slim bodied innocent-type beauties who are my prime spec actually demand less. For some reason, the slightly lower quality be grade types quote inflated amounts; almost all the ladies who gave me $1 K+ quotes were actually lower quality (looks wise) than the fresh beauties who are more in the 500-600 range. Most of my patience goes into snagging some of those 500-600 girls for 300+. If I flashed 500 in my region, I would pretty much not need to negotiate whatsoever, it would be generally a "floodgates opened" situation.

12-31-21, 12:27
And just like that, I'm done with SA! !Have you tried sugardaddy.com? Just curious. Seems easier to deal with than SA.

01-01-22, 01:42
Have you tried sugardaddy.com? Just curious. Seems easier to deal with than SA.I have tried it a while ago, also secretbenefits and one or two other sites; personally I hated them. You got to pay for each conversation. If you speak with only one girl and hit it off and off the site you both go, then yeah they are great choices. On the other hand, if you talk to dozens of new girls as I do daily, easily exceeding 100 to 150 new ones a month (not to mention, keep talking to the older sugarbabes you said Hello, a while ago), then the money runs down fast. On sugardaddy.com, for $290 you buy 1000 credits but each convo with a girl costs 10 credits and another 10 for seeing her pics I think. Which means if yoou see the pics and have a convo, you are out of 1000 credits after hitting up 50 girls. A measly 50. Sometimes I hit up that many in 2 days.

For 240 (and if you buy a discounted fare, then 180) for 3 months on SA, you get unlimited convos with unlimited # girls.

With the amount of time and convos I spent on SA, if I had to do the same amount of consumption on sugardaddy, it will cost several thousands.

Not to mention, the sheer # of girls on seeking is clearly way higher on seeking, at least in my city. I always said this can differ from city to city. It is possible sugardaddy or secretbenefits is better in some other city; I would not know.

You should always check out which site has the most doable girls in YOUR own city, in your spec range (for me that would be white girls in the < 25, with slim bodies). If sugardaddy has 10 times as many good girls in San Fran and London, it would mean nothing to me because I am not sugardating in those cities most of the time.

Anyway, I am not going back to any other sites. I haven't been on those other sites in a few years (tried out a few sites in my earlier years of sugardating) and know that seeking is the best for me.

If ever seeking kicks me out, I will use a different email and rejoin. Yes, I would be pissed if they take my money and kick me out but if you want to keep sugardating, just have to swallow pride / anger and go back to SA with tail between legs, no other choice of that caliber. Fortunately, SA still hasn't figured out to ban you permanently based on IP address. I don't think they even want to; their main intent is to appear clean to authorities so that they can keep making obscene amounts of money. They are probably quite happy to see paid sex as long as it happens OFF their site's chat boxes.

The Cane
01-01-22, 01:56
Have you tried sugardaddy.com? Just curious. Seems easier to deal with than SA.SA reinstated my account! I'm back with it. I will try it for like three months and see what happens. I think that's enough time for me to know whether I like it or not.

01-01-22, 03:03
I have tried it a while ago, also secretbenefits and one or two other sites; personally I hated them..Excellent points. Thanks. I used another one called sugardaddyforme and that was awesome in some parts of the country like CA but really bad in other parts of the country but I agree SA is best. Need to take conversation off the chat and onto Whatsapp or so.

Steve 9696
01-01-22, 05:04
Have you tried sugardaddy.com? Just curious. Seems easier to deal with than SA.I've tried secret benefits and was not impressed. Def sucked money fast and no results. That said pickings in my town are super slim so giving Sugardaddy.com a go. Girls are totally different than on Seeking. So that's a start. Signed up for the $60 minimum and spent $50 of it contacting a handful of girls who were active today and my type. This will clearly tank quickly or produce fruit. We will see!

01-01-22, 06:46
This brings up two points. One I haven't discussed and one you helped bring up.

I can get, and have been quoted $300. Either by girls I'm not physically attracted to or girls looking for quick cash. I'm not interested in either of those so I haven't discussed here. If it's a purely physical release I'm looking for, $200/250 is about the min in my area. 45 min later I go about my day. I would not waste my time finding that on SA knowing how much work it took me to get to where I am today.

You have a good point about the $500 threshold. I'd always been told that the hottest girls almost always have self esteem issues and some may not have the gaul to ask for 4 digits in a ppm situation. Here I find the need to clarify. Of the 3 I am currently juggling while I make my final decision, 2 want $500,1 wants $1 k. My final decision will have nothing to do with their prices and everything to do with chemistry in personalities & in bed. Interestingly enough, none are interested in a monthly allowance, they all want ppm which has some security built in for me and I'm totally fine with. Probably helps them with a little guilt or whatever you want to call it when they bang someone else; I'm realistic about the entire situation but as I keep saying, I'm open to being lied to.

A lot of people will disagree with me on this but my attitude on pricing is really lax. I give them what they ask for. If it makes them happy theoretically they are happier with me and I get better service. As a business owner I can tell you that even though the customer is always right, when you get to a certain point you get to pick your own customers. That applies to the hottest girls especially. I have customers I hated dealing with and were aholes or whatever but raised prices on them until I started liking them. As long as they paid and kept coming back happy, who's getting hurt? Some of my most hated customers are now my most favorite, LOL.

If she thinks she got one over on me by charging me more than the last guy, great, she'll be happy until she finds someone else ready to pay more (again, realistic about what this is). But, if I start an already astronomical number (for her) AND I really genuinely like her, the chances that she'll shop around while I'm on the hook is much less (unless I creep her out but I really don't think that's going to happen, ego aside). The last thing I want is a girl to quote me a low number just because she needs something quickly, makes me "fall for her" then bails when she finds someone ready to pay $200 more. It's silly to put myself in a situation like that because I'm not willing to spend another 20-25 hrs per week on SA to set myself up in this situation again anytime soon.

Incidentally, I do intend to occasionally give her a little more than asking to make sure she understand there is more there should she ever feel the need to renegotiate. My time is everything to me and when I finally pick it will be as close to a commitment to a female as I'll probably ever make again. If I get 2+ yrs out of not having to go on SA again I'll be elated.

Yes, I get that and of course it is your money but my point was that the same girl to whom you are giving that $1 K would just as quickly agree to $500 if you held firm. I think $300 is a bit out of norm as my flyover country location is a less expensive place. So, if you held firm she would come around and you could have twice as many sessions, that's my view anyway. But as you said, your intent is actually to help out that girl, that is fine. BTW, didn't mean to insult you at all, hope you didn't take it that way. I was just expressing my views on pricing.

To be honest, much of what you wrote above suggests you are an ideal SD that girls die for. No girl considers me as such. I talk to hundreds of girls literally, and to me they don't trigger any emotions other than hormonal responses. I have a family, this is strictly a physical activity..

01-01-22, 09:18
Fortunately, SA still hasn't figured out to ban you permanently based on IP address. I don't think they even want to; their main intent is to appear clean to authorities so that they can keep making obscene amounts of money. They are probably quite happy to see paid sex as long as it happens OFF their site's chat boxes.Oh, they care, believe me. Luckily you aren't one of us wandering in the wilderness trying to sugar without SA. I've tried all sorts of things to get back on including VPNs and changing all emails, credit cards, etc etc. But it looks like I'll just have to buy a different device aka a whole different phone.

01-01-22, 13:50
I did a cursory look (free) into a couple alternative SDSB sites, can't temember the names, but I found the number of accounts that had girls I was interested in were very very small. As I live in a major city and wanted results to get on and delete my account as quickly as possible, SA seemed to be the only credible option.

The whole pay per message thing just seems really sketchy to me. If they can pay a bunch of Indian or eastern Europeans pennies on the dollar to develop these apps, why can't they pay a bunch of guys named Suhkbir or Boris to engage you to keep the money flowing in their direction?

Yes SA is expensive but I can't argue with the results.

I've tried secret benefits and was not impressed. Def sucked money fast and no results. That said pickings in my town are super slim so giving Sugardaddy.com a go. Girls are totally different than on Seeking. So that's a start. Signed up for the $60 minimum and spent $50 of it contacting a handful of girls who were active today and my type. This will clearly tank quickly or produce fruit. We will see!

01-01-22, 17:23
This brings up two points. One I haven't discussed and one you helped bring up.

I can get, and have been quoted $300. Either by girls I'm not physically attracted to or girls looking for quick cash. I'm not interested in either of those so I haven't discussed here. If it's a purely physical release I'm looking for, $200/250 is about the min in my area. 45 min later I go about my day. I would not waste my time finding that on SA knowing how much work it took me to get to where I am today.

You have a good point about the $500 threshold. I'd always been told that the hottest girls almost always have self esteem issues and some may not have the gaul to ask for 4 digits in a ppm situation. Here I find the need to clarify. Of the 3 I am currently juggling while I make my final decision, 2 want $500,1 wants $1 k. My final decision will have nothing to do with their prices and everything to do with chemistry in personalities & in bed. Interestingly enough, none are interested in a monthly allowance, they all want ppm which has some security built in for me and I'm totally fine with. Probably helps them with a little guilt or whatever you want to call it when they bang someone else; I'm realistic about the entire situation but as I keep saying, I'm open to being lied to..All good points. The thing about SA which I have emphasized a thousand times, is that it is a market place. It brings all sorts of people in. There are strictly window shoppers, people who shop only with coupons and rebates, volume shoppers, middle ground and super high end shoppers, and outright scammers and thieves, as any market can. Same thing on the service provider side. Every shopper needs to decide where he is at, what his desired spec range is, and what he will pay for it. To me, this is an unemotional process.

Through my sugarbabes, I heard of various stories. Some men never have sex; some just want to go out on dates; some were used for kink (foot, cleaning the house, etc). One really weird dude hired a girl I knew to kick him in balls (I don't know if she was telling the truth). On the slimier side, many guys want test runs (free ride the first time). One girl in Europe thanked me so much when I gave her the promised 200 Euros at the end of sex (she was unbelievable; she was with me for 2 hours and short of rimming, she did everything). She said in her prior 2 arrangements, guys had sex with her and then refused to pay. The world is a strange place indeed.

The reason I say the same girls quoting $1000 will give it away for $500 to someone else -- there are not that many men who pay $1000. So, a girl has to wait for a long time looking for one. If she finds someone like you and hits paydirt, great. But in the meanwhile there are expenses and she is broke, rent is due and car needs repair or she can't get to work and so on. So, she will cave in. Some may hold out but most of them cave in. $500 or 600 or 700 does not look too terrible even for superhot girls.

And in the early 20's or even 19/20 age range, some of them are immature and if you are sufficiently flirtatious and she likes you, even 300 is not terrible; this is most certainly true in less expensive cities. Kansas and St Louis and Omaha are not San Fran, NYC and Boston. Money goes further distance. Better yet, in these flyover cities, population is more white; when I travel to coastal cities, quite a few girls are not White in my searches and that takes me away from my spec range.

I doubt that your girls will leave you; no reason to, you are super valuable customer. Even if she found someone who pays $1,500 an outing, she can still meet you for $1,000. She does not have to disclose the other person to you. Of course, I don't know your girl and not all girls are bloody business minded, but the sensible ones would be.

01-02-22, 02:39
I have been flaked on countless number of times, in Medellin, Bogota, Rio, CDMX. I was always wondering how other guys manage to fuck so many girls in a short period of time. I simply can't, even if I wanted to. I consider myself lucky if I score 2 dates per week (even with repeat girls). I rarely see negative reports here, most of them are indeed rainbows and unicorns. Thanks for sharing!It's because you are in your 30+. I am 60 year old, my physical shape 10/10 even for 20 year old How much time do I have to fuck girls? That is why I can't afford to waste my time. My fuel is Viagra. In 20 years, you may start to think different. But maybe I am wrong on this subject. If you are Russian read a book Andrey Kurpatov 'the 4th world war'.

01-02-22, 06:53
It's because you are in your 30+. I am 60 year old, my physical shape 10/10 even for 20 year old How much time do I have to fuck girls? That is why I can't afford to waste my time. My fuel is Viagra. In 20 years, you may start to think different. But maybe I am wrong on this subject. If you are Russian read a book Andrey Kurpatov 'the 4th world war'.M. Boy is great example of how not to act. All this guys does is brag about how great he is and yet he runs into one problem after another. I am 52 and having the best time of my life, and the most sex in my life. I meeting incredible girls, having amazing experiences.

Steve 9696
01-02-22, 13:42
So I took one for the team. My $60 on sugar daddy.com was total waste of money. Of the 8 or so missives I sent out, not a single response. Not one. Not even a Hi. Def avoid.

01-02-22, 14:58
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

01-02-22, 19:01
I am 52 and having the best time of my life, and the most sex in my life. I meeting incredible girls, having amazing experiences.This is a great example of bragging.

01-02-22, 20:24
This is a great example of bragging.As usual you are wrong. You forgot that you turned down advice from myself and others. My life is amazing both professionally and socially, maybe you could learn something from my hard work and treating people with respect.

01-02-22, 20:38
I have been flaked on countless number of times, in Medellin, Bogota, Rio, CDMX. I was always wondering how other guys manage to fuck so many girls in a short period of time. I simply can't, even if I wanted to. I consider myself lucky if I score 2 dates per week (even with repeat girls). I rarely see negative reports here, most of them are indeed rainbows and unicorns. Thanks for sharing!I don't know anything about those locations. My activity on SA is confined to US (and EU when I travel there, which hasn't happened in 2 years). I don't disagree there is a high amount of flakiness and if anything, it has increased massively since the pandemic. But 2 visits with repeat girls is very much doable, if you find the right ones of course. One example: there was a University student I wrote about a few weeks ago. Pretty, 22, blonde, slim body, quite intelligent and independent. It took me nearly 4 to 5 weeks of pursuit before she finally met me. I liked her but the sex quality has been somewhat tepid. $300 allowance. Since that first time, she writes to me pretty much every week, and often multiple times a week to see if I want to "hang". This is a fairly common experience for me. The first sex meet is a high hurdle with a girl, she doesn't put out so easily, even when you pay a good amount. But once she has been deflowered in an arrangement, she wants to keep coming back (provided you don't turn out to be an AH in the bed). Of course for me, I want to sample as many pussies as possible and the desire is the exact opposite. After a single fuck, the novelty wears off 50% and after 2 or 3, it is down 90% and it feels like an old relationship.

That said, I don't disagree that SA is a lot of work. I used to think success rate is 5% to 10% at most, now it is probably 2%. I. E. If I send a "Hello, how are you?" message to 100 girls, the chance that I will actually fuck one of them is 2/100, AT the price point I want to. Even if I went up to $500 or more, the chance only increases to 10% to 20%. Nearly 50% or more of the "girls" on SA are absolute scammers, thieves. Of late, at least in my city, there are a bunch of Chinese or some other Asian nationals, probably not in the USA, posing as girls and trying to lure the guy onto WhatsApp (rarely use local numbers) who are then trying to sell some kinda defi, crypto, mining some other shit scam. I have gotten good at spotting them after a few encounters and typically flag them to the mod right away but they keep sprouting up by the dozens. I don't know if others are noticing this group.

The Cane
01-03-22, 00:59
Please clear out some messages from your inbox. Thanks!

01-03-22, 05:07
I don't know anything about those locations. My activity on SA is confined to US (and EU when I travel there, which hasn't happened in 2 years). I don't disagree there is a high amount of flakiness and if anything, it has increased massively since the pandemic. But 2 visits with repeat girls is very much doable, if you find the right ones of course. One example: there was a University student I wrote about a few weeks ago. Pretty, 22, blonde, slim body, quite intelligent and independent. It took me nearly 4 to 5 weeks of pursuit before she finally met me. I liked her but the sex quality has been somewhat tepid. $300 allowance. Since that first time, she writes to me pretty much every week, and often multiple times a week to see if I want to "hang". This is a fairly common experience for me. The first sex meet is a high hurdle with a girl, she doesn't put out so easily, even when you pay a good amount. But once she has been deflowered in an arrangement, she wants to keep coming back (provided you don't turn out to be an AH in the bed). Of course for me, I want to sample as many pussies as possible and the desire is the exact opposite. After a single fuck, the novelty wears off 50% and after 2 or 3, it is down 90% and it feels like an old relationship.

That said, I don't disagree that SA is a lot of work. I used to think success rate is 5% to 10% at most, now it is probably 2%. I. E. If I send a "Hello, how are you?" message to 100 girls, the chance that I will actually fuck one of them is 2/100, AT the price point I want to. Even if I went up to $500 or more, the chance only increases to 10% to 20%. Nearly 50% or more of the "girls" on SA are absolute scammers, thieves. Of late, at least in my city, there are a bunch of Chinese or some other Asian nationals, probably not in the USA, posing as girls and trying to lure the guy onto WhatsApp (rarely use local numbers) who are then trying to sell some kinda defi, crypto, mining some other shit scam. I have gotten good at spotting them after a few encounters and typically flag them to the mod right away but they keep sprouting up by the dozens. I don't know if others are noticing this group.I would say 3-6% in the states. But in Mxico I am probably at 18-25% it is amazing. I listen to guys bashing it. I could not disagree, my experience has been amazing. Sure bad things happen, but I just keep moving forward.

Steve 9696
01-03-22, 13:50
Please clear out some messages from your inbox. Thanks!All clear fire away!

01-03-22, 14:05
I would say 3-6% in the states. But in Mxico I am probably at 18-25% it is amazing. I listen to guys bashing it. I could not disagree, my experience has been amazing. Sure bad things happen, but I just keep moving forward.Perhaps you are right. That's a great success rate in Mexico, good for you! I should say a few things, fairly obvious points: (a) these percent's are imprecise, I did not calculate with a spreadsheet (b) individual mileage will vary; in the same, same prices, one dude will have more success than some other, just the nature of this game (c) there will be variation between cities and most definitely countries (d) depends on how much we are willing to pay; pay high enough, you can have 100% success rate and vice versa (e) my target spec is White / early 20's, slim bodied, pretty girls; they usually demand highest amounts (f) I am very disciplined and don't pay up.

Also, my 2% number is based on actual sex encounters. There are many more girls who say yes to my offer but due to scheduling etc we did not make it happen. I am having difficulty making up enough excuses to leave the house as I have a family and we still have work from home at my company. If I was single and could fuck whenever I wanted, my success rates would be much higher. So, if a girl says "hey, I am free, come over to my place or can I come to you" at 11 PM on Wednesday night, I can't say yes but if I was single, I could do that. That makes a huge difference.

All in all, SA is a great experience. Much better than Tinder etc. Yes, the fee is high but if you avail of the discounted fare, it is only $200 for 3 months which is worth it. (P.S.: SA should offer a discount annual sale, say $600 to $700). The reason some guys are frustrated is because they have inflated, unrealistic expectations. The problem is them. To me, SA is a resource. It is up to the monger how efficiently he will use the resource.

01-03-22, 15:45
M. Boy is great example of how not to act. All this guys does is brag about how great he is and yet he runs into one problem after another. I am 52 and having the best time of my life, and the most sex in my life. I meeting incredible girls, having amazing experiences.It's good, the problem is, aging is not a linear process, you can expect that the rate will increase exponentially. Good luck with girls.

01-03-22, 18:22
As usual you are wrong. You forgot that you turned down advice from myself and others. My life is amazing both professionally and socially, maybe you could learn something from my hard work and treating people with respect.I can't remember any real advice from you, only accusations of me complaining too much (all my complaints / issues are legit, there are multiple reports by other members experiencing the same). I used to like reading your field reports though, good stuff.

01-03-22, 18:57
I can't remember any real advice from you, only accusations of me complaining too much (all my complaints / issues are legit, there are multiple reports by other members experiencing the same). I used to like reading your field reports though, good stuff.M.

Yes, you said the girls in MTY were not goid looking enough for you. But, who cares. Remember we are all very fortunate and lucky enough to have great lives and do amazing things. Be positive and try to learn something from everyone. It is ok, to complain about 1 or 2 destinations, but no every where. I will do the same. Good luck.

Kiev was great at one time.

MDE has probably always sucked, or you have very low standards.

Mxico / Moscow are the best!!

01-03-22, 23:28
Interestingly enough, in my considerable mongering life, the best sex I've ever had was with girls that didn't speak my language and I did not or barely spoke theirs.I thought about this and I have to admit there is something to this. Perhaps it's somewhat similar to how deaf or blind people have heightened senses. The focus is solely on the sex. No need for phony, superficial conversations between two people with very different lives. Sex is the only way to communicate.

I remember a Brazilian girl who I met on one trip to Brazil. I spent two amazing nights with her and she spoke absolutely no English. I saw her every year for a couple years. As her English improved (undoubtedly she met many foreigners in her line of work), I found I really did not have much verbal chemistry with her. And as such, the sex was not as amazing.

I could chalk this up to a one-off situation or I just got tired of sex with her. However, I found this to be somewhat true with other foreign women as well as other parts of the world.

01-03-22, 23:33
Skinny under 25 girls are all over the planet so then you need to ask yourself what you like. White, black, Latina. Latinas tend to plump up fast so as a numbers guy I'd say that wouldn't be my first choice.So funny and so true about the Latinas. I think you might be off a few years though. The skinny, hot Latinas really work to keep that club figure. Beginning around 25 is when I think they start to lose the battle.

01-03-22, 23:44
Honestly it was a great date right up to a few minutes before the end. We went out for Italian at a restaurant of her choice. She's late 20's and a pretty accomplished middle manager so not as submissive as the young 20's girls. But we had a really great dinner. And I wasn't ready to just rush to the room so she followed me (20 min drive) to the speakeasy near my hotel. We parked in hotel parking so it def seemed very on.

She loves speakeasies and the vibe was great. I was doing plenty of light touching and lean ins and the chemistry was there. Walked to the hotel hand in hand. Ninths room it was very comfortable and a bit playful. We end up on the bed and while we're chatting I softly play with her tits. We kiss some. Just letting it develop. Eventually I am pulling her lacy bra down and working her nipples which are super big and get nice and hard. She is clearly enjoying herself. We even get her dress mostly off. Licking at her waistline I move down to her thigh gap and get a "not ready for that yet". Boo. We do kiss some more and some more tit play but she is adamant no sex on first date. Damn 28 year olds!

Well obviously I am disappointed and she is surprised I would expect sex on first date. So a bit of a light verbal scuffle there..This is a very interesting situation Steve. Do you want to see if this morphs into non-monetary sex? Perhaps you don't have the time and patience for this. Even worse, maybe she wants a real boyfriend.

Things would be perfect if you could go out with this girl and then go back to your hotel to have sex with Kayla. I'm only joking of course.

The Cane
01-03-22, 23:52
Please clear your inbox. You guys just don't actively manage your messages do you?

01-04-22, 00:10
That said, I don't disagree that SA is a lot of work. I used to think success rate is 5% to 10% at most, now it is probably 2%. I. E. If I send a "Hello, how are you?" message to 100 girls, the chance that I will actually fuck one of them is 2/100, AT the price point I want to. Even if I went up to $500 or more, the chance only increases to 10% to 20%. What do you think your success rate would be if you did not offer or negotiate the price upfront like some posters here suggest?

01-04-22, 02:32
What do you think your success rate would be if you did not offer or negotiate the price upfront like some posters here suggest?These are my guesstimates within the search results I obtain. My searches are done with the following parameters: Race: White, Pacific Islander, Latino, Asian, middle Eastern, Native American; Age: 18-30; body shape: slim, athletic, curvy, average. Within 100 miles of me.

I never see older ladies, other ethnicity women, 'a few extra pounds" etc.

I don't care about smoking, height, etc.

Oh, I filter out trans, seeking trans, anything with trans. That would be my nightmare; we check into a room, she pulls down panties and has "a dangling little her".

I think at any given time, in my 100 mile range, I see 150 to 200 girls online (during peak times could be 250+). Over a week, my guess would be that there are 500 to 800 girls in that spec range in my 100 mile range. Perhaps higher. So, it would appear I am somewhat lucky; for fun, I checked the same in various European cities and numbers are far smaller. * For example I just checked out Novosibirisk in Russia because Siberian girls are supposed to be hot. There is one girl online at the moment (it is morning there), 4 who logged in the last 24 hours, 3 more who logged in last week. Yes, they are all fucking super hot, but just 7 who logged in a week.

I do say Hello, (copy / paste message, generally 3 or 4 lines with how cute they are, I want to get to know them and I will provide help promise; no reference to sex whatsoever) to a fair number if the face is attractive enough. Since I limited search by race, body type, age etc, the only deciding factor is facial attraction. I typically don't bother to read what they wrote in their bios. It is BS anyway. I had sex with girls who claimed they want to be strictly platonic, and a ton of girls who say in the bio "down for anything" coyly inform me they want to be online only. Clearly "anything" has a different meaning in their dictionary.

I would say, 30% or more are total scammers. I. E. They might be dudes sitting in some foreign country looking to scam some money off horny US gentlemen. As I mentioned, of late, these DeFi / crypto scammers have propped up. They usually front with a model-type Asian women, very skinny, glossy photos, almost Eurasian faces; age is often listed 30 but she looks 21; more than half are listed as divorced, single moms etc. They are always traveling, half have London apartments (plural), they are not here for money but want a romantic relationship and they can't meet because of the travels. Not sure why, this scammer type has been infesting my area. I was curious if others are seeing them in their searches.

At least a third or more will not have sex whatsoever. Platonic only. Nearly 80% of 18-20 age group falls into this category. Most of them do not even want to meet. Some of these girls can be totally clueless. Sometimes I play along with them; several said they don't need much, just enough to meet their current living expenses, and then quoted they want $1,500 to $2,000 a week for chatting, texting, some non-nude pics. Sometimes I weep about the intelligence of my country's future women, if these are representative samples. Or perhaps there are some guys who actually are that gullible.

I'd say, the remaining (may be a third) are open to meet, perhaps to sex. Since I don't outright ask for sex due to concern about sting operations, it is always somewhat implied, never stated. I typically ask to meet for a drink / coffee meet. Here, many discussions break down. Quite a few want upfront payment for the intro meet. "why should I meet you and spend time if I don't get compensated" is a common refrain. So, the more malleable / honest ones agree to meet if I promise them I will pay something for the intro meet (which I don't). The less flexible / less honest ones want a Cashapp / Venmo payment before they agree to come over. Obviously, only the dumbest people ever do that.

The change I have seen is that prepandemic to now, the percent demanding upfront payment has spiked up a lot. Very puzzling because so many are broke and need money.

Some of them are full of themselves. "my time is of value" they arrogantly claim. I mean so many of them are making minimum wage or nothing, and here I make hundreds an hour if I divide my annual comp by the number of hours I work, and I am being told their time is too valuable.

A small percent agreed to meet, I confirmed they are still coming before I start driving, and it is a no-show. That's right, the bloody b) t) h had no intention to show up but said "yes I am on my way". The gall these girls have talking about wasting time on scammers.

That leaves really 10-20% who are truly interested and will meet and have sex and all that; since I will always have a allowance negotiation prior to a intro coffee meet, and with my strict discipline, I lose quite a few there.

If I was ready to pay $500 or even more (say the $1000 that the other gentleman was paying), perhaps these percent's would be larger, even much larger. It is possible many of the girls who want upfront payment for a coffee meet may not demand it if I said I pay $1000 ppm. But I stay honest and tell them my allowance limit and I will not budge.

So, how am I snagging any girls at all? (a) because even a small percent of 800 is a big enough number (b) time and patience. I have been on the site for 6 years now and accumulated contacts help. Not contacts from 6 years, mind you. The shelf life of these girls is maybe 2 to 4 years max. I see very few girls on the site who I had seen 3 years ago* or 4 years ago. Of course, if someone was 26 years old 4 years ago, she is pushing 30 now and I filter her out with my screens.

With all these things said, in just 4 to 5 months, I have phone#s of at least 15 to 20 girls who agreed to everything and ready to have sex and I did have sex with 5 or 6 of them, all of them new contacts since I rejoined the site in late August I think. So, time and law of large numbers are on your side. Be patient, enjoy the process, enjoy the chats even with obvious scammers (I even enjoy the chats with the DeFi scammers even though I spot them off the bat). If I was not married and could meet a girl anytime of the day / week, then I am fairly confident I can have sex on 4 to 5 days a week if not all 7. Once a girl had sex with you, she knows you are safe, will pay as promised, don't hurt her physically, she wants that money and will meet multiple times a week.

I also have seen the good girls being flexible at lower prices but also a lot more scammers. On the face of it, that seems paradoxical. If the supply worsened, more scammers can be expected; but why are the good girls available at cheaper prices than earlier? Tough to say.

4 to 5 years ago, that 800 number I quoted above was significantly lower. But scammer percent was also way low. As the site became better known, everyone flocked onto the site. In this regard, I see parallels to German FKKs which is my other mongering outlet (in normal times).

Steve 9696
01-04-22, 02:59
What do you think your success rate would be if you did not offer or negotiate the price upfront like some posters here suggest?Actually now that you mention it, when I think back to my recent sex fail I wonder if it would have gone differently if I'd followed my usual protocol and decided up front. Thinking she's on her back in my room, tits out, and I'm heading down and she knows she's going home with $400 if we just proceed or zero if we don't. I have to wonder if that mighta ended differently.

Back to following my playbook!

01-04-22, 03:20
What do you think your success rate would be if you did not offer or negotiate the price upfront like some posters here suggest?Very low. Everybody pays. Even my buddy Elvis.

01-04-22, 03:43
Perhaps you are right. That's a great success rate in Mexico, good for you! I should say a few things, fairly obvious points: (a) these percent's are imprecise, I did not calculate with a spreadsheet (b) individual mileage will vary; in the same, same prices, one dude will have more success than some other, just the nature of this game (c) there will be variation between cities and most definitely countries (d) depends on how much we are willing to pay; pay high enough, you can have 100% success rate and vice versa (e) my target spec is White / early 20's, slim bodied, pretty girls; they usually demand highest amounts (f) I am very disciplined and don't pay up.

Also, my 2% number is based on actual sex encounters. There are many more girls who say yes to my offer but due to scheduling etc we did not make it happen. I am having difficulty making up enough excuses to leave the house as I have a family and we still have work from home at my company. If I was single and could fuck whenever I wanted, my success rates would be much higher. So, if a girl says "hey, I am free, come over to my place or can I come to you" at 11 PM on Wednesday night, I can't say yes but if I was single, I could do that. That makes a huge difference.

All in all, SA is a great experience. Much better than Tinder etc. Yes, the fee is high but if you avail of the discounted fare, it is only $200 for 3 months which is worth it. (P.S.: SA should offer a discount annual sale, say $600 to $700). The reason some guys are frustrated is because they have inflated, unrealistic expectations. The problem is them. To me, SA is a resource. It is up to the monger how efficiently he will use the resource.I agree SA is great. It has totally changed my life, in a positive way. You will not here me complaining about SA.

01-04-22, 05:13
I see great informative posts on SA. I just signed up on SA premium membership. I am looking for 18 to 22 year old petite / slim with no children.

For now, I started searching only at Mexico city and Guadalajara. I don't speak Spanish. Some English and some google translation is helping me.

I messaged over 100 girls in CDMX / Guadalajara and around 30% responded so far in 48 hours.

Some are asking upfront about the terms / and some are not asking anything about the terms / yet. May be this will come when we are close to meeting.

What is the average rate / range that I should stick to in these markets for my type of girl mentioned above. Also when they ask what I am looking for, what do, I say? Is it that sex is implicit in these sites? That is why we are at SA right? How do you ask the right questions? Also I am asking for WhatsApp as I may not keep the premium membership active for long time.

Any tips / suggestions.

Thanks in advance.

01-04-22, 12:33
I kept detailed notes when I was active on SA, and if my memory serves me correctly, I had 11 or 12 freebies out of around 23 gals that I had relations with. Of course, they were not really freebies because I paid for all of our fancy meals and drinks, our outings, and trips. I just never gave them cash. I sometimes offered them cash, but they scoffed at it. Who were these gals? They were just gals that just wanted to date successful guys. And they just wanted to have fun, but they just wanted someone else pay for it. Their ages ranged from 20 to mid-40's. Most of them were okay financially, so they were not in it just for money. They also genuinely liked me.

Among the dozen gals that were PPMs or arrangements, a few of those also eventually became freebies. After a while, they just grew attached to me. For some women, they cannot have sex with the same guy all the time without eventually having some feelings for him. And so, a few of my PPMs and arrangements eventually stopped taking money and just wanted to keep dating, especially if they thought that I was losing interest.

BTW, I am not bragging. This was from almost two years of work. I was just perseverant and choosy. I contacted between 5,000 and 10,000 gals. So, my success rate was miniscule. To be honest, I don't think I could do SA again.

From my reading of Steve's many successful conquests on SA, I bet if he did not negotiate the terms up front, he would have scored a bunch of freebies by now. In fact, I think he's about to land a freebie.

01-04-22, 19:05
I kept detailed notes when I was active on SA, and if my memory serves me correctly, I had 11 or 12 freebies out of around 23 gals that I had relations with. Of course, they were not really freebies because I paid for all of our fancy meals and drinks, our outings, and trips. I just never gave them cash. I sometimes offered them cash, but they scoffed at it. Who were these gals? They were just gals that just wanted to date successful guys. And they just wanted to have fun, but they just wanted someone else pay for it. Their ages ranged from 20 to mid-40's. Most of them were okay financially, so they were not in it just for money. They also genuinely liked me.

Among the dozen gals that were PPMs or arrangements, a few of those also eventually became freebies. After a while, they just grew attached to me. For some women, they cannot have sex with the same guy all the time without eventually having some feelings for him. And so, a few of my PPMs and arrangements eventually stopped taking money and just wanted to keep dating, especially if they thought that I was losing interest.

BTW, I am not bragging. This was from almost two years of work. I was just perseverant and choosy. I contacted between 5,000 and 10,000 gals. So, my success rate was miniscule. To be honest, I don't think I could do SA again..Every "freebie" that I had never came back again. They probably felt short changed. Its their expectation, no matter how great the man was. And many of the cheaper ones turned out to be skanks. Lately a lot of them have had butt odor, when doing doggie. Women don't bathe anymore, they take quick showers and fail to cleanse their butt hole. I hate the stink!

01-04-22, 19:53
Please clear your inbox. You guys just don't actively manage your messages do you?Sorry I got a bunch of incoming. I like to hold on to some emails for information purposes.

I deleted some emails to make room for new incoming.

01-04-22, 20:07
This Moscow chick was viewing my profile and she looked reasonably hot, so I began chatting. After a brief amount of flirting, I asked her what the allowance expectations would be in Moscow and she claims $1,500 a week. Isn't cost of living in Moscow a fraction of what it is in the US? I wrote earlier that US 18-20 year olds seem to be dumb these days and this Moscow chick is no better. But I think she is deluded, if I were really in Moscow, it is probably not tough to get a bunch of deals at 200 or less.

01-05-22, 02:34
I've been a few times, not cheap at all but I'd say she falls into the category of delusional girls that laid out a few posts back. Like everything else it depends on what you're after and what kind of time you have. If you're there for a week the only sure thing (and most expensive) are strip clubs or escorts. If you're there for a month or more you might have time to get a normal or sa girl. I think 200 is probably out of the question though.

This Moscow chick was viewing my profile and she looked reasonably hot, so I began chatting. After a brief amount of flirting, I asked her what the allowance expectations would be in Moscow and she claims $1,500 a week. Isn't cost of living in Moscow a fraction of what it is in the US? I wrote earlier that US 18-20 year olds seem to be dumb these days and this Moscow chick is no better. But I think she is deluded, if I were really in Moscow, it is probably not tough to get a bunch of deals at 200 or less.

01-05-22, 02:34
What do you think your success rate would be if you did not offer or negotiate the price upfront like some posters here suggest?I always say I will offer them 400 and give them up and down uber and case of beer or many wine bottles. Seems self defeating if the deal does not go through. I value time a lot rather than the money. If its more expensive than 400, example she says 600 then I meet them less times that is all. I would rather have good sessions and memories than nothing. Hahaha.

01-05-22, 02:35
This Moscow chick was viewing my profile and she looked reasonably hot, so I began chatting.How about St Petersburg in Russia? Has pretty girls and many good sights.

Steve 9696
01-05-22, 03:26
Damn. I have been blessed with so many 23 year old hotties my world view has changed.

Went to dinner with my wife. But couldn't help notice the gorgeous couple a table away. He's a built guy with a the'Artagnan mustache and beard and amazing flowing hair. Super handsome dude. And his date is a gorgeous brunette spinner wearing a mini dress with negligée top and thigh high boots. Both 22-23 I'the say. The perfect couple.

A few years ago I would have thought oh what a perfect couple. Ah, the splendors of youth!

Instead I'm thinking — why are you there with this loser. He's only going to fuck you for 20 seconds and then cum and get a beer from the fridge. You should be riding me till the cows come home!

Hahaha I have a whole new perspective since SA!

01-05-22, 04:47
This Moscow chick was viewing my profile and she looked reasonably hot, so I began chatting. After a brief amount of flirting, I asked her what the allowance expectations would be in Moscow and she claims $1,500 a week. Isn't cost of living in Moscow a fraction of what it is in the US? I wrote earlier that US 18-20 year olds seem to be dumb these days and this Moscow chick is no better. But I think she is deluded, if I were really in Moscow, it is probably not tough to get a bunch of deals at 200 or less.Been there done it. $200-350 you will be banging super hot chicks, all day long. I was hanging out there a lot before Covid it was cheap, I am not sure now, but I doubt prices have went up significantly. I loved it there, but times have changed. I am not sure I will go back, with the same amount of money and some hard work I can have the same quality girls in Mxico.

Russian girls are super hot but they are delusional about life. There expectations are so unrealistic. I think they get 6-8 weeks off a year, plus holidays. They think this is normal.

01-05-22, 05:53
I've been a few times, not cheap at all but I'd say she falls into the category of delusional girls that laid out a few posts back. Like everything else it depends on what you're after and what kind of time you have. If you're there for a week the only sure thing (and most expensive) are strip clubs or escorts. If you're there for a month or more you might have time to get a normal or sa girl. I think 200 is probably out of the question though.I think it may be expensive for visiting foreigners who tend to stay in city center hotels? The average income of Muscovites is not more than a couple of grand a month; may be even less because Ruble depreciated more than 50% v dollar in a decade. There must be a lot of superhot girls that are at subsistence wages; the problem is, as you pointed out, lack of time to make connections and more so if you are not a local.

01-05-22, 14:29
I think it may be expensive for visiting foreigners who tend to stay in city center hotels? The average income of Muscovites is not more than a couple of grand a month; may be even less because Ruble depreciated more than 50% v dollar in a decade. There must be a lot of superhot girls that are at subsistence wages; the problem is, as you pointed out, lack of time to make connections and more so if you are not a local.Hotels can be expensive. Airbnb and taxis are very reasonable.

01-05-22, 16:52
Thanks in advance for helping with tips.

I see great informative posts on SA. I just signed up on SA premium membership. I am looking for 18 to 22 year old petite / slim with no children.

For now, I started searching only at Mexico city and Guadalajara. I don't speak Spanish. Some English and some google translation is helping me.

I messaged over 100 girls in CDMX / Guadalajara and around 30% responded so far in 48 hours.

Some are asking upfront about the terms / and some are not asking anything about the terms / yet. May be this will come when we are close to meeting.

What is the average rate / range that I should stick to in these markets for my type of girl mentioned above. Also when they ask what I am looking for, what do, I say? Is it that sex is implicit in these sites? That is why we are at SA right? How do you ask the right questions? Also I am asking for WhatsApp as I may not keep the premium membership active for long time..

01-06-22, 00:25
Thanks in advance for helping with tips.Mexico I had no issue asking them if they want to meet for some adult fun and if they are interested in long term or NSA. They usually mention in their profile.

But it went from 200 USD to 300 USD for a 3 hour meet. I prefer not negotiating too much and it was in my budget so did meet one as I fell in love with snorkeling and swimming in the ocean. But she was awesome and would have met again but I could not set up free time. Whatsapp is best and once you get the contact just say what you want and what she wants and if its good. Then tell her will message 2 days before coming. If you have long drawn out chats they lose interest and feel you are not going to come and just want a pen pal who wants nude pics etc.

01-06-22, 00:38
I see great informative posts on SA. I just signed up on SA premium membership. I am looking for 18 to 22 year old petite / slim with no children.

For now, I started searching only at Mexico city and Guadalajara. I don't speak Spanish. Some English and some google translation is helping me.

I messaged over 100 girls in CDMX / Guadalajara and around 30% responded so far in 48 hours.

Some are asking upfront about the terms / and some are not asking anything about the terms / yet. May be this will come when we are close to meeting.

What is the average rate / range that I should stick to in these markets for my type of girl mentioned above. Also when they ask what I am looking for, what do, I say? Is it that sex is implicit in these sites? That is why we are at SA right? How do you ask the right questions? Also I am asking for WhatsApp as I may not keep the premium membership active for long time.

Any tips / suggestions.

Thanks in advance.Don't know about those cities and countries; there are other experts here who can help. As for price, you will get to know if you speak to girls. Yes, others with local expertise here can chime in. However, nothing like first hand intelligence. When you chat with a few dozen girls, you will quickly know. Of course, always make a counter offer to what they asked for. If they laugh you off and move on, you will realize you are low balling. Read through this thread and you will plenty of data points too.

Personally, even in hinterlands in the US, you can snag sugarbabes in the $300 range and I am talking about 20 something white girls. Latinos would be a bit less. If so, it should be clearly lower prices in Mexico and other LatAM nations. Compare escort sites as a benchmark. But I am sure many guys here will tell you soon.

It is best to keep sex implied and not discuss explicitly. SA is reportedly banning guys discussing pay for sex, as many guys mentioned here. Take it offline into WA / text, if you must. In theory, different countries have different solicitation rules. SA's moderation policies should likewise be based on where the conversation is being held but they maybe taking a hard stance across the board. Also, if an American and a Mexican girl are discussing pay for sex, which country's rules should apply? So, perhaps SA doesn't want to get mired in these minutiae and doing a blanket ban on any such discussions. After they ave a golden goose and they care about their profits, not your sexual pleasures and conquests.

Elvis 2008
01-06-22, 05:10
What is the average rate / range that I should stick to in these markets for my type of girl mentioned above. Also when they ask what I am looking for, what do, I say? Is it that sex is implicit in these sites? That is why we are at SA right? How do you ask the right questions? Also I am asking for WhatsApp as I may not keep the premium membership active for long time.

Any tips / suggestions.

Thanks in advance.Yeah, try not to ask them about money. Just suggest a time and place and meet them. The big thing is to show them that you are real because there are so many bullshitters on the site. I would say you are interviewing for an arrangement that is probably short term but could be long term if there is chemistry. Yes, sex is implicit.

SA is a sugar baby site. You are interviewing the women for a position. It is sugar baby prospect, ho, or out the door, but the first two can be confusing. I think you should think long term because that is when the best sex happens, but you do you. Most guys want to fuck as much strange as they can.

For pricing, last year I paid $100 in CDMX for 8's or less, 150 to 200 for 9's, and 400 for 10's so most of the time it was around $100. The hos in CDMX are cheap at about $60 an hour for Mexicans and 125 for foreign ones from laboutiquevip. I try to keep ho prices in mind when negotiating. Hope that helps.

The Cane
01-06-22, 23:10
After being on SA for just a short while, I have a few observations to make. First of all, I don't know about anywhere else, but in my town, there are some damn fine ass black girls on that site! I'm talking smoking! And I'm not even into black girls that much. Brother Steve, if this is what you been fucking, then man I can see why you are one happy man. I got to take my hat off to you. Just damn! Second, there is a plenty of what I like the most too. And that would be young, blonde, white, and tight! I haven't had a full membership for even a whole week yet, and already I have my first meet and greet set up with a real cutie! Wow! We've already exchanged photos, been on the phone, and everything! And she knows I'm not looking for just "platonic".

I mean, am I in a dream? I thought I could have some success with this thing, but not like this so fast! I mean, she's almost too good to be true! And you know what they say about that. I'm trying not to look a gift horse in the mouth here! And third, it seems that no matter how successful a woman becomes, she still holds onto that innate need to be taken care of by a man. Women's lib, the Equal Rights Amendment, Me Too, and all of it. And yet. They still want a guy who pays for everything! At some point, I will provide a full accounting of my SA experience. But for right now, there hasn't been enough that has transpired yet. I've been giving Steve a full blow-by-blow, and he has provided me with some valuable tips behind the scenes to help my cause. Let's see where this goes.

Steve 9696
01-07-22, 03:48
After being on SA for just a short while, I have a few observations to make. First of all, I don't know about anywhere else, but in my town, there are some damn fine ass black girls on that site! I'm talking smoking! And I'm not even into black girls that much. Brother Steve, if this is what you been fucking, then man I can see why you are one happy man. I got to take my hat off to you. Just damn! Second, there is a plenty of what I like the most too. And that would be young, blonde, white, and tight! I haven't had a full membership for even a whole week yet, and already I have my first meet and greet set up with a real cutie! Wow! We've already exchanged photos, been on the phone, and everything! And she knows I'm not looking for just "platonic".

I mean, am I in a dream? I thought I could have some success with this thing, but not like this so fast! I mean, she's almost too good to be true! And you know what they say about that. I'm trying not to look a gift horse in the mouth here! And third, it seems that no matter how successful a woman becomes, she still holds onto that innate need to be taken care of by a man. Women's lib, the Equal Rights Amendment, Me Too, and all of it. And yet. They still want a guy who pays for everything! At some point, I will provide a full accounting of my SA experience. But for right now, there hasn't been enough that has transpired yet. I've been giving Steve a full blow-by-blow, and he has provided me with some valuable tips behind the scenes to help my cause. Let's see where this goes.Sure hope this works out for you as planned. There are def duds and scams but there are home runs that make it totally worth any temporary pain.

And yeah def know what you mean about black girls. There are the stereotypical "thick" girls and then there is some magical gene pool that results in freakishly awesome bodies on black girls. Kayla is Jamaican and like I say only 10 body I've ever had! Literally nothing to improve. Petite. Small waist. Nice butt. Firm Dee cups on this tiny frame. Just amazing.

And Mika in Philly same way but Amazon version. 5-10 slim as can be. But nice ass and amazing firm double Dees on this slender frame. I don't know what black DNA magic is at work here. But damn it's working!

Steve 9696
01-07-22, 13:41
Great fact filled report on using SA in Bogota. Follow this link then follow the link to Pussycat123’s post.

Click View Original Post to view post.

01-07-22, 14:28
Great fact filled report on using SA in Bogota. Follow this link then follow the link to Pussycat123s post.SA is great, but as all of us of said it takes a lot of Hard work and time. SA works great in Latin America and Europe, not so well in the states. Still good, but you need to be very careful, there are a lot of scams.

01-07-22, 17:36
What are the typical scams to watch for?

SA is great, but as all of us of said it takes a lot of Hard work and time. SA works great in Latin America and Europe, not so well in the states. Still good, but you need to be very careful, there are a lot of scams.

01-07-22, 17:45
I wish I know this before last trip. Will use it for my next trip.

Great fact filled report on using SA in Bogota. Follow this link then follow the link to Pussycat123s post.

Steve 9696
01-07-22, 19:20
So I find that usually when I go out with girls that have made it thru my filter we vibe amazing and have a great time at dinner and in the bedroom. Melanie in FL is the only one who I can think of who was about as fun as a bag of rocks at dinner. She was pretty good in the bedroom so not a dead loss but not a repeat.

Well locally I met Sarah a full year ago and we vibed pretty well but logostics kept me from closing the deal. Tried to get her out for a whole year! (Yes she's that hot!) And finally succeeded. But at dinner she's just sort of a negative person. And kinda moody and depressed and just yuk. Yeah bag of rocks with an attitude. So even tho it went "fine" and even tho she is FINE, I just can't do it. I have gotten to where I want a complete experience with a vivacious girl who is into me (or pretends she is). Going to just have to let Sarah fizzle. Boo. Tho pretty proud of myself for finally getting her out!

The Cane
01-07-22, 19:40
So I find that usually when I go out with girls that have made it thru my filter we vibe amazing and have a great time at dinner and in the bedroom. Melanie in FL is the only one who I can think of who was about as fun as a bag of rocks at dinner. She was pretty good in the bedroom so not a dead loss but not a repeat.

Well locally I met Sarah a full year ago and we vibed pretty well but logostics kept me from closing the deal. Tried to get her out for a whole year! (Yes she's that hot!) And finally succeeded. But at dinner she's just sort of a negative person. And kinda moody and depressed and just yuk. Yeah bag of rocks with an attitude. So even tho it went "fine" and even tho she is FINE, I just can't do it. I have gotten to where I want a complete experience with a vivacious girl who is into me (or pretends she is). Going to just have to let Sarah fizzle. Boo. Tho pretty proud of myself for finally getting her out!That was the best decision. Guys like us have had so much pussy that we're far beyond fucking just for the sake of fucking. She's fine. And still by her damn self. Now you know why.

01-08-22, 01:18
Please tell me how you keep any kind of communication line open for an entire year before you finally get them out of the bag? They blow me off once or twice I'm done with them. One or two unreturned voice-mails or texts and I'm done.

So I find that usually when I go out with girls that have made it thru my filter we vibe amazing and have a great time at dinner and in the bedroom. Melanie in FL is the only one who I can think of who was about as fun as a bag of rocks at dinner. She was pretty good in the bedroom so not a dead loss but not a repeat.

Well locally I met Sarah a full year ago and we vibed pretty well but logostics kept me from closing the deal. Tried to get her out for a whole year! (Yes she's that hot!) And finally succeeded. But at dinner she's just sort of a negative person. And kinda moody and depressed and just yuk. Yeah bag of rocks with an attitude. So even tho it went "fine" and even tho she is FINE, I just can't do it. I have gotten to where I want a complete experience with a vivacious girl who is into me (or pretends she is). Going to just have to let Sarah fizzle. Boo. Tho pretty proud of myself for finally getting her out!

Steve 9696
01-08-22, 14:14
Please tell me how you keep any kind of communication line open for an entire year before you finally get them out of the bag? They blow me off once or twice I'm done with them. One or two unreturned voice-mails or texts and I'm done.To be clear this was a girl I met up. Not someone that was just a prospect. It's def not unusual to have a one night sex girl and then chat for a year and see her again. I've done that several times. What was unusual here was just a date and no sex.

The reason I kept it going is because it seemed promising. We had talked very openly about our favorite sex positions, clit or gspot, and other things I don't usually do. We were super comfortable over text she even sent me a video of her with her vibrator. And because she's a legit 9 and those are like unicorns where I live.

So it made sense. I'm really surprised the in-person didn't go so well (from my perspective) but I since had a date with my dream girl (again violating my must-have-sex on first date rule so maybe I fucked it up) so right now I'm all about her.

Blue Swede
01-08-22, 17:48
Please tell me how you keep any kind of communication line open for an entire year before you finally get them out of the bag? They blow me off once or twice I'm done with them. One or two unreturned voice-mails or texts and I'm done.I got in contact with a girl in Berlin prior to a trip there (I live in Sweden). It was about two years ago and before Corona happended.

As you might guess, corona happened and all travel was cancelled. I told her and we kept messaging, exchanging Christmas greetings and so on.

Then it was a period of no contact up to this autumn.

I contacted here and told her I am finally coming to Berlin!. The reply was: "Funny you contacted me now, I haven't met anyone from SA in more than a year! I have a new job now, as a CFO" After some discussion, she texted, "but maybe you can convince me?" .

Long story short, we met in Berlin, and had a great time! We will met again for sure.

01-08-22, 18:02
That was the best decision. Guys like us have had so much pussy that we're far beyond fucking just for the sake of fucking. She's fine. And still by her damn self. Now you know why.I agree 1000 % on this. SA is the best fit I feel to men like us.

01-08-22, 18:14
SA is great, but as all of us of said it takes a lot of Hard work and time. SA works great in Latin America and Europe, not so well in the states. Still good, but you need to be very careful, there are a lot of scams.For Latin America there is nothing like SA, I've fucked in Mexico, Cancun and CDMX, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama and even in SA Venezuala and the pussy was top notch everywhere. Even in Venezuala the SA pussy was crazy, I must have fucked 4 or 5 girls and even my host was surprised how come it's my first time in Venezuala and I have these hot, super hot women with me.

Then in Nicaragua this girl took me deep inside the jungle by a boat to do a Shaman, no phone no internet and 3 days only in the jungle with meditation, pure food and this magic potion by the priest and pure raw sex with my girl, my dick was up every 2 hours and we made love in the jungle huts and on a full moon night. Gosh it's crazy and absolutely amazing my life has changed completely.

No more Viagra, CIALIS original or Generic, no headache no loose motions to enjoy sex.

It's an absolute game changer, just it's no taste, I don't know how to express myself but it's 100 % natural and gives me energy and keeps my little fella Strong and Hard and even has made it thicker.

Never knew how life changes in these unusual places.

But it's all due to SA and I must thank the guy who made it.




01-08-22, 18:18
After being on SA for just a short while, I have a few observations to make. First of all, I don't know about anywhere else, but in my town, there are some damn fine ass black girls on that site! I'm talking smoking! And I'm not even into black girls that much. Brother Steve, if this is what you been fucking, then man I can see why you are one happy man. I got to take my hat off to you. Just damn! Second, there is a plenty of what I like the most too. And that would be young, blonde, white, and tight! I haven't had a full membership for even a whole week yet, and already I have my first meet and greet set up with a real cutie! Wow! We've already exchanged photos, been on the phone, and everything! And she knows I'm not looking for just "platonic".

I mean, am I in a dream? I thought I could have some success with this thing, but not like this so fast! I mean, she's almost too good to be true! And you know what they say about that. I'm trying not to look a gift horse in the mouth here! And third, it seems that no matter how successful a woman becomes, she still holds onto that innate need to be taken care of by a man. Women's lib, the Equal Rights Amendment, Me Too, and all of it. And yet. They still want a guy who pays for everything! At some point, I will provide a full accounting of my SA experience. But for right now, there hasn't been enough that has transpired yet. I've been giving Steve a full blow-by-blow, and he has provided me with some valuable tips behind the scenes to help my cause. Let's see where this goes.Keep going mate I've been on SA now 5 years and it's absolutely crazy, I've fucked some of the finest and tightest pussy around.

All I do is respect the girl, treat her like a princess and she becomes the ***** in the bed.

It's rocking on SA my friend.

01-08-22, 18:21
Damn. I have been blessed with so many 23 year old hotties my world view has changed.

Went to dinner with my wife. But couldn't help notice the gorgeous couple a table away. He's a built guy with a the'Artagnan mustache and beard and amazing flowing hair. Super handsome dude. And his date is a gorgeous brunette spinner wearing a mini dress with neglige top and thigh high boots. Both 22-23 I'the say. The perfect couple.

A few years ago I would have thought oh what a perfect couple. Ah, the splendors of youth!

Instead I'm thinking why are you there with this loser. He's only going to fuck you for 20 seconds and then cum and get a beer from the fridge. You should be riding me till the cows come home!

Hahaha I have a whole new perspective since SA!True and agree my friend, SA has changed the perspective of life.

Life is so simple and different now we are banging hot 20-25 year old chicas.

It's absolutely amazing.

The Cane
01-08-22, 22:24
Keep going mate I've been on SA now 5 years and it's absolutely crazy, I've fucked some of the finest and tightest pussy around. All I do is respect the girl, treat her like a princess and she becomes the ***** in the bed. It's rocking on SA my friend.You got that right! If you're a man and you want to be fucking the finest pussy around, then money talks and bullshit walks! I wish I had learned this lesson much, much younger in life, but I didn't have any experienced and knowledgeable male mentors. Fuck girls being "sugar and spice and everything nice"! That's some bullshit, and that walks (except the sugar part haha). Money is the world's greatest aphrodisiac! I have a second meet and greet planned for next week. A Latina! So, one white girl and one Hispanic girl. Yay-uh!

Steve 9696
01-09-22, 03:31
I am so glad I kicked Sarah to the curb because next night another Cambodian hottie crossed my path and this girl is soooo my type. Prob not the 9 that Sarah is. But an 8 with a 9 personality will win any day. And damn she slays me. She's like textbook less pretty but actually more attractive to me, if that makes sense. Here's the full debrief!

And I violated a ton of my Seeking rules with this girl. And yet it's on. And it's magic! So happy.

She showed up on SA a couple days ago and looked super cute and sassy. A Cambodian pocket rocket and right up my alley. And of all things 23 with a nose ring which has proven the largest tell of great things to come (go figure!

Our first date was early evening and some nice Thai food. For some reason going in I was pretty sure I shouldn't push for first date sex so I didn't. But when I arrived I was done for. Such a cute face. Totally my type. And bubbly and chatty and pretty much my dream girl. So I am definitely more in my head about not fucking it up than usual.

We vibe super well and have a really great time. Dinner is winding down but I don't want it to end and apparently neither does she. So we bounce to another bar and have more fun. Pretty much a great date. Other than no sex. But the vibe is clearly there.

So we meetup again the next night and I am def going to try to take it to the bedroom. Bear in mind that I have not used my usual patter to establish sex. And we have not discussed any figures. So going in blind here. Plus she doesn't drink sooooo really in new territory here.

We have a nice dinner and she brings up prior arrangements towards the end and we talk about the good and bad but never broach specifics. I am just getting so into this girl, eventually I ask if she wants to spend some private time together and she says sure. She says yes but maybe not tonight I came straight from work. No makeup. My hairs a wreck. Fortunately my charm kicks in hard and I say babe you look amazing. Don't worry about it.

She says OK if she can shower first and fix her hair. Of course I am down and moments later we are in the room together. (I had not booked ahead) She heads into the shower and I take off my shirt. After she's in for a bit I notice the door is open. I want to wash my hands anyhow since I'm planning to have my fingers inside her shortly. LOL. So when I step in I say "want some company?" and she says sure. What a great girl.

In the shower it's a great start. Hugging under the water and kissing. First quite tentative but then the tongues come out and it's full on DFK. She's not just sensual but a fun kisser. We will suck on tongues or lips or bite playfully and we establish a very sexy kissing vibe that continues throughout the date.

Back in the bed we start a bit slow but I like it. Lots of sexy kissing. Eventually I push her on her back and start sucking her nice bee cup tits and heavily sucking her nipples. Oooooh she loves this! Cooing and moaning and starting to squirm. I wonder if it's a bit fake or a put on. But when I reach down between her legs no lie the wettest girl I've even been with. She is completely soaked inside and outside I am slathering pussy juice everywhere as I start to finger her.

There is no fake with this girl. She loves a finger fucking and gspot work. She works her own clit while I finger fuck with the two middle fingers. She is gettting very loud in that very Asian way with squeals and squeeks and damn it makes me horny.

I maneuver into Steve 2 position, continuing to finger but putting my dick in her mouth. OMG I love that. She does a nice BJ. Mostly In and out but takes it deep and some shaft licking. No BLS but we can do that next time. Honestly I almost cum because her sloppy wet pussy is just killing me. But I suggest we suit up.

She was cold after the shower so I tell her to start on top to get warm. And boy does she. She fucks the hell out of her boy-toy and has two apparent orgasms. One in regular Cowgirl and then one in Asian Cowgirl. She's very vocal and appreciative! Again you can't fake that wetness so pretty sure this was the real deal. She's just a mess.

I think about having her finish me by mouth but we will save that for another day I want to make out in Mish. So we flip over to mish and I start a good rhythm. We fuck for a while and she starts building again and that is getting me going and eventually we have a joint shaking shattering O. Wow. Super nice.

Lots of cuddling and just a mutual admiration afterglow. We def awesome together.

A day later we started the "hey we should figure out the arrangement" discussion. Hopefully she won't hurt me too bad because I've been super transparent about how much I dig her. I'll let you know how it goes.

One more 23 year old nose ringed SB for me. Its a thing. I swear!

Elvis 2008
01-09-22, 19:26
I wish I know this before last trip. Will use it for my next trip.SP, Pussycat gives decent advice with regards to using seeking in communication to a point. The problem is he openly admits that he is chasing barrio (ghetto) girls and acts like a john in soliciting them. He even gives out prices.

When I was in Bogota, I read the forum and no one gave any tips about how to use it. I think I was the first, and that was in 2019. What happened is that most of the women I met had never met any guy from the site. Time and again, I would meet the women, talk to them, they would get excited about being a sugar baby and fuck me without any mention of price. Soon after, I realized the times where no price was mentioned was way better than women who wanted a set price.

All in all, the better value for sex in Bogota were working girls. On average, these women were better in bed and better looking than the seeking girls. Pussycat says you cannot compare a 2 hour GFE versus a street walker but the SW will give you GFE and travel with you to your hotel if the money is right, and the money often would be the same or less as he was offering.

He even says the women he sought out were probably on other sites and that he pursued regular girls not models. Well, I wanted models, ones that were great in bed and would not dream of being on other sites.

Bogota has a numbering system of strata 1 to 6. The best neighborhoods are rated 6. See the link: https://www.colture.co/bogota/tips/to-live/strata-system-in-colombia/.

Half the people are in strata 1 and 2. What does it mean if you get a girl from there? Think Harlem, Watts, or South side of Chicago. So would you expect a difference between a girl from the South side of Chicago in comparison to one on Michigan Avenue? That is the difference between 1 versus 6.

That James Bond thing he talked about was directed at me. Thing is I did not wine and dine women. I would meet them for a drink or snack at my hotel for a 30 to 60 minute interview and had on average 3 dates per day. I do not understand where he gets off saying he was fucking 5 X as many women as I did. Quite often, I was all fucked out. The point of my interviewing the women was to put them in the category of not interested, ho, or possible SB material. Thing is that I never would consider a SB if she was horrible in bed so they had to pass that part as well.

Point is that Pussycat has a great guide for getting the most women off seeking. I am not sure that is a great value though considering how cheap and easy you can find working girls, and he even alludes to that. I was interested in the best women though not the most women so use my methods if that is what you are interested in.

01-10-22, 00:32
I paid the $100 to message women and have been writing and sending some text messages but nothing. I have found one really hot blonde and she wanted $500 and that is above what I want. I am in Colorado so maybe it is my state. I am not sure but right now I am just going back to CDMX for now and will spend the money there.

Maybe Mexico and Mde has broken me but I am will to spend $300 but it seems a few of these chicks want an allowance and that is not what I want. I have another 2 weeks or so before my renewal hits, so if anyone has any tips I am willing to listen, but I think the chicks in the US think their pussy are made of gold and charge that.

The Cane
01-10-22, 01:42
I paid the $100 to message women and have been writing and sending some text messages but nothing. I have found one really hot blonde and she wanted $500 and that is above what I want. I am in Colorado so maybe it is my state. I am not sure but right now I am just going back to CDMX for now and will spend the money there.

Maybe Mexico and Mde has broken me but I am will to spend $300 but it seems a few of these chicks want an allowance and that is not what I want. I have another 2 weeks or so before my renewal hits, so if anyone has any tips I am willing to listen, but I think the chicks in the US think their pussy are made of gold and charge that.I don't know how it's all going to turn out, but in about a week and a half on the site, I have set up three meets and greets (2 blondes and 1 Latina). Except for in one case, there has been no explicit discussion of money, but it's implied (I figure I will wait until after the meets and greets because it all may be moot after those LOL). In the one case where money has been discussed, she (the hottest one) asked for $1,000 PPM. I have no plans to do that. If the meet and greet happens as planned and goes well, then I will make a counteroffer that works better for me. We shall see. We shall see!

Steve 9696
01-10-22, 03:53
I paid the $100 to message women and have been writing and sending some text messages but nothing. I have found one really hot blonde and she wanted $500 and that is above what I want. I am in Colorado so maybe it is my state. I am not sure but right now I am just going back to CDMX for now and will spend the money there.

Maybe Mexico and Mde has broken me but I am will to spend $300 but it seems a few of these chicks want an allowance and that is not what I want. I have another 2 weeks or so before my renewal hits, so if anyone has any tips I am willing to listen, but I think the chicks in the US think their pussy are made of gold and charge that.No doubt if you get with girls outside the US, especially where prostitution is legal, you are going to get amazing girls and amazing price points. You honestly cannot compare the two. If you want an 8 for under $200 you can get that a lot of places. But not here. So you have to ask urself this. Can I do without pussy while at home stateside? Because if not you have to compromise in some way:

You can get a heavier or less attractive girl prob for that $300. But I don't know any top shelf girl in the US going for 300 these days. Maybe can get some for 4 (this seems to be the new floor) and 500 is prob more like it and you will have to work for that.

If u have been international u have been ruined for life. Unless you have the budget. Then the US door is wide open. you just can't compare the two at all. In the US $300 is unlikely to get what you are looking for in my experience.

01-10-22, 04:34
SP, Pussycat gives decent advice with regards to using seeking in communication to a point. The problem is he openly admits that he is chasing barrio (ghetto) girls and acts like a john in soliciting them. He even gives out prices.

When I was in Bogota, I read the forum and no one gave any tips about how to use it. I think I was the first, and that was in 2019. What happened is that most of the women I met had never met any guy from the site. Time and again, I would meet the women, talk to them, they would get excited about being a sugar baby and fuck me without any mention of price. Soon after, I realized the times where no price was mentioned was way better than women who wanted a set price.

All in all, the better value for sex in Bogota were working girls. On average, these women were better in bed and better looking than the seeking girls. Pussycat says you cannot compare a 2 hour GFE versus a street walker but the SW will give you GFE and travel with you to your hotel if the money is right, and the money often would be the same or less as he was offering.

He even says the women he sought out were probably on other sites and that he pursued regular girls not models. Well, I wanted models, ones that were great in bed and would not dream of being on other sites.

Bogota has a numbering system of strata 1 to 6. The best neighborhoods are rated 6. See the link: https://www.colture.co/bogota/tips/to-live/strata-system-in-colombia/.

Half the people are in strata 1 and 2. What does it mean if you get a girl from there? Think Harlem, Watts, or South side of Chicago. So would you expect a difference between a girl from the South side of Chicago in comparison to one on Michigan Avenue? That is the difference between 1 versus 6.

That James Bond thing he talked about was directed at me. Thing is I did not wine and dine women. I would meet them for a drink or snack at my hotel for a 30 to 60 minute interview and had on average 3 dates per day. I do not understand where he gets off saying he was fucking 5 X as many women as I did. Quite often, I was all fucked out. The point of my interviewing the women was to put them in the category of not interested, ho, or possible SB material. Thing is that I never would consider a SB if she was horrible in bed so they had to pass that part as well.

Point is that Pussycat has a great guide for getting the most women off seeking. I am not sure that is a great value though considering how cheap and easy you can find working girls, and he even alludes to that. I was interested in the best women though not the most women so use my methods if that is what you are interested in.Your approach is way more complicated and would not work for the majority of mongers who got limited time. I doubt somebody would ever go your route setting up 2-3 meet and greets per day while on vacation or business trip, it is just not feasible. But it might work for someone who is looking for a SB in his local area, makes much more sense to invest some time in order to find a long-term arrangement.

Obviously, SW will go to your hotel / apartment, but will they provide GFE? Highly doubt it, even if the money is right. Pussycat is right, you can't compare good GFE which most Seeking girls provide vs some lousy service SW provide, it is day and night.

Elvis 2008
01-10-22, 05:17
I paid the $100 to message women and have been writing and sending some text messages but nothing. I have found one really hot blonde and she wanted $500 and that is above what I want. I am in Colorado so maybe it is my state. I am not sure but right now I am just going back to CDMX for now and will spend the money there.

Maybe Mexico and Mde has broken me but I am will to spend $300 but it seems a few of these chicks want an allowance and that is not what I want. I have another 2 weeks or so before my renewal hits, so if anyone has any tips I am willing to listen, but I think the chicks in the US think their pussy are made of gold and charge that.What I would do Jbj is just forget about the USA. I would head to Mexico City and focus on women who have visas to come to the USA. About one in 2 or one in 3 women I met there had them. Establish a relationship with them. Maybe fly to Cancun or Acapulco first and then meet them here. Make sure you have plenty of photos if you are single and claim that she is your GF when she comes here. Get a debit or gift card in her name and the first time have her pay her own ticket. If you are married, I would fly your gals to somewhere in Mexico like a border town like Tijuana or Juarez that you can easily get to and hang out with her on weekends. With those towns, you can just fly to El Paso or San Diego and walk across. Walking back in San Diego is a pain in the ass but Juarez is not as bad.

I had a woman I flew from Mexico to Texas three times, paid her $500 for 3 to 5 days and fucked the shit out of her those days. Just read the federal law the Mann Act and make sure that there is no way what you are doing could be described if trafficking. I would be weary of doing this if you were married, but do all you can to show she is your GF is you are single or get her a different excuse if she is coming to the USA. It is too bad she turned out to be mentally ill. The crazy ones usually are the best fucks though.

01-10-22, 10:15
Been on SA with subscription for about a couple of weeks now, browsing through Shanghai SBs. Going on my first date tonight. Should be a M&G, could be more or I might get stood up. Wish me luck and I'll submit a report on both the date and the search experience later!

01-10-22, 18:05
You can get a heavier or less attractive girl prob for that $300. But I don't know any top shelf girl in the US going for 300 these days. Maybe can get some for 4 (this seems to be the new floor) and 500 is prob more like it and you will have to work for that.This is not accurate. I can personally state very definitely I am able to procure at 300 or even 250, and have done so. As I stated a few times, prices are actually lower now than they were pre pandemic. As always, location matters and the resolve of the dude matters. More patience, more search lead to better outcomes. And the girls I seek and have sex with are White, sub-25, slim girls who are pretty to me. If I wanted Latina, black girls, I'd think they may be at lower amounts but I filter out all dark skinned girls. Surprisingly, some Latinas have inflated self worth and have quoted absurdly high prices. If they are fair skinned, have no exaggerated Latino features (face or body), then they could command similar rates as White girls. But yes, 300 is absolutely doable. Not in coastal expensive cities but in the inland empire, they are feasible.

01-10-22, 18:17
Been on SA with subscription for about a couple of weeks now, browsing through Shanghai SBs. Going on my first date tonight. Should be a M&G, could be more or I might get stood up. Wish me luck and I'll submit a report on both the date and the search experience later!I am less interested in details of sex and much more about details of the process. Such as: how many girls are in your area, age / attractiveness / other attributes, how many responded back to your initial message, how did the discussions proceed, pricing negotiations, range of prices quoted, how many girls actually show up to the date v how many cat fish / ghost, did you discuss sex directly or were afraid to due to local legality (isn't prostitution illegal in China and if they catch you, consequences could be dire?) and other such matters.

Steve 9696
01-10-22, 18:20
Been on SA with subscription for about a couple of weeks now, browsing through Shanghai SBs. Going on my first date tonight. Should be a M&G, could be more or I might get stood up. Wish me luck and I'll submit a report on both the date and the search experience later!Haven't seen you around so the following maybe redundant if you are a lurker. But Midwestern who hosts this thread is the resident expert on Shanghai and might be a great resource for you.

Also I read in the Shanghai thread that Manhattan and Judy's are back open but maybe at least capacity. Prepandemic Manhattan was one of my favorite places on earth. Fifty Viet hotties all clamoring to make you their boy toy. Damn I loved that place. Def worth poking about and seeing current status.

Steve 9696
01-10-22, 20:29
They all want me. That's what I keep telling myself. Yeah it's probably my wallet but a white lie never hurt anyone. Anyhow I am really having a bit of a time juggling a handful of babies both local and remote. I guess it's a good problem to have! Tho it does hurt my budget which is totally blown and well beyond.

So I just met Shayla the Cambodian hottie who I am in love with. And she wants to meetup this week as do I. Meanwhile Layla emerged from the ashes and is ready to rumble again. She wants to meet this week also. Think I can make both happen and trying to space a couple days.

Then I am booking a trip that hits two cities. Fortunately in city one I only have one girl. But in city two I have Kayla who has quit her job so I don't want to bag on her but in the meantime found a Thai girl I want to try out (kicking the no sex on first date girl to curb). So I'm going to give Kayla two nights and the Thai girl one night this round and then consider what next.

And fuck damn I have work and family and all that shit too. It's almost too stressful juggling the babies! But my dick will thank me for it. And you know what they say "Happy dick happy life!" Or maybe that's just me that says that. 😋.

The Cane
01-10-22, 22:48
They all want me. That's what I keep telling myself. Yeah it's probably my wallet but a white lie never hurt anyone. Anyhow I am really having a bit of a time juggling a handful of babies both local and remote. I guess it's a good problem to have! Tho it does hurt my budget which is totally blown and well beyond.

So I just met Shayla the Cambodian hottie who I am in love with. And she wants to meetup this week as do I. Meanwhile Layla emerged from the ashes and is ready to rumble again. She wants to meet this week also. Think I can make both happen and trying to space a couple days.

Then I am booking a trip that hits two cities. Fortunately in city one I only have one girl. But in city two I have Kayla who has quit her job so I don't want to bag on her but in the meantime found a Thai girl I want to try out (kicking the no sex on first date girl to curb). So I'm going to give Kayla two nights and the Thai girl one night this round and then consider what next..You're a better, stronger (and apparently wealthier) man than I am. I'm just getting started, and I can barely keep up already! Got a cute, white, brunette, "girl next door" type who is very interested into entering into an "arrangement" with The Cane! Well, she calls me by something else. "Daddy" hahaha!

01-10-22, 22:53
Your approach is way more complicated and would not work for the majority of mongers who got limited time. I doubt somebody would ever go your route setting up 2-3 meet and greets per day while on vacation or business trip, it is just not feasible. But it might work for someone who is looking for a SB in his local area, makes much more sense to invest some time in order to find a long-term arrangement.

Obviously, SW will go to your hotel / apartment, but will they provide GFE? Highly doubt it, even if the money is right. Pussycat is right, you can't compare good GFE which most Seeking girls provide vs some lousy service SW provide, it is day and night.Again, this is not true. I am living this lifestyle. I just do not understand why you are having so much problems. You need to look at yourself and figure out what you are doing wrong. How is old guys succeed and you are having all these issue.

I just got back from MTY. The Venz. Chick flew and we spent Saturday night together. We had a great time, then Sunday after the models parents left, we were hanging out together.

01-11-22, 01:15
Haven't seen you around so the following maybe redundant if you are a lurker. But Midwestern who hosts this thread is the resident expert on Shanghai and might be a great resource for you.

Also I read in the Shanghai thread that Manhattan and Judy's are back open but maybe at least capacity. Prepandemic Manhattan was one of my favorite places on earth. Fifty Viet hotties all clamoring to make you their boy toy. Damn I loved that place. Def worth poking about and seeing current status.Thanks very much Steve! I've been around for some time, but only started posting (in Shanghai and Hangzhou threads) a few weeks ago. As to Manhattan and Judy's, sadly it's not what it used to be: actually went there last night after the date, some 10 overcharging (but hot!) Viet's. Not nearly as much fun as 4-5 years ago.

Steve 9696
01-11-22, 01:46
This is not accurate. I can personally state very definitely I am able to procure at 300 or even 250, and have done so. As I stated a few times, prices are actually lower now than they were pre pandemic. As always, location matters and the resolve of the dude matters. More patience, more search lead to better outcomes. And the girls I seek and have sex with are White, sub-25, slim girls who are pretty to me. If I wanted Latina, black girls, I'd think they may be at lower amounts but I filter out all dark skinned girls. Surprisingly, some Latinas have inflated self worth and have quoted absurdly high prices. If they are fair skinned, have no exaggerated Latino features (face or body), then they could command similar rates as White girls. But yes, 300 is absolutely doable. Not in coastal expensive cities but in the inland empire, they are feasible.Yea sorry you stated you can get $300 in flyover states and I have no experience to map to that. So surely it is true. All my experience is in bigger coastal cities and I've found it hard to find hotties in the two second tier cities I visit.

Unlike you I experience higher post pandemic prices but that may be on me. I do not negotiate hard or at all since the girls seem to be struggling more. My economics haven't taken a hit. Actually they are better than ever so I find it hard to argue the money is better off with me than them. I mean it’s usually $100 that’s under discussion (3 vs 4 or 4 vs 5) and if I date every other week that’s only $2600/year if I cave. Honestly that really means very little to me. Def at my age experiences matter way more than money. Hey I maybe have talked myself into a new pricepoint. LOL.

Steve 9696
01-11-22, 02:09
You're a better, stronger (and apparently wealthier) man than I am. I'm just getting started, and I can barely keep up already! Got a cute, white, brunette, "girl next door" type who is very interested into entering into an "arrangement" with The Cane! Well, she calls me by something else. "Daddy" hahaha!Dude. I am watching your spin up with interest. I love that you are putting in the time and will get the reward. These guys who label it too much work have just not seen the light. You def are doing the right thing. Only difference between you and me is time. I started in June 2019. So I have 2. 5 years of reaping rewards.

As I've said before, don't cut girls loose after you see them. Keep them in the harem. Midwestern famously said once a girl fucks you she will fuck you again and he is so right. So after 2. 5 years I have girls I can see by just saying I'm coming to town in 6, maybe 7 cities. Some I have multiple choices in that city. This is just from "doing it" for a while. Nothing too magic but following the rules and putting in the time.

P.S. Are you saying you had an in person meetup with said hottie? That's exciting. Looking forward to an update.

01-11-22, 02:47
Yea sorry you stated you can get $300 in flyover states and I have no experience to map to that. So surely it is true. All my experience is in bigger coastal cities and I've found it hard to find hotties in the two second tier cities I visit.

Unlike you I experience higher post pandemic prices but that may be on me. I do not negotiate hard or at all since the girls seem to be struggling more. My economics haven't taken a hit. Actually they are better than ever so I find it hard to argue the money is better off with me than them. I mean its usually $100 thats under discussion (3 vs 4 or 4 vs 5) and if I date every other week thats only $2600/year if I cave. Honestly that really means very little to me. Def at my age experiences matter way more than money. Hey I maybe have talked myself into a new pricepoint. LOL.From the sheer volume of sessions you seem to take (as seen in the reports), you clearly take many more girls and sessions than I do. In fact, if you are not writing up every session, your volumes may be even higher. I think you stated you are also married and I am almost tempted to ask how you manage the time / absence aspects, but that would be a prying into your personal affairs, so I won't (not unless you want to volunteer such info hehe For me personally, getting away for sessions and having to explain where I am going is the hardest impediment to more sessions. This has been especially true w / the pandemic and working from home. Business trips, client meetings, late night business dinners are all out, which means excuses are tougher to find. (but even in earlier years I had never been a super prolific user; in almost 6 years minus the pandemic time on SA, my guess is, I had sex with 70+ girls off SA; I suspect you may be doing that in a year or two).

The upside from this forced celibacy is that I can be more patient. Say in a week, I can get out for only one or two sex sessions at the most, hence there is no reason to accept every offer even after we discussed all the details and agreed on the price. I think I said in some prior post that I have full agreed deals with 15 to 20 girls but sex w / only 5 to 7 new girls in the last few months (some of those 5 to 7 were repeated). Pretty much every girl I had a deal agreed with was someone I would have been happy to fuck. On the flip side, I noticed that many girls (real ones anyway, not the scammers) are eager to get going and meet up / have a session when the discussion progresses to price point, details etc. It is almost as if they have accepted sex with a specific man mentally, which means the physical aspect of it whenever it happens is much more easy to deal with. Anyway, that is my observation and I don't know if I am clueless or if there is any truth to my theory.

For instance, there is this single mom; slim white girl, 24, sent me a few pics, looks great. She is very careful about her identity. Has a single pic on SA and that too w / shirt pulled up to cover the lower half of her face. At first she did not respond, then slowly opened up. Agreed to 300 ppm; I was supposed to meet at her place because her baby is a toddler and she has no sitter. But something came up, visit got canceled, then again something happened, I forgot for a while, etc. And then we began talking again. She is desperate for money; on her own she said I am happy to take 250. If I was mean and bargained hard, she would take 200, my guess. I am hoping to meet her soon.

01-11-22, 15:53
Most of the top, slim, attractive, white 22-27 years old are starting to ask 500 PPM. When questioned, they will come down to 400.

Much different than in the past when 300 would be for a good one. 350 for top notch.

01-11-22, 16:37
Most of the top, slim, attractive, white 22-27 years old are starting to ask 500 PPM. When questioned, they will come down to 400.

Much different than in the past when 300 would be for a good one. 350 for top notch.I think the days of $300 are over, but most will take $400.

01-11-22, 16:57
Most of the top, slim, attractive, white 22-27 years old are starting to ask 500 PPM. When questioned, they will come down to 400.

Much different than in the past when 300 would be for a good one. 350 for top notch.
You're a better, stronger (and apparently wealthier) man than I am. I'm just getting started, and I can barely keep up already! Got a cute, white, brunette, "girl next door" type who is very interested into entering into an "arrangement" with The Cane! Well, she calls me by something else. "Daddy" hahaha!Lurker here. I'm curious if the pricing discussion takes into account, not only location, but the girl and also the SD. My first uneducated guess would be that the more "conventionally attractive" girls will command higher prices, as well as the less attractive guys or minorities (in the US) have to pay more to entice the girls? This topic is fascinating for me (I'm asian-american).

Anyhow, found out about Seeking a long time ago from this forum, and have been lurking ever since. The subreddit sugarlifestyleforum has also been helpful, but they don't allow specifics of $$, which I suppose is a good thing in the big picture. Don't need a repeat of Backpage.

I've been around for a while now, and I remember in the Bay Area in the early 2000's it was around $200-$300 for top-notch providers (anyone remember sfRedBook? These days, I'm seeing prices double that or more, on sites like Tryst. 1000/ HR for the top ones, though I have not partaken. Sugaring seems like a bargain, but a different experience.

Cheers lads!

01-11-22, 21:29
Anyhow, found out about Seeking a long time ago from this forum, and have been lurking ever since. The subreddit sugarlifestyleforum has also been helpful, but they don't allow specifics of $$, which I suppose is a good thing in the big picture. Don't need a repeat of Backpage.

Cheers lads!It is there and they mention in another sub thread. Each SD volunteers that info.

01-11-22, 21:41
Lurker here. I'm curious if the pricing discussion takes into account, not only location, but the girl and also the SD. My first uneducated guess would be that the more "conventionally attractive" girls will command higher prices, as well as the less attractive guys or minorities (in the US) have to pay more to entice the girls? This topic is fascinating for me (I'm asian-american).

Anyhow, found out about Seeking a long time ago from this forum, and have been lurking ever since. The subreddit sugarlifestyleforum has also been helpful, but they don't allow specifics of $$, which I suppose is a good thing in the big picture. Don't need a repeat of Backpage.

I've been around for a while now, and I remember in the Bay Area in the early 2000's it was around $200-$300 for top-notch providers (anyone remember sfRedBook? These days, I'm seeing prices double that or more, on sites like Tryst. 1000/ HR for the top ones, though I have not partaken. Sugaring seems like a bargain, but a different experience.

Cheers lads!Pricing is highly variable; location, individuals, many other things. Tbh, the discussions here have been repetitious; I don't find proclamations about "$x is impossible or no longer available" etc to be credible or insightful. Guys tend to take their personal experiences in their mongering areas and tend to generalize them across all mongers, girl types, locations, ages. Which never makes any sense but they seem to do it anyway, w / o any qualifiers. There are hundreds of thousands of girls and guys on SA alone and several millions of transactions; any single person's individual experiences are an extremely small fraction of the total but to generalize them into any grand trend is not sensible in my view.

I have been seeing prices trend down a bit. But that is in my area, with the girls I am seeing, and even there I am very disciplined. Other dudes in my same city may experience a different trend, and of course trends in my city with say White early 20's girls will mean zilch when it comes to Hispanic girls in a different city 2,000 miles away. And nationwide trends mean anything to any individual; at best they are some small guidance how to negotiate your own deals.

01-13-22, 03:30
There's this married woman that I started seeing several years ago. In the beginning, she was so into the sex and she was so attracted to me. We never had an explicit arrangement, but I often gave her money to help her out (she and her husband are both blue collar workers). But now, she just treats seeing me like a job. For example, we were supposed to meet today at 9 am, but then she sends me a text asking if we can meet earlier, at 8 am. I totally got the vibe that she just wanted to get our meeting over with, as soon as possible. And so I just told her that I was not feeling well and bailed on today's meeting. Does the money aspect always mean that these SB relationships will eventually lose their magic?

Anyway, there's no point in breaking up with her. I think I will just not see her for a while, to see if absence makes the heart grow fonder.

01-13-22, 04:48
I had a weekend job cancel and the model parents were leaving MTY. So what the hell, let's make a party. I asked the Venz. To fly and meet me in MTY Saturday night, to my Surprise she said yes, even better she showed up.

She arrived at the hotel before, I made arrangements for her to check in before I arrived, no issue, since I am friends with the GM of the hotel, now and we talk regularly, a super nice guy. They totally take care of me. We had a suite on the 9th floor over looking MTY. We had reservations at the new S. Prime. So much fun. We head back to room around 11. The rest is history. The next morning we had breakfast and then she helped me with some paperwork. But a prize tag on that. We go get my truck washed and then I take her to the airport.

I squeezed in one more meeting before the model. She is hot, but poor hygiene, I just can not handle the odor. I am exhausted this point. The model shows up at the original S. Prime, again a lot of fun. She brought my Christmas Present, so nice. We head back to the room at 10:30, we just had sex one time then I fell asleep. I woke up at 3:30 am, so I would not get stuck at the border. All this was done in 34 hours. I put in a full work day Monday, but I was wiped out.

I love SA in Mexico.

Steve 9696
01-13-22, 05:02
There's this married woman that I started seeing several years ago. In the beginning, she was so into the sex and she was so attracted to me. We never had an explicit arrangement, but I often gave her money to help her out (she and her husband are both blue collar workers). But now, she just treats seeing me like a job. For example, we were supposed to meet today at 9 am, but then she sends me a text asking if we can meet earlier, at 8 am. I totally got the vibe that she just wanted to get our meeting over with, as soon as possible. And so I just told her that I was not feeling well and bailed on today's meeting. Does the money aspect always mean that these SB relationships will eventually lose their magic?

Anyway, there's no point in breaking up with her. I think I will just not see her for a while, to see if absence makes the heart grow fonder.It's not the money. The money never gets old. It's the humans! Just like husband and wife get boring same happens here. This is sooo happening with Kayla. The bareback sex was off the charts to start. Now it's kinda expected and even a little meh. I'm sure it's the same in return. Charming older guy with money. Want to snag him. Now he's snagged. And so she gets a bit lazier. Wants to Netflix and chill instead of going out clubbing. Just settling into husband wife mode and it's a bit boring.

And now Shayla is my new crush. Had sex once and I am smitten. I just want to hang with her and be with her and bang her Of course). It's all just new and amazing and fresh. Six months from now (if not sooner) she will be acting like an entitled wife. Oh well. Then it's thank you next. .

01-13-22, 05:11
I don't see any other way to answer this than yes. The foundation of the relationship is money. At some point money loses its value either due to inflation or change in living standards due to an infinite number of reasons. Couple all this with "been there, done that" and the chances that one party becomes unhappy (or at the very least unsatisfied) is all but guaranteed. Seize the day / get it while it's hot should be the mantra in this world. I had some prime SBs lined up then skipped town for a couple weeks and they are nowhere to be found now. Had I made a bigger effort to bang them before I left I'm sure they'd still be available to me but I'm realistic, at some point I would not have worked for them or they would not have worked for me the only question is when that might happen. Given my well documented aversion to the work required on SA I'm guessing they'd be over me before I was over them but who knows.

I do have one that I'm quite content with but I'd be happier if I were actively comparing her skills to the other two.

Does the money aspect always mean that these SB relationships will eventually lose their magic?

Elvis 2008
01-13-22, 06:19
Lurker here. I'm curious if the pricing discussion takes into account, not only location, but the girl and also the SD. My first uneducated guess would be that the more "conventionally attractive" girls will command higher prices, as well as the less attractive guys or minorities (in the US) have to pay more to entice the girls? This topic is fascinating for me (I'm asian-american).I have not done seeking in the USA since 2018, and the hard part was finding the girls. The flake rate in the USA was unreal. Thing is once you get them out to dinner the success is pretty good. Thing is you have so much golden pussy syndrome because unlike in other countries where the price of pussy is known, you have women with stars in their eyes. I had a 19 year old, a beauty to be sure who was working at Hooters, tell me if she does not get $500 an hour, I was "wasting her time". This was 10 years ago, and I laughed her off. The main thing guys in the USA need to get is that all these women are broke and in debt and are in no position to deny anything. You are just dealing with the external fears ("I might get raped or an STD") and the internal fears ("I will feel like a * and hate myself") that are driving their pricing.

Thing is some guys are throwing out crazy money now probably because the market is up. I went to a strip club and the girl wanted a $1000 for an hour. I rolled my eyes, and she texted me the next day and asked for $500. I did not see her, but I think guys think that you have to stay at the number. I never did. Once they have broken the hurdle and they see you are safe, then you should negotiate down like I did. If I were interested in her, I would say, "Okay, I get that you may want that much the first time, but if I see you a lot in the future, I am not paying that much every time. " or just say nothing and offer $350 next time. There are not as many mongers throwing money at this women as you think. Most guys do not do this.

Yeah, it is true the women get 100's of offers per day. A woman showed me her texts. At least 90 out of every 100 messages were flat out scams, guys trying to get laid for nothing. She responded to the five guys that were players, and she and I picked out the exact same guys! But you have the stupid women who get cocky about it and say "I have hundreds of guys sending me texts every day."

I remember SFredbook. Before the internet escort age, things were a lot more hit or miss. I did a lot of studios and escorts back then and had no clue what you were getting. There were some dogs to be sure, but there were times I would be fucking beauty queens for $50 or $100.

I do not think it has hit California but Texas just made prostitution a felony. A lot of guys were getting laid in Asian MPs and paying as little as $140 for 30 minutes with good looking women. Those places have been shut down, and a lot of horny men who did not know what the game shifted to seeking. It has been a market place disrupter.

SA helped me with game, and I have learned to make the women laugh and feel comfortable. Mainly, women are just looking for safe I have learned, and it is not just physical but emotional. One of the things women are rightly scared of is guys getting serious with them and getting possessive and stalking them. I had a sugar baby for four years, and we had a funny exchange. I asked her spur of the moment to come to dinner, and she came right away and asked "What is wrong?" I just said I wanted company for dinner and she laughed and said, "You have never asked me for anything in four years. I thought you were dying." That shows you how needy the other men in her life had been.

But Ed I really do not like seeking in the USA. If you can get away, I would look at places in Mexico that are a direct fight for you from the SF region. I think some of the new girls at Hong Kong in Tijuana who live in other cities are intriguing sugar baby candidates. Then of course, you have flights to places like Mexico City that are sugar baby heaven.

If you can routinely get three days off a row twice a month, I would look there. You can fuck hotties for $100 a pop while looking for your princess. I get some guys are married or have jobs where they cannot travel. I was like that, but I changed jobs and I love the freedom that comes with taking off a few days at a time.

01-13-22, 07:01
I posted this on the Bogota thread, and I will also post it here:

I have premium membership. At $100 per month its overpriced, but as I am working in the US it doesn't matter that much. You could try free membership first and see how it goes. I don't know what the differences are.

I set up my own profile with a few pics. I put a very brief intro in Spanish. I say my income etc are modest; if you claim to be a high roller you will just attract expensive girls. Not necesarily better, just more expensive.

You can put the letters "SD' if you want. It stands for "Sugar daddy", and its code for p4 p. Even in Spanish, they know what it means. The girls sometimes put "SB" (sugar baby) or just "Sugar" in their profile also. Sugar is just a euphemism for money.

You can lie about your age (e. G. Make it younger) as there is no age verification. You should do this when you set up your profile as you can't do it after.

A week or two before a trip I set my location to where I'm going, e. G. Bogota. Then search for whatever you want, e. G. Bogota, 50 mile radius, age 18-25, etc. Then search and just start "liking" gals you like (click the heart icon). You can also message them directly.

I usually go for average girls, girl next door types; less hassle and more willing to please than Instagram model type bitches. Remember, even the average girl in Bogota is hot compared to most western bitches.

If it is more than a few weeks away I wouldn't bother as they will lose interest. One week before is ideal.

Response rate for me was about 30% for the inital chat. Maybe 1 in ten you will actually meet.

Even though I barely speak Spanish I do all messaging in Spanish using google translate and copy and paste. You can also translate the girls mesages on your phone by touching the girls message and holding, it then lets you "select all" then "translate" to English right on the screen.

Once they reply then send a few mesages in chat such as "Hola". "Soy Pussycat", "Como Estas". (Hi, I'm pussycat, how are you).

Then just move it to WhatsApp (Which they all have) by saying "Tienes WhatsApp?

If they reply with their number just add a contact on WhatApp then start chatting there.

I usually come straight out on WhatsApp and say in Spanish " I would like to meet you for a date of two hours; if everthing is good we will make love, and I will pay you 200 mil plus Ubers". Nine times out of then they will either say "ok", or will say "make it 250 mil" etc.

As for the James Bond shit claimed by some, having "game", banging chicks for free yada yada yada. Sure, do that if you want but when time is of the essence on a short vacation just slap the money on the table and get laid. By the time you have banged one chick "for free" after having wined and dined her at expensive restaurants and hotels I will have paid for and banged five gals from the barrios. When I was 25 I was banging models for free. At 55, I just pay.

You can order an Uber / Didi to pick them up or you can reimburse them when they arrive.

I shift it to WhatApp because SA claims to ban users who "solicit pro**itution" which is of course bullshit because that's what SA is a platform for, but whatever, I wouldn't discuss trading money for sex directly on the app. Plus, gals always check messages on WhatsApp all the time whereas they might only go on SA every few days.

Another good reason to move it to WhatsApp is because if you get in a fight with a girl on the app they can report you and get you banned. If you are outside the app there is nothing they can do.

Generally any girls with English in her profile or claiming to speak English will charge more. And any girl quoting a price in dollars is trying to charge more.

Assuming you are in Bogota I wouldn't bother trying to meet anyone who isn't in Bogota. I sent $30 to one gal for a bus to Bogota and then she instantly starting begging for money so I didn't end up meeting her.

I would tell them they need an ID to meet you ("Cedula") to make sure they are 18 and that they are legit. For two reasons: pro**itution is illegal under 18 in Colombia and they are less likely to scam / rob you if you see there ID. You can even ask hem to send a picture of it if you want.

Hide / lock up all your shit when they come to you room. Don't take drugs / drink alcohol with them as they could drug and rob you. It never happended to me, but it has happened.

Almost all gals I contacted were willing to trade sex for money. This is what I got quoted or what I actually paid in Bogota (4,000 COP / USD):

Instagram model types: $150+/2 hrs (600,000 COP+).

Gals speaking English well: 400,000 COP /2 hrs.

Average girl: 200-250 k COP + Ubers (20-40 k COP).

Low end: 150 k COP /2-3 hrs. ($40.).

I suggest an opening gambit of 200 k ("200 mil") plus Ubers for 2 hrs.

Typical session for me was BBBJ, CFS. Other stuff by negotiation.

A few actual gals I met on SA in Bogota:

A medical student.

An English teacher.

Several gals from the barrio (slums) in the south.

A gal claiming she had an online store.

A Venezulean claiming she was divorced from a Chinese guy and was visiting her sister in Bog.

A gal who delivered fire extinguishers.

Naysayers wil trash SA as a overpriced platform and maybe it is, but I think it has some merits. And I know, you can get a streetwalker for 30 K in Santa Fe but remember, that's a 15 minute quickie in a shitty short time room in a disgusting RLD, versus 2 hrs of GFE like experience in you own room. You can't equate the two.

No doubt many of the gals on SA could be found on other platforms / met in other ways, possibly for less money, and if you have the time and contacts to find them then go ahead. At the end of the day, it is just one of the options. If I lived in Bog I most likely would not use it. But for the average two week millionaire SA is not too bad.

01-13-22, 09:25
I posted this on the Bogota thread, and I will also post it here:

d.I was going to reply in detail to Pussycat123 then decided to dump my thoughts here instead. Consider that the members here are mostly coming from other parts of ISG. Their searches for dates are based on a specific perspective. Getting lais ASAP for as little as possible and hoping for a GFE. If you want to know how much various types of girls "charge" in Bogota. ISG posts are mostly it related to that perspective.

I dated a bilingual attorney in Bogota who picked me up in her Mercedes, went to university in Barcelona and is a 10. Also a very nice person to be around. Also dated a violinist, an Actress (Barcelona transplant) and others. If you approached them with the desire to get laid. Mentioning friends with benefits and money on your whatsapp. A quick visit, 300 – 800 COP you just lost the opportunity to ever know who they are. Even the ones who are middle class might be turned off. And yes you will make SA look like a P4 P site and make it more difficult for the next serious person to be successful.

The SA girls in Bogota who I want to meet are not all "for sale" however they will respond to someone respectful, kind and "at their level" because that is what they really want. Not money. Probably why Elvis does well with these types. I am not saying you can't do the P4 P with many of them. You might miss out on a lot. Not really friends with benefits at all.

IF she has been on SA for over a year, she's fair game (P4 P) she uses it as her income. All pro pussy I call it. I dislike those types.

I guess I am just saying. There's more diamonds out there if you take the time to mine them. Have REAL, respectful conversations and interest in who you are trying to meet. Yes, almost like a read date. Because it will be. One week blast messaging is IMHO only good for cheap quickies. I. E. I will be doing all-nighters with at last 2 girls in the next couple weeks. ALL NIGHT & additional days if I like them. $800,000 COP If you want quality, take the time and do not rush it. Good luck.

The Cane
01-13-22, 13:04
I guess I am just saying. There's more diamonds out there if you take the time to mine them. Have REAL, respectful conversations and interest in who you are trying to meet. Yes, almost like a real date. Because it will be.Right, we can't come at these girl on SA like they're prostitutes. Although ultimately, aren't most women tutes? I mean, if they're fucking us because of our money and wealth, then in my view that's prostituting themselves. They just don't want to feel or be treated like one. That's why I prefer legalized prostitution. Just cut the shit! You're here because you want a piece of my cash, and I'm here because I want a piece of your gash! Fair enough. Let's get to fucking and sucking!

Steve 9696
01-13-22, 13:49
First I want to thank PussyCat for joining our thread. I'dseen his excellent post over in Bogota thread and happy to have him contribute here. That post along with Don Carlos are both great because they show different perspectives and help us all. I def learned some things.

Originally I thought SA in Bogota would not be strong because P4 P is widely available via other means. Glad to be corrected on that point. And it's refreshing to see both viewpoints. If I am there a couple days and want a quick ONS there are def girls for that and the PC approach of direct fire will work great (obviously in US this method is tough if not damaging) but DC shows that in Bogota, played more like the US, you can get the same "real girl" GFE most of us are after in the US. And that's awesome news too. Thanks guys!

01-13-22, 17:52
I've used SA for several trips to Mexico in 2021.

Outline: premium membership, a few pics, simple message in Spanish, say I'm American but travel to Mexico regularly. (Same MO as I described for Bogota earlier in this thread). The exchange rate is 20 MXN (Pesos)/ USD so 1,000 pesos is $50 USD.

Guadalajara (GDL) is said to be dangerous and is a base for certan narcos, but (Knock on wood) I've never had an issue there. These guys don't bother with tourists. The city is nice and pretty clean and I suggest Chapultepec district as base of operations.

I either stay in a hotel (e. G. Love It, Portobello, Krystal Urban) or an airbnb. Expect to pay $30-$50 per night for either option.

Here is a sample of the girls I met on SA in GDL:

A 26 yr old teacher who stayed the whole weekend with me. On the first trip I paid her 2500 pesos per day. Then she was always asking me "can I have this, can I have this?" when we were out shopping. So, to to stop the hassle I just gave her an extra 1,000 pesos per day spending money. It was surprising how she started budgeting once it was HER money she was spending. So, a total of 3,500 pesos per day. I also paid her bus fare and Ubers, total about 800 pesos. So for a whole weekend I paid around 7800 pesos ($390 USD). She was super cool, perfect English, intelligent. Total GFE, holding hands in the street, etc. People thought we were an engaged / married couple. We went on several weekend trips together to Tequila, etc. Despite her conservative appearance she was into freaky sex such as choking, anal etc. Not really my thing but interesting nonetheless. She claimed she was into older foreign guys and didn't like mexican guys because her ex BF had treated her pretty bad.

A professional athlete. 25 years old, absolutely rock hard body, in the gym every day. She was legit, she showed me pictures of her on podiums and with various national championship gold medals. But very feminine. I paid her 1500 pesos for 2-3 hours, plus Uber 200 pesos. CFS and BBBJ. This girl is solid gold.

A real estate lawyer: 25, very cute, perfect legs. I was paying her 2,000 pesos for two hours. She was a little bit shy and didn't like kissing. One time she went to Cabo on a work assignment and I flew down to meet her. I paid her 8,000 pesos ($400) for the weekend. Then she suddenly asked me to lend her $800 and I said no, so it ended.

So all in all, a pretty good selection. More expensive than, say, Colombia but a fraction of the cost of the same quality girls in the US and much closer to the US than Colombia.

Elvis 2008
01-13-22, 22:25
I dated a bilingual attorney in Bogota who picked me up in her Mercedes, went to university in Barcelona and is a 10. Also a very nice person to be around. Don,

I think I chatted with her. She was amazing: world traveler, lawyer, Cordon Blue chef and absolutely stunning. Her family had plenty of money, and she wanted to break away from being dependent on her father. Yeah, I am glad that I never met her. I might have missed out on my current one if I was star struck by her. I am glad you found her first. LOL.

My gal lived in the nicest part of Bogota. She was modeling since age 13, worked for the government, and lived in the top strata in Bogota. She did not need anyone to support her.

I met another gal whose family owned a jewelry shop, and they had pretty good money. First time, I met her, she paid for my dinner, and she also never asked for a dime.

Those are the diamonds of which you speak. They want to meet successful men not be showered with cash. All those women were highly successful in their own right even in Colombia.

01-13-22, 22:31
SA scene for me has been mixed. Overall, I would still do it for the quality of GFE and the different feel it brings from WG.

I have chatted with 75+ girls on the site but only about 40 moved to whatsapp or telegram. 50% conversion. From there, it gets tricky because not many local.

From that 40, about 10 came to discussing potential meet and actually met only 4. This is partly because many are 100 miles or so away from where I am. Off the 4, I had three ending up on my bed.

One was in France area. Decent outing. Candle lit dinner and wine at her place. But for some reason, not exciting enough to go back. Dropped after first fuck.

Second was two dates. One brunch and one dinner. Couldn't bed her yet but I would love to. She has been claiming she needs some time to work on herself. I'm being respectful of her well being, but not sure how long a rope I should give her. Already gave her 200 Eur to fix her car but not "investing" anymore unless she is willing to let my dick out on her. Any pro tips on how I could navigate this is welcome.

Third, lunch date. Was great and it seemed like she was going to bail out but she texted me late evening again. We had a few drinks that same evening and we fucked. Not repeating because even BJ was covered but I think I can get her to uncovered if I pull my strings.

Fourth. Best of the lot. We fucked bare in my car, she has blown me while driving country roads, and also some full on sex in bedroom. This one was not even expecting money. All she wanted was my dick. But, after few months, now she says she wants to get to regular dating scene and find her life partner. Bummer but I respect her choices. Left the door open to her for coming back.

Net-Net, pipeline dried up. Meeting the fifth one this weekend. Sportswoman. Looks super athletic. We had a video chat and things look promising. She is not a 8+. More like a 5. But I hage a thing for athletes. Let's see how it goes.

Any mentorship on how to improve my conversion rate is welcome. I see some pros here, particularly Steve9696, and tell myself that I need to up my game. But, not getting there.

Steve 9696
01-14-22, 01:31
SA scene for me has been mixed. Overall, I would still do it for the quality of GFE and the different feel it brings from WG.

I have chatted with 75+ girls on the site but only about 40 moved to whatsapp or telegram. 50% conversion. From there, it gets tricky because not many local.

From that 40, about 10 came to discussing potential meet and actually met only 4. This is partly because many are 100 miles or so away from where I am. Off the 4, I had three ending up on my bed.

One was in France area. Decent outing. Candle lit dinner and wine at her place. But for some reason, not exciting enough to go back. Dropped after first fuck.

Second was two dates. One brunch and one dinner. Couldn't bed her yet but I would love to. She has been claiming she needs some time to work on herself. I'm being respectful of her well being, but not sure how long a rope I should give her. Already gave her 200 Eur to fix her car but not "investing" anymore unless she is willing to let my dick out on her. Any pro tips on how I could navigate this is welcome.

Third, lunch date. Was great and it seemed like she was going to bail out but she texted me late evening again. We had a few drinks that same evening and we fucked. Not repeating because even BJ was covered but I think I can get her to uncovered if I pull my strings.

Fourth. Best of the lot. We fucked bare in my car, she has blown me while driving country roads, and also some full on sex in bedroom. This one was not even expecting money. All she wanted was my dick. But, after few months, now she says she wants to get to regular dating scene and find her life partner. Bummer but I respect her choices. Left the door open to her for coming back.

Net-Net, pipeline dried up. Meeting the fifth one this weekend. Sportswoman. Looks super athletic. We had a video chat and things look promising. She is not a 8+. More like a 5. But I hage a thing for athletes. Let's see how it goes.

Any mentorship on how to improve my conversion rate is welcome. I see some pros here, particularly Steve9696, and tell myself that I need to up my game. But, not getting there.Sounds like your results as far as contacts to close ratio is fine. What you are seeeing tho is the half-life of an SB is short. A year or two is unusual. More like a few months. So you have to be always on the prowl. Even when you think things are good you have to be looking. I think that is the main thing. As you feel a wind down at all you have to be looking.

And blue birds come along. I’ve been checking nearly daily for two years and have had adequate local SBs but my dream girl Shayla just magically appeared two weeks back and I pounced. We’re now an item and Have a bright future. Had I not been on daily surely someone else would have snapped her up.

Steve 9696
01-15-22, 04:13
OMG. Fair warning to you guys. Make sure to backup your photos and contacts regularly. Fortunately I felt my burner phone fading a couple months back. So I got a An extra SIM and set everything to back up to it. I can't imagine losing all my Rolodex and photos and videos.

Anyhow tonight my phone officially became a brick. After momentary panic I calmed down and realized I can get everything off it. But damn that was not a good feeling. ESP when you are in contact with your sweetie and setting up a date for tomorrow. I was able to lift her phone number in a moment of phone sanity and contact her by email (u can send a text by email if u know their carrier) but it just feels so bad for your hoe phone (that's what Kayla calls it LOL) to go belly up! Back it up fellas.

01-15-22, 13:38
OMG. Fair warning to you guys. Make sure to backup your photos and contacts regularly.I usually email myself the phone and image of the current SBs too and once they are no longer current I delete the email.

01-16-22, 12:09
I had a date with the fifth one. Looks - 5/6. Attitude - 8. Action. ***.

She lives 250 kms away from me. Since I did not have time to drive that far, she agreed to. I asked her to book a decent hotel, stay for the night, and meet me for brunch next day. She did nkt go overboard and get those 500 EUR hotels. She took a 100 EUR per night. So, good news there.

We met and chatted over brunch. Looks super fit. Turns out she is an active sportswoman. Perfect. I have a thing for sportswoman as I am into sports myself. Another bonus.

Then, turns out she just got out of a manipulative relationship and is not looking for one. Great. She doesn't have problem with me being married. Excellent. Also, ok driving to meet me once or twice a month. Awesome.

Then, we went for a walk in the town. I tried all the on / off tricks from Maestro Steve but nothing worked.

She said she is not in for sex, although she is open to it in future, certainly not on first date.

I move to another cafe, and grab some drinks with her hoping to sway her to bed. Failed again.

But, decided not to spoil what might be in store for future and let her go. Paid for her hotel, gas expenses and little more (250), as promised. Another investment hopefully bears fruit in future.

She seems ok with BBFS in future. Which certainly is a bonus. But for that, I first have to gey her naked and access that sports pussy. Lets wait and watch.

SA scene for me has been mixed. Overall, I would still do it for the quality of GFE and the different feel it brings from WG.

I have chatted with 75+ girls on the site but only about 40 moved to whatsapp or telegram. 50% conversion. From there, it gets tricky because not many local.

From that 40, about 10 came to discussing potential meet and actually met only 4. This is partly because many are 100 miles or so away from where I am. Off the 4, I had three ending up on my bed.

One was in France area. Decent outing. Candle lit dinner and wine at her place. But for some reason, not exciting enough to go back. Dropped after first fuck.

Second was two dates. One brunch and one dinner. Couldn't bed her yet but I would love to. She has been claiming she needs some time to work on herself. I'm being respectful of her well being, but not sure how long a rope I should give her. Already gave her 200 Eur to fix her car but not "investing" anymore unless she is willing to let my dick out on her. Any pro tips on how I could navigate this is welcome.

Third, lunch date. Was great and it seemed like she was going to bail out but she texted me late evening again. We had a few drinks that same evening and we fucked. Not repeating because even BJ was covered but I think I can get her to uncovered if I pull my strings.

Fourth. Best of the lot. We fucked bare in my car, she has blown me while driving country roads, and also some full on sex in bedroom. This one was not even expecting money. All she wanted was my dick. But, after few months, now she says she wants to get to regular dating scene and find her life partner. Bummer but I respect her choices. Left the door open to her for coming back.

Net-Net, pipeline dried up. Meeting the fifth one this weekend. Sportswoman. Looks super athletic. We had a video chat and things look promising. She is not a 8+. More like a 5. But I hage a thing for athletes. Let's see how it goes.

Any mentorship on how to improve my conversion rate is welcome. I see some pros here, particularly Steve9696, and tell myself that I need to up my game. But, not getting there.

The Cane
01-16-22, 18:36
Like others have said before me, this is a lot of work! I must have messaged a few hundred girls already, just to get a few to respond on the site, and then even fewer to go to text. These girls don't want "form letter" intros, but there are just too many of them for anything else (I'm in a Tier 1 city). So, what I have is a cut and paste intro, but then I will add to it and tailor that based on things I find in the girl's profile (yes I actually read their profiles). That is, provided she says much of anything about herself in her profile! Many don't say a damn thing, and yet they want you to say something that catches their attention!

So anyway, in a little less than a couple of weeks, I have communicated with like 7 girls by text. And from there, meets and greets have been set up. Already had somebody cancel on me twice! To the back of the line! So, meet and greet process has started, and have not identified a match yet. And all of the scams man. People wanting to sell you nudes, get you to invest in their cryptocurrency business, join their swinging group (just give them your email address), prostitutes, or just straight up asking for money outright. I see a lot of female profiles get taken down every day. I'm going to do this for a short period of time, and that's it!

01-17-22, 02:01
Like others have said before me, this is a lot of work! I must have messaged a few hundred girls already, just to get a few to respond on the site, and then even fewer to go to text. These girls don't want "form letter" intros, but there are just too many of them for anything else (I'm in a Tier 1 city). I know what you're going through. I had this same problem when I lived in SF. So eventually I started searching nearby towns (in North Bay, East Bay, and South Bay, but still within 50 miles of SF). My success rate went up dramatically. But that meant that I had to drive a couple of hours to meet them, and the hours can really add up, and it will be way more frustrating if they do not show.

Another way to increase your success rate is to check the site every day and jump on anyone that is new to the site. Many of the gals that I ended up "dating" were ones that were very new to the site. There was this one gal, 24 years old, super hot and just returned home from finishing graduate school. I noticed that she just joined SA. I quickly chatted her up, exchanged contact info, and set up a date. After an hour or so, her profile disappeared from the site. I freaked out, because I thought I was being scammed or being targeted in a sting, or something like that. I mean, why would she be on the site for an hour or two and then disappear? And so on text, I asked her why she disappeared from the site, and she said that within the first couple of hours of her being on it, she got hundreds of guys messaging her, and it just overwhelmed her and so she went off of it. So, this really made me realize how competitive it was for us guys. SA keeps bragging that there are 4 or 5 women for every guy on the site. But there obviously is a lot of competition to get the gems. Every gal that I talked to on SA said that they have to weed through hundreds of messages every time they log onto the site. They spend a second on each message and move on to the next. And so, we really do have to figure out ways for our messages or profiles to stand out. I did not have a picture on my profile, and so that made it easier for the gals to just move onto the next guy's message.

On a related note, on the site many gals lie about their location. They might say they are located in SF when they were really in a small nearby town. Or, they might say they are in town X when they really live in town Z. I guess it made them feel more discrete.

01-17-22, 02:26
So, this really made me realize how competitive it was for us guys. SA keeps bragging that there are 4 or 5 women for every guy on the site. But there obviously is a lot of competition to get the gems. Every gal that I talked to on SA said that they have to weed through hundreds of messages every time they log onto the site. They spend a second on each message and move on to the next. And so, we really do have to figure out ways for our messages or profiles to stand out. I did not have a picture on my profile, and so that made it easier for the gals to just move onto the next guy's message.

On a related note, on the site many gals lie about...There are 4 to 5 Fuglies for every guy. Very few slims, whites and babes for every guy, they get hundreds of messages. And they want more money than fuglies.

The older women are much more available, but have saggy tits, baby bellies and want to boss you around, they are less money. The older women are like cow chips. As they get older they are easier to pickup- if you like saggy tits, flabby bellies and talk, talk, talk, question, interrogations, etc.

You can post photos on the message page with each girl to stand out. I often do. Maybe a dic pic would make your profile "stand out" and let the girl know you are serious.

01-17-22, 02:33
Another way to increase your success rate is to check the site every day and jump on anyone that is new to the site.

On a related note, on the site many gals lie about their location. Try leaving your computer on 24/7. That way your profile will show up as recently active all the time and you will get more hits. You can turn the monitor off at night and when you wake up in the morning you will be surprised all the messages you receive, although most will be from Venezuela, trying to sell you photos online for paypal money.

Most people lie about many things on this site. Age, location, animal lover, etc. But they check "prefer not to say" if they have children. I have not owned a dog for 40 years but post a photos with a puppy, women love it. Many women have multiple profiles to increase their hits, it costs them nothing to create a new profile with a different multiple email account.

The Cane
01-17-22, 12:13
Most people lie about many things on this site. Age, location, animal lover, etc. But they check "prefer not to say" if they have children. I have not owned a dog for 40 years but post a photos with a puppy, women love it. Many women have multiple profiles to increase their hits, it costs them nothing to create a new profile with a different multiple email account.This is so true. Lying going on everywhere! Including by us guys. But, I find the "prefer not to say" about having kids to be pretty funny because it obviously means that you do have kids LOL! So, you may as well just go ahead and say so.

The Cane
01-17-22, 12:25
And so on text, I asked her why she disappeared from the site, and she said that within the first couple of hours of her being on it, she got hundreds of guys messaging her, and it just overwhelmed her and so she went off of it. So, this really made me realize how competitive it was for us guys. SA keeps bragging that there are 4 or 5 women for every guy on the site. But there obviously is a lot of competition to get the gems. Every gal that I talked to on SA said that they have to weed through hundreds of messages every time they log onto the site. They spend a second on each message and move on to the next. And so, we really do have to figure out ways for our messages or profiles to stand out. I did not have a picture on my profile, and so that made it easier for the gals to just move onto the next guy's message.Yes, we guys don't have an appreciation for how overwhelmed the girls can get. I have met a couple already, and they tell me what you say. They log in and have 100's of messages to weed through. Makes them want to quit. I also don't have a public picture, but they can see that I have a private one. So, if somebody is interested in my profile and responds positively to one of my messages, I will let them see my private pic. I understand that not having a public pic makes it easier for an overwhelmed girl to just move on, but that's what I feel comfortable with right now. Besides, I think I may have met somebody anyway who's going to do the trick. Will advise later.

Steve 9696
01-17-22, 18:14
Just a few words: period sex. BBFSCIP. Seeking rules.

01-17-22, 22:01
I was going to reply in detail to Pussycat123 then decided to dump my thoughts here instead. Consider that the members here are mostly coming from other parts of ISG. Their searches for dates are based on a specific perspective. Getting lais ASAP for as little as possible and hoping for a GFE. If you want to know how much various types of girls "charge" in Bogota. ISG posts are mostly it related to that perspective.

I dated a bilingual attorney in Bogota who picked me up in her Mercedes, went to university in Barcelona and is a 10. Also a very nice person to be around. Also dated a violinist, an Actress (Barcelona transplant) and others. If you approached them with the desire to get laid. Mentioning friends with benefits and money on your whatsapp. A quick visit, 300 800 COP you just lost the opportunity to ever know who they are. Even the ones who are middle class might be turned off. And yes you will make SA look like a P4 P site and make it more difficult for the next serious person to be successful.

The SA girls in Bogota who I want to meet are not all "for sale" however they will respond to someone respectful, kind and "at their level" because that is what they really want. Not money. Probably why Elvis does well with these types. I am not saying you can't do the P4 P with many of them. You might miss out on a lot. Not really friends with benefits at all.

IF she has been on SA for over a year, she's fair game (P4 P) she uses it as her income. All pro pussy I call it. I dislike those types..Thanks for taking the time to provide this valuable perspective. I'm almost exclusively interested in the type of woman you have dated and have had successful experience in Medellin this way. Money was never mentioned but I discreetly put money in their purse and / or in a thank you card or we went shopping. Traveling together and shopping, obviously on my dime, was the most satisfying. It's encouraging to hear that this type dating is still available.

Steve 9696
01-18-22, 03:01
So we already discussed how Secret Benefits doesn't work. But worse it's a spammy scam!

So there is this girl I know. We had a date but agreed to be buds (she gave me a pity BJ LOL) So we chat all the time. Suddenly yesterday I see an email that she's sent me a message on Secret Benefits. And I say I'm not going to pay $10 to read it when I can just text her. And she's like WTF I didn't send that to you — apparently it just spams a bunch of guys that you are interested. And of course each guy has to pay to read the message. And she didn't even send it! What a scam.

01-20-22, 19:10
I land in Bog later tonight. (posting there also) One very pretty girl from SA messaged and she wants to do lunch. I have 2 more that most likely will want to fuc. Scheduled one day apart. My friends in USA say, so "she wants a free lunch on a horny old man. " So, I got rid of these usa idiots, brainwashed people. My concern is yes she will enjoy lunch and since she is very good looking (however small breasts) I might succumb to take her to the hotel. No $ discussed. I might insult her if I offer anything. The other 2 will be all evening dates and they already know the program.

Since I am an "old man" LOL I am concerned about my recovery rate, chafing of the penis and basically too many girls available. Some booked in advance. I will immediately get a shot of testosterone upon landing. Also have some cream for the penis which I use in between sessions. Anything else I need?

Next is the hot as fuc actress / model / yoga instructor 22. That has told me blatantly, "I broke up with my professional football player / jock / boyfriend, he was too jealous and I have not had sex for 1 year and 7 months. I have never had an orgasm" this she told me over a week ago. So in preparation (we will spend 3-4 days together all-nighters in a cabin on top of a mountain. I purchased multiple sex toys, various lubricants, vibrators etc. She thinks she is in love with me. Wtf? So I will go with the flow and see what happens.

There are too many women and not enough time to meet. And once I land there will be even more. I downsized from over 200 (with their numbers, texting etc.) to only around 50 but in different cities all over Colombia. Most are 10's. They are all nice people. My penis is apparently running the show. So I increased the time in Colombia to 2 ½ months. I figure 10 of these girls will want long term relationships. If I fall in love, it won't be the first time. I hope to meet them and return to close a deal with someone, maybe more than one. Help Elvis! . I feel kinda bad about that. But you only live once.

The Cane
01-20-22, 19:25
Please clear your inbox. Thanks!

Steve 9696
01-20-22, 20:01
I land in Bog later tonight. (posting there also) One very pretty girl from SA messaged and she wants to do lunch. I have 2 more that most likely will want to fuc. Scheduled one day apart. My friends in USA say, so "she wants a free lunch on a horny old man. " So, I got rid of these usa idiots, brainwashed people. My concern is yes she will enjoy lunch and since she is very good looking (however small breasts) I might succumb to take her to the hotel. No $ discussed. I might insult her if I offer anything. The other 2 will be all evening dates and they already know the program.

Since I am an "old man" LOL I am concerned about my recovery rate, chafing of the penis and basically too many girls available. Some booked in advance. I will immediately get a shot of testosterone upon landing. Also have some cream for the penis which I use in between sessions. Anything else I need?

Next is the hot as fuc actress / model / yoga instructor 22. That has told me blatantly, "I broke up with my professional football player / jock / boyfriend, he was too jealous and I have not had sex for 1 year and 7 months. I have never had an orgasm" this she told me over a week ago. So in preparation (we will spend 3-4 days together all-nighters in a cabin on top of a mountain. I purchased multiple sex toys, various lubricants, vibrators etc. She thinks she is in love with me. Wtf? So I will go with the flow and see what happens.

There are too many women and not enough time to meet. And once I land there will be even more. I downsized from over 200 (with their numbers, texting etc.) to only around 50 but in different cities all over Colombia. Most are 10's. They are all nice people. My penis is apparently running the show. So I increased the time in Colombia to 2 months. I figure 10 of these girls will want long term relationships. If I fall in love, it won't be the first time. I hope to meet them and return to close a deal with someone, maybe more than one. Help Elvis! . I feel kinda bad about that. But you only live once.How the heck old are you? Surely not older than a lot of guys on here. You don't need any penis cream — what the heck is that? You can fuck for hours and not need any special cream. I'm thinking pussy juice and saliva have you covered (literally! Assume h have vigará or Cialis or generics? This is all an old man needs in his arsenal.

01-21-22, 12:56
You don't need any penis cream what the heck is that? You can fuck for hours and not need any special cream. This happened about 7 or 8 years ago, when I was in HK. During a shower with an incall, she brings out a tube and squeezes out some black paste and spreads it all over my cock. Then she washes it off. Suddenly, my cock is as hard as a rock and it stays that way until I shoot my load maybe 45 minutes later while we were fucking in her bed. True story.

Does anyone know what this paste or cream was? I would love to buy it. But that said, I wonder if it's not good for the cock in the long run.

01-21-22, 19:02
This happened about 7 or 8 years ago, when I was in HK. During a shower with an incall, she brings out a tube and squeezes out some black paste and spreads it all over my cock. Then she washes it off. Suddenly, my cock is as hard as a rock and it stays that way until I shoot my load maybe 45 minutes later while we were fucking in her bed. True story.

Does anyone know what this paste or cream was? I would love to buy it. But that said, I wonder if it's not good for the cock in the long run.A friend of mine had to get shot injections into his dick to get erections. Not sure what it was?

The Cane
01-21-22, 21:16
Steve I can't respond to your messages. Please clear out your mailbox. Thanks!

The Cane
01-21-22, 22:33
A friend of mine had to get shot injections into his dick to get erections. Not sure what it was?No gain hahahaha!

J Janni
01-21-22, 23:41
Have you guys ever registered a female profile to take a look at the competition in your area?

I did, upon wondering why I was getting such a good hit rate.

My competition in the area consisted of low effort profiles with zero pictures, poor spelling, guys obviously just looking for escorts (hell, half of the profiles were obliquely hinting at bareback, things like 'I've had a vasectomy' or 'Looking for a intimate and natural meets' guys with pictures that wouldn't look out of place under a newspaper headline of 'Local man arrested for kiddy fiddling. '.

I wouldn't say I have much game, but if you can present yourself as a normal human being (hide the dirty pervert you are) it really isn't difficult to get interest from quality girls.

Steve 9696
01-22-22, 02:57
Steve I can't respond to your messages. Please clear out your mailbox. Thanks!Fire away.

Steve 9696
01-22-22, 17:47
Have you guys ever registered a female profile to take a look at the competition in your area?

I did, upon wondering why I was getting such a good hit rate.

My competition in the area consisted of low effort profiles with zero pictures, poor spelling, guys obviously just looking for escorts (hell, half of the profiles were obliquely hinting at bareback, things like 'I've had a vasectomy' or 'Looking for a intimate and natural meets' guys with pictures that wouldn't look out of place under a newspaper headline of 'Local man arrested for kiddy fiddling. '.

I wouldn't say I have much game, but if you can present yourself as a normal human being (hide the dirty pervert you are) it really isn't difficult to get interest from quality girls.So you had me super curious and I carefully created a girl profile (don't want to fuck up my status and of course it's tricky to not get tied into it via IP etc.) I was surprised there are ALOT of guys out there in two cities I do. And more surprising MOST had pictures. Wtf? I didn't poke into anyones profile to see what they said because I didn't want to show up in their "interests" list and then contact me. It already felt super creepy and I couldn't do it for long! All these ugly old dudes looking for pussy. I guess I am one (well not ugly!) but it just felt super creepy! I'm amazed girls survive the gauntlet to find the gems!

01-24-22, 06:06
So you had me super curious and I carefully created a girl profile (don't want to fuck up my status and of course it's tricky to not get tied into it via IP etc.) I was surprised there are ALOT of guys out there in two cities I do. And more surprising MOST had pictures. Wtf? I didn't poke into anyones profile to see what they said because I didn't want to show up in their "interests" list and then contact me. It already felt super creepy and I couldn't do it for long! All these ugly old dudes looking for pussy. I guess I am one (well not ugly!) but it just felt super creepy! I'm amazed girls survive the gauntlet to find the gems!I was out with another SB singer / actress last night. Dinner at high end place, bilingual, close to a 10. She pressed for a LT deal. I basically laughed at her. Then when I pretended to offer 1 mil she stopped her pitch and said yes. Not that she wasn't worth it but I had others on my mind. I actually wanted that LT deal she was proposing, I just didn't want to pay for her tuition. She had just come off of a 2 year SD relationship. And I guess I was her number 1 pitch to guy. I asked how long will it take to get someone to take you on and support you. "Maybe 2 weeks, not long" My point is there all kinds of deals out there that the crème de la crème somehow finds. They are not those ugly ducklings you talk about in the ratio comments. I think it depends on where you are also. I am from the USA but never spend any time searching there. I am in Colombia with 50 top girls to wine and dine or make my case. Which is something like this which I've probably read here previously. Cut the crap, I am here now and I can make a donation now. Save your searches for that whale of a SD and we can continue having fun and if he never shows up. Well I'm not supporting your every ask. We might even like each other. LOL You'll be surprised at how many "unobtainable" SB will see the light. Also think about this. How many of these girls would we ever meet in any other way? Dick Creame is simple: Dermaskin THE RATIO in Colombia is getting morphed into 50%+ p4 p WHICH IS FINE. EXCEPT WHEN YOU LET THEM message you. If you search SA and only write the ones you are interested in. Wala. You get what you pay for. In my case it's still 20% p4 p but doesn't bother me. I reject most of them anyway. Oh as long as I am posting, my favorite thing now is to find all of the ones wearing push up bras, hiding their breasts in photos and showing off that Colombian ass. God that.

's not for me. YMMV.

01-24-22, 16:53
What's up with all the shirtless pics and grandpa's? FFS I'm a catch! I did learn that there aren't many diamond members so maybe I need to rethink my strategy if I ever plop back on.

So you had me super curious and I carefully created a girl profile (don't want to fuck up my status and of course it's tricky to not get tied into it via IP etc.) I was surprised there are ALOT of guys out there in two cities I do. And more surprising MOST had pictures. Wtf? I didn't poke into anyones profile to see what they said because I didn't want to show up in their "interests" list and then contact me. It already felt super creepy and I couldn't do it for long! All these ugly old dudes looking for pussy. I guess I am one (well not ugly!) but it just felt super creepy! I'm amazed girls survive the gauntlet to find the gems!

01-24-22, 17:03
Trying to do a southern spain tour with my SB.

Hopefully, lot of sun, sand and beach. On top of some good bareback sex. Looking forward to it.

01-24-22, 17:19
I did learn that there aren't many diamond members so maybe I need to rethink my strategy if I ever plop back on.Instead of getting hit up for $200 to meet these mooches, if you are a Diamond member they ask $400 up front for the privilege of taking them to lunch or dinner and you will be spending another $200 on the restaurant check. They order the most expensive items on the menu to see if you flinch.

Then they ask for double for a PPM. I recommend you dress down and tell them you may not be the richest guy on the site but you are the nicest and most genuine. If it is all about the money for these mooches, then you would not be satisfied long term with them anyway.

This is supposed to be a mutual job interview with no pressure on either person. How many people, except mooches, ask for money to show up at a job interview? Stop pandering to these mooches!

01-24-22, 18:11
Not the exact right forum here but the agencies forum seems very quiet. So, asking here. Please bear with me.

Has anyone used topcompanions agency in the Belgium / Netherlands area?

They have some hot chicks and not sure how goood the service is.

01-25-22, 01:20
Disagree with almost everything. Read my lengthy post a few pages back about my experiences on SA. It was night and day between premium and diamond and mooches (I call them party girls) don't get past chat. I'm in a very happy arrangement with one right now, she's a 9.5 with an 11 personality. I want to spend my time with her and the feeling is mutual because she comes whenever she wants with no discussion of money. Last thing I see is a mooch, I see an engaging girl of my dreams who's trying to make it on her own with no help from anyone and I'm glad to be able to help her. There are limits to what I'm willing to do and she knows I'm not jealous or possessive so she can have as many as she wants so long as she respects my time and our plans. She's got a full time job and who knows how many arrangements, I don't care or care to know as I'm getting what I want. I went into SA with my eyes wide open trying to understand their motivations for being there. With that information I figured out who I was interested in meeting and wrote the rest of. It was time consuming and oh so painful but I gave no regrets, I found a gem.

FYI In my top tier coastal city I've been quoted as low as 300 and as high as 1 k. Most are 5-8 and at least half are 5.

Instead of getting hit up for $200 to meet these mooches, if you are a Diamond member they ask $400 up front for the privilege of taking them to lunch or dinner and you will be spending another $200 on the restaurant check. They order the most expensive items on the menu to see if you flinch.

Then they ask for double for a PPM. I recommend you dress down and tell them you may not be the richest guy on the site but you are the nicest and most genuine. If it is all about the money for these mooches, then you would not be satisfied long term with them anyway.

This is supposed to be a mutual job interview with no pressure on either person. How many people, except mooches, ask for money to show up at a job interview? Stop pandering to these mooches!

Steve 9696
01-25-22, 12:55
Disagree with almost everything. Read my lengthy post a few pages back about my experiences on SA. It was night and day between premium and diamond and mooches (I call them party girls) don't get past chat. I'm in a very happy arrangement with one right now, she's a 9.5 with an 11 personality. I want to spend my time with her and the feeling is mutual because she comes whenever she wants with no discussion of money. Last thing I see is a mooch, I see an engaging girl of my dreams who's trying to make it on her own with no help from anyone and I'm glad to be able to help her. There are limits to what I'm willing to do and she knows I'm not jealous or possessive so she can have as many as she wants so long as she respects my time and our plans. She's got a full time job and who knows how many arrangements, I don't care or care to know as I'm getting what I want. I went into SA with my eyes wide open trying to understand their motivations for being there. With that information I figured out who I was interested in meeting and wrote the rest of. It was time consuming and oh so painful but I gave no regrets, I found a gem.

FYI In my top tier coastal city I've been quoted as low as 300 and as high as 1 k. Most are 5-8 and at least half are 5.Can you clarify whether you are giving your 9. 5 money and or gifts in a non transactional type of way or your doing it straight up for free?

BTW the one thing he said right was don't ever pay for a meet and greet. I am sure you agree with that.

01-25-22, 14:15
Yes, I do agree that you don't pay for a meet & greet. If she's demanding money for that she falls into the category of a desperate girl and I'm not interested.

I have her on straight allowance rather than ppm. Never considered this before but it works with this girl. She needs a certain amount and I'm ok with it. I don't really keep track of the comings and goings but as I said, I'm happy. If that changes I'll recalibrate but for me for now she's a keeper. For reference, we used 500 as the goal and worked into the allowance number. She sleeps over and neither of us watches the clock but we're both really busy and I'd like to think she's there because she wants to be most of the time. If not, I'm ok with being lied to. The bottom line is I'm attracted to her and I don't know where you meet someone much younger than you for an ongoing physical relationship outside of SA. The bonus for me is there is a real mental connection too.

Can you clarify whether you are giving your 9. 5 money and or gifts in a non transactional type of way or your doing it straight up for free?

BTW the one thing he said right was don't ever pay for a meet and greet. I am sure you agree with that.

Steve 9696
01-27-22, 03:46
Ok fellas. I know I'm considered pretty good at this but seek some advice from other learned souls. Here's the sitch:

Kayla is my sorta long term Tampa girlfriend. I see her 3 days a month every month when I am in town. Her face is an 8/9 and her body is the only full on ten I have ever been with. And we bareback. So what's the problem you say?

Well she's become a bit like a wife to be honest! We started out going out to dinner. Drinking. Clubs. And passionate sex. Oh even went to the sex club together. But more recently she eased me down the slippery slope of wifeness. Started eating in some. Maybe Netflix and chill. Now that's ALL that we do. She actually admitted she prefers this and just did "those things" to attract me but she's a homebody. And she had a bad experience at work that made her not like to be seen in public with me.

So I can hang with this amazing girl at home and fuck her bareback but I am strapped inside my hotel or eating out alone. It just sucks that it's not like it used to be and doesn't appear to be going back.

So I've started exploring. I'm doing two nights with her and one with another girl. I just tell her I am only in town for two nights obviously. If you recall last time on my free night I had a great date but no sex. Ok thank you next. So here is my problem.

I've got one Night without Kayla. Top spot was going to a 27!year old Thai girl. She reminds me a lot of Anna at Olina in London. She's def a pro but seems like she'll bring the GFE. Well she made things easier by saying she had to work Sat nights. So we are going to meetup for brunch (got to get rid of Kayla) so that is cool and I still have my night open for another girl.

After having trouble finding anyone suddenly I have two and they both seem down. Neither can touch Kayla for pure looks. They are both cute and maybe just OK bodies. Maybe 7's. Angie is a cute Latina and a student. She's been engaged enough and seems down to meet. And when we priorized dinner, dancing, kissing, Netflix, drinking and dinner in, she had the right answer LOL. And Nellie is a black girl who's cute but possibly thick (thought this about Kayla from pics and damn was I wrong!) and she is sooooo on point on the girlfriend thing. Just a chatty bundle of fun. Def more a pro than Angie. But maybe not a pro pro.

So damn I don't want to let either of these girls down. I want to meet them both. But I only have the one night. I need more dicks or more nights. Creative ideas fellas?

01-27-22, 06:11
I'd tell one I can meet for lunch around noon but have to meet a client for a big deal at 5. Tell the 2nd girl you can't meet until after 5. One hotel room, revolving door. Sounds like you answered your own question re Kayla, time to go, too routine / no excitement.

I'm not one for juggling, one at a time is plenty. I'd rather have a bit of a dry spell between girls than always keep one or more on the hook. It's too much of a complication.

Ok fellas. I know I'm considered pretty good at this but seek some advice from other learned souls. Here's the sitch:

Kayla is my sorta long term Tampa girlfriend. I see her 3 days a month every month when I am in town. Her face is an 8/9 and her body is the only full on ten I have ever been with. And we bareback. So what's the problem you say?

Well she's become a bit like a wife to be honest! We started out going out to dinner. Drinking. Clubs. And passionate sex. Oh even went to the sex club together. But more recently she eased me down the slippery slope of wifeness. Started eating in some. Maybe Netflix and chill. Now that's ALL that we do. She actually admitted she prefers this and just did "those things" to attract me but she's a homebody. And she had a bad experience at work that made her not like to be seen in public with me.

So I can hang with this amazing girl at home and fuck her bareback but I am strapped inside my hotel or eating out alone. It just sucks that it's not like it used to be and doesn't appear to be going back.

Steve 9696
01-27-22, 17:29
Ok fellas. I know I'm considered pretty good at this but seek some advice from other learned souls. Here's the sitch:

Kayla is my sorta long term Tampa girlfriend. I see her 3 days a month every month when I am in

After having trouble finding anyone suddenly I have two and they both seem down. Neither can touch Kayla for pure looks. They are both cute and maybe just OK bodies. Maybe 7's. Angie is a cute Latina and a student. She's been engaged enough and seems down to meet. And when we priorized dinner, dancing, kissing, Netflix, drinking and dinner in, she had the right answer LOL. And Nellie is a black girl who's cute but possibly thick (thought this about Kayla from pics and damn was I wrong!) and she is sooooo on point on the girlfriend thing. Just a chatty bundle of fun. Def more a pro than Angie. But maybe not a pro pro.

So damn I don't want to let either of these girls down. I want to meet them both. But I only have the one night. I need more dicks or more nights. Creative ideas fellas?Ok Nellie kinda answered the question for me. She sent some pics which were kinda meh but a video that was very sexy and compelling. So this AM we started chatting about meetup specifics and she asks what I like in private. So i ask her if she means explicitly and she says yes. So I just lay it out there. And she's like "damn I love all that but esp fingering and giving and receiving head". Nice! It's def on with Nellie.

The Cane
02-01-22, 15:17
Some of these women on Seeking! They want somebody to give them a steady "allowance" to pay for college through an online arrangement only? No meet up ever! You got to be kidding me right? What guys are doing that? Maybe if you're old and infirm with money to burn? It's usually the much younger ones seeking arrangements like that. Young and dumb. Out of their minds. Good luck! Because if you want this cash, you're giving up that young ass! Anyway, I've decided that I will be providing monthly reports on my experiences with the site. I'm fast approaching one month as a Seeking member, so you guys can expect my report this week. Steve! No spoilers please! I will tell the story by the end of the week. Ciao!

02-01-22, 23:49
Work has been hectic past few weeks but taking off next. A weeklong trip coming up. Some SBs lined up. Hope it clicks. Followed veteran advice here of lining up more than one, as backups.

My top choices are the less experienced ones (as long as they are a 6+), followed by more experienced as long as they are 7+.

One of those exceptions is an experienced 6. She says she is not experienced in SA but she has got a kid (saw pics) and that she hasn't had a dick inside her since Aug 2020. She explicitly said, "come here, take me for dinner, and later just fuck me good. Whether you pay or not, I don't care" .

Too good to be true but let me see how it all goes.

02-02-22, 00:16
I have som posts up in some of the country forums but never here in the SA board. I just got back from Nicaragua where I have a place and earlier this year I was in Ecuador. In both places I used seeking and with good success. I figured I would just add a report here.

I used SA first in Nicaragua because I spend most my time away from Managua and was looking for a girl to travel with. About a year ago on my first trip I pinged all the relevant girls. I met one for a PPM. True flakita who had experience in Costa Rica where many Nicas go to work. It was ok but too pro for me for another meet. Then I was Managua and there did on meet with Anna. 23, poised thin, gorgeous skin. Dinner with my bad Spanish but it went well enough we went to an autohotel and it was a pretty good experience. I gave her $40 for "taxi" and she seemed happy. I liked her enough I invite That is a very reasonable price. She was beautiful, no kids, thin and game with my bad Spanish. We did this one more time and the sex was even better. So I invited her to meet me for teaching her to surf and travel for a weekend. This is where we really made the full switch. When I picker her up and we were driving to the beach we held hands. That morphed into me fingering her while driving until she orgasmed. GFE. We spent a wonderful weekend hanging, hiking, surfing and having sex 2-3 times a day. Sent her home with a new swimsuit another $40 and a lot of good memories. Do another trip with her to Granada. Yet another amazing weekend including going down on her in an open air palapa inside a volcanic caldera.

I leave and we stay in touch. She moved to Costa Rica and the Switzerland where he sister lives. I come back to Nicaragua but she isn't there. Sad. Then on my last day in Nic waiting for my test it turns out she flies back for a few months at home and we cross paths Managua for only a few hours. But she really wants to get together. So do I. She shows up at my Airbnb after 22 hours of travel worried she doesn't have time to get ready. I told her we already traveled together just chill and use my place to shower and relax. She is relieved and she gets off the bus from Costa Rica and taxis to my place. It's hugs and chat. She gets lit her sweats and comes out in a georgeous summer dress. We are going go to lunch but we start kissing and her dress stays on for minutes and we go at it like long separated lovers. She loves me eating her out. I love doing it. Heaven for both. I take her to a nice lunch. We come back, snuggle and pretty soon she wakes up from her travel coma and BBJ, more DATY full on GFE.

She has to catch the bus to her village for her mom's birthday. Never asked for a dime and we are both just happy. And now I am trying to get back before she heads out to Switzerland again. It's the dream SA promises. It might have ruined me for normal mongering.

02-02-22, 00:34
Some of these women on Seeking! They want somebody to give them a steady "allowance" to pay for college through an online arrangement only? No meet up ever! You got to be kidding me right? What guys are doing that? Maybe if you're old and infirm with money to burn? It's usually the much younger ones seeking arrangements like that. Young and dumb. Out of their minds. Good luck! Because if you want this cash, you're giving up that young ass! Anyway, I've decided that I will be providing monthly reports on my experiences with the site. I'm fast approaching one month as a Seeking member, so you guys can expect my report this week. Steve! No spoilers please! I will tell the story by the end of the week. Ciao!I'm nearly one month into it too. 44 years old in an English university city. I've had a few messages looking for 'platonic sugar daddies' which would involve me getting regular texts asking how my day was and not much more. Maybe a few sexy pics too. Insane.

It's been positive but a lot of work so far. I'll work on a report too!

02-02-22, 00:50
Don't waste a second on girls like that. In my experience there are tons of hot girls willing to get intimate so long as you're willing to give them the amount they're asking for. I found my stable one and I'm so happy but I keep getting tempted by others that contact me out of the blue. I'm going to meet one soon just because she's so damn cute and she's very clear about the fact that intimacy is something she's after. I doubt I'll change anything but it's nice to feel wanted. Or at least it's nice that my money is wanted, and I'm totally cool with that.

Some of these women on Seeking! They want somebody to give them a steady "allowance" to pay for college through an online arrangement only? No meet up ever! You got to be kidding me right? What guys are doing that? Maybe if you're old and infirm with money to burn? It's usually the much younger ones seeking arrangements like that. Young and dumb. Out of their minds. Good luck! Because if you want this cash, you're giving up that young ass! Anyway, I've decided that I will be providing monthly reports on my experiences with the site. I'm fast approaching one month as a Seeking member, so you guys can expect my report this week. Steve! No spoilers please! I will tell the story by the end of the week. Ciao!

02-02-22, 00:53
I have som posts up in some of the country forums but never here in the SA board. I just got back from Nicaragua where I have a place and earlier this year I was in Ecuador. In both places I used seeking and with good success. I figured I would just add a report here.

I used SA first in Nicaragua because I spend most my time away from Managua and was looking for a girl to travel with. About a year ago on my first trip I pinged all the relevant girls. I met one for a PPM. True flakita who had experience in Costa Rica where many Nicas go to work. It was ok but too pro for me for another meet. Then I was Managua and there did on meet with Anna. 23, poised thin, gorgeous skin. Dinner with my bad Spanish but it went well enough we went to an autohotel and it was a pretty good experience. I gave her $40 for "taxi" and she seemed happy. I liked her enough I invite That is a very reasonable price. She was beautiful, no kids, thin and game with my bad Spanish. We did this one more time and the sex was even better. So I invited her to meet me for teaching her to surf and travel for a weekend. This is where we really made the full switch. When I picker her up and we were driving to the beach we held hands. That morphed into me fingering her while driving until she orgasmed. GFE. We spent a wonderful weekend hanging, hiking, surfing and having sex 2-3 times a day. Sent her home with a new swimsuit another $40 and a lot of good memories. Do another trip with her to Granada. Yet another amazing weekend including going down on her in an open air palapa inside a volcanic caldera..Thinking with your little head. Wait until the big head comes back into focus.

02-02-22, 17:19
Thinking with your little head. Wait until the big head comes back into focus.Not sure what you are getting at. Maybe you missed the fact I own a place in Nicaragua. I don't go there for this girl. I go regularly for lots of other reasons. We aren't on any path to shack up. She isn't asking me for monthly support. We have basically transitioned to FWB where I am having truly enjoyable sex with a solid 8, 23 year old who goes out of her way to see me because she enjoys the sex too. From a straight of cost perspective every met with her is less or cost equal than any other reasonable mongering options Managua. And she solves the problem that outside of Managua it's incredible difficult to find options.

I say this not because I care about what you think but just to clarify for others in the forum that are interested in SA as an alternative to other avenues of mongering this sort of outcome is possible. The gems are out there.

In this case the total cost / benefit analysis of the timee and money invested ended up dramatically in my favor.

I am happy for Anna. She is going to likely move to Europe and increase the quality of her life substantially. She is fun, smart and lively and very pretty. I hope she finds someone that will treat her right. She should. And when I am in Europe later this year we are likely to spend a great weekend together that will cost me nothing more than some meals I am more than happy to pay for.

The big head is fine.

02-03-22, 12:01
Where in Europe are you headed?

Maybe we can work out a deal.

Not sure what you are getting at. Maybe you missed the fact I own a place in Nicaragua. I don't go there for this girl. I go regularly for lots of other reasons. We aren't on any path to shack up. She isn't asking me for monthly support. We have basically transitioned to FWB where I am having truly enjoyable sex with a solid 8, 23 year old who goes out of her way to see me because she enjoys the sex too. From a straight of cost perspective every met with her is less or cost equal than any other reasonable mongering options Managua. And she solves the problem that outside of Managua it's incredible difficult to find options.

I say this not because I care about what you think but just to clarify for others in the forum that are interested in SA as an alternative to other avenues of mongering this sort of outcome is possible. The gems are out there.

In this case the total cost / benefit analysis of the timee and money invested ended up dramatically in my favor.

I am happy for Anna. She is going to likely move to Europe and increase the quality of her life substantially. She is fun, smart and lively and very pretty. I hope she finds someone that will treat her right. She should. And when I am in Europe later this year we are likely to spend a great weekend together that will cost me nothing more than some meals I am more than happy to pay for.

The big head is fine.

The Cane
02-04-22, 12:47
Or whatever she claims her name to be! Gentleman, I told you that I would provide you with monthly reports to cover my planned limited Seeking membership. Well, here's my report for January 2022. For those of you experienced with the site, I don't have to tell you how much work it is! I must have contacted 100's and 100's of "women" already, to get only a few to respond to me on the site, followed by even fewer who I have communicated with offline by text and phone. I said "women" because the site is full of fakes, flakes, fraudsters, and scammers. During my first month of membership, I met just two women in person. I was supposed to meet three, but one proved to be a perpetual flake cancelling at the last minute multiple times, so I said to hell with her. Of the other two I met, one we both agreed right off the bat, and for reasons I won't go into, that we should keep it platonic. I agreed to meet her for lunch anyway, and I'm glad I did. She was a quality girl.

Now girl number two? It was bingo! Late 20's, slim, pretty long blonde hair, big round blue eyes, an attractive face, fair white skin with just the right amount of pink in it that I love so, so much, luscious milk white titties, and a nice round butt. YAY-UH! We met for dinner, and the sexual attraction between us was instant and obvious. I mean, I was getting a boner under the table looking this girl and imagining myself inside of her! After dinner, there was hugging and kissing on the lips. You know you're up in there then! But, I chose not to push it and try to have sex with her that same night. No, we were both new at this, and I felt it was best for us to end it for the night on a great note and think about it, and pick it up again if we both felt it was right. We continued to communicate by text, and agreed to get together again in about a week. We agreed to go to an event together, after which time we would have lunch and come back to my place. To make a long story short, we ended up fucking BBFSCIP! That's right no condoms, and I "nutted" inside of her! It's what the both of us wanted from the very start (she admitted that she wanted to fuck me on the first date too). Oh my God Steve! My boy Steve! WTF?

Now don't worry. Before we went there (bareback sex), it was established that she has solid birth control. She can't get pregnant. And we're both clean. So going forward, we will continue to not use condoms, and The Cane will get to enjoy "multiple shots" inside of his new, attractive, blonde, trophy, sugar baby! Without having to worry about impregnating her! I'm sure you guys want to know what the terms of the "arrangement" are. We agreed to meet at least twice a month on a pay-per-meet basis of $250 per meet! For the tier 1 market that I live in, that's a steal! Most of the attractive white girls start out asking for between $500 and $1,000 per meet. With respect to Abby, I could not have asked for anything better. She's hot and has just the look that I like, the price is right, and I'm doing her bareback with no need to pull out. Nut inside! Oh my God! Going into this, I felt like I could have some success. But, I didn't expect so much so soon! I mean, I met Abby within the first couple of weeks on the site! Now, that said, at this point I'm still convinced that after three months on the site, that's going to be enough for me. You have to do way, way too much work wading through knee-deep bullshit to find an absolute diamond like Abby. But, I'm here to add to the others who have said that Seeking can work. You're damn skippy it can work! If you're willing to put in the work (it's a lot). Steve! Got damn! My man! Steve!

Over and out until my February report.

02-04-22, 16:44
We agreed to meet at least twice a month on a pay-per-meet basis of $250 per meet! For the tier 1 market that I live in, that's a steal! Most of the attractive white girls start out asking for between $500 and $1,000 per meet. Good for you! Sounds like you got lucky.

By the way, you mentioned a tier-1 market where you hauled your catch, will you be able to share which city if not which region / country was this in?

The Cane
02-04-22, 18:05
Good for you! Sounds like you got lucky.

By the way, you mentioned a tier-1 market where you hauled your catch, will you be able to share which city if not which region / country was this in?It's in the United States. That's all I'm comfortable sharing in this forum.

Steve 9696
02-04-22, 21:48
Good for you! Sounds like you got lucky.

By the way, you mentioned a tier-1 market where you hauled your catch, will you be able to share which city if not which region / country was this in?Is he lucky he found an amazing girl on SA? I'the say no. You can absolutely find an amazing girl on SA. It's just a fuck ton of work. And I do believe there is skill in it as well. And with the right amount of work and skill you will absolutely find your girl. Is $250 lucky? Maybe a little but it's also because he cultivated a "real girl" not a pro (let's not have that conversation again!) and so she doesn't know market prices and would be horribly offended to find there is a market!

It will be completely unsurprising if Cane is her first and last daddy. Lots of girls come and go in this. You just have to enjoy your baby while you can and for as long as you can. Im just starting on a new one myself and I am completely smitten by her. Took two years of good SBs before I happened upon my dream girl here at home in tier 2 (had plenty of those in various tier 1 cities - Vegas Miami London NYC Philly Buenos Aires) and Im glad I did. She got hit bad with COVID but shes recovered here a few weeks in. Excited to see her again soon.

02-05-22, 03:07
Is he lucky he found an amazing girl on SA? I'the say no. You can absolutely find an amazing girl on SA. It's just a fuck ton of work. And I do believe there is skill in it as well. And with the right amount of work and skill you will absolutely find your girl. Is $250 lucky? Maybe a little but it's also because he cultivated a "real girl" not a pro (let's not have that conversation again!) and so she doesn't know market prices and would be horribly offended to find there is a market!

It will be completely unsurprising if Cane is her first and last daddy. Lots of girls come and go in this. You just have to enjoy your baby while you can and for as long as you can. Im just starting on a new one myself and I am completely smitten by her. Took two years of good SBs before I happened upon my dream girl here at home in tier 2 (had plenty of those in various tier 1 cities - Vegas Miami London NYC Philly Buenos Aires) and Im glad I did. She got hit bad with COVID but shes recovered here a few weeks in. Excited to see her again soon.Since Op mentioned the US, call me a cynic, but I think American women, regardless of whichever race or ethnicity, are really not worth the trouble. Who is to say that the girl whom Op had BBFSCIP had no other motives. She might have believed that Op is rich from his SA profile. Maybe she wants to get impregnated and give birth. Now Op is on the hook for that child support in the US.

Playing the devil's advocate here. This may suddenly look very expensive.

Steve 9696
02-05-22, 04:59
Since Op mentioned the US, call me a cynic, but I think American women, regardless of whichever race or ethnicity, are really not worth the trouble. Who is to say that the girl whom Op had BBFSCIP had no other motives. She might have believed that Op is rich from his SA profile. Maybe she wants to get impregnated and give birth. Now Op is on the hook for that child support in the US.

Playing the devil's advocate here. This may suddenly look very expensive.Hmmm mighty judgmental but I suppose how valid your points are depend on your experience. How many actual non-pro SBs have you dated in the US? (And by dated I mean had sex with as part of a meetup) That might help us understand the context of your comments.

Elvis 2008
02-05-22, 05:32
We agreed to go to an event together, after which time we would have lunch and come back to my place. To make a long story short, we ended up fucking BBFSCIP! That's right no condoms, and I "nutted" inside of her! It's what the both of us wanted from the very start (she admitted that she wanted to fuck me on the first date too). Oh my God Steve! My boy Steve! WTF?

Now don't worry. Before we went there (bareback sex), it was established that she has solid birth control. She can't get pregnant. And we're both clean. So going forward, we will continue to not use condoms.Cane, I have not used SA in the USA since like 2018, but the women I got were down with BBFS. Thing is that I chose to cum outside. Even with pulling out, there were 2 incidents. Neither girl was malicious. Both were cool but after that, I decided that I had to be in charge of the birth control and watch the girls literally swallow the plan be, watch the hormone be injected, or get a record of the implant.

So yeah BBFSCIP was too much of a risk for me, and I had incidents. Glad you found it, and it is hard to get a gal in the USA on SA, more than now than ever, but she is not the only fish in the sea. Just be careful. You do not want to go through what I did.

The Cane
02-05-22, 07:41
Since Op mentioned the US, call me a cynic, but I think American women, regardless of whichever race or ethnicity, are really not worth the trouble. Who is to say that the girl whom Op had BBFSCIP had no other motives. She might have believed that Op is rich from his SA profile. Maybe she wants to get impregnated and give birth. Now Op is on the hook for that child support in the US.

Playing the devil's advocate here. This may suddenly look very expensive.You don't have to be an American woman to have ulterior motives. Indeed, I would say that the risks would be even higher dealing with a poor girl from a developing country with no hope. My sugar baby is middle class with a job looking for some adventure and a little extra help. There are a lot of girls on there just like that. They aren't looking to have any babies. Besides, most of them are actually intelligent and not stupid enough to believe every guy's claim about how much money he has. They don't take stuff like that at face value, and of course they shouldn't. I do know that my sugar baby was really horny. She hadn't had any dick in her for awhile and needed some. That definitely helped LOL!

The Cane
02-05-22, 13:08
Cane, I have not used SA in the USA since like 2018, but the women I got were down with BBFS. Thing is that I chose to cum outside. Even with pulling out, there were 2 incidents. Neither girl was malicious. Both were cool but after that, I decided that I had to be in charge of the birth control and watch the girls literally swallow the plan be, watch the hormone be injected, or get a record of the implant.

So yeah BBFSCIP was too much of a risk for me, and I had incidents. Glad you found it, and it is hard to get a gal in the USA on SA, more than now than ever, but she is not the only fish in the sea. Just be careful. You do not want to go through what I did.Her tubes are tied after having some kids.

02-05-22, 16:49
I went to Ecuador in August mostly to go to the Galapagos but had a few stop over days in Guayaquil and then a surf trip planned to Montañita. After my success in Nicaragua I spun up SA in hopes of finding a girl to take out to Montañita with me. I had only a little time for meet and greets and would have to get lucky to find a girl that would say yes and then take the risk of traveling with them with limited experience.

My strategy in this situation was straight honesty in the profile and messaging girls about what I was looking for. Messaged every girl that at all appealed to me. I corresponded with about 12, got 4 to WhatsApp and met 2 in person.

One I took with me to Montañita the other ended up in my hotel room between other mongering activities. Now these two girls ended up being more GND types. They were maybe 6's. One was mid 20's working in a nonprofit and when we met in a park for coffee she was nervous because she didn't come all made up and with heels. She had an average face and a few extra pounds but still young and healthy. I like. Diversit in my women as long as they aren't gordita. She spoke english and we had a lovely chat. She agreed to come over to my place later as she had something she had to do like a normal person. She came over and though nervous we had some wine and started making out. The problem was I had a WG arriving in short order and as it got hot and heavy her inhibitions were down and she wanted me to fuck her. I made a call and told her "let's wait until next time" and shuttled her out the door.

Based in all our convo and chemistry she agreed to come with me to Montañita for 3 days. We took the bus together and I booked a nice cool surf hostel where we showed up as a couple. It turns out that this girl was highly sexual. If I even touched her she immediately wanted full sex. It was like having a sex vending machine. I would wake up, go surf come back kiss her on the cheek and she is pulling me into bed. I would brush but her in the apartment and we were then making out. She was shy. Even after we had sex for 2 days multiple times she still was shy about me seeing her naked. Turns out she was bisexual and had been with a girlfriend and just gotten out of a relationship. It really ended up like having a girl next door girlfriend for 3 days that was just really enjoying sex. We still stay in touch and she talks about the magical 3 days we spent together. Just a completely different experience and feeling than the WG sessions I also did. Personally I will trade off on the looks scale for this sort of genuine experi nice in a heartbeat.

Second girl was a younger college student. Also a 6 but young and inexperienced. Nervous. I'm took her to breakfast, met again for dinner when we went and made out in my apartment. Then when I came back to fly out we met again for dinner and she agreed to come up to the room. She had one other SA relationship with an older Ecuadorian guy that would just take her out to dinner and I think she had sex with him once. I would guess based on our interaction she had sex maybe with one or two other people, probably bad sex in high school. So everything we did was pretty new to her. I don't think anyone had really gone down on her before or if so not well. She was giving head and pushed her deeper until she gagged. That was new for her and she was trying to figure out if she liked it and was also worried about what I thought. So we did 3 rounds of this through out the evening with me just softly pushing her boundaries. A little finger in the ass. A little light slap on the ass. She loved it all. I stay in touch with her too and about every few weeks she sends me a video of her playing with her breasts or pussy unprompted.

These are the sort of different experiences I have managed to track down on SA. I think I have been lucky in terms of the efficiency with which I found these TBH. I don't mind meeting an connecting with these girls on a somewhat more real level even if things don't work out. A little sincerity seems to go a long way. I am in my mid forties, been married for 25 years, and am just a nice guy. They seem to respond to that. Neither of these girls asked for anything other than me paying for the trip, dinners etc. I think I may have given them some generous taxi money or something but honestly I remembered feeling that in both cases it would have felt awkward to them to "pay the". Neither saw themselves that way and seemed to be using SA more like a dating site.

So hope this is helpful.

02-05-22, 18:51
Hey guys, Could we all try to tag a city or country for more reference in our posts? Because Info from USA vs. S. America vs. Europe are much different. I know I sometimes don't. It does help.

So a recent date here in Medellin turns out to be a tourism student. Funny as hell with amazing nipples. We will continue to meet and she has friends. The best kind of introduction. I will post more with photos, was just killing time before a nap. LOL.

02-05-22, 22:30
Hey guys, Could we all try to tag a city or country for more reference in our posts? Because Info from USA vs. S. America vs. Europe are much different. I know I sometimes don't. It does help.

So a recent date here in Medellin turns out to be a tourism student. Funny as hell with amazing nipples. We will continue to meet and she has friends. The best kind of introduction. I will post more with photos, was just killing time before a nap. LOL.Let's catch up. Your inbox is full.

Mr Ho
02-06-22, 06:03
Her tubes are tied after having some kids.You do not want to seek the arrangement for little cane do you LOL! Bareback can be risky in the nation where they can track you down legally LOL! And laws and public sentiment in USA is harsh! Harsh, that is the word!

02-06-22, 11:23
Now girl number two? It was bingo! Late 20's, slim, pretty long blonde hair, big round blue eyes, an attractive face, fair white skin with just the right amount of pink in it that I love so, so much, luscious milk white titties, and a nice round butt. YAY-UH! We met for dinner, and the sexual attraction between us was instant and obvious. I mean, I was getting a boner under the table looking this girl and imagining myself inside of her! After dinner, there was hugging and kissing on the lips. You know you're up in there then! But, I chose not to push it and try to have sex with her that same night. No, we were both new at this, and I felt it was best for us to end it for the night on a great note and think about it, and pick it up again if we both felt it was right. We continued to communicate by text, and agreed to get together again in about a week. We agreed to go to an event together, after which time we would have lunch and come back to my place. To make a long story short, we ended up fucking BBFSCIP! That's right no condoms, and I "nutted" inside of her! It's what the both of us wanted from the very start (she admitted that she wanted to fuck me on the first date too). Oh my God Steve! My boy Steve! WTF?

Now don't worry. Before we went there (bareback sex), it was established that she has solid birth control. She can't get pregnant. And we're both clean. So going forward, we will continue to not use condoms, and The Cane will get to enjoy "multiple shots" inside of his new, attractive, blonde, trophy, sugar baby! Without having to worry about impregnating her! I'm sure you guys want to know what the terms of the "arrangement" are. We agreed to meet at least twice a month on a pay-per-meet basis of $250 per meet! For the tier 1 market that I live in, that's a steal! Most of the attractive white girls start out asking for between $500 and $1,000 per meet. With respect to Abby, I could not have asked for anything better. She's hot and has just the look that I like, the price is right, and I'm doing her bareback with no need to pull out. Nut inside! Oh my God! Going into this, I felt like I could have some success. But, I didn't expect so much so soon! I mean, I met Abby within the first couple of weeks on the site! Now, that said, at this point I'm still convinced that after three months on the site, that's going to be enough for me. You have to do way, way too much work wading through knee-deep bullshit to find an absolute diamond like Abby. But, I'm here to add to the others who have said that Seeking can work. You're damn skippy it can work! If you're willing to put in the work (it's a lot). Steve! Got damn! My man! Steve!

Over and out until my February report.Nice, congrats. When you find one where it connects and the PPM / allowance is low it feels like winning the golden ticket.

I had one in the Netherlands for a few months. I still miss her till this day. She just loved sex and give me a BBBJ for 20-30 min straight.

The Cane
02-06-22, 12:17
Nice, congrats. When you find one where it connects and the PPM / allowance is low it feels like winning the golden ticket.

I had one in the Netherlands for a few months. I still miss her till this day. She just loved sex and give me a BBBJ for 20-30 min straight.What happened to your relationship with her? Why and how did it end? Could be instructional for me.

The Cane
02-06-22, 13:56
You do not want to seek the arrangement for little cane do you LOL! Bareback can be risky in the nation where they can track you down legally LOL! And laws and public sentiment in USA is harsh! Harsh, that is the word!Again, her tubes are tied. I had a Canadian girlfriend like this a long time ago. I could comfortably sperm inside of her without the either of us ever having to worry about an unwanted pregnancy. I was also taking her in the ass. Raw "chili" dog LOLOLOL! Have not progressed to anal sex yet with my sugar baby. Don't know if we ever will. We'll see. But I'm definitely not interacting with her like one of my tutes. More like a girlfriend. You enjoy your girlfriend. But you use a tute.

02-06-22, 14:07
My SA account is getting suspended whenever I try to buy subscription. Anyone have the same issue.